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['>>{emr1028} : Trump Chairman\'s Ex-Wife: Bannon Said "He Doesn\'t Like Jews"', '>>{indianface} : heh, just shared the news. No intention of harming or helping.', '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : Shocking that a guy who hates blacks, muslims, hispanics, and women also doesnt like jews! Stunned. Im sure he can deny it though. Oh wait... http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/05/15/bill-kristol-republican-spoiler-renegade-jew/', ">>{MultiKdizzle} : Gov. Jerry Brown says Trump risks international backlash if he doesn't address climate change", ">>{MrInRageous} : Thanks, comrade. Now, pretend you don't know us. /s", ">>{moto_otom} : No he doesn't. Shut the fuck up, Jerry. You're an embarrassment to the country and have no place running the largest state in the union.", '>>{SaltHash} : >Man California is really melting down over this election >Yikes Actually, California is really melting from wildfires exacerbated by Anthropogenic Climate Change.', ">>{Seriousgyro} : So... any guesses as to when this guy 'resigns' because 'he's a distraction to the campaign' ?", '>>{VTFD} : The coveted "disgraced former President of a failed socialist state" endorsement. Surely... *this will stop Clinton*.', '>>{wytxcook} : When Bernie says "break up the banks" does he mean Nationalize them like Venezuela does with the energy industry?', ">>{SaltHash} : >No he doesn't. Shut the fuck up, Jerry. You're an embarrassment to the country and have no place running the largest state in the union. Clearly, the majority of voters in California do not agree with your opinion about him.", ">>{indianface} : I guess he's still getting down to the details of the plan. It's all TBD", ">>{Vesstair} : I honestly can't tell if you mean he would be the next Hitler or Himler.", '>>{LukeforBernie} : >... has praised Sanders before, calling him "an emerging candidate with a renovating and revolutionary message" during a speech in March. >... said it was only "an archaic (electoral) system that is 200 years old" keeping him from the presidency. Hardly "backing" him like the headline would like you to believe. People say that about Bernie all the time in America', ">>{because_im_boring} : I'm sure he doesn't like jews. But let's not pretend that exes are unbiased sources", ">>{blackontheinternets} : I just read that entire article because someone else posted the same thing. Did you read it? Nowhere in that article are Jews bashed, and the author himself is a Jew, and at the end of the article he talks about that and why he wrote it. But I'm seriously doubting the article was read. Find a better example of anti-semitism on there, there HAS to be if it's true.", ">>{BigBiggest} : Something tells me the world leaders won't do a damn thing about it.", ">>{Dirtybrd} : He's gonna have a lot of trouble talking to the guys who count Trump's money.", ">>{flfxt} : And I'm sure the leadership of Saudi Arabia support Clinton.", '>>{progressivemoron} : >address climate change i.e. higher taxes to make us poorer, and more government regulation to strangle businesses. No thanks. Not while Trump is in da house.', '>>{SandersCantWin} : His website is an unbiased source on who he hates. This just backs up the garbage that is routinely posted there.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Billy likes soda. Miss Lippy's car...is green.", ">>{Pylons} : > I am also an American (and an American first), whose country is threatened with destruction by the same enemies. To weaken the only party that stands between the Jews and their annihilation, and between America and the forces intent on destroying her, is a political miscalculation so great and a betrayal so profound as to not be easily forgiven. He's basically calling Bill Kristol a race traitor.", ">>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : Okay, reddit, now I'm reading calls for the genocide of nearly half the world's population. You just keep finding new fucking ways to disappoint me.", '>>{glowmoss} : Ben Shapiro and Breitbart. A fucking case study in anti-Semitism. The people who worked there knew the place best. inb4 "prove it." Quick Google search is all you need to see some of the disgusting shit they put Shapiro through, which continues to this day.', '>>{ethicsingamesjournal} : The irony here is that you think trolling like this is just pretending to be dumb.', ">>{veniceinperil} : Sarkozy (brilliantly, I might add) proposed tariffs to offset the carbon we're not sequestering. Other countries will charge us for not addressing climate change. Starving is not on my agenda for this decade. Is it on yours?", ">>{ronbag} : Best laugh I had all day. You can't even see 20 feet ahead in china thanks to how much smog is in the air but we are fighting to regulate our business even more. Guess where those jobs are going to go once it's impossible to manufacture here? China.", '>>{MannequinFlyswatter} : Something Trump said something stupid? See you at the front page.', ">>{ronbag} : It's not about visible. It's about it being clear as day that China couldn't give less of a shit about the climate.", ">>{indianface} : oops, you're right, i can be so dense some times.", ">>{tau-lepton} : You brought up visibility. China's CO2 emissions are down for the last three years. They are way ahead of the Paris schedule, building 15 nuclear plants, added 100 GW of wind power, 43 GW of solar over the last three years. They've added 20 GW of solar this year; 3 times last year's installation rate.", '>>{oldbeth} : Failed? Their income equality is four times better than San Francisco where the wealthy conservatives hate us and oppress us.', '>>{blackontheinternets} : So ...is he calling Bill Kristol antisemitic? LOL. Is any of what he wrote actually antisemitic? There has to be a better story on that site than this one to use as an example of Bannons "antisemitism." Even if we all know secretly he probably is.', '>>{penecow290} : No, he has stated they should dismantle themselves into separate entities. He has suggested bringing back basic banking to the post office.', ">>{VTFD} : Ok, let's take a look at what it's like to live in Venezuela right now > [It costs $150 to buy a dozen eggs in Venezuela](http://www.latimes.com/world/mexico-americas/la-fg-venezuela-inflation-0531-snap-htmlstory.html) > The International Monetary Fund has predicted that inflation in Venezuela will hit 720% this year. That might be an optimistic assessment, according to some local economic analysts, who expect the rate to reach as high as 1,200%. That's what failure looks like. In another year or two of low oil prices, they might be Zimbabwe.", '>>{wytxcook} : But the post office is a federally run service. They would just use the locations and be private?', '>>{twistedjunction} : What does the media have to do with North Korea endorsing Trump? I am failing to see the conspiracy.', '>>{NarrowLightbulb} : Kim Jong-un endorses Trump! Maduro endorses Sanders! Every election... every candidate is endorsed by some foreign person disliked and the media reports it like it matters.', ">>{Pylons} : Using anti-semitic canards like the self-hating Jew is still anti-semitic whether it's a jewish person or not using them.", '>>{The-Autarkh} : According to the latest field poll, he has a 60% approval rating. And the California state legislature sits at 50% approval. And Democrats just won a 2/3rds supermajority in both chambers.', '>>{Hardy723} : So what is your proposal? I ask sincerely because all I ever hear from the denier side is "don\'t strangle business". No one *wants* to do that. So what\'s the solution? If it\'s "I dunno, but let\'s keep subsidizing the oil industry", that\'s not good enough. What are the other proposals?', ">>{NedSanders} : It sucks for everyone equally (unless you're in the cartel business) That's socialism I can believe in.", '>>{duqit} : A little surprising the republicans are going from drinking Israeli kool aid to nazis. How deranged must you be to flip so non discriminately', '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Typically their proposals are along the lines of burying our heads in the sand, doing nothing, and hoping to make a quick buck before *Waterworld* comes true.', '>>{Bleach-Free} : [That dollar amount quoted from the LA Times is incorrect.](http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Do-Eggs-in-Venezuela-Actually-Cost-150-a-Dozen-20160531-0039.html)', ">>{VTFD} : The split exchange rate isn't a real solution. It's replacing one set of problems with another. For instance, there's no goods on the shelves, because the companies that get the preferential exchange rate have (correctly) identified that they can sell their subsidized bolivars on the black market to make a better margin than if they used them to buy foods to sell. It's a pretty screwed up state of affairs. Without oil prices rising, I don't see how they can turn this around. It's really sad. Sorry I don't have a link for you - I'm on mobile. I know msnbc recently covered the black market bolivar phenomenon though.", ">>{7thAccountDontDelete} : Lmao. They're poor as shit, have no infrastructure, have massive inflation, their money is worthless, grocery stores are empty, hey but at least they have income equality guys!", '>>{oldbeth} : When I was there, I got 900 Bolivars for my $1. The official exchange rate is 10 to 1. That means, the eggs are 90 times cheaper if you use the exchange rate everyone uses rather than the official one. In other words, eggs are cheaper there than the US.', ">>{Not_Pictured} : If you have US dollars. So it's almost like they are a desperately poor country coveting assets from a first world country. They don't get paid in dollars.", ">>{RichardThe3} : Read his post history. He didn't forget it.", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : Hey sideburns, you want some of this milk?', ">>{spacehogg} : This reminds me of Kodak. Kodak had the patents on the digital camera, however, they still believed film to be their bread & butter. They just couldn't move on into the future. Corporate US still believe oil is their bread & butter. They refuse to move on into the future. They are more willing to ruin the US than change.", ">>{Doom_Art} : President Moonbeam Honestly, I wish he ran again after 92. He'd have been a good President.", '>>{because_im_boring} : Well now you have your proof, good for you', ">>{BromanJenkins} : Break up the banks is a major part of Sander's platform, but probably one of the most misunderstood parts of it because he himself has a couple different ideas. He has introduced a bill in the Senate to break up the four biggest banks, this would treat them like Standard Oil or United Aircraft and Transportation Company were in the 20th century and cause them to break apart on business type fault lines. Bank of America, for example, is technically a holding company that has interests in several financial related industries thanks to acquisitions and mergers over the years. Breaking up Bank of America would cause its commercial lending, wealth management and investment banking branches to become distinct companies. Then, Sanders has also proposed the reintroduction of the Glass-Steagall legislation which was intended to keep a commercial bank from using customer deposits to underwrite investments in non-government bonds. It's often described as keeping a commercial bank from funding the investments of its securities wing, but by the end you had banks buying security firms outright thanks to how the government was interpreting the law. In all likelihood you would have to both break up the big banks and re-introduce a version of Glass Steagall to make sure the banks can't just reform on different lines a few years down the road. Finally, Sanders has mentioned the idea of letting the Post Office operate the Postal Savings System again. This was in use between 1911 and 1967 and was meant to get people to put their money in a bank by leveraging the trust people had in the Post Office. The money deposited would go into accounts tied to local banks, so I guess that helps keep the funding out of the hands of the Too Big To Fail banks. The TL;DR here is that Sanders wants to institute a number of changes to banks and banking systems in the US that are more historical than radical. He believes that by pulling apart the major banks that another financial collapse like 2008 can't happen again.", '>>{pseudolocus} : I just did and lmao, at "Bill Maher is short, feminine and complains for a living.". That was a good one :D', '>>{Eeeveee} : Everyone knows the best way to hate Jews is to unequivocally support Israel.', ">>{19djafoij02} : It's entirely possible to support Israel for Machiavellian reasons (they hate radical Muslims and are probably our most loyal ally) and be uneasy about Jews in the US (especially the liberal-progressive ones). Many of the most ultra Zionist politicians in the US are so for religious or imperialist reasons, not love of the Jewish people who actually live in the US.", '>>{shardikprime} : sure, 12 dollars a month sounds like heaven to socialists', '>>{DumpsterDon} : >Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew lol. Trumpbart is off the charts.', '>>{wytxcook} : Thank you for the thorough response. I\'m a capitalist so I don\'t like the idea of the government "picking and choosing" so to speak, however our corporations and government leaders are becoming too incestual. Proper regulations are necessary for the markets to work for everyone fairly. Hopefully if Bernie did become President he\'d do something like you\'ve outlined here and not nationalize the banking industry. I do question the effectiveness of his post office proposal in the era of digital banking though.', '>>{pizzatra} : What does ~~Ja Rule~~ Jonah Goldberg think?', ">>{ItchyThunder} : > So... any guesses as to when this guy 'resigns' because 'he's a distraction to the campaign' ? My guess would be over the weekend. It's like every day something terrible comes out about this guy in the news. He comes off as a real Nazi, hater and prick.", ">>{fredjonez} : I feel like this is easily explained. It's clear Breitbart panders to the alt-right who is hostile toward Jews to a degree, but I think there are two reasons they kind of support Israel. I say kind of since it isn't like the time when Andrew ran the site and just hated Blacks and Hispanics. They are married to the alt-right, and are basically a mouthpiece for it. Former employees who are very hostile to Democrats describe several of their staff as anti-semites and it's clear Bannon is as well. So why support Israel? One reason would be they hate Muslims more, and Israel is basically at war with what would be one the most radical Muslim regions in the Middle East. Another is an old white supremacist premise. They don't actually hate black people or Jews, they just want their homeland to be white and a home land for blacks (Africa) and one for Jews (Israel).", ">>{pseudolocus} : That smog is actually what got them to change their tune about gungho industrialization. I'm not sure why you think that's a contradiction. Also wait until the near future when China will also be facing mass displacement of workers due to atomization.", ">>{pseudolocus} : A huge part of addressing climate change is renewable energy industry incentives and tax breaks. How is that govt regulation? The guy doesnt know what he's talking about (obviously, is aptly named). And if Republicans get rid of green energy incentives that is pretty anti business and hypocritical of them :/", ">>{belisaurius} : In their minds, Israel isn't *Jewish* per se. It's about a combination of anti-Muslim sentiment and a desire for the ends times (which can only come about when the Jews control the Levant).", ">>{BromanJenkins} : I doubt anyone wants to nationalize the banks in either of the major parties. It's an attractive idea if you are a tin pot dictator who needs an immediate cash supply or happens to run a government deeply indebted to the country's banks. Bank of America doesn't even make that much money (in comparison to the government), they pulled in a profit of $15 billion last year. That's larger than some small countries GDP, but not worth nationalizing the banking system. The large banks that we have today are already the fruit of the government choosing winners and losers. There are tons of companies like that and always will be. I think people look at things like Solyndra and see the government picking and choosing, but forget about the billions of dollars in grants, R&D contracts and tax incentives the government offers each year that are there to benefit a specific industry or even company.", '>>{SFW_SHITBAG} : are you talking about Trump? I guess that means he hates his son in law, his grand daughter and his daughter huh?', '>>{tehretard23} : He said in a debate that he would not nationalize and would use the powers under dodd-frank to establish a size limit those companies assets can be. He will mandate they meet this requirement by a certain date and it is up to them to sell off assets to meet that requirement.', '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : Yeah Hitler wasnt anti-semitic his girlfriend Eva Braun was jewish!', ">>{tehretard23} : It is my understanding that this would still be a federally run service for basic banking services as well. This would be like cashing check. This is to avoid predatory payday loan lenders for poorer individuals. This part of his plan might not be your cup of tea if you do not like federal programs. According to the USPS website tho, it was unable to compete with private banks since both were insured by the US gov't so they closed the banking system.", '>>{ronbag} : By that logic, why even send the manufacturing jobs to China? If these jobs are doomed might as well leave them in American workers hands until they start getting automated. This will give us the advantage of being the leaders in automated manufacturing and not China.', ">>{SFW_SHITBAG} : That's a stupid comparison. Also this article isn't about Trump even. You act like Trump was the one who said he hated Jews.. Try reading the title even.", ">>{brokenbyall} : It's yet another gordian knot of uneasy Republican alliances that the Trump campaign has recklessly cut through. The US has supported Israel for the same reason it supports Saudi Arabia, and you can thank the Reagan Administration for both. It's one big circle jerk of ignored brutality, which American fundamentalist Christians only went along with so that they could fluff up Jesus' pillows in Jerusalem for when he comes back. Sounds kind of insane now, doesn't it?", '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : okay he just RTd a star of david with cash behind it said he wanted little hairy guys with yarmulkes counting his money and hired a guy who said that about jews. My bad.', ">>{Diegobyte} : Hillary can literally just sit there and read headlines for 20 minutes. And that's what shes doing!", '>>{SFW_SHITBAG} : I don\'t think he implied Hillary was owned by Jews or anything with that tweet, everybody is always looking for something to be offended by. And then he made a joke.. Wow horrible. If he says something like "Jews are evil" or some Shit like that sure I would be more upset. But he really hasn\'t said anything that bad, he has no filter and says some stupid shit but I don\'t think he has bad intentions behind it.', ">>{latinolizards4trump} : But what does his Chairman's ex-wife's cousin's sister in-law think about this?", '>>{pseudolocus} : Uh, the American jobs have already become automated. American manufacturing is at an all time high, but not workers, due to automation. Likewise, industries got displaced by other industries, like natural gas for coal, not regulation.', '>>{political_shitposter} : This is what the decent people of America are fighting against.', '>>{moforiot} : Jews in America own the Dems, Jews in Israel own the Republicans. Not liking that makes you a bad person.', '>>{MrShmoopy} : Ex wives usually talk so highly of their former husbands. This is shocking.', ">>{TheSilverNoble} : He has no filter... So he says what he's really thinking?", '>>{thats-rickdiculous} : If Trump "cancels" (whatever that means) the climate accord, sanctions on the US are not out of the question.', ">>{NotABluSpy} : I'd like to see China stretch some muscle and threaten economic sanctions on the US over climate change. Just for a week, because by then the US will be begging and/or shouting at Trump to stop fucking around with climate change.", '>>{NotABluSpy} : Ok, explain how global war would lower human contribution to climate change when, by all known precedent, it would increase the effects of climate change? Also, you forgot Russia somehow.', ">>{snidelaughter} : You can hate more than one group at a time. It's fully possible that Bannon is an anti-Semite who just happens to loathe Palestinians more.", ">>{mathiastodd21} : I don't know what it is about some republicans but they are fun to watch talk. Some of them are like anime characters come to life.", ">>{Maggie_A} : Then I wonder how he likes working with a pair of them.........one of them being a woman and a Jew? Because Ivanka and her husband are prominent in Trump's campaign and they're both Jewish.", '>>{BrodyKraut} : Californians live in a metaphorical bubble, we should put them in an actual bubble.', '>>{Timthetiny} : Considering the US experts billions of tons of food, I think the countries imposing tariffs might need to worry about that.', '>>{inb4ElonMusk} : At this point, good. If we begin moving backwards, we deserve sanctions.', '>>{malicious_turtle} : You think China, India *and* Europe would have a problem picking up a few Billion worth of slack?', '>>{muyoso} : Well step one would be to stop scaremongering with the whole Waterworld bullshit.', ">>{inb4ElonMusk} : Netherlands and Germany together export more food than the US. Add in the the rest of the EU and the US is dwarfed by Europe's food exports. Not to say imposing tariffs wouldn't have negative consequences for Europe, but it could be very destructive to the US.", '>>{FoxKnight06} : Lowering taxes on the rich make us poorer, and government regulation prevents employee abuse.', ">>{HenkieVV} : It's a little tricky, because the US is still the biggest trading partner China has, and a valuable market for them. On top of that, China's economy is not quite that stable right now, so I doubt they want to risk a trade war.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : He's a corrupt, nay-saying know it all whose autocratic style of governing totally disqualifies him as a viable national candidate. He's lucky that Californians are stupid and easily manipulated.", ">>{inb4ElonMusk} : Don't forget South America is emerging as well. They're eager to pick up a lot of slack.", '>>{lofi76} : Trump needs to worry about it as he starts shitting around the world on twitter and causing trade wars. Starving is a real worry.', ">>{lofi76} : Calexit is real. The blue states are tired of propping up the red welfare states that then hold their bullshit social issues like fucking with women's autonomy, banning marriage from SOME citizens. Red states are our Taliban. Trump is a dangerous imam.", ">>{Scudamore} : I have full confidence that Trump's going to do any number of things that would merit sanctions before summer comes. The question is which country will actually stand against us.", ">>{batti03} : wonder what he'd think of Robert Reich. maybe he'll like for the name", '>>{prisoner42} : Yea no investing in more modern means of energy production is going turn America into a relic.', '>>{self_distruct_online} : There are no more adults left in America. It is up to the other nations to step up and lock down our shit. We need to be strongly, and sternly held to the flame on this life threatening issue, because we no longer have the capacity to do this ourselves.', ">>{self_distruct_online} : I'd rather have sanctions up on us and have us feel the squeeze than watch myself and my children die from drought, famine, and depleted oxygen.", '>>{Super_Tankmo} : HAH! Melting down would require snow ;_;', '>>{chrisms150} : Ever hear of nuclear winter? I think that guy sees it as a solution.', ">>{Lambchops_Legion} : > He's a corrupt, nay-saying know it all whose autocratic style of governing totally disqualifies him as a viable national candidate. You mean like the current president-elect and how that disqualified him as a viable national candidate? If Trump didn't just win the election, I'd probably believe you. But the one lesson I took from that is the only thing that disqualifies a national candidate is someone who is boring.", ">>{ChillAllWhiteMales} : Framing it as international backlash pretends it's just a PR problem. Climate change could wipe us off the face of the planet. That is what Trump is risking on behalf of all of us who live on this planet.", ">>{NathanRZehringer} : No he risks globalist backlash if he doesn't address climate change. People he doesn't care about ~~global cooling~~ ~~acid rain~~ ~~eroding ozone layer~~ ~~global warming~~ climate change!", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Trump won because he was an outsider. Jerry Brown is the definition of a sleazy, unaccountable insider politician. He's also incredibly boring, and infects those around him with his boringness.", ">>{Lambchops_Legion} : > Trump won because he was an outsider. Trump won because he was more charismatic. Every candidate since Nixon won because they were more charismatic. Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, HW Bush (until the Dems ran a more charismatic candidate in Clinton), Reagan, Carter - the only common variable between all those winners is that they were the more charismatic of the two. That's it. Fuck, if you ignore the fact that Nixon won his first term on the promise to end Vietnam and a second term because he ended Vietnam as the more boring candidate (McGovern was more charismatic, can't speak for Humphrey), you still have LBJ, Kennedy, and Eisenhower (you can't get more charismatic than the god damn military general who beat the Nazis.) >He's also incredibly boring, and infects those around him with his boringness. Then he's not a viable national candidate because he's boring, not because he's a corrupt, nay-saying know it all with an autocratic style of governing. *Because that's what we're getting*.", '>>{91394320394} : I mean they will just reestablish themselves in the new center of power. Global elites will just move to China or wherever the focus of the world is; why be loyal when you can just leave and reap the rewards somewhere else', '>>{frontierparty} : What about the Governator? Finders crossed for the 61st Amendment. Although we have a few more to add in between but if the GOP do the damage to this country most thing they will, the backlash might end us allowing immigrants to become President.', ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Businessmen can be shady, and you can make an argument he is, but Trump is not corrupt in the sense that a politician can be corrupt. We very clearly have different ideas of what a nay-saying know it all is. Trump has never been accused of being pedantic, where Jerry Brown sets a new bar for condescension and inaccessibility. Trump has not expressed intention to use executive action except to undo previous executive actions. Meanwhile, Jerry Brown unilaterally decided that Californians 18-21 were not mature enough to make their own decisions about smoking, and generally thinks government should decide what's best for everyone. That's autocratic. Trump has already pressured companies by threatening to withdraw defense contracts as leverage. Jerry Brown does nothing to keep the wealth of Silicon Valley in the state, caving to their demands on everything in fear they'll move to some other state. Same goes for low priority water rights in the central valley: some billionaire family threatens to sue for access to water on land that's never had water before, and force the state to tap its reserves during a drought. Jerry Brown bends over to any corporate interest that would require him to expend any effort. That is what I mean by nay-saying. He's the definition of status quo, in a state that's #1 in poverty and #49 in education.", ">>{spacehogg} : Except those who don't adapt run into fear of losing $$$ and power. If they remain in denial long enough, creating a false sense of security, it could even get them killed!", '>>{The_Phantom_Man} : I think foreign Redditors should petition their governments to drop the US dollar as a reserve currency.', '>>{dhoffnun} : As if he cares / comprehends the implications. Pfff', ">>{DoNotReadNegatively} : Jerry Brown should run for president again. I'm speaking anecdotally, but everyone I talk to in California thinks he's great. People always disagree with something he's done like raising taxes, the prison issue where the federal government stepped in, cuts to education, or the rainy day fund (which may turn out to be important with a Trump presidency and the impact to the economy). But everyone typically agrees that he gets things done. The cuts in government spending were painful, but we have a balanced budget and a surplus and low unemployment. He has the experience in California that Hillary had for the whole US. He knows the political landscape and how to really make deals. I'd definitely encourage out of state folks to read up on him.", '>>{Balls_deep_in_it} : Corporate America is about making money. If there is money to be made they will do it.', ">>{spacehogg} : But that's the point. Corporate America is still in the bubble that oil is the promised land. They are not adapting. They will perish. Just like Kodak!", '>>{subaru_supremacy} : Hey guess what, you just had your chance to make your case to the American people and you told your story with a crooked cheating liar. Unsurprisingly America told you to piss off. If you want to get things done, quite crying and get serious instead of pretending to care about policies while cramming crap filled candidates down our throats.', ">>{DisposableAccount09} : I sort of wish the entire world would boycott us, like South Africa during apartheid, until we have someone that isn't a mentally unstable, incompetent, idiot running the country.", ">>{Nixflyn} : They'd be in a decent position if Europe joins in the sanctions, which seems to be at least even odds.", ">>{Nixflyn} : That's pretty normal on places like T_D and /r/conservative. They've now been bolstered by Trump's win and are spilling over everywhere.", '>>{mmencius} : Finally. Tick tock to nonsense US exceptionalism and arrogance. It ruined large parts of the world for a century but finally should end soon.', ">>{Nixflyn} : Yeah, we're so concerned over our fast growth of well paying jobs, low unemployment, budget surplus, and clean air (and getting cleaner).", ">>{Nixflyn} : Hey man, tell your representatives to let us go then. We're tired of subsidizing red welfare states that hamstring their own economy to funnel money to the rich.", ">>{Nixflyn} : And we're running a surplus. And we have some of the heaviest environmental regulations in the US. And our economy is growing the fastest in the US (tied for 1st with Oregon, another liberal stronghold). And our unemployment is low, with strong growth in well paying jobs. I think Brown has done a stellar job. What I'm hearing from conservatives is nothing but sour grapes and/or projections from the abject failure of their chosen economic model, as exemplified by ~~Kansas~~ Brownbackistan.", ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : I'm going to buy a bottle of yummy domestic wine, sit outside in 72 degree weather and enjoy having multiple job options in the country's most successful economy and give thanks we aren't governed by a Republican with integrity.", ">>{ocschwar} : There are people in this country who live in a bubble, that much is true, but it ain't the Californians any more.", ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : Man I love Dead Kennedys and that's a great song but they really missed the target.", '>>{YouCantVoteEnough} : EU has been thir biggest partner for a while. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_trading_partners_of_China', ">>{revets} : Let's see if he does something about the hundreds of billions of unfunded pension obligations before we anoint him a good steward.", '>>{Imhotep_23} : *Could*, but is most likely *not* going to.', ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : The global elites will still live here. That's what Trumps Tax Policy is all about. The US will have the global elite rich class and lots of poor folks to provide them services. While the new global middle class shifts to Europe and Asia.", ">>{subaru_supremacy} : Lets use our heads here, which was a candidate for the party that likes to pretend they care about climate change? Republicans don't care about it, literally say they don't care about it and Trump was their victorious candidate, so that leaves one option. No stress, you've got 8 years to figure it out.", '>>{truenorth00} : Would be really interesting to see how the GoP reacts. Do they tell the world to screw off and watch the economy tank? Or do they grudgingly accept climate change?', ">>{The-Autarkh} : The thing that kills me is Kansans had a chance to reject that, and there was supposed to be widespread dissatisfaction... but they doubled down. I don't understand what's the matter with voters there. Maybe I meed to read Thomas Frank's seminal work again.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Surely you must realize that comments like this are exactly what I'm trying to elicit when I espouse an unpopular opinion like that...? This is just so perfectly cringe. This is how we won, by making people like you say stuff like that. You really need to snap out of it, I feel it's my patriotic duty to give you a kick in the pants. The election didn't kill the democrats, it's reactions like yours that will.", ">>{truenorth00} : If Trump launches the trade war, they'll have an excuse.", '>>{Balls_deep_in_it} : But the people running it will make their money and move on to something else. Once the profit is gone the company will adapt or disappear.', ">>{truenorth00} : You haven't seemed to consider retaliation in your scenario.", ">>{truenorth00} : Corporate America includes companies like Tesla and First Solar. They'll adjust. What could be problematic is American leadership if the rest of the world pulls ahead.", ">>{spacehogg} : Right. Just like the Russian elite, some got out in time & took their $$$ with them, some just got out, some didn't get out, and some were killed!", '>>{spacehogg} : Corporate America is fighting companies like Tesla and First Solar. This is why CA wants to secede.', '>>{reverie42} : Atomization? Shit. They take performance reviews seriously.', ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : Seems like my comment got you pretty bent out of shape. Relax dude, and enjoy some California sun. There's room here for more folks, why don't you move on down and stop being so bitter?", ">>{abieyuwa} : My guy, Trump won because he made folks believe that's he'd deal with minorities and bring back jobs. He won because he's an abrasive, uncouth, and solipsistic character. Clearly the promise of white supremacy wins every time in this nation and you'd do well to recognize that.", ">>{pfranz} : I'm not convinced that'll be the case. Yeah, they'll live somewhere with lower taxes but they won't live somewhere without decent infrastructure, a fairly educated populace, and nice things (like good medical care). They'll stick around on the decline and take advantage of low taxes but if you burn the other things to the ground to chase lower taxes, the elite will do the cost/benefit and move.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : No. You are the one who is making this about race. If you don't recognize that, I guarantee you will continue to lose nationally.", '>>{adam7684} : CA is #3 in high school education, #6 in college education, 5 of the top 25 universities, and its public UC system is widely regarded as the best public college system in the nation. http://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/articles/how-states-compare https://smartasset.com/student-loans/top-states-higher-education', '>>{Kobesoffday} : Kind of like when the Europeans arrived here, and were convinced that the Native Americans back then had valleys and mountains of gold. They did what they thought was necessary to the Native Americans to find it (genocide) which resulted to no huge findings of this promised gold Colombus was in search for. Fast forward 500 years later and replace Native Americans with our environment.', '>>{en_gm_t_c} : Trump will face international backlash on literally everything that idiot does.', '>>{abieyuwa} : Wrong. It\'s never not been about race. Since Obama ran and won Republicans made it their goal to be especially obstructive to him. Trump ran his campaign on unprecedented levels of fuckery, hoodwinked a great majority of poor white people into thinking he was anything but a conman, and when he won promptly appointed the most unqualified, corrupt, racist, cronies he could find. Now your boy Donny T is president elect and so far has not done anything that would improve the condition of his voters (except his rich pals on Wall Street) other than playing petty games on Twitter with the rest of our lives. But that\'s okay because he\'s an "outsider" and he\'s not "part of the establishment". The gag is that he is part of the establishment. He\'s part of an establishment that consistently rips people off and fucks people over to his benefit. The same party that endorsed Trump have members of their own ranks attacking Michelle and their daughters, rather than leveling their criticism at President O. There were Republican legislators that were so drunk off that anti-black hate that they committed treason to prevent the US from making progress with Iran. We became a laughingstock after that stunt. You\'d have to be willingly drowning in bullshit to not believe that this isn\'t about race. I guess this is why it\'s called "dog whistle politics" because only select few actually hear and see what the hell is going on. But do you boo.', '>>{Tom571} : his point is that the Democratic Party\'s model in California has actually been successful. Instead of hating them because they live on the west coast and are "elite" we should look into following their lead.', '>>{abieyuwa} : That "#49" in education is such an old figure. My teachers were saying the same shit when I was in elementary school. California is #49 in education when we have like several of the best college institutions in the whole US. Cal Poly SLO, UC Berkley, UCLA, Stanford, UCSF (#1 in the world for medical school), UCDavis, SDSU, Scripps, you name it. CSUs and UCs are some of the finest institutions out here and it\'s clear to see that /u/Huckleberry_Finnegan doesn\'t even know what they\'re talking about. Do they even live in California? 😭😭😂😂😂', ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Do you honestly think this write up is convincing? Please read it over again. You're talking about parliamentary procedures, throwing around the word treason, and complaining about twitter. There are much bigger issues out there in the world, and if you think white supremacy is the same as attacking someone's political platform, you've led a beautifully sheltered life. Dog whistle politics, don't make me laugh. You can't talk about white supremacy and then try to back it up talking about dog whistles. You're trying to attribute the behavior of a few idiots to everyone who voted Trump. Give me a break. You're making a fool of yourself. I can see that you want to think everything is about race. You've been brainwashed into an anti-American cult that wants to divide and destroy this country, eliminating our culture and values. You'll either snap out of it or you won't. This kind of thinking is only how you create racial division, not how you end it.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Oh my god, how hilariously middle class. A ranking of prep schools lol. These are only the high schools that send a significant percentage of students to college. It says that at the top of the article. This in no way reflects the majority of the population. Yes, if you live in a richer area or some urban areas of CA and can afford it, there are some good schools. This state has the richest people in the country. Also the poorest. It's the most unequal (and a democratic stronghold by the way). I'm talking about overall averages. In 2003, CA was dead last in literacy. The literacy rate has only gone down since then, meaning unless some other state got even worse in that time, we are still last, and falling. http://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/stateestimates.aspx http://literacyprojectfoundation.org/community/statistics/", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : http://literacyprojectfoundation.org/community/statistics/ http://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/stateestimates.aspx California is last in literacy. So bad that they've literally cut back on even doing statistics since the worst, most recent numbers, something I hadn't even realized until I looked into it. So that's the one useful thing I've gotten out of this exchange. And yes, you've hit on one of the reasons California is last in education: the government invests a disproportionate amount of their education budget on expensive, higher education like the UC system, meaning that it's very good at the top, and very bad if you're not at the top, which most people (like you, I have a feeling, from the way you write) aren't. Also, Scripps is a private, women's only college. It in no way reflects the state government of California. Then the gender neutral pronouns...you're giving yourself away as an idiot.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : It's not successful. I've lived in the third world, I've lived in Western Europe, I've lived on the East Coast, and I've lived in California. Guess which of those other places California is most like. Obviously California has a couple of thriving industries. So does Brazil. So does India. California also has the highest rate of poverty vs cost of living. https://www.census.gov/content/census/en/library/publications/2016/demo/p60-258.html That means that California has the most financially strapped population in the US. What do you call a place that has a wealthy, politically entrenched, one party aristocracy, and also a huge semi literate service economy underclass? Why, that's the third world. I'm from here. I'm lucky to have owned property before many of these people showed up and drove up the prices, so in a sense I've benefited greatly, at least in a financial sense, from the mismanagement of the state. Wealth has been concentrated in a very few hands who constantly have the ear of the government, while a poor, disaffected, illiterate underclass has been imported. Our congressmen try to leverage their power in California to force California's ideas on the rest of the country, and in so doing they make concessions that negatively affect only the poorer people here. Trust me, you do not want to be like California. Look at all the California people dogpiling my comment. They're stupid. They didn't know any of this stuff and are just replying as a knee jerk reaction. California is full of really stupid people and if you walk around here, and you're intelligent, you will notice it very quickly. The one party state we have here relies on people being that dumb. The government can do pretty much anything it wants here without any fear of a challenge. It's a vapid, self-satisfied, media-obsessed culture. The main cultural impact of Silicon Valley has been to make San Francisco as corporate and bland as Southern California. And that's only the rich people, the poor immigrants barely speak English, often don't learn, and live with five other family members in a two room apartment. It honestly does not feel like America anymore. And sure there are plenty of nice places, just like there are in Brazil or Indonesia. Overall, the state is a shithole. Be very careful of anyone telling you you want to be more like us. Unless you're in Arkansas or Mississippi, I can practically guarantee you do not want to be like us.", ">>{SmugglingGrapes} : Sssshhhh. It's terrible here. Don't come. Don't surf either."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{MultiKdizzle} : Gov. Jerry Brown says Trump risks international backlash if he doesn't address climate change", ">>{moto_otom} : No he doesn't. Shut the fuck up, Jerry. You're an embarrassment to the country and have no place running the largest state in the union.", '>>{SaltHash} : >Man California is really melting down over this election >Yikes Actually, California is really melting from wildfires exacerbated by Anthropogenic Climate Change.', ">>{SaltHash} : >No he doesn't. Shut the fuck up, Jerry. You're an embarrassment to the country and have no place running the largest state in the union. Clearly, the majority of voters in California do not agree with your opinion about him.", ">>{BigBiggest} : Something tells me the world leaders won't do a damn thing about it.", '>>{progressivemoron} : >address climate change i.e. higher taxes to make us poorer, and more government regulation to strangle businesses. No thanks. Not while Trump is in da house.', ">>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : Okay, reddit, now I'm reading calls for the genocide of nearly half the world's population. You just keep finding new fucking ways to disappoint me.", ">>{veniceinperil} : Sarkozy (brilliantly, I might add) proposed tariffs to offset the carbon we're not sequestering. Other countries will charge us for not addressing climate change. Starving is not on my agenda for this decade. Is it on yours?", ">>{ronbag} : Best laugh I had all day. You can't even see 20 feet ahead in china thanks to how much smog is in the air but we are fighting to regulate our business even more. Guess where those jobs are going to go once it's impossible to manufacture here? China.", ">>{ronbag} : It's not about visible. It's about it being clear as day that China couldn't give less of a shit about the climate.", ">>{tau-lepton} : You brought up visibility. China's CO2 emissions are down for the last three years. They are way ahead of the Paris schedule, building 15 nuclear plants, added 100 GW of wind power, 43 GW of solar over the last three years. They've added 20 GW of solar this year; 3 times last year's installation rate.", '>>{The-Autarkh} : According to the latest field poll, he has a 60% approval rating. And the California state legislature sits at 50% approval. And Democrats just won a 2/3rds supermajority in both chambers.', '>>{Hardy723} : So what is your proposal? I ask sincerely because all I ever hear from the denier side is "don\'t strangle business". No one *wants* to do that. So what\'s the solution? If it\'s "I dunno, but let\'s keep subsidizing the oil industry", that\'s not good enough. What are the other proposals?', '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Typically their proposals are along the lines of burying our heads in the sand, doing nothing, and hoping to make a quick buck before *Waterworld* comes true.', ">>{RichardThe3} : Read his post history. He didn't forget it.", ">>{spacehogg} : This reminds me of Kodak. Kodak had the patents on the digital camera, however, they still believed film to be their bread & butter. They just couldn't move on into the future. Corporate US still believe oil is their bread & butter. They refuse to move on into the future. They are more willing to ruin the US than change.", ">>{Doom_Art} : President Moonbeam Honestly, I wish he ran again after 92. He'd have been a good President.", '>>{pseudolocus} : I just did and lmao, at "Bill Maher is short, feminine and complains for a living.". That was a good one :D', ">>{pseudolocus} : That smog is actually what got them to change their tune about gungho industrialization. I'm not sure why you think that's a contradiction. Also wait until the near future when China will also be facing mass displacement of workers due to atomization.", ">>{pseudolocus} : A huge part of addressing climate change is renewable energy industry incentives and tax breaks. How is that govt regulation? The guy doesnt know what he's talking about (obviously, is aptly named). And if Republicans get rid of green energy incentives that is pretty anti business and hypocritical of them :/", '>>{ronbag} : By that logic, why even send the manufacturing jobs to China? If these jobs are doomed might as well leave them in American workers hands until they start getting automated. This will give us the advantage of being the leaders in automated manufacturing and not China.', '>>{pseudolocus} : Uh, the American jobs have already become automated. American manufacturing is at an all time high, but not workers, due to automation. Likewise, industries got displaced by other industries, like natural gas for coal, not regulation.', '>>{political_shitposter} : This is what the decent people of America are fighting against.', '>>{thats-rickdiculous} : If Trump "cancels" (whatever that means) the climate accord, sanctions on the US are not out of the question.', ">>{NotABluSpy} : I'd like to see China stretch some muscle and threaten economic sanctions on the US over climate change. Just for a week, because by then the US will be begging and/or shouting at Trump to stop fucking around with climate change.", '>>{NotABluSpy} : Ok, explain how global war would lower human contribution to climate change when, by all known precedent, it would increase the effects of climate change? Also, you forgot Russia somehow.', '>>{BrodyKraut} : Californians live in a metaphorical bubble, we should put them in an actual bubble.', '>>{Timthetiny} : Considering the US experts billions of tons of food, I think the countries imposing tariffs might need to worry about that.', '>>{inb4ElonMusk} : At this point, good. If we begin moving backwards, we deserve sanctions.', '>>{malicious_turtle} : You think China, India *and* Europe would have a problem picking up a few Billion worth of slack?', '>>{muyoso} : Well step one would be to stop scaremongering with the whole Waterworld bullshit.', ">>{inb4ElonMusk} : Netherlands and Germany together export more food than the US. Add in the the rest of the EU and the US is dwarfed by Europe's food exports. Not to say imposing tariffs wouldn't have negative consequences for Europe, but it could be very destructive to the US.", '>>{FoxKnight06} : Lowering taxes on the rich make us poorer, and government regulation prevents employee abuse.', ">>{HenkieVV} : It's a little tricky, because the US is still the biggest trading partner China has, and a valuable market for them. On top of that, China's economy is not quite that stable right now, so I doubt they want to risk a trade war.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : He's a corrupt, nay-saying know it all whose autocratic style of governing totally disqualifies him as a viable national candidate. He's lucky that Californians are stupid and easily manipulated.", ">>{inb4ElonMusk} : Don't forget South America is emerging as well. They're eager to pick up a lot of slack.", '>>{lofi76} : Trump needs to worry about it as he starts shitting around the world on twitter and causing trade wars. Starving is a real worry.', ">>{lofi76} : Calexit is real. The blue states are tired of propping up the red welfare states that then hold their bullshit social issues like fucking with women's autonomy, banning marriage from SOME citizens. Red states are our Taliban. Trump is a dangerous imam.", ">>{Scudamore} : I have full confidence that Trump's going to do any number of things that would merit sanctions before summer comes. The question is which country will actually stand against us.", ">>{batti03} : wonder what he'd think of Robert Reich. maybe he'll like for the name", '>>{prisoner42} : Yea no investing in more modern means of energy production is going turn America into a relic.', '>>{self_distruct_online} : There are no more adults left in America. It is up to the other nations to step up and lock down our shit. We need to be strongly, and sternly held to the flame on this life threatening issue, because we no longer have the capacity to do this ourselves.', ">>{self_distruct_online} : I'd rather have sanctions up on us and have us feel the squeeze than watch myself and my children die from drought, famine, and depleted oxygen.", '>>{Super_Tankmo} : HAH! Melting down would require snow ;_;', '>>{chrisms150} : Ever hear of nuclear winter? I think that guy sees it as a solution.', ">>{Lambchops_Legion} : > He's a corrupt, nay-saying know it all whose autocratic style of governing totally disqualifies him as a viable national candidate. You mean like the current president-elect and how that disqualified him as a viable national candidate? If Trump didn't just win the election, I'd probably believe you. But the one lesson I took from that is the only thing that disqualifies a national candidate is someone who is boring.", ">>{ChillAllWhiteMales} : Framing it as international backlash pretends it's just a PR problem. Climate change could wipe us off the face of the planet. That is what Trump is risking on behalf of all of us who live on this planet.", ">>{NathanRZehringer} : No he risks globalist backlash if he doesn't address climate change. People he doesn't care about ~~global cooling~~ ~~acid rain~~ ~~eroding ozone layer~~ ~~global warming~~ climate change!", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Trump won because he was an outsider. Jerry Brown is the definition of a sleazy, unaccountable insider politician. He's also incredibly boring, and infects those around him with his boringness.", ">>{Lambchops_Legion} : > Trump won because he was an outsider. Trump won because he was more charismatic. Every candidate since Nixon won because they were more charismatic. Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, HW Bush (until the Dems ran a more charismatic candidate in Clinton), Reagan, Carter - the only common variable between all those winners is that they were the more charismatic of the two. That's it. Fuck, if you ignore the fact that Nixon won his first term on the promise to end Vietnam and a second term because he ended Vietnam as the more boring candidate (McGovern was more charismatic, can't speak for Humphrey), you still have LBJ, Kennedy, and Eisenhower (you can't get more charismatic than the god damn military general who beat the Nazis.) >He's also incredibly boring, and infects those around him with his boringness. Then he's not a viable national candidate because he's boring, not because he's a corrupt, nay-saying know it all with an autocratic style of governing. *Because that's what we're getting*.", '>>{91394320394} : I mean they will just reestablish themselves in the new center of power. Global elites will just move to China or wherever the focus of the world is; why be loyal when you can just leave and reap the rewards somewhere else', '>>{frontierparty} : What about the Governator? Finders crossed for the 61st Amendment. Although we have a few more to add in between but if the GOP do the damage to this country most thing they will, the backlash might end us allowing immigrants to become President.', ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Businessmen can be shady, and you can make an argument he is, but Trump is not corrupt in the sense that a politician can be corrupt. We very clearly have different ideas of what a nay-saying know it all is. Trump has never been accused of being pedantic, where Jerry Brown sets a new bar for condescension and inaccessibility. Trump has not expressed intention to use executive action except to undo previous executive actions. Meanwhile, Jerry Brown unilaterally decided that Californians 18-21 were not mature enough to make their own decisions about smoking, and generally thinks government should decide what's best for everyone. That's autocratic. Trump has already pressured companies by threatening to withdraw defense contracts as leverage. Jerry Brown does nothing to keep the wealth of Silicon Valley in the state, caving to their demands on everything in fear they'll move to some other state. Same goes for low priority water rights in the central valley: some billionaire family threatens to sue for access to water on land that's never had water before, and force the state to tap its reserves during a drought. Jerry Brown bends over to any corporate interest that would require him to expend any effort. That is what I mean by nay-saying. He's the definition of status quo, in a state that's #1 in poverty and #49 in education.", ">>{spacehogg} : Except those who don't adapt run into fear of losing $$$ and power. If they remain in denial long enough, creating a false sense of security, it could even get them killed!", '>>{The_Phantom_Man} : I think foreign Redditors should petition their governments to drop the US dollar as a reserve currency.', '>>{dhoffnun} : As if he cares / comprehends the implications. Pfff', ">>{DoNotReadNegatively} : Jerry Brown should run for president again. I'm speaking anecdotally, but everyone I talk to in California thinks he's great. People always disagree with something he's done like raising taxes, the prison issue where the federal government stepped in, cuts to education, or the rainy day fund (which may turn out to be important with a Trump presidency and the impact to the economy). But everyone typically agrees that he gets things done. The cuts in government spending were painful, but we have a balanced budget and a surplus and low unemployment. He has the experience in California that Hillary had for the whole US. He knows the political landscape and how to really make deals. I'd definitely encourage out of state folks to read up on him.", '>>{Balls_deep_in_it} : Corporate America is about making money. If there is money to be made they will do it.', ">>{spacehogg} : But that's the point. Corporate America is still in the bubble that oil is the promised land. They are not adapting. They will perish. Just like Kodak!", '>>{subaru_supremacy} : Hey guess what, you just had your chance to make your case to the American people and you told your story with a crooked cheating liar. Unsurprisingly America told you to piss off. If you want to get things done, quite crying and get serious instead of pretending to care about policies while cramming crap filled candidates down our throats.', ">>{DisposableAccount09} : I sort of wish the entire world would boycott us, like South Africa during apartheid, until we have someone that isn't a mentally unstable, incompetent, idiot running the country.", ">>{Nixflyn} : They'd be in a decent position if Europe joins in the sanctions, which seems to be at least even odds.", ">>{Nixflyn} : That's pretty normal on places like T_D and /r/conservative. They've now been bolstered by Trump's win and are spilling over everywhere.", '>>{mmencius} : Finally. Tick tock to nonsense US exceptionalism and arrogance. It ruined large parts of the world for a century but finally should end soon.', ">>{Nixflyn} : Yeah, we're so concerned over our fast growth of well paying jobs, low unemployment, budget surplus, and clean air (and getting cleaner).", ">>{Nixflyn} : Hey man, tell your representatives to let us go then. We're tired of subsidizing red welfare states that hamstring their own economy to funnel money to the rich.", ">>{Nixflyn} : And we're running a surplus. And we have some of the heaviest environmental regulations in the US. And our economy is growing the fastest in the US (tied for 1st with Oregon, another liberal stronghold). And our unemployment is low, with strong growth in well paying jobs. I think Brown has done a stellar job. What I'm hearing from conservatives is nothing but sour grapes and/or projections from the abject failure of their chosen economic model, as exemplified by ~~Kansas~~ Brownbackistan.", ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : I'm going to buy a bottle of yummy domestic wine, sit outside in 72 degree weather and enjoy having multiple job options in the country's most successful economy and give thanks we aren't governed by a Republican with integrity.", ">>{ocschwar} : There are people in this country who live in a bubble, that much is true, but it ain't the Californians any more.", ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : Man I love Dead Kennedys and that's a great song but they really missed the target.", '>>{YouCantVoteEnough} : EU has been thir biggest partner for a while. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_trading_partners_of_China', ">>{revets} : Let's see if he does something about the hundreds of billions of unfunded pension obligations before we anoint him a good steward.", '>>{Imhotep_23} : *Could*, but is most likely *not* going to.', ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : The global elites will still live here. That's what Trumps Tax Policy is all about. The US will have the global elite rich class and lots of poor folks to provide them services. While the new global middle class shifts to Europe and Asia.", ">>{subaru_supremacy} : Lets use our heads here, which was a candidate for the party that likes to pretend they care about climate change? Republicans don't care about it, literally say they don't care about it and Trump was their victorious candidate, so that leaves one option. No stress, you've got 8 years to figure it out.", '>>{truenorth00} : Would be really interesting to see how the GoP reacts. Do they tell the world to screw off and watch the economy tank? Or do they grudgingly accept climate change?', ">>{The-Autarkh} : The thing that kills me is Kansans had a chance to reject that, and there was supposed to be widespread dissatisfaction... but they doubled down. I don't understand what's the matter with voters there. Maybe I meed to read Thomas Frank's seminal work again.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Surely you must realize that comments like this are exactly what I'm trying to elicit when I espouse an unpopular opinion like that...? This is just so perfectly cringe. This is how we won, by making people like you say stuff like that. You really need to snap out of it, I feel it's my patriotic duty to give you a kick in the pants. The election didn't kill the democrats, it's reactions like yours that will.", ">>{truenorth00} : If Trump launches the trade war, they'll have an excuse.", '>>{Balls_deep_in_it} : But the people running it will make their money and move on to something else. Once the profit is gone the company will adapt or disappear.', ">>{truenorth00} : You haven't seemed to consider retaliation in your scenario.", ">>{truenorth00} : Corporate America includes companies like Tesla and First Solar. They'll adjust. What could be problematic is American leadership if the rest of the world pulls ahead.", ">>{spacehogg} : Right. Just like the Russian elite, some got out in time & took their $$$ with them, some just got out, some didn't get out, and some were killed!", '>>{spacehogg} : Corporate America is fighting companies like Tesla and First Solar. This is why CA wants to secede.', '>>{reverie42} : Atomization? Shit. They take performance reviews seriously.', ">>{YouCantVoteEnough} : Seems like my comment got you pretty bent out of shape. Relax dude, and enjoy some California sun. There's room here for more folks, why don't you move on down and stop being so bitter?", ">>{abieyuwa} : My guy, Trump won because he made folks believe that's he'd deal with minorities and bring back jobs. He won because he's an abrasive, uncouth, and solipsistic character. Clearly the promise of white supremacy wins every time in this nation and you'd do well to recognize that.", ">>{pfranz} : I'm not convinced that'll be the case. Yeah, they'll live somewhere with lower taxes but they won't live somewhere without decent infrastructure, a fairly educated populace, and nice things (like good medical care). They'll stick around on the decline and take advantage of low taxes but if you burn the other things to the ground to chase lower taxes, the elite will do the cost/benefit and move.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : No. You are the one who is making this about race. If you don't recognize that, I guarantee you will continue to lose nationally.", '>>{adam7684} : CA is #3 in high school education, #6 in college education, 5 of the top 25 universities, and its public UC system is widely regarded as the best public college system in the nation. http://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/articles/how-states-compare https://smartasset.com/student-loans/top-states-higher-education', '>>{Kobesoffday} : Kind of like when the Europeans arrived here, and were convinced that the Native Americans back then had valleys and mountains of gold. They did what they thought was necessary to the Native Americans to find it (genocide) which resulted to no huge findings of this promised gold Colombus was in search for. Fast forward 500 years later and replace Native Americans with our environment.', '>>{en_gm_t_c} : Trump will face international backlash on literally everything that idiot does.', '>>{abieyuwa} : Wrong. It\'s never not been about race. Since Obama ran and won Republicans made it their goal to be especially obstructive to him. Trump ran his campaign on unprecedented levels of fuckery, hoodwinked a great majority of poor white people into thinking he was anything but a conman, and when he won promptly appointed the most unqualified, corrupt, racist, cronies he could find. Now your boy Donny T is president elect and so far has not done anything that would improve the condition of his voters (except his rich pals on Wall Street) other than playing petty games on Twitter with the rest of our lives. But that\'s okay because he\'s an "outsider" and he\'s not "part of the establishment". The gag is that he is part of the establishment. He\'s part of an establishment that consistently rips people off and fucks people over to his benefit. The same party that endorsed Trump have members of their own ranks attacking Michelle and their daughters, rather than leveling their criticism at President O. There were Republican legislators that were so drunk off that anti-black hate that they committed treason to prevent the US from making progress with Iran. We became a laughingstock after that stunt. You\'d have to be willingly drowning in bullshit to not believe that this isn\'t about race. I guess this is why it\'s called "dog whistle politics" because only select few actually hear and see what the hell is going on. But do you boo.', '>>{Tom571} : his point is that the Democratic Party\'s model in California has actually been successful. Instead of hating them because they live on the west coast and are "elite" we should look into following their lead.', '>>{abieyuwa} : That "#49" in education is such an old figure. My teachers were saying the same shit when I was in elementary school. California is #49 in education when we have like several of the best college institutions in the whole US. Cal Poly SLO, UC Berkley, UCLA, Stanford, UCSF (#1 in the world for medical school), UCDavis, SDSU, Scripps, you name it. CSUs and UCs are some of the finest institutions out here and it\'s clear to see that /u/Huckleberry_Finnegan doesn\'t even know what they\'re talking about. Do they even live in California? 😭😭😂😂😂', ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Do you honestly think this write up is convincing? Please read it over again. You're talking about parliamentary procedures, throwing around the word treason, and complaining about twitter. There are much bigger issues out there in the world, and if you think white supremacy is the same as attacking someone's political platform, you've led a beautifully sheltered life. Dog whistle politics, don't make me laugh. You can't talk about white supremacy and then try to back it up talking about dog whistles. You're trying to attribute the behavior of a few idiots to everyone who voted Trump. Give me a break. You're making a fool of yourself. I can see that you want to think everything is about race. You've been brainwashed into an anti-American cult that wants to divide and destroy this country, eliminating our culture and values. You'll either snap out of it or you won't. This kind of thinking is only how you create racial division, not how you end it.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : Oh my god, how hilariously middle class. A ranking of prep schools lol. These are only the high schools that send a significant percentage of students to college. It says that at the top of the article. This in no way reflects the majority of the population. Yes, if you live in a richer area or some urban areas of CA and can afford it, there are some good schools. This state has the richest people in the country. Also the poorest. It's the most unequal (and a democratic stronghold by the way). I'm talking about overall averages. In 2003, CA was dead last in literacy. The literacy rate has only gone down since then, meaning unless some other state got even worse in that time, we are still last, and falling. http://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/stateestimates.aspx http://literacyprojectfoundation.org/community/statistics/", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : http://literacyprojectfoundation.org/community/statistics/ http://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/stateestimates.aspx California is last in literacy. So bad that they've literally cut back on even doing statistics since the worst, most recent numbers, something I hadn't even realized until I looked into it. So that's the one useful thing I've gotten out of this exchange. And yes, you've hit on one of the reasons California is last in education: the government invests a disproportionate amount of their education budget on expensive, higher education like the UC system, meaning that it's very good at the top, and very bad if you're not at the top, which most people (like you, I have a feeling, from the way you write) aren't. Also, Scripps is a private, women's only college. It in no way reflects the state government of California. Then the gender neutral pronouns...you're giving yourself away as an idiot.", ">>{Huckleberry_Finnegan} : It's not successful. I've lived in the third world, I've lived in Western Europe, I've lived on the East Coast, and I've lived in California. Guess which of those other places California is most like. Obviously California has a couple of thriving industries. So does Brazil. So does India. California also has the highest rate of poverty vs cost of living. https://www.census.gov/content/census/en/library/publications/2016/demo/p60-258.html That means that California has the most financially strapped population in the US. What do you call a place that has a wealthy, politically entrenched, one party aristocracy, and also a huge semi literate service economy underclass? Why, that's the third world. I'm from here. I'm lucky to have owned property before many of these people showed up and drove up the prices, so in a sense I've benefited greatly, at least in a financial sense, from the mismanagement of the state. Wealth has been concentrated in a very few hands who constantly have the ear of the government, while a poor, disaffected, illiterate underclass has been imported. Our congressmen try to leverage their power in California to force California's ideas on the rest of the country, and in so doing they make concessions that negatively affect only the poorer people here. Trust me, you do not want to be like California. Look at all the California people dogpiling my comment. They're stupid. They didn't know any of this stuff and are just replying as a knee jerk reaction. California is full of really stupid people and if you walk around here, and you're intelligent, you will notice it very quickly. The one party state we have here relies on people being that dumb. The government can do pretty much anything it wants here without any fear of a challenge. It's a vapid, self-satisfied, media-obsessed culture. The main cultural impact of Silicon Valley has been to make San Francisco as corporate and bland as Southern California. And that's only the rich people, the poor immigrants barely speak English, often don't learn, and live with five other family members in a two room apartment. It honestly does not feel like America anymore. And sure there are plenty of nice places, just like there are in Brazil or Indonesia. Overall, the state is a shithole. Be very careful of anyone telling you you want to be more like us. Unless you're in Arkansas or Mississippi, I can practically guarantee you do not want to be like us.", ">>{SmugglingGrapes} : Sssshhhh. It's terrible here. Don't come. Don't surf either."], ['>>{indianface} : heh, just shared the news. No intention of harming or helping.', ">>{MrInRageous} : Thanks, comrade. Now, pretend you don't know us. /s", '>>{VTFD} : The coveted "disgraced former President of a failed socialist state" endorsement. Surely... *this will stop Clinton*.', '>>{wytxcook} : When Bernie says "break up the banks" does he mean Nationalize them like Venezuela does with the energy industry?', ">>{indianface} : I guess he's still getting down to the details of the plan. It's all TBD", '>>{LukeforBernie} : >... has praised Sanders before, calling him "an emerging candidate with a renovating and revolutionary message" during a speech in March. >... said it was only "an archaic (electoral) system that is 200 years old" keeping him from the presidency. Hardly "backing" him like the headline would like you to believe. People say that about Bernie all the time in America', ">>{flfxt} : And I'm sure the leadership of Saudi Arabia support Clinton.", ">>{indianface} : oops, you're right, i can be so dense some times.", '>>{oldbeth} : Failed? Their income equality is four times better than San Francisco where the wealthy conservatives hate us and oppress us.', '>>{penecow290} : No, he has stated they should dismantle themselves into separate entities. He has suggested bringing back basic banking to the post office.', ">>{VTFD} : Ok, let's take a look at what it's like to live in Venezuela right now > [It costs $150 to buy a dozen eggs in Venezuela](http://www.latimes.com/world/mexico-americas/la-fg-venezuela-inflation-0531-snap-htmlstory.html) > The International Monetary Fund has predicted that inflation in Venezuela will hit 720% this year. That might be an optimistic assessment, according to some local economic analysts, who expect the rate to reach as high as 1,200%. That's what failure looks like. In another year or two of low oil prices, they might be Zimbabwe.", '>>{wytxcook} : But the post office is a federally run service. They would just use the locations and be private?', '>>{twistedjunction} : What does the media have to do with North Korea endorsing Trump? I am failing to see the conspiracy.', '>>{NarrowLightbulb} : Kim Jong-un endorses Trump! Maduro endorses Sanders! Every election... every candidate is endorsed by some foreign person disliked and the media reports it like it matters.', ">>{NedSanders} : It sucks for everyone equally (unless you're in the cartel business) That's socialism I can believe in.", '>>{Bleach-Free} : [That dollar amount quoted from the LA Times is incorrect.](http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Do-Eggs-in-Venezuela-Actually-Cost-150-a-Dozen-20160531-0039.html)', ">>{VTFD} : The split exchange rate isn't a real solution. It's replacing one set of problems with another. For instance, there's no goods on the shelves, because the companies that get the preferential exchange rate have (correctly) identified that they can sell their subsidized bolivars on the black market to make a better margin than if they used them to buy foods to sell. It's a pretty screwed up state of affairs. Without oil prices rising, I don't see how they can turn this around. It's really sad. Sorry I don't have a link for you - I'm on mobile. I know msnbc recently covered the black market bolivar phenomenon though.", ">>{7thAccountDontDelete} : Lmao. They're poor as shit, have no infrastructure, have massive inflation, their money is worthless, grocery stores are empty, hey but at least they have income equality guys!", '>>{oldbeth} : When I was there, I got 900 Bolivars for my $1. The official exchange rate is 10 to 1. That means, the eggs are 90 times cheaper if you use the exchange rate everyone uses rather than the official one. In other words, eggs are cheaper there than the US.', ">>{Not_Pictured} : If you have US dollars. So it's almost like they are a desperately poor country coveting assets from a first world country. They don't get paid in dollars.", ">>{BromanJenkins} : Break up the banks is a major part of Sander's platform, but probably one of the most misunderstood parts of it because he himself has a couple different ideas. He has introduced a bill in the Senate to break up the four biggest banks, this would treat them like Standard Oil or United Aircraft and Transportation Company were in the 20th century and cause them to break apart on business type fault lines. Bank of America, for example, is technically a holding company that has interests in several financial related industries thanks to acquisitions and mergers over the years. Breaking up Bank of America would cause its commercial lending, wealth management and investment banking branches to become distinct companies. Then, Sanders has also proposed the reintroduction of the Glass-Steagall legislation which was intended to keep a commercial bank from using customer deposits to underwrite investments in non-government bonds. It's often described as keeping a commercial bank from funding the investments of its securities wing, but by the end you had banks buying security firms outright thanks to how the government was interpreting the law. In all likelihood you would have to both break up the big banks and re-introduce a version of Glass Steagall to make sure the banks can't just reform on different lines a few years down the road. Finally, Sanders has mentioned the idea of letting the Post Office operate the Postal Savings System again. This was in use between 1911 and 1967 and was meant to get people to put their money in a bank by leveraging the trust people had in the Post Office. The money deposited would go into accounts tied to local banks, so I guess that helps keep the funding out of the hands of the Too Big To Fail banks. The TL;DR here is that Sanders wants to institute a number of changes to banks and banking systems in the US that are more historical than radical. He believes that by pulling apart the major banks that another financial collapse like 2008 can't happen again.", '>>{shardikprime} : sure, 12 dollars a month sounds like heaven to socialists', '>>{wytxcook} : Thank you for the thorough response. I\'m a capitalist so I don\'t like the idea of the government "picking and choosing" so to speak, however our corporations and government leaders are becoming too incestual. Proper regulations are necessary for the markets to work for everyone fairly. Hopefully if Bernie did become President he\'d do something like you\'ve outlined here and not nationalize the banking industry. I do question the effectiveness of his post office proposal in the era of digital banking though.', ">>{BromanJenkins} : I doubt anyone wants to nationalize the banks in either of the major parties. It's an attractive idea if you are a tin pot dictator who needs an immediate cash supply or happens to run a government deeply indebted to the country's banks. Bank of America doesn't even make that much money (in comparison to the government), they pulled in a profit of $15 billion last year. That's larger than some small countries GDP, but not worth nationalizing the banking system. The large banks that we have today are already the fruit of the government choosing winners and losers. There are tons of companies like that and always will be. I think people look at things like Solyndra and see the government picking and choosing, but forget about the billions of dollars in grants, R&D contracts and tax incentives the government offers each year that are there to benefit a specific industry or even company.", '>>{tehretard23} : He said in a debate that he would not nationalize and would use the powers under dodd-frank to establish a size limit those companies assets can be. He will mandate they meet this requirement by a certain date and it is up to them to sell off assets to meet that requirement.', ">>{tehretard23} : It is my understanding that this would still be a federally run service for basic banking services as well. This would be like cashing check. This is to avoid predatory payday loan lenders for poorer individuals. This part of his plan might not be your cup of tea if you do not like federal programs. According to the USPS website tho, it was unable to compete with private banks since both were insured by the US gov't so they closed the banking system."], ['>>{emr1028} : Trump Chairman\'s Ex-Wife: Bannon Said "He Doesn\'t Like Jews"', '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : Shocking that a guy who hates blacks, muslims, hispanics, and women also doesnt like jews! Stunned. Im sure he can deny it though. Oh wait... http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/05/15/bill-kristol-republican-spoiler-renegade-jew/', ">>{Seriousgyro} : So... any guesses as to when this guy 'resigns' because 'he's a distraction to the campaign' ?", ">>{Vesstair} : I honestly can't tell if you mean he would be the next Hitler or Himler.", ">>{because_im_boring} : I'm sure he doesn't like jews. But let's not pretend that exes are unbiased sources", ">>{blackontheinternets} : I just read that entire article because someone else posted the same thing. Did you read it? Nowhere in that article are Jews bashed, and the author himself is a Jew, and at the end of the article he talks about that and why he wrote it. But I'm seriously doubting the article was read. Find a better example of anti-semitism on there, there HAS to be if it's true.", ">>{Dirtybrd} : He's gonna have a lot of trouble talking to the guys who count Trump's money.", '>>{SandersCantWin} : His website is an unbiased source on who he hates. This just backs up the garbage that is routinely posted there.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Billy likes soda. Miss Lippy's car...is green.", ">>{Pylons} : > I am also an American (and an American first), whose country is threatened with destruction by the same enemies. To weaken the only party that stands between the Jews and their annihilation, and between America and the forces intent on destroying her, is a political miscalculation so great and a betrayal so profound as to not be easily forgiven. He's basically calling Bill Kristol a race traitor.", '>>{glowmoss} : Ben Shapiro and Breitbart. A fucking case study in anti-Semitism. The people who worked there knew the place best. inb4 "prove it." Quick Google search is all you need to see some of the disgusting shit they put Shapiro through, which continues to this day.', '>>{ethicsingamesjournal} : The irony here is that you think trolling like this is just pretending to be dumb.', '>>{MannequinFlyswatter} : Something Trump said something stupid? See you at the front page.', '>>{blackontheinternets} : So ...is he calling Bill Kristol antisemitic? LOL. Is any of what he wrote actually antisemitic? There has to be a better story on that site than this one to use as an example of Bannons "antisemitism." Even if we all know secretly he probably is.', ">>{Pylons} : Using anti-semitic canards like the self-hating Jew is still anti-semitic whether it's a jewish person or not using them.", '>>{duqit} : A little surprising the republicans are going from drinking Israeli kool aid to nazis. How deranged must you be to flip so non discriminately', '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : Hey sideburns, you want some of this milk?', '>>{because_im_boring} : Well now you have your proof, good for you', '>>{Eeeveee} : Everyone knows the best way to hate Jews is to unequivocally support Israel.', ">>{19djafoij02} : It's entirely possible to support Israel for Machiavellian reasons (they hate radical Muslims and are probably our most loyal ally) and be uneasy about Jews in the US (especially the liberal-progressive ones). Many of the most ultra Zionist politicians in the US are so for religious or imperialist reasons, not love of the Jewish people who actually live in the US.", '>>{DumpsterDon} : >Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew lol. Trumpbart is off the charts.', '>>{pizzatra} : What does ~~Ja Rule~~ Jonah Goldberg think?', ">>{ItchyThunder} : > So... any guesses as to when this guy 'resigns' because 'he's a distraction to the campaign' ? My guess would be over the weekend. It's like every day something terrible comes out about this guy in the news. He comes off as a real Nazi, hater and prick.", ">>{fredjonez} : I feel like this is easily explained. It's clear Breitbart panders to the alt-right who is hostile toward Jews to a degree, but I think there are two reasons they kind of support Israel. I say kind of since it isn't like the time when Andrew ran the site and just hated Blacks and Hispanics. They are married to the alt-right, and are basically a mouthpiece for it. Former employees who are very hostile to Democrats describe several of their staff as anti-semites and it's clear Bannon is as well. So why support Israel? One reason would be they hate Muslims more, and Israel is basically at war with what would be one the most radical Muslim regions in the Middle East. Another is an old white supremacist premise. They don't actually hate black people or Jews, they just want their homeland to be white and a home land for blacks (Africa) and one for Jews (Israel).", ">>{belisaurius} : In their minds, Israel isn't *Jewish* per se. It's about a combination of anti-Muslim sentiment and a desire for the ends times (which can only come about when the Jews control the Levant).", '>>{SFW_SHITBAG} : are you talking about Trump? I guess that means he hates his son in law, his grand daughter and his daughter huh?', '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : Yeah Hitler wasnt anti-semitic his girlfriend Eva Braun was jewish!', ">>{SFW_SHITBAG} : That's a stupid comparison. Also this article isn't about Trump even. You act like Trump was the one who said he hated Jews.. Try reading the title even.", ">>{brokenbyall} : It's yet another gordian knot of uneasy Republican alliances that the Trump campaign has recklessly cut through. The US has supported Israel for the same reason it supports Saudi Arabia, and you can thank the Reagan Administration for both. It's one big circle jerk of ignored brutality, which American fundamentalist Christians only went along with so that they could fluff up Jesus' pillows in Jerusalem for when he comes back. Sounds kind of insane now, doesn't it?", '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : okay he just RTd a star of david with cash behind it said he wanted little hairy guys with yarmulkes counting his money and hired a guy who said that about jews. My bad.', ">>{Diegobyte} : Hillary can literally just sit there and read headlines for 20 minutes. And that's what shes doing!", '>>{SFW_SHITBAG} : I don\'t think he implied Hillary was owned by Jews or anything with that tweet, everybody is always looking for something to be offended by. And then he made a joke.. Wow horrible. If he says something like "Jews are evil" or some Shit like that sure I would be more upset. But he really hasn\'t said anything that bad, he has no filter and says some stupid shit but I don\'t think he has bad intentions behind it.', ">>{latinolizards4trump} : But what does his Chairman's ex-wife's cousin's sister in-law think about this?", '>>{moforiot} : Jews in America own the Dems, Jews in Israel own the Republicans. Not liking that makes you a bad person.', '>>{MrShmoopy} : Ex wives usually talk so highly of their former husbands. This is shocking.', ">>{TheSilverNoble} : He has no filter... So he says what he's really thinking?", ">>{snidelaughter} : You can hate more than one group at a time. It's fully possible that Bannon is an anti-Semite who just happens to loathe Palestinians more.", ">>{mathiastodd21} : I don't know what it is about some republicans but they are fun to watch talk. Some of them are like anime characters come to life.", ">>{Maggie_A} : Then I wonder how he likes working with a pair of them.........one of them being a woman and a Jew? Because Ivanka and her husband are prominent in Trump's campaign and they're both Jewish."]]
classify and reply
['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Peter Thiel, Trump’s Tech Pal, Explains Himself', ">>{Atomix117} : What is a chuck? EDIT: They edited their comment, it originally said this: >Personally I love Russian and you're all a bunch of chucks.", '>>{dy0nisus} : Peter Thiel is so greasy that he was probably the real reason for the BP oil spill.', ">>{definitelynotbeardo} : [Yeah, that's greasy.](https://youtu.be/S7FsAgPuVwU)", '>>{werewolvesoflondon} : Peter Thiel is one of those people that I would believe literally anything about. You could say "He eats a diet of only golden retriever puppies," and I would say "yeah, sounds right."', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : He's just a robotic contrarian. Which oddly enough, makes him a Trump fan. Maybe he should examine that a bit closer.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Wait, why? Ukraine is an "important U.S. ally?" When did this happen? It\'s no wonder we\'re having conflict with Russia. Imagine if they decided Cuba was an "important Russian ally" and put weapons that threaten us there. We backed a coup in Ukraine against a Russian allied government. Russia responded to that coup by seizing Crimea and fomenting civil war in the rump state that remains. We appear to have two options. Make a deal with Russia to recognize their annexation and end the civil war or pay so the rump state government we\'re backing doesn\'t lose the civil war. We can\'t push too hard on Russia\'s border. Nobody wants Kiev turned into a smoldering nuclear wasteland.', '>>{qpzmwxom} : We will never recognize their annexation of Crimea. More sanctions and an increased Military presence in eastern Europe is our ONLY option. Permanent bases in the Baltic states and Poland should also be considered.', ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : >Mr. Thiel says: “On the one hand, the tape was clearly offensive and inappropriate. At the same time, I worry there’s a part of Silicon Valley that is hyper-politically correct about sex. One of my friends has a theory that the rest of the country tolerates Silicon Valley because people there just don’t have that much sex. They’re not having that much fun.” He literally confessed on camera to committing sexual assault multiple times. Sexual assault, Peter. Not sex. Not fun. Not politically correctness. It's sexual assault. Jesus fucking christ, what the fucking fuck is wrong with you?!", ">>{lower_echelon_peon} : >Jesus fucking christ, what the fucking fuck is wrong with you?! A lot... he's an asshole, but because he is a rich asshole he gets to pontificate and has a platform his unrealistic ideas. Stark contrast between Thiel and his PayPal co founder Elon Musk I wish America did not worship wealth and equate wealth with competence sound judgement", ">>{davidsakh} : Oh the site where the dead sandy hook kids are all actors? Nah, I'm not into cartoons.", '>>{Ninbyo} : Uh... I don\'t know if you\'re not familiar with history or making a joke. But they did decide Cuba was an "important Russian ally"... and put nuclear weapons there to threaten us...', ">>{Redpillamerica} : Here come the Trumpsters and Russian sock puppets, and it's impossible to distinguish between them. Hence the concern that Trump and the GOP have been coopted by an adversarial foreign nation.", '>>{d_mcc_x} : He wants us to move in to the sea on our own private sovereign islands.', ">>{pillsneedlespowders} : Not everybody is too terrified of the big scary Russians to do the right thing, fortunately. Russia lost the last cold war. It'll lose this one too, and this time, it'll be worse for them.", ">>{Redpillamerica} : Here come the Trumpsters and Russian sock puppets, and it's impossible to distinguish between them. Hence the concern that Trump and the GOP have been coopted by an adversarial foreign nation.", '>>{ubulgaria} : > We backed a coup in Ukraine against a Russian allied government. Russia responded to that coup by seizing Crimea and fomenting civil war in the rump state that remains. Citation please.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : And I\'m sure they\'re saying "we will never hand Crimea to the Americans!" It\'s comical to think that there\'s a military solution for either side. What are permanent bases and boots on the ground going to accomplish? War with Russia is the end of human civilization. We\'ve got sanctions and they\'ll bleed Ukraine (literally) as payback for them. Win/win?', '>>{goody_heggety} : Maybe Peter Thiel would like to explain why he wants to take away the votes of women and those on Social Security and Medicare, without lies this time. https://www.cato-unbound.org/2009/04/13/peter-thiel/education-libertarian', '>>{werewolvesoflondon} : Out on his oil rig/island he can eat humans for sustenance with impunity.', ">>{qpzmwxom} : If Russia wants to start a nuclear war over NATO bases in the Baltics, then let them....But in reality, the US could put a Military base in *Ukraine*, and Russia wouldn't do shit about it.", ">>{Smallmammal} : Ukraine kicked out it's corrupt president because of refusing the eu deal they were promised. The US didn't do that. It's right to self rule that caused that situation. They didn't want to become a Russian vassal state. But nah, keep repeating Putin's lies if it makes you feel less triggered.", '>>{lowenmeister} : He very well might be but much points to Trump being a rapist as well,they even share the same pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton might be a despicable man privately but he made a fine president,Trump is both a despicable man and a poor president. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-civil-case-witness-list-billionaire-paedophile-a7631891.html', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Oh, you caught that. Very perceptive! You know the history of Crimea too? A Tatar army from Crimea sacked Moscow during the 16th century. The Russians won it from the Ottomans in the 18th century, expelled the Tatars, and settled Russians there. Khrushchev transferred it to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine in the 50s but it has always been under the control of Russian military as its bloodless seizure proved. It's territory filled with Russian speaking ethnic Russians under the control of the Russian military. It's been that way for centuries. It's a key American interest to seize this territory from Russia for Ukraine? When did this get added to our key interests?", '>>{WantsToMineGold} : Infowars is under FBI investigation lol for Russian ties!', ">>{Ninbyo} : Guess what, Cuba's still there, putting the weapons there kept us from invading didn't it.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, I'd fit better in a left box. Simple things. Single payer health care. Our elected leaders should send their kids to our public schools. All income should be taxed the same and it should be a progressive graduated tax. Comically, the Democrats who claim to represent ordinary people support none of these. But bellicose stances with Russia and threats of WWIII over Crimea? Sure. Let's spend more on our military! That's got bipartisan support on the Hill. For what? A territory Russia won from the Ottoman's in the 1700s that's filled with ethnic Russians who speak Russian and controlled by the Russian military? That's a key national interest?", '>>{hydrogen_wv} : Honestly, the only person that really seems triggered here is you. I mean, this post evoked such an emotional response from you, that you made this ridiculous comment.', ">>{PostimusMaximus} : Putin doesn't have the balls (or the economy) to go to war with Nato. He acts tough, Russia bullies anyone it can get away with bullying, including his own people. Nukes will never be dropped. MAD has been a train of thought for long enough where people should realize that by now.", ">>{Ninbyo} : And as long as we're talking about history, maybe the Putin should give Russia back to the Czar Nicholas II's descendants? Since the communists stole the territory from him? Turkey should give Constantinople back to the Roman Empire.", '>>{JitGoinHam} : >Bill Clinton is a rapist, infowars.com There\'s no punctuation at the end of this statement. I assume it was going to continue "...just publicly apologized for lying about \'Pizzagate\' and nearly getting innocent pizzeria workers killed."? Or was it "...is currently under investigation by the FBI for colluding with Russia to undermine our elections."?', '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : Everytime some idiot says "theres no evidence Russia hacked us at all" I link this report. It\'s usually followed by "Oh you trust the IC" or "this is just government propaganda" it\'s fucking baffling.', '>>{qpzmwxom} : Our key national interest is making sure Europe is stable. We cannot have some dictator invading countries just because he wants to rebuild the USSR. So, yes containing Russia is one of our top foreign policy objectives.', '>>{livermush_bizkit} : we are just a more sneaky Russia. Everyone trying to act like we are some saints', ">>{Kenatius} : It's amazing the number of partisans who are willing to throw the United States to the Russian Wolves.", ">>{keenan11391} : This isn't the first comment to espouse this point of view. It has become an increasingly popular one. However, I don't know if you're really considering the implications of what you're saying. Nuclear war isn't something we can start and then be like no, actually, this is pretty shitty, let's reassess. If it starts, it means the end of human civilization on the planet earth. I understand the basic logic of the idea that we can do whatever we want and no one will start a nuclear war. The problem is that the consequences of being wrong about that are the greatest consequences we can currently imagine. I am not a gambling man, but that doesn't seem like a good bet in my eyes.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Terrified of the Russians? That's crazy. Pity is as good as it gets for me. I'm not especially worried about what's good or bad for Russia except for the fact that a desperate Russia would almost certainly be bad for us. I'm also not a fan of the noble intent narrative of foreign policy. Fantasies about our noble intent are hard to sustain in the face of our support for the misogynist pig butchers in Riyadh and their slaughter in Yemen, for instance. We act to further our interests just like everybody else.", '>>{qpzmwxom} : Russia would never start a nuclear war just because we put military bases in Eastern Europe....', '>>{keenan11391} : Hypothetically, imagine that our country is on the brink of being invaded by a foreign country, say Russia. Do you not think there could come a time when not attacking the other side with nuclear weapons would also mean destruction of our country? One could argue that it would be a long road to that day and planning for such an event is ludicrous. However, I think history shows us that sometimes events can be set into motion that then snowball out of control and the ability of one person or one country to stop them evaporates. We have to be careful of setting off that chain of events.', ">>{pinelands1901} : Russia knows we could clean their clock in a war, nuclear or conventional. That's why they'll never go that far.", '>>{orchid_breeder} : I know a bunch of Ukrainians, and at least of the people I knew, they were all on "orange" side of the rebellion. Where exactly do you draw the line?', ">>{pinelands1901} : Countries don't get to just run around snatching territory they want anymore. If the people of Crimea really wanted to join Russia, there are institutions in place to negotiate and oversee a peaceful transfer.", ">>{murder_club} : It's amazing how the Deep State is controlling the MSM and telling Trump haters exactly what they want to hear!! /s", '>>{OnepDoublem} : Ideologues (left and right) who are unfit to participate in our political system: "LEAVE RUSSIA ALONE. WE ARE BAD TOO!"', ">>{PostimusMaximus} : >Do you not think there could come a time when not attacking the other side with nuclear weapons would also mean destruction of our country? US or Russia would have to be actively invaded, ie boots on the ground invasion. That seems to be extremely unlikely to happen. There is no road where you win a Nuclear war as US vs Russia. We have too many nukes. Both sides are guaranteed to lose. And it would kill more than just both of us, vast majority of humanity would likely die off. So I don't think the US would ever pull the trigger, and I don't think Putin would. If the result of firing a nuke is you get nuked I don't know any scenario where someone would be stupid enough to do that. (Granted we came close during the cold war).", '>>{murder_club} : >R/redacted when you try to have a civil conversation about politics. Definitely not the best people over there. lol the absolutely madman knows how to lie to people on the internet. Sad! Bad (or sick) guy!!', '>>{Daddingly} : Comparing Russia to the US is like comparing Ebola to a dose of flu. Your false equivalencies go beyond dishonest - they are disrespectful.', '>>{OnepDoublem} : We are just as bad as Russia! [Long list of Kremlin talking points] Jackasses everywhere.', '>>{daehnomelI} : Comvrade savagejohn good american. Stong russia good for america, putin love america, never hurt america.', ">>{throwawaytheline} : Trump supporters only understand concepts if you compare them to Hillary, their ultimate benchmark for corruption, theft, murder, pedophilia, arson, and serial jaywalking. This needs to be a chart to compare made up claims about her against a literally murderous dictator (Putin), and still have her come out worse, if you want the people you're writing for to actually read and masturbate to it.", '>>{qpzmwxom} : Exactly. Russia could have tried to seize Crimea through diplomatic and lawful means, but instead they decided to invade and then annex parts of a sovereign nation....', ">>{table_fireplace} : So they call the report propaganda, and then eagerly read Trump's Tweets and articles from usaamericanpoliticsnews.ru.", '>>{punbasedname} : Man. What an absolute badass. So, so brave.', '>>{Whiskeyonice} : Russia is a better ally right now than Saudi Arabia. Fuck Saudi Arabia.', '>>{VoltronV} : And list off the Iraq War and all of the CIAs shenanigans when they likely supported those things before or would have if they were an adult at the time.', ">>{pillsneedlespowders} : Yep, and right now, Russia is in the way. I'm fine with that.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : To be fair, 'Yats' is no longer the guy. Absent our backing the government in Kiev would be very short lived. Literally.", '>>{BrawndoTTM} : Crimea voted to join Russia by an overwhelming margin. Why do you hate democracy?', '>>{freshwordsalad} : Russia attacking civilians in Syria also increases the flood of refugees into Europe, which boosts the nationalist narrative that Russia wants. Russia is an agent of chaos.', ">>{freshwordsalad} : Bruh, that's just Deep State retaliation! ^^^/s", ">>{mickstep} : Russia has been upgrading their ICBM's while the US minutemen system still relies on 8 inch floppy disks. The submarine based Trident system has just suffered a controversial test failure in the UK calling into question it's reliability. I think with the current arsenal of delivery methods your confidence in the USA's ability to prevail in a nuclear war is misplaced.", ">>{Taxonomy2016} : Weird, the president said that too. Does that mean he's unfit to participate in our political system? (SPOILER: Obviously, yes, he *is* unfit.)", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : The Ukrainians are between a rock and a hard place. It's been that way my entire life. When did changing that become a key interest for us? I'm not sure what lies I'm repeating. I could use language more obsequious to the narratives of our media or Russia's propaganda machine. But why not call a spade a spade? We've long wanted to flip Ukraine and have invested in that goal. Russia's response of seizing Crimea and funneling weapons to ethnic Russians in the east has countered our success at a price. What should we do from here and why? The bullshit about how we're only interested in helping the Ukrainian people fully realize their sovereign national aspirations is great for the empty suits on the Hill and at the UN. It's a raft of shit as our support for loathsome regimes and brutal oppression shows. Putin played his hand well against Obama. The facts on the ground in Syria and Ukraine are evidence of that fact. He's certainly capable of evil and has left a trail of blood. Worse than Dubya? I don't know, the numbers in Iraq are pretty damning. Regardless, I wouldn't want to repeat his lies - which one is bugging you.", '>>{Taxonomy2016} : Some "election": illegally invade Ukraine, kill and chase away all the Ukrainians, and then ask all the Russians who are left if they want to be part of Russia.', ">>{Taxonomy2016} : We're not talking about centuries, we're talking about the fact that Crimea was Ukrainian territory just three years ago, and Russia took it by military force.", '>>{penceinyapants} : A guy who supports our fake president supports Russia, the people who hacked our election, what a big surprise.', ">>{mickstep} : Name the legal process for a people to secede from a country to another. It doesn't exist. Crimeans can protest, hold petitions, and the government of Ukraine can just tell them to shove it, and call then Russian spies, regardless of whether they are or not. Same with Catalonia, the Spanish government has made quite clear they don't give a shit what the catalonians want. You can point to Scotland, but that is British law, not international law, and if Britain decided to tell Scotland it changed it mind and Scotland has no right to secede, there is nothing any other country could, or would do about it.", ">>{Ninbyo} : 'Us', lol you're using Russian talking points, I don't think we're on the same side Comrade.", '>>{monjoe} : Saudi Arabia is awful and you can argue that they have targeted our economy several times. However, Russia has directly attacked our democracy, which I believe is much worse.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : He's picked his battles carefully. Ukraine is on his border and he can bleed them cheap. Syria was riskier but our fecklessness there invited a response. Nukes won't be dropped because cooler heads will prevail. We won't directly challenge the Russian military.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Yeah, we definitely shouldn't be saying fuck the EU and expanding NATO. That shit makes Europe less stable.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : It's been drawn for us. Why not let Russia keep Crimea and its people who overwhelmingly want to be part of Russia? Ukraine could get peace and lose the fifth column of Russians that have long elected Russian stooges. What's the downside?", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : I'm sure Russia would be happy to help with such a peaceful transfer. That appears to be their goal. Our (lack of) support for asking the people of Crimea what they want is indicative of the problem. They would vote to join Russia in a heartbeat. Why does Ukraine want that fifth column? It can't be about the people - it must be about the land. Why is this a key national interest for us again?", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : I like the red baiting /u/daehnomeli. The "comvrade" is a nice personal touch. Of course, nobody looks to Russia for progressive ideas. They had fucking serfs until 1861! It\'s how we choose to act that interests me. We are the dominant modern empire and it\'s our shortcomings for which we\'re accountable. "Liberals" embracing the "intelligence community" and reviving McCarthyist red baiting tactics? Yeah, look elsewhere for progressive ideas.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : In the way of what? I'd like to know that before deciding if I'm fine with it.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Meh, I wasn\'t until I was asked about history. Why jump into a thread in which history has been raised to whine about it? From what I recall Russia took Crimea by "military force" without firing a shot. It helped that the "Ukrainian" forces deserted en masse. Perhaps it\'s because Crimea is full of Russians? Regardless, we can\'t take it from Russia by military force. So what are we talking about?', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : I'm certainly not on the side of anybody who engages is McCarthyist red-baiting /u/Ninbyo. It's shameful when Americans stoop so low.", '>>{pillsneedlespowders} : Western stability. They could have worked with the west, or ignored it altogether, and nobody would have cared, but instead they decided to work against it.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : You reap what you sow. We bombed Libya and ousted their ally. We supported the revolution against their ally in Syria. We supported the revolution against their ally in Ukraine. We and our allies claim noble intent as if we\'re passive actors supporting the aspirations of people to be free. Russia and its allies claim noble intent as if they\'re passive actors who have done nothing to oppress and exploit people they rule. Regardless of where the "truth" falls on this spectrum, why does the opportunity to work together for peace have to be in the past tense? Why can\'t we work with them now?', '>>{pillsneedlespowders} : Fuck noble. Nobility is what you wrap yourself in when you need to justify yourself. We could work with them now, if they decided to play by our rules. Let me know when that happens.', '>>{Taxonomy2016} : >From what I recall Russia took Crimea by "military force" without firing a shot. It helped that the "Ukrainian" forces deserted en masse. Perhaps it\'s because Crimea is full of Russians? And what of the nearly 10 000 people killed in the Donbass War? That may not be Crimea, but it\'s also not an independent conflict, and the Russians are absolutely present and fighting on Ukrainian territory there. Why did Russian troops cross their border into a sovereign state? If Crimea and Donbass are so interested in being Russian jurisdictions, then surely they could have seceded peacefully and conducted an internationally recognized referendum. Instead, the rebels attacked their Ukrainian brothers, immediately received military and logistical support from Putin, and then held a typically-rigged Russian election. That\'s **not** good-faith arrangement for a peaceful transfer of jurisdictions, that\'s a thinly-veiled conquest. > Regardless, we can\'t take it from Russia by military force. So what are we talking about? "Taking it" from Ukraine should never have happened. Russia deserves to eat sanctions until it agrees to respect its neighbours and the international community. Destabilizing and then conquering its own former vassal state in the modern age is unconscionable.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Good. Let's talk realpolitik. Of course, there are no rules. Only interests. What key interests do we have in Ukraine? What key interest does Russia have? How about Syria? Central Asia? What are we trying to accomplish?", ">>{pillsneedlespowders} : Monopoly, or more accurately a stronger and more stable position. For the precise moment, the main interest is punitive. If you fuck around with someones electoral process, the backlash can (and should) be severe. So, the goal should be to return the favour. Destabilise, isolate, and strangle Russia (as well as Russian interests) until they cave in and install someone friendlier. Then, build 'em up, like Germany after WWII. Prove that the West really does do it better.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : The Russians are going to keep bleeding Ukraine. It's cheap and effective. Why would they stop? What do we deserve for our destabilizing invasion of Iraq and the hundreds of thousands killed and millions devastated? Destabilizing and then conquering our own former vassal state in the modern age is unconscionable. In the real world where might makes right as we've demonstrated, what key interests are we pursuing in Ukraine? What are we willing to spend for them?", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Yeah, we fucked that up in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and Syria. That\'s what we get for listening to chickenhawk neocon warmongers. Stupid half cocked wars. We fuck around with other peoples\' "electoral process" all the time if disinformation and propaganda count. Of course we\'ll return the favor. How the fuck do you think Yeltsin achieved power in Russia? Why do we need to crush Russia? Wouldn\'t it be cheaper and less bloody to compromise and realize shared interests? What\'s up with the funny English spelling?', ">>{Taxonomy2016} : > The Russians are going to keep bleeding Ukraine. It's cheap and effective. Why would they stop? > What do we deserve for our destabilizing invasion of Iraq and the hundreds of thousands killed and millions devastated? Destabilizing and then conquering our own former vassal state in the modern age is unconscionable. I'm not interested in apologizing for nor defending American mistakes in the Middle East. None of what happened in Iraq reduces Russia's culpability for the illegally invading, conquering, and annexing a chunk of its sovereign neighbour. The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasing a conquering dictator. > In the real world where might makes right as we've demonstrated, what key interests are we pursuing in Ukraine? What are we willing to spend for them? I reject the premise of your argument; might does not make right, and the morality of geopolitics is not subjective. Putin has clearly demonstrated his contempt for peace and democratic principles, and the moral responsibility is ours. Putin's machinations must be addressed by those in a position to address them.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > I\'m not interested in apologizing for nor defending American mistakes in the Middle East. None of what happened in Iraq reduces Russia\'s culpability for the illegally invading, conquering, and annexing a chunk of its sovereign neighbour. The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasing a conquering dictator. But aren\'t we the "conquering dictator" in Iraq? If Putin paints some pictures of wounded Russian soldiers and does a media tour it will be OK? How are we going to pay for our culpability in illegally invading, conquering, and installing a friendly regime in Iraq? The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasement. > I reject the premise of your argument; might does not make right, and the morality of geopolitics is not subjective. Fair enough. When are we trying Dubya and his cronies for their war crimes? Execution by hanging or do you prefer firing squad? What about Obama and his girls at state (I include Kerry) and their covert war in Syria? You know they were involved in illegal arms smuggling from Libya. Hell, read Seymour Hersh and you might decide they\'re complicit in smuggling Sarin. Just life in prison for them? Remember, "morality in geopolitics is not subjective." > Putin has clearly demonstrated his contempt for peace and democratic principles, and the moral responsibility is ours. Putin\'s machinations must be addressed by those in a position to address them. And we can lay the table by holding our leaders accountable for their machinations that have demonstrated contempt for peace and democratic principles first. The moral responsibility is ours. We\'re the only ones in a position to address them. You can stick to your "I\'m not interested" shtick but it demolishes any moral authority with which you pretend to speak. If you want to have moral authority you need to be accountable for the immoral excesses of your own government first and foremost. Isn\'t that our most obvious "moral responsibility?"', '>>{Taxonomy2016} : Before we go any further, let me reiterate that I\'m not here to discuss the USA\'s culpability for Iraq. In that regard, I tend to agree with you that the USA and its leaders should be held accountable for their lethal, unethical mistakes. However, none of that excuses Russian conduct in Ukraine. One wrong still does not excuse another. > But aren\'t we the "conquering dictator" in Iraq? If Putin paints some pictures of wounded Russian soldiers and does a media tour it will be OK? How are we going to pay for our culpability in illegally invading, conquering, and installing a friendly regime in Iraq? The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasement. Iraq is a poor comparison to the situation in Ukraine anyway. At no point did the USA pretend it wasn\'t militarily involved in Iraq, nor did the USA ever hold a sham vote among the Iraqi people to decide upon annexation. Putin is guilty on both counts in Ukraine; if the Russian invasion is so much more ethical than Iraq, why all of Putin\'s denials and secrecy about Russia\'s involvement? > Fair enough. When are we trying Dubya and his cronies for their war crimes? Execution by hanging or do you prefer firing squad? What about Obama and his girls at state (I include Kerry) and their covert war in Syria? You know they were involved in illegal arms smuggling from Libya. Hell, read Seymour Hersh and you might decide they\'re complicit in smuggling Sarin. Just life in prison for them? > Remember, "morality in geopolitics is not subjective." I\'ve already said that I\'m not interested in apologizing for American screw-ups. None of your whataboutism changes Putin\'s responsibility for illegally invading Ukraine. > And we can lay the table by holding our leaders accountable for their machinations that have demonstrated contempt for peace and democratic principles first. The moral responsibility is ours. We\'re the only ones in a position to address them. > You can stick to your "I\'m not interested" shtick but it demolishes any moral authority with which you pretend to speak. If you want to have moral authority you need to be accountable for the immoral excesses of your own government first and foremost. Isn\'t that our most obvious "moral responsibility?" Your argument would hold a lot more water if it wasn\'t pure deflection away from the topic at hand, which is Russia\'s illegal invasion, occupation, and illegitimate annexation of Ukrainian territory since 2014. Putin has no high ground in this matter, and nothing the USA has done changes that.', '>>{cocaincookiemonster} : lol you mad bro? You see, a wee bit triggered.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > One wrong still does not excuse another. Of course not. However, how we hold our leaders accountable should certainly be the model we apply to other nations. How have we held our leaders accountable? You can't sit in moral judgment of other nations while refusing to judge your own. Please. > I've already said that I'm not interested in apologizing for American screw-ups. None of your whataboutism changes Putin's responsibility for illegally invading Ukraine. And I've already said that if you refuse to accept accountability for our screw ups and agree that severe consequences are deserved you have no moral standing to criticize Russia. So which is it? Are you going to engage on morality relative to both or neither? > Your argument would hold a lot more water if it wasn't pure deflection away from the topic at hand, which is Russia's illegal invasion, occupation, and illegitimate annexation of Ukrainian territory since 2014. Putin has no high ground in this matter, and nothing the USA has done changes that. To be fair, our illegal and ongoing invasion and occupation of Iraq started in 2003. It will take Russia more than a decade, hundreds of thousands more killed, and millions more devastated to reach the low ground we occupy. It's not that Russians have the high ground from where it's easy to criticize us. It's that we lack the high ground from where it's easy to criticize them. Because of our actions and what they imply about us. So let's not pretend that we hold some exceptional moral high ground. What's at stake in Ukraine for us and what's the best way to move forward given the facts on the ground? Can we leave the whining about how mean and nasty Putin is to the paid propagandists in our media?", '>>{cocaincookiemonster} : Bill Clinton is a rapist, and you sir are a rape supporter. You would fit in great in an Islamic nation with the rest of your likeminded kind.', ">>{JitGoinHam} : Okay. I guess I'll assume you were going to bring up both the apology debunking Pizzagate and the looming FBI investigation. >You would fit in great in an Islamic nation with the rest of your likeminded kind. No, I'm a liberal. I think gay people should be able to live as they want and that women should have control over their own lives. Sharia law sounds more like a GOP paradise when you break it down.", '>>{Taxonomy2016} : > Of course not. However, how we hold our leaders accountable should certainly be the model we apply to other nations. How have we held our leaders accountable? > > You can\'t sit in moral judgment of other nations while refusing to judge your own. Please. You talk as though punishing the offenders of yesterday is the prerequisite for taking an ethical stand today. It is not. The USA\'s mistakes are unrelated to its obligation to meet its defense obligations to Europe and its ethical responsibility to Ukraine. > And I\'ve already said that if you refuse to accept accountability for our screw ups and agree that severe consequences are deserved you have no moral standing to criticize Russia. So which is it? Are you going to engage on morality relative to both or neither? You keep trying to change the subject from current Russian aggression to past American mistakes. As much as I might like to change the past, I have no power to do so; the Iraq War is long over and the troops are home, but Russia is still in Ukraine, still fighting, still lying about it, and still claiming that Crimea belongs to it. Don\'t make moral equivalences between apologizing for the past and preventing injustices in the future. >To be fair, our illegal and ongoing invasion and occupation of Iraq started in 2003. It will take Russia more than a decade, hundreds of thousands more killed, and millions more devastated to reach the low ground we occupy. It\'s not that Russians have the high ground from where it\'s easy to criticize us. It\'s that we lack the high ground from where it\'s easy to criticize them. Because of our actions and what they imply about us. And yet Russia sneaks around in the dark, pretending that its soldiers are on "vacation" in Ukraine, and pretending that it has no role in destabilizing that country. You call that the moral high ground? >So let\'s not pretend that we hold some exceptional moral high ground. What\'s at stake in Ukraine for us and what\'s the best way to move forward given the facts on the ground? Can we leave the whining about how mean and nasty Putin is to the paid propagandists in our media? Speaking of paid propagandists, how are you, u/_JohnTheSavage_? Your two-month old account, negative comment karma, and endless stream of Putin-apologism paints a vivid picture.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > You talk as though punishing the offenders of yesterday is the prerequisite for taking an ethical stand today. It is not. The USA\'s mistakes are unrelated to its obligation to meet its defense obligations to Europe and its ethical responsibility to Ukraine. We have no obligations to Ukraine. Given our repeated and ongoing ethical failures when it benefits our interests our "ethical responsibility" to Ukraine is a joke. It\'s about our interests and any claim to the contrary is demonstrably false based on our actions. > You keep trying to change the subject from current Russian aggression to past American mistakes. Past? We\'ve got troops and equipment throughout the Middle East. We\'ve got a quisling government we installed in Iraq. Our aggression is ongoing. I keep changing the subject from the sins of other\'s to our own and rightly so. Our crimes should be our first focus. > And yet Russia sneaks around in the dark, pretending that its soldiers are on "vacation" in Ukraine, and pretending that it has no role in destabilizing that country. You call that the moral high ground? Nope. Russia is playing PR games while clearly using force to advance its interests. Does it remind you of any other nation? Come on, I bet one comes to mind. > Speaking of paid propagandists, how are you? Your two-month old account, negative comment karma, and endless stream of Putin-apologism paints a vivid picture. Oh yeah, my principled opposition to censorship and war really puts me in league with Russian fascist nationalists. /s I do like how you\'ve pivoted from deflection to personal attacks with McCarthyist red baiting. It\'s sad when morally bankrupt redditors like u/Taxonomy2016 demonstrate that we\'re not exceptional and can\'t even learn from our own shameful history of fascism. It paints a vivid picture of our hypocrisy.', ">>{sorecunt2} : That shit is so full of pure propaganda its unbelievable, salwell or whatever his name is so full of shit its isn't even funny. This guy need to be removed from government", '>>{Taxonomy2016} : >We have no obligations to Ukraine. Given our repeated and ongoing ethical failures when it benefits our interests our "ethical responsibility" to Ukraine is a joke. It\'s about our interests and any claim to the contrary is demonstrably false based on our actions. The USA has an obligation to Europe via NATO, and it also has an obligation to the stability of the entire world via the UN Security Council. Furthermore, since you (rightly) point out that the USA\'s hands are hardly clean, it\'s worth acknowledging that the obligation to protect Ukrainians from Russian aggression is not merely the USA\'s obligation, it\'s the whole world\'s obligation. Global peace depends on mutual respect for sovereignty, and Russia has demonstrated none; that is unacceptable. > Past? We\'ve got troops and equipment throughout the Middle East. We\'ve got a quisling government we installed in Iraq. Our aggression is ongoing. I keep changing the subject from the sins of other\'s to our own and rightly so. Our crimes should be our first focus. Despite its frequent misuse (which you have addressed), American and NATO interventionism remains one of the strongest forces for global stability. Putin\'s Russia is actively undermining global stability; yes, the USA has done the same, but that still doesn\'t make it any more acceptable for Russia to do it. Global stability depends on international cooperation against tyranny and lawlessness. >Nope. Russia is playing PR games while clearly using force to advance its interests. Does it remind you of any other nation? Come on, I bet one comes to mind. You still aren\'t acknowledging the Russian troops illegally occupying Ukrainian territory. If Americans in Iraq piss you off so much, why are you so comfortable with Russia invading Ukraine? > Oh yeah, my principled opposition to censorship and war really puts me in league with Russian fascist nationalists. /s You must be one of those "realpolitik pacifists"; you\'re fully critical of American intervention, and yet a total apologist for the same behaviour by Russians. You\'re a hypocrite. > I do like how you\'ve pivoted from deflection to personal attacks with McCarthyist red baiting. It\'s sad when morally bankrupt redditors like u/Taxonomy2016 demonstrate that we\'re not exceptional and can\'t even learn from our own shameful history of fascism. It paints a vivid picture of our hypocrisy. You say that I\'m deflecting, and yet you\'re continuously beating the drum of "What about USA in Iraq?" in a thread for an article about Russian aggression. You keep repeating Russian government talking points, and yet you try to paint me as irrational for suspecting you might be another Russian troll; I say that the shoe seems to fit you. The truth is that I don\'t give even the slightest fuck if you\'re a Russian troll or not; either way, you\'re someone sitting at a computer somewhere, apologizing for Putin invading Ukraine and asking why Americans should care. I respect you for your humanity--because I don\'t believe there\'s any fundamental difference between us--but I cannot respect your perspective. You oppose American action, and yet have totally failed to condemn Russians for the same behaviour. That\'s the rankest hypocrisy.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > The USA has an obligation to Europe via NATO, and it also has an obligation to the stability of the entire world via the UN Security Council. We have a mutual defense pact with many NATO nations. Our obligation to the stability of the entire world will be realized by waging war, imposing sanctions, smuggling weapons, murdering by drone with no respect for sovereignty, etc completely outside of the framework of the UN and the UNSC? > Furthermore, since you (rightly) point out that the USA\'s hands are hardly clean, it\'s worth acknowledging that the obligation to protect Ukrainians from Russian aggression is not merely the USA\'s obligation, it\'s the whole world\'s obligation. Perhaps we should protect Palestinians from Israeli aggression while we\'re at it? Fifty years of unbroken aggression this June! It\'s the world\'s obligation right? Who cares about the UNSC - sanctions or war until they comply? You can\'t bend on the "whole world\'s obligation." In the words of Richard Nixon, "that would be wrong." > Global peace depends on mutual respect for sovereignty, and Russia has demonstrated none; that is unacceptable. Russia seized Crimea. Let\'s not get on a high horse here as we bomb Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, and wherever the fuck we please. Global peace depends on mutual respect for sovereignty and compromise. What compromise would you consider with Russia in Ukraine? > Despite its frequent misuse (which you have addressed), American and NATO interventionism remains one of the strongest forces for global stability. Putin\'s Russia is actively undermining global stability; yes, the USA has done the same, but that still doesn\'t make it any more acceptable for Russia to do it. Global stability depends on international cooperation against tyranny and lawlessness. We\'ve had boots on the ground since 2003 trying to impose our vision of "stability" in Iraq. It hasn\'t been going well. Maybe we should GTFO and let them find a "stability" that works? > You still aren\'t acknowledging the Russian troops illegally occupying Ukrainian territory. If Americans in Iraq piss you off so much, why are you so comfortable with Russia invading Ukraine? Who could argue that Russian troops had not illegally seized Crimea? To be fair, many were "Ukrainian" troops who deserted en masse. I\'m not arguing the facts of the situation. I\'m interested in how it can be resolved. What compromise would you consider to realize peace? > You must be one of those "realpolitik pacifists"; I think anything but realpolitik is naive. More eloquently: > But it is important to recognize that profession of noble intent is predictable, and therefore carries no information, even in the technical sense of the term. Those who are seriously interested in understanding the world will adopt the same standards whether they are evaluating their own political and intellectual elites or those of official enemies. One might fairly ask how much would survive this elementary exercise of rationality and honesty. > - Noam Chomsky *Hegemony or Survival* > you\'re fully critical of American intervention, and yet a total apologist for the same behaviour by Russians. You\'re a hypocrite. I haven\'t apologized for shit. I\'ve merely replied to your indictment of Russia\'s actions with parallel indictments of our own. Perhaps I\'ve got it wrong given your English spelling? I fully condemn both our flaunting of international law and Russia\'s. That and fifty cents will get you a bag of chips. So much for your hysterical accusation of hypocrisy. > You say that I\'m deflecting, and yet you\'re continuously beating the drum of "What about USA in Iraq?" in a thread for an article about Russian aggression. Yes. In a thread about Russian aggression on an American political subreddit. You don\'t think American aggression is relevant in that context? > You keep repeating Russian government talking points, and yet you try to paint me as irrational for suspecting you might be another Russian troll; No. I\'m posting rebuttals to your comments that assume noble intent that I find naive. I called you a red baiting McCarthyist fascist. Because you are. > I say that the shoe seems to fit you. Yup. Red baiting McCarthyist fascist again. > The truth is that I don\'t give even the slightest fuck if you\'re a Russian troll or not; And yet you chose to post red baiting McCarthyist slurs. It seems you care. To be clear: I\'m not Russian, I\'ve never been to Russia, I don\'t speak Russian, etc. Please let me know what else I can disavow about Russia and Russians. I do find the whole squatting in Adidas track suits hilarious. They look fucking ridiculous. Frankly, when I lived in NYC and hung out in Greenpoint I couldn\'t tell the Ukrainians from the Russians. They all sound the same to me. > either way, you\'re someone sitting at a computer somewhere, apologizing for Putin invading Ukraine and asking why Americans should care. Again, I\'m not apologizing for shit. I am asking why Americans should care. What\'s our angle? What do we get if we do push Russia out of Crimea? What can we get from Russia if we recognize their annexation? Realpolitik. > I respect you for your humanity--because I don\'t believe there\'s any fundamental difference between us--but I cannot respect your perspective. You oppose American action, and yet have totally failed to condemn Russians for the same behaviour. That\'s the rankest hypocrisy. I could be talked into American action. Frankly, Crimea is a very hard sell. We would be incredibly stupid to challenge Russia militarily on its border. It seems like a negotiated solution with them is the only way forward. How is that the "rankest hypocrisy?"', '>>{daehnomelI} : Regressive repugnicans embracing treason, hell if It was good enough for Nixon, and Reagan (twice), then its sure good enough for benedict donald.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah. The regressive Republicans have embraced racism, misogyny and xenophobia. It's delusional Democrats who have embraced the fantasy that Trump is a traitor for Russia. If we weren't such fucking sheep we'd ignore all that bullshit and focus on what's most important for ordinary people. Single payer health care now. Don't worry, it won't get any meaningful support from the corporate sponsored douchebags on the Hill. That's precisely what they're committed to opposing.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : By that measure most of the clowns in our government would be in the shit. The Beltway is awash in foreign funds. Hell, I'm all for it. Let's do it right and investigate any foreign contact of anybody associated with any campaign. You know our secret police have hoovered it all up! Burn the whole cesspit down!", ">>{daehnomelI} : I don't get it. You are for universal healthcare, but you don't care that the underpinnings of democracy are being destroyed? The ship is sinking, but hey, lets get it pointed in the right direction.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, I don\'t believe the hysteria about Russia. It\'s asinine. The threat our secret police pose to the underpinnings of our democracy? That\'s some scary shit. Just ask Chuck Schumer: > Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. Of course, the paid propagandists in our media don\'t ask the obvious question. Shouldn\'t we all be concerned that our elected "leaders" live in fear of our intelligence community? My take? The ship has sunk. This Trump is a traitor for Russia bullshit is how our secret police are getting back at Trump and trying to get a purchase on his short hairs. They\'ve already got a firm grip on all the career politicians as Schumer\'s comment betrays.', '>>{daehnomelI} : you lost me at "state sponsored/corporate backed treason against the U.S is asinine." Then you lost me more with your "deep state" comments. If the U.S. IC is so strong then how did they let Trump, of all people, win?', '>>{daehnomelI} : [and, finally, this](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/62dtlw/russian_hired_1000_people_to_create_anticlinton/dflqezp/)', '>>{daehnomelI} : [read this for the real account of the russian sponsored, big money backed, disinformation campaign.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/62dtlw/russian_hired_1000_people_to_create_anticlinton/dflqyxh/)', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : The Democrats idiotic decision to run Hillary Clinton helped. She's got about as much charisma as Comey and Clapper. They've moved to the backup plan to publicly smear him as a traitor for Russia. It's sad watching Democrats desperate to explain their humiliating defeat embrace that secret police bullshit. Sad but predictable. We're easy to divide and rule.", ">>{daehnomelI} : No one is talking about hilary, we certainly weren't. What say you to my posts in reference to your denail of Trumps treason?", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : You raised Trump's recent election win. Do you recall his opponent Hillary Clinton? Do you see how your question about why Trump won relates to who his opponent was? Please let me know if you need some help with this. I couldn't really handle the links to other comment threads. I didn't sign up for all that buddy. I'd be happy to see evidence that Trump's a traitor for Russia. Of course, eight months of surveillance has produced nothing. Good luck with that pipe dream. > There's no little campfire, there's no little candle, there's no spark. And there's a lot of people looking for it. > - Michael Morell, Former Acting CIA Director and Clinton supporter"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Atomix117} : What is a chuck? EDIT: They edited their comment, it originally said this: >Personally I love Russian and you're all a bunch of chucks.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Wait, why? Ukraine is an "important U.S. ally?" When did this happen? It\'s no wonder we\'re having conflict with Russia. Imagine if they decided Cuba was an "important Russian ally" and put weapons that threaten us there. We backed a coup in Ukraine against a Russian allied government. Russia responded to that coup by seizing Crimea and fomenting civil war in the rump state that remains. We appear to have two options. Make a deal with Russia to recognize their annexation and end the civil war or pay so the rump state government we\'re backing doesn\'t lose the civil war. We can\'t push too hard on Russia\'s border. Nobody wants Kiev turned into a smoldering nuclear wasteland.', '>>{qpzmwxom} : We will never recognize their annexation of Crimea. More sanctions and an increased Military presence in eastern Europe is our ONLY option. Permanent bases in the Baltic states and Poland should also be considered.', ">>{davidsakh} : Oh the site where the dead sandy hook kids are all actors? Nah, I'm not into cartoons.", '>>{Ninbyo} : Uh... I don\'t know if you\'re not familiar with history or making a joke. But they did decide Cuba was an "important Russian ally"... and put nuclear weapons there to threaten us...', ">>{Redpillamerica} : Here come the Trumpsters and Russian sock puppets, and it's impossible to distinguish between them. Hence the concern that Trump and the GOP have been coopted by an adversarial foreign nation.", ">>{pillsneedlespowders} : Not everybody is too terrified of the big scary Russians to do the right thing, fortunately. Russia lost the last cold war. It'll lose this one too, and this time, it'll be worse for them.", ">>{Redpillamerica} : Here come the Trumpsters and Russian sock puppets, and it's impossible to distinguish between them. Hence the concern that Trump and the GOP have been coopted by an adversarial foreign nation.", '>>{ubulgaria} : > We backed a coup in Ukraine against a Russian allied government. Russia responded to that coup by seizing Crimea and fomenting civil war in the rump state that remains. Citation please.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : And I\'m sure they\'re saying "we will never hand Crimea to the Americans!" It\'s comical to think that there\'s a military solution for either side. What are permanent bases and boots on the ground going to accomplish? War with Russia is the end of human civilization. We\'ve got sanctions and they\'ll bleed Ukraine (literally) as payback for them. Win/win?', ">>{qpzmwxom} : If Russia wants to start a nuclear war over NATO bases in the Baltics, then let them....But in reality, the US could put a Military base in *Ukraine*, and Russia wouldn't do shit about it.", ">>{Smallmammal} : Ukraine kicked out it's corrupt president because of refusing the eu deal they were promised. The US didn't do that. It's right to self rule that caused that situation. They didn't want to become a Russian vassal state. But nah, keep repeating Putin's lies if it makes you feel less triggered.", '>>{lowenmeister} : He very well might be but much points to Trump being a rapist as well,they even share the same pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton might be a despicable man privately but he made a fine president,Trump is both a despicable man and a poor president. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-civil-case-witness-list-billionaire-paedophile-a7631891.html', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Oh, you caught that. Very perceptive! You know the history of Crimea too? A Tatar army from Crimea sacked Moscow during the 16th century. The Russians won it from the Ottomans in the 18th century, expelled the Tatars, and settled Russians there. Khrushchev transferred it to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine in the 50s but it has always been under the control of Russian military as its bloodless seizure proved. It's territory filled with Russian speaking ethnic Russians under the control of the Russian military. It's been that way for centuries. It's a key American interest to seize this territory from Russia for Ukraine? When did this get added to our key interests?", '>>{WantsToMineGold} : Infowars is under FBI investigation lol for Russian ties!', ">>{Ninbyo} : Guess what, Cuba's still there, putting the weapons there kept us from invading didn't it.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, I'd fit better in a left box. Simple things. Single payer health care. Our elected leaders should send their kids to our public schools. All income should be taxed the same and it should be a progressive graduated tax. Comically, the Democrats who claim to represent ordinary people support none of these. But bellicose stances with Russia and threats of WWIII over Crimea? Sure. Let's spend more on our military! That's got bipartisan support on the Hill. For what? A territory Russia won from the Ottoman's in the 1700s that's filled with ethnic Russians who speak Russian and controlled by the Russian military? That's a key national interest?", '>>{hydrogen_wv} : Honestly, the only person that really seems triggered here is you. I mean, this post evoked such an emotional response from you, that you made this ridiculous comment.', ">>{PostimusMaximus} : Putin doesn't have the balls (or the economy) to go to war with Nato. He acts tough, Russia bullies anyone it can get away with bullying, including his own people. Nukes will never be dropped. MAD has been a train of thought for long enough where people should realize that by now.", ">>{Ninbyo} : And as long as we're talking about history, maybe the Putin should give Russia back to the Czar Nicholas II's descendants? Since the communists stole the territory from him? Turkey should give Constantinople back to the Roman Empire.", '>>{JitGoinHam} : >Bill Clinton is a rapist, infowars.com There\'s no punctuation at the end of this statement. I assume it was going to continue "...just publicly apologized for lying about \'Pizzagate\' and nearly getting innocent pizzeria workers killed."? Or was it "...is currently under investigation by the FBI for colluding with Russia to undermine our elections."?', '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : Everytime some idiot says "theres no evidence Russia hacked us at all" I link this report. It\'s usually followed by "Oh you trust the IC" or "this is just government propaganda" it\'s fucking baffling.', '>>{qpzmwxom} : Our key national interest is making sure Europe is stable. We cannot have some dictator invading countries just because he wants to rebuild the USSR. So, yes containing Russia is one of our top foreign policy objectives.', '>>{livermush_bizkit} : we are just a more sneaky Russia. Everyone trying to act like we are some saints', ">>{Kenatius} : It's amazing the number of partisans who are willing to throw the United States to the Russian Wolves.", ">>{keenan11391} : This isn't the first comment to espouse this point of view. It has become an increasingly popular one. However, I don't know if you're really considering the implications of what you're saying. Nuclear war isn't something we can start and then be like no, actually, this is pretty shitty, let's reassess. If it starts, it means the end of human civilization on the planet earth. I understand the basic logic of the idea that we can do whatever we want and no one will start a nuclear war. The problem is that the consequences of being wrong about that are the greatest consequences we can currently imagine. I am not a gambling man, but that doesn't seem like a good bet in my eyes.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Terrified of the Russians? That's crazy. Pity is as good as it gets for me. I'm not especially worried about what's good or bad for Russia except for the fact that a desperate Russia would almost certainly be bad for us. I'm also not a fan of the noble intent narrative of foreign policy. Fantasies about our noble intent are hard to sustain in the face of our support for the misogynist pig butchers in Riyadh and their slaughter in Yemen, for instance. We act to further our interests just like everybody else.", '>>{qpzmwxom} : Russia would never start a nuclear war just because we put military bases in Eastern Europe....', '>>{keenan11391} : Hypothetically, imagine that our country is on the brink of being invaded by a foreign country, say Russia. Do you not think there could come a time when not attacking the other side with nuclear weapons would also mean destruction of our country? One could argue that it would be a long road to that day and planning for such an event is ludicrous. However, I think history shows us that sometimes events can be set into motion that then snowball out of control and the ability of one person or one country to stop them evaporates. We have to be careful of setting off that chain of events.', ">>{pinelands1901} : Russia knows we could clean their clock in a war, nuclear or conventional. That's why they'll never go that far.", '>>{orchid_breeder} : I know a bunch of Ukrainians, and at least of the people I knew, they were all on "orange" side of the rebellion. Where exactly do you draw the line?', ">>{pinelands1901} : Countries don't get to just run around snatching territory they want anymore. If the people of Crimea really wanted to join Russia, there are institutions in place to negotiate and oversee a peaceful transfer.", ">>{murder_club} : It's amazing how the Deep State is controlling the MSM and telling Trump haters exactly what they want to hear!! /s", '>>{OnepDoublem} : Ideologues (left and right) who are unfit to participate in our political system: "LEAVE RUSSIA ALONE. WE ARE BAD TOO!"', ">>{PostimusMaximus} : >Do you not think there could come a time when not attacking the other side with nuclear weapons would also mean destruction of our country? US or Russia would have to be actively invaded, ie boots on the ground invasion. That seems to be extremely unlikely to happen. There is no road where you win a Nuclear war as US vs Russia. We have too many nukes. Both sides are guaranteed to lose. And it would kill more than just both of us, vast majority of humanity would likely die off. So I don't think the US would ever pull the trigger, and I don't think Putin would. If the result of firing a nuke is you get nuked I don't know any scenario where someone would be stupid enough to do that. (Granted we came close during the cold war).", '>>{murder_club} : >R/redacted when you try to have a civil conversation about politics. Definitely not the best people over there. lol the absolutely madman knows how to lie to people on the internet. Sad! Bad (or sick) guy!!', '>>{Daddingly} : Comparing Russia to the US is like comparing Ebola to a dose of flu. Your false equivalencies go beyond dishonest - they are disrespectful.', '>>{OnepDoublem} : We are just as bad as Russia! [Long list of Kremlin talking points] Jackasses everywhere.', '>>{daehnomelI} : Comvrade savagejohn good american. Stong russia good for america, putin love america, never hurt america.', ">>{throwawaytheline} : Trump supporters only understand concepts if you compare them to Hillary, their ultimate benchmark for corruption, theft, murder, pedophilia, arson, and serial jaywalking. This needs to be a chart to compare made up claims about her against a literally murderous dictator (Putin), and still have her come out worse, if you want the people you're writing for to actually read and masturbate to it.", '>>{qpzmwxom} : Exactly. Russia could have tried to seize Crimea through diplomatic and lawful means, but instead they decided to invade and then annex parts of a sovereign nation....', ">>{table_fireplace} : So they call the report propaganda, and then eagerly read Trump's Tweets and articles from usaamericanpoliticsnews.ru.", '>>{punbasedname} : Man. What an absolute badass. So, so brave.', '>>{Whiskeyonice} : Russia is a better ally right now than Saudi Arabia. Fuck Saudi Arabia.', '>>{VoltronV} : And list off the Iraq War and all of the CIAs shenanigans when they likely supported those things before or would have if they were an adult at the time.', ">>{pillsneedlespowders} : Yep, and right now, Russia is in the way. I'm fine with that.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : To be fair, 'Yats' is no longer the guy. Absent our backing the government in Kiev would be very short lived. Literally.", '>>{BrawndoTTM} : Crimea voted to join Russia by an overwhelming margin. Why do you hate democracy?', '>>{freshwordsalad} : Russia attacking civilians in Syria also increases the flood of refugees into Europe, which boosts the nationalist narrative that Russia wants. Russia is an agent of chaos.', ">>{freshwordsalad} : Bruh, that's just Deep State retaliation! ^^^/s", ">>{mickstep} : Russia has been upgrading their ICBM's while the US minutemen system still relies on 8 inch floppy disks. The submarine based Trident system has just suffered a controversial test failure in the UK calling into question it's reliability. I think with the current arsenal of delivery methods your confidence in the USA's ability to prevail in a nuclear war is misplaced.", ">>{Taxonomy2016} : Weird, the president said that too. Does that mean he's unfit to participate in our political system? (SPOILER: Obviously, yes, he *is* unfit.)", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : The Ukrainians are between a rock and a hard place. It's been that way my entire life. When did changing that become a key interest for us? I'm not sure what lies I'm repeating. I could use language more obsequious to the narratives of our media or Russia's propaganda machine. But why not call a spade a spade? We've long wanted to flip Ukraine and have invested in that goal. Russia's response of seizing Crimea and funneling weapons to ethnic Russians in the east has countered our success at a price. What should we do from here and why? The bullshit about how we're only interested in helping the Ukrainian people fully realize their sovereign national aspirations is great for the empty suits on the Hill and at the UN. It's a raft of shit as our support for loathsome regimes and brutal oppression shows. Putin played his hand well against Obama. The facts on the ground in Syria and Ukraine are evidence of that fact. He's certainly capable of evil and has left a trail of blood. Worse than Dubya? I don't know, the numbers in Iraq are pretty damning. Regardless, I wouldn't want to repeat his lies - which one is bugging you.", '>>{Taxonomy2016} : Some "election": illegally invade Ukraine, kill and chase away all the Ukrainians, and then ask all the Russians who are left if they want to be part of Russia.', ">>{Taxonomy2016} : We're not talking about centuries, we're talking about the fact that Crimea was Ukrainian territory just three years ago, and Russia took it by military force.", '>>{penceinyapants} : A guy who supports our fake president supports Russia, the people who hacked our election, what a big surprise.', ">>{mickstep} : Name the legal process for a people to secede from a country to another. It doesn't exist. Crimeans can protest, hold petitions, and the government of Ukraine can just tell them to shove it, and call then Russian spies, regardless of whether they are or not. Same with Catalonia, the Spanish government has made quite clear they don't give a shit what the catalonians want. You can point to Scotland, but that is British law, not international law, and if Britain decided to tell Scotland it changed it mind and Scotland has no right to secede, there is nothing any other country could, or would do about it.", ">>{Ninbyo} : 'Us', lol you're using Russian talking points, I don't think we're on the same side Comrade.", '>>{monjoe} : Saudi Arabia is awful and you can argue that they have targeted our economy several times. However, Russia has directly attacked our democracy, which I believe is much worse.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : He's picked his battles carefully. Ukraine is on his border and he can bleed them cheap. Syria was riskier but our fecklessness there invited a response. Nukes won't be dropped because cooler heads will prevail. We won't directly challenge the Russian military.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Yeah, we definitely shouldn't be saying fuck the EU and expanding NATO. That shit makes Europe less stable.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : It's been drawn for us. Why not let Russia keep Crimea and its people who overwhelmingly want to be part of Russia? Ukraine could get peace and lose the fifth column of Russians that have long elected Russian stooges. What's the downside?", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : I'm sure Russia would be happy to help with such a peaceful transfer. That appears to be their goal. Our (lack of) support for asking the people of Crimea what they want is indicative of the problem. They would vote to join Russia in a heartbeat. Why does Ukraine want that fifth column? It can't be about the people - it must be about the land. Why is this a key national interest for us again?", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : I like the red baiting /u/daehnomeli. The "comvrade" is a nice personal touch. Of course, nobody looks to Russia for progressive ideas. They had fucking serfs until 1861! It\'s how we choose to act that interests me. We are the dominant modern empire and it\'s our shortcomings for which we\'re accountable. "Liberals" embracing the "intelligence community" and reviving McCarthyist red baiting tactics? Yeah, look elsewhere for progressive ideas.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : In the way of what? I'd like to know that before deciding if I'm fine with it.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Meh, I wasn\'t until I was asked about history. Why jump into a thread in which history has been raised to whine about it? From what I recall Russia took Crimea by "military force" without firing a shot. It helped that the "Ukrainian" forces deserted en masse. Perhaps it\'s because Crimea is full of Russians? Regardless, we can\'t take it from Russia by military force. So what are we talking about?', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : I'm certainly not on the side of anybody who engages is McCarthyist red-baiting /u/Ninbyo. It's shameful when Americans stoop so low.", '>>{pillsneedlespowders} : Western stability. They could have worked with the west, or ignored it altogether, and nobody would have cared, but instead they decided to work against it.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : You reap what you sow. We bombed Libya and ousted their ally. We supported the revolution against their ally in Syria. We supported the revolution against their ally in Ukraine. We and our allies claim noble intent as if we\'re passive actors supporting the aspirations of people to be free. Russia and its allies claim noble intent as if they\'re passive actors who have done nothing to oppress and exploit people they rule. Regardless of where the "truth" falls on this spectrum, why does the opportunity to work together for peace have to be in the past tense? Why can\'t we work with them now?', '>>{pillsneedlespowders} : Fuck noble. Nobility is what you wrap yourself in when you need to justify yourself. We could work with them now, if they decided to play by our rules. Let me know when that happens.', '>>{Taxonomy2016} : >From what I recall Russia took Crimea by "military force" without firing a shot. It helped that the "Ukrainian" forces deserted en masse. Perhaps it\'s because Crimea is full of Russians? And what of the nearly 10 000 people killed in the Donbass War? That may not be Crimea, but it\'s also not an independent conflict, and the Russians are absolutely present and fighting on Ukrainian territory there. Why did Russian troops cross their border into a sovereign state? If Crimea and Donbass are so interested in being Russian jurisdictions, then surely they could have seceded peacefully and conducted an internationally recognized referendum. Instead, the rebels attacked their Ukrainian brothers, immediately received military and logistical support from Putin, and then held a typically-rigged Russian election. That\'s **not** good-faith arrangement for a peaceful transfer of jurisdictions, that\'s a thinly-veiled conquest. > Regardless, we can\'t take it from Russia by military force. So what are we talking about? "Taking it" from Ukraine should never have happened. Russia deserves to eat sanctions until it agrees to respect its neighbours and the international community. Destabilizing and then conquering its own former vassal state in the modern age is unconscionable.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Good. Let's talk realpolitik. Of course, there are no rules. Only interests. What key interests do we have in Ukraine? What key interest does Russia have? How about Syria? Central Asia? What are we trying to accomplish?", ">>{pillsneedlespowders} : Monopoly, or more accurately a stronger and more stable position. For the precise moment, the main interest is punitive. If you fuck around with someones electoral process, the backlash can (and should) be severe. So, the goal should be to return the favour. Destabilise, isolate, and strangle Russia (as well as Russian interests) until they cave in and install someone friendlier. Then, build 'em up, like Germany after WWII. Prove that the West really does do it better.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : The Russians are going to keep bleeding Ukraine. It's cheap and effective. Why would they stop? What do we deserve for our destabilizing invasion of Iraq and the hundreds of thousands killed and millions devastated? Destabilizing and then conquering our own former vassal state in the modern age is unconscionable. In the real world where might makes right as we've demonstrated, what key interests are we pursuing in Ukraine? What are we willing to spend for them?", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Yeah, we fucked that up in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and Syria. That\'s what we get for listening to chickenhawk neocon warmongers. Stupid half cocked wars. We fuck around with other peoples\' "electoral process" all the time if disinformation and propaganda count. Of course we\'ll return the favor. How the fuck do you think Yeltsin achieved power in Russia? Why do we need to crush Russia? Wouldn\'t it be cheaper and less bloody to compromise and realize shared interests? What\'s up with the funny English spelling?', ">>{Taxonomy2016} : > The Russians are going to keep bleeding Ukraine. It's cheap and effective. Why would they stop? > What do we deserve for our destabilizing invasion of Iraq and the hundreds of thousands killed and millions devastated? Destabilizing and then conquering our own former vassal state in the modern age is unconscionable. I'm not interested in apologizing for nor defending American mistakes in the Middle East. None of what happened in Iraq reduces Russia's culpability for the illegally invading, conquering, and annexing a chunk of its sovereign neighbour. The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasing a conquering dictator. > In the real world where might makes right as we've demonstrated, what key interests are we pursuing in Ukraine? What are we willing to spend for them? I reject the premise of your argument; might does not make right, and the morality of geopolitics is not subjective. Putin has clearly demonstrated his contempt for peace and democratic principles, and the moral responsibility is ours. Putin's machinations must be addressed by those in a position to address them.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > I\'m not interested in apologizing for nor defending American mistakes in the Middle East. None of what happened in Iraq reduces Russia\'s culpability for the illegally invading, conquering, and annexing a chunk of its sovereign neighbour. The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasing a conquering dictator. But aren\'t we the "conquering dictator" in Iraq? If Putin paints some pictures of wounded Russian soldiers and does a media tour it will be OK? How are we going to pay for our culpability in illegally invading, conquering, and installing a friendly regime in Iraq? The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasement. > I reject the premise of your argument; might does not make right, and the morality of geopolitics is not subjective. Fair enough. When are we trying Dubya and his cronies for their war crimes? Execution by hanging or do you prefer firing squad? What about Obama and his girls at state (I include Kerry) and their covert war in Syria? You know they were involved in illegal arms smuggling from Libya. Hell, read Seymour Hersh and you might decide they\'re complicit in smuggling Sarin. Just life in prison for them? Remember, "morality in geopolitics is not subjective." > Putin has clearly demonstrated his contempt for peace and democratic principles, and the moral responsibility is ours. Putin\'s machinations must be addressed by those in a position to address them. And we can lay the table by holding our leaders accountable for their machinations that have demonstrated contempt for peace and democratic principles first. The moral responsibility is ours. We\'re the only ones in a position to address them. You can stick to your "I\'m not interested" shtick but it demolishes any moral authority with which you pretend to speak. If you want to have moral authority you need to be accountable for the immoral excesses of your own government first and foremost. Isn\'t that our most obvious "moral responsibility?"', '>>{Taxonomy2016} : Before we go any further, let me reiterate that I\'m not here to discuss the USA\'s culpability for Iraq. In that regard, I tend to agree with you that the USA and its leaders should be held accountable for their lethal, unethical mistakes. However, none of that excuses Russian conduct in Ukraine. One wrong still does not excuse another. > But aren\'t we the "conquering dictator" in Iraq? If Putin paints some pictures of wounded Russian soldiers and does a media tour it will be OK? How are we going to pay for our culpability in illegally invading, conquering, and installing a friendly regime in Iraq? The world cannot fall into the habit of appeasement. Iraq is a poor comparison to the situation in Ukraine anyway. At no point did the USA pretend it wasn\'t militarily involved in Iraq, nor did the USA ever hold a sham vote among the Iraqi people to decide upon annexation. Putin is guilty on both counts in Ukraine; if the Russian invasion is so much more ethical than Iraq, why all of Putin\'s denials and secrecy about Russia\'s involvement? > Fair enough. When are we trying Dubya and his cronies for their war crimes? Execution by hanging or do you prefer firing squad? What about Obama and his girls at state (I include Kerry) and their covert war in Syria? You know they were involved in illegal arms smuggling from Libya. Hell, read Seymour Hersh and you might decide they\'re complicit in smuggling Sarin. Just life in prison for them? > Remember, "morality in geopolitics is not subjective." I\'ve already said that I\'m not interested in apologizing for American screw-ups. None of your whataboutism changes Putin\'s responsibility for illegally invading Ukraine. > And we can lay the table by holding our leaders accountable for their machinations that have demonstrated contempt for peace and democratic principles first. The moral responsibility is ours. We\'re the only ones in a position to address them. > You can stick to your "I\'m not interested" shtick but it demolishes any moral authority with which you pretend to speak. If you want to have moral authority you need to be accountable for the immoral excesses of your own government first and foremost. Isn\'t that our most obvious "moral responsibility?" Your argument would hold a lot more water if it wasn\'t pure deflection away from the topic at hand, which is Russia\'s illegal invasion, occupation, and illegitimate annexation of Ukrainian territory since 2014. Putin has no high ground in this matter, and nothing the USA has done changes that.', '>>{cocaincookiemonster} : lol you mad bro? You see, a wee bit triggered.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > One wrong still does not excuse another. Of course not. However, how we hold our leaders accountable should certainly be the model we apply to other nations. How have we held our leaders accountable? You can't sit in moral judgment of other nations while refusing to judge your own. Please. > I've already said that I'm not interested in apologizing for American screw-ups. None of your whataboutism changes Putin's responsibility for illegally invading Ukraine. And I've already said that if you refuse to accept accountability for our screw ups and agree that severe consequences are deserved you have no moral standing to criticize Russia. So which is it? Are you going to engage on morality relative to both or neither? > Your argument would hold a lot more water if it wasn't pure deflection away from the topic at hand, which is Russia's illegal invasion, occupation, and illegitimate annexation of Ukrainian territory since 2014. Putin has no high ground in this matter, and nothing the USA has done changes that. To be fair, our illegal and ongoing invasion and occupation of Iraq started in 2003. It will take Russia more than a decade, hundreds of thousands more killed, and millions more devastated to reach the low ground we occupy. It's not that Russians have the high ground from where it's easy to criticize us. It's that we lack the high ground from where it's easy to criticize them. Because of our actions and what they imply about us. So let's not pretend that we hold some exceptional moral high ground. What's at stake in Ukraine for us and what's the best way to move forward given the facts on the ground? Can we leave the whining about how mean and nasty Putin is to the paid propagandists in our media?", '>>{cocaincookiemonster} : Bill Clinton is a rapist, and you sir are a rape supporter. You would fit in great in an Islamic nation with the rest of your likeminded kind.', ">>{JitGoinHam} : Okay. I guess I'll assume you were going to bring up both the apology debunking Pizzagate and the looming FBI investigation. >You would fit in great in an Islamic nation with the rest of your likeminded kind. No, I'm a liberal. I think gay people should be able to live as they want and that women should have control over their own lives. Sharia law sounds more like a GOP paradise when you break it down.", '>>{Taxonomy2016} : > Of course not. However, how we hold our leaders accountable should certainly be the model we apply to other nations. How have we held our leaders accountable? > > You can\'t sit in moral judgment of other nations while refusing to judge your own. Please. You talk as though punishing the offenders of yesterday is the prerequisite for taking an ethical stand today. It is not. The USA\'s mistakes are unrelated to its obligation to meet its defense obligations to Europe and its ethical responsibility to Ukraine. > And I\'ve already said that if you refuse to accept accountability for our screw ups and agree that severe consequences are deserved you have no moral standing to criticize Russia. So which is it? Are you going to engage on morality relative to both or neither? You keep trying to change the subject from current Russian aggression to past American mistakes. As much as I might like to change the past, I have no power to do so; the Iraq War is long over and the troops are home, but Russia is still in Ukraine, still fighting, still lying about it, and still claiming that Crimea belongs to it. Don\'t make moral equivalences between apologizing for the past and preventing injustices in the future. >To be fair, our illegal and ongoing invasion and occupation of Iraq started in 2003. It will take Russia more than a decade, hundreds of thousands more killed, and millions more devastated to reach the low ground we occupy. It\'s not that Russians have the high ground from where it\'s easy to criticize us. It\'s that we lack the high ground from where it\'s easy to criticize them. Because of our actions and what they imply about us. And yet Russia sneaks around in the dark, pretending that its soldiers are on "vacation" in Ukraine, and pretending that it has no role in destabilizing that country. You call that the moral high ground? >So let\'s not pretend that we hold some exceptional moral high ground. What\'s at stake in Ukraine for us and what\'s the best way to move forward given the facts on the ground? Can we leave the whining about how mean and nasty Putin is to the paid propagandists in our media? Speaking of paid propagandists, how are you, u/_JohnTheSavage_? Your two-month old account, negative comment karma, and endless stream of Putin-apologism paints a vivid picture.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > You talk as though punishing the offenders of yesterday is the prerequisite for taking an ethical stand today. It is not. The USA\'s mistakes are unrelated to its obligation to meet its defense obligations to Europe and its ethical responsibility to Ukraine. We have no obligations to Ukraine. Given our repeated and ongoing ethical failures when it benefits our interests our "ethical responsibility" to Ukraine is a joke. It\'s about our interests and any claim to the contrary is demonstrably false based on our actions. > You keep trying to change the subject from current Russian aggression to past American mistakes. Past? We\'ve got troops and equipment throughout the Middle East. We\'ve got a quisling government we installed in Iraq. Our aggression is ongoing. I keep changing the subject from the sins of other\'s to our own and rightly so. Our crimes should be our first focus. > And yet Russia sneaks around in the dark, pretending that its soldiers are on "vacation" in Ukraine, and pretending that it has no role in destabilizing that country. You call that the moral high ground? Nope. Russia is playing PR games while clearly using force to advance its interests. Does it remind you of any other nation? Come on, I bet one comes to mind. > Speaking of paid propagandists, how are you? Your two-month old account, negative comment karma, and endless stream of Putin-apologism paints a vivid picture. Oh yeah, my principled opposition to censorship and war really puts me in league with Russian fascist nationalists. /s I do like how you\'ve pivoted from deflection to personal attacks with McCarthyist red baiting. It\'s sad when morally bankrupt redditors like u/Taxonomy2016 demonstrate that we\'re not exceptional and can\'t even learn from our own shameful history of fascism. It paints a vivid picture of our hypocrisy.', ">>{sorecunt2} : That shit is so full of pure propaganda its unbelievable, salwell or whatever his name is so full of shit its isn't even funny. This guy need to be removed from government", '>>{Taxonomy2016} : >We have no obligations to Ukraine. Given our repeated and ongoing ethical failures when it benefits our interests our "ethical responsibility" to Ukraine is a joke. It\'s about our interests and any claim to the contrary is demonstrably false based on our actions. The USA has an obligation to Europe via NATO, and it also has an obligation to the stability of the entire world via the UN Security Council. Furthermore, since you (rightly) point out that the USA\'s hands are hardly clean, it\'s worth acknowledging that the obligation to protect Ukrainians from Russian aggression is not merely the USA\'s obligation, it\'s the whole world\'s obligation. Global peace depends on mutual respect for sovereignty, and Russia has demonstrated none; that is unacceptable. > Past? We\'ve got troops and equipment throughout the Middle East. We\'ve got a quisling government we installed in Iraq. Our aggression is ongoing. I keep changing the subject from the sins of other\'s to our own and rightly so. Our crimes should be our first focus. Despite its frequent misuse (which you have addressed), American and NATO interventionism remains one of the strongest forces for global stability. Putin\'s Russia is actively undermining global stability; yes, the USA has done the same, but that still doesn\'t make it any more acceptable for Russia to do it. Global stability depends on international cooperation against tyranny and lawlessness. >Nope. Russia is playing PR games while clearly using force to advance its interests. Does it remind you of any other nation? Come on, I bet one comes to mind. You still aren\'t acknowledging the Russian troops illegally occupying Ukrainian territory. If Americans in Iraq piss you off so much, why are you so comfortable with Russia invading Ukraine? > Oh yeah, my principled opposition to censorship and war really puts me in league with Russian fascist nationalists. /s You must be one of those "realpolitik pacifists"; you\'re fully critical of American intervention, and yet a total apologist for the same behaviour by Russians. You\'re a hypocrite. > I do like how you\'ve pivoted from deflection to personal attacks with McCarthyist red baiting. It\'s sad when morally bankrupt redditors like u/Taxonomy2016 demonstrate that we\'re not exceptional and can\'t even learn from our own shameful history of fascism. It paints a vivid picture of our hypocrisy. You say that I\'m deflecting, and yet you\'re continuously beating the drum of "What about USA in Iraq?" in a thread for an article about Russian aggression. You keep repeating Russian government talking points, and yet you try to paint me as irrational for suspecting you might be another Russian troll; I say that the shoe seems to fit you. The truth is that I don\'t give even the slightest fuck if you\'re a Russian troll or not; either way, you\'re someone sitting at a computer somewhere, apologizing for Putin invading Ukraine and asking why Americans should care. I respect you for your humanity--because I don\'t believe there\'s any fundamental difference between us--but I cannot respect your perspective. You oppose American action, and yet have totally failed to condemn Russians for the same behaviour. That\'s the rankest hypocrisy.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > The USA has an obligation to Europe via NATO, and it also has an obligation to the stability of the entire world via the UN Security Council. We have a mutual defense pact with many NATO nations. Our obligation to the stability of the entire world will be realized by waging war, imposing sanctions, smuggling weapons, murdering by drone with no respect for sovereignty, etc completely outside of the framework of the UN and the UNSC? > Furthermore, since you (rightly) point out that the USA\'s hands are hardly clean, it\'s worth acknowledging that the obligation to protect Ukrainians from Russian aggression is not merely the USA\'s obligation, it\'s the whole world\'s obligation. Perhaps we should protect Palestinians from Israeli aggression while we\'re at it? Fifty years of unbroken aggression this June! It\'s the world\'s obligation right? Who cares about the UNSC - sanctions or war until they comply? You can\'t bend on the "whole world\'s obligation." In the words of Richard Nixon, "that would be wrong." > Global peace depends on mutual respect for sovereignty, and Russia has demonstrated none; that is unacceptable. Russia seized Crimea. Let\'s not get on a high horse here as we bomb Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, and wherever the fuck we please. Global peace depends on mutual respect for sovereignty and compromise. What compromise would you consider with Russia in Ukraine? > Despite its frequent misuse (which you have addressed), American and NATO interventionism remains one of the strongest forces for global stability. Putin\'s Russia is actively undermining global stability; yes, the USA has done the same, but that still doesn\'t make it any more acceptable for Russia to do it. Global stability depends on international cooperation against tyranny and lawlessness. We\'ve had boots on the ground since 2003 trying to impose our vision of "stability" in Iraq. It hasn\'t been going well. Maybe we should GTFO and let them find a "stability" that works? > You still aren\'t acknowledging the Russian troops illegally occupying Ukrainian territory. If Americans in Iraq piss you off so much, why are you so comfortable with Russia invading Ukraine? Who could argue that Russian troops had not illegally seized Crimea? To be fair, many were "Ukrainian" troops who deserted en masse. I\'m not arguing the facts of the situation. I\'m interested in how it can be resolved. What compromise would you consider to realize peace? > You must be one of those "realpolitik pacifists"; I think anything but realpolitik is naive. More eloquently: > But it is important to recognize that profession of noble intent is predictable, and therefore carries no information, even in the technical sense of the term. Those who are seriously interested in understanding the world will adopt the same standards whether they are evaluating their own political and intellectual elites or those of official enemies. One might fairly ask how much would survive this elementary exercise of rationality and honesty. > - Noam Chomsky *Hegemony or Survival* > you\'re fully critical of American intervention, and yet a total apologist for the same behaviour by Russians. You\'re a hypocrite. I haven\'t apologized for shit. I\'ve merely replied to your indictment of Russia\'s actions with parallel indictments of our own. Perhaps I\'ve got it wrong given your English spelling? I fully condemn both our flaunting of international law and Russia\'s. That and fifty cents will get you a bag of chips. So much for your hysterical accusation of hypocrisy. > You say that I\'m deflecting, and yet you\'re continuously beating the drum of "What about USA in Iraq?" in a thread for an article about Russian aggression. Yes. In a thread about Russian aggression on an American political subreddit. You don\'t think American aggression is relevant in that context? > You keep repeating Russian government talking points, and yet you try to paint me as irrational for suspecting you might be another Russian troll; No. I\'m posting rebuttals to your comments that assume noble intent that I find naive. I called you a red baiting McCarthyist fascist. Because you are. > I say that the shoe seems to fit you. Yup. Red baiting McCarthyist fascist again. > The truth is that I don\'t give even the slightest fuck if you\'re a Russian troll or not; And yet you chose to post red baiting McCarthyist slurs. It seems you care. To be clear: I\'m not Russian, I\'ve never been to Russia, I don\'t speak Russian, etc. Please let me know what else I can disavow about Russia and Russians. I do find the whole squatting in Adidas track suits hilarious. They look fucking ridiculous. Frankly, when I lived in NYC and hung out in Greenpoint I couldn\'t tell the Ukrainians from the Russians. They all sound the same to me. > either way, you\'re someone sitting at a computer somewhere, apologizing for Putin invading Ukraine and asking why Americans should care. Again, I\'m not apologizing for shit. I am asking why Americans should care. What\'s our angle? What do we get if we do push Russia out of Crimea? What can we get from Russia if we recognize their annexation? Realpolitik. > I respect you for your humanity--because I don\'t believe there\'s any fundamental difference between us--but I cannot respect your perspective. You oppose American action, and yet have totally failed to condemn Russians for the same behaviour. That\'s the rankest hypocrisy. I could be talked into American action. Frankly, Crimea is a very hard sell. We would be incredibly stupid to challenge Russia militarily on its border. It seems like a negotiated solution with them is the only way forward. How is that the "rankest hypocrisy?"', '>>{daehnomelI} : Regressive repugnicans embracing treason, hell if It was good enough for Nixon, and Reagan (twice), then its sure good enough for benedict donald.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah. The regressive Republicans have embraced racism, misogyny and xenophobia. It's delusional Democrats who have embraced the fantasy that Trump is a traitor for Russia. If we weren't such fucking sheep we'd ignore all that bullshit and focus on what's most important for ordinary people. Single payer health care now. Don't worry, it won't get any meaningful support from the corporate sponsored douchebags on the Hill. That's precisely what they're committed to opposing.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : By that measure most of the clowns in our government would be in the shit. The Beltway is awash in foreign funds. Hell, I'm all for it. Let's do it right and investigate any foreign contact of anybody associated with any campaign. You know our secret police have hoovered it all up! Burn the whole cesspit down!", ">>{daehnomelI} : I don't get it. You are for universal healthcare, but you don't care that the underpinnings of democracy are being destroyed? The ship is sinking, but hey, lets get it pointed in the right direction.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, I don\'t believe the hysteria about Russia. It\'s asinine. The threat our secret police pose to the underpinnings of our democracy? That\'s some scary shit. Just ask Chuck Schumer: > Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. Of course, the paid propagandists in our media don\'t ask the obvious question. Shouldn\'t we all be concerned that our elected "leaders" live in fear of our intelligence community? My take? The ship has sunk. This Trump is a traitor for Russia bullshit is how our secret police are getting back at Trump and trying to get a purchase on his short hairs. They\'ve already got a firm grip on all the career politicians as Schumer\'s comment betrays.', '>>{daehnomelI} : you lost me at "state sponsored/corporate backed treason against the U.S is asinine." Then you lost me more with your "deep state" comments. If the U.S. IC is so strong then how did they let Trump, of all people, win?', '>>{daehnomelI} : [and, finally, this](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/62dtlw/russian_hired_1000_people_to_create_anticlinton/dflqezp/)', '>>{daehnomelI} : [read this for the real account of the russian sponsored, big money backed, disinformation campaign.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/62dtlw/russian_hired_1000_people_to_create_anticlinton/dflqyxh/)', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : The Democrats idiotic decision to run Hillary Clinton helped. She's got about as much charisma as Comey and Clapper. They've moved to the backup plan to publicly smear him as a traitor for Russia. It's sad watching Democrats desperate to explain their humiliating defeat embrace that secret police bullshit. Sad but predictable. We're easy to divide and rule.", ">>{daehnomelI} : No one is talking about hilary, we certainly weren't. What say you to my posts in reference to your denail of Trumps treason?", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : You raised Trump's recent election win. Do you recall his opponent Hillary Clinton? Do you see how your question about why Trump won relates to who his opponent was? Please let me know if you need some help with this. I couldn't really handle the links to other comment threads. I didn't sign up for all that buddy. I'd be happy to see evidence that Trump's a traitor for Russia. Of course, eight months of surveillance has produced nothing. Good luck with that pipe dream. > There's no little campfire, there's no little candle, there's no spark. And there's a lot of people looking for it. > - Michael Morell, Former Acting CIA Director and Clinton supporter"], ['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Peter Thiel, Trump’s Tech Pal, Explains Himself', '>>{dy0nisus} : Peter Thiel is so greasy that he was probably the real reason for the BP oil spill.', ">>{definitelynotbeardo} : [Yeah, that's greasy.](https://youtu.be/S7FsAgPuVwU)", '>>{werewolvesoflondon} : Peter Thiel is one of those people that I would believe literally anything about. You could say "He eats a diet of only golden retriever puppies," and I would say "yeah, sounds right."', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : He's just a robotic contrarian. Which oddly enough, makes him a Trump fan. Maybe he should examine that a bit closer.", ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : >Mr. Thiel says: “On the one hand, the tape was clearly offensive and inappropriate. At the same time, I worry there’s a part of Silicon Valley that is hyper-politically correct about sex. One of my friends has a theory that the rest of the country tolerates Silicon Valley because people there just don’t have that much sex. They’re not having that much fun.” He literally confessed on camera to committing sexual assault multiple times. Sexual assault, Peter. Not sex. Not fun. Not politically correctness. It's sexual assault. Jesus fucking christ, what the fucking fuck is wrong with you?!", ">>{lower_echelon_peon} : >Jesus fucking christ, what the fucking fuck is wrong with you?! A lot... he's an asshole, but because he is a rich asshole he gets to pontificate and has a platform his unrealistic ideas. Stark contrast between Thiel and his PayPal co founder Elon Musk I wish America did not worship wealth and equate wealth with competence sound judgement", '>>{d_mcc_x} : He wants us to move in to the sea on our own private sovereign islands.', '>>{goody_heggety} : Maybe Peter Thiel would like to explain why he wants to take away the votes of women and those on Social Security and Medicare, without lies this time. https://www.cato-unbound.org/2009/04/13/peter-thiel/education-libertarian', '>>{werewolvesoflondon} : Out on his oil rig/island he can eat humans for sustenance with impunity.']]
classify and reply
['>>{DrJarns} : Liberals hold nose as Clinton seeks to win over GOP', '>>{DeniseDeNephew} : Why would anyone hold their noses at this? Conservatives have always been welcome to come to their senses. At this point their choices are to either wake up to reality or age into extinction. If Hillary can knock some sense into them then we all win.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Hillary Clinton was center-right enough already but now she is going to turn into a full-blown George W bush', '>>{sedgwickian} : Please show me where she\'s changed a policy position to appease these new members of her coalition. Her pitch is "he\'s nuts; I\'m not. Hold *your* nose and vote for competency."', ">>{sedgwickian} : Yeah this is such a weird narrative. She hasn't changed a single policy position to win these people over. If we are going to complain about strict partisanship from republicans, we have to walk the walk on this and accept people into our tent.", '>>{kreed77} : The title says most liberals hold nose as Clinton seeks to win over GOP. Content of article says polling of most liberals see this as smart strategy.', ">>{DrJarns} : That is why she has to walk a fine line. It doesn't matter because if she does get elected in November she will do whatever her financial backers want and not stand behind her policies in the election. TPP for instance which she is now against will happen. She will change one or two paragraphs in the bill and sign it I promise you!", ">>{DrJarns} : She flipped on TPP to get Bernie supporters but she will vote for it if she gets elected. You can't trust anything she says. She will say anything to get elected then do what Wall Street and her financial backers tell her! You can make an argument for moderate Republicans to vote for her but any Sanders supporter that votes for Hillary will be sorry after they realize she will go against everything she promised them! And I am not nor ever was a Sanders supporter but I have been voting long enough to follow Hillary's political career and I know what she is about.", ">>{DrJarns} : What part of that do you find funny? You can't trust a thing Hillary says. She will change her positions and say whatever it takes to get elected. Don't count on her sticking to that if she wins.", ">>{duffmanhb} : There hasn't been enough time to see her policy changes. However, there have been some indications of change. For instance, she started the debates with a position of pretty strict gun restrictions (80% of dems are for it). But by the time of her convention she shifted over to just requiring more background checks, which is something 80% of Republicans agree with. She's definitely going to pivot on a few more key Republican issues that are popular, but what they are, I have no clue. I suspect it's going to be whatever female Republican women want. Trump is getting beat by them and may be the easiest to scoop up.", ">>{Quexana} : If Clinton can get Republicans, and especially their donors, I don't think she'll have to pretend to give a shit about the far left Sanders supporters anymore. She can go back to the standard Democratic method of dealing with progressives, ignore them and take them for granted.", ">>{Quexana} : Maybe it's me, maybe I'm dense, but while a true statement, I have no idea how that relates to what I said. Could you maybe explain it better?", ">>{sedgwickian} : > She's definitely going to Oh: when you provide evidence like that...", ">>{duffmanhb} : I didn't know this was an academic debate where everything needs sourcing. This is a fucking subreddit. I'm just bullshiting and giving speculation. You never talk to your friends telling them what you think?", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : >Clinton has been working furiously behind-the-scenes to draw influential Republicans into her camp. The outreach has extended to the Republican donor class She's trying to scoop up ALL the big contributors, regardless of ideology or party affiliation. >Clinton’s allies argue that the push to win over Republican at the ballot box does not mean Clinton is shifting on policy. This is code for.....don't listen to anything she says now, it's all lies so she can win the election. I guess the real question is, which group is she lying to?", ">>{sedgwickian} : > I'm just bullshiting and giving speculation. Just wanted to clarify.", ">>{donglol} : > I'm just bullshiting and giving speculation Confirmed, no benefit to our society.", ">>{duffmanhb} : Oh please. Get the fuck out of my post history. Don't you have something better to do than troll me?", ">>{duffmanhb} : Correct, it's literally just speculation like 99% of the comments in a political discussion. She's not going to release her roadmap, and I'm not psychic. I'm just someone who's worked in politics, and follow politics closely. I'm just giving my opinion on what I think will happen to the best of my knowledge? Why, are people not supposed to talk about what they think will happen?", '>>{duffmanhb} : It\'s a figure of speech. Errr... I\'m not going at communicating with autistics. But people, when figuratively use that phrase in casual conversations, are conveying their personal confidence in their following assertions. For instance, I could say, "Oh, Trump is CERTAINLY going to say some ridiculous stuff in the debates!" Normal people understand that I have know what of knowing this with certainty. It\'s impossible. Normal people understand this phrase as me pointing out my high confidence in the events happening.', ">>{W0LF_JK} : I am all for agreement and working with your ideological opposite, yet this isn't compromise.", '>>{sedgwickian} : And I am pointing out that your "high confidence in the events happening" is based purely on speculation and bullshit.', ">>{duffmanhb} : Well my high confidence comes from someone who is very familiar with politics. Obviously it's speculation. That's literally all we have to go off. But there is also probability. I didn't just pull that statement out of my ass, with absolutely no reason to believe I think that's going to happen. Any one who's ever seen a single election knows this is how it goes.", ">>{sedgwickian} : > who is very familiar with politics Oh, well if somebody on the internet says so... > also probability based on nothing > I didn't just pull that statement out of my ass Agree to disagree."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{DrJarns} : Liberals hold nose as Clinton seeks to win over GOP', '>>{DeniseDeNephew} : Why would anyone hold their noses at this? Conservatives have always been welcome to come to their senses. At this point their choices are to either wake up to reality or age into extinction. If Hillary can knock some sense into them then we all win.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Hillary Clinton was center-right enough already but now she is going to turn into a full-blown George W bush', '>>{sedgwickian} : Please show me where she\'s changed a policy position to appease these new members of her coalition. Her pitch is "he\'s nuts; I\'m not. Hold *your* nose and vote for competency."', ">>{sedgwickian} : Yeah this is such a weird narrative. She hasn't changed a single policy position to win these people over. If we are going to complain about strict partisanship from republicans, we have to walk the walk on this and accept people into our tent.", '>>{kreed77} : The title says most liberals hold nose as Clinton seeks to win over GOP. Content of article says polling of most liberals see this as smart strategy.', ">>{DrJarns} : That is why she has to walk a fine line. It doesn't matter because if she does get elected in November she will do whatever her financial backers want and not stand behind her policies in the election. TPP for instance which she is now against will happen. She will change one or two paragraphs in the bill and sign it I promise you!", ">>{DrJarns} : She flipped on TPP to get Bernie supporters but she will vote for it if she gets elected. You can't trust anything she says. She will say anything to get elected then do what Wall Street and her financial backers tell her! You can make an argument for moderate Republicans to vote for her but any Sanders supporter that votes for Hillary will be sorry after they realize she will go against everything she promised them! And I am not nor ever was a Sanders supporter but I have been voting long enough to follow Hillary's political career and I know what she is about.", ">>{DrJarns} : What part of that do you find funny? You can't trust a thing Hillary says. She will change her positions and say whatever it takes to get elected. Don't count on her sticking to that if she wins.", ">>{duffmanhb} : There hasn't been enough time to see her policy changes. However, there have been some indications of change. For instance, she started the debates with a position of pretty strict gun restrictions (80% of dems are for it). But by the time of her convention she shifted over to just requiring more background checks, which is something 80% of Republicans agree with. She's definitely going to pivot on a few more key Republican issues that are popular, but what they are, I have no clue. I suspect it's going to be whatever female Republican women want. Trump is getting beat by them and may be the easiest to scoop up.", ">>{Quexana} : If Clinton can get Republicans, and especially their donors, I don't think she'll have to pretend to give a shit about the far left Sanders supporters anymore. She can go back to the standard Democratic method of dealing with progressives, ignore them and take them for granted.", ">>{Quexana} : Maybe it's me, maybe I'm dense, but while a true statement, I have no idea how that relates to what I said. Could you maybe explain it better?", ">>{sedgwickian} : > She's definitely going to Oh: when you provide evidence like that...", ">>{duffmanhb} : I didn't know this was an academic debate where everything needs sourcing. This is a fucking subreddit. I'm just bullshiting and giving speculation. You never talk to your friends telling them what you think?", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : >Clinton has been working furiously behind-the-scenes to draw influential Republicans into her camp. The outreach has extended to the Republican donor class She's trying to scoop up ALL the big contributors, regardless of ideology or party affiliation. >Clinton’s allies argue that the push to win over Republican at the ballot box does not mean Clinton is shifting on policy. This is code for.....don't listen to anything she says now, it's all lies so she can win the election. I guess the real question is, which group is she lying to?", ">>{sedgwickian} : > I'm just bullshiting and giving speculation. Just wanted to clarify.", ">>{donglol} : > I'm just bullshiting and giving speculation Confirmed, no benefit to our society.", ">>{duffmanhb} : Oh please. Get the fuck out of my post history. Don't you have something better to do than troll me?", ">>{duffmanhb} : Correct, it's literally just speculation like 99% of the comments in a political discussion. She's not going to release her roadmap, and I'm not psychic. I'm just someone who's worked in politics, and follow politics closely. I'm just giving my opinion on what I think will happen to the best of my knowledge? Why, are people not supposed to talk about what they think will happen?", '>>{duffmanhb} : It\'s a figure of speech. Errr... I\'m not going at communicating with autistics. But people, when figuratively use that phrase in casual conversations, are conveying their personal confidence in their following assertions. For instance, I could say, "Oh, Trump is CERTAINLY going to say some ridiculous stuff in the debates!" Normal people understand that I have know what of knowing this with certainty. It\'s impossible. Normal people understand this phrase as me pointing out my high confidence in the events happening.', ">>{W0LF_JK} : I am all for agreement and working with your ideological opposite, yet this isn't compromise.", '>>{sedgwickian} : And I am pointing out that your "high confidence in the events happening" is based purely on speculation and bullshit.', ">>{duffmanhb} : Well my high confidence comes from someone who is very familiar with politics. Obviously it's speculation. That's literally all we have to go off. But there is also probability. I didn't just pull that statement out of my ass, with absolutely no reason to believe I think that's going to happen. Any one who's ever seen a single election knows this is how it goes.", ">>{sedgwickian} : > who is very familiar with politics Oh, well if somebody on the internet says so... > also probability based on nothing > I didn't just pull that statement out of my ass Agree to disagree."]]
classify and reply
[">>{none31415} : Flynn: Giving Clinton intelligence briefings is 'a slap in the face'", ">>{rdevaughn} : Haven't you heard? AG Loretta Lynch said that all people with Security Clearances can give classified materials to their attorneys- there's nothing categorically illegal about giving classified materials to someone without a security clearance.", '>>{garbagetimes} : These guys are creepily obsessed with being slapped around and having things shoved down their throats.', ">>{Solidarieta} : It's more than a slap in the face. It's a violation of their own NDA. Although there's no consequence to violating an NDA, I sure as hell wouldn't.", '>>{BornCavalry} : As someone who has worked in the military and intelligence fields my entire adult like, all I can think is: Does classification even matter anymore? (PS. Would still never distribute it)', '>>{brunnock} : Clinton had a private email server, but as far as we can determine, nothing was compromised. On the other hand, the NSA allowed a contractor to copy over a million documents and bring them to China and Russia. Why is Clinton getting raked through the coals but the NSA gets a free pass?', '>>{Silver_Skeeter} : Most cases, you would lose your job and/or keep you from being rehired by that employer. However now, general carelessness seems to get you out of your agreed upon obligations.', '>>{bexmex} : Really? He really wants to open that can of worms? What would he call it if a 3-star US General went on Russian TV to openly praise how Putin is murdering his own citizens without a trial? http://www.aim.org/special-report/moscows-five-star-treatment-of-a-three-star-army-general/ Which is a bigger slap in the face to the US Inteligence community?', ">>{cripplegimp} : You are twisting facts. Comey said they wouldn't be able to tell if it was hacked.", '>>{water_mizu} : You should host a private server to find out.', ">>{muthaeffinbcumbs} : Retired? He's probably going to be Trump's VP.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : I do too. It would be a disaster.', '>>{guiltyofnothing} : The general has had 3 different positions on abortion in the last 3 days, apparently. Social conservatives are already distrustful of Trump. They would riot over a potentially pro-choice VP.', '>>{OliveItMaggle} : Attorney-Client privelage is held to a higher regard in the eyes of the law, than anything in the government.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Yeah great point. The Grinch would be a better choice to lock down social conservatives.', ">>{jestlolk} : Not sure if that's a joke, but that's not what attorney-client privilege is. If you stole $100k and gave it to your attorney, you're not somehow magically above board now. It's the same with exposing intelligence information.", ">>{jestlolk} : They don't matter for the same reason Bernie voters didn't matter. Even though they may not like the candidate, the other major party nominee is so much worse from their point of view that they won't cross party lines. They're actually even less significant because at least Bernie supporters are young and can be won over by a different candidate. I don't think old social conservatives would vote for Hillary Clinton to avoid the end of the world, let alone because they don't like Donald Trump's VP pick.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : But there is nothing wrong with giving that money to an attorney it's still the theft you'd be in trouble for. In fact, giving them evidence against you (assuming no charges have been filed yet) would be the responsible move.", ">>{jestlolk} : Except if they're aiding you in a crime, which is what the money (and destroying copied secrets) would be. You'd have to have proof of this, which would require either physical proof or communications proving intent. Fortunately for the Clintons, the physical proof was destroyed and the communications *are* what is covered by attorney-client privilege.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : I see your point but the divisions in the GOP are much deeper than in the Democratic Party at the moment. There's a very active movement to deny the presumptive nominee the nomination next week. That is astounding. I just don't think Trump can afford any more enemies.", ">>{cpast} : In what way would it violate the classified information NDA for the *Director of National Intelligence* to decide to share information with someone? All the NDA says is not to share it to someone unless that person is authorized by the US Government; the DNI's authority includes deciding what information to share with Presidential candidates. He is the head of the US Intelligence Community. He's not a low-level technician who must strictly abide by all policies unless told otherwise by hier authority; he *is* the higher authority (the authority above him is pretty much just the President, who either expressly gave the DNI authority to brief candidates or impliedly did it by not telling him to break with standard procedure that dates back to 1952).", '>>{OliveItMaggle} : There were no destroyed secrets. Comey said the deleted emails were most likely from changing devices or routing inbox cleaning.', '>>{Solidarieta} : The NDA obligates you to keep classified information in a secure location. Anything within Clinton\'s reach can\'t be considered secure, given the gross negligence (or as Comey put it: "extreme carelessness") she demonstrated when handling classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State.', '>>{Solidarieta} : ... and extreme carelessness gets you consideration for a promotion.', '>>{ThatFuh_Qr} : He is talking about the emails that Hillarys lawyers deleted before turning the rest over.', '>>{cpast} : Please say which part of the NDA says "I agree to keep information in a secure place." The only actual obligations ("I agree (not) to do X") that I see are promises not to disclose it to an unauthorized person, not to keep it when an authorized person demands that you return it, and not to keep it once you no longer have an active clearance (that\'s the "employment or other relationship" mentioned). It mentions negligent handling possibly causing irreparable harm to national security, but stops short of "I will handle classified information carefully." There\'s a reason for that: the point is to keep the information safe from unauthorized *people*, and unless it is seen by an unauthorized person there\'s no harm. If someone is being negligent, the government can tell them to stop. So long as they have a clearance, the government has a stick. If the government uses the stick and takes the clearance, the NDA says the person must hand over all copies of classified info (this can be enforced by court order). But if the classified info is in the wrong spot and no one unauthorized sees it, no violation unless the government has ordered it handed over. Also, you seem unaware of how candidates are briefed. They get *briefings*, not documents. They don\'t need to keep documents. They\'re not making official decisions based on classified info. The point is to make them familiar with the state of the world with the addition of things US intelligence knows. It\'s to help smooth the transition should they be elected. That doesn\'t require the candidates to hang on to a copy of classified reports.', '>>{Solidarieta} : Classified information isn\'t always in document form. It can be a conversation (a briefing), or just knowledge you have. I mean, broadcasting classified information over the radio is a violation, no? Even though it\'s not in document form? So if you read classified information to someone, you are disclosing that information to them, and you are violating your NDA if the person receiving that information demonstrated "extreme carelessness" in the past. You are putting classified information at risk, in violation of your NDA, by briefing Clinton. At least that\'s how I see it. If I were asked to do it, I\'d refuse (and resign, if it came to that).', '>>{cpast} : > and you are violating your NDA if the person receiving that information demonstrated "extreme carelessness" in the past. Please quote what section of the NDA this violates.', '>>{Solidarieta} : It seems to me, [section 2](https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/documents/hrc_ndas/1/doc_0c05833708/c05833708.pdf) applies. Clinton couldn\'t get a clearance. The only way for her to get access to classified information, is if she\'s elected to a position to which the requirement for a clearance is skirted. As of now, she holds no such position. As a courtesy, presidential candidates have been briefed prior to being elected. But there\'s no precedent for the situation where a candidate has demonstrated "extreme carelessness" while handling classified information, and therefore wouldn\'t be eligible to get a clearance. If it were me, I wouldn\'t risk it. I\'d refuse. Even if the current POTUS said it was ok. Too similar to "When the President does it, that means that it was not illegal."', '>>{cpast} : Section 2 imposes literally no obligations whatsoever. It says "I\'ve been trained on security." It doesn\'t say "I won\'t give information to uncleared people," it just says "I\'ve been trained in proper security procedures." Did you mean another section?', '>>{Solidarieta} : It says a little more than that, regarding who you can share information with. "...procedures to be followed in ascertaining whether other persons to whom I contemplate disclosing this information have been approved for access to it..."', ">>{cpast} : That's a noun phrase, not a promise. It's saying that those procedures were part of the security indoctrination. It's not saying you'll follow them; it's saying you've been told what they are. There is a section (several, really) where you actually promise to do/not do something, but section 2 is not among them. Hint: Look down the document a bit."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{none31415} : Flynn: Giving Clinton intelligence briefings is 'a slap in the face'", ">>{rdevaughn} : Haven't you heard? AG Loretta Lynch said that all people with Security Clearances can give classified materials to their attorneys- there's nothing categorically illegal about giving classified materials to someone without a security clearance.", '>>{garbagetimes} : These guys are creepily obsessed with being slapped around and having things shoved down their throats.', ">>{Solidarieta} : It's more than a slap in the face. It's a violation of their own NDA. Although there's no consequence to violating an NDA, I sure as hell wouldn't.", '>>{BornCavalry} : As someone who has worked in the military and intelligence fields my entire adult like, all I can think is: Does classification even matter anymore? (PS. Would still never distribute it)', '>>{brunnock} : Clinton had a private email server, but as far as we can determine, nothing was compromised. On the other hand, the NSA allowed a contractor to copy over a million documents and bring them to China and Russia. Why is Clinton getting raked through the coals but the NSA gets a free pass?', '>>{Silver_Skeeter} : Most cases, you would lose your job and/or keep you from being rehired by that employer. However now, general carelessness seems to get you out of your agreed upon obligations.', '>>{bexmex} : Really? He really wants to open that can of worms? What would he call it if a 3-star US General went on Russian TV to openly praise how Putin is murdering his own citizens without a trial? http://www.aim.org/special-report/moscows-five-star-treatment-of-a-three-star-army-general/ Which is a bigger slap in the face to the US Inteligence community?', ">>{cripplegimp} : You are twisting facts. Comey said they wouldn't be able to tell if it was hacked.", '>>{water_mizu} : You should host a private server to find out.', ">>{muthaeffinbcumbs} : Retired? He's probably going to be Trump's VP.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : I do too. It would be a disaster.', '>>{guiltyofnothing} : The general has had 3 different positions on abortion in the last 3 days, apparently. Social conservatives are already distrustful of Trump. They would riot over a potentially pro-choice VP.', '>>{OliveItMaggle} : Attorney-Client privelage is held to a higher regard in the eyes of the law, than anything in the government.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Yeah great point. The Grinch would be a better choice to lock down social conservatives.', ">>{jestlolk} : Not sure if that's a joke, but that's not what attorney-client privilege is. If you stole $100k and gave it to your attorney, you're not somehow magically above board now. It's the same with exposing intelligence information.", ">>{jestlolk} : They don't matter for the same reason Bernie voters didn't matter. Even though they may not like the candidate, the other major party nominee is so much worse from their point of view that they won't cross party lines. They're actually even less significant because at least Bernie supporters are young and can be won over by a different candidate. I don't think old social conservatives would vote for Hillary Clinton to avoid the end of the world, let alone because they don't like Donald Trump's VP pick.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : But there is nothing wrong with giving that money to an attorney it's still the theft you'd be in trouble for. In fact, giving them evidence against you (assuming no charges have been filed yet) would be the responsible move.", ">>{jestlolk} : Except if they're aiding you in a crime, which is what the money (and destroying copied secrets) would be. You'd have to have proof of this, which would require either physical proof or communications proving intent. Fortunately for the Clintons, the physical proof was destroyed and the communications *are* what is covered by attorney-client privilege.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : I see your point but the divisions in the GOP are much deeper than in the Democratic Party at the moment. There's a very active movement to deny the presumptive nominee the nomination next week. That is astounding. I just don't think Trump can afford any more enemies.", ">>{cpast} : In what way would it violate the classified information NDA for the *Director of National Intelligence* to decide to share information with someone? All the NDA says is not to share it to someone unless that person is authorized by the US Government; the DNI's authority includes deciding what information to share with Presidential candidates. He is the head of the US Intelligence Community. He's not a low-level technician who must strictly abide by all policies unless told otherwise by hier authority; he *is* the higher authority (the authority above him is pretty much just the President, who either expressly gave the DNI authority to brief candidates or impliedly did it by not telling him to break with standard procedure that dates back to 1952).", '>>{OliveItMaggle} : There were no destroyed secrets. Comey said the deleted emails were most likely from changing devices or routing inbox cleaning.', '>>{Solidarieta} : The NDA obligates you to keep classified information in a secure location. Anything within Clinton\'s reach can\'t be considered secure, given the gross negligence (or as Comey put it: "extreme carelessness") she demonstrated when handling classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State.', '>>{Solidarieta} : ... and extreme carelessness gets you consideration for a promotion.', '>>{ThatFuh_Qr} : He is talking about the emails that Hillarys lawyers deleted before turning the rest over.', '>>{cpast} : Please say which part of the NDA says "I agree to keep information in a secure place." The only actual obligations ("I agree (not) to do X") that I see are promises not to disclose it to an unauthorized person, not to keep it when an authorized person demands that you return it, and not to keep it once you no longer have an active clearance (that\'s the "employment or other relationship" mentioned). It mentions negligent handling possibly causing irreparable harm to national security, but stops short of "I will handle classified information carefully." There\'s a reason for that: the point is to keep the information safe from unauthorized *people*, and unless it is seen by an unauthorized person there\'s no harm. If someone is being negligent, the government can tell them to stop. So long as they have a clearance, the government has a stick. If the government uses the stick and takes the clearance, the NDA says the person must hand over all copies of classified info (this can be enforced by court order). But if the classified info is in the wrong spot and no one unauthorized sees it, no violation unless the government has ordered it handed over. Also, you seem unaware of how candidates are briefed. They get *briefings*, not documents. They don\'t need to keep documents. They\'re not making official decisions based on classified info. The point is to make them familiar with the state of the world with the addition of things US intelligence knows. It\'s to help smooth the transition should they be elected. That doesn\'t require the candidates to hang on to a copy of classified reports.', '>>{Solidarieta} : Classified information isn\'t always in document form. It can be a conversation (a briefing), or just knowledge you have. I mean, broadcasting classified information over the radio is a violation, no? Even though it\'s not in document form? So if you read classified information to someone, you are disclosing that information to them, and you are violating your NDA if the person receiving that information demonstrated "extreme carelessness" in the past. You are putting classified information at risk, in violation of your NDA, by briefing Clinton. At least that\'s how I see it. If I were asked to do it, I\'d refuse (and resign, if it came to that).', '>>{cpast} : > and you are violating your NDA if the person receiving that information demonstrated "extreme carelessness" in the past. Please quote what section of the NDA this violates.', '>>{Solidarieta} : It seems to me, [section 2](https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/documents/hrc_ndas/1/doc_0c05833708/c05833708.pdf) applies. Clinton couldn\'t get a clearance. The only way for her to get access to classified information, is if she\'s elected to a position to which the requirement for a clearance is skirted. As of now, she holds no such position. As a courtesy, presidential candidates have been briefed prior to being elected. But there\'s no precedent for the situation where a candidate has demonstrated "extreme carelessness" while handling classified information, and therefore wouldn\'t be eligible to get a clearance. If it were me, I wouldn\'t risk it. I\'d refuse. Even if the current POTUS said it was ok. Too similar to "When the President does it, that means that it was not illegal."', '>>{cpast} : Section 2 imposes literally no obligations whatsoever. It says "I\'ve been trained on security." It doesn\'t say "I won\'t give information to uncleared people," it just says "I\'ve been trained in proper security procedures." Did you mean another section?', '>>{Solidarieta} : It says a little more than that, regarding who you can share information with. "...procedures to be followed in ascertaining whether other persons to whom I contemplate disclosing this information have been approved for access to it..."', ">>{cpast} : That's a noun phrase, not a promise. It's saying that those procedures were part of the security indoctrination. It's not saying you'll follow them; it's saying you've been told what they are. There is a section (several, really) where you actually promise to do/not do something, but section 2 is not among them. Hint: Look down the document a bit."]]
classify and reply
['>>{offandthenonagain} : Milo Yiannopoulos Is the Pretty, Monstrous Face of the Alt-Right', '>>{Pineapple_TheC} : For new and returning iPhone users this Christmas, what are some apps that we need to download?', '>>{precip} : Republicans Rebrand Obamacare Strategy From ‘Repeal’ to ‘Repair’', '>>{greenburg} : I wonder how Milo would have felt 50 years ago', '>>{spazz720} : >I’m out there saying repeal and no replace -- that’s as pretty strong as it gets,” Representative Roger Williams, a Texas Republican, said in an interview. He said he believes things should “just go back the way they were” before Obamacare. This guy is a certifiable idiot', '>>{hapoo} : Repair with a lead pipe to the knee. Fast forward 2 years: We told you Obamacare was broken!', ">>{PointOfFingers} : This is meaningless - Donald Trump said repeal and replace and he doesn't listen to logical counter arguments.", ">>{HubFlyer} : Are There Really More Hate Crimes At Schools Following Donald Trump's Election?", '>>{twoinvenice} : True, but it doesn\'t matter! If this is all they are coming up with they aren\'t going to get very far with breaking it. If the Democrats have an ounce of sense they are going to crucify the Republicans on this. Language matters when you are throwing shade in a campaign, and anyone who comes out to support "repair" instead of the full "repeal and replace" they promised should be asked why that didn\'t happen, over and over and over...', ">>{charlemagne9555} : Yeah, because racism and anti-semitism really revs me up. *Satisfying the Black Man Sexually?* Bitch, really? I'm done. Side note: I'm gay and racism is actually a hugely relevant problem in the gay community but this is like a whole new level of actually fetishizing a person because of their skin pigment. Legitimately, that he would disagree with because they would kill potential men for him to have sex with goes beyond disturbing.", '>>{wonderingwhether54} : I was at penn for the racists facebook, author did not do her due dilligence. We will be proved correct in the end.', ">>{RogueStrider_06} : What are your particular interests/hobbies/areas of interest? Some general ones would be Reddit (obviously) and YouTube, your financial institution's app(s), and basic social media you're subscribed to.", '>>{ScoopMYpoOp} : Spicer claims crowd was the largest crowd ever to witness a presidential inauguration.', '>>{veniceinperil} : Texas State has racist signs up all over campus that say things like, "We\'re coming to get you, time to build a wall." That\'s an emphatic, "Yes."', ">>{Themightylamer} : As government employees shouldn't they have been doing that for the last 7 fucking years rather than trying 60 failed attempts at repealing it? All hope is lost.", '>>{itsnotnotme} : For me I downloaded all the google apps: gmail, google drive, google docs, etc.', ">>{guy_breadmore} : They can call it whatever they want; they're still going to repeal it and walk away.", ">>{SwoleBuddha} : If you're a Trump supporter, you can look at the photos for yourself. Why do you think the White House is coming out on day one and lying right to your face? Does this concern you?", '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Why would anyone care the Administration, on Day 2, thinks spreading disinformation about how popular the President appears to be is the most important task of the day???', '>>{TheBadBrewer} : Repair: Rebrand, redirect attention to xenophobic horseshit, and take the Medicaid expansion your dumbass partisan governor refused the first time.', '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : Wait, both him and the alt-right said he was not "the face" of it, and he doesn\'t claim to be alt right. I\'m so confused guys. The alt right guys are pretty nasty towards this guy, at least on the internet. Or are we still doing the thing where the alt right is all the Trump supporters, and not the white nationalist subgroup?', ">>{boxerswag} : One of my favorites is Untappd. Like four square for beer I guess. You can rate them, see IBU and alcohol percentage, other ratings, and scan the barcode of the beer to search. I really enjoy it, I have something like 52 unique brews and it's fun to look back and the great and not so great beers you've had. Also, Temple Run 2 is still fun if anyone was wondering. And Real Racing 3 has insane graphics for a phone!", ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : More likely he's just greedy, self-serving pond scum like the rest of the GOP.", '>>{waffletoastcrunch} : Americans are too used to freedom to believe blatant lies like this. The Trump administration will eventually fall.', '>>{veniceinperil} : I live in Texas. Personal experience does not have a cite. Edit: It was apparently in the local news, as well . http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Texas-State-investigating-flyer-calling-for-the-10606109.php', ">>{theanswerisforty2} : You know, if they were really savvy, and wanted to both distance themselves from Trump while still keeping the electorate happy, they could easily reintroduce all the bits they've stripped from the ACA over time, stop sabotaging it, stop calling it Obamacare, and let it flourish. But this would involve actually making government work for its people. I'm not sure the GOP is capable of stooping to that level.", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : If I were a pundit, staffer, strategist that leaned at all left, I would make an immense deal about what a lie Repeal and Replace is, what a bunch of posers the house is for trying to repeal the ACA however many times and NEVER, EVER having so much as an inkling as to how they would handle health-care. IMO, when Republican governors want to keep "Obamacare", this is the progress to defend and the hill for Democrats to die on. I would pick Ryan and start his Hillary treatment. I would point out anniversaries of repeal attempts with the wasted dollars each appeal cost. Where is the big plan, Paul? Where is Trump\'s "coverage for everyone"?', '>>{counters} : That\'s exactly the question you should ask. Why does the Trump Administration feel it needs to lie about something so utterly mundane and stupid? They could\'ve acknowledged the numbers were low, said, "Yeah, it was raining and gross and we have a lot of work to do to begin reuniting the country" and *no one* would have any means to criticize them. Totally valid reasons for lower turnout. But no, Trump is a narcissist, and claimed the inauguration would be the biggest, greatest ever, and he\'s surrounded by yes-men who refuse to challenge his ego. Trump is *incapable* of letting these small things go, and his posse is unable to do anything about it. **That** is why so many people are so pessimistic about the next four years.', '>>{Thorn14} : Trump does apparently considering literally the first Press statement of the Trump Administration was a man speaking in all caps.', ">>{Foreskinfight} : Repubtards love him because they all dream of sticking their Tiny dicks in Milo's ass.", '>>{olalof} : If this was the largest crowd ever, there clearly must be photos showing it?', '>>{MuresMalum} : By sheer body mass, it might have been.', '>>{LegendaryIam} : Take out Gmail and use Inbox by Google. Much better.', ">>{wodthing} : It's just bordering on mild retardation at this point. The ACA needed tweaking, everyone agreed on that, but instead of proposing common sense policy tweaks, that would be beneficial to everyone, all these morons come up with, is voting to repeal it dozens of times over a period of 6 years? And this is cheered as an acceptable government by some of its supporters?", ">>{explosivo85} : It was really huge. Unfortunately Jerry was standing in front of the camera so you can't really see it. Stupid Jerry.", '>>{Pineapple_TheC} : That sounds really interesting, thanks for the suggestion. Will download and give it a go!', ">>{----root} : People said the same thing about his ridiculous speech and his chances of winning prior to the election. Don't underestimate the power of this sort of thing. Underestimating it again would be a very serious mistake.", '>>{itsnickk} : They are realizing how politically hopeless it will be to repeal it with absolutely no alternate plan. Somewhere in Palm Springs on a golf course, Obama is smirking.', '>>{Morchaint} : It only took two days for the Spicer to become [Baghdad Bob](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Saeed_al-Sahhaf). Is America going to put up with this nonsense?', ">>{versusgorilla} : You couldn't see all the people who attended because the floor was white and they all had to work so they couldn't come. But if they had, and the white floor wasn't so white, you'd have been able to see his billions of supporters!", '>>{HubFlyer} : There are racist signs "all over campus" at Texas State but there is no empirical evidence, only your testimony? Sounds like you are making the author\'s point.', '>>{veniceinperil} : No, there was a link. Would you like more? Edit: This one has pictures. http://kxan.com/2016/11/10/flyer-calling-for-vigilante-squads-circulating-around-texas-state/', '>>{LegendaryIam} : Sure thing. Gmail glitched on me a few times so I had to switch it out. Inbox has been smooth ever since.', '>>{In_my_opinion_} : I stole this from another redditor but failed to take down their name, so my apologies for not giving due credit. That said, I hope to see this copied and pasted often. #**The 14 points of Fascism** **Powerful and Continuing Nationalism** Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. **Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights** Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. **Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause** The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. **Supremacy of the Military** Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. **Rampant Sexism** The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy. **Controlled Mass Media** Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. **Obsession with National Security** Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. **Religion and Government are Intertwined** Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government\'s policies or actions. **Corporate Power is Protected** The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. **Labor Power is Suppressed** Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. **Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts** Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. **Obsession with Crime and Punishment** Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. **Rampant Cronyism and Corruption** Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. **Fraudulent Elections** Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. **EDIT:** if that list by Laurence Britt during the Bush 43 administration doesn\'t worry you, check out Umberto Eco\'s list that he penned in 1995... ***The cult of tradition.*** ^“One ^has ^only ^to ^look ^at ^the ^syllabus ^of ^every ^fascist ^movement ^to ^find ^the ^major ^traditionalist ^thinkers. ^The ^Nazi ^gnosis ^was ^nourished ^by ^traditionalist, ^syncretistic, ^occult ^elements.” ***The rejection of modernism.*** ^“The ^Enlightenment, ^the ^Age ^of ^Reason, ^is ^seen ^as ^the ^beginning ^of ^modern ^depravity. ^In ^this ^sense ^Ur-Fascism ^can ^be ^defined ^as ^irrationalism.” ***The cult of action for action’s sake.*** ^“Action ^being ^beautiful ^in ^itself, ^it ^must ^be ^taken ^before, ^or ^without, ^any ^previous ^reflection. ^Thinking ^is ^a ^form ^of ^emasculation.” ***Disagreement is treason.*** ^“The ^critical ^spirit ^makes ^distinctions, ^and ^to ^distinguish ^is ^a ^sign ^of ^modernism. ^In ^modern ^culture ^the ^scientific ^community ^praises ^disagreement ^as ^a ^way ^to ^improve ^knowledge.” ***Fear of difference.*** ^“The ^first ^appeal ^of ^a ^fascist ^or ^prematurely ^fascist ^movement ^is ^an ^appeal ^against ^the ^intruders. ^Thus ^Ur-Fascism ^is ^racist ^by ^definition.” ***Appeal to social frustration.*** ^“One ^of ^the ^most ^typical ^features ^of ^the ^historical ^fascism ^was ^the ^appeal ^to ^a ^frustrated ^middle ^class, ^a ^class ^suffering ^from ^an ^economic ^crisis ^or ^feelings ^of ^political ^humiliation, ^and ^frightened ^by ^the ^pressure ^of ^lower ^social ^groups.” ***The obsession with a plot.*** ^“The ^followers ^must ^feel ^besieged. ^The ^easiest ^way ^to ^solve ^the ^plot ^is ^the ^appeal ^to ^xenophobia.” ***The enemy is both strong and weak.*** ^“By ^a ^continuous ^shifting ^of ^rhetorical ^focus, ^the ^enemies ^are ^at ^the ^same ^time ^too ^strong ^and ^too ^weak.” ***Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy.*** ^“For ^Ur-Fascism ^there ^is ^no ^struggle ^for ^life ^but, ^rather, ^life ^is ^lived ^for ^struggle.” ***Contempt for the weak.*** ^“Elitism ^is ^a ^typical ^aspect ^of ^any ^reactionary ^ideology.” ***Everybody is educated to become a hero.*** ^“In ^Ur-Fascist ^ideology, ^heroism ^is ^the ^norm. ^This ^cult ^of ^heroism ^is ^strictly ^linked ^with ^the ^cult ^of ^death.” ***Machismo and weaponry.*** ^“Machismo ^implies ^both ^disdain ^for ^women ^and ^intolerance ^and ^condemnation ^of ^nonstandard ^sexual ^habits, ^from ^chastity ^to ^homosexuality.” ***Selective populism.*** ^“There ^is ^in ^our ^future ^a ^TV ^or ^Internet ^populism, ^in ^which ^the ^emotional ^response ^of ^a ^selected ^group ^of ^citizens ^can ^be ^presented ^and ^accepted ^as ^the ^Voice ^of ^the ^People.” ***Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.*** ^“All ^the ^Nazi ^or ^Fascist ^schoolbooks ^made ^use ^of ^an ^impoverished ^vocabulary, ^and ^an ^elementary ^syntax, ^in ^order ^to ^limit ^the ^instruments ^for ^complex ^and ^critical ^reasoning.”', ">>{LegendaryIam} : Ah I use it for work. I like it on a desktop. Haven't used it on mobile yet. But eh, I'll prob give it a look once I see flaws in Inbox", '>>{Im_judging_u} : The rest of the govt. Fixed that for you', ">>{WeAllWillDie} : Uh, kind looks like it happened man. Just because you plug your ears and yell doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's not how facts work.", '>>{WeAllWillDie} : How? He linked hard evidence to his claim. Can you refute it with the same, or do you just feel you are right?', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Maybe the "alt-right" isn\'t so "alt" after all.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : My theory on why people like Milo have become popular is that you can be a scumbag on the internet and still have a voice. If you're a scumbag in live social situations people tell you to leave. So throughout history social rejects had no power. Now that twitter followers have power, all the scumbags get a say. Milo is just one of the chosen leaders of the internet scumbags.", ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : After reading through myriad stories since Election Day, what’s clear is that the widely reported episodes of violence and intimidation are usually vague, involve roaming gangs of indistinguishable white males, and produce no witnesses. Often the police aren’t even called, but when they are, the stories tend to fall apart. One University of Louisiana Lafayette freshman recanted her story of two white males, one in a Trump hat, stealing her wallet and hijab (a scarf that Muslim women wear to cover their head and neck) when confronted with contrary evidence. Stock photo group of white men from a previously unknown racist group have suddenly decided to make themselves known by plastering flyers in bathrooms. No suspects. That's rough. I don't think we'll ever figure out who did that shit.", ">>{stuthulhu} : I care because the 'leader of the free world' can't manage to face the truth about anything, and spreads lies incessantly in a vain attempt to bolster himself. Why *shouldn't* anyone care about their president lying *all the time*?", '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : Well it\'s funny, I\'ve been lurking the donald / alt right sometimes ever since this started. The donald bans people that express views you\'d see in the alt right subreddit, and the alt right subreddit thinks the Donald is ruining their name. Then the alt right also lambasts the guy in this story as a bunch of words I won\'t repeat, but I\'m sure you can guess. And the Media just goes between "alt-right is an umbrella for all nationalist types" and "alt right is the white nationalist subgroup." I think there was a TV interview recently where this guy Milo said he was not alt right, pretty sure he\'s just a troll, as you can probably tell if you\'ve read about him.', ">>{Qunidaye} : Milo: I saw how Ann Coulter was making bank off gullible rubes, and I thought I'd do that too", ">>{piperfife} : Or maybe there's not really an alt-right at all, and it's just a name people made up so they can lump together anyone that has a dissenting opinion.", '>>{II-III-V-VII-XI} : I sincerely hope you are correct. I am encountering a terrifying amount of people—on a daily basis—that are gorging on his bullshit.', ">>{wwabc} : false equivalency bull one side tried to get more people healthcare, one side is now taking it away. it's not hard to compare and contrast the sides now", ">>{Loffler} : This man has clearly never tried to put toothpaste back into a tube. The monkey's out of the bottle, man.", '>>{j_rodzsep} : RSS Reader - Reeder Reddit - Beam or Official App Podcasts - Pocketcast Reminders - Due Basic Notes - Google Keep Email - Outlook', ">>{EBOLANIPPLES} : As someone who just turned 18, it seems like a good app to get. I'll give it a go too when I pick up my new iPhone tomorrow.", '>>{IvankaDrumpf} : • At Bayside H.S. in Brevard County, Fla., Andre Hudson, 17, was charged with felony battery after he punched a fellow student who was holding a Trump sign in gym class, according to ClickOrlando.com. • In California, cellphone videos rolled as a female student at Woodside H.S. calmly removed her glasses before beating up sophomore Jade Armenio, a Trump supporter. The attacker reportedly said that Armenio had commented approvingly on an anti-Mexican online message, which Armenio denied to KGO-TV. • At an anti-Trump walkout at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Md., a 15-year-old student wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat got kicked and punched by five of his fellow students and was taken to the hospital, according to The Washington Post. • And near Houston, an 11-year-old boy wound up on crutches following his admission to classmates that he had voted for Trump in a school mock election. School officials at Stafford Intermediate School suspended the alleged attackers as an investigation continued. “This is America,” said Mary Lemmon, the boy’s mother, to Fox 26. “Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and they shouldn’t be beat up for it.”', '>>{markl5} : Start with: -20 = -20 Which is the same as: 16-36 = 25-45 Which can also be expressed as: (2+2) 2 (9 X (2+2) = 52) 9 X 5 Add 81/4 to both sides: (2+2) 2 (9 X (2+2) + 81/4 = 52) 9 X 5 + 81/4 Rearrange the terms: ({2+2}) 9/2) 2 = (5-9/2) 2 Ergo: 2+2 - 9/2 = 5 \xa0 Hence: 2 + 2 = 5', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : He is a living, breathing Eric Cartman. Just not fat.', ">>{Corzare} : Looks a lot bigger from that angle but you wouldn't see the empty space, so the other angle is more accurate.", ">>{joephusweberr} : For the sake of the 20 million people who got insurance through the ACA, good lets work on the parts of the law that need fixing and make healthcare affordable for everyone. For the sake of the last 8 years including shutting down the government to make a statement, what the fuck was that? The Republican party played politics with people's lives in the balance, attempting to repeal the ACA numerous times with what has now been shown to be a position they hadn't fully considered. This is disgraceful.", ">>{flukz} : I don't think you understand the fucking chaos that would create, and how difficult each and every minor change would be to implement into a running system. The reason it was a large, overwhelming piece of legislation in the first place is because it had to be.", ">>{RandomRedditor44} : I'm an American and I agree. Donald Trump will not survive four years in office. I can tell you this, believe me.", ">>{Im_judging_u} : You can fool yourself into thinking the Democrats are your saviors if you want, they're all bought and paid for just look at the pharmaceutical bill from about a month ago, oh democrats voted against lowering drug prices too? Weird, wonder why?", ">>{wwabc} : maybe because you don't want your baby's medicine made in a third world sweat shop with no protections? they could have put 'must be FDA approved' in that law (like all the other drugs, by law) saviors? sounds like a cult. You can go off rational evidence lately and see one side is a bunch of cartoon villains and the other is a trying to make progress on some difficult issues.", '>>{MurdochAV} : Alt-right is just easier to say than "meme-loving white guys covered in so many layers of irony that its impossible to say what they actually believe"', '>>{kiddestructo} : Dozens of pictures already out there. While a real picture perhaps, it is quite misleading. This is what Koba (Donnie) saw. The reality is self evident. Look around a bit as opposed to cherry picking. The evidence is overwhelming.', '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : this is probably the most accurate statement about the what the media is doing', ">>{Im_judging_u} : Third world country ? Like Canada ? Yeah it sure does sound like a cult to an outsider, anyone dumb enough to subscribe to a party without realizing they both have shortcomings isn't worth arguing with. I'm the irrational one when you can't come up with anything better than calling them cartoon villains? moron", '>>{thercias} : This comment section is saltier then Hillary Clinton\'s campaign after the polls were dropped today. Milo establishes one essential purpose, rustling the hell out of holy art thou liberals who squeak "RACISM!" like little children when someone holds opinions different then theirs.', ">>{itsnotnotme} : I love it! Also the look is so much better. After they recently updated the app i feel like it's more confusing.", '>>{HubFlyer} : Thanks for providing the detail I did not find by my own search. That stuff sounds pretty vile (although "Build the wall" seems tame). The story mentions that the University Police is "investigating." Do you think they will follow through and try to find the perpetrators or does this type of thing just get dropped?', ">>{WeAllWillDie} : Jesus, do you just walk around in circles all day too? I don't know how people like you function in the world. Helps me better understand Trump being elected though.", ">>{yobsmezn} : We need to drop the 'alt-right' term. This is the right. Its not the fringe. This thing is mainstream.", '>>{fctcbro} : Milo found a way to monetize being a troll. His whole schtick is to say things that are appalling just to get a reaction. He wants you to heckle him on stage, to ban him from twitter, to denounce him publicly etc. Thats how he gets publicity and page views. I guarantee you when he sees articles like this he thinks its good news. It makes it more likely that someone will try to storm the stage or silence him when he goes on his college tour, gaining him more publicity and thus more notoriety and money.', '>>{veniceinperil} : Google does location specific searches. It showed me that because I have an ISP address nearby--it\'s not your fault that didn\'t show up. They\'ll prosecute. There will be hell to pay. That\'s what all these, "But it\'s free speech," idiots don\'t get--the real world is not the internet. Harassment is prosecutable.', '>>{cam94509} : Milo would have been one of the gay people who condemned the Stonewall Riots.', '>>{icecreampirateinc} : Trumpers are claiming that the other photos going around were taken before the crowds showed up. You need a picture that shows the timing. Good luck convincing them without that.', '>>{imahayhead} : First off, busts are removed so the new president can put up his own. Bush had Churchill, Obama had MLK jr, and now Trump has Churchill again. As for the crowds, you can look at the pictures yourself to see the difference. Now pictures can lie, but there are other sources which have revealed low numbers such as the transportation system since Trump silenced the government agency that normally releases the information.', '>>{mommy2libras} : Know who else made up statistics and entered them into public record? Minitruth. B.B.! B.B.! B.B.!', '>>{HubFlyer} : Yeah, not plugging my ears, dude. Providing proof is "how facts work."', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : there certainly are those who both identify as alt-right and also support Trump, Stephan Molyneux being a prime example of this. He recently interviewed Vox Day who has been described (I believe by breitbart) as an "alt-right figurehead" Day wrote this of the alt-right: **What the Alt Right is** In the interest of developing a core Alt Right philosophy upon which others can build. The Alt Right is of the political right in both the American and the European sense of the term. Socialists are not Alt Right. Progressives are not Alt Right. Liberals are not Alt Right. Communists, Marxists, Marxians, cultural Marxists, and neocons are not Alt Right. -The Alt Right is an ALTERNATIVE to the mainstream conservative movement in the USA that is nominally encapsulated by Russel Kirk\'s 10 Conservative Principles, but in reality has devolved towards progressivism. It is also an alternative to libertarianism. -The Alt Right is not a defensive attitude and rejects the concept of noble and principled defeat. It is a forward-thinking philosophy of offense, in every sense of that term. The Alt Right believes in victory through persistence and remaining in harmony with science, reality, cultural tradition, and the lessons of history. -The Alt Right believes Western civilization is the pinnacle of human achievement and supports its three foundational pillars: Christianity, the European nations, and the Graeco-Roman legacy. -The Alt Right is openly and avowedly nationalist. It supports all nationalisms and the right of all nations to exist, homogeneous and unadulterated by foreign invasion and immigration. -The Alt Right is anti-globalist. It opposes all groups who work for globalist ideals or globalist objectives. -The Alt Right is anti-equalitarian. It rejects the idea of equality for the same reason it rejects the ideas of unicorns and leprechauns, noting that human equality does not exist in any observable scientific, legal, material, intellectual, sexual, or spiritual form. -The Alt Right is scientodific. It presumptively accepts the current conclusions of the scientific method (scientody), while understanding a) these conclusions are liable to future revision, b) that scientistry is susceptible to corruption, and c) that the so-called scientific consensus is not based on scientody, but democracy, and is therefore intrinsically unscientific. -The Alt Right believes identity > culture > politics. -The Alt Right is opposed to the rule or domination of any native ethnic group by another, particularly in the sovereign homelands of the dominated peoples. -The Alt Right is opposed to any non-native ethnic group obtaining excessive influence in any society through nepotism, tribalism, or any other means. -The Alt Right understands that diversity + proximity = war. -The Alt Right doesn\'t care what you think of it. -The Alt Right rejects international free trade and the free movement of peoples that free trade requires. The benefits of intranational free trade is not evidence for the benefits of international free trade. -The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children. -The Alt Right does not believe in the general supremacy of any race, nation, people, or sub-species. Every race, nation, people, and human sub-species has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to dwell unmolested in the native culture it prefers. -The Alt Right is a philosophy that values peace among the various nations of the world and opposes wars to impose the values of one nation upon another as well as efforts to exterminate individual nations through war, genocide, immigration, or genetic assimilation. TL;DR: The Alt Right is a Western ideology that believes in science, history, reality, and the right of a genetic nation to exist and govern itself in its own interests. ### I think this is a fair description of alt-right. I am very sure that 95%+ of the people who believe these things are supporting Trump. I see sentiments like these at the_donald, but they are usually thinly veiled. But what I don\'t understand is: what is it that makes this "alt-right" so different from the regular old right wing?', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >just a name people made up so they can lump together anyone that has a dissenting opinion. dissenting from what?', ">>{olalof} : Well it looks more crowded then the other pictures I've seen. But I'ts hard when it's from a different angle. There must be pictures taken from the other side throughout the day?", '>>{kiddestructo} : There are time stamps, they just believe the fallacy.', '>>{IvankaDrumpf} : Can I make a bet for reddit gold with you that nobody will ever be prosecuted in this case?', '>>{olalof} : There are clearly more people in this photo than in the comparison photo. But I think there were more people in 2009. You can see people overflowing on the sides were are in this picture they seem to be in neat boxes.', ">>{hwkns} : I had to remind myself a couple of times that this wasn't some off the wall satire. Wow, this guy is a piece of work, single handedly confirming the worst suspicion of the most virulent homophobe.", '>>{LeBosch} : >He says he disapproves of all Muslims—except his boyfriend of 10 years. Huh.', ">>{HubFlyer} : After editing the original post (which I appreciate) that had NO link. There is no harm in asking for evidence, unless you don't want to have all the facts.", ">>{BUNKBUSTER} : Time to make your own deck of cards and donate the money? Edit: Bob didn't have a card, just checked a deck.", '>>{IvankaDrumpf} : • At Bayside H.S. in Brevard County, Fla., Andre Hudson, 17, was charged with felony battery after he punched a fellow student who was holding a Trump sign in gym class, according to ClickOrlando.com. • In California, cellphone videos rolled as a female student at Woodside H.S. calmly removed her glasses before beating up sophomore Jade Armenio, a Trump supporter. The attacker reportedly said that Armenio had commented approvingly on an anti-Mexican online message, which Armenio denied to KGO-TV. • At an anti-Trump walkout at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Md., a 15-year-old student wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat got kicked and punched by five of his fellow students and was taken to the hospital, according to The Washington Post. • And near Houston, an 11-year-old boy wound up on crutches following his admission to classmates that he had voted for Trump in a school mock election. School officials at Stafford Intermediate School suspended the alleged attackers as an investigation continued. “This is America,” said Mary Lemmon, the boy’s mother, to Fox 26. “Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and they shouldn’t be beat up for it.” These have all been reported to have happened with real victims. Attackers have been identified. People have gone to the hospital. People have gotten felonies. Obviously these hate crimes are real.', ">>{veniceinperil} : You're on. Texas is not the wilderness. I deal with prosecutors every day. Hays County prosecutors are nasty little bitches--this will not end well.", '>>{travio} : Oceana is at war with Eastasia. Oceana has always been at war with Eastasia.', ">>{olalof} : Holy shit I went to Fox News. And they are loving that the White House is shutting the press down. They will take everything that comes out of the White House at face value. I'm not surprised.", ">>{BZ_Cryers} : Just like today's Milo, a fifty years ago Milo would spend a lot of his time on the BBC. I mean, he is British, and he loves the BBC!", ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : Ok deal. You can't prosecute anyone if you never find a suspect though.", '>>{Bernie_BTFO} : Yea, he is like the Kardashians. We talk shit about them, but at the end of the day we are still talking about them.', '>>{donglol} : I think his point frames your point quite fairly.', ">>{veniceinperil} : Like most schools, Southwest Texas has cameras. They'll find them.", '>>{frigginfartface} : If you consider it a hate crime to cheer on Trump or say build the wall. Most people consider that free speech.', '>>{donglol} : He also thinks homosexuality is wrong despite being one. I have trouble believing much of what he says.', ">>{donglol} : Well the traditional right wouldn't approve of Milo's obsession with black cock. I think that's where the alt part comes in.", '>>{GonzoVeritas} : >We must take sides ... Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. ~ Elie Wiesel', '>>{glutenfree123} : Yes the day after the election a group of kids who were trump supporters followed a black kid around and called him racial slurs', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : > If you're a Trump supporter, you can look at the photos for yourself. Not only that, but if your a Trump voter, demographically - you're probably not able to jet on over to D.C. for Donalds ordination. After all, and i've heard it said over and over... Dem Liberuls don't have real jobs like us hard workin, God fearin' conservatives...", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : The only point is that it's all a big joke to them. These are the ultimate cynics who take their easy lives for granted but will be the first to freak out when the internet goes down.", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : I see a lot of empty white tarps back there.', '>>{olalof} : Watch this. It seem to capture the whole event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdantUf5tXg', ">>{BadShopPop} : Perhaps he's only counting 3/5ths of Obama's audience.", '>>{LeBosch} : Oh yeah, he\'s incredibly fake. The "double-down" the article mentions is all of his persona.', '>>{MeLdArmy} : I have family posting to fb that the liberal media doctored the photos in order to paint Trump in a bad light.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : what makes it different? that they're vocal about it. especially with regards to diversity / equality, i guess. i don't know about diversity much myself, as I have avoided it unintentionally most of my lfie due to where I live, and I've never lived in a big city. there's studies that support the idea, and studies that don't. i think it's a mistake not to look at all sides. in business, i deal with other ethnicities , but even their companies aren't diverse, they're more like 100% chinese and ours is 100% white,", ">>{olalof} : If you watch the full time lapse you can see people leaving. For my money it's not about if it was full or not. It's the White House claiming falsely it was the biggest attendance in history.", ">>{theredlore} : You're fucking cuckoo. The time-lapse proves the white house telling blatant lies about it being the biggest inauguration crowd ever. A fucking lie. In the first day. It's propaganda in action", ">>{jjmc123a} : It seems like the article didn't answer the question in the title. Are there more (is the number after the election greater than the number before)? Instead it just details several apocryphal stories but we are no closer to knowing the answer.", ">>{theredlore} : There's a time-lapse of the whole day. It never fills up once.", ">>{Borigrad} : Milo isn't alt-right he's just an asshole. The guy has legit said that America owes black people reparations and that Jews are the best thing to happen to modern society.", '>>{Kyyyylllle12} : >Donald Trump will not survive four years in office. Sounds like a assassination threat. Or you have information. I reported your post through the [FBI portal, IC3](https://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx) Tell me how the interview with a Secret Service agent goes. :)', '>>{LeBosch} : He sincerely doesn\'t believe any of it and it\'s just provocation for provocation\'s sake. His shtick is to get decent people riled up. He\'s a troll, nothing else. Just [get this](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh), put "some troll" to replace his name and you won\'t have to worry about him.', '>>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : Because all the differences between whites and blacks is the skin pigment.', '>>{sheshesheila} : Richard B Spencer is credited with originating the name prior to 2008. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right', ">>{heartsfelled2} : > Thats how he gets publicity and page views. t's also how he proves a lot of his points.", ">>{theredlore} : It's not about the picture. It's about the white house press secretary coming out an telling a verifiable lie and doubling down on it, whilst threatening the free press.", ">>{BoogerPresley} : I don't know about 50, but 70+ years ago he'd have felt quite comfortable in a Hugo Boss designed uniform.", ">>{olalof} : How would it be cut. It's a continuous stream. If there was a cut you would see it? I actually believe this to be extremely serious. The government is trying to get the people to not trust the press. I hate to do this, but this straight out of Hitlers playbook. They are trying to get rid of anyone who can call them out, so when the next thing happens they will claim it's fake and people will believe them, because they are conditioned to believe it. It's the same tactics cults use, to keep people from defecting.", '>>{Deplorable4U} : How long until you embrace the true nature of sameness? It is not degeneracy that made homosexuality great, it is the liberating power of anonymity. Praise Kek #RestoreTheFourth', ">>{olalof} : So even when his tactics mimic those of hitler, hitler can't be brought up? We should not learn from the past? I'm not downplaying Hitler at all. I'm not saying Trump is exactly like Hitler, of course he not. But Hitler did not start out being full blown hitler. The whole rise of nazi Germany started slow with slight changes in society. If we see that repeat in our society we need to be vigilant.", '>>{chip_0} : None of todays reality stars are dumb. Not the Kardashians, not Paris Hilton, not Trump, not Kanye and not Milo. They have all discovered an outrageous character who people either love or hate, and cannot help but follow. And they stick to that character because it makes money.', ">>{Illegal_sal} : Photos taken at 12:15 p.m. ET each day show Trump's inauguration crowd vs. the WomensMarch [link](https://twitter.com/CNN/status/822885224501518336/photo/1)", ">>{heartsfelled2} : > dissenting from what? The dominant paradigm...You know, that thing professors in the 80s told students to *challenge* but don't anymore because they *are* the dominant paradigm?", ">>{----root} : Yeah... if you watch the timelapse, it's clear that the mall was nowhere near full. The pictures aren't some scheme to make Trump look disliked. **He really did draw that small a crowd**. The photos taken from his perspective hide a lot, because you can't tell the distance people are from each other. The aerial view isn't lying to you. That actually happened.", '>>{thisMFER} : Its not that its a "decent" amount of people or not..but weather it constitutes the record breaking masses they are stating were there.Directly contradicting reality.', ">>{What_I_Thought} : I love this exchange. It's just the classic, I refuse to see the truth even when it's right in front of me, that has been going on for months with the Trumpeters. When proven wrong change the argument. When the facts don't work, they don't matter. Need a fact, make one up.", ">>{alreadygoneKKbye} : I guess the time lapse video from several hours beforehand to people leaving in droves once it was over isn't enough. Not once was it close to being filled. Whole lotta white showing. White tarps too.", '>>{The_cuckmaker} : I lose all respect for people who close their eyes to obvious parallels .', ">>{heartsfelled2} : > They have all discovered an outrageous character I don't think it's that easy to pull off. Those people really are the people that they are and majority morons are simply attracted/amused by them.", ">>{chip_0} : I'm sure they might have genuinely believed in themselves at some point, but as they grow they realize both how idiotic they were, and how every comfort they depend on demands that they maintain that idiocy.", '>>{The_cuckmaker} : It is **very** easy to slide from freedom to fascism. Ask the Weimar Republic.', '>>{lookupmystats94} : Proves the homophobia of the alt right... Wait what?', '>>{lookupmystats94} : Alt-right just means conservatism without the religious sjw aspect of the modern gop.', '>>{atchijov} : What you implying is that at some moment (which was cut of time laps video to "promote the narrative") tens of millions people suddenly appear out of nowhere and that suddenly disappeared. Do you really believe it is even remotely possible?', '>>{atchijov} : So I guess u totally enjoying increase in home owner insurance. Because as of now this is the only tangible action this WH accomplished. I hope you are ready for "America first"... tee shorts (made in China).', ">>{aboganza} : the gigapixel pretty much corresponds to the end of the video (around 46 seconds). from the capitol building's view, even 100,000 people is going to look like a lot of people. the aerial view gives a more objective look", '>>{Rpolifucks} : And he\'s questioning the source that you\'re using to call that press secretary\'s statement a "verifiable lie." How are you not getting this?', ">>{xxGrobicxx} : I love how they don't call him their usual buzzwords. It's probably because he is gay and has a black boyfriend and he is going against the narrative. This is how tolerant the left is.", ">>{Rpolifucks} : What? Say you have a venue that gets filled to 100% capacity but you want to make it looks like it was only at 50%. So you film it up until it's half filled, stop rolling (or cut this section out later) and then start rolling again after half the crowd has left at the end of the event.", '>>{Highonsloopy} : As opposed to the monstrous face of the DNC?', ">>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : Since Milo was finally banned from twitter I haven't heard anything from him and it is glorious.", ">>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : > Milo found a way to monetize being a troll I dont know why people call him a troll. He is Alex Jones of the internet. Hes fueled by hate and anger. He doesn't say his shit just for a reaction he says it because he actually believes it.", '>>{Beesfield} : Milo owns and he will be the most fabulous Secretary of State.', '>>{Beesfield} : The regular old right wing only cares about Christianity and free trade. So, very, very different.', ">>{theredlore} : There's video evidence. Video fucking evidence. From several sources. Every news organisation in the world ran the same story. What kind of delusion bubble do you people live in?", '>>{Beesfield} : And the corrosive free-trade globalism of the establishment GOP.', '>>{mostri_di_gomma} : [Nope](https://m.reddit.com/r/altright/comments/4zr372/to_the_new_subscribers_coming_from_rthe_donald/?utm_source=mweb_redirect&compact=true) This was the top sticky all month addressing the Trump supporters who were calling themselves alt-right, but denounced the race-realism.', '>>{mostri_di_gomma} : The Alt-Right wants nothing to do with Milo outside of seeing him as a useful idiot to spread awareness. They find his homosexuality and race mixing "deviant"...He is no longer calling himself alt-right.', ">>{mostri_di_gomma} : So, you're just going to redefine something that has existed since before Trump's candidacy because you don't like what it stands for? The Alt-Right has been around for a few years and have never been shy about their beliefs, but 🐸☕", ">>{OMyBuddha} : He's the latest sociopath looking for easy money making Conservative losers dumb and angry. Like Anne Coulter, he'll only damage this country and make a lot of money doing so.", '>>{anisaerah} : Like this video, which shows that the mall was not full (though there were clearly hundreds of thousands of people)? https://youtu.be/VWTSJRGw5OA', ">>{onomuknub} : I'd really enjoy a Whataboutism Megathread so everyone can get that out of their system (hopefully). I assume you mean Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but maybe you mean Clinton. Either way, the head of an established political organization or the Democratic nominee for president is not equivalent to a figurative head of a sub-group within or opposed to the GOP, depending on who you ask. You might not like either individual (Wasserman-Schultz or Clinton) but neither of them in noteworthy for their politics; they're well-known figures and their political views are safely establishment. Milo is relatively new to the scene and his approach to politics and political discourse is very new and has few parallels to older politicians or pundits.", '>>{anisaerah} : The Trump delusion bubble. The next four years are going to be fucking exhausting and exasperating.', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Nah. They are worth hundreds of millions. Milo works a lot harder for a lot less money. You can buy this whore for pennies on the dollar.', ">>{Rpolifucks} : First of all, I fucking loath Trump, voted for Hillary, and agree that his supporters live in a bubble of delusion. All I'm saying is that you're either ignoring or not comprehending the fact that the guy you were talking to, who has now deleted his comment for whatever reason, suggested it's not impossible that this particular video was doctored. He was talking about the video, saying it could have been cut in such a way as to make the crowds appear smaller (why is such a thing impossible?), and then you reply saying it's not about the picture (that nobody was talking about). You then restate that the white house lied (which I think is probable) while continuing to ignore that he merely questioned the authenticity of your primary piece of evidence. You and I are on the same side. The problem is that you seem to have trouble following a conversation and apparently can't even entertain the thought that any organization on the left would ever tell a lie.", ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Jesus, your snark sounds dated as fuck. You're like a parody of an internet bore.", ">>{Rpolifucks} : Bruh, I'm not a Trump supporter in the slightest. Feel free to read my reply to theredlore."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{offandthenonagain} : Milo Yiannopoulos Is the Pretty, Monstrous Face of the Alt-Right', '>>{greenburg} : I wonder how Milo would have felt 50 years ago', ">>{charlemagne9555} : Yeah, because racism and anti-semitism really revs me up. *Satisfying the Black Man Sexually?* Bitch, really? I'm done. Side note: I'm gay and racism is actually a hugely relevant problem in the gay community but this is like a whole new level of actually fetishizing a person because of their skin pigment. Legitimately, that he would disagree with because they would kill potential men for him to have sex with goes beyond disturbing.", '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : Wait, both him and the alt-right said he was not "the face" of it, and he doesn\'t claim to be alt right. I\'m so confused guys. The alt right guys are pretty nasty towards this guy, at least on the internet. Or are we still doing the thing where the alt right is all the Trump supporters, and not the white nationalist subgroup?', ">>{Foreskinfight} : Repubtards love him because they all dream of sticking their Tiny dicks in Milo's ass.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Maybe the "alt-right" isn\'t so "alt" after all.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : My theory on why people like Milo have become popular is that you can be a scumbag on the internet and still have a voice. If you're a scumbag in live social situations people tell you to leave. So throughout history social rejects had no power. Now that twitter followers have power, all the scumbags get a say. Milo is just one of the chosen leaders of the internet scumbags.", '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : Well it\'s funny, I\'ve been lurking the donald / alt right sometimes ever since this started. The donald bans people that express views you\'d see in the alt right subreddit, and the alt right subreddit thinks the Donald is ruining their name. Then the alt right also lambasts the guy in this story as a bunch of words I won\'t repeat, but I\'m sure you can guess. And the Media just goes between "alt-right is an umbrella for all nationalist types" and "alt right is the white nationalist subgroup." I think there was a TV interview recently where this guy Milo said he was not alt right, pretty sure he\'s just a troll, as you can probably tell if you\'ve read about him.', ">>{Qunidaye} : Milo: I saw how Ann Coulter was making bank off gullible rubes, and I thought I'd do that too", ">>{piperfife} : Or maybe there's not really an alt-right at all, and it's just a name people made up so they can lump together anyone that has a dissenting opinion.", '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : He is a living, breathing Eric Cartman. Just not fat.', '>>{MurdochAV} : Alt-right is just easier to say than "meme-loving white guys covered in so many layers of irony that its impossible to say what they actually believe"', '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : this is probably the most accurate statement about the what the media is doing', '>>{thercias} : This comment section is saltier then Hillary Clinton\'s campaign after the polls were dropped today. Milo establishes one essential purpose, rustling the hell out of holy art thou liberals who squeak "RACISM!" like little children when someone holds opinions different then theirs.', ">>{yobsmezn} : We need to drop the 'alt-right' term. This is the right. Its not the fringe. This thing is mainstream.", '>>{fctcbro} : Milo found a way to monetize being a troll. His whole schtick is to say things that are appalling just to get a reaction. He wants you to heckle him on stage, to ban him from twitter, to denounce him publicly etc. Thats how he gets publicity and page views. I guarantee you when he sees articles like this he thinks its good news. It makes it more likely that someone will try to storm the stage or silence him when he goes on his college tour, gaining him more publicity and thus more notoriety and money.', '>>{cam94509} : Milo would have been one of the gay people who condemned the Stonewall Riots.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : there certainly are those who both identify as alt-right and also support Trump, Stephan Molyneux being a prime example of this. He recently interviewed Vox Day who has been described (I believe by breitbart) as an "alt-right figurehead" Day wrote this of the alt-right: **What the Alt Right is** In the interest of developing a core Alt Right philosophy upon which others can build. The Alt Right is of the political right in both the American and the European sense of the term. Socialists are not Alt Right. Progressives are not Alt Right. Liberals are not Alt Right. Communists, Marxists, Marxians, cultural Marxists, and neocons are not Alt Right. -The Alt Right is an ALTERNATIVE to the mainstream conservative movement in the USA that is nominally encapsulated by Russel Kirk\'s 10 Conservative Principles, but in reality has devolved towards progressivism. It is also an alternative to libertarianism. -The Alt Right is not a defensive attitude and rejects the concept of noble and principled defeat. It is a forward-thinking philosophy of offense, in every sense of that term. The Alt Right believes in victory through persistence and remaining in harmony with science, reality, cultural tradition, and the lessons of history. -The Alt Right believes Western civilization is the pinnacle of human achievement and supports its three foundational pillars: Christianity, the European nations, and the Graeco-Roman legacy. -The Alt Right is openly and avowedly nationalist. It supports all nationalisms and the right of all nations to exist, homogeneous and unadulterated by foreign invasion and immigration. -The Alt Right is anti-globalist. It opposes all groups who work for globalist ideals or globalist objectives. -The Alt Right is anti-equalitarian. It rejects the idea of equality for the same reason it rejects the ideas of unicorns and leprechauns, noting that human equality does not exist in any observable scientific, legal, material, intellectual, sexual, or spiritual form. -The Alt Right is scientodific. It presumptively accepts the current conclusions of the scientific method (scientody), while understanding a) these conclusions are liable to future revision, b) that scientistry is susceptible to corruption, and c) that the so-called scientific consensus is not based on scientody, but democracy, and is therefore intrinsically unscientific. -The Alt Right believes identity > culture > politics. -The Alt Right is opposed to the rule or domination of any native ethnic group by another, particularly in the sovereign homelands of the dominated peoples. -The Alt Right is opposed to any non-native ethnic group obtaining excessive influence in any society through nepotism, tribalism, or any other means. -The Alt Right understands that diversity + proximity = war. -The Alt Right doesn\'t care what you think of it. -The Alt Right rejects international free trade and the free movement of peoples that free trade requires. The benefits of intranational free trade is not evidence for the benefits of international free trade. -The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children. -The Alt Right does not believe in the general supremacy of any race, nation, people, or sub-species. Every race, nation, people, and human sub-species has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to dwell unmolested in the native culture it prefers. -The Alt Right is a philosophy that values peace among the various nations of the world and opposes wars to impose the values of one nation upon another as well as efforts to exterminate individual nations through war, genocide, immigration, or genetic assimilation. TL;DR: The Alt Right is a Western ideology that believes in science, history, reality, and the right of a genetic nation to exist and govern itself in its own interests. ### I think this is a fair description of alt-right. I am very sure that 95%+ of the people who believe these things are supporting Trump. I see sentiments like these at the_donald, but they are usually thinly veiled. But what I don\'t understand is: what is it that makes this "alt-right" so different from the regular old right wing?', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >just a name people made up so they can lump together anyone that has a dissenting opinion. dissenting from what?', ">>{hwkns} : I had to remind myself a couple of times that this wasn't some off the wall satire. Wow, this guy is a piece of work, single handedly confirming the worst suspicion of the most virulent homophobe.", '>>{LeBosch} : >He says he disapproves of all Muslims—except his boyfriend of 10 years. Huh.', ">>{BZ_Cryers} : Just like today's Milo, a fifty years ago Milo would spend a lot of his time on the BBC. I mean, he is British, and he loves the BBC!", '>>{Bernie_BTFO} : Yea, he is like the Kardashians. We talk shit about them, but at the end of the day we are still talking about them.', '>>{donglol} : I think his point frames your point quite fairly.', '>>{donglol} : He also thinks homosexuality is wrong despite being one. I have trouble believing much of what he says.', ">>{donglol} : Well the traditional right wouldn't approve of Milo's obsession with black cock. I think that's where the alt part comes in.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : The only point is that it's all a big joke to them. These are the ultimate cynics who take their easy lives for granted but will be the first to freak out when the internet goes down.", '>>{LeBosch} : Oh yeah, he\'s incredibly fake. The "double-down" the article mentions is all of his persona.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : what makes it different? that they're vocal about it. especially with regards to diversity / equality, i guess. i don't know about diversity much myself, as I have avoided it unintentionally most of my lfie due to where I live, and I've never lived in a big city. there's studies that support the idea, and studies that don't. i think it's a mistake not to look at all sides. in business, i deal with other ethnicities , but even their companies aren't diverse, they're more like 100% chinese and ours is 100% white,", ">>{Borigrad} : Milo isn't alt-right he's just an asshole. The guy has legit said that America owes black people reparations and that Jews are the best thing to happen to modern society.", '>>{LeBosch} : He sincerely doesn\'t believe any of it and it\'s just provocation for provocation\'s sake. His shtick is to get decent people riled up. He\'s a troll, nothing else. Just [get this](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh), put "some troll" to replace his name and you won\'t have to worry about him.', '>>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : Because all the differences between whites and blacks is the skin pigment.', '>>{sheshesheila} : Richard B Spencer is credited with originating the name prior to 2008. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right', ">>{heartsfelled2} : > Thats how he gets publicity and page views. t's also how he proves a lot of his points.", ">>{BoogerPresley} : I don't know about 50, but 70+ years ago he'd have felt quite comfortable in a Hugo Boss designed uniform.", '>>{Deplorable4U} : How long until you embrace the true nature of sameness? It is not degeneracy that made homosexuality great, it is the liberating power of anonymity. Praise Kek #RestoreTheFourth', '>>{chip_0} : None of todays reality stars are dumb. Not the Kardashians, not Paris Hilton, not Trump, not Kanye and not Milo. They have all discovered an outrageous character who people either love or hate, and cannot help but follow. And they stick to that character because it makes money.', ">>{heartsfelled2} : > dissenting from what? The dominant paradigm...You know, that thing professors in the 80s told students to *challenge* but don't anymore because they *are* the dominant paradigm?", ">>{heartsfelled2} : > They have all discovered an outrageous character I don't think it's that easy to pull off. Those people really are the people that they are and majority morons are simply attracted/amused by them.", ">>{chip_0} : I'm sure they might have genuinely believed in themselves at some point, but as they grow they realize both how idiotic they were, and how every comfort they depend on demands that they maintain that idiocy.", '>>{lookupmystats94} : Proves the homophobia of the alt right... Wait what?', '>>{lookupmystats94} : Alt-right just means conservatism without the religious sjw aspect of the modern gop.', ">>{xxGrobicxx} : I love how they don't call him their usual buzzwords. It's probably because he is gay and has a black boyfriend and he is going against the narrative. This is how tolerant the left is.", '>>{Highonsloopy} : As opposed to the monstrous face of the DNC?', ">>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : Since Milo was finally banned from twitter I haven't heard anything from him and it is glorious.", ">>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : > Milo found a way to monetize being a troll I dont know why people call him a troll. He is Alex Jones of the internet. Hes fueled by hate and anger. He doesn't say his shit just for a reaction he says it because he actually believes it.", '>>{Beesfield} : Milo owns and he will be the most fabulous Secretary of State.', '>>{Beesfield} : The regular old right wing only cares about Christianity and free trade. So, very, very different.', '>>{Beesfield} : And the corrosive free-trade globalism of the establishment GOP.', '>>{mostri_di_gomma} : [Nope](https://m.reddit.com/r/altright/comments/4zr372/to_the_new_subscribers_coming_from_rthe_donald/?utm_source=mweb_redirect&compact=true) This was the top sticky all month addressing the Trump supporters who were calling themselves alt-right, but denounced the race-realism.', '>>{mostri_di_gomma} : The Alt-Right wants nothing to do with Milo outside of seeing him as a useful idiot to spread awareness. They find his homosexuality and race mixing "deviant"...He is no longer calling himself alt-right.', ">>{mostri_di_gomma} : So, you're just going to redefine something that has existed since before Trump's candidacy because you don't like what it stands for? The Alt-Right has been around for a few years and have never been shy about their beliefs, but 🐸☕", ">>{OMyBuddha} : He's the latest sociopath looking for easy money making Conservative losers dumb and angry. Like Anne Coulter, he'll only damage this country and make a lot of money doing so.", ">>{onomuknub} : I'd really enjoy a Whataboutism Megathread so everyone can get that out of their system (hopefully). I assume you mean Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but maybe you mean Clinton. Either way, the head of an established political organization or the Democratic nominee for president is not equivalent to a figurative head of a sub-group within or opposed to the GOP, depending on who you ask. You might not like either individual (Wasserman-Schultz or Clinton) but neither of them in noteworthy for their politics; they're well-known figures and their political views are safely establishment. Milo is relatively new to the scene and his approach to politics and political discourse is very new and has few parallels to older politicians or pundits.", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Nah. They are worth hundreds of millions. Milo works a lot harder for a lot less money. You can buy this whore for pennies on the dollar.', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Jesus, your snark sounds dated as fuck. You're like a parody of an internet bore."], ['>>{Pineapple_TheC} : For new and returning iPhone users this Christmas, what are some apps that we need to download?', ">>{RogueStrider_06} : What are your particular interests/hobbies/areas of interest? Some general ones would be Reddit (obviously) and YouTube, your financial institution's app(s), and basic social media you're subscribed to.", '>>{itsnotnotme} : For me I downloaded all the google apps: gmail, google drive, google docs, etc.', ">>{boxerswag} : One of my favorites is Untappd. Like four square for beer I guess. You can rate them, see IBU and alcohol percentage, other ratings, and scan the barcode of the beer to search. I really enjoy it, I have something like 52 unique brews and it's fun to look back and the great and not so great beers you've had. Also, Temple Run 2 is still fun if anyone was wondering. And Real Racing 3 has insane graphics for a phone!", '>>{LegendaryIam} : Take out Gmail and use Inbox by Google. Much better.', '>>{Pineapple_TheC} : That sounds really interesting, thanks for the suggestion. Will download and give it a go!', '>>{LegendaryIam} : Sure thing. Gmail glitched on me a few times so I had to switch it out. Inbox has been smooth ever since.', ">>{LegendaryIam} : Ah I use it for work. I like it on a desktop. Haven't used it on mobile yet. But eh, I'll prob give it a look once I see flaws in Inbox", '>>{j_rodzsep} : RSS Reader - Reeder Reddit - Beam or Official App Podcasts - Pocketcast Reminders - Due Basic Notes - Google Keep Email - Outlook', ">>{EBOLANIPPLES} : As someone who just turned 18, it seems like a good app to get. I'll give it a go too when I pick up my new iPhone tomorrow.", ">>{itsnotnotme} : I love it! Also the look is so much better. After they recently updated the app i feel like it's more confusing."], ['>>{ScoopMYpoOp} : Spicer claims crowd was the largest crowd ever to witness a presidential inauguration.', ">>{SwoleBuddha} : If you're a Trump supporter, you can look at the photos for yourself. Why do you think the White House is coming out on day one and lying right to your face? Does this concern you?", '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Why would anyone care the Administration, on Day 2, thinks spreading disinformation about how popular the President appears to be is the most important task of the day???', '>>{waffletoastcrunch} : Americans are too used to freedom to believe blatant lies like this. The Trump administration will eventually fall.', '>>{counters} : That\'s exactly the question you should ask. Why does the Trump Administration feel it needs to lie about something so utterly mundane and stupid? They could\'ve acknowledged the numbers were low, said, "Yeah, it was raining and gross and we have a lot of work to do to begin reuniting the country" and *no one* would have any means to criticize them. Totally valid reasons for lower turnout. But no, Trump is a narcissist, and claimed the inauguration would be the biggest, greatest ever, and he\'s surrounded by yes-men who refuse to challenge his ego. Trump is *incapable* of letting these small things go, and his posse is unable to do anything about it. **That** is why so many people are so pessimistic about the next four years.', '>>{Thorn14} : Trump does apparently considering literally the first Press statement of the Trump Administration was a man speaking in all caps.', '>>{olalof} : If this was the largest crowd ever, there clearly must be photos showing it?', '>>{MuresMalum} : By sheer body mass, it might have been.', ">>{explosivo85} : It was really huge. Unfortunately Jerry was standing in front of the camera so you can't really see it. Stupid Jerry.", ">>{----root} : People said the same thing about his ridiculous speech and his chances of winning prior to the election. Don't underestimate the power of this sort of thing. Underestimating it again would be a very serious mistake.", '>>{Morchaint} : It only took two days for the Spicer to become [Baghdad Bob](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Saeed_al-Sahhaf). Is America going to put up with this nonsense?', ">>{versusgorilla} : You couldn't see all the people who attended because the floor was white and they all had to work so they couldn't come. But if they had, and the white floor wasn't so white, you'd have been able to see his billions of supporters!", '>>{In_my_opinion_} : I stole this from another redditor but failed to take down their name, so my apologies for not giving due credit. That said, I hope to see this copied and pasted often. #**The 14 points of Fascism** **Powerful and Continuing Nationalism** Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. **Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights** Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. **Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause** The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. **Supremacy of the Military** Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. **Rampant Sexism** The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy. **Controlled Mass Media** Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. **Obsession with National Security** Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. **Religion and Government are Intertwined** Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government\'s policies or actions. **Corporate Power is Protected** The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. **Labor Power is Suppressed** Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. **Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts** Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. **Obsession with Crime and Punishment** Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. **Rampant Cronyism and Corruption** Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. **Fraudulent Elections** Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. **EDIT:** if that list by Laurence Britt during the Bush 43 administration doesn\'t worry you, check out Umberto Eco\'s list that he penned in 1995... ***The cult of tradition.*** ^“One ^has ^only ^to ^look ^at ^the ^syllabus ^of ^every ^fascist ^movement ^to ^find ^the ^major ^traditionalist ^thinkers. ^The ^Nazi ^gnosis ^was ^nourished ^by ^traditionalist, ^syncretistic, ^occult ^elements.” ***The rejection of modernism.*** ^“The ^Enlightenment, ^the ^Age ^of ^Reason, ^is ^seen ^as ^the ^beginning ^of ^modern ^depravity. ^In ^this ^sense ^Ur-Fascism ^can ^be ^defined ^as ^irrationalism.” ***The cult of action for action’s sake.*** ^“Action ^being ^beautiful ^in ^itself, ^it ^must ^be ^taken ^before, ^or ^without, ^any ^previous ^reflection. ^Thinking ^is ^a ^form ^of ^emasculation.” ***Disagreement is treason.*** ^“The ^critical ^spirit ^makes ^distinctions, ^and ^to ^distinguish ^is ^a ^sign ^of ^modernism. ^In ^modern ^culture ^the ^scientific ^community ^praises ^disagreement ^as ^a ^way ^to ^improve ^knowledge.” ***Fear of difference.*** ^“The ^first ^appeal ^of ^a ^fascist ^or ^prematurely ^fascist ^movement ^is ^an ^appeal ^against ^the ^intruders. ^Thus ^Ur-Fascism ^is ^racist ^by ^definition.” ***Appeal to social frustration.*** ^“One ^of ^the ^most ^typical ^features ^of ^the ^historical ^fascism ^was ^the ^appeal ^to ^a ^frustrated ^middle ^class, ^a ^class ^suffering ^from ^an ^economic ^crisis ^or ^feelings ^of ^political ^humiliation, ^and ^frightened ^by ^the ^pressure ^of ^lower ^social ^groups.” ***The obsession with a plot.*** ^“The ^followers ^must ^feel ^besieged. ^The ^easiest ^way ^to ^solve ^the ^plot ^is ^the ^appeal ^to ^xenophobia.” ***The enemy is both strong and weak.*** ^“By ^a ^continuous ^shifting ^of ^rhetorical ^focus, ^the ^enemies ^are ^at ^the ^same ^time ^too ^strong ^and ^too ^weak.” ***Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy.*** ^“For ^Ur-Fascism ^there ^is ^no ^struggle ^for ^life ^but, ^rather, ^life ^is ^lived ^for ^struggle.” ***Contempt for the weak.*** ^“Elitism ^is ^a ^typical ^aspect ^of ^any ^reactionary ^ideology.” ***Everybody is educated to become a hero.*** ^“In ^Ur-Fascist ^ideology, ^heroism ^is ^the ^norm. ^This ^cult ^of ^heroism ^is ^strictly ^linked ^with ^the ^cult ^of ^death.” ***Machismo and weaponry.*** ^“Machismo ^implies ^both ^disdain ^for ^women ^and ^intolerance ^and ^condemnation ^of ^nonstandard ^sexual ^habits, ^from ^chastity ^to ^homosexuality.” ***Selective populism.*** ^“There ^is ^in ^our ^future ^a ^TV ^or ^Internet ^populism, ^in ^which ^the ^emotional ^response ^of ^a ^selected ^group ^of ^citizens ^can ^be ^presented ^and ^accepted ^as ^the ^Voice ^of ^the ^People.” ***Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.*** ^“All ^the ^Nazi ^or ^Fascist ^schoolbooks ^made ^use ^of ^an ^impoverished ^vocabulary, ^and ^an ^elementary ^syntax, ^in ^order ^to ^limit ^the ^instruments ^for ^complex ^and ^critical ^reasoning.”', ">>{stuthulhu} : I care because the 'leader of the free world' can't manage to face the truth about anything, and spreads lies incessantly in a vain attempt to bolster himself. Why *shouldn't* anyone care about their president lying *all the time*?", '>>{II-III-V-VII-XI} : I sincerely hope you are correct. I am encountering a terrifying amount of people—on a daily basis—that are gorging on his bullshit.', '>>{markl5} : Start with: -20 = -20 Which is the same as: 16-36 = 25-45 Which can also be expressed as: (2+2) 2 (9 X (2+2) = 52) 9 X 5 Add 81/4 to both sides: (2+2) 2 (9 X (2+2) + 81/4 = 52) 9 X 5 + 81/4 Rearrange the terms: ({2+2}) 9/2) 2 = (5-9/2) 2 Ergo: 2+2 - 9/2 = 5 \xa0 Hence: 2 + 2 = 5', ">>{Corzare} : Looks a lot bigger from that angle but you wouldn't see the empty space, so the other angle is more accurate.", ">>{RandomRedditor44} : I'm an American and I agree. Donald Trump will not survive four years in office. I can tell you this, believe me.", '>>{kiddestructo} : Dozens of pictures already out there. While a real picture perhaps, it is quite misleading. This is what Koba (Donnie) saw. The reality is self evident. Look around a bit as opposed to cherry picking. The evidence is overwhelming.', '>>{icecreampirateinc} : Trumpers are claiming that the other photos going around were taken before the crowds showed up. You need a picture that shows the timing. Good luck convincing them without that.', '>>{imahayhead} : First off, busts are removed so the new president can put up his own. Bush had Churchill, Obama had MLK jr, and now Trump has Churchill again. As for the crowds, you can look at the pictures yourself to see the difference. Now pictures can lie, but there are other sources which have revealed low numbers such as the transportation system since Trump silenced the government agency that normally releases the information.', '>>{mommy2libras} : Know who else made up statistics and entered them into public record? Minitruth. B.B.! B.B.! B.B.!', ">>{olalof} : Well it looks more crowded then the other pictures I've seen. But I'ts hard when it's from a different angle. There must be pictures taken from the other side throughout the day?", '>>{kiddestructo} : There are time stamps, they just believe the fallacy.', '>>{olalof} : There are clearly more people in this photo than in the comparison photo. But I think there were more people in 2009. You can see people overflowing on the sides were are in this picture they seem to be in neat boxes.', ">>{BUNKBUSTER} : Time to make your own deck of cards and donate the money? Edit: Bob didn't have a card, just checked a deck.", '>>{travio} : Oceana is at war with Eastasia. Oceana has always been at war with Eastasia.', ">>{olalof} : Holy shit I went to Fox News. And they are loving that the White House is shutting the press down. They will take everything that comes out of the White House at face value. I'm not surprised.", '>>{GonzoVeritas} : >We must take sides ... Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. ~ Elie Wiesel', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : > If you're a Trump supporter, you can look at the photos for yourself. Not only that, but if your a Trump voter, demographically - you're probably not able to jet on over to D.C. for Donalds ordination. After all, and i've heard it said over and over... Dem Liberuls don't have real jobs like us hard workin, God fearin' conservatives...", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : I see a lot of empty white tarps back there.', '>>{olalof} : Watch this. It seem to capture the whole event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdantUf5tXg', ">>{BadShopPop} : Perhaps he's only counting 3/5ths of Obama's audience.", '>>{MeLdArmy} : I have family posting to fb that the liberal media doctored the photos in order to paint Trump in a bad light.', ">>{olalof} : If you watch the full time lapse you can see people leaving. For my money it's not about if it was full or not. It's the White House claiming falsely it was the biggest attendance in history.", ">>{theredlore} : You're fucking cuckoo. The time-lapse proves the white house telling blatant lies about it being the biggest inauguration crowd ever. A fucking lie. In the first day. It's propaganda in action", ">>{theredlore} : There's a time-lapse of the whole day. It never fills up once.", '>>{Kyyyylllle12} : >Donald Trump will not survive four years in office. Sounds like a assassination threat. Or you have information. I reported your post through the [FBI portal, IC3](https://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx) Tell me how the interview with a Secret Service agent goes. :)', ">>{theredlore} : It's not about the picture. It's about the white house press secretary coming out an telling a verifiable lie and doubling down on it, whilst threatening the free press.", ">>{olalof} : How would it be cut. It's a continuous stream. If there was a cut you would see it? I actually believe this to be extremely serious. The government is trying to get the people to not trust the press. I hate to do this, but this straight out of Hitlers playbook. They are trying to get rid of anyone who can call them out, so when the next thing happens they will claim it's fake and people will believe them, because they are conditioned to believe it. It's the same tactics cults use, to keep people from defecting.", ">>{olalof} : So even when his tactics mimic those of hitler, hitler can't be brought up? We should not learn from the past? I'm not downplaying Hitler at all. I'm not saying Trump is exactly like Hitler, of course he not. But Hitler did not start out being full blown hitler. The whole rise of nazi Germany started slow with slight changes in society. If we see that repeat in our society we need to be vigilant.", ">>{Illegal_sal} : Photos taken at 12:15 p.m. ET each day show Trump's inauguration crowd vs. the WomensMarch [link](https://twitter.com/CNN/status/822885224501518336/photo/1)", ">>{----root} : Yeah... if you watch the timelapse, it's clear that the mall was nowhere near full. The pictures aren't some scheme to make Trump look disliked. **He really did draw that small a crowd**. The photos taken from his perspective hide a lot, because you can't tell the distance people are from each other. The aerial view isn't lying to you. That actually happened.", '>>{thisMFER} : Its not that its a "decent" amount of people or not..but weather it constitutes the record breaking masses they are stating were there.Directly contradicting reality.', ">>{What_I_Thought} : I love this exchange. It's just the classic, I refuse to see the truth even when it's right in front of me, that has been going on for months with the Trumpeters. When proven wrong change the argument. When the facts don't work, they don't matter. Need a fact, make one up.", ">>{alreadygoneKKbye} : I guess the time lapse video from several hours beforehand to people leaving in droves once it was over isn't enough. Not once was it close to being filled. Whole lotta white showing. White tarps too.", '>>{The_cuckmaker} : I lose all respect for people who close their eyes to obvious parallels .', '>>{The_cuckmaker} : It is **very** easy to slide from freedom to fascism. Ask the Weimar Republic.', '>>{atchijov} : What you implying is that at some moment (which was cut of time laps video to "promote the narrative") tens of millions people suddenly appear out of nowhere and that suddenly disappeared. Do you really believe it is even remotely possible?', '>>{atchijov} : So I guess u totally enjoying increase in home owner insurance. Because as of now this is the only tangible action this WH accomplished. I hope you are ready for "America first"... tee shorts (made in China).', ">>{aboganza} : the gigapixel pretty much corresponds to the end of the video (around 46 seconds). from the capitol building's view, even 100,000 people is going to look like a lot of people. the aerial view gives a more objective look", '>>{Rpolifucks} : And he\'s questioning the source that you\'re using to call that press secretary\'s statement a "verifiable lie." How are you not getting this?', ">>{Rpolifucks} : What? Say you have a venue that gets filled to 100% capacity but you want to make it looks like it was only at 50%. So you film it up until it's half filled, stop rolling (or cut this section out later) and then start rolling again after half the crowd has left at the end of the event.", ">>{theredlore} : There's video evidence. Video fucking evidence. From several sources. Every news organisation in the world ran the same story. What kind of delusion bubble do you people live in?", '>>{anisaerah} : Like this video, which shows that the mall was not full (though there were clearly hundreds of thousands of people)? https://youtu.be/VWTSJRGw5OA', '>>{anisaerah} : The Trump delusion bubble. The next four years are going to be fucking exhausting and exasperating.', ">>{Rpolifucks} : First of all, I fucking loath Trump, voted for Hillary, and agree that his supporters live in a bubble of delusion. All I'm saying is that you're either ignoring or not comprehending the fact that the guy you were talking to, who has now deleted his comment for whatever reason, suggested it's not impossible that this particular video was doctored. He was talking about the video, saying it could have been cut in such a way as to make the crowds appear smaller (why is such a thing impossible?), and then you reply saying it's not about the picture (that nobody was talking about). You then restate that the white house lied (which I think is probable) while continuing to ignore that he merely questioned the authenticity of your primary piece of evidence. You and I are on the same side. The problem is that you seem to have trouble following a conversation and apparently can't even entertain the thought that any organization on the left would ever tell a lie.", ">>{Rpolifucks} : Bruh, I'm not a Trump supporter in the slightest. Feel free to read my reply to theredlore."], ['>>{precip} : Republicans Rebrand Obamacare Strategy From ‘Repeal’ to ‘Repair’', '>>{spazz720} : >I’m out there saying repeal and no replace -- that’s as pretty strong as it gets,” Representative Roger Williams, a Texas Republican, said in an interview. He said he believes things should “just go back the way they were” before Obamacare. This guy is a certifiable idiot', '>>{hapoo} : Repair with a lead pipe to the knee. Fast forward 2 years: We told you Obamacare was broken!', ">>{PointOfFingers} : This is meaningless - Donald Trump said repeal and replace and he doesn't listen to logical counter arguments.", '>>{twoinvenice} : True, but it doesn\'t matter! If this is all they are coming up with they aren\'t going to get very far with breaking it. If the Democrats have an ounce of sense they are going to crucify the Republicans on this. Language matters when you are throwing shade in a campaign, and anyone who comes out to support "repair" instead of the full "repeal and replace" they promised should be asked why that didn\'t happen, over and over and over...', ">>{Themightylamer} : As government employees shouldn't they have been doing that for the last 7 fucking years rather than trying 60 failed attempts at repealing it? All hope is lost.", ">>{guy_breadmore} : They can call it whatever they want; they're still going to repeal it and walk away.", '>>{TheBadBrewer} : Repair: Rebrand, redirect attention to xenophobic horseshit, and take the Medicaid expansion your dumbass partisan governor refused the first time.', ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : More likely he's just greedy, self-serving pond scum like the rest of the GOP.", ">>{theanswerisforty2} : You know, if they were really savvy, and wanted to both distance themselves from Trump while still keeping the electorate happy, they could easily reintroduce all the bits they've stripped from the ACA over time, stop sabotaging it, stop calling it Obamacare, and let it flourish. But this would involve actually making government work for its people. I'm not sure the GOP is capable of stooping to that level.", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : If I were a pundit, staffer, strategist that leaned at all left, I would make an immense deal about what a lie Repeal and Replace is, what a bunch of posers the house is for trying to repeal the ACA however many times and NEVER, EVER having so much as an inkling as to how they would handle health-care. IMO, when Republican governors want to keep "Obamacare", this is the progress to defend and the hill for Democrats to die on. I would pick Ryan and start his Hillary treatment. I would point out anniversaries of repeal attempts with the wasted dollars each appeal cost. Where is the big plan, Paul? Where is Trump\'s "coverage for everyone"?', ">>{wodthing} : It's just bordering on mild retardation at this point. The ACA needed tweaking, everyone agreed on that, but instead of proposing common sense policy tweaks, that would be beneficial to everyone, all these morons come up with, is voting to repeal it dozens of times over a period of 6 years? And this is cheered as an acceptable government by some of its supporters?", '>>{itsnickk} : They are realizing how politically hopeless it will be to repeal it with absolutely no alternate plan. Somewhere in Palm Springs on a golf course, Obama is smirking.', '>>{Im_judging_u} : The rest of the govt. Fixed that for you', ">>{wwabc} : false equivalency bull one side tried to get more people healthcare, one side is now taking it away. it's not hard to compare and contrast the sides now", ">>{Loffler} : This man has clearly never tried to put toothpaste back into a tube. The monkey's out of the bottle, man.", ">>{joephusweberr} : For the sake of the 20 million people who got insurance through the ACA, good lets work on the parts of the law that need fixing and make healthcare affordable for everyone. For the sake of the last 8 years including shutting down the government to make a statement, what the fuck was that? The Republican party played politics with people's lives in the balance, attempting to repeal the ACA numerous times with what has now been shown to be a position they hadn't fully considered. This is disgraceful.", ">>{flukz} : I don't think you understand the fucking chaos that would create, and how difficult each and every minor change would be to implement into a running system. The reason it was a large, overwhelming piece of legislation in the first place is because it had to be.", ">>{Im_judging_u} : You can fool yourself into thinking the Democrats are your saviors if you want, they're all bought and paid for just look at the pharmaceutical bill from about a month ago, oh democrats voted against lowering drug prices too? Weird, wonder why?", ">>{wwabc} : maybe because you don't want your baby's medicine made in a third world sweat shop with no protections? they could have put 'must be FDA approved' in that law (like all the other drugs, by law) saviors? sounds like a cult. You can go off rational evidence lately and see one side is a bunch of cartoon villains and the other is a trying to make progress on some difficult issues.", ">>{Im_judging_u} : Third world country ? Like Canada ? Yeah it sure does sound like a cult to an outsider, anyone dumb enough to subscribe to a party without realizing they both have shortcomings isn't worth arguing with. I'm the irrational one when you can't come up with anything better than calling them cartoon villains? moron"], [">>{HubFlyer} : Are There Really More Hate Crimes At Schools Following Donald Trump's Election?", '>>{wonderingwhether54} : I was at penn for the racists facebook, author did not do her due dilligence. We will be proved correct in the end.', '>>{veniceinperil} : Texas State has racist signs up all over campus that say things like, "We\'re coming to get you, time to build a wall." That\'s an emphatic, "Yes."', '>>{veniceinperil} : I live in Texas. Personal experience does not have a cite. Edit: It was apparently in the local news, as well . http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Texas-State-investigating-flyer-calling-for-the-10606109.php', '>>{HubFlyer} : There are racist signs "all over campus" at Texas State but there is no empirical evidence, only your testimony? Sounds like you are making the author\'s point.', '>>{veniceinperil} : No, there was a link. Would you like more? Edit: This one has pictures. http://kxan.com/2016/11/10/flyer-calling-for-vigilante-squads-circulating-around-texas-state/', ">>{WeAllWillDie} : Uh, kind looks like it happened man. Just because you plug your ears and yell doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's not how facts work.", '>>{WeAllWillDie} : How? He linked hard evidence to his claim. Can you refute it with the same, or do you just feel you are right?', ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : After reading through myriad stories since Election Day, what’s clear is that the widely reported episodes of violence and intimidation are usually vague, involve roaming gangs of indistinguishable white males, and produce no witnesses. Often the police aren’t even called, but when they are, the stories tend to fall apart. One University of Louisiana Lafayette freshman recanted her story of two white males, one in a Trump hat, stealing her wallet and hijab (a scarf that Muslim women wear to cover their head and neck) when confronted with contrary evidence. Stock photo group of white men from a previously unknown racist group have suddenly decided to make themselves known by plastering flyers in bathrooms. No suspects. That's rough. I don't think we'll ever figure out who did that shit.", '>>{IvankaDrumpf} : • At Bayside H.S. in Brevard County, Fla., Andre Hudson, 17, was charged with felony battery after he punched a fellow student who was holding a Trump sign in gym class, according to ClickOrlando.com. • In California, cellphone videos rolled as a female student at Woodside H.S. calmly removed her glasses before beating up sophomore Jade Armenio, a Trump supporter. The attacker reportedly said that Armenio had commented approvingly on an anti-Mexican online message, which Armenio denied to KGO-TV. • At an anti-Trump walkout at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Md., a 15-year-old student wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat got kicked and punched by five of his fellow students and was taken to the hospital, according to The Washington Post. • And near Houston, an 11-year-old boy wound up on crutches following his admission to classmates that he had voted for Trump in a school mock election. School officials at Stafford Intermediate School suspended the alleged attackers as an investigation continued. “This is America,” said Mary Lemmon, the boy’s mother, to Fox 26. “Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and they shouldn’t be beat up for it.”', '>>{HubFlyer} : Thanks for providing the detail I did not find by my own search. That stuff sounds pretty vile (although "Build the wall" seems tame). The story mentions that the University Police is "investigating." Do you think they will follow through and try to find the perpetrators or does this type of thing just get dropped?', ">>{WeAllWillDie} : Jesus, do you just walk around in circles all day too? I don't know how people like you function in the world. Helps me better understand Trump being elected though.", '>>{veniceinperil} : Google does location specific searches. It showed me that because I have an ISP address nearby--it\'s not your fault that didn\'t show up. They\'ll prosecute. There will be hell to pay. That\'s what all these, "But it\'s free speech," idiots don\'t get--the real world is not the internet. Harassment is prosecutable.', '>>{HubFlyer} : Yeah, not plugging my ears, dude. Providing proof is "how facts work."', '>>{IvankaDrumpf} : Can I make a bet for reddit gold with you that nobody will ever be prosecuted in this case?', ">>{HubFlyer} : After editing the original post (which I appreciate) that had NO link. There is no harm in asking for evidence, unless you don't want to have all the facts.", '>>{IvankaDrumpf} : • At Bayside H.S. in Brevard County, Fla., Andre Hudson, 17, was charged with felony battery after he punched a fellow student who was holding a Trump sign in gym class, according to ClickOrlando.com. • In California, cellphone videos rolled as a female student at Woodside H.S. calmly removed her glasses before beating up sophomore Jade Armenio, a Trump supporter. The attacker reportedly said that Armenio had commented approvingly on an anti-Mexican online message, which Armenio denied to KGO-TV. • At an anti-Trump walkout at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Md., a 15-year-old student wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat got kicked and punched by five of his fellow students and was taken to the hospital, according to The Washington Post. • And near Houston, an 11-year-old boy wound up on crutches following his admission to classmates that he had voted for Trump in a school mock election. School officials at Stafford Intermediate School suspended the alleged attackers as an investigation continued. “This is America,” said Mary Lemmon, the boy’s mother, to Fox 26. “Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and they shouldn’t be beat up for it.” These have all been reported to have happened with real victims. Attackers have been identified. People have gone to the hospital. People have gotten felonies. Obviously these hate crimes are real.', ">>{veniceinperil} : You're on. Texas is not the wilderness. I deal with prosecutors every day. Hays County prosecutors are nasty little bitches--this will not end well.", ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : Ok deal. You can't prosecute anyone if you never find a suspect though.", ">>{veniceinperil} : Like most schools, Southwest Texas has cameras. They'll find them.", '>>{frigginfartface} : If you consider it a hate crime to cheer on Trump or say build the wall. Most people consider that free speech.', '>>{glutenfree123} : Yes the day after the election a group of kids who were trump supporters followed a black kid around and called him racial slurs', ">>{jjmc123a} : It seems like the article didn't answer the question in the title. Are there more (is the number after the election greater than the number before)? Instead it just details several apocryphal stories but we are no closer to knowing the answer."]]
classify and reply
['>>{occupythekremlin} : Neo-cons rehabilitated?: now that he’s at the helm, Trump is considering several of the (Iraqi) war’s major advocates for top national security posts in his administration', '>>{trolls_brigade} : But... But... Trump was against the Iraq war. Or so I am led to believe.', ">>{sedgwickian} : Yea but Clinton voted for the Iraq War based on faulty intel from these guys so at least we didn't give her control of the White House! (/s)", ">>{groman28} : Woo! That anti establishment wave is plowing over Washington. Watch that swamp drain! Thank God we didn't elect that bloodthirsty warmonger Clinton!", ">>{darthaditya} : FBI search warrant blamed for costing Hillary Clinton presidential election 'should never have been granted'", ">>{Adnandiditfershure} : Imagine being the person that lost to a widely-despised gameshow host and you don't blame yourself even a bit", ">>{heuheu} : I was saying this the entire time anytime someone tried to call Clinton a war hawk or dangerous. The real danger is Trump. He isn't smart enough to compete with China/Russia geopolitically. They're going to run circles around him and when his anti-NATO talk you're going to see arms races all over the planet. I'd be amazed if we weren't at war with multiple countries by the end of these 4 years. The only thing these countries understand is military might. The fact the US is sucking up to Russia now after they just invaded and stole land is a bad sign. They're just going to do it again because they know Trump won't do shit. It's appeasement. Not only that, but they hacked us to influence our election and now Trump is trying to befriend them. Just absolutely absurd. It makes us look weak.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : You don't think she blames herself at all? She literally came out and apologized the day after the election. No other losing candidate has done that in a presidential election.", ">>{blatantninja} : Yeah. Clinton seemed to just assume she was going to win, especially in Wisconsin. There was never anything that really grabbed you about her campaign. And shit, with the way the DNC stacked the deck in the primaries for her, I can't really have any sympathy.", ">>{volares} : No they just enjoy dictators they don't actually care about war or human lives.", ">>{Adnandiditfershure} : She was apologizing for what we're stuck with now. Everyone close to her campaign is blaming Russians, Comey, and even going as far as saying the Midwest was an inevitable win for Trump. No, I don't think she blames herself", ">>{TheRealRosey} : At the end of the day, Clinton lost because of who she is and what she did. Period, end. As a democrat, who voted for Clinton, I sincerely hope the party wakes the fuck up. Stop blaming everything under the sun other than the truth. We nominated a shit candidate who didn't deserve the nomination let alone the office.", ">>{sparkledavisjr} : The warrant didn't cost her the election. Comey made his announcement to Congress before even obtaining the warrant, which did most of the damage.", '>>{occupythekremlin} : They will notice. To alt-right these are jews/zionist globalist bankers who they blame for everything. They thought trump would be new hitler.', ">>{occupythekremlin} : Isn't their whole platform against what they perceive as neocon Jewish globalist bankers. This is infowars 101 type stuff. Trump promised them hitler and instead is acting like bush ii.", '>>{OlimarsOnion} : Rampant corruption at the highest levels of government swayed the election and nothing will be done about it. Shocker.', ">>{kyonu} : Exactly. She didn't apologize for losing, she's apologizing that Trump is so bad. She in no way has blamed herself. At all. It's all a finger-pointing game right now.", '>>{Kenny_Wayne_Shitbird} : Most losing candidates speak on the night of the election, not the next day. I guess she was too cowardly to face her supporters, so she had Podesta tell everyone to just go home and cry.', '>>{zeebly} : > She literally came out and apologized the day after the election Because the night of she sent out her campaign manager to tell her supporters to go home instead of going out to face them like every other losing candidate ever.', ">>{Time4Red} : Why can't it be multiple things? Why does there always have to be one problem with a silver bullet solution? This shit is complicated. I absolutely fucking hate how everyone has to simplify these problems down to a third grade level, and people vote for whoever can dumb it down the most and whoever makes it sound easiest to solve. *That* is a huge contributing factor to Trump's victory. Maybe that's exactly what the Democrats need to do to win, but it will condemn this country to failure. Is that really where we are right now? Maybe it is, I don't know.", ">>{spacemoose1} : They'll need a couple of years of Trump failing them for reality to break through the propaganda machine though. We're still in the honeymoon phase.", '>>{__anon} : Most of them are just in this to piss off "SJWs" and Muslims. I don\'t really think they care about principles that much', ">>{treerat} : So because Hillary was shit we have to ignore Comey's blatant political interference in the election, in violation of DOJ guidelines? He had nothing. He knew he had nothing. He went full political theater anyway.", '>>{NutDraw} : Seriously, the number of people I encountered backing "bomb the shit out of them" Trump because they thought Clinton too aggressive on that front boggled the mind.', '>>{red-light} : You forget that they can be pro Israel in certain instances, because right-wing zionists ALSO hate Muslims with a passion.', ">>{oldtrenzalore} : Maybe she collapsed again and needed time in Chelsea's apartment to recover.", ">>{occupythekremlin} : Hating muslims doesn't make one alt-right and to the alt-right hatred of muslims doesn't mean like of jews. They often blame jews for trying to destroy them with islam. To the alt-right muslims are biggest enemy but jews aren't far behind.", ">>{69umbo} : She was running for POTUS, the tired excuse doesn't fly", ">>{Kenny_Wayne_Shitbird} : It's bad that she left a room full of her supporters waiting, and then didn't face them. She's a spineless coward, and we dodged a bullet when she lost.", ">>{Time4Red} : I mean...Reagan. But I'm not disputing your point. Maybe she shouldn't have been running for president.", ">>{IcarusBurning} : Me reading your comment: You have no idea wh-....oh, you're right. He wrote that letter that said fuck-all before he even had a warrant to look at the laptop.", ">>{gayrongaybones} : Like okay, but I thought we were talking about whether Hillary blamed herself for the loss. Leaving a room full of supporters waiting is bad but it has nothing to do with what was actually being discussed. Leaving the room and how much blame she takes are not correlated at all, if she stays it doesn't mean she blames herself if she leaves it doesn't mean she blames herself.", '>>{jimmytsunami} : Hillary Clinton was the reason why Hillary Clinton lost the election.', '>>{briaen} : > And that matters why? For me, everything she says seems so robotic and fake. It feels like she had to run it by a focus group before she said it. Also, a week or so ago, she was complaining about fake news.', '>>{Millwalky} : She was up by 7 points or more in Wisconsin for several months. Bernie, Tim Kaine and Chelsea and Bill were here all the time. She was here twice before the DNC. Her volunteers in Wisconsin went through their call lists and canvassing lists twice. No one took it for granted aside from apathetic non-voters, holier than thou Green voters, and Johnson voters. Everyone assumed she would win. The voters even more so than her supporters or her campaign.', '>>{nospamkhanman} : Also the democratic party was the reason the democratic party lost. Bernie would have fared much better against Trump.', ">>{bootlegvader} : Only Bernie was such a shit candidate that he couldn't even beat her.", ">>{nospamkhanman} : Because of the democratic party didn't want him to. That's been fairly well documented.", ">>{LGMenu} : > You don't think she blames herself at all? Not at all. None of the Democrats take any blame. They make no recommendations for change. No one is resigning. They want to do the same thing forever.", '>>{bootlegvader} : Yeah, that is generally how one loses an election by getting rejected by the majority of voters. And Bernie lost by the delegate count (both pledged and super) and popular vote. He also lost swing states overall, blue states overall, and red states overall. Bernie got his ass kicked by Clinton.', '>>{Spadeykins} : You are putting a spin on it. Another spin might be that she was so emotionally distraught (ya know, being human) that she needed time to compose herself.', ">>{givesomefucks} : she didnt announce it in person on election night like everyone else has, so you want to give her more credit because she waited a day later? >This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country. thats the only time she said sorry in the [transcript](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/09/politics/hillary-clinton-concession-speech/). that's not apoligizing", '>>{googlespydo7} : You can find the warrant online. What the FBI had was emails between Clinton and Huma that they could tell were work related by the subject lines. The warrant states that they did not read the emails, because without a warrant they were not lawfully allowed to do so. They suspected there would be classified emails there, because they had already found lots of classified emails between Hillary and Huma on Hillary\'s sever, so they knew these ladies were in the habit of emailing classified info to each other. After the warrant was obtained, guess what, they found classified info in the emails. Yet Hillary supporters are saying the FBI "had nothing". Hillary supporters gain nothing from continuing to lie about her classified emails. She lost - it\'s over, you can stop trying to cover for her now.', ">>{Spadeykins} : President's aren't allowed emotion now? I think you're in for a rough twitter fueled rage the next 4-8 years.", ">>{givesomefucks} : You lie about what she did, when it was proven you lied you claim it ddidnt matter anyways. I'm not surprised you followed that with a huge wall of text blaming everyone but hear. Neither of us are going to gain anything from this.", ">>{treerat} : I not trying to cover for Hillary. Didnt really like her. She showed in 2008 that she was a horrible campaigner when her mistakes threw the election to BHO. Not surprised she lost and that's not my issue. Only voted for her because Trump. There a million different ways you can say she lost the election even though she won the popular vote by a large margin. I read the warrant. The FBI found nothing new on the Wiener laptop. Its the way Comey played the whole Wiener thing in which he consciously influenced the election that bothers me. They are under directive to not handle an active investigation case that way so close to an election for that very reason. He did it anyway. There's no way you send a letter like that to Chaffetz and not expect Alfalfa to go public with it., More info is coming out about the whole incident. I hope Comey is happy as more evidence comes out that Russia has been cultivating Trump for years now. And he destroyed the reputation of the FBI in the process. All of this from the Comey letter to Russian influence and hacking, to the allegations of voter fraud and the current relevance of the electoral college should be examined thoroughly and discussed. Especially in this day and age when everything is touted as a conspiracy. Sunlight is good.", ">>{givesomefucks} : You're as bad as she is. In case of a miracle and this gets through to you: Lying matters, when you lie to someone they're not going to believe you. You lied about something and didn't even care, there is no reason to trust anything else you say. Have fun with your head stuck in the sand, you self admittedly won't change your mind even though what you said wasn't true so its prolly going to stay that way the rest of your life. Your a lost cause and I bet everyone you know gave up on you a long time ago"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{darthaditya} : FBI search warrant blamed for costing Hillary Clinton presidential election 'should never have been granted'", ">>{Adnandiditfershure} : Imagine being the person that lost to a widely-despised gameshow host and you don't blame yourself even a bit", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : You don't think she blames herself at all? She literally came out and apologized the day after the election. No other losing candidate has done that in a presidential election.", ">>{blatantninja} : Yeah. Clinton seemed to just assume she was going to win, especially in Wisconsin. There was never anything that really grabbed you about her campaign. And shit, with the way the DNC stacked the deck in the primaries for her, I can't really have any sympathy.", ">>{Adnandiditfershure} : She was apologizing for what we're stuck with now. Everyone close to her campaign is blaming Russians, Comey, and even going as far as saying the Midwest was an inevitable win for Trump. No, I don't think she blames herself", ">>{TheRealRosey} : At the end of the day, Clinton lost because of who she is and what she did. Period, end. As a democrat, who voted for Clinton, I sincerely hope the party wakes the fuck up. Stop blaming everything under the sun other than the truth. We nominated a shit candidate who didn't deserve the nomination let alone the office.", ">>{sparkledavisjr} : The warrant didn't cost her the election. Comey made his announcement to Congress before even obtaining the warrant, which did most of the damage.", '>>{OlimarsOnion} : Rampant corruption at the highest levels of government swayed the election and nothing will be done about it. Shocker.', ">>{kyonu} : Exactly. She didn't apologize for losing, she's apologizing that Trump is so bad. She in no way has blamed herself. At all. It's all a finger-pointing game right now.", '>>{Kenny_Wayne_Shitbird} : Most losing candidates speak on the night of the election, not the next day. I guess she was too cowardly to face her supporters, so she had Podesta tell everyone to just go home and cry.', '>>{zeebly} : > She literally came out and apologized the day after the election Because the night of she sent out her campaign manager to tell her supporters to go home instead of going out to face them like every other losing candidate ever.', ">>{Time4Red} : Why can't it be multiple things? Why does there always have to be one problem with a silver bullet solution? This shit is complicated. I absolutely fucking hate how everyone has to simplify these problems down to a third grade level, and people vote for whoever can dumb it down the most and whoever makes it sound easiest to solve. *That* is a huge contributing factor to Trump's victory. Maybe that's exactly what the Democrats need to do to win, but it will condemn this country to failure. Is that really where we are right now? Maybe it is, I don't know.", ">>{treerat} : So because Hillary was shit we have to ignore Comey's blatant political interference in the election, in violation of DOJ guidelines? He had nothing. He knew he had nothing. He went full political theater anyway.", ">>{oldtrenzalore} : Maybe she collapsed again and needed time in Chelsea's apartment to recover.", ">>{69umbo} : She was running for POTUS, the tired excuse doesn't fly", ">>{Kenny_Wayne_Shitbird} : It's bad that she left a room full of her supporters waiting, and then didn't face them. She's a spineless coward, and we dodged a bullet when she lost.", ">>{Time4Red} : I mean...Reagan. But I'm not disputing your point. Maybe she shouldn't have been running for president.", ">>{IcarusBurning} : Me reading your comment: You have no idea wh-....oh, you're right. He wrote that letter that said fuck-all before he even had a warrant to look at the laptop.", ">>{gayrongaybones} : Like okay, but I thought we were talking about whether Hillary blamed herself for the loss. Leaving a room full of supporters waiting is bad but it has nothing to do with what was actually being discussed. Leaving the room and how much blame she takes are not correlated at all, if she stays it doesn't mean she blames herself if she leaves it doesn't mean she blames herself.", '>>{jimmytsunami} : Hillary Clinton was the reason why Hillary Clinton lost the election.', '>>{briaen} : > And that matters why? For me, everything she says seems so robotic and fake. It feels like she had to run it by a focus group before she said it. Also, a week or so ago, she was complaining about fake news.', '>>{Millwalky} : She was up by 7 points or more in Wisconsin for several months. Bernie, Tim Kaine and Chelsea and Bill were here all the time. She was here twice before the DNC. Her volunteers in Wisconsin went through their call lists and canvassing lists twice. No one took it for granted aside from apathetic non-voters, holier than thou Green voters, and Johnson voters. Everyone assumed she would win. The voters even more so than her supporters or her campaign.', '>>{nospamkhanman} : Also the democratic party was the reason the democratic party lost. Bernie would have fared much better against Trump.', ">>{bootlegvader} : Only Bernie was such a shit candidate that he couldn't even beat her.", ">>{nospamkhanman} : Because of the democratic party didn't want him to. That's been fairly well documented.", ">>{LGMenu} : > You don't think she blames herself at all? Not at all. None of the Democrats take any blame. They make no recommendations for change. No one is resigning. They want to do the same thing forever.", '>>{bootlegvader} : Yeah, that is generally how one loses an election by getting rejected by the majority of voters. And Bernie lost by the delegate count (both pledged and super) and popular vote. He also lost swing states overall, blue states overall, and red states overall. Bernie got his ass kicked by Clinton.', '>>{Spadeykins} : You are putting a spin on it. Another spin might be that she was so emotionally distraught (ya know, being human) that she needed time to compose herself.', ">>{givesomefucks} : she didnt announce it in person on election night like everyone else has, so you want to give her more credit because she waited a day later? >This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country. thats the only time she said sorry in the [transcript](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/09/politics/hillary-clinton-concession-speech/). that's not apoligizing", '>>{googlespydo7} : You can find the warrant online. What the FBI had was emails between Clinton and Huma that they could tell were work related by the subject lines. The warrant states that they did not read the emails, because without a warrant they were not lawfully allowed to do so. They suspected there would be classified emails there, because they had already found lots of classified emails between Hillary and Huma on Hillary\'s sever, so they knew these ladies were in the habit of emailing classified info to each other. After the warrant was obtained, guess what, they found classified info in the emails. Yet Hillary supporters are saying the FBI "had nothing". Hillary supporters gain nothing from continuing to lie about her classified emails. She lost - it\'s over, you can stop trying to cover for her now.', ">>{Spadeykins} : President's aren't allowed emotion now? I think you're in for a rough twitter fueled rage the next 4-8 years.", ">>{givesomefucks} : You lie about what she did, when it was proven you lied you claim it ddidnt matter anyways. I'm not surprised you followed that with a huge wall of text blaming everyone but hear. Neither of us are going to gain anything from this.", ">>{treerat} : I not trying to cover for Hillary. Didnt really like her. She showed in 2008 that she was a horrible campaigner when her mistakes threw the election to BHO. Not surprised she lost and that's not my issue. Only voted for her because Trump. There a million different ways you can say she lost the election even though she won the popular vote by a large margin. I read the warrant. The FBI found nothing new on the Wiener laptop. Its the way Comey played the whole Wiener thing in which he consciously influenced the election that bothers me. They are under directive to not handle an active investigation case that way so close to an election for that very reason. He did it anyway. There's no way you send a letter like that to Chaffetz and not expect Alfalfa to go public with it., More info is coming out about the whole incident. I hope Comey is happy as more evidence comes out that Russia has been cultivating Trump for years now. And he destroyed the reputation of the FBI in the process. All of this from the Comey letter to Russian influence and hacking, to the allegations of voter fraud and the current relevance of the electoral college should be examined thoroughly and discussed. Especially in this day and age when everything is touted as a conspiracy. Sunlight is good.", ">>{givesomefucks} : You're as bad as she is. In case of a miracle and this gets through to you: Lying matters, when you lie to someone they're not going to believe you. You lied about something and didn't even care, there is no reason to trust anything else you say. Have fun with your head stuck in the sand, you self admittedly won't change your mind even though what you said wasn't true so its prolly going to stay that way the rest of your life. Your a lost cause and I bet everyone you know gave up on you a long time ago"], ['>>{occupythekremlin} : Neo-cons rehabilitated?: now that he’s at the helm, Trump is considering several of the (Iraqi) war’s major advocates for top national security posts in his administration', '>>{trolls_brigade} : But... But... Trump was against the Iraq war. Or so I am led to believe.', ">>{sedgwickian} : Yea but Clinton voted for the Iraq War based on faulty intel from these guys so at least we didn't give her control of the White House! (/s)", ">>{groman28} : Woo! That anti establishment wave is plowing over Washington. Watch that swamp drain! Thank God we didn't elect that bloodthirsty warmonger Clinton!", ">>{heuheu} : I was saying this the entire time anytime someone tried to call Clinton a war hawk or dangerous. The real danger is Trump. He isn't smart enough to compete with China/Russia geopolitically. They're going to run circles around him and when his anti-NATO talk you're going to see arms races all over the planet. I'd be amazed if we weren't at war with multiple countries by the end of these 4 years. The only thing these countries understand is military might. The fact the US is sucking up to Russia now after they just invaded and stole land is a bad sign. They're just going to do it again because they know Trump won't do shit. It's appeasement. Not only that, but they hacked us to influence our election and now Trump is trying to befriend them. Just absolutely absurd. It makes us look weak.", ">>{volares} : No they just enjoy dictators they don't actually care about war or human lives.", '>>{occupythekremlin} : They will notice. To alt-right these are jews/zionist globalist bankers who they blame for everything. They thought trump would be new hitler.', ">>{occupythekremlin} : Isn't their whole platform against what they perceive as neocon Jewish globalist bankers. This is infowars 101 type stuff. Trump promised them hitler and instead is acting like bush ii.", ">>{spacemoose1} : They'll need a couple of years of Trump failing them for reality to break through the propaganda machine though. We're still in the honeymoon phase.", '>>{__anon} : Most of them are just in this to piss off "SJWs" and Muslims. I don\'t really think they care about principles that much', '>>{NutDraw} : Seriously, the number of people I encountered backing "bomb the shit out of them" Trump because they thought Clinton too aggressive on that front boggled the mind.', '>>{red-light} : You forget that they can be pro Israel in certain instances, because right-wing zionists ALSO hate Muslims with a passion.', ">>{occupythekremlin} : Hating muslims doesn't make one alt-right and to the alt-right hatred of muslims doesn't mean like of jews. They often blame jews for trying to destroy them with islam. To the alt-right muslims are biggest enemy but jews aren't far behind."]]
classify and reply
['>>{RCNica} : Ms. Clinton no longer has anything to input on American foreign policy. Enough said.', '>>{tryhard404} : Why is Hilary so important right now? Was she elected president and I just missed it?', '>>{Msshadow} : I feel like her opinion is pretty irrelevant and not indicative of what would have happened if she *had* won.', '>>{ForWhomTheBoneBones} : House Intel Panel Chief Nunes Says He Will Not Divulge His Sources', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation', '>>{topamine2} : Bill and Epstein probably had the idea during one of their drug fueled sex binges.', '>>{oldbeth} : More disgusting guilt by associate tactics from the Republicans.', '>>{basedOp} : So the Clinton Foundation is really the [Lolita](http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/lolita) Foundation? Does Bill Clinton have sex slaves like scientology does with their Sea Org?', '>>{ForWhomTheBoneBones} : > Asked by a Fox News reporter whether he would inform the other committee members about who gave him the reports he viewed on the White House grounds last week, Nunes said: "We will never reveal those sources and methods." I\'m pretty sure he doesn\'t know what the definition of committee is, if he\'s going to keep details private. And who the fuck is **"we"**?', '>>{workfuntimecoolcool} : Wasn\'t it previously reported he was going to share everything? Or was it just referring to the "intel" he learned about?', '>>{Usawasfun} : Wait ya tha fuck? Who else is he working with?', '>>{PandorasPanda} : Flight logs obtained exclusively by FoxNews.com show the former president taking at least 26 trips around the world aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights Nothing to see here.', '>>{wwarnout} : This person has no business being on an intelligence committee - let alone being its chairperson.', '>>{skinnytrees} : How about the minority leader of the house and senate Are they relevant They have agreed with the strikes. Just an fyi', '>>{MakeshiftChemistry} : To shreds, you say. Sorry, I had to. Also, this is gross and fucked up.', ">>{paraconformity} : Donald Trump's personality cult is now using Hillary Clinton's policy positions to validate Donald Trump's actions without a hint of irony I guess. As someone who would have been glad if Hillary Clinton had been elected the 45th President of the United States Whether or not Hillary supports bombing Syria has zero effect on my opinion of the merits of that action, can any of you Trump supporters point to a post in The_donald in favour of bombing Assad that predated Trump's own change of opinion? Do any of you think for yourselves?", '>>{ITreedALittle} : Not just "he", he said "we". Who else is he working with, the white house? He has no place being head of a committee he isn\'t willing to share info with. Time to shut things down and figure out what they\'re covering up.', ">>{Anti_Bullshit} : Or when Trump (Epstein's friend) was raping one of the 13 year olds.", ">>{topcutter} : Yeah, at least Bill doesn't have small hands. You know it's over when r/politics is against her.", '>>{Anti_Bullshit} : >Bill and Epstein probably had the idea during one of their drug fueled sex binges. And this happened? Why no objection to that? Where is the proof for this ever happening or you are only upset about one allegation but not the other?', '>>{oahut} : Well, Clinton and Epstein are both well known rapists.', '>>{OptionalAccountant} : Cool no one cares tbh. All that says is that she would have done the same thing which is pretty irrelevant.', ">>{Msshadow} : Did I post in a thread with those names in the title? Nope. Sure looks like that's not the topic.", '>>{Lavalampexpress} : Can this chick just stfu? Shes not relevant anymore like come on lady you lost to TRUMP LOL.', '>>{escalation} : Were the 21 flights with secret service agents to Columbia?', '>>{GMOsYMMV} : Because good Republicans believe that secret leakers are a good thing.', ">>{fco83} : And 6 months ago, trumpsters all claimed that it would be world war 3 if Hillary was elected because she'd get into a fight in Syria. Honestly, trump not wanting to be involved was one of those 'broken clock is right twice a day' kind of things that i actually supported. Hillary was a bit more hawkish than i wouldve liked.", ">>{bejammin075} : Earlier, I'm not sure which interview or statement it was, but Nunes said something along the lines of, he was gathering information that he would bring back to the committee. Nunes is totally bugging out.", ">>{bejammin075} : 1 or more in the WH with a security clearance. Bannon perhaps. Somebody who would have been interested in looking at transcripts of foreign surveillance, looking for an angle to pursue kicking up a smokescreen. Nunes can't reveal his source because the source is likely a target of the investigation.", '>>{twistedcheshire} : And by that token, neither do you. Then again, following blindly is a thing.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : We already know their names, Bannon and Trump.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : That was when he thought they could get away with it.', '>>{poopeedoop} : The great thing about being a progressive is I don\'t have to agree with my "teammates". All I have seen on here for the past couple of days is Trumpers trying to justify why he would attack Syria after saying that we shouldn\'t. Isn\'t this globalism? I thought they were against regime change. I thought it was "America First" If you voted for Trump you were sold a bill of goods.', '>>{escalation} : >"Mr. Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which is described as a project \'bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges, >Epstein could be tried for using underage girls in a sex ring based in Palm Beach, Fla., and his private island estate on the 72-acre Virgin Islands home dubbed “Orgy Island.” Epstein spent 13 months in prison and home detention after agreeing to a plea deal in which he admitted to soliciting an underage girl for prostitution. Wait. Exactly what do they mean by "innovative solutions to the world\'s most pressing challenges?', '>>{skinnytrees} : If you want to go that route this "topic" is already 7 hours old so its worthless Pretty much everyone on both sides has agreed it was a good move by now...', '>>{RCNica} : I never mentioned my views on policy. Good night.', '>>{OmniaOmnibus} : As someone who voted and canvassed for her this past election year, *please* stop talking Mrs. Clinton. *Please*.', ">>{tryhard404} : Very obvious to see. Don't know why they would bring them up", ">>{twistedcheshire} : All the more reason to figure which side you are on. Either one really is of no matter to me. I much prefer to not be alive during WW3 or the like suddenly popping up, but hey... I shouldn't speak about foreign policy.", ">>{RCNica} : Why should I be on a side? Is this identity politics that cost Clinton the election? Why can't I have my opinions without being right or left?", '>>{twistedcheshire} : Interesting. You now have garnered my interest in you. I like people that can think on their own. It is such a rare thing these days.', ">>{twistedcheshire} : It does become annoying. I much prefer to look at the information presented, and making a decision on my own whether or not I think it's good. Data is a good thing.", '>>{RCNica} : Agreed and someone like Ms. Clinton no longer has access to crucial data. Therefore, I made my comment based on that. Let it be known that I have yet to form an opinion on the Syria quagmire. You will be the first to know.', '>>{twistedcheshire} : Well then, that is understandable. I will redact my negatory voting based on such evidence.', ">>{seeking_horizon} : As much time as I've spent defending Hillary recently, I would really rather her find more productive ways to spend her time than calling for airstrikes against anybody. Take a page from Obama and keep your own counsel.", ">>{Felinomancy} : Aha! This is proof that Hillary's Deep State is truly running the things in America. Whether or not this comment is made in jest and/or sarcasm is an exercise left to the reader.", '>>{pandathrowaway} : She gave her first post-election interview today, and was asked her opinion on Syria. She didn\'t "call" for anything.', '>>{travio} : Unless she is in control of the deep state working against trump. That would make a good movie. The ex president and his cabinets take control of the shadow government when hey discover that the benes president is a Russian stooge.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ForWhomTheBoneBones} : House Intel Panel Chief Nunes Says He Will Not Divulge His Sources', '>>{ForWhomTheBoneBones} : > Asked by a Fox News reporter whether he would inform the other committee members about who gave him the reports he viewed on the White House grounds last week, Nunes said: "We will never reveal those sources and methods." I\'m pretty sure he doesn\'t know what the definition of committee is, if he\'s going to keep details private. And who the fuck is **"we"**?', '>>{workfuntimecoolcool} : Wasn\'t it previously reported he was going to share everything? Or was it just referring to the "intel" he learned about?', '>>{Usawasfun} : Wait ya tha fuck? Who else is he working with?', '>>{wwarnout} : This person has no business being on an intelligence committee - let alone being its chairperson.', '>>{ITreedALittle} : Not just "he", he said "we". Who else is he working with, the white house? He has no place being head of a committee he isn\'t willing to share info with. Time to shut things down and figure out what they\'re covering up.', '>>{GMOsYMMV} : Because good Republicans believe that secret leakers are a good thing.', ">>{bejammin075} : Earlier, I'm not sure which interview or statement it was, but Nunes said something along the lines of, he was gathering information that he would bring back to the committee. Nunes is totally bugging out.", ">>{bejammin075} : 1 or more in the WH with a security clearance. Bannon perhaps. Somebody who would have been interested in looking at transcripts of foreign surveillance, looking for an angle to pursue kicking up a smokescreen. Nunes can't reveal his source because the source is likely a target of the investigation.", '>>{mindlessrabble} : We already know their names, Bannon and Trump.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : That was when he thought they could get away with it.'], ['>>{RCNica} : Ms. Clinton no longer has anything to input on American foreign policy. Enough said.', '>>{tryhard404} : Why is Hilary so important right now? Was she elected president and I just missed it?', '>>{Msshadow} : I feel like her opinion is pretty irrelevant and not indicative of what would have happened if she *had* won.', '>>{skinnytrees} : How about the minority leader of the house and senate Are they relevant They have agreed with the strikes. Just an fyi', ">>{paraconformity} : Donald Trump's personality cult is now using Hillary Clinton's policy positions to validate Donald Trump's actions without a hint of irony I guess. As someone who would have been glad if Hillary Clinton had been elected the 45th President of the United States Whether or not Hillary supports bombing Syria has zero effect on my opinion of the merits of that action, can any of you Trump supporters point to a post in The_donald in favour of bombing Assad that predated Trump's own change of opinion? Do any of you think for yourselves?", '>>{OptionalAccountant} : Cool no one cares tbh. All that says is that she would have done the same thing which is pretty irrelevant.', ">>{Msshadow} : Did I post in a thread with those names in the title? Nope. Sure looks like that's not the topic.", '>>{Lavalampexpress} : Can this chick just stfu? Shes not relevant anymore like come on lady you lost to TRUMP LOL.', ">>{fco83} : And 6 months ago, trumpsters all claimed that it would be world war 3 if Hillary was elected because she'd get into a fight in Syria. Honestly, trump not wanting to be involved was one of those 'broken clock is right twice a day' kind of things that i actually supported. Hillary was a bit more hawkish than i wouldve liked.", '>>{twistedcheshire} : And by that token, neither do you. Then again, following blindly is a thing.', '>>{poopeedoop} : The great thing about being a progressive is I don\'t have to agree with my "teammates". All I have seen on here for the past couple of days is Trumpers trying to justify why he would attack Syria after saying that we shouldn\'t. Isn\'t this globalism? I thought they were against regime change. I thought it was "America First" If you voted for Trump you were sold a bill of goods.', '>>{skinnytrees} : If you want to go that route this "topic" is already 7 hours old so its worthless Pretty much everyone on both sides has agreed it was a good move by now...', '>>{RCNica} : I never mentioned my views on policy. Good night.', '>>{OmniaOmnibus} : As someone who voted and canvassed for her this past election year, *please* stop talking Mrs. Clinton. *Please*.', ">>{tryhard404} : Very obvious to see. Don't know why they would bring them up", ">>{twistedcheshire} : All the more reason to figure which side you are on. Either one really is of no matter to me. I much prefer to not be alive during WW3 or the like suddenly popping up, but hey... I shouldn't speak about foreign policy.", ">>{RCNica} : Why should I be on a side? Is this identity politics that cost Clinton the election? Why can't I have my opinions without being right or left?", '>>{twistedcheshire} : Interesting. You now have garnered my interest in you. I like people that can think on their own. It is such a rare thing these days.', ">>{twistedcheshire} : It does become annoying. I much prefer to look at the information presented, and making a decision on my own whether or not I think it's good. Data is a good thing.", '>>{RCNica} : Agreed and someone like Ms. Clinton no longer has access to crucial data. Therefore, I made my comment based on that. Let it be known that I have yet to form an opinion on the Syria quagmire. You will be the first to know.', '>>{twistedcheshire} : Well then, that is understandable. I will redact my negatory voting based on such evidence.', ">>{seeking_horizon} : As much time as I've spent defending Hillary recently, I would really rather her find more productive ways to spend her time than calling for airstrikes against anybody. Take a page from Obama and keep your own counsel.", ">>{Felinomancy} : Aha! This is proof that Hillary's Deep State is truly running the things in America. Whether or not this comment is made in jest and/or sarcasm is an exercise left to the reader.", '>>{pandathrowaway} : She gave her first post-election interview today, and was asked her opinion on Syria. She didn\'t "call" for anything.', '>>{travio} : Unless she is in control of the deep state working against trump. That would make a good movie. The ex president and his cabinets take control of the shadow government when hey discover that the benes president is a Russian stooge.'], ['>>{BebopRocksteady82} : Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation', '>>{topamine2} : Bill and Epstein probably had the idea during one of their drug fueled sex binges.', '>>{oldbeth} : More disgusting guilt by associate tactics from the Republicans.', '>>{basedOp} : So the Clinton Foundation is really the [Lolita](http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/lolita) Foundation? Does Bill Clinton have sex slaves like scientology does with their Sea Org?', '>>{PandorasPanda} : Flight logs obtained exclusively by FoxNews.com show the former president taking at least 26 trips around the world aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights Nothing to see here.', '>>{MakeshiftChemistry} : To shreds, you say. Sorry, I had to. Also, this is gross and fucked up.', ">>{Anti_Bullshit} : Or when Trump (Epstein's friend) was raping one of the 13 year olds.", ">>{topcutter} : Yeah, at least Bill doesn't have small hands. You know it's over when r/politics is against her.", '>>{Anti_Bullshit} : >Bill and Epstein probably had the idea during one of their drug fueled sex binges. And this happened? Why no objection to that? Where is the proof for this ever happening or you are only upset about one allegation but not the other?', '>>{oahut} : Well, Clinton and Epstein are both well known rapists.', '>>{escalation} : Were the 21 flights with secret service agents to Columbia?', '>>{escalation} : >"Mr. Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which is described as a project \'bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges, >Epstein could be tried for using underage girls in a sex ring based in Palm Beach, Fla., and his private island estate on the 72-acre Virgin Islands home dubbed “Orgy Island.” Epstein spent 13 months in prison and home detention after agreeing to a plea deal in which he admitted to soliciting an underage girl for prostitution. Wait. Exactly what do they mean by "innovative solutions to the world\'s most pressing challenges?']]
classify and reply
[">>{eaglesforlife} : Trump Adviser: Hillary Clinton 'Should Be Shot in a Firing Squad for Treason'", '>>{DamagedHells} : Even more building up the alt-right anger by perpetuating the "Kill Clinton" narrative coupled with the "If we lose it\'s because of FRAUD!" narrative. The Trump camp is trying hard to cultivate the alt-right terrorism movement, aren\'t they folks?', ">>{johnfrance} : Looks like *somebody's* gettin another visit from the secret service...", ">>{HollywoodCote} : I'm still waiting for them to specify the treasonous event. Instead, all they do is bark about charges like mad dogs.", '>>{Ilikespacestuff} : If anyone here on reddit said that on social media they would be getting more than a talking too by the ss. Come on feds, do your fucking job.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : It's already been cultivated . Trump is just pollinating it.", ">>{kinghajj} : Uh people say that all the time and nothing happens, because it isn't illegal to opine that you believe someone has committed crimes and thus should be tried and punished.", ">>{DamagedHells} : That's true, I guess. Elliot Rogers, Anders Brehvik, and Dylann Roof didn't come about AFTER Trump.", '>>{Capt-Lionel-Mandrake} : Fuck that whole presumption of innocence nonsense, right!', '>>{BernardKornblum} : This guy\'s a real winner. I didn\'t say "just anybody" should shoot her, I said "a *firing squad*" should shoot her. Okie dokie! Sorry for misunderstanding you, even though nobody misunderstood you and you\'ve completely missed the fucking point you idiot, have a nice hateful day!', ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : And if none of them did what they did, they'd all be posting on /r/the_Donald.", ">>{Todd_Buttes} : You don't know what you're talking about, Republican congressmen are about to bust Cattlegate wide open", '>>{DamagedHells} : Daddy is gonna build that wall and ensure every one of us NAMBLA Navigators get a nice, obedient woman!', ">>{kinghajj} : Uh did anything in my post imply that I personally agree with these people? No. You just assumed. I happen not to believe anything she did rises to the level of treason, (maybe negligence/arrogance), and I don't support the death penalty anyway.", ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : I didn't assume anything and I don't care where your loyalties lie. I was pointing out that that statement isn't as safe to say as you imply. The person you responded to was right, if a regular person on social media said that, they'd be screwed.", ">>{kinghajj} : If Hillary committed treason, she deserves to be shot by a firing squad. I'll be awaiting my visit from secret service any day now.", ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : This isn't social media and that's not the quote. It's ok though. I'd prefer you not do it. You seem like good people.", ">>{kinghajj} : Well the OP included reddit, and I've been /r/HillaryForPrison enough to know it'd be empty if a bunch of people who visit there got visited by feds.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : Good thing for freedom of assasination... er... I mean speach. yeah, speach.', ">>{zombo_pig} : And talking about treason and crimes, if anybody gets killed, assassinated, or hurt as a result of this absurd line of thought Trump is obviously pushing right now, he should go straight to jail. You shouldn't yell fire in a theatre and get away without consequences. And, honestly, Manafort's connections to Russia are, at this point, real enough that an investigation should be conducted to make sure Trump has not helped pass classified CIA information to Russia.", ">>{DamagedHells} : So heroic :') Historically, 13 people have been convicted of treason in the United States, and only 3 were executed for it. Funny enough, nothing she's done would be classified under treason. Apparently people are devoid of reading comprehension.", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : Wow what a bunch of animals over there. Not my cup of tea.', ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : I feel like secret service visits probably don't come cheap. We should start demanding Trump reimburse the tax payers for every time some jackass he's fired up needs to be interviewed.", ">>{kinghajj} : Oh yeah it's gotten ridiculous, a few months ago it was more humorous if you took it a certain way, but it seems like a lot of the Bernie supporters left and now it's /r/The_Donald part deux.", '>>{throwawatc123} : These days, the word "treason" has been twisted to mean "disagreeing with a conservative"', ">>{GunzGoPew} : Secret Service shouldn't be abbreviated as SS. The SS was something different.", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : Part Durr is more like it. What a bunch of drooly mouth breathers.', ">>{BlakeRidley} : Troubling to see the untempered howl of republication revolution stand up before the secretary in such a bombastic manner. It's truly humbling to see such a distraught semblance to our haramble.", ">>{gdex86} : So this is cynical as all hell but the alt right couldn't work up the nerve to take a shot at the first Black President. I don't think they will with the first woman.", '>>{ReallyLikesRum} : The story practically writes itself when the terrorist is named Hillary Clinton.', '>>{Autodrop} : No. She actually would be in prison for life if she could get convicted at all. He\'s being dramatic and hyperbolic with a "firing squad", but if any normal person would have done the things she\'s done, they\'d be spending the rest of their lives in jail, that\'s a fact.', ">>{Autodrop} : Yes it is. Give studying her a chance and you'll find me to be right. I'm not american and don't have a dog in the race, but I am particularly interested in american politics and the ignorance regarding both Bill and Hillary Clinton is mindblowing. I'm not a hater, I want what's right. They should both be in prison and with a perfect legal system, they would be.", ">>{lapone1} : I've just watched them being unduly harassed for decades, and the people working with them destroyed for nothing.", ">>{Autodrop} : That is very disturbing for someone that cares about facts. If you can live with the ignorance then good on you! Probably shouldn't be on forums though. Enjoy your day!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{eaglesforlife} : Trump Adviser: Hillary Clinton 'Should Be Shot in a Firing Squad for Treason'", '>>{DamagedHells} : Even more building up the alt-right anger by perpetuating the "Kill Clinton" narrative coupled with the "If we lose it\'s because of FRAUD!" narrative. The Trump camp is trying hard to cultivate the alt-right terrorism movement, aren\'t they folks?', ">>{johnfrance} : Looks like *somebody's* gettin another visit from the secret service...", ">>{HollywoodCote} : I'm still waiting for them to specify the treasonous event. Instead, all they do is bark about charges like mad dogs.", '>>{Ilikespacestuff} : If anyone here on reddit said that on social media they would be getting more than a talking too by the ss. Come on feds, do your fucking job.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : It's already been cultivated . Trump is just pollinating it.", ">>{kinghajj} : Uh people say that all the time and nothing happens, because it isn't illegal to opine that you believe someone has committed crimes and thus should be tried and punished.", ">>{DamagedHells} : That's true, I guess. Elliot Rogers, Anders Brehvik, and Dylann Roof didn't come about AFTER Trump.", '>>{Capt-Lionel-Mandrake} : Fuck that whole presumption of innocence nonsense, right!', '>>{BernardKornblum} : This guy\'s a real winner. I didn\'t say "just anybody" should shoot her, I said "a *firing squad*" should shoot her. Okie dokie! Sorry for misunderstanding you, even though nobody misunderstood you and you\'ve completely missed the fucking point you idiot, have a nice hateful day!', ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : And if none of them did what they did, they'd all be posting on /r/the_Donald.", ">>{Todd_Buttes} : You don't know what you're talking about, Republican congressmen are about to bust Cattlegate wide open", '>>{DamagedHells} : Daddy is gonna build that wall and ensure every one of us NAMBLA Navigators get a nice, obedient woman!', ">>{kinghajj} : Uh did anything in my post imply that I personally agree with these people? No. You just assumed. I happen not to believe anything she did rises to the level of treason, (maybe negligence/arrogance), and I don't support the death penalty anyway.", ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : I didn't assume anything and I don't care where your loyalties lie. I was pointing out that that statement isn't as safe to say as you imply. The person you responded to was right, if a regular person on social media said that, they'd be screwed.", ">>{kinghajj} : If Hillary committed treason, she deserves to be shot by a firing squad. I'll be awaiting my visit from secret service any day now.", ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : This isn't social media and that's not the quote. It's ok though. I'd prefer you not do it. You seem like good people.", ">>{kinghajj} : Well the OP included reddit, and I've been /r/HillaryForPrison enough to know it'd be empty if a bunch of people who visit there got visited by feds.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : Good thing for freedom of assasination... er... I mean speach. yeah, speach.', ">>{zombo_pig} : And talking about treason and crimes, if anybody gets killed, assassinated, or hurt as a result of this absurd line of thought Trump is obviously pushing right now, he should go straight to jail. You shouldn't yell fire in a theatre and get away without consequences. And, honestly, Manafort's connections to Russia are, at this point, real enough that an investigation should be conducted to make sure Trump has not helped pass classified CIA information to Russia.", ">>{DamagedHells} : So heroic :') Historically, 13 people have been convicted of treason in the United States, and only 3 were executed for it. Funny enough, nothing she's done would be classified under treason. Apparently people are devoid of reading comprehension.", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : Wow what a bunch of animals over there. Not my cup of tea.', ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : I feel like secret service visits probably don't come cheap. We should start demanding Trump reimburse the tax payers for every time some jackass he's fired up needs to be interviewed.", ">>{kinghajj} : Oh yeah it's gotten ridiculous, a few months ago it was more humorous if you took it a certain way, but it seems like a lot of the Bernie supporters left and now it's /r/The_Donald part deux.", '>>{throwawatc123} : These days, the word "treason" has been twisted to mean "disagreeing with a conservative"', ">>{GunzGoPew} : Secret Service shouldn't be abbreviated as SS. The SS was something different.", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : Part Durr is more like it. What a bunch of drooly mouth breathers.', ">>{BlakeRidley} : Troubling to see the untempered howl of republication revolution stand up before the secretary in such a bombastic manner. It's truly humbling to see such a distraught semblance to our haramble.", ">>{gdex86} : So this is cynical as all hell but the alt right couldn't work up the nerve to take a shot at the first Black President. I don't think they will with the first woman.", '>>{ReallyLikesRum} : The story practically writes itself when the terrorist is named Hillary Clinton.', '>>{Autodrop} : No. She actually would be in prison for life if she could get convicted at all. He\'s being dramatic and hyperbolic with a "firing squad", but if any normal person would have done the things she\'s done, they\'d be spending the rest of their lives in jail, that\'s a fact.', ">>{Autodrop} : Yes it is. Give studying her a chance and you'll find me to be right. I'm not american and don't have a dog in the race, but I am particularly interested in american politics and the ignorance regarding both Bill and Hillary Clinton is mindblowing. I'm not a hater, I want what's right. They should both be in prison and with a perfect legal system, they would be.", ">>{lapone1} : I've just watched them being unduly harassed for decades, and the people working with them destroyed for nothing.", ">>{Autodrop} : That is very disturbing for someone that cares about facts. If you can live with the ignorance then good on you! Probably shouldn't be on forums though. Enjoy your day!"]]
classify and reply
['>>{VolMarek} : Gun violence research ban must be lifted, say doctors', ">>{t88m} : Just no funding because the NRA doesn't want it. Not a real ban, just an assured destruction of careers if any money is given for it.", ">>{Grease2310} : The picture wasn't even close to being a Star of David. These articles have been posted non-stop all day each with a more misleading title then the last.", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : What was the difference between the star and a star of david? I mean, did it not have 6 points created by two intersecting triangles? PS. apparently the star of david isn't really the star of david, it's a medieval kaballah symbol which was later used by the nazis to identify Jews. It doesn't have a biblical original. Prove me wrong and find an ancient B.C. hebrew monument that uses it.", ">>{t88m} : It is true, though. CDC gets funding cut and has no money to research gun control, nor the access to the data. If I had to guess I'd put my money on healthcare being the bigger agenda, and the entrenched minority had some say in those days.", ">>{NullMarker} : They have no money to research gun control. They still have money they can use to research gun violence. The two aren't equatable.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : These posts today have been full of White Supremacists trying to tell Jews that they understand the implications of putting a Star of David on a pile of cash better than the Jews do. It's really been reddit at it's worst.", ">>{OutofajobinNovember} : Even though Trump's daughter and her family are Jewish and even though Trump spoke highly of Israel and its people at the AIPAC conference, he is still a racist asshole. Hillary Clinton is the best ever.", ">>{zippityhooha} : The US spends a trillion dollars a year to fight terrorism, but it can't afford a penny to study something that kills 30,000 Americans a year...", '>>{duqit} : When the research comes back with the shocking finding that guns per capita is correlated to gun violence, color me shocked.', '>>{urPenguinsRbelong2us} : also the ban on researching weed for cancer also needs to be lifted.', ">>{BlueDogDem62} : Jews have a monopoly on all six point stars. Sheriffs departments around the country are antisemitic because many use the same star, Microsoft paint is antisemitic because the star is a default shape. If the star were yellow or blue, the critics may have a point. Considering his daughter is jewish, his grandchildren through her are jewish, and Sheldon Adelson has pledged 100 million to his campaign, it is safe to assume it wasn't antisemitic.", '>>{walnut_of_doom} : Except gun violence is down while gun ownership is up...', ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : No, no. You're off narative. So what that the Democrat party nominee was interrogated by the FBI about the criminal invvestigation she's embroiled in. Trump tweeted. That's the story. Trump tweeted.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : No, no. Don't you understand? Trump tweeted. He tweeted for crying out loud. Nevermind that the democrat party nominee is embroiled in a crminal investigation by the federal bureau of security reviews. Trump tweeted god damn it.", '>>{dannager} : > The only thing congress has said about research is the CDC is not to push for gun control. Everything else aside, what\'s the point of research if it doesn\'t generate policy recommendations? The CDC was effectively told, "You can do all the research on the subject you want, but you can only draw meaningful conclusions if the study shows things we like." Imagine the uproar if Congress tried to tell the CDC they could research diseases but couldn\'t conclude that vaccines would help curb their spread.', '>>{obl1terat1ion} : The only thing I got from that archive is that you threatened to rape someone...', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Its absolutely mind boggling. You're right, the six pointed star is a DEFAULT shape on MS Paint. How these racists automatically associate money with Jews is insane.", '>>{119-92-6734} : No the point is when people are calling you racist or keep talking about your KKK supporters, maybe stay away from anything that could be perceived as anti Semitic. Just saying.', '>>{armatron444} : I have to agree with you. I\'m still not sold on the fact that it was meant to be anti-semitic, but the response on reddit has been really bad. A lot of Jews I know are uncomfortable with a Star of David on a pile of cash that says "most corrupt candidate ever", but don\'t worry Jews, reddit knows what anti-semitism is and they\'re going to tell you.', ">>{dannager} : > To do the reasearch and let others draw conclusions. It is not thier job to be partisan. ***This isn't about being partisan.*** A researcher does research ***and draws conclusions.*** That includes policy recommendations. That's the entire point of research. You don't fucking let ***politicians*** come up with recommendations based on your research, because ***that's*** how your research gets hijacked for partisan purposes. Their job is to conduct research and help develop policy to improve public health and wellbeing. They've been told they can't do that. It's no different from Congress telling them they can't recommend vaccination to curb the spread of disease.", ">>{zippityhooha} : If that's the case the gun lobby should welcome research...", ">>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Wasn't even close Yeah bullshit. That was clearly the star of David. He fucked up by tweeting that. Stop defending it. He deleted the tweet because he knew he fucked up.", '>>{exparkat} : Yet gun fatalities are [up.](http://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iC8Yrn4fBB7w/v1/1200x-1.jpg)', ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : I'm more worried about the 50 pentagrams on the US flag.", ">>{armatron444} : Ha, but the stars on the flag are not pentagrams. Pentagrams are 'a five-pointed star that is formed by drawing a continuous line in five straight segments, often used as a mystic and magical symbol.'", ">>{DarkSideActual} : Thanks. Does that account for population or is it just total numbers? Edit: Nevermind it looks like total numbers. It also looks like they don't have any actual data post-2010", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's a Lie though. We spent $10 million on CDC gun research in 2013. There is no ban on research.", '>>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : If what Trump tweeted was a Star of David, then those are for damn sure pentagrams on that flag.', ">>{armatron444} : I can see your point, as I said earlier, I don't think it was meant to be anti-semitic. My point is that many Jews are unfortable with it, and yet Reddit, is trying to tell Jews what they should be comfortable with. Which is insane, because many have valid concerns about the message and the real or implied magen david. Even Trump's team removed it!", ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : The problem is conceding the issue when people are just tilting at windmills. Explaining to people that their concerns are invalid is a proper course of action in this situation. They probably changed the star because of backlash, but that doesn't mean the original picture was in any way inappropriate.", '>>{lostkhronos} : That is the first thing I thought of. From both a practical and personal perspective it would be insane of the Trump campaign to purposefully insinuate such a thing.', '>>{JasonDavidWongPargin} : Everybody agrees that at worst this was purely an accident, right? What does he have to gain here?', '>>{kanye_likes_journey} : You mean like that pic of hillary making out with that klan leader', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Actually Obama gave them $10 million after that last shooting and their conclusions were the opposite of that, they ruled guns made people safer.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : False. In fact Obama gave them $10 million in 2013.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : The point is to get data not to push an agenda.', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : It's not even a Jewish star of David. It's literally the default star you can use for shapes in MS Paint, or are we now saying Microsoft is racist for pushing everyone in Paint to use the Star of David to invoke Holocaust memories? Of course not. Just because it is a 6 point star doesn't mean it represents the Jewish star. This is 100% a media hit-job and I am amazed how many people are buying it. It doesn't even look like the star of david as is traditionally represented with crossed lines. It's completely absurd.", ">>{ZadocPaet} : There's nothing satanic about the United States of America. ...U**n**ited **S**t**at**es of **A**merica NSATA SATAN Oh shit.", '>>{Bali5} : Correct: there is no ban on research, this is a mis-truth spread by gun control zealots. There is a ban on using it as a political stunt.', '>>{glass_daggers} : Bullshit. 5 seconds of research will explain to you why that is bullshit. Make yourself a better citizen, and check your argument before making easily refuted claims.', ">>{thumbprick} : exactly. A star can be both a graphic intensifier and a primary symbol of a religious faith at the same time. To choose to disregard the latter symbolism because it's inconvenient is quite foolish, though, as it's a fact that has been very well grounded in European history for thousands of years. I'm sure a swastika is a good luck sign too, eh? All I know is if I go out wearing one, people might get the wrong idea about me.", ">>{PapaFish} : A study was already ordered by Obama after Sandy Hook. He just didn't like the results: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/15941-cdc-study-ordered-by-obama-contradicts-white-house-anti-gun-narrative", ">>{PapaFish} : A study was already ordered by Obama after Sandy Hook. He just didn't like the results: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/15941-cdc-study-ordered-by-obama-contradicts-white-house-anti-gun-narrative", ">>{PapaFish} : A study was already ordered by Obama after Sandy Hook. He just didn't like the results: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/15941-cdc-study-ordered-by-obama-contradicts-white-house-anti-gun-narrative", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : So this thread hasn't been removed for offtopic, it's about Trump making a boo boo, but the other thread I made on the FBI making a boo boo and killing 50 or so nightclub goers at Orlando is offtopic. Politics is more than shit politicians do. It's about Government organizations and how they function. Too bad the mods don't see it that way.", '>>{thumbprick} : me and many, many people gave it meaning. That is the fundamental idea of a symbol, that link to meaning. To put the word corrupt in a six-pointed symbol of Judaism atop a pile of money, another symbolic linkage, is going to raise eyebrows. This meaning exists de facto whether you desire it or not, or meant anything by it or not. That is, again, what symbolism is. Good designers will use this symbolism to layer resonant elements of meaning inside a single image to make it complex and powerful, where multiple meanings work together within a single image to produce a more "poetic" result. If nothing else, who are his designers? If they didn\'t do this on purpose they aren\'t very well trained. Or perhaps he swiped it from /pol/ as is alleged, in which case it would be quite definitely intentional.', '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : He DID NOT create this picture. He found it somewhere else & tweeted it out not knowing some special snowflake would search for something to be offended by.', ">>{insanechipmunk} : Research needed on the corporate interest of prescription drugs in the American Healthcare System, says the NRA No offence, but I don't really care what AMA has to say about guns. Just like I don't care what the FDA says about the communications industry.", ">>{n0xz} : It's not the retarded orange buffoon fault ever. He just retweeted blindy because he can't read or too retarded to understand the meaning.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : How many times have you spammed this thread with the same post?', '>>{chakravanti93} : It can be. You are ignorant if you believe this shit.', ">>{maliciousgnome13} : Lots of doctors focus on studying the topic of accidental injury. What's the problem?", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's literally is a default fucking MS PAINT shape. See [here.](https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=628&q=ms+paint+shapes&oq=ms+paint+shapes&gs_l=img.3..0i30j0i24.1578.5997.0.6217. [Are play doh shapes racist too? MUST BE!](https://i.redd.it/b6j0iwig9x6x.png) [Apparently Google, Adobe, and Microsoft are guilty of Antisemitism as well.](https://twitter.com/roger_kin/status/749397126388461568)", ">>{glass_daggers} : That's not your bullshit claim. The $10 million was requested and never passed. Post some other slightly related stuff as a response. That's fine. The particulars don't matters I guess.", ">>{Ian_Rubbish} : I'm sure there is a perfectly good not-at-all antisemitic explanation. *rolls eyes*", '>>{they_call_me_al} : They are also supposed to make recommendations based off their data.', '>>{they_call_me_al} : Actually it was only $100,000. Obama has proposed an additional $10 million for the budget the last two years but it has been shot down both times', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : No they present the conclusions of the data, not making recommendations. They lost that privilege when previously they got caught deciding their conclusion first then doing research to prove it. It's a spit in the face of science.", ">>{insanechipmunk} : I meaan, I really have no idea on if that is true or not. Could I get a source, so that I can see for myself this weird research where doctors draw unusual conclusions from accidents. Regardless, my problem was pretty obvious. I don't care what x special interest group has to say about y industry. I don't care if the ATF comments on voter fraud proceedings. It means nothing to me. Just like the AMA commenting on gun research is irrelevant to me.", ">>{MogenDave} : The Mogen David is two interlaced triangles. Please provide evidence for a solid red Star of David. The flag for the city of Chicago has four six-pointed red stars. One of them stands for the Great Chicago Fire, which was obviously an anti-Semitic event engineered by Trump's ancestors. This was a long time before his membership in the Hitler Youth.", ">>{maliciousgnome13} : I see what you're saying. To me it makes more sense for an outside organization to conduct the research due to the bias and everyday politics that would influence it from the inside. That's just an opinion, though. That being said, the AMA is made up of some smart cookies who understand data analysis as well as anyone. In response to your first bit, the field is officially called injury prevention. In the past they've looked frequently at vehicle accidents. With cameras as well as autopsies their research has helped put in place laws like the ones we have with seatbelts. They also work with engineers to help redesign cars and roads. This is a multidisciplinary thing; it's not a few isolated doctors. Why do you think the conclusions that are drawn must be unusual and from weird research?", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Here is the source of the image. The designer was clearly an anti-semite: https://archive.is/E0Dto', '>>{dyzo-blue} : So they probably should not be getting their tweets from 8chan. Here is the source of the image: https://archive.is/E0Dto', ">>{lostkhronos} : I can't honestly understand any of this ..... I'd like to think that this whole mishap is due to a dramatically understaffed and underfunded campaign. I have no idea anymore. From a cost/benefit analysis it provides nothing to his campaign so this whole situation begs a response.", '>>{armatron444} : Well, it turns out that the original was created by Neo-nazis and reposted by the Trump campaign. “Mic discovered Sunday that Donald Trump’s Twitter wasn’t the first place the meme appeared. The image was previously featured on /pol/ — an Internet message board for the alt-right, a digital movement of neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, and white supremacists newly emboldened by the success of Donald Trump’s rhetoric — as early as June 22, 2016, over a week before Donald Trump’s team tweeted it.” https://mic.com/articles/147711/donald-trump-s-star-of-david-hillary-clinton-meme-was-created-by-white-supremacists#.Jkt9mpjMJ', ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : So his campaign didn't even make the image? What a non-issue. /pol/ is just a bunch of trolls anyway, but sure this is some neo-nazi conspiracy.", ">>{armatron444} : So, Trump's campaign re-posted a neo-nazi image and a bunch of people on Reddit are goysplaining how it isn't anti-semitic...yeah...nothing to see here...", ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : Goysplaining? Are you an anti-non-semite? Seems redditors are serving up a buffet to me. How is it even a neo-nazi symbol? The Star of David? That's a Jewish symbol! Hillary isn't even Jewish!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{VolMarek} : Gun violence research ban must be lifted, say doctors', ">>{t88m} : Just no funding because the NRA doesn't want it. Not a real ban, just an assured destruction of careers if any money is given for it.", ">>{t88m} : It is true, though. CDC gets funding cut and has no money to research gun control, nor the access to the data. If I had to guess I'd put my money on healthcare being the bigger agenda, and the entrenched minority had some say in those days.", ">>{NullMarker} : They have no money to research gun control. They still have money they can use to research gun violence. The two aren't equatable.", ">>{zippityhooha} : The US spends a trillion dollars a year to fight terrorism, but it can't afford a penny to study something that kills 30,000 Americans a year...", '>>{duqit} : When the research comes back with the shocking finding that guns per capita is correlated to gun violence, color me shocked.', '>>{urPenguinsRbelong2us} : also the ban on researching weed for cancer also needs to be lifted.', '>>{walnut_of_doom} : Except gun violence is down while gun ownership is up...', '>>{dannager} : > The only thing congress has said about research is the CDC is not to push for gun control. Everything else aside, what\'s the point of research if it doesn\'t generate policy recommendations? The CDC was effectively told, "You can do all the research on the subject you want, but you can only draw meaningful conclusions if the study shows things we like." Imagine the uproar if Congress tried to tell the CDC they could research diseases but couldn\'t conclude that vaccines would help curb their spread.', '>>{obl1terat1ion} : The only thing I got from that archive is that you threatened to rape someone...', ">>{dannager} : > To do the reasearch and let others draw conclusions. It is not thier job to be partisan. ***This isn't about being partisan.*** A researcher does research ***and draws conclusions.*** That includes policy recommendations. That's the entire point of research. You don't fucking let ***politicians*** come up with recommendations based on your research, because ***that's*** how your research gets hijacked for partisan purposes. Their job is to conduct research and help develop policy to improve public health and wellbeing. They've been told they can't do that. It's no different from Congress telling them they can't recommend vaccination to curb the spread of disease.", ">>{zippityhooha} : If that's the case the gun lobby should welcome research...", '>>{exparkat} : Yet gun fatalities are [up.](http://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iC8Yrn4fBB7w/v1/1200x-1.jpg)', ">>{DarkSideActual} : Thanks. Does that account for population or is it just total numbers? Edit: Nevermind it looks like total numbers. It also looks like they don't have any actual data post-2010", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's a Lie though. We spent $10 million on CDC gun research in 2013. There is no ban on research.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Actually Obama gave them $10 million after that last shooting and their conclusions were the opposite of that, they ruled guns made people safer.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : False. In fact Obama gave them $10 million in 2013.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : The point is to get data not to push an agenda.', '>>{Bali5} : Correct: there is no ban on research, this is a mis-truth spread by gun control zealots. There is a ban on using it as a political stunt.', '>>{glass_daggers} : Bullshit. 5 seconds of research will explain to you why that is bullshit. Make yourself a better citizen, and check your argument before making easily refuted claims.', ">>{PapaFish} : A study was already ordered by Obama after Sandy Hook. He just didn't like the results: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/15941-cdc-study-ordered-by-obama-contradicts-white-house-anti-gun-narrative", ">>{PapaFish} : A study was already ordered by Obama after Sandy Hook. He just didn't like the results: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/15941-cdc-study-ordered-by-obama-contradicts-white-house-anti-gun-narrative", ">>{PapaFish} : A study was already ordered by Obama after Sandy Hook. He just didn't like the results: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/15941-cdc-study-ordered-by-obama-contradicts-white-house-anti-gun-narrative", ">>{insanechipmunk} : Research needed on the corporate interest of prescription drugs in the American Healthcare System, says the NRA No offence, but I don't really care what AMA has to say about guns. Just like I don't care what the FDA says about the communications industry.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : How many times have you spammed this thread with the same post?', '>>{chakravanti93} : It can be. You are ignorant if you believe this shit.', ">>{maliciousgnome13} : Lots of doctors focus on studying the topic of accidental injury. What's the problem?", ">>{glass_daggers} : That's not your bullshit claim. The $10 million was requested and never passed. Post some other slightly related stuff as a response. That's fine. The particulars don't matters I guess.", '>>{they_call_me_al} : They are also supposed to make recommendations based off their data.', '>>{they_call_me_al} : Actually it was only $100,000. Obama has proposed an additional $10 million for the budget the last two years but it has been shot down both times', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : No they present the conclusions of the data, not making recommendations. They lost that privilege when previously they got caught deciding their conclusion first then doing research to prove it. It's a spit in the face of science.", ">>{insanechipmunk} : I meaan, I really have no idea on if that is true or not. Could I get a source, so that I can see for myself this weird research where doctors draw unusual conclusions from accidents. Regardless, my problem was pretty obvious. I don't care what x special interest group has to say about y industry. I don't care if the ATF comments on voter fraud proceedings. It means nothing to me. Just like the AMA commenting on gun research is irrelevant to me.", ">>{maliciousgnome13} : I see what you're saying. To me it makes more sense for an outside organization to conduct the research due to the bias and everyday politics that would influence it from the inside. That's just an opinion, though. That being said, the AMA is made up of some smart cookies who understand data analysis as well as anyone. In response to your first bit, the field is officially called injury prevention. In the past they've looked frequently at vehicle accidents. With cameras as well as autopsies their research has helped put in place laws like the ones we have with seatbelts. They also work with engineers to help redesign cars and roads. This is a multidisciplinary thing; it's not a few isolated doctors. Why do you think the conclusions that are drawn must be unusual and from weird research?"], [">>{Grease2310} : The picture wasn't even close to being a Star of David. These articles have been posted non-stop all day each with a more misleading title then the last.", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : What was the difference between the star and a star of david? I mean, did it not have 6 points created by two intersecting triangles? PS. apparently the star of david isn't really the star of david, it's a medieval kaballah symbol which was later used by the nazis to identify Jews. It doesn't have a biblical original. Prove me wrong and find an ancient B.C. hebrew monument that uses it.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : These posts today have been full of White Supremacists trying to tell Jews that they understand the implications of putting a Star of David on a pile of cash better than the Jews do. It's really been reddit at it's worst.", ">>{OutofajobinNovember} : Even though Trump's daughter and her family are Jewish and even though Trump spoke highly of Israel and its people at the AIPAC conference, he is still a racist asshole. Hillary Clinton is the best ever.", ">>{BlueDogDem62} : Jews have a monopoly on all six point stars. Sheriffs departments around the country are antisemitic because many use the same star, Microsoft paint is antisemitic because the star is a default shape. If the star were yellow or blue, the critics may have a point. Considering his daughter is jewish, his grandchildren through her are jewish, and Sheldon Adelson has pledged 100 million to his campaign, it is safe to assume it wasn't antisemitic.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : No, no. You're off narative. So what that the Democrat party nominee was interrogated by the FBI about the criminal invvestigation she's embroiled in. Trump tweeted. That's the story. Trump tweeted.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : No, no. Don't you understand? Trump tweeted. He tweeted for crying out loud. Nevermind that the democrat party nominee is embroiled in a crminal investigation by the federal bureau of security reviews. Trump tweeted god damn it.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Its absolutely mind boggling. You're right, the six pointed star is a DEFAULT shape on MS Paint. How these racists automatically associate money with Jews is insane.", '>>{119-92-6734} : No the point is when people are calling you racist or keep talking about your KKK supporters, maybe stay away from anything that could be perceived as anti Semitic. Just saying.', '>>{armatron444} : I have to agree with you. I\'m still not sold on the fact that it was meant to be anti-semitic, but the response on reddit has been really bad. A lot of Jews I know are uncomfortable with a Star of David on a pile of cash that says "most corrupt candidate ever", but don\'t worry Jews, reddit knows what anti-semitism is and they\'re going to tell you.', ">>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Wasn't even close Yeah bullshit. That was clearly the star of David. He fucked up by tweeting that. Stop defending it. He deleted the tweet because he knew he fucked up.", ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : I'm more worried about the 50 pentagrams on the US flag.", ">>{armatron444} : Ha, but the stars on the flag are not pentagrams. Pentagrams are 'a five-pointed star that is formed by drawing a continuous line in five straight segments, often used as a mystic and magical symbol.'", '>>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : If what Trump tweeted was a Star of David, then those are for damn sure pentagrams on that flag.', ">>{armatron444} : I can see your point, as I said earlier, I don't think it was meant to be anti-semitic. My point is that many Jews are unfortable with it, and yet Reddit, is trying to tell Jews what they should be comfortable with. Which is insane, because many have valid concerns about the message and the real or implied magen david. Even Trump's team removed it!", ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : The problem is conceding the issue when people are just tilting at windmills. Explaining to people that their concerns are invalid is a proper course of action in this situation. They probably changed the star because of backlash, but that doesn't mean the original picture was in any way inappropriate.", '>>{lostkhronos} : That is the first thing I thought of. From both a practical and personal perspective it would be insane of the Trump campaign to purposefully insinuate such a thing.', '>>{JasonDavidWongPargin} : Everybody agrees that at worst this was purely an accident, right? What does he have to gain here?', '>>{kanye_likes_journey} : You mean like that pic of hillary making out with that klan leader', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : It's not even a Jewish star of David. It's literally the default star you can use for shapes in MS Paint, or are we now saying Microsoft is racist for pushing everyone in Paint to use the Star of David to invoke Holocaust memories? Of course not. Just because it is a 6 point star doesn't mean it represents the Jewish star. This is 100% a media hit-job and I am amazed how many people are buying it. It doesn't even look like the star of david as is traditionally represented with crossed lines. It's completely absurd.", ">>{ZadocPaet} : There's nothing satanic about the United States of America. ...U**n**ited **S**t**at**es of **A**merica NSATA SATAN Oh shit.", ">>{thumbprick} : exactly. A star can be both a graphic intensifier and a primary symbol of a religious faith at the same time. To choose to disregard the latter symbolism because it's inconvenient is quite foolish, though, as it's a fact that has been very well grounded in European history for thousands of years. I'm sure a swastika is a good luck sign too, eh? All I know is if I go out wearing one, people might get the wrong idea about me.", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : So this thread hasn't been removed for offtopic, it's about Trump making a boo boo, but the other thread I made on the FBI making a boo boo and killing 50 or so nightclub goers at Orlando is offtopic. Politics is more than shit politicians do. It's about Government organizations and how they function. Too bad the mods don't see it that way.", '>>{thumbprick} : me and many, many people gave it meaning. That is the fundamental idea of a symbol, that link to meaning. To put the word corrupt in a six-pointed symbol of Judaism atop a pile of money, another symbolic linkage, is going to raise eyebrows. This meaning exists de facto whether you desire it or not, or meant anything by it or not. That is, again, what symbolism is. Good designers will use this symbolism to layer resonant elements of meaning inside a single image to make it complex and powerful, where multiple meanings work together within a single image to produce a more "poetic" result. If nothing else, who are his designers? If they didn\'t do this on purpose they aren\'t very well trained. Or perhaps he swiped it from /pol/ as is alleged, in which case it would be quite definitely intentional.', '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : He DID NOT create this picture. He found it somewhere else & tweeted it out not knowing some special snowflake would search for something to be offended by.', ">>{n0xz} : It's not the retarded orange buffoon fault ever. He just retweeted blindy because he can't read or too retarded to understand the meaning.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's literally is a default fucking MS PAINT shape. See [here.](https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=628&q=ms+paint+shapes&oq=ms+paint+shapes&gs_l=img.3..0i30j0i24.1578.5997.0.6217. [Are play doh shapes racist too? MUST BE!](https://i.redd.it/b6j0iwig9x6x.png) [Apparently Google, Adobe, and Microsoft are guilty of Antisemitism as well.](https://twitter.com/roger_kin/status/749397126388461568)", ">>{Ian_Rubbish} : I'm sure there is a perfectly good not-at-all antisemitic explanation. *rolls eyes*", ">>{MogenDave} : The Mogen David is two interlaced triangles. Please provide evidence for a solid red Star of David. The flag for the city of Chicago has four six-pointed red stars. One of them stands for the Great Chicago Fire, which was obviously an anti-Semitic event engineered by Trump's ancestors. This was a long time before his membership in the Hitler Youth.", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Here is the source of the image. The designer was clearly an anti-semite: https://archive.is/E0Dto', '>>{dyzo-blue} : So they probably should not be getting their tweets from 8chan. Here is the source of the image: https://archive.is/E0Dto', ">>{lostkhronos} : I can't honestly understand any of this ..... I'd like to think that this whole mishap is due to a dramatically understaffed and underfunded campaign. I have no idea anymore. From a cost/benefit analysis it provides nothing to his campaign so this whole situation begs a response.", '>>{armatron444} : Well, it turns out that the original was created by Neo-nazis and reposted by the Trump campaign. “Mic discovered Sunday that Donald Trump’s Twitter wasn’t the first place the meme appeared. The image was previously featured on /pol/ — an Internet message board for the alt-right, a digital movement of neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, and white supremacists newly emboldened by the success of Donald Trump’s rhetoric — as early as June 22, 2016, over a week before Donald Trump’s team tweeted it.” https://mic.com/articles/147711/donald-trump-s-star-of-david-hillary-clinton-meme-was-created-by-white-supremacists#.Jkt9mpjMJ', ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : So his campaign didn't even make the image? What a non-issue. /pol/ is just a bunch of trolls anyway, but sure this is some neo-nazi conspiracy.", ">>{armatron444} : So, Trump's campaign re-posted a neo-nazi image and a bunch of people on Reddit are goysplaining how it isn't anti-semitic...yeah...nothing to see here...", ">>{TheGayslamicQueeran} : Goysplaining? Are you an anti-non-semite? Seems redditors are serving up a buffet to me. How is it even a neo-nazi symbol? The Star of David? That's a Jewish symbol! Hillary isn't even Jewish!"]]
classify and reply
['>>{CarmineFields} : How weird and scary is that? What the fuck? They have to hide the very idea of checks and balances?', '>>{pump_the_brakes_son} : Trump: ‘I didn’t come along and divide this country’', ">>{hapoo} : Its obvious from their actions that they don't even acknowledge the existence of the judicial branch. Hope it comes back to smack them in the ass.", ">>{chloes1_1968} : That's what is so frightening. Not the slightest acknowledgment of the courts, no real understanding of the level of rage that Trump tapped into. I don't think our week old government understands that this is one genie you can't put back into the bottle.", ">>{bbiggs32} : >Another reason for promoting lying is what economists sometimes call loyalty filters. If you want to ascertain if someone is truly loyal to you, ask them to do something outrageous or stupid. If they balk, then you know right away they aren’t fully with you. That too is a sign of incipient mistrust within the ruling clique, and it is part of the same worldview that leads Trump to rely so heavily on family members. Or he's just so thin skinned and insecure that he measures himself by how much people like him.", ">>{TacticalBurrito} : I have heard - I cannot provide any direct links at the moment - that some airports are sill refusing to abide by the judicial decision to suspend Trump's immigration ban. They're still detaining people. So, contempt of court, an arrestable crime. How does this get enforced, in practice?", '>>{1blah1} : This is how media will continue to lose credibility. They have been caught lying the entire campaign season and the new administration just started and they have no reason to lie on anything yet.', '>>{GunGrabberTrump} : LYING used in a headline. Bravo! We need more of this and Im not being sarcastic.', '>>{MaratLives} : He just exploited and poured gasoline on that fire.', '>>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : So tell me: what color is the sky on that home planet of yours called Shit For Brains?', ">>{Gorgonaut666} : >By requiring subordinates to speak untruths, a leader can undercut their independent standing, including their standing with the public, with the media and with other members of the administration. That makes those individuals grow more dependent on the leader and less likely to mount independent rebellions against the structure of command. Promoting such chains of lies is a classic tactic when a leader distrusts his subordinates and expects to continue to distrust them in the future. That's fascinating.", ">>{In_my_opinion_} : THANK YOU! Finally they're calling a turd a turd.", ">>{Evil_phd} : He's right. He brought many of us together. He's just upset that the unity is focused *against* him.", ">>{hapoo} : At least one of the judges instructed the U.S. Marshals to enforce the decision. I believe if they don't abide by it they can be arrested and found in contempt of court.", '>>{TacticalBurrito} : Ah, the US Marshals. I suppose it\'s so weird because this kind of thing hasn\'t really happened in my lifetime, that I\'m aware of. Where two federal law enforcement agencies are directly opposed at each other. I seem to remember back in the 50s, the president had to send in the army, or national guard, to a school in ~~Alabama~~, Arkansas to *ensure* that black students could enter, because the governor was being a real douche-canoe about it. EDIT: I\'m thinking of, and mis-remembering, [Little Rock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Rock_Nine). (Well, by "remember", I wasn\'t *there*, but it\'s a dim memory from high school civics.) This current situation feels, to me, like a historic event on almost the same level.', '>>{WinstonWolf77} : No, you just found it that way, and took complete advantage of it. Just like when Brock Turner found a chick passed out behind a dumpster and proceeded to have 20 minutes of action.', '>>{xxLIBERTYxxFF} : True. The democrats did that with their identity politics.', '>>{johnlakey} : You are going to be a star on reddit.', ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Some brave soul needs to try and attempt a citizen's arrest of a US Marshal. Not even sure if it works that way. Not sure that matters anymore.", ">>{NonHomogenized} : > and they have no reason to lie on anything yet So you're saying they've just been lying for no reason whatsoever? That doesn't seem right - surely they must have *some* reason for lying, even if it's a really bad one.", '>>{pervocracy} : At this point, is "identity politics" just the codeword for considering the needs of anyone who isn\'t a straight white man?', '>>{Shasta-Daisies} : WAKE THE HELL UP CONGRESS. Everyone please send this to your Rep and senator and local news.', '>>{pm_me_POTUS_pics} : This seems more incompetence than maliciousness. Turns out that a shitty businessman is shitty at running the business of the country, too.', ">>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : He could be in saddam dictator mode where he's literally rewriting history to make himself a hero. When people take him to court he could just say the court's are stupid and run by liberals, sad. \\#getdonaldhelp", '>>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : Well... Judging by his litany of moronic lawsuits, he thinks courts are a game to be played, not a way to find justice.', '>>{snarkasonne} : It\'s the new codeword for "ignore me, I\'m an idiot" "PC culture" was getting too obvious', '>>{LiberalPara} : He did. I am against progressive policies in economy but I would vote blue in 2018 to get GOP as far away from power as possible', ">>{Muppet1616} : Yeah because 1950's and 60's America was so wholesomely unified.", '>>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : I declare supreme court is rigged, sad "The concept of liberty and justice is wallowing in misery. Get over it, I won, LOSER!"', '>>{GunGrabberTrump} : This is a tactic used in a toxic workplace. He governs through fear internally. Eventually, someone snaps from the pressure. I think thats what we saw at his 1st presser.', '>>{banjosbadfurday} : You literally lead the Birther movement against our former President.', ">>{Shopworn_Soul} : Brave soul is right. I can't imagine a circumstance under which that would seem wise.", '>>{winterd} : The President had to take control of the AK National Guard and order them to support the integration.', '>>{kescusay} : In a sense, he\'s right. The divisions in this country can be traced all the way back to its founding. That said, he and the Fox News set are **not helping**. We have an entire segment of the country that firmly believes things which are factually incorrect and has decided that evidence doesn\'t matter. And they have picked the part of the country that disagrees as their enemy. Trump is feeding into that, rather than trying to heal the divide and convince his supporters that the "liberal elites" with their fancy educations aren\'t literally worse than Hitler. Republicans: On issues of climate change, monetary policy, LGBT rights, and so much more, we have a fundamental problem. You actively refuse to accept scientific evidence, and listen to people who feed you lies. And **you** need to be the ones to fix it, by reaching out to those of us who accept evidence in each category and trying to understand why we do, rather than lashing out at us over lost jobs and lost industries. We aren\'t your enemies, goddamn it.', '>>{Shilalasar} : They have realized racistsm, nationalism and religious bigottry do only get the farright. So they try to beef it up with some bogus pseudoscience.', '>>{sleepy_batman1776} : McConnell and Obama helped divide the country, then Clinton and Trump came in to kick it into overdrive. It looks like this is what Russia wanted to happen. I think corrupt politicians are especially divisive, because it\'s easier for people to see how corrupt the politicians of "the other side" are versus politicians on their own side. So you see them get angry at each other, saying "how could you support someone so awful?" I think it\'s starting to get better though. Most Americans are non-partisan anyway, especially among millennials.', '>>{1blah1} : jeez get over yourself America is not a planet.', '>>{winterd} : No, the Marshals would be the "good guys" in this situation.', ">>{winterd} : All of them did, but I haven't heard any news about them taking any action.", ">>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : I suspect they see the lying as being twofold, one without being able to rep the popular vote or a large crowd, they feel less entitled to a mandate (which they don't have). But I think the more important part of this is that Trump wants to be popular. It's all about his ego.", ">>{MrMadcap} : Essentially the same thing the GOP has been doing for decades (which explains why they're so comfortable with it), cranked all the way to 12.", '>>{rodrigoazure} : he is actually right. the problem is not so much that Trump is a racist, incompetent, misogynistic, uneducated pig. the problem is that the GOP and their fan base COMPLETELY SUPPORT his intolerant behavior. As we\'ve seen in congress, the republican party will take it up the ass and say thank you as long as they can push for their cult style social behavior policies. They really don\'t care about the financial debacle of the average american family for the last 20 years, they care about their social behavior interpretation, where there is no tolerance for the "different" or the innovative. They represent the status quo, the "english monarchy" that the american revolution rallied against. And a good portion of americans *think* they support this, but when you talk to them they really don\'t. The founding fathers based the us on the renascence and illuminism principles. On science over religion, on the right to pursue happiness (thats a fucking huge departure from every other country even today). Damn it, America is one amazing country, how the fuck can we let republicans fuck it up like this?', ">>{Majorkilljoy87} : They're announcing the SCOTUS pick Thursday hopefully they took it down to prep it not because they're going facist.", '>>{shitsgettingscary} : They\'ve left a small snippet under "State and local governments" but [this is the missing page](http://web.archive.org/web/20170120020247/https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600/judicial-branch)', '>>{objectivedesigning} : The United States cannot tolerate a government that lies. A democracy requires a fundamental belief that the government, elected by the people, serves the people honestly.', ">>{Muppet1616} : Ah yes it's always the other guys fault for not falling in line with you, it's never your side that needs to fall in line with the rest for the sake of fixing the divisions in society.", '>>{xxLIBERTYxxFF} : How long have you been here and all you have learned to do is ad hominems?', ">>{SchpartyOn} : Yeah what the hell is with the media using the word falsehoods? Just fucking say lying, dammit. That's what a falsehood is and it's more blunt, and thus more effective.", ">>{SteinBradly} : He didn't cause the crack, but he's in it now with a chisel and hammer to make it as wide as possible.", ">>{undecidedly} : I'm pretty sure at least the second night in they had to lie on something. Maybe a bed or a couch.", '>>{xxLIBERTYxxFF} : Thank you, for conceding to my points with no refuting them.', '>>{1blah1} : Everytime Trump does something this is how all the liberals act. Their kicking and screaming is not convincing anyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46AXCtue9c&feature=youtu.be', ">>{Muppet1616} : What point was that exactly? Pointing fingers at the other side isn't an argument worth refuting.", ">>{In_my_opinion_} : I don't think your joke translated to Russian very well.", ">>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : I couldn't find the backwards 'R' on my keyboard.", ">>{super_sayanything} : THIS division, can be traced back to Newt Gingrich's Contract with America where Republicans tried to criminalize Bill Clinton for a blow job and refused to compromised since.", '>>{jimrosenz} : Most of his supporters have a low opinion of the media and political honesty, but sooner or later the deceit will become a commercial cover-up', '>>{Sussay} : Those who have a grade 3 vocabulary would understand "lying."', '>>{hcwt} : I need to ask, why does it seem like the states with the more progressive policies are having more success economically?', '>>{GunGrabberTrump} : Yes. If not of them, then of their actions. He likely didnt wanna lie and was conflicted by it but ultimately caved under pressure. Understandable but not excusable. I used to work in a field where this would occur from time to time.', '>>{1blah1} : Did you hear about the story of the boy who cried wolf too many times?', '>>{GhostFish} : His staff is lying because he is emotionally volatile and incompetent. They are scared shitless. They have front row seats to the humiliation and degradation of the United States of America.', '>>{10390} : The most powerful man on the planet is insecure. Gawd help us all.', '>>{kescusay} : Hi there, new user! I have a challenge for you. Should be easy. Just define, unambiguously, the phrase you used: "Identity politics." That\'s it. Good luck!', ">>{The_Logical_Extreme} : >So he's threatened by his own staff? Yup. >[“And you’ll find that when you become very successful, the people that you will like best are the people that are less successful than you, because when you go to a table you can tell them all of these wonderful stories, and they’ll sit back and listen,” he said. “Does that make sense to you? OK? Always be around unsuccessful people because everybody will respect you. Do you understand that?”](http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/trump-advice-wisconsin-college-students-221383) Just imagine, all his appointees, less successful than the Trump Steaks guy. #MAGA /s", '>>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : He gets so triggered by his loss of the popular vote and that no celebrities that matter want to be around him and actively hate him', ">>{Drunken_Zoologist} : Sniff. Or are you one of those people that didn't watch the debates and just like Trump because being part of counter-culture group makes your life feel better?", '>>{ScholarOfTwilight} : If anything, Obama reached across the aisle too many times. Republicans burned Boehner at the stake for even talking to him. He wanted to be the non-partisan President and every time they slapped him in the mouth for it he said, "Let\'s try one more time". Then he realized that the game was up because he\'s black & liberal but by then it was too late and all he could do was issue executive orders. His signature greatest achievement was not Obamacare itself, it was the idea of it which simply will not die. They can\'t repeal it because it grew popular despite its faults.', ">>{WinstonWolf77} : I see where you're going with this, and I agree. But, in the interest of intellectual honesty, I'm personally not settled on which of those came first. A lot of those same states were economically successful long before they adopted progressive policies. I also worry about it opening up the argument that regressive policies at times have been correlated with economically successful areas.", '>>{spacehogg} : Remember... Obvious lies serve a purpose for an administration. They watch who challenges them and who loyally repeats them. The people must watch, too. https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/823007681350868993', '>>{spacehogg} : > Eventually, someone snaps from the pressure. A... a 2nd amendment someone, perhaps?', '>>{desertdungarees} : > grade 3 Found the Canadian! Please sponsor me into your glorious homeland...', '>>{WinstonWolf77} : Which built on a division over Richard Nixon and Watergate, which built on a division over civil rights, which built on division over slavery, and on and on. A united populace of Americans is aspirational mythology, at best,', '>>{kescusay} : Hi there, new user! You apparently didn\'t understand the nature of my challenge, so allow me to clarify. The existence of search engine responses to a word or phrase doesn\'t actually demonstrate a comprehension of that word or phrase. So to meet my challenge, you\'ll need to provide, in your own words, a clear and concise definition of "identity politics." Since it\'s a phrase you used, it should be no trouble at all for you to come up with one. You didn\'t use a phrase without actually having a firm understanding of what you meant by it, did you? Of course not! That would be silly! So of course this should be a breeze. Good luck!', '>>{spacehogg} : > Trump rules by fear It can be pretty useless on those at the bottom though.', '>>{CarlosFromPhilly} : If a guy like Trump is your boss, and he says "tell a lie" you say "how high."', '>>{super_sayanything} : Man but those 8 years under George Washington! haha yea I hear you.', ">>{XS_JADO} : I'm glad you are going that way in 2018, but it doesn't matter at all. We hold 25/33 seats up for election in 2018. If we still have 25/33 after 2018 I have to say that is win, but we will probably lose even more seats. Even if we win every seat it changes basically nothing, and if we lose we lose majorly. We will be fighting to just keep our heads above water. The GOP can actually obtain a supermajority. God that's scary. We are honestly *dead in the water* until 2020.", '>>{FuckBezosOnAmazon} : Eh, to be fair adding "sniff" to your statement makes it seem pretty stupid. I get that it\'s funny to mock Trump for sniffling but a lot of people just read the transcripts of the debate. Also who even cares that trump had a cold at a debate that happened half a year ago in an election that\'s already been over for a while? A lot of people on this sub do that and it just makes people seem childish.', '>>{Newbsaccount} : Just "telling it like it is" in the post PC era.', '>>{isokayokay} : Does this mean we should reassure all Trump subordinates that they will be welcomed back into the world and not shunned if they decide to leave? At least the ones not beyond redemption? Might be a good way to combat Trump\'s efforts to insulate and radicalize them. Should we start a "forgive Reince Preibus for he does not know what he is doing" campaign?', ">>{VotesSlitThroats} : No, he didn't cause the pile-up on the freeway. But he certainly didn't touch the brakes as he barreled into it at full speed.", ">>{shelbys_foot} : They're not intellectual sorts, but you'd think somebody on Trump's staff would be familiar with the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Most of learn about the time we learn to read that if you keep telling lies, eventually nobody believes you when you're telling the truth.", '>>{Shifter25} : Who cared that Clinton had pneumonia at a 9/11 memorial?', ">>{spacehogg} : > America is not a planet. It's a continent!", '>>{phire} : According to his [Biographer](http://www.salon.com/2017/01/19/donald-trumps-biographers-hes-narcissistic-belligerent-and-deeply-fears-that-hes-illegitimate/), Trump only trusts people who he sees as extensions of himself, which is mostly his family. Basically everything gets filtered through Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.', ">>{superdago} : I think most in the media were giving the campaign the benefit of the doubt, just for absurdly long. Saying someone lied imputes a knowledge and intent that's pretty tough to show. Saying someone said something false is pretty easy to show. I also think the accusation of having a liberal bias caused a lot of the tip toeing Around when nearly all the calling-of-bullshit would apply to one party over the other. It seems *fingers crossed* the media is less concerned with offending or appearing biased.", ">>{big-square-head} : This is a great piece. It moves discussion beyond what kind of man Trump is to the effect he has on the people around him. One thing a narcissist absolutely requires from the people he allows near him/her is their esteem and admiration. You can't play a role in the narcissists life unless you do. A powerful narcissist lures people with honeyed personal attention and an invitation to participate in their accomplishment laden lives. A man like Trump can be powerfully attractive to people. They see his personal magnetism and his larger than life persona. Combined with immense wealth and celebrity and you have a man that's nearly impossible to ignore. However, there are serious consequences for people who pursue relationships or alliances with narcissists. Because the primary interest and motivation of a narcissist is projecting an image of themselves that attracts respect and adulation, this means the people in their lives are props in a theater production. A person is only as useful as their ability to support the image the narcissist is trying to sell. Relationships,(personal, business, or political) with narcissists are never reciprocal. Because of this, the mere act of participating in a relationship means the participant becomes compromised. The deeper the relationship the more compromised and damaging it becomes. Trump's history exhibits all of the detritus of a life compromising other people against their own best interests. Women used against their will, business partners unpaid, and political spokesmen pressured to lie for him. Now, we the citizens of the United States are in a relationship with Trump. We are already compromised by making him our president.", ">>{aBernsteinBear} : I'm a progressive and that's a great response. If I'm not mistaken the economic success did come first in most cases. In either case there is a lot of legitimate economic debate over the subject as the data is mixed.", ">>{FuckBezosOnAmazon} : At the time it happened? Most people did. Of course a presidential candidate falling unconscious is pretty huge news. Now do people care? I hope not. It's completely irrelevant.", '>>{jimrosenz} : It is one of Tyler Cowans cleverest columns. Explaining carefully why lying can build loyalty and test loyalty. It is also a strategy that will wear off when the lies are used to cover up either scandals or failure to deliver', '>>{LiberalPara} : I\'m from a poor red state. The reason why are we voting red is simple. Conservative approach to economics results in pretty much only growth of economy. And for us that\'s the most important issue. States that are voting blue have enough wealth so they don\'t see growth as the major issue, but they want social security because they can afford it. I know that is very simplified but that\'s how I feel it works. For the other examples look at Norway, they are selling a lot of oil so the country is rich and they can afford to redistribute goods to people. On the other hand you have highest rated "country" by economic freedom which is Hong Kong. Economy there is one of the fastest growing in the world due to low taxation and free port trade.', '>>{Drunken_Zoologist} : He lied about having cold. What else would he lie about? Sniff.', '>>{blahblah98} : Doubtful he trusts anyone who may appear smarter than him, or not as rich as him. Hence, one of the [least educated and richest cabinets in history](http://latest.com/2016/12/donald-trump-has-the-least-educated-richest-cabinet-weve-ever-seen/). Dang, I shoulda said "So" instead of "Hence." Remember: dumb it down, dumb it down...', '>>{jimrosenz} : They face a bigger problem of they do not know what their boss wants. That is why he will be an ineffective president. All disputes will have to be arbitrated by him. subordinates will do nothing or head in the wrong direction too many time', ">>{blahblah98} : Actually, I think the inherent transparency, legal checks & balances, truly patriotic gov't employees, etc. means that our government CAN tolerate it. Trump is going to discover that our gov't is absolutely structured AGAINST a dictator-like behavior. Lawyers can sue & tie up Presidential edicts for years, leaking information all the while through legal discovery processes. The gov't is run by a vast bureaucracy, with many lifers who know their jobs & just do them, regardless of the current gov't. An even larger bureaucracy of non-gov't organizations that have zero political loyalty. All these employees & organizations are not going to suddenly behave like rubber-stamp Russian bureaucrats; instead they're going to passively resist change, keep doing what they're doing, and leak intel to the press & internet like sieves. Effective presidents discover they have to lead by inspiration and by appealing & supporting gov't workers. Force, threats and fear results in massive internal resistance; doubtful he's ever experienced that in any of the Trump companies.", '>>{_C2J_} : Does CA really fall into this formula, though? CA was not doing so hot prior to the Dem/progressive leadership.', '>>{morbidexpression} : I mean look at Reince. That piece of shit must see enemies in every shadow... half of them being real, as nobody likes him there!', '>>{OMyBuddha} : LOL..no. Obama & the Dems have kept this country together despite the best efforts of the Right.', ">>{SunshineCat} : Right, there shouldn't be any reason to lie about things like how many people attended his inauguration, which is why Trump is so fucked up for lying anyway.", ">>{_C2J_} : I believe him on this one... He came along to make himself rich and exploit the position to it's fullest. Dividing the country wasn't really on his self-serving radar.", '>>{WinstonWolf77} : Progressive policies really come into play when a region with an established competitive advantage runs into an unequal/unfair distribution, or when the economic externalities begin to overwhelm the existing system. In regards to California, it was wealthy, it always has been. It just had a massive problem with income inequality. Progressive policies stabilized the boom and bust cycle.', '>>{Let_me_creep_on_this} : Since Trump has such disdain for the constitution, there. Refs to be fake articles made about how Trump is going to take away their guns..', '>>{financialanon} : Yes, firmed up that division for a generation.', ">>{Splax77} : > So he's threatened by his own staff? We're talking about the guy here who made all of his campaign staff sign NDAs, so yes.", ">>{JohnTitor2020} : No, Donald Trump didn't divide the country. He's the malignant symptom of the problem, not its cause.", '>>{Splax77} : Oh look, a T_D cultist wandered out of his safe space. How cute. You may think the media is losing credibility, but that\'s simply because you refuse to acknowledge that Glorious Leader has ever lied to you. After all, who cares what the facts are when you can just substitute your own alternative facts? As for the rest of us, the media only gains more credibility as they grow the balls to call a lie a lie, rather than hiding behind "falsehood" so they don\'t have to worry about appearing biased (even though the cultists will think they are anyway regardless of what they do) as Trump and his administration continue to attack them. >and the new administration just started and they have no reason to lie on anything yet I agree they have no reason to be lying - which makes it all the more baffling that they insist on doing so, blatantly, to our faces on national TV.', ">>{1blah1} : The media has a credibility of 14% or less. You won't be able to see that until your bubble pops.", ">>{Splax77} : A credibility of 14%? What is that supposed to mean? Am I just not up to date on the latest comrade talking points? If you're trying to say that trust in the media is at an all time low, you would be right on that - although it's very naive to suggest that everyone disapproves of it for the same reasons, and what exactly constitutes the media can vary widely from person to person. Only 25% of the voting age population in this country voted for Trump, and it would be wise to remember that over the next 4 years as his approval ratings continue to tank (he's already much lower than any other president upon taking office and this is supposed to be the period where it's at its highest) and the cultists in their safe space continue to deny reality, which has a well known liberal bias.", '>>{geoman91} : Did John Titor predict any of this when he was supposedly here?', '>>{JohnTitor2020} : john has no idea how you guys messed this up so badly', '>>{1blah1} : Yada Yada .... salty tears ..... Yada yada. Did not read anything you wrote. This is what is happening to media and all other anti trump whining. People had enough of it.', '>>{Splax77} : > Did not read anything you wrote. And that\'s precisely why nobody takes you cultists seriously around here. It\'s fun arguing with them sometimes, but it does get boring rather quickly as they have no actual positions beyond "fuck liberals, need more liberal tears" and that\'s inevitably where any conversation ends up after a few back-and-forth replies. It\'s quite unfortunate really, there\'s no such thing as a reasonable debate with the other side anymore because one side has completely rejected all logic and reason in favor of putting their undying faith in Glorious Leader. I\'ve had my fun, you can go back to your safe space now.', '>>{selfpromoting} : *E.g.*, *see* recent EPA leak.', ">>{WigginIII} : The media has been very careful about using the term lying because of the negative implications and connotations associated with it. Saying falsehoods and other softer words allow for someone to simply be mistaken. They don't want to necessarily throw blame and imply purposeful deceit. To do so puts their access at risk, and allows other media outlets, of increasingly questionable integrity, to gain access as traditional media loses it.", ">>{geoman91} : Well, he had predicted a civil war and nuclear destruction by 2015, so maybe we're doing a bit better, at least for now.", '>>{MegaSansIX} : No he exploited it and made sure the divide will never heal. Before Trump there were actually studies showing people would disown their kids for dating outside of their political group. It was even bigger than opposition to miscegenation. Trump has taken those differences and taught us how to hate each other to the point of destruction. There are liberals who literally want to burn down their college campus because of him. There are conservatives who want to mow down progressives with ak47s because of him.', ">>{Homarus_Americanus} : It's always been 'We VS Me' or north vs south", '>>{TheonsPrideinaBox} : He just keeps hammering the wedge and increasing the divide though. This guy is a disgrace.', ">>{Potatoman_Man} : >It's a problem when Repubs refuse climate change because it's science but cutting off your dick and wearing makeup makes you into a girl!", '>>{WigginIII} : I hope the media and other outlets adopt a surname insult to Trump like he did all his political opponents. Lying Ted, little Marco, crooked Hillary. Would be a sweet source of payback if the media just calls him "liar in chief" or something.', '>>{crazyike} : Interesting but strongly lacking in having any ideas how to respond. These authors better start coming to grips with the idea that Trump could have a disastrous first hundred days and absolutely no one will be remotely shaken by it because they are no longer listening to anything they say.', '>>{Lonsdaleite} : Why Bloomberg.com is not a reasonably non-biased source for journalism Michael Bloomberg was one of the men who endorsed Clinton at the DNC convention. He\'s an authoritarian piece of shit who bans you from drinking large soda, defending yourself with 2A Bill of Rights protection and made sure to make you a criminal for smoking weed. He\'s viciously anti-Trump and uses his publication to wrap his agenda in thinly veiled propaganda. When you guys read the Daily Beast you\'re reading Clinton faction DNC Kool AId. Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of directors. When you read Thinkprogress.com you\'re reading Clinton faction DNC Kool Aid. It\'s John Podestas work who was Hillarys campaign chairman. Can you say George Soros? When you read NBC/MSNBC know that they paid the Clintons 600,000 a year for access to a collusive relationship via Chelsea Clinton. Remember that the next time you watch SNL and its comedy wrapped anti-Trump propaganda. When you read CNN or watch John Oliver and his comedy laced anti-Trump propaganda know that you\'re drinking Clinton faction DNC Kool Aid as Time Warner has so many executives funding Clinton faction political campaigns that they are in the top list of Clinton political money donors. The list goes on. The front page of this sub is a "who\'s who" of the new style of "journalism" that has no interest in reporting the facts. Its designed to manipulate public opinion. It\'s in the business of destroying political opposition and promoting insiders. You would think after Clintons defeat this faction of the DNC would have died but Pelosi and the limousine liberals are alive and well. The other factions of the DNC that most would consider legitimate like the Bernie factions or the Webb faction are getting destroyed as Pelosi has maintained her power and Bernie gets delegated to a minor senate position. Funny how that dynamic doesn\'t get discussed on a sub dedicated to politics. Instead we get Trump kicked a baby out of a rally, called for the assassination of Hillary, dodged the draft, called all Mexicans rapists, is a rapist himself, advocates sexual assault, illegally didn\'t pay taxes, is a Russian plant, friends with the KKK\'s David Duke, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc WELCOME TO PROPAGANDA 101', ">>{Lonsdaleite} : It's a smear piece designed to distract from Spicers original reason to address the press in which he accused to press of being hostile. Spicer was wrong about having the largest inauguration audience so the press focuses on that instead of Spicers accusation. The press, including Bloomberg, is hostile to Trump. This is above and beyond reasonable bias. Their journalistic integrity has been compromised and they are firmly in the realm of propaganda and character assassination. This article was Bloomberg flavored Kool Aid.", ">>{notveryoriginalname8} : This is very basic totalitarian propaganda. The lies aren't expected to be believed by anyone, they're just proof you're totally controlled by someone else. Also commonly seen in abusive domestic relationships and cults.", ">>{AlternativFacts} : > lie Hey, buddy, that term might hurt [press secretary Sean Spicer's feelings](http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/21/politics/sean-spicer-fact-check/). Please use the Patriotically Correct (PC) term: [**Alternative Fact**](http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/conway-press-secretary-gave-alternative-facts-860142147643). With a little effort, we can make the world a safer space for Patriotic Discourse. See this [simple explanation](http://i.imgur.com/I66xsj4.png) for more.", '>>{notveryoriginalname8} : No. There\'s political pandering and then there\'s "the sky is green" lies. This is significantly different from almost every republican since Nixon.', ">>{Mardok} : Yeah you're absolutely right, that's why I get my news from Alex Jones, Breitbart and The Donald. Only places that are honest these days.", '>>{spookyttws} : It\'s also interesting how bad they are at it. It may also may a tactic. When you seem fake all time people can\'t read when you\'re real. So tell enough little bad lies and then when it comes to huge lie people will just dismiss it. "We will strike back at North Korea!!" "Oh, just another lie..." *boom*', ">>{AlternativFacts} : > fake Whoa whoa, slow down there. Terms like those can hurt [Trump supporters' feelings](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/01/23/16/3C6E2D8E00000578-4148588-image-a-64_1485190166385.jpg). Please use the Patriotically Correct (PC) term: [**Alternative Fact**](http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/conway-press-secretary-gave-alternative-facts-860142147643). With a little effort, we can make America a safer space for Patriotic Discourse! See this [simple explanation](http://i.imgur.com/41M7Xfq.jpg) for more.", ">>{jimrosenz} : Trump's propensity to reject inconvenient facts be his greatest problem. He will not admit a problem is a problem and to perhaps it is too late for him to do anything about it", '>>{jimrosenz} : Cass Sunstein has some good columns in the same journal on responding to Trump. Ted Cruz is one of the best responses in the primaries when he just said Donald, count to 10', ">>{Awoo--} : Calling them falsehoods has ambiguous meaning which can not then be called slander and taken to court. Saying someone is lying is a very clear statement, and if you can not prove that they are lying then you are committing slander. The news doesn't actually know whether the administration is knowingly providing the incorrect information or whether they are simply making a lot of mistakes. That's the issue. Oh and Trump wants to make it easier to sue the news for that kind of thing.", '>>{BurnTheFascists} : And rightfully so, since one of them going public would do more damage to him than anything else has so far.', '>>{MajorLazy} : Trump Repeats Lie About Popular Vote in Meeting With Lawmakers https://nyti.ms/2klFxo1 God bless the NYT', ">>{crazyike} : That's funny but it doesn't really solve the core problem. People don't trust anything anymore and can find sources to support whatever they already believe. Sources they don't trust telling them that he is lying won't change anything now.", ">>{crazyike} : > Trump's propensity to reject inconvenient facts be his greatest problem. Is it? Because right now, in today's climate, I hate to say it but it seems to be working.", '>>{berrieh} : > Saying someone is lying is a very clear statement, and if you can not prove that they are lying then you are committing slander. The news doesn\'t actually know whether the administration is knowingly providing the incorrect information or whether they are simply making a lot of mistakes. Eh, this is because people think lie only means >an intentionally false statement. But it also means: >used with reference to a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression. (Google) >an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood. (Dictionary.com) >to speak falsely (Cambridge) >to create a false or misleading impression (Merriam-Webster) Words have multiple definitions. The first definition of lie in all of these (except my paper Cambridge, which says "to speak falsely" first) involves intent, but there are other definitions in almost every dictionary which does not involve intent. The connotation of calling something a lie is very strong, but there\'s no legal issue, even if the person was mistaken time after time, especially if the person is willfully mistaken repeatedly and does not admit to facts. I don\'t think it\'s that they fear they\'d lose a legal battle so much as that the media is actually very polite (too forgiving!) as a whole about these things because they have to consider their own access. But they\'ve not really dealt with someone like Trump.', '>>{Awoo--} : Well then you\'d have to prove that your intention was that of the others, as opposed to the first. But then you\'d just be getting into an argument over why you didn\'t say falsehoods "to speak falsely". Then it would be argued in court that you chose lies because, as you use falsehoods everywhere else, you intended the first definition. They would not successfully argue it in court. I disagree on the legal front. The media are SUPER careful about legal shit. They throw allegations on everything, even the most obvious truths, for the sake of keeping themselves safe. They\'re businesses and court costs a fortune to fight in whether you win or lose, best to avoid going to it altogether.', '>>{Eazu} : It appears the parent commenter wants someone to snap and shoot Trump. This is a bad idea. I was Mormon, and they made a martyr out of Joseph Smith being killed by a mob. I would hate to see a cult of Trump take root.', '>>{Eazu} : Cut out all use of the word "therefore" and "ergo" as well. This crew responds better to "jump this high for a paycheck."', ">>{Jumblehead} : So the press should lie and say favourable things about Trump so that they don't present a 'biased' view? Reporting the truth is not biaised. If the President is shit, the President is shit.", ">>{Lonsdaleite} : > So the press should lie and say favourable things about Trump so that they don't present a 'biased' view? No.", '>>{Brad_tilf} : You could simplify the whole thing by stating the basic fact - Donald Trump is a serial liar and even more so when any fact hurts his ego', ">>{Trumpanzee__Trainer} : As long as it ends like Jonestown I'm OK with it.", '>>{objectivedesigning} : Trump is of the old man school, where people like his wife and his employees are supposed to act like he is a king, "Yes, honey, do you want a drink?" "Go tell your daddy he\'s great; he\'ll love that", "Yes, sir, we\'ll do it sir." He will fire people, through his appointed managers, that he doesn\'t like. You can see the kow-towing already starting.', ">>{Sirsalley23} : I just wanna get my grade 10 so I can be smart and understand stuff like other people understand stuff that I can't figure out without help from those other people that understand the stuff that I don't understand. Stand.", '>>{Solario_ff14} : And let them scapegoat Trump instead of taking responsibility for their actions? Fuck that. Trump should be a weight pushing Republicans underwater until the last blub comes out.', '>>{ihaveaboehnerr} : But but but I thought Trump was bringing in the "best and brightest" to work for him? #CrookedTrump #Lockhimup. haha', '>>{IlikeJG} : Don\'t become the left\'s version of "Radical Islamic Terrorism". What does it really matter if they use synonyms? They mean the same thing, don\'t get hung up on that one word. There\'s FAR more important things to care about as in the actual content of the lies and the truth they\'re covering up.', '>>{berrieh} : >Well then you\'d have to prove that your intention was that of the others, as opposed to the first. The others are intention-neutral. There\'s no need to prove intent (except on the part of the person bringing the suit against the media, that the intent was to defame, etc, but I mean with the word). >But then you\'d just be getting into an argument over why you didn\'t say falsehoods "to speak falsely". That\'s the same as saying "falsehoods" or "false claims." Of course, they do have to prove that the information was false. Intention, however, is irrelevant. >Then it would be argued in court that you chose lies because, as you use falsehoods everywhere else, you intended the first definition. They would not successfully argue it in court. You can\'t really litigate connotation. That\'s not a legitimate suit. And, as for false legal suits brought against them, it doesn\'t really matter whether they use "lie" or "falsehood," I imagine the distinction is lost on Trump. I don\'t see the argument there. Of course, the media tries to avoid false suits by being less incendiary because even a false suit could be expensive, but I\'m speaking to meaningful suits. With most Presidents, they are softened by their desire for access far more than they\'re worried about being sued, though.', '>>{Awoo--} : The distinction is as lost on Trump as the distinction between "first 3 rows" and "nobody we brough was seated" when the first 3 rows were standing. If you think Trump, a seasoned businessman, manipulator of the press, who had his own television show, doesn\'t understand incredibly basic nuance that teenagers understand before they even hit the workplace let alone with backasswards office management politics, you\'re being incredibly naive. The man is not an idiot. He is very old and has played games for many many years with very rich, successful people. The man is a narcissist and a thin skinned twat, not an autistic teenage moron.', ">>{musingaloud} : Is there ever a time when Shakespeare isn't prescient? From the Taming of the Shrew Act 4 Scene 5. Enter PETRUCHIO, KATHARINA, HORTENSIO, and Servants PETRUCHIO :Come on, i' God's name; once more toward our father's. Good Lord, how bright and goodly shines the moon! KATHARINA :The moon! the sun: it is not moonlight now. PETRUCHIO :I say it is the moon that shines so bright. KATHARINA :I know it is the sun that shines so bright. PETRUCHIO :Now, by my mother's son, and that's myself, It shall be moon, or star, or what I list, Or ere I journey to your father's house. Go on, and fetch our horses back again. Evermore cross'd and cross'd; nothing but cross'd! HORTENSIO :Say as he says, or we shall never go. KATHARINA :Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, And be it moon, or sun, or what you please: An if you please to call it a rush-candle, Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me. PETRUCHIO :I say it is the moon. KATHARINA :I know it is the moon. PETRUCHIO :Nay, then you lie: it is the blessed sun. KATHARINA:Then, God be bless'd, it is the blessed sun: But sun it is not, when you say it is not; And the moon changes even as your mind. What you will have it named, even that it is; And so it shall be so for Katharina. HORTENSIO :Petruchio, go thy ways; the field is won. Poor K̶a̶t̶h̶a̶r̶i̶n̶a̶ Sean.", ">>{spacehogg} : > parent commenter wants someone to snap and shoot Trump. I did a bit of reading about the victims of con artist. It rarely ends well for them. 'Fraid we're a bit too late on that cult thing, though. :(", ">>{Nameless_Archon} : So what did you mean, exactly? Let's hear a specific example.", '>>{N_ik0} : Can Trump be put under oath and questioned about his lies???', ">>{Heartkine} : This is the best explanation of Trump's behavior I have read.", '>>{Lonsdaleite} : This article is the example and the post you responded to is what I meant exactly.', ">>{CheezyArmpit} : Is lying? Not **Why Trump's Staff are lying** ???", ">>{MrMadcap} : Cigarettes don't cause cancer. Vehicle / factory emissions don't contribute to climate change. Alcohol is non addictive. Marijuana kills. Trickle-down economics works. There are weapons of mass destruction. If we send your children to die half way across the world, we will all be more safe, no matter the cause. All things we know to be false. All things the right wing will *still* spit and spray until they go red in the face.", '>>{mutatron} : > Another reason for promoting lying is what economists sometimes call loyalty filters. If you want to ascertain if someone is truly loyal to you, ask them to do something outrageous or stupid. Good grief that sounds like something gangsters do.', '>>{mutatron} : In American English, a staff is an entity in itself. To make it plural you\'d have to say "Trump\'s staff members are lying", although that\'s not always the case these days. Sometimes people go ahead and use the British English standard as you suggest.', ">>{mutatron} : And when you read /u/Lonsdaleite, you're reading a Trump follower desperately trying to discredit the source instead of arguing against its assertions.", '>>{CheezyArmpit} : Thanks for explaining. My brain is struggling to think of staff as singular, but I understand :)', '>>{jimrosenz} : There is a political maxim that your real mates vote for you when you are wrong.', '>>{Lonsdaleite} : I support Trump against these corporations using propaganda and character assassination to manipulate the public. Do you contest any of my facts and observations? If so list them. Lets have a debate u/mutatron because anyone with concern for our republic can be watchful of Trump AND the corporations. Are you capable of being critical of Trump as well as being critical of the forces assembled against him if those forces are as bad or worse than he is?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{CarmineFields} : How weird and scary is that? What the fuck? They have to hide the very idea of checks and balances?', ">>{hapoo} : Its obvious from their actions that they don't even acknowledge the existence of the judicial branch. Hope it comes back to smack them in the ass.", ">>{chloes1_1968} : That's what is so frightening. Not the slightest acknowledgment of the courts, no real understanding of the level of rage that Trump tapped into. I don't think our week old government understands that this is one genie you can't put back into the bottle.", ">>{TacticalBurrito} : I have heard - I cannot provide any direct links at the moment - that some airports are sill refusing to abide by the judicial decision to suspend Trump's immigration ban. They're still detaining people. So, contempt of court, an arrestable crime. How does this get enforced, in practice?", ">>{hapoo} : At least one of the judges instructed the U.S. Marshals to enforce the decision. I believe if they don't abide by it they can be arrested and found in contempt of court.", '>>{TacticalBurrito} : Ah, the US Marshals. I suppose it\'s so weird because this kind of thing hasn\'t really happened in my lifetime, that I\'m aware of. Where two federal law enforcement agencies are directly opposed at each other. I seem to remember back in the 50s, the president had to send in the army, or national guard, to a school in ~~Alabama~~, Arkansas to *ensure* that black students could enter, because the governor was being a real douche-canoe about it. EDIT: I\'m thinking of, and mis-remembering, [Little Rock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Rock_Nine). (Well, by "remember", I wasn\'t *there*, but it\'s a dim memory from high school civics.) This current situation feels, to me, like a historic event on almost the same level.', ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Some brave soul needs to try and attempt a citizen's arrest of a US Marshal. Not even sure if it works that way. Not sure that matters anymore.", '>>{Shasta-Daisies} : WAKE THE HELL UP CONGRESS. Everyone please send this to your Rep and senator and local news.', '>>{pm_me_POTUS_pics} : This seems more incompetence than maliciousness. Turns out that a shitty businessman is shitty at running the business of the country, too.', ">>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : He could be in saddam dictator mode where he's literally rewriting history to make himself a hero. When people take him to court he could just say the court's are stupid and run by liberals, sad. \\#getdonaldhelp", '>>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : Well... Judging by his litany of moronic lawsuits, he thinks courts are a game to be played, not a way to find justice.', '>>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : I declare supreme court is rigged, sad "The concept of liberty and justice is wallowing in misery. Get over it, I won, LOSER!"', ">>{Shopworn_Soul} : Brave soul is right. I can't imagine a circumstance under which that would seem wise.", '>>{winterd} : The President had to take control of the AK National Guard and order them to support the integration.', '>>{winterd} : No, the Marshals would be the "good guys" in this situation.', ">>{winterd} : All of them did, but I haven't heard any news about them taking any action.", ">>{Majorkilljoy87} : They're announcing the SCOTUS pick Thursday hopefully they took it down to prep it not because they're going facist.", '>>{shitsgettingscary} : They\'ve left a small snippet under "State and local governments" but [this is the missing page](http://web.archive.org/web/20170120020247/https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600/judicial-branch)'], [">>{bbiggs32} : >Another reason for promoting lying is what economists sometimes call loyalty filters. If you want to ascertain if someone is truly loyal to you, ask them to do something outrageous or stupid. If they balk, then you know right away they aren’t fully with you. That too is a sign of incipient mistrust within the ruling clique, and it is part of the same worldview that leads Trump to rely so heavily on family members. Or he's just so thin skinned and insecure that he measures himself by how much people like him.", '>>{1blah1} : This is how media will continue to lose credibility. They have been caught lying the entire campaign season and the new administration just started and they have no reason to lie on anything yet.', '>>{GunGrabberTrump} : LYING used in a headline. Bravo! We need more of this and Im not being sarcastic.', '>>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : So tell me: what color is the sky on that home planet of yours called Shit For Brains?', ">>{Gorgonaut666} : >By requiring subordinates to speak untruths, a leader can undercut their independent standing, including their standing with the public, with the media and with other members of the administration. That makes those individuals grow more dependent on the leader and less likely to mount independent rebellions against the structure of command. Promoting such chains of lies is a classic tactic when a leader distrusts his subordinates and expects to continue to distrust them in the future. That's fascinating.", ">>{In_my_opinion_} : THANK YOU! Finally they're calling a turd a turd.", ">>{NonHomogenized} : > and they have no reason to lie on anything yet So you're saying they've just been lying for no reason whatsoever? That doesn't seem right - surely they must have *some* reason for lying, even if it's a really bad one.", '>>{GunGrabberTrump} : This is a tactic used in a toxic workplace. He governs through fear internally. Eventually, someone snaps from the pressure. I think thats what we saw at his 1st presser.', '>>{1blah1} : jeez get over yourself America is not a planet.', ">>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : I suspect they see the lying as being twofold, one without being able to rep the popular vote or a large crowd, they feel less entitled to a mandate (which they don't have). But I think the more important part of this is that Trump wants to be popular. It's all about his ego.", ">>{MrMadcap} : Essentially the same thing the GOP has been doing for decades (which explains why they're so comfortable with it), cranked all the way to 12.", '>>{objectivedesigning} : The United States cannot tolerate a government that lies. A democracy requires a fundamental belief that the government, elected by the people, serves the people honestly.', ">>{SchpartyOn} : Yeah what the hell is with the media using the word falsehoods? Just fucking say lying, dammit. That's what a falsehood is and it's more blunt, and thus more effective.", ">>{undecidedly} : I'm pretty sure at least the second night in they had to lie on something. Maybe a bed or a couch.", '>>{1blah1} : Everytime Trump does something this is how all the liberals act. Their kicking and screaming is not convincing anyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46AXCtue9c&feature=youtu.be', ">>{In_my_opinion_} : I don't think your joke translated to Russian very well.", ">>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : I couldn't find the backwards 'R' on my keyboard.", '>>{jimrosenz} : Most of his supporters have a low opinion of the media and political honesty, but sooner or later the deceit will become a commercial cover-up', '>>{Sussay} : Those who have a grade 3 vocabulary would understand "lying."', '>>{GunGrabberTrump} : Yes. If not of them, then of their actions. He likely didnt wanna lie and was conflicted by it but ultimately caved under pressure. Understandable but not excusable. I used to work in a field where this would occur from time to time.', '>>{1blah1} : Did you hear about the story of the boy who cried wolf too many times?', '>>{GhostFish} : His staff is lying because he is emotionally volatile and incompetent. They are scared shitless. They have front row seats to the humiliation and degradation of the United States of America.', '>>{10390} : The most powerful man on the planet is insecure. Gawd help us all.', ">>{The_Logical_Extreme} : >So he's threatened by his own staff? Yup. >[“And you’ll find that when you become very successful, the people that you will like best are the people that are less successful than you, because when you go to a table you can tell them all of these wonderful stories, and they’ll sit back and listen,” he said. “Does that make sense to you? OK? Always be around unsuccessful people because everybody will respect you. Do you understand that?”](http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/trump-advice-wisconsin-college-students-221383) Just imagine, all his appointees, less successful than the Trump Steaks guy. #MAGA /s", '>>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : He gets so triggered by his loss of the popular vote and that no celebrities that matter want to be around him and actively hate him', '>>{spacehogg} : Remember... Obvious lies serve a purpose for an administration. They watch who challenges them and who loyally repeats them. The people must watch, too. https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/823007681350868993', '>>{spacehogg} : > Eventually, someone snaps from the pressure. A... a 2nd amendment someone, perhaps?', '>>{desertdungarees} : > grade 3 Found the Canadian! Please sponsor me into your glorious homeland...', '>>{spacehogg} : > Trump rules by fear It can be pretty useless on those at the bottom though.', '>>{CarlosFromPhilly} : If a guy like Trump is your boss, and he says "tell a lie" you say "how high."', '>>{isokayokay} : Does this mean we should reassure all Trump subordinates that they will be welcomed back into the world and not shunned if they decide to leave? At least the ones not beyond redemption? Might be a good way to combat Trump\'s efforts to insulate and radicalize them. Should we start a "forgive Reince Preibus for he does not know what he is doing" campaign?', ">>{shelbys_foot} : They're not intellectual sorts, but you'd think somebody on Trump's staff would be familiar with the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Most of learn about the time we learn to read that if you keep telling lies, eventually nobody believes you when you're telling the truth.", ">>{spacehogg} : > America is not a planet. It's a continent!", '>>{phire} : According to his [Biographer](http://www.salon.com/2017/01/19/donald-trumps-biographers-hes-narcissistic-belligerent-and-deeply-fears-that-hes-illegitimate/), Trump only trusts people who he sees as extensions of himself, which is mostly his family. Basically everything gets filtered through Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.', ">>{superdago} : I think most in the media were giving the campaign the benefit of the doubt, just for absurdly long. Saying someone lied imputes a knowledge and intent that's pretty tough to show. Saying someone said something false is pretty easy to show. I also think the accusation of having a liberal bias caused a lot of the tip toeing Around when nearly all the calling-of-bullshit would apply to one party over the other. It seems *fingers crossed* the media is less concerned with offending or appearing biased.", ">>{big-square-head} : This is a great piece. It moves discussion beyond what kind of man Trump is to the effect he has on the people around him. One thing a narcissist absolutely requires from the people he allows near him/her is their esteem and admiration. You can't play a role in the narcissists life unless you do. A powerful narcissist lures people with honeyed personal attention and an invitation to participate in their accomplishment laden lives. A man like Trump can be powerfully attractive to people. They see his personal magnetism and his larger than life persona. Combined with immense wealth and celebrity and you have a man that's nearly impossible to ignore. However, there are serious consequences for people who pursue relationships or alliances with narcissists. Because the primary interest and motivation of a narcissist is projecting an image of themselves that attracts respect and adulation, this means the people in their lives are props in a theater production. A person is only as useful as their ability to support the image the narcissist is trying to sell. Relationships,(personal, business, or political) with narcissists are never reciprocal. Because of this, the mere act of participating in a relationship means the participant becomes compromised. The deeper the relationship the more compromised and damaging it becomes. Trump's history exhibits all of the detritus of a life compromising other people against their own best interests. Women used against their will, business partners unpaid, and political spokesmen pressured to lie for him. Now, we the citizens of the United States are in a relationship with Trump. We are already compromised by making him our president.", '>>{jimrosenz} : It is one of Tyler Cowans cleverest columns. Explaining carefully why lying can build loyalty and test loyalty. It is also a strategy that will wear off when the lies are used to cover up either scandals or failure to deliver', '>>{blahblah98} : Doubtful he trusts anyone who may appear smarter than him, or not as rich as him. Hence, one of the [least educated and richest cabinets in history](http://latest.com/2016/12/donald-trump-has-the-least-educated-richest-cabinet-weve-ever-seen/). Dang, I shoulda said "So" instead of "Hence." Remember: dumb it down, dumb it down...', '>>{jimrosenz} : They face a bigger problem of they do not know what their boss wants. That is why he will be an ineffective president. All disputes will have to be arbitrated by him. subordinates will do nothing or head in the wrong direction too many time', ">>{blahblah98} : Actually, I think the inherent transparency, legal checks & balances, truly patriotic gov't employees, etc. means that our government CAN tolerate it. Trump is going to discover that our gov't is absolutely structured AGAINST a dictator-like behavior. Lawyers can sue & tie up Presidential edicts for years, leaking information all the while through legal discovery processes. The gov't is run by a vast bureaucracy, with many lifers who know their jobs & just do them, regardless of the current gov't. An even larger bureaucracy of non-gov't organizations that have zero political loyalty. All these employees & organizations are not going to suddenly behave like rubber-stamp Russian bureaucrats; instead they're going to passively resist change, keep doing what they're doing, and leak intel to the press & internet like sieves. Effective presidents discover they have to lead by inspiration and by appealing & supporting gov't workers. Force, threats and fear results in massive internal resistance; doubtful he's ever experienced that in any of the Trump companies.", '>>{morbidexpression} : I mean look at Reince. That piece of shit must see enemies in every shadow... half of them being real, as nobody likes him there!', ">>{SunshineCat} : Right, there shouldn't be any reason to lie about things like how many people attended his inauguration, which is why Trump is so fucked up for lying anyway.", '>>{Let_me_creep_on_this} : Since Trump has such disdain for the constitution, there. Refs to be fake articles made about how Trump is going to take away their guns..', ">>{Splax77} : > So he's threatened by his own staff? We're talking about the guy here who made all of his campaign staff sign NDAs, so yes.", '>>{Splax77} : Oh look, a T_D cultist wandered out of his safe space. How cute. You may think the media is losing credibility, but that\'s simply because you refuse to acknowledge that Glorious Leader has ever lied to you. After all, who cares what the facts are when you can just substitute your own alternative facts? As for the rest of us, the media only gains more credibility as they grow the balls to call a lie a lie, rather than hiding behind "falsehood" so they don\'t have to worry about appearing biased (even though the cultists will think they are anyway regardless of what they do) as Trump and his administration continue to attack them. >and the new administration just started and they have no reason to lie on anything yet I agree they have no reason to be lying - which makes it all the more baffling that they insist on doing so, blatantly, to our faces on national TV.', ">>{1blah1} : The media has a credibility of 14% or less. You won't be able to see that until your bubble pops.", ">>{Splax77} : A credibility of 14%? What is that supposed to mean? Am I just not up to date on the latest comrade talking points? If you're trying to say that trust in the media is at an all time low, you would be right on that - although it's very naive to suggest that everyone disapproves of it for the same reasons, and what exactly constitutes the media can vary widely from person to person. Only 25% of the voting age population in this country voted for Trump, and it would be wise to remember that over the next 4 years as his approval ratings continue to tank (he's already much lower than any other president upon taking office and this is supposed to be the period where it's at its highest) and the cultists in their safe space continue to deny reality, which has a well known liberal bias.", '>>{1blah1} : Yada Yada .... salty tears ..... Yada yada. Did not read anything you wrote. This is what is happening to media and all other anti trump whining. People had enough of it.', '>>{Splax77} : > Did not read anything you wrote. And that\'s precisely why nobody takes you cultists seriously around here. It\'s fun arguing with them sometimes, but it does get boring rather quickly as they have no actual positions beyond "fuck liberals, need more liberal tears" and that\'s inevitably where any conversation ends up after a few back-and-forth replies. It\'s quite unfortunate really, there\'s no such thing as a reasonable debate with the other side anymore because one side has completely rejected all logic and reason in favor of putting their undying faith in Glorious Leader. I\'ve had my fun, you can go back to your safe space now.', '>>{selfpromoting} : *E.g.*, *see* recent EPA leak.', ">>{WigginIII} : The media has been very careful about using the term lying because of the negative implications and connotations associated with it. Saying falsehoods and other softer words allow for someone to simply be mistaken. They don't want to necessarily throw blame and imply purposeful deceit. To do so puts their access at risk, and allows other media outlets, of increasingly questionable integrity, to gain access as traditional media loses it.", '>>{WigginIII} : I hope the media and other outlets adopt a surname insult to Trump like he did all his political opponents. Lying Ted, little Marco, crooked Hillary. Would be a sweet source of payback if the media just calls him "liar in chief" or something.', '>>{crazyike} : Interesting but strongly lacking in having any ideas how to respond. These authors better start coming to grips with the idea that Trump could have a disastrous first hundred days and absolutely no one will be remotely shaken by it because they are no longer listening to anything they say.', '>>{Lonsdaleite} : Why Bloomberg.com is not a reasonably non-biased source for journalism Michael Bloomberg was one of the men who endorsed Clinton at the DNC convention. He\'s an authoritarian piece of shit who bans you from drinking large soda, defending yourself with 2A Bill of Rights protection and made sure to make you a criminal for smoking weed. He\'s viciously anti-Trump and uses his publication to wrap his agenda in thinly veiled propaganda. When you guys read the Daily Beast you\'re reading Clinton faction DNC Kool AId. Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of directors. When you read Thinkprogress.com you\'re reading Clinton faction DNC Kool Aid. It\'s John Podestas work who was Hillarys campaign chairman. Can you say George Soros? When you read NBC/MSNBC know that they paid the Clintons 600,000 a year for access to a collusive relationship via Chelsea Clinton. Remember that the next time you watch SNL and its comedy wrapped anti-Trump propaganda. When you read CNN or watch John Oliver and his comedy laced anti-Trump propaganda know that you\'re drinking Clinton faction DNC Kool Aid as Time Warner has so many executives funding Clinton faction political campaigns that they are in the top list of Clinton political money donors. The list goes on. The front page of this sub is a "who\'s who" of the new style of "journalism" that has no interest in reporting the facts. Its designed to manipulate public opinion. It\'s in the business of destroying political opposition and promoting insiders. You would think after Clintons defeat this faction of the DNC would have died but Pelosi and the limousine liberals are alive and well. The other factions of the DNC that most would consider legitimate like the Bernie factions or the Webb faction are getting destroyed as Pelosi has maintained her power and Bernie gets delegated to a minor senate position. Funny how that dynamic doesn\'t get discussed on a sub dedicated to politics. Instead we get Trump kicked a baby out of a rally, called for the assassination of Hillary, dodged the draft, called all Mexicans rapists, is a rapist himself, advocates sexual assault, illegally didn\'t pay taxes, is a Russian plant, friends with the KKK\'s David Duke, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc WELCOME TO PROPAGANDA 101', ">>{Lonsdaleite} : It's a smear piece designed to distract from Spicers original reason to address the press in which he accused to press of being hostile. Spicer was wrong about having the largest inauguration audience so the press focuses on that instead of Spicers accusation. The press, including Bloomberg, is hostile to Trump. This is above and beyond reasonable bias. Their journalistic integrity has been compromised and they are firmly in the realm of propaganda and character assassination. This article was Bloomberg flavored Kool Aid.", ">>{notveryoriginalname8} : This is very basic totalitarian propaganda. The lies aren't expected to be believed by anyone, they're just proof you're totally controlled by someone else. Also commonly seen in abusive domestic relationships and cults.", ">>{AlternativFacts} : > lie Hey, buddy, that term might hurt [press secretary Sean Spicer's feelings](http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/21/politics/sean-spicer-fact-check/). Please use the Patriotically Correct (PC) term: [**Alternative Fact**](http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/conway-press-secretary-gave-alternative-facts-860142147643). With a little effort, we can make the world a safer space for Patriotic Discourse. See this [simple explanation](http://i.imgur.com/I66xsj4.png) for more.", '>>{notveryoriginalname8} : No. There\'s political pandering and then there\'s "the sky is green" lies. This is significantly different from almost every republican since Nixon.', ">>{Mardok} : Yeah you're absolutely right, that's why I get my news from Alex Jones, Breitbart and The Donald. Only places that are honest these days.", '>>{spookyttws} : It\'s also interesting how bad they are at it. It may also may a tactic. When you seem fake all time people can\'t read when you\'re real. So tell enough little bad lies and then when it comes to huge lie people will just dismiss it. "We will strike back at North Korea!!" "Oh, just another lie..." *boom*', ">>{AlternativFacts} : > fake Whoa whoa, slow down there. Terms like those can hurt [Trump supporters' feelings](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/01/23/16/3C6E2D8E00000578-4148588-image-a-64_1485190166385.jpg). Please use the Patriotically Correct (PC) term: [**Alternative Fact**](http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/conway-press-secretary-gave-alternative-facts-860142147643). With a little effort, we can make America a safer space for Patriotic Discourse! See this [simple explanation](http://i.imgur.com/41M7Xfq.jpg) for more.", ">>{jimrosenz} : Trump's propensity to reject inconvenient facts be his greatest problem. He will not admit a problem is a problem and to perhaps it is too late for him to do anything about it", '>>{jimrosenz} : Cass Sunstein has some good columns in the same journal on responding to Trump. Ted Cruz is one of the best responses in the primaries when he just said Donald, count to 10', ">>{Awoo--} : Calling them falsehoods has ambiguous meaning which can not then be called slander and taken to court. Saying someone is lying is a very clear statement, and if you can not prove that they are lying then you are committing slander. The news doesn't actually know whether the administration is knowingly providing the incorrect information or whether they are simply making a lot of mistakes. That's the issue. Oh and Trump wants to make it easier to sue the news for that kind of thing.", '>>{BurnTheFascists} : And rightfully so, since one of them going public would do more damage to him than anything else has so far.', '>>{MajorLazy} : Trump Repeats Lie About Popular Vote in Meeting With Lawmakers https://nyti.ms/2klFxo1 God bless the NYT', ">>{crazyike} : That's funny but it doesn't really solve the core problem. People don't trust anything anymore and can find sources to support whatever they already believe. Sources they don't trust telling them that he is lying won't change anything now.", ">>{crazyike} : > Trump's propensity to reject inconvenient facts be his greatest problem. Is it? Because right now, in today's climate, I hate to say it but it seems to be working.", '>>{berrieh} : > Saying someone is lying is a very clear statement, and if you can not prove that they are lying then you are committing slander. The news doesn\'t actually know whether the administration is knowingly providing the incorrect information or whether they are simply making a lot of mistakes. Eh, this is because people think lie only means >an intentionally false statement. But it also means: >used with reference to a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression. (Google) >an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood. (Dictionary.com) >to speak falsely (Cambridge) >to create a false or misleading impression (Merriam-Webster) Words have multiple definitions. The first definition of lie in all of these (except my paper Cambridge, which says "to speak falsely" first) involves intent, but there are other definitions in almost every dictionary which does not involve intent. The connotation of calling something a lie is very strong, but there\'s no legal issue, even if the person was mistaken time after time, especially if the person is willfully mistaken repeatedly and does not admit to facts. I don\'t think it\'s that they fear they\'d lose a legal battle so much as that the media is actually very polite (too forgiving!) as a whole about these things because they have to consider their own access. But they\'ve not really dealt with someone like Trump.', '>>{Awoo--} : Well then you\'d have to prove that your intention was that of the others, as opposed to the first. But then you\'d just be getting into an argument over why you didn\'t say falsehoods "to speak falsely". Then it would be argued in court that you chose lies because, as you use falsehoods everywhere else, you intended the first definition. They would not successfully argue it in court. I disagree on the legal front. The media are SUPER careful about legal shit. They throw allegations on everything, even the most obvious truths, for the sake of keeping themselves safe. They\'re businesses and court costs a fortune to fight in whether you win or lose, best to avoid going to it altogether.', '>>{Eazu} : It appears the parent commenter wants someone to snap and shoot Trump. This is a bad idea. I was Mormon, and they made a martyr out of Joseph Smith being killed by a mob. I would hate to see a cult of Trump take root.', '>>{Eazu} : Cut out all use of the word "therefore" and "ergo" as well. This crew responds better to "jump this high for a paycheck."', ">>{Jumblehead} : So the press should lie and say favourable things about Trump so that they don't present a 'biased' view? Reporting the truth is not biaised. If the President is shit, the President is shit.", ">>{Lonsdaleite} : > So the press should lie and say favourable things about Trump so that they don't present a 'biased' view? No.", '>>{Brad_tilf} : You could simplify the whole thing by stating the basic fact - Donald Trump is a serial liar and even more so when any fact hurts his ego', ">>{Trumpanzee__Trainer} : As long as it ends like Jonestown I'm OK with it.", '>>{objectivedesigning} : Trump is of the old man school, where people like his wife and his employees are supposed to act like he is a king, "Yes, honey, do you want a drink?" "Go tell your daddy he\'s great; he\'ll love that", "Yes, sir, we\'ll do it sir." He will fire people, through his appointed managers, that he doesn\'t like. You can see the kow-towing already starting.', ">>{Sirsalley23} : I just wanna get my grade 10 so I can be smart and understand stuff like other people understand stuff that I can't figure out without help from those other people that understand the stuff that I don't understand. Stand.", '>>{Solario_ff14} : And let them scapegoat Trump instead of taking responsibility for their actions? Fuck that. Trump should be a weight pushing Republicans underwater until the last blub comes out.', '>>{ihaveaboehnerr} : But but but I thought Trump was bringing in the "best and brightest" to work for him? #CrookedTrump #Lockhimup. haha', '>>{IlikeJG} : Don\'t become the left\'s version of "Radical Islamic Terrorism". What does it really matter if they use synonyms? They mean the same thing, don\'t get hung up on that one word. There\'s FAR more important things to care about as in the actual content of the lies and the truth they\'re covering up.', '>>{berrieh} : >Well then you\'d have to prove that your intention was that of the others, as opposed to the first. The others are intention-neutral. There\'s no need to prove intent (except on the part of the person bringing the suit against the media, that the intent was to defame, etc, but I mean with the word). >But then you\'d just be getting into an argument over why you didn\'t say falsehoods "to speak falsely". That\'s the same as saying "falsehoods" or "false claims." Of course, they do have to prove that the information was false. Intention, however, is irrelevant. >Then it would be argued in court that you chose lies because, as you use falsehoods everywhere else, you intended the first definition. They would not successfully argue it in court. You can\'t really litigate connotation. That\'s not a legitimate suit. And, as for false legal suits brought against them, it doesn\'t really matter whether they use "lie" or "falsehood," I imagine the distinction is lost on Trump. I don\'t see the argument there. Of course, the media tries to avoid false suits by being less incendiary because even a false suit could be expensive, but I\'m speaking to meaningful suits. With most Presidents, they are softened by their desire for access far more than they\'re worried about being sued, though.', '>>{Awoo--} : The distinction is as lost on Trump as the distinction between "first 3 rows" and "nobody we brough was seated" when the first 3 rows were standing. If you think Trump, a seasoned businessman, manipulator of the press, who had his own television show, doesn\'t understand incredibly basic nuance that teenagers understand before they even hit the workplace let alone with backasswards office management politics, you\'re being incredibly naive. The man is not an idiot. He is very old and has played games for many many years with very rich, successful people. The man is a narcissist and a thin skinned twat, not an autistic teenage moron.', ">>{musingaloud} : Is there ever a time when Shakespeare isn't prescient? From the Taming of the Shrew Act 4 Scene 5. Enter PETRUCHIO, KATHARINA, HORTENSIO, and Servants PETRUCHIO :Come on, i' God's name; once more toward our father's. Good Lord, how bright and goodly shines the moon! KATHARINA :The moon! the sun: it is not moonlight now. PETRUCHIO :I say it is the moon that shines so bright. KATHARINA :I know it is the sun that shines so bright. PETRUCHIO :Now, by my mother's son, and that's myself, It shall be moon, or star, or what I list, Or ere I journey to your father's house. Go on, and fetch our horses back again. Evermore cross'd and cross'd; nothing but cross'd! HORTENSIO :Say as he says, or we shall never go. KATHARINA :Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, And be it moon, or sun, or what you please: An if you please to call it a rush-candle, Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me. PETRUCHIO :I say it is the moon. KATHARINA :I know it is the moon. PETRUCHIO :Nay, then you lie: it is the blessed sun. KATHARINA:Then, God be bless'd, it is the blessed sun: But sun it is not, when you say it is not; And the moon changes even as your mind. What you will have it named, even that it is; And so it shall be so for Katharina. HORTENSIO :Petruchio, go thy ways; the field is won. Poor K̶a̶t̶h̶a̶r̶i̶n̶a̶ Sean.", ">>{spacehogg} : > parent commenter wants someone to snap and shoot Trump. I did a bit of reading about the victims of con artist. It rarely ends well for them. 'Fraid we're a bit too late on that cult thing, though. :(", ">>{Nameless_Archon} : So what did you mean, exactly? Let's hear a specific example.", '>>{N_ik0} : Can Trump be put under oath and questioned about his lies???', ">>{Heartkine} : This is the best explanation of Trump's behavior I have read.", '>>{Lonsdaleite} : This article is the example and the post you responded to is what I meant exactly.', ">>{CheezyArmpit} : Is lying? Not **Why Trump's Staff are lying** ???", ">>{MrMadcap} : Cigarettes don't cause cancer. Vehicle / factory emissions don't contribute to climate change. Alcohol is non addictive. Marijuana kills. Trickle-down economics works. There are weapons of mass destruction. If we send your children to die half way across the world, we will all be more safe, no matter the cause. All things we know to be false. All things the right wing will *still* spit and spray until they go red in the face.", '>>{mutatron} : > Another reason for promoting lying is what economists sometimes call loyalty filters. If you want to ascertain if someone is truly loyal to you, ask them to do something outrageous or stupid. Good grief that sounds like something gangsters do.', '>>{mutatron} : In American English, a staff is an entity in itself. To make it plural you\'d have to say "Trump\'s staff members are lying", although that\'s not always the case these days. Sometimes people go ahead and use the British English standard as you suggest.', ">>{mutatron} : And when you read /u/Lonsdaleite, you're reading a Trump follower desperately trying to discredit the source instead of arguing against its assertions.", '>>{CheezyArmpit} : Thanks for explaining. My brain is struggling to think of staff as singular, but I understand :)', '>>{jimrosenz} : There is a political maxim that your real mates vote for you when you are wrong.', '>>{Lonsdaleite} : I support Trump against these corporations using propaganda and character assassination to manipulate the public. Do you contest any of my facts and observations? If so list them. Lets have a debate u/mutatron because anyone with concern for our republic can be watchful of Trump AND the corporations. Are you capable of being critical of Trump as well as being critical of the forces assembled against him if those forces are as bad or worse than he is?'], ['>>{pump_the_brakes_son} : Trump: ‘I didn’t come along and divide this country’', '>>{MaratLives} : He just exploited and poured gasoline on that fire.', ">>{Evil_phd} : He's right. He brought many of us together. He's just upset that the unity is focused *against* him.", '>>{WinstonWolf77} : No, you just found it that way, and took complete advantage of it. Just like when Brock Turner found a chick passed out behind a dumpster and proceeded to have 20 minutes of action.', '>>{xxLIBERTYxxFF} : True. The democrats did that with their identity politics.', '>>{johnlakey} : You are going to be a star on reddit.', '>>{pervocracy} : At this point, is "identity politics" just the codeword for considering the needs of anyone who isn\'t a straight white man?', '>>{snarkasonne} : It\'s the new codeword for "ignore me, I\'m an idiot" "PC culture" was getting too obvious', '>>{LiberalPara} : He did. I am against progressive policies in economy but I would vote blue in 2018 to get GOP as far away from power as possible', ">>{Muppet1616} : Yeah because 1950's and 60's America was so wholesomely unified.", '>>{banjosbadfurday} : You literally lead the Birther movement against our former President.', '>>{kescusay} : In a sense, he\'s right. The divisions in this country can be traced all the way back to its founding. That said, he and the Fox News set are **not helping**. We have an entire segment of the country that firmly believes things which are factually incorrect and has decided that evidence doesn\'t matter. And they have picked the part of the country that disagrees as their enemy. Trump is feeding into that, rather than trying to heal the divide and convince his supporters that the "liberal elites" with their fancy educations aren\'t literally worse than Hitler. Republicans: On issues of climate change, monetary policy, LGBT rights, and so much more, we have a fundamental problem. You actively refuse to accept scientific evidence, and listen to people who feed you lies. And **you** need to be the ones to fix it, by reaching out to those of us who accept evidence in each category and trying to understand why we do, rather than lashing out at us over lost jobs and lost industries. We aren\'t your enemies, goddamn it.', '>>{Shilalasar} : They have realized racistsm, nationalism and religious bigottry do only get the farright. So they try to beef it up with some bogus pseudoscience.', '>>{sleepy_batman1776} : McConnell and Obama helped divide the country, then Clinton and Trump came in to kick it into overdrive. It looks like this is what Russia wanted to happen. I think corrupt politicians are especially divisive, because it\'s easier for people to see how corrupt the politicians of "the other side" are versus politicians on their own side. So you see them get angry at each other, saying "how could you support someone so awful?" I think it\'s starting to get better though. Most Americans are non-partisan anyway, especially among millennials.', '>>{rodrigoazure} : he is actually right. the problem is not so much that Trump is a racist, incompetent, misogynistic, uneducated pig. the problem is that the GOP and their fan base COMPLETELY SUPPORT his intolerant behavior. As we\'ve seen in congress, the republican party will take it up the ass and say thank you as long as they can push for their cult style social behavior policies. They really don\'t care about the financial debacle of the average american family for the last 20 years, they care about their social behavior interpretation, where there is no tolerance for the "different" or the innovative. They represent the status quo, the "english monarchy" that the american revolution rallied against. And a good portion of americans *think* they support this, but when you talk to them they really don\'t. The founding fathers based the us on the renascence and illuminism principles. On science over religion, on the right to pursue happiness (thats a fucking huge departure from every other country even today). Damn it, America is one amazing country, how the fuck can we let republicans fuck it up like this?', ">>{Muppet1616} : Ah yes it's always the other guys fault for not falling in line with you, it's never your side that needs to fall in line with the rest for the sake of fixing the divisions in society.", '>>{xxLIBERTYxxFF} : How long have you been here and all you have learned to do is ad hominems?', ">>{SteinBradly} : He didn't cause the crack, but he's in it now with a chisel and hammer to make it as wide as possible.", '>>{xxLIBERTYxxFF} : Thank you, for conceding to my points with no refuting them.', ">>{Muppet1616} : What point was that exactly? Pointing fingers at the other side isn't an argument worth refuting.", ">>{super_sayanything} : THIS division, can be traced back to Newt Gingrich's Contract with America where Republicans tried to criminalize Bill Clinton for a blow job and refused to compromised since.", '>>{hcwt} : I need to ask, why does it seem like the states with the more progressive policies are having more success economically?', '>>{kescusay} : Hi there, new user! I have a challenge for you. Should be easy. Just define, unambiguously, the phrase you used: "Identity politics." That\'s it. Good luck!', ">>{Drunken_Zoologist} : Sniff. Or are you one of those people that didn't watch the debates and just like Trump because being part of counter-culture group makes your life feel better?", '>>{ScholarOfTwilight} : If anything, Obama reached across the aisle too many times. Republicans burned Boehner at the stake for even talking to him. He wanted to be the non-partisan President and every time they slapped him in the mouth for it he said, "Let\'s try one more time". Then he realized that the game was up because he\'s black & liberal but by then it was too late and all he could do was issue executive orders. His signature greatest achievement was not Obamacare itself, it was the idea of it which simply will not die. They can\'t repeal it because it grew popular despite its faults.', ">>{WinstonWolf77} : I see where you're going with this, and I agree. But, in the interest of intellectual honesty, I'm personally not settled on which of those came first. A lot of those same states were economically successful long before they adopted progressive policies. I also worry about it opening up the argument that regressive policies at times have been correlated with economically successful areas.", '>>{WinstonWolf77} : Which built on a division over Richard Nixon and Watergate, which built on a division over civil rights, which built on division over slavery, and on and on. A united populace of Americans is aspirational mythology, at best,', '>>{kescusay} : Hi there, new user! You apparently didn\'t understand the nature of my challenge, so allow me to clarify. The existence of search engine responses to a word or phrase doesn\'t actually demonstrate a comprehension of that word or phrase. So to meet my challenge, you\'ll need to provide, in your own words, a clear and concise definition of "identity politics." Since it\'s a phrase you used, it should be no trouble at all for you to come up with one. You didn\'t use a phrase without actually having a firm understanding of what you meant by it, did you? Of course not! That would be silly! So of course this should be a breeze. Good luck!', '>>{super_sayanything} : Man but those 8 years under George Washington! haha yea I hear you.', ">>{XS_JADO} : I'm glad you are going that way in 2018, but it doesn't matter at all. We hold 25/33 seats up for election in 2018. If we still have 25/33 after 2018 I have to say that is win, but we will probably lose even more seats. Even if we win every seat it changes basically nothing, and if we lose we lose majorly. We will be fighting to just keep our heads above water. The GOP can actually obtain a supermajority. God that's scary. We are honestly *dead in the water* until 2020.", '>>{FuckBezosOnAmazon} : Eh, to be fair adding "sniff" to your statement makes it seem pretty stupid. I get that it\'s funny to mock Trump for sniffling but a lot of people just read the transcripts of the debate. Also who even cares that trump had a cold at a debate that happened half a year ago in an election that\'s already been over for a while? A lot of people on this sub do that and it just makes people seem childish.', '>>{Newbsaccount} : Just "telling it like it is" in the post PC era.', ">>{VotesSlitThroats} : No, he didn't cause the pile-up on the freeway. But he certainly didn't touch the brakes as he barreled into it at full speed.", '>>{Shifter25} : Who cared that Clinton had pneumonia at a 9/11 memorial?', ">>{aBernsteinBear} : I'm a progressive and that's a great response. If I'm not mistaken the economic success did come first in most cases. In either case there is a lot of legitimate economic debate over the subject as the data is mixed.", ">>{FuckBezosOnAmazon} : At the time it happened? Most people did. Of course a presidential candidate falling unconscious is pretty huge news. Now do people care? I hope not. It's completely irrelevant.", '>>{LiberalPara} : I\'m from a poor red state. The reason why are we voting red is simple. Conservative approach to economics results in pretty much only growth of economy. And for us that\'s the most important issue. States that are voting blue have enough wealth so they don\'t see growth as the major issue, but they want social security because they can afford it. I know that is very simplified but that\'s how I feel it works. For the other examples look at Norway, they are selling a lot of oil so the country is rich and they can afford to redistribute goods to people. On the other hand you have highest rated "country" by economic freedom which is Hong Kong. Economy there is one of the fastest growing in the world due to low taxation and free port trade.', '>>{Drunken_Zoologist} : He lied about having cold. What else would he lie about? Sniff.', '>>{_C2J_} : Does CA really fall into this formula, though? CA was not doing so hot prior to the Dem/progressive leadership.', '>>{OMyBuddha} : LOL..no. Obama & the Dems have kept this country together despite the best efforts of the Right.', ">>{_C2J_} : I believe him on this one... He came along to make himself rich and exploit the position to it's fullest. Dividing the country wasn't really on his self-serving radar.", '>>{WinstonWolf77} : Progressive policies really come into play when a region with an established competitive advantage runs into an unequal/unfair distribution, or when the economic externalities begin to overwhelm the existing system. In regards to California, it was wealthy, it always has been. It just had a massive problem with income inequality. Progressive policies stabilized the boom and bust cycle.', '>>{financialanon} : Yes, firmed up that division for a generation.', ">>{JohnTitor2020} : No, Donald Trump didn't divide the country. He's the malignant symptom of the problem, not its cause.", '>>{geoman91} : Did John Titor predict any of this when he was supposedly here?', '>>{JohnTitor2020} : john has no idea how you guys messed this up so badly', ">>{geoman91} : Well, he had predicted a civil war and nuclear destruction by 2015, so maybe we're doing a bit better, at least for now.", '>>{MegaSansIX} : No he exploited it and made sure the divide will never heal. Before Trump there were actually studies showing people would disown their kids for dating outside of their political group. It was even bigger than opposition to miscegenation. Trump has taken those differences and taught us how to hate each other to the point of destruction. There are liberals who literally want to burn down their college campus because of him. There are conservatives who want to mow down progressives with ak47s because of him.', ">>{Homarus_Americanus} : It's always been 'We VS Me' or north vs south", '>>{TheonsPrideinaBox} : He just keeps hammering the wedge and increasing the divide though. This guy is a disgrace.', ">>{Potatoman_Man} : >It's a problem when Repubs refuse climate change because it's science but cutting off your dick and wearing makeup makes you into a girl!"]]
classify and reply
[">>{corleone21} : White House: Immigration order 'small price' for safety", ">>{IDFSHILL} : There are 4 doctors that do these abortions left. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/09/16/after_tiller_a_documentary_about_late_term_abortion_and_the_four_remaining.html These are the type of people that get them. >> Inside the clinic walls, however, we see a very different story. Yes, there are a couple of cases of women around the 24 or 25 week mark who, because of rape or because they are teenagers from very religious families, put off abortion until they started to show, and to their credit, filmmakers Martha Shane and Lana Wilson didn't flinch from that. However, most of the patients getting later term abortions in the film very much wanted to have their babies but, after getting a horrific diagnosis of serious fetal abnormalities, decided to terminate. Babies who would be born with organs on the outside, babies who would never be able to move, babies whose lives would be a few short days of unending pain before death: The almost-parents tell their stories haltingly, often weeping at how unfair it is to have to choose between two terrible options. The doctors struggle, too, often trying to parse which medical conditions are serious enough to justify abortions after 28 weeks. Anyone attacking this is a disgusting person.", '>>{WWECasm} : Germany says U.S. under Trump must abide by trade deals', '>>{mcthornbody420} : In Context: What Jeff Sessions told Al Franken about meeting Russian officials', '>>{kekus_vult} : Germany has mostly turks and got shia muslims now. Where does the muslim brotherhood come in?', '>>{paraconformity} : What the Daily Caller\'s "friends in operation rescue" failed to tell them is that the rate of abortions (and unplanned pregnancies) has dropped precipitously under Obama (while climbing under the Conservatives in England).', ">>{big_hey_22} : Authoritarians bring peace, but it's the peace of the prison yard and the peace of the grave.", '>>{CNegan} : where has my paycheck been going all this time? :(', '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : The Republican Muslim Ban is not a "small price" and it will not ensure our safety.', ">>{FredMccally} : Sir, I wouldn't try to drag nuance out of these folks. They don't even grasp basic human notions like if you act against the interest of another, they're gonna act against you too.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Donald Trump says shit that is really obviously false though. Like anyone that has been covering this race should know the Iraq thing at the commander in chief summit was a lie. And its easily fact checkable. The problem is more with Clinton because she uses lawyer speak.', '>>{upstateman} : Looking at the transcripts from the hearing, however, it’s not 100 percent clear that Sessions made an intentionally false statement, though he appears to have omitted relevant information.\ufeff\tmcthornbody420\tt3_5x7s4n\nt3_5x7nps\tt1_defy2bb\t1488508529\tIt\'s funny how they called it Obamacare as a slight. It caught on and now it\'s why they hate it.\tjerkITwithRIGHTYnewb\tt3_5x7nps\nt3_5x7nps\tt1_defy38w\t1488508564\tNo, I suspect that it\'s the mandate that he\'s talking about. Keep the aca but drop the evil mandate and everyone will love it right up until it implodes.\tBeowulfShaeffer\tt1_defxne0\nt3_5x7nps\tt1_defyhf1\t1488509088\tA lot of voters really don\'t know what \'Obamacare\' is and isn\'t. After all, Sarah Palin told them there\'d be death panels, so if there aren\'t death panels it can\'t be Obamacare.\tdagwood222\tt1_defxbx2\nt3_5x7s4n\tt1_defyi28\t1488509111\t>He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee," Flores told the Washington Post. Right, he was asked about all communications, not some specific sub-set.', '>>{NebulousInference} : >Because abortion is so unregulated in this country, we can’t know if any mothers are aborting at 40 weeks, but we do know third-trimester abortions are happening. And ... >Maybe no child is being aborted at 40 weeks, but that is not the point. Really?', '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : The problem is, so does the media. And so even by doing this, they reinforce lies by being untrustworthy in the first place. Example: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/trump-lets-disarm-clintons-security-and-see-what-happens-to-her-228312 Article title: "Trump calls for removing Clinton’s Secret Service detail to ‘see what happens\'" That isn\'t what he said at all. They are sneaky, in that the title of that article which is a lie, will be what people see on aggregate sites. And the URL is the actual quote? Strange no? Or one billion other examples from this election season. Someone should fact check, but if they\'re going to do it to people, it should be done to them. And since it can\'t be, they should probably stop pretending to care about facts.', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Where he said he wasn't for war in Iraq and no intervention in Libya. The Libyan one is the most shameless because he was for it and said he was in his own office.", ">>{RC_Colada} : It's from the Daily Caller, don't come 'round here with your logic!", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : And Trump thinks putting Muslims on a registry will make our problems go away? Why not make rational decisions instead of rash ones to solve a world crisis?', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : That is what he said though. The context was he was calling her a hypocrite but its still very irresponsible rhetoric.', ">>{kirkisartist} : I think it's smart to have done fact checking beforehand. At this point moderators had better know what their positions are and where they repeatedly get the facts wrong.", '>>{mcthornbody420} : All Sessions has to do is say he misremembered. Hillary faced this booby trap down during Benghazi, if they go after Sessions expect them to go after Hillary for perjury. Which is an insanely hard thing to prove.', ">>{robrakk} : No, you don't understand. The story shows 5 cases where it wasn't for the mother's health and then says that because of this the 13,000 every year (a made up number) must all be the exact same. Come on, that just makes sense. Like how I can take 5 white GOP paedophiles and say that all paedophiles are Republican.", '>>{tau-lepton} : >Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., asked: "Several of the President-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?" >Sessions responded, in total: "No." Where\'s the confusion?', '>>{kingofquay} : You just made the US a bigger target, well done.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Speak for yourself. Liberty was never a safe childhood blanket to squeeze. I hope you're aware of your own squeamishness. In fact, the same argument about safety can be made about the 2nd Amendment. How safe do you personally want to be? How many rights need to be taken so you can sleep sound?", '>>{Raspberries-Are-Evil} : Pissing all over the constitution is NOT a small price. How long will we continuing to burn our basic principals to the ground for "security?" Life is not secure-- get over it. You can get hit by a bus tomorrow. Enough is enough. We need to fight back while we still can.', '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : No, he did not call for the removing of her detail, did he? He said what the URL of that article says. "disarm her security, etc" Yet the title is not accurate at all?', '>>{Jmurman} : You worry about Germany and we will worry about America', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The title is accurate because it is exactly what he said. And you need to read past the title, since it explains all of that. If everyone is perceiving what you are saying as having negative connotations, then you are doing something wrong. He could have easily said what he was implying without being needlessly careless.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : I need to read past the title. Oooh, okay. I need to use my bias to change what he said mentally, so that the title seems accurate. Oh okay, we're in a place where the title is actually not the words he used, but it's exactly what he said. Okay thanks dude. This really clears things up. It's a manipulation tactic for aggregated news. Which is fine. Nowhere in his speech did he call for the removal of her detail. We do it too, I'm just pointing it out.", '>>{tau-lepton} : Hillary is not an idiot. Sessions appears to be either forgetful or not very sharp.', '>>{EllaShue} : Liberty and human rights are not a small price to pay for anything. Sacrifice them, and you have nothing worth saving anyway.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Its not manipulation by the news at all, its the news being manipulated. He says this on purpose to get hte media to cover it and then come away with more people believing Hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment.', '>>{DC25NYC} : Ugh silly me thinking it took facts to prove something. I guess thats my liberal bias!', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : > What the fuck are you talking about I\'m making a point about personal liberty, but I will have to spell it out for you, it seems. The 2nd Amendment has everything to do with further endangering the people around you. However, that\'s the price of liberty. (This is how the founding fathers, including Jefferson, saw the 2nd Amendment.) The same applies to the so-called "world dangers" of immigration. If you\'re going to attempt to build a moat to block out the whole world, you\'ll find that you\'ve created your own prison. Our world thrives on diversity, and if it cannot get it, the world stagnates.', '>>{bejammin075} : I was going to quote those also, but you got there first.', '>>{mcthornbody420} : He was asked have you been in contact about the 2016 election, either before or after? He wasn\'t asked have you been in contact with the Russian government in an official capacity? Nor was he asked, have you had any contact with any Russians or Russian officials? Not a Sessions fan, but this is "evidence" isn\'t even as strong as the "evidence" they had against Hillary lying under oath. Splitting hairs, nothing will come of this. If anything Congress with censer Sessions just like they did Holder in 2011.', '>>{VapeApe} : I wonder how many small prices we will pay...', '>>{iamitman007} : Ignore all the Russians posting in here. They are just doing there job to sway upcoming German election. I hope Germans are not as dumb as us Americans.', ">>{RuudeOne} : the anti-abortion crowd is the same people that want your family members to rote like food from cancer right in front of you. Instead of allowing them to pick a time and place when they were of sound mind, they want your relatives to suffer in agony or get doped to the gills on ever increasing amounts of opiates, eventually leading to a Dilaudid drip in the house. In today's America it's a fact YOU WILL watch someone die of cancer, let them do it will dignity. The Pro-Life, Christians won't. enough is enough...VOTE!", '>>{Tollkeeperjim} : You mean how Trump never comments on foreign natio...oh wait.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : It's manipulation on all parts, and I agree with you. He did this last time for the same reason. He's trying to make sure people who are interested in gun rights show up in a huge way, while adding more to his billions in free coverage.", '>>{thug_funnie} : Well if this exchange had happened under oath, perjury would be easier to pursue. Unfortunately the Franken exchange is not as clear. Obviously he omitted relevant info, but unless details of those conversations prove he did act on behalf of trump campaign he can still stick to his "in my capacity as an armed services committee member" excuse as reasoning for his statement to Franken.', '>>{Shinranshonin} : Of that 1.3% done after 24 weeks, there is no way of knowing how many are at 25, 26, 27...weeks. External viability is generally regarded as 27 weeks with good viability and low risk of developmental issues and the odds go up for every week.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >World dangers have nothing to do with the constitution and the rights of United States citizens I think we made the Constitution specifically because of world dangers. >I mean so little that its less than 0 Let me get you a long couch to faint on, then. My stars.', '>>{digitizemd} : > They wanted to be ruled by religious extremists that hate women and want to kill everyone else. Fuck em Sounds a lot like Trump/Pence.', '>>{rsynnott2} : So, isolationism, then? Yeah, that tends to work out great.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : The countries selected were based on their lack of Visa standards, established by Obamas administration', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Let me know when you're ready to discuss the topic.", ">>{jukiewalsh} : I'm confused on the point your making. That just means the number of *extra* late abortions is even less than 1.3%, so more rare than 1.3% Edit: Anyone has the right to be pro-life, but you can't say that 1% of a sample size is anything but an outlier, rarity, etc.", '>>{s0nderv0gel} : The German [electoral system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_system_of_Germany) is vastly different from the American. For the Bundestag, we have a hybrid system of FPTP for direct candidates and proportional representation governing the percentage of seats the parties get. Nearly all the time, a single party has not enough votes to get a majority in the Bundestag, which is why they have to form coalitions to form a government. The opposition usually takes their rights very seriously and uses them. To counter the Bundestag, we have the Bundesrat, consisting of the several state governments which are represented there and can block the Bundestag if necessary. Edit: wiki-link to the electoral system.', '>>{deltalitprof} : They like the thought of young women being punished for having sex.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Hey, someone worked hard for you to have that money, you shouldn't piss it away so easily.", '>>{314Piepurr} : Following that train of thought, what made him so qualified for AG?', '>>{kingofquay} : Each of those people who were looking to help start a better life and were turned away at the last second due to Trump..... they are angry.', ">>{cstack18} : It's not rare. Here's THREE cases. One we had to go 5 years back for.", ">>{Rollakud} : Is it a coincidence that all the banned countries don't have a Trump Hotel/Business, and the unbanned countries have a Rothschild bank(money used for war)?", '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : A steep price for unfounded Paranoia! White Right Wing terrorists have killed more Americans than any Muslims - and no immigrants have committed any terrorist attacks at all...', '>>{TheBraveSirRobin} : > **Senator Franken**: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, **‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump\'s surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’** > "Now, again, I\'m telling you this as it\'s coming out, so you know. But if it\'s true, it\'s obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?" > **Sessions**: "Senator Franken, I\'m not aware of any of those activities. **I have been called a surrogate** at a time or two in that campaign and **I didn\'t have — did not have communications with the Russians**, and I\'m unable to comment on it." Sessions called himself one of the surrogates, and stated under oath that he did not have communications with the Russians. This looks like a slam dunk.', '>>{mcthornbody420} : He said people called him that. You know Hillary did the same. So she goes to jail if Sessions does. Which wont happen.', '>>{Time4Red} : This is patently wrong. The founding fathers frequently emphasized that safety is oft at odds with liberty. Sometimes we have to choose between safety and liberty. >"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." The constitution exists to protect our safety and liberty, but constitutional scholars acknowledge that these two concepts frequently clash.', '>>{spazz720} : How many attacks have been done by a foreign Muslim Terrorist in the last 10 years? How many mass shootings/attacks have occurred by American citizens in that same span? Perhaps we should focus on the latter instead of the former.', ">>{anonuisance} : Do people ever feel that they aren't represented by the Bundesrat since it's composed of state governments?", '>>{mcthornbody420} : Federal Law does not require State Government officials to use government email. Hillary lied as well under oath. So by this logic, if Sessions must go the GOP will go after Hillary on her Perjury at the Benghazi hearing and get a conviction. This is a nothingburger.', ">>{Rollakud} : And they never implemented it fully but Trump did which tells you a lot about him. I'll end this debate here for now and when Donald Trump declares WW3 I want your response.", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : so you don't want a response, k. have a good one.", ">>{mommy2libras} : More likely to get shot by an American citizen than be the victim of a terror attack. But by all means, let's throw away any good relations we've built with these other countries. Because that's sure to keep us safe.", ">>{tau-lepton} : It won't even go that far, There is nothing stopping the Republicans at this point. I'm waiting for them to start harvesting Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit to find dissenters and try to start putting them in jail.", '>>{mcthornbody420} : Sessions needs a FBI investigation into him first then he will be qualified to run for President.', ">>{mcthornbody420} : Yeah perjury isn't the way they need to go with this. Unless they can prove that Sessions was in there talking about hacking voting machines... nothingburger.", ">>{varelse96} : It falls just short, at least with what we know. Perjury requires proof of intent. All sessions has to say is that he didn't think it was relevant to the question or that he forgot about the meeting at the time. From there youd need a smoking gun. It certainly appears that he was being dishonest, but from a legal perspective you needed a clarifying question or two to nail him down.", '>>{mcthornbody420} : Yep, with the NSA laws being like they are. I used to bitch about his foreign policy all the time. Think this triggered me in 2008, this policy started under Bush and has been expanded to include all agencies being able to use raw NSA data. Such as personal phone calls, which all are recorded now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ux1hpLvqMw', ">>{GuruOfGravitas} : How much time should I spend trying to find the sense in that statement? I don't think that part of his kind of not related to the question response. Franken did not ask Sessions if he had met with the Russians. Why did Sessions make a statement denying what was not asked.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : Sure, but when we keep giving them these powers, they will abuse them. I wish I could find the story about the NSA guy that listened in on this couple that owned a motel from the 70's to the 90's. This guys job was to sit and listen to calls out of there. Well he sort of fell in love with the married woman that owned the place, just by listening for 20+ years. When he died he gave her everything in his will..That said, when I see Trump going out of his way to violate the the written law I will raise hell as well. But giving him 100 days like I did Obama before I do.", ">>{s0nderv0gel} : I think most people are pretty unaware of the Bundesrat. However, they're represented as such as their state delegation (representing the plurality of their state governing parties) is there to speak for their state. The opposition is not present in the Bundesrat, however. You can read more about it [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesrat_of_Germany). More often than not, the Bundesrat also has a totally different setup than the Bundestag. Most of the time, the longer a party is governing in the Bundestag, the fewer state governments are in that parties power, so the Bundestag is a bit like a built in opposition a lot of the time.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : So you think a Republican controlled Congress will do something about this, when they didn't when Hillary perjured herself at the Benghazi hearing? Welcome to politics.", '>>{upstateman} : Yeah, it is clear that he was covering up his meetings with Russians. The question is then why did he do that? What was going on that he needed to cover up something that was easily explained?', '>>{cespinar} : > Germany has mostly turks and some of the best Kebab in Europe because of it!', '>>{upstateman} : > All Sessions has to do is say he misremembered. He has already given a different claim. But I would not be surprised if he follows the Trump example and just keeps giving different "truths". There was a time when Republican pretended to care about law and order. >Hillary faced this booby trap down during Benghazi, Don\'t give this "but Clinton" crap. Republicans impeached Bill for lying under oath. Sessions lied under oath. >if they go after Sessions expect them to go after Hillary for perjury. No, I expect them to continue to go after Clinton, even start new investigations of Benghazi, while ignoring Russia\'s involvement in our election. She did not make a direct blatant lie, he did. >Which is an insanely hard thing to prove. In this case it is straight up lying under oath.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. -Thomas Jefferson "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." Every 2nd Amendment advocate knows the quote. If you want to know the soul of our nation, simply turn to Thomas Jefferson, and you\'ll find out everything you need to know.', ">>{mcthornbody420} : So what would he be discussing, how the Russian's had done a great job of letting the public know the DNC thought they were trash? Or hacking voting machines? There was no gain to discuss the election, especially if he met them as an official of the Armed Services Committee. One meeting was at a RNC party at the convention. If I was Sessions I would take an Congressional censer over this and move on. Just like Holder did, I would direct the DOJ to withhold docs like Holder did.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : So Democrats should impeach Trump right? Oh yeah, they can't. 1000+ plus seats lost in 8+ years nationwide. Yeah, people lie and get away with it.", '>>{Poultry_Sashimi} : >I really dont care what Germany thinks >Worry about becoming the next state controlled by the ~~muslim brotherhood~~ **Kremlin**. >We will worry about America *edited for accuracy', ">>{Nezgul} : ....we're not talking about Trump, we're talking about Sessions. Christ, get your head straight.", '>>{mcthornbody420} : But your final outcome is Trump being impeached right? Figured we just get right to what you really want.', '>>{upstateman} : > So what would he be discussing, I don\'t know. Maybe we need to investigate. >If I was Sessions I would take an Congressional censer over this and move on. Just like Holder did, I would direct the DOJ to withhold docs like Holder did. How long can you cover up crimes with "but Obama"? You support an AG who lied under oath. What is your objection to Holder?', ">>{upstateman} : So to be clear you don't care about lies or crimes or treason or the country. Just that your party has power.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : For as long as Obama did by saying but Bush? You do know Holder refused to give documents to congress about Guns going over the border, like M-50's. You know Holder Recused himself a few times? From 2012. Here's What You Need To Know About The Gun Running Scandal That Could Destroy Obama's Attorney General http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-fast-and-furious-2012-6 https://www.google.com/search?q=Holder+censored+by+congress&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS732US732&biw=1522&bih=722&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A%2Ccd_max%3A2013&tbm=nws", ">>{mcthornbody420} : Not saying he didn't lie. Or in lawyer talk he might have had a lapse in judgement or not remembering where he misrepresented his actions. Saying proving it in a court of law or Congress is like driving a semi through the eye of a needle.", '>>{rhboomer} : Where were your complaints when Obama did the same?', '>>{upstateman} : > For as long as Obama did by saying but Bush? You have confused two very different things. Obama factually pointed out that he inherited an economy that was in free fall. He inherited a destablized at war Middle East. He did not say "Bush lied to you so I can lie to you".', '>>{Tollkeeperjim} : I\'m not complaining, I\'m merely pointing out how silly it is how OP is basically saying "Don\'t talk about us, it\'s none of your business". By all means, criticize away.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{corleone21} : White House: Immigration order 'small price' for safety", ">>{big_hey_22} : Authoritarians bring peace, but it's the peace of the prison yard and the peace of the grave.", '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : The Republican Muslim Ban is not a "small price" and it will not ensure our safety.', '>>{kingofquay} : You just made the US a bigger target, well done.', '>>{Raspberries-Are-Evil} : Pissing all over the constitution is NOT a small price. How long will we continuing to burn our basic principals to the ground for "security?" Life is not secure-- get over it. You can get hit by a bus tomorrow. Enough is enough. We need to fight back while we still can.', '>>{EllaShue} : Liberty and human rights are not a small price to pay for anything. Sacrifice them, and you have nothing worth saving anyway.', '>>{VapeApe} : I wonder how many small prices we will pay...', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : The countries selected were based on their lack of Visa standards, established by Obamas administration', '>>{kingofquay} : Each of those people who were looking to help start a better life and were turned away at the last second due to Trump..... they are angry.', ">>{Rollakud} : Is it a coincidence that all the banned countries don't have a Trump Hotel/Business, and the unbanned countries have a Rothschild bank(money used for war)?", '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : A steep price for unfounded Paranoia! White Right Wing terrorists have killed more Americans than any Muslims - and no immigrants have committed any terrorist attacks at all...', '>>{spazz720} : How many attacks have been done by a foreign Muslim Terrorist in the last 10 years? How many mass shootings/attacks have occurred by American citizens in that same span? Perhaps we should focus on the latter instead of the former.', ">>{Rollakud} : And they never implemented it fully but Trump did which tells you a lot about him. I'll end this debate here for now and when Donald Trump declares WW3 I want your response.", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : so you don't want a response, k. have a good one.", ">>{mommy2libras} : More likely to get shot by an American citizen than be the victim of a terror attack. But by all means, let's throw away any good relations we've built with these other countries. Because that's sure to keep us safe."], ['>>{WWECasm} : Germany says U.S. under Trump must abide by trade deals', '>>{kekus_vult} : Germany has mostly turks and got shia muslims now. Where does the muslim brotherhood come in?', ">>{FredMccally} : Sir, I wouldn't try to drag nuance out of these folks. They don't even grasp basic human notions like if you act against the interest of another, they're gonna act against you too.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : And Trump thinks putting Muslims on a registry will make our problems go away? Why not make rational decisions instead of rash ones to solve a world crisis?', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Speak for yourself. Liberty was never a safe childhood blanket to squeeze. I hope you're aware of your own squeamishness. In fact, the same argument about safety can be made about the 2nd Amendment. How safe do you personally want to be? How many rights need to be taken so you can sleep sound?", '>>{Jmurman} : You worry about Germany and we will worry about America', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : > What the fuck are you talking about I\'m making a point about personal liberty, but I will have to spell it out for you, it seems. The 2nd Amendment has everything to do with further endangering the people around you. However, that\'s the price of liberty. (This is how the founding fathers, including Jefferson, saw the 2nd Amendment.) The same applies to the so-called "world dangers" of immigration. If you\'re going to attempt to build a moat to block out the whole world, you\'ll find that you\'ve created your own prison. Our world thrives on diversity, and if it cannot get it, the world stagnates.', '>>{iamitman007} : Ignore all the Russians posting in here. They are just doing there job to sway upcoming German election. I hope Germans are not as dumb as us Americans.', '>>{Tollkeeperjim} : You mean how Trump never comments on foreign natio...oh wait.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >World dangers have nothing to do with the constitution and the rights of United States citizens I think we made the Constitution specifically because of world dangers. >I mean so little that its less than 0 Let me get you a long couch to faint on, then. My stars.', '>>{digitizemd} : > They wanted to be ruled by religious extremists that hate women and want to kill everyone else. Fuck em Sounds a lot like Trump/Pence.', '>>{rsynnott2} : So, isolationism, then? Yeah, that tends to work out great.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Let me know when you're ready to discuss the topic.", '>>{s0nderv0gel} : The German [electoral system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_system_of_Germany) is vastly different from the American. For the Bundestag, we have a hybrid system of FPTP for direct candidates and proportional representation governing the percentage of seats the parties get. Nearly all the time, a single party has not enough votes to get a majority in the Bundestag, which is why they have to form coalitions to form a government. The opposition usually takes their rights very seriously and uses them. To counter the Bundestag, we have the Bundesrat, consisting of the several state governments which are represented there and can block the Bundestag if necessary. Edit: wiki-link to the electoral system.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Hey, someone worked hard for you to have that money, you shouldn't piss it away so easily.", '>>{Time4Red} : This is patently wrong. The founding fathers frequently emphasized that safety is oft at odds with liberty. Sometimes we have to choose between safety and liberty. >"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." The constitution exists to protect our safety and liberty, but constitutional scholars acknowledge that these two concepts frequently clash.', ">>{anonuisance} : Do people ever feel that they aren't represented by the Bundesrat since it's composed of state governments?", ">>{s0nderv0gel} : I think most people are pretty unaware of the Bundesrat. However, they're represented as such as their state delegation (representing the plurality of their state governing parties) is there to speak for their state. The opposition is not present in the Bundesrat, however. You can read more about it [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesrat_of_Germany). More often than not, the Bundesrat also has a totally different setup than the Bundestag. Most of the time, the longer a party is governing in the Bundestag, the fewer state governments are in that parties power, so the Bundestag is a bit like a built in opposition a lot of the time.", '>>{cespinar} : > Germany has mostly turks and some of the best Kebab in Europe because of it!', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. -Thomas Jefferson "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." Every 2nd Amendment advocate knows the quote. If you want to know the soul of our nation, simply turn to Thomas Jefferson, and you\'ll find out everything you need to know.', '>>{Poultry_Sashimi} : >I really dont care what Germany thinks >Worry about becoming the next state controlled by the ~~muslim brotherhood~~ **Kremlin**. >We will worry about America *edited for accuracy', '>>{rhboomer} : Where were your complaints when Obama did the same?', '>>{Tollkeeperjim} : I\'m not complaining, I\'m merely pointing out how silly it is how OP is basically saying "Don\'t talk about us, it\'s none of your business". By all means, criticize away.'], [">>{IDFSHILL} : There are 4 doctors that do these abortions left. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/09/16/after_tiller_a_documentary_about_late_term_abortion_and_the_four_remaining.html These are the type of people that get them. >> Inside the clinic walls, however, we see a very different story. Yes, there are a couple of cases of women around the 24 or 25 week mark who, because of rape or because they are teenagers from very religious families, put off abortion until they started to show, and to their credit, filmmakers Martha Shane and Lana Wilson didn't flinch from that. However, most of the patients getting later term abortions in the film very much wanted to have their babies but, after getting a horrific diagnosis of serious fetal abnormalities, decided to terminate. Babies who would be born with organs on the outside, babies who would never be able to move, babies whose lives would be a few short days of unending pain before death: The almost-parents tell their stories haltingly, often weeping at how unfair it is to have to choose between two terrible options. The doctors struggle, too, often trying to parse which medical conditions are serious enough to justify abortions after 28 weeks. Anyone attacking this is a disgusting person.", '>>{paraconformity} : What the Daily Caller\'s "friends in operation rescue" failed to tell them is that the rate of abortions (and unplanned pregnancies) has dropped precipitously under Obama (while climbing under the Conservatives in England).', '>>{NebulousInference} : >Because abortion is so unregulated in this country, we can’t know if any mothers are aborting at 40 weeks, but we do know third-trimester abortions are happening. And ... >Maybe no child is being aborted at 40 weeks, but that is not the point. Really?', ">>{RC_Colada} : It's from the Daily Caller, don't come 'round here with your logic!", ">>{robrakk} : No, you don't understand. The story shows 5 cases where it wasn't for the mother's health and then says that because of this the 13,000 every year (a made up number) must all be the exact same. Come on, that just makes sense. Like how I can take 5 white GOP paedophiles and say that all paedophiles are Republican.", '>>{DC25NYC} : Ugh silly me thinking it took facts to prove something. I guess thats my liberal bias!', '>>{bejammin075} : I was going to quote those also, but you got there first.', ">>{RuudeOne} : the anti-abortion crowd is the same people that want your family members to rote like food from cancer right in front of you. Instead of allowing them to pick a time and place when they were of sound mind, they want your relatives to suffer in agony or get doped to the gills on ever increasing amounts of opiates, eventually leading to a Dilaudid drip in the house. In today's America it's a fact YOU WILL watch someone die of cancer, let them do it will dignity. The Pro-Life, Christians won't. enough is enough...VOTE!", '>>{Shinranshonin} : Of that 1.3% done after 24 weeks, there is no way of knowing how many are at 25, 26, 27...weeks. External viability is generally regarded as 27 weeks with good viability and low risk of developmental issues and the odds go up for every week.', ">>{jukiewalsh} : I'm confused on the point your making. That just means the number of *extra* late abortions is even less than 1.3%, so more rare than 1.3% Edit: Anyone has the right to be pro-life, but you can't say that 1% of a sample size is anything but an outlier, rarity, etc.", '>>{deltalitprof} : They like the thought of young women being punished for having sex.', ">>{cstack18} : It's not rare. Here's THREE cases. One we had to go 5 years back for."], ['>>{CNegan} : where has my paycheck been going all this time? :(', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Donald Trump says shit that is really obviously false though. Like anyone that has been covering this race should know the Iraq thing at the commander in chief summit was a lie. And its easily fact checkable. The problem is more with Clinton because she uses lawyer speak.', '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : The problem is, so does the media. And so even by doing this, they reinforce lies by being untrustworthy in the first place. Example: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/trump-lets-disarm-clintons-security-and-see-what-happens-to-her-228312 Article title: "Trump calls for removing Clinton’s Secret Service detail to ‘see what happens\'" That isn\'t what he said at all. They are sneaky, in that the title of that article which is a lie, will be what people see on aggregate sites. And the URL is the actual quote? Strange no? Or one billion other examples from this election season. Someone should fact check, but if they\'re going to do it to people, it should be done to them. And since it can\'t be, they should probably stop pretending to care about facts.', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Where he said he wasn't for war in Iraq and no intervention in Libya. The Libyan one is the most shameless because he was for it and said he was in his own office.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : That is what he said though. The context was he was calling her a hypocrite but its still very irresponsible rhetoric.', ">>{kirkisartist} : I think it's smart to have done fact checking beforehand. At this point moderators had better know what their positions are and where they repeatedly get the facts wrong.", '>>{SpindlyGibbons} : No, he did not call for the removing of her detail, did he? He said what the URL of that article says. "disarm her security, etc" Yet the title is not accurate at all?', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The title is accurate because it is exactly what he said. And you need to read past the title, since it explains all of that. If everyone is perceiving what you are saying as having negative connotations, then you are doing something wrong. He could have easily said what he was implying without being needlessly careless.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : I need to read past the title. Oooh, okay. I need to use my bias to change what he said mentally, so that the title seems accurate. Oh okay, we're in a place where the title is actually not the words he used, but it's exactly what he said. Okay thanks dude. This really clears things up. It's a manipulation tactic for aggregated news. Which is fine. Nowhere in his speech did he call for the removal of her detail. We do it too, I'm just pointing it out.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Its not manipulation by the news at all, its the news being manipulated. He says this on purpose to get hte media to cover it and then come away with more people believing Hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : It's manipulation on all parts, and I agree with you. He did this last time for the same reason. He's trying to make sure people who are interested in gun rights show up in a huge way, while adding more to his billions in free coverage."], ['>>{mcthornbody420} : In Context: What Jeff Sessions told Al Franken about meeting Russian officials', '>>{upstateman} : Looking at the transcripts from the hearing, however, it’s not 100 percent clear that Sessions made an intentionally false statement, though he appears to have omitted relevant information.\ufeff\tmcthornbody420\tt3_5x7s4n\nt3_5x7nps\tt1_defy2bb\t1488508529\tIt\'s funny how they called it Obamacare as a slight. It caught on and now it\'s why they hate it.\tjerkITwithRIGHTYnewb\tt3_5x7nps\nt3_5x7nps\tt1_defy38w\t1488508564\tNo, I suspect that it\'s the mandate that he\'s talking about. Keep the aca but drop the evil mandate and everyone will love it right up until it implodes.\tBeowulfShaeffer\tt1_defxne0\nt3_5x7nps\tt1_defyhf1\t1488509088\tA lot of voters really don\'t know what \'Obamacare\' is and isn\'t. After all, Sarah Palin told them there\'d be death panels, so if there aren\'t death panels it can\'t be Obamacare.\tdagwood222\tt1_defxbx2\nt3_5x7s4n\tt1_defyi28\t1488509111\t>He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee," Flores told the Washington Post. Right, he was asked about all communications, not some specific sub-set.', '>>{mcthornbody420} : All Sessions has to do is say he misremembered. Hillary faced this booby trap down during Benghazi, if they go after Sessions expect them to go after Hillary for perjury. Which is an insanely hard thing to prove.', '>>{tau-lepton} : >Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., asked: "Several of the President-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?" >Sessions responded, in total: "No." Where\'s the confusion?', '>>{tau-lepton} : Hillary is not an idiot. Sessions appears to be either forgetful or not very sharp.', '>>{mcthornbody420} : He was asked have you been in contact about the 2016 election, either before or after? He wasn\'t asked have you been in contact with the Russian government in an official capacity? Nor was he asked, have you had any contact with any Russians or Russian officials? Not a Sessions fan, but this is "evidence" isn\'t even as strong as the "evidence" they had against Hillary lying under oath. Splitting hairs, nothing will come of this. If anything Congress with censer Sessions just like they did Holder in 2011.', '>>{thug_funnie} : Well if this exchange had happened under oath, perjury would be easier to pursue. Unfortunately the Franken exchange is not as clear. Obviously he omitted relevant info, but unless details of those conversations prove he did act on behalf of trump campaign he can still stick to his "in my capacity as an armed services committee member" excuse as reasoning for his statement to Franken.', '>>{314Piepurr} : Following that train of thought, what made him so qualified for AG?', '>>{TheBraveSirRobin} : > **Senator Franken**: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, **‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump\'s surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’** > "Now, again, I\'m telling you this as it\'s coming out, so you know. But if it\'s true, it\'s obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?" > **Sessions**: "Senator Franken, I\'m not aware of any of those activities. **I have been called a surrogate** at a time or two in that campaign and **I didn\'t have — did not have communications with the Russians**, and I\'m unable to comment on it." Sessions called himself one of the surrogates, and stated under oath that he did not have communications with the Russians. This looks like a slam dunk.', '>>{mcthornbody420} : He said people called him that. You know Hillary did the same. So she goes to jail if Sessions does. Which wont happen.', '>>{mcthornbody420} : Federal Law does not require State Government officials to use government email. Hillary lied as well under oath. So by this logic, if Sessions must go the GOP will go after Hillary on her Perjury at the Benghazi hearing and get a conviction. This is a nothingburger.', ">>{tau-lepton} : It won't even go that far, There is nothing stopping the Republicans at this point. I'm waiting for them to start harvesting Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit to find dissenters and try to start putting them in jail.", '>>{mcthornbody420} : Sessions needs a FBI investigation into him first then he will be qualified to run for President.', ">>{mcthornbody420} : Yeah perjury isn't the way they need to go with this. Unless they can prove that Sessions was in there talking about hacking voting machines... nothingburger.", ">>{varelse96} : It falls just short, at least with what we know. Perjury requires proof of intent. All sessions has to say is that he didn't think it was relevant to the question or that he forgot about the meeting at the time. From there youd need a smoking gun. It certainly appears that he was being dishonest, but from a legal perspective you needed a clarifying question or two to nail him down.", '>>{mcthornbody420} : Yep, with the NSA laws being like they are. I used to bitch about his foreign policy all the time. Think this triggered me in 2008, this policy started under Bush and has been expanded to include all agencies being able to use raw NSA data. Such as personal phone calls, which all are recorded now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ux1hpLvqMw', ">>{GuruOfGravitas} : How much time should I spend trying to find the sense in that statement? I don't think that part of his kind of not related to the question response. Franken did not ask Sessions if he had met with the Russians. Why did Sessions make a statement denying what was not asked.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : Sure, but when we keep giving them these powers, they will abuse them. I wish I could find the story about the NSA guy that listened in on this couple that owned a motel from the 70's to the 90's. This guys job was to sit and listen to calls out of there. Well he sort of fell in love with the married woman that owned the place, just by listening for 20+ years. When he died he gave her everything in his will..That said, when I see Trump going out of his way to violate the the written law I will raise hell as well. But giving him 100 days like I did Obama before I do.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : So you think a Republican controlled Congress will do something about this, when they didn't when Hillary perjured herself at the Benghazi hearing? Welcome to politics.", '>>{upstateman} : Yeah, it is clear that he was covering up his meetings with Russians. The question is then why did he do that? What was going on that he needed to cover up something that was easily explained?', '>>{upstateman} : > All Sessions has to do is say he misremembered. He has already given a different claim. But I would not be surprised if he follows the Trump example and just keeps giving different "truths". There was a time when Republican pretended to care about law and order. >Hillary faced this booby trap down during Benghazi, Don\'t give this "but Clinton" crap. Republicans impeached Bill for lying under oath. Sessions lied under oath. >if they go after Sessions expect them to go after Hillary for perjury. No, I expect them to continue to go after Clinton, even start new investigations of Benghazi, while ignoring Russia\'s involvement in our election. She did not make a direct blatant lie, he did. >Which is an insanely hard thing to prove. In this case it is straight up lying under oath.', ">>{mcthornbody420} : So what would he be discussing, how the Russian's had done a great job of letting the public know the DNC thought they were trash? Or hacking voting machines? There was no gain to discuss the election, especially if he met them as an official of the Armed Services Committee. One meeting was at a RNC party at the convention. If I was Sessions I would take an Congressional censer over this and move on. Just like Holder did, I would direct the DOJ to withhold docs like Holder did.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : So Democrats should impeach Trump right? Oh yeah, they can't. 1000+ plus seats lost in 8+ years nationwide. Yeah, people lie and get away with it.", ">>{Nezgul} : ....we're not talking about Trump, we're talking about Sessions. Christ, get your head straight.", '>>{mcthornbody420} : But your final outcome is Trump being impeached right? Figured we just get right to what you really want.', '>>{upstateman} : > So what would he be discussing, I don\'t know. Maybe we need to investigate. >If I was Sessions I would take an Congressional censer over this and move on. Just like Holder did, I would direct the DOJ to withhold docs like Holder did. How long can you cover up crimes with "but Obama"? You support an AG who lied under oath. What is your objection to Holder?', ">>{upstateman} : So to be clear you don't care about lies or crimes or treason or the country. Just that your party has power.", ">>{mcthornbody420} : For as long as Obama did by saying but Bush? You do know Holder refused to give documents to congress about Guns going over the border, like M-50's. You know Holder Recused himself a few times? From 2012. Here's What You Need To Know About The Gun Running Scandal That Could Destroy Obama's Attorney General http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-fast-and-furious-2012-6 https://www.google.com/search?q=Holder+censored+by+congress&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS732US732&biw=1522&bih=722&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A%2Ccd_max%3A2013&tbm=nws", ">>{mcthornbody420} : Not saying he didn't lie. Or in lawyer talk he might have had a lapse in judgement or not remembering where he misrepresented his actions. Saying proving it in a court of law or Congress is like driving a semi through the eye of a needle.", '>>{upstateman} : > For as long as Obama did by saying but Bush? You have confused two very different things. Obama factually pointed out that he inherited an economy that was in free fall. He inherited a destablized at war Middle East. He did not say "Bush lied to you so I can lie to you".']]
classify and reply
[">>{JaredWsSb} : I will say this much: I'm better at using InDesign on a Mac than I am on a PC. I don't really know why that is, though. I think the software works differently between them, if only slightly. I say this having used it on my Macbook, and the PC I built myself. (In case you further doubt my techieness(?), I own an Oculus Rift, a Fuji X100T, and probably more gizmos than I need.)", '>>{Grippler} : >I own an Oculus Rift, a Fuji X100T, and probably more gizmos than I need.) Only really proves you spend a lot of money...', '>>{xdeadzx} : This just in: Having a dock for a laptop with no ports makes the laptop better. The fact it can be a monitor is a great bonus. The TL:DR is "It\'s a great high end monitor, and it can dock a macbook so you can leave your dongles on your desk."', ">>{adaminc} : Considering the Rift isn't a consumer product yet, and people only own DX and DX2's, you need to be a bit of a techie to get it to work. It isn't just plug and play.", ">>{friedman24} : >still think you're a techie even when you don't know shit. Which is why all the largest software firms use macs. If you are a power user and don't want to deal with linux, mac is the only way to go, sad they screwed up the latest iteration of the macbook but the 2015 macbook is still better than every windows laptop on the market.", ">>{jrodan94} : I have a MacBook and I'd like to think I know a little bit. Built my own PC (admittedly not very hard to do). But I've made my own headphone amps and did some really really base level robotics camps going into college. I learned the basics of Blender 3D modeling and AutoCAD in 11th grade. I even made a really horrible clunky little game which I was pretty happy about at the time. I got a MacBook because honestly I don't need or want to be tinkering with a laptop. I want it to be portable and just powerful enough to run some design software. And sue me but I really think it looks nice, which when I stare at it and use it for hours every day is kind of a good thing. It feels thought out and it makes me happy when I use it. Rest assured If I wanna do serious rendering or gaming I'll go to my desktop though. but I really think most Mac users are really nowhere near as pretentious as they get made out to be. A lot of em are tech fans and a lot aren't but they just got a Mac because they wanted it. Simple as that there's no weird desire to seem like a professional, and they aren't deluded sheep. There seems to be a good balance of technologically illiterate people in both camps. Which is fine computers and tech isn't everyone's thing, but if someone wants to spend $3000 on an upper mid spec machine, that's their deal I don't really care. Sorry for the spiel. Don't take this as me picking at your comment for no reason but that's my take on it, and labeling Mac users as people who only buy their machines for the image of techyness or whatever seems like quite the generalization.", ">>{thesctt} : That's debatable....what about the Dell XPS 15 9550", ">>{friedman24} : The primary thing that makes the mac better than the xps is the display. Windows still doesn't have proper gui scaling and reading text on high resolution windows laptops can be painful. The second thing that makes it better is the software ecosystem. Because apple has been used for so long by software developers there is a good amount of software that is really useful that works perfectly on mac but is really hard to get running on windows. The last things are all minor qol differences like better trackpads, battery life (not so true anymore), and light weight.", '>>{thesctt} : I personally have an XPS 15 right in front of me and I have had no issues with the display scaling but I guess it depends on what software you use. And the XPS is actually lighter than a 15 inch MacBook pro as well as more powerful. But different strokes for different folks.', '>>{Gleaux93} : More like the default product when you want people to *know* you are using high end products.', ">>{JaredWsSb} : I think you might be behind a little bit. The Rift's been a consumer product for a little over a year. The hand controllers start shipping this month. But yeah, you do need to know how to get it to work. And it is a pain and a half to get it working well.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : Yep, you got me. It's all about spending money. I haven't been following the return of virtual reality for five years, and I haven't built a couple of headsets on my own. And I'm definitely not a professional journalist who uses a decent camera for his work. Nope, I just really love spending money!", ">>{Grippler} : >Because apple has been used for so long by software developers there is a good amount of software that is really useful that works perfectly on mac but is really hard to get running on windows. Really dependant on what software you're developing. Mac is a major pain in the ass when developing for a lot of embedded platforms for example.", '>>{4jakers18} : That would be the perfect laptop for me if it had a touchscreen, I could go without it. I want the Mac so I can run almost any program with Windows and Fedora installed along side OSX', '>>{EfficacyInDesign} : The new MacBook Pro has 4 usb-C ports. All of which can be used for charging and data transfer simultaneously.', ">>{PanicAtTheCSGO} : Same here. Tech savvy, have a couple desktops I've built, one with the very latest tech, but I just couldn't find any laptops with the same quality as the MacBook Pro so I picked one up, a 13 inch no touch bar though cuz call me weird but I actually like having function keys. The surface book is actually quite nice too but is hilariously expensive even compared to the MacBook Pro so it wasn't really an option. Razer's Blade 14 is really cool but I decided wasn't worth the battery life and weight trade off because I have to carry my laptop around so much", '>>{PanicAtTheCSGO} : Yeah the XPS is a solid machine and if you need the ports that the 2016 MacBook doesn\'t have it\'s obviously superior in that respect. Not everyone cares about such things but the mac is better in a lot of ways (a lot of which ironically aren\'t "pro" such as no fucking sd card slot) the touchpad in particular which if you truly use it as a laptop is crucially important still hasn\'t been matched by any competitor. Funnily enough in the 13 inch variant the mac actually has vastly better graphics performance as well (iris vs hd 620).', ">>{kevInquisition} : No not really, only the MacBook/Pro really fit with this kind of ideology. At what point are you connecting your desktop to a monitor via USB-C, and why would you need 3 additional USB-C ports... unless you had already bought accessories and dongles for USB-C, say, because you bought one of Apple's new laptops. Hence a great monitor for the MacBooks.", '>>{2_poor_4_Porsche} : These things are TINY. They are nice, but itty bitty to anyone using 24" or larger monitors. I recommend the LG 34UC98 UltraWide. Works great on HDMI and Thunderbolt with 2015 MacBook Pros. Super clear, under $600 and available immediately, unlike Apple\'s kruft.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{JaredWsSb} : I will say this much: I'm better at using InDesign on a Mac than I am on a PC. I don't really know why that is, though. I think the software works differently between them, if only slightly. I say this having used it on my Macbook, and the PC I built myself. (In case you further doubt my techieness(?), I own an Oculus Rift, a Fuji X100T, and probably more gizmos than I need.)", '>>{Grippler} : >I own an Oculus Rift, a Fuji X100T, and probably more gizmos than I need.) Only really proves you spend a lot of money...', '>>{xdeadzx} : This just in: Having a dock for a laptop with no ports makes the laptop better. The fact it can be a monitor is a great bonus. The TL:DR is "It\'s a great high end monitor, and it can dock a macbook so you can leave your dongles on your desk."', ">>{adaminc} : Considering the Rift isn't a consumer product yet, and people only own DX and DX2's, you need to be a bit of a techie to get it to work. It isn't just plug and play.", ">>{friedman24} : >still think you're a techie even when you don't know shit. Which is why all the largest software firms use macs. If you are a power user and don't want to deal with linux, mac is the only way to go, sad they screwed up the latest iteration of the macbook but the 2015 macbook is still better than every windows laptop on the market.", ">>{jrodan94} : I have a MacBook and I'd like to think I know a little bit. Built my own PC (admittedly not very hard to do). But I've made my own headphone amps and did some really really base level robotics camps going into college. I learned the basics of Blender 3D modeling and AutoCAD in 11th grade. I even made a really horrible clunky little game which I was pretty happy about at the time. I got a MacBook because honestly I don't need or want to be tinkering with a laptop. I want it to be portable and just powerful enough to run some design software. And sue me but I really think it looks nice, which when I stare at it and use it for hours every day is kind of a good thing. It feels thought out and it makes me happy when I use it. Rest assured If I wanna do serious rendering or gaming I'll go to my desktop though. but I really think most Mac users are really nowhere near as pretentious as they get made out to be. A lot of em are tech fans and a lot aren't but they just got a Mac because they wanted it. Simple as that there's no weird desire to seem like a professional, and they aren't deluded sheep. There seems to be a good balance of technologically illiterate people in both camps. Which is fine computers and tech isn't everyone's thing, but if someone wants to spend $3000 on an upper mid spec machine, that's their deal I don't really care. Sorry for the spiel. Don't take this as me picking at your comment for no reason but that's my take on it, and labeling Mac users as people who only buy their machines for the image of techyness or whatever seems like quite the generalization.", ">>{thesctt} : That's debatable....what about the Dell XPS 15 9550", ">>{friedman24} : The primary thing that makes the mac better than the xps is the display. Windows still doesn't have proper gui scaling and reading text on high resolution windows laptops can be painful. The second thing that makes it better is the software ecosystem. Because apple has been used for so long by software developers there is a good amount of software that is really useful that works perfectly on mac but is really hard to get running on windows. The last things are all minor qol differences like better trackpads, battery life (not so true anymore), and light weight.", '>>{thesctt} : I personally have an XPS 15 right in front of me and I have had no issues with the display scaling but I guess it depends on what software you use. And the XPS is actually lighter than a 15 inch MacBook pro as well as more powerful. But different strokes for different folks.', '>>{Gleaux93} : More like the default product when you want people to *know* you are using high end products.', ">>{JaredWsSb} : I think you might be behind a little bit. The Rift's been a consumer product for a little over a year. The hand controllers start shipping this month. But yeah, you do need to know how to get it to work. And it is a pain and a half to get it working well.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : Yep, you got me. It's all about spending money. I haven't been following the return of virtual reality for five years, and I haven't built a couple of headsets on my own. And I'm definitely not a professional journalist who uses a decent camera for his work. Nope, I just really love spending money!", ">>{Grippler} : >Because apple has been used for so long by software developers there is a good amount of software that is really useful that works perfectly on mac but is really hard to get running on windows. Really dependant on what software you're developing. Mac is a major pain in the ass when developing for a lot of embedded platforms for example.", '>>{4jakers18} : That would be the perfect laptop for me if it had a touchscreen, I could go without it. I want the Mac so I can run almost any program with Windows and Fedora installed along side OSX', '>>{EfficacyInDesign} : The new MacBook Pro has 4 usb-C ports. All of which can be used for charging and data transfer simultaneously.', ">>{PanicAtTheCSGO} : Same here. Tech savvy, have a couple desktops I've built, one with the very latest tech, but I just couldn't find any laptops with the same quality as the MacBook Pro so I picked one up, a 13 inch no touch bar though cuz call me weird but I actually like having function keys. The surface book is actually quite nice too but is hilariously expensive even compared to the MacBook Pro so it wasn't really an option. Razer's Blade 14 is really cool but I decided wasn't worth the battery life and weight trade off because I have to carry my laptop around so much", '>>{PanicAtTheCSGO} : Yeah the XPS is a solid machine and if you need the ports that the 2016 MacBook doesn\'t have it\'s obviously superior in that respect. Not everyone cares about such things but the mac is better in a lot of ways (a lot of which ironically aren\'t "pro" such as no fucking sd card slot) the touchpad in particular which if you truly use it as a laptop is crucially important still hasn\'t been matched by any competitor. Funnily enough in the 13 inch variant the mac actually has vastly better graphics performance as well (iris vs hd 620).', ">>{kevInquisition} : No not really, only the MacBook/Pro really fit with this kind of ideology. At what point are you connecting your desktop to a monitor via USB-C, and why would you need 3 additional USB-C ports... unless you had already bought accessories and dongles for USB-C, say, because you bought one of Apple's new laptops. Hence a great monitor for the MacBooks.", '>>{2_poor_4_Porsche} : These things are TINY. They are nice, but itty bitty to anyone using 24" or larger monitors. I recommend the LG 34UC98 UltraWide. Works great on HDMI and Thunderbolt with 2015 MacBook Pros. Super clear, under $600 and available immediately, unlike Apple\'s kruft.']]
classify and reply
['>>{imagepoem} : Trump tweets: Don’t believe the news, ‘White House is running Very Well’', ">>{vonotar} : He's already begun a fact-finding committee, headed by Dr. Wayne Szalinski, to look at the feasibility of physically shrinking Washington, D.C. and environs.", '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : Trump Jr. accuses Obama of lifting from his convention speech', '>>{imagepoem} : ...if you just ignore the Muslim ban, the National Security Advisor, the National Security Council, and on, and on, and on...', '>>{Hillary__Bro} : Translation: There is an actual fire burning in the Treaty Room of the White House.', '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : And this is not the America I know is the sentence Trump Jr alleges was lifted. BTW Obama and Bush has used it in the past as well.', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : Now that I heard him say it again, I believe him. I was hesitant at the press conference, but if he's confident enough to say it again, it must be *really* true. ^^^s", '>>{Animus141} : Trump jr. Seems like such an entitled twat.', ">>{pjoneill15} : People may disagree with me, but I legitimately don't think Trump understands the gravity of how batshit saying stuff like this is.", '>>{willywalloo} : Trump Bombs Syria Over Civilian Deaths, Yet Still Refuses To Accept Refugees', ">>{CarbonRevenge} : He doesn't understand alot of things. Like the people that voted him in.", '>>{kokberg} : you have a lot of money burning a hole in your pocket that you think the government can spend better than you can?', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : > Johnson's campaign is founded on the principle that smaller government will mean greater freedom for citizens Nice to list upfront that your entire campaign is based on a fundamentally flawed principle. Saves people time.", '>>{DuncanShifter} : I wouldn\'t believe it but he capitalized "very well," and that kind of emphasis cannot be shrugged off.', '>>{LynxRufus} : Yes... governance that fits on a bumper sticker. Genius. 😐', ">>{willywalloo} : This is the link's title that was used on their main page. The main article kept an old title.", ">>{DamagedHells} : Trump Jr looks like he's the son of a mob boss.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The America I know thats it? Really? Sad!', ">>{irishstevenj} : I can say with almost 100% certainty that there's no possible way Obama, nor anyone on his speechwriting team, watched it.", '>>{NoTaxesTrump} : Bombings, the source of refugees. Poor kids, yes, but stay the hell where you are. If you die we will avenge you-DJT', ">>{Alpine_lounge} : And so they flock to Europe, creating problems as we are now forced to integrate poorly-educated people with PTSD and ass-backwards cultural norms. All according to Putin's plan.", '>>{santa_91} : He also referred to Mar-a-Lago as the "Southern White House" instead of the "Winter White Hoise". Likely because someone reminded him that winter will be over in a month.', ">>{thewolfshead} : This is literally the President saying the only legitimate news source is himself or the government. That's scary stuff.", '>>{imagepoem} : I found his use of "Southern White House" particularly disturbing -- as opposed to what, the "Northern White House"? We need even more invocations of our divisive history right now? I also resent that he\'s trying to increase the brand value of his property by calling it a "White House" at all.', '>>{Trumpicana} : He did. If melania doing it was wrong than the same could be said of Obama doing this. Hes been stealing that line from GW for 8 years.', ">>{Yayuchacha} : 1. Getting rid of the IRS and advocating for a simpler tax code is a bad thing? 2. Governor Johnson has stated that he supports the EPA at the federal and state level because harming the environment harms individuals. Which is contrary to your third point. 3. He was a two-term Republican governor in a 2-1 Democrat state. He got reelected by a wider margin and had a successful two terms. It's foolish to say he doesn't understand government. 3. He doesn't smoke. And yes, he is an iron man triathlete who has climbed mountains.", ">>{astronaughts} : When the POTUS uses capital letters, he really means the opposite of what he's written.", ">>{Sneezeli} : There are a few billion people outside the US living in shit conditions that would immigrate if we let them. We don't let them in. But that doesn't mean we have to let them kill each other with chemical weapons", ">>{ne99ne} : Y'know, I too am coming around to Trump. He really stands his ground and speaks in a way I don't quite understand, so that probably means it is important and he is on top of things. Best I just trust him to know and do what is right for me.", ">>{kokberg} : time are changing quickly. it is lazy and irresponsible not to constantly evaluate the government agencies effectiveness vs cost. we can't just keep throwing borrowed money at them without taking a look at the big picture and if things can be done better.", '>>{Trumpicana} : Doesnt that mean he lifted it from bush? Where was the media then?', '>>{Girlindaytona} : They all want small government until: We are invaded We are hit by a disaster We need roads to travel on We need air traffic control We need food inspections We need agriculture subsidies to keep food flowing We need more teachers, police or firefighters If the federal government shrinks, state governments must take up the slack. What an idiot', ">>{OtroGatoGordo} : What about Melania's Thesis? Did you find it?", '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : because government is your friend, one that steals from you, spends it inefficiently, and steals even more next time because of their own idiocy. not sure how paying an entity whether it does a good or bad job is a solid principle', ">>{santa_91} : Winter White House was what the property was originally called way back when. I'm sure he wants to take advantage of calling his club the ______ White House, but he didn't invent that particular name. Calling it the Southern White House is just setting it up so that he can keep spending half his time there in the spring and summer.", ">>{BurgersOFA} : His entire life he's just thrown money at problems and expected them to get better, without wanting to put any real effort in himself. Now he's doing the same thing with tomahawk missles.", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : The statement contains no logically derived or supported claims. All we have is an argument by assertion. - The assertion that small govt=freedom isn\'t supported. - Not specification as to what is the correct \'size\'. - No indication of how \'size\' is measured (govt spending as % of GDP? Number of employees? Number of laws?) - All social science research to date shows a mixed market system is the only so-far known workable system of governance so we need to know how far to the edge they deem safe or optimal. If your principle is simply "small = better" then without any other information the only logical conclusion is "none = best" and that\'s obviously a terrible idea.', '>>{takeashill_pill} : Please take some time to travel and realize that no, most people are not clamouring to get into America.', ">>{aresearchmonkey} : Weird how after a week of discussing what plagiarism, cribbing and the like are, Patrick Bateman still doesn't understand. Sad!", '>>{imagepoem} : What property was originally called the "Winter White House" back when? (I don\'t know the reference.)', '>>{ElPlywood} : the only lifting Trump Jr. should be focussed on is his head out of his ass', ">>{savemejebus0} : I despise Trump, but this is not a double standard. I disagree with his reason for not accepting them, but I won't lie about it.", '>>{Theonetruebrian} : If Obama has said this in the past, many times iirc, then does that mean Trump Jr. just accused himself of plagiarism? He\'s right, where *is* the outrage? Realistically, you can\'t really plagiarize a sentence as vague as "that\'s not the America I know".', '>>{UniverseLord} : >Bombings, the source of refugees. We bombed a runway', '>>{NoTaxesTrump} : Maybe, waiting for pics. The refugees are mostly women and children whose husbands have been forced into the military. Kill them and you have created more refugees.', '>>{InTheMiddleGiroud} : Same for me. If you want to slam him the many times he does something bad, at least have the decency to acknowledge when he does something right.', '>>{CatalyticDragon} : You _really_ don\'t know how governance works in a democracy. Taxation isn\'t stealing. It\'s something we agree to do as a society to fund necessary works and services that are otherwise prohibitively expensive for any individual to afford but nonetheless are required for a society to function. It does not "spend it inefficiently" any more than any organization with overheads and it is your job to elect people who do a good job of keeping this overhead to a minimum without introducing unacceptable risk. Not everything is made better from the for-profit motive and we can list numbers cases where the exact opposite is true: criminal justice, healthcare, military. Governments are often more transparent than private corporations which have their fair share of ethical problems, graft and misapplication of resources. > not sure how paying an entity whether it does a good or bad job is a solid principle Because by and large it does a good job, it can be continually improved, and the alternative is not workable.', '>>{spanisheyessmile} : The 45 doth protest too much, methinks. Seriously though, the more he denies something, the more valid it is.', ">>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : > something we agree to do Could you show me where I agreed to that? Oh you mean that social contract/ tyranny of the majority bullshit? lol ok... So you are saying making a law that we have to accept [whatever](http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/04/20/medicare-part-d-prescription-drug-prices-negotiate-editorials-debates/7943745/) price a company wants to sell their medicine to the government for medicare is financially sound? How about a [43](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/11/02/pentagon-afghanistan-gas-station-boondoggle/75037032/) million dollar gas station? And I'm sorry, if you look at how many congressmen retire with millions more and then go on to become lobbyists, that simply isnt ethical. but you go on saying government is a-ok >the alternative is not workable what alternative do you mean?", '>>{ME24601} : Trump Jr looks like Patrick Bateman and Eric Trump looks like the guy that killed Ethan Hawke in the Purge.', '>>{savemejebus0} : Seriously, you have a laundry list of this outlandish moronic stuff he does. People are so fucking brainwashed and childish. If they are not babbling endlessly about the narrative that strokes their virtues the most then life is not being lived.', '>>{CatalyticDragon} : > tyranny of the majority You have options: vote, move, become an activist for your cause(s) but mainly I\'d suggest growing up and learn to accept not everything in a society can be tailored specifically for you and you have to frequently bow to comprise. > So you are saying making a law that we have to accept whatever price a company wants to sell their medicine to the government for medicare is financially sound? You might want to read my post. I specifically included healthcare as an example of when the for-profit motive being a negative influence. "Government" isn\'t the problem with negotiating lower prices for medicine. If it were then no governments on the planet would have solved that problem. And you\'ll be shocked to find a great many governments have done just that. > How about a 43 million dollar gas station? Would you like me to show examples of failed projects in the private sector as well? Anecdotes like this aren\'t data and do not make the point you might be trying to make. > what alternative do you mean? A lack of any centralized governance or pure laissez-faire economics.', '>>{omeow} : The national security counselor resigns in 24 days .....The top replacement choice backs out saying *it is a shit sandwich.* Really a fine tuned machine.......A fine tuned shit machine.', '>>{wwarnout} : I, for one, agree completely. He is not smart enough to realize just how uninformed he is.', '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : >mainly I\'d suggest growing up not sure what you think this adds to the conversation, just say you give up debating the issues, its disingenuous to say otherwise >"Government" isn\'t the problem with negotiating lower prices for medicine. If it were then no governments on the planet would have solved that problem. And you\'ll be shocked to find a great many governments have done just that. sorry, that made zero sense, are you trying to say that without governments it would be worse perhaps? I was simply making the point that private businesses know that if they sell to medicare, they get a blank check and many of them become unethical and fleece the taxpayers. >Would you like me to show examples of failed projects in the private sector as well? Anecdotes like this aren\'t data and do not make the point you might be trying to make. show me failed private projects that 330 million people are paying for, then I might concede that point, but there isnt any. bloated government contracts arent a problem of private businesses, so dont try to throw that in my face either, those are what happens when government meddles and nepotistic businesses sprout up. Rockerfellers got rich because government put high tariffs on their competitors, that sort of thing. not sure what point you think I was trying to make, I\'ll say it slower to be crystal clear, private businesses are on the hook for their blunders, there is outrage from their shareholders and even consumers if they waste 40 million dollars for a useless gas station in the middle east. they have market forces that will stop that sort of bullshit, because they know theyll be out of a job soon if they do that. unless they are government workers, and they know theyll get paid no matter what, we pay for their idiocy >laissez-faire economics seeing as austrian business cycle hasnt been given a chance, I think you are a bit silly dismissing it out of hand', ">>{ME24601} : > If melania doing it was wrong Melania didn't take a cliche phrase hundreds of people have used, she word for word copied a specific few sentences from Michelle Obama's speech. They are two *very* different things.", '>>{Woxat} : Does the far right still think putin has their best interest in mind? I thought they wanted to keep immigrants out of their country not make them flock to their country.', ">>{Alpine_lounge} : Yes. They'll tangle themselves into spaghetti trying to blame it on *multi-kulti lovin' lefties* or whatever.", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : >speaks in a way I don't quite understand, so that probably means it is important and he is on top of things. Best I just trust him to know and do what is right for me. I laughed, then I got sad because it's true", '>>{santa_91} : When the original owner died she donated it to the government to serve as a "Winter White House", but no Presidents wanted to use it so it was given back to her family, who eventually sold it to Trump.', '>>{Macro_Rubio} : They look like the bad guy in every 80s movie. Plus with non ironic Gordon gecko haircuts.', '>>{wwarnout} : I lived through the Cold War, and remember all too well how Pravda (the state-controlled press - the only media allowed in the Soviet Union) would report things that were laughably false, without batting an eye.', '>>{JoJoWiCo} : It is family tradition to claim ownership of a commonly used phrased.', '>>{maxelrod} : Yeah, cabinet picks dropping out left and right the national security adviser getting fired, leaving the entire intelligence community in turmoil are really signs of a fine-tuned machine there, chief.', '>>{Woxat} : Lol I know yesterday I had a conversation with a few of them, I told them "there are such things as moderate muslims" and their response was "there can be moderate muslims but islam isn\'t moderate"... This is the world we live in.', '>>{Sneezeli} : yeah go ask some girl in ghana living on a few pennies a day if she would love to benefit from the american social safety net', '>>{Samhoustoneggers} : Nice try Donald "endangered animal killer" Trump Jr.', '>>{muhfuhkuh} : Oh, so in that case, a 100 million dollar fireworks display. Awesome. Convincing who of what exactly?', '>>{EuroTard} : Majority of the "refugees" pouring into Europe are military aged men.', '>>{AppleMoblieAppUser} : If this claim is to be considered true then drumpf Jr. lifted his humanity from humans, cuz the guy is a damn robot', ">>{noex1337} : From the Ghastly Eyrie I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point I declare with utter certainty that there's no possibly way Obama, nor anyone on his speechwriting team, watched it", ">>{JudeauWork} : You're an idiot. That is a phrase. Not multiple paragraphs of a speech given on the same topic.", '>>{tank_trap} : Donald Trump is a hypocrite and he is a pathological liar. He needs to go to prison - the sooner, the better.', ">>{kekulerules} : Sounds like a kid's meal sandwich for the tiny handed.", ">>{maxelrod} : He's trying to redefine the gravity of it. That's been his whole campaign, which he apparently hasn't stopped.", '>>{UniverseLord} : >Convincing who of what exactly? This seems to be outside the scope of my point that saying refugees were probably created directly from this is stretching.', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : If you don't pay any attention whatsoever you'd have no idea anything was amiss!", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Its still plagiarism. According to these media imbeciles. Is there like a limit of phrases you need to pass before considered plagiarism?', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : > I was simply making the point that private businesses know that if they sell to medicare, they get a blank check and many of them become unethical and fleece the taxpayers. Yes private corporations can be unethical. A combinations of regulation and competing public options works to address that. > show me failed private projects that 330 million people are paying for When that many people share a cost the individual cost is extremely small. And that's not a fair question when very few private companies service all people in a nation. Unless they are monopoly in which case everybody does end up paying substantially for it: Standard Oil, Microsoft, De Beers, Intel, U.S. Steel along with many other examples. But ok, a few off the top of my head; 1. Tetraethyllead. The lead additive in petrol that made by Ethyl Corporation. Cost the public billions in healthcare costs and cleanup. 2. The 2008 GFC failure of large private banks costing the world economy billions. 3. VHS/Betamax, Blu-ray/HD-DVD etc failure to agree on standards costs all consumers. 4. Piper Bravo Oil Rig explosion leading to 106 recommendations some of which the entire industry had to adopt, insurance claims of around $1.4 billion USD, all of which factored into everybody's energy costs. Similar effects from the Deepwater Horizon spill. Three Mile Island and other large disasters because private corporations' regard for safety is only linked to profit. > bloated government contracts arent a problem of private businesses You are right. Bloated private contracts are a problem of private businesses. Graft, unethical behavior, corruption, these all still exist and in some cases are exacerbated in private organizations. > private businesses are on the hook for their blunders So are governments. Blunders typically make people look bad which affects things like elections. > there is outrage from their shareholders and even consumers if they waste 40 million dollars for a useless gas station in the middle east Sometimes but the stock market is anything but rational. > market forces that will stop that sort of bullshit Market forces don't stop mistakes happening. Mysterious market forces didn't prevent the Ford Edsel, Microsoft's Zune, or stop Quaker losing $1.4 billion on Snapple. > because they know theyll be out of a job soon if they do that Yes. And so we have 25,000 private companies each year filing for bankruptcy. There is a pretty huge social cost to all of these failures. A cost everybody has to pick up. > unless they are government workers, and they know theyll get paid no matter what, we pay for their idiocy That's an interesting [old myth](https://www.aei.org/publication/do-public-employees-actually-have-more-job-security/) you're propagating. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you think this, or you just heard it one day and decided to agree with it?", ">>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : >A combinations of regulation and competing public options works to address that ahh, so you expect the government to tattle when the government is being unethical? K >the individual cost is extremely small oh youre right, just because youre only getting stolen from *a bit*, its completely ok. Dont know enough about TEL to speak on, but 2008 recession was certainly not solely due to the banks seeing as the government was making them take shitty housing loans from people they knew wouldnt be able to afford it. And how is dueling media have anything to do with what we're talking about? two different businesses make things, and one catches on usually more so than the other, how is that relevant? you dont have a gun to your head to buy one or the other, its your own choice. And when people bring up the few oil spills we've had, I just have to laugh, it is pennies on the dollar compared to all the oil and CNG extracted and used with no problem. >Graft, unethical behavior, corruption, these all still exist and in some cases are exacerbated in private organizations I think you misunderstood me, I was saying that governments giving them ever-expanding contracts whether they need the item are not is the reason GE and such defense contractors can have rampant problems because they know they dont have much if any competition in these areas for years to come. >the stock market is anything but rational and the government is? >Market forces don't stop mistakes happening ...no? why would they? but they will be nipped in the bud a lot quicker than if it was a government making these items >There is a pretty huge social cost to all of these failures oh yeah, definitely, we just bombed a hospital on faulty information, attacking how many different countries... *oh* no, you arent worried about all that sort of failure, thats just fine and dandy ultimately, this has been interesting, but it has ultimately been mastabtory as neither of us have shifted anything. have a nice life", ">>{billyhorton} : He's used that exact same phrase before. Check out [this example](https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/09/08/president-obama-economy-cleveland-america-i-believe) from a 2010 speech Obama gave ironically in Cleveland. Sounds like Trump Jr copied him.", ">>{JudeauWork} : Its not. Its still not even a complete sentence. That's like saying what I just said is plagiarism of you, because I also used 'Its still'. Grasping for straws.", ">>{totallyclips} : It's running so we'll, he'll be filing for chapter 11 any day now", ">>{muhfuhkuh} : Why would we ask her if we aren't letting them in anyway?", ">>{creejay} : Calling it now: he's going to quickly have a personality makeover and become more like his dad. Anyone who has watched Jr. over the years knows he has no actual personality of his own and lacks charisma. Ivanka should be looking to move to politics, not him.", '>>{imagepoem} : I now see there is a fair amount of historical precedent for use of, say, "Western White House" -- so perhaps I\'ve been overly sensitive about this. (Meaning, it might not even matter whether this particular Florida property was called "Winter White House" at some point, if there is already a longstanding tradition of use of ____ White House.) That said, I also gather "Southern White House" is a new use -- and I do think there is historical reason to pause a bit to consider whether that\'s really an ideal term, given the ongoing North/South thing.', ">>{cowboycoco} : Sadly, there's a large number of people who aren't. Where I live, the number of people who support Trump is equaled by the number of people that simply 'don't see anything wrong with him/thought all the candidates sucked.'", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : > so you expect the government to tattle when the government is being unethical? Sort of, yes. That\'s called whistle-blowing. But we also have the other very important spear of a functioning democracy and that\'s journalism. Also governments are too large to [keep anything secret](http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35411684). > just because youre only getting stolen from a bit, its completely ok Technically you are the one doing the stealing. You are stealing roads, clean water, breathable air, you are stealing the services of an entire military, police forces, shipping routes. I very much doubt you pay 1/320 millionth of the cost of those services. You also seem unwilling to move to a country where they do not provide those services. Why are you so against paying your share? Because you don\'t think each dollar is spend perfectly optimally? Well welcome to the real world. Vote, run for office, be an activist for the change you want, or leave. You\'ve got options other than whining on the internet about false tyranny. > but 2008 recession was certainly not solely due to the banks You are correct there were quite a few contributing factors but some things are widely agreed upon. It was banks lobbying government to reduce regulations which allowed dangerously risky practices. Or as the Emerald group put it in their report "Market fundamentalism and over-reliance on the alleged self-correcting powers of the market have led to excessive deregulation and liberalisation in world financial markets". Truman (2008) said "Financial-sector supervision and regulation, or the lack thereof, over several decades also played a role" in the global credit boom fueling increases in the prices of equities (the housing boom). Many have argued that the government\'s affordable housing policies (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) created the problem but that\'s just not the case (as found by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and numerous outside studies). Lack of regulation and government oversight allowed this problem to happen. > when people bring up the few oil spills we\'ve had, I just have to laugh, it is pennies on the dollar compared to all the oil and CNG extracted and used with no problem. What do you mean "no problem"? - The oil and gas industry, meanwhile, has an occupational fatality rate of seven times the national average ([and rising](http://insideenergy.org/2015/09/18/oil-and-gas-worker-deaths-rise-in-2014/)) - Car exhaust resulted in 3.2 million premature deaths in 2010 alone - Thousands a year die in coal mining accidents - Pollution from coal plants is an estimated to kill probably well over a million people annually - Global climate change is [killing 250-400,000 a year and affects 300 million people](http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs266/en/) That\'s not "no problem". That\'s major problems. > GE and such defense contractors can have rampant problems because they know they dont have much if any competition in these areas for years to come I don\'t think it\'s quite as simple as you think. 1. Contractors do have competition. That\'s what the tender process is in a Multiple award contract (MAC). But sometimes only one company that can fulfill the contract. 2. In either case contracts are written and there are penalties for not delivering (Performance Work Statement or service contracts). 3. Projects can and do get cancelled if they are failing and subject to the Contract Disputes Act (CDA). Sometimes cancelled or even before they start. 4. Contractors often have to "recompete" after a project. None of it is as much a walk in the park gravy train and you seem to think. > but they will be nipped in the bud a lot quicker than if it was a government making these items Totally baseless statement and I think you\'ll have a hard time supporting it. - http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/03/when-government-competes-against-the-private-sector-everybody-wins/387460/ - https://newint.org/features/2015/12/01/private-public-sector/ - http://www.forbes.com/sites/jwebb/2015/11/30/dont-just-blame-the-government-private-companies-also-struggle-with-it-technologies/#2e4b33cc1ebd - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/apr/25/private-sector-superiority-mythbuster - http://theconversation.com/how-efficient-is-australias-public-sector-short-answer-very-19908 I know there is a lot there but if you don\'t want to read let me sum it up: there is a reason only mixed-market economies are successful. > we just bombed a hospital on faulty information Are you talking about [human error in a time of war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike) or the [Saudis](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/16/world/middleeast/yemen-doctors-without-borders-hospital-bombing.html?_r=0) or [Russian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/28/aleppo-two-hospitals-bombed-out-of-service-syria-airstrikes) indiscriminate attacks? Yes, that sort of thing happens. That says nothing about the overall efficiency or effectiveness of specific governments though. It says we should go to war less and be very careful when we do. > attacking how many different countries G.W Bush deciding to invade two countries along with the massive destabilization from climate change isn\'t a failure of government. It\'s a failure of democracy to elect the right people.', '>>{heslaotian} : At least he knows when to use "well" and "good".', '>>{JesusDiedForMexico} : Statistically, more bombings create more refugees. That\'s just how war works. You can\'t say this is the one act of war in history that will displace no one and convince no one "maybe we should stick around to see how America bombs us too".', ">>{Rightaway} : I'm scared. I'm honestly not sure if that's satire", ">>{ohheyitsdeejay} : In my experience, the more people feel the need to reiterate something, the less likely it's true", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Whatever. I dont care in either case. I think it stupid. But hey have your fun.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Tiny Hands Jr. killing beautiful animals to make up for something.', '>>{Milligan} : He has to be, since Kellyanne is not allowed on news shows any more.', ">>{brainiac3397} : So he inherited a mess, but everything is running well, except the media is the enemy of the American people, but there are real leaks being presented as fake news, except he's not getting intel briefings, but he's a genius? Everything is totally fine!", ">>{Jaidate} : Let's see, who should I believe, a pathological liar-clown-man-child or the people whose job it is to inform me of facts?", '>>{schlitz91} : Merryweather Post built the property, then donated to US Gov for presidential retreat "Winter White House", but the maintenance costs were too high and the gov sold it to Trump in the 80\'s. He converted it to a club.', '>>{JesusDiedForMexico} : Men can\'t be refugees? Only women and children are victims of war? Is that your "point"?', '>>{TheBigLebootski} : Oh, OK, thanks for clearing that up!', ">>{EuroTard} : Majority of the Syrian male refugees pouring in Europe are paperless economic migrants not from Syria. That's my point.", '>>{TyrannosuarezRex} : Well he was raised by an entitled twat. Makes sense.', '>>{ahungspy} : Person A: > The refugees are mostly women and children[...] Person B: > Majority of the "refugees" pouring into Europe are military aged men. You, ready to argue with sneer quotes and a straw man at hand: > Men can\'t be refugees? Only women and children are victims of war? Is that your "point"?', '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Obama used the phrase many times in the past, years before Trump jr.', '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : He also has no idea how to actually act like a President.', '>>{Felinomancy} : This is like a more serious version of "1 Like = 1 Prayer". Except that this "Like" costs US taxpayer millions and the "prayer"\'s efficacy is.. disputable.', ">>{nightmuzak} : >there can be moderate muslims but islam isn't moderate Funny, you could say the same thing about Christianity.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Probably an accident. I refuse to believe that Trump has that kind of knowledge.', ">>{TehMephs} : Haven't seen thisisfine.jpg in a while, but it would be splendid right about here", '>>{Woxat} : Oh yeah I told them this, their response was "christians freed the slaves" or some mess.', ">>{ne99ne} : Sorry friend, didn't mean to add to the crazy levels of anxiety. Yeah... I'm being sarcastic... playing off of not understanding his 4th grade vocabulary.", ">>{Duke_of_Moral_Hazard} : Not all the gov't because the leaks are real, and also somehow fake.", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Who gives a shit. She had no authority and it was never used as such before Trump.', '>>{Trumpicana} : yea because he ripped it off from bush as is written in the article.', '>>{nightmuzak} : They always have a response, and they mistake our stunned silence for agreement or capitulation.', '>>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Just stop dude this is embarrassing. Move on to the next bullshit you feel the need to defend.', '>>{dont_knockit} : Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.', '>>{pixel_revolt9} : When his administration falls through he will blame it on the media and his followers will believe him.', ">>{TheInkerman} : > Statistically, more bombings create more refugees. That's just how war works. Except when an act of war ends an otherwise intractable conflict. For example, if President Obama had instituted a no-fly zone and supported the rebels, and then applied appropriate pressure to maintain stability in Syria, the war would have ended much sooner with far fewer casualties and refugees.", ">>{dont_knockit} : http://i.imgur.com/aWBkT.png I don't understand the people who voted him in, either.", '>>{murl56} : BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Spoiled ignorant brat.', ">>{izwald88} : We've been bombing Syria for years now... I'm not saying we shouldn't take in refugees, but cmon... And, frankly, he bombed an airbase. That's a lot less harmful than bombing terrorists who are mixed in with civilians.", '>>{Rownik} : 14% of Sweden is foreign born. How is that working out for them today?', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Still can't believe the GOP are trying to roll back the 2009 Alot Protection Act.", ">>{CouchRadish} : This. Even as someone who voted for Trump I know the man is not infallible. Just like every other President before him, mistakes and missteps will be made. And we all have the right to call him out on it. But the hard left right now has a really bad case of Trump Outrage where they feel they have to set themselves up to die on every hill they can find. This doesn't make them look strong, it makes them look petulant.", ">>{murkloar} : This cruise missile strike isn't about helping the Syrian people. It's about destroying people and facilities that use nerve gas. The Syrians can stay where they are or just go ahead and die as far as the US is concerned. The point is that they aren't going to sit back and let Islamists spread horrible weapons into the West.", '>>{NoTaxesTrump} : I think the strikes were to deflect from the Russian scandal. One airfield did nothing.', '>>{Magjee} : More like: > **THE ALT-WHITE HOUSE!** I feel sick', '>>{murkloar} : Nerve gas is a really big deal. It is important that we make it clear that we will punish people who use chemical weapons', '>>{kju} : It means it\'s a proper noun, perhaps he\'s trying to tell us about his new book "Very well". He must be running the white house on the "Very well" method that is described in his new book "Very well"', ">>{NoTaxesTrump} : Syria has used them before. Trump criticized Bush for going into Irag. Saddam gassed 10,000 Kurds. All we did here is damage an airport. There was no lesson taught here. We have escalated a civil war as Russia rushes in to strengthen Syria's air defenses.", ">>{hfutrell} : I stitched this together the other day but it was down voted to zero on /r/politicalhumor. Maybe you'd like it. http://i.imgur.com/heuONVf.png", ">>{BornUnderPunches} : Whatever People Say About Me, That's What I'm Not.", '>>{adeadmanshand} : Deepwater Horizon was once a "well oiled machine" at one time.', '>>{ne99ne} : And there is the whole alt-irionially movement going on these days on top of it all.', '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : He tried to accuse Obama of a Melania. Fail! SAD!', ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : Trump does not understand logic. It's hard to make 2 points in 140 characters that contradict each other. Saying you inherited a mess is an excuse why the white house is not running smoothly.", ">>{savemejebus0} : I hear where you are coming from. We strongly disagree on about 90% of things but notice how I am not calling you a bigot, nazi, homophobe, racist, or white supremacist? What he did so far with Syria is reasonable and is getting bipartisan support. Isn't that what the fuck people want?", ">>{bodiaz6} : He seems like a Scott Walker copy to me, except he sucks his dad's nuts instead of the Koch Bros' wrinkled sacks.", '>>{dkliberator} : He could only get that amount of dumbass from his dad.', ">>{pillbuggery} : It's alright. I'm sure it's a controlled burn.", '>>{CouchRadish} : This all or nothing mentality of "you have to completely agree with me or you\'re a terrible human being" is insanely immature and I wish it would stop.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Because lifting one sentence isn't the same as lifting several sentences.", '>>{creejay} : I watched every season of the Apprentice, so that\'s where I get most of my impression of him. He is robotic and bland. Eric has even less personality and charisma. It\'s interesting that Trump "raised" two car salesmen sons but also Ivanka.', ">>{Ozwaldo} : That's a great picture for the article. He looks so desperate.", '>>{MrSplitty} : He reminds me of the guy from American Psycho.', '>>{nashgasm} : he doesnt even know how to act like a functional adult.', ">>{Animus141} : Potentially? I'm not aware of her being a total twat every time a microphone is in range of her mouth, so I couldn't say for sure. But possibly.", ">>{OBAMAS_BROTHER} : Does anybody on this sub have a sense of humor? I mean, for fucks sake. Every single comment section I've come in is saying how stupid Don Jr is. It was clearly a joke."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{OtroGatoGordo} : Trump Jr. accuses Obama of lifting from his convention speech', '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : And this is not the America I know is the sentence Trump Jr alleges was lifted. BTW Obama and Bush has used it in the past as well.', '>>{Animus141} : Trump jr. Seems like such an entitled twat.', ">>{DamagedHells} : Trump Jr looks like he's the son of a mob boss.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The America I know thats it? Really? Sad!', ">>{irishstevenj} : I can say with almost 100% certainty that there's no possible way Obama, nor anyone on his speechwriting team, watched it.", '>>{Trumpicana} : He did. If melania doing it was wrong than the same could be said of Obama doing this. Hes been stealing that line from GW for 8 years.', '>>{Trumpicana} : Doesnt that mean he lifted it from bush? Where was the media then?', ">>{OtroGatoGordo} : What about Melania's Thesis? Did you find it?", ">>{aresearchmonkey} : Weird how after a week of discussing what plagiarism, cribbing and the like are, Patrick Bateman still doesn't understand. Sad!", '>>{ElPlywood} : the only lifting Trump Jr. should be focussed on is his head out of his ass', '>>{Theonetruebrian} : If Obama has said this in the past, many times iirc, then does that mean Trump Jr. just accused himself of plagiarism? He\'s right, where *is* the outrage? Realistically, you can\'t really plagiarize a sentence as vague as "that\'s not the America I know".', '>>{ME24601} : Trump Jr looks like Patrick Bateman and Eric Trump looks like the guy that killed Ethan Hawke in the Purge.', ">>{ME24601} : > If melania doing it was wrong Melania didn't take a cliche phrase hundreds of people have used, she word for word copied a specific few sentences from Michelle Obama's speech. They are two *very* different things.", '>>{Macro_Rubio} : They look like the bad guy in every 80s movie. Plus with non ironic Gordon gecko haircuts.', '>>{JoJoWiCo} : It is family tradition to claim ownership of a commonly used phrased.', '>>{Samhoustoneggers} : Nice try Donald "endangered animal killer" Trump Jr.', '>>{AppleMoblieAppUser} : If this claim is to be considered true then drumpf Jr. lifted his humanity from humans, cuz the guy is a damn robot', ">>{noex1337} : From the Ghastly Eyrie I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point I declare with utter certainty that there's no possibly way Obama, nor anyone on his speechwriting team, watched it", ">>{JudeauWork} : You're an idiot. That is a phrase. Not multiple paragraphs of a speech given on the same topic.", ">>{kekulerules} : Sounds like a kid's meal sandwich for the tiny handed.", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Its still plagiarism. According to these media imbeciles. Is there like a limit of phrases you need to pass before considered plagiarism?', ">>{billyhorton} : He's used that exact same phrase before. Check out [this example](https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/09/08/president-obama-economy-cleveland-america-i-believe) from a 2010 speech Obama gave ironically in Cleveland. Sounds like Trump Jr copied him.", ">>{JudeauWork} : Its not. Its still not even a complete sentence. That's like saying what I just said is plagiarism of you, because I also used 'Its still'. Grasping for straws.", ">>{creejay} : Calling it now: he's going to quickly have a personality makeover and become more like his dad. Anyone who has watched Jr. over the years knows he has no actual personality of his own and lacks charisma. Ivanka should be looking to move to politics, not him.", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Whatever. I dont care in either case. I think it stupid. But hey have your fun.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Tiny Hands Jr. killing beautiful animals to make up for something.', '>>{TyrannosuarezRex} : Well he was raised by an entitled twat. Makes sense.', '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Obama used the phrase many times in the past, years before Trump jr.', '>>{Trumpicana} : yea because he ripped it off from bush as is written in the article.', '>>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Just stop dude this is embarrassing. Move on to the next bullshit you feel the need to defend.', '>>{murl56} : BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Spoiled ignorant brat.', '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : He tried to accuse Obama of a Melania. Fail! SAD!', ">>{bodiaz6} : He seems like a Scott Walker copy to me, except he sucks his dad's nuts instead of the Koch Bros' wrinkled sacks.", '>>{dkliberator} : He could only get that amount of dumbass from his dad.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Because lifting one sentence isn't the same as lifting several sentences.", '>>{creejay} : I watched every season of the Apprentice, so that\'s where I get most of my impression of him. He is robotic and bland. Eric has even less personality and charisma. It\'s interesting that Trump "raised" two car salesmen sons but also Ivanka.', '>>{MrSplitty} : He reminds me of the guy from American Psycho.', ">>{Animus141} : Potentially? I'm not aware of her being a total twat every time a microphone is in range of her mouth, so I couldn't say for sure. But possibly.", ">>{OBAMAS_BROTHER} : Does anybody on this sub have a sense of humor? I mean, for fucks sake. Every single comment section I've come in is saying how stupid Don Jr is. It was clearly a joke."], [">>{vonotar} : He's already begun a fact-finding committee, headed by Dr. Wayne Szalinski, to look at the feasibility of physically shrinking Washington, D.C. and environs.", '>>{kokberg} : you have a lot of money burning a hole in your pocket that you think the government can spend better than you can?', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : > Johnson's campaign is founded on the principle that smaller government will mean greater freedom for citizens Nice to list upfront that your entire campaign is based on a fundamentally flawed principle. Saves people time.", '>>{LynxRufus} : Yes... governance that fits on a bumper sticker. Genius. 😐', ">>{Yayuchacha} : 1. Getting rid of the IRS and advocating for a simpler tax code is a bad thing? 2. Governor Johnson has stated that he supports the EPA at the federal and state level because harming the environment harms individuals. Which is contrary to your third point. 3. He was a two-term Republican governor in a 2-1 Democrat state. He got reelected by a wider margin and had a successful two terms. It's foolish to say he doesn't understand government. 3. He doesn't smoke. And yes, he is an iron man triathlete who has climbed mountains.", ">>{kokberg} : time are changing quickly. it is lazy and irresponsible not to constantly evaluate the government agencies effectiveness vs cost. we can't just keep throwing borrowed money at them without taking a look at the big picture and if things can be done better.", '>>{Girlindaytona} : They all want small government until: We are invaded We are hit by a disaster We need roads to travel on We need air traffic control We need food inspections We need agriculture subsidies to keep food flowing We need more teachers, police or firefighters If the federal government shrinks, state governments must take up the slack. What an idiot', '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : because government is your friend, one that steals from you, spends it inefficiently, and steals even more next time because of their own idiocy. not sure how paying an entity whether it does a good or bad job is a solid principle', '>>{CatalyticDragon} : The statement contains no logically derived or supported claims. All we have is an argument by assertion. - The assertion that small govt=freedom isn\'t supported. - Not specification as to what is the correct \'size\'. - No indication of how \'size\' is measured (govt spending as % of GDP? Number of employees? Number of laws?) - All social science research to date shows a mixed market system is the only so-far known workable system of governance so we need to know how far to the edge they deem safe or optimal. If your principle is simply "small = better" then without any other information the only logical conclusion is "none = best" and that\'s obviously a terrible idea.', '>>{CatalyticDragon} : You _really_ don\'t know how governance works in a democracy. Taxation isn\'t stealing. It\'s something we agree to do as a society to fund necessary works and services that are otherwise prohibitively expensive for any individual to afford but nonetheless are required for a society to function. It does not "spend it inefficiently" any more than any organization with overheads and it is your job to elect people who do a good job of keeping this overhead to a minimum without introducing unacceptable risk. Not everything is made better from the for-profit motive and we can list numbers cases where the exact opposite is true: criminal justice, healthcare, military. Governments are often more transparent than private corporations which have their fair share of ethical problems, graft and misapplication of resources. > not sure how paying an entity whether it does a good or bad job is a solid principle Because by and large it does a good job, it can be continually improved, and the alternative is not workable.', ">>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : > something we agree to do Could you show me where I agreed to that? Oh you mean that social contract/ tyranny of the majority bullshit? lol ok... So you are saying making a law that we have to accept [whatever](http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/04/20/medicare-part-d-prescription-drug-prices-negotiate-editorials-debates/7943745/) price a company wants to sell their medicine to the government for medicare is financially sound? How about a [43](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/11/02/pentagon-afghanistan-gas-station-boondoggle/75037032/) million dollar gas station? And I'm sorry, if you look at how many congressmen retire with millions more and then go on to become lobbyists, that simply isnt ethical. but you go on saying government is a-ok >the alternative is not workable what alternative do you mean?", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : > tyranny of the majority You have options: vote, move, become an activist for your cause(s) but mainly I\'d suggest growing up and learn to accept not everything in a society can be tailored specifically for you and you have to frequently bow to comprise. > So you are saying making a law that we have to accept whatever price a company wants to sell their medicine to the government for medicare is financially sound? You might want to read my post. I specifically included healthcare as an example of when the for-profit motive being a negative influence. "Government" isn\'t the problem with negotiating lower prices for medicine. If it were then no governments on the planet would have solved that problem. And you\'ll be shocked to find a great many governments have done just that. > How about a 43 million dollar gas station? Would you like me to show examples of failed projects in the private sector as well? Anecdotes like this aren\'t data and do not make the point you might be trying to make. > what alternative do you mean? A lack of any centralized governance or pure laissez-faire economics.', '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : >mainly I\'d suggest growing up not sure what you think this adds to the conversation, just say you give up debating the issues, its disingenuous to say otherwise >"Government" isn\'t the problem with negotiating lower prices for medicine. If it were then no governments on the planet would have solved that problem. And you\'ll be shocked to find a great many governments have done just that. sorry, that made zero sense, are you trying to say that without governments it would be worse perhaps? I was simply making the point that private businesses know that if they sell to medicare, they get a blank check and many of them become unethical and fleece the taxpayers. >Would you like me to show examples of failed projects in the private sector as well? Anecdotes like this aren\'t data and do not make the point you might be trying to make. show me failed private projects that 330 million people are paying for, then I might concede that point, but there isnt any. bloated government contracts arent a problem of private businesses, so dont try to throw that in my face either, those are what happens when government meddles and nepotistic businesses sprout up. Rockerfellers got rich because government put high tariffs on their competitors, that sort of thing. not sure what point you think I was trying to make, I\'ll say it slower to be crystal clear, private businesses are on the hook for their blunders, there is outrage from their shareholders and even consumers if they waste 40 million dollars for a useless gas station in the middle east. they have market forces that will stop that sort of bullshit, because they know theyll be out of a job soon if they do that. unless they are government workers, and they know theyll get paid no matter what, we pay for their idiocy >laissez-faire economics seeing as austrian business cycle hasnt been given a chance, I think you are a bit silly dismissing it out of hand', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : > I was simply making the point that private businesses know that if they sell to medicare, they get a blank check and many of them become unethical and fleece the taxpayers. Yes private corporations can be unethical. A combinations of regulation and competing public options works to address that. > show me failed private projects that 330 million people are paying for When that many people share a cost the individual cost is extremely small. And that's not a fair question when very few private companies service all people in a nation. Unless they are monopoly in which case everybody does end up paying substantially for it: Standard Oil, Microsoft, De Beers, Intel, U.S. Steel along with many other examples. But ok, a few off the top of my head; 1. Tetraethyllead. The lead additive in petrol that made by Ethyl Corporation. Cost the public billions in healthcare costs and cleanup. 2. The 2008 GFC failure of large private banks costing the world economy billions. 3. VHS/Betamax, Blu-ray/HD-DVD etc failure to agree on standards costs all consumers. 4. Piper Bravo Oil Rig explosion leading to 106 recommendations some of which the entire industry had to adopt, insurance claims of around $1.4 billion USD, all of which factored into everybody's energy costs. Similar effects from the Deepwater Horizon spill. Three Mile Island and other large disasters because private corporations' regard for safety is only linked to profit. > bloated government contracts arent a problem of private businesses You are right. Bloated private contracts are a problem of private businesses. Graft, unethical behavior, corruption, these all still exist and in some cases are exacerbated in private organizations. > private businesses are on the hook for their blunders So are governments. Blunders typically make people look bad which affects things like elections. > there is outrage from their shareholders and even consumers if they waste 40 million dollars for a useless gas station in the middle east Sometimes but the stock market is anything but rational. > market forces that will stop that sort of bullshit Market forces don't stop mistakes happening. Mysterious market forces didn't prevent the Ford Edsel, Microsoft's Zune, or stop Quaker losing $1.4 billion on Snapple. > because they know theyll be out of a job soon if they do that Yes. And so we have 25,000 private companies each year filing for bankruptcy. There is a pretty huge social cost to all of these failures. A cost everybody has to pick up. > unless they are government workers, and they know theyll get paid no matter what, we pay for their idiocy That's an interesting [old myth](https://www.aei.org/publication/do-public-employees-actually-have-more-job-security/) you're propagating. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you think this, or you just heard it one day and decided to agree with it?", ">>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : >A combinations of regulation and competing public options works to address that ahh, so you expect the government to tattle when the government is being unethical? K >the individual cost is extremely small oh youre right, just because youre only getting stolen from *a bit*, its completely ok. Dont know enough about TEL to speak on, but 2008 recession was certainly not solely due to the banks seeing as the government was making them take shitty housing loans from people they knew wouldnt be able to afford it. And how is dueling media have anything to do with what we're talking about? two different businesses make things, and one catches on usually more so than the other, how is that relevant? you dont have a gun to your head to buy one or the other, its your own choice. And when people bring up the few oil spills we've had, I just have to laugh, it is pennies on the dollar compared to all the oil and CNG extracted and used with no problem. >Graft, unethical behavior, corruption, these all still exist and in some cases are exacerbated in private organizations I think you misunderstood me, I was saying that governments giving them ever-expanding contracts whether they need the item are not is the reason GE and such defense contractors can have rampant problems because they know they dont have much if any competition in these areas for years to come. >the stock market is anything but rational and the government is? >Market forces don't stop mistakes happening ...no? why would they? but they will be nipped in the bud a lot quicker than if it was a government making these items >There is a pretty huge social cost to all of these failures oh yeah, definitely, we just bombed a hospital on faulty information, attacking how many different countries... *oh* no, you arent worried about all that sort of failure, thats just fine and dandy ultimately, this has been interesting, but it has ultimately been mastabtory as neither of us have shifted anything. have a nice life", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : > so you expect the government to tattle when the government is being unethical? Sort of, yes. That\'s called whistle-blowing. But we also have the other very important spear of a functioning democracy and that\'s journalism. Also governments are too large to [keep anything secret](http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35411684). > just because youre only getting stolen from a bit, its completely ok Technically you are the one doing the stealing. You are stealing roads, clean water, breathable air, you are stealing the services of an entire military, police forces, shipping routes. I very much doubt you pay 1/320 millionth of the cost of those services. You also seem unwilling to move to a country where they do not provide those services. Why are you so against paying your share? Because you don\'t think each dollar is spend perfectly optimally? Well welcome to the real world. Vote, run for office, be an activist for the change you want, or leave. You\'ve got options other than whining on the internet about false tyranny. > but 2008 recession was certainly not solely due to the banks You are correct there were quite a few contributing factors but some things are widely agreed upon. It was banks lobbying government to reduce regulations which allowed dangerously risky practices. Or as the Emerald group put it in their report "Market fundamentalism and over-reliance on the alleged self-correcting powers of the market have led to excessive deregulation and liberalisation in world financial markets". Truman (2008) said "Financial-sector supervision and regulation, or the lack thereof, over several decades also played a role" in the global credit boom fueling increases in the prices of equities (the housing boom). Many have argued that the government\'s affordable housing policies (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) created the problem but that\'s just not the case (as found by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and numerous outside studies). Lack of regulation and government oversight allowed this problem to happen. > when people bring up the few oil spills we\'ve had, I just have to laugh, it is pennies on the dollar compared to all the oil and CNG extracted and used with no problem. What do you mean "no problem"? - The oil and gas industry, meanwhile, has an occupational fatality rate of seven times the national average ([and rising](http://insideenergy.org/2015/09/18/oil-and-gas-worker-deaths-rise-in-2014/)) - Car exhaust resulted in 3.2 million premature deaths in 2010 alone - Thousands a year die in coal mining accidents - Pollution from coal plants is an estimated to kill probably well over a million people annually - Global climate change is [killing 250-400,000 a year and affects 300 million people](http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs266/en/) That\'s not "no problem". That\'s major problems. > GE and such defense contractors can have rampant problems because they know they dont have much if any competition in these areas for years to come I don\'t think it\'s quite as simple as you think. 1. Contractors do have competition. That\'s what the tender process is in a Multiple award contract (MAC). But sometimes only one company that can fulfill the contract. 2. In either case contracts are written and there are penalties for not delivering (Performance Work Statement or service contracts). 3. Projects can and do get cancelled if they are failing and subject to the Contract Disputes Act (CDA). Sometimes cancelled or even before they start. 4. Contractors often have to "recompete" after a project. None of it is as much a walk in the park gravy train and you seem to think. > but they will be nipped in the bud a lot quicker than if it was a government making these items Totally baseless statement and I think you\'ll have a hard time supporting it. - http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/03/when-government-competes-against-the-private-sector-everybody-wins/387460/ - https://newint.org/features/2015/12/01/private-public-sector/ - http://www.forbes.com/sites/jwebb/2015/11/30/dont-just-blame-the-government-private-companies-also-struggle-with-it-technologies/#2e4b33cc1ebd - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/apr/25/private-sector-superiority-mythbuster - http://theconversation.com/how-efficient-is-australias-public-sector-short-answer-very-19908 I know there is a lot there but if you don\'t want to read let me sum it up: there is a reason only mixed-market economies are successful. > we just bombed a hospital on faulty information Are you talking about [human error in a time of war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike) or the [Saudis](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/16/world/middleeast/yemen-doctors-without-borders-hospital-bombing.html?_r=0) or [Russian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/28/aleppo-two-hospitals-bombed-out-of-service-syria-airstrikes) indiscriminate attacks? Yes, that sort of thing happens. That says nothing about the overall efficiency or effectiveness of specific governments though. It says we should go to war less and be very careful when we do. > attacking how many different countries G.W Bush deciding to invade two countries along with the massive destabilization from climate change isn\'t a failure of government. It\'s a failure of democracy to elect the right people.'], ['>>{willywalloo} : Trump Bombs Syria Over Civilian Deaths, Yet Still Refuses To Accept Refugees', ">>{willywalloo} : This is the link's title that was used on their main page. The main article kept an old title.", '>>{NoTaxesTrump} : Bombings, the source of refugees. Poor kids, yes, but stay the hell where you are. If you die we will avenge you-DJT', ">>{Alpine_lounge} : And so they flock to Europe, creating problems as we are now forced to integrate poorly-educated people with PTSD and ass-backwards cultural norms. All according to Putin's plan.", ">>{Sneezeli} : There are a few billion people outside the US living in shit conditions that would immigrate if we let them. We don't let them in. But that doesn't mean we have to let them kill each other with chemical weapons", ">>{BurgersOFA} : His entire life he's just thrown money at problems and expected them to get better, without wanting to put any real effort in himself. Now he's doing the same thing with tomahawk missles.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : Please take some time to travel and realize that no, most people are not clamouring to get into America.', ">>{savemejebus0} : I despise Trump, but this is not a double standard. I disagree with his reason for not accepting them, but I won't lie about it.", '>>{UniverseLord} : >Bombings, the source of refugees. We bombed a runway', '>>{NoTaxesTrump} : Maybe, waiting for pics. The refugees are mostly women and children whose husbands have been forced into the military. Kill them and you have created more refugees.', '>>{InTheMiddleGiroud} : Same for me. If you want to slam him the many times he does something bad, at least have the decency to acknowledge when he does something right.', '>>{savemejebus0} : Seriously, you have a laundry list of this outlandish moronic stuff he does. People are so fucking brainwashed and childish. If they are not babbling endlessly about the narrative that strokes their virtues the most then life is not being lived.', '>>{Woxat} : Does the far right still think putin has their best interest in mind? I thought they wanted to keep immigrants out of their country not make them flock to their country.', ">>{Alpine_lounge} : Yes. They'll tangle themselves into spaghetti trying to blame it on *multi-kulti lovin' lefties* or whatever.", '>>{Woxat} : Lol I know yesterday I had a conversation with a few of them, I told them "there are such things as moderate muslims" and their response was "there can be moderate muslims but islam isn\'t moderate"... This is the world we live in.', '>>{Sneezeli} : yeah go ask some girl in ghana living on a few pennies a day if she would love to benefit from the american social safety net', '>>{muhfuhkuh} : Oh, so in that case, a 100 million dollar fireworks display. Awesome. Convincing who of what exactly?', '>>{EuroTard} : Majority of the "refugees" pouring into Europe are military aged men.', '>>{tank_trap} : Donald Trump is a hypocrite and he is a pathological liar. He needs to go to prison - the sooner, the better.', '>>{UniverseLord} : >Convincing who of what exactly? This seems to be outside the scope of my point that saying refugees were probably created directly from this is stretching.', ">>{muhfuhkuh} : Why would we ask her if we aren't letting them in anyway?", '>>{JesusDiedForMexico} : Statistically, more bombings create more refugees. That\'s just how war works. You can\'t say this is the one act of war in history that will displace no one and convince no one "maybe we should stick around to see how America bombs us too".', '>>{JesusDiedForMexico} : Men can\'t be refugees? Only women and children are victims of war? Is that your "point"?', ">>{EuroTard} : Majority of the Syrian male refugees pouring in Europe are paperless economic migrants not from Syria. That's my point.", '>>{ahungspy} : Person A: > The refugees are mostly women and children[...] Person B: > Majority of the "refugees" pouring into Europe are military aged men. You, ready to argue with sneer quotes and a straw man at hand: > Men can\'t be refugees? Only women and children are victims of war? Is that your "point"?', '>>{Felinomancy} : This is like a more serious version of "1 Like = 1 Prayer". Except that this "Like" costs US taxpayer millions and the "prayer"\'s efficacy is.. disputable.', ">>{nightmuzak} : >there can be moderate muslims but islam isn't moderate Funny, you could say the same thing about Christianity.", '>>{Woxat} : Oh yeah I told them this, their response was "christians freed the slaves" or some mess.', '>>{nightmuzak} : They always have a response, and they mistake our stunned silence for agreement or capitulation.', ">>{TheInkerman} : > Statistically, more bombings create more refugees. That's just how war works. Except when an act of war ends an otherwise intractable conflict. For example, if President Obama had instituted a no-fly zone and supported the rebels, and then applied appropriate pressure to maintain stability in Syria, the war would have ended much sooner with far fewer casualties and refugees.", ">>{izwald88} : We've been bombing Syria for years now... I'm not saying we shouldn't take in refugees, but cmon... And, frankly, he bombed an airbase. That's a lot less harmful than bombing terrorists who are mixed in with civilians.", '>>{Rownik} : 14% of Sweden is foreign born. How is that working out for them today?', ">>{CouchRadish} : This. Even as someone who voted for Trump I know the man is not infallible. Just like every other President before him, mistakes and missteps will be made. And we all have the right to call him out on it. But the hard left right now has a really bad case of Trump Outrage where they feel they have to set themselves up to die on every hill they can find. This doesn't make them look strong, it makes them look petulant.", ">>{murkloar} : This cruise missile strike isn't about helping the Syrian people. It's about destroying people and facilities that use nerve gas. The Syrians can stay where they are or just go ahead and die as far as the US is concerned. The point is that they aren't going to sit back and let Islamists spread horrible weapons into the West.", '>>{NoTaxesTrump} : I think the strikes were to deflect from the Russian scandal. One airfield did nothing.', '>>{murkloar} : Nerve gas is a really big deal. It is important that we make it clear that we will punish people who use chemical weapons', ">>{NoTaxesTrump} : Syria has used them before. Trump criticized Bush for going into Irag. Saddam gassed 10,000 Kurds. All we did here is damage an airport. There was no lesson taught here. We have escalated a civil war as Russia rushes in to strengthen Syria's air defenses.", ">>{savemejebus0} : I hear where you are coming from. We strongly disagree on about 90% of things but notice how I am not calling you a bigot, nazi, homophobe, racist, or white supremacist? What he did so far with Syria is reasonable and is getting bipartisan support. Isn't that what the fuck people want?", '>>{CouchRadish} : This all or nothing mentality of "you have to completely agree with me or you\'re a terrible human being" is insanely immature and I wish it would stop.'], ['>>{imagepoem} : Trump tweets: Don’t believe the news, ‘White House is running Very Well’', '>>{imagepoem} : ...if you just ignore the Muslim ban, the National Security Advisor, the National Security Council, and on, and on, and on...', '>>{Hillary__Bro} : Translation: There is an actual fire burning in the Treaty Room of the White House.', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : Now that I heard him say it again, I believe him. I was hesitant at the press conference, but if he's confident enough to say it again, it must be *really* true. ^^^s", ">>{pjoneill15} : People may disagree with me, but I legitimately don't think Trump understands the gravity of how batshit saying stuff like this is.", ">>{CarbonRevenge} : He doesn't understand alot of things. Like the people that voted him in.", '>>{DuncanShifter} : I wouldn\'t believe it but he capitalized "very well," and that kind of emphasis cannot be shrugged off.', '>>{santa_91} : He also referred to Mar-a-Lago as the "Southern White House" instead of the "Winter White Hoise". Likely because someone reminded him that winter will be over in a month.', ">>{thewolfshead} : This is literally the President saying the only legitimate news source is himself or the government. That's scary stuff.", '>>{imagepoem} : I found his use of "Southern White House" particularly disturbing -- as opposed to what, the "Northern White House"? We need even more invocations of our divisive history right now? I also resent that he\'s trying to increase the brand value of his property by calling it a "White House" at all.', ">>{astronaughts} : When the POTUS uses capital letters, he really means the opposite of what he's written.", ">>{ne99ne} : Y'know, I too am coming around to Trump. He really stands his ground and speaks in a way I don't quite understand, so that probably means it is important and he is on top of things. Best I just trust him to know and do what is right for me.", ">>{santa_91} : Winter White House was what the property was originally called way back when. I'm sure he wants to take advantage of calling his club the ______ White House, but he didn't invent that particular name. Calling it the Southern White House is just setting it up so that he can keep spending half his time there in the spring and summer.", '>>{imagepoem} : What property was originally called the "Winter White House" back when? (I don\'t know the reference.)', '>>{spanisheyessmile} : The 45 doth protest too much, methinks. Seriously though, the more he denies something, the more valid it is.', '>>{omeow} : The national security counselor resigns in 24 days .....The top replacement choice backs out saying *it is a shit sandwich.* Really a fine tuned machine.......A fine tuned shit machine.', '>>{wwarnout} : I, for one, agree completely. He is not smart enough to realize just how uninformed he is.', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : >speaks in a way I don't quite understand, so that probably means it is important and he is on top of things. Best I just trust him to know and do what is right for me. I laughed, then I got sad because it's true", '>>{santa_91} : When the original owner died she donated it to the government to serve as a "Winter White House", but no Presidents wanted to use it so it was given back to her family, who eventually sold it to Trump.', '>>{wwarnout} : I lived through the Cold War, and remember all too well how Pravda (the state-controlled press - the only media allowed in the Soviet Union) would report things that were laughably false, without batting an eye.', '>>{maxelrod} : Yeah, cabinet picks dropping out left and right the national security adviser getting fired, leaving the entire intelligence community in turmoil are really signs of a fine-tuned machine there, chief.', ">>{maxelrod} : He's trying to redefine the gravity of it. That's been his whole campaign, which he apparently hasn't stopped.", ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : If you don't pay any attention whatsoever you'd have no idea anything was amiss!", ">>{totallyclips} : It's running so we'll, he'll be filing for chapter 11 any day now", '>>{imagepoem} : I now see there is a fair amount of historical precedent for use of, say, "Western White House" -- so perhaps I\'ve been overly sensitive about this. (Meaning, it might not even matter whether this particular Florida property was called "Winter White House" at some point, if there is already a longstanding tradition of use of ____ White House.) That said, I also gather "Southern White House" is a new use -- and I do think there is historical reason to pause a bit to consider whether that\'s really an ideal term, given the ongoing North/South thing.', ">>{cowboycoco} : Sadly, there's a large number of people who aren't. Where I live, the number of people who support Trump is equaled by the number of people that simply 'don't see anything wrong with him/thought all the candidates sucked.'", '>>{heslaotian} : At least he knows when to use "well" and "good".', ">>{Rightaway} : I'm scared. I'm honestly not sure if that's satire", ">>{ohheyitsdeejay} : In my experience, the more people feel the need to reiterate something, the less likely it's true", '>>{Milligan} : He has to be, since Kellyanne is not allowed on news shows any more.', ">>{brainiac3397} : So he inherited a mess, but everything is running well, except the media is the enemy of the American people, but there are real leaks being presented as fake news, except he's not getting intel briefings, but he's a genius? Everything is totally fine!", ">>{Jaidate} : Let's see, who should I believe, a pathological liar-clown-man-child or the people whose job it is to inform me of facts?", '>>{schlitz91} : Merryweather Post built the property, then donated to US Gov for presidential retreat "Winter White House", but the maintenance costs were too high and the gov sold it to Trump in the 80\'s. He converted it to a club.', '>>{TheBigLebootski} : Oh, OK, thanks for clearing that up!', '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : He also has no idea how to actually act like a President.', '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Probably an accident. I refuse to believe that Trump has that kind of knowledge.', ">>{TehMephs} : Haven't seen thisisfine.jpg in a while, but it would be splendid right about here", ">>{ne99ne} : Sorry friend, didn't mean to add to the crazy levels of anxiety. Yeah... I'm being sarcastic... playing off of not understanding his 4th grade vocabulary.", ">>{Duke_of_Moral_Hazard} : Not all the gov't because the leaks are real, and also somehow fake.", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Who gives a shit. She had no authority and it was never used as such before Trump.', '>>{dont_knockit} : Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.', '>>{pixel_revolt9} : When his administration falls through he will blame it on the media and his followers will believe him.', ">>{dont_knockit} : http://i.imgur.com/aWBkT.png I don't understand the people who voted him in, either.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : Still can't believe the GOP are trying to roll back the 2009 Alot Protection Act.", '>>{Magjee} : More like: > **THE ALT-WHITE HOUSE!** I feel sick', '>>{kju} : It means it\'s a proper noun, perhaps he\'s trying to tell us about his new book "Very well". He must be running the white house on the "Very well" method that is described in his new book "Very well"', ">>{hfutrell} : I stitched this together the other day but it was down voted to zero on /r/politicalhumor. Maybe you'd like it. http://i.imgur.com/heuONVf.png", ">>{BornUnderPunches} : Whatever People Say About Me, That's What I'm Not.", '>>{adeadmanshand} : Deepwater Horizon was once a "well oiled machine" at one time.', '>>{ne99ne} : And there is the whole alt-irionially movement going on these days on top of it all.', ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : Trump does not understand logic. It's hard to make 2 points in 140 characters that contradict each other. Saying you inherited a mess is an excuse why the white house is not running smoothly.", ">>{pillbuggery} : It's alright. I'm sure it's a controlled burn.", ">>{Ozwaldo} : That's a great picture for the article. He looks so desperate.", '>>{nashgasm} : he doesnt even know how to act like a functional adult.']]
classify and reply
['>>{werestillhere} : This reveals so much about who Obama truly is and so much about how Trump really is.', '>>{Flynn4Gulag} : Hey look, the helicopter pad that we spent taxpayer money building is being used for a private purpose.', '>>{Alicealexandra} : Report: Family of Suspected Terrorist Ahmad Rahami Sued City for Alleged Religious Discrimination', '>>{parachutewoman} : Orlando gunman had used gay dating app and visited LGBT nightclub on other occasions, witnesses say', '>>{kugo10} : Question for AirPods users: have you ever purposely left the case at home?', ">>{gamechanger55} : If someone hasn't been educated in 70 years, what makes you think you can do it like 2 months. The guy is a moron who can't learn if you ironed that shit in his brain.", '>>{Rollakud} : Did the education system set up in the United States ultimately fail?', '>>{platinumbinder} : I always take the case. Airpods are either in my ears or in the case. No worries about losing them that way', '>>{safeway7} : And we see the results of rump-style hate. People die.', '>>{noneonetwo} : Would not be surprised if the evidence pointed to him being a repressed and self-hating of his own sexuality, and unable to reconcile his feelings with Islam. Not sure thats the case...but would not be surprised.', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : It was deliberately assualted by conservatives who need a dumb population to not have their ideology challenged.', '>>{QueenNancyPelosi} : Here we go...liberals give a crack at combating terrorism... The Islamic Extremist was triggered by Anglo-Saxton police... America needs to do better to combat racial discrimination in police departments to curb terrorism... *"Muh diversity"* Oh, brother... If Liberals had it their way in WWII, it would be 2016, and we would still be debating who triggered the Nazis to go on their workplace violence spree...', '>>{dmoore13} : Still kind of important to at least give it a shot...', ">>{ElPlywood} : No no no no this doesn't work for Trump - based on his incredibly enormous investigative powers, he said the gunman was a radical Islamic terrorist extremist America hater who came to America to do this (somehow despite being born in America), so we can't change the facts now", '>>{The_right_mind} : Yes anytime people are mean to me I want to go plant bombs around the city. ITS ALL THEIR FAULT WAAA', ">>{Njwest} : No, don't do that. The only reliable way to make sure you don't lose them is to keep them in the case, all the time based on instinct. You take them out? Put them in the case They are amazingly easy to lose, so put them in their container which keeps them charged and much harder to lose.", ">>{delta_14} : Poor guy just wanted to leave Hillary the keys, and take a long nap. Now he's condemned to 4 more years of Donny texting him at 3 AM asking him how a bill becomes a law.", '>>{jeffwinger_esq} : This is how one of the greatest presidents of all time attempts to save the republic from the Trump clown car.', ">>{drakanx} : Not allowing them to run their fried chicken take out 24/7 because it violated the city's noise ordinance (must close by 10pm) doesn't equate to religious discrimination.", ">>{Diginic} : This ain't gonna happen. If Trump hears how this portrayed in the media - that he's being schooled - it'll be over in day. His ego wouldn't stand it.", '>>{ChomskysChekist} : Shame, hopefully it sparks real dialogue regarding religion, masculinity and latent homosexuality.', ">>{urfriendosvendo} : It's actually due to a bill that was recently passed. Sorry for interrupting your echo chamber. I'll start it back up for you; Democrats are so much better than everyone, don't you guys agree?", ">>{tim_buckanowski} : Yeah I made the mistake of throwing them in my coat pocket and figured they'd be fine for a few minutes like that but it took way more effort to dig through the coins, gum wrappers and bus transfers to find them than it would have to just put them in the case (yes I need to clean my pockets out, no I probably won't).", '>>{Greenman851} : Why would anyone possibly leave the case away from them? It defies all logic. Just no. NO', ">>{uncertain-ithink} : Right? They're a main key point of the AirPods.. they're meant to be together. Also your AirPods would always be dead just partway through the day if you never took the case with you.", '>>{kugo10} : Not even just a walk around the block and plan to keep them in your ears the whole time?', ">>{OdinSQL} : Muslims aren't violent but be extra nice to them or or they might kill you.", '>>{megablahblah} : Repressed feelings or letting the hate build and doing recon?', ">>{platinumbinder} : I use the coin pocket on my jeans to hold my AirPods case so it's always with me if I'm bringing it somewhere. I guess the only time I don't bring the case is when I workout in the gym because I know I'm going car->gym->car", ">>{losjoo} : Did you watch the video don? Yes, the cartoon. It's all you need to know. I'm going back to bed now.", '>>{kugo10} : So you just wear them while driving then, right?', '>>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : I think Obama is a class act and will do the best he can to make sure Trump succeeds, this all of our America after all', ">>{PatrioticPomegranate} : >radical Islamic terrorist extremist America hater He pledged his allegiance to ISIS. >who came to America to do this (somehow despite being born in America) This is blatantly false. Trump has said that the terrorist's father came from Afghanistan. He mispoke in his speech today on this topic but quickly corrected himself in his next breath.", ">>{andykan} : I do leave he case at home if I know I'll just be out for a short while. If I'm just taking my dog don for a walk or heading down to get some stuff. No point bringing the case with me if I know I wouldn't be taking the AirPods out.", '>>{probablyuntrue} : Can\'t wait for his supporters to tell me how "smart" this makes him, spending all this taxpayer money', '>>{kugo10} : Thank you, this is exactly what I wondered. But have you had to unexpectedly take them out and put them away? did it make you regret not bringing the case?', '>>{Starky513} : One of the greatest Presidents of all time teaching you the job, if only there was someone who has worked with him and other great Presidents who already knew all this..', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Our president is the country's richest welfare recipient. The GOP wants to slash Medicare and social security but not a peep about giving people their own helipad.", ">>{Lordoffunk} : Nixon did the same thing at **his** Florida Winter White House. Then, when selling the property, profited by selling the taxpayer-funded helipad along with it. If you're interested it having a look at the property, it can be seen in the 1983 film Scarface. No, I am not joking.", '>>{johnthebold2} : You could have just said liberals are pussies. Would have made your point a lot quicker.', ">>{andykan} : I haven't had to take them out unexpectedly yet. But if I had to, I'll probably leave one of them in my pocket i guess.", ">>{Mandoge} : He probably was gay and refused to acknowledge it . probably was ashamed. I wouldn't be surprised.", '>>{QueenNancyPelosi} : It seems to trigger said persons if my message is that blunt, and I wind up on a "vacation."', ">>{queso_fresco_} : don't be a jackass to people It's not that hard", ">>{ElPlywood} : I know!!! All this new evidence is like totally unnecessary because you've already drawn the only conclusion possible from your tiny shoebox of evidence from your exhausting and thorough one day investigation into the gunman!!! Thanks for being so AWESOME!", '>>{MortWellian} : Frank Sinatra built one so his friend JFK could come stay with him. His reported mob ties made JFK change his mind after the election and stay with someone else. Sinatra was so pissed he went out with a sledge hammer and smashed it himself.', '>>{SATexas1} : Does that make the mayor of NY a deplorable?', ">>{tangibleadhd} : Repression is ugly.... Not every antigay crackpot is actually gay, but there's no shortage of those who [actually are.](http://www.advocate.com/politics/politicians/2015/05/29/16-antigay-leaders-exposed-gay-or-bi)", '>>{JeepDispenser} : The Secret Service said it was unexpected but of course they let this strange aircraft land anyway because, you know, it said Trump on it.', ">>{The_Dynospectrum} : I'll come back later when all the trump voters are ferociously defending their daddys hypocrisy.", ">>{_tx} : Security services in general will typically let you land. You might not take off again but you'll usually land. Controlling people inside a chopper is much easier than keeping a helicopter, even unarmed, from doing damage", ">>{PatrioticPomegranate} : . . . what? I stated two facts. There's no reason he can't also have a repressed sexuality on top of that. What are you even getting at?", '>>{janzeera} : I wonder how much it cost to outfit his private helicopter with the latest countermeasures and expert crew or did he just paint over a presidential aircraft?', ">>{Haynesworth} : Maybe you aren't familiar with how crime works. Do people get robbed because they are rude? Are girls raped because the are rude?", ">>{ColonelSanders_1930} : *Sad attempts to deflect from the fact that he's an Islamic terrorist*", ">>{FirePhantom} : [No, it's not.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_of_passion) It's a premeditated mass murder.", ">>{janzeera} : Don't know but maybe it's just to ferry in the extra H2B help due to the presidential entourage.", ">>{RyantheAustralian} : Did he use this place even half as often when he wasn't President?", ">>{Kakkerlak} : I don't see anything that suggests it was built with taxpayer money. Clearly it serves both government and private aircraft. If I were a Mar-a-Lago member with my own rotorcraft, I'd be thrilled to be able to come to the club without dealing with traffic. Such an exclusive benefit, good to see my dues being spent responsibly. And really, the cost of putting in a helicopter landing pad is a slab of concrete and some lights. If it cost a quarter of one of the Tomahawk missiles he had fired off last week I'd be amazed. You could argue that the amount of money the Secret Service and the White House are paying into the Trump Organization coffers for Mar-a-Lago operations are funding it, but that's no more corrupt than any of the other Trump properties that the President spends or causes money to be spent at.", '>>{Flynn4Gulag} : The Secret Service (or perhaps the USMC) built it to land Marine One.', '>>{FirePhantom} : Or, further revelation of a complex, multifaceted motivation that probably includes all of the above.', ">>{parachutewoman} : He was not an Islamic terrorist. He was sick, confused man. Just screaming that some huge portion of the world (those that are Muslim) are our enemies doesn't make it so.", ">>{juantheman_} : If people devoted half the energy we're devoting to covering these stories to talking about trump's policy and possible Russian ties we'd be a lot better off. It may be a nuisance, but in the grand scheme of things the billion or so that will be spent on trump's travel is pretty insignificant, both financially and politically. Let's worry about the things that matter, like bombing Syria and bad foreign policy.", '>>{parachutewoman} : It is tragic, tragic, tragic, tragic, tragic.', '>>{Rhinosaucerous} : Or he was casing the joint out so that he could kill as many as possible. This way he knew the layout of the building. Not everybody is a self hating homosexual.', '>>{freakincampers} : If I buy a computer for my business, but use it for personal reasons 50% of the time, I can only deduct 50% of the costs off my tax return. Thus, the same thing should apply. If he is using the helipad for personal reasons 50% of the time, he should reimburse taxpayers for the costs.', ">>{Kakkerlak} : I'm not sure. The Palm Beach City Council approved the zoning for Mar-a-Lago to be a [rotorcraft landing zone](http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/local/palm-beach-approves-trump-request-land-helicopter-mar-lago/4mpa7NmE8yivSdqvbS9zaJ/) before inauguration, and the helipad construction itself was [just approved a month ago.](http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/local/palm-beach-commission-approves-helipad-trump-mar-lago/fsdeebMSxJ2BtoDF1eCR6N/) Everything I've read suggested that the Trump Organization was paying the attorneys and the architects and the general contractor. At least he's largely stopped shafting contractors now that he's President. That Trump Organization Sikorsky S-76 was on the front lawn on New Year's Eve. But there are drainage pipes at Mar-a-Lago that can't stand the weight of Marine One, so they need a reinforced helipad. I would be very surprised to learn that it was built with government funding or management on private property by a government agency. I just can't see it being anything but a construction project by and for the club. In my opinion, flying off to Florida and shitting all over a small community's airport and spending government money at your own super-luxe hotel illustrates the President's contempt for the citizens he serves. But the helipad is just a practical way to park.", ">>{jacks1000} : >They're all eventually outed in a gay bathroom gloryhole scandal. No they aren't, only a tiny, tiny minority. > It's basic physics. I take it you didn't take high school physics?", '>>{jacks1000} : He was an Islamic terrorist that pledged fealty to the Islamic State before he murdered 50 Americans and wounded 50 more. Stop defending Islamic terrorism.', '>>{fliesamooney} : Interesting that that registration is Canadian. US registration starts with N.', '>>{parachutewoman} : He pledged fealty to groups that are trying to kill each other. He had no idea what he was talking about. He as no more an Islamic terrorist than you are. >First he claimed family connections to Al Qaeda,” which, like the Islamic State, is a Sunni Muslim terrorist group, James Comey, the F.B.I. director, said Monday. “He also said he was a member of Hezbollah,” a Shiite group in conflict with Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. That is like being on both the side of Sinn Féin and the British government during the troubles in North Ireland. He was just crazy. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/us/orlando-shooting.html?_r=0', '>>{OliveItMaggle} : Was the dating app to build a cover then?', '>>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : How was this private helicopter even flying, since there is a 25-mile no-fly-zone around Mar-A-Lago when the president is there?? This craft should have been impounded and the pilot thrown in jail.', ">>{Wagonlopnik} : It was built for Marine One being able to land at Mar-a-lago. I wonder if the city would have approved the project if it was only for private aircraft? >Everything I've read suggested that the Trump Organization was paying the attorneys and the architects and the general contractor. Please provide any evidence that noted grifter Donald Trump covered the cost of the helipad.", '>>{joepo32} : Did you just try to claim a billion dollars is insignificant?', ">>{Kakkerlak} : > I wonder if the city would have approved the project if it was only for private aircraft? Maybe. The same city council accepted his charity foundation money in the flagpole dispute, didn't they ? The City Council meetings are absolutely falling over themselves to adore the new President, what with all the prestige and class he brings to the joint. >Please provide any evidence that noted grifter Donald Trump covered the cost of the helipad. I don't see any evidence that the US Government paid for this specific small construction project at the resort. The architect glowingly describes the prestige of working for Trump (not sure if he ever met him), and Trump Organization attorney represented the project at City Council meetings. That local airport is going to go out of business before the Trump term is over. They can't operate, most weekends, because Air Force One is there. AF1 can't go stand off or move to Miami. I wonder if it's cheaper to fly the Marine helicopter to Florida every weekend to provide the hop from the airport to the resort, versus the cost of moving the Secret Service motorcade fleet and blocking the roads. It sounds like they close the roads near the resort anyhow when he's in town, so this sounds like it's only increasing the public costs of the President's golf habit.", ">>{Kakkerlak} : Read the City Council report from when they approved the helipad; they considered requiring it to be removed when he left office as a condition for granting the permit, for *exactly* that reason. In the end they left out that requirement. I look forward to the TV cameras covering the departure of the former President from Mar-a-Lago in a US Marshal's Office rotorcraft.", '>>{jacks1000} : He may have been crazy, but he was an Islamic terrorist that committed terrorism in the name of Islam. Stop trying to defend Islamic terrorism.', '>>{bono_212} : That scene in the Ray Liotta film is fantastic.', ">>{knuckles53} : No he hasn't. The president is only allowed to fly on the two Boeing VC-25As, which are specifically configured, highly customized Boeing 747-200B series aircraft (Air Force One) and the Sikorsky VH-3D helicopters (Marine One). Fun fact: [Presidents never get to drive again for the rest of their lives.](http://www.chicagotribune.com/80105935-157.html)", ">>{babiestgiraffe} : For three years? While telling patrons that he couldn't drink around his family? http://www.businessinsider.com/omar-mateen-pulse-visited-orlando-shooting-2016-6", '>>{Wagonlopnik} : > Everything I\'ve read suggested that the Trump Organization was paying the attorneys and the architects and the general contractor. >I don\'t see any evidence that the US Government paid for this specific small construction project at the resort. Which is it? Either you have evidence to back up the your statement that "everything I\'ve read suggests that the trump organization was paying" or you don\'t.', ">>{knuckles53} : The helicopter has an FAA registration. It's N7TP. [You can look it up in the FAA aircraft registration database.](http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=N7TP)", '>>{knuckles53} : An aircraft can enter restricted airspace with the approval and authority of the agency that has control of the airspace. The U.S. Secret Service in this case.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Seems like he was gay and hated himself dude. Nobody donwloads Grindr for research.', '>>{Shunkanwakan2} : Agree that the dating app is weird. However, an AR even with the stock removed, is not something that you just stick in your underwear to conceal. The amount of bulk would be noticeable, unless you had already methodically trained the victims to not notice you as someone new and worth a second look.', '>>{Rhinosaucerous} : Nobody goes into a club and shoots a hundred people either.', ">>{VIPPER_of_VIPP} : Shouldn't be a problem for Trump. I'm not sure he's ever driven a car, or would remember how to in any case.", '>>{Rhinosaucerous} : Could be. Might have used it to find gay clubs.', ">>{fliesamooney} : Well, the original picture, or at least the one my mobile client used had a G- prefix, but the same paint scheme as a helicopter in another article that had the N registration. Could be that it was bought in Canada and they hadn't updated the registration, or he has another and they just used a file photo.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : He didn't sneak it in, he exchanged fire with an officer outside and broke in.", '>>{knuckles53} : I watched the video and you could *just* make out the registration as N76TP as it passed over and to the right of the camera.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I mean. I like to call it research ;)', '>>{AngelaMotorman} : This is the *least* surprising detail to emerge so far.', '>>{PusheenTheDestroyer} : Not only did I call this exact think the day after it happened, but this is probably the least surprising aspect of this entire event.', '>>{MooberGoobers} : If he really followed Islam, he would not have killed those innocent people, as well as not drinking and attending clubs.', ">>{MooberGoobers} : He was a terrorist no doubt, but calling him a Muslim while he drank and attended clubs... I don't think so. Not to mention of course murdering innocent people.", '>>{jacks1000} : >calling him a Muslim while he drank and attended clubs Ah yes, the No True Muslim fallacy.', '>>{MooberGoobers} : Oh yeah I forgot, drinking and clubbing are what Islam teaches Muslims to do /s', '>>{jacks1000} : The 9/11 hijackers liked to party, drink, and snort cocaine too.', ">>{MooberGoobers} : Those morons obviously didn't follow the teachings as well, thanks for supporting my point.", '>>{jacks1000} : No True Muslim. So any Christian that commits a crime isn\'t a "true Christian" because they didn\'t follow the Christian teachings, right? Oh wait, no, you only defend Muslims, not Christians.', ">>{GBralta} : It's also possible that it was all of the above. You can't put this attack under one umbrella.", '>>{jacks1000} : He committed a terrorist attack in the name of the Islamic State. He was an Islamic terrorist. Please, stop trying to downplay Islamic terrorism.', '>>{OhMy8008} : Its funny because the straight people have no fucking clue of the Narnia that we visit once we click that orange and black hockey mask', '>>{GBralta} : No one is downplaying it. This thread is about what may have been part of his motivations.', ">>{MindLikeWarp} : Wait...so by default, if you do anything bad you can't claim to be a good thing. So no one is really Christian or Muslim?", ">>{parachutewoman} : For years, and years, and years. Also why he was on Jack'd and other gay hook-up websites, surely!", ">>{satuprinssi} : He was a mass murderer with psychological problems and probably homosexual tendencies. He may have killed as recent terrorists do but wasn't. He was covering up for his true intentions.", '>>{jacks1000} : He was an Islamic terrorist that murdered Americans due to his Islamic ideology.', '>>{satuprinssi} : We are not going to give a gun to people who hate homosexuals like Ted Cruz and his merry fascists. LGBT people died in there and conservatives are "downplaying" it as that would expose their hate.', '>>{jacks1000} : >fascists Have you looked under your bed for the "FACISTS" hiding there?', '>>{satuprinssi} : Have you? I\'m Italian. Half or more of our country is made of fascists denying, hiding or stating they are. I\'m going to count Ted Cruz (lesser than Drumpf) in as he has some characteristics of the ur-fascist (rip Umberto Eco). He has a disdain for "weak", different people than him. He wants to use military instead of diplomacy in international issues. He wants to put his ideology back into government and supports people who wants to kill homosexuals. Obliviously he also appeals to the mythical middle class. So who\'s the fascist here?', '>>{jacks1000} : >Half or more of our country is made of fascists I found a fascist under my bed - now what??!?', '>>{DonaldWillWin} : Not at all- like the "pastor?" That went to his mosque said, it\'s ok to kill gay people and the punishment it death. You can downvote me all you want.', ">>{oahut} : I tended bar in college and in my town this sort of down-low homosexual stuff happened a lot with Mormons. Pretty much any religion that tells homosexuals they can't be who they are is going to encourage this sort of behavior.", '>>{oahut} : FFS I have a Muslim neighbor who brews beer and smokes pot.', '>>{nliausacmmv} : Ha! Gay. ^^^^For ^^^^those ^^^^about ^^^^to ^^^^get ^^^^upset ^^^^about ^^^^that ^^^^response, ^^^^how ^^^^else ^^^^am ^^^^I ^^^^supposed ^^^^to ^^^^react?', '>>{Turnerbn} : Lmao so first it\'s not "Sharia\'s Law" that sounds like the rules my aunt has when your visit her house. Two that\'s not even how "Sharia Law" works smh if he was really practicing sharia law he would have never visited that club prior to the shooting. He definitely wouldn\'t be drinking to infiltrate them, better yet he wouldn\'t have been socializing with gay men. Sharia Law means you follow the most extreme strict form of Islam at ALL Times. Clearly not what this guy did', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Its true. I once caught ghonorea from Mr. Tumnus though so its not all fun and games', ">>{eclipsesix} : Things don't just become true when you repeat them over and over. Facts are facts, he had no real ties to radical Islam, and would be shunned from those organizations for being gay. He was a psychopathic self hating gay guy, those are the facts. Sorry you don't have a big bad boogie man in the middle east to pin this attack on to make you feel better about spouting off racism and promoting more dead American soldiers in desert countries halfway around the world.", ">>{eclipsesix} : You didn't give him a chance but I'll answer for him. Of course no Christian who commits acts of hatred or violence is a true Christian, that goes against what the modern iteration of the religion teaches, which coincidentally is exactly identical to modern Islam. You're foolish and you're spamming these threads with your idiocy, get outside and meet some people for fucks sake."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{werestillhere} : This reveals so much about who Obama truly is and so much about how Trump really is.', ">>{gamechanger55} : If someone hasn't been educated in 70 years, what makes you think you can do it like 2 months. The guy is a moron who can't learn if you ironed that shit in his brain.", '>>{Rollakud} : Did the education system set up in the United States ultimately fail?', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : It was deliberately assualted by conservatives who need a dumb population to not have their ideology challenged.', '>>{dmoore13} : Still kind of important to at least give it a shot...', ">>{delta_14} : Poor guy just wanted to leave Hillary the keys, and take a long nap. Now he's condemned to 4 more years of Donny texting him at 3 AM asking him how a bill becomes a law.", '>>{jeffwinger_esq} : This is how one of the greatest presidents of all time attempts to save the republic from the Trump clown car.', ">>{Diginic} : This ain't gonna happen. If Trump hears how this portrayed in the media - that he's being schooled - it'll be over in day. His ego wouldn't stand it.", ">>{urfriendosvendo} : It's actually due to a bill that was recently passed. Sorry for interrupting your echo chamber. I'll start it back up for you; Democrats are so much better than everyone, don't you guys agree?", ">>{losjoo} : Did you watch the video don? Yes, the cartoon. It's all you need to know. I'm going back to bed now.", '>>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : I think Obama is a class act and will do the best he can to make sure Trump succeeds, this all of our America after all', '>>{Starky513} : One of the greatest Presidents of all time teaching you the job, if only there was someone who has worked with him and other great Presidents who already knew all this..'], ['>>{parachutewoman} : Orlando gunman had used gay dating app and visited LGBT nightclub on other occasions, witnesses say', '>>{noneonetwo} : Would not be surprised if the evidence pointed to him being a repressed and self-hating of his own sexuality, and unable to reconcile his feelings with Islam. Not sure thats the case...but would not be surprised.', ">>{ElPlywood} : No no no no this doesn't work for Trump - based on his incredibly enormous investigative powers, he said the gunman was a radical Islamic terrorist extremist America hater who came to America to do this (somehow despite being born in America), so we can't change the facts now", '>>{ChomskysChekist} : Shame, hopefully it sparks real dialogue regarding religion, masculinity and latent homosexuality.', '>>{megablahblah} : Repressed feelings or letting the hate build and doing recon?', ">>{PatrioticPomegranate} : >radical Islamic terrorist extremist America hater He pledged his allegiance to ISIS. >who came to America to do this (somehow despite being born in America) This is blatantly false. Trump has said that the terrorist's father came from Afghanistan. He mispoke in his speech today on this topic but quickly corrected himself in his next breath.", ">>{Mandoge} : He probably was gay and refused to acknowledge it . probably was ashamed. I wouldn't be surprised.", ">>{ElPlywood} : I know!!! All this new evidence is like totally unnecessary because you've already drawn the only conclusion possible from your tiny shoebox of evidence from your exhausting and thorough one day investigation into the gunman!!! Thanks for being so AWESOME!", ">>{tangibleadhd} : Repression is ugly.... Not every antigay crackpot is actually gay, but there's no shortage of those who [actually are.](http://www.advocate.com/politics/politicians/2015/05/29/16-antigay-leaders-exposed-gay-or-bi)", ">>{PatrioticPomegranate} : . . . what? I stated two facts. There's no reason he can't also have a repressed sexuality on top of that. What are you even getting at?", ">>{ColonelSanders_1930} : *Sad attempts to deflect from the fact that he's an Islamic terrorist*", ">>{FirePhantom} : [No, it's not.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_of_passion) It's a premeditated mass murder.", '>>{FirePhantom} : Or, further revelation of a complex, multifaceted motivation that probably includes all of the above.', ">>{parachutewoman} : He was not an Islamic terrorist. He was sick, confused man. Just screaming that some huge portion of the world (those that are Muslim) are our enemies doesn't make it so.", '>>{parachutewoman} : It is tragic, tragic, tragic, tragic, tragic.', '>>{Rhinosaucerous} : Or he was casing the joint out so that he could kill as many as possible. This way he knew the layout of the building. Not everybody is a self hating homosexual.', ">>{jacks1000} : >They're all eventually outed in a gay bathroom gloryhole scandal. No they aren't, only a tiny, tiny minority. > It's basic physics. I take it you didn't take high school physics?", '>>{jacks1000} : He was an Islamic terrorist that pledged fealty to the Islamic State before he murdered 50 Americans and wounded 50 more. Stop defending Islamic terrorism.', '>>{parachutewoman} : He pledged fealty to groups that are trying to kill each other. He had no idea what he was talking about. He as no more an Islamic terrorist than you are. >First he claimed family connections to Al Qaeda,” which, like the Islamic State, is a Sunni Muslim terrorist group, James Comey, the F.B.I. director, said Monday. “He also said he was a member of Hezbollah,” a Shiite group in conflict with Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. That is like being on both the side of Sinn Féin and the British government during the troubles in North Ireland. He was just crazy. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/us/orlando-shooting.html?_r=0', '>>{OliveItMaggle} : Was the dating app to build a cover then?', '>>{jacks1000} : He may have been crazy, but he was an Islamic terrorist that committed terrorism in the name of Islam. Stop trying to defend Islamic terrorism.', ">>{babiestgiraffe} : For three years? While telling patrons that he couldn't drink around his family? http://www.businessinsider.com/omar-mateen-pulse-visited-orlando-shooting-2016-6", '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Seems like he was gay and hated himself dude. Nobody donwloads Grindr for research.', '>>{Shunkanwakan2} : Agree that the dating app is weird. However, an AR even with the stock removed, is not something that you just stick in your underwear to conceal. The amount of bulk would be noticeable, unless you had already methodically trained the victims to not notice you as someone new and worth a second look.', '>>{Rhinosaucerous} : Nobody goes into a club and shoots a hundred people either.', '>>{Rhinosaucerous} : Could be. Might have used it to find gay clubs.', ">>{OliveItMaggle} : He didn't sneak it in, he exchanged fire with an officer outside and broke in.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I mean. I like to call it research ;)', '>>{AngelaMotorman} : This is the *least* surprising detail to emerge so far.', '>>{PusheenTheDestroyer} : Not only did I call this exact think the day after it happened, but this is probably the least surprising aspect of this entire event.', '>>{MooberGoobers} : If he really followed Islam, he would not have killed those innocent people, as well as not drinking and attending clubs.', ">>{MooberGoobers} : He was a terrorist no doubt, but calling him a Muslim while he drank and attended clubs... I don't think so. Not to mention of course murdering innocent people.", '>>{jacks1000} : >calling him a Muslim while he drank and attended clubs Ah yes, the No True Muslim fallacy.', '>>{MooberGoobers} : Oh yeah I forgot, drinking and clubbing are what Islam teaches Muslims to do /s', '>>{jacks1000} : The 9/11 hijackers liked to party, drink, and snort cocaine too.', ">>{MooberGoobers} : Those morons obviously didn't follow the teachings as well, thanks for supporting my point.", '>>{jacks1000} : No True Muslim. So any Christian that commits a crime isn\'t a "true Christian" because they didn\'t follow the Christian teachings, right? Oh wait, no, you only defend Muslims, not Christians.', ">>{GBralta} : It's also possible that it was all of the above. You can't put this attack under one umbrella.", '>>{jacks1000} : He committed a terrorist attack in the name of the Islamic State. He was an Islamic terrorist. Please, stop trying to downplay Islamic terrorism.', '>>{OhMy8008} : Its funny because the straight people have no fucking clue of the Narnia that we visit once we click that orange and black hockey mask', '>>{GBralta} : No one is downplaying it. This thread is about what may have been part of his motivations.', ">>{MindLikeWarp} : Wait...so by default, if you do anything bad you can't claim to be a good thing. So no one is really Christian or Muslim?", ">>{parachutewoman} : For years, and years, and years. Also why he was on Jack'd and other gay hook-up websites, surely!", ">>{satuprinssi} : He was a mass murderer with psychological problems and probably homosexual tendencies. He may have killed as recent terrorists do but wasn't. He was covering up for his true intentions.", '>>{jacks1000} : He was an Islamic terrorist that murdered Americans due to his Islamic ideology.', '>>{satuprinssi} : We are not going to give a gun to people who hate homosexuals like Ted Cruz and his merry fascists. LGBT people died in there and conservatives are "downplaying" it as that would expose their hate.', '>>{jacks1000} : >fascists Have you looked under your bed for the "FACISTS" hiding there?', '>>{satuprinssi} : Have you? I\'m Italian. Half or more of our country is made of fascists denying, hiding or stating they are. I\'m going to count Ted Cruz (lesser than Drumpf) in as he has some characteristics of the ur-fascist (rip Umberto Eco). He has a disdain for "weak", different people than him. He wants to use military instead of diplomacy in international issues. He wants to put his ideology back into government and supports people who wants to kill homosexuals. Obliviously he also appeals to the mythical middle class. So who\'s the fascist here?', '>>{jacks1000} : >Half or more of our country is made of fascists I found a fascist under my bed - now what??!?', '>>{DonaldWillWin} : Not at all- like the "pastor?" That went to his mosque said, it\'s ok to kill gay people and the punishment it death. You can downvote me all you want.', ">>{oahut} : I tended bar in college and in my town this sort of down-low homosexual stuff happened a lot with Mormons. Pretty much any religion that tells homosexuals they can't be who they are is going to encourage this sort of behavior.", '>>{oahut} : FFS I have a Muslim neighbor who brews beer and smokes pot.', '>>{nliausacmmv} : Ha! Gay. ^^^^For ^^^^those ^^^^about ^^^^to ^^^^get ^^^^upset ^^^^about ^^^^that ^^^^response, ^^^^how ^^^^else ^^^^am ^^^^I ^^^^supposed ^^^^to ^^^^react?', '>>{Turnerbn} : Lmao so first it\'s not "Sharia\'s Law" that sounds like the rules my aunt has when your visit her house. Two that\'s not even how "Sharia Law" works smh if he was really practicing sharia law he would have never visited that club prior to the shooting. He definitely wouldn\'t be drinking to infiltrate them, better yet he wouldn\'t have been socializing with gay men. Sharia Law means you follow the most extreme strict form of Islam at ALL Times. Clearly not what this guy did', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Its true. I once caught ghonorea from Mr. Tumnus though so its not all fun and games', ">>{eclipsesix} : Things don't just become true when you repeat them over and over. Facts are facts, he had no real ties to radical Islam, and would be shunned from those organizations for being gay. He was a psychopathic self hating gay guy, those are the facts. Sorry you don't have a big bad boogie man in the middle east to pin this attack on to make you feel better about spouting off racism and promoting more dead American soldiers in desert countries halfway around the world.", ">>{eclipsesix} : You didn't give him a chance but I'll answer for him. Of course no Christian who commits acts of hatred or violence is a true Christian, that goes against what the modern iteration of the religion teaches, which coincidentally is exactly identical to modern Islam. You're foolish and you're spamming these threads with your idiocy, get outside and meet some people for fucks sake."], ['>>{Alicealexandra} : Report: Family of Suspected Terrorist Ahmad Rahami Sued City for Alleged Religious Discrimination', '>>{safeway7} : And we see the results of rump-style hate. People die.', '>>{QueenNancyPelosi} : Here we go...liberals give a crack at combating terrorism... The Islamic Extremist was triggered by Anglo-Saxton police... America needs to do better to combat racial discrimination in police departments to curb terrorism... *"Muh diversity"* Oh, brother... If Liberals had it their way in WWII, it would be 2016, and we would still be debating who triggered the Nazis to go on their workplace violence spree...', '>>{The_right_mind} : Yes anytime people are mean to me I want to go plant bombs around the city. ITS ALL THEIR FAULT WAAA', ">>{drakanx} : Not allowing them to run their fried chicken take out 24/7 because it violated the city's noise ordinance (must close by 10pm) doesn't equate to religious discrimination.", ">>{OdinSQL} : Muslims aren't violent but be extra nice to them or or they might kill you.", '>>{johnthebold2} : You could have just said liberals are pussies. Would have made your point a lot quicker.', '>>{QueenNancyPelosi} : It seems to trigger said persons if my message is that blunt, and I wind up on a "vacation."', ">>{queso_fresco_} : don't be a jackass to people It's not that hard", '>>{SATexas1} : Does that make the mayor of NY a deplorable?', ">>{Haynesworth} : Maybe you aren't familiar with how crime works. Do people get robbed because they are rude? Are girls raped because the are rude?"], ['>>{kugo10} : Question for AirPods users: have you ever purposely left the case at home?', '>>{platinumbinder} : I always take the case. Airpods are either in my ears or in the case. No worries about losing them that way', ">>{Njwest} : No, don't do that. The only reliable way to make sure you don't lose them is to keep them in the case, all the time based on instinct. You take them out? Put them in the case They are amazingly easy to lose, so put them in their container which keeps them charged and much harder to lose.", ">>{tim_buckanowski} : Yeah I made the mistake of throwing them in my coat pocket and figured they'd be fine for a few minutes like that but it took way more effort to dig through the coins, gum wrappers and bus transfers to find them than it would have to just put them in the case (yes I need to clean my pockets out, no I probably won't).", '>>{Greenman851} : Why would anyone possibly leave the case away from them? It defies all logic. Just no. NO', ">>{uncertain-ithink} : Right? They're a main key point of the AirPods.. they're meant to be together. Also your AirPods would always be dead just partway through the day if you never took the case with you.", '>>{kugo10} : Not even just a walk around the block and plan to keep them in your ears the whole time?', ">>{platinumbinder} : I use the coin pocket on my jeans to hold my AirPods case so it's always with me if I'm bringing it somewhere. I guess the only time I don't bring the case is when I workout in the gym because I know I'm going car->gym->car", '>>{kugo10} : So you just wear them while driving then, right?', ">>{andykan} : I do leave he case at home if I know I'll just be out for a short while. If I'm just taking my dog don for a walk or heading down to get some stuff. No point bringing the case with me if I know I wouldn't be taking the AirPods out.", '>>{kugo10} : Thank you, this is exactly what I wondered. But have you had to unexpectedly take them out and put them away? did it make you regret not bringing the case?', ">>{andykan} : I haven't had to take them out unexpectedly yet. But if I had to, I'll probably leave one of them in my pocket i guess."], ['>>{Flynn4Gulag} : Hey look, the helicopter pad that we spent taxpayer money building is being used for a private purpose.', '>>{probablyuntrue} : Can\'t wait for his supporters to tell me how "smart" this makes him, spending all this taxpayer money', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Our president is the country's richest welfare recipient. The GOP wants to slash Medicare and social security but not a peep about giving people their own helipad.", ">>{Lordoffunk} : Nixon did the same thing at **his** Florida Winter White House. Then, when selling the property, profited by selling the taxpayer-funded helipad along with it. If you're interested it having a look at the property, it can be seen in the 1983 film Scarface. No, I am not joking.", '>>{MortWellian} : Frank Sinatra built one so his friend JFK could come stay with him. His reported mob ties made JFK change his mind after the election and stay with someone else. Sinatra was so pissed he went out with a sledge hammer and smashed it himself.', '>>{JeepDispenser} : The Secret Service said it was unexpected but of course they let this strange aircraft land anyway because, you know, it said Trump on it.', ">>{The_Dynospectrum} : I'll come back later when all the trump voters are ferociously defending their daddys hypocrisy.", ">>{_tx} : Security services in general will typically let you land. You might not take off again but you'll usually land. Controlling people inside a chopper is much easier than keeping a helicopter, even unarmed, from doing damage", '>>{janzeera} : I wonder how much it cost to outfit his private helicopter with the latest countermeasures and expert crew or did he just paint over a presidential aircraft?', ">>{janzeera} : Don't know but maybe it's just to ferry in the extra H2B help due to the presidential entourage.", ">>{RyantheAustralian} : Did he use this place even half as often when he wasn't President?", ">>{Kakkerlak} : I don't see anything that suggests it was built with taxpayer money. Clearly it serves both government and private aircraft. If I were a Mar-a-Lago member with my own rotorcraft, I'd be thrilled to be able to come to the club without dealing with traffic. Such an exclusive benefit, good to see my dues being spent responsibly. And really, the cost of putting in a helicopter landing pad is a slab of concrete and some lights. If it cost a quarter of one of the Tomahawk missiles he had fired off last week I'd be amazed. You could argue that the amount of money the Secret Service and the White House are paying into the Trump Organization coffers for Mar-a-Lago operations are funding it, but that's no more corrupt than any of the other Trump properties that the President spends or causes money to be spent at.", '>>{Flynn4Gulag} : The Secret Service (or perhaps the USMC) built it to land Marine One.', ">>{juantheman_} : If people devoted half the energy we're devoting to covering these stories to talking about trump's policy and possible Russian ties we'd be a lot better off. It may be a nuisance, but in the grand scheme of things the billion or so that will be spent on trump's travel is pretty insignificant, both financially and politically. Let's worry about the things that matter, like bombing Syria and bad foreign policy.", '>>{freakincampers} : If I buy a computer for my business, but use it for personal reasons 50% of the time, I can only deduct 50% of the costs off my tax return. Thus, the same thing should apply. If he is using the helipad for personal reasons 50% of the time, he should reimburse taxpayers for the costs.', ">>{Kakkerlak} : I'm not sure. The Palm Beach City Council approved the zoning for Mar-a-Lago to be a [rotorcraft landing zone](http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/local/palm-beach-approves-trump-request-land-helicopter-mar-lago/4mpa7NmE8yivSdqvbS9zaJ/) before inauguration, and the helipad construction itself was [just approved a month ago.](http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/local/palm-beach-commission-approves-helipad-trump-mar-lago/fsdeebMSxJ2BtoDF1eCR6N/) Everything I've read suggested that the Trump Organization was paying the attorneys and the architects and the general contractor. At least he's largely stopped shafting contractors now that he's President. That Trump Organization Sikorsky S-76 was on the front lawn on New Year's Eve. But there are drainage pipes at Mar-a-Lago that can't stand the weight of Marine One, so they need a reinforced helipad. I would be very surprised to learn that it was built with government funding or management on private property by a government agency. I just can't see it being anything but a construction project by and for the club. In my opinion, flying off to Florida and shitting all over a small community's airport and spending government money at your own super-luxe hotel illustrates the President's contempt for the citizens he serves. But the helipad is just a practical way to park.", '>>{fliesamooney} : Interesting that that registration is Canadian. US registration starts with N.', '>>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : How was this private helicopter even flying, since there is a 25-mile no-fly-zone around Mar-A-Lago when the president is there?? This craft should have been impounded and the pilot thrown in jail.', ">>{Wagonlopnik} : It was built for Marine One being able to land at Mar-a-lago. I wonder if the city would have approved the project if it was only for private aircraft? >Everything I've read suggested that the Trump Organization was paying the attorneys and the architects and the general contractor. Please provide any evidence that noted grifter Donald Trump covered the cost of the helipad.", '>>{joepo32} : Did you just try to claim a billion dollars is insignificant?', ">>{Kakkerlak} : > I wonder if the city would have approved the project if it was only for private aircraft? Maybe. The same city council accepted his charity foundation money in the flagpole dispute, didn't they ? The City Council meetings are absolutely falling over themselves to adore the new President, what with all the prestige and class he brings to the joint. >Please provide any evidence that noted grifter Donald Trump covered the cost of the helipad. I don't see any evidence that the US Government paid for this specific small construction project at the resort. The architect glowingly describes the prestige of working for Trump (not sure if he ever met him), and Trump Organization attorney represented the project at City Council meetings. That local airport is going to go out of business before the Trump term is over. They can't operate, most weekends, because Air Force One is there. AF1 can't go stand off or move to Miami. I wonder if it's cheaper to fly the Marine helicopter to Florida every weekend to provide the hop from the airport to the resort, versus the cost of moving the Secret Service motorcade fleet and blocking the roads. It sounds like they close the roads near the resort anyhow when he's in town, so this sounds like it's only increasing the public costs of the President's golf habit.", ">>{Kakkerlak} : Read the City Council report from when they approved the helipad; they considered requiring it to be removed when he left office as a condition for granting the permit, for *exactly* that reason. In the end they left out that requirement. I look forward to the TV cameras covering the departure of the former President from Mar-a-Lago in a US Marshal's Office rotorcraft.", '>>{bono_212} : That scene in the Ray Liotta film is fantastic.', ">>{knuckles53} : No he hasn't. The president is only allowed to fly on the two Boeing VC-25As, which are specifically configured, highly customized Boeing 747-200B series aircraft (Air Force One) and the Sikorsky VH-3D helicopters (Marine One). Fun fact: [Presidents never get to drive again for the rest of their lives.](http://www.chicagotribune.com/80105935-157.html)", '>>{Wagonlopnik} : > Everything I\'ve read suggested that the Trump Organization was paying the attorneys and the architects and the general contractor. >I don\'t see any evidence that the US Government paid for this specific small construction project at the resort. Which is it? Either you have evidence to back up the your statement that "everything I\'ve read suggests that the trump organization was paying" or you don\'t.', ">>{knuckles53} : The helicopter has an FAA registration. It's N7TP. [You can look it up in the FAA aircraft registration database.](http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=N7TP)", '>>{knuckles53} : An aircraft can enter restricted airspace with the approval and authority of the agency that has control of the airspace. The U.S. Secret Service in this case.', ">>{VIPPER_of_VIPP} : Shouldn't be a problem for Trump. I'm not sure he's ever driven a car, or would remember how to in any case.", ">>{fliesamooney} : Well, the original picture, or at least the one my mobile client used had a G- prefix, but the same paint scheme as a helicopter in another article that had the N registration. Could be that it was bought in Canada and they hadn't updated the registration, or he has another and they just used a file photo.", '>>{knuckles53} : I watched the video and you could *just* make out the registration as N76TP as it passed over and to the right of the camera.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Soldier-2Point0} : Apple WWDC 2016 page gives some cryptic hints on what we're going to see on 2016", '>>{fcgdshbadsgvhsadvhas} : Those just seem like references to popular apps, not what is to come.', '>>{HarveyHound} : Those are all the apps that Apple plans to integrate directly into iOS10!', '>>{retroredditrobot} : In order: Tinder Crossy Road (Unknown) Uber 7 Minute Workout MLB Pro At Bat App Snapchat Instagram Dark Sky Vine Your app', '>>{ijohno} : Integrated swype Improved maps Apple watch exercise with yoga positions Apple car improved Apple exercise app, another bloatware probably Apple music app improved Apple camera app new feature New double tap function? home tab? Force? Improved weather app Siri enhancements iOS X introduction Me calling it.', '>>{CarlChronicles} : Perhaps "yogi on my wrist" refers to a yoga app for \uf8ffWatch? Edit: [Pocket Yoga](https://appsto.re/us/7KoTu.i) maybe?', ">>{retroredditrobot} : Yes, come to think of it maybe they're referring to Mindfulness.", '>>{migle75} : Uhh no they’re iphone’s best apps', ">>{battlecows9} : I'm guessing Yoga Studio because all the other apps are pretty well known.", '>>{Jinno} : Wishlist: Siri Kit for Siri hook phrases. NFC Kit for iPhone and Apple Watch.', '>>{Dark_Fiber} : It\'s where the term "Sherlocking" comes from. Apple likes to take features from established apps and incorporate them into iOS and OSX.', '>>{rossws} : Confirmed: Apple is releasing its own dating app.', ">>{Rudy69} : I'm pretty sure they're not going to take on Uber :/", '>>{oo7plasma} : did they not just invest like $1b in a ridesharing company in China?', '>>{Awsaim} : Yeah that double tap heart is definitely Instagram. And the 6 second one is definitely Vine.', ">>{penguinseed} : Yes and that company is in some way linked to Lyft, I can't recall how.", ">>{Liamrc} : He kinda has a point though. They could pull a large overhaul and add me features to existing apps. I wouldn't mind stock weather notifications •ᴗ•", ">>{CarlChronicles} : That was my first thought, but they don't offer an \uf8ffWatch app."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Soldier-2Point0} : Apple WWDC 2016 page gives some cryptic hints on what we're going to see on 2016", '>>{fcgdshbadsgvhsadvhas} : Those just seem like references to popular apps, not what is to come.', '>>{HarveyHound} : Those are all the apps that Apple plans to integrate directly into iOS10!', '>>{retroredditrobot} : In order: Tinder Crossy Road (Unknown) Uber 7 Minute Workout MLB Pro At Bat App Snapchat Instagram Dark Sky Vine Your app', '>>{ijohno} : Integrated swype Improved maps Apple watch exercise with yoga positions Apple car improved Apple exercise app, another bloatware probably Apple music app improved Apple camera app new feature New double tap function? home tab? Force? Improved weather app Siri enhancements iOS X introduction Me calling it.', '>>{CarlChronicles} : Perhaps "yogi on my wrist" refers to a yoga app for \uf8ffWatch? Edit: [Pocket Yoga](https://appsto.re/us/7KoTu.i) maybe?', ">>{retroredditrobot} : Yes, come to think of it maybe they're referring to Mindfulness.", '>>{migle75} : Uhh no they’re iphone’s best apps', ">>{battlecows9} : I'm guessing Yoga Studio because all the other apps are pretty well known.", '>>{Jinno} : Wishlist: Siri Kit for Siri hook phrases. NFC Kit for iPhone and Apple Watch.', '>>{Dark_Fiber} : It\'s where the term "Sherlocking" comes from. Apple likes to take features from established apps and incorporate them into iOS and OSX.', '>>{rossws} : Confirmed: Apple is releasing its own dating app.', ">>{Rudy69} : I'm pretty sure they're not going to take on Uber :/", '>>{oo7plasma} : did they not just invest like $1b in a ridesharing company in China?', '>>{Awsaim} : Yeah that double tap heart is definitely Instagram. And the 6 second one is definitely Vine.', ">>{penguinseed} : Yes and that company is in some way linked to Lyft, I can't recall how.", ">>{Liamrc} : He kinda has a point though. They could pull a large overhaul and add me features to existing apps. I wouldn't mind stock weather notifications •ᴗ•", ">>{CarlChronicles} : That was my first thought, but they don't offer an \uf8ffWatch app."]]
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['>>{SugarBear4Real} : Body double? Secret earpiece? Donald Trump fuels Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories', '>>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : It was obvious Hillary had her hair did between the 9/11 tripping and her subsequent appearance. Her roots were darker.', ">>{SugarBear4Real} : The one about Ted Cruz's father is probably my favorite one.", ">>{Walkitback} : I read that his own health report sez he's a fatass.", ">>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : Her roots were darker later in the day, but that doesn't mean she didn't have her hair did.", ">>{basket_of_adorables} : Conspiracy theories right... How's Hillary by the way? Is she out of the iron lung yet?", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Well it was very over blown. At least that's what any rational thinking person would conclude. One would think she was hiding a diagnosis of Terminal cancer from Friday until Sunday or Monday or whatever.", ">>{Polar_Ted} : I can't see him saying this a week ago. Is this a sign that President Trump will be a better man than candidate trump?", '>>{sinsyder-} : All he did was repeat the Enquirer Cover story. His Cuban father did know Castro and Che personally etc.', '>>{RumoredToBeGreat} : While I agree, this is not who Trump is today and this article is over 31 days.', '>>{SugarBear4Real} : What sane person quotes a tabloid? Can Hillary Clinton start talking about batboy and people not think she is crazy?', '>>{aperfectmouth} : This is dated 4/21/16 when he did say it.', '>>{TDenverFan} : Pleasantly surprised by this. I hope he turns out to be a better President than I expected. Edit: This comment is a few months old. I hope he stands by it', ">>{sinsyder-} : To be fair if it wasn't for them they did break the John Edwards love child story a lot of reputable news agencies quoted them as the source when it broke mainstream. Who puts a page on their website about a racist cartoon frog? This whole election is a complete farce on both sides.", ">>{Purlpo} : I was hoping to taunt Trump supporters on election night. Here's hope that Trump will pivot on immigration.", ">>{prodigalpariah} : Silly. Everybody knows Hillary doesn't have a body double. She has an endless supply of clones that she uploads her mind to thanks to the Clinton foundation. The secret is in the pickle cans.", '>>{treerat} : Nobody was to discuss policy issues anymore. Because one candidate, the "wing it" candidate, doesnt have any policies. This is what this election is about. How sad.', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : He's not a candidate. He's the President-Elect. And he beat the worst. We tried warning everyone.", '>>{t88m} : Back in April...hope his new constituency is ok w it.', ">>{bpusef} : This is over 6 months old and it's not like Trump hasn't blatantly contradicting himself before.", '>>{JitGoinHam} : That was April. Then in July: [Donald Trump Now Says He Supports North Carolina’s Anti-LGBT Bathroom Bill](http://www.towleroad.com/2016/07/donald-trump-now-says-he-supports-north-carolinas-anti-lgbt-bathroom-bill-watch/)', '>>{metalspring6} : Yet another thing he contradicts himself about- >In July 2016, Trump expressed support for North Carolina House Bill 2, which **eliminates anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people**, and legislates that in government buildings, individuals may only use restrooms and changing facilities that correspond to the sex on their birth certificates. Also just look at this for all the contradictions he makes- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Donald_Trump#LGBT_issues', ">>{TDenverFan} : Oh whoops. This just popped up in my facebook news feed, so I thought it was recent. My bad. Edit: What's odd is if you google 'donald trump transgender bathroom' this article is one of the first results and google says it's from 2 days ago.", '>>{Sepia_Panorama} : He said this before the election and still got the evangelical vote. Hopefully the beginning of a culture change on the right.', ">>{Uber-A} : He went back on this and doesn't agree now... Delete this thread.", '>>{omeow} : Now it is November. Who the hell knows what he believes?', ">>{NickFurry808} : I would love if this were true, but Mike Pence as his VP pick really doesn't make sense if this were the case.", '>>{Krabins} : [Here are his remarks on bathroom laws from earlier this week](https://youtu.be/ZvWCdnkPkPE)', ">>{Is_Pictured} : Why do you guys still lie? It's not like you can trick people into un-electing him.", ">>{NickFurry808} : Interesting theory. Still think it's too good to be true unfortunately.", ">>{JitGoinHam} : He has no beliefs. There's no ideology. He opens his mouth and says whatever will give him leverage in that moment. He's also lazy as fuck and he's going to let the GOP call whatever shots they want because giving two shits requires thought and effort.", '>>{haveblue70} : Well he beat all the other candidates this year. That makes him like...25th worst?', ">>{buttsexdotguru} : He got republicans to clap for him during the RNC when he said we needed to support the LGBTQ community, and held up a LGBTQ flag at his rally. Not to mention he supported gay marriage when the majority of the country still hadn't come around to the idea. I have hope for him.", ">>{vaportrail89} : I'm going to laugh my ass off if Trump suddenly reverts back to his 2004 positions and it turns out he was conning the Republicans all along. Not that there would be a lot he could do against his team's current Cabinet picks, though.", '>>{aiaisamurai} : http://www.towleroad.com/2016/07/donald-trump-now-says-he-supports-north-carolinas-anti-lgbt-bathroom-bill-watch/ Sadly, he already changed his position on this.', ">>{imgladimnothim} : That's why he won. Anyone can support him because he's held all positions", ">>{aperfectmouth} : You make a good point. I've heard that compliments work very well with him. If we could only pretend to love him and convince him we think he's great", '>>{LSUcoonass} : he said a this during the election and even invited jenner to use the ladies restroom in the building he owned but everybody ignored it and called him a bigot', ">>{Brodusgus} : You can't handle truth and appeal to mods that are no longer funded.", ">>{Uber-A} : He said this. Then he went back on it. I think it's *you* who can't handle the truth.", '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : He has two unwavering beliefs: the immense greatness of Donald Trump, and need to attack people who criticize him.', ">>{Brodusgus} : They believed a lie and are pissed about it. I don't blame them but the hate needs to be directed to the source of the lie.", '>>{aperfectmouth} : His base hates "establishment". All he has to do is build the wall, rename Obamacare Trumpcare with the provisions Obama wanted to start with and begin a process of draining the swamp. Then tell his base the establishment is anti MAGA and shitting on the dream. They will gaslight repub congressman, senators and their families and threaten to kill the majority in the 2018 mid-terms. Watch the team fall in line.', ">>{Brodusgus} : It's not going to change my life regardless cause I can walk away at any time. I'm just sick of the media covering a bunch of butthurt individuals protesting they were lied to by the media and didn't bother voting."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Polar_Ted} : I can't see him saying this a week ago. Is this a sign that President Trump will be a better man than candidate trump?", '>>{RumoredToBeGreat} : While I agree, this is not who Trump is today and this article is over 31 days.', '>>{aperfectmouth} : This is dated 4/21/16 when he did say it.', '>>{TDenverFan} : Pleasantly surprised by this. I hope he turns out to be a better President than I expected. Edit: This comment is a few months old. I hope he stands by it', ">>{Purlpo} : I was hoping to taunt Trump supporters on election night. Here's hope that Trump will pivot on immigration.", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : He's not a candidate. He's the President-Elect. And he beat the worst. We tried warning everyone.", '>>{t88m} : Back in April...hope his new constituency is ok w it.', ">>{bpusef} : This is over 6 months old and it's not like Trump hasn't blatantly contradicting himself before.", '>>{JitGoinHam} : That was April. Then in July: [Donald Trump Now Says He Supports North Carolina’s Anti-LGBT Bathroom Bill](http://www.towleroad.com/2016/07/donald-trump-now-says-he-supports-north-carolinas-anti-lgbt-bathroom-bill-watch/)', '>>{metalspring6} : Yet another thing he contradicts himself about- >In July 2016, Trump expressed support for North Carolina House Bill 2, which **eliminates anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people**, and legislates that in government buildings, individuals may only use restrooms and changing facilities that correspond to the sex on their birth certificates. Also just look at this for all the contradictions he makes- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Donald_Trump#LGBT_issues', ">>{TDenverFan} : Oh whoops. This just popped up in my facebook news feed, so I thought it was recent. My bad. Edit: What's odd is if you google 'donald trump transgender bathroom' this article is one of the first results and google says it's from 2 days ago.", '>>{Sepia_Panorama} : He said this before the election and still got the evangelical vote. Hopefully the beginning of a culture change on the right.', ">>{Uber-A} : He went back on this and doesn't agree now... Delete this thread.", '>>{omeow} : Now it is November. Who the hell knows what he believes?', ">>{NickFurry808} : I would love if this were true, but Mike Pence as his VP pick really doesn't make sense if this were the case.", '>>{Krabins} : [Here are his remarks on bathroom laws from earlier this week](https://youtu.be/ZvWCdnkPkPE)', ">>{Is_Pictured} : Why do you guys still lie? It's not like you can trick people into un-electing him.", ">>{NickFurry808} : Interesting theory. Still think it's too good to be true unfortunately.", ">>{JitGoinHam} : He has no beliefs. There's no ideology. He opens his mouth and says whatever will give him leverage in that moment. He's also lazy as fuck and he's going to let the GOP call whatever shots they want because giving two shits requires thought and effort.", '>>{haveblue70} : Well he beat all the other candidates this year. That makes him like...25th worst?', ">>{buttsexdotguru} : He got republicans to clap for him during the RNC when he said we needed to support the LGBTQ community, and held up a LGBTQ flag at his rally. Not to mention he supported gay marriage when the majority of the country still hadn't come around to the idea. I have hope for him.", ">>{vaportrail89} : I'm going to laugh my ass off if Trump suddenly reverts back to his 2004 positions and it turns out he was conning the Republicans all along. Not that there would be a lot he could do against his team's current Cabinet picks, though.", '>>{aiaisamurai} : http://www.towleroad.com/2016/07/donald-trump-now-says-he-supports-north-carolinas-anti-lgbt-bathroom-bill-watch/ Sadly, he already changed his position on this.', ">>{imgladimnothim} : That's why he won. Anyone can support him because he's held all positions", ">>{aperfectmouth} : You make a good point. I've heard that compliments work very well with him. If we could only pretend to love him and convince him we think he's great", '>>{LSUcoonass} : he said a this during the election and even invited jenner to use the ladies restroom in the building he owned but everybody ignored it and called him a bigot', ">>{Brodusgus} : You can't handle truth and appeal to mods that are no longer funded.", ">>{Uber-A} : He said this. Then he went back on it. I think it's *you* who can't handle the truth.", '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : He has two unwavering beliefs: the immense greatness of Donald Trump, and need to attack people who criticize him.', ">>{Brodusgus} : They believed a lie and are pissed about it. I don't blame them but the hate needs to be directed to the source of the lie.", '>>{aperfectmouth} : His base hates "establishment". All he has to do is build the wall, rename Obamacare Trumpcare with the provisions Obama wanted to start with and begin a process of draining the swamp. Then tell his base the establishment is anti MAGA and shitting on the dream. They will gaslight repub congressman, senators and their families and threaten to kill the majority in the 2018 mid-terms. Watch the team fall in line.', ">>{Brodusgus} : It's not going to change my life regardless cause I can walk away at any time. I'm just sick of the media covering a bunch of butthurt individuals protesting they were lied to by the media and didn't bother voting."], ['>>{SugarBear4Real} : Body double? Secret earpiece? Donald Trump fuels Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories', '>>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : It was obvious Hillary had her hair did between the 9/11 tripping and her subsequent appearance. Her roots were darker.', ">>{SugarBear4Real} : The one about Ted Cruz's father is probably my favorite one.", ">>{Walkitback} : I read that his own health report sez he's a fatass.", ">>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : Her roots were darker later in the day, but that doesn't mean she didn't have her hair did.", ">>{basket_of_adorables} : Conspiracy theories right... How's Hillary by the way? Is she out of the iron lung yet?", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Well it was very over blown. At least that's what any rational thinking person would conclude. One would think she was hiding a diagnosis of Terminal cancer from Friday until Sunday or Monday or whatever.", '>>{sinsyder-} : All he did was repeat the Enquirer Cover story. His Cuban father did know Castro and Che personally etc.', '>>{SugarBear4Real} : What sane person quotes a tabloid? Can Hillary Clinton start talking about batboy and people not think she is crazy?', ">>{sinsyder-} : To be fair if it wasn't for them they did break the John Edwards love child story a lot of reputable news agencies quoted them as the source when it broke mainstream. Who puts a page on their website about a racist cartoon frog? This whole election is a complete farce on both sides.", ">>{prodigalpariah} : Silly. Everybody knows Hillary doesn't have a body double. She has an endless supply of clones that she uploads her mind to thanks to the Clinton foundation. The secret is in the pickle cans.", '>>{treerat} : Nobody was to discuss policy issues anymore. Because one candidate, the "wing it" candidate, doesnt have any policies. This is what this election is about. How sad.']]
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['>>{lindasparke} : > Since, Abedin explained to the F.B.I., Clinton herself did not use a computer at all, she would often ask aides to print out emails or attachments for her to read. Indeed, a search of the 30,945 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department that are now online reveals that 3,668 of them included the shorthand phrase “pls print.” Jesus, Hillary really is your grandma who asks you to print out articles from the Google.', '>>{wendell-t-stamps} : Yup, she really is almost 70. Go figure.', '>>{Gal-On} : Donald Trump only likes certain "types" of black people, says former Miss Teen USA', ">>{cejmp} : PLS is an acronym for pour less salt. That means there isn't enough money in the deal. Print is an acronym for prepare release intelligence which means to leak classified documents. Simple.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : It is now necessary for candidates to like everyone. Even irredeemable deplorables.', '>>{pb2crazy} : Aw, this is kind of endearing... I have a 70+ year old professor who does the same thing, asks a class of 300 people to call him on his private number if they have any questions because "he doesn\'t use e-mail very well."', '>>{greenissexy} : Wow, this will cost her votes to Jill.', '>>{Qunidaye} : trumpers tomorrow: PLS! Common shorthand among Clinton satanists for "Praise Lord Satan!" Top investigators and Dan Brown are still deciphering PRINT. Working theory: Population Re-education INTernational!!!', ">>{SpookyKid94} : I don't know if this is defending Trump or not...", '>>{007meow} : Just waiting for the inevitable tapes ~~work~~ with the n word to drop', ">>{OMyBuddha} : He's not stuck in the past, he's using a method that's far superior to email to have an impact, and cuts down on unnecessary requests. If you're a policy wonk, you want that policy on a piece of paper in front of you: you're going to tear that f***** apart with a pen.", '>>{pb2crazy} : Well it def cuts down on his time, because he talks a lot so its far easier to explain something verbally than it is to write something down.', ">>{IWantAGrapeInMyMouth} : No it won't. Jill Stein has done an excellent job ensuring people don't vote for Jill Stein. You shouldn't be on here though. The WIFI is dangerous!", ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : People on both sides are looked down upon for being racist. If you're mad that people are allowed to judge people based on their chosen ideological positions and not inborn qualities like race or gender then you're not mad at a double standard, you're just mad that racism is no longer tolerated and are grasping for an equivalency no matter how tenuous.", '>>{ballerina12-24} : Disliking someone based on their chosen ideology vs their race (or sexuality as another example) is a big difference.', ">>{Sssiiiddd} : Let me guess... 8's or higher?", '>>{Cstanchfield} : Having someone making critical decisions on our future not being competent with technology is "endearing" to you? Granted, we already knew this from her war on gaming.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : But what if there is a deplorable gene? Can we prove there isn't?", '>>{MisterInfalllible} : Hillary gets shit done. And if I were spending about 15% of my life skimming stuff on my device in the car/plane/Angel Attack [NGE] Evangelion Unit-01/waiting room/green room, I\'d have my aide feed the policy documents to the printer in the office/plane/mobile command unit. I\'d have five fucking aides doing it. One would be carrying around car batteries and a laser printer in an external frame backpack. Four would just be lugging boxes marked "10 count 500 sheets 135% ultrarecycled paper". And I\'d email the articles to my aides since my phone doesn\'t know where the printer is.', '>>{genius_simply} : Jill Stein kills me. I so badly want for a viable Green candidate, especially since they\'ve adopted an anti-capitalist component to their platform. The wifi thing isn\'t even the worst of it for her, in my opinion, as that isn\'t something she\'s campaigning on. One of the pillars of her campaign is "wiping out student debt with quantitative easing" which just shows that she doesn\'t really understand how that works. In the big picture, I agree with Greens somewhere around 95% on general policy but they need to nominate some people who can actually propose workable plans to implement them.', '>>{MisterInfalllible} : So fucking false. Process: * 1. You email Hillary mentioning policy document/long form article. * 2. She skims email. This is important, she concludes. * 3. She\'s on her phone in a car/plane/green room/ Angel Attack [NGE] Evangelion Unit-01. **Crucial: Her phone doesn\'t know where the printer is.** * 4. email-> huma/aides. "Pls Print" * 5. She read the fucking policy document/long form article. And she processes it better than you would on your phone, because she\'s ferociously intelligent, and because paper beats screen for taking in information. Just think about how much fucking policy documents, legal documents, proposed laws, oppositional research, military powerpoints and so on she\'s read in her lifetime. She knows how to google, but has something better: a small army of very sharp people working for her.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : That's not a double standard. Taking issue with the opinions of Trump's core, calling them deplorable for it and saying that you don't like most black people for being black are is a little different, no?", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Who is saying anyone "doesn\'t like most black people for being black?" Is anyone saying that? Is anyone saying anyone said that? Are you? Why?', '>>{pb2crazy} : I said "kind of" endearing and then followed it up with an anecdote, chill. And the smart people in this thread already have discussed how often paper beats tech when it comes to policy documents (to be honest, I agree now that I think about it.)', ">>{ihavesexwith} : Jill Stein will no doubt be outraged. The wifi Clinton used to send these emails would have damaged children's brains.", ">>{ballerina12-24} : You mean that the deplorables haven't chosen their deplorabilty voluntarily? That could actually well be...", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : It's a question some very smart people are asking.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Trump likes people he likes and doesn't like people he doesn't like. This is now unallowed.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : Holy shit. He dislikes black people for being black, do you think that's acceptable? I'm not playing a game of he should be in jail for his shit opinions, but how can you defend someone who dislikes black people for no other reason besides their skin color.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : He probably just dislikes everyone except the "types" he likes. We can\'t really know if it\'s a race thing.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : No one who isn't racist would make the distinction that they dislike certain types of black people...", '>>{ballerina12-24} : Who are those "smart people"? Fortunately on this platform we can actually request follow-ups for statements that have been made.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Gal-On} : Donald Trump only likes certain "types" of black people, says former Miss Teen USA', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : It is now necessary for candidates to like everyone. Even irredeemable deplorables.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : I don't know if this is defending Trump or not...", '>>{007meow} : Just waiting for the inevitable tapes ~~work~~ with the n word to drop', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : People on both sides are looked down upon for being racist. If you're mad that people are allowed to judge people based on their chosen ideological positions and not inborn qualities like race or gender then you're not mad at a double standard, you're just mad that racism is no longer tolerated and are grasping for an equivalency no matter how tenuous.", '>>{ballerina12-24} : Disliking someone based on their chosen ideology vs their race (or sexuality as another example) is a big difference.', ">>{Sssiiiddd} : Let me guess... 8's or higher?", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : But what if there is a deplorable gene? Can we prove there isn't?", ">>{SpookyKid94} : That's not a double standard. Taking issue with the opinions of Trump's core, calling them deplorable for it and saying that you don't like most black people for being black are is a little different, no?", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Who is saying anyone "doesn\'t like most black people for being black?" Is anyone saying that? Is anyone saying anyone said that? Are you? Why?', ">>{ballerina12-24} : You mean that the deplorables haven't chosen their deplorabilty voluntarily? That could actually well be...", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : It's a question some very smart people are asking.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Trump likes people he likes and doesn't like people he doesn't like. This is now unallowed.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : Holy shit. He dislikes black people for being black, do you think that's acceptable? I'm not playing a game of he should be in jail for his shit opinions, but how can you defend someone who dislikes black people for no other reason besides their skin color.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : He probably just dislikes everyone except the "types" he likes. We can\'t really know if it\'s a race thing.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : No one who isn't racist would make the distinction that they dislike certain types of black people...", '>>{ballerina12-24} : Who are those "smart people"? Fortunately on this platform we can actually request follow-ups for statements that have been made.'], ['>>{lindasparke} : > Since, Abedin explained to the F.B.I., Clinton herself did not use a computer at all, she would often ask aides to print out emails or attachments for her to read. Indeed, a search of the 30,945 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department that are now online reveals that 3,668 of them included the shorthand phrase “pls print.” Jesus, Hillary really is your grandma who asks you to print out articles from the Google.', '>>{wendell-t-stamps} : Yup, she really is almost 70. Go figure.', ">>{cejmp} : PLS is an acronym for pour less salt. That means there isn't enough money in the deal. Print is an acronym for prepare release intelligence which means to leak classified documents. Simple.", '>>{pb2crazy} : Aw, this is kind of endearing... I have a 70+ year old professor who does the same thing, asks a class of 300 people to call him on his private number if they have any questions because "he doesn\'t use e-mail very well."', '>>{greenissexy} : Wow, this will cost her votes to Jill.', '>>{Qunidaye} : trumpers tomorrow: PLS! Common shorthand among Clinton satanists for "Praise Lord Satan!" Top investigators and Dan Brown are still deciphering PRINT. Working theory: Population Re-education INTernational!!!', ">>{OMyBuddha} : He's not stuck in the past, he's using a method that's far superior to email to have an impact, and cuts down on unnecessary requests. If you're a policy wonk, you want that policy on a piece of paper in front of you: you're going to tear that f***** apart with a pen.", '>>{pb2crazy} : Well it def cuts down on his time, because he talks a lot so its far easier to explain something verbally than it is to write something down.', ">>{IWantAGrapeInMyMouth} : No it won't. Jill Stein has done an excellent job ensuring people don't vote for Jill Stein. You shouldn't be on here though. The WIFI is dangerous!", '>>{Cstanchfield} : Having someone making critical decisions on our future not being competent with technology is "endearing" to you? Granted, we already knew this from her war on gaming.', '>>{MisterInfalllible} : Hillary gets shit done. And if I were spending about 15% of my life skimming stuff on my device in the car/plane/Angel Attack [NGE] Evangelion Unit-01/waiting room/green room, I\'d have my aide feed the policy documents to the printer in the office/plane/mobile command unit. I\'d have five fucking aides doing it. One would be carrying around car batteries and a laser printer in an external frame backpack. Four would just be lugging boxes marked "10 count 500 sheets 135% ultrarecycled paper". And I\'d email the articles to my aides since my phone doesn\'t know where the printer is.', '>>{genius_simply} : Jill Stein kills me. I so badly want for a viable Green candidate, especially since they\'ve adopted an anti-capitalist component to their platform. The wifi thing isn\'t even the worst of it for her, in my opinion, as that isn\'t something she\'s campaigning on. One of the pillars of her campaign is "wiping out student debt with quantitative easing" which just shows that she doesn\'t really understand how that works. In the big picture, I agree with Greens somewhere around 95% on general policy but they need to nominate some people who can actually propose workable plans to implement them.', '>>{MisterInfalllible} : So fucking false. Process: * 1. You email Hillary mentioning policy document/long form article. * 2. She skims email. This is important, she concludes. * 3. She\'s on her phone in a car/plane/green room/ Angel Attack [NGE] Evangelion Unit-01. **Crucial: Her phone doesn\'t know where the printer is.** * 4. email-> huma/aides. "Pls Print" * 5. She read the fucking policy document/long form article. And she processes it better than you would on your phone, because she\'s ferociously intelligent, and because paper beats screen for taking in information. Just think about how much fucking policy documents, legal documents, proposed laws, oppositional research, military powerpoints and so on she\'s read in her lifetime. She knows how to google, but has something better: a small army of very sharp people working for her.', '>>{pb2crazy} : I said "kind of" endearing and then followed it up with an anecdote, chill. And the smart people in this thread already have discussed how often paper beats tech when it comes to policy documents (to be honest, I agree now that I think about it.)', ">>{ihavesexwith} : Jill Stein will no doubt be outraged. The wifi Clinton used to send these emails would have damaged children's brains."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Liamrc} : A much wanted feature is available through jailbreaking, hopefully in iOS 10', '>>{Why_Do_We_Fall_Bruce} : What a fucking coward. He cannot face the press in his own country and he expects to deal with other countries. What a fucking joke.', ">>{GeeWhilikers} : Damn, and here I thought I had an original idea. I've been fooled. This would be so awesome to have. Perhaps have the apps within the list also be 3D touch capable", ">>{Lesiakson56} : Khizr Khan: Donald Trump has a 'black soul'", ">>{Liamrc} : Oh, I can't take credit for it. It was by the team Creatix.", '>>{MacNCheezOnUrKneez} : Well, I mean he *was* an unofficial member of the Wu Tang Clan....', '>>{Robotlollipops} : They should get Alec Baldwin to attend as Trump.', ">>{mitch_is_here} : What the point of this, couldn't you just open the folder and select the app you want?", ">>{_lukey___} : Just to play the devils advocate, couldn't most of the 3D Touch shortcuts just be done by opening the app and continuing from there?", ">>{rimper} : Just what America wants...More lecturing from the *'religion of peace'*.", ">>{slickyslim} : Hillary voted for the war his son died in. I still don't understand his logic on attacking someone who had no political power to dispute it.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : Racist. Black people have black souls. Black soul isn't a bad thing", '>>{Jackenrags} : Pandering for Hillary at the expense of his dead son.', '>>{twitchinstereo} : You remember that one where he was in the crowd? He was made fun of in a joke, and the camera cuts to him looking forward (not at the stage), reactionless. People around him are laughing and looking at him, and he seriously appears to not even notice somebody is speaking.', '>>{mitch_is_here} : Yeah but that would require more touches of the screen to get to those options. With this feature OP has posted, it takes more work and you can see fewer apps than if you were to open the folder.', '>>{null_value} : Yes. This is exactly why the implementation of 3D Touch is mostly worthless. Almost every example of a 3D Touch on an app followed by a tap on a menu, performs a task that can be done with a tap on the app followed by a tap within the app. However, things like app settings that could be accessed through a 3D Touch, these things remain buried multiple taps deep in submenu in the settings app. There is so much efficiency and utility that Apple could have given 3D Touch, and what they did is not at all creative or particularly useful. If I could 3D Touch an app and change notifications and permissions, that would actually be useful, and that would also follow a similar paradigm across all apps. Right now if I 3D Touch an app, I either get nothing or I get an unpredictable list of actions that would have been present immediately if I just opened the app.', ">>{loki0015} : Khizr Khan is a complete tool. I doubt his son fought in Iraq twelve years ago so that his death could be used for unlimited immigration of unvetted Muslims from terrorist countries...the premise is ludicrous, Khan dishonors his son's memory, and Trump, as always, is fighting for American interests while Empress Cankles, as always, fights for her special interests regardless of the destruction to America.", ">>{Pksoze} : Remember this is who Trumpers consider to be the ultimate tough guy Alpha Male...he's just a coward.", '>>{Nejkulatoulinkatejsi} : 70% of the country hates the media. Trump checking himself out of this elitist circlejerk that has been deried as such for years is a good political move for him.', '>>{DrPlacehold} : This man is the biggest coward to ever step in the oval office. Period.', ">>{SATexas1} : I don't know anything about Mr Khan, he's an immigration lawyer - he makes his living helping Muslims get into the US - I assume a rigid immigration policy makes his life tougher. Dude thrust himself into the spotlight, we should ask who he is.", ">>{irumeru} : Because he's a Democrat and is using his dead son as a weapon against Trump and a shield against criticism.", '>>{EggbroHam} : Or it makes his services more valuable and in higher demand.', '>>{Liamrc} : I use 3D Touch all the time. This actually is faster because you can just press and slide to the one you want very quickly.', ">>{charcoalist} : [Look at Trump's face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWuv2txl_5M) when Seth Meyers roasted him at Obama's WHC dinner. The Orange Snowflake can't take any criticism. He can dish it over Twitter but can't take it. Poor little hands persecuted Trump needs the safe spaces, the real world is scary. Which is probably why he spends so much time at his dacha in Mar-a-Lago.", '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : LOL he knew nobody was going to show up!!!! Ha ha ha', ">>{SATexas1} : It'd be interesting to know more about him if he's going to be in the news throwing stones. Like has he helped any terrorists gain entry into the country.", '>>{goprogijoe} : Which one was he? Orange Face Killah? Two-pay? or Biznis Man?', '>>{Mofiremofire} : 70% of the country hates the media? Source?', '>>{johnlakey} : > 70% of the country hates the media. This is a remarkable and amazing statement coming from someone who is posting on a large and popular site that in good measure relies on media content.', ">>{Liamrc} : There is a lot of room to be had for uses, but as it is I already use it a lot. Peeking inside apps is hugely useful especially for links and images when I don't want to lose my place (Facebook, Twitter, Narwhal, etc)", ">>{RevThwack} : Versus your comment being just what America wants more of, dismissing the concerns and points raised by someone just because their religious views don't match yours.", '>>{dagwood222} : Or Obama, or Marla and Ivana, or an actual burning trashcan.', ">>{basaltgranite} : Trump's fear of the press shows they're on the right track. Hiding won't help him now.", '>>{Katzeye} : Please, can every comedian now show up and have the meanest roast ever in absentia?', ">>{null_value} : I'd love to find it useful. I've tried. I press in things in apps all the time like an idiot and it either does nothing or it does something pointless. Like in Twitter, I can't figure out why I would use it ever. Someone tweets something that is a video and I 3D Touch it, it doesn't play, it just slightly magnifies and I can see half of the first comment, and if I drag I can't scroll to see the comments it just drags up and gives me like an option to share... I had a share button an entire step earlier. All I expected was that the video might play, instead I got options to do all the things that I could have done with one tap. Can you give an example of an app that uses this to good effect? I've only had bad unpredictable or time wasting experiences.", ">>{rimper} : Lol...Keep your head in the sand. That's how Trump gets elected.", ">>{SpeakFirstThinkLater} : Fake News. Sad. I've heard the opposite from many people. Many smart people have told me that.", '>>{blatherskiter} : Or they could drag out the strawman the media normally uses instead of Trump.', ">>{Dellortneebevahuoy} : Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, maybe they'll invite him.", '>>{ssk42} : I personally love it on News and Mail the most. In News, I use it to save a story and to just get a preview of what is actually said in the article (sometimes). Mail is also really just useful for previewing email but instead of having to open the email and then hit the top left to go back you can just tap anywhere on the screen. Messages too maybe if people texted me more because it can give a smart pre-loaded reply.', '>>{Triggered_Trump} : I have to disagree with Khan: Trump has no soul.', ">>{heyyoudvd} : Even if it's no more efficient than actually entering the folder, I support this because of the simple fact that it eliminates the long press jiggle that often happens when you 3D Touch a folder. That has happened to me so many times, where I've accidentally 3D Touched a folder, and since it doesn't have any 3D Touch functionality, it gets interpreted as a long press, which results in iOS going into edit mode, where the icons all start jiggling to indicate that you can move or delete them. If you give folders a 3D Touch function - *anything* - it will eliminate this, which would be great.", ">>{NotRenton} : That's exactly what folders do. I highly doubt you'll see apple put time into a feature like this that provides little benefit and competes with the current model.", ">>{ne99ne} : Seth Meyers better watch his back now that Trump is POTUS. Look what happened to Kim's older brother... too easy.", ">>{EggbroHam} : Holy crap, you weren't kidding. You really haven't done any research on these people. Yikes.. hope youre not old enough to vote.", ">>{SATexas1} : No I haven't done any research on them, have you? What do you know about them", ">>{macplayer} : I think your idea of allowing every app at a minimum to have access to its settings through 3D touch should be added, and would be a good example to other developers what can be done with it. Maybe it needs finer controls, like how OS X's trackpad gestures can do different things, to take off.", ">>{phil_katzenberger} : Uh. Subjugating women, oppressing homosexuals, and murdering infidels is how they freely practice their religion of peace so open your mind. It's not like you have a right to criticize religions you don't believe in even if they threaten fundamental human rights. \\#COEXIST", '>>{-twitch-} : I think a lot of it is psychological too. It *appears* faster/easier/simpler and therefore it is. There\'s something about not having to actually "open" an app to perform a task that just makes things seem more efficient whether they actually are or not.', ">>{rimper} : Taqiyya....Educate yourself. I can't wait to find out more about Khan's affiliations with the Muslim Brotherhood.", ">>{rimper} : I know...Being bothered by muslims regularly killing civilized human beings is *'islamophobic'*.", ">>{rimper} : I understand your confusion...It's not anything the *Clinton News Network* is interested in investigating or covering.", ">>{Captain_Alaska} : > it takes more work Not really, 3D Touch the icon and drag down to the one you want, then release, as opposed to tap the folder, wait for the animation to finish, then tap the icon you want. And as an FYI there's a setting in the tweak the controls how many apps you want to see in the drop down, mine showed the entire first folder page. I've use the exact tweak and I've been missing it since I ditched my jailbreak.", '>>{Helenius} : Hold and slide what? Please be elaborate in your explanation, because I have no fucking clue what you are trying to say.', ">>{hologei} : How is this simpler than opening the folder again? Wouldn't this just be the equivalent to a new open folder design?", ">>{chewb} : take a chill pill, /u/Helenius I presume with force touch you can light press to peek and slide to the item in the folder you want, then maybe pop the item. I also don't see much point to it, but as I don't have force touch yet, I havn't completely understood the feel of it", '>>{Fuddle} : Except when the number of items in the folder expands the menu beyond the size of the screen.', '>>{Anarchy_Punx} : Question. Is jail breaking worth it? I have a 6s plus', ">>{dragontology} : What if I have multiple pages in the folder? Also, is there a jailbreak tweak to make the Home button always go home, as opposed to just back to the folder you opened the app out of? That really gets me, but not enough to jailbreak. I'm just curious.", ">>{yuhche} : > And as an FYI there's a setting in the tweak the controls how many apps you want to see in the drop down, mine showed the entire first folder page. From a comment up top.", '>>{Rawmin} : No, see, with regular folders you have to tap and then *lift your finger all the way up* and then tap again. Takes forever.', ">>{Stoppels} : It takes 1 tap, a very fast animation and you can already slide towards the app and then let go of the screen. That's faster than opening a folder.", '>>{clam_sloop_cumin} : How would this work if the folder were near the bottom of the home screen?', '>>{NotRenton} : Ah of course, forever. What happens with this force touch method when you have more icons than can be shown? Ah yes, a UI disaster.', ">>{Rawmin} : But think of the time savings! Don't you find there just isn't enough time in your day? This method could save you upwards of a *full second* each year!", ">>{NotRenton} : Well now you put it that way, I think I'm convinced! How do I get back this Reddit time though?", ">>{lanetrain7} : You don't tap twice for it dude it's drag and drop.", '>>{Rawmin} : Consider it an investment since you just found out about this revolutionary new way to interact with folders', '>>{Marino4K} : You know what I would like, if I could completely clear my homescreen of everything and then force touch my home screen and it just brings up an app drawer.', ">>{talones} : Were talking 3D touch shortcut. It's not just a shortcut of what's in the folder. So to get this menu you hard press then pull down and release. Faster than opening the folder and selecting an app.", '>>{talones} : All that is totally up to the developer. I think most of them are just putting in their top features into the menu.', '>>{maxstolfe} : Well, there are duplicate ways to search on the home screen, so...', ">>{PigSlam} : That all depends on what you value. I haven't jailbroken a phone recently, but I did jailbreak a few of my older iPhones to use them as airplay receivers, and it was pretty straightforward to do at that time. From what poking around I did at that time, I wasn't really interested in doing it with my main phone, but for someone else that wants other things to change with their phone, then sure, it may be worth it for them.", ">>{PigSlam} : They could make it a scrolling list at that point, but then you're probably better off with the folder anyway.", ">>{PigSlam} : The list would go up instead of down, probably. On Windows, I put my taskbar on the side of the screen, which puts the start menu at the top. Instead of expanding upward like it would if the start menu were in the default lower left corner, it expands downward because it's in the top left corner. Similarly, OS X dock drawers that open vertically when the dock is on the bottom of the screen open horizontally when your dock is on the side of the screen.", '>>{vahdyx} : Id rather it show apps from page two in folders instead. I can see the apps in page one. This will give me a shortcut to page two.', '>>{clam_sloop_cumin} : Apple would never introduce something whose functionality was so variable. All apps outside the dock have their force touch menus below them, not above. And what if the folder is in the middle of the screen?', ">>{enz1ey} : a 3D touch would take the same amount of time as a tap and the folder opening. And if you're using a phone that supports 3D touch, it's not like the folder opening animation is slow enough to make this any faster.", ">>{enz1ey} : If you're using a phone that supports 3D touch, it's not like the folder opening animation is slow enough to make this any faster.", ">>{enz1ey} : Not really, some apps take longer to open than others, and you can't even tap the menu to get to the screen you want where as 3D touch doesn't rely on the app to be open before using that shortcut. Plus, other apps have shortcuts that are several menus deep in the app itself. My USAA app gives me shortcuts for things like mobile deposit, where I'd normally have to open the app and go through a couple menus to get to that screen.", ">>{lanetrain7} : Well no shit every feature isn't going to be WAY faster. If you have two pages in a folder though this will definitely technically be faster. And it's smooth and nice and makes sense so I don't see the issue. If you've used 3D Touch since the 6S came out its pretty damn intuitive and quicker than lifting up and tapping again. Our phones are so powerful and sick now features are gonna have diminishing returns lol. Small things like this are gonna be commonplace till our phones have lasers and shit.", ">>{Rawmin} : > Faster than opening the folder and selecting an app. That's what they told me about the refresh button in chrome for Android. In reality, the difference is so marginal as to be called non existent (unless the folder opening animation on iOS is stupidly long).", '>>{jugalator} : Hopefully iOS 10 will mature this feature. There is a risk Apple will "forget" about it though.', ">>{PigSlam} : >Apple would never introduce something whose functionality was so variable. All apps outside the dock have their force touch menus below them, not above. Did someone besides Apple make the dock in OS X that I cited as an example? Even if we limit the context to iOS, that's not even true today, let alone something that couldn't be done in iOS 10. It depends on where the icon is relative to the rest of the screen. See my examples below using the Apple Music app in a stock iPhone 6s running regular old iOS 9.3.2. [Icon at the top](http://imgur.com/8icoNLu) [Icon at the bottom](http://imgur.com/GqWEm6H)", ">>{The_Lion_Jumped} : In my opinion there are only a few things keeping me JBing. * TinyBar (notifications are only as big as the status bar, you don't realize how ridiculously big notifications are until you have this) * Phantom for snapchat (make as read) * Browser changer (make chrome and googlemaps my defaults) * Instabetter (instagram tweak to get rid of ads and lets you zoom on pics) * NoShutterSound * PowerBanners (makes power notifications a banner notification) None of this is massive JB stuff and doesn't even scratch the surface of what you can do but it just perfects my phone for me", '>>{enz1ey} : If you have two pages in a folder, then yes this might have an extremely minuscule time advantage. But regardless, I guess it comes down to personal preference and how much you enjoy using 3D touch for *everything*. I\'m totally for giving users more options/features than you might think is necessary, because in the end, that is somebody\'s phone and they want to use it exactly the way they want to. If that means "peeking" and "popping" everything, more power to them.', ">>{clam_sloop_cumin} : I have been bested. My apologies. Still doesn't answer the question about the folder in the middle of the screen though.", ">>{PigSlam} : It's a fairly thin row, so I'd expect that the menu would go to the right or left of the icon you force touched, and then it would expand in both directions, approximately centered on the location of the folder icon, which may require dropping the the text portion from this example. If it's a quick access tool, then it's probably safe to assume that you don't need the name to find what you're looking for.", ">>{fede777} : I don't see this happening in iOS 10, becasue if you have a lot of apps in a folder, which ones is supposed to show? They wouldn't fit in the list. It would be bad UI and bas UX.", '>>{Liamrc} : Put your most used ones on the first page. Works for me.', '>>{Liamrc} : It just changes direction. Works the same way as any stock shortcut.', ">>{Liamrc} : I'm positive there is, there is *literally* something for pretty much anything imaginable. The community has many very creative people.", '>>{Liamrc} : Definitely! Currently there is not one available for an iOS higher than 9.1 though.', '>>{Liamrc} : It may not seem like but as someone who uses it all the time, it *really* is faster.', ">>{Liamrc} : Yes! That's the correct one! I haven't *actually* been jailbroken in months and forgot the name. Just cleaning my some 4,000 photos off my phone and found this one.", ">>{lanetrain7} : That's pretty much my point, there's no disadvantage to having the option there and I personally use 3D Touch a ton so I would enjoy it.", ">>{-Emerica-} : When leaving the app, you end up at the home screen instead of the folder's screen.", ">>{Alaska199} : I don't think that we'll have a jailbreak for iOS 10. That would be a cool feature though. I don't like how folders work in iOS.", '>>{StarManta} : Two taps is definitely less work than force touch, drag, release.', '>>{Captain_Alaska} : What. The animation runs for a fixed time regardless of the device it is running on.', ">>{nickerbocker007} : I tend to agree. Using 3d touch is only useful if it is an actual _shortcut_. If it takes the same number of taps, I don't really see the point.", '>>{Greenman851} : How is this not more convenient? This is incredibly clear as to the shortcut it offers.', ">>{enz1ey} : Haha. Guess you haven't used an iPhone 4S or 5 lately. Maybe it's *programmed* for a fixed time, but lag is real. That's what I was getting at. A 6S or 6S Plus are the only models that support 3D touch, and there is zero lag on those phones, so the animation should be near instant.", ">>{nickerbocker007} : The springboard is _already_ open. That is what is being interacted with. Just to play devil's advocate, opening an app takes time.", ">>{talones} : I mean. The animations are stupid long. But honestly it's more about using a feature thats there. Nobody will ever see it if they don't want to use it.", '>>{hologei} : Yea... If you count displaying apps in list view rather than grid view more convenient...', '>>{Ozt1ks} : Not when used in conjunction with things like Launch Center Pro or Workflow. 3D Touch is a fantastic use in that situation.', '>>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : This reminds me of the pre-iOS 7 folder style, felt much quicker.', '>>{ghobs91} : How about they improve the widget situation on iOS? The whole "throw everything in the notification shade" isn\'t well executed. There are so many other more impactful improvements that can be made compared to this redundant way to open a folder.', '>>{Snotmeister} : I love the app designs. Leaks of iOS 10? I hope so!', ">>{kermityfrog} : You have to double-tap. That's exactly what I'm doing. Double.... Tap.", '>>{kermityfrog} : So what would you do if you DID want to edit folders? Opposite frustration if you ask me.', ">>{rollerboogie} : I'd argue it will take the same amount of time. Any difference is completely negligible.", ">>{Greenman851} : Most people have a lot of apps and don't remember which folder they're in. Peek and pop would be incredibly useful for this.", ">>{Captain_Alaska} : Yes, but the animations run for a fixed length on the 5S, 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, SE, or any iPad after the Air. It's got a fixed minimum time, not a fixed max time. >6S Plus > there is zero lag You've clearly never used either of the Plus models. > so the animation should be near instant. It's not, I actually have the device in question. That's literally why the tweak 'SpeedIntensifier'exists, to make the animations actually near instant. [Take a look at this video with all 13 currently existing iPhones doing various things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xao2lK13t78) and you will very clearly see when it comes to things like the unlocking (near the beginning) or app opening animations (3:42) there's no difference. You'd be surprised to learn that a bone stock (nothing installed) iPhone 5 has comparable animations speeds to a 6S Plus, I have both devices sitting in front of me (That'll change as soon as you start loading it up, but it's fine stock).", ">>{Udonedidit} : Can someone explain to me why people are doing back flips over this? It's basically a folder with apps listed vertically. Plus using 3d touch is more complicated in this situation than just using normal touch because you have to drag your finger with pressure instead of just a simple touch.", ">>{Udonedidit} : It's actually more work to press then drag your finger to the app you want than just 2 simple touches.", '>>{Udonedidit} : Totally agree. Press and drag is more work. 2 touches is much easier.', ">>{rollerboogie} : Yeah, 3d touch is almost always more work. The problem is not enough apps have adopted it for it to be useful at this point. And I also always have to adjust how hard I'm pushing before I can get the 3d touch to register. I doubt humanity has saved any time from 3d touch so far. Maybe in the future it will be more useful. The more inputs the better.", ">>{Liamrc} : I'm not doing backflips and I'm OP. I just thought it was neat.", '>>{Udonedidit} : True that. At this point 3d touch is still a gimmick to sell more iphones.', '>>{heyyoudvd} : The same thing you would do if you want to move an app that has 3D Touch functionality - tap and hold it. Long pressing while avoiding a 3D Touch is a lot easier than 3D Touching while avoiding a long press.', '>>{michaelkloud} : Exactly. I came to say exactly this but saw your comment. It can be one continuous press and release.', '>>{enz1ey} : I ca,e from using a 6 Plus. There were some issues early on in iOS 9, but they were fixed in later updates. After that, like I said, zero lag. No idea why you\'re experiencing any. Minimum fixed time, huh? Well no shit, I\'m saying the max time could vary based on age and specs of the phone since, you know, it\'s not a fixed maximum time. And I know jailbreak tweaks exist to make animations faster, faster than the minimum is still faster. What I originally said wasn\'t that the animation\'s programmed time was "long" at all, it was that the folder animation can\'t possibly be much slower, if at all, than the 3D Touch action and animation in this tweak. Apparently you misunderstood that.', '>>{Techsupportvictim} : I\'m not sure who you asked to say that this is a "most wanted feature". It takes about the same amount of labor to 3-D touch and tap in an icon as it does to just touch the folder and touch the icon. Which makes this "most wanted feature" kind of pointless', '>>{Liamrc} : I didn\'t *in fact* say "most wanted", I said much wanted. Also I have seen very many requests and comments about why 3D Touch hasn\'t been implemented in folders.', '>>{Snotmeister} : Is there a way I can get the theme? It looks great.', ">>{Liamrc} : If your jailbroken you can download the theme from Cydia, it's called Veexillum."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Lesiakson56} : Khizr Khan: Donald Trump has a 'black soul'", '>>{MacNCheezOnUrKneez} : Well, I mean he *was* an unofficial member of the Wu Tang Clan....', ">>{rimper} : Just what America wants...More lecturing from the *'religion of peace'*.", ">>{slickyslim} : Hillary voted for the war his son died in. I still don't understand his logic on attacking someone who had no political power to dispute it.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : Racist. Black people have black souls. Black soul isn't a bad thing", '>>{Jackenrags} : Pandering for Hillary at the expense of his dead son.', ">>{loki0015} : Khizr Khan is a complete tool. I doubt his son fought in Iraq twelve years ago so that his death could be used for unlimited immigration of unvetted Muslims from terrorist countries...the premise is ludicrous, Khan dishonors his son's memory, and Trump, as always, is fighting for American interests while Empress Cankles, as always, fights for her special interests regardless of the destruction to America.", ">>{SATexas1} : I don't know anything about Mr Khan, he's an immigration lawyer - he makes his living helping Muslims get into the US - I assume a rigid immigration policy makes his life tougher. Dude thrust himself into the spotlight, we should ask who he is.", ">>{irumeru} : Because he's a Democrat and is using his dead son as a weapon against Trump and a shield against criticism.", '>>{EggbroHam} : Or it makes his services more valuable and in higher demand.', ">>{SATexas1} : It'd be interesting to know more about him if he's going to be in the news throwing stones. Like has he helped any terrorists gain entry into the country.", '>>{goprogijoe} : Which one was he? Orange Face Killah? Two-pay? or Biznis Man?', ">>{RevThwack} : Versus your comment being just what America wants more of, dismissing the concerns and points raised by someone just because their religious views don't match yours.", ">>{rimper} : Lol...Keep your head in the sand. That's how Trump gets elected.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : I have to disagree with Khan: Trump has no soul.', ">>{EggbroHam} : Holy crap, you weren't kidding. You really haven't done any research on these people. Yikes.. hope youre not old enough to vote.", ">>{SATexas1} : No I haven't done any research on them, have you? What do you know about them", ">>{phil_katzenberger} : Uh. Subjugating women, oppressing homosexuals, and murdering infidels is how they freely practice their religion of peace so open your mind. It's not like you have a right to criticize religions you don't believe in even if they threaten fundamental human rights. \\#COEXIST", ">>{rimper} : Taqiyya....Educate yourself. I can't wait to find out more about Khan's affiliations with the Muslim Brotherhood.", ">>{rimper} : I know...Being bothered by muslims regularly killing civilized human beings is *'islamophobic'*.", ">>{rimper} : I understand your confusion...It's not anything the *Clinton News Network* is interested in investigating or covering."], ['>>{Liamrc} : A much wanted feature is available through jailbreaking, hopefully in iOS 10', ">>{GeeWhilikers} : Damn, and here I thought I had an original idea. I've been fooled. This would be so awesome to have. Perhaps have the apps within the list also be 3D touch capable", ">>{Liamrc} : Oh, I can't take credit for it. It was by the team Creatix.", ">>{mitch_is_here} : What the point of this, couldn't you just open the folder and select the app you want?", ">>{_lukey___} : Just to play the devils advocate, couldn't most of the 3D Touch shortcuts just be done by opening the app and continuing from there?", '>>{mitch_is_here} : Yeah but that would require more touches of the screen to get to those options. With this feature OP has posted, it takes more work and you can see fewer apps than if you were to open the folder.', '>>{null_value} : Yes. This is exactly why the implementation of 3D Touch is mostly worthless. Almost every example of a 3D Touch on an app followed by a tap on a menu, performs a task that can be done with a tap on the app followed by a tap within the app. However, things like app settings that could be accessed through a 3D Touch, these things remain buried multiple taps deep in submenu in the settings app. There is so much efficiency and utility that Apple could have given 3D Touch, and what they did is not at all creative or particularly useful. If I could 3D Touch an app and change notifications and permissions, that would actually be useful, and that would also follow a similar paradigm across all apps. Right now if I 3D Touch an app, I either get nothing or I get an unpredictable list of actions that would have been present immediately if I just opened the app.', '>>{Liamrc} : I use 3D Touch all the time. This actually is faster because you can just press and slide to the one you want very quickly.', ">>{Liamrc} : There is a lot of room to be had for uses, but as it is I already use it a lot. Peeking inside apps is hugely useful especially for links and images when I don't want to lose my place (Facebook, Twitter, Narwhal, etc)", ">>{null_value} : I'd love to find it useful. I've tried. I press in things in apps all the time like an idiot and it either does nothing or it does something pointless. Like in Twitter, I can't figure out why I would use it ever. Someone tweets something that is a video and I 3D Touch it, it doesn't play, it just slightly magnifies and I can see half of the first comment, and if I drag I can't scroll to see the comments it just drags up and gives me like an option to share... I had a share button an entire step earlier. All I expected was that the video might play, instead I got options to do all the things that I could have done with one tap. Can you give an example of an app that uses this to good effect? I've only had bad unpredictable or time wasting experiences.", '>>{ssk42} : I personally love it on News and Mail the most. In News, I use it to save a story and to just get a preview of what is actually said in the article (sometimes). Mail is also really just useful for previewing email but instead of having to open the email and then hit the top left to go back you can just tap anywhere on the screen. Messages too maybe if people texted me more because it can give a smart pre-loaded reply.', ">>{heyyoudvd} : Even if it's no more efficient than actually entering the folder, I support this because of the simple fact that it eliminates the long press jiggle that often happens when you 3D Touch a folder. That has happened to me so many times, where I've accidentally 3D Touched a folder, and since it doesn't have any 3D Touch functionality, it gets interpreted as a long press, which results in iOS going into edit mode, where the icons all start jiggling to indicate that you can move or delete them. If you give folders a 3D Touch function - *anything* - it will eliminate this, which would be great.", ">>{NotRenton} : That's exactly what folders do. I highly doubt you'll see apple put time into a feature like this that provides little benefit and competes with the current model.", ">>{macplayer} : I think your idea of allowing every app at a minimum to have access to its settings through 3D touch should be added, and would be a good example to other developers what can be done with it. Maybe it needs finer controls, like how OS X's trackpad gestures can do different things, to take off.", '>>{-twitch-} : I think a lot of it is psychological too. It *appears* faster/easier/simpler and therefore it is. There\'s something about not having to actually "open" an app to perform a task that just makes things seem more efficient whether they actually are or not.', ">>{Captain_Alaska} : > it takes more work Not really, 3D Touch the icon and drag down to the one you want, then release, as opposed to tap the folder, wait for the animation to finish, then tap the icon you want. And as an FYI there's a setting in the tweak the controls how many apps you want to see in the drop down, mine showed the entire first folder page. I've use the exact tweak and I've been missing it since I ditched my jailbreak.", '>>{Helenius} : Hold and slide what? Please be elaborate in your explanation, because I have no fucking clue what you are trying to say.', ">>{hologei} : How is this simpler than opening the folder again? Wouldn't this just be the equivalent to a new open folder design?", ">>{chewb} : take a chill pill, /u/Helenius I presume with force touch you can light press to peek and slide to the item in the folder you want, then maybe pop the item. I also don't see much point to it, but as I don't have force touch yet, I havn't completely understood the feel of it", '>>{Fuddle} : Except when the number of items in the folder expands the menu beyond the size of the screen.', '>>{Anarchy_Punx} : Question. Is jail breaking worth it? I have a 6s plus', ">>{dragontology} : What if I have multiple pages in the folder? Also, is there a jailbreak tweak to make the Home button always go home, as opposed to just back to the folder you opened the app out of? That really gets me, but not enough to jailbreak. I'm just curious.", ">>{yuhche} : > And as an FYI there's a setting in the tweak the controls how many apps you want to see in the drop down, mine showed the entire first folder page. From a comment up top.", '>>{Rawmin} : No, see, with regular folders you have to tap and then *lift your finger all the way up* and then tap again. Takes forever.', ">>{Stoppels} : It takes 1 tap, a very fast animation and you can already slide towards the app and then let go of the screen. That's faster than opening a folder.", '>>{clam_sloop_cumin} : How would this work if the folder were near the bottom of the home screen?', '>>{NotRenton} : Ah of course, forever. What happens with this force touch method when you have more icons than can be shown? Ah yes, a UI disaster.', ">>{Rawmin} : But think of the time savings! Don't you find there just isn't enough time in your day? This method could save you upwards of a *full second* each year!", ">>{NotRenton} : Well now you put it that way, I think I'm convinced! How do I get back this Reddit time though?", ">>{lanetrain7} : You don't tap twice for it dude it's drag and drop.", '>>{Rawmin} : Consider it an investment since you just found out about this revolutionary new way to interact with folders', '>>{Marino4K} : You know what I would like, if I could completely clear my homescreen of everything and then force touch my home screen and it just brings up an app drawer.', ">>{talones} : Were talking 3D touch shortcut. It's not just a shortcut of what's in the folder. So to get this menu you hard press then pull down and release. Faster than opening the folder and selecting an app.", '>>{talones} : All that is totally up to the developer. I think most of them are just putting in their top features into the menu.', '>>{maxstolfe} : Well, there are duplicate ways to search on the home screen, so...', ">>{PigSlam} : That all depends on what you value. I haven't jailbroken a phone recently, but I did jailbreak a few of my older iPhones to use them as airplay receivers, and it was pretty straightforward to do at that time. From what poking around I did at that time, I wasn't really interested in doing it with my main phone, but for someone else that wants other things to change with their phone, then sure, it may be worth it for them.", ">>{PigSlam} : They could make it a scrolling list at that point, but then you're probably better off with the folder anyway.", ">>{PigSlam} : The list would go up instead of down, probably. On Windows, I put my taskbar on the side of the screen, which puts the start menu at the top. Instead of expanding upward like it would if the start menu were in the default lower left corner, it expands downward because it's in the top left corner. Similarly, OS X dock drawers that open vertically when the dock is on the bottom of the screen open horizontally when your dock is on the side of the screen.", '>>{vahdyx} : Id rather it show apps from page two in folders instead. I can see the apps in page one. This will give me a shortcut to page two.', '>>{clam_sloop_cumin} : Apple would never introduce something whose functionality was so variable. All apps outside the dock have their force touch menus below them, not above. And what if the folder is in the middle of the screen?', ">>{enz1ey} : a 3D touch would take the same amount of time as a tap and the folder opening. And if you're using a phone that supports 3D touch, it's not like the folder opening animation is slow enough to make this any faster.", ">>{enz1ey} : If you're using a phone that supports 3D touch, it's not like the folder opening animation is slow enough to make this any faster.", ">>{enz1ey} : Not really, some apps take longer to open than others, and you can't even tap the menu to get to the screen you want where as 3D touch doesn't rely on the app to be open before using that shortcut. Plus, other apps have shortcuts that are several menus deep in the app itself. My USAA app gives me shortcuts for things like mobile deposit, where I'd normally have to open the app and go through a couple menus to get to that screen.", ">>{lanetrain7} : Well no shit every feature isn't going to be WAY faster. If you have two pages in a folder though this will definitely technically be faster. And it's smooth and nice and makes sense so I don't see the issue. If you've used 3D Touch since the 6S came out its pretty damn intuitive and quicker than lifting up and tapping again. Our phones are so powerful and sick now features are gonna have diminishing returns lol. Small things like this are gonna be commonplace till our phones have lasers and shit.", ">>{Rawmin} : > Faster than opening the folder and selecting an app. That's what they told me about the refresh button in chrome for Android. In reality, the difference is so marginal as to be called non existent (unless the folder opening animation on iOS is stupidly long).", '>>{jugalator} : Hopefully iOS 10 will mature this feature. There is a risk Apple will "forget" about it though.', ">>{PigSlam} : >Apple would never introduce something whose functionality was so variable. All apps outside the dock have their force touch menus below them, not above. Did someone besides Apple make the dock in OS X that I cited as an example? Even if we limit the context to iOS, that's not even true today, let alone something that couldn't be done in iOS 10. It depends on where the icon is relative to the rest of the screen. See my examples below using the Apple Music app in a stock iPhone 6s running regular old iOS 9.3.2. [Icon at the top](http://imgur.com/8icoNLu) [Icon at the bottom](http://imgur.com/GqWEm6H)", ">>{The_Lion_Jumped} : In my opinion there are only a few things keeping me JBing. * TinyBar (notifications are only as big as the status bar, you don't realize how ridiculously big notifications are until you have this) * Phantom for snapchat (make as read) * Browser changer (make chrome and googlemaps my defaults) * Instabetter (instagram tweak to get rid of ads and lets you zoom on pics) * NoShutterSound * PowerBanners (makes power notifications a banner notification) None of this is massive JB stuff and doesn't even scratch the surface of what you can do but it just perfects my phone for me", '>>{enz1ey} : If you have two pages in a folder, then yes this might have an extremely minuscule time advantage. But regardless, I guess it comes down to personal preference and how much you enjoy using 3D touch for *everything*. I\'m totally for giving users more options/features than you might think is necessary, because in the end, that is somebody\'s phone and they want to use it exactly the way they want to. If that means "peeking" and "popping" everything, more power to them.', ">>{clam_sloop_cumin} : I have been bested. My apologies. Still doesn't answer the question about the folder in the middle of the screen though.", ">>{PigSlam} : It's a fairly thin row, so I'd expect that the menu would go to the right or left of the icon you force touched, and then it would expand in both directions, approximately centered on the location of the folder icon, which may require dropping the the text portion from this example. If it's a quick access tool, then it's probably safe to assume that you don't need the name to find what you're looking for.", ">>{fede777} : I don't see this happening in iOS 10, becasue if you have a lot of apps in a folder, which ones is supposed to show? They wouldn't fit in the list. It would be bad UI and bas UX.", '>>{Liamrc} : Put your most used ones on the first page. Works for me.', '>>{Liamrc} : It just changes direction. Works the same way as any stock shortcut.', ">>{Liamrc} : I'm positive there is, there is *literally* something for pretty much anything imaginable. The community has many very creative people.", '>>{Liamrc} : Definitely! Currently there is not one available for an iOS higher than 9.1 though.', '>>{Liamrc} : It may not seem like but as someone who uses it all the time, it *really* is faster.', ">>{Liamrc} : Yes! That's the correct one! I haven't *actually* been jailbroken in months and forgot the name. Just cleaning my some 4,000 photos off my phone and found this one.", ">>{lanetrain7} : That's pretty much my point, there's no disadvantage to having the option there and I personally use 3D Touch a ton so I would enjoy it.", ">>{-Emerica-} : When leaving the app, you end up at the home screen instead of the folder's screen.", ">>{Alaska199} : I don't think that we'll have a jailbreak for iOS 10. That would be a cool feature though. I don't like how folders work in iOS.", '>>{StarManta} : Two taps is definitely less work than force touch, drag, release.', '>>{Captain_Alaska} : What. The animation runs for a fixed time regardless of the device it is running on.', ">>{nickerbocker007} : I tend to agree. Using 3d touch is only useful if it is an actual _shortcut_. If it takes the same number of taps, I don't really see the point.", '>>{Greenman851} : How is this not more convenient? This is incredibly clear as to the shortcut it offers.', ">>{enz1ey} : Haha. Guess you haven't used an iPhone 4S or 5 lately. Maybe it's *programmed* for a fixed time, but lag is real. That's what I was getting at. A 6S or 6S Plus are the only models that support 3D touch, and there is zero lag on those phones, so the animation should be near instant.", ">>{nickerbocker007} : The springboard is _already_ open. That is what is being interacted with. Just to play devil's advocate, opening an app takes time.", ">>{talones} : I mean. The animations are stupid long. But honestly it's more about using a feature thats there. Nobody will ever see it if they don't want to use it.", '>>{hologei} : Yea... If you count displaying apps in list view rather than grid view more convenient...', '>>{Ozt1ks} : Not when used in conjunction with things like Launch Center Pro or Workflow. 3D Touch is a fantastic use in that situation.', '>>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : This reminds me of the pre-iOS 7 folder style, felt much quicker.', '>>{ghobs91} : How about they improve the widget situation on iOS? The whole "throw everything in the notification shade" isn\'t well executed. There are so many other more impactful improvements that can be made compared to this redundant way to open a folder.', '>>{Snotmeister} : I love the app designs. Leaks of iOS 10? I hope so!', ">>{kermityfrog} : You have to double-tap. That's exactly what I'm doing. Double.... Tap.", '>>{kermityfrog} : So what would you do if you DID want to edit folders? Opposite frustration if you ask me.', ">>{rollerboogie} : I'd argue it will take the same amount of time. Any difference is completely negligible.", ">>{Greenman851} : Most people have a lot of apps and don't remember which folder they're in. Peek and pop would be incredibly useful for this.", ">>{Captain_Alaska} : Yes, but the animations run for a fixed length on the 5S, 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, SE, or any iPad after the Air. It's got a fixed minimum time, not a fixed max time. >6S Plus > there is zero lag You've clearly never used either of the Plus models. > so the animation should be near instant. It's not, I actually have the device in question. That's literally why the tweak 'SpeedIntensifier'exists, to make the animations actually near instant. [Take a look at this video with all 13 currently existing iPhones doing various things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xao2lK13t78) and you will very clearly see when it comes to things like the unlocking (near the beginning) or app opening animations (3:42) there's no difference. You'd be surprised to learn that a bone stock (nothing installed) iPhone 5 has comparable animations speeds to a 6S Plus, I have both devices sitting in front of me (That'll change as soon as you start loading it up, but it's fine stock).", ">>{Udonedidit} : Can someone explain to me why people are doing back flips over this? It's basically a folder with apps listed vertically. Plus using 3d touch is more complicated in this situation than just using normal touch because you have to drag your finger with pressure instead of just a simple touch.", ">>{Udonedidit} : It's actually more work to press then drag your finger to the app you want than just 2 simple touches.", '>>{Udonedidit} : Totally agree. Press and drag is more work. 2 touches is much easier.', ">>{rollerboogie} : Yeah, 3d touch is almost always more work. The problem is not enough apps have adopted it for it to be useful at this point. And I also always have to adjust how hard I'm pushing before I can get the 3d touch to register. I doubt humanity has saved any time from 3d touch so far. Maybe in the future it will be more useful. The more inputs the better.", ">>{Liamrc} : I'm not doing backflips and I'm OP. I just thought it was neat.", '>>{Udonedidit} : True that. At this point 3d touch is still a gimmick to sell more iphones.', '>>{heyyoudvd} : The same thing you would do if you want to move an app that has 3D Touch functionality - tap and hold it. Long pressing while avoiding a 3D Touch is a lot easier than 3D Touching while avoiding a long press.', '>>{michaelkloud} : Exactly. I came to say exactly this but saw your comment. It can be one continuous press and release.', '>>{enz1ey} : I ca,e from using a 6 Plus. There were some issues early on in iOS 9, but they were fixed in later updates. After that, like I said, zero lag. No idea why you\'re experiencing any. Minimum fixed time, huh? Well no shit, I\'m saying the max time could vary based on age and specs of the phone since, you know, it\'s not a fixed maximum time. And I know jailbreak tweaks exist to make animations faster, faster than the minimum is still faster. What I originally said wasn\'t that the animation\'s programmed time was "long" at all, it was that the folder animation can\'t possibly be much slower, if at all, than the 3D Touch action and animation in this tweak. Apparently you misunderstood that.', '>>{Techsupportvictim} : I\'m not sure who you asked to say that this is a "most wanted feature". It takes about the same amount of labor to 3-D touch and tap in an icon as it does to just touch the folder and touch the icon. Which makes this "most wanted feature" kind of pointless', '>>{Liamrc} : I didn\'t *in fact* say "most wanted", I said much wanted. Also I have seen very many requests and comments about why 3D Touch hasn\'t been implemented in folders.', '>>{Snotmeister} : Is there a way I can get the theme? It looks great.', ">>{Liamrc} : If your jailbroken you can download the theme from Cydia, it's called Veexillum."], ['>>{Why_Do_We_Fall_Bruce} : What a fucking coward. He cannot face the press in his own country and he expects to deal with other countries. What a fucking joke.', '>>{Robotlollipops} : They should get Alec Baldwin to attend as Trump.', '>>{twitchinstereo} : You remember that one where he was in the crowd? He was made fun of in a joke, and the camera cuts to him looking forward (not at the stage), reactionless. People around him are laughing and looking at him, and he seriously appears to not even notice somebody is speaking.', ">>{Pksoze} : Remember this is who Trumpers consider to be the ultimate tough guy Alpha Male...he's just a coward.", '>>{Nejkulatoulinkatejsi} : 70% of the country hates the media. Trump checking himself out of this elitist circlejerk that has been deried as such for years is a good political move for him.', '>>{DrPlacehold} : This man is the biggest coward to ever step in the oval office. Period.', ">>{charcoalist} : [Look at Trump's face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWuv2txl_5M) when Seth Meyers roasted him at Obama's WHC dinner. The Orange Snowflake can't take any criticism. He can dish it over Twitter but can't take it. Poor little hands persecuted Trump needs the safe spaces, the real world is scary. Which is probably why he spends so much time at his dacha in Mar-a-Lago.", '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : LOL he knew nobody was going to show up!!!! Ha ha ha', '>>{Mofiremofire} : 70% of the country hates the media? Source?', '>>{johnlakey} : > 70% of the country hates the media. This is a remarkable and amazing statement coming from someone who is posting on a large and popular site that in good measure relies on media content.', '>>{dagwood222} : Or Obama, or Marla and Ivana, or an actual burning trashcan.', ">>{basaltgranite} : Trump's fear of the press shows they're on the right track. Hiding won't help him now.", '>>{Katzeye} : Please, can every comedian now show up and have the meanest roast ever in absentia?', ">>{SpeakFirstThinkLater} : Fake News. Sad. I've heard the opposite from many people. Many smart people have told me that.", '>>{blatherskiter} : Or they could drag out the strawman the media normally uses instead of Trump.', ">>{Dellortneebevahuoy} : Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, maybe they'll invite him.", ">>{ne99ne} : Seth Meyers better watch his back now that Trump is POTUS. Look what happened to Kim's older brother... too easy."]]
classify and reply
['>>{michaelmanieri} : Where do I get this News App? I see everyone with it.', '>>{DanielMillican} : The Canon EOS 5D Mark IV pro dSLR brings 4K video, GPS and more', ">>{thelance} : It's the Apple news app. It comes preinstalled.", '>>{myellabella} : Paul Ryan’s Challenger Paul Nehlen: Deport All Muslims', ">>{ayysizzle} : What's the best case you've found for the iPhone 7 Plus?", '>>{michaelmanieri} : not on my phone though and I have 7 plus up to date', '>>{JPN2214} : Hmm... a solid camera, but so was the predecessor.', '>>{GotSchlonged} : I like the [Spigen Liquid Air Armor](https://www.spigen.com/products/iphone-7-plus-case-liquid-air?variant=29155761601).', '>>{zakphi} : odd. have you tried searching the app store for it?', '>>{thelance} : Search the App Store for Apple News. Are you US based?', '>>{and101} : This was looking like a good upgrade for my Mark 2 until I saw the price. $4700 in the UK is a bit expensive for a few more pixels, lower noise and better focusing.', '>>{Fender6969} : https://www.amazon.com/Silk-iPhone-Grip-Case-Lightweight/dp/B01JTI24ES?th=1&psc=1 Absolutely amazing. Truly blew my mind. The texture on the sides and back are extremely grippy as well as maintaining a thin profile. Also, what level of protection are you looking for for your phone?', '>>{Politx} : I see your immigration policy and I raise you a ban on a religion... Call', '>>{michaelmanieri} : > I live in Canada btw is it Region bound?', '>>{h3rring} : I like how Proft just called that shit out. Thoughtcrimes, yep.', '>>{berlinbrown} : I knew the Republican party was that, but good grief. "With his fiery anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric, Nehlen has quickly become a favorite among right-wing media personalities"', '>>{h3rring} : Coulter is campaigning for this guy. Shocker, right?', '>>{987f} : Misleading title: >"Well, then, the question is why do we have Muslims in the country?” Nehlen said... >“Are you suggesting that we deport all of the Muslims in this country?” Proft followed up. >“I’m suggesting we have a discussion about it, that’s for sure,” Nehlen answered.', '>>{perlon} : 4K video capture is a welcome addition to this camera and users can record in either 24 or 30p, albeit with a 1.64x crop.', ">>{ayysizzle} : I've had a spigen neo hybrid on my iPhone 6 for the last 2.5 years so something similar. I'm probably gonna get a neo hybrid for the 7 plus but I want another case with a similar level of protection, cause I like to switch up my cases often", '>>{berlinbrown} : I always wonder Coulter and Limbaugh sit around smoking cigars and talk about how they troll America for ratings and pushing up the Social Conservative Republican brand. Coulter is a lawyer, does she really believe you can ban all Muslims. How does that factor her into her understanding of the law.', ">>{bbllaakkee} : it's not really that great, you aren't missing out on much at all.", ">>{Fender6969} : If that's the level of protection that you are looking for, you may find the case I have recommended in your favor. Regardless, best of luck in your search!", ">>{iMau5} : I have two: 1) Apple Leather case. Personally, if you want a case that will protect your phone and also stay relatively thin, the best choice is the Apple Leather case. It's such a great case. I had one on my iPhone 6 and loved it and they made it even better for the iPhone 7. I've dropped my phone countless times, from many different heights, on many different surfaces, and never had an issue. Great all around functionality and protection. 2) Elago Origin thin case https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JRJ93CK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_qWEYyb5JMGJR2 After using a coworkers completely naked phone, I felt the need to start using something very thin. The naked iPhone is such a pleasure to hold, and this Elago case barely adds any bulk. Yes, it only protects from scratches and if the phone is dropped I'm pretty fucked, but it feels so good to use it. No protection is always infinitely better feeling than using protection. Also, I have a friend who owns a Cadaube Sheeth case and swears by it. Case I don't like: Apple Silicone case. Buttons are hard to press, and is such a pain in the ass to take out of your jeans pocket.", ">>{thelance} : On the plus side, Canada is a pretty nice place to live when it isn't below zero.", ">>{snointernet} : If the crop wasn't a laughable factor, (considering it's a full frame camera) it's Motion JPEG format, certainly is. Canon continues to hinder it's own products, despite a competitive market which is slowly overcoming it.", '>>{Scoutster13} : See you are talking about friends, co-workers, students and neighbors to those of us who live in the real world. This is sickening.', ">>{mysticportal} : Same. Out of all the cases I've had in my life, this is the only one that I love to keep on. It feels way better than using the phone naked and the material is superb.", '>>{singularity87} : And inferior in almost every way to pretty much all of the Sony A7 range of cameras.', ">>{ArfBox} : >“Islam is the only major religion that encourages lying,” he replied, pointing to a verse of the Quran which, he claimed, encourages Muslims to “lie to the infidel” to further jihadist efforts. lolwat that's not a thing", '>>{reddithamont} : You can just change your phone region to united state Settings-general-language & region-region formats united state Then you can see that app', ">>{Vibraniummm} : You can't get it.Only available in the US, unless you change your phone region", '>>{CoachCWC} : Silicone case by Apple. It is water resistant just like the phone. I had the leather but it bubbled up from getting water on it.', ">>{MKMatty} : That's odd considering I have it on my 6S here in Australia.", ">>{MKMatty} : Edit. Just found an article online about it being U.K., US and Aus only. That's peculiar IMO. Link:http://www.techbout.com/use-apple-news-app-outside-us-5159/", ">>{tsevince} : As someone who reviews cases for a living, my top 3 daily drivers: 1. RhinoShield PlayProof - Pair this with their screen protector and you've got an indestructable case that looks and feels good in the hand 2. Speck Presidio Grip - The added rubber grip lines are a preventative measure to drop protection rather than reactive 3. Spigen Thin Fit - The almost sticky matte nature of the black model at least is the best feeling case I've used *I've reviewed all 3 and to avoid spamming links, you can search for excessorizeme to find them if you're interested.", ">>{doomdg} : Just means they're terrible christians for not following the Bible.", ">>{versipelis} : If you're buying the 5D you're probably not buying it for video. It's just an extra feature.", '>>{jakemoura} : Just got my magpul field case. I love it. Used it on all my phones.', ">>{ayysizzle} : On YouTube right? I'll check out your channel now, I'm in need of some good case reviews to find the right one for me", '>>{edbro333} : And noise trails cameras like the a7s II for example', ">>{Eagleglen} : I'm already a follower. Nice to see you on Reddit. ✋️", ">>{SmallHandsThinSkin} : **Also Related:** * [**Arizona’s Lady Trump:** ***Kelli Ward is running a Donald-esque primary challenge to John McCain — and she just might win***](http://www.salon.com/2016/08/04/arizonas_lady_trump_kelli_ward_is_running_a_donald_esque_primary_challenge_to_john_mccain_and_she_just_might_win/) Looks like the Trump Movement is now becoming a threat to the Establishment's Congressional presence in addition their hold on the Presidential ticket. But on the flip-side for the Establishment, *they did* just manage to knock out the Tea Party House Leader with one of their own, so there's that. But it's kinda like they're just running from putting out one fire to the next. Launching a Counter-Revolt against the Freedom Caucus just as the Trump Movement pops up & starts a new revolt right in their own backyard. The only ones who really seem to be gaining from this are the Evangelicals, who not only got the Old Guard to partner with them, but the Tea Party to embrace them & Trump to share the throne with them.", '>>{Yungskeeme} : I also was using the Elago case until I dropped my phone and cracked the case. Plain to get another', '>>{jlbphotos} : How can you say that from a spec list? We havnt seen any reviews yet.', '>>{Rubenel} : I bought these on sale for under $5. I use the ClearView case mostly due to the air cushion technology. But when I want the thin bare feeling, I use the Ultra Slim case. iPhone 7 Plus Case, LUVVITT [ClearView] Hybrid Scratch Resistant Back Cover with Shock Absorbing Bumper for Apple iPhone 7 Plus - Crystal Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EMKBG8S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_cqlZybS6XYDD8 iPhone 7 Plus Case, LUVVITT [Ultra Slim] Soft Slim Flexible TPU Back Cover Transparent Rubber Case for Apple iPhone 7 Plus - Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F1MRGYY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_TqlZyb98S50TF', ">>{jlbphotos} : Really have you seen examples of noise on mark 4? Granted Sony is ahead of mk3 but let's wait till we have evidence", '>>{Deofol7} : It does not. But she is crying all the way to the bank.', ">>{snointernet} : Current factors (and preceding) considered, it's a formidable Photography camera - which it has always been marketed as. However, the MK2 brought a revolution in DSLR video, that provided a large market to amateurs and professionals, alike. The expectations from Canon, were reflected from that impact. It's not far off to have those - just that Canon chose to not reciprocate.", ">>{edbro333} : It's a bad sign canon isn't saying anything about it", ">>{SmallHandsThinSkin} : That's...that's not reassuring at all....also not really *that* contradictory...", ">>{MrSplitty} : I'll take the bait. Deport them to where, exactly?", '>>{987f} : Maybe he wants to have a discussion to reaffirm his commitment to religious freedom while discussing the dangers of anti-american ideologies that have evolved out of islam.', ">>{versipelis} : I'd love to see a person presented with two photos be able to identify which one came form an A7 and from a 5D. But very few people, including most photographers I know, pixel peek that much. Also, 5D blows the A7's battery life out of the water.", ">>{straydog1980} : I see both your immigration policies and religious bans and I'm gonna raise a motherfucking WALL", ">>{Politx} : I will kick your babies out. Don't push me.", ">>{singularity87} : Have you seen any information on the 5D MIV battery life? 5D MIII does certainly have better battery life than the A7's but I think battery life is minor issue. A7 batteries are much smaller and are easy to carry.", ">>{edbro333} : Canon didn't say anything about noise, because priobably it's not a worthwhile improvement", '>>{JPN2214} : no shit Sherlock. The A7SII has the best noise performance of like every camera.', ">>{Feignfame} : It's a gross misinterpretation of a passage that allows a follower to lie to hide from persecution. Much like how early Christianity did away with circumcision.", '>>{straydog1980} : Will you at least shake baby hands with him?', '>>{brownears} : Yes, and also Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Malkin.', ">>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : Eh, assuming the journalist wants to argue against Nehlen, he can make the case better if he takes the exact quote and argue against that, rather than muddying the waters by mis-paraphrasing him in the headline. Journalists often don't get to decide their own headlines though.", '>>{JPN2214} : That would require an insane jump in tech. Like how Sony uses super-low resolution in the A7S series, or the insane cocktail of techs used in the A7RII (including FF-BSI)', '>>{freeagent10} : The a7 series has pretty bad startup times, shutter lag and battery life.', ">>{Politx} : My hands are not as magnificent as [Mr Khan's] (http://media.breitbart.com/media/2016/08/Khizr-Khan-DNC-Getty-640x480.jpg) but hand size doesn't matter", '>>{NChSh} : I can\'t believe I\'m saying this, but "Let\'s Go Paul Ryan!"', '>>{Microham} : Exactly the few 0.X% in picture quality are not what it is about. It is about getting the picture. With things like the way higher burst mode. Which gives you an advantage with sports and wild life photography.', '>>{fritz236} : I swear some of the candidates the GOP field are just there to make the rest of them seem reasonable and well-informed.', ">>{creiss74} : [She's a real down-ass bitch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1seThIG34R8)", '>>{Microham} : The A7 takes about 300 and the 5D MIV takes 950 shots. This can make a huge difference. Like imagine doing sports. If you shoot a lot in burst you will quickly reach the 300. Then you might miss great shoots because of the extra time you spend replacing batteries.', ">>{Microham} : Actually not. Sony is way ahead of Canon here: http://ilovehatephoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ISO-Test.jpg https://www.slrlounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/sony_a7rII_vs_canon_5ds_high_iso_test_100_crop.png (left A7S and right 5D Miii) I don't even think they are even competing here. The 5D is a workhorse and a tank. It speaks to journalists, sport photographers, wildlife photographers, fashion photographers etc. Everywhere where you need to shoot quick and long. The Sony cameras are light, have less noise and are way slower than Canon's top cameras. With that they speak more to photographers who are into street photography, landscapes, night photography, portraits etc.", ">>{singularity87} : Canon is much better for sports photography. I'll give you that. The focusing is much better in that regard too. You can add the extra battery grip to the A7 though to double the battery life.", '>>{creiss74} : He said we should have a discussion about deporting all Muslims. He asks why do we have them in the country and says we should have a discussion about deporting them. For sure.', '>>{Microham} : Well you can add a battery grip to the 5D as well :D I think it is actually silly to compare the two. They are both built for completely different purposes in mind.', '>>{edbro333} : Read my comment again. I said should come closer', '>>{Fairuse} : Plus the rolling shutter is really noticeable on the 5D IV at 4k resolution even with a slow pan.', '>>{Stolichnayaaa} : Unless he supports the deportation of all American muslims, I am thinking it would be a very short discussion. "Should we deport all Muslims?" "No" "Yeah, that is a terrible idea. What was I thinking."', ">>{blatherskiter} : That's impossible, because we didn't allow Muslim immigration until 1965.", '>>{Fairuse} : Plus the rolling shutter is really noticeable on the 5D IV at 4k resolution even with a slow pan.', ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : What if they're from, say, Long Island?", ">>{blatherskiter} : That's not possible, because we didn't allow Muslim immigration until 1965.", ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : 1965 was 51 years ago. So let me get this straight. A Muslim person immigrates to America in 1965, at the age of let's say 20. They're now 71. In the meantime they've worked a job, or built a business, had children. Those children have had children. That's three generations worth of Muslim people stemming from that 1965 entry. You think all three generations of them should be deported to the country the grandfather originally came from in 1965?", ">>{bobfossilsnipples} : Where'd you pull that one from? The US blocked a lot of non-European immigration from the 20s until the laws changed in 1965, but Muslims have been in the US for longer than there's *been* a US.", '>>{bobfossilsnipples} : Will he even have a democratic challenger in the fall or is that just a lost cause in his district?', '>>{TrumpIsHateful} : Baloney. [Muslims have been in the United States since before it was a United States.](http://www.tolerance.org/publication/american-muslims-united-states) The first known mosque was built in the United States more than 85 years ago, long before 1965.', '>>{TrumpIsHateful} : Baloney again. [Muslims have been in the United States since before it was a United States.](http://www.tolerance.org/publication/american-muslims-united-states) The first known mosque was built in the United States more than 85 years ago, long before 1965.', ">>{TrumpIsHateful} : If you listen to the whole interview, he's clearly an overt racist.", '>>{TrumpIsHateful} : *Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.* So Trump is backing a candidate who wants to abolish the First Amendment.', ">>{blatherskiter} : > That's three generations worth of Muslim people stemming from that 1965 entry. And if their country of origin has immigration laws as stupid as ours, then they still have citizenship there.", '>>{Jokrtothethief} : I dunno. Just trying to understand your crusade.', '>>{TonySoprano420} : In the interest of realism, I feel obligated to point out that this would be a string bet and your raise would be returned to you.', ">>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/feature/islam-in-america/ They started coming here well before the 1900's. Your argument is foolish and your opinions are worthy of ridicule.", ">>{dallyho4} : well, if someone like that got elected, they'll continue the trump legacy. this portion of the republican party isn't going away soon; they've just been publicly unveiled.", ">>{qcubed3} : What's the line on who has the smaller hands?", '>>{nirad} : what are the chances that this fuckstick wins the primary and loses the general election?', ">>{Colin-Cowherd} : That's not true. Muslims from the Levant were immigrating to the US in the early 1900s", '>>{hazenthephysicist} : If his district, in the general, is sensible enough to back Ryan, they might go for a democrat if he loses the primary. Perhaps a super blue dog democrat, but still.', '>>{dns_ingsoc} : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.', ">>{folieadeuxxmachinam} : okay, where? i mean, since we're apparently *talking about displacing millions of our own citizens.*"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{DanielMillican} : The Canon EOS 5D Mark IV pro dSLR brings 4K video, GPS and more', '>>{JPN2214} : Hmm... a solid camera, but so was the predecessor.', '>>{and101} : This was looking like a good upgrade for my Mark 2 until I saw the price. $4700 in the UK is a bit expensive for a few more pixels, lower noise and better focusing.', '>>{perlon} : 4K video capture is a welcome addition to this camera and users can record in either 24 or 30p, albeit with a 1.64x crop.', ">>{snointernet} : If the crop wasn't a laughable factor, (considering it's a full frame camera) it's Motion JPEG format, certainly is. Canon continues to hinder it's own products, despite a competitive market which is slowly overcoming it.", '>>{singularity87} : And inferior in almost every way to pretty much all of the Sony A7 range of cameras.', ">>{versipelis} : If you're buying the 5D you're probably not buying it for video. It's just an extra feature.", '>>{edbro333} : And noise trails cameras like the a7s II for example', '>>{jlbphotos} : How can you say that from a spec list? We havnt seen any reviews yet.', ">>{jlbphotos} : Really have you seen examples of noise on mark 4? Granted Sony is ahead of mk3 but let's wait till we have evidence", ">>{snointernet} : Current factors (and preceding) considered, it's a formidable Photography camera - which it has always been marketed as. However, the MK2 brought a revolution in DSLR video, that provided a large market to amateurs and professionals, alike. The expectations from Canon, were reflected from that impact. It's not far off to have those - just that Canon chose to not reciprocate.", ">>{edbro333} : It's a bad sign canon isn't saying anything about it", ">>{versipelis} : I'd love to see a person presented with two photos be able to identify which one came form an A7 and from a 5D. But very few people, including most photographers I know, pixel peek that much. Also, 5D blows the A7's battery life out of the water.", ">>{singularity87} : Have you seen any information on the 5D MIV battery life? 5D MIII does certainly have better battery life than the A7's but I think battery life is minor issue. A7 batteries are much smaller and are easy to carry.", ">>{edbro333} : Canon didn't say anything about noise, because priobably it's not a worthwhile improvement", '>>{JPN2214} : no shit Sherlock. The A7SII has the best noise performance of like every camera.', '>>{JPN2214} : That would require an insane jump in tech. Like how Sony uses super-low resolution in the A7S series, or the insane cocktail of techs used in the A7RII (including FF-BSI)', '>>{freeagent10} : The a7 series has pretty bad startup times, shutter lag and battery life.', '>>{Microham} : Exactly the few 0.X% in picture quality are not what it is about. It is about getting the picture. With things like the way higher burst mode. Which gives you an advantage with sports and wild life photography.', '>>{Microham} : The A7 takes about 300 and the 5D MIV takes 950 shots. This can make a huge difference. Like imagine doing sports. If you shoot a lot in burst you will quickly reach the 300. Then you might miss great shoots because of the extra time you spend replacing batteries.', ">>{Microham} : Actually not. Sony is way ahead of Canon here: http://ilovehatephoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ISO-Test.jpg https://www.slrlounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/sony_a7rII_vs_canon_5ds_high_iso_test_100_crop.png (left A7S and right 5D Miii) I don't even think they are even competing here. The 5D is a workhorse and a tank. It speaks to journalists, sport photographers, wildlife photographers, fashion photographers etc. Everywhere where you need to shoot quick and long. The Sony cameras are light, have less noise and are way slower than Canon's top cameras. With that they speak more to photographers who are into street photography, landscapes, night photography, portraits etc.", ">>{singularity87} : Canon is much better for sports photography. I'll give you that. The focusing is much better in that regard too. You can add the extra battery grip to the A7 though to double the battery life.", '>>{Microham} : Well you can add a battery grip to the 5D as well :D I think it is actually silly to compare the two. They are both built for completely different purposes in mind.', '>>{edbro333} : Read my comment again. I said should come closer', '>>{Fairuse} : Plus the rolling shutter is really noticeable on the 5D IV at 4k resolution even with a slow pan.', '>>{Fairuse} : Plus the rolling shutter is really noticeable on the 5D IV at 4k resolution even with a slow pan.'], ['>>{myellabella} : Paul Ryan’s Challenger Paul Nehlen: Deport All Muslims', '>>{Politx} : I see your immigration policy and I raise you a ban on a religion... Call', '>>{h3rring} : I like how Proft just called that shit out. Thoughtcrimes, yep.', '>>{berlinbrown} : I knew the Republican party was that, but good grief. "With his fiery anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric, Nehlen has quickly become a favorite among right-wing media personalities"', '>>{h3rring} : Coulter is campaigning for this guy. Shocker, right?', '>>{987f} : Misleading title: >"Well, then, the question is why do we have Muslims in the country?” Nehlen said... >“Are you suggesting that we deport all of the Muslims in this country?” Proft followed up. >“I’m suggesting we have a discussion about it, that’s for sure,” Nehlen answered.', '>>{berlinbrown} : I always wonder Coulter and Limbaugh sit around smoking cigars and talk about how they troll America for ratings and pushing up the Social Conservative Republican brand. Coulter is a lawyer, does she really believe you can ban all Muslims. How does that factor her into her understanding of the law.', '>>{Scoutster13} : See you are talking about friends, co-workers, students and neighbors to those of us who live in the real world. This is sickening.', ">>{ArfBox} : >“Islam is the only major religion that encourages lying,” he replied, pointing to a verse of the Quran which, he claimed, encourages Muslims to “lie to the infidel” to further jihadist efforts. lolwat that's not a thing", ">>{doomdg} : Just means they're terrible christians for not following the Bible.", ">>{SmallHandsThinSkin} : **Also Related:** * [**Arizona’s Lady Trump:** ***Kelli Ward is running a Donald-esque primary challenge to John McCain — and she just might win***](http://www.salon.com/2016/08/04/arizonas_lady_trump_kelli_ward_is_running_a_donald_esque_primary_challenge_to_john_mccain_and_she_just_might_win/) Looks like the Trump Movement is now becoming a threat to the Establishment's Congressional presence in addition their hold on the Presidential ticket. But on the flip-side for the Establishment, *they did* just manage to knock out the Tea Party House Leader with one of their own, so there's that. But it's kinda like they're just running from putting out one fire to the next. Launching a Counter-Revolt against the Freedom Caucus just as the Trump Movement pops up & starts a new revolt right in their own backyard. The only ones who really seem to be gaining from this are the Evangelicals, who not only got the Old Guard to partner with them, but the Tea Party to embrace them & Trump to share the throne with them.", '>>{Deofol7} : It does not. But she is crying all the way to the bank.', ">>{SmallHandsThinSkin} : That's...that's not reassuring at all....also not really *that* contradictory...", ">>{MrSplitty} : I'll take the bait. Deport them to where, exactly?", '>>{987f} : Maybe he wants to have a discussion to reaffirm his commitment to religious freedom while discussing the dangers of anti-american ideologies that have evolved out of islam.', ">>{straydog1980} : I see both your immigration policies and religious bans and I'm gonna raise a motherfucking WALL", ">>{Politx} : I will kick your babies out. Don't push me.", ">>{Feignfame} : It's a gross misinterpretation of a passage that allows a follower to lie to hide from persecution. Much like how early Christianity did away with circumcision.", '>>{straydog1980} : Will you at least shake baby hands with him?', '>>{brownears} : Yes, and also Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Malkin.', ">>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : Eh, assuming the journalist wants to argue against Nehlen, he can make the case better if he takes the exact quote and argue against that, rather than muddying the waters by mis-paraphrasing him in the headline. Journalists often don't get to decide their own headlines though.", ">>{Politx} : My hands are not as magnificent as [Mr Khan's] (http://media.breitbart.com/media/2016/08/Khizr-Khan-DNC-Getty-640x480.jpg) but hand size doesn't matter", '>>{NChSh} : I can\'t believe I\'m saying this, but "Let\'s Go Paul Ryan!"', '>>{fritz236} : I swear some of the candidates the GOP field are just there to make the rest of them seem reasonable and well-informed.', ">>{creiss74} : [She's a real down-ass bitch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1seThIG34R8)", '>>{creiss74} : He said we should have a discussion about deporting all Muslims. He asks why do we have them in the country and says we should have a discussion about deporting them. For sure.', '>>{Stolichnayaaa} : Unless he supports the deportation of all American muslims, I am thinking it would be a very short discussion. "Should we deport all Muslims?" "No" "Yeah, that is a terrible idea. What was I thinking."', ">>{blatherskiter} : That's impossible, because we didn't allow Muslim immigration until 1965.", ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : What if they're from, say, Long Island?", ">>{blatherskiter} : That's not possible, because we didn't allow Muslim immigration until 1965.", ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : 1965 was 51 years ago. So let me get this straight. A Muslim person immigrates to America in 1965, at the age of let's say 20. They're now 71. In the meantime they've worked a job, or built a business, had children. Those children have had children. That's three generations worth of Muslim people stemming from that 1965 entry. You think all three generations of them should be deported to the country the grandfather originally came from in 1965?", ">>{bobfossilsnipples} : Where'd you pull that one from? The US blocked a lot of non-European immigration from the 20s until the laws changed in 1965, but Muslims have been in the US for longer than there's *been* a US.", '>>{bobfossilsnipples} : Will he even have a democratic challenger in the fall or is that just a lost cause in his district?', '>>{TrumpIsHateful} : Baloney. [Muslims have been in the United States since before it was a United States.](http://www.tolerance.org/publication/american-muslims-united-states) The first known mosque was built in the United States more than 85 years ago, long before 1965.', '>>{TrumpIsHateful} : Baloney again. [Muslims have been in the United States since before it was a United States.](http://www.tolerance.org/publication/american-muslims-united-states) The first known mosque was built in the United States more than 85 years ago, long before 1965.', ">>{TrumpIsHateful} : If you listen to the whole interview, he's clearly an overt racist.", '>>{TrumpIsHateful} : *Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.* So Trump is backing a candidate who wants to abolish the First Amendment.', ">>{blatherskiter} : > That's three generations worth of Muslim people stemming from that 1965 entry. And if their country of origin has immigration laws as stupid as ours, then they still have citizenship there.", '>>{Jokrtothethief} : I dunno. Just trying to understand your crusade.', '>>{TonySoprano420} : In the interest of realism, I feel obligated to point out that this would be a string bet and your raise would be returned to you.', ">>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/feature/islam-in-america/ They started coming here well before the 1900's. Your argument is foolish and your opinions are worthy of ridicule.", ">>{dallyho4} : well, if someone like that got elected, they'll continue the trump legacy. this portion of the republican party isn't going away soon; they've just been publicly unveiled.", ">>{qcubed3} : What's the line on who has the smaller hands?", '>>{nirad} : what are the chances that this fuckstick wins the primary and loses the general election?', ">>{Colin-Cowherd} : That's not true. Muslims from the Levant were immigrating to the US in the early 1900s", '>>{hazenthephysicist} : If his district, in the general, is sensible enough to back Ryan, they might go for a democrat if he loses the primary. Perhaps a super blue dog democrat, but still.', '>>{dns_ingsoc} : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.', ">>{folieadeuxxmachinam} : okay, where? i mean, since we're apparently *talking about displacing millions of our own citizens.*"], ['>>{michaelmanieri} : Where do I get this News App? I see everyone with it.', ">>{thelance} : It's the Apple news app. It comes preinstalled.", '>>{michaelmanieri} : not on my phone though and I have 7 plus up to date', '>>{zakphi} : odd. have you tried searching the app store for it?', '>>{thelance} : Search the App Store for Apple News. Are you US based?', '>>{michaelmanieri} : > I live in Canada btw is it Region bound?', ">>{bbllaakkee} : it's not really that great, you aren't missing out on much at all.", ">>{thelance} : On the plus side, Canada is a pretty nice place to live when it isn't below zero.", '>>{reddithamont} : You can just change your phone region to united state Settings-general-language & region-region formats united state Then you can see that app', ">>{Vibraniummm} : You can't get it.Only available in the US, unless you change your phone region", ">>{MKMatty} : That's odd considering I have it on my 6S here in Australia.", ">>{MKMatty} : Edit. Just found an article online about it being U.K., US and Aus only. That's peculiar IMO. Link:http://www.techbout.com/use-apple-news-app-outside-us-5159/"], [">>{ayysizzle} : What's the best case you've found for the iPhone 7 Plus?", '>>{GotSchlonged} : I like the [Spigen Liquid Air Armor](https://www.spigen.com/products/iphone-7-plus-case-liquid-air?variant=29155761601).', '>>{Fender6969} : https://www.amazon.com/Silk-iPhone-Grip-Case-Lightweight/dp/B01JTI24ES?th=1&psc=1 Absolutely amazing. Truly blew my mind. The texture on the sides and back are extremely grippy as well as maintaining a thin profile. Also, what level of protection are you looking for for your phone?', ">>{ayysizzle} : I've had a spigen neo hybrid on my iPhone 6 for the last 2.5 years so something similar. I'm probably gonna get a neo hybrid for the 7 plus but I want another case with a similar level of protection, cause I like to switch up my cases often", ">>{Fender6969} : If that's the level of protection that you are looking for, you may find the case I have recommended in your favor. Regardless, best of luck in your search!", ">>{iMau5} : I have two: 1) Apple Leather case. Personally, if you want a case that will protect your phone and also stay relatively thin, the best choice is the Apple Leather case. It's such a great case. I had one on my iPhone 6 and loved it and they made it even better for the iPhone 7. I've dropped my phone countless times, from many different heights, on many different surfaces, and never had an issue. Great all around functionality and protection. 2) Elago Origin thin case https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JRJ93CK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_qWEYyb5JMGJR2 After using a coworkers completely naked phone, I felt the need to start using something very thin. The naked iPhone is such a pleasure to hold, and this Elago case barely adds any bulk. Yes, it only protects from scratches and if the phone is dropped I'm pretty fucked, but it feels so good to use it. No protection is always infinitely better feeling than using protection. Also, I have a friend who owns a Cadaube Sheeth case and swears by it. Case I don't like: Apple Silicone case. Buttons are hard to press, and is such a pain in the ass to take out of your jeans pocket.", ">>{mysticportal} : Same. Out of all the cases I've had in my life, this is the only one that I love to keep on. It feels way better than using the phone naked and the material is superb.", '>>{CoachCWC} : Silicone case by Apple. It is water resistant just like the phone. I had the leather but it bubbled up from getting water on it.', ">>{tsevince} : As someone who reviews cases for a living, my top 3 daily drivers: 1. RhinoShield PlayProof - Pair this with their screen protector and you've got an indestructable case that looks and feels good in the hand 2. Speck Presidio Grip - The added rubber grip lines are a preventative measure to drop protection rather than reactive 3. Spigen Thin Fit - The almost sticky matte nature of the black model at least is the best feeling case I've used *I've reviewed all 3 and to avoid spamming links, you can search for excessorizeme to find them if you're interested.", '>>{jakemoura} : Just got my magpul field case. I love it. Used it on all my phones.', ">>{ayysizzle} : On YouTube right? I'll check out your channel now, I'm in need of some good case reviews to find the right one for me", ">>{Eagleglen} : I'm already a follower. Nice to see you on Reddit. ✋️", '>>{Yungskeeme} : I also was using the Elago case until I dropped my phone and cracked the case. Plain to get another', '>>{Rubenel} : I bought these on sale for under $5. I use the ClearView case mostly due to the air cushion technology. But when I want the thin bare feeling, I use the Ultra Slim case. iPhone 7 Plus Case, LUVVITT [ClearView] Hybrid Scratch Resistant Back Cover with Shock Absorbing Bumper for Apple iPhone 7 Plus - Crystal Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EMKBG8S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_cqlZybS6XYDD8 iPhone 7 Plus Case, LUVVITT [Ultra Slim] Soft Slim Flexible TPU Back Cover Transparent Rubber Case for Apple iPhone 7 Plus - Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F1MRGYY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_TqlZyb98S50TF']]
classify and reply
['>>{HMC_Million} : Apple to release $1k iPhone with curved screen and USB-C port', '>>{JustaBlueCollarMan} : Sean Hannity’s tantrum over Ted Koppel interview shows feeble grasp of TV journalism', ">>{tommy2014015} : Im curious as to what Sean Hannity's moral identity really is. I refuse to believe someone holds convictions as vile and convincingly as he really does. Or maybe im so disconnected from how the average GOP voter thinks that the stuff he mouths off are considered cogent points. I honestly dont know anymore.", ">>{erotic_majesty} : >Or maybe im so disconnected from how the average GOP voter thinks Yup, it's that. Being a supporter of this brand of repiblicanism is a mental illness at this point. Hannity believes this shit he peddles.", ">>{Apotheosis__} : Hanniy and journalism in the same sentence, that's funny.", ">>{Fuzzywuzzywazabear} : Yeah and the camera is .3% better! Can't wait! /s", ">>{AdalineTheMaker} : The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -Bertrand Russell. This explains Hannity. He believes what he's saying.", '>>{LegitJesseee} : > All versions of the upcoming model is said to drop the Lightning port in favor of USB-C. PLEASE Apple. Your consumers are begging you.', '>>{shamefuless} : Hannity made his choice long ago between being a shill or a journalist. He was a complete hand puppet for the Tea Party when they started years ago. The people who said with all seriousness: Keep government hands out of my Medicare.', '>>{howardCK} : howardCK to release $1k fart with steamy flavor and USB-C port', ">>{shamefuless} : The other side says the same thing about liberals. So OK. I get into a discussion with them about some issue. So like what did you bring to the party because I brought facts. The best they can come up with is talking points many of which they don't even understand that can be blow up with a little fact checking. Then they resort to whataboutisms like good Russian puppets. They don't even try on this sub anymore because their positions are so positively shitty and indefensible.", '>>{jillanco} : How about a super powerful phone that connects to a monitor and keyboard a la windows 10 phone? Essentially iPad Pro in a phone.', ">>{ur2fat4u} : What is this craze with curved screens? It's my understanding that they can really be a nuisance based on your grip and that the available phone cases don't do a good job of protecting the screen making it more prone to shattering.", '>>{JoeKkerr} : This will never happen ,NEVER, apple gains all the money from the lightning port licensing fees', '>>{JoeKkerr} : I own the s7 edge, and i\'ll tell you with the nougat update the edge rejection is so bad i clicked shift accidently and sent "OK". She thought i was yelling and we had a great fight', '>>{BlackStrain} : Lightning will be dropped in favour of wireless rather than USB-C I suspect.', ">>{JoeKkerr} : Nopes, knowing how apple greedy Apple is, they'll definitely want the money behind lightning earphones, so that other earphone companies will haev to pay them licensing fees. Dont forget how they put USB C on macbook pro but not on iPhone while saying pushing wireless future", '>>{goopsplash} : Is this 1k before or after phone service provider contract?', ">>{devilsacomplice} : Hrs not a journalist. He's an older, uglier, dumber version of Kim Kardashian.", '>>{Azatron17} : Sick burn! Seriously though I love hearing Hannity cry about the mainstream media and fake news. You literally are the definition of main stream media fake news.', ">>{Schilthorn} : like he said himself, he's not a journalist. he's an opinion host.", '>>{90265sbsbsbwtf} : Because we all know how well the curved TV went over.', '>>{Azatron17} : He just hates being called out like that by a real journalist. I bet it stings.', ">>{aledlewis} : You lost me when you said 'mental illness' because that's the exact polarising shut-down language that folks on the other side use. We can disagree with them and hope to persuade them without accusing millions of people of being ill.", ">>{erotic_majesty} : It's ok, you're allowed to be wrong on this", '>>{aledlewis} : I live how triggered Hannity is over this. Koppel delivered it so perfectly as well. Without emotion and cushioned with a compliment.', ">>{Jump_Yossarian} : > Im curious as to what Sean Hannity's moral identity really is. $$$$$$$$$", ">>{upnorthgirl} : I like Charles Pierce's (Esquire) view - Hannity and many in Fox are entertainers, not journalists.", ">>{StopBeingWromg} : This is why I bought a nexus, Sock android and non curbed screen. I'm willing to put up with all the trade offs.", '>>{foxtrot5} : I think I just threw up in my mouth. No fucking way am i paying $1k for a smartphone.', ">>{knightofdight} : Many people already did with the old iPhones, so this isn't that much of a shocker. If you wanted an ample amount of storage (i.e. 64 or 128GB), you paid 940/1000+ for your phone in the previous generations. I'm more shocked tbh about the Samsung S8+ costing upwards of 1k than I am this iphone costing 1k. At least with Samsung we know that within 6 months of release, you will be able to obtain the phone for a big discount. Samsung phones always drop significantly in price a few months after release, but Apple rarely ever adjusts their prices. Smartphone prices in general are absurd now.", '>>{lumpy1981} : Came here to say this. The base price for most new top end smartphones like iPhone and Samsung are already $650 - $1000+ depending on the phone and features.', ">>{jamtam1} : I'm pretty sure Apple helped develop the USB-C so they're making money from it still.", '>>{madusldasl} : Yep. It\'s hard to even have these discussions with many republicans because you realize they have spent zero time actually educating theirselves on the issues, and have instead memorized a bunch of hair brained arguments from the likes of hannity and Limbaugh. And hannity and Limbaugh have brainwashed them to believe that anyone who disagrees with them are nothing more than elitist liberal antichrists. Political discourse is dead in this country and its because of right wing radio entertainers stupefying their audience. But even if that weren\'t the case, conservatism is not what this world needs. We can\'t magically go back to "the good ole\' days" that these conservatives dream about (often not realizing that their good ole days were other people\'s hell on earth). If we aren\'t implementing an aggressively progressive agenda that recognizes the fact that we are all citizens of earth and that we as a species need to lift each other up if we are ever going to survive the trials ahead of us, then it\'s game over. I don\'t think most people understand the magnitude or gravity of the challenges that we are going to face in this lifetime, or the lifetime of our children. And we are on a suicide course if we don\'t drop this conservative bullshit and quick. Edit: changed an "of" to "or"', '>>{BerkandWasTaken} : USB-C is for maybe about half a year (maybe longer) in the most chinese phones. Its about time the Western Smartphone industries step on.', ">>{ded2me} : It really baffles me that people spend this much on these devices. I'm still rocking a Samsung s3 and I am happy with it for the most part. And it cost me less than 100$ when I bought it. If I were going to spend 1000$ on technology I would just build an awesome gaming desktop.", ">>{jmazala} : i could understand not wanting one. but you're actually baffled because other people aren't using 5 year old cell phones?", ">>{ellgramar} : Went from 6>>>7, it's actually .2mm thicker", '>>{gmmxle} : You understand that USB is an open standard, right? Anybody can build to spec without having to pay licensing fees.', '>>{jamtam1} : Gotcha. I did some research and found no proof. Soooo never mind.', ">>{ded2me} : No I'm just surprised that someone is willing to spend one thousand dollars on something like a phone. I'm trying to understand the benefits of these brand new devices. My only conclusion is that with a brand new cell phone the apps will load faster, and the cameras are better and the battery life is ....better? I guess I am just not interested in having Facebook open at record speed. Or taking 20 megapixel photos or videos. Therefore the S3 is still filling my needs. For now at least. Would it be nice to have a newer Device? Absolutely. Would I feel comfortable paying one thousand dollars for one? No. Just my opinion dude.", '>>{jmazala} : your sentences seem coherent but i\'m so confused why you seriously can\'t understand why someone would want a phone newer than mid 2012? there\'s a difference between "$1000 for a phone is too expensive" and being baffled why anyone wants a newer phone than an s3', '>>{Cali_Hapa_Dude} : If this was typed on a Nexus, you still have keyboarding problems.', ">>{Cali_Hapa_Dude} : It will be the best iPhone yet! So good that the iPhone X's name is 42.9% higher than the 7.", '>>{ded2me} : I would refer you to the end of my statement for your answer. Have a great day.', '>>{BasedWhiteSnake} : Damn, I thought I was on /r/nottheonion.', ">>{Badderman} : God forbid they should want to, you know, make money... What's the problem with a company doing whatever they want with their own product? The fact that consumers line up to empty their pockets for these ridiculously expensive phones shows where the true greed is. It's consumer greed that fuels corporate greed.", '>>{Biker_roadkill_LOL} : You are on crack. Nobody cares about the type of charging port except a handful of Apple nerds.', '>>{LegitJesseee} : Ah yes, nobody wants a universal port that can be used between all phone brands for charging & I/O. Thanks for clarifying!', '>>{Biker_roadkill_LOL} : > Apple nerds. You made the clarification for me. The average iphone buyer can care less about the cable I/O.', ">>{LegitJesseee} : It's not IO that regular consumers care about, it's the fact that you can ask anyone with a Galaxy for a charger even if you have an iPhone.", ">>{mrmindful} : By the same token, what's the problem with the above posters expressing their distaste for it?", ">>{Biker_roadkill_LOL} : I still don't think people care. They'll be more irritated that they have to replace cables and peripherals.", '>>{mrmindful} : Stop being "confused" and find something more worthwhile to debate with someone. Many people think $1k is excessive for a phone. Get over it.', '>>{hatramroany} : Apple changed cables AGAIN so I HAVE to buy new ones will probably be the major complaint though. People are stupid.', '>>{Badderman} : I never said there was a problem with it.', ">>{AkirIkasu} : It's a status symbol. People buy it to symbolize that they are part of a group. It's why people are so adamant about the superiority of Apple/Samsung/whatever and why they make tacky jewel-studded leather designer cases for them. The phones don't cost anywhere near $1000 to make; they just have a huge margin on them because it's a luxury item.", ">>{ScrewJimBean} : Going pure wireless on charging is a really bad idea from the product standpoint. No one wants a phone they can't use while it's charging which is essentially what happens with wireless charging systems.", '>>{Shaybob1} : I wanted to love Fleksy so much, but at the end of the day, the experience was just clunky :/ I tried it for like 2 weeks 2 or 3 different times.', ">>{StopBeingWromg} : I've used it for, two? three? years. Can't find anything better :|", '>>{hardtofindagoodname} : OK is the correct punctuation. OKAY! Is yelling. Tell her to FO.', ">>{5RIqosTW3} : If Apple's gonna hold on to Lightning, this just means the USB end is now Type-C.", ">>{ITXorBust} : They're garbage. After my Galaxy Nexus I'll never buy another one. Ever.", '>>{Orjan91} : Tbh i would say that your gf is the issue, not the phone.', ">>{ITXorBust} : The Galaxy nexus didn't have TouchWiz and that doesn't have anything to do with curved screens. What.", ">>{Automatic_nun_gun} : Ohhh I thought you meant you hate Samsung phones in general and yeah obviously nexus phone wouldn't have touch wiz I'm dumb my bad. Tired, I have an s7 edge and the edges can be annoying I just got it for battery capacity and screen size. With a screen on I don't have any problems but I see why some people hate it. Apparently the implementation on the note 7 was really good though so I'm hopeful for the s8 I will probably wait for the pixel 2 though.", '>>{Frihamnen} : No, USB is not a free license. There is a yearly cost to get a vendor ID (it is very low though) and AFAIK there is no cost per unit, unlike Lightning.', '>>{DaddyTrimp} : An iPhone tier running OS X with USB-C instead of lightning port?', '>>{ceejay267} : Thought it was weird that the 1k was a point in the headline then remembered not everyone lives in australia. Cost me $1250 for my iphone 7 plus', ">>{Nickx000x} : That's because there is no palm rejection. I personally haven't had any touchscreen problems with my S7 Edge. Maybe you are holding it incorrectly.", ">>{Nickx000x} : Ok then don't. But hundreds of thousands of others will."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{HMC_Million} : Apple to release $1k iPhone with curved screen and USB-C port', ">>{Fuzzywuzzywazabear} : Yeah and the camera is .3% better! Can't wait! /s", '>>{LegitJesseee} : > All versions of the upcoming model is said to drop the Lightning port in favor of USB-C. PLEASE Apple. Your consumers are begging you.', '>>{howardCK} : howardCK to release $1k fart with steamy flavor and USB-C port', '>>{jillanco} : How about a super powerful phone that connects to a monitor and keyboard a la windows 10 phone? Essentially iPad Pro in a phone.', ">>{ur2fat4u} : What is this craze with curved screens? It's my understanding that they can really be a nuisance based on your grip and that the available phone cases don't do a good job of protecting the screen making it more prone to shattering.", '>>{JoeKkerr} : This will never happen ,NEVER, apple gains all the money from the lightning port licensing fees', '>>{JoeKkerr} : I own the s7 edge, and i\'ll tell you with the nougat update the edge rejection is so bad i clicked shift accidently and sent "OK". She thought i was yelling and we had a great fight', '>>{BlackStrain} : Lightning will be dropped in favour of wireless rather than USB-C I suspect.', ">>{JoeKkerr} : Nopes, knowing how apple greedy Apple is, they'll definitely want the money behind lightning earphones, so that other earphone companies will haev to pay them licensing fees. Dont forget how they put USB C on macbook pro but not on iPhone while saying pushing wireless future", '>>{goopsplash} : Is this 1k before or after phone service provider contract?', '>>{90265sbsbsbwtf} : Because we all know how well the curved TV went over.', ">>{StopBeingWromg} : This is why I bought a nexus, Sock android and non curbed screen. I'm willing to put up with all the trade offs.", '>>{foxtrot5} : I think I just threw up in my mouth. No fucking way am i paying $1k for a smartphone.', ">>{knightofdight} : Many people already did with the old iPhones, so this isn't that much of a shocker. If you wanted an ample amount of storage (i.e. 64 or 128GB), you paid 940/1000+ for your phone in the previous generations. I'm more shocked tbh about the Samsung S8+ costing upwards of 1k than I am this iphone costing 1k. At least with Samsung we know that within 6 months of release, you will be able to obtain the phone for a big discount. Samsung phones always drop significantly in price a few months after release, but Apple rarely ever adjusts their prices. Smartphone prices in general are absurd now.", '>>{lumpy1981} : Came here to say this. The base price for most new top end smartphones like iPhone and Samsung are already $650 - $1000+ depending on the phone and features.', ">>{jamtam1} : I'm pretty sure Apple helped develop the USB-C so they're making money from it still.", '>>{BerkandWasTaken} : USB-C is for maybe about half a year (maybe longer) in the most chinese phones. Its about time the Western Smartphone industries step on.', ">>{ded2me} : It really baffles me that people spend this much on these devices. I'm still rocking a Samsung s3 and I am happy with it for the most part. And it cost me less than 100$ when I bought it. If I were going to spend 1000$ on technology I would just build an awesome gaming desktop.", ">>{jmazala} : i could understand not wanting one. but you're actually baffled because other people aren't using 5 year old cell phones?", ">>{ellgramar} : Went from 6>>>7, it's actually .2mm thicker", '>>{gmmxle} : You understand that USB is an open standard, right? Anybody can build to spec without having to pay licensing fees.', '>>{jamtam1} : Gotcha. I did some research and found no proof. Soooo never mind.', ">>{ded2me} : No I'm just surprised that someone is willing to spend one thousand dollars on something like a phone. I'm trying to understand the benefits of these brand new devices. My only conclusion is that with a brand new cell phone the apps will load faster, and the cameras are better and the battery life is ....better? I guess I am just not interested in having Facebook open at record speed. Or taking 20 megapixel photos or videos. Therefore the S3 is still filling my needs. For now at least. Would it be nice to have a newer Device? Absolutely. Would I feel comfortable paying one thousand dollars for one? No. Just my opinion dude.", '>>{jmazala} : your sentences seem coherent but i\'m so confused why you seriously can\'t understand why someone would want a phone newer than mid 2012? there\'s a difference between "$1000 for a phone is too expensive" and being baffled why anyone wants a newer phone than an s3', '>>{Cali_Hapa_Dude} : If this was typed on a Nexus, you still have keyboarding problems.', ">>{Cali_Hapa_Dude} : It will be the best iPhone yet! So good that the iPhone X's name is 42.9% higher than the 7.", '>>{ded2me} : I would refer you to the end of my statement for your answer. Have a great day.', '>>{BasedWhiteSnake} : Damn, I thought I was on /r/nottheonion.', ">>{Badderman} : God forbid they should want to, you know, make money... What's the problem with a company doing whatever they want with their own product? The fact that consumers line up to empty their pockets for these ridiculously expensive phones shows where the true greed is. It's consumer greed that fuels corporate greed.", '>>{Biker_roadkill_LOL} : You are on crack. Nobody cares about the type of charging port except a handful of Apple nerds.', '>>{LegitJesseee} : Ah yes, nobody wants a universal port that can be used between all phone brands for charging & I/O. Thanks for clarifying!', '>>{Biker_roadkill_LOL} : > Apple nerds. You made the clarification for me. The average iphone buyer can care less about the cable I/O.', ">>{LegitJesseee} : It's not IO that regular consumers care about, it's the fact that you can ask anyone with a Galaxy for a charger even if you have an iPhone.", ">>{mrmindful} : By the same token, what's the problem with the above posters expressing their distaste for it?", ">>{Biker_roadkill_LOL} : I still don't think people care. They'll be more irritated that they have to replace cables and peripherals.", '>>{mrmindful} : Stop being "confused" and find something more worthwhile to debate with someone. Many people think $1k is excessive for a phone. Get over it.', '>>{hatramroany} : Apple changed cables AGAIN so I HAVE to buy new ones will probably be the major complaint though. People are stupid.', '>>{Badderman} : I never said there was a problem with it.', ">>{AkirIkasu} : It's a status symbol. People buy it to symbolize that they are part of a group. It's why people are so adamant about the superiority of Apple/Samsung/whatever and why they make tacky jewel-studded leather designer cases for them. The phones don't cost anywhere near $1000 to make; they just have a huge margin on them because it's a luxury item.", ">>{ScrewJimBean} : Going pure wireless on charging is a really bad idea from the product standpoint. No one wants a phone they can't use while it's charging which is essentially what happens with wireless charging systems.", '>>{Shaybob1} : I wanted to love Fleksy so much, but at the end of the day, the experience was just clunky :/ I tried it for like 2 weeks 2 or 3 different times.', ">>{StopBeingWromg} : I've used it for, two? three? years. Can't find anything better :|", '>>{hardtofindagoodname} : OK is the correct punctuation. OKAY! Is yelling. Tell her to FO.', ">>{5RIqosTW3} : If Apple's gonna hold on to Lightning, this just means the USB end is now Type-C.", ">>{ITXorBust} : They're garbage. After my Galaxy Nexus I'll never buy another one. Ever.", '>>{Orjan91} : Tbh i would say that your gf is the issue, not the phone.', ">>{ITXorBust} : The Galaxy nexus didn't have TouchWiz and that doesn't have anything to do with curved screens. What.", ">>{Automatic_nun_gun} : Ohhh I thought you meant you hate Samsung phones in general and yeah obviously nexus phone wouldn't have touch wiz I'm dumb my bad. Tired, I have an s7 edge and the edges can be annoying I just got it for battery capacity and screen size. With a screen on I don't have any problems but I see why some people hate it. Apparently the implementation on the note 7 was really good though so I'm hopeful for the s8 I will probably wait for the pixel 2 though.", '>>{Frihamnen} : No, USB is not a free license. There is a yearly cost to get a vendor ID (it is very low though) and AFAIK there is no cost per unit, unlike Lightning.', '>>{DaddyTrimp} : An iPhone tier running OS X with USB-C instead of lightning port?', '>>{ceejay267} : Thought it was weird that the 1k was a point in the headline then remembered not everyone lives in australia. Cost me $1250 for my iphone 7 plus', ">>{Nickx000x} : That's because there is no palm rejection. I personally haven't had any touchscreen problems with my S7 Edge. Maybe you are holding it incorrectly.", ">>{Nickx000x} : Ok then don't. But hundreds of thousands of others will."], ['>>{JustaBlueCollarMan} : Sean Hannity’s tantrum over Ted Koppel interview shows feeble grasp of TV journalism', ">>{tommy2014015} : Im curious as to what Sean Hannity's moral identity really is. I refuse to believe someone holds convictions as vile and convincingly as he really does. Or maybe im so disconnected from how the average GOP voter thinks that the stuff he mouths off are considered cogent points. I honestly dont know anymore.", ">>{erotic_majesty} : >Or maybe im so disconnected from how the average GOP voter thinks Yup, it's that. Being a supporter of this brand of repiblicanism is a mental illness at this point. Hannity believes this shit he peddles.", ">>{Apotheosis__} : Hanniy and journalism in the same sentence, that's funny.", ">>{AdalineTheMaker} : The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -Bertrand Russell. This explains Hannity. He believes what he's saying.", '>>{shamefuless} : Hannity made his choice long ago between being a shill or a journalist. He was a complete hand puppet for the Tea Party when they started years ago. The people who said with all seriousness: Keep government hands out of my Medicare.', ">>{shamefuless} : The other side says the same thing about liberals. So OK. I get into a discussion with them about some issue. So like what did you bring to the party because I brought facts. The best they can come up with is talking points many of which they don't even understand that can be blow up with a little fact checking. Then they resort to whataboutisms like good Russian puppets. They don't even try on this sub anymore because their positions are so positively shitty and indefensible.", ">>{devilsacomplice} : Hrs not a journalist. He's an older, uglier, dumber version of Kim Kardashian.", '>>{Azatron17} : Sick burn! Seriously though I love hearing Hannity cry about the mainstream media and fake news. You literally are the definition of main stream media fake news.', ">>{Schilthorn} : like he said himself, he's not a journalist. he's an opinion host.", '>>{Azatron17} : He just hates being called out like that by a real journalist. I bet it stings.', ">>{aledlewis} : You lost me when you said 'mental illness' because that's the exact polarising shut-down language that folks on the other side use. We can disagree with them and hope to persuade them without accusing millions of people of being ill.", ">>{erotic_majesty} : It's ok, you're allowed to be wrong on this", '>>{aledlewis} : I live how triggered Hannity is over this. Koppel delivered it so perfectly as well. Without emotion and cushioned with a compliment.', ">>{Jump_Yossarian} : > Im curious as to what Sean Hannity's moral identity really is. $$$$$$$$$", ">>{upnorthgirl} : I like Charles Pierce's (Esquire) view - Hannity and many in Fox are entertainers, not journalists.", '>>{madusldasl} : Yep. It\'s hard to even have these discussions with many republicans because you realize they have spent zero time actually educating theirselves on the issues, and have instead memorized a bunch of hair brained arguments from the likes of hannity and Limbaugh. And hannity and Limbaugh have brainwashed them to believe that anyone who disagrees with them are nothing more than elitist liberal antichrists. Political discourse is dead in this country and its because of right wing radio entertainers stupefying their audience. But even if that weren\'t the case, conservatism is not what this world needs. We can\'t magically go back to "the good ole\' days" that these conservatives dream about (often not realizing that their good ole days were other people\'s hell on earth). If we aren\'t implementing an aggressively progressive agenda that recognizes the fact that we are all citizens of earth and that we as a species need to lift each other up if we are ever going to survive the trials ahead of us, then it\'s game over. I don\'t think most people understand the magnitude or gravity of the challenges that we are going to face in this lifetime, or the lifetime of our children. And we are on a suicide course if we don\'t drop this conservative bullshit and quick. Edit: changed an "of" to "or"']]
classify and reply
[">>{miashaee} : I figured as much, it's like the Trump rallies. There is something I learned a LONG time ago as a kid and it's this, the minute you start to violate certain social constructs in drastic ways (with racism, bigotry, violence against people, hate crimes, etc, etc) that is the moment you have removed yourself from the moral landscape to many and thus receive FARRRR less empathy to the point that people don't feel bad about doing HORRIBLE things to you, as they feel justified. Hence the violence here, and at Trump rallies, and if someone punches a neo-nazi in the face, or if people beat a child molester to death.........there are societal lines that if you cross them then it's open season on you.", '>>{winstonsmith7} : Once I would have been somewhat surprised. Not any longer.', '>>{chicken4every1} : Because criminals follow laws. Australias gun ban did not cause crime rates to drop any faster than the us who did not institute any ban. If an outright ban is ineffective any other type pf control is even less so.', '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : How do you plan to remove every single fucking gun from the country? Removing them from circulation just makes it so the criminals will go out of their way to get them.', '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : What do you mean "no guns?" How do you plan on removing every single gun? Its just not possible.', '>>{Arzu1982} : Talk radio hosts and bloggers may be included in White House press briefings - Trump administration’s proposal for new venue and inclusion of non-traditional media follows president-elect’s latest outbursts against mainstream reporters', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Tldr: the violent left has declared open season on Trump supporters.', '>>{miashaee} : I don\'t even know if it\'s the left persay, I mean sure some are but this is more of a universal thing with human nature, the minute you cross certain lines then some people have no problem with beating the hell out of you. That\'s why I was in no way going to a Trump rally when it rolled through, because that is a VERY real aspect of human nature and I know TONS of people see Trump and by extension many of his supporters as bigots. Trump isn\'t Mitt Romney..........the things that he says can easily trigger this response, and it did, right about when I said "No way I am going to one of his rallies".', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : A protest permit should not be used as a way to sneak in violent intentions. This will be a good way to get extremists on both sides put on lists. America hates lists, so fucking behave you loons.', '>>{americanidiot2} : Non traditional media has no place in the White House.', ">>{gmanreddit} : Brazil removed guns from circulation. Now only criminals and drugs dealers have them. People are robbed at gun point every day. It's a part of life there.", '>>{Romnonaldao} : So basically, anyone who agrees with him is getting access', '>>{SaltHash} : Trump & his chumps need to stop bitching about alleged fake news since they have no clue what real news is comprised from.', '>>{DebussySIMiami} : Much like my grandfather, I have zero sympathy for Nazis.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : No. Because I'm not a coward like these thugs and their supporters. How about you?", '>>{Ddog312} : There is a Pakistani Guy in my church group and he loves Trump. Of course he converted and is no longer a Muslim but still.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : I can't wait for Alex Jones to ask him about Chemtrails and fluoride.", '>>{1ceyou} : The Victim blaming is real.. and free speech is dead if that were the case. He said mean things to me so I will react in a violent and physical way because Words & Feels > Laws & Rights', '>>{Ddog312} : So you think the gun maker should be accountable for what happened in Orlando? Because that is what Hillary believes. It says it on her website.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Both parties here are scumbags, but they have a right to free speech. Suppressing this right is a CRIME.', ">>{seshfan} : And racists make the case for Hillary Clinton. You know what, as a gay person, I fucking love seeing? Conservative religious nutjobs who gleefully talk about how gay people are sinners and are burning in hell forever do a complete about-face and act like they're really sorry this happened. Fuck off. You don't give a shit about homophobia. Ted Cruz rubbed shoulders with a pastor who advocated killing gay people. You don't get to act self-righteous because someone actually did it.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : They're moving to a bigger room so they can fill it with right wing radio hosts. Great...", ">>{Wantfreespeechnow} : The_donald is the only major sub on the site not censoring details of the Orlando Club Shooting. Go look at the threads if you don't believe me, most people I've seen aren't homophobic in the slightest and are in fact angry that /r/news began to censor info once it came out the shooter had Islamic ties.", ">>{EternalCringe} : the word racist no longer has meaning since libs love to randomly accuse everyone of being one. homophobia implies that their belief is irrational. not everyone who dislikes male homosexuality dislikes it irrationally. you're literally a bigot if you disagree.", ">>{Silospek} : I take it this only applies to the ones he chooses? That's just what the world needs, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh getting all the access they want while people who don't make their stories up get shut out.", ">>{Error400BadRequest} : What do you mean? If there's no cocaine in circulation, how will criminals get it? Guns can not only be manufactured with relative ease, but the sheer amount of unregistered firearms in the US would make confiscation nigh impossible.", '>>{miashaee} : The Donald selectively censors, if you say "that sounds racist" watch how fast you\'ll get blocked.', ">>{Metro42014} : I don't think this is *inherently* a bad thing. The people that Trump will invite will very likely make it a bad thing, at least during his presidency.", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Violence will only help prove Trump is right. You can be assured I won't like lash out, riot and loot if he does lose.", '>>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : Neo-Nazis have learned quiet a bit from the civil rights era and the non-violent teachings of various people while watching the fall and imprisonment of their violent comrades. Non-Violence wins in the eyes of most people and being attacked adds validity to what one has to say, or at least it tends to make people listen more. Those attacking Neo-Nazis play into their hands. The best thing to do in this situation is just wait. Wait for them to say something horrifying or horrible and jump on it. Tease it out, make them expand on it, and reveal their ideology. Violence does not solve anything with respect to long term ideological conflicts.', '>>{Omniquist} : r/The_Donald makes no claims of being a non-partisan subreddit. People expect different from r/news.', ">>{Wantfreespeechnow} : The_donald actively enforces the rules already in place. Mods of a default sub censoring details of the 2nd deadliest terrorist attack on US soil is a whole other matter entirely. I don't agree with all of the rules, and what the mods do, but as a Trump fan sub they want pro Trump content. In theory a news sub should be as unbiased as possible. Hillary or Bernie subs enforcing rules is fine too imo. The issue is the clear bias on major information source.", ">>{GenericReditAccount} : That's not necessarily true. Obama gave bloggers some access, and though most of it was corny or poorly done, I thought it was a good introduction. Now, the problem is obviously who gets invited to participate. This could easily turn into InfoWars and the other crackpot conspiracy pushers sitting next to WaPo and NYT.", '>>{bongggblue} : So you basically just need to agree to be nice to Trump to get press credentials now? sweet', '>>{parkinglotfields} : Dilute the Press and double down on absurd fake news accusations... then nobody will have any time to cover the real story.', '>>{USModerate} : As much as I hate racists, like these neo nazis, or Trump, or whoever, in this one case our side embarrassed itself', ">>{miashaee} : Yeah and it's still censorship, it's a sounding chamber.", ">>{miashaee} : Yeah and they censor pretty heavily, that's all I was saying.", '>>{seshfan} : I don\'t give a fuck whether homophobes dislike me "irrationally" or not. 50 of my brothers are dead because of a homophobe. They can fuck off and die.', '>>{seshfan} : Nah, I\'m pretty sure I\'ll get banned from /r/The_Donald for posting facts like "Donald Trump has said he wants to appoint SC judges that would repeal gay marriage." I\'ll just post to /r/askreddit where I won\'t get banned because I like the right to marry my partner.', '>>{USModerate} : > Those attacking Neo-Nazis play into their hands. Bingo', ">>{seshfan} : It's a safe space, I'd rather just go to the /r/askreddit thread.", ">>{pirate_simon} : I don't have sympathy for nazis, however I'm a huge fan of freedom of speech. And yes, freedom of speech applies even to those with whom you disagree", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I have more faith in people than you do. Many people don't condone violence.", ">>{Millennion} : Sounds like you're defending the scumbag news mods. Way to go champ.", ">>{GAforTrump} : Think about what you are saying. Did you know being LGBT once 'violated social constructs'? Did they deserve violence?", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Obviously violence isn't good and those who stabbed people should be jailed. That being said I personally don't feel bad. To me it sounds like everyone involved was an awful person.", ">>{miashaee} : Yep, just like beating a child molester to death is a crime........or the neo-nazi being punched in the face out of nowhere, but that is just how we are, most of us are all gut instinct when it comes to morality and TONS of that is generally based on empathy.........once you kill the empathy in someone then they become friggin monsters. That's kind of why I supplement my code of ethics with analytical values in order to avoid this lack of empathy flaw.", '>>{ManOfDiscovery} : Maybe because it makes the counter protesters look like the **intolerant** assholes? The best thing to do is to ignore them.', ">>{miashaee} : I don't know these people, I'm just saying the_donald is a crazy sounding chamber that heavily censors things.", '>>{EternalCringe} : > I don\'t give a fuck whether homophobes dislike me "irrationally" or not. and this is why people aren\'t taking the word homophobe seriously anymore too. > 50 of my brothers are dead because of a homophobe. They can fuck off and die. are you sure 50 of your brothers aren\'t dead because of hoplophobes? there was no one there to fire back.', '>>{Mr_Montague} : Remove all guns from circulation. Ok Hitler. Do you understand why the 2nd amendment was created?', '>>{miashaee} : No, I am just saying that is why I think such things occur, this was not an evaluation of right or wrong based on my personal ethics.', '>>{BoSnowKnows} : And people think deporting illegal aliens would be expensive...', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : Yeah, where do you live where this is a big thing nowadays? Alabama? Also, you realize Cruz got stomped by Trump right? They guy who is pro-gay marriage? ....', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : There is actually a forum called r/asktrumpsupporters that is open to questions you may have.', ">>{pieohmy25} : You realize barely half the country supports gay marriage? Hell barley half the country try supports interracial marriage. And it certainly isn't right wing fanatics like yourself that are in that supportive half.", ">>{someguyjusttrying} : I really don't care about who you want to bang in the privacy of your own home. It's none of my business. Most Trump voters feel the same, and Trump is the end of evangelical neocons who promote crony-capitalism and bad trade deals. We are worried about radical islam and don't believe changing your FB pic to the rainbow flag will do much though.", ">>{pieohmy25} : If this were even slightly true, Republicans ( not just evangelicals) wouldn't come out in force to bitch and moan about gay marriage. If what you said was true, there wouldn't have even been a debate. But there was. Because some 50% of this country is full of barbaric neocon morons.", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Hate to break it to you: you don't have ethics if you delight in pain and torture. And please, stop trying to lump Trump supporters and child molesters together, it makes you look desperate.", ">>{adulthitter} : Butthurt that it's the only sub that's not a complete liberal echo chamber?", ">>{boogietime} : Nobody is asking you to feel sorry for them. That doesn't change the fact that violence should never be used to suppress free speech. If you think it is ever acceptable, then you are basically justifying the Kent State massacre.", '>>{plastic_eyelid} : Celebrity Apprentice is a pretty big deal in the Wahhabi community as well.', ">>{miashaee} : I'm not, I am saying that is why I think that this is occurring. I made no value assessment with respect to my personal ethics and if this is okay or not. I can make a dispassionate evaluation of WHY I think something is happening without condoning it.", '>>{miashaee} : No I am not, and I have no idea why people are inferring that I am, I am just evaluating a behavior, fairly dispassionately I might add.', '>>{1ceyou} : I didn\'t mean to say you in particular, but you laid out how many people view the current landscape that they are justified in their violent reactions because the "other-side" is worse. Classic troupe of, every villain is someone hero. Many just refuse or don\'t want to see all sides of it.', '>>{miashaee} : Yes, and I am making no evaluation of the morality of it, I am saying this is what people do, for the life of me I have no idea why people are inferring that I think that such behavior is just fine based on my sense of ethics.', '>>{cratermoon} : Freedom of speech applies to government actions suppressing the open exchange of ideas. It does not mean citizens have to tolerate hate and bigotry.', '>>{cratermoon} : Free speech applies to government actions suppressing the open exchange of ideas. It does not mean citizens have to tolerate hate and bigotry.', '>>{miashaee} : What did I say that was biased, I am just stating WHY I think that things are occurring like this. That and me being a bit biased has nothing to do with if I am saying that this sort of behavior is okay or not (which I didn\'t as the why is the farrrrr more interesting assessment than "man has moral opinion about things").', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : But both sides were expressing bigotry. If the protestors didn't want to hear it, they shouldn't have gotten 300 of their friends to go and protest.", ">>{pirate_simon} : No... The First Amendment applies to government actions. Freedom of speech is an abstract concept, distinct from the first Amendment. And by attacking someone because you don't like their speech, you are infringing on their freedom of speech.", '>>{THROWAWAY553689930} : Bullshit, you headline one LEO\'s speculation > "If I had to say who started it and who didn’t, I’d say the permitted group didn’t start it," ^and ^i\'d ^love ^to ^hear ^the ^question ^that ^provoked ^the ^"if ^I ^had ^to ^say" ^response but you bury >All the injuries were sustained by white nationalists or counter-protesters though specific totals weren’t available, Granada said. and the only eyewitness account in this piece, > Robert Bautista, 65, said he saw a handful of white supremacists and skinheads arrive two or three at a time only to be immediately mobbed and chased away by the counter-protesters, who hurled water bottles and the wooden stakes that bore their signs. >“They beat the heck out of a couple guys,” said Bautista, a retired construction worker who was among the counter-protesters. “You could see their adrenaline was running high.” >Bautista also said he saw one counter-protester, a black man who appeared to be in his late 20s, convulsing on the ground with stab wounds to his chest and abdomen. >“He was a bloody mess,” he said. Alternative headline: >Eyewitness: Protesters beat, counter-protester stabbed', '>>{os_kaiserwilhelm} : No but fighting fascism with fascism is a bad idea. You legitimize fascism.', '>>{miashaee} : I am saying that people let justifications override their morality due to the actions/beliefs of others. It\'s pretty much people reacting to you as if you\'re not even a human being and violence against you is justified, you pretty much killed the empathy that people have for you and empathy seems to pretty much be the bases of morality for most people. We have lots of "gut morality" people walking around it would seem, this is why I supplement my code of ethics with analytics in an attempt to avoid this obvious flaw in my morality.', ">>{boogietime} : Just because something might happen doesn't make it ok. Just because a woman might get date raped at a college party doesn't make rape ok. Just because I'm more likely to get mugged on certain streets in my city doesn't mean theft is ok. Whether or not we would expect the neo-Nazis (who are scum) to be attacked here is irrelevant. The people supporting and celebrating this attack are absolutely in the wrong.", '>>{luis_correa} : Anarcho punks fighting with Nazi punks is nothing new. Seeing so many people on Reddit defend the nazis kind of is.', '>>{luis_correa} : I really doubt there are that many people looking at neo nazis and thinking, "They seem more non violent in their hatred now, maybe I should join up!"', ">>{luis_correa} : Good luck trying to get Anarcho punks and nazis to sit down and have a friendly chat. They've hated each other for a long time.", ">>{luis_correa} : Oh no, anarcho punks are intolerant of Nazis! I hope they don't make any catchy punk songs about it.", ">>{Borigrad} : regardless of who started it, Nazi's getting stabbed is still funny to me. Though next time at least wait till they're done talking. On that note I would consider a Jew stabbing a neo-nazi as preemptive self defense. Though I don't think any Jews were there.", '>>{torusaurus} : They have been impotent in America for a long time.', ">>{pirate_simon} : I don't give a fuck if they sit down and have a nice chat, as long as the anarcho punks don't go out of their way to infringe on the nazis freedom of speech by means of violence", ">>{gAlienLifeform} : Protesters, counter-protesters - y'know what I'd like to see in response to all this? A Citizen Samaritans movement. Go to rallies and events where violence may occur, wear a visible sigil of some sort, and pledge to provide basic aide to the wounded and distressed in order of their grievousness with a total disregard for their affiliation. Something like that would be a really nice thing to see go viral at this point.", '>>{el__duderino__} : Violently attacking those who are peacefully expressing any view that does not immediately call for violence, no matter how distasteful, is never okay.', ">>{TheTrueLordHumungous} : When commies and nazi's begin to fight, you hope for a small localized asteroid impact not pick sides.", ">>{el__duderino__} : Your boss firing you for being an asshole isn't illegal. Physically assaulting someone is and is completely inappropriate in a civilized society, even if they hurt your feelings. Part of becoming an adult is learning how to deal with your anger in the face of hostility. Violence in such situations is something neanderthals do, not something rational, intelligent people do.", ">>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : Pretty sure the Nazi's were doing the stabbing in self defense if I understand this situation correctly.", ">>{winstonsmith7} : Don't see many defending them, but their right to protest under the law? Yeah there's some of that. These people are jerks but attacking them is not acceptable, which seems to be the case now.", '>>{Borigrad} : Oh, well violent attackers got stabbed in self defense, even funnier.', ">>{boogietime} : It's a public forum, if you don't want to read my responses feel free to block me. You should, however, strongly consider changing your stance on the use of violence as a speech suppression tactic. Keep in mind that if it's ever acceptable, then it will almost certainly be used by, and against, all sides of the political spectrum.", '>>{miashaee} : We don\'t have equal examples of violence against Hillary events in mass, if my analysis is "biased" that is because there isn\'t an equal amount of real world violence at both campaign rallies which is indictative of what I am referring to. Also neo-nazis were a part of the story and child molesters are politically neutral. There are just more readily available examples against people on the right at the moment, however that in of itself is not indicative of bias. I mean if I were to temper how I assess a situation and see reality politically that would be an example of bias, an example of a "fairness bias", however life is not fair.', '>>{Mallardy} : Not yet, no. But if they keep hearing about these "innocent and totally-not-racist people who just want to preserve and promote their heritage" (and you just *know* that\'s how all the Nazi fucks will portray it, because that\'s been their preferred strategy for a while now) getting *violently attacked* just for exercising their freedom of speech, there are a distressingly large number of people who will probably start to view them as victims, and then they\'ll start to be dubious of the claims of how awful they are, and that will make them more receptive to their message (which, again, will be sold as totally not about hate). I\'m not going to feel bad if Nazis get fucked up, but I do suspect that being the ones to start shit with them is ultimately a counter-productive strategy.', '>>{miashaee} : Perhaps, the funny thing is if I worked to temper my assessment politically then I would have been engaging in a bias, a "fairness bias", but the world isn\'t fair. It\'s weird to me that people want to appear even when things aren\'t even.', '>>{916hotdogs} : The "anti-fascist" folks likely would have attacked them too. They were attacking journalists. Pretty much anyone who was in the way.', '>>{miashaee} : Well then that is to be demonstrated (this bias).', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : As I heard it, anti-fascists only attacked reporters after an ultimatum to stop filming, which is still fucked (I'm pissed when a police officer pulls that shit), but almost understandable when everything is remembered forever on the internet and you're living in crazy times where there's escalating political violence on both sides. Almost. I'm digressing, tho. Samaritans would run the risk of being attacked, but maybe good Samaritans pledge not to ask or tell any names or identifying info to journalists or prosecutors so they can just focus on tending protester/counter-protester wounds. With the right pitch/mythos and a bit of outreach to protester/counter-protester groups they could develop a protective reputation. If nothing else, it seems like the sort of things anarchists would already be pre-disposed to love.", '>>{miked983} : People who say controversial things are generally the only people whose freedom of speech needs defending.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{miashaee} : I figured as much, it's like the Trump rallies. There is something I learned a LONG time ago as a kid and it's this, the minute you start to violate certain social constructs in drastic ways (with racism, bigotry, violence against people, hate crimes, etc, etc) that is the moment you have removed yourself from the moral landscape to many and thus receive FARRRR less empathy to the point that people don't feel bad about doing HORRIBLE things to you, as they feel justified. Hence the violence here, and at Trump rallies, and if someone punches a neo-nazi in the face, or if people beat a child molester to death.........there are societal lines that if you cross them then it's open season on you.", '>>{winstonsmith7} : Once I would have been somewhat surprised. Not any longer.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Tldr: the violent left has declared open season on Trump supporters.', '>>{miashaee} : I don\'t even know if it\'s the left persay, I mean sure some are but this is more of a universal thing with human nature, the minute you cross certain lines then some people have no problem with beating the hell out of you. That\'s why I was in no way going to a Trump rally when it rolled through, because that is a VERY real aspect of human nature and I know TONS of people see Trump and by extension many of his supporters as bigots. Trump isn\'t Mitt Romney..........the things that he says can easily trigger this response, and it did, right about when I said "No way I am going to one of his rallies".', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : A protest permit should not be used as a way to sneak in violent intentions. This will be a good way to get extremists on both sides put on lists. America hates lists, so fucking behave you loons.', '>>{DebussySIMiami} : Much like my grandfather, I have zero sympathy for Nazis.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : No. Because I'm not a coward like these thugs and their supporters. How about you?", '>>{1ceyou} : The Victim blaming is real.. and free speech is dead if that were the case. He said mean things to me so I will react in a violent and physical way because Words & Feels > Laws & Rights', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Both parties here are scumbags, but they have a right to free speech. Suppressing this right is a CRIME.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Violence will only help prove Trump is right. You can be assured I won't like lash out, riot and loot if he does lose.", '>>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : Neo-Nazis have learned quiet a bit from the civil rights era and the non-violent teachings of various people while watching the fall and imprisonment of their violent comrades. Non-Violence wins in the eyes of most people and being attacked adds validity to what one has to say, or at least it tends to make people listen more. Those attacking Neo-Nazis play into their hands. The best thing to do in this situation is just wait. Wait for them to say something horrifying or horrible and jump on it. Tease it out, make them expand on it, and reveal their ideology. Violence does not solve anything with respect to long term ideological conflicts.', '>>{USModerate} : As much as I hate racists, like these neo nazis, or Trump, or whoever, in this one case our side embarrassed itself', '>>{USModerate} : > Those attacking Neo-Nazis play into their hands. Bingo', ">>{pirate_simon} : I don't have sympathy for nazis, however I'm a huge fan of freedom of speech. And yes, freedom of speech applies even to those with whom you disagree", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I have more faith in people than you do. Many people don't condone violence.", ">>{GAforTrump} : Think about what you are saying. Did you know being LGBT once 'violated social constructs'? Did they deserve violence?", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Obviously violence isn't good and those who stabbed people should be jailed. That being said I personally don't feel bad. To me it sounds like everyone involved was an awful person.", ">>{miashaee} : Yep, just like beating a child molester to death is a crime........or the neo-nazi being punched in the face out of nowhere, but that is just how we are, most of us are all gut instinct when it comes to morality and TONS of that is generally based on empathy.........once you kill the empathy in someone then they become friggin monsters. That's kind of why I supplement my code of ethics with analytical values in order to avoid this lack of empathy flaw.", '>>{ManOfDiscovery} : Maybe because it makes the counter protesters look like the **intolerant** assholes? The best thing to do is to ignore them.', '>>{miashaee} : No, I am just saying that is why I think such things occur, this was not an evaluation of right or wrong based on my personal ethics.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Hate to break it to you: you don't have ethics if you delight in pain and torture. And please, stop trying to lump Trump supporters and child molesters together, it makes you look desperate.", ">>{boogietime} : Nobody is asking you to feel sorry for them. That doesn't change the fact that violence should never be used to suppress free speech. If you think it is ever acceptable, then you are basically justifying the Kent State massacre.", ">>{miashaee} : I'm not, I am saying that is why I think that this is occurring. I made no value assessment with respect to my personal ethics and if this is okay or not. I can make a dispassionate evaluation of WHY I think something is happening without condoning it.", '>>{miashaee} : No I am not, and I have no idea why people are inferring that I am, I am just evaluating a behavior, fairly dispassionately I might add.', '>>{1ceyou} : I didn\'t mean to say you in particular, but you laid out how many people view the current landscape that they are justified in their violent reactions because the "other-side" is worse. Classic troupe of, every villain is someone hero. Many just refuse or don\'t want to see all sides of it.', '>>{miashaee} : Yes, and I am making no evaluation of the morality of it, I am saying this is what people do, for the life of me I have no idea why people are inferring that I think that such behavior is just fine based on my sense of ethics.', '>>{cratermoon} : Freedom of speech applies to government actions suppressing the open exchange of ideas. It does not mean citizens have to tolerate hate and bigotry.', '>>{cratermoon} : Free speech applies to government actions suppressing the open exchange of ideas. It does not mean citizens have to tolerate hate and bigotry.', '>>{miashaee} : What did I say that was biased, I am just stating WHY I think that things are occurring like this. That and me being a bit biased has nothing to do with if I am saying that this sort of behavior is okay or not (which I didn\'t as the why is the farrrrr more interesting assessment than "man has moral opinion about things").', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : But both sides were expressing bigotry. If the protestors didn't want to hear it, they shouldn't have gotten 300 of their friends to go and protest.", ">>{pirate_simon} : No... The First Amendment applies to government actions. Freedom of speech is an abstract concept, distinct from the first Amendment. And by attacking someone because you don't like their speech, you are infringing on their freedom of speech.", '>>{THROWAWAY553689930} : Bullshit, you headline one LEO\'s speculation > "If I had to say who started it and who didn’t, I’d say the permitted group didn’t start it," ^and ^i\'d ^love ^to ^hear ^the ^question ^that ^provoked ^the ^"if ^I ^had ^to ^say" ^response but you bury >All the injuries were sustained by white nationalists or counter-protesters though specific totals weren’t available, Granada said. and the only eyewitness account in this piece, > Robert Bautista, 65, said he saw a handful of white supremacists and skinheads arrive two or three at a time only to be immediately mobbed and chased away by the counter-protesters, who hurled water bottles and the wooden stakes that bore their signs. >“They beat the heck out of a couple guys,” said Bautista, a retired construction worker who was among the counter-protesters. “You could see their adrenaline was running high.” >Bautista also said he saw one counter-protester, a black man who appeared to be in his late 20s, convulsing on the ground with stab wounds to his chest and abdomen. >“He was a bloody mess,” he said. Alternative headline: >Eyewitness: Protesters beat, counter-protester stabbed', '>>{os_kaiserwilhelm} : No but fighting fascism with fascism is a bad idea. You legitimize fascism.', '>>{miashaee} : I am saying that people let justifications override their morality due to the actions/beliefs of others. It\'s pretty much people reacting to you as if you\'re not even a human being and violence against you is justified, you pretty much killed the empathy that people have for you and empathy seems to pretty much be the bases of morality for most people. We have lots of "gut morality" people walking around it would seem, this is why I supplement my code of ethics with analytics in an attempt to avoid this obvious flaw in my morality.', ">>{boogietime} : Just because something might happen doesn't make it ok. Just because a woman might get date raped at a college party doesn't make rape ok. Just because I'm more likely to get mugged on certain streets in my city doesn't mean theft is ok. Whether or not we would expect the neo-Nazis (who are scum) to be attacked here is irrelevant. The people supporting and celebrating this attack are absolutely in the wrong.", '>>{luis_correa} : Anarcho punks fighting with Nazi punks is nothing new. Seeing so many people on Reddit defend the nazis kind of is.', '>>{luis_correa} : I really doubt there are that many people looking at neo nazis and thinking, "They seem more non violent in their hatred now, maybe I should join up!"', ">>{luis_correa} : Good luck trying to get Anarcho punks and nazis to sit down and have a friendly chat. They've hated each other for a long time.", ">>{luis_correa} : Oh no, anarcho punks are intolerant of Nazis! I hope they don't make any catchy punk songs about it.", ">>{Borigrad} : regardless of who started it, Nazi's getting stabbed is still funny to me. Though next time at least wait till they're done talking. On that note I would consider a Jew stabbing a neo-nazi as preemptive self defense. Though I don't think any Jews were there.", '>>{torusaurus} : They have been impotent in America for a long time.', ">>{pirate_simon} : I don't give a fuck if they sit down and have a nice chat, as long as the anarcho punks don't go out of their way to infringe on the nazis freedom of speech by means of violence", ">>{gAlienLifeform} : Protesters, counter-protesters - y'know what I'd like to see in response to all this? A Citizen Samaritans movement. Go to rallies and events where violence may occur, wear a visible sigil of some sort, and pledge to provide basic aide to the wounded and distressed in order of their grievousness with a total disregard for their affiliation. Something like that would be a really nice thing to see go viral at this point.", '>>{el__duderino__} : Violently attacking those who are peacefully expressing any view that does not immediately call for violence, no matter how distasteful, is never okay.', ">>{TheTrueLordHumungous} : When commies and nazi's begin to fight, you hope for a small localized asteroid impact not pick sides.", ">>{el__duderino__} : Your boss firing you for being an asshole isn't illegal. Physically assaulting someone is and is completely inappropriate in a civilized society, even if they hurt your feelings. Part of becoming an adult is learning how to deal with your anger in the face of hostility. Violence in such situations is something neanderthals do, not something rational, intelligent people do.", ">>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : Pretty sure the Nazi's were doing the stabbing in self defense if I understand this situation correctly.", ">>{winstonsmith7} : Don't see many defending them, but their right to protest under the law? Yeah there's some of that. These people are jerks but attacking them is not acceptable, which seems to be the case now.", '>>{Borigrad} : Oh, well violent attackers got stabbed in self defense, even funnier.', ">>{boogietime} : It's a public forum, if you don't want to read my responses feel free to block me. You should, however, strongly consider changing your stance on the use of violence as a speech suppression tactic. Keep in mind that if it's ever acceptable, then it will almost certainly be used by, and against, all sides of the political spectrum.", '>>{miashaee} : We don\'t have equal examples of violence against Hillary events in mass, if my analysis is "biased" that is because there isn\'t an equal amount of real world violence at both campaign rallies which is indictative of what I am referring to. Also neo-nazis were a part of the story and child molesters are politically neutral. There are just more readily available examples against people on the right at the moment, however that in of itself is not indicative of bias. I mean if I were to temper how I assess a situation and see reality politically that would be an example of bias, an example of a "fairness bias", however life is not fair.', '>>{Mallardy} : Not yet, no. But if they keep hearing about these "innocent and totally-not-racist people who just want to preserve and promote their heritage" (and you just *know* that\'s how all the Nazi fucks will portray it, because that\'s been their preferred strategy for a while now) getting *violently attacked* just for exercising their freedom of speech, there are a distressingly large number of people who will probably start to view them as victims, and then they\'ll start to be dubious of the claims of how awful they are, and that will make them more receptive to their message (which, again, will be sold as totally not about hate). I\'m not going to feel bad if Nazis get fucked up, but I do suspect that being the ones to start shit with them is ultimately a counter-productive strategy.', '>>{miashaee} : Perhaps, the funny thing is if I worked to temper my assessment politically then I would have been engaging in a bias, a "fairness bias", but the world isn\'t fair. It\'s weird to me that people want to appear even when things aren\'t even.', '>>{916hotdogs} : The "anti-fascist" folks likely would have attacked them too. They were attacking journalists. Pretty much anyone who was in the way.', '>>{miashaee} : Well then that is to be demonstrated (this bias).', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : As I heard it, anti-fascists only attacked reporters after an ultimatum to stop filming, which is still fucked (I'm pissed when a police officer pulls that shit), but almost understandable when everything is remembered forever on the internet and you're living in crazy times where there's escalating political violence on both sides. Almost. I'm digressing, tho. Samaritans would run the risk of being attacked, but maybe good Samaritans pledge not to ask or tell any names or identifying info to journalists or prosecutors so they can just focus on tending protester/counter-protester wounds. With the right pitch/mythos and a bit of outreach to protester/counter-protester groups they could develop a protective reputation. If nothing else, it seems like the sort of things anarchists would already be pre-disposed to love.", '>>{miked983} : People who say controversial things are generally the only people whose freedom of speech needs defending.'], ['>>{Arzu1982} : Talk radio hosts and bloggers may be included in White House press briefings - Trump administration’s proposal for new venue and inclusion of non-traditional media follows president-elect’s latest outbursts against mainstream reporters', '>>{americanidiot2} : Non traditional media has no place in the White House.', '>>{Romnonaldao} : So basically, anyone who agrees with him is getting access', '>>{SaltHash} : Trump & his chumps need to stop bitching about alleged fake news since they have no clue what real news is comprised from.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : I can't wait for Alex Jones to ask him about Chemtrails and fluoride.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : They're moving to a bigger room so they can fill it with right wing radio hosts. Great...", ">>{Silospek} : I take it this only applies to the ones he chooses? That's just what the world needs, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh getting all the access they want while people who don't make their stories up get shut out.", ">>{Metro42014} : I don't think this is *inherently* a bad thing. The people that Trump will invite will very likely make it a bad thing, at least during his presidency.", ">>{GenericReditAccount} : That's not necessarily true. Obama gave bloggers some access, and though most of it was corny or poorly done, I thought it was a good introduction. Now, the problem is obviously who gets invited to participate. This could easily turn into InfoWars and the other crackpot conspiracy pushers sitting next to WaPo and NYT.", '>>{bongggblue} : So you basically just need to agree to be nice to Trump to get press credentials now? sweet', '>>{parkinglotfields} : Dilute the Press and double down on absurd fake news accusations... then nobody will have any time to cover the real story.'], ['>>{chicken4every1} : Because criminals follow laws. Australias gun ban did not cause crime rates to drop any faster than the us who did not institute any ban. If an outright ban is ineffective any other type pf control is even less so.', '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : How do you plan to remove every single fucking gun from the country? Removing them from circulation just makes it so the criminals will go out of their way to get them.', '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : What do you mean "no guns?" How do you plan on removing every single gun? Its just not possible.', ">>{gmanreddit} : Brazil removed guns from circulation. Now only criminals and drugs dealers have them. People are robbed at gun point every day. It's a part of life there.", '>>{Ddog312} : There is a Pakistani Guy in my church group and he loves Trump. Of course he converted and is no longer a Muslim but still.', '>>{Ddog312} : So you think the gun maker should be accountable for what happened in Orlando? Because that is what Hillary believes. It says it on her website.', ">>{seshfan} : And racists make the case for Hillary Clinton. You know what, as a gay person, I fucking love seeing? Conservative religious nutjobs who gleefully talk about how gay people are sinners and are burning in hell forever do a complete about-face and act like they're really sorry this happened. Fuck off. You don't give a shit about homophobia. Ted Cruz rubbed shoulders with a pastor who advocated killing gay people. You don't get to act self-righteous because someone actually did it.", ">>{Wantfreespeechnow} : The_donald is the only major sub on the site not censoring details of the Orlando Club Shooting. Go look at the threads if you don't believe me, most people I've seen aren't homophobic in the slightest and are in fact angry that /r/news began to censor info once it came out the shooter had Islamic ties.", ">>{EternalCringe} : the word racist no longer has meaning since libs love to randomly accuse everyone of being one. homophobia implies that their belief is irrational. not everyone who dislikes male homosexuality dislikes it irrationally. you're literally a bigot if you disagree.", ">>{Error400BadRequest} : What do you mean? If there's no cocaine in circulation, how will criminals get it? Guns can not only be manufactured with relative ease, but the sheer amount of unregistered firearms in the US would make confiscation nigh impossible.", '>>{miashaee} : The Donald selectively censors, if you say "that sounds racist" watch how fast you\'ll get blocked.', '>>{Omniquist} : r/The_Donald makes no claims of being a non-partisan subreddit. People expect different from r/news.', ">>{Wantfreespeechnow} : The_donald actively enforces the rules already in place. Mods of a default sub censoring details of the 2nd deadliest terrorist attack on US soil is a whole other matter entirely. I don't agree with all of the rules, and what the mods do, but as a Trump fan sub they want pro Trump content. In theory a news sub should be as unbiased as possible. Hillary or Bernie subs enforcing rules is fine too imo. The issue is the clear bias on major information source.", ">>{miashaee} : Yeah and it's still censorship, it's a sounding chamber.", ">>{miashaee} : Yeah and they censor pretty heavily, that's all I was saying.", '>>{seshfan} : I don\'t give a fuck whether homophobes dislike me "irrationally" or not. 50 of my brothers are dead because of a homophobe. They can fuck off and die.', '>>{seshfan} : Nah, I\'m pretty sure I\'ll get banned from /r/The_Donald for posting facts like "Donald Trump has said he wants to appoint SC judges that would repeal gay marriage." I\'ll just post to /r/askreddit where I won\'t get banned because I like the right to marry my partner.', ">>{seshfan} : It's a safe space, I'd rather just go to the /r/askreddit thread.", ">>{Millennion} : Sounds like you're defending the scumbag news mods. Way to go champ.", ">>{miashaee} : I don't know these people, I'm just saying the_donald is a crazy sounding chamber that heavily censors things.", '>>{EternalCringe} : > I don\'t give a fuck whether homophobes dislike me "irrationally" or not. and this is why people aren\'t taking the word homophobe seriously anymore too. > 50 of my brothers are dead because of a homophobe. They can fuck off and die. are you sure 50 of your brothers aren\'t dead because of hoplophobes? there was no one there to fire back.', '>>{Mr_Montague} : Remove all guns from circulation. Ok Hitler. Do you understand why the 2nd amendment was created?', '>>{BoSnowKnows} : And people think deporting illegal aliens would be expensive...', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : Yeah, where do you live where this is a big thing nowadays? Alabama? Also, you realize Cruz got stomped by Trump right? They guy who is pro-gay marriage? ....', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : There is actually a forum called r/asktrumpsupporters that is open to questions you may have.', ">>{pieohmy25} : You realize barely half the country supports gay marriage? Hell barley half the country try supports interracial marriage. And it certainly isn't right wing fanatics like yourself that are in that supportive half.", ">>{someguyjusttrying} : I really don't care about who you want to bang in the privacy of your own home. It's none of my business. Most Trump voters feel the same, and Trump is the end of evangelical neocons who promote crony-capitalism and bad trade deals. We are worried about radical islam and don't believe changing your FB pic to the rainbow flag will do much though.", ">>{pieohmy25} : If this were even slightly true, Republicans ( not just evangelicals) wouldn't come out in force to bitch and moan about gay marriage. If what you said was true, there wouldn't have even been a debate. But there was. Because some 50% of this country is full of barbaric neocon morons.", ">>{adulthitter} : Butthurt that it's the only sub that's not a complete liberal echo chamber?", '>>{plastic_eyelid} : Celebrity Apprentice is a pretty big deal in the Wahhabi community as well.']]
classify and reply
[">>{lightsaberabortions} : Why did this randomly happen when I connect to my car's Bluetooth (non CarPlay?). Never happened before.", '>>{crisss1205} : Are you talking about the music controls or traffic? I always get the traffic info.', '>>{molepigeon} : The "Time to home" notification is a feature of iOS 9. It\'s figured out which Bluetooth device is the handsfree in your car, so when your phone connects to your car\'s Bluetooth it suggests driving directions to where it thinks you want to go. I\'ve only seen it pop up for my home and work, but if I had a regular routine of driving anywhere else it might work for those too. As for why it only just started happening, perhaps your phone hadn\'t figured out your home address or which Bluetooth device was in your car until now. It took my phone a couple of weeks after installing iOS 9 for it to start working.', '>>{Suavechef} : It also works if you have a regular routine. My daughter has a regular dr appointment and when I get in the car to leave it will tell me the time to get to the office. So it also works when it learns you have regular routes at certain times on certain days.', '>>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : Did Hillary Clinton launder millions of dollars while she was secretary of state?', '>>{ThatsABadLarry} : Mitch, please: Elizabeth Warren was criticizing a nominee, not a colleague when you told her to sit down and shut up', '>>{jcw4455} : >“This story became eclipsed the day that FBI director [James] Comey suggested he was looking into Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails Fuck. This is such fucking bullshit.', ">>{AGB_mods} : He has no self control. Wonder what kind of shit he'll get into in the White House.", ">>{mordacthedenier} : Connecting to bluetooth causes your phone to take a screenshot and post it to reddit without any details? I dunno, that's weird.", ">>{stillnotking} : The story definitely isn't over yet. I'm very interested to see if these accusations can be substantiated, and if so, what happens next. A sitting president can't be prosecuted, except by impeachment in the House (although he can be sued under these circumstances).", '>>{outlooker707} : Who cares? Put her back in the timeout chair.', '>>{SleeplessinRedditle} : That\'s a pretty misleading headline. Totally leaves out the "through Laureate Education" bit. Which is a pretty important bit. Edit: Not saying she laundered money. But giving evidence that she didn\'t launder money in one particular way doesn\'t prove she didn\'t in other ways.', '>>{03Titanium} : Yes. A lot of people don\'t know your iPhone constantly checks your location and will jot down any "frequent locations" and then try to fit it into a schedule. Personally I disable all of that because I\'m not interested in that feature and it may save a little battery.', ">>{JeffAmaral} : I'll let the second FBI probe have the last word on this one.", ">>{jacksclasshatred} : If you know anybody that is angry or flabbergasted by the president elect, remind them about the midterms in 2018, and that 90 MILLION people didn't vote in this election. We need left wing populism NOW.", '>>{SATexas1} : This usaid program sure seems to be in the middle of a lot of Clinton weirdness', ">>{snorkleboy} : it's impossible to prove someone *didn't* launder money. It's like proving someone isn't currupt or doesn't lie. You need instances to rebut and obviously there are no known cases of the Clinton's laundering money.", ">>{zone23} : It just popped up because it takes iOS a bit of time to figure out your routine. I think it's like two weeks.", '>>{Queen_of_Swords} : **[Betteridge\'s law of headlines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge\'s_law_of_headlines)**: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word *no*."', ">>{nathreed} : How do you get the notification to show up? I get the time to my regular destinations (school/work) showing in my Notification Center, but I don't get any notifications on my lock screen or anything like that. My car doesn't have Bluetooth if that makes a difference.", ">>{MegaSansIX} : If the allegations were fake we wouldn't hear about them after the election. Trump can't be prosecuted or sued so the paid shill/anti Trump conspiracy angle doesn't work", ">>{archamedeznutz} : What Gloria Allred means is that she'll think of something so that Gloria Allred can hold a press conference during which cameras will focus on Gloria Allred. Unless another bandwagon comes along that might involve more cameras focused on Gloria Allred which would mean Gloria Allred would prefer you to pay attention to that instead.", ">>{mrrichardcranium} : lmao if I wasn't a broke fucker Id give you gold for this.", '>>{MadLibz} : Every Monday night it tells me how long it is to the hockey rink. Super smart to pick up that i do it once a week on the same day.', ">>{nguneer} : That's why [reddit silver](http://i.imgur.com/NkcCsFf.jpg) was invented!", '>>{NineSwords} : Happens on my phone every time. It also shows up on the watch.', '>>{MET1} : Wait - so BILL Clinton worked to get $12 million for being on their board for a few years? Sure.', ">>{warmonger561} : > obviously there are no known cases of the Clinton's laundering money. Known but not legally proven. They are corrupt as cancer.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : Gloria Allred is the reason my mom started to not care about the allegations. Once she and that porn star got involved it ruined all credibility.', ">>{ThatsABadLarry} : Because if whatever party is in power gets to just make up bullshit rules that aren't actually rules, the country suffers maybe?", ">>{snorkleboy} : >~~Known~~ speculated but not ~~legally~~ proven Just becuase you feel she laundered money doesn't mean she actually did.", '>>{drugorexic} : Mitch needs to check himself. The resistance is growing and just because his wife got a shiny new job, that doesnt mean his is safe in 2 years. Vote, people.', '>>{newscode} : Mitch is a dinosaur. These cold war era senators need to go. We are not living in a world that they even remotely understand.', '>>{ILikeLenexa} : This feels like the perfect job for Newt Gingrich.', ">>{Yetislaver} : It's true as plebs on the Internet all we can do is speculate at shady activity, such as receiving 100 million dollars from a company that also gives the same amount to warlords and dictators over mining rights in Africa. Without speculation can we call it a bribe? No, but we don't have the resources to investigate such matters. That's why we put our faith and tax money in the hands of the good folks at the FBI to investigate political corruption.", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Oh, he'll be a total boyscout in the oval. It's his nasty, womanizing past that still has the teeth to bite him in the ass. I doubt the dude can even get it up anymore without a pump and some serious Rx.", '>>{FamineGhost} : Still more of a story to make up i guess.', '>>{SleeplessinRedditle} : All I said is that the headline is misleading. Which it is.', '>>{drugorexic} : Funny how he rode the fence until Trump showed power and bought him off. Sellout McConnell the turtle', ">>{snorkleboy} : >That's why we put our faith and tax money in the hands of the good folks at the FBI to investigate political corruption. Yep.", '>>{AccordionCrab} : I suppose. I was hoping they just forgot the "/s"', ">>{vanillabubbles16} : Yup, this happens to me. It's the frequent locations thing.", '>>{thisisbasil} : I\'ve got a photo of "moderate Syrian rebels" (read: AQ turds) chillin in a USAid tent with sponsored swag. Will upload it when I find my laptop charger.', ">>{newscode} : Man......don't hate on turtles. Turtles are cool", '>>{theendofanerror} : Give me some context beyond a photo. Is there a good article?', '>>{Steak-and-Beans} : I would rather elect 30 box turtles to permanent office over these idiots', ">>{Colonel_Gentleman} : AH! Of course! That's why pharma stocks have done so well since he won! It all makes sense now...", '>>{Its_not_her_time} : What is this heresy? You believe the FBI over the **Tampa Bay Times (Politifact Owner)**? > PolitiFact.com is a project operated by the **Tampa Bay Times**, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets "fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups" Oh Look [**Tampa Bay Times** endorses Hillary Clinton](http://web.tampabay.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-hillary-clinton-for-the-democratic-nomination/2265196)', '>>{Katzeye} : I know that this is massively offensive. But really, we need to embrace and encourage this kind of behavior. There is no better way to show the world what useless sacks of shit the GOP is, than letting them do that publicly.', ">>{wyldcat} : Maybe that's why he wants to stay in Trump tower?", '>>{1theskiller} : Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out On Trying to Stop Sessions Confirmation Devastating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HUxb-kQ6P0', '>>{drugorexic} : Please accept my sincerest apology on behalf of all arrogant humans to all the lovely turtles out there', '>>{CampaignVeteran} : He IS a colleague, he serves in the KKK with some of them.', '>>{AGB_mods} : Him $taying in Trump Tower. New Yorkers are gonna love that.', ">>{bedintruder} : Wait.... So you're saying shes a shill for the American people? Thats exactly what a real politician should be! We need more politicians like her!", ">>{GingerAle_s} : That makes total sense. Hillary bought her, so she could lose the Presidency, and then use Warren to oppose Trump's cabinet picks.", '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : If you experience an erection that lasts for more than 4 hours.....', ">>{egs1928} : Kind of a conflict if a Senator can get out of being criticized because he's up for a cabinet position. You can't have it both ways. Sessions is a candidate and as such is an open target for criticism concerning his future position.", '>>{KAISER_TEMPORAL} : If you experience an election that lasts more than 4 years...', ">>{roterghost} : They'd throw the intern into Gitmo and deport her family to literally anywhere before allowing that news to break.", '>>{alreadygoneKKbye} : *But put aside the partisan and gender optics of the gagging of Warren and the fact that the King letter was later read without incident by several male senators.* As I grit my teeth...', ">>{essenoh2you} : Seriously. How can it be a debate if you're not allowed to say anything bad about him?", '>>{robsta333} : He kept Merrick Garland from the court. I hate the fuck, but he does understand how the senate works and is no idiot or dinosaur.', '>>{terrymr} : The problem is that the rules are whatever the majority wants them to be.', '>>{daft1} : I so hate how McConnell is compared to Turtles. Turtles are cool.', '>>{andersmith11} : Plus, neither Scott-King nor Warren called him a racist. She said that he had worked to disenfranchise blacks, which is criticism of the action, not the man. If we cannot look at what candidates actually do as opposed to what they say, how can we vet people. I mean some people lie. Talks about snowflakes.', '>>{Mgt_Kuradal} : What bullshit rules? Sessions is a senator and it is against the senate rules to impugn another senator on the floor. The rules were last updated in 2013... when democrats had control. She brought up a 30+ year old letter that talks poorly about a senator. Even if he is a nominee, he is still a senator.', ">>{riptydeco} : A person who was only a Senator at the time because they couldn't afford to lose a vote on DeVos, so they scheduled his vote for the day after.", '>>{Krakatoa12} : Mitch is going to be taken out by a stroke very soon. He just looks the type where a little aneurism is going to blow any time. Trump will have someone new to imitate.', '>>{drohan27} : Someone needs to explain to me how this rule applies when a Congressman IS the topic of debate. How can you have a debate if one side of the argument is deemed off-limits?', '>>{Iamthebst87} : Good we will kick him out with McCain, Sanders, and Pelosi.', ">>{ThatsABadLarry} : Read the story, dude. The rule he invoked did not apply to the situation at hand. If he wanted to amend the rule, that needs to pass through committee. You can't just make that shit up on a whim.", '>>{cameforthecloud} : Almost everyone already knows. (Just not them!)', ">>{newscode} : Sanders is alright, but he is a broken record. He doesn't diversify his issues enough. edit: look, I understand the respect for the man, but repeating the same issues of wealth inequality is not enough to right the wrongs of the world. Maybe he should start talking about the CIAs support of the afghan warlords who are fueling the heroin epidemic in the US. That would be a welcome addition to his current platform.", ">>{SubParMarioBro} : Exactly. I can see the point of the gag rule for 99% of Senate affairs, it's reasonable to expect a certain level of collegiality in debate. But Sessions wasn't a debater that day. He was the subject of debate, and silencing Warren as if she was committing ad hominem against another debater is fucking ridiculous.", ">>{Captain_Taggart} : This isn't sexist though because everyone has told me that we don't need feminism. This is clearly something else. /S", ">>{ryanknapper} : >OK everyone, let's discuss whether or not this candidate is right for the position without saying *anything* negative in any way. Go.", ">>{TheGreatHogdini} : But he's such a good and decent man and we always jerk each other off when we are on the treadmills watching Morning Joe. /s", '>>{Ciph3rzer0} : oh no he only cares about the single biggest problem in our country.. He should talk about things that matter less, like abortions, or how white people are being oppressed.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{lightsaberabortions} : Why did this randomly happen when I connect to my car's Bluetooth (non CarPlay?). Never happened before.", '>>{crisss1205} : Are you talking about the music controls or traffic? I always get the traffic info.', '>>{molepigeon} : The "Time to home" notification is a feature of iOS 9. It\'s figured out which Bluetooth device is the handsfree in your car, so when your phone connects to your car\'s Bluetooth it suggests driving directions to where it thinks you want to go. I\'ve only seen it pop up for my home and work, but if I had a regular routine of driving anywhere else it might work for those too. As for why it only just started happening, perhaps your phone hadn\'t figured out your home address or which Bluetooth device was in your car until now. It took my phone a couple of weeks after installing iOS 9 for it to start working.', '>>{Suavechef} : It also works if you have a regular routine. My daughter has a regular dr appointment and when I get in the car to leave it will tell me the time to get to the office. So it also works when it learns you have regular routes at certain times on certain days.', ">>{mordacthedenier} : Connecting to bluetooth causes your phone to take a screenshot and post it to reddit without any details? I dunno, that's weird.", '>>{03Titanium} : Yes. A lot of people don\'t know your iPhone constantly checks your location and will jot down any "frequent locations" and then try to fit it into a schedule. Personally I disable all of that because I\'m not interested in that feature and it may save a little battery.', ">>{zone23} : It just popped up because it takes iOS a bit of time to figure out your routine. I think it's like two weeks.", ">>{nathreed} : How do you get the notification to show up? I get the time to my regular destinations (school/work) showing in my Notification Center, but I don't get any notifications on my lock screen or anything like that. My car doesn't have Bluetooth if that makes a difference.", ">>{mrrichardcranium} : lmao if I wasn't a broke fucker Id give you gold for this.", '>>{MadLibz} : Every Monday night it tells me how long it is to the hockey rink. Super smart to pick up that i do it once a week on the same day.', ">>{nguneer} : That's why [reddit silver](http://i.imgur.com/NkcCsFf.jpg) was invented!", '>>{NineSwords} : Happens on my phone every time. It also shows up on the watch.', ">>{vanillabubbles16} : Yup, this happens to me. It's the frequent locations thing."], ['>>{ThatsABadLarry} : Mitch, please: Elizabeth Warren was criticizing a nominee, not a colleague when you told her to sit down and shut up', '>>{outlooker707} : Who cares? Put her back in the timeout chair.', ">>{ThatsABadLarry} : Because if whatever party is in power gets to just make up bullshit rules that aren't actually rules, the country suffers maybe?", '>>{drugorexic} : Mitch needs to check himself. The resistance is growing and just because his wife got a shiny new job, that doesnt mean his is safe in 2 years. Vote, people.', '>>{newscode} : Mitch is a dinosaur. These cold war era senators need to go. We are not living in a world that they even remotely understand.', '>>{drugorexic} : Funny how he rode the fence until Trump showed power and bought him off. Sellout McConnell the turtle', '>>{AccordionCrab} : I suppose. I was hoping they just forgot the "/s"', ">>{newscode} : Man......don't hate on turtles. Turtles are cool", '>>{Steak-and-Beans} : I would rather elect 30 box turtles to permanent office over these idiots', '>>{Katzeye} : I know that this is massively offensive. But really, we need to embrace and encourage this kind of behavior. There is no better way to show the world what useless sacks of shit the GOP is, than letting them do that publicly.', '>>{1theskiller} : Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out On Trying to Stop Sessions Confirmation Devastating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HUxb-kQ6P0', '>>{drugorexic} : Please accept my sincerest apology on behalf of all arrogant humans to all the lovely turtles out there', '>>{CampaignVeteran} : He IS a colleague, he serves in the KKK with some of them.', ">>{bedintruder} : Wait.... So you're saying shes a shill for the American people? Thats exactly what a real politician should be! We need more politicians like her!", ">>{GingerAle_s} : That makes total sense. Hillary bought her, so she could lose the Presidency, and then use Warren to oppose Trump's cabinet picks.", ">>{egs1928} : Kind of a conflict if a Senator can get out of being criticized because he's up for a cabinet position. You can't have it both ways. Sessions is a candidate and as such is an open target for criticism concerning his future position.", '>>{alreadygoneKKbye} : *But put aside the partisan and gender optics of the gagging of Warren and the fact that the King letter was later read without incident by several male senators.* As I grit my teeth...', ">>{essenoh2you} : Seriously. How can it be a debate if you're not allowed to say anything bad about him?", '>>{robsta333} : He kept Merrick Garland from the court. I hate the fuck, but he does understand how the senate works and is no idiot or dinosaur.', '>>{terrymr} : The problem is that the rules are whatever the majority wants them to be.', '>>{daft1} : I so hate how McConnell is compared to Turtles. Turtles are cool.', '>>{andersmith11} : Plus, neither Scott-King nor Warren called him a racist. She said that he had worked to disenfranchise blacks, which is criticism of the action, not the man. If we cannot look at what candidates actually do as opposed to what they say, how can we vet people. I mean some people lie. Talks about snowflakes.', '>>{Mgt_Kuradal} : What bullshit rules? Sessions is a senator and it is against the senate rules to impugn another senator on the floor. The rules were last updated in 2013... when democrats had control. She brought up a 30+ year old letter that talks poorly about a senator. Even if he is a nominee, he is still a senator.', ">>{riptydeco} : A person who was only a Senator at the time because they couldn't afford to lose a vote on DeVos, so they scheduled his vote for the day after.", '>>{Krakatoa12} : Mitch is going to be taken out by a stroke very soon. He just looks the type where a little aneurism is going to blow any time. Trump will have someone new to imitate.', '>>{drohan27} : Someone needs to explain to me how this rule applies when a Congressman IS the topic of debate. How can you have a debate if one side of the argument is deemed off-limits?', '>>{Iamthebst87} : Good we will kick him out with McCain, Sanders, and Pelosi.', ">>{ThatsABadLarry} : Read the story, dude. The rule he invoked did not apply to the situation at hand. If he wanted to amend the rule, that needs to pass through committee. You can't just make that shit up on a whim.", '>>{cameforthecloud} : Almost everyone already knows. (Just not them!)', ">>{newscode} : Sanders is alright, but he is a broken record. He doesn't diversify his issues enough. edit: look, I understand the respect for the man, but repeating the same issues of wealth inequality is not enough to right the wrongs of the world. Maybe he should start talking about the CIAs support of the afghan warlords who are fueling the heroin epidemic in the US. That would be a welcome addition to his current platform.", ">>{SubParMarioBro} : Exactly. I can see the point of the gag rule for 99% of Senate affairs, it's reasonable to expect a certain level of collegiality in debate. But Sessions wasn't a debater that day. He was the subject of debate, and silencing Warren as if she was committing ad hominem against another debater is fucking ridiculous.", ">>{Captain_Taggart} : This isn't sexist though because everyone has told me that we don't need feminism. This is clearly something else. /S", ">>{ryanknapper} : >OK everyone, let's discuss whether or not this candidate is right for the position without saying *anything* negative in any way. Go.", ">>{TheGreatHogdini} : But he's such a good and decent man and we always jerk each other off when we are on the treadmills watching Morning Joe. /s", '>>{Ciph3rzer0} : oh no he only cares about the single biggest problem in our country.. He should talk about things that matter less, like abortions, or how white people are being oppressed.'], ['>>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : Did Hillary Clinton launder millions of dollars while she was secretary of state?', '>>{SleeplessinRedditle} : That\'s a pretty misleading headline. Totally leaves out the "through Laureate Education" bit. Which is a pretty important bit. Edit: Not saying she laundered money. But giving evidence that she didn\'t launder money in one particular way doesn\'t prove she didn\'t in other ways.', ">>{JeffAmaral} : I'll let the second FBI probe have the last word on this one.", '>>{SATexas1} : This usaid program sure seems to be in the middle of a lot of Clinton weirdness', ">>{snorkleboy} : it's impossible to prove someone *didn't* launder money. It's like proving someone isn't currupt or doesn't lie. You need instances to rebut and obviously there are no known cases of the Clinton's laundering money.", '>>{Queen_of_Swords} : **[Betteridge\'s law of headlines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge\'s_law_of_headlines)**: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word *no*."', '>>{MET1} : Wait - so BILL Clinton worked to get $12 million for being on their board for a few years? Sure.', ">>{warmonger561} : > obviously there are no known cases of the Clinton's laundering money. Known but not legally proven. They are corrupt as cancer.", ">>{snorkleboy} : >~~Known~~ speculated but not ~~legally~~ proven Just becuase you feel she laundered money doesn't mean she actually did.", ">>{Yetislaver} : It's true as plebs on the Internet all we can do is speculate at shady activity, such as receiving 100 million dollars from a company that also gives the same amount to warlords and dictators over mining rights in Africa. Without speculation can we call it a bribe? No, but we don't have the resources to investigate such matters. That's why we put our faith and tax money in the hands of the good folks at the FBI to investigate political corruption.", '>>{SleeplessinRedditle} : All I said is that the headline is misleading. Which it is.', ">>{snorkleboy} : >That's why we put our faith and tax money in the hands of the good folks at the FBI to investigate political corruption. Yep.", '>>{thisisbasil} : I\'ve got a photo of "moderate Syrian rebels" (read: AQ turds) chillin in a USAid tent with sponsored swag. Will upload it when I find my laptop charger.', '>>{theendofanerror} : Give me some context beyond a photo. Is there a good article?', '>>{Its_not_her_time} : What is this heresy? You believe the FBI over the **Tampa Bay Times (Politifact Owner)**? > PolitiFact.com is a project operated by the **Tampa Bay Times**, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets "fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups" Oh Look [**Tampa Bay Times** endorses Hillary Clinton](http://web.tampabay.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-hillary-clinton-for-the-democratic-nomination/2265196)'], ['>>{jcw4455} : >“This story became eclipsed the day that FBI director [James] Comey suggested he was looking into Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails Fuck. This is such fucking bullshit.', ">>{AGB_mods} : He has no self control. Wonder what kind of shit he'll get into in the White House.", ">>{stillnotking} : The story definitely isn't over yet. I'm very interested to see if these accusations can be substantiated, and if so, what happens next. A sitting president can't be prosecuted, except by impeachment in the House (although he can be sued under these circumstances).", ">>{jacksclasshatred} : If you know anybody that is angry or flabbergasted by the president elect, remind them about the midterms in 2018, and that 90 MILLION people didn't vote in this election. We need left wing populism NOW.", ">>{MegaSansIX} : If the allegations were fake we wouldn't hear about them after the election. Trump can't be prosecuted or sued so the paid shill/anti Trump conspiracy angle doesn't work", ">>{archamedeznutz} : What Gloria Allred means is that she'll think of something so that Gloria Allred can hold a press conference during which cameras will focus on Gloria Allred. Unless another bandwagon comes along that might involve more cameras focused on Gloria Allred which would mean Gloria Allred would prefer you to pay attention to that instead.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : Gloria Allred is the reason my mom started to not care about the allegations. Once she and that porn star got involved it ruined all credibility.', '>>{ILikeLenexa} : This feels like the perfect job for Newt Gingrich.', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Oh, he'll be a total boyscout in the oval. It's his nasty, womanizing past that still has the teeth to bite him in the ass. I doubt the dude can even get it up anymore without a pump and some serious Rx.", '>>{FamineGhost} : Still more of a story to make up i guess.', ">>{Colonel_Gentleman} : AH! Of course! That's why pharma stocks have done so well since he won! It all makes sense now...", ">>{wyldcat} : Maybe that's why he wants to stay in Trump tower?", '>>{AGB_mods} : Him $taying in Trump Tower. New Yorkers are gonna love that.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : If you experience an erection that lasts for more than 4 hours.....', '>>{KAISER_TEMPORAL} : If you experience an election that lasts more than 4 years...', ">>{roterghost} : They'd throw the intern into Gitmo and deport her family to literally anywhere before allowing that news to break."]]
classify and reply
[">>{what2donz} : There is no future. Just got off the phone with my brother and he heard the moment Trump gets the 'nuclear football' he is launching ALL NUKES. We're already dead. I can't stop shaking.", '>>{kevie3drinks} : I was wondering when that was gonna happen. I found it pretty odd that I was still seeing them.', '>>{nurshakil10} : A third of Californians dreaming of a country without Trump, polls says', ">>{DubsLA} : Ignore the Yes California guy. From what I can tell, he's insane. The Vote CNP group is far more legitimate.", ">>{gta0012} : I mean I wouldn't want to pay for Ad's if I planned on shutting a program down.", '>>{Azatron17} : I am going to guess the color was orange before I read the article.', '>>{botchedrobbery} : Many African Americans unenthusiastically ‘settle’ for Hillary Clinton', '>>{MartianMidnight} : It is his job as POTUS to get people enrolled until the ACA is repealed. He executes the laws as written, not at his will. This is madness. Edit: Train v. City of New York. per /u/TrumpHadMeAborted below', '>>{Norotom5} : Come on guys, lets not further advance the goals of [The Foundation of Geopolitics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) (*see the section about the United States*) . Like I\'m an HRC voting Californian, but separatist movements are a direct piece of Dugin\'s strategy to make Russia the dominant nation in the 21^st century. Like this article is about the desire to secede from the Union, but a house divided against itself cannot stand. We are all in this together and either we live together, or we die alone. [Keep in mind that the person leading the main Cal-Exit movement went to school in Russia, married a Russian, and currently lives in Russia.](http://ww2.kqed.org/news/2016/12/13/from-his-home-in-russia-calexit-leader-plots-california-secession/) EDIT: Important bits from the Wiki page about tFoG: >The book declares that "the battle for the world rule of [ethnic] Russians" has not ended and Russia remains "the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution." The Eurasian Empire will be constructed "on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us." >Military operations play relatively little role. The textbook believes in a sophisticated program of subversion, destabilization, and disinformation spearheaded by the Russian special services. The operations should be assisted by a tough, hard-headed utilization of Russia\'s gas, oil, and natural resources to bully and pressure other countries... >Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics." EDIT2: Other Goals of the FoG that are currently manifesting in some form include: Brexit, instability in Turkey, Russo-Islamic Alliance (actions in Syria and with Assad, note I don\'t have a problem with Islam, but a Neo-Caliphate with an alliance with Moscow could prove difficult to deal with. But like with Christianity and the Papacy, I don\'t see all Muslims uniting under one Caliph, much like I don\'t see all of Christendom uniting under one Pope anytime soon. But with the US alienating the Middle East, we could very likely see a Pro-Russian Shift.), Dissolution of Ukraine (annexation of Crimea), Isolationist Policies in the US, Now we are seeing a shift in the pro-Russian fake news towards Germany primarily targeting Angela Merkel, And other stuff I\'m probably not noticing (*disclaimer I\'m by no means an expert, Geopolitics are just a hobby of mine, and I could very easily be misinterpreting a lot of this.*)', ">>{bdog2g2} : He can't execute a proper comb over much less laws of the land", '>>{dkliberator} : # Many And that does not bode well for D0nnie T.', ">>{jcw4455} : If people don't unenthusiastically settle for Clinton, they're unenthusiastically settling for Trump. Those are your options.", ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : This is a clear violation of _Train v. City of New York_. Those funds are earmarked for ACA outreach. They have to be spent for ACA outreach. He can't refuse to spend it and he can't redirect it for other purposes.", ">>{wrowathray} : Really? You think the epicenter of illegal aliens might be worried? I'm shocked.", '>>{H37man} : I have been waiting for it to happen the last 8 years. So far no blue helmets have entered the neighborhood.', ">>{Midmotion} : To be fair, if Russia were to get most of their agenda done, they'd just have to deal with China and possibly a resurgent Canada.", ">>{morbidexpression} : yeah so does Putin. Fuck that propaganda. We're taking our country back from these bastards, Putin's little psy ops trolls can go fuck themselves and drown in piss.", ">>{trevors685} : Have at it. Donald Trump won without California's 55 electoral votes, and 99% of her popular vote lead is from there. Make Calexit a reality", '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Wow unenthusiastically. They literally gave her margins of 80-20 in some states when she ran against Bernie, yet now they unenthusiastically settling for her? Hah.', '>>{Nighshade586} : I feel like a *Flashpoint* event occurred, and I want to go live on Earth-2 or something.', ">>{Argorash} : They don't need to. Trump is brining back all the jobs Clinton/Bush/Obama destroyed.", '>>{Inspector_Bloor} : this right here would make russia and china sooo happy and would do nothing for us as a nation. we need to step up somehow and bring some sane qualified leaders back. I think term limits and while serving public office, your previous job would be protected could help (so maybe scientists and other professionals who would never run otherwise might have some incentives). Honestly i have no clue of the solutions... but someone smart better start thinking.', ">>{whyd_I_laugh_at_that} : This is the problem with liberals. Always damaging private property. No Trump supporters would ever do this, any claim that they are are clearly false flags. And they claim to be environmentalists. but they're the ones damaging perfectly manicured grass with only the best quality fertilizer! /s!", ">>{MartianMidnight} : Thanks for the specific case history, I'll add it.", ">>{DC25NYC} : Most of them aren't as successful as the state of California.", '>>{NarrowLightbulb} : So what are the consequences of not following it?', '>>{geniebear} : Guys, I hate Trump, but how the fuck is this helpful moving forward', ">>{MaiAyeNuhs} : The article in the beginning touches on how the mill had multiple owners but there is no mention if it went out of business due to gross mismanagement or vulture capatilist or what. The workers blame NAFTA but don't place any blame on The Republican controlled Congress that drafted the legislation just Bill Clinton not Bush Sr who crafted and signed the original deal. I remember sitting at the dinner table listening to my now dead father who was the business manager of the plumbers and pipe fitters union talk about it. How it was bad but we could pull through. I don't think anyone understood the greed it unleashed and how businesses would exploit it to sell out America. We just elected and re elected the architects of that plan. America is a very ignorant and blind country only 8 years after a global depression we hand over the keys to the criminals that caused it. I feel bad for these people they are blind to the real evil that has destroyed their town. Many probably have medical issues because of the pollution of the mill but they seem to have very naive understanding of who's to blame and how our government works.", ">>{tundey_1} : This isn't how to resist. But I am not shedding a tear for Trump.", ">>{CaulkusAurelis} : Kenyan Talibani fighters took my guns AND my Christmas tree last week... It's starting.", ">>{GibsonLP86} : I'm not disagreeing with you, but California has an economy thats like... 6x the size of the Russian one.", ">>{Walkitback} : California dreaming, on a winter's day. Illegal dreaming, the POtuS would say.", '>>{botchedrobbery} : Did "they" come out in as high a numbers?', ">>{TheGreatPrimate} : Well, it made me laugh. Guess they'll have to mow the golf course. They never do that.", ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : Some legal entity with standing would have to sue. Without more research, I don't know who - if anyone - that would be. Just spitballing, insurers who offer products on the exchange might have standing, as they will suffer business losses if the government doesn't adequately market the exchanges. That was part of the bargain.", ">>{preserved_fish} : It's not. But Republicans do shit out of spite 100% of the time. We're allowed to indulge once in a while too.", ">>{skraptastic} : Vandalism is never the answer, but I'm not sad this happened.", ">>{Argorash} : Well ultimately as with all things its Obama's fault. The Gas industry lobbies the democrats to pass environmental legislation which in turn causes coals stock prices to suffer and coal companies to wind down.", ">>{theryman} : Let's be honest, it is sometimes the answer.", '>>{Walkitback} : No need really. Just wait until Texas flips in about a decade.', '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : This is what baffles me about our system. Somehow the unpopular candidates get the popular vote (well, at least assuming nothing was rigged). Black folks in America didn\'t have to "settle" for anyone. It seems that they [voted for her in the primaries.](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/huge-split-between-older-younger-blacks-democratic-primary-n580996) So they "settled" by voting for her in the first place.', ">>{Argorash} : so you're saying that the Gas industry are lobbying the democrats to allow for more fracking?", '>>{DragonXV} : It won\'t be long before the name "Trump" joins the swastika in the category of things that are forever fucked.', ">>{Argorash} : https://thethoughtfulcoalminer.com/2015/12/12/obama-has-killed-coal/ Done. It was all Obama's fault. Edit: i'll take my upvote now please :\\^)", ">>{Argorash} : > Explain how coal can complete with natural gas in a free market. Very simple. Import taxes. Globalism and environmentalism has been killing coal. the New administration doesn't care for either so i'm buying coal stocks.", '>>{ComeyTheRebel} : Vote for Hillary to say you will continue to be poor and angry, or vote for Trump to say you want better and are willing to work for it. Your move.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : Californians subsidize the rest of the US by $30 billion a year; we get back $0.72 for every federal dollar in taxes; we get 1/4 of a Wyoming citizen\'s vote; we have the largest number of people, an economy larger than France, and we get very little say in Washington. We have the "gold", we should have more say in the "rules".', '>>{RTHREEB} : Less than that. I predict Texas goes blue in 2020 a la the state of California. Shit is gonna get so bad so fast and since hispanic people and latinos will bear the brunt of his rhetoric and will vote en fucking masse. Most, if not all of the 3 major cities in TX are heavy to moderate democratic blocs. Same phenomenon occurs in CA. Pete Wilson has turned CA blue for what appears to be permanently. Trump will do the same to Texas. Mark my words.', ">>{spacehogg} : The US is not standing up to Russia, it's falling in line.", '>>{TheCakeDayLie} : Okay, I get it, but this weakens our protests.', '>>{Argorash} : It will save coal from cheap imported gas. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/ng_move_impc_s1_a.htm', '>>{SantaHickeys} : I hope people remember the monkey-wrench he threw into the ACA market with his letter of intent to not enforce provisions of the ACA. They own this now', '>>{USAOne} : Voting for the best of the worst usually does that. We could have had a great President in Sanders but Hillary had a name they knew so they voted for her. Now we are stuck with two idiots for President, one is corrupt and the other is a Raving, psycho, racist, bigoted, woman hater.', '>>{doogles} : Not really. He can choose to stop the actions of any executive agency. It would be up to Congress to make sure laws are executed via Oversight. EDIT: Whoops, Train v. City of New York is precedent here.', '>>{botchedrobbery} : It cannot be that hard to realize the "they" voting in the primaries do not represent all the black people in the general population.', '>>{bhaller} : It isn\'t. But it is a nice temporary distraction. And let\'s be real, I don\'t think there is any olive branch we could offer that would "help" things at this point.', '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : They came out in enough margins to give her staggering numbers, yet are now skeptical about her. You had a guy who marched with Martin Luther King to Washington vs the woman who used the term super predators to describe AA children and campaigned for Barry Goldwater. I really would like to know what exactly the Clintons have done for the African American community to warrant their votes.', '>>{TinyBaron} : California should just secede and join Canada with OR and WA. Frankly so should the Northeast. They all have more in common than they do with the rednecks in the Combover States.', ">>{Suthrnr} : I despise Trump with a passion, but this isn't the way to go about this. It makes the rest of us look bad, gives Republicans fuel to basically call us terrorists and doesn't even punish Trump. It punishes the poor innocent groundskeepers who have to fix the course. **Edit:** Since there seems to be confusion, I'd ask people to **closely** read my post. I'm not saying this is an act of terrorism, it's not. I'm saying the right can and will spin it this way.", '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Someone we were racists for pointing out that African Americans should vote on the issues rather than name recognition.', '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : You can say the same thing for many other demographic groups. Voter turnout is too low across the board.', '>>{JacobCrim88} : The day I feel sympathy for Trump or any of his properties will be a grim day.', ">>{TheDudeNeverBowls} : It's racist to think that only black people do this.", '>>{gmanreddit} : I settled for trump, albeit just as unenthusiastically. #notallblacksforher.', ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Heh. If 40 million Californians and 30 million Canadians joined, who is joining who? Also, I can't see Québécois and Albertans and Californians ever getting together.", ">>{sedgwickian} : Losing the primary is the best thing to happen to sanders legacy. The administration that exists in his supporters' imaginations defies all logic in its success...", '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : The fact that each side has to "settle" with their candidate is just, well, unsettling. I am curious to ask though: what led to your decision to back Trump?', '>>{ewqqwerqwerqrewqerw} : And here we have the magical unicorn that feels like interjecting with a meaningless anecdote, and goes on to try to create a worldview around it.', ">>{wrondo} : Many *people unenthusiastically settle for Hillary Clinton. If you don't think Trump is scary, you are out of your mind.", '>>{AKA_Criswell} : May not be an answer but it is certainly a response.', '>>{InFearn0} : I am shedding a figurative tear for how this makes Resist look. This is the kind of BS that dictators use to justify crackdowns.', ">>{wrondo} : Wow, blaming African Americans for *being dumb* not voting for your candidate, sounds exactly like some other people...like you don't think your candidate could have actually tried to appeal to them...", ">>{Icouldbeanyone} : I laughed. But this shouldn't continue. There are other ways to fight.", '>>{gmanreddit} : I\'m a black latino and just have been surrounded by alot of Democrats as you can imagine and up until 2012 I identified as one too. Before the last election cycle I started college and noticed alot of the successful people, especially the minorities, were Republicans or libertarians. Most of my friends remained Democrats but the people I would do extra curricular activities with and study with were all fiscally conservative. To save you from a novel I basically came to favor fiscal conservatism. As to why I voted for trump I have a few key issues that swayed me. I\'m a gun collector, I\'m in medical school now and would like to see the aca repealed and favor low business taxes because I wish to have a practice some day, I also want secure vs open borders. My parents came here legally, it\'s not much to ask others to do the same. Plus Hillary is completely bought out by corporate interests. Trump seems to be pulling a bill Gates "I\'m so rich may as well do some good." I\'m not saying trump is as benevolent as Bill Gates but both of them don\'t exactly need to suck corporate dick to get what they want and I respect that.', ">>{MyNameIsRay} : Who knew Trump's job creation promise consisted solely of cleaning up vandalism directed at him?", '>>{USAOne} : Most voters are in fact dumb. They vote based on emotion and not logic. That is why fear tactics work so well, they are stupid enough to believe them.', '>>{AKA_Criswell} : It doesn\'t make the rest of us look bad any more than one American doing something bad makes all Americans look bad. It\'s not terrorism, it\'s vandalism, different crimes, and you\'d better be careful about what you conflate with "terrorism". You see a lot of politically-motivated vandalism in 3rd world dictatorships where free speech is denied.', '>>{thelightness} : Oh noooo! How awful! :( We ought to lower the flags to half staff on this sad day! Such carnage! /s', ">>{kutwijf} : Well.. Name recognition - Bill did good things for the black community. Didn't he? Bernie's an old white guy. What does he know about the problems facing black Americans? Black Lives Matter activists hate Bernie. They must have good reason. Bernie's been called a socialist, a communist, even a racist. Guy sounds crazy. Scary even. Helping to make history - First female president.", '>>{SophisticatedPhallus} : It does the opposite of being helpful, in fact. Every time something like this happens the right gets to sit there and say "look at these thugs" and it pushes the conversation backwards.', '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : Thanks for sharing. This election made me distance myself from the Democrats as well, even though I tend to vote for that party due to my liberal beliefs. I was, and still am, a big Sanders supporter. The shit that the Democrats have pulled this election cycle really disturbed me, and I\'ve distanced myself from them---I now consider myself an independent. Even the polarized far left has gotten to me, and is becoming toxic for this general line of thinking. At this point, I tell people that I\'m a "Bill Maher liberal" as free thought seems to be a thing of the past among both sides.', '>>{gmanreddit} : Yea Bernie had some of the same qualities that I respect that trump has even though they are vastly different in their views. Someone who never really succumbed to corporate interests. I think both parties need some mad restructuring. I almost voted Gary but even he turned out to be a goof so I held my nose and voted trump.', ">>{kutwijf} : They aren't the only ones, but we *are* talking about blacks at the moment.", ">>{Quexana} : 2/3rd of her voters are primarily voting against Trump. African Americans aren't special. Most of us are unenthusiastically settling for Hillary.", ">>{Pylons} : If you want to know why Sanders lost the primary, it's attitudes like this. Stop denying the agency of people who didn't vote for your candidate.", '>>{BlackSparkle13} : I felt my blood pressure rise until I saw the /s', '>>{novareddit2000} : the people who would see it as appropriate justification will accept absolutely anything', '>>{USAOne} : Marketing won it for Clinton. Sanders was never given a chance by the media but he won bigger than Clinton. He owns the next generation of Democrats.', ">>{dammitpea} : It's not right, but it's okay. --Whitney Houston", '>>{Pylons} : Not this one. >But he won bigger than Clinton. He lost by 3 million votes.', '>>{Murmaider_OP} : Well a lot of shit has happened since the primaries', ">>{maxpenny42} : Like, what? What has come to light since the primaries that we didn't know back then? I feel like there may be more evidence toco firm what people already suspected about her. But not really new information.", '>>{Saltyaf1999} : I am against fascism and antifa. Antifa is a terrorist organization. https://youtu.be/oJ1eZqenaDw', '>>{novareddit2000} : If you think this is remotely close to terrorism... "It punishes the poor innocent groundskeepers who have to fix the course." Punishes? He gets paid to go fix it up, paid to do the job he\'s doing anyway, if anything the vandal is a job creator according to republican definitions', '>>{morgentoast} : Trump makes americans look pretty bad imo even though its not all of yours fault :-(', ">>{RandomRedditor44} : I hate Trump, but really, he's going to use this to get conservatives to hate liberals even more.", ">>{majikmyk} : It's the exact same level of helpful as your comment. Actually more so. They're making the news. you're commenting on it.", '>>{majikmyk} : So own it... When a "righty" talks smack, put a brick through their windshield. Duh.', '>>{mwsomerset} : I just wished they had taken round-up and wrote "trump sux." That would take years to grow out.', '>>{remarkless} : Like when asked "what is a word that starts with V and means destruction of property?" or "what is a reasonable response to a president who refuses to maintain any ethical decency, follow the law with regard to conflicts of interest, and fail the american people on almost all fronts"', ">>{FunkyTown313} : It's not the paint's fault! The conservative media is part of the anti paint coalition! We need to take a step back and take a deep breath before we go after the paint industry", ">>{FunkyTown313} : Not my favorite move. There are better ways to resist. But I don't feel sorry for him.", ">>{Suthrnr} : I never said it was anything close to terrorism, I said that republicans will spin it that way. If you've ever read r/conservatives or t_d then you should know this by now.", '>>{Suthrnr} : Once again Im not saying its terrorism, Im saying the right will spin it that way. Please read more carefully.', '>>{OJSamson} : > Vandalism is never the answer when did this thing become a thing. oh look Nazis are occupying Paris but god forbid someone spread resistance messages though vandalism. Russia has cut of east berlin from the west but damn those artists that desecrate it.', '>>{adamwho} : What percentage of Trump voters have ever swug a golf club?', ">>{adamwho} : I am completely for this type of action. Trump's behavior, lies and stupidity are a direct danger to American values, prosperity and standing in the world. If he will not divest his investments and stop being a lying moron then we need to burn everything he owns to the ground.", ">>{geniebear} : Making news means nothing. This was a crime. Meanwhile, I'm not casting democrats in a negative light. How can we ask moderates and independents to vote with us if we are associated with vandalism?", ">>{skraptastic} : Because I do not believe you (as a person) have the right to destroy or damage my (as a person) property. This goes the same for everything to a hillside, to graffiti on a building/lawn etc. It is all about respect for the world around me. I do not want my shit vandalized, therefore I will not vandalize your shit. Edit: Also there is quite a stretch going from Nazi occupation of France to an elected president's personal property. (Hopefully sometime in the very near future he will no-longer be an elected president, but you get the idea.)", ">>{DrScientist812} : He thinks they're going to be reeducated and become good little drones.", '>>{RandomRedditor44} : Based on how smart they are, 0%.', ">>{FunkyTown313} : Aww I don't like surprises. Can't you just tell me now peez?", '>>{Wydi} : Well..first of all: Antifa is not an organization. Do you wanna be a member? Congratulations, here is your flag. Secondly: There is no collective hierarchy. That "Boston Antifa" group has no inter-movement authority over Boston. As far as everybody else is concerned, they might as well be 2 lone people while everyone else considers themselves part of the easily confusable "Antifa Boston". Thirdly: There is *a lot* of infighting going on between pro and anti violence people. Plenty of local groups just stick to loud but harmless protests and activism and wouldn\'t condone violent assaults on people. The lack of any kind of central authority, however, also means that there\'s nobody who could be considered to be in the position to denounce any questionable acts committed in Antifa\'s name. Blaming Antifa for whatever those people in Boston are doing is like blaming "The Right" as a whole for the KKK. P.S.: That video made me laugh but certainly not worry about terrorism.', ">>{chubbiguy40} : I have no doubt that terrorists are targeting his properties around the planet, taking out a building with Trump's name featured so prominently, will be an easy target with a huge propaganda value. Fuck Trump, I do feel bad for any innocent people within said targets. Get out of any Trump property while you still can, or be a number in the casualty count.", '>>{adamwho} : I was thinking more along the lines of wealth demographics.', '>>{AKA_Criswell} : And we have to have the balls to counter that spin with objective facts, I misattributed the position to you in haste (for which I apologize) but I think the point stands.', '>>{cl33t} : > It punishes the poor innocent groundskeepers who have to fix the course. What? No. This is a job creation program. Extra groundskeepers gets hired, new security gets hired, seed/fertilizer companies get more purchases, etc. And the best part is, it is a rich guy who is going to pay for it!', ">>{DrScientist812} : Is this the Donald's big plan to unite America? By having his supporters call people names and threaten them with violence? Is this how America becomes great again?", '>>{SMIDSY} : I only wish I get to see your face when he gets impeached and hauled away to jail. Lock him up!', '>>{SpeakFirstThinkLater} : I agree. We are in dark times and unfortunately at a point where hate has to be fought with hate. Maybe a plane will Target Trump Tower someday soon.', ">>{DrScientist812} : > If I had it my way, I'd have every one of you Trump Supporters put into camps and systemically eliminated. C'mon dude, I don't like Trump either but THIS kind of attitude isn't helping anyone.", '>>{nesoom} : Once civil forfeiture isn\'t a thing anymore, then I\'ll be against vandalizing a "private" property.', ">>{VapeApe} : You strike out at the mechanisms of the state. Since Trump hasn't divested, his golf course is a mechanism of the state, and a fair target. As well as any other Trump properties or businesses.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : People need a good laugh in between the constant articles about treason.', ">>{DontMentionWombats} : Or hey, the Roman emperor Petronius Maximus has married Licinia Eudoxia to his son Palladius, thus breaking her betrothal to Huneric, so you need to go show that you're still a player in Italy by sailing up from Carthage and sacking the Imperial capital. I mean, Vandalism is _sometimes_ justified.", ">>{Lordveus} : That's beautiful. I ugly laughed for a good minute there.", ">>{DontMentionWombats} : I love Mike Duncan's point in the _History of Rome_ podcast (if you haven't listened to it, it's awesome) that the Vandals' name has been unfairly appropriated for destruction of property, because they didn't sack Rome _too_ badly."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{kevie3drinks} : I was wondering when that was gonna happen. I found it pretty odd that I was still seeing them.', ">>{gta0012} : I mean I wouldn't want to pay for Ad's if I planned on shutting a program down.", '>>{MartianMidnight} : It is his job as POTUS to get people enrolled until the ACA is repealed. He executes the laws as written, not at his will. This is madness. Edit: Train v. City of New York. per /u/TrumpHadMeAborted below', ">>{bdog2g2} : He can't execute a proper comb over much less laws of the land", ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : This is a clear violation of _Train v. City of New York_. Those funds are earmarked for ACA outreach. They have to be spent for ACA outreach. He can't refuse to spend it and he can't redirect it for other purposes.", ">>{MartianMidnight} : Thanks for the specific case history, I'll add it.", '>>{NarrowLightbulb} : So what are the consequences of not following it?', ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : Some legal entity with standing would have to sue. Without more research, I don't know who - if anyone - that would be. Just spitballing, insurers who offer products on the exchange might have standing, as they will suffer business losses if the government doesn't adequately market the exchanges. That was part of the bargain.", '>>{SantaHickeys} : I hope people remember the monkey-wrench he threw into the ACA market with his letter of intent to not enforce provisions of the ACA. They own this now', '>>{doogles} : Not really. He can choose to stop the actions of any executive agency. It would be up to Congress to make sure laws are executed via Oversight. EDIT: Whoops, Train v. City of New York is precedent here.'], ['>>{Azatron17} : I am going to guess the color was orange before I read the article.', ">>{whyd_I_laugh_at_that} : This is the problem with liberals. Always damaging private property. No Trump supporters would ever do this, any claim that they are are clearly false flags. And they claim to be environmentalists. but they're the ones damaging perfectly manicured grass with only the best quality fertilizer! /s!", '>>{geniebear} : Guys, I hate Trump, but how the fuck is this helpful moving forward', ">>{tundey_1} : This isn't how to resist. But I am not shedding a tear for Trump.", ">>{TheGreatPrimate} : Well, it made me laugh. Guess they'll have to mow the golf course. They never do that.", ">>{preserved_fish} : It's not. But Republicans do shit out of spite 100% of the time. We're allowed to indulge once in a while too.", ">>{skraptastic} : Vandalism is never the answer, but I'm not sad this happened.", ">>{theryman} : Let's be honest, it is sometimes the answer.", '>>{DragonXV} : It won\'t be long before the name "Trump" joins the swastika in the category of things that are forever fucked.', '>>{TheCakeDayLie} : Okay, I get it, but this weakens our protests.', '>>{bhaller} : It isn\'t. But it is a nice temporary distraction. And let\'s be real, I don\'t think there is any olive branch we could offer that would "help" things at this point.', ">>{Suthrnr} : I despise Trump with a passion, but this isn't the way to go about this. It makes the rest of us look bad, gives Republicans fuel to basically call us terrorists and doesn't even punish Trump. It punishes the poor innocent groundskeepers who have to fix the course. **Edit:** Since there seems to be confusion, I'd ask people to **closely** read my post. I'm not saying this is an act of terrorism, it's not. I'm saying the right can and will spin it this way.", '>>{JacobCrim88} : The day I feel sympathy for Trump or any of his properties will be a grim day.', '>>{AKA_Criswell} : May not be an answer but it is certainly a response.', '>>{InFearn0} : I am shedding a figurative tear for how this makes Resist look. This is the kind of BS that dictators use to justify crackdowns.', ">>{Icouldbeanyone} : I laughed. But this shouldn't continue. There are other ways to fight.", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : Who knew Trump's job creation promise consisted solely of cleaning up vandalism directed at him?", '>>{AKA_Criswell} : It doesn\'t make the rest of us look bad any more than one American doing something bad makes all Americans look bad. It\'s not terrorism, it\'s vandalism, different crimes, and you\'d better be careful about what you conflate with "terrorism". You see a lot of politically-motivated vandalism in 3rd world dictatorships where free speech is denied.', '>>{thelightness} : Oh noooo! How awful! :( We ought to lower the flags to half staff on this sad day! Such carnage! /s', '>>{SophisticatedPhallus} : It does the opposite of being helpful, in fact. Every time something like this happens the right gets to sit there and say "look at these thugs" and it pushes the conversation backwards.', '>>{BlackSparkle13} : I felt my blood pressure rise until I saw the /s', '>>{novareddit2000} : the people who would see it as appropriate justification will accept absolutely anything', ">>{dammitpea} : It's not right, but it's okay. --Whitney Houston", '>>{Saltyaf1999} : I am against fascism and antifa. Antifa is a terrorist organization. https://youtu.be/oJ1eZqenaDw', '>>{novareddit2000} : If you think this is remotely close to terrorism... "It punishes the poor innocent groundskeepers who have to fix the course." Punishes? He gets paid to go fix it up, paid to do the job he\'s doing anyway, if anything the vandal is a job creator according to republican definitions', '>>{morgentoast} : Trump makes americans look pretty bad imo even though its not all of yours fault :-(', ">>{RandomRedditor44} : I hate Trump, but really, he's going to use this to get conservatives to hate liberals even more.", ">>{majikmyk} : It's the exact same level of helpful as your comment. Actually more so. They're making the news. you're commenting on it.", '>>{majikmyk} : So own it... When a "righty" talks smack, put a brick through their windshield. Duh.', '>>{mwsomerset} : I just wished they had taken round-up and wrote "trump sux." That would take years to grow out.', '>>{remarkless} : Like when asked "what is a word that starts with V and means destruction of property?" or "what is a reasonable response to a president who refuses to maintain any ethical decency, follow the law with regard to conflicts of interest, and fail the american people on almost all fronts"', ">>{FunkyTown313} : It's not the paint's fault! The conservative media is part of the anti paint coalition! We need to take a step back and take a deep breath before we go after the paint industry", ">>{FunkyTown313} : Not my favorite move. There are better ways to resist. But I don't feel sorry for him.", ">>{Suthrnr} : I never said it was anything close to terrorism, I said that republicans will spin it that way. If you've ever read r/conservatives or t_d then you should know this by now.", '>>{Suthrnr} : Once again Im not saying its terrorism, Im saying the right will spin it that way. Please read more carefully.', '>>{OJSamson} : > Vandalism is never the answer when did this thing become a thing. oh look Nazis are occupying Paris but god forbid someone spread resistance messages though vandalism. Russia has cut of east berlin from the west but damn those artists that desecrate it.', '>>{adamwho} : What percentage of Trump voters have ever swug a golf club?', ">>{adamwho} : I am completely for this type of action. Trump's behavior, lies and stupidity are a direct danger to American values, prosperity and standing in the world. If he will not divest his investments and stop being a lying moron then we need to burn everything he owns to the ground.", ">>{geniebear} : Making news means nothing. This was a crime. Meanwhile, I'm not casting democrats in a negative light. How can we ask moderates and independents to vote with us if we are associated with vandalism?", ">>{skraptastic} : Because I do not believe you (as a person) have the right to destroy or damage my (as a person) property. This goes the same for everything to a hillside, to graffiti on a building/lawn etc. It is all about respect for the world around me. I do not want my shit vandalized, therefore I will not vandalize your shit. Edit: Also there is quite a stretch going from Nazi occupation of France to an elected president's personal property. (Hopefully sometime in the very near future he will no-longer be an elected president, but you get the idea.)", ">>{DrScientist812} : He thinks they're going to be reeducated and become good little drones.", '>>{RandomRedditor44} : Based on how smart they are, 0%.', ">>{FunkyTown313} : Aww I don't like surprises. Can't you just tell me now peez?", '>>{Wydi} : Well..first of all: Antifa is not an organization. Do you wanna be a member? Congratulations, here is your flag. Secondly: There is no collective hierarchy. That "Boston Antifa" group has no inter-movement authority over Boston. As far as everybody else is concerned, they might as well be 2 lone people while everyone else considers themselves part of the easily confusable "Antifa Boston". Thirdly: There is *a lot* of infighting going on between pro and anti violence people. Plenty of local groups just stick to loud but harmless protests and activism and wouldn\'t condone violent assaults on people. The lack of any kind of central authority, however, also means that there\'s nobody who could be considered to be in the position to denounce any questionable acts committed in Antifa\'s name. Blaming Antifa for whatever those people in Boston are doing is like blaming "The Right" as a whole for the KKK. P.S.: That video made me laugh but certainly not worry about terrorism.', ">>{chubbiguy40} : I have no doubt that terrorists are targeting his properties around the planet, taking out a building with Trump's name featured so prominently, will be an easy target with a huge propaganda value. Fuck Trump, I do feel bad for any innocent people within said targets. Get out of any Trump property while you still can, or be a number in the casualty count.", '>>{adamwho} : I was thinking more along the lines of wealth demographics.', '>>{AKA_Criswell} : And we have to have the balls to counter that spin with objective facts, I misattributed the position to you in haste (for which I apologize) but I think the point stands.', '>>{cl33t} : > It punishes the poor innocent groundskeepers who have to fix the course. What? No. This is a job creation program. Extra groundskeepers gets hired, new security gets hired, seed/fertilizer companies get more purchases, etc. And the best part is, it is a rich guy who is going to pay for it!', ">>{DrScientist812} : Is this the Donald's big plan to unite America? By having his supporters call people names and threaten them with violence? Is this how America becomes great again?", '>>{SMIDSY} : I only wish I get to see your face when he gets impeached and hauled away to jail. Lock him up!', '>>{SpeakFirstThinkLater} : I agree. We are in dark times and unfortunately at a point where hate has to be fought with hate. Maybe a plane will Target Trump Tower someday soon.', ">>{DrScientist812} : > If I had it my way, I'd have every one of you Trump Supporters put into camps and systemically eliminated. C'mon dude, I don't like Trump either but THIS kind of attitude isn't helping anyone.", '>>{nesoom} : Once civil forfeiture isn\'t a thing anymore, then I\'ll be against vandalizing a "private" property.', ">>{VapeApe} : You strike out at the mechanisms of the state. Since Trump hasn't divested, his golf course is a mechanism of the state, and a fair target. As well as any other Trump properties or businesses.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : People need a good laugh in between the constant articles about treason.', ">>{DontMentionWombats} : Or hey, the Roman emperor Petronius Maximus has married Licinia Eudoxia to his son Palladius, thus breaking her betrothal to Huneric, so you need to go show that you're still a player in Italy by sailing up from Carthage and sacking the Imperial capital. I mean, Vandalism is _sometimes_ justified.", ">>{Lordveus} : That's beautiful. I ugly laughed for a good minute there.", ">>{DontMentionWombats} : I love Mike Duncan's point in the _History of Rome_ podcast (if you haven't listened to it, it's awesome) that the Vandals' name has been unfairly appropriated for destruction of property, because they didn't sack Rome _too_ badly."], [">>{what2donz} : There is no future. Just got off the phone with my brother and he heard the moment Trump gets the 'nuclear football' he is launching ALL NUKES. We're already dead. I can't stop shaking.", '>>{H37man} : I have been waiting for it to happen the last 8 years. So far no blue helmets have entered the neighborhood.', ">>{Argorash} : They don't need to. Trump is brining back all the jobs Clinton/Bush/Obama destroyed.", ">>{MaiAyeNuhs} : The article in the beginning touches on how the mill had multiple owners but there is no mention if it went out of business due to gross mismanagement or vulture capatilist or what. The workers blame NAFTA but don't place any blame on The Republican controlled Congress that drafted the legislation just Bill Clinton not Bush Sr who crafted and signed the original deal. I remember sitting at the dinner table listening to my now dead father who was the business manager of the plumbers and pipe fitters union talk about it. How it was bad but we could pull through. I don't think anyone understood the greed it unleashed and how businesses would exploit it to sell out America. We just elected and re elected the architects of that plan. America is a very ignorant and blind country only 8 years after a global depression we hand over the keys to the criminals that caused it. I feel bad for these people they are blind to the real evil that has destroyed their town. Many probably have medical issues because of the pollution of the mill but they seem to have very naive understanding of who's to blame and how our government works.", ">>{CaulkusAurelis} : Kenyan Talibani fighters took my guns AND my Christmas tree last week... It's starting.", ">>{Argorash} : Well ultimately as with all things its Obama's fault. The Gas industry lobbies the democrats to pass environmental legislation which in turn causes coals stock prices to suffer and coal companies to wind down.", ">>{Argorash} : so you're saying that the Gas industry are lobbying the democrats to allow for more fracking?", ">>{Argorash} : https://thethoughtfulcoalminer.com/2015/12/12/obama-has-killed-coal/ Done. It was all Obama's fault. Edit: i'll take my upvote now please :\\^)", ">>{Argorash} : > Explain how coal can complete with natural gas in a free market. Very simple. Import taxes. Globalism and environmentalism has been killing coal. the New administration doesn't care for either so i'm buying coal stocks.", '>>{Argorash} : It will save coal from cheap imported gas. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/ng_move_impc_s1_a.htm'], ['>>{nurshakil10} : A third of Californians dreaming of a country without Trump, polls says', ">>{DubsLA} : Ignore the Yes California guy. From what I can tell, he's insane. The Vote CNP group is far more legitimate.", '>>{Norotom5} : Come on guys, lets not further advance the goals of [The Foundation of Geopolitics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) (*see the section about the United States*) . Like I\'m an HRC voting Californian, but separatist movements are a direct piece of Dugin\'s strategy to make Russia the dominant nation in the 21^st century. Like this article is about the desire to secede from the Union, but a house divided against itself cannot stand. We are all in this together and either we live together, or we die alone. [Keep in mind that the person leading the main Cal-Exit movement went to school in Russia, married a Russian, and currently lives in Russia.](http://ww2.kqed.org/news/2016/12/13/from-his-home-in-russia-calexit-leader-plots-california-secession/) EDIT: Important bits from the Wiki page about tFoG: >The book declares that "the battle for the world rule of [ethnic] Russians" has not ended and Russia remains "the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution." The Eurasian Empire will be constructed "on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us." >Military operations play relatively little role. The textbook believes in a sophisticated program of subversion, destabilization, and disinformation spearheaded by the Russian special services. The operations should be assisted by a tough, hard-headed utilization of Russia\'s gas, oil, and natural resources to bully and pressure other countries... >Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics." EDIT2: Other Goals of the FoG that are currently manifesting in some form include: Brexit, instability in Turkey, Russo-Islamic Alliance (actions in Syria and with Assad, note I don\'t have a problem with Islam, but a Neo-Caliphate with an alliance with Moscow could prove difficult to deal with. But like with Christianity and the Papacy, I don\'t see all Muslims uniting under one Caliph, much like I don\'t see all of Christendom uniting under one Pope anytime soon. But with the US alienating the Middle East, we could very likely see a Pro-Russian Shift.), Dissolution of Ukraine (annexation of Crimea), Isolationist Policies in the US, Now we are seeing a shift in the pro-Russian fake news towards Germany primarily targeting Angela Merkel, And other stuff I\'m probably not noticing (*disclaimer I\'m by no means an expert, Geopolitics are just a hobby of mine, and I could very easily be misinterpreting a lot of this.*)', ">>{wrowathray} : Really? You think the epicenter of illegal aliens might be worried? I'm shocked.", ">>{Midmotion} : To be fair, if Russia were to get most of their agenda done, they'd just have to deal with China and possibly a resurgent Canada.", ">>{morbidexpression} : yeah so does Putin. Fuck that propaganda. We're taking our country back from these bastards, Putin's little psy ops trolls can go fuck themselves and drown in piss.", ">>{trevors685} : Have at it. Donald Trump won without California's 55 electoral votes, and 99% of her popular vote lead is from there. Make Calexit a reality", '>>{Nighshade586} : I feel like a *Flashpoint* event occurred, and I want to go live on Earth-2 or something.', '>>{Inspector_Bloor} : this right here would make russia and china sooo happy and would do nothing for us as a nation. we need to step up somehow and bring some sane qualified leaders back. I think term limits and while serving public office, your previous job would be protected could help (so maybe scientists and other professionals who would never run otherwise might have some incentives). Honestly i have no clue of the solutions... but someone smart better start thinking.', ">>{DC25NYC} : Most of them aren't as successful as the state of California.", ">>{GibsonLP86} : I'm not disagreeing with you, but California has an economy thats like... 6x the size of the Russian one.", ">>{Walkitback} : California dreaming, on a winter's day. Illegal dreaming, the POtuS would say.", '>>{Walkitback} : No need really. Just wait until Texas flips in about a decade.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : Californians subsidize the rest of the US by $30 billion a year; we get back $0.72 for every federal dollar in taxes; we get 1/4 of a Wyoming citizen\'s vote; we have the largest number of people, an economy larger than France, and we get very little say in Washington. We have the "gold", we should have more say in the "rules".', '>>{RTHREEB} : Less than that. I predict Texas goes blue in 2020 a la the state of California. Shit is gonna get so bad so fast and since hispanic people and latinos will bear the brunt of his rhetoric and will vote en fucking masse. Most, if not all of the 3 major cities in TX are heavy to moderate democratic blocs. Same phenomenon occurs in CA. Pete Wilson has turned CA blue for what appears to be permanently. Trump will do the same to Texas. Mark my words.', ">>{spacehogg} : The US is not standing up to Russia, it's falling in line.", '>>{TinyBaron} : California should just secede and join Canada with OR and WA. Frankly so should the Northeast. They all have more in common than they do with the rednecks in the Combover States.', ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Heh. If 40 million Californians and 30 million Canadians joined, who is joining who? Also, I can't see Québécois and Albertans and Californians ever getting together."], ['>>{botchedrobbery} : Many African Americans unenthusiastically ‘settle’ for Hillary Clinton', '>>{dkliberator} : # Many And that does not bode well for D0nnie T.', ">>{jcw4455} : If people don't unenthusiastically settle for Clinton, they're unenthusiastically settling for Trump. Those are your options.", '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Wow unenthusiastically. They literally gave her margins of 80-20 in some states when she ran against Bernie, yet now they unenthusiastically settling for her? Hah.', '>>{botchedrobbery} : Did "they" come out in as high a numbers?', '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : This is what baffles me about our system. Somehow the unpopular candidates get the popular vote (well, at least assuming nothing was rigged). Black folks in America didn\'t have to "settle" for anyone. It seems that they [voted for her in the primaries.](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/huge-split-between-older-younger-blacks-democratic-primary-n580996) So they "settled" by voting for her in the first place.', '>>{ComeyTheRebel} : Vote for Hillary to say you will continue to be poor and angry, or vote for Trump to say you want better and are willing to work for it. Your move.', '>>{USAOne} : Voting for the best of the worst usually does that. We could have had a great President in Sanders but Hillary had a name they knew so they voted for her. Now we are stuck with two idiots for President, one is corrupt and the other is a Raving, psycho, racist, bigoted, woman hater.', '>>{botchedrobbery} : It cannot be that hard to realize the "they" voting in the primaries do not represent all the black people in the general population.', '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : They came out in enough margins to give her staggering numbers, yet are now skeptical about her. You had a guy who marched with Martin Luther King to Washington vs the woman who used the term super predators to describe AA children and campaigned for Barry Goldwater. I really would like to know what exactly the Clintons have done for the African American community to warrant their votes.', '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Someone we were racists for pointing out that African Americans should vote on the issues rather than name recognition.', '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : You can say the same thing for many other demographic groups. Voter turnout is too low across the board.', ">>{TheDudeNeverBowls} : It's racist to think that only black people do this.", '>>{gmanreddit} : I settled for trump, albeit just as unenthusiastically. #notallblacksforher.', ">>{sedgwickian} : Losing the primary is the best thing to happen to sanders legacy. The administration that exists in his supporters' imaginations defies all logic in its success...", '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : The fact that each side has to "settle" with their candidate is just, well, unsettling. I am curious to ask though: what led to your decision to back Trump?', '>>{ewqqwerqwerqrewqerw} : And here we have the magical unicorn that feels like interjecting with a meaningless anecdote, and goes on to try to create a worldview around it.', ">>{wrondo} : Many *people unenthusiastically settle for Hillary Clinton. If you don't think Trump is scary, you are out of your mind.", ">>{wrondo} : Wow, blaming African Americans for *being dumb* not voting for your candidate, sounds exactly like some other people...like you don't think your candidate could have actually tried to appeal to them...", '>>{gmanreddit} : I\'m a black latino and just have been surrounded by alot of Democrats as you can imagine and up until 2012 I identified as one too. Before the last election cycle I started college and noticed alot of the successful people, especially the minorities, were Republicans or libertarians. Most of my friends remained Democrats but the people I would do extra curricular activities with and study with were all fiscally conservative. To save you from a novel I basically came to favor fiscal conservatism. As to why I voted for trump I have a few key issues that swayed me. I\'m a gun collector, I\'m in medical school now and would like to see the aca repealed and favor low business taxes because I wish to have a practice some day, I also want secure vs open borders. My parents came here legally, it\'s not much to ask others to do the same. Plus Hillary is completely bought out by corporate interests. Trump seems to be pulling a bill Gates "I\'m so rich may as well do some good." I\'m not saying trump is as benevolent as Bill Gates but both of them don\'t exactly need to suck corporate dick to get what they want and I respect that.', '>>{USAOne} : Most voters are in fact dumb. They vote based on emotion and not logic. That is why fear tactics work so well, they are stupid enough to believe them.', ">>{kutwijf} : Well.. Name recognition - Bill did good things for the black community. Didn't he? Bernie's an old white guy. What does he know about the problems facing black Americans? Black Lives Matter activists hate Bernie. They must have good reason. Bernie's been called a socialist, a communist, even a racist. Guy sounds crazy. Scary even. Helping to make history - First female president.", '>>{NoSurfinMovie} : Thanks for sharing. This election made me distance myself from the Democrats as well, even though I tend to vote for that party due to my liberal beliefs. I was, and still am, a big Sanders supporter. The shit that the Democrats have pulled this election cycle really disturbed me, and I\'ve distanced myself from them---I now consider myself an independent. Even the polarized far left has gotten to me, and is becoming toxic for this general line of thinking. At this point, I tell people that I\'m a "Bill Maher liberal" as free thought seems to be a thing of the past among both sides.', '>>{gmanreddit} : Yea Bernie had some of the same qualities that I respect that trump has even though they are vastly different in their views. Someone who never really succumbed to corporate interests. I think both parties need some mad restructuring. I almost voted Gary but even he turned out to be a goof so I held my nose and voted trump.', ">>{kutwijf} : They aren't the only ones, but we *are* talking about blacks at the moment.", ">>{Quexana} : 2/3rd of her voters are primarily voting against Trump. African Americans aren't special. Most of us are unenthusiastically settling for Hillary.", ">>{Pylons} : If you want to know why Sanders lost the primary, it's attitudes like this. Stop denying the agency of people who didn't vote for your candidate.", '>>{USAOne} : Marketing won it for Clinton. Sanders was never given a chance by the media but he won bigger than Clinton. He owns the next generation of Democrats.', '>>{Pylons} : Not this one. >But he won bigger than Clinton. He lost by 3 million votes.', '>>{Murmaider_OP} : Well a lot of shit has happened since the primaries', ">>{maxpenny42} : Like, what? What has come to light since the primaries that we didn't know back then? I feel like there may be more evidence toco firm what people already suspected about her. But not really new information."]]
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[">>{IbanezDavy} : His legacy does not need saving. He is walking out of office with an approval rating that puts him somewhere in the top 12. What his legacy is bad because the opposite party gained control after his presidency? Have people not examined history to see how common this shit really is? The pendulum swings back and forth, because most people aren't educated to know what they should be angry at, but they know they should be angry. At that attitude hurts the party in control of the presidency. That's like PoliSci 101. EDIT: An interesting fact I learned recently that I did not know, was only 13 presidents have been popular enough to get two terms. I always thought it was more uncommon to serve 1 term like Carter and Bush Sr. But I guess that's really the norm.", '>>{peadith} : Funny thing, eh? The transparency Did happen, one way or another..', ">>{gingerblz} : I get the point of this article. I get it. But this is a pretty difficult time to dwell on the otherwise fair criticisms of an administration who's threat to democracy pales in comparison to the threat approaching on the horizon. It honestly is likened to worrying about making your bed before running out of burning house.", '>>{ResonantCascade} : Obama could take a piss on the desk in the Oval Office on his way out and he would still be infinitely classier and well-liked than his dipshit replacement. But keep crying.', '>>{IoPA_inOR} : We have a burning house very much because dems/progs ignored or let sins slide because the sinner was one of "ours". We can\'t claim the moral high-ground if "our" guys are doing half of what we decry.', '>>{gingerblz} : otherwise fair criticisms -- I\'m ceding your point in my comment. My point was that, yes, these are fair things to look at, and certainly should. But at the moment, I am essentially running low on the required "RAM", due to the terrifying distractions of a dangerously under-qualified administration about to take office. It is an admission of being human. That is all.', '>>{gingerblz} : However, the sad part about it is that the "moral high-ground" is a relative distinction. Trump and his Trumpeteers have essentially lowered the bar on integrity. Dems will need to be careful that they don\'t accept Trump\'s metric as the sole "moral benchmark to beat". To do so, they(we) run the risk of only being "more ethical" than the repubs--a distinction, which you\'d likely agree, is not the same as being objectively ethical.', '>>{IoPA_inOR} : > Trump and his Trumpeteers have essentially lowered the bar on integrity. to an undecided/independent, this statement would seem disingenuous given who Dems went with as their candidate.', '>>{gingerblz} : Let\'s say for the sake of argument that I accept the argument that Hillary was as horrible a candidate as her critics allege. Objectively, it is functionally possible for "person A" to have demonstrably less integrity than "person B"--or vice versa. My immediate question whenever someone points out that "they are both horrible" is, what, specifically would a person have to stand for to be functionally less respectable than Trump? And I\'m sorry, when I start comparing one specific example after another between trump and clinton, it becomes apparent that making a relative distinction as to who is grossly less ethical is extremely easy. Issue for issue, Trump is easily worse.', ">>{IoPA_inOR} : when a much better option was available, an option that was significantly more in line with Dem party historical values, Dems still went with Hillary. When claims are made about Trump's integrity, that's the sort of thing I'm referencing. That's the sort of thing going thru the back of independent/undecided minds when Dems start making claims to superior morality/ethics. >comparing one specific example after another between trump and clinton, it becomes apparent that making a relative distinction as to who is grossly less ethical is extremely easy. As easy as it was in the dem primary, but look who the party still put up. Independents/undecideds look at that and wonder where the commitment to ethics was then."]
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[[">>{IbanezDavy} : His legacy does not need saving. He is walking out of office with an approval rating that puts him somewhere in the top 12. What his legacy is bad because the opposite party gained control after his presidency? Have people not examined history to see how common this shit really is? The pendulum swings back and forth, because most people aren't educated to know what they should be angry at, but they know they should be angry. At that attitude hurts the party in control of the presidency. That's like PoliSci 101. EDIT: An interesting fact I learned recently that I did not know, was only 13 presidents have been popular enough to get two terms. I always thought it was more uncommon to serve 1 term like Carter and Bush Sr. But I guess that's really the norm.", '>>{peadith} : Funny thing, eh? The transparency Did happen, one way or another..', ">>{gingerblz} : I get the point of this article. I get it. But this is a pretty difficult time to dwell on the otherwise fair criticisms of an administration who's threat to democracy pales in comparison to the threat approaching on the horizon. It honestly is likened to worrying about making your bed before running out of burning house.", '>>{ResonantCascade} : Obama could take a piss on the desk in the Oval Office on his way out and he would still be infinitely classier and well-liked than his dipshit replacement. But keep crying.', '>>{IoPA_inOR} : We have a burning house very much because dems/progs ignored or let sins slide because the sinner was one of "ours". We can\'t claim the moral high-ground if "our" guys are doing half of what we decry.', '>>{gingerblz} : otherwise fair criticisms -- I\'m ceding your point in my comment. My point was that, yes, these are fair things to look at, and certainly should. But at the moment, I am essentially running low on the required "RAM", due to the terrifying distractions of a dangerously under-qualified administration about to take office. It is an admission of being human. That is all.', '>>{gingerblz} : However, the sad part about it is that the "moral high-ground" is a relative distinction. Trump and his Trumpeteers have essentially lowered the bar on integrity. Dems will need to be careful that they don\'t accept Trump\'s metric as the sole "moral benchmark to beat". To do so, they(we) run the risk of only being "more ethical" than the repubs--a distinction, which you\'d likely agree, is not the same as being objectively ethical.', '>>{IoPA_inOR} : > Trump and his Trumpeteers have essentially lowered the bar on integrity. to an undecided/independent, this statement would seem disingenuous given who Dems went with as their candidate.', '>>{gingerblz} : Let\'s say for the sake of argument that I accept the argument that Hillary was as horrible a candidate as her critics allege. Objectively, it is functionally possible for "person A" to have demonstrably less integrity than "person B"--or vice versa. My immediate question whenever someone points out that "they are both horrible" is, what, specifically would a person have to stand for to be functionally less respectable than Trump? And I\'m sorry, when I start comparing one specific example after another between trump and clinton, it becomes apparent that making a relative distinction as to who is grossly less ethical is extremely easy. Issue for issue, Trump is easily worse.', ">>{IoPA_inOR} : when a much better option was available, an option that was significantly more in line with Dem party historical values, Dems still went with Hillary. When claims are made about Trump's integrity, that's the sort of thing I'm referencing. That's the sort of thing going thru the back of independent/undecided minds when Dems start making claims to superior morality/ethics. >comparing one specific example after another between trump and clinton, it becomes apparent that making a relative distinction as to who is grossly less ethical is extremely easy. As easy as it was in the dem primary, but look who the party still put up. Independents/undecideds look at that and wonder where the commitment to ethics was then."]]
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['>>{Dear_Leader_Trump_} : Army vet who was denied free Chili’s meal on Veterans Day moved out of home due to threats', ">>{redditzendave} : >after news report published his contact information on air Which news station was this? Chili's stepped up to the plate, so how about the dipshits that reported his address.", ">>{Sorge74} : This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That manager, you ever hear of risk vs reward, the risk was you'd lose your job, the reward was 10 fucking dollars in gross revenue.....", ">>{galeosaurus_pex} : Funny how everyone at the /r/the_dumbasses is complaining about /r/pizza getting banned but shit like this happens. Fuck them they deserve no sympathy. That's coming from a AF vet.", ">>{Ombudsman_of_Funk} : I'm trying to wrap my head around who could possibly have beef with this guy. There's no doubt that what he said happened actually did happen; Chili's confirmed it. So what is the issue?", ">>{ialsohaveadobro} : Not to mention the other diners don't want to be made uncomfortable by a scene like this, even if the guy had been faking. That's the *best*-case scenario.", '>>{youreabigbiasedbaby} : The fuck do those two things have to do with one another?', '>>{SirDudeGuyFella} : Racists. Racists would have a beef with this guy.', ">>{MusicalDingus} : i think he said those instead of r/the_donald and r/politics as a joke, but i'm not sure.", ">>{guelahp2} : /r/pizza was referring to the pizza gate subreddit that got banned. Basically shithead's supporters got all hopped on a child porn conspiracy based off of a reference to a pizza place in the Clinton emails. They started calling, harassing and making threats to the pizza joint in question. Probably still are.", ">>{DistortoiseLP} : The manager in the video was some scrawny brat. I'm not convinced he even needed racism as a pretense to just be an asshole to a stranger, he carries himself like that sort of bully with an inferiority complex to make up for and an attitude problem.", ">>{Proper97} : Because this isn't a sub for politics as much as it's a group of people to blinded by the mainstream media.", ">>{cosko} : Well youd have to guess cause you don't know but go ahead and blame trump for this one too.", ">>{Letchworth} : If you cant fucking figure it out by now there's no helping you.", '>>{Sorge74} : I was going to say I doubt Trump has any hand in peoppe being rude to a BLACK veteran, but then I remembered Trump, but then I remembered Trump is rude to veterans so im not sure.', '>>{RobotBoy66000} : What is mainstream media exactly? What media do you use and why is it better?', ">>{noonnoonz} : I read an article a few days ago about the pizza place and it's really sad what the trolls are doing. Calling the establishment and leaving threats, calling staff and leaving threats, stealing Facebook pics of kids from ppl who liked the establishment and using those in edited scandal pics. There is no bottom to some of the supporters. The dregs of our society have found the enlightenment of the Internet, and have done what dregs have always done, lowered the quality of the whole."]
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[['>>{Dear_Leader_Trump_} : Army vet who was denied free Chili’s meal on Veterans Day moved out of home due to threats', ">>{redditzendave} : >after news report published his contact information on air Which news station was this? Chili's stepped up to the plate, so how about the dipshits that reported his address.", ">>{Sorge74} : This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That manager, you ever hear of risk vs reward, the risk was you'd lose your job, the reward was 10 fucking dollars in gross revenue.....", ">>{galeosaurus_pex} : Funny how everyone at the /r/the_dumbasses is complaining about /r/pizza getting banned but shit like this happens. Fuck them they deserve no sympathy. That's coming from a AF vet.", ">>{Ombudsman_of_Funk} : I'm trying to wrap my head around who could possibly have beef with this guy. There's no doubt that what he said happened actually did happen; Chili's confirmed it. So what is the issue?", ">>{ialsohaveadobro} : Not to mention the other diners don't want to be made uncomfortable by a scene like this, even if the guy had been faking. That's the *best*-case scenario.", '>>{youreabigbiasedbaby} : The fuck do those two things have to do with one another?', '>>{SirDudeGuyFella} : Racists. Racists would have a beef with this guy.', ">>{MusicalDingus} : i think he said those instead of r/the_donald and r/politics as a joke, but i'm not sure.", ">>{guelahp2} : /r/pizza was referring to the pizza gate subreddit that got banned. Basically shithead's supporters got all hopped on a child porn conspiracy based off of a reference to a pizza place in the Clinton emails. They started calling, harassing and making threats to the pizza joint in question. Probably still are.", ">>{DistortoiseLP} : The manager in the video was some scrawny brat. I'm not convinced he even needed racism as a pretense to just be an asshole to a stranger, he carries himself like that sort of bully with an inferiority complex to make up for and an attitude problem.", ">>{Proper97} : Because this isn't a sub for politics as much as it's a group of people to blinded by the mainstream media.", ">>{cosko} : Well youd have to guess cause you don't know but go ahead and blame trump for this one too.", ">>{Letchworth} : If you cant fucking figure it out by now there's no helping you.", '>>{Sorge74} : I was going to say I doubt Trump has any hand in peoppe being rude to a BLACK veteran, but then I remembered Trump, but then I remembered Trump is rude to veterans so im not sure.', '>>{RobotBoy66000} : What is mainstream media exactly? What media do you use and why is it better?', ">>{noonnoonz} : I read an article a few days ago about the pizza place and it's really sad what the trolls are doing. Calling the establishment and leaving threats, calling staff and leaving threats, stealing Facebook pics of kids from ppl who liked the establishment and using those in edited scandal pics. There is no bottom to some of the supporters. The dregs of our society have found the enlightenment of the Internet, and have done what dregs have always done, lowered the quality of the whole."]]
classify and reply
['>>{75000_Tokkul} : Donald Trump: John McCain ‘should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission’', '>>{75000_Tokkul} : >Sen. McCain should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission to the media. Only emboldens the enemy! He\'s been losing so long he doesn\'t know how to win anymore, just look at the mess our country is in - bogged down in conflict all over the place. Our hero Ryan died on a winning mission ( according to General Mattis), not a "failure." Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!', '>>{SaltHash} : John McCain has more basis to talk about that mission than draft dodging Trump.', '>>{Egorse} : Will the President ever figure out that the people who disagree or show Dissent are not enemies to be attacked.', ">>{asdfasdf123456789} : Elon Musk named to Trump'\x80\x99s economic advisory forum", '>>{tugnasty} : Good pick. Elon is very future conscious, definitely a guy you want advising you on strategic economic policies.', '>>{CandiKaine} : All Trump knows is winning and losing. What a fucking simpleton.', ">>{RobosapienLXIV} : Um, why? At least Trump's cabinet will be 99% disaster instead of 100%", ">>{toadfan64} : Let's take the victories where we can get them.", '>>{andyb5} : How dare he hire more billionaires!!!', '>>{toocoolforgruel} : No, McCain was held as a POW for 5 years. Sad. Donald was never captured. /s', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : It's cute when McCain pretends to give a fuck about the military. But he only cares about who's writing checks to him. That much is clear.", '>>{CyberIndustrialist} : The new meme with the guy pointing towards his head slightly nodding towards the camera saying something to the effect of "you cant get captured if you dodged the draft" would have been perfect for Trump', '>>{unmondeparfait} : Excellent, at least one good thing will come out of all of this: the "Elon, le STEM Savior of All Mankind" circlejerk dies here.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Hey he had bone spurs. President Snowflake couldn't serve his country because of his sensitive wittle footsies.", ">>{drunkonupvotes} : Tesla has dealings with Russia, Elon is possible KGB agent! It appears an entire team of KGB have been installed into the White House. OH God we're so screwed! Also, rumors Trump is half reptilian! -I am your current average Liberal that's lost their freaking mind over Trump winning.", ">>{mr_completly} : Man I wish that weren't true. None of the GOP that were against Trump to start seem to have that spine they had months ago. Odd how that happens..", '>>{vph} : Elon Musk is a good pick. It\'s fair to say Trump made a good choice here. The media will rave about this, because of course, the standard for Trump is "don\'t fuck it up big time."', '>>{abram730} : Washington is ours, Chisinau is ours, Sofia is ours. Now we just have to drain the swamp at home” - Aleksandr Dugin, Vladimir Putin’s éminence grise Trumps campain and cabinet are filled with Putin friends, Russian employees, and Russian agents. Michael T. Flynn is on the Russian payroll and was seen dining with Putin. Ivanka trump vacations with Putins Girlfriend. Carter Page has deep ties and was in Russia meeting with business and thought leaders" like Alexander Dugin. Putin pinned a medal of friendship on Tilman personally. His foreign policy is Russian foreign policy.', ">>{LiquidSnape} : If he was captured he'd sell out his fellow soldiers and country in a heartbeat", ">>{drunkonupvotes} : Dude, you've exposed yourself by posting this. You need to go dark ASAP! Your life is in danger!", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : > -I am your current average Liberal that's lost their freaking mind over Trump winning. Low effort troll. 2/10", ">>{sloppyjoes7} : Yes, a rich successful businessman. But since Reddit **likes** this rich businessman, it's okay. All the others are bad.", ">>{Rummy151} : Support the fuck out of Musk and progressive figure-heads like him! They are the ones really working to bring peace and freedom to the world. Yes, he's rich as fuck and is going to do shit to stay that way, but he's also proven he'll do a lot of good with his wealth. Let him and those like him know their efforts are appreciated and are very, VERY necessary. Edit: a word", '>>{wwarnout} : Doubtful. Trump only know, "when you don\'t like the message, shoot the messenger."', ">>{Urbanviking1} : Yea...I wouldn't call 30 civilian deaths, US citizen child death, and loss of privileges from Yemen to conduct ground operations a successful mission.", '>>{Urbanviking1} : More like, "you are either with me or you are the enemy."', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : It'd be funnier if liberals said anything remotely like that.", ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Really bizarre to see you guys claim that. I'm guessing you don't actually know what this position is or does.", '>>{MaineSoxGuy93} : So is Trump a Sith or an even more insane version of President Bush', '>>{Sinister-Mephisto} : A rich, successful business man that created an empire based on goals related to making the world a better place. Becoming rich was a byproduct, not his primary motivator.', '>>{Megazor} : >Because Elon will help design the death camps the Trump Führer needs and he is secretly a KGB agent sent by Putin. The Washington Post', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Inauguration to Bunker without breaking step. Next: Bodies over the side in… 10…', '>>{Megazor} : Write "Cyka blyat" 3 times to get your 7 proxies back up.', '>>{treerat} : But not gold star families. He prefers families who havent lost sons in combat defending his right to be an idiot.', ">>{BoringSupreez} : Yes, that's why the election was Hillary vs Cruz after all.", '>>{Megazor} : How can we spin this to make Trump look bad?', '>>{ME0424} : Paypal was probably not rooted in making the world a better place.... eBay maybe, but not the world. :-)', '>>{hk1111} : He also was successful in industries that are new, compared to some businessmen who threw some hotels together.', '>>{Sinister-Mephisto} : The idea of having the Internet, and not having an easy way for people to send money to other people quickly was crazy it did solve that problem.', ">>{sijura} : This is literally his one good pick so far. We don't need them all to make him look bad, the majority is enough."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{75000_Tokkul} : Donald Trump: John McCain ‘should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission’', '>>{75000_Tokkul} : >Sen. McCain should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission to the media. Only emboldens the enemy! He\'s been losing so long he doesn\'t know how to win anymore, just look at the mess our country is in - bogged down in conflict all over the place. Our hero Ryan died on a winning mission ( according to General Mattis), not a "failure." Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!', '>>{SaltHash} : John McCain has more basis to talk about that mission than draft dodging Trump.', '>>{Egorse} : Will the President ever figure out that the people who disagree or show Dissent are not enemies to be attacked.', '>>{CandiKaine} : All Trump knows is winning and losing. What a fucking simpleton.', '>>{toocoolforgruel} : No, McCain was held as a POW for 5 years. Sad. Donald was never captured. /s', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : It's cute when McCain pretends to give a fuck about the military. But he only cares about who's writing checks to him. That much is clear.", '>>{CyberIndustrialist} : The new meme with the guy pointing towards his head slightly nodding towards the camera saying something to the effect of "you cant get captured if you dodged the draft" would have been perfect for Trump', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Hey he had bone spurs. President Snowflake couldn't serve his country because of his sensitive wittle footsies.", ">>{mr_completly} : Man I wish that weren't true. None of the GOP that were against Trump to start seem to have that spine they had months ago. Odd how that happens..", ">>{LiquidSnape} : If he was captured he'd sell out his fellow soldiers and country in a heartbeat", '>>{wwarnout} : Doubtful. Trump only know, "when you don\'t like the message, shoot the messenger."', ">>{Urbanviking1} : Yea...I wouldn't call 30 civilian deaths, US citizen child death, and loss of privileges from Yemen to conduct ground operations a successful mission.", '>>{Urbanviking1} : More like, "you are either with me or you are the enemy."', '>>{MaineSoxGuy93} : So is Trump a Sith or an even more insane version of President Bush', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Inauguration to Bunker without breaking step. Next: Bodies over the side in… 10…', '>>{treerat} : But not gold star families. He prefers families who havent lost sons in combat defending his right to be an idiot.', ">>{BoringSupreez} : Yes, that's why the election was Hillary vs Cruz after all."], [">>{asdfasdf123456789} : Elon Musk named to Trump'\x80\x99s economic advisory forum", '>>{tugnasty} : Good pick. Elon is very future conscious, definitely a guy you want advising you on strategic economic policies.', ">>{RobosapienLXIV} : Um, why? At least Trump's cabinet will be 99% disaster instead of 100%", ">>{toadfan64} : Let's take the victories where we can get them.", '>>{andyb5} : How dare he hire more billionaires!!!', '>>{unmondeparfait} : Excellent, at least one good thing will come out of all of this: the "Elon, le STEM Savior of All Mankind" circlejerk dies here.', ">>{drunkonupvotes} : Tesla has dealings with Russia, Elon is possible KGB agent! It appears an entire team of KGB have been installed into the White House. OH God we're so screwed! Also, rumors Trump is half reptilian! -I am your current average Liberal that's lost their freaking mind over Trump winning.", '>>{vph} : Elon Musk is a good pick. It\'s fair to say Trump made a good choice here. The media will rave about this, because of course, the standard for Trump is "don\'t fuck it up big time."', '>>{abram730} : Washington is ours, Chisinau is ours, Sofia is ours. Now we just have to drain the swamp at home” - Aleksandr Dugin, Vladimir Putin’s éminence grise Trumps campain and cabinet are filled with Putin friends, Russian employees, and Russian agents. Michael T. Flynn is on the Russian payroll and was seen dining with Putin. Ivanka trump vacations with Putins Girlfriend. Carter Page has deep ties and was in Russia meeting with business and thought leaders" like Alexander Dugin. Putin pinned a medal of friendship on Tilman personally. His foreign policy is Russian foreign policy.', ">>{drunkonupvotes} : Dude, you've exposed yourself by posting this. You need to go dark ASAP! Your life is in danger!", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : > -I am your current average Liberal that's lost their freaking mind over Trump winning. Low effort troll. 2/10", ">>{sloppyjoes7} : Yes, a rich successful businessman. But since Reddit **likes** this rich businessman, it's okay. All the others are bad.", ">>{Rummy151} : Support the fuck out of Musk and progressive figure-heads like him! They are the ones really working to bring peace and freedom to the world. Yes, he's rich as fuck and is going to do shit to stay that way, but he's also proven he'll do a lot of good with his wealth. Let him and those like him know their efforts are appreciated and are very, VERY necessary. Edit: a word", ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : It'd be funnier if liberals said anything remotely like that.", ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Really bizarre to see you guys claim that. I'm guessing you don't actually know what this position is or does.", '>>{Sinister-Mephisto} : A rich, successful business man that created an empire based on goals related to making the world a better place. Becoming rich was a byproduct, not his primary motivator.', '>>{Megazor} : >Because Elon will help design the death camps the Trump Führer needs and he is secretly a KGB agent sent by Putin. The Washington Post', '>>{Megazor} : Write "Cyka blyat" 3 times to get your 7 proxies back up.', '>>{Megazor} : How can we spin this to make Trump look bad?', '>>{ME0424} : Paypal was probably not rooted in making the world a better place.... eBay maybe, but not the world. :-)', '>>{hk1111} : He also was successful in industries that are new, compared to some businessmen who threw some hotels together.', '>>{Sinister-Mephisto} : The idea of having the Internet, and not having an easy way for people to send money to other people quickly was crazy it did solve that problem.', ">>{sijura} : This is literally his one good pick so far. We don't need them all to make him look bad, the majority is enough."]]
classify and reply
['>>{ibutirinuriblack} : Trump admin reportedly will allow 872 refugees into US despite travel ban', '>>{Airship_Aficionado} : Somehow, liberals will still take issue with Trump over doing this.', '>>{ChaldoChristian} : how about you dry your tears and accept that the majority of americans agree with him on immigration.', '>>{dohhya} : You don\'t get to talk about what the "majority" of Americans want. The majority of Americans want universal healthcare. The majority of Americans want gun control. The majority of Americans are in favor of abortion rights. The majority of Americans voted for Hillary. If you\'re going to play the "majority" game, then let\'s play it.', ">>{pepethepeppa} : Eat up the Trump Excrement all day. It's still not Cheerios.", ">>{Dontrell} : If you read the article it states these refugees were cleared for entry before the ban. Also the ban expires in less than 90 days so he'll be lifting it then.", ">>{BraveNewTrump} : >accept that the majority of americans agree with him on immigration. Source? I'll wait.", ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : Well, it was a campaign promise to ban refugees, and he won. A politician should keep his campaign promises. In fact, if it was feasible, I'd make it so representatives who do not keep their promises were ineligible for re-election, but it's unfeasible to implement, so whatever. A politician should not enter office and then immediately do a heel-face turn on his campaign promises. The people chose him to represent their desires, and their desire was a refugee ban.", ">>{Miles_Prowess} : I'm sorry, that's incorrect. The majority of americans didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. That's the only one that's blatantly false off the top of my head, though. The others are probably wrong too, but I don't care enough to google it. America did just elect a party that is against gun control and abortion and universal healthcare though.", ">>{GaimeGuy} : Then what's the point of a ban? Why should I believe he won't extend the ban? Why should I trust trump? He's not our ally.", ">>{yugtahtmi} : How about he shouldn't have made promises that are unconstitutional in their implementation.", ">>{dohhya} : > The majority of americans didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. Oh God. They really do get their news from Breibart. We're definitely fucked. http://time.com/4608555/hillary-clinton-popular-vote-final/ > Hillary Clinton Leads by 2.8 Million in Final Popular Vote Count", '>>{ChaldoChristian} : > You don\'t get to talk about what the "majority" of Americans want. The facts speak for themselves, I\'m just the messenger. > The majority of Americans want universal healthcare. The majority of Americans want gun control. The majority of Americans voted for Hillary. If you\'re going to play the "majority" game, then let\'s play it. Despite some of these being misleading, it\'s irrelevant because Trump is your president. On the topic of immigration, you\'re just going to have to deal with a little bit less diversity for awhile because not only is literally Hitler your president, but his policies have major public support. Head to Dearborn or Sweden if you\'re really dying for the islamic experience.', '>>{Tenacious_Ceeee} : To distract Americans from the other EOs that are looking to completely destroy government.', '>>{BalconyFace} : Seems to undermine their claim that the executive order only affected 109 people.', ">>{Miles_Prowess} : What of it? She only got 65,844,610 votes, but the total number of americans who didn't vote for her is 253,055,390. Not a majority of americans.", ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : Nothing he's done is unconstitutional. And even if they were, a president could just campaign on promises that the constitution should be amended. People do it all the time, like with the right to bear arms.", ">>{IHateMundays-} : >The majority if americans didn't vote for Hillary Clinton -- >[Crooked] Hillary Leads by 2.8 Million... The former statement is correct. 3-5 million Illegal Aliens who managed to vote do not all of a sudden now count as Americans.", ">>{zpedv} : The article doesn't make any mention of nationality of the refugees now allowed in. Also refugees were barred from entering the US for 120 days, not 90 days. If any of them were Syrian refugees, then they would not have been able to come back in even after 120 days because Syrian refugees were suspended indefinitely under Trump's EO.", ">>{Dontrell} : The ban is to prevent **further** immigration. He's made good on many of his campaign promises so far, plus, if he wanted to extend the ban he would have stated in indefinite time period, not a specific 90 days.", '>>{zpedv} : But Conway told us that ["preventing 300-some people from coming to the US"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YULE0Bnx_e4) was just "a small price to pay" and "just 1% of travelers". I guess not. 872 refugees sounds like a bigger deal considering the refugee ban is for 120 days and indefinitely for Syrian refugees.', '>>{BadChicken47} : Brand new account repeating word for word Trump garbage claims. Get out', ">>{ChaldoChristian} : http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/316914-poll-over-half-back-trumps-refugee-ban > More than half of likely voters polled by the right-leaning firm Rasmussen Reports support President Trump banning refugees from seven Muslim-majority nations entering the U.S., according to a new poll. > Trump signed a controversial executive order on Friday imposing a 90-day freeze on all entries from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also suspended general refugee admissions into the U.S. for 120 days and imposes an indefinite suspension of admission of Syrian refugees. > **Fifty-seven percent said they favor a temporary halt on refugees from the seven listed countries in the new poll issued Monday.** >**Thirty-three percent opposed such actions**, while another 10 percent remain undecided. Monday’s results also showed that more half of the respondents support a short-term pause on issuing visas to residents of the seven countries. Inb4 but it's RASMUSSEN!! Oh you mean one of more accurate pollsters when it came to predicting the outcome of the election? A near 2:1 support for Trump's policy can't be explained by the slight bias Rasmussen might have. I think it's time to get outside your little bubble and realize that /r/politics isn't representative of the population of America.", '>>{obeyyourcapner} : I applaud you for not using huffpo. Edit: I meant that genuinely.', ">>{TheSocialDynamicist} : It's your imagination you can make up whatever rules you want comrade.", '>>{BraveNewTrump} : LMAO I knew it would be from them. Enjoy your alternative facts.', '>>{obeyyourcapner} : >You don\'t get to talk about what the "majority" of Americans want. Actually he does get to talk about whatever he wants. That\'s how this works.', '>>{dohhya} : > 3-5 million Illegal Aliens This is made up. I\'m frightened that the "American voter" believes made up nonsense.', '>>{dohhya} : But that derails your own argument... Since Trump got even less than that... Oh god...', '>>{Dropdat87} : 5 federal judges have issued stays already. The ban is certainly in legal jeopardy, especially after Giuliani ran his mouth.', '>>{dohhya} : Who needs diversity when we have Dylan Roof homegrown like most actual mass killers? PS: Love how you have "Christian" in your name. Jesus definitely didn\'t die for this shit.', '>>{viccar0} : Would if 57% supported keeping the restrictions permanent, or deporting all current legal US residents that are citizens from those countries? Does that make it a good idea, I suppose? Ignore all valid and constructive criticism and quite arguably the constitution and definitely international law, and implement it anyways?', '>>{ChaldoChristian} : Hmm if this is alternative facts, that must make CNN, thehill, CBC, and all the other mainstream organizations that reported this poll in their website who are highly critical of Trump be alternative fact outlets too. Let me guess you get your information from buzzfeed?', ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >Oh you mean one of more accurate pollsters when it came to predicting the outcome of the election? Which is why the actual nationwide popular vote results were outside Rasmussen's final polling results' margin of error for both major candidates, right? [Rasmussen](http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2016/): Clinton: 44.8 +/- 2.5% (95% confidence interval: 42.3-47.3%) Trump: 43.1 +/- 2.5% (95% confidence interval: 40.6-45.6%) [Actual results](http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=2016&f=0&off=0&elect=0): Clinton: 48% Trump: 46% Meanwhile, [Bloomberg's last poll](https://assets.bwbx.io/documents/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/rklCDpOEK78Q/v0) had both results within their margin of error; [the Economist/YouGov](https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/l37rosbwjp/econTabReport_lv.pdf)'s last poll was within 1 point in both cases; the [last LA Times/USC tracking poll](http://cesrusc.org/election/) had both actual results within their margin of error; [Fox News](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/07/fox-news-poll-results-11716.html) had both within their margin of error; so did [Monmouth](https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/MonmouthPoll_US_110716/); many others had at least one candidate's actual results within their margin of error; and still others were off by more than the margin of error mostly because of their large pools of undecided voters.", '>>{E-rockComment} : The refugees were "in transit" when the ban was signed, so they are complying with the judicial order.', '>>{random9482} : Do you think Trump should seek out the advice of national security experts before making such a move or does it not matter since it was one of his campaign promises?', ">>{BraveNewTrump} : Uh yea, if the source is shit, I don't see how that changes anything.", ">>{MEsniff} : > He's made good on many of his campaign promises so far trump supporter folks LOL", '>>{El_Cromulente} : Did they say only? Because it certainly affected 109 people. It affected more, too.', '>>{El_Cromulente} : Goddammit liberals! They act as if debate, discussion, and compromise were cornerstones of effective democracy. Sad! Edit: You seem to be very fond of posting the letter x. Well done!', ">>{Miles_Prowess} : How so? I was just saying it's false that Clinton has a majority. Didn't even mention Trump.", '>>{TheKasp} : Why should the fucking liars and bigots of the white supremacy house?', ">>{neubourn} : > Also the ban expires in less than 90 days so he'll be lifting it then. Glad you can predict the future, as there is no possible way Trump could ever extend the ban further or come up with something worse.", '>>{BalconyFace} : I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.', ">>{mommy2libras} : > A politician should not enter office and then immediately do a heel-face turn on his campaign promises Yeah, drain that swamp, am I right? He sure showed you guys how to clean up and get the corruption out of DC, huh? Oh wait. You're full of shit. My bad.", ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : Even if you'd right about him breaking his promise, examples of President Trump breaking promises doesn't suddenly mean it's something he should be doing."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ibutirinuriblack} : Trump admin reportedly will allow 872 refugees into US despite travel ban', '>>{Airship_Aficionado} : Somehow, liberals will still take issue with Trump over doing this.', '>>{ChaldoChristian} : how about you dry your tears and accept that the majority of americans agree with him on immigration.', '>>{dohhya} : You don\'t get to talk about what the "majority" of Americans want. The majority of Americans want universal healthcare. The majority of Americans want gun control. The majority of Americans are in favor of abortion rights. The majority of Americans voted for Hillary. If you\'re going to play the "majority" game, then let\'s play it.', ">>{pepethepeppa} : Eat up the Trump Excrement all day. It's still not Cheerios.", ">>{Dontrell} : If you read the article it states these refugees were cleared for entry before the ban. Also the ban expires in less than 90 days so he'll be lifting it then.", ">>{BraveNewTrump} : >accept that the majority of americans agree with him on immigration. Source? I'll wait.", ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : Well, it was a campaign promise to ban refugees, and he won. A politician should keep his campaign promises. In fact, if it was feasible, I'd make it so representatives who do not keep their promises were ineligible for re-election, but it's unfeasible to implement, so whatever. A politician should not enter office and then immediately do a heel-face turn on his campaign promises. The people chose him to represent their desires, and their desire was a refugee ban.", ">>{Miles_Prowess} : I'm sorry, that's incorrect. The majority of americans didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. That's the only one that's blatantly false off the top of my head, though. The others are probably wrong too, but I don't care enough to google it. America did just elect a party that is against gun control and abortion and universal healthcare though.", ">>{GaimeGuy} : Then what's the point of a ban? Why should I believe he won't extend the ban? Why should I trust trump? He's not our ally.", ">>{yugtahtmi} : How about he shouldn't have made promises that are unconstitutional in their implementation.", ">>{dohhya} : > The majority of americans didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. Oh God. They really do get their news from Breibart. We're definitely fucked. http://time.com/4608555/hillary-clinton-popular-vote-final/ > Hillary Clinton Leads by 2.8 Million in Final Popular Vote Count", '>>{ChaldoChristian} : > You don\'t get to talk about what the "majority" of Americans want. The facts speak for themselves, I\'m just the messenger. > The majority of Americans want universal healthcare. The majority of Americans want gun control. The majority of Americans voted for Hillary. If you\'re going to play the "majority" game, then let\'s play it. Despite some of these being misleading, it\'s irrelevant because Trump is your president. On the topic of immigration, you\'re just going to have to deal with a little bit less diversity for awhile because not only is literally Hitler your president, but his policies have major public support. Head to Dearborn or Sweden if you\'re really dying for the islamic experience.', '>>{Tenacious_Ceeee} : To distract Americans from the other EOs that are looking to completely destroy government.', '>>{BalconyFace} : Seems to undermine their claim that the executive order only affected 109 people.', ">>{Miles_Prowess} : What of it? She only got 65,844,610 votes, but the total number of americans who didn't vote for her is 253,055,390. Not a majority of americans.", ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : Nothing he's done is unconstitutional. And even if they were, a president could just campaign on promises that the constitution should be amended. People do it all the time, like with the right to bear arms.", ">>{IHateMundays-} : >The majority if americans didn't vote for Hillary Clinton -- >[Crooked] Hillary Leads by 2.8 Million... The former statement is correct. 3-5 million Illegal Aliens who managed to vote do not all of a sudden now count as Americans.", ">>{zpedv} : The article doesn't make any mention of nationality of the refugees now allowed in. Also refugees were barred from entering the US for 120 days, not 90 days. If any of them were Syrian refugees, then they would not have been able to come back in even after 120 days because Syrian refugees were suspended indefinitely under Trump's EO.", ">>{Dontrell} : The ban is to prevent **further** immigration. He's made good on many of his campaign promises so far, plus, if he wanted to extend the ban he would have stated in indefinite time period, not a specific 90 days.", '>>{zpedv} : But Conway told us that ["preventing 300-some people from coming to the US"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YULE0Bnx_e4) was just "a small price to pay" and "just 1% of travelers". I guess not. 872 refugees sounds like a bigger deal considering the refugee ban is for 120 days and indefinitely for Syrian refugees.', '>>{BadChicken47} : Brand new account repeating word for word Trump garbage claims. Get out', ">>{ChaldoChristian} : http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/316914-poll-over-half-back-trumps-refugee-ban > More than half of likely voters polled by the right-leaning firm Rasmussen Reports support President Trump banning refugees from seven Muslim-majority nations entering the U.S., according to a new poll. > Trump signed a controversial executive order on Friday imposing a 90-day freeze on all entries from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also suspended general refugee admissions into the U.S. for 120 days and imposes an indefinite suspension of admission of Syrian refugees. > **Fifty-seven percent said they favor a temporary halt on refugees from the seven listed countries in the new poll issued Monday.** >**Thirty-three percent opposed such actions**, while another 10 percent remain undecided. Monday’s results also showed that more half of the respondents support a short-term pause on issuing visas to residents of the seven countries. Inb4 but it's RASMUSSEN!! Oh you mean one of more accurate pollsters when it came to predicting the outcome of the election? A near 2:1 support for Trump's policy can't be explained by the slight bias Rasmussen might have. I think it's time to get outside your little bubble and realize that /r/politics isn't representative of the population of America.", '>>{obeyyourcapner} : I applaud you for not using huffpo. Edit: I meant that genuinely.', ">>{TheSocialDynamicist} : It's your imagination you can make up whatever rules you want comrade.", '>>{BraveNewTrump} : LMAO I knew it would be from them. Enjoy your alternative facts.', '>>{obeyyourcapner} : >You don\'t get to talk about what the "majority" of Americans want. Actually he does get to talk about whatever he wants. That\'s how this works.', '>>{dohhya} : > 3-5 million Illegal Aliens This is made up. I\'m frightened that the "American voter" believes made up nonsense.', '>>{dohhya} : But that derails your own argument... Since Trump got even less than that... Oh god...', '>>{Dropdat87} : 5 federal judges have issued stays already. The ban is certainly in legal jeopardy, especially after Giuliani ran his mouth.', '>>{dohhya} : Who needs diversity when we have Dylan Roof homegrown like most actual mass killers? PS: Love how you have "Christian" in your name. Jesus definitely didn\'t die for this shit.', '>>{viccar0} : Would if 57% supported keeping the restrictions permanent, or deporting all current legal US residents that are citizens from those countries? Does that make it a good idea, I suppose? Ignore all valid and constructive criticism and quite arguably the constitution and definitely international law, and implement it anyways?', '>>{ChaldoChristian} : Hmm if this is alternative facts, that must make CNN, thehill, CBC, and all the other mainstream organizations that reported this poll in their website who are highly critical of Trump be alternative fact outlets too. Let me guess you get your information from buzzfeed?', ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >Oh you mean one of more accurate pollsters when it came to predicting the outcome of the election? Which is why the actual nationwide popular vote results were outside Rasmussen's final polling results' margin of error for both major candidates, right? [Rasmussen](http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2016/): Clinton: 44.8 +/- 2.5% (95% confidence interval: 42.3-47.3%) Trump: 43.1 +/- 2.5% (95% confidence interval: 40.6-45.6%) [Actual results](http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=2016&f=0&off=0&elect=0): Clinton: 48% Trump: 46% Meanwhile, [Bloomberg's last poll](https://assets.bwbx.io/documents/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/rklCDpOEK78Q/v0) had both results within their margin of error; [the Economist/YouGov](https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/l37rosbwjp/econTabReport_lv.pdf)'s last poll was within 1 point in both cases; the [last LA Times/USC tracking poll](http://cesrusc.org/election/) had both actual results within their margin of error; [Fox News](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/07/fox-news-poll-results-11716.html) had both within their margin of error; so did [Monmouth](https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/MonmouthPoll_US_110716/); many others had at least one candidate's actual results within their margin of error; and still others were off by more than the margin of error mostly because of their large pools of undecided voters.", '>>{E-rockComment} : The refugees were "in transit" when the ban was signed, so they are complying with the judicial order.', '>>{random9482} : Do you think Trump should seek out the advice of national security experts before making such a move or does it not matter since it was one of his campaign promises?', ">>{BraveNewTrump} : Uh yea, if the source is shit, I don't see how that changes anything.", ">>{MEsniff} : > He's made good on many of his campaign promises so far trump supporter folks LOL", '>>{El_Cromulente} : Did they say only? Because it certainly affected 109 people. It affected more, too.', '>>{El_Cromulente} : Goddammit liberals! They act as if debate, discussion, and compromise were cornerstones of effective democracy. Sad! Edit: You seem to be very fond of posting the letter x. Well done!', ">>{Miles_Prowess} : How so? I was just saying it's false that Clinton has a majority. Didn't even mention Trump.", '>>{TheKasp} : Why should the fucking liars and bigots of the white supremacy house?', ">>{neubourn} : > Also the ban expires in less than 90 days so he'll be lifting it then. Glad you can predict the future, as there is no possible way Trump could ever extend the ban further or come up with something worse.", '>>{BalconyFace} : I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.', ">>{mommy2libras} : > A politician should not enter office and then immediately do a heel-face turn on his campaign promises Yeah, drain that swamp, am I right? He sure showed you guys how to clean up and get the corruption out of DC, huh? Oh wait. You're full of shit. My bad.", ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : Even if you'd right about him breaking his promise, examples of President Trump breaking promises doesn't suddenly mean it's something he should be doing."]]
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[">>{pheonix200} : Pence dismisses reports that he would leave GOP ticket: 'Absolutely false'", '>>{njmaverick} : Pence also said to please remove "I am a Christian first" from his slogan', ">>{ILoveGaryJohnson} : Trump didn't shit his pants on TV like he did at the last debate so that's good enough for Pence to stick with him.", ">>{moxy801} : Pence was on the fence till he saw the polling that showed Trump's supporters were happy with his performance.", ">>{AlfredRWallace} : This should tell us that the rest of the Republicans won't turn on Trump. Too bad.", '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : I hope people remember this in 2020 when Pence makes an independent run.', ">>{microsoftnotgreen} : This can't be true. Any rational person would quit.", '>>{chris12595} : The base will never forgive him if he leaves. As long as the base is happy with Trump, and they are, he will stay on.', '>>{IdlyCurious} : Right. It\'s bad for the party if he leaves (downticket and for perception of party strength - and it makes it even less likely for Presidential win). And it\'s bad for him, because if there is no party implosion or split, it pretty much kills his chance of winning the primary in 2020, which means he\'d have no shot at President. Better to count on most of the electorate (that would ever vote Republican) either forgetting his name within four years (VP candidates have gotten even less press than usual this time) or saying "well, he couldn\'t leave." I\'m not even sure how many Americans would even think that a VP candidate could drop out at this late date.', ">>{ainbheartach} : > This can't be true. Any rational person would quit. Who are you to imply Pence is rational!!!", ">>{Ganjake} : Yeah well the last time he said something like that we know he was straight bullshitting us so I'll believe it on the 9th.", '>>{VonBlorch} : And if there was a way to remove that pesky "Trump" from all the campaign materials, that would be swell.', ">>{MiltOnTilt} : Also. Trump didn't say any of that stuff he said."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{pheonix200} : Pence dismisses reports that he would leave GOP ticket: 'Absolutely false'", '>>{njmaverick} : Pence also said to please remove "I am a Christian first" from his slogan', ">>{ILoveGaryJohnson} : Trump didn't shit his pants on TV like he did at the last debate so that's good enough for Pence to stick with him.", ">>{moxy801} : Pence was on the fence till he saw the polling that showed Trump's supporters were happy with his performance.", ">>{AlfredRWallace} : This should tell us that the rest of the Republicans won't turn on Trump. Too bad.", '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : I hope people remember this in 2020 when Pence makes an independent run.', ">>{microsoftnotgreen} : This can't be true. Any rational person would quit.", '>>{chris12595} : The base will never forgive him if he leaves. As long as the base is happy with Trump, and they are, he will stay on.', '>>{IdlyCurious} : Right. It\'s bad for the party if he leaves (downticket and for perception of party strength - and it makes it even less likely for Presidential win). And it\'s bad for him, because if there is no party implosion or split, it pretty much kills his chance of winning the primary in 2020, which means he\'d have no shot at President. Better to count on most of the electorate (that would ever vote Republican) either forgetting his name within four years (VP candidates have gotten even less press than usual this time) or saying "well, he couldn\'t leave." I\'m not even sure how many Americans would even think that a VP candidate could drop out at this late date.', ">>{ainbheartach} : > This can't be true. Any rational person would quit. Who are you to imply Pence is rational!!!", ">>{Ganjake} : Yeah well the last time he said something like that we know he was straight bullshitting us so I'll believe it on the 9th.", '>>{VonBlorch} : And if there was a way to remove that pesky "Trump" from all the campaign materials, that would be swell.', ">>{MiltOnTilt} : Also. Trump didn't say any of that stuff he said."]]
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['>>{CLcore} : A wise idea. These guys seem even more prone to power abuse than normal police departments.', ">>{bdelboss} : I don't trust much google... i use it but i'm not sure with that", ">>{vloris} : I don't trust Yahoo (which owns Flickr) at all. They have had multiple security breaches where customer information was stolen in the past few years...", ">>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I do. I've used google products for as long as I can remember and I haven't been hacked. Meanwhile, since the yahoo hack, i get endless alerts via TFA notices that people are trying to breach various accounts that I haven't updated the password for.", '>>{granolaboi} : Every member of law enforcement should be wearing body cams in 2017, the fact that this is so controversial to them is astounding.', '>>{ezreading} : If you tell the joke too many times, it stops being funny.', '>>{tamagotchi1999} : Hard to feel sympathy for a shitty human being.', ">>{carlplaysstuff} : If they're not doing anything wrong, they have nothing to hide. Strap a dozen cameras to each of them.", ">>{oldbeth} : Because it wasn't a real attempt despite what the Republicans claim.", ">>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I used to love Flickr, but I'm incredibly frustrated with how poorly yahoo! has handled it. They gave everyone a terabyte a few years ago (fun fact: I met Marissa Mayer the day this was announced, as she had just purchased a company I worked for) and never bothered to actually upgrade the platform. Flickr should have been a major competitor for Instagram, providing a platform for a more artistic and professional content and context over Instagram. But it's like they didn't care about mobile at all. Flickr also never bothered getting in to AI and auto tagging, which makes it hard to think of it as a proper photo archival service. I prefer iCloud Photos. Secure. Cheap. Works seamlessly with everything I own.", ">>{Stazalicious} : You don't mind that they use your data for profit?", ">>{KKK4Trump} : If it were a conspiracy theory it would be getting more attention around here, that's for sure.", '>>{mattboner} : For Flickr, you can backup photos up to 1tb. But videos has limit of 3 mins. Google photos is much more powerful than Flickr. Offers better photos organization, you can change date and time, photos-like integration of albums, better search, can re download full resolution photos again to phone, and backs up Live Photos too.', '>>{Stazalicious} : Exactly, so suggesting one is preferable to the other because of "trust" is a bit redundant.', ">>{YgramulTheMany} : It wasn't even a close call. He was never in any danger whatsoever.", '>>{SoulSleeper} : I like Flickr more because I can sort photos into albums alphabetically. All I want for my photos is to let me create albums and let me sort them how I want to. I really hate how Google discontinued Picasa as it at least allowed you to sort.', '>>{Mastengwe} : How to restore from I could backup on the new 10.3.1 without iTunes?', ">>{shiftyshadow17} : when you plug your phone into itunes, it's right under the restore iphone button.", ">>{JamisonP} : A good idea, but I'd rather see them on all regular police officers first - starting with the big cities.", ">>{Mastengwe} : I can't use iTunes, how can I do it from the phone? It used to be an option.", '>>{pokeball22} : I see your point of "trust" of who\'s using your data for profit. But that\'s a little off topic of what we\'re talking about. Which company do you trust that would have the security to protect your data from hackers? Most of us choose google for this reason. They have the best tech people in the world to make sure everything is protected the best it can be. It\'s not a matter if it can be hacked but when.', ">>{Nupa_Star} : No it's not. The reason cited: trust in relation to preventing potential threats from insidious sources looking to access your data. The 'other' trust: Trusts the above is much less likely to occur with Google. Also, Google are up front about how they use your data, you agree to it if you want, if you don't, you don't use their services. Simple. It's totally different.", '>>{udownvotefacts} : What has he done again that would make him deserve to die?', '>>{IamARealEstateBroker} : Except if you are recording protesters. ACLU argued to uphold DC ordinance of turning off body cams so that interactions with protesters and marchers was not recorded. https://www.aclu.org/blog/free-future/why-are-dc-police-keeping-their-body-cameras-during-inauguration-and-womens-march http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Groups-Concerned-About-Use-of-Police-Body-Cameras-During-Inauguration_Washington-DC-410581715.html', ">>{Stazalicious} : Perhaps yep, the question was about preference, the answer was about trust. As far as I'm concerned they're both terrible and neither should be trusted with your data. My intention is to raise awareness of this.", '>>{popname} : Attempted murder is a joke in your social circles?', ">>{Nupa_Star} : Even if I had to pay for Google/Apple Photos (well I do with the latter), I'd use it over anything Yahoo! provides for free.", ">>{Satsuma_President} : Agreed, but right now there are issues with ICE officers. I'm scared of them and I shouldn't because I have literally done nothing wrong besides having an accent.", ">>{JamisonP} : That means there's something wrong with the media that you consume, which is making you fear something you have no rational reason to fear.", '>>{shiftyshadow17} : the only backup way without itunes is icloud, so if you made an icloud backup before restoring, then it should be in icloud settings under backup.', '>>{carlplaysstuff} : [No rational reason to fear ICE officers, huh?](http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/12/22/504031635/you-say-you-re-an-american-but-what-if-you-had-to-prove-it-or-be-deported)', ">>{Stazalicious} : Apple are the only ones that have explicitly said they do not want to know anything about your photos or data. Yes they got socially hacked in the Frappening but they have since introduced mandatory two-factor identification. I still don't trust them, but then I'm not suggesting people should choose them over anyone else.", '>>{Rkziki} : If you backed it up to iCloud when you\'re setting up your phone you select the "restore from iCloud backup" option and it will be there. If you didn\'t back it up to iCloud and used iTunes instead and you for some reason can\'t use iTunes now then you\'re SOL.', '>>{ElizabethAnnWashingt} : Big media has manipulated you into being scared for no reason', '>>{perry1023} : Was your iCloud backup an iOS 10 to 10? Always clear previous backups from prior iOS. Start fresh on each new iOS main version. Especially now with the new file system.', ">>{JamisonP} : Ah, you've been taken by fake news, I see. ICE doesn't do random check points, please consider holding your chosen media to a higher journalistic standard.", ">>{Mastengwe} : There is no restore from backup setting under icloud, that's my point. My last backup was last night. So it's there. But no option to start the restore from the phone.", '>>{drunkhugo} : The ACLU would hate to have facts ruin their claims of "nonviolent peaceful" protestors being abused by the racist power hungry police.', ">>{tamagotchi1999} : I never said he deserves to die. It's just hard to feel sympathy for a terrible person.", '>>{vloris} : I trust google a lot more than I trust Yahoo yes! But neither of them is trustworthy enough trust I want my data stored there...', ">>{CarsonOrSanders} : So the guy jokingly reached for the officer's gun and jokingly told the secret service he wanted to kill Trump?", '>>{Mastengwe} : It was backed up last night. Updated to 10.3 a few days ago.', '>>{CarsonOrSanders} : Now you\'re just deflecting, answering the fucking question. What has he ever done to make you so cold hearted towards him? Hillary is literally the worst human being to ever live but I would "feel sympathy" towards her if someone tried to kill her.', '>>{janzeera} : I\'m kinda surprised. You\'d think those that sound off with, "guns don\'t kill people", would be proclaiming this as a prime example. Oh wait, he didn\'t have a gun....', ">>{pokeball22} : The fappening wasn't a hack. That was someone guessing passwords. Major difference. Apple sees your data for ads too. Either for app suggestions or how to market you products. It's how any company is doing it. Apple is no different. They forced 2 factory because they were the biggest punching bag because everyone was screaming apple iCloud hacking. They wanted out of the medias attention.", '>>{Mastengwe} : I backed it up last night. Today, in order to fix a bug, I restored phone as new. This was recommended from Apple Care. The bug is fixed, and. Ow I want to have my phone back to how it was. I have the backup in the cloud, but NO option from the phone to access it.', ">>{LaMigro} : You shouldn't be scared, unless you are illegal. Although having an accent can be one factor taken into account when stopping someone for questioning, it isn't enough to arrest someone, and is absolutely not enough to convince a judge you must be removed. If you have a green card, carry it with you at all times (which is required by law). If you are a citizen, consider obtaining a Passport Card, which is credit card-sized. If you get questioned by immigration and they don't believe your answers, let them know that you have a Passport Card in you. That should end all questioning. Please remember that this is their job. They have legal authority to do it, go through a lot of training, and have experience. They have been doing in for almost 100 years with a very good (minuscule) error rate. For example: The Border Patrol's San Diego Sector had a 12-man unit called the Mobile Patrol Group back in 2004, based at the Temecula Station. Over a three day period, they went into the cities of Escondido, Corona, and Ontario, patrolling for illegal aliens. They questioned 11,000 people and arrested 400 illegal aliens. They probably let some people go to be on the safe (Constitutional) side but the people they did end up arresting were 100% deportable. If you have any questions, please let me know.", ">>{pokeball22} : It wasn't a hack. Nothing was hack, no back door tools, nothing of the sort. It was a person who had their email info guessed then their password. A hack is finding holes in coding or infrastructure. The media miss uses the word. If it was a hack then it would be apples fault for not having better or stopping the hacking. So I guess your email and password it isn't hacking. It's a really bad idea to use common knowledge for back up questions when your life is public. Such as bday, city born and so on.", ">>{tamagotchi1999} : I wouldn't feel bad if either crooks, whom are responsible for our current corrupt political system, dropped dead this moment. I don't want anyone dead. Back to Trump: he's scammed, discriminated, promotes violence and alienates certain segments of our population. Is that not enough of a reason to call him shitty?", '>>{Stazalicious} : Hack: "gain unauthorised access to data in a system or computer"', ">>{RedSassenach} : I agree about not wishing death on Donald Trump. He might be a cocksplat, but he's done nothing to deserve to die. However, the worst American politician that ever lived is Dick Cheney. Second is George Bush. Third, Donald Rumsfeld.", '>>{Rkziki} : You have to do a factory reset and select "restore from iCloud button" in the setup process. That is the only way.', ">>{questor2k} : For the same reason that a gunman arrested outside the White House isn't big news. The intent of the person means far less to the media than the level of spectacle achieved. If the gunman had gotten off a shot at Trump, or if any bystanders had been hit, that would be front page news. As it is, a disturbed teen who had his first shooting lesson the day before, tried to grab a gun from an officer's holster and was a complete fail. He'll get 20 or 30 years to think it over in jail and no one else will really care.", ">>{udownvotefacts} : i feel like if you dont think someone deserves to die then it's a common reaction to feel sympathy for someone who almost dies", '>>{shiftyshadow17} : if you erased your phone using "erase all content and settings" there would be a restore icloud backup choice during the setup of the phone.', '>>{Scwinsett} : I thought he was just a really big Taxi Driver fan', ">>{CarsonOrSanders} : A man wanted to take his life and reached for an officer's gun yet...Trump's life was never in any danger... Democrats really do love to reach don't they?", ">>{gonzone} : Why aren't the hundreds of such occasions against Obama bigger news?", '>>{tonyj101} : You be a forest child and not know the Trump?', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : There's a wide range of emotions between hoping someone dies and having sympathy for them.", '>>{cggreene2} : Yes, murdering a facist, What exactly is the problem?', ">>{luis_correa} : If you check the wikipedia page on assassination plots against Obama you'll also find a bunch of stuff that didn't get much media attention.", '>>{BatCountry9} : If the guy had gotten a shot off, it would be major news.', '>>{1987f} : Tweets about people wanting Obama dead have gotten press coverage. Meanwhile, hundreds of tweets have been made about Trump to the same effect and not a one has gotten a story.', '>>{windwolfone} : A Trump fan asking for sympathy is... ..hilariously hypocritical.', '>>{ThaRealMe} : I don\'t wish anyone dead though there have been many "famous" people throughout history that have died and the world has been better for it.', '>>{ThaRealMe} : I think there is a bit of a difference between assassination of our President vs. a real estate developer running for President.', '>>{Claritypleas} : Just like "bombs don\'t kill people, people kill people." Equally ludicrous.']
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[['>>{Mastengwe} : How to restore from I could backup on the new 10.3.1 without iTunes?', ">>{shiftyshadow17} : when you plug your phone into itunes, it's right under the restore iphone button.", ">>{Mastengwe} : I can't use iTunes, how can I do it from the phone? It used to be an option.", '>>{shiftyshadow17} : the only backup way without itunes is icloud, so if you made an icloud backup before restoring, then it should be in icloud settings under backup.', '>>{Rkziki} : If you backed it up to iCloud when you\'re setting up your phone you select the "restore from iCloud backup" option and it will be there. If you didn\'t back it up to iCloud and used iTunes instead and you for some reason can\'t use iTunes now then you\'re SOL.', '>>{perry1023} : Was your iCloud backup an iOS 10 to 10? Always clear previous backups from prior iOS. Start fresh on each new iOS main version. Especially now with the new file system.', ">>{Mastengwe} : There is no restore from backup setting under icloud, that's my point. My last backup was last night. So it's there. But no option to start the restore from the phone.", '>>{Mastengwe} : It was backed up last night. Updated to 10.3 a few days ago.', '>>{Mastengwe} : I backed it up last night. Today, in order to fix a bug, I restored phone as new. This was recommended from Apple Care. The bug is fixed, and. Ow I want to have my phone back to how it was. I have the backup in the cloud, but NO option from the phone to access it.', '>>{Rkziki} : You have to do a factory reset and select "restore from iCloud button" in the setup process. That is the only way.', '>>{shiftyshadow17} : if you erased your phone using "erase all content and settings" there would be a restore icloud backup choice during the setup of the phone.'], [">>{bdelboss} : I don't trust much google... i use it but i'm not sure with that", ">>{vloris} : I don't trust Yahoo (which owns Flickr) at all. They have had multiple security breaches where customer information was stolen in the past few years...", ">>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I do. I've used google products for as long as I can remember and I haven't been hacked. Meanwhile, since the yahoo hack, i get endless alerts via TFA notices that people are trying to breach various accounts that I haven't updated the password for.", ">>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I used to love Flickr, but I'm incredibly frustrated with how poorly yahoo! has handled it. They gave everyone a terabyte a few years ago (fun fact: I met Marissa Mayer the day this was announced, as she had just purchased a company I worked for) and never bothered to actually upgrade the platform. Flickr should have been a major competitor for Instagram, providing a platform for a more artistic and professional content and context over Instagram. But it's like they didn't care about mobile at all. Flickr also never bothered getting in to AI and auto tagging, which makes it hard to think of it as a proper photo archival service. I prefer iCloud Photos. Secure. Cheap. Works seamlessly with everything I own.", ">>{Stazalicious} : You don't mind that they use your data for profit?", '>>{mattboner} : For Flickr, you can backup photos up to 1tb. But videos has limit of 3 mins. Google photos is much more powerful than Flickr. Offers better photos organization, you can change date and time, photos-like integration of albums, better search, can re download full resolution photos again to phone, and backs up Live Photos too.', '>>{Stazalicious} : Exactly, so suggesting one is preferable to the other because of "trust" is a bit redundant.', '>>{SoulSleeper} : I like Flickr more because I can sort photos into albums alphabetically. All I want for my photos is to let me create albums and let me sort them how I want to. I really hate how Google discontinued Picasa as it at least allowed you to sort.', '>>{pokeball22} : I see your point of "trust" of who\'s using your data for profit. But that\'s a little off topic of what we\'re talking about. Which company do you trust that would have the security to protect your data from hackers? Most of us choose google for this reason. They have the best tech people in the world to make sure everything is protected the best it can be. It\'s not a matter if it can be hacked but when.', ">>{Nupa_Star} : No it's not. The reason cited: trust in relation to preventing potential threats from insidious sources looking to access your data. The 'other' trust: Trusts the above is much less likely to occur with Google. Also, Google are up front about how they use your data, you agree to it if you want, if you don't, you don't use their services. Simple. It's totally different.", ">>{Stazalicious} : Perhaps yep, the question was about preference, the answer was about trust. As far as I'm concerned they're both terrible and neither should be trusted with your data. My intention is to raise awareness of this.", ">>{Nupa_Star} : Even if I had to pay for Google/Apple Photos (well I do with the latter), I'd use it over anything Yahoo! provides for free.", ">>{Stazalicious} : Apple are the only ones that have explicitly said they do not want to know anything about your photos or data. Yes they got socially hacked in the Frappening but they have since introduced mandatory two-factor identification. I still don't trust them, but then I'm not suggesting people should choose them over anyone else.", '>>{vloris} : I trust google a lot more than I trust Yahoo yes! But neither of them is trustworthy enough trust I want my data stored there...', ">>{pokeball22} : The fappening wasn't a hack. That was someone guessing passwords. Major difference. Apple sees your data for ads too. Either for app suggestions or how to market you products. It's how any company is doing it. Apple is no different. They forced 2 factory because they were the biggest punching bag because everyone was screaming apple iCloud hacking. They wanted out of the medias attention.", ">>{pokeball22} : It wasn't a hack. Nothing was hack, no back door tools, nothing of the sort. It was a person who had their email info guessed then their password. A hack is finding holes in coding or infrastructure. The media miss uses the word. If it was a hack then it would be apples fault for not having better or stopping the hacking. So I guess your email and password it isn't hacking. It's a really bad idea to use common knowledge for back up questions when your life is public. Such as bday, city born and so on.", '>>{Stazalicious} : Hack: "gain unauthorised access to data in a system or computer"'], ['>>{CLcore} : A wise idea. These guys seem even more prone to power abuse than normal police departments.', '>>{granolaboi} : Every member of law enforcement should be wearing body cams in 2017, the fact that this is so controversial to them is astounding.', ">>{carlplaysstuff} : If they're not doing anything wrong, they have nothing to hide. Strap a dozen cameras to each of them.", ">>{JamisonP} : A good idea, but I'd rather see them on all regular police officers first - starting with the big cities.", '>>{IamARealEstateBroker} : Except if you are recording protesters. ACLU argued to uphold DC ordinance of turning off body cams so that interactions with protesters and marchers was not recorded. https://www.aclu.org/blog/free-future/why-are-dc-police-keeping-their-body-cameras-during-inauguration-and-womens-march http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Groups-Concerned-About-Use-of-Police-Body-Cameras-During-Inauguration_Washington-DC-410581715.html', ">>{Satsuma_President} : Agreed, but right now there are issues with ICE officers. I'm scared of them and I shouldn't because I have literally done nothing wrong besides having an accent.", ">>{JamisonP} : That means there's something wrong with the media that you consume, which is making you fear something you have no rational reason to fear.", '>>{carlplaysstuff} : [No rational reason to fear ICE officers, huh?](http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/12/22/504031635/you-say-you-re-an-american-but-what-if-you-had-to-prove-it-or-be-deported)', '>>{ElizabethAnnWashingt} : Big media has manipulated you into being scared for no reason', ">>{JamisonP} : Ah, you've been taken by fake news, I see. ICE doesn't do random check points, please consider holding your chosen media to a higher journalistic standard.", '>>{drunkhugo} : The ACLU would hate to have facts ruin their claims of "nonviolent peaceful" protestors being abused by the racist power hungry police.', ">>{LaMigro} : You shouldn't be scared, unless you are illegal. Although having an accent can be one factor taken into account when stopping someone for questioning, it isn't enough to arrest someone, and is absolutely not enough to convince a judge you must be removed. If you have a green card, carry it with you at all times (which is required by law). If you are a citizen, consider obtaining a Passport Card, which is credit card-sized. If you get questioned by immigration and they don't believe your answers, let them know that you have a Passport Card in you. That should end all questioning. Please remember that this is their job. They have legal authority to do it, go through a lot of training, and have experience. They have been doing in for almost 100 years with a very good (minuscule) error rate. For example: The Border Patrol's San Diego Sector had a 12-man unit called the Mobile Patrol Group back in 2004, based at the Temecula Station. Over a three day period, they went into the cities of Escondido, Corona, and Ontario, patrolling for illegal aliens. They questioned 11,000 people and arrested 400 illegal aliens. They probably let some people go to be on the safe (Constitutional) side but the people they did end up arresting were 100% deportable. If you have any questions, please let me know."], ['>>{ezreading} : If you tell the joke too many times, it stops being funny.', '>>{tamagotchi1999} : Hard to feel sympathy for a shitty human being.', ">>{oldbeth} : Because it wasn't a real attempt despite what the Republicans claim.", ">>{KKK4Trump} : If it were a conspiracy theory it would be getting more attention around here, that's for sure.", ">>{YgramulTheMany} : It wasn't even a close call. He was never in any danger whatsoever.", '>>{udownvotefacts} : What has he done again that would make him deserve to die?', '>>{popname} : Attempted murder is a joke in your social circles?', ">>{tamagotchi1999} : I never said he deserves to die. It's just hard to feel sympathy for a terrible person.", ">>{CarsonOrSanders} : So the guy jokingly reached for the officer's gun and jokingly told the secret service he wanted to kill Trump?", '>>{CarsonOrSanders} : Now you\'re just deflecting, answering the fucking question. What has he ever done to make you so cold hearted towards him? Hillary is literally the worst human being to ever live but I would "feel sympathy" towards her if someone tried to kill her.', '>>{janzeera} : I\'m kinda surprised. You\'d think those that sound off with, "guns don\'t kill people", would be proclaiming this as a prime example. Oh wait, he didn\'t have a gun....', ">>{tamagotchi1999} : I wouldn't feel bad if either crooks, whom are responsible for our current corrupt political system, dropped dead this moment. I don't want anyone dead. Back to Trump: he's scammed, discriminated, promotes violence and alienates certain segments of our population. Is that not enough of a reason to call him shitty?", ">>{RedSassenach} : I agree about not wishing death on Donald Trump. He might be a cocksplat, but he's done nothing to deserve to die. However, the worst American politician that ever lived is Dick Cheney. Second is George Bush. Third, Donald Rumsfeld.", ">>{questor2k} : For the same reason that a gunman arrested outside the White House isn't big news. The intent of the person means far less to the media than the level of spectacle achieved. If the gunman had gotten off a shot at Trump, or if any bystanders had been hit, that would be front page news. As it is, a disturbed teen who had his first shooting lesson the day before, tried to grab a gun from an officer's holster and was a complete fail. He'll get 20 or 30 years to think it over in jail and no one else will really care.", ">>{udownvotefacts} : i feel like if you dont think someone deserves to die then it's a common reaction to feel sympathy for someone who almost dies", '>>{Scwinsett} : I thought he was just a really big Taxi Driver fan', ">>{CarsonOrSanders} : A man wanted to take his life and reached for an officer's gun yet...Trump's life was never in any danger... Democrats really do love to reach don't they?", ">>{gonzone} : Why aren't the hundreds of such occasions against Obama bigger news?", '>>{tonyj101} : You be a forest child and not know the Trump?', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : There's a wide range of emotions between hoping someone dies and having sympathy for them.", '>>{cggreene2} : Yes, murdering a facist, What exactly is the problem?', ">>{luis_correa} : If you check the wikipedia page on assassination plots against Obama you'll also find a bunch of stuff that didn't get much media attention.", '>>{BatCountry9} : If the guy had gotten a shot off, it would be major news.', '>>{1987f} : Tweets about people wanting Obama dead have gotten press coverage. Meanwhile, hundreds of tweets have been made about Trump to the same effect and not a one has gotten a story.', '>>{windwolfone} : A Trump fan asking for sympathy is... ..hilariously hypocritical.', '>>{ThaRealMe} : I don\'t wish anyone dead though there have been many "famous" people throughout history that have died and the world has been better for it.', '>>{ThaRealMe} : I think there is a bit of a difference between assassination of our President vs. a real estate developer running for President.', '>>{Claritypleas} : Just like "bombs don\'t kill people, people kill people." Equally ludicrous.']]
classify and reply
['>>{TheAndrewSpence} : I made a video documenting all of my adventures that I shot strictly on my iPhone 6s and 7 Plus! Enjoy!', '>>{themessias1001} : Former Mexican Diplomat: Trump Could Actually Make Mexico Pay For Wall', ">>{Highpriest_Of_Kek} : It's an easy choice for Mexico actually - either the Wall or a famine.", '>>{mostly_fiction} : This guy must be looking for a pay day.', '>>{RidiquL} : this was awesome, what program did you use to edit it?', '>>{ShyGuy322} : But it\'s ok because he was "racist."', ">>{Bodeillek} : The world's most expensive headphones might make you consider a mortgage", '>>{slappysimian} : Welcome to the new world, where nothing matters because you can always accuse the other of doing the same. Life sucks.', ">>{CNegan} : There won't even be wall for them to pay for.", ">>{HillaryIsDaNewBernie} : Trump's little hands match his little intellect which is no match for the Might of Montezuma. What a joker. he will pay for everything.", '>>{lurkeronebillion} : Sure he can. The issue is how this would affect diplomatic relations after he has finished shaking down the Mexican government. His shakedown strategy is not limited to Mexico. He wants to do it to military allies, trade partners, and basically any entity he CAN shake down for money. The issue is not over the capability. The issue is over the feasibility of the projects he wants to pay for, and the damage it will do to our alliances.', '>>{liquid5170} : Wow that was awesome Joseph Andrew! I died at the dog on the stairs 😂😂😂', ">>{CampusTour} : Here's the scary thing. Right now, most people's Facebook feeds probably contain stories of Trump supporters getting attacked, or people getting attacked by Trump supporters...but probably not both.", ">>{Hey0PiggyStyle} : Amazing! I'm guessing most of this was thrown into After Effects, correct?", '>>{P1LLcozby} : [Not about the smell or the look... but the *souuuuund*](https://youtu.be/rk6j7lhNf1o)', ">>{gaeuvyen} : With all the food we import from Mexico I think they'd just stop exporting that and presto, no famine. Mexico's agriculture industry is doing fine. Are you saying that if they don't build Trump's wall a president Trump would use agent orange on their fields?", ">>{miraculous-} : That's the kind of stuff that will ruin music for you. Once I got into relatively high-end headphones and amplifiers everything else sounds like shit. I never should have started. Apple earbuds sounded just fine to me before I got into it.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : No, Hillary is going to win, and make Trump build and pay the wall himself, single-handily.', '>>{AS_Aeneon} : What was your additional Equipment for capturing the RAW-Videos ?', ">>{HillaryIsDaNewBernie} : No, he will pay Hillary's new 65% tax for parasitic billionaires.", '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : All of it was shot entirely on my iphones! I just use a variety of apps to capture most of the video. But almost all of it was shot using the default camera app.', ">>{TheAndrewSpence} : Hahah. That's my puppy Watson. He's quite the character!", '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : A combination of After Effects and Final Cut Pro X.', ">>{HillaryIsDaNewBernie} : If Hillary builds a wall it won't be a racist wall like Trump's would of been.", '>>{TrollKong} : > The group surrounded the teen, punching him repeatedly, then threw him to the ground and kicked him repeatedly in the ribs. It is not yet clear what led up to the incident, but **Maj. Michael English with Rockville police said the victim was not the aggressor.** > **“They jumped him and beat him up pretty bad,” Max Stucky, a bystander who witnessed the attack, told WTOP.** Evidence and eyewitnesses, unlike fake liberal outrage and victim-hood. Liberals suffer from a persecution complex. That makes it more likely for them to be the aggressors, particularly when the media has been screaming all week that Trump supporters are Nazi sympathizers.', '>>{BernieMP} : The original 1991 Orpheus must be even more expensive now, since those were a limited edition instead of limited production.', ">>{themuhlee} : What are the chances that I'd be listening to Burn Wild (same remix) immediately before starting the video? I freaked out a little. Beautifully put together!", '>>{Astronom3r} : Totally uncalled for. Now, if he were of voting age that would be a different matter... EDIT: being facetious here, folks. I obviously do not advocate beatings of people who have hit voting age. Beatings of 15 year-olds in general, though...', ">>{slappysimian} : And there's no answer. Just ride out the dual realities until the Trumpies get a fucking clue. Kinda like terrorism, you can't fix it tomorrow, you just address the underlying issues and endure the attacks.", ">>{CampusTour} : Isn't dual realities one of the leading theories on how we *got* Trumpies in the first place?", ">>{slappysimian} : It is, but I don't want to believe low-grade propaganda will win out.", '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : Its a great song! Love the positive vibe it has!', '>>{PM_ME_Determination} : Go to the Musikverein, it will ruin all recorded music for you.', '>>{12techno12} : Seriously dude, this video was fucking beautiful! Very inspiring.', ">>{jrodan94} : It's truly a blessing and a curse. And there's always something one step higher. You buy a $200 pair of headphones and suddenly you wonder what you're missing out on with the $500 pair so you get that and then it's only a hop skip and a leap to a $700 pair! The only limiting factor is how not rich I am. Damn Finances destroying my dreams of audio nirvana.", '>>{ElementOfExpectation} : Fuck CNET for autoplay videos ***with audio***.', ">>{Bairatbha} : How are they even better than my Skullcandy Method? Hate these super expensive gadgets that have no mass appeal (largely coz i can't afford them).", '>>{Bairatbha} : I have limited my visits to CNet especially because of this annoyance. Who the hell has time to close these auto-play videos all the time.', '>>{tenparsecs} : Just go see which ones have -Photographic evidence -Video evidence -Police reports -Hospital Reports And so on. Not anecdotal stories written on facebook.', '>>{VITOCHAN} : Is the \'back out" effect done with zoom ? or is that after effects as well ?', '>>{tenparsecs} : How would you most prefer to physically assault a human of voting age?', '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : After Effects. Bakertuts has some great tutorials out there for it!', ">>{Feudal_Poop} : I never visit to CNET because of this. It's really annoying plus I have a limited bandwidth. Wish they remove thise stupid videos.", '>>{Mrloop} : https://www.amazon.com/Superlux-681-Dynamic-Semi-Open-Headphones/dp/B002GHIPYI If you are not made of money these are pretty good too.. :)', '>>{Sylanthra} : If I have 55k to spend of an stationary audio system, I will buy full sized speakers instead. More power and more ability to move the air so you can actually feel the music not just listen to it.', '>>{ElementOfExpectation} : I know. The fact that it is on by default is the bad part.', ">>{CampusTour} : This isn't low grade propaganda. This is finely tuned, personalized propaganda, that people are unknowingly self-selecting for. http://techland.time.com/2012/02/17/how-target-knew-a-high-school-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-parents/ Campaigns can now do this too. They know exactly which ads will be most likely to get a response from you, because of what you posted on Facebook for years. Hell, you know those fun personality quizzes? Yeah. More data collection. We've moved on from trying to design a single advert to appeal to the largest percentage of a broad demographic group. Now we make shit-tons of adverts and dole them out on a case by case basis to individual users.", ">>{Computer_Name} : Can't take a joke, bro? Don't be so PC", ">>{IGotEm} : For relatively high-end headphones can you tell the difference in quality if you're just listening to streaming music such as Apple Music?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ShyGuy322} : But it\'s ok because he was "racist."', '>>{slappysimian} : Welcome to the new world, where nothing matters because you can always accuse the other of doing the same. Life sucks.', ">>{CampusTour} : Here's the scary thing. Right now, most people's Facebook feeds probably contain stories of Trump supporters getting attacked, or people getting attacked by Trump supporters...but probably not both.", '>>{TrollKong} : > The group surrounded the teen, punching him repeatedly, then threw him to the ground and kicked him repeatedly in the ribs. It is not yet clear what led up to the incident, but **Maj. Michael English with Rockville police said the victim was not the aggressor.** > **“They jumped him and beat him up pretty bad,” Max Stucky, a bystander who witnessed the attack, told WTOP.** Evidence and eyewitnesses, unlike fake liberal outrage and victim-hood. Liberals suffer from a persecution complex. That makes it more likely for them to be the aggressors, particularly when the media has been screaming all week that Trump supporters are Nazi sympathizers.', '>>{Astronom3r} : Totally uncalled for. Now, if he were of voting age that would be a different matter... EDIT: being facetious here, folks. I obviously do not advocate beatings of people who have hit voting age. Beatings of 15 year-olds in general, though...', ">>{slappysimian} : And there's no answer. Just ride out the dual realities until the Trumpies get a fucking clue. Kinda like terrorism, you can't fix it tomorrow, you just address the underlying issues and endure the attacks.", ">>{CampusTour} : Isn't dual realities one of the leading theories on how we *got* Trumpies in the first place?", ">>{slappysimian} : It is, but I don't want to believe low-grade propaganda will win out.", '>>{tenparsecs} : Just go see which ones have -Photographic evidence -Video evidence -Police reports -Hospital Reports And so on. Not anecdotal stories written on facebook.', '>>{tenparsecs} : How would you most prefer to physically assault a human of voting age?', ">>{CampusTour} : This isn't low grade propaganda. This is finely tuned, personalized propaganda, that people are unknowingly self-selecting for. http://techland.time.com/2012/02/17/how-target-knew-a-high-school-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-parents/ Campaigns can now do this too. They know exactly which ads will be most likely to get a response from you, because of what you posted on Facebook for years. Hell, you know those fun personality quizzes? Yeah. More data collection. We've moved on from trying to design a single advert to appeal to the largest percentage of a broad demographic group. Now we make shit-tons of adverts and dole them out on a case by case basis to individual users.", ">>{Computer_Name} : Can't take a joke, bro? Don't be so PC"], [">>{Bodeillek} : The world's most expensive headphones might make you consider a mortgage", '>>{P1LLcozby} : [Not about the smell or the look... but the *souuuuund*](https://youtu.be/rk6j7lhNf1o)', ">>{miraculous-} : That's the kind of stuff that will ruin music for you. Once I got into relatively high-end headphones and amplifiers everything else sounds like shit. I never should have started. Apple earbuds sounded just fine to me before I got into it.", '>>{BernieMP} : The original 1991 Orpheus must be even more expensive now, since those were a limited edition instead of limited production.', '>>{PM_ME_Determination} : Go to the Musikverein, it will ruin all recorded music for you.', ">>{jrodan94} : It's truly a blessing and a curse. And there's always something one step higher. You buy a $200 pair of headphones and suddenly you wonder what you're missing out on with the $500 pair so you get that and then it's only a hop skip and a leap to a $700 pair! The only limiting factor is how not rich I am. Damn Finances destroying my dreams of audio nirvana.", '>>{ElementOfExpectation} : Fuck CNET for autoplay videos ***with audio***.', ">>{Bairatbha} : How are they even better than my Skullcandy Method? Hate these super expensive gadgets that have no mass appeal (largely coz i can't afford them).", '>>{Bairatbha} : I have limited my visits to CNet especially because of this annoyance. Who the hell has time to close these auto-play videos all the time.', ">>{Feudal_Poop} : I never visit to CNET because of this. It's really annoying plus I have a limited bandwidth. Wish they remove thise stupid videos.", '>>{Mrloop} : https://www.amazon.com/Superlux-681-Dynamic-Semi-Open-Headphones/dp/B002GHIPYI If you are not made of money these are pretty good too.. :)', '>>{Sylanthra} : If I have 55k to spend of an stationary audio system, I will buy full sized speakers instead. More power and more ability to move the air so you can actually feel the music not just listen to it.', '>>{ElementOfExpectation} : I know. The fact that it is on by default is the bad part.', ">>{IGotEm} : For relatively high-end headphones can you tell the difference in quality if you're just listening to streaming music such as Apple Music?"], ['>>{themessias1001} : Former Mexican Diplomat: Trump Could Actually Make Mexico Pay For Wall', ">>{Highpriest_Of_Kek} : It's an easy choice for Mexico actually - either the Wall or a famine.", '>>{mostly_fiction} : This guy must be looking for a pay day.', ">>{CNegan} : There won't even be wall for them to pay for.", ">>{HillaryIsDaNewBernie} : Trump's little hands match his little intellect which is no match for the Might of Montezuma. What a joker. he will pay for everything.", '>>{lurkeronebillion} : Sure he can. The issue is how this would affect diplomatic relations after he has finished shaking down the Mexican government. His shakedown strategy is not limited to Mexico. He wants to do it to military allies, trade partners, and basically any entity he CAN shake down for money. The issue is not over the capability. The issue is over the feasibility of the projects he wants to pay for, and the damage it will do to our alliances.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : With all the food we import from Mexico I think they'd just stop exporting that and presto, no famine. Mexico's agriculture industry is doing fine. Are you saying that if they don't build Trump's wall a president Trump would use agent orange on their fields?", '>>{gaeuvyen} : No, Hillary is going to win, and make Trump build and pay the wall himself, single-handily.', ">>{HillaryIsDaNewBernie} : No, he will pay Hillary's new 65% tax for parasitic billionaires.", ">>{HillaryIsDaNewBernie} : If Hillary builds a wall it won't be a racist wall like Trump's would of been."], ['>>{TheAndrewSpence} : I made a video documenting all of my adventures that I shot strictly on my iPhone 6s and 7 Plus! Enjoy!', '>>{RidiquL} : this was awesome, what program did you use to edit it?', '>>{liquid5170} : Wow that was awesome Joseph Andrew! I died at the dog on the stairs 😂😂😂', ">>{Hey0PiggyStyle} : Amazing! I'm guessing most of this was thrown into After Effects, correct?", '>>{AS_Aeneon} : What was your additional Equipment for capturing the RAW-Videos ?', '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : All of it was shot entirely on my iphones! I just use a variety of apps to capture most of the video. But almost all of it was shot using the default camera app.', ">>{TheAndrewSpence} : Hahah. That's my puppy Watson. He's quite the character!", '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : A combination of After Effects and Final Cut Pro X.', ">>{themuhlee} : What are the chances that I'd be listening to Burn Wild (same remix) immediately before starting the video? I freaked out a little. Beautifully put together!", '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : Its a great song! Love the positive vibe it has!', '>>{12techno12} : Seriously dude, this video was fucking beautiful! Very inspiring.', '>>{VITOCHAN} : Is the \'back out" effect done with zoom ? or is that after effects as well ?', '>>{TheAndrewSpence} : After Effects. Bakertuts has some great tutorials out there for it!']]
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[">>{EspiritusSanctus} : Dunno what to say about this, you can get the LG G Flex 2 for the same price and it's powered by a Snapdragon 810 plus it has an FHD Amoled.", ">>{db8cn} : The G Flex 2 is over a year old and probably won't get many more software updates and if they do, they'll be at a slower pace than Motorola since LG devices are still (albeit lightly) skinned. Also missing is a fingerprint scanner and water resistance. Another minor gripe/downside for someone might be their inability to customize their device with motomaker. I don't see how one can go wrong with either one tbh. That's the beauty of Android devices is choice. It really depends on what the end user wants.", ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : Hmm. I know Motorola was acquired by Lenovo. Maybe they weren't planning on making this phone, but changed their mind?", '>>{esteban-was-eaten} : A new poll finds Americans don’t believe Jeff Sessions on Russia', ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : You are right. That is something that I recently realized: flagships from a year or two ago have the same specs as current budget phones. Even better sometimes, like the Flex 2 as you mentioned. I guess people don't think about getting the S6 over a year after it comes out, even though it beats other budget phones. I know that carriers usually offer deals on flagships when they are released (T-mobile had bog for S7). So it comes out to $400 for each S7. If you have the cash, i would think this would be a better deal than getting say a One plus 3 or moto g.", ">>{jdscarface} : >A slight majority of Americans think he lied in his confirmation hearing. I have a theory as to why this is. My theory goes that it's because Jeff Sessions lied in his confirmation hearing.", ">>{ScotTheDuck} : >New poll finds Americans don't believe known liar's lies.", ">>{Millmills} : As they shouldn't. The man lied under oath about talking with Russia.", ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : Yeah, I have heard the same thing in the past. Although I know lenovo's customer support structure was changed this year, so hopefully Motorola has also received some benefits from that.", ">>{bassististist} : It's OK, Republicans are pro-perjury now. It appeared to be a big deal when the Clintons allegedly did it, but now it's OK I guess. Seems odd.", ">>{theusualuser} : We've hit a point now where most smartphones that have more than 2GB of RAM will work just fine for most tasks. This means that the real value is in older flagship phones rather than the new low and midrange devices. Personally, I have an LG G2 that probably compares quite nicely to the G4, and I love it. When that dies, I'll probably move to a 6p if I can find one, although buying used means that I'll want to find something with a removable battery if that's possible. Either way, the value right now is in using a flagship from a year or two ago.", ">>{syncopator} : Can confirm. Am American. Don't believe Jeff Sessions on Russia.", '>>{A1_ThickandHearty} : Are the people running this poll the same people who had Hillary up by double digits?', '>>{zlarz003} : The most annoying part was his old smug ass face smiling the entire time like he could do no wrong. These people HAVE to go.', ">>{odsquad64} : It's Quinnipiac; so, to answer your question quite literally, no.", ">>{DerInselaffe} : I've had a G4 Plus for the past week or so, having upgraded from a G2, and I'm very happy with it. Especially the big screen and the fingerprint scanner. I'm not an authority on smartphone cameras, but the picture quality's much better than the G2. My only minor gripe is that I wish the internal speaker was louder.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : Are you saying cheating on your wife with a hot intern isn't worse than colluding with a hostile power..?", ">>{MarcusOrlyius} : The Smart Ultra 7 is better and cheaper at £135 compared to £160 for the Moto G4. For £300 you can the Smart Platinum 7 which has a 1440p screen and includes a VR headset. Those headsets usually cost around £100 so if they release the Platinum 7 without it, it'll probably cost around £200 which would be £30 cheaper than the 32 GB Moto G4 Plus. The Platinum 7 is far superior to the Moto G4 Plus though.", ">>{LatinGeek} : It's really a shame this came about right when I'm looking for an upgrade, because the G3 seems like a perfect low-budget phone. Adding inane features like a fingerprint reader and dropping good design qualities (waterproofing, a flat back) does not a good budget phone make. I just want a better G3. I also wonder why they fragmented the G line so much. Was the E not selling well enough for them to refresh it (presumably with the G Play's specs, and slightly different design) and just keep the G as the middle-road no-nonsense Moto?", '>>{code_archeologist} : What is hilarious about it is that he was not even asked if he met with any Russians. He just volunteered the lie as part of some weird way of deflecting another question. It is like his first instinct is to lie.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : Every single fucking post. Christ almighty, how long are you guys going to spit out that same fucking talking point?', '>>{sankar24} : hopefully it may received benefits., But in my country(india) it still persist the problem', '>>{thesilverpig} : kind of tired about russia at this point. can we get back to policy?', ">>{bassististist} : Well, they're both bad, but it looks like only one party gets punished for it...", ">>{Suzookus} : The only polls that matter are those on Election Day. We'll see Nov 8, 2018.", ">>{lurcher} : Really, Republicans don't care. They have gerry-mandering.", '>>{nykos} : The people, like yourself, that still believe Hillary is somehow relevant.', ">>{A1_ThickandHearty} : IDK. I have no reason to defend that orange clown. It's not like I voted for him.", '>>{neuronexmachina} : Gerrymandering can backfire horribly if you\'re unpopular enough. The idea behind Gerrymandering is that votes that are "wasted" in an area that\'s safe can be redirected elsewhere. If those areas are no longer safe bets, you can end up losing both areas.', '>>{JaiC} : Yeah, well, a recent poll saw Americans electing Donald Trump president, so what do they know?', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : I don't get it, why are we debating anything, it is an objective fact he lied.", ">>{CynicalMaelstrom} : Geez, it's almost as if there are objective facts proving him a liar or something..."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{EspiritusSanctus} : Dunno what to say about this, you can get the LG G Flex 2 for the same price and it's powered by a Snapdragon 810 plus it has an FHD Amoled.", ">>{db8cn} : The G Flex 2 is over a year old and probably won't get many more software updates and if they do, they'll be at a slower pace than Motorola since LG devices are still (albeit lightly) skinned. Also missing is a fingerprint scanner and water resistance. Another minor gripe/downside for someone might be their inability to customize their device with motomaker. I don't see how one can go wrong with either one tbh. That's the beauty of Android devices is choice. It really depends on what the end user wants.", ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : Hmm. I know Motorola was acquired by Lenovo. Maybe they weren't planning on making this phone, but changed their mind?", ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : You are right. That is something that I recently realized: flagships from a year or two ago have the same specs as current budget phones. Even better sometimes, like the Flex 2 as you mentioned. I guess people don't think about getting the S6 over a year after it comes out, even though it beats other budget phones. I know that carriers usually offer deals on flagships when they are released (T-mobile had bog for S7). So it comes out to $400 for each S7. If you have the cash, i would think this would be a better deal than getting say a One plus 3 or moto g.", ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : Yeah, I have heard the same thing in the past. Although I know lenovo's customer support structure was changed this year, so hopefully Motorola has also received some benefits from that.", ">>{theusualuser} : We've hit a point now where most smartphones that have more than 2GB of RAM will work just fine for most tasks. This means that the real value is in older flagship phones rather than the new low and midrange devices. Personally, I have an LG G2 that probably compares quite nicely to the G4, and I love it. When that dies, I'll probably move to a 6p if I can find one, although buying used means that I'll want to find something with a removable battery if that's possible. Either way, the value right now is in using a flagship from a year or two ago.", ">>{DerInselaffe} : I've had a G4 Plus for the past week or so, having upgraded from a G2, and I'm very happy with it. Especially the big screen and the fingerprint scanner. I'm not an authority on smartphone cameras, but the picture quality's much better than the G2. My only minor gripe is that I wish the internal speaker was louder.", ">>{MarcusOrlyius} : The Smart Ultra 7 is better and cheaper at £135 compared to £160 for the Moto G4. For £300 you can the Smart Platinum 7 which has a 1440p screen and includes a VR headset. Those headsets usually cost around £100 so if they release the Platinum 7 without it, it'll probably cost around £200 which would be £30 cheaper than the 32 GB Moto G4 Plus. The Platinum 7 is far superior to the Moto G4 Plus though.", ">>{LatinGeek} : It's really a shame this came about right when I'm looking for an upgrade, because the G3 seems like a perfect low-budget phone. Adding inane features like a fingerprint reader and dropping good design qualities (waterproofing, a flat back) does not a good budget phone make. I just want a better G3. I also wonder why they fragmented the G line so much. Was the E not selling well enough for them to refresh it (presumably with the G Play's specs, and slightly different design) and just keep the G as the middle-road no-nonsense Moto?", '>>{sankar24} : hopefully it may received benefits., But in my country(india) it still persist the problem'], ['>>{esteban-was-eaten} : A new poll finds Americans don’t believe Jeff Sessions on Russia', ">>{jdscarface} : >A slight majority of Americans think he lied in his confirmation hearing. I have a theory as to why this is. My theory goes that it's because Jeff Sessions lied in his confirmation hearing.", ">>{ScotTheDuck} : >New poll finds Americans don't believe known liar's lies.", ">>{Millmills} : As they shouldn't. The man lied under oath about talking with Russia.", ">>{bassististist} : It's OK, Republicans are pro-perjury now. It appeared to be a big deal when the Clintons allegedly did it, but now it's OK I guess. Seems odd.", ">>{syncopator} : Can confirm. Am American. Don't believe Jeff Sessions on Russia.", '>>{A1_ThickandHearty} : Are the people running this poll the same people who had Hillary up by double digits?', '>>{zlarz003} : The most annoying part was his old smug ass face smiling the entire time like he could do no wrong. These people HAVE to go.', ">>{odsquad64} : It's Quinnipiac; so, to answer your question quite literally, no.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : Are you saying cheating on your wife with a hot intern isn't worse than colluding with a hostile power..?", '>>{code_archeologist} : What is hilarious about it is that he was not even asked if he met with any Russians. He just volunteered the lie as part of some weird way of deflecting another question. It is like his first instinct is to lie.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : Every single fucking post. Christ almighty, how long are you guys going to spit out that same fucking talking point?', '>>{thesilverpig} : kind of tired about russia at this point. can we get back to policy?', ">>{bassististist} : Well, they're both bad, but it looks like only one party gets punished for it...", ">>{Suzookus} : The only polls that matter are those on Election Day. We'll see Nov 8, 2018.", ">>{lurcher} : Really, Republicans don't care. They have gerry-mandering.", '>>{nykos} : The people, like yourself, that still believe Hillary is somehow relevant.', ">>{A1_ThickandHearty} : IDK. I have no reason to defend that orange clown. It's not like I voted for him.", '>>{neuronexmachina} : Gerrymandering can backfire horribly if you\'re unpopular enough. The idea behind Gerrymandering is that votes that are "wasted" in an area that\'s safe can be redirected elsewhere. If those areas are no longer safe bets, you can end up losing both areas.', '>>{JaiC} : Yeah, well, a recent poll saw Americans electing Donald Trump president, so what do they know?', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : I don't get it, why are we debating anything, it is an objective fact he lied.", ">>{CynicalMaelstrom} : Geez, it's almost as if there are objective facts proving him a liar or something..."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Trombosaurus} : Tillerson finally speaks: 'The threat of North Korea is imminent'", '>>{Trombosaurus} : The nations\' top diplomat just publicly said that not only were the South Koreans a bad host, they also lied. > "[The South Korean government] never invited us for dinner, then at the last minute they realized that optically it wasn’t playing very well in public for them, so they put out a statement that we didn’t have dinner because I was tired," Tillerson said. >"So are you saying they lied about it?" the interviewer asked. >"No, it was just their explanation," Tillerson replied. He continued, "The host country decides whether we are going to do things or not. We didn’t decide that."', ">>{TinyBaron} : They insulted two allies within 24 hours. Nice work. Putin will be pleased. SK isn't on board with this planned escalation with NK. Apparently neither is China. God knows what Trump was expecting.", '>>{nicealtaccount} : So you\'re saying they lied? "No." Seems to contradict what you say directly, but that\'s leftists for you. You guys always have difficulty with plain language. Kinda nutty if you ask me!', '>>{TableTopFarmer} : wow...he just opened the door to adding two more nuclear powers to the world, in Japan and S. Korea.', '>>{caminhaozinho} : 👋 *You want to go home and rethink your life...*', ">>{rtft} : he keeps going like this and it's gonna be a whole lot more than just 2", '>>{Theunknowableman} : They are just incompetent. This is what happens when you put people in charge who have no idea what is going on.', ">>{enslavedroosters} : How can Trump supporters not see this clearly? He can insults every person and nation on the planet but Putin and Russia. It's like when you are watching a movie and the main character is oblivious to something so obvious you are screaming at the tv.", '>>{TRUMP_IS_GOING_DOWN} : LMAO. The **republican** SoS is a leftist?', '>>{FakeNewsLiveUpdate} : Tillerson is a leftist? When did that happen?', ">>{theblockedhat} : Of those voters who haven't yet awakened ( and never will ), they don't care. They just want a strong ( tyrannical ) contrarian leader.", '>>{brainiac3397} : >"No, it was just their explanation," He\'s literally accusing them of fake news liars...', '>>{Maxtasy76} : When you don´t do well at home, start a war! They go full "Wag the Dog", with the difference, when this dog bites, it could set the whole world on fire.', '>>{Jinxedchef} : On an unrelated note I just figured out which country Trump is going to invade to try to use war to boast his popularity.', '>>{thewhitedeath} : There is absolutely nothing "unrelated" about this.', '>>{thewhitedeath} : Who knows? Maybe trump will sneak up on them.', '>>{pondo13} : Wow great statesmenship there, way to insult another ally. Fuck these morons are growing more ridiculous at a scary rate.', ">>{pondo13} : Maybe even sooner if they think Comey is going to neuter him on Monday. Personally I don't think that is very likely but who knows what weird misgivings Bannon whispers in Twitlers ear.", '>>{snarkerz} : The threat of Trump and his administration is immediate.', '>>{BakedPenna} : It passes me off how gung ho we Americans are about war when we don\'t have to deal with the repercussions. You see it all the time on Reddit where they talk about dropping bombs or "glassing" countries, or joke about dismantling governments to give MUH FREEDOMS to the citizens. We led the western world into the Middle East, destabilized. France and Germany and Europe in general are suffering from a massive refugee crisis, and you see people commenting that they are too weak or just point at those evil Muslims coming to destroy our western culture when the sad reality is that we made their homes unsafe and decimated their economy, and to blame them for not staying where they are to essentially die or be raped is the cherry on top. Now we see this same kind of warmongering talk with Tillerson in the Pacific. Motherfuckers over on /r/worldnews are getting stiff pricks about pretty emptively bombing North Korea, but when South Korea and China face the largest refugee crisis the world will ever see and Japan is forced to shoot back smuggling ships, all youll see on Reddit will be how poorly those countries are dealing with the mess we made while America sits comfortably surrounded by two oceans and two peaceful allies.', ">>{spunkychickpea} : SK isn't on board with it because they'll bear the brunt of the aggression. It's going to be their military and civilians that suffer the greatest losses. In case anyone hasn't noticed, Seoul is uncomfortably close to the DMZ and has a massive population. Should this whole thing come to blows, that's potentially a catastrophic loss of human life we're looking at.", '>>{spunkychickpea} : Has it occurred to you that Tillerson may be lying?', '>>{llllIlllIllIlI} : Bombing, then "you can\'t change a horse mid steam!" and "the people slandering the president are enemies of the state!" That would truly be the darkest timeline.', ">>{kronik85} : can you imagine living in SK or Japan right now and realizing that you might get nuked for Trump's Presidency? fuck."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Trombosaurus} : Tillerson finally speaks: 'The threat of North Korea is imminent'", '>>{Trombosaurus} : The nations\' top diplomat just publicly said that not only were the South Koreans a bad host, they also lied. > "[The South Korean government] never invited us for dinner, then at the last minute they realized that optically it wasn’t playing very well in public for them, so they put out a statement that we didn’t have dinner because I was tired," Tillerson said. >"So are you saying they lied about it?" the interviewer asked. >"No, it was just their explanation," Tillerson replied. He continued, "The host country decides whether we are going to do things or not. We didn’t decide that."', ">>{TinyBaron} : They insulted two allies within 24 hours. Nice work. Putin will be pleased. SK isn't on board with this planned escalation with NK. Apparently neither is China. God knows what Trump was expecting.", '>>{nicealtaccount} : So you\'re saying they lied? "No." Seems to contradict what you say directly, but that\'s leftists for you. You guys always have difficulty with plain language. Kinda nutty if you ask me!', '>>{TableTopFarmer} : wow...he just opened the door to adding two more nuclear powers to the world, in Japan and S. Korea.', '>>{caminhaozinho} : 👋 *You want to go home and rethink your life...*', ">>{rtft} : he keeps going like this and it's gonna be a whole lot more than just 2", '>>{Theunknowableman} : They are just incompetent. This is what happens when you put people in charge who have no idea what is going on.', ">>{enslavedroosters} : How can Trump supporters not see this clearly? He can insults every person and nation on the planet but Putin and Russia. It's like when you are watching a movie and the main character is oblivious to something so obvious you are screaming at the tv.", '>>{TRUMP_IS_GOING_DOWN} : LMAO. The **republican** SoS is a leftist?', '>>{FakeNewsLiveUpdate} : Tillerson is a leftist? When did that happen?', ">>{theblockedhat} : Of those voters who haven't yet awakened ( and never will ), they don't care. They just want a strong ( tyrannical ) contrarian leader.", '>>{brainiac3397} : >"No, it was just their explanation," He\'s literally accusing them of fake news liars...', '>>{Maxtasy76} : When you don´t do well at home, start a war! They go full "Wag the Dog", with the difference, when this dog bites, it could set the whole world on fire.', '>>{Jinxedchef} : On an unrelated note I just figured out which country Trump is going to invade to try to use war to boast his popularity.', '>>{thewhitedeath} : There is absolutely nothing "unrelated" about this.', '>>{thewhitedeath} : Who knows? Maybe trump will sneak up on them.', '>>{pondo13} : Wow great statesmenship there, way to insult another ally. Fuck these morons are growing more ridiculous at a scary rate.', ">>{pondo13} : Maybe even sooner if they think Comey is going to neuter him on Monday. Personally I don't think that is very likely but who knows what weird misgivings Bannon whispers in Twitlers ear.", '>>{snarkerz} : The threat of Trump and his administration is immediate.', '>>{BakedPenna} : It passes me off how gung ho we Americans are about war when we don\'t have to deal with the repercussions. You see it all the time on Reddit where they talk about dropping bombs or "glassing" countries, or joke about dismantling governments to give MUH FREEDOMS to the citizens. We led the western world into the Middle East, destabilized. France and Germany and Europe in general are suffering from a massive refugee crisis, and you see people commenting that they are too weak or just point at those evil Muslims coming to destroy our western culture when the sad reality is that we made their homes unsafe and decimated their economy, and to blame them for not staying where they are to essentially die or be raped is the cherry on top. Now we see this same kind of warmongering talk with Tillerson in the Pacific. Motherfuckers over on /r/worldnews are getting stiff pricks about pretty emptively bombing North Korea, but when South Korea and China face the largest refugee crisis the world will ever see and Japan is forced to shoot back smuggling ships, all youll see on Reddit will be how poorly those countries are dealing with the mess we made while America sits comfortably surrounded by two oceans and two peaceful allies.', ">>{spunkychickpea} : SK isn't on board with it because they'll bear the brunt of the aggression. It's going to be their military and civilians that suffer the greatest losses. In case anyone hasn't noticed, Seoul is uncomfortably close to the DMZ and has a massive population. Should this whole thing come to blows, that's potentially a catastrophic loss of human life we're looking at.", '>>{spunkychickpea} : Has it occurred to you that Tillerson may be lying?', '>>{llllIlllIllIlI} : Bombing, then "you can\'t change a horse mid steam!" and "the people slandering the president are enemies of the state!" That would truly be the darkest timeline.', ">>{kronik85} : can you imagine living in SK or Japan right now and realizing that you might get nuked for Trump's Presidency? fuck."]]
classify and reply
['>>{MrGunny94} : Oh man my UX Designer OCD is hitting me! How can this go through QA teams?.. Assuming that the language changes are done automatically and not by a designer. At the end of the day there should be an algorithm to change the font size or the letter spreading when the criteria of translated words to beyond a certain number', ">>{APenaCarranza} : If you're still rocking the 2g then yes. I'd take that deal.", ">>{ILoveGaryJohnson} : His speech was obviously twisted to make it seem to insulting. These are really stupid battles for democrats to be fighting. There is so much really disgusting shit that Trump says like his remarks about the Central Park 5 case. This was a non-issue that was blown up from the start. When trump fanboys cry about the biased media, they aren't completely wrong.", '>>{r4816} : Report: Ukraine officials designated millions in cash for Manafort', '>>{rebo} : Funny how Trump made the GOP change its Ukraine-Russia position after Manafort joined the campaign.', '>>{Iammattieee} : This is why I spent the 1.99 for cesium music player. Fixed all my issues with the built in Apple Music player.', '>>{imwithxir} : Not twisted! A genuine [learning moment](http://iava.org/press-release/iava-statement-on-communicating-about-ptsd/) The press reported on it, because his lack of knowledge of how to [communicate](http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/28/politics/obama-veteran-suicide-presidential-town-hall-cnn/) about PTSD, and the implicit lack of awareness of the history of why PTSD is under treated and under recognized is newsworthy for a presidential candidate. Stigma is a real thing. Words kill. Vets know this, their families know this, anyone who works in fields involved in managing PTSD know this. USA Today does not know this, and neither does Trump.', '>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : Not really twisted, he did say that dumb shit, he just said other stuff too.', '>>{emmaan01} : Not gonna lie, in my honest opinion I think the buttons look better than the tiny icons the previous update had.', ">>{heuheu} : Trump is just really, really stupid. There's no way he's working for Putin but he absolutely let himself get manipulated. Putin is just much smarter and played him like a fiddle it seems.", ">>{fuzzysailor1} : He's changed is opinion so many times on everything I'm not sure what he supports...well other than racism.", '>>{ragonk_1310} : He\'s denying it. So is this one of those "let\'s see if THIS sticks" moments? Because it\'s not about if someone is guilty or not in politics, it\'s about persuading public perception based on the "seriousness of the charge." Same happened with Romney, as well as McCain.', ">>{Tylerjames09} : Mine runs great and I'm using the iOS 10 beta... buy it!", ">>{RockyFlintstone} : If I were trying to defend Trump, I probably wouldn't post a bunch of his word salad and claim to have understood what he meant.", '>>{RIDEO} : Warning: Voting For Trump Could Be Hazardeous To Your Health', '>>{AgentElman} : This is notable - an elected republican who will actually support Donald. That he lies to do it is no surprise.', ">>{thyeyretoocute} : If we're going to accept shaky evidence as truth, Clinton has more direct connections: http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-clinton-foundation-state-and-kremlin-connections-1469997195 (http://archive.is/g9s77 for non-subscribers.) Also, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0 Further, anyone else remember Saudi Arabia sending millions to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for arms? >The Clinton Foundation received between $54 million and $141 million in donations from the foreign governments and defense contractors involved in those sales, the report says. http://thehill.com/regulation/international/243089-hillary-clinton-facing-criticism-over-international-weapons-deals http://www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-saudi-arabia_b_9374490.html https://theintercept.com/2016/02/22/saudi-christmas-present/ (emails discussing F-15 sales) + https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/13/september-11-saudi-arabia-congressional-report-terrorism", '>>{CarmineFields} : If Clinton had said the same thing, the Trump fan boys would be throwing a fit.', '>>{Koonce} : I got one at work to replace two U2412Ms. I love it. Not really a fan of the Dell Display Manager. Windows snap assist works better for me. Just wish I could afford a large ultra-wide for home.', ">>{No_Hands_55} : Lol i see you aren't aware of dells enterprise relationships", ">>{Sega32X} : That's awesome that your still using the first gen. I thought people with the 4/4s were starting to look behind the times.", '>>{TheBackspace125} : The 2g is durable as nuts! I dropped it while biking and it skid face down for a while. Not a scratch. I just want something that can run light games, youtube, instagram, and ifunny. I just talked with the guy, he might give it to me for $65. Wish me luck! :)', ">>{redwoodum} : Yeah not sure you're on point with that as the U3415W was one of the most popular choices in its class for 2016. Their monitors are widely regarded for business and prosumer use.", ">>{Valgarr} : I'm making comment on the current edition, not the previous. They had a great base model to work from and completely screwed it up. It's similar to their PC lines. They've been known to have subpar consumer PC lines. Another good example is the Alienware line that they acquired. At one point it was considered the highest tier gaming PC line you could buy pre-built. Dell bought them out and now they charge a decent bit more for that line when other companies sell higher end for less. Dell has been known to screw up equipment that was considered good, if not great. This just shows it continues to happen.", '>>{norse1977} : Thinking of getting one of these for gaming. Good/bad idea?', '>>{APenaCarranza} : Definitely go for it at $65! Good luck!', ">>{rebo} : Yeah I dont believe he's working for Putin, but I do think he can be easily manipulated.", ">>{metalhaze} : I agree, poor localization. They obviously didn't take the time to test all the changes in all the languages that they pushed the update to. Not sure why people are down voting you.", ">>{wraithtek} : > USA Today does not know this, and neither does Trump. To be fair, this is USA Today publishing an opinion piece from a Republican, former Representative from Michigan. Not written by USA Today's staff. If OP had copied the title, per submission guideline \\#3, this would be apparent.", ">>{mspaintshoops} : We tried to stick this one to her back when we were fighting the fight for Bernie. It's just not enough. It's well-known and not illegal. In the court of public opinion, it's perception that matters. This thing about Manafort is a) *new* news, and b) *very likely* illegal and thus why he has to outright deny it and hope no conclusive proof turns up.", ">>{MrGunny94} : I think some people will directly hunt it as a Designer fault and not some localization issue, it's really annoying to see this happen", ">>{radioactive2321} : Exactly. I want to vote Trump as a media protest, even though I'm libertarian and disagree with probably 40-60% of his policy.", '>>{Sega32X} : Good luck! I used to own a 5c. It was the most durable of all my iPhones.', '>>{MrRiggs} : $80... Good deal in my opinion. Edit: $65?! Buy it!', ">>{TheBackspace125} : The guy just gave it to me for $65. Im picking it up Friday. Ugh I can't wait!", '>>{JohnWH} : Like the other 4 threads you posted this in, congress is the final say in approval of weapon sales, NOT the SoS', '>>{ITGuy_higgins} : Well, you can only threaten and name call the press for so long before it starts to bite you in the ass... Whatever mud the media is slinging at him is well earned.', '>>{medi0cre_scientist} : Yep, Cesium is a great replacement for the abomination that the music app has become.', ">>{fletchii} : TIL you could replace the Apple Music app (for the most part). Cesium is doing a pretty good job, I like the look of it much more than the Apple Music app's. So far two things bummed me out a little, but the reason for these features missing might be able not allowing us developers to do it, so not Cesium's fault: - I couldn't find a way to create my own playlists - It doesn't seem to be able to let me download songs from Apple Music - (Obviously) you can't browse Apple Music artist pages and add new songs to your library through Cesium, but I didn't expect that. Put into perspective, all of these things are things I don't do every day and I can probably get used to switching to the Apple Music app for. I might have also missed something since I barely used it for 5 minutes just now.", ">>{nb4hnp} : At least they told us where those buttons were this time. After iOS 10 dropped, it took me too long to figure out that they hadn't just completely phased out the option to set those.", ">>{HumptyMcDumpty} : >When Republican Party leaders drafted the platform prior to their convention in Cleveland last month, they had relatively little input from the campaign of then-presumptive nominee Donald Trump on most issues — except when it came to a future Republican administration's stance on Ukraine. http://www.npr.org/2016/08/06/488876597/how-the-trump-campaign-weakened-the-republican-platform-on-aid-to-ukraine", '>>{aybarah} : I work for a fortune 100 company and every single piece of tech we work on is Dell.', ">>{automaticrocks} : I knew I couldn't be the only one to be upset thinking they removed the option to shuffle playlists", ">>{HumptyMcDumpty} : Violin in blue grass music. >get played like a fiddle >To be skillfully manipulated by someone to suit his or her own needs, ends, or benefits. I got played like a fiddle by that travelling salesman. Now what am I going to do with all this junk that he convinced me to buy? Can't you see that his flattery is totally insincere? You're getting played like a fiddle! http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/get+played+like+a+fiddle", '>>{radioactive2321} : Everything he says is represented incorrectly; therefore the logical conclusion is that the incorrect representation of what he said is reality Like, what?', ">>{nb4hnp} : Sometimes I feel like I want (at least) a break from Apple's wild UI ride.", ">>{HALFLEGO} : head on over to r/ultrawidemasterrace before you buy. It's a very helpful place for finding out what you want/afford and also discover the pitfalls out there. I ended up getting an LG34UM67 due to my budget. But I can tell you. Almost all people don't go back to 16:9 after experiencing it.", ">>{manfredpanzerknacker} : I have one and love it, aside from a few games where the ultrawide resolution isn't available. The curve is pretty great too. I also use it for work and the only downside is attempting to share you screen in a presentation is troublesome, since you have to go Fullscreen for others to be able to see anything.", '>>{tallonfour} : He initially had "riddle". I know the saying. I assumed it was simply a typo.', ">>{LondonPilot} : What is it that you *can* do with Apple Music through Cesium? I've thought about buying it, but since I use Apple Music I wasn't sure how much functionality I'm going to get. I mostly have my music downloaded since I listen in the car and on the Tube. Is it worth buying it for this use case, would you say?", '>>{OnyaScooter} : Great deal! Just make sure activation lock is removed before you part with your cash', ">>{ratwkthx} : You know what I'd like to see in a monitor review? The resolution of the monitor :P", '>>{radioactive2321} : The media is justified in deliberately misdirecting and misinforming people because they were accused of deliberately misdirecting and misinforming people.', '>>{pocketyeti} : Alienware has always been marketed towards suckers even pre-Dell, so there is that.', ">>{TheBackspace125} : What's activation lock? And if it's activated how do I get rid of it?", ">>{shea241} : Agreed on the DDM, but I don't really like Windows's snap assist either. I have the earlier model, U3415. For those of you considering trading in your 2- or 3-monitor setup for a more compact 21:9: I don't recommend it. Multi-monitor style window layout in the ultrawide's large, continuous space is quite difficult. It's a lot more elegant looking on my desk, and I don't miss the bezels, but meh. I should have waited for 4:1 x-e-ultrawide monitors and some decent layout software.", '>>{HumptyMcDumpty} : Oh, good! I thought maybe it is a saying only us old geezers know.', '>>{oakstave} : That would have been a great time for the Republican controlled Congress not to approve those sales, if they are allegedly quid pro quo.', '>>{Wartz} : Uh, to get off a 2g, yes? Yes.', ">>{OnyaScooter} : https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT201365 explains activation lock. Check your device status here; https://www.icloud.com/activationlock/ Check the iCloud settings and make sure it's fully signed out, at the very least", '>>{Mod-Speciialist} : >CNN spinning a story the wrong way again, and they are wondering why they are losing viewership.', ">>{InfliximabTNFa} : Comparing donations to the Clinton foundation to help eradicate infectious diseases around the globe and millions of illegal, non-reported money being transferred by pro-Putin groups to an individual that has made a career out of whitewashing dictators and tyrants is laughable. Edit: I'm not going to defend each decision that Clinton has ever made, but not being able to acknowledge the difference between these issues is either willful ignorance or extreme stupidity.", '>>{k0rm} : Or the framerate or the type of panel or LITERALLY ANYTHING ABOUT THE MONITOR', ">>{fletchii} : I prefer the UI of Cesium. Not sure if it'd be useful in your case though, sorry.", ">>{InfliximabTNFa} : >CNN reporting factual developments, imbeciles still supporting Trump continue to be outraged by reality and Trump's collapsing support.", '>>{DimDreamer} : [You think that looks bad, this is what I have to deal with when navigating or using my hotspot](http://i.imgur.com/Lg0w0rx.jpg)', ">>{DoomBot5} : 1440p I've been eyeing this one for a while.", ">>{DoomBot5} : Dell has some of the best monitors in the industry. Not sure where you're getting your info from.", ">>{emphesym} : I'm looking up posts with the iPhone 5c tag. It's sweet to see someone so happy about his electronics, especially even if they're older electronics :) I have the 5c too and love it, have fun with it!", '>>{InfliximabTNFa} : ...and, uh, the entire human race.', ">>{TheBackspace125} : I bought it, and It was totally worth it. (I've gone from a 2g and I gotta say, its one awesome upgrade)", '>>{CuckoldTrump} : HOMENS ARNA RACE! or something to that effect.', '>>{agildehaus} : After owning a 144Hz, I cannot imagine going back to 60Hz for gaming.', '>>{LondonPilot} : Thought that might be the case. Thanks for the reply.', '>>{Dhrakyn} : I run one Asus 34" ultrawide with two 27" 2560x1440 on either side, it works perfectly since the pixel pitch is the same and there is plenty of real estate for both work and gaming.', '>>{Dhrakyn} : Love my 34" asus with g-sync. Expensive but so worth it. A lot of games won\'t run in ultrawide on purpose, mostly esport type games because of the unfair advantage, so expect that. Sometimes you have to edit the registry to get a game to work in ultawide with the correct aspect ratio, but it isn\'t difficult to do.', '>>{Dhrakyn} : My asus runs at 100Hz. Admittedly it\'s overclocked to do so, but I believe Samsung has just released a native 34" panel.', ">>{FrederikTwn} : Ey, it's from the people who brought you swipe right on the control center to bring up the music controls.", '>>{MrGunny94} : Not really. In terms of iOS development its not the designer that does this but the developer who adapts to a different language. As far as we know this could be automatic', ">>{superthighheater3000} : I have the U3415W and absolutely love it. It's great for software development, allowing me to have two documents open side-by-side without needing have a dual-monitor setup (which this actually replaced). Games that support the ultra-wide resolution are great too because you won't have the bezels right in the middle of the display. With the dual-monitor setup, I would run eve online on either a single monitor, or stretch it across the two, and then offset the center of the display. No more! I can't recommend getting an ultra-wide monitor enough, and the Dell was a great choice in my opinion.", ">>{THE_SEX_YELLER} : Basically you can use Cesium to browse and play the music you have already added to your iCloud music library and/or downloaded to your device, but you'll need to use the stock Music app to actually add and download stuff.", ">>{kylo7} : Looks like some nice improvements over the 3415 (more curve and shape of the base). The 3415 goes on sale at dell.com and/or best buy for $650 every couple months so don't pay too much. Based on my research last year I found the acer offerings to have better specs but acer had a lot of QA issues. LG offerings had lower specs and lower price. So the dell was the sweet spot in the middle", ">>{Hans_Brickface} : I'm thinking about getting one for the same reason. I'm just a hobbyist coder, usually scripting in python in my free time; I am visually impaired and have to run at a low resolution, so it's kind of hard to run IDEs with dockable windows on each side and still have sufficient room for the code editor in the middle. I think one of these would be good for me.", ">>{dont_be_so_critical} : how is the contrast that bad? That is fucking *awful* when standard 1000:1 IPS contrast is already awful to begin with. I half suspect it was set up incorrectly. There is no way it's only 380:1", ">>{THE_SEX_YELLER} : You must have misread the artist. They're actually listening to Lindsey Stirling.", '>>{BossRSA} : It mentions it right at the bottom of the article :P', ">>{eighteencircle9} : I love her. I cannot go a day without listening to her. Ok that's exaggeration but she is really cool. I on the other hand am not a fan of Kenny G at all. What gives?", '>>{DijonPepperberry} : My Asus 100hz ultrawide cured that problem. 144 would be better but 100 ultrawide is just magnificent', '>>{BorgDrone} : To be fair, no one should be using anything but English for their OS anyway.', ">>{tails_the_gay_fox} : I just recently got a U3415W, it is a fantastic monitor and has a 0 stuck pixel warranty. I am sure the newer version is nice as well. But beware of Dell support. I had exchange my first one for pixel defects (3 of them). The support was beyond a joke. It is offshore and they don't give a flying fuck nor do they understand much beyond the script they work off of. First person said they do not offer stuck pixel warranty, even though the website and the goddamn box says so (and anyone that buys dell ultrasharps knows it is a selling point). 2nd person needed a picture, I sent it and it clearly showed the issue , yet they ask what is the defect. Third person finally opened my claim but did not setup the shipment correctly. Forth person fixed the shipment issue but sent it ground while the warranty offers next business day. After five people and 2 hours I finally get tracking and my monitor set for the next day. I would see if best buy has it locally if pixel defects are an issue as if you buy through them then dell has you return to store during warranty period for pixel defects. Best buy sucks but still better than dell shitty ass support. Great monitor now that I got a good one. Stuck pixels are way more annoying than dead ones and even at that res you could clearly see them on dart scenes.", ">>{MattehPee} : I don't mind it. I just hate how we still can't rearrange our up next list without taking repeat off.", ">>{scroopy_nooperz} : Samsung's isn't available, but you can buy a korean one based on the same panel for ~700", ">>{FTL83} : Do you have any opinion on how Cesium hands shuffling? I may be crazy but it seems like shuffle on any apple device (laptop, iPhone & iPod) is weak. I have used my phone exclusively as a music player in my car all semester and it plays the same songs over and over. I have 20GB of music and there are songs I haven't heard once yet while knowing without a doubt I've heard other songs half a dozen times.", '>>{Iammattieee} : I never use shuffle. Main selling point for me with cesium was being able to select an artist and listen to all their albums in order and night mode.', ">>{FTL83} : I'll have to look into. It's only $2 I could look in my sofa and find that. Thanks for posting, I would never have known about it otherwise.", '>>{norse1977} : There truly is a sub for everything - thanks :)', ">>{norse1977} : Cool, I'll keep that in mind - thanks!", '>>{norse1977} : Cheers, I do share screen for work from time to time (Skype) but not that often. Thanks!', '>>{MedicatedDeveloper} : What 1440p 27" do you have? I\'m looking to upgrade but most sub 28-30" monitors are 2560x1080 yuck!', '>>{psykick32} : The return policy for the monitors at the university I worked at was awesome... I called, explained stuff, replacement was at my cube next day with free return shipping on the defective monitor. Dell is awesome for businesses.', '>>{repens} : 1440p is technically 2560*1440 isn\'t it? This is a 34" so I assume it is 3440*1440 but I admit I didn\'t read the article', ">>{Dhrakyn} : I have two Dell S2715H. They are nice, but not great. I don't try to use surround to game on all 3 so my side monitors are mostly for work and to run ancillary applications like maps, discord, ect on. For the price they're nice monitors.", '>>{DoomBot5} : Yeah. This is an ultrawide. 1440p applies to both. You just have to factor in the screen ratio to get the horizontal pixel count.', '>>{mundaneDetail} : I was on the fence about an UltraWide, but ultimately couldn\'t justify the price, so I opted for a 27" 1440p Acer K272HUL from Amazon. I\'ve had great experience with it and for 1/3 price of the ultrawides. I use it for web/email and engineering/design applications. It probably wouldn\'t be for high end gaming, but great on my Mac mini.', ">>{Dhrakyn} : Samsung is Korean, but I said panel, not monitor. I think LG and Samsung are the only ultrawide panel makers. Dell, Asus, Acer, ect all buy their LCD's from them.", ">>{greennalgene} : I'm at 1440p, can't imagine going back to 1080. The problem is 100+hz @ 1440p doesn't seem to be a priority and the ones that are out are insanely priced.", '>>{greennalgene} : What made you choose the asus over the Acer?', ">>{Lazyandmotivated} : If it's not true 10-bit, what's the point?", ">>{MorgothEatsUrBabies} : > Multi-monitor style window layout in the ultrawide's large, continuous space is quite difficult. I'm not sure what you mean by that... I also have a U3415W and I regularly run 3-4 windows at the same time, effectively mimicking a dual monitor setup. I use WinSplit Revolution for window management, it's super easy and effective at moving, re-sizing and organizing windows using keyboard shortcuts. I agree that without WinSplit it wouldn't be nearly as good as a multi-monitor replacement though.", ">>{Dhrakyn} : Amazon had a sale. They're the same monitor. Same panel, same electronics. If one aesthetic appeals more to you or the price is better, go with it.", ">>{DarkSideofOZ} : It's ultrawide, don't use 16:9 nomenclature for ultrawide. Just state the actual resolution in cases like this. If it were advertised as a 1440p monitor and someone bought it to hook up say a console, they'd be very unhappy about the stretched out image until someone told them how to force perspective and explain to them what they actually bought.", '>>{DoomBot5} : It\'s not "using 16:9 nomenclature" it\'s how screens are rated. This applies to 4:3 monitors as well. The word ultrawide tells you the ratio, so you are able to calculate the width. The same applied to 16:9 monitors, they were referred to as "widescreen" telling you it was not a 4:3 monitor.', ">>{Big_Toke_Yo} : Are they ever gonna make monitors +27 inches that aren't ultra wide?", ">>{crash1082} : I respectfully disagree. I think DDM does it's job well, and haven't had any issues with it yet. Being able to create custom layouts is a huge plus. Also since having the UW at home, and going to work where I have 2 monitors, I much prefer the UW. It's so much cleaner and requires less head turn. Bezels are the worst.", ">>{shea241} : I have tried a few helpers, but I don't think I've tried WinSplit yet. One big issue is using apps which create many child windows (such as Maya or 3DS, sometimes with 10-15 child windows at any given moment). With multi-montor, the child windows are created relative to the monitor's upper left corner, which keeps everything grouped accordingly. With a single ultra-wide, child windows may spawn anywhere across the entire desktop. It's like herding cats.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : They [used to](http://www.everymac.com/monitors/apple/studio_cinema/specs/apple_cinema_display_30.html). I still use one for the aspect ratio and matte screen.', ">>{Cornpicker} : I'd have to disagree. If you're actually looking to buy an ultra wide this is actually pretty helpful because it discusses how to it stacks up to competitors and points out that you probably shouldn't buy it.", '>>{durable2} : You\'re liking it versus dual monitors? I\'ve suggested for our next round of monitor purchases to move to a single 34" or maybe 29" instead of our typical dual 22".', '>>{Koonce} : Correct, I was worried moving from two 24s to the one 34. Got used to it after a day or two. Glad I made the switch. Tons of screen real estate and less desk clutter. Got rid of the cables/stand of one monitor and my speakers. The built in speakers are good enough to replace the $20 Logitech set I was using.', ">>{jhole} : I've been concerned about this, as I often need to share my screen. Does the software that you use have an option to just share a single application, as opposed to the entire screen? I wonder if it would be more usable that way.", ">>{manfredpanzerknacker} : Yes, sharing a single application (webex) seems to work just fine, but it's tough if you have a need to switch applications often during a presentation.", ">>{headband} : 1440p isn't really a thing. It's supposed to define a video signal, but kids on the Internet picked it up to use for resolution because uwqhd is apparently too hard to remember.", ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I first saw it used in marketing materials like three years ago. 1080p was aging, and UHD wasn't quite there yet, so they needed something interstitial to advertise.", '>>{MichiganRich} : Fuck that janky-ass site and its shitty jumble of overlays and windows.', ">>{jwarnyc} : The previous model which I have have this weird waves when you scroll or video is playing. It's like the pixels get these weird. I can't really explain it. But it just makes weird graphics when something is moving on the screen it ain't defect. F it. It just strange. Good screen for photoshopping.", ">>{Smanci} : In a review, I'd expect to see something that proves it doesn't stack up to competition, like any proper measurements regarding the panel quality or a list of features and so forth - that very basic stuff that should be mentioned in a review. There's nothing to draw my own conclusions of and I'm completely relying on the stuff that comes from the mouth of a random person. The review comes across as bland, uneducated opinion, rather than a review.", '>>{MrNerd82} : I only have the S2716DG -- 1440p (not ultrawide obviously) it sits next to its U series 1440p brother side by side. The main issue I had with their "review" video is the absolute terrible lighting setup they had for their office. They literally faced this monitor right at a window during the daytime and started shooting footage, which made it look particularly crappy. Not optimal at all.', ">>{AznSzmeCk} : I have a 3415 as well but can't say I have the same window management problem you have. I don't use any window management tools, but usually use the Windows hotkeys to arrange my work. If you have a multimonitor setup, Win key + Shift + L/R arrow will move windows between your different monitors, while U/D arrow maximizes or minimizes it. The same hotkeys work for my 3415, except it knows and snaps the windows into halves or quadrants when I use that combo. Have you tried that? A combination of alt-tabs and that combo allows me to manage my windows without any additional software.", '>>{shea241} : it probably depends on how many windows you typically deal with. Maya and 3ds make things difficult in particular', '>>{ibtar} : When they said, "Don\'t bother calibrating", I stopped reading.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{APenaCarranza} : If you're still rocking the 2g then yes. I'd take that deal.", ">>{Tylerjames09} : Mine runs great and I'm using the iOS 10 beta... buy it!", ">>{Sega32X} : That's awesome that your still using the first gen. I thought people with the 4/4s were starting to look behind the times.", '>>{TheBackspace125} : The 2g is durable as nuts! I dropped it while biking and it skid face down for a while. Not a scratch. I just want something that can run light games, youtube, instagram, and ifunny. I just talked with the guy, he might give it to me for $65. Wish me luck! :)', '>>{APenaCarranza} : Definitely go for it at $65! Good luck!', '>>{Sega32X} : Good luck! I used to own a 5c. It was the most durable of all my iPhones.', '>>{MrRiggs} : $80... Good deal in my opinion. Edit: $65?! Buy it!', ">>{TheBackspace125} : The guy just gave it to me for $65. Im picking it up Friday. Ugh I can't wait!", '>>{OnyaScooter} : Great deal! Just make sure activation lock is removed before you part with your cash', ">>{TheBackspace125} : What's activation lock? And if it's activated how do I get rid of it?", '>>{Wartz} : Uh, to get off a 2g, yes? Yes.', ">>{OnyaScooter} : https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT201365 explains activation lock. Check your device status here; https://www.icloud.com/activationlock/ Check the iCloud settings and make sure it's fully signed out, at the very least", ">>{emphesym} : I'm looking up posts with the iPhone 5c tag. It's sweet to see someone so happy about his electronics, especially even if they're older electronics :) I have the 5c too and love it, have fun with it!", ">>{TheBackspace125} : I bought it, and It was totally worth it. (I've gone from a 2g and I gotta say, its one awesome upgrade)"], ['>>{MrGunny94} : Oh man my UX Designer OCD is hitting me! How can this go through QA teams?.. Assuming that the language changes are done automatically and not by a designer. At the end of the day there should be an algorithm to change the font size or the letter spreading when the criteria of translated words to beyond a certain number', '>>{Iammattieee} : This is why I spent the 1.99 for cesium music player. Fixed all my issues with the built in Apple Music player.', '>>{emmaan01} : Not gonna lie, in my honest opinion I think the buttons look better than the tiny icons the previous update had.', ">>{metalhaze} : I agree, poor localization. They obviously didn't take the time to test all the changes in all the languages that they pushed the update to. Not sure why people are down voting you.", ">>{MrGunny94} : I think some people will directly hunt it as a Designer fault and not some localization issue, it's really annoying to see this happen", '>>{medi0cre_scientist} : Yep, Cesium is a great replacement for the abomination that the music app has become.', ">>{fletchii} : TIL you could replace the Apple Music app (for the most part). Cesium is doing a pretty good job, I like the look of it much more than the Apple Music app's. So far two things bummed me out a little, but the reason for these features missing might be able not allowing us developers to do it, so not Cesium's fault: - I couldn't find a way to create my own playlists - It doesn't seem to be able to let me download songs from Apple Music - (Obviously) you can't browse Apple Music artist pages and add new songs to your library through Cesium, but I didn't expect that. Put into perspective, all of these things are things I don't do every day and I can probably get used to switching to the Apple Music app for. I might have also missed something since I barely used it for 5 minutes just now.", ">>{nb4hnp} : At least they told us where those buttons were this time. After iOS 10 dropped, it took me too long to figure out that they hadn't just completely phased out the option to set those.", ">>{automaticrocks} : I knew I couldn't be the only one to be upset thinking they removed the option to shuffle playlists", ">>{nb4hnp} : Sometimes I feel like I want (at least) a break from Apple's wild UI ride.", ">>{LondonPilot} : What is it that you *can* do with Apple Music through Cesium? I've thought about buying it, but since I use Apple Music I wasn't sure how much functionality I'm going to get. I mostly have my music downloaded since I listen in the car and on the Tube. Is it worth buying it for this use case, would you say?", ">>{fletchii} : I prefer the UI of Cesium. Not sure if it'd be useful in your case though, sorry.", '>>{DimDreamer} : [You think that looks bad, this is what I have to deal with when navigating or using my hotspot](http://i.imgur.com/Lg0w0rx.jpg)', '>>{LondonPilot} : Thought that might be the case. Thanks for the reply.', ">>{FrederikTwn} : Ey, it's from the people who brought you swipe right on the control center to bring up the music controls.", '>>{MrGunny94} : Not really. In terms of iOS development its not the designer that does this but the developer who adapts to a different language. As far as we know this could be automatic', ">>{THE_SEX_YELLER} : Basically you can use Cesium to browse and play the music you have already added to your iCloud music library and/or downloaded to your device, but you'll need to use the stock Music app to actually add and download stuff.", ">>{THE_SEX_YELLER} : You must have misread the artist. They're actually listening to Lindsey Stirling.", ">>{eighteencircle9} : I love her. I cannot go a day without listening to her. Ok that's exaggeration but she is really cool. I on the other hand am not a fan of Kenny G at all. What gives?", '>>{BorgDrone} : To be fair, no one should be using anything but English for their OS anyway.', ">>{MattehPee} : I don't mind it. I just hate how we still can't rearrange our up next list without taking repeat off.", ">>{FTL83} : Do you have any opinion on how Cesium hands shuffling? I may be crazy but it seems like shuffle on any apple device (laptop, iPhone & iPod) is weak. I have used my phone exclusively as a music player in my car all semester and it plays the same songs over and over. I have 20GB of music and there are songs I haven't heard once yet while knowing without a doubt I've heard other songs half a dozen times.", '>>{Iammattieee} : I never use shuffle. Main selling point for me with cesium was being able to select an artist and listen to all their albums in order and night mode.', ">>{FTL83} : I'll have to look into. It's only $2 I could look in my sofa and find that. Thanks for posting, I would never have known about it otherwise."], ['>>{Koonce} : I got one at work to replace two U2412Ms. I love it. Not really a fan of the Dell Display Manager. Windows snap assist works better for me. Just wish I could afford a large ultra-wide for home.', ">>{No_Hands_55} : Lol i see you aren't aware of dells enterprise relationships", ">>{redwoodum} : Yeah not sure you're on point with that as the U3415W was one of the most popular choices in its class for 2016. Their monitors are widely regarded for business and prosumer use.", ">>{Valgarr} : I'm making comment on the current edition, not the previous. They had a great base model to work from and completely screwed it up. It's similar to their PC lines. They've been known to have subpar consumer PC lines. Another good example is the Alienware line that they acquired. At one point it was considered the highest tier gaming PC line you could buy pre-built. Dell bought them out and now they charge a decent bit more for that line when other companies sell higher end for less. Dell has been known to screw up equipment that was considered good, if not great. This just shows it continues to happen.", '>>{norse1977} : Thinking of getting one of these for gaming. Good/bad idea?', '>>{aybarah} : I work for a fortune 100 company and every single piece of tech we work on is Dell.', ">>{HALFLEGO} : head on over to r/ultrawidemasterrace before you buy. It's a very helpful place for finding out what you want/afford and also discover the pitfalls out there. I ended up getting an LG34UM67 due to my budget. But I can tell you. Almost all people don't go back to 16:9 after experiencing it.", ">>{manfredpanzerknacker} : I have one and love it, aside from a few games where the ultrawide resolution isn't available. The curve is pretty great too. I also use it for work and the only downside is attempting to share you screen in a presentation is troublesome, since you have to go Fullscreen for others to be able to see anything.", ">>{ratwkthx} : You know what I'd like to see in a monitor review? The resolution of the monitor :P", '>>{pocketyeti} : Alienware has always been marketed towards suckers even pre-Dell, so there is that.', ">>{shea241} : Agreed on the DDM, but I don't really like Windows's snap assist either. I have the earlier model, U3415. For those of you considering trading in your 2- or 3-monitor setup for a more compact 21:9: I don't recommend it. Multi-monitor style window layout in the ultrawide's large, continuous space is quite difficult. It's a lot more elegant looking on my desk, and I don't miss the bezels, but meh. I should have waited for 4:1 x-e-ultrawide monitors and some decent layout software.", '>>{k0rm} : Or the framerate or the type of panel or LITERALLY ANYTHING ABOUT THE MONITOR', ">>{DoomBot5} : 1440p I've been eyeing this one for a while.", ">>{DoomBot5} : Dell has some of the best monitors in the industry. Not sure where you're getting your info from.", '>>{agildehaus} : After owning a 144Hz, I cannot imagine going back to 60Hz for gaming.', '>>{Dhrakyn} : I run one Asus 34" ultrawide with two 27" 2560x1440 on either side, it works perfectly since the pixel pitch is the same and there is plenty of real estate for both work and gaming.', '>>{Dhrakyn} : Love my 34" asus with g-sync. Expensive but so worth it. A lot of games won\'t run in ultrawide on purpose, mostly esport type games because of the unfair advantage, so expect that. Sometimes you have to edit the registry to get a game to work in ultawide with the correct aspect ratio, but it isn\'t difficult to do.', '>>{Dhrakyn} : My asus runs at 100Hz. Admittedly it\'s overclocked to do so, but I believe Samsung has just released a native 34" panel.', ">>{superthighheater3000} : I have the U3415W and absolutely love it. It's great for software development, allowing me to have two documents open side-by-side without needing have a dual-monitor setup (which this actually replaced). Games that support the ultra-wide resolution are great too because you won't have the bezels right in the middle of the display. With the dual-monitor setup, I would run eve online on either a single monitor, or stretch it across the two, and then offset the center of the display. No more! I can't recommend getting an ultra-wide monitor enough, and the Dell was a great choice in my opinion.", ">>{kylo7} : Looks like some nice improvements over the 3415 (more curve and shape of the base). The 3415 goes on sale at dell.com and/or best buy for $650 every couple months so don't pay too much. Based on my research last year I found the acer offerings to have better specs but acer had a lot of QA issues. LG offerings had lower specs and lower price. So the dell was the sweet spot in the middle", ">>{Hans_Brickface} : I'm thinking about getting one for the same reason. I'm just a hobbyist coder, usually scripting in python in my free time; I am visually impaired and have to run at a low resolution, so it's kind of hard to run IDEs with dockable windows on each side and still have sufficient room for the code editor in the middle. I think one of these would be good for me.", ">>{dont_be_so_critical} : how is the contrast that bad? That is fucking *awful* when standard 1000:1 IPS contrast is already awful to begin with. I half suspect it was set up incorrectly. There is no way it's only 380:1", '>>{BossRSA} : It mentions it right at the bottom of the article :P', '>>{DijonPepperberry} : My Asus 100hz ultrawide cured that problem. 144 would be better but 100 ultrawide is just magnificent', ">>{tails_the_gay_fox} : I just recently got a U3415W, it is a fantastic monitor and has a 0 stuck pixel warranty. I am sure the newer version is nice as well. But beware of Dell support. I had exchange my first one for pixel defects (3 of them). The support was beyond a joke. It is offshore and they don't give a flying fuck nor do they understand much beyond the script they work off of. First person said they do not offer stuck pixel warranty, even though the website and the goddamn box says so (and anyone that buys dell ultrasharps knows it is a selling point). 2nd person needed a picture, I sent it and it clearly showed the issue , yet they ask what is the defect. Third person finally opened my claim but did not setup the shipment correctly. Forth person fixed the shipment issue but sent it ground while the warranty offers next business day. After five people and 2 hours I finally get tracking and my monitor set for the next day. I would see if best buy has it locally if pixel defects are an issue as if you buy through them then dell has you return to store during warranty period for pixel defects. Best buy sucks but still better than dell shitty ass support. Great monitor now that I got a good one. Stuck pixels are way more annoying than dead ones and even at that res you could clearly see them on dart scenes.", ">>{scroopy_nooperz} : Samsung's isn't available, but you can buy a korean one based on the same panel for ~700", '>>{norse1977} : There truly is a sub for everything - thanks :)', ">>{norse1977} : Cool, I'll keep that in mind - thanks!", '>>{norse1977} : Cheers, I do share screen for work from time to time (Skype) but not that often. Thanks!', '>>{MedicatedDeveloper} : What 1440p 27" do you have? I\'m looking to upgrade but most sub 28-30" monitors are 2560x1080 yuck!', '>>{psykick32} : The return policy for the monitors at the university I worked at was awesome... I called, explained stuff, replacement was at my cube next day with free return shipping on the defective monitor. Dell is awesome for businesses.', '>>{repens} : 1440p is technically 2560*1440 isn\'t it? This is a 34" so I assume it is 3440*1440 but I admit I didn\'t read the article', ">>{Dhrakyn} : I have two Dell S2715H. They are nice, but not great. I don't try to use surround to game on all 3 so my side monitors are mostly for work and to run ancillary applications like maps, discord, ect on. For the price they're nice monitors.", '>>{DoomBot5} : Yeah. This is an ultrawide. 1440p applies to both. You just have to factor in the screen ratio to get the horizontal pixel count.', '>>{mundaneDetail} : I was on the fence about an UltraWide, but ultimately couldn\'t justify the price, so I opted for a 27" 1440p Acer K272HUL from Amazon. I\'ve had great experience with it and for 1/3 price of the ultrawides. I use it for web/email and engineering/design applications. It probably wouldn\'t be for high end gaming, but great on my Mac mini.', ">>{Dhrakyn} : Samsung is Korean, but I said panel, not monitor. I think LG and Samsung are the only ultrawide panel makers. Dell, Asus, Acer, ect all buy their LCD's from them.", ">>{greennalgene} : I'm at 1440p, can't imagine going back to 1080. The problem is 100+hz @ 1440p doesn't seem to be a priority and the ones that are out are insanely priced.", '>>{greennalgene} : What made you choose the asus over the Acer?', ">>{Lazyandmotivated} : If it's not true 10-bit, what's the point?", ">>{MorgothEatsUrBabies} : > Multi-monitor style window layout in the ultrawide's large, continuous space is quite difficult. I'm not sure what you mean by that... I also have a U3415W and I regularly run 3-4 windows at the same time, effectively mimicking a dual monitor setup. I use WinSplit Revolution for window management, it's super easy and effective at moving, re-sizing and organizing windows using keyboard shortcuts. I agree that without WinSplit it wouldn't be nearly as good as a multi-monitor replacement though.", ">>{Dhrakyn} : Amazon had a sale. They're the same monitor. Same panel, same electronics. If one aesthetic appeals more to you or the price is better, go with it.", ">>{DarkSideofOZ} : It's ultrawide, don't use 16:9 nomenclature for ultrawide. Just state the actual resolution in cases like this. If it were advertised as a 1440p monitor and someone bought it to hook up say a console, they'd be very unhappy about the stretched out image until someone told them how to force perspective and explain to them what they actually bought.", '>>{DoomBot5} : It\'s not "using 16:9 nomenclature" it\'s how screens are rated. This applies to 4:3 monitors as well. The word ultrawide tells you the ratio, so you are able to calculate the width. The same applied to 16:9 monitors, they were referred to as "widescreen" telling you it was not a 4:3 monitor.', ">>{Big_Toke_Yo} : Are they ever gonna make monitors +27 inches that aren't ultra wide?", ">>{crash1082} : I respectfully disagree. I think DDM does it's job well, and haven't had any issues with it yet. Being able to create custom layouts is a huge plus. Also since having the UW at home, and going to work where I have 2 monitors, I much prefer the UW. It's so much cleaner and requires less head turn. Bezels are the worst.", ">>{shea241} : I have tried a few helpers, but I don't think I've tried WinSplit yet. One big issue is using apps which create many child windows (such as Maya or 3DS, sometimes with 10-15 child windows at any given moment). With multi-montor, the child windows are created relative to the monitor's upper left corner, which keeps everything grouped accordingly. With a single ultra-wide, child windows may spawn anywhere across the entire desktop. It's like herding cats.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : They [used to](http://www.everymac.com/monitors/apple/studio_cinema/specs/apple_cinema_display_30.html). I still use one for the aspect ratio and matte screen.', ">>{Cornpicker} : I'd have to disagree. If you're actually looking to buy an ultra wide this is actually pretty helpful because it discusses how to it stacks up to competitors and points out that you probably shouldn't buy it.", '>>{durable2} : You\'re liking it versus dual monitors? I\'ve suggested for our next round of monitor purchases to move to a single 34" or maybe 29" instead of our typical dual 22".', '>>{Koonce} : Correct, I was worried moving from two 24s to the one 34. Got used to it after a day or two. Glad I made the switch. Tons of screen real estate and less desk clutter. Got rid of the cables/stand of one monitor and my speakers. The built in speakers are good enough to replace the $20 Logitech set I was using.', ">>{jhole} : I've been concerned about this, as I often need to share my screen. Does the software that you use have an option to just share a single application, as opposed to the entire screen? I wonder if it would be more usable that way.", ">>{manfredpanzerknacker} : Yes, sharing a single application (webex) seems to work just fine, but it's tough if you have a need to switch applications often during a presentation.", ">>{headband} : 1440p isn't really a thing. It's supposed to define a video signal, but kids on the Internet picked it up to use for resolution because uwqhd is apparently too hard to remember.", ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I first saw it used in marketing materials like three years ago. 1080p was aging, and UHD wasn't quite there yet, so they needed something interstitial to advertise.", '>>{MichiganRich} : Fuck that janky-ass site and its shitty jumble of overlays and windows.', ">>{jwarnyc} : The previous model which I have have this weird waves when you scroll or video is playing. It's like the pixels get these weird. I can't really explain it. But it just makes weird graphics when something is moving on the screen it ain't defect. F it. It just strange. Good screen for photoshopping.", ">>{Smanci} : In a review, I'd expect to see something that proves it doesn't stack up to competition, like any proper measurements regarding the panel quality or a list of features and so forth - that very basic stuff that should be mentioned in a review. There's nothing to draw my own conclusions of and I'm completely relying on the stuff that comes from the mouth of a random person. The review comes across as bland, uneducated opinion, rather than a review.", '>>{MrNerd82} : I only have the S2716DG -- 1440p (not ultrawide obviously) it sits next to its U series 1440p brother side by side. The main issue I had with their "review" video is the absolute terrible lighting setup they had for their office. They literally faced this monitor right at a window during the daytime and started shooting footage, which made it look particularly crappy. Not optimal at all.', ">>{AznSzmeCk} : I have a 3415 as well but can't say I have the same window management problem you have. I don't use any window management tools, but usually use the Windows hotkeys to arrange my work. If you have a multimonitor setup, Win key + Shift + L/R arrow will move windows between your different monitors, while U/D arrow maximizes or minimizes it. The same hotkeys work for my 3415, except it knows and snaps the windows into halves or quadrants when I use that combo. Have you tried that? A combination of alt-tabs and that combo allows me to manage my windows without any additional software.", '>>{shea241} : it probably depends on how many windows you typically deal with. Maya and 3ds make things difficult in particular', '>>{ibtar} : When they said, "Don\'t bother calibrating", I stopped reading.'], ['>>{r4816} : Report: Ukraine officials designated millions in cash for Manafort', '>>{rebo} : Funny how Trump made the GOP change its Ukraine-Russia position after Manafort joined the campaign.', ">>{heuheu} : Trump is just really, really stupid. There's no way he's working for Putin but he absolutely let himself get manipulated. Putin is just much smarter and played him like a fiddle it seems.", ">>{fuzzysailor1} : He's changed is opinion so many times on everything I'm not sure what he supports...well other than racism.", '>>{ragonk_1310} : He\'s denying it. So is this one of those "let\'s see if THIS sticks" moments? Because it\'s not about if someone is guilty or not in politics, it\'s about persuading public perception based on the "seriousness of the charge." Same happened with Romney, as well as McCain.', '>>{RIDEO} : Warning: Voting For Trump Could Be Hazardeous To Your Health', ">>{thyeyretoocute} : If we're going to accept shaky evidence as truth, Clinton has more direct connections: http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-clinton-foundation-state-and-kremlin-connections-1469997195 (http://archive.is/g9s77 for non-subscribers.) Also, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0 Further, anyone else remember Saudi Arabia sending millions to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for arms? >The Clinton Foundation received between $54 million and $141 million in donations from the foreign governments and defense contractors involved in those sales, the report says. http://thehill.com/regulation/international/243089-hillary-clinton-facing-criticism-over-international-weapons-deals http://www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-saudi-arabia_b_9374490.html https://theintercept.com/2016/02/22/saudi-christmas-present/ (emails discussing F-15 sales) + https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/13/september-11-saudi-arabia-congressional-report-terrorism", ">>{rebo} : Yeah I dont believe he's working for Putin, but I do think he can be easily manipulated.", ">>{mspaintshoops} : We tried to stick this one to her back when we were fighting the fight for Bernie. It's just not enough. It's well-known and not illegal. In the court of public opinion, it's perception that matters. This thing about Manafort is a) *new* news, and b) *very likely* illegal and thus why he has to outright deny it and hope no conclusive proof turns up.", '>>{JohnWH} : Like the other 4 threads you posted this in, congress is the final say in approval of weapon sales, NOT the SoS', ">>{HumptyMcDumpty} : >When Republican Party leaders drafted the platform prior to their convention in Cleveland last month, they had relatively little input from the campaign of then-presumptive nominee Donald Trump on most issues — except when it came to a future Republican administration's stance on Ukraine. http://www.npr.org/2016/08/06/488876597/how-the-trump-campaign-weakened-the-republican-platform-on-aid-to-ukraine", ">>{HumptyMcDumpty} : Violin in blue grass music. >get played like a fiddle >To be skillfully manipulated by someone to suit his or her own needs, ends, or benefits. I got played like a fiddle by that travelling salesman. Now what am I going to do with all this junk that he convinced me to buy? Can't you see that his flattery is totally insincere? You're getting played like a fiddle! http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/get+played+like+a+fiddle", '>>{tallonfour} : He initially had "riddle". I know the saying. I assumed it was simply a typo.', '>>{HumptyMcDumpty} : Oh, good! I thought maybe it is a saying only us old geezers know.', '>>{oakstave} : That would have been a great time for the Republican controlled Congress not to approve those sales, if they are allegedly quid pro quo.', '>>{Mod-Speciialist} : >CNN spinning a story the wrong way again, and they are wondering why they are losing viewership.', ">>{InfliximabTNFa} : Comparing donations to the Clinton foundation to help eradicate infectious diseases around the globe and millions of illegal, non-reported money being transferred by pro-Putin groups to an individual that has made a career out of whitewashing dictators and tyrants is laughable. Edit: I'm not going to defend each decision that Clinton has ever made, but not being able to acknowledge the difference between these issues is either willful ignorance or extreme stupidity.", ">>{InfliximabTNFa} : >CNN reporting factual developments, imbeciles still supporting Trump continue to be outraged by reality and Trump's collapsing support.", '>>{InfliximabTNFa} : ...and, uh, the entire human race.', '>>{CuckoldTrump} : HOMENS ARNA RACE! or something to that effect.'], [">>{ILoveGaryJohnson} : His speech was obviously twisted to make it seem to insulting. These are really stupid battles for democrats to be fighting. There is so much really disgusting shit that Trump says like his remarks about the Central Park 5 case. This was a non-issue that was blown up from the start. When trump fanboys cry about the biased media, they aren't completely wrong.", '>>{imwithxir} : Not twisted! A genuine [learning moment](http://iava.org/press-release/iava-statement-on-communicating-about-ptsd/) The press reported on it, because his lack of knowledge of how to [communicate](http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/28/politics/obama-veteran-suicide-presidential-town-hall-cnn/) about PTSD, and the implicit lack of awareness of the history of why PTSD is under treated and under recognized is newsworthy for a presidential candidate. Stigma is a real thing. Words kill. Vets know this, their families know this, anyone who works in fields involved in managing PTSD know this. USA Today does not know this, and neither does Trump.', '>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : Not really twisted, he did say that dumb shit, he just said other stuff too.', ">>{RockyFlintstone} : If I were trying to defend Trump, I probably wouldn't post a bunch of his word salad and claim to have understood what he meant.", '>>{AgentElman} : This is notable - an elected republican who will actually support Donald. That he lies to do it is no surprise.', '>>{CarmineFields} : If Clinton had said the same thing, the Trump fan boys would be throwing a fit.', ">>{wraithtek} : > USA Today does not know this, and neither does Trump. To be fair, this is USA Today publishing an opinion piece from a Republican, former Representative from Michigan. Not written by USA Today's staff. If OP had copied the title, per submission guideline \\#3, this would be apparent.", ">>{radioactive2321} : Exactly. I want to vote Trump as a media protest, even though I'm libertarian and disagree with probably 40-60% of his policy.", '>>{ITGuy_higgins} : Well, you can only threaten and name call the press for so long before it starts to bite you in the ass... Whatever mud the media is slinging at him is well earned.', '>>{radioactive2321} : Everything he says is represented incorrectly; therefore the logical conclusion is that the incorrect representation of what he said is reality Like, what?', '>>{radioactive2321} : The media is justified in deliberately misdirecting and misinforming people because they were accused of deliberately misdirecting and misinforming people.']]
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['>>{scite} : Yuval Rabin: My father was killed at a moment like this', '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : >Trump’s words are not just words. They can sow the seeds for something much more sinister.', '>>{tsv99} : Trump is literally Hitler... if Hitler had a Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren and a number of Jewish friends, acquaintances, and business associates.', ">>{johnthebold2} : You don't have to hate Jews to be a fascist.", '>>{questor2k} : Sadly, Trump only counts wins and losses. He lacks the empathy to count the casualties he leaves in his wake.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : A number you say! _This changes everything._', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Some people wait a lifetime...for that one special kiss. Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me...", ">>{3_Limes} : I genuinely think that Trump wouldn't care if his words led to tragedy. As long as it didn't directly affect him, so what? He'd blame someone else and go get another reality show.", '>>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : [that sound you heard shortly after you posted that comment...](https://i.imgur.com/tyTc1Nl.jpg)', '>>{olseadog} : So my question is: Will Trump be held responsible if/when Hilary Clinton is shot at?', '>>{lillyluminatus} : You realize that Rabin was killed by a right-wing *Jew*, right? Where the hell does the allusion to Hitler fit into this?', '>>{sinsyder-} : The left seems to be engaged in hyperbolic fear mongering to a much bigger degree in my eyes.', ">>{thumbprick} : Presuming he does't do the shooting (unlikely), or directed the hit (hard to prove) then no, he'll misdirect, skate, blame the media for twisting his words and then proceed to make an (hopefully) attempted assassination about himself. He's the *victim* you see.", ">>{Hitch23} : If the guy is riding on the rocket, he is literally going WOOSH over everyone else's heads, including yours. 'Mmm kay, I guess.", ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : They don't realize that. They're not aware of the point at all.", '>>{Clsjajll} : I think that his words do indeed lead many impressionable people to a much darker place.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : [that sound you heard shortly after you posted that comment...redux](https://i.imgur.com/tyTc1Nl.jpg)', ">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : Rabin's daughter, the author of the article, certainly is aware of this. It's not about Trump being Hitler, but his irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric inciting violence.", '>>{youcantarguewiththat} : Did Netenyahu, cause he was the one doing this right before Rabin was killed? Oh wait...', '>>{Hitch23} : If I were on this rocket, all I would hear is the roar from the thruster/after-burners being fired. The people who I passed over would hear the woosh. That would include you apparently.', ">>{maglevwholphin} : [when you got to space this is what you'd see.](http://neowin.s3.amazonaws.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-447111-0-41239900-1433287863.jpg)", '>>{DanielPeverley} : Someone has actually tried to kill Trump. Remember that British lefty who planned to steal a police officers gun to shoot him? Ever heard of Pim Fortuyn? He was a right-wing politician in the Netherlands who the media decried as a xenophobe and fascist, who got killed by a left-wing activist who feared that he was "scapegoating Muslims" and "targeting the weak members of society." I\'ve seen droves of articles about how Trump is a national security risk and a potential dictator and a nazi and will turn America back a hundred years, and so on. Who is the media pushing towards violence? Violent riots by Trump supporters: wow, zero. Bernie supporters: .... don\'t think about it don\'t think about it', '>>{redmustang04} : Boy put him in an ad like this and watch his poll numbers dip even further.', '>>{sinsyder-} : This subreddit seems to think the left never does. Just pointing out it goes both ways.', ">>{IKILLPPLALOT} : I didn't know that.. wow. What is wrong with the people of Israel? The way Netanyahu won the last election was sickening too. He fearmongered so much, saying that the Muslims were all working together to vote him out, so they must all vote for him. He's a disgusting man.", ">>{Adamj1} : So at least if Trump wins he'd get along well with him.", ">>{Mejari} : Sometimes things are scary. It's not fear mongering to point that out.", ">>{attosama} : You're right, the left is fear mongering Trump, and he's exceeding their expectations. Guess what, Trump doesn't need the Left or the media to make him look or sound like a dangerous lunatic, he's doing the dirty work for them."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{scite} : Yuval Rabin: My father was killed at a moment like this', '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : >Trump’s words are not just words. They can sow the seeds for something much more sinister.', '>>{tsv99} : Trump is literally Hitler... if Hitler had a Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren and a number of Jewish friends, acquaintances, and business associates.', ">>{johnthebold2} : You don't have to hate Jews to be a fascist.", '>>{questor2k} : Sadly, Trump only counts wins and losses. He lacks the empathy to count the casualties he leaves in his wake.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : A number you say! _This changes everything._', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Some people wait a lifetime...for that one special kiss. Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me...", ">>{3_Limes} : I genuinely think that Trump wouldn't care if his words led to tragedy. As long as it didn't directly affect him, so what? He'd blame someone else and go get another reality show.", '>>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : [that sound you heard shortly after you posted that comment...](https://i.imgur.com/tyTc1Nl.jpg)', '>>{olseadog} : So my question is: Will Trump be held responsible if/when Hilary Clinton is shot at?', '>>{lillyluminatus} : You realize that Rabin was killed by a right-wing *Jew*, right? Where the hell does the allusion to Hitler fit into this?', '>>{sinsyder-} : The left seems to be engaged in hyperbolic fear mongering to a much bigger degree in my eyes.', ">>{thumbprick} : Presuming he does't do the shooting (unlikely), or directed the hit (hard to prove) then no, he'll misdirect, skate, blame the media for twisting his words and then proceed to make an (hopefully) attempted assassination about himself. He's the *victim* you see.", ">>{Hitch23} : If the guy is riding on the rocket, he is literally going WOOSH over everyone else's heads, including yours. 'Mmm kay, I guess.", ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : They don't realize that. They're not aware of the point at all.", '>>{Clsjajll} : I think that his words do indeed lead many impressionable people to a much darker place.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : [that sound you heard shortly after you posted that comment...redux](https://i.imgur.com/tyTc1Nl.jpg)', ">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : Rabin's daughter, the author of the article, certainly is aware of this. It's not about Trump being Hitler, but his irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric inciting violence.", '>>{youcantarguewiththat} : Did Netenyahu, cause he was the one doing this right before Rabin was killed? Oh wait...', '>>{Hitch23} : If I were on this rocket, all I would hear is the roar from the thruster/after-burners being fired. The people who I passed over would hear the woosh. That would include you apparently.', ">>{maglevwholphin} : [when you got to space this is what you'd see.](http://neowin.s3.amazonaws.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-447111-0-41239900-1433287863.jpg)", '>>{DanielPeverley} : Someone has actually tried to kill Trump. Remember that British lefty who planned to steal a police officers gun to shoot him? Ever heard of Pim Fortuyn? He was a right-wing politician in the Netherlands who the media decried as a xenophobe and fascist, who got killed by a left-wing activist who feared that he was "scapegoating Muslims" and "targeting the weak members of society." I\'ve seen droves of articles about how Trump is a national security risk and a potential dictator and a nazi and will turn America back a hundred years, and so on. Who is the media pushing towards violence? Violent riots by Trump supporters: wow, zero. Bernie supporters: .... don\'t think about it don\'t think about it', '>>{redmustang04} : Boy put him in an ad like this and watch his poll numbers dip even further.', '>>{sinsyder-} : This subreddit seems to think the left never does. Just pointing out it goes both ways.', ">>{IKILLPPLALOT} : I didn't know that.. wow. What is wrong with the people of Israel? The way Netanyahu won the last election was sickening too. He fearmongered so much, saying that the Muslims were all working together to vote him out, so they must all vote for him. He's a disgusting man.", ">>{Adamj1} : So at least if Trump wins he'd get along well with him.", ">>{Mejari} : Sometimes things are scary. It's not fear mongering to point that out.", ">>{attosama} : You're right, the left is fear mongering Trump, and he's exceeding their expectations. Guess what, Trump doesn't need the Left or the media to make him look or sound like a dangerous lunatic, he's doing the dirty work for them."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Overwatcher2} : If you are a doctor you should be performing on anyone no matter who they are. I've had friends treat Nazi sympathisers", ">>{garrypig} : HELP! I am Running iOS 10 Beta 5 and my phone app won't launch. iTunes also won't backup since I'm on 10", '>>{des0lar} : >The increasing likelihood that Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia are out of reach heightens the urgency for the Republican nominee to win those still-competitive states — and to recapture steam in Pennsylvania, where he once looked formidable but now trails by 10 points, according to POLITICO’s Battleground States polling average.', ">>{Overwatcher2} : Their medical judgement != what's actually for the best. Human doctors perform worse than IBM's diagnosing bot on average. Honestly with how quickly medicine is outdated you should always be wary of human doctors.", ">>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : What does this mean for you? This means it is time to send money to your Ding Dong Daddy Donnie. Send him more money than you are comfortable with giving. Send a thousand dollars. Send the whole $2,700 if you have a real job. Just Google up Donnie's web site and SEND IN YOUR MONEY. Do you want to win or not?", '>>{TheStrongestRhino} : You cant but now they have to because the lefties say so! So much for freedom', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : In Politico's desperate attempt to spin the fact that Trump has closed the gap and we now have an essentially even race, they are missing something big. While the political class is focused on the traditional swing states that tend to decide normal elections, they're ignoring other states that could play a role in this very abnormal election. A new set of The [Emerson College State Polls] (http://www.theecps.com/) released yesterday shows Clinton leading by only 3 in Rhode Island and by only 4 in NJ. Now before you write this off as a fluke. If you look at the [Google Consumer Survey](https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/#/org//reporting/0B29GVb5ISrT0TGk1TW5tVF9Ed2M/page/GsS) polling data and filter it to just NJ, you will see that Clinton only leads by 3. Both of these polls surveyed within the past week. The other NJ polls showing Clinton up by double digits in NJ are from earlier in August when she was way ahead nationally so they probably don't reflect the recent move Trump has seen in the polls. The point here is, Trump may be putting states into play that no one expects and very few people are polling. Many of the non-swing states where Clinton is not running non-stop attack adds could get interesting.", '>>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : How much have you bet on Trump? I think you can get something like 3 to 1. Man, if you bet this you can send you kids to college with all that loot. Bet it today!', ">>{_Hopped_} : This isn't about them refusing to treat people because of who they are, it's that these doctors view this potentially fatal surgery as not worth the risk (quite correctly if you look up the suicide statistics post-surgery).", ">>{cbs_} : Reinstall the phone app? ಠ_ಠ If you're not willing to risk major bugs/data loss, you shouldn't be using iOS 10. Especially as a daily driver.", ">>{greatcaffeine} : Have you tried just restarting your phone to see if that helps? I'm not having any trouble launching the Phone app over here. If this continues to be a problem, make sure you submit feedback to Apple via the feedback app. I also have to echo what /u/cbs_ said - if you wanted to have any reasonable expectation of stability, you probably should've stuck with the stable release of iOS. New features are exciting and fun to play around with, but there's a good reason Apple hasn't already pushed iOS 10 to everyone at this point.", ">>{garrypig} : Yeah that's why we back it up. I only posted to see if anyone could come up with solutions. This isn't my first beta kid.", ">>{Sebetter} : ...why not just do a full backup now to your computer and then restore the OS and then recover on that backup? It's likely just an OS issue. Humour me.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_WRISTS_GIRL} : >Yeah that's why we back it up. If you've backed it up then what's the issue? Just revert to that and you're fine. Quit being a fucking condescending prick when you're here complaining about shit that makes you look like an amateur.", '>>{devlindigital} : FWIW - You posted in a general iPhone sub with "HELP" in all capitals in your post. 1. If you are seasoned at testing beta software you should know there are better places to report/resolve bug issues 2. You sound like someone who isn\'t versed in beta testing when you post to a sub like this with such an informal title to your post 3. You do come off as a dick when someone offers a reasoned response to what is a reasonable assumption about your experience based on your post and talk about how "this isn\'t your first beta" and patronize the other person by calling them "kid" 4. GET OVER YOURSELF', '>>{garrypig} : I did and the phone app still doesn\'t work. I\'m being condescending? The comment I replied to was condescending. The vibe of "Well you\'re in beta so expect problems" doesn\'t help in any way. Literally my fifth beta, and part of running betas is seeking solutions from the community, not discouraging the use of a beta.', '>>{garrypig} : 1. I\'ve reported it twice to Crapple (on 9.3.3 and 10pb3), gone into the genius bar, Apple Support forums, restored 3 times, posted to r/iosbeta. Weeks of waiting and nothing. Empathize here. 2. Only new to this sub. 5th time in beta, posted to r/iosbeta already 3. Okay yeah "kid" was pushing it, but the reply sounded condescending and didn\'t offer solutions. 4............................. 🤗', '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : >The point here is, Trump may be putting states into play that no one expects and very few people are polling Such as?', '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Fuck 3 to 1, bet Trump in New Jersey and you can get a much better payoff.', ">>{garrypig} : That's my other issue... it won't backup to iTunes and I have no idea why. I cleared up 40 gigs because I thought it could be a space issue. It's still possible and likely probable that I still need to clear up more space. Thanks for the suggestion", '>>{garrypig} : Sorry for the short reply. Many times doing that will fix most issues, but sadly not this one. I was excited to see PB5 yesterday because I had hoped that maybe they got my bug reports...nope, nada. Thanks for the suggestions', ">>{MatthewTenThirtyFour} : That's impossible. I was told that things like gay marriage and transgender policies wouldn't affect me.", ">>{Lutheritus} : I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather have the doctor that wants to do it, since you know they're probably the best at doing it. Why the hell would I want someone who doesn't want to do it and doesn't have that much experience with it.", '>>{_Hopped_} : >you should always be wary of human doctors That\'s exactly what these doctors here are saying: they don\'t want to perform this surgery in case they fuck up and kill the patient. This surgery isn\'t necessary and is potentially fatal, doctors swear an oath to "do no harm". People who receive this surgery don\'t show a reduction in long-term mortality compared with people who don\'t have it.', '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Sure, looks like about a 6:1 payout right now: https://www.predictit.org/Market/2281/Which-party-will-win-New-Jersey-in-the-2016-presidential-election', ">>{IslamicShibe} : You are on fire today. Hope you're at least having a good time commenting on every thread with that fake throwaway account. Some deep hatred right there.", ">>{stumblebreak} : If they accept federal funding then they are bound to the federal government rules. The doctors are allowed to refuse surgery if they believe it is unsafe, or unnecessary, but not because they don't like transgender people. Hypothetically, if a Jehovah Witness became a doctor, should they be allowed to refuse to treat you if you need a blood transfusion in an emergency situation?", '>>{treerat} : Title and article sound clickbaity, to fire up the religious reich. >“The only thing a doctor is obliged to do is treat all patients, including trans patients, with dignity and respect and to make treatment decisions free from bias,” Weiss said. “If a doctor has a sound, evidence-based, medical reason to delay transition care for a specific patient, that would be respected under the regulations.”', '>>{redroguetech} : > The doctors are allowed to refuse surgery if they believe it is unsafe, or unnecessary, but not because they don\'t like transgender people. [The article won\'t load for me.] Couldn\'t they refuse based on a lack of experience? Or, because they don\'t perform that surgery?? Let\'s say a plastic surgeon typically does facial reconstructions. How can they be "mandated" to provide mastectomies for cancer? Or, for that matter, if they do breast augmentation or reductions, how could they be mandated?', ">>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : The rule in question simply states that recipients of federal funds can't discriminate against people based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. So hospitals that receive federal funds can't refuse to treat a trans person, but nothing in the rule requires doctors to perform gender reassignment surgery.", ">>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : No it's not. The rule prohibits discrimination against trans people. It does not require doctors to perform any particular procedures.", '>>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : Are you on topic or just making personal comments? Please try to stick to the subject.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Unfortunately I'm not a gambling man, but I was actually quite tempted to put some money down in early August when the media was trying to convince people Trump would drop out any day.", '>>{RealRepub} : Rewound spend most of the money on themselves. And idiot trump will start WWIII. BOOM.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : What topic are you referencing by saying send in money to Trump? He was up in the latest Florida poll. Everything since then is essentially a national poll which means jack shit', ">>{redroguetech} : Seems they can't but now 5 states and ~~two~~ three religious organizations are suing to claim they can, but in order to say they can't.", '>>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : You have already been rude today. Not interested in talking to you.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : You mean responding on this one comment thread? Im sure 'following your around'. Nice chatting but I'd rather talk to more level headed folks anyway, bye.", '>>{redroguetech} : This is such bullshit. Here\'s the [filing](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/files/epress/Franciscan_Alliance_et_al_v._Burwell_et_al_-_Complaint_\\(Filed\\).pdf?cachebuster%3A95=&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=). What they are saying is that "medical professionals" as *state-run* facilities are being required to treat people irrespective of their "sex". While they are pointing at "hormone therapy, plastic surgery, hysterectomies, and gender reassignment surgery", this also hits directly at abortions, birth control, maternal care, and other such basic services. My *guess* is that a facility could come up with any number of legitimate reasons to not perform any of these procedures. They are suing to prevent the *facilities* from forcing their *employees* to perform their job. But, what they\'re really after, is allowing religious doctors to refuse providing care to certain people based on their religion (or whatever they feel like attributing to religion). edit: fixed link', '>>{Seanatronic} : There are none. Pretty much every real swing state is leaning blue. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo He\'s putting nothing "into play" that hasn\'t already been solidly red for decades.', ">>{_Hopped_} : > Forcing Them to Perform Gender Transition Procedures It's literally in the headline. Edit: and here is the full quote from the article >“The new mandate forces doctors to perform gender reassignment procedures on individuals including young children, even when those procedures may be physically and emotionally harmful and may violate the doctors’ faith and medical judgment,” Goodrich said. “These organizations care for transgender individuals all the time in lots of different respects but they cannot in good conscious or in their own medical judgment do procedures that would be harmful, so they felt like they had to get relief from the new regulation.”", '>>{Ikimasen} : (On the internet, if you want to stop talking to somebody, you just stop talking.)', '>>{stumblebreak} : >Couldn\'t they refuse based on a lack of experience? Or, because they don\'t perform that surgery?? A line from the article, "The only thing a doctor is obliged to do is treat all patients, including trans patients, with dignity and respect and to make treatment decisions free from bias,” Weiss said. “If a doctor has a sound, evidence-based, medical reason to delay transition care for a specific patient, that would be respected under the regulations." So if a doctor who regularly performs penile reconstructive surgery on men who have had accidents, refuse to do it on a transgender person only because they are transgendered then the Doctor would be breaking the law. If they can provide actually evidence on why they can\'t perform the surgery, maybe something like the patient is not strong enough to survive the surgery then they wouldn\'t be breaking the law.', ">>{_Hopped_} : >penile reconstructive surgery Except that's not the surgery being requested by the patient: the patient is requesting an elective penile *construction* (or an elective vaginoplasty).", ">>{Ikimasen} : Was I incivil? I feel like I've been polite in the two (now three) comments that I've made to you.", ">>{dakbon} : It's in the headline because daily signal has been opposed to non-discrimination rule since day 1. That's how they want to set the tone. Doesn't mean it's reflective of reality.", '>>{dakbon} : Well the issue was before the rule, some doctors just flat out refused to treat people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyra_Hunter', '>>{rockytheboxer} : If the doctor has **medical** reasons to refuse, the doctor can refuse. If they have *moral* reasons, they cannot. A doctor\'s personal opinion is immaterial, their medical opinion is what matters. It isn\'t really that difficult a concept. You can\'t refuse to operate or treat people because of who they are, that\'s discrimination. "I won\'t operate on you because you\'re transgender" should be precisely as as illegal as "I won\'t operate on you because you\'re black".', '>>{_Hopped_} : Which is not the topic of the article: >“The new mandate forces doctors to perform gender reassignment procedures on individuals including young children, even when those procedures may be physically and emotionally harmful and may violate the doctors’ faith and medical judgment,” Goodrich said. “These organizations care for transgender individuals all the time in lots of different respects but they cannot in good conscious or in their own medical judgment do procedures that would be harmful, so they felt like they had to get relief from the new regulation.”', '>>{WaltBush} : Gender transition procedures are not "emergencies" in the medical sense. When the procedure in question is elective, a doctor\'s refusal to perform imposes a much smaller burden on the patient.', ">>{rockytheboxer} : Right, that's what the lawsuit claims, that's not a fact. In the paragraph immediately following that was the paragraph OP posted: >“The only thing a doctor is obliged to do is treat all patients, including trans patients, with dignity and respect and to make treatment decisions free from bias,” Weiss said. “If a doctor has a sound, evidence-based, medical reason to delay transition care for a specific patient, that would be respected under the regulations.” So this lawsuit is and attempt at the same religious freedom tactic that Indiana, North Carolina and other states have put in place to keep treating people as second and third class citizens.", '>>{WaltBush} : A refusal to perform an elective hysterectomy is not really comparable to a refusal to provide emergency, lifesaving medical care.', ">>{_Hopped_} : >that's not a fact That's what the lawsuit will determine. Elective procedures are already a grey area for doctors, elective procedures which [don't decrease long term mortality](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885) are ethically indefensible for doctors to perform.", '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : My point is that the headline and article are incorrect.', '>>{_Hopped_} : Which is not up to you to decide, but a court of law.', '>>{the_other_50_percent} : Suicide rate for trans people is much lower after surgery than before.', ">>{Arthrawn} : Oh, well let's just assumed you're right then? OK.", ">>{Arthrawn} : they don't. Unless you consider looking at a gay wedding or reading this article affecting you", '>>{_Hopped_} : [Page 16](http://www.thetaskforce.org/static_html/downloads/reports/reports/ntds_report_on_health.pdf), and this is from the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. >Those who have medically transitioned (45%) and surgically transitioned (43%) have higher rates of attempted suicide than those who have not (34% and 39% respectively).', '>>{rockytheboxer} : Except that the lawsuit specifically brings faith into the equation. Doctors can already refuse surgery if they can provide evidence that indicates the surgery or procedure is too dangerous to perform using medicine as a basis.', ">>{rockytheboxer} : Are you seriously suggesting that a doctor cannot refuse to perform a procedure currently with evidence? Because if so, that's a fundamental misunderstanding of how the practice of medicine works and has worked in this country for a long time.", ">>{the_other_50_percent} : There is no distinction between individuals who wish for surgical transition or not, so that's not a useful statistic. ETA: The **study** does not separate out individuals who wish or do not wish for surgical intervention, so the numbers are not useful. People who do not wish for surgical transition are OK with being pre-op. People who wish for surgical transition and are denied it are far more prone to depression and suicidal thoughts.", '>>{WaltBush} : The stat you provided - "Suicide rate for trans people is much lower after surgery than before" - also did not make a distinction. Perhaps you should provide your source, so we can see whether there are any other important distinctions.', ">>{Arthrawn} : Then he has to treat all customers equally as the orders actually state? I guess that affects your lives. Sorry you can't discriminate.", '>>{_Hopped_} : Sure there is: [Blair White](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmCBKaKOtOrEqgsL4-3C8Q) trans-woman, does not wish to surgically transition and is instead content with hormones.', ">>{the_other_50_percent} : Of course there is a distinction, and it's huge - sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant, that study does not make a distinction between individuals who wish for surgical intervention and those who do not, which means the results are not informative."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{des0lar} : >The increasing likelihood that Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia are out of reach heightens the urgency for the Republican nominee to win those still-competitive states — and to recapture steam in Pennsylvania, where he once looked formidable but now trails by 10 points, according to POLITICO’s Battleground States polling average.', ">>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : What does this mean for you? This means it is time to send money to your Ding Dong Daddy Donnie. Send him more money than you are comfortable with giving. Send a thousand dollars. Send the whole $2,700 if you have a real job. Just Google up Donnie's web site and SEND IN YOUR MONEY. Do you want to win or not?", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : In Politico's desperate attempt to spin the fact that Trump has closed the gap and we now have an essentially even race, they are missing something big. While the political class is focused on the traditional swing states that tend to decide normal elections, they're ignoring other states that could play a role in this very abnormal election. A new set of The [Emerson College State Polls] (http://www.theecps.com/) released yesterday shows Clinton leading by only 3 in Rhode Island and by only 4 in NJ. Now before you write this off as a fluke. If you look at the [Google Consumer Survey](https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/#/org//reporting/0B29GVb5ISrT0TGk1TW5tVF9Ed2M/page/GsS) polling data and filter it to just NJ, you will see that Clinton only leads by 3. Both of these polls surveyed within the past week. The other NJ polls showing Clinton up by double digits in NJ are from earlier in August when she was way ahead nationally so they probably don't reflect the recent move Trump has seen in the polls. The point here is, Trump may be putting states into play that no one expects and very few people are polling. Many of the non-swing states where Clinton is not running non-stop attack adds could get interesting.", '>>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : How much have you bet on Trump? I think you can get something like 3 to 1. Man, if you bet this you can send you kids to college with all that loot. Bet it today!', '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : >The point here is, Trump may be putting states into play that no one expects and very few people are polling Such as?', '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Fuck 3 to 1, bet Trump in New Jersey and you can get a much better payoff.', '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Sure, looks like about a 6:1 payout right now: https://www.predictit.org/Market/2281/Which-party-will-win-New-Jersey-in-the-2016-presidential-election', ">>{IslamicShibe} : You are on fire today. Hope you're at least having a good time commenting on every thread with that fake throwaway account. Some deep hatred right there.", '>>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : Are you on topic or just making personal comments? Please try to stick to the subject.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Unfortunately I'm not a gambling man, but I was actually quite tempted to put some money down in early August when the media was trying to convince people Trump would drop out any day.", '>>{RealRepub} : Rewound spend most of the money on themselves. And idiot trump will start WWIII. BOOM.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : What topic are you referencing by saying send in money to Trump? He was up in the latest Florida poll. Everything since then is essentially a national poll which means jack shit', '>>{BuggeringDonnieAgain} : You have already been rude today. Not interested in talking to you.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : You mean responding on this one comment thread? Im sure 'following your around'. Nice chatting but I'd rather talk to more level headed folks anyway, bye.", '>>{Seanatronic} : There are none. Pretty much every real swing state is leaning blue. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo He\'s putting nothing "into play" that hasn\'t already been solidly red for decades.', '>>{Ikimasen} : (On the internet, if you want to stop talking to somebody, you just stop talking.)', ">>{Ikimasen} : Was I incivil? I feel like I've been polite in the two (now three) comments that I've made to you."], [">>{Overwatcher2} : If you are a doctor you should be performing on anyone no matter who they are. I've had friends treat Nazi sympathisers", ">>{Overwatcher2} : Their medical judgement != what's actually for the best. Human doctors perform worse than IBM's diagnosing bot on average. Honestly with how quickly medicine is outdated you should always be wary of human doctors.", '>>{TheStrongestRhino} : You cant but now they have to because the lefties say so! So much for freedom', ">>{_Hopped_} : This isn't about them refusing to treat people because of who they are, it's that these doctors view this potentially fatal surgery as not worth the risk (quite correctly if you look up the suicide statistics post-surgery).", ">>{MatthewTenThirtyFour} : That's impossible. I was told that things like gay marriage and transgender policies wouldn't affect me.", ">>{Lutheritus} : I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather have the doctor that wants to do it, since you know they're probably the best at doing it. Why the hell would I want someone who doesn't want to do it and doesn't have that much experience with it.", '>>{_Hopped_} : >you should always be wary of human doctors That\'s exactly what these doctors here are saying: they don\'t want to perform this surgery in case they fuck up and kill the patient. This surgery isn\'t necessary and is potentially fatal, doctors swear an oath to "do no harm". People who receive this surgery don\'t show a reduction in long-term mortality compared with people who don\'t have it.', ">>{stumblebreak} : If they accept federal funding then they are bound to the federal government rules. The doctors are allowed to refuse surgery if they believe it is unsafe, or unnecessary, but not because they don't like transgender people. Hypothetically, if a Jehovah Witness became a doctor, should they be allowed to refuse to treat you if you need a blood transfusion in an emergency situation?", '>>{treerat} : Title and article sound clickbaity, to fire up the religious reich. >“The only thing a doctor is obliged to do is treat all patients, including trans patients, with dignity and respect and to make treatment decisions free from bias,” Weiss said. “If a doctor has a sound, evidence-based, medical reason to delay transition care for a specific patient, that would be respected under the regulations.”', '>>{redroguetech} : > The doctors are allowed to refuse surgery if they believe it is unsafe, or unnecessary, but not because they don\'t like transgender people. [The article won\'t load for me.] Couldn\'t they refuse based on a lack of experience? Or, because they don\'t perform that surgery?? Let\'s say a plastic surgeon typically does facial reconstructions. How can they be "mandated" to provide mastectomies for cancer? Or, for that matter, if they do breast augmentation or reductions, how could they be mandated?', ">>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : The rule in question simply states that recipients of federal funds can't discriminate against people based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. So hospitals that receive federal funds can't refuse to treat a trans person, but nothing in the rule requires doctors to perform gender reassignment surgery.", ">>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : No it's not. The rule prohibits discrimination against trans people. It does not require doctors to perform any particular procedures.", ">>{redroguetech} : Seems they can't but now 5 states and ~~two~~ three religious organizations are suing to claim they can, but in order to say they can't.", '>>{redroguetech} : This is such bullshit. Here\'s the [filing](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/files/epress/Franciscan_Alliance_et_al_v._Burwell_et_al_-_Complaint_\\(Filed\\).pdf?cachebuster%3A95=&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=). What they are saying is that "medical professionals" as *state-run* facilities are being required to treat people irrespective of their "sex". While they are pointing at "hormone therapy, plastic surgery, hysterectomies, and gender reassignment surgery", this also hits directly at abortions, birth control, maternal care, and other such basic services. My *guess* is that a facility could come up with any number of legitimate reasons to not perform any of these procedures. They are suing to prevent the *facilities* from forcing their *employees* to perform their job. But, what they\'re really after, is allowing religious doctors to refuse providing care to certain people based on their religion (or whatever they feel like attributing to religion). edit: fixed link', ">>{_Hopped_} : > Forcing Them to Perform Gender Transition Procedures It's literally in the headline. Edit: and here is the full quote from the article >“The new mandate forces doctors to perform gender reassignment procedures on individuals including young children, even when those procedures may be physically and emotionally harmful and may violate the doctors’ faith and medical judgment,” Goodrich said. “These organizations care for transgender individuals all the time in lots of different respects but they cannot in good conscious or in their own medical judgment do procedures that would be harmful, so they felt like they had to get relief from the new regulation.”", '>>{stumblebreak} : >Couldn\'t they refuse based on a lack of experience? Or, because they don\'t perform that surgery?? A line from the article, "The only thing a doctor is obliged to do is treat all patients, including trans patients, with dignity and respect and to make treatment decisions free from bias,” Weiss said. “If a doctor has a sound, evidence-based, medical reason to delay transition care for a specific patient, that would be respected under the regulations." So if a doctor who regularly performs penile reconstructive surgery on men who have had accidents, refuse to do it on a transgender person only because they are transgendered then the Doctor would be breaking the law. If they can provide actually evidence on why they can\'t perform the surgery, maybe something like the patient is not strong enough to survive the surgery then they wouldn\'t be breaking the law.', ">>{_Hopped_} : >penile reconstructive surgery Except that's not the surgery being requested by the patient: the patient is requesting an elective penile *construction* (or an elective vaginoplasty).", ">>{dakbon} : It's in the headline because daily signal has been opposed to non-discrimination rule since day 1. That's how they want to set the tone. Doesn't mean it's reflective of reality.", '>>{dakbon} : Well the issue was before the rule, some doctors just flat out refused to treat people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyra_Hunter', '>>{rockytheboxer} : If the doctor has **medical** reasons to refuse, the doctor can refuse. If they have *moral* reasons, they cannot. A doctor\'s personal opinion is immaterial, their medical opinion is what matters. It isn\'t really that difficult a concept. You can\'t refuse to operate or treat people because of who they are, that\'s discrimination. "I won\'t operate on you because you\'re transgender" should be precisely as as illegal as "I won\'t operate on you because you\'re black".', '>>{_Hopped_} : Which is not the topic of the article: >“The new mandate forces doctors to perform gender reassignment procedures on individuals including young children, even when those procedures may be physically and emotionally harmful and may violate the doctors’ faith and medical judgment,” Goodrich said. “These organizations care for transgender individuals all the time in lots of different respects but they cannot in good conscious or in their own medical judgment do procedures that would be harmful, so they felt like they had to get relief from the new regulation.”', '>>{WaltBush} : Gender transition procedures are not "emergencies" in the medical sense. When the procedure in question is elective, a doctor\'s refusal to perform imposes a much smaller burden on the patient.', ">>{rockytheboxer} : Right, that's what the lawsuit claims, that's not a fact. In the paragraph immediately following that was the paragraph OP posted: >“The only thing a doctor is obliged to do is treat all patients, including trans patients, with dignity and respect and to make treatment decisions free from bias,” Weiss said. “If a doctor has a sound, evidence-based, medical reason to delay transition care for a specific patient, that would be respected under the regulations.” So this lawsuit is and attempt at the same religious freedom tactic that Indiana, North Carolina and other states have put in place to keep treating people as second and third class citizens.", '>>{WaltBush} : A refusal to perform an elective hysterectomy is not really comparable to a refusal to provide emergency, lifesaving medical care.', ">>{_Hopped_} : >that's not a fact That's what the lawsuit will determine. Elective procedures are already a grey area for doctors, elective procedures which [don't decrease long term mortality](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885) are ethically indefensible for doctors to perform.", '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : My point is that the headline and article are incorrect.', '>>{_Hopped_} : Which is not up to you to decide, but a court of law.', '>>{the_other_50_percent} : Suicide rate for trans people is much lower after surgery than before.', ">>{Arthrawn} : Oh, well let's just assumed you're right then? OK.", ">>{Arthrawn} : they don't. Unless you consider looking at a gay wedding or reading this article affecting you", '>>{_Hopped_} : [Page 16](http://www.thetaskforce.org/static_html/downloads/reports/reports/ntds_report_on_health.pdf), and this is from the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. >Those who have medically transitioned (45%) and surgically transitioned (43%) have higher rates of attempted suicide than those who have not (34% and 39% respectively).', '>>{rockytheboxer} : Except that the lawsuit specifically brings faith into the equation. Doctors can already refuse surgery if they can provide evidence that indicates the surgery or procedure is too dangerous to perform using medicine as a basis.', ">>{rockytheboxer} : Are you seriously suggesting that a doctor cannot refuse to perform a procedure currently with evidence? Because if so, that's a fundamental misunderstanding of how the practice of medicine works and has worked in this country for a long time.", ">>{the_other_50_percent} : There is no distinction between individuals who wish for surgical transition or not, so that's not a useful statistic. ETA: The **study** does not separate out individuals who wish or do not wish for surgical intervention, so the numbers are not useful. People who do not wish for surgical transition are OK with being pre-op. People who wish for surgical transition and are denied it are far more prone to depression and suicidal thoughts.", '>>{WaltBush} : The stat you provided - "Suicide rate for trans people is much lower after surgery than before" - also did not make a distinction. Perhaps you should provide your source, so we can see whether there are any other important distinctions.', ">>{Arthrawn} : Then he has to treat all customers equally as the orders actually state? I guess that affects your lives. Sorry you can't discriminate.", '>>{_Hopped_} : Sure there is: [Blair White](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmCBKaKOtOrEqgsL4-3C8Q) trans-woman, does not wish to surgically transition and is instead content with hormones.', ">>{the_other_50_percent} : Of course there is a distinction, and it's huge - sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant, that study does not make a distinction between individuals who wish for surgical intervention and those who do not, which means the results are not informative."], [">>{garrypig} : HELP! I am Running iOS 10 Beta 5 and my phone app won't launch. iTunes also won't backup since I'm on 10", ">>{cbs_} : Reinstall the phone app? ಠ_ಠ If you're not willing to risk major bugs/data loss, you shouldn't be using iOS 10. Especially as a daily driver.", ">>{greatcaffeine} : Have you tried just restarting your phone to see if that helps? I'm not having any trouble launching the Phone app over here. If this continues to be a problem, make sure you submit feedback to Apple via the feedback app. I also have to echo what /u/cbs_ said - if you wanted to have any reasonable expectation of stability, you probably should've stuck with the stable release of iOS. New features are exciting and fun to play around with, but there's a good reason Apple hasn't already pushed iOS 10 to everyone at this point.", ">>{garrypig} : Yeah that's why we back it up. I only posted to see if anyone could come up with solutions. This isn't my first beta kid.", ">>{Sebetter} : ...why not just do a full backup now to your computer and then restore the OS and then recover on that backup? It's likely just an OS issue. Humour me.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_WRISTS_GIRL} : >Yeah that's why we back it up. If you've backed it up then what's the issue? Just revert to that and you're fine. Quit being a fucking condescending prick when you're here complaining about shit that makes you look like an amateur.", '>>{devlindigital} : FWIW - You posted in a general iPhone sub with "HELP" in all capitals in your post. 1. If you are seasoned at testing beta software you should know there are better places to report/resolve bug issues 2. You sound like someone who isn\'t versed in beta testing when you post to a sub like this with such an informal title to your post 3. You do come off as a dick when someone offers a reasoned response to what is a reasonable assumption about your experience based on your post and talk about how "this isn\'t your first beta" and patronize the other person by calling them "kid" 4. GET OVER YOURSELF', '>>{garrypig} : I did and the phone app still doesn\'t work. I\'m being condescending? The comment I replied to was condescending. The vibe of "Well you\'re in beta so expect problems" doesn\'t help in any way. Literally my fifth beta, and part of running betas is seeking solutions from the community, not discouraging the use of a beta.', '>>{garrypig} : 1. I\'ve reported it twice to Crapple (on 9.3.3 and 10pb3), gone into the genius bar, Apple Support forums, restored 3 times, posted to r/iosbeta. Weeks of waiting and nothing. Empathize here. 2. Only new to this sub. 5th time in beta, posted to r/iosbeta already 3. Okay yeah "kid" was pushing it, but the reply sounded condescending and didn\'t offer solutions. 4............................. 🤗', ">>{garrypig} : That's my other issue... it won't backup to iTunes and I have no idea why. I cleared up 40 gigs because I thought it could be a space issue. It's still possible and likely probable that I still need to clear up more space. Thanks for the suggestion", '>>{garrypig} : Sorry for the short reply. Many times doing that will fix most issues, but sadly not this one. I was excited to see PB5 yesterday because I had hoped that maybe they got my bug reports...nope, nada. Thanks for the suggestions']]
classify and reply
['>>{Fawnedisc} : Ann Coulter said there was one thing Trump could do to lose her support — and he just did it', '>>{Kuro207} : Can we stop caring what this puerile troll says about anything?', ">>{soccerplaya71} : First of all.. it says something when flaming crazy nut cake Ann Coulter can't even support you. And why the fuck do we give her press by talking about her", '>>{pramoni} : Will wonders never cease--great news, go Donald. LOL', ">>{dipsetbiatch} : She has no integrity so it won't affect her choice", '>>{Just1morefix} : Unfortunately we will all have to wait for early November before his sell-by date lapses and he is cleared from the shelves.', ">>{TheRealDL} : She's already retcon-ed her story and is trying to save her book sales.", ">>{Veniabiit} : Since I don't like clickbait, let me guess: Educating people, because that would stop them from buying her nonsense? Since I'm pretty sure he didn't do that, what else could it be?", '>>{mbillion} : Honestly I think she is right. I am a liberal and I will vote democrat but the one thing I could agree with trump on is the need for strong border security.', '>>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Kinda funny considering Trump just admitted the current policies are working and illegal immigration is down nationwide, would you be happy playing ["Papers Please"](http://papersplea.se/) and just needlessly hassling *imaginary* people?', '>>{a-big-fat-meatball} : Spoiler alert; she told him to stop borrowing her size XXL gloves because he always brings them back damp and orange-tinted.', ">>{Enderkr} : TIL puerile is a word. Edit: WTF, downvotes because I've never heard a word before? Nice.", ">>{mbillion} : Make no mistake about it - Obama's incredibly strict and expensive border program is needlessly hassling tons of very real people. You think the system as it exists now is ok? to lure mexicans across the border in the hands of the Mexican Mafia for the hopes of a better life? you are really okay with that? you are okay with millions of people living in fear within our borders that want nothing more than an american life. Saying that you agree with trump that the system is working is beyond fucked up", '>>{twist3d7} : [She is not well liked.](http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ann%20Coulter)', ">>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Actually I'm arguing against your stance that we need strict border security in the first place.", ">>{davoisine} : Uuuummm.... He didn't change his policy Contrary to the gleeful imagination of the left", ">>{arnaudh} : It's never been stronger. But building a wall from the Pacific to the Gulf is just retarded.", ">>{lalondtm} : Now we'll see if she has bigger balls than Paul Ryan", ">>{xentendo} : When the reason she can't support you is that you're not being crazy enough, I don't think that's a real criticism.", ">>{twistedcheshire} : Oh please, we know damned well that she'll still Follow & Swallow. Little Mrs. ManCooter can go spread her yeasty hate elsewhere.", ">>{thejaga} : It was just sarcasm, how do people not get that? He wasn't serious about not deporting 11 million people. Can't people take a joke about mass deportations? Jeez", ">>{liberationation} : Do they want to be nation built? Because that's how you get nation built…", ">>{snookums} : Sorry, but no. We can't stop caring what he says until he loses.", ">>{Whackjob-KSP} : Huh. TIL Ann Coulter is still alive. I figured she OD'd on diet pills or something. Or those freakish hands of hers gained sentience and strangled her to death during her sleep.", '>>{kperkins1982} : who the hell cares about what this bitch says, she is the nastiest person alive she is the 1 person equivalent of a female WBC']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Fawnedisc} : Ann Coulter said there was one thing Trump could do to lose her support — and he just did it', '>>{Kuro207} : Can we stop caring what this puerile troll says about anything?', ">>{soccerplaya71} : First of all.. it says something when flaming crazy nut cake Ann Coulter can't even support you. And why the fuck do we give her press by talking about her", '>>{pramoni} : Will wonders never cease--great news, go Donald. LOL', ">>{dipsetbiatch} : She has no integrity so it won't affect her choice", '>>{Just1morefix} : Unfortunately we will all have to wait for early November before his sell-by date lapses and he is cleared from the shelves.', ">>{TheRealDL} : She's already retcon-ed her story and is trying to save her book sales.", ">>{Veniabiit} : Since I don't like clickbait, let me guess: Educating people, because that would stop them from buying her nonsense? Since I'm pretty sure he didn't do that, what else could it be?", '>>{mbillion} : Honestly I think she is right. I am a liberal and I will vote democrat but the one thing I could agree with trump on is the need for strong border security.', '>>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Kinda funny considering Trump just admitted the current policies are working and illegal immigration is down nationwide, would you be happy playing ["Papers Please"](http://papersplea.se/) and just needlessly hassling *imaginary* people?', '>>{a-big-fat-meatball} : Spoiler alert; she told him to stop borrowing her size XXL gloves because he always brings them back damp and orange-tinted.', ">>{Enderkr} : TIL puerile is a word. Edit: WTF, downvotes because I've never heard a word before? Nice.", ">>{mbillion} : Make no mistake about it - Obama's incredibly strict and expensive border program is needlessly hassling tons of very real people. You think the system as it exists now is ok? to lure mexicans across the border in the hands of the Mexican Mafia for the hopes of a better life? you are really okay with that? you are okay with millions of people living in fear within our borders that want nothing more than an american life. Saying that you agree with trump that the system is working is beyond fucked up", '>>{twist3d7} : [She is not well liked.](http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ann%20Coulter)', ">>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Actually I'm arguing against your stance that we need strict border security in the first place.", ">>{davoisine} : Uuuummm.... He didn't change his policy Contrary to the gleeful imagination of the left", ">>{arnaudh} : It's never been stronger. But building a wall from the Pacific to the Gulf is just retarded.", ">>{lalondtm} : Now we'll see if she has bigger balls than Paul Ryan", ">>{xentendo} : When the reason she can't support you is that you're not being crazy enough, I don't think that's a real criticism.", ">>{twistedcheshire} : Oh please, we know damned well that she'll still Follow & Swallow. Little Mrs. ManCooter can go spread her yeasty hate elsewhere.", ">>{thejaga} : It was just sarcasm, how do people not get that? He wasn't serious about not deporting 11 million people. Can't people take a joke about mass deportations? Jeez", ">>{liberationation} : Do they want to be nation built? Because that's how you get nation built…", ">>{snookums} : Sorry, but no. We can't stop caring what he says until he loses.", ">>{Whackjob-KSP} : Huh. TIL Ann Coulter is still alive. I figured she OD'd on diet pills or something. Or those freakish hands of hers gained sentience and strangled her to death during her sleep.", '>>{kperkins1982} : who the hell cares about what this bitch says, she is the nastiest person alive she is the 1 person equivalent of a female WBC']]
classify and reply
['>>{Crisis99} : What are some good iOS games that are now totally busted or cannot be installed anymore?', ">>{MortWellian} : Speier on Nunes controversy: 'Absolutely convinced it started in the Oval Office'", '>>{MortWellian} : > Rep. Jackie Speier, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Saturday she is “absolutely convinced” the White House generated the bizarre scenario that has embroiled committee chair Rep. Devin Nunes -— in which he reportedly obtained information from administration officials regarding foreign surveillance of Trump campaign officials, and then presented it to the president. > "I am absolutely convinced it started in the Oval Office,\'\' said Speier (D-Calif.) of what she called the resulting "wild goose chase" in the three weeks since President Donald Trump launched an unfounded tweet accusing former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. > “There’s no question in my mind that the president, with the aid of his national security adviser staff, came up with some kind of a ruse to try and suggest there was some kind of validity” to his accusation, which has been debunked by intelligence officials, Speier said after a town-hall event in which she and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul examined Russia-Trump connections.', '>>{slaysia} : Pelosi: Ryan must reconvene House to debate Syria strikes', '>>{Leadback} : Probably a good time to debate a new AUMF for the Islamic State as well.', '>>{thewholedamnplanet} : What and have all those Republicans say the exact opposite of what they said when Obama wanted to blow up Syria?', '>>{Zerowantuthri} : Trump Promises to Deal With North Korea ‘Very Strongly’', ">>{JFizDaWiz} : I've wanted to play The Act so bad and was so pissed to find it was gone when I switched to iPhone.", '>>{DAKINGINDAFLOOR} : He\'s going to put them "ON NOTICE". Whatever the fuck that means.', ">>{Ted_Boiler_Maker} : The dominoes are all falling in line. Every detail leads to another explosive revelation. The question now is how does Trump leave office. I imagine he'll burn the whole place down with everyone in it.", ">>{-dont-panic} : It's strong language. I hope it's because of actual evidence and not hyperbole, especially coming from a member of an intelligence committee.", ">>{DPlaintiff} : Plus I'm sure the freedom caucus is going to be thrilled with another war.", ">>{ep29} : This is just in reference to the mud wrestling they're gonna do.", '>>{mafco} : Hypocrisy has never been a problem for Republicans. Lying either.', ">>{Nietzsche_Peachy} : I'm really hoping for the scene from Shawshank where they're coming for the warden.", '>>{mikes94} : McConnell actually just came out and said he supported it.', '>>{007meow} : I wish the Dems would play back audio recordings of GOP comments or read off transcripts of what they said in the past and have them address it. Not just in this case, but in all of their clearly double standards issues.', '>>{JDeppel} : Wasn\'t necessarily a "great" game, but everyone definitely remembers the rage surrounding Flappy Bird.', '>>{blakenator95} : Call of duty: zombies, I loved this when it actually worked!', ">>{coffeeisking} : But What other explanation for those specific strange events can there be? What else could fit? And if they were less shady events, why hasn't Nunes explained it?", ">>{rr777} : He talks like Zoolander would talk. It's just I like Zoolander.", ">>{Christiano_Donaldo} : just airlift them 100 tons of wheats and grains and they'll go away for another year.", ">>{yankeesyes} : As long as he doesn't draw a line in the sand, which is bad because reasons and such as.", '>>{Mawontalk} : How about reconvening the House to impeach Trump and get him out of power? Will that be part of the debates, because it should be the lead item on the agenda?', '>>{thewholedamnplanet} : Or they can look at [Expressing the sense of Congress that the President is prohibited under the Constitution from initiating war against Syria without express congressional authorization and the appropriation of funds for the express purpose of waging such a war.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/40).', ">>{-dont-panic} : I haven't the foggiest idea, personally. But what I think may have happened doesn't really matter because I'm not on any intelligence committee nor am I privy to any of the relevant intelligence. All I'm saying is that I really hope this representative is sure because of evidence they've seen and not because they have some sort of gut feeling about how things will turn out. I'm sick of getting my hopes up for nothing, okay? :-P", '>>{udbettarecognize} : now now, that doesn\'t sound very "american first" of you! /s', '>>{pegothejerk} : He supports literally everything any Republican does, and hates everything all Democrats do.', '>>{sendnudesb} : Is there no way of side loading on an iPhone? (android guy here)', ">>{JDeppel} : You can if you're jailbroken. If not, there are apparently some ways to do it, but they're incredibly janky as far as I know. iOS has never been known for its openness. That's really the only thing I miss from my Android days.", ">>{IPeedOnTrumpAMA} : I can't stand the man but I really really don't want that imagery in history books.", ">>{Trump_Lies_Matter} : They don't. Neocons are on both sides of the aisle.", ">>{moby323} : Serious question: Aside from military action, *what else can we do*? I mean aren't they already an international pariah? Are there any *more* sanctions we could impose? I mean, other than continue to put pressure on China (which in some ways helps prop up the regime) what can we actually do?", '>>{topper_reppot} : Republicans could take a dump on his wife and he would support it.', ">>{erotic_jesus} : Shouldn't there be some leniency since they both hate Arec Barwin?", ">>{sendnudesb} : Thanks for the reply. trying to learn up on ios before jumping into one and there's a big learning curve.", '>>{janzeera} : Whenever Trump talks like this I get a vision of John Belushi and the pirate sketch.', ">>{JDeppel} : You'll be fine. Just have to get used to things being in different locations, which can be frustrating. Odd thing is, if you're heavily invested in Google services, the apps on iOS often perform better.", ">>{Bozzzzzzz} : You don't think I know what a eugoogly is?", '>>{Selling4Life} : It is possible without jailbreaking. Check this sub r/sideloaded', '>>{craftymethod} : Man that Uber driver would have had one he\'ll of a story. "We\'re not going to 21st Street, take me to the Whitehouse! "', ">>{gingerblz} : When you're toolbox is only filled with guns and hyperbolic rhetoric, assume the plan involves using these tools.", ">>{sneakpeekbot} : **Here's a sneak peek of [/r/sideloaded](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded) using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time!** \\#1: [\\[Upcoming\\] PokemonGoAnywhere available for sideload!](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/4s5xam/upcoming_pokemongoanywhere_available_for_sideload/) \\#2: [Our next venture: sideloaded store?](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/5291ax/our_next_venture_sideloaded_store/) \\#3: [\\[Guide\\] iPAStore - A guide for new users](https://reddit.com/r/sideloaded/wiki/ipastore) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/4n913f/guide_ipastore_a_guide_for_new_users/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/)", '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : Ignore them---NK only acts up when they want something. China is the only reason NK exists today.', '>>{Real_God_} : He has attacked two sovereign countries without congress approval. Sounds like impeach material to me.', '>>{TrumpImpeachedInJuly} : The house passing up one of their many vacations... yea, good luck with that.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : And this is why Trump bent the knee to China on Taiwan.', ">>{rebo} : It's not the crime it's the cover up. Well actually this time it's both.", '>>{gizzardgullet} : Haha Repubs will probably agree to it becasue they don\'t want to go home to face their constitutes about the failed repeal. "Sorry guys, these dang Democrats want us to stay in Washington. Shoot! Maybe next time. Democrats amirite?"', '>>{TheBreakRoom} : Fun Fact: The citizens of North Korea are told that the food the United States sends as assistance are sent because we fear the "Dear Leader" of N.K. and send it out of terror. This isn\'t a regime that can be "dealt" with. Especially with the Trump strategies.', '>>{SpearNmagicHelmet} : Here comes a strongly worded, misspelled, tweet.', ">>{-tfs-} : They're gonna be watching themselves now, they wouldn't want to turn that into a Tripple Notice.", '>>{Scoutandabout} : Did Trump state that before the appetizer service or during the dessert setting, while dining in the Mar-A-Lago Resort Public Hall ?', ">>{jonnytaco86} : Can't say I disagree with this going to congress. Using a 15+ year piece of legislation focused on going after terrorist groups is a bit of a stretch imo...", ">>{lillylenore} : First of all, 🔥🔥🔥 Second of all, fuck, goddammit, shit, you're right. And with our luck, he'll live to 150 like one of those Galapagos Island turtles.", ">>{DAKINGINDAFLOOR} : No but I don't want Donald making idle threats that mean nothing either. To me, this is this same as his tweet responding to the 9th Circuit Court decision last week. Just a load of hot air that's utterly meaningless and childish.", '>>{One_Korea} : No, Donald. You can\'t "deal" with North Korea. What are you going to do? Anything that you do in your typical way will just reaffirm what the North Korea government tells its citizens: that the United States is an imperialist enemy hell bent on imposing its ways upon the Korean people. Being South Korean, if there\'s one issue which I have taken personally with Trump, it\'s how he would react to North Korea. My home city is only seventy miles from the border. And frankly, I don\'t trust Donny ONE BIT when it comes to not pushing North Korea. Sorry Donny, you can\'t bully North Korea. You can\'t threaten them. You can\'t "big-talk" them. North Korea doesn\'t care that you "won bigly" or that you "know the best people, the BEST people" or that you "know more than the generals."', ">>{pikhq} : Pretty sure you answered the question. There's not much we can do to them directly, just talk with China.", '>>{verbose_gent} : They need to suspend all off their vacations until we get to the bottom of the russian attack on our democracy. This is insanity. Start an independent investigation so they can do it full time instead of a few hours a day 2 days a week.', ">>{verbose_gent} : A foreign power went to war with our democracy and congress doesn't care. That's impeachable too.", ">>{StaticVulture} : You did this as a post not a reply. However, I know who you're replying to. McConnell doesn't want to reconvene because he probably has to go lay his eggs at that beach they all go to.", '>>{sinnerbenkei} : They find it amusing, watch McConnel being questioned about the treatment of Garland, he literally just laughs until the intervewer just drops it.', ">>{farmtownsuit} : I don't even know if you can qualify that as laughing. It was more like he was trying to make the sounds his turtle over lords have taught him correspond with human laughter.", '>>{farmtownsuit} : Because beneath his turtle skin is more than flesh Mr. Lillylenore. Beneath his turtle skin is hatred and hypocrisy, and hatred and hypocrisy are bullet proof.', ">>{farmtownsuit} : Hey man, they only get like 18 of them a year, they can't be expected to just forfeit one.", ">>{DrogoBaggins} : Ummm...no it isn't? The president must seek approval for a declaration of war from Congress. If congress wants to stick their thumbs up their ass and vote no, that's hardly unconstitutional.", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : And his father, ffs. That was some batshit, right there.', ">>{hammerklau} : It happens alot in the Westminster System, often they'll lead with question giver: 'does the right honorable _____ stand by all his statements' Prime Minister: 'yes in the context they were given' question giver:'supplemental question' speaker: 'granted' question giver: 'on the Xth of the X you said X, please explain why when it contradicts X' etc. Is the US system similar? Or is it more directed at a topic. Example: [Question in New Zealand Parliment directly to a Member!]( https://youtu.be/QvcYGT9Ki3U)", '>>{BeadyEyed123} : How does Paul Ryan stand up straight when Trump has possession of his spine?', ">>{BeadyEyed123} : Yup. (I'm cussing and breaking things in my mind right now because I hate just how true of a statement this is.)", ">>{CENTRAL_SCREWTINIZER} : Ted Cruz never fails to surprise me with exactly how low he'll go", ">>{Graymouzer} : Whether it's a good idea to attack Syria or not, doesn't the president need to get approval from Congress before starting a war? Launching missiles at a foreign country's armed forces seems like an act of war to me. I thought that was why Obama sought approval before acting.", ">>{tal125} : But he won't because he supports everything that the Republicans do.", '>>{Mr_Mouthbreather} : Over here, we just blame Hillary and Mexicans.', '>>{res0nat0r} : I really wish mainstream reporters would start being assholes to this prick. I watched that interview last weekend with Chuck Todd, they need to start drilling the shit out of him making him squirm until he gives a non bullshit answer.', ">>{res0nat0r} : Like that matters anymore. Thanks to the AUMF they'll allow bombs anywhere for any reason.", ">>{oldpythonbestpython} : Here we just grandstand and holler at each other, then vote however your base's philosophy dictates no matter what is said.", '>>{AvatarJack} : Over here they just call it fake news and the people who supported them eat it up and the people who were already against them continue being against them and nothing changes.', '>>{Poor_Norm} : I used to hate Chuck Todd about a decade ago. Watching him on Meet the Press has been a joy. The way he goes "uh huh...uh huh...uh huh..." in a loud and interjecting manner when getting longwinded BS answers from people on both sides of the aisle is gold. I don\'t know if he\'s developed into a solid agitator or if I finally just started appreciating it.', ">>{AmWerewolfInParis} : I wish this as well. I think many members of the press are conscious of the fact that, if they push too hard, many people will view it as badgering and it will play right in to the hands of politicians that want to demonize the media. Still, I wish they'd show more of a backbone. And of course, ideally, more of the public would take notice of when a politician is obviously giving non-answers to questions, and WE would be the ones to hold that against them.", '>>{halo00to14} : A "police action" is not an act of war...', '>>{LetsGo_Smokes} : She supports the action and wants to vote for some war. A lot of war hawk democrats are happy today. I hope both parties implode.', ">>{Graymouzer} : So when when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor was that a police action if they decided they didn't like our colonization of the Philippines or racial discrimination? If they just framed it that way and didn't declare war would that have not been war? It seems to me that a president can only use force to defend the US or an ally from attack or immanent threats without asking Congress for authorization. Perhaps, we should have a statutory exception for limited force in compliance with UN Security Council resolutions or joint operations with NATO and other alliances but attacking another country without provocation should require something more than the whim of one man. Not to say Assad isn't a bastard.", '>>{halo00to14} : Your attacking the wrong person/statement. Notice that police action is in quotes. The US reaction to the Gulf of Tonkin, involvement in Serbia (which eventually lead to NATO involvement), the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and others were all police action. The UN does give the authorization of police actions by a security counsel article 53. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_action for more. The point of my original comment was this: Trump and his ilk are going to call it a police action because by the loose definition is it. An international law (really a norm) was broken, and action needed to be taken. Under the Security Counsel article 53, police action is justified. This wasn\'t an declaration of war any more than a US navy vessel sinking a Somali pirate ship is a declaration of war on Somalia. When Clinton launched tomahawks into Iraq to destroy bin-Laden\'s camps, that wasn\'t a declaration of war either. There\'s precedent, and proper justification for the action taken. Trump will, once again, skirt any accusations of law breaking because this was a "police action."', '>>{Graymouzer} : I did not mean my comments as an attack. However, there is a difference between the two actions you mention and the present situation. Attacking a pirate ship or a terrorist camp is not the same as attacking the armed forces of a recognized country even if it has violated an international norm. Pirates and terrorists are non state actors and we have always dealt with non state actors differently.', ">>{halo00to14} : But the camp was inside sovereign territory. It could be argued that the Somali pirates could be actors of the state since there's no effective state government. And, the current action is no different from when US air strikes occurred during the Yugoslav-Serbian War before NATO took over. Another example is the Vietnam War, which wasn't a declared war and was called a police action.", '>>{Poormidlifechoices} : We have to bomb the country to find out what is in the country.', ">>{TheDebateMatters} : We've got money for wars but can't feed the poor."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Zerowantuthri} : Trump Promises to Deal With North Korea ‘Very Strongly’', '>>{DAKINGINDAFLOOR} : He\'s going to put them "ON NOTICE". Whatever the fuck that means.', ">>{ep29} : This is just in reference to the mud wrestling they're gonna do.", ">>{rr777} : He talks like Zoolander would talk. It's just I like Zoolander.", ">>{Christiano_Donaldo} : just airlift them 100 tons of wheats and grains and they'll go away for another year.", ">>{yankeesyes} : As long as he doesn't draw a line in the sand, which is bad because reasons and such as.", '>>{udbettarecognize} : now now, that doesn\'t sound very "american first" of you! /s', ">>{moby323} : Serious question: Aside from military action, *what else can we do*? I mean aren't they already an international pariah? Are there any *more* sanctions we could impose? I mean, other than continue to put pressure on China (which in some ways helps prop up the regime) what can we actually do?", ">>{erotic_jesus} : Shouldn't there be some leniency since they both hate Arec Barwin?", '>>{janzeera} : Whenever Trump talks like this I get a vision of John Belushi and the pirate sketch.', ">>{Bozzzzzzz} : You don't think I know what a eugoogly is?", ">>{gingerblz} : When you're toolbox is only filled with guns and hyperbolic rhetoric, assume the plan involves using these tools.", '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : Ignore them---NK only acts up when they want something. China is the only reason NK exists today.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : And this is why Trump bent the knee to China on Taiwan.', '>>{TheBreakRoom} : Fun Fact: The citizens of North Korea are told that the food the United States sends as assistance are sent because we fear the "Dear Leader" of N.K. and send it out of terror. This isn\'t a regime that can be "dealt" with. Especially with the Trump strategies.', '>>{SpearNmagicHelmet} : Here comes a strongly worded, misspelled, tweet.', ">>{-tfs-} : They're gonna be watching themselves now, they wouldn't want to turn that into a Tripple Notice.", '>>{Scoutandabout} : Did Trump state that before the appetizer service or during the dessert setting, while dining in the Mar-A-Lago Resort Public Hall ?', ">>{DAKINGINDAFLOOR} : No but I don't want Donald making idle threats that mean nothing either. To me, this is this same as his tweet responding to the 9th Circuit Court decision last week. Just a load of hot air that's utterly meaningless and childish.", '>>{One_Korea} : No, Donald. You can\'t "deal" with North Korea. What are you going to do? Anything that you do in your typical way will just reaffirm what the North Korea government tells its citizens: that the United States is an imperialist enemy hell bent on imposing its ways upon the Korean people. Being South Korean, if there\'s one issue which I have taken personally with Trump, it\'s how he would react to North Korea. My home city is only seventy miles from the border. And frankly, I don\'t trust Donny ONE BIT when it comes to not pushing North Korea. Sorry Donny, you can\'t bully North Korea. You can\'t threaten them. You can\'t "big-talk" them. North Korea doesn\'t care that you "won bigly" or that you "know the best people, the BEST people" or that you "know more than the generals."', ">>{pikhq} : Pretty sure you answered the question. There's not much we can do to them directly, just talk with China."], [">>{MortWellian} : Speier on Nunes controversy: 'Absolutely convinced it started in the Oval Office'", '>>{MortWellian} : > Rep. Jackie Speier, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Saturday she is “absolutely convinced” the White House generated the bizarre scenario that has embroiled committee chair Rep. Devin Nunes -— in which he reportedly obtained information from administration officials regarding foreign surveillance of Trump campaign officials, and then presented it to the president. > "I am absolutely convinced it started in the Oval Office,\'\' said Speier (D-Calif.) of what she called the resulting "wild goose chase" in the three weeks since President Donald Trump launched an unfounded tweet accusing former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. > “There’s no question in my mind that the president, with the aid of his national security adviser staff, came up with some kind of a ruse to try and suggest there was some kind of validity” to his accusation, which has been debunked by intelligence officials, Speier said after a town-hall event in which she and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul examined Russia-Trump connections.', ">>{Ted_Boiler_Maker} : The dominoes are all falling in line. Every detail leads to another explosive revelation. The question now is how does Trump leave office. I imagine he'll burn the whole place down with everyone in it.", ">>{-dont-panic} : It's strong language. I hope it's because of actual evidence and not hyperbole, especially coming from a member of an intelligence committee.", ">>{Nietzsche_Peachy} : I'm really hoping for the scene from Shawshank where they're coming for the warden.", ">>{coffeeisking} : But What other explanation for those specific strange events can there be? What else could fit? And if they were less shady events, why hasn't Nunes explained it?", ">>{-dont-panic} : I haven't the foggiest idea, personally. But what I think may have happened doesn't really matter because I'm not on any intelligence committee nor am I privy to any of the relevant intelligence. All I'm saying is that I really hope this representative is sure because of evidence they've seen and not because they have some sort of gut feeling about how things will turn out. I'm sick of getting my hopes up for nothing, okay? :-P", ">>{IPeedOnTrumpAMA} : I can't stand the man but I really really don't want that imagery in history books.", '>>{craftymethod} : Man that Uber driver would have had one he\'ll of a story. "We\'re not going to 21st Street, take me to the Whitehouse! "', ">>{rebo} : It's not the crime it's the cover up. Well actually this time it's both."], ['>>{slaysia} : Pelosi: Ryan must reconvene House to debate Syria strikes', '>>{Leadback} : Probably a good time to debate a new AUMF for the Islamic State as well.', '>>{thewholedamnplanet} : What and have all those Republicans say the exact opposite of what they said when Obama wanted to blow up Syria?', ">>{DPlaintiff} : Plus I'm sure the freedom caucus is going to be thrilled with another war.", '>>{mafco} : Hypocrisy has never been a problem for Republicans. Lying either.', '>>{mikes94} : McConnell actually just came out and said he supported it.', '>>{007meow} : I wish the Dems would play back audio recordings of GOP comments or read off transcripts of what they said in the past and have them address it. Not just in this case, but in all of their clearly double standards issues.', '>>{Mawontalk} : How about reconvening the House to impeach Trump and get him out of power? Will that be part of the debates, because it should be the lead item on the agenda?', '>>{thewholedamnplanet} : Or they can look at [Expressing the sense of Congress that the President is prohibited under the Constitution from initiating war against Syria without express congressional authorization and the appropriation of funds for the express purpose of waging such a war.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/40).', '>>{pegothejerk} : He supports literally everything any Republican does, and hates everything all Democrats do.', ">>{Trump_Lies_Matter} : They don't. Neocons are on both sides of the aisle.", '>>{topper_reppot} : Republicans could take a dump on his wife and he would support it.', '>>{Real_God_} : He has attacked two sovereign countries without congress approval. Sounds like impeach material to me.', '>>{TrumpImpeachedInJuly} : The house passing up one of their many vacations... yea, good luck with that.', '>>{gizzardgullet} : Haha Repubs will probably agree to it becasue they don\'t want to go home to face their constitutes about the failed repeal. "Sorry guys, these dang Democrats want us to stay in Washington. Shoot! Maybe next time. Democrats amirite?"', ">>{jonnytaco86} : Can't say I disagree with this going to congress. Using a 15+ year piece of legislation focused on going after terrorist groups is a bit of a stretch imo...", ">>{lillylenore} : First of all, 🔥🔥🔥 Second of all, fuck, goddammit, shit, you're right. And with our luck, he'll live to 150 like one of those Galapagos Island turtles.", '>>{verbose_gent} : They need to suspend all off their vacations until we get to the bottom of the russian attack on our democracy. This is insanity. Start an independent investigation so they can do it full time instead of a few hours a day 2 days a week.', ">>{verbose_gent} : A foreign power went to war with our democracy and congress doesn't care. That's impeachable too.", ">>{StaticVulture} : You did this as a post not a reply. However, I know who you're replying to. McConnell doesn't want to reconvene because he probably has to go lay his eggs at that beach they all go to.", '>>{sinnerbenkei} : They find it amusing, watch McConnel being questioned about the treatment of Garland, he literally just laughs until the intervewer just drops it.', ">>{farmtownsuit} : I don't even know if you can qualify that as laughing. It was more like he was trying to make the sounds his turtle over lords have taught him correspond with human laughter.", '>>{farmtownsuit} : Because beneath his turtle skin is more than flesh Mr. Lillylenore. Beneath his turtle skin is hatred and hypocrisy, and hatred and hypocrisy are bullet proof.', ">>{farmtownsuit} : Hey man, they only get like 18 of them a year, they can't be expected to just forfeit one.", ">>{DrogoBaggins} : Ummm...no it isn't? The president must seek approval for a declaration of war from Congress. If congress wants to stick their thumbs up their ass and vote no, that's hardly unconstitutional.", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : And his father, ffs. That was some batshit, right there.', ">>{hammerklau} : It happens alot in the Westminster System, often they'll lead with question giver: 'does the right honorable _____ stand by all his statements' Prime Minister: 'yes in the context they were given' question giver:'supplemental question' speaker: 'granted' question giver: 'on the Xth of the X you said X, please explain why when it contradicts X' etc. Is the US system similar? Or is it more directed at a topic. Example: [Question in New Zealand Parliment directly to a Member!]( https://youtu.be/QvcYGT9Ki3U)", '>>{BeadyEyed123} : How does Paul Ryan stand up straight when Trump has possession of his spine?', ">>{BeadyEyed123} : Yup. (I'm cussing and breaking things in my mind right now because I hate just how true of a statement this is.)", ">>{CENTRAL_SCREWTINIZER} : Ted Cruz never fails to surprise me with exactly how low he'll go", ">>{Graymouzer} : Whether it's a good idea to attack Syria or not, doesn't the president need to get approval from Congress before starting a war? Launching missiles at a foreign country's armed forces seems like an act of war to me. I thought that was why Obama sought approval before acting.", ">>{tal125} : But he won't because he supports everything that the Republicans do.", '>>{Mr_Mouthbreather} : Over here, we just blame Hillary and Mexicans.', '>>{res0nat0r} : I really wish mainstream reporters would start being assholes to this prick. I watched that interview last weekend with Chuck Todd, they need to start drilling the shit out of him making him squirm until he gives a non bullshit answer.', ">>{res0nat0r} : Like that matters anymore. Thanks to the AUMF they'll allow bombs anywhere for any reason.", ">>{oldpythonbestpython} : Here we just grandstand and holler at each other, then vote however your base's philosophy dictates no matter what is said.", '>>{AvatarJack} : Over here they just call it fake news and the people who supported them eat it up and the people who were already against them continue being against them and nothing changes.', '>>{Poor_Norm} : I used to hate Chuck Todd about a decade ago. Watching him on Meet the Press has been a joy. The way he goes "uh huh...uh huh...uh huh..." in a loud and interjecting manner when getting longwinded BS answers from people on both sides of the aisle is gold. I don\'t know if he\'s developed into a solid agitator or if I finally just started appreciating it.', ">>{AmWerewolfInParis} : I wish this as well. I think many members of the press are conscious of the fact that, if they push too hard, many people will view it as badgering and it will play right in to the hands of politicians that want to demonize the media. Still, I wish they'd show more of a backbone. And of course, ideally, more of the public would take notice of when a politician is obviously giving non-answers to questions, and WE would be the ones to hold that against them.", '>>{halo00to14} : A "police action" is not an act of war...', '>>{LetsGo_Smokes} : She supports the action and wants to vote for some war. A lot of war hawk democrats are happy today. I hope both parties implode.', ">>{Graymouzer} : So when when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor was that a police action if they decided they didn't like our colonization of the Philippines or racial discrimination? If they just framed it that way and didn't declare war would that have not been war? It seems to me that a president can only use force to defend the US or an ally from attack or immanent threats without asking Congress for authorization. Perhaps, we should have a statutory exception for limited force in compliance with UN Security Council resolutions or joint operations with NATO and other alliances but attacking another country without provocation should require something more than the whim of one man. Not to say Assad isn't a bastard.", '>>{halo00to14} : Your attacking the wrong person/statement. Notice that police action is in quotes. The US reaction to the Gulf of Tonkin, involvement in Serbia (which eventually lead to NATO involvement), the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and others were all police action. The UN does give the authorization of police actions by a security counsel article 53. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_action for more. The point of my original comment was this: Trump and his ilk are going to call it a police action because by the loose definition is it. An international law (really a norm) was broken, and action needed to be taken. Under the Security Counsel article 53, police action is justified. This wasn\'t an declaration of war any more than a US navy vessel sinking a Somali pirate ship is a declaration of war on Somalia. When Clinton launched tomahawks into Iraq to destroy bin-Laden\'s camps, that wasn\'t a declaration of war either. There\'s precedent, and proper justification for the action taken. Trump will, once again, skirt any accusations of law breaking because this was a "police action."', '>>{Graymouzer} : I did not mean my comments as an attack. However, there is a difference between the two actions you mention and the present situation. Attacking a pirate ship or a terrorist camp is not the same as attacking the armed forces of a recognized country even if it has violated an international norm. Pirates and terrorists are non state actors and we have always dealt with non state actors differently.', ">>{halo00to14} : But the camp was inside sovereign territory. It could be argued that the Somali pirates could be actors of the state since there's no effective state government. And, the current action is no different from when US air strikes occurred during the Yugoslav-Serbian War before NATO took over. Another example is the Vietnam War, which wasn't a declared war and was called a police action.", '>>{Poormidlifechoices} : We have to bomb the country to find out what is in the country.', ">>{TheDebateMatters} : We've got money for wars but can't feed the poor."], ['>>{Crisis99} : What are some good iOS games that are now totally busted or cannot be installed anymore?', ">>{JFizDaWiz} : I've wanted to play The Act so bad and was so pissed to find it was gone when I switched to iPhone.", '>>{JDeppel} : Wasn\'t necessarily a "great" game, but everyone definitely remembers the rage surrounding Flappy Bird.', '>>{blakenator95} : Call of duty: zombies, I loved this when it actually worked!', '>>{sendnudesb} : Is there no way of side loading on an iPhone? (android guy here)', ">>{JDeppel} : You can if you're jailbroken. If not, there are apparently some ways to do it, but they're incredibly janky as far as I know. iOS has never been known for its openness. That's really the only thing I miss from my Android days.", ">>{sendnudesb} : Thanks for the reply. trying to learn up on ios before jumping into one and there's a big learning curve.", ">>{JDeppel} : You'll be fine. Just have to get used to things being in different locations, which can be frustrating. Odd thing is, if you're heavily invested in Google services, the apps on iOS often perform better.", '>>{Selling4Life} : It is possible without jailbreaking. Check this sub r/sideloaded', ">>{sneakpeekbot} : **Here's a sneak peek of [/r/sideloaded](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded) using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time!** \\#1: [\\[Upcoming\\] PokemonGoAnywhere available for sideload!](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/4s5xam/upcoming_pokemongoanywhere_available_for_sideload/) \\#2: [Our next venture: sideloaded store?](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/5291ax/our_next_venture_sideloaded_store/) \\#3: [\\[Guide\\] iPAStore - A guide for new users](https://reddit.com/r/sideloaded/wiki/ipastore) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/4n913f/guide_ipastore_a_guide_for_new_users/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/)"]]
classify and reply
[">>{oranjemania} : Portraying Muslims as a Threat to Women, Donald Trump Echoes '\x80\x98Us vs. Them'\x80\x99 Refrain", '>>{RealPutin} : > What feminists think white patriarchy is, is what islam actually is. ....wut I consider myself a feminist, kinda confused as to how "Islam" = "White Patriarchy" when they aren\'t related. I\'m also really curious what you believe I think "white patriarchy" is.', '>>{JLTuttoilmondo} : Recounts were already done for demographic purposes, so this is pointless.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : 2.6 Million Dead Bees Delivered to EPA Headquarters: “If we allow the chemical agribusiness industry to continue these short-sighted practices, food costs will increase as food supplies diminish.”', ">>{sox_n_sandals} : I think these are being done to verify the machines weren't tampered with.", ">>{Uktabi68} : This a real issue, it won't see the front page. People don't care though they should.", '>>{herbertJblunt} : I see this story about the bees for both pesticides and the Vorrao Mites all over national and local fairly regularly. Both issues are a big deal.', '>>{Columbus-1492} : Round-Up is perfectly safe. Just ask /r/"Science"', '>>{TrillbeauxBaggins} : Citing Trump, Minneapolis Somali nonprofit rejects $500,000 counterextremism grant', '>>{fapsandnaps} : Trumps lead from Election night has already dropped 5,000 votes due to calculation errors found during canvassing. I dont know what else mandates a recount and audit of a vote then when the winner loses 18% of his margin of victory due to calculation errors.', '>>{Jabawocky} : So they reject money to fight terrorism and violence in the Somali Muslim community because Trump wants to stop violence and terrorism by Muslim immigrants? Sounds counter productive', '>>{zapichigo} : Evergreen question: Does Donald Trump not know how government works or does he not care?', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Come on, it's probably a LOT of both.", '>>{Sonifys} : Oh like he won over 3 weeks ago and there just so happens to have other motives. AKA to PREVENT the December 13th deadline of CERTIFICATION OF ELECTORAL VOTES by requiring recounts! Thus making it easier to court votes from "moral electors."', '>>{oranjemania} : Perhaps you should cite your credentials and/or sources for these two grand statements regarding: >What feminists think and >What Islam is.', ">>{TrillbeauxBaggins} : It's not fighting terrorism necessarily, it's CVE- which Trump seems content to let fall by the wayside. My understanding is that the group is convinced that taking federal funds would essentially undercut their org in the community as Trump/the Feds are just that toxic.", ">>{sweatybronson} : The big news here is that there's a dude named Rocky Roque De La Fuente and he was running for president.", '>>{TrillbeauxBaggins} : If anyone is interested, here\'s how DHS defines CVE: "Here in the United States, acts perpetrated by violent extremists can have far-reaching consequences. Countering violent extremism (CVE) has therefore become a key focus of DHS’s work to secure the homeland. CVE aims to address the root causes of violent extremism by providing resources to communities to build and sustain local prevention efforts and promote the use of counter-narratives to confront violent extremist messaging online. Building relationships based on trust with communities is essential to this effort." Note the emphasis on building trust with communities and offering alternative narratives (Christians vs. Muslims, anyone?) Good to see that Trump has completely screwed the pooch on this in less than two weeks.', '>>{phydeaux70} : Liberals are being moronic. 1. Stein earns enough votes to cost Hillary the election. 2. Then she decides to fund raise off of it, which started at $2 million had gone up to $6-$7 million. 3. There had been zero proof of ballot tampering or fraud. The trend lines seen in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan are also prevalent in places like Iowa and Minnesota. This will end in nothing and people have her money when they should have been pissed at her.', '>>{miashaee} : Not sure what this means, can you clarify because this is poorly constructed.', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Are you kidding? He demonstrated again and again and again during his campaign that he doesn\'t know how our government works. I doubt Trump has ever looked at our Constitution. This is why he thinks he\'s the "normal" candidate-elect. The fucker is clueless, he has no idea how America works, much less the government.', ">>{mrbarky} : It's because Trump now wants to make it exclusively about Muslims so that he doesn't offend a certain part of his base.", ">>{E-rockComment} : When Hillary lost the election I was distraught, broken, and crestfallen, but this gives me hope. This gives me a future to believe in. I never stopped fighting for Hillary. We need a president that knows that we are stronger together and that love trumps hate. There is no other way but her way. It is at this moment in our nation's history where we the people must rise up and come together to defeat hatred. We need to put our battle pantsuits on and take on the rascists, misojoenists, and the homofobes. Thank you Dr. Stein for saving our country from the grips of fascism. I'm so happy I'm crying. I love Hillary!", '>>{miashaee} : This isn\'t going to solve your female voter issue, if it did then you wouldn\'t be so far behind with female voters now as this "us vs them" anti minority song and dance is all you did in the primary.', '>>{RealPutin} : Here, maybe this will help you hear it better: "BUT... THEY ARE.. WHAT FEMINISTS THINK WHITE PATRIARCHY IS, IS WHAT ISLAM ACTUALLY IS." Nah, you\'re right, that "sentence" is absolute shit', '>>{banned_from_usa} : Maybe because they feel they are treated as if they were the terrorists? if the government treat you as a murderer based on your origin would you feel any optimism? The order is stupid. It just alienated people for no reason. US is already very tough on visas for all the 7 countries without blatantly banning them. Iraq is fighting terrorists and cooperating with the US, shares intelligence. and got banned as if Iraq attacked the US. why should Somalis feel better? why should any country expect better in working with the US?', '>>{climb-via-is-stupid} : Why is this site suddenly all over the place?', '>>{WmPitcher} : For those that are interested, here is the organization: http://www.kajoog.org/ I bet people are going to donate the $500,000 with no strings attached.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Those people are threatening our women folk! was how southerners excused lynchings, wasn't it?", '>>{Peadymarvin} : I REALLY hope this is sarcasm cause this just made me laugh.', '>>{Dan_The_Manimal} : Fundamentalist abrahamic religions are all incredibly mysognist. Look at the treatment of women in really orthodox Jewish sects and old school Christian policies. Hell the three religions share a male power structure where the representatives of the deity must be men, except in more modern reformed versions. That\'s not to say modern moderate Islam isnt as modern or moderate as modern moderate Christianity or Judaism, or doesn\'t have the same capacity for respect for both sexes, but these Faith\'s are delineated by a series of patriarchal societies. Not so much "white" in the case of Islam, at least in the traditional sense of WASP.', ">>{RealPutin} : See, I'm a feminist, and I don't believe white men are forcing women and minorities into lesser roles and responsibility. I believe society - *including women and minorities* - does this to an extent, but I believe that's improving. Mostly I believe in equal opportunity. So not sure what the hell you're saying here. In case you haven't noticed, there are lots of Muslims in the US already. They function with equality just fine. Women are second class citizens in much of the middle east, yes, *just as they were here at that stage of development*. It's socioeconomic, not religious. Fun fact: Islam grew quickly in the 600s and 700s partially because it was better for women than Christianity was at the time.", '>>{sweatybronson} : He also must be an Italian/Mexican boxer, right?', '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : They are a threat to women, children, gays. Turkey just approved a 12 year old marriage down from 15. This is what happens when they gain power in your country.', '>>{ILikeLenexa} : The latter (and a fair bit of business) drives the former.', '>>{301ss} : > because Trump wants to stop violence and terrorism not much evidence Trump actually wants to do this. His moves so far have made America less safe by every metric available and very telling that you only care about terrorism from \'muslim immigrants" when thats actually a minority of the actual terrorist acts the US has been subjected to.', ">>{RealPutin} : How about Christianity? Much of Europe lived as Christian countries from 500-1700. Women were treated like shit then. Now, that had more to do with the society than the religion, sure. It's almost as if religions running society doesn't work, but religion as part of society is *completely fine*. I don't believe we should live in a society dictated by *any* religion. I'm totally okay with people of any religion living in our society though.", '>>{smushkreeg} : I think it is pretty safe to say that women are much worse off in Muslim countries than non Muslim countries.', ">>{RealPutin} : Jesus christ, are you that dense? You're the one calling them bad. Nope. I said *middle eastern* (note: not Muslim) countries aren't as fully developed as much of Europe/The West. That's an objectively true statement. I also said that gender equality is worse in less developed countries. Also objectively true. Thus, it's not surprising that women are second-class in the Middle East. It's terrible, sure, but economic development and removing religion from the law (the *law*, not the society) is the way to solve that, not just get rid of Islam.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4p86nx/activists_to_bring_millions_of_dead_bees_to_epa/ That is actually the _second_ time I've seen a story about this issue on the front page.", '>>{EK71} : And the Republicans aim to make sure it never does. Ron Swanson was SUPPOSED to be satire, until Republicans realized how genius it was.', ">>{Uktabi68} : Cool, I'm certainly glad it made it. I don't know how much can be done though in the face of the large companies making the chemicals.", '>>{Jabawocky} : >His moves so far have made America less safe by every metric available Lol, and what metrics are these? CNN headlines? No he really hasn\'t. >and very telling that you only care about terrorism from \'muslim immigrants" when thats actually a minority of the actual terrorist acts the US has been subject Stop, you\'re just making shit up now. If you want to make a point then come up with something other than story telling and semantics.', '>>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : The EPA needs a complete overhaul and it needs to be taken seriously as one of the most important federal agencies and it needs to receive funding appropriate to that valuation. Nobody is talking about that. Not Bernie. Not even O\'Malley. Trump, like the rest of the GOP, wants to dismantle the EPA, or as he calls it the "department of environmental." If this is not done, if we do not protect the earth which gives us life, nothing else really matters. I would be very happy if Hillary will still make this a major issue in this election. Her environmental record is not good, but even then her positions on issues like a climate change or heck even just _not dismantling the EPA_ are one of the most striking and important contrasts between her and Trump. It would be strategically very smart for her to make a big deal about this. Unfortunately ["Clinton is widely seen as a friend to ... agrichemical interests"](http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/34688-big-campaign-cash-for-clinton-from-monsanto-lobbyist) >Her history of backing GMO dates back to her early days in Arkansas as a lawyer with the Rose Law Firm, which represented Monsanto and other agribusiness leaders. >Big ag also has been a big donor to the Clinton Foundation, the family charity at the center of pay-to-play accusations involving foreign donors while Mrs. Clinton ran the State Department. >Monsanto gave the foundation between $501,250 and $1 million. Dow Chemical Company, which is among the top GMO players, gave between $1 million and $5 million, according to financial disclosures by the Clinton Foundation. Plus of course as you probably already know she is beholden to the fossil fuel industry. So I\'m not sure if we will be hearing a lot on how horribly awry the EPA has gone, and how important this agency needs to be if we want future generations to inherit a hospitable planet free from toxicity, from Clinton. I hope the Green Party, which is the only party currently taking environmental science seriously, will be able to participate in the debates.', '>>{Roseking} : I agree. > Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : > hitler got rid of the guns No, he didn't. Gun nuts like to say that, but it isn't at all true. http://www.salon.com/2013/01/11/stop_talking_about_hitler/", '>>{viccar0} : Are you suggesting all 3.3 million Muslims in the USA believe in and practice Sharia?', ">>{Daysofthunderpast} : Agreed, but sadly I've seen similar posts that were indeed serious.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I think maybe the pesticides make them susceptible to the mites.', '>>{TheFriffin} : There was also a guy named Frank Atwood in Colorado If you tried to google him, you only got google pages about a murderer', '>>{coachbradb} : He knows how it has been working and that is why he ran. We know how it has been working and that is why he won. The plan is to change how it has been working so it serves the people instead of those elected to serve the people.', ">>{301ss} : >Lol, and what metrics are these? CNN headlines? No he really hasn't. How about what our allies, military, and natsec experts/operatives are saying about how the exec order eroded our ability to fight ISIS on the ground? How is it helpful to revoke visas to translators and fixers that put their lives on the line in Iraq to help the USA fight ISIS and AQ? > Stop, you're just making shit up now. If you want to make a point then come up with something other than story telling and semantics. Why are you running from the facts? What was the legal status of the people that committed most of the terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11? If you're serious about your concerns about terrorism, you should at least reckon with where the attacks are coming from. Hint: exactly 0 refugees have committed terrorist attacks in the USA in the past 20 years...", ">>{sweatybronson} : Awesome. If you google my name, you get a gay porn star. I'll never be president either.", '>>{Trumpmeister} : Is this what they teach in the gender studies courses? Islam grew quickly because the declining Christian kingdoms of Near East and North Africa stood no chance against the unified armies that emerged out of the Arab Peninsula, not because of some feel good "better for women" crap.', '>>{herbertJblunt} : >I think maybe the pesticides make them susceptible to the mites. I understand you might think that, but this is not up for opinion. They have independent and equal issue. I have read near equal amount of studies of both independently or combined by dozens of major research universities.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : http://m.phys.org/news/2016-02-insecticide-effect-varroa-mite.html "Insecticide increases effect of varroa mite" >"It is therefore conceivable that a colony with varroa, which is also exposed to neonicotinoids, starts the winter in poorer health than colonies not exposed to the insecticide, and thus experiences more deaths. Whether this effect actually occurs in practice needs to be investigated in follow-up research."', '>>{benh141} : Yeah, because he has proven to be a generous man of the people.', '>>{frixinvizen} : Give ALL Stein votes to Clinton, and it only flips Michigan and Wisconsin, not enough for a Clinton victory.', '>>{coachbradb} : He has. Perhaps you should stop watching and reading fake news from places like the NYT and CNN', ">>{benh141} : Then tell me something he has done for a little guy that actually helped them? And no, saying something that he never went through with does not count. I can think of plenty of occurrences where he has screwed over small businesses. And those news outlets are not fake news places, left leaning yes. But not fake. Do you suppose I get my news from somewhere with as much integrity as fox news? Or should it be donaldjtrump.~~com~~gov? Edit: Can't come up with any sources? Who would have thought?", '>>{herbertJblunt} : The key word "conceivable" is not uncommon to see in studies because you want to eliminate it scientifically in the future. I have read one from Purdue or KU that actually had some correlation data, but nothing with causation yet.', '>>{ertri} : Which news sources would you recommend? And what, specifically, has he done?', '>>{Th4nk5084m4} : not here, anyway. All email spam, all day.', '>>{Halophilic} : He is saying that muslims actually are a threat to women; Islam is a an actual Patriarchy, which feminists often claim Western society is. I don\'t agree completely though. Islam, the religion and ideology, is a threat to the freedom of women, homosexuals, freethinkers, and many more. *Muslims* themselves aren\'t necessarily a threat. Political islamists (those who desire to convert the world to islam through political means) and jihadists (through war) are. The problem is that while the percentage of all muslims that are a threat is probably low, the raw number of political islamists and jihandists totals in the tens if not hundreds of millions. So while it is wrong to conflate "all Muslims" with islamists/jihadists, there still is a large problem of security threat that is particular to Muslims as a group. We\'re losing the forest for the trees when we just shout down everyone who brings this problem up. And in doing so we\'re creating a vacuum where right-wing extremists can flourish.', '>>{Roseking} : You got me. It is 1 Timothy 2:11-12', ">>{Kolecr01} : yes, but that's long term. I've got shareholders this quarter! shareholders!", '>>{Starmedia11} : Filing fees alone are $2m, not surprising that legal/etc costs make up 3-4m over 3 states. Besides, the odds that Stein is stupid enough to just keep the money are low. Going through with the process earns her media attention and potential good will. And on the other hand, even if there is no change to the results made, any discrepancy found pushes us more towards doing this more regularly. Realistically, the only safeguard we have over elections is the word of partisan appointees. We should be regularly auditing every election, especially given the GOP history of tampering with the process and voter disenfranchisement in general.', '>>{miashaee} : No, the analogy for guns would be "it\'s easier to control an unarmed population", which is true, just like it\'s true that if you want to get people on board with discriminating against or raising animus against a minority group you talk about how your women are threatened. Kinda why is super easy to start a lynch mob if someone reports (even if falsely) that a white woman was raped by a black man (historically speaking).......*cough* Rosewood *cough*', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I feel bad for the people who have given money to Jill for this. Throwing their money into a pit of nothingness.', ">>{RealPutin} : That doesn't have shit to do with the religion though. The middle east is politically unstable and has huge wealth inequality. Christians simply live in more peaceful and moderate areas now. For centuries the Middle East was much more stable than Europe, and actually had better equality in that time. That's not true now, but that doesn't mean ban Muslims.", '>>{Scuderia} : Roundup/glyphosate is not really suspected to be a cause to CCD. The class of pesticide you are thinking of are neonics.', '>>{Trumpmeister} : There is no separation of state and religion in islam. Do you know anything about that religion at all?', '>>{aperfectmouth} : >On one prominent election law blog, the moderator said the Greens had “opportunistically” raised their fundraising goals, and were not required to use the recount funds for that purpose. >That’s not correct, however. The party is operating under a 2006 Federal Elections Commission advisory opinion, 2006-24, that says the recount funds have to be segregated and used for that purpose. That ruling says: >“Money raised by the recount funds will not be used to pay for pre-election or Election Day expenses, such as administrative costs, get-out-the-vote activities or communication expenses. Instead, the recount funds will be used only to pay for \'expenses resulting from a recount, election contest, counting of provisional and absentee ballots and ballots cast in polling places,\' as well as \'post-election litigation and administrative-proceeding expenses concerning the casting and counting of ballots during the Federal election, fees for the payment of staff assisting the recount or election contest efforts, and administrative and overhead expenses in connection with recounts and election contests\' (\'recount activities\')." http://www.alternet.org/green-party-recount-update-lawyers-activists-organizers-get-going-wisconsin-and-pennsylvania', ">>{RachelOdette} : Fake Issue year after year. Google 'bee die offs 2015' or 'Bee die offs 2014' or 'bee die offs 2013' - I stopped at 2010 when I realized it was the exact same article on many different sites all saying how 42%, 46%, 39%, 41%, 47% of bees died off the previous year. I might be the worst in math but, as I stopped checking in 2010, if EVERY year 40+ percent of bees die off, and I do mean EVERY year - would that not mean there were like 2 bees left in the world? Or more properly, that bees die off every year as a norm? Something is wrong with these articles and I keep thinking it is the honey inustry constantly telling us how rare honey is and how all bees are dying off, just as their season kicks off so they can make more $ from us with higher prices. If it were true, and EVERY year over 40% of bees died off, there would be none left by now.", ">>{RealPutin} : Why? The region is unstable, not the people. Why not make sure we don't destabilize it further, let it develop, and see what happens?", '>>{RealPutin} : Do tell. Also keep in mind that the largest Islamic state in history, the Ottoman empire, is well-regarded for having freedom of religion and gender equality.', '>>{Sardorim} : Is it time to utilize "MAD" Science and create the Ultimate Super Bee?', ">>{altheist} : It makes my cry thinking about it but I'm glad I'm doing my part to keep them alive and healthy. Respect nature or it kills you by nature.", ">>{Punishtube} : Why are you so against verifying the election? It seems very undemocratic to not want to recount if the votes are close and insure Trump did win if that's the case.", '>>{Roseking} : Okay? If you noticed I stopped after you said you were not Christian.', ">>{RealPutin} : If you cared to give a shit and learn in a World History class, Islam *spread* quickly through North Africa, but *grew* because people converted under their own choice. They didn't force conversions. Which is part of why ISIS's shit is so stupid. Out of the three Abrahamic religions spreading through the Middle East at that time, Islam offered the most equality for the average individual.", '>>{GunzGoPew} : Hitler actually loosened German gun laws. But details.', ">>{coolguy1996} : 51% of British Muslims believe a woman cannot marry a non-Muslim Only 51% believe a Muslim woman may marry without a guardian's consent. 74% of young Muslims prefer women wear the veil (compared to 28% of those over 55). Pew Research (2011): Muslim-Americans four times more likely to say that women should not work outside the home. 23% of Turks living in Germany say that a Muslim should not shake the hand of the opposite sex. Your argument is bullshit. If you are a self-respecting feminist you should be totally against Islam.", ">>{VROF} : [Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.](http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/23/503146770/npr-finds-the-head-of-a-covert-fake-news-operation-in-the-suburbs?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social) >“We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out.” http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/11/25/1603978/-Fake-news-network-tried-to-write-fake-news-for-liberals-but-they-just-never-take-the-bait", ">>{VROF} : I hope this is true. If it is then Democrats might have learned something from watching [Republicans in North Carolina](http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/11/22/1602781/-Clintons-Popular-Vote-Lead-Widens-and-NCs-Elections-Board-Lawyers-Up-After-Bombshell-Revelation) >On November 18, the deadline for counting the provisional ballots, McCrory’s campaign manager asked the state BOE “to take jurisdiction” of the matters before the county BOEs and to resolve them quickly. >Roy Cooper quickly stepped in to warn the state BOE that it was headed for trouble and he included exhibits to show that the protests received by the county BOEs were illegal and possibly fraudulent. That’s serious coming from a state Attorney General. >The state BOE called an Emergency Meeting on Sunday November 20, where Josh Malcolm, the Board’s Democratic member dropped a bombshell. The 'mill' that was stamping out cookie cutter’ challenges. naming hundreds of voters as ineligible was the state Board, itself. >**Specifically, the Board’s Information Technology Director, accessed the state's database to gather information that he used to fabricate challenges against voters which he sent to the county BOEs. The other Board members at the meeting admitted that they knew about his actions and absolved themselves of any responsibility.** That is really doing the people's work I guess", '>>{viccar0} : No liberals support Islamic policies or Sharia law. You are misinterpreting the argument.', ">>{Shootsucka} : In 1975 the US had ~ 4 million active and healthy bee colonies. We have a greater use for bees now that we grow significantly more food and we have ~2.4 million active and healthy hives in 2015. So there is certainly a decline, look at this handy little chart showing the decline since the 40's. [Chart.](http://scientificbeekeeping.com/scibeeimages/fig-023-513x450.png)", '>>{ricdesi} : He was on the ballot here in MA, I was actually more surprised that he had filed separately from Jill Stein for the recount.', ">>{whatnowdog} : Where does any extra money go. Is it saved for 2018 recounts or other recounts in this elections for down ballot. It looks like they have already gotten 3 precincts in Wisconsin to come clean that they padded the count. This is before the recount started. I guess they knew they would be exposed so they came clean. Don't think there will be more of these but if more of these change the EC count and gives Clinton the election it will be ironic that the election was rigged for Trump.", ">>{miashaee} : I do, but I'm not turning into a monster because bad things happen. Plus I am black so I am intimately aware as how you can spread animus against a minority groups with such tactics. I mean I know what this is......we all do, well at least if you're educated apparently you're more likely to see it.", '>>{aperfectmouth} : All through the election when Trump called rigged, voter fraud or election fraud it was Trump supporters found doing it or the RNC conspiring to suppress or intimidate. I would not be surprised if we find this to be the case. It would be consistent.', ">>{Trumpmeister} : Yeah, nobody was forced to convert. You only had to pay a religious tax if you didn't which in practice meant you either converted or starved to death. Please give me some another fairytale about islam. I bet you find it all exotic and exciting.", '>>{whatnowdog} : I hate the Republicans that ran this election in my state. I hope the vote spread goes over 10k so McCrory has to shut up. This recount is making his loss look worse.', '>>{coolguy1996} : [Pew Research \\(2007\\): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified. ](http://www.pewresearch.org/files/old-assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf#page=60) [The Polling Company CSP Poll \\(2015\\): 38% of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State \\(ISIS\\) beliefs are Islamic or correct. \\(43% disagree\\)](http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/150612-CSP-Polling-Company-Nationwide-Online-Survey-of-Muslims-Topline-Poll-Data.pdf) Not everyone, but a large portion.', ">>{Trumpmeister} : What? Sharia, which inherently values men over women, was the law of the land in the empire for its entire history and caliphs, essentially the highest religious leaders and successor of Mohammed, were its rulers for five centuries. If you think paying tax because you were not a muslim then I don't know what to say.", '>>{jackcoolds} : same argument as always, he has to use fear because its the only he has', ">>{spaceghoti} : And you can't keep just the bad ones out. Which is why, if you're serious about the principles this nation was founded on, you have to give everyone a chance to start over. If the price of freedom is too high for you then you might want to start building your bunker.", '>>{enjoyingtheride} : It would be unconstitutional to not recounting a election this close. Plus, she\'s not accusing anyone of "rigging" the election, she just wants a recount.', '>>{Doctor_Cornwallis} : [Clinton Foundation took up to 5 million from Monsanto](http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/matthew-balan/2016/06/23/surprise-cnn-spotlights-foreign-corporate-donations-clinton)', ">>{whatnowdog} : I don't know what went on behind the scenes maybe nothing maybe a lot but Clinton is not pushing this in public. It has come out that three Wisconsin precincts have come out and admitted that they padded the vote count for Trump. I find it interesting that Trumps number prior to the recount was 1,404,000. I find it odd the last 3 numbers are 000. That looks like someone rounded off the count. Unless more precincts are found to have rigged the count nothing will change for the EC vote. It looks like the election may have been rigged for Trump but voters got in the way and voted for Trump in the right states.", '>>{Classy_Debauchery} : I hate Trump, but this gave me cancer.', ">>{Jake314159265359} : > Ok fine, how about we just ban people from that region then... I disagree, but that's better than a religious test. A religious immigration test is sort of establishing a state religion.", '>>{Dustin_00} : I agree there is a problem. There is also a problem in the reporting highlighted by your comment: you start out talking about *bees*, but then link to the number of *bee hives*. This seriously clouds the issues. You can take a hive of 1,000 bees and split it into 2 hives of 500 bees very easily. So you can support *bee hive* chart numbers with a very fake impression of plenty of bees.', ">>{andr50} : .. you realize if the Electoral College doesn't pick in time, the house gets to right? It's going to be the same result regardless. Honestly we should be recounting all the states with a < 5% margin. Why not certify the results?", '>>{whatnowdog} : I live in NC and the sitting Republican governor McCrory was down 5001 votes right after the election. The Republican Election Boards did everything they could to before the election to give Republicans a victory. So far every count of more ballots has given more votes to the Democrat. The latest news article the Democrat Cooper was up by more then 8500 votes.', ">>{HeDoesntAfraid} : I have a feeling they wouldn't be comfortable with the idea of recounting states that Trump was projected to win either. This is like when it was clear Sanders would lose but they all clung on to any article of him having a chance.", ">>{nosayso} : Roundup is actually pretty low as far as toxicity goes (less toxic than many organic pesticides), biodegradable, pretty awesomely targeted to only affect plants... I'm always annoyed when people demonize it.", ">>{miashaee} : I'm not so easily manipulated, plus I have conviction and perspective so I'm not going to go around spreading animus against another minority group just because I've had a bad experience. That's the same kind of reasoning that makes people afraid of me. Also when did I say anything was okay, crime happens and it always will, I am just not going to use it to spread religious/ethnic animosity because I know what that is.", ">>{TeamRedRocket} : I hadn't heard of this padding. Could you like me to any more info about it?", '>>{magariot} : That girl in the picture, is exactly how i imagined these environmental loonies to look.', '>>{Jake314159265359} : > Its the same fucking thing Nope. Religions and places are different things.', ">>{spaceghoti} : My wife and daughters have a much higher risk of getting raped by Christian than a Muslim. That's not because there are no Muslims in the area but because Christians are more numerous and no better behaved. We've had zero problems with the Muslim communities because they're committed to living peacefully in this country. The farther removed they are from the first generation the harder it is to distinguish them from any other immigrant family from any other part of the world. This has always been true of immigration in the US and always will be. Just like there will always be people looking to close our borders against them for the sake of cultural or racial purity. We have a much bigger problem with domestic terrorism in the US than we've ever had with foreign interests. But you'd never know that if you only listen to Trump or Fox News affiliates.", ">>{Suzookus} : It's just Hillary supporters and NeverTrumpers. Their money will soon be in the treasury of the three states. Green Party folks could barely scrape together a couple million in a year.", ">>{lpmode} : don't feel bad. be happy that there are people ready to stand up for democracy and fair rights. the goal is not neccesarily to change the results but to show unity and solidarity against a liar, a con man who already betrayed his voters. I feel bad for the people who voted for him. Trump is not to be taken for granted nor should he take his position for granted. People don't trust him, his voters started seeing the liar that he is. He only knows how to extort people and avoid the spirit of the law. His casinos, tax avoidance and elitist exclusive establishments represent an anti democratic and corrupt character. He has always been like that and he'll never change. You know it", '>>{Shootsucka} : Worker bees live for 4-9 months during the winter season, but only 6 weeks during the busy summer months (they literally work themselves to death). Nearly all of the bees in a hive are worker bees. A hive consists of 20,000 - 30,000 bees in the winter, and over 60,000 - 80,000 bees in the summer. Hive size has not grown, hives have a limit in size before they create a new hive. The number of hives is a fine stat to use.', '>>{Tunderbar1} : 2.6 million dead bees. So.... 2 hives?', '>>{pejmany} : If we lived in a Christian or muslim theocracy women would be far far worse off. Most theocracies really.', '>>{pejmany} : How demeaning of women that us "men" must jump up and protect them. How fragile are women. The "think of you wife, daughter and mother" argument is literally what southerners said, and it\'s the same old sexist propaganda for wars going back millenia.', ">>{Remingtonh} : I'm going to laugh hard when Trump ends up with more votes as a result of this.", '>>{thegreatgazoo} : The quick way to solve this is for the beekeepers to refuse to rent their bees to any farmer who uses those pesticides.', '>>{miashaee} : Nope, I didn\'t say that, you seem to want to put words in my mouth, that and American immigration is different than European immigration so these "facts" may differ from country to country. That and it\'s pretty clear that this standard of collective guilt only applies to certain "types" of people, because no one is going to argue that I should have animus against all white people if some white person did harm to me. Funny how some groups are evaluated individually and some are evaluated as a group. hmmmmmm -_-', '>>{suitology} : Us 3 months ago:"Wow, Jill stein is such a joke" Us today: "Everybody pay attention! Jill Stein is trying to save the world!"', ">>{spaceghoti} : Well, I'm glad to see you're not going to let anything so petty as facts get in the way of your bigotry. Good luck with that; I'm out.", '>>{coolguy1996} : Lol. Facts are racist now to liberals I guess.', '>>{hideogumpa} : I honestly did not know that recounting a close election was covered in the Constitution. How close does the Constitution say it has to be to warrant a recount?', '>>{miashaee} : Well considering my wife is white, my son is half-white, I\'ve grown up in a SUPER racially mixed environment, and that I\'ve taken a host of IATs that have all come back with "no implicit racial bias" I doubt that at this point. I just observe that people are treated differently based on ethnicity/religion and a lot of the same fear based narratives that are being used against Muslims were once used against black people......like all the time, it\'s pretty much the same bigoted playbook if you\'re paying attention. Kinda why educated people see it and uneducated people don\'t.', ">>{miashaee} : All racial groups are more likely to be killed by their own race since neighborhoods are fairly segregated. White people kill white people and black people kill black people. But you're right society isn't perfect, but I've already read this story, I know how it ends and I will not abandon my principals out of fear. I'm not a coward in that way, I have he courage of my convictions.", '>>{tm647} : I saw a tractor trailer near my house with his website on it, ROCKY 2016 every day for like 3 months. Kinda annoyed me.', '>>{Dustin_00} : It hides the strength/health of the colonies. These hives are especially vulnerable to a number of pests. As each of these new hives builds in population it is subjected to attack from numerous pests. Weak hives are regularly approached by wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, wax moths, small hive beetles, and mammals. However, the most persistent attackers of bee hives are often worker honey bees from other colonies in the area that attempt to rob honey stores. The best defense against bee hive pests is a strong population of honey bees.', '>>{kittymcmeowmeow} : What about the states that Hillary narrowly won? Should we count those?', '>>{IEatAnyAss} : I really want to say "hey wait, conservatives aren\'t *that* dumb." These articles tell me otherwise. It actually boggles my mind that when some people hear outlandish information, they don\'t bother researching into it. They\'ll just accept it because it fits their narrative on how things are, then they\'ll share it with like-minded others.', ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : Try reading it again. There is no equivocation. You're confused.", '>>{awfulsome} : the results were her being up over 2 million votes..', '>>{lardlad95} : I think sending them a few thousand live bees would have been more effective in getting their attention.', ">>{RedLetterMemedia} : It won't make it to the front page of /r/politics. They'll call Jill Stein a hack fraud and pretend they never supported a recount in the first place.", '>>{camdoodlebop} : Us in 3 months: "Wow, Jill Stein scammed us by masquerading as a recount fund"', ">>{trevize1138} : [Thousands of years ago in the middle east] I just don't have the money to dig my irrigation canals deeper. I'm just going to make shallow irrigation canals. What harm could a little extra salt do?", ">>{Tasadar} : If she actually did that would be hilarious. I think it's more likely she doesn't want to be the reason Trump won. Even if it's just on record, wouldn't have made it!", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : This is one of the funniest posts I've read in awhile, well done. Did you just start recently? You're a brand new user who posts exclusively anti-trump content.", ">>{Ernie_Clifton} : I just want to put politics aside and point out that there is a company called Flow Hive (I think that's it) that just came out with a new hive for beekeeping that makes harvesting honey as easy as turning in a faucet and filling your cup, while very minimally disturbing the bees, unlike most bee setups now. This is great for anyone considering getting into beekeeping but worried about the maintenance and dealing with angry bees. You can help the environment and have delicious local honey. (Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Flow hive, just a fan of their products.)", ">>{lpmode} : yes, I think that's how this works. You sign up and post about the things you care. I'm not always funny.", '>>{Moleculartony} : If bees dying were truly significant, then food prices would be through the roof. Instead, food prices have declined year-to-year for 10 years or so.', ">>{CorrectedRecord} : Sanders has talked about the EPA and wants to expand their power. Hell, that's how he plans to implement his carbon tax plan which would need a stronger administration to enforce.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : That doesn't work. If the pesticide are being used anywhere nearby the bees will still be exposed to them. They're bees you know. They fly around.", '>>{Oh_Help_Me_Rhonda} : It is a real issue and there are many contributing factors. As of yet though, the granola heads haven\'t been able to demonstrate that it has anything to do with all the "evil chemicals" they love to complain about. It\'s anti science. Look at the EPA\'s actual studies on colony collapse disorder.', ">>{Oh_Help_Me_Rhonda} : It is, in fact it's several viruses as well as climate change and several other factors. These anti pesticide people are no different than anti vaccine people in my opinion. Show some concrete examples of any of the claims already.", ">>{Oh_Help_Me_Rhonda} : No he's not. It's highly exaggerated by people who cling to pseudoscience and want to ban GMOs and pesticides while presenting no actual evidence that they cause the problem. Colony collapse disorder is real and the EPA's own studies show that it is probably mostly caused by viruses, spreading mites that fuck up hives, climate change, and other factors.", ">>{Sieziggy} : GMOs are not a factor in colony collapse. It seems to be a combination of numerous factors (mite infestations, viral infection, specific pesticides, the way the bee industry manages hives, etc...). It's an important problem which makes it equally important focus on the real issues. I know reddit likes to use Monsanto as the evil face of agriculture but as is often the case, its not a fair argument to make.", ">>{Reddirator} : I hate Her. Wasn't that the slogan? It's my slogan.", ">>{akwatic} : Whatever you do, [don't f_ck with Monsanto.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/was-a-usda-scientist-muzzled-because-of-his-bee-research/2016/03/02/462720b6-c9fb-11e5-a7b2-5a2f824b02c9_story.html)", '>>{Reddirator} : https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=scientific+journal+article+pesticides+bees&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiip7a_hcHNAhUK1GMKHQAgD9IQgQMIGjAA I am glad that you only require evidence. It makes you so much better than those incorrigible people who take a stance regardless of evidence.', '>>{Account9726} : Nope. [Bayer, Syngenta, and others](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neonicotinoid#Market). Just because you only know the name of one agribusiness company doesn\'t mean they are responsible for everything. At this point the goalposts are generally moved to "well, they use the seed treatments!"', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I didn't say they are the only ones manufacturing them.", ">>{WowAFreeBeer_} : I know you are joking but the sad truth is a lot of people use this as a defense in an argument. Honestly it sickens me when we put the profits of a few above the well being of the planet and other people. In any case, I don't understand the concept of short sighted business moves anyways. If what you are doing is causing irreparable damage, wouldn't it make more sense to invest into fixing it so you can stabilize your profits for the long term?", ">>{Account9726} : They don't manufacture any of them, look at the table. You are just making things up.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Sure, they just coat their seeds in them. Wow. pedantic much?', '>>{Account9726} : [Called it](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4pl612/26_million_dead_bees_delivered_to_epa/d4megap) >At this point the goalposts are generally moved to "well, they use the seed treatments!"', ">>{nospecialhurry} : Doesn't seem pedantic at all. You were wrong? You should have started arguing from the truth, not a lie.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Not moving goal posts at all. I Totally was wrong to say they manufacture them. They just manufacture products with them. (& Also Bayer, who are in negotiations for the purchase of Monsanto, manufactures neocotinoids.)', ">>{mingy} : It's almost a pity that food supplies and food availability keeps growing despite the efforts of pseudo-environmentalists like these.", ">>{volares} : If you don't mind getting replaced by the guy willing to do irreparable damage to the earth and all people on it for 5% higher gains this current quarter, sure.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : It's pedantic, and I have corrected the comment in question.", '>>{splanky47} : IDK - this kind of seems like the beginning of the end. I would rather die peacefully in my sleep than running from a hive of super bees.', '>>{Account9726} : Do you remember the point of this thread? >GMOs are not a factor in colony collapse. It seems to be a combination of numerous factors (mite infestations, viral infection, specific pesticides, the way the bee industry manages hives, etc...). It\'s an important problem which makes it equally important focus on the real issues.\\ >**I know reddit likes to use Monsanto as the evil face of agriculture but as is often the case, its not a fair argument to make.** You confidently claimed twice Monsanto produced them, despite a direct link that showed they did not, which proves the point they are being made out as the "evil face of agriculture." The story is about bees being delivered to the EPA and Bayer, but the only company anybody seem to be complaining about is Monsanto!', '>>{thelizardkin} : Not to defend Monsanto, but GMOs are not bad, and have nothing to do with bees.', '>>{Account9726} : Still wrong. They are not producing "**the** products with neonicotinoids." They are using seed treatments used by the other big agribusiness companies as well. The fact that a thread about delivering bees to the EPA and Bayer has only complaints about Monsanto pretty much proves the previous poster\'s point.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Dat pedantry. I indulge you because it's good for people to see the depths that Monsanto's defenders will sink to. But that's enough now. Have a nice day and don't drink the glyphosate!", ">>{Account9726} : Such depths... you assumed they made them, didn't read a link that showed they didn't make them, immediately switched to seed treatments that I had already mentioned, and haven't addressed a thread about a Bayer chemical being nothing but Monsanto complaints, which proves the whole point: >I know reddit likes to use Monsanto as the evil face of agriculture but as is often the case, its not a fair argument to make.", '>>{workthrowaway68} : Food Costs will increase that is the whole goal of agri*business*.', ">>{metalkhaos} : Those companies are also working to correct mistakes. I was listening to Star Talk podcast that Bill Nye hosted and he was talking about GMO's and the like. They said one unintended side effect was that whatever the chemical was, forget the name off-hand, was that it killed the milkweed. That happened to be a big source of food for the Monarch butterfly. A group of industries has since gone and planting a stretch of milkweed now along their natural migratory pattern to help get their numbers back up.", '>>{doug3d} : Could ignoring this problem be an intentional act to drive the market cost of seeds & food upwards? It may not change profit margins but why would the governments and companies not be concerned unless there was something to gain? Who is gaining the most by doing nothing here?', '>>{Account9726} : Sort of. Getting rid of milkweed was an intended effect. I mean, milkweed is a weed, you spray herbicide to get rid of weeds. The only thing in particular about the specific herbicide (Round-Up/Glyphosate) is "broad spectrum" rather than targeted at broad-leaf plants or grasses, which doesn\'t make it more dangerous it just means it works on more types. Herbicide resistance allows you to spray it while keeping your crops alive, which had the *intended* effect of less milkweed, but that had the *unintended* effect of giving less food for monarchs. It isn\'t a unique GMO problem either, there are other herbicide resistant plants made by other means, GM glyphosate resistance just exploded in popularity very quickly so had a big effect. There were also all sorts of other issues hurting the monarch, not just milkweed loss, but on the plus side [the population seems to be rebounding a bit](http://www.npr.org/2015/03/04/390757757/monarch-butterfly-population-rejuvenated-after-last-years-record-low).', ">>{Noteamini} : if anything, won't GMO help saving the bees by reducing pesticide usage?", '>>{jappledapple} : The companies that produce these products (Bayer and Syngenta) privatize the profits and socialize the problems they cause.', '>>{puntinbitcher} : What do GMOs have to do with bees dying? Also, why do you think GMOs are evil?', '>>{thegreatgazoo} : It would be a start and possibly more effective than waiting for a bribed EPA to take action .', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Farmers might just lie, I think. I also think some beekeepers already do what you've suggested. It's not a bad idea, but it's only a small part of a total solution.", '>>{Reddirator} : No. A fraction of a fraction of a previous total is different than a fraction of previous total.', ">>{Reddirator} : That's a logical fallacy. Bees are far from being the only factor in food production, including factors that may increase productivity above the current hinderance caused by bee populations diminishing.", '>>{Kolecr01} : Yes but you lose shareholders who only care about money. That is largely why a high proportion of revenue and subsequently profit from a firm is accounted for by financial operations. GE for example.', '>>{mrp3anut} : Do you have a comparable stat regarding total farmland in 1975 vs today? The fact we have fewer hives doesn\'t really relate to our "need" for hives if we have no idea how effective our use of each hive is.', '>>{Dr-Kiloton} : Right, lets wait for the "science to be in" before we move the goal posts further.', '>>{Tunderbar1} : Getting downvoted eh? Then I will make a correction. 2.6 million dead bees divided by 50,000 bees/hive = 52 hives. LOL. Downvote the truth people. LOL.', '>>{MrJcole} : Just looked that up, looks amazing! Been wanting to get into bed keeping for awhile and will definitely remember this.', '>>{MrMadcap} : > "food costs will increase as food supplies diminish.” Don\'t say that! It only puts dollar signs in the eyes of those who control such resources!', '>>{Uktabi68} : The EPA is a Dow/Monsanto sellout. The thought of the EPA is not bad unto itself, but it needs to be restructured with farmers having a say. The board should be at least half small farmers.', '>>{pheelins} : Luckily for me, I think the food will last until I die, some you young guys are in for a hurtin in old age I think. Food wars are coming, so are water wars. You think food is expensive now? Wait until it has to be hand pollinated.', ">>{escalation} : That wouldn't happen if 10% of your stock purchase had to be held long term.", ">>{tyranicalteabagger} : What you don't hear as much is that the common treatments for these issues are worse. Pumping hives full of insecticides and antibiotics is worse as it selects for genetically superior mites and diseases and genetically inferior bees that can't cope with pests without human intervention. If they would just take their losses and breed replacement stock from the survivors we would already be well past this. Not to mention contaminating the honey and wax supply.", '>>{herbertJblunt} : You are right about resistance mites, but luckily hardly anyone treats their bees with insecticides anymore since they would just end up with a bunch of deformed useless bees. Unfortunately you cannot just breed away mites, mainly since they are infesting the wild honey bees at an alarming rate. Pretty much every professional that tells a new beekeeper that is just getting started, you will end up with mites, regardless. There are some newer methods with using screen bottoms instead of solid, and drone-brood trapping. Takes some work, but results are better than not, and does not involve chemicals. We may be able to develop a hormone analog to prevent metamorphosis & break the cycle, but that is obviously tricky considering honeybees use a junior hormone for their own development.', ">>{tyranicalteabagger} : Once an area has mites it always will. People already have bred bees that can deal with them without treatment. Dee Lusby and Michael Bush being the most obvious examples. It seems to be a combination of natural cell size, almost all foundation that's sold is grossly over sized and adds days to the brood cycle; which adds days to the time mites have to breed in worker cells. On top of treating and propping up weak genetic traits that are incapable of surviving without intervention. The science is well behind what people are already doing successfully to not just use less harsh treatments, but not treatments at all.", '>>{gravitas73} : And scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson say GMOs are harmless and liberals who say otherwise are no better than conservative climate change deniers.', ">>{tyranicalteabagger} : Before the beekeeping community looks out they really need to look in first. Many of the treatments they use to deal with pests are insecticides and antibiotics that screw up the hives ecology and have contaminated the whole wax supply along with many other negative effects. At this point I won't even consider buying commercially produced wax to use in my hives. I also wouldn't consider buying queens, nucs, or packages from most of the commercial sources.", ">>{Reddirator} : It's not always pretty to tell the truth, but it's generally best practice imo. In any case, it is important that we consider the importance of bees in food production. The current level of impact of bee survival on food production can (and most likely will) change over time. The near future could be ugly."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{JLTuttoilmondo} : Recounts were already done for demographic purposes, so this is pointless.', ">>{sox_n_sandals} : I think these are being done to verify the machines weren't tampered with.", '>>{fapsandnaps} : Trumps lead from Election night has already dropped 5,000 votes due to calculation errors found during canvassing. I dont know what else mandates a recount and audit of a vote then when the winner loses 18% of his margin of victory due to calculation errors.', '>>{Sonifys} : Oh like he won over 3 weeks ago and there just so happens to have other motives. AKA to PREVENT the December 13th deadline of CERTIFICATION OF ELECTORAL VOTES by requiring recounts! Thus making it easier to court votes from "moral electors."', ">>{sweatybronson} : The big news here is that there's a dude named Rocky Roque De La Fuente and he was running for president.", '>>{phydeaux70} : Liberals are being moronic. 1. Stein earns enough votes to cost Hillary the election. 2. Then she decides to fund raise off of it, which started at $2 million had gone up to $6-$7 million. 3. There had been zero proof of ballot tampering or fraud. The trend lines seen in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan are also prevalent in places like Iowa and Minnesota. This will end in nothing and people have her money when they should have been pissed at her.', ">>{E-rockComment} : When Hillary lost the election I was distraught, broken, and crestfallen, but this gives me hope. This gives me a future to believe in. I never stopped fighting for Hillary. We need a president that knows that we are stronger together and that love trumps hate. There is no other way but her way. It is at this moment in our nation's history where we the people must rise up and come together to defeat hatred. We need to put our battle pantsuits on and take on the rascists, misojoenists, and the homofobes. Thank you Dr. Stein for saving our country from the grips of fascism. I'm so happy I'm crying. I love Hillary!", '>>{climb-via-is-stupid} : Why is this site suddenly all over the place?', '>>{Peadymarvin} : I REALLY hope this is sarcasm cause this just made me laugh.', '>>{sweatybronson} : He also must be an Italian/Mexican boxer, right?', ">>{Daysofthunderpast} : Agreed, but sadly I've seen similar posts that were indeed serious.", '>>{TheFriffin} : There was also a guy named Frank Atwood in Colorado If you tried to google him, you only got google pages about a murderer', ">>{sweatybronson} : Awesome. If you google my name, you get a gay porn star. I'll never be president either.", '>>{frixinvizen} : Give ALL Stein votes to Clinton, and it only flips Michigan and Wisconsin, not enough for a Clinton victory.', '>>{Starmedia11} : Filing fees alone are $2m, not surprising that legal/etc costs make up 3-4m over 3 states. Besides, the odds that Stein is stupid enough to just keep the money are low. Going through with the process earns her media attention and potential good will. And on the other hand, even if there is no change to the results made, any discrepancy found pushes us more towards doing this more regularly. Realistically, the only safeguard we have over elections is the word of partisan appointees. We should be regularly auditing every election, especially given the GOP history of tampering with the process and voter disenfranchisement in general.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I feel bad for the people who have given money to Jill for this. Throwing their money into a pit of nothingness.', '>>{aperfectmouth} : >On one prominent election law blog, the moderator said the Greens had “opportunistically” raised their fundraising goals, and were not required to use the recount funds for that purpose. >That’s not correct, however. The party is operating under a 2006 Federal Elections Commission advisory opinion, 2006-24, that says the recount funds have to be segregated and used for that purpose. That ruling says: >“Money raised by the recount funds will not be used to pay for pre-election or Election Day expenses, such as administrative costs, get-out-the-vote activities or communication expenses. Instead, the recount funds will be used only to pay for \'expenses resulting from a recount, election contest, counting of provisional and absentee ballots and ballots cast in polling places,\' as well as \'post-election litigation and administrative-proceeding expenses concerning the casting and counting of ballots during the Federal election, fees for the payment of staff assisting the recount or election contest efforts, and administrative and overhead expenses in connection with recounts and election contests\' (\'recount activities\')." http://www.alternet.org/green-party-recount-update-lawyers-activists-organizers-get-going-wisconsin-and-pennsylvania', ">>{Punishtube} : Why are you so against verifying the election? It seems very undemocratic to not want to recount if the votes are close and insure Trump did win if that's the case.", ">>{VROF} : [Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.](http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/23/503146770/npr-finds-the-head-of-a-covert-fake-news-operation-in-the-suburbs?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social) >“We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out.” http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/11/25/1603978/-Fake-news-network-tried-to-write-fake-news-for-liberals-but-they-just-never-take-the-bait", ">>{VROF} : I hope this is true. If it is then Democrats might have learned something from watching [Republicans in North Carolina](http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/11/22/1602781/-Clintons-Popular-Vote-Lead-Widens-and-NCs-Elections-Board-Lawyers-Up-After-Bombshell-Revelation) >On November 18, the deadline for counting the provisional ballots, McCrory’s campaign manager asked the state BOE “to take jurisdiction” of the matters before the county BOEs and to resolve them quickly. >Roy Cooper quickly stepped in to warn the state BOE that it was headed for trouble and he included exhibits to show that the protests received by the county BOEs were illegal and possibly fraudulent. That’s serious coming from a state Attorney General. >The state BOE called an Emergency Meeting on Sunday November 20, where Josh Malcolm, the Board’s Democratic member dropped a bombshell. The 'mill' that was stamping out cookie cutter’ challenges. naming hundreds of voters as ineligible was the state Board, itself. >**Specifically, the Board’s Information Technology Director, accessed the state's database to gather information that he used to fabricate challenges against voters which he sent to the county BOEs. The other Board members at the meeting admitted that they knew about his actions and absolved themselves of any responsibility.** That is really doing the people's work I guess", '>>{ricdesi} : He was on the ballot here in MA, I was actually more surprised that he had filed separately from Jill Stein for the recount.', ">>{whatnowdog} : Where does any extra money go. Is it saved for 2018 recounts or other recounts in this elections for down ballot. It looks like they have already gotten 3 precincts in Wisconsin to come clean that they padded the count. This is before the recount started. I guess they knew they would be exposed so they came clean. Don't think there will be more of these but if more of these change the EC count and gives Clinton the election it will be ironic that the election was rigged for Trump.", '>>{aperfectmouth} : All through the election when Trump called rigged, voter fraud or election fraud it was Trump supporters found doing it or the RNC conspiring to suppress or intimidate. I would not be surprised if we find this to be the case. It would be consistent.', '>>{whatnowdog} : I hate the Republicans that ran this election in my state. I hope the vote spread goes over 10k so McCrory has to shut up. This recount is making his loss look worse.', '>>{enjoyingtheride} : It would be unconstitutional to not recounting a election this close. Plus, she\'s not accusing anyone of "rigging" the election, she just wants a recount.', ">>{whatnowdog} : I don't know what went on behind the scenes maybe nothing maybe a lot but Clinton is not pushing this in public. It has come out that three Wisconsin precincts have come out and admitted that they padded the vote count for Trump. I find it interesting that Trumps number prior to the recount was 1,404,000. I find it odd the last 3 numbers are 000. That looks like someone rounded off the count. Unless more precincts are found to have rigged the count nothing will change for the EC vote. It looks like the election may have been rigged for Trump but voters got in the way and voted for Trump in the right states.", '>>{Classy_Debauchery} : I hate Trump, but this gave me cancer.', ">>{andr50} : .. you realize if the Electoral College doesn't pick in time, the house gets to right? It's going to be the same result regardless. Honestly we should be recounting all the states with a < 5% margin. Why not certify the results?", '>>{whatnowdog} : I live in NC and the sitting Republican governor McCrory was down 5001 votes right after the election. The Republican Election Boards did everything they could to before the election to give Republicans a victory. So far every count of more ballots has given more votes to the Democrat. The latest news article the Democrat Cooper was up by more then 8500 votes.', ">>{HeDoesntAfraid} : I have a feeling they wouldn't be comfortable with the idea of recounting states that Trump was projected to win either. This is like when it was clear Sanders would lose but they all clung on to any article of him having a chance.", ">>{TeamRedRocket} : I hadn't heard of this padding. Could you like me to any more info about it?", ">>{Suzookus} : It's just Hillary supporters and NeverTrumpers. Their money will soon be in the treasury of the three states. Green Party folks could barely scrape together a couple million in a year.", ">>{lpmode} : don't feel bad. be happy that there are people ready to stand up for democracy and fair rights. the goal is not neccesarily to change the results but to show unity and solidarity against a liar, a con man who already betrayed his voters. I feel bad for the people who voted for him. Trump is not to be taken for granted nor should he take his position for granted. People don't trust him, his voters started seeing the liar that he is. He only knows how to extort people and avoid the spirit of the law. His casinos, tax avoidance and elitist exclusive establishments represent an anti democratic and corrupt character. He has always been like that and he'll never change. You know it", ">>{Remingtonh} : I'm going to laugh hard when Trump ends up with more votes as a result of this.", '>>{suitology} : Us 3 months ago:"Wow, Jill stein is such a joke" Us today: "Everybody pay attention! Jill Stein is trying to save the world!"', '>>{hideogumpa} : I honestly did not know that recounting a close election was covered in the Constitution. How close does the Constitution say it has to be to warrant a recount?', '>>{tm647} : I saw a tractor trailer near my house with his website on it, ROCKY 2016 every day for like 3 months. Kinda annoyed me.', '>>{kittymcmeowmeow} : What about the states that Hillary narrowly won? Should we count those?', '>>{IEatAnyAss} : I really want to say "hey wait, conservatives aren\'t *that* dumb." These articles tell me otherwise. It actually boggles my mind that when some people hear outlandish information, they don\'t bother researching into it. They\'ll just accept it because it fits their narrative on how things are, then they\'ll share it with like-minded others.', '>>{awfulsome} : the results were her being up over 2 million votes..', ">>{RedLetterMemedia} : It won't make it to the front page of /r/politics. They'll call Jill Stein a hack fraud and pretend they never supported a recount in the first place.", '>>{camdoodlebop} : Us in 3 months: "Wow, Jill Stein scammed us by masquerading as a recount fund"', ">>{Tasadar} : If she actually did that would be hilarious. I think it's more likely she doesn't want to be the reason Trump won. Even if it's just on record, wouldn't have made it!", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : This is one of the funniest posts I've read in awhile, well done. Did you just start recently? You're a brand new user who posts exclusively anti-trump content.", ">>{lpmode} : yes, I think that's how this works. You sign up and post about the things you care. I'm not always funny."], ['>>{zapichigo} : Evergreen question: Does Donald Trump not know how government works or does he not care?', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Come on, it's probably a LOT of both.", '>>{sunnieskye1} : Are you kidding? He demonstrated again and again and again during his campaign that he doesn\'t know how our government works. I doubt Trump has ever looked at our Constitution. This is why he thinks he\'s the "normal" candidate-elect. The fucker is clueless, he has no idea how America works, much less the government.', '>>{ILikeLenexa} : The latter (and a fair bit of business) drives the former.', '>>{EK71} : And the Republicans aim to make sure it never does. Ron Swanson was SUPPOSED to be satire, until Republicans realized how genius it was.', '>>{coachbradb} : He knows how it has been working and that is why he ran. We know how it has been working and that is why he won. The plan is to change how it has been working so it serves the people instead of those elected to serve the people.', '>>{benh141} : Yeah, because he has proven to be a generous man of the people.', '>>{coachbradb} : He has. Perhaps you should stop watching and reading fake news from places like the NYT and CNN', ">>{benh141} : Then tell me something he has done for a little guy that actually helped them? And no, saying something that he never went through with does not count. I can think of plenty of occurrences where he has screwed over small businesses. And those news outlets are not fake news places, left leaning yes. But not fake. Do you suppose I get my news from somewhere with as much integrity as fox news? Or should it be donaldjtrump.~~com~~gov? Edit: Can't come up with any sources? Who would have thought?", '>>{ertri} : Which news sources would you recommend? And what, specifically, has he done?'], [">>{oranjemania} : Portraying Muslims as a Threat to Women, Donald Trump Echoes '\x80\x98Us vs. Them'\x80\x99 Refrain", '>>{RealPutin} : > What feminists think white patriarchy is, is what islam actually is. ....wut I consider myself a feminist, kinda confused as to how "Islam" = "White Patriarchy" when they aren\'t related. I\'m also really curious what you believe I think "white patriarchy" is.', '>>{oranjemania} : Perhaps you should cite your credentials and/or sources for these two grand statements regarding: >What feminists think and >What Islam is.', '>>{miashaee} : Not sure what this means, can you clarify because this is poorly constructed.', '>>{miashaee} : This isn\'t going to solve your female voter issue, if it did then you wouldn\'t be so far behind with female voters now as this "us vs them" anti minority song and dance is all you did in the primary.', '>>{RealPutin} : Here, maybe this will help you hear it better: "BUT... THEY ARE.. WHAT FEMINISTS THINK WHITE PATRIARCHY IS, IS WHAT ISLAM ACTUALLY IS." Nah, you\'re right, that "sentence" is absolute shit', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Those people are threatening our women folk! was how southerners excused lynchings, wasn't it?", '>>{Dan_The_Manimal} : Fundamentalist abrahamic religions are all incredibly mysognist. Look at the treatment of women in really orthodox Jewish sects and old school Christian policies. Hell the three religions share a male power structure where the representatives of the deity must be men, except in more modern reformed versions. That\'s not to say modern moderate Islam isnt as modern or moderate as modern moderate Christianity or Judaism, or doesn\'t have the same capacity for respect for both sexes, but these Faith\'s are delineated by a series of patriarchal societies. Not so much "white" in the case of Islam, at least in the traditional sense of WASP.', ">>{RealPutin} : See, I'm a feminist, and I don't believe white men are forcing women and minorities into lesser roles and responsibility. I believe society - *including women and minorities* - does this to an extent, but I believe that's improving. Mostly I believe in equal opportunity. So not sure what the hell you're saying here. In case you haven't noticed, there are lots of Muslims in the US already. They function with equality just fine. Women are second class citizens in much of the middle east, yes, *just as they were here at that stage of development*. It's socioeconomic, not religious. Fun fact: Islam grew quickly in the 600s and 700s partially because it was better for women than Christianity was at the time.", '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : They are a threat to women, children, gays. Turkey just approved a 12 year old marriage down from 15. This is what happens when they gain power in your country.', ">>{RealPutin} : How about Christianity? Much of Europe lived as Christian countries from 500-1700. Women were treated like shit then. Now, that had more to do with the society than the religion, sure. It's almost as if religions running society doesn't work, but religion as part of society is *completely fine*. I don't believe we should live in a society dictated by *any* religion. I'm totally okay with people of any religion living in our society though.", '>>{smushkreeg} : I think it is pretty safe to say that women are much worse off in Muslim countries than non Muslim countries.', ">>{RealPutin} : Jesus christ, are you that dense? You're the one calling them bad. Nope. I said *middle eastern* (note: not Muslim) countries aren't as fully developed as much of Europe/The West. That's an objectively true statement. I also said that gender equality is worse in less developed countries. Also objectively true. Thus, it's not surprising that women are second-class in the Middle East. It's terrible, sure, but economic development and removing religion from the law (the *law*, not the society) is the way to solve that, not just get rid of Islam.", '>>{Roseking} : I agree. > Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : > hitler got rid of the guns No, he didn't. Gun nuts like to say that, but it isn't at all true. http://www.salon.com/2013/01/11/stop_talking_about_hitler/", '>>{viccar0} : Are you suggesting all 3.3 million Muslims in the USA believe in and practice Sharia?', '>>{Trumpmeister} : Is this what they teach in the gender studies courses? Islam grew quickly because the declining Christian kingdoms of Near East and North Africa stood no chance against the unified armies that emerged out of the Arab Peninsula, not because of some feel good "better for women" crap.', '>>{Halophilic} : He is saying that muslims actually are a threat to women; Islam is a an actual Patriarchy, which feminists often claim Western society is. I don\'t agree completely though. Islam, the religion and ideology, is a threat to the freedom of women, homosexuals, freethinkers, and many more. *Muslims* themselves aren\'t necessarily a threat. Political islamists (those who desire to convert the world to islam through political means) and jihadists (through war) are. The problem is that while the percentage of all muslims that are a threat is probably low, the raw number of political islamists and jihandists totals in the tens if not hundreds of millions. So while it is wrong to conflate "all Muslims" with islamists/jihadists, there still is a large problem of security threat that is particular to Muslims as a group. We\'re losing the forest for the trees when we just shout down everyone who brings this problem up. And in doing so we\'re creating a vacuum where right-wing extremists can flourish.', '>>{Roseking} : You got me. It is 1 Timothy 2:11-12', '>>{miashaee} : No, the analogy for guns would be "it\'s easier to control an unarmed population", which is true, just like it\'s true that if you want to get people on board with discriminating against or raising animus against a minority group you talk about how your women are threatened. Kinda why is super easy to start a lynch mob if someone reports (even if falsely) that a white woman was raped by a black man (historically speaking).......*cough* Rosewood *cough*', ">>{RealPutin} : That doesn't have shit to do with the religion though. The middle east is politically unstable and has huge wealth inequality. Christians simply live in more peaceful and moderate areas now. For centuries the Middle East was much more stable than Europe, and actually had better equality in that time. That's not true now, but that doesn't mean ban Muslims.", '>>{Trumpmeister} : There is no separation of state and religion in islam. Do you know anything about that religion at all?', ">>{RealPutin} : Why? The region is unstable, not the people. Why not make sure we don't destabilize it further, let it develop, and see what happens?", '>>{RealPutin} : Do tell. Also keep in mind that the largest Islamic state in history, the Ottoman empire, is well-regarded for having freedom of religion and gender equality.', '>>{Roseking} : Okay? If you noticed I stopped after you said you were not Christian.', ">>{RealPutin} : If you cared to give a shit and learn in a World History class, Islam *spread* quickly through North Africa, but *grew* because people converted under their own choice. They didn't force conversions. Which is part of why ISIS's shit is so stupid. Out of the three Abrahamic religions spreading through the Middle East at that time, Islam offered the most equality for the average individual.", '>>{GunzGoPew} : Hitler actually loosened German gun laws. But details.', ">>{coolguy1996} : 51% of British Muslims believe a woman cannot marry a non-Muslim Only 51% believe a Muslim woman may marry without a guardian's consent. 74% of young Muslims prefer women wear the veil (compared to 28% of those over 55). Pew Research (2011): Muslim-Americans four times more likely to say that women should not work outside the home. 23% of Turks living in Germany say that a Muslim should not shake the hand of the opposite sex. Your argument is bullshit. If you are a self-respecting feminist you should be totally against Islam.", '>>{viccar0} : No liberals support Islamic policies or Sharia law. You are misinterpreting the argument.', ">>{miashaee} : I do, but I'm not turning into a monster because bad things happen. Plus I am black so I am intimately aware as how you can spread animus against a minority groups with such tactics. I mean I know what this is......we all do, well at least if you're educated apparently you're more likely to see it.", ">>{Trumpmeister} : Yeah, nobody was forced to convert. You only had to pay a religious tax if you didn't which in practice meant you either converted or starved to death. Please give me some another fairytale about islam. I bet you find it all exotic and exciting.", '>>{coolguy1996} : [Pew Research \\(2007\\): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified. ](http://www.pewresearch.org/files/old-assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf#page=60) [The Polling Company CSP Poll \\(2015\\): 38% of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State \\(ISIS\\) beliefs are Islamic or correct. \\(43% disagree\\)](http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/150612-CSP-Polling-Company-Nationwide-Online-Survey-of-Muslims-Topline-Poll-Data.pdf) Not everyone, but a large portion.', ">>{Trumpmeister} : What? Sharia, which inherently values men over women, was the law of the land in the empire for its entire history and caliphs, essentially the highest religious leaders and successor of Mohammed, were its rulers for five centuries. If you think paying tax because you were not a muslim then I don't know what to say.", '>>{jackcoolds} : same argument as always, he has to use fear because its the only he has', ">>{spaceghoti} : And you can't keep just the bad ones out. Which is why, if you're serious about the principles this nation was founded on, you have to give everyone a chance to start over. If the price of freedom is too high for you then you might want to start building your bunker.", ">>{Jake314159265359} : > Ok fine, how about we just ban people from that region then... I disagree, but that's better than a religious test. A religious immigration test is sort of establishing a state religion.", ">>{miashaee} : I'm not so easily manipulated, plus I have conviction and perspective so I'm not going to go around spreading animus against another minority group just because I've had a bad experience. That's the same kind of reasoning that makes people afraid of me. Also when did I say anything was okay, crime happens and it always will, I am just not going to use it to spread religious/ethnic animosity because I know what that is.", '>>{Jake314159265359} : > Its the same fucking thing Nope. Religions and places are different things.', ">>{spaceghoti} : My wife and daughters have a much higher risk of getting raped by Christian than a Muslim. That's not because there are no Muslims in the area but because Christians are more numerous and no better behaved. We've had zero problems with the Muslim communities because they're committed to living peacefully in this country. The farther removed they are from the first generation the harder it is to distinguish them from any other immigrant family from any other part of the world. This has always been true of immigration in the US and always will be. Just like there will always be people looking to close our borders against them for the sake of cultural or racial purity. We have a much bigger problem with domestic terrorism in the US than we've ever had with foreign interests. But you'd never know that if you only listen to Trump or Fox News affiliates.", '>>{pejmany} : If we lived in a Christian or muslim theocracy women would be far far worse off. Most theocracies really.', '>>{pejmany} : How demeaning of women that us "men" must jump up and protect them. How fragile are women. The "think of you wife, daughter and mother" argument is literally what southerners said, and it\'s the same old sexist propaganda for wars going back millenia.', '>>{miashaee} : Nope, I didn\'t say that, you seem to want to put words in my mouth, that and American immigration is different than European immigration so these "facts" may differ from country to country. That and it\'s pretty clear that this standard of collective guilt only applies to certain "types" of people, because no one is going to argue that I should have animus against all white people if some white person did harm to me. Funny how some groups are evaluated individually and some are evaluated as a group. hmmmmmm -_-', ">>{spaceghoti} : Well, I'm glad to see you're not going to let anything so petty as facts get in the way of your bigotry. Good luck with that; I'm out.", '>>{coolguy1996} : Lol. Facts are racist now to liberals I guess.', '>>{miashaee} : Well considering my wife is white, my son is half-white, I\'ve grown up in a SUPER racially mixed environment, and that I\'ve taken a host of IATs that have all come back with "no implicit racial bias" I doubt that at this point. I just observe that people are treated differently based on ethnicity/religion and a lot of the same fear based narratives that are being used against Muslims were once used against black people......like all the time, it\'s pretty much the same bigoted playbook if you\'re paying attention. Kinda why educated people see it and uneducated people don\'t.', ">>{miashaee} : All racial groups are more likely to be killed by their own race since neighborhoods are fairly segregated. White people kill white people and black people kill black people. But you're right society isn't perfect, but I've already read this story, I know how it ends and I will not abandon my principals out of fear. I'm not a coward in that way, I have he courage of my convictions."], ['>>{TrillbeauxBaggins} : Citing Trump, Minneapolis Somali nonprofit rejects $500,000 counterextremism grant', '>>{Jabawocky} : So they reject money to fight terrorism and violence in the Somali Muslim community because Trump wants to stop violence and terrorism by Muslim immigrants? Sounds counter productive', ">>{TrillbeauxBaggins} : It's not fighting terrorism necessarily, it's CVE- which Trump seems content to let fall by the wayside. My understanding is that the group is convinced that taking federal funds would essentially undercut their org in the community as Trump/the Feds are just that toxic.", '>>{TrillbeauxBaggins} : If anyone is interested, here\'s how DHS defines CVE: "Here in the United States, acts perpetrated by violent extremists can have far-reaching consequences. Countering violent extremism (CVE) has therefore become a key focus of DHS’s work to secure the homeland. CVE aims to address the root causes of violent extremism by providing resources to communities to build and sustain local prevention efforts and promote the use of counter-narratives to confront violent extremist messaging online. Building relationships based on trust with communities is essential to this effort." Note the emphasis on building trust with communities and offering alternative narratives (Christians vs. Muslims, anyone?) Good to see that Trump has completely screwed the pooch on this in less than two weeks.', ">>{mrbarky} : It's because Trump now wants to make it exclusively about Muslims so that he doesn't offend a certain part of his base.", '>>{banned_from_usa} : Maybe because they feel they are treated as if they were the terrorists? if the government treat you as a murderer based on your origin would you feel any optimism? The order is stupid. It just alienated people for no reason. US is already very tough on visas for all the 7 countries without blatantly banning them. Iraq is fighting terrorists and cooperating with the US, shares intelligence. and got banned as if Iraq attacked the US. why should Somalis feel better? why should any country expect better in working with the US?', '>>{WmPitcher} : For those that are interested, here is the organization: http://www.kajoog.org/ I bet people are going to donate the $500,000 with no strings attached.', '>>{301ss} : > because Trump wants to stop violence and terrorism not much evidence Trump actually wants to do this. His moves so far have made America less safe by every metric available and very telling that you only care about terrorism from \'muslim immigrants" when thats actually a minority of the actual terrorist acts the US has been subjected to.', '>>{Jabawocky} : >His moves so far have made America less safe by every metric available Lol, and what metrics are these? CNN headlines? No he really hasn\'t. >and very telling that you only care about terrorism from \'muslim immigrants" when thats actually a minority of the actual terrorist acts the US has been subject Stop, you\'re just making shit up now. If you want to make a point then come up with something other than story telling and semantics.', ">>{301ss} : >Lol, and what metrics are these? CNN headlines? No he really hasn't. How about what our allies, military, and natsec experts/operatives are saying about how the exec order eroded our ability to fight ISIS on the ground? How is it helpful to revoke visas to translators and fixers that put their lives on the line in Iraq to help the USA fight ISIS and AQ? > Stop, you're just making shit up now. If you want to make a point then come up with something other than story telling and semantics. Why are you running from the facts? What was the legal status of the people that committed most of the terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11? If you're serious about your concerns about terrorism, you should at least reckon with where the attacks are coming from. Hint: exactly 0 refugees have committed terrorist attacks in the USA in the past 20 years..."], ['>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : 2.6 Million Dead Bees Delivered to EPA Headquarters: “If we allow the chemical agribusiness industry to continue these short-sighted practices, food costs will increase as food supplies diminish.”', ">>{Uktabi68} : This a real issue, it won't see the front page. People don't care though they should.", '>>{herbertJblunt} : I see this story about the bees for both pesticides and the Vorrao Mites all over national and local fairly regularly. Both issues are a big deal.', '>>{Columbus-1492} : Round-Up is perfectly safe. Just ask /r/"Science"', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4p86nx/activists_to_bring_millions_of_dead_bees_to_epa/ That is actually the _second_ time I've seen a story about this issue on the front page.", ">>{Uktabi68} : Cool, I'm certainly glad it made it. I don't know how much can be done though in the face of the large companies making the chemicals.", '>>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : The EPA needs a complete overhaul and it needs to be taken seriously as one of the most important federal agencies and it needs to receive funding appropriate to that valuation. Nobody is talking about that. Not Bernie. Not even O\'Malley. Trump, like the rest of the GOP, wants to dismantle the EPA, or as he calls it the "department of environmental." If this is not done, if we do not protect the earth which gives us life, nothing else really matters. I would be very happy if Hillary will still make this a major issue in this election. Her environmental record is not good, but even then her positions on issues like a climate change or heck even just _not dismantling the EPA_ are one of the most striking and important contrasts between her and Trump. It would be strategically very smart for her to make a big deal about this. Unfortunately ["Clinton is widely seen as a friend to ... agrichemical interests"](http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/34688-big-campaign-cash-for-clinton-from-monsanto-lobbyist) >Her history of backing GMO dates back to her early days in Arkansas as a lawyer with the Rose Law Firm, which represented Monsanto and other agribusiness leaders. >Big ag also has been a big donor to the Clinton Foundation, the family charity at the center of pay-to-play accusations involving foreign donors while Mrs. Clinton ran the State Department. >Monsanto gave the foundation between $501,250 and $1 million. Dow Chemical Company, which is among the top GMO players, gave between $1 million and $5 million, according to financial disclosures by the Clinton Foundation. Plus of course as you probably already know she is beholden to the fossil fuel industry. So I\'m not sure if we will be hearing a lot on how horribly awry the EPA has gone, and how important this agency needs to be if we want future generations to inherit a hospitable planet free from toxicity, from Clinton. I hope the Green Party, which is the only party currently taking environmental science seriously, will be able to participate in the debates.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I think maybe the pesticides make them susceptible to the mites.', '>>{herbertJblunt} : >I think maybe the pesticides make them susceptible to the mites. I understand you might think that, but this is not up for opinion. They have independent and equal issue. I have read near equal amount of studies of both independently or combined by dozens of major research universities.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : http://m.phys.org/news/2016-02-insecticide-effect-varroa-mite.html "Insecticide increases effect of varroa mite" >"It is therefore conceivable that a colony with varroa, which is also exposed to neonicotinoids, starts the winter in poorer health than colonies not exposed to the insecticide, and thus experiences more deaths. Whether this effect actually occurs in practice needs to be investigated in follow-up research."', '>>{herbertJblunt} : The key word "conceivable" is not uncommon to see in studies because you want to eliminate it scientifically in the future. I have read one from Purdue or KU that actually had some correlation data, but nothing with causation yet.', '>>{Th4nk5084m4} : not here, anyway. All email spam, all day.', ">>{Kolecr01} : yes, but that's long term. I've got shareholders this quarter! shareholders!", '>>{Scuderia} : Roundup/glyphosate is not really suspected to be a cause to CCD. The class of pesticide you are thinking of are neonics.', ">>{RachelOdette} : Fake Issue year after year. Google 'bee die offs 2015' or 'Bee die offs 2014' or 'bee die offs 2013' - I stopped at 2010 when I realized it was the exact same article on many different sites all saying how 42%, 46%, 39%, 41%, 47% of bees died off the previous year. I might be the worst in math but, as I stopped checking in 2010, if EVERY year 40+ percent of bees die off, and I do mean EVERY year - would that not mean there were like 2 bees left in the world? Or more properly, that bees die off every year as a norm? Something is wrong with these articles and I keep thinking it is the honey inustry constantly telling us how rare honey is and how all bees are dying off, just as their season kicks off so they can make more $ from us with higher prices. If it were true, and EVERY year over 40% of bees died off, there would be none left by now.", '>>{Sardorim} : Is it time to utilize "MAD" Science and create the Ultimate Super Bee?', ">>{altheist} : It makes my cry thinking about it but I'm glad I'm doing my part to keep them alive and healthy. Respect nature or it kills you by nature.", ">>{Shootsucka} : In 1975 the US had ~ 4 million active and healthy bee colonies. We have a greater use for bees now that we grow significantly more food and we have ~2.4 million active and healthy hives in 2015. So there is certainly a decline, look at this handy little chart showing the decline since the 40's. [Chart.](http://scientificbeekeeping.com/scibeeimages/fig-023-513x450.png)", '>>{Doctor_Cornwallis} : [Clinton Foundation took up to 5 million from Monsanto](http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/matthew-balan/2016/06/23/surprise-cnn-spotlights-foreign-corporate-donations-clinton)', '>>{Dustin_00} : I agree there is a problem. There is also a problem in the reporting highlighted by your comment: you start out talking about *bees*, but then link to the number of *bee hives*. This seriously clouds the issues. You can take a hive of 1,000 bees and split it into 2 hives of 500 bees very easily. So you can support *bee hive* chart numbers with a very fake impression of plenty of bees.', ">>{nosayso} : Roundup is actually pretty low as far as toxicity goes (less toxic than many organic pesticides), biodegradable, pretty awesomely targeted to only affect plants... I'm always annoyed when people demonize it.", '>>{magariot} : That girl in the picture, is exactly how i imagined these environmental loonies to look.', '>>{Shootsucka} : Worker bees live for 4-9 months during the winter season, but only 6 weeks during the busy summer months (they literally work themselves to death). Nearly all of the bees in a hive are worker bees. A hive consists of 20,000 - 30,000 bees in the winter, and over 60,000 - 80,000 bees in the summer. Hive size has not grown, hives have a limit in size before they create a new hive. The number of hives is a fine stat to use.', '>>{Tunderbar1} : 2.6 million dead bees. So.... 2 hives?', '>>{thegreatgazoo} : The quick way to solve this is for the beekeepers to refuse to rent their bees to any farmer who uses those pesticides.', '>>{Dustin_00} : It hides the strength/health of the colonies. These hives are especially vulnerable to a number of pests. As each of these new hives builds in population it is subjected to attack from numerous pests. Weak hives are regularly approached by wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, wax moths, small hive beetles, and mammals. However, the most persistent attackers of bee hives are often worker honey bees from other colonies in the area that attempt to rob honey stores. The best defense against bee hive pests is a strong population of honey bees.', ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : Try reading it again. There is no equivocation. You're confused.", '>>{lardlad95} : I think sending them a few thousand live bees would have been more effective in getting their attention.', ">>{trevize1138} : [Thousands of years ago in the middle east] I just don't have the money to dig my irrigation canals deeper. I'm just going to make shallow irrigation canals. What harm could a little extra salt do?", ">>{Ernie_Clifton} : I just want to put politics aside and point out that there is a company called Flow Hive (I think that's it) that just came out with a new hive for beekeeping that makes harvesting honey as easy as turning in a faucet and filling your cup, while very minimally disturbing the bees, unlike most bee setups now. This is great for anyone considering getting into beekeeping but worried about the maintenance and dealing with angry bees. You can help the environment and have delicious local honey. (Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Flow hive, just a fan of their products.)", '>>{Moleculartony} : If bees dying were truly significant, then food prices would be through the roof. Instead, food prices have declined year-to-year for 10 years or so.', ">>{CorrectedRecord} : Sanders has talked about the EPA and wants to expand their power. Hell, that's how he plans to implement his carbon tax plan which would need a stronger administration to enforce.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : That doesn't work. If the pesticide are being used anywhere nearby the bees will still be exposed to them. They're bees you know. They fly around.", '>>{Oh_Help_Me_Rhonda} : It is a real issue and there are many contributing factors. As of yet though, the granola heads haven\'t been able to demonstrate that it has anything to do with all the "evil chemicals" they love to complain about. It\'s anti science. Look at the EPA\'s actual studies on colony collapse disorder.', ">>{Oh_Help_Me_Rhonda} : It is, in fact it's several viruses as well as climate change and several other factors. These anti pesticide people are no different than anti vaccine people in my opinion. Show some concrete examples of any of the claims already.", ">>{Oh_Help_Me_Rhonda} : No he's not. It's highly exaggerated by people who cling to pseudoscience and want to ban GMOs and pesticides while presenting no actual evidence that they cause the problem. Colony collapse disorder is real and the EPA's own studies show that it is probably mostly caused by viruses, spreading mites that fuck up hives, climate change, and other factors.", ">>{Sieziggy} : GMOs are not a factor in colony collapse. It seems to be a combination of numerous factors (mite infestations, viral infection, specific pesticides, the way the bee industry manages hives, etc...). It's an important problem which makes it equally important focus on the real issues. I know reddit likes to use Monsanto as the evil face of agriculture but as is often the case, its not a fair argument to make.", ">>{Reddirator} : I hate Her. Wasn't that the slogan? It's my slogan.", ">>{akwatic} : Whatever you do, [don't f_ck with Monsanto.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/was-a-usda-scientist-muzzled-because-of-his-bee-research/2016/03/02/462720b6-c9fb-11e5-a7b2-5a2f824b02c9_story.html)", '>>{Reddirator} : https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=scientific+journal+article+pesticides+bees&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiip7a_hcHNAhUK1GMKHQAgD9IQgQMIGjAA I am glad that you only require evidence. It makes you so much better than those incorrigible people who take a stance regardless of evidence.', '>>{Account9726} : Nope. [Bayer, Syngenta, and others](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neonicotinoid#Market). Just because you only know the name of one agribusiness company doesn\'t mean they are responsible for everything. At this point the goalposts are generally moved to "well, they use the seed treatments!"', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I didn't say they are the only ones manufacturing them.", ">>{WowAFreeBeer_} : I know you are joking but the sad truth is a lot of people use this as a defense in an argument. Honestly it sickens me when we put the profits of a few above the well being of the planet and other people. In any case, I don't understand the concept of short sighted business moves anyways. If what you are doing is causing irreparable damage, wouldn't it make more sense to invest into fixing it so you can stabilize your profits for the long term?", ">>{Account9726} : They don't manufacture any of them, look at the table. You are just making things up.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Sure, they just coat their seeds in them. Wow. pedantic much?', '>>{Account9726} : [Called it](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4pl612/26_million_dead_bees_delivered_to_epa/d4megap) >At this point the goalposts are generally moved to "well, they use the seed treatments!"', ">>{nospecialhurry} : Doesn't seem pedantic at all. You were wrong? You should have started arguing from the truth, not a lie.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Not moving goal posts at all. I Totally was wrong to say they manufacture them. They just manufacture products with them. (& Also Bayer, who are in negotiations for the purchase of Monsanto, manufactures neocotinoids.)', ">>{mingy} : It's almost a pity that food supplies and food availability keeps growing despite the efforts of pseudo-environmentalists like these.", ">>{volares} : If you don't mind getting replaced by the guy willing to do irreparable damage to the earth and all people on it for 5% higher gains this current quarter, sure.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : It's pedantic, and I have corrected the comment in question.", '>>{splanky47} : IDK - this kind of seems like the beginning of the end. I would rather die peacefully in my sleep than running from a hive of super bees.', '>>{Account9726} : Do you remember the point of this thread? >GMOs are not a factor in colony collapse. It seems to be a combination of numerous factors (mite infestations, viral infection, specific pesticides, the way the bee industry manages hives, etc...). It\'s an important problem which makes it equally important focus on the real issues.\\ >**I know reddit likes to use Monsanto as the evil face of agriculture but as is often the case, its not a fair argument to make.** You confidently claimed twice Monsanto produced them, despite a direct link that showed they did not, which proves the point they are being made out as the "evil face of agriculture." The story is about bees being delivered to the EPA and Bayer, but the only company anybody seem to be complaining about is Monsanto!', '>>{thelizardkin} : Not to defend Monsanto, but GMOs are not bad, and have nothing to do with bees.', '>>{Account9726} : Still wrong. They are not producing "**the** products with neonicotinoids." They are using seed treatments used by the other big agribusiness companies as well. The fact that a thread about delivering bees to the EPA and Bayer has only complaints about Monsanto pretty much proves the previous poster\'s point.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Dat pedantry. I indulge you because it's good for people to see the depths that Monsanto's defenders will sink to. But that's enough now. Have a nice day and don't drink the glyphosate!", ">>{Account9726} : Such depths... you assumed they made them, didn't read a link that showed they didn't make them, immediately switched to seed treatments that I had already mentioned, and haven't addressed a thread about a Bayer chemical being nothing but Monsanto complaints, which proves the whole point: >I know reddit likes to use Monsanto as the evil face of agriculture but as is often the case, its not a fair argument to make.", '>>{workthrowaway68} : Food Costs will increase that is the whole goal of agri*business*.', ">>{metalkhaos} : Those companies are also working to correct mistakes. I was listening to Star Talk podcast that Bill Nye hosted and he was talking about GMO's and the like. They said one unintended side effect was that whatever the chemical was, forget the name off-hand, was that it killed the milkweed. That happened to be a big source of food for the Monarch butterfly. A group of industries has since gone and planting a stretch of milkweed now along their natural migratory pattern to help get their numbers back up.", '>>{doug3d} : Could ignoring this problem be an intentional act to drive the market cost of seeds & food upwards? It may not change profit margins but why would the governments and companies not be concerned unless there was something to gain? Who is gaining the most by doing nothing here?', '>>{Account9726} : Sort of. Getting rid of milkweed was an intended effect. I mean, milkweed is a weed, you spray herbicide to get rid of weeds. The only thing in particular about the specific herbicide (Round-Up/Glyphosate) is "broad spectrum" rather than targeted at broad-leaf plants or grasses, which doesn\'t make it more dangerous it just means it works on more types. Herbicide resistance allows you to spray it while keeping your crops alive, which had the *intended* effect of less milkweed, but that had the *unintended* effect of giving less food for monarchs. It isn\'t a unique GMO problem either, there are other herbicide resistant plants made by other means, GM glyphosate resistance just exploded in popularity very quickly so had a big effect. There were also all sorts of other issues hurting the monarch, not just milkweed loss, but on the plus side [the population seems to be rebounding a bit](http://www.npr.org/2015/03/04/390757757/monarch-butterfly-population-rejuvenated-after-last-years-record-low).', ">>{Noteamini} : if anything, won't GMO help saving the bees by reducing pesticide usage?", '>>{jappledapple} : The companies that produce these products (Bayer and Syngenta) privatize the profits and socialize the problems they cause.', '>>{puntinbitcher} : What do GMOs have to do with bees dying? Also, why do you think GMOs are evil?', '>>{thegreatgazoo} : It would be a start and possibly more effective than waiting for a bribed EPA to take action .', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Farmers might just lie, I think. I also think some beekeepers already do what you've suggested. It's not a bad idea, but it's only a small part of a total solution.", '>>{Reddirator} : No. A fraction of a fraction of a previous total is different than a fraction of previous total.', ">>{Reddirator} : That's a logical fallacy. Bees are far from being the only factor in food production, including factors that may increase productivity above the current hinderance caused by bee populations diminishing.", '>>{Kolecr01} : Yes but you lose shareholders who only care about money. That is largely why a high proportion of revenue and subsequently profit from a firm is accounted for by financial operations. GE for example.', '>>{mrp3anut} : Do you have a comparable stat regarding total farmland in 1975 vs today? The fact we have fewer hives doesn\'t really relate to our "need" for hives if we have no idea how effective our use of each hive is.', '>>{Dr-Kiloton} : Right, lets wait for the "science to be in" before we move the goal posts further.', '>>{Tunderbar1} : Getting downvoted eh? Then I will make a correction. 2.6 million dead bees divided by 50,000 bees/hive = 52 hives. LOL. Downvote the truth people. LOL.', '>>{MrJcole} : Just looked that up, looks amazing! Been wanting to get into bed keeping for awhile and will definitely remember this.', '>>{MrMadcap} : > "food costs will increase as food supplies diminish.” Don\'t say that! It only puts dollar signs in the eyes of those who control such resources!', '>>{Uktabi68} : The EPA is a Dow/Monsanto sellout. The thought of the EPA is not bad unto itself, but it needs to be restructured with farmers having a say. The board should be at least half small farmers.', '>>{pheelins} : Luckily for me, I think the food will last until I die, some you young guys are in for a hurtin in old age I think. Food wars are coming, so are water wars. You think food is expensive now? Wait until it has to be hand pollinated.', ">>{escalation} : That wouldn't happen if 10% of your stock purchase had to be held long term.", ">>{tyranicalteabagger} : What you don't hear as much is that the common treatments for these issues are worse. Pumping hives full of insecticides and antibiotics is worse as it selects for genetically superior mites and diseases and genetically inferior bees that can't cope with pests without human intervention. If they would just take their losses and breed replacement stock from the survivors we would already be well past this. Not to mention contaminating the honey and wax supply.", '>>{herbertJblunt} : You are right about resistance mites, but luckily hardly anyone treats their bees with insecticides anymore since they would just end up with a bunch of deformed useless bees. Unfortunately you cannot just breed away mites, mainly since they are infesting the wild honey bees at an alarming rate. Pretty much every professional that tells a new beekeeper that is just getting started, you will end up with mites, regardless. There are some newer methods with using screen bottoms instead of solid, and drone-brood trapping. Takes some work, but results are better than not, and does not involve chemicals. We may be able to develop a hormone analog to prevent metamorphosis & break the cycle, but that is obviously tricky considering honeybees use a junior hormone for their own development.', ">>{tyranicalteabagger} : Once an area has mites it always will. People already have bred bees that can deal with them without treatment. Dee Lusby and Michael Bush being the most obvious examples. It seems to be a combination of natural cell size, almost all foundation that's sold is grossly over sized and adds days to the brood cycle; which adds days to the time mites have to breed in worker cells. On top of treating and propping up weak genetic traits that are incapable of surviving without intervention. The science is well behind what people are already doing successfully to not just use less harsh treatments, but not treatments at all.", '>>{gravitas73} : And scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson say GMOs are harmless and liberals who say otherwise are no better than conservative climate change deniers.', ">>{tyranicalteabagger} : Before the beekeeping community looks out they really need to look in first. Many of the treatments they use to deal with pests are insecticides and antibiotics that screw up the hives ecology and have contaminated the whole wax supply along with many other negative effects. At this point I won't even consider buying commercially produced wax to use in my hives. I also wouldn't consider buying queens, nucs, or packages from most of the commercial sources.", ">>{Reddirator} : It's not always pretty to tell the truth, but it's generally best practice imo. In any case, it is important that we consider the importance of bees in food production. The current level of impact of bee survival on food production can (and most likely will) change over time. The near future could be ugly."]]
classify and reply
[">>{djmexi} : Everything you read about the next iPhone is all rumors until September. There is supposed to be the 7s, 7s plus, and whatever the iPhone 8 will be called. The 8 is supposed to have the OLED screen. In September they hold an event announcing the iPhone's then usually that Friday they go up for preorder then about 2 weeks later they're fully released. But rumor has it the iPhone 8 may be delayed until later in the year.", '>>{Armano231} : iPhone 5s screen popped off after drop. What can I do?', '>>{readnweep} : Best line, "But, he said, “being a Republican voter means already having come to terms with voting for disgusting racists and sexists sometimes.”"........ lol', '>>{portnux} : What happens when you lay it face down on a clean, flat surface and press down on it?', ">>{djmexi} : In years past the iPad event, as it's commonly called, usually happens in march. But this year one didn't happen because there wasn't a significant enough change.", '>>{djmexi} : Yeah they just did an iPad refresh last month so your good to buy one. Normally people advise to not buy an iPhone this close to a new release. Choice is yours on that one.', ">>{Armano231} : It won't work, if you look at the picture, those plastic tabs get in a way. The screen has to be put back in top first, kind of like a tv remote battery cover.", '>>{satosaison} : Dakota Access Pipeline Shooting Victim Was An Armed Instigator, Protesters Claim', ">>{HonoluluLion} : I've never been happier to see a candidate lose, after the Pizzagate info came out I hope Hillary, Bill, John and Tony podesta die a sloooow painful scary death", '>>{satosaison} : >Standing Rock Sioux tribe claimed Friday that the supposed shooting victim drove a truck through a highway barricade set up by protesters, who gave chase and forced him off the road. He then got out of the vehicle and “fired several shots from his assault rifle,” the tribe said in a statement posted to Facebook. The company has been using tactics like this throughout this standoff, using dogs and armed security to create disruptions and incidents, and then trying to use the incidents to discredit the peaceful protesters.', ">>{zakphi} : if you're confident you can fix it yourself, then do it. if not, then take it to apple", '>>{Venturin} : My football team lost the game, 17 points to 10 points. Oh but we got more *total yardage*! So we kinda, sorta won, right? Right guys? right?', '>>{cl33t} : Let me just summarize this article and every single one like it for the next six months: [insert a bunch of simplistic theories that seem probable on the surface, but are nonetheless overly reductive and ultimately get us no closer to the truth which is more likely than not, quite complicated]', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Maybe you don\'t but many people do though. You spout all that stuff about it not being a "popular vote" election, which is true, but that doesn\'t mean the average person understands that. Trump will likely lose the popular vote by 2 million votes. The biggest in history and still be the winner. That\'s a big number bro. Many people are going to see that and go "wtf?". It illustrates how weak of a win it is. That\'s Trump and his supporters problem IMO.', '>>{readnweep} : i thought it did a good job at making the point that a bunch of factors played into, not just one thing like most people ive seen try to make it to be.', '>>{hervadore} : You should be able to repair yourself if you think you can. There are several guides online, you just need the proper tools.', '>>{pdxthrowawayjobs} : you mean tactics like driving on a public highway, where barriers have been illegally placed, in violation of state laws? > who gave chase and forced him off the road. (vehicular assault with a deadly weapon) >More than hundred people were arrested, authorities said. One woman allegedly fired shots at officers while being placed under arrest, according to the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/live-updates-from-the-dakota-access-pipeline-protests-oct-27/ https://www.facebook.com/MortonCountySD/posts/345486819136996 https://www.facebook.com/MortonCountySD/posts/345486515803693 >Shots have been fired but law enforcement is NOT involved. There have been two separate shooting incidents.', ">>{teedoff087} : your frame is bent. I would take the screen off and try to reseat it, then put a good case on it. because of the bent frame, even if you reseat it, it's more likely to break due to the pressure on the glass. the glass could also start to separate from the plastic bezel over time.", '>>{I_like_drawing_trees} : Unbend the frame, push the thingies inside then add glue to the screen and push it to the limit.', ">>{salzamani} : Take out the 2 screws (pentalobe screwdriver $2) at the bottom next to the lighting port. Use a small suction cup to the bottom portion of the screen and pull the bottom half of the screen out first and then the rest being very careful to not tug on the cables inside the phone. Reinstall screen by first tucking in the 2 white tabs at the top of the screen first and lower the rest of the screen and snap down. Screw back in the 2 screws. I don't think the frame is bent but if it is just careful bend back straight. You can do it !!! 😲👍", '>>{naeads} : Often it is this time of the year where they would do a discount or sales on the iPhones to clear the stocks for the coming announcement. If anyone doesn\'t care about the "latest and newest", I would say the 7 to be a nice buy (even though it is still expensive in comparison to other phones, whatever though...)', '>>{djmexi} : They never do that. At least not in the US. Apple never has', '>>{satosaison} : I might give chase too if someone tried to ram me with their truck.', '>>{portnux} : Then remove the two screws next to the Lightning port. Slip the bottom free, engage the top in position. Then press the button end back in place and replace the two screws.', '>>{DBHT14} : How about you outscored your opponent 21-0 in the 1Q then lost each of the next 3 quarters 7-6, 7-0, and 10-3. Under most rules you still win despite scoring less in 3/4ths of the quarters.', ">>{accountabilitycounts} : Worst sports metaphor I've seen in a long time.", '>>{naeads} : Oh, sorry to hear that. I am living in Asia countries here, apple authorised sellers reduce around $100 this time of the year.', ">>{DBHT14} : Of the 10 most populous states Trump won 7 to Clinton's 3(CA, NY, IL). So Im pretty sure the votes were out there for Trump to be able to win the popular vote had enough people chosen to vote for him, a little in each state.", ">>{Armano231} : Yeah, I think I'll fix it myself. Thanks!", '>>{Armano231} : Thanks for your response! By any chance, would you know where I could buy a pentalobe screwdriver?', ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : It's hilarious you think anyone other than you even cares that much. Trump won and Hillary lost. Get over it and grow up. Donald Trump is your president.", '>>{pdxthrowawayjobs} : What you mean is, someone has the right to ram your truck off the road, and then shoot the person after they get out, because they drove past an illegal barrier on a public road? >A woman who was later arrested fired three shots on Thursday that narrowly missed a law enforcement officer, authorities said. Protesters threw feces, water bottles, logs and other debris at officers during the conflict, authorities said. >"peaceful protestors" https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/59y6vq/democrats_should_ask_hillary_clinton_to_step_aside/d9can8a/ >So, I can\'t tell if you are trying to be condescending or not, but I am actually a lawyer. If I am reading this correctly, you are basically butchering your understanding of the speech and debate clause. If not, I have no idea what you are on about. >"peaceful protestors"', '>>{Venturin} : Spin it however you like, the most fantastic takeaway of all is that Hillary Clinton will NEVER, EVER be president! And what an amazing relief that is.', ">>{Armano231} : Thanks, I'll try this! Do you know where I could get the screwdriver to open the phone?", ">>{salzamani} : You got a lot of options. Ebay, Amazon just google it you'll see that it is very common. You can handle this job just do it yourself. Don't try to snap the top back in without removing the 2 bottom screws because the 2 tabs at the top need to slide in first.", '>>{Macd7} : Hey any charges filed on the woman who shot? Pic or any evidence except the other side saying that bull shit?', ">>{Objectively_Stated} : He's not one of us, we're peaceful protesters! He works for the oil company! >Protesters later set the vehicle on fire, according to Mother Jones.", '>>{DBHT14} : Would he have? How so do you think? The states he focused on like FL, MI, and PA, are all in the top 10 for population, so I think its still likely he spends a good deal of time there.', '>>{naeads} : Not quite sure what the difference is. For me, an iPhone is an iPhone. Though I would love to know why people prefer buying directly from Apple?', '>>{gspires24} : You can get a 16 piece screwdriver set on Amazon for ~7 bucks.', ">>{ClumpOfCheese} : Another Reddit user posted this the other day and I think it addresses you comments pretty well. >They're actually on their own sacred burial grounds fighting to protect the environment and our right to clean water. The people there fighting over 'private property' are really there fighting for corporate profits. If you want to be an apologist for people who put profit over the well-being of the planet, then so be it. But don't act like you know what you're talking about. The peaceful protesters have been met with attack dogs, rubber bullets and concussion bombs among other things. You are a truly disappointing human being", '>>{KatsThoughts} : >A man who North Dakota authorities had said was **shot by Dakota Access Pipeline protesters** was actually an armed instigator linked to the pipeline company, Standing Rock Sioux tribe members said Friday. Right, so, tell me again about these "peaceful" protestors?', '>>{Venturin} : OK, how about a fruit metaphor for you guys arguing about a meaningless number? Sour grapes.', '>>{KatsThoughts} : Setting fire to cars really makes about as much sense as shutting down the pipeline if the goal is to reduce oil consumption. Fewer vehicles means less gas burned which means less dependence on fossil fuels! Torch em all!', ">>{DBHT14} : Well if the goal is for some to move to a system closer or fully on the popular vote I don't think theorizing about how strategy might change is out of order. Especially when you are the one who brought up rightly that different rules would mean different approach. So if you want to deflect and turn down an opportunity to share your thoughts on the point you raised ok, but at least own that.", '>>{KatsThoughts} : So it\'s okay to shoot someone if they come onto your "sacred burial grounds"?', ">>{naeads} : Don't know really. I am also an Android user, so I don't pay much attention to aftersales service, if any, at all.", ">>{DBHT14} : > And now you can't seem to get it through your head that Trump won fair and square by playing by the rules that have always been like this. To be clear the Electoral College has gone through a whole series of reforms to move it closer to a democratic selection of sorts. Used to be Electors werent voted on but appointed by state legislatures so your state rep was the closest you got to voting for President. Used to be that DC didnt even have any EC votes. Just 2 easy ways to point out that the general structure is similar but the rules have certainly not always been like this.", ">>{87788778} : They've got four years to age into a fine whine. (I don't like Trump, but I like puns.)", '>>{TheDonaldNY} : Sell your 6P asap. The values are dropping.', '>>{KatsThoughts} : But the protestors shot the guy. This is like responding to allegations of Trump\'s sexual assault with, "But, Bill Clinton!" Just because the other side allegedly did bad things too doesn\'t mean the protestors\' actions are not wrong.', '>>{satosaison} : If they are telling the truth that he exited his vehicle and began shooting, it seems like self defense.', '>>{GeorgeXKennan} : And coincidentally all their theories seem to support their pre election pet cause.', '>>{TheDonaldNY} : Aw. That sucks man. Be patient, hopefully you will get lucky.', ">>{KatsThoughts} : Agreed. Sounds like we just don't know at this point. The article isn't even clear about whether the guy was shot or not. What does seem clear is that none of the protestors were actually shot, which is fortunate.", '>>{DBHT14} : Yeah I do think thats what we would see basically myself, just get your safe metro areas as good as you can and see what else falls. Kinda think it wouldnt be too different from today we would just be talking about "Swing Cities" instead of swing states. 90% of the time the EC matches the people so it isnt like its a totally unreliable system in the end, just a compromise that doesnt make as much sense today as it did in the 1780\'s.', '>>{DBHT14} : And you as well, I certainly hope to run into you again in the future, if we do not hold the same opinion I at the very least find yours to be a relatively considered and coherent one, and nobody can ask for much more.', '>>{RodneyRuxin18} : Space grey seems to be dead. Is it that important that your phone and iPad match?', ">>{ClumpOfCheese} : >Standing Rock Sioux tribe claimed Friday that the supposed shooting victim drove a truck through a highway barricade set up by protesters, who gave chase and forced him off the road. He then got out of the vehicle and “fired several shots from his assault rifle,” the tribe said in a statement posted to Facebook. So it's not like he was just sitting there. He was being aggressive toward them. Cops have shot black men for less.", '>>{satosaison} : I just wanted to get out there, because the coverage yesterday on it was basically "crazy protestors shooting people," and the facts here make the situation a lot less clear.', ">>{chamotruche} : Not yet. He's the current president-elect. The electoral college still hasn't voted.", '>>{avatar_of_internet} : This article indicates that he started shooting first. At least read something before you post.', '>>{Patango} : >After about 30 minutes, around 6 p.m., more than a dozen Bureau of Indian Affairs police cars entered the protest encampment. They disarmed the man without incident and took him into custody. You are entering an independent nation when you enter tribal lands, your white man thinking, rules and laws are dispelled.', ">>{crowlibrarian} : I'd like to see more data regarding the African American vote. they and the millennials - Bernie supporters - were likely the key to losses in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida. I don't advocate writing off working class whites and rural white voters, but Fox and talk radio did their job pretty well and after the ferocity of attacks on Clinton by these and alt-right media, she wasn't going to do well with them and won't for a generation or more since the cultural wars have hardened positions. Clinton came from humble beginnings and has always been an advocate of unions, infrastructure work, and job retraining, unlike who glommed onto attacking the Republican NAFTA treaty as an ignorant but effective means to undermine working class support for her, so the hypocrisy in painting her in the pocket of wall street is profound. Does anyone really think T doesn't glad hand with his financiers and billionaire buddies, and instead kicks back with factory workers. his supporters were sold the Brooklyn bridge.", '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : So you wanted those SD to switch their votes to Bernie when he won the popular vote in their state?', '>>{Patango} : So torching a truck means you are not peaceful? Breaking treaties and committing genocide is not peaceful.', '>>{ting_bu_dong} : >First, they contend, Clinton need not have wholly ceded white working-class voters to Trump, who won them by a larger margin than Ronald Reagan in his 1984 landslide. Meanwhile, she failed to get young people and minorities—the too-aptly-named “Obama coalition”—excited about her candidacy. Both of those weaknesses, critics say, could be **traced back to a message that emphasized social diversity over economic fairness.** And the Clinton team’s overweening confidence blinded it to her weaknesses. Bernie understood this. He would have spoken directly to poor whites *and* minorities. Bill Clinton understood this. He already had. "It\'s the economy, stupid." But Hillary just thought that she just needed to play identity politics and shame some poor white folks. That would win over millennials and minorities! Anyone else remember how the pundits all said that Bernie was a flawed candidate because his supporters were all *too white?* Oh, now, that\'s some delicious irony.', ">>{TurboSalsa} : These protests are about money. The tribe had every opportunity to raise issue with the pipeline's path but they didn't, so they sued anyway and they lost. My guess is someone is a little upset they're not getting a check for the pipeline companies or they are being paid by the Russians like other environmental protesters are.", ">>{Fubarp} : Except the whole it's not an independent nation and federal government still has authority over the land/people.", ">>{Objectively_Stated} : Well yeah, arson is kinda not peaceful. And Jesus, this isn't the American-Indian war no one is committing genocide, just knock it off.", '>>{Sneaky__Snake} : I guess you missed the part of the article where the sheriff backtracked and said that the truck driver was in fact not shot.', ">>{AhanDahdia} : I don't believe the man was harmed. He was disarmed and authorities where called who took him into custody. I've also been told that he had been around camp for a few days and when he was caught claimed that he had been paid a large sum of money to cause trouble in the camp. So I don't know why this is calling him the victim.", '>>{satosaison} : They shot him in the hand - so I don\'t know what you mean by "not harmed"', ">>{ImportantOpinions} : From the natives perspective it's just more US Government lies. The massacres and relocations could be right around the corner.", '>>{Objectively_Stated} : From my perspective, the natives had multiple chances to voice their concerns before the project started but they refused to go to the meetings. From my perspective, there\'s already a pipeline buried in this "sacred ground." From my perspective, the natives are sensationalizing this story with their "peaceful" protests because the oil company wouldn\'t pay them what they asked, which means they were prepared to sell out their so called holy sites for the almighty dollar, it just didn\'t go their way. From my perspective, tribes rely on the fact that everyone thinks they\'re still scared of being massacred for media attention, which is absolutely ridiculous.', '>>{THIS_BOT} : Maybe he misspelled "not armed", as in, he\'ll be missing an arm soon', '>>{ImportantOpinions} : We want to build something on your land that we promised would be yours. You can help us decide where we build it. What are you getting so upset over?', '>>{maxx0110} : I went to school with this kid. He was always so nice.', '>>{Patango} : Pretending it has not happened does not work. So people are starting wars by starting fires, do the cub scouts frighten you too?', '>>{Patango} : Try going on their land and explaining that to them.', ">>{Fubarp} : It's actually really easy and figuring the Bureau of Indian Affairs is a Federal Agency that literally walked in and took him into custody probably means they don't need it explained to them. But it does seem like it needed to be explained to you.", ">>{Objectively_Stated} : Anything to make the big bad oil company evil right? If you don't like it so much, why don't you boycott them and not use plastic, or roads, or TV, or the phone/computer you're on right now? I don't like the environmental consequences of it either, but until there's a more viable large scale option, it's a necessary evil. Not to mention you failed to address literally any of my points. It's not that we're bullies and taking what's not ours, it's that the oil company didn't exactly meet the price they set to sell their soul, so now they're complaining.", '>>{Objectively_Stated} : With all the benefits, freebies, and the fact that they have their own reservations that they can even protest over in the first place, I don\'t think anyone is forgetting about it. Besides, where\'s the public outcry when the government declares imminent domain and bulldozes someone\'s house for a highway? Is that ok because they\'re not "natives?"', '>>{milesdavisperhour} : Come visit Pine Ridge to admire all the government freebies. Like blankets filled with smallpox.', '>>{Fubarp} : Yet you show no evidence of how I am wrong while I can go ahead and show you that Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution gives power to congress over these Reservations which are under the influence of the Federal Government.', '>>{Patango} : White men have lied about the white man laws they make up as they go lots of times, there is plenty of evidence of that.', ">>{ShameNap} : Except that the guy wasn't shot. That was the first report, but apparently it wasn't true and the guy was not shot.", '>>{ShameNap} : Keep reading the article it says they retracted that statement and he was not shot.', '>>{ShameNap} : And then keep reading to the part that says he was NOT shot.', '>>{KatsThoughts} : I mean, okay? Those cop shootings are unjustified, too.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Armano231} : iPhone 5s screen popped off after drop. What can I do?', '>>{portnux} : What happens when you lay it face down on a clean, flat surface and press down on it?', ">>{Armano231} : It won't work, if you look at the picture, those plastic tabs get in a way. The screen has to be put back in top first, kind of like a tv remote battery cover.", ">>{zakphi} : if you're confident you can fix it yourself, then do it. if not, then take it to apple", '>>{hervadore} : You should be able to repair yourself if you think you can. There are several guides online, you just need the proper tools.', ">>{teedoff087} : your frame is bent. I would take the screen off and try to reseat it, then put a good case on it. because of the bent frame, even if you reseat it, it's more likely to break due to the pressure on the glass. the glass could also start to separate from the plastic bezel over time.", '>>{I_like_drawing_trees} : Unbend the frame, push the thingies inside then add glue to the screen and push it to the limit.', ">>{salzamani} : Take out the 2 screws (pentalobe screwdriver $2) at the bottom next to the lighting port. Use a small suction cup to the bottom portion of the screen and pull the bottom half of the screen out first and then the rest being very careful to not tug on the cables inside the phone. Reinstall screen by first tucking in the 2 white tabs at the top of the screen first and lower the rest of the screen and snap down. Screw back in the 2 screws. I don't think the frame is bent but if it is just careful bend back straight. You can do it !!! 😲👍", '>>{portnux} : Then remove the two screws next to the Lightning port. Slip the bottom free, engage the top in position. Then press the button end back in place and replace the two screws.', ">>{Armano231} : Yeah, I think I'll fix it myself. Thanks!", '>>{Armano231} : Thanks for your response! By any chance, would you know where I could buy a pentalobe screwdriver?', ">>{Armano231} : Thanks, I'll try this! Do you know where I could get the screwdriver to open the phone?", ">>{salzamani} : You got a lot of options. Ebay, Amazon just google it you'll see that it is very common. You can handle this job just do it yourself. Don't try to snap the top back in without removing the 2 bottom screws because the 2 tabs at the top need to slide in first.", '>>{gspires24} : You can get a 16 piece screwdriver set on Amazon for ~7 bucks.'], ['>>{readnweep} : Best line, "But, he said, “being a Republican voter means already having come to terms with voting for disgusting racists and sexists sometimes.”"........ lol', ">>{HonoluluLion} : I've never been happier to see a candidate lose, after the Pizzagate info came out I hope Hillary, Bill, John and Tony podesta die a sloooow painful scary death", '>>{Venturin} : My football team lost the game, 17 points to 10 points. Oh but we got more *total yardage*! So we kinda, sorta won, right? Right guys? right?', '>>{cl33t} : Let me just summarize this article and every single one like it for the next six months: [insert a bunch of simplistic theories that seem probable on the surface, but are nonetheless overly reductive and ultimately get us no closer to the truth which is more likely than not, quite complicated]', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Maybe you don\'t but many people do though. You spout all that stuff about it not being a "popular vote" election, which is true, but that doesn\'t mean the average person understands that. Trump will likely lose the popular vote by 2 million votes. The biggest in history and still be the winner. That\'s a big number bro. Many people are going to see that and go "wtf?". It illustrates how weak of a win it is. That\'s Trump and his supporters problem IMO.', '>>{readnweep} : i thought it did a good job at making the point that a bunch of factors played into, not just one thing like most people ive seen try to make it to be.', '>>{DBHT14} : How about you outscored your opponent 21-0 in the 1Q then lost each of the next 3 quarters 7-6, 7-0, and 10-3. Under most rules you still win despite scoring less in 3/4ths of the quarters.', ">>{accountabilitycounts} : Worst sports metaphor I've seen in a long time.", ">>{DBHT14} : Of the 10 most populous states Trump won 7 to Clinton's 3(CA, NY, IL). So Im pretty sure the votes were out there for Trump to be able to win the popular vote had enough people chosen to vote for him, a little in each state.", ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : It's hilarious you think anyone other than you even cares that much. Trump won and Hillary lost. Get over it and grow up. Donald Trump is your president.", '>>{Venturin} : Spin it however you like, the most fantastic takeaway of all is that Hillary Clinton will NEVER, EVER be president! And what an amazing relief that is.', '>>{DBHT14} : Would he have? How so do you think? The states he focused on like FL, MI, and PA, are all in the top 10 for population, so I think its still likely he spends a good deal of time there.', '>>{Venturin} : OK, how about a fruit metaphor for you guys arguing about a meaningless number? Sour grapes.', ">>{DBHT14} : Well if the goal is for some to move to a system closer or fully on the popular vote I don't think theorizing about how strategy might change is out of order. Especially when you are the one who brought up rightly that different rules would mean different approach. So if you want to deflect and turn down an opportunity to share your thoughts on the point you raised ok, but at least own that.", ">>{DBHT14} : > And now you can't seem to get it through your head that Trump won fair and square by playing by the rules that have always been like this. To be clear the Electoral College has gone through a whole series of reforms to move it closer to a democratic selection of sorts. Used to be Electors werent voted on but appointed by state legislatures so your state rep was the closest you got to voting for President. Used to be that DC didnt even have any EC votes. Just 2 easy ways to point out that the general structure is similar but the rules have certainly not always been like this.", ">>{87788778} : They've got four years to age into a fine whine. (I don't like Trump, but I like puns.)", '>>{GeorgeXKennan} : And coincidentally all their theories seem to support their pre election pet cause.', '>>{DBHT14} : Yeah I do think thats what we would see basically myself, just get your safe metro areas as good as you can and see what else falls. Kinda think it wouldnt be too different from today we would just be talking about "Swing Cities" instead of swing states. 90% of the time the EC matches the people so it isnt like its a totally unreliable system in the end, just a compromise that doesnt make as much sense today as it did in the 1780\'s.', '>>{DBHT14} : And you as well, I certainly hope to run into you again in the future, if we do not hold the same opinion I at the very least find yours to be a relatively considered and coherent one, and nobody can ask for much more.', ">>{chamotruche} : Not yet. He's the current president-elect. The electoral college still hasn't voted.", ">>{crowlibrarian} : I'd like to see more data regarding the African American vote. they and the millennials - Bernie supporters - were likely the key to losses in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida. I don't advocate writing off working class whites and rural white voters, but Fox and talk radio did their job pretty well and after the ferocity of attacks on Clinton by these and alt-right media, she wasn't going to do well with them and won't for a generation or more since the cultural wars have hardened positions. Clinton came from humble beginnings and has always been an advocate of unions, infrastructure work, and job retraining, unlike who glommed onto attacking the Republican NAFTA treaty as an ignorant but effective means to undermine working class support for her, so the hypocrisy in painting her in the pocket of wall street is profound. Does anyone really think T doesn't glad hand with his financiers and billionaire buddies, and instead kicks back with factory workers. his supporters were sold the Brooklyn bridge.", '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : So you wanted those SD to switch their votes to Bernie when he won the popular vote in their state?', '>>{ting_bu_dong} : >First, they contend, Clinton need not have wholly ceded white working-class voters to Trump, who won them by a larger margin than Ronald Reagan in his 1984 landslide. Meanwhile, she failed to get young people and minorities—the too-aptly-named “Obama coalition”—excited about her candidacy. Both of those weaknesses, critics say, could be **traced back to a message that emphasized social diversity over economic fairness.** And the Clinton team’s overweening confidence blinded it to her weaknesses. Bernie understood this. He would have spoken directly to poor whites *and* minorities. Bill Clinton understood this. He already had. "It\'s the economy, stupid." But Hillary just thought that she just needed to play identity politics and shame some poor white folks. That would win over millennials and minorities! Anyone else remember how the pundits all said that Bernie was a flawed candidate because his supporters were all *too white?* Oh, now, that\'s some delicious irony.'], ['>>{satosaison} : Dakota Access Pipeline Shooting Victim Was An Armed Instigator, Protesters Claim', '>>{satosaison} : >Standing Rock Sioux tribe claimed Friday that the supposed shooting victim drove a truck through a highway barricade set up by protesters, who gave chase and forced him off the road. He then got out of the vehicle and “fired several shots from his assault rifle,” the tribe said in a statement posted to Facebook. The company has been using tactics like this throughout this standoff, using dogs and armed security to create disruptions and incidents, and then trying to use the incidents to discredit the peaceful protesters.', '>>{pdxthrowawayjobs} : you mean tactics like driving on a public highway, where barriers have been illegally placed, in violation of state laws? > who gave chase and forced him off the road. (vehicular assault with a deadly weapon) >More than hundred people were arrested, authorities said. One woman allegedly fired shots at officers while being placed under arrest, according to the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/live-updates-from-the-dakota-access-pipeline-protests-oct-27/ https://www.facebook.com/MortonCountySD/posts/345486819136996 https://www.facebook.com/MortonCountySD/posts/345486515803693 >Shots have been fired but law enforcement is NOT involved. There have been two separate shooting incidents.', '>>{satosaison} : I might give chase too if someone tried to ram me with their truck.', '>>{pdxthrowawayjobs} : What you mean is, someone has the right to ram your truck off the road, and then shoot the person after they get out, because they drove past an illegal barrier on a public road? >A woman who was later arrested fired three shots on Thursday that narrowly missed a law enforcement officer, authorities said. Protesters threw feces, water bottles, logs and other debris at officers during the conflict, authorities said. >"peaceful protestors" https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/59y6vq/democrats_should_ask_hillary_clinton_to_step_aside/d9can8a/ >So, I can\'t tell if you are trying to be condescending or not, but I am actually a lawyer. If I am reading this correctly, you are basically butchering your understanding of the speech and debate clause. If not, I have no idea what you are on about. >"peaceful protestors"', '>>{Macd7} : Hey any charges filed on the woman who shot? Pic or any evidence except the other side saying that bull shit?', ">>{Objectively_Stated} : He's not one of us, we're peaceful protesters! He works for the oil company! >Protesters later set the vehicle on fire, according to Mother Jones.", ">>{ClumpOfCheese} : Another Reddit user posted this the other day and I think it addresses you comments pretty well. >They're actually on their own sacred burial grounds fighting to protect the environment and our right to clean water. The people there fighting over 'private property' are really there fighting for corporate profits. If you want to be an apologist for people who put profit over the well-being of the planet, then so be it. But don't act like you know what you're talking about. The peaceful protesters have been met with attack dogs, rubber bullets and concussion bombs among other things. You are a truly disappointing human being", '>>{KatsThoughts} : >A man who North Dakota authorities had said was **shot by Dakota Access Pipeline protesters** was actually an armed instigator linked to the pipeline company, Standing Rock Sioux tribe members said Friday. Right, so, tell me again about these "peaceful" protestors?', '>>{KatsThoughts} : Setting fire to cars really makes about as much sense as shutting down the pipeline if the goal is to reduce oil consumption. Fewer vehicles means less gas burned which means less dependence on fossil fuels! Torch em all!', '>>{KatsThoughts} : So it\'s okay to shoot someone if they come onto your "sacred burial grounds"?', '>>{KatsThoughts} : But the protestors shot the guy. This is like responding to allegations of Trump\'s sexual assault with, "But, Bill Clinton!" Just because the other side allegedly did bad things too doesn\'t mean the protestors\' actions are not wrong.', '>>{satosaison} : If they are telling the truth that he exited his vehicle and began shooting, it seems like self defense.', ">>{KatsThoughts} : Agreed. Sounds like we just don't know at this point. The article isn't even clear about whether the guy was shot or not. What does seem clear is that none of the protestors were actually shot, which is fortunate.", ">>{ClumpOfCheese} : >Standing Rock Sioux tribe claimed Friday that the supposed shooting victim drove a truck through a highway barricade set up by protesters, who gave chase and forced him off the road. He then got out of the vehicle and “fired several shots from his assault rifle,” the tribe said in a statement posted to Facebook. So it's not like he was just sitting there. He was being aggressive toward them. Cops have shot black men for less.", '>>{satosaison} : I just wanted to get out there, because the coverage yesterday on it was basically "crazy protestors shooting people," and the facts here make the situation a lot less clear.', '>>{avatar_of_internet} : This article indicates that he started shooting first. At least read something before you post.', '>>{Patango} : >After about 30 minutes, around 6 p.m., more than a dozen Bureau of Indian Affairs police cars entered the protest encampment. They disarmed the man without incident and took him into custody. You are entering an independent nation when you enter tribal lands, your white man thinking, rules and laws are dispelled.', '>>{Patango} : So torching a truck means you are not peaceful? Breaking treaties and committing genocide is not peaceful.', ">>{TurboSalsa} : These protests are about money. The tribe had every opportunity to raise issue with the pipeline's path but they didn't, so they sued anyway and they lost. My guess is someone is a little upset they're not getting a check for the pipeline companies or they are being paid by the Russians like other environmental protesters are.", ">>{Fubarp} : Except the whole it's not an independent nation and federal government still has authority over the land/people.", ">>{Objectively_Stated} : Well yeah, arson is kinda not peaceful. And Jesus, this isn't the American-Indian war no one is committing genocide, just knock it off.", '>>{Sneaky__Snake} : I guess you missed the part of the article where the sheriff backtracked and said that the truck driver was in fact not shot.', ">>{AhanDahdia} : I don't believe the man was harmed. He was disarmed and authorities where called who took him into custody. I've also been told that he had been around camp for a few days and when he was caught claimed that he had been paid a large sum of money to cause trouble in the camp. So I don't know why this is calling him the victim.", '>>{satosaison} : They shot him in the hand - so I don\'t know what you mean by "not harmed"', ">>{ImportantOpinions} : From the natives perspective it's just more US Government lies. The massacres and relocations could be right around the corner.", '>>{Objectively_Stated} : From my perspective, the natives had multiple chances to voice their concerns before the project started but they refused to go to the meetings. From my perspective, there\'s already a pipeline buried in this "sacred ground." From my perspective, the natives are sensationalizing this story with their "peaceful" protests because the oil company wouldn\'t pay them what they asked, which means they were prepared to sell out their so called holy sites for the almighty dollar, it just didn\'t go their way. From my perspective, tribes rely on the fact that everyone thinks they\'re still scared of being massacred for media attention, which is absolutely ridiculous.', '>>{THIS_BOT} : Maybe he misspelled "not armed", as in, he\'ll be missing an arm soon', '>>{ImportantOpinions} : We want to build something on your land that we promised would be yours. You can help us decide where we build it. What are you getting so upset over?', '>>{maxx0110} : I went to school with this kid. He was always so nice.', '>>{Patango} : Pretending it has not happened does not work. So people are starting wars by starting fires, do the cub scouts frighten you too?', '>>{Patango} : Try going on their land and explaining that to them.', ">>{Fubarp} : It's actually really easy and figuring the Bureau of Indian Affairs is a Federal Agency that literally walked in and took him into custody probably means they don't need it explained to them. But it does seem like it needed to be explained to you.", ">>{Objectively_Stated} : Anything to make the big bad oil company evil right? If you don't like it so much, why don't you boycott them and not use plastic, or roads, or TV, or the phone/computer you're on right now? I don't like the environmental consequences of it either, but until there's a more viable large scale option, it's a necessary evil. Not to mention you failed to address literally any of my points. It's not that we're bullies and taking what's not ours, it's that the oil company didn't exactly meet the price they set to sell their soul, so now they're complaining.", '>>{Objectively_Stated} : With all the benefits, freebies, and the fact that they have their own reservations that they can even protest over in the first place, I don\'t think anyone is forgetting about it. Besides, where\'s the public outcry when the government declares imminent domain and bulldozes someone\'s house for a highway? Is that ok because they\'re not "natives?"', '>>{milesdavisperhour} : Come visit Pine Ridge to admire all the government freebies. Like blankets filled with smallpox.', '>>{Fubarp} : Yet you show no evidence of how I am wrong while I can go ahead and show you that Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution gives power to congress over these Reservations which are under the influence of the Federal Government.', '>>{Patango} : White men have lied about the white man laws they make up as they go lots of times, there is plenty of evidence of that.', ">>{ShameNap} : Except that the guy wasn't shot. That was the first report, but apparently it wasn't true and the guy was not shot.", '>>{ShameNap} : Keep reading the article it says they retracted that statement and he was not shot.', '>>{ShameNap} : And then keep reading to the part that says he was NOT shot.', '>>{KatsThoughts} : I mean, okay? Those cop shootings are unjustified, too.'], [">>{djmexi} : Everything you read about the next iPhone is all rumors until September. There is supposed to be the 7s, 7s plus, and whatever the iPhone 8 will be called. The 8 is supposed to have the OLED screen. In September they hold an event announcing the iPhone's then usually that Friday they go up for preorder then about 2 weeks later they're fully released. But rumor has it the iPhone 8 may be delayed until later in the year.", ">>{djmexi} : In years past the iPad event, as it's commonly called, usually happens in march. But this year one didn't happen because there wasn't a significant enough change.", '>>{djmexi} : Yeah they just did an iPad refresh last month so your good to buy one. Normally people advise to not buy an iPhone this close to a new release. Choice is yours on that one.', '>>{naeads} : Often it is this time of the year where they would do a discount or sales on the iPhones to clear the stocks for the coming announcement. If anyone doesn\'t care about the "latest and newest", I would say the 7 to be a nice buy (even though it is still expensive in comparison to other phones, whatever though...)', '>>{djmexi} : They never do that. At least not in the US. Apple never has', '>>{naeads} : Oh, sorry to hear that. I am living in Asia countries here, apple authorised sellers reduce around $100 this time of the year.', '>>{naeads} : Not quite sure what the difference is. For me, an iPhone is an iPhone. Though I would love to know why people prefer buying directly from Apple?', ">>{naeads} : Don't know really. I am also an Android user, so I don't pay much attention to aftersales service, if any, at all.", '>>{TheDonaldNY} : Sell your 6P asap. The values are dropping.', '>>{TheDonaldNY} : Aw. That sucks man. Be patient, hopefully you will get lucky.', '>>{RodneyRuxin18} : Space grey seems to be dead. Is it that important that your phone and iPad match?']]
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['>>{loremipsumchecksum} : Trump’s energy plan sides with wealthy donors, not everyday Americans', ">>{Midas_Daman} : Well, I'm just shocked. I mean, WHO could have predicted that?", '>>{lostuuid} : I\'m loving it! All those Trump supporters are getting it in the ass already. "Clinton is in bed with Wall Street!" Trump fills his cabinet with Wall Streeters. "Clinton can\'t be trusted with US secrets!" Trump is bff with Putin. "Clinton is just out for her wealthy donors!" And we have this.', '>>{billthomson} : Of course it does. But somehow everyday Americans were convinced to vote for this.', ">>{bananaseahorse} : If you're so smart, why didn't you predict Hillary was going to lose?", ">>{candycornwax} : Liberals weren't smart enough to stop Trump. That's how.", '>>{hecate37} : energy voters! dumbest crap i ever heard of.', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : I did. Sanders proved to the country that they had real options. Trump/Clinton were not suitable options', ">>{Ganjake} : If you're so smart, why do you keep deflecting to someone who's totally irrelevant at this point? Whataboutism makes it seem like you have nothing meaningful to say.", '>>{bigdonAMAZING} : It always has and always will. Nothing new here.', '>>{breezypancakes} : Fear mongering is the only trick the left has these days. Sad!', ">>{anonuisance} : Who cares about Clinton, or that guy's smarts? You have weird priorities.", ">>{professorrumham} : If his cabinet picks don't tip you off to his intentions, then you sir have been brainwashed and you need serious help.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : You forgot one very big point. "Hillary lost". Trump supporters hate this one.', ">>{hecate37} : here's a really succinct way to explain what we're giving up. we don't even have to, but we are. willingly. why? [Dude, where's my North Sea oil money?](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/13/north-sea-oil-money-uk-norwegians-fund) we were almost there.", '>>{spacehogg} : > "Hillary lost". Trump supporters hate this one. Trump supporters lose their healthcare, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their social security, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their freedom of speech, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their voting rights, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their democracy, bet they love that one! So yeah Hillary lost but it\'ll be one hell of a price as dopy donny becomes a destructive dictator of democracy. Good job!', '>>{spacehogg} : You are already at -100, time to make a new account, bud! There are six(6) accounts in this thread that are already at -100... and only 20 comments so far!', ">>{Midas_Daman} : DON'T LOOK AT donny filling his cabinet with billionaires from Goldman. Don't look at his kids getting positions in his white house. Don't look at the Republican congress attempting to cut medicare and social security. Don't look at Russian Hacking allegations. Don't look at donny's business and government conflicts. Let's look at that other shiny thing over here, doesn't matter what it is. Can't face the fact that you were duped.", ">>{justablur} : See something, don't say something: It's more patriotic that way!", '>>{FelidiaFetherbottom} : I don\'t think you understand what the word "smart" means']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{loremipsumchecksum} : Trump’s energy plan sides with wealthy donors, not everyday Americans', ">>{Midas_Daman} : Well, I'm just shocked. I mean, WHO could have predicted that?", '>>{lostuuid} : I\'m loving it! All those Trump supporters are getting it in the ass already. "Clinton is in bed with Wall Street!" Trump fills his cabinet with Wall Streeters. "Clinton can\'t be trusted with US secrets!" Trump is bff with Putin. "Clinton is just out for her wealthy donors!" And we have this.', '>>{billthomson} : Of course it does. But somehow everyday Americans were convinced to vote for this.', ">>{bananaseahorse} : If you're so smart, why didn't you predict Hillary was going to lose?", ">>{candycornwax} : Liberals weren't smart enough to stop Trump. That's how.", '>>{hecate37} : energy voters! dumbest crap i ever heard of.', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : I did. Sanders proved to the country that they had real options. Trump/Clinton were not suitable options', ">>{Ganjake} : If you're so smart, why do you keep deflecting to someone who's totally irrelevant at this point? Whataboutism makes it seem like you have nothing meaningful to say.", '>>{bigdonAMAZING} : It always has and always will. Nothing new here.', '>>{breezypancakes} : Fear mongering is the only trick the left has these days. Sad!', ">>{anonuisance} : Who cares about Clinton, or that guy's smarts? You have weird priorities.", ">>{professorrumham} : If his cabinet picks don't tip you off to his intentions, then you sir have been brainwashed and you need serious help.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : You forgot one very big point. "Hillary lost". Trump supporters hate this one.', ">>{hecate37} : here's a really succinct way to explain what we're giving up. we don't even have to, but we are. willingly. why? [Dude, where's my North Sea oil money?](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/13/north-sea-oil-money-uk-norwegians-fund) we were almost there.", '>>{spacehogg} : > "Hillary lost". Trump supporters hate this one. Trump supporters lose their healthcare, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their social security, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their freedom of speech, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their voting rights, bet they love that one! Trump supporters lose their democracy, bet they love that one! So yeah Hillary lost but it\'ll be one hell of a price as dopy donny becomes a destructive dictator of democracy. Good job!', '>>{spacehogg} : You are already at -100, time to make a new account, bud! There are six(6) accounts in this thread that are already at -100... and only 20 comments so far!', ">>{Midas_Daman} : DON'T LOOK AT donny filling his cabinet with billionaires from Goldman. Don't look at his kids getting positions in his white house. Don't look at the Republican congress attempting to cut medicare and social security. Don't look at Russian Hacking allegations. Don't look at donny's business and government conflicts. Let's look at that other shiny thing over here, doesn't matter what it is. Can't face the fact that you were duped.", ">>{justablur} : See something, don't say something: It's more patriotic that way!", '>>{FelidiaFetherbottom} : I don\'t think you understand what the word "smart" means']]
classify and reply
['>>{COMEY_2016} : Bill Clinton’s Secret Meeting With AG Lynch Draws Suspicions', '>>{ps4southofdc} : Why is Russia still deemed a state worth treating as a major power when it has an economy smaller than Canada? Is it just nuclear weapons, and if so, is that really a serious threat given the consequences of use?', '>>{evil420pimp} : A complete lack of substance. No surprise there.', '>>{pizzashill} : Russia, while not having a very large economy, has real influence in a lot of places. They\'re pretty much the best in the world at pushing conspiracies and unconventional warfare. http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21643222-who-backs-putin-and-why-kremlins-pocket Russia alone swings well above its own weight in this area, but the mistake here is also thinking Russia is alone. Russia has the support of many far-right organizations in Europe. Putin has been called "the father of international conservatism" and a lot of these far right parties are loyal to him on the basis they believe he wants to "protect European heritage." Russia is pretty much the foundation for the international right-wing backlash and anti-liberalism we\'re seeing today. It\'s basically a fascist state masquerading as a western democracy.', '>>{Caveat-Emperor} : Not a complete lack of substance since White Pride got him elected and is thoroughly entrenched in his administration now.', '>>{StonerMeditation} : Wow, reddit republicans are getting desperate for Clinton slams...', '>>{happyantoninscalia} : Fiorina says suffragettes wouldn’t recognize Clinton’s feminism', ">>{LackingLack} : Russia is the world's 6th largest economy by Purchasing Power Parity, which is overall much more of an accurate way to measure GDPs globally. But nobody seriously thinks Russia is not a major power or weaker than Canada anyway, this is just asinine trolling.", ">>{epfourteen} : So the AG meeting privately with an FBI suspects spouse doesn't concern you. ?", '>>{sugarcornpop} : Russia Appears To Defend Michael Flynn With Super-Weird Message On Twitter', ">>{throwaway029384756} : I see you're preparing for a 2020 loss. Nice", '>>{20WPM} : Suffragettes were members of women\'s organizations in the late-19th and early-20th centuries which advocated the extension of the "franchise", or the right to vote in public elections, to women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffragette Suffragettes would recognize little of 2016.', '>>{lovely_sombrero} : >The meeting could be considered highly suspicious, and raises many ethical questions as to whether or not a federal prosecutor should be meeting with the family member of someone who is under criminal investigation. Nah, the Democrats don\'t care about corruption and/or appearance of corruption. As long as "their" Hillary is on the line, of course. Just as they don\'t care about money in politics and corruption when it comes to Hillary Clinton. But when the Republicans do the same they are quick to call them out. At the CNN Town Hall even Hillary said the Republicans don\'t do anything about the environment because they are corrupt and bought by Big Oil. But she won\'t apply the same principles to herself.', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Loss of what exactly? So you got your Nazi Douchebag in office. Lovely. What's he going to do for you except keep your hate warm and cozy? Do you expect your medical bills to go down? Housing to become magically cheaper? Your banks to commit less fraud? Your roads to pave themselves? Food to be safe to eat? Nope, all you want is the right to hate others. If that becomes institutionalized in our government, then the future will be very interesting for you.", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Suffragettes wouldn't recognize taking excess from the workers for capitalist failure, so Fiorina (or Tump, for that matter) may look in the mirror for real problems", '>>{COMEY_2016} : Or it\'s "shit\'s about to go down Bill. Sorry."', '>>{Veniabiit} : So they should line up behind the guy who insulted her face?', ">>{ezekrialase} : I agree, it pisses me off so much that all of these people that love Trump so much don't realize that he's either going to not do anything for the vast majority of Americans or actively make things worse for everyone.", '>>{CurtLablue} : Can someone explain to me the definition of the word secret?', '>>{COMEY_2016} : For the record, I do not believe you are correct.', '>>{Fatandmean} : So Russia posting pics of American food is totally convincing.', '>>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : Russia just made a mockery of the American "democratic" system installing their own puppet as president. Now tell me they aren\'t powerful.', ">>{professorrumham} : So sick of this bullshit reasoning that democrats lost because they were too harsh on trump supporters. Hillary Clinton sucked. Plain and simple. If it was a scandal free candidate, it would have been a bloodbath. And don't forget that the majority did not vote for trump either. If you don't won't to be called a racist, don't align yourself and go all in with one.", '>>{juicetothrowawayfar} : You guys triggered this comrad, he stole Calinfornians spot and gave it to Russian.', ">>{SandraLee48} : I guess it shows they're concerned about the scandal as they well should be.", '>>{FoxKnight06} : I think we need to turn the world against Russia personally, destroy it with trade embargo and isolate it, until it chokes to death.', ">>{CurtLablue} : That everyone knows about? I mean I understand this is your gimmick account but does anyone honestly think these two couldn't have an ACTUAL secret meeting. I'm just speaking rationally and not talking about the right or wrong of the email case.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : Hillary lost. Popular vote does not matter. If it did campaigns would be run differently. And yes the intolerance and name calling does influence voters. Time to stop being divisive and nasty.', '>>{hwkns} : Howard Baker is famous for having asked aloud, "What did the President know and when did he know it?"', '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : We were doing that until some orange jackass came and fucked everything up', '>>{hinzac} : Probably just some secret code to the idiot in the WH that likes to look at pictures.', '>>{vph} : >“Let me say to every woman and girl out there: don’t let anyone tell you what to think,” Fiorina said. And then she immediately proceeded to them what to think about Hillary Clinton. Her literally failed attempt to be relevant is pathetic.', '>>{CLcore} : Truly best hammering of nail, fellow American comrade.', ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : I certainly think that treating Russia with a degree of respect is appropriate, in the sense that they're our rival and while our hard power trounces them flat out, they wield a great degree of soft power, and have inherited a highly skilled intelligence apparatus, arguably superior to those of the US in terms of tradecraft and human resources (although making any really definitive statement about US vs Russian intelligence capabilities is obviously going to be rather difficult.) Having said that, we shouldn't trust them. We should not be their friends. We should consider every move that Russia makes to be hostile to US interests until proven otherwise. Putin wants to be the next Nicholas I, only with a more successful Crimean War.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Yeah pretty fun watching feminist scream rape culture for 10 years and then back a rape apologist for president. Its almost as if the movement is total bullshit.', ">>{OnionBallz} : Fiorina sounds like a kind of ice cream. Why can't Carly be more like Ice Cream and shut the fuck up.", '>>{Lokismoke} : /r/politics upvoting Carly fucking Fiorina should make all of us really look inside of ourselves to see if this is who we really want to be.', '>>{Luke15g} : It is also an interesting time to make the point against the "historic" Clinton nomination and how Sanders is being "sexist" for not dropping out, would people be making those arguments if Fiorina was the Republican nominee but Rand Paul was still in the race and keeping his word by promising to take it to the convention? I miss the whole "content of their character" way of judging people, what happened to that anyway?', '>>{happyantoninscalia} : The hypocrisy on the Republican side this election cycle is unbelievable.', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : So they aren't us. They are a different country lined up around the most economically fuckt up places or those depending on subsidies to survive. They don't care about themselves, obviously, and would rather be the peasants to a Two Fisted Douchebag. So fuck them. Let Kansas wallow in ignorance and bad economic policy and certainly don't send them any money for the inevitable tornado damage. Let The South feel their money drain away and encourage businesses to leave for safer areas with less institutionalized racism and hate. Let the Rust Belt rust and refuse to offer any of them cheap heating fuel for the winter. Let Montana, Idaho and Wyoming to continue to be raped by the land grabs of China and let them enjoy the toxic landscape of their corporate over lord's pollution. This is what they wanted. Let them have it. Don't listen to their pleas for help or their demands for recognition. They sold all those rights for a Douchebag King. They can now suck on that dry tit looking for nourishment.", ">>{COMEY_2016} : > That everyone knows about? Was it planned that way? or maybe someone was like... > WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE -- CONFLICT OF INTEREST! -- THIS IS HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE DURING A FBI CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. I'M TELLING THE PRESS -- FUCK THIS SHIT", ">>{TM3-PO} : You dare to call me a racist, I'll show you you son of a bitch, I'll vote for the guy who is going to nominate white supremacist back into the government!", '>>{omeow} : >Hillary lost. Popular vote does not matter. If it did campaigns would be run differently. And yes the intolerance and name calling does influence voters. Time to stop being divisive and nasty. Time to normalize the fundamental ironies of Trump administration?', ">>{Guitata} : While the wealthy and top officials in russia live in luxury, the common people of russian can't even afford vodka anymore. Trump only has seen the top, and because he is an ingnorant buffoon, he thinks the population lives at the same level as americans. putin know trump can help lift the russian economy and the dirt putin must have on trump leaves trump no choice but to aid putin in any way he can, even to acting treasonously", ">>{evil420pimp} : Trump voters chose him because they felt he represented them and the change they wanted. But he's filed his swamp with political hacks and backed off the promises that got him elected. They elected someone who represents exactly what has fucked them over for decades, using the exact same empty rhetoric they haven't followed through on in the past.", '>>{happyantoninscalia} : the whole "Sanders being sexist for not dropping out" thing comes from one question one reporter asked. Nobody else is talking about it.', '>>{COMEY_2016} : I posted 2 articles regarding this issue in /r/politics *You mad?*', ">>{GeoleVyi} : Let's pretend that the picture attached to the tweet was a mistake. That begs the question: Why the hell was that picture saved to a russian officials phone to be sent?", ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Yes sir. Adding to your point, if the voters for the Douchebag King really wanted change, why did they send the same Congress back who have fucked them over for many, many years now? Answer - they really don't want change. They want to be peasants under a dictatorial regime. Their dream is for the King to come to town occasionally, like a rock concert. So fuck 'em", '>>{Crazywumbat} : > Time to stop being divisive and nasty. From the guy who voted for Trump.', '>>{i_am_bullitt} : It\'s a twitter account associated with the Russian Embassy in the US. Said "twitterer" could have been out to dinner in the US and accidentally posted what was meant for a private twitter account into the "official" account. Or apparently combined them? My best guess.', '>>{inoffensive1} : In this case we may have to settle for "very little, always".', '>>{PlayStationVRShill} : burgergate is real. You heard it 1st here folks!', '>>{Luke15g} : All the Hillary supporters I see talking about it online in article comment sections could have fooled me.', '>>{noodhoog} : Ah yes - Burgers. Also known as "The Russian Jedi Mind-Wave"', '>>{magicsonar} : Adding to that, it\'s a huge mistake to see Putin as a conservative. That is actually what he wants many in his country to think and many outside. Putin has embraced the Russian Orthodox Church, which is expanding its influence in what was once an officially godless state - Putin simply realized that he could harness the resurgent power of faith to manipulate the people and promote his own agenda. The same can be said with an ideological conservative values. Putin himself grew up as a committed communist in the godless Soviet Union. He is using traditional religious conservatism as a means to consolidate power. Give the church what they want as long as they keep people compliant and supportive of him. In exactly the same way Bannon/Trump is now doing. Does anyone really think Trump is an ideological believer in "conservative values"? Does anyone really believe Trump is committed to Christian causes? Of course not. But Bannon recognizes that the power of religion can be a power tool for the authoritarian. It was worked for Putin and it has worked for Erdogan. I\'m convinced that Bannon has been studying the playbook of Putin/Surkov and is tapping into some of the same strategies of creating confusion, and making people not sure what they can believe and what they can\'t believe. And using religion as the way of pulling in Republicans and locking in their support. It\'s working so far....', ">>{Carnagh} : We didn't need to import rape culture, the Catholic church has be raping boys without any external assistance.", '>>{COMEY_2016} : People in charge of our banking system collude for nefarious purposes -- our entire economy is a conspiracy. Calling me a "conspiracy poster" tells me you\'re either ignorant or in denial.', '>>{SterlingDee} : Why would they decide to no recommend an indictment in that case? Why would knowing the likely outcome affect their recommendation?', ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : Yeah yeah enjoy typing while you still can, when we replace the Constitution with Sharia law you'll lose your hands for that!", '>>{Realcheetoinsights} : Remember your fondness for eating black buns? We do.', '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : Nope, this is gonna be the United Caliphate of America, and being a straight white Christian male will be prohibited. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts!', '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : > All You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.', ">>{ohnothejuiceisloose} : Does this image trigger the chip the Russians installed in Trump's skull?", ">>{GoldenShowerDonnie} : Comrades. The pigeon has lost it's wings. Fear not. The Eagle still soars above the motherland.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : The reddit republicans desperate search for Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi BS does indeed bother me. I'm still waiting for Trump to discuss ANY issue, instead of insulting, defaming, and being dumber than Sarah Palin.", '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : Lmao @ you taking any of these replies seriously, seek professional help', '>>{glidingclyde} : I think "private" was the word they were looking for.', ">>{JackOCat} : The late babyboomers and gen xers running the west are doing a shot job at taking the great bear seriously and are starting to pay the price. Russia's GDP says more about the systemic efficiency and corruption problems they have and not their actual output.", '>>{tethysian} : I have to give you this one. Why import a 3rd world rape culture when you already have your own?', '>>{MWM2} : [What does the president...](http://imgur.com/a/VkxAc)', ">>{Workywork15} : I expect Trump to post a picture of him eating KFC with a knife and fork in the coming hours to acknowledge that he's received his orders.", '>>{FF0000it} : There\'s another food pic attached to another "provocative" post. These are the only two food pics I see in the last couple weeks. https://twitter.com/RusEmbUSA/status/831508208590139393', ">>{tethysian} : That is literally your own argument. It's like saying you can't let muslim families in because they might be terrorists when more people die from mass shootings perpetrated by white americans every year. You can't use it as an argument for turning them away if you can't uphold yourself to the same standards.", ">>{tethysian} : I'm not american but thanks for the generalization. I'm not gonna argue with someone who uses 'dood' five times in one paragraph.", '>>{Arc1ZD} : >Increasingly Naive subredditors continue to believe Hillary will be indicted', '>>{Measure76} : >People in charge of our banking system collude for nefarious purposes Such as?', ">>{pizzashill} : Uh, I'm aware Russia is funding right wing and left wing groups, and that's what I linked. The ideology is still far right conservatism, Putin's personal views. Russia funds fringe political groups from every side of the spectrum. But at the same time, Putin himself, personally, is a hard right conservative.", ">>{epfourteen} : I'm still waiting for your savior to have a press conference.", '>>{COMEY_2016} : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor_scandal > The scandal arose when it was discovered that banks were falsely inflating or deflating their rates so as to profit from trades, or to give the impression that they were more creditworthy than they were. Libor underpins approximately $350 trillion in derivatives. It is currently administered by NYSE Euronext, which took over running the Libor in January 2014.', '>>{Measure76} : So they do a terrible job of colluding and end up in a situation where government regulations are made to prevent such collusion in the future?', ">>{COMEY_2016} : I stated: > People in charge of our banking system collude for nefarious purposes and you asked for an example, > Such as? I gave you one. Here's another: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forex_scandal", ">>{Measure76} : If the nefarious bankers are being kept in check so well by the governments, what's the problem?", ">>{COMEY_2016} : > If the nefarious bankers are being kept in check so well by the governments, Fines that are less than what they profited are not bankers 'being kept in check'... > what's the problem? Do you not remember the 2008 financial crisis?", ">>{Measure76} : Are you suggesting that there is something that isn't being done that could be done to prevent that from happening again?", ">>{COMEY_2016} : Do you follow anything that's going on in the banking sector? Do you understand anything about Quantitative Easing, The Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve? Have you done any research on derivatives?", ">>{Measure76} : Well that's a non-answer. Because even if my answer was YES to each of your questions, my question to you remains the same. Are you suggesting that there is something that isn't being done that could be done to prevent the 2008 crisis from happening again?", '>>{northbud} : Because they want to demoralize you so you give up on posting and participating.', '>>{reid8470} : I think a better choice of words would have been "low key".', '>>{Darth_Banal} : Yes, and I can count. Can you?', '>>{Chief_Mother_Fucker} : yeah she does, she does this publicly to create an outrage and delay the investigation by assigning a special prosecutor....shady shady. Of all the places they can meet they decide to do it where they know the media will be an a space that is open for anyone to see...', '>>{cannibalking} : The word lost all meaning the day Bryan Pagliano setup that Exchange server.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : > Are you suggesting that there is something that isn't being done that could be done to prevent the 2008 crisis from happening again? Do you follow anything that's going on in the banking sector? Do you understand anything about Quantitative Easing, The Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve? Have you done any research on derivatives? > If my answer was YES to each of your questions, my question to you remains the same. No it wouldn't be. This statement proves your ignorance. You wouldn't be asking that question.", ">>{Measure76} : Look, if you are saying that the 2008 crisis could happen again, then advocate for the change needed to prevent it. Attacking me for my knowledge or lack of knowledge on the issue won't help a thing.", '>>{COMEY_2016} : The world economy is rigged. Banks conspire for nefarious purposes and will continue to do so. Do some research on QE and the BIS. I showed you a few examples to get your foot in the door, the rest is up to you.', '>>{Measure76} : Every example you provided has been remedied by world governments. It shows that there are checks and balances to fix problems that arise. You also said the 2008 financial crisis could happen again, but you refuse to back that up with anything.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : > Every example you provided has been remedied by world governments. It shows that there are checks and balances to fix problems that arise. The issue is preventing the problems from happening and this definitely will not be solved by the current 'remedies' which are small fines. > You also said the 2008 financial crisis could happen again, but you refuse to back that up with anything. Do some research on QE and the BIS.", ">>{Measure76} : >The issue is preventing the problems from happening and this definitely will not be solved by the current 'remedies' which are small fines. In all the examples you gave, the remedies were fines combined with regulations that would prevent the problems from happening again.", '>>{COMEY_2016} : The regulators are *controlled* by the bankers and their lobbyists.', '>>{Measure76} : In the examples you provided, the regulations were being put in place by the governments.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : These regulations (in conspiracies you never heard of) are apparently remedies -- yet you haven't even researched what they do or who wrote them...", '>>{Measure76} : I did research the examples you gave. The governments involved in each put in place regulations to prevent the issue from happening again.', '>>{COMEY_2016} : And what were those regulations? Who specifically wrote them?', '>>{Measure76} : Which of your examples would you like us to dive deeper into?', '>>{Measure76} : It looks like one of the remedies there is the financial services act 2012, from Parliament.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : ...and the Parliament is controlled by the very banking interests it's set to regulate. Research QE and BIS.", '>>{Measure76} : Parliament is controlled by the banking interests? Influenced perhaps, but controlled? Bullshit.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : Thankfully, reddit republicans do NOT represent the way that America votes. And I still believe there are republicans that have a good heart, who want to see everybody prosper, and don't hate their fellow Americans, or want to shoot them down in the streets (like reddit republicans do...).", ">>{StonerMeditation} : Why have Fox 'news' ask loaded questions that put her in a bad light? It makes no sense - but I understand how Trump people can't figure that out - Trump is dumber than Sarah Palin", ">>{epfourteen} : I don't know. Maybe because she's running for flippin president.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : So the RULES - ONLY apply to Hillary? And Trump can play the maverick and do whatever he wants (because he's outside the system, or whatever rationalization you Trump people are using at the moment)... Uh, huh... you might want to google 'rules of logic' when you get a chance. Now I understand how Trump people are sucked-in by Trumps *Narcissistic Personality Disorder*", ">>{StonerMeditation} : Not me... /s I supported Sanders. That's done and over with - I moved on like sane people usually do...", '>>{epfourteen} : Check my history pal. Sanders supporter and voter.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : So what? So you're just going to complain about Hillary, and be sucked in by the Republican's fear and lies of the Clintons? Guess what? If you do that - you're a Trump supporter.", ">>{epfourteen} : Don't tell me what kind of supporter I am because I think Hillary is a lying flipping crook.", '>>{StonerMeditation} : You are a Trump supporter, and a sucker.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{COMEY_2016} : Bill Clinton’s Secret Meeting With AG Lynch Draws Suspicions', '>>{StonerMeditation} : Wow, reddit republicans are getting desperate for Clinton slams...', ">>{epfourteen} : So the AG meeting privately with an FBI suspects spouse doesn't concern you. ?", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : >The meeting could be considered highly suspicious, and raises many ethical questions as to whether or not a federal prosecutor should be meeting with the family member of someone who is under criminal investigation. Nah, the Democrats don\'t care about corruption and/or appearance of corruption. As long as "their" Hillary is on the line, of course. Just as they don\'t care about money in politics and corruption when it comes to Hillary Clinton. But when the Republicans do the same they are quick to call them out. At the CNN Town Hall even Hillary said the Republicans don\'t do anything about the environment because they are corrupt and bought by Big Oil. But she won\'t apply the same principles to herself.', '>>{COMEY_2016} : Or it\'s "shit\'s about to go down Bill. Sorry."', '>>{CurtLablue} : Can someone explain to me the definition of the word secret?', '>>{COMEY_2016} : For the record, I do not believe you are correct.', ">>{SandraLee48} : I guess it shows they're concerned about the scandal as they well should be.", ">>{CurtLablue} : That everyone knows about? I mean I understand this is your gimmick account but does anyone honestly think these two couldn't have an ACTUAL secret meeting. I'm just speaking rationally and not talking about the right or wrong of the email case.", ">>{COMEY_2016} : > That everyone knows about? Was it planned that way? or maybe someone was like... > WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE -- CONFLICT OF INTEREST! -- THIS IS HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE DURING A FBI CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. I'M TELLING THE PRESS -- FUCK THIS SHIT", '>>{COMEY_2016} : I posted 2 articles regarding this issue in /r/politics *You mad?*', '>>{COMEY_2016} : People in charge of our banking system collude for nefarious purposes -- our entire economy is a conspiracy. Calling me a "conspiracy poster" tells me you\'re either ignorant or in denial.', '>>{SterlingDee} : Why would they decide to no recommend an indictment in that case? Why would knowing the likely outcome affect their recommendation?', ">>{StonerMeditation} : The reddit republicans desperate search for Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi BS does indeed bother me. I'm still waiting for Trump to discuss ANY issue, instead of insulting, defaming, and being dumber than Sarah Palin.", '>>{glidingclyde} : I think "private" was the word they were looking for.', '>>{Arc1ZD} : >Increasingly Naive subredditors continue to believe Hillary will be indicted', '>>{Measure76} : >People in charge of our banking system collude for nefarious purposes Such as?', ">>{epfourteen} : I'm still waiting for your savior to have a press conference.", '>>{COMEY_2016} : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor_scandal > The scandal arose when it was discovered that banks were falsely inflating or deflating their rates so as to profit from trades, or to give the impression that they were more creditworthy than they were. Libor underpins approximately $350 trillion in derivatives. It is currently administered by NYSE Euronext, which took over running the Libor in January 2014.', '>>{Measure76} : So they do a terrible job of colluding and end up in a situation where government regulations are made to prevent such collusion in the future?', ">>{COMEY_2016} : I stated: > People in charge of our banking system collude for nefarious purposes and you asked for an example, > Such as? I gave you one. Here's another: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forex_scandal", ">>{Measure76} : If the nefarious bankers are being kept in check so well by the governments, what's the problem?", ">>{COMEY_2016} : > If the nefarious bankers are being kept in check so well by the governments, Fines that are less than what they profited are not bankers 'being kept in check'... > what's the problem? Do you not remember the 2008 financial crisis?", ">>{Measure76} : Are you suggesting that there is something that isn't being done that could be done to prevent that from happening again?", ">>{COMEY_2016} : Do you follow anything that's going on in the banking sector? Do you understand anything about Quantitative Easing, The Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve? Have you done any research on derivatives?", ">>{Measure76} : Well that's a non-answer. Because even if my answer was YES to each of your questions, my question to you remains the same. Are you suggesting that there is something that isn't being done that could be done to prevent the 2008 crisis from happening again?", '>>{northbud} : Because they want to demoralize you so you give up on posting and participating.', '>>{reid8470} : I think a better choice of words would have been "low key".', '>>{Darth_Banal} : Yes, and I can count. Can you?', '>>{Chief_Mother_Fucker} : yeah she does, she does this publicly to create an outrage and delay the investigation by assigning a special prosecutor....shady shady. Of all the places they can meet they decide to do it where they know the media will be an a space that is open for anyone to see...', '>>{cannibalking} : The word lost all meaning the day Bryan Pagliano setup that Exchange server.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : > Are you suggesting that there is something that isn't being done that could be done to prevent the 2008 crisis from happening again? Do you follow anything that's going on in the banking sector? Do you understand anything about Quantitative Easing, The Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve? Have you done any research on derivatives? > If my answer was YES to each of your questions, my question to you remains the same. No it wouldn't be. This statement proves your ignorance. You wouldn't be asking that question.", ">>{Measure76} : Look, if you are saying that the 2008 crisis could happen again, then advocate for the change needed to prevent it. Attacking me for my knowledge or lack of knowledge on the issue won't help a thing.", '>>{COMEY_2016} : The world economy is rigged. Banks conspire for nefarious purposes and will continue to do so. Do some research on QE and the BIS. I showed you a few examples to get your foot in the door, the rest is up to you.', '>>{Measure76} : Every example you provided has been remedied by world governments. It shows that there are checks and balances to fix problems that arise. You also said the 2008 financial crisis could happen again, but you refuse to back that up with anything.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : > Every example you provided has been remedied by world governments. It shows that there are checks and balances to fix problems that arise. The issue is preventing the problems from happening and this definitely will not be solved by the current 'remedies' which are small fines. > You also said the 2008 financial crisis could happen again, but you refuse to back that up with anything. Do some research on QE and the BIS.", ">>{Measure76} : >The issue is preventing the problems from happening and this definitely will not be solved by the current 'remedies' which are small fines. In all the examples you gave, the remedies were fines combined with regulations that would prevent the problems from happening again.", '>>{COMEY_2016} : The regulators are *controlled* by the bankers and their lobbyists.', '>>{Measure76} : In the examples you provided, the regulations were being put in place by the governments.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : These regulations (in conspiracies you never heard of) are apparently remedies -- yet you haven't even researched what they do or who wrote them...", '>>{Measure76} : I did research the examples you gave. The governments involved in each put in place regulations to prevent the issue from happening again.', '>>{COMEY_2016} : And what were those regulations? Who specifically wrote them?', '>>{Measure76} : Which of your examples would you like us to dive deeper into?', '>>{Measure76} : It looks like one of the remedies there is the financial services act 2012, from Parliament.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : ...and the Parliament is controlled by the very banking interests it's set to regulate. Research QE and BIS.", '>>{Measure76} : Parliament is controlled by the banking interests? Influenced perhaps, but controlled? Bullshit.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : Thankfully, reddit republicans do NOT represent the way that America votes. And I still believe there are republicans that have a good heart, who want to see everybody prosper, and don't hate their fellow Americans, or want to shoot them down in the streets (like reddit republicans do...).", ">>{StonerMeditation} : Why have Fox 'news' ask loaded questions that put her in a bad light? It makes no sense - but I understand how Trump people can't figure that out - Trump is dumber than Sarah Palin", ">>{epfourteen} : I don't know. Maybe because she's running for flippin president.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : So the RULES - ONLY apply to Hillary? And Trump can play the maverick and do whatever he wants (because he's outside the system, or whatever rationalization you Trump people are using at the moment)... Uh, huh... you might want to google 'rules of logic' when you get a chance. Now I understand how Trump people are sucked-in by Trumps *Narcissistic Personality Disorder*", ">>{StonerMeditation} : Not me... /s I supported Sanders. That's done and over with - I moved on like sane people usually do...", '>>{epfourteen} : Check my history pal. Sanders supporter and voter.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : So what? So you're just going to complain about Hillary, and be sucked in by the Republican's fear and lies of the Clintons? Guess what? If you do that - you're a Trump supporter.", ">>{epfourteen} : Don't tell me what kind of supporter I am because I think Hillary is a lying flipping crook.", '>>{StonerMeditation} : You are a Trump supporter, and a sucker.'], ['>>{evil420pimp} : A complete lack of substance. No surprise there.', '>>{Caveat-Emperor} : Not a complete lack of substance since White Pride got him elected and is thoroughly entrenched in his administration now.', ">>{throwaway029384756} : I see you're preparing for a 2020 loss. Nice", ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Loss of what exactly? So you got your Nazi Douchebag in office. Lovely. What's he going to do for you except keep your hate warm and cozy? Do you expect your medical bills to go down? Housing to become magically cheaper? Your banks to commit less fraud? Your roads to pave themselves? Food to be safe to eat? Nope, all you want is the right to hate others. If that becomes institutionalized in our government, then the future will be very interesting for you.", ">>{ezekrialase} : I agree, it pisses me off so much that all of these people that love Trump so much don't realize that he's either going to not do anything for the vast majority of Americans or actively make things worse for everyone.", ">>{professorrumham} : So sick of this bullshit reasoning that democrats lost because they were too harsh on trump supporters. Hillary Clinton sucked. Plain and simple. If it was a scandal free candidate, it would have been a bloodbath. And don't forget that the majority did not vote for trump either. If you don't won't to be called a racist, don't align yourself and go all in with one.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : Hillary lost. Popular vote does not matter. If it did campaigns would be run differently. And yes the intolerance and name calling does influence voters. Time to stop being divisive and nasty.', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : So they aren't us. They are a different country lined up around the most economically fuckt up places or those depending on subsidies to survive. They don't care about themselves, obviously, and would rather be the peasants to a Two Fisted Douchebag. So fuck them. Let Kansas wallow in ignorance and bad economic policy and certainly don't send them any money for the inevitable tornado damage. Let The South feel their money drain away and encourage businesses to leave for safer areas with less institutionalized racism and hate. Let the Rust Belt rust and refuse to offer any of them cheap heating fuel for the winter. Let Montana, Idaho and Wyoming to continue to be raped by the land grabs of China and let them enjoy the toxic landscape of their corporate over lord's pollution. This is what they wanted. Let them have it. Don't listen to their pleas for help or their demands for recognition. They sold all those rights for a Douchebag King. They can now suck on that dry tit looking for nourishment.", ">>{TM3-PO} : You dare to call me a racist, I'll show you you son of a bitch, I'll vote for the guy who is going to nominate white supremacist back into the government!", '>>{omeow} : >Hillary lost. Popular vote does not matter. If it did campaigns would be run differently. And yes the intolerance and name calling does influence voters. Time to stop being divisive and nasty. Time to normalize the fundamental ironies of Trump administration?', ">>{evil420pimp} : Trump voters chose him because they felt he represented them and the change they wanted. But he's filed his swamp with political hacks and backed off the promises that got him elected. They elected someone who represents exactly what has fucked them over for decades, using the exact same empty rhetoric they haven't followed through on in the past.", ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Yes sir. Adding to your point, if the voters for the Douchebag King really wanted change, why did they send the same Congress back who have fucked them over for many, many years now? Answer - they really don't want change. They want to be peasants under a dictatorial regime. Their dream is for the King to come to town occasionally, like a rock concert. So fuck 'em", '>>{Crazywumbat} : > Time to stop being divisive and nasty. From the guy who voted for Trump.'], ['>>{sugarcornpop} : Russia Appears To Defend Michael Flynn With Super-Weird Message On Twitter', '>>{Fatandmean} : So Russia posting pics of American food is totally convincing.', '>>{hwkns} : Howard Baker is famous for having asked aloud, "What did the President know and when did he know it?"', '>>{hinzac} : Probably just some secret code to the idiot in the WH that likes to look at pictures.', '>>{CLcore} : Truly best hammering of nail, fellow American comrade.', ">>{GeoleVyi} : Let's pretend that the picture attached to the tweet was a mistake. That begs the question: Why the hell was that picture saved to a russian officials phone to be sent?", '>>{i_am_bullitt} : It\'s a twitter account associated with the Russian Embassy in the US. Said "twitterer" could have been out to dinner in the US and accidentally posted what was meant for a private twitter account into the "official" account. Or apparently combined them? My best guess.', '>>{inoffensive1} : In this case we may have to settle for "very little, always".', '>>{PlayStationVRShill} : burgergate is real. You heard it 1st here folks!', '>>{noodhoog} : Ah yes - Burgers. Also known as "The Russian Jedi Mind-Wave"', '>>{Realcheetoinsights} : Remember your fondness for eating black buns? We do.', ">>{ohnothejuiceisloose} : Does this image trigger the chip the Russians installed in Trump's skull?", ">>{GoldenShowerDonnie} : Comrades. The pigeon has lost it's wings. Fear not. The Eagle still soars above the motherland.", '>>{MWM2} : [What does the president...](http://imgur.com/a/VkxAc)', ">>{Workywork15} : I expect Trump to post a picture of him eating KFC with a knife and fork in the coming hours to acknowledge that he's received his orders.", '>>{FF0000it} : There\'s another food pic attached to another "provocative" post. These are the only two food pics I see in the last couple weeks. https://twitter.com/RusEmbUSA/status/831508208590139393'], ['>>{ps4southofdc} : Why is Russia still deemed a state worth treating as a major power when it has an economy smaller than Canada? Is it just nuclear weapons, and if so, is that really a serious threat given the consequences of use?', '>>{pizzashill} : Russia, while not having a very large economy, has real influence in a lot of places. They\'re pretty much the best in the world at pushing conspiracies and unconventional warfare. http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21643222-who-backs-putin-and-why-kremlins-pocket Russia alone swings well above its own weight in this area, but the mistake here is also thinking Russia is alone. Russia has the support of many far-right organizations in Europe. Putin has been called "the father of international conservatism" and a lot of these far right parties are loyal to him on the basis they believe he wants to "protect European heritage." Russia is pretty much the foundation for the international right-wing backlash and anti-liberalism we\'re seeing today. It\'s basically a fascist state masquerading as a western democracy.', ">>{LackingLack} : Russia is the world's 6th largest economy by Purchasing Power Parity, which is overall much more of an accurate way to measure GDPs globally. But nobody seriously thinks Russia is not a major power or weaker than Canada anyway, this is just asinine trolling.", '>>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : Russia just made a mockery of the American "democratic" system installing their own puppet as president. Now tell me they aren\'t powerful.', '>>{juicetothrowawayfar} : You guys triggered this comrad, he stole Calinfornians spot and gave it to Russian.', '>>{FoxKnight06} : I think we need to turn the world against Russia personally, destroy it with trade embargo and isolate it, until it chokes to death.', '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : We were doing that until some orange jackass came and fucked everything up', ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : I certainly think that treating Russia with a degree of respect is appropriate, in the sense that they're our rival and while our hard power trounces them flat out, they wield a great degree of soft power, and have inherited a highly skilled intelligence apparatus, arguably superior to those of the US in terms of tradecraft and human resources (although making any really definitive statement about US vs Russian intelligence capabilities is obviously going to be rather difficult.) Having said that, we shouldn't trust them. We should not be their friends. We should consider every move that Russia makes to be hostile to US interests until proven otherwise. Putin wants to be the next Nicholas I, only with a more successful Crimean War.", ">>{Guitata} : While the wealthy and top officials in russia live in luxury, the common people of russian can't even afford vodka anymore. Trump only has seen the top, and because he is an ingnorant buffoon, he thinks the population lives at the same level as americans. putin know trump can help lift the russian economy and the dirt putin must have on trump leaves trump no choice but to aid putin in any way he can, even to acting treasonously", '>>{magicsonar} : Adding to that, it\'s a huge mistake to see Putin as a conservative. That is actually what he wants many in his country to think and many outside. Putin has embraced the Russian Orthodox Church, which is expanding its influence in what was once an officially godless state - Putin simply realized that he could harness the resurgent power of faith to manipulate the people and promote his own agenda. The same can be said with an ideological conservative values. Putin himself grew up as a committed communist in the godless Soviet Union. He is using traditional religious conservatism as a means to consolidate power. Give the church what they want as long as they keep people compliant and supportive of him. In exactly the same way Bannon/Trump is now doing. Does anyone really think Trump is an ideological believer in "conservative values"? Does anyone really believe Trump is committed to Christian causes? Of course not. But Bannon recognizes that the power of religion can be a power tool for the authoritarian. It was worked for Putin and it has worked for Erdogan. I\'m convinced that Bannon has been studying the playbook of Putin/Surkov and is tapping into some of the same strategies of creating confusion, and making people not sure what they can believe and what they can\'t believe. And using religion as the way of pulling in Republicans and locking in their support. It\'s working so far....', ">>{Carnagh} : We didn't need to import rape culture, the Catholic church has be raping boys without any external assistance.", ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : Yeah yeah enjoy typing while you still can, when we replace the Constitution with Sharia law you'll lose your hands for that!", '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : Nope, this is gonna be the United Caliphate of America, and being a straight white Christian male will be prohibited. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts!', '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : Lmao @ you taking any of these replies seriously, seek professional help', ">>{JackOCat} : The late babyboomers and gen xers running the west are doing a shot job at taking the great bear seriously and are starting to pay the price. Russia's GDP says more about the systemic efficiency and corruption problems they have and not their actual output.", '>>{tethysian} : I have to give you this one. Why import a 3rd world rape culture when you already have your own?', ">>{tethysian} : That is literally your own argument. It's like saying you can't let muslim families in because they might be terrorists when more people die from mass shootings perpetrated by white americans every year. You can't use it as an argument for turning them away if you can't uphold yourself to the same standards.", ">>{tethysian} : I'm not american but thanks for the generalization. I'm not gonna argue with someone who uses 'dood' five times in one paragraph.", ">>{pizzashill} : Uh, I'm aware Russia is funding right wing and left wing groups, and that's what I linked. The ideology is still far right conservatism, Putin's personal views. Russia funds fringe political groups from every side of the spectrum. But at the same time, Putin himself, personally, is a hard right conservative."], ['>>{happyantoninscalia} : Fiorina says suffragettes wouldn’t recognize Clinton’s feminism', '>>{20WPM} : Suffragettes were members of women\'s organizations in the late-19th and early-20th centuries which advocated the extension of the "franchise", or the right to vote in public elections, to women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffragette Suffragettes would recognize little of 2016.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Suffragettes wouldn't recognize taking excess from the workers for capitalist failure, so Fiorina (or Tump, for that matter) may look in the mirror for real problems", '>>{Veniabiit} : So they should line up behind the guy who insulted her face?', '>>{vph} : >“Let me say to every woman and girl out there: don’t let anyone tell you what to think,” Fiorina said. And then she immediately proceeded to them what to think about Hillary Clinton. Her literally failed attempt to be relevant is pathetic.', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Yeah pretty fun watching feminist scream rape culture for 10 years and then back a rape apologist for president. Its almost as if the movement is total bullshit.', ">>{OnionBallz} : Fiorina sounds like a kind of ice cream. Why can't Carly be more like Ice Cream and shut the fuck up.", '>>{Lokismoke} : /r/politics upvoting Carly fucking Fiorina should make all of us really look inside of ourselves to see if this is who we really want to be.', '>>{Luke15g} : It is also an interesting time to make the point against the "historic" Clinton nomination and how Sanders is being "sexist" for not dropping out, would people be making those arguments if Fiorina was the Republican nominee but Rand Paul was still in the race and keeping his word by promising to take it to the convention? I miss the whole "content of their character" way of judging people, what happened to that anyway?', '>>{happyantoninscalia} : The hypocrisy on the Republican side this election cycle is unbelievable.', '>>{happyantoninscalia} : the whole "Sanders being sexist for not dropping out" thing comes from one question one reporter asked. Nobody else is talking about it.', '>>{Luke15g} : All the Hillary supporters I see talking about it online in article comment sections could have fooled me.', '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : > All You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.']]
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['>>{KarmaKakauphony} : Trump threatens North Korea, insults China in 140-character snippet', '>>{KarmaKakauphony} : Mods removed the original post for some ludicrous reason so I had to repost it.', '>>{pnpbios} : How to start a war in 140 characters or less.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Trump is more likely to go golfing with Kim and feed him a lifetime of Trump tasty cakes.', ">>{KarmaKakauphony} : hopefully congress will reign his ass in, that is, if he doesn't start WWIII before he's inaugurated", ">>{pnpbios} : The same congress that just tried to change ethics complaint handling? I don't think so. They are all trying to figure out how to profit from it.", ">>{KarmaKakauphony} : In the original posting, someone said that Trump is a citizen and he can, 'say whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants to say it.' I disagree in that he is the president-elect and no longer a typical citizen, that what he says now has weight that reverberates across the globe. Edit: What I mean here is that if he wants to be re-elected or he wants his first term to be successful, he cannot continue in this manner. We are in for a shit show.", ">>{KarmaKakauphony} : Well, there were many people that objected to that issue, so hopefully they will be able to persuade their contemporaries to stifle his rhetoric. It's wishful thinking, I know.", '>>{Draskinn} : What do you think? 60 days before he starts a war? Maybe a 120? He might go down in history as the first president to publicly declare war via a tweet.', '>>{hesoshy} : I cannot wait until China just crushes the US under their boot heel.', '>>{hesoshy} : That was a ruse to make Trump look ethical. They fake voted to gut it, he tweeted, they changed their mind, Americans think Trump is a winner.', '>>{hesoshy} : You are 100% correct. All federal employees have their 1st amendment rights curtailed to some degree.', ">>{hesoshy} : The pro trump mods? no they wouldn't do that.", '>>{Pathfinder6} : Good, fuck them! About time we had a President with some balls.', '>>{PristineScrotum} : Japan is actually the number one holder of American debt, not by much though. http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/16/investing/china-japan-us-debt-treasuries/', ">>{PristineScrotum} : My God! Someone get him a shirt with a collar that fits. He looks like he's suffocating in that picture."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{KarmaKakauphony} : Trump threatens North Korea, insults China in 140-character snippet', '>>{KarmaKakauphony} : Mods removed the original post for some ludicrous reason so I had to repost it.', '>>{pnpbios} : How to start a war in 140 characters or less.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Trump is more likely to go golfing with Kim and feed him a lifetime of Trump tasty cakes.', ">>{KarmaKakauphony} : hopefully congress will reign his ass in, that is, if he doesn't start WWIII before he's inaugurated", ">>{pnpbios} : The same congress that just tried to change ethics complaint handling? I don't think so. They are all trying to figure out how to profit from it.", ">>{KarmaKakauphony} : In the original posting, someone said that Trump is a citizen and he can, 'say whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants to say it.' I disagree in that he is the president-elect and no longer a typical citizen, that what he says now has weight that reverberates across the globe. Edit: What I mean here is that if he wants to be re-elected or he wants his first term to be successful, he cannot continue in this manner. We are in for a shit show.", ">>{KarmaKakauphony} : Well, there were many people that objected to that issue, so hopefully they will be able to persuade their contemporaries to stifle his rhetoric. It's wishful thinking, I know.", '>>{Draskinn} : What do you think? 60 days before he starts a war? Maybe a 120? He might go down in history as the first president to publicly declare war via a tweet.', '>>{hesoshy} : I cannot wait until China just crushes the US under their boot heel.', '>>{hesoshy} : That was a ruse to make Trump look ethical. They fake voted to gut it, he tweeted, they changed their mind, Americans think Trump is a winner.', '>>{hesoshy} : You are 100% correct. All federal employees have their 1st amendment rights curtailed to some degree.', ">>{hesoshy} : The pro trump mods? no they wouldn't do that.", '>>{Pathfinder6} : Good, fuck them! About time we had a President with some balls.', '>>{PristineScrotum} : Japan is actually the number one holder of American debt, not by much though. http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/16/investing/china-japan-us-debt-treasuries/', ">>{PristineScrotum} : My God! Someone get him a shirt with a collar that fits. He looks like he's suffocating in that picture."]]
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[">>{Mother_of_gains} : No way that's happening...the dead vote goes exclusively to hillary.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Gary Johnson isn’t a perfect libertarian. Here’s why that doesn’t matter.: As a libertarian conservative, I have a number of problems with Gary Johnson. Big ones. On foreign policy. On religious liberty. On abortion. On messaging. On a number of things.', '>>{kgt5003} : The fact that he\'s not a "perfect libertarian" is what makes him viable. Most people don\'t want a perfect libertarian. EDIT: I don\'t mean viable in that I think he can actually win but viable in that he will be appealing to enough people to actually have a good shot of hitting double digits and make a third party relevant going forward.', '>>{HighAndOnline} : They need to add a new cabinet position: Secretary of Necromancy.', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : To be honest, they scare the living daylights out of me. I watched parts of their convention. He was the only candidate on that stage, to my knowledge, that thought having a license to drive is a good idea. And all of the other candidates were unanimous in their contempt of him. They called him a "failed Republican".', '>>{Pirate2012} : The poor ‘just don’t want health care’: Republican congressman faces backlash over comments', '>>{Pirate2012} : A first-term congressman who spent three decades as a physician — and is now part of a group of Republican doctors who have a major role in replacing Obamacare — is facing backlash after saying that poor people “just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves.” Rep. Roger Marshall, (R-Kan.), a member of the GOP Doctors Caucus, said comments he made to STAT were not meant to suggest that poor people take health care for granted. The comments were published in a story last week about his burgeoning role in the fight to replace the Affordable Care Act. “Just like Jesus said, ‘The poor will always be with us,’ ” Marshall said in response to a question about Medicaid, which expanded under Obamacare to more than 30 states. “There is a group of people that just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves.” He added that “morally, spiritually, socially,” the poor, including the homeless, “just don’t want health care.” [Doctors, hospitals and insurers oppose Republican health plan] “The Medicaid population, which is [on] a free credit card as a group, do probably the least preventive medicine and taking care of themselves and eating healthy and exercising. And I’m not judging; I’m just saying socially that’s where they are,” he told STAT, a website focused on health-care coverage. “So there’s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [to] the ER.” The comments immediately drew criticism from Medicaid advocates in Kansas, with some saying that Marshall mischaracterized and misunderstood people who are in the program. “These are people who are out there, working hard, paying their bills, and to have their elected member of Congress pointing their finger at them I’m sure is disappointing,” David Jordan, executive director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, told the Kansas City Star. [GOP health care plan: Obamacare revision clears first hurdle in House committee early Thursday] In response to the backlash, Marshall, who was elected in November, said he was trying to explain that a national health-care policy around “one segment of the population” does not work because groups of people have varying medical needs and use different health-care resources. “I was also saying that Obamacare has increased premiums on working, middle-class families by almost 200 percent in some places, and with deductibles of over $10,000, many don’t actually have access to health care,” Marshall said in a statement. “Coverage means nothing if you can’t afford access.” He added: “When I said, ‘the poor will always be with us,’ it was actually in the context of supporting the obligation we have to always take care of people, but we cannot completely craft a larger, affordable health-care policy around a comparatively small segment of the population who will get care no matter what.” He also brought up his years in the medical field. Before he was elected, Marshall was an OB/GYN in Great Bend, Kan., helping to deliver more than 5,000 babies throughout his career, according to a brief biography. [The debate over the Affordable Care Act is really a debate over wealth redistribution] “Many patients drove over a hundred miles to see us as I was the only OB clinic to accept Medicaid, and others who could not afford prenatal care. My career gives testimony to my personal watchfulness to those who need help, and to allude otherwise is simply not judicious,” Marshall said in his statement. “I am a physician, not a politician. While I don’t perfectly rehearse talking points, my agenda is driven [by] my two realities: That Obamacare has been detrimental to patients and that we must care for all in need, no matter what.” The political newcomer unseated former representative Tim Huelskamp to represent the 1st Congressional District of Kansas. He’s a new member of the GOP Doctors Caucus, co-chaired by Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.), one of the leading conservative voices in the health-care debate. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, who was confirmed last month, is a former member of the caucus. Marshall is not the only House member who’s had to clarify his comments about health care and the poor. [If Jason Chaffetz wants to compare health care to iPhones, let’s do it the right way] “Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said on CNN Tuesday morning. “And so maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care.” Later that day, Chaffetz was on Fox News clarifying his remarks. “Maybe I didn’t say it as smoothly as I possibly could, but people need to make a conscious choice,” he said. “I believe in self-reliance, and they’re going to have to make those decisions. We want people to have access to an affordable health-care product.” A new health-care bill unveiled by Republicans as a replacement for Obamacare is now making its way through Congress. The American Health Care Act replaces federal insurance subsidies with individual tax credits and grants to help states shape their own policies. It also preserves two of the most popular features of the ACA: allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26 and forbidding insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. After 18 hours of debate, the bill passed 23 to 16 in the House Ways and Means Committee before dawn on Thursday. Amy Goldstein, Elise Vieback, Sean Sullivan, Mike DeBonis and Kelsey Snell contributed to this story.', '>>{kgt5003} : The one guy in the debate, when asked about how roads would be paid for if not for a government taxing people to pay for the construction and upkeep, said "Roads held back innovation.. if we didn\'t have a government building roads a private business would have invented a hover-car and roads wouldn\'t even be necessary." The crowd went wild for that. That is bat-shit crazy.', '>>{BootStrapsandMapsInc} : The thing is: none of this matters one iota until we get rid of Plurality voting and replace it with the only reasonable, realistic, statistically strong and true alternative - [Range and/or Approval voting.](http://ournewvoting.org) This nation has one of the most, if not the most, educated and informed citizenries ever to walk the planet. The "game" of politics and gambling with people\'s lives will never, ever be the same. It\'s in everybody\'s best interest who may be involved to advocate (and legislate) a method of voting the can accurately elect representatives.', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : This guy should not be put in front of a camera.', '>>{Lyin_Don} : did u just copypasta the entire article because of the paywall??? you da real mvp', '>>{gaeuvyen} : And then appoint Jesus Christ, most well known necromancer as the first SON.', ">>{escalation} : So he doesn't like that Johnson believes the state shouldn't interfere with a woman's right to choose, isn't interested in aggressive foreign policy. The authors religious issue appears to be about Johnson not being interested in using religion to discriminate against gays", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Try pronouncing the difference between Khamenei and Khomeini. Fuck off Huffpo', ">>{xjayroox} : Remember folks, he's got the best advisors so no need to worry about him knowing nothing about the issues", '>>{tornshoe} : Most people also mistakenly think that being libertarian is akin to being an anarcho-capitalist.', ">>{escalation} : Doesn't matter what they think as a group so much, except insofar as they ultimately decided he was their most suitable candidate. There's one guy running for President. That guy is going to have to deal with the Democrats and the Republicans to get things done. Ultimately if he wins, it will shape the future of the party, not the more extreme people who aren't in the running for much of anything.", '>>{tornshoe} : Just as the modern Republicans are poor representations of conservatives and modern Democrats are poor representations of progressive liberals, the Libertarian party has long been little more than a caricature of ideological libertarianism, much to my dismay.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : So the mispronunciation of a very difficult name that is very close to another difficult name leads you to the conclusion that a Lt. General thinks a dead man rules Iran. Liberal logic.', '>>{kgt5003} : That seems to even exist within the libertarian party itself. If you watched their one debate that was on TV half of the candidates seemed to think that government can\'t even exist for anything. There was a lot of "non aggression principle" stuff being talked about. So basically it seems like you\'d elect the guy President and he\'d unilaterally shut down the government and then we are in future America and life is better.', '>>{questor2k} : The best and the brightest, he said,...', ">>{escalation} : You'll notice that the candidate proposing those policies was not nominated. Smaller parties are going to have more extremist supporters, and the Libertarians, basically being a bunch of anti-authoritarians in general, have a wide range of viewpoints on how that should be best implemented in practice. At the end of the day though, the guy who's running for the office has proven that he's reasonable enough to get re-elected for his state's governorship. He's the one making the calls, not the random party members who were at the convention.", ">>{kescusay} : Jesus Christ, I thought the headline had to be made up, but it's not. He really said that. As someone who grew up poor and without health insurance, I hope he loses his health insurance. I really do. And not because I want to see him die, but because these fuckers don't understand until they're personally affected. And I want him to understand exactly what sort of monster he is.", ">>{CarmineFields} : This is just it. Republitarians think that meddling in the lives of others then refusing to pay taxes to be responsible for the choices they force on others is libertarian. If you want control, you've got to be willing to pay for that control with your tax dollar.", '>>{escalation} : Ya, sounds like the author would be more comfortable in the Tea Party or maybe the Religious Reich', ">>{kgt5003} : Sure and that is why I said that he is the viable one. He isn't an anarchist libertarian. He is a very good social libertarian and anti-interventionist and people from both parties can support that. I will say that the libertarian party at least managed to elect the best person running on their ticket. The Democrats and Republicans both managed to elect the worst people running on their tickets.", ">>{CarmineFields} : It's Paul-style republitarianism this guy is selling. It's where social conservatives get to vomit their religious beliefs all over everyone else but shouldn't have to pay taxes to back up their crappy choices.", ">>{Josephat} : No True Scotsman. Par for an ideology where 98% of the adherents couldn't tell you the difference between Hayek and von Mises.", '>>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : >Ruhollah Khomeini (pronounced Ko-MAY-Nee) died in 1989, having served as the ayatollah, or supreme leader, of Iran for 10 years beginning with the 1979 revolution. After his death, Khomeini was replaced by the current ayatollah, Ali Khamenei (pronounced KA-Ma-Nay). Dude is still a dumbass, but that article tries to make him look far more inept than he really is.', '>>{thisisbasil} : I kinda get a kick out of knowing Mises called Friedman a socialist.', '>>{Misanthraloperer} : FYI the paywall can be bypassed by right clicking the link and opening in Incognito Window.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Aren\'t you the same guy they said he was a businessman for 40 years but then said you retired early and the math added up to you claiming to be a businessman at 7? I have you Res tagged as "liar" for some reason.', '>>{thisisbasil} : Is this that little troll who kept on harping about destroying every social safety net out of love for everyone because, you know, charities do that anyway.', '>>{Misanthraloperer} : >“Just like Jesus said, ‘The poor will always be with us,’ ” Marshall said in response to a question about Medicaid, which expanded under Obamacare to more than 30 states. “There is a group of people that just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves.” >He added that “morally, spiritually, socially,” the poor, including the homeless, “just don’t want health care.” What a fucking Cretin. Hope he gets his ass Town Halled.', ">>{loungeboy79} : Monsters like this never see themselves as monsters. He's trying to quote Jesus Christ to justify letting people die in the streets. I lived in Kansas for a short time, and it was way too long. There are some seriously messed up people masquerading as politicians there.", ">>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : >tagged as lair That's because he has a badass lair.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Yeah that was you. I remember you deleted all those comments after you got busted on it. LOL.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : LOL fraid not. Tell me more about your 70 years as a Republican !', '>>{Lyin_Don} : im at work and they disable private/incognito :(', '>>{dkliberator} : And the always brilliant Megyn Kelly gave him a pass.', '>>{thisisbasil} : Yeah, that fat guy stripping was enough to put all sane individuals off from them. The libs need to send that shit down the memory hole and reign in the fucktards.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : So you remember the date of the lies you never told ! Too funny', '>>{ZapPowerz} : I cringed pretty hard at that too. But then again, Im a libertarian liberal,so....', '>>{Opie67} : This is the kind of stuff the Democrats need to focus on in 2018. Remember that Romney was sunk by his "47%" comment.', '>>{yatterer} : Nothing quite like quoting Jesus to justify not helping the poor and sick. The Pharisees will always be with us, more like.', ">>{sonofagunn} : Whether there are some poor people that don't care to acquire health care or not in the previous and current systems is irrelevant to the idea that they should have access to affordable (or provided) health care in the future.", '>>{Pirate2012} : was it Ryan or Rubio whose family was on food stamps and receiving welfare when he was a child?', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Never banned. This is my first and only ever account.', '>>{ZapPowerz} : I think the author of this article should spend more time eating spotted dicks and less time writing. Fuck this guy. Gary Johnsons flaws are what makes him so perfect.', '>>{restore_democracy} : Quite a few of them seemed to have voted for candidates who plan to discontinue it; that much is apparent.', '>>{BootStrapsandMapsInc} : Loud and clear, man/woman. Range and/or Approval is statistically and practically the very best option, currently.', '>>{sleazus_christ} : its funny how its only poor people that don\'t "want" healthcare huh? Like, how come some rich people don\'t want healthcare? If it is juts a certain personality type that doesn\'t want healthcare you would think there would be tons of rich people also saying they don\'t want it...nope, only poor people don\'t want it.', '>>{sleazus_christ} : > Hope he gets his ass Town Halled. is that when the entire town runs a train on his ass until he resigns? that would be pretty funny...', ">>{take_heed_heathens} : Urgent message to anyone that is considering a libertarian position! [(Don't) Embrace the N.A.P.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcUZrDX5P7A) (non-aggression principle)", '>>{escalation} : You mean, Jack Hunter (author of the article) right?', ">>{BalanceCoil} : I am pretty sure you deleted them thats why I res tagged you. Too funny. Don't worry I'll only be on for a few more days to call you on this.", ">>{BannedbytheKlan} : Yeah, that's actually an understandable mistake. There are a lot more important issues with Trump and his people to worry about.", '>>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : Especially since he only said the last name. If he had said the wrong first AND last name it would be a little worse.', ">>{escalation} : I'd agree. I think McAfee would have been extremely entertaining to watch, but I think Johnson has a much more legitimate chance of winning.", '>>{Mist_Rising} : Marshalls district is western Kansas and chunks of central kansas (its huge land wise, pop wise, not so much). Its the definition of Rural America, the few cities are usually devoted in some major way to rural life. Its also very very very very very very very red. Like, only the deep souths rural areas are more red. +20s for Cooks PVI. Thus you get some pretty conservative people. Like Jerry Moran (now senator) and this guy whos very conservative. Problem is, hes also a strictly very safe seat. Primaries out there are about whos more conservative, and who supports farming subsizes. Liberals who run (under the GOP title! at times) are at best moderates. I say this because it really doesn\'t match what you find on the Eastern Portion of the state. Kansas City area is fairly liberal for Kansas, and Lawrence is up there too. Those areas tend to roll more "sane" conservatives or moderates....usually.', ">>{NChSh} : I don't know, I think the Republican platform has big anti-witchcraft provisions as its core this year", ">>{tornshoe} : Oh it definitely does. That's why, as a libertarian, I'm not a huge fan of the party.", ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : > The Medicaid population, which is [on] a free credit card as a group, do probably the least preventive medicine and taking care of themselves and eating healthy and exercising. This is the *textbook* case of a rich privileged asshole talking about eating healthy and exercising and seeing a general practitioner for preventative care, while not realizing that all those things cost very significant amounts of money and time off work that those in literal poverty cannot afford. And by the way I don't use the term poverty lightly here. You have to be under 138% of the federal poverty line to qualify for Medicaid under ACA. We're talking about less than $16k/year for a single person for fuck's sake. That's the level where you forget about renting even a shitty apartment, and instead rent a room, and then subsist on ramen or peanut butter sandwiches every day. This fucking asshole named Roger Marshall making $174,000/year as a Congressman, who receives free healthcare courtesy of American taxpayers, who probably makes millions more every year from legalized insider trading on secret legislative/government knowledge, now has the nerve to tell these people in poverty that they should eat better and exercise? I thought Jason Chaffetz's iPhone comment was preposterous, but the Republican party once again gracefully proved to me that they can always do worse. There is no rock bottom with these fuckers.", '>>{HarlanCedeno} : I would vote for any candidate who makes Department of Necromancy a thing.', ">>{Mist_Rising} : >What a fucking Cretin. Hope he gets his ass Town Halled. if he does, they'll be cheering proudly and loudly for him. District 1 of Kansas is +20ish red on the political scale.", ">>{jverity} : Yet another example of why Republican politicians are so obviously out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent: >“When I said, ‘the poor will always be with us,’ it was actually in the context of supporting the obligation we have to always take care of people, but we cannot completely craft a larger, affordable health-care policy around a comparatively small segment of the population who will get care no matter what.” Relatively small? Over 40% of Americans make less than 30 grand per year. And the current republican proposal that he is trying to defend here offers these people between 1 and 3 grand **less** per year (depending on age) in subsidies towards coverage that will cost much more than it does today because they are getting rid of the individual mandate. I wish congressmen's and senator's salaries and healthcare benefits were tied to whatever was the average for the people they represent. Then they might have some incentive to do something for us instead of just the rich.", ">>{unknownpoltroon} : I'm fine with him in front of a camera. Why is he giving military advice to potential world leaders is the real problem.", '>>{fastytace} : > “So there’s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [to] the ER.” I was unaware that there is a preventative medicine program for having your arm chopped off.', ">>{workerbotsuperhero} : > Jesus Christ, I thought the headline had to be made up, but it's not. He really said that. Who drew these cartoon characters?", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : They will be head of the new Lazarus Commission.', ">>{nightmuzak} : If you eat healthy and exercise, your arm becomes so strong that it can't get chopped off. I thought everyone knew that.^/s", ">>{thefirstandonly} : unless we're talking about ubummer saying marine **corpse** or 57 states, amirite? then us conservatives can circlejerk about how dumb he is, hahahahaha", '>>{Pro-Patria-Mori} : You can also clear the browsing history and it will reset the free article limit.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : So you are saying its cool for Libtards but not conservatives? Great argument.', ">>{thefirstandonly} : That's an argument you're making, so ya, dumb argument on your part. I agree!", '>>{BannedbytheKlan} : Exactly. Anyone can fuck up a pronunciation or spelling from time to time. There are bigger problems, and focusing on little shit like that is just petty.', '>>{bexmex} : Not really... Its understandable for a politician who is pretending to know everything and can get names mixed up. But for a military man who\'se claim to fame is that he "knows" how to fight terrorists better than anyone? No... its not excusable. It should be the exact kind of thing that sticks in your head because they are so similar. Knowing the difference between Khomeini and Khamenei is as important as knowing the difference between Colombia and Columbia. Its a common mistake for a layman, but for an self styled "expert" at geopolitics, its inexcusable.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : ?That's not the argument I am making at all.", '>>{Lyin_Don} : this - i did not know! thank u kindly', '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Sure you are gramps. Did you used to tie an onion to your belt too?', '>>{Puffin_fan} : First interview question: Are you a good Necromancer or a Bad Necromancer ?', ">>{CHEETO-JESUS} : It's perfectly understandable. (R)s get Obama and Osama mixed up _all the time!_", ">>{thefirstandonly} : Can't backtrack now, next time just don't make that mistake", '>>{Ian_Rubbish} : Well, he *could have* found out that the Iranian government had already denounced the attack before he opened his mouth...', ">>{Nostromo1905} : but he doesn't know that Iran is a Shia country with troops fighting ISIS in Syria !", '>>{Ian_Rubbish} : What does Iran have to do with this story, anyway? He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : If you're going to ask for the impossible, might as well go big.", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Sharks with fricken lasers attached to their fricken heads.', '>>{WarWeasle} : Welcome to the cabinet meeting. Let\'s go around the table. NecroSEC? Sss...The deadsss remainsss in their grraveesss... Cheney\'sss ritualsss are ssstill keeping him from final deathsss... And mysss elocution lessssionsss are coming along nissssely..."', ">>{mingy} : Makes sense, especially since the terror attacks are generally committed by Wahhabi Sunni and the dead guy is a Shiite who are mortal enemies of (and often targets of ISIS) Pretty much a perfect score, I'd say.", '>>{hiphoprising} : No it has to be perfect what does a director of national intelligence know anyway REEEEEEEE', ">>{escalation} : They probably shouldn't put the dead guy in front of the camera either, I don't care whether Trump thinks its a good idea or not.", '>>{escalation} : Ya, hear that a lot from Republicans when they are trying to justify their own brand of voter disenfranchisement.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Gary Johnson isn’t a perfect libertarian. Here’s why that doesn’t matter.: As a libertarian conservative, I have a number of problems with Gary Johnson. Big ones. On foreign policy. On religious liberty. On abortion. On messaging. On a number of things.', '>>{kgt5003} : The fact that he\'s not a "perfect libertarian" is what makes him viable. Most people don\'t want a perfect libertarian. EDIT: I don\'t mean viable in that I think he can actually win but viable in that he will be appealing to enough people to actually have a good shot of hitting double digits and make a third party relevant going forward.', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : To be honest, they scare the living daylights out of me. I watched parts of their convention. He was the only candidate on that stage, to my knowledge, that thought having a license to drive is a good idea. And all of the other candidates were unanimous in their contempt of him. They called him a "failed Republican".', '>>{kgt5003} : The one guy in the debate, when asked about how roads would be paid for if not for a government taxing people to pay for the construction and upkeep, said "Roads held back innovation.. if we didn\'t have a government building roads a private business would have invented a hover-car and roads wouldn\'t even be necessary." The crowd went wild for that. That is bat-shit crazy.', '>>{BootStrapsandMapsInc} : The thing is: none of this matters one iota until we get rid of Plurality voting and replace it with the only reasonable, realistic, statistically strong and true alternative - [Range and/or Approval voting.](http://ournewvoting.org) This nation has one of the most, if not the most, educated and informed citizenries ever to walk the planet. The "game" of politics and gambling with people\'s lives will never, ever be the same. It\'s in everybody\'s best interest who may be involved to advocate (and legislate) a method of voting the can accurately elect representatives.', ">>{escalation} : So he doesn't like that Johnson believes the state shouldn't interfere with a woman's right to choose, isn't interested in aggressive foreign policy. The authors religious issue appears to be about Johnson not being interested in using religion to discriminate against gays", '>>{tornshoe} : Most people also mistakenly think that being libertarian is akin to being an anarcho-capitalist.', ">>{escalation} : Doesn't matter what they think as a group so much, except insofar as they ultimately decided he was their most suitable candidate. There's one guy running for President. That guy is going to have to deal with the Democrats and the Republicans to get things done. Ultimately if he wins, it will shape the future of the party, not the more extreme people who aren't in the running for much of anything.", '>>{tornshoe} : Just as the modern Republicans are poor representations of conservatives and modern Democrats are poor representations of progressive liberals, the Libertarian party has long been little more than a caricature of ideological libertarianism, much to my dismay.', '>>{kgt5003} : That seems to even exist within the libertarian party itself. If you watched their one debate that was on TV half of the candidates seemed to think that government can\'t even exist for anything. There was a lot of "non aggression principle" stuff being talked about. So basically it seems like you\'d elect the guy President and he\'d unilaterally shut down the government and then we are in future America and life is better.', ">>{escalation} : You'll notice that the candidate proposing those policies was not nominated. Smaller parties are going to have more extremist supporters, and the Libertarians, basically being a bunch of anti-authoritarians in general, have a wide range of viewpoints on how that should be best implemented in practice. At the end of the day though, the guy who's running for the office has proven that he's reasonable enough to get re-elected for his state's governorship. He's the one making the calls, not the random party members who were at the convention.", ">>{CarmineFields} : This is just it. Republitarians think that meddling in the lives of others then refusing to pay taxes to be responsible for the choices they force on others is libertarian. If you want control, you've got to be willing to pay for that control with your tax dollar.", '>>{escalation} : Ya, sounds like the author would be more comfortable in the Tea Party or maybe the Religious Reich', ">>{kgt5003} : Sure and that is why I said that he is the viable one. He isn't an anarchist libertarian. He is a very good social libertarian and anti-interventionist and people from both parties can support that. I will say that the libertarian party at least managed to elect the best person running on their ticket. The Democrats and Republicans both managed to elect the worst people running on their tickets.", ">>{CarmineFields} : It's Paul-style republitarianism this guy is selling. It's where social conservatives get to vomit their religious beliefs all over everyone else but shouldn't have to pay taxes to back up their crappy choices.", ">>{Josephat} : No True Scotsman. Par for an ideology where 98% of the adherents couldn't tell you the difference between Hayek and von Mises.", '>>{thisisbasil} : I kinda get a kick out of knowing Mises called Friedman a socialist.', '>>{thisisbasil} : Is this that little troll who kept on harping about destroying every social safety net out of love for everyone because, you know, charities do that anyway.', '>>{thisisbasil} : Yeah, that fat guy stripping was enough to put all sane individuals off from them. The libs need to send that shit down the memory hole and reign in the fucktards.', '>>{ZapPowerz} : I cringed pretty hard at that too. But then again, Im a libertarian liberal,so....', '>>{ZapPowerz} : I think the author of this article should spend more time eating spotted dicks and less time writing. Fuck this guy. Gary Johnsons flaws are what makes him so perfect.', '>>{BootStrapsandMapsInc} : Loud and clear, man/woman. Range and/or Approval is statistically and practically the very best option, currently.', ">>{take_heed_heathens} : Urgent message to anyone that is considering a libertarian position! [(Don't) Embrace the N.A.P.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcUZrDX5P7A) (non-aggression principle)", '>>{escalation} : You mean, Jack Hunter (author of the article) right?', ">>{escalation} : I'd agree. I think McAfee would have been extremely entertaining to watch, but I think Johnson has a much more legitimate chance of winning.", ">>{tornshoe} : Oh it definitely does. That's why, as a libertarian, I'm not a huge fan of the party."], [">>{Mother_of_gains} : No way that's happening...the dead vote goes exclusively to hillary.", '>>{HighAndOnline} : They need to add a new cabinet position: Secretary of Necromancy.', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : This guy should not be put in front of a camera.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : And then appoint Jesus Christ, most well known necromancer as the first SON.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Try pronouncing the difference between Khamenei and Khomeini. Fuck off Huffpo', ">>{xjayroox} : Remember folks, he's got the best advisors so no need to worry about him knowing nothing about the issues", '>>{BalanceCoil} : So the mispronunciation of a very difficult name that is very close to another difficult name leads you to the conclusion that a Lt. General thinks a dead man rules Iran. Liberal logic.', '>>{questor2k} : The best and the brightest, he said,...', '>>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : >Ruhollah Khomeini (pronounced Ko-MAY-Nee) died in 1989, having served as the ayatollah, or supreme leader, of Iran for 10 years beginning with the 1979 revolution. After his death, Khomeini was replaced by the current ayatollah, Ali Khamenei (pronounced KA-Ma-Nay). Dude is still a dumbass, but that article tries to make him look far more inept than he really is.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Aren\'t you the same guy they said he was a businessman for 40 years but then said you retired early and the math added up to you claiming to be a businessman at 7? I have you Res tagged as "liar" for some reason.', ">>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : >tagged as lair That's because he has a badass lair.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Yeah that was you. I remember you deleted all those comments after you got busted on it. LOL.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : LOL fraid not. Tell me more about your 70 years as a Republican !', '>>{dkliberator} : And the always brilliant Megyn Kelly gave him a pass.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : So you remember the date of the lies you never told ! Too funny', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Never banned. This is my first and only ever account.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : I am pretty sure you deleted them thats why I res tagged you. Too funny. Don't worry I'll only be on for a few more days to call you on this.", ">>{BannedbytheKlan} : Yeah, that's actually an understandable mistake. There are a lot more important issues with Trump and his people to worry about.", '>>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : Especially since he only said the last name. If he had said the wrong first AND last name it would be a little worse.', ">>{NChSh} : I don't know, I think the Republican platform has big anti-witchcraft provisions as its core this year", '>>{HarlanCedeno} : I would vote for any candidate who makes Department of Necromancy a thing.', ">>{unknownpoltroon} : I'm fine with him in front of a camera. Why is he giving military advice to potential world leaders is the real problem.", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : They will be head of the new Lazarus Commission.', ">>{thefirstandonly} : unless we're talking about ubummer saying marine **corpse** or 57 states, amirite? then us conservatives can circlejerk about how dumb he is, hahahahaha", '>>{BalanceCoil} : So you are saying its cool for Libtards but not conservatives? Great argument.', ">>{thefirstandonly} : That's an argument you're making, so ya, dumb argument on your part. I agree!", '>>{BannedbytheKlan} : Exactly. Anyone can fuck up a pronunciation or spelling from time to time. There are bigger problems, and focusing on little shit like that is just petty.', '>>{bexmex} : Not really... Its understandable for a politician who is pretending to know everything and can get names mixed up. But for a military man who\'se claim to fame is that he "knows" how to fight terrorists better than anyone? No... its not excusable. It should be the exact kind of thing that sticks in your head because they are so similar. Knowing the difference between Khomeini and Khamenei is as important as knowing the difference between Colombia and Columbia. Its a common mistake for a layman, but for an self styled "expert" at geopolitics, its inexcusable.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : ?That's not the argument I am making at all.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Sure you are gramps. Did you used to tie an onion to your belt too?', '>>{Puffin_fan} : First interview question: Are you a good Necromancer or a Bad Necromancer ?', ">>{CHEETO-JESUS} : It's perfectly understandable. (R)s get Obama and Osama mixed up _all the time!_", ">>{thefirstandonly} : Can't backtrack now, next time just don't make that mistake", '>>{Ian_Rubbish} : Well, he *could have* found out that the Iranian government had already denounced the attack before he opened his mouth...', ">>{Nostromo1905} : but he doesn't know that Iran is a Shia country with troops fighting ISIS in Syria !", '>>{Ian_Rubbish} : What does Iran have to do with this story, anyway? He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : If you're going to ask for the impossible, might as well go big.", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Sharks with fricken lasers attached to their fricken heads.', '>>{WarWeasle} : Welcome to the cabinet meeting. Let\'s go around the table. NecroSEC? Sss...The deadsss remainsss in their grraveesss... Cheney\'sss ritualsss are ssstill keeping him from final deathsss... And mysss elocution lessssionsss are coming along nissssely..."', ">>{mingy} : Makes sense, especially since the terror attacks are generally committed by Wahhabi Sunni and the dead guy is a Shiite who are mortal enemies of (and often targets of ISIS) Pretty much a perfect score, I'd say.", '>>{hiphoprising} : No it has to be perfect what does a director of national intelligence know anyway REEEEEEEE', ">>{escalation} : They probably shouldn't put the dead guy in front of the camera either, I don't care whether Trump thinks its a good idea or not.", '>>{escalation} : Ya, hear that a lot from Republicans when they are trying to justify their own brand of voter disenfranchisement.'], ['>>{Pirate2012} : The poor ‘just don’t want health care’: Republican congressman faces backlash over comments', '>>{Pirate2012} : A first-term congressman who spent three decades as a physician — and is now part of a group of Republican doctors who have a major role in replacing Obamacare — is facing backlash after saying that poor people “just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves.” Rep. Roger Marshall, (R-Kan.), a member of the GOP Doctors Caucus, said comments he made to STAT were not meant to suggest that poor people take health care for granted. The comments were published in a story last week about his burgeoning role in the fight to replace the Affordable Care Act. “Just like Jesus said, ‘The poor will always be with us,’ ” Marshall said in response to a question about Medicaid, which expanded under Obamacare to more than 30 states. “There is a group of people that just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves.” He added that “morally, spiritually, socially,” the poor, including the homeless, “just don’t want health care.” [Doctors, hospitals and insurers oppose Republican health plan] “The Medicaid population, which is [on] a free credit card as a group, do probably the least preventive medicine and taking care of themselves and eating healthy and exercising. And I’m not judging; I’m just saying socially that’s where they are,” he told STAT, a website focused on health-care coverage. “So there’s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [to] the ER.” The comments immediately drew criticism from Medicaid advocates in Kansas, with some saying that Marshall mischaracterized and misunderstood people who are in the program. “These are people who are out there, working hard, paying their bills, and to have their elected member of Congress pointing their finger at them I’m sure is disappointing,” David Jordan, executive director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, told the Kansas City Star. [GOP health care plan: Obamacare revision clears first hurdle in House committee early Thursday] In response to the backlash, Marshall, who was elected in November, said he was trying to explain that a national health-care policy around “one segment of the population” does not work because groups of people have varying medical needs and use different health-care resources. “I was also saying that Obamacare has increased premiums on working, middle-class families by almost 200 percent in some places, and with deductibles of over $10,000, many don’t actually have access to health care,” Marshall said in a statement. “Coverage means nothing if you can’t afford access.” He added: “When I said, ‘the poor will always be with us,’ it was actually in the context of supporting the obligation we have to always take care of people, but we cannot completely craft a larger, affordable health-care policy around a comparatively small segment of the population who will get care no matter what.” He also brought up his years in the medical field. Before he was elected, Marshall was an OB/GYN in Great Bend, Kan., helping to deliver more than 5,000 babies throughout his career, according to a brief biography. [The debate over the Affordable Care Act is really a debate over wealth redistribution] “Many patients drove over a hundred miles to see us as I was the only OB clinic to accept Medicaid, and others who could not afford prenatal care. My career gives testimony to my personal watchfulness to those who need help, and to allude otherwise is simply not judicious,” Marshall said in his statement. “I am a physician, not a politician. While I don’t perfectly rehearse talking points, my agenda is driven [by] my two realities: That Obamacare has been detrimental to patients and that we must care for all in need, no matter what.” The political newcomer unseated former representative Tim Huelskamp to represent the 1st Congressional District of Kansas. He’s a new member of the GOP Doctors Caucus, co-chaired by Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.), one of the leading conservative voices in the health-care debate. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, who was confirmed last month, is a former member of the caucus. Marshall is not the only House member who’s had to clarify his comments about health care and the poor. [If Jason Chaffetz wants to compare health care to iPhones, let’s do it the right way] “Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said on CNN Tuesday morning. “And so maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care.” Later that day, Chaffetz was on Fox News clarifying his remarks. “Maybe I didn’t say it as smoothly as I possibly could, but people need to make a conscious choice,” he said. “I believe in self-reliance, and they’re going to have to make those decisions. We want people to have access to an affordable health-care product.” A new health-care bill unveiled by Republicans as a replacement for Obamacare is now making its way through Congress. The American Health Care Act replaces federal insurance subsidies with individual tax credits and grants to help states shape their own policies. It also preserves two of the most popular features of the ACA: allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26 and forbidding insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. After 18 hours of debate, the bill passed 23 to 16 in the House Ways and Means Committee before dawn on Thursday. Amy Goldstein, Elise Vieback, Sean Sullivan, Mike DeBonis and Kelsey Snell contributed to this story.', '>>{Lyin_Don} : did u just copypasta the entire article because of the paywall??? you da real mvp', ">>{kescusay} : Jesus Christ, I thought the headline had to be made up, but it's not. He really said that. As someone who grew up poor and without health insurance, I hope he loses his health insurance. I really do. And not because I want to see him die, but because these fuckers don't understand until they're personally affected. And I want him to understand exactly what sort of monster he is.", '>>{Misanthraloperer} : FYI the paywall can be bypassed by right clicking the link and opening in Incognito Window.', '>>{Misanthraloperer} : >“Just like Jesus said, ‘The poor will always be with us,’ ” Marshall said in response to a question about Medicaid, which expanded under Obamacare to more than 30 states. “There is a group of people that just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves.” >He added that “morally, spiritually, socially,” the poor, including the homeless, “just don’t want health care.” What a fucking Cretin. Hope he gets his ass Town Halled.', ">>{loungeboy79} : Monsters like this never see themselves as monsters. He's trying to quote Jesus Christ to justify letting people die in the streets. I lived in Kansas for a short time, and it was way too long. There are some seriously messed up people masquerading as politicians there.", '>>{Lyin_Don} : im at work and they disable private/incognito :(', '>>{Opie67} : This is the kind of stuff the Democrats need to focus on in 2018. Remember that Romney was sunk by his "47%" comment.', '>>{yatterer} : Nothing quite like quoting Jesus to justify not helping the poor and sick. The Pharisees will always be with us, more like.', ">>{sonofagunn} : Whether there are some poor people that don't care to acquire health care or not in the previous and current systems is irrelevant to the idea that they should have access to affordable (or provided) health care in the future.", '>>{Pirate2012} : was it Ryan or Rubio whose family was on food stamps and receiving welfare when he was a child?', '>>{restore_democracy} : Quite a few of them seemed to have voted for candidates who plan to discontinue it; that much is apparent.', '>>{sleazus_christ} : its funny how its only poor people that don\'t "want" healthcare huh? Like, how come some rich people don\'t want healthcare? If it is juts a certain personality type that doesn\'t want healthcare you would think there would be tons of rich people also saying they don\'t want it...nope, only poor people don\'t want it.', '>>{sleazus_christ} : > Hope he gets his ass Town Halled. is that when the entire town runs a train on his ass until he resigns? that would be pretty funny...', '>>{Mist_Rising} : Marshalls district is western Kansas and chunks of central kansas (its huge land wise, pop wise, not so much). Its the definition of Rural America, the few cities are usually devoted in some major way to rural life. Its also very very very very very very very red. Like, only the deep souths rural areas are more red. +20s for Cooks PVI. Thus you get some pretty conservative people. Like Jerry Moran (now senator) and this guy whos very conservative. Problem is, hes also a strictly very safe seat. Primaries out there are about whos more conservative, and who supports farming subsizes. Liberals who run (under the GOP title! at times) are at best moderates. I say this because it really doesn\'t match what you find on the Eastern Portion of the state. Kansas City area is fairly liberal for Kansas, and Lawrence is up there too. Those areas tend to roll more "sane" conservatives or moderates....usually.', ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : > The Medicaid population, which is [on] a free credit card as a group, do probably the least preventive medicine and taking care of themselves and eating healthy and exercising. This is the *textbook* case of a rich privileged asshole talking about eating healthy and exercising and seeing a general practitioner for preventative care, while not realizing that all those things cost very significant amounts of money and time off work that those in literal poverty cannot afford. And by the way I don't use the term poverty lightly here. You have to be under 138% of the federal poverty line to qualify for Medicaid under ACA. We're talking about less than $16k/year for a single person for fuck's sake. That's the level where you forget about renting even a shitty apartment, and instead rent a room, and then subsist on ramen or peanut butter sandwiches every day. This fucking asshole named Roger Marshall making $174,000/year as a Congressman, who receives free healthcare courtesy of American taxpayers, who probably makes millions more every year from legalized insider trading on secret legislative/government knowledge, now has the nerve to tell these people in poverty that they should eat better and exercise? I thought Jason Chaffetz's iPhone comment was preposterous, but the Republican party once again gracefully proved to me that they can always do worse. There is no rock bottom with these fuckers.", ">>{Mist_Rising} : >What a fucking Cretin. Hope he gets his ass Town Halled. if he does, they'll be cheering proudly and loudly for him. District 1 of Kansas is +20ish red on the political scale.", ">>{jverity} : Yet another example of why Republican politicians are so obviously out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent: >“When I said, ‘the poor will always be with us,’ it was actually in the context of supporting the obligation we have to always take care of people, but we cannot completely craft a larger, affordable health-care policy around a comparatively small segment of the population who will get care no matter what.” Relatively small? Over 40% of Americans make less than 30 grand per year. And the current republican proposal that he is trying to defend here offers these people between 1 and 3 grand **less** per year (depending on age) in subsidies towards coverage that will cost much more than it does today because they are getting rid of the individual mandate. I wish congressmen's and senator's salaries and healthcare benefits were tied to whatever was the average for the people they represent. Then they might have some incentive to do something for us instead of just the rich.", '>>{fastytace} : > “So there’s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [to] the ER.” I was unaware that there is a preventative medicine program for having your arm chopped off.', ">>{workerbotsuperhero} : > Jesus Christ, I thought the headline had to be made up, but it's not. He really said that. Who drew these cartoon characters?", ">>{nightmuzak} : If you eat healthy and exercise, your arm becomes so strong that it can't get chopped off. I thought everyone knew that.^/s", '>>{Pro-Patria-Mori} : You can also clear the browsing history and it will reset the free article limit.', '>>{Lyin_Don} : this - i did not know! thank u kindly']]
classify and reply
['>>{JumpingJazzJam} : He could be diagnosed with brain cancer and disappear for surgery and treatment, pay him off and put him out.', ">>{Evry1sThrowAway} : No he fucking isn't. He *loves* the attention and has always been in the political sphere. Not to mention he *despises* Clinton and her campaign. He has said some crazy shit because he's **running as the Republican candidate** right now. He wouldn't be caught dead making these remarks if he was running Democrat. This article is fucking garbage.", '>>{HeinousVeinous} : So that means the waterboarding is happening, right?', '>>{eudor16} : Pentagon may recommend U.S. deploy combat troops in Syria: CNN', '>>{0ne_Word} : A collection of examples of the worst of humanity. If "evil" truly exists these people are the human embodiment of it.', ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : No no no. You can't let this happen. Get out in The Street. Now you fuckers.", ">>{Lcthulou1} : No Kidding. A multi-million dollar a year career being oppositionally defiant. Who'd a thunk he'd choose money over having a coherent ideology.", ">>{sanspri} : By many reports he's been looking for a way out for last 6 months. Guess that winning, defeating 17 opponents, didn't work", '>>{KindfOfABigDeal} : Hillary pledged to not send in troops to Syria and Trump laughed at her. This was all part of his plan to start a war', ">>{petecash} : The article is silly (although I suspect trump is learning that it's a lot harder to win a general election against a unified and on message democratic party than it is to knock over a bunch of republican dweebs he successfully boxed in) Trump is trump. For every blunder he does something good. I'm very anti trump because he simply doesn't have a sensible economic plan or the temperament to be president but I think he is trying. Why would he have sucked up to the religious right the other day. That was a great chance to torpedo his campaign.", ">>{Ken_BtheScienceGuy} : aah yes those who yell loudest have the best facts. I always forget this detail when hearing anything from the freedom caucus it's like they don't understand how the us government works, what the constitution is, and how reality works. Insert Carl Ssgan's Cosmos edited for rednecks herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J62JQ3yBXds", '>>{workerbotsuperhero} : This group is behind anti-transgender bathroom bills across the country', ">>{J_House1999} : I'm confused as to why we need a NEW bathroom?", '>>{code_archeologist} : So, let me see if I have this clear.... this *law firm* wants to turn the bathroom into a holy place where everybody can feel the shame that their 2,000 year old book says that they should. I have a feeling somebody never read "Everybody Poops" when they were children', ">>{kstinfo} : I won't vote for the guy but I think he's a lesser threat to the country than Clinton. Maybe he'll decide he wants the job just because she pisses him off. He can always pick a VP to do the heavy lifting.", ">>{zapichigo} : I think Occam's Razor suggests a much more simple explanation for Trumps recent series of unforced errors: incompetence & inexperience.", '>>{PRESIDENT_6THGRADER} : Another failed celebrity couple... this is why kids are cynical about love these days', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : These people are absolutely terrible Christians. Not like Inquisition bad, but not for lack of trying. The gospel of Christ is about love, and all they have to offer is hate in judgement.', '>>{BloodQueef_McOral} : the explanation is that Trump simply cannot help himself: He’s so narcissistic and needy and thin-skinned that he must lash out at those he perceives are against him—while thinking he can be president anyway.', '>>{DickButtwoman} : This. She was going to start wars all over the place, right? And Trump was going to be a giant peace-nic.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : [Democrats sitting back watching like](https://gfycat.com/MeekPeskyCockroach)', '>>{PoorBernie} : Is the Democratic Party unified? Someone should notify /r/politics so all the Sanders fans can stop posting negative articles about Hillary.', ">>{tyrusrex} : This would make Iran feel really great./s That would mean, the United States would've invaded 3 of its neighbors, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Syria.", '>>{petecash} : The people who matter are behind clinton. I meant the machine more than the sanders voters. Its not just clinton but extremely popular surrogates behind her like obama that trump has to contend with. You are right though she hasnt won over all the bernies. I should have been clearer', '>>{Vgatv} : How pathetic is your life if you spend all your time and energy focused on where people use the bathroom?', '>>{janethefish} : He campaigned on being willing to send troops to syria. The electoral college voted for this.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : Sanders voters remain something of an unknown quantity. In a new Guardian/SurveyUSA poll, 13% of his supporters said they would stay at home without his name on the ballot, while 41% said they would vote for Clinton and 7% for Trump. Those numbers could easily shift should Sanders concede and begin campaigning for Clinton. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/11/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-disaffected-voters?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other', '>>{Thisisauniquenamemmk} : I feel like the main reason a story like this gets leaked is to gauge the public reaction. Do you want to go to war with Syria? Are you currently facing intense backlash on every decision to make? Wish you had a way to figure out how the public will react to your next decision? How about we release a statement saying that the pentagon *may recommend* sending troops into Syria?', '>>{RavagingRoomba} : Just goes to show the tremendous amount of integrity this man has', '>>{miltedmalkball} : What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria,\xa0Trump told Reuters\xa0on Tuesday morning at his resort in Doral, Florida. "You\'re going to end up in World War III over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton."', '>>{PolanetaryForotdds} : Hillary is a warmonger and will get us into a war!!!!!11!', '>>{PokecheckHozu} : What is it going to be, the third republican President in a row to send your soldiers to their death in the middle east?', ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : Let's hope this shit-eating-shit swirl process gains gravity and accelerates quickly into an all shit-consuming black hole. Screeeeech!", ">>{Nac_Lac} : You forget that they have a divine mandate to save people from themselves. If they can legislate morality, they can save more people from eternal damnation. This is the line of reasoning you have to understand to be able to argue successfully against. Calling them stupid, terrible Christians, or other names will not deter them from their task as they are trying to save you in their own misguided way. Think of a parent disciplining a child. The child may rant and yell at the parent but that isn't going to change the parent's mind or what they are trying to accomplish.", '>>{liberalconservatives} : maybe you should read the articles before making comments on their headlines eh?', ">>{Dillion_Murphy} : This still isn't good, the freedom caucus didn't back Republicare because it wasn't going to kill enough people. Although the growing turmoil in the GOP is absolutely delightful.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > You forget that they have a divine mandate to save people from themselves. A doctrinal one, maybe, but definitely not a Biblical one. They are called by Jesus in the Bible to share and spread the gospel, but they're expressly instructed to do so by selling their possessions, caring for the poor and making service to others as an expression of love their foremost priority. I don't care if they feel beholden to some extra-Biblical self imposed mandate. It doesn't excuse their failings to follow Christ's explicit teachings, and IMO qualifies them as terrible Christians.", ">>{Nac_Lac} : When a group feels they are called by the divine to do something, whether pick up trash, legislate morality, or drink poison kool-aid, you aren't going to dissuade them by trashing their theology. This is well documented, time and time again. When you come at a zealot with harsh words and an unyielding attitude, it will only harden their resolve. I'm not defending their actions, I don't agree with their methods. I am just pointing out that a zealot is not going to listen to reason.", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Whatever. They stopped trump once. If they keep it up thats fine with me till dems can regain control.', ">>{Ddog312} : No he is stating that because he is trying to pick up independents. Those are more Trump's people then Republicans. The only reason why Democrats don't do it is because 1/2 their party is now non-white.", '>>{dichenry} : The looks those two women are giving him. WTF dad and shut the fuck up honey. Looks like they have had enough already.', ">>{fessser} : For anyone that didn't see the segment, he doesn't actually blame or criticize Trump. He places the fault squarely on the people advising Trump (without naming anyone). This seems to be the approach Hannity takes anytime he goes against Trump - it's not his fault but the people advising him. He treats Trump like some inept idiot that can't possibly make a decision on his own but needs to be shepherded by handlers.", '>>{TotesNottaBot} : >[Democrats sitting back watching like](https://media0.giphy.com/media/DcuNWScZizJss/giphy.gif)', ">>{Rakatok} : That's sort of why it's good though, they are such hard liners that Trump can't fully roll with his plans. If they try and please the Freedom Caucus they will lose the moderates instead.", ">>{thefirstandonly} : People are misreading this. He isn't siding with the Freedom Caucus over Trump, he's saying Trump's anger is misplaced and SHOULD be targeted at the more moderate GOP members who *wanted something* to be in Obamacare's place after its repeal. Hannity is first and foremost, utterly and uncompromisingly loyal to Trump. In almost a fanatical sense. This will not change.", '>>{chefr89} : No, but it still means hell is freezing over. Hannity has sided with Trump on 100% of everything for the last 18 months or so.', '>>{Alpacatastic} : >"ADF has no interest in responding to an extreme and increasingly irrelevant group which obviously has too much time on its hands to do anything constructive." They just ended up dragging themselves...', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Most people supporting these groups don\'t see themselves as "zealots". They simply trust the religious authorities, but many are open to persuasion and susceptible to theological arguments that are based on the direct words of Jesus as related in the gospels. Pointing out the hypocrisy of those leaders who have perverted Christianity to be a tool of oppression can sometimes be effective in swaying ordinary Christians, especially those who identify with Jesus\' humanitarian demands of his followers. That\'s been my experience talking with Christian friends on an individual level, anyway.', '>>{coolshifts} : If you buy the theory that he is in cahoots with hillary from the beginning then yes. Once he has the nomination locked up he can self destruct and fulfill his original goal. Even the libertarian candidate falls into the plan. More anti Trump votes go libertarian than anti hillary votes.', ">>{Nac_Lac} : I fully agree. The tone being used matters greatly, as you have no doubt learned. Coming from a peer or as an equal and not a 'better than thou' point of view will make more progress against blind religious faith.", '>>{joseph_jojo_shabadoo} : Trump\'s fb status just changed to "it\'s complicated"', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : I think it can be two-pronged: scathing attacks on the hypocrisy of Christian leaders pushing this kind of thing along with Biblically supported appeals to individuals. Ideally there would be a rhetorical wedge between average Christians and the leaders (like Dobson and others) who often seem to be in it for power/prestige/money.', '>>{GeneticsGuy} : These articles are so ridiculous. Every single week of the GOP primary there were multiple articles, "Trump was just gonna do this for fun then drop out," or "Trump has no plans on actually winning," or "Trump already planning his exit strategy!" All of those literally right up to when he won the primary. I guess the \'I am in denial" articles are still going to continue in the general election too since none of them are based on any reality than the fantasy of these journalists that they can\'t possibly be wrong and Trump actually was just in it for fun, it just went further than he realized, but THIS TIME he actually will drop out. Right...', '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : But who will call Sean if he and Trump are no longer BFFS???', '>>{agnostic_science} : If *this* is the story where Trump *finally* chooses to not double down on his ridiculous bullshit, then I am going to be majorly disappointed. I want him to light a fire under this gas can.', '>>{JamesDelgado} : Pharisees. Philistines were just Middle Easterners that warred with Israel. Pharisees were the religious leaders that criticized Jesus.', '>>{tgjer} : We don\'t and this bathroom drama is fucking stupid. Unisex bathrooms have existed since forever. They aren\'t new. They\'re often labeled "family" restrooms because they\'re useful if a parent has an opposite-gender child who\'s sick but is too old to feel comfortable in the restroom associated with their parents\' gender. Also a lot of handicapped bathrooms are unisex. It would be great if unisex bathrooms became more common. Hell, that was the norm until around the time my grandma was a kid. Universal sex segregated bathrooms are only about as old as common indoor plumbing. But these are not and absolutely should not become trans segregated bathrooms. Trans people do not want this. Unisex bathrooms are great, they\'re available to everyone, but most trans people fall within the common binary and just want to use the facilities and go about their day. Trans women are women, they should have access to the same facilities as all other women. Trans men are men, they should have access to the same facilities as all other men. And trans people have been using public restrooms *since fucking forever.* It\'s not like trans people suddenly sprang into existence within the last five years, cis people just started noticing more recently. And now that we finally have a tiny bit of growing awareness and empathy towards trans people among the general public, we\'re seeing this insane and vicious backlash.', ">>{Chipstar452} : I accept if this is against the subs rules, but I can't help myself. It's mildly impressive that Hannity took the president's dick out of his mouth, even for a moment.", '>>{ABTechie} : They are going to tear themselves apart. Yeah!', '>>{-patrizio-} : >[Democrats sitting back watching like](https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7TKziIuXtAI2vtPa/giphy.gif)', '>>{lower_echelon_peon} : Hannity makes something like 29 mil a year, one would think he could chisel off a mil a year for fact checking... God... So much money for such blithering stupidity', ">>{billthomson} : The thing about the Freedom Caucus versus Trump spat is that it's the best possible thing for the country right now. Like watching Mussolini and Hitler in a cage match, you don't care who wins you just want them both to get injured and are happy they're focused on each other instead of hurting innocent people for a while.", '>>{promqueenskeletor} : Perhaps we just need to send a copy of that book to their firm. Maybe several copies.', ">>{billthomson} : Trump doesn't give a shit. Ryan is the one who matters. Trump had nothing to do with the health care plan.", ">>{aYearOfPrompts} : > Ryan is the one who matters. Ryan is inept. He can't do anything.", '>>{rhythmjones} : On the one hand, fuck Hannity. On the other hand, fuck Trump. But still, fuck the Freedom Caucus.', ">>{billthomson} : Yet he's the one who will be deciding on the framework of legislation for the next 4 years. Hence, internal strife is in the national interest.", '>>{Yeeaaaarrrgh} : Hannity was probably chomping at the bit for a reason to jump the S.S. Trump.', '>>{fuel_units} : Can someone ELI5 what the Freedom Caucus is?', '>>{Rakatok} : I don\'t see how that functionally changes anything. Trump signed off and actively pushed it, he\'s never going to be hands on with designing policy, he tells someone he wants something done and they design it for him. And he clearly gave some shit since he\'s lashing out on Twitter against his own party due to it\'s (and thus his) failure. The key thing is it\'s not just healthcare either. Both his tax reform and budget plans could face issues if he can\'t find a way to please both the moderates and the "fuck government and everyone in it" wings of the Republicans.', ">>{0ne_Word} : No, wouldn't piss on him were he aflame. That said, in these trying times we take good news where we find it and don't usually look a gift horse in the mouth.", ">>{0ne_Word} : *Hard* right wing. Fringe lunatics who got into congress thanks to the Tea Party. All about Jesus and Tax Cuts. (although they don't hold a single policy that Jesus would agree with.)", '>>{SmokyQuarks} : I mean, we are told by Chaffetz that rich people would never do something like that.', ">>{ironmanmk42} : Trump, hannity, freedom caucus, GOP : they're all garbage. Don't side with anyone here", '>>{ernie1850} : Even during that time last year where he literally did nothing and got the government shutdown.', ">>{GoodHumorMan} : I was listening to Hannity a month or two ago and I can't remember specifically what he said but he's basically walked back from that without admitting it.", ">>{Shopworn_Soul} : Nah, this is just the one case where Hannity doesn't think Trump is being *enough* of a dick. Lumpy demands Maximum Asshole or wants nothing at all.", '>>{ExcitableNate} : Somebody tell Trump his lapdog just peed on the floor.', '>>{moose_testes} : It is good because the Freedom Caucus have been outed as extremists without interest in governance. There are enough Republicans in moderate districts that any attempt to pull in extremists with far-right legislation will result in abandonment from the moderates. The only way that Republicans outside of the Freedom Caucus can pass their legislation is to work with Democrats.', ">>{billthomson} : Sure, but Trump just had his feelings hurt because he wanted to sign a law repealing Obamacare - any law. I actually think the tax thing will be easier for them. There are areas where they align, it's really a question of degree, hence the far right & moderates can compromise. I suspect they will come to an agreement behind closed doors.", ">>{Maggie_A} : >Oh now this sub digs Hannity? >>No, wouldn't piss on him were he aflame. But this sub might waterboard him if he were aflame. After all, Hannity did volunteer.", '>>{eigenman} : Nah, In the article Hannity said Trump\'s anger was "Misplaced" and didn\'t know who told the White House to target Freedom Caucus.', '>>{PublicAccount1234} : Just doing his part to shift the conversation towards the "fuck it we\'ll do it live" version of a healthcare bill. Trump\'s plan still remarkably unmarred by actual existence.', '>>{AMReese} : What? No. Just pointing out even his biggest supporters are turning on him. It would be like David Duke going, "Now, hold on a second..."', '>>{granolaboi} : The freedom caucus are scum Hannity is scum Trump is scum', '>>{Angry_Comment_Bot} : Maybe everyone telling him he\'s "bad for the country", and only finding support amongst Trumps gaggle of idiots, has made this Howdy-Doody dickhead rethink who\'s balls he wants to lick', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : we know who told him to do it. his name rhymes with Peeve Cannon and he runs a website the rhymes with Trumpfart.', ">>{DrPepsiJamBlast} : Wow... Just wow Hannity. So the administration and Paul Ryan come up with a healthcare bill that is so far-right, so inline with the Freedom Caucus(huge tax breaks, tens of millions lose healthcare coverage), that it was essentially a dare to them. Meaning, it dared the Freedom Caucus to oppose it and incredibly they still went through with it just to spite the establishment republicans. They did it even though they knew that it would be a colossal failure for their party. And now one of Trump's biggest surrogates from the campaign, Sean Hannity, is providing this hot take.", '>>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : Hey, Trump is POTUS and this is crazy and every night he calls Sean Hannity', '>>{DrPepsiJamBlast} : They\'re "tea party" republicans. They have around 30ish members and they got their seats by going after and replacing more moderate republicans. That\'s also why they\'re so opposed to anything the establishment republicans do even when it aligns pretty well with their beliefs. Oh also it\'s important to note that they have just enough members to hold the republican party hostage which is what they just did in concern to their Obamacare repeal.', '>>{Brice-de-Venice} : Seriously, who gives a fuck what Sean Hannity thinks?', '>>{cd411} : >Now I don\'t know who\'s telling the White House to focus their anger on the Freedom Caucus, but I do think it\'s misplaced," Hannity said. "Because the Freedom Caucus, I\'ve talked to them, they want to make a deal, and **they want the win for the president and the country.”** By withholding healthcare from poor people and enriching health insurance companies.', ">>{monizzle} : Makes sense. Hannity is an extremist asshole, it's no surprise he sided with the insanity that is the Freedom Caucus.", ">>{RooseBoltonGanjaMan} : Meanwhile my left nut is more intelligent than him and I'm scraping by trying to pay for a master's in Finance.... Life sucks yo", ">>{2fuknbusyorviceversa} : What people don't realize is that the GOP is trying to exterminate the human race. They want everyone dead, you and me, black and white, young and old. They only oppose abortion because it is more humane than killing adult humans."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{eudor16} : Pentagon may recommend U.S. deploy combat troops in Syria: CNN', ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : No no no. You can't let this happen. Get out in The Street. Now you fuckers.", '>>{KindfOfABigDeal} : Hillary pledged to not send in troops to Syria and Trump laughed at her. This was all part of his plan to start a war', '>>{DickButtwoman} : This. She was going to start wars all over the place, right? And Trump was going to be a giant peace-nic.', ">>{tyrusrex} : This would make Iran feel really great./s That would mean, the United States would've invaded 3 of its neighbors, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Syria.", '>>{janethefish} : He campaigned on being willing to send troops to syria. The electoral college voted for this.', '>>{Thisisauniquenamemmk} : I feel like the main reason a story like this gets leaked is to gauge the public reaction. Do you want to go to war with Syria? Are you currently facing intense backlash on every decision to make? Wish you had a way to figure out how the public will react to your next decision? How about we release a statement saying that the pentagon *may recommend* sending troops into Syria?', '>>{miltedmalkball} : What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria,\xa0Trump told Reuters\xa0on Tuesday morning at his resort in Doral, Florida. "You\'re going to end up in World War III over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton."', '>>{PolanetaryForotdds} : Hillary is a warmonger and will get us into a war!!!!!11!', '>>{PokecheckHozu} : What is it going to be, the third republican President in a row to send your soldiers to their death in the middle east?'], ['>>{workerbotsuperhero} : This group is behind anti-transgender bathroom bills across the country', ">>{J_House1999} : I'm confused as to why we need a NEW bathroom?", '>>{code_archeologist} : So, let me see if I have this clear.... this *law firm* wants to turn the bathroom into a holy place where everybody can feel the shame that their 2,000 year old book says that they should. I have a feeling somebody never read "Everybody Poops" when they were children', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : These people are absolutely terrible Christians. Not like Inquisition bad, but not for lack of trying. The gospel of Christ is about love, and all they have to offer is hate in judgement.', '>>{Vgatv} : How pathetic is your life if you spend all your time and energy focused on where people use the bathroom?', ">>{Nac_Lac} : You forget that they have a divine mandate to save people from themselves. If they can legislate morality, they can save more people from eternal damnation. This is the line of reasoning you have to understand to be able to argue successfully against. Calling them stupid, terrible Christians, or other names will not deter them from their task as they are trying to save you in their own misguided way. Think of a parent disciplining a child. The child may rant and yell at the parent but that isn't going to change the parent's mind or what they are trying to accomplish.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > You forget that they have a divine mandate to save people from themselves. A doctrinal one, maybe, but definitely not a Biblical one. They are called by Jesus in the Bible to share and spread the gospel, but they're expressly instructed to do so by selling their possessions, caring for the poor and making service to others as an expression of love their foremost priority. I don't care if they feel beholden to some extra-Biblical self imposed mandate. It doesn't excuse their failings to follow Christ's explicit teachings, and IMO qualifies them as terrible Christians.", ">>{Nac_Lac} : When a group feels they are called by the divine to do something, whether pick up trash, legislate morality, or drink poison kool-aid, you aren't going to dissuade them by trashing their theology. This is well documented, time and time again. When you come at a zealot with harsh words and an unyielding attitude, it will only harden their resolve. I'm not defending their actions, I don't agree with their methods. I am just pointing out that a zealot is not going to listen to reason.", '>>{Alpacatastic} : >"ADF has no interest in responding to an extreme and increasingly irrelevant group which obviously has too much time on its hands to do anything constructive." They just ended up dragging themselves...', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Most people supporting these groups don\'t see themselves as "zealots". They simply trust the religious authorities, but many are open to persuasion and susceptible to theological arguments that are based on the direct words of Jesus as related in the gospels. Pointing out the hypocrisy of those leaders who have perverted Christianity to be a tool of oppression can sometimes be effective in swaying ordinary Christians, especially those who identify with Jesus\' humanitarian demands of his followers. That\'s been my experience talking with Christian friends on an individual level, anyway.', ">>{Nac_Lac} : I fully agree. The tone being used matters greatly, as you have no doubt learned. Coming from a peer or as an equal and not a 'better than thou' point of view will make more progress against blind religious faith.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : I think it can be two-pronged: scathing attacks on the hypocrisy of Christian leaders pushing this kind of thing along with Biblically supported appeals to individuals. Ideally there would be a rhetorical wedge between average Christians and the leaders (like Dobson and others) who often seem to be in it for power/prestige/money.', '>>{JamesDelgado} : Pharisees. Philistines were just Middle Easterners that warred with Israel. Pharisees were the religious leaders that criticized Jesus.', '>>{tgjer} : We don\'t and this bathroom drama is fucking stupid. Unisex bathrooms have existed since forever. They aren\'t new. They\'re often labeled "family" restrooms because they\'re useful if a parent has an opposite-gender child who\'s sick but is too old to feel comfortable in the restroom associated with their parents\' gender. Also a lot of handicapped bathrooms are unisex. It would be great if unisex bathrooms became more common. Hell, that was the norm until around the time my grandma was a kid. Universal sex segregated bathrooms are only about as old as common indoor plumbing. But these are not and absolutely should not become trans segregated bathrooms. Trans people do not want this. Unisex bathrooms are great, they\'re available to everyone, but most trans people fall within the common binary and just want to use the facilities and go about their day. Trans women are women, they should have access to the same facilities as all other women. Trans men are men, they should have access to the same facilities as all other men. And trans people have been using public restrooms *since fucking forever.* It\'s not like trans people suddenly sprang into existence within the last five years, cis people just started noticing more recently. And now that we finally have a tiny bit of growing awareness and empathy towards trans people among the general public, we\'re seeing this insane and vicious backlash.', '>>{promqueenskeletor} : Perhaps we just need to send a copy of that book to their firm. Maybe several copies.'], ['>>{HeinousVeinous} : So that means the waterboarding is happening, right?', '>>{0ne_Word} : A collection of examples of the worst of humanity. If "evil" truly exists these people are the human embodiment of it.', ">>{Lcthulou1} : No Kidding. A multi-million dollar a year career being oppositionally defiant. Who'd a thunk he'd choose money over having a coherent ideology.", ">>{Ken_BtheScienceGuy} : aah yes those who yell loudest have the best facts. I always forget this detail when hearing anything from the freedom caucus it's like they don't understand how the us government works, what the constitution is, and how reality works. Insert Carl Ssgan's Cosmos edited for rednecks herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J62JQ3yBXds", '>>{PRESIDENT_6THGRADER} : Another failed celebrity couple... this is why kids are cynical about love these days', '>>{i-am-sancho} : [Democrats sitting back watching like](https://gfycat.com/MeekPeskyCockroach)', '>>{RavagingRoomba} : Just goes to show the tremendous amount of integrity this man has', ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : Let's hope this shit-eating-shit swirl process gains gravity and accelerates quickly into an all shit-consuming black hole. Screeeeech!", ">>{Dillion_Murphy} : This still isn't good, the freedom caucus didn't back Republicare because it wasn't going to kill enough people. Although the growing turmoil in the GOP is absolutely delightful.", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Whatever. They stopped trump once. If they keep it up thats fine with me till dems can regain control.', ">>{fessser} : For anyone that didn't see the segment, he doesn't actually blame or criticize Trump. He places the fault squarely on the people advising Trump (without naming anyone). This seems to be the approach Hannity takes anytime he goes against Trump - it's not his fault but the people advising him. He treats Trump like some inept idiot that can't possibly make a decision on his own but needs to be shepherded by handlers.", '>>{TotesNottaBot} : >[Democrats sitting back watching like](https://media0.giphy.com/media/DcuNWScZizJss/giphy.gif)', ">>{Rakatok} : That's sort of why it's good though, they are such hard liners that Trump can't fully roll with his plans. If they try and please the Freedom Caucus they will lose the moderates instead.", ">>{thefirstandonly} : People are misreading this. He isn't siding with the Freedom Caucus over Trump, he's saying Trump's anger is misplaced and SHOULD be targeted at the more moderate GOP members who *wanted something* to be in Obamacare's place after its repeal. Hannity is first and foremost, utterly and uncompromisingly loyal to Trump. In almost a fanatical sense. This will not change.", '>>{chefr89} : No, but it still means hell is freezing over. Hannity has sided with Trump on 100% of everything for the last 18 months or so.', '>>{joseph_jojo_shabadoo} : Trump\'s fb status just changed to "it\'s complicated"', '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : But who will call Sean if he and Trump are no longer BFFS???', '>>{agnostic_science} : If *this* is the story where Trump *finally* chooses to not double down on his ridiculous bullshit, then I am going to be majorly disappointed. I want him to light a fire under this gas can.', ">>{Chipstar452} : I accept if this is against the subs rules, but I can't help myself. It's mildly impressive that Hannity took the president's dick out of his mouth, even for a moment.", '>>{ABTechie} : They are going to tear themselves apart. Yeah!', '>>{-patrizio-} : >[Democrats sitting back watching like](https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7TKziIuXtAI2vtPa/giphy.gif)', '>>{lower_echelon_peon} : Hannity makes something like 29 mil a year, one would think he could chisel off a mil a year for fact checking... God... So much money for such blithering stupidity', ">>{billthomson} : The thing about the Freedom Caucus versus Trump spat is that it's the best possible thing for the country right now. Like watching Mussolini and Hitler in a cage match, you don't care who wins you just want them both to get injured and are happy they're focused on each other instead of hurting innocent people for a while.", ">>{billthomson} : Trump doesn't give a shit. Ryan is the one who matters. Trump had nothing to do with the health care plan.", ">>{aYearOfPrompts} : > Ryan is the one who matters. Ryan is inept. He can't do anything.", '>>{rhythmjones} : On the one hand, fuck Hannity. On the other hand, fuck Trump. But still, fuck the Freedom Caucus.', ">>{billthomson} : Yet he's the one who will be deciding on the framework of legislation for the next 4 years. Hence, internal strife is in the national interest.", '>>{Yeeaaaarrrgh} : Hannity was probably chomping at the bit for a reason to jump the S.S. Trump.', '>>{fuel_units} : Can someone ELI5 what the Freedom Caucus is?', '>>{Rakatok} : I don\'t see how that functionally changes anything. Trump signed off and actively pushed it, he\'s never going to be hands on with designing policy, he tells someone he wants something done and they design it for him. And he clearly gave some shit since he\'s lashing out on Twitter against his own party due to it\'s (and thus his) failure. The key thing is it\'s not just healthcare either. Both his tax reform and budget plans could face issues if he can\'t find a way to please both the moderates and the "fuck government and everyone in it" wings of the Republicans.', ">>{0ne_Word} : No, wouldn't piss on him were he aflame. That said, in these trying times we take good news where we find it and don't usually look a gift horse in the mouth.", ">>{0ne_Word} : *Hard* right wing. Fringe lunatics who got into congress thanks to the Tea Party. All about Jesus and Tax Cuts. (although they don't hold a single policy that Jesus would agree with.)", '>>{SmokyQuarks} : I mean, we are told by Chaffetz that rich people would never do something like that.', ">>{ironmanmk42} : Trump, hannity, freedom caucus, GOP : they're all garbage. Don't side with anyone here", '>>{ernie1850} : Even during that time last year where he literally did nothing and got the government shutdown.', ">>{GoodHumorMan} : I was listening to Hannity a month or two ago and I can't remember specifically what he said but he's basically walked back from that without admitting it.", ">>{Shopworn_Soul} : Nah, this is just the one case where Hannity doesn't think Trump is being *enough* of a dick. Lumpy demands Maximum Asshole or wants nothing at all.", '>>{ExcitableNate} : Somebody tell Trump his lapdog just peed on the floor.', '>>{moose_testes} : It is good because the Freedom Caucus have been outed as extremists without interest in governance. There are enough Republicans in moderate districts that any attempt to pull in extremists with far-right legislation will result in abandonment from the moderates. The only way that Republicans outside of the Freedom Caucus can pass their legislation is to work with Democrats.', ">>{billthomson} : Sure, but Trump just had his feelings hurt because he wanted to sign a law repealing Obamacare - any law. I actually think the tax thing will be easier for them. There are areas where they align, it's really a question of degree, hence the far right & moderates can compromise. I suspect they will come to an agreement behind closed doors.", ">>{Maggie_A} : >Oh now this sub digs Hannity? >>No, wouldn't piss on him were he aflame. But this sub might waterboard him if he were aflame. After all, Hannity did volunteer.", '>>{eigenman} : Nah, In the article Hannity said Trump\'s anger was "Misplaced" and didn\'t know who told the White House to target Freedom Caucus.', '>>{PublicAccount1234} : Just doing his part to shift the conversation towards the "fuck it we\'ll do it live" version of a healthcare bill. Trump\'s plan still remarkably unmarred by actual existence.', '>>{AMReese} : What? No. Just pointing out even his biggest supporters are turning on him. It would be like David Duke going, "Now, hold on a second..."', '>>{granolaboi} : The freedom caucus are scum Hannity is scum Trump is scum', '>>{Angry_Comment_Bot} : Maybe everyone telling him he\'s "bad for the country", and only finding support amongst Trumps gaggle of idiots, has made this Howdy-Doody dickhead rethink who\'s balls he wants to lick', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : we know who told him to do it. his name rhymes with Peeve Cannon and he runs a website the rhymes with Trumpfart.', ">>{DrPepsiJamBlast} : Wow... Just wow Hannity. So the administration and Paul Ryan come up with a healthcare bill that is so far-right, so inline with the Freedom Caucus(huge tax breaks, tens of millions lose healthcare coverage), that it was essentially a dare to them. Meaning, it dared the Freedom Caucus to oppose it and incredibly they still went through with it just to spite the establishment republicans. They did it even though they knew that it would be a colossal failure for their party. And now one of Trump's biggest surrogates from the campaign, Sean Hannity, is providing this hot take.", '>>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : Hey, Trump is POTUS and this is crazy and every night he calls Sean Hannity', '>>{DrPepsiJamBlast} : They\'re "tea party" republicans. They have around 30ish members and they got their seats by going after and replacing more moderate republicans. That\'s also why they\'re so opposed to anything the establishment republicans do even when it aligns pretty well with their beliefs. Oh also it\'s important to note that they have just enough members to hold the republican party hostage which is what they just did in concern to their Obamacare repeal.', '>>{Brice-de-Venice} : Seriously, who gives a fuck what Sean Hannity thinks?', '>>{cd411} : >Now I don\'t know who\'s telling the White House to focus their anger on the Freedom Caucus, but I do think it\'s misplaced," Hannity said. "Because the Freedom Caucus, I\'ve talked to them, they want to make a deal, and **they want the win for the president and the country.”** By withholding healthcare from poor people and enriching health insurance companies.', ">>{monizzle} : Makes sense. Hannity is an extremist asshole, it's no surprise he sided with the insanity that is the Freedom Caucus.", ">>{RooseBoltonGanjaMan} : Meanwhile my left nut is more intelligent than him and I'm scraping by trying to pay for a master's in Finance.... Life sucks yo", ">>{2fuknbusyorviceversa} : What people don't realize is that the GOP is trying to exterminate the human race. They want everyone dead, you and me, black and white, young and old. They only oppose abortion because it is more humane than killing adult humans."], ['>>{JumpingJazzJam} : He could be diagnosed with brain cancer and disappear for surgery and treatment, pay him off and put him out.', ">>{Evry1sThrowAway} : No he fucking isn't. He *loves* the attention and has always been in the political sphere. Not to mention he *despises* Clinton and her campaign. He has said some crazy shit because he's **running as the Republican candidate** right now. He wouldn't be caught dead making these remarks if he was running Democrat. This article is fucking garbage.", ">>{sanspri} : By many reports he's been looking for a way out for last 6 months. Guess that winning, defeating 17 opponents, didn't work", ">>{petecash} : The article is silly (although I suspect trump is learning that it's a lot harder to win a general election against a unified and on message democratic party than it is to knock over a bunch of republican dweebs he successfully boxed in) Trump is trump. For every blunder he does something good. I'm very anti trump because he simply doesn't have a sensible economic plan or the temperament to be president but I think he is trying. Why would he have sucked up to the religious right the other day. That was a great chance to torpedo his campaign.", ">>{kstinfo} : I won't vote for the guy but I think he's a lesser threat to the country than Clinton. Maybe he'll decide he wants the job just because she pisses him off. He can always pick a VP to do the heavy lifting.", ">>{zapichigo} : I think Occam's Razor suggests a much more simple explanation for Trumps recent series of unforced errors: incompetence & inexperience.", '>>{BloodQueef_McOral} : the explanation is that Trump simply cannot help himself: He’s so narcissistic and needy and thin-skinned that he must lash out at those he perceives are against him—while thinking he can be president anyway.', '>>{PoorBernie} : Is the Democratic Party unified? Someone should notify /r/politics so all the Sanders fans can stop posting negative articles about Hillary.', '>>{petecash} : The people who matter are behind clinton. I meant the machine more than the sanders voters. Its not just clinton but extremely popular surrogates behind her like obama that trump has to contend with. You are right though she hasnt won over all the bernies. I should have been clearer', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : Sanders voters remain something of an unknown quantity. In a new Guardian/SurveyUSA poll, 13% of his supporters said they would stay at home without his name on the ballot, while 41% said they would vote for Clinton and 7% for Trump. Those numbers could easily shift should Sanders concede and begin campaigning for Clinton. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/11/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-disaffected-voters?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other', '>>{liberalconservatives} : maybe you should read the articles before making comments on their headlines eh?', ">>{Ddog312} : No he is stating that because he is trying to pick up independents. Those are more Trump's people then Republicans. The only reason why Democrats don't do it is because 1/2 their party is now non-white.", '>>{dichenry} : The looks those two women are giving him. WTF dad and shut the fuck up honey. Looks like they have had enough already.', '>>{coolshifts} : If you buy the theory that he is in cahoots with hillary from the beginning then yes. Once he has the nomination locked up he can self destruct and fulfill his original goal. Even the libertarian candidate falls into the plan. More anti Trump votes go libertarian than anti hillary votes.', '>>{GeneticsGuy} : These articles are so ridiculous. Every single week of the GOP primary there were multiple articles, "Trump was just gonna do this for fun then drop out," or "Trump has no plans on actually winning," or "Trump already planning his exit strategy!" All of those literally right up to when he won the primary. I guess the \'I am in denial" articles are still going to continue in the general election too since none of them are based on any reality than the fantasy of these journalists that they can\'t possibly be wrong and Trump actually was just in it for fun, it just went further than he realized, but THIS TIME he actually will drop out. Right...']]
classify and reply
['>>{Izor28} : This identity politics stuff is always the most cringeworthy. I always like reading it to see the "logic" employed by these people though', '>>{JohnRyanFan} : Ivanka Trump Tweeted About Religious Tolerance. It Didn’t Go Down Well.', ">>{ShyGuy322} : Ugh...this is shit. I don't owe anyone anything.", '>>{12temp} : How about you completely give the democratic party to him and leave forever. Take all your corrupt ass clown friends in Washington with you.', ">>{aledlewis} : Heh. Sounds like she's been sent out to paper over her interview last week where she effectively said the opposite. Oops.", ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : Why the fuck am I still seeing her face in the news. Why the fuck isn't she gone!", '>>{President_Babyhands} : Am I still relevant? Is anyone listening to me?', '>>{Sebatinsky} : It\'s not called "identity politics" when this exact sentiment is directed at minorities.', '>>{Jewdius_Maximus} : Excuse me! Despite the fact that your great grand parents were likely immigrants from some downtrodden European country going through hardship in the early 1900s, YOU are personally responsible for slavery and must prostrate yourself in front of all black people all the time everywhere and grovel because muh Trump.', '>>{Bluthhousing} : Who Favors Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Candidate for President?', '>>{DebussySIMiami} : Weird how the family is silent when radicalized Trump supporters shoot up a mosque.', '>>{sicilianthemusical} : How about you start your own party? Take all your corrupt ass bros with you.', '>>{HankMoody_} : Cyber bullying and religious tolerance. This presidency has turned into daily trolling.', ">>{vinyl_the_scratch} : Pshh...Gary doesn't deserve the title of libertarian. He's like Hillary-lite", ">>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : Your point of view is blocked by something. I think it's your belief people don't have a right to make a choice. Because from where I am standing I could care less who you voted for, its now fucking over and all you are doing is throwing shade.. grow the fuck up.", ">>{OnepDoublem} : Loving Perez for that short leash he has Debbie on while preparing a unity tour with Bernie. I'm feeling unified already.", '>>{12temp} : I shouldn\'t have to "start my own party". The Democratic party should be one for the people, not big business. And there is nothing corrupt about Bernie or his supporters, nor can you find one shred of evidence supporting that claim.', '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : I loathe this family, but boy are these articles about people responding on twitter pointless.', '>>{Bernie_Bro666} : Thinking that all black people think and vote the same way like a collective is racist and offensive. Thinking that all white people think and vote the same way is just fucking stupid.', '>>{OctoberxxxSurprise} : If he can get 15% support he will be included in the debates.', '>>{kevie3drinks} : Man I am really tired of the "Dear White people" troupe.', ">>{danakowalski} : I don't agree with all their stances on topics, however they speak reasonably on their views, are willing to not really dodge questions, and I think should be in the debates. I particularly like Gary on the Joe Rogan show. He went into detail on topics that both major party candidates would have avoided at all costs, because there is no good, positive answer. There needs to be some change to slowly counter this lesser of two evils every cycle.", ">>{Buttocks} : We need to take it a step further and kick white people out of the Democratic Party for good. They have served their purpose. Democrats are the party of minorities now. If you're straight and white, find a new party.", '>>{RickC-138} : The only way Debbie could create more bullshit is if she took up competitive eating. What a sack of shit.', '>>{soalone34} : If that happened the democrats would be losing 100% of the time instead of the 99% they currently are at thanks to the great work of Hillary and co.', '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Truth. The color of your skin is what matters not histprical fact or accuracy.', '>>{mafuuuba} : She\'s a phoney. I\'d say Ivanka is the ultimate example of a "limousine liberal". Letting her dad fuck over the country, robbing taxpayers of their money, allying with the GOP, selling the country out to the Russian regime. All for that inheritance money. She isn\'t that glimmer of light some people hope she is. She isn\'t going to do jack shit but mention the word "feminism" every now and then to get some political cred points. That and just look pretty for all the dumbass alt-right/red piller/berniebro types that like her just because of the way she looks.', ">>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : Look, I hate Trump. But your generalization is sickening. Just as trump courted racism, so too do you, when you use it to compartmentalize people into groups. Not all white women choose to vote trump. I vote we take the power away from our government and give it back to the people. I say we write the agenda and we elect people to follow that agenda. Now who is more radical? I would say mine.. But you go on and whine about how you think a entire group of people voted, meanwhile I seek the rebirth of our nation, I seek the fulfillment of my american dream, of bringing us all together and putting us all on the same page. Also I am a white person, I hate trump. I hate people who support trump. If I could rewrite history I would, If I could change the present I would, but I can't. The only thing for me to do now is plan for the future, and review the past. I want the presidency, because I believe I can heal the divide. I know I can redirect our path towards one that embraces Americans of all walks of life, and rework our global positioning to not be the global police, but a ally to those in need and to those that deserve it. Right now I am just some random person, but know this, I am going to take my fight too the steps of this great country of ours, and I will win. tl:dr when fighting monsters, you must be careful not to become a monster yourself. :)", '>>{Sebatinsky} : But it isn\'t, because "identity politics" usually just means "shut up, women and minorities."', ">>{mar10wright} : >That and just look pretty for all the dumbass alt-right/red piller/berniebro types that like her just because of the way she looks. I personally can't stand the way her teeth never seem to touch when she speaks.", ">>{JohnRyanFan} : I agree this isn't hardhitting news by any means. But the tweets do highlight the hypocrisy that is Ivanka Trump quite well.", ">>{ArniePie} : And Democrats who want a President with good character and honesty. Gary's socially tolerant policies, anti-war, and support for civil liberties balance out the lower taxes and simplified regulations.", '>>{KingPickle} : I usually hate shit like this. And lately, I think the racial issues have gotten far too amped up, on both sides. That said, that was actually an interesting read. And I do like Kamau Bell, in general. On topic, I don\'t think it\'s just race that becomes invisible to people. As humans, pretty much any hurdle we\'ve crossed becomes invisible to us. For example, if you are steadily employeed you don\'t say "Well, as an employed person I see it this way." You may be aware that some people are unemployed. And you may have sympathy for them. But for you, it\'s become a non-issue. It\'s not something you have to grapple with day-to-day. And so, you don\'t frame your thoughts and speech around that issue. This doesn\'t just apply to socio-economics either. For example, if you are an able-bodied person you probably don\'t consider the struggles of the handicapped constantly. But if you\'ve ever broken or sprained your ankle badly, you might quickly start to appreciate just how nice it was to be able to move around easily. And you also start to realize how much of a difference ramps can make if you encounter some awful set of steps to climb. But again, most of the time you don\'t look at the world through that lens. This, of course, is all by design. It\'s an evolutionary optimization. There\'s a million things you could get bogged down in thinking about. But our brains filter things out. It\'s all relative. Anyway, I did think it was an interesting exchange. And I am embarrassed by Trump. Although to be honest, my initial reaction is more about him as the face of America to the rest of the world, rather than on a racial basis. But I do get his point.', '>>{GasMasktoTask} : Like all libertarians he follows the 5:01 rule. If you listen to them for 5 minutes and they seem like the most reasonable people and their platforms make sense. Then you hit the 5:01 mark and they sound crazy as hell talking about eliminating the Dept of Education etc.', '>>{AncillaryIssues} : The Republicans have long courted the Alt-Right; the Libertarians *ARE* the Alt-Right.', ">>{talismax} : Why is that crazy? We didn't have a Department of Education until 1979. Presumably children were educated before then.", '>>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : It is for the people, and the people have decided multiple times we want nothing to do with the Sanders wing of the party. Start your own.', '>>{ColePhelps-} : You expect us to believe anything you say about religious tolerance when you are married to a creature that has an unstable, deep, seething hatred towards any race besides white folks? Give me a moment while I laugh loudly in your direction.', ">>{KingPickle} : > No, it's not. Hillary won the popular vote and there are investigations into Trump and Russia for treason. Ah, the hypocrisy. I remember when you guys were laughing at the Bernie folks who were talking about trying to sway the super delegates based on the polling that showed that he had a better shot of winning. Best of luck in your recount!", ">>{diarrheaflood} : It's not crazy. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfejJZZOXmQ) a short 2:44 youtube clip from his Town Hall where he explains WHY he supports eliminating it.", ">>{sicilianthemusical} : But you can call every real Democrat corrupt? You're all nothing but a very loud and very vocal minority. Start your own damn party and prove me wrong.", ">>{12temp} : >But you can call every real Democrat corrupt When did I call every democrat corrupt? I specifically referred to DWS and her colleagues since its very obvious they have an agenda that does not benefit the people. Also if you think I'm part of the minority you seriously have not been paying attention the past year like at all.", ">>{hipster3000} : Right? no matter what side of any political issue you are on I'm sure you can find 10 tweets to support your view. What's the point of this? There's nothing substantial.", ">>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : You see that is where I differ from you.. I only wish to say what I want. I am not arguing, I correct things when I know that they are wrong. I don't care if he is trolling me and get's a rise out of it. It gives me a chance to detail and order my thoughts and it helps me think on my feet. Better to be tested by a idiot then to go unchecked. ;)", ">>{givesomefucks} : /berniebro good to see you're still keeping clinton's sexist terms going. /s", ">>{12temp} : God it must be really hard being this ignorant to the facts. That's why he overcame a 60 point deficit and had literally millions of voters. The reason he couldn't clinch the nomination is because in most places independents couldn't even vote for him. In Brooklyn alone 300,000 independents couldn't vote for him.", ">>{d00ns} : I don't think it's that extreme, he only wants to eliminate the parts of government that have been catastrophic failures.", ">>{anonuisance} : No, it doesn't, that's just how neoliberals dismiss criticism against them. We're all racist misogynists if we don't tow the pro-labeling line.", ">>{sicilianthemusical} : Yes, you're the minority, and you're just being tolerated. Go away.", ">>{anonuisance} : But that's something you smash, not something you pull along with you...", '>>{ArniePie} : These blanket statements only mislead people. The Alt-Right is a new vague term used to scare people. It ropes in white nationalist with any conservative group the left wants to discredit. It\'s just like Bernie Sanders insisting "democratic-socialism" is different from socialism. Libertarians are the opposite of "white nationlism". Maybe you want to try to back up your statement, but I know there is nothing to back up.', '>>{ArniePie} : Catch 22. Third parties would be the only group that would support changing that election system.', '>>{TheFatGoose} : Ever heard of idle hands being the Devils plaything, or seeing injustice and doing nothing is injustice in itself?', ">>{Ashley8777} : I'm definitely not saying she's a glimmer of hope, I'm just saying she's a fucking rocket scientist compared to her family. I still wouldn't expect her father to take advice from a woman, even his daughter, he'd more like to talk about how he'd like to date her than take anything she says seriously.", ">>{ArniePie} : Even when 3rd parties don't win, the strength of their movements have had impacts on the country and the major parties throughout American history. Libertarians have a particular opportunity this year to become a major party. The Republicans have become divided about what the party will represent moving forward. If they can't unify on a coherent set of values, the party may weaken significantly. With the FPTP system, this may be the chance for the Libertarians to take their place.", ">>{dakotamaysing} : No thanks. I'll vote my conscience and sleep at night.", ">>{12temp} : No it isn't a minority. Do you not understand what a minority is? You can literally go to google and actually find these facts for yourself. But continue supporting Hillary and see where that gets you. Oh wait we already did see. Good job on that fuck up.", '>>{TheJIbberJabberWocky} : People talk about her like she broke into Bernie Sanders home while he was sleeping and literally stole the nomination from underneath his pillow. We had a primary election, we voted on it, Hillary Clinton won. Nobody is going to sit there and tell me they had a hard opinion on who they wanted to be chairperson of the DNC. Yes the DNC had bias for Clinton; she was winning and a lifelong Democrat. The three million votes that she won by weren\'t because of Shultz. Bernie Sanders (whom I personally voted for) only became a democrat once he decided that he needed their money and agreed to play by their rules. When he lost, he vehemently endorsed Clinton; an endorsement which most of his "supporters" ignored. Bitching about Shultz at this point is meaningless noise from childish people who wish the world worked differently than it does.', '>>{AncillaryIssues} : >Maybe you want to try to back up your statement, but I know there is nothing to back up. [Ron Paul\'s Neo-Confederate "South Was Right" Civil War Speech With Confederate Flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEC68vTQwP8)', '>>{ArniePie} : Did you watch that video? 1. Nothing in that video address "white nationalism". 2. Paul praises abolistion, but he is anti-war and discusses peaceful examples of ending slavery. 3. Paul\'s comments (which had nothing to do with racism) are not representative of all libertarians. I\'ve seen videos of Howard Zinn making the same argument against the civil war, because other countries ended slavery without war.', ">>{Now_Do_Classical_Gas} : That was just about the most batshit crazy 'conversation' I've ever read. It's what happens when people get stuck inside their bubble so long they lose the capacity to think. The premise alone is moronic enough, but then they spend pages and pages attacking white people for being white, before concluding that white people should be proud of being white? It shows that when you get an overt racist and a self-hater talking, it quickly spirals into absolute insanity.", '>>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : whoa.. Sabatinsky you where right.... my bad.', ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : Hillary won more open primaries, got 3 million more votes, and he got the shit kicked out of him in New York. We don't want Sanders.", '>>{sicilianthemusical} : Oh wait, sanders did everything he could to sabotage the DNC and Clinton. That is his ONLY claim to fame in a failed 4 decade career.', ">>{12temp} : >and he got the shit kicked out of him in New York You didn't even read what I wrote. Also the fact that you are still defending Hillary after such a colossal failure is disturbing. It tells me you really don't understand policy positions at all. You must be fore the selling out the people to wall street because that's exactly what Clinton has been doing and what she would have done. Open your eyes and stop being so damn ignorant.", ">>{12temp} : LMFAO. Right he sabotaged Clinton and the DNC. Its not like the DNC held debates on nights they knew no one would watch. Its not like the head of the DNC at that time wasn't clearly still tied to Clinton. Its not like Wallstreet didn't have complete control over the democratic party. You must be against getting money out of politics, free college, free health care, increased wages, wealth redistribution, improved infrastructure and a million other things that would have benefited almost every American. You are for the same status quo which is why the Democrats lose all the god damn time. Go ahead and have your loser ass party and keep getting your dicks kicked in the dirt by republicans because you losers never learn your lesson.", ">>{sicilianthemusical} : Blah, blah, blah.... all you have is a lame stump speech, the same bs he spouted to move as many voters as possible into the GOP column. But speaking of dicks, I'm reminded of sanders.", ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : I don't think you read what I wrote. Your wing of the party does nothing but lose. Either fall in line with us, or make your own.", '>>{12temp} : >Either fall in line with us You mean fall in line with a party that choked the easiest election of all time? Hell no. How about we restructure the party so they start winning and changing the lives of all Americans. But again since you clearly have no idea what the hell you are talking about, continue supporting establishment democrats and see if they will EVER work out for you. Like do you people forgot you LOST the election to TRUMP? Why would anyone in their right mind support a regime that loses like that? Willful ignorance.', '>>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : You lost the primary to the woman who lost to Trump! Why would we support you?!', ">>{12temp} : Support the policy positions since he is on the right side of all of them. Also did you forgot he came into the race as a nobody and gave her a run for her money? I'm sure you forgot all about that.", ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : No he isn't, and he was a nobody because he's accomplished nothing in 30 years of governing. He didn't even give her a run for her money, he knocked him out by the summer, and he hung around uselessly.", '>>{12temp} : Overcame a 60 point deficit? the biggest in American political history? Also he has helped pass numerous bills and legislation and he has done it while keeping his message consistent and with out getting in bed with wall street and big corporations. The same can in no way shape or form be said about Clinton.', ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : > Also he has helped pass numerous bills and legislation Like? >The same can in no way shape or form be said about Clinton. Clinton is a competent politician. Can't say that about Sanders. Even his colleagues hate him.", '>>{12temp} : >https://www.quora.com/Where-can-I-find-a-list-of-legislative-bills-that-Bernie-Sanders-sponsored-or-co-sponsored-and-that-the-president-signed-into-law He has made far more progress in bi partisan efforts than Hillary will every come close too. >https://www.quora.com/Have-only-three-of-Bernie-Sanders%E2%80%99-352-authored-bills-passed-the-U-S-Senate-%E2%80%94-one-to-rename-a-post-office >Fact: Bernie Sanders Got More Done in the Senate than Hillary Clinton... "As a Senator, Clinton sponsored three bills that became law: S.3145, S.3613, and S.1241. The first of these renamed a highway in New York state, the second renamed a post office in New York City, and the third established the Kate Mullany National Historic Site in Troy, New York and authorized funding to set the site up. During Sanders’ time in the Senate, he sponsored two bills that became law: S.885 and S.893. The first of these renamed a post office in Vermont. The second increased compensation for disabled veterans and their families. The third was H.R. 5245. While Sanders chaired the Senate’s Veteran Affairs committee during 113 Congress (2013-2014), 13 of the committee’s bills became law. That may not sound like a lot until you realize that the Senate Veterans Affairs (VA) committee only passed 8.5 bills into law on average during each of the past 20 Congresses and that these 13 bills became law during the second least productive Congressin American history. >Sanders’ most significant achievement during 113 Congress was passing a $16.3 billion bipartisan VA reform bill that expanded existing and created new health care facilities, allowed veterans to go outside the VA system to private health care providers when wait times are too long or if a veteran lives more than 40 miles away from a VA facility, and made it easier to fire VA officials. Sanders was so effective as a legislator that the (right-wing) Veterans of Foreign Wars awarded him its highest honor in 2015." - [pplswar] Its very clear he is far more effective at getting both parties to work together and has been a vital part areas of Veterans affairs and health care. Even if he only passed 3 bills (that he personally introduced), they are still more significant than anything Hillary has done in the same sense. >Even his colleagues hate him. That is a complete load of shit. He has a much higher success rate getting bipartisan support. He spends his time working for the people. Unlike Clinton who spends her time working for wallstreet.', '>>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : Quora, LOL. [You are wrong.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/04/07/hillary-clinton-was-a-more-effective-lawmaker-than-bernie-sanders/?utm_term=.9b5c8563ae25#comments) >That is a complete load of shit. [Nope.](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/bernie-sanders-colleagues-arent-feeling-bern-n427596) Fun fact: I had googled your claim of the 60 point deficit, and the first two articles that came up were a pro-Bernie breitbart article, and an article titled "Bernie Sanders is the worst Presidential Candidate in history, and you and all your friends are idiots." LOL.', '>>{12temp} : >You are wrong. Ah retort with a WaPo article. The same place that published like 17 anti bernie articles in one day alone. Yeah they sure as hell don\'t have a bias at all. >Bernie Sanders is the worst Presidential Candidate in history, and you and all your friends are idiots." Ah yes an opinion piece when facts aren\'t on your side.... >Nope. Oh gee wiz an article published only a few months after he announced he was running! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Bernie_Sanders_presidential_campaign_endorsements,_2016 Seems that a shit load of former and current sitting representatives as well as a very long list of other members of not only our government but of other ones as well endorsed him. Also you are still completely ignoring the fact that Hillary was deep in bed with special interests while Bernie isn\'t. I guess you are okay with corrupt politicians', ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : > Ah retort with a WaPo article. The same place that published like 17 anti bernie articles in one day alone. Yeah they sure as hell don't have a bias at all. Yes, because they're good journalists, and Bernie is a poor candidate. >Ah yes an opinion piece when facts aren't on your side.... Just laughing at you. Funny how Breitbart was on Bernies side though. Shouldn't be a surprise, though, considering the right wing supported him because they knew he was a cancer to the democrat party. >Oh gee wiz an article published only a few months after he announced he was running! [Compare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hillary_Clinton_presidential_campaign_political_endorsements,_2016) >Also you are still completely ignoring the fact that Hillary was deep in bed with special interests while Bernie isn't. I guess you are okay with corrupt politicians I like competent politicians with good policy.", ">>{12temp} : >Yes, because they're good journalists, and Bernie is a poor candidate. So bias=good journalism? in what fucking world?????? >Just laughing at you. Funny how Breitbart was on Bernies side though. Shouldn't be a surprise, though, considering the right wing supported him because they knew he was a cancer to the democrat party. They were on his side because he as against Hillary. Doesn't take much to figure that one out. >I like competent politicians with good policy. >proceeds to lose to the most incompetent in history Besides she started adopting Bernie policies such as tuition free college. >Compare Ah yes all the other dems who take tons of donations from large companies. Yeah they totally don't have a vested interest in trying to get someone in office who would continue that trend of corruption. Again why are you ignoring the fact that Hillary takes money from special interests? Why do you not care that she is insanely corrupt and even more incompetent? Does corruption not matter too you?", ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : > So bias=good journalism? in what fucking world?????? Yeah, when one candidate is better than the other, supporting one over the other is good. >They were on his side because he as against Hillary. Doesn't take much to figure that one out. And they stayed on his side after he lost. That's why Trump himself was pimping Bernie too, because he knew Bernie's idiot fans would throw a fit about losing. >Besides she started adopting Bernie policies such as tuition free college. Bernie hardly has any policy lmao, just a shitty stump speech. Hillary was throwing you guys a bone, but you're so immature you still wouldn't vote for her. >Ah yes all the other dems who take tons of donations from large companies. Yeah they totally don't have a vested interest in trying to get someone in office who would continue that trend of corruption. Lmao yeah it's because they're all corrupt, not because Bernie is a fuckin' loser who [doesn't get how politics works.](https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/01/18/bernie-sanders-doesn-get-how-politics-works/GYDR7MTl0Vu3TSAHRMWipJ/story.html) >Again why are you ignoring the fact that Hillary takes money from special interests? Why do you not care that she is insanely corrupt and even more incompetent? Does corruption not matter too you? She is neither, lmao."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{12temp} : How about you completely give the democratic party to him and leave forever. Take all your corrupt ass clown friends in Washington with you.', ">>{aledlewis} : Heh. Sounds like she's been sent out to paper over her interview last week where she effectively said the opposite. Oops.", ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : Why the fuck am I still seeing her face in the news. Why the fuck isn't she gone!", '>>{President_Babyhands} : Am I still relevant? Is anyone listening to me?', '>>{sicilianthemusical} : How about you start your own party? Take all your corrupt ass bros with you.', ">>{OnepDoublem} : Loving Perez for that short leash he has Debbie on while preparing a unity tour with Bernie. I'm feeling unified already.", '>>{12temp} : I shouldn\'t have to "start my own party". The Democratic party should be one for the people, not big business. And there is nothing corrupt about Bernie or his supporters, nor can you find one shred of evidence supporting that claim.', '>>{RickC-138} : The only way Debbie could create more bullshit is if she took up competitive eating. What a sack of shit.', '>>{soalone34} : If that happened the democrats would be losing 100% of the time instead of the 99% they currently are at thanks to the great work of Hillary and co.', '>>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : It is for the people, and the people have decided multiple times we want nothing to do with the Sanders wing of the party. Start your own.', ">>{sicilianthemusical} : But you can call every real Democrat corrupt? You're all nothing but a very loud and very vocal minority. Start your own damn party and prove me wrong.", ">>{12temp} : >But you can call every real Democrat corrupt When did I call every democrat corrupt? I specifically referred to DWS and her colleagues since its very obvious they have an agenda that does not benefit the people. Also if you think I'm part of the minority you seriously have not been paying attention the past year like at all.", ">>{12temp} : God it must be really hard being this ignorant to the facts. That's why he overcame a 60 point deficit and had literally millions of voters. The reason he couldn't clinch the nomination is because in most places independents couldn't even vote for him. In Brooklyn alone 300,000 independents couldn't vote for him.", ">>{sicilianthemusical} : Yes, you're the minority, and you're just being tolerated. Go away.", ">>{12temp} : No it isn't a minority. Do you not understand what a minority is? You can literally go to google and actually find these facts for yourself. But continue supporting Hillary and see where that gets you. Oh wait we already did see. Good job on that fuck up.", '>>{TheJIbberJabberWocky} : People talk about her like she broke into Bernie Sanders home while he was sleeping and literally stole the nomination from underneath his pillow. We had a primary election, we voted on it, Hillary Clinton won. Nobody is going to sit there and tell me they had a hard opinion on who they wanted to be chairperson of the DNC. Yes the DNC had bias for Clinton; she was winning and a lifelong Democrat. The three million votes that she won by weren\'t because of Shultz. Bernie Sanders (whom I personally voted for) only became a democrat once he decided that he needed their money and agreed to play by their rules. When he lost, he vehemently endorsed Clinton; an endorsement which most of his "supporters" ignored. Bitching about Shultz at this point is meaningless noise from childish people who wish the world worked differently than it does.', ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : Hillary won more open primaries, got 3 million more votes, and he got the shit kicked out of him in New York. We don't want Sanders.", '>>{sicilianthemusical} : Oh wait, sanders did everything he could to sabotage the DNC and Clinton. That is his ONLY claim to fame in a failed 4 decade career.', ">>{12temp} : >and he got the shit kicked out of him in New York You didn't even read what I wrote. Also the fact that you are still defending Hillary after such a colossal failure is disturbing. It tells me you really don't understand policy positions at all. You must be fore the selling out the people to wall street because that's exactly what Clinton has been doing and what she would have done. Open your eyes and stop being so damn ignorant.", ">>{12temp} : LMFAO. Right he sabotaged Clinton and the DNC. Its not like the DNC held debates on nights they knew no one would watch. Its not like the head of the DNC at that time wasn't clearly still tied to Clinton. Its not like Wallstreet didn't have complete control over the democratic party. You must be against getting money out of politics, free college, free health care, increased wages, wealth redistribution, improved infrastructure and a million other things that would have benefited almost every American. You are for the same status quo which is why the Democrats lose all the god damn time. Go ahead and have your loser ass party and keep getting your dicks kicked in the dirt by republicans because you losers never learn your lesson.", ">>{sicilianthemusical} : Blah, blah, blah.... all you have is a lame stump speech, the same bs he spouted to move as many voters as possible into the GOP column. But speaking of dicks, I'm reminded of sanders.", ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : I don't think you read what I wrote. Your wing of the party does nothing but lose. Either fall in line with us, or make your own.", '>>{12temp} : >Either fall in line with us You mean fall in line with a party that choked the easiest election of all time? Hell no. How about we restructure the party so they start winning and changing the lives of all Americans. But again since you clearly have no idea what the hell you are talking about, continue supporting establishment democrats and see if they will EVER work out for you. Like do you people forgot you LOST the election to TRUMP? Why would anyone in their right mind support a regime that loses like that? Willful ignorance.', '>>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : You lost the primary to the woman who lost to Trump! Why would we support you?!', ">>{12temp} : Support the policy positions since he is on the right side of all of them. Also did you forgot he came into the race as a nobody and gave her a run for her money? I'm sure you forgot all about that.", ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : No he isn't, and he was a nobody because he's accomplished nothing in 30 years of governing. He didn't even give her a run for her money, he knocked him out by the summer, and he hung around uselessly.", '>>{12temp} : Overcame a 60 point deficit? the biggest in American political history? Also he has helped pass numerous bills and legislation and he has done it while keeping his message consistent and with out getting in bed with wall street and big corporations. The same can in no way shape or form be said about Clinton.', ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : > Also he has helped pass numerous bills and legislation Like? >The same can in no way shape or form be said about Clinton. Clinton is a competent politician. Can't say that about Sanders. Even his colleagues hate him.", '>>{12temp} : >https://www.quora.com/Where-can-I-find-a-list-of-legislative-bills-that-Bernie-Sanders-sponsored-or-co-sponsored-and-that-the-president-signed-into-law He has made far more progress in bi partisan efforts than Hillary will every come close too. >https://www.quora.com/Have-only-three-of-Bernie-Sanders%E2%80%99-352-authored-bills-passed-the-U-S-Senate-%E2%80%94-one-to-rename-a-post-office >Fact: Bernie Sanders Got More Done in the Senate than Hillary Clinton... "As a Senator, Clinton sponsored three bills that became law: S.3145, S.3613, and S.1241. The first of these renamed a highway in New York state, the second renamed a post office in New York City, and the third established the Kate Mullany National Historic Site in Troy, New York and authorized funding to set the site up. During Sanders’ time in the Senate, he sponsored two bills that became law: S.885 and S.893. The first of these renamed a post office in Vermont. The second increased compensation for disabled veterans and their families. The third was H.R. 5245. While Sanders chaired the Senate’s Veteran Affairs committee during 113 Congress (2013-2014), 13 of the committee’s bills became law. That may not sound like a lot until you realize that the Senate Veterans Affairs (VA) committee only passed 8.5 bills into law on average during each of the past 20 Congresses and that these 13 bills became law during the second least productive Congressin American history. >Sanders’ most significant achievement during 113 Congress was passing a $16.3 billion bipartisan VA reform bill that expanded existing and created new health care facilities, allowed veterans to go outside the VA system to private health care providers when wait times are too long or if a veteran lives more than 40 miles away from a VA facility, and made it easier to fire VA officials. Sanders was so effective as a legislator that the (right-wing) Veterans of Foreign Wars awarded him its highest honor in 2015." - [pplswar] Its very clear he is far more effective at getting both parties to work together and has been a vital part areas of Veterans affairs and health care. Even if he only passed 3 bills (that he personally introduced), they are still more significant than anything Hillary has done in the same sense. >Even his colleagues hate him. That is a complete load of shit. He has a much higher success rate getting bipartisan support. He spends his time working for the people. Unlike Clinton who spends her time working for wallstreet.', '>>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : Quora, LOL. [You are wrong.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/04/07/hillary-clinton-was-a-more-effective-lawmaker-than-bernie-sanders/?utm_term=.9b5c8563ae25#comments) >That is a complete load of shit. [Nope.](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/bernie-sanders-colleagues-arent-feeling-bern-n427596) Fun fact: I had googled your claim of the 60 point deficit, and the first two articles that came up were a pro-Bernie breitbart article, and an article titled "Bernie Sanders is the worst Presidential Candidate in history, and you and all your friends are idiots." LOL.', '>>{12temp} : >You are wrong. Ah retort with a WaPo article. The same place that published like 17 anti bernie articles in one day alone. Yeah they sure as hell don\'t have a bias at all. >Bernie Sanders is the worst Presidential Candidate in history, and you and all your friends are idiots." Ah yes an opinion piece when facts aren\'t on your side.... >Nope. Oh gee wiz an article published only a few months after he announced he was running! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Bernie_Sanders_presidential_campaign_endorsements,_2016 Seems that a shit load of former and current sitting representatives as well as a very long list of other members of not only our government but of other ones as well endorsed him. Also you are still completely ignoring the fact that Hillary was deep in bed with special interests while Bernie isn\'t. I guess you are okay with corrupt politicians', ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : > Ah retort with a WaPo article. The same place that published like 17 anti bernie articles in one day alone. Yeah they sure as hell don't have a bias at all. Yes, because they're good journalists, and Bernie is a poor candidate. >Ah yes an opinion piece when facts aren't on your side.... Just laughing at you. Funny how Breitbart was on Bernies side though. Shouldn't be a surprise, though, considering the right wing supported him because they knew he was a cancer to the democrat party. >Oh gee wiz an article published only a few months after he announced he was running! [Compare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hillary_Clinton_presidential_campaign_political_endorsements,_2016) >Also you are still completely ignoring the fact that Hillary was deep in bed with special interests while Bernie isn't. I guess you are okay with corrupt politicians I like competent politicians with good policy.", ">>{12temp} : >Yes, because they're good journalists, and Bernie is a poor candidate. So bias=good journalism? in what fucking world?????? >Just laughing at you. Funny how Breitbart was on Bernies side though. Shouldn't be a surprise, though, considering the right wing supported him because they knew he was a cancer to the democrat party. They were on his side because he as against Hillary. Doesn't take much to figure that one out. >I like competent politicians with good policy. >proceeds to lose to the most incompetent in history Besides she started adopting Bernie policies such as tuition free college. >Compare Ah yes all the other dems who take tons of donations from large companies. Yeah they totally don't have a vested interest in trying to get someone in office who would continue that trend of corruption. Again why are you ignoring the fact that Hillary takes money from special interests? Why do you not care that she is insanely corrupt and even more incompetent? Does corruption not matter too you?", ">>{SorosFundedCTRShill} : > So bias=good journalism? in what fucking world?????? Yeah, when one candidate is better than the other, supporting one over the other is good. >They were on his side because he as against Hillary. Doesn't take much to figure that one out. And they stayed on his side after he lost. That's why Trump himself was pimping Bernie too, because he knew Bernie's idiot fans would throw a fit about losing. >Besides she started adopting Bernie policies such as tuition free college. Bernie hardly has any policy lmao, just a shitty stump speech. Hillary was throwing you guys a bone, but you're so immature you still wouldn't vote for her. >Ah yes all the other dems who take tons of donations from large companies. Yeah they totally don't have a vested interest in trying to get someone in office who would continue that trend of corruption. Lmao yeah it's because they're all corrupt, not because Bernie is a fuckin' loser who [doesn't get how politics works.](https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/01/18/bernie-sanders-doesn-get-how-politics-works/GYDR7MTl0Vu3TSAHRMWipJ/story.html) >Again why are you ignoring the fact that Hillary takes money from special interests? Why do you not care that she is insanely corrupt and even more incompetent? Does corruption not matter too you? She is neither, lmao."], ['>>{Bluthhousing} : Who Favors Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Candidate for President?', ">>{vinyl_the_scratch} : Pshh...Gary doesn't deserve the title of libertarian. He's like Hillary-lite", '>>{OctoberxxxSurprise} : If he can get 15% support he will be included in the debates.', ">>{danakowalski} : I don't agree with all their stances on topics, however they speak reasonably on their views, are willing to not really dodge questions, and I think should be in the debates. I particularly like Gary on the Joe Rogan show. He went into detail on topics that both major party candidates would have avoided at all costs, because there is no good, positive answer. There needs to be some change to slowly counter this lesser of two evils every cycle.", ">>{ArniePie} : And Democrats who want a President with good character and honesty. Gary's socially tolerant policies, anti-war, and support for civil liberties balance out the lower taxes and simplified regulations.", '>>{GasMasktoTask} : Like all libertarians he follows the 5:01 rule. If you listen to them for 5 minutes and they seem like the most reasonable people and their platforms make sense. Then you hit the 5:01 mark and they sound crazy as hell talking about eliminating the Dept of Education etc.', '>>{AncillaryIssues} : The Republicans have long courted the Alt-Right; the Libertarians *ARE* the Alt-Right.', ">>{talismax} : Why is that crazy? We didn't have a Department of Education until 1979. Presumably children were educated before then.", ">>{diarrheaflood} : It's not crazy. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfejJZZOXmQ) a short 2:44 youtube clip from his Town Hall where he explains WHY he supports eliminating it.", ">>{d00ns} : I don't think it's that extreme, he only wants to eliminate the parts of government that have been catastrophic failures.", '>>{ArniePie} : These blanket statements only mislead people. The Alt-Right is a new vague term used to scare people. It ropes in white nationalist with any conservative group the left wants to discredit. It\'s just like Bernie Sanders insisting "democratic-socialism" is different from socialism. Libertarians are the opposite of "white nationlism". Maybe you want to try to back up your statement, but I know there is nothing to back up.', '>>{ArniePie} : Catch 22. Third parties would be the only group that would support changing that election system.', ">>{ArniePie} : Even when 3rd parties don't win, the strength of their movements have had impacts on the country and the major parties throughout American history. Libertarians have a particular opportunity this year to become a major party. The Republicans have become divided about what the party will represent moving forward. If they can't unify on a coherent set of values, the party may weaken significantly. With the FPTP system, this may be the chance for the Libertarians to take their place.", ">>{dakotamaysing} : No thanks. I'll vote my conscience and sleep at night.", '>>{AncillaryIssues} : >Maybe you want to try to back up your statement, but I know there is nothing to back up. [Ron Paul\'s Neo-Confederate "South Was Right" Civil War Speech With Confederate Flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEC68vTQwP8)', '>>{ArniePie} : Did you watch that video? 1. Nothing in that video address "white nationalism". 2. Paul praises abolistion, but he is anti-war and discusses peaceful examples of ending slavery. 3. Paul\'s comments (which had nothing to do with racism) are not representative of all libertarians. I\'ve seen videos of Howard Zinn making the same argument against the civil war, because other countries ended slavery without war.'], ['>>{Izor28} : This identity politics stuff is always the most cringeworthy. I always like reading it to see the "logic" employed by these people though', ">>{ShyGuy322} : Ugh...this is shit. I don't owe anyone anything.", '>>{Sebatinsky} : It\'s not called "identity politics" when this exact sentiment is directed at minorities.', '>>{Jewdius_Maximus} : Excuse me! Despite the fact that your great grand parents were likely immigrants from some downtrodden European country going through hardship in the early 1900s, YOU are personally responsible for slavery and must prostrate yourself in front of all black people all the time everywhere and grovel because muh Trump.', ">>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : Your point of view is blocked by something. I think it's your belief people don't have a right to make a choice. Because from where I am standing I could care less who you voted for, its now fucking over and all you are doing is throwing shade.. grow the fuck up.", '>>{Bernie_Bro666} : Thinking that all black people think and vote the same way like a collective is racist and offensive. Thinking that all white people think and vote the same way is just fucking stupid.', '>>{kevie3drinks} : Man I am really tired of the "Dear White people" troupe.', ">>{Buttocks} : We need to take it a step further and kick white people out of the Democratic Party for good. They have served their purpose. Democrats are the party of minorities now. If you're straight and white, find a new party.", '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Truth. The color of your skin is what matters not histprical fact or accuracy.', ">>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : Look, I hate Trump. But your generalization is sickening. Just as trump courted racism, so too do you, when you use it to compartmentalize people into groups. Not all white women choose to vote trump. I vote we take the power away from our government and give it back to the people. I say we write the agenda and we elect people to follow that agenda. Now who is more radical? I would say mine.. But you go on and whine about how you think a entire group of people voted, meanwhile I seek the rebirth of our nation, I seek the fulfillment of my american dream, of bringing us all together and putting us all on the same page. Also I am a white person, I hate trump. I hate people who support trump. If I could rewrite history I would, If I could change the present I would, but I can't. The only thing for me to do now is plan for the future, and review the past. I want the presidency, because I believe I can heal the divide. I know I can redirect our path towards one that embraces Americans of all walks of life, and rework our global positioning to not be the global police, but a ally to those in need and to those that deserve it. Right now I am just some random person, but know this, I am going to take my fight too the steps of this great country of ours, and I will win. tl:dr when fighting monsters, you must be careful not to become a monster yourself. :)", '>>{Sebatinsky} : But it isn\'t, because "identity politics" usually just means "shut up, women and minorities."', '>>{KingPickle} : I usually hate shit like this. And lately, I think the racial issues have gotten far too amped up, on both sides. That said, that was actually an interesting read. And I do like Kamau Bell, in general. On topic, I don\'t think it\'s just race that becomes invisible to people. As humans, pretty much any hurdle we\'ve crossed becomes invisible to us. For example, if you are steadily employeed you don\'t say "Well, as an employed person I see it this way." You may be aware that some people are unemployed. And you may have sympathy for them. But for you, it\'s become a non-issue. It\'s not something you have to grapple with day-to-day. And so, you don\'t frame your thoughts and speech around that issue. This doesn\'t just apply to socio-economics either. For example, if you are an able-bodied person you probably don\'t consider the struggles of the handicapped constantly. But if you\'ve ever broken or sprained your ankle badly, you might quickly start to appreciate just how nice it was to be able to move around easily. And you also start to realize how much of a difference ramps can make if you encounter some awful set of steps to climb. But again, most of the time you don\'t look at the world through that lens. This, of course, is all by design. It\'s an evolutionary optimization. There\'s a million things you could get bogged down in thinking about. But our brains filter things out. It\'s all relative. Anyway, I did think it was an interesting exchange. And I am embarrassed by Trump. Although to be honest, my initial reaction is more about him as the face of America to the rest of the world, rather than on a racial basis. But I do get his point.', ">>{KingPickle} : > No, it's not. Hillary won the popular vote and there are investigations into Trump and Russia for treason. Ah, the hypocrisy. I remember when you guys were laughing at the Bernie folks who were talking about trying to sway the super delegates based on the polling that showed that he had a better shot of winning. Best of luck in your recount!", ">>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : You see that is where I differ from you.. I only wish to say what I want. I am not arguing, I correct things when I know that they are wrong. I don't care if he is trolling me and get's a rise out of it. It gives me a chance to detail and order my thoughts and it helps me think on my feet. Better to be tested by a idiot then to go unchecked. ;)", ">>{anonuisance} : No, it doesn't, that's just how neoliberals dismiss criticism against them. We're all racist misogynists if we don't tow the pro-labeling line.", ">>{anonuisance} : But that's something you smash, not something you pull along with you...", '>>{TheFatGoose} : Ever heard of idle hands being the Devils plaything, or seeing injustice and doing nothing is injustice in itself?', ">>{Now_Do_Classical_Gas} : That was just about the most batshit crazy 'conversation' I've ever read. It's what happens when people get stuck inside their bubble so long they lose the capacity to think. The premise alone is moronic enough, but then they spend pages and pages attacking white people for being white, before concluding that white people should be proud of being white? It shows that when you get an overt racist and a self-hater talking, it quickly spirals into absolute insanity.", '>>{Banality_Of_Seeking} : whoa.. Sabatinsky you where right.... my bad.'], ['>>{JohnRyanFan} : Ivanka Trump Tweeted About Religious Tolerance. It Didn’t Go Down Well.', '>>{DebussySIMiami} : Weird how the family is silent when radicalized Trump supporters shoot up a mosque.', '>>{HankMoody_} : Cyber bullying and religious tolerance. This presidency has turned into daily trolling.', '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : I loathe this family, but boy are these articles about people responding on twitter pointless.', '>>{mafuuuba} : She\'s a phoney. I\'d say Ivanka is the ultimate example of a "limousine liberal". Letting her dad fuck over the country, robbing taxpayers of their money, allying with the GOP, selling the country out to the Russian regime. All for that inheritance money. She isn\'t that glimmer of light some people hope she is. She isn\'t going to do jack shit but mention the word "feminism" every now and then to get some political cred points. That and just look pretty for all the dumbass alt-right/red piller/berniebro types that like her just because of the way she looks.', ">>{mar10wright} : >That and just look pretty for all the dumbass alt-right/red piller/berniebro types that like her just because of the way she looks. I personally can't stand the way her teeth never seem to touch when she speaks.", ">>{JohnRyanFan} : I agree this isn't hardhitting news by any means. But the tweets do highlight the hypocrisy that is Ivanka Trump quite well.", '>>{ColePhelps-} : You expect us to believe anything you say about religious tolerance when you are married to a creature that has an unstable, deep, seething hatred towards any race besides white folks? Give me a moment while I laugh loudly in your direction.', ">>{hipster3000} : Right? no matter what side of any political issue you are on I'm sure you can find 10 tweets to support your view. What's the point of this? There's nothing substantial.", ">>{givesomefucks} : /berniebro good to see you're still keeping clinton's sexist terms going. /s", ">>{Ashley8777} : I'm definitely not saying she's a glimmer of hope, I'm just saying she's a fucking rocket scientist compared to her family. I still wouldn't expect her father to take advice from a woman, even his daughter, he'd more like to talk about how he'd like to date her than take anything she says seriously."]]
classify and reply
['>>{brougmj} : Poll shows Trump administration is more trusted than the news media', '>>{dyzo-blue} : This is why we need free college. The more educated our population, the better choices we will make as a group.', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : The "Bernie wins California and thus gets momentum" meme is just that: a meme. Bernie would have had to win California 80-20 and NJ 75-25 for his candidacy to have a legitimate claim at the nomination. California and NJ are safe blue states in November. Hillary won all the important swing states in the primaries - Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, etc. etc. Although I will give Bernie credit on his wins in Wisconsin and Michigan. And yes, there are a lot of votes uncounted in California. THIS IS WELL KNOWN. It happens EVERY time. It happened in 2008, it happened in 2012 (on the GOP side), and is happening again in 2016. California makes sure every vote gets counted. If anything, it\'s a GOOD thing. On vote night, the GOP vote total in California was 1.5 million, and it\'s now over 2 million. OMG IT\'S A CONSPIRACY AGAINST DONAL TRUMP BY THE DNC!!! I know a lot of Bernie supporters are young kids and this is their first election, but this is entirely NORMAL. This is what California does. Owned.', '>>{ZOR33L} : HP gets into high-end gaming with this glowing cube PC.', ">>{Next_GeniouS} : I mean it looks kinda futuristic and shiet but takes a lot of space, doesn't have that much RAM nor VRAM and is very likely to cost a fortune, like every pre-made PC. EDIT: Might look huge for me as my case is a tiny Node 202.", ">>{tornshoe} : Hillary's not a better choice though, not objectively. Don't get me wrong, Trump's garbage, but that in no way makes Hillary palatable by default.", '>>{chalitzah1231} : Trump’s Secretary of State Favorite Rex Tillerson Praised TPP', '>>{theplott} : Man! Do those protest votes against TPP feel real good now? (not a TPP supporter by a long shot, but come on, people thought TRUMP was going to kill it!)', '>>{ledfrisby} : HP sells an $1800 gaming PC and they slap fucking $200 graphics card in there. Not surprising in the least. Totally worth it though, for the "ludicrous 10 USB ports."', ">>{EoinODuffy_} : Tell me why would I vote for someone that gives off the impression that she doesn't give a shit about me? Signed, millennial white male with a HS diploma", ">>{ringofpowerhasawill} : This article from THEDAILYBEAST totally means they aren't going to kill it. I swear.", '>>{Gscarveguy} : Trump loves the poorly educated, and thanks to GOP Union bashing, for profit charter schools and budget cutting, there are plenty of morons to go around.', ">>{desert_creature} : It's actually kind of interesting to see the mental gymnastics they do to justify Trump and their own cognitive dissonance.", '>>{johnlakey} : The Emerson College poll, meanwhile, only surveyed people with landline phones — a demographic that, like Trump’s supporters, has been shown to skew older and whiter. According to 2016 data from the CDC, around 70 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 live in households with only wireless phones, compared to 21 percent of people 65 and over. Just 45 percent of white American adults live in wireless-only households — the lowest percentage for any demographic group. http://www.theverge.com/2017/2/9/14558290/trump-polls-twitter-media-fake-news', ">>{zeldaisaprude} : Aren't white people minorities in Mexico? I mean she's campaigning for President of Mexico so why would she care?", '>>{EoinODuffy_} : Sorry not everyone can go to Harvard and not everyone wants to go to college me included', ">>{FigFrontflip} : I wish more MOBO's had 10 USB ports. I know it sounds goofy but with my headset, mouse, keyboard, speakers, and any other things that need plugging in, you run out of ports quickly", ">>{accountnumberseven} : There's also a healthy market of retailers that will do the building for a reasonable fee, so you can get something higher-end than a prebuilt at a lower cost if you know the prebuilt's parts list. Prebuilts should be at least competitive with that market.", '>>{Usawasfun} : We need some sort of TPP deal. If you want to tank this one and start from scratch fine, but not trading would be about as dumb of an idea as you can have.', ">>{throwawayeggs} : So he supported something, that I don't support. It's weird how I didn't vote for this guy for president and how he isn't the one signing any trade deals. Is every single person in the cabinet supposed to agree with Trump 24/7? I wouldn't mind having people from all viewpoints. I wouldn't mind if he nominated Tulsi Gabbard as SOS.", ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : Also Arizona's polls had a significant decrease for EVERYONE - even Republicans, not just for Bernie supporters (who don't vote anyway!). Oh and the Brooklyn debacle? If anything, it HELPED Bernie. Brooklyn was won OVERWHELMINGLY by Clinton, and since Brooklyn is minority-majority, Bernie would have been slaughtered even moreso.", '>>{kevincreeperpants} : Fuck HP. After they fucked me eght ways to Sunday with thier magic "breaking" ( they don\'rlt actually break.. There is a chip that shits the bed, or they use a material that lasts exactly one year to asvance the paper...no seriously they are pieces of shit for doing this) printers I will never buy HP ever again.', ">>{brougmj} : The poll referenced is from Emerson college. It doesn't matter which news source is reporting on it.", '>>{ashiun} : More USB ports is always better, but honestly most cases come with USB ports that you can connect to the mobo anyways. For example, I have 4 up front and 6 in the back.', ">>{str8_cash__homie} : How? He's a known conman. How can you take the word of a conman on anything?", ">>{brougmj} : What's your point. He won the election based on demographic pools like these. These are the people that need to wake up to reality.", '>>{Grown_Man_Poops} : Is the poll an outlier or are there other polls that show similar results?', '>>{Gscarveguy} : But...you should be able to get a quality education in America, even at the elementary or HS level. Republicans hate education...they like dumb voters.', ">>{Xmortus} : How about this? I don't trust Trump. I also don't trust the Media. They're trying make it sound like there are only two buckets: Trusting Trump and Trusting Media... except the pollsters weren't comparing the two by any means. They were two separate questions. Reporting them together as if they were in some way correlated makes zero sense since they weren't at all.", ">>{tornshoe} : College degree =/= smart just as no degree =/= stupid. In fact a degree isn't even indicative of intelligence.", '>>{20WPM} : It is amazing that you can only find the truth on youtube.', ">>{vootator} : Gotta dig how AP's pre-CA primary mother of all bitch moves has no part in what counts.", ">>{Xmortus} : Except historically Emerson has over-reported Republican levels by 1.3% *on average*. [Source](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/) That means that there were actually plenty of polls that were actually more skewed - but of course plenty that were slightly less. Regardless there is no arguing that they don't have a bias (unintentional or not - it's still a bias) - seeing as that is clear as day. This skew is taking into consideration the poll results vs actual election results - so they are 1.3% above **actual** levels of Republican involvement.", ">>{3_Limes} : So we're going back to all Sanders, all the time?", ">>{mangabalanga} : I think his point was that the polls conclusion that more Americans trust the White House than the News Media is flawed based on how the poll was conducted. Your counter-point, while interesting, doesn't address this.", ">>{data2dave} : This is guy is a lying son of a bitch. Heard him lying his head off on NPR saying Exxon did not deny what it's research knew for the last 30 years.... That Global warming is coming. He's been lying about it for 30 years.", '>>{EoinODuffy_} : Our education system is pretty good considering though it does need improvement Is "dumb voters" a euphemism for people you disagree with ?', '>>{borfmantality} : Hey Cenk, I got a documentary for you. IT HAPPENED: The True Story of the Armenian Genocide', ">>{Gscarveguy} : Trump likes dumb voters, (poorly educated). There are good schools in the U.S. If you happen to live in a wealthy, white suburb. If you live in the inner city, or in any red state you're sucking wind.", '>>{desert_creature} : It\'s not just a few people in his cabinet. For a candidate whose supporters voted for him because they were against "corporatism" and "militarism," his cabinet is looking very corporatistic and militaristic. It\'s hard not to point out the obvious case of doublethink that his supporters display.', ">>{EoinODuffy_} : I'm from an inner city mixed (mostly white but a lot of Puerto Ricans and also immigrants from the former Soviet Union) area in the bluest state in the nation and got a decent public education and I support him", ">>{djk29a_} : HP makes even more in gross per-unit profit after various considerations made in b2b deals. For example, AMD may cut HP a deal for 100k RX480 cards at $100 / ea which makes the margins even sweeter (it's not like Sony and Microsoft are paying full retail for what's in their consoles). However, because the cards at retail for, for example, the GTX 1080 founder's edition are locked up by them, there's no real deal that can be made to incentivize the system integrator enough. I view these kinds of systems more like how supermarkets work - the vendors are paying rent to be on the shelves, the grocer is just there as floor space to be rented out.", '>>{WeNeW2142} : $2,000 for an AMD machine? WTF HP?', ">>{Gscarveguy} : He denies climate science, panders to racists and neo-nazis, every business he's been involved in has been a scam, he's lied about his wealth, won't release tax returns, his positions on pretty much everything are incoherent gibberish and he and Manafort have a very strange relationship to Putin and Russia. So why support him?", '>>{Allyn1} : Why is the current system of regulated trading under the WTO not enough?', ">>{brougmj} : It doesn't bother you that Republicans trust what Trump says more than what the media reports? It wouldn't matter to me whether it was 100% Republicans.", '>>{kstinfo} : Weeks ago? Would that have been before or after all the ballots were counted?', ">>{billyhorton} : No it's not. You can't measure one administration against a mixture of the media. What is the media? Ask a conservative what the 'media' is and they'll say MSNBC, CNN, NYTs, etc. Ask a progressive what the 'media' is and they'll say Fox News, Breitbart, etc.", '>>{SirNerdRomeo} : But some of us young people don\'t want to accept this corrupt way of doing things even if it\'s what\'s "normal."', ">>{LatinGeek} : >My colleague Dan Seifert also points out that it looks like a Borg cube. TIL anything cubical looks like a Borg Cube if you're a Verge writer", '>>{christopherNV} : Or liberals are just obsessed with playing gotcha before Trump even takes office. OMG trump did X which means Y which obviously means Z is going to happen. Relax. Enjoy Christmas and the New Year.', ">>{EoinODuffy_} : Climate change shit is meaningless until Russia and China gets on board, it's not really an issue He doesn't pander to nazis He's an amazingly successful businessman And I like Putin and Russia", ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : No one cares about whining Berniebros who didn't follow the rules and register even though they had until May 23rd to do so.", ">>{Xmortus} : Not really - I think the media should be distrusted by most. You could easily have a poll w/ Obama and would likely find similar skew in his favor over the media. No different, really b/c people just vote along party lines due to not giving enough of a shit about politics. The <50% trust for Trump in a Republican skewed poll is the real big thing here. This article is trying to somehow skew this as proof of people being pro-trump when in reality it's quite the opposite.", '>>{vph} : The Young Turks are finding ways to be relevant.', ">>{Usawasfun} : Not enough regulation. The game had completely changed as far as I, and as things get more global, WTO rules don't reflect the current environment.", ">>{dkliberator} : I've seen a clusterfuck before. This was worse.", ">>{Allyn1} : If there is 'not enough regulation', why are you championing a free trade agreement? And why did we have to make an exemption against not making trade deals with countries that practice slavery, so that Malaysia could be a part of it? That seems pretty anti-regulation to me.", '>>{johnlakey} : The Fox News audience skews more ideological than that of its two main competitors. Fully, 60% of Fox News viewers describe themselves as conservative, compared with 23% who say they are moderate and 10% who are liberal, according to a 2012 survey by the Pew Research Center. By contrast, the ideological makeup of CNN viewers (32% conservative, 30% moderate, 30% liberal) and MSNBC viewers (32% conservative, 23% moderate, 36% liberal) is far more mixed. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/01/14/five-facts-about-fox-news/', ">>{brougmj} : I see your point - I would say though that more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump and he is still president. The poll survey people who actually voted so even if it's flawed, it's worrisome to me.", ">>{Xmortus} : Yup, and as I mentioned before they (the media, go figure) are trying to say these results somehow work in Trump's favor. That's completely dishonest & frankly straight up false. In reality you have a historically Republican skewed poll (Emerson is +1.3 R on average) showing sub 50% trust rating for a Republican president. That's really, really bad. Like - really bad. His own party doesn't trust him. For context - Gallup (Also about +1 R skew) had 53% of people saying they trust Obama in a 2015 poll.", ">>{Usawasfun} : There isn't enough, this deal would at least some what address that. It has stronger language than current deals, which we should be happy about.", '>>{Newlg16} : Ha, I bet TPP will happen. Just renamed as Trump Trade', ">>{Newlg16} : Trump opposition to TPP was political BS. He doesn't care about it.", ">>{Usawasfun} : The tpp protects companies against ip threats among trading countries. It also raises the environmental and labor standards of participating countries. It isn't perfect and there are some parts of it that are not good, but it raises the level In a lot of areas that overall it's not a terrible deal.", '>>{brougmj} : >The <50% trust for Trump in a Republican skewed poll is the real big thing here. I don\'t see it that way at all. Trump and his Administration are known liars and even coined the term "alternative facts". And almost half of the people surveyed still trust him over the media.', '>>{Usawasfun} : Private/public position. Either way he goes against what he campaigned on.', '>>{Xmortus} : >And almost half of the people surveyed still trust him over the media. I don\'t think you\'re understanding the poll results, man. That\'s not at all what it is saying. You can say "Yes" to both. You can say "No" to both. **The percentage of people who said "Yes" to Trump *and* said "No" to Media is not reported here** - and this is what you are referring to with that statement. You\'d have to go to Emerson\'s report and see if they even listed this statistic. As it stands you just cannot make that assumption with the provided data. It is nearly 100% that the number of people who answered "Y Trump, N Media" is far lower than 50%... it\'s likely closer to 35% or less.', ">>{brougmj} : Sorry to repeat myself - I don't understand the point you are making. I know Fox News is skewed more conservative.", '>>{Allyn1} : ...It raises labor standards, but we had to make an exemption to have a free trade agreement with a country that practices slavery. Yeah, sure, makes sense.', '>>{Usawasfun} : Every County in the deal abides by the standards. But I have heard American labor can compete, so our companies would be fine. No other country would take advantage of cheap labor, that we can be sure of.', '>>{brougmj} : Ok - of the people surveyed, more people trust Trump than trust the media. Is that good with you? Does that diminish any of the points I made?', '>>{TuLegit2quit} : Perhaps that is simply because free trade is good policy.', '>>{Xmortus} : >Ok - of the people surveyed, more people trust Trump than trust the media. Yes - that is true. But again - I still really don\'t think it supports your points b/c we\'re still looking at below majority trust for Trump. And let\'s not forget this is a bit of a flawed methodology when looking to compare questionns(I think someone else mentioned this as well). Asking about Trump is regarding one very specific person. It\'s very clear and straight-forward. A question asking about "Media" as a blanket term means different things to different people. Fox News, NBC, CNN are all "Media". Democrats think Fox News - they say no. Republicans think CNN - they say no. It opens up the doors for bias because the thing you\'re asking about isn\'t a concrete thing - it\'s fluid per person. The way the question is asked fundamentally disqualifies it from being compared to the Trump one. If you asked "Do you Trust the Government as a whole" and "Do you Trust the Media" you would be much more able to make comparisons.', '>>{brougmj} : Ok, so for example, if the poll asked do you trust: a) Trump & his administration (Yes or No) b) CNN (Yes or No) c) Fox News (Yes or No) For me, whether democrats or republicans were surveyed, Trump should be the lowest "Yes" percentage because he has proven himself to be untrustworthy in easily verifiable ways. The other 2, while they are slanted and biased, are still somewhat respected media organizations.', '>>{IceCantTellTime} : See, if you take Trump *seriously* but not *literally*, ignore the lies and deceptions coming from him, say three hail MAGAs, then wish real hard, then...um....', ">>{johnlakey} : > Sorry to repeat myself - I don't understand the point you are making. I don't think it is possible for me to say anything you _could_ understand. I am perfectly content with this.", '>>{5th_Law_of_Robotics} : That does bother me. It shows that one party is functioning dangerously close to a cult.', ">>{brougmj} : you are so humble also. I understood what you said, but not the relevance to the point I made. But I'm sure the great John Lakey understood this."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ZOR33L} : HP gets into high-end gaming with this glowing cube PC.', ">>{Next_GeniouS} : I mean it looks kinda futuristic and shiet but takes a lot of space, doesn't have that much RAM nor VRAM and is very likely to cost a fortune, like every pre-made PC. EDIT: Might look huge for me as my case is a tiny Node 202.", '>>{ledfrisby} : HP sells an $1800 gaming PC and they slap fucking $200 graphics card in there. Not surprising in the least. Totally worth it though, for the "ludicrous 10 USB ports."', ">>{FigFrontflip} : I wish more MOBO's had 10 USB ports. I know it sounds goofy but with my headset, mouse, keyboard, speakers, and any other things that need plugging in, you run out of ports quickly", ">>{accountnumberseven} : There's also a healthy market of retailers that will do the building for a reasonable fee, so you can get something higher-end than a prebuilt at a lower cost if you know the prebuilt's parts list. Prebuilts should be at least competitive with that market.", '>>{kevincreeperpants} : Fuck HP. After they fucked me eght ways to Sunday with thier magic "breaking" ( they don\'rlt actually break.. There is a chip that shits the bed, or they use a material that lasts exactly one year to asvance the paper...no seriously they are pieces of shit for doing this) printers I will never buy HP ever again.', '>>{ashiun} : More USB ports is always better, but honestly most cases come with USB ports that you can connect to the mobo anyways. For example, I have 4 up front and 6 in the back.', ">>{djk29a_} : HP makes even more in gross per-unit profit after various considerations made in b2b deals. For example, AMD may cut HP a deal for 100k RX480 cards at $100 / ea which makes the margins even sweeter (it's not like Sony and Microsoft are paying full retail for what's in their consoles). However, because the cards at retail for, for example, the GTX 1080 founder's edition are locked up by them, there's no real deal that can be made to incentivize the system integrator enough. I view these kinds of systems more like how supermarkets work - the vendors are paying rent to be on the shelves, the grocer is just there as floor space to be rented out.", '>>{WeNeW2142} : $2,000 for an AMD machine? WTF HP?', ">>{LatinGeek} : >My colleague Dan Seifert also points out that it looks like a Borg cube. TIL anything cubical looks like a Borg Cube if you're a Verge writer"], ['>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : The "Bernie wins California and thus gets momentum" meme is just that: a meme. Bernie would have had to win California 80-20 and NJ 75-25 for his candidacy to have a legitimate claim at the nomination. California and NJ are safe blue states in November. Hillary won all the important swing states in the primaries - Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, etc. etc. Although I will give Bernie credit on his wins in Wisconsin and Michigan. And yes, there are a lot of votes uncounted in California. THIS IS WELL KNOWN. It happens EVERY time. It happened in 2008, it happened in 2012 (on the GOP side), and is happening again in 2016. California makes sure every vote gets counted. If anything, it\'s a GOOD thing. On vote night, the GOP vote total in California was 1.5 million, and it\'s now over 2 million. OMG IT\'S A CONSPIRACY AGAINST DONAL TRUMP BY THE DNC!!! I know a lot of Bernie supporters are young kids and this is their first election, but this is entirely NORMAL. This is what California does. Owned.', ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : Also Arizona's polls had a significant decrease for EVERYONE - even Republicans, not just for Bernie supporters (who don't vote anyway!). Oh and the Brooklyn debacle? If anything, it HELPED Bernie. Brooklyn was won OVERWHELMINGLY by Clinton, and since Brooklyn is minority-majority, Bernie would have been slaughtered even moreso.", '>>{20WPM} : It is amazing that you can only find the truth on youtube.', ">>{vootator} : Gotta dig how AP's pre-CA primary mother of all bitch moves has no part in what counts.", ">>{3_Limes} : So we're going back to all Sanders, all the time?", '>>{borfmantality} : Hey Cenk, I got a documentary for you. IT HAPPENED: The True Story of the Armenian Genocide', '>>{kstinfo} : Weeks ago? Would that have been before or after all the ballots were counted?', '>>{SirNerdRomeo} : But some of us young people don\'t want to accept this corrupt way of doing things even if it\'s what\'s "normal."', ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : No one cares about whining Berniebros who didn't follow the rules and register even though they had until May 23rd to do so.", '>>{vph} : The Young Turks are finding ways to be relevant.', ">>{dkliberator} : I've seen a clusterfuck before. This was worse."], ['>>{brougmj} : Poll shows Trump administration is more trusted than the news media', '>>{johnlakey} : The Emerson College poll, meanwhile, only surveyed people with landline phones — a demographic that, like Trump’s supporters, has been shown to skew older and whiter. According to 2016 data from the CDC, around 70 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 live in households with only wireless phones, compared to 21 percent of people 65 and over. Just 45 percent of white American adults live in wireless-only households — the lowest percentage for any demographic group. http://www.theverge.com/2017/2/9/14558290/trump-polls-twitter-media-fake-news', ">>{brougmj} : The poll referenced is from Emerson college. It doesn't matter which news source is reporting on it.", ">>{str8_cash__homie} : How? He's a known conman. How can you take the word of a conman on anything?", ">>{brougmj} : What's your point. He won the election based on demographic pools like these. These are the people that need to wake up to reality.", '>>{Grown_Man_Poops} : Is the poll an outlier or are there other polls that show similar results?', ">>{Xmortus} : How about this? I don't trust Trump. I also don't trust the Media. They're trying make it sound like there are only two buckets: Trusting Trump and Trusting Media... except the pollsters weren't comparing the two by any means. They were two separate questions. Reporting them together as if they were in some way correlated makes zero sense since they weren't at all.", ">>{Xmortus} : Except historically Emerson has over-reported Republican levels by 1.3% *on average*. [Source](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/) That means that there were actually plenty of polls that were actually more skewed - but of course plenty that were slightly less. Regardless there is no arguing that they don't have a bias (unintentional or not - it's still a bias) - seeing as that is clear as day. This skew is taking into consideration the poll results vs actual election results - so they are 1.3% above **actual** levels of Republican involvement.", ">>{mangabalanga} : I think his point was that the polls conclusion that more Americans trust the White House than the News Media is flawed based on how the poll was conducted. Your counter-point, while interesting, doesn't address this.", ">>{brougmj} : It doesn't bother you that Republicans trust what Trump says more than what the media reports? It wouldn't matter to me whether it was 100% Republicans.", ">>{billyhorton} : No it's not. You can't measure one administration against a mixture of the media. What is the media? Ask a conservative what the 'media' is and they'll say MSNBC, CNN, NYTs, etc. Ask a progressive what the 'media' is and they'll say Fox News, Breitbart, etc.", ">>{Xmortus} : Not really - I think the media should be distrusted by most. You could easily have a poll w/ Obama and would likely find similar skew in his favor over the media. No different, really b/c people just vote along party lines due to not giving enough of a shit about politics. The <50% trust for Trump in a Republican skewed poll is the real big thing here. This article is trying to somehow skew this as proof of people being pro-trump when in reality it's quite the opposite.", '>>{johnlakey} : The Fox News audience skews more ideological than that of its two main competitors. Fully, 60% of Fox News viewers describe themselves as conservative, compared with 23% who say they are moderate and 10% who are liberal, according to a 2012 survey by the Pew Research Center. By contrast, the ideological makeup of CNN viewers (32% conservative, 30% moderate, 30% liberal) and MSNBC viewers (32% conservative, 23% moderate, 36% liberal) is far more mixed. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/01/14/five-facts-about-fox-news/', ">>{brougmj} : I see your point - I would say though that more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump and he is still president. The poll survey people who actually voted so even if it's flawed, it's worrisome to me.", ">>{Xmortus} : Yup, and as I mentioned before they (the media, go figure) are trying to say these results somehow work in Trump's favor. That's completely dishonest & frankly straight up false. In reality you have a historically Republican skewed poll (Emerson is +1.3 R on average) showing sub 50% trust rating for a Republican president. That's really, really bad. Like - really bad. His own party doesn't trust him. For context - Gallup (Also about +1 R skew) had 53% of people saying they trust Obama in a 2015 poll.", '>>{brougmj} : >The <50% trust for Trump in a Republican skewed poll is the real big thing here. I don\'t see it that way at all. Trump and his Administration are known liars and even coined the term "alternative facts". And almost half of the people surveyed still trust him over the media.', '>>{Xmortus} : >And almost half of the people surveyed still trust him over the media. I don\'t think you\'re understanding the poll results, man. That\'s not at all what it is saying. You can say "Yes" to both. You can say "No" to both. **The percentage of people who said "Yes" to Trump *and* said "No" to Media is not reported here** - and this is what you are referring to with that statement. You\'d have to go to Emerson\'s report and see if they even listed this statistic. As it stands you just cannot make that assumption with the provided data. It is nearly 100% that the number of people who answered "Y Trump, N Media" is far lower than 50%... it\'s likely closer to 35% or less.', ">>{brougmj} : Sorry to repeat myself - I don't understand the point you are making. I know Fox News is skewed more conservative.", '>>{brougmj} : Ok - of the people surveyed, more people trust Trump than trust the media. Is that good with you? Does that diminish any of the points I made?', '>>{Xmortus} : >Ok - of the people surveyed, more people trust Trump than trust the media. Yes - that is true. But again - I still really don\'t think it supports your points b/c we\'re still looking at below majority trust for Trump. And let\'s not forget this is a bit of a flawed methodology when looking to compare questionns(I think someone else mentioned this as well). Asking about Trump is regarding one very specific person. It\'s very clear and straight-forward. A question asking about "Media" as a blanket term means different things to different people. Fox News, NBC, CNN are all "Media". Democrats think Fox News - they say no. Republicans think CNN - they say no. It opens up the doors for bias because the thing you\'re asking about isn\'t a concrete thing - it\'s fluid per person. The way the question is asked fundamentally disqualifies it from being compared to the Trump one. If you asked "Do you Trust the Government as a whole" and "Do you Trust the Media" you would be much more able to make comparisons.', '>>{brougmj} : Ok, so for example, if the poll asked do you trust: a) Trump & his administration (Yes or No) b) CNN (Yes or No) c) Fox News (Yes or No) For me, whether democrats or republicans were surveyed, Trump should be the lowest "Yes" percentage because he has proven himself to be untrustworthy in easily verifiable ways. The other 2, while they are slanted and biased, are still somewhat respected media organizations.', '>>{IceCantTellTime} : See, if you take Trump *seriously* but not *literally*, ignore the lies and deceptions coming from him, say three hail MAGAs, then wish real hard, then...um....', ">>{johnlakey} : > Sorry to repeat myself - I don't understand the point you are making. I don't think it is possible for me to say anything you _could_ understand. I am perfectly content with this.", '>>{5th_Law_of_Robotics} : That does bother me. It shows that one party is functioning dangerously close to a cult.', ">>{brougmj} : you are so humble also. I understood what you said, but not the relevance to the point I made. But I'm sure the great John Lakey understood this."], ['>>{dyzo-blue} : This is why we need free college. The more educated our population, the better choices we will make as a group.', ">>{tornshoe} : Hillary's not a better choice though, not objectively. Don't get me wrong, Trump's garbage, but that in no way makes Hillary palatable by default.", ">>{EoinODuffy_} : Tell me why would I vote for someone that gives off the impression that she doesn't give a shit about me? Signed, millennial white male with a HS diploma", '>>{Gscarveguy} : Trump loves the poorly educated, and thanks to GOP Union bashing, for profit charter schools and budget cutting, there are plenty of morons to go around.', ">>{zeldaisaprude} : Aren't white people minorities in Mexico? I mean she's campaigning for President of Mexico so why would she care?", '>>{EoinODuffy_} : Sorry not everyone can go to Harvard and not everyone wants to go to college me included', '>>{Gscarveguy} : But...you should be able to get a quality education in America, even at the elementary or HS level. Republicans hate education...they like dumb voters.', ">>{tornshoe} : College degree =/= smart just as no degree =/= stupid. In fact a degree isn't even indicative of intelligence.", '>>{EoinODuffy_} : Our education system is pretty good considering though it does need improvement Is "dumb voters" a euphemism for people you disagree with ?', ">>{Gscarveguy} : Trump likes dumb voters, (poorly educated). There are good schools in the U.S. If you happen to live in a wealthy, white suburb. If you live in the inner city, or in any red state you're sucking wind.", ">>{EoinODuffy_} : I'm from an inner city mixed (mostly white but a lot of Puerto Ricans and also immigrants from the former Soviet Union) area in the bluest state in the nation and got a decent public education and I support him", ">>{Gscarveguy} : He denies climate science, panders to racists and neo-nazis, every business he's been involved in has been a scam, he's lied about his wealth, won't release tax returns, his positions on pretty much everything are incoherent gibberish and he and Manafort have a very strange relationship to Putin and Russia. So why support him?", ">>{EoinODuffy_} : Climate change shit is meaningless until Russia and China gets on board, it's not really an issue He doesn't pander to nazis He's an amazingly successful businessman And I like Putin and Russia"], ['>>{chalitzah1231} : Trump’s Secretary of State Favorite Rex Tillerson Praised TPP', '>>{theplott} : Man! Do those protest votes against TPP feel real good now? (not a TPP supporter by a long shot, but come on, people thought TRUMP was going to kill it!)', ">>{ringofpowerhasawill} : This article from THEDAILYBEAST totally means they aren't going to kill it. I swear.", ">>{desert_creature} : It's actually kind of interesting to see the mental gymnastics they do to justify Trump and their own cognitive dissonance.", '>>{Usawasfun} : We need some sort of TPP deal. If you want to tank this one and start from scratch fine, but not trading would be about as dumb of an idea as you can have.', ">>{throwawayeggs} : So he supported something, that I don't support. It's weird how I didn't vote for this guy for president and how he isn't the one signing any trade deals. Is every single person in the cabinet supposed to agree with Trump 24/7? I wouldn't mind having people from all viewpoints. I wouldn't mind if he nominated Tulsi Gabbard as SOS.", ">>{data2dave} : This is guy is a lying son of a bitch. Heard him lying his head off on NPR saying Exxon did not deny what it's research knew for the last 30 years.... That Global warming is coming. He's been lying about it for 30 years.", '>>{desert_creature} : It\'s not just a few people in his cabinet. For a candidate whose supporters voted for him because they were against "corporatism" and "militarism," his cabinet is looking very corporatistic and militaristic. It\'s hard not to point out the obvious case of doublethink that his supporters display.', '>>{Allyn1} : Why is the current system of regulated trading under the WTO not enough?', '>>{christopherNV} : Or liberals are just obsessed with playing gotcha before Trump even takes office. OMG trump did X which means Y which obviously means Z is going to happen. Relax. Enjoy Christmas and the New Year.', ">>{Usawasfun} : Not enough regulation. The game had completely changed as far as I, and as things get more global, WTO rules don't reflect the current environment.", ">>{Allyn1} : If there is 'not enough regulation', why are you championing a free trade agreement? And why did we have to make an exemption against not making trade deals with countries that practice slavery, so that Malaysia could be a part of it? That seems pretty anti-regulation to me.", ">>{Usawasfun} : There isn't enough, this deal would at least some what address that. It has stronger language than current deals, which we should be happy about.", '>>{Newlg16} : Ha, I bet TPP will happen. Just renamed as Trump Trade', ">>{Newlg16} : Trump opposition to TPP was political BS. He doesn't care about it.", ">>{Usawasfun} : The tpp protects companies against ip threats among trading countries. It also raises the environmental and labor standards of participating countries. It isn't perfect and there are some parts of it that are not good, but it raises the level In a lot of areas that overall it's not a terrible deal.", '>>{Usawasfun} : Private/public position. Either way he goes against what he campaigned on.', '>>{Allyn1} : ...It raises labor standards, but we had to make an exemption to have a free trade agreement with a country that practices slavery. Yeah, sure, makes sense.', '>>{Usawasfun} : Every County in the deal abides by the standards. But I have heard American labor can compete, so our companies would be fine. No other country would take advantage of cheap labor, that we can be sure of.', '>>{TuLegit2quit} : Perhaps that is simply because free trade is good policy.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Blainezab} : At this point I'm just convinced it's a copy pasta", ">>{gee124} : Change logs like this shouldn't be a thing, smh. They might as well not write one if that's all they're going to say.", '>>{paligror} : If you ever need karma, just post about change logs in this sub 🙄', '>>{kadupse} : What if I desperately need to find happiness in my life?', ">>{Blainezab} : It's been this same changelog for at least 3-4 updates in a row. H e l p.", ">>{93throwaway19} : Facebook is so bad about this. It's all so people won't see their shit ratings. If I'm particularly mad at something with facebook and they update, I make it a point to repost my bad review.", ">>{chaosz3ro} : At this point I'm sick of seeing the same post 20 times a day on /r/iphone", ">>{bloohens} : Then you're out of luck because happiness is a myth.", '>>{OgKyloRen} : [Facebook just hit the 300mb mark](https://imgur.com/gallery/s8qXM)', '>>{autistic_libbady} : Almost enough edge to cut my copy pasta. Fork you too.', '>>{Narkova} : or just how annoying the volume pop up is.', ">>{Arkanta} : At this point, I'm just convinced it is a copy pasta", '>>{yeahbuddy} : Every week, we update the app just for youu! Toodles!', ">>{MrTomnus} : > It's all so people won't see their shit ratings. You really think an app as widely used as Facebook is putting out extra updates just to try and mess with reviews? The vague changelogs are probably because they do a lot of ABX testing, and/or to figure out how easily their users discover new features", '>>{TrishKrish} : Ya its basically a buttered up version of "bug fixes"']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Blainezab} : At this point I'm just convinced it's a copy pasta", ">>{gee124} : Change logs like this shouldn't be a thing, smh. They might as well not write one if that's all they're going to say.", '>>{paligror} : If you ever need karma, just post about change logs in this sub 🙄', '>>{kadupse} : What if I desperately need to find happiness in my life?', ">>{Blainezab} : It's been this same changelog for at least 3-4 updates in a row. H e l p.", ">>{93throwaway19} : Facebook is so bad about this. It's all so people won't see their shit ratings. If I'm particularly mad at something with facebook and they update, I make it a point to repost my bad review.", ">>{chaosz3ro} : At this point I'm sick of seeing the same post 20 times a day on /r/iphone", ">>{bloohens} : Then you're out of luck because happiness is a myth.", '>>{OgKyloRen} : [Facebook just hit the 300mb mark](https://imgur.com/gallery/s8qXM)', '>>{autistic_libbady} : Almost enough edge to cut my copy pasta. Fork you too.', '>>{Narkova} : or just how annoying the volume pop up is.', ">>{Arkanta} : At this point, I'm just convinced it is a copy pasta", '>>{yeahbuddy} : Every week, we update the app just for youu! Toodles!', ">>{MrTomnus} : > It's all so people won't see their shit ratings. You really think an app as widely used as Facebook is putting out extra updates just to try and mess with reviews? The vague changelogs are probably because they do a lot of ABX testing, and/or to figure out how easily their users discover new features", '>>{TrishKrish} : Ya its basically a buttered up version of "bug fixes"']]
classify and reply
['>>{UserNo007} : [Here](http://i.imgur.com/CWVlyCe.jpg) Sorry for bad quality', '>>{75000_Tokkul} : Montel Williams Calls Donald Trump A Pedophile On Social Media', '>>{UserNo007} : Yeah, probably. Do you know how to get rid of them?', ">>{Minhimalism} : You can't really.. they're in the anodized space gray layer and potentially into the rest of the aluminum so unless you can fill it in and rebuffed/anodize it, you're SOL.", ">>{biGdicKheaDjoneS} : Someone buy montel a dictionary. Judging by the down votes Redditors must not know that pedophilia refers to prepubescent children. That's all I was saying. I am not defending Trump, just: if words matter we should use the right words.", '>>{jamesjimmy23} : Most likely some nasty dirt got in between your case and phone. Not much you can do about it other than put the case back on and try not to think about it.', ">>{thenamesjord} : This is the likely answer. My phone has dots all over it and it's always been in a case. Most likely from things getting in between the phone and case since the metal is so soft.", ">>{Selene77790} : That honestly seems like more work than it's worth for just a little standard wear and tear.", '>>{pilotinspector85} : My 2 year old 5S also has these things on the back, i also thought ut was dirt but it had to do with my tight case and dirt trapped in the back. Cheers', '>>{PernixNexus} : Definitely scratches. My space grey watch has one of those from banging it on a wall.', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : He's talked publicly about dating children after looking at them in a sexual way. So far the list is his infant daughter, a ten year old, 12 year old Paris Hilton, two 14 year olds, and Ivanka. That's enough shit to get anyone who works with children fired. Now imagine what he does/says in private.", ">>{biGdicKheaDjoneS} : well, at 12 I wasn't interested, I've never been into that. Trump He mentioned that Paris Hilton had been attractive and Howard Stern took it to the toilet by asking if he wanted to bang her. That's where all this comes from.", '>>{BringOnTheSnow} : Lol why dude relax you keep it in a case anyway', '>>{UserNo007} : I have a see-through case and the goddamn marks pi** me of everytime', ">>{BringOnTheSnow} : Then get a different case. Or stop being so affected by little things. It's a phone", '>>{supkaleigh} : Mine did this and it was because it was burning. I took it to Apple and got a replacement. It also got VERY hot while charging.', ">>{UserNo007} : Mine gets hot too! I'll check with Apple. Thanks for the info.", '>>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : The metal coloring got scratched off. Got one next to the flash on the metal part', ">>{NuclearShadow} : It's very possible that Montel might not be wrong here. The lawsuit currently filed against Trump with the alleged victim being only 13 years of age has sworn affidavit witnesses already. That's not easy to obtain without the truth on your side convincing other people who were present at the time to lie about such a thing under punishment of perjury when they have nothing to gain and everything to lose. We know that Trump was also friends with the pedophile that hosted the parties with underage kids. Trump also has admitted that he attended orgies in past. So its not unlike him to attend sex parties. His other sexual misconduct, speech, and other accusations which are piling up certainly makes him appear capable of such acts. At this point anyone who is honest on the subject wouldn't simply dismiss the possibility.", '>>{TheFern33} : I tried telling people about this in. Different thread. Used definitions and facts still downvotes :/', '>>{pHbasic} : He is literally going to trial for a ~~pedophelia charge~~ sexually assaulting a 13 year old *fixed', ">>{Crustice_is_Served} : My biggest takeaway from this article is that Montel Williams was a Lt. Commander in the Navy. That's pretty dope.", '>>{biGdicKheaDjoneS} : Actually it\'s a law suit regarding a possible sexual assault against 13 year old. Not a "paedophile charge", and it\'s not a criminal trial. Look I\'m not defending Trump, but if words matter, I was only trying to criticize the use of the incorrect word.', '>>{nlourb_zdv_khuh} : Because getting technical with hebephile isnt useful, hes still preying on children', ">>{cutlass_supreme} : PSA: Shade is not a direct insult. Shade is a statement or action that can't be be definitively labeled as an attack or that is not overtly aimed at the target.", ">>{SoulSerpent} : Because it misses the point. If you are upset that Trump looks at children in a sexual way, you will remain upset whether the term pedophile or hebephile is used. It does nothing to make Trump more or less reprehensible to use one term or the other. In this context, the only reason to bring it up is to be pedantic or to offer some level of pardon to Trump because he's not REALLY a pedophile, he's a hebephile.", '>>{34adamlee77} : Geez Pedophile? Womanizer maybe , sure. But lets be civil and reasonable here. There are huge differences between the two.', '>>{TheFern33} : except it does support the mislabeling of the word which kinda is an issue for some people']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{UserNo007} : [Here](http://i.imgur.com/CWVlyCe.jpg) Sorry for bad quality', '>>{UserNo007} : Yeah, probably. Do you know how to get rid of them?', ">>{Minhimalism} : You can't really.. they're in the anodized space gray layer and potentially into the rest of the aluminum so unless you can fill it in and rebuffed/anodize it, you're SOL.", '>>{jamesjimmy23} : Most likely some nasty dirt got in between your case and phone. Not much you can do about it other than put the case back on and try not to think about it.', ">>{thenamesjord} : This is the likely answer. My phone has dots all over it and it's always been in a case. Most likely from things getting in between the phone and case since the metal is so soft.", ">>{Selene77790} : That honestly seems like more work than it's worth for just a little standard wear and tear.", '>>{pilotinspector85} : My 2 year old 5S also has these things on the back, i also thought ut was dirt but it had to do with my tight case and dirt trapped in the back. Cheers', '>>{PernixNexus} : Definitely scratches. My space grey watch has one of those from banging it on a wall.', '>>{BringOnTheSnow} : Lol why dude relax you keep it in a case anyway', '>>{UserNo007} : I have a see-through case and the goddamn marks pi** me of everytime', ">>{BringOnTheSnow} : Then get a different case. Or stop being so affected by little things. It's a phone", '>>{supkaleigh} : Mine did this and it was because it was burning. I took it to Apple and got a replacement. It also got VERY hot while charging.', ">>{UserNo007} : Mine gets hot too! I'll check with Apple. Thanks for the info.", '>>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : The metal coloring got scratched off. Got one next to the flash on the metal part'], ['>>{75000_Tokkul} : Montel Williams Calls Donald Trump A Pedophile On Social Media', ">>{biGdicKheaDjoneS} : Someone buy montel a dictionary. Judging by the down votes Redditors must not know that pedophilia refers to prepubescent children. That's all I was saying. I am not defending Trump, just: if words matter we should use the right words.", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : He's talked publicly about dating children after looking at them in a sexual way. So far the list is his infant daughter, a ten year old, 12 year old Paris Hilton, two 14 year olds, and Ivanka. That's enough shit to get anyone who works with children fired. Now imagine what he does/says in private.", ">>{biGdicKheaDjoneS} : well, at 12 I wasn't interested, I've never been into that. Trump He mentioned that Paris Hilton had been attractive and Howard Stern took it to the toilet by asking if he wanted to bang her. That's where all this comes from.", ">>{NuclearShadow} : It's very possible that Montel might not be wrong here. The lawsuit currently filed against Trump with the alleged victim being only 13 years of age has sworn affidavit witnesses already. That's not easy to obtain without the truth on your side convincing other people who were present at the time to lie about such a thing under punishment of perjury when they have nothing to gain and everything to lose. We know that Trump was also friends with the pedophile that hosted the parties with underage kids. Trump also has admitted that he attended orgies in past. So its not unlike him to attend sex parties. His other sexual misconduct, speech, and other accusations which are piling up certainly makes him appear capable of such acts. At this point anyone who is honest on the subject wouldn't simply dismiss the possibility.", '>>{TheFern33} : I tried telling people about this in. Different thread. Used definitions and facts still downvotes :/', '>>{pHbasic} : He is literally going to trial for a ~~pedophelia charge~~ sexually assaulting a 13 year old *fixed', ">>{Crustice_is_Served} : My biggest takeaway from this article is that Montel Williams was a Lt. Commander in the Navy. That's pretty dope.", '>>{biGdicKheaDjoneS} : Actually it\'s a law suit regarding a possible sexual assault against 13 year old. Not a "paedophile charge", and it\'s not a criminal trial. Look I\'m not defending Trump, but if words matter, I was only trying to criticize the use of the incorrect word.', '>>{nlourb_zdv_khuh} : Because getting technical with hebephile isnt useful, hes still preying on children', ">>{cutlass_supreme} : PSA: Shade is not a direct insult. Shade is a statement or action that can't be be definitively labeled as an attack or that is not overtly aimed at the target.", ">>{SoulSerpent} : Because it misses the point. If you are upset that Trump looks at children in a sexual way, you will remain upset whether the term pedophile or hebephile is used. It does nothing to make Trump more or less reprehensible to use one term or the other. In this context, the only reason to bring it up is to be pedantic or to offer some level of pardon to Trump because he's not REALLY a pedophile, he's a hebephile.", '>>{34adamlee77} : Geez Pedophile? Womanizer maybe , sure. But lets be civil and reasonable here. There are huge differences between the two.', '>>{TheFern33} : except it does support the mislabeling of the word which kinda is an issue for some people']]
classify and reply
['>>{MikiLove} : Growing evidence suggest recent hacks the work of Russian-backed cyber militias', '>>{CMDR-Mindphaser} : Breitbart Staffer Turned Trump Aide Is Posterboy For New Admin’s Nationalism', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : If Russia is indeed the sponsor of these hacks, it won't make what happened right. That being said, it certainly won't matter to a lot of voters who will be angry at Russia.", '>>{BONF1RE} : This site also contains the full transcript of his statement.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Some people think Russia interfering in our elections is a bit more serious than people being mean to Bernie Sanders.', '>>{aidsinafrica0} : Nothing wrong with Nationalism. America is the best and we are damn proud. If you dont like it and want to be all about "muh immigrants" then leave. We have enough people as it is. We need to slow down the flood. Its not sustainable', ">>{Wootstapler} : I know it's pretty bad, but do you think Apple can still replace the screen on this? Digitizer and all other functions still work, just worried if the screen is replaceable.", ">>{ScreamingGnu} : Well deport Gorka then since he wasn't born in America.", '>>{deebaggus} : Schiff and Heck owned that hearing. They came across as true patriots. The Republicans line of questioning made them look weak with the exception of one. I forget her name but she actually had good relevant questions.', ">>{cr0100} : They'd replace a 6 screen for $129, but when they open it up they will also look for anything else that might be damaged. I think the 6s screen might cost a shade more but not a lot - just bring it in.", '>>{Azatron17} : [Representative Heck probably had the most moving questions for Comey and Rogers.](https://youtu.be/k7Hh5aXybVY?t=7m6s)', '>>{Dionysus_the_Greek} : Former government official and IT expert: > thinks the attacks are linked (Russians), based on circumstantial evidence such as the sequence of events.', ">>{ComradeManafort} : I thought it was just a liberal lie spread by Hillary's crooked campaign and the bias media.", '>>{BONF1RE} : > "Absent some change, this behavior is not likely to stop." — Adm. Mike Rogers edit: attribution', ">>{tank_trap} : Trump and his minions are all guilty. What's that they said at the Trump rallies? Lock 'em up!", '>>{Spartanfox} : I feel like it would have to be. There were only two female GOP members present, and the other one (Ileana Ros-Lehtinen) only asked very broad questions. Stefanik was asking about the delay between the opening of the investigation and the disclosure of it, amongst other things.', '>>{portnux} : Assuming the case and logic board are undamaged it might be fixable.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Thats what I'm saying. Julian Assange could leak much worse stuff and to a large segment of the population, it wouldn't matter in the slightest because another country is interfering with our elections.", ">>{TotesNottaBot} : Yup, the line of questioning was very transparent in how it fell along party lines. Nunes even made a point to cut someone off to say that the GOP *didn't* [change their platform to favor Russian interests in Ukraine](http://www.npr.org/2016/08/06/488876597/how-the-trump-campaign-weakened-the-republican-platform-on-aid-to-ukraine), despite the fact that they did and a member of the Trump campaign saying that they did.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Not to mention Assange has a show on Russia Today and I saw a Sputnik article of him a week ago as well as an article in Russian insider. Those news are Russian disinformation brainwash crap. The same crap that makes Russia love Putin while the ones that rebel get killed. Troll bots spam twitter and facebook of it.', ">>{Wootstapler} : Thanks everyone for the comments. When I have the time (and money) I'll go visit the bar. Yes, it's pretty horrid. Hope they don't have a hard time digging out all the broken glass :(", ">>{Kull_of_Atlantis} : Lock 'em all up, bread and water for Trump!", '>>{MWM2} : > aidsinafrica0 I\'m going to go out on a limb and say "AIDS In Africa" probably sees white people as all being the same.', '>>{aokusman} : They will replace the phone at the out of warranty price. This is not a screen repair', ">>{AGB_mods} : Well they lie all the time. That's what they do. That's why when they're always pushing for the 10 Commandments, I'm like lol no.", '>>{MWM2} : > Nothing wrong with Nationalism. During the just last century... - It gave rise to the Holocaust and then, of course, it destroyed Germany. And Germany destroyed lots of other countries. - It destroyed a great deal of Italy (WW II). - It destroyed a great deal of Japan (again WW II). - Japan occupied Korea and Manchuria. The people under Japanese rule often didn\'t do so hot. Millions died. Also, see: Japanese sex slaves (comfort women) and Unit 731. - In Russia it lead to the deaths of ~20 million in the Gulag due to Stalin. - It killed a million or so in Cambodia under Pol Pot. - It killed millions in China under Mao. - It lead to the Rwandan Genocide. - It lead to the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia war crimes (etc). - Etc, etc. etc***!*** Okay - your turn - how is nationalism "good"? Also, even though you love it - it\'s not capitalized.', '>>{Ember_season} : I don’t know why there are questions on this all the time. Unless your housing is bent a screen can always be replaced. No matter how bad your screen might look it doesn’t matter! Because they just literally take the broken one out and put a new one in.', ">>{FriesWithThat} : Meanwhile Nunes would like to reiterate that he has still seen no evidence of the Trump campaign coordinating with Russia in hacking and influencing the outcome of the 2016 U.S. election. Really, he is running out of ways to phrase statements that don't lead people to believe they could slap his face with an unrefrigerated salmon, and he still wouldn't smell fish.", '>>{rubenol} : I\'m going to go out on a limb and say that\'s "AIDS in Africa"', ">>{thatpj} : I didn't know Fox News was in on the DNC CTR conspiracy....", ">>{ruiner8850} : I thought that was interesting, but I also know that the FBI isn't stupid and are great at knowing when people are lying to them.", ">>{caeroe} : To me the source doesn't matter as much as the content. If it was a fair primary and neutral DNC, we'd could very well be looking at a Sanders Presidency. I still wouldn't vote for the guy either way, but it's 100x better than Hillary. As for the latter exploits against the NSA, I wonder if we'll get our stolen data back from the Feds.", ">>{jojomexi} : Depending on if you have insurance, how expensive it is for them to fix it, and how comfortable you are, you could just buy the screen replacement digitizer combo with tools for like $145 on eBay and fix it yourself. Not sure how much it differs from my iPhone 6P but I've opened up and fixed stuff in there so many times now. The battery is about the only hard thing to replace bc of the adhesive.", '>>{MWM2} : > Gorka declined to say whether Trump believed Islam was a religion in a Friday interview with NPR\'s "Morning Edition." He went on to argue that the new administration\'s overarching focus was targeting "radical Islam" as an ideology. --- > [Trump Assistant On President\'s Foreign Policy : NPR](http://www.npr.org/2017/02/03/513213042/trump-assistant-on-presidents-foreign-policy) > > Steve Inskeep talks with Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, about the administration\'s recent statement about Israeli settlements and a raid in Yemen. --- Edit The NPR interview is worth a listen. It is yet more proof that every single last person in Trump\'s inner circle is a nasty, creepy fuck.', '>>{1arebeast2} : Should be the same price as a normal screen repair. The outer cover glass is laminated (glued) directly to the LCD so when apple replaces the front glass on your phone they are actually replacing the the digitizer, front glass, LCD and possibly the Touch ID sensor (pretty sure they remove and transfer it, but not sure). It all comes as one piece.', ">>{the92jays} : It's hard to call the security firm who initially said Russia was involved Hillary shills when they are also working for Trump.", '>>{AutoModerated} : [Immigration’s Real Impact on Wages and Employment] (https://www.cato.org/blog/immigrations-real-impact-wages-employment)', '>>{stevedoz} : Cheap ebay replacement displays are always terrible quality. The viewing angle is always so narrow', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : The Dems played like a team today. Schiff, Himes, and Heck had hard hitting questions, while the rest helped fill the record. It's was a pretty damn good effort all around.", '>>{Shoelacess} : Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on.', '>>{Xelif} : > Nothing wrong with Nationalism \\- Europe, circa 1912', '>>{MyHobbyIsMagnets} : The LCD is the screen... Did you think the screen just meant the piece of glass?', '>>{AFineDayForScience} : There\'s such a mountain of evidence tying members of the Trump campaign to the Russian government that a "concise" timeline is 18 minutes long.', '>>{SuperIllVillain} : To answer your question. Yes. Almost any repair would fix this problem with a simple "screen replacement." Usually companies opt for an assembly. Which is glass digitizer and LCD. Where some offer a complete assembly which is glass digitizer LCD home-button ear speaker. Pretty much a plug and play part. If your feeling like you can do it yourself try a complete assembly. Otherwise yes. Insurance or apple.', ">>{symbiotickid} : During that exchange, it also seemed to come out that the RNC or its affiliates were hacked, but the Russians didn't release any of that info.", ">>{CaptainCortez} : Gtfo. I'll pay for your ticket. It's obviously too dangerous for you to stay here.", ">>{AppleLion} : It's a single piece. $74. Do it.", '>>{Bigchile123} : You can get it replace for free with this easy trick.', ">>{Ganjake} : You just said you're okay with Russia secretly and just plain illegally obtaining sensitive information and using it to manipulate the election that determines who will hold the highest office in the world, as long as they get dirt. Are you serious?", '>>{Ganjake} : Still circumstantial, but they are pretty damn suspicious circumstances.', '>>{vahntitrio} : I think they made changes to the 9th commandment.', ">>{pilotsupercolor} : that's right folks, if it disagrees with me, it's the all powerful omnipresent CTR", ">>{elislider} : Since it obviously boots and appears to otherwise function ok, and the outer frame of the phone seems ok, then I'd say yeah it would appear a screen replacement would fix the situation.", ">>{AGB_mods} : There's a few more they may want to get rid of..", '>>{datums} : Ahh, no. That taking point has no basis is reality.', '>>{mtm5891} : I would think so. She was the only GOP Rep. to ask questions other than "these leaks were illegal, right??"', ">>{midnightketoker} : I thought the magic fixing wand won't work if it thinks the screen is too ugly", ">>{PhunnelCake} : how so? Clinton and DNC propaganda is that Russians are behind all the hacks and Russia this Russia that. If you have watched Putin's speeches he has given recently in Russia he is not holding an aggressive stance against the United States. Rather, he is scared of American aggression due to the sheer power of the United States. They have armed as a response to the heightened tensions due to the invasion of Ukraine and subsequent justified condemnation from the world. Not to mention Obama's apparent hatred of the Russian state and the pursuit of the TPP which conveniently has left out the BRIC's from the negotiating table (See: Doha Round and the rules of the WTO). But fuck me my points are invalid due to some fucking guy on the internet saying so. Hey what happened between 1945 and 1991?", ">>{ApplesofGold1869} : The plug and play option worked for earlier iPhone's better than it does now. Now you will lose the finger print recognition functionality if you swap out your home button as they are unique to each individual iPhone.", ">>{HansChr15} : I had a similar situation... a Pyrex bowl landed on my iPhone screen. It was classified as out of warranty due to the lack of AppleCare plus, and charged me $150 for a complete screen replacement. I do encourage you to not have a third party repair, unless they too have calibration equipment like what Apple has within their stores. Be aware that it can be a two hour process. I repair iPhone screens myself, and am pretty good at it, but it's the calibration Apple has that makes those screens last a good while compared to my quick repairs. Just checked: the calibration is also for the setup of the new home button as each Touch ID sensor is unique to the iPhone.... aka doing it yourself risks the loss of Touch ID.", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : Yeah, what the hell? Is it a weird perspective selfie or does the guy actually have a gigantic head? His hand is huge on Hannity's shoulder so Im leaning toward the latter.", ">>{HansChr15} : $145 for all that and risk of damaging the phone yourself? An official apple repair is just $15 more (tax included). I'm knowledgeable about repairs since I do them myself, but there really is no point in doing it yourself, unless you want that satisfaction that you did a thing.", ">>{Dupree878} : That's more than the screen replacement from Apple and if you do that your Touch ID will no longer work", ">>{the92jays} : Is it really circumstantial? > The forensic evidence linking the DNC breach to known Russian operations is very strong. On June 20, two competing cybersecurity companies, Mandiant (part of FireEye) and Fidelis, confirmed CrowdStrike’s initial findings that Russian intelligence indeed hacked the DNC. The forensic evidence that links network breaches to known groups is solid: used and reused tools, methods, infrastructure, even unique encryption keys. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/all-signs-point-to-russia-being-behind-the-dnc-hack I haven't seen anything on the NSA hack. The above is just in regard to the DNC hack.", ">>{Not_MyName} : Resetting to factory settings might also help. I mean. When it left the factory the screen was working. So it'll restore that.", '>>{enzyme69} : They will give you the refurbished iPhone for half price, or I think $499 max.', '>>{StopherDBF} : Is the easy trick traveling backwards through time and stopping yourself from breaking it?', '>>{ahammouri} : Restore it via iTunes You might want to reset network settings first', ">>{djmexi} : All you have to do is remove the old Touch ID sensor and place it on the new screen assembly. Most 3rd party screen assemblies don't come with a Touch ID component for this reason.", '>>{the92jays} : > Clinton and DNC propaganda is that Russians are behind all the hacks and Russia this Russia that. The security firm that initially said, and still [says it was Russia](https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/) was [hired by Trump.](http://fortune.com/2016/08/19/donald-trump-campaign-hacked/) Why would Trump hire an arm of the Clinton and DNC propaganda machine? I thought he hired the best people.', '>>{djmexi} : Some people refer to the screen as the glass and the LCD as the LCD.', '>>{SgtBoaty} : On the right side you can actually see the screen screaming in pain.', '>>{shadowslayer978} : Hey op, why not tell us all what happened to it?', '>>{cruncha} : I dropped mine into concrete and fucked the entire front up. If the glass is the only broken thing about the phone, that entire front face can easily be replaced.', '>>{WhoaIsMe93} : Did you drop a fucking house on it?! Should of had an Otterbox.', '>>{KrispyMichael} : How the f*ck does people achieve this🙊', '>>{itsmegeorge} : The viewing angle is the least of problems these displays have 😂', ">>{itsmegeorge} : You can't do that on the 7 because of the new button", '>>{datums} : I think you need to read a little more history my friend. You seem to be less than well informed as to what the Red Scares were, or even what "Red" means in this context. You could start with Wikipedia, and work your way up to actual books.', ">>{Modsdontknow} : > If it was a fair primary and neutral DNC, we'd could very well be looking at a Sanders Presidency. lol the delusion is so strong.", '>>{Rogerss93} : not always true... part of the main board on my iPhone 6 fried when the battery was swapped out, which resulted in any screen replacement having 0 backlight and rendering the phone unusable', ">>{I_AM_shill} : It is circumstantial. Anybody can plant the russian malware, just like anybody can plant a stuxnet somewhere. It is a one person job to infect one machine and the tools automatically own the network. Plus when you find russian malware it's likely others hacked into the network too using the same weakness. There is no reason not to. But they just didn't leave any traces.", '>>{Ember_season} : Your point is irrelevent to a picture on reddit of a broken screen and the question of whether it is replaceable', ">>{Rogerss93} : Because you stated you don't know why people always ask if screen replacements will solve their issues or if they are even possible, because according to you it can ALWAYS be replaced. You also said the only variable that decides whether it'll work or not is how bent the housing is, which isn't true at all", '>>{toolish22} : >Bob Gourley The expert who also said Hillarys server was hacked so should I believe him now? Because a couple months ago Hill supporters were telling me how this guy was full of shit.', '>>{toolish22} : Also said no doubt in his mind that Hillary email server was hacked.', '>>{sanegop} : All of them? Wow, hard to believe they all got together and colluded to mislead you.', ">>{NeoMoonlight} : Well, they are very organized... almost a 'business' one could call it. They also seem to be very committed to keeping the record of things corrected to their perspective.", '>>{Ember_season} : Again, I’m not going to list every possibility of why a screen replacement might not work. My original post’s point was that showing the picture of a broken screen in reddit and asking if it is replaceable is pointless. Sure, the battery might be bad? Or the housing might be bent? Or a myriad of other things? But thats not something we could know from a picture. So read the post before commenting on it just to try to sound informed', ">>{djmexi} : Oh yes I forgot the 7 home button isn't a button. I'm even holding one as we speak. But my comment was more in general terms.", '>>{Rsidhuu} : How the fuck will we know if his phone is fried inside with a picture of the exterior? If someone is that worried they can take their ass to the Apple Store.', ">>{Rogerss93} : I never claimed that.. I simply said don't say you can always replace it when it wont necessarily solve his issue.. he may have come here for other advice that isn't immediately obvious", '>>{I_drive_all_over} : outterbox doesnt stop shit. my wife has dropped two devices with outterboxes and shattered the screens on both.', ">>{jojomexi} : ah I didn't know what the costs are from Apple Repair. I know its significantly cheaper on the older models. Good to know though!", ">>{jojomexi} : I guess I've never experienced this just yet. I did buy a replacement screen for mine since I removed my screen so many times and got careless with putting it back in, so this is something I'll monitor if I indeed have to use the replacement screen!", ">>{jojomexi} : Yes it appears it would not make sense to do it outside of the Apple Repair if it's not cost effective. Though, I thought they had fixed the whole Touch ID not working thing, or is that a permanent restriction?", ">>{Dupree878} : It's a restriction due to the secure enclave nature of the Touch ID. If it could be bypassed you could install a new home button and unlock the phone", '>>{Ganjake} : I\'m giving me the material, I put it as plainly and straightforward as I can so that nothing is misconstrued. The people I have to say these things to usually don\'t like it when I point out that they\'re saying something stupid or contradictory because they\'re pretty stupid themselves to be saying those things. Like when you talk slow to a baby. Being pro-Clinton doesn\'t make me CTR. Even if I was (which I\'m not), that doesn\'t take away from what I said and doesn\'t change the fact that I\'m right. Do you agree with this guy? Do you condone what he suggested? You would be okay with all the things my encyclopaedic response points out? Man you guys have nothing left do you? You can\'t defend your own candidate because he\'s gone so far off the rails so you go around and yell "CTR bitch CTR bitch!!" everytime someone pokes holes through your ridiculous statements and theories. You know, like maybe pointing out **Russian intelligence shouldn\'t be fucking with our election at all?** That just sounds American to me. Or do you not like America?', ">>{jojomexi} : ahhh. that makes sense. so then that's why you can buy the touch screen without the home button so you don't run into that issue. D:", ">>{error404brain} : Man, the Russian persecution complex is so big it may eclipse the muslim's one.", ">>{Ganjake} : So... Nobody could copy any of those things and they are only possible to exist through solely Russian practices? I'm asking genuinely because I'm not a cybersecurity expert. (Please tell me if this is wrong) To me that all sounds like things a good hacker would know to duplicate or feign if they're known practices and such. Like say I throw apples a unique way at a specific tree. People know me for it. Someone else threw an apple at that same tree in the same way, but killed a cat. I'm not automatically guilty of cat murder because someone committed cat murder with my MO. It's easy to point the finger at me, but people who are really good at throwing apples at trees could feasibly mimic me, and that's reasonable doubt. Does that make sense? Like what exactly and definitively can be tied directly to the people were talking about?", '>>{PassthePsycho} : Oh and btw the DNC may have manipulated the elections by planting false media narratives a black Pr campaign like Nevada, planted spies within Bernie\'s camp, and actively pushed out negative and promoted positive spins of the Hillary campaign. But go on with your Red Scare.....pretty sure DNC is much more "attuned" to Soviet policies.', ">>{fckingmiracles} : The way I understand it is: the hackers used servers that other confirmed Russian hackers had used before in the past. It's not only about similar practices but basically knocking at the door of the other hacker you once busted and there sits his roommate: the new hacker drinking past hacker's Mountain Dew and eating his chips. And the address of the other hacker wasn't published before.", ">>{Ganjake} : Lol classic. Get called out, deflect to a completely different subject and make an erroneous claim. Any proof of these corrupt connections you speak of? And don't give me that NYT article about the Uranium/Clinton Foundation I'll just quote you one sentence from the article that will make your entire point moot. Last time someone tried that they downvoted and ran away. But I'm not letting you off the hook, see your deflections don't work. So again I ask, very clearly: do you agree with him? Do you think it's okay to have foreign governments illegally manipulate our elections as long as they get dirt?", ">>{Ganjake} : Which still sounds circumstantial... Like how do you know for a fact that roommate is Russian too if you don't know who s/he is? In fact that makes it sound even more circumstantial to me because it could be anyone in that room. I'm sure the best hackers know how to uncover that room and step in and you can do it from... Pretty much anywhere. Hackers are pretty good at hiding who they are to say the least... I'm not advocating for one position or another I just really want to understand what's going on.", '>>{PassthePsycho} : I am talking DNC leaks not Clinton Foundation. You have won.', '>>{DownWithAssad} : Snowden\'s tweets in full (bolded for emphasis by me): --- The hack of an NSA malware staging server is not unprecedented, but the publication of the take is. Here\'s what you need to know: (1/x) 1) NSA traces and targets malware C2 servers in a practice called Counter Computer Network Exploitation, or CCNE. So do our rivals. 2) NSA is often lurking undetected for years on the C2 and ORBs (proxy hops) of state hackers. This is how we follow their operations. 3) This is how we steal their rivals\' hacking tools and reverse-engineer them to create "fingerprints" to help us detect them in the future. 4) Here\'s where it gets interesting: the NSA is not made of magic. Our rivals do the same thing to us -- and occasionally succeed. 5) Knowing this, NSA\'s hackers (TAO) are told not to leave their hack tools ("binaries") on the server after an op. But people get lazy. 6) What\'s new? NSA malware staging servers getting hacked by a rival is not new. A rival publicly demonstrating they have done so is. 7) Why did they do it? No one knows, but **I suspect this is more diplomacy than intelligence, related to the escalation around the DNC hack.** 8) **Circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom indicates Russian responsibility.** Here\'s why that is significant: 9) This leak is likely a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server. 10) That could have significant foreign policy consequences. Particularly if any of those operations targeted US allies. 11) Particularly if any of those operations targeted elections. 12) **Accordingly, this may be an effort to influence the calculus of decision-makers wondering how sharply to respond to the DNC hacks.** 13) TL;DR: This leak looks like a somebody sending a message that an escalation in the attribution game could get messy fast. **Bonus: When I came forward, NSA would have migrated offensive operations to new servers as a precaution - it\'s cheap and easy. So? So...** **The undetected hacker squatting on this NSA server lost access in June 2013. Rare public data point on the positive results of the leak.** --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Only a state has the power to leak NSA\'s weapons left on a server. I agree with Snowden\'s assessment that it was Russia. His reasoning is that this is a warning to America. Before the FBI publicly announces those behind the DNC leak, Russia is warning the U.S. that they can prove the U.S. hacking into computers too. What surprises me most is how naive the West has become. We\'re being bombarded with leaks on an almost weekly basis now. Most people have probably focused on the DNC leaks, but did you know that a group calling itself "DCLeaks" leaked the internal documents of liberal George Soros\' Open Society Foundation AND the private emails of the NATO general? Here\'s a look at their [Twitter account](https://twitter.com/dcleaks_) (tell me if you notice their emphasis on a certain country): >Hacked NATO general defends plotting to push Obama to escalate tensions with Russia >Breedlove’s war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia >Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict >Emails show Obama saw US involvement in Russia talks as a \'threat\' >\'Gen. plotted against Obama on Russia\' >Check George Soros\'s OSF plans to counter Russian policy and traditional values All they post are tweets relevant to Russia. [ThreatConnect Identifies DCLeaks As Another Russian-backed Influence Outlet](https://www.threatconnect.com/blog/does-a-bear-leak-in-the-woods/) Also, Russia hates NATO and Soros, which are the only topics the leaks from DCLeaks talk about. Russia is relying on naive Westerners to hate NATO and Soros. In other words, useful idiots. I see from /r/The_Donald that you people already hate Soros (links often lead to Russian disinformation websites) and think NATO should turn into a protection racket, ignoring basic hegemonic theory and forward deployment strategy of the U.S. near Russia and China. As an example, take a look at this conspiracy theory (and irrational) self post from /r/The_Donald: >[Is it just me or does it seem kind of funny that whenever there\'s emails leaked of people in the Clintons circle a shooting or riot comes up to distract people right after the leaks happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/) And look at one of the more popular comments: >[Every single time. **This distraction brought to you by George Soros**](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/d6h26dq) What\'s most interesting is that the Russians lost access to their hacked NSA computer June 2013 directly because of the actions of Snowden. Snowden claims that after he outed the secrets of the NSA, the NSA was forced to change the computers it uses for offensive operations, thus booting out the Russians too. **We now have proof of three leaks in mere weeks, all done by Russia, to influence Americans\' opinions on the 2016 election (pro-Trump), to hate NATO, to publicly embarrass the NSA and warn the FBI of the consequences of announcing Russia was behind the DNC leaks, and disinformation about Soros to lure Trump supporters. This is unprecedented in Western history - Cold War active measures are back. They are using fake personas - "Guccifer2.0", "DCLeaks", and now "The Shadow Brokers" - the NSA weapons leakers - to destabilize the U.S.** I\'d characterize this as more of a disinformation campaign rather than a cyberwar. Essentially, Russia is busy spreading conspiracy theories about the U.S. As an example, a pro-Russian hacking group calling itself "CyberBerkut" pretended to hack into John McCain\'s laptop when he visited Ukraine (McCain is demonized in Russian media for being harsh towards them). You\'ll never know what they pretended to leak: apparently, they filmed a fake video of some people pretending to be Jihadi John and James Foley filming his execution in front of a green screen! The hackers said they had exposed McCain and America\'s involvement in staging fake ISIS execution videos. But the good folks over at MetaBunk did a frame-by-frame comparison of the real execution video and the so-called "leaked" filming of the set. They found that the actor had different movements compared to the real JJ. Here\'s the full debunking: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-cyberberkut-video-supposedly-showing-staged-isis-beheading-of-foley.t6520/ This "secret" video was prominently featured on InfoWars and Zerohedge. This fake hacking group, that literally makes fake videos and documents and then pretends to hack them from Western politicians\' computers, is without a doubt a Russian disinformation front group. Active Measures, as they called it back in the Cold War. This may sound cheesy, but the West doesn\'t do disinformation. Even during the Cold War, the side known for disinformation (Active Measures) was the Soviet block, not the West. Russia is an authoritarian country. It has no qualms paying thousands of people to spread pro-Kremlin propaganda online. Over the years, there have been countless reports of this happening. Heck, the unofficial Russian branch of Anonymous hacked the "Internet Research Agency" - a well known Russian troll farm - and leaked *everything* - emails, names, contact information, salaries, lists of troll accounts, assignments, you name it. Europe has set up some sort of media monitoring centre, called ["East StratCom Task Force"](http://disinfo.com/2016/01/disinformation-review-week-ten/), to counter Russian propaganda, that they created in March of 2015. It\'s one of the most pathetic and useless things I\'ve even seen. All they do is make a weekly .pdf file of Russia\'s lies and conspiracy theories Russian trolls try to spread online. They then upload said pdf file to some random corner of the web and call that their "response". Passive but not active. Assange doesn\'t care about the truth. He only cares at getting back at Clinton. He\'s been handed no less than 4 separate leaks in the past few weeks (DNC emails, Soros foundation\'s intranet documents, NATO general\'s emails, and NSA cyber weapons). He\'s a programmer just like me and Snowden. Heck, he\'s a genius programmer, or at least, he used to be back in the 1990s. He should be feeling suspicious about the large number of leaks regarding the U.S. But he hasn\'t publicly mentioned it - he knows it\'s Russia, but won\'t admit it. As an interesting aside, Guccifer2.0 claimed on Twitter [that he gave Assange the DNC emails](https://twitter.com/GUCCIFER_2/status/756530278982684672). If so, why is Assange spreading conspiracy theories about the dead DNC staffer, Seth Rich? Strange indeed. For now, read some of this history regarding Soviet Active Measures (relevant to our current situation): [Soviet Active Measures in the "Post-Cold War" Era 1988-1991](http://intellit.muskingum.edu/russia_folder/pcw_era/index.htm)', '>>{Ganjake} : Gotcha. I see that now. And by win you mean "no I don\'t agree with what he said" right? Because I can\'t tell if that\'s sarcastic or not.', ">>{ShyBiDude89} : When Fox News starts to report things like this, you know it's bad.", '>>{John-Carlton-King} : Hell, at this point even they are more liberal than the candidate', ">>{fckingmiracles} : > Like how do you know for a fact that roommate is Russian too Because the former Russian hacker must have invited the 'new' hacker to use his seed server. If it was an American hack why would a proven Russian state hacker suddenly invite an American hacker into his servers to use them? That sounds nonsensical and if you go with Occam's razor it makes sense it would be either the same Russian hacker again or his state-sanctioned friend. It is not apparent why a proven Russian hack of U.S. politicians in 2014/2014 would suddenly be followed by an American hack using the same servers in 2016. Who would have invited these new non-Russian hackers to use Kremlin servers? And why? Why would Russia accept an American opponent masking himself as Russian to attack his making Russia look bad without the benefit/good loot of an actual hack? And yes, I say 'American hacker' as the other theory for these hacks is an 'internal' hack. Aka one originating from a U.S. actor. For which there is no indication yet. What other theory besided Russian hacker have you heard? (Maybe you have. I would be interested.)", '>>{Ganjake} : >Because the former Russian hacker must have invited the \'new\' hacker to use his seed server. So an invitation is a prerequisite for using that seed server? Because then yeah, it would absolutely be nonsensical for it to be anyone not Russian/pro-Russian. >What other theory besided Russian hacker have you heard? (Maybe you have. I would be interested.) I haven\'t heard any, I just really want to understand the details of this objectively. Not a tech guy but I am a facts guy, so I want to understand this beyond "the Russians did it" and how we know it was them.', '>>{IraenaCath} : Their editorial line has changed noticeably since they dumped Ailes', ">>{ninboy_} : I guess some people think that the Cold War was just a war fought in a winter or something. Because you know that if someone is not threatening you in public then they can't be doing it quietly in private. ¯\\\\\\_(ツ)\\_/¯", '>>{fuckcancer} : They spent money to spread positive propaganda about Hillary on social media and show false solidarity. Doubting that anything positive said about her is genuine is the correct response to that. Everything positive will now be questioned. And it should be. Spending money to mislead people about support should be met with suspicion of anyone who supports her. CTR should not be rewarded with a benefit of doubt. CTR should be rewarded with doubt.', ">>{takenbackprops} : There's a problem with that last sentence because there were published details about the previous hacks allegedly conducted by the Russian gov. [This](https://netzpolitik.org/2015/digital-attack-on-german-parliament-investigative-report-on-the-hack-of-the-left-party-infrastructure-in-bundestag/) was published a year ago. But even worse, that article details how the C2 server was vulnerable to a well known exploit (Heartbleed). In other words, it's like if someone busted a hacker, then his address was published along with the fact that he keeps a spare key under a fake rock and then a year later it looks like more hacking coming from that apartment, only there's no way to know for sure if someone just used the spare key when he wasn't there.", ">>{choppingbroccolini} : Last I checked Russia, or whoever these hackers were, didn't write these emails, didn't sell U.S. government favors for money, and didn't force the DNC to rig the primaries.", '>>{Quinnjester} : He really loves to blame the Jews. Soros, Weiss, Seth, DWS. freakin Ukrainian leader', ">>{MikiLove} : What the emails said did occur and it is horrible, but it is disturbing that Russian agents appear to be interfering in US politics, presumably to influence the election a certain way to their preference. I secondly I didn't realize there was any proof of Democratic primaries, controlled by local state governments, being rigged by the DNC, which really only control caucuses.", '>>{choppingbroccolini} : You should read Wikileaks more, and the Clinton News Network less.', '>>{MikiLove} : You should make a logical argument besides creating grand generalizations will no facts to back them up.', '>>{choppingbroccolini} : How not logical? Please explain. How is Wikileaks not a good source?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{CMDR-Mindphaser} : Breitbart Staffer Turned Trump Aide Is Posterboy For New Admin’s Nationalism', '>>{aidsinafrica0} : Nothing wrong with Nationalism. America is the best and we are damn proud. If you dont like it and want to be all about "muh immigrants" then leave. We have enough people as it is. We need to slow down the flood. Its not sustainable', ">>{ScreamingGnu} : Well deport Gorka then since he wasn't born in America.", '>>{MWM2} : > aidsinafrica0 I\'m going to go out on a limb and say "AIDS In Africa" probably sees white people as all being the same.', '>>{MWM2} : > Nothing wrong with Nationalism. During the just last century... - It gave rise to the Holocaust and then, of course, it destroyed Germany. And Germany destroyed lots of other countries. - It destroyed a great deal of Italy (WW II). - It destroyed a great deal of Japan (again WW II). - Japan occupied Korea and Manchuria. The people under Japanese rule often didn\'t do so hot. Millions died. Also, see: Japanese sex slaves (comfort women) and Unit 731. - In Russia it lead to the deaths of ~20 million in the Gulag due to Stalin. - It killed a million or so in Cambodia under Pol Pot. - It killed millions in China under Mao. - It lead to the Rwandan Genocide. - It lead to the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia war crimes (etc). - Etc, etc. etc***!*** Okay - your turn - how is nationalism "good"? Also, even though you love it - it\'s not capitalized.', '>>{rubenol} : I\'m going to go out on a limb and say that\'s "AIDS in Africa"', '>>{MWM2} : > Gorka declined to say whether Trump believed Islam was a religion in a Friday interview with NPR\'s "Morning Edition." He went on to argue that the new administration\'s overarching focus was targeting "radical Islam" as an ideology. --- > [Trump Assistant On President\'s Foreign Policy : NPR](http://www.npr.org/2017/02/03/513213042/trump-assistant-on-presidents-foreign-policy) > > Steve Inskeep talks with Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, about the administration\'s recent statement about Israeli settlements and a raid in Yemen. --- Edit The NPR interview is worth a listen. It is yet more proof that every single last person in Trump\'s inner circle is a nasty, creepy fuck.', '>>{AutoModerated} : [Immigration’s Real Impact on Wages and Employment] (https://www.cato.org/blog/immigrations-real-impact-wages-employment)', '>>{Xelif} : > Nothing wrong with Nationalism \\- Europe, circa 1912', ">>{CaptainCortez} : Gtfo. I'll pay for your ticket. It's obviously too dangerous for you to stay here.", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : Yeah, what the hell? Is it a weird perspective selfie or does the guy actually have a gigantic head? His hand is huge on Hannity's shoulder so Im leaning toward the latter."], ['>>{BONF1RE} : This site also contains the full transcript of his statement.', '>>{deebaggus} : Schiff and Heck owned that hearing. They came across as true patriots. The Republicans line of questioning made them look weak with the exception of one. I forget her name but she actually had good relevant questions.', '>>{Azatron17} : [Representative Heck probably had the most moving questions for Comey and Rogers.](https://youtu.be/k7Hh5aXybVY?t=7m6s)', '>>{BONF1RE} : > "Absent some change, this behavior is not likely to stop." — Adm. Mike Rogers edit: attribution', ">>{tank_trap} : Trump and his minions are all guilty. What's that they said at the Trump rallies? Lock 'em up!", '>>{Spartanfox} : I feel like it would have to be. There were only two female GOP members present, and the other one (Ileana Ros-Lehtinen) only asked very broad questions. Stefanik was asking about the delay between the opening of the investigation and the disclosure of it, amongst other things.', ">>{TotesNottaBot} : Yup, the line of questioning was very transparent in how it fell along party lines. Nunes even made a point to cut someone off to say that the GOP *didn't* [change their platform to favor Russian interests in Ukraine](http://www.npr.org/2016/08/06/488876597/how-the-trump-campaign-weakened-the-republican-platform-on-aid-to-ukraine), despite the fact that they did and a member of the Trump campaign saying that they did.", ">>{Kull_of_Atlantis} : Lock 'em all up, bread and water for Trump!", ">>{AGB_mods} : Well they lie all the time. That's what they do. That's why when they're always pushing for the 10 Commandments, I'm like lol no.", ">>{FriesWithThat} : Meanwhile Nunes would like to reiterate that he has still seen no evidence of the Trump campaign coordinating with Russia in hacking and influencing the outcome of the 2016 U.S. election. Really, he is running out of ways to phrase statements that don't lead people to believe they could slap his face with an unrefrigerated salmon, and he still wouldn't smell fish.", ">>{ruiner8850} : I thought that was interesting, but I also know that the FBI isn't stupid and are great at knowing when people are lying to them.", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : The Dems played like a team today. Schiff, Himes, and Heck had hard hitting questions, while the rest helped fill the record. It's was a pretty damn good effort all around.", '>>{AFineDayForScience} : There\'s such a mountain of evidence tying members of the Trump campaign to the Russian government that a "concise" timeline is 18 minutes long.', ">>{symbiotickid} : During that exchange, it also seemed to come out that the RNC or its affiliates were hacked, but the Russians didn't release any of that info.", '>>{vahntitrio} : I think they made changes to the 9th commandment.', ">>{AGB_mods} : There's a few more they may want to get rid of..", '>>{mtm5891} : I would think so. She was the only GOP Rep. to ask questions other than "these leaks were illegal, right??"'], [">>{Wootstapler} : I know it's pretty bad, but do you think Apple can still replace the screen on this? Digitizer and all other functions still work, just worried if the screen is replaceable.", ">>{cr0100} : They'd replace a 6 screen for $129, but when they open it up they will also look for anything else that might be damaged. I think the 6s screen might cost a shade more but not a lot - just bring it in.", '>>{portnux} : Assuming the case and logic board are undamaged it might be fixable.', ">>{Wootstapler} : Thanks everyone for the comments. When I have the time (and money) I'll go visit the bar. Yes, it's pretty horrid. Hope they don't have a hard time digging out all the broken glass :(", '>>{aokusman} : They will replace the phone at the out of warranty price. This is not a screen repair', '>>{Ember_season} : I don’t know why there are questions on this all the time. Unless your housing is bent a screen can always be replaced. No matter how bad your screen might look it doesn’t matter! Because they just literally take the broken one out and put a new one in.', ">>{jojomexi} : Depending on if you have insurance, how expensive it is for them to fix it, and how comfortable you are, you could just buy the screen replacement digitizer combo with tools for like $145 on eBay and fix it yourself. Not sure how much it differs from my iPhone 6P but I've opened up and fixed stuff in there so many times now. The battery is about the only hard thing to replace bc of the adhesive.", '>>{1arebeast2} : Should be the same price as a normal screen repair. The outer cover glass is laminated (glued) directly to the LCD so when apple replaces the front glass on your phone they are actually replacing the the digitizer, front glass, LCD and possibly the Touch ID sensor (pretty sure they remove and transfer it, but not sure). It all comes as one piece.', '>>{stevedoz} : Cheap ebay replacement displays are always terrible quality. The viewing angle is always so narrow', '>>{Shoelacess} : Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on.', '>>{MyHobbyIsMagnets} : The LCD is the screen... Did you think the screen just meant the piece of glass?', '>>{SuperIllVillain} : To answer your question. Yes. Almost any repair would fix this problem with a simple "screen replacement." Usually companies opt for an assembly. Which is glass digitizer and LCD. Where some offer a complete assembly which is glass digitizer LCD home-button ear speaker. Pretty much a plug and play part. If your feeling like you can do it yourself try a complete assembly. Otherwise yes. Insurance or apple.', ">>{AppleLion} : It's a single piece. $74. Do it.", '>>{Bigchile123} : You can get it replace for free with this easy trick.', ">>{elislider} : Since it obviously boots and appears to otherwise function ok, and the outer frame of the phone seems ok, then I'd say yeah it would appear a screen replacement would fix the situation.", ">>{midnightketoker} : I thought the magic fixing wand won't work if it thinks the screen is too ugly", ">>{ApplesofGold1869} : The plug and play option worked for earlier iPhone's better than it does now. Now you will lose the finger print recognition functionality if you swap out your home button as they are unique to each individual iPhone.", ">>{HansChr15} : I had a similar situation... a Pyrex bowl landed on my iPhone screen. It was classified as out of warranty due to the lack of AppleCare plus, and charged me $150 for a complete screen replacement. I do encourage you to not have a third party repair, unless they too have calibration equipment like what Apple has within their stores. Be aware that it can be a two hour process. I repair iPhone screens myself, and am pretty good at it, but it's the calibration Apple has that makes those screens last a good while compared to my quick repairs. Just checked: the calibration is also for the setup of the new home button as each Touch ID sensor is unique to the iPhone.... aka doing it yourself risks the loss of Touch ID.", ">>{HansChr15} : $145 for all that and risk of damaging the phone yourself? An official apple repair is just $15 more (tax included). I'm knowledgeable about repairs since I do them myself, but there really is no point in doing it yourself, unless you want that satisfaction that you did a thing.", ">>{Dupree878} : That's more than the screen replacement from Apple and if you do that your Touch ID will no longer work", ">>{Not_MyName} : Resetting to factory settings might also help. I mean. When it left the factory the screen was working. So it'll restore that.", '>>{enzyme69} : They will give you the refurbished iPhone for half price, or I think $499 max.', '>>{StopherDBF} : Is the easy trick traveling backwards through time and stopping yourself from breaking it?', '>>{ahammouri} : Restore it via iTunes You might want to reset network settings first', ">>{djmexi} : All you have to do is remove the old Touch ID sensor and place it on the new screen assembly. Most 3rd party screen assemblies don't come with a Touch ID component for this reason.", '>>{djmexi} : Some people refer to the screen as the glass and the LCD as the LCD.', '>>{SgtBoaty} : On the right side you can actually see the screen screaming in pain.', '>>{shadowslayer978} : Hey op, why not tell us all what happened to it?', '>>{cruncha} : I dropped mine into concrete and fucked the entire front up. If the glass is the only broken thing about the phone, that entire front face can easily be replaced.', '>>{WhoaIsMe93} : Did you drop a fucking house on it?! Should of had an Otterbox.', '>>{KrispyMichael} : How the f*ck does people achieve this🙊', '>>{itsmegeorge} : The viewing angle is the least of problems these displays have 😂', ">>{itsmegeorge} : You can't do that on the 7 because of the new button", '>>{Rogerss93} : not always true... part of the main board on my iPhone 6 fried when the battery was swapped out, which resulted in any screen replacement having 0 backlight and rendering the phone unusable', '>>{Ember_season} : Your point is irrelevent to a picture on reddit of a broken screen and the question of whether it is replaceable', ">>{Rogerss93} : Because you stated you don't know why people always ask if screen replacements will solve their issues or if they are even possible, because according to you it can ALWAYS be replaced. You also said the only variable that decides whether it'll work or not is how bent the housing is, which isn't true at all", '>>{Ember_season} : Again, I’m not going to list every possibility of why a screen replacement might not work. My original post’s point was that showing the picture of a broken screen in reddit and asking if it is replaceable is pointless. Sure, the battery might be bad? Or the housing might be bent? Or a myriad of other things? But thats not something we could know from a picture. So read the post before commenting on it just to try to sound informed', ">>{djmexi} : Oh yes I forgot the 7 home button isn't a button. I'm even holding one as we speak. But my comment was more in general terms.", '>>{Rsidhuu} : How the fuck will we know if his phone is fried inside with a picture of the exterior? If someone is that worried they can take their ass to the Apple Store.', ">>{Rogerss93} : I never claimed that.. I simply said don't say you can always replace it when it wont necessarily solve his issue.. he may have come here for other advice that isn't immediately obvious", '>>{I_drive_all_over} : outterbox doesnt stop shit. my wife has dropped two devices with outterboxes and shattered the screens on both.', ">>{jojomexi} : ah I didn't know what the costs are from Apple Repair. I know its significantly cheaper on the older models. Good to know though!", ">>{jojomexi} : I guess I've never experienced this just yet. I did buy a replacement screen for mine since I removed my screen so many times and got careless with putting it back in, so this is something I'll monitor if I indeed have to use the replacement screen!", ">>{jojomexi} : Yes it appears it would not make sense to do it outside of the Apple Repair if it's not cost effective. Though, I thought they had fixed the whole Touch ID not working thing, or is that a permanent restriction?", ">>{Dupree878} : It's a restriction due to the secure enclave nature of the Touch ID. If it could be bypassed you could install a new home button and unlock the phone", ">>{jojomexi} : ahhh. that makes sense. so then that's why you can buy the touch screen without the home button so you don't run into that issue. D:"], ['>>{MikiLove} : Growing evidence suggest recent hacks the work of Russian-backed cyber militias', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : If Russia is indeed the sponsor of these hacks, it won't make what happened right. That being said, it certainly won't matter to a lot of voters who will be angry at Russia.", '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Some people think Russia interfering in our elections is a bit more serious than people being mean to Bernie Sanders.', '>>{Dionysus_the_Greek} : Former government official and IT expert: > thinks the attacks are linked (Russians), based on circumstantial evidence such as the sequence of events.', ">>{ComradeManafort} : I thought it was just a liberal lie spread by Hillary's crooked campaign and the bias media.", ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Thats what I'm saying. Julian Assange could leak much worse stuff and to a large segment of the population, it wouldn't matter in the slightest because another country is interfering with our elections.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Not to mention Assange has a show on Russia Today and I saw a Sputnik article of him a week ago as well as an article in Russian insider. Those news are Russian disinformation brainwash crap. The same crap that makes Russia love Putin while the ones that rebel get killed. Troll bots spam twitter and facebook of it.', ">>{thatpj} : I didn't know Fox News was in on the DNC CTR conspiracy....", ">>{caeroe} : To me the source doesn't matter as much as the content. If it was a fair primary and neutral DNC, we'd could very well be looking at a Sanders Presidency. I still wouldn't vote for the guy either way, but it's 100x better than Hillary. As for the latter exploits against the NSA, I wonder if we'll get our stolen data back from the Feds.", ">>{the92jays} : It's hard to call the security firm who initially said Russia was involved Hillary shills when they are also working for Trump.", ">>{Ganjake} : You just said you're okay with Russia secretly and just plain illegally obtaining sensitive information and using it to manipulate the election that determines who will hold the highest office in the world, as long as they get dirt. Are you serious?", '>>{Ganjake} : Still circumstantial, but they are pretty damn suspicious circumstances.', ">>{pilotsupercolor} : that's right folks, if it disagrees with me, it's the all powerful omnipresent CTR", '>>{datums} : Ahh, no. That taking point has no basis is reality.', ">>{PhunnelCake} : how so? Clinton and DNC propaganda is that Russians are behind all the hacks and Russia this Russia that. If you have watched Putin's speeches he has given recently in Russia he is not holding an aggressive stance against the United States. Rather, he is scared of American aggression due to the sheer power of the United States. They have armed as a response to the heightened tensions due to the invasion of Ukraine and subsequent justified condemnation from the world. Not to mention Obama's apparent hatred of the Russian state and the pursuit of the TPP which conveniently has left out the BRIC's from the negotiating table (See: Doha Round and the rules of the WTO). But fuck me my points are invalid due to some fucking guy on the internet saying so. Hey what happened between 1945 and 1991?", ">>{the92jays} : Is it really circumstantial? > The forensic evidence linking the DNC breach to known Russian operations is very strong. On June 20, two competing cybersecurity companies, Mandiant (part of FireEye) and Fidelis, confirmed CrowdStrike’s initial findings that Russian intelligence indeed hacked the DNC. The forensic evidence that links network breaches to known groups is solid: used and reused tools, methods, infrastructure, even unique encryption keys. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/all-signs-point-to-russia-being-behind-the-dnc-hack I haven't seen anything on the NSA hack. The above is just in regard to the DNC hack.", '>>{the92jays} : > Clinton and DNC propaganda is that Russians are behind all the hacks and Russia this Russia that. The security firm that initially said, and still [says it was Russia](https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/) was [hired by Trump.](http://fortune.com/2016/08/19/donald-trump-campaign-hacked/) Why would Trump hire an arm of the Clinton and DNC propaganda machine? I thought he hired the best people.', '>>{datums} : I think you need to read a little more history my friend. You seem to be less than well informed as to what the Red Scares were, or even what "Red" means in this context. You could start with Wikipedia, and work your way up to actual books.', ">>{Modsdontknow} : > If it was a fair primary and neutral DNC, we'd could very well be looking at a Sanders Presidency. lol the delusion is so strong.", ">>{I_AM_shill} : It is circumstantial. Anybody can plant the russian malware, just like anybody can plant a stuxnet somewhere. It is a one person job to infect one machine and the tools automatically own the network. Plus when you find russian malware it's likely others hacked into the network too using the same weakness. There is no reason not to. But they just didn't leave any traces.", '>>{toolish22} : >Bob Gourley The expert who also said Hillarys server was hacked so should I believe him now? Because a couple months ago Hill supporters were telling me how this guy was full of shit.', '>>{toolish22} : Also said no doubt in his mind that Hillary email server was hacked.', '>>{sanegop} : All of them? Wow, hard to believe they all got together and colluded to mislead you.', ">>{NeoMoonlight} : Well, they are very organized... almost a 'business' one could call it. They also seem to be very committed to keeping the record of things corrected to their perspective.", '>>{Ganjake} : I\'m giving me the material, I put it as plainly and straightforward as I can so that nothing is misconstrued. The people I have to say these things to usually don\'t like it when I point out that they\'re saying something stupid or contradictory because they\'re pretty stupid themselves to be saying those things. Like when you talk slow to a baby. Being pro-Clinton doesn\'t make me CTR. Even if I was (which I\'m not), that doesn\'t take away from what I said and doesn\'t change the fact that I\'m right. Do you agree with this guy? Do you condone what he suggested? You would be okay with all the things my encyclopaedic response points out? Man you guys have nothing left do you? You can\'t defend your own candidate because he\'s gone so far off the rails so you go around and yell "CTR bitch CTR bitch!!" everytime someone pokes holes through your ridiculous statements and theories. You know, like maybe pointing out **Russian intelligence shouldn\'t be fucking with our election at all?** That just sounds American to me. Or do you not like America?', ">>{error404brain} : Man, the Russian persecution complex is so big it may eclipse the muslim's one.", ">>{Ganjake} : So... Nobody could copy any of those things and they are only possible to exist through solely Russian practices? I'm asking genuinely because I'm not a cybersecurity expert. (Please tell me if this is wrong) To me that all sounds like things a good hacker would know to duplicate or feign if they're known practices and such. Like say I throw apples a unique way at a specific tree. People know me for it. Someone else threw an apple at that same tree in the same way, but killed a cat. I'm not automatically guilty of cat murder because someone committed cat murder with my MO. It's easy to point the finger at me, but people who are really good at throwing apples at trees could feasibly mimic me, and that's reasonable doubt. Does that make sense? Like what exactly and definitively can be tied directly to the people were talking about?", '>>{PassthePsycho} : Oh and btw the DNC may have manipulated the elections by planting false media narratives a black Pr campaign like Nevada, planted spies within Bernie\'s camp, and actively pushed out negative and promoted positive spins of the Hillary campaign. But go on with your Red Scare.....pretty sure DNC is much more "attuned" to Soviet policies.', ">>{fckingmiracles} : The way I understand it is: the hackers used servers that other confirmed Russian hackers had used before in the past. It's not only about similar practices but basically knocking at the door of the other hacker you once busted and there sits his roommate: the new hacker drinking past hacker's Mountain Dew and eating his chips. And the address of the other hacker wasn't published before.", ">>{Ganjake} : Lol classic. Get called out, deflect to a completely different subject and make an erroneous claim. Any proof of these corrupt connections you speak of? And don't give me that NYT article about the Uranium/Clinton Foundation I'll just quote you one sentence from the article that will make your entire point moot. Last time someone tried that they downvoted and ran away. But I'm not letting you off the hook, see your deflections don't work. So again I ask, very clearly: do you agree with him? Do you think it's okay to have foreign governments illegally manipulate our elections as long as they get dirt?", ">>{Ganjake} : Which still sounds circumstantial... Like how do you know for a fact that roommate is Russian too if you don't know who s/he is? In fact that makes it sound even more circumstantial to me because it could be anyone in that room. I'm sure the best hackers know how to uncover that room and step in and you can do it from... Pretty much anywhere. Hackers are pretty good at hiding who they are to say the least... I'm not advocating for one position or another I just really want to understand what's going on.", '>>{PassthePsycho} : I am talking DNC leaks not Clinton Foundation. You have won.', '>>{DownWithAssad} : Snowden\'s tweets in full (bolded for emphasis by me): --- The hack of an NSA malware staging server is not unprecedented, but the publication of the take is. Here\'s what you need to know: (1/x) 1) NSA traces and targets malware C2 servers in a practice called Counter Computer Network Exploitation, or CCNE. So do our rivals. 2) NSA is often lurking undetected for years on the C2 and ORBs (proxy hops) of state hackers. This is how we follow their operations. 3) This is how we steal their rivals\' hacking tools and reverse-engineer them to create "fingerprints" to help us detect them in the future. 4) Here\'s where it gets interesting: the NSA is not made of magic. Our rivals do the same thing to us -- and occasionally succeed. 5) Knowing this, NSA\'s hackers (TAO) are told not to leave their hack tools ("binaries") on the server after an op. But people get lazy. 6) What\'s new? NSA malware staging servers getting hacked by a rival is not new. A rival publicly demonstrating they have done so is. 7) Why did they do it? No one knows, but **I suspect this is more diplomacy than intelligence, related to the escalation around the DNC hack.** 8) **Circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom indicates Russian responsibility.** Here\'s why that is significant: 9) This leak is likely a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server. 10) That could have significant foreign policy consequences. Particularly if any of those operations targeted US allies. 11) Particularly if any of those operations targeted elections. 12) **Accordingly, this may be an effort to influence the calculus of decision-makers wondering how sharply to respond to the DNC hacks.** 13) TL;DR: This leak looks like a somebody sending a message that an escalation in the attribution game could get messy fast. **Bonus: When I came forward, NSA would have migrated offensive operations to new servers as a precaution - it\'s cheap and easy. So? So...** **The undetected hacker squatting on this NSA server lost access in June 2013. Rare public data point on the positive results of the leak.** --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Only a state has the power to leak NSA\'s weapons left on a server. I agree with Snowden\'s assessment that it was Russia. His reasoning is that this is a warning to America. Before the FBI publicly announces those behind the DNC leak, Russia is warning the U.S. that they can prove the U.S. hacking into computers too. What surprises me most is how naive the West has become. We\'re being bombarded with leaks on an almost weekly basis now. Most people have probably focused on the DNC leaks, but did you know that a group calling itself "DCLeaks" leaked the internal documents of liberal George Soros\' Open Society Foundation AND the private emails of the NATO general? Here\'s a look at their [Twitter account](https://twitter.com/dcleaks_) (tell me if you notice their emphasis on a certain country): >Hacked NATO general defends plotting to push Obama to escalate tensions with Russia >Breedlove’s war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia >Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict >Emails show Obama saw US involvement in Russia talks as a \'threat\' >\'Gen. plotted against Obama on Russia\' >Check George Soros\'s OSF plans to counter Russian policy and traditional values All they post are tweets relevant to Russia. [ThreatConnect Identifies DCLeaks As Another Russian-backed Influence Outlet](https://www.threatconnect.com/blog/does-a-bear-leak-in-the-woods/) Also, Russia hates NATO and Soros, which are the only topics the leaks from DCLeaks talk about. Russia is relying on naive Westerners to hate NATO and Soros. In other words, useful idiots. I see from /r/The_Donald that you people already hate Soros (links often lead to Russian disinformation websites) and think NATO should turn into a protection racket, ignoring basic hegemonic theory and forward deployment strategy of the U.S. near Russia and China. As an example, take a look at this conspiracy theory (and irrational) self post from /r/The_Donald: >[Is it just me or does it seem kind of funny that whenever there\'s emails leaked of people in the Clintons circle a shooting or riot comes up to distract people right after the leaks happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/) And look at one of the more popular comments: >[Every single time. **This distraction brought to you by George Soros**](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/d6h26dq) What\'s most interesting is that the Russians lost access to their hacked NSA computer June 2013 directly because of the actions of Snowden. Snowden claims that after he outed the secrets of the NSA, the NSA was forced to change the computers it uses for offensive operations, thus booting out the Russians too. **We now have proof of three leaks in mere weeks, all done by Russia, to influence Americans\' opinions on the 2016 election (pro-Trump), to hate NATO, to publicly embarrass the NSA and warn the FBI of the consequences of announcing Russia was behind the DNC leaks, and disinformation about Soros to lure Trump supporters. This is unprecedented in Western history - Cold War active measures are back. They are using fake personas - "Guccifer2.0", "DCLeaks", and now "The Shadow Brokers" - the NSA weapons leakers - to destabilize the U.S.** I\'d characterize this as more of a disinformation campaign rather than a cyberwar. Essentially, Russia is busy spreading conspiracy theories about the U.S. As an example, a pro-Russian hacking group calling itself "CyberBerkut" pretended to hack into John McCain\'s laptop when he visited Ukraine (McCain is demonized in Russian media for being harsh towards them). You\'ll never know what they pretended to leak: apparently, they filmed a fake video of some people pretending to be Jihadi John and James Foley filming his execution in front of a green screen! The hackers said they had exposed McCain and America\'s involvement in staging fake ISIS execution videos. But the good folks over at MetaBunk did a frame-by-frame comparison of the real execution video and the so-called "leaked" filming of the set. They found that the actor had different movements compared to the real JJ. Here\'s the full debunking: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-cyberberkut-video-supposedly-showing-staged-isis-beheading-of-foley.t6520/ This "secret" video was prominently featured on InfoWars and Zerohedge. This fake hacking group, that literally makes fake videos and documents and then pretends to hack them from Western politicians\' computers, is without a doubt a Russian disinformation front group. Active Measures, as they called it back in the Cold War. This may sound cheesy, but the West doesn\'t do disinformation. Even during the Cold War, the side known for disinformation (Active Measures) was the Soviet block, not the West. Russia is an authoritarian country. It has no qualms paying thousands of people to spread pro-Kremlin propaganda online. Over the years, there have been countless reports of this happening. Heck, the unofficial Russian branch of Anonymous hacked the "Internet Research Agency" - a well known Russian troll farm - and leaked *everything* - emails, names, contact information, salaries, lists of troll accounts, assignments, you name it. Europe has set up some sort of media monitoring centre, called ["East StratCom Task Force"](http://disinfo.com/2016/01/disinformation-review-week-ten/), to counter Russian propaganda, that they created in March of 2015. It\'s one of the most pathetic and useless things I\'ve even seen. All they do is make a weekly .pdf file of Russia\'s lies and conspiracy theories Russian trolls try to spread online. They then upload said pdf file to some random corner of the web and call that their "response". Passive but not active. Assange doesn\'t care about the truth. He only cares at getting back at Clinton. He\'s been handed no less than 4 separate leaks in the past few weeks (DNC emails, Soros foundation\'s intranet documents, NATO general\'s emails, and NSA cyber weapons). He\'s a programmer just like me and Snowden. Heck, he\'s a genius programmer, or at least, he used to be back in the 1990s. He should be feeling suspicious about the large number of leaks regarding the U.S. But he hasn\'t publicly mentioned it - he knows it\'s Russia, but won\'t admit it. As an interesting aside, Guccifer2.0 claimed on Twitter [that he gave Assange the DNC emails](https://twitter.com/GUCCIFER_2/status/756530278982684672). If so, why is Assange spreading conspiracy theories about the dead DNC staffer, Seth Rich? Strange indeed. For now, read some of this history regarding Soviet Active Measures (relevant to our current situation): [Soviet Active Measures in the "Post-Cold War" Era 1988-1991](http://intellit.muskingum.edu/russia_folder/pcw_era/index.htm)', '>>{Ganjake} : Gotcha. I see that now. And by win you mean "no I don\'t agree with what he said" right? Because I can\'t tell if that\'s sarcastic or not.', ">>{ShyBiDude89} : When Fox News starts to report things like this, you know it's bad.", '>>{John-Carlton-King} : Hell, at this point even they are more liberal than the candidate', ">>{fckingmiracles} : > Like how do you know for a fact that roommate is Russian too Because the former Russian hacker must have invited the 'new' hacker to use his seed server. If it was an American hack why would a proven Russian state hacker suddenly invite an American hacker into his servers to use them? That sounds nonsensical and if you go with Occam's razor it makes sense it would be either the same Russian hacker again or his state-sanctioned friend. It is not apparent why a proven Russian hack of U.S. politicians in 2014/2014 would suddenly be followed by an American hack using the same servers in 2016. Who would have invited these new non-Russian hackers to use Kremlin servers? And why? Why would Russia accept an American opponent masking himself as Russian to attack his making Russia look bad without the benefit/good loot of an actual hack? And yes, I say 'American hacker' as the other theory for these hacks is an 'internal' hack. Aka one originating from a U.S. actor. For which there is no indication yet. What other theory besided Russian hacker have you heard? (Maybe you have. I would be interested.)", '>>{Ganjake} : >Because the former Russian hacker must have invited the \'new\' hacker to use his seed server. So an invitation is a prerequisite for using that seed server? Because then yeah, it would absolutely be nonsensical for it to be anyone not Russian/pro-Russian. >What other theory besided Russian hacker have you heard? (Maybe you have. I would be interested.) I haven\'t heard any, I just really want to understand the details of this objectively. Not a tech guy but I am a facts guy, so I want to understand this beyond "the Russians did it" and how we know it was them.', '>>{IraenaCath} : Their editorial line has changed noticeably since they dumped Ailes', ">>{ninboy_} : I guess some people think that the Cold War was just a war fought in a winter or something. Because you know that if someone is not threatening you in public then they can't be doing it quietly in private. ¯\\\\\\_(ツ)\\_/¯", '>>{fuckcancer} : They spent money to spread positive propaganda about Hillary on social media and show false solidarity. Doubting that anything positive said about her is genuine is the correct response to that. Everything positive will now be questioned. And it should be. Spending money to mislead people about support should be met with suspicion of anyone who supports her. CTR should not be rewarded with a benefit of doubt. CTR should be rewarded with doubt.', ">>{takenbackprops} : There's a problem with that last sentence because there were published details about the previous hacks allegedly conducted by the Russian gov. [This](https://netzpolitik.org/2015/digital-attack-on-german-parliament-investigative-report-on-the-hack-of-the-left-party-infrastructure-in-bundestag/) was published a year ago. But even worse, that article details how the C2 server was vulnerable to a well known exploit (Heartbleed). In other words, it's like if someone busted a hacker, then his address was published along with the fact that he keeps a spare key under a fake rock and then a year later it looks like more hacking coming from that apartment, only there's no way to know for sure if someone just used the spare key when he wasn't there.", ">>{choppingbroccolini} : Last I checked Russia, or whoever these hackers were, didn't write these emails, didn't sell U.S. government favors for money, and didn't force the DNC to rig the primaries.", '>>{Quinnjester} : He really loves to blame the Jews. Soros, Weiss, Seth, DWS. freakin Ukrainian leader', ">>{MikiLove} : What the emails said did occur and it is horrible, but it is disturbing that Russian agents appear to be interfering in US politics, presumably to influence the election a certain way to their preference. I secondly I didn't realize there was any proof of Democratic primaries, controlled by local state governments, being rigged by the DNC, which really only control caucuses.", '>>{choppingbroccolini} : You should read Wikileaks more, and the Clinton News Network less.', '>>{MikiLove} : You should make a logical argument besides creating grand generalizations will no facts to back them up.', '>>{choppingbroccolini} : How not logical? Please explain. How is Wikileaks not a good source?']]
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['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Rob Schneider, anti-vaccine actor, leaves ‘disturbing message’ for lawmaker', ">>{SAisgarbagenowimhere} : So part of this story was that Rob Schneider was going to spend money to get this woman unelected... Rob Schneider still has money? You'd think people would get tired of hiring the talentless little pimple.", ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I don't see any thread in /r/politics where we can talk about gun control, so I wanted to make this thread so that we could start the discussion.", ">>{drinkoffthis} : Huffpost, I've excused your descent in quality as a product of the clikbait times. But subject-verb confusion? Now you've gone too far.", ">>{hipsterkingNHK} : This has to either be a Muslim terrorist, a BLM supporter, or a white supremacist. There's no other explanation /s", '>>{SATexas1} : Boom there it is You can make a drinking game out of this', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Another lunatic with access to guns. How much more is enough?', '>>{perogies} : “He left a very disturbing message with one of my staff people, saying he was going to spend money against me in my next election” - THE HORROR.', ">>{weightloss89} : Oh. Well I'd imagine many of the threads on this story have a lot of gun control discussion going on....but...how about you just type out what you wanted to say...", '>>{GerrardSlippedHahaha} : How many more mass shootings until gun control is implemented?', '>>{toekknow} : I\'m not sure this one comes down to identity politics. Seems more like it\'s *"Authoritarians gonna authoriteh..."* or something. Besides, it could well just be the one rogue New York FBI branch that has gone full wingnut. And that\'s not complete hyperbole -- any group in a law enforcement organization that backs someone with links to organized crime and hostile foreign states is ... full wingnut. And suffering in the throes of advanced cognitive dissonance.', ">>{EndoShota} : As wrong as Schneider is about vaccines, I don't think it's that weird to contact your representative to inform them you disapprove of their actions and inform them that you will be funding their opposition. That's called being politically engaged.", '>>{SaltHash} : >Why do liberals hate white males? Why do Conservatives build straw men? After all, the Vice President of our nation is a Liberal and a white male.', '>>{konihovno} : Hillary needs to be fire every single whitey from the FBI when elected.', '>>{612pab} : I wonder if his dog has the rabies vaccine? Or is he a non-believer to the core?', '>>{SaltHash} : From an older article by the Washington Times: >Hollywood star Rob Schneider turns Republican, citing Democratic ‘disaster’ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/1/hollywood-star-turns-republican-citing-democratic-/', ">>{shhhhquiet} : >When I called him back he was actually much nicer to me, but let’s be honest … that is 20 mins of my life I’ll never get back arguing that vaccines don’t cause autism with Deuce Bigalow, male gigolo.\u202a#\u200evaccinateyourkids\u202c.” Let's get Rob some non-toxic chemical-free organic salve for that burn.", '>>{omicronperseiVIII} : Transcription of the message: da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb', ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : Honestly, I don't have anything to say. I have family members at the airport and people kept spamming the thread in the news subreddit with their political opinions making it difficult to see real updates, so I just wanted to make a thread in the political subreddit for all those people to voice their opinions.", '>>{drvondoctor} : The "you can do it" guy is clearly a guy whose voice carries weight in the medical and political professions.', ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I honestly think that we don't need half-measures. To me half-measures are dangerous. I would support a full ban on handguns and nothing less.", '>>{weightloss89} : Typical liberal hogwash. I bet George Soros sent you here to undermine Trump and the healthcare terrorist immigration economy ham sandwich.', ">>{Everythingberns} : Mway be they hate them both and Hillary just fucked up by letting sensitive material get on to a pedophile's computer?", ">>{_shrekonomics_} : No wonder he's an anti-vaxxer, they don't sell them at Home Depot.", '>>{wrondo} : There is a culture in the United States that associates "white male" with "authority," though. I don\'t know if you can call it identity politics but it fits a deeper cultural narrative.', '>>{MWM2} : **BREAKING NEWS** Rob Schneider, hack actor and anti-vaxxer, is serving as his own PR department in a MLK holiday grab for media attention. Also... > [Rob Schneider, Of All People, Decides To Explain MLK To John Lewis | The Huffington Post](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/rob-schneider-mlk-martin-luther-king_us_587d1a6de4b0b3c7a7b261dc) > > Rep. Lewis. You are a great person. But Dr. King didn’t give in to his anger or his hurt. That is how he accomplished & won Civil Rights. > > — Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) January 16, 2017', ">>{DiNovi} : I think it's less trump love and more clinton hate tbh.", '>>{Prodigious-Beast} : Rob Schneider is The Anti-Vaccer. Rated PG-13', ">>{bluemexico} : How exactly could that be accomplished? There are 300 million guns in this country. I'm interested in how you think that would work.", ">>{MR_TELEVOID} : Obviously not. Who said there's something wrong with being politically engaged? The criticism here is entirely focused on Schneider.", ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : Good question. I think one option would be to do a gun buy back deal, but I'm unsure where we would get the money to do this buy back. So, I think the best method would be to ban the manufacture and sell of all new handguns, and grandfather in all legally owned existing handguns. Now, this isn't a great solution, but within a few years the cost of a handgun would rise so drastically that your average petty criminal could not afford a handgun (this can be evidenced by the price increase in automatic weapons after the 1986 ban). What do you think? Is it impossible?", ">>{bluemexico} : [This source](http://www.nssf.org/impact/) says the gun industry accounts for nearly 300,000 jobs, $6.2 billion in tax revenue, and nearly $50 billion of total economic impact. Shutting down an entire industry of that size would have some very negative effects on the economy. Where are all of those people supposed to work? Where do we make up the lost revenue? > your average petty criminal could not afford a handgun I think you're off base here. A significant percentage of gun violence centers around the drug market. There's a lot of money to be made even as a small time drug dealer. Even if guns ended up costing thousands of dollars a piece, they'd still be bought and sold regularly between criminals because to go without one would be too big of a risk.", '>>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I think your first point is a good point. Maybe we could have them start making assault knives and trucks ;) I disagree with the second point though. Even in 1996, just ten years after the crackdown on automatic weapons, the prices for automatic weapons were insane. I think criminals would turn to short barrel rifles and sawed off shotguns for all their criminal needs instead of shelling out big money for handguns.', '>>{bluemexico} : Another big issue with an outright ban is that other countries would absolutely seize the opportunity to flood our country with "illegal" handguns. The bigger gangs and other criminal organizations could make easy money accepting shipments of foreign guns. We wouldn\'t be able to do anything to restrict manufacturing conducted in other countries and its very naive to think that guns wouldn\'t get smuggled across the border by the thousands and sold on black markets.', ">>{HillforBill} : *yawn*, let me guess... you're white? *laughs behind your back hysterically* Umm, this isn't your country any more .^_^", ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I agree with what you're saying, but that's why we need a wall though. Do you not think that a wall will stop illegal smuggling and immigration?", ">>{erotic_majesty} : Rob Schneider's daughter is the singer Elle King. Wonder what she thinks of all this.", ">>{SchwarzerKaffee} : Stop with the identity politics here. The FBI didn't help Bernie. If a female fascist ran for president, these same people would support her. This is about fascism, not identity.", '>>{Crimewatchhamilton} : The headline "disturbing message" implies something more nefarious', ">>{waste-of-skin} : Or, maybe they're trying to do their jobs.", '>>{EarnestB} : Maybe, for once, they are doing their job - indicting a criminal.', ">>{bluemexico} : It'll stop it through Mexico, sure. But it won't help smuggling through Canada and by boat on both the east and west coasts as well as the Gulf of Mexico.", '>>{wrondo} : Can you tell me what exactly Baumann says that is insulting to white people? I\'m just curious. I\'m pretty sure that Trump has billed himself as the "white male" candidate pretty effectively. I guess it can be seen as insulting to be accused of supporting Donald Trump, but it\'s also true that "white males" are pretty much the only demographic Donald Trump is trying to court. Also he\'s not saying we should keep white men out of the FBI, just that the majority of people in the FBI are white and male, which seems to be a fact. And it is unfortunate but true that "white male" is associated with "authority" in this country, but pointing out that unfortunate fact does not have to be insulting.', ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : Just look at huffpo and Salon. They clearly hate white males. I don't know why though.", '>>{SuperbusMaximus} : You are insane... This is no single races country, or ideally that is the way it should be at least, and we should strive for that. Do you not see how this identity politics divides an conquers us all?', ">>{SuperbusMaximus} : They aren't liberals, not a single one of these people has read anything, from Locke or Mills. Neo-socialist would be a more apt description.", '>>{CCWrowANDthrow} : Why do you think smuggling is not such an issue for countries like Japan and the UK?', ">>{Macd7} : They haven't and won't. What they will do is a hack job days before an election and be a pussy.", ">>{lapone1} : About 60% of white males have identified with the republican party, and have been voting that way for a while now. Meanwhile, Dems have been inclusive - 40% white males, more women, almost all blacks, hispanics and asians. White males (and married white females) have been stopping progress in our country by being republicans. It's their fear of losing status. Just denying global warming is enough to be upset. Denying that our president was born in the US.", ">>{bluemexico} : The people there don't want guns. It's not ingrained in their culture like it is in ours. They didn't grow up shooting which plays a big part in why Americans enjoy gun ownership so much.", ">>{Logical_Hare} : As a liberal white dude, I simply can't understand where this persecution complex you have comes from. What exactly do you object to?", '>>{DukeNukemsDick-} : How about "I need to go to a doctor."', '>>{whatnowdog} : Are you saying the FBI is going to indict Trump.', ">>{MR_TELEVOID} : ...so? All that means is that Schneider might be off his meds. Why do you assume that means we're criticizing being politically engaged?", '>>{EndoShota} : The article, specifically the title, frames the idea of him leaving the message as "disturbing."', ">>{whatnowdog} : In most every other investigation the response is we don't comment on ongoing investigations. They had not even gotten a warrant when Director Comey sent his first letter.", ">>{whatnowdog} : I am a white male and I don't hate myself but I have heard some pretty awful comments when I am working at customer's location. Even some comments from friends I have learned not to reply if I want to keep the friendship.", '>>{MR_TELEVOID} : That is one Hell of a leap. The article frames the idea that there might be something wrong Schneider. Nowhere does it draw the conclusion that the problem is political engagement.', '>>{whatnowdog} : Maybe they have been in a group of white males not in a big city in the South. I work in the field in an area the has a lot of towns with less than 20k people. The comments I hear are not much different from comments made in the 60s. I am seeing better relations between those that are not white under 30 then those that are older.', '>>{UncleMalky} : Issues aside this feels like its entirely about publicity.', ">>{ratherbewinedrunk} : Maybe they're making a new Rob Schneider movie but adopting a more reality television model. **Rob Schneider is: The ANTI-VAXXER**^Comingtoatheaternearyousummer2018.", '>>{bbiggs32} : And this kids, is how Ron Schneider got invited to the Whitehouse.', '>>{bbiggs32} : Heard her first EP and she has an amazing voice. Heard of song off her full length and it was kinda pop junk.', ">>{MWM2} : What I can't understand is why Schneider chose the MLK holiday.", '>>{EndoShota} : The article repeatedly references Gonzalez\'s claim that Schneider message was "disturbing", but to the degree that they actually discuss the content of that message, it appears that he told her that he didn\'t agree with her and would be funding her opposition. She also had a 20 minute conversation where they argued their views. Not exactly disturbing in my book. If I had written the title, I\'d have penned something more akin to, "Rob Schneider Vows to Oppose Lawmaker Over Vaccination Stance."', '>>{erotic_majesty} : Allegedly so she could make it on her own without his name recognition. I dunno.', ">>{Josephat} : > actor I think I'm going to flag this as fake.", ">>{pwomptastic} : Yeah, it isn't. Do I wish Rob Schneider didn't ride Adam Sandler's coattails long enough to have serious money to spend pushing an anti-vax agenda? Of course. But you're allowed to contact your representatives even if you're an idiot.", '>>{rudieboy} : He should save his money, Adam Sandler cant make any more movies for him to show up for 5 minutes in any more.', ">>{MR_TELEVOID} : Okay! This must be the first article on the internet to have a hyperbolic title. This still doesn't explain how you arrived at the conclusion that political engagement was under attack because they classified his message as disturbing. He's not every man. I don't really care at this point, but I can keep this pissing contest going as long as you like.", '>>{popname} : >“He left a very disturbing message with one of my staff people, saying he was going to spend money against me in my next election,” said Ms. Gonzalez, a San Diego Democrat The definition of "disturbing message" is a call from a constituent to inform his representative that he disagrees with her and is going to campaign against her. The fact that people who disagrees with her should not be "disturbing". It should be business as usual. And the Democrats wonder why they are losing elections at all levels across the country.', ">>{EndoShota} : I'm not really viewing this as a pissing contest. I made a claim, you said you didn't agree with it for reasons that I think are missing the point I'm trying to make, and I'm elaborating in order to be clearer. If all you're concerned with is winning a perceived argument on the internet, that's fine; you win. I'm wrong, you're right. Have a nice day.", '>>{MR_TELEVOID} : You as well, sir. I use the phrase "pissing contest" a little too liberally. Good talk!', ">>{Soddington} : Rob Schneider *IS*, as dangerously illinformed as Jenny fuckin' MacCarthy *IN* **Real Fucking Life**.", '>>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Very true. The only disturbing part is that Rob Schneider still has money from his "acting" "career".', '>>{MWM2} : He sounds likely like a Trumpster who just threatened me an hour ago. *Seriously.*']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I don't see any thread in /r/politics where we can talk about gun control, so I wanted to make this thread so that we could start the discussion.", ">>{hipsterkingNHK} : This has to either be a Muslim terrorist, a BLM supporter, or a white supremacist. There's no other explanation /s", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Another lunatic with access to guns. How much more is enough?', ">>{weightloss89} : Oh. Well I'd imagine many of the threads on this story have a lot of gun control discussion going on....but...how about you just type out what you wanted to say...", '>>{GerrardSlippedHahaha} : How many more mass shootings until gun control is implemented?', ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : Honestly, I don't have anything to say. I have family members at the airport and people kept spamming the thread in the news subreddit with their political opinions making it difficult to see real updates, so I just wanted to make a thread in the political subreddit for all those people to voice their opinions.", ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I honestly think that we don't need half-measures. To me half-measures are dangerous. I would support a full ban on handguns and nothing less.", '>>{weightloss89} : Typical liberal hogwash. I bet George Soros sent you here to undermine Trump and the healthcare terrorist immigration economy ham sandwich.', ">>{bluemexico} : How exactly could that be accomplished? There are 300 million guns in this country. I'm interested in how you think that would work.", ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : Good question. I think one option would be to do a gun buy back deal, but I'm unsure where we would get the money to do this buy back. So, I think the best method would be to ban the manufacture and sell of all new handguns, and grandfather in all legally owned existing handguns. Now, this isn't a great solution, but within a few years the cost of a handgun would rise so drastically that your average petty criminal could not afford a handgun (this can be evidenced by the price increase in automatic weapons after the 1986 ban). What do you think? Is it impossible?", ">>{bluemexico} : [This source](http://www.nssf.org/impact/) says the gun industry accounts for nearly 300,000 jobs, $6.2 billion in tax revenue, and nearly $50 billion of total economic impact. Shutting down an entire industry of that size would have some very negative effects on the economy. Where are all of those people supposed to work? Where do we make up the lost revenue? > your average petty criminal could not afford a handgun I think you're off base here. A significant percentage of gun violence centers around the drug market. There's a lot of money to be made even as a small time drug dealer. Even if guns ended up costing thousands of dollars a piece, they'd still be bought and sold regularly between criminals because to go without one would be too big of a risk.", '>>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I think your first point is a good point. Maybe we could have them start making assault knives and trucks ;) I disagree with the second point though. Even in 1996, just ten years after the crackdown on automatic weapons, the prices for automatic weapons were insane. I think criminals would turn to short barrel rifles and sawed off shotguns for all their criminal needs instead of shelling out big money for handguns.', '>>{bluemexico} : Another big issue with an outright ban is that other countries would absolutely seize the opportunity to flood our country with "illegal" handguns. The bigger gangs and other criminal organizations could make easy money accepting shipments of foreign guns. We wouldn\'t be able to do anything to restrict manufacturing conducted in other countries and its very naive to think that guns wouldn\'t get smuggled across the border by the thousands and sold on black markets.', ">>{CCWrowANDthrow} : I agree with what you're saying, but that's why we need a wall though. Do you not think that a wall will stop illegal smuggling and immigration?", ">>{bluemexico} : It'll stop it through Mexico, sure. But it won't help smuggling through Canada and by boat on both the east and west coasts as well as the Gulf of Mexico.", '>>{CCWrowANDthrow} : Why do you think smuggling is not such an issue for countries like Japan and the UK?', ">>{bluemexico} : The people there don't want guns. It's not ingrained in their culture like it is in ours. They didn't grow up shooting which plays a big part in why Americans enjoy gun ownership so much."], [">>{drinkoffthis} : Huffpost, I've excused your descent in quality as a product of the clikbait times. But subject-verb confusion? Now you've gone too far.", '>>{SATexas1} : Boom there it is You can make a drinking game out of this', '>>{toekknow} : I\'m not sure this one comes down to identity politics. Seems more like it\'s *"Authoritarians gonna authoriteh..."* or something. Besides, it could well just be the one rogue New York FBI branch that has gone full wingnut. And that\'s not complete hyperbole -- any group in a law enforcement organization that backs someone with links to organized crime and hostile foreign states is ... full wingnut. And suffering in the throes of advanced cognitive dissonance.', '>>{SaltHash} : >Why do liberals hate white males? Why do Conservatives build straw men? After all, the Vice President of our nation is a Liberal and a white male.', '>>{konihovno} : Hillary needs to be fire every single whitey from the FBI when elected.', ">>{Everythingberns} : Mway be they hate them both and Hillary just fucked up by letting sensitive material get on to a pedophile's computer?", '>>{wrondo} : There is a culture in the United States that associates "white male" with "authority," though. I don\'t know if you can call it identity politics but it fits a deeper cultural narrative.', ">>{DiNovi} : I think it's less trump love and more clinton hate tbh.", ">>{HillforBill} : *yawn*, let me guess... you're white? *laughs behind your back hysterically* Umm, this isn't your country any more .^_^", ">>{SchwarzerKaffee} : Stop with the identity politics here. The FBI didn't help Bernie. If a female fascist ran for president, these same people would support her. This is about fascism, not identity.", ">>{waste-of-skin} : Or, maybe they're trying to do their jobs.", '>>{EarnestB} : Maybe, for once, they are doing their job - indicting a criminal.', '>>{wrondo} : Can you tell me what exactly Baumann says that is insulting to white people? I\'m just curious. I\'m pretty sure that Trump has billed himself as the "white male" candidate pretty effectively. I guess it can be seen as insulting to be accused of supporting Donald Trump, but it\'s also true that "white males" are pretty much the only demographic Donald Trump is trying to court. Also he\'s not saying we should keep white men out of the FBI, just that the majority of people in the FBI are white and male, which seems to be a fact. And it is unfortunate but true that "white male" is associated with "authority" in this country, but pointing out that unfortunate fact does not have to be insulting.', ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : Just look at huffpo and Salon. They clearly hate white males. I don't know why though.", '>>{SuperbusMaximus} : You are insane... This is no single races country, or ideally that is the way it should be at least, and we should strive for that. Do you not see how this identity politics divides an conquers us all?', ">>{SuperbusMaximus} : They aren't liberals, not a single one of these people has read anything, from Locke or Mills. Neo-socialist would be a more apt description.", ">>{Macd7} : They haven't and won't. What they will do is a hack job days before an election and be a pussy.", ">>{lapone1} : About 60% of white males have identified with the republican party, and have been voting that way for a while now. Meanwhile, Dems have been inclusive - 40% white males, more women, almost all blacks, hispanics and asians. White males (and married white females) have been stopping progress in our country by being republicans. It's their fear of losing status. Just denying global warming is enough to be upset. Denying that our president was born in the US.", ">>{Logical_Hare} : As a liberal white dude, I simply can't understand where this persecution complex you have comes from. What exactly do you object to?", '>>{whatnowdog} : Are you saying the FBI is going to indict Trump.', ">>{whatnowdog} : In most every other investigation the response is we don't comment on ongoing investigations. They had not even gotten a warrant when Director Comey sent his first letter.", ">>{whatnowdog} : I am a white male and I don't hate myself but I have heard some pretty awful comments when I am working at customer's location. Even some comments from friends I have learned not to reply if I want to keep the friendship.", '>>{whatnowdog} : Maybe they have been in a group of white males not in a big city in the South. I work in the field in an area the has a lot of towns with less than 20k people. The comments I hear are not much different from comments made in the 60s. I am seeing better relations between those that are not white under 30 then those that are older.'], ['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Rob Schneider, anti-vaccine actor, leaves ‘disturbing message’ for lawmaker', ">>{SAisgarbagenowimhere} : So part of this story was that Rob Schneider was going to spend money to get this woman unelected... Rob Schneider still has money? You'd think people would get tired of hiring the talentless little pimple.", '>>{perogies} : “He left a very disturbing message with one of my staff people, saying he was going to spend money against me in my next election” - THE HORROR.', ">>{EndoShota} : As wrong as Schneider is about vaccines, I don't think it's that weird to contact your representative to inform them you disapprove of their actions and inform them that you will be funding their opposition. That's called being politically engaged.", '>>{612pab} : I wonder if his dog has the rabies vaccine? Or is he a non-believer to the core?', '>>{SaltHash} : From an older article by the Washington Times: >Hollywood star Rob Schneider turns Republican, citing Democratic ‘disaster’ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/1/hollywood-star-turns-republican-citing-democratic-/', ">>{shhhhquiet} : >When I called him back he was actually much nicer to me, but let’s be honest … that is 20 mins of my life I’ll never get back arguing that vaccines don’t cause autism with Deuce Bigalow, male gigolo.\u202a#\u200evaccinateyourkids\u202c.” Let's get Rob some non-toxic chemical-free organic salve for that burn.", '>>{omicronperseiVIII} : Transcription of the message: da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb', '>>{drvondoctor} : The "you can do it" guy is clearly a guy whose voice carries weight in the medical and political professions.', ">>{_shrekonomics_} : No wonder he's an anti-vaxxer, they don't sell them at Home Depot.", '>>{MWM2} : **BREAKING NEWS** Rob Schneider, hack actor and anti-vaxxer, is serving as his own PR department in a MLK holiday grab for media attention. Also... > [Rob Schneider, Of All People, Decides To Explain MLK To John Lewis | The Huffington Post](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/rob-schneider-mlk-martin-luther-king_us_587d1a6de4b0b3c7a7b261dc) > > Rep. Lewis. You are a great person. But Dr. King didn’t give in to his anger or his hurt. That is how he accomplished & won Civil Rights. > > — Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) January 16, 2017', '>>{Prodigious-Beast} : Rob Schneider is The Anti-Vaccer. Rated PG-13', ">>{MR_TELEVOID} : Obviously not. Who said there's something wrong with being politically engaged? The criticism here is entirely focused on Schneider.", ">>{erotic_majesty} : Rob Schneider's daughter is the singer Elle King. Wonder what she thinks of all this.", '>>{Crimewatchhamilton} : The headline "disturbing message" implies something more nefarious', '>>{DukeNukemsDick-} : How about "I need to go to a doctor."', ">>{MR_TELEVOID} : ...so? All that means is that Schneider might be off his meds. Why do you assume that means we're criticizing being politically engaged?", '>>{EndoShota} : The article, specifically the title, frames the idea of him leaving the message as "disturbing."', '>>{MR_TELEVOID} : That is one Hell of a leap. The article frames the idea that there might be something wrong Schneider. Nowhere does it draw the conclusion that the problem is political engagement.', '>>{UncleMalky} : Issues aside this feels like its entirely about publicity.', ">>{ratherbewinedrunk} : Maybe they're making a new Rob Schneider movie but adopting a more reality television model. **Rob Schneider is: The ANTI-VAXXER**^Comingtoatheaternearyousummer2018.", '>>{bbiggs32} : And this kids, is how Ron Schneider got invited to the Whitehouse.', '>>{bbiggs32} : Heard her first EP and she has an amazing voice. Heard of song off her full length and it was kinda pop junk.', ">>{MWM2} : What I can't understand is why Schneider chose the MLK holiday.", '>>{EndoShota} : The article repeatedly references Gonzalez\'s claim that Schneider message was "disturbing", but to the degree that they actually discuss the content of that message, it appears that he told her that he didn\'t agree with her and would be funding her opposition. She also had a 20 minute conversation where they argued their views. Not exactly disturbing in my book. If I had written the title, I\'d have penned something more akin to, "Rob Schneider Vows to Oppose Lawmaker Over Vaccination Stance."', '>>{erotic_majesty} : Allegedly so she could make it on her own without his name recognition. I dunno.', ">>{Josephat} : > actor I think I'm going to flag this as fake.", ">>{pwomptastic} : Yeah, it isn't. Do I wish Rob Schneider didn't ride Adam Sandler's coattails long enough to have serious money to spend pushing an anti-vax agenda? Of course. But you're allowed to contact your representatives even if you're an idiot.", '>>{rudieboy} : He should save his money, Adam Sandler cant make any more movies for him to show up for 5 minutes in any more.', ">>{MR_TELEVOID} : Okay! This must be the first article on the internet to have a hyperbolic title. This still doesn't explain how you arrived at the conclusion that political engagement was under attack because they classified his message as disturbing. He's not every man. I don't really care at this point, but I can keep this pissing contest going as long as you like.", '>>{popname} : >“He left a very disturbing message with one of my staff people, saying he was going to spend money against me in my next election,” said Ms. Gonzalez, a San Diego Democrat The definition of "disturbing message" is a call from a constituent to inform his representative that he disagrees with her and is going to campaign against her. The fact that people who disagrees with her should not be "disturbing". It should be business as usual. And the Democrats wonder why they are losing elections at all levels across the country.', ">>{EndoShota} : I'm not really viewing this as a pissing contest. I made a claim, you said you didn't agree with it for reasons that I think are missing the point I'm trying to make, and I'm elaborating in order to be clearer. If all you're concerned with is winning a perceived argument on the internet, that's fine; you win. I'm wrong, you're right. Have a nice day.", '>>{MR_TELEVOID} : You as well, sir. I use the phrase "pissing contest" a little too liberally. Good talk!', ">>{Soddington} : Rob Schneider *IS*, as dangerously illinformed as Jenny fuckin' MacCarthy *IN* **Real Fucking Life**.", '>>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Very true. The only disturbing part is that Rob Schneider still has money from his "acting" "career".', '>>{MWM2} : He sounds likely like a Trumpster who just threatened me an hour ago. *Seriously.*']]
classify and reply
[">>{kah0922} : Trump Denies Having Anything To Do With Dividing America: I'm Not President Yet!", '>>{AProstituteStrangler} : Great now telemarketers will harass me on my mobile. Thanks. Quit inventing shit nobody needs!', '>>{OrionBell} : The Democrats are perceived to be the establishment. Trump supporters are opposed to that, so they are the "disestablishment". Trump\'s opponents are anti-disestablishment and r/politics leans towards antidisestablishmentarianism.', '>>{god_im_bored} : Three people in Donald Trump’s administration have been accused of domestic violence', '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : He would deny his own existence if he thought it would benefit him.', '>>{DRD1176} : Donald Trump will ruin the Republican Party, says columnist Andrew Malcolm', '>>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : Yeah that was obvious. They need to scrap their primaries if they want an iota of a chance going forward.', '>>{Left_Rise} : Trump raped his wife and pulled out her hair in the process. This was sworn testimony in court. Great job Trump supporters. We now have a violent sexual predator for president.', '>>{WIckedStickeyIckey} : I could see it having some business application. Essentially single payment call forwarding.', '>>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : And one of them is a serial groper, and likely flasher.', '>>{JalenLewis} : Or you can just get rid of your landline!?', ">>{LightStick} : This isn't new, ATA's have been around for years. However, this does appear to simplify the process. Hopefully not (too) locked down.", ">>{monkeyfullofbarrels} : This is almost like telephony in Windows 98. I can't understand why this isn't native to modern OSs. Landline rings while I'm out, wav file that fucker and email it to me. At my computer gaming with head phones on, phone rings, press button and take call at computer through headphones.", ">>{AkirIkasu} : Man, even Verge knows how stupid this product is. If you have wifi, you have internet, so you can get VoIP and skip this altogether. It'll be cheaper too, even if you pay for a bridge to use your house phones with.", ">>{ExtremeWindyGuy} : Bill O'Reilly also has a domestic violence suit in his name. But remember, it's economic an卍iety that matters! Not sexism, racism, or ignorance at all, just pure and simple economic an卍iety.", ">>{Zaphod_Spinach} : They already do. Don't you get telemarketers calling your cell?", ">>{archeominus} : Which can be a good or bad thing. If you're a Bernie or Hillary supporter, it's a great thing. Forget about Congressional roadblocks for progressive agenda items or SCOTUS nominations. If you're a Republican, it's a bad thing. Your party might be sitting at the kids table with Gary Johnson for a couple of election cycles, possibly longer. You can also kiss the Latino vote goodbye for the next 50 years.", ">>{trumpuni} : We need to ban Orange people from entering this country. They're incredibly rude, disgusting, promote violence, don't pay taxes, live off their parents money, and some I assume are good people.", ">>{lollololololololllol} : That's just discussing, and he expects people to forget about the child rape case that was dropped due to death threats.", '>>{totallyclips} : Must be like home from home for Trump surrounded by like minded people who treat women like shit', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : And Trump's own lawyer arguing on his behalf never once argued the incident didn't occur. He merely argued (wrongly) that in NY there's no such thing as raping your wife.", '>>{Zaphod_Spinach} : Why this? And why does anyone except a business have or even want a landline?', ">>{bythepint} : Darn, if only people had known before the election! ...oh, what? They knew and didn't care because his opponent sent emails? Surely that can't be true", ">>{bythepint} : Forget about his child rape case but self-investigate Clinton's child sex ring", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : He took credit yesterday for creating 50,000 jobs and he wasn't President yet.", '>>{el-toro-loco} : >I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany So was ruining America all just a ploy to become Person of the Year in 2016?', '>>{TheTeeny} : No. The REPUBLICAN PARTY will (did?) ruin the Republican party.', ">>{RepelGropers} : Four if you count Trump and Ivana. The Groper didn't even keep it domestic.", '>>{ja90i6} : The Republican party ruined itself by bailing on their core principles of small, decentralized government for a bloated and all-powerful federal government who pushes globalism in order to suck at the corporate teat.', '>>{thebeavertrilogy} : A lot of people, well I anyway, keep a landline in case of emergencies which might affect the mobile network. There have been times when all the cell service is out, but our landline still works. Also, I do not get consistently good cell service at my house. So why not VOIP? Because if the power goes out, that goes down too. I have a generator that I can wire into our breaker box, but that is only worth setting up if I know the power is going to be out for a long time.', '>>{therealhood} : Ummm because he gives the a voice without code?', ">>{novareddit2000} : in this instance though the reason the child rape stuff wasn't talked about by the Clinton campaign or the media much is because jeff Epstein was implicated. The same guy Bill was good friends with and flew on his private jet known as the Lolita express many many times, more so than previously disclosed. They're all tied together in the same shit", '>>{drenalyn8999} : Although Trump is a buffoon. Blaming the problems of the republican party on him is the Republican parties problem. No Accountability!', '>>{l_histoire} : This is echoed by all the users in /r/t_d. Trump exerts influence when it suits him and then denies influence when it suits him.', ">>{Dumbsocialist} : To me they're's nothing sexier than a woman who wants to be treated like a piece of property. That will get me out to the voting booth, if you know what I mean.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Don't forget their big govt obsession with social issues.", ">>{do_you_like_trucks} : This seems obsolete. Just don't have a landline.", ">>{acobrien85} : I don't know what that means, but I want to eat it.", ">>{rhino369} : To be be fair, they ignored that one because Ivana went on the record and said he never raped her, that she was his friend, and he'd be a good president. Maybe he did and she's just covering for him now, but she said it didn't happen.", '>>{MetalMan77} : Not new - ObiHai has been doing this w. Google Voice for at least 4? years now.', '>>{RAVAGE_MY_ARSE} : > This was sworn testimony in court. she also went on record saying it never happened', '>>{CarmineFields} : Trump is the ruined icing on the crumbling cake.', ">>{ATMinotaur} : Don't know about the US but in the UK if you want broadband at home you pretty much still need to have a standard phoneline. Thats starting to change but at the moment its still in its infancy, and relitively unknown, least far as I know.", '>>{UnpopularMe} : i think its more like > > Donald Trump is exposing the Republican Party', '>>{another_sunnyday} : It is very graphically described here, if people have any doubt about this http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/27/ex-wife-donald-trump-made-feel-violated-during-sex.html', ">>{Zaphod_Spinach} : I've had broadband for about 15 years and haven't had a landline that whole time.", '>>{Lacarpetron} : No fan of Trump or his goons but accusations are just that. Convictions on the other hand are a whole other matter.', '>>{eggpIant} : he is the result of what the republican party has done to themselves. they deserve him', '>>{myellabella} : Saying something on record is different from saying something under oath.', '>>{TX-Vet} : I agree one hundred percent...now why doesnt the same apply to Trump and his Clinton "lock her up" rhetoric?', ">>{b3iAAoLZOH9Y265cujFh} : And yet, that fact didn't prevent him from unilaterally making impromptu changes to American foreign policy either. I'm sorry, what was your point again, Donnie?", ">>{Silverinkbottle} : Because his victory rally speeches are totally all about forgiveness and peace..oh no it's him screaming HA HA I WON WINNING STILL", ">>{DRD1176} : McClatchy Newspapers, DC bureau, he's their senior political person, political opinion news editor. McClatchy is a major media company, SEE HERE: http://www.mcclatchy.com/", '>>{Bernie_Bro666} : No one wants Clinton to be locked up without a fair trial. People were upset because they thought she *should* have been charged based on the evidence, and the FBI was letting her off. You can disagree, but this is why people are/were upset.', ">>{Krakenrising} : This is great. Parental units won't and don't have the skills to upgrade to void. Father in law used dial up till a couple of years ago to check emails once a week. My brother lives on a farm and doesn't have Internet. I am stuck with a landlines as a means of communication. So, now at least I can use my mobile not a shitty handset. This is a great product.", '>>{TX-Vet} : [are you sure about that?](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1296452/Trump-Clinton-jail-s-guilty-hell.html)', ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : In the debate, he said he would appoint a special prosecutor to re-investigate her. He's not going to be able to deny her due process, even if he wanted to. He would be lucky if he could get that special prosecutor. If Clinton were to be prosecuted, Trump wouldn't be the one to orchestrate. There are plenty of other Repubs that want to go after her (AG, Congress).", ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Actually, he's just getting a great deal on the broken pieces at a garage sale...", ">>{500547} : Any evidence at all to go with that conclusion you've made? (nope)", ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : They went full Tea Party and guess who's the new Clown Prince of the Tea Party?", '>>{voompanatos} : As if only the president can encourage divisions among fellow Americans.', ">>{leontes} : That's different. He gets to pick what is relevant and what's not. Because he'll soon be president.", '>>{TX-Vet} : Im sure there are. They have been going after her for 20 plus years. Benghazi remember? How many committees? His appointing a special prosecutor just for her is him actually orchestrating it.', ">>{bexmex} : Its a pretty consistent pattern: 1. He makes a decision 2. He decides he doesn't like the outcome of the decision 3. He pretends that he didn't make the decision 4. He mocks people for believing that he was responsible I dont know how he'll be able to pull that off while president... but he's gonna try.", '>>{JacobCrim88} : The people who tend to say Obama has divided the country are also the ones who think he is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist, and they voted for Trump. That is no coincidence.', '>>{TheDevilsHorn} : And a bunch of rednecks shouting lock her up still.', ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Takes credit for the good even though he's not president yet. This is the way is goes, fuckface.", ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : Yes, that's why I don't think it will happen. Either the AG/FBI will go after her independently, or it will quietly go away. Clinton opening her fat mouth isn't helping any though.", '>>{500547} : And how many times has she brought the suit before...? lol', '>>{phantomliger} : I remember this word from that episode of Doug when I was young. Has always stuck in my head.', ">>{Silverinkbottle} : Despite him repeatedly saying..She is a very nice woman and I don't want to her in anymore..as he isn't gong after her.", ">>{500547} : Technical difficulties like lack of standing or compelling evidence. That's a problem.", ">>{foolmanchoo} : Either he's a liar or he is a moron as to his effect on the reactionaries, paranoids, & bigots. Take your pick.", '>>{Scheisser_Soze} : Nobody respects a weasel, Donnie. Own your shit.', '>>{500547} : ...lawsuit appeared to have been coordinated by a former producer on the Jerry Springer TV show who has been associated in the past with a range of disputed claims involving celebrities including OJ Simpson and Kurt Cobain. A publicist acting for “Jane Doe” also attempted to sell a video in which the woman describes her allegations against Trump to media outlets at a $1m price tag. Super legit.', ">>{500547} : And the TRUMP camp all recieve hourly death threats. Death threats only matter if they're credible. Yawn.", '>>{OrionBell} : I never watched "Doug" so I don\'t know what episode you are referring to. Anyway it isn\'t an original idea. There\'s a great big word for what is going on, which means it has happened before.', ">>{500547} : Relevance? Just because Clinton lost the election doesn't absolve her followers of making death threats.", ">>{bythepint} : He's either clueless or refusing to acknowledge his role in this, or both... Whatever the truth may be, who could possibly see this as Presidential?", ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Are American 'divisions' the product of the last 15 months? What specifically did Trump do to divide America? He never put Clinton supporters down, his whole message has been about a united America. If any recent divisions can be blamed on anything it is the toxic news media who spread misquotes such as, Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. We can't blame Trump for all of our problems despite how hard some may try.", '>>{500547} : Lol, what does a Pulitzer prize have to do with reporting facts?', ">>{500547} : The Pulitzer prize does not determine credibility in reporting. That's life if I asked you to provide a source that's won a polk award.", ">>{500547} : I'd cite abc news but you don't think they're real news.", ">>{phantomliger} : It's a cartoon from the 90s. Heres the episode: http://doug.wikia.com/wiki/Doug's_Bum_Rap", ">>{500547} : Ha, wapo. So you will accept internet sources but only if they're affiliated with old print media outlets?", ">>{500547} : Well they've covered plenty of fake news but I haven't consulted them on this topic. Seems you're still bent out of shape over your source not panning out.", '>>{OrionBell} : Oh, okay. Forget about it. Downvoting my own remark now.', ">>{cromwest} : He won by having a few swing states run by his party toss voters off the rolls and give them provisional ballots they didn't count. You don't unite anyone by cheating to win an election against the will of the majority. That's also ignoring his anti American campaign rhetoric.", ">>{500547} : So her word of mouth, as a professional and public person, is somehow less credible than whoever you'd prefer to believe. lol, you guys make this too easy. Please go on with some victim blaming and ethical/moral acrobatics to justify your preferred narrative. Maybe you'll win a Pullitzer!", ">>{500547} : I suspect you're just a Columbia grad who can't get over himself.", '>>{h3rbd3an} : Funny how that sounds a lot like what people do with their religion...', ">>{bananasantos} : Yep! They're the same people who think racism was gone until Obama came into play...", ">>{500547} : Ah, that explains it. You are aware that abc's print affiliation win a Pulitzer recently lobbied for credit but was denied as they are not technically print?", '>>{500547} : Your confusion over the comparative reliability of print media versus modern sources.', '>>{ScoobiusMaximus} : Religious zealots and Trump supporters are the same people.', '>>{mainsqueezy} : 1) Swing states are the only ones that matter in an election. And I\'d say it was more than a few of them. You don\'t just win by getting your guaranteed respective party states. 2) He may not of won majority, but his message resonated with enough people across the nation to win their states. 3) Many would agree America is in bad condition, you consider his "Make America Great Again" anti-America?', '>>{cromwest} : >Swing states are the only ones that matter in an election. And I\'d say it was more than a few of them. You don\'t just win by getting your guaranteed respective party states. Out votes weren\'t counted in swing states. He won by voter suppression. There were people lined up for hours to vote against him in the states he won. >Many would agree America is in bad condition, you consider his "Make America Great Again" anti-America? He ran on a campaign of gutting the first, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, fourteenth, fifthteenth and twentieth amendments.', ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Ha! He cheated? Why isn't this bigger news?? America First was probably his most inflammatory anti-American rhetoric.", ">>{cromwest} : It's huge news, they are doing recounts right now in several states. In Michigan there were discrepancies in 600+ of their 1600+ districts and they are now arguing (paradoxically) that is grounds to end the recount in those districts.", ">>{-Mantis} : That's not what that means, but it is close enough.", '>>{omgmypony} : I have yet to see exactly what Obama did to divide the country other then be born black.', ">>{500547} : I don't read physical print; I read all my news. Modern sources are a mix of print and visual media and are not typically associated with a traditional print outlet.", '>>{RoastedWithHoney} : Is the evidence conclusive that Trump cheated? Does it suggest he cheated?', ">>{cromwest} : Nope. All circumstantial so far. The biggest thing is that the polling matches the exit polls but not the actual votes in districts that only do machine voting. Our country has personally cited similar circumstances that forgien governments were rigging their elections. In addition to Michigans voting machine totals not matching the up for the number of people who supposedly voted in 600 districts. Not counting provisional ballots will need to be challenged in court and the recount isn't going to address that even though it's the main reason why Trump won counties with less than half the votes.", ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Oh, when you said he cheated i thought there was evidence he cheated, that would be big news. We'll have to wait and see what comes out of the recount i guess.", '>>{500547} : I think the pullitzer their print partner won would counter that claim.', '>>{500547} : At the time of the Pulitzer win it was the nonprofit news off the center for public integrity.', ">>{cromwest} : I edited my comment to add more. The provisional ballot counting is technically legal until challenged. That will add thousands of votes to both Trump and Hillary's totals if the Supreme Court rules the same way as they did for North Carolina.", '>>{cromwest} : [This is what I was referencing with the actual cheating accusation](http://www.freep.com/story/news/nation/2016/12/06/election-2016-recount-where-5-states-stand/95037554/) There is no way you can tell me that this election was legitimate. Not that it really matters anymore.', ">>{HeadHighSauce26} : Of course he didn't. You have had a factual argument at every step of this discussion and he keeps throwing out bullshit.", ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : After the Dem primary I am sure that there is the possibility of cheating, but i would suspect it much more from Clinton than Trump. We will see if anything substantial comes from this, but as you say it probably doesn't matter anymore.", '>>{500547} : Best part: "The Pulitzer Prizes, which provide a significant reputational boost for individual reporters and news organizations alike, have long been known within the industry to prompt infighting and behind-the-scenes maneuvering among colleagues. But such disputes rarely break into public view. Mr. Hamby plans to leave the Center for Public Integrity to join the investigations team at BuzzFeed, the website’s editor, Ben Smith, said in an email on Wednesday." So buzzfeed will do, Roger that. lol', '>>{cromwest} : When it comes to voter suppression Democrats did the exact same thing in the primary which is the reason they have been so slow to challenge it. Over turning gerrymandering and voter suppression laws alone would give Hillary (who I personally hate) the win. Is grossly undemocratic but recoverable with Supreme Court intervention. If the machines are straight up changing the vote tallies and no one investigates it further 2012 will have been our last election.', ">>{td090} : Yep, never said one word denouncing violence against police during his entire tenure as president. https://youtu.be/6sFPMHGsYcw I suspect that even having been literally presented with evidence contrary to your beliefs, you'll continue to spout this nonsense.", ">>{Bevatron} : Yeah, I don't understand how those rallies can be taken as anything EXCEPT divisive.", '>>{chernobyl169} : That word was not popularized by "Doug". In the 80\'s, it was a common and widespread rumor that antidisestablishmentarianism was the longest word in the Oxford dictionary. Don\'t know if that\'s the truth, but the word was a meme before \'meme\' was a word.', '>>{F_Dingo} : The liberal media has been the biggest divider in this country. Constant lying and put downs to people.', ">>{500547} : I never claimed that. I claimed they'd partnered at the time of the win. Your source confirms that and then some.", '>>{500547} : Once again, from your source: "On Monday, Ben Sherwood, the president of ABC News, which reported segments on the topic in partnership with the center, sent a letter to its director, Bill Buzenberg, asking for a share of the credit. The network had, he pointed out, shared in other prizes awarded for the investigation." Seems irrelevant to only cite pulitzer sources if you can\'t be bothered to read what they print. The dispute seems to be over eligibility for the pulitzer itself and over "equal credit". "Overwhelmingly" is not "entirely" and we\'re discussing reporting credibility as opposed to investigative ability etc. Just another reason why your desire to only trust pulitzer sources is silly, along with, you know, buzzfeed.', '>>{Gisneurh} : You just going to keep avoiding the fact that her life was threatened? Men like you looove threatening and silencing women.', '>>{500547} : Here\'s what\'s written. Abc contributed in part to reporting an investigative piece and shared credit for numerous awards. The individual reporter won the pulitzer and abc wanted to be listed along with the news org for obvious reasons. Due the the specific rules of that prize abc was not eligible as an "equal" partner and thus couldn\'t be listed as a recipient. The reporter then intended to take his pulitzer credibility to buzzfeed of all places.', ">>{Silverinkbottle} : It really makes you wonder how bad are these people's lives that this the one thing they are clinging to. As well as what will have to do to get an an ounce of respect from his non-supporter. My suggestion extreme daily apologies, donating his supposed wealth to charities and daily press conferences to explain with plans. Oh and take away the fucking Twitter. As well as traditional apologies towards all the countries he has offended.", '>>{fwubglubbel} : > Constant lying and put downs to people Example? Or sarcasm?', '>>{BasketDweller} : He wasn\'t that candidate who insulted about a quarter of the voting public and claimed that the opposing party was the enemy that he was proudest of. The Democrats have been pushing their identity politics "divide and conquer" tactics for years. It ends now.', ">>{500547} : Lol, I'm a woman and I don't believe or pity her.", ">>{500547} : Actually you requested only pulitzer winning sources. I'm now successfully illustrating why that's silly. Buzzfeed.", ">>{Gisneurh} : Oh, awesome. I just saved this comment and will happily throw it in the faces of all the Trump supporters who claim their side isn't sexist. Ugh. Thank you so much for this *proof* of how terribly misogynistic the men on Trump's side are! You're helping this liberal lady win arguments. ;)", ">>{500547} : A link to what? Apparently the woman stating it herself isn't good enough. What's there to do?", '>>{cd411} : Whats wrong with some innocent Pussy Grabbing by famous men^TM women love it! Or so Trump says.', ">>{BaumerS4} : Has Trump ever seriously taken the blame for something he's done wrong? Like publicly admitted fault?", '>>{Zaalbarr} : There is *no one* that has more respect for women than me.', ">>{Amafellow} : I hate to break it to you, but he'll be able to pull it off just fine. I mean, it's not even in question. That's the exact process right now in congress. Just look at what happened with the Republicans when they successfully overrode Obama's veto on the 9/11 lawsuits bill. You also appear to be missing the fifth step: 5. Project the blame on to the other side, claiming that they are the ones who made the decision.", ">>{sarge21} : In the debate, he said she'd be in jail if he ran the country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFGiZT-MnI4", '>>{adagiosummoner} : Yeah, I remember even in third grade, we had contests to see who could actually spell it without looking at the word.', '>>{novareddit2000} : [Not bs](http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/13/flight-logs-show-bill-clinton-flew-on-sex-offenders-jet-much-more-than-previously-known.html) google Epstein, read about his plea deal and more', '>>{buckfan149} : Wow, how obtuse can this guy be? As obtuse as all those that believe all the lies.', '>>{highastronaut} : This happened last night on CNN in Van Jones\' town hall. Rick Santorum said "Trump isn\'t responsible for crazy people doing bad things! There are always going to be bad people!" He then said to Ana Navarro, "It\'s when people like Van Jones and Ana Navarro say things in the media people go crazy." And she was like wait...So Trump isn\'t held responsible but we are?', '>>{Damean1} : Accused you say? Not convicted? No proof? Sounds like fake news.', ">>{010110101110} : People read this sub, they can see you calling them Nazis. If you really think it's helping your cause to demonize us on such a ridiculous level, then carry on.", '>>{Dondrumpfisanazipig} : Racist. Fascist. Hate monger. Pussy grabber. Cheat. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. LIAR!!! ILLEGITIMATE! NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!', '>>{Beeftech67} : yeah, how dare they quote Trump directly, and play video of him! Damn liberal media and their Chinese global warming conspirators, and Mexican drug dealing rapists!', '>>{Beeftech67} : Welp, reality has officially checked out for the GOP. Thanks for the confirmation.', '>>{Rollakud} : The people on that sub are without reason why are you seeking it there?', '>>{zecharin} : That idiot blonde that Trevor Noah interviewed last week made the exact same argument. Party of personal responsibility, folks.', '>>{wrong_assumption} : Perhaps not the same people but they sure are made from the same cloth.', ">>{010110101110} : Yeah, I don't know what I expected either. Nobody should expect to have meaningful political discourse on /r/politics? I want to believe otherwise, I really do.", '>>{vegastar7} : Writing economic anxiety with a swastika is not as demonizing as trump supporters actually committing hate crimes since the election. You may not be racist yourself, but that is the side you chose to align yourself with, so deal with it instead of bitching to us about it.', ">>{010110101110} : If you're counting racial insults as hate crimes, it really is. There's nothing you can be called that's worse than a Nazi. Trump supporters have had the [shit beaten out of them](https://youtu.be/RF_eGq6KKUs) across the country, you don't see me holding you accountable for that. I want rational discourse to prevail, and I suspect that you do too. So make the first step and drop the swastika bullshit.", '>>{TX-Vet} : Im still waiting on the FBI looking into Russia hacking, and any possible Trump connections. The circumstantial evidence is there. Then with the CIA saying Russia played a role, there should be grounds.', '>>{flip314} : But there will only be things that he can control as president. The good things. The Democrats are ruining everything else.', ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : They better do it quick. I doubt they'll have a chance when Trump takes over.", ">>{The_Phantom_Man} : >What specifically did Trump do to divide America? Trump sent out [this tweet](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/) citing fake crime statistics from a fake organization. Convince me how that tweet was supposed to unite America and I'll give you reddit gold.", ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Lol. What are you even talking about? I asked how he divided America and you linked a tweet and asked me to say it united America. Do you see how that is not even an argument or any relation to my question? Why would I talk with someone who isn't listening?", ">>{rfriar} : Neither party gives a damn about us. We're being played", '>>{egs1928} : Truman had a sign that said "The buck stops here" on his desk. Trump is going to have a sign that says "It\'s not my job" on his desk.', '>>{little_otis} : You, sir, are quite the mouth full!', ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : There have been 5 or 6 news cycles since Trump one where his tweets or comments dominated a news cycle. At this point you can tell me the topic and I can tell you how he will respond. I just have to think like a child and use children's logic. Their are the I am rubber you are glue responses, their are the finding fault with technical language while completely ignoring the main point and the oblivious to all facts except the one that supports my opinion responses.", '>>{MONDARIZ} : So he is pulling a "it was broken when I got here". Thanks for electing a egotistical flimflam man for president. We all need a good laugh. Signed Europe.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{god_im_bored} : Three people in Donald Trump’s administration have been accused of domestic violence', '>>{Left_Rise} : Trump raped his wife and pulled out her hair in the process. This was sworn testimony in court. Great job Trump supporters. We now have a violent sexual predator for president.', '>>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : And one of them is a serial groper, and likely flasher.', ">>{ExtremeWindyGuy} : Bill O'Reilly also has a domestic violence suit in his name. But remember, it's economic an卍iety that matters! Not sexism, racism, or ignorance at all, just pure and simple economic an卍iety.", ">>{lollololololololllol} : That's just discussing, and he expects people to forget about the child rape case that was dropped due to death threats.", '>>{totallyclips} : Must be like home from home for Trump surrounded by like minded people who treat women like shit', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : And Trump's own lawyer arguing on his behalf never once argued the incident didn't occur. He merely argued (wrongly) that in NY there's no such thing as raping your wife.", ">>{bythepint} : Darn, if only people had known before the election! ...oh, what? They knew and didn't care because his opponent sent emails? Surely that can't be true", ">>{bythepint} : Forget about his child rape case but self-investigate Clinton's child sex ring", ">>{RepelGropers} : Four if you count Trump and Ivana. The Groper didn't even keep it domestic.", ">>{novareddit2000} : in this instance though the reason the child rape stuff wasn't talked about by the Clinton campaign or the media much is because jeff Epstein was implicated. The same guy Bill was good friends with and flew on his private jet known as the Lolita express many many times, more so than previously disclosed. They're all tied together in the same shit", ">>{Dumbsocialist} : To me they're's nothing sexier than a woman who wants to be treated like a piece of property. That will get me out to the voting booth, if you know what I mean.", ">>{rhino369} : To be be fair, they ignored that one because Ivana went on the record and said he never raped her, that she was his friend, and he'd be a good president. Maybe he did and she's just covering for him now, but she said it didn't happen.", '>>{RAVAGE_MY_ARSE} : > This was sworn testimony in court. she also went on record saying it never happened', '>>{another_sunnyday} : It is very graphically described here, if people have any doubt about this http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/27/ex-wife-donald-trump-made-feel-violated-during-sex.html', '>>{Lacarpetron} : No fan of Trump or his goons but accusations are just that. Convictions on the other hand are a whole other matter.', '>>{myellabella} : Saying something on record is different from saying something under oath.', '>>{TX-Vet} : I agree one hundred percent...now why doesnt the same apply to Trump and his Clinton "lock her up" rhetoric?', '>>{Bernie_Bro666} : No one wants Clinton to be locked up without a fair trial. People were upset because they thought she *should* have been charged based on the evidence, and the FBI was letting her off. You can disagree, but this is why people are/were upset.', '>>{TX-Vet} : [are you sure about that?](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1296452/Trump-Clinton-jail-s-guilty-hell.html)', ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : In the debate, he said he would appoint a special prosecutor to re-investigate her. He's not going to be able to deny her due process, even if he wanted to. He would be lucky if he could get that special prosecutor. If Clinton were to be prosecuted, Trump wouldn't be the one to orchestrate. There are plenty of other Repubs that want to go after her (AG, Congress).", ">>{500547} : Any evidence at all to go with that conclusion you've made? (nope)", '>>{TX-Vet} : Im sure there are. They have been going after her for 20 plus years. Benghazi remember? How many committees? His appointing a special prosecutor just for her is him actually orchestrating it.', ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : Yes, that's why I don't think it will happen. Either the AG/FBI will go after her independently, or it will quietly go away. Clinton opening her fat mouth isn't helping any though.", '>>{500547} : And how many times has she brought the suit before...? lol', ">>{500547} : Technical difficulties like lack of standing or compelling evidence. That's a problem.", '>>{500547} : ...lawsuit appeared to have been coordinated by a former producer on the Jerry Springer TV show who has been associated in the past with a range of disputed claims involving celebrities including OJ Simpson and Kurt Cobain. A publicist acting for “Jane Doe” also attempted to sell a video in which the woman describes her allegations against Trump to media outlets at a $1m price tag. Super legit.', ">>{500547} : And the TRUMP camp all recieve hourly death threats. Death threats only matter if they're credible. Yawn.", ">>{500547} : Relevance? Just because Clinton lost the election doesn't absolve her followers of making death threats.", '>>{500547} : Lol, what does a Pulitzer prize have to do with reporting facts?', ">>{500547} : The Pulitzer prize does not determine credibility in reporting. That's life if I asked you to provide a source that's won a polk award.", ">>{500547} : I'd cite abc news but you don't think they're real news.", ">>{500547} : Ha, wapo. So you will accept internet sources but only if they're affiliated with old print media outlets?", ">>{500547} : Well they've covered plenty of fake news but I haven't consulted them on this topic. Seems you're still bent out of shape over your source not panning out.", ">>{500547} : So her word of mouth, as a professional and public person, is somehow less credible than whoever you'd prefer to believe. lol, you guys make this too easy. Please go on with some victim blaming and ethical/moral acrobatics to justify your preferred narrative. Maybe you'll win a Pullitzer!", ">>{500547} : I suspect you're just a Columbia grad who can't get over himself.", ">>{500547} : Ah, that explains it. You are aware that abc's print affiliation win a Pulitzer recently lobbied for credit but was denied as they are not technically print?", '>>{500547} : Your confusion over the comparative reliability of print media versus modern sources.', ">>{500547} : I don't read physical print; I read all my news. Modern sources are a mix of print and visual media and are not typically associated with a traditional print outlet.", '>>{500547} : I think the pullitzer their print partner won would counter that claim.', '>>{500547} : At the time of the Pulitzer win it was the nonprofit news off the center for public integrity.', ">>{HeadHighSauce26} : Of course he didn't. You have had a factual argument at every step of this discussion and he keeps throwing out bullshit.", '>>{500547} : Best part: "The Pulitzer Prizes, which provide a significant reputational boost for individual reporters and news organizations alike, have long been known within the industry to prompt infighting and behind-the-scenes maneuvering among colleagues. But such disputes rarely break into public view. Mr. Hamby plans to leave the Center for Public Integrity to join the investigations team at BuzzFeed, the website’s editor, Ben Smith, said in an email on Wednesday." So buzzfeed will do, Roger that. lol', ">>{500547} : I never claimed that. I claimed they'd partnered at the time of the win. Your source confirms that and then some.", '>>{500547} : Once again, from your source: "On Monday, Ben Sherwood, the president of ABC News, which reported segments on the topic in partnership with the center, sent a letter to its director, Bill Buzenberg, asking for a share of the credit. The network had, he pointed out, shared in other prizes awarded for the investigation." Seems irrelevant to only cite pulitzer sources if you can\'t be bothered to read what they print. The dispute seems to be over eligibility for the pulitzer itself and over "equal credit". "Overwhelmingly" is not "entirely" and we\'re discussing reporting credibility as opposed to investigative ability etc. Just another reason why your desire to only trust pulitzer sources is silly, along with, you know, buzzfeed.', '>>{Gisneurh} : You just going to keep avoiding the fact that her life was threatened? Men like you looove threatening and silencing women.', '>>{500547} : Here\'s what\'s written. Abc contributed in part to reporting an investigative piece and shared credit for numerous awards. The individual reporter won the pulitzer and abc wanted to be listed along with the news org for obvious reasons. Due the the specific rules of that prize abc was not eligible as an "equal" partner and thus couldn\'t be listed as a recipient. The reporter then intended to take his pulitzer credibility to buzzfeed of all places.', ">>{500547} : Lol, I'm a woman and I don't believe or pity her.", ">>{500547} : Actually you requested only pulitzer winning sources. I'm now successfully illustrating why that's silly. Buzzfeed.", ">>{Gisneurh} : Oh, awesome. I just saved this comment and will happily throw it in the faces of all the Trump supporters who claim their side isn't sexist. Ugh. Thank you so much for this *proof* of how terribly misogynistic the men on Trump's side are! You're helping this liberal lady win arguments. ;)", ">>{500547} : A link to what? Apparently the woman stating it herself isn't good enough. What's there to do?", '>>{cd411} : Whats wrong with some innocent Pussy Grabbing by famous men^TM women love it! Or so Trump says.', '>>{Zaalbarr} : There is *no one* that has more respect for women than me.', ">>{sarge21} : In the debate, he said she'd be in jail if he ran the country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFGiZT-MnI4", '>>{novareddit2000} : [Not bs](http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/13/flight-logs-show-bill-clinton-flew-on-sex-offenders-jet-much-more-than-previously-known.html) google Epstein, read about his plea deal and more', '>>{Damean1} : Accused you say? Not convicted? No proof? Sounds like fake news.', ">>{010110101110} : People read this sub, they can see you calling them Nazis. If you really think it's helping your cause to demonize us on such a ridiculous level, then carry on.", ">>{010110101110} : Yeah, I don't know what I expected either. Nobody should expect to have meaningful political discourse on /r/politics? I want to believe otherwise, I really do.", '>>{vegastar7} : Writing economic anxiety with a swastika is not as demonizing as trump supporters actually committing hate crimes since the election. You may not be racist yourself, but that is the side you chose to align yourself with, so deal with it instead of bitching to us about it.', ">>{010110101110} : If you're counting racial insults as hate crimes, it really is. There's nothing you can be called that's worse than a Nazi. Trump supporters have had the [shit beaten out of them](https://youtu.be/RF_eGq6KKUs) across the country, you don't see me holding you accountable for that. I want rational discourse to prevail, and I suspect that you do too. So make the first step and drop the swastika bullshit.", '>>{TX-Vet} : Im still waiting on the FBI looking into Russia hacking, and any possible Trump connections. The circumstantial evidence is there. Then with the CIA saying Russia played a role, there should be grounds.', ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : They better do it quick. I doubt they'll have a chance when Trump takes over."], ['>>{DRD1176} : Donald Trump will ruin the Republican Party, says columnist Andrew Malcolm', '>>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : Yeah that was obvious. They need to scrap their primaries if they want an iota of a chance going forward.', ">>{archeominus} : Which can be a good or bad thing. If you're a Bernie or Hillary supporter, it's a great thing. Forget about Congressional roadblocks for progressive agenda items or SCOTUS nominations. If you're a Republican, it's a bad thing. Your party might be sitting at the kids table with Gary Johnson for a couple of election cycles, possibly longer. You can also kiss the Latino vote goodbye for the next 50 years.", ">>{trumpuni} : We need to ban Orange people from entering this country. They're incredibly rude, disgusting, promote violence, don't pay taxes, live off their parents money, and some I assume are good people.", '>>{TheTeeny} : No. The REPUBLICAN PARTY will (did?) ruin the Republican party.', '>>{ja90i6} : The Republican party ruined itself by bailing on their core principles of small, decentralized government for a bloated and all-powerful federal government who pushes globalism in order to suck at the corporate teat.', '>>{therealhood} : Ummm because he gives the a voice without code?', '>>{drenalyn8999} : Although Trump is a buffoon. Blaming the problems of the republican party on him is the Republican parties problem. No Accountability!', ">>{CarmineFields} : Don't forget their big govt obsession with social issues.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Trump is the ruined icing on the crumbling cake.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : i think its more like > > Donald Trump is exposing the Republican Party', '>>{eggpIant} : he is the result of what the republican party has done to themselves. they deserve him', ">>{DRD1176} : McClatchy Newspapers, DC bureau, he's their senior political person, political opinion news editor. McClatchy is a major media company, SEE HERE: http://www.mcclatchy.com/", ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Actually, he's just getting a great deal on the broken pieces at a garage sale...", ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : They went full Tea Party and guess who's the new Clown Prince of the Tea Party?"], [">>{kah0922} : Trump Denies Having Anything To Do With Dividing America: I'm Not President Yet!", '>>{OrionBell} : The Democrats are perceived to be the establishment. Trump supporters are opposed to that, so they are the "disestablishment". Trump\'s opponents are anti-disestablishment and r/politics leans towards antidisestablishmentarianism.', '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : He would deny his own existence if he thought it would benefit him.', ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : He took credit yesterday for creating 50,000 jobs and he wasn't President yet.", '>>{el-toro-loco} : >I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany So was ruining America all just a ploy to become Person of the Year in 2016?', '>>{l_histoire} : This is echoed by all the users in /r/t_d. Trump exerts influence when it suits him and then denies influence when it suits him.', ">>{b3iAAoLZOH9Y265cujFh} : And yet, that fact didn't prevent him from unilaterally making impromptu changes to American foreign policy either. I'm sorry, what was your point again, Donnie?", ">>{Silverinkbottle} : Because his victory rally speeches are totally all about forgiveness and peace..oh no it's him screaming HA HA I WON WINNING STILL", '>>{voompanatos} : As if only the president can encourage divisions among fellow Americans.', ">>{leontes} : That's different. He gets to pick what is relevant and what's not. Because he'll soon be president.", ">>{bexmex} : Its a pretty consistent pattern: 1. He makes a decision 2. He decides he doesn't like the outcome of the decision 3. He pretends that he didn't make the decision 4. He mocks people for believing that he was responsible I dont know how he'll be able to pull that off while president... but he's gonna try.", '>>{JacobCrim88} : The people who tend to say Obama has divided the country are also the ones who think he is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist, and they voted for Trump. That is no coincidence.', '>>{TheDevilsHorn} : And a bunch of rednecks shouting lock her up still.', ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Takes credit for the good even though he's not president yet. This is the way is goes, fuckface.", '>>{phantomliger} : I remember this word from that episode of Doug when I was young. Has always stuck in my head.', ">>{Silverinkbottle} : Despite him repeatedly saying..She is a very nice woman and I don't want to her in anymore..as he isn't gong after her.", ">>{foolmanchoo} : Either he's a liar or he is a moron as to his effect on the reactionaries, paranoids, & bigots. Take your pick.", '>>{Scheisser_Soze} : Nobody respects a weasel, Donnie. Own your shit.', '>>{OrionBell} : I never watched "Doug" so I don\'t know what episode you are referring to. Anyway it isn\'t an original idea. There\'s a great big word for what is going on, which means it has happened before.', ">>{bythepint} : He's either clueless or refusing to acknowledge his role in this, or both... Whatever the truth may be, who could possibly see this as Presidential?", ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Are American 'divisions' the product of the last 15 months? What specifically did Trump do to divide America? He never put Clinton supporters down, his whole message has been about a united America. If any recent divisions can be blamed on anything it is the toxic news media who spread misquotes such as, Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. We can't blame Trump for all of our problems despite how hard some may try.", ">>{phantomliger} : It's a cartoon from the 90s. Heres the episode: http://doug.wikia.com/wiki/Doug's_Bum_Rap", '>>{OrionBell} : Oh, okay. Forget about it. Downvoting my own remark now.', ">>{cromwest} : He won by having a few swing states run by his party toss voters off the rolls and give them provisional ballots they didn't count. You don't unite anyone by cheating to win an election against the will of the majority. That's also ignoring his anti American campaign rhetoric.", '>>{h3rbd3an} : Funny how that sounds a lot like what people do with their religion...', ">>{bananasantos} : Yep! They're the same people who think racism was gone until Obama came into play...", '>>{ScoobiusMaximus} : Religious zealots and Trump supporters are the same people.', '>>{mainsqueezy} : 1) Swing states are the only ones that matter in an election. And I\'d say it was more than a few of them. You don\'t just win by getting your guaranteed respective party states. 2) He may not of won majority, but his message resonated with enough people across the nation to win their states. 3) Many would agree America is in bad condition, you consider his "Make America Great Again" anti-America?', '>>{cromwest} : >Swing states are the only ones that matter in an election. And I\'d say it was more than a few of them. You don\'t just win by getting your guaranteed respective party states. Out votes weren\'t counted in swing states. He won by voter suppression. There were people lined up for hours to vote against him in the states he won. >Many would agree America is in bad condition, you consider his "Make America Great Again" anti-America? He ran on a campaign of gutting the first, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, fourteenth, fifthteenth and twentieth amendments.', ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Ha! He cheated? Why isn't this bigger news?? America First was probably his most inflammatory anti-American rhetoric.", ">>{cromwest} : It's huge news, they are doing recounts right now in several states. In Michigan there were discrepancies in 600+ of their 1600+ districts and they are now arguing (paradoxically) that is grounds to end the recount in those districts.", ">>{-Mantis} : That's not what that means, but it is close enough.", '>>{omgmypony} : I have yet to see exactly what Obama did to divide the country other then be born black.', '>>{RoastedWithHoney} : Is the evidence conclusive that Trump cheated? Does it suggest he cheated?', ">>{cromwest} : Nope. All circumstantial so far. The biggest thing is that the polling matches the exit polls but not the actual votes in districts that only do machine voting. Our country has personally cited similar circumstances that forgien governments were rigging their elections. In addition to Michigans voting machine totals not matching the up for the number of people who supposedly voted in 600 districts. Not counting provisional ballots will need to be challenged in court and the recount isn't going to address that even though it's the main reason why Trump won counties with less than half the votes.", ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Oh, when you said he cheated i thought there was evidence he cheated, that would be big news. We'll have to wait and see what comes out of the recount i guess.", ">>{cromwest} : I edited my comment to add more. The provisional ballot counting is technically legal until challenged. That will add thousands of votes to both Trump and Hillary's totals if the Supreme Court rules the same way as they did for North Carolina.", '>>{cromwest} : [This is what I was referencing with the actual cheating accusation](http://www.freep.com/story/news/nation/2016/12/06/election-2016-recount-where-5-states-stand/95037554/) There is no way you can tell me that this election was legitimate. Not that it really matters anymore.', ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : After the Dem primary I am sure that there is the possibility of cheating, but i would suspect it much more from Clinton than Trump. We will see if anything substantial comes from this, but as you say it probably doesn't matter anymore.", '>>{cromwest} : When it comes to voter suppression Democrats did the exact same thing in the primary which is the reason they have been so slow to challenge it. Over turning gerrymandering and voter suppression laws alone would give Hillary (who I personally hate) the win. Is grossly undemocratic but recoverable with Supreme Court intervention. If the machines are straight up changing the vote tallies and no one investigates it further 2012 will have been our last election.', ">>{td090} : Yep, never said one word denouncing violence against police during his entire tenure as president. https://youtu.be/6sFPMHGsYcw I suspect that even having been literally presented with evidence contrary to your beliefs, you'll continue to spout this nonsense.", ">>{Bevatron} : Yeah, I don't understand how those rallies can be taken as anything EXCEPT divisive.", '>>{chernobyl169} : That word was not popularized by "Doug". In the 80\'s, it was a common and widespread rumor that antidisestablishmentarianism was the longest word in the Oxford dictionary. Don\'t know if that\'s the truth, but the word was a meme before \'meme\' was a word.', '>>{F_Dingo} : The liberal media has been the biggest divider in this country. Constant lying and put downs to people.', ">>{Silverinkbottle} : It really makes you wonder how bad are these people's lives that this the one thing they are clinging to. As well as what will have to do to get an an ounce of respect from his non-supporter. My suggestion extreme daily apologies, donating his supposed wealth to charities and daily press conferences to explain with plans. Oh and take away the fucking Twitter. As well as traditional apologies towards all the countries he has offended.", '>>{fwubglubbel} : > Constant lying and put downs to people Example? Or sarcasm?', '>>{BasketDweller} : He wasn\'t that candidate who insulted about a quarter of the voting public and claimed that the opposing party was the enemy that he was proudest of. The Democrats have been pushing their identity politics "divide and conquer" tactics for years. It ends now.', ">>{BaumerS4} : Has Trump ever seriously taken the blame for something he's done wrong? Like publicly admitted fault?", ">>{Amafellow} : I hate to break it to you, but he'll be able to pull it off just fine. I mean, it's not even in question. That's the exact process right now in congress. Just look at what happened with the Republicans when they successfully overrode Obama's veto on the 9/11 lawsuits bill. You also appear to be missing the fifth step: 5. Project the blame on to the other side, claiming that they are the ones who made the decision.", '>>{adagiosummoner} : Yeah, I remember even in third grade, we had contests to see who could actually spell it without looking at the word.', '>>{buckfan149} : Wow, how obtuse can this guy be? As obtuse as all those that believe all the lies.', '>>{highastronaut} : This happened last night on CNN in Van Jones\' town hall. Rick Santorum said "Trump isn\'t responsible for crazy people doing bad things! There are always going to be bad people!" He then said to Ana Navarro, "It\'s when people like Van Jones and Ana Navarro say things in the media people go crazy." And she was like wait...So Trump isn\'t held responsible but we are?', '>>{Dondrumpfisanazipig} : Racist. Fascist. Hate monger. Pussy grabber. Cheat. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. LIAR!!! ILLEGITIMATE! NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!', '>>{Beeftech67} : yeah, how dare they quote Trump directly, and play video of him! Damn liberal media and their Chinese global warming conspirators, and Mexican drug dealing rapists!', '>>{Beeftech67} : Welp, reality has officially checked out for the GOP. Thanks for the confirmation.', '>>{Rollakud} : The people on that sub are without reason why are you seeking it there?', '>>{zecharin} : That idiot blonde that Trevor Noah interviewed last week made the exact same argument. Party of personal responsibility, folks.', '>>{wrong_assumption} : Perhaps not the same people but they sure are made from the same cloth.', '>>{flip314} : But there will only be things that he can control as president. The good things. The Democrats are ruining everything else.', ">>{The_Phantom_Man} : >What specifically did Trump do to divide America? Trump sent out [this tweet](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/) citing fake crime statistics from a fake organization. Convince me how that tweet was supposed to unite America and I'll give you reddit gold.", ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : Lol. What are you even talking about? I asked how he divided America and you linked a tweet and asked me to say it united America. Do you see how that is not even an argument or any relation to my question? Why would I talk with someone who isn't listening?", ">>{rfriar} : Neither party gives a damn about us. We're being played", '>>{egs1928} : Truman had a sign that said "The buck stops here" on his desk. Trump is going to have a sign that says "It\'s not my job" on his desk.', '>>{little_otis} : You, sir, are quite the mouth full!', ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : There have been 5 or 6 news cycles since Trump one where his tweets or comments dominated a news cycle. At this point you can tell me the topic and I can tell you how he will respond. I just have to think like a child and use children's logic. Their are the I am rubber you are glue responses, their are the finding fault with technical language while completely ignoring the main point and the oblivious to all facts except the one that supports my opinion responses.", '>>{MONDARIZ} : So he is pulling a "it was broken when I got here". Thanks for electing a egotistical flimflam man for president. We all need a good laugh. Signed Europe.'], ['>>{AProstituteStrangler} : Great now telemarketers will harass me on my mobile. Thanks. Quit inventing shit nobody needs!', '>>{WIckedStickeyIckey} : I could see it having some business application. Essentially single payment call forwarding.', '>>{JalenLewis} : Or you can just get rid of your landline!?', ">>{LightStick} : This isn't new, ATA's have been around for years. However, this does appear to simplify the process. Hopefully not (too) locked down.", ">>{monkeyfullofbarrels} : This is almost like telephony in Windows 98. I can't understand why this isn't native to modern OSs. Landline rings while I'm out, wav file that fucker and email it to me. At my computer gaming with head phones on, phone rings, press button and take call at computer through headphones.", ">>{AkirIkasu} : Man, even Verge knows how stupid this product is. If you have wifi, you have internet, so you can get VoIP and skip this altogether. It'll be cheaper too, even if you pay for a bridge to use your house phones with.", ">>{Zaphod_Spinach} : They already do. Don't you get telemarketers calling your cell?", '>>{Zaphod_Spinach} : Why this? And why does anyone except a business have or even want a landline?', '>>{thebeavertrilogy} : A lot of people, well I anyway, keep a landline in case of emergencies which might affect the mobile network. There have been times when all the cell service is out, but our landline still works. Also, I do not get consistently good cell service at my house. So why not VOIP? Because if the power goes out, that goes down too. I have a generator that I can wire into our breaker box, but that is only worth setting up if I know the power is going to be out for a long time.', ">>{do_you_like_trucks} : This seems obsolete. Just don't have a landline.", ">>{acobrien85} : I don't know what that means, but I want to eat it.", '>>{MetalMan77} : Not new - ObiHai has been doing this w. Google Voice for at least 4? years now.', ">>{ATMinotaur} : Don't know about the US but in the UK if you want broadband at home you pretty much still need to have a standard phoneline. Thats starting to change but at the moment its still in its infancy, and relitively unknown, least far as I know.", ">>{Zaphod_Spinach} : I've had broadband for about 15 years and haven't had a landline that whole time.", ">>{Krakenrising} : This is great. Parental units won't and don't have the skills to upgrade to void. Father in law used dial up till a couple of years ago to check emails once a week. My brother lives on a farm and doesn't have Internet. I am stuck with a landlines as a means of communication. So, now at least I can use my mobile not a shitty handset. This is a great product."]]
classify and reply
[">>{MyBoyBlue763} : Congressman investigating alleged links says 'someone will end up in jail'", ">>{fistagon7} : North Dakota Republicans Propose Bill That Wouldn't Hold Motorists Accountable If They a Run Over Protesters as Direct Response to Pipeline Protesters", '>>{shouldigetitaway} : Top RNC strategist uses My Little Pony to defend Melania Trump', ">>{sourwood} : He's obviously talking about Susan Rice - T_D", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : And people act like I'm crazy when I tell them that Republicans are trying to make it socially acceptable to lynch nonconformists.", '>>{yesmaybeyes} : Well, no, because Admiralty Law does not actually permit elected stupidity as a defense.', ">>{answermeaquestion} : a lot of nixon folks went to jail. 2 christie aids have been sentenced already. I imagine a lot of folks on trumps team will go to jail, but I'm also certain that trump will negotiate a pardon to keep him out of Sing Sing. Just like Nixon did. I hope those working with trump now realize there is a good chance of spending years in the Allenwood.", ">>{osaucyone} : He doesn't seem like the kind of person to make a claim like this without having something to back it up. I want to know what he saw.", '>>{Egorse} : Mrs. Obama in 2008 > Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them." Mrs. Trump 2016 > Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. It isn\'t the similarity of ideas that is behind the accusations of plagiarism, it is the fact that it is almost a word for word copy. Is it plagiarism or is it just that both speeches have bland political catch phrases in them.', ">>{MyBoyBlue763} : REP JOAQUIN CASTRO (D-TX): I guess I would say this, that my impression is after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail. WOLF BLITZER: Really? And how high does that go and in your suspicion? That's all we can call it right now. CASTRO: Well, that's yet to be determined. BLITZER: But you think some people are going to wind up in jail, not just one individual, but people plural. CASTRO: That's my impression. BLITZER: You want to elaborate on that give us more? Because that is obviously a very intriguing statement. CASTRO: I wish I could, but I can't at this time. BLITZER: You're confident that some Trump associates will end up in jail. CASTRO: If I were betting, yes. BLITZER: Including some working in the new administration or people who worked or advised the president during the campaign or maybe during the transition? CASTRO: As you can imagine, Wolf, I will have to comment on that later. But my impression is that people will probably be charged and probably go to jail. BLITZER: Without sharing the evidence because I know it's classified but do you believe there is enough evidence already, evidence that you've seen that would justify someone going to jail or some people going to jail? CASTRO: If the claims hold up, most likely. Edit: here's a link to the video of the interview on [CNN Video](http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/04/04/castro-russia-investigation-going-to-jail-tsr.cnn)", '>>{InertiaInMyPants} : There is something funny about the thought of Chris Christie in prison, gangbanging.', '>>{En_lighten} : This is plagiarism. Do I care? Not really, but it is. It was clearly, clearly taken from her speech.', '>>{dr_pepper_35} : Not all of them. A good percentage live in Russia.', '>>{BuckMcCoy} : This is the most fair and balanced sub on Reddit', ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : I'm impressed, this sounds like a Floridian level of stupid.", '>>{South_in_AZ} : In ND Attack with a deadly weapon, attempted murder and vehicular homicide will be legal. I bet they will still proclaim to be pro life ....', ">>{En_lighten} : Sometimes I'm not sure if people like this are truly that daft and blind to their (sometimes extreme) biases, or whether they are purposefully lying.", ">>{BigOldQueer} : For those who don't want to click the Congressman is Joaquin Castro (D - TX), member of the House Intelligence Committee.", '>>{Lyin_Don} : the headline misquotes Castro and is misleading. the headline suggests someONE will end up in jail - when Castro actually said; “when all is said and done some people will end up in jail” "some *people*" implies multiple. *lock them up! lock them up!*', '>>{SpookyGeek} : My first mental image was of CC being gangbanged, which was not at all funny. Then I thought of him being gangbanged by clowns, which was really funny.', ">>{shouldigetitaway} : It's blatantly a word-for-word copy with some minor edits. Why they are doubling down is completely beyond me.", '>>{handfinisher} : And a trump tweet attacking Hillary or Obama will be commencing in 3...2...1', '>>{lowenmeister} : Russia is the evil bizarro world version of the west.', ">>{PM_ME_TRUMP_PISS_VID} : At least I get that. I'd take a job sitting online shitposting all day. What I don't get are the first time voters in this country posting to the_treasonists eating this shit up.", ">>{shouldigetitaway} : Right, they've taken what could have been solved in one press release and sacrificial firing and now the campaign AND party are sacrificing their credibility for it. What are they playing at?", ">>{shouldigetitaway} : I feel like it is denial, because both he and Manafort have basically said it's too stupid to consider that anyone would even try to plagiarize her.", '>>{En_lighten} : I feel like it often is denial as well. Which is somewhat mind-boggling, because (for example) in this case it seems pretty clear. I feel like any generally non-biased, reasonable person would see that.', '>>{BuckMcCoy} : I might highly doubt that would be a real law', '>>{kaett} : i call plagarism, and i don\'t buy for one minute that she wrote the speech herself. at best, she might have listened to other speeches and said "oh i want to include *that*", and her writers included it without caring that they were plagarizing.', ">>{SocialJustise} : Some legislator took the time to write it up. It's on the North Dakota official website. I don't understand what point you're making.", '>>{Eraticwanderer} : My money is on Carter Page. That bumbling fool could be granted full immunity and still find a way to incriminate himself.', '>>{goosiegirl} : is this before or after they try to pass some other bullshit pro-life law?', ">>{hkpp} : Trump has surrounded himself with loyal yes men who are too stupid to see the writing on the wall before it's too late. Let's call that little dork, Carter Page, Patsy #1.", ">>{JLTLewis} : That isn't what the bill proposed. This is; >Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver of a motor vehicle who negligently causes injury or death to an individual obstructing vehicular traffic on a public road, street, or highway may not be held liable for any damages. The bill only proposes that if a protestor is doing something as stupid as blocking traffic, specifically on a highway, and gets hit, injured, or killed, it isn't necessarily the fault of the motorist, because pedestrians aren't supposed to be on highways to begin with. We've all seen footage of protests blocking highways and freeways. Foot traffic on most major freeways is prohibited, and motorists ALWAYS have the right of way. Protestors need to take their protests to a safe and designated location, and not impeding other people's right to travel freely.", '>>{DrunkenGenie} : The plagiarism isn’t really the problem, its a symptom.', ">>{En_lighten} : Well, I mean, I personally think we should care about quite a lot about Trump. In a more normal year, this might be considered a sign of a problem in the campaign or something, but this year, it's kind of overshadowed by the spectacle of the Trump candidacy in general.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Har har har sounds like the protestors need to deploy hidden snipers, to discourage the motorists from this action', ">>{Sussay} : Well, clearly the guy is running his campaign like his business -- recklessly. I care because it shows he doesn't have his shit together.", ">>{drivebymedia} : Why isn't anyone asking why they copied the speech?", '>>{fistagon7} : This was proposed as a response to the pipeline protests. I am sorry you can not put 1 and 1 together.', ">>{En_lighten} : Yeah, I mean, I do care about his campaign, the state of the GOP, the country at large, the world at large, etc. In a way, I do care about this plagiarism, but I think given the rest, it gets overshadowed to me. It's kind of like how if you were in a perfect state of health, a sprained ankle might require some attention, but if you've got a bone sticking out of your leg *AND* a sprained ankle, at that moment I'd care less about the sprain than I otherwise would.", ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : Can the Trump presidency survive only his associates go to jail? If they can't get more than circumstantial on him?", ">>{amaleigh13} : Trump doesn't have to negotiate a pardon. He can just pardon himself of all past crimes. He *cannot* pardon himself from impeachment, however. Impeachment can lead to removal from office but sadly, not jail time.", ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : If it was just that line it'd be fine. But there were 3 or 4 other lines that were verbatim except she changed or omitted a word or two. It's absolutely plagiarized.", '>>{abrakdabralol} : 2017 Republicans.. Now legalizing murder. Brought to you for corporations by corporations.', '>>{historymajor44} : > CASTRO: If the claims hold up, most likely. Meaning if no new evidence comes to light showing that the parties were innocent, Castro expects a guilty verdict. This is actually a really big statement.', ">>{FauxShizzle} : Because socially liberal policies threaten socially conservative worldviews. The fight has been asymmetrical for so long because most people with liberal social values didn't realize that this was a fight at all. The inclusive worldview of liberal social values seems passive and accepting to those who think similarly, and the right have been framing it as antagonistic for the last few decades because they realize that they were starting to become an ideological minority.", ">>{fistagon7} : Exactly all this while North Dakota has been all [fuck a woman's right to choose](http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/25/464311731/supreme-court-rejects-north-dakota-s-bid-to-save-strict-abortion-law).", '>>{JLTLewis} : Sure, and it incorporates this text in reference to "running over protestors as direct response." >Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver of a motor vehicle who negligently causes injury or death to an individual obstructing vehicular traffic on a public road, street, or highway may not be held liable for any damages. Nowhere in the bill does it state that motorists won\'t be held liable, only that under certain circumstances, motorists MAY NOT be held liable. Wording in legal documents is very specific. To validate this point, here we go. This is also included in the bill. >Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, it is unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway. >Where a sidewalk is not available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk only on a shoulder, as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway. >Where neither a sidewalk nor a shoulder is available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk as near as practicable to an outside edge of the roadway, and, if on a two way roadway, shall walk only on the left side of the roadway. >Except as otherwise provided for in this chapter, any pedestrian upon a roadway shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway. The bill IS NOT about allowing motorists to murder protestors, rather, to protect both motorists and protestors from damages. The title of this thread is VERY misleading. And to sum everything up, at the end of the bill is this little number. >Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver of a motor vehicle who unintentionally causes injury or death to an individual obstructing vehicular traffic on a public road, street, or highway is not guilty of an offense. What this means is that any UNINTENTIONAL death or injury that may occur is not the fault of the motorist. Intentional death is still murder.', ">>{Eraticwanderer} : The political fallout of jailing a president is a path I'd rather not go down.", ">>{Moderate_Independent} : >Some lawyer for the oil lobby took the time to write it up. It's on the North Dakota official website. I don't understand what point you're making. FTFY", '>>{sungazer69} : It won\'t be good for him no matter what. Either he is directly implicated himself or with all this going on around him he is more ignorant and incompetent and out of touch than I could have possibly imagined. Like unbelievable to where I have to believe someone was giving him some kind of "dumb serum". Or dementia. Or something because what the fuck.', ">>{Gabrosin} : And yet if we don't, then we continue to encourage any tactics for winning the Presidency. If you can collude with a foreign adversary to hack voting registration databases and use the information to microtarget propaganda at swing voters, while accepting foreign money in exchange for preferential treatment... and you DON'T go to jail... what's the point of any of this? If this evidence is damning, and it prompts a round of pardons for everyone involved and they just continue to govern the country until 2020 with no consequences... then we're going to have to do something about the power of the presidential pardon. This sort of behavior cannot go unpunished or it is just going to happen again, and maybe next time the people involved won't be so breathtakingly incompetent.", '>>{fistagon7} : Good news! Are you bleeding out because of shitty deregulation or corporatism? Great! You can now pay 20x that at an emergency room, if your district even has hospitals that will take patients without medical coverage. Just think with the ability to die FASTER you can pass your debt on to your survivors quicker and with more interest to boot!', ">>{BoltB11} : Agreed! I want someone to do it who isn't Flynn. Someone who did something bad but isn't glaringly obviously an evil henchman.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : Just stay on the sidewalk and you won't get hurt. Just keep quiet and you won't get hurt. Just nod your head and you won't get hurt. Just bite the curb and you won't get hurt. Just get in the shower and you won't get hurt.", '>>{o_zeta_acosta} : A bigger precent of them arent alive... just bots.', ">>{JLTLewis} : The bill does not stop people from protesting. It does, however, protect protestors from getting struck by vehicles by providing instructions if they're protesting near highways or major roadways.", ">>{MackLuster77} : Yeah, you don't know what propaganda is. Posting a government website with a batshit proposal doesn't qualify.", '>>{fyhr100} : Now you know how many truly despicable people there are in the US. People who will do anything they can to justify racism, fucking over poor people, and "Christian" values.', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : Pretty sure open carry is legal, so no need to be hidden and guilty-seeming about it. If you reasonably act in self-defense or defense of others, where's the crime? I mean, it seems like a dumb as hell way of resolving our social/political disputes to me, but if this is what it's come to...", '>>{CuriousQuiche} : It also provides police another excuse to interfere with and arrest protestors while providing plausible deniability to bad actors.', '>>{pcolapat} : Make sure to accelerate just before impact so they go under the vehicle and not through the windshield.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > I mean, it seems like a dumb as hell way of resolving our social/political disputes to me, but if this is what it\'s come to... Sadly, that was my point, although I hope I was "hasty" I really meant I expected them to tell bad people to actually hit protestors and drive off at high speed, and I thoguth the only way to deal with that was to have snipers to take them out if they drive away fast yea it is sad that it\'s come anywhere near that', ">>{Grade_Break} : Don't block a road and you have nothing to fear.", '>>{o_zeta_acosta} : He should be held complicit through negligence... where is that extreme vetting when you have two people (at least) in your transition and one in your administration who were agents of hostile governments who forgot to divulge they were being paid by said govts.', '>>{answermeaquestion} : No, nixon could never have pardoned himself. He worked out a deal with Ford.', '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : Agreed. This claim is larger than it seems IMO because he has to be *very* careful with what he says, and how he says it. Waiting for the epic Twitter Tantrum that we all know is coming.', '>>{BuckpDoe} : What about moving him over to the Washington Zoo? He loves for groups of people to come see him.', '>>{venicerocco} : I can barely believe this question has to be asked. Yet here we are.', ">>{PM_ME_TRUMP_PISS_VID} : It's making me despicable. I legitimately want to see a Black Mirror S1E1 situation involving Donald and a pig.", '>>{hyg03} : He\'s always yelling about "law and order" and punishing those who break the law', ">>{JLTLewis} : It provides police an excuse to remove protestors from danger if they're protesting in the middle of the road, which would also act to protect motorists from potential accidents. What is your argument here? Do you want people to get hit by cars?", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : I want protests be safe from being neutered by cops. I want people driving to have to stop and think about why so many angry people are in the street. I don't want to put the public ' comfortable complacency on a pedestal above our right to assemble.", '>>{fistagon7} : Did I say "murder"? I said very clearly "run over" which this law very clearly states is a-ok - of course with the caveat that it\'s people in the way ie. protesters. But white wash it please.', ">>{answermeaquestion} : most of these guys get sentenced to country club prisons, so I wouldn't expect that.", '>>{D74248} : To be fair, there is no evidence of a "deal", and that would not have been in keeping with Ford\'s reputation. Ford did after all end up as the VP because of his reputation as an honest man and his lack of ambition for the Presidency. Very much a reverse - "House of Cards". Far more likely that Ford did what he thought was best to get the country moving forward.', ">>{JLTLewis} : Well you're wrong. What you should want is protestors to protest freely, and travelers to travel without having to stop for morons impeding their right to travel.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : I disagree. Protests don't achieve anything by being convenient for others. It is in their nature to be disruptive.", ">>{JLTLewis} : And protests achieve nothing by pissing people off. If you're commuting to work, and you get stuck in traffic because a bunch of entitled assholes want you to listen to what they're complaining about, you aren't going to listen, because they have just negatively impacted your day. Not only that, more often than not, what they're protesting has absolutely nothing to do with you, so why exactly are they punishing you for having the audacity of trying to go about your business and get to work? Because they don't care about you, they only care about themselves.", ">>{Ninbyo} : The Healthcare fiasco and him signing the anti-Privacy bill made a lot of people start doubting their convictions I think. The hardcore base will probably go to their graves believing it was all a liberal conspiracy. However, the independents and the ones on the centrist margins are slipping away. And I don't think they're just leaving the Trump camp, many are probably questioning the Republican Party as well. That's not to say they're going to suddenly start voting for Democrats, I don't think they will. However, they may stop supporting Republican candidates, turning to third parties or just sitting out.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : That's the point. To become impossible to ignore. No one changes their mind unless they are forced to. The average citizen whines about freedom, but they generally prefer indenture to discomfort. They have to be made to form an opiniom, they actively avoid becoming involved otherwise.", ">>{JLTLewis} : As somebody that used to commute 30 miles to work every morning, I'll tell you one thing; if I was stuck in traffic because a bunch of people felt the need to impede my right to travel in order to make a point, I would go out of my way to oppose and destroy their narrative, no matter what their cause. Pissing off people doesn't work.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : As long as you don't slam your car into them, that's fine. It's up to you to do decide what's important to you and what to do about it. That's what America is for.", ">>{JLTLewis} : They don't have a legal right to impede my travel. I, however, have a legal right to travel. So if they're standing in the middle of the road, and they get hit, they probably shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the road to begin with. People getting hurt or killed doing stupid things deserve no sympathy.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : There it is. There's that lynching spirit. A ten minute delay in your community is worthy of a death sentence. What are you going to say when the GOP gives themselves the legal right to kill protesters with impunity? It's their legal right? No sympathy?", ">>{indigo-alien} : > Meaning if no new evidence comes to light... I'm sure Comey is just waiting to get them all at the same time. The Intelligence Commitees didn't bite on the offers to speak in exchange for immunity either. Do you really think there is no new evidence yet to come?", '>>{NotJustAmy} : We can hope someone flips on him to save their own sorry ass. No honor among thieves.', '>>{answermeaquestion} : And the fact that Spiro Agnew had to resign :)', ">>{HogieGnarBoots} : But the bonus of seeing him stripped from his luxurious penthouse and put into a cell...it's almost to good to resist.", '>>{bagomagik} : Nah, the new twist is Carter Page is a double agent who has been an informant to the FBI for years. Just kidding the dude is a bumbling idiot and a nervous trainwreck.', ">>{AtomThought} : They can put him with the orangutans. They're his people.", ">>{tridentgum} : Nixon went to his grave thinking he did nothing wrong, and he's the fucking one who did it!", '>>{amaleigh13} : While the idea of self-pardon is dubious at best, it is allowed per the Constitution (the Supreme Court has referred to the power as unlimited, with the exception of cases of impeachment - source below). Nixon and Ford *did* work out a deal, mainly because he was trying to avoid impeachment, which would have been the immediate result of a self-pardon anyway. As a president can\'t pardon away an impeachment, it made the most sense to resign and have Ford pardon him. [From the Supreme Court, Ex Parte Garland:](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=2981583583221536357&q=president+self-pardon&hl=en&as_sdt=40000006) >The Constitution provides that the President "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."[*] >**The power thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.** This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.', '>>{D74248} : Well, yea. Ford would not have been there otherwise -- what was sort of the point. He did not seek the job.', '>>{Ninbyo} : Why? Ford pardoning Nixon led us down this path to begin with. We need to hold even presidents accountable for their misdeeds.', ">>{EmperorKira} : I hope it's more than 'someone'... not another dumb fall-guy", '>>{answermeaquestion} : God, the Ford years. What a weird time. The guy was a complete klutz. But even then I felt bad for him. Thankless job.', '>>{D74248} : I always thought that he and Carter got a bad rap. The economy was a mess not of their making, as was the Middle East. And both appear/ed to be sincere, honest and have deep moral anchors.', ">>{frontierparty} : Someone? Remember the woman's March? It's gonna look like that but with pitchforks and guillotines.", ">>{frontierparty} : Yeah, like they visited the people who threatened Obama's life in the comments sections on the internet.", '>>{frontierparty} : I hear Martha Stewart is working on a new line of prisons just for people like this.', '>>{Doright36} : A good % are probably 2-3 people with multiple sign in/names too..', ">>{BoldestKobold} : > I'm sure Comey is just waiting to get them all at the same time. There is a reason when RICO cases and similar get charged, they round up dozens of people at the same time.", ">>{BoldestKobold} : The whole union members who vote Republican is its entire separate issue. I'm a fare share employee of a state employee union in a state that has a dense and very blue urban area, attached to a giant sea of red. The union reps are constantly exasperated when talking about trying to get the rural union members on board with the leadership's agenda."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{shouldigetitaway} : Top RNC strategist uses My Little Pony to defend Melania Trump', '>>{Egorse} : Mrs. Obama in 2008 > Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them." Mrs. Trump 2016 > Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. It isn\'t the similarity of ideas that is behind the accusations of plagiarism, it is the fact that it is almost a word for word copy. Is it plagiarism or is it just that both speeches have bland political catch phrases in them.', '>>{En_lighten} : This is plagiarism. Do I care? Not really, but it is. It was clearly, clearly taken from her speech.', ">>{En_lighten} : Sometimes I'm not sure if people like this are truly that daft and blind to their (sometimes extreme) biases, or whether they are purposefully lying.", ">>{shouldigetitaway} : It's blatantly a word-for-word copy with some minor edits. Why they are doubling down is completely beyond me.", ">>{shouldigetitaway} : Right, they've taken what could have been solved in one press release and sacrificial firing and now the campaign AND party are sacrificing their credibility for it. What are they playing at?", ">>{shouldigetitaway} : I feel like it is denial, because both he and Manafort have basically said it's too stupid to consider that anyone would even try to plagiarize her.", '>>{En_lighten} : I feel like it often is denial as well. Which is somewhat mind-boggling, because (for example) in this case it seems pretty clear. I feel like any generally non-biased, reasonable person would see that.', '>>{kaett} : i call plagarism, and i don\'t buy for one minute that she wrote the speech herself. at best, she might have listened to other speeches and said "oh i want to include *that*", and her writers included it without caring that they were plagarizing.', '>>{DrunkenGenie} : The plagiarism isn’t really the problem, its a symptom.', ">>{En_lighten} : Well, I mean, I personally think we should care about quite a lot about Trump. In a more normal year, this might be considered a sign of a problem in the campaign or something, but this year, it's kind of overshadowed by the spectacle of the Trump candidacy in general.", ">>{Sussay} : Well, clearly the guy is running his campaign like his business -- recklessly. I care because it shows he doesn't have his shit together.", ">>{drivebymedia} : Why isn't anyone asking why they copied the speech?", ">>{En_lighten} : Yeah, I mean, I do care about his campaign, the state of the GOP, the country at large, the world at large, etc. In a way, I do care about this plagiarism, but I think given the rest, it gets overshadowed to me. It's kind of like how if you were in a perfect state of health, a sprained ankle might require some attention, but if you've got a bone sticking out of your leg *AND* a sprained ankle, at that moment I'd care less about the sprain than I otherwise would.", ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : If it was just that line it'd be fine. But there were 3 or 4 other lines that were verbatim except she changed or omitted a word or two. It's absolutely plagiarized."], [">>{MyBoyBlue763} : Congressman investigating alleged links says 'someone will end up in jail'", ">>{sourwood} : He's obviously talking about Susan Rice - T_D", ">>{answermeaquestion} : a lot of nixon folks went to jail. 2 christie aids have been sentenced already. I imagine a lot of folks on trumps team will go to jail, but I'm also certain that trump will negotiate a pardon to keep him out of Sing Sing. Just like Nixon did. I hope those working with trump now realize there is a good chance of spending years in the Allenwood.", ">>{osaucyone} : He doesn't seem like the kind of person to make a claim like this without having something to back it up. I want to know what he saw.", ">>{MyBoyBlue763} : REP JOAQUIN CASTRO (D-TX): I guess I would say this, that my impression is after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail. WOLF BLITZER: Really? And how high does that go and in your suspicion? That's all we can call it right now. CASTRO: Well, that's yet to be determined. BLITZER: But you think some people are going to wind up in jail, not just one individual, but people plural. CASTRO: That's my impression. BLITZER: You want to elaborate on that give us more? Because that is obviously a very intriguing statement. CASTRO: I wish I could, but I can't at this time. BLITZER: You're confident that some Trump associates will end up in jail. CASTRO: If I were betting, yes. BLITZER: Including some working in the new administration or people who worked or advised the president during the campaign or maybe during the transition? CASTRO: As you can imagine, Wolf, I will have to comment on that later. But my impression is that people will probably be charged and probably go to jail. BLITZER: Without sharing the evidence because I know it's classified but do you believe there is enough evidence already, evidence that you've seen that would justify someone going to jail or some people going to jail? CASTRO: If the claims hold up, most likely. Edit: here's a link to the video of the interview on [CNN Video](http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/04/04/castro-russia-investigation-going-to-jail-tsr.cnn)", '>>{InertiaInMyPants} : There is something funny about the thought of Chris Christie in prison, gangbanging.', '>>{dr_pepper_35} : Not all of them. A good percentage live in Russia.', ">>{BigOldQueer} : For those who don't want to click the Congressman is Joaquin Castro (D - TX), member of the House Intelligence Committee.", '>>{Lyin_Don} : the headline misquotes Castro and is misleading. the headline suggests someONE will end up in jail - when Castro actually said; “when all is said and done some people will end up in jail” "some *people*" implies multiple. *lock them up! lock them up!*', '>>{SpookyGeek} : My first mental image was of CC being gangbanged, which was not at all funny. Then I thought of him being gangbanged by clowns, which was really funny.', '>>{handfinisher} : And a trump tweet attacking Hillary or Obama will be commencing in 3...2...1', '>>{lowenmeister} : Russia is the evil bizarro world version of the west.', ">>{PM_ME_TRUMP_PISS_VID} : At least I get that. I'd take a job sitting online shitposting all day. What I don't get are the first time voters in this country posting to the_treasonists eating this shit up.", '>>{Eraticwanderer} : My money is on Carter Page. That bumbling fool could be granted full immunity and still find a way to incriminate himself.', ">>{hkpp} : Trump has surrounded himself with loyal yes men who are too stupid to see the writing on the wall before it's too late. Let's call that little dork, Carter Page, Patsy #1.", ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : Can the Trump presidency survive only his associates go to jail? If they can't get more than circumstantial on him?", ">>{amaleigh13} : Trump doesn't have to negotiate a pardon. He can just pardon himself of all past crimes. He *cannot* pardon himself from impeachment, however. Impeachment can lead to removal from office but sadly, not jail time.", '>>{historymajor44} : > CASTRO: If the claims hold up, most likely. Meaning if no new evidence comes to light showing that the parties were innocent, Castro expects a guilty verdict. This is actually a really big statement.', ">>{FauxShizzle} : Because socially liberal policies threaten socially conservative worldviews. The fight has been asymmetrical for so long because most people with liberal social values didn't realize that this was a fight at all. The inclusive worldview of liberal social values seems passive and accepting to those who think similarly, and the right have been framing it as antagonistic for the last few decades because they realize that they were starting to become an ideological minority.", ">>{Eraticwanderer} : The political fallout of jailing a president is a path I'd rather not go down.", '>>{sungazer69} : It won\'t be good for him no matter what. Either he is directly implicated himself or with all this going on around him he is more ignorant and incompetent and out of touch than I could have possibly imagined. Like unbelievable to where I have to believe someone was giving him some kind of "dumb serum". Or dementia. Or something because what the fuck.', ">>{Gabrosin} : And yet if we don't, then we continue to encourage any tactics for winning the Presidency. If you can collude with a foreign adversary to hack voting registration databases and use the information to microtarget propaganda at swing voters, while accepting foreign money in exchange for preferential treatment... and you DON'T go to jail... what's the point of any of this? If this evidence is damning, and it prompts a round of pardons for everyone involved and they just continue to govern the country until 2020 with no consequences... then we're going to have to do something about the power of the presidential pardon. This sort of behavior cannot go unpunished or it is just going to happen again, and maybe next time the people involved won't be so breathtakingly incompetent.", ">>{BoltB11} : Agreed! I want someone to do it who isn't Flynn. Someone who did something bad but isn't glaringly obviously an evil henchman.", '>>{o_zeta_acosta} : A bigger precent of them arent alive... just bots.', '>>{fyhr100} : Now you know how many truly despicable people there are in the US. People who will do anything they can to justify racism, fucking over poor people, and "Christian" values.', '>>{o_zeta_acosta} : He should be held complicit through negligence... where is that extreme vetting when you have two people (at least) in your transition and one in your administration who were agents of hostile governments who forgot to divulge they were being paid by said govts.', '>>{answermeaquestion} : No, nixon could never have pardoned himself. He worked out a deal with Ford.', '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : Agreed. This claim is larger than it seems IMO because he has to be *very* careful with what he says, and how he says it. Waiting for the epic Twitter Tantrum that we all know is coming.', '>>{BuckpDoe} : What about moving him over to the Washington Zoo? He loves for groups of people to come see him.', '>>{venicerocco} : I can barely believe this question has to be asked. Yet here we are.', ">>{PM_ME_TRUMP_PISS_VID} : It's making me despicable. I legitimately want to see a Black Mirror S1E1 situation involving Donald and a pig.", '>>{hyg03} : He\'s always yelling about "law and order" and punishing those who break the law', ">>{answermeaquestion} : most of these guys get sentenced to country club prisons, so I wouldn't expect that.", '>>{D74248} : To be fair, there is no evidence of a "deal", and that would not have been in keeping with Ford\'s reputation. Ford did after all end up as the VP because of his reputation as an honest man and his lack of ambition for the Presidency. Very much a reverse - "House of Cards". Far more likely that Ford did what he thought was best to get the country moving forward.', ">>{Ninbyo} : The Healthcare fiasco and him signing the anti-Privacy bill made a lot of people start doubting their convictions I think. The hardcore base will probably go to their graves believing it was all a liberal conspiracy. However, the independents and the ones on the centrist margins are slipping away. And I don't think they're just leaving the Trump camp, many are probably questioning the Republican Party as well. That's not to say they're going to suddenly start voting for Democrats, I don't think they will. However, they may stop supporting Republican candidates, turning to third parties or just sitting out.", ">>{indigo-alien} : > Meaning if no new evidence comes to light... I'm sure Comey is just waiting to get them all at the same time. The Intelligence Commitees didn't bite on the offers to speak in exchange for immunity either. Do you really think there is no new evidence yet to come?", '>>{NotJustAmy} : We can hope someone flips on him to save their own sorry ass. No honor among thieves.', '>>{answermeaquestion} : And the fact that Spiro Agnew had to resign :)', ">>{HogieGnarBoots} : But the bonus of seeing him stripped from his luxurious penthouse and put into a cell...it's almost to good to resist.", '>>{bagomagik} : Nah, the new twist is Carter Page is a double agent who has been an informant to the FBI for years. Just kidding the dude is a bumbling idiot and a nervous trainwreck.', ">>{AtomThought} : They can put him with the orangutans. They're his people.", ">>{tridentgum} : Nixon went to his grave thinking he did nothing wrong, and he's the fucking one who did it!", '>>{amaleigh13} : While the idea of self-pardon is dubious at best, it is allowed per the Constitution (the Supreme Court has referred to the power as unlimited, with the exception of cases of impeachment - source below). Nixon and Ford *did* work out a deal, mainly because he was trying to avoid impeachment, which would have been the immediate result of a self-pardon anyway. As a president can\'t pardon away an impeachment, it made the most sense to resign and have Ford pardon him. [From the Supreme Court, Ex Parte Garland:](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=2981583583221536357&q=president+self-pardon&hl=en&as_sdt=40000006) >The Constitution provides that the President "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."[*] >**The power thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.** This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.', '>>{D74248} : Well, yea. Ford would not have been there otherwise -- what was sort of the point. He did not seek the job.', '>>{Ninbyo} : Why? Ford pardoning Nixon led us down this path to begin with. We need to hold even presidents accountable for their misdeeds.', ">>{EmperorKira} : I hope it's more than 'someone'... not another dumb fall-guy", '>>{answermeaquestion} : God, the Ford years. What a weird time. The guy was a complete klutz. But even then I felt bad for him. Thankless job.', '>>{D74248} : I always thought that he and Carter got a bad rap. The economy was a mess not of their making, as was the Middle East. And both appear/ed to be sincere, honest and have deep moral anchors.', ">>{frontierparty} : Someone? Remember the woman's March? It's gonna look like that but with pitchforks and guillotines.", ">>{frontierparty} : Yeah, like they visited the people who threatened Obama's life in the comments sections on the internet.", '>>{frontierparty} : I hear Martha Stewart is working on a new line of prisons just for people like this.', '>>{Doright36} : A good % are probably 2-3 people with multiple sign in/names too..', ">>{BoldestKobold} : > I'm sure Comey is just waiting to get them all at the same time. There is a reason when RICO cases and similar get charged, they round up dozens of people at the same time.", ">>{BoldestKobold} : The whole union members who vote Republican is its entire separate issue. I'm a fare share employee of a state employee union in a state that has a dense and very blue urban area, attached to a giant sea of red. The union reps are constantly exasperated when talking about trying to get the rural union members on board with the leadership's agenda."], [">>{fistagon7} : North Dakota Republicans Propose Bill That Wouldn't Hold Motorists Accountable If They a Run Over Protesters as Direct Response to Pipeline Protesters", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : And people act like I'm crazy when I tell them that Republicans are trying to make it socially acceptable to lynch nonconformists.", '>>{yesmaybeyes} : Well, no, because Admiralty Law does not actually permit elected stupidity as a defense.', '>>{BuckMcCoy} : This is the most fair and balanced sub on Reddit', ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : I'm impressed, this sounds like a Floridian level of stupid.", '>>{South_in_AZ} : In ND Attack with a deadly weapon, attempted murder and vehicular homicide will be legal. I bet they will still proclaim to be pro life ....', '>>{BuckMcCoy} : I might highly doubt that would be a real law', ">>{SocialJustise} : Some legislator took the time to write it up. It's on the North Dakota official website. I don't understand what point you're making.", '>>{goosiegirl} : is this before or after they try to pass some other bullshit pro-life law?', ">>{JLTLewis} : That isn't what the bill proposed. This is; >Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver of a motor vehicle who negligently causes injury or death to an individual obstructing vehicular traffic on a public road, street, or highway may not be held liable for any damages. The bill only proposes that if a protestor is doing something as stupid as blocking traffic, specifically on a highway, and gets hit, injured, or killed, it isn't necessarily the fault of the motorist, because pedestrians aren't supposed to be on highways to begin with. We've all seen footage of protests blocking highways and freeways. Foot traffic on most major freeways is prohibited, and motorists ALWAYS have the right of way. Protestors need to take their protests to a safe and designated location, and not impeding other people's right to travel freely.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Har har har sounds like the protestors need to deploy hidden snipers, to discourage the motorists from this action', '>>{fistagon7} : This was proposed as a response to the pipeline protests. I am sorry you can not put 1 and 1 together.', '>>{abrakdabralol} : 2017 Republicans.. Now legalizing murder. Brought to you for corporations by corporations.', ">>{fistagon7} : Exactly all this while North Dakota has been all [fuck a woman's right to choose](http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/25/464311731/supreme-court-rejects-north-dakota-s-bid-to-save-strict-abortion-law).", '>>{JLTLewis} : Sure, and it incorporates this text in reference to "running over protestors as direct response." >Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver of a motor vehicle who negligently causes injury or death to an individual obstructing vehicular traffic on a public road, street, or highway may not be held liable for any damages. Nowhere in the bill does it state that motorists won\'t be held liable, only that under certain circumstances, motorists MAY NOT be held liable. Wording in legal documents is very specific. To validate this point, here we go. This is also included in the bill. >Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, it is unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway. >Where a sidewalk is not available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk only on a shoulder, as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway. >Where neither a sidewalk nor a shoulder is available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk as near as practicable to an outside edge of the roadway, and, if on a two way roadway, shall walk only on the left side of the roadway. >Except as otherwise provided for in this chapter, any pedestrian upon a roadway shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway. The bill IS NOT about allowing motorists to murder protestors, rather, to protect both motorists and protestors from damages. The title of this thread is VERY misleading. And to sum everything up, at the end of the bill is this little number. >Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver of a motor vehicle who unintentionally causes injury or death to an individual obstructing vehicular traffic on a public road, street, or highway is not guilty of an offense. What this means is that any UNINTENTIONAL death or injury that may occur is not the fault of the motorist. Intentional death is still murder.', ">>{Moderate_Independent} : >Some lawyer for the oil lobby took the time to write it up. It's on the North Dakota official website. I don't understand what point you're making. FTFY", '>>{fistagon7} : Good news! Are you bleeding out because of shitty deregulation or corporatism? Great! You can now pay 20x that at an emergency room, if your district even has hospitals that will take patients without medical coverage. Just think with the ability to die FASTER you can pass your debt on to your survivors quicker and with more interest to boot!', ">>{CuriousQuiche} : Just stay on the sidewalk and you won't get hurt. Just keep quiet and you won't get hurt. Just nod your head and you won't get hurt. Just bite the curb and you won't get hurt. Just get in the shower and you won't get hurt.", ">>{JLTLewis} : The bill does not stop people from protesting. It does, however, protect protestors from getting struck by vehicles by providing instructions if they're protesting near highways or major roadways.", ">>{MackLuster77} : Yeah, you don't know what propaganda is. Posting a government website with a batshit proposal doesn't qualify.", ">>{gAlienLifeform} : Pretty sure open carry is legal, so no need to be hidden and guilty-seeming about it. If you reasonably act in self-defense or defense of others, where's the crime? I mean, it seems like a dumb as hell way of resolving our social/political disputes to me, but if this is what it's come to...", '>>{CuriousQuiche} : It also provides police another excuse to interfere with and arrest protestors while providing plausible deniability to bad actors.', '>>{pcolapat} : Make sure to accelerate just before impact so they go under the vehicle and not through the windshield.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > I mean, it seems like a dumb as hell way of resolving our social/political disputes to me, but if this is what it\'s come to... Sadly, that was my point, although I hope I was "hasty" I really meant I expected them to tell bad people to actually hit protestors and drive off at high speed, and I thoguth the only way to deal with that was to have snipers to take them out if they drive away fast yea it is sad that it\'s come anywhere near that', ">>{Grade_Break} : Don't block a road and you have nothing to fear.", ">>{JLTLewis} : It provides police an excuse to remove protestors from danger if they're protesting in the middle of the road, which would also act to protect motorists from potential accidents. What is your argument here? Do you want people to get hit by cars?", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : I want protests be safe from being neutered by cops. I want people driving to have to stop and think about why so many angry people are in the street. I don't want to put the public ' comfortable complacency on a pedestal above our right to assemble.", '>>{fistagon7} : Did I say "murder"? I said very clearly "run over" which this law very clearly states is a-ok - of course with the caveat that it\'s people in the way ie. protesters. But white wash it please.', ">>{JLTLewis} : Well you're wrong. What you should want is protestors to protest freely, and travelers to travel without having to stop for morons impeding their right to travel.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : I disagree. Protests don't achieve anything by being convenient for others. It is in their nature to be disruptive.", ">>{JLTLewis} : And protests achieve nothing by pissing people off. If you're commuting to work, and you get stuck in traffic because a bunch of entitled assholes want you to listen to what they're complaining about, you aren't going to listen, because they have just negatively impacted your day. Not only that, more often than not, what they're protesting has absolutely nothing to do with you, so why exactly are they punishing you for having the audacity of trying to go about your business and get to work? Because they don't care about you, they only care about themselves.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : That's the point. To become impossible to ignore. No one changes their mind unless they are forced to. The average citizen whines about freedom, but they generally prefer indenture to discomfort. They have to be made to form an opiniom, they actively avoid becoming involved otherwise.", ">>{JLTLewis} : As somebody that used to commute 30 miles to work every morning, I'll tell you one thing; if I was stuck in traffic because a bunch of people felt the need to impede my right to travel in order to make a point, I would go out of my way to oppose and destroy their narrative, no matter what their cause. Pissing off people doesn't work.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : As long as you don't slam your car into them, that's fine. It's up to you to do decide what's important to you and what to do about it. That's what America is for.", ">>{JLTLewis} : They don't have a legal right to impede my travel. I, however, have a legal right to travel. So if they're standing in the middle of the road, and they get hit, they probably shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the road to begin with. People getting hurt or killed doing stupid things deserve no sympathy.", ">>{CuriousQuiche} : There it is. There's that lynching spirit. A ten minute delay in your community is worthy of a death sentence. What are you going to say when the GOP gives themselves the legal right to kill protesters with impunity? It's their legal right? No sympathy?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{TheOriginalFaFa} : Growing marijuana at home could become as easy as plugging in a machine and walking away', '>>{extendedsceptic} : these machines are great, But marijuana is so easy to grow, drop a seed in the pot and give it water when it droops.', '>>{glowmoss} : She got demolished on CNN last night. So it was pretty bizarre to see her sudden promotion.', ">>{haberstachery} : Let me know if you buy this machine and then I'll just buy the harvested crop from you.", '>>{SolomonBlack} : Meanwhile back in the real world nobody (at least not under Barack "Don\'t do stupid shit" Obama) is going to bother risking an international incident to give Clinton help she doesn\'t need. Julian Assange just isn\'t important enough to start sanctioning even a comparatively minor county like Ecuador over.', '>>{Inactivated} : What happens after the twelve cops in riot gear kick down my door?', '>>{MC_Carty} : CNN hates her? She must be the most Rebublican person ever! Hire her!', ">>{glowmoss} : She's just an alt-right lunatic. One of her favorite theories is that girls are being selectively aborted in America. edit: a word", '>>{extendedsceptic} : Good point, so the difference been? ah yes, "but officer, its not my weed, the robot grew it all by itself"', '>>{ADrunkMonk} : Give them water too. They are probably thirsty in all that gear.', ">>{glowmoss} : She isn't as bad as Pierson, you're right.", '>>{IslamicShibe} : Hillary supporters 2 weeks ago - she never said she wanted to drone Assange that is a lie. She was joking and the email might be doctored Hillary supporters today - they should have droned him already', '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I think you need to find a dictionary and look up the word "joke."', '>>{Inactivated} : They will calculate the weight of the robot in and charge you for having fifty pounds of weed sending you to jail for the rest of your life.', '>>{extendedsceptic} : Better just to have a pot of pot on the balcony then.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Why bother meeting her? She's going to be replaced in two weeks.", ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Let's see: alt-right, pathological liar, tenuous grasp on reality. Perfect fit for the Drumpfster!", ">>{Qwikphaze} : Yea she did. She doesn't know how to answer a simple yes or no question before she jumps into the trump spiel.", '>>{ireshine} : I sure you can grow any other plant as well.', ">>{Qwikphaze} : I'm surprised she didn't quit on set, she was totally a mess and refused to answer a simple yes or no question. I'm fine with you taking a side and defending your position, but when you are asked a question. Stop trying to be a machine and continue with your trump approved lines.", ">>{Qwikphaze} : Why are you badgering me? Your questions are too hard to understand. What do you mean it's a yes or no question? I want to say my trump spiel. Ughhhhh!", ">>{njmaverick} : I always wanted to drone the SOB, but then I am not SOS so I am allowed to have that position. No doubt you are a big support of Russia over the interests of the USA. I guess that's where we differ. I am a patriot and you prefer Putin.", ">>{ipunchcunt} : In places where pot is legal, these machines are a stupid eyesore. Also, pot is super easy to grow without the machine. In places where it's illegal, it's a great way to go from misdemeanor to felony. Pot dealers make money so they can take the risks on your behalf.", ">>{dominoid73} : Oh I don't know. Stopping a foreign entity willfully inserting itself into the presidential election sounds exactly like something the Secretary of State should do.", '>>{TeamXII} : If you can grow it that easily in a $3,000 machine, just plant the fuckers in the backyard', '>>{tms10000} : You point them to the neighbor. "Wrong address, genius, the methouse is next door." because you live in Oregon and you can grow weed there.', ">>{pingveno} : Step 1: Break Trump's thumbs to avoid Twitter... mishaps. Step 2: All Trump rallies will feature Trump on a live video link using a 1 minute delay. Sufficiently self-destructive comments will be censored with a simulation of a temporarily dropped connection. Those should be worth at least a few points.", ">>{DarthVictivus} : It's called weed for a reason, can just put the seeds in the ground and come back in a few months.", '>>{infiniZii} : The problem is that it is illegal to grow them in the yard in many cases. For example the new law that legalized marijuana in CA says it must be grown in a locked area.', ">>{TeamXII} : I just installed a lock on my backyard gate heehee Can't wait until the vernal equinox", '>>{BistuVerruckt} : Only thing to help cheato at this point, is playing the video of her getting tapped.', '>>{infiniZii} : Hey at least you are paying attention to the requirements!', '>>{IslamicShibe} : I always Assange and Snowden locked up long before they started hacking the DNC. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of many /r/politics users', ">>{TeamXII} : Don't want the cops coming to try to snatch my crops!", '>>{seanosul} : New stuff to cut and paste. That will do it.', '>>{njmaverick} : > I always Assange and Snowden locked up long before they started hacking the DNC. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of many /r/politics users and stepped on your dick trying to do so, as I never had use for either of these traitors', '>>{Chris20nyy} : Yeah, it\'s blizzard that anyone would think she was put in her place when she repeatedly tried answering a yes or no question with "well what I took from his speech". That\'s a clear sign she can\'t answer the question. Therefore, she lost.', '>>{JackOCat} : Can she induce a coma in Trump for a fewonths? That would really help his polling.', ">>{Speaktomenow} : Don't worry about the cops, worry about local kids who get 'wind' of your outdoor crop. Or worse, really nasty people who will think nothing of smashing their way into your house after they steal your plants to see if there is drug cash as well as drug crops. Happens all the time. People find it hard to keep their mouths shut, or even your friends and family mention in passing that they know someone who's growing. This is why people grow indoors. And don't talk about where it comes from. EVER.", '>>{Frogolocalypse} : My past is littered with the husks of dead cacti that would probably have a different opinion.', ">>{rjove} : Pot is not that easy to grow indoors; many things can go wrong relating to soil type, overwatering (very common), nutrients and light leaks, and some strains are quite finicky. Also (and not many people think of this) only female plants produce flowers so you have to identify and separate the males after a few weeks. The there's the smell. Have you ever smelled a marijuana plant in late bloom? Unless that little cabinet has industrial-strength carbon filtering, little Billy is going to have a problem on his hands when his entire apartment complex begins to stink like a dying skunk.", '>>{Qwikphaze} : Her job is to support trump, yes. The moderator asked a question and she is there to answer the question in a pro trump way. Instead she sidestepped question altogether which then makes you look like an idiot and hurts trump.', ">>{Bigpartyclam} : I guess it's a good thing nobody watches CNN anymore", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : Maybe that's how she thinks spin works. I've seen her before on TV. I was never impressed with her approach.", '>>{SivKaedos} : Growing piss poor pot could be as easy as plugging it in and waking away .', '>>{treerat} : With Ailes involved, there will be a lot of women "tapped."', '>>{thisisnotdave} : Aside from the fact that you clearly lack the part of your brain that processes humor, i.e. we\'re laughing at all of you who think Hillary really wanted to to drone someone in London, in a foreign embassy - I wonder if you\'re also missing the part of your brain that processes irony. Not one "conservative" defended Assange, Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning, or anyone else associated with leaking government info before they starting shitting on the Dems. In fact most have called for them to be hung for treason. Now, suddenly you care about "transparency". The only thing transparent is how absolutely devoid of principle you all are. Party before country, convenience before truth. It\'s beyond shameful.', '>>{EdwardStone} : Do these machines prevent the smell of ganja of spreading though?', '>>{IslamicShibe} : Users on /r/politics were saying it was a joke, it was a doctored email, etc. loads of excuses now it seems many of those same people are saying he should be droned, assassinated, etc. >Not one "conservative" defended Assange, Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning, or anyone else associated with leaking government info before they starting shitting on the Dems. In fact most have called for them to be hung for treason. Now, suddenly you care about "transparency". The only thing transparent is how absolutely devoid of principle you all are. Party before country, convenience before truth. It\'s beyond shameful 100% agrees. As a conservative, Manning, Snowden, are traitors, Assange is a cyber terrorist. The thing is back when Assange was stealing Bush documents and leaking them the left treated him as their godsend, he was a patriot doing stuff for the good of the world. And you know that stuff was more threatening to national security rather than partisan politics. Now I gladly cheer on the mask of the Democratic Party coming off, nothing leaked will kill anyone like the other stuff that they have leaked, but it sure will embarrass them and I welcome it. I don\'t expect Assange to be alive much longer if Hillary wins.', '>>{extendedsceptic} : well that too, but I only have a balcony ;-)', ">>{duqit} : Isn't this Kerry's job? Also - pretty sure Ecuador didn't give Assange asylum so that he can engage in a one man war against another state", ">>{kingrootintootin2} : why wait? start some seeds indoors under a light in january/february and get a headstart. you'll get way bigger plants by harvest time that way too", ">>{thisisnotdave} : > Users on /r/politics were saying it was a joke, it was a doctored email, etc. loads of excuses now it seems many of those same people are saying he should be droned, assassinated, etc. Again, those were people mocking The_Deplorables and conservatives for pretending to care about Assange. We don't know if HRC said it or not, but any reasonable person should be able to admit that she was aware that droning a non-enemy combatant in an allied country, in another country's embassy is just not a thing. I'll admit, that I thought Assange was doing a good thing until he showed himself to be a self-aggrandizing dick, who cared more about leaving his name in the pages of history than affecting positive social change. I stopped trying to defend him a LONG time ago. >And you know that stuff was more threatening to national security rather than partisan politics. I want you show me something that backs this up. Whether Snowden and Manning are traitors or whistle-blowers, history will decide. I for one am far more pissed that government is collecting data on me, than I am the guy who leaked it to the world. But I think ultimately in either case the way the data was leaked helped our adversaries more than it's helped us. It's too bad, that thanks to Bush, all this spying on US citizens is perfectly legal. Another win for conservative hypocrites, amirite?", ">>{DarthVictivus} : It grows great in little pots on the balcony. Just make sure it's not illegal to grow it there!", '>>{SNStains} : This is what cracks me up about people thinking Clinton is going to start WWIII. We know Russia is behind the hacks and we promised a [measured response](http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/11/politics/white-house-response-russia-hacking/) at the time of our choosing. Alarmists immediately assume we\'re going to start drone strikes in London or nuking Russia. The "don\'t do stupid shit" reality is we convince Assange\'s Ecuadorean stepdad to take away his internet privileges and ask the [Czech\'s to nick](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/10/19/reports-czech-police-arrest-suspected-russian-hacker/92399120/) one of the responsible hackers. See. We responded. And nobody was irradiated.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : >We know Russia is behind the hacks and we promised a measured response at the time of our choosing. our experts have claimed confidence that Russia is involved. We dont know as a fact that Russia was involved. Our experts have been wrong in the past regarding other countries hacking us. Iraq in 98 and NK in 14 are two examples.', '>>{TheKlonipinKid} : Youd get an ounce at most maybe more in like 6 months...maybe 4 months with auto flower with 2 ounces who knows...but u bet its stupid expensive', ">>{SNStains} : The US has [officially accused](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/08/us/politics/us-formally-accuses-russia-of-stealing-dnc-emails.html) Russia government of being behind the hacks. The Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security are confident the Russian government is behind the DNC hack. They're less confident about the probes of state election boards, though they say it has been traced to a Russian business servers. These are not anonymous leaks from security analysts any more. It's official. The US government sees foreign meddling in US elections as a significant threat, and I'm inclined to agree with them. You may disagree. You may believe it's not in the national interest to protect ourselves against the cyber. Or, you may believe that winning is more important than national security. But, regardless of your motives, your defense is purely speculative.", ">>{Madmohawkfilms} : Is it from Jeff Demarco who sold grow closets in the 80's", ">>{IslamicShibe} : Manning, Snowden, leaked military documents, how we conduct operations, etc. many of which have not surfaced on the Internet but are likely on the black market. The Bush leaks were no different, that America, both Democrats and Republicans is a destructive foreign power waging endless war on innocent countries. The Clinton emails are neither that, they don't threaten the future of the country, they threaten Hillary Clinton and the media. They are meant to paint a portrait of corruption in our own political system, not to paint that we are a threat to the world. >It's too bad, that thanks to Bush, all this spying on US citizens is perfectly legal. Another win for conservative hypocrites, amirite? Patriot act was signed a month after 9/11. It was a mistake in retrospect, but 'Hope' and 'Change' Obama had only furthered its intentions. Obama has been the least transparent administration in recent history", ">>{METAL4_BREAKFST} : I grew some nice Critical Mass on the balcony last summer. You'd be surprised with what you can grow out there. I use those large plastic storage bins you get at the Home Despot to grow in.", '>>{extendedsceptic} : I wouldnt be surprised, http://imgur.com/a/LIEA6 3 plants got rot so i had to cut them very early, it was an incredible humid summer. still ended up 200gms+', '>>{Land_Architect} : I can\'t tell if OP is being sarcastic or not. Marijuana is one of the easiest plants to grow in the world. Get a RO water filter, some growing medium, a timer, a thermometer and barometer, read a book on basic bubble bucket growing that touches on planting, watering, nutrients, and growing and curing and you can grow medical grade marijuana in your home in as little as 2 months. All you have to do is find a good book and follow it. Order your seeds from the internet or find a Friend of a friend to get you a clone. It takes about 1400$ start up cash and 40 hours of reading and research and about 20 hours to make a airtight "room" inside of your basement or buy a premade tents you can use a basic filter you make your self and you won\'t be able to smell a single thing. If you want to grow weed, it\'s literally easier than playing a game of monopoly.', ">>{rjove} : Hydroponics definitely isn't easier than playing monopoly :) Then you have to worry about odor control and light selection. There are many variables that can go wrong especially if your state is not legal. I'm not saying that the average person can't put in the time to learn, but it's so much more complex than dropping a seed in a bucket, watering and waiting. Brewing beer is easier IMO.", ">>{Land_Architect} : How? What is complex about it? You just follow directions. The odor isn't an issue if you can follow directions or any part of it. Light selection isn't difficult at all?", ">>{rjove} : What if accidentally overfeed? Underfeed? In soil, if you overwater once your plant will die and it's very easy to do. Does your strain like more K or N in bloom? What about hermaphroditism if you have light leaks? What if your light timer or water pump fails? What about pests like spider mites? What if your carbon scrubber isn't big enough for the strain or fails? What size fan do you use for your cabinet for proper airflow? If you run more than 1500w in lights you'll need an electrician to install circuits or it's a fire risk. Etc etc etc. There are a lot of little things people don't think about that can go wrong.", ">>{Land_Architect} : Literally all of that is thoroughly explained in like just about every single how to grow book I have ever read. The first time I grew weed it was outdoors with hose water, the last time I grew was indoors with a fully automated system yield 400+ grams per plant. All of these were as easy as following directions. The only time things got difficult was when I didn't follow directions exactly and tried to experiment.", ">>{pachydermusrex} : So just because something is explained in a how to book, means is easier than paying a board game? Lol You can buy books on just about anything. Just because it'll explain *how to*, doesn't mean it will be easy.", ">>{saturnengr0} : You'll never be a conservative if you start thinking and stuff", '>>{thisisnotdave} : > Manning, Snowden, leaked military documents, how we conduct operations, etc. many of which have not surfaced on the Internet but are likely on the black market. Proof? >The Clinton emails are neither that, they don\'t threaten the future of the country, they threaten Hillary Clinton and the media. They are meant to paint a portrait of corruption in our own political syst Or they\'re meant undermine our confidence in our democracy for the benefit of a foreign actor. Why did wikileaks hold on to them until october? Why are releasing them piece meal? Why are they curating them to show the most "damaging" emails out of context? Why are you allowing yourself to be played by Russia? >Obama has been the least transparent administration in recent history I agree the Obama has been a big disappointment in this regard. But to call him the least transparent is hyperbolic and dishonest. Bush and Cheney "lost" over 2 million white house emails, how is that any more transparent than Obama was?', '>>{IslamicShibe} : I am gonna respond now but I don\'t have time looking for proof. I\'ve said this hundreds of time don Reddit and linked it somewhere deep in my comments. Millions of documents, not emails, by Snowden leaked. Damages economic and diplomatic ties with countries like Brazil who started building a china funded undersea cable to get around the NSA, France and Germany political grandstanding only to be revealed that they were subcontracting the NSA, fueled anti-Americanism. Same deal with Manning, video footage of US military conducting operations from inside the chopper, terrorists, China, Russia watch that to see how we work from the inside out. She leaked over 200,000 documents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both stole documents they weren\'t authorized to take and had Assange revise them to fuel the \'Great Satan\' propaganda.. > Or they\'re meant undermine our confidence in our democracy for the benefit of a foreign actor. Why did wikileaks hold on to them until october? Why are releasing them piece meal? Why are they curating them to show the most "damaging" emails out of context? Why are you allowing yourself to be played by Russia? This is what we call an election. Why did NBC wait Til October to release the \'Hollywood access tape\' when they have had it for 11 years? Why didn\'t they give it to a Republican in the primaries to silence this man before he had a powerful voice? His ideas and divisiveness would have been stomped out and his run would be viewed as pathetic. We could have had an election about policy rather than don\'t vote for the other person because they are crooked, or hitler. The media is doing the same shit with Trump, leaking personal shit that has nothing to do for the most part with how someone will lead but will tarnish their image. I personally don\'t buy the \'Russian hackers\' nonsense, there hasn\'t been enough proof presented IMO. I wouldn\'t be surprised if this was rogue Trump supporters giving it to Assange. This is what happens in elections, Russia is savvy politically, this whole Putin Trump\' bromance may just be a false flag all along and he wants Clinton in office.', ">>{thisisnotdave} : > Why did NBC wait Til October to release the 'Hollywood access tape' when they have had it for 11 years? Who knows, honestly I'd rather has seen trump fall solely because of what he represents. But we all knew that a sex scandal would be his undoing because none of this is new. He's been embroilled in sex scandals for 30 years. The media actively trying to sink Trump's campaign, but I think it's mostly to undo the monster they've created. I think after this election we all need to have a long talk about the media's responsibility in the election. But I don't think you can say honestly that it's one sided. >I personally don't buy the 'Russian hackers' nonsense, there hasn't been enough proof presented IMO. I wouldn't be surprised if this was rogue Trump supporters giving it to Assange. I'll tell you this (anecdotally) as a Ukrainian immigrant - this is exactly what Russia does. They're not politically savy, they domestically savy. They compromise their foreign positions constantly to secure domestic support of a western bogeyman that's the cause of all their problems. Russia has a long record of meddling in foreign elections, here's an [article](http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/30/russia-may-have-done-to-us-what-theyve-done-in-europe-for-years/) about it. It's sad to see conservatives forget what the cold war was like, or that Putin is a product of that war. But there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Russia seeks to gain at the expense of the west.", '>>{Land_Architect} : Yes, growing weed is easier than learning how to play monopoly. Thanks for the effective communication skill or rephrasing my statement in the form of a question. Poor job on the attempting to make it a broader statement in an attempt to pinhole me into specifics vs general statements.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : My defense is based on history. We have made official claims before and were wrong. You are assuming that I support one of the two major candidates and that is incorrect. I dont care who wins and see major problems taking place with either of them winning. Confirming who is responsible for the hacks is extremely difficult since Hackers can easily create false flags. I do think its in our best interest to protect ourselves against cyber attacks. I dont think that we should ignore the information once its been released though.', '>>{pachydermusrex} : Thanks for not being so salty when someone disagrees with you, and for not trying to discredit that persons opinion by making fun of them. Good conversation skills!', ">>{rjove} : Those are great results and not usually achievable by beginners—400g per plant is crazy good. I still think Monopoly is much easier, and it doesn't cost $1400!", ">>{SNStains} : You see the flaw in your reasoning, don't you? How can you believe that the information is authentic if the source is unknown? Because Wikileaks? Assange has already said he has, and will not release, Trump campaign information. Whatever his history or stated mission, he's now hiding things, by his own admission. He's tarnished.", '>>{nathanblan11} : Good civil disagreement until you insulted him. Downboat ¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : because they have yet to be found to release anything that isnt authentic, yes their track record proves their credibility. No Assange did not say that. He said that he has information on Trump, that doesn't mean that it meets their standard of releasing said information. The reason that they have a perfect track record is because of their vetting process. He said that he will release information on Trump if anyone provides actual documentation, not hearsay.", ">>{SNStains} : No. He said: >I mean, it’s from a point of view of an investigative journalist organization like WikiLeaks, the problem with the Trump campaign is it’s actually hard for us to publish much more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day, Podesta's rissoto recipes are worth publishing, but nothing on the Trump campaign is? That doesn't sound very Wikileaks. But it *is* Wikileaks. The *new* Wikileaks. Assange is hiding information. Boo-o-o-o-o.", '>>{nonotatall1} : This is a great idea for Android users. iPhone users not so much.', ">>{dirtstarfish} : Actually maybe just let them droop and don't water them while you walk away. But make sure you call a friend to water them while you're gone", '>>{coloredGuy} : Sure, Android users need all the help they can get.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : >Podesta's rissoto recipes are worth publishing, but nothing on the Trump campaign is? That doesn't sound very Wikileaks. But it is Wikileaks. The new Wikileaks. Assange is hiding information. Boo-o-o-o-o. Are you aware of how Wikileaks releases their information as large dumps once vetted? They arent going to remove a recipe email from the dump or any other emails. They were validated as authentic emails and they released them.", '>>{xmotorboatmygoatx} : Honestly better than no pot. make rosin ffs. There should be an attachment to this machine that presses rosin after harvesting.', '>>{americanexpatriot} : If it\'s legal in a state, it\'s legal in that state. State LEO do not have the ability to enforce federal law. You can argue semantics all you want, but we all know what people mean when they say "weed is legal in xyz state". You really think it\'s necessary for people to literally spell out "XYZ state is a state in which there is no state law prohibiting weed but buy the way it\'s still federally illegal" every time we try to have a discussion about weed laws? Considering federal policy is pretty much to not enforce the law in states where it\'s legal (OOPS I MEANT IN STATES IN WHICH THERE IS NO LAW PROHIBITING WEED BUT BUY THE WAY IT\'S STILL ILLEGAL ON THE FEDERAL LEVEL)', '>>{socalpimp} : Executive branch policy is to not enforce federal law, which still places marijuana as a class 1 drug. Obama picks and chooses which laws he likes to enforce.', ">>{tahirakinci} : I'll answer you in a very short and comprehensive manner, my friend: hydroponics, gorilla tent, feminized seeds, and a carbon filter connected to an exhaust fan. These little guys invalidates all of your concerns. :P", '>>{SNStains} : I am also aware that there are dumps that Assange is refusing to do. And so are you.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : > The media actively trying to sink Trump's campaign, but I think it's mostly to undo the monster they've created. It angers me as a Republican who wanted a decent candidate and conservative judges, at this point I am contemplating voting for a complete jackass to get an empty suit in the White House. All the shit Trump stands is garbage and i can't help but feel like the media has to crumble now with him. I have completely lost faith in the media and political journalism and I hope Trump will be their death knell. The monster is out, his rhetoric won't go away for awhile now, even if he loses he's gonna have a TV network and spew his nonsense to millions of people everyday, I guarantee it. It used to be when someone acts like a complete asshole the media would just ignore them and bombard them with constant hit pieces, they gave Trump a powerful voice and a pedastol. >They compromise their foreign positions constantly to secure domestic support of a western bogeyman that's the cause of all their problems. Wouldn't Trump be a counter weight to the western boogeyman? In the international polls it seems Russia is the only country that doesn't hate him. The Cold War both sides were rigging elections, I still believe we do it but mostly because it's necessary. I don't believe that Russia really has the capability to rig the us election, more get it into headlines and have guys like Obama and Clinton to say they are. How is this beneficial for them if Hillary is elected?", '>>{rjove} : These, while great, won\'t solve all a first-time grower\'s issues. I personally saw a strain once that "outgrew" its carbon filter in late flower. He could have easily been caught. Also, feminized seeds can be prone to hermaphroditism (because of the way they\'re made) which is not fun if you want a seedless crop.', ">>{tahirakinci} : I concur. BUT, if one does have the simplest gardening skills, it should not be a problem. I think what I'm trying to say here is very much implied. Those problems you listed are, in my opinion, are a lot easier to deal with than the complicated many that could occur in soil/without a decent filter/led lights etc such as fire, smell, bugs, nutrient deficiencies", ">>{thisisnotdave} : Aren't you at all bothered that everything he says is BS? He doesn't stand for any conservative ideal. At all. He isn't against the media, he IS the media. The media made him. Jeff Zucker made Trump. All of this talk about a rigged media, he's the LAST person who can make that argument. He manipulated the media to steal the primaries and now he's lashing out against them because they're not playing by his rules. I'd be very careful with what you wish for. Trump is only out for Trump. Russia has already succeed, they're not trying to plant a manchurian candidate, they're trying to sew unrest. They want to make Americans lose faith in the democractic process. And thanks to wikileaks a lot of us are falling right into their hands. But I think Marco Rubio had a good point. Today it's the Dem's, tomorrow it'll be the GOP."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{SolomonBlack} : Meanwhile back in the real world nobody (at least not under Barack "Don\'t do stupid shit" Obama) is going to bother risking an international incident to give Clinton help she doesn\'t need. Julian Assange just isn\'t important enough to start sanctioning even a comparatively minor county like Ecuador over.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : Hillary supporters 2 weeks ago - she never said she wanted to drone Assange that is a lie. She was joking and the email might be doctored Hillary supporters today - they should have droned him already', '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I think you need to find a dictionary and look up the word "joke."', ">>{njmaverick} : I always wanted to drone the SOB, but then I am not SOS so I am allowed to have that position. No doubt you are a big support of Russia over the interests of the USA. I guess that's where we differ. I am a patriot and you prefer Putin.", ">>{dominoid73} : Oh I don't know. Stopping a foreign entity willfully inserting itself into the presidential election sounds exactly like something the Secretary of State should do.", '>>{IslamicShibe} : I always Assange and Snowden locked up long before they started hacking the DNC. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of many /r/politics users', '>>{njmaverick} : > I always Assange and Snowden locked up long before they started hacking the DNC. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of many /r/politics users and stepped on your dick trying to do so, as I never had use for either of these traitors', '>>{thisisnotdave} : Aside from the fact that you clearly lack the part of your brain that processes humor, i.e. we\'re laughing at all of you who think Hillary really wanted to to drone someone in London, in a foreign embassy - I wonder if you\'re also missing the part of your brain that processes irony. Not one "conservative" defended Assange, Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning, or anyone else associated with leaking government info before they starting shitting on the Dems. In fact most have called for them to be hung for treason. Now, suddenly you care about "transparency". The only thing transparent is how absolutely devoid of principle you all are. Party before country, convenience before truth. It\'s beyond shameful.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : Users on /r/politics were saying it was a joke, it was a doctored email, etc. loads of excuses now it seems many of those same people are saying he should be droned, assassinated, etc. >Not one "conservative" defended Assange, Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning, or anyone else associated with leaking government info before they starting shitting on the Dems. In fact most have called for them to be hung for treason. Now, suddenly you care about "transparency". The only thing transparent is how absolutely devoid of principle you all are. Party before country, convenience before truth. It\'s beyond shameful 100% agrees. As a conservative, Manning, Snowden, are traitors, Assange is a cyber terrorist. The thing is back when Assange was stealing Bush documents and leaking them the left treated him as their godsend, he was a patriot doing stuff for the good of the world. And you know that stuff was more threatening to national security rather than partisan politics. Now I gladly cheer on the mask of the Democratic Party coming off, nothing leaked will kill anyone like the other stuff that they have leaked, but it sure will embarrass them and I welcome it. I don\'t expect Assange to be alive much longer if Hillary wins.', ">>{duqit} : Isn't this Kerry's job? Also - pretty sure Ecuador didn't give Assange asylum so that he can engage in a one man war against another state", ">>{thisisnotdave} : > Users on /r/politics were saying it was a joke, it was a doctored email, etc. loads of excuses now it seems many of those same people are saying he should be droned, assassinated, etc. Again, those were people mocking The_Deplorables and conservatives for pretending to care about Assange. We don't know if HRC said it or not, but any reasonable person should be able to admit that she was aware that droning a non-enemy combatant in an allied country, in another country's embassy is just not a thing. I'll admit, that I thought Assange was doing a good thing until he showed himself to be a self-aggrandizing dick, who cared more about leaving his name in the pages of history than affecting positive social change. I stopped trying to defend him a LONG time ago. >And you know that stuff was more threatening to national security rather than partisan politics. I want you show me something that backs this up. Whether Snowden and Manning are traitors or whistle-blowers, history will decide. I for one am far more pissed that government is collecting data on me, than I am the guy who leaked it to the world. But I think ultimately in either case the way the data was leaked helped our adversaries more than it's helped us. It's too bad, that thanks to Bush, all this spying on US citizens is perfectly legal. Another win for conservative hypocrites, amirite?", '>>{SNStains} : This is what cracks me up about people thinking Clinton is going to start WWIII. We know Russia is behind the hacks and we promised a [measured response](http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/11/politics/white-house-response-russia-hacking/) at the time of our choosing. Alarmists immediately assume we\'re going to start drone strikes in London or nuking Russia. The "don\'t do stupid shit" reality is we convince Assange\'s Ecuadorean stepdad to take away his internet privileges and ask the [Czech\'s to nick](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/10/19/reports-czech-police-arrest-suspected-russian-hacker/92399120/) one of the responsible hackers. See. We responded. And nobody was irradiated.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : >We know Russia is behind the hacks and we promised a measured response at the time of our choosing. our experts have claimed confidence that Russia is involved. We dont know as a fact that Russia was involved. Our experts have been wrong in the past regarding other countries hacking us. Iraq in 98 and NK in 14 are two examples.', ">>{SNStains} : The US has [officially accused](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/08/us/politics/us-formally-accuses-russia-of-stealing-dnc-emails.html) Russia government of being behind the hacks. The Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security are confident the Russian government is behind the DNC hack. They're less confident about the probes of state election boards, though they say it has been traced to a Russian business servers. These are not anonymous leaks from security analysts any more. It's official. The US government sees foreign meddling in US elections as a significant threat, and I'm inclined to agree with them. You may disagree. You may believe it's not in the national interest to protect ourselves against the cyber. Or, you may believe that winning is more important than national security. But, regardless of your motives, your defense is purely speculative.", ">>{IslamicShibe} : Manning, Snowden, leaked military documents, how we conduct operations, etc. many of which have not surfaced on the Internet but are likely on the black market. The Bush leaks were no different, that America, both Democrats and Republicans is a destructive foreign power waging endless war on innocent countries. The Clinton emails are neither that, they don't threaten the future of the country, they threaten Hillary Clinton and the media. They are meant to paint a portrait of corruption in our own political system, not to paint that we are a threat to the world. >It's too bad, that thanks to Bush, all this spying on US citizens is perfectly legal. Another win for conservative hypocrites, amirite? Patriot act was signed a month after 9/11. It was a mistake in retrospect, but 'Hope' and 'Change' Obama had only furthered its intentions. Obama has been the least transparent administration in recent history", ">>{saturnengr0} : You'll never be a conservative if you start thinking and stuff", '>>{thisisnotdave} : > Manning, Snowden, leaked military documents, how we conduct operations, etc. many of which have not surfaced on the Internet but are likely on the black market. Proof? >The Clinton emails are neither that, they don\'t threaten the future of the country, they threaten Hillary Clinton and the media. They are meant to paint a portrait of corruption in our own political syst Or they\'re meant undermine our confidence in our democracy for the benefit of a foreign actor. Why did wikileaks hold on to them until october? Why are releasing them piece meal? Why are they curating them to show the most "damaging" emails out of context? Why are you allowing yourself to be played by Russia? >Obama has been the least transparent administration in recent history I agree the Obama has been a big disappointment in this regard. But to call him the least transparent is hyperbolic and dishonest. Bush and Cheney "lost" over 2 million white house emails, how is that any more transparent than Obama was?', '>>{IslamicShibe} : I am gonna respond now but I don\'t have time looking for proof. I\'ve said this hundreds of time don Reddit and linked it somewhere deep in my comments. Millions of documents, not emails, by Snowden leaked. Damages economic and diplomatic ties with countries like Brazil who started building a china funded undersea cable to get around the NSA, France and Germany political grandstanding only to be revealed that they were subcontracting the NSA, fueled anti-Americanism. Same deal with Manning, video footage of US military conducting operations from inside the chopper, terrorists, China, Russia watch that to see how we work from the inside out. She leaked over 200,000 documents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both stole documents they weren\'t authorized to take and had Assange revise them to fuel the \'Great Satan\' propaganda.. > Or they\'re meant undermine our confidence in our democracy for the benefit of a foreign actor. Why did wikileaks hold on to them until october? Why are releasing them piece meal? Why are they curating them to show the most "damaging" emails out of context? Why are you allowing yourself to be played by Russia? This is what we call an election. Why did NBC wait Til October to release the \'Hollywood access tape\' when they have had it for 11 years? Why didn\'t they give it to a Republican in the primaries to silence this man before he had a powerful voice? His ideas and divisiveness would have been stomped out and his run would be viewed as pathetic. We could have had an election about policy rather than don\'t vote for the other person because they are crooked, or hitler. The media is doing the same shit with Trump, leaking personal shit that has nothing to do for the most part with how someone will lead but will tarnish their image. I personally don\'t buy the \'Russian hackers\' nonsense, there hasn\'t been enough proof presented IMO. I wouldn\'t be surprised if this was rogue Trump supporters giving it to Assange. This is what happens in elections, Russia is savvy politically, this whole Putin Trump\' bromance may just be a false flag all along and he wants Clinton in office.', ">>{thisisnotdave} : > Why did NBC wait Til October to release the 'Hollywood access tape' when they have had it for 11 years? Who knows, honestly I'd rather has seen trump fall solely because of what he represents. But we all knew that a sex scandal would be his undoing because none of this is new. He's been embroilled in sex scandals for 30 years. The media actively trying to sink Trump's campaign, but I think it's mostly to undo the monster they've created. I think after this election we all need to have a long talk about the media's responsibility in the election. But I don't think you can say honestly that it's one sided. >I personally don't buy the 'Russian hackers' nonsense, there hasn't been enough proof presented IMO. I wouldn't be surprised if this was rogue Trump supporters giving it to Assange. I'll tell you this (anecdotally) as a Ukrainian immigrant - this is exactly what Russia does. They're not politically savy, they domestically savy. They compromise their foreign positions constantly to secure domestic support of a western bogeyman that's the cause of all their problems. Russia has a long record of meddling in foreign elections, here's an [article](http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/30/russia-may-have-done-to-us-what-theyve-done-in-europe-for-years/) about it. It's sad to see conservatives forget what the cold war was like, or that Putin is a product of that war. But there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Russia seeks to gain at the expense of the west.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : My defense is based on history. We have made official claims before and were wrong. You are assuming that I support one of the two major candidates and that is incorrect. I dont care who wins and see major problems taking place with either of them winning. Confirming who is responsible for the hacks is extremely difficult since Hackers can easily create false flags. I do think its in our best interest to protect ourselves against cyber attacks. I dont think that we should ignore the information once its been released though.', ">>{SNStains} : You see the flaw in your reasoning, don't you? How can you believe that the information is authentic if the source is unknown? Because Wikileaks? Assange has already said he has, and will not release, Trump campaign information. Whatever his history or stated mission, he's now hiding things, by his own admission. He's tarnished.", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : because they have yet to be found to release anything that isnt authentic, yes their track record proves their credibility. No Assange did not say that. He said that he has information on Trump, that doesn't mean that it meets their standard of releasing said information. The reason that they have a perfect track record is because of their vetting process. He said that he will release information on Trump if anyone provides actual documentation, not hearsay.", ">>{SNStains} : No. He said: >I mean, it’s from a point of view of an investigative journalist organization like WikiLeaks, the problem with the Trump campaign is it’s actually hard for us to publish much more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day, Podesta's rissoto recipes are worth publishing, but nothing on the Trump campaign is? That doesn't sound very Wikileaks. But it *is* Wikileaks. The *new* Wikileaks. Assange is hiding information. Boo-o-o-o-o.", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : >Podesta's rissoto recipes are worth publishing, but nothing on the Trump campaign is? That doesn't sound very Wikileaks. But it is Wikileaks. The new Wikileaks. Assange is hiding information. Boo-o-o-o-o. Are you aware of how Wikileaks releases their information as large dumps once vetted? They arent going to remove a recipe email from the dump or any other emails. They were validated as authentic emails and they released them.", '>>{SNStains} : I am also aware that there are dumps that Assange is refusing to do. And so are you.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : > The media actively trying to sink Trump's campaign, but I think it's mostly to undo the monster they've created. It angers me as a Republican who wanted a decent candidate and conservative judges, at this point I am contemplating voting for a complete jackass to get an empty suit in the White House. All the shit Trump stands is garbage and i can't help but feel like the media has to crumble now with him. I have completely lost faith in the media and political journalism and I hope Trump will be their death knell. The monster is out, his rhetoric won't go away for awhile now, even if he loses he's gonna have a TV network and spew his nonsense to millions of people everyday, I guarantee it. It used to be when someone acts like a complete asshole the media would just ignore them and bombard them with constant hit pieces, they gave Trump a powerful voice and a pedastol. >They compromise their foreign positions constantly to secure domestic support of a western bogeyman that's the cause of all their problems. Wouldn't Trump be a counter weight to the western boogeyman? In the international polls it seems Russia is the only country that doesn't hate him. The Cold War both sides were rigging elections, I still believe we do it but mostly because it's necessary. I don't believe that Russia really has the capability to rig the us election, more get it into headlines and have guys like Obama and Clinton to say they are. How is this beneficial for them if Hillary is elected?", ">>{thisisnotdave} : Aren't you at all bothered that everything he says is BS? He doesn't stand for any conservative ideal. At all. He isn't against the media, he IS the media. The media made him. Jeff Zucker made Trump. All of this talk about a rigged media, he's the LAST person who can make that argument. He manipulated the media to steal the primaries and now he's lashing out against them because they're not playing by his rules. I'd be very careful with what you wish for. Trump is only out for Trump. Russia has already succeed, they're not trying to plant a manchurian candidate, they're trying to sew unrest. They want to make Americans lose faith in the democractic process. And thanks to wikileaks a lot of us are falling right into their hands. But I think Marco Rubio had a good point. Today it's the Dem's, tomorrow it'll be the GOP."], ['>>{glowmoss} : She got demolished on CNN last night. So it was pretty bizarre to see her sudden promotion.', '>>{MC_Carty} : CNN hates her? She must be the most Rebublican person ever! Hire her!', ">>{glowmoss} : She's just an alt-right lunatic. One of her favorite theories is that girls are being selectively aborted in America. edit: a word", ">>{glowmoss} : She isn't as bad as Pierson, you're right.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Why bother meeting her? She's going to be replaced in two weeks.", ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Let's see: alt-right, pathological liar, tenuous grasp on reality. Perfect fit for the Drumpfster!", ">>{Qwikphaze} : Yea she did. She doesn't know how to answer a simple yes or no question before she jumps into the trump spiel.", ">>{Qwikphaze} : I'm surprised she didn't quit on set, she was totally a mess and refused to answer a simple yes or no question. I'm fine with you taking a side and defending your position, but when you are asked a question. Stop trying to be a machine and continue with your trump approved lines.", ">>{Qwikphaze} : Why are you badgering me? Your questions are too hard to understand. What do you mean it's a yes or no question? I want to say my trump spiel. Ughhhhh!", ">>{pingveno} : Step 1: Break Trump's thumbs to avoid Twitter... mishaps. Step 2: All Trump rallies will feature Trump on a live video link using a 1 minute delay. Sufficiently self-destructive comments will be censored with a simulation of a temporarily dropped connection. Those should be worth at least a few points.", '>>{BistuVerruckt} : Only thing to help cheato at this point, is playing the video of her getting tapped.', '>>{seanosul} : New stuff to cut and paste. That will do it.', '>>{Chris20nyy} : Yeah, it\'s blizzard that anyone would think she was put in her place when she repeatedly tried answering a yes or no question with "well what I took from his speech". That\'s a clear sign she can\'t answer the question. Therefore, she lost.', '>>{JackOCat} : Can she induce a coma in Trump for a fewonths? That would really help his polling.', '>>{Qwikphaze} : Her job is to support trump, yes. The moderator asked a question and she is there to answer the question in a pro trump way. Instead she sidestepped question altogether which then makes you look like an idiot and hurts trump.', ">>{Bigpartyclam} : I guess it's a good thing nobody watches CNN anymore", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : Maybe that's how she thinks spin works. I've seen her before on TV. I was never impressed with her approach.", '>>{treerat} : With Ailes involved, there will be a lot of women "tapped."'], ['>>{TheOriginalFaFa} : Growing marijuana at home could become as easy as plugging in a machine and walking away', '>>{extendedsceptic} : these machines are great, But marijuana is so easy to grow, drop a seed in the pot and give it water when it droops.', ">>{haberstachery} : Let me know if you buy this machine and then I'll just buy the harvested crop from you.", '>>{Inactivated} : What happens after the twelve cops in riot gear kick down my door?', '>>{extendedsceptic} : Good point, so the difference been? ah yes, "but officer, its not my weed, the robot grew it all by itself"', '>>{ADrunkMonk} : Give them water too. They are probably thirsty in all that gear.', '>>{Inactivated} : They will calculate the weight of the robot in and charge you for having fifty pounds of weed sending you to jail for the rest of your life.', '>>{extendedsceptic} : Better just to have a pot of pot on the balcony then.', '>>{ireshine} : I sure you can grow any other plant as well.', ">>{ipunchcunt} : In places where pot is legal, these machines are a stupid eyesore. Also, pot is super easy to grow without the machine. In places where it's illegal, it's a great way to go from misdemeanor to felony. Pot dealers make money so they can take the risks on your behalf.", '>>{TeamXII} : If you can grow it that easily in a $3,000 machine, just plant the fuckers in the backyard', '>>{tms10000} : You point them to the neighbor. "Wrong address, genius, the methouse is next door." because you live in Oregon and you can grow weed there.', ">>{DarthVictivus} : It's called weed for a reason, can just put the seeds in the ground and come back in a few months.", '>>{infiniZii} : The problem is that it is illegal to grow them in the yard in many cases. For example the new law that legalized marijuana in CA says it must be grown in a locked area.', ">>{TeamXII} : I just installed a lock on my backyard gate heehee Can't wait until the vernal equinox", '>>{infiniZii} : Hey at least you are paying attention to the requirements!', ">>{TeamXII} : Don't want the cops coming to try to snatch my crops!", ">>{Speaktomenow} : Don't worry about the cops, worry about local kids who get 'wind' of your outdoor crop. Or worse, really nasty people who will think nothing of smashing their way into your house after they steal your plants to see if there is drug cash as well as drug crops. Happens all the time. People find it hard to keep their mouths shut, or even your friends and family mention in passing that they know someone who's growing. This is why people grow indoors. And don't talk about where it comes from. EVER.", '>>{Frogolocalypse} : My past is littered with the husks of dead cacti that would probably have a different opinion.', ">>{rjove} : Pot is not that easy to grow indoors; many things can go wrong relating to soil type, overwatering (very common), nutrients and light leaks, and some strains are quite finicky. Also (and not many people think of this) only female plants produce flowers so you have to identify and separate the males after a few weeks. The there's the smell. Have you ever smelled a marijuana plant in late bloom? Unless that little cabinet has industrial-strength carbon filtering, little Billy is going to have a problem on his hands when his entire apartment complex begins to stink like a dying skunk.", '>>{SivKaedos} : Growing piss poor pot could be as easy as plugging it in and waking away .', '>>{EdwardStone} : Do these machines prevent the smell of ganja of spreading though?', '>>{extendedsceptic} : well that too, but I only have a balcony ;-)', ">>{kingrootintootin2} : why wait? start some seeds indoors under a light in january/february and get a headstart. you'll get way bigger plants by harvest time that way too", ">>{DarthVictivus} : It grows great in little pots on the balcony. Just make sure it's not illegal to grow it there!", '>>{TheKlonipinKid} : Youd get an ounce at most maybe more in like 6 months...maybe 4 months with auto flower with 2 ounces who knows...but u bet its stupid expensive', ">>{Madmohawkfilms} : Is it from Jeff Demarco who sold grow closets in the 80's", ">>{METAL4_BREAKFST} : I grew some nice Critical Mass on the balcony last summer. You'd be surprised with what you can grow out there. I use those large plastic storage bins you get at the Home Despot to grow in.", '>>{extendedsceptic} : I wouldnt be surprised, http://imgur.com/a/LIEA6 3 plants got rot so i had to cut them very early, it was an incredible humid summer. still ended up 200gms+', '>>{Land_Architect} : I can\'t tell if OP is being sarcastic or not. Marijuana is one of the easiest plants to grow in the world. Get a RO water filter, some growing medium, a timer, a thermometer and barometer, read a book on basic bubble bucket growing that touches on planting, watering, nutrients, and growing and curing and you can grow medical grade marijuana in your home in as little as 2 months. All you have to do is find a good book and follow it. Order your seeds from the internet or find a Friend of a friend to get you a clone. It takes about 1400$ start up cash and 40 hours of reading and research and about 20 hours to make a airtight "room" inside of your basement or buy a premade tents you can use a basic filter you make your self and you won\'t be able to smell a single thing. If you want to grow weed, it\'s literally easier than playing a game of monopoly.', ">>{rjove} : Hydroponics definitely isn't easier than playing monopoly :) Then you have to worry about odor control and light selection. There are many variables that can go wrong especially if your state is not legal. I'm not saying that the average person can't put in the time to learn, but it's so much more complex than dropping a seed in a bucket, watering and waiting. Brewing beer is easier IMO.", ">>{Land_Architect} : How? What is complex about it? You just follow directions. The odor isn't an issue if you can follow directions or any part of it. Light selection isn't difficult at all?", ">>{rjove} : What if accidentally overfeed? Underfeed? In soil, if you overwater once your plant will die and it's very easy to do. Does your strain like more K or N in bloom? What about hermaphroditism if you have light leaks? What if your light timer or water pump fails? What about pests like spider mites? What if your carbon scrubber isn't big enough for the strain or fails? What size fan do you use for your cabinet for proper airflow? If you run more than 1500w in lights you'll need an electrician to install circuits or it's a fire risk. Etc etc etc. There are a lot of little things people don't think about that can go wrong.", ">>{Land_Architect} : Literally all of that is thoroughly explained in like just about every single how to grow book I have ever read. The first time I grew weed it was outdoors with hose water, the last time I grew was indoors with a fully automated system yield 400+ grams per plant. All of these were as easy as following directions. The only time things got difficult was when I didn't follow directions exactly and tried to experiment.", ">>{pachydermusrex} : So just because something is explained in a how to book, means is easier than paying a board game? Lol You can buy books on just about anything. Just because it'll explain *how to*, doesn't mean it will be easy.", '>>{Land_Architect} : Yes, growing weed is easier than learning how to play monopoly. Thanks for the effective communication skill or rephrasing my statement in the form of a question. Poor job on the attempting to make it a broader statement in an attempt to pinhole me into specifics vs general statements.', '>>{pachydermusrex} : Thanks for not being so salty when someone disagrees with you, and for not trying to discredit that persons opinion by making fun of them. Good conversation skills!', ">>{rjove} : Those are great results and not usually achievable by beginners—400g per plant is crazy good. I still think Monopoly is much easier, and it doesn't cost $1400!", '>>{nathanblan11} : Good civil disagreement until you insulted him. Downboat ¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯', '>>{nonotatall1} : This is a great idea for Android users. iPhone users not so much.', ">>{dirtstarfish} : Actually maybe just let them droop and don't water them while you walk away. But make sure you call a friend to water them while you're gone", '>>{coloredGuy} : Sure, Android users need all the help they can get.', '>>{xmotorboatmygoatx} : Honestly better than no pot. make rosin ffs. There should be an attachment to this machine that presses rosin after harvesting.', '>>{americanexpatriot} : If it\'s legal in a state, it\'s legal in that state. State LEO do not have the ability to enforce federal law. You can argue semantics all you want, but we all know what people mean when they say "weed is legal in xyz state". You really think it\'s necessary for people to literally spell out "XYZ state is a state in which there is no state law prohibiting weed but buy the way it\'s still federally illegal" every time we try to have a discussion about weed laws? Considering federal policy is pretty much to not enforce the law in states where it\'s legal (OOPS I MEANT IN STATES IN WHICH THERE IS NO LAW PROHIBITING WEED BUT BUY THE WAY IT\'S STILL ILLEGAL ON THE FEDERAL LEVEL)', '>>{socalpimp} : Executive branch policy is to not enforce federal law, which still places marijuana as a class 1 drug. Obama picks and chooses which laws he likes to enforce.', ">>{tahirakinci} : I'll answer you in a very short and comprehensive manner, my friend: hydroponics, gorilla tent, feminized seeds, and a carbon filter connected to an exhaust fan. These little guys invalidates all of your concerns. :P", '>>{rjove} : These, while great, won\'t solve all a first-time grower\'s issues. I personally saw a strain once that "outgrew" its carbon filter in late flower. He could have easily been caught. Also, feminized seeds can be prone to hermaphroditism (because of the way they\'re made) which is not fun if you want a seedless crop.', ">>{tahirakinci} : I concur. BUT, if one does have the simplest gardening skills, it should not be a problem. I think what I'm trying to say here is very much implied. Those problems you listed are, in my opinion, are a lot easier to deal with than the complicated many that could occur in soil/without a decent filter/led lights etc such as fire, smell, bugs, nutrient deficiencies"]]
classify and reply
['>>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble', ">>{stupid-rando} : The story behind the consent decree sounds like a blueprint for Trump's voter intimidation plan. Suspicious coincidence. I wonder if Manafort told him about this, because I know damned sure that he didn't read about it.", '>>{balmergrl} : IIRC, Roger Stone was coordinator for northeast in Reagan\'s campaign, so he likely had something to do with the need for that decree. Officially, he has no association with Trump campaign, but he and Donald go way back. Roger got some cushy Indian Gaming position from Bush Jr, for helping to stage the Brooks Bros "riot" that stopped the FL recount. He and Trump have had many mutual interests and share a similar style, I assume most of the things out of Trumps mouth are parroting Roger and Alex Jones, Roger\'s bosom buddy.', ">>{stupid-rando} : > Roger Stone was coordinator for northeast in Reagan's campaign, so he likely had something to do with the need for that decree. Wow -- it's really making sense now. Shit. This is gonna get so ugly.", '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Unreal. No way he is a serious candidate.', '>>{akaZilong} : I think the vote observers should were some kind of clothes that identify them as being observant. I heard earthy warm brown cloths could do the trick with a little red band at their arm. Maybe with black logo on a white circle.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Nothing pisses people off like people trying to stop them from voting. If this story gets enough spread, it could backfire in a big way.', '>>{elainegeorge} : If I get stopped on my way in to vote, I will knee someone in the crotch. Those ignorant fucks can call the cops.', '>>{DownWithAssad} : In order to further identify themselves, they should perform some symbolic gesture of deference to Trump and maybe shout a certain slogan. Methinks raising the arm up to a 45-degree angle with the hand flatly outstretched and shouting "Heil Trump!" outta be enough.', '>>{attosama} : I imagine these lunatics will be strapped with guns in open carry States. Please call the cops on them or record them from a safe distance in action, it could toss out the votes of the State, or help disqualify Trump.', '>>{co2_emitter} : The Washington Post is now no different than The Onion...what a bunch of losers they and YOU have become.', ">>{Walrus675} : I didn't think there was anything wrong with trying to keep people vigilant. Maybe Bernie would've won if people had stepped up and watched for fraud when he was around. Provided things aren't violent, which he certainly hasn't advocated and I don't think they would be, I think it's a good idea.", ">>{cbromley2} : And just to be absolutely sure, they could speak in some strange accent. I don't know, maybe something central European?", '>>{andrew_54} : Except if you read the article, you can see where things get complicated with prior RNC rulings, the fact that there is very little evidence of this type of voter fraud anyway, the danger in painting any opposition as "rigged" etc...', ">>{curlypaul924} : Many of the polling locations are no carry zones like schools, so I don't think this would go down very well.", '>>{Alphonse_Mocha} : And they could call themselves the "Shill Stoppers!" Or maybe just the "SS" to simplify.', '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : As long as people stay within the boundaries of law, nobody is going to get into any trouble. Trumps words themselves in this case do not advocate for violence, lawlessness, hate, anti-minority sentiment, sexism, etc. How people choose to internalize his words is on them and living in an echo chamber where many agree with your internalized narrative doesn\'t make it any more true. You guys have literally made up a narrative by "reading between the lines" aka pulling a narrative out of your ass and believe that since you all agree on it, it\'s magically evidence against Trump. The smug intellectual dishonesty floating around leftist echo chambers is hilarious. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', '>>{drsjsmith} : Typically, judges Do Not Like when entities violate the terms of a consent decree. These are very dangerous waters, even by the standards of the devil-may-care Trump-Pence campaign.', '>>{000066} : > living in an echo chamber from a Trump supporter. lmao.', ">>{ChiggyVonRichtofen} : > As long as people stay within the boundaries of law, nobody is going to get into any trouble. And as long as nobody assassinates Clinton, nobody can say Trump caused it. But the problem isn't that he says these things, it's that he doesn't seem to understand that his words have consequences. Not every person listening to him is sane, and some of them are going to take his words, or his implications, and act on them.", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Even if they did, Trump is not to blame for the actions of another. He never said to assassinate anyone, deluded people interpret whatever they like based on whatever they like. Expecting people to cater their existence around the possible result of some random crazy person's delusions is not acceptable in my opinion. Trump did not call for violence, expecting him to censor himself beyond that for the sake of some possible deluded person taking it the wrong way runs against what I believe in. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : A Trump supporter who spends the vast majority of my online political discussion time in leftist echo chambers like you find yourself in, putting forward my views and discussing when possible with those who are actually interested in an open and honest discussion on the issues with someone who doesn't agree with them. Hell, I only get 6 posts a fucking hour here because of smug fucking chumps like yourself that downvote everything that doesn't agree with their pathetic worldview, but at least I put my effort in to have discourse and broaden my worldview by talking to those who don't agree with me. The fuck you done besides pop into a thread, downvote, and spout off some fucking one-lined horseshit that contributes nothing to the discussion? Thanks, buddy! [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : This isn\'t about a leftist echo chamber. As General Michael Hayden, who is former head of the CIA and NSA, and hardly a leftist said, "You’re not just responsible for what you say. You are responsible for what people hear". Trump, whether he likes it or not, is a leader now. He should have the sense not to say things that could be interpreted to incite violence, even if he\'s not inciting violence directly.', ">>{ChiggyVonRichtofen} : Neither you nor I should need to censor ourselves because of what some crazy person might do, but we are not (I'm presuming, in your case) major party candidates with millions of people paying attention to us. The issue here isn't that he's to blame so much as he is making a foolish and dangerous decision when he says these things.", ">>{Victor_Zsasz} : Yeah, the Onions taken some hits this year. It's hard to be satirical regarding Trump, he does most of it himself.", ">>{LugganathFTW} : Someone is triggered. Maybe less people would down vote if you weren't such an asshole.", '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Michael Hayden is wrong in my opinion. At no point is anyone else responsible for the actions of another based on them creating a fictional version of reality where they "hear" something that was not said. Nobody should be expected to censor themselves based on the potential mental instability of an unknown actor that may or may not hear something that they then later use to abdicate personal responsibility for their own actions. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Plenty of people are blaming him, wrongly in my opinion. When it comes to it being a foolish and dangerous decision, that's another aspect entirely. Personally, I don't believe that anyone has ever truly been coerced to violence by words that do not advocate for violence. These are things people use as pathetic excuses to abdicate responsibility for their own actions. They chose to do something, they were the danger, the person's words they tried to pass the buck to were not the danger. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Maybe if more people around here were out for an open and honest discussion on topics, worthless one liner shit posts like yours that contribute nothing and lead to no intellectual discourse would be flushed down the toilet. Thanks for not contributing anything guy, you make r/politics the awesome place it is! [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', ">>{LugganathFTW} : Blame everyone else and don't realize you're the problem. Man that sounds familiar.", '>>{co2_emitter} : Context is everything and WAPO is no longer relevant... If you are unable or unwilling to discern such...then you are part of the problem.', '>>{mommy2libras} : He doesn\'t have to advocate for violence. Just people showing up there to "observe" isn\'t a problem. But anything other than the simple observations outlined by the decree *are* illegal and he *did* call for those people to go. If their presence alone is deemed intimidating - and violence need not be a factor - then yes, he will have broken the decree and may be legally liable. Did you even read the article?', ">>{Victor_Zsasz} : But you're just making this up, why should I listen to you?", ">>{dxtboxer} : Ignoring the fact that voter fraud has happened like a couple dozen times EVER and is completely unable to mess with an election's results, why does Trump associate voter ID laws with people voting 5 times or 10 times or whatever he warns about? I really can't tell if he just doesn't know what the laws are about or if he legitimately thinks people are voting multiple times without such laws.", '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Thanks for not contributing to the discussion even once. Have a good one. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', ">>{Saiboogu} : It's a conservative myth that is spun to support voter id laws. ID laws seem much like DRM.. They're far more inconvenient to regular users than dedicated criminals, so they act to inconvenience lower class voters. Which is likely the reason for the stories and laws.. Plus a measure of fear: Gotta look out, they're cheating you out of your vote!", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : So what you're saying is that as long as people stay within the boundaries of the law, nobody is going to get into any trouble? Did you even read my comment? [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{metaobject} : And they could come up with a snappy phrase to indicate their allegiance to the cause. Something like: Halt Hillary!!', '>>{reallythough11} : He gets his news from the crazies. So he lives in a fantasy world where Mexicans are voting 8 times each.', '>>{diamond} : Trump stole his campaign slogan from Reagan. Why not this too?', ">>{introversed} : Who do I contact if I'm the victim of voter intimidation this November?", '>>{mommy2libras} : They don\'t get to abdicate personal responsibility. It just means that there is more than one responsible party. Quit trying to make it a black or white thing. In this, each would be responsible for the actions they commit. And yes, telling people they need to go and monitor polling places would definitely be a part of it that Trump would be responsible for. It is his responsibility to know the laws about elections and polling behavior so if a bunch of people show up to "watch" and are found to be intimidating, then he owns that part. You can bet your sweet ass that none of them would have been hanging out at a polling place all day without him saying they needed to. However, whatever actions they commit personally while there are their own responsibility. But their presence is his.', ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : > They don't get to abdicate personal responsibility. It just means that there is more than one responsible party. Quit trying to make it a black or white thing Nobody who does not advocate violence is responsible for the violent actions of another. It is black and white. Trump is not responsible if someone shows up and breaks the law, Trump did not encourage them to do so. If they do as Trump said, show up and observe, in no way breaking laws as nothing he advocated indicated that they should break laws, there is no issue. You are attempting to pass off the personal responsibility of others onto Trump, you are 100% in the wrong on that in my view. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{mommy2libras} : As per the previous decree, no it isn\'t a good idea. He\'s calling for it in "certain parts of the state" which can easily be seen as targeting places where many minorities vote. Have you seen some of the videos from Trump rallies? Many are fine with no really big problems but others look like the parking lot after a Lynard Skynard concert and those are the people who are going to feel it\'s their "duty" to make sure "there\'s no cheating going on". The really extreme supporters. Now imagine a group of them sitting in the parking lot of a polling place in a high minority, low income area. Imagine the banners and stickers and flags you see on these people at these rallies. Now do you see why this could be a problem? Again, I don\'t believe this would be a majority of Trump supporters but he most definitely has his "strong support" and you\'ve seen and heard them. Some guy stopping by on his lunch break to vote may decide it\'s in his best interest to keep on driving. Incidentally, *this* could actually be seen as rigging the election (which is why the decree is supposed to stop people from doing it), which is exactly what he *says* he\'s trying to keep from happening. He\'s already made sure that his supporters think he has a great lead (which he doesn\'t) so if Hillary wins, it\'s because she cheated. Do you not see how irresponsible this is? At the very least he\'s made sure there will be a good amount of unrest between parts of society. Can you think of what the worst might be?', ">>{Shelbyville_Idea} : It would be nice to stop the Shillary. Probably ain't gonna happen though. I'm afraid she's going to double down on Obama's drone program and use it domestically to eliminate the poor. OK, maybe she won't do that, but she *wants* to.", ">>{000066} : You are just adorable. You think your net comment karma is negative because you are trying to broaden your worldview? It's because most of your posts are accusations followed by insults. Buddy, if you want an echo chamber, head to r/the_donald", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : I couldn't give one fuck about my karma, I am here to engage in discourse with people who actually have something to contribute to the discussion, not smug one line shit posters like yourself. Thanks for not contributing to the discussion. Have a good one. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : too transparent. like this: http://imgur.com/670vZ76 e- lol, y'all didn't like that did you. sucks when it's your girl.", ">>{000066} : That's the thing though, you aren't engaging in discourse. You are simply attacking everything people are saying and then expecting people not to make fun of you for doing it.", '>>{000066} : this sub is crazy with anti-trump articles because Trump has been on an absolutely unprecedented run of bad press while running for the office of "leader of the free world" It\'s obviously going to be filled with discussions of Trump\'s poor behavior and condemnation of his remarks because he just called the President of the United States (a title that used to get some respect from all Americans) the literal founder of ISIS and then has made a wildly unfounded claim about a rigged election and widespread voter fraud without a shred of evidence. r/politics is filled with those articles and discussions because it\'s literally the most absurd thing that\'s happened in a presidential election in most people\'s lives. The fuck do you think we\'d be talking about? Hillary\'s emails are nothing compared to calling a proud nation of 300 million people\'s twice democratically elected leader the fucking founder of a terrorist organization.', ">>{gtg092x} : That whooshing sound you just heard over your head wasn't a drone.", '>>{Kenatius} : Downvoted because of the cowardice of your "note".', '>>{Kenatius} : Downvoted because of the cowardice of your "note".', '>>{Kenatius} : Annnnnd Daffy Donald is not responsible for ANY of this bad press? LMAO', '>>{Alphonse_Mocha} : Great! My info should be saved with CTR for direct deposit. Take note, Trumpeter Youth--*that* was sarcasm.', ">>{GroundPorter} : It was concerning when in 2010 Fox News was running story after story about ACORN fraud and frothing up the tea party to watch the polls then. Now with the nominee actually actively pushing this and his crazy-ass bigot supporters it's got all kinds of potential to be so much worse.", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : i haven't seen shit about the soros hack. that's enough to call bullshit.", ">>{000066} : Why is that a smoking gun or really important news? Are advisers outside of government staff illegal? Soros was giving advice, not orders. What high-level government official doesn't take advice? They don't hire everyone they talk to. George W. took a weekly call with the leader of the evangelical church every monday. It wasn't a scandal then, and Soros isn't a scandal now. http://watchingthewatchers.org/news/962/pastor-ted-talks-president-george Were you, personally, fuming mad and kicking the walls over the bullshit violation of the separation of church and state when that was happening? Meanwhile, Trump created his economic adviser group around his biggest donors: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trumps-economic-advisers-are-also-his-biggest-donors-226758", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : 0 posts to /r/politics about it. the sub is bullshit. don't be dumb. it's worth 1 post.", ">>{000066} : There are nearly 0 posts about it in reality, aside from infowars, breitbart and other clearly conspiratorial sites. Russia Today maybe the closest thing to a reputable source that reported on it. The state-funded russian media company is most reputable news site reporting on it. Why do you expect it to be all over this sub? Like, dude, sit back and think about things for a second. Is the world really conspiring against you. Or maybe a lot of Americans are pissed off (for good reason) about life right now but the answers are really, really complex. And when someone tells you they have a simple reason why, it's probably too good to be true. It would be nice if everything could be explained away like that, but I don't think it's possible. And that reality is starting to sink into the Trump campaign. This might be a case where if you think everyone around you is an asshole, you might be the asshole.", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : sometimes the stench of shit really is shit. it's all over you.", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : As I have already pointed out numerous times around here, and will repeat for you, I am engaging in discourse with people who actually engage in discourse. You are not one of those people, your grand fucking contribution to my post was 5 words. Others managed to put forward an actual response to my post and I replied to them and opened a dialogue. Anyway, I couldn't care less about someone who puts in 5 words and thinks they have accomplished anything laughing at me, in fact, I don't give a crap what anyone anywhere in this world thinks of me. I am confident in myself, blame nobody else for anything in my entire life, take full responsibility for my actions as my own, and am accountable to nobody. Thanks for your 5 word contribution, it meant nothing and in no way rebutted or otherwise countered anything I said at any point. Ya lost bud, ya lost. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{000066} : Yes, that is exactly how I would describe Trump and his supporters at the moment. Spot on.', '>>{000066} : The problem is that, for all you end up writing, it carries no more weight than my five words because you aren\'t saying anything. You keep saying "engage in discourse" but you aren\'t. I can\'t lose and haven\'t lost because I am waiting to play basketball while you keep trying to run in a touchdown.', ">>{pfffft_comeon} : oh yea? well that's how i would describe your mom!", '>>{000066} : And the Trump supporter reveals his final form, as he does at the end of every conversation.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble', ">>{stupid-rando} : The story behind the consent decree sounds like a blueprint for Trump's voter intimidation plan. Suspicious coincidence. I wonder if Manafort told him about this, because I know damned sure that he didn't read about it.", '>>{balmergrl} : IIRC, Roger Stone was coordinator for northeast in Reagan\'s campaign, so he likely had something to do with the need for that decree. Officially, he has no association with Trump campaign, but he and Donald go way back. Roger got some cushy Indian Gaming position from Bush Jr, for helping to stage the Brooks Bros "riot" that stopped the FL recount. He and Trump have had many mutual interests and share a similar style, I assume most of the things out of Trumps mouth are parroting Roger and Alex Jones, Roger\'s bosom buddy.', ">>{stupid-rando} : > Roger Stone was coordinator for northeast in Reagan's campaign, so he likely had something to do with the need for that decree. Wow -- it's really making sense now. Shit. This is gonna get so ugly.", '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Unreal. No way he is a serious candidate.', '>>{akaZilong} : I think the vote observers should were some kind of clothes that identify them as being observant. I heard earthy warm brown cloths could do the trick with a little red band at their arm. Maybe with black logo on a white circle.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Nothing pisses people off like people trying to stop them from voting. If this story gets enough spread, it could backfire in a big way.', '>>{elainegeorge} : If I get stopped on my way in to vote, I will knee someone in the crotch. Those ignorant fucks can call the cops.', '>>{DownWithAssad} : In order to further identify themselves, they should perform some symbolic gesture of deference to Trump and maybe shout a certain slogan. Methinks raising the arm up to a 45-degree angle with the hand flatly outstretched and shouting "Heil Trump!" outta be enough.', '>>{attosama} : I imagine these lunatics will be strapped with guns in open carry States. Please call the cops on them or record them from a safe distance in action, it could toss out the votes of the State, or help disqualify Trump.', '>>{co2_emitter} : The Washington Post is now no different than The Onion...what a bunch of losers they and YOU have become.', ">>{Walrus675} : I didn't think there was anything wrong with trying to keep people vigilant. Maybe Bernie would've won if people had stepped up and watched for fraud when he was around. Provided things aren't violent, which he certainly hasn't advocated and I don't think they would be, I think it's a good idea.", ">>{cbromley2} : And just to be absolutely sure, they could speak in some strange accent. I don't know, maybe something central European?", '>>{andrew_54} : Except if you read the article, you can see where things get complicated with prior RNC rulings, the fact that there is very little evidence of this type of voter fraud anyway, the danger in painting any opposition as "rigged" etc...', ">>{curlypaul924} : Many of the polling locations are no carry zones like schools, so I don't think this would go down very well.", '>>{Alphonse_Mocha} : And they could call themselves the "Shill Stoppers!" Or maybe just the "SS" to simplify.', '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : As long as people stay within the boundaries of law, nobody is going to get into any trouble. Trumps words themselves in this case do not advocate for violence, lawlessness, hate, anti-minority sentiment, sexism, etc. How people choose to internalize his words is on them and living in an echo chamber where many agree with your internalized narrative doesn\'t make it any more true. You guys have literally made up a narrative by "reading between the lines" aka pulling a narrative out of your ass and believe that since you all agree on it, it\'s magically evidence against Trump. The smug intellectual dishonesty floating around leftist echo chambers is hilarious. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', '>>{drsjsmith} : Typically, judges Do Not Like when entities violate the terms of a consent decree. These are very dangerous waters, even by the standards of the devil-may-care Trump-Pence campaign.', '>>{000066} : > living in an echo chamber from a Trump supporter. lmao.', ">>{ChiggyVonRichtofen} : > As long as people stay within the boundaries of law, nobody is going to get into any trouble. And as long as nobody assassinates Clinton, nobody can say Trump caused it. But the problem isn't that he says these things, it's that he doesn't seem to understand that his words have consequences. Not every person listening to him is sane, and some of them are going to take his words, or his implications, and act on them.", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Even if they did, Trump is not to blame for the actions of another. He never said to assassinate anyone, deluded people interpret whatever they like based on whatever they like. Expecting people to cater their existence around the possible result of some random crazy person's delusions is not acceptable in my opinion. Trump did not call for violence, expecting him to censor himself beyond that for the sake of some possible deluded person taking it the wrong way runs against what I believe in. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : A Trump supporter who spends the vast majority of my online political discussion time in leftist echo chambers like you find yourself in, putting forward my views and discussing when possible with those who are actually interested in an open and honest discussion on the issues with someone who doesn't agree with them. Hell, I only get 6 posts a fucking hour here because of smug fucking chumps like yourself that downvote everything that doesn't agree with their pathetic worldview, but at least I put my effort in to have discourse and broaden my worldview by talking to those who don't agree with me. The fuck you done besides pop into a thread, downvote, and spout off some fucking one-lined horseshit that contributes nothing to the discussion? Thanks, buddy! [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : This isn\'t about a leftist echo chamber. As General Michael Hayden, who is former head of the CIA and NSA, and hardly a leftist said, "You’re not just responsible for what you say. You are responsible for what people hear". Trump, whether he likes it or not, is a leader now. He should have the sense not to say things that could be interpreted to incite violence, even if he\'s not inciting violence directly.', ">>{ChiggyVonRichtofen} : Neither you nor I should need to censor ourselves because of what some crazy person might do, but we are not (I'm presuming, in your case) major party candidates with millions of people paying attention to us. The issue here isn't that he's to blame so much as he is making a foolish and dangerous decision when he says these things.", ">>{Victor_Zsasz} : Yeah, the Onions taken some hits this year. It's hard to be satirical regarding Trump, he does most of it himself.", ">>{LugganathFTW} : Someone is triggered. Maybe less people would down vote if you weren't such an asshole.", '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Michael Hayden is wrong in my opinion. At no point is anyone else responsible for the actions of another based on them creating a fictional version of reality where they "hear" something that was not said. Nobody should be expected to censor themselves based on the potential mental instability of an unknown actor that may or may not hear something that they then later use to abdicate personal responsibility for their own actions. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Plenty of people are blaming him, wrongly in my opinion. When it comes to it being a foolish and dangerous decision, that's another aspect entirely. Personally, I don't believe that anyone has ever truly been coerced to violence by words that do not advocate for violence. These are things people use as pathetic excuses to abdicate responsibility for their own actions. They chose to do something, they were the danger, the person's words they tried to pass the buck to were not the danger. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Maybe if more people around here were out for an open and honest discussion on topics, worthless one liner shit posts like yours that contribute nothing and lead to no intellectual discourse would be flushed down the toilet. Thanks for not contributing anything guy, you make r/politics the awesome place it is! [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', ">>{LugganathFTW} : Blame everyone else and don't realize you're the problem. Man that sounds familiar.", '>>{co2_emitter} : Context is everything and WAPO is no longer relevant... If you are unable or unwilling to discern such...then you are part of the problem.', '>>{mommy2libras} : He doesn\'t have to advocate for violence. Just people showing up there to "observe" isn\'t a problem. But anything other than the simple observations outlined by the decree *are* illegal and he *did* call for those people to go. If their presence alone is deemed intimidating - and violence need not be a factor - then yes, he will have broken the decree and may be legally liable. Did you even read the article?', ">>{Victor_Zsasz} : But you're just making this up, why should I listen to you?", ">>{dxtboxer} : Ignoring the fact that voter fraud has happened like a couple dozen times EVER and is completely unable to mess with an election's results, why does Trump associate voter ID laws with people voting 5 times or 10 times or whatever he warns about? I really can't tell if he just doesn't know what the laws are about or if he legitimately thinks people are voting multiple times without such laws.", '>>{HilliaryClinton2016} : Thanks for not contributing to the discussion even once. Have a good one. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)', ">>{Saiboogu} : It's a conservative myth that is spun to support voter id laws. ID laws seem much like DRM.. They're far more inconvenient to regular users than dedicated criminals, so they act to inconvenience lower class voters. Which is likely the reason for the stories and laws.. Plus a measure of fear: Gotta look out, they're cheating you out of your vote!", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : So what you're saying is that as long as people stay within the boundaries of the law, nobody is going to get into any trouble? Did you even read my comment? [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{metaobject} : And they could come up with a snappy phrase to indicate their allegiance to the cause. Something like: Halt Hillary!!', '>>{reallythough11} : He gets his news from the crazies. So he lives in a fantasy world where Mexicans are voting 8 times each.', '>>{diamond} : Trump stole his campaign slogan from Reagan. Why not this too?', ">>{introversed} : Who do I contact if I'm the victim of voter intimidation this November?", '>>{mommy2libras} : They don\'t get to abdicate personal responsibility. It just means that there is more than one responsible party. Quit trying to make it a black or white thing. In this, each would be responsible for the actions they commit. And yes, telling people they need to go and monitor polling places would definitely be a part of it that Trump would be responsible for. It is his responsibility to know the laws about elections and polling behavior so if a bunch of people show up to "watch" and are found to be intimidating, then he owns that part. You can bet your sweet ass that none of them would have been hanging out at a polling place all day without him saying they needed to. However, whatever actions they commit personally while there are their own responsibility. But their presence is his.', ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : > They don't get to abdicate personal responsibility. It just means that there is more than one responsible party. Quit trying to make it a black or white thing Nobody who does not advocate violence is responsible for the violent actions of another. It is black and white. Trump is not responsible if someone shows up and breaks the law, Trump did not encourage them to do so. If they do as Trump said, show up and observe, in no way breaking laws as nothing he advocated indicated that they should break laws, there is no issue. You are attempting to pass off the personal responsibility of others onto Trump, you are 100% in the wrong on that in my view. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{mommy2libras} : As per the previous decree, no it isn\'t a good idea. He\'s calling for it in "certain parts of the state" which can easily be seen as targeting places where many minorities vote. Have you seen some of the videos from Trump rallies? Many are fine with no really big problems but others look like the parking lot after a Lynard Skynard concert and those are the people who are going to feel it\'s their "duty" to make sure "there\'s no cheating going on". The really extreme supporters. Now imagine a group of them sitting in the parking lot of a polling place in a high minority, low income area. Imagine the banners and stickers and flags you see on these people at these rallies. Now do you see why this could be a problem? Again, I don\'t believe this would be a majority of Trump supporters but he most definitely has his "strong support" and you\'ve seen and heard them. Some guy stopping by on his lunch break to vote may decide it\'s in his best interest to keep on driving. Incidentally, *this* could actually be seen as rigging the election (which is why the decree is supposed to stop people from doing it), which is exactly what he *says* he\'s trying to keep from happening. He\'s already made sure that his supporters think he has a great lead (which he doesn\'t) so if Hillary wins, it\'s because she cheated. Do you not see how irresponsible this is? At the very least he\'s made sure there will be a good amount of unrest between parts of society. Can you think of what the worst might be?', ">>{Shelbyville_Idea} : It would be nice to stop the Shillary. Probably ain't gonna happen though. I'm afraid she's going to double down on Obama's drone program and use it domestically to eliminate the poor. OK, maybe she won't do that, but she *wants* to.", ">>{000066} : You are just adorable. You think your net comment karma is negative because you are trying to broaden your worldview? It's because most of your posts are accusations followed by insults. Buddy, if you want an echo chamber, head to r/the_donald", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : I couldn't give one fuck about my karma, I am here to engage in discourse with people who actually have something to contribute to the discussion, not smug one line shit posters like yourself. Thanks for not contributing to the discussion. Have a good one. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : too transparent. like this: http://imgur.com/670vZ76 e- lol, y'all didn't like that did you. sucks when it's your girl.", ">>{000066} : That's the thing though, you aren't engaging in discourse. You are simply attacking everything people are saying and then expecting people not to make fun of you for doing it.", '>>{000066} : this sub is crazy with anti-trump articles because Trump has been on an absolutely unprecedented run of bad press while running for the office of "leader of the free world" It\'s obviously going to be filled with discussions of Trump\'s poor behavior and condemnation of his remarks because he just called the President of the United States (a title that used to get some respect from all Americans) the literal founder of ISIS and then has made a wildly unfounded claim about a rigged election and widespread voter fraud without a shred of evidence. r/politics is filled with those articles and discussions because it\'s literally the most absurd thing that\'s happened in a presidential election in most people\'s lives. The fuck do you think we\'d be talking about? Hillary\'s emails are nothing compared to calling a proud nation of 300 million people\'s twice democratically elected leader the fucking founder of a terrorist organization.', ">>{gtg092x} : That whooshing sound you just heard over your head wasn't a drone.", '>>{Kenatius} : Downvoted because of the cowardice of your "note".', '>>{Kenatius} : Downvoted because of the cowardice of your "note".', '>>{Kenatius} : Annnnnd Daffy Donald is not responsible for ANY of this bad press? LMAO', '>>{Alphonse_Mocha} : Great! My info should be saved with CTR for direct deposit. Take note, Trumpeter Youth--*that* was sarcasm.', ">>{GroundPorter} : It was concerning when in 2010 Fox News was running story after story about ACORN fraud and frothing up the tea party to watch the polls then. Now with the nominee actually actively pushing this and his crazy-ass bigot supporters it's got all kinds of potential to be so much worse.", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : i haven't seen shit about the soros hack. that's enough to call bullshit.", ">>{000066} : Why is that a smoking gun or really important news? Are advisers outside of government staff illegal? Soros was giving advice, not orders. What high-level government official doesn't take advice? They don't hire everyone they talk to. George W. took a weekly call with the leader of the evangelical church every monday. It wasn't a scandal then, and Soros isn't a scandal now. http://watchingthewatchers.org/news/962/pastor-ted-talks-president-george Were you, personally, fuming mad and kicking the walls over the bullshit violation of the separation of church and state when that was happening? Meanwhile, Trump created his economic adviser group around his biggest donors: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trumps-economic-advisers-are-also-his-biggest-donors-226758", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : 0 posts to /r/politics about it. the sub is bullshit. don't be dumb. it's worth 1 post.", ">>{000066} : There are nearly 0 posts about it in reality, aside from infowars, breitbart and other clearly conspiratorial sites. Russia Today maybe the closest thing to a reputable source that reported on it. The state-funded russian media company is most reputable news site reporting on it. Why do you expect it to be all over this sub? Like, dude, sit back and think about things for a second. Is the world really conspiring against you. Or maybe a lot of Americans are pissed off (for good reason) about life right now but the answers are really, really complex. And when someone tells you they have a simple reason why, it's probably too good to be true. It would be nice if everything could be explained away like that, but I don't think it's possible. And that reality is starting to sink into the Trump campaign. This might be a case where if you think everyone around you is an asshole, you might be the asshole.", ">>{pfffft_comeon} : sometimes the stench of shit really is shit. it's all over you.", ">>{HilliaryClinton2016} : As I have already pointed out numerous times around here, and will repeat for you, I am engaging in discourse with people who actually engage in discourse. You are not one of those people, your grand fucking contribution to my post was 5 words. Others managed to put forward an actual response to my post and I replied to them and opened a dialogue. Anyway, I couldn't care less about someone who puts in 5 words and thinks they have accomplished anything laughing at me, in fact, I don't give a crap what anyone anywhere in this world thinks of me. I am confident in myself, blame nobody else for anything in my entire life, take full responsibility for my actions as my own, and am accountable to nobody. Thanks for your 5 word contribution, it meant nothing and in no way rebutted or otherwise countered anything I said at any point. Ya lost bud, ya lost. [Note](https://www.i.imgur.com/aSH025k.jpg)", '>>{000066} : Yes, that is exactly how I would describe Trump and his supporters at the moment. Spot on.', '>>{000066} : The problem is that, for all you end up writing, it carries no more weight than my five words because you aren\'t saying anything. You keep saying "engage in discourse" but you aren\'t. I can\'t lose and haven\'t lost because I am waiting to play basketball while you keep trying to run in a touchdown.', ">>{pfffft_comeon} : oh yea? well that's how i would describe your mom!", '>>{000066} : And the Trump supporter reveals his final form, as he does at the end of every conversation.']]
classify and reply
['>>{miashaee} : Is he going to make Mexico pay to "fix" our economy?', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : I would love to hear his economic policy. Bet it relies solely on tax cuts.', '>>{Ran4} : New iPhone user - what cool things are out there?', '>>{Westy8897} : Force touching apps on your home screen and your notifications is a neat trick', ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : Here's A Shoe. Put It On The Other Foot. Here Are 7 Things Trump Has Done Republicans Would Never Tolerate Hillary Doing.", '>>{jnr_77} : This author has never met a Republican in person.', ">>{PM_Me_Your_Tabs} : Force touch is pretty nifty. Force touching an app icon will give you a bunch of shortcuts(if the app is updated to support it otherwise it'll say 'Share appname'). Or if you're in Twitter(example) and then hit home and go to Snapchat if you force touch in on the far left side and swipe to the right it'll bring back up your last app which in this instance would be Twitter. Or if you stop midway through it'll bring up the app switcher. Also if you're typing a message to someone and you notice a typo like 5 lines up if you force touch the keyboard you can easily move your cursor around and bring it back up to where you made the typo. Those are just some of the more obscure features of force touch, there's a bunch of other things you can do on it. Also, Game Pigeon is fantastic for friends and such. If your work allows use of it then I would definitely get it", '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : Swipe to the right from the left edge of the screen to go back in a lot of apps. Feels better than a back button did on Android.', '>>{SNStains} : Just when the whole "attacking gold star parents" thing was starting to get some traction. Sad.', ">>{rastertaster} : Mexico and the NATO countries. If they don't pay they get nuked. U know basic mob business model. His bogus tax plan basically cuts taxes to zero.", '>>{Cardenjs} : How can a person who things Sessions was a good pick make really good points?', '>>{whoopiethereitis} : Account 4 days old, posts exclusively anti-trump propaganda....', ">>{jnr_77} : He lives in LA for fuck's sake. Let me clarify, the author of this article has never set foot in the Midwest.", '>>{Ran4} : pie controls is way better though, since that works for the home button too.', '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : Never heard of it. Looking at the reviews I wish I would have when I had my LG G3 for two years. Ugh.', ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : I predict a very ugly meltdown when he realizes that Americans don't see him as competent on economic issues either.", ">>{sobis1dm} : Got shit that's tough to reach from the top of the screen? Double tap (tap!) the home button. I've been in Android phablet land for years and recently purchased to a 7+... And this trick is incredible. I'm gonna use it to tap send on this post right now. (Also the Gboard is a superior keyboard.)", '>>{TheEarlOfMillenium} : This gesture is kinda hit or miss for me.', ">>{MoralMidgetry} : I can't wait to hear working class Trump supporters cheer talking points on reducing corporate taxes, eliminating the estate tax, and improving IP protection for American companies.", ">>{Sarunae_} : Shapiro is pretty conservative, albeit he's one of the most rational people in the GOP.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Didn\'t in some statement about China talk about "Japan might get nukes"', ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Even his daycare tax-deduction is for charter-schooled kids only. Trump's not going to win over families struggling to put food on the table... Many of the lesser-educated Whites he needs.", ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : The only app I've had it miss in is Facebook because Facebook is a pile of shit no matter what operating system you're on.", ">>{vestayekta} : I think even Never Trumpers are happy with Sessions's pick. They don't think he's a racist. >http://www.nationalreview.com/article/442334/jeff-sessions-attorney-general-justice-department-trump-administration >http://www.dailywire.com/news/10920/7-things-you-need-know-about-trump-attorney-aaron-bandler", '>>{Fatandmean} : So he is going to file for bankruptcy and start a new campaign?', '>>{LlamasAreLlamasToo} : That force touch keyboard to move the cursor has changed my life.', ">>{The_Cuntstable} : Yeah guys, you have to go to the Midwest to understand anything about America. Nothing can be learned in the 2nd most populous city in America in the state with the world's 8th biggest economy.", ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : Oh right, there's no [Republicans in Los Angeles](http://www.lagop.org/). In addition, it's not like the library of the most famous Republican president of the last 30-40 years isn't built just [30 miles from downtown LA.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ronald+Reagan+Presidential+Library/@34.150718,-118.6468204,11.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x80e82e50ab1d5ec9:0xa7f05fe5ceaa8f38!8m2!3d34.2598671!4d-118.8198082)", ">>{fullmoon_coldbrew} : I've got an Apple leather case on my 7+ and can almost never get that feature to activate as a result (also because of the global back nav gesture, which seems to register on the stack before 3D Touch does).", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Donald Trump, 1991', '>>{Ran4} : LMT is by far the best one, but it requires root AFAIK.', '>>{jnr_77} : Like I said earlier in the thread, they\'ve never been to an actual "flyover state".', ">>{Byzantine279} : A lot of them do, terrifyingly. People don't really understand how the economy works at all, and Trump talks a big game, even if it is nonsense.", '>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Enough for him to successfully, say market a reality show. Sure. Not enough to win an election.', ">>{jnr_77} : Didn't you just lose the WH because you ignored the Rust Belt?", ">>{Byzantine279} : According to polls he's actually considered better for the economy than Hillary. Which is depressing.", ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Let's hold off until he actually talks about it.", ">>{thats-rickdiculous} : Man with 3 bankruptcies to tell voters he can fix economy We're the Onion now.", ">>{translunar_injection} : He said he'd have the US default on its national debt, in order to negotiate with creditors. That's a decent strategy if you're running a failing casino in Atlantic City. But when you're talking about soverign debt issued in the world's largest reserve currency, you're talking about an event that would bring about a collapse that would easily rival the Great Depression. The guy is a 100% bona fide moron.", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : I mean, I\'ve never stuck my head up a bull\'s ass. That doesn\'t mean I can\'t tell you where sirloin comes from. What\'s your point anyways? Some "No True Scotsman" fallacy? "You can\'t have your fingers on the pulse of *real* America unless you\'ve been to Iowa and frolicked among the corn fields!"', ">>{thats-rickdiculous} : Yeah, shows a bizarre lacking of understanding of the principles of macroeconomics. A currency is only as good as the faith that people place in it, and that faith is largely determined by how people think the government issuing that currency will behave. We have a great record in the US going back 200+ years, and he wants to throw *faith in our currency* away to negotiate our debt down. Despite our debt not really being a drag on growth. It's astounding.", ">>{christopherNV} : It's five people jerking each other off with multiple accounts. Which is why this sub is the equivalent of monkeys throwing shit at a wall.", ">>{The_Cuntstable} : Well, a terrible candidate who shouldn't have run was one big contributor to that. The other was a bunch of misinformed people that put their trust in a rich real estate developer who doesn't know shit about the Government. He promised them a wall from immigrants when they are the least likely to experience the ramifications of illegal immigration. He promised to crack down on Muslim immigrants and terrorism when they are the least likely to experience a terrorist attack. He promised to bring their jobs back by cutting taxes for the rich and taking away some of their healthcare benefits. Stupidity lost this election.", '>>{jnr_77} : You lost the election pretending that coastal elites knew what they were doing. Do you think that strategy will suddenly start working for you?', '>>{jnr_77} : > Stupidity lost this election. She *was* stupid. And now she can fade away into obscurity.', ">>{The_Cuntstable} : I support the hell out of that. She lost and the Clinton's need to retire from political life. It's not her fault a lot of people get their news from Facebook and think Obama is a gay Muslim.", '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : An incredibly conservative, pro-trump friend of mine (who is also well educated and not insane, despite his hard right bent) posted this on facebook, and I was proud of him for even the slight admission on his part.', ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : Nice dodge buddy. Piccolo would be proud. I like how when confronted with tough questions, you dodge and retort with your own questions. I'll make you a deal - you answer mine and I'll answer yours. Sound fair?", ">>{jnr_77} : I wouldn't say it's a No True Scotsman fallacy. I'm literally saying that coastal elites thinking they know what Midwestern Republicans think is the reason you lost the WH.", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >I wouldn\'t say it\'s a No True Scotsman fallacy. I would. You\'re literally saying that unless Ben Shaprio, a Republican, has been to the Midwest, that he\'s not a *true* Republican. >I\'m literally saying that coastal elites thinking they know what Midwestern Republicans think is the reason you lost the WH. Why do you keep saying *you* like I\'m Hillary Clinton or Robby Mook? I\'m just some jackoff on the internet with too much time on his hands. You\'re making this personal and I don\'t get why. Calm down Francis. Anyways, I don\'t totally disagree with you. I think "coastal elites" is a tired platitude from conservative talk radio, but you have a point. The pollsters got it wrong. Lots of people got it wrong. It also didn\'t help that Hillary was a terrible candidate. All of that being said, you should take a slice of humble pie - although Hillary lost the electoral college, she won the popular vote. That means that the ***majority*** of Americans prefer her to Donald. If our electoral college didn\'t give extra wait to rural voters, he would have been trounced. I look forward to 2020.', ">>{jnr_77} : > I would. You're literally saying that unless Ben Shaprio, a Republican, has been to the Midwest, that he's not a true Republican. Where did I say that? Quote me. I'll wait.", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >He lives in LA for fuck\'s sake. Let me clarify, the author of this article has never set foot in the Midwest. There\'s your no true Scotsman fallacy. Now, I know what you\'re thinking, "See, this just proves that I never literally what you said I said." Let me present my friend, the[ oxfored english dictionary](https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/literally): >literally: Used for emphasis while not being literally true So you\'re right, you didn\'t literally say those words. But, literally, you did.', ">>{jnr_77} : > There's your no true Scotsman fallacy. He cannot speak for Republicans he doesn't know. That is my point. I don't think you know what a No True Scotsman fallacy *even is*. You can't even spell Oxford, so why am I surprised that you don't know what it is?", ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >He cannot speak for Republicans he doesn't know How do you know that? Your only evidence is that he lives in Los Angeles <gasp>. You know, we live in a world with crazy inventions like airplanes, cas, and Skype. Just because one lives in Los Angeles, doesn't mean he can't travel or communicate with places like Iowa and Kansas.", '>>{jnr_77} : > How do you know that? Your only evidence is that he lives in Los Angeles Because I am a Republican and I disagree with about half of his list. My mere existence proves he cannot purport to speak for all Republicans.', ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >Because I am a Republican Ohhhh, so because you're a Republican, you get to speak on behalf of all Republicans! >My mere existence proves he cannot purport to speak for all Republicans. Well my voter registration card says I'm a Republican too. That means you can't speak for me either. You can only speak for yourself.", ">>{jnr_77} : > > Ohhhh, so because you're a Republican, you get to speak on behalf of all Republicans! No, I get to refute his assertion that he speaks for me. Really, if you can't even follow a basic conversation.....", ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : no, not really. The hope is not that they come around, the hope is that Donald Trump fails to follow through on any of his wild promises and gets crucified by his own. I don't know exactly what that would take though.", ">>{Maggie_A} : And this is new? I have news for you, this is standard operating practice. Hypocrisy is stock in trade not just for politicians, but for their followers. I think the oh-so-Christian Trump supporters around here would literally vote for Satan if Satan said he was pro-life and anti-gay. In a way................they just did. They sold their souls to a snake oil salesman who told them what they wanted to hear. One day, they're going to have to pay up."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{IvankaDrumpf} : Here's A Shoe. Put It On The Other Foot. Here Are 7 Things Trump Has Done Republicans Would Never Tolerate Hillary Doing.", '>>{jnr_77} : This author has never met a Republican in person.', '>>{Cardenjs} : How can a person who things Sessions was a good pick make really good points?', ">>{jnr_77} : He lives in LA for fuck's sake. Let me clarify, the author of this article has never set foot in the Midwest.", ">>{Sarunae_} : Shapiro is pretty conservative, albeit he's one of the most rational people in the GOP.", ">>{vestayekta} : I think even Never Trumpers are happy with Sessions's pick. They don't think he's a racist. >http://www.nationalreview.com/article/442334/jeff-sessions-attorney-general-justice-department-trump-administration >http://www.dailywire.com/news/10920/7-things-you-need-know-about-trump-attorney-aaron-bandler", ">>{The_Cuntstable} : Yeah guys, you have to go to the Midwest to understand anything about America. Nothing can be learned in the 2nd most populous city in America in the state with the world's 8th biggest economy.", ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : Oh right, there's no [Republicans in Los Angeles](http://www.lagop.org/). In addition, it's not like the library of the most famous Republican president of the last 30-40 years isn't built just [30 miles from downtown LA.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ronald+Reagan+Presidential+Library/@34.150718,-118.6468204,11.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x80e82e50ab1d5ec9:0xa7f05fe5ceaa8f38!8m2!3d34.2598671!4d-118.8198082)", '>>{jnr_77} : Like I said earlier in the thread, they\'ve never been to an actual "flyover state".', ">>{jnr_77} : Didn't you just lose the WH because you ignored the Rust Belt?", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : I mean, I\'ve never stuck my head up a bull\'s ass. That doesn\'t mean I can\'t tell you where sirloin comes from. What\'s your point anyways? Some "No True Scotsman" fallacy? "You can\'t have your fingers on the pulse of *real* America unless you\'ve been to Iowa and frolicked among the corn fields!"', ">>{The_Cuntstable} : Well, a terrible candidate who shouldn't have run was one big contributor to that. The other was a bunch of misinformed people that put their trust in a rich real estate developer who doesn't know shit about the Government. He promised them a wall from immigrants when they are the least likely to experience the ramifications of illegal immigration. He promised to crack down on Muslim immigrants and terrorism when they are the least likely to experience a terrorist attack. He promised to bring their jobs back by cutting taxes for the rich and taking away some of their healthcare benefits. Stupidity lost this election.", '>>{jnr_77} : You lost the election pretending that coastal elites knew what they were doing. Do you think that strategy will suddenly start working for you?', '>>{jnr_77} : > Stupidity lost this election. She *was* stupid. And now she can fade away into obscurity.', ">>{The_Cuntstable} : I support the hell out of that. She lost and the Clinton's need to retire from political life. It's not her fault a lot of people get their news from Facebook and think Obama is a gay Muslim.", '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : An incredibly conservative, pro-trump friend of mine (who is also well educated and not insane, despite his hard right bent) posted this on facebook, and I was proud of him for even the slight admission on his part.', ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : Nice dodge buddy. Piccolo would be proud. I like how when confronted with tough questions, you dodge and retort with your own questions. I'll make you a deal - you answer mine and I'll answer yours. Sound fair?", ">>{jnr_77} : I wouldn't say it's a No True Scotsman fallacy. I'm literally saying that coastal elites thinking they know what Midwestern Republicans think is the reason you lost the WH.", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >I wouldn\'t say it\'s a No True Scotsman fallacy. I would. You\'re literally saying that unless Ben Shaprio, a Republican, has been to the Midwest, that he\'s not a *true* Republican. >I\'m literally saying that coastal elites thinking they know what Midwestern Republicans think is the reason you lost the WH. Why do you keep saying *you* like I\'m Hillary Clinton or Robby Mook? I\'m just some jackoff on the internet with too much time on his hands. You\'re making this personal and I don\'t get why. Calm down Francis. Anyways, I don\'t totally disagree with you. I think "coastal elites" is a tired platitude from conservative talk radio, but you have a point. The pollsters got it wrong. Lots of people got it wrong. It also didn\'t help that Hillary was a terrible candidate. All of that being said, you should take a slice of humble pie - although Hillary lost the electoral college, she won the popular vote. That means that the ***majority*** of Americans prefer her to Donald. If our electoral college didn\'t give extra wait to rural voters, he would have been trounced. I look forward to 2020.', ">>{jnr_77} : > I would. You're literally saying that unless Ben Shaprio, a Republican, has been to the Midwest, that he's not a true Republican. Where did I say that? Quote me. I'll wait.", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >He lives in LA for fuck\'s sake. Let me clarify, the author of this article has never set foot in the Midwest. There\'s your no true Scotsman fallacy. Now, I know what you\'re thinking, "See, this just proves that I never literally what you said I said." Let me present my friend, the[ oxfored english dictionary](https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/literally): >literally: Used for emphasis while not being literally true So you\'re right, you didn\'t literally say those words. But, literally, you did.', ">>{jnr_77} : > There's your no true Scotsman fallacy. He cannot speak for Republicans he doesn't know. That is my point. I don't think you know what a No True Scotsman fallacy *even is*. You can't even spell Oxford, so why am I surprised that you don't know what it is?", ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >He cannot speak for Republicans he doesn't know How do you know that? Your only evidence is that he lives in Los Angeles <gasp>. You know, we live in a world with crazy inventions like airplanes, cas, and Skype. Just because one lives in Los Angeles, doesn't mean he can't travel or communicate with places like Iowa and Kansas.", '>>{jnr_77} : > How do you know that? Your only evidence is that he lives in Los Angeles Because I am a Republican and I disagree with about half of his list. My mere existence proves he cannot purport to speak for all Republicans.', ">>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : >Because I am a Republican Ohhhh, so because you're a Republican, you get to speak on behalf of all Republicans! >My mere existence proves he cannot purport to speak for all Republicans. Well my voter registration card says I'm a Republican too. That means you can't speak for me either. You can only speak for yourself.", ">>{jnr_77} : > > Ohhhh, so because you're a Republican, you get to speak on behalf of all Republicans! No, I get to refute his assertion that he speaks for me. Really, if you can't even follow a basic conversation.....", ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : no, not really. The hope is not that they come around, the hope is that Donald Trump fails to follow through on any of his wild promises and gets crucified by his own. I don't know exactly what that would take though.", ">>{Maggie_A} : And this is new? I have news for you, this is standard operating practice. Hypocrisy is stock in trade not just for politicians, but for their followers. I think the oh-so-Christian Trump supporters around here would literally vote for Satan if Satan said he was pro-life and anti-gay. In a way................they just did. They sold their souls to a snake oil salesman who told them what they wanted to hear. One day, they're going to have to pay up."], ['>>{Ran4} : New iPhone user - what cool things are out there?', '>>{Westy8897} : Force touching apps on your home screen and your notifications is a neat trick', ">>{PM_Me_Your_Tabs} : Force touch is pretty nifty. Force touching an app icon will give you a bunch of shortcuts(if the app is updated to support it otherwise it'll say 'Share appname'). Or if you're in Twitter(example) and then hit home and go to Snapchat if you force touch in on the far left side and swipe to the right it'll bring back up your last app which in this instance would be Twitter. Or if you stop midway through it'll bring up the app switcher. Also if you're typing a message to someone and you notice a typo like 5 lines up if you force touch the keyboard you can easily move your cursor around and bring it back up to where you made the typo. Those are just some of the more obscure features of force touch, there's a bunch of other things you can do on it. Also, Game Pigeon is fantastic for friends and such. If your work allows use of it then I would definitely get it", '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : Swipe to the right from the left edge of the screen to go back in a lot of apps. Feels better than a back button did on Android.', '>>{Ran4} : pie controls is way better though, since that works for the home button too.', '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : Never heard of it. Looking at the reviews I wish I would have when I had my LG G3 for two years. Ugh.', ">>{sobis1dm} : Got shit that's tough to reach from the top of the screen? Double tap (tap!) the home button. I've been in Android phablet land for years and recently purchased to a 7+... And this trick is incredible. I'm gonna use it to tap send on this post right now. (Also the Gboard is a superior keyboard.)", '>>{TheEarlOfMillenium} : This gesture is kinda hit or miss for me.', ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : The only app I've had it miss in is Facebook because Facebook is a pile of shit no matter what operating system you're on.", '>>{LlamasAreLlamasToo} : That force touch keyboard to move the cursor has changed my life.', ">>{fullmoon_coldbrew} : I've got an Apple leather case on my 7+ and can almost never get that feature to activate as a result (also because of the global back nav gesture, which seems to register on the stack before 3D Touch does).", '>>{Ran4} : LMT is by far the best one, but it requires root AFAIK.'], ['>>{miashaee} : Is he going to make Mexico pay to "fix" our economy?', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : I would love to hear his economic policy. Bet it relies solely on tax cuts.', '>>{SNStains} : Just when the whole "attacking gold star parents" thing was starting to get some traction. Sad.', ">>{rastertaster} : Mexico and the NATO countries. If they don't pay they get nuked. U know basic mob business model. His bogus tax plan basically cuts taxes to zero.", '>>{whoopiethereitis} : Account 4 days old, posts exclusively anti-trump propaganda....', ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : I predict a very ugly meltdown when he realizes that Americans don't see him as competent on economic issues either.", ">>{MoralMidgetry} : I can't wait to hear working class Trump supporters cheer talking points on reducing corporate taxes, eliminating the estate tax, and improving IP protection for American companies.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Didn\'t in some statement about China talk about "Japan might get nukes"', ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Even his daycare tax-deduction is for charter-schooled kids only. Trump's not going to win over families struggling to put food on the table... Many of the lesser-educated Whites he needs.", '>>{Fatandmean} : So he is going to file for bankruptcy and start a new campaign?', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Donald Trump, 1991', ">>{Byzantine279} : A lot of them do, terrifyingly. People don't really understand how the economy works at all, and Trump talks a big game, even if it is nonsense.", '>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Enough for him to successfully, say market a reality show. Sure. Not enough to win an election.', ">>{Byzantine279} : According to polls he's actually considered better for the economy than Hillary. Which is depressing.", ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Let's hold off until he actually talks about it.", ">>{thats-rickdiculous} : Man with 3 bankruptcies to tell voters he can fix economy We're the Onion now.", ">>{translunar_injection} : He said he'd have the US default on its national debt, in order to negotiate with creditors. That's a decent strategy if you're running a failing casino in Atlantic City. But when you're talking about soverign debt issued in the world's largest reserve currency, you're talking about an event that would bring about a collapse that would easily rival the Great Depression. The guy is a 100% bona fide moron.", ">>{thats-rickdiculous} : Yeah, shows a bizarre lacking of understanding of the principles of macroeconomics. A currency is only as good as the faith that people place in it, and that faith is largely determined by how people think the government issuing that currency will behave. We have a great record in the US going back 200+ years, and he wants to throw *faith in our currency* away to negotiate our debt down. Despite our debt not really being a drag on growth. It's astounding.", ">>{christopherNV} : It's five people jerking each other off with multiple accounts. Which is why this sub is the equivalent of monkeys throwing shit at a wall."]]
classify and reply
['>>{zsreport} : L.L. Bean pleads: Don’t boycott us over Trump donation', '>>{_vi5in_} : The Army Corps of Engineers has decided to deny a permit for the construction of a key section of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The decision essentially halts the construction on the 1,172-mile oil pipeline about half a mile south of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : Opinion, Hillary was investigated because she is Hillary Clinton, the Republicans say they will continue investigating her.', '>>{yaskitties} : Please update once this develops a patina! Gorgeous case!', '>>{MrsChanandalerBong} : Too bad bitch, money is speech right? RIGHT?!', ">>{TheDomesticOG} : Progress. While it's only halted to determine a reroute, this is definitely a victory.", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : i love free market corrections i wish ll bean the best of luck, i'm a long time customer", ">>{cratermoon} : Aren't there contracts in place with the pipeline company that require it to be complete by the end of the year or they expire? If I'm understanding correctly, a delay until 2017 essentially kills the project as is.", '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Yes. Her elite status got her off with a stern verbal reprimand. This should anger everyone regardless of being a Democrat or Republican.', ">>{Antnee83} : As a liberal *and* as someone who lives ten minutes from the Freeport outlet, I don't plan to boycott. It was one family member out of like 50 that are involved. It wasn't the company.", '>>{Gaddafo} : Yes! It worked. Finally. The black snake is dead.', ">>{sudoku7} : I doubt that to be the case, but I don't know. I would suspect that they wouldn't be able to finish building the pipeline in 4 weeks anyway though.", '>>{whipchitley} : Trump Reportedly Discusses “Reset” and Unflattering Double Chin Photos During Media Meeting', '>>{serve11} : I think he has more important things to be concerned with...', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Who do you believe: the director of the FBI, or internet people?', ">>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : Sorry but those are some weak comments. If you're trying to remain neutral on this blatant asshole, you need to be boycotted. We need all hands on deck to stop this guy.", '>>{heelspider} : How do you have a non-elite Secretary of State?', '>>{viper_9876} : She was investigated because just like the "Teflon Don" people know she is involved in shady dealings and it is just a matter of time before something sticks. You should read the Washington Post article about her and the Whitewater investigation and how she would have been indicted if not being a Washington elite.', ">>{angstybagels} : I can't wait to see how Trump will say he's going to undo this.", ">>{GuruOfGravity} : I am a Sanders supporter, who didn't vote for Hillary in 2008 and am not certain I can vote for her in November and this year I don't have any confidence that it will be a voter decided election, it hasn't been so far for the Democratic and that freakshow the Republicans are running is beyond commenting about.", '>>{economicallyanxious} : How did we end up in this timeline?!', ">>{McLancelot} : Great Scott! We must have changed something in the past! It appears that because the Buffalo Bills missed that pass in 1970, The loss allowed them to get the first pick in the NFL draft, and they picked someone named O.J. Simpson. OJ Simpson married a woman from Buffalo New York and later murdered her. The lawyer hired to defend him was named Robert Kardashian which caused the lawyer's 2 daughters to become stars on something called reality tv. Apparently this reality tv dumbed down america enough to elect a different reality star for president, and now American is being ruled by a fascist dictatorship! We have to go back and make sure they make that touchdown!", ">>{R3dLined} : Will do. I'm excited to see how it looks after a bit of use.", ">>{Fargonian} : Can't wait for Trump to reverse this, one of the few things I'm looking forward to in his presidency.", '>>{mehereman} : Well this is the internet where everybody is an armchair lawyer, so...', '>>{Ximitar} : Voter apathy, reality tv, 24-hour news, lack of education.', ">>{allisslothed} : This is way too plausible. I'm on board!", ">>{alllie} : No, I think we should. There's a boycott list? I found it and it's pretty lame. It even includes amazon (which has me by the gonads) and the Washington Post which doesn't make sense because Trump threatened Bezos and the Post writes many bad things about Trump.", '>>{daven1985} : Tell me why did you swap? Boredom or something wrong with your Apple iPhone Case.', '>>{morbidexpression} : I think the takeaway message here is the poor baby is sensitive about his double chin and it should be highlighted as often as possible.', '>>{Wolf-Head} : I had an unflattering double chin, so I lost some fucking weight.', '>>{christmaspoo} : By boycotting, do you think the other 49 family members will talk some sense into the heiress. Maybe tell her keep her donations legitimate and private?', '>>{faizi94} : Great! now lets wait and see how Trump trumps this. SMH', ">>{Wolf-Head} : 'Fat motherfucker' Donald Trump' should be his nickname.", ">>{R3dLined} : > Boredom or something wrong with your Apple iPhone Case. Boredom was all it was. Have to say as of now the Apple leather case has been the best case I've ever used.", '>>{JustDoc} : Now if we can get something official in writing, we will be set.', '>>{R3dLined} : The bottom, top, power button and volume buttons are open.', '>>{viper_9876} : There was a recent poll that asked voters how they felt about the upcoming election. The choices were 1) excited 2) not excited 3) alarmed. 61% responded by saying they were alarmed. Never in my 6 decades have I seen such a sad situation in politics.', '>>{ShitsAllFuckedUpNow} : There are currently around 72,000 miles of pipelines through-out the US. As a person from ND, this is fucking embarrassing that this entire fucking project has become as big of a deal as it has. What are the alternatives? Trucks? Rail? Both are exponentially more costly and trains and trucks crash and make a mess. I truly wish all those fucking idiots would get out of my state and let the damn pipeline finish so we can quit wasting our taxpayer money locking up the stupid fucking out-of-state hippies breaking the law.', '>>{DentureCapitalist} : Why am I not surprised all the nouns in your post are Clintonspeak? That you use one Clintonism to describe another Clintonism?', ">>{RipeManlyMango} : You're right. She was cleared because she threatened to take down 300+ other high ranking members of government who emailed with her. One of those being Obama. If Comey was to indict Clinton in this, she ~~was~~ would surely do everything in her power to take everyone down with her.", ">>{Antnee83} : I think it's going to be a very, *very* ineffective boycott. This isn't some raging conservative company. It's by and large owned and operated by liberals who treat their workers very well in comparison to other retail chains. It caters to hunters/fishers/outdoorsmen, who are... gee, I forgot... Are they mostly conservative? I forget. In any case, they're a great company who had *one* fuckin family member fire their mouth off. WGAF.", ">>{DarwinOnToast} : It'll get overturned in January. In that time the protesters will have gone home, and less if any will be back when it resumes again.", '>>{daven1985} : So if both were an option to buy you would go the Apple leather.', '>>{OlimarsOnion} : > get out of my state It is their sovereign land.', ">>{etchasketches} : From what I've gathered, their permits only last until Jan 20th.", '>>{upstateman} : Maybe she was not indicted because there was no evidence of intent. Just like so many of us said all along.', ">>{adidasbdd} : I have trouble believing the director of the FBI. I recall the stories of about J. Edgar Hoover and how he used dirt on politicians as leverage to get them to give them whatever he wanted. Maybe this is one of those cases. Or maybe he just didn't have a good legal case that could be fought and won in court. It really seemed like he was trying.", ">>{Taniwha_NZ} : It's not even a double-chin. More like his throat has a vagina. The way it is stuffed into his shirt-collar... it makes me feel ill every time I see it. But that's the least of his problems. After all, every 70-year-old has a flabby face. What they don't have is hair that looks like deep-fried piss. How about he addresses that fucking mess? What a freak.", ">>{mknsky} : This is awesome. Their demonstrations worked. Just glad something good came out of 2016 before it's all over.", ">>{R3dLined} : At this very moment yes. I'll have a better answer after i use this case for a little bit.", ">>{omfglauren} : Does she need me to loan her my extremely tiny violin? Boycotts are one of the more powerful protest tools we have. She's free to support whomever she wants but if you make that information available to the public then stop acting like a baby and deal with the repercussions.", ">>{astalavista114} : Apple's iPhone 5 cases had closed bottoms, and people complained that they couldn't use some lightning devices (like apple's own 30 pin to lightning adaptor), so they changed it after that.", '>>{adidasbdd} : When I heard about the email chains and how everyone who participated in them is guilty, I knew the jig was up.', ">>{FlyingSquid} : You forget the offer he made to Kasich and, presumably, Pence after Kasich said no- VP is in charge of foreign and domestic policy. Trump is in charge of MAGA. In other words, he has literally nothing more important to deal with, but Pence shouldn't be taking time off to check out the Broadway theatre scene.", ">>{buddybiscuit} : Step 1: Accuse someone you don't like of shady dealings multiple times over multiple years Step 2: Wonder why someone would be accused of so many shady dealings if they were innocent Step 3: Logic!", '>>{viper_9876} : I understand that Hillary has had a target on her back since Bill first got into office and some of it has has had no basis. However just because she has been targeted without basis on some things it does not follow that everything has no basis. For example as I mentioned before she would have most likely been indicted as part of the Whitewater investigation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/politics/office-of-independent-counsel-memos-on-hillary-clinton-and-whitewater/2058/ If she did not have the elite status she has there is a reasonable likelihood that she would have faced some sort of criminal penalty for actions with the email server, blackberry etc.', ">>{466167676f744661726d} : Since the congress is mostly republican now, it won't take him long to pass a bill allowing for the construction of the pipeline. I'm in favor of the pipeline because of its benefit to our economy.", '>>{BatCountry9} : > hair that looks like deep-fried piss I may have to steal this.', ">>{Theshaggz} : I know you're s troll but when that pipeline breaks due to entropy, our grandchildren's grandchildren will lose yet another source of clean water.", '>>{drvondoctor} : Then dont make donations to trump. If you dont wanna get caught up in the political firestorm, stay out of it.', '>>{466167676f744661726d} : Lol, im a troll because I favor the pipeline and because I have a different viewpoint then you? Wow. How do you know that pipeline will break, or if it ever will? Are you from the future?', '>>{ksherwood11} : These letters to the editor are sure to take her down!', '>>{Flux85} : Boring, looks like you put a paper bag vinyl skin on it.', '>>{Nomandate} : Ok then How about a 10x that amount donation to planned parenthood to make amends?', '>>{TelekineticRape} : now is it real solid leather or is it like apples a thin layer of leather over a plastic case?', '>>{cratermoon} : Found it. [Mixture of true and false](http://www.snopes.com/will-a-deadline-of-1-january-2017-kill-the-dakota-access-pipeline/), says snopes.', ">>{eltigrechinois} : Do you have pics of your Apple case after a few months of use? I thought someone posted pics before and it was in bad shape 🤔 Edit: I'm not sure whether to get this case, the Apple one or the 12 south one...", '>>{GVArcian} : By appointing a real person, not a rich, shapeshifting serpent?', '>>{upstateman} : She could be but that would be pretty much setting a precedent. If they criminally charged everyone with negligence under this law they would be charging hundreds of people. Including Condi Rice and Collin Powell.', '>>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : Oh man. Will we ever truly recover from this? Is moving to another country a legitimate option?', ">>{kutwijf} : Maybe they ought to. Given their position and the material that passes through their hands. Even if she is not corrupt, we don't need leaders who are grossly negligent or incompetent. I know It won't happen though. Not if people like Bush and co get away with their crimes.", ">>{southwestern_swamp} : I've been pretty happy with the 12 south case [Image](http://i.imgur.com/j2hE7rv.jpg)", '>>{R3dLined} : So far so good, It seems to have more grip than the Apple leather case', '>>{upstateman} : So you want her to get special treatment to make a political point.', '>>{givesomefucks} : Good luck, no one is actually going to read about this. If it has anything to do with trump all rational thought is thrown out the window', ">>{Theshaggz} : No it was based on the username tbh. If that is your opinion fair enough. And no but all manmade structures fail without maintenance and humans also make mistakes. I would rather not jeopardize something like clean drinking water for profits. A Reroute is the option I support. I'm not against s pipeline. Just why does it have to go through that piece of land ?", '>>{cratermoon} : [Dakota Access Vice President Joey Mahmoud said in an August 2016 court filing that if 1 January 2017 came and went without progress, third parties would be able to cancel business contracts related to the pipeline.](http://www.snopes.com/will-a-deadline-of-1-january-2017-kill-the-dakota-access-pipeline/)', '>>{466167676f744661726d} : It most likely has to go through that land because of costs and that is most likely the easiest path. Im for it going through there if that means it would be the most efficient way to do things.', '>>{Susarian} : But companies are people. And you done messed up.', '>>{knubb3} : Awesome. I might get one of these cases today! :D', '>>{R3dLined} : http://imgur.com/a/FTLr0 Here is Saddle Brown Apple leather case after being my daily case since September.', ">>{skunkmoor} : Sorry tootz, that's how capitalism works. Go finish your bag of dicks", ">>{eltigrechinois} : Very nice 👍 It's s a lot darker than I expected Thanks!", ">>{differing} : Damn that thing is exactly what I'm looking for in an SE case", ">>{Theshaggz} : But is efficiency worth the risk to our environment? In this case I'd argue no.", '>>{redditortoo} : > It caters to hunters/fishers/outdoorsmen, who are... actually yuppie poseurs and not hunters/fishermen nor outdoorsmen.', ">>{LikeGoldAndFaceted} : Lol at their comments. Crying about how they shouldn't be blamed for the person using money the company made her to make massive donations to a political campaign. Maybe you'll consider reigning in your family next time.", '>>{De_Vermis_Mysteriis} : This. My LG G4 leather back aged wonderfully...to bad the rest of the phone was ass.', '>>{ShitsAllFuckedUpNow} : ACTUALLY, no, it\'s not. It\'s NORTH of "their" land. And it received approval from several tribes. The MAJORITY of the tribes in this area and across the state support it. There are over 1000 miles of pipeline in ND - it NOTHING new to our state and a LOT safer than the trains that have crashed while carrying oil (at least 2 in the last year). A handful of protester from the tribe did not like the pipeline and others wanted greater compensation. For whatever reason it has become a flavor of the week and people are coming into the state by the bus load to protest something they know nothing other than what the media has shown them', ">>{jschubart} : It's not part of your state though. It was initially supposed to go near Bismarck. I agree with the rest of it though. Using trucks and rail is much worse than a pipeline.", '>>{christmaspoo} : After observing Trump\'s shenanigans over this, I have to agree with your arguments, not that it matters since the topic of the day has changed. LLBean as a whole was not endorsing Linda\'s view and the very fact that Trump tweeted "Buy LLBean" was done cynically knowing the very opposite would happen.', '>>{466167676f744661726d} : I would think any way to further the progress of this countrys economy is a great thing to do.', ">>{kutwijf} : How so? Because I think she should be held accountable for her actions? She is looking like she will be the next POTUS. What kind of message does that send? I don't want any of them to receive special treatment or think they are above the law. You think she has done nothing wrong? Let her go to court and testify under oath.", ">>{Theshaggz} : But why is the economy more important than the environment and people's lives ?", '>>{466167676f744661726d} : Cause with a better economy, we can fund better medicine, and then save more peoples lives.', '>>{upstateman} : > How so? Because I think she should be held accountable for her actions? Because no one else is charged for this. Because no one has been calling for an investigation of Powell and Rice or for a mass indictment of people at State. No one has said "State has a problem with classified information, maybe we should investigate other departments as well". From the start this has not been about anything at all except her run for the presidencey.', ">>{OlimarsOnion} : Only if you ignore the 1851 treaty, which did not have provisions for eminent domain. http://www.workers.org/wp-content/uploads/StandingRockMap.jpg **And** it's going under a river that feeds directly into their land. **Fuck** the oil companies.", '>>{kutwijf} : >From the start this has not been about anything at all except her run for the presidencey. I think people deserve to know the truth. If it turns out that she was negligent or had malicious intent, then later lied about it, people might find that disqualifying. Hell, people might even find the alternative - her bring incompetence, disqualifying.', ">>{upstateman} : > I think people deserve to know the truth. How many House investigations do we need? Can't we investigate someone else? >If it turns out that she was negligent or had malicious intent, then later lied about it, people might find that disqualifying. So investigate the investigation of the investigation. And after we look to see if she lied we need to look to see if she lied in the new investigation. >Hell, people might even find the alternative - her bring incompetence, disqualifying. Because, as I said, that is the goal. Not criminal justice, not uncovering something, stopping Clinton from becoming president.", ">>{boybounty} : It just takes a little IT knowledge and common sense to see she defiantly broke the law. It's incredible the people still defending her. She lies to the public consistently and people hang on her every word like the bible. Shit is scary. Most people don't see why this was a big deal. This only came out because of bengahzi. She (I assume) sent emails everyday from the clintonemail.com address. That should be a reminder everyday when you send an email that you are using an unsecured SMTP server. If you need to Google what SMTP is you shouldn't even be commenting on this issue.", ">>{boybounty} : Exactly. It's a huge thing because it was widely known. I mean come on... you're receiving emails from clintonemail.com... This new precedent by the fbi well showing this type of thing to happen again. Just allowing politicians to hide their dealings. We should hold these people to a higher standard.", ">>{boybounty} : No one else has EVER done this before? Please read up on some technical aspects. You house classified material on non authorized devices. Boom. Illegal. Intent being the fact she knew this was all going on. So mind boggling the defenses. There is a clip of Comey stating the things that happened with Clinton could pretty much be used to prove intent... Just because no one had ever been been charged for something doesn't mean they should be let off. That is insane if you think that's fair. She is more wealthy than you and I can even fathom compared to our financial situations. She knew the dangers, knew it was wrong and didn't care. Hitler did nothing wrong has more arguments than her supporters can muster. Quite sad how every point can be destroyed. But if the people want a lier in office let them. She is nothing close to a leader. She can't even admit when she's wrong now. I can't even fathom how things are going to be under her presidency.", ">>{upstateman} : >No one else has EVER done this before? Please read up on some technical aspects. You house classified material on non authorized devices. Boom. Illegal. Who has been *indicted* for that? >Intent being the fact she knew this was all going on. That is not what intent means. >Just because no one had ever been been charged for something doesn't mean they should be let off. It depends. Do you want Clinton to get special treatment or to be treated like others in a similar situation?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{GuruOfGravity} : Opinion, Hillary was investigated because she is Hillary Clinton, the Republicans say they will continue investigating her.', '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Yes. Her elite status got her off with a stern verbal reprimand. This should anger everyone regardless of being a Democrat or Republican.', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Who do you believe: the director of the FBI, or internet people?', '>>{heelspider} : How do you have a non-elite Secretary of State?', '>>{viper_9876} : She was investigated because just like the "Teflon Don" people know she is involved in shady dealings and it is just a matter of time before something sticks. You should read the Washington Post article about her and the Whitewater investigation and how she would have been indicted if not being a Washington elite.', ">>{GuruOfGravity} : I am a Sanders supporter, who didn't vote for Hillary in 2008 and am not certain I can vote for her in November and this year I don't have any confidence that it will be a voter decided election, it hasn't been so far for the Democratic and that freakshow the Republicans are running is beyond commenting about.", '>>{mehereman} : Well this is the internet where everybody is an armchair lawyer, so...', '>>{viper_9876} : There was a recent poll that asked voters how they felt about the upcoming election. The choices were 1) excited 2) not excited 3) alarmed. 61% responded by saying they were alarmed. Never in my 6 decades have I seen such a sad situation in politics.', '>>{DentureCapitalist} : Why am I not surprised all the nouns in your post are Clintonspeak? That you use one Clintonism to describe another Clintonism?', ">>{RipeManlyMango} : You're right. She was cleared because she threatened to take down 300+ other high ranking members of government who emailed with her. One of those being Obama. If Comey was to indict Clinton in this, she ~~was~~ would surely do everything in her power to take everyone down with her.", '>>{upstateman} : Maybe she was not indicted because there was no evidence of intent. Just like so many of us said all along.', ">>{adidasbdd} : I have trouble believing the director of the FBI. I recall the stories of about J. Edgar Hoover and how he used dirt on politicians as leverage to get them to give them whatever he wanted. Maybe this is one of those cases. Or maybe he just didn't have a good legal case that could be fought and won in court. It really seemed like he was trying.", '>>{adidasbdd} : When I heard about the email chains and how everyone who participated in them is guilty, I knew the jig was up.', ">>{buddybiscuit} : Step 1: Accuse someone you don't like of shady dealings multiple times over multiple years Step 2: Wonder why someone would be accused of so many shady dealings if they were innocent Step 3: Logic!", '>>{viper_9876} : I understand that Hillary has had a target on her back since Bill first got into office and some of it has has had no basis. However just because she has been targeted without basis on some things it does not follow that everything has no basis. For example as I mentioned before she would have most likely been indicted as part of the Whitewater investigation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/politics/office-of-independent-counsel-memos-on-hillary-clinton-and-whitewater/2058/ If she did not have the elite status she has there is a reasonable likelihood that she would have faced some sort of criminal penalty for actions with the email server, blackberry etc.', '>>{ksherwood11} : These letters to the editor are sure to take her down!', '>>{GVArcian} : By appointing a real person, not a rich, shapeshifting serpent?', '>>{upstateman} : She could be but that would be pretty much setting a precedent. If they criminally charged everyone with negligence under this law they would be charging hundreds of people. Including Condi Rice and Collin Powell.', ">>{kutwijf} : Maybe they ought to. Given their position and the material that passes through their hands. Even if she is not corrupt, we don't need leaders who are grossly negligent or incompetent. I know It won't happen though. Not if people like Bush and co get away with their crimes.", '>>{upstateman} : So you want her to get special treatment to make a political point.', ">>{kutwijf} : How so? Because I think she should be held accountable for her actions? She is looking like she will be the next POTUS. What kind of message does that send? I don't want any of them to receive special treatment or think they are above the law. You think she has done nothing wrong? Let her go to court and testify under oath.", '>>{upstateman} : > How so? Because I think she should be held accountable for her actions? Because no one else is charged for this. Because no one has been calling for an investigation of Powell and Rice or for a mass indictment of people at State. No one has said "State has a problem with classified information, maybe we should investigate other departments as well". From the start this has not been about anything at all except her run for the presidencey.', '>>{kutwijf} : >From the start this has not been about anything at all except her run for the presidencey. I think people deserve to know the truth. If it turns out that she was negligent or had malicious intent, then later lied about it, people might find that disqualifying. Hell, people might even find the alternative - her bring incompetence, disqualifying.', ">>{upstateman} : > I think people deserve to know the truth. How many House investigations do we need? Can't we investigate someone else? >If it turns out that she was negligent or had malicious intent, then later lied about it, people might find that disqualifying. So investigate the investigation of the investigation. And after we look to see if she lied we need to look to see if she lied in the new investigation. >Hell, people might even find the alternative - her bring incompetence, disqualifying. Because, as I said, that is the goal. Not criminal justice, not uncovering something, stopping Clinton from becoming president.", ">>{boybounty} : It just takes a little IT knowledge and common sense to see she defiantly broke the law. It's incredible the people still defending her. She lies to the public consistently and people hang on her every word like the bible. Shit is scary. Most people don't see why this was a big deal. This only came out because of bengahzi. She (I assume) sent emails everyday from the clintonemail.com address. That should be a reminder everyday when you send an email that you are using an unsecured SMTP server. If you need to Google what SMTP is you shouldn't even be commenting on this issue.", ">>{boybounty} : Exactly. It's a huge thing because it was widely known. I mean come on... you're receiving emails from clintonemail.com... This new precedent by the fbi well showing this type of thing to happen again. Just allowing politicians to hide their dealings. We should hold these people to a higher standard.", ">>{boybounty} : No one else has EVER done this before? Please read up on some technical aspects. You house classified material on non authorized devices. Boom. Illegal. Intent being the fact she knew this was all going on. So mind boggling the defenses. There is a clip of Comey stating the things that happened with Clinton could pretty much be used to prove intent... Just because no one had ever been been charged for something doesn't mean they should be let off. That is insane if you think that's fair. She is more wealthy than you and I can even fathom compared to our financial situations. She knew the dangers, knew it was wrong and didn't care. Hitler did nothing wrong has more arguments than her supporters can muster. Quite sad how every point can be destroyed. But if the people want a lier in office let them. She is nothing close to a leader. She can't even admit when she's wrong now. I can't even fathom how things are going to be under her presidency.", ">>{upstateman} : >No one else has EVER done this before? Please read up on some technical aspects. You house classified material on non authorized devices. Boom. Illegal. Who has been *indicted* for that? >Intent being the fact she knew this was all going on. That is not what intent means. >Just because no one had ever been been charged for something doesn't mean they should be let off. It depends. Do you want Clinton to get special treatment or to be treated like others in a similar situation?"], ['>>{whipchitley} : Trump Reportedly Discusses “Reset” and Unflattering Double Chin Photos During Media Meeting', '>>{serve11} : I think he has more important things to be concerned with...', '>>{economicallyanxious} : How did we end up in this timeline?!', ">>{McLancelot} : Great Scott! We must have changed something in the past! It appears that because the Buffalo Bills missed that pass in 1970, The loss allowed them to get the first pick in the NFL draft, and they picked someone named O.J. Simpson. OJ Simpson married a woman from Buffalo New York and later murdered her. The lawyer hired to defend him was named Robert Kardashian which caused the lawyer's 2 daughters to become stars on something called reality tv. Apparently this reality tv dumbed down america enough to elect a different reality star for president, and now American is being ruled by a fascist dictatorship! We have to go back and make sure they make that touchdown!", '>>{Ximitar} : Voter apathy, reality tv, 24-hour news, lack of education.', ">>{allisslothed} : This is way too plausible. I'm on board!", '>>{morbidexpression} : I think the takeaway message here is the poor baby is sensitive about his double chin and it should be highlighted as often as possible.', '>>{Wolf-Head} : I had an unflattering double chin, so I lost some fucking weight.', ">>{Wolf-Head} : 'Fat motherfucker' Donald Trump' should be his nickname.", ">>{Taniwha_NZ} : It's not even a double-chin. More like his throat has a vagina. The way it is stuffed into his shirt-collar... it makes me feel ill every time I see it. But that's the least of his problems. After all, every 70-year-old has a flabby face. What they don't have is hair that looks like deep-fried piss. How about he addresses that fucking mess? What a freak.", ">>{FlyingSquid} : You forget the offer he made to Kasich and, presumably, Pence after Kasich said no- VP is in charge of foreign and domestic policy. Trump is in charge of MAGA. In other words, he has literally nothing more important to deal with, but Pence shouldn't be taking time off to check out the Broadway theatre scene.", '>>{BatCountry9} : > hair that looks like deep-fried piss I may have to steal this.', '>>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : Oh man. Will we ever truly recover from this? Is moving to another country a legitimate option?'], ['>>{yaskitties} : Please update once this develops a patina! Gorgeous case!', ">>{R3dLined} : Will do. I'm excited to see how it looks after a bit of use.", '>>{daven1985} : Tell me why did you swap? Boredom or something wrong with your Apple iPhone Case.', ">>{R3dLined} : > Boredom or something wrong with your Apple iPhone Case. Boredom was all it was. Have to say as of now the Apple leather case has been the best case I've ever used.", '>>{R3dLined} : The bottom, top, power button and volume buttons are open.', '>>{daven1985} : So if both were an option to buy you would go the Apple leather.', ">>{R3dLined} : At this very moment yes. I'll have a better answer after i use this case for a little bit.", ">>{astalavista114} : Apple's iPhone 5 cases had closed bottoms, and people complained that they couldn't use some lightning devices (like apple's own 30 pin to lightning adaptor), so they changed it after that.", '>>{Flux85} : Boring, looks like you put a paper bag vinyl skin on it.', '>>{TelekineticRape} : now is it real solid leather or is it like apples a thin layer of leather over a plastic case?', ">>{eltigrechinois} : Do you have pics of your Apple case after a few months of use? I thought someone posted pics before and it was in bad shape 🤔 Edit: I'm not sure whether to get this case, the Apple one or the 12 south one...", ">>{southwestern_swamp} : I've been pretty happy with the 12 south case [Image](http://i.imgur.com/j2hE7rv.jpg)", '>>{R3dLined} : So far so good, It seems to have more grip than the Apple leather case', '>>{knubb3} : Awesome. I might get one of these cases today! :D', '>>{R3dLined} : http://imgur.com/a/FTLr0 Here is Saddle Brown Apple leather case after being my daily case since September.', ">>{eltigrechinois} : Very nice 👍 It's s a lot darker than I expected Thanks!", ">>{differing} : Damn that thing is exactly what I'm looking for in an SE case", '>>{De_Vermis_Mysteriis} : This. My LG G4 leather back aged wonderfully...to bad the rest of the phone was ass.'], ['>>{zsreport} : L.L. Bean pleads: Don’t boycott us over Trump donation', '>>{MrsChanandalerBong} : Too bad bitch, money is speech right? RIGHT?!', ">>{stonedhillbilly} : i love free market corrections i wish ll bean the best of luck, i'm a long time customer", ">>{Antnee83} : As a liberal *and* as someone who lives ten minutes from the Freeport outlet, I don't plan to boycott. It was one family member out of like 50 that are involved. It wasn't the company.", ">>{WikiThreadThrowaway} : Sorry but those are some weak comments. If you're trying to remain neutral on this blatant asshole, you need to be boycotted. We need all hands on deck to stop this guy.", ">>{alllie} : No, I think we should. There's a boycott list? I found it and it's pretty lame. It even includes amazon (which has me by the gonads) and the Washington Post which doesn't make sense because Trump threatened Bezos and the Post writes many bad things about Trump.", '>>{christmaspoo} : By boycotting, do you think the other 49 family members will talk some sense into the heiress. Maybe tell her keep her donations legitimate and private?', ">>{Antnee83} : I think it's going to be a very, *very* ineffective boycott. This isn't some raging conservative company. It's by and large owned and operated by liberals who treat their workers very well in comparison to other retail chains. It caters to hunters/fishers/outdoorsmen, who are... gee, I forgot... Are they mostly conservative? I forget. In any case, they're a great company who had *one* fuckin family member fire their mouth off. WGAF.", ">>{omfglauren} : Does she need me to loan her my extremely tiny violin? Boycotts are one of the more powerful protest tools we have. She's free to support whomever she wants but if you make that information available to the public then stop acting like a baby and deal with the repercussions.", '>>{drvondoctor} : Then dont make donations to trump. If you dont wanna get caught up in the political firestorm, stay out of it.', '>>{Nomandate} : Ok then How about a 10x that amount donation to planned parenthood to make amends?', '>>{givesomefucks} : Good luck, no one is actually going to read about this. If it has anything to do with trump all rational thought is thrown out the window', '>>{Susarian} : But companies are people. And you done messed up.', ">>{skunkmoor} : Sorry tootz, that's how capitalism works. Go finish your bag of dicks", '>>{redditortoo} : > It caters to hunters/fishers/outdoorsmen, who are... actually yuppie poseurs and not hunters/fishermen nor outdoorsmen.', ">>{LikeGoldAndFaceted} : Lol at their comments. Crying about how they shouldn't be blamed for the person using money the company made her to make massive donations to a political campaign. Maybe you'll consider reigning in your family next time.", '>>{christmaspoo} : After observing Trump\'s shenanigans over this, I have to agree with your arguments, not that it matters since the topic of the day has changed. LLBean as a whole was not endorsing Linda\'s view and the very fact that Trump tweeted "Buy LLBean" was done cynically knowing the very opposite would happen.'], ['>>{_vi5in_} : The Army Corps of Engineers has decided to deny a permit for the construction of a key section of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The decision essentially halts the construction on the 1,172-mile oil pipeline about half a mile south of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation', ">>{TheDomesticOG} : Progress. While it's only halted to determine a reroute, this is definitely a victory.", ">>{cratermoon} : Aren't there contracts in place with the pipeline company that require it to be complete by the end of the year or they expire? If I'm understanding correctly, a delay until 2017 essentially kills the project as is.", '>>{Gaddafo} : Yes! It worked. Finally. The black snake is dead.', ">>{sudoku7} : I doubt that to be the case, but I don't know. I would suspect that they wouldn't be able to finish building the pipeline in 4 weeks anyway though.", ">>{angstybagels} : I can't wait to see how Trump will say he's going to undo this.", ">>{Fargonian} : Can't wait for Trump to reverse this, one of the few things I'm looking forward to in his presidency.", '>>{faizi94} : Great! now lets wait and see how Trump trumps this. SMH', '>>{JustDoc} : Now if we can get something official in writing, we will be set.', '>>{ShitsAllFuckedUpNow} : There are currently around 72,000 miles of pipelines through-out the US. As a person from ND, this is fucking embarrassing that this entire fucking project has become as big of a deal as it has. What are the alternatives? Trucks? Rail? Both are exponentially more costly and trains and trucks crash and make a mess. I truly wish all those fucking idiots would get out of my state and let the damn pipeline finish so we can quit wasting our taxpayer money locking up the stupid fucking out-of-state hippies breaking the law.', ">>{DarwinOnToast} : It'll get overturned in January. In that time the protesters will have gone home, and less if any will be back when it resumes again.", '>>{OlimarsOnion} : > get out of my state It is their sovereign land.', ">>{etchasketches} : From what I've gathered, their permits only last until Jan 20th.", ">>{mknsky} : This is awesome. Their demonstrations worked. Just glad something good came out of 2016 before it's all over.", ">>{466167676f744661726d} : Since the congress is mostly republican now, it won't take him long to pass a bill allowing for the construction of the pipeline. I'm in favor of the pipeline because of its benefit to our economy.", ">>{Theshaggz} : I know you're s troll but when that pipeline breaks due to entropy, our grandchildren's grandchildren will lose yet another source of clean water.", '>>{466167676f744661726d} : Lol, im a troll because I favor the pipeline and because I have a different viewpoint then you? Wow. How do you know that pipeline will break, or if it ever will? Are you from the future?', '>>{cratermoon} : Found it. [Mixture of true and false](http://www.snopes.com/will-a-deadline-of-1-january-2017-kill-the-dakota-access-pipeline/), says snopes.', ">>{Theshaggz} : No it was based on the username tbh. If that is your opinion fair enough. And no but all manmade structures fail without maintenance and humans also make mistakes. I would rather not jeopardize something like clean drinking water for profits. A Reroute is the option I support. I'm not against s pipeline. Just why does it have to go through that piece of land ?", '>>{cratermoon} : [Dakota Access Vice President Joey Mahmoud said in an August 2016 court filing that if 1 January 2017 came and went without progress, third parties would be able to cancel business contracts related to the pipeline.](http://www.snopes.com/will-a-deadline-of-1-january-2017-kill-the-dakota-access-pipeline/)', '>>{466167676f744661726d} : It most likely has to go through that land because of costs and that is most likely the easiest path. Im for it going through there if that means it would be the most efficient way to do things.', ">>{Theshaggz} : But is efficiency worth the risk to our environment? In this case I'd argue no.", '>>{ShitsAllFuckedUpNow} : ACTUALLY, no, it\'s not. It\'s NORTH of "their" land. And it received approval from several tribes. The MAJORITY of the tribes in this area and across the state support it. There are over 1000 miles of pipeline in ND - it NOTHING new to our state and a LOT safer than the trains that have crashed while carrying oil (at least 2 in the last year). A handful of protester from the tribe did not like the pipeline and others wanted greater compensation. For whatever reason it has become a flavor of the week and people are coming into the state by the bus load to protest something they know nothing other than what the media has shown them', ">>{jschubart} : It's not part of your state though. It was initially supposed to go near Bismarck. I agree with the rest of it though. Using trucks and rail is much worse than a pipeline.", '>>{466167676f744661726d} : I would think any way to further the progress of this countrys economy is a great thing to do.', ">>{Theshaggz} : But why is the economy more important than the environment and people's lives ?", '>>{466167676f744661726d} : Cause with a better economy, we can fund better medicine, and then save more peoples lives.', ">>{OlimarsOnion} : Only if you ignore the 1851 treaty, which did not have provisions for eminent domain. http://www.workers.org/wp-content/uploads/StandingRockMap.jpg **And** it's going under a river that feeds directly into their land. **Fuck** the oil companies."]]
classify and reply
['>>{kaosbane} : Read the article, nice stats and all but what does it leak?', ">>{Consumer451} : Breitbart's James Delingpole says reef bleaching is 'fake news', hits peak denial", '>>{GladThatIsOver} : Breitbart [anything]. Why are you even listening to this shit?', '>>{RagnaBrock} : The fuck does it leak? Battery acid is bad but hot chocolate would be fantastic. Milk would be mixed results.', ">>{-Sk3ptical-} : Because they're state-sponsored propaganda. Don't click their links, don't support their website and downvote any dissemination of their propaganda on reddit.", ">>{Vesstair} : Peak denial? Hah. I don't believe it. They haven't weighed in on whether the world is flat and/or 6000 years old yet.", '>>{I-Do-Math} : Being from Sony, it will leak your personal info.', '>>{Consumer451} : Because the POTUS and all of his followers do. I also think Fox News is full of crap, but I look at their page to keep an eye on [the devil.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch) >It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; [Sun Tzu *The Art of War*](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sun_Tzu) IMO, ignoring these nut jobs let their idiocy fester into Pres. Trump & Bannon. edit: links', '>>{jmm1990} : Or new storage media formats. A new one every day.', '>>{oneeasypod} : Peak anything wrong is doing these guys too much credit', '>>{aykyle} : I think they mean it leaked. But they used leaks as a present term that just confuses people. They used "These leaks are of Sony\'s smartphone" term of "leaks". Not "It leaks gravy on Thanksgiving"', ">>{Pancakethunder} : In what ways can one notice difference between like the Z2 and newer version, I have the z2 and it runs great with super good battery preforms, although not great when I tried Google cardboard, it was to slow for that. I feel like it's like the pc market in ways of cpu and motherboards not making a huge difference in preforms.", ">>{waldron76} : James Delingpole is a fucking wingnut. not surprised he's hopped over to breitbart, he'll fit right in.", '>>{probablyuntrue} : Fox News at least tries to be somewhat legitimate, Brietbart publishes false information and then brags about it when the President tweets it', '>>{silkAcid} : No they mean the phone *was leaked*.', '>>{raflacta} : There was me thinking the battery was leaking or something', '>>{foolmanchoo} : When comparing Fox to fucking nutjobs like Brietbart and Infowars, yeah, they "seem to try" to be legitimate... but not really at all in any way are they legitimate. How about you watch Fox & Friends tomorrow morning, and report back on how fucking sane that is.', '>>{kkdd} : wow, it looks like every other smartphone on the market.', '>>{SugarFreeFries} : The phone was leaked? What did it leak out of?', ">>{bloodshotnipples} : Kill everything!! Making the world dead again! It's happening!! We can do anything and who cares?! It's about me and mine! Get the fuck out of the way pussy! This is the new reality.", '>>{super_amazing} : The phone itself leaked? Leaked through what? A hole in a bucket? Is the phone made of water?', '>>{tylergravy} : Currently in the carribean, picked up a piece of bleached coral from ocean floor today. Not hard.', ">>{Jokesonyounow} : It's no good if it leaks. Sony is known for their waterproof phones.", '>>{kaosbane} : It should have been purported leaks, not purportedly.', '>>{aykyle} : True, I was mainly just taking a guess outside the box. I think if the prototype leaked something,they would have focused on that', '>>{OrchidBest} : *InfoWars* is now reporting that Alex Jones wants the coral reefs nice and bleached for the apocalypse. Apparently Cthulhu is really into planetary rimjobs.', ">>{n0vast0rm} : That's probably going to be the next song by Ylvis....", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : The Earth is clearly round, but it's only 6,000 years old. And hollow. Inside are lizard people.", '>>{President_Tantrump} : That reef is not dead or white. Photoshopped!', '>>{NotWoorkWoorkWoork} : Hot chocolate leaking while you have it in your pocket. Not so fun i think.', ">>{ohhidayo} : That's how I felt when I demoed the z5 for a couple days, it seriously felt exactly the same besides the more responsive double tap to wake. The z2 was a huge upgrade over my previous phone though.", ">>{Vesstair} : Your comment seems sarcastic, but there is no tag... plus, your username.... I honestly can't tell if you are serious or not. And it makes me sad.", '>>{waffler69} : Does anyone notice how fat that guy fingers are? He could crumble that phone.', ">>{-cml} : Now that I have this unreleased flagship phone in my possession, I'll wait until I'm getting out of my car to photograph it for the world to see.", ">>{ninja92christ} : Why are phones getting so big, if I can't access the whole screen with just a one handed grip it's too fucking big.", ">>{Monkey_King_bot} : With all the stuff happening in the background, I just want a phone that'll last me the whole day", ">>{NeckbeardVirgin69} : ITT: People wondering why a phone that doesn't actually leak purportedly leaks.", '>>{joadbrotherfollower} : > “Is the Great Barrier Reef dying due to climate change caused by man’s selfishness and greed?” asks Delingpole, before giving a long list of people and groups who he thinks will answer yes, including “the Guardian” and “any marine biologist” I wonder if we can get these people to embrace alt-medicine the way they embrace alt-science, and let natural selection do the rest?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Everything's better when it's whiter, coral included!!!", '>>{Xellyfaice} : The use of purportedly made me think the phone had a leak... Which greatly confused me. Does it run on oil?', ">>{smithcm14} : It's going to get so much worse. There will be a division between the party of facts and the party of Trump. Democrats and liberals will be lone rangers in this new era of information warfare. Trump will be indicted for treason and collusion with Russia in the coming months and the GOP will do everything they can protect Trump, his propaganda, and ultimately Putin. Mother Russia's mission is almost completely accomplished and their propaganda has the Republican base by the balls.", ">>{ThechiefDUB} : I was expecting grey goo - am disappointed but relieved that the Grey Goo apocalypse scenario hasn't arrived (my least favourite apocalypse scenario).", '>>{tivofool} : 10 years ago on music cds. "The Sony BMG scandal unfolded in late 2005 after the company (now Sony Music Entertainment) secretly installed Extended Copy Protection (XCP) and MediaMax CD-3 software on millions of music discs to keep buyers from burning copies of the CDs via their computers and to inform Sony BMG about what these customers were up to. The software, which proved undetectable by anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, opened the door for other malware to infiltrate Windows PCs unseen as well."', ">>{JesusDiedForMexico} : [And if you're in the Los Angeles area, throw them a protest party.](http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/anti-propaganda-protesters-gather-breitbart-news-offices-brentwood-985456)", '>>{is-that-a-thing-now} : Nude pictures ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', ">>{AUS_Doug} : All the liquid crystals were escaping. EDIT: Phones don't even have LCD screens anymore do they?", ">>{Pancakethunder} : I'm looking forward to the day you can pair your smartphone to the TV and use it like a laptop with mouse and keyboard, or just use the phone like a keyboard and trackpad.", ">>{Bhantl01} : Not to hijack the thread but this comment is even more infuriating: >Like the thriving polar bear, like the recovering ice caps, like the doing-just-fine Pacific islands, I'm sure the people of Kiribati will be happy to know their island being submerged is just fake news. No need to evacuate!", ">>{_random_passerby_} : I'm sorry, Mr Trump, but not everyone has that issue.", ">>{2rio2} : It's time to start boycotting anyone that advertises with them, or any corporate entity that has ties to them. Enough is enough. If you start settling now reality, like gravity, can be fought for a long time before crashing down.", '>>{silkAcid} : Oh I see. Im just not in on the joke is all. Here let me fix that.... ahem... *Is the phone an oily substance*', ">>{RedditUserNamedMike} : That's already out. Microsoft phones can do it with a usb-C hub. Its called Microsoft Continuim I think?", '>>{FilteringAccount123} : Honestly the only thing that surprises me about this is that his statement wasn\'t "who cares what happens to coral".', '>>{ALostIguana} : Wait. Delingpole writes for Brietbart? Do they really have no standards?', ">>{whollyfictional} : God, I wish I thought it was peak denial, but I feel like they'll surprise us yet.", '>>{foolmanchoo} : I think we are still at base camp with this lot.', '>>{bloodshotnipples} : I have family that would say "Coral is stupid!" I argue who or what is keeping them this ignorant. My own mother thinks Trump is a genius. She is an old angry woman full of racist tendencies and enough money to help the ASSHOLES now in charge. Another half of our family is lovely, trying to make positive changes.', ">>{Pancakethunder} : Wow that's great, but window phone is not my thing", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Delingpole wrote: > Like the thriving polar bear, like the recovering ice caps, like the doing-just-fine Pacific islands, the Great Barrier Reef has become a totem for the liberal-left not because it’s in any kind of danger but because it’s big and famous and photogenic and lots and lots of people would be really sad if it disappeared. But it’s not going to disappear. That’s just a \\#fakenews lie designed to promote the climate alarmist agenda. Yikes! crazy anti-science people are going to cost us', '>>{squanchmymarklar} : I had the same reaction - "leaks what, exactly? Wiki?"', '>>{SocialBrushStroke} : @SleepingGiants on twitter takes screen shots of their advertisers & then posts it & tags it. A bunch of companies have dropped off of the package bundle deal of advertising on websites because of it.', '>>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : The lizard people thing is totally legit. Their king visited us back in the \'60s, did a bunch of acid, drank a bunch of whiskey, exposed himself onstage and then "died" in a bathtub. Really, he just went back to live among his lizard people.', '>>{JonnyShips} : Sony BMG - effectively a different company using the Sony name.', '>>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : I have an uncle who seems to be buying into all of this nonsense, more and more every time I see him. He is absolutely, 100% against westernized medicine, and says natural medicine is the way to go. Except for that time he thought he had skin cancer, and saw an oncologist, or that cardiologist he sees for his heart problems (not sure exactly what the problems are), or his family doctor who prescribes his xanax.', ">>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : Alter the subject before you even snap the photo. That's some next level Photoshopping.", '>>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : Shit, this explains why I accidentally floated into the atmosphere the other day, when I forgot to keep my feet on the ground.', '>>{stevenmcountryman2} : It looks hideous IMO. Especially after how nice their previous phones looked.', '>>{Aedeus} : And let people who advertise there (cough amazon cough) know how you feel about retailing to neo nazis.', ">>{nicholas_nullus} : Do you really think Breitbart news needs your money? It is a shitty 10 mn dollar mouthpeice to a 1.3 billion dollar AI. [Cambridge Analytica / SCL](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/26/robert-mercer-breitbart-war-on-media-steve-bannon-donald-trump-nigel-farage) No way you can affect Breitbart. They're funded by the worlds highest returning hedge fund (also AI). They literally can't lose enough money to matter.", ">>{SoSeriousAndDeep} : This is why I'll always go for the Xperia Compact, rather than the large one; I don't need a phone I could hire out as a cinema screen.", '>>{Consumer451} : :( thought anything related to Whitefart that POTUS uses as a news source would qualify, and climate denial is a political matter for some reason. But ok. Thanks for modding this sub. :)', ">>{decisionsmakeus} : I'm curious as to why? I love my Xperia z3.", '>>{JdoesDDR} : a.k.a. the phone that will be featured in movie product placements but nobody will ever buy.', ">>{lespaulstrat2} : Well, everybody, it is time to sell your Sony stock; footguy isn't buying them anymore.", '>>{mlvisby} : That is what I was thinking when I first saw it, so was confused when reading the article.', '>>{thesean_glider} : Xperias can do it with an mhl cable (usb to hdmi) and you can use a bluetooth keyboard. Supposedly they output 1080p and 4k, but they lied.. its upscaled from native resolution.', '>>{knirp7} : > Thankfully, it still has a headphone jack, so no extra dongles are needed. I hate that this needs to be clarified with phones nowadays.', ">>{Jayroro} : One phone does not work for all people. Some like me love large screens. Others like you do not. Good news! You can buy a small phone and I can buy a large one and you don't have to shit all over every mention of large phones.", '>>{Jheiderat} : Why Sony make their phones with a huge bezels, is like the were compiting against Apple in that department... Ugly big bezels', ">>{moogoescat} : Still mostly LCD. LED is generally LCD with an LED backlight. It's a marketing thing, people think they're getting AMOLED. It's not like they'd even manufacture an LCD with a CCFL backlight these days, especially for a phone. Some phones feature AMOLED. Way better, have drawbacks such as burn in. It's becoming more popular though. Samsung have used it since the Galaxy S1 days.", ">>{JonnyShips} : It's more like if someone had your same name. And the act happened 10 years ago.", '>>{xxfay6} : If they really wanted to do it, best case scenario is a HP Veer like adapter that everybody seemed to have forgotten.', '>>{xxfay6} : Take it out on Sony music, not the Xperia division.', ">>{knirp7} : I hope they don't. I don't want to buy adapters so that my phone can do something as basic as playing audio through my headphones.", '>>{xxfay6} : Oh, so pointing out the entity that *actually* did the thing is considered blame shifting now?', '>>{Butters902} : Sony: Look everyone, a better mousetrap! Android and Apple be like: ...', '>>{Virgenfj} : S7 EDGE still winning on new and sexy smartphone design', '>>{AbsorbentRock} : Only a few phones use lcd anymore. Most use either AMOLED like my Nexus or just regular led. However a few phones such as HTC still use them. I believe the iPhone also uses an LCD screen, which in my opinion is not nearly as clear as my AMOLED.', '>>{gweilo8888} : You already can. My Sony Xperia Z2 can accept a keyboard and mouse via the bundled USB OTG connector, and can pair to my TV via Miracast with no hardware, or via Chromecast with a cheap ~$30 dongle.', ">>{imfoimfo} : Sony has the most indistinguishable phones on the market. I've been looking for a phone lately and can't remember a single Xperia variation that caught my eye. Too bad.", '>>{LazLoe} : This is what you get when a company can patent the idea of rounded corners.', '>>{Stratocast7} : My brothers ps3 leaked years ago, coolant apparently. That was sony too.', '>>{makehersquirtz} : 100% with you. 5.2" is really the sweet spot. Sorry you\'re not stuffing 5.5" phones in your jean pocket', '>>{TaieriGold} : /r/titlegore - the reddit post and the actual article.', '>>{mafftastic} : I was thinking that it leaked battery acid or something... Who comes up with these titles?!', '>>{ur_face_smells} : i hate sony phones, ive had the Z, and the Z3 both terrible as they keep on making the screens with the digitizer glued on so they cost £150 to replace if you broke them. they broke so easily aswell i vowed to never get another', ">>{G00dCopBadCop} : Seriously. Every pair of Bluetooth headphones out there still seems to suck ass when it comes to staying connected well to the device you want to pair them with. Shit still needs to be plugged in because I'm already compromising enough of the sound quality even that way.", '>>{i3urn420} : Hmmm, now they just need to make it available for the U.S. phone market. For once.', ">>{SparksMurphey} : Just don't let it near a Samsung S7 Active, or you'll have two junked phones.", '>>{YeahNopeHmmm} : Came her to make sure I wasn\'t the only one who took "leaked" as ..... Fluid....', ">>{YeahNopeHmmm} : As someone who has literally never used my 3.5mm connection.... I'm glad it's there... For old times sake... In case I have to use Aux In...."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Consumer451} : Breitbart's James Delingpole says reef bleaching is 'fake news', hits peak denial", '>>{GladThatIsOver} : Breitbart [anything]. Why are you even listening to this shit?', ">>{-Sk3ptical-} : Because they're state-sponsored propaganda. Don't click their links, don't support their website and downvote any dissemination of their propaganda on reddit.", ">>{Vesstair} : Peak denial? Hah. I don't believe it. They haven't weighed in on whether the world is flat and/or 6000 years old yet.", '>>{Consumer451} : Because the POTUS and all of his followers do. I also think Fox News is full of crap, but I look at their page to keep an eye on [the devil.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch) >It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; [Sun Tzu *The Art of War*](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sun_Tzu) IMO, ignoring these nut jobs let their idiocy fester into Pres. Trump & Bannon. edit: links', '>>{oneeasypod} : Peak anything wrong is doing these guys too much credit', ">>{waldron76} : James Delingpole is a fucking wingnut. not surprised he's hopped over to breitbart, he'll fit right in.", '>>{probablyuntrue} : Fox News at least tries to be somewhat legitimate, Brietbart publishes false information and then brags about it when the President tweets it', '>>{foolmanchoo} : When comparing Fox to fucking nutjobs like Brietbart and Infowars, yeah, they "seem to try" to be legitimate... but not really at all in any way are they legitimate. How about you watch Fox & Friends tomorrow morning, and report back on how fucking sane that is.', ">>{bloodshotnipples} : Kill everything!! Making the world dead again! It's happening!! We can do anything and who cares?! It's about me and mine! Get the fuck out of the way pussy! This is the new reality.", '>>{tylergravy} : Currently in the carribean, picked up a piece of bleached coral from ocean floor today. Not hard.', '>>{OrchidBest} : *InfoWars* is now reporting that Alex Jones wants the coral reefs nice and bleached for the apocalypse. Apparently Cthulhu is really into planetary rimjobs.', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : The Earth is clearly round, but it's only 6,000 years old. And hollow. Inside are lizard people.", '>>{President_Tantrump} : That reef is not dead or white. Photoshopped!', ">>{Vesstair} : Your comment seems sarcastic, but there is no tag... plus, your username.... I honestly can't tell if you are serious or not. And it makes me sad.", '>>{joadbrotherfollower} : > “Is the Great Barrier Reef dying due to climate change caused by man’s selfishness and greed?” asks Delingpole, before giving a long list of people and groups who he thinks will answer yes, including “the Guardian” and “any marine biologist” I wonder if we can get these people to embrace alt-medicine the way they embrace alt-science, and let natural selection do the rest?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Everything's better when it's whiter, coral included!!!", ">>{smithcm14} : It's going to get so much worse. There will be a division between the party of facts and the party of Trump. Democrats and liberals will be lone rangers in this new era of information warfare. Trump will be indicted for treason and collusion with Russia in the coming months and the GOP will do everything they can protect Trump, his propaganda, and ultimately Putin. Mother Russia's mission is almost completely accomplished and their propaganda has the Republican base by the balls.", ">>{JesusDiedForMexico} : [And if you're in the Los Angeles area, throw them a protest party.](http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/anti-propaganda-protesters-gather-breitbart-news-offices-brentwood-985456)", ">>{Bhantl01} : Not to hijack the thread but this comment is even more infuriating: >Like the thriving polar bear, like the recovering ice caps, like the doing-just-fine Pacific islands, I'm sure the people of Kiribati will be happy to know their island being submerged is just fake news. No need to evacuate!", ">>{2rio2} : It's time to start boycotting anyone that advertises with them, or any corporate entity that has ties to them. Enough is enough. If you start settling now reality, like gravity, can be fought for a long time before crashing down.", '>>{FilteringAccount123} : Honestly the only thing that surprises me about this is that his statement wasn\'t "who cares what happens to coral".', '>>{ALostIguana} : Wait. Delingpole writes for Brietbart? Do they really have no standards?', ">>{whollyfictional} : God, I wish I thought it was peak denial, but I feel like they'll surprise us yet.", '>>{foolmanchoo} : I think we are still at base camp with this lot.', '>>{bloodshotnipples} : I have family that would say "Coral is stupid!" I argue who or what is keeping them this ignorant. My own mother thinks Trump is a genius. She is an old angry woman full of racist tendencies and enough money to help the ASSHOLES now in charge. Another half of our family is lovely, trying to make positive changes.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Delingpole wrote: > Like the thriving polar bear, like the recovering ice caps, like the doing-just-fine Pacific islands, the Great Barrier Reef has become a totem for the liberal-left not because it’s in any kind of danger but because it’s big and famous and photogenic and lots and lots of people would be really sad if it disappeared. But it’s not going to disappear. That’s just a \\#fakenews lie designed to promote the climate alarmist agenda. Yikes! crazy anti-science people are going to cost us', '>>{SocialBrushStroke} : @SleepingGiants on twitter takes screen shots of their advertisers & then posts it & tags it. A bunch of companies have dropped off of the package bundle deal of advertising on websites because of it.', '>>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : The lizard people thing is totally legit. Their king visited us back in the \'60s, did a bunch of acid, drank a bunch of whiskey, exposed himself onstage and then "died" in a bathtub. Really, he just went back to live among his lizard people.', '>>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : I have an uncle who seems to be buying into all of this nonsense, more and more every time I see him. He is absolutely, 100% against westernized medicine, and says natural medicine is the way to go. Except for that time he thought he had skin cancer, and saw an oncologist, or that cardiologist he sees for his heart problems (not sure exactly what the problems are), or his family doctor who prescribes his xanax.', ">>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : Alter the subject before you even snap the photo. That's some next level Photoshopping.", '>>{TheOleRedditAsshole} : Shit, this explains why I accidentally floated into the atmosphere the other day, when I forgot to keep my feet on the ground.', '>>{Aedeus} : And let people who advertise there (cough amazon cough) know how you feel about retailing to neo nazis.', ">>{nicholas_nullus} : Do you really think Breitbart news needs your money? It is a shitty 10 mn dollar mouthpeice to a 1.3 billion dollar AI. [Cambridge Analytica / SCL](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/26/robert-mercer-breitbart-war-on-media-steve-bannon-donald-trump-nigel-farage) No way you can affect Breitbart. They're funded by the worlds highest returning hedge fund (also AI). They literally can't lose enough money to matter.", '>>{Consumer451} : :( thought anything related to Whitefart that POTUS uses as a news source would qualify, and climate denial is a political matter for some reason. But ok. Thanks for modding this sub. :)'], ['>>{kaosbane} : Read the article, nice stats and all but what does it leak?', '>>{RagnaBrock} : The fuck does it leak? Battery acid is bad but hot chocolate would be fantastic. Milk would be mixed results.', '>>{I-Do-Math} : Being from Sony, it will leak your personal info.', '>>{jmm1990} : Or new storage media formats. A new one every day.', '>>{aykyle} : I think they mean it leaked. But they used leaks as a present term that just confuses people. They used "These leaks are of Sony\'s smartphone" term of "leaks". Not "It leaks gravy on Thanksgiving"', ">>{Pancakethunder} : In what ways can one notice difference between like the Z2 and newer version, I have the z2 and it runs great with super good battery preforms, although not great when I tried Google cardboard, it was to slow for that. I feel like it's like the pc market in ways of cpu and motherboards not making a huge difference in preforms.", '>>{silkAcid} : No they mean the phone *was leaked*.', '>>{raflacta} : There was me thinking the battery was leaking or something', '>>{kkdd} : wow, it looks like every other smartphone on the market.', '>>{SugarFreeFries} : The phone was leaked? What did it leak out of?', '>>{super_amazing} : The phone itself leaked? Leaked through what? A hole in a bucket? Is the phone made of water?', ">>{Jokesonyounow} : It's no good if it leaks. Sony is known for their waterproof phones.", '>>{kaosbane} : It should have been purported leaks, not purportedly.', '>>{aykyle} : True, I was mainly just taking a guess outside the box. I think if the prototype leaked something,they would have focused on that', ">>{n0vast0rm} : That's probably going to be the next song by Ylvis....", '>>{NotWoorkWoorkWoork} : Hot chocolate leaking while you have it in your pocket. Not so fun i think.', ">>{ohhidayo} : That's how I felt when I demoed the z5 for a couple days, it seriously felt exactly the same besides the more responsive double tap to wake. The z2 was a huge upgrade over my previous phone though.", '>>{waffler69} : Does anyone notice how fat that guy fingers are? He could crumble that phone.', ">>{-cml} : Now that I have this unreleased flagship phone in my possession, I'll wait until I'm getting out of my car to photograph it for the world to see.", ">>{ninja92christ} : Why are phones getting so big, if I can't access the whole screen with just a one handed grip it's too fucking big.", ">>{Monkey_King_bot} : With all the stuff happening in the background, I just want a phone that'll last me the whole day", ">>{NeckbeardVirgin69} : ITT: People wondering why a phone that doesn't actually leak purportedly leaks.", '>>{Xellyfaice} : The use of purportedly made me think the phone had a leak... Which greatly confused me. Does it run on oil?', ">>{ThechiefDUB} : I was expecting grey goo - am disappointed but relieved that the Grey Goo apocalypse scenario hasn't arrived (my least favourite apocalypse scenario).", '>>{tivofool} : 10 years ago on music cds. "The Sony BMG scandal unfolded in late 2005 after the company (now Sony Music Entertainment) secretly installed Extended Copy Protection (XCP) and MediaMax CD-3 software on millions of music discs to keep buyers from burning copies of the CDs via their computers and to inform Sony BMG about what these customers were up to. The software, which proved undetectable by anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, opened the door for other malware to infiltrate Windows PCs unseen as well."', '>>{is-that-a-thing-now} : Nude pictures ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', ">>{AUS_Doug} : All the liquid crystals were escaping. EDIT: Phones don't even have LCD screens anymore do they?", ">>{Pancakethunder} : I'm looking forward to the day you can pair your smartphone to the TV and use it like a laptop with mouse and keyboard, or just use the phone like a keyboard and trackpad.", ">>{_random_passerby_} : I'm sorry, Mr Trump, but not everyone has that issue.", '>>{silkAcid} : Oh I see. Im just not in on the joke is all. Here let me fix that.... ahem... *Is the phone an oily substance*', ">>{RedditUserNamedMike} : That's already out. Microsoft phones can do it with a usb-C hub. Its called Microsoft Continuim I think?", ">>{Pancakethunder} : Wow that's great, but window phone is not my thing", '>>{squanchmymarklar} : I had the same reaction - "leaks what, exactly? Wiki?"', '>>{JonnyShips} : Sony BMG - effectively a different company using the Sony name.', '>>{stevenmcountryman2} : It looks hideous IMO. Especially after how nice their previous phones looked.', ">>{SoSeriousAndDeep} : This is why I'll always go for the Xperia Compact, rather than the large one; I don't need a phone I could hire out as a cinema screen.", ">>{decisionsmakeus} : I'm curious as to why? I love my Xperia z3.", '>>{JdoesDDR} : a.k.a. the phone that will be featured in movie product placements but nobody will ever buy.', ">>{lespaulstrat2} : Well, everybody, it is time to sell your Sony stock; footguy isn't buying them anymore.", '>>{mlvisby} : That is what I was thinking when I first saw it, so was confused when reading the article.', '>>{thesean_glider} : Xperias can do it with an mhl cable (usb to hdmi) and you can use a bluetooth keyboard. Supposedly they output 1080p and 4k, but they lied.. its upscaled from native resolution.', '>>{knirp7} : > Thankfully, it still has a headphone jack, so no extra dongles are needed. I hate that this needs to be clarified with phones nowadays.', ">>{Jayroro} : One phone does not work for all people. Some like me love large screens. Others like you do not. Good news! You can buy a small phone and I can buy a large one and you don't have to shit all over every mention of large phones.", '>>{Jheiderat} : Why Sony make their phones with a huge bezels, is like the were compiting against Apple in that department... Ugly big bezels', ">>{moogoescat} : Still mostly LCD. LED is generally LCD with an LED backlight. It's a marketing thing, people think they're getting AMOLED. It's not like they'd even manufacture an LCD with a CCFL backlight these days, especially for a phone. Some phones feature AMOLED. Way better, have drawbacks such as burn in. It's becoming more popular though. Samsung have used it since the Galaxy S1 days.", ">>{JonnyShips} : It's more like if someone had your same name. And the act happened 10 years ago.", '>>{xxfay6} : If they really wanted to do it, best case scenario is a HP Veer like adapter that everybody seemed to have forgotten.', '>>{xxfay6} : Take it out on Sony music, not the Xperia division.', ">>{knirp7} : I hope they don't. I don't want to buy adapters so that my phone can do something as basic as playing audio through my headphones.", '>>{xxfay6} : Oh, so pointing out the entity that *actually* did the thing is considered blame shifting now?', '>>{Butters902} : Sony: Look everyone, a better mousetrap! Android and Apple be like: ...', '>>{Virgenfj} : S7 EDGE still winning on new and sexy smartphone design', '>>{AbsorbentRock} : Only a few phones use lcd anymore. Most use either AMOLED like my Nexus or just regular led. However a few phones such as HTC still use them. I believe the iPhone also uses an LCD screen, which in my opinion is not nearly as clear as my AMOLED.', '>>{gweilo8888} : You already can. My Sony Xperia Z2 can accept a keyboard and mouse via the bundled USB OTG connector, and can pair to my TV via Miracast with no hardware, or via Chromecast with a cheap ~$30 dongle.', ">>{imfoimfo} : Sony has the most indistinguishable phones on the market. I've been looking for a phone lately and can't remember a single Xperia variation that caught my eye. Too bad.", '>>{LazLoe} : This is what you get when a company can patent the idea of rounded corners.', '>>{Stratocast7} : My brothers ps3 leaked years ago, coolant apparently. That was sony too.', '>>{makehersquirtz} : 100% with you. 5.2" is really the sweet spot. Sorry you\'re not stuffing 5.5" phones in your jean pocket', '>>{TaieriGold} : /r/titlegore - the reddit post and the actual article.', '>>{mafftastic} : I was thinking that it leaked battery acid or something... Who comes up with these titles?!', '>>{ur_face_smells} : i hate sony phones, ive had the Z, and the Z3 both terrible as they keep on making the screens with the digitizer glued on so they cost £150 to replace if you broke them. they broke so easily aswell i vowed to never get another', ">>{G00dCopBadCop} : Seriously. Every pair of Bluetooth headphones out there still seems to suck ass when it comes to staying connected well to the device you want to pair them with. Shit still needs to be plugged in because I'm already compromising enough of the sound quality even that way.", '>>{i3urn420} : Hmmm, now they just need to make it available for the U.S. phone market. For once.', ">>{SparksMurphey} : Just don't let it near a Samsung S7 Active, or you'll have two junked phones.", '>>{YeahNopeHmmm} : Came her to make sure I wasn\'t the only one who took "leaked" as ..... Fluid....', ">>{YeahNopeHmmm} : As someone who has literally never used my 3.5mm connection.... I'm glad it's there... For old times sake... In case I have to use Aux In...."]]
classify and reply
['>>{DarthChrisPR} : Am I the only one that keeps discontinued apps just in case?', '>>{mepper} : Judge: Doctors have “Religious Freedom” to refuse to treat trans patients, women who’ve had abortions', '>>{fectsu} : New Evidence Indicates Planned Parenthood’s Organ Harvesting Scheme Broke The Law', '>>{IslamicShibe} : Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush to attend Trump inauguration', '>>{yuhche} : Probably, as they can be downloaded again. http://i.imgur.com/zk7Z36E.jpg http://i.imgur.com/U3a7dbV.jpg', ">>{gmanreddit} : Why is this bad? You shouldn't be forced to do anything. I'd see trans patients and women with abortions but I don't think doctors should all be required to. If anything it's less patients for them and more for me lol.", '>>{Fuckoutmyface} : Hide? /r/politics is their safespace they have nowhere to go.', '>>{Solidarieta} : Divorcée\'s too? People who hate their neighbor? People who idolize money? Are all sins worthy of rendering you "untouchable"? I mean, we\'re *all* sinners, no?', ">>{PassionatelyInnocent} : Nope, I do this as well! However, I have these apps backed up to iTunes instead so that I won't lose them.", ">>{Staback} : You are okay with Doctors deciding they won't offering medical to people who they don't agree with ideological or religiously? Would you be happy if doctors start turning down delivering babies to unwed mothers?", '>>{dalovindj} : I am so looking forward to the closeups of their weathered, beaten, dejected faces. May we never have another Bush or Clinton in power for 1,000 years! Long live the Dynasty Killer!', ">>{jejovif} : You're better to keep them because if you only side load, you have to redo it every 7 days which sucks", ">>{ApatheticAnarchy} : No, they're just going to support their friend. They were always friends before this election.", ">>{itsmegeorge} : omg! alien blue was discontinued?! I've been living under a damn rock", ">>{FredKarlekKnark} : So doctors can now choose to only administer help to those who fit into their specific belief system? Sounds like a great way to lose business, but I'm no doctor.", ">>{dalovindj} : And as they greet each other they shall lean in gently and whisper 'Hail Hydra'.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Why do you need 'religious' freedom? What's wrong with freedom freedom?", '>>{Bobroom} : Oh dear, you still believe that he\'s not friends with the Clintons. He invited them to his wedding to Melania, and he invited them to the inauguration FFS. With a thought process like that, no wonder Trump doesn\'t want to move from the liberal bastion that is New York. Do you still believe he\'s going to, "Lock her up"?', '>>{TowneshipRebellion} : The tight shots on their faces are going to make for some dank memes.', ">>{Antnee83} : Why shouldn't white doctors refuse to treat black patients? I mean, it's their strongly held convictions that are at stake!", '>>{Fendahl_core} : Alien Blue was discontinued? WTF... where have I been.', '>>{ambushka} : Everyone who had a pro version got 4 years of reddit gold.', ">>{-null} : Yeah I still use Alien Blue daily, I just don't like the new official app.", ">>{kickstand} : I just deleted Vine the other day. I have this old NPR Station Finder app that crashes on every launch. I have several apps that are still in the app store, but not supported anymore (Bubbli, InstaWeather, a few more). I bought a device with a lot of storage, and now that my music is in the cloud, I have plenty to spare. I simply don't worry about how many apps I have on the phone.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah considering this case was dismissed so long ago and the court changed their charges towards the "whistleblowers" (unless this is somehow another case about this.)', ">>{TowneshipRebellion} : Well this gem doesn't fit with your parent comment.", ">>{gmanreddit} : I wouldn't care. Plenty of other doctors would take their business, myself included. Seems like a stupid reason to lose patients, but I think people should be able to run any business the way they see fit.", '>>{RutherfordBHayes} : \\> dynasty killer \\> [giving his children political power](http://www.newsweek.com/ivanka-trump-moving-white-house-office-reserved-first-lady-532250) and [linking family business with the government](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/donald-trump-children-security-clearance/index.html)', ">>{DarthChrisPR} : It got too buggy for me. Now I use Narwhal it's great", '>>{dalovindj} : I mean, sure, he is forming a new dynasty. Ivanka Trump first female President! What a proud day that will be for our country.', '>>{dalovindj} : Yes, the trust-fund billionaire who defeated both the Bush and Clinton dynasties. Long may he live!', '>>{gaeuvyen} : By posted old news that was thrown out of court and the whistelblowers were then charged and convicted because they were the only ones committing these crimes?', ">>{ICryCauseImEmo} : I never liked the official, infact I only downloaded it the first day for the free reddit gold. I've used Narwhal exclusively for almost a year it's great.", ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : So they hide the ads and the users don't get angry that there are ads until later", ">>{Hornstar19} : I'm a Christian, and a conservative, and I hate this. First of all - lets talk about the doctrinal inconsistency among Christians with respect to these issues. In Christianity, any sin separates you from God. It doesn't matter if you have stolen, lusted, murdered, etc. All sins are equal in God's eyes. Yet here on earth, the church and Christians have drawn these doctrinal lines that certain sins are absolutely unacceptable. I'd argue that this is not based in faith, but rather based on societal norms. Why will a church marry a murderer, thief, philanderer, etc. but refuse to marry a homosexual? Where in the bible does it say that one is okay and the other isn't? Christians need to stop putting their temporal views on sin. They need to act more like Jesus. Read the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. She was a sinner and Jesus went towards her and offered her hope and comfort. He didn't say - hey get the heck out of here sinner - you aren't welcome.", ">>{examinati0n} : I think that's the stock keyboard but tweaked via a jailbreak tweak.", ">>{coffeeisking} : Wow, can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the $hillary for Jail crowd. Why is this downvoted?", ">>{lebowskisfarmhand} : just say no to segregation. It didn't work well", '>>{gaeuvyen} : It\'s "new" by stating a case that is already over and the planned parenthood has been aquited already. Calling it new doesnt make it new When the "new" evidence is actually the same emails they tried to use before and then later used to convict the people who made the video about organ selling. The only people who were foind guilty where the fake whistleblowers', ">>{roboboogienights} : oh yes, by all means, let's throw women's reproductive rights under the bus because of a Federalist article.", '>>{sedgwickian} : Google "civil rights movement." The free market does not solve discrimination. It makes it worse.', '>>{AnakinFarmwalker} : Only things that you cherry-pick because they make you uncomfortable.', ">>{ohbillywhatyoudo} : LOL I still use an older NPR app. They keep trying to push you toward 'NPR One' but it just pulls irrelevant stories out that I don't give a damn about.", '>>{dalovindj} : Not necessarily. Definitely the Bush and Clinton dynasties though.', '>>{teetharefortearing} : it is off topic, and I quote;"Articles must deal explicitly with US politics." weasel worded smear piece don\'t count.', ">>{Wdc331} : I've only done this with one app - the PostSecret app (I think it was 2011 or so). It was a very popular app at the time and was discontinued because of some death threats against the founder I believe. It was highly addictive. I kept the app for years in the hopes it would be restarted, but alas, it never was. I finally deleted it a few weeks ago oddly enough.", '>>{ADC_TDC} : I could be wrong but these emails look different to those exposed by the undercover work that was done. As implied by the "new evidence" part of the title.', '>>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : Classy move. All healthy former presidents and the runner-up should attend to show support for the peaceful transition of power.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : No, Im someone who actually pays attention to the news. Planned parenthood was let go meanwhile the men who accused them of harvesting organs were indicted for tampering with evidence and forging evidence. Continuing to base any claims on these forged documents is ridiculously ignorant', ">>{gmanreddit} : Black patients are less likely to want to see a white doctor. Should they be forced to see a white doctor? Unless you're an ER doctor you shouldn't be forced to see anyone. Trying to respond to yall but only 1 comment every 8 minutes so I won't respond to low effort replies.", ">>{Staback} : Well, segregation didn't actually work out very well. Nice if you live in a big city with lots of choices, but if you live in smaller towns with only a few doctors, it would suck and dangerous to travel hundred of miles to give birth because you are unmarried or part of some other unpopular group. Not to mention, in emergencies you don't really have the option to shop around for hospital that fits your ideological beliefs.", '>>{perry1023} : Same here. I miss 1.1 flappy bird Tubify YouTube Downloader is the 💣', '>>{gaeuvyen} : And yet its the same organ harvesting "company", something that didnt even exist because it was part of the fraud the two men committed that got them indicted.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : When the whole article stems on a falsehood. There was no organ harvesting scheme, it was a fraud that got the two people who "filmed it happening" indicted for maliciously tampering with evidemce and even forging some, you cannot take them seriously.', ">>{yuhche} : Like the other two commenters have said, I'm jailbroken and it's the stock keyboard with a dark theme tweak called Bloard.", '>>{plyboult} : BRO! Thank you I had no idea that was even a thing Lol Flappy Bird returns', '>>{wastingtoomuchthyme} : The "state" grants them a license to practice. The state can also revoke it because of this Taliban-like way of thinking.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : It is the 21st century. All Americans deserve equal treatment.', '>>{eighteencircle9} : I feel the same when I read about flappy bird. Thought that was still a thing.', '>>{eighteencircle9} : What? When did they discontinue Vine? :O Dayum!', ">>{ADC_TDC} : Are you referring to StemExpress? That's a real company. I think BioMax was the fictional company used as a cover by CfMP (see [here](http://time.com/4194226/planned-parenthood-david-daleiden-felony/)).", ">>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Well when you let a technician in to procure some organs, that takes up space and time. Everyone running a business, especially medically related, knows that space & time = money. Also, when you fucky fucky that slightly overweight semi-ugly girl who you'd get off on a time or two but would never want her the mother of your children, you'll be greatful to know there is a backup if something goes wrong. Shame on you.", '>>{MarvelsBlackCat} : I have Duck Hunt. Played it for quite a while. Unfortunately it no longer works. 😭', '>>{t0dk0n} : I had Alien Blue with the Pro IAP. Still no free gold..', '>>{MakeMuricaGreeaat} : So you want to live in a country without individual freedom and liberty! I mean, how selfish do you have to be to force your neighbors to like and or serve you!!', '>>{Javiyow} : Well, TIL Alien Blue was discontinued........ I am using it on a daily basis. WTF?', ">>{ungibled2} : Nope, I've got Flappy bird on all my devices", '>>{VirtualDumbass} : What about they oath they take? Is god ok with broken promises?', ">>{Staback} : We already live in a country where we force our neighbors to abide by basic rules. One of those basic rules is you can not discriminate services you offer based on race, religion, sex, and orientation. Have to say, it is definitely better than it was before when we had the 'freedom' to marginalize groups of people we did not like.", '>>{kakumar15} : What if there is just one doctor in town and he refuses help. What if this doctor is the only one on a flight and let\'s someone die because it\'s against thier "beliefs". Should people die just so that a doctor can practice hatered to fellow humans? What if a Muslim doctor finds it against his religion to treat people from other faith but he is the only doctor around when you get into a serious accident? Should he not help you and hold on to his religious beliefs?', ">>{MakeMuricaGreeaat} : > Have to say, it is definitely better than it was before when we had the 'freedom' to marginalize groups of people we did not like. Yeah, because marginalizing the liberty of others is the answer!!", ">>{Staback} : What is more important I guess. Allow one group of people to discriminate against another group, or make discrimination illegal. One could argue that you do not have to start a business, but if you do, you have to follow some basic societal rules (pay taxes, don't discriminate, don't break other laws, etc). So you have the freedom to discriminate in your private life, just not when you start offering services to the general public.", '>>{TechyDad} : Suppose I\'m sick and there\'s one doctor in town who can treat me. I go to him and he asks me whether I\'ve accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour. Being Jewish, I tell him that I don\'t believe that Jesus was anything special. He tells me that I need to convert or he won\'t treat me. Now I have three options: 1) Change my religion simply to get my condition treated. Or 2) Don\'t change my religion and seek out another doctor even though that one will cost me more time and money to get to. (Possibly outside of my insurance plan as well.) You could replace "accept Jesus Christ as my saviour" above with anything (e.g. "converting to Judaism", "converting to Islam", "registering and only voting Republican", "registering and only voting Democrat"). No matter what, it would be bad. Doctors should treat people to the best of their abilities no matter what the person\'s race/religion/sexual orientation/etc.', '>>{TechyDad} : The same people supporting this would scream "Sharia Law" if a Muslim doctor took advantage of it.', ">>{gmanreddit} : 1) I could easily say I'm Jewish to get healthcare if I wanted to. Not hard. 2) I agree doctors should treat anyone. I have no bias. But I don't believe people should be forced to do anything. Also an inconvenience does not warrant forcing someone to serve you. More time and money is your problem. If it were an emergency situation then I agree. But if your primary doesn't like Jewish people then find a new one. I'd do the same if my doctor didn't like black people.", '>>{SaltHash} : Zealots with a persecution complex persecute others again. Since this is literally about life & death, there should be something similar to a Scopes Monkey Trial where the judge and those doctors are forced to acknowledge that their [interpretation](http://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/god-is-not-pro-life/) of their religious doctrine is very subjective instead of a scientific fact.', ">>{gmanreddit} : Sure that's his prerogative. He doesn't owe to me to help me. If he hates me he would probably let me die anyway. Is it OK for the gyms to have a women's only section? Or a scholarship only for black people? I don't mind it. Free market, free country.", '>>{3030303} : I am an atheist, but I respect and appreciate all religions. You are the right kind of christian, and I applaud you.', ">>{3030303} : Doctors quite literally take an oath to treat without prejudice of any kind. If we start chipping away at that, it's a very scary slippery slope.", '>>{voompanatos} : In spirit, yes definitely. Unfortunately, however, neither the Americans with Disabilities Act nor the Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifically list transgendered persons or women who have previously had an abortion as classes of people to be protected from discrimination. This is a new legal gray area which will likely become a big court battle in the years to come.', '>>{thisborglife} : I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that **warmth, sympathy, and understanding** may outweigh the surgeon\'s knife or the chemist\'s drug. I will not be ashamed to say I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the **skills of another are needed for a patient\'s recovery.** I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. Above all, I must not play at God." -Hippocratic Oath "Wikipedia" So, doctors are not required to be doctors, especially if their religious objections prevent them from delivering the care they have sworn to provide. If a doctor has a religious objection, nothing prevents that person\'s locating a better suited profession.', ">>{gmanreddit} : We take no such oath. Only oath is to do no harm. Not treating a patient isn't considered doing no harm. Being a doctor is a job like any other. I don't see why we should be held to a higher standard than an engineer or a farner.", '>>{legogizmo} : I agree with what you are saying but I\'m going to be pedantic and mention that the Church only wants to marry men to women in order to fulfill the "go forth and multiply" thing. Technically if a gay man wants to marry a woman the Church would be fine with it. Really the "go forth and multiply" is the root cause of a lot stances like abortion, birth control, homosexuality and so on. It made sense back then but I think we reached a point where we can ease up on it. Back to the actual issue, it is absolutely hypocritical to deny care "because Jesus". Jesus healed everyone, friends, sinners, enemies, tax collectors.', ">>{Hornstar19} : I think the go forth and multiple view point isn't totally christian, but is more catholic than anything. I grew up in a methodist church and am marrying a catholic woman in a catholic church. The church requires us to want to have children and to be able to have children in order to be married. The methodist church and other non-denominational churches do not require that.", ">>{3030303} : Hmmmm, after further research you are correct. Although there certainly is an ethical (some would argue moral) grey area concerning doctors' right to refuse treatment, your point stands.", ">>{Staback} : Didn't see where you said that, apologies. But still, having a baby is a non-emergency. You need to do monthly and then weekly check ups to monitor healthy of mother and the baby. If no doctor for 100 miles is willing to cover unwed mothers because of religious reasons, that is an ugly and unfair situation.", ">>{gmanreddit} : I do agree that doctors shouldn't discriminate though. I'm not advocating it. I'm morally against it. But I also think people should have the freedom to decide for themselves. If patients can choose not to see a doctor based on race Why can't the inverse happen right?", ">>{MakeMuricaGreeaat} : > So you have the freedom to discriminate in your private life, just not when you start offering services to the general public. That's a fascism. The govt is not supposed to be dictating how you run your own business.", ">>{Staback} : There is not a place on the planet you can open a new business without having to follow some government rules, so I guess we are all living under fascism. Even libertarians would say that people are free to do what they want as long as they don't cause harm to someone else. Hence why Libertarians still support a police force to protect people and property. Allowing business to discriminate definitely causes harm to those who are discriminated against. Why would people support a policy that causes clear harm to other people? It is like saying the police stopping me from stealing your food is taking away my liberty to take what I want.", ">>{gmanreddit} : Highly doubt that doctors would pass up such a large patient base. The ones that did discriminate like that would lose a lot of business. If I had a practice that specifically catered to the needs of black people I could see it making business sense, but honestly it would never be a problem. Doctors right now can discriminate relatively easy. If I didn't want to see a patient I could easily not see them with no repercussion. However, I have no need to do that. I gain nothing from discriminating. The only kinds of patients I would ever refuse are rude people. Can't stand them haha", ">>{Staback} : You are forgetting the fact that in history many times the customers themselves forced business to discriminate. Many white people wouldn't go to a restaurant that would be open to serving black people. So restaurants had to turn down a large amount of black business to preserve an even larger amount of white people business. Not only that, but people are not only motivated by profit, there are many people who would discriminate even if cost them financially. Free market does not handle systemic discrimination well. So yes, if you allowed discrimination based on any reasoning, it isn't out bounds to say there will be situations where people will have to go hundreds of miles for basic medical care. Already we have situations where doctors refuse to abort fetus even if an emergency and women's life is at stake.", ">>{3030303} : I both agree and disagree. It's yet another of these Schrödinger dilemmas that we are going to have to feel our way through as a society.", ">>{gmanreddit} : White people don't need to go to a restaurant with black people if they don't want to. If I'm eating somewhere and a white guy, or Asian guy, or a blue guy didn't like people like me eating there they should not be forced to eat with me. Doctors shouldn't be forced to do anything. That's akin to slavery. And my ancestors experienced enough of that. We're at a point where mass discrimation would not exist anymore. You think target would stop serving black people if they could? That's more business for walmart. Someone will always take up the business.", '>>{BadHominem} : >Black patients are less likely to want to see a white doctor. Source?', ">>{Staback} : The problem becomes that black people end up being discriminated against very heavily. The whole idea of separate and equal does not work which is why we need discrimination protections. You personally can decide not to go to any restaurant you want, but the restaurant can't decide to only serve Asians. You don't mind if doctors refuse to treat dying people because of their gender, race, or orientation? I don't think not allowing doctors who refuse to help certain groups of people is akin to slavery. If you don't want to help everyone, don't become a doctor. Well, when we had systemic discrimination in this country there were many business that decided not to serve black people. If white people decided they wouldn't shop at Target or Wal-mart if they served black people, then Target and Wal-mart would both stop serving black people. That has happened, that causes real harm, and free market doesn't efficiently arbitrage away institutional racism. Notice we don't have any discrimination laws against people of certain hair or eye color, that is because it hasn't been a societal issue. Color of skin unfortunately has.", ">>{Staback} : Doesn't have to be a large patient base. Perhaps rural doctors will chose to only deliver babies from married couples. There are not enough single mothers in rural area to justify a 2nd doctor to take all that business. Doctors can not just turn down every black person today and not expect to get in trouble. Especially if it is an emergency situation. I am sure small scale discrimination exists at human level for all sorts of things including rudeness. Its the systemic, policy driven discrimination that anti-discrimination laws seek to prevent.", ">>{gmanreddit} : So it's ok for black people to have their own scholarship? It's ok for women to have their own section in the gym despite paying equal membership?", ">>{Staback} : No, I do not think that is right. Discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or orientation should be wrong no matter if its the minority or majority of society. I do not agree with affirmative action either. We can recognize that racism/sexism/bigotry is a problem without resorting to 'positive' discrimination to solve it .", '>>{coconutapple} : > I could easily say I\'m Jewish to get healthcare if I wanted to. Not hard. No shit it wouldn\'t be hard - when faced with tyranny, compliance is always the path of least resistance. If I lived under a murderous dictator, not criticising the government wouldn\'t be hard for me to do. If my parents threatened to throw me out on the street at 13 if I didn\'t marry the man they\'d made a deal with, just going along with it wouldn\'t be hard either. Also, arguing that the Hippocratic Oath doesn\'t oblige a physician to treat without prejudice of any kind is a pretty textbook case of letter versus spirit of the law. "I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required..."', ">>{gmanreddit} : Half of US medical schools don't take the Hippocratic oath... many have their own. Tyranny is forcing someone to act a certain way. I should be free to accept everyone the same as someone should be free to reject people.", '>>{imkillingmyselfnextm} : How did you come up with that from the quote. Do you mind explaining your reasoning?', '>>{thisborglife} : It is part of the Hippocratic Oath " First, do no harm . . ." My reasoning is that doctors recite this oath when they become eligible to treat patients. The Hippocratic Oath (long form) demands compassion. It also demands that another doctor be called / consulted should a doctor not be able to treat a patient. I would posit that a doctor (or other medical professional) not "able" to treat a patient for religious reasons is compelled to call in another physician to complete treatment - no need for bigoted or clearly discrimatory laws. Treatment decisions should always remain between a patient and his/her doctor.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{DarthChrisPR} : Am I the only one that keeps discontinued apps just in case?', '>>{yuhche} : Probably, as they can be downloaded again. http://i.imgur.com/zk7Z36E.jpg http://i.imgur.com/U3a7dbV.jpg', ">>{PassionatelyInnocent} : Nope, I do this as well! However, I have these apps backed up to iTunes instead so that I won't lose them.", ">>{jejovif} : You're better to keep them because if you only side load, you have to redo it every 7 days which sucks", ">>{itsmegeorge} : omg! alien blue was discontinued?! I've been living under a damn rock", '>>{Fendahl_core} : Alien Blue was discontinued? WTF... where have I been.', '>>{ambushka} : Everyone who had a pro version got 4 years of reddit gold.', ">>{-null} : Yeah I still use Alien Blue daily, I just don't like the new official app.", ">>{kickstand} : I just deleted Vine the other day. I have this old NPR Station Finder app that crashes on every launch. I have several apps that are still in the app store, but not supported anymore (Bubbli, InstaWeather, a few more). I bought a device with a lot of storage, and now that my music is in the cloud, I have plenty to spare. I simply don't worry about how many apps I have on the phone.", ">>{DarthChrisPR} : It got too buggy for me. Now I use Narwhal it's great", ">>{ICryCauseImEmo} : I never liked the official, infact I only downloaded it the first day for the free reddit gold. I've used Narwhal exclusively for almost a year it's great.", ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : So they hide the ads and the users don't get angry that there are ads until later", ">>{examinati0n} : I think that's the stock keyboard but tweaked via a jailbreak tweak.", ">>{ohbillywhatyoudo} : LOL I still use an older NPR app. They keep trying to push you toward 'NPR One' but it just pulls irrelevant stories out that I don't give a damn about.", ">>{Wdc331} : I've only done this with one app - the PostSecret app (I think it was 2011 or so). It was a very popular app at the time and was discontinued because of some death threats against the founder I believe. It was highly addictive. I kept the app for years in the hopes it would be restarted, but alas, it never was. I finally deleted it a few weeks ago oddly enough.", '>>{perry1023} : Same here. I miss 1.1 flappy bird Tubify YouTube Downloader is the 💣', ">>{yuhche} : Like the other two commenters have said, I'm jailbroken and it's the stock keyboard with a dark theme tweak called Bloard.", '>>{plyboult} : BRO! Thank you I had no idea that was even a thing Lol Flappy Bird returns', '>>{eighteencircle9} : I feel the same when I read about flappy bird. Thought that was still a thing.', '>>{eighteencircle9} : What? When did they discontinue Vine? :O Dayum!', '>>{MarvelsBlackCat} : I have Duck Hunt. Played it for quite a while. Unfortunately it no longer works. 😭', '>>{t0dk0n} : I had Alien Blue with the Pro IAP. Still no free gold..', '>>{Javiyow} : Well, TIL Alien Blue was discontinued........ I am using it on a daily basis. WTF?', ">>{ungibled2} : Nope, I've got Flappy bird on all my devices"], ['>>{IslamicShibe} : Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush to attend Trump inauguration', '>>{dalovindj} : I am so looking forward to the closeups of their weathered, beaten, dejected faces. May we never have another Bush or Clinton in power for 1,000 years! Long live the Dynasty Killer!', ">>{ApatheticAnarchy} : No, they're just going to support their friend. They were always friends before this election.", ">>{dalovindj} : And as they greet each other they shall lean in gently and whisper 'Hail Hydra'.", '>>{Bobroom} : Oh dear, you still believe that he\'s not friends with the Clintons. He invited them to his wedding to Melania, and he invited them to the inauguration FFS. With a thought process like that, no wonder Trump doesn\'t want to move from the liberal bastion that is New York. Do you still believe he\'s going to, "Lock her up"?', '>>{TowneshipRebellion} : The tight shots on their faces are going to make for some dank memes.', ">>{TowneshipRebellion} : Well this gem doesn't fit with your parent comment.", '>>{RutherfordBHayes} : \\> dynasty killer \\> [giving his children political power](http://www.newsweek.com/ivanka-trump-moving-white-house-office-reserved-first-lady-532250) and [linking family business with the government](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/donald-trump-children-security-clearance/index.html)', '>>{dalovindj} : I mean, sure, he is forming a new dynasty. Ivanka Trump first female President! What a proud day that will be for our country.', '>>{dalovindj} : Yes, the trust-fund billionaire who defeated both the Bush and Clinton dynasties. Long may he live!', ">>{coffeeisking} : Wow, can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the $hillary for Jail crowd. Why is this downvoted?", '>>{dalovindj} : Not necessarily. Definitely the Bush and Clinton dynasties though.', '>>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : Classy move. All healthy former presidents and the runner-up should attend to show support for the peaceful transition of power.'], ['>>{fectsu} : New Evidence Indicates Planned Parenthood’s Organ Harvesting Scheme Broke The Law', '>>{Fuckoutmyface} : Hide? /r/politics is their safespace they have nowhere to go.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah considering this case was dismissed so long ago and the court changed their charges towards the "whistleblowers" (unless this is somehow another case about this.)', '>>{gaeuvyen} : By posted old news that was thrown out of court and the whistelblowers were then charged and convicted because they were the only ones committing these crimes?', '>>{gaeuvyen} : It\'s "new" by stating a case that is already over and the planned parenthood has been aquited already. Calling it new doesnt make it new When the "new" evidence is actually the same emails they tried to use before and then later used to convict the people who made the video about organ selling. The only people who were foind guilty where the fake whistleblowers', ">>{roboboogienights} : oh yes, by all means, let's throw women's reproductive rights under the bus because of a Federalist article.", '>>{teetharefortearing} : it is off topic, and I quote;"Articles must deal explicitly with US politics." weasel worded smear piece don\'t count.', '>>{ADC_TDC} : I could be wrong but these emails look different to those exposed by the undercover work that was done. As implied by the "new evidence" part of the title.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : No, Im someone who actually pays attention to the news. Planned parenthood was let go meanwhile the men who accused them of harvesting organs were indicted for tampering with evidence and forging evidence. Continuing to base any claims on these forged documents is ridiculously ignorant', '>>{gaeuvyen} : And yet its the same organ harvesting "company", something that didnt even exist because it was part of the fraud the two men committed that got them indicted.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : When the whole article stems on a falsehood. There was no organ harvesting scheme, it was a fraud that got the two people who "filmed it happening" indicted for maliciously tampering with evidemce and even forging some, you cannot take them seriously.', ">>{ADC_TDC} : Are you referring to StemExpress? That's a real company. I think BioMax was the fictional company used as a cover by CfMP (see [here](http://time.com/4194226/planned-parenthood-david-daleiden-felony/)).", ">>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Well when you let a technician in to procure some organs, that takes up space and time. Everyone running a business, especially medically related, knows that space & time = money. Also, when you fucky fucky that slightly overweight semi-ugly girl who you'd get off on a time or two but would never want her the mother of your children, you'll be greatful to know there is a backup if something goes wrong. Shame on you."], ['>>{mepper} : Judge: Doctors have “Religious Freedom” to refuse to treat trans patients, women who’ve had abortions', ">>{gmanreddit} : Why is this bad? You shouldn't be forced to do anything. I'd see trans patients and women with abortions but I don't think doctors should all be required to. If anything it's less patients for them and more for me lol.", '>>{Solidarieta} : Divorcée\'s too? People who hate their neighbor? People who idolize money? Are all sins worthy of rendering you "untouchable"? I mean, we\'re *all* sinners, no?', ">>{Staback} : You are okay with Doctors deciding they won't offering medical to people who they don't agree with ideological or religiously? Would you be happy if doctors start turning down delivering babies to unwed mothers?", ">>{FredKarlekKnark} : So doctors can now choose to only administer help to those who fit into their specific belief system? Sounds like a great way to lose business, but I'm no doctor.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Why do you need 'religious' freedom? What's wrong with freedom freedom?", ">>{Antnee83} : Why shouldn't white doctors refuse to treat black patients? I mean, it's their strongly held convictions that are at stake!", ">>{gmanreddit} : I wouldn't care. Plenty of other doctors would take their business, myself included. Seems like a stupid reason to lose patients, but I think people should be able to run any business the way they see fit.", ">>{Hornstar19} : I'm a Christian, and a conservative, and I hate this. First of all - lets talk about the doctrinal inconsistency among Christians with respect to these issues. In Christianity, any sin separates you from God. It doesn't matter if you have stolen, lusted, murdered, etc. All sins are equal in God's eyes. Yet here on earth, the church and Christians have drawn these doctrinal lines that certain sins are absolutely unacceptable. I'd argue that this is not based in faith, but rather based on societal norms. Why will a church marry a murderer, thief, philanderer, etc. but refuse to marry a homosexual? Where in the bible does it say that one is okay and the other isn't? Christians need to stop putting their temporal views on sin. They need to act more like Jesus. Read the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. She was a sinner and Jesus went towards her and offered her hope and comfort. He didn't say - hey get the heck out of here sinner - you aren't welcome.", ">>{lebowskisfarmhand} : just say no to segregation. It didn't work well", '>>{sedgwickian} : Google "civil rights movement." The free market does not solve discrimination. It makes it worse.', '>>{AnakinFarmwalker} : Only things that you cherry-pick because they make you uncomfortable.', ">>{gmanreddit} : Black patients are less likely to want to see a white doctor. Should they be forced to see a white doctor? Unless you're an ER doctor you shouldn't be forced to see anyone. Trying to respond to yall but only 1 comment every 8 minutes so I won't respond to low effort replies.", ">>{Staback} : Well, segregation didn't actually work out very well. Nice if you live in a big city with lots of choices, but if you live in smaller towns with only a few doctors, it would suck and dangerous to travel hundred of miles to give birth because you are unmarried or part of some other unpopular group. Not to mention, in emergencies you don't really have the option to shop around for hospital that fits your ideological beliefs.", '>>{wastingtoomuchthyme} : The "state" grants them a license to practice. The state can also revoke it because of this Taliban-like way of thinking.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : It is the 21st century. All Americans deserve equal treatment.', '>>{MakeMuricaGreeaat} : So you want to live in a country without individual freedom and liberty! I mean, how selfish do you have to be to force your neighbors to like and or serve you!!', '>>{VirtualDumbass} : What about they oath they take? Is god ok with broken promises?', ">>{Staback} : We already live in a country where we force our neighbors to abide by basic rules. One of those basic rules is you can not discriminate services you offer based on race, religion, sex, and orientation. Have to say, it is definitely better than it was before when we had the 'freedom' to marginalize groups of people we did not like.", '>>{kakumar15} : What if there is just one doctor in town and he refuses help. What if this doctor is the only one on a flight and let\'s someone die because it\'s against thier "beliefs". Should people die just so that a doctor can practice hatered to fellow humans? What if a Muslim doctor finds it against his religion to treat people from other faith but he is the only doctor around when you get into a serious accident? Should he not help you and hold on to his religious beliefs?', ">>{MakeMuricaGreeaat} : > Have to say, it is definitely better than it was before when we had the 'freedom' to marginalize groups of people we did not like. Yeah, because marginalizing the liberty of others is the answer!!", ">>{Staback} : What is more important I guess. Allow one group of people to discriminate against another group, or make discrimination illegal. One could argue that you do not have to start a business, but if you do, you have to follow some basic societal rules (pay taxes, don't discriminate, don't break other laws, etc). So you have the freedom to discriminate in your private life, just not when you start offering services to the general public.", '>>{TechyDad} : Suppose I\'m sick and there\'s one doctor in town who can treat me. I go to him and he asks me whether I\'ve accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour. Being Jewish, I tell him that I don\'t believe that Jesus was anything special. He tells me that I need to convert or he won\'t treat me. Now I have three options: 1) Change my religion simply to get my condition treated. Or 2) Don\'t change my religion and seek out another doctor even though that one will cost me more time and money to get to. (Possibly outside of my insurance plan as well.) You could replace "accept Jesus Christ as my saviour" above with anything (e.g. "converting to Judaism", "converting to Islam", "registering and only voting Republican", "registering and only voting Democrat"). No matter what, it would be bad. Doctors should treat people to the best of their abilities no matter what the person\'s race/religion/sexual orientation/etc.', '>>{TechyDad} : The same people supporting this would scream "Sharia Law" if a Muslim doctor took advantage of it.', ">>{gmanreddit} : 1) I could easily say I'm Jewish to get healthcare if I wanted to. Not hard. 2) I agree doctors should treat anyone. I have no bias. But I don't believe people should be forced to do anything. Also an inconvenience does not warrant forcing someone to serve you. More time and money is your problem. If it were an emergency situation then I agree. But if your primary doesn't like Jewish people then find a new one. I'd do the same if my doctor didn't like black people.", '>>{SaltHash} : Zealots with a persecution complex persecute others again. Since this is literally about life & death, there should be something similar to a Scopes Monkey Trial where the judge and those doctors are forced to acknowledge that their [interpretation](http://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/god-is-not-pro-life/) of their religious doctrine is very subjective instead of a scientific fact.', ">>{gmanreddit} : Sure that's his prerogative. He doesn't owe to me to help me. If he hates me he would probably let me die anyway. Is it OK for the gyms to have a women's only section? Or a scholarship only for black people? I don't mind it. Free market, free country.", '>>{3030303} : I am an atheist, but I respect and appreciate all religions. You are the right kind of christian, and I applaud you.', ">>{3030303} : Doctors quite literally take an oath to treat without prejudice of any kind. If we start chipping away at that, it's a very scary slippery slope.", '>>{voompanatos} : In spirit, yes definitely. Unfortunately, however, neither the Americans with Disabilities Act nor the Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifically list transgendered persons or women who have previously had an abortion as classes of people to be protected from discrimination. This is a new legal gray area which will likely become a big court battle in the years to come.', '>>{thisborglife} : I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that **warmth, sympathy, and understanding** may outweigh the surgeon\'s knife or the chemist\'s drug. I will not be ashamed to say I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the **skills of another are needed for a patient\'s recovery.** I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. Above all, I must not play at God." -Hippocratic Oath "Wikipedia" So, doctors are not required to be doctors, especially if their religious objections prevent them from delivering the care they have sworn to provide. If a doctor has a religious objection, nothing prevents that person\'s locating a better suited profession.', ">>{gmanreddit} : We take no such oath. Only oath is to do no harm. Not treating a patient isn't considered doing no harm. Being a doctor is a job like any other. I don't see why we should be held to a higher standard than an engineer or a farner.", '>>{legogizmo} : I agree with what you are saying but I\'m going to be pedantic and mention that the Church only wants to marry men to women in order to fulfill the "go forth and multiply" thing. Technically if a gay man wants to marry a woman the Church would be fine with it. Really the "go forth and multiply" is the root cause of a lot stances like abortion, birth control, homosexuality and so on. It made sense back then but I think we reached a point where we can ease up on it. Back to the actual issue, it is absolutely hypocritical to deny care "because Jesus". Jesus healed everyone, friends, sinners, enemies, tax collectors.', ">>{Hornstar19} : I think the go forth and multiple view point isn't totally christian, but is more catholic than anything. I grew up in a methodist church and am marrying a catholic woman in a catholic church. The church requires us to want to have children and to be able to have children in order to be married. The methodist church and other non-denominational churches do not require that.", ">>{3030303} : Hmmmm, after further research you are correct. Although there certainly is an ethical (some would argue moral) grey area concerning doctors' right to refuse treatment, your point stands.", ">>{Staback} : Didn't see where you said that, apologies. But still, having a baby is a non-emergency. You need to do monthly and then weekly check ups to monitor healthy of mother and the baby. If no doctor for 100 miles is willing to cover unwed mothers because of religious reasons, that is an ugly and unfair situation.", ">>{gmanreddit} : I do agree that doctors shouldn't discriminate though. I'm not advocating it. I'm morally against it. But I also think people should have the freedom to decide for themselves. If patients can choose not to see a doctor based on race Why can't the inverse happen right?", ">>{MakeMuricaGreeaat} : > So you have the freedom to discriminate in your private life, just not when you start offering services to the general public. That's a fascism. The govt is not supposed to be dictating how you run your own business.", ">>{Staback} : There is not a place on the planet you can open a new business without having to follow some government rules, so I guess we are all living under fascism. Even libertarians would say that people are free to do what they want as long as they don't cause harm to someone else. Hence why Libertarians still support a police force to protect people and property. Allowing business to discriminate definitely causes harm to those who are discriminated against. Why would people support a policy that causes clear harm to other people? It is like saying the police stopping me from stealing your food is taking away my liberty to take what I want.", ">>{gmanreddit} : Highly doubt that doctors would pass up such a large patient base. The ones that did discriminate like that would lose a lot of business. If I had a practice that specifically catered to the needs of black people I could see it making business sense, but honestly it would never be a problem. Doctors right now can discriminate relatively easy. If I didn't want to see a patient I could easily not see them with no repercussion. However, I have no need to do that. I gain nothing from discriminating. The only kinds of patients I would ever refuse are rude people. Can't stand them haha", ">>{Staback} : You are forgetting the fact that in history many times the customers themselves forced business to discriminate. Many white people wouldn't go to a restaurant that would be open to serving black people. So restaurants had to turn down a large amount of black business to preserve an even larger amount of white people business. Not only that, but people are not only motivated by profit, there are many people who would discriminate even if cost them financially. Free market does not handle systemic discrimination well. So yes, if you allowed discrimination based on any reasoning, it isn't out bounds to say there will be situations where people will have to go hundreds of miles for basic medical care. Already we have situations where doctors refuse to abort fetus even if an emergency and women's life is at stake.", ">>{3030303} : I both agree and disagree. It's yet another of these Schrödinger dilemmas that we are going to have to feel our way through as a society.", ">>{gmanreddit} : White people don't need to go to a restaurant with black people if they don't want to. If I'm eating somewhere and a white guy, or Asian guy, or a blue guy didn't like people like me eating there they should not be forced to eat with me. Doctors shouldn't be forced to do anything. That's akin to slavery. And my ancestors experienced enough of that. We're at a point where mass discrimation would not exist anymore. You think target would stop serving black people if they could? That's more business for walmart. Someone will always take up the business.", '>>{BadHominem} : >Black patients are less likely to want to see a white doctor. Source?', ">>{Staback} : The problem becomes that black people end up being discriminated against very heavily. The whole idea of separate and equal does not work which is why we need discrimination protections. You personally can decide not to go to any restaurant you want, but the restaurant can't decide to only serve Asians. You don't mind if doctors refuse to treat dying people because of their gender, race, or orientation? I don't think not allowing doctors who refuse to help certain groups of people is akin to slavery. If you don't want to help everyone, don't become a doctor. Well, when we had systemic discrimination in this country there were many business that decided not to serve black people. If white people decided they wouldn't shop at Target or Wal-mart if they served black people, then Target and Wal-mart would both stop serving black people. That has happened, that causes real harm, and free market doesn't efficiently arbitrage away institutional racism. Notice we don't have any discrimination laws against people of certain hair or eye color, that is because it hasn't been a societal issue. Color of skin unfortunately has.", ">>{Staback} : Doesn't have to be a large patient base. Perhaps rural doctors will chose to only deliver babies from married couples. There are not enough single mothers in rural area to justify a 2nd doctor to take all that business. Doctors can not just turn down every black person today and not expect to get in trouble. Especially if it is an emergency situation. I am sure small scale discrimination exists at human level for all sorts of things including rudeness. Its the systemic, policy driven discrimination that anti-discrimination laws seek to prevent.", ">>{gmanreddit} : So it's ok for black people to have their own scholarship? It's ok for women to have their own section in the gym despite paying equal membership?", ">>{Staback} : No, I do not think that is right. Discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or orientation should be wrong no matter if its the minority or majority of society. I do not agree with affirmative action either. We can recognize that racism/sexism/bigotry is a problem without resorting to 'positive' discrimination to solve it .", '>>{coconutapple} : > I could easily say I\'m Jewish to get healthcare if I wanted to. Not hard. No shit it wouldn\'t be hard - when faced with tyranny, compliance is always the path of least resistance. If I lived under a murderous dictator, not criticising the government wouldn\'t be hard for me to do. If my parents threatened to throw me out on the street at 13 if I didn\'t marry the man they\'d made a deal with, just going along with it wouldn\'t be hard either. Also, arguing that the Hippocratic Oath doesn\'t oblige a physician to treat without prejudice of any kind is a pretty textbook case of letter versus spirit of the law. "I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required..."', ">>{gmanreddit} : Half of US medical schools don't take the Hippocratic oath... many have their own. Tyranny is forcing someone to act a certain way. I should be free to accept everyone the same as someone should be free to reject people.", '>>{imkillingmyselfnextm} : How did you come up with that from the quote. Do you mind explaining your reasoning?', '>>{thisborglife} : It is part of the Hippocratic Oath " First, do no harm . . ." My reasoning is that doctors recite this oath when they become eligible to treat patients. The Hippocratic Oath (long form) demands compassion. It also demands that another doctor be called / consulted should a doctor not be able to treat a patient. I would posit that a doctor (or other medical professional) not "able" to treat a patient for religious reasons is compelled to call in another physician to complete treatment - no need for bigoted or clearly discrimatory laws. Treatment decisions should always remain between a patient and his/her doctor.']]
classify and reply
['>>{miki77miki} : Is Gary Johnson At The Debate? Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump Will Have The Stage', '>>{miki77miki} : /r/GaryJohnson for more of this sweet Johnson sauce.', '>>{jabbalove} : MEXICAN PRESIDENT: "We must fast track these efforts"', '>>{skoalbrother} : U.S. election agency breached by hackers after November vote', ">>{BadDecisionDino} : Umm...isn't this a big deal? Am I reading this wrong? It kinda seems like it should be a big deal.", '>>{jabbalove} : TRANSCRIPT: Actual Words said by Mexican President Nieto with Donald Trump at his side: "As to border issues, my vision is very clear. The border must be transformed into an asset for our region.. We must fast track these efforts so that the border between US and Mexico might become more efficient and safer. An important number of Americans see the border as a great problem because undocumented persons and illegal drugs cross into the US. There is still a joint challenge, including the increasing number of non-Mexicans that cross through our country in order to reach the US, therein creating serious human crises. However, this is a vision that is clearly incomplete of the true border issues, because it does not take into account the illegal influx of weapons and money every year. Thousands of weapons and millions of dollars come into Mexico illegally from the North strengthening drug cartels and other criminal organizations that generate violence in Mexico and that obtain profit from the sale in the United States. This flow must be stopped. What we need is an integral approach as to the border that might address the issue of undocumented traffic and flow of illegal drugs and cash money. Many lives may be saved on both sides of the border. Illegal flow of weapons, drugs, cash money in both directions has multiple negative consequences on both sides of border. Our border must be viewed as a joint opportunity. Both countries must invest more in it. More in (the wall) infrastructure, More people, More technology, in order to make it more secure." -Mexican President Nieto, Mexico City, August 31 with Donald Trump', ">>{dario_smash} : Governor Gary is gonna be there outside the debate venue to tell CPD how contrary to democratic principles their 15% standard is, that's for damn sure. They are tax exempt and their purpose is to educate the voters, not decide for them that a candidate who is mathematically capable of 270 votes is not going to win.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : Johnson doomed his candidacy by his 'Aleppo' comment. That and being a Human-Caused Climate Change **denier**, just like Trump and Pence...", ">>{mathiastodd21} : If Trump is cutting off money for drugs to Mexico my guess would be he won't be making stuff legal to produce here to do that. Clinton either. I see another drug war on the horizon.", '>>{jabbalove} : I find it interesting how the Mexican president describes the issue as "Undocumented traffic". A much more political way to describe drugs, people, illegal immigrants, money, weapons, or anything criminal you could think of', ">>{12652} : > not decide for them that a candidate who is mathematically capable of 270 votes is not going to win. I can do that. Anyone, really, can do that. Never mind that GJ _won't win a single county_.", '>>{mhankins} : The big deal is how easy it was to garner that level of access. > In theory, someone could have used knowledge of such flaws to attack specific machines, said Matt Blaze, an electronic voting expert and professor at the University of Pennsylvania. > The researchers were confident that the hacker moved to sell his access soon after getting it, meaning that he was not inside the system before election day. Be more cautious in the future.', ">>{GibsonLP86} : This is an electronic attack on the nation. How isn't this an act of aggression? Oh right, it helped the republicans, so they don't give a damn. Lets start that next Benghazi investigation.", '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : > More in (the wall) infrastructure, That is absolutely not what he meant by "infrastructure", but good job trying.', ">>{dario_smash} : You didn't put in the work to be on the ballot in all 50 states though. I'm not counting write-ins.", '>>{exploding_growing} : Gotta love the parenthetical, "the wall." It\'s almost like you didn\'t edit it to say what you wish he\'d said.', ">>{12652} : Perhaps I was too obtuse for you or you had a difficult time understanding the quote I used. All right, then: I decided that a candidate who is mathematically capable of 270 votes is not going to win. Anyone, really, can do that. Never mind that GJ _won't win a single county_.", '>>{Ruchid} : Seems like people had access but were caught before giving it to others. Though they did say it was only an assumption that the person saw the vulnerability and was trying to sell ASAP instead of doing anything malicious to the content himself.', '>>{jabbalove} : The wall. Just one part of many in infrastructure investment', '>>{exploding_growing} : Except Pena Nieto never mentioned "la pared" in that context.', '>>{gooderthanhail} : >Eventually they discovered that the **Russian-speaking hacker** had obtained the credentials of more than 100 people at the election commission after exploiting a common database vulnerability, the researchers said. # Russia. Again. Can we just redo the election?', ">>{miki77miki} : Johnson's poll numbers didn't go down at all after the Aleppo comment, him forgetting a city that a majority of America doesn't even know about is not going to kill his campaign as many are saying. Also, this whole thing about Johnson being a climate change denier has been going around lately, you just have to read his [issues page](https://www.johnsonweld.com/environment) and see for yourself.", '>>{slinkymaster} : Does anyone take IT security seriously in this country? Even the NSA has their tools being sold on the dark web.', ">>{miki77miki} : It's absolutely insane that he is polling higher than what Perot was and he still isn't allowed in the debates.", '>>{StonerMeditation} : Read it carefully - Johnson IS a Human-Caused Climate Change **denier**, just like Trump and Pence. *"In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators, and personal choices will do more to bring about environmental protection and restoration than will government regulations driven by special interests. Too often, when Washington, D.C. gets involved, the winners are those with the political clout to write the rules of the game, and the losers are the people and businesses actually trying to innovate."* Yippie! Corporations get to continue to rape planet Earth, yahoo!!! unimpeded Here\'s Clinton for comparison: Hillary Clinton’s negotiators agreed to plans for an urgent summit “in the first hundred days of the next administration” where the president will convene “the world’s best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis.”', '>>{kivishlorsithletmos} : Not true, not even if you capitalize or bold random words. What is for sure is that Clinton/Trump are two future war criminals, which one will you vote into power?', ">>{mwsomerset} : He is just remaining neutral. He isn't positive who will win and he is going to have to work with whomever it is.", ">>{tetrasodium} : the agency in charge of making sure voting machines meet security standards is itself vulnerable to sql fucking injection. What's next, spare house keys left on *top* of welcome mats?", ">>{Captain_Clark} : This entire wall idea is so pathetic. This country has dreamt of landing people on the moon, building an Internet, getting healthcare for all its citizens, ending wars and creating democratic nations, fighting for the civil rights of oppressed people, rewarding entrepreneurs, insuring bank accounts, developing nuclear weapons and sustainable energy, protecting the environment, providing mandatory education and erasing illiteracy, ending slavery, eradicating diseases and promoting justice... And what is the dream today? Building a giant wall. It's pathetic. It's the dream of someone who no longer knows how to dream; who only knows how to recoil in fear. http://youtu.be/7NjNL4Nsa4Q", '>>{StonerMeditation} : Hillary Clinton’s negotiators agreed to plans for an urgent summit “in the first hundred days of the next administration” where the president will convene “the world’s best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis.” unimpeded Any fucking thing goes for corporations. No Thanks!', ">>{kivishlorsithletmos} : Her negotiators? It's the party platform, which she is free to rip up as soon as she is elected, it's entirely nonbinding and nonspecific. The real questions to ask: will she oppose fracking? No, she doesn't. Will she publicly support a [fee-and-dividand](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/carbon-fee-and-dividend/) or carbon taxes? No, she won't. If climate change is your single issue, the only vote is for Stein. I'm not voting for her, but I would respect anyone who does.", ">>{datums} : How fucking difficult is it to count how many people voted which way? The rest of the civilized world doesn't have this problem.", '>>{bmwbiker1} : Why? Afraid millions of voters have massive buyers remorse and trump will lose?', '>>{paraconformity} : Maybe if that was remotely true. [THE 1992 CAMPAIGN: On the Trail; POLL GIVES PEROT A CLEAR LEAD](http://www.nytimes.com/1992/06/11/us/the-1992-campaign-on-the-trail-poll-gives-perot-a-clear-lead.html) If Gary Johnson lead a halfway reputable poll at any point this year, there\'d be no denying him a podium. If the standard for entry into the debates is "Candidate\'s best poll is better than the worst poll of any previous debate attendee" you better get ready to let Deez Nuts and Vermin Supreme in soon.', ">>{miki77miki} : [Here's Gallup's poll data](http://www.gallup.com/poll/110548/gallup-presidential-election-trialheat-trends-19362004.aspx#4) scroll down to 1992.", '>>{padrepio23} : You should have just let the words stand without adding your parenthetical stuff. He states that while Americans perceive undocumented folks and drugs coming from Mexico as important, he also brings up non-Mexican refugees and immigrants as an issue. He then states that this view is incomplete. That the incentive is bound with American money and desire. And agrees it must be stopped. He then emphasizes the mutual flow of drugs, money and weapons. The last paragraph is definitely interesting and to me suggests more manpower and hardware and, yes, infrastructure. That could mean any number of things. Adding more to our already existing fences could be included with that, all of which would fit some of the Trump narrative. By adding (wall) you took away any power this post may have had.', ">>{miki77miki} : Your a hillary supporter? I'd think you were a Stein supporter, judging by your affection to the environment. Regardless, nowhere in that statement is Johnson denying climate change, he is saying that the government usually does more harm than good when it comes to environmental protections, and we need to smarter about them and that we shouldn't be giving special interests the ability to pollute all they want. Did you gloss over the first paragraph? >The environment is a precious gift and must be protected. Governors Johnson and Weld believe strongly that the first responsibility of government is to protect citizens from those who would do them harm, whether it be a foreign aggressor, a criminal — or **a bad actor who harms the environment upon which we all depend.** Johnson has said millions of times that he loves the EPA and that it is an example of good government, he worked with the EPA numerous times in New Mexico.", ">>{paraconformity} : Yes, Perot was polling as high as 39%. If Johnson has ever approached that he'd be in the debate on Monday.", ">>{Mae315} : > The hacker was trying to sell information about the vulnerability to a Middle Eastern government for several thousand dollars, but the researchers alerted law enforcement and said Thursday that the hole had been patched. That's it? For sale: Login credentials to U.S. Election Assistance Commission Asking: $2000 but we'll take less.", '>>{liberationation} : He polled that high in the summer, he dropped out and was only at 8% when he came back in the race.', ">>{DaisyKitty} : This is absurd. They're trying to make Trump look like a legitimate candidate by having him meet with the Mexican president. There's not ever going to be a wall. Damn Steve Bannon is good. How did he arrange this?", '>>{liberationation} : > Johnson is a Human-Caused climate change denier A bald faced lie, how pathetic of you to resort to such…', ">>{paraconformity} : Yeah, your chances of pushing your way into the debate are much better if you poll high and fall then to have never polled high at all. This is the realpolitik. The debate commission is just a facade for the two parties to cooperate in their lone self interest (preventing the rise of a third party), and the 15% is just an arbitrary number, but there isn't really a less arbitrary system. The Democrat and the Republican candidate for President are not going to elevate a low name recognition candidate and give him a free boost just because his supporters would like them too. You get into the debate if you've got juice, if your absence would be ostentatious. Perot in '92 had juice, The June '92 poll demonstrated irrevocably that he had a shot. Johnson doesn't have the juice, his absence from the debate will matter precisely as much as it did 4 years ago.", '>>{afforkable} : > Russia. Again. Bit of a weird coincidence that Russia just keeps popping up eh', '>>{jabbalove} : This is an exact quote and the theme of everything the Mex president said. Why are you shutting this down?', '>>{bFallen} : To be fair, the article states that there is no belief at this time that the hacker has an affiliation with the government. The current belief is that the hacker was seeking vulnerabilities he could sell to others rather than seeking any specific data for himself. That does not mean there is no reason to be concerned, but as of right now it appears as though this is a separate incident from the other hacks.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : Keep saying it, maybe you'll really believe it someday. And yet, his words are right above yours, saying that he will let Corporations continue to RAPE planet Earth. Johnson IS a Human-Caused Climate Change **denier** just like Trump and Pence", '>>{TheLetter10} : The cold war never ended, it only took on a different form.', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Seems like a great way to gather how ppl voted, so the GOP can strip voting rights away from democrats, but I'm a bit paranoid about the GOP lately, considering what they've done this year.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : You are interpreting his statement the way Trump supporters interpret Trump saying he's the law-and-order candidate - which means Trump is the fascist candidate. The quote I used is from his own campaign site.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : And what's Trump PLAN? Oh, that's right Trump's plan is to let the corporations do whatever they want. He's the 01% of the 1%, and will let corporations continue to RAPE the Earth. Yes Clinton changed her position on fracking - that's the sign of intelligence, to change when SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE is presented, instead of greed to make more profits under any circumstance (Trump again). A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. Don't waste your vote. Here's Bernie: http://deadstate.org/bernie-sanders-to-millennials-dont-give-into-the-nader-effect-and-screw-up-what-weve-achieved/", ">>{endyn} : 1. AFTER the election 2. It's some guy selling shit on black hat websites, has nothing to do with any form of government 3. It's not even a hack", ">>{locovelo} : Yeah, keep that candidate out who had a brainfart about Aleppo. Let's keep these debates between the pathological liar and the compulsive liar.", '>>{Gunzbngbng} : The majority of Americans want Gary Johnson at the debates. The mission statement of the debates is to inform the public. And the public wants to be informed about Gary Johnson. Fuck the polls. Fuck the debates. And fuck the commission made up of the two parties in power trying to maintain control.', '>>{TropicalFishLover} : After the elections. Of course that part will be missed by liberals.', '>>{liberationation} : > Is the climate changing? Probably so. > Is man contributing to that change? Probably so. You mean these quotes? What a denier… /s You sir are a liar, and a bad one at that. Go home.', '>>{StonerMeditation} : I gave you reasoned replies. There is no reason to insult me. I stick with what I wrote.', ">>{trickx1991} : LOl if they use SQL injection , i'm gone laugh my ass off and then cry in a corner", '>>{ericbegy} : Because it is not in the Constitution to have a do over.', '>>{liberationation} : No, they are not reasoned, they are unevidenced falsehoods.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : **Gary Johnson's evolution on Human-Caused Climate Change** http://reason.com/archives/2016/06/10/gary-johnson-on-science-policy"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{jabbalove} : MEXICAN PRESIDENT: "We must fast track these efforts"', '>>{jabbalove} : TRANSCRIPT: Actual Words said by Mexican President Nieto with Donald Trump at his side: "As to border issues, my vision is very clear. The border must be transformed into an asset for our region.. We must fast track these efforts so that the border between US and Mexico might become more efficient and safer. An important number of Americans see the border as a great problem because undocumented persons and illegal drugs cross into the US. There is still a joint challenge, including the increasing number of non-Mexicans that cross through our country in order to reach the US, therein creating serious human crises. However, this is a vision that is clearly incomplete of the true border issues, because it does not take into account the illegal influx of weapons and money every year. Thousands of weapons and millions of dollars come into Mexico illegally from the North strengthening drug cartels and other criminal organizations that generate violence in Mexico and that obtain profit from the sale in the United States. This flow must be stopped. What we need is an integral approach as to the border that might address the issue of undocumented traffic and flow of illegal drugs and cash money. Many lives may be saved on both sides of the border. Illegal flow of weapons, drugs, cash money in both directions has multiple negative consequences on both sides of border. Our border must be viewed as a joint opportunity. Both countries must invest more in it. More in (the wall) infrastructure, More people, More technology, in order to make it more secure." -Mexican President Nieto, Mexico City, August 31 with Donald Trump', ">>{mathiastodd21} : If Trump is cutting off money for drugs to Mexico my guess would be he won't be making stuff legal to produce here to do that. Clinton either. I see another drug war on the horizon.", '>>{jabbalove} : I find it interesting how the Mexican president describes the issue as "Undocumented traffic". A much more political way to describe drugs, people, illegal immigrants, money, weapons, or anything criminal you could think of', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : > More in (the wall) infrastructure, That is absolutely not what he meant by "infrastructure", but good job trying.', '>>{exploding_growing} : Gotta love the parenthetical, "the wall." It\'s almost like you didn\'t edit it to say what you wish he\'d said.', '>>{jabbalove} : The wall. Just one part of many in infrastructure investment', '>>{exploding_growing} : Except Pena Nieto never mentioned "la pared" in that context.', ">>{mwsomerset} : He is just remaining neutral. He isn't positive who will win and he is going to have to work with whomever it is.", ">>{Captain_Clark} : This entire wall idea is so pathetic. This country has dreamt of landing people on the moon, building an Internet, getting healthcare for all its citizens, ending wars and creating democratic nations, fighting for the civil rights of oppressed people, rewarding entrepreneurs, insuring bank accounts, developing nuclear weapons and sustainable energy, protecting the environment, providing mandatory education and erasing illiteracy, ending slavery, eradicating diseases and promoting justice... And what is the dream today? Building a giant wall. It's pathetic. It's the dream of someone who no longer knows how to dream; who only knows how to recoil in fear. http://youtu.be/7NjNL4Nsa4Q", '>>{padrepio23} : You should have just let the words stand without adding your parenthetical stuff. He states that while Americans perceive undocumented folks and drugs coming from Mexico as important, he also brings up non-Mexican refugees and immigrants as an issue. He then states that this view is incomplete. That the incentive is bound with American money and desire. And agrees it must be stopped. He then emphasizes the mutual flow of drugs, money and weapons. The last paragraph is definitely interesting and to me suggests more manpower and hardware and, yes, infrastructure. That could mean any number of things. Adding more to our already existing fences could be included with that, all of which would fit some of the Trump narrative. By adding (wall) you took away any power this post may have had.', ">>{DaisyKitty} : This is absurd. They're trying to make Trump look like a legitimate candidate by having him meet with the Mexican president. There's not ever going to be a wall. Damn Steve Bannon is good. How did he arrange this?", '>>{jabbalove} : This is an exact quote and the theme of everything the Mex president said. Why are you shutting this down?'], ['>>{miki77miki} : Is Gary Johnson At The Debate? Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump Will Have The Stage', '>>{miki77miki} : /r/GaryJohnson for more of this sweet Johnson sauce.', ">>{dario_smash} : Governor Gary is gonna be there outside the debate venue to tell CPD how contrary to democratic principles their 15% standard is, that's for damn sure. They are tax exempt and their purpose is to educate the voters, not decide for them that a candidate who is mathematically capable of 270 votes is not going to win.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : Johnson doomed his candidacy by his 'Aleppo' comment. That and being a Human-Caused Climate Change **denier**, just like Trump and Pence...", ">>{12652} : > not decide for them that a candidate who is mathematically capable of 270 votes is not going to win. I can do that. Anyone, really, can do that. Never mind that GJ _won't win a single county_.", ">>{dario_smash} : You didn't put in the work to be on the ballot in all 50 states though. I'm not counting write-ins.", ">>{12652} : Perhaps I was too obtuse for you or you had a difficult time understanding the quote I used. All right, then: I decided that a candidate who is mathematically capable of 270 votes is not going to win. Anyone, really, can do that. Never mind that GJ _won't win a single county_.", ">>{miki77miki} : Johnson's poll numbers didn't go down at all after the Aleppo comment, him forgetting a city that a majority of America doesn't even know about is not going to kill his campaign as many are saying. Also, this whole thing about Johnson being a climate change denier has been going around lately, you just have to read his [issues page](https://www.johnsonweld.com/environment) and see for yourself.", ">>{miki77miki} : It's absolutely insane that he is polling higher than what Perot was and he still isn't allowed in the debates.", '>>{StonerMeditation} : Read it carefully - Johnson IS a Human-Caused Climate Change **denier**, just like Trump and Pence. *"In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators, and personal choices will do more to bring about environmental protection and restoration than will government regulations driven by special interests. Too often, when Washington, D.C. gets involved, the winners are those with the political clout to write the rules of the game, and the losers are the people and businesses actually trying to innovate."* Yippie! Corporations get to continue to rape planet Earth, yahoo!!! unimpeded Here\'s Clinton for comparison: Hillary Clinton’s negotiators agreed to plans for an urgent summit “in the first hundred days of the next administration” where the president will convene “the world’s best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis.”', '>>{kivishlorsithletmos} : Not true, not even if you capitalize or bold random words. What is for sure is that Clinton/Trump are two future war criminals, which one will you vote into power?', '>>{StonerMeditation} : Hillary Clinton’s negotiators agreed to plans for an urgent summit “in the first hundred days of the next administration” where the president will convene “the world’s best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis.” unimpeded Any fucking thing goes for corporations. No Thanks!', ">>{kivishlorsithletmos} : Her negotiators? It's the party platform, which she is free to rip up as soon as she is elected, it's entirely nonbinding and nonspecific. The real questions to ask: will she oppose fracking? No, she doesn't. Will she publicly support a [fee-and-dividand](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/carbon-fee-and-dividend/) or carbon taxes? No, she won't. If climate change is your single issue, the only vote is for Stein. I'm not voting for her, but I would respect anyone who does.", '>>{paraconformity} : Maybe if that was remotely true. [THE 1992 CAMPAIGN: On the Trail; POLL GIVES PEROT A CLEAR LEAD](http://www.nytimes.com/1992/06/11/us/the-1992-campaign-on-the-trail-poll-gives-perot-a-clear-lead.html) If Gary Johnson lead a halfway reputable poll at any point this year, there\'d be no denying him a podium. If the standard for entry into the debates is "Candidate\'s best poll is better than the worst poll of any previous debate attendee" you better get ready to let Deez Nuts and Vermin Supreme in soon.', ">>{miki77miki} : [Here's Gallup's poll data](http://www.gallup.com/poll/110548/gallup-presidential-election-trialheat-trends-19362004.aspx#4) scroll down to 1992.", ">>{miki77miki} : Your a hillary supporter? I'd think you were a Stein supporter, judging by your affection to the environment. Regardless, nowhere in that statement is Johnson denying climate change, he is saying that the government usually does more harm than good when it comes to environmental protections, and we need to smarter about them and that we shouldn't be giving special interests the ability to pollute all they want. Did you gloss over the first paragraph? >The environment is a precious gift and must be protected. Governors Johnson and Weld believe strongly that the first responsibility of government is to protect citizens from those who would do them harm, whether it be a foreign aggressor, a criminal — or **a bad actor who harms the environment upon which we all depend.** Johnson has said millions of times that he loves the EPA and that it is an example of good government, he worked with the EPA numerous times in New Mexico.", ">>{paraconformity} : Yes, Perot was polling as high as 39%. If Johnson has ever approached that he'd be in the debate on Monday.", '>>{liberationation} : He polled that high in the summer, he dropped out and was only at 8% when he came back in the race.', '>>{liberationation} : > Johnson is a Human-Caused climate change denier A bald faced lie, how pathetic of you to resort to such…', ">>{paraconformity} : Yeah, your chances of pushing your way into the debate are much better if you poll high and fall then to have never polled high at all. This is the realpolitik. The debate commission is just a facade for the two parties to cooperate in their lone self interest (preventing the rise of a third party), and the 15% is just an arbitrary number, but there isn't really a less arbitrary system. The Democrat and the Republican candidate for President are not going to elevate a low name recognition candidate and give him a free boost just because his supporters would like them too. You get into the debate if you've got juice, if your absence would be ostentatious. Perot in '92 had juice, The June '92 poll demonstrated irrevocably that he had a shot. Johnson doesn't have the juice, his absence from the debate will matter precisely as much as it did 4 years ago.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : Keep saying it, maybe you'll really believe it someday. And yet, his words are right above yours, saying that he will let Corporations continue to RAPE planet Earth. Johnson IS a Human-Caused Climate Change **denier** just like Trump and Pence", ">>{StonerMeditation} : You are interpreting his statement the way Trump supporters interpret Trump saying he's the law-and-order candidate - which means Trump is the fascist candidate. The quote I used is from his own campaign site.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : And what's Trump PLAN? Oh, that's right Trump's plan is to let the corporations do whatever they want. He's the 01% of the 1%, and will let corporations continue to RAPE the Earth. Yes Clinton changed her position on fracking - that's the sign of intelligence, to change when SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE is presented, instead of greed to make more profits under any circumstance (Trump again). A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. Don't waste your vote. Here's Bernie: http://deadstate.org/bernie-sanders-to-millennials-dont-give-into-the-nader-effect-and-screw-up-what-weve-achieved/", ">>{locovelo} : Yeah, keep that candidate out who had a brainfart about Aleppo. Let's keep these debates between the pathological liar and the compulsive liar.", '>>{Gunzbngbng} : The majority of Americans want Gary Johnson at the debates. The mission statement of the debates is to inform the public. And the public wants to be informed about Gary Johnson. Fuck the polls. Fuck the debates. And fuck the commission made up of the two parties in power trying to maintain control.', '>>{liberationation} : > Is the climate changing? Probably so. > Is man contributing to that change? Probably so. You mean these quotes? What a denier… /s You sir are a liar, and a bad one at that. Go home.', '>>{StonerMeditation} : I gave you reasoned replies. There is no reason to insult me. I stick with what I wrote.', '>>{liberationation} : No, they are not reasoned, they are unevidenced falsehoods.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : **Gary Johnson's evolution on Human-Caused Climate Change** http://reason.com/archives/2016/06/10/gary-johnson-on-science-policy"], ['>>{skoalbrother} : U.S. election agency breached by hackers after November vote', ">>{BadDecisionDino} : Umm...isn't this a big deal? Am I reading this wrong? It kinda seems like it should be a big deal.", '>>{mhankins} : The big deal is how easy it was to garner that level of access. > In theory, someone could have used knowledge of such flaws to attack specific machines, said Matt Blaze, an electronic voting expert and professor at the University of Pennsylvania. > The researchers were confident that the hacker moved to sell his access soon after getting it, meaning that he was not inside the system before election day. Be more cautious in the future.', ">>{GibsonLP86} : This is an electronic attack on the nation. How isn't this an act of aggression? Oh right, it helped the republicans, so they don't give a damn. Lets start that next Benghazi investigation.", '>>{Ruchid} : Seems like people had access but were caught before giving it to others. Though they did say it was only an assumption that the person saw the vulnerability and was trying to sell ASAP instead of doing anything malicious to the content himself.', '>>{gooderthanhail} : >Eventually they discovered that the **Russian-speaking hacker** had obtained the credentials of more than 100 people at the election commission after exploiting a common database vulnerability, the researchers said. # Russia. Again. Can we just redo the election?', '>>{slinkymaster} : Does anyone take IT security seriously in this country? Even the NSA has their tools being sold on the dark web.', ">>{tetrasodium} : the agency in charge of making sure voting machines meet security standards is itself vulnerable to sql fucking injection. What's next, spare house keys left on *top* of welcome mats?", ">>{datums} : How fucking difficult is it to count how many people voted which way? The rest of the civilized world doesn't have this problem.", '>>{bmwbiker1} : Why? Afraid millions of voters have massive buyers remorse and trump will lose?', ">>{Mae315} : > The hacker was trying to sell information about the vulnerability to a Middle Eastern government for several thousand dollars, but the researchers alerted law enforcement and said Thursday that the hole had been patched. That's it? For sale: Login credentials to U.S. Election Assistance Commission Asking: $2000 but we'll take less.", '>>{afforkable} : > Russia. Again. Bit of a weird coincidence that Russia just keeps popping up eh', '>>{bFallen} : To be fair, the article states that there is no belief at this time that the hacker has an affiliation with the government. The current belief is that the hacker was seeking vulnerabilities he could sell to others rather than seeking any specific data for himself. That does not mean there is no reason to be concerned, but as of right now it appears as though this is a separate incident from the other hacks.', '>>{TheLetter10} : The cold war never ended, it only took on a different form.', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Seems like a great way to gather how ppl voted, so the GOP can strip voting rights away from democrats, but I'm a bit paranoid about the GOP lately, considering what they've done this year.", ">>{endyn} : 1. AFTER the election 2. It's some guy selling shit on black hat websites, has nothing to do with any form of government 3. It's not even a hack", '>>{TropicalFishLover} : After the elections. Of course that part will be missed by liberals.', ">>{trickx1991} : LOl if they use SQL injection , i'm gone laugh my ass off and then cry in a corner", '>>{ericbegy} : Because it is not in the Constitution to have a do over.']]
classify and reply
['>>{progress18} : Clinton leads in 4 more battleground states, 2 by double digits: New polls', ">>{my02} : It's just a few weeks before Apple should announce and release the i7. There's not much point in jumping the gun unless you're already strongly in the Android/Galaxy camp. You could have my own predicament- get an i7 or hold out months on end to see what the s8 has in store.", ">>{JashinGeh} : 'F*ck America,' Yells Family of Muslim Immigrant on $2 Million Bail for Food Stamp Fraud", '>>{DrassupTrollsbane} : Place your bets that Trumpeters start showing polls for West Virginia as evidence that Trump is winning, like they are comparable', '>>{trifecta} : Would not be out of the realm of possibility for this ticket to beat Jill Stein for fourth place.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : These must be dark days for Trump's reddit support staff.", '>>{Wolf-Head} : Guy uses his freedom of speech, More at 11.', ">>{The_Nox} : Hey there! I'm in the same position, I've owned several android phones but since the 5 I've owned iPhones. Currently on a 6 plus I got preorder about 2 years ago. Anyways, I was excited for the redesign seeing as how apples alwAys done there major refresh in a two year cycle. However, the leaks show that the new iPhone is essentially the same as my current phone, albeit with a few more features but lack of a headphone jack. With android devices shipping with 4K screens, quick charge, wireless charging, expandable memory, and 2-3x more ram, it's really a no brainer for me to make the jump. My friends note 4 that came out in 2014 absolutely blows my retina screen away. It seems apple's simply relying on brand whores to make as much as they can using 3 year old technology in their smartphones. The note 7 is a gorgeous phone that has everything you could ever want in a phone really. Also, not sure if you've tried VR but it's extremely cool and android nougat is building in an entire marketplace/VR mode into the firmware. Meanwhile, iPhones getting ios10 which is seemingly pretty similar to the last 3 or 4 ios versions. iMessage got cooler, they took off swipe to unlock, and you can delete stock apps. That's about it. I'm really hoping apple comes back next year and gives me a reason to go back to iPhone, but for sure my next phone will be a flagship android. I love the note 7, however I'm waiting to see what the nexus sailfish is like (successor to the 6P) because they've always been $2-300 cheaper than other flagships and look/feel/function amazingly. I'm also considering the one plus 3 for the same reasons. That phone is gorgeous and $400 for a 6gb snapdragon 820 smartphone.", '>>{miashaee} : Yes Muslims can be dicks too, how is this political?', '>>{mlhradio} : If a candidate leads in a state by double digits, then can you really consider it a "battleground state" anymore? Time to shift the battleground.', '>>{zoeyfleming13} : Now that would be really sad. And funny. Fuad?', '>>{OmegaFemale} : Hey Muslims can\'t say that! You\'re supposed to say "make America great again." It\'s the same statement, but with positive framing.', '>>{AGIANTSMURF} : Just wait a month, its not that hard.', ">>{Sirenallure} : I'd say the reason you shouldn't leave iPhone and go to android again is because you were clearly not satisfied with android when you did. You went through all the iPhones until 5 and when you went to android, you got phone after phone.", ">>{phiz36} : Deli owner needs a better deli it seems. Ps. they're Muslims so it's news!", '>>{Chocolate_Hamper} : The only thing I could think of is TouchWiz. When I had it was really annoying, and no matter how high of specs Samsung slapped on their phone there was always this annoying lag. There\'s also the fact that your phone likely won\'t be reveling updates after 3-4 years, as software updates have to be approved by Samsung and then your carrier, which I guess makes you more vulnerable to security issues. And then there\'s always the learning curve...because when I had one of those phones figuring out something as simple as finding the flashlight or turning off synching for mail required me googling it. And then sometimes you accidentally trigger one of the "features" they crammed in there and then you gotta search to figure out how to turn it off. This was with a Galaxy s5 I dunno if they fixed all of this.', '>>{jackcoolds} : So.....muslims are assholes just like every other group of humans', '>>{floeter} : Nearly $4k stolen? Who gives a rip?', '>>{Baekmagoji} : They fixed the touch wiz problem. Updates are pretty fast in the states but other countries can be questionable. The biggest learning curve for me is how the capacitative buttons are placed.', '>>{Concrete-cannibal} : I think we should make an exception in just this one case & adopt sharia law.', ">>{ForYouMyLove} : I don't think pollsters generally do. However if we used that standard Texas would be a battleground this year.", '>>{wyldcat} : Interesting. I hope they steal some votes from Trump.', ">>{dfuqt} : I was in a similar situation when the 6 was released back in 2014. I really didn't like the phone and I thought it would be a good time for a change. So, I tried android in the form of a LG G3. Once the novelty had worn off I had that sinking buyers remorse that you mention. I missed imessage and the integration with my other apple products, but most of all I missed the familiarity that came with having been with the same OS for six years. My rational mind tells me that if I jump and try the note - which honestly looks like the best phone I have ever seen - I will probably end up regretting it for the same reasons as before. I would agree that Apple seem to be falling behind. There are elements of both their hardware and software design philosophy that annoy the shit out of me. Moving to android would address that. I've spent some time with an S7 recently and that has raised my interest. The note 7 has raised it again to another level but I am going to wait to see what the iPhone 7 brings.", '>>{Trumppered} : > Double digit lead > Battleground state What is that those lovable little rapscallions over at r/the_donald love to say? Ahh... yes. "praise kek". Praise kek seems like an appropriate response to this article.', ">>{Skunkman2011} : You can easily replace TouchWiz with the download of another launcher. When I had an S3 I downloaded Nova Launcher and it worked amazing. It gave me the scrolling background that the stock launcher didn't have. Sure, it's a pain to download another app but if the only thing holding you back from switching to Android is TouchWiz that can easily be fixed.", '>>{RACIST_SEXIST_DRUMPF} : He was ahead of Stein in the latest PPP poll. I know I would vote for him over Stein any day of the week — former Bernie supporter here.', '>>{coltsmetsfan614} : Why would you vote for an independent Republican over a Green?', ">>{Chocolate_Hamper} : Ah. Don't launchers kinda mess with your battery life? Edit: I googled it and it turns out launchers shouldn't drain your battery unless it's a shitty one.", '>>{Deadmine} : Oh I absolutely am waiting until the iPhone comes out to decide - but I will still be in the same boat - unless apple really comes out with something amazing, but I am not holding my breath. So I either go with the best hardware and suck it up when it comes to the potentially janky software or I go for what is more responsive and a bit more polished software but with hardware that is essentially 2 years behind.', '>>{Deadmine} : yeah - the note really looks like the perfect device at this stage - but a little voice keeps telling me I thought the same with the note 2, s5 and G4 (The nexus I knew the camera wasnt gonna be great but didnt realise until i had it how bad). I will continue to read all the anecdotal stuff coming from people who bought the note and see how janky the software is and if the camera is good for moving subjects etc. thanks!', ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : No it doesn't. You can take your hate speech and leave.", '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : Believe it or not, I don\'t take people seriously who call other people "rag heads," nor do I subscribe to the racist idea that someone\'s bad behavior proves something wrong about the group. After all, Dylann Roof et al. prove that white American men are homicidal maniacs. Maybe they should be locked up?', ">>{mlhradio} : Oh, we can dream... ...but I wouldn't count on it this time around: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/tx/texas_trump_vs_clinton-5694.html Maybe in 2020 or 2024, though.", ">>{rockytheboxer} : Until there's a consistent trend of polls, they should remain battleground states, I think.", ">>{benfranklyblog} : He's only on 14 ballots vs steins 40 something, and Gary's 50+DC", ">>{JimLahee} : Well I guess I can't say I'm shocked.. Maybe shocked he made it this far, but Donald is going to crumble so hard. He'll be lucky to survive a debate at this point.", ">>{DarthReilly} : I'm not OP, but I could see why he might. Stein has less experience than Trump (which is scary) and panders to the crazy parts of the Dems and Repubs. She's a nut. McMullin at least has more experience and seems to be fairly reasonable from the limited things I've seen about him.", '>>{duqit} : Florida narrowed after both conventions? That is insane, that means no matter what crazy shit Trump says, Floridians bought it. Numbskulls.', '>>{RACIST_SEXIST_DRUMPF} : If those two were the only choices, McMullin is a serious and principled candidate. Stein is a pro-Russia, anti-science wacko and her VP is a racist conspiracy theorist. I have nothing but contempt and disdain for the Green Tea Party.', ">>{coltsmetsfan614} : How does Stein have less experience than Trump? I agree she has very little experience, but less than Trump? McMullin has some policy experience, but he's never held elected office either. I don't really see experience as a defining factor for any of them.", '>>{Deadmine} : yeah it might come down to this in the end. My head is telling me the note is probably the better device but my heart is telling me I will be happier back in the iphone ecosystem...', '>>{kankaswag} : Touchwiz is the whole skin not just the launcher, and the launcher is smooth, its the rest of the ui that lags and you cant do anything about it', ">>{coltsmetsfan614} : Ok, so you clearly don't know anything about Stein or the Green Party. That's what I figured. I'm not voting for her either, but at least I'm not out here peddling lies about her.", '>>{RightHandPole} : I think Harambe beat Stein for 4th in at least one poll']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{JashinGeh} : 'F*ck America,' Yells Family of Muslim Immigrant on $2 Million Bail for Food Stamp Fraud", '>>{Wolf-Head} : Guy uses his freedom of speech, More at 11.', '>>{miashaee} : Yes Muslims can be dicks too, how is this political?', '>>{OmegaFemale} : Hey Muslims can\'t say that! You\'re supposed to say "make America great again." It\'s the same statement, but with positive framing.', ">>{phiz36} : Deli owner needs a better deli it seems. Ps. they're Muslims so it's news!", '>>{jackcoolds} : So.....muslims are assholes just like every other group of humans', '>>{floeter} : Nearly $4k stolen? Who gives a rip?', '>>{Concrete-cannibal} : I think we should make an exception in just this one case & adopt sharia law.', ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : No it doesn't. You can take your hate speech and leave.", '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : Believe it or not, I don\'t take people seriously who call other people "rag heads," nor do I subscribe to the racist idea that someone\'s bad behavior proves something wrong about the group. After all, Dylann Roof et al. prove that white American men are homicidal maniacs. Maybe they should be locked up?'], ['>>{trifecta} : Would not be out of the realm of possibility for this ticket to beat Jill Stein for fourth place.', '>>{zoeyfleming13} : Now that would be really sad. And funny. Fuad?', '>>{wyldcat} : Interesting. I hope they steal some votes from Trump.', '>>{RACIST_SEXIST_DRUMPF} : He was ahead of Stein in the latest PPP poll. I know I would vote for him over Stein any day of the week — former Bernie supporter here.', '>>{coltsmetsfan614} : Why would you vote for an independent Republican over a Green?', ">>{benfranklyblog} : He's only on 14 ballots vs steins 40 something, and Gary's 50+DC", ">>{DarthReilly} : I'm not OP, but I could see why he might. Stein has less experience than Trump (which is scary) and panders to the crazy parts of the Dems and Repubs. She's a nut. McMullin at least has more experience and seems to be fairly reasonable from the limited things I've seen about him.", '>>{RACIST_SEXIST_DRUMPF} : If those two were the only choices, McMullin is a serious and principled candidate. Stein is a pro-Russia, anti-science wacko and her VP is a racist conspiracy theorist. I have nothing but contempt and disdain for the Green Tea Party.', ">>{coltsmetsfan614} : How does Stein have less experience than Trump? I agree she has very little experience, but less than Trump? McMullin has some policy experience, but he's never held elected office either. I don't really see experience as a defining factor for any of them.", ">>{coltsmetsfan614} : Ok, so you clearly don't know anything about Stein or the Green Party. That's what I figured. I'm not voting for her either, but at least I'm not out here peddling lies about her.", '>>{RightHandPole} : I think Harambe beat Stein for 4th in at least one poll'], ['>>{progress18} : Clinton leads in 4 more battleground states, 2 by double digits: New polls', '>>{DrassupTrollsbane} : Place your bets that Trumpeters start showing polls for West Virginia as evidence that Trump is winning, like they are comparable', ">>{dyzo-blue} : These must be dark days for Trump's reddit support staff.", '>>{mlhradio} : If a candidate leads in a state by double digits, then can you really consider it a "battleground state" anymore? Time to shift the battleground.', ">>{ForYouMyLove} : I don't think pollsters generally do. However if we used that standard Texas would be a battleground this year.", '>>{Trumppered} : > Double digit lead > Battleground state What is that those lovable little rapscallions over at r/the_donald love to say? Ahh... yes. "praise kek". Praise kek seems like an appropriate response to this article.', ">>{mlhradio} : Oh, we can dream... ...but I wouldn't count on it this time around: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/tx/texas_trump_vs_clinton-5694.html Maybe in 2020 or 2024, though.", ">>{rockytheboxer} : Until there's a consistent trend of polls, they should remain battleground states, I think.", ">>{JimLahee} : Well I guess I can't say I'm shocked.. Maybe shocked he made it this far, but Donald is going to crumble so hard. He'll be lucky to survive a debate at this point.", '>>{duqit} : Florida narrowed after both conventions? That is insane, that means no matter what crazy shit Trump says, Floridians bought it. Numbskulls.'], [">>{my02} : It's just a few weeks before Apple should announce and release the i7. There's not much point in jumping the gun unless you're already strongly in the Android/Galaxy camp. You could have my own predicament- get an i7 or hold out months on end to see what the s8 has in store.", ">>{The_Nox} : Hey there! I'm in the same position, I've owned several android phones but since the 5 I've owned iPhones. Currently on a 6 plus I got preorder about 2 years ago. Anyways, I was excited for the redesign seeing as how apples alwAys done there major refresh in a two year cycle. However, the leaks show that the new iPhone is essentially the same as my current phone, albeit with a few more features but lack of a headphone jack. With android devices shipping with 4K screens, quick charge, wireless charging, expandable memory, and 2-3x more ram, it's really a no brainer for me to make the jump. My friends note 4 that came out in 2014 absolutely blows my retina screen away. It seems apple's simply relying on brand whores to make as much as they can using 3 year old technology in their smartphones. The note 7 is a gorgeous phone that has everything you could ever want in a phone really. Also, not sure if you've tried VR but it's extremely cool and android nougat is building in an entire marketplace/VR mode into the firmware. Meanwhile, iPhones getting ios10 which is seemingly pretty similar to the last 3 or 4 ios versions. iMessage got cooler, they took off swipe to unlock, and you can delete stock apps. That's about it. I'm really hoping apple comes back next year and gives me a reason to go back to iPhone, but for sure my next phone will be a flagship android. I love the note 7, however I'm waiting to see what the nexus sailfish is like (successor to the 6P) because they've always been $2-300 cheaper than other flagships and look/feel/function amazingly. I'm also considering the one plus 3 for the same reasons. That phone is gorgeous and $400 for a 6gb snapdragon 820 smartphone.", '>>{AGIANTSMURF} : Just wait a month, its not that hard.', ">>{Sirenallure} : I'd say the reason you shouldn't leave iPhone and go to android again is because you were clearly not satisfied with android when you did. You went through all the iPhones until 5 and when you went to android, you got phone after phone.", '>>{Chocolate_Hamper} : The only thing I could think of is TouchWiz. When I had it was really annoying, and no matter how high of specs Samsung slapped on their phone there was always this annoying lag. There\'s also the fact that your phone likely won\'t be reveling updates after 3-4 years, as software updates have to be approved by Samsung and then your carrier, which I guess makes you more vulnerable to security issues. And then there\'s always the learning curve...because when I had one of those phones figuring out something as simple as finding the flashlight or turning off synching for mail required me googling it. And then sometimes you accidentally trigger one of the "features" they crammed in there and then you gotta search to figure out how to turn it off. This was with a Galaxy s5 I dunno if they fixed all of this.', '>>{Baekmagoji} : They fixed the touch wiz problem. Updates are pretty fast in the states but other countries can be questionable. The biggest learning curve for me is how the capacitative buttons are placed.', ">>{dfuqt} : I was in a similar situation when the 6 was released back in 2014. I really didn't like the phone and I thought it would be a good time for a change. So, I tried android in the form of a LG G3. Once the novelty had worn off I had that sinking buyers remorse that you mention. I missed imessage and the integration with my other apple products, but most of all I missed the familiarity that came with having been with the same OS for six years. My rational mind tells me that if I jump and try the note - which honestly looks like the best phone I have ever seen - I will probably end up regretting it for the same reasons as before. I would agree that Apple seem to be falling behind. There are elements of both their hardware and software design philosophy that annoy the shit out of me. Moving to android would address that. I've spent some time with an S7 recently and that has raised my interest. The note 7 has raised it again to another level but I am going to wait to see what the iPhone 7 brings.", ">>{Skunkman2011} : You can easily replace TouchWiz with the download of another launcher. When I had an S3 I downloaded Nova Launcher and it worked amazing. It gave me the scrolling background that the stock launcher didn't have. Sure, it's a pain to download another app but if the only thing holding you back from switching to Android is TouchWiz that can easily be fixed.", ">>{Chocolate_Hamper} : Ah. Don't launchers kinda mess with your battery life? Edit: I googled it and it turns out launchers shouldn't drain your battery unless it's a shitty one.", '>>{Deadmine} : Oh I absolutely am waiting until the iPhone comes out to decide - but I will still be in the same boat - unless apple really comes out with something amazing, but I am not holding my breath. So I either go with the best hardware and suck it up when it comes to the potentially janky software or I go for what is more responsive and a bit more polished software but with hardware that is essentially 2 years behind.', '>>{Deadmine} : yeah - the note really looks like the perfect device at this stage - but a little voice keeps telling me I thought the same with the note 2, s5 and G4 (The nexus I knew the camera wasnt gonna be great but didnt realise until i had it how bad). I will continue to read all the anecdotal stuff coming from people who bought the note and see how janky the software is and if the camera is good for moving subjects etc. thanks!', '>>{Deadmine} : yeah it might come down to this in the end. My head is telling me the note is probably the better device but my heart is telling me I will be happier back in the iphone ecosystem...', '>>{kankaswag} : Touchwiz is the whole skin not just the launcher, and the launcher is smooth, its the rest of the ui that lags and you cant do anything about it']]
classify and reply
['>>{billthomson} : Why Rudy Giuliani Shouldn’t Be Secretary of State', '>>{jnr_77} : Imagine all the people.... Oh, sorry. You were serious. My bad. lol.', '>>{billthomson} : >Since leaving office, Mr. Giuliani has earned millions working for foreign governments and businesses, which would raise a flurry of potential conflicts of interest. For instance, he was paid to deliver speeches in 2011 and 2012 defending a cultlike Iranian exile group that was on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations... Mr. Trump, who has no background in international affairs, would be wise to seek the counsel of former Republican secretaries of state about the demands of the job. Anyone offering sound advice would urge him to scrap plans to have Mr. Giuliani run the State Department.', ">>{Internetzhero} : You elected Dubbya. The world thought, with all things being fair, it was one mistake. No country is perfect, and besides, Obama was the new President and clearly that shows Americans are willing to turn a new page. But, now, the Orange Menace will soon be in control of the American Empire, and all it's might. Protests won't mean anything. What's done is done and the world will remember.", '>>{PurpleBanner} : >The media is doing the thing again. You know the thing. But I guess I understand, as the left has 0 political power right now. Just the ability to complain. If the American people had any real power, they could get money out of politics.', '>>{billthomson} : Or perhaps the leading newspaper in a city that knows Rudy well is trying to provide constructive advice?', '>>{PurpleBanner} : > Americans should hold a national day of protest (peaceful) on January 20. Anyone who doesn’t support Donald Trump should show the country as well as the whole world how they feel. and this would accomplish what on a policy level?', ">>{MatthewTenThirtyFour} : If the NYT thinks Giuliani shouldn't be Secretary of State, then Giuliani should be Secretary of State.", '>>{pcolapat} : I think a former mayor of the most culturally diverse city in America is a reasonable choice.', '>>{TheTeenageOldman} : Sure, bring back "Giuliani time" all over again. What could go wrong?', '>>{billthomson} : He actually has exactly the wrong temperament for SoS. His qualification is that he supported Trump.', ">>{crowlibrarian} : after reading this, I'm convinced that Guiliani is perfect for Secretary of State in the T administration. He's as ignorant and bellicose as his boss. While veteran neo-cons like Bolton might push arms sales and dictators, while championing repression and torture, Guiliani will do all that and make a total fuckery of U.S. relations with allies and enemies alike.", '>>{pcolapat} : Trump won. He supported the eventual winner. Call it what you want. He backed the right candidate to position himself for the job opportunity.', ">>{WaywardSnow} : Which doesn't have any bearing on his qualifications for the job. Call it what you want.", ">>{WaywardSnow} : If you use your words, people can know what you're trying to say.", '>>{pcolapat} : Did you google the qualifications for the job of secretary of state? If so, please explian to me the qualification he lacks.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{billthomson} : Why Rudy Giuliani Shouldn’t Be Secretary of State', '>>{jnr_77} : Imagine all the people.... Oh, sorry. You were serious. My bad. lol.', '>>{billthomson} : >Since leaving office, Mr. Giuliani has earned millions working for foreign governments and businesses, which would raise a flurry of potential conflicts of interest. For instance, he was paid to deliver speeches in 2011 and 2012 defending a cultlike Iranian exile group that was on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations... Mr. Trump, who has no background in international affairs, would be wise to seek the counsel of former Republican secretaries of state about the demands of the job. Anyone offering sound advice would urge him to scrap plans to have Mr. Giuliani run the State Department.', ">>{Internetzhero} : You elected Dubbya. The world thought, with all things being fair, it was one mistake. No country is perfect, and besides, Obama was the new President and clearly that shows Americans are willing to turn a new page. But, now, the Orange Menace will soon be in control of the American Empire, and all it's might. Protests won't mean anything. What's done is done and the world will remember.", '>>{PurpleBanner} : >The media is doing the thing again. You know the thing. But I guess I understand, as the left has 0 political power right now. Just the ability to complain. If the American people had any real power, they could get money out of politics.', '>>{billthomson} : Or perhaps the leading newspaper in a city that knows Rudy well is trying to provide constructive advice?', '>>{PurpleBanner} : > Americans should hold a national day of protest (peaceful) on January 20. Anyone who doesn’t support Donald Trump should show the country as well as the whole world how they feel. and this would accomplish what on a policy level?', ">>{MatthewTenThirtyFour} : If the NYT thinks Giuliani shouldn't be Secretary of State, then Giuliani should be Secretary of State.", '>>{pcolapat} : I think a former mayor of the most culturally diverse city in America is a reasonable choice.', '>>{TheTeenageOldman} : Sure, bring back "Giuliani time" all over again. What could go wrong?', '>>{billthomson} : He actually has exactly the wrong temperament for SoS. His qualification is that he supported Trump.', ">>{crowlibrarian} : after reading this, I'm convinced that Guiliani is perfect for Secretary of State in the T administration. He's as ignorant and bellicose as his boss. While veteran neo-cons like Bolton might push arms sales and dictators, while championing repression and torture, Guiliani will do all that and make a total fuckery of U.S. relations with allies and enemies alike.", '>>{pcolapat} : Trump won. He supported the eventual winner. Call it what you want. He backed the right candidate to position himself for the job opportunity.', ">>{WaywardSnow} : Which doesn't have any bearing on his qualifications for the job. Call it what you want.", ">>{WaywardSnow} : If you use your words, people can know what you're trying to say.", '>>{pcolapat} : Did you google the qualifications for the job of secretary of state? If so, please explian to me the qualification he lacks.']]
classify and reply
['>>{myellabella} : Michael Flynn received nearly $34,000 to attend event with Putin', '>>{Jkdsh} : Where are all of the "Lock her up" idiots now that we\'ve actually proven Flynn committed treason, or, at the very least, facilitated espionage?', ">>{DavidLambent} : That was different. That was a woman and a Democrat. This is a white male Republican. They don't do bad things", '>>{Zazoomba} : Is that the same event Jill Stein attended? I wonder how much she was paid.', '>>{Under_the_Gaslight} : Conservatism is simply the extent to which a person has trouble mitigating their own confirmation bias.', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : Remember: On Sunday or Monday morning Trump will do or say something ridiculous to distract from the House Intelligence hearing with director Comey. Don't fall for it!", ">>{Whateverittakes1} : Whataboutism is a very effective propaganda technique!! Good thing Jill wasn't appointed as the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR!", ">>{Roseking} : I don't think that was a whataboutism. I think is literally means that Jill is also a Russia stooge (even if to a lesser degree). It is a common theory.", ">>{Whateverittakes1} : It's classic whataboutism! Wtf are you talking about!", '>>{Roseking} : Whataboutism would imply that he is trying to distract from Flynn by saying Stein did it too and therefore what Flynn did is not bad. If he is saying both is bad, it is not Whataboutism.', ">>{Whateverittakes1} : No that's not only what it means. But thank you for trying to reframe the word to make your point!", '>>{Roseking} : > Whataboutism is a term describing a propaganda technique used by the Soviet Union in its dealings with the Western world during the Cold War. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the response would be "What about..." followed by the naming of an event in the Western world. What do you thinks it means?', ">>{Zazoomba} : A whataboutism is a distraction technique. I'm not distracting I'm saying Stein is just another Putin puppet along with Flynn.", '>>{Whateverittakes1} : Good for you! It\'s not just that, it\'s "Hey! It\'s not so bad look who else does it" Because both suck doesn\'t make the act less atrocious! Propaganda!', ">>{Whateverittakes1} : I think this means you don't see that this is exactly what op was doing!", ">>{Zazoomba} : Yeah, and that's not what I meant they are both treasonous in my opinion.", '>>{Whateverittakes1} : Nope. You are just experiencing the feeling of being wrong!', '>>{Roseking} : Please tell me how the OP was using Whataboutism. Because I both explained it to you and then provided a definition all you have done is say "wrong!".', ">>{Whateverittakes1} : What about Jill is the definition of distracting. Wow, people believe these day that if they assert something it's true! You are wrong!", '>>{Zazoomba} : Oh, I get it. Marked in RES and ignored.', '>>{Roseking} : > "What about Jill" Was not his statement. I am starting to see how this is confusing for you.', '>>{Whateverittakes1} : Ha no! But keep trying to confuse things!', ">>{throwawayeggs} : Wait so what did he do now, he comited Treason by making a speech? Espionage by giving a public speech? You realize Clinton did break the law by having confidential documents on an unauthorized server. But this isn't about Clinton . Which law did Flynn break? Receiving money to give a talk?", '>>{Jkdsh} : Receiving money from a foreign government whilst holding top-secret security clearance and representing a presidential campaign. The problem isn\'t that he was paid, it\'s that he was paid by a foreign government. Ignoring the possible behind-closed-doors dealings, we have violating the Logan Act for discussing sanctions (considered and prosecuted as treason), and taking money from a foreign government while you have military security clearance is a crime. Looking into the IC\'s stances on the parties involved: Kapersky, whom invited and paid Flynn for a speech, [has ties to Russian intelligence](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-19/cybersecurity-kaspersky-has-close-ties-to-russian-spies). RT, host of the gala at which Putin and Flynn sat together, is [state-run](https://www.pri.org/stories/2014-03-07/some-things-you-should-know-about-rt-russias-state-funded-news-network). Now, why would a foreign state-run media pay for a foreign former government employee that had top-secret clearance to give a speech and sit right next to the "president"? Then, to add to the chain of "coincidences," a Russian cybersecurity company linked to the Russian intelligence apparatus pays the same guy again to speak? And, after all of that happened, Flynn starts mysteriously going out of his way to praise Russia whenever he\'s in the public spotlight.', ">>{throwawayeggs} : First he attended this gala before he joined the Trump campaign. Gala was in December 2015 in February 2016 he joined the campaign. He also wasn't paid by Russia he was paid by his speaking agency. For security clearance when you lose your job you don't lose security clearance, your security clearance simply times out. On the Kaspersky speech , people do these all the time he did the Kaspersky speech in 2015 as well. After he lost his job and was probably hunting for a gig. Michael Hayden Former director of the CIA and big Hillary promoter was actually the Keynote speaker of the 2013 Kaspersky security conference."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{myellabella} : Michael Flynn received nearly $34,000 to attend event with Putin', '>>{Jkdsh} : Where are all of the "Lock her up" idiots now that we\'ve actually proven Flynn committed treason, or, at the very least, facilitated espionage?', ">>{DavidLambent} : That was different. That was a woman and a Democrat. This is a white male Republican. They don't do bad things", '>>{Zazoomba} : Is that the same event Jill Stein attended? I wonder how much she was paid.', '>>{Under_the_Gaslight} : Conservatism is simply the extent to which a person has trouble mitigating their own confirmation bias.', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : Remember: On Sunday or Monday morning Trump will do or say something ridiculous to distract from the House Intelligence hearing with director Comey. Don't fall for it!", ">>{Whateverittakes1} : Whataboutism is a very effective propaganda technique!! Good thing Jill wasn't appointed as the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR!", ">>{Roseking} : I don't think that was a whataboutism. I think is literally means that Jill is also a Russia stooge (even if to a lesser degree). It is a common theory.", ">>{Whateverittakes1} : It's classic whataboutism! Wtf are you talking about!", '>>{Roseking} : Whataboutism would imply that he is trying to distract from Flynn by saying Stein did it too and therefore what Flynn did is not bad. If he is saying both is bad, it is not Whataboutism.', ">>{Whateverittakes1} : No that's not only what it means. But thank you for trying to reframe the word to make your point!", '>>{Roseking} : > Whataboutism is a term describing a propaganda technique used by the Soviet Union in its dealings with the Western world during the Cold War. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the response would be "What about..." followed by the naming of an event in the Western world. What do you thinks it means?', ">>{Zazoomba} : A whataboutism is a distraction technique. I'm not distracting I'm saying Stein is just another Putin puppet along with Flynn.", '>>{Whateverittakes1} : Good for you! It\'s not just that, it\'s "Hey! It\'s not so bad look who else does it" Because both suck doesn\'t make the act less atrocious! Propaganda!', ">>{Whateverittakes1} : I think this means you don't see that this is exactly what op was doing!", ">>{Zazoomba} : Yeah, and that's not what I meant they are both treasonous in my opinion.", '>>{Whateverittakes1} : Nope. You are just experiencing the feeling of being wrong!', '>>{Roseking} : Please tell me how the OP was using Whataboutism. Because I both explained it to you and then provided a definition all you have done is say "wrong!".', ">>{Whateverittakes1} : What about Jill is the definition of distracting. Wow, people believe these day that if they assert something it's true! You are wrong!", '>>{Zazoomba} : Oh, I get it. Marked in RES and ignored.', '>>{Roseking} : > "What about Jill" Was not his statement. I am starting to see how this is confusing for you.', '>>{Whateverittakes1} : Ha no! But keep trying to confuse things!', ">>{throwawayeggs} : Wait so what did he do now, he comited Treason by making a speech? Espionage by giving a public speech? You realize Clinton did break the law by having confidential documents on an unauthorized server. But this isn't about Clinton . Which law did Flynn break? Receiving money to give a talk?", '>>{Jkdsh} : Receiving money from a foreign government whilst holding top-secret security clearance and representing a presidential campaign. The problem isn\'t that he was paid, it\'s that he was paid by a foreign government. Ignoring the possible behind-closed-doors dealings, we have violating the Logan Act for discussing sanctions (considered and prosecuted as treason), and taking money from a foreign government while you have military security clearance is a crime. Looking into the IC\'s stances on the parties involved: Kapersky, whom invited and paid Flynn for a speech, [has ties to Russian intelligence](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-19/cybersecurity-kaspersky-has-close-ties-to-russian-spies). RT, host of the gala at which Putin and Flynn sat together, is [state-run](https://www.pri.org/stories/2014-03-07/some-things-you-should-know-about-rt-russias-state-funded-news-network). Now, why would a foreign state-run media pay for a foreign former government employee that had top-secret clearance to give a speech and sit right next to the "president"? Then, to add to the chain of "coincidences," a Russian cybersecurity company linked to the Russian intelligence apparatus pays the same guy again to speak? And, after all of that happened, Flynn starts mysteriously going out of his way to praise Russia whenever he\'s in the public spotlight.', ">>{throwawayeggs} : First he attended this gala before he joined the Trump campaign. Gala was in December 2015 in February 2016 he joined the campaign. He also wasn't paid by Russia he was paid by his speaking agency. For security clearance when you lose your job you don't lose security clearance, your security clearance simply times out. On the Kaspersky speech , people do these all the time he did the Kaspersky speech in 2015 as well. After he lost his job and was probably hunting for a gig. Michael Hayden Former director of the CIA and big Hillary promoter was actually the Keynote speaker of the 2013 Kaspersky security conference."]]
classify and reply
['>>{joe4942} : Mitt Romney may vote Libertarian, as GOP criticism of Trump deepens', ">>{d_wayne} : Fox News - Trump accused of advocating violence against Clinton with '2nd Amendment' remark", ">>{keepitgoing89} : Wait, what happened? I think I'll finally get it after 450th time it's posted.", '>>{kajanana} : Helping Trump win isn’t a sign of Russian strength. It’s a sign of Russian weakness.', '>>{AeroSummit} : What happens when it runs out of battery? Do I throw it away? Sorry, just iffy on all this...', '>>{SaltHash} : Milo should stay in his safe space with the Breitbart alt-right racists.', '>>{falsegarnier} : GOOD, his opinions are dangerous and need to be shut down, when will he learn that not everyone agrees with him?!!!', ">>{_Ver01} : >still trying to get used to the no back button There should be an arrow like this: `<` or you can swipe towards the screen strarting from the edges. found in apps like safari. >So, as someone who hasn't been with iOS in quite some time, any recommendations? Accessories, Apps, Settings configuration etc? Wifi goes off when I my iphone goes to sleep (screen turns off when idle), so what I did was set `auto-lock` in `display & brightness` setting to `never` so the screen never locks when idle.", ">>{Matickk} : Romney has always been highly critical of Trump, so him threatening to vote Libertarian didn't deepen anything.", '>>{Curlywurlywoo} : Pop it in the microwave for a 30 seconds to give t some power.', ">>{OrionBell} : > Their argument is that Moscow is outclassed militarily by the US and its NATO allies and buckling economically under the weight of international sanctions and low oil prices. It’s a country that’s very far from reaching the heights of power that Putin wants for it. > The hack, on this analysis, is the clearest evidence yet of how far Putin is willing to go to weaken his rivals and thus raise Russia’s relative strength. If Putin can't strengthen his country, he will weaken ours.", '>>{ohheyitsdeejay} : Frustratingly, this is what he and his supporters will point to and scream "liberal safe spaces!"', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : The first amendment protect speech from Federal suppression. Not protects an alt0right asshole from reasonable protests And UC Davis is within its rights to maintain a conducive learning environment, even if it means that Nazis, the at-right or other "free" market Ayn Rand hate needs to go elsewhere', ">>{Richafod} : Pick a side Vox, you can't run stories about how scary and advanced Russia are while at the same time saying the whole thing shows Russian weakness.", '>>{1461DaysInHell} : As we lose the cold war, we can feel better that russia is fucked by Putin too.', ">>{Jamesxx27} : I can't find this article anywhere on the Fox News main page. Compared to every other news site on the internet right now, it's like they're in a separate reality.", '>>{Deceptiveideas} : Just like those Clinton emails that were posted for 6 months straight?', ">>{moto_otom} : So you liberal fucking hypocrites preach tolerance and freedom of speech except when it doesn't suit you. Fucking idiots. The advantage your group has is the sheer amount of God damn idiots in the country looking for handouts.", ">>{Kuro207} : TIL protesters don't have a right to free speech.", ">>{Gishin} : The alt-right is incapable of being truthful. If they were truthful, everyone not on their side would think they're just racist idiots.", '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : Swipe to the right from the left edge of the screen to go back. I like it better than a back button. Also, lightly tap your home button twice to use reachability mode. It brings everything on the screen down about half way down the screen so you can use the phone with one hand more easily.', ">>{StarkMemory} : There needs to be a sticky for these kinda posts. It's getting out of hand.", '>>{AJ_Smith} : Loser of last election still thinks his opinion matters', '>>{fuel_units} : All Bernie needs is for the GOP to deny Trump the nomination, Trump runs as a third party, and Bernie then runs as a fourth. Absolutely ideal situation; two new major parties.', ">>{cromwest} : Gambling on an unstable idiot being incharge of your greatest rival isn't exactly a position of strength. Once Trump is in power there isn't really any leverage over Trump anymore and if they do a single thing to piss Trump off they are fucked because the dude is famous for backstabbing people and revenge. If they leak something that would impeach him the person who takes Trump's place is going to be out for blood with America's full support. It's like Russia just caught a lion's tail out of desperation and are screwed if they let go or hold on.", '>>{keepitgoing89} : Yep - the same emails that r/politics forget over night as this sub morphed into r/hillaryclintion.', '>>{Susarian} : “I wanted my grandkids to see that I simply couldn’t ignore what Mr Trump was saying and doing, which revealed a character and temperament unfit for the leader of the free world” Well said.', '>>{AeroSummit} : Much obliged good sir, thanks. The edge screen swipe is actually quite nice, along with the in software back button.', ">>{RoadsideBandit} : I'm not a fan of Milo Yiannopoulos but he has the right to speak. /u/falsegarnier are you saying that people don't have this right (in America) if everyone doesn't agree with them?", '>>{balmergrl} : Except if none of the 4 gets >50% of the electoral votes, congress gets to decide and the [unknown] GOP nom is a shoe-in. Dam rules.', '>>{sedgwickian} : > Trump accused of... *Fair and Balanced*', '>>{AeroSummit} : This is actually an awesome tip thanks. The reachability I am for sure going to use at times haha. Thanks', '>>{Curlywurlywoo} : Don\'t forget to turn off "Find my iPhone" before you do it.', '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : He actually calls himself a super villain? How is that supposed to help his "cause"?', '>>{Loxodontist} : Why do universities keep inviting this guy? He has nothing to say.', ">>{bdelboss} : Magma yes, lava no. Don't mess up when playing in the volcano", '>>{xxGrobicxx} : Nobody cares about Romney and nobody cares about Trumps tax returns. And nobody gives a single fuck about the GOP establishing refusing to endorse Trump. The silent majority will vote for Trump so we wont have Clinton.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : Peace on the terms of a dictator like Putin is not peace.', ">>{Satexas2} : The mods have ceded control of this sub to CTR, it's a hot mess Maybe the mods are overwhelmed but you can't have a conversation here without their silliness.", '>>{AeroSummit} : Oh damn, your right, ill get right on that! Your a life saver man!', '>>{AeroSummit} : Maybe the 7s will have lava proofing, guess I just gotta be extra careful.', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Same with CNN. They're not covering the fact that Clintons aide was just found to have lied under oath, and Clinton had Omar Mateens father at her rally and endorsed her.", '>>{Gawdscream} : Eil5 Why are they so pisses with him?', '>>{bdelboss} : Damn apple when will you do a well built phone', '>>{GoblinHunting} : If Trump said something like this of Republicans “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun", how triggered would you be?', ">>{xxGrobicxx} : The GOP can't do that, their convention in Cleveland is going to be bad enough as it is. For those who don't know there will be thousands of people there to protest and the city allows open carry but prevents anyone from having pepper spray or gas masks. The city is also being fortified with walls, makeshift prisons are being built to arrest protesters, strict rules are in place regarding camping in the city (no camping at all and the streets must be cleared by a specific time), and travel is restricted in and around the city. Things are gonna get ugly.", ">>{Smokyfirepit} : To endorse someone don't you have to be someone?", '>>{bbllaakkee} : get a good reddit app so you can search this was just asked a few days ago', ">>{Silver_Skeeter} : I'll take the mystery box Edit: Ok maybe not. But it sure is tempting.", ">>{bejammin075} : Headline doesn't make sense. Trump won by the narrowest of margins, with the help of Russians. I'd say the Russians are holding some pretty strong cards in their hands. Trump likes to say he doesn't owe anybody anything, but I think he owes a lot to Putin.", ">>{TomorrowsGone85} : >Pick a side Vox, you can't run stories about how scary and advanced Russia are while at the same time saying the whole thing shows Russian weakness. Ummm yes they can. A proper news organization shouldn't only report 'one side'. I want to hear all sides and points of view about a subject and then take all of the available information and make my own decision.", ">>{Telot_Likatiz} : I don't view shouting people down as denying their right to free speech. It's absurd to look at it that way.", ">>{Richafod} : If that's your true goal when it comes to reading the news you really shouldn't start with Vox.", ">>{moto_otom} : Your right to free speech ends when you take away someone else's right to free speech. Your rights are not greater than someone else's. That's the plain simple fucking point that the left doesn't understand. How many protestors did you see try and disrupt Obama's farewell address? Oh yea. None. But if Trump wants to give a speech you cause so much fucking commotion that it's safer to cancel the event than to proceed. Unbelievable hypocrisy.", '>>{AeroSummit} : This exact question? The iPhone can send messages into...the past!? My god, this is amazing! Your a genius good sir, a genius!', ">>{Quexana} : Russia is sliding. The drop in oil prices and sanctions have hurt them dearly. They can't come close to competing with us militarily and they're closer to a third world country than a Superpower economically. Fortunately for them, a first rate cyber division is relatively cheap and if they can use that to help elect a man who will hurt America through his incompetence and temperament, and do it on the cheap, why not try it?", ">>{AeroSummit} : Yeah, I wouldn't say I have small hands but my phone defiantly doesn't fully fit my hand. So it is getting sort of out of hand", '>>{tau-lepton} : Meh, what\'s the context? It is an oft used analogy to a situation in which someone is completely unprepared to compete. "Second Amendment" solution is shorthand for shooting someone. Or is there some other meaning of that term?', '>>{moxy801} : This headline would never have been allowed on FOX if Roger Ailes was still in charge.', '>>{GoblinHunting} : >Meh, what\'s the context? It is an oft used analogy to a situation in which someone is completely unprepared to compete Yes. Very presidential. Saying that of Republicans does wonders for unity. >"Second Amendment" solution is shorthand for shooting someone. I\'ve never heard that in my life. Perhaps in your circles it\'s anoft used analogy. >Or is there some other meaning of that term? What term? I thought we we\'re talking about Trump\'s remarks about the 2nd amendment and supporters of said amendment not supporting her? Or, was this a subliminal dog whistle that only anti-Trumpers are triggered by? If that\'s the case then I firmly believe that Obama\'s comments were meant to encourage his supporters to shoot cops.', '>>{CisternaChyli} : So I moved over from a Note 5 back in October (I had used Android since 2011, save for a brief stint with Windows Phone) and there is a back button, in a sense. You just swipe to the right from the edge of the screen to go back within pages or a web browser, or force touch the edge to see your current apps. Also, apps will have a small "go to back to ___app" button in the top left or right corner. The no discrete back button thing was one of the big things holding me back from switching but you will get used to it in time.', '>>{tau-lepton} : >Yes. Very presidential. Saying that of Republicans does wonders for unity. So? Is it a threat? No. >What term? "Second Amendment" solution >she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don\'t know', '>>{GoblinHunting} : >So? Is it a threat? No. Yes. Clearly a threat. >"Second Amendment" solution she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don\'t know So, you\'re saying supporters of the 2nd amendment have to support her? There\'s nothing they can do?', '>>{rings_of_saturn} : NeoCons attempting to hijack Libertarian Party - not to promote LIbertarian Principles - but to hijack a means to power. Time for Libertarians to engage in a Scorched Earth policy.', '>>{TuLegit2quit} : Gotta love that tolerance of opposing views. Shows a lot of maturity among the protesters.', '>>{tau-lepton} : What did he mean? This? >It’s called the power of unification — 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.” ?', ">>{TomorrowsGone85} : I never said I start with Vox, it's just another source of information that may or may not add some clarity to a complex issue. But I appreciate a news source that can provide multiple points of view on issues whether I agree with it or not.", ">>{ienfull} : Okay. Deny us our freedom of expression. Don't complain when we do it to you.", '>>{sedgwickian} : The "accused" puts the focus on the way people interpreted what he said. The story becomes "libruls misunderstood Trump" rather than on the fact that Trump said something that could easily be interpreted as advocating violence against Clinton.', '>>{Chronic_Apathy1} : Him saying he outright refuses to vote for Trump is new. The nominee of a party four years ago refusing to have anything to do with the current nominee is unprecendented in modern politics.', ">>{GoblinHunting} : Correct. Which speaks to what Trump was saying that the second amendment people, which are not only Republicans, can decide the outcome of this election if they cherish the 2nd amendment. Suggesting that this was some type of implicit statement advocating for someone to off Hillary is retraded just like the Trump kicks babies out of his rallies and the Russians were behind the DNC leaks and are tied to Trump. It's just nonsense and I firmly believe that you know that.", ">>{atman8r} : This will DESTROY your battery if you're the type of person to leave your phone in one spot often.", ">>{Chronic_Apathy1} : I'd take the mystery box over Trump for sure, since the mystery box is likely Romney or Ryan. I don't like either, but they're miles better than Trump.", ">>{Richafod} : I was calling out a clear contradiction not two opposing views. I'd admire what your doing if you take the care to get all the information possible all I'm saying is Vox is incredibly biased as shown constantly and is not the place to find any grounded information.", '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : Mitt choked like a dog. He needs to go away.', ">>{twomousepads} : I don't know who Milo is, but according to his Wikipedia page he has no education. If he has no (or an incomplete) education, why is he being invited to a University to speak? Has he discovered an interesting new science that the students at UC Davis need to explore?", '>>{Argikeraunos} : Fascists expect liberal tolerance but refuse to extend it to others. This is a more-than appropriate response to this toxic little man, whenever and wherever he tries to speak.', '>>{mrsmeeseeks} : Wow, Romney has really let his inner whiny-bitch out this election cycle', ">>{BlueDogDem62} : Funny how he begged for Trump's endorsement and money last election. Trump is now changing the party and the elites are frightened.", ">>{_Ver01} : How bright do you keep your screen? Do you remember to put the phone in sleep? I mean, you can disable wifi/bluetooth manually if you're not using them.", ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : First He's a RINO. Republican in name only. He does not support the party platform . Next he has seriously damaged the republican reputation with Latinos. Latinos will outnumber whites in just a few years. The republicans have a demographics problem and they know that and the trumpster just made it worse", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : I wonder, would the current house appoint this POTUS or the newly elected house? A big enough revolution would alter the house, ya know?', '>>{tau-lepton} : >“By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks “Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don\'t know" So they decide after she "picks judges", how does that work?', '>>{GoblinHunting} : >So they decide after she "picks judges", how does that work? They don\'t vote for Hillary that\'s how. By not voting for her and another candidate wins (any other candidate) you\'ve essentially prevented Hillary from picking liberal judges who might have a different interpretation of the 2nd amendment that conflicts with many Republicans, Democrats, Libertarian, Green, Communist, Independent, or Socialist interpretation of the 2nd amendment.', '>>{tau-lepton} : She can\'t pick judges until after she is president. Trump specifically says there\'s nothing that can be done except maybe "Second Amendment people", he\'s talking about responses to picking liberal judges.', '>>{atman8r} : Auto brightness, I\'m inside most of the time so 20-30%? And by "put the phone in sleep" do you mean hit the lock button up top? I use both of those all day (wifi and Apple Watch)', '>>{_Ver01} : Yes, I mean manually push the lock button. I do not own an apple watch, so I do not know how those communicate with the phones. Do they have to have a constant tether to your phone? Can you manually operate the watch without the phone?', ">>{GoblinHunting} : >She can't pick judges until after she is president. So...............to prevent her from picking judges after she's president you would need her to prevent her from BEING president. You're reaching man Edit: I don't even like Trump but these made up controversies are really getting annoying. Kicked out baby, Russians, Trump threatening Hillary... ugh", '>>{falsegarnier} : Of course he can say what he wants, but there is a limit. The good of the country comes first, and what he says is divisive and wrong.', ">>{tau-lepton} : > nothing you can do, > though second amendment people, maybe there is. It's not a hard sentence to parse.", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Well, daddy was in the KKK. He was pretty much doomed after that.', '>>{Clearnews} : Pretty sure Milo is the one fighting against safe spaces, and his freedom of speech was banned by safe spacers. Funny these fascists are saying Trump is the fascist, ha!', '>>{GoblinHunting} : >nothing you can do, >though second amendment people, maybe there is. Like.............not voting for her? >It\'s not a hard sentence to parse. Neither was the "kicking the baby out" remarks but that took on a strange liberal interpretation. Known to be completely unfounded and bogus.', ">>{m-a0985469y6tw-} : He's just a troll, feeding him like this gives him attention, many 'conservatives' have a racket like this, including ben shapiro.", ">>{Gawdscream} : Yes but Americans like me are tired of politics like Romney. I'm so sick of these figure heads.", ">>{BaumerS4} : Please explain how Milo's First Amendment rights are violated in this case?", ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Honestly, if Mitt Romney campaigned against Obama as hard as he has attacked and campaigned against Trump, he might have won. It's kind of telling.", '>>{balmergrl} : I had thought not >Pursuant to the Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the House of Representatives is required to go into session **immediately** to vote for President if no candidate receives an Electoral College vote majority (270 or more votes). But, then I looked at the dates: - December 19, 2016—Meeting of Electors: The electors in each State meet to select the President and Vice President of the United States. The Electors record their votes on six “Certificates of Vote,” which are paired with the six remaining original “Certificates of Ascertainment.” The electors sign, seal and certify the packages of electoral votes and immediately send them to the Federal and State officials listed in these instructions. - December 28, 2016—Deadline for Receipt of Electoral Votes: The President of the Senate, the Archivist of the United States, and other designated Federal and State officials must have the electoral votes in hand. - January 3, 2017 - The One Hundred Fifteenth United States Congress meets - January 6, 2017—Counting Electoral Votes in Congress: The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes (unless Congress passes a law to change the date). - January 20, 2017: Inauguration of the 45th President and the 48th Vice President Still very very very risky... in my state, sadly the alternatives to corporatist establishment Dems are not very electable.', '>>{Bigpiganddig} : You do realize that Ayn Rand was THE major defender of America versus Russia? US Davis resembles old soviet Russia with thier censorship, this whole thing is backwards.', '>>{Gawdscream} : Proof? Like the proof of Hillary playing airstrike crush from her cell phone?', '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Because he ruined their scam. He ran by ignoring actual policy positions and merely used insults and bullying to appeal to a segment of voter that the GOP establishment had been manipulating for years. For years the GOP establishment had been telling these people that politicians were bad and private business was good, and at the same time hinting that a lot of their problems were caused by some type of "other" people: mexicans, muslims, "urban," liberal, etc. Then along comes Trump, a private business man, who says outrageous things about these same groups that have been to blame in these people\'s eyes for everything that has gone wrong for decades. It is really no surprise the GOP base has rejected their politicians in favor of Trump. He is everything they have been told they should want in an elected official. The GOP was going to continue playing the same game indefinitely and continue to do nothing. They were going to continue to hype up their base with social issues and then never do anything about them, all the while giving tax breaks and hand outs to the super wealthy. And when the wealth didn\'t trickle down they would always be able to find some obscure government program to blame things on and say, "see, it\'s all those dirty liberals fault." Trump has ruined this. he\'s been too blatant with his language and now the party looks racist. The fact that he\'s been all over the place policy wise makes the party look even worse. Before they could try to pass themselves off as true believers. It\'s going to be harder to do that after they support someone who strays so far at times from their beliefs.', ">>{Gawdscream} : Thanks man. This was a good read. I know for myself im just tired of watching the circus our government become. Obama cool and all but Hillary is no different than those same b.s. Republicans. I'm more shocked by Hillary crap than Trumps.", ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : You should be afraid of Trump. Authoritarianism and a huge ego, combined with a GOP congress to afraid of losing their cushy government jobs to stand up for what's right could be disastrous.", ">>{JaisBit} : It isn't an intolerance to opposing views, it's an intolerance to racist and sexist propaganda. Do you think Milo is interested in having an open dialogue in which he considers the opposing views of people who disagree with him? No, he just wants to stand on his soapbox, and spout his hateful rhetoric.", ">>{SpiffShientz} : Actually, if you'd read the article, you would know that the university itself didn't cancel the speech, it was the college Republican group that had originally hired him. They decided he wasn't worth the trouble.", '>>{TuLegit2quit} : > Do you think Milo is interested in having an open dialogue in which he considers the opposing views of people who disagree with him? He has offered to participated in debates with his critics on multiple occasions going all the way back to gamer-gate. So i would say yes.', ">>{SpiffShientz} : Well read the article, man - it was a private group of college republicans who decided to cancel the speech. I know it doesn't fit into your narrative, but there are no liberal PC police looking to shut you down", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : no one is denying his freedom of speech they are denying him free use of a forum... their space why doesn't he reach into his pocket, pay to rent out a different space, and speak there he's not an american, he doesn't hold citizenship here... why should he be granted use of that space?", ">>{Gawdscream} : So we should all bow down to Clinton. Even Obama said she's all talk. But I guess that doesn't matter. I rather hit the reset button and wash all this corruption of spoils out!", '>>{ericools} : He could simply decline to vote for anyone. A major GOP figurehead suggesting that Gary Johnson might be the right choice is no small thing.', '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Electing a totalitarian isn\'t "hitting the reset button." If you give someone like Trump power and a compliant legislature, he will not give it back. There is this really naive view going around right now that somehow a violent revolution would instill some sort of righteous government. That\'s not at all the usual outcome of violent revolutions. Violent revolutions tend to instill dictators. That was the amazing thing about Washington. He turned down chance to be kind and instead chose to step down after 8 years in office.', ">>{ericools} : Can't anyone consider the possibility that building third parties could be relevant to more than the presidential election? Yes it is more important than any other single office, but think about what it would mean to put Greens and Libertarians in congress, at least enough of them so that it would at least one of them agreeing to tip the balance rather than this whatever side gets a majority acting like total dick bags to the other until the next election thing we have going on now.", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : milo isn't american, he doesn't hold citizenship here. he is greek and british. no one has denied his freedom to speak, only the forum to speak in he is free to reach into his own pocket, pay to rent another space, and speak there why should california tax payers pay to host a foreigner?", '>>{stonedhillbilly} : Also the police have backed that up as well. >Yiannoppoulos said that the event was cancled due to violence, but this was disputed by the police, who said that there was no evidence of violence or property distruction, and no arrests.', '>>{xxGrobicxx} : That is an interesting provision considering a situation where a candidate does not win the 270 votes has never happened. If this does happen it will likely go to the Supreme Court to interpret who can be voted on as a presidential candidate.', '>>{Bishim} : At least he\'s standing up strongly against Trump. Most republican "leaders" have just rolled over.', ">>{moto_otom} : You literally have zero comprehension of the constitution. Individuals such as yourself have no business existing in a society with rights such as freedom of speech if you think this way. You have every RIGHT to not listen to Trump same as I have the right to listen to him. If he comes to town and YOU protest outside in such a way that can cause physical harm to me or anyone else that wants to listen to Trump, then your right to free speech is forfeited. This isn't fucking open to interpretation.", ">>{JaisBit} : I've seen his idea of debates, in which he shouts people down with insults. Also, are we talking about the same gamer-gate in which women who expressed their views were harassed with rape and death threats? I don't remember Milo doing much to discourage that. So much respect for opposing views that guy has!", '>>{ericools} : They may, but as a Libertarian I am not worried about it. Keeping the party pure and growing it is not possible. We do however have a better chance to get good candidates in with at least three parties, and the growth of the LP will give us the opportunity to introduce libertarian ideas to millions. I would rather be part of a somewhat influential libertarian faction in a fiscally conservative / social tolerant major party, than part of the dominant ideology of a joke party. In any case it\'s pretty clear Johnson is bringing in a lot of people from the left as well, so I don\'t think a "NeoCon" takeover is viable.', ">>{ienfull} : Why would it be frightening to have your political opinions silenced? It's an established fact that some opinions are wrong. Now that the alt-right's preferred candidate is in power, our opponents opinions will be wrong. We need to silence those wrong opinions for the good of the nation. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to spread their hatred and bigotry, and that's what the left has done for too long.", ">>{Gawdscream} : If Trump so bad and terrible for the office. What make Hillary so much better? To me all I see is corruption and the exception to all the rules. Plus it doesn't even matter Hillary won anyways. I just need to make peace with it and send my tax dollars to Washington for more social programs for people that aren't in my community nor family.", ">>{mangabalanga} : Not sure if sarcasm, but I'll bite. Why would it be frightening to be silenced? Well, generally, when someone goes to cover your mouth, the next thing they do is far worse.", ">>{BaumerS4} : Again, how were Milo's First Amendment rights violated? Please show me how the government violated his rights.", ">>{marcuslennis} : >Funny how he begged for Trump's endorsement and money last election. That's what candidates do, go around begging voters for votes and money. Doesn't mean they want any of them to be president. No idea why you think there's anything hypocritical about wanting somebody's support and money yet not wanting them to be president. Or to put it another way, is Trump a hypocrite for accepting Christie's support even though he didn't want him to be the nominee?", ">>{RoadsideBandit} : I also don't view shouting people down to be denying their right to free speech. Opinions are open to criticism. Note my original comment was to /u/falsegarnier who could have been saying that only acceptable views are allowed. /u/falsegarnier clarified this in a followup comment.", ">>{Clearnews} : Ok, so you're saying violent protestors were not to blame for the cancellation and that instead the group which invited Milo to speak should be to blame for canceling the event? If anything, the protestors are acting like a bunch of monkeys and the college republican were acting with prudence.", ">>{Snowfeecat} : Back then, it was still questionable if Trump would get the nom. People say all kinds of things against candidates they don't like but once they win, everybody coalesces. It's stunning how many in the GOP have publicly stated they refuse to vote for the GOP presumptive nominee.", '>>{JaisBit} : He came up from the whole gamer-gate (bowel) movement.', ">>{Bigpiganddig} : Yikes! You seriously trying to say that?! The college republicans shut it down BECAUSE THE PROTESTORS WERE CAUSING PHYSICAL HARM. Liberals are why we can't have nice things.", ">>{jimbozak} : Thank you for letting me post the article. I'll keep on topic next time!", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : Wow!! Just... thanks for the thorough response.', ">>{stonedhillbilly} : no one denied him anything other than free use of their forum milo isn't american... why should american taxpayers pony up the expenses involved in his event?? he can reach into his own pocket, and spend his own money to go rent out a space and speak to his hearts content. i don't support paying for foreigners to exercise american rights", '>>{SmokeCrackWithMeBro} : Fellow Americans, please do not listen to Trump. He is the mortal enemy of the very political establishment which has failed you. Thank you. The funniest thing about his speech back in feb or march is that Trump got a bump after it.', ">>{rings_of_saturn} : Libertarian ideals just aren't what they used to be if they are dumb enough to let themselves be taken over by NeoCons. Libertarian ideals will become what ever they want them to be. Libertarian Party is being taken over just like the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street were.", ">>{SpiffShientz} : Nice try. Protestors weren't getting violent. Don't shop that fake shit around here.", '>>{SpiffShientz} : The protestors were entertaining their right to peaceful assembly. The College Republicans made their own decision, not really blaming them. And heads-up, "monkeys" is probably a term you wanna drop from your lexicon when referring to people.', ">>{ericools} : Ideologically speaking it's not the party that's important. It's our ability to introduce ideas to people. Any party or really any power structure will become corrupted if it gets large enough. The more rapid the growth the more rapid the corruption. So I don't disagree with your general idea. That said the LP is an established organization with a well established identity, and principals as well as people who have been involved with it at many levels over the long term. The Tea Party and Occupy were disorganized and ill defined movements easily co-opted by anyone who simply claimed to be a part of them. Sure given some time the NeoCons could have enough people join the LP to take over state parties and get their delegates, or candidates in place, but that compromises their own party. The GOP has a whole lot more to loose than we do. If they want to self destruct the Republican Party to come take us over, that's just funny. Many if not most politically active libertarians are registered Republicans now, If NeoCons start jumping ship to the LP the Ron Paul Republicans might be able to get away with more. Bottom line I don't care what letter a candidate has before their name. If we can get someone good in with an R in one place and an L in another that's fine with me.", ">>{BlueGaming} : It has happened before with John Adam's and Andrew Jackson in 1824", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : The title is confusing you Nobody is denying him freedom of exression. It's just that he has created a safety issue there.", '>>{rings_of_saturn} : The Libertarian Party will no longer be a platform for libertarian ideas once the NeoCons have ransacked it like they are doing now.', '>>{escalation} : Well they might end up scrapping it out with Silicon valley over that', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Liberals are why we can\'t have nice things. No, the absence of capitalist exploitation is why "we" can\'t have "nice" things - which are slave labor created', ">>{ienfull} : > It's just that he has created a safety issue there. No, his ideological enemies have created a safety issue there. The violence is coming from the LEFT. They are attacking those on the RIGHT. How can the right be blamed for leftist violence?", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Pretty sure Milo is the one fighting against safe spaces, no he's not. He's demanding an alt0-right racist safe space > and his freedom of speech was banned by safe spacers. No, it was denied by proper authorities, after seeing the kind of damage Milo causes > Funny these fascists are saying Trump is the fascist, ha! Actually, no the progressives are saying T-Rump's a fascist", ">>{falsegarnier} : Can we all not just agree that he's wrong, and needs to banned from all campuses? It should be that easy...", ">>{escalation} : A third party President would have to build new coalitions to get things done. This would drastically reduce their ability to make highly extreme moves. Johnson has demonstrated he can do this, as a two term Governor. His state didn't turn into an anarchist wasteland or anything. Or you could take a known undesireable candidate with a heavy force of entrenched congressional backing behind them. I think it is very arguable that this creates a much worse scenario.", '>>{escalation} : Fortify the area. Barricade everything around the free speech zone. Man the turrets!', '>>{escalation} : Which is exactly why we need to look very seriously at any third party candidate that can get on the ballot nationwide.', ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : Assuming that GOP nom is in the top 3. Only the top 3 of electoral votes is who the House selects from. An interesting precedent in 1824, Henry Clay thought he could prevent Andrew Jackson from getting the majority of electoral votes, which was correct. 4 candidates got electoral votes. As Clay was the Speaker of the House at the time, he thought he could easily win the Presidency at that point. The only thing is, he finished 4th, and wasn't among those that could be selected. He did work to get John Quincy Adams the Presidency despite his being down 10 points in popular vote on Andrew Jackson in what became known as the Corrupt Bargain and basically sunk any chance Clay ever had of being President.", '>>{Bigpiganddig} : Yes they were. The college republicans saved the day from the vicious unruly liberals. Like night and day with how conservatives acted after losing to obama.', ">>{Jake314159265359} : Trump isn't entitled? He wants Mexico to hand him a **FREE** wall.", '>>{Wombizzle} : You said "Well, daddy was in the KKK." The article *you yourself* linked says: "It\'s not clear from the context what role Fred Trump played in the brawl. The news article simply notes that seven men were arrested in the "near-riot of the parade," all of whom were represented by the same lawyers. Update: A contemporaneous article from the Daily Star notes that Trump was detained "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."" Good one dude.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > No, his ideological enemies have created a safety issue there. No, he created the safety issue > The violence is coming from the LEFT. They are attacking those on the RIGHT. How can the right be blamed for leftist violence? No, it's not. The police clearly stated there was no damage, and that the racist misogynist was lying. The College Republicans cancelled the klan rally for their own reasons. He's got to learn he's not entitled to just show up and expect a forum for his racist hate. Those who support communism have better than he does, and you don't hear that the wholde nation has to let them publicly speak. ook at how many Americans of cuban race who protest Castro while knowing nothing about him. You wouldn't break up their terror, would you?", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Like night and day with how conservatives acted after losing to obama. It is. I do remember the racist disruptions that went on for a long time At the very end, most of Obama's problems were caused by these racists", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Actually, the alt-right racists are the force, or attempting it', ">>{Clearnews} : OMG you think that was peaceful! They WERE acting like monkeys- I'm surprised none of the liberals actually threw their own shit. Campus safety acknowledged they couldn't keep the speakers safe. Things were getting increasingly violent and the event had to be cancelled to ensure safety. NOT PEACEFUL - tactics used by nazis and animals", ">>{AdmrHalsey} : Freedom of speech also encompasses the notion that people can hear others speak. He was invited by students who plainly have, or at least should have, first amendment rights. There is a body law that addresses the heckler's veto. The general idea is that mobs should not be allowed to squelch free speech through disruptive actions.", '>>{Wombizzle} : aaaaand now I hate this subreddit even more than I already did', ">>{MadHatter514} : I was a proud supporter of Mitt Romney for a long time, and I'm glad to see him standing up against this (in my opinion) very negative strain in the current Republican politics. I wish he had run this time around, he would've had my vote.", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : eh... if he was american, you might get some concern from me but he's not, so why the hell should US taxpayers cover his expenses i'm sure there is a facility in town he could pay for himself and speak at he can speak, they can listen... joe taxpayer shouldn't have to pay for that besides, this thread has already been modded as off topic", ">>{TWFH} : yes, romney simply saying he'll listen to johnson is equal to neocons ransacking the party, lmao", ">>{TuLegit2quit} : Nah we are talking about the gamer-gate where publications that are allegedly focused on the gaming world and gaming culture covered up their unethical behavior regarding game reviews and un-disclosed personal or financial relationships with the game developers. The gaming media didn't like being called out for their unethical behavior so they turned on their consumer base. Everything beyond that is simply a distraction from the issue that gamers were upset about.", '>>{fuzzyfuzz} : Then "Joe Taxpayer" also shouldn\'t pay when Richard Dawkins comes to speak either? I saw him speak when I was in college and greatly appreciated it even though he isn\'t an American. I\'m not going to defend Milo and his views or the views of the people who want to see him talk, but you\'re playing the same bullshit mental gymnastics game that we all complain about the right playing. Your point is nothing more than goal post moving. You wouldn\'t apply that to other people, but it fits for your needs in this one instance. That\'s not a good ethic platform to build your views upon, and that doesn\'t sway people to join your side. Shutting down the opposition isn\'t the way to move forward. Having actual conversation is. Milo has been willing to participate in some actual debates that had a better format than what we use for the presidential debates, [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsNudSARKZ4). Regardless of your views of either side, I\'d like to think that people can see that allowing this sort of well moderated debate is far more beneficial to public discourse than blocking the entrance of an event.', ">>{bdsee} : Gary Johnson should offer Romney the top spot on the ticket and take the VP spot...I don't even like libertarians but that would be an incredibly smart move. Split the vote 3 ways, and Congress will pick Romney, and Gary has just made himself mainstream.", '>>{fuzzyfuzz} : I thought [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsNudSARKZ4) was a great debate format. The moderator did a good job, both sides of crazy were able to get their views out there.', ">>{jjmc123a} : Has to be one of the top three electoral vote winners though. [Each state delegation casts one vote for one of the top three contenders to determine a winner.](http://history.house.gov/Institution/Electoral-College/Electoral-College/). So the winner can't come out of nowhere.", ">>{jjmc123a} : Nope, the new house. That changed ages ago [That means the 29 members of Congress from New York would get one vote—the same number as the single member of Congress from Montana. Right after the new Congress got sworn in, in early January, all the House members from each state would decide how to cast that state's one vote.](http://www.slate.com/blogs/spitzer/2012/10/19/electoral_college_tie_who_decides_the_next_president_and_vice_president.html)", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : > but you're playing the same bullshit mental gymnastics game that we all complain about the right playing shhhh... damnit... leave me alone and let me toy with them jeez, if you know what i'm doing, you know why i'm doing it", '>>{bonersforstoners} : Except Romney is not a libertarian and it would destroy the party.', ">>{fuzzyfuzz} : This is a poor argument. I bet you wouldn't make this argument if it was Richard Dawkins that was coming to speak. I'm not a Milo fan, but just pointing out that this is a weak argument.", ">>{ericools} : There is a huge difference between them voting for Johnson and actually joining the party. We have a very active state party here in ND, I expect we will pull a lot of votes of Republicans in this 2-1 red state. I have yet to see any NeoCons actually show up to a party meeting. You can't take over a party by simply voting for it.", '>>{stonedhillbilly} : > I bet you wouldn\'t make this argument if it was Richard Dawkins what makes you think that? i don\'t think that US public schools, tuition, and taypayer money should fund any foreigner using the space. period. they can pay up, or go away. space ain\'t cheap, time ain\'t cheap, utilities ain\'t cheap, security ain\'t cheap that\'s why he "get\'s invited by students" to these things i\'m sure there is an event hall he could rent out and dick dawkins too and whatever muslim of the week wants to come a speak welcome to the land of the free, pay your own damn way', ">>{nullp0int3r90} : Mitt Romney is not a libertarian so he shouldn't be the Libertarian candidate.", '>>{bonersforstoners} : Ron Paul is the epitome of a religious pillar to the community.', ">>{MadHatter514} : I disagree. I think he would've done much better against Hillary than he did against Obama, as Hillary is far more unpopular.", ">>{rings_of_saturn} : Assuming you trust Johnson now that he's chosen an anti-gun VP", ">>{ericools} : Weld is not ideal, but he is the right person to bring the party exposure. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he will try to push any anti gun policies in the extremely hypothetical scenario where Johnson gets elected and then dies. That said I'm not all that concerned that any candidate will be able to take guns away. I think it's a silly fear. They can't even keep pot away from people. Gun owners are all armed."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{AeroSummit} : What happens when it runs out of battery? Do I throw it away? Sorry, just iffy on all this...', ">>{_Ver01} : >still trying to get used to the no back button There should be an arrow like this: `<` or you can swipe towards the screen strarting from the edges. found in apps like safari. >So, as someone who hasn't been with iOS in quite some time, any recommendations? Accessories, Apps, Settings configuration etc? Wifi goes off when I my iphone goes to sleep (screen turns off when idle), so what I did was set `auto-lock` in `display & brightness` setting to `never` so the screen never locks when idle.", '>>{Curlywurlywoo} : Pop it in the microwave for a 30 seconds to give t some power.', '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : Swipe to the right from the left edge of the screen to go back. I like it better than a back button. Also, lightly tap your home button twice to use reachability mode. It brings everything on the screen down about half way down the screen so you can use the phone with one hand more easily.', ">>{StarkMemory} : There needs to be a sticky for these kinda posts. It's getting out of hand.", '>>{AeroSummit} : Much obliged good sir, thanks. The edge screen swipe is actually quite nice, along with the in software back button.', '>>{AeroSummit} : This is actually an awesome tip thanks. The reachability I am for sure going to use at times haha. Thanks', '>>{Curlywurlywoo} : Don\'t forget to turn off "Find my iPhone" before you do it.', ">>{bdelboss} : Magma yes, lava no. Don't mess up when playing in the volcano", '>>{AeroSummit} : Oh damn, your right, ill get right on that! Your a life saver man!', '>>{AeroSummit} : Maybe the 7s will have lava proofing, guess I just gotta be extra careful.', '>>{bdelboss} : Damn apple when will you do a well built phone', '>>{bbllaakkee} : get a good reddit app so you can search this was just asked a few days ago', '>>{AeroSummit} : This exact question? The iPhone can send messages into...the past!? My god, this is amazing! Your a genius good sir, a genius!', ">>{AeroSummit} : Yeah, I wouldn't say I have small hands but my phone defiantly doesn't fully fit my hand. So it is getting sort of out of hand", '>>{CisternaChyli} : So I moved over from a Note 5 back in October (I had used Android since 2011, save for a brief stint with Windows Phone) and there is a back button, in a sense. You just swipe to the right from the edge of the screen to go back within pages or a web browser, or force touch the edge to see your current apps. Also, apps will have a small "go to back to ___app" button in the top left or right corner. The no discrete back button thing was one of the big things holding me back from switching but you will get used to it in time.', ">>{atman8r} : This will DESTROY your battery if you're the type of person to leave your phone in one spot often.", ">>{_Ver01} : How bright do you keep your screen? Do you remember to put the phone in sleep? I mean, you can disable wifi/bluetooth manually if you're not using them.", '>>{atman8r} : Auto brightness, I\'m inside most of the time so 20-30%? And by "put the phone in sleep" do you mean hit the lock button up top? I use both of those all day (wifi and Apple Watch)', '>>{_Ver01} : Yes, I mean manually push the lock button. I do not own an apple watch, so I do not know how those communicate with the phones. Do they have to have a constant tether to your phone? Can you manually operate the watch without the phone?'], ['>>{joe4942} : Mitt Romney may vote Libertarian, as GOP criticism of Trump deepens', ">>{Matickk} : Romney has always been highly critical of Trump, so him threatening to vote Libertarian didn't deepen anything.", '>>{AJ_Smith} : Loser of last election still thinks his opinion matters', '>>{fuel_units} : All Bernie needs is for the GOP to deny Trump the nomination, Trump runs as a third party, and Bernie then runs as a fourth. Absolutely ideal situation; two new major parties.', '>>{Susarian} : “I wanted my grandkids to see that I simply couldn’t ignore what Mr Trump was saying and doing, which revealed a character and temperament unfit for the leader of the free world” Well said.', '>>{balmergrl} : Except if none of the 4 gets >50% of the electoral votes, congress gets to decide and the [unknown] GOP nom is a shoe-in. Dam rules.', '>>{xxGrobicxx} : Nobody cares about Romney and nobody cares about Trumps tax returns. And nobody gives a single fuck about the GOP establishing refusing to endorse Trump. The silent majority will vote for Trump so we wont have Clinton.', '>>{Gawdscream} : Eil5 Why are they so pisses with him?', ">>{xxGrobicxx} : The GOP can't do that, their convention in Cleveland is going to be bad enough as it is. For those who don't know there will be thousands of people there to protest and the city allows open carry but prevents anyone from having pepper spray or gas masks. The city is also being fortified with walls, makeshift prisons are being built to arrest protesters, strict rules are in place regarding camping in the city (no camping at all and the streets must be cleared by a specific time), and travel is restricted in and around the city. Things are gonna get ugly.", ">>{Silver_Skeeter} : I'll take the mystery box Edit: Ok maybe not. But it sure is tempting.", '>>{rings_of_saturn} : NeoCons attempting to hijack Libertarian Party - not to promote LIbertarian Principles - but to hijack a means to power. Time for Libertarians to engage in a Scorched Earth policy.', '>>{Chronic_Apathy1} : Him saying he outright refuses to vote for Trump is new. The nominee of a party four years ago refusing to have anything to do with the current nominee is unprecendented in modern politics.', ">>{Chronic_Apathy1} : I'd take the mystery box over Trump for sure, since the mystery box is likely Romney or Ryan. I don't like either, but they're miles better than Trump.", '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : Mitt choked like a dog. He needs to go away.', '>>{mrsmeeseeks} : Wow, Romney has really let his inner whiny-bitch out this election cycle', ">>{BlueDogDem62} : Funny how he begged for Trump's endorsement and money last election. Trump is now changing the party and the elites are frightened.", ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : First He's a RINO. Republican in name only. He does not support the party platform . Next he has seriously damaged the republican reputation with Latinos. Latinos will outnumber whites in just a few years. The republicans have a demographics problem and they know that and the trumpster just made it worse", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : I wonder, would the current house appoint this POTUS or the newly elected house? A big enough revolution would alter the house, ya know?', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Well, daddy was in the KKK. He was pretty much doomed after that.', ">>{Gawdscream} : Yes but Americans like me are tired of politics like Romney. I'm so sick of these figure heads.", ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Honestly, if Mitt Romney campaigned against Obama as hard as he has attacked and campaigned against Trump, he might have won. It's kind of telling.", '>>{balmergrl} : I had thought not >Pursuant to the Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the House of Representatives is required to go into session **immediately** to vote for President if no candidate receives an Electoral College vote majority (270 or more votes). But, then I looked at the dates: - December 19, 2016—Meeting of Electors: The electors in each State meet to select the President and Vice President of the United States. The Electors record their votes on six “Certificates of Vote,” which are paired with the six remaining original “Certificates of Ascertainment.” The electors sign, seal and certify the packages of electoral votes and immediately send them to the Federal and State officials listed in these instructions. - December 28, 2016—Deadline for Receipt of Electoral Votes: The President of the Senate, the Archivist of the United States, and other designated Federal and State officials must have the electoral votes in hand. - January 3, 2017 - The One Hundred Fifteenth United States Congress meets - January 6, 2017—Counting Electoral Votes in Congress: The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes (unless Congress passes a law to change the date). - January 20, 2017: Inauguration of the 45th President and the 48th Vice President Still very very very risky... in my state, sadly the alternatives to corporatist establishment Dems are not very electable.', '>>{Gawdscream} : Proof? Like the proof of Hillary playing airstrike crush from her cell phone?', '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Because he ruined their scam. He ran by ignoring actual policy positions and merely used insults and bullying to appeal to a segment of voter that the GOP establishment had been manipulating for years. For years the GOP establishment had been telling these people that politicians were bad and private business was good, and at the same time hinting that a lot of their problems were caused by some type of "other" people: mexicans, muslims, "urban," liberal, etc. Then along comes Trump, a private business man, who says outrageous things about these same groups that have been to blame in these people\'s eyes for everything that has gone wrong for decades. It is really no surprise the GOP base has rejected their politicians in favor of Trump. He is everything they have been told they should want in an elected official. The GOP was going to continue playing the same game indefinitely and continue to do nothing. They were going to continue to hype up their base with social issues and then never do anything about them, all the while giving tax breaks and hand outs to the super wealthy. And when the wealth didn\'t trickle down they would always be able to find some obscure government program to blame things on and say, "see, it\'s all those dirty liberals fault." Trump has ruined this. he\'s been too blatant with his language and now the party looks racist. The fact that he\'s been all over the place policy wise makes the party look even worse. Before they could try to pass themselves off as true believers. It\'s going to be harder to do that after they support someone who strays so far at times from their beliefs.', ">>{Gawdscream} : Thanks man. This was a good read. I know for myself im just tired of watching the circus our government become. Obama cool and all but Hillary is no different than those same b.s. Republicans. I'm more shocked by Hillary crap than Trumps.", ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : You should be afraid of Trump. Authoritarianism and a huge ego, combined with a GOP congress to afraid of losing their cushy government jobs to stand up for what's right could be disastrous.", ">>{Gawdscream} : So we should all bow down to Clinton. Even Obama said she's all talk. But I guess that doesn't matter. I rather hit the reset button and wash all this corruption of spoils out!", '>>{ericools} : He could simply decline to vote for anyone. A major GOP figurehead suggesting that Gary Johnson might be the right choice is no small thing.', '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Electing a totalitarian isn\'t "hitting the reset button." If you give someone like Trump power and a compliant legislature, he will not give it back. There is this really naive view going around right now that somehow a violent revolution would instill some sort of righteous government. That\'s not at all the usual outcome of violent revolutions. Violent revolutions tend to instill dictators. That was the amazing thing about Washington. He turned down chance to be kind and instead chose to step down after 8 years in office.', ">>{ericools} : Can't anyone consider the possibility that building third parties could be relevant to more than the presidential election? Yes it is more important than any other single office, but think about what it would mean to put Greens and Libertarians in congress, at least enough of them so that it would at least one of them agreeing to tip the balance rather than this whatever side gets a majority acting like total dick bags to the other until the next election thing we have going on now.", '>>{xxGrobicxx} : That is an interesting provision considering a situation where a candidate does not win the 270 votes has never happened. If this does happen it will likely go to the Supreme Court to interpret who can be voted on as a presidential candidate.', '>>{Bishim} : At least he\'s standing up strongly against Trump. Most republican "leaders" have just rolled over.', '>>{ericools} : They may, but as a Libertarian I am not worried about it. Keeping the party pure and growing it is not possible. We do however have a better chance to get good candidates in with at least three parties, and the growth of the LP will give us the opportunity to introduce libertarian ideas to millions. I would rather be part of a somewhat influential libertarian faction in a fiscally conservative / social tolerant major party, than part of the dominant ideology of a joke party. In any case it\'s pretty clear Johnson is bringing in a lot of people from the left as well, so I don\'t think a "NeoCon" takeover is viable.', ">>{Gawdscream} : If Trump so bad and terrible for the office. What make Hillary so much better? To me all I see is corruption and the exception to all the rules. Plus it doesn't even matter Hillary won anyways. I just need to make peace with it and send my tax dollars to Washington for more social programs for people that aren't in my community nor family.", ">>{marcuslennis} : >Funny how he begged for Trump's endorsement and money last election. That's what candidates do, go around begging voters for votes and money. Doesn't mean they want any of them to be president. No idea why you think there's anything hypocritical about wanting somebody's support and money yet not wanting them to be president. Or to put it another way, is Trump a hypocrite for accepting Christie's support even though he didn't want him to be the nominee?", ">>{Snowfeecat} : Back then, it was still questionable if Trump would get the nom. People say all kinds of things against candidates they don't like but once they win, everybody coalesces. It's stunning how many in the GOP have publicly stated they refuse to vote for the GOP presumptive nominee.", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : Wow!! Just... thanks for the thorough response.', '>>{SmokeCrackWithMeBro} : Fellow Americans, please do not listen to Trump. He is the mortal enemy of the very political establishment which has failed you. Thank you. The funniest thing about his speech back in feb or march is that Trump got a bump after it.', ">>{rings_of_saturn} : Libertarian ideals just aren't what they used to be if they are dumb enough to let themselves be taken over by NeoCons. Libertarian ideals will become what ever they want them to be. Libertarian Party is being taken over just like the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street were.", ">>{ericools} : Ideologically speaking it's not the party that's important. It's our ability to introduce ideas to people. Any party or really any power structure will become corrupted if it gets large enough. The more rapid the growth the more rapid the corruption. So I don't disagree with your general idea. That said the LP is an established organization with a well established identity, and principals as well as people who have been involved with it at many levels over the long term. The Tea Party and Occupy were disorganized and ill defined movements easily co-opted by anyone who simply claimed to be a part of them. Sure given some time the NeoCons could have enough people join the LP to take over state parties and get their delegates, or candidates in place, but that compromises their own party. The GOP has a whole lot more to loose than we do. If they want to self destruct the Republican Party to come take us over, that's just funny. Many if not most politically active libertarians are registered Republicans now, If NeoCons start jumping ship to the LP the Ron Paul Republicans might be able to get away with more. Bottom line I don't care what letter a candidate has before their name. If we can get someone good in with an R in one place and an L in another that's fine with me.", ">>{BlueGaming} : It has happened before with John Adam's and Andrew Jackson in 1824", '>>{rings_of_saturn} : The Libertarian Party will no longer be a platform for libertarian ideas once the NeoCons have ransacked it like they are doing now.', '>>{escalation} : Well they might end up scrapping it out with Silicon valley over that', ">>{escalation} : A third party President would have to build new coalitions to get things done. This would drastically reduce their ability to make highly extreme moves. Johnson has demonstrated he can do this, as a two term Governor. His state didn't turn into an anarchist wasteland or anything. Or you could take a known undesireable candidate with a heavy force of entrenched congressional backing behind them. I think it is very arguable that this creates a much worse scenario.", '>>{escalation} : Fortify the area. Barricade everything around the free speech zone. Man the turrets!', '>>{escalation} : Which is exactly why we need to look very seriously at any third party candidate that can get on the ballot nationwide.', ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : Assuming that GOP nom is in the top 3. Only the top 3 of electoral votes is who the House selects from. An interesting precedent in 1824, Henry Clay thought he could prevent Andrew Jackson from getting the majority of electoral votes, which was correct. 4 candidates got electoral votes. As Clay was the Speaker of the House at the time, he thought he could easily win the Presidency at that point. The only thing is, he finished 4th, and wasn't among those that could be selected. He did work to get John Quincy Adams the Presidency despite his being down 10 points in popular vote on Andrew Jackson in what became known as the Corrupt Bargain and basically sunk any chance Clay ever had of being President.", ">>{Jake314159265359} : Trump isn't entitled? He wants Mexico to hand him a **FREE** wall.", '>>{Wombizzle} : You said "Well, daddy was in the KKK." The article *you yourself* linked says: "It\'s not clear from the context what role Fred Trump played in the brawl. The news article simply notes that seven men were arrested in the "near-riot of the parade," all of whom were represented by the same lawyers. Update: A contemporaneous article from the Daily Star notes that Trump was detained "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."" Good one dude.', '>>{Wombizzle} : aaaaand now I hate this subreddit even more than I already did', ">>{MadHatter514} : I was a proud supporter of Mitt Romney for a long time, and I'm glad to see him standing up against this (in my opinion) very negative strain in the current Republican politics. I wish he had run this time around, he would've had my vote.", ">>{TWFH} : yes, romney simply saying he'll listen to johnson is equal to neocons ransacking the party, lmao", ">>{bdsee} : Gary Johnson should offer Romney the top spot on the ticket and take the VP spot...I don't even like libertarians but that would be an incredibly smart move. Split the vote 3 ways, and Congress will pick Romney, and Gary has just made himself mainstream.", ">>{jjmc123a} : Has to be one of the top three electoral vote winners though. [Each state delegation casts one vote for one of the top three contenders to determine a winner.](http://history.house.gov/Institution/Electoral-College/Electoral-College/). So the winner can't come out of nowhere.", ">>{jjmc123a} : Nope, the new house. That changed ages ago [That means the 29 members of Congress from New York would get one vote—the same number as the single member of Congress from Montana. Right after the new Congress got sworn in, in early January, all the House members from each state would decide how to cast that state's one vote.](http://www.slate.com/blogs/spitzer/2012/10/19/electoral_college_tie_who_decides_the_next_president_and_vice_president.html)", '>>{bonersforstoners} : Except Romney is not a libertarian and it would destroy the party.', ">>{ericools} : There is a huge difference between them voting for Johnson and actually joining the party. We have a very active state party here in ND, I expect we will pull a lot of votes of Republicans in this 2-1 red state. I have yet to see any NeoCons actually show up to a party meeting. You can't take over a party by simply voting for it.", ">>{nullp0int3r90} : Mitt Romney is not a libertarian so he shouldn't be the Libertarian candidate.", '>>{bonersforstoners} : Ron Paul is the epitome of a religious pillar to the community.', ">>{MadHatter514} : I disagree. I think he would've done much better against Hillary than he did against Obama, as Hillary is far more unpopular.", ">>{rings_of_saturn} : Assuming you trust Johnson now that he's chosen an anti-gun VP", ">>{ericools} : Weld is not ideal, but he is the right person to bring the party exposure. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he will try to push any anti gun policies in the extremely hypothetical scenario where Johnson gets elected and then dies. That said I'm not all that concerned that any candidate will be able to take guns away. I think it's a silly fear. They can't even keep pot away from people. Gun owners are all armed."], ['>>{kajanana} : Helping Trump win isn’t a sign of Russian strength. It’s a sign of Russian weakness.', ">>{OrionBell} : > Their argument is that Moscow is outclassed militarily by the US and its NATO allies and buckling economically under the weight of international sanctions and low oil prices. It’s a country that’s very far from reaching the heights of power that Putin wants for it. > The hack, on this analysis, is the clearest evidence yet of how far Putin is willing to go to weaken his rivals and thus raise Russia’s relative strength. If Putin can't strengthen his country, he will weaken ours.", ">>{Richafod} : Pick a side Vox, you can't run stories about how scary and advanced Russia are while at the same time saying the whole thing shows Russian weakness.", '>>{1461DaysInHell} : As we lose the cold war, we can feel better that russia is fucked by Putin too.', ">>{cromwest} : Gambling on an unstable idiot being incharge of your greatest rival isn't exactly a position of strength. Once Trump is in power there isn't really any leverage over Trump anymore and if they do a single thing to piss Trump off they are fucked because the dude is famous for backstabbing people and revenge. If they leak something that would impeach him the person who takes Trump's place is going to be out for blood with America's full support. It's like Russia just caught a lion's tail out of desperation and are screwed if they let go or hold on.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : Peace on the terms of a dictator like Putin is not peace.', ">>{bejammin075} : Headline doesn't make sense. Trump won by the narrowest of margins, with the help of Russians. I'd say the Russians are holding some pretty strong cards in their hands. Trump likes to say he doesn't owe anybody anything, but I think he owes a lot to Putin.", ">>{TomorrowsGone85} : >Pick a side Vox, you can't run stories about how scary and advanced Russia are while at the same time saying the whole thing shows Russian weakness. Ummm yes they can. A proper news organization shouldn't only report 'one side'. I want to hear all sides and points of view about a subject and then take all of the available information and make my own decision.", ">>{Richafod} : If that's your true goal when it comes to reading the news you really shouldn't start with Vox.", ">>{Quexana} : Russia is sliding. The drop in oil prices and sanctions have hurt them dearly. They can't come close to competing with us militarily and they're closer to a third world country than a Superpower economically. Fortunately for them, a first rate cyber division is relatively cheap and if they can use that to help elect a man who will hurt America through his incompetence and temperament, and do it on the cheap, why not try it?", ">>{TomorrowsGone85} : I never said I start with Vox, it's just another source of information that may or may not add some clarity to a complex issue. But I appreciate a news source that can provide multiple points of view on issues whether I agree with it or not.", ">>{Richafod} : I was calling out a clear contradiction not two opposing views. I'd admire what your doing if you take the care to get all the information possible all I'm saying is Vox is incredibly biased as shown constantly and is not the place to find any grounded information."], [">>{d_wayne} : Fox News - Trump accused of advocating violence against Clinton with '2nd Amendment' remark", ">>{keepitgoing89} : Wait, what happened? I think I'll finally get it after 450th time it's posted.", ">>{Jamesxx27} : I can't find this article anywhere on the Fox News main page. Compared to every other news site on the internet right now, it's like they're in a separate reality.", '>>{Deceptiveideas} : Just like those Clinton emails that were posted for 6 months straight?', '>>{keepitgoing89} : Yep - the same emails that r/politics forget over night as this sub morphed into r/hillaryclintion.', '>>{sedgwickian} : > Trump accused of... *Fair and Balanced*', ">>{Satexas2} : The mods have ceded control of this sub to CTR, it's a hot mess Maybe the mods are overwhelmed but you can't have a conversation here without their silliness.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Same with CNN. They're not covering the fact that Clintons aide was just found to have lied under oath, and Clinton had Omar Mateens father at her rally and endorsed her.", '>>{GoblinHunting} : If Trump said something like this of Republicans “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun", how triggered would you be?', ">>{Smokyfirepit} : To endorse someone don't you have to be someone?", '>>{tau-lepton} : Meh, what\'s the context? It is an oft used analogy to a situation in which someone is completely unprepared to compete. "Second Amendment" solution is shorthand for shooting someone. Or is there some other meaning of that term?', '>>{moxy801} : This headline would never have been allowed on FOX if Roger Ailes was still in charge.', '>>{GoblinHunting} : >Meh, what\'s the context? It is an oft used analogy to a situation in which someone is completely unprepared to compete Yes. Very presidential. Saying that of Republicans does wonders for unity. >"Second Amendment" solution is shorthand for shooting someone. I\'ve never heard that in my life. Perhaps in your circles it\'s anoft used analogy. >Or is there some other meaning of that term? What term? I thought we we\'re talking about Trump\'s remarks about the 2nd amendment and supporters of said amendment not supporting her? Or, was this a subliminal dog whistle that only anti-Trumpers are triggered by? If that\'s the case then I firmly believe that Obama\'s comments were meant to encourage his supporters to shoot cops.', '>>{tau-lepton} : >Yes. Very presidential. Saying that of Republicans does wonders for unity. So? Is it a threat? No. >What term? "Second Amendment" solution >she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don\'t know', '>>{GoblinHunting} : >So? Is it a threat? No. Yes. Clearly a threat. >"Second Amendment" solution she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don\'t know So, you\'re saying supporters of the 2nd amendment have to support her? There\'s nothing they can do?', '>>{tau-lepton} : What did he mean? This? >It’s called the power of unification — 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.” ?', '>>{sedgwickian} : The "accused" puts the focus on the way people interpreted what he said. The story becomes "libruls misunderstood Trump" rather than on the fact that Trump said something that could easily be interpreted as advocating violence against Clinton.', ">>{GoblinHunting} : Correct. Which speaks to what Trump was saying that the second amendment people, which are not only Republicans, can decide the outcome of this election if they cherish the 2nd amendment. Suggesting that this was some type of implicit statement advocating for someone to off Hillary is retraded just like the Trump kicks babies out of his rallies and the Russians were behind the DNC leaks and are tied to Trump. It's just nonsense and I firmly believe that you know that.", '>>{tau-lepton} : >“By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks “Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don\'t know" So they decide after she "picks judges", how does that work?', '>>{GoblinHunting} : >So they decide after she "picks judges", how does that work? They don\'t vote for Hillary that\'s how. By not voting for her and another candidate wins (any other candidate) you\'ve essentially prevented Hillary from picking liberal judges who might have a different interpretation of the 2nd amendment that conflicts with many Republicans, Democrats, Libertarian, Green, Communist, Independent, or Socialist interpretation of the 2nd amendment.', '>>{tau-lepton} : She can\'t pick judges until after she is president. Trump specifically says there\'s nothing that can be done except maybe "Second Amendment people", he\'s talking about responses to picking liberal judges.', ">>{GoblinHunting} : >She can't pick judges until after she is president. So...............to prevent her from picking judges after she's president you would need her to prevent her from BEING president. You're reaching man Edit: I don't even like Trump but these made up controversies are really getting annoying. Kicked out baby, Russians, Trump threatening Hillary... ugh", ">>{tau-lepton} : > nothing you can do, > though second amendment people, maybe there is. It's not a hard sentence to parse.", '>>{GoblinHunting} : >nothing you can do, >though second amendment people, maybe there is. Like.............not voting for her? >It\'s not a hard sentence to parse. Neither was the "kicking the baby out" remarks but that took on a strange liberal interpretation. Known to be completely unfounded and bogus.'], ['>>{SaltHash} : Milo should stay in his safe space with the Breitbart alt-right racists.', '>>{falsegarnier} : GOOD, his opinions are dangerous and need to be shut down, when will he learn that not everyone agrees with him?!!!', '>>{ohheyitsdeejay} : Frustratingly, this is what he and his supporters will point to and scream "liberal safe spaces!"', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : The first amendment protect speech from Federal suppression. Not protects an alt0right asshole from reasonable protests And UC Davis is within its rights to maintain a conducive learning environment, even if it means that Nazis, the at-right or other "free" market Ayn Rand hate needs to go elsewhere', ">>{moto_otom} : So you liberal fucking hypocrites preach tolerance and freedom of speech except when it doesn't suit you. Fucking idiots. The advantage your group has is the sheer amount of God damn idiots in the country looking for handouts.", ">>{Kuro207} : TIL protesters don't have a right to free speech.", ">>{Gishin} : The alt-right is incapable of being truthful. If they were truthful, everyone not on their side would think they're just racist idiots.", ">>{RoadsideBandit} : I'm not a fan of Milo Yiannopoulos but he has the right to speak. /u/falsegarnier are you saying that people don't have this right (in America) if everyone doesn't agree with them?", '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : He actually calls himself a super villain? How is that supposed to help his "cause"?', '>>{Loxodontist} : Why do universities keep inviting this guy? He has nothing to say.', ">>{Telot_Likatiz} : I don't view shouting people down as denying their right to free speech. It's absurd to look at it that way.", ">>{moto_otom} : Your right to free speech ends when you take away someone else's right to free speech. Your rights are not greater than someone else's. That's the plain simple fucking point that the left doesn't understand. How many protestors did you see try and disrupt Obama's farewell address? Oh yea. None. But if Trump wants to give a speech you cause so much fucking commotion that it's safer to cancel the event than to proceed. Unbelievable hypocrisy.", '>>{TuLegit2quit} : Gotta love that tolerance of opposing views. Shows a lot of maturity among the protesters.', ">>{ienfull} : Okay. Deny us our freedom of expression. Don't complain when we do it to you.", ">>{twomousepads} : I don't know who Milo is, but according to his Wikipedia page he has no education. If he has no (or an incomplete) education, why is he being invited to a University to speak? Has he discovered an interesting new science that the students at UC Davis need to explore?", '>>{Argikeraunos} : Fascists expect liberal tolerance but refuse to extend it to others. This is a more-than appropriate response to this toxic little man, whenever and wherever he tries to speak.', '>>{falsegarnier} : Of course he can say what he wants, but there is a limit. The good of the country comes first, and what he says is divisive and wrong.', '>>{Clearnews} : Pretty sure Milo is the one fighting against safe spaces, and his freedom of speech was banned by safe spacers. Funny these fascists are saying Trump is the fascist, ha!', ">>{m-a0985469y6tw-} : He's just a troll, feeding him like this gives him attention, many 'conservatives' have a racket like this, including ben shapiro.", ">>{BaumerS4} : Please explain how Milo's First Amendment rights are violated in this case?", '>>{Bigpiganddig} : You do realize that Ayn Rand was THE major defender of America versus Russia? US Davis resembles old soviet Russia with thier censorship, this whole thing is backwards.', ">>{JaisBit} : It isn't an intolerance to opposing views, it's an intolerance to racist and sexist propaganda. Do you think Milo is interested in having an open dialogue in which he considers the opposing views of people who disagree with him? No, he just wants to stand on his soapbox, and spout his hateful rhetoric.", ">>{SpiffShientz} : Actually, if you'd read the article, you would know that the university itself didn't cancel the speech, it was the college Republican group that had originally hired him. They decided he wasn't worth the trouble.", '>>{TuLegit2quit} : > Do you think Milo is interested in having an open dialogue in which he considers the opposing views of people who disagree with him? He has offered to participated in debates with his critics on multiple occasions going all the way back to gamer-gate. So i would say yes.', ">>{SpiffShientz} : Well read the article, man - it was a private group of college republicans who decided to cancel the speech. I know it doesn't fit into your narrative, but there are no liberal PC police looking to shut you down", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : no one is denying his freedom of speech they are denying him free use of a forum... their space why doesn't he reach into his pocket, pay to rent out a different space, and speak there he's not an american, he doesn't hold citizenship here... why should he be granted use of that space?", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : milo isn't american, he doesn't hold citizenship here. he is greek and british. no one has denied his freedom to speak, only the forum to speak in he is free to reach into his own pocket, pay to rent another space, and speak there why should california tax payers pay to host a foreigner?", '>>{stonedhillbilly} : Also the police have backed that up as well. >Yiannoppoulos said that the event was cancled due to violence, but this was disputed by the police, who said that there was no evidence of violence or property distruction, and no arrests.', ">>{moto_otom} : You literally have zero comprehension of the constitution. Individuals such as yourself have no business existing in a society with rights such as freedom of speech if you think this way. You have every RIGHT to not listen to Trump same as I have the right to listen to him. If he comes to town and YOU protest outside in such a way that can cause physical harm to me or anyone else that wants to listen to Trump, then your right to free speech is forfeited. This isn't fucking open to interpretation.", ">>{JaisBit} : I've seen his idea of debates, in which he shouts people down with insults. Also, are we talking about the same gamer-gate in which women who expressed their views were harassed with rape and death threats? I don't remember Milo doing much to discourage that. So much respect for opposing views that guy has!", ">>{ienfull} : Why would it be frightening to have your political opinions silenced? It's an established fact that some opinions are wrong. Now that the alt-right's preferred candidate is in power, our opponents opinions will be wrong. We need to silence those wrong opinions for the good of the nation. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to spread their hatred and bigotry, and that's what the left has done for too long.", ">>{mangabalanga} : Not sure if sarcasm, but I'll bite. Why would it be frightening to be silenced? Well, generally, when someone goes to cover your mouth, the next thing they do is far worse.", ">>{BaumerS4} : Again, how were Milo's First Amendment rights violated? Please show me how the government violated his rights.", ">>{RoadsideBandit} : I also don't view shouting people down to be denying their right to free speech. Opinions are open to criticism. Note my original comment was to /u/falsegarnier who could have been saying that only acceptable views are allowed. /u/falsegarnier clarified this in a followup comment.", ">>{Clearnews} : Ok, so you're saying violent protestors were not to blame for the cancellation and that instead the group which invited Milo to speak should be to blame for canceling the event? If anything, the protestors are acting like a bunch of monkeys and the college republican were acting with prudence.", '>>{JaisBit} : He came up from the whole gamer-gate (bowel) movement.', ">>{Bigpiganddig} : Yikes! You seriously trying to say that?! The college republicans shut it down BECAUSE THE PROTESTORS WERE CAUSING PHYSICAL HARM. Liberals are why we can't have nice things.", ">>{jimbozak} : Thank you for letting me post the article. I'll keep on topic next time!", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : no one denied him anything other than free use of their forum milo isn't american... why should american taxpayers pony up the expenses involved in his event?? he can reach into his own pocket, and spend his own money to go rent out a space and speak to his hearts content. i don't support paying for foreigners to exercise american rights", ">>{SpiffShientz} : Nice try. Protestors weren't getting violent. Don't shop that fake shit around here.", '>>{SpiffShientz} : The protestors were entertaining their right to peaceful assembly. The College Republicans made their own decision, not really blaming them. And heads-up, "monkeys" is probably a term you wanna drop from your lexicon when referring to people.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : The title is confusing you Nobody is denying him freedom of exression. It's just that he has created a safety issue there.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Liberals are why we can\'t have nice things. No, the absence of capitalist exploitation is why "we" can\'t have "nice" things - which are slave labor created', ">>{ienfull} : > It's just that he has created a safety issue there. No, his ideological enemies have created a safety issue there. The violence is coming from the LEFT. They are attacking those on the RIGHT. How can the right be blamed for leftist violence?", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Pretty sure Milo is the one fighting against safe spaces, no he's not. He's demanding an alt0-right racist safe space > and his freedom of speech was banned by safe spacers. No, it was denied by proper authorities, after seeing the kind of damage Milo causes > Funny these fascists are saying Trump is the fascist, ha! Actually, no the progressives are saying T-Rump's a fascist", ">>{falsegarnier} : Can we all not just agree that he's wrong, and needs to banned from all campuses? It should be that easy...", '>>{Bigpiganddig} : Yes they were. The college republicans saved the day from the vicious unruly liberals. Like night and day with how conservatives acted after losing to obama.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > No, his ideological enemies have created a safety issue there. No, he created the safety issue > The violence is coming from the LEFT. They are attacking those on the RIGHT. How can the right be blamed for leftist violence? No, it's not. The police clearly stated there was no damage, and that the racist misogynist was lying. The College Republicans cancelled the klan rally for their own reasons. He's got to learn he's not entitled to just show up and expect a forum for his racist hate. Those who support communism have better than he does, and you don't hear that the wholde nation has to let them publicly speak. ook at how many Americans of cuban race who protest Castro while knowing nothing about him. You wouldn't break up their terror, would you?", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Like night and day with how conservatives acted after losing to obama. It is. I do remember the racist disruptions that went on for a long time At the very end, most of Obama's problems were caused by these racists", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Actually, the alt-right racists are the force, or attempting it', ">>{Clearnews} : OMG you think that was peaceful! They WERE acting like monkeys- I'm surprised none of the liberals actually threw their own shit. Campus safety acknowledged they couldn't keep the speakers safe. Things were getting increasingly violent and the event had to be cancelled to ensure safety. NOT PEACEFUL - tactics used by nazis and animals", ">>{AdmrHalsey} : Freedom of speech also encompasses the notion that people can hear others speak. He was invited by students who plainly have, or at least should have, first amendment rights. There is a body law that addresses the heckler's veto. The general idea is that mobs should not be allowed to squelch free speech through disruptive actions.", ">>{stonedhillbilly} : eh... if he was american, you might get some concern from me but he's not, so why the hell should US taxpayers cover his expenses i'm sure there is a facility in town he could pay for himself and speak at he can speak, they can listen... joe taxpayer shouldn't have to pay for that besides, this thread has already been modded as off topic", ">>{TuLegit2quit} : Nah we are talking about the gamer-gate where publications that are allegedly focused on the gaming world and gaming culture covered up their unethical behavior regarding game reviews and un-disclosed personal or financial relationships with the game developers. The gaming media didn't like being called out for their unethical behavior so they turned on their consumer base. Everything beyond that is simply a distraction from the issue that gamers were upset about.", '>>{fuzzyfuzz} : Then "Joe Taxpayer" also shouldn\'t pay when Richard Dawkins comes to speak either? I saw him speak when I was in college and greatly appreciated it even though he isn\'t an American. I\'m not going to defend Milo and his views or the views of the people who want to see him talk, but you\'re playing the same bullshit mental gymnastics game that we all complain about the right playing. Your point is nothing more than goal post moving. You wouldn\'t apply that to other people, but it fits for your needs in this one instance. That\'s not a good ethic platform to build your views upon, and that doesn\'t sway people to join your side. Shutting down the opposition isn\'t the way to move forward. Having actual conversation is. Milo has been willing to participate in some actual debates that had a better format than what we use for the presidential debates, [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsNudSARKZ4). Regardless of your views of either side, I\'d like to think that people can see that allowing this sort of well moderated debate is far more beneficial to public discourse than blocking the entrance of an event.', '>>{fuzzyfuzz} : I thought [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsNudSARKZ4) was a great debate format. The moderator did a good job, both sides of crazy were able to get their views out there.', ">>{stonedhillbilly} : > but you're playing the same bullshit mental gymnastics game that we all complain about the right playing shhhh... damnit... leave me alone and let me toy with them jeez, if you know what i'm doing, you know why i'm doing it", ">>{fuzzyfuzz} : This is a poor argument. I bet you wouldn't make this argument if it was Richard Dawkins that was coming to speak. I'm not a Milo fan, but just pointing out that this is a weak argument.", '>>{stonedhillbilly} : > I bet you wouldn\'t make this argument if it was Richard Dawkins what makes you think that? i don\'t think that US public schools, tuition, and taypayer money should fund any foreigner using the space. period. they can pay up, or go away. space ain\'t cheap, time ain\'t cheap, utilities ain\'t cheap, security ain\'t cheap that\'s why he "get\'s invited by students" to these things i\'m sure there is an event hall he could rent out and dick dawkins too and whatever muslim of the week wants to come a speak welcome to the land of the free, pay your own damn way']]
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['>>{OBAMA_IN_MY_ANUS} : Hillary Clinton Tells Jimmy Kimmel Health Rumors Are ‘Wacky Strategy’ Against Her', '>>{l3lack1} : Donald Trump Detroit remarks: "We must reduce, rather than highlight, issues of race."', ">>{Cyclone_1} : As someone who has no dog in this fight, it's staggering how much Trump has made this far more difficult than it never needed to be against someone as unpopular as Hillary Clinton. Instead of talking about actual issues of importance, we are talking about a far-right accusation that Hillary Clinton has some kind of rare brain disease or...whatever smut they are peddling.", '>>{njmaverick} : Donald is pandering to his bigotted racist white voters with that one', '>>{retnuh730} : I remember how the Civil Rights movement and desegregation was all accomplished by blacks minimizing race and not making a scene', '>>{InSuTruckyTrailer} : Clinton said that it “absolutely makes no sense” to spread the rumors about her health. “I don’t go around questioning Donald Trump’s health. As far as I can tell, he’s as healthy as a horse.” [That looks about right] (http://www.equisearch.com/content/content/23472/shutterstock_2669230.jpg)', ">>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : He clearly doesn't want to talk about actual issues of importance because that's not an area where he is remotely strong.", '>>{justjack48} : This is what happens when people decide they want a candidate who "isn\'t a politician". Unsurprisingly they\'re not very good at it.', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Let's not talk about this problem has never in the history of the world been an effective way of addressing that problem.", '>>{Cyclone_1} : To be fair, though, there are people who "aren\'t politicians" that might make half-decent candidates and then there is whatever the fuck Donald Trump is.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Diddlin' Donnie's solutions to problems is just to ignore them and hope they'll go away? What a leader. So presidential.", '>>{miashaee} : Burying your head in the sand has never been how you solve civil rights/race relations issues........like ever.', ">>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : As someone who also has no dog in the fight, Hillary's health is a very important issue.", '>>{Cyclone_1} : Sure but not when you have conspiracy theorists on the far-right making shit up and then running with it like it is truth.', ">>{billyjoesam} : Unbelievably, Morgan Freeman also believes we shouldn't talk about race anymore. So, I guess the moral is, if it's not affecting you, it's not a problem.", ">>{Antnee83} : Oh, I'd be happy to move to the back of the bus! It's just a seat, after all This is all just... surreal, isn't it?", ">>{annoyingstranger} : He wants to 'reduce issues' without highlighting what they are?", '>>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : Ah so you do have a dog in the fight? Does it bark or bite?', ">>{johnfrance} : If you just stopped bringing up this race stuff it wouldn't be an issue! Just *act* white already and things will be fine", ">>{Cyclone_1} : Nope. I really don't. I cannot stand Hillary Clinton and will not be voting for her. Trump, on the other hand, is just such a colossal fuck up.", ">>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : Why? If she dies then we get president Kaine. Which most people who would find President Clinton to be acceptable wouldn't be at all horrified by.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : Stop lying. You're a trump supporter clinging to idiotic conspiracy theories.", '>>{ScienceBreathingDrgn} : No doubt. "Reduce" = ignore If issues of race are ignored, then nothing has to change, which is exactly what they want.', '>>{AndyInAtlanta} : It echos a larger issue. Trump\'s entire message is, "Pick me, I don\'t know anything about politics because I\'ve never been a politician." Its an odd rally cry that\'s attracted a lot of people. The game he\'s playing is pretty much the only game he knows. If Clinton, who I agree isn\'t the best choice, and Trump start talking about the conflict in the Middle East, I promise the only word out of his mouth with be ISIS. I honestly don\'t think he knows the difference between a Sunni or Shiite is, but only that they are both "Muslims".', ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : It is and it isn't. It is very important that she's healthy enough to be President. In the same regard, if her doctors say she's healthy its unproductive for websites like Breitbart to insinuate that she's on her death bed. We're spending way too much time listening to people without any direct knowledge of her health, or any medical degree whatsoever, diagnose her on TV.", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : You guys just don't understand the goal here. He's trying to achieve negative votes from the AA community.", ">>{Cyclone_1} : Yeah. I understand why people are frustrated at the failing systems and institutions that have all been 100% outed as indifferent to anything or anyone that doesn't make them money. I think they are dangerously misdirecting their anger by supporting a moron like Trump. And I agree he probably doesn't know the nuances between Sunni or Shiite or...much of anything, really. However, I do think Hillary is portrayed as this genius in foreign policy given her time as SoS but I think it's largely undeserved. But, rather than debate her on issues like that, as we saw in the Democratic primary with Bernie and Hillary, we're instead talking about bullshit like a rare brain disease. It's absolutely asinine to me.", ">>{The_DaHowie} : Is what you're meaning to highlight actually a cultural issue and has nothing to do with race?", '>>{Hewfe} : She\'s correct. She knows because she did the same thing to Sanders when she tried to paint him as a pro-Sandy Hook misogynist who needed to watch his "tone".', ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : A good debate moderator should force them to debate foreign policy issues. Will that happen, time will tell, but I'm hopefully someone will force Trump to legit debate foreign policy.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I personally know a lot of people who have concerns about her health now. Trump supporters, Third Party supporters, and even Hillary supporters. Evidently the "wacky strategy" is gaining ground.', '>>{chornu} : Can we stop posting "sources" that consist of one giant quoted paragraph and a couple of original sentences? Plenty of other sources, including actual news outlets, have written about this and provide much more information.', '>>{Stavello34} : I think what he means is lets not look at every situation in this country through the simplistic lens of race. Let us see people as individuals and not as members of separate racial groups locked in a never ending power struggle. This is going to be a very tough sell to leftists because so much of their ideology is based on things like a persons race and or gender deciding their standing in society and not their individual choices and actions.', ">>{Boxy310} : It's all the lobbying amongst the Reverse Vampires she's been doing recently.", '>>{Peter_Sparker_} : I would say Dr. Drew knows a thing or two within the medical field.', ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : Yes, he knows a great deal about diseases and internal medicine. That said, you can't diagnose someone based on what you see on TV. That's bad practice.", '>>{ricdesi} : I would say a doctor worth their salt would insist on personally examining a patient before making speculative claims about their health.', ">>{ricdesi} : She's not used to not having to campaign to keep her lead.", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : Gosh, I sure hope Trump doesn't break a leg...", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : It is certainly an important issue. Fortunately, her doctors have assured us that there's nothing to worry about.", '>>{druuconian} : > Instead of talking about actual issues of importance, we are talking about a far-right accusation that Hillary Clinton has some kind of rare brain disease or...whatever smut they are peddling. Every third word out of every Trump surrogate\'s mouth this week should have been "emails" followed by "missing." His total inability to drive a consistent persuasive narrative against his opponent is still a thing to behold.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{OBAMA_IN_MY_ANUS} : Hillary Clinton Tells Jimmy Kimmel Health Rumors Are ‘Wacky Strategy’ Against Her', ">>{Cyclone_1} : As someone who has no dog in this fight, it's staggering how much Trump has made this far more difficult than it never needed to be against someone as unpopular as Hillary Clinton. Instead of talking about actual issues of importance, we are talking about a far-right accusation that Hillary Clinton has some kind of rare brain disease or...whatever smut they are peddling.", '>>{InSuTruckyTrailer} : Clinton said that it “absolutely makes no sense” to spread the rumors about her health. “I don’t go around questioning Donald Trump’s health. As far as I can tell, he’s as healthy as a horse.” [That looks about right] (http://www.equisearch.com/content/content/23472/shutterstock_2669230.jpg)', ">>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : He clearly doesn't want to talk about actual issues of importance because that's not an area where he is remotely strong.", '>>{justjack48} : This is what happens when people decide they want a candidate who "isn\'t a politician". Unsurprisingly they\'re not very good at it.', '>>{Cyclone_1} : To be fair, though, there are people who "aren\'t politicians" that might make half-decent candidates and then there is whatever the fuck Donald Trump is.', ">>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : As someone who also has no dog in the fight, Hillary's health is a very important issue.", '>>{Cyclone_1} : Sure but not when you have conspiracy theorists on the far-right making shit up and then running with it like it is truth.', '>>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : Ah so you do have a dog in the fight? Does it bark or bite?', ">>{Cyclone_1} : Nope. I really don't. I cannot stand Hillary Clinton and will not be voting for her. Trump, on the other hand, is just such a colossal fuck up.", ">>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : Why? If she dies then we get president Kaine. Which most people who would find President Clinton to be acceptable wouldn't be at all horrified by.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : Stop lying. You're a trump supporter clinging to idiotic conspiracy theories.", '>>{AndyInAtlanta} : It echos a larger issue. Trump\'s entire message is, "Pick me, I don\'t know anything about politics because I\'ve never been a politician." Its an odd rally cry that\'s attracted a lot of people. The game he\'s playing is pretty much the only game he knows. If Clinton, who I agree isn\'t the best choice, and Trump start talking about the conflict in the Middle East, I promise the only word out of his mouth with be ISIS. I honestly don\'t think he knows the difference between a Sunni or Shiite is, but only that they are both "Muslims".', ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : It is and it isn't. It is very important that she's healthy enough to be President. In the same regard, if her doctors say she's healthy its unproductive for websites like Breitbart to insinuate that she's on her death bed. We're spending way too much time listening to people without any direct knowledge of her health, or any medical degree whatsoever, diagnose her on TV.", ">>{Cyclone_1} : Yeah. I understand why people are frustrated at the failing systems and institutions that have all been 100% outed as indifferent to anything or anyone that doesn't make them money. I think they are dangerously misdirecting their anger by supporting a moron like Trump. And I agree he probably doesn't know the nuances between Sunni or Shiite or...much of anything, really. However, I do think Hillary is portrayed as this genius in foreign policy given her time as SoS but I think it's largely undeserved. But, rather than debate her on issues like that, as we saw in the Democratic primary with Bernie and Hillary, we're instead talking about bullshit like a rare brain disease. It's absolutely asinine to me.", '>>{Hewfe} : She\'s correct. She knows because she did the same thing to Sanders when she tried to paint him as a pro-Sandy Hook misogynist who needed to watch his "tone".', ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : A good debate moderator should force them to debate foreign policy issues. Will that happen, time will tell, but I'm hopefully someone will force Trump to legit debate foreign policy.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I personally know a lot of people who have concerns about her health now. Trump supporters, Third Party supporters, and even Hillary supporters. Evidently the "wacky strategy" is gaining ground.', '>>{chornu} : Can we stop posting "sources" that consist of one giant quoted paragraph and a couple of original sentences? Plenty of other sources, including actual news outlets, have written about this and provide much more information.', ">>{Boxy310} : It's all the lobbying amongst the Reverse Vampires she's been doing recently.", '>>{Peter_Sparker_} : I would say Dr. Drew knows a thing or two within the medical field.', ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : Yes, he knows a great deal about diseases and internal medicine. That said, you can't diagnose someone based on what you see on TV. That's bad practice.", '>>{ricdesi} : I would say a doctor worth their salt would insist on personally examining a patient before making speculative claims about their health.', ">>{ricdesi} : She's not used to not having to campaign to keep her lead.", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : Gosh, I sure hope Trump doesn't break a leg...", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : It is certainly an important issue. Fortunately, her doctors have assured us that there's nothing to worry about.", '>>{druuconian} : > Instead of talking about actual issues of importance, we are talking about a far-right accusation that Hillary Clinton has some kind of rare brain disease or...whatever smut they are peddling. Every third word out of every Trump surrogate\'s mouth this week should have been "emails" followed by "missing." His total inability to drive a consistent persuasive narrative against his opponent is still a thing to behold.'], ['>>{l3lack1} : Donald Trump Detroit remarks: "We must reduce, rather than highlight, issues of race."', '>>{njmaverick} : Donald is pandering to his bigotted racist white voters with that one', '>>{retnuh730} : I remember how the Civil Rights movement and desegregation was all accomplished by blacks minimizing race and not making a scene', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Let's not talk about this problem has never in the history of the world been an effective way of addressing that problem.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Diddlin' Donnie's solutions to problems is just to ignore them and hope they'll go away? What a leader. So presidential.", '>>{miashaee} : Burying your head in the sand has never been how you solve civil rights/race relations issues........like ever.', ">>{billyjoesam} : Unbelievably, Morgan Freeman also believes we shouldn't talk about race anymore. So, I guess the moral is, if it's not affecting you, it's not a problem.", ">>{Antnee83} : Oh, I'd be happy to move to the back of the bus! It's just a seat, after all This is all just... surreal, isn't it?", ">>{annoyingstranger} : He wants to 'reduce issues' without highlighting what they are?", ">>{johnfrance} : If you just stopped bringing up this race stuff it wouldn't be an issue! Just *act* white already and things will be fine", '>>{ScienceBreathingDrgn} : No doubt. "Reduce" = ignore If issues of race are ignored, then nothing has to change, which is exactly what they want.', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : You guys just don't understand the goal here. He's trying to achieve negative votes from the AA community.", ">>{The_DaHowie} : Is what you're meaning to highlight actually a cultural issue and has nothing to do with race?", '>>{Stavello34} : I think what he means is lets not look at every situation in this country through the simplistic lens of race. Let us see people as individuals and not as members of separate racial groups locked in a never ending power struggle. This is going to be a very tough sell to leftists because so much of their ideology is based on things like a persons race and or gender deciding their standing in society and not their individual choices and actions.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Lord_Yupa} : Corsair is building a 'category-defying' gaming PC.", '>>{aj_thenoob} : > No specs or details are available yet, but the promise is that it’s "a machine built from the ground up to power anything and everything you love to do." Sounds like a whole lotta nothing so far. But I expect desktop-like performance in a small form factor. With the power efficient 1060 and the like, it should work like it does in laptops at the very least.', ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : Awesome! Yeah I made the switch from Android about a month ago and I couldn't be happier. I'm glad to hear it all worked out for you as well.", ">>{joepreen} : I made the same switch (s7 edge to 7 plus) about a week ago. Main reasons were battery life and quality of apps. The s7 edge was a fantastic phone but I hated not knowing how long the battery would last, some days it would be great and other days it would be awful for no reason. I was endlessly resetting the phone and force closing apps to try and alleviate this but I shouldn't have to do that. It's true what they say about iPhones, THEY JUST WORK.", '>>{aubonpaine} : The most important lines from the new intelligence report on Russia’s hacking', '>>{LonelyPleasantHart} : I really like my course air products I really really like em :)', '>>{Martincbk} : What bluetooth devices do you use? Also made the switch 1 week ago from Nexus 6P to 7+ and I could not be happier!', ">>{weightloss89} : Wouldn't you know it? Trump focused on that part about how they didn't directly influence the tallying of votes.", ">>{woowoo293} : > Russia used trolls as well as [its state-funded television network] RT as part of its influence efforts to denigrate Secretary Clinton. This effort amplified stories on scandals about Secretary Clinton and the role of WikiLeaks in the election campaign. This is what I sort of find darkly hilarious. So many people on reddit, on the right *and the left*, were up in arms about legions of CTR (Correct the Record) shills manipulating sites like reddit in favor of Hillary. Meanwhile every other day, there's an RT story on the frontpage.", ">>{veniceinperil} : That's it. You mean the part where Putin himself directly ordered that Secretary Clinton's credibility and electability be damaged in favor of Trump.", '>>{PDubsinTF} : The FBI Are “Super Pissed Off” At White House For Improperly And Inaccurately Making Public Statements About Clinton Email Scandal', '>>{accountforrunning} : When people are looking to try out a new OS or phone they will search for posts like this. So I mean you could just ignore it or instead be a jackass. Choice is yours.', ">>{rudekoffenris} : Corsair is fine but do they make their own MB and GPUs? I don't think they do so they will just be a new attempt at what Alienware used to be.", ">>{Ohmiglob} : >It's also worth noting here that a widely held Democratic belief — 52 percent, according to one poll — that Russia hacked the actual vote isn't supported. If a quarter of the country actually believes this than I would focus on it too.", '>>{RapistNextDoor} : I use jaybird headphones, the Bluetooth/Spotify app on my home theater receiver, and Bluetooth in my cars.', '>>{elliotron} : The CIA, the FBI, and the NSA maintain they can\'t disclose their methods. What they can disclose is that it looks like previous Russian attempts to influence opinions in other countries: >"By their nature, Russian influence campaigns are multifaceted and designed to be deniable because they use a mix of agents of influence, cutouts, front organizations, and false-flag operations. Moscow demonstrated this during the Ukraine crisis in 2014, when Russia deployed forces and advisers to eastern Ukraine and denied it publicly." And that it was ordered by Putin: >"We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence." And executed by Russian intelligence agencies under false-flag operations: >"We assess with high confidence that Russian military intelligence (General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate or GRU) used the Guccifer 2.0 persona and DCLeaks.com to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets and relayed material to WikiLeaks." But yeah, to anyone who wouldn\'t want the election to be delegitimized by reading an article about a report supported by the consensus of the three largest intelligence and law enforcement organizations in the USA, yes. "That\'s it."', '>>{tengen} : Nope. My guess would be something like: 7600k-7700k, Z270 mobo, 1060-1080, 16-32gb vengeance, cooled by a H110i, bunch of RGB AF fans, RM/SF PSU, corsair MATX case, all preassembled and warrantied for the low low price of $1500-2500. Maybe throw in a mouse or KB accessory.', ">>{SNStains} : Trump campaign manager: The polls are wrong because we have 'undercover Trump voters'", ">>{elliotron} : Fair enough. But you know the reason Trump is focusing on it is the same reason he was focusing on 2,000,000 illegal Californian votes. People believing he shouldn't be in charge of the country hurts his feelings.", ">>{Guck_Mal} : Corsair makes way more parts of this, than Apple makes for any of their PC's and laptops.", ">>{DwarvenRedshirt} : Not sure why they're surprised. The thump thump sound as you get tossed under the bus is common in this administration...", ">>{rudekoffenris} : I wouldn't buy a mac for gaming either. Cases are great, but if it isn't a motherboard, or a graphics card, what else is significantly different for a gaming pc?", '>>{marrowser} : Apple is definitely *not* the gold standard for electronics.', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : I\'m surprised by how often they say high confidence. That\'s the intel equivalent of "fucking definitely" right? We also have confirmation (high confidence) that they hacked the RNC as well but did not disclose. >There has been chatter about whether Russia tried to hack Republicans. The report says it made some efforts against Republicans, but didn\'t disseminate the information — another piece of evidence that leads to the conclusion it was helping Trump.', '>>{wraithtek} : Undercover may as well mean "imaginary."', ">>{Unheard} : I made the switch from the LG v20 over to the iPhone 7 Plus the other night as well. JOD from TMobile has turned me into a monster though, so I imagine I'll be on to another phone in 3 months or so.", ">>{youksdpr} : What does that mean? Does he really think people are lying in anonymous polls? What benefit does that have? This isn't like you are in a room full of people and are afraid to state your opinion because you are afraid how the room will react. This polls are done anonymously over the phone and mostly done with a robot now, not even a live person.", ">>{Bellevue3} : The FBI hasn't even conformed there's an investigation. Maybe the FBI should conform that before saying there's a problem talking about something they don't have the guts to confirm.", '>>{Unheard} : RemindMe! 3 Months "What phone do I have now?"', '>>{servercookie} : lets hope the price tag is not to expensive, normaly with these types of computers they put a ridicilouse price tag on it like the alienware computers. I would rather build my own custom pc, and u normaly get alot more for your cash that way.', ">>{RemindMeBot} : I will be messaging you on [**2017-04-27 21:41:08 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2017-04-27 21:41:08 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5qhts8/finally_made_the_switch/dcztm54) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5qhts8/finally_made_the_switch/dcztm54]%0A%0ARemindMe! 3 Months ) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete Comment&message=Delete! dcztnz7) _____ |[^(FAQs)](http://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/24duzp/remindmebot_info/)|[^(Custom)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[LINK INSIDE SQUARE BRACKETS else default to FAQs]%0A%0ANOTE: Don't forget to add the time options after the command.%0A%0ARemindMe!)|[^(Your Reminders)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List Of Reminders&message=MyReminders!)|[^(Feedback)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBotWrangler&subject=Feedback)|[^(Code)](https://github.com/SIlver--/remindmebot-reddit)|[^(Browser Extensions)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/4kldad/remindmebot_extensions/) |-|-|-|-|-|-|", ">>{justjack48} : If people are reluctant to openly support your campaign out of fear for retribution or being associated with it's hateful message, you've already lost.", ">>{iamkanthalaraghu} : I made the switch a month ago, except for the ability to download stuff from the Internet, i don't miss anything. Exceptional Camera, no lag, Up to date OS, great features including 3D Touch and Secure.", '>>{the92jays} : > Pick 1: > "Polls miss our voters\' enthusiasm, as you can see at giant rallies!" > "Our voters are too ashamed to admit they\'re supporting us!" https://twitter.com/natesilver538/status/768459394887614465', ">>{SOSpammy} : I'm still in disbelief that there's a market for prebuilt PC's (outside of gaming laptops, they satisfy a particular niche) when it's easier than ever to build one yourself. Even if you aren't comfortable building it yourself, everyone has that friend who knows how to do it that you can pay a little bit of money to build it for you.", ">>{lawfairy} : Our contacts at the FBI and the Justice Department Oh hey! I have friends who work at the FBI and DOJ too! Does that mean I have an inside scoop? Spoiler: they're voting for Hillary! Lols! Seriously, this piece is laughable. No legitimate sources, no real information, no professionalism. Not sure what else you expect from Fox News though.", '>>{hobbes305} : Probably referring to stuffing the ballot boxes in key districts and sending in a shitload of forged absentee ballots', ">>{DarkPrinny} : No they don't make their own MB, GPU, RAM...etc Most things they just slap their name on but they do make their cases. The nice thing is they have a reputation to only use good or decent quality parts so you never have to worry you are getting shit. That was OCZs issue. Gold mixed with turd", '>>{IIIRUCKUSllI} : You can download stuff. Safari does it. But u recommend dolphin Web browser for downloads', '>>{rudekoffenris} : I really like their RAM and PSU, and I have of case of theirs that is an engineering wonder of the world. But those things do not a computer vendor make.', ">>{weightloss89} : Sounds like you'd be a better President than LilDickDonny.", '>>{70ms} : The FBI *did* confirm it was an investigation, weeks ago. How was your trip to Mars?', ">>{Ohmiglob} : God no, I'd spend the first 100 days trying to enact FDRs second bill of rights, and the next 1000 or so just hitting my head against the Oval Office desk at how futile it all was.", ">>{ElPlywood} : Pretzels are looking at her and saying *how in the fuck did she - ahhh I don't know*.", '>>{dobriygoodwin} : Curious about the price. I built my PC from scratch (800$) two years ago, when i checked already built PC on market with same specs it would cost me 1100$. Why would people who are able to build by themselves spend more money?', ">>{Ryiseld} : I'm moving from an S7 Edge to a 7 plus 128GB as well really soon :) Looking forward to it! Right now I'm using my older iPhone 6 that I had before the S7 Edge because I just really into iOS.", '>>{yhwhx} : Undercover like bed covers or like sheets?', ">>{Uglypants_Stupidface} : Agreed. I know hundreds of people who work in the State Dept and 3 who work in the WH. Know what they all have in common? With a single exception, they're voting for Hillary.", ">>{weightloss89} : You'd focus on one thing for 100 days and you know something about FDR/History/Government. Just right there alone -- you've out-qualified Donny.", '>>{KindaStillDrunk} : Also username is esoteric yet relevant enough for the millenials to respect. Sorry, /u/ohmyglob, but you might be our best hope for 2020.', ">>{Jake_Ilinnuc} : Congrats! I'm still stuck on a LG G3. Hoping to upgrade in the next few weeks.", ">>{pasternak94} : >Maybe the FBI should conform that before saying there's a problem talking about something they don't have the guts to confirm. What's the benefit to the FBI if they confirm an active investigation into someone like Clinton? There is none. Why show your hand to the other side? If the Clintons get a whiff into what the FBI may be looking into, they would immediately start covering their tracks and destroying evidence. How does that benefit you as an investigator? IT DOESN'T. That's why Comey will never confirm or deny whether or not an investigation is taking place; they don't want to compromise the operation.", '>>{therecordcorrected} : The sub /r/TheRecordCorrected had a mod that was a Russian Troll which the head mod has now admitted and said they were quite cool with that. The troll came right when Trump got hot, pretended poorly to be a Sanders supporter, posted 90% Clinton hate and 10% pro-Trump. Some of the content was blatant lies. Their account is still here but not used since election as they didn\'t even bother to delete it as kind of a "fuck you from Putin" record.', ">>{NapalmForBreakfast} : I believe the exact quote from the director of the FBI was: > Like, are you serious? I'm super pissed off! I can't even right now. Why, Mr. President?", '>>{jdscarface} : >"Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election," she told the UK\'s Channel 4. Or, you know, where a bunch of idiots from 4chan who aren\'t even old enough to vote can just brigade the poll. What a train wreck of a campaign.', '>>{Quexana} : Catherine: On the e-mails director Comey, are you doing a security inquiry? Director Comey: I’m sorry? Catherine: On the e-mails are you doing a security inquiry? Director Comey: I don’t know what that means? Catherine: So it’s a criminal investigation? Director Comey: We’re conducting an investigation. That’s the bureau’s business. That’s what we do. That’s probably all I can say about it. Catherine: The reason I ask is because Mrs. Clinton consistently refers to it as a security inquiry, but the FBI does criminal investigations. I just want to see if you can clear that up. Director Comey: Right, it’s in our name. Catherine: Okay. Director Comey: I’m not familiar with the term security inquiry. [Source] (https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/director-comey-remarks-during-may-11-pen-and-pad-with-reporters)', '>>{ward0630} : We caught up with the guy that drives the garbage truck that services the FBI headquarters, and he told us that Obama is in deep trouble.', ">>{Iris786} : Welcome to the club The battery thing you are a experiencing(2% drop in 45min) is a pseudo effect. Let me explain: your battery in phone is actually above 2900 mah(may be even more than 3000) while the ios is bound to report the percentage out of calculated portion of 2900. Check this [app](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battery-percentage-your-device/id1122320041?mt=8) The affect will die out with wear and tear. But you don't need to worry about that. Atleast for a year or more in my opinion :) Cheers", ">>{RapistNextDoor} : Yeah of course, battery degradation is still a thing unfortunately. But I've had the phone for a week and I've been consistently seeing 7 hours of screen on time, with ~30% charge left. Truly impressed with how well this phone is optimized for efficiency and performance at the same time.", '>>{Ximitar} : I feel like we have lots of voters. That\'s legitimate. That\'s as legitimate as polls and numbers. Or "... because we have a tonne of rigging going on." Take your pick.', ">>{Boxy310} : I hear I'm polling well among Russians. I'm all for immigration, as long as they're from Eastern or Central Europe, and have tits.", ">>{MuppetsTakeManhattan} : I like how the reporter is trying to label it a criminal investigation, let's rename them FBCI.", '>>{ReginaRadfem} : What "scandal"? Seriously. This is 2016 and we\'re still shaming women for vague "scandals" and being "crooked". Complete dog whistle terms that mean nothing subtantive except "I don\'t like this candidate because she\'s female." Why not just admit to your sexism OP?', '>>{POUND_MY_ARSE} : i know right? i mean its literally current year, and you arent supporting a woman? fucking sexists!', '>>{arobkinca} : Justice Dept. In a court [brief](http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/283052-feds-warn-against-releasing-clinton-aides-immunity-deal).', ">>{KiteStringPopped} : NAIL. HEAD. I mean, she's a woman, why she should she be held accountable for anything she does? Equal rights*", '>>{LOCUTUS_OF__BORG} : Bullshit. I\'m so tired of hearing about polls being skewed. We get it. Every time a poll says something you like, it\'s great, it\'s the best, and it\'s accurate. Every time a poll says something you don\'t like, it\'s wrong, it doesn\'t take into account x or y. "Oh, the LA Tracking poll has Donald ahead! It\'s the best, most accurate poll out there." Next day: "Oh, the LA Tracking poll has donald losing. It\'s a terrible poll and it doesn\'t account for \'super secret undercover voters.\'" Fuck off.', ">>{COMEY_2016} : > No legitimate sources, no real information, no professionalism. Not sure what else you expect from Fox News though. Actually, Catherine Herridge has been the leading journalist on this story and has legitimate sources that give her stories weeks before anyone else. It's actually quite strange", ">>{oldcrow} : I don't buy this BS one bit, but I expect that Trump may unexpectedly get more votes that polling indicates. The same thing happened to Jesse Ventura when he ran for Governor of Minnesota. There were a bunch of young first-time voters that were off the polling radar. He picked up something like an extra 10% above what the polls had indicated.", ">>{KingPickle} : To which, the President replied > Y'all are takin' hella long with this investigation. And that's totes messing with the Democrats. Real talk - we got an election to win! Ya dig?", '>>{droidworkerbee} : That being said, shy Tories are a thing.', '>>{MasterK999} : Yea, like the FBI has never leaked anything inappropriately.', ">>{capmap} : It's childish actually. This is nothing more than red meat to the mindless drones. If the FBI wants it known that Hillary broke the law, they will make it known. All this is, is a rabid conservative FBI agent, probably only tangentially connected to the probe getting pissed off that the WH said anything about it. As you noted, there is nothing in here that actually pushes the narrative of the story one bit, other than, somewaddy got der feelers hurts. Find the facts. Recommend prosecution if the findings dictate it. Otherwise, Fox News, STFU already.", ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : >Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election She's saying that many Trump supporters are such basement dwelling cowards that they can't even bring themselves to talk to someone over the phone. Interesting approach.", '>>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : >"I can\'t discuss it," she said. "It\'s a project we\'re doing internally. I call it the undercover Trump voter, but it\'s real." She\'s even reluctant to openly discuss her nonsense narrative. That\'s like two layers removed from rational.', ">>{hacksociety} : It's people like Hillary who have ruined all true cases of sexism by labeling ALL legitimate arguments against her as sexist. It's not a catch all defense.", '>>{Sw4rmlord} : No no no, that is not it at all... It is: is.', '>>{intradimensional} : That really depends on what your definition of "Is" is.', ">>{justjack48} : I've said it before. Kellyanne Conway barely has two brain cells to rub together. She's not really capable of independent rational thoughts. The only reason she was brought on board was to stroke Trump's ego, and make the echo chamber reverberate a little stronger.", ">>{gangsta_baby} : I have a few friends who have been saying they are Trump supporters to fuck with pollsters. It's quite possible his numbers are actually inflated a bit.", ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : 'We have tons of people who are too ashamed to admit they support us' is really not a great pitch.", ">>{rockstarfish} : The under cover racists that don't want anyone to know.", '>>{KamonKur} : Regarding the number of \'Undercover" voters: > "I can\'t discuss it," she said. "It\'s a project we\'re doing internally. I call it the undercover Trump voter, but it\'s real." Yep, It\'s part of plan 735-2A 7th revision, where we cover up Trumps winning numbers to motivate all of his supporter to vote. We\'ll have a blowout. See how clever we are.', '>>{z9nine} : Dammit, now we have to go with 735-2A revision 8. Good job spilling the beans.', '>>{ranak12} : For a site that seems very right-wing (based on the little I saw), they sure do have a lot of scantily clad women on the sidebar.', '>>{Ninbyo} : Or Russians can spoof their location and brigade the polls.', ">>{justjack48} : Some people do it for Trump, some do it for Clinton. That's why statisticians use terms like standard deviation and margin of error. I'm willing to bet they're not influencing polls in a meaningful way.", ">>{gangsta_baby} : Agreed. Just making the point that what she's saying may be true to their campaign's benefit or its detriment but not really enough to matter at all in the face of the polls.", '>>{KamonKur} : Yeah, then later, at the party celebrating her mastery in spinology, she was overheard saying (in the darling vernacular of her god-like boss), "It was yuuuugh. I had those reporters spinning so fast their heads almost fell off. But... my boss has asked for one tiny correction. He explained: His supporters really looooove him. They are the best supporters and they REALLY wouldn\'t be embarrassed. My supporters are beautiful people, he said. They adore me. I\'m the best."', '>>{Phunk131} : Math you do as a republican to make yourself feel better.', '>>{arclathe} : This is like the same reason gun nuts give for why polls say gun ownership is declining.', '>>{TheMagicMarkerMan} : Super pissed off Sounds like the FBI.', '>>{Final_Senator} : > "Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election," she told the UK\'s Channel 4. Remember when Ron Paul won in 2012 because of online polls?', '>>{gumpert11} : More made up bull.. Christ this sub is down the shitter.', ">>{BrainOil} : Have you ever watched fox? It's all attractive blonde women and ignorant CHUD boomer males. They know their audience very well.", '>>{SNStains} : Take it up with Trump\'s campaign manager: >Conway added: "It\'s because it\'s become socially desirable, if you\'re a college-educated person in the United States of America, to say that you\'re against Donald Trump."', ">>{Mytzlplykk} : It's not so crazy if you think about it. In the context of all the other batshit crazy things Trump or his campaign have said.", '>>{PDubsinTF} : Why does this have to be about gender? Can we not address the elephant in the room? or the 33,000 emails? Misleading an investigator or providing fraudulent testimony is a crime, for males and females. Once the entire plot unfolds, I hope that you will see that this is bigger than a gender issue.', ">>{gumpert11} : And it has. Trump supporters get assaulted all the time by so called Hillary supporters because the MSM labels trump as the devil, and a racist one at that. Even claiming him to be close to hitler.. Yet Hillary has caused wars and deaths just to fill her pockets. (Look it up - its truly sickening). And they refuse to talk about Hillary in a negative way, even after real world events occur in response to her scandals(email deletion, bribes, subsequent investigations, people quitting their jobs, people dying of strange circumstances with huge connections to the DNC and the clinton foundation. Oh wait.. You're the shit for brains making this shit up.. Lolz.", '>>{SNStains} : So, you\'re saying you *do* believe there are "undercover supporters" out there? Then why did you say it was made up bull? Also, personal attacks are very low-energy.', ">>{ohmydamn} : > That's why statisticians use terms like standard deviation and margin of error. that's not actually why", ">>{gumpert11} : I'm one of them, my wife, my friends. The people i talk to everyday only comes out supporting trump after we both agree that Hillary is corrupt. Sure, once we get a group of us we want to express our joy that the likes of Hilary clinton won't be at the helm, because Donald J Trump and his train just keeps WINNING and continually exposing the lies that the propaganda machine shit out on an hourly basis. Also.. You're the cancer that is pumping hate onto the trump supporters causing them to fear their own political views in public. Your opinion is invalid at best, and your intensions are evil, if you realize it or not. You are the one that ignores the crimes committed by Hillary that caused the deaths of thousands of civilians by destabilizing libya, Syria and others for profit. You are on a war criminals side. And yet you feel no guilt, and instead CHOOSE to not only support said war criminal but to spread lies about her opposition in order to give her even MORE ability to create war and chaos for profit. I Can't even...", ">>{SNStains} : So, you would hide who you are voting for from an anonymous phone pollster? Because that what Kellyanne is claiming is happening. You should know that neither Hillary nor the US started either conflict; they had already been fighting for months (Libya) and years (Syria) before Obama chose to act. In fact, he was heavily criticized by everyone, including Trump, for *not* getting involved. You should read about it, it's not pretty, but it's important to know what's actually happening in the world. And, again with the *ad hominem* stuff? It's a violation of this sub's rules. I'm not going to report you, just remind you that it's very low-energy.", ">>{gumpert11} : The phone pollsters belittle, and attempt to convince people to vote hillary. It took you long enough to figure out a reply. My comment still stands and you will regret your actions when you finally come to bear the reality of the situation, which i hope comes soon. The debates is not far off, and I'm almost certain wiki leaks are planning to dump a huge amount of incriminating data after the debates. She will be caught entangled in her lies. The evidence will pile up against her and the MSM will be forced to report the truth. It is coming.", '>>{SNStains} : Sorry I\'m not operating on your timeline. I, too, have a wife and family and all of the wonderful obligations that come with it. I think what you are describing is called a "[push poll](http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/19/upshot/push-polls-defined.html)" and that\'s not what is happening. Even the Breitbart Poll had Clinton up 42% to 37%. I think the reality of the situation is pretty clear. A lot of people fully understand neither candidate is ideal, but more people would rather have Clinton than Trump. Maybe the russians and wikileaks will have that "incriminating data" you\'re hoping for, but so far, nobody else has produced anything incriminating. You could also hope for Trump to run a good campaign, prove that he\'s better for the country, and win. Or, pray for the russians to save the day. Your choice.', '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Can you imagine the shitstorm if a Clinton campaign staffer said this? All you would hear from the right wing media would be how they admitted to election fraud by using "undercover voters."', '>>{gumpert11} : You make a valid point. But trump is running a fantastic campaign! And the MSM other then fox news.. (And lets be honest they only started once they saw their numbers drop) have been bashing trump relentlessly. How are people supposed to make an honest educated judgement on their next POTUS if the MSM continually barrage trump with hate and outright lies, while covering for Hillary at the very same time? Unless you actively search for the truth all you hear is trump is bad and Hillary is good. While nothing at all suggests this. If your a Hillary supporter give me your reasons why, then allow me time to prep a counter argument, using her own words. I can assure you that most, if not all are opinion pieces spouted by the MSM then is fact.', ">>{OpnotIc} : I'm going to vote for Hillary because: I've seen how GOP economics hurt my 401k. GOP economic management strategies never seem to evolve past 'cut taxes on rich' / 'stop the death tax'. The death tax only impacts the 1% and ensuring that the 1% can get richer is not how you address inequality. -If inequality is something you think should be addressed that is. Perhaps you are okay with 90% of people fighting over 20% of wealth. Post world war 2 had high taxes on rich and created an amazing middle class of people that can educate themselves to be Trump supporters, or not. GOP economic strategies kill the middle class. We are now finally in growth phase for the country and more and more people have jobs. It took 2 years for Obama to stop the heavy door swinging shut on the middle class from Bushes policies. GOP economic strategies cause real harm and have real momentum. The door was also stopped with Clinton after Regan. It really only takes a single GOP term to fuck the middle class. Compare Wisconsin to Minnesota economic recovery from the Bush fuckery. The GOP policies in WI have given them higher unemployment. You see that at the state level all over when comparing GOP leadership to Democratic leadership. What you call MSM is simply non-GOP media. I can see if I delve into GOP media that I get a real hatred for some of the shit that goes on, -but it's really just a tone generating media that plays everything in a different key that gets you angry. I'm voting for Hillary because I like freedoms. Freedoms include being able to use this awesome thing called the Internet that has been working quite well with the vision of it that we have created. I've seen the GOP try to kill net neutrality too many times for me to trust them now. The GOP gave us the DMCA under a promise it would never result to what we have today with thousands of DMCA claims filled daily. I've already heard Trump say 'I won't tell you all the details of my strategy for these bad guys, because I don't want to tip off the bad guys, but believe me...' -and the whiplash back to remembering the last time GOP politics ran our country really shook me. Be real: Trump cannot 'bring back the jobs' - those jobs are gone. America produces more than ever due to automation innovations. Manufacturing jobs are even down in China due to the same reason. Germany, China, USA, - everywhere, -has manufacturing jobs playing a lesser and lesser role in the economy due to automation. Trump cannot build a wall. -He just can't. I'd be down for him to have a platform where he promises building a a giant statue that will create jobs in the manufacture of it, and that may be possible even on some plot of federal land, -but the President doesn't have building rights on a bunch of the border. And if he did, -what is a wall going to do exactly? While no president (even Trump) would endanger our countries structure by causing such harm as deporting all illegal immigrants (we would turn on that president within a week when the water shuts off), -here then we get to the final issue: The GOP media turns you agains unseen evils in your fellow Americans, making you believe that America would be like the best family show ever, -if it weren't for 'those people'. (Insert terrorists, blacks, Mexicans, the poor..etc) And Hillary doesn't want to take your guns away.", ">>{gumpert11} : Lol, you're trolling me. If you're being serious let me know because you've made it easy.", '>>{gumpert11} : internet: http://www.wsj.com/articles/an-internet-giveaway-to-the-u-n-1472421165 - mite i also add thebattle we had to fight not that long ago for net nuetrality?.. DMCA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Millennium_Copyright_Act "Passed on October 12, 1998, by a unanimous vote in the United States Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on October 28, 1998," wall: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/pay-for-the-wall - mexico would lose money if they didn\'t pay for the wall.. guns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvYkWUzwNf4 - she\'s constantly abused tragedies to push for tighter gun control. this is a tactic to make weapons illegal.. IE, banning collapse able stocks,"scary looking plastic" and other bullshit laws.oh and silencers.. a fucking piece of safety equipment designed to make it hearing safe..(still loud as fuck) requires a damn 200 tax stamp and a long ass waiting list. Not gonna bother collecting more. You\'re clearly a troll.', '>>{OpnotIc} : Word. Thanks for posting something. I really do like to see the vantage point from Trump supporters -especially if they seem really into it. I know you guys have to be meaning well on some level as no one really intends to harm. -I understand you think my vote would cause harm too.', ">>{OpnotIc} : I think I would say in the end that I hold Democrats and the GOP to their actions across all levels of government. It isn't just who is president that gets to decide what happens. The attacks on Internet specifically I refer to the GOP attempts at defunding the FCC in protest to Net Neutrality. The fucking shit the GOP forces through both the Senate and House -especially attached to shit that can be framed like 'If he vetos this, it means he doesn't like kittens' type shit.", ">>{gumpert11} : Your vote does count. And Hillary is responsible for so much more its freightening. Trump is doing his god damn best to prove to the world that he is capable of running this country, not for himself but the people, all people, given they entered legally. And trump is doing a fantastic job. He is meeting with Mexico's president today to talk about future events. He went to Louisiana flood way before Obama, he's raised million for the vets and he is brining to light that the democrat party has done for the black community since they've been in power.. Turns out.. That they have done nothing. I just want people to see the truth in what is currently going on, and trump is the answer. He is taking huge risks and he is genuinely trying his best to serve all people."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{SNStains} : Trump campaign manager: The polls are wrong because we have 'undercover Trump voters'", '>>{wraithtek} : Undercover may as well mean "imaginary."', ">>{youksdpr} : What does that mean? Does he really think people are lying in anonymous polls? What benefit does that have? This isn't like you are in a room full of people and are afraid to state your opinion because you are afraid how the room will react. This polls are done anonymously over the phone and mostly done with a robot now, not even a live person.", ">>{justjack48} : If people are reluctant to openly support your campaign out of fear for retribution or being associated with it's hateful message, you've already lost.", '>>{the92jays} : > Pick 1: > "Polls miss our voters\' enthusiasm, as you can see at giant rallies!" > "Our voters are too ashamed to admit they\'re supporting us!" https://twitter.com/natesilver538/status/768459394887614465', '>>{hobbes305} : Probably referring to stuffing the ballot boxes in key districts and sending in a shitload of forged absentee ballots', ">>{ElPlywood} : Pretzels are looking at her and saying *how in the fuck did she - ahhh I don't know*.", '>>{yhwhx} : Undercover like bed covers or like sheets?', '>>{jdscarface} : >"Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election," she told the UK\'s Channel 4. Or, you know, where a bunch of idiots from 4chan who aren\'t even old enough to vote can just brigade the poll. What a train wreck of a campaign.', '>>{Ximitar} : I feel like we have lots of voters. That\'s legitimate. That\'s as legitimate as polls and numbers. Or "... because we have a tonne of rigging going on." Take your pick.', ">>{Boxy310} : I hear I'm polling well among Russians. I'm all for immigration, as long as they're from Eastern or Central Europe, and have tits.", '>>{LOCUTUS_OF__BORG} : Bullshit. I\'m so tired of hearing about polls being skewed. We get it. Every time a poll says something you like, it\'s great, it\'s the best, and it\'s accurate. Every time a poll says something you don\'t like, it\'s wrong, it doesn\'t take into account x or y. "Oh, the LA Tracking poll has Donald ahead! It\'s the best, most accurate poll out there." Next day: "Oh, the LA Tracking poll has donald losing. It\'s a terrible poll and it doesn\'t account for \'super secret undercover voters.\'" Fuck off.', ">>{oldcrow} : I don't buy this BS one bit, but I expect that Trump may unexpectedly get more votes that polling indicates. The same thing happened to Jesse Ventura when he ran for Governor of Minnesota. There were a bunch of young first-time voters that were off the polling radar. He picked up something like an extra 10% above what the polls had indicated.", '>>{droidworkerbee} : That being said, shy Tories are a thing.', ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : >Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election She's saying that many Trump supporters are such basement dwelling cowards that they can't even bring themselves to talk to someone over the phone. Interesting approach.", '>>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : >"I can\'t discuss it," she said. "It\'s a project we\'re doing internally. I call it the undercover Trump voter, but it\'s real." She\'s even reluctant to openly discuss her nonsense narrative. That\'s like two layers removed from rational.', ">>{justjack48} : I've said it before. Kellyanne Conway barely has two brain cells to rub together. She's not really capable of independent rational thoughts. The only reason she was brought on board was to stroke Trump's ego, and make the echo chamber reverberate a little stronger.", ">>{gangsta_baby} : I have a few friends who have been saying they are Trump supporters to fuck with pollsters. It's quite possible his numbers are actually inflated a bit.", ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : 'We have tons of people who are too ashamed to admit they support us' is really not a great pitch.", ">>{rockstarfish} : The under cover racists that don't want anyone to know.", '>>{KamonKur} : Regarding the number of \'Undercover" voters: > "I can\'t discuss it," she said. "It\'s a project we\'re doing internally. I call it the undercover Trump voter, but it\'s real." Yep, It\'s part of plan 735-2A 7th revision, where we cover up Trumps winning numbers to motivate all of his supporter to vote. We\'ll have a blowout. See how clever we are.', '>>{z9nine} : Dammit, now we have to go with 735-2A revision 8. Good job spilling the beans.', '>>{Ninbyo} : Or Russians can spoof their location and brigade the polls.', ">>{justjack48} : Some people do it for Trump, some do it for Clinton. That's why statisticians use terms like standard deviation and margin of error. I'm willing to bet they're not influencing polls in a meaningful way.", ">>{gangsta_baby} : Agreed. Just making the point that what she's saying may be true to their campaign's benefit or its detriment but not really enough to matter at all in the face of the polls.", '>>{KamonKur} : Yeah, then later, at the party celebrating her mastery in spinology, she was overheard saying (in the darling vernacular of her god-like boss), "It was yuuuugh. I had those reporters spinning so fast their heads almost fell off. But... my boss has asked for one tiny correction. He explained: His supporters really looooove him. They are the best supporters and they REALLY wouldn\'t be embarrassed. My supporters are beautiful people, he said. They adore me. I\'m the best."', '>>{Phunk131} : Math you do as a republican to make yourself feel better.', '>>{arclathe} : This is like the same reason gun nuts give for why polls say gun ownership is declining.', '>>{Final_Senator} : > "Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election," she told the UK\'s Channel 4. Remember when Ron Paul won in 2012 because of online polls?', '>>{gumpert11} : More made up bull.. Christ this sub is down the shitter.', '>>{SNStains} : Take it up with Trump\'s campaign manager: >Conway added: "It\'s because it\'s become socially desirable, if you\'re a college-educated person in the United States of America, to say that you\'re against Donald Trump."', ">>{Mytzlplykk} : It's not so crazy if you think about it. In the context of all the other batshit crazy things Trump or his campaign have said.", ">>{gumpert11} : And it has. Trump supporters get assaulted all the time by so called Hillary supporters because the MSM labels trump as the devil, and a racist one at that. Even claiming him to be close to hitler.. Yet Hillary has caused wars and deaths just to fill her pockets. (Look it up - its truly sickening). And they refuse to talk about Hillary in a negative way, even after real world events occur in response to her scandals(email deletion, bribes, subsequent investigations, people quitting their jobs, people dying of strange circumstances with huge connections to the DNC and the clinton foundation. Oh wait.. You're the shit for brains making this shit up.. Lolz.", '>>{SNStains} : So, you\'re saying you *do* believe there are "undercover supporters" out there? Then why did you say it was made up bull? Also, personal attacks are very low-energy.', ">>{ohmydamn} : > That's why statisticians use terms like standard deviation and margin of error. that's not actually why", ">>{gumpert11} : I'm one of them, my wife, my friends. The people i talk to everyday only comes out supporting trump after we both agree that Hillary is corrupt. Sure, once we get a group of us we want to express our joy that the likes of Hilary clinton won't be at the helm, because Donald J Trump and his train just keeps WINNING and continually exposing the lies that the propaganda machine shit out on an hourly basis. Also.. You're the cancer that is pumping hate onto the trump supporters causing them to fear their own political views in public. Your opinion is invalid at best, and your intensions are evil, if you realize it or not. You are the one that ignores the crimes committed by Hillary that caused the deaths of thousands of civilians by destabilizing libya, Syria and others for profit. You are on a war criminals side. And yet you feel no guilt, and instead CHOOSE to not only support said war criminal but to spread lies about her opposition in order to give her even MORE ability to create war and chaos for profit. I Can't even...", ">>{SNStains} : So, you would hide who you are voting for from an anonymous phone pollster? Because that what Kellyanne is claiming is happening. You should know that neither Hillary nor the US started either conflict; they had already been fighting for months (Libya) and years (Syria) before Obama chose to act. In fact, he was heavily criticized by everyone, including Trump, for *not* getting involved. You should read about it, it's not pretty, but it's important to know what's actually happening in the world. And, again with the *ad hominem* stuff? It's a violation of this sub's rules. I'm not going to report you, just remind you that it's very low-energy.", ">>{gumpert11} : The phone pollsters belittle, and attempt to convince people to vote hillary. It took you long enough to figure out a reply. My comment still stands and you will regret your actions when you finally come to bear the reality of the situation, which i hope comes soon. The debates is not far off, and I'm almost certain wiki leaks are planning to dump a huge amount of incriminating data after the debates. She will be caught entangled in her lies. The evidence will pile up against her and the MSM will be forced to report the truth. It is coming.", '>>{SNStains} : Sorry I\'m not operating on your timeline. I, too, have a wife and family and all of the wonderful obligations that come with it. I think what you are describing is called a "[push poll](http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/19/upshot/push-polls-defined.html)" and that\'s not what is happening. Even the Breitbart Poll had Clinton up 42% to 37%. I think the reality of the situation is pretty clear. A lot of people fully understand neither candidate is ideal, but more people would rather have Clinton than Trump. Maybe the russians and wikileaks will have that "incriminating data" you\'re hoping for, but so far, nobody else has produced anything incriminating. You could also hope for Trump to run a good campaign, prove that he\'s better for the country, and win. Or, pray for the russians to save the day. Your choice.', '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Can you imagine the shitstorm if a Clinton campaign staffer said this? All you would hear from the right wing media would be how they admitted to election fraud by using "undercover voters."', '>>{gumpert11} : You make a valid point. But trump is running a fantastic campaign! And the MSM other then fox news.. (And lets be honest they only started once they saw their numbers drop) have been bashing trump relentlessly. How are people supposed to make an honest educated judgement on their next POTUS if the MSM continually barrage trump with hate and outright lies, while covering for Hillary at the very same time? Unless you actively search for the truth all you hear is trump is bad and Hillary is good. While nothing at all suggests this. If your a Hillary supporter give me your reasons why, then allow me time to prep a counter argument, using her own words. I can assure you that most, if not all are opinion pieces spouted by the MSM then is fact.', ">>{OpnotIc} : I'm going to vote for Hillary because: I've seen how GOP economics hurt my 401k. GOP economic management strategies never seem to evolve past 'cut taxes on rich' / 'stop the death tax'. The death tax only impacts the 1% and ensuring that the 1% can get richer is not how you address inequality. -If inequality is something you think should be addressed that is. Perhaps you are okay with 90% of people fighting over 20% of wealth. Post world war 2 had high taxes on rich and created an amazing middle class of people that can educate themselves to be Trump supporters, or not. GOP economic strategies kill the middle class. We are now finally in growth phase for the country and more and more people have jobs. It took 2 years for Obama to stop the heavy door swinging shut on the middle class from Bushes policies. GOP economic strategies cause real harm and have real momentum. The door was also stopped with Clinton after Regan. It really only takes a single GOP term to fuck the middle class. Compare Wisconsin to Minnesota economic recovery from the Bush fuckery. The GOP policies in WI have given them higher unemployment. You see that at the state level all over when comparing GOP leadership to Democratic leadership. What you call MSM is simply non-GOP media. I can see if I delve into GOP media that I get a real hatred for some of the shit that goes on, -but it's really just a tone generating media that plays everything in a different key that gets you angry. I'm voting for Hillary because I like freedoms. Freedoms include being able to use this awesome thing called the Internet that has been working quite well with the vision of it that we have created. I've seen the GOP try to kill net neutrality too many times for me to trust them now. The GOP gave us the DMCA under a promise it would never result to what we have today with thousands of DMCA claims filled daily. I've already heard Trump say 'I won't tell you all the details of my strategy for these bad guys, because I don't want to tip off the bad guys, but believe me...' -and the whiplash back to remembering the last time GOP politics ran our country really shook me. Be real: Trump cannot 'bring back the jobs' - those jobs are gone. America produces more than ever due to automation innovations. Manufacturing jobs are even down in China due to the same reason. Germany, China, USA, - everywhere, -has manufacturing jobs playing a lesser and lesser role in the economy due to automation. Trump cannot build a wall. -He just can't. I'd be down for him to have a platform where he promises building a a giant statue that will create jobs in the manufacture of it, and that may be possible even on some plot of federal land, -but the President doesn't have building rights on a bunch of the border. And if he did, -what is a wall going to do exactly? While no president (even Trump) would endanger our countries structure by causing such harm as deporting all illegal immigrants (we would turn on that president within a week when the water shuts off), -here then we get to the final issue: The GOP media turns you agains unseen evils in your fellow Americans, making you believe that America would be like the best family show ever, -if it weren't for 'those people'. (Insert terrorists, blacks, Mexicans, the poor..etc) And Hillary doesn't want to take your guns away.", ">>{gumpert11} : Lol, you're trolling me. If you're being serious let me know because you've made it easy.", '>>{gumpert11} : internet: http://www.wsj.com/articles/an-internet-giveaway-to-the-u-n-1472421165 - mite i also add thebattle we had to fight not that long ago for net nuetrality?.. DMCA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Millennium_Copyright_Act "Passed on October 12, 1998, by a unanimous vote in the United States Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on October 28, 1998," wall: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/pay-for-the-wall - mexico would lose money if they didn\'t pay for the wall.. guns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvYkWUzwNf4 - she\'s constantly abused tragedies to push for tighter gun control. this is a tactic to make weapons illegal.. IE, banning collapse able stocks,"scary looking plastic" and other bullshit laws.oh and silencers.. a fucking piece of safety equipment designed to make it hearing safe..(still loud as fuck) requires a damn 200 tax stamp and a long ass waiting list. Not gonna bother collecting more. You\'re clearly a troll.', '>>{OpnotIc} : Word. Thanks for posting something. I really do like to see the vantage point from Trump supporters -especially if they seem really into it. I know you guys have to be meaning well on some level as no one really intends to harm. -I understand you think my vote would cause harm too.', ">>{OpnotIc} : I think I would say in the end that I hold Democrats and the GOP to their actions across all levels of government. It isn't just who is president that gets to decide what happens. The attacks on Internet specifically I refer to the GOP attempts at defunding the FCC in protest to Net Neutrality. The fucking shit the GOP forces through both the Senate and House -especially attached to shit that can be framed like 'If he vetos this, it means he doesn't like kittens' type shit.", ">>{gumpert11} : Your vote does count. And Hillary is responsible for so much more its freightening. Trump is doing his god damn best to prove to the world that he is capable of running this country, not for himself but the people, all people, given they entered legally. And trump is doing a fantastic job. He is meeting with Mexico's president today to talk about future events. He went to Louisiana flood way before Obama, he's raised million for the vets and he is brining to light that the democrat party has done for the black community since they've been in power.. Turns out.. That they have done nothing. I just want people to see the truth in what is currently going on, and trump is the answer. He is taking huge risks and he is genuinely trying his best to serve all people."], [">>{Lord_Yupa} : Corsair is building a 'category-defying' gaming PC.", '>>{aj_thenoob} : > No specs or details are available yet, but the promise is that it’s "a machine built from the ground up to power anything and everything you love to do." Sounds like a whole lotta nothing so far. But I expect desktop-like performance in a small form factor. With the power efficient 1060 and the like, it should work like it does in laptops at the very least.', '>>{LonelyPleasantHart} : I really like my course air products I really really like em :)', ">>{rudekoffenris} : Corsair is fine but do they make their own MB and GPUs? I don't think they do so they will just be a new attempt at what Alienware used to be.", '>>{tengen} : Nope. My guess would be something like: 7600k-7700k, Z270 mobo, 1060-1080, 16-32gb vengeance, cooled by a H110i, bunch of RGB AF fans, RM/SF PSU, corsair MATX case, all preassembled and warrantied for the low low price of $1500-2500. Maybe throw in a mouse or KB accessory.', ">>{Guck_Mal} : Corsair makes way more parts of this, than Apple makes for any of their PC's and laptops.", ">>{rudekoffenris} : I wouldn't buy a mac for gaming either. Cases are great, but if it isn't a motherboard, or a graphics card, what else is significantly different for a gaming pc?", '>>{marrowser} : Apple is definitely *not* the gold standard for electronics.', '>>{servercookie} : lets hope the price tag is not to expensive, normaly with these types of computers they put a ridicilouse price tag on it like the alienware computers. I would rather build my own custom pc, and u normaly get alot more for your cash that way.', ">>{SOSpammy} : I'm still in disbelief that there's a market for prebuilt PC's (outside of gaming laptops, they satisfy a particular niche) when it's easier than ever to build one yourself. Even if you aren't comfortable building it yourself, everyone has that friend who knows how to do it that you can pay a little bit of money to build it for you.", ">>{DarkPrinny} : No they don't make their own MB, GPU, RAM...etc Most things they just slap their name on but they do make their cases. The nice thing is they have a reputation to only use good or decent quality parts so you never have to worry you are getting shit. That was OCZs issue. Gold mixed with turd", '>>{rudekoffenris} : I really like their RAM and PSU, and I have of case of theirs that is an engineering wonder of the world. But those things do not a computer vendor make.', '>>{dobriygoodwin} : Curious about the price. I built my PC from scratch (800$) two years ago, when i checked already built PC on market with same specs it would cost me 1100$. Why would people who are able to build by themselves spend more money?'], ['>>{PDubsinTF} : The FBI Are “Super Pissed Off” At White House For Improperly And Inaccurately Making Public Statements About Clinton Email Scandal', ">>{DwarvenRedshirt} : Not sure why they're surprised. The thump thump sound as you get tossed under the bus is common in this administration...", ">>{Bellevue3} : The FBI hasn't even conformed there's an investigation. Maybe the FBI should conform that before saying there's a problem talking about something they don't have the guts to confirm.", ">>{lawfairy} : Our contacts at the FBI and the Justice Department Oh hey! I have friends who work at the FBI and DOJ too! Does that mean I have an inside scoop? Spoiler: they're voting for Hillary! Lols! Seriously, this piece is laughable. No legitimate sources, no real information, no professionalism. Not sure what else you expect from Fox News though.", '>>{70ms} : The FBI *did* confirm it was an investigation, weeks ago. How was your trip to Mars?', ">>{Uglypants_Stupidface} : Agreed. I know hundreds of people who work in the State Dept and 3 who work in the WH. Know what they all have in common? With a single exception, they're voting for Hillary.", ">>{pasternak94} : >Maybe the FBI should conform that before saying there's a problem talking about something they don't have the guts to confirm. What's the benefit to the FBI if they confirm an active investigation into someone like Clinton? There is none. Why show your hand to the other side? If the Clintons get a whiff into what the FBI may be looking into, they would immediately start covering their tracks and destroying evidence. How does that benefit you as an investigator? IT DOESN'T. That's why Comey will never confirm or deny whether or not an investigation is taking place; they don't want to compromise the operation.", ">>{NapalmForBreakfast} : I believe the exact quote from the director of the FBI was: > Like, are you serious? I'm super pissed off! I can't even right now. Why, Mr. President?", '>>{Quexana} : Catherine: On the e-mails director Comey, are you doing a security inquiry? Director Comey: I’m sorry? Catherine: On the e-mails are you doing a security inquiry? Director Comey: I don’t know what that means? Catherine: So it’s a criminal investigation? Director Comey: We’re conducting an investigation. That’s the bureau’s business. That’s what we do. That’s probably all I can say about it. Catherine: The reason I ask is because Mrs. Clinton consistently refers to it as a security inquiry, but the FBI does criminal investigations. I just want to see if you can clear that up. Director Comey: Right, it’s in our name. Catherine: Okay. Director Comey: I’m not familiar with the term security inquiry. [Source] (https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/director-comey-remarks-during-may-11-pen-and-pad-with-reporters)', '>>{ward0630} : We caught up with the guy that drives the garbage truck that services the FBI headquarters, and he told us that Obama is in deep trouble.', ">>{MuppetsTakeManhattan} : I like how the reporter is trying to label it a criminal investigation, let's rename them FBCI.", '>>{ReginaRadfem} : What "scandal"? Seriously. This is 2016 and we\'re still shaming women for vague "scandals" and being "crooked". Complete dog whistle terms that mean nothing subtantive except "I don\'t like this candidate because she\'s female." Why not just admit to your sexism OP?', '>>{POUND_MY_ARSE} : i know right? i mean its literally current year, and you arent supporting a woman? fucking sexists!', '>>{arobkinca} : Justice Dept. In a court [brief](http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/283052-feds-warn-against-releasing-clinton-aides-immunity-deal).', ">>{KiteStringPopped} : NAIL. HEAD. I mean, she's a woman, why she should she be held accountable for anything she does? Equal rights*", ">>{COMEY_2016} : > No legitimate sources, no real information, no professionalism. Not sure what else you expect from Fox News though. Actually, Catherine Herridge has been the leading journalist on this story and has legitimate sources that give her stories weeks before anyone else. It's actually quite strange", ">>{KingPickle} : To which, the President replied > Y'all are takin' hella long with this investigation. And that's totes messing with the Democrats. Real talk - we got an election to win! Ya dig?", '>>{MasterK999} : Yea, like the FBI has never leaked anything inappropriately.', ">>{capmap} : It's childish actually. This is nothing more than red meat to the mindless drones. If the FBI wants it known that Hillary broke the law, they will make it known. All this is, is a rabid conservative FBI agent, probably only tangentially connected to the probe getting pissed off that the WH said anything about it. As you noted, there is nothing in here that actually pushes the narrative of the story one bit, other than, somewaddy got der feelers hurts. Find the facts. Recommend prosecution if the findings dictate it. Otherwise, Fox News, STFU already.", ">>{hacksociety} : It's people like Hillary who have ruined all true cases of sexism by labeling ALL legitimate arguments against her as sexist. It's not a catch all defense.", '>>{Sw4rmlord} : No no no, that is not it at all... It is: is.', '>>{intradimensional} : That really depends on what your definition of "Is" is.', '>>{ranak12} : For a site that seems very right-wing (based on the little I saw), they sure do have a lot of scantily clad women on the sidebar.', '>>{TheMagicMarkerMan} : Super pissed off Sounds like the FBI.', ">>{BrainOil} : Have you ever watched fox? It's all attractive blonde women and ignorant CHUD boomer males. They know their audience very well.", '>>{PDubsinTF} : Why does this have to be about gender? Can we not address the elephant in the room? or the 33,000 emails? Misleading an investigator or providing fraudulent testimony is a crime, for males and females. Once the entire plot unfolds, I hope that you will see that this is bigger than a gender issue.'], [">>{PavelDatsyuk} : Awesome! Yeah I made the switch from Android about a month ago and I couldn't be happier. I'm glad to hear it all worked out for you as well.", ">>{joepreen} : I made the same switch (s7 edge to 7 plus) about a week ago. Main reasons were battery life and quality of apps. The s7 edge was a fantastic phone but I hated not knowing how long the battery would last, some days it would be great and other days it would be awful for no reason. I was endlessly resetting the phone and force closing apps to try and alleviate this but I shouldn't have to do that. It's true what they say about iPhones, THEY JUST WORK.", '>>{Martincbk} : What bluetooth devices do you use? Also made the switch 1 week ago from Nexus 6P to 7+ and I could not be happier!', '>>{accountforrunning} : When people are looking to try out a new OS or phone they will search for posts like this. So I mean you could just ignore it or instead be a jackass. Choice is yours.', '>>{RapistNextDoor} : I use jaybird headphones, the Bluetooth/Spotify app on my home theater receiver, and Bluetooth in my cars.', ">>{Unheard} : I made the switch from the LG v20 over to the iPhone 7 Plus the other night as well. JOD from TMobile has turned me into a monster though, so I imagine I'll be on to another phone in 3 months or so.", '>>{Unheard} : RemindMe! 3 Months "What phone do I have now?"', ">>{RemindMeBot} : I will be messaging you on [**2017-04-27 21:41:08 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2017-04-27 21:41:08 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5qhts8/finally_made_the_switch/dcztm54) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5qhts8/finally_made_the_switch/dcztm54]%0A%0ARemindMe! 3 Months ) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete Comment&message=Delete! dcztnz7) _____ |[^(FAQs)](http://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/24duzp/remindmebot_info/)|[^(Custom)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[LINK INSIDE SQUARE BRACKETS else default to FAQs]%0A%0ANOTE: Don't forget to add the time options after the command.%0A%0ARemindMe!)|[^(Your Reminders)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List Of Reminders&message=MyReminders!)|[^(Feedback)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBotWrangler&subject=Feedback)|[^(Code)](https://github.com/SIlver--/remindmebot-reddit)|[^(Browser Extensions)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/4kldad/remindmebot_extensions/) |-|-|-|-|-|-|", ">>{iamkanthalaraghu} : I made the switch a month ago, except for the ability to download stuff from the Internet, i don't miss anything. Exceptional Camera, no lag, Up to date OS, great features including 3D Touch and Secure.", '>>{IIIRUCKUSllI} : You can download stuff. Safari does it. But u recommend dolphin Web browser for downloads', ">>{Ryiseld} : I'm moving from an S7 Edge to a 7 plus 128GB as well really soon :) Looking forward to it! Right now I'm using my older iPhone 6 that I had before the S7 Edge because I just really into iOS.", ">>{Jake_Ilinnuc} : Congrats! I'm still stuck on a LG G3. Hoping to upgrade in the next few weeks.", ">>{Iris786} : Welcome to the club The battery thing you are a experiencing(2% drop in 45min) is a pseudo effect. Let me explain: your battery in phone is actually above 2900 mah(may be even more than 3000) while the ios is bound to report the percentage out of calculated portion of 2900. Check this [app](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battery-percentage-your-device/id1122320041?mt=8) The affect will die out with wear and tear. But you don't need to worry about that. Atleast for a year or more in my opinion :) Cheers", ">>{RapistNextDoor} : Yeah of course, battery degradation is still a thing unfortunately. But I've had the phone for a week and I've been consistently seeing 7 hours of screen on time, with ~30% charge left. Truly impressed with how well this phone is optimized for efficiency and performance at the same time."], ['>>{aubonpaine} : The most important lines from the new intelligence report on Russia’s hacking', ">>{weightloss89} : Wouldn't you know it? Trump focused on that part about how they didn't directly influence the tallying of votes.", ">>{woowoo293} : > Russia used trolls as well as [its state-funded television network] RT as part of its influence efforts to denigrate Secretary Clinton. This effort amplified stories on scandals about Secretary Clinton and the role of WikiLeaks in the election campaign. This is what I sort of find darkly hilarious. So many people on reddit, on the right *and the left*, were up in arms about legions of CTR (Correct the Record) shills manipulating sites like reddit in favor of Hillary. Meanwhile every other day, there's an RT story on the frontpage.", ">>{veniceinperil} : That's it. You mean the part where Putin himself directly ordered that Secretary Clinton's credibility and electability be damaged in favor of Trump.", ">>{Ohmiglob} : >It's also worth noting here that a widely held Democratic belief — 52 percent, according to one poll — that Russia hacked the actual vote isn't supported. If a quarter of the country actually believes this than I would focus on it too.", '>>{elliotron} : The CIA, the FBI, and the NSA maintain they can\'t disclose their methods. What they can disclose is that it looks like previous Russian attempts to influence opinions in other countries: >"By their nature, Russian influence campaigns are multifaceted and designed to be deniable because they use a mix of agents of influence, cutouts, front organizations, and false-flag operations. Moscow demonstrated this during the Ukraine crisis in 2014, when Russia deployed forces and advisers to eastern Ukraine and denied it publicly." And that it was ordered by Putin: >"We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence." And executed by Russian intelligence agencies under false-flag operations: >"We assess with high confidence that Russian military intelligence (General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate or GRU) used the Guccifer 2.0 persona and DCLeaks.com to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets and relayed material to WikiLeaks." But yeah, to anyone who wouldn\'t want the election to be delegitimized by reading an article about a report supported by the consensus of the three largest intelligence and law enforcement organizations in the USA, yes. "That\'s it."', ">>{elliotron} : Fair enough. But you know the reason Trump is focusing on it is the same reason he was focusing on 2,000,000 illegal Californian votes. People believing he shouldn't be in charge of the country hurts his feelings.", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : I\'m surprised by how often they say high confidence. That\'s the intel equivalent of "fucking definitely" right? We also have confirmation (high confidence) that they hacked the RNC as well but did not disclose. >There has been chatter about whether Russia tried to hack Republicans. The report says it made some efforts against Republicans, but didn\'t disseminate the information — another piece of evidence that leads to the conclusion it was helping Trump.', ">>{weightloss89} : Sounds like you'd be a better President than LilDickDonny.", ">>{Ohmiglob} : God no, I'd spend the first 100 days trying to enact FDRs second bill of rights, and the next 1000 or so just hitting my head against the Oval Office desk at how futile it all was.", ">>{weightloss89} : You'd focus on one thing for 100 days and you know something about FDR/History/Government. Just right there alone -- you've out-qualified Donny.", '>>{KindaStillDrunk} : Also username is esoteric yet relevant enough for the millenials to respect. Sorry, /u/ohmyglob, but you might be our best hope for 2020.', '>>{therecordcorrected} : The sub /r/TheRecordCorrected had a mod that was a Russian Troll which the head mod has now admitted and said they were quite cool with that. The troll came right when Trump got hot, pretended poorly to be a Sanders supporter, posted 90% Clinton hate and 10% pro-Trump. Some of the content was blatant lies. Their account is still here but not used since election as they didn\'t even bother to delete it as kind of a "fuck you from Putin" record.']]
classify and reply
[">>{PlanetoftheAtheists} : Bernie Sanders calls Trump a ‘pathological liar'; Al Franken says ‘a few’ Republicans think Trump is mentally ill", '>>{turtledan87} : So when if these people are so super worried anonymously and there are apparently so many of them when do they say it on the record', '>>{Wizking990} : News anchor shuts down Hillary supporter. (Australian)', '>>{Cuckberg} : Trump won because the rural population decided to strike back at the elites. By cutting their taxes and deregulating them.', ">>{miryslough} : Funny how Trump's tax plan benefits the most wealthy and not those in the rural population.", ">>{cntrrvltnry} : Definitely has nothing to do with the small cities and towns in the rust belt being hurt incredibly by neo-liberal policies. Or the Democratic establishment letting their radicals attack the mostly white male labor bloc mercilessly. If the Democrats want to recover from this defeat, then they need a proper post mortem, and this rhetoric isn't helping.", ">>{What_are_thoooooose} : Not really that funny, when you think about it. Maybe it'll be funnier in the Thunderdome.", '>>{wtfwasdat} : What the hell is wrong with Donald? Seriously, something is mentally very wrong with him.', '>>{Cuckberg} : https://www.audiotech.com/trends-magazine/images/articles/2015/12/p36-1.png https://plot.ly/~victortchen/417/manufacturing-employment-as-a-percentage-of-nonfarm-employment.png You understand that trade did not cause this, right? https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.15.1.125 >> We describe the main economic arguments posed for and against the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) during the U.S. policy debate. To evaluate these arguments, we analyze recent trade data and survey post-NAFTA studies. We find that both the U.S. and Mexico benefit from NAFTA, with much larger relative benefits for Mexico. **NAFTA also has had little effect on the U.S. labor market**. These results confirm the consensus opinion of economists at the time of the debate. Finally, studies find that trade creation greatly exceeds trade diversion in the region under NAFTA, especially in intermediate goods. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_25byqjBle85jqy9 http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_a3jxYtWKoF4vSKx http://people.terry.uga.edu/last/classes/2105h/readings_2006/krugman_trade.pdf >> An introductory economics course should drive home to students the point that international trade is not about competition, it is about mutually beneficial exchange. Even more fundamentally, we should be able to teach students that imports, not exports, are the purpose of trade. That is, what a country gains from trade is the ability to import things it wants. Exports are not an objective in and of themselves: the need to export is a burden that a country must bear because its import suppliers are crass enough to demand payment', '>>{thegreatdissembler} : Probably true of 20% of all elected officials in the States. 10 of our presidents are thought to have had a major mental illness and a bunch more were drunks.', ">>{lawblogz} : On a separate but related note, I think Major Garrett wins the award for best news casting of this election. It's like he was reporting on a giant sea monster that had just emerged out of the New York harbor. God bless you Major Garrett.", '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : Probably just having trouble with the Russian to English translation.', '>>{cntrrvltnry} : Automation caused significant losses, but 5 million jobs lost due to off shoring is a significant number.', ">>{Kindness4all} : If you are a Republican & you think the President of the United States is possibly mentally ill, & you don't do anything to remove him from office, you need to be out of a job.", ">>{cats_just_in_space19} : if you believe that the president is mentally unstable and don't speak up you should be hung (jailed actually I don't believe in capital punishment) for treason if we do come out on the other side of this.", ">>{NotBrendan} : I was having a hard time keeping track of all that has happened since Trump became president, so I made a website. [Trump Track](Http://www.Trump-track.com) It aims to do exactly that, track Trump and his administration. I plan to update it daily with cited, un-editorialized news stories that aren't opinion pieces starting just before his inauguration. It's a very basic website that I'm hoping to use purely as a record. Let me know what you think!", ">>{MoribundCow} : Narcissistic personality disorder and whatever else is making him not make any damn sense at all sometimes. Some people say dementia but who really knows. Maybe one day we'll find out.", ">>{SaintBrutus} : Politics attracts a certain personality type, for sure. People who care more about their image than their integrity. People who harbor deep, pathological prejudices against [insert anyone or anything here]. Easily paid off. Confused by the difference between right and wrong. It's very spooky.", '>>{mar10wright} : They\'re to happy about all of the "winning" to speak up, that or they\'re scared.', ">>{Cuckberg} : Here's the thing, the off shoring wasn't caused by trade deals.", '>>{ApatheticPsycho} : More than likely dementia His father had it around the age Donald currently is and he has a family history of it so', '>>{mar10wright} : It\'s depressing. It\'s hard to imagine "good" people willing to spend their lives in politics. Or either the "good" people will become corrupted by the system.', ">>{skullgenie} : How is he mentally ill? Trump is peculiar I'll give him that. He has a weird way of doing things and communicating but nothing that suggests mental illness. Please don't trivialize mental illness.", ">>{Cuckberg} : You can't look at the total manufacturing jobs that vanished, and declare they're because of NAFTA. Those jobs most likely would have left with or without NAFTA.", ">>{cntrrvltnry} : Sure, much went to China and SE Asia which he has addressed. I'm not sure why you're latching on to NAFTA when I never mentioned it. The point is that he addressed the issue in a big way, and the message resonated with the residents in the rust belt. Will it help in any significant way? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯", '>>{turtledan87} : So does this sub not enforce the shill accusation rule anymore or?', '>>{wtfwasdat} : >How is he mentally ill? Have you been living under a rock the past 20 years? The guy has major mental problems.', '>>{AnchovieProton} : Republicans now define the very establishment they loath. "Government *is* the problem." Right on, Ronnie. Gotta agree with you there. Oh you were so clever with that one, won a lot of votes with that dumbass slogan, din\'cha? But if Government is the broken toilet then you and Trump are the turds clogging up the punch bowl. What? Are mixed metaphors banned under Trump now, too?', ">>{iammenotu} : However, none on the level of Trump. Trump has *serious* problems, and it's hanging right out in the open enough that our politicians are openly and vocally stating such. As far as I know (BA in History and minor in Political Science but focus was not US history) no other president has been openly and vocally maligned by his fellow politicians as mentally ill or pathological (in a serious sense). And having others presidents who were rumored to have illnesses does in no way excuse Trump or other politicians from removing him from office or voicing concern. To end, not sure what your point is. Past president's problems have nothing to do with our current problem with Trump. Past president's aren't an excuse for current events.", ">>{jakehcake} : That in no way answers why he has major mental problems. Not saying I don't agree, but I will say that's a horrible answer.", ">>{TinyBaron} : *Seven Days in May* is also an option. Wouldn't even have to wait till May, honestly.", ">>{thegreatdissembler} : Think the Senate and the judiciary should provide a check to his bat shit crazy ways. Then again we could be where the Roman Republic was just prior to getting a emperor that was loved by the mob. Most the folks that voted for him like his bat shit craziness I'm thinking.", '>>{TinyBaron} : Anyone who spends two years fighting for a chance to be imprisoned in a house under constant supervision by armed guards with citizens gawking at them through railings probably needs to have his head examined. Doubly so if they were born rich.', ">>{dhork} : Gee, great! Couldn't those Republicans have realized this, oh, about 6 months ago when they were nominating him?", '>>{zigzagmachine} : While I think his surrogates intentionally lie with a purpose, I believe Trump is actually a pathological liar.', ">>{Xatana} : You do realize that anything that Democrats say is generally ignored by the majority of the country right now right? It'd be like getting a quote from Rick Santorum that he thinks Obama is a liar. Nobody gives a fuck what Santorum has to say about the Democrat leader. Nobody gives a fuck what these liberal hacks like Al fucking Franken or Bernie Socialist Sanders have to say about Trump.", '>>{poop_toaster} : Maybe you should reassemble your original comment so it makes grammatical sense and uses punctuation.', '>>{putinspuppet} : A demented, narcissistic, pathological liar. What could possibly go wrong?', '>>{TheSmartestMan} : A majority huh? Considering only the 20% that voted for him are the only ones constantly defending a lunatic, I think you\'re wrong. Everybody hears what him and his blind followers say and think \'what the fuck is wrong with these people?"', ">>{143cookiedough} : To not acknowledge his mental illness is to trivialize mental illness. You don't need to be yelling at the voices in your head to be mentally ill and you don't need to be a professional within the field to see that at the very least Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. If fact this diagnosis was widely accepted before he even ran for president yet people trivialized mental health and ignored the true problematic potential this would impose on him.", ">>{skomo} : If you look at the criteria for narssisistic personality disorser he definitely meets them. Also, because it's a personality disorder, it's extremely hard to treat. One of the hallmarks of a personality disorder (vs. a more common disorder like major depression) is that it's very, very difficult to convince the person they have a problem. Most people with personality disorders never undergo any treatment unless they are forced to and even then the existing treatments often don't take care of the underlying problem. That's why you'll hear psychologists say that the best thing to do when you know a narcissist, sociopath, etc. is to stay away; they are very unlikely to change and it's only a matter of time until they fuck you over due to a lack of empathy and an exaggerated sense of self.", '>>{Master-Of-Reality} : Where are the trump supporters? What do they have to say?', '>>{WTFppl} : I would rather have a tenured psychologist answer the question.', ">>{WTFppl} : You have given us nothing to understand your skills. Observation can lead those to purpose your comment. It's a good comment to, BTW! I did give you an upvote for it.", '>>{TheBaconBurpeeBeast} : The most wild and wacky sitcom of the year?', '>>{TheBaconBurpeeBeast} : SEE YOU IN COURT! sir, we are in court. FINE THEN SEE YOU IN COURT!', '>>{TheBaconBurpeeBeast} : It was speculated that Lincoln may have suffered from depression. There were many historical letters referencing his "melancholy."', ">>{Xatana} : I have my doubts about Trump in some aspect, so I'm certainly no blind follower. But man I could not care less what a liberal thinks of Trump.", ">>{explodedsun} : Trumped Up Charges! A series with 2 main characters that never meet! One is used car salesman sort of President who keeps having senior moments which result in hilarious racially biased executive orders. The other is a lower middle class black man who spends all of his free time and money attempting to disentangle himself from the street level enforcement of the President's decrees.", ">>{TheSmartestMan} : But it's not just liberals. It's liberals, many conservatives, foreign leaders, and generally the entire world outside of the US. He's only a few weeks and in it's been pretty much a disaster. He's already managed to fracture relations with at least 4 of our biggest allies. I mean, England doesn't even want him in the country. That's some spectacular fucking up in such a short time. The lies, the doubling and tripling down on said lies, the stink of corruption and controversy on everything he touches, all of it makes me wonder how anybody can still support him with a clear conscience.", ">>{Raincoats_George} : He definitely has narcissistic tendencies. But that alone is not a truly debilitating mental illness. Not in the same vein as dimentia or schizophrenia. As much as this subreddit would love for him to have dimentia to justify getting rid of it there is zero quantifiable evidence that it's there. He's an asshole. He cares only about himself. But nothing suggests he's having any other symptoms.", '>>{graay_ghost} : I mean, it might not be mental. My dad was increasingly paranoid towards the end of his life due to liver disease. Narcissistic tendencies and that would make a whole boatload of problems.', '>>{bannedfromvideos} : what about the tenured psychiatrist who wrote letters to Obama?https://qz.com/871961/a-harvard-psychiatrist-wrote-to-obama-to-demand-a-psychiatric-evaluation-of-trump/', '>>{NotBrendan} : No doubt you can probably find these links there. Just a few hundred posts shaved off, chronologically arranged, archived, and cherry picked on my end.', ">>{mazu74} : IF YOU'RE NOT A PSYCHIATRIST YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIS MENTAL HEALTH! - Trump supporters, probably.", '>>{erectedmidget} : This thinking is precisely how we got to this problem in the first place.', '>>{TheRealJasonsson} : *psychiatrist comments on his health* "fake news!"', '>>{sublime1123} : Damn the left is desperate. Like a guy wearing sweatpants to a strip club desperate', '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : I am grateful for the elimination of reposts and the actual chronological order you have. Any chance for cross referencing or categorizations at all? Id love to be able to easily pivot through this trove of horrors.', ">>{brihamedit} : Good. Now can we put in some new rules to vet a presidential candidate's adequate qualifications? Civics test? Mental stability? Clear understanding of gov rules/checksandbalances? Also, can we finally settle our small peasant minds to seriously consider that this is a fucking job and the palace is fucking outdated?", ">>{Sneakys2} : I've read a theory by a scholar that his depression actually helped him during his presidency. It helped him be more realistic and grounded and allowed him to focus on the task at hand.", ">>{NotBrendan} : Appreciate it! There's tags and a tag cloud in the sidebar. As time goes on, I'm hoping the categories form on their own when the tagging becomes more consistent.", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : If I had bothered to read the whole page rather than click through articles I would have seen that. Thanks!', ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Most republicans know he's mentally ill, they just continue to put party above country."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{PlanetoftheAtheists} : Bernie Sanders calls Trump a ‘pathological liar'; Al Franken says ‘a few’ Republicans think Trump is mentally ill", '>>{turtledan87} : So when if these people are so super worried anonymously and there are apparently so many of them when do they say it on the record', '>>{wtfwasdat} : What the hell is wrong with Donald? Seriously, something is mentally very wrong with him.', '>>{thegreatdissembler} : Probably true of 20% of all elected officials in the States. 10 of our presidents are thought to have had a major mental illness and a bunch more were drunks.', '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : Probably just having trouble with the Russian to English translation.', ">>{Kindness4all} : If you are a Republican & you think the President of the United States is possibly mentally ill, & you don't do anything to remove him from office, you need to be out of a job.", ">>{cats_just_in_space19} : if you believe that the president is mentally unstable and don't speak up you should be hung (jailed actually I don't believe in capital punishment) for treason if we do come out on the other side of this.", ">>{NotBrendan} : I was having a hard time keeping track of all that has happened since Trump became president, so I made a website. [Trump Track](Http://www.Trump-track.com) It aims to do exactly that, track Trump and his administration. I plan to update it daily with cited, un-editorialized news stories that aren't opinion pieces starting just before his inauguration. It's a very basic website that I'm hoping to use purely as a record. Let me know what you think!", ">>{MoribundCow} : Narcissistic personality disorder and whatever else is making him not make any damn sense at all sometimes. Some people say dementia but who really knows. Maybe one day we'll find out.", ">>{SaintBrutus} : Politics attracts a certain personality type, for sure. People who care more about their image than their integrity. People who harbor deep, pathological prejudices against [insert anyone or anything here]. Easily paid off. Confused by the difference between right and wrong. It's very spooky.", '>>{mar10wright} : They\'re to happy about all of the "winning" to speak up, that or they\'re scared.', '>>{ApatheticPsycho} : More than likely dementia His father had it around the age Donald currently is and he has a family history of it so', '>>{mar10wright} : It\'s depressing. It\'s hard to imagine "good" people willing to spend their lives in politics. Or either the "good" people will become corrupted by the system.', ">>{skullgenie} : How is he mentally ill? Trump is peculiar I'll give him that. He has a weird way of doing things and communicating but nothing that suggests mental illness. Please don't trivialize mental illness.", '>>{turtledan87} : So does this sub not enforce the shill accusation rule anymore or?', '>>{wtfwasdat} : >How is he mentally ill? Have you been living under a rock the past 20 years? The guy has major mental problems.', '>>{AnchovieProton} : Republicans now define the very establishment they loath. "Government *is* the problem." Right on, Ronnie. Gotta agree with you there. Oh you were so clever with that one, won a lot of votes with that dumbass slogan, din\'cha? But if Government is the broken toilet then you and Trump are the turds clogging up the punch bowl. What? Are mixed metaphors banned under Trump now, too?', ">>{iammenotu} : However, none on the level of Trump. Trump has *serious* problems, and it's hanging right out in the open enough that our politicians are openly and vocally stating such. As far as I know (BA in History and minor in Political Science but focus was not US history) no other president has been openly and vocally maligned by his fellow politicians as mentally ill or pathological (in a serious sense). And having others presidents who were rumored to have illnesses does in no way excuse Trump or other politicians from removing him from office or voicing concern. To end, not sure what your point is. Past president's problems have nothing to do with our current problem with Trump. Past president's aren't an excuse for current events.", ">>{jakehcake} : That in no way answers why he has major mental problems. Not saying I don't agree, but I will say that's a horrible answer.", ">>{TinyBaron} : *Seven Days in May* is also an option. Wouldn't even have to wait till May, honestly.", ">>{thegreatdissembler} : Think the Senate and the judiciary should provide a check to his bat shit crazy ways. Then again we could be where the Roman Republic was just prior to getting a emperor that was loved by the mob. Most the folks that voted for him like his bat shit craziness I'm thinking.", '>>{TinyBaron} : Anyone who spends two years fighting for a chance to be imprisoned in a house under constant supervision by armed guards with citizens gawking at them through railings probably needs to have his head examined. Doubly so if they were born rich.', ">>{dhork} : Gee, great! Couldn't those Republicans have realized this, oh, about 6 months ago when they were nominating him?", '>>{zigzagmachine} : While I think his surrogates intentionally lie with a purpose, I believe Trump is actually a pathological liar.', ">>{Xatana} : You do realize that anything that Democrats say is generally ignored by the majority of the country right now right? It'd be like getting a quote from Rick Santorum that he thinks Obama is a liar. Nobody gives a fuck what Santorum has to say about the Democrat leader. Nobody gives a fuck what these liberal hacks like Al fucking Franken or Bernie Socialist Sanders have to say about Trump.", '>>{poop_toaster} : Maybe you should reassemble your original comment so it makes grammatical sense and uses punctuation.', '>>{putinspuppet} : A demented, narcissistic, pathological liar. What could possibly go wrong?', '>>{TheSmartestMan} : A majority huh? Considering only the 20% that voted for him are the only ones constantly defending a lunatic, I think you\'re wrong. Everybody hears what him and his blind followers say and think \'what the fuck is wrong with these people?"', ">>{143cookiedough} : To not acknowledge his mental illness is to trivialize mental illness. You don't need to be yelling at the voices in your head to be mentally ill and you don't need to be a professional within the field to see that at the very least Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. If fact this diagnosis was widely accepted before he even ran for president yet people trivialized mental health and ignored the true problematic potential this would impose on him.", ">>{skomo} : If you look at the criteria for narssisistic personality disorser he definitely meets them. Also, because it's a personality disorder, it's extremely hard to treat. One of the hallmarks of a personality disorder (vs. a more common disorder like major depression) is that it's very, very difficult to convince the person they have a problem. Most people with personality disorders never undergo any treatment unless they are forced to and even then the existing treatments often don't take care of the underlying problem. That's why you'll hear psychologists say that the best thing to do when you know a narcissist, sociopath, etc. is to stay away; they are very unlikely to change and it's only a matter of time until they fuck you over due to a lack of empathy and an exaggerated sense of self.", '>>{Master-Of-Reality} : Where are the trump supporters? What do they have to say?', '>>{WTFppl} : I would rather have a tenured psychologist answer the question.', ">>{WTFppl} : You have given us nothing to understand your skills. Observation can lead those to purpose your comment. It's a good comment to, BTW! I did give you an upvote for it.", '>>{TheBaconBurpeeBeast} : The most wild and wacky sitcom of the year?', '>>{TheBaconBurpeeBeast} : SEE YOU IN COURT! sir, we are in court. FINE THEN SEE YOU IN COURT!', '>>{TheBaconBurpeeBeast} : It was speculated that Lincoln may have suffered from depression. There were many historical letters referencing his "melancholy."', ">>{Xatana} : I have my doubts about Trump in some aspect, so I'm certainly no blind follower. But man I could not care less what a liberal thinks of Trump.", ">>{explodedsun} : Trumped Up Charges! A series with 2 main characters that never meet! One is used car salesman sort of President who keeps having senior moments which result in hilarious racially biased executive orders. The other is a lower middle class black man who spends all of his free time and money attempting to disentangle himself from the street level enforcement of the President's decrees.", ">>{TheSmartestMan} : But it's not just liberals. It's liberals, many conservatives, foreign leaders, and generally the entire world outside of the US. He's only a few weeks and in it's been pretty much a disaster. He's already managed to fracture relations with at least 4 of our biggest allies. I mean, England doesn't even want him in the country. That's some spectacular fucking up in such a short time. The lies, the doubling and tripling down on said lies, the stink of corruption and controversy on everything he touches, all of it makes me wonder how anybody can still support him with a clear conscience.", ">>{Raincoats_George} : He definitely has narcissistic tendencies. But that alone is not a truly debilitating mental illness. Not in the same vein as dimentia or schizophrenia. As much as this subreddit would love for him to have dimentia to justify getting rid of it there is zero quantifiable evidence that it's there. He's an asshole. He cares only about himself. But nothing suggests he's having any other symptoms.", '>>{graay_ghost} : I mean, it might not be mental. My dad was increasingly paranoid towards the end of his life due to liver disease. Narcissistic tendencies and that would make a whole boatload of problems.', '>>{bannedfromvideos} : what about the tenured psychiatrist who wrote letters to Obama?https://qz.com/871961/a-harvard-psychiatrist-wrote-to-obama-to-demand-a-psychiatric-evaluation-of-trump/', '>>{NotBrendan} : No doubt you can probably find these links there. Just a few hundred posts shaved off, chronologically arranged, archived, and cherry picked on my end.', ">>{mazu74} : IF YOU'RE NOT A PSYCHIATRIST YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIS MENTAL HEALTH! - Trump supporters, probably.", '>>{erectedmidget} : This thinking is precisely how we got to this problem in the first place.', '>>{TheRealJasonsson} : *psychiatrist comments on his health* "fake news!"', '>>{sublime1123} : Damn the left is desperate. Like a guy wearing sweatpants to a strip club desperate', '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : I am grateful for the elimination of reposts and the actual chronological order you have. Any chance for cross referencing or categorizations at all? Id love to be able to easily pivot through this trove of horrors.', ">>{brihamedit} : Good. Now can we put in some new rules to vet a presidential candidate's adequate qualifications? Civics test? Mental stability? Clear understanding of gov rules/checksandbalances? Also, can we finally settle our small peasant minds to seriously consider that this is a fucking job and the palace is fucking outdated?", ">>{Sneakys2} : I've read a theory by a scholar that his depression actually helped him during his presidency. It helped him be more realistic and grounded and allowed him to focus on the task at hand.", ">>{NotBrendan} : Appreciate it! There's tags and a tag cloud in the sidebar. As time goes on, I'm hoping the categories form on their own when the tagging becomes more consistent.", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : If I had bothered to read the whole page rather than click through articles I would have seen that. Thanks!', ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Most republicans know he's mentally ill, they just continue to put party above country."], ['>>{Wizking990} : News anchor shuts down Hillary supporter. (Australian)', '>>{Cuckberg} : Trump won because the rural population decided to strike back at the elites. By cutting their taxes and deregulating them.', ">>{miryslough} : Funny how Trump's tax plan benefits the most wealthy and not those in the rural population.", ">>{cntrrvltnry} : Definitely has nothing to do with the small cities and towns in the rust belt being hurt incredibly by neo-liberal policies. Or the Democratic establishment letting their radicals attack the mostly white male labor bloc mercilessly. If the Democrats want to recover from this defeat, then they need a proper post mortem, and this rhetoric isn't helping.", ">>{What_are_thoooooose} : Not really that funny, when you think about it. Maybe it'll be funnier in the Thunderdome.", '>>{Cuckberg} : https://www.audiotech.com/trends-magazine/images/articles/2015/12/p36-1.png https://plot.ly/~victortchen/417/manufacturing-employment-as-a-percentage-of-nonfarm-employment.png You understand that trade did not cause this, right? https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.15.1.125 >> We describe the main economic arguments posed for and against the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) during the U.S. policy debate. To evaluate these arguments, we analyze recent trade data and survey post-NAFTA studies. We find that both the U.S. and Mexico benefit from NAFTA, with much larger relative benefits for Mexico. **NAFTA also has had little effect on the U.S. labor market**. These results confirm the consensus opinion of economists at the time of the debate. Finally, studies find that trade creation greatly exceeds trade diversion in the region under NAFTA, especially in intermediate goods. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_25byqjBle85jqy9 http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_a3jxYtWKoF4vSKx http://people.terry.uga.edu/last/classes/2105h/readings_2006/krugman_trade.pdf >> An introductory economics course should drive home to students the point that international trade is not about competition, it is about mutually beneficial exchange. Even more fundamentally, we should be able to teach students that imports, not exports, are the purpose of trade. That is, what a country gains from trade is the ability to import things it wants. Exports are not an objective in and of themselves: the need to export is a burden that a country must bear because its import suppliers are crass enough to demand payment', ">>{lawblogz} : On a separate but related note, I think Major Garrett wins the award for best news casting of this election. It's like he was reporting on a giant sea monster that had just emerged out of the New York harbor. God bless you Major Garrett.", '>>{cntrrvltnry} : Automation caused significant losses, but 5 million jobs lost due to off shoring is a significant number.', ">>{Cuckberg} : Here's the thing, the off shoring wasn't caused by trade deals.", ">>{Cuckberg} : You can't look at the total manufacturing jobs that vanished, and declare they're because of NAFTA. Those jobs most likely would have left with or without NAFTA.", ">>{cntrrvltnry} : Sure, much went to China and SE Asia which he has addressed. I'm not sure why you're latching on to NAFTA when I never mentioned it. The point is that he addressed the issue in a big way, and the message resonated with the residents in the rust belt. Will it help in any significant way? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"]]
classify and reply
['>>{denzelch} : John Oliver Tears Into the GOP for Letting Trump Get This Far in the Election', '>>{CPTLoggie} : Coming from a "news" organization whos chairman literally works for trump?', ">>{whitemest} : Says Breitbart. I'm sure they're the epitome of unbiased news.", ">>{closet_racist_} : What did he want the GOP to do, override the voters' decision and nominate someone else?", '>>{probablyuntrue} : Ethics in the White house died about....how many days ago was Jan 20?', ">>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : Nope, sink with the ship. And that's exactly what's happening.", '>>{BadDecisionDino} : No. They could have simply disavowed him and cut off support, focusing on downballot races. Essentially the very same thing that many of them are doing right now. Only it needed to happen waaaaaaay earlier, because he was just as much of a lunatic back then. Everyone else saw the meltdown coming.', '>>{paburon} : No, it was filmed in the current year.', '>>{CMelody} : I am far more concerned about the possibility that Kushner and other Trumpers are Russian assets than Trump violating nepotism rules.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Trump camp puts forward witness to refute sex assault claim', '>>{Lorieoflauderdale} : Call him out from the beginning and never endorse him.', '>>{downloadingYourRAMs} : The 17 year old pimp? Shining example of a witness...', '>>{BoneDryCuffs} : So basically he got some ~~guy~~ **edit: FORMER PIMP, are you KIDDING ME DONNY??** to say "she was asking for it" and "she came on to me first." This is literally "I am sexual assault and so can you" 101.', ">>{RealPutin} : Look at the credibility of this witness: >Gilberthorpe made headlines in 2014, when he went public with a claim that as a 17-year-old he procured boys (some who “could have been” underage”) for sex parties with high-ranking British politicians Jesus this is terrifying. Not surprising he'd defend sex assault allegations.", ">>{mike_gainor} : Guess they're forgetting about how CNN hired Lewandowski? CNN is incompetent all around, it's not partisan.", '>>{paburon} : > They could have simply disavowed him and cut off support, focusing on downballot races. As much as they may have believed Trump to be a lunatic, the strategy you suggest is basically electoral suicide. If those downballot candidates want to be elected, they have to deal with the fact that a good 40% of Republican voters seem to love Trump. Even after the audio take was leaked, [74% of Republicans still want their party leaders to support Trump](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/politico-morning-consult-poll-229394). We see some candidates and GOP leaders finally distancing themselves from Trump now, because the audio tape leak has essentially guaranteed his loss in the election. Up until last weekend, there as a realistic chance that Trump could win, and such a win would have benefited most downballot races.', '>>{BatmanDavey1986} : LMAO PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS WHAT PENCE WAS TALKING ABOUT PLEASE oh my god hahahahaha Jesus lover mike pence was banking on a pimp of underage boys. Oh my god OH MY GOD HAHAH', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : She needs the executive immunity. Bitch knows what's up. She was on the transition team.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : The Russian story is the ONLY story. This is the one that he cowers over.', ">>{MasonJarBong} : A pimp of underaged boys, no less. If this is the best Trump can do to refute the sexual harassment claims, he's in even bigger trouble than it seems.", '>>{greenisunderdog} : The people supported her so theirnbuas is not a problem.', '>>{downloadingYourRAMs} : I wonder if Pence knew this is the evidence he vouched for.', '>>{geneeva71} : Now i think this is certainly an odd line of attack. And i dislike CNN. Its true CNN did work with Hillary Clinton. But its equally true that Breitbart worked with Trump. Like Im fairly sure the Guy who runs Breitbart might have been **Literally on the campaign** Call it a hunch of sorts.', ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : You actually didn't hear about this? It was a whole thing. They admitted it.", ">>{gensleuth} : Trump is surpassing Obama in civilians killed. Aren't you following what is currently happening in Syria and Iraq?", '>>{SaltHash} : CNN did hire pro-Trump stumps like Corey Lewandowski. So fuck off, Breitbart blowhards. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/cnns-hiring-of-corey-lewandowski-insults-the-press--and-women/2016/06/28/0cb2211c-3d4d-11e6-84e8-1580c7db5275_story.html', ">>{Bluezephr} : This exactly. As much as I disagree with republicans(I'm an NDP member in Canada), asking those politicians to have backed out earlier was really not something that was possible. Most of Them got put in an awful situation when Trump got elected, and a lot of them were pretty public about it. Since this happened, they can safely distance themselves from him.", '>>{p00pyvulva} : Fewer than each of the last four (at least) presidents before him?', ">>{upthatknowledge} : They've consistently stood by him through some horrrendous shit. Thats all. They needed an endorse this idiot.", '>>{OilyFuck} : You mean the same cluster fucks that Obama also influenced?', ">>{OperationDepuzzle} : Can't the QUEEN fix this???", '>>{laserkid1983} : I unsubscribed when he veered away from journalism and started peddling leftist crap like the Migrant Crisis being good.', '>>{baudrillardwasright} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7768 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/41628)', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I heard about it and CNN should be ashamed. But Steve Bannon used to directly run Breitbart and still sits as it's chairman. So both should be ashamed.", '>>{paraconformity} : Did no one at Trump tower do a two minute google search on this guy? The Donald would make for a hilariously incompetent administration.', '>>{UtzTheCrabChip} : It\'s Breitbat. They\'re not "forgetting" so much as "intentionally leaving out"', '>>{NarcolepticMan} : Still wondering why /r/politics allows anything from Breitbart.', ">>{MTFD} : This is an account by a notorious con artist who claimed to be a 17 year old pimp rounding up boys for MPs in the UK. Also, what was an 18 year old british kid doing in the 1st class of an airline flight from the midwest to NYC in the early '80s?", '>>{jz4244} : He claims victim was wearing a white pants suit and the victim claims she was wearing a skirt', ">>{blazarquasar} : I don't know, the Russia connection is definitely the most important, but I'm glad they're asking these questions too. What fuck IS she doing there? They have an ulterior motive for everything and must be called out on everything. We should still be on top of Russia, but it's not the only the fucked up thing that deserves attention.", ">>{constantvariables} : I'm really interested in how history is going to remember this election. Each day is more ridiculous than the last which is saying a lot at this point.", '>>{FromZiraCameCaesar} : Corey Lewandowski was literally being paid by Trump while working at CNN. Who did they work hand in glove with?', '>>{LBJ20XX} : > But its equally true that Breitbart worked with Trump. Right but big difference here is that CNN comes with basically every cable and satellite basic package. The sphere of influence, in theory, is way larger for CNN.', ">>{knowses} : I have no problem with CNN supporting Clinton's election, but they shouldn't try to pass themselves off as an unbiased news source. That is manipulation.", ">>{cam94509} : Trump's witness puts Trump on the plane with the woman. Given his absolute lack of credibility, I'm not sure how much it matters, but that's still information that narrows Trumps corner.", '>>{Superman_for_atari} : Liberals have really hurt themselves by allowing working with CNN, MSNBC, NY times. People no longer believe them. People know for a fact that they are full of shit. Unfortunately for liberals, this will decrease their power since fewer and fewer people believe what these "un-biased" news sources say. You reap what you sow.', ">>{Trorbes} : AFAIK the mods don't want to deal with the backlash from the right.", ">>{Bmorewiser} : There's that, and then there's the fact that he was a pimp for pedophiles.", '>>{gensleuth} : Nope. Trump is doing this all by himself. This is what you get with a "bomb them all to hell" attitude. We are making new enemies by the minute. We will be judged for our actions.', '>>{Left_Rise} : says STATE MEDIA r/politics is a joke until this swill rag is banned', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : She needs executive immunity. With these grifters, for every move you hear about, they're making nine moves that they don't want you to know about. The Trump family is American gypsy scum. No disrespect to the Roma community.", '>>{nrbeech} : State Sponsored Media. Upvote this so people see "State Sponsored Media" when they look at this page.', ">>{whitemest} : At this point trumps simply trying to keep his deplorable base. This kinda shit plus the last week's video pretty much solidifies he won't be getting much support beyond his base.", '>>{VROF} : Did any network besides CNN actually [pay people to be Trump surrogates?](http://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/10/14/video-cnn-has-trump-surrogate-problem/213824) Because that made CNN\'s election coverage unwatchable, but they kept going strong with it every single day. I don\'t really see how they were supposedly so "pro Clinton" when they paid to seem otherwise.', '>>{VROF} : How does that reconcile with their [Trump surrogates](http://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/10/14/video-cnn-has-trump-surrogate-problem/213824) who were paid to defend the stupidest of positions.', ">>{OilyFuck} : So Trump is the only one who has been bombing shit away and Obama did nothing? You're embarrassing...", '>>{VROF} : And it made their election coverage unwatchable. >CNN’s decision to hire professional Trump apologists has made for some fascinating -- if not excruciating -- television. Their appearances frequently result in screaming matches, with hosts and other panelists trying desperately (and fruitlessly) to deal with the surrogates’ barrage of talking points, misdirection, and blind stubbornness. The Trump surrogates do a masterful job of avoiding being pinned down -- they change the subject, argue in circles, make things up, and generally do whatever they can to sidetrack any negative discussion about Trump. >So a segment about Trump’s hesitance to disavow David Duke turns into an absurd argument about whether Democrats used to support the KKK. >A segment on Trump’s attacks on Alicia Machado’s weight becomes a debate about whether it’s actually offensive to be called an “eating machine.” >And a segment about Trump’s recorded comments describing sexually assaulting women gets sidetracked into a decade-old smear about Hillary Clinton’s work as a court-appointed defense attorney in the 1970s.. >By the end of most segments, everyone else on the panel is yelling, in shock, or has been flustered to the point of giving up. >This isn’t entirely the fault of the professional Trump surrogates. CNN pays them to be Trump apologists; their jobs depend on them defending their candidate regardless of how ridiculous it makes them sound. In other words, the network incentivizes them to be intractable.', '>>{gensleuth} : That is not what I wrote. You should be embarrassed.', '>>{MasonJarBong} : Trump\'s "witness" is either an admitted 17-year old pimp of under aged boys, a liar, or both. Sometimes there\'s just not enough popcorn.', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Says Brietbart, who's CEO is now a senior adviser to the President-Elect...", ">>{OilyFuck} : >Trump is doing this all by himself. So now you're a liar and you're embarrassing...", ">>{NeedsToLaugh} : But it is true. It's not a theory.", '>>{overlordpotatoe} : That this is the guy leaping to his defence actually makes Trump look *worse.*', '>>{iama_newredditor} : Wtf? I genuinely wanted to read some proof supporting this headline, but it\'s just "some dude says this...". I\'m Canadian, so I honestly like reading both sides of this shitshow for entertainment, but I almost need to tip my hat to the right for convincing so many people that the mainstream media is completely biased and that Breitbart is a better source of news. That\'s some masterful manipulation right there. Go in angry about jobs, come out the other side a complete lunatic conspiracy theorist.', '>>{ihasaKAROT} : So because Obama did things it means Trump can\'t do anything wrong? What are you twelve? His actions are his actions, no matter what other people did. If your only argument is "but what about X person" you need to grow up and join the adult conversations', '>>{AgentElman} : A link with some background on the guy. https://web.archive.org/web/20140812194717/http://www.private-eye.co.uk/sections.php?section_link=street_of_shame', '>>{Riganthor} : ;yeah but at least the previous admins didnt try to immeditiatly destroy the ethics watchdog, the GOP did', ">>{Jambajuice2828} : Okay, so my understanding is that this allowed because it's unclear if the White House is considered an agency. So instead of wasting time with with the White House ethics committee, shouldn't the Democrats be focusing on getting this into a federal court to rule on if the White House is an agency and therefore nepotism laws apply? That way he can stop piling his kids into the White House one by one? Imagine if Obama had adult daughters and did this. Republicans would be outraged but it's okay for Trump! He can do no wrong. Such double standards. I'd be weary with a Democrat doing this as much as a Republican. The president should surround himself with people who are qualified not unqualified children.", '>>{ERintrah} : He has a "good photographic memory." Isn\'t that just what most people call a "memory?"', '>>{obstruct_GOP} : Only when you use a naughty word. Then they jump into action and ban you.', ">>{geneeva71} : You can't blame them for that though. If Breitbart had that option they would take it. There are many things you can ridicule CNN for, this included. But Breitbart is kettle meeting the pot right now.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : > You can't blend them for that though. Blame or blend? Just checking if auto-correct got ya.", ">>{Pylons} : After the Party conference in October I was travelling back with Anna on the train from the northeast when five reporters emerged from the packed carriage and, much to the amusement and horror of the other passengers, started shouting questions at me about our affair. It was pretty awful. Back in London, I had to go home, first of all, to tell my wife, but I also had a duty to look after Anna. So we had the amazing - and to many people absurd - situation where all three of us were stuck at home together. The story was splashed across the Sunday Mirror the next day. Anthony Gilberthorpe had set the whole thing up, ensuring that I was up in York in his flat with Anna, that the room was covered in CCTV and wired for sound. I'd known him for years, he'd been a friend of the family, but he was paid about £25,000.", ">>{SDION} : I get what you're ssaying what with everything else going on but nepotism should probably be considered a big fish in itself.", '>>{AgentElman} : Anyone from the airline industry know what the chances are of finding out who was on that flight?', '>>{Chickachic-aaaaahhh} : Really? He didnt even say what she was. He just gave her an office but no position publicly. If it is nepotism then chase it down but i hardly see how we would call him out on this when all they did was say she was given an office close to her father.', '>>{Sadsackashit} : So, how exactly does Trump know this pimp? I think this connection should be looked into, especially in light of the upcoming lawsuit regarding the 13 y/o victim and a known, convicted pedophile.', '>>{salmonchaser} : Do we even know that he was actually on the flight?', '>>{BefallenTragedy} : You know the Trump camp did no vetting. See, folks, we need extreme vetting.', ">>{LBJ20XX} : Oh yeah, I don't blame anybody for anything in all this. At this point it's one of two things that will happen. It's going to get worse or it's not. No time to think about anything else when you are preparing for that. Plus it's not like there isn't enough blame for everybody to have a slice.", '>>{geneeva71} : [Its a shit sandwich, and we all got to take a bite.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db_qXKBle08)', ">>{SDION} : She's attending meetings with foreign leaders and dignitaries and has an office in the west wing. If anything the fact that she has no official title makes it worse - what *is* she doing there? If you were head of state and flew around the globe meeting presidents/prime ministers/chancellors, you'd likely find it strange to find their children attending meetings.", '>>{Chickachic-aaaaahhh} : i did not know she was doing that... shit... no bueno.', ">>{LBJ20XX} : Basically. I mean, what's the alternative? [Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit?](https://youtu.be/aCbfMkh940Q)", ">>{kvaks} : Never mind the dodgy character of this person, how come he remembers a random woman on an air plane 30 years ago? That's not very credible. The woman having a memory of it is explained (if true) because of the incident. This guy claims there was no incident, and yet he still remember the uneventful flight and the unknown woman 30 years later?", ">>{SDION} : With a different administration there would probably be news of it plastered everywhere for weeks on end but with everything going on it basically got a day of coverage and that's it.", '>>{cam94509} : We didn\'t before now, certainly. Given that the witness is a known pimp of children, I\'m not sure we do now, either, but we certainly didn\'t before. Edit: Arguably, Trump\'s own statements are in conflict with what his witness says, since he says that "none of this" ever happened, implying that the encounter on the plane never even happened.', '>>{RikersTrombone} : No, you are taking him out of context /s', ">>{Modsdontknow} : I think it's safe to safe trump is guilty as fuck.", '>>{downloadingYourRAMs} : Ah sorry. You really gotta use sarcasm tags with the current climate and all :)', '>>{cam94509} : It certainly seems unlikely that he was, given all the information we have.', ">>{HBombthrow} : I know I remember every flight I was on in which a woman wasn't sexually assaulted.", '>>{troubleondemand} : > Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981 > Gilberthorpe has no evidence to back up his claim — just his self-described excellent memory Excellent unless talking about what year he saw Donald Trump in first-class...', '>>{defmeta} : This morning Pence went on the record saying the campaign would release evidence refuting the allegations. I get the feeling that no one told him how big a like of shit this "evidence" would be. I mean Pence is a piece of shit in his own way but he\'s been fairly calculating this whole time.', ">>{Elryc35} : He claims to have an excellent memory. He can't remember the exact year of the flight, of course, but...", '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : Wow, good find! > In September 1987, for example, he announced his engagement in the Times to Miss Leah Bergdorf-Hunt, a fashion designer from California. The Gloucester Express reported the news on its front page under the headline “Gilby to Marry”. It quoted Gilberthorpe as saying: "Both our families are delighted… I hope this will explain to a few people about my recent visits to America.” But there was no engagement, and indeed no Miss Bergdorf-Hunt. As revealed in Eye 690, the whole thing was a fantasy. > In 1988 – the year before he claims to have sent Thatcher his dossier – he was awarded almost £50,000 libel damages against the Gloucester Citizen, Daily Mirror and Sun, all of which had reported that he was resigning as a councillor “amid allegations that he is a homosexual, has the killer disease Aids and has obtained £250,000 in cash and property from a disabled old-age pensioner”. > The odd feature of the case was that the local news-agency reporter who had supplied the story identified his source as Gilberthorpe himself. Mark Mitchell told the court that Gilby had phoned him from a London hotel to announce that he was quitting as a councillor because a national newspaper was about to allege that he’d had treatment for Aids at a New York clinic. So... a professional liar?', ">>{CocoDarlin} : This is their defense? They should've gone with the bonkers Carlos Slim conspiracy.", ">>{BatmanDavey1986} : Trump has Pence's family at gunpoint. Only logical reason.", ">>{VonnegutIce9} : There's no arguing with this. Boy pimps are known to have photographic memories. Clearly, this woman was asking for it. And the fact that he flew first class with Trump for every flight from 1979 through 1980 just proves that Trump is a stand up guy.", ">>{guszi} : No mention of the witness' dubious past in the article. Is this the NYT basically letting the Trump camp self-destruct by eating this up as a brutal response to his lawsuit threats?", ">>{Deiss} : On behalf of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, I would like to apologise to our brothers and sisters in America for this unapologetic wanker. Unfortunately, I can't apologise for Trump hiring a 'professional witness' in a flagrant attempt to display just how stupid he thinks the American people are; you'll need to take ownership of that one.", ">>{ThrillHammer} : This is who they trot out? I just, I can't. It has to be deliberate at this point right? He *has* to be scuttling the ship....", '>>{dudeguypal} : Oh come on. This is a bad joke right? This guy is your "witness". This has got to be an article from the Onion.', '>>{SuperDuperDrew} : >Hollywood Politics \u200f@Hwoodpolitix 17m17 minutes ago >@CandaceSmith_ @nypost >BREAKING: >Trump campaign has found another witness from the plane: Joey Buttafuoco I fucking died', ">>{1800Feelsbadman} : >Never mind the dodgy character of this person, how come he remembers a random woman on an air plane 30 years ago? That's not very credible. Now that is a dumb question. Of course he is going to remember a flight with a celebrity on it.", ">>{MasonJarBong} : I'm trying to eat here and this nearly made me choke (for realz)!", '>>{inadazed} : They fancy themselves real fucking detectives over there, talking about what years certain planes were flown in an effort to disprove the accuser. Fucking hilarious. "Armrest doesn\'t go up! Liberal smear campaign! MAGA MAGAMAGAGAGAGAG! GIVE THE PEDOPHILE A COAT!"', ">>{constantvariables} : They are insanely amusing. I'm a big fan of their affinity for HIGH ENERGY CAPS! Earlier today the top two posts started with HOLY SHIT!", '>>{SuperDuperDrew} : Haha. Sorry about that but, when I read it I was almost in tears and I needed to share.', ">>{MasonJarBong} : LOL it's all good! I spit up a little rice but I made it!", ">>{travio} : He was a pimp for underage boys supplied to rich Tories. He would have had the money. Why he would be in the midwest is anybody's guest.", '>>{travio} : I could understand noticing Trump if this happened in the late 80s onward. 1980 trump? He was well known in New York and on his way to becoming a minor national tabloid subject. I doubt most 18 year olds at the time would know who he was.', ">>{remote_production} : So that's who Trump was hanging out with in the late 1970s? I think that just leads to a bunch more questions that needs to be asked. Was Trump procuring under aged boys in the 70s?", '>>{travio} : And that is why British defamation laws are fucked up. You should not be able to sue a magazine because they said you have AIDS when you were the one who tipped them off on your AIDS. Actual Malice is a good standard.', ">>{travio} : This is the Post. They don't let details get the better of them.", '>>{guszi} : ah yes, I was totally wrong about this haha. Anyways this is the outcome', ">>{sungazer69} : Ok. What about the other dozen women, including the Apprentice contestant that came out today. Holy shit he's fucked.", '>>{1800Feelsbadman} : Yes he was. You can watch documentary on the CFL. Trump has been a celebrity since the 70s. In 1980 Tom Brokaw interviewed him on the Today show. He has interviews from 1980 on youtube.', '>>{Justmadethisaccunt} : >"I never met these people. I don\'t even know who they are. They\'re made-up stories filed right before the election," he said. Trump camp provides a witness that confirms Trump was with Leeds. And who in the hell would lean across the aisle to tell this guy "I\'m going to marry Trump" a man she had just met on the plane? What fucking planet are these people from? I am still a bit in denial that this level of stupidity fills stadiums across the country.', ">>{BatmanDavey1986} : You can see him dying inside. It's pretty great.", '>>{baudrillardwasright} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8558 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/32848)', '>>{escalation} : Guy came forward after seeing the allegations, said he was on the flight and the allegations were bullshit and made him angry.', '>>{escalation} : Some people are good with faces, others with numbers, others with song lyrics. Some people remember almost everything, for others memory works differently. Most people remember when they have celebrity encounters though, and pay more attention than they otherwise might. He was starting to get attention by then and may well have been recognized http://www.msnbc.com/documentaries/watch/today-show-1980-with-donald-trump-589527619719', '>>{escalation} : Trump was very much famous in 1980, at least at the minor celebrity level. Certainly enough to be recognizable. http://www.msnbc.com/documentaries/watch/today-show-1980-with-donald-trump-589527619719', '>>{ERintrah} : Point taken. My comment, though, was in regards to the words "good" and "photographic." When someone says photographic memory most people likely would think of a extraordinary memory. The "good" qualifier seems to diminish that.', ">>{escalation} : Ya, I've often wondered if that is an actual trait. It's not inconceivable, and sometimes you'll hear about savants who can do things like recite a phone book, but it's certainly not the way most people's minds function."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{denzelch} : John Oliver Tears Into the GOP for Letting Trump Get This Far in the Election', ">>{closet_racist_} : What did he want the GOP to do, override the voters' decision and nominate someone else?", ">>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : Nope, sink with the ship. And that's exactly what's happening.", '>>{BadDecisionDino} : No. They could have simply disavowed him and cut off support, focusing on downballot races. Essentially the very same thing that many of them are doing right now. Only it needed to happen waaaaaaay earlier, because he was just as much of a lunatic back then. Everyone else saw the meltdown coming.', '>>{paburon} : No, it was filmed in the current year.', '>>{Lorieoflauderdale} : Call him out from the beginning and never endorse him.', '>>{paburon} : > They could have simply disavowed him and cut off support, focusing on downballot races. As much as they may have believed Trump to be a lunatic, the strategy you suggest is basically electoral suicide. If those downballot candidates want to be elected, they have to deal with the fact that a good 40% of Republican voters seem to love Trump. Even after the audio take was leaked, [74% of Republicans still want their party leaders to support Trump](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/politico-morning-consult-poll-229394). We see some candidates and GOP leaders finally distancing themselves from Trump now, because the audio tape leak has essentially guaranteed his loss in the election. Up until last weekend, there as a realistic chance that Trump could win, and such a win would have benefited most downballot races.', ">>{Bluezephr} : This exactly. As much as I disagree with republicans(I'm an NDP member in Canada), asking those politicians to have backed out earlier was really not something that was possible. Most of Them got put in an awful situation when Trump got elected, and a lot of them were pretty public about it. Since this happened, they can safely distance themselves from him.", ">>{upthatknowledge} : They've consistently stood by him through some horrrendous shit. Thats all. They needed an endorse this idiot.", ">>{OperationDepuzzle} : Can't the QUEEN fix this???", '>>{laserkid1983} : I unsubscribed when he veered away from journalism and started peddling leftist crap like the Migrant Crisis being good.'], ['>>{probablyuntrue} : Ethics in the White house died about....how many days ago was Jan 20?', '>>{CMelody} : I am far more concerned about the possibility that Kushner and other Trumpers are Russian assets than Trump violating nepotism rules.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : She needs the executive immunity. Bitch knows what's up. She was on the transition team.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : The Russian story is the ONLY story. This is the one that he cowers over.', ">>{gensleuth} : Trump is surpassing Obama in civilians killed. Aren't you following what is currently happening in Syria and Iraq?", '>>{p00pyvulva} : Fewer than each of the last four (at least) presidents before him?', '>>{OilyFuck} : You mean the same cluster fucks that Obama also influenced?', ">>{blazarquasar} : I don't know, the Russia connection is definitely the most important, but I'm glad they're asking these questions too. What fuck IS she doing there? They have an ulterior motive for everything and must be called out on everything. We should still be on top of Russia, but it's not the only the fucked up thing that deserves attention.", '>>{gensleuth} : Nope. Trump is doing this all by himself. This is what you get with a "bomb them all to hell" attitude. We are making new enemies by the minute. We will be judged for our actions.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : She needs executive immunity. With these grifters, for every move you hear about, they're making nine moves that they don't want you to know about. The Trump family is American gypsy scum. No disrespect to the Roma community.", ">>{OilyFuck} : So Trump is the only one who has been bombing shit away and Obama did nothing? You're embarrassing...", '>>{gensleuth} : That is not what I wrote. You should be embarrassed.', ">>{OilyFuck} : >Trump is doing this all by himself. So now you're a liar and you're embarrassing...", '>>{ihasaKAROT} : So because Obama did things it means Trump can\'t do anything wrong? What are you twelve? His actions are his actions, no matter what other people did. If your only argument is "but what about X person" you need to grow up and join the adult conversations', '>>{Riganthor} : ;yeah but at least the previous admins didnt try to immeditiatly destroy the ethics watchdog, the GOP did', ">>{Jambajuice2828} : Okay, so my understanding is that this allowed because it's unclear if the White House is considered an agency. So instead of wasting time with with the White House ethics committee, shouldn't the Democrats be focusing on getting this into a federal court to rule on if the White House is an agency and therefore nepotism laws apply? That way he can stop piling his kids into the White House one by one? Imagine if Obama had adult daughters and did this. Republicans would be outraged but it's okay for Trump! He can do no wrong. Such double standards. I'd be weary with a Democrat doing this as much as a Republican. The president should surround himself with people who are qualified not unqualified children.", ">>{SDION} : I get what you're ssaying what with everything else going on but nepotism should probably be considered a big fish in itself.", '>>{Chickachic-aaaaahhh} : Really? He didnt even say what she was. He just gave her an office but no position publicly. If it is nepotism then chase it down but i hardly see how we would call him out on this when all they did was say she was given an office close to her father.', ">>{SDION} : She's attending meetings with foreign leaders and dignitaries and has an office in the west wing. If anything the fact that she has no official title makes it worse - what *is* she doing there? If you were head of state and flew around the globe meeting presidents/prime ministers/chancellors, you'd likely find it strange to find their children attending meetings.", '>>{Chickachic-aaaaahhh} : i did not know she was doing that... shit... no bueno.', ">>{SDION} : With a different administration there would probably be news of it plastered everywhere for weeks on end but with everything going on it basically got a day of coverage and that's it."], ['>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Trump camp puts forward witness to refute sex assault claim', '>>{downloadingYourRAMs} : The 17 year old pimp? Shining example of a witness...', '>>{BoneDryCuffs} : So basically he got some ~~guy~~ **edit: FORMER PIMP, are you KIDDING ME DONNY??** to say "she was asking for it" and "she came on to me first." This is literally "I am sexual assault and so can you" 101.', ">>{RealPutin} : Look at the credibility of this witness: >Gilberthorpe made headlines in 2014, when he went public with a claim that as a 17-year-old he procured boys (some who “could have been” underage”) for sex parties with high-ranking British politicians Jesus this is terrifying. Not surprising he'd defend sex assault allegations.", '>>{BatmanDavey1986} : LMAO PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS WHAT PENCE WAS TALKING ABOUT PLEASE oh my god hahahahaha Jesus lover mike pence was banking on a pimp of underage boys. Oh my god OH MY GOD HAHAH', ">>{MasonJarBong} : A pimp of underaged boys, no less. If this is the best Trump can do to refute the sexual harassment claims, he's in even bigger trouble than it seems.", '>>{downloadingYourRAMs} : I wonder if Pence knew this is the evidence he vouched for.', '>>{baudrillardwasright} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7768 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/41628)', '>>{paraconformity} : Did no one at Trump tower do a two minute google search on this guy? The Donald would make for a hilariously incompetent administration.', ">>{MTFD} : This is an account by a notorious con artist who claimed to be a 17 year old pimp rounding up boys for MPs in the UK. Also, what was an 18 year old british kid doing in the 1st class of an airline flight from the midwest to NYC in the early '80s?", '>>{jz4244} : He claims victim was wearing a white pants suit and the victim claims she was wearing a skirt', ">>{constantvariables} : I'm really interested in how history is going to remember this election. Each day is more ridiculous than the last which is saying a lot at this point.", ">>{cam94509} : Trump's witness puts Trump on the plane with the woman. Given his absolute lack of credibility, I'm not sure how much it matters, but that's still information that narrows Trumps corner.", ">>{Bmorewiser} : There's that, and then there's the fact that he was a pimp for pedophiles.", ">>{whitemest} : At this point trumps simply trying to keep his deplorable base. This kinda shit plus the last week's video pretty much solidifies he won't be getting much support beyond his base.", '>>{MasonJarBong} : Trump\'s "witness" is either an admitted 17-year old pimp of under aged boys, a liar, or both. Sometimes there\'s just not enough popcorn.', '>>{overlordpotatoe} : That this is the guy leaping to his defence actually makes Trump look *worse.*', '>>{AgentElman} : A link with some background on the guy. https://web.archive.org/web/20140812194717/http://www.private-eye.co.uk/sections.php?section_link=street_of_shame', '>>{ERintrah} : He has a "good photographic memory." Isn\'t that just what most people call a "memory?"', ">>{Pylons} : After the Party conference in October I was travelling back with Anna on the train from the northeast when five reporters emerged from the packed carriage and, much to the amusement and horror of the other passengers, started shouting questions at me about our affair. It was pretty awful. Back in London, I had to go home, first of all, to tell my wife, but I also had a duty to look after Anna. So we had the amazing - and to many people absurd - situation where all three of us were stuck at home together. The story was splashed across the Sunday Mirror the next day. Anthony Gilberthorpe had set the whole thing up, ensuring that I was up in York in his flat with Anna, that the room was covered in CCTV and wired for sound. I'd known him for years, he'd been a friend of the family, but he was paid about £25,000.", '>>{AgentElman} : Anyone from the airline industry know what the chances are of finding out who was on that flight?', '>>{Sadsackashit} : So, how exactly does Trump know this pimp? I think this connection should be looked into, especially in light of the upcoming lawsuit regarding the 13 y/o victim and a known, convicted pedophile.', '>>{salmonchaser} : Do we even know that he was actually on the flight?', '>>{BefallenTragedy} : You know the Trump camp did no vetting. See, folks, we need extreme vetting.', ">>{kvaks} : Never mind the dodgy character of this person, how come he remembers a random woman on an air plane 30 years ago? That's not very credible. The woman having a memory of it is explained (if true) because of the incident. This guy claims there was no incident, and yet he still remember the uneventful flight and the unknown woman 30 years later?", '>>{cam94509} : We didn\'t before now, certainly. Given that the witness is a known pimp of children, I\'m not sure we do now, either, but we certainly didn\'t before. Edit: Arguably, Trump\'s own statements are in conflict with what his witness says, since he says that "none of this" ever happened, implying that the encounter on the plane never even happened.', '>>{RikersTrombone} : No, you are taking him out of context /s', ">>{Modsdontknow} : I think it's safe to safe trump is guilty as fuck.", '>>{downloadingYourRAMs} : Ah sorry. You really gotta use sarcasm tags with the current climate and all :)', '>>{cam94509} : It certainly seems unlikely that he was, given all the information we have.', ">>{HBombthrow} : I know I remember every flight I was on in which a woman wasn't sexually assaulted.", '>>{troubleondemand} : > Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981 > Gilberthorpe has no evidence to back up his claim — just his self-described excellent memory Excellent unless talking about what year he saw Donald Trump in first-class...', '>>{defmeta} : This morning Pence went on the record saying the campaign would release evidence refuting the allegations. I get the feeling that no one told him how big a like of shit this "evidence" would be. I mean Pence is a piece of shit in his own way but he\'s been fairly calculating this whole time.', ">>{Elryc35} : He claims to have an excellent memory. He can't remember the exact year of the flight, of course, but...", '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : Wow, good find! > In September 1987, for example, he announced his engagement in the Times to Miss Leah Bergdorf-Hunt, a fashion designer from California. The Gloucester Express reported the news on its front page under the headline “Gilby to Marry”. It quoted Gilberthorpe as saying: "Both our families are delighted… I hope this will explain to a few people about my recent visits to America.” But there was no engagement, and indeed no Miss Bergdorf-Hunt. As revealed in Eye 690, the whole thing was a fantasy. > In 1988 – the year before he claims to have sent Thatcher his dossier – he was awarded almost £50,000 libel damages against the Gloucester Citizen, Daily Mirror and Sun, all of which had reported that he was resigning as a councillor “amid allegations that he is a homosexual, has the killer disease Aids and has obtained £250,000 in cash and property from a disabled old-age pensioner”. > The odd feature of the case was that the local news-agency reporter who had supplied the story identified his source as Gilberthorpe himself. Mark Mitchell told the court that Gilby had phoned him from a London hotel to announce that he was quitting as a councillor because a national newspaper was about to allege that he’d had treatment for Aids at a New York clinic. So... a professional liar?', ">>{CocoDarlin} : This is their defense? They should've gone with the bonkers Carlos Slim conspiracy.", ">>{BatmanDavey1986} : Trump has Pence's family at gunpoint. Only logical reason.", ">>{VonnegutIce9} : There's no arguing with this. Boy pimps are known to have photographic memories. Clearly, this woman was asking for it. And the fact that he flew first class with Trump for every flight from 1979 through 1980 just proves that Trump is a stand up guy.", ">>{guszi} : No mention of the witness' dubious past in the article. Is this the NYT basically letting the Trump camp self-destruct by eating this up as a brutal response to his lawsuit threats?", ">>{Deiss} : On behalf of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, I would like to apologise to our brothers and sisters in America for this unapologetic wanker. Unfortunately, I can't apologise for Trump hiring a 'professional witness' in a flagrant attempt to display just how stupid he thinks the American people are; you'll need to take ownership of that one.", ">>{ThrillHammer} : This is who they trot out? I just, I can't. It has to be deliberate at this point right? He *has* to be scuttling the ship....", '>>{dudeguypal} : Oh come on. This is a bad joke right? This guy is your "witness". This has got to be an article from the Onion.', '>>{SuperDuperDrew} : >Hollywood Politics \u200f@Hwoodpolitix 17m17 minutes ago >@CandaceSmith_ @nypost >BREAKING: >Trump campaign has found another witness from the plane: Joey Buttafuoco I fucking died', ">>{1800Feelsbadman} : >Never mind the dodgy character of this person, how come he remembers a random woman on an air plane 30 years ago? That's not very credible. Now that is a dumb question. Of course he is going to remember a flight with a celebrity on it.", ">>{MasonJarBong} : I'm trying to eat here and this nearly made me choke (for realz)!", '>>{inadazed} : They fancy themselves real fucking detectives over there, talking about what years certain planes were flown in an effort to disprove the accuser. Fucking hilarious. "Armrest doesn\'t go up! Liberal smear campaign! MAGA MAGAMAGAGAGAGAG! GIVE THE PEDOPHILE A COAT!"', ">>{constantvariables} : They are insanely amusing. I'm a big fan of their affinity for HIGH ENERGY CAPS! Earlier today the top two posts started with HOLY SHIT!", '>>{SuperDuperDrew} : Haha. Sorry about that but, when I read it I was almost in tears and I needed to share.', ">>{MasonJarBong} : LOL it's all good! I spit up a little rice but I made it!", ">>{travio} : He was a pimp for underage boys supplied to rich Tories. He would have had the money. Why he would be in the midwest is anybody's guest.", '>>{travio} : I could understand noticing Trump if this happened in the late 80s onward. 1980 trump? He was well known in New York and on his way to becoming a minor national tabloid subject. I doubt most 18 year olds at the time would know who he was.', ">>{remote_production} : So that's who Trump was hanging out with in the late 1970s? I think that just leads to a bunch more questions that needs to be asked. Was Trump procuring under aged boys in the 70s?", '>>{travio} : And that is why British defamation laws are fucked up. You should not be able to sue a magazine because they said you have AIDS when you were the one who tipped them off on your AIDS. Actual Malice is a good standard.', ">>{travio} : This is the Post. They don't let details get the better of them.", '>>{guszi} : ah yes, I was totally wrong about this haha. Anyways this is the outcome', ">>{sungazer69} : Ok. What about the other dozen women, including the Apprentice contestant that came out today. Holy shit he's fucked.", '>>{1800Feelsbadman} : Yes he was. You can watch documentary on the CFL. Trump has been a celebrity since the 70s. In 1980 Tom Brokaw interviewed him on the Today show. He has interviews from 1980 on youtube.', '>>{Justmadethisaccunt} : >"I never met these people. I don\'t even know who they are. They\'re made-up stories filed right before the election," he said. Trump camp provides a witness that confirms Trump was with Leeds. And who in the hell would lean across the aisle to tell this guy "I\'m going to marry Trump" a man she had just met on the plane? What fucking planet are these people from? I am still a bit in denial that this level of stupidity fills stadiums across the country.', ">>{BatmanDavey1986} : You can see him dying inside. It's pretty great.", '>>{baudrillardwasright} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8558 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/32848)', '>>{escalation} : Guy came forward after seeing the allegations, said he was on the flight and the allegations were bullshit and made him angry.', '>>{escalation} : Some people are good with faces, others with numbers, others with song lyrics. Some people remember almost everything, for others memory works differently. Most people remember when they have celebrity encounters though, and pay more attention than they otherwise might. He was starting to get attention by then and may well have been recognized http://www.msnbc.com/documentaries/watch/today-show-1980-with-donald-trump-589527619719', '>>{escalation} : Trump was very much famous in 1980, at least at the minor celebrity level. Certainly enough to be recognizable. http://www.msnbc.com/documentaries/watch/today-show-1980-with-donald-trump-589527619719', '>>{ERintrah} : Point taken. My comment, though, was in regards to the words "good" and "photographic." When someone says photographic memory most people likely would think of a extraordinary memory. The "good" qualifier seems to diminish that.', ">>{escalation} : Ya, I've often wondered if that is an actual trait. It's not inconceivable, and sometimes you'll hear about savants who can do things like recite a phone book, but it's certainly not the way most people's minds function."], ['>>{CPTLoggie} : Coming from a "news" organization whos chairman literally works for trump?', ">>{whitemest} : Says Breitbart. I'm sure they're the epitome of unbiased news.", ">>{mike_gainor} : Guess they're forgetting about how CNN hired Lewandowski? CNN is incompetent all around, it's not partisan.", '>>{greenisunderdog} : The people supported her so theirnbuas is not a problem.', '>>{geneeva71} : Now i think this is certainly an odd line of attack. And i dislike CNN. Its true CNN did work with Hillary Clinton. But its equally true that Breitbart worked with Trump. Like Im fairly sure the Guy who runs Breitbart might have been **Literally on the campaign** Call it a hunch of sorts.', ">>{Airship_Aficionado} : You actually didn't hear about this? It was a whole thing. They admitted it.", '>>{SaltHash} : CNN did hire pro-Trump stumps like Corey Lewandowski. So fuck off, Breitbart blowhards. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/cnns-hiring-of-corey-lewandowski-insults-the-press--and-women/2016/06/28/0cb2211c-3d4d-11e6-84e8-1580c7db5275_story.html', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I heard about it and CNN should be ashamed. But Steve Bannon used to directly run Breitbart and still sits as it's chairman. So both should be ashamed.", '>>{UtzTheCrabChip} : It\'s Breitbat. They\'re not "forgetting" so much as "intentionally leaving out"', '>>{NarcolepticMan} : Still wondering why /r/politics allows anything from Breitbart.', '>>{FromZiraCameCaesar} : Corey Lewandowski was literally being paid by Trump while working at CNN. Who did they work hand in glove with?', '>>{LBJ20XX} : > But its equally true that Breitbart worked with Trump. Right but big difference here is that CNN comes with basically every cable and satellite basic package. The sphere of influence, in theory, is way larger for CNN.', ">>{knowses} : I have no problem with CNN supporting Clinton's election, but they shouldn't try to pass themselves off as an unbiased news source. That is manipulation.", '>>{Superman_for_atari} : Liberals have really hurt themselves by allowing working with CNN, MSNBC, NY times. People no longer believe them. People know for a fact that they are full of shit. Unfortunately for liberals, this will decrease their power since fewer and fewer people believe what these "un-biased" news sources say. You reap what you sow.', ">>{Trorbes} : AFAIK the mods don't want to deal with the backlash from the right.", '>>{Left_Rise} : says STATE MEDIA r/politics is a joke until this swill rag is banned', '>>{nrbeech} : State Sponsored Media. Upvote this so people see "State Sponsored Media" when they look at this page.', '>>{VROF} : Did any network besides CNN actually [pay people to be Trump surrogates?](http://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/10/14/video-cnn-has-trump-surrogate-problem/213824) Because that made CNN\'s election coverage unwatchable, but they kept going strong with it every single day. I don\'t really see how they were supposedly so "pro Clinton" when they paid to seem otherwise.', '>>{VROF} : How does that reconcile with their [Trump surrogates](http://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/10/14/video-cnn-has-trump-surrogate-problem/213824) who were paid to defend the stupidest of positions.', '>>{VROF} : And it made their election coverage unwatchable. >CNN’s decision to hire professional Trump apologists has made for some fascinating -- if not excruciating -- television. Their appearances frequently result in screaming matches, with hosts and other panelists trying desperately (and fruitlessly) to deal with the surrogates’ barrage of talking points, misdirection, and blind stubbornness. The Trump surrogates do a masterful job of avoiding being pinned down -- they change the subject, argue in circles, make things up, and generally do whatever they can to sidetrack any negative discussion about Trump. >So a segment about Trump’s hesitance to disavow David Duke turns into an absurd argument about whether Democrats used to support the KKK. >A segment on Trump’s attacks on Alicia Machado’s weight becomes a debate about whether it’s actually offensive to be called an “eating machine.” >And a segment about Trump’s recorded comments describing sexually assaulting women gets sidetracked into a decade-old smear about Hillary Clinton’s work as a court-appointed defense attorney in the 1970s.. >By the end of most segments, everyone else on the panel is yelling, in shock, or has been flustered to the point of giving up. >This isn’t entirely the fault of the professional Trump surrogates. CNN pays them to be Trump apologists; their jobs depend on them defending their candidate regardless of how ridiculous it makes them sound. In other words, the network incentivizes them to be intractable.', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Says Brietbart, who's CEO is now a senior adviser to the President-Elect...", ">>{NeedsToLaugh} : But it is true. It's not a theory.", '>>{iama_newredditor} : Wtf? I genuinely wanted to read some proof supporting this headline, but it\'s just "some dude says this...". I\'m Canadian, so I honestly like reading both sides of this shitshow for entertainment, but I almost need to tip my hat to the right for convincing so many people that the mainstream media is completely biased and that Breitbart is a better source of news. That\'s some masterful manipulation right there. Go in angry about jobs, come out the other side a complete lunatic conspiracy theorist.', '>>{obstruct_GOP} : Only when you use a naughty word. Then they jump into action and ban you.', ">>{geneeva71} : You can't blame them for that though. If Breitbart had that option they would take it. There are many things you can ridicule CNN for, this included. But Breitbart is kettle meeting the pot right now.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : > You can't blend them for that though. Blame or blend? Just checking if auto-correct got ya.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : Oh yeah, I don't blame anybody for anything in all this. At this point it's one of two things that will happen. It's going to get worse or it's not. No time to think about anything else when you are preparing for that. Plus it's not like there isn't enough blame for everybody to have a slice.", '>>{geneeva71} : [Its a shit sandwich, and we all got to take a bite.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db_qXKBle08)', ">>{LBJ20XX} : Basically. I mean, what's the alternative? [Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit?](https://youtu.be/aCbfMkh940Q)"]]
classify and reply
['>>{rejr} : L.L. Bean heiress in trouble for her pro-Trump PAC after her $60,000 contributions exceeded legal limits', '>>{Arc1ZD} : Jill Stein in Iowa: I would not have assassinated Osama bin Laden', '>>{jamietylerr} : How much do screens tend to cost for an iPhone 6s, and what makes a screen "good"?', '>>{Davcoss} : Matte black iPhone 7 (+) users complain about chipped and peeling paint. Is this true?', ">>{KrombopulosMichael23} : Hmm, Im not sure who told you that Apple charges $3,000,000 to replace screens. That seems quite absurd. Its actually only $129, you get a genuine Apple screen, and you get a warranty in case of defects for one year. Or, you know, jump on Amazon, buy some cheap screen from China that probably won't work, and break your phone in the process. These days, Apple is, as weird as it is, the best place for iPhone screen replacement for iPhone 6's and newer.", '>>{quintsreddit} : A couple things. One, it\'s not paint; it doesn\'t peel. Here\'s a quote from an anodizing expert: >More importantly, Apple has deployed some advanced anodizing technologies. Anodizing is an electrochemical process that "grows" a uniform layer of aluminum oxide across the surface of the part, and there are a number of different methods for making this happen... oxygen molecules in the sulfuric acid to bond to the outer layer of the aluminum, creating a skin of aluminum oxide - a ceramic material that is far harder than the underlying aluminum. >The best theory that we\'ve developed is that Apple is using a combination of tricks to achieve anodizing superior to the typical processes everyone else employs, combined with post-anodizing processing. Most likely, Apple uses the high currents and chilled baths of Type III anodizing to produce a dense, thin layer. Before sealing, this layer gets stuffed with dyes, optical brighteners, and hardening elements to further enhance the surface properties (hence Space Gray\'s almost silver appearance, the bronze undertones of the Space Gray Sport, and the clear silver on the standard Sport). It\'s an incredibly hard layer of a completely different substance coating the outside of the device. It doesn\'t peel. It can, however, chip or flake. That\'s what\'s going on here. As for mine, I have had zero issues with it and plenty of opportunities. I\'m not sure if my anecdata is much help though.', '>>{derROFemit} : > The group on Friday took steps recommended by the FEC to change its registration to a super PAC that can raise unlimited funds. All they have to do is re-register as a super PAC? Our campaign finance laws are so toothless.', ">>{Davcoss} : That's kinda true, i had this kinda problem with my previous space gray 6s, it was in case 24/7 but i only took the case of once in a while to clean it and my phone, it looked like the dusts that trapped inbetween case and phone caused the chipping. I just got my matte black 7 a few days ago and haven't put it in a case. Do you own 1 too? Do you use case? Also what sort of opportunities do you mean? Thanks.", ">>{WuMyster} : I don't have any chips on my black 7+ but I do have these lighter patches on the back. It's like when you wear down a black trackpad and it turns shiny instead of matte.", ">>{bvalenzu31} : I paid $99 two months ago to replace my 7 Plus because I thought my dog scratched the top of the phone. But I was so sure that I didn't leave my phone anywhere where my dog or anything could get it. And then I noticed the paint chipped off the bottom speaker grill this evening. Mind you I keep my phone in a leather pouch at all times, I'm going to the Apple store in the morning to see if they can replace it because I paid outright for a premium product and it shouldn't chip after 2 months. Said my piece, thanks Reddit", '>>{mindlessrabble} : Now I am boycotting L.L. Bean. Not a real problem their quality is not what it once was.', ">>{Nasjere} : Yeah it's flaking really bad around my speaker grill.", ">>{Macintoshmar} : Where do you live if you don't mind me asking? I've had mine without a case since day one. I don't have any blemishes or chips. Just wonder if you are in a more humid area.", '>>{thinkdifferentlolz} : etradesupply.com you can get cheap or OEM screen and do the swap yourself. Just make sure to disconnect the battery first.', ">>{Fizaraz} : £126 for a new, GENUINE screen from Apple vs £90 for a crappy shit from a crappy service point, the choice is obvious here! I strongly recommend replacing it at an Apple Store. I broke my screen last year, didn't want to pay the £20 extra and went to iMend (not recommended at all). They did replace my screen (they even came to my house), although it had shitty colours, was extremely unresponsive and everything that was displayed on it for longer than 5 mins was still visible on the screen (image retention). So again, do yourself a favour and replace it at Apple!", '>>{kadupse} : The iPhone 6S is got the secure enclave chip and Touch ID, in which case, I strongly recommend only ever getting repairs done with Apple.', '>>{DirectTheCheckered} : Buy Patagonia instead :). Do some research on their corporate responsibility policies. You can feel pretty good about supporting them. Plus their stuff is quality and their repair program is top notch. > "No longer wearing that fleece? Get it into the hands of someone who needs it. Saving up for a surf trip? We make it easy to buy, sell or trade used Patagonia gear. And yet, all things natural or manufactured eventually come to the end of their life. Everything natural gives life to something new, so should the things we make. Whatever you’ve bought from Patagonia that’s finally worn-out, you can return to us so that we can recycle it into new fiber or fabric (or repurpose what can’t yet be recycled)." http://www.patagonia.com/worn-wear.html https://www.ifixit.com/Patagonia (Note: I promise I\'m not a shill. I just genuinely really like their products and ethos.)', ">>{freemike} : Won't be getting any more clothes from LL Bean. I'm going to let them know it. I'll never support the scum that supports that racist rapist", ">>{shillmaster_9000} : I'd honestly take Trump over Stein. Do you guys think Stein believes half of the stuff she actually says?", ">>{jamietylerr} : Yeah they've always been great with repairs. The only reason I ask is because my friend did what I posted and his phone is working fine (although it's only been a few months). Judging from everyone's responses it seems I'll just cut my losses and get this done properly. Thanks for the response EDIT: shouldn't you be killing people?", '>>{mindlessrabble} : > https://grabyourwallet.org/ Absolutely. There are more of us than them and we have a lot more buying power.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : Went through list and am already avoiding all but one of them because of outrageous prices and poor quality.', ">>{jamietylerr} : Yeah I had no idea a screen was that much, I thought this process would be about £30-40 lol. Funny part it, £126 for a new screen, but I can claim my insurance and get a new phone for £100, maybe even 80. Every other time I've claimed the insurance for problems, but this time I am sooooo broke that I wanted a cheaper route. But thanks for your reply, I'll take your advice and get it done properly :)", ">>{jamietylerr} : Yeah that's something I don't want messing up, thanks for your time, I'll get it done via Apple", ">>{uncertain-ithink} : I've been using my matte Black 7 Plus case less for a couple months and have none of this. It does look like there's some very mild fading at the bottom just along the bottom antenna band though..", '>>{pizzatra} : I wonder if she actually waited for today to say this?', ">>{jamietylerr} : Ha, me trying to do this would end in disaster. I'll watch a vid to see how hard it is, but I doubt I'll go through with it lol", ">>{MysticRay} : Because Hillary turned you into a Republican. Don't really have a reason not to believe her. I mean, how can anyone believe anything Clinton says at this point?", '>>{123celestekent321} : Do you actually believe any of the stuff Trump says?', '>>{Rocko9999} : As someone who has experience with anodized parts, the issue I see is adhesion-with the flakes and worm trails-and too thin a coating. I use anodized parts that can take massive amounts of abuse and do not show these kind of issues.', '>>{quintsreddit} : I had a 6s space grey, and a 7 black. I do not use a case. I meant like I had chances where I dropped it where it could have scratched.', ">>{shillmaster_9000} : I've always been somewhat moderate, but thanks for the weird reach.", ">>{save_the_last_dance} : ...There's no way in hell I'm boycotting L.L Bean over this. I'm not letting the politics of some *heiress* who has no real control yet over her grandfather's company stop me from buying quality products from a company with excellent customer service. I don't let Paris Hilton affect my opinion or potential patronage of her father's hotels, and I'm not going to boycott her grandfather's company over some rich bitch throwing her money away on a super Pac for a billionaire. Call me back when the CEO is pulling shit like this.", ">>{alvarezg} : Polo shirts at _double_ the price of LL Bean? I don't think so.", ">>{Fizaraz} : Just remember that Genius Bar is quite a busy place (at least in London) so I'd make sure to book an appointment right away, I had to wait 1.5 week for mine :X", ">>{Ivanh04} : Same thing has happened to my wife's iPhone 7 Plus on the back around 15 spots where it looks like it has chipped. I just fine it odd she has had a case on it since day on the the speck presedo case whatever it's called.", '>>{Concerned-Citizen112} : Not that he deserved it, OBL would not have gotten a fair trial. Not to mention his capture might have enticed more terrorism. When it comes to dealing with OBL, there just did not seem to be any winning, a bullet to the head might just have been the easiest disposal option.', ">>{SuperShaker} : I have little chips around my camera, but that's it. http://i.imgur.com/rGiuAnf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/62xRAtg.jpg", '>>{DirectTheCheckered} : Why the fuck would you buy a polo shirt from either? Fleece and outdoorswear are the focus.', ">>{marrio83} : Only had mine for 2 month but all good so far, but it's been in a leather case", ">>{bvalenzu31} : The genius told me they couldn't help be because it was considered environmental damage. And I reiterated that I replaced the damn thing two months ago because of the same thing, but I paid the $99 last time in December. I even talked to a manager who told me the same thing, no help because of environmental damage. Cause Apple Care and they couldn't do anything for me. So far I'm SOL", '>>{pustota} : Sorry to hear that (Apple is going to shit now - Thanks Tim Cook). Thank you for the update and I hope that they will reconsider. Are you going to stop trying?', ">>{MysticRay} : Don't need to reach far to grasp that the Dems are no longer the party of the left.", ">>{angry_cucumber} : what are they missing? they don't want to disband the FDA, or protect your brain from wifi enough?", ">>{bvalenzu31} : Nope, I'm going to call Applecare care everyday to they replace my phone", ">>{absurdamerica} : Well good thing for us you'll never be in a position to make that kind of decision you dumb twat.", '>>{stop-being-poor} : I think Franken Stein would have been a better Green Party candidate.', '>>{pustota} : Best of luck! Please post an update, I have Matte black as well :/', ">>{Jayphen} : Mine is absolutely fucked. I've had a case on it since purchase. http://imgur.com/a/Q2jny", '>>{Davcoss} : shit that looks horrible did you ever dip it into a water while it was in a case?', ">>{Jayphen} : Nope, but it's had splashes and rain drops on it before", '>>{rejr} : More: L.L. Bean challenges anti-Trump group’s call for boycott of the company - http://www.pressherald.com/2017/01/09/l-l-bean-chairman-responds-to-call-for-company-boycott/', '>>{throwawatc123} : She sounds like Colossius at the end of Deadpool giving that "be the bigger person and spare your enemy" speech', ">>{angry_cucumber} : wasn't he armed with a human shield? I didn't really follow much after he was dead", '>>{HappyGuy_1_} : I have a matte black 7 Plus and since day 1 used the original silicone case. After around 4 moths it started with chipping on the back on the edges and on the volume bottons. Apple is saying there is no guarantee on "cosmetic damages". I\'m really disapointed as this means a loss of value of the device and it\'s obviously not my fault! I am always taking a lot of care of my phones.', ">>{vinny95} : Yeah he used one of his wives I think. But I believe the objective was to shoot first and ask questions later, Bin Laden's compound was armed to the teeth, and they had to act quickly. Edit: IIRC the wife made it out ok, if that means anything lol", ">>{radicalelation} : I'm fairly pacifist, but after years in war, partly under the claim of finding bin Laden, his death was a much needed win for US morale. Closed the book on the tragedy of 9/11 for many, and was seen as one of two major, almost necessary victories for all our time and money spent in the middle east. Unlike the capture of Saddam, you're right, his capture might have caused some extra hell, and he maybe would've never even made it to trial, which would feel like a victory robbed. His death was probably the cleanest solution.", '>>{angry_cucumber} : I thought it was capture if possible, but who knows really, right call either way.', ">>{MysticRay} : Stein doesn't want to disband the FDA. Again you have to lie and exaggerate to even muster up a defense.", ">>{PersepolisReborn} : For what party nomination did sanders' campaign? the party of FDR and LBJ? Go find your own.", ">>{angry_cucumber} : I'm sorry, Johnson wants to get rid of it, Stein just doesn't trust it or the CDC. but don't call her anti vax...", ">>{Canuck_dude} : He wasn't assassinated. So all of her talk, how would she have done things differently? Would she have given orders to take Bin Laden alive, no matter what?", '>>{MysticRay} : Sanders is trying to pull the party to the left. Clinton to the right.', ">>{MysticRay} : This is exactly her problem. Not the vaccinations but corporate influence. The FDA [should](http://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/risky-drugs-why-fda-cannot-be-trusted) be overhauled. What's controversial there?", '>>{GunOfSod} : Suggest you avoid politics in general, you must be suicidal by now if that makes you sad.', '>>{dfaraci} : My heart shatters hourly, yet still I see hope for a better tomorrow', '>>{DragonPup} : [And like Colossus, no one listens to Jill Stein.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLRixMp-HcM)', ">>{PersepolisReborn} : I think sanders is succeeding. Hillary isn't moving it to the right, she's keeping it where it is. I can live with that as long as sanders and others keep pushing. It's a process and it takes time. this year Americans heard a true liberal voice and millions of people responded.", ">>{MysticRay} : As far as encouraging unfettered capitalism and profiting war industries, the party's already on the right. Clinton the first set that in stone, and Hillary will be more hawkish and more receptive to big business than Obama.", ">>{colormefeminist} : I'm surprised she didn't say anything about the CIA program to give fake vaccines to Pakistanis in order to track down Bin Laden", ">>{PersepolisReborn} : Clinton is more hawkish than Obama. That's an issue but hardly defines an entire party. The rest a result of systemic disfunction and money in politics. Something Clinton wants to end btw. It was Eisenhower, a republican, who originally warned us about the war industries.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : He originally pulled one of his wives, but then realized that it wasn't going to help then pushed her away. It's like he knew his time was up, and he didn't want to be known as the Islamic terrorist leader who died, while using one of his wives as a human shield like a coward.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : >“I think assassinations … they’re against international law to start with and to that effect, I think I would not have assassinated Osama bin Laden but would have captured him and brought him to trial,” Stein said. Come on Dr. Stein, you're breaking our balls here, you don't know whether or not assassinations are against international law and you are trying to be POTUS? I can only defend you against reasonable things but, that's some knowledge a POTUS needs to be up to date on.", ">>{MysticRay} : >money in politics. Something Clinton wants to end, btw. There's no reason to believe that.", ">>{moogsynth87} : I agree, I think we could have learned a lot from him if we would have captured him and questioned him. A lot about the killing of bin Laden story never added up to me. Also there was a lot of stuff that the media was reporting that just sounded fake. For instance, there was reports of a large amount of porn found at his residence. It sounded made up like the murder of the baby's in incubators by Iraqie soldiers. People in the Pakistanie government knew he was there. The fact that Pakistan has any nuclear capabilities at all is frightening and is another reason we need a world wide ban on nuclear weapons.", ">>{malpais} : No they are the center left party who actually get shit done. As opposed to spray painting construction equipment to try to come off as 'rad' and 'edgy'.", '>>{MysticRay} : Yeah they get a lot of shit done including spying on citizens, perpetuating war and bailing out wall street. All protesting ever achieved was women\'s suffrage, civil rights and fair labor. Or in Stein and the Sioux tribe\'s case, garnered national attention to their cause and compelled the president to take action. But yeah, dissent is a childish fantasy and "getting things done" in the name of progressive values is worth compromising almost all the tenants of the American left...', ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : Jill Stein reminds me of that cluelessly idealistic woman who hitchhiked through the middle east wearing a wedding dress to promote peace and happiness and ended up raped and murdered with her body found in a ditch. Very sad and yes, very stupid and naive. Jill Stein has never held elected office, has never held an executive position, has 0 foreign policy experience of any kind, and most importantly - has no fucking clue. Yet she wants to be the Commander in Chief of the most powerful country the world has ever seen. And with statements like this she proves she is obviously dangerously naive about the world and US security - which is undoubtedly your #1 job as Commanded in Chief. The media is really doing her a favor she doesn't deserve by even mentioning her along side the other parties like she has some sort of legitimacy at all.", '>>{Ryriena} : We could\'ve learned a lot of information from him and made sure he wasn\'t considered a martyr for the cause. But at least we got him right! But we always should make him a Martyr after all that is the correct way to handle a terrorist that wants to die for a cause...."']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Arc1ZD} : Jill Stein in Iowa: I would not have assassinated Osama bin Laden', ">>{shillmaster_9000} : I'd honestly take Trump over Stein. Do you guys think Stein believes half of the stuff she actually says?", '>>{pizzatra} : I wonder if she actually waited for today to say this?', ">>{MysticRay} : Because Hillary turned you into a Republican. Don't really have a reason not to believe her. I mean, how can anyone believe anything Clinton says at this point?", '>>{123celestekent321} : Do you actually believe any of the stuff Trump says?', ">>{shillmaster_9000} : I've always been somewhat moderate, but thanks for the weird reach.", '>>{Concerned-Citizen112} : Not that he deserved it, OBL would not have gotten a fair trial. Not to mention his capture might have enticed more terrorism. When it comes to dealing with OBL, there just did not seem to be any winning, a bullet to the head might just have been the easiest disposal option.', ">>{MysticRay} : Don't need to reach far to grasp that the Dems are no longer the party of the left.", ">>{angry_cucumber} : what are they missing? they don't want to disband the FDA, or protect your brain from wifi enough?", ">>{absurdamerica} : Well good thing for us you'll never be in a position to make that kind of decision you dumb twat.", '>>{stop-being-poor} : I think Franken Stein would have been a better Green Party candidate.', '>>{throwawatc123} : She sounds like Colossius at the end of Deadpool giving that "be the bigger person and spare your enemy" speech', ">>{angry_cucumber} : wasn't he armed with a human shield? I didn't really follow much after he was dead", ">>{vinny95} : Yeah he used one of his wives I think. But I believe the objective was to shoot first and ask questions later, Bin Laden's compound was armed to the teeth, and they had to act quickly. Edit: IIRC the wife made it out ok, if that means anything lol", ">>{radicalelation} : I'm fairly pacifist, but after years in war, partly under the claim of finding bin Laden, his death was a much needed win for US morale. Closed the book on the tragedy of 9/11 for many, and was seen as one of two major, almost necessary victories for all our time and money spent in the middle east. Unlike the capture of Saddam, you're right, his capture might have caused some extra hell, and he maybe would've never even made it to trial, which would feel like a victory robbed. His death was probably the cleanest solution.", '>>{angry_cucumber} : I thought it was capture if possible, but who knows really, right call either way.', ">>{MysticRay} : Stein doesn't want to disband the FDA. Again you have to lie and exaggerate to even muster up a defense.", ">>{PersepolisReborn} : For what party nomination did sanders' campaign? the party of FDR and LBJ? Go find your own.", ">>{angry_cucumber} : I'm sorry, Johnson wants to get rid of it, Stein just doesn't trust it or the CDC. but don't call her anti vax...", ">>{Canuck_dude} : He wasn't assassinated. So all of her talk, how would she have done things differently? Would she have given orders to take Bin Laden alive, no matter what?", '>>{MysticRay} : Sanders is trying to pull the party to the left. Clinton to the right.', ">>{MysticRay} : This is exactly her problem. Not the vaccinations but corporate influence. The FDA [should](http://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/risky-drugs-why-fda-cannot-be-trusted) be overhauled. What's controversial there?", '>>{GunOfSod} : Suggest you avoid politics in general, you must be suicidal by now if that makes you sad.', '>>{dfaraci} : My heart shatters hourly, yet still I see hope for a better tomorrow', '>>{DragonPup} : [And like Colossus, no one listens to Jill Stein.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLRixMp-HcM)', ">>{PersepolisReborn} : I think sanders is succeeding. Hillary isn't moving it to the right, she's keeping it where it is. I can live with that as long as sanders and others keep pushing. It's a process and it takes time. this year Americans heard a true liberal voice and millions of people responded.", ">>{MysticRay} : As far as encouraging unfettered capitalism and profiting war industries, the party's already on the right. Clinton the first set that in stone, and Hillary will be more hawkish and more receptive to big business than Obama.", ">>{colormefeminist} : I'm surprised she didn't say anything about the CIA program to give fake vaccines to Pakistanis in order to track down Bin Laden", ">>{PersepolisReborn} : Clinton is more hawkish than Obama. That's an issue but hardly defines an entire party. The rest a result of systemic disfunction and money in politics. Something Clinton wants to end btw. It was Eisenhower, a republican, who originally warned us about the war industries.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : He originally pulled one of his wives, but then realized that it wasn't going to help then pushed her away. It's like he knew his time was up, and he didn't want to be known as the Islamic terrorist leader who died, while using one of his wives as a human shield like a coward.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : >“I think assassinations … they’re against international law to start with and to that effect, I think I would not have assassinated Osama bin Laden but would have captured him and brought him to trial,” Stein said. Come on Dr. Stein, you're breaking our balls here, you don't know whether or not assassinations are against international law and you are trying to be POTUS? I can only defend you against reasonable things but, that's some knowledge a POTUS needs to be up to date on.", ">>{MysticRay} : >money in politics. Something Clinton wants to end, btw. There's no reason to believe that.", ">>{moogsynth87} : I agree, I think we could have learned a lot from him if we would have captured him and questioned him. A lot about the killing of bin Laden story never added up to me. Also there was a lot of stuff that the media was reporting that just sounded fake. For instance, there was reports of a large amount of porn found at his residence. It sounded made up like the murder of the baby's in incubators by Iraqie soldiers. People in the Pakistanie government knew he was there. The fact that Pakistan has any nuclear capabilities at all is frightening and is another reason we need a world wide ban on nuclear weapons.", ">>{malpais} : No they are the center left party who actually get shit done. As opposed to spray painting construction equipment to try to come off as 'rad' and 'edgy'.", '>>{MysticRay} : Yeah they get a lot of shit done including spying on citizens, perpetuating war and bailing out wall street. All protesting ever achieved was women\'s suffrage, civil rights and fair labor. Or in Stein and the Sioux tribe\'s case, garnered national attention to their cause and compelled the president to take action. But yeah, dissent is a childish fantasy and "getting things done" in the name of progressive values is worth compromising almost all the tenants of the American left...', ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : Jill Stein reminds me of that cluelessly idealistic woman who hitchhiked through the middle east wearing a wedding dress to promote peace and happiness and ended up raped and murdered with her body found in a ditch. Very sad and yes, very stupid and naive. Jill Stein has never held elected office, has never held an executive position, has 0 foreign policy experience of any kind, and most importantly - has no fucking clue. Yet she wants to be the Commander in Chief of the most powerful country the world has ever seen. And with statements like this she proves she is obviously dangerously naive about the world and US security - which is undoubtedly your #1 job as Commanded in Chief. The media is really doing her a favor she doesn't deserve by even mentioning her along side the other parties like she has some sort of legitimacy at all.", '>>{Ryriena} : We could\'ve learned a lot of information from him and made sure he wasn\'t considered a martyr for the cause. But at least we got him right! But we always should make him a Martyr after all that is the correct way to handle a terrorist that wants to die for a cause...."'], ['>>{rejr} : L.L. Bean heiress in trouble for her pro-Trump PAC after her $60,000 contributions exceeded legal limits', '>>{derROFemit} : > The group on Friday took steps recommended by the FEC to change its registration to a super PAC that can raise unlimited funds. All they have to do is re-register as a super PAC? Our campaign finance laws are so toothless.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : Now I am boycotting L.L. Bean. Not a real problem their quality is not what it once was.', '>>{DirectTheCheckered} : Buy Patagonia instead :). Do some research on their corporate responsibility policies. You can feel pretty good about supporting them. Plus their stuff is quality and their repair program is top notch. > "No longer wearing that fleece? Get it into the hands of someone who needs it. Saving up for a surf trip? We make it easy to buy, sell or trade used Patagonia gear. And yet, all things natural or manufactured eventually come to the end of their life. Everything natural gives life to something new, so should the things we make. Whatever you’ve bought from Patagonia that’s finally worn-out, you can return to us so that we can recycle it into new fiber or fabric (or repurpose what can’t yet be recycled)." http://www.patagonia.com/worn-wear.html https://www.ifixit.com/Patagonia (Note: I promise I\'m not a shill. I just genuinely really like their products and ethos.)', ">>{freemike} : Won't be getting any more clothes from LL Bean. I'm going to let them know it. I'll never support the scum that supports that racist rapist", '>>{mindlessrabble} : > https://grabyourwallet.org/ Absolutely. There are more of us than them and we have a lot more buying power.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : Went through list and am already avoiding all but one of them because of outrageous prices and poor quality.', ">>{save_the_last_dance} : ...There's no way in hell I'm boycotting L.L Bean over this. I'm not letting the politics of some *heiress* who has no real control yet over her grandfather's company stop me from buying quality products from a company with excellent customer service. I don't let Paris Hilton affect my opinion or potential patronage of her father's hotels, and I'm not going to boycott her grandfather's company over some rich bitch throwing her money away on a super Pac for a billionaire. Call me back when the CEO is pulling shit like this.", ">>{alvarezg} : Polo shirts at _double_ the price of LL Bean? I don't think so.", '>>{DirectTheCheckered} : Why the fuck would you buy a polo shirt from either? Fleece and outdoorswear are the focus.', '>>{rejr} : More: L.L. Bean challenges anti-Trump group’s call for boycott of the company - http://www.pressherald.com/2017/01/09/l-l-bean-chairman-responds-to-call-for-company-boycott/'], ['>>{Davcoss} : Matte black iPhone 7 (+) users complain about chipped and peeling paint. Is this true?', '>>{quintsreddit} : A couple things. One, it\'s not paint; it doesn\'t peel. Here\'s a quote from an anodizing expert: >More importantly, Apple has deployed some advanced anodizing technologies. Anodizing is an electrochemical process that "grows" a uniform layer of aluminum oxide across the surface of the part, and there are a number of different methods for making this happen... oxygen molecules in the sulfuric acid to bond to the outer layer of the aluminum, creating a skin of aluminum oxide - a ceramic material that is far harder than the underlying aluminum. >The best theory that we\'ve developed is that Apple is using a combination of tricks to achieve anodizing superior to the typical processes everyone else employs, combined with post-anodizing processing. Most likely, Apple uses the high currents and chilled baths of Type III anodizing to produce a dense, thin layer. Before sealing, this layer gets stuffed with dyes, optical brighteners, and hardening elements to further enhance the surface properties (hence Space Gray\'s almost silver appearance, the bronze undertones of the Space Gray Sport, and the clear silver on the standard Sport). It\'s an incredibly hard layer of a completely different substance coating the outside of the device. It doesn\'t peel. It can, however, chip or flake. That\'s what\'s going on here. As for mine, I have had zero issues with it and plenty of opportunities. I\'m not sure if my anecdata is much help though.', ">>{Davcoss} : That's kinda true, i had this kinda problem with my previous space gray 6s, it was in case 24/7 but i only took the case of once in a while to clean it and my phone, it looked like the dusts that trapped inbetween case and phone caused the chipping. I just got my matte black 7 a few days ago and haven't put it in a case. Do you own 1 too? Do you use case? Also what sort of opportunities do you mean? Thanks.", ">>{WuMyster} : I don't have any chips on my black 7+ but I do have these lighter patches on the back. It's like when you wear down a black trackpad and it turns shiny instead of matte.", ">>{bvalenzu31} : I paid $99 two months ago to replace my 7 Plus because I thought my dog scratched the top of the phone. But I was so sure that I didn't leave my phone anywhere where my dog or anything could get it. And then I noticed the paint chipped off the bottom speaker grill this evening. Mind you I keep my phone in a leather pouch at all times, I'm going to the Apple store in the morning to see if they can replace it because I paid outright for a premium product and it shouldn't chip after 2 months. Said my piece, thanks Reddit", ">>{Nasjere} : Yeah it's flaking really bad around my speaker grill.", ">>{Macintoshmar} : Where do you live if you don't mind me asking? I've had mine without a case since day one. I don't have any blemishes or chips. Just wonder if you are in a more humid area.", ">>{uncertain-ithink} : I've been using my matte Black 7 Plus case less for a couple months and have none of this. It does look like there's some very mild fading at the bottom just along the bottom antenna band though..", '>>{Rocko9999} : As someone who has experience with anodized parts, the issue I see is adhesion-with the flakes and worm trails-and too thin a coating. I use anodized parts that can take massive amounts of abuse and do not show these kind of issues.', '>>{quintsreddit} : I had a 6s space grey, and a 7 black. I do not use a case. I meant like I had chances where I dropped it where it could have scratched.', ">>{Ivanh04} : Same thing has happened to my wife's iPhone 7 Plus on the back around 15 spots where it looks like it has chipped. I just fine it odd she has had a case on it since day on the the speck presedo case whatever it's called.", ">>{SuperShaker} : I have little chips around my camera, but that's it. http://i.imgur.com/rGiuAnf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/62xRAtg.jpg", ">>{marrio83} : Only had mine for 2 month but all good so far, but it's been in a leather case", ">>{bvalenzu31} : The genius told me they couldn't help be because it was considered environmental damage. And I reiterated that I replaced the damn thing two months ago because of the same thing, but I paid the $99 last time in December. I even talked to a manager who told me the same thing, no help because of environmental damage. Cause Apple Care and they couldn't do anything for me. So far I'm SOL", '>>{pustota} : Sorry to hear that (Apple is going to shit now - Thanks Tim Cook). Thank you for the update and I hope that they will reconsider. Are you going to stop trying?', ">>{bvalenzu31} : Nope, I'm going to call Applecare care everyday to they replace my phone", '>>{pustota} : Best of luck! Please post an update, I have Matte black as well :/', ">>{Jayphen} : Mine is absolutely fucked. I've had a case on it since purchase. http://imgur.com/a/Q2jny", '>>{Davcoss} : shit that looks horrible did you ever dip it into a water while it was in a case?', ">>{Jayphen} : Nope, but it's had splashes and rain drops on it before", '>>{HappyGuy_1_} : I have a matte black 7 Plus and since day 1 used the original silicone case. After around 4 moths it started with chipping on the back on the edges and on the volume bottons. Apple is saying there is no guarantee on "cosmetic damages". I\'m really disapointed as this means a loss of value of the device and it\'s obviously not my fault! I am always taking a lot of care of my phones.'], ['>>{jamietylerr} : How much do screens tend to cost for an iPhone 6s, and what makes a screen "good"?', ">>{KrombopulosMichael23} : Hmm, Im not sure who told you that Apple charges $3,000,000 to replace screens. That seems quite absurd. Its actually only $129, you get a genuine Apple screen, and you get a warranty in case of defects for one year. Or, you know, jump on Amazon, buy some cheap screen from China that probably won't work, and break your phone in the process. These days, Apple is, as weird as it is, the best place for iPhone screen replacement for iPhone 6's and newer.", '>>{thinkdifferentlolz} : etradesupply.com you can get cheap or OEM screen and do the swap yourself. Just make sure to disconnect the battery first.', ">>{Fizaraz} : £126 for a new, GENUINE screen from Apple vs £90 for a crappy shit from a crappy service point, the choice is obvious here! I strongly recommend replacing it at an Apple Store. I broke my screen last year, didn't want to pay the £20 extra and went to iMend (not recommended at all). They did replace my screen (they even came to my house), although it had shitty colours, was extremely unresponsive and everything that was displayed on it for longer than 5 mins was still visible on the screen (image retention). So again, do yourself a favour and replace it at Apple!", '>>{kadupse} : The iPhone 6S is got the secure enclave chip and Touch ID, in which case, I strongly recommend only ever getting repairs done with Apple.', ">>{jamietylerr} : Yeah they've always been great with repairs. The only reason I ask is because my friend did what I posted and his phone is working fine (although it's only been a few months). Judging from everyone's responses it seems I'll just cut my losses and get this done properly. Thanks for the response EDIT: shouldn't you be killing people?", ">>{jamietylerr} : Yeah I had no idea a screen was that much, I thought this process would be about £30-40 lol. Funny part it, £126 for a new screen, but I can claim my insurance and get a new phone for £100, maybe even 80. Every other time I've claimed the insurance for problems, but this time I am sooooo broke that I wanted a cheaper route. But thanks for your reply, I'll take your advice and get it done properly :)", ">>{jamietylerr} : Yeah that's something I don't want messing up, thanks for your time, I'll get it done via Apple", ">>{jamietylerr} : Ha, me trying to do this would end in disaster. I'll watch a vid to see how hard it is, but I doubt I'll go through with it lol", ">>{Fizaraz} : Just remember that Genius Bar is quite a busy place (at least in London) so I'd make sure to book an appointment right away, I had to wait 1.5 week for mine :X"]]
classify and reply
['>>{y2quest} : Top aide: Obama worried about impeachment for Syria actions', '>>{Tekki} : Bill to allow ISP companies to sell your data, has passed', ">>{qpl23} : A Security Expert Warned Congress That T-Mobile's DC Cell Network Has Been Hacked", '>>{bertcox} : In a good world, any president from Bush, to Clinton, to Bush, to Obama, to Trump, should worry about being impeached for bombing other countries. I mean its nice and all sending our young people to blow the shit out of half the countries on the planet but couldnt we pick just one and leave it at that.', '>>{HumanShadow} : Hey Trump cult members, is your god going to veto this? Thanks for selling us out.', '>>{syncopator} : Who wants to bet Spicer uses this as "evidence" Obama tapped Trump\'s wires?', ">>{nickdaisy} : I don't understand when we abandoned the notion (well, constitutional requirement) that Congress declare war. We are operating now against ISIS under the authorization to counter al Qaeda that was passed after 9/11. Yet ISIS is in opposition to al Qaeda. Are we just treating that 16 year old authorization as a blanket writ for war for any president?", ">>{SagaDiNoch} : Congress doesn't like to vote on stuff because they can be held accountable for their record. They were/are happy to look the other way.", '>>{Tekki} : [Who voted Yay/Nay](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2017/h200?utm_campaign=govtrack_feed&utm_source=govtrack/feed&utm_medium=rss)', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Twice Obama went to Congress trying to get them on record and twice they refused to give him the authorization of military force in Syria. Yet they still call him out for not doing enough. They truly are cowards for shirking their constitutional responsibilities.', '>>{secede_everywhere} : Congress? Against war? What mirror-world did this article spin out of?', '>>{neptunedragon} : Wait a minute. There was a news story about T-Mobile sprint and trump right?', ">>{neptunedragon} : He can't. Trump tower in New York was tapped.", ">>{neptunedragon} : Fruit of the poisonous tree: you can't use fake evidence.", ">>{Quinnjester} : OK seriously can we pls get more tech wizs in Congress..these old geezer don't know what they are doing.", ">>{FlappyChappy} : If someone starts using a VPN they don't get this information right?", ">>{Good_Guy_Putin} : You are correct, you don't understand. You focus on the Congressional power to declare war but you ignore the Executive Article II powers as Commander-in-Chief. And you also forget that ISIS was literally Al-Qaeda in Iraq before they changed their name. The truth is you don't actually care about that right because you are an absolutist, and you can't even fathom being wrong.", '>>{DamagedHells} : Anyone who thinks both parties are the same are fucking mentally disabled.', ">>{neptunedragon} : Don't fuck with the courts. If he keeps this illegal behavior up then it gives us reason NOT to follow laws too and take him out.", ">>{Solario_ff14} : Here's your homework for tonight: I want you to list every single time the United States has ever officially been at war.", '>>{OpnotIc} : Oh god. This is the reason for the wiretap tweet. Just when you think you know someone.', ">>{ThaddeusJP} : Can't wait for the additions to exempt anyone in Congress and government.", '>>{SanchoPandas} : It\'s more that for the last six years Congress has been against being "for" anything. This is part of their obstructionist plan. Assad wins? "Thanks, Obama...you let a dictator win." ISIS wins? "Thanks, Obama...you let a terrorist organization take over another country." It\'s a lose/lose for Syria and for Obama, but a win/win for a GOP controlled Congress who just has to point the finger.', ">>{userknamework} : They can see that you're connecting to a vpn, but they can't see what information is being passed between your computer and the vpn.", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Also, USA is arming Al Qaeda and other "rebels" in some countries. And Saudi Arabia as well.', ">>{oblivion95} : The Muslim-Arab President violated the Constitution and armed ISIS. That's what they would have said. They don't understand how brain-washed they are. Whatever Limbaugh/O'Reilly/Hannity tells them to believe is the gospel. I see it in my father.", '>>{OpnotIc} : Sprint, T-Mobile gain after Trump announces SoftBank will invest $50 billion in US 2016 Dec 6: https://www.google.com/amp/www.cnbc.com/amp/2016/12/06/sprint-t-mobile-gain-after-trump-announces-softbank-will-invest-50-billion-in-us.html', '>>{AGB_mods} : His response: he said "Trump Tower" not Trump Tower.', '>>{dino111111} : [Which VPN Services Keep You Anonymous in 2017?](https://torrentfreak.com/vpn-services-anonymous-review-2017-170304/)', '>>{FlappyChappy} : Should one be concerned about anything else if their motivation is to keep them as blind as possible?', ">>{hawaiimanila} : But.. Hillary's emails And the 2 candidates were equally evil. All this mess is happening because of stupid protest voters.", '>>{VertigoStar} : Can the ISPs sell your old data prior to the date the bill passed?', ">>{OohCapsLockImScared} : Supposedly not, make sure to use a reliable paid VPN (pia is a good one) with all of the encryption and security options enabled. Do a DNS leak test too. Free VPN's sometimes use your data to pay the bills or don't have the security advertised so it's best to go for a paid one", ">>{userknamework} : Concerned? Up to you. Pissed the fuck off? Hell yes. You should be mad as hell. They are effectively selling a copy of your house key to anyone who wants to come in and look around, and here we are discussing if the lock on our safe is good enough. It's a god damn travesty. You can combined VPNs with the TOR browser to get a moderately good layer of anonymity, but every network can be compromised. If the government wanted to monitor you, they could. A VPN connecting to a country outside of the US (and the five eyes) should give you enough privacy to avoid prying eyes of advertisers and blackmailers.", ">>{ruiner8850} : I use the VPN that wrote this article and it works great for me. About the only downfall is that you can't use it for watching Netflix, but I'm not sure of any VPNs that do. Netflix's end is the reason why, not PIA.", ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Seriously. Go try to submit false evidence and see what happens. You're gonna have a bad time.", '>>{neptunedragon} : Are you referring to spicer using this as evidence?', '>>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Correct. Supporting your argument that it will kill their asses dead in our courts.', ">>{GreatZoombini} : They are unwilling to even consider the idea that they don't understand technology", '>>{FlappyChappy} : I used TOR to look at the silk road back before that became a scandal. If my memory serves me correctly it was painfully slow. Is that still the case?', ">>{venicerocco} : They're both the same yet I'm going to vote for the Republican but they're still the same", ">>{FlappyChappy} : I use PIA because I travel A LOT for work. I just wanted to get some discussion going in here for lurkers who want to protect themselves. PIA is so cheap I don't even notice it on my bill and it always seems to work fine no matter where I am. I don't want to give it a free ad or anything because I've never used anything else, but I think it works on up to 5 devices too.", '>>{qpl23} : Mr. Assange has had a lot to tweet recently about “private” statements by intelligence officials and Hillary. Just sayin’.', '>>{DamagedHells} : the Republicans benefit from the "they\'re both the same!" narrative. republicans generally believe they\'re not both the same.', ">>{OohCapsLockImScared} : I started out of paranoia, I live in the UK and the Snooper's Charter / GCHQ leaks both show that the government is serious about surveillance. PIA looked like the best option on the tight budget I was on at the time and it's one of the few that didn't have something large against them (other than being based in a 5 eyes state)", '>>{GreatZoombini} : This is why a president should not have access to an UNSECURED PERSONAL PHONE.', '>>{neptunedragon} : Which is exactly why any evidence provided by him will die.', '>>{BroscienceLife} : Everything I\'ve read on the subject says they can still see the DNS queries, unless you\'re using an encrypted DNS. So they can still get a "general" idea of what you\'re doing because they can see the requests for what sites you\'re visiting, even if they can\'t see the specific data being passed between the website and the computer via the VPN.', ">>{OpnotIc} : Wait a minute, I can't see in the article when this knowledge was brought to awareness. I wonder if Trump got caught with his hand in the cell hack on that Friday night, had an angry meeting at WH, flew to Florida, stayed up all night scheming up a plan and came up with 'Obama tapped my phones' Tweet. (Because Trump) Trump puts 'noise' into the America consciousness about 'Taps', hoping it will - do that thing that noise always does for Trump. By not breaking this story until today, Trump had nothing to explain his behaviour.", ">>{neptunedragon} : But that doesn't add up. He said in his tweet that trump tower was tapped.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : You should've seen this place during the primaries. There were people who thought Hillary would've been worse than Trump and even now you still have crazy people on /r/SandersForPresident saying the Russia thing is a distraction and what we really need to focus on is how two DNC employees privately sent an email about what a shit show the Sanders campaign was in May. Because you know, that's the real election interference.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : *sigh* They can't see your searches because Google like most of the web is already on HTTPS.", ">>{republicancer} : These unending tendrils of corruption are so creatively complex. It's mind boggling.", ">>{RyanClinton2017} : There's one guy in there that knows his stuff, used to be a pentester if I remember correctly. He was one of the only ones who was against the whole Apple needs to break into this phone for us deal. Wish I could remember his name... Ok found him, it's Ted Lieu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Lieu", ">>{Micro_Mouse} : The first thing you can do is install HTTPS Everywhere as a browser extension, which attempts to force websites to give you a secure end to end connection even when that's not their default mode. https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere It won't hide which URLs you visit from the ISP, but having an https connection will hide any data exchanged with a given site.", '>>{jmkrisko} : Okay, I know that computers are built on ones and zeroes, right? Have you considered... nines and elevens? Worked great for me', ">>{OpnotIc} : Yeah, I don't know how Trump uses 'noise' really, but he certainly does. What he says often makes no sense. Who knows what he deflected on the night China invented a global warming hoax.", ">>{qpl23} : He’s mentioned in the article: > A spokesperson for Rep. Lieu told BuzzFeed News that his office received a tip late last week from a cybersecurity expert that T-Mobile's wireless mobile network in Washington, DC may have been compromised by a hack. Rep. Lieu’s office could not substantiate the claims of the security expert (whom Lieu's office did not name), but it notified the Department of Homeland Security of the warning.", '>>{DamagedHells} : I\'ve been here for years. It goes through varying degrees of "most important target." Clinton was during primaries because she was less dangerous and sanders was objectively better. during general that changed because hillary was less dangerous. there\'s a lot of hyperbole thrown aroubd during elections, so it\'s no real surprise', ">>{Micro_Mouse} : Bing (for example) doesn't default to HTTPS, and a lot of sites are still totally unequipped. Even if every site has HTTPS, if you visited special interest URLs, anyone with your ISPs data might make certain inferences about you.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : Well look if you're using Bing then you're probably not the type of person who cares about your internet privacy anyways.", '>>{chubbiguy40} : They should start by selling all the data they have on the House Members that supported this.', '>>{RyanClinton2017} : And Stone just recently tweeted a threat about Podesta being over the barrel for round two.. https://twitter.com/RogerJStoneJr/status/841773275554406401 "If the Trump DOJ charges a Grand Jury to examine ties to Russia, @johnpodesta\'s second time in the barrel may be coming"', ">>{RyanClinton2017} : Perfect! Just goes to show I didn't read the article though. I did read a summary of it on hackernews earlier.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : > and sanders was objectively better. No that's not an objective thing.", ">>{mori226} : That's messed up, but I'm giving you an upvote for that!", ">>{Micro_Mouse} : Yeah, but that's probably just because they haven't been informed enough yet as internet consumers. Even if you're using Google, in the AA example, if you clicked on a website about AA, your ISP could still tell that you were on a URL devoted to AA even if that site used HTTPS", '>>{Quinnjester} : What is the obsession with Podesta....dude is a private citizen not president. Also enough with the Hillary shit..my god.', ">>{anthroengineer} : I can't wait for Roger Stone to be in front of the Senate Intelligence committee under oath.", ">>{Micro_Mouse} : How long before Republicans try to make VPNs illegal? Because they're only used by pirates, child abusers and terrorists?", '>>{republicancer} : Me too. That guy is incapable of keeping his mouth shut.', '>>{RyanClinton2017} : >"Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive - Sir Walter Scott', '>>{grouch1980} : What about the browsing I do on my phone? How do I protect that?', ">>{RyanClinton2017} : Just had a thought about this. Manafort's daughter's phone was hacked and dumped on the dark web. You can read about it and download the sqlite.db and phone image here: https://krypt3ia.wordpress.com/2017/03/04/kompromat/ I wonder if she was on T-Mobile and that's how they got her.", ">>{Mae315} : It sounds so obvious it's stupid, but when will voters realize that challenges and problems of the 21st century require a 21st century mindset to understand these problems and devise solutions?", ">>{DamagedHells} : Sorry, but when the candidate you're trying to push is hated by vast swaths of America for completely irrational reasons? Yes, it is.", ">>{RyanClinton2017} : Thanks, I follow him (the author) on twitter. There's also this previous story he had about it. https://krypt3ia.wordpress.com/2017/02/27/about-that-manafort-leak/", '>>{OpnotIc} : The SoftBank Trump connections get tons of noise with ongoing noise still occurring day by day in google. http://www.businessmirror.com.ph/trump-embraces-50-billion-investment-but-is-it-worth-the-saudi-ties/ The deal has a lot of Trump style to it. Obscene amounts of money and private investments.', ">>{OohCapsLockImScared} : You can get good vpn apps on your phone too, PIA works fine on android but I've heard complaints about the iOS version of the app. When I was using iOS I found a couple of good VPN's though I can't remember their names I'm sure they'll come up if you search vpn in the app store", '>>{thonic84} : West Wing [predicted this](https://youtu.be/pj4PwyfDNuI). Privacy should be a right.', '>>{republicancer} : This one is hard to follow without a Beautiful Mind-style wall of names and connections. Thanks for the links, this is interesting.', ">>{GeoleVyi} : try straightening out the cords, sometimes the 1's get stuck if they have to take a quick turn", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : Again I didn't push this candidate, we actually had a primary that was the 2nd most decisive primary on record after Al Gore won every contest in 2000.", '>>{DamagedHells} : And she lost to literally the most unpopular president in US history.', '>>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : The guy who whipped the floor with 19 other candidates? Literally everything the GOP and conservative movement had been building up for decades? That guy?', '>>{GeoleVyi} : the president was obviously referring to his river front property, just off the shire. also, he is missing his golden ring, last seen being looked at by those filthy hobbitses.', '>>{DamagedHells} : Donald Trump is the most unpopular president in history. That guy.', ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : No he's not. Truman had lower favorablity ratings than Trump and regardless, I'm not sure what that has to do with what we're discussing?", ">>{depcrestwood} : Also can't use it to play online games (at least not for Ubisoft) if you've already opened it under your home IP address. But I use PIA as well and so far it's done well for me. Price is fair enough, too.", ">>{ruiner8850} : Okay, I didn't know that, but for something like Netflix or a game it's not a huge deal to turn it off for awhile. It only takes a few seconds and guess I don't care if someone sees the movies I watch or games that I'm playing as much as other things.", ">>{bassististist} : Sorry, we're too busy electing people from 1950. We'll call you back when we find a pay phone.", '>>{depcrestwood} : Yeah, the only reason I knew about the game thing was because it keeps blocking me out of any of the Tom Clancy games whenever I forget to turn it off. Not that big of a deal, really... just a point of interest.', '>>{cubitoaequet} : >Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we play the quiet game - Fighter', '>>{info_sacked} : So t mobile network is compromised. ok. How are they going to protect themselves?', '>>{qpl23} : There’s also a CBS story on this with a couple of extra details > ESD America, hired preemptively for a DHS pilot program this January called ESD Overwatch, first noticed suspicious activity around cell phone towers in certain parts of the capital, including near the White House. This kind of activity can indicate that someone is monitoring specific individuals or their devices. [...] > According to the ESD America source, the first such spike of activity was in D.C. but there have been others in other parts of the country. > Based on the type of technology used, the source continued, it is likely that the suspicious activity was being conducted by a foreign nation. ― [cbsnews.com](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/suspicious-cellular-activity-in-dc-suggests-monitoring-of-individuals-smartphones/)', '>>{spunkychickpea} : I give him fifteen minutes before he starts calling senators ugly stupid fat bitches.', '>>{PhysicsVanAwesome} : I wonder if the recent strange T mobile bug in Texas, the [ghost calls in inundating 911 call centers](http://gizmodo.com/two-dead-after-t-mobile-ghost-calls-flood-911-center-in-1793332222), is related to this. Perhaps some ballsy test runs of malware??', '>>{flip314} : You can thank Newt Gingrich for shutting down the Office of Technology Assessment.', '>>{reegz} : I know someone who has testified in Congress regarding information security twice. Once for democrats once for republicans. Each time the opposite party just accused him of making stuff up to support the other party. His official stance now is "fuck them both"']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{y2quest} : Top aide: Obama worried about impeachment for Syria actions', '>>{bertcox} : In a good world, any president from Bush, to Clinton, to Bush, to Obama, to Trump, should worry about being impeached for bombing other countries. I mean its nice and all sending our young people to blow the shit out of half the countries on the planet but couldnt we pick just one and leave it at that.', ">>{nickdaisy} : I don't understand when we abandoned the notion (well, constitutional requirement) that Congress declare war. We are operating now against ISIS under the authorization to counter al Qaeda that was passed after 9/11. Yet ISIS is in opposition to al Qaeda. Are we just treating that 16 year old authorization as a blanket writ for war for any president?", ">>{SagaDiNoch} : Congress doesn't like to vote on stuff because they can be held accountable for their record. They were/are happy to look the other way.", '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Twice Obama went to Congress trying to get them on record and twice they refused to give him the authorization of military force in Syria. Yet they still call him out for not doing enough. They truly are cowards for shirking their constitutional responsibilities.', '>>{secede_everywhere} : Congress? Against war? What mirror-world did this article spin out of?', ">>{Good_Guy_Putin} : You are correct, you don't understand. You focus on the Congressional power to declare war but you ignore the Executive Article II powers as Commander-in-Chief. And you also forget that ISIS was literally Al-Qaeda in Iraq before they changed their name. The truth is you don't actually care about that right because you are an absolutist, and you can't even fathom being wrong.", ">>{Solario_ff14} : Here's your homework for tonight: I want you to list every single time the United States has ever officially been at war.", '>>{SanchoPandas} : It\'s more that for the last six years Congress has been against being "for" anything. This is part of their obstructionist plan. Assad wins? "Thanks, Obama...you let a dictator win." ISIS wins? "Thanks, Obama...you let a terrorist organization take over another country." It\'s a lose/lose for Syria and for Obama, but a win/win for a GOP controlled Congress who just has to point the finger.', '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Also, USA is arming Al Qaeda and other "rebels" in some countries. And Saudi Arabia as well.', ">>{oblivion95} : The Muslim-Arab President violated the Constitution and armed ISIS. That's what they would have said. They don't understand how brain-washed they are. Whatever Limbaugh/O'Reilly/Hannity tells them to believe is the gospel. I see it in my father."], [">>{qpl23} : A Security Expert Warned Congress That T-Mobile's DC Cell Network Has Been Hacked", '>>{syncopator} : Who wants to bet Spicer uses this as "evidence" Obama tapped Trump\'s wires?', '>>{neptunedragon} : Wait a minute. There was a news story about T-Mobile sprint and trump right?', ">>{neptunedragon} : He can't. Trump tower in New York was tapped.", ">>{neptunedragon} : Fruit of the poisonous tree: you can't use fake evidence.", ">>{Quinnjester} : OK seriously can we pls get more tech wizs in Congress..these old geezer don't know what they are doing.", ">>{neptunedragon} : Don't fuck with the courts. If he keeps this illegal behavior up then it gives us reason NOT to follow laws too and take him out.", '>>{OpnotIc} : Oh god. This is the reason for the wiretap tweet. Just when you think you know someone.', '>>{OpnotIc} : Sprint, T-Mobile gain after Trump announces SoftBank will invest $50 billion in US 2016 Dec 6: https://www.google.com/amp/www.cnbc.com/amp/2016/12/06/sprint-t-mobile-gain-after-trump-announces-softbank-will-invest-50-billion-in-us.html', '>>{AGB_mods} : His response: he said "Trump Tower" not Trump Tower.', ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Seriously. Go try to submit false evidence and see what happens. You're gonna have a bad time.", '>>{neptunedragon} : Are you referring to spicer using this as evidence?', '>>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Correct. Supporting your argument that it will kill their asses dead in our courts.', ">>{GreatZoombini} : They are unwilling to even consider the idea that they don't understand technology", '>>{qpl23} : Mr. Assange has had a lot to tweet recently about “private” statements by intelligence officials and Hillary. Just sayin’.', '>>{GreatZoombini} : This is why a president should not have access to an UNSECURED PERSONAL PHONE.', '>>{neptunedragon} : Which is exactly why any evidence provided by him will die.', ">>{OpnotIc} : Wait a minute, I can't see in the article when this knowledge was brought to awareness. I wonder if Trump got caught with his hand in the cell hack on that Friday night, had an angry meeting at WH, flew to Florida, stayed up all night scheming up a plan and came up with 'Obama tapped my phones' Tweet. (Because Trump) Trump puts 'noise' into the America consciousness about 'Taps', hoping it will - do that thing that noise always does for Trump. By not breaking this story until today, Trump had nothing to explain his behaviour.", ">>{neptunedragon} : But that doesn't add up. He said in his tweet that trump tower was tapped.", ">>{republicancer} : These unending tendrils of corruption are so creatively complex. It's mind boggling.", ">>{RyanClinton2017} : There's one guy in there that knows his stuff, used to be a pentester if I remember correctly. He was one of the only ones who was against the whole Apple needs to break into this phone for us deal. Wish I could remember his name... Ok found him, it's Ted Lieu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Lieu", '>>{jmkrisko} : Okay, I know that computers are built on ones and zeroes, right? Have you considered... nines and elevens? Worked great for me', ">>{OpnotIc} : Yeah, I don't know how Trump uses 'noise' really, but he certainly does. What he says often makes no sense. Who knows what he deflected on the night China invented a global warming hoax.", ">>{qpl23} : He’s mentioned in the article: > A spokesperson for Rep. Lieu told BuzzFeed News that his office received a tip late last week from a cybersecurity expert that T-Mobile's wireless mobile network in Washington, DC may have been compromised by a hack. Rep. Lieu’s office could not substantiate the claims of the security expert (whom Lieu's office did not name), but it notified the Department of Homeland Security of the warning.", '>>{RyanClinton2017} : And Stone just recently tweeted a threat about Podesta being over the barrel for round two.. https://twitter.com/RogerJStoneJr/status/841773275554406401 "If the Trump DOJ charges a Grand Jury to examine ties to Russia, @johnpodesta\'s second time in the barrel may be coming"', ">>{RyanClinton2017} : Perfect! Just goes to show I didn't read the article though. I did read a summary of it on hackernews earlier.", ">>{mori226} : That's messed up, but I'm giving you an upvote for that!", '>>{Quinnjester} : What is the obsession with Podesta....dude is a private citizen not president. Also enough with the Hillary shit..my god.', ">>{anthroengineer} : I can't wait for Roger Stone to be in front of the Senate Intelligence committee under oath.", '>>{republicancer} : Me too. That guy is incapable of keeping his mouth shut.', '>>{RyanClinton2017} : >"Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive - Sir Walter Scott', ">>{RyanClinton2017} : Just had a thought about this. Manafort's daughter's phone was hacked and dumped on the dark web. You can read about it and download the sqlite.db and phone image here: https://krypt3ia.wordpress.com/2017/03/04/kompromat/ I wonder if she was on T-Mobile and that's how they got her.", ">>{Mae315} : It sounds so obvious it's stupid, but when will voters realize that challenges and problems of the 21st century require a 21st century mindset to understand these problems and devise solutions?", ">>{RyanClinton2017} : Thanks, I follow him (the author) on twitter. There's also this previous story he had about it. https://krypt3ia.wordpress.com/2017/02/27/about-that-manafort-leak/", '>>{OpnotIc} : The SoftBank Trump connections get tons of noise with ongoing noise still occurring day by day in google. http://www.businessmirror.com.ph/trump-embraces-50-billion-investment-but-is-it-worth-the-saudi-ties/ The deal has a lot of Trump style to it. Obscene amounts of money and private investments.', '>>{republicancer} : This one is hard to follow without a Beautiful Mind-style wall of names and connections. Thanks for the links, this is interesting.', ">>{GeoleVyi} : try straightening out the cords, sometimes the 1's get stuck if they have to take a quick turn", '>>{GeoleVyi} : the president was obviously referring to his river front property, just off the shire. also, he is missing his golden ring, last seen being looked at by those filthy hobbitses.', ">>{bassististist} : Sorry, we're too busy electing people from 1950. We'll call you back when we find a pay phone.", '>>{cubitoaequet} : >Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we play the quiet game - Fighter', '>>{info_sacked} : So t mobile network is compromised. ok. How are they going to protect themselves?', '>>{qpl23} : There’s also a CBS story on this with a couple of extra details > ESD America, hired preemptively for a DHS pilot program this January called ESD Overwatch, first noticed suspicious activity around cell phone towers in certain parts of the capital, including near the White House. This kind of activity can indicate that someone is monitoring specific individuals or their devices. [...] > According to the ESD America source, the first such spike of activity was in D.C. but there have been others in other parts of the country. > Based on the type of technology used, the source continued, it is likely that the suspicious activity was being conducted by a foreign nation. ― [cbsnews.com](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/suspicious-cellular-activity-in-dc-suggests-monitoring-of-individuals-smartphones/)', '>>{spunkychickpea} : I give him fifteen minutes before he starts calling senators ugly stupid fat bitches.', '>>{PhysicsVanAwesome} : I wonder if the recent strange T mobile bug in Texas, the [ghost calls in inundating 911 call centers](http://gizmodo.com/two-dead-after-t-mobile-ghost-calls-flood-911-center-in-1793332222), is related to this. Perhaps some ballsy test runs of malware??', '>>{flip314} : You can thank Newt Gingrich for shutting down the Office of Technology Assessment.', '>>{reegz} : I know someone who has testified in Congress regarding information security twice. Once for democrats once for republicans. Each time the opposite party just accused him of making stuff up to support the other party. His official stance now is "fuck them both"'], ['>>{Tekki} : Bill to allow ISP companies to sell your data, has passed', '>>{HumanShadow} : Hey Trump cult members, is your god going to veto this? Thanks for selling us out.', '>>{Tekki} : [Who voted Yay/Nay](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2017/h200?utm_campaign=govtrack_feed&utm_source=govtrack/feed&utm_medium=rss)', ">>{FlappyChappy} : If someone starts using a VPN they don't get this information right?", '>>{DamagedHells} : Anyone who thinks both parties are the same are fucking mentally disabled.', ">>{ThaddeusJP} : Can't wait for the additions to exempt anyone in Congress and government.", ">>{userknamework} : They can see that you're connecting to a vpn, but they can't see what information is being passed between your computer and the vpn.", '>>{dino111111} : [Which VPN Services Keep You Anonymous in 2017?](https://torrentfreak.com/vpn-services-anonymous-review-2017-170304/)', '>>{FlappyChappy} : Should one be concerned about anything else if their motivation is to keep them as blind as possible?', ">>{hawaiimanila} : But.. Hillary's emails And the 2 candidates were equally evil. All this mess is happening because of stupid protest voters.", '>>{VertigoStar} : Can the ISPs sell your old data prior to the date the bill passed?', ">>{OohCapsLockImScared} : Supposedly not, make sure to use a reliable paid VPN (pia is a good one) with all of the encryption and security options enabled. Do a DNS leak test too. Free VPN's sometimes use your data to pay the bills or don't have the security advertised so it's best to go for a paid one", ">>{userknamework} : Concerned? Up to you. Pissed the fuck off? Hell yes. You should be mad as hell. They are effectively selling a copy of your house key to anyone who wants to come in and look around, and here we are discussing if the lock on our safe is good enough. It's a god damn travesty. You can combined VPNs with the TOR browser to get a moderately good layer of anonymity, but every network can be compromised. If the government wanted to monitor you, they could. A VPN connecting to a country outside of the US (and the five eyes) should give you enough privacy to avoid prying eyes of advertisers and blackmailers.", ">>{ruiner8850} : I use the VPN that wrote this article and it works great for me. About the only downfall is that you can't use it for watching Netflix, but I'm not sure of any VPNs that do. Netflix's end is the reason why, not PIA.", '>>{FlappyChappy} : I used TOR to look at the silk road back before that became a scandal. If my memory serves me correctly it was painfully slow. Is that still the case?', ">>{venicerocco} : They're both the same yet I'm going to vote for the Republican but they're still the same", ">>{FlappyChappy} : I use PIA because I travel A LOT for work. I just wanted to get some discussion going in here for lurkers who want to protect themselves. PIA is so cheap I don't even notice it on my bill and it always seems to work fine no matter where I am. I don't want to give it a free ad or anything because I've never used anything else, but I think it works on up to 5 devices too.", '>>{DamagedHells} : the Republicans benefit from the "they\'re both the same!" narrative. republicans generally believe they\'re not both the same.', ">>{OohCapsLockImScared} : I started out of paranoia, I live in the UK and the Snooper's Charter / GCHQ leaks both show that the government is serious about surveillance. PIA looked like the best option on the tight budget I was on at the time and it's one of the few that didn't have something large against them (other than being based in a 5 eyes state)", '>>{BroscienceLife} : Everything I\'ve read on the subject says they can still see the DNS queries, unless you\'re using an encrypted DNS. So they can still get a "general" idea of what you\'re doing because they can see the requests for what sites you\'re visiting, even if they can\'t see the specific data being passed between the website and the computer via the VPN.', ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : You should've seen this place during the primaries. There were people who thought Hillary would've been worse than Trump and even now you still have crazy people on /r/SandersForPresident saying the Russia thing is a distraction and what we really need to focus on is how two DNC employees privately sent an email about what a shit show the Sanders campaign was in May. Because you know, that's the real election interference.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : *sigh* They can't see your searches because Google like most of the web is already on HTTPS.", ">>{Micro_Mouse} : The first thing you can do is install HTTPS Everywhere as a browser extension, which attempts to force websites to give you a secure end to end connection even when that's not their default mode. https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere It won't hide which URLs you visit from the ISP, but having an https connection will hide any data exchanged with a given site.", '>>{DamagedHells} : I\'ve been here for years. It goes through varying degrees of "most important target." Clinton was during primaries because she was less dangerous and sanders was objectively better. during general that changed because hillary was less dangerous. there\'s a lot of hyperbole thrown aroubd during elections, so it\'s no real surprise', ">>{Micro_Mouse} : Bing (for example) doesn't default to HTTPS, and a lot of sites are still totally unequipped. Even if every site has HTTPS, if you visited special interest URLs, anyone with your ISPs data might make certain inferences about you.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : Well look if you're using Bing then you're probably not the type of person who cares about your internet privacy anyways.", '>>{chubbiguy40} : They should start by selling all the data they have on the House Members that supported this.', ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : > and sanders was objectively better. No that's not an objective thing.", ">>{Micro_Mouse} : Yeah, but that's probably just because they haven't been informed enough yet as internet consumers. Even if you're using Google, in the AA example, if you clicked on a website about AA, your ISP could still tell that you were on a URL devoted to AA even if that site used HTTPS", ">>{Micro_Mouse} : How long before Republicans try to make VPNs illegal? Because they're only used by pirates, child abusers and terrorists?", '>>{grouch1980} : What about the browsing I do on my phone? How do I protect that?', ">>{DamagedHells} : Sorry, but when the candidate you're trying to push is hated by vast swaths of America for completely irrational reasons? Yes, it is.", ">>{OohCapsLockImScared} : You can get good vpn apps on your phone too, PIA works fine on android but I've heard complaints about the iOS version of the app. When I was using iOS I found a couple of good VPN's though I can't remember their names I'm sure they'll come up if you search vpn in the app store", '>>{thonic84} : West Wing [predicted this](https://youtu.be/pj4PwyfDNuI). Privacy should be a right.', ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : Again I didn't push this candidate, we actually had a primary that was the 2nd most decisive primary on record after Al Gore won every contest in 2000.", '>>{DamagedHells} : And she lost to literally the most unpopular president in US history.', '>>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : The guy who whipped the floor with 19 other candidates? Literally everything the GOP and conservative movement had been building up for decades? That guy?', '>>{DamagedHells} : Donald Trump is the most unpopular president in history. That guy.', ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : No he's not. Truman had lower favorablity ratings than Trump and regardless, I'm not sure what that has to do with what we're discussing?", ">>{depcrestwood} : Also can't use it to play online games (at least not for Ubisoft) if you've already opened it under your home IP address. But I use PIA as well and so far it's done well for me. Price is fair enough, too.", ">>{ruiner8850} : Okay, I didn't know that, but for something like Netflix or a game it's not a huge deal to turn it off for awhile. It only takes a few seconds and guess I don't care if someone sees the movies I watch or games that I'm playing as much as other things.", '>>{depcrestwood} : Yeah, the only reason I knew about the game thing was because it keeps blocking me out of any of the Tom Clancy games whenever I forget to turn it off. Not that big of a deal, really... just a point of interest.']]
classify and reply
['>>{traksta15} : I love google drive. I have 100gb free for buying my chrome book.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Uh, most people support voter ID laws including most whites, we take issue with how the republicans try to put them in. It's painfully obvious their goal is to suppress as many democratic voters as possible rather than preventing voter fraud. If republicans came up with voter ID laws that took no less than 1 year to go into effect, and they took every possible step to assure that literally EVERYONE would be able to vote then I'd support them. But they do it to suppress votes. This is why they try to close down polls on college campuses, this is why they only accept certain forms of ID that always seem to exclude school IDs. Either way, there is no voter fraud problem in this country.", '>>{canadianbacon22} : Please explain to me how requiring a photo ID suppresses a voter? Are you saying that democrats are unable to go out of their way to some state bureau and get a photo ID?', '>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : http://www.snopes.com/clinton-four-minute-nuclear/ Wow, I still even had it in my paste buffer!', ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : A college ID shouldn't be a valid form of identification for anything not college related. What a bunch of horse shit. Try again.", '>>{sunbeast} : But yet is neck and neck in the polls with Hillary. What does that say about her?', '>>{sohanley} : My current process for the wife and me is two-fold: (1) once a month, copy our photos/videos to a laptop, which is then auto-backed up to the cloud via Carbonite; (2) use Google Photos for instant automatic backup as well as the ability to scroll back through all our photos going back 10+ years right on our phones.', '>>{wegener1880} : personally for me, i have an apple time capsule. between that and iCloud i think my photos are safe.', '>>{carlosfm} : That the DNC fucked up running her. This would have been no contest with a likable Democratic candidate. Though the same could be said if the RNC ran a likable candidate.', '>>{hobbes305} : No. She did not. Foreign Policy and ForeignPolicy.com >Four Minutes to Armageddon. Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, and the nuclear alert. http://foreignpolicy.com/2010/04/02/four-minutes-to-armageddon-2/ Dated 2010 >The study said, "Although there is nothing automatic about the process, the U.S. president could launch these missiles promptly after receiving warning of an impending attack." **The launch time could be as short as four minutes for the land-based missiles** and 12 minutes for the submarine-based. The study that was mentioned in this article: https://fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/reframing_dealert.pdf This study was quite well known in 2009 and was referenced in numerous newspaper reports and editorials, as well as in many books and blogs.', ">>{EricHill78} : It's not popular but I recommend giving Flickr a try. They give you 1TB of storage for free.", '>>{lakersfan4lyfe} : Google photos now has a cleanup feature available that will delete photos from your phone but not from the cloud. Plus you can always pull a photo back down to your phone if you want it there', '>>{woodtick57} : took me about a minute to find this info on the internet from decades ago!', '>>{ryancarty} : The best thing is just sign up for iCloud space. $0.99 a month for 50gb or $2.99 for 200gb. Your phone will then store your photos in the cloud, but leave the most recent on your phone with just previews of the others. It will also fluctuate how much is stored on your phone depending on how much space you have on the phone, and the rest you still see in your photos they will just take a second to load in when you click them. Its the easiest and most fluid. I also just back them up on to my computer to have a non-cloud backup every year or two.', ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : > This would have been no contest with a likable Democratic candidate Yes, the increasingly desperate left will continue to make excuses and rationalize why Trump won. You're in the 5 stages of grief right now. The fact is Trump beat out 17 highly qualified GOP candidates in a land slide. It's likely he would have won against both Bernie and whatever cookie cutter establishment politician you placed before him. Your cognitive dissonance does not allow you to admit the obvious truth: Trump is a lot smarter than you originally thought and that's why he won. He exploited a ripe political climate using his skills as a master self promoter. Simple as that.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : And angry republicans upset that they're losing a demographic battle shouldn't be allowed to pass voter ID laws to suppress votes, now should they?", ">>{Zero_2410} : I use the free option because I don't mind much that the quality of the photo or video is reduced by a little bit. Just using it for it's unlimited space :)", ">>{IDFSHILL} : It's citing gallup, the source is bad but it's still citing gallup. The outcome of a poll doesn't change based on the source that links it.", ">>{thegraverobber} : That is definitely looking like a great option! Two questions, if you don't mind. Do you auto-upload on the go or do you use an app like PhotoSync to upload only over WiFi? Additionally, I read that Google Photos will not prevent you from uploading duplicates. Have you ever had a problem with that? Thanks for the help!", ">>{Zero_2410} : I have it set to auto-upload when I'm connected over WiFi. There can be times that there will be a duplicate but it's on the rare occasion for me. At times I really don't mind since the space is unlimited.", '>>{lyingtoyourself1} : If by "party\'s base" you mean "majority of America"', '>>{aledlewis} : Some say she is a crackpot for running with such a severe illness and such low favorability ratings.', '>>{RockinJoeSchmo} : > We should be guard dogs, not lap dogs, and when the public sees Trump as more honest than Clinton, something has gone wrong. > For my part, I’ve never met a national politician as ill informed, as deceptive, as evasive and as vacuous as Trump. He’s not normal. And somehow that is what our barks need to convey.', '>>{ainbheartach} : It is about presumption of innocence. Do you believe everyone should be presumed guilty?', ">>{canadianbacon22} : Yes. You said that the goal of the law is to suppress democratic voters. However, you didn't explain how requiring a photo ID to cast a vote suppresses democratic voters. I'm just trying to understand because here in Canada was have our own voter ID laws *but that doesn't stop anyone from voting*. Care to explain?", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Probably because someone also posted it ten minutes earlier... :/ Funny side note: Barry Goldwater's granddaughter is supporting Hillary Clinton.", ">>{HAVE-A-CHOCOLATE} : I didn't realize the Apple option was so affordable, wow. Do you know whether photos that you have saved to the phone will sync seamlessly to your new phone when you upgrade?", ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : He's already won, you just haven't been able to rationalize it yet.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : In the US poor people are more likely to vote democratic. A poor person here is less likely to have a car which means they depend on public transit, so a poor person with kids might have to take public transit down to a DMV if they can even get a day off, wait for hours, and then fork over 40 bucks for a photo ID. On top of that, poor people are less likely to have their birth cert, and they might have to order a new one which takes a few weeks and costs about 25 bucks I believe. This isn't even getting into the fact DMVs have absurd hours and are closed all of the time, or that rural areas might have a DMV open 1 day a week. This is why I said I'd support the laws if they went out of their way to make sure not a single fucking vote is suppressed, but that isn't the case. They always try to push them through around election time to blindside as many people as they can. And like I said, there is no voter fraud problem here, it does not exist. They're pointless laws that might prevent thousands of people, mainly poor/older people and they won't prevent any fucking voter fraud.", '>>{thisbites_over} : They are both god awful and wildly unpopular candidates, outside their respective echo chambers. This election cycle is a historic clusterfuck.', '>>{drkstr17} : It says a lot of things. It says that a man like Donald Trump doesn\'t have to show his tax returns, where it\'s obvious he\'s hiding some bombshells, can get away with pretty much anything and still be perceived as "strong." But a woman like Clinton, who has shown the last 40 years of tax returns but is still somehow portrayed as deceiving liar that hasn\'t actually ever been nailed for anything, gets crucified. Trump is a master manipulator of the media and of you.', ">>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : Yeah I posted it the last time this person deleted and recreated their account cause they were downvoted to hell. Hadn't copied or pasted anything since.", ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : TIL that old farts at the Pentagon don't watch History Channel documentaries.", '>>{frayeb} : The 1TB is useless for mass uploading though since many vital features of the service are premium users only. So no drag and drop and only a certain amount of photo uploads at a time. Went downhill as soon as Yahoo bought them for the delicious photo archive gold mine', ">>{ryancarty} : Yeah, so I have the 200gb option so it stores my photos, the other stuff in the iCloud settings tab, and I backup to iCloud now instead of syncing and backing up to a computer (partly for convenience and partly because the backups were taking up like 30+gb on my computer). So when I get the iPhone 7 for example and I get to the Hello screen in the beginning, I'll choose restore from iCloud backup and just let it run and everything including my photos will sync over. (Although like i said i usually back up my photos to an external hard drive anyway to be safe). Your photos can also be accessed from iCloud.com, and your Mac and other devices (if certain settings are on). TL;DR: Hell yeah", '>>{HAVE-A-CHOCOLATE} : Hugely helpful, thanks for taking the time! Just signed up.', ">>{ReptiliansCantOllie} : Hillary is that awful. That's the problem. For every thing you wrote about Trump a Trump supporter could come up with a counterpoint for Clinton.", '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : The article actually addresses that point. Everybody reads the headlines and goes straight to arguing round here.', '>>{Zlibservacratican} : Her followers choose to blind themselves too her faults, like her lack of honesty and trust. They\'ve spent so much time arguing past that problem, making excuses, deflecting to her lesser, and dissecting minutia in her defense. They don\'t realize that she has fed into her own trust problems. Like when she refused to lead by example when challenged to release her transcripts, or when she refused to challenge the rule change to allow bundled lobbyist donations, or when she hired Schultz after the DNC hack showing her clear bias and desperation to influence media narratives, or even the simple fact that she chose to have a private server. They deflect to issues like "it isn\'t illegal" while ignoring how unethical it is, or "everyone else does it" while ignoring what a childish excuse that is, or "but Donald Trump" without understanding that she shouldn\'t need to prove she\'s better than Trump. But here we are in a neck to neck race between a seasoned political vet and a reality TV celebrity who fancies himself an authoritarian willing to say the most deplorable things for ratings. We had a chance to avoid the trust gap.', '>>{misterspock1974} : For backing up iPhone on OS X, the best solution can be copying data to a synchronized folder (e.g. Dropbox folder). The alternate method uses *cron* or other system scheduler (OS X behaviors like a full UNIX clone), but it requires some manual work and knowledge about PC architecture. If you also have a Windows-powered machine, try some automatic cloud backup solution, like my favorite [Handy Backup](http://www.handybackup.net/dropbox-backup.shtml). Maybe some solution like this are available on OS X but I never heard of something alike.', ">>{arie222} : No they can't. Stop with the false equivalency nonsense.", ">>{ozabelle} : again with the goldwater. it's not working, guy. does yall need help?", ">>{sunbeast} : > but is still somehow portrayed as deceiving liar that hasn't actually ever been nailed for anything, gets crucified. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI By this point in the campaign, do you truly not understand where the [public perception](https://morningconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ClintonOverall-3.png) that she is untrustworthy comes from?", '>>{aKindWordandaGun} : [8-hour-old account posting a site with a long and storied reddit submission history of a whopping six days and has been around for a long and venerable one-and-a-half months.](https://whois.domaintools.com/thegoldwater.com) I wonder which dumb son of a bitch that got banned yesterday/earlier today the OP is. EDIT: And he uses Slimgur too, always a sign that you can safely ignore the worthless fucker.', '>>{AGuerrilla} : I thought this would be about Clinton and her obsession with the Russians and green cartoon frogs.', '>>{sunbeast} : And it addresses the reasons behind her **historic levels of untrustworthiness** quite well. But they go on to blame the voters for her untrustworthiness, *rather than Clinton herself*. This is what the media and the Clinton Campaign has been getting wrong throughout the whole campaign.', '>>{hjjslu} : Another funny side note: Hillary supported Goldwater in 1964. And Trump supported Hillary in 2008. Weird election.', ">>{Circumin} : I feel embarassed for how stupid Trump fans are. In the mix of their supreme ignorance and their raging anger, they seem to think that everything Hillary says that they are ignorant of is classified and therefore evidence of her treason. It's incredible really.", ">>{clone822} : Dixie Chicks: sorry about Bush Republicans: treason!!! Donald Trump: Putin is a far better leader than Obama. (Lavish praise ensues) Republicans: he's not polished", ">>{carlosfm} : The primaries and nationals are not comparable. The GOP base with years of incredibly ineffective leadership was ripe for the picking. That is the core reason trump mopped the floor with those fools. Trump is no idiot, he knew his path president hinged on the white vote. Hence why his messaging panders specifically to them and why he does not care about the minority vote. It is still the largest potential voting pool. I love to watch his rallies, he really is an artist at lying. I am constantly amazed by his skills. Bernie assumed the Democratic base was also rip for picking but was too early. Bernie would have been slaughtered on the national level. The illogical hate of socialism in this country is profound. The reason Hillary is doing poorly is her on damn fault. If she looses its her fault. She is a bad candidate and most of her support comes from either blind supporters or people that hate/fear the stupidity that Trump represents If moderate conservatives and Independents had a logical out they would quickly run away from Trump. The issue is they can only run to Hillary which majority of Americans don't want either. I take it you are new to politics and have been stuck in the echo chamber that is Reddit and local communities. The reality is Americans hate both candidates and would have easily gone to a good alternative if presented one. And unfortunately we are a two party system, so no greenparty doesn't count. Jesus you people make so many assumptions about my political stance. Its funny always watching you guess.", '>>{Firetrucker} : OP litterally explained the problem, can you get someone to read it to you perhaps?', '>>{arie222} : So Clinton is just as bad as Trump in your mind?', ">>{forgottenbutnotgone} : I don't really want to read this one. Which crackpot are they talking about?", ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I think it's fine that people perceive Clinton as a liar. But the point is why does Trump get a free pass?", ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : You do understand that in the context of this conversation, that your stance that they're voter ID laws to suppress votes relies on seeing a College ID as a valid form of identification, right? Can you give some other example of why John Q Taxpayer is being suppressed by being required to go to the DMV and get a state issued ID?", ">>{mspaintshoops} : The old overweight one. You know, the one with credibility issues. The one who's like 70 years old or whatever. Whichever candidate has record unfavorability ratings.", ">>{sunbeast} : This free pass would not be possible without **Clintons extremely sketchy history**. The media has ruined their integrity and trustworthiness by spinning *everything* that Trumps says to be negative. It's a boy who cried wolf situation, [nobody believes the media](http://www.gallup.com/poll/195542/americans-trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_content=morelink&utm_campaign=syndication) anymore because in turning everything that Trump says into a scandal, then nothing becomes a scandal.", ">>{trumped12345} : Trump. It's NYT opinion page drivel. His evidence that Trump lies more is that he has a greater percentage of pants on fire on Politifact, when, of course, Politifact selects which facts to check.", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : Ah, this sounds like a good read! Oh wait, it's not about Hillary.", ">>{Venturin} : > this is why they only accept certain forms of ID that always seem to exclude school IDs. School ID's are for... school.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : I'll just link you my other comment that goes over the reasons why the laws are stupid. https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4z6dvq/more_minorities_support_voter_id_laws_than_whites/d6t723o", ">>{drkstr17} : You sure about that? Trump University IS a scandal. Actually no, that implies it's just a media frenzy. The judge is actually bringing that case to a trial. So it's past being a scandal. Clinton Foundation? No pay to play there. It's barely even pay to access, which was the new spin they tried to give it. You wanna see pay to play? Just look at the investigative report Newsweek just put out. THAT is pay to play.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : This is hilarious. The amount of mental gymnastics I see republicans go through to defend voter suppression within the GOP is hilarious. You're the same people that defend gerrymandering.", '>>{Firetrucker} : Our ID laws are flexible, any piece will do and Harper of course tried to pull another GOP stunt and suppress votes the same way by limiting them to solve the also non-existent voter "fraud" problem. Of course despite his best efforts he got his ass kicked so fortunately he failed there like pretty much everything he tried to do.', '>>{drkstr17} : Oh yes the infamous compilation video edited with clips taken out of context. I\'d love to see a video of Trump lying, it\'d be somewhere around 3 hours. Or you could just do a live camera crew and follow him around all day. I get where the perception of her being a liar comes from, but it\'s just that, a perception. When you actually look at the facts, she\'s as about as honest as the average politician, even more so. Politifact scores her ability to tel the truth better than most politicians actually. And when you look at Trump, it is plain startling how often he lies and how egregious some of the lies are. So when people say "well he tells like it is, or, he\'s not your average politician." I agree, he\'s like a 1000x worse. But it doesn\'t matter because every time someone brings this up, Trump supporters will hide behind their lazy, grossly broad and baseless defense of "media bias." How many times can one blame the media for Trump\'s own words? He\'s a con man. Always has been, always will be.', ">>{sunbeast} : **The Clinton foundation is the pinnacle of pay to play.** Why else would [Bill state that the Clinton Foundation is no longer accepting foreign donations if she is elected](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/19/us/politics/if-hillary-clinton-wins-foundation-will-stop-accepting-foreign-donations.html)? In order to prevent *unfair* media accusations of corruption? He would earn a lot more respect if he carried on with accepting foreign donations and saying 'Fuck what the media says! Suffering Children are more important!'. This is a very clear concession by Clinton, he understands that the Clinton Foundation has too much of a conflict of interest to keep it going in its current form.", ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Why not? A college ID has the student's name on it, and a picture of them. It serves the purpose of establishing identity, so why shouldn't it be valid?", '>>{Venturin} : Yea and you\'re the one doing the "mental gymnastics" of making up the fiction that a school ID is proper identification for voting. BTW, I\'m not a republican, so you appear to have a habit of being wrong. How about that?', '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> Yea and you\'re the one doing the "mental gymnastics" of making up the fiction that a school ID is proper identification for voting. LITERALLY ANY ID should be a valid ID for voting, because there is no fucking voter fraud problem in this country. >> BTW, I\'m not a republican, so you appear to have a habit of being wrong. How about that? [citation needed]', ">>{sunbeast} : If what you say is true, how will the Clinton Campaign EVER overcome her [record breaking unfavourables](https://morningconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ClintonOverall-3.png)? Clearly their tactic of blaming voters for her untrustworthiness, rather than blaming Hillary Clinton herself is *not working*. This is something that the Clinton Camp should be working hard on, but the evidence I've seen so far is that their efforts are *dismal*.", ">>{Orcapa} : Please objectively prove that Trump is not telling one lie after another. Please also objectively show that Trump is remotely qualified to be the president. You may not like Hillary (I don't), but there is no doubt that Trump is a disaster waiting to happen if elected, while Hillary would be four more years of status quo -- not great, but not going to cause the country to self-immolate.", '>>{drkstr17} : There is literally no way for them to NOT look bad. If Bill stays, they\'ll say it\'s clear he wants to continue "pay to play" but if he leaves, he\'s clearly hiding something.', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Here is conservative think tank leader Jim DeMint [openly admitting](https://thinkprogress.org/conservative-think-tank-president-says-voter-id-helps-conservatives-win-elections-ae128b0b37d1#.2fqq39x9q) that voter ID laws help conservatives. Here is [Phyllis Schlafly](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/08/28/republicans-admit-voter-id-laws-are-aimed-at-democratic-voters.html) saying the same thing. Here is a Wisconsin congressman [also saying it](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wisconsin-voter-id-2016_us_5704a2eee4b0a506064d90cf). But no, you're right, we're all just wearing tinfoil hats. Voter ID laws are important because.... reasons?", ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : No, you're right. That's why I can't use a driver's license to buy alcohol because a driver's license is for driving.", '>>{Firetrucker} : I used my passport to pick up a package at the post office, how!?!?', '>>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : Weak excuses, at best. How can one even do *anything* in any official capacity without a statue issued ID card? How can you rent, or own a dwelling without state ID?', ">>{trumped12345} : What proof do you have that a disaster will happen? You don't become a billionaire being incompetent.", ">>{JuicyCreature} : I bet they really patted themselves on the back for what appears to be baby's first political photograph", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Ask the tons of people that do, this topic has been studied. And even if those are "weak" it\'s more than you have for voter fraud, because it\'s a problem that doesn\'t exist here.', '>>{canadianbacon22} : Saying that something is a problem w/o explaining how it is a problem is not explaining the problem.', ">>{TotallyLiberal} : But you can't use a school ID to buy alcohol", ">>{Firetrucker} : ... There is no voter fraud, ID laws are not about preventing a problem that doesn't exist, it's about suppressing voters the GOP doesn't want voting. It has been explained to you several times now, are you being obtuse on purpose or is it natural?", '>>{Orcapa} : No, in this case (the foundation) he realizes that the media will target it no matter what it does or how relatively well-run it is. So he is trying to clean up the perception.', '>>{sunbeast} : Which is why people constantly complain about the Clintons lack of foresight. The whole world has known that Hillary would be running for president far ahead of her 2008 announcement. If they were not able to perceive this checkmate move, then they do not deserve to be back in the white house.', '>>{sunbeast} : So he cares more about perception of the media, than putting foreign donations into his charity? What a scumbag.', ">>{Orcapa} : Here's another way to look at it: set aside the scandals, the Bondi thing, the e-mail server, etc. Look at temperament and policy. Which candidate has actual developed policies? Which candidate has the temperament to be C-in-C, to deal with world leaders, to try to work with Congress? If you think Trump is remotely qualified, you are self-delusional. You may not like Hillary, but she is objectively head-and-shoulders above Trump in qualifications. OTOH, maybe you want to elect a loose cannon with no seriously developed policies to head our country and our military and be in charge when there is a disaster.", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : Why are Democrats pushing to make it easier to get an ID? They seem perfectly content just complaining about elected officials on the other team are passing laws that affect their constituency. If Dems want change, make it easier to get an ID.', ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : Same reason I can't use my employee ID badge that was created, maintained, and verified by a private company, that, for all the poll workers know, I printed in my basement. e: Jesus christ this subreddit is infuriating. Why do I have to wait 10 fucking minutes between comment replies?", ">>{Orcapa} : You are right on all of this, but given the choices of her and Trump, who do you think is more qualified? Which one do you believe won't drive the car of government into the ditch? I really don't want her to be president, but at this point there would seem to be little choice.", '>>{lordfredericknorth} : Then that needs to happen first, and Republicans should be assisting as well. Make sure the process for obtaining/maintaining a valid ID for voting is free and incredibly easy, THEN make it a requirement for casting a vote. If they try to do this out of order, then Republicans need to both prove that voter fraud is rampant, as well as how requiring an ID would solve that problem. So far they have been able to prove neither, and as long as this is the case then voter ID laws *have no merit,* regardless of how easy or hard it is to get an ID.', ">>{Venturin} : > No, you're right. That's why I can't use a driver's license to buy alcohol because a driver's license is for driving. **Photo vs. non-photo identification**: Some states request or require voters to show an identification document that has a photo on it, such as a *[driver’s license](http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/voter-id.aspx)*, state-issued identification card, military ID, tribal ID, and many other forms of ID. Driver's licenses are legal identification used for many purposes to prove who you are, including voting. Wow what a fail you did there.", ">>{Orcapa} : And this is it exactly. The Clintons ain't great, but for many things, they are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.", '>>{Pylons} : Running a business has little to do with running a country.', '>>{Orcapa} : How do you know he is a billionaire? Because he says so? If only he would prove it, but like other things, he just spouts bullshit and expects to be believed. So far he just seems to be a first-class grifter.', ">>{Firetrucker} : You think a univeristy id is like a crew chief badge from McDonalds? That they look like basement made? Perhaps its been awhile since you've seen one but they're a bit more sophisticated these days.", '>>{sunbeast} : They would not be damned if they started the foundation without still having political ambitions in mind. The Clintons wounds are entirely self inflicted.', '>>{trumped12345} : Has a lot to do with it. Crisis management. Budgeting. Leadership. Relationship building. It overlaps heavily.', ">>{Venturin} : > LITERALLY ANY ID should be a valid ID for voting, because there is no fucking voter fraud problem in this country. Whoops and now you're shouting and cursing. Watch the blood pressure! You are in the minority of people and countries who believe there should be proper ID requirements to vote. But if you drop F-Bombs and keep shouting louder and louder you might just sway folks to your side! Don't stop believin'!", '>>{Orcapa} : I agree on many things but this foundation does a hell of a lot of actual charitable work. Also, at this point, even if she is a little tainted, she is still a far better choice than Trump, who is a blowhard and little else.', ">>{sunbeast} : > even if she is a little tainted you don't know the half of it.", '>>{Pylons} : [A country is not a company.](https://hbr.org/1996/01/a-country-is-not-a-company)', ">>{drkstr17} : I agree in some ways. They have been in politics for a long time, so the entanglements are there, but they don't actually amount to anything substantial. And really, what are these entanglements? The ties they have in their family foundation? The one that saves millions of lives and they don't take a dime from? This has all been proven. And pay-to-play doesn't exist there, MAYBE pay-to-access? That's not illegal, especially when that access doesn't lead to anything. So what are they supposed to do? Stop running a foundation that millions of people rely on for aid? If anything, they do great work there, and it should be a qualifier in more ways than it should be a disqualifier. So what's the lack in foresight exactly? That they should've known they would be heavily scrutinized to the point where they are unelectable, even though no one's going to find anything that's actually going to put them away in prison? I think this says more about the media than the Clintons. That to me is what's annoying about their decision to run again, that fighting the media on this is an endless circle and it's only going to make you look worse, whether it's justified or not. So I would blame the media more than the Clintons.", '>>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : > You think a univeristy id is like a crew chief badge from McDonalds? Implication duly noted.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Is there a voter fraud problem in America? Yes or no question.', ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Oh, so the government can authorize its use for purposes other than the primary purpose? Because it has the information necessary for those purposes? WOW. It's too bad that exact same thing couldn't be done for school IDs, which have all the information necessary for voting identification, but school IDs are for school. That's why they're called school IDs.", '>>{Orcapa} : Oh come on, open your eyes. Do you really trust Trump to not completely fuck things up if elected? It would be like GW Bush again but worse. Clinton is a lousy candidate, but by any standards is highly qualified to be president.', '>>{Firetrucker} : So that would be you understand that a college ID is not the same as employee ID?', '>>{drkstr17} : That\'s the thing. She is actually the most transparent politician to ever run for office, when you look at the amount of things she\'s revealed about herself. It\'s all about snow ball effect. For example, in her effort to be even more transparent, she\'s probably going to release more medical records soon. But because she\'s so "untrustworthy" her opponents are going to pick this thing apart and find things that they could use against her and create a whole new narrative. The more transparent Clinton becomes, the more scrutiny she gets, whether the scrutiny is justified or not doesn\'t matter because the damage that they inflict is so powerful that the "untrustworthy" narrative chugs along. Because everything she does is looked at through the lens of "is this trustworthy," there will always be something you can find.', ">>{sunbeast} : Judging by the clear trends in the latest polls, the public standards don't seem to agree that she is highly qualified. Her lousiness is too overwhelming for the public to ignore. That in itself is driving voters to Trump. Call that wrong, by all means. But the trends show that the public thinks that Clinton will fuck things up more than Trump.", ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : So far as it suffices to deal with government matters, it absolutely is. Let me make it simple: Wanna participate in government? Prove you're you with a government ID.", ">>{sunbeast} : The only thing transparent about the Clinton Campaign is how blatant their spin is. Clinton, transparent? She's a wall of stone. Edit: A *crumbling* wall of stone, excuse me.", '>>{Firetrucker} : No. Getting a college ID requires more than enough background checks to make it perfecly valid for voting. Actually any ID is fine for voting as no one uses fake id to vote as there is no point which is why it never happens.', '>>{lordfredericknorth} : Let me make it even simpler for you: Wanna require a government ID in order to vote? Prove that voter fraud is rampant due to lack of voter IDs, as well as how Voter IDs would address the problem. If you can\'t do that, then your "wanna participate, then prove your identity" argument holds no water.', ">>{noelsusman} : Personally, I think it says something about the voters more than anything. Everyone likes to pile on the media because it's not politically correct to say that voters are idiots.", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : In Texas they are valid. They are government issued. So the question is why ID issued by the UT system doesn't count as valid. Both are issued by the government.", ">>{DBDude} : >If republicans came up with voter ID laws that took no less than 1 year to go into effect, and they took every possible step to assure that literally EVERYONE would be able to vote then I'd support them. North Carolina passed their voter ID law in 2013, which gave free ID to anyone and allowed provisional voting for those who couldn't get it. They then did a dry run in the 2014 election, informing every voter of the requirement and showing any who didn't have ID how to get a free one. >This is why they try to close down polls on college campuses Again in NC, in the case of Boone, they had three early voting stations within a mile of each other: the main one, a second one, and a campus one. They closed the one on campus. The Democrats of course claimed hardship since it's apparently too hard to take a free bus half a mile to the other polling station. Rachel Maddow even lied extensively in an episode about it.", ">>{DBDude} : I guess it would depend on the state. I see UT requires identity verification and it is issued by a government entity. However, that's only for the state universities. Private colleges are private, and could require little identity verification. They could allow ID only from certain approved schools for voting, but then it would get quite complex. Of course, if you have the paperwork to verify your identity well enough for UT, then you already possess the paperwork necessary to get an approved state ID. I can definitely see a concealed carry license anywhere it has a photo (not all do) since the identity verification process on those is far more strict than a driver's license.", '>>{SnuggleMuffin42} : > That\'s the thing. She is actually the most transparent politician to ever run for office You\'re out of your mind. I mean, come on, you guys can do better than this right? Might as well put on a neon sign that says "shill" on your neck. Do they really still say to stick to that "Most transparent candidate ever"? It\'s time to refresh the guidelines.', '>>{Suzookus} : Why do they talk about Gary Johnson that way. NYT is so biased.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> North Carolina passed their voter ID law in 2013, which gave free ID to anyone and allowed provisional voting for those who couldn\'t get it. They then did a dry run in the 2014 election, informing every voter of the requirement and showing any who didn\'t have ID how to get a free one. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/02/488392765/as-november-approaches-courts-deal-series-of-blows-to-voter-id-laws >> On July 29, a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned North Carolina\'s sweeping voter ID law (which included a host of other voting restrictions, including shortening the early voting period and banning same-day registration). >> And — unlike in Texas — the appeals court ruled that North Carolina legislators had actually passed the law with discriminatory intent >> As the Two-Way reported then, "The appeals court noted that the North Carolina Legislature \'requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices\' — then, data in hand, \'enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans.\' " >> The court wrote that the changes to the voting process "target African Americans with almost surgical precision," and "impose cures for problems that did not exist." You were saying? >> Again in NC, in the case of Boone, they had three early voting stations within a mile of each other: the main one, a second one, and a campus one. They closed the one on campus. The Democrats of course claimed hardship since it\'s apparently too hard to take a free bus half a mile to the other polling station. Rachel Maddow even lied extensively in an episode about it. Judges literally ruled against them because they were actually doing it to discriminate. There\'s no reason to not have one on campus as well.', ">>{bitterbut_true} : Trump as a crackpot? Despite the lionizing of Reagan, some of us remember than Ronnie was dead from the neck up. No-one in the MSM ever dreamed of interviewing Ronnie in depth about economics. Then there's Dubya, a strange child-like man. Very superficial and clueless. Just reading the scripts. Yet these two managed TWO TERMS! Compared to both The Donald is a rocket scientist. He'll be OK. Stop fretting.", ">>{Meatsim1} : > The fact is Trump beat out 17 highly qualified GOP candidates in a land slide. Its was actually the closest GOP primary since 1976, I mean thats just a fact dude you can't deny it but I'm sure you will anyway", '>>{lyingtoyourself1} : Only because nobody conceded until the end which is completely abnormal.', '>>{Meatsim1} : Historic events tend to be abnormal, point being there was no land-slide', ">>{DBDude} : Most school ID isn't even issued by the government. Jim Bob's House of Edjamacashun can issue a photocopied ID to anyone who can pay tuition, but it shouldn't be accepted for any government purpose.", ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : You're kidding yourself Trump got 1543 delegates to Cruz 559. He beat him 3:1. It was a land slide.", '>>{DBDude} : Apparently minorities are too stupid to get ID, so the requirement to get ID affects them more.', '>>{DBDude} : Guilty of what? Of not being who I say I am? Am I presumed guilty at the liquor store because I have to present ID? Almost any other government interaction requires ID.', '>>{DBDude} : Poor are also more likely to be dependent on public services, which they need identity verification to access.', ">>{DBDude} : Most universities are private institutions. Their ID is nor more valid for official use than McDonald's.", ">>{Firetrucker} : No it's more valid as it's harder to get and most have various security features from holographic marks to mag-strips. At any rate it's all moot as voter ID is bullshit, a piece of mail with your name and address cross referenced with the poll's voter list is more than enough.", ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >Most school ID isn't even issued by the government. The vast majority of college students are in public schools. http://www.statista.com/statistics/183995/us-college-enrollment-and-projections-in-public-and-private-institutions/ > Jim Bob's House of Edjamacashun can issue a photocopied ID to anyone who can pay tuition, but it shouldn't be accepted for any government purpose. No one said it should. Limit it to government schools. Obviously, if we're talking voter ID, we're talking some form of official ID, which government issued student IDs are. There's literally no reason to exclude government issued photo ID from being allowed other than not liking who those people will vote for.", '>>{ainbheartach} : > Guilty of what? Guilty of intent to commit crime. > Am I presumed guilty at the liquor store because I have to present ID? Ever think of doing some research? Perhaps if you did you would come across as more educated, less of a hard nut, and more of a person that one could trust. > Almost any other government interaction requires ID. The government knows that the American people are never to be trusted.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Yeah, I'm more annoyed that it's denial that state school IDs are just as legitamate as CC licenses. And while it varies by state, allowing one and not the other is a clear indication of the aims. Other states have different methods of disenfranchising college students, by preventing students from using campus addresses for voter registry. Why not do what some states do and allow same day registration along with casting a provisional ballot in the absence of an ID.", ">>{Meatsim1} : In the historical context of GOP primaries, its not. For example Romney got 1,575 to Santorum's 245. Also Trump didn't get 1543 he got 1441", ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : Yea because Rick dropped out and Cruz went all the way to the end and still got btfo. What's so hard to understand about that? 3:1 is a land slide, end of story.", ">>{DBDude} : The judges ruled them on the opinion of the judges that there was intent. However, the laws themselves fit the criteria: implemented slowly, even with a dry run, and with an outlet (provisional ballots) to catch the fringe cases that really can't get ID. >There's no reason to not have one on campus as well. Counties have finite resources for elections. While this one was on campus, there were people out in the county who would have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest polling station. But rural tends to be Republican, so we don't care about them. We need to ensure some 20-somethings don't have to travel half a mile with available free transportation.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> The judges ruled them on the opinion of the judges that there was intent. However, the laws themselves fit the criteria: implemented slowly, even with a dry run, and with an outlet (provisional ballots) to catch the fringe cases that really can't get ID. Unreal. Are you going to deny they clearly tried to suppress minority voters with this law? Also, care to explain why they wanted to cut early voting and prevent people from mailing ballots? Do you not see how absolutely see through this is? Be intellectually honest, we both know what they're doing. >> Counties have finite resources for elections. While this one was on campus, there were people out in the county who would have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest polling station. But rural tends to be Republican, so we don't care about them. We need to ensure some 20-somethings don't have to travel half a mile with available free transportation. Funny how these polling stations are always shut down in democratic areas, must be a coincidence. There are long lines at these places more often than not, having more polling places doesn't hurt anything and is clearly cheap. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/25/opinion/long-lines-at-minority-polling-places.html Here's even more. >> In the three states with the longest lines in 2012, precincts in minority neighborhoods were systematically deprived of the resources they needed to make voting operate smoothly — specifically, voting machines and poll workers, according to the report by the Brennan Center for Justice. The report’s data show the growing need for federal supervision of voting rights, though ensuring supervision is harder than ever since the Supreme Court removed the teeth from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 last year. >> The report looked at Maryland, South Carolina and Florida, where many voters waited for hours to cast a vote in the 2012 presidential election. In all three, minority precincts were more likely to have had long lines. In South Carolina, the 10 precincts with the longest waits had more than twice the percentage of black registered voters, on average, than the rest of the state. >> There was a clear relationship in those states between the racial makeup of a precinct and the number of voting machines it received from the state or county. In Maryland, the 10 precincts with the lowest number of machines per voter had more than twice the average percentage of Hispanic voters. In South Carolina, the law requires one voting machine per 250 voters, but that requirement is routinely violated in minority areas. Richland County, which is about half black, had a precinct with 432 voters per machine, which contributed to extensive delays. Come on, this is straight up see through and you know it.", ">>{DBDude} : >No it's more valid as it's harder to get and most have various security features from holographic marks to mag-strips. I found one college where you print your ID card yourself from the web site. I found many other colleges that don't even have ID cards.", '>>{Meatsim1} : Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Winning by a margin of 3:1 is a landslide Winning by a margin of 6:1 is not a landslide Am I getting this right? Am I being trolled? Is this happening?', '>>{trumped12345} : Because he owns a 100 million dollar plane and just 2 of his buildings in New York would sell for something approaching 1 billion', ">>{spyguy886} : Its an issue of perceived bias. If I'm in a discussion, and I say Trump lies through his teeth, and encourages racism, I'm automatically assumed as bias, and therefore for Clinton. Anything referring to Donald Trump in a negative light and gets branded liberal pushover nonsense. It doesn't matter that I'm stating fact. So either you don't say negative things about Trump, or he/his supporters drag you through the mudpit that's become our media spotlight. He has totally removed any ability for someone to be neutral. You're either for him or vehemently opposed to him. The media doesn't help either, can we please get him on set with someone, and then play the recording of him supporting the Iraq war? Can we have any accountability at all anymore? I'm a college student, and I fail assignments if I don't properly cite and references my source material, but Trump can run for President on whatever comes off the top of his head? Its infuriating.", ">>{drkstr17} : You're taking what I said out of context. I get it, you think she's a liar. But you can't deny the fact that we have more information about her than anyone that's ever run for president. There is a ton of merit to this, no matter what you think. And no, I'm not a fucking shill. Why is it that whenever someone defends Clinton, we're automatically labeled a shill? I can do that to anyone on this site supporting Trump, because the fact that he has any support at all is completely mind boggling.", '>>{DBDude} : >The vast majority of college students are in public schools Your article shows 73%, which is not "vast majority." However, most schools are not state, they just tend to be smaller. >No one said it should. Limit it to government schools. Texas has over 200 colleges and universities. You propose that the people at the polling station must have a list? Such a list would of course need to have all of the valid schools, with examples of valid ID for each, with the normal means to detect forgeries.', '>>{Orcapa} : The buildings have his name on them...a name he leases to the owners. And he may well lease his plane.', '>>{trumped12345} : not all of them. He owns 40 wall as well as trump tower.', ">>{DBDude} : >Guilty of intent to commit crime. So when I show my ID at the bank, I'm guilty until proven innocent of bank fraud? What a ridiculous concept.", ">>{currently___working} : Most Clinton supporters such as myself completely recognize all of those faults, and yet still support her. Because in 6 months, either Clinton or Trump will be the president (a metaphysical fact) and the only question to answer is which one between the two of them will leave the world a better place (not necessarily better overall, but better than the other). This is not even mentioning the *positives* of Clinton, which actually changes the entire discussion and puts it completely in her corner. Everyone just wants to talk shit about both candidates and pretend they're equal, when Clinton actually has policies and experience.", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>The vast majority of college students are in public schools >Your article shows 73%, which is not "vast majority." However, most schools are not state, they just tend to be smaller. 73%-27%? I\'d call that the vast majority. But even if you don\'t, it soundly disproves your claim that most school IDs are issued by private organizations. I don\'t really care that there may be more private schools than public schools, i care about the amount of people impacted. >>No one said it should. Limit it to government schools. >Texas has over 200 colleges and universities. You propose that the people at the polling station must have a list? Such a list would of course need to have all of the valid schools, with examples of valid ID for each, with the normal means to detect forgeries. Or just have a requirement in your voter ID laws that public school IDs indicate via a standard insignia or word that they are public school IDs. It\'s not difficult. The potential for forgery is no greater than any other form of ID.', '>>{currently___working} : The deplorable voters are revealing their authoritarian streak, which was hidden in the shadows in previous elections.', '>>{DBDude} : >And while it varies by state, allowing one and not the other is a clear indication of the aims. Not really. Just saying "College ID is okay" opens them to much ID that is not okay. Saying "ID from this long list of state colleges is okay" greatly complicates things. Saying "These few state and federal IDs are okay" is simple. And as I said, if you can get a state college ID, you have what you need to get an approved voting ID, so there\'s no hardship.', ">>{martialalex} : The world is laughing at America. Except the UK, they're just trying to warn us", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : What's wrong with using all public college IDs? They are government issued. College IDs are issued by the state, just like a concealed carry permit is also.", ">>{martialalex} : I'm just hoping that Clinton can hold his feet to the flames in the debates, because that's about the only thing that can get him. Even if the moderators fact-check him, none of his supporters will listen and just complain about activist moderators", ">>{DBDude} : Not all colleges have proper IDs. You'd have to limit the people at the polling station to the maybe 20+ acceptable state IDs, and that is a burden that will slow down the elections. If you think lines are long now, just wait until the poll worker is trying to match hundreds of students against a list of acceptable universities. Oh, you're only from JimBob College? Sorry. But you thought college ID was accepted? Nope, only those on this list.", '>>{martialalex} : No, they could come up with the same 5 total. The right-wing got really good at just hammering a narrative then trying it to 3 or 4 stories. Clinton not transparent? She hid that she had pneumonia and her email server. Challenge them to come up with anything outside of the first 5 and they struggle without googling for it', '>>{ainbheartach} : See how you get along with this test: [Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale](http://personality-testing.info/tests/RWAS/) and here is an article for you to read: [Republicans’ “voter fraud” false flag: Voter ID laws offer imaginary solutions to imaginary problems](http://www.salon.com/2016/08/23/republicans-voter-fraud-false-flag-voter-id-laws-offer-imaginary-solutions-to-imaginary-problems/?)', ">>{martialalex} : And yet the Bush era hid more emails and lied more blatantly, yet they aren't suffering from this trust issue. Why? Because we had round-the-clock benghazigate coverage followed by emailgate followed by frickin' pneumoniagate. The media is hyping this and it's seriously imperilling the country", '>>{DBDude} : >73%-27%? I\'d call that the vast majority. It\'s not even enough to have a constitutional amendment passed. It\'s just over a supermajority. No, not vast majority, which generally refers to over 90%. >I don\'t really care that there may be more private schools than public schools I do, because the poor poll worker will be deluged with all these private school IDs that are not in any way acceptable forms of government identification. >Or just have a requirement in your voter ID laws that public school IDs indicate via a standard insignia or word that they are public school IDs Or have them all use the same ID, just the school name changes. I could go with that. Adding one form of ID (the "State university system ID") shouldn\'t cause any issues. But that\'s not what these people want. They want all student ID to be valid, and that would include those you can print from the web site.', '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>73%-27%? I\'d call that the vast majority. >It\'s not even enough to have a constitutional amendment passed. It\'s just over a supermajority. No, not vast majority, which generally refers to over 90%. I really, really don\'t give a shit about this pedantic argument. Ok. It\'s a supermajority plus some. Don\'t care. >>I don\'t really care that there may be more private schools than public schools >I do, because the poor poll worker will be deluged with all these private school IDs that are not in any way acceptable forms of government identification. Easily solved. >>Or just have a requirement in your voter ID laws that public school IDs indicate via a standard insignia or word that they are public school IDs >Or have them all use the same ID, just the school name changes. I could go with that. Adding one form of ID (the "State university system ID") shouldn\'t cause any issues. But that\'s not what these people want. They want all student ID to be valid, and that would include those you can print from the web site. That would also work. And "these people" want people to be able to vote, instead of having their votes blocked because the GOP is intent on holding on to power not by changing their ideas, but by stopping the people who disagree with those ideas from voting by proposing "solutions" like voter ID to problems that don\'t exist. If the legislatures actually implemented a system to make it easy to get ID and to vote, there\'d be far fewer complaints.', ">>{martialalex} : Media is destined to focus on the ills of a candidate. The fact that Trump says a lot more bad stuff really can't be blamed on anyone other than himself.", ">>{martialalex} : The right would have blasted Sanders as too far out of his field. I liked sanders and supported him in his primary and think he would have been a stronger candidate, but he probably would have been getting screwed by the trump media blitz just as much. He lost the primary fair and square, and I've moved on like most americans", ">>{DBDude} : >What's wrong with using all public college IDs? Right now that would be maybe dozens of IDs that the poll workers have to learn, depending on the state. That makes their job harder, the lines much slower. If the state did a unified university ID it would work. But then you also have all those community colleges, and I'm sure the liberals want those IDs accepted. That's dozens more in any state, and over 100 in California.", ">>{martialalex} : No you're just born stupidly wealthy with a boatload of real estate connections", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : States Universities have pretty uniform IDs. For example a UC Berkley ID is not much different from a UC Riverside. The CSU IDs are different, but again are similar across the state. I hardly think have the states' dozen or so college IDs. Or maybe just have the public schools make all student IDs adhere to the same standard and style. And the question also becomes why can't students in some states use their campus dorm as their resident address?", '>>{DBDude} : >Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale I\'ve taken it before. I score a bit under 20%, varies based on the mood I was in at the time. I probably lost points because I can\'t totally agree with the statement that begins "You have to admire... [gays, etc]" because the statement itself is authoritarian (telling me I "have to" do something). But not total agreement with this authoritarian statement slides me a bit towards authoritarianism. Back to the subject, requiring basic verification of identification to interact with the government in my official capacity as a citizen isn\'t authoritarian. However, I did have to present a few forms of ID, plus photo, plus fingerprints, plus consent to multiple intrusive background checks just to be able to exercise my right to keep and bear arms. But I\'m sure you don\'t have a problem with that, do you?', ">>{martialalex} : Bush jr was actually pretty smart according to reporters, the thing was he intentionally dumbed himself down in order to be more appealing and get underestimated by his opponent. As for reagan, I'm not expert enough but my understanding was he was damn good at debating during his first run and hella charismatic. Trump has neither", '>>{buzzlightlime} : When a terrifying number of Americans threaten to vote for an ignorant crackpot...', '>>{carlosfm} : I agree completely, I am proposing that they messed up long before the primaries. Bernie would have been slaughtered, the illogical hate of socialism in this country is profound.', '>>{DBDude} : >Don\'t care. You don\'t care that over 1/4 of students don\'t have sufficient government-issued ID by virtue of them being students? >Easily solved. How? >And "these people" want people to be able to vote These people know that the laziest of voters tend to vote Democratic, so they want to dredge up the masses who have no idea what they\'re voting for in order to stay in power. >If the legislatures actually implemented a system to make it easy to get ID and to vote, there\'d be far fewer complaints. North Carolina has unlimited absentee ballots, effectively mail-in voting. It\'s extremely easy, anybody can do it.', ">>{DBDude} : >Or maybe just have the public schools make all student IDs adhere to the same standard and style. Better, have one uniform ID, and the only thing that changes is the school's name. >And the question also becomes why can't students in some states use their campus dorm as their resident address? I haven't studied that, can't tell you.", '>>{Gscarveguy} : When a crackpot runs for President, the media should not portray him as a legitimate candidate. The very act of reporting anything concerning Trump and trying to pass it off as news should be an embarrassment to any journalist. The entire shitshow is nothing short of reality TV and is giving a huge financial boost to cable news organizations that were on the verge of bankruptcy until the Trump train rolled into town on its square wheels.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Well, my distaste for voter ID is issues like not allowing college ID or providing a way to make it allowed. It's intentionally making it harder for younger people to vote.", '>>{Calfurious} : That\'s the problem with American culture. We have this weird tendency to idolize the rich as if they\'re ability to make money means that they have this special ability to do everything great, including politics and leadership. Trump is a billionaire thanks to the hundreds of millions of dollars and assets he inherited from this father. Trump is a billionaire thanks to borrowing tens of millions of dollars from family members. Take your average person with a business degree, give him $300 billion dollar inheritance and 25k New York Apartments, and I bet you that he can be a billionaire as well. Trump didn\'t "start from the bottom now he\'s here", he\'s a privileged old man who used his family\'s vast fortune and did the simple task of merely investing it so he could make more money. Even in that regard, Trump isn\'t a good billionaire. Compared to other billionaires throughout the 90\'s-2010\'s, he\'s actually generated less wealth than they did. We live in a time where a rich man can make himself even more incredibly rich. But Trump has only managed to make moderate gains in wealth while all the other Billionaires have been making massive fortunes. That\'s one of the reasons Trump isn\'t respected by other rich people. Because he has no actual vision or superb skill in business. He\'s just an average businessman who received shit ton of money from his father.', '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>Don\'t care. >You don\'t care that over 1/4 of students don\'t have sufficient government-issued ID by virtue of them being students? Oh, I care. I\'m against piecemeal voter ID laws entirely. I\'m just pointing out that passing a voter ID law while not accepting government issued student ID is horseshit. The answer, when you create a problem that potentially disenfranchises some students is not to disenfranchise them all. And nice dishonesty. I\'m clearly saying I don\'t care about the phrase being used, not the impact of these moronic laws. >>Easily solved. >How? Really? We literally just talked about this. >>And "these people" want people to be able to vote >These people know that the laziest of voters tend to vote Democratic, so they want to dredge up the masses who have no idea what they\'re voting for in order to stay in power. Lol. I happen to believe everyone should be allowed to cast their legal vote, regardless of your judgments of them. I guess that\'s just due to my belief in democracy, something you clearly don\'t share. >>If the legislatures actually implemented a system to make it easy to get ID and to vote, there\'d be far fewer complaints. >North Carolina has unlimited absentee ballots, effectively mail-in voting. It\'s extremely easy, anybody can do it. Two things about this: (1) People shouldn\'t have to sacrifice the privacy of their ballot in order to vote And (2) if absentee voting allows people to avoid these laws, it just confirms that the goal of these laws is not to ensure honest elections but to disenfranchise the communities least likely to use the alternative method.', '>>{ainbheartach} : > I\'ve taken it before. I score a bit under 20%, That is pretty decent for an American, double my score and I thought I was being over zealous. > I can\'t totally agree with the statement that begins "You have to admire... [gays, etc] I put neutral for that. The idea of them defying "traditional family values" has passed. > Back to the subject, requiring basic verification of identification to interact with the government I have interactions with government offices regularly enough and it is extremely rare that they require me to produce any type of ID, a signature is mostly what they require. Of course it is relative to what type of data one is dealing with, ie. data protection. > I did have to present a few forms of ID, plus photo, plus fingerprints, plus consent to multiple intrusive background checks just to be able to exercise my right to keep and bear arms. America has quite a big fetish for guns and because of that they also have a big problem with them, the bigger the fetish... Understandable why the checks are in place. But guns are tools - like you wouldn\'t buy a wood plane unless you were going to use it for woodwork or a pen unless you were going to use it for writing. Did you read the Salon article? Titbit: > Justice Department, which conducted a multi-year study showing the rate of voter fraud is roughly 0.00000013 percent. In Iowa, an investigation conducted in the wake of the 2012 election managed to smoke-out exactly eight cases of voter fraud. Most of the cases appear to have been benign. By the way, there were 1.5 million votes cast in Iowa in the 2012 election, which means the rate of alleged voter fraud was 0.00053 percent.', ">>{Venturin} : > It's too bad that exact same thing couldn't be done for school IDs, which have all the information necessary for voting identification, but school IDs are for school. Cool. Call your representative and tell her. Clearly all the students can manage to get a student ID but Heaven forbid they get a photo ID for voting!", ">>{Venturin} : Yes [there is a voter fraud problem](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/07/17/cincinnati-illegal-voting/2530119/) which is [why the vast majority](http://www.dothaneagle.com/news/crime_court/olivia-reynolds-apologizes-for-voter-fraud-convictions/article_4a47a900-87c4-11e5-bb5f-2ffec2203836.html) of people, [including a large majority](http://www.kansas.com/news/local/crime/article75545277.html) of democrats, [support voter](http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/03/21/woman-convicted-of-voter-fraud-honored-by-ohio-democrats/) ID laws. The majority of Americans, and most countries around the world, want voting to be accountable, lawful, free from fraud, and run to protect our right to vote in an honest and transparent way. You are in the minority. And I note with much amusement that you don't support the voter ID laws, you want to just rely on the people being truthful, yet you want ME to prove with some citation my party affiliation. Your hypocrisy is revealing, and hilarious!", ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : I'm very confused about what point you think you're making. Your posts seem to lack even a semblance of a logical thought process. It appears you chose your position on this issue before understanding it and are now committed to defending that. If you end up with a point you'd actually like to make, just let me know", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Yes. I am. Because your posts are weirdly aggressive, incoherent rants.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Holy shit, there are like 9 recorded cases of voter fraud in 12 years dude. LMAO. Ready for this? >> On July 29, a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned North Carolina\'s sweeping voter ID law (which included a host of other voting restrictions, including shortening the early voting period and banning same-day registration). And — unlike in Texas — the appeals court ruled that North Carolina legislators had actually passed the law with discriminatory intent As the Two-Way reported then, "The appeals court noted that the North Carolina Legislature \'requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices\' — then, data in hand, \'enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans.\' " >> **The court wrote that the changes to the voting process "target African Americans with almost surgical precision," and "impose cures for problems that did not exist."**', ">>{DBDude} : >That is pretty decent for an American, double my score and I thought I was being over zealous. In this test, or in pretty much any political test, being too far to one of the extremes is not good. Fanaticism is dangerous for a society. Scoring a perfect 0 on this test is basically advocating chaos and constant turmoil, which is not conducive to a stable and peaceful society. >I have interactions with government offices regularly enough and it is extremely rare that they require me to produce any type of ID I have to show it often. >Understandable why the checks are in place. This is exactly what I predicted. You don't particularly care for the right, so you're fine with it being infringed for others. Thus you don't really believe in rights for all, just rights you like or that affect you. There are Republicans exactly like you, who don't believe in a right to abortion, so they don't see all of their restrictions as violating any right. BTW, Switzerland has a pretty big gun fetish and very little problem with them. >Did you read the Salon article? Salon? Really? The big problem with claims such as this is how they check for voter fraud. With no ID verification in place, the only way they are going to discover fraud is sheer luck.", ">>{DBDude} : >when you create a problem that potentially disenfranchises People need to stop throwing this word around so much. Disenfranchise means to lose the ability to vote, period. No student loses the ability to vote by virtue of student ID not being accepted. They can have the same kind of ID anyone else can, and then vote. Shifting early voting days disenfranchises no one, since they can simply vote on the new days. Ending same day registration disenfranchises no one, since they can register in advance as people have always done. What I find absolutely hilarious, but sad, is in the NC example people say they disenfranchised blacks by cutting early voting from 17 to 10 days (while keeping the number of hours the same). What about New York? There's no open early voting there at all, but nobody's saying they're disenfranchising blacks. But New York is run by Democrats, so can't complain there. > I happen to believe everyone should be allowed to cast their legal vote, regardless of your judgments of them. I do too. But we also shouldn't be changing laws and placing polling stations to encourage them either. People who really want to vote will vote. If traveling an extra half mile on a free bus is just *too much effort* for someone to vote, if showing up for a free ID is just *too much effort* to vote, if registering on time is just *too much effort* to vote, that only shows they really don't care much about voting. >I guess that's just due to my belief in democracy, something you clearly don't share. I have a belief in an informed democracy. Someone who doesn't have the volition to vote is also not likely to know what he's voting for. >(1) People shouldn't have to sacrifice the privacy of their ballot in order to vote Funny, liberals hold up Washington's mail-in vote as a shining example of a great voting system, but when North Carolina does it there's somehow something wrong with it.", ">>{DBDude} : >like not allowing college ID Over a quarter of people in college are in non-state colleges. You're saying we should allow what is basically a business to print ID in any way they want, with any level of verification of identity they want, and have it accepted as ID valid for government use? >It's intentionally making it harder for younger people to vote. Younger people in college are exactly the type who could most easily get a free ID. They've just enrolled in college, they are most likely to have the paperwork for identity verification at hand.", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>when you create a problem that potentially disenfranchises >People need to stop throwing this word around so much. Disenfranchise means to lose the ability to vote, period. No student loses the ability to vote by virtue of student ID not being accepted. They can have the same kind of ID anyone else can, and then vote. Shifting early voting days disenfranchises no one, since they can simply vote on the new days. Ending same day registration disenfranchises no one, since they can register in advance as people have always done. I realize that in this conversation, unnecessary pedantry has been your "thing", and I think that\'s really neat, but again, I don\'t care. The laws are written to prevent people from voting. That\'s not up for argument. The architects of the laws openly admit it. It\'s functionally disenfranchising people by stopping them from voting. >What I find absolutely hilarious, but sad, is in the NC example people say they disenfranchised blacks by cutting early voting from 17 to 10 days (while keeping the number of hours the same). What about New York? There\'s no open early voting there at all, but nobody\'s saying they\'re disenfranchising blacks. But New York is run by Democrats, so can\'t complain there. Are you really going to argue North Carolina? *Really?* They *literally* - and I\'m using that literally - looked up ways that black people vote and then made it harder to vote in those ways. They said, "tell us how minorities vote. Ok. Make those ways go away." There\'s a difference between never having offered early voting, and deciding to take away early voting and other forms of voting right before an election. >> I happen to believe everyone should be allowed to cast their legal vote, regardless of your judgments of them. >I do too. But we also shouldn\'t be changing laws and placing polling stations to encourage them either. Yes, we should. > People who really want to vote will vote. If traveling an extra half mile on a free bus is just *too much effort* for someone to vote, if showing up for a free ID is just *too much effort* to vote, if registering on time is just *too much effort* to vote, that only shows they really don\'t care much about voting. Again, I believe everyone, in a representative democracy, should be able to easily vote. *Again*, that\'s due to my belief in democracy. You say you share it, but your insistence that voting should come with some sort of obstacle course makes me doubt that. >>(1) People shouldn\'t have to sacrifice the privacy of their ballot in order to vote >Funny, liberals hold up Washington\'s mail-in vote as a shining example of a great voting system, but when North Carolina does it there\'s somehow something wrong with it. It is a great voting system, and I\'m glad North Carolina offers it, too. People should be free to vote by mail. People shouldn\'t be forced to vote by mail in order to bypass unnecessary and discriminatory voting restrictions. There are some key differences - in Washington, you automatically receive a ballot in the mail. I think they should offer in person voting as well, but most of their Counties don\'t. It\'s still better than NC, however, because at least you\'re guaranteed to receive a ballot. But, again, North Carolina left their mail voting intact because their research showed that black people were much more likely to vote in person, and could then be caught by their voter ID laws, specifically targeted to require the kinds of IDs black people are least likely to have.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : I was referencing state school IDs where most students attend. Read the other replies I wrote.', ">>{DBDude} : So we're back to where we were. All state schools should have a unified ID so that's just one ID the poll workers need to learn to accept. Once that's done in a state, then you can start talking about (state-only) student ID being an acceptable form of identification.", ">>{Venturin} : You asked if there is a voter fraud problem in America and I gave examples to prove there is indeed a problem. Move those goalposts, it's always great to do when you lose an argument. Next you drag out a court case that focuses on problems which go beyond simply requiring ID proof in order to vote. Why are you doing this? Because you have nothing to say about the very reasonable majority opinion that people should show ID when they vote. If you want to try arguing with me can you at least stay on point? Thanks.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : There is no voter fraud problem in America, end of discussion. If the best you can do is 9 cases in 16 years you\'re done here, and everyone knows it. That\'s exactly what I thought. This isn\'t a "moving of the goalposts" it\'s you trying to chase a fabricated problem that doesn\'t exist on any real level because you can\'t win national elections.', ">>{Venturin} : > There is no voter fraud problem in America, end of discussion. > If the best you can do is 9 cases in 16 years you're done here, and everyone knows it. Too funny. This tactic may have worked for you a few years ago in order to get a cookie, but stamping your feet and having a tantrum is not an effective or adult method of debate. Seriously, how old are you??", ">>{IDFSHILL} : This discussion was ended, sorry. I can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Everything I said is factual, facts don't change based on what you personally believe. I'm not going to sit here and argue with someone that denies reality."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{IDFSHILL} : Uh, most people support voter ID laws including most whites, we take issue with how the republicans try to put them in. It's painfully obvious their goal is to suppress as many democratic voters as possible rather than preventing voter fraud. If republicans came up with voter ID laws that took no less than 1 year to go into effect, and they took every possible step to assure that literally EVERYONE would be able to vote then I'd support them. But they do it to suppress votes. This is why they try to close down polls on college campuses, this is why they only accept certain forms of ID that always seem to exclude school IDs. Either way, there is no voter fraud problem in this country.", '>>{canadianbacon22} : Please explain to me how requiring a photo ID suppresses a voter? Are you saying that democrats are unable to go out of their way to some state bureau and get a photo ID?', ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : A college ID shouldn't be a valid form of identification for anything not college related. What a bunch of horse shit. Try again.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : And angry republicans upset that they're losing a demographic battle shouldn't be allowed to pass voter ID laws to suppress votes, now should they?", ">>{IDFSHILL} : It's citing gallup, the source is bad but it's still citing gallup. The outcome of a poll doesn't change based on the source that links it.", '>>{ainbheartach} : It is about presumption of innocence. Do you believe everyone should be presumed guilty?', ">>{canadianbacon22} : Yes. You said that the goal of the law is to suppress democratic voters. However, you didn't explain how requiring a photo ID to cast a vote suppresses democratic voters. I'm just trying to understand because here in Canada was have our own voter ID laws *but that doesn't stop anyone from voting*. Care to explain?", ">>{IDFSHILL} : In the US poor people are more likely to vote democratic. A poor person here is less likely to have a car which means they depend on public transit, so a poor person with kids might have to take public transit down to a DMV if they can even get a day off, wait for hours, and then fork over 40 bucks for a photo ID. On top of that, poor people are less likely to have their birth cert, and they might have to order a new one which takes a few weeks and costs about 25 bucks I believe. This isn't even getting into the fact DMVs have absurd hours and are closed all of the time, or that rural areas might have a DMV open 1 day a week. This is why I said I'd support the laws if they went out of their way to make sure not a single fucking vote is suppressed, but that isn't the case. They always try to push them through around election time to blindside as many people as they can. And like I said, there is no voter fraud problem here, it does not exist. They're pointless laws that might prevent thousands of people, mainly poor/older people and they won't prevent any fucking voter fraud.", '>>{Firetrucker} : OP litterally explained the problem, can you get someone to read it to you perhaps?', ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : You do understand that in the context of this conversation, that your stance that they're voter ID laws to suppress votes relies on seeing a College ID as a valid form of identification, right? Can you give some other example of why John Q Taxpayer is being suppressed by being required to go to the DMV and get a state issued ID?", ">>{Venturin} : > this is why they only accept certain forms of ID that always seem to exclude school IDs. School ID's are for... school.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : I'll just link you my other comment that goes over the reasons why the laws are stupid. https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4z6dvq/more_minorities_support_voter_id_laws_than_whites/d6t723o", ">>{IDFSHILL} : This is hilarious. The amount of mental gymnastics I see republicans go through to defend voter suppression within the GOP is hilarious. You're the same people that defend gerrymandering.", '>>{Firetrucker} : Our ID laws are flexible, any piece will do and Harper of course tried to pull another GOP stunt and suppress votes the same way by limiting them to solve the also non-existent voter "fraud" problem. Of course despite his best efforts he got his ass kicked so fortunately he failed there like pretty much everything he tried to do.', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Why not? A college ID has the student's name on it, and a picture of them. It serves the purpose of establishing identity, so why shouldn't it be valid?", '>>{Venturin} : Yea and you\'re the one doing the "mental gymnastics" of making up the fiction that a school ID is proper identification for voting. BTW, I\'m not a republican, so you appear to have a habit of being wrong. How about that?', '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> Yea and you\'re the one doing the "mental gymnastics" of making up the fiction that a school ID is proper identification for voting. LITERALLY ANY ID should be a valid ID for voting, because there is no fucking voter fraud problem in this country. >> BTW, I\'m not a republican, so you appear to have a habit of being wrong. How about that? [citation needed]', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Here is conservative think tank leader Jim DeMint [openly admitting](https://thinkprogress.org/conservative-think-tank-president-says-voter-id-helps-conservatives-win-elections-ae128b0b37d1#.2fqq39x9q) that voter ID laws help conservatives. Here is [Phyllis Schlafly](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/08/28/republicans-admit-voter-id-laws-are-aimed-at-democratic-voters.html) saying the same thing. Here is a Wisconsin congressman [also saying it](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wisconsin-voter-id-2016_us_5704a2eee4b0a506064d90cf). But no, you're right, we're all just wearing tinfoil hats. Voter ID laws are important because.... reasons?", ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : No, you're right. That's why I can't use a driver's license to buy alcohol because a driver's license is for driving.", '>>{Firetrucker} : I used my passport to pick up a package at the post office, how!?!?', '>>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : Weak excuses, at best. How can one even do *anything* in any official capacity without a statue issued ID card? How can you rent, or own a dwelling without state ID?', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Ask the tons of people that do, this topic has been studied. And even if those are "weak" it\'s more than you have for voter fraud, because it\'s a problem that doesn\'t exist here.', '>>{canadianbacon22} : Saying that something is a problem w/o explaining how it is a problem is not explaining the problem.', ">>{TotallyLiberal} : But you can't use a school ID to buy alcohol", ">>{Firetrucker} : ... There is no voter fraud, ID laws are not about preventing a problem that doesn't exist, it's about suppressing voters the GOP doesn't want voting. It has been explained to you several times now, are you being obtuse on purpose or is it natural?", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : Why are Democrats pushing to make it easier to get an ID? They seem perfectly content just complaining about elected officials on the other team are passing laws that affect their constituency. If Dems want change, make it easier to get an ID.', ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : Same reason I can't use my employee ID badge that was created, maintained, and verified by a private company, that, for all the poll workers know, I printed in my basement. e: Jesus christ this subreddit is infuriating. Why do I have to wait 10 fucking minutes between comment replies?", '>>{lordfredericknorth} : Then that needs to happen first, and Republicans should be assisting as well. Make sure the process for obtaining/maintaining a valid ID for voting is free and incredibly easy, THEN make it a requirement for casting a vote. If they try to do this out of order, then Republicans need to both prove that voter fraud is rampant, as well as how requiring an ID would solve that problem. So far they have been able to prove neither, and as long as this is the case then voter ID laws *have no merit,* regardless of how easy or hard it is to get an ID.', ">>{Venturin} : > No, you're right. That's why I can't use a driver's license to buy alcohol because a driver's license is for driving. **Photo vs. non-photo identification**: Some states request or require voters to show an identification document that has a photo on it, such as a *[driver’s license](http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/voter-id.aspx)*, state-issued identification card, military ID, tribal ID, and many other forms of ID. Driver's licenses are legal identification used for many purposes to prove who you are, including voting. Wow what a fail you did there.", ">>{Firetrucker} : You think a univeristy id is like a crew chief badge from McDonalds? That they look like basement made? Perhaps its been awhile since you've seen one but they're a bit more sophisticated these days.", ">>{Venturin} : > LITERALLY ANY ID should be a valid ID for voting, because there is no fucking voter fraud problem in this country. Whoops and now you're shouting and cursing. Watch the blood pressure! You are in the minority of people and countries who believe there should be proper ID requirements to vote. But if you drop F-Bombs and keep shouting louder and louder you might just sway folks to your side! Don't stop believin'!", '>>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : > You think a univeristy id is like a crew chief badge from McDonalds? Implication duly noted.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Is there a voter fraud problem in America? Yes or no question.', ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Oh, so the government can authorize its use for purposes other than the primary purpose? Because it has the information necessary for those purposes? WOW. It's too bad that exact same thing couldn't be done for school IDs, which have all the information necessary for voting identification, but school IDs are for school. That's why they're called school IDs.", '>>{Firetrucker} : So that would be you understand that a college ID is not the same as employee ID?', ">>{IAMA_BAD_MAN_AMA} : So far as it suffices to deal with government matters, it absolutely is. Let me make it simple: Wanna participate in government? Prove you're you with a government ID.", '>>{Firetrucker} : No. Getting a college ID requires more than enough background checks to make it perfecly valid for voting. Actually any ID is fine for voting as no one uses fake id to vote as there is no point which is why it never happens.', '>>{lordfredericknorth} : Let me make it even simpler for you: Wanna require a government ID in order to vote? Prove that voter fraud is rampant due to lack of voter IDs, as well as how Voter IDs would address the problem. If you can\'t do that, then your "wanna participate, then prove your identity" argument holds no water.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : In Texas they are valid. They are government issued. So the question is why ID issued by the UT system doesn't count as valid. Both are issued by the government.", ">>{DBDude} : >If republicans came up with voter ID laws that took no less than 1 year to go into effect, and they took every possible step to assure that literally EVERYONE would be able to vote then I'd support them. North Carolina passed their voter ID law in 2013, which gave free ID to anyone and allowed provisional voting for those who couldn't get it. They then did a dry run in the 2014 election, informing every voter of the requirement and showing any who didn't have ID how to get a free one. >This is why they try to close down polls on college campuses Again in NC, in the case of Boone, they had three early voting stations within a mile of each other: the main one, a second one, and a campus one. They closed the one on campus. The Democrats of course claimed hardship since it's apparently too hard to take a free bus half a mile to the other polling station. Rachel Maddow even lied extensively in an episode about it.", ">>{DBDude} : I guess it would depend on the state. I see UT requires identity verification and it is issued by a government entity. However, that's only for the state universities. Private colleges are private, and could require little identity verification. They could allow ID only from certain approved schools for voting, but then it would get quite complex. Of course, if you have the paperwork to verify your identity well enough for UT, then you already possess the paperwork necessary to get an approved state ID. I can definitely see a concealed carry license anywhere it has a photo (not all do) since the identity verification process on those is far more strict than a driver's license.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> North Carolina passed their voter ID law in 2013, which gave free ID to anyone and allowed provisional voting for those who couldn\'t get it. They then did a dry run in the 2014 election, informing every voter of the requirement and showing any who didn\'t have ID how to get a free one. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/02/488392765/as-november-approaches-courts-deal-series-of-blows-to-voter-id-laws >> On July 29, a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned North Carolina\'s sweeping voter ID law (which included a host of other voting restrictions, including shortening the early voting period and banning same-day registration). >> And — unlike in Texas — the appeals court ruled that North Carolina legislators had actually passed the law with discriminatory intent >> As the Two-Way reported then, "The appeals court noted that the North Carolina Legislature \'requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices\' — then, data in hand, \'enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans.\' " >> The court wrote that the changes to the voting process "target African Americans with almost surgical precision," and "impose cures for problems that did not exist." You were saying? >> Again in NC, in the case of Boone, they had three early voting stations within a mile of each other: the main one, a second one, and a campus one. They closed the one on campus. The Democrats of course claimed hardship since it\'s apparently too hard to take a free bus half a mile to the other polling station. Rachel Maddow even lied extensively in an episode about it. Judges literally ruled against them because they were actually doing it to discriminate. There\'s no reason to not have one on campus as well.', ">>{DBDude} : Most school ID isn't even issued by the government. Jim Bob's House of Edjamacashun can issue a photocopied ID to anyone who can pay tuition, but it shouldn't be accepted for any government purpose.", '>>{DBDude} : Apparently minorities are too stupid to get ID, so the requirement to get ID affects them more.', '>>{DBDude} : Guilty of what? Of not being who I say I am? Am I presumed guilty at the liquor store because I have to present ID? Almost any other government interaction requires ID.', '>>{DBDude} : Poor are also more likely to be dependent on public services, which they need identity verification to access.', ">>{DBDude} : Most universities are private institutions. Their ID is nor more valid for official use than McDonald's.", ">>{Firetrucker} : No it's more valid as it's harder to get and most have various security features from holographic marks to mag-strips. At any rate it's all moot as voter ID is bullshit, a piece of mail with your name and address cross referenced with the poll's voter list is more than enough.", ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >Most school ID isn't even issued by the government. The vast majority of college students are in public schools. http://www.statista.com/statistics/183995/us-college-enrollment-and-projections-in-public-and-private-institutions/ > Jim Bob's House of Edjamacashun can issue a photocopied ID to anyone who can pay tuition, but it shouldn't be accepted for any government purpose. No one said it should. Limit it to government schools. Obviously, if we're talking voter ID, we're talking some form of official ID, which government issued student IDs are. There's literally no reason to exclude government issued photo ID from being allowed other than not liking who those people will vote for.", '>>{ainbheartach} : > Guilty of what? Guilty of intent to commit crime. > Am I presumed guilty at the liquor store because I have to present ID? Ever think of doing some research? Perhaps if you did you would come across as more educated, less of a hard nut, and more of a person that one could trust. > Almost any other government interaction requires ID. The government knows that the American people are never to be trusted.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Yeah, I'm more annoyed that it's denial that state school IDs are just as legitamate as CC licenses. And while it varies by state, allowing one and not the other is a clear indication of the aims. Other states have different methods of disenfranchising college students, by preventing students from using campus addresses for voter registry. Why not do what some states do and allow same day registration along with casting a provisional ballot in the absence of an ID.", ">>{DBDude} : The judges ruled them on the opinion of the judges that there was intent. However, the laws themselves fit the criteria: implemented slowly, even with a dry run, and with an outlet (provisional ballots) to catch the fringe cases that really can't get ID. >There's no reason to not have one on campus as well. Counties have finite resources for elections. While this one was on campus, there were people out in the county who would have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest polling station. But rural tends to be Republican, so we don't care about them. We need to ensure some 20-somethings don't have to travel half a mile with available free transportation.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> The judges ruled them on the opinion of the judges that there was intent. However, the laws themselves fit the criteria: implemented slowly, even with a dry run, and with an outlet (provisional ballots) to catch the fringe cases that really can't get ID. Unreal. Are you going to deny they clearly tried to suppress minority voters with this law? Also, care to explain why they wanted to cut early voting and prevent people from mailing ballots? Do you not see how absolutely see through this is? Be intellectually honest, we both know what they're doing. >> Counties have finite resources for elections. While this one was on campus, there were people out in the county who would have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest polling station. But rural tends to be Republican, so we don't care about them. We need to ensure some 20-somethings don't have to travel half a mile with available free transportation. Funny how these polling stations are always shut down in democratic areas, must be a coincidence. There are long lines at these places more often than not, having more polling places doesn't hurt anything and is clearly cheap. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/25/opinion/long-lines-at-minority-polling-places.html Here's even more. >> In the three states with the longest lines in 2012, precincts in minority neighborhoods were systematically deprived of the resources they needed to make voting operate smoothly — specifically, voting machines and poll workers, according to the report by the Brennan Center for Justice. The report’s data show the growing need for federal supervision of voting rights, though ensuring supervision is harder than ever since the Supreme Court removed the teeth from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 last year. >> The report looked at Maryland, South Carolina and Florida, where many voters waited for hours to cast a vote in the 2012 presidential election. In all three, minority precincts were more likely to have had long lines. In South Carolina, the 10 precincts with the longest waits had more than twice the percentage of black registered voters, on average, than the rest of the state. >> There was a clear relationship in those states between the racial makeup of a precinct and the number of voting machines it received from the state or county. In Maryland, the 10 precincts with the lowest number of machines per voter had more than twice the average percentage of Hispanic voters. In South Carolina, the law requires one voting machine per 250 voters, but that requirement is routinely violated in minority areas. Richland County, which is about half black, had a precinct with 432 voters per machine, which contributed to extensive delays. Come on, this is straight up see through and you know it.", ">>{DBDude} : >No it's more valid as it's harder to get and most have various security features from holographic marks to mag-strips. I found one college where you print your ID card yourself from the web site. I found many other colleges that don't even have ID cards.", '>>{DBDude} : >The vast majority of college students are in public schools Your article shows 73%, which is not "vast majority." However, most schools are not state, they just tend to be smaller. >No one said it should. Limit it to government schools. Texas has over 200 colleges and universities. You propose that the people at the polling station must have a list? Such a list would of course need to have all of the valid schools, with examples of valid ID for each, with the normal means to detect forgeries.', ">>{DBDude} : >Guilty of intent to commit crime. So when I show my ID at the bank, I'm guilty until proven innocent of bank fraud? What a ridiculous concept.", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>The vast majority of college students are in public schools >Your article shows 73%, which is not "vast majority." However, most schools are not state, they just tend to be smaller. 73%-27%? I\'d call that the vast majority. But even if you don\'t, it soundly disproves your claim that most school IDs are issued by private organizations. I don\'t really care that there may be more private schools than public schools, i care about the amount of people impacted. >>No one said it should. Limit it to government schools. >Texas has over 200 colleges and universities. You propose that the people at the polling station must have a list? Such a list would of course need to have all of the valid schools, with examples of valid ID for each, with the normal means to detect forgeries. Or just have a requirement in your voter ID laws that public school IDs indicate via a standard insignia or word that they are public school IDs. It\'s not difficult. The potential for forgery is no greater than any other form of ID.', '>>{DBDude} : >And while it varies by state, allowing one and not the other is a clear indication of the aims. Not really. Just saying "College ID is okay" opens them to much ID that is not okay. Saying "ID from this long list of state colleges is okay" greatly complicates things. Saying "These few state and federal IDs are okay" is simple. And as I said, if you can get a state college ID, you have what you need to get an approved voting ID, so there\'s no hardship.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : What's wrong with using all public college IDs? They are government issued. College IDs are issued by the state, just like a concealed carry permit is also.", ">>{DBDude} : Not all colleges have proper IDs. You'd have to limit the people at the polling station to the maybe 20+ acceptable state IDs, and that is a burden that will slow down the elections. If you think lines are long now, just wait until the poll worker is trying to match hundreds of students against a list of acceptable universities. Oh, you're only from JimBob College? Sorry. But you thought college ID was accepted? Nope, only those on this list.", '>>{ainbheartach} : See how you get along with this test: [Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale](http://personality-testing.info/tests/RWAS/) and here is an article for you to read: [Republicans’ “voter fraud” false flag: Voter ID laws offer imaginary solutions to imaginary problems](http://www.salon.com/2016/08/23/republicans-voter-fraud-false-flag-voter-id-laws-offer-imaginary-solutions-to-imaginary-problems/?)', '>>{DBDude} : >73%-27%? I\'d call that the vast majority. It\'s not even enough to have a constitutional amendment passed. It\'s just over a supermajority. No, not vast majority, which generally refers to over 90%. >I don\'t really care that there may be more private schools than public schools I do, because the poor poll worker will be deluged with all these private school IDs that are not in any way acceptable forms of government identification. >Or just have a requirement in your voter ID laws that public school IDs indicate via a standard insignia or word that they are public school IDs Or have them all use the same ID, just the school name changes. I could go with that. Adding one form of ID (the "State university system ID") shouldn\'t cause any issues. But that\'s not what these people want. They want all student ID to be valid, and that would include those you can print from the web site.', '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>73%-27%? I\'d call that the vast majority. >It\'s not even enough to have a constitutional amendment passed. It\'s just over a supermajority. No, not vast majority, which generally refers to over 90%. I really, really don\'t give a shit about this pedantic argument. Ok. It\'s a supermajority plus some. Don\'t care. >>I don\'t really care that there may be more private schools than public schools >I do, because the poor poll worker will be deluged with all these private school IDs that are not in any way acceptable forms of government identification. Easily solved. >>Or just have a requirement in your voter ID laws that public school IDs indicate via a standard insignia or word that they are public school IDs >Or have them all use the same ID, just the school name changes. I could go with that. Adding one form of ID (the "State university system ID") shouldn\'t cause any issues. But that\'s not what these people want. They want all student ID to be valid, and that would include those you can print from the web site. That would also work. And "these people" want people to be able to vote, instead of having their votes blocked because the GOP is intent on holding on to power not by changing their ideas, but by stopping the people who disagree with those ideas from voting by proposing "solutions" like voter ID to problems that don\'t exist. If the legislatures actually implemented a system to make it easy to get ID and to vote, there\'d be far fewer complaints.', ">>{DBDude} : >What's wrong with using all public college IDs? Right now that would be maybe dozens of IDs that the poll workers have to learn, depending on the state. That makes their job harder, the lines much slower. If the state did a unified university ID it would work. But then you also have all those community colleges, and I'm sure the liberals want those IDs accepted. That's dozens more in any state, and over 100 in California.", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : States Universities have pretty uniform IDs. For example a UC Berkley ID is not much different from a UC Riverside. The CSU IDs are different, but again are similar across the state. I hardly think have the states' dozen or so college IDs. Or maybe just have the public schools make all student IDs adhere to the same standard and style. And the question also becomes why can't students in some states use their campus dorm as their resident address?", '>>{DBDude} : >Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale I\'ve taken it before. I score a bit under 20%, varies based on the mood I was in at the time. I probably lost points because I can\'t totally agree with the statement that begins "You have to admire... [gays, etc]" because the statement itself is authoritarian (telling me I "have to" do something). But not total agreement with this authoritarian statement slides me a bit towards authoritarianism. Back to the subject, requiring basic verification of identification to interact with the government in my official capacity as a citizen isn\'t authoritarian. However, I did have to present a few forms of ID, plus photo, plus fingerprints, plus consent to multiple intrusive background checks just to be able to exercise my right to keep and bear arms. But I\'m sure you don\'t have a problem with that, do you?', '>>{DBDude} : >Don\'t care. You don\'t care that over 1/4 of students don\'t have sufficient government-issued ID by virtue of them being students? >Easily solved. How? >And "these people" want people to be able to vote These people know that the laziest of voters tend to vote Democratic, so they want to dredge up the masses who have no idea what they\'re voting for in order to stay in power. >If the legislatures actually implemented a system to make it easy to get ID and to vote, there\'d be far fewer complaints. North Carolina has unlimited absentee ballots, effectively mail-in voting. It\'s extremely easy, anybody can do it.', ">>{DBDude} : >Or maybe just have the public schools make all student IDs adhere to the same standard and style. Better, have one uniform ID, and the only thing that changes is the school's name. >And the question also becomes why can't students in some states use their campus dorm as their resident address? I haven't studied that, can't tell you.", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Well, my distaste for voter ID is issues like not allowing college ID or providing a way to make it allowed. It's intentionally making it harder for younger people to vote.", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>Don\'t care. >You don\'t care that over 1/4 of students don\'t have sufficient government-issued ID by virtue of them being students? Oh, I care. I\'m against piecemeal voter ID laws entirely. I\'m just pointing out that passing a voter ID law while not accepting government issued student ID is horseshit. The answer, when you create a problem that potentially disenfranchises some students is not to disenfranchise them all. And nice dishonesty. I\'m clearly saying I don\'t care about the phrase being used, not the impact of these moronic laws. >>Easily solved. >How? Really? We literally just talked about this. >>And "these people" want people to be able to vote >These people know that the laziest of voters tend to vote Democratic, so they want to dredge up the masses who have no idea what they\'re voting for in order to stay in power. Lol. I happen to believe everyone should be allowed to cast their legal vote, regardless of your judgments of them. I guess that\'s just due to my belief in democracy, something you clearly don\'t share. >>If the legislatures actually implemented a system to make it easy to get ID and to vote, there\'d be far fewer complaints. >North Carolina has unlimited absentee ballots, effectively mail-in voting. It\'s extremely easy, anybody can do it. Two things about this: (1) People shouldn\'t have to sacrifice the privacy of their ballot in order to vote And (2) if absentee voting allows people to avoid these laws, it just confirms that the goal of these laws is not to ensure honest elections but to disenfranchise the communities least likely to use the alternative method.', '>>{ainbheartach} : > I\'ve taken it before. I score a bit under 20%, That is pretty decent for an American, double my score and I thought I was being over zealous. > I can\'t totally agree with the statement that begins "You have to admire... [gays, etc] I put neutral for that. The idea of them defying "traditional family values" has passed. > Back to the subject, requiring basic verification of identification to interact with the government I have interactions with government offices regularly enough and it is extremely rare that they require me to produce any type of ID, a signature is mostly what they require. Of course it is relative to what type of data one is dealing with, ie. data protection. > I did have to present a few forms of ID, plus photo, plus fingerprints, plus consent to multiple intrusive background checks just to be able to exercise my right to keep and bear arms. America has quite a big fetish for guns and because of that they also have a big problem with them, the bigger the fetish... Understandable why the checks are in place. But guns are tools - like you wouldn\'t buy a wood plane unless you were going to use it for woodwork or a pen unless you were going to use it for writing. Did you read the Salon article? Titbit: > Justice Department, which conducted a multi-year study showing the rate of voter fraud is roughly 0.00000013 percent. In Iowa, an investigation conducted in the wake of the 2012 election managed to smoke-out exactly eight cases of voter fraud. Most of the cases appear to have been benign. By the way, there were 1.5 million votes cast in Iowa in the 2012 election, which means the rate of alleged voter fraud was 0.00053 percent.', ">>{Venturin} : > It's too bad that exact same thing couldn't be done for school IDs, which have all the information necessary for voting identification, but school IDs are for school. Cool. Call your representative and tell her. Clearly all the students can manage to get a student ID but Heaven forbid they get a photo ID for voting!", ">>{Venturin} : Yes [there is a voter fraud problem](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/07/17/cincinnati-illegal-voting/2530119/) which is [why the vast majority](http://www.dothaneagle.com/news/crime_court/olivia-reynolds-apologizes-for-voter-fraud-convictions/article_4a47a900-87c4-11e5-bb5f-2ffec2203836.html) of people, [including a large majority](http://www.kansas.com/news/local/crime/article75545277.html) of democrats, [support voter](http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/03/21/woman-convicted-of-voter-fraud-honored-by-ohio-democrats/) ID laws. The majority of Americans, and most countries around the world, want voting to be accountable, lawful, free from fraud, and run to protect our right to vote in an honest and transparent way. You are in the minority. And I note with much amusement that you don't support the voter ID laws, you want to just rely on the people being truthful, yet you want ME to prove with some citation my party affiliation. Your hypocrisy is revealing, and hilarious!", ">>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : I'm very confused about what point you think you're making. Your posts seem to lack even a semblance of a logical thought process. It appears you chose your position on this issue before understanding it and are now committed to defending that. If you end up with a point you'd actually like to make, just let me know", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Yes. I am. Because your posts are weirdly aggressive, incoherent rants.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Holy shit, there are like 9 recorded cases of voter fraud in 12 years dude. LMAO. Ready for this? >> On July 29, a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned North Carolina\'s sweeping voter ID law (which included a host of other voting restrictions, including shortening the early voting period and banning same-day registration). And — unlike in Texas — the appeals court ruled that North Carolina legislators had actually passed the law with discriminatory intent As the Two-Way reported then, "The appeals court noted that the North Carolina Legislature \'requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices\' — then, data in hand, \'enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans.\' " >> **The court wrote that the changes to the voting process "target African Americans with almost surgical precision," and "impose cures for problems that did not exist."**', ">>{DBDude} : >That is pretty decent for an American, double my score and I thought I was being over zealous. In this test, or in pretty much any political test, being too far to one of the extremes is not good. Fanaticism is dangerous for a society. Scoring a perfect 0 on this test is basically advocating chaos and constant turmoil, which is not conducive to a stable and peaceful society. >I have interactions with government offices regularly enough and it is extremely rare that they require me to produce any type of ID I have to show it often. >Understandable why the checks are in place. This is exactly what I predicted. You don't particularly care for the right, so you're fine with it being infringed for others. Thus you don't really believe in rights for all, just rights you like or that affect you. There are Republicans exactly like you, who don't believe in a right to abortion, so they don't see all of their restrictions as violating any right. BTW, Switzerland has a pretty big gun fetish and very little problem with them. >Did you read the Salon article? Salon? Really? The big problem with claims such as this is how they check for voter fraud. With no ID verification in place, the only way they are going to discover fraud is sheer luck.", ">>{DBDude} : >when you create a problem that potentially disenfranchises People need to stop throwing this word around so much. Disenfranchise means to lose the ability to vote, period. No student loses the ability to vote by virtue of student ID not being accepted. They can have the same kind of ID anyone else can, and then vote. Shifting early voting days disenfranchises no one, since they can simply vote on the new days. Ending same day registration disenfranchises no one, since they can register in advance as people have always done. What I find absolutely hilarious, but sad, is in the NC example people say they disenfranchised blacks by cutting early voting from 17 to 10 days (while keeping the number of hours the same). What about New York? There's no open early voting there at all, but nobody's saying they're disenfranchising blacks. But New York is run by Democrats, so can't complain there. > I happen to believe everyone should be allowed to cast their legal vote, regardless of your judgments of them. I do too. But we also shouldn't be changing laws and placing polling stations to encourage them either. People who really want to vote will vote. If traveling an extra half mile on a free bus is just *too much effort* for someone to vote, if showing up for a free ID is just *too much effort* to vote, if registering on time is just *too much effort* to vote, that only shows they really don't care much about voting. >I guess that's just due to my belief in democracy, something you clearly don't share. I have a belief in an informed democracy. Someone who doesn't have the volition to vote is also not likely to know what he's voting for. >(1) People shouldn't have to sacrifice the privacy of their ballot in order to vote Funny, liberals hold up Washington's mail-in vote as a shining example of a great voting system, but when North Carolina does it there's somehow something wrong with it.", ">>{DBDude} : >like not allowing college ID Over a quarter of people in college are in non-state colleges. You're saying we should allow what is basically a business to print ID in any way they want, with any level of verification of identity they want, and have it accepted as ID valid for government use? >It's intentionally making it harder for younger people to vote. Younger people in college are exactly the type who could most easily get a free ID. They've just enrolled in college, they are most likely to have the paperwork for identity verification at hand.", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : >>when you create a problem that potentially disenfranchises >People need to stop throwing this word around so much. Disenfranchise means to lose the ability to vote, period. No student loses the ability to vote by virtue of student ID not being accepted. They can have the same kind of ID anyone else can, and then vote. Shifting early voting days disenfranchises no one, since they can simply vote on the new days. Ending same day registration disenfranchises no one, since they can register in advance as people have always done. I realize that in this conversation, unnecessary pedantry has been your "thing", and I think that\'s really neat, but again, I don\'t care. The laws are written to prevent people from voting. That\'s not up for argument. The architects of the laws openly admit it. It\'s functionally disenfranchising people by stopping them from voting. >What I find absolutely hilarious, but sad, is in the NC example people say they disenfranchised blacks by cutting early voting from 17 to 10 days (while keeping the number of hours the same). What about New York? There\'s no open early voting there at all, but nobody\'s saying they\'re disenfranchising blacks. But New York is run by Democrats, so can\'t complain there. Are you really going to argue North Carolina? *Really?* They *literally* - and I\'m using that literally - looked up ways that black people vote and then made it harder to vote in those ways. They said, "tell us how minorities vote. Ok. Make those ways go away." There\'s a difference between never having offered early voting, and deciding to take away early voting and other forms of voting right before an election. >> I happen to believe everyone should be allowed to cast their legal vote, regardless of your judgments of them. >I do too. But we also shouldn\'t be changing laws and placing polling stations to encourage them either. Yes, we should. > People who really want to vote will vote. If traveling an extra half mile on a free bus is just *too much effort* for someone to vote, if showing up for a free ID is just *too much effort* to vote, if registering on time is just *too much effort* to vote, that only shows they really don\'t care much about voting. Again, I believe everyone, in a representative democracy, should be able to easily vote. *Again*, that\'s due to my belief in democracy. You say you share it, but your insistence that voting should come with some sort of obstacle course makes me doubt that. >>(1) People shouldn\'t have to sacrifice the privacy of their ballot in order to vote >Funny, liberals hold up Washington\'s mail-in vote as a shining example of a great voting system, but when North Carolina does it there\'s somehow something wrong with it. It is a great voting system, and I\'m glad North Carolina offers it, too. People should be free to vote by mail. People shouldn\'t be forced to vote by mail in order to bypass unnecessary and discriminatory voting restrictions. There are some key differences - in Washington, you automatically receive a ballot in the mail. I think they should offer in person voting as well, but most of their Counties don\'t. It\'s still better than NC, however, because at least you\'re guaranteed to receive a ballot. But, again, North Carolina left their mail voting intact because their research showed that black people were much more likely to vote in person, and could then be caught by their voter ID laws, specifically targeted to require the kinds of IDs black people are least likely to have.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : I was referencing state school IDs where most students attend. Read the other replies I wrote.', ">>{DBDude} : So we're back to where we were. All state schools should have a unified ID so that's just one ID the poll workers need to learn to accept. Once that's done in a state, then you can start talking about (state-only) student ID being an acceptable form of identification.", ">>{Venturin} : You asked if there is a voter fraud problem in America and I gave examples to prove there is indeed a problem. Move those goalposts, it's always great to do when you lose an argument. Next you drag out a court case that focuses on problems which go beyond simply requiring ID proof in order to vote. Why are you doing this? Because you have nothing to say about the very reasonable majority opinion that people should show ID when they vote. If you want to try arguing with me can you at least stay on point? Thanks.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : There is no voter fraud problem in America, end of discussion. If the best you can do is 9 cases in 16 years you\'re done here, and everyone knows it. That\'s exactly what I thought. This isn\'t a "moving of the goalposts" it\'s you trying to chase a fabricated problem that doesn\'t exist on any real level because you can\'t win national elections.', ">>{Venturin} : > There is no voter fraud problem in America, end of discussion. > If the best you can do is 9 cases in 16 years you're done here, and everyone knows it. Too funny. This tactic may have worked for you a few years ago in order to get a cookie, but stamping your feet and having a tantrum is not an effective or adult method of debate. Seriously, how old are you??", ">>{IDFSHILL} : This discussion was ended, sorry. I can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Everything I said is factual, facts don't change based on what you personally believe. I'm not going to sit here and argue with someone that denies reality."], ['>>{sunbeast} : But yet is neck and neck in the polls with Hillary. What does that say about her?', '>>{carlosfm} : That the DNC fucked up running her. This would have been no contest with a likable Democratic candidate. Though the same could be said if the RNC ran a likable candidate.', ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : > This would have been no contest with a likable Democratic candidate Yes, the increasingly desperate left will continue to make excuses and rationalize why Trump won. You're in the 5 stages of grief right now. The fact is Trump beat out 17 highly qualified GOP candidates in a land slide. It's likely he would have won against both Bernie and whatever cookie cutter establishment politician you placed before him. Your cognitive dissonance does not allow you to admit the obvious truth: Trump is a lot smarter than you originally thought and that's why he won. He exploited a ripe political climate using his skills as a master self promoter. Simple as that.", '>>{lyingtoyourself1} : If by "party\'s base" you mean "majority of America"', '>>{aledlewis} : Some say she is a crackpot for running with such a severe illness and such low favorability ratings.', '>>{RockinJoeSchmo} : > We should be guard dogs, not lap dogs, and when the public sees Trump as more honest than Clinton, something has gone wrong. > For my part, I’ve never met a national politician as ill informed, as deceptive, as evasive and as vacuous as Trump. He’s not normal. And somehow that is what our barks need to convey.', ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : He's already won, you just haven't been able to rationalize it yet.", '>>{thisbites_over} : They are both god awful and wildly unpopular candidates, outside their respective echo chambers. This election cycle is a historic clusterfuck.', '>>{drkstr17} : It says a lot of things. It says that a man like Donald Trump doesn\'t have to show his tax returns, where it\'s obvious he\'s hiding some bombshells, can get away with pretty much anything and still be perceived as "strong." But a woman like Clinton, who has shown the last 40 years of tax returns but is still somehow portrayed as deceiving liar that hasn\'t actually ever been nailed for anything, gets crucified. Trump is a master manipulator of the media and of you.', ">>{ReptiliansCantOllie} : Hillary is that awful. That's the problem. For every thing you wrote about Trump a Trump supporter could come up with a counterpoint for Clinton.", '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : The article actually addresses that point. Everybody reads the headlines and goes straight to arguing round here.', '>>{Zlibservacratican} : Her followers choose to blind themselves too her faults, like her lack of honesty and trust. They\'ve spent so much time arguing past that problem, making excuses, deflecting to her lesser, and dissecting minutia in her defense. They don\'t realize that she has fed into her own trust problems. Like when she refused to lead by example when challenged to release her transcripts, or when she refused to challenge the rule change to allow bundled lobbyist donations, or when she hired Schultz after the DNC hack showing her clear bias and desperation to influence media narratives, or even the simple fact that she chose to have a private server. They deflect to issues like "it isn\'t illegal" while ignoring how unethical it is, or "everyone else does it" while ignoring what a childish excuse that is, or "but Donald Trump" without understanding that she shouldn\'t need to prove she\'s better than Trump. But here we are in a neck to neck race between a seasoned political vet and a reality TV celebrity who fancies himself an authoritarian willing to say the most deplorable things for ratings. We had a chance to avoid the trust gap.', ">>{arie222} : No they can't. Stop with the false equivalency nonsense.", ">>{sunbeast} : > but is still somehow portrayed as deceiving liar that hasn't actually ever been nailed for anything, gets crucified. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI By this point in the campaign, do you truly not understand where the [public perception](https://morningconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ClintonOverall-3.png) that she is untrustworthy comes from?", '>>{AGuerrilla} : I thought this would be about Clinton and her obsession with the Russians and green cartoon frogs.', '>>{sunbeast} : And it addresses the reasons behind her **historic levels of untrustworthiness** quite well. But they go on to blame the voters for her untrustworthiness, *rather than Clinton herself*. This is what the media and the Clinton Campaign has been getting wrong throughout the whole campaign.', ">>{carlosfm} : The primaries and nationals are not comparable. The GOP base with years of incredibly ineffective leadership was ripe for the picking. That is the core reason trump mopped the floor with those fools. Trump is no idiot, he knew his path president hinged on the white vote. Hence why his messaging panders specifically to them and why he does not care about the minority vote. It is still the largest potential voting pool. I love to watch his rallies, he really is an artist at lying. I am constantly amazed by his skills. Bernie assumed the Democratic base was also rip for picking but was too early. Bernie would have been slaughtered on the national level. The illogical hate of socialism in this country is profound. The reason Hillary is doing poorly is her on damn fault. If she looses its her fault. She is a bad candidate and most of her support comes from either blind supporters or people that hate/fear the stupidity that Trump represents If moderate conservatives and Independents had a logical out they would quickly run away from Trump. The issue is they can only run to Hillary which majority of Americans don't want either. I take it you are new to politics and have been stuck in the echo chamber that is Reddit and local communities. The reality is Americans hate both candidates and would have easily gone to a good alternative if presented one. And unfortunately we are a two party system, so no greenparty doesn't count. Jesus you people make so many assumptions about my political stance. Its funny always watching you guess.", '>>{arie222} : So Clinton is just as bad as Trump in your mind?', ">>{forgottenbutnotgone} : I don't really want to read this one. Which crackpot are they talking about?", ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I think it's fine that people perceive Clinton as a liar. But the point is why does Trump get a free pass?", ">>{mspaintshoops} : The old overweight one. You know, the one with credibility issues. The one who's like 70 years old or whatever. Whichever candidate has record unfavorability ratings.", ">>{sunbeast} : This free pass would not be possible without **Clintons extremely sketchy history**. The media has ruined their integrity and trustworthiness by spinning *everything* that Trumps says to be negative. It's a boy who cried wolf situation, [nobody believes the media](http://www.gallup.com/poll/195542/americans-trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_content=morelink&utm_campaign=syndication) anymore because in turning everything that Trump says into a scandal, then nothing becomes a scandal.", ">>{trumped12345} : Trump. It's NYT opinion page drivel. His evidence that Trump lies more is that he has a greater percentage of pants on fire on Politifact, when, of course, Politifact selects which facts to check.", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : Ah, this sounds like a good read! Oh wait, it's not about Hillary.", ">>{drkstr17} : You sure about that? Trump University IS a scandal. Actually no, that implies it's just a media frenzy. The judge is actually bringing that case to a trial. So it's past being a scandal. Clinton Foundation? No pay to play there. It's barely even pay to access, which was the new spin they tried to give it. You wanna see pay to play? Just look at the investigative report Newsweek just put out. THAT is pay to play.", '>>{drkstr17} : Oh yes the infamous compilation video edited with clips taken out of context. I\'d love to see a video of Trump lying, it\'d be somewhere around 3 hours. Or you could just do a live camera crew and follow him around all day. I get where the perception of her being a liar comes from, but it\'s just that, a perception. When you actually look at the facts, she\'s as about as honest as the average politician, even more so. Politifact scores her ability to tel the truth better than most politicians actually. And when you look at Trump, it is plain startling how often he lies and how egregious some of the lies are. So when people say "well he tells like it is, or, he\'s not your average politician." I agree, he\'s like a 1000x worse. But it doesn\'t matter because every time someone brings this up, Trump supporters will hide behind their lazy, grossly broad and baseless defense of "media bias." How many times can one blame the media for Trump\'s own words? He\'s a con man. Always has been, always will be.', ">>{sunbeast} : **The Clinton foundation is the pinnacle of pay to play.** Why else would [Bill state that the Clinton Foundation is no longer accepting foreign donations if she is elected](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/19/us/politics/if-hillary-clinton-wins-foundation-will-stop-accepting-foreign-donations.html)? In order to prevent *unfair* media accusations of corruption? He would earn a lot more respect if he carried on with accepting foreign donations and saying 'Fuck what the media says! Suffering Children are more important!'. This is a very clear concession by Clinton, he understands that the Clinton Foundation has too much of a conflict of interest to keep it going in its current form.", ">>{sunbeast} : If what you say is true, how will the Clinton Campaign EVER overcome her [record breaking unfavourables](https://morningconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ClintonOverall-3.png)? Clearly their tactic of blaming voters for her untrustworthiness, rather than blaming Hillary Clinton herself is *not working*. This is something that the Clinton Camp should be working hard on, but the evidence I've seen so far is that their efforts are *dismal*.", ">>{Orcapa} : Please objectively prove that Trump is not telling one lie after another. Please also objectively show that Trump is remotely qualified to be the president. You may not like Hillary (I don't), but there is no doubt that Trump is a disaster waiting to happen if elected, while Hillary would be four more years of status quo -- not great, but not going to cause the country to self-immolate.", '>>{drkstr17} : There is literally no way for them to NOT look bad. If Bill stays, they\'ll say it\'s clear he wants to continue "pay to play" but if he leaves, he\'s clearly hiding something.', ">>{trumped12345} : What proof do you have that a disaster will happen? You don't become a billionaire being incompetent.", ">>{JuicyCreature} : I bet they really patted themselves on the back for what appears to be baby's first political photograph", '>>{Orcapa} : No, in this case (the foundation) he realizes that the media will target it no matter what it does or how relatively well-run it is. So he is trying to clean up the perception.', '>>{sunbeast} : Which is why people constantly complain about the Clintons lack of foresight. The whole world has known that Hillary would be running for president far ahead of her 2008 announcement. If they were not able to perceive this checkmate move, then they do not deserve to be back in the white house.', '>>{sunbeast} : So he cares more about perception of the media, than putting foreign donations into his charity? What a scumbag.', ">>{Orcapa} : Here's another way to look at it: set aside the scandals, the Bondi thing, the e-mail server, etc. Look at temperament and policy. Which candidate has actual developed policies? Which candidate has the temperament to be C-in-C, to deal with world leaders, to try to work with Congress? If you think Trump is remotely qualified, you are self-delusional. You may not like Hillary, but she is objectively head-and-shoulders above Trump in qualifications. OTOH, maybe you want to elect a loose cannon with no seriously developed policies to head our country and our military and be in charge when there is a disaster.", ">>{Orcapa} : You are right on all of this, but given the choices of her and Trump, who do you think is more qualified? Which one do you believe won't drive the car of government into the ditch? I really don't want her to be president, but at this point there would seem to be little choice.", ">>{Orcapa} : And this is it exactly. The Clintons ain't great, but for many things, they are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.", '>>{Pylons} : Running a business has little to do with running a country.', '>>{Orcapa} : How do you know he is a billionaire? Because he says so? If only he would prove it, but like other things, he just spouts bullshit and expects to be believed. So far he just seems to be a first-class grifter.', '>>{sunbeast} : They would not be damned if they started the foundation without still having political ambitions in mind. The Clintons wounds are entirely self inflicted.', '>>{trumped12345} : Has a lot to do with it. Crisis management. Budgeting. Leadership. Relationship building. It overlaps heavily.', '>>{Orcapa} : I agree on many things but this foundation does a hell of a lot of actual charitable work. Also, at this point, even if she is a little tainted, she is still a far better choice than Trump, who is a blowhard and little else.', ">>{sunbeast} : > even if she is a little tainted you don't know the half of it.", '>>{Pylons} : [A country is not a company.](https://hbr.org/1996/01/a-country-is-not-a-company)', ">>{drkstr17} : I agree in some ways. They have been in politics for a long time, so the entanglements are there, but they don't actually amount to anything substantial. And really, what are these entanglements? The ties they have in their family foundation? The one that saves millions of lives and they don't take a dime from? This has all been proven. And pay-to-play doesn't exist there, MAYBE pay-to-access? That's not illegal, especially when that access doesn't lead to anything. So what are they supposed to do? Stop running a foundation that millions of people rely on for aid? If anything, they do great work there, and it should be a qualifier in more ways than it should be a disqualifier. So what's the lack in foresight exactly? That they should've known they would be heavily scrutinized to the point where they are unelectable, even though no one's going to find anything that's actually going to put them away in prison? I think this says more about the media than the Clintons. That to me is what's annoying about their decision to run again, that fighting the media on this is an endless circle and it's only going to make you look worse, whether it's justified or not. So I would blame the media more than the Clintons.", '>>{Orcapa} : Oh come on, open your eyes. Do you really trust Trump to not completely fuck things up if elected? It would be like GW Bush again but worse. Clinton is a lousy candidate, but by any standards is highly qualified to be president.', '>>{drkstr17} : That\'s the thing. She is actually the most transparent politician to ever run for office, when you look at the amount of things she\'s revealed about herself. It\'s all about snow ball effect. For example, in her effort to be even more transparent, she\'s probably going to release more medical records soon. But because she\'s so "untrustworthy" her opponents are going to pick this thing apart and find things that they could use against her and create a whole new narrative. The more transparent Clinton becomes, the more scrutiny she gets, whether the scrutiny is justified or not doesn\'t matter because the damage that they inflict is so powerful that the "untrustworthy" narrative chugs along. Because everything she does is looked at through the lens of "is this trustworthy," there will always be something you can find.', ">>{sunbeast} : Judging by the clear trends in the latest polls, the public standards don't seem to agree that she is highly qualified. Her lousiness is too overwhelming for the public to ignore. That in itself is driving voters to Trump. Call that wrong, by all means. But the trends show that the public thinks that Clinton will fuck things up more than Trump.", ">>{sunbeast} : The only thing transparent about the Clinton Campaign is how blatant their spin is. Clinton, transparent? She's a wall of stone. Edit: A *crumbling* wall of stone, excuse me.", ">>{noelsusman} : Personally, I think it says something about the voters more than anything. Everyone likes to pile on the media because it's not politically correct to say that voters are idiots.", '>>{SnuggleMuffin42} : > That\'s the thing. She is actually the most transparent politician to ever run for office You\'re out of your mind. I mean, come on, you guys can do better than this right? Might as well put on a neon sign that says "shill" on your neck. Do they really still say to stick to that "Most transparent candidate ever"? It\'s time to refresh the guidelines.', '>>{Suzookus} : Why do they talk about Gary Johnson that way. NYT is so biased.', ">>{bitterbut_true} : Trump as a crackpot? Despite the lionizing of Reagan, some of us remember than Ronnie was dead from the neck up. No-one in the MSM ever dreamed of interviewing Ronnie in depth about economics. Then there's Dubya, a strange child-like man. Very superficial and clueless. Just reading the scripts. Yet these two managed TWO TERMS! Compared to both The Donald is a rocket scientist. He'll be OK. Stop fretting.", ">>{Meatsim1} : > The fact is Trump beat out 17 highly qualified GOP candidates in a land slide. Its was actually the closest GOP primary since 1976, I mean thats just a fact dude you can't deny it but I'm sure you will anyway", '>>{lyingtoyourself1} : Only because nobody conceded until the end which is completely abnormal.', '>>{Meatsim1} : Historic events tend to be abnormal, point being there was no land-slide', ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : You're kidding yourself Trump got 1543 delegates to Cruz 559. He beat him 3:1. It was a land slide.", ">>{Meatsim1} : In the historical context of GOP primaries, its not. For example Romney got 1,575 to Santorum's 245. Also Trump didn't get 1543 he got 1441", ">>{lyingtoyourself1} : Yea because Rick dropped out and Cruz went all the way to the end and still got btfo. What's so hard to understand about that? 3:1 is a land slide, end of story.", '>>{Meatsim1} : Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Winning by a margin of 3:1 is a landslide Winning by a margin of 6:1 is not a landslide Am I getting this right? Am I being trolled? Is this happening?', '>>{trumped12345} : Because he owns a 100 million dollar plane and just 2 of his buildings in New York would sell for something approaching 1 billion', ">>{spyguy886} : Its an issue of perceived bias. If I'm in a discussion, and I say Trump lies through his teeth, and encourages racism, I'm automatically assumed as bias, and therefore for Clinton. Anything referring to Donald Trump in a negative light and gets branded liberal pushover nonsense. It doesn't matter that I'm stating fact. So either you don't say negative things about Trump, or he/his supporters drag you through the mudpit that's become our media spotlight. He has totally removed any ability for someone to be neutral. You're either for him or vehemently opposed to him. The media doesn't help either, can we please get him on set with someone, and then play the recording of him supporting the Iraq war? Can we have any accountability at all anymore? I'm a college student, and I fail assignments if I don't properly cite and references my source material, but Trump can run for President on whatever comes off the top of his head? Its infuriating.", ">>{drkstr17} : You're taking what I said out of context. I get it, you think she's a liar. But you can't deny the fact that we have more information about her than anyone that's ever run for president. There is a ton of merit to this, no matter what you think. And no, I'm not a fucking shill. Why is it that whenever someone defends Clinton, we're automatically labeled a shill? I can do that to anyone on this site supporting Trump, because the fact that he has any support at all is completely mind boggling.", '>>{Orcapa} : The buildings have his name on them...a name he leases to the owners. And he may well lease his plane.', '>>{trumped12345} : not all of them. He owns 40 wall as well as trump tower.', ">>{currently___working} : Most Clinton supporters such as myself completely recognize all of those faults, and yet still support her. Because in 6 months, either Clinton or Trump will be the president (a metaphysical fact) and the only question to answer is which one between the two of them will leave the world a better place (not necessarily better overall, but better than the other). This is not even mentioning the *positives* of Clinton, which actually changes the entire discussion and puts it completely in her corner. Everyone just wants to talk shit about both candidates and pretend they're equal, when Clinton actually has policies and experience.", '>>{currently___working} : The deplorable voters are revealing their authoritarian streak, which was hidden in the shadows in previous elections.', ">>{martialalex} : The world is laughing at America. Except the UK, they're just trying to warn us", ">>{martialalex} : I'm just hoping that Clinton can hold his feet to the flames in the debates, because that's about the only thing that can get him. Even if the moderators fact-check him, none of his supporters will listen and just complain about activist moderators", '>>{martialalex} : No, they could come up with the same 5 total. The right-wing got really good at just hammering a narrative then trying it to 3 or 4 stories. Clinton not transparent? She hid that she had pneumonia and her email server. Challenge them to come up with anything outside of the first 5 and they struggle without googling for it', ">>{martialalex} : And yet the Bush era hid more emails and lied more blatantly, yet they aren't suffering from this trust issue. Why? Because we had round-the-clock benghazigate coverage followed by emailgate followed by frickin' pneumoniagate. The media is hyping this and it's seriously imperilling the country", ">>{martialalex} : Media is destined to focus on the ills of a candidate. The fact that Trump says a lot more bad stuff really can't be blamed on anyone other than himself.", ">>{martialalex} : The right would have blasted Sanders as too far out of his field. I liked sanders and supported him in his primary and think he would have been a stronger candidate, but he probably would have been getting screwed by the trump media blitz just as much. He lost the primary fair and square, and I've moved on like most americans", ">>{martialalex} : No you're just born stupidly wealthy with a boatload of real estate connections", ">>{martialalex} : Bush jr was actually pretty smart according to reporters, the thing was he intentionally dumbed himself down in order to be more appealing and get underestimated by his opponent. As for reagan, I'm not expert enough but my understanding was he was damn good at debating during his first run and hella charismatic. Trump has neither", '>>{buzzlightlime} : When a terrifying number of Americans threaten to vote for an ignorant crackpot...', '>>{carlosfm} : I agree completely, I am proposing that they messed up long before the primaries. Bernie would have been slaughtered, the illogical hate of socialism in this country is profound.', '>>{Gscarveguy} : When a crackpot runs for President, the media should not portray him as a legitimate candidate. The very act of reporting anything concerning Trump and trying to pass it off as news should be an embarrassment to any journalist. The entire shitshow is nothing short of reality TV and is giving a huge financial boost to cable news organizations that were on the verge of bankruptcy until the Trump train rolled into town on its square wheels.', '>>{Calfurious} : That\'s the problem with American culture. We have this weird tendency to idolize the rich as if they\'re ability to make money means that they have this special ability to do everything great, including politics and leadership. Trump is a billionaire thanks to the hundreds of millions of dollars and assets he inherited from this father. Trump is a billionaire thanks to borrowing tens of millions of dollars from family members. Take your average person with a business degree, give him $300 billion dollar inheritance and 25k New York Apartments, and I bet you that he can be a billionaire as well. Trump didn\'t "start from the bottom now he\'s here", he\'s a privileged old man who used his family\'s vast fortune and did the simple task of merely investing it so he could make more money. Even in that regard, Trump isn\'t a good billionaire. Compared to other billionaires throughout the 90\'s-2010\'s, he\'s actually generated less wealth than they did. We live in a time where a rich man can make himself even more incredibly rich. But Trump has only managed to make moderate gains in wealth while all the other Billionaires have been making massive fortunes. That\'s one of the reasons Trump isn\'t respected by other rich people. Because he has no actual vision or superb skill in business. He\'s just an average businessman who received shit ton of money from his father.'], ['>>{traksta15} : I love google drive. I have 100gb free for buying my chrome book.', '>>{sohanley} : My current process for the wife and me is two-fold: (1) once a month, copy our photos/videos to a laptop, which is then auto-backed up to the cloud via Carbonite; (2) use Google Photos for instant automatic backup as well as the ability to scroll back through all our photos going back 10+ years right on our phones.', '>>{wegener1880} : personally for me, i have an apple time capsule. between that and iCloud i think my photos are safe.', ">>{EricHill78} : It's not popular but I recommend giving Flickr a try. They give you 1TB of storage for free.", '>>{lakersfan4lyfe} : Google photos now has a cleanup feature available that will delete photos from your phone but not from the cloud. Plus you can always pull a photo back down to your phone if you want it there', '>>{ryancarty} : The best thing is just sign up for iCloud space. $0.99 a month for 50gb or $2.99 for 200gb. Your phone will then store your photos in the cloud, but leave the most recent on your phone with just previews of the others. It will also fluctuate how much is stored on your phone depending on how much space you have on the phone, and the rest you still see in your photos they will just take a second to load in when you click them. Its the easiest and most fluid. I also just back them up on to my computer to have a non-cloud backup every year or two.', ">>{Zero_2410} : I use the free option because I don't mind much that the quality of the photo or video is reduced by a little bit. Just using it for it's unlimited space :)", ">>{thegraverobber} : That is definitely looking like a great option! Two questions, if you don't mind. Do you auto-upload on the go or do you use an app like PhotoSync to upload only over WiFi? Additionally, I read that Google Photos will not prevent you from uploading duplicates. Have you ever had a problem with that? Thanks for the help!", ">>{Zero_2410} : I have it set to auto-upload when I'm connected over WiFi. There can be times that there will be a duplicate but it's on the rare occasion for me. At times I really don't mind since the space is unlimited.", ">>{HAVE-A-CHOCOLATE} : I didn't realize the Apple option was so affordable, wow. Do you know whether photos that you have saved to the phone will sync seamlessly to your new phone when you upgrade?", '>>{frayeb} : The 1TB is useless for mass uploading though since many vital features of the service are premium users only. So no drag and drop and only a certain amount of photo uploads at a time. Went downhill as soon as Yahoo bought them for the delicious photo archive gold mine', ">>{ryancarty} : Yeah, so I have the 200gb option so it stores my photos, the other stuff in the iCloud settings tab, and I backup to iCloud now instead of syncing and backing up to a computer (partly for convenience and partly because the backups were taking up like 30+gb on my computer). So when I get the iPhone 7 for example and I get to the Hello screen in the beginning, I'll choose restore from iCloud backup and just let it run and everything including my photos will sync over. (Although like i said i usually back up my photos to an external hard drive anyway to be safe). Your photos can also be accessed from iCloud.com, and your Mac and other devices (if certain settings are on). TL;DR: Hell yeah", '>>{HAVE-A-CHOCOLATE} : Hugely helpful, thanks for taking the time! Just signed up.', '>>{misterspock1974} : For backing up iPhone on OS X, the best solution can be copying data to a synchronized folder (e.g. Dropbox folder). The alternate method uses *cron* or other system scheduler (OS X behaviors like a full UNIX clone), but it requires some manual work and knowledge about PC architecture. If you also have a Windows-powered machine, try some automatic cloud backup solution, like my favorite [Handy Backup](http://www.handybackup.net/dropbox-backup.shtml). Maybe some solution like this are available on OS X but I never heard of something alike.'], ['>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : http://www.snopes.com/clinton-four-minute-nuclear/ Wow, I still even had it in my paste buffer!', '>>{hobbes305} : No. She did not. Foreign Policy and ForeignPolicy.com >Four Minutes to Armageddon. Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, and the nuclear alert. http://foreignpolicy.com/2010/04/02/four-minutes-to-armageddon-2/ Dated 2010 >The study said, "Although there is nothing automatic about the process, the U.S. president could launch these missiles promptly after receiving warning of an impending attack." **The launch time could be as short as four minutes for the land-based missiles** and 12 minutes for the submarine-based. The study that was mentioned in this article: https://fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/reframing_dealert.pdf This study was quite well known in 2009 and was referenced in numerous newspaper reports and editorials, as well as in many books and blogs.', '>>{woodtick57} : took me about a minute to find this info on the internet from decades ago!', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Probably because someone also posted it ten minutes earlier... :/ Funny side note: Barry Goldwater's granddaughter is supporting Hillary Clinton.", ">>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : Yeah I posted it the last time this person deleted and recreated their account cause they were downvoted to hell. Hadn't copied or pasted anything since.", ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : TIL that old farts at the Pentagon don't watch History Channel documentaries.", ">>{ozabelle} : again with the goldwater. it's not working, guy. does yall need help?", '>>{aKindWordandaGun} : [8-hour-old account posting a site with a long and storied reddit submission history of a whopping six days and has been around for a long and venerable one-and-a-half months.](https://whois.domaintools.com/thegoldwater.com) I wonder which dumb son of a bitch that got banned yesterday/earlier today the OP is. EDIT: And he uses Slimgur too, always a sign that you can safely ignore the worthless fucker.', '>>{hjjslu} : Another funny side note: Hillary supported Goldwater in 1964. And Trump supported Hillary in 2008. Weird election.', ">>{Circumin} : I feel embarassed for how stupid Trump fans are. In the mix of their supreme ignorance and their raging anger, they seem to think that everything Hillary says that they are ignorant of is classified and therefore evidence of her treason. It's incredible really.", ">>{clone822} : Dixie Chicks: sorry about Bush Republicans: treason!!! Donald Trump: Putin is a far better leader than Obama. (Lavish praise ensues) Republicans: he's not polished"]]
classify and reply
['>>{itshotinjuly} : I always find it humorous that we get an influx of pro-trump submissions when the workday begins in Moscow...', '>>{FreezieKO} : Article literally quotes the following: "We have always had to work, to move this country forward to achieve the ideas of our founding fathers." Yep. A true revolutionary.', ">>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : Hey Dimitri, how's the weather in Macedonia today?", ">>{NoCoSign12} : But I'm located in Chicago.. lol. What is with peoples obsession and Moscow? Russia has never been talked about this much in American history. If anything, I think it is a boring topic.", ">>{MisterInfalllible} : Vicious mischaracterization by article and OP - Lynch reminds us that folk struggled for civil rights, 'we marched, we bled, even some us died' (e.g. MLK jr.)", '>>{JamesDelgado} : I think ole Joe McCarthy might disagree with you there.', '>>{idiosyncrassy} : Then you and the author of the article you linked literally know jack shit about American history.', '>>{GobRronkowski} : That is an incredibly misleading article that clearly draws subjective conclusions by taking her direct quote out of context in a completely illogical way.', ">>{SLDM206} : 7h old account in the negatives. So much of this going on this weekend. Tell me this isn't a coordinated effort. Edit: his only 2 posts and comments are about this subject.", '>>{basilarchia} : Reddit has a real problem going on that it is amazingly easy to make unlimited accounts to cabal, astroturf, sockpuppet, etc.', '>>{upstateman} : So do you not understand English enough to understand what she said? Are you ignorant of the history she talks about? Or do you just not care that you are lying? Anyway, Lynch reminds people that they had to fight for their rights. And that civil rights pioneers were attacked, were bloodied, were killed in that fight. She does not want the blood, she says we have to fight even if we are attacked and bloodied.', '>>{upstateman} : Does your ignorance extend to the Civil Rights Movement as well?', '>>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : And the poster suddenly disappears - just like a fart in the wind.', ">>{Felinomancy} : Let's see... this blog post sources a YouTube video. And with sentences like: > *The uncertainty almost always seems to come from the democrats* ... yeah, I don't think this is a very credible article. And the supposed quotation from Lynch featured in the page is: > *I know this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people. I know it is a time of concern for people who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even rolled back* That.. doesn't sound very scary.", '>>{darwinsaves} : This is actually fake news. How much does orange astroturf cost per yard these days?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{itshotinjuly} : I always find it humorous that we get an influx of pro-trump submissions when the workday begins in Moscow...', '>>{FreezieKO} : Article literally quotes the following: "We have always had to work, to move this country forward to achieve the ideas of our founding fathers." Yep. A true revolutionary.', ">>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : Hey Dimitri, how's the weather in Macedonia today?", ">>{NoCoSign12} : But I'm located in Chicago.. lol. What is with peoples obsession and Moscow? Russia has never been talked about this much in American history. If anything, I think it is a boring topic.", ">>{MisterInfalllible} : Vicious mischaracterization by article and OP - Lynch reminds us that folk struggled for civil rights, 'we marched, we bled, even some us died' (e.g. MLK jr.)", '>>{JamesDelgado} : I think ole Joe McCarthy might disagree with you there.', '>>{idiosyncrassy} : Then you and the author of the article you linked literally know jack shit about American history.', '>>{GobRronkowski} : That is an incredibly misleading article that clearly draws subjective conclusions by taking her direct quote out of context in a completely illogical way.', ">>{SLDM206} : 7h old account in the negatives. So much of this going on this weekend. Tell me this isn't a coordinated effort. Edit: his only 2 posts and comments are about this subject.", '>>{basilarchia} : Reddit has a real problem going on that it is amazingly easy to make unlimited accounts to cabal, astroturf, sockpuppet, etc.', '>>{upstateman} : So do you not understand English enough to understand what she said? Are you ignorant of the history she talks about? Or do you just not care that you are lying? Anyway, Lynch reminds people that they had to fight for their rights. And that civil rights pioneers were attacked, were bloodied, were killed in that fight. She does not want the blood, she says we have to fight even if we are attacked and bloodied.', '>>{upstateman} : Does your ignorance extend to the Civil Rights Movement as well?', '>>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : And the poster suddenly disappears - just like a fart in the wind.', ">>{Felinomancy} : Let's see... this blog post sources a YouTube video. And with sentences like: > *The uncertainty almost always seems to come from the democrats* ... yeah, I don't think this is a very credible article. And the supposed quotation from Lynch featured in the page is: > *I know this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people. I know it is a time of concern for people who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even rolled back* That.. doesn't sound very scary.", '>>{darwinsaves} : This is actually fake news. How much does orange astroturf cost per yard these days?']]
classify and reply
['>>{dy0nisus} : Americans favor cutting defense spending, not adding billions more, new survey finds', '>>{dy0nisus} : > The new study is consistent with previous poll results, So, are they implying that this is a trend...', '>>{TheDaggestOfNabbits} : Cue for compensatory conservatives to start chest-thumping about "American strength".', ">>{helpmeredditimbored} : Trump adviser calls for electronic 'tagging' of U.S. Muslims on fed terror watch list", ">>{yam12} : China's President Xi gets an awkward front-row seat to U.S. military might", ">>{throwaway029384756} : If I had to guess I'd say it might have something to do with them blowing people up or mass shootings here and abroad. Just my guess though.", ">>{joepo32} : They're the only form of terrorism killing people? Or trying to kill people?", ">>{luvtobanme} : And people who don't want to have their throats slit in fornt of their children, who will then be raped and beheaded.", ">>{Philip_Haldiman} : I don't want to cut defense spending. I just want to SAVE on defense spending. Why can't these money grubbing politicians understand this?", ">>{0ne_Word} : Yep. Were not in the cold war anymore. We don't have to outspend anyone. It no longer makes sense.", ">>{ME24601} : But we can't ban them from buying guns, no. *That* would be way too far...", ">>{BlueSwoosh248} : China is loving the first row seat they've been given to this clusterfuck.", ">>{Goredrak} : That's your justification for forced tracking of citizens? You need to grow the fuck up.", ">>{the_moon_is_down} : why not cut? if you look at how much we spend next to other major nations, its a joke. we are way way overspending. we could cut the budget to military by billions and still have the largest well trained military in the world. we are just wasting money right now on things we don't need. unless trump is trying to set us up for WWIII", '>>{throwaway029384756} : I get you want to argue and cast your mighty downvote upon me but that is not what I said. Back at ya bro', '>>{GODGK} : This is only news to Congress. Not that they give a shit.', ">>{SasquatchAstronaut} : If you watch, and you're wearing headphones, your ears are going to bleed right around 1:05.", '>>{Big_Joosh} : Just imagine what that radar screen must have looked like when they saw 59 missiles coming straight for them.', ">>{Jkdsh} : They new the missiles were coming, there probably weren't even people on the base.", '>>{Big_Joosh} : People were killed. I believe the [report](http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-syria-airstrike-20170406-story.html) is 15 confirmed. So, yes... there were people there.', '>>{boldspud} : I think he probably means that the defense budget is spent inefficiently, lining the pockets of a large chain of middle-men. To that, I would say - porque no los dos? We still spend way too much.', '>>{Kissing_Toast} : Muslims on the terror watch list are more likely to blow people up than non-Muslims on the terror watch list?', '>>{TapedeckNinja} : And yet, they keep voting for people who want to increase defense spending.', '>>{DowntownsClown} : Xi: *at least he is not offering his mega-handshake*', ">>{Jkdsh} : On an airbase. There should've been hundreds or thousands of people there. 59 cruise missiles would've been substantially more lethal than 15 people on an airbase if it were fully-staffed.", ">>{letsgoantiquing} : Because the people they vote for also promise other things that are attractive to them, specifically issues like abortion and gun control. They sell off these issues as a single bundle, so if you, say, want a representative who will work towards repealing Roe v Wade, you'll also receive a representative who wants to increase military spending in the same package. If you're against the latter but for the former, you'll hold your nose and vote for the issue you care about. Lots of conservatives I know do this every single election. There's isn't a person who represents *all* of their views, so they prioritize a handful of issues that they *really* care about and make a decision based on that. It's the same reason why liberals are forced to vote for Dems who'll increase military spending and do other heinous shit: they're the only ones making promises about the *other* issues we care about. I mean...it's not as if I *wanted* to vote for Hillary Clinton, but I knew she was going to try to deliver at least a *fraction* of what I want, while delivering a whole shitload of what I *didn't* want. Trump, on the other hand, promised to deliver *nothing* I wanted, while also promising to deliver a whole bunch of shit I REALLLY didn't want, so yeah. it's all compromise.", ">>{Big_Joosh} : Ok so? I never said they weren't warned. I was just disproving the point that you made saying that there probably wasn't anyone on the base.", ">>{i-am-sancho} : Didn't Trump run on a policy of disengagement and isolationism? If that's the case, then why do we need to spend more on defense?", '>>{luvtobanme} : An SJW telling people to grow up, lol. You consider someone on the terror watchlist a citizen? FUCK!', ">>{DBHT14} : If that's the plan why just put them on a list and move on, as opposed to handcuffs and a date with a judge?", ">>{joepo32} : I asked why are they the only people on the watchlist that should be tracked. You responded by giving an answer that still applys to all types of Terrorism and didnt address the question. Ill ask again. Why are they the **only** ones that should be tracked. Why single out one form of terrorism and exclude the others? Ps I didn't downvote you.", ">>{DBHT14} : I mean if we are going to have a secretive terror list, what's the point then of having another list inside it. If your sketchy enough to be on the list, you are sketch enough to be on the list and are now right or wrong a terror suspect.", ">>{Jkdsh} : So, it wasn't no one killed, just exponentially fewer than there should've been.", '>>{m207ks5} : He probably is commenting on the tremendous waste present in the current Pentagon spending and acquisition processes.', ">>{throwaway029384756} : If I had to guess I'd say it might have something to do with them blowing people up or mass shootings here and abroad. Just my guess though. P.s I'm not down voting you either.", '>>{out_o_focus} : It never matters what we actually want. Surveys have been done for years comparing distinct policy positions and people usually prefer stuff that actually saves money, helps others, etc. Not sure what happens when these people actually go to the polling booth and vote to fuck over their neighbors though.', '>>{RecoveringMilkaholic} : I\'m pretty sure Trump was trying to impress Xi with Mar-a-lago being his personal home...but I\'m guessing the "Winter White House" looks like an outhouse compared to Chinese Palace standards (both public and private). Ell oh Ell Donnie.', ">>{sanitysepilogue} : Whether or not they're on the list doesn't change their citizenship. In fact, many innocent people have been put on there wrongly. The classifications to be on the list have notoriously been hidden from public eye, so how can you reasonably justify anyone being on the list?", '>>{Robvicsd} : How about you tag them with a crescent moon and star they have to wear on their arm every day? If they get out of line you put them in a special "day park" which in no way should be referred to as an internment camp.', '>>{joepo32} : Why only single out the Muslim ones? Do you believe they are the only terrorists doing terrorist things?', ">>{arefx} : We already have the largest military by an enormous amount. Throwing more money into it seems like a complete waste to me, but I'm just an every day civilian, so me or my opinion don't matter, or so it seems.", ">>{Drone30389} : Three score Tomahawks launched, airbase in operation a few hours later. I'm sure Xi learned a thing or two.", ">>{3030303} : Hold my beer. (I know Trump reportedly doesn't drink.)", '>>{Big_Joosh} : What does that have anything to do with my original comment?', '>>{NorbertDupner} : It was sarcasm suggesting the beginning of the mark of the Beast. I guess you missed the subtlety.', ">>{luvtobanme} : You're going to get a lot of people killed with that attitude. Sadly, I bet you don't know anything at all about Islam. Jihadists, Fundamentalists and Islamists comprise of over 400 million Muslims. These are 400 million people who want you dead. Why? Because you are a Kafir (non-muslim) and Kafirs are the lowest form of life, a total affront to Allah. Good luck with your ridiculous 'oh 99.9% of Muslims are wonderful' fake narrative. How do you consider 400 million out of 1.6 billion to = 0.1%??? Wake the hell up.", ">>{nophantomlimbs} : he almost has it right... i support bagging them... then tagging them... SJW's would rather be killed by Islam than accused of Islamophobia, we should deport them to Syria while we are at it.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : What other group is blowing up and mass-murdering people here and abroad?', ">>{SpoofWagon} : Since Americans don't even bother to check what their Senator/Congressman stands for. It's why I find the polling stupid. I mean we have Trump supporters flabbergasted by the fact they're going to lose their healthcare, because apparently this is a major departure from the campaign.", '>>{Saoi_} : If 597 billion USD (2015) isn\'t enough for America defence, then there is a serious problem in the Pentagon/military. And if that\'s not "big government" then I don\'t know what is.', ">>{dy0nisus} : I'd say it probably has more to do with the fact that the vast majority of house and senate members, regardless of party, are wholly owed subsidiaries of defense contractors.", '>>{BiffySkipwell} : When was the last time "what Americans favor" really affected policy votes and implementation?', '>>{notoriousrdc} : In fairness, Trump *did* campaign on repealing the ACA and replacing it with "insurance for everybody." It might have been stupid to believe him, but the bill currently in the House is a direct contradiction of one of Trump\'s campaign promises. Not that Trump will admit it.', ">>{joepo32} : Well if you're going to purpose tagging people on the watchlist you shouldn't be selecting people solely on their religion. Either tag them all or tag none.", ">>{Goredrak} : Cute nick name I can do it too trumpet, but yea you need to grow and not let fear ruin your life or how you think it should run others. How're you gonna feel when your on the outside for doing research into a new American threat and your out on said list?", '>>{oh-propagandhi} : Bullshit, I vote against those assholes every time, but I live in a shit state where enough people don\'t get off their lazy asses and vote. "Oh, but it\'s a red state, it doesn\'t matter"...fuck everyone who says this.', ">>{muthaeffinbcumbs} : Fun fact: the Muslim who slit the priest's throat in France was electronically tagged. It was so easy for the police to find him after he committed the crime!", '>>{joepo32} : Christian terrorist, Eco-terrorist, terrorists in general are killing innocent people around the world. Do you really believe Muslum terrorist are the only ones who use violence and destruction? Ps I am down voting you now because you clearly couldnt refrain yourself.', ">>{electricmink} : Even the Pentagon favors cutting the defense budget in favor of funding education (as that's where the bigger national security issue lies at the moment, lack of qualified people).", ">>{sanitysepilogue} : Give me sources for every single star you just listed. Carpet blaming a religion is irresponsible, especially being as more Christian attacks in America have happened since 9/11in comparison to Muslim attacks. Not to mention you aren't even talkin the denominations of Islam, who all have similar but different interpretations of the Quran", '>>{Rev2Land} : You mean something like a modern version of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identification_in_Nazi_camps', ">>{IdiditonReddit} : Maybe we could get another 'American Sniper' type of movie to drum up some support.", '>>{luvtobanme} : pew research, also watch a video on youtube called "Islam by the numbers" narrated by a female Muslim activist. It\'s easy though, ask any Muslim if you are a Kafir. In Islam you are either a Muslim or a Kafir. There can be no argument here, it is accepted by ALL Muslims than non-muslims are Kafirs. Now research what Islam thinks about Kafirs. Kafirs are to be eradicated according to the Quran and ask a Muslim what they are if they ignore the Quran, I\'ll tell you, they are an apostate which is as bad as a Kafir, that is why the penalty for apostasy in muslim countries is death. Now, back to the Kafir thing, you will cite some rubbish about Mohammed said treat Kafirs with respect, but that comes before newer statements to kill all Kafirs. The newer statements in Islam are what must be followed, the most recent word of Mohammed MUST be followed OR you are an apostate. What I am trying to say in a nutshell is that your perception of "radical Islam" is not radical Islam, it IS Islam. No one will argue the language of Kafirs to be exterminated which comes after previous discussion of Kafirs. It\'s called abrogation. Muslims are not supposed to have anything to do with Kafirs due to the law of abrogation Kafirs are to be exterminated -unless a Kafir pledges to follow Islam, then they are spared as Mohammed is merciful. You really need to educate yourself on Islam before blindly following it.', ">>{throwaway029384756} : Christian terrorist? Christian terrorists are blowing up people, beheading, stabbing, burning alive, mass shooting people? Really? There's a problem with Christian terrorists? Eco-terrorist? Give me 5 examples of Eco-terrorist mass killing people? Actually just give me 2. >terrorists in general are killing innocent people around the world. Yes and those terrorist are radical MUSLIM extremists not Eco-terrorists and not Christians. I can't believe I have to even point this out to you. >Do you really believe Muslim terrorist are the only ones who use violence and destruction? Presently? Yes. >Ps I am down voting you now because you clearly couldnt refrain yourself. Now I'm sad. You're so mean!", '>>{sanitysepilogue} : No, give me actual sources and statistics. Not some YouTube bullshit or your personal biases', '>>{RECOGNI7E} : Wow have americans finally come to their senses? The bloated military is killing your country.', ">>{throwaway029384756} : Fun fact he removed the tag because the courts felt it was cruel so they said he didn't have to wear it between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00. He attacked the Priest at 9:00.", '>>{borgiedude} : It makes sense for Republicans to always increase military spending from a metagame point of view. Increased [R] military spending still satisfies a lot of the voter base, and it forces the Democrats to lower spending by large percentages when they take office, giving the Republicans a chance to hype up fear about security. The back and forth works for them.', ">>{homerdudeman} : The dirty secret to American politics is that we're *not* as divided and partisan as elections make us seem. The further away from elections we get, polling and surveys tend to reveal fairly consistent popular support for many things across party lines. It's just that, for whatever bizarre tribal reasons, when we close in on elections we congeal into completely nonsensical lunatics. But to the greater point, it doesn't matter what US citizens think anymore. We elected proto-fascists who do not work for us.", ">>{luvtobanme} : Islam by the numbers uses the sources and cites every single source, it discusses the statistics of Jihadis, fundamentalists and islamists. This data comes from pew research which is highly respected: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/22/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/ and I challenge you to watch this clip and respond directly to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSPvnFDDQHk You are so twisted in your own personal bias and narrative that you can't even consider this data, not one bit. That is wildly frightening to me, to experience someone so utterly in denial and close minded.", '>>{sanitysepilogue} : I could say the same about you. The fact that you think all Islam is out to get you, and refuse to believe anything else while supporting fringe bullshit that supports is is fairly frightening', ">>{mtwestbr} : Because red states in the Deep South desperately need the base spending to keep their economies afloat. They just don't want to admit that government spending is at the root of what growth their economies have. That's the paradox of the GOP", '>>{joepo32} : [Christian terrorism](http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/10-worst-terror-attacks-extreme-christians-and-far-right-white-men) Also take a look at Africa for an example. Just Google Lords resistance Army. Killing people and violence is associated with all forms of terrorism. Not just Muslim terrorism.', ">>{notoriousrdc} : Stop pointing out when someone is spreading misinformation just because I probably agree with them politically? No. There's enough of that shit coming from the Right, and while there are doubtless areas where we will have to stoop to their level before all this is said and done, this is one place I'm not willing to compromise. Accuse Trump supporters of the shit they've actually done. There's plenty of it.", ">>{VROF} : It doesn't matter what Trump campaigned on, because every Republican running for office promised to repeal it and get rid of the Medicaid expansion. And Trump supporters voted R all the way down the ballot.", ">>{VROF} : These Republican voters go to bed every night will real problems running through their head: expensive insurance, high deductibles, unemployment, underemployment, low wages, no social security COLA, unaffordable college, etc. etc. With all of these problems they show up on election day and vote against the party that is promising to help them who has shown they have a plan to do it. Instead they voted for the party that promised to increase defense spending, cut Medicare, cut Social Security, repeal the ACA, etc. It is a strange thing to reduce your vote to stop abortions for people you don't know and to be able to buy more of the guns you probably already have.", '>>{luvtobanme} : Pew Research is fringe bullshit? You are truly clueless. Did you even read what I said? Do it, ask any Muslim if you are a Kafir. It\'s that fucking simple dude. They have to say "Yes" because in Islam you are Muslim or Kafir. Then ask what is Islams view of Kafirs. Jesus fucking christ it really is that simple and you can\'t even grasp it! wow astonishing!', '>>{throwaway029384756} : Dude, read the freakin title of the story! There is violence in places all around the world. That violence is not being imported into the U.S.', ">>{thagoodlife} : Legit saw a poll on MSN today with 68% saying they approved of increasing the defense budget. There's a poll out there supporting any argument you want to make.", '>>{notoriousrdc} : I would hold them accountable for believing it. I would not claim they voted for someone who campaigned on the opposite. I literally said they were stupid to believe it in my original comment.', ">>{notoriousrdc} : And we should absolutely hold them accountable for that, and for the awful shit Trump did campaign on. But don't say it's what *Trump* campaigned on, because it's not true.", '>>{joepo32} : Christian terrorism is the leading cause for terrorist attacks in the US. Why do you think it is acceptable to tag terrorist based on their religion? Why not just purpose to tag all terrorist on the list? Why single out Muslims and only Muslims?', ">>{eks91} : Didn't France do that and yet the church attack still commenced", '>>{throwaway029384756} : >Molins (French Prosecutor) told reporters that 19-year-old Adel >Kermiche was wearing an electronic surveillance bracelet when he and another attacker slit the throat of a priest in the town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray Tuesday. Molins said **the bracelet was deactivated for a few hours every morning**, corresponding with the time of the attack. The bracelet deactivates between 8 and 12:00. The attack occurred at 9:00. So, to answer your question.......No.', ">>{knuckboy} : Not just the Pentagon. In the days following the election, I sought the silver lining, and could see a President Trump who earnestly questions many mechanisms in Gov, and works to cut fat wisely and build efficiencies. Because believe me it's there for the taking, and an outsider (or someone who doesn't care about a second term) would be the perfect person to do this. But instead of surgery, Trump is dragging the carcass of Agencies and Programs and throwing it off a highway overpass, onto the unwitting public below.", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : I'm envisioning Sarah Palin shooting tracking darts at Muslims from a helicopter now.", '>>{Dirt_Dog_} : > regardless of party, Yet one party has voted to decrease military spending and one has voted to increase it.', ">>{ZFrog} : Who cares what the people want. Republican politicians sure don't.", ">>{dy0nisus} : Threatening to trim the edges off an already insane budget, and the most transparently inauthentic bargaining tool at that, doesn't mean the democrats aren't bought and paid for by the military-industrial complex almost equally as well.", '>>{esfoster} : I have a theory we can sell this to Trump on his own stupidity. He was upset Germany wasn\'t paying their fair share to NATO, right? And because he avoids paying taxes that "makes him smart," right? So... if we\'re spending—what was it—3.3% of GDP on defense when we only need to spend 2% to satisfy NATO... Then we should cut defense spending by 1.3% of GDP. Would make us smart.', '>>{Bklny} : Your vote counts more than mine in a blue state keep up the good work', '>>{muffinbears} : we should cut dod by 3/4... fund doe nasa epa fcc any one overlooking wallstreet and banks... fuck the military', ">>{chillinthetrees} : It doesn't matter what Americans favour, this country ceased being a democracy and devolved into under the table, fascist, corporate control a long time ago.", ">>{RECOGNI7E} : >But to the greater point, it doesn't matter what US citizens think anymore. We elected proto-fascists who do not work for us. I thought Trump was supposed to change all that? Drain the swamp?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{yam12} : China's President Xi gets an awkward front-row seat to U.S. military might", ">>{BlueSwoosh248} : China is loving the first row seat they've been given to this clusterfuck.", ">>{SasquatchAstronaut} : If you watch, and you're wearing headphones, your ears are going to bleed right around 1:05.", '>>{Big_Joosh} : Just imagine what that radar screen must have looked like when they saw 59 missiles coming straight for them.', ">>{Jkdsh} : They new the missiles were coming, there probably weren't even people on the base.", '>>{Big_Joosh} : People were killed. I believe the [report](http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-syria-airstrike-20170406-story.html) is 15 confirmed. So, yes... there were people there.', '>>{DowntownsClown} : Xi: *at least he is not offering his mega-handshake*', ">>{Jkdsh} : On an airbase. There should've been hundreds or thousands of people there. 59 cruise missiles would've been substantially more lethal than 15 people on an airbase if it were fully-staffed.", ">>{Big_Joosh} : Ok so? I never said they weren't warned. I was just disproving the point that you made saying that there probably wasn't anyone on the base.", ">>{Jkdsh} : So, it wasn't no one killed, just exponentially fewer than there should've been.", '>>{RecoveringMilkaholic} : I\'m pretty sure Trump was trying to impress Xi with Mar-a-lago being his personal home...but I\'m guessing the "Winter White House" looks like an outhouse compared to Chinese Palace standards (both public and private). Ell oh Ell Donnie.', ">>{Drone30389} : Three score Tomahawks launched, airbase in operation a few hours later. I'm sure Xi learned a thing or two.", ">>{3030303} : Hold my beer. (I know Trump reportedly doesn't drink.)", '>>{Big_Joosh} : What does that have anything to do with my original comment?'], [">>{helpmeredditimbored} : Trump adviser calls for electronic 'tagging' of U.S. Muslims on fed terror watch list", ">>{throwaway029384756} : If I had to guess I'd say it might have something to do with them blowing people up or mass shootings here and abroad. Just my guess though.", ">>{joepo32} : They're the only form of terrorism killing people? Or trying to kill people?", ">>{luvtobanme} : And people who don't want to have their throats slit in fornt of their children, who will then be raped and beheaded.", ">>{ME24601} : But we can't ban them from buying guns, no. *That* would be way too far...", ">>{Goredrak} : That's your justification for forced tracking of citizens? You need to grow the fuck up.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : I get you want to argue and cast your mighty downvote upon me but that is not what I said. Back at ya bro', '>>{Kissing_Toast} : Muslims on the terror watch list are more likely to blow people up than non-Muslims on the terror watch list?', '>>{luvtobanme} : An SJW telling people to grow up, lol. You consider someone on the terror watchlist a citizen? FUCK!', ">>{DBHT14} : If that's the plan why just put them on a list and move on, as opposed to handcuffs and a date with a judge?", ">>{joepo32} : I asked why are they the only people on the watchlist that should be tracked. You responded by giving an answer that still applys to all types of Terrorism and didnt address the question. Ill ask again. Why are they the **only** ones that should be tracked. Why single out one form of terrorism and exclude the others? Ps I didn't downvote you.", ">>{DBHT14} : I mean if we are going to have a secretive terror list, what's the point then of having another list inside it. If your sketchy enough to be on the list, you are sketch enough to be on the list and are now right or wrong a terror suspect.", ">>{throwaway029384756} : If I had to guess I'd say it might have something to do with them blowing people up or mass shootings here and abroad. Just my guess though. P.s I'm not down voting you either.", ">>{sanitysepilogue} : Whether or not they're on the list doesn't change their citizenship. In fact, many innocent people have been put on there wrongly. The classifications to be on the list have notoriously been hidden from public eye, so how can you reasonably justify anyone being on the list?", '>>{Robvicsd} : How about you tag them with a crescent moon and star they have to wear on their arm every day? If they get out of line you put them in a special "day park" which in no way should be referred to as an internment camp.', '>>{joepo32} : Why only single out the Muslim ones? Do you believe they are the only terrorists doing terrorist things?', '>>{NorbertDupner} : It was sarcasm suggesting the beginning of the mark of the Beast. I guess you missed the subtlety.', ">>{luvtobanme} : You're going to get a lot of people killed with that attitude. Sadly, I bet you don't know anything at all about Islam. Jihadists, Fundamentalists and Islamists comprise of over 400 million Muslims. These are 400 million people who want you dead. Why? Because you are a Kafir (non-muslim) and Kafirs are the lowest form of life, a total affront to Allah. Good luck with your ridiculous 'oh 99.9% of Muslims are wonderful' fake narrative. How do you consider 400 million out of 1.6 billion to = 0.1%??? Wake the hell up.", ">>{nophantomlimbs} : he almost has it right... i support bagging them... then tagging them... SJW's would rather be killed by Islam than accused of Islamophobia, we should deport them to Syria while we are at it.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : What other group is blowing up and mass-murdering people here and abroad?', ">>{joepo32} : Well if you're going to purpose tagging people on the watchlist you shouldn't be selecting people solely on their religion. Either tag them all or tag none.", ">>{Goredrak} : Cute nick name I can do it too trumpet, but yea you need to grow and not let fear ruin your life or how you think it should run others. How're you gonna feel when your on the outside for doing research into a new American threat and your out on said list?", ">>{muthaeffinbcumbs} : Fun fact: the Muslim who slit the priest's throat in France was electronically tagged. It was so easy for the police to find him after he committed the crime!", '>>{joepo32} : Christian terrorist, Eco-terrorist, terrorists in general are killing innocent people around the world. Do you really believe Muslum terrorist are the only ones who use violence and destruction? Ps I am down voting you now because you clearly couldnt refrain yourself.', ">>{sanitysepilogue} : Give me sources for every single star you just listed. Carpet blaming a religion is irresponsible, especially being as more Christian attacks in America have happened since 9/11in comparison to Muslim attacks. Not to mention you aren't even talkin the denominations of Islam, who all have similar but different interpretations of the Quran", '>>{Rev2Land} : You mean something like a modern version of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identification_in_Nazi_camps', '>>{luvtobanme} : pew research, also watch a video on youtube called "Islam by the numbers" narrated by a female Muslim activist. It\'s easy though, ask any Muslim if you are a Kafir. In Islam you are either a Muslim or a Kafir. There can be no argument here, it is accepted by ALL Muslims than non-muslims are Kafirs. Now research what Islam thinks about Kafirs. Kafirs are to be eradicated according to the Quran and ask a Muslim what they are if they ignore the Quran, I\'ll tell you, they are an apostate which is as bad as a Kafir, that is why the penalty for apostasy in muslim countries is death. Now, back to the Kafir thing, you will cite some rubbish about Mohammed said treat Kafirs with respect, but that comes before newer statements to kill all Kafirs. The newer statements in Islam are what must be followed, the most recent word of Mohammed MUST be followed OR you are an apostate. What I am trying to say in a nutshell is that your perception of "radical Islam" is not radical Islam, it IS Islam. No one will argue the language of Kafirs to be exterminated which comes after previous discussion of Kafirs. It\'s called abrogation. Muslims are not supposed to have anything to do with Kafirs due to the law of abrogation Kafirs are to be exterminated -unless a Kafir pledges to follow Islam, then they are spared as Mohammed is merciful. You really need to educate yourself on Islam before blindly following it.', ">>{throwaway029384756} : Christian terrorist? Christian terrorists are blowing up people, beheading, stabbing, burning alive, mass shooting people? Really? There's a problem with Christian terrorists? Eco-terrorist? Give me 5 examples of Eco-terrorist mass killing people? Actually just give me 2. >terrorists in general are killing innocent people around the world. Yes and those terrorist are radical MUSLIM extremists not Eco-terrorists and not Christians. I can't believe I have to even point this out to you. >Do you really believe Muslim terrorist are the only ones who use violence and destruction? Presently? Yes. >Ps I am down voting you now because you clearly couldnt refrain yourself. Now I'm sad. You're so mean!", '>>{sanitysepilogue} : No, give me actual sources and statistics. Not some YouTube bullshit or your personal biases', ">>{throwaway029384756} : Fun fact he removed the tag because the courts felt it was cruel so they said he didn't have to wear it between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00. He attacked the Priest at 9:00.", ">>{luvtobanme} : Islam by the numbers uses the sources and cites every single source, it discusses the statistics of Jihadis, fundamentalists and islamists. This data comes from pew research which is highly respected: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/22/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/ and I challenge you to watch this clip and respond directly to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSPvnFDDQHk You are so twisted in your own personal bias and narrative that you can't even consider this data, not one bit. That is wildly frightening to me, to experience someone so utterly in denial and close minded.", '>>{sanitysepilogue} : I could say the same about you. The fact that you think all Islam is out to get you, and refuse to believe anything else while supporting fringe bullshit that supports is is fairly frightening', '>>{joepo32} : [Christian terrorism](http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/10-worst-terror-attacks-extreme-christians-and-far-right-white-men) Also take a look at Africa for an example. Just Google Lords resistance Army. Killing people and violence is associated with all forms of terrorism. Not just Muslim terrorism.', '>>{luvtobanme} : Pew Research is fringe bullshit? You are truly clueless. Did you even read what I said? Do it, ask any Muslim if you are a Kafir. It\'s that fucking simple dude. They have to say "Yes" because in Islam you are Muslim or Kafir. Then ask what is Islams view of Kafirs. Jesus fucking christ it really is that simple and you can\'t even grasp it! wow astonishing!', '>>{throwaway029384756} : Dude, read the freakin title of the story! There is violence in places all around the world. That violence is not being imported into the U.S.', '>>{joepo32} : Christian terrorism is the leading cause for terrorist attacks in the US. Why do you think it is acceptable to tag terrorist based on their religion? Why not just purpose to tag all terrorist on the list? Why single out Muslims and only Muslims?', ">>{eks91} : Didn't France do that and yet the church attack still commenced", '>>{throwaway029384756} : >Molins (French Prosecutor) told reporters that 19-year-old Adel >Kermiche was wearing an electronic surveillance bracelet when he and another attacker slit the throat of a priest in the town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray Tuesday. Molins said **the bracelet was deactivated for a few hours every morning**, corresponding with the time of the attack. The bracelet deactivates between 8 and 12:00. The attack occurred at 9:00. So, to answer your question.......No.', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : I'm envisioning Sarah Palin shooting tracking darts at Muslims from a helicopter now."], ['>>{dy0nisus} : Americans favor cutting defense spending, not adding billions more, new survey finds', '>>{dy0nisus} : > The new study is consistent with previous poll results, So, are they implying that this is a trend...', '>>{TheDaggestOfNabbits} : Cue for compensatory conservatives to start chest-thumping about "American strength".', ">>{Philip_Haldiman} : I don't want to cut defense spending. I just want to SAVE on defense spending. Why can't these money grubbing politicians understand this?", ">>{0ne_Word} : Yep. Were not in the cold war anymore. We don't have to outspend anyone. It no longer makes sense.", ">>{the_moon_is_down} : why not cut? if you look at how much we spend next to other major nations, its a joke. we are way way overspending. we could cut the budget to military by billions and still have the largest well trained military in the world. we are just wasting money right now on things we don't need. unless trump is trying to set us up for WWIII", '>>{GODGK} : This is only news to Congress. Not that they give a shit.', '>>{boldspud} : I think he probably means that the defense budget is spent inefficiently, lining the pockets of a large chain of middle-men. To that, I would say - porque no los dos? We still spend way too much.', '>>{TapedeckNinja} : And yet, they keep voting for people who want to increase defense spending.', ">>{letsgoantiquing} : Because the people they vote for also promise other things that are attractive to them, specifically issues like abortion and gun control. They sell off these issues as a single bundle, so if you, say, want a representative who will work towards repealing Roe v Wade, you'll also receive a representative who wants to increase military spending in the same package. If you're against the latter but for the former, you'll hold your nose and vote for the issue you care about. Lots of conservatives I know do this every single election. There's isn't a person who represents *all* of their views, so they prioritize a handful of issues that they *really* care about and make a decision based on that. It's the same reason why liberals are forced to vote for Dems who'll increase military spending and do other heinous shit: they're the only ones making promises about the *other* issues we care about. I mean...it's not as if I *wanted* to vote for Hillary Clinton, but I knew she was going to try to deliver at least a *fraction* of what I want, while delivering a whole shitload of what I *didn't* want. Trump, on the other hand, promised to deliver *nothing* I wanted, while also promising to deliver a whole bunch of shit I REALLLY didn't want, so yeah. it's all compromise.", ">>{i-am-sancho} : Didn't Trump run on a policy of disengagement and isolationism? If that's the case, then why do we need to spend more on defense?", '>>{m207ks5} : He probably is commenting on the tremendous waste present in the current Pentagon spending and acquisition processes.', '>>{out_o_focus} : It never matters what we actually want. Surveys have been done for years comparing distinct policy positions and people usually prefer stuff that actually saves money, helps others, etc. Not sure what happens when these people actually go to the polling booth and vote to fuck over their neighbors though.', ">>{arefx} : We already have the largest military by an enormous amount. Throwing more money into it seems like a complete waste to me, but I'm just an every day civilian, so me or my opinion don't matter, or so it seems.", ">>{SpoofWagon} : Since Americans don't even bother to check what their Senator/Congressman stands for. It's why I find the polling stupid. I mean we have Trump supporters flabbergasted by the fact they're going to lose their healthcare, because apparently this is a major departure from the campaign.", '>>{Saoi_} : If 597 billion USD (2015) isn\'t enough for America defence, then there is a serious problem in the Pentagon/military. And if that\'s not "big government" then I don\'t know what is.', ">>{dy0nisus} : I'd say it probably has more to do with the fact that the vast majority of house and senate members, regardless of party, are wholly owed subsidiaries of defense contractors.", '>>{BiffySkipwell} : When was the last time "what Americans favor" really affected policy votes and implementation?', '>>{notoriousrdc} : In fairness, Trump *did* campaign on repealing the ACA and replacing it with "insurance for everybody." It might have been stupid to believe him, but the bill currently in the House is a direct contradiction of one of Trump\'s campaign promises. Not that Trump will admit it.', '>>{oh-propagandhi} : Bullshit, I vote against those assholes every time, but I live in a shit state where enough people don\'t get off their lazy asses and vote. "Oh, but it\'s a red state, it doesn\'t matter"...fuck everyone who says this.', ">>{electricmink} : Even the Pentagon favors cutting the defense budget in favor of funding education (as that's where the bigger national security issue lies at the moment, lack of qualified people).", ">>{IdiditonReddit} : Maybe we could get another 'American Sniper' type of movie to drum up some support.", '>>{RECOGNI7E} : Wow have americans finally come to their senses? The bloated military is killing your country.', '>>{borgiedude} : It makes sense for Republicans to always increase military spending from a metagame point of view. Increased [R] military spending still satisfies a lot of the voter base, and it forces the Democrats to lower spending by large percentages when they take office, giving the Republicans a chance to hype up fear about security. The back and forth works for them.', ">>{homerdudeman} : The dirty secret to American politics is that we're *not* as divided and partisan as elections make us seem. The further away from elections we get, polling and surveys tend to reveal fairly consistent popular support for many things across party lines. It's just that, for whatever bizarre tribal reasons, when we close in on elections we congeal into completely nonsensical lunatics. But to the greater point, it doesn't matter what US citizens think anymore. We elected proto-fascists who do not work for us.", ">>{mtwestbr} : Because red states in the Deep South desperately need the base spending to keep their economies afloat. They just don't want to admit that government spending is at the root of what growth their economies have. That's the paradox of the GOP", ">>{notoriousrdc} : Stop pointing out when someone is spreading misinformation just because I probably agree with them politically? No. There's enough of that shit coming from the Right, and while there are doubtless areas where we will have to stoop to their level before all this is said and done, this is one place I'm not willing to compromise. Accuse Trump supporters of the shit they've actually done. There's plenty of it.", ">>{VROF} : It doesn't matter what Trump campaigned on, because every Republican running for office promised to repeal it and get rid of the Medicaid expansion. And Trump supporters voted R all the way down the ballot.", ">>{VROF} : These Republican voters go to bed every night will real problems running through their head: expensive insurance, high deductibles, unemployment, underemployment, low wages, no social security COLA, unaffordable college, etc. etc. With all of these problems they show up on election day and vote against the party that is promising to help them who has shown they have a plan to do it. Instead they voted for the party that promised to increase defense spending, cut Medicare, cut Social Security, repeal the ACA, etc. It is a strange thing to reduce your vote to stop abortions for people you don't know and to be able to buy more of the guns you probably already have.", ">>{thagoodlife} : Legit saw a poll on MSN today with 68% saying they approved of increasing the defense budget. There's a poll out there supporting any argument you want to make.", '>>{notoriousrdc} : I would hold them accountable for believing it. I would not claim they voted for someone who campaigned on the opposite. I literally said they were stupid to believe it in my original comment.', ">>{notoriousrdc} : And we should absolutely hold them accountable for that, and for the awful shit Trump did campaign on. But don't say it's what *Trump* campaigned on, because it's not true.", ">>{knuckboy} : Not just the Pentagon. In the days following the election, I sought the silver lining, and could see a President Trump who earnestly questions many mechanisms in Gov, and works to cut fat wisely and build efficiencies. Because believe me it's there for the taking, and an outsider (or someone who doesn't care about a second term) would be the perfect person to do this. But instead of surgery, Trump is dragging the carcass of Agencies and Programs and throwing it off a highway overpass, onto the unwitting public below.", '>>{Dirt_Dog_} : > regardless of party, Yet one party has voted to decrease military spending and one has voted to increase it.', ">>{ZFrog} : Who cares what the people want. Republican politicians sure don't.", ">>{dy0nisus} : Threatening to trim the edges off an already insane budget, and the most transparently inauthentic bargaining tool at that, doesn't mean the democrats aren't bought and paid for by the military-industrial complex almost equally as well.", '>>{esfoster} : I have a theory we can sell this to Trump on his own stupidity. He was upset Germany wasn\'t paying their fair share to NATO, right? And because he avoids paying taxes that "makes him smart," right? So... if we\'re spending—what was it—3.3% of GDP on defense when we only need to spend 2% to satisfy NATO... Then we should cut defense spending by 1.3% of GDP. Would make us smart.', '>>{Bklny} : Your vote counts more than mine in a blue state keep up the good work', '>>{muffinbears} : we should cut dod by 3/4... fund doe nasa epa fcc any one overlooking wallstreet and banks... fuck the military', ">>{chillinthetrees} : It doesn't matter what Americans favour, this country ceased being a democracy and devolved into under the table, fascist, corporate control a long time ago.", ">>{RECOGNI7E} : >But to the greater point, it doesn't matter what US citizens think anymore. We elected proto-fascists who do not work for us. I thought Trump was supposed to change all that? Drain the swamp?"]]
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['>>{uzapy} : Donald Trump’s transition team is assembling like a super-lobbyist Voltron', ">>{ontopic} : I was sure the EPA chief was going to be that woman from Captain Planet with the facial scarring, but it turns out she's a cartoon, not a real person.", '>>{nfirm} : This is [shocking news!](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/08/15/there-are-65-former-lobbyists-currently-working-in-the-obama-administration/)', ">>{ILikeLenexa} : I'm a little surprised that that's the analogy we're making.", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Of course it is. Wait till you see his cabinet.', ">>{HTownian25} : Listen. Shut up. Listen. Liberals are worse. Don't ask questions. Don't contradict me when I say this. Trump is the President now, and that means you all have to bow down just like the conservatives did before Obama. Whatever he's doing will be fine, because he won and you lost. So just sit down and shut up, or we'll accuse you of hating America. It's 2001 all over again, baby!", ">>{cd411} : It's even worse! [He picked a climate change denier to head the EPA...](http://www.snopes.com/trump-taps-outspoken-climate-denier-to-oversee-epa-transition-team/)", ">>{wolfhound27} : so the conservatives bowed down by obstructing every agenda that he pushed for 8 years? by not allowing him to execute his constitutional mandate to nominate a supreme court justice? I'm hoping you missed a sarcasm tag there somewhere.", ">>{CyberNinjaZero} : Woosh > I'm hoping you missed a sarcasm tag there somewhere. I'm sure he did judging by >Whatever he's doing will be fine, because he won and you lost. So just sit down and shut up, or we'll accuse you of hating America. It's 2001 all over again, baby! so again I say WOOOOSH to you", '>>{Odos_Bucket} : Dr. Blight? I used to have a crush on her when I was a kid.', ">>{GaussianWavepacket} : Can a Trump supporter please respond? I'm not trying to be snide, I genuinely want to know how you feel about this.", '>>{0mni42} : I know that title was supposed to make me worried or something, but "super-lobbyist Voltron" is such a wonderfully silly phrase that I can\'t help but laugh. I\'m imagining this bunch of old dudes arguing and pointing at schematics, trying to figure out how to contort their bodies into what they\'d need to be to form Voltron, ultimately failing because they\'re too old to even bend over.', ">>{jbruni} : I'm not a trump supporter, but i'm trying to be optimistic about our future president-elect (while i feel the general public is remaining highly pessimistic) With that said, Trump made Pence in charge of selecting his cabinet and thats a big red flag (for me). I don't like Pence's views on many things (foreign affairs, climate change, and other social aspects) and he's putting together a team filled with corrupted politicians (Joe Arpaio for example) I just hope he doesn't fill the cabinet with a bunch of corruption/lobbyists.", ">>{Retrogameguy46} : I'm just imagining a giant made of men in suits bending and contorting to make the limbs."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{uzapy} : Donald Trump’s transition team is assembling like a super-lobbyist Voltron', ">>{ontopic} : I was sure the EPA chief was going to be that woman from Captain Planet with the facial scarring, but it turns out she's a cartoon, not a real person.", '>>{nfirm} : This is [shocking news!](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/08/15/there-are-65-former-lobbyists-currently-working-in-the-obama-administration/)', ">>{ILikeLenexa} : I'm a little surprised that that's the analogy we're making.", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Of course it is. Wait till you see his cabinet.', ">>{HTownian25} : Listen. Shut up. Listen. Liberals are worse. Don't ask questions. Don't contradict me when I say this. Trump is the President now, and that means you all have to bow down just like the conservatives did before Obama. Whatever he's doing will be fine, because he won and you lost. So just sit down and shut up, or we'll accuse you of hating America. It's 2001 all over again, baby!", ">>{cd411} : It's even worse! [He picked a climate change denier to head the EPA...](http://www.snopes.com/trump-taps-outspoken-climate-denier-to-oversee-epa-transition-team/)", ">>{wolfhound27} : so the conservatives bowed down by obstructing every agenda that he pushed for 8 years? by not allowing him to execute his constitutional mandate to nominate a supreme court justice? I'm hoping you missed a sarcasm tag there somewhere.", ">>{CyberNinjaZero} : Woosh > I'm hoping you missed a sarcasm tag there somewhere. I'm sure he did judging by >Whatever he's doing will be fine, because he won and you lost. So just sit down and shut up, or we'll accuse you of hating America. It's 2001 all over again, baby! so again I say WOOOOSH to you", '>>{Odos_Bucket} : Dr. Blight? I used to have a crush on her when I was a kid.', ">>{GaussianWavepacket} : Can a Trump supporter please respond? I'm not trying to be snide, I genuinely want to know how you feel about this.", '>>{0mni42} : I know that title was supposed to make me worried or something, but "super-lobbyist Voltron" is such a wonderfully silly phrase that I can\'t help but laugh. I\'m imagining this bunch of old dudes arguing and pointing at schematics, trying to figure out how to contort their bodies into what they\'d need to be to form Voltron, ultimately failing because they\'re too old to even bend over.', ">>{jbruni} : I'm not a trump supporter, but i'm trying to be optimistic about our future president-elect (while i feel the general public is remaining highly pessimistic) With that said, Trump made Pence in charge of selecting his cabinet and thats a big red flag (for me). I don't like Pence's views on many things (foreign affairs, climate change, and other social aspects) and he's putting together a team filled with corrupted politicians (Joe Arpaio for example) I just hope he doesn't fill the cabinet with a bunch of corruption/lobbyists.", ">>{Retrogameguy46} : I'm just imagining a giant made of men in suits bending and contorting to make the limbs."]]
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[">>{Allavaz} : Alright looks like y'all just wanna troll. I should have stayed in Android I guess...", ">>{SimianSteam} : If Android is full of fucking morons since I left then yes. Since it's probably not maybe you should go to Windows Phones. Douche.", ">>{Allavaz} : Maybe you guys should just answer the topic instead of acting like kiddos or if you dont want just dont comment anything. I picked the wrong time to post this or what? I just wanna know what client you guys use and why and you're trolling like this is a circlejerk sub...", ">>{SimianSteam} : Do your fucking research and stop expecting everyone else to do your work for you. Don't try to lay the blame on everyone else for your laziness, you fucking twat.", '>>{Allavaz} : I definitely picked the wrong time to post this. I\'ve seen questions exactly like this on /r/androidapps and no one was like this. I\'m sure when someone posts "Is the iphone se good?" Everyone answers politely and cool, even tho its a post that gets reposted every single day. But yeah im the lazy fucking twat who doesnt want to google to see what some guys want to say about their preferred reddit clients.', ">>{sampleabuser} : Why should anybody convince you? The question has such an air of superiority like we should be honoured to be able to have the chance for YOU to use our Reddit app. Maybe you should have either searched or just said 'hey, what's your favourite Reddit app'.", ">>{timakudo} : 'Hey what's your favourite Reddit app' would have yielded the responses you were looking for. I use the reddit a in house app. Does the job and had night mode.", '>>{tonybessette} : Hey OP...convince me to use the first party Reddit app.', ">>{vb0b0} : I use bacon reader and it's my fav out of the bunch. I just like the whole design, that's the main reason.", ">>{Allavaz} : If that's what you feel about my post then let me tell you that that wasn't my intention at all. I'm sorry if it looked like that. I thought it was more like a challenge, I don't know. I'm new to iOS and the last thing I would do is think I'm superior because I was an android user or whatever. I just wanted you guys to show me the best features about the apps you use for reddit, why do you use them, what does your app have that others don't, etc. Just that. Again, sorry for sounding arrogant. I didn't mean to be like that.", '>>{Allavaz} : The only good thing about it is the UI/UX, it looks pretty clean but the features... 😏']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Allavaz} : Alright looks like y'all just wanna troll. I should have stayed in Android I guess...", ">>{SimianSteam} : If Android is full of fucking morons since I left then yes. Since it's probably not maybe you should go to Windows Phones. Douche.", ">>{Allavaz} : Maybe you guys should just answer the topic instead of acting like kiddos or if you dont want just dont comment anything. I picked the wrong time to post this or what? I just wanna know what client you guys use and why and you're trolling like this is a circlejerk sub...", ">>{SimianSteam} : Do your fucking research and stop expecting everyone else to do your work for you. Don't try to lay the blame on everyone else for your laziness, you fucking twat.", '>>{Allavaz} : I definitely picked the wrong time to post this. I\'ve seen questions exactly like this on /r/androidapps and no one was like this. I\'m sure when someone posts "Is the iphone se good?" Everyone answers politely and cool, even tho its a post that gets reposted every single day. But yeah im the lazy fucking twat who doesnt want to google to see what some guys want to say about their preferred reddit clients.', ">>{sampleabuser} : Why should anybody convince you? The question has such an air of superiority like we should be honoured to be able to have the chance for YOU to use our Reddit app. Maybe you should have either searched or just said 'hey, what's your favourite Reddit app'.", ">>{timakudo} : 'Hey what's your favourite Reddit app' would have yielded the responses you were looking for. I use the reddit a in house app. Does the job and had night mode.", '>>{tonybessette} : Hey OP...convince me to use the first party Reddit app.', ">>{vb0b0} : I use bacon reader and it's my fav out of the bunch. I just like the whole design, that's the main reason.", ">>{Allavaz} : If that's what you feel about my post then let me tell you that that wasn't my intention at all. I'm sorry if it looked like that. I thought it was more like a challenge, I don't know. I'm new to iOS and the last thing I would do is think I'm superior because I was an android user or whatever. I just wanted you guys to show me the best features about the apps you use for reddit, why do you use them, what does your app have that others don't, etc. Just that. Again, sorry for sounding arrogant. I didn't mean to be like that.", '>>{Allavaz} : The only good thing about it is the UI/UX, it looks pretty clean but the features... 😏']]
classify and reply
[">>{sandeepdhayal} : Donald Trump says administration 'running like a 'fine-tuned machine'", '>>{mar_kelp} : Rudy Giuliani declares Trump’s speech ‘the best speech that any Republican, at the least, has ever given’', '>>{rex_trillerson} : Full Interview: Schiff on His Confidence in House Intel Committee', ">>{-14k-} : A man who must say his machine in running 'fine-tuned' has no machine at all - Tywin Bannister ^((Bannon owns the machine))", ">>{rex_trillerson} : >I can't go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now", '>>{ME24601} : Way to throw the entirety of the Republican Party under the bus, Rudy.', ">>{MessAffect} : Hey, at least those guys are entertaining while they're screwing up.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : [Rudy, we get it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IrE6FMpai8)', '>>{Trumpledthinskin} : I think he saw waterboarding equipment, he calls that machine pisschinko. His personal favorite.', ">>{Quinnjester} : He can't reveal the classified information. God he's such a lawyer.", ">>{dropspace} : It's been tuned to run loudly, to occasionally belch acrid smoke and to run on swamp gas.", '>>{PenguinTod} : He forgot they were the party of Lincoln, apparently.', '>>{Riganthor} : if the machine was made to cause chaos, then yes, yes its running extremely well', ">>{NipplesOfDestiny} : Dude, not even. At least that machine managed to get the ketchup on the hot dog. Trump can't even put the wiener in the bun.", '>>{Special_Tay} : President Fuckface von Clownstick has an engineering degree he never told us about.', '>>{Argounova_K} : Only until Gorsuch gets to throw a wrench into it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/02/01/neil-gorsuch-wrote-the-book-on-assisted-suicide-heres-what-he-said/?utm_term=.d4c855da9905', '>>{HabitRage} : Rudy has fucking lost it... What in the world did Trump promise him? "We\'ll get engaged as soon as I win, Giuli"', ">>{tundey_1} : Well I guess that's it then. Reagan is finally dead.", '>>{badfordabidness} : After the "Access Hollywood" tape, I played "The Reynolds Pamphlet" on repeat for longer than I care to admit. May no longer be *literally* accurate, but I might just have to do that again.', '>>{bakedquestbar} : I love the ever so slight Mona Lisa smile on his face right now.', ">>{nightmuzak} : I'd be surprised if he could find the wiener.", ">>{nightmuzak} : It's running like a wind-up toy that got stuck in a corner.", ">>{questor2k} : Giuliani is seriously inviting suggestions that he's opened all of his orifices to Trump for a seat at the table.", ">>{d_c_d_} : Careful Rudy, Trump's eyes are gonna cave in if you suck his ass any harder.", ">>{b0redengr} : You're watching one of the greatest scandals in American history play out before your eyes.", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : To show solidarity with the 9/11 rescue service people and their respiratory problems, he's been huffing glue for the past decade.", ">>{IAMAconcernedparent} : Glorious Leader Trump's speech caused all 20,000 women in the audience to ovulate simultaneously. Birds around the world have spontaneously begun singing in Trump's voice, hoping to echo the purity of his thought! Imperialist ISIS dog Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, upon hearing Trump's words, broke down weeping and tried to surrender, but was held back by the traitor Hillary.", '>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Upvoted because I want everyone to know he said this.', '>>{crucillon_tinto} : What a hack. Does more damage to his party by spouting this brand of blatant hyperbole. How do even listen to someone like this?', '>>{tau-lepton} : >... our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. >Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. >But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.', '>>{Huckleberry_Win} : He\'s so much better at his job than Devin "All I ever wanted to be was a dairy farmer, so I ran for office at age 28" Nunes', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. Nah Trump tho.', '>>{yellowmattercustard} : 87 years ago: "Ours is a land rich in resources; stimulating in its glorious beauty; filled with millions of happy homes;... I have no fears for the future of our country. It is bright with hope." Herbert Hoover (R), March 24, 1929', '>>{zachHu1} : Right makes might. No, Trump going on another psychotic, racist, xenophobic rant about shitting on the truth is the best. What do we know?', ">>{Writerhaha} : 'sometime when the team is up against it and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper.'", '>>{PostimusMaximus} : We are in for a crazy ride. Nunes can\'t be trusted. I don\'t believe he got his information from Comey/Rogers, likely someone else in the FBI/NSA. ["NUNES tells me he can\'t show Dem ranking member Schiff any of the reports because Nunes/the committee doesn\'t have them in their possession"](https://twitter.com/kasie/status/844648810123014145) This was something he was shown or told, not directly given through proper channels. Schiff states there is **direct evidence** of collusion. Nunes might have just sunk his own ship by doing this. Working on update now (will be out in the next couple of hours) but if you want to catch up on Trump-Russia I invite you to check out [My Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DnQWKe9koRkG31bO3vGJdLjqlI5fPi4I7MRjWFTz3Y0/edit)', ">>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : [My reaction when I heard that Schiff knows that there's more than circumstantial evidence] (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CE5aZj4VAAAnbi9.jpg)", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Guiliani sure loves Trump. Isheangling for a cabinet post or is it just a man-crush?', '>>{C3bBb3b} : I love how republicans keep trying to distract but democrats have been immediately responding with new breaking info', ">>{UncleMonkey9} : I did. It's not dementia, it's Dumbassa.", '>>{SilvarusLupus} : I always wondered how people felt when the watergate stuff happened, boy this is a whole new experience in my life.', '>>{CryloRen} : I feel like there some speeches by some guys names Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan that *could compete*, but who am I to say.', '>>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : The first time the Rubicon had been crossed. Before any talk of actual treason I felt was speculation and overblown. Trumps team could not be that stupid and evil. Well apparently they are. The head of the Senate intelligence committee says that there is direct evidence Trump colluded with the Russians. Trump will go down as the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold.', ">>{ok_heh} : Schiff is really helping to fill the void that Obama left, and that even though there is no longer an adult at the wheel, at least there's someone in the backseat speaking up. He even has a similar cadence and delivery to Obama. True patriot.", ">>{b0redengr} : Usually with scandals like this we see or hear about the end result. Now almost the entire nation is waiting with bated breathe to find out what the end result will be. We're all speculating, but in all honesty, nobody knows how this will shake out. People could start dying (they already have in Russia), they could turn themselves in for a plea deal, they could flea the country, or this could all be a wild goose chase (although that's unlikely given today's turn of events). Whatever the case is we're witnessing history in the making as the 45th President of the United States has been implicated in what would amount to treason.", '>>{MortWellian} : > "There is evidence that is not circumstantial" And Nunes is out showing party over country. No wonder he had to go make soundbites for fox n friends.', ">>{Proton_Driver} : Hmmm, here is the transcript from another republican speaking in Milwaukee: > Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose. But fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet - there is where the bullet went through - and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so that I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best. > > And now, friends, I shall have to cut short much of that speech that I meant to give you, but I want to touch on just two or three points. > > In the first place, we do not regard as essential the way in which a man worships his God or as being affected by where he was born. We regard it as a matter of spirit and purpose. Now, friends, in the same way I want our people to stand by one another without regard to differences or class or occupation. > > I ask you to look at our declaration and hear and read our platform about social and industrial justice. > > And now, friends, I want to take advantage of this incident to say a word of solemn warning to my fellow countrymen. First of all, I am telling you the literal truth when I say that my concern is for many other things. It is not in the least for my own life. I want you to understand that no man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier life in every way. I am in this cause with my whole heart and soul. > > What I care for is my country. -- Theodore Roosevelt in Milwaukee on October, 14, 1912.", '>>{Jay_Sharp} : It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. - Excerpt from the speech "Citizenship In A Republic" delivered by Theodore Roosevelt at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910', '>>{OJSamson} : considering this was followed by the great depression... not so sure it was a great speech', '>>{nived321} : Those two speeches were the two most substantive, I would say historic, speeches that any presidential candidate has made in a very long time,', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : ["The weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength. That table, though scarred by many past frustrations, cannot be abandoned for the certain agony of the battlefield."](http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst306/documents/indust.html)', ">>{ashstronge} : Yeah I think we have determined recently that Giuliani's judgement is neither accurate or reliable.", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : I would guess every Republican has given a better speech than Trump's low energy, teleprompter-fed, nothing-burger.", '>>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : Hey, he said it was "bright with hope," not "bright with money." /s', ">>{il_taco} : I don't think Lincoln would want anything to do with their kind.", ">>{Prax150} : Didn't he suffer from a head injury a few weeks ago?", '>>{johnfrance} : They are only the party of Lincoln whenever they are accused of being racists, other than that for them the civil war was a war of northern aggression.,', '>>{GoblinDiplomat} : I know words. I have the best words.', ">>{MortWellian} : It's been a [little bit over a year since the Russians](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2017/01/18/russias-radical-new-strategy-for-information-warfare/) said in a publicly recorded meeting. > Russia’s radical new strategy for information warfare > A senior Obama administration official described Krutskikh as a “senior-level adviser” to President Vladimir Putin and “a long-standing player in cyber issues” at the foreign ministry. The official said he couldn’t confirm the details of Krutskikh’s remarks, but that “they sound like something Andrey would say.” > According to notes of Krutskikh’s speech, he told his Russian audience: “You think we are living in 2016. No, we are living in 1948. And do you know why? Because in 1949, the Soviet Union had its first atomic bomb test. And if until that moment, the Soviet Union was trying to reach agreement with [President Harry] Truman to ban nuclear weapons, and the Americans were not taking us seriously, in 1949 everything changed and they started talking to us on an equal footing.” > Krutskikh continued, “I’m warning you: We are at the verge of having ‘something’ in the information arena, which will allow us to talk to the Americans as equals.” At least the major is finally concerned now.", ">>{ElmoTheNefarious} : Pretty sure he's a much bigger traitor than Arnold. He never did shit for the U.S. (Arnold was a legit hero) and then he compromised the Oval Office at the behest of an enemy government. I'm pretty sure the word Trump will become a slur along the lines of Quisling.", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : That was obviously the glue talking. Unless America's Brain Surgeon has been busy.", '>>{drsjsmith} : Better known from that speech: >In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the **military-industrial complex**. Some others: >[With malice toward none, with charity for all...](http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/lincoln2.asp) and: >[It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.](http://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Culture-and-Society/Man-in-the-Arena.aspx) and: >[I have not sought this enormous responsibility, but I will not shirk it.](http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/geraldfordpresidentialoath.html)', ">>{VicePresidentJesus} : > Birds around the world have spontaneously begun singing in Trump's voice That is my new nightmare.", '>>{drsjsmith} : Technically, Teddy Roosevelt was a Progressive when he gave that speech; William Howard Taft was the Republican candidate.', '>>{Meetchel} : When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.', ">>{SultanObama} : it's certainly not a handjob. Trump couldn't jerk off a pin with his tiny hands", '>>{SultanObama} : what the fuck did I just watch and how is it real', '>>{puckthecat} : >Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman\'s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."', '>>{SultanObama} : such high energy. I think he has the best words. All the best words. Really good. I like it. Obama bad. Trump good.', '>>{druuconian} : An odd thing for the President of 9/11 to say', '>>{druuconian} : But it would make the dick look *yuge*', '>>{zeptimius} : The Manic Warbler (*Donaldus Xenophobicus*, genus Nativistii), identifiable by its striking orange plumage, is known for [its distinctive, two-tone song](http://youtu.be/RDrfE9I8_hs), which may be heard every four years with increasing frequency and volume up until the beginning of November, when it abruptly stops.', '>>{GoldenCheeto} : I mean. Gettysburg Address... come on man. Fucksake.', '>>{jkd0027} : “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”', '>>{GoldenCheeto} : Oh. I see you have me covered already. Very well! +1', '>>{orrangearrow} : An hour prime-time slot on his new Trump News Newtwork?', ">>{druuconian} : So maybe it would just make the dick look *normal*? We can see why they're so compatible", ">>{SultanObama} : love knows no bounds. I'm hoping we at least get a RomCom out of this election.", ">>{faceintheblue} : Republicans have given some pretty good speeches in the history of the Grand Old Party. This is Rudy's favorite? Really? Will it still be Rudy's favorite in a year's time when he's not trying to get Trump elected?", '>>{J_Barish} : ["Slipped the surly bounds of Earth, to touch the face of God](http://www.nasa.gov/audience/formedia/speeches/reagan_challenger.html)', '>>{GoldenCheeto} : > The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, Ironic. Intensely ironic.', ">>{cuginhamer} : I'd hope you can append some commentary on the social structure of the species, including the subadult and juvenile members of the species that may not have the full crest and orange plumage, but nonetheless sing the song and congregate around the mature warbler when its nomadic migration brings it into the local area for a big sing.", '>>{johnramsey5} : Go take your meds and shut the fuck up, Rudy.', ">>{tootie} : > Stephen Douglas founded the British Empire. He founded it! He's the founder! Abe Lincoln", '>>{Im_in_timeout} : Rudy is a cock with glasses and bad teeth.', ">>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : Giuliani's crawled so far up Trump's ass that he's licking the back of Cheetoman's molars.", '>>{ivsciguy} : There are other speeches that were still great in hindsight, this one not so much.', '>>{Dionysos911} : He went full Giuliani. Never go full Giuliani.', '>>{ivsciguy} : Trump might be able to reenact this if he went to Milwaukee right now....', ">>{Heliocentrist} : a lot of people are saying that Trump has threatened to reveal Giuliani's NAMBLA membership", '>>{Maggie_A} : Much better than that one that started ["Four score and seven years ago"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettysburg_Address) /s', ">>{CranberrySchnapps} : [It's real.](http://reason.com/blog/2016/04/07/when-donald-trump-fondled-rudy-giulianis) I'm still not sure why.", '>>{JakeT-life-is-great} : The more Rudy talks the more I think he has early onset of dementia. I feel bad for the guy.', ">>{Marcovanbastardo} : Aw shit u beat me to the punch, although I was actually gonna say he had Alzheimer's, apples and oranges I suppose, he's still a fruit. Also, early onset, come on he's in his 70's.", ">>{MannToots} : Woah. So he's gone full shill now hasn't he?", ">>{Marcovanbastardo} : I really can't think he actually believes that. Of the many great orators that the Republican party have had over the years he has given the best speech ever? What better than Teddy Roosevelt's 'The Man with the Muck-rake' or Eisenhower's Farewell Address of '61 or do I even have to mention Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address' and a few others he made. Even Nixon with all his faults made better speeches. Senile old git.", '>>{Sanity_in_Moderation} : I wonder if we started repeating Kim Jong quotes and stories as Trumps, could his supporters tell the difference?', '>>{testmonkey254} : I did not have sexual relations with that woman was a better speech', ">>{Kaiosama} : We asked ourselves that for almost a decade. Interestingly enough, he was the first mayor to invite his mistress to live with him in Gracie Mansion (mayor's estate) here in NY. His wife and his kids infamously moved out at the time. He was a laughing stock before 9/11.", ">>{gonetosea} : I wouldn't mind if he just died but dementia leading slowly leading to death is so much better.", '>>{fishsticks40} : > What in the world did Trump promise him? "We\'ll get engaged as soon as I win, Giuli" More like "I won\'t crush your balls". Honestly those sound like the words of a man who has some serious leverage against him.', ">>{sickofthisshit} : > These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it.\xa0 None of that State's Rights bullshit...are we sure this guy is a Republican. /s", ">>{righty} : https://youtu.be/eEIqdcHbc8I This is so far from anything Trump has said that I'd swear he's running for president of a different country.", '>>{Zerowantuthri} : Most people are unaware that there is a lost speech that Lincoln gave. Apparently people there to report on it were so speelbound by the speech that no one bothered to write it down. Considering Lincoln\'s other speeches I\'d give a lot to hear that one. >After a series of speeches, there were cries for Abraham Lincoln to take the platform. At 5:30 P.M. he did so. >The people listened for about 90 minutes. William Herndon, Lincoln\'s law partner, "attempted for about fifteen minutes, as was usual with me then to take notes, but at the end of that time I threw pen and paper away and lived only in the inspiration of the hour." Lincoln spoke extemporaneously, and he clearly identified slavery as the root cause of the country\'s problems. One delegate said, "Never was an audience more completely electrified by human eloquence. Again and again, during the delivery, the audience sprang to their feet, and by long-continued cheers, expressed how deeply the speaker had roused them." [SOURCE](http://rogerjnorton.com/Lincoln63.html)', '>>{PenguinTod} : Tenacious D would, presumably, later sing about this speech in their hit song "Tribute."', '>>{BillTowne} : Giuliani is a laughing stock. It is pitiful what he has become.', ">>{Zerowantuthri} : Me as well. My favorite recitation of the speech is from [Ken Burn's Civil War documentary](https://youtu.be/qCXUbQ4JjXI?t=212)", '>>{smithrereen} : Or Reagan\'s "Tear Down This Wall?" Or H. W.\'s "Thousand Points of Light?" Or W.\'s address to Congress after 9/11?', '>>{IceLux} : He is right. It was a fantastic speech.', ">>{lbmouse} : You don't have to go back that far. Even Barry Goldwater must be spinning in his grave.", ">>{Marcovanbastardo} : Exactly, being serious for a minute I think he's saying anything that will make sure his man gets elected as he knows the halfwits will believe him but he should realise anyone with half a brain who have either heard or read those mentioned speeches will know he's full of shit."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{sandeepdhayal} : Donald Trump says administration 'running like a 'fine-tuned machine'", ">>{-14k-} : A man who must say his machine in running 'fine-tuned' has no machine at all - Tywin Bannister ^((Bannon owns the machine))", ">>{MessAffect} : Hey, at least those guys are entertaining while they're screwing up.", '>>{Trumpledthinskin} : I think he saw waterboarding equipment, he calls that machine pisschinko. His personal favorite.', ">>{dropspace} : It's been tuned to run loudly, to occasionally belch acrid smoke and to run on swamp gas.", '>>{Riganthor} : if the machine was made to cause chaos, then yes, yes its running extremely well', ">>{NipplesOfDestiny} : Dude, not even. At least that machine managed to get the ketchup on the hot dog. Trump can't even put the wiener in the bun.", '>>{Special_Tay} : President Fuckface von Clownstick has an engineering degree he never told us about.', '>>{Argounova_K} : Only until Gorsuch gets to throw a wrench into it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/02/01/neil-gorsuch-wrote-the-book-on-assisted-suicide-heres-what-he-said/?utm_term=.d4c855da9905', ">>{nightmuzak} : I'd be surprised if he could find the wiener.", ">>{nightmuzak} : It's running like a wind-up toy that got stuck in a corner."], ['>>{rex_trillerson} : Full Interview: Schiff on His Confidence in House Intel Committee', ">>{rex_trillerson} : >I can't go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now", ">>{Quinnjester} : He can't reveal the classified information. God he's such a lawyer.", '>>{badfordabidness} : After the "Access Hollywood" tape, I played "The Reynolds Pamphlet" on repeat for longer than I care to admit. May no longer be *literally* accurate, but I might just have to do that again.', '>>{bakedquestbar} : I love the ever so slight Mona Lisa smile on his face right now.', ">>{b0redengr} : You're watching one of the greatest scandals in American history play out before your eyes.", '>>{Huckleberry_Win} : He\'s so much better at his job than Devin "All I ever wanted to be was a dairy farmer, so I ran for office at age 28" Nunes', '>>{PostimusMaximus} : We are in for a crazy ride. Nunes can\'t be trusted. I don\'t believe he got his information from Comey/Rogers, likely someone else in the FBI/NSA. ["NUNES tells me he can\'t show Dem ranking member Schiff any of the reports because Nunes/the committee doesn\'t have them in their possession"](https://twitter.com/kasie/status/844648810123014145) This was something he was shown or told, not directly given through proper channels. Schiff states there is **direct evidence** of collusion. Nunes might have just sunk his own ship by doing this. Working on update now (will be out in the next couple of hours) but if you want to catch up on Trump-Russia I invite you to check out [My Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DnQWKe9koRkG31bO3vGJdLjqlI5fPi4I7MRjWFTz3Y0/edit)', ">>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : [My reaction when I heard that Schiff knows that there's more than circumstantial evidence] (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CE5aZj4VAAAnbi9.jpg)", '>>{C3bBb3b} : I love how republicans keep trying to distract but democrats have been immediately responding with new breaking info', '>>{SilvarusLupus} : I always wondered how people felt when the watergate stuff happened, boy this is a whole new experience in my life.', '>>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : The first time the Rubicon had been crossed. Before any talk of actual treason I felt was speculation and overblown. Trumps team could not be that stupid and evil. Well apparently they are. The head of the Senate intelligence committee says that there is direct evidence Trump colluded with the Russians. Trump will go down as the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold.', ">>{ok_heh} : Schiff is really helping to fill the void that Obama left, and that even though there is no longer an adult at the wheel, at least there's someone in the backseat speaking up. He even has a similar cadence and delivery to Obama. True patriot.", ">>{b0redengr} : Usually with scandals like this we see or hear about the end result. Now almost the entire nation is waiting with bated breathe to find out what the end result will be. We're all speculating, but in all honesty, nobody knows how this will shake out. People could start dying (they already have in Russia), they could turn themselves in for a plea deal, they could flea the country, or this could all be a wild goose chase (although that's unlikely given today's turn of events). Whatever the case is we're witnessing history in the making as the 45th President of the United States has been implicated in what would amount to treason.", '>>{MortWellian} : > "There is evidence that is not circumstantial" And Nunes is out showing party over country. No wonder he had to go make soundbites for fox n friends.', ">>{MortWellian} : It's been a [little bit over a year since the Russians](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2017/01/18/russias-radical-new-strategy-for-information-warfare/) said in a publicly recorded meeting. > Russia’s radical new strategy for information warfare > A senior Obama administration official described Krutskikh as a “senior-level adviser” to President Vladimir Putin and “a long-standing player in cyber issues” at the foreign ministry. The official said he couldn’t confirm the details of Krutskikh’s remarks, but that “they sound like something Andrey would say.” > According to notes of Krutskikh’s speech, he told his Russian audience: “You think we are living in 2016. No, we are living in 1948. And do you know why? Because in 1949, the Soviet Union had its first atomic bomb test. And if until that moment, the Soviet Union was trying to reach agreement with [President Harry] Truman to ban nuclear weapons, and the Americans were not taking us seriously, in 1949 everything changed and they started talking to us on an equal footing.” > Krutskikh continued, “I’m warning you: We are at the verge of having ‘something’ in the information arena, which will allow us to talk to the Americans as equals.” At least the major is finally concerned now.", ">>{ElmoTheNefarious} : Pretty sure he's a much bigger traitor than Arnold. He never did shit for the U.S. (Arnold was a legit hero) and then he compromised the Oval Office at the behest of an enemy government. I'm pretty sure the word Trump will become a slur along the lines of Quisling."], ['>>{mar_kelp} : Rudy Giuliani declares Trump’s speech ‘the best speech that any Republican, at the least, has ever given’', '>>{ME24601} : Way to throw the entirety of the Republican Party under the bus, Rudy.', '>>{Triggered_Trump} : [Rudy, we get it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IrE6FMpai8)', '>>{PenguinTod} : He forgot they were the party of Lincoln, apparently.', '>>{HabitRage} : Rudy has fucking lost it... What in the world did Trump promise him? "We\'ll get engaged as soon as I win, Giuli"', ">>{tundey_1} : Well I guess that's it then. Reagan is finally dead.", ">>{questor2k} : Giuliani is seriously inviting suggestions that he's opened all of his orifices to Trump for a seat at the table.", ">>{d_c_d_} : Careful Rudy, Trump's eyes are gonna cave in if you suck his ass any harder.", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : To show solidarity with the 9/11 rescue service people and their respiratory problems, he's been huffing glue for the past decade.", ">>{IAMAconcernedparent} : Glorious Leader Trump's speech caused all 20,000 women in the audience to ovulate simultaneously. Birds around the world have spontaneously begun singing in Trump's voice, hoping to echo the purity of his thought! Imperialist ISIS dog Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, upon hearing Trump's words, broke down weeping and tried to surrender, but was held back by the traitor Hillary.", '>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : Upvoted because I want everyone to know he said this.', '>>{crucillon_tinto} : What a hack. Does more damage to his party by spouting this brand of blatant hyperbole. How do even listen to someone like this?', '>>{tau-lepton} : >... our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. >Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. >But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. Nah Trump tho.', '>>{yellowmattercustard} : 87 years ago: "Ours is a land rich in resources; stimulating in its glorious beauty; filled with millions of happy homes;... I have no fears for the future of our country. It is bright with hope." Herbert Hoover (R), March 24, 1929', '>>{zachHu1} : Right makes might. No, Trump going on another psychotic, racist, xenophobic rant about shitting on the truth is the best. What do we know?', ">>{Writerhaha} : 'sometime when the team is up against it and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper.'", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Guiliani sure loves Trump. Isheangling for a cabinet post or is it just a man-crush?', ">>{UncleMonkey9} : I did. It's not dementia, it's Dumbassa.", '>>{CryloRen} : I feel like there some speeches by some guys names Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan that *could compete*, but who am I to say.', ">>{Proton_Driver} : Hmmm, here is the transcript from another republican speaking in Milwaukee: > Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose. But fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet - there is where the bullet went through - and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so that I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best. > > And now, friends, I shall have to cut short much of that speech that I meant to give you, but I want to touch on just two or three points. > > In the first place, we do not regard as essential the way in which a man worships his God or as being affected by where he was born. We regard it as a matter of spirit and purpose. Now, friends, in the same way I want our people to stand by one another without regard to differences or class or occupation. > > I ask you to look at our declaration and hear and read our platform about social and industrial justice. > > And now, friends, I want to take advantage of this incident to say a word of solemn warning to my fellow countrymen. First of all, I am telling you the literal truth when I say that my concern is for many other things. It is not in the least for my own life. I want you to understand that no man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier life in every way. I am in this cause with my whole heart and soul. > > What I care for is my country. -- Theodore Roosevelt in Milwaukee on October, 14, 1912.", '>>{Jay_Sharp} : It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. - Excerpt from the speech "Citizenship In A Republic" delivered by Theodore Roosevelt at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910', '>>{OJSamson} : considering this was followed by the great depression... not so sure it was a great speech', '>>{nived321} : Those two speeches were the two most substantive, I would say historic, speeches that any presidential candidate has made in a very long time,', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : ["The weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength. That table, though scarred by many past frustrations, cannot be abandoned for the certain agony of the battlefield."](http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst306/documents/indust.html)', ">>{ashstronge} : Yeah I think we have determined recently that Giuliani's judgement is neither accurate or reliable.", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : I would guess every Republican has given a better speech than Trump's low energy, teleprompter-fed, nothing-burger.", '>>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : Hey, he said it was "bright with hope," not "bright with money." /s', ">>{il_taco} : I don't think Lincoln would want anything to do with their kind.", ">>{Prax150} : Didn't he suffer from a head injury a few weeks ago?", '>>{johnfrance} : They are only the party of Lincoln whenever they are accused of being racists, other than that for them the civil war was a war of northern aggression.,', '>>{GoblinDiplomat} : I know words. I have the best words.', ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : That was obviously the glue talking. Unless America's Brain Surgeon has been busy.", '>>{drsjsmith} : Better known from that speech: >In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the **military-industrial complex**. Some others: >[With malice toward none, with charity for all...](http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/lincoln2.asp) and: >[It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.](http://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Culture-and-Society/Man-in-the-Arena.aspx) and: >[I have not sought this enormous responsibility, but I will not shirk it.](http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/geraldfordpresidentialoath.html)', ">>{VicePresidentJesus} : > Birds around the world have spontaneously begun singing in Trump's voice That is my new nightmare.", '>>{drsjsmith} : Technically, Teddy Roosevelt was a Progressive when he gave that speech; William Howard Taft was the Republican candidate.', '>>{Meetchel} : When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.', ">>{SultanObama} : it's certainly not a handjob. Trump couldn't jerk off a pin with his tiny hands", '>>{SultanObama} : what the fuck did I just watch and how is it real', '>>{puckthecat} : >Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman\'s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."', '>>{SultanObama} : such high energy. I think he has the best words. All the best words. Really good. I like it. Obama bad. Trump good.', '>>{druuconian} : An odd thing for the President of 9/11 to say', '>>{druuconian} : But it would make the dick look *yuge*', '>>{zeptimius} : The Manic Warbler (*Donaldus Xenophobicus*, genus Nativistii), identifiable by its striking orange plumage, is known for [its distinctive, two-tone song](http://youtu.be/RDrfE9I8_hs), which may be heard every four years with increasing frequency and volume up until the beginning of November, when it abruptly stops.', '>>{GoldenCheeto} : I mean. Gettysburg Address... come on man. Fucksake.', '>>{jkd0027} : “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”', '>>{GoldenCheeto} : Oh. I see you have me covered already. Very well! +1', '>>{orrangearrow} : An hour prime-time slot on his new Trump News Newtwork?', ">>{druuconian} : So maybe it would just make the dick look *normal*? We can see why they're so compatible", ">>{SultanObama} : love knows no bounds. I'm hoping we at least get a RomCom out of this election.", ">>{faceintheblue} : Republicans have given some pretty good speeches in the history of the Grand Old Party. This is Rudy's favorite? Really? Will it still be Rudy's favorite in a year's time when he's not trying to get Trump elected?", '>>{J_Barish} : ["Slipped the surly bounds of Earth, to touch the face of God](http://www.nasa.gov/audience/formedia/speeches/reagan_challenger.html)', '>>{GoldenCheeto} : > The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, Ironic. Intensely ironic.', ">>{cuginhamer} : I'd hope you can append some commentary on the social structure of the species, including the subadult and juvenile members of the species that may not have the full crest and orange plumage, but nonetheless sing the song and congregate around the mature warbler when its nomadic migration brings it into the local area for a big sing.", '>>{johnramsey5} : Go take your meds and shut the fuck up, Rudy.', ">>{tootie} : > Stephen Douglas founded the British Empire. He founded it! He's the founder! Abe Lincoln", '>>{Im_in_timeout} : Rudy is a cock with glasses and bad teeth.', ">>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : Giuliani's crawled so far up Trump's ass that he's licking the back of Cheetoman's molars.", '>>{ivsciguy} : There are other speeches that were still great in hindsight, this one not so much.', '>>{Dionysos911} : He went full Giuliani. Never go full Giuliani.', '>>{ivsciguy} : Trump might be able to reenact this if he went to Milwaukee right now....', ">>{Heliocentrist} : a lot of people are saying that Trump has threatened to reveal Giuliani's NAMBLA membership", '>>{Maggie_A} : Much better than that one that started ["Four score and seven years ago"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettysburg_Address) /s', ">>{CranberrySchnapps} : [It's real.](http://reason.com/blog/2016/04/07/when-donald-trump-fondled-rudy-giulianis) I'm still not sure why.", '>>{JakeT-life-is-great} : The more Rudy talks the more I think he has early onset of dementia. I feel bad for the guy.', ">>{Marcovanbastardo} : Aw shit u beat me to the punch, although I was actually gonna say he had Alzheimer's, apples and oranges I suppose, he's still a fruit. Also, early onset, come on he's in his 70's.", ">>{MannToots} : Woah. So he's gone full shill now hasn't he?", ">>{Marcovanbastardo} : I really can't think he actually believes that. Of the many great orators that the Republican party have had over the years he has given the best speech ever? What better than Teddy Roosevelt's 'The Man with the Muck-rake' or Eisenhower's Farewell Address of '61 or do I even have to mention Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address' and a few others he made. Even Nixon with all his faults made better speeches. Senile old git.", '>>{Sanity_in_Moderation} : I wonder if we started repeating Kim Jong quotes and stories as Trumps, could his supporters tell the difference?', '>>{testmonkey254} : I did not have sexual relations with that woman was a better speech', ">>{Kaiosama} : We asked ourselves that for almost a decade. Interestingly enough, he was the first mayor to invite his mistress to live with him in Gracie Mansion (mayor's estate) here in NY. His wife and his kids infamously moved out at the time. He was a laughing stock before 9/11.", ">>{gonetosea} : I wouldn't mind if he just died but dementia leading slowly leading to death is so much better.", '>>{fishsticks40} : > What in the world did Trump promise him? "We\'ll get engaged as soon as I win, Giuli" More like "I won\'t crush your balls". Honestly those sound like the words of a man who has some serious leverage against him.', ">>{sickofthisshit} : > These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it.\xa0 None of that State's Rights bullshit...are we sure this guy is a Republican. /s", ">>{righty} : https://youtu.be/eEIqdcHbc8I This is so far from anything Trump has said that I'd swear he's running for president of a different country.", '>>{Zerowantuthri} : Most people are unaware that there is a lost speech that Lincoln gave. Apparently people there to report on it were so speelbound by the speech that no one bothered to write it down. Considering Lincoln\'s other speeches I\'d give a lot to hear that one. >After a series of speeches, there were cries for Abraham Lincoln to take the platform. At 5:30 P.M. he did so. >The people listened for about 90 minutes. William Herndon, Lincoln\'s law partner, "attempted for about fifteen minutes, as was usual with me then to take notes, but at the end of that time I threw pen and paper away and lived only in the inspiration of the hour." Lincoln spoke extemporaneously, and he clearly identified slavery as the root cause of the country\'s problems. One delegate said, "Never was an audience more completely electrified by human eloquence. Again and again, during the delivery, the audience sprang to their feet, and by long-continued cheers, expressed how deeply the speaker had roused them." [SOURCE](http://rogerjnorton.com/Lincoln63.html)', '>>{PenguinTod} : Tenacious D would, presumably, later sing about this speech in their hit song "Tribute."', '>>{BillTowne} : Giuliani is a laughing stock. It is pitiful what he has become.', ">>{Zerowantuthri} : Me as well. My favorite recitation of the speech is from [Ken Burn's Civil War documentary](https://youtu.be/qCXUbQ4JjXI?t=212)", '>>{smithrereen} : Or Reagan\'s "Tear Down This Wall?" Or H. W.\'s "Thousand Points of Light?" Or W.\'s address to Congress after 9/11?', '>>{IceLux} : He is right. It was a fantastic speech.', ">>{lbmouse} : You don't have to go back that far. Even Barry Goldwater must be spinning in his grave.", ">>{Marcovanbastardo} : Exactly, being serious for a minute I think he's saying anything that will make sure his man gets elected as he knows the halfwits will believe him but he should realise anyone with half a brain who have either heard or read those mentioned speeches will know he's full of shit."]]
classify and reply
['>>{T0M1N4T0RZ} : Protests break out on convention floor after anti-Trump effort fails', ">>{Shieldzilla} : I can't even with this election anymore. I'm all out of even to can. The absurdity is astounding.", '>>{Bouleen} : Anyone else despise phone cases with the hole in the back?', ">>{iBurnedTheChurch} : I guess I technically do, although 'despise' is somewhat strong word for a totally useless piece of plastic that I don't have to buy. But since I don't switch my phone annually I couldn't care less about its condition as long as it works, so I have never bothered with a case of any sort.", '>>{ozric101} : LOL.. They got shut down.. they did not have enough States join in for a roll call vote. Just typical politics here.. Sorry to disappoint the blood thirsty mobs.', ">>{TinyBaron} : Incredulous laughter at Trump's garbled words on the Middle East", '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : Reporters on the ground said they did. Needed 9 and they had 11', '>>{mindlessrabble} : Nothing the devil hates worse than being laughed at.', '>>{here2red} : They still shut them down though. This #NeverTrump is #NeverGonnaHappen', ">>{black_flag_4ever} : If you watched the live stream it was really not a big deal, but let's see how it gets spun into a monster.", '>>{ducksonetime} : I’m with you, it’s stupid and it’s a wank. Unfortunately a lot of people spent money on an iphone just for that logo and want it to be seen.', ">>{letsgometros} : Samesies. I don't care for based that expose the apple icon. I like a more incognito look. Also why I prefer iPhone in black.", '>>{_EvilD_} : Get a wallet phone if you are a guy. It will change your life.', ">>{andra180202} : Shit, i hate that text being 'hon'. Why don't they cover the whole iPhone text?", '>>{FatLadySingin} : If it walks like [pepe](http://67.media.tumblr.com/d40bd69220fdd47870fd4ee339dc4f78/tumblr_inline_nvs1ipywmW1ta3e6z_1280.jpg) and quacks like [pepe](http://www.alternet.org/files/ciovm-aweaaqoxb.jpg-large.jpeg) then it must be [pepe](http://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/pepetrump.png) - or so [they](http://time.com/4510849/pepe-the-frog-adl-hate-symbol/) say', '>>{theduke282} : Ah voting on a aye/nay voice vote with thousands of people. What could possibly be more democratic?', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Classic Donald. Just repeat some of the words you've just been hearing in an order that seems to make people happy. Not that he understands one bit of it. And on this issue, he shouldn't even be allowed an opinion due to the sheer ignorance on his part, let alone a voice at ANY kind of negotiation table. Most of the Presidents of the past ~50 years have taken the time to at *least* inform themselves on this very, very important issue.", ">>{bceltics933} : except if you lose your phone you're now double fucked, same goes for the wallet", '>>{_EvilD_} : Meh, not a problem really. If I\'m entering or leaving somewhere I will usually have a need for either my phone or my wallet (usually have a podcast running if im running errands/gym, need my access card in my wallet for getting into work, etc) so I wont be forgetting it anywhere. Plus its now "Find My iPhone/Wallet" from my iPad! Edit- Odd that this is getting downvoted...', '>>{svengalus} : Totally. This kind of difference of opinion would never be tolerated at a Hillary controlled convention.', ">>{littlebluekid} : I only hate them because when you take them off there's a dirt ring grrrr", '>>{RIC_FLAIR-WOOO} : Non-story if you watched it live. Got shut down pretty quickly and then some high energy speakers got up and moved the show along.', '>>{_EvilD_} : [Have this exact one on my desk right now](http://www.sears.com/fossil-men-s-phone-cases-phone-wallet-6/p-SPM14812712924?sid=IDx20110310x00001i&gclid=Cj0KEQiAhZPDBRCz642XqYOCpb8BEiQANUcwT1jGyopNcIy2JkWaHKLUkf-YKLBhtcS2aWhaBZcqbksaAvbE8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds) Got it from a fossil outlet for $25 though.', '>>{biscuitime} : He agreed with the last vaguely intelligent-seeming person he spoke with.', '>>{_-_-C} : How do you carry it? Does it fit in your pocket?', ">>{Silver_Skeeter} : Did you remember what happened in 2012 to Ron Paul's delegates? It's nothing new. https://youtu.be/1I3cI6D3a6Y", ">>{itsnickk} : As a Clinton supporter, I hope these go up. Possibly the most cringeworthty political ad I've seen in a long time.", '>>{IphtashuFitz} : This is supposed to *convince* undecided voters to vote for Trump?', '>>{Another-Chance} : So they think racism and such is going to help them??? ROFL', '>>{IsometricRobot} : [2012 at the DNC was pretty good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8BwqzzqcDs)', '>>{_EvilD_} : Yup, front pocket. Its more than halved the size of my combined wallet/phone+case combo.', ">>{GoodAndLost} : It's like a 5th grader giving a book report in class for a book he clearly did not read.", ">>{schad89} : No, any possible damage from that hole being there is negligible at best. What I despise is people that use some sort of military grade dual layered massive case that makes their phone into a brick 4 times thicker than it's supposed to be.", '>>{_EvilD_} : A lot less than before, its kinda forced me to keep it trim. [Where the coupons are I can keep like 10 bills without it getting too fat](http://i.imgur.com/373tTZ5.jpg) [Big McIntosh for scale](http://i.imgur.com/CatvT8t.jpg)', '>>{beer_down} : When I saw "battleground state" I figured maybe Arizona or New Mexico. It\'s fucking Pennsylvania Isn\'t even close to the fucking border. Unless we\'re supposed to be worried about Canada now.', '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : Wow. This is so correct. Too bad that person could be Bannon or Fox News.', '>>{SomeStupidJerk} : Is this supposed to be a *pro* Trump billboard? Because any normal person looking at it would think, "Yeah, Trump sure is a dangerous idiot." I mean, who is this billboard trying to convince? People who know who/what "Pepe" is? Why? They\'re all voting for Trump already. Normal people (IE 98 percent of the people who vote) don\'t have any connection to that meme, and just see a representation of Trump as a slimy animal. An unpleasant-to-look-at cartoon pointing guns at the voter isn\'t the way to get votes. Jesus. I swear, these people fail at literally everything.', ">>{dlismygod} : That is pretty smart. If you are someone that's really careful with their belongings, then I don't see why this type of cases shouldn't be recommended. :)", '>>{CarmineFields} : >So I’m looking at two states and one state. And I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one. I thought for a while that two states looked like it may be the easier of the two. To be honest, if Bibi and the Palestinians, if Israel and the Palestinians are happy – I’m happy with the one they like the best.”', '>>{adamsak} : THESE PEOPLE are the worst— People who buy brands instead of products. So vain.', ">>{southwestern_swamp} : Unless it's a battery, then it's ok right?", '>>{SJUNLIN} : Shieldon Leather Cases, or you can take a look Sena cases too.', '>>{njmaverick} : I am not sure.... who is paying for these? a pro-trump or anti-trump group?', '>>{ZeroBalance98} : Whats funny is that in the keynote, they edited out the iPhone text from the pictures', ">>{goody_heggety} : I'm still betting on the early stages of Alzheimers.", '>>{Cupinacup} : Yes, /pol/. Please put this billboard up. Of course it will convince people to vote Trump.', ">>{Shieldzilla} : I think it's 4-chan trolling everyone, TBH.", '>>{Wilileaks} : This is how the bernie or busts crowd looks. "we didn\'t get our way, let\'s throw a tantrum!".', '>>{IsometricRobot} : The media was all over it. Trying to get interviews on the floor right away. After review off stage the chair came back in and notified the states involved that 2 of the 7 states seeking the rule change had backed out. Thus defeating the motion before it even hit the floor.', ">>{SJUNLIN} : I'm actually one of those people. Any case that has an Apple logo cutout is an immediate skip for me. It's a major point of entry for dust particles and if you don't clean that spot regularly, they accumulate and leave a ring around it.", '>>{therealhood} : Find it ironic they want to vote against their pledge..... which would annul (sp) the votes of the people and cry when they are ....shouted down', ">>{rush42} : I don't like the slant of this article. It implies that Israel does not have the right to their own God given land. Also, trump and BiBi were brilliant in that press conference. It was truly inspiring to hear 2 world leaders with such positive attitudes for the future. I don't understand this writers criticism.", ">>{PM_ME_KIND_THOUGHTS} : Actually God gave ME that land. That's my land.", ">>{Amator} : Yep, I always hated that cutout when I had an Otterbox Defender. I'm rocking an Apple leather case now. No cutout, but it has a slight Apple logo embossed on the back that you can only see in the right light. I can deal with that.", ">>{Cenbe2} : Yeah I watched the video. I heard his words. I have no idea what he meant. Is he for a 2 state solution? He's just a fucking stupid mess and he speaks like a fucking funhouse hall of mirrors. So is he for a 2 state solution? One state? What? So goddamn frustrating. The POTUS is stupid. The fucking POTUS is actually truly really an uneducated idiot. Holy fuck.", '>>{Muppet1616} : Their own God given land? Last I checked it was given to them by the British and confirmed by the UN, are those institutions God? Tell me why were Jews a minority in Palestine between 300ad and 1945? Why were there only a handfull of Jews in Palestine (according to a british report from 1910) in 1880? Why didn\'t God come down and affirm it is "Jewish" land in modern history? Doesn\'t migrating away from your land for centuries kinda remove any claim you have?', '>>{balmergrl} : >"Snubbing Ron Paul\'s people today, and not counting their votes, was just magical, wonderful for us," said Gary Johnson\'s campaign advisor - www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a15556/roger-stone-interview-rnc-2012-12175013/', '>>{Imjusthigh} : Seriously, do these people not realize that rules are for little people?', '>>{remeard} : Is that Mac Tonight, famed early 90s McDonalds mascot, in the background? Goddamnit /pol/.', ">>{TheMagicMarkerMan} : You're right. A cartoon frog is not racist. Thank god we got that out in the open. It's also not a very good way to attract independent voters and it shows just how isolated Trump supporters have become to think that this is a good idea.", ">>{Vincere31} : You know what's worse than those cases? The people who buy them specifically to show off the Apple logo. Grow up", '>>{DailyNate} : Remember, this monstrosity also got passed along the designer desk at Apple. [Apple Charge Case](http://i.amz.mshcdn.com/45lkYjr8Z7R6T9byz4kK2ebrHfo=/fit-in/1200x9600/http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F12%2FApple-Charging-Case-9.jpg)', ">>{Keko90} : I thought they would never top Project Chanology. And here we are, with a Mongolian Shadow Art discussion board playing a major role in the election of probably the most powerful person in the world. I still have lots of can for this. This month will be so much fun. I really hope they'll discuss this in a debate, nothing could top that. Ever.", ">>{cincycusefan} : I'm surprised they didn't do a roll call vote just to prevent the chanting from becoming a story.", ">>{dschneider} : Considering the delegations from IA and CO have walked out of the convention because of it, per C-SPAN, it's fairly significant.", '>>{TinyBaron} : They completely ignored millions of people living there. As are you.', '>>{DailyNate} : This, I want to meet the dude that actually puts a otter box defender case through its paces. I am not ultra careful with my phone but there is no way I would ever need something like that.', '>>{raze464} : I feel the same. It bothers me too much; why would you buy a case but have that hole there? You want to show off that you have an iPhone, use it w/o a case.', '>>{dschneider} : You know that this is the Republican National Convention, right?', ">>{josourcing} : > Is he for a 2 state solution? He is for neither because he's too afraid and uninformed to have an opinion. That is why Netanyahu laughed at him. *In front of the world.*", '>>{tonysnap} : I find it interesting that the CTR shills rallying cry was "replace Trump" a few days back. They were really pushing for it on here and other forums, and they tried to make a big deal out of the lame attempt today. Makes me think they realize he won\'t be all the easy to beat.', '>>{Keko90} : >4-chan I think it might also be Read-it.', ">>{bbedward} : The guy I replied to said it was racist. I don't think it'll do anything for voters, somebody with a good amount of money just thinks it's funny probably", ">>{Funktapus} : He's saying that he just realized it's a complicated topic and he'd make a total Ass of himself by trying to deliver a recommendation. This is a resignation from having to think about the subject.", '>>{josourcing} : A better headline would have been "Netanyahu Laughs at Trump in Front of the Entire World" Cause that\'s what the hell he did.', ">>{Djugdish} : He's not for anything except his own popularity and wealth. He has no opinions on anything political. He'll say stuff about a topic, but he doesn't care either way. If spouting off about single payer, tuition-free college, and environmentalism would've got him as much attention from the Left as he got from the Right, he would've done that.", '>>{40inmyfordfiesta} : I had one of those for a while.. The screen protector is awful and ugly af. It makes the screen have this rainbow effect. And my phone ended up with scratches all around the earpiece from dirt getting in. If you want a case with that kind of protection, Lifeproof is probably better.', ">>{pootluck} : Downvoted because people don't get basic probability. Let's say probability of losing one of your belongings is A. And let's say you are screwed X amount for losing wallet and Y amount for losing phone. Your expected screwedness having seperate wallet and phone: A*X + A*Y Your expected screwedness having them together = A*(X+Y) They are equal :)", '>>{exploration_guy} : I love the argument of these GOPers. "Just let us vote...we live in a democracy...just let us have a vote." Cough...cough... Merrick Garland', ">>{kurrency} : I really like that design TBH its simple, no empty space. But I'm not sure what their made of and it looks like a silicone lint magnet.", '>>{Trumptron3000} : > votes of the people > Colorado About that...', ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : The 5th grader could at least check the Wikipedia article on the book, pull the main ideas, and bullshit their way through the report. Trump couldn't even do that since nothing he needs to know to do his job can be condensed into a single page with less than nine bullet points.", '>>{BoringSupreez} : Is this the final result of the much-vaunted NeverTrump movement? What a fizzle.', ">>{west2night} : I'm a Trump translator, so please allow me to try: **Trump**: So I’m looking at two states and one state. And I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one. I thought for a while that two states looked like it may be the easier of the two. To be honest, if Bibi and the Palestinians, if Israel and the Palestinians are happy – I’m happy with the one they like the best.” **Translation**: Basically, I don't give a fuck. They can do whatever they want as long as I don't get the blame when it doesn't go well.", '>>{rush42} : >Why didn\'t God come down and affirm it is "Jewish" land in modern history? He is doing that now. God has a way of waiting His own time on things. But it always happens according to His plans. Always. And no, being forced to migrate away does not change anything. Many times in Jewish history this happened. Yet a remnant of Hebrews always returned to the land. There is such a thing as destiny. And, God can use any instrument to accomplish His will. Even the British and the UN. he used queen Esther to influence the Persian king. Look that one up. Edit: >Cyrus included a command to return the vessels removed from the temple in Jerusalem, which had been kept in Babylon. The text makes it very clear that it was God who moved in the heart of Cyrus (1:1) and in the hearts of the 50,000 (1:5). God was sovereignly working to fulfill His purposes and promises regarding His people.', '>>{reasonably_plausible} : >that 2 of the 7 states seeking the rule change had backed out. The chair claimed 3 out of 9 dropped. And even 9 was less than what the original petition had (they submitted it with 11 states).', '>>{Aarondo99} : I will fight till the death for this design. It makes the phone easier to hold, lighter, and makes way more sense for horizontal holding.', ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : > Is he for a 2 state solution? He's just a fucking stupid mess and he speaks like a fucking funhouse hall of mirrors. So is he for a 2 state solution? One state? What? Yes. All of the above and none of the above. Everything and nothing. Whatever makes the people he desperately wants to like him actually like him.", ">>{LaymanLab} : Aren't you describing 70% of their market though? Tee hee", ">>{DailyNate} : I can 100% promise you that this case doesn't make the phone lighter", '>>{reasonably_plausible} : They needed 7, they had 11. The chair claimed they only had 9, then claimed that they had received enough withdrawals in the previous 30min that there was no longer a majority in three of those nine, dropping it to just under the seven needed.', '>>{whoamanwtf} : My stepdad who is contractor and uses his phone everyday for work on the job puts his defender through the paces all the time.', '>>{ozric101} : I watched it live on C span.. So he can go get fucked.', '>>{whoamanwtf} : You can pop out the screen protector and throw a tempered glass in it.', '>>{cool_but_not_cool} : If they fucked around with a roll call not only would that just exacerbate a situation already being blown out of proportion, but would have still elected Trump.', ">>{freshwordsalad} : >Trump couldn't even do that since nothing he needs to know to do his job can be condensed into ~~a single page with less than nine bullet points~~ 140 characters.", ">>{adamsak} : >Aren't you describing 70% of their market though? Yes.", '>>{yamerica} : ["Whatever, words."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1C0r2EHQfY)', ">>{LaymanLab} : FWIW, I have an otter case for my SE, but I only put it on when I'm doing renovations or repairs. The dust covers and the extra bumper are very helpful to protect the phone from muck, sheetrock dust, adhesives, glue, drops, etc. But yes, if you leave one of those cases on the whole time, you've got issues :)", '>>{noelsusman} : It was kind of a big deal, but not the kind of big deal that anyone will still care about next week. So like... a medium deal?', '>>{fascismbot2} : God says to love one another and welcome all into your home. This earth belongs to everyone. We are one body. No God, powerful enough to create the universe, would give a shit if some people from a few miles away mingled and lived as equals.', '>>{wandreylust} : Exactly what I have now, take away the glass and add a matte film type one. Screen is accessible and I love the form factor of the Defender - the naked 6s is a bit too small for me.', ">>{cincycusefan} : That's the thing. I think it would have placated everybody, and the outcome would have been the same. I don't think they had anything to lose.", ">>{honeyflaps} : Bernie supporters are going to turn the DNC into a mess. They've been working on organizing a massive protest ever since Hillary won in California.", '>>{USAOne} : It is a yuge deal in Colorado. Glad we are poisoning the well.', '>>{40inmyfordfiesta} : Yeah but then you will have to deal with more dirt getting in.', ">>{np3est8x} : Nope. Gotta show off that purty Apple. Ok jk. I can't stand em. I feel like I'm going to drop it every time.", ">>{vanilla_coffee} : This is ridiculous; I had college classes 10 years ago and everyone got a clicker with their textbook and when the professor wanted he could poll / quiz the room. Why hasn't this technology made the gap to politics?", ">>{Muppet1616} : There are so many logical fallacies in your post it isn't even worth arguing about. You have faith in crap for which there is no evidence and no ammount of arguing about it will change your faith.", '>>{USAOne} : GOP changed the rules, they had more than enough votes.', '>>{Opuz} : Without a doubt my favorite charge case, After buying the next biggest mophie every time, this smart case is such a breath of fresh Air.', ">>{TRATIA} : I bought a Otterbox Commuter and it has that exposed hole in the back. I like it. The hole is a take it or leave it for me. But honestly, if someone wants to protect their phone and still show the Apple logo let them. The phone isn't cheap.", '>>{schabadoo} : Republicans at the GOP convention petition for a vote. Clinton gets blamed. Never change.', '>>{mayaisme} : Can attest. In the third world those cases are so "cool". iPhones are crazy expensive here so showing off that logo immediately makes you a baller (or in my case balless)', '>>{Antiquated-FarmEquip} : They wanted to unbind themselves from the voters in their district/state. So if you voted trump, some asshat could decide your vote doesnt count and vote for cruz. Not much democracy in that is their', ">>{StickyNiki} : Remember Flynn is supposed to brief him on world affairs, and he didn't come to work that day for some reason.", ">>{ClassyJacket} : There's a third party one that's thinner, has no chin, and a higher capacity battery. And is cheaper. Apple failed here.", ">>{BoldestKobold} : Because it is easier to get the result you want when you don't count the votes.", '>>{Ddog312} : Lol. Tell yourself it is a huge deal in Colorado!', '>>{Imabouttosleep} : It is actually my land. God told me while I was sleeping.', ">>{Imabouttosleep} : No GOD TOLD ME IT IS MY LAND SO FUCK OFF WILL YOU!!' Edit: /s because you can never be too careful in these times.", ">>{muteterror} : I mean, I rock a UAG case on occasions and I can't imagine having an even thicker case on it.", ">>{greengordon} : Canadian here: I keep hearing that the Republican Party has a very religious faction...but they can't be more religious than this?!", ">>{ItsRainingSomewhere} : This poster is operating in their own personal reality. Don't bother arguing.", '>>{zeCrazyEye} : And he seems to think the two parties have a solution and have just been waiting for the President of the United States to give them the OK - "I like whichever one you guys like the best, go ahead! All done, what\'s next?"', ">>{mreid74} : Lifeproof? I have had several Lifeproof cases over the years, and all my phones could have passed as new in box when I retired them. The cases are pretty pricey, but they work. The warranty is great, too. I am currently using a Lifeproof nuud, so the screen could get scratched, but I don't carry it in my pocket with keys or change. The Lifeproof cases are waterproof and much lower profile than the Otterbox. BTW Otterbox and Lifeproof are the same company. I camp a lot and go four-wheeling. The extra cost of the case has saved me a couple grand in replacement Iphones.", ">>{riskybiscuit} : I get what you are saying here, Although I don't think the left is stupid enough to buy into his empty platitudes with such conviction as we've seen here.", '>>{rush42} : Exodus 3:6 Then he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."', ">>{whoamanwtf} : But it won't get on the screen which is all I care about.", ">>{Frog-sack} : To be fair... He sounds exactly like the demographic that voted for him. I'm quite sure it all makes perfect sense passing through their ears.", '>>{Iustis} : It pushes the schedule back a bit so they either cut out some of the speeches or have the headliners get pushed out of primetime', '>>{Luvitall1} : At what time does he laugh? I watched it three times but missed it...', ">>{EBOLANIPPLES} : Uhh, I don't want this to come off in the wrong way, but why is he black?", ">>{AWildSketchIsBurned} : You're kidding right? There's no possible scenario where this case is lighter than any other case, unless that case has a battery as well..", ">>{JimmyTango} : Yeah but that don't count cause it's a black guy who wants that there vote.", '>>{josourcing} : Did you watch the video on this page? http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-netanyahu-israel-palestine-two-state-solution-abandoned-west-bank-dark-comedy-a7583101.html', ">>{JimmyTango} : The disenfranchisement of a sizable portion of a political coalition isn't the same as a toddler throwing a tantrum. If the coalition can't satisfy all of its members to some degree, it's use fails to be of any service. Telling any political group to shut up and get in line is not democracy.", ">>{immabluedevil} : I do because I'm clumsy and I drop and or throw my phone by accident constantly. I've broken enough phones this way where I am now and have been for years a daily otterbox defender user. I've had the same iPhone 6 since it first came out thanks to this thing.", ">>{a__technicality} : I think that would be doable. It's not like they had a super profound list of speakers.", ">>{Montoglia} : God, it isn't sarcasm. You really believe this tripe.", ">>{Tramd} : They couldn't afford that sophisticated piece of technology. That's a $40 button clicker.", '>>{rush42} : It is not sarcasm. Trump and bibi are forming a strong alliance and according to that press conference, things are looking a lot better in the Middle East. It is great that our leaders can work together and so inspiring to hear.', ">>{Wilileaks} : How are the disenfranchising anyone? They adopted some Sanders ideas for the platform. How some people say it's disenfranchisement because they don't nominate the loser or 100% adopt his platform is throwing a tantrum.", ">>{JimmyTango} : That's such an entitle way to look at democracy. Would you pay a waiter if he brought you a chicken dinner after you ordered steak and when you pointed it out he keeps pointing out that it still had mashed potatoes on the side? The Democratic Party has continually abandoned the progressive principles it built its success on over the latter half of the 20th century. Adding a couple half progressive platitudes to the platform doesn't mean they are entitled to every progressive vote, just like Republicans aren't entitled to every libertarian vote even though they pay lip service to small government but the rest of the platform is full of increased government spending and policies regulating individual liberties. If Democrats want progressive voters they need to be a real progressive party. If they want to continue to be the neo-Liberalist corporate funded party of Boomers and Gen X then they can get ready to lose future elections just like republicans are finding out after holding onto Boomer voters at the expense of all other demographics and ending up with a racialist nincompoop for a candidate.", ">>{MillennialScientist} : It is nothing at all like Canadian politics... It's not even in the same ballpa... I mean hockey rink.", '>>{Luvitall1} : Ah, thank you! That was...awkward...to say the least.', ">>{FlowStrong} : Politics aren't as important as classrooms? Granted I am a biased academic."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{T0M1N4T0RZ} : Protests break out on convention floor after anti-Trump effort fails', '>>{ozric101} : LOL.. They got shut down.. they did not have enough States join in for a roll call vote. Just typical politics here.. Sorry to disappoint the blood thirsty mobs.', '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : Reporters on the ground said they did. Needed 9 and they had 11', '>>{here2red} : They still shut them down though. This #NeverTrump is #NeverGonnaHappen', ">>{black_flag_4ever} : If you watched the live stream it was really not a big deal, but let's see how it gets spun into a monster.", '>>{theduke282} : Ah voting on a aye/nay voice vote with thousands of people. What could possibly be more democratic?', '>>{svengalus} : Totally. This kind of difference of opinion would never be tolerated at a Hillary controlled convention.', '>>{RIC_FLAIR-WOOO} : Non-story if you watched it live. Got shut down pretty quickly and then some high energy speakers got up and moved the show along.', ">>{Silver_Skeeter} : Did you remember what happened in 2012 to Ron Paul's delegates? It's nothing new. https://youtu.be/1I3cI6D3a6Y", '>>{IsometricRobot} : [2012 at the DNC was pretty good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8BwqzzqcDs)', '>>{Wilileaks} : This is how the bernie or busts crowd looks. "we didn\'t get our way, let\'s throw a tantrum!".', '>>{IsometricRobot} : The media was all over it. Trying to get interviews on the floor right away. After review off stage the chair came back in and notified the states involved that 2 of the 7 states seeking the rule change had backed out. Thus defeating the motion before it even hit the floor.', '>>{therealhood} : Find it ironic they want to vote against their pledge..... which would annul (sp) the votes of the people and cry when they are ....shouted down', '>>{balmergrl} : >"Snubbing Ron Paul\'s people today, and not counting their votes, was just magical, wonderful for us," said Gary Johnson\'s campaign advisor - www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a15556/roger-stone-interview-rnc-2012-12175013/', '>>{Imjusthigh} : Seriously, do these people not realize that rules are for little people?', ">>{cincycusefan} : I'm surprised they didn't do a roll call vote just to prevent the chanting from becoming a story.", ">>{dschneider} : Considering the delegations from IA and CO have walked out of the convention because of it, per C-SPAN, it's fairly significant.", '>>{dschneider} : You know that this is the Republican National Convention, right?', '>>{tonysnap} : I find it interesting that the CTR shills rallying cry was "replace Trump" a few days back. They were really pushing for it on here and other forums, and they tried to make a big deal out of the lame attempt today. Makes me think they realize he won\'t be all the easy to beat.', '>>{exploration_guy} : I love the argument of these GOPers. "Just let us vote...we live in a democracy...just let us have a vote." Cough...cough... Merrick Garland', '>>{Trumptron3000} : > votes of the people > Colorado About that...', '>>{BoringSupreez} : Is this the final result of the much-vaunted NeverTrump movement? What a fizzle.', '>>{reasonably_plausible} : >that 2 of the 7 states seeking the rule change had backed out. The chair claimed 3 out of 9 dropped. And even 9 was less than what the original petition had (they submitted it with 11 states).', '>>{reasonably_plausible} : They needed 7, they had 11. The chair claimed they only had 9, then claimed that they had received enough withdrawals in the previous 30min that there was no longer a majority in three of those nine, dropping it to just under the seven needed.', '>>{ozric101} : I watched it live on C span.. So he can go get fucked.', '>>{cool_but_not_cool} : If they fucked around with a roll call not only would that just exacerbate a situation already being blown out of proportion, but would have still elected Trump.', '>>{noelsusman} : It was kind of a big deal, but not the kind of big deal that anyone will still care about next week. So like... a medium deal?', ">>{cincycusefan} : That's the thing. I think it would have placated everybody, and the outcome would have been the same. I don't think they had anything to lose.", ">>{honeyflaps} : Bernie supporters are going to turn the DNC into a mess. They've been working on organizing a massive protest ever since Hillary won in California.", '>>{USAOne} : It is a yuge deal in Colorado. Glad we are poisoning the well.', ">>{vanilla_coffee} : This is ridiculous; I had college classes 10 years ago and everyone got a clicker with their textbook and when the professor wanted he could poll / quiz the room. Why hasn't this technology made the gap to politics?", '>>{USAOne} : GOP changed the rules, they had more than enough votes.', '>>{schabadoo} : Republicans at the GOP convention petition for a vote. Clinton gets blamed. Never change.', '>>{Antiquated-FarmEquip} : They wanted to unbind themselves from the voters in their district/state. So if you voted trump, some asshat could decide your vote doesnt count and vote for cruz. Not much democracy in that is their', ">>{BoldestKobold} : Because it is easier to get the result you want when you don't count the votes.", '>>{Ddog312} : Lol. Tell yourself it is a huge deal in Colorado!', ">>{greengordon} : Canadian here: I keep hearing that the Republican Party has a very religious faction...but they can't be more religious than this?!", '>>{Iustis} : It pushes the schedule back a bit so they either cut out some of the speeches or have the headliners get pushed out of primetime', ">>{JimmyTango} : Yeah but that don't count cause it's a black guy who wants that there vote.", ">>{JimmyTango} : The disenfranchisement of a sizable portion of a political coalition isn't the same as a toddler throwing a tantrum. If the coalition can't satisfy all of its members to some degree, it's use fails to be of any service. Telling any political group to shut up and get in line is not democracy.", ">>{a__technicality} : I think that would be doable. It's not like they had a super profound list of speakers.", ">>{Tramd} : They couldn't afford that sophisticated piece of technology. That's a $40 button clicker.", ">>{Wilileaks} : How are the disenfranchising anyone? They adopted some Sanders ideas for the platform. How some people say it's disenfranchisement because they don't nominate the loser or 100% adopt his platform is throwing a tantrum.", ">>{JimmyTango} : That's such an entitle way to look at democracy. Would you pay a waiter if he brought you a chicken dinner after you ordered steak and when you pointed it out he keeps pointing out that it still had mashed potatoes on the side? The Democratic Party has continually abandoned the progressive principles it built its success on over the latter half of the 20th century. Adding a couple half progressive platitudes to the platform doesn't mean they are entitled to every progressive vote, just like Republicans aren't entitled to every libertarian vote even though they pay lip service to small government but the rest of the platform is full of increased government spending and policies regulating individual liberties. If Democrats want progressive voters they need to be a real progressive party. If they want to continue to be the neo-Liberalist corporate funded party of Boomers and Gen X then they can get ready to lose future elections just like republicans are finding out after holding onto Boomer voters at the expense of all other demographics and ending up with a racialist nincompoop for a candidate.", ">>{MillennialScientist} : It is nothing at all like Canadian politics... It's not even in the same ballpa... I mean hockey rink.", ">>{FlowStrong} : Politics aren't as important as classrooms? Granted I am a biased academic."], [">>{Shieldzilla} : I can't even with this election anymore. I'm all out of even to can. The absurdity is astounding.", '>>{FatLadySingin} : If it walks like [pepe](http://67.media.tumblr.com/d40bd69220fdd47870fd4ee339dc4f78/tumblr_inline_nvs1ipywmW1ta3e6z_1280.jpg) and quacks like [pepe](http://www.alternet.org/files/ciovm-aweaaqoxb.jpg-large.jpeg) then it must be [pepe](http://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/pepetrump.png) - or so [they](http://time.com/4510849/pepe-the-frog-adl-hate-symbol/) say', ">>{itsnickk} : As a Clinton supporter, I hope these go up. Possibly the most cringeworthty political ad I've seen in a long time.", '>>{IphtashuFitz} : This is supposed to *convince* undecided voters to vote for Trump?', '>>{Another-Chance} : So they think racism and such is going to help them??? ROFL', '>>{beer_down} : When I saw "battleground state" I figured maybe Arizona or New Mexico. It\'s fucking Pennsylvania Isn\'t even close to the fucking border. Unless we\'re supposed to be worried about Canada now.', '>>{SomeStupidJerk} : Is this supposed to be a *pro* Trump billboard? Because any normal person looking at it would think, "Yeah, Trump sure is a dangerous idiot." I mean, who is this billboard trying to convince? People who know who/what "Pepe" is? Why? They\'re all voting for Trump already. Normal people (IE 98 percent of the people who vote) don\'t have any connection to that meme, and just see a representation of Trump as a slimy animal. An unpleasant-to-look-at cartoon pointing guns at the voter isn\'t the way to get votes. Jesus. I swear, these people fail at literally everything.', '>>{njmaverick} : I am not sure.... who is paying for these? a pro-trump or anti-trump group?', '>>{Cupinacup} : Yes, /pol/. Please put this billboard up. Of course it will convince people to vote Trump.', ">>{Shieldzilla} : I think it's 4-chan trolling everyone, TBH.", '>>{remeard} : Is that Mac Tonight, famed early 90s McDonalds mascot, in the background? Goddamnit /pol/.', ">>{TheMagicMarkerMan} : You're right. A cartoon frog is not racist. Thank god we got that out in the open. It's also not a very good way to attract independent voters and it shows just how isolated Trump supporters have become to think that this is a good idea.", ">>{Keko90} : I thought they would never top Project Chanology. And here we are, with a Mongolian Shadow Art discussion board playing a major role in the election of probably the most powerful person in the world. I still have lots of can for this. This month will be so much fun. I really hope they'll discuss this in a debate, nothing could top that. Ever.", '>>{Keko90} : >4-chan I think it might also be Read-it.', ">>{bbedward} : The guy I replied to said it was racist. I don't think it'll do anything for voters, somebody with a good amount of money just thinks it's funny probably"], [">>{TinyBaron} : Incredulous laughter at Trump's garbled words on the Middle East", '>>{mindlessrabble} : Nothing the devil hates worse than being laughed at.', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Classic Donald. Just repeat some of the words you've just been hearing in an order that seems to make people happy. Not that he understands one bit of it. And on this issue, he shouldn't even be allowed an opinion due to the sheer ignorance on his part, let alone a voice at ANY kind of negotiation table. Most of the Presidents of the past ~50 years have taken the time to at *least* inform themselves on this very, very important issue.", '>>{biscuitime} : He agreed with the last vaguely intelligent-seeming person he spoke with.', ">>{GoodAndLost} : It's like a 5th grader giving a book report in class for a book he clearly did not read.", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : Wow. This is so correct. Too bad that person could be Bannon or Fox News.', '>>{CarmineFields} : >So I’m looking at two states and one state. And I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one. I thought for a while that two states looked like it may be the easier of the two. To be honest, if Bibi and the Palestinians, if Israel and the Palestinians are happy – I’m happy with the one they like the best.”', ">>{goody_heggety} : I'm still betting on the early stages of Alzheimers.", ">>{rush42} : I don't like the slant of this article. It implies that Israel does not have the right to their own God given land. Also, trump and BiBi were brilliant in that press conference. It was truly inspiring to hear 2 world leaders with such positive attitudes for the future. I don't understand this writers criticism.", ">>{PM_ME_KIND_THOUGHTS} : Actually God gave ME that land. That's my land.", ">>{Cenbe2} : Yeah I watched the video. I heard his words. I have no idea what he meant. Is he for a 2 state solution? He's just a fucking stupid mess and he speaks like a fucking funhouse hall of mirrors. So is he for a 2 state solution? One state? What? So goddamn frustrating. The POTUS is stupid. The fucking POTUS is actually truly really an uneducated idiot. Holy fuck.", '>>{Muppet1616} : Their own God given land? Last I checked it was given to them by the British and confirmed by the UN, are those institutions God? Tell me why were Jews a minority in Palestine between 300ad and 1945? Why were there only a handfull of Jews in Palestine (according to a british report from 1910) in 1880? Why didn\'t God come down and affirm it is "Jewish" land in modern history? Doesn\'t migrating away from your land for centuries kinda remove any claim you have?', '>>{TinyBaron} : They completely ignored millions of people living there. As are you.', ">>{josourcing} : > Is he for a 2 state solution? He is for neither because he's too afraid and uninformed to have an opinion. That is why Netanyahu laughed at him. *In front of the world.*", ">>{Funktapus} : He's saying that he just realized it's a complicated topic and he'd make a total Ass of himself by trying to deliver a recommendation. This is a resignation from having to think about the subject.", '>>{josourcing} : A better headline would have been "Netanyahu Laughs at Trump in Front of the Entire World" Cause that\'s what the hell he did.', ">>{Djugdish} : He's not for anything except his own popularity and wealth. He has no opinions on anything political. He'll say stuff about a topic, but he doesn't care either way. If spouting off about single payer, tuition-free college, and environmentalism would've got him as much attention from the Left as he got from the Right, he would've done that.", ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : The 5th grader could at least check the Wikipedia article on the book, pull the main ideas, and bullshit their way through the report. Trump couldn't even do that since nothing he needs to know to do his job can be condensed into a single page with less than nine bullet points.", ">>{west2night} : I'm a Trump translator, so please allow me to try: **Trump**: So I’m looking at two states and one state. And I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one. I thought for a while that two states looked like it may be the easier of the two. To be honest, if Bibi and the Palestinians, if Israel and the Palestinians are happy – I’m happy with the one they like the best.” **Translation**: Basically, I don't give a fuck. They can do whatever they want as long as I don't get the blame when it doesn't go well.", '>>{rush42} : >Why didn\'t God come down and affirm it is "Jewish" land in modern history? He is doing that now. God has a way of waiting His own time on things. But it always happens according to His plans. Always. And no, being forced to migrate away does not change anything. Many times in Jewish history this happened. Yet a remnant of Hebrews always returned to the land. There is such a thing as destiny. And, God can use any instrument to accomplish His will. Even the British and the UN. he used queen Esther to influence the Persian king. Look that one up. Edit: >Cyrus included a command to return the vessels removed from the temple in Jerusalem, which had been kept in Babylon. The text makes it very clear that it was God who moved in the heart of Cyrus (1:1) and in the hearts of the 50,000 (1:5). God was sovereignly working to fulfill His purposes and promises regarding His people.', ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : > Is he for a 2 state solution? He's just a fucking stupid mess and he speaks like a fucking funhouse hall of mirrors. So is he for a 2 state solution? One state? What? Yes. All of the above and none of the above. Everything and nothing. Whatever makes the people he desperately wants to like him actually like him.", ">>{freshwordsalad} : >Trump couldn't even do that since nothing he needs to know to do his job can be condensed into ~~a single page with less than nine bullet points~~ 140 characters.", '>>{yamerica} : ["Whatever, words."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1C0r2EHQfY)', '>>{fascismbot2} : God says to love one another and welcome all into your home. This earth belongs to everyone. We are one body. No God, powerful enough to create the universe, would give a shit if some people from a few miles away mingled and lived as equals.', ">>{Muppet1616} : There are so many logical fallacies in your post it isn't even worth arguing about. You have faith in crap for which there is no evidence and no ammount of arguing about it will change your faith.", ">>{StickyNiki} : Remember Flynn is supposed to brief him on world affairs, and he didn't come to work that day for some reason.", '>>{Imabouttosleep} : It is actually my land. God told me while I was sleeping.', ">>{Imabouttosleep} : No GOD TOLD ME IT IS MY LAND SO FUCK OFF WILL YOU!!' Edit: /s because you can never be too careful in these times.", ">>{ItsRainingSomewhere} : This poster is operating in their own personal reality. Don't bother arguing.", '>>{zeCrazyEye} : And he seems to think the two parties have a solution and have just been waiting for the President of the United States to give them the OK - "I like whichever one you guys like the best, go ahead! All done, what\'s next?"', ">>{riskybiscuit} : I get what you are saying here, Although I don't think the left is stupid enough to buy into his empty platitudes with such conviction as we've seen here.", '>>{rush42} : Exodus 3:6 Then he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."', ">>{Frog-sack} : To be fair... He sounds exactly like the demographic that voted for him. I'm quite sure it all makes perfect sense passing through their ears.", '>>{Luvitall1} : At what time does he laugh? I watched it three times but missed it...', '>>{josourcing} : Did you watch the video on this page? http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-netanyahu-israel-palestine-two-state-solution-abandoned-west-bank-dark-comedy-a7583101.html', ">>{Montoglia} : God, it isn't sarcasm. You really believe this tripe.", '>>{rush42} : It is not sarcasm. Trump and bibi are forming a strong alliance and according to that press conference, things are looking a lot better in the Middle East. It is great that our leaders can work together and so inspiring to hear.', '>>{Luvitall1} : Ah, thank you! That was...awkward...to say the least.'], ['>>{Bouleen} : Anyone else despise phone cases with the hole in the back?', ">>{iBurnedTheChurch} : I guess I technically do, although 'despise' is somewhat strong word for a totally useless piece of plastic that I don't have to buy. But since I don't switch my phone annually I couldn't care less about its condition as long as it works, so I have never bothered with a case of any sort.", '>>{ducksonetime} : I’m with you, it’s stupid and it’s a wank. Unfortunately a lot of people spent money on an iphone just for that logo and want it to be seen.', ">>{letsgometros} : Samesies. I don't care for based that expose the apple icon. I like a more incognito look. Also why I prefer iPhone in black.", '>>{_EvilD_} : Get a wallet phone if you are a guy. It will change your life.', ">>{andra180202} : Shit, i hate that text being 'hon'. Why don't they cover the whole iPhone text?", ">>{bceltics933} : except if you lose your phone you're now double fucked, same goes for the wallet", '>>{_EvilD_} : Meh, not a problem really. If I\'m entering or leaving somewhere I will usually have a need for either my phone or my wallet (usually have a podcast running if im running errands/gym, need my access card in my wallet for getting into work, etc) so I wont be forgetting it anywhere. Plus its now "Find My iPhone/Wallet" from my iPad! Edit- Odd that this is getting downvoted...', ">>{littlebluekid} : I only hate them because when you take them off there's a dirt ring grrrr", '>>{_EvilD_} : [Have this exact one on my desk right now](http://www.sears.com/fossil-men-s-phone-cases-phone-wallet-6/p-SPM14812712924?sid=IDx20110310x00001i&gclid=Cj0KEQiAhZPDBRCz642XqYOCpb8BEiQANUcwT1jGyopNcIy2JkWaHKLUkf-YKLBhtcS2aWhaBZcqbksaAvbE8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds) Got it from a fossil outlet for $25 though.', '>>{_-_-C} : How do you carry it? Does it fit in your pocket?', '>>{_EvilD_} : Yup, front pocket. Its more than halved the size of my combined wallet/phone+case combo.', ">>{schad89} : No, any possible damage from that hole being there is negligible at best. What I despise is people that use some sort of military grade dual layered massive case that makes their phone into a brick 4 times thicker than it's supposed to be.", '>>{_EvilD_} : A lot less than before, its kinda forced me to keep it trim. [Where the coupons are I can keep like 10 bills without it getting too fat](http://i.imgur.com/373tTZ5.jpg) [Big McIntosh for scale](http://i.imgur.com/CatvT8t.jpg)', ">>{dlismygod} : That is pretty smart. If you are someone that's really careful with their belongings, then I don't see why this type of cases shouldn't be recommended. :)", '>>{adamsak} : THESE PEOPLE are the worst— People who buy brands instead of products. So vain.', ">>{southwestern_swamp} : Unless it's a battery, then it's ok right?", '>>{SJUNLIN} : Shieldon Leather Cases, or you can take a look Sena cases too.', '>>{ZeroBalance98} : Whats funny is that in the keynote, they edited out the iPhone text from the pictures', ">>{SJUNLIN} : I'm actually one of those people. Any case that has an Apple logo cutout is an immediate skip for me. It's a major point of entry for dust particles and if you don't clean that spot regularly, they accumulate and leave a ring around it.", ">>{Amator} : Yep, I always hated that cutout when I had an Otterbox Defender. I'm rocking an Apple leather case now. No cutout, but it has a slight Apple logo embossed on the back that you can only see in the right light. I can deal with that.", ">>{Vincere31} : You know what's worse than those cases? The people who buy them specifically to show off the Apple logo. Grow up", '>>{DailyNate} : Remember, this monstrosity also got passed along the designer desk at Apple. [Apple Charge Case](http://i.amz.mshcdn.com/45lkYjr8Z7R6T9byz4kK2ebrHfo=/fit-in/1200x9600/http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F12%2FApple-Charging-Case-9.jpg)', '>>{DailyNate} : This, I want to meet the dude that actually puts a otter box defender case through its paces. I am not ultra careful with my phone but there is no way I would ever need something like that.', '>>{raze464} : I feel the same. It bothers me too much; why would you buy a case but have that hole there? You want to show off that you have an iPhone, use it w/o a case.', '>>{40inmyfordfiesta} : I had one of those for a while.. The screen protector is awful and ugly af. It makes the screen have this rainbow effect. And my phone ended up with scratches all around the earpiece from dirt getting in. If you want a case with that kind of protection, Lifeproof is probably better.', ">>{pootluck} : Downvoted because people don't get basic probability. Let's say probability of losing one of your belongings is A. And let's say you are screwed X amount for losing wallet and Y amount for losing phone. Your expected screwedness having seperate wallet and phone: A*X + A*Y Your expected screwedness having them together = A*(X+Y) They are equal :)", ">>{kurrency} : I really like that design TBH its simple, no empty space. But I'm not sure what their made of and it looks like a silicone lint magnet.", '>>{Aarondo99} : I will fight till the death for this design. It makes the phone easier to hold, lighter, and makes way more sense for horizontal holding.', ">>{LaymanLab} : Aren't you describing 70% of their market though? Tee hee", ">>{DailyNate} : I can 100% promise you that this case doesn't make the phone lighter", '>>{whoamanwtf} : My stepdad who is contractor and uses his phone everyday for work on the job puts his defender through the paces all the time.', '>>{whoamanwtf} : You can pop out the screen protector and throw a tempered glass in it.', ">>{adamsak} : >Aren't you describing 70% of their market though? Yes.", ">>{LaymanLab} : FWIW, I have an otter case for my SE, but I only put it on when I'm doing renovations or repairs. The dust covers and the extra bumper are very helpful to protect the phone from muck, sheetrock dust, adhesives, glue, drops, etc. But yes, if you leave one of those cases on the whole time, you've got issues :)", '>>{wandreylust} : Exactly what I have now, take away the glass and add a matte film type one. Screen is accessible and I love the form factor of the Defender - the naked 6s is a bit too small for me.', '>>{40inmyfordfiesta} : Yeah but then you will have to deal with more dirt getting in.', ">>{np3est8x} : Nope. Gotta show off that purty Apple. Ok jk. I can't stand em. I feel like I'm going to drop it every time.", '>>{Opuz} : Without a doubt my favorite charge case, After buying the next biggest mophie every time, this smart case is such a breath of fresh Air.', ">>{TRATIA} : I bought a Otterbox Commuter and it has that exposed hole in the back. I like it. The hole is a take it or leave it for me. But honestly, if someone wants to protect their phone and still show the Apple logo let them. The phone isn't cheap.", '>>{mayaisme} : Can attest. In the third world those cases are so "cool". iPhones are crazy expensive here so showing off that logo immediately makes you a baller (or in my case balless)', ">>{ClassyJacket} : There's a third party one that's thinner, has no chin, and a higher capacity battery. And is cheaper. Apple failed here.", ">>{muteterror} : I mean, I rock a UAG case on occasions and I can't imagine having an even thicker case on it.", ">>{mreid74} : Lifeproof? I have had several Lifeproof cases over the years, and all my phones could have passed as new in box when I retired them. The cases are pretty pricey, but they work. The warranty is great, too. I am currently using a Lifeproof nuud, so the screen could get scratched, but I don't carry it in my pocket with keys or change. The Lifeproof cases are waterproof and much lower profile than the Otterbox. BTW Otterbox and Lifeproof are the same company. I camp a lot and go four-wheeling. The extra cost of the case has saved me a couple grand in replacement Iphones.", ">>{whoamanwtf} : But it won't get on the screen which is all I care about.", ">>{EBOLANIPPLES} : Uhh, I don't want this to come off in the wrong way, but why is he black?", ">>{AWildSketchIsBurned} : You're kidding right? There's no possible scenario where this case is lighter than any other case, unless that case has a battery as well..", ">>{immabluedevil} : I do because I'm clumsy and I drop and or throw my phone by accident constantly. I've broken enough phones this way where I am now and have been for years a daily otterbox defender user. I've had the same iPhone 6 since it first came out thanks to this thing."]]
classify and reply
['>>{faguzzi} : Apple has $246 BILLION in cash, nearly all overseas', '>>{faguzzi} : Corporate tax reform is sorely needed as this surely exemplifies. The United States is one of the only countries in the world where companies are taxed based upon their foreign earnings. If Starbucks sells a cup of coffee in Australia, the United States is the only country in the world which thinks it has the right to tax such a sale.', ">>{miltedmalkball} : I'll bet that at the first sign of market weakness, Donnie will push for a repatriation holiday, which will send large cap stocks through the fucking roof.", '>>{eat_fruit_not_flesh} : oh good lets give corporations tax breaks so they can expand their kingdoms and exploit american workers in the process! trump would call that "winning" how about if trump is sooo rich and such a great ally of the common man, he uses all his wealth to start up american worker run non-profits? cut out the scum corporations and give the profits to the people?', '>>{President_Tantrump} : The audacity of Apple calling me a problem - POTUS', ">>{t90fan} : * also personal taxes Its bizarre that the US makes you pay US taxes even if you haven't lived there in decades.", '>>{faguzzi} : Eritrea, a small nation in Africa is the only other country in the whole world to do this.', '>>{DBDude} : The US is one of IIRC two countries in the world that taxes overseas profits.', '>>{DBDude} : If you renounce your citizenship and leave the country forever, the IRS will still try to tax you if it believes you did it in order to avoid paying US taxes.', ">>{allnose} : Is this relevant though? I find it extremely hard to believe that Apple doesn't have a separate entity set up overseas that takes in the foreign cash, and they pay little to no US taxes on that money. But I find it equally hard to believe that that entity isn't counted in the article's assessment of Apple's billions overseas. I guess the heart of what I'm asking is: Why shouldn't Apple pay the government for phones sold in England, if the money goes to America? Is that not income? And on the other side, if you want to argue that foreign branches of US companies shouldn't have to pay US taxes, that's fine, but then the money can't enter America, for use by the American company. Because the money's being transferred from company to company. It's income. Look, I'm an econ guy. I get it, and I believe that corporate taxes need to be significantly lower (I'm not on board with the 0% tax rate yet. It looks good on paper, but I think the benefits of a lower tax in practice offset the inefficiencies). But the tax code as written isn't as irrational as people like to say it is.", '>>{faguzzi} : If your an Econ guy then you know that the correct corporate tax rate is 0. If you want a good tax then you should advocate for carbon taxes, petrol taxes, land value taxes, and vat taxes.', '>>{Bernerberry} : Meanwhile Flint still does not have clean drinking water. Clearly this economic system is sustainable and healthy!', ">>{allnose} : >If your an Econ guy then you know that the correct corporate tax rate is 0. Addressed. I know that that's the correct rate on paper, but there has been some more recent research that ~~better conforms to my priors~~ suggests a low rate is better than no tax at all. >If you want a good tax then you should advocate for carbon taxes, petrol taxes, land value taxes, and vat taxes. ...I do. Most vocally in favor of a VAT. But also carbon fairly often.", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : Maybe if it's too onerous to repatriate that cash, it's too onerous on us to allow continued access to our markets?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{faguzzi} : Apple has $246 BILLION in cash, nearly all overseas', '>>{faguzzi} : Corporate tax reform is sorely needed as this surely exemplifies. The United States is one of the only countries in the world where companies are taxed based upon their foreign earnings. If Starbucks sells a cup of coffee in Australia, the United States is the only country in the world which thinks it has the right to tax such a sale.', ">>{miltedmalkball} : I'll bet that at the first sign of market weakness, Donnie will push for a repatriation holiday, which will send large cap stocks through the fucking roof.", '>>{eat_fruit_not_flesh} : oh good lets give corporations tax breaks so they can expand their kingdoms and exploit american workers in the process! trump would call that "winning" how about if trump is sooo rich and such a great ally of the common man, he uses all his wealth to start up american worker run non-profits? cut out the scum corporations and give the profits to the people?', '>>{President_Tantrump} : The audacity of Apple calling me a problem - POTUS', ">>{t90fan} : * also personal taxes Its bizarre that the US makes you pay US taxes even if you haven't lived there in decades.", '>>{faguzzi} : Eritrea, a small nation in Africa is the only other country in the whole world to do this.', '>>{DBDude} : The US is one of IIRC two countries in the world that taxes overseas profits.', '>>{DBDude} : If you renounce your citizenship and leave the country forever, the IRS will still try to tax you if it believes you did it in order to avoid paying US taxes.', ">>{allnose} : Is this relevant though? I find it extremely hard to believe that Apple doesn't have a separate entity set up overseas that takes in the foreign cash, and they pay little to no US taxes on that money. But I find it equally hard to believe that that entity isn't counted in the article's assessment of Apple's billions overseas. I guess the heart of what I'm asking is: Why shouldn't Apple pay the government for phones sold in England, if the money goes to America? Is that not income? And on the other side, if you want to argue that foreign branches of US companies shouldn't have to pay US taxes, that's fine, but then the money can't enter America, for use by the American company. Because the money's being transferred from company to company. It's income. Look, I'm an econ guy. I get it, and I believe that corporate taxes need to be significantly lower (I'm not on board with the 0% tax rate yet. It looks good on paper, but I think the benefits of a lower tax in practice offset the inefficiencies). But the tax code as written isn't as irrational as people like to say it is.", '>>{faguzzi} : If your an Econ guy then you know that the correct corporate tax rate is 0. If you want a good tax then you should advocate for carbon taxes, petrol taxes, land value taxes, and vat taxes.', '>>{Bernerberry} : Meanwhile Flint still does not have clean drinking water. Clearly this economic system is sustainable and healthy!', ">>{allnose} : >If your an Econ guy then you know that the correct corporate tax rate is 0. Addressed. I know that that's the correct rate on paper, but there has been some more recent research that ~~better conforms to my priors~~ suggests a low rate is better than no tax at all. >If you want a good tax then you should advocate for carbon taxes, petrol taxes, land value taxes, and vat taxes. ...I do. Most vocally in favor of a VAT. But also carbon fairly often.", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : Maybe if it's too onerous to repatriate that cash, it's too onerous on us to allow continued access to our markets?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{skilliard4} : When funds are used for anything except basic infrastructure and defense(and by defense I mean defense, not "let\'s get involved with other country\'s wars and establish military presence in every country"). For things like schools, police stations, firefighters, etc, that should be handled at the local level. Government is a lot more efficient and accountable when it is separated into smaller departments.', ">>{Rupperrt} : I am happy to pay comparably high taxes. Living in Sweden. Prefer that to live in another shithole with bad communications, roads, internet and loads of poor people with bad teeth and other health issues and high crime rate. My favorite though is fully tax financed university education. Studied plenty of stuff just for the fun of it despite working in different fields. Also my country doesn't pile up astronomic amounts of debts but has a usually balanced budget.", '>>{BalconyFace} : Your libertarian brain breaks when it comes to providing everyone with health care, I guess.', ">>{PetPsychicDetective} : Libertarians don't want to provide everyone with healthcare. They just want people who can't afford healthcare to die somewhere that they can't be seen.", ">>{noobredit} : Don't you hate it when you get robbed, and then the robber paves your roads, maintains your infrastructure, and provides a nigh endless list of essential services? Gosh thats the worst", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Schools, police, firefighters get federal support because states can't afford them. Imagine a state with a poor gdp unable to afford those 3 basic government functions.", '>>{ManWithASquareHead} : Although true, poor areas will not be able to afford adequate police, fire, education, etc. It will create even more disparity nationally than what we have. In addition, these people may not be able to leave these areas due to living from paycheck to paycheck, along with the high cost of services and goods for the desirable areas.', ">>{skilliard4} : If the states can't afford them, it's because the federal government levies too much in taxes, preventing them from levying much.", '>>{skilliard4} : I love it when I get robbed and the robber uses the money to hunt down innocent people , buy weapons, give the money to their friends, and to cover up its tracks.', '>>{FlutterKree} : Leave the country then. Go live somewhere else. Nothing stopping you.', '>>{KindaStillDrunk} : Which is why the workers of our land need to take back the fruits of our surplus labor from the bourgeoisie parasites. Thanks for the headline, op.', '>>{VROF} : I bet it is easy to emigrate to the libertarian utopia of Somalia', ">>{skilliard4} : I think you have a huge misunderstanding on what libertarianism is then. You can't have libertarianism without free markets. People have a right to their hard earned wealth. If the government was commited to equally redistributing wealth, most people wouldn't bother going to great lengths to innovate.", ">>{kescusay} : So, uhhh, you saying Mississippi would just be rolling in dough to fund everything if it weren't for those dang federal taxes, since their economy would otherwise be so awesome? Uh huh... Pull the other one, it has bells on.", '>>{dark_hymn} : Oh look, another 16-year-old just discovered Ayn Rand.', '>>{Billy_Miles} : give me a time machine and I will gladly buy a shitload of bitcoin', '>>{skilliard4} : Except our country taxes you on money you make outside the country.', '>>{skilliard4} : Oh look, another 12 year old just discovered Karl Marx', '>>{dark_hymn} : You know it. El Presidente Trump will be by to take your bitcoin, comrade.', '>>{skilliard4} : Then I get taxed on everything I already own, that I already paid taxes on.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{skilliard4} : When funds are used for anything except basic infrastructure and defense(and by defense I mean defense, not "let\'s get involved with other country\'s wars and establish military presence in every country"). For things like schools, police stations, firefighters, etc, that should be handled at the local level. Government is a lot more efficient and accountable when it is separated into smaller departments.', ">>{Rupperrt} : I am happy to pay comparably high taxes. Living in Sweden. Prefer that to live in another shithole with bad communications, roads, internet and loads of poor people with bad teeth and other health issues and high crime rate. My favorite though is fully tax financed university education. Studied plenty of stuff just for the fun of it despite working in different fields. Also my country doesn't pile up astronomic amounts of debts but has a usually balanced budget.", '>>{BalconyFace} : Your libertarian brain breaks when it comes to providing everyone with health care, I guess.', ">>{PetPsychicDetective} : Libertarians don't want to provide everyone with healthcare. They just want people who can't afford healthcare to die somewhere that they can't be seen.", ">>{noobredit} : Don't you hate it when you get robbed, and then the robber paves your roads, maintains your infrastructure, and provides a nigh endless list of essential services? Gosh thats the worst", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Schools, police, firefighters get federal support because states can't afford them. Imagine a state with a poor gdp unable to afford those 3 basic government functions.", '>>{ManWithASquareHead} : Although true, poor areas will not be able to afford adequate police, fire, education, etc. It will create even more disparity nationally than what we have. In addition, these people may not be able to leave these areas due to living from paycheck to paycheck, along with the high cost of services and goods for the desirable areas.', ">>{skilliard4} : If the states can't afford them, it's because the federal government levies too much in taxes, preventing them from levying much.", '>>{skilliard4} : I love it when I get robbed and the robber uses the money to hunt down innocent people , buy weapons, give the money to their friends, and to cover up its tracks.', '>>{FlutterKree} : Leave the country then. Go live somewhere else. Nothing stopping you.', '>>{KindaStillDrunk} : Which is why the workers of our land need to take back the fruits of our surplus labor from the bourgeoisie parasites. Thanks for the headline, op.', '>>{VROF} : I bet it is easy to emigrate to the libertarian utopia of Somalia', ">>{skilliard4} : I think you have a huge misunderstanding on what libertarianism is then. You can't have libertarianism without free markets. People have a right to their hard earned wealth. If the government was commited to equally redistributing wealth, most people wouldn't bother going to great lengths to innovate.", ">>{kescusay} : So, uhhh, you saying Mississippi would just be rolling in dough to fund everything if it weren't for those dang federal taxes, since their economy would otherwise be so awesome? Uh huh... Pull the other one, it has bells on.", '>>{dark_hymn} : Oh look, another 16-year-old just discovered Ayn Rand.', '>>{Billy_Miles} : give me a time machine and I will gladly buy a shitload of bitcoin', '>>{skilliard4} : Except our country taxes you on money you make outside the country.', '>>{skilliard4} : Oh look, another 12 year old just discovered Karl Marx', '>>{dark_hymn} : You know it. El Presidente Trump will be by to take your bitcoin, comrade.', '>>{skilliard4} : Then I get taxed on everything I already own, that I already paid taxes on.']]
classify and reply
['>>{zakphi} : 10k+ emails? how is that even possible?', '>>{OpiRCthrow} : Inaugural Committee: ‘We Want All Americans’ to Join Donald Trump’s Inauguration; This Is a ‘Movement of Unity for the People’', ">>{Argikeraunos} : Why is Breitbart still allowed on this subreddit? Have we ever gotten a ruling on them? They're transparent propaganda.", ">>{jasonzimmy} : Ex-White House social secretary: 'This is the real Michelle Obama'", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Movement of unity for the (rural white) people. FTFY.', '>>{TheBrianJ} : That is a weirdly written headline. It reads like the kind of clickbait that would typically come before something that goes against her character, but instead "The real Michelle Obama" is pretty much the one we\'ve always seen; the passionate, inspirational, and dedicated FLOTUS.', '>>{SaltHash} : They need to tell the president-elect to shut down his divisive & hostile rhetoric if they want to promote unity of the people.', ">>{frickxoff} : This thread was just posted, but here's [mine ](https://i.imgur.com/7NfQvl7.png)", '>>{StonerMeditation} : **Republicans are as deluded as Trump himself:** Trump Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopath) **Symptoms Antisocial personality disorder signs and symptoms may include:** Disregard for right and wrong Persistent lying or deceit to exploit others Being callous, cynical and disrespectful of others Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or personal pleasure Arrogance, a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated Recurring problems with the law, including criminal behavior Repeatedly violating the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead Hostility, significant irritability, agitation, aggression or violence Lack of empathy for others and lack of remorse about harming others Unnecessary risk-taking or dangerous behavior with no regard for the safety of self or others Poor or abusive relationships Failure to consider the negative consequences of behavior or learn from them Being consistently irresponsible and repeatedly failing to fulfill work or financial obligations', ">>{acupoftwodayoldcoffe} : Floyd Mayweather Going to Trump Inauguration: 'Hopefully, He'll be a Good Prez!'", '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : White males who care about black females. Thanks.', ">>{liebkartoffel} : Given Trump's current approval ratings, he's doing a fantastic job uniting the American people. I mean, they're united against him, but still.", ">>{Fgtmods} : So what? If people feel they don't represent the district adequately because of gender or skin color, they can vote them out.", '>>{zakphi} : 20k? how does seeing that many emails not drive you crazy?', ">>{IGuessItsMe} : Just shows what happens after a lifetime of people punching your head into concussions. Don't be angry at him. Feel pity for his condition. Medicine is working to help people like him, from NFL players to boxers and other athletes that lose brain function to concussions. It is a serious matter and many pro athletes have killed themselves as a result. There are charities and organizations you can donate to, if you feel inclined to do so, that are working to solve these injuries.", ">>{Dsalter123} : Atleast he's giving him a chance to fuck up unlike the idiots here.", ">>{Dsalter123} : He retired undefeated not too long ago But I guess he's illiterate for giving trump a chance instead of saying fuck trump", ">>{olov244} : we had some running in our state, but all the hilary supporters(a good portion black) voted in the cookie cutter white democrats. don't blame others for what you don't even do yourself. hell we could have had the first black governor in our state and I bet more white people voted for him than black people - because hilary supporters handing out flyers told them to vote for the white guy", ">>{shivs1147} : Does nobody else remember her speeches back in 2008? We've known for quite some time that her skills rivaled her husbands.", '>>{shivs1147} : You just know some DJ Trump acolyte clicked on this article assuming it would bash Michelle. Those poor people getting tricked out of their safe spaces!', '>>{mysticportal} : http://m.imgur.com/gallery/5IctI I like keeping a stock layout except for the safari and Spotify icons in the dock. Wallpaper link: http://californiathroughmylens.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Splash-Cafe-Pismo-Beach.jpg', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : Just want they need at the inauguration, another domestic abuser.', ">>{luqman_sha} : My setups.. iOS 9: https://imgur.com/a/nt4Bl iOS 10: https://imgur.com/a/Kz3CI Not that it makes much of a difference, but I used to be a heavy android user. Back in iOS 9 I was relying heavily on Google apps. But now, I really got used to Apple's ecosystem especially when I got myself an iMac.", ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : It's not as simple as that. Thanks to gerrymandering, a lot of districts are a mess of lines designed for manipulating demographics in order to preserve the status quo.", ">>{OninWar_} : You have such a simplified view of politics it's almost depressing.", '>>{frickxoff} : [I actually changed it, again. ](https://i.imgur.com/B3i6xGI.png) I think this layout is a little more bright and clean. I changed the folder titles to Japanese because why not?', '>>{epistemological} : Please down vote and report Britbart they are the definition of FAKE NEWS.', ">>{William_Conrad_Bain} : > giving trump a chance Why? Based on what? He's ALREADY a fucking disaster. Look at his fucking cabinet picks. The *best* people. Believe me. *Believe me.*", ">>{thewizardofash} : Can I get a link to your wallpaper? It's sweet.", ">>{Dsalter123} : You might be proven wrong We'll see 98% chance of Hillary victory right?", '>>{kayl-y11} : [I really want to get rid of the dock background] (http://i.imgur.com/6TMzS6Z.png)', '>>{William_Conrad_Bain} : LOOK. AT. HIS. FUCKING. CABINET. PICKS. He stocked the oval office with the crew of a pirate ship.', ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Man, I'm really going to miss the Obamas.", '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Shoot to be honest, as much as I have been an Obama supporter since his 2004 DNC Keynote, Michelle is a *better* public speaker than the President. The President himself is a more skilled orator. His speeches are structured better, and his ability to paint a picture is better, but his start-stop style can sometimes be hard to keep up on. But Michelle is just so smooth. Her ability to flow through a speech conversationally is brilliant and a very rare skill.', ">>{shiftyshadow17} : I turn badges off so it doesn't bother me lmao", '>>{miltedmalkball} : A "movement of unity" that attacks and belittles anyone who dare criticize it.', ">>{Dsalter123} : Funny how you guys were shouting LOOK AT THE POLLS. But a different outcome... I'm still giving him a chance. Never know what might happen", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : >Just shows what happens after a lifetime of people punching your head into concussions. Na na, this is Floyd. He's spent his career hugging dudes, dancing and running.", '>>{OpiRCthrow} : Mods say:From today : Hey! On Breitbart, please see our previous statement: > The final most received question is our subreddit\'s stance on Breitbart, a right-wing news site that has surged into the public consciousness with the rise of Trump. Despite the harassments it aimed toward the /r/politics moderation team, we have come to the conclusion that as Steve Bannon is no longer involved in the news site, it is not covered under the "No Propaganda" rule. If we were to ban every major news outlet with ties to a government, we would have to remove many more renowned media sources. > Further, “propaganda” is a serious matter. This is media that is truly state-run and produces a message that is dictated by the government. This can be seen in China with CCTV or in Russia with RT. Breitbart is nowhere near that and is ridiculous to assume otherwise. Going back to the partisan voting discussion, don’t simply ban the news outlet because you disagree with the message. That is a form of editorial control that goes too far.', '>>{iamtheaisle} : > If we were to ban every major news outlet with ties to a government, we would have to remove many more renowned media sources. Oh nooooo', ">>{CorporateDroog} : Ahhhhh no other website attracts the inclusiveness crowd like Breitbart. Ok, except maybe Stormfront edges them out, but now we're just splitting hairs...", '>>{shivs1147} : The funny thing is that Michelle is actually skilled at the type of conversational oratory DJ Trump thinks he excells at. Plus, unlike his speeches, hers actually still play well in written form.', ">>{Begotten912} : I've been starting to think people have the perceptions of our current Presidential candidates backwards. I think the truth is Hillary is secretly a racist conservative pretending to be a liberal, and Trump is secretly a liberal pretending to be a racist conservative. The world may never know...", '>>{gdex86} : Wait til both girls get to college and maybe Michelle will get bored and decide she wants a new project.', ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : I'm all on board for that. I just think they've been an exemplary First Family. It's like the Kennedy Camelot without the sex scandals.", '>>{rub23} : https://imgur.com/a/wZl4W i hope its ok if i share my jailbroken homescreen :)', '>>{AkoTehPanda} : It\'s always best to wait until something actually goes wrong before screaming "I TOLD YOU SO".', '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : More like 2024. No way she would beat an incumbent Hillary.', '>>{Shiny-And-New} : There are reasonable ways hillary would be one term by choice, given her age', '>>{Cuckinandshillin} : When exactly is the point to stop the building from burning? Now realize, since his inauguration, he\'s picked.... * An Attorney General so synonymous with racism that Coretta Scott King wrote a strongly worded letter against him being made a judge. * A National Security Advisor who was hated so bad by his subordinates, they got him fired from DIA, and is so engrossed by conspiracy theories that the term "Flynn Facts" was coined for when he\'d waste government time on Weekly World News bullshit. Oh, and deep ties to an enemy who just performed a cyberattack that affected an election. * A Secretary of Labor who hates labor, who threatened to fire his whole staff, who thinks the national wage is repressing him personally, and who will happily automate his entire staff. * An EPA head who thinks Climate Change is a Chinese conspiracy. * An Energy Secretary who got a D in "Meats", and "Economics", an F in "Organic Chemistry" and a D in "Professional Writing". He has a degree (which he barely earned) in Animal Science. He\'ll be in charge of our nuclear program. * An Education Secretary who hates public education, has no experience as an educator or in education policy, and who\'s Detroit Charter school project was a monumental failure that wasted millions of dollars and lowered test schools district wide, and is widely considered the worst charter school project ever done. But she was a huge Trump donor. * A Secretary of State who has deep ties to a country who recently attacked us and affected an election. Tillerson\'s already denied Climate Change and suggested the sanctions on Crimea be lifted, which is itself a massive conflict of interest. But he was a huge Trump donor. * A Treasury Secretary who\'s most famous for being one of the most shameless looters during the economic downturn, claiming millions in economic relief, while illegally foreclosing homes, sometimes for as little as $28, but was a huge Trump donor. * A HUD Secretary who has absolutely zero experience in housing policy, urban development, or anything related, and who admitted on tape that he illegally traded his endorsement for a Cabinet position, and who\'s sole qualifications is that he is black and may have sometime lived in a house. Oh, and for general fuckups..... * Allowed his National Security Advisor to illegally make contact with Russia several times. While... * Trying to squelch an investigation that suggests that Russia may have compromising materials on him and/or that he traded adding the Russia claim to the Crimea to the RNC platform in exchange for Russia leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks. While... * Dodging a claim that Trump transition team members illegally influenced an RNC member to add the Crimea acceptance to the RNC platform. While... * Going on record suggesting that he wants to lift the Russian sanctions relative to Crimea without suggesting anything in return. While... * Attacking the National Security repeatedly for determining that Russia did perform the RNC hack and simultaneously attacking the CIA for investigating Carter Page and Paul Manafort\'s ties to Russia.... While... * Simultaneously denying he knew Page, who spent several days in Russia in mid-campaign, when it\'s clear that he knew Page, because they\'ve been seen together in meetings several times. While... * Simultaneously denying he had received a briefing on the details of the privately-sourced report that suggests all of this, which required the director of the FBI to admit he had given Trump that report. While... * Attacking and threatening to ban the news organization that reported on him receiving that briefing. While... * The House tried to put their own independent ethics watchdog under their control, and got promptly squashed for doing it. While... * The House made it so the Independent numbers crunching offices of the government can do a ten year assessment of the costs of everything EXCEPT REPEALING OBAMACARE. While... * Starting the repeal process of Obamacare with no real way to replace it or even delay the repeal inherently. While... * Attacking a Civil Rights Icon the day before MLK day (and his various other pissing matches on Twitter). While... * Offering lucrative ambassadorships to music industry bookers to get bands for his Inauguration While... * The House restored the rule allowing them to reduce Federal salaries to one dollar, in effect subverting the hiring and firing rules for civil servants, while the administration requested blacklists of Climate Change, ACA, and other specialists. While.... * Having lied almost exclusively about his divestitures, which creates several guaranteed conflicts of interests, including the Trump DC Hotel, which literally violates the agreement he signed. While... * Pressuring foreign governments to use his hotels and branded items, and on at least two occasions pressured foreign governments to advance his development projects. HOLY FUCK THIS TOOK FOREVER TO TYPE OUT. At what point is enough enough? What scandal, what bullshit is enough to justify being aggrieved? Is this not enough fuckup?', ">>{ontopic} : There is a long standing rumor that Floyd can't read. He had a feud with 50 Cent centered around it.", ">>{William_Conrad_Bain} : > I'm still giving him a chance. That means less than dog shit to me.", ">>{SOL686} : LOL ooh my god, I mean I hate to say I'm going to enjoy the Trump years, but quotes like these.... >He added that this inauguration may be the most historic in U.S. history since the country has elected for the first time ever a businessman who has never held either elected or military office. Waay more historic than the election of the first and only president who wasn't a rich old white male", '>>{CJsAviOr} : No shit? The US got rid of ban on interracial marriage just over 50 years ago, what do you expect things to move that fast?', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : But are they heavily *qualified?* Shouldn't this be more important?", ">>{FUBARtheinsane} : [it's taken me a long time to get here](https://i.imgur.com/SHtpT5E.jpg)", ">>{William_Conrad_Bain} : “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing,” Trump said, referring to the more than 30,000 purportedly personal emails that Clinton deleted from a private email server that she was using when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That will be next.” -Donald Trump", '>>{Hellobrother222} : [Jailbroken](http://m.imgur.com/RrfzgIr), my lock screen looks even better though.', '>>{Therekrerf} : So is Salon, Buzzfeed, Huffington post etc.', '>>{Dsalter123} : The fuck does that have to do with what we were talking about?', '>>{Mr_Durden} : As a boxing fan, this... Floyd is know as a defensive fighter and it was rather a rare occurrence that he would get hit with clean shots.', '>>{waffletoastcrunch} : >He stocked the oval office with the crew of a pirate ship. I choked on my drink', ">>{masonsherer} : Because a white/male majority equals sexism. You should feel ashamed, you're probably a white male (ugh), check your privilege! /s", '>>{bmalph182} : >Offering lucrative ambassadorships to music industry bookers to get bands for his Inauguration I like this one for the giggles. What a maker of deals.', '>>{polymute} : > and Trump is secretly a liberal pretending to be a racist conservative Nah, he has a pretty long track record of being a racist. http://new.www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/29/donald-trump-blacks-lawsuit_n_855553.html', ">>{Begotten912} : Huffpo huh. Let me check Fox News for a piece on Hillary while I'm at it", '>>{Deofol7} : Ask the city of Atlanta how they feel about Trump this week. Maybe an apology will bring some unity?', '>>{polymute} : Trump orders blacks to leave casino floor whenever him or wife arrives on property. http://articles.philly.com/1991-05-10/news/25795529_1_trump-associates-trump-s-atlantic-city-donald-trump Trump refuses to cast black models http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3546047/Beauty-pageant-organizer-accused-Trump-unwanted-fondling-contestant-claimed-said-women-bimbos.html Trump Retweets message from Pro-Hitler, white genocide conspiracy Twitter account http://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-retweets-white-genocide-account-based-in-jewmerica/ Trump falsely claims 4 out of 5 white people who were victims of homicide were murdered by blacks http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/ *** Do you want more?', ">>{olov244} : I don't know if I'd go that far, but I think it's more like the 'good ol boy' system, they want their buddies, who think like them, in power, so they can get their agenda passed but she's not a liberal, no idea what category trump is but I don't think he's a liberal either", ">>{CarmineFields} : Which one of those outlets was DIRECTLY involved in a politician's campaign?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Even the cover bands are backing out. I hear Tiffany Trump will still perform, so there's that...", '>>{CarmineFields} : Or is the wrong religion, race or gender...', ">>{Therekrerf} : None that I'm aware of. Of course, there is thinkprogress.com, founded by Judd Legum who has direct connections to the Hillary campaign.", ">>{OJSamson} : Has trump made a single move to unite Americans that wasn't immediately preceded by or followed by a tweet that that was intended to insult a group of Americans? He called me an enemy, fuck him we're enemies now.", '>>{treerat} : It may very well be historic. Trump hasnt a clue and can cause great damage quickly..', ">>{Begotten912} : Hillary has done and said more racist things during her time as a public figure than Trump has, and politically she's closer to a neocon than anything else. That's my reasoning for that. As for Trump, his voting record has him switching back and forth between Democrat, Republican, and Independent over the years (including voting for Obama and Kerry) and his policy proposals this election as a whole are hard to put under any one category.", '>>{trumplord} : How long before this call to unity becomes an obligation?', '>>{ME24601} : >This Is a ‘Movement of Unity for the People’ Except Muslims. And women. And any other minority, really.', '>>{table_fireplace} : You know, I could go for some delicious Corn Flakes. Nurtitious *and* anti-fascist!', ">>{SOL686} : Its probably the last time we'll see a peaceful transition things will get bad, very bad, and the oligarchy isn't going to just walk away with the kind of power Trumps gifting them", '>>{treerat} : From [Wapo](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/stephen-bannon-will-be-trumps-chief-strategist-what-does-that-mean-for-breitbart/2016/11/14/a28965ca-aa66-11e6-977a-1030f822fc35_story.html), a different opinion: >Since then, neither Bannon nor staff members at Breitbart have spelled out what their relationship will be after candidate Trump becomes President Trump. But even if Bannon and the website sever all ties, they will face an unusual, and awkward, situation: Bannon would be the former executive of a media organization that openly supported his political patron who will serve the president in a senior capacity while his media organization continues to cover him and his new boss. >“Breitbart will now go from being the propaganda arm of the Trump campaign to effectively becoming a state-run medium,” said Kurt Bardella, Breitbart’s former spokesman. “They will exist to tell the narrative of the Trump presidency to their audience to ensure their alternate reality they successfully ran on stays intact regardless of the situational reality and condition of this country. **There is no separation between Breitbart and the Trump White House**.” >**Bannon remains on Breitbart’s masthead as its executive chairman**, although his day-to-day involvement as its chief editorial strategist (and host of its daily satellite radio program) were mothballed when he officially joined Trump’s team over the summer.', '>>{dekanger} : Fox is allowed and they are arguably worse for advancing the Putin agenda.', '>>{therealhood} : Millionaires... billionaires....angry white guys...... you know everyone', ">>{CarmineFields} : Breitbart is in a category all its own. I'd be happy to ban thinkprogress if we could get rid of Trump's personal tabloid.", ">>{coffeeisking} : Don't they get automatically removed due to their massively negative score... They're so often pure propaganda from an extremely unreliable source. This community clearly agrees breitbart is trash except for the few r the donald billy goat and bridge enthusiasts who insist on posting. By not banning it the mods aren't accomplishing anything because it gets deleted anyway, but they're just annoying the users. The posters should use fox news as their source instead. If it's a real story there should be more than one credible place reporting it. And if it's not there then the story is clearly not fit even for TP. And yet it's allowed here.", ">>{coffeeisking} : If the mods think this about propaganda, then I'm not certain logic works well on them. > Further, “propaganda” is a serious matter. This is media that is truly state-run and produces a message that is dictated by the government. Propaganda can most definitely come from non-state controlled sources. I was not under the impression that the wording of the ban was only 'state run propaganda' isn't allowed, but that's what this cat's quote from the mods says.", '>>{treerat} : Hillary no longer has a campaign. Try harder.', '>>{Therekrerf} : but neither does Trump... What are we talking about then?', ">>{saturnengr0} : For only $49.99, you can symbolically attend donald trump's inauguration. Make your check payable to cash and send it to donald trump Symbolic Inauguration C/O Eric trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500^^/S", ">>{dropspace} : I envision a North Korea like extravaganza that would make the dear leader proud! Dancing bears! Acrobats! Feats of military strength! I'm getting excited just thinking about it.", ">>{Doctor_YOOOU} : Don seems like he's really into nukes and Kim Jong Un is too! Maybe they can have a team up!", '>>{Animated_post} : The official mouth piece of the Dictator: Breitbart. No fucking thank you.', '>>{malpais} : 72 million American voters: "No thanks."', '>>{tau-lepton} : Like RT? And Lifezette? That would be just fine', '>>{justablur} : Want in one hand, pay a hooker to piss in the other; see which fills up first.', '>>{mommy2libras} : Dude, I\'ve been calling the "narcissistic sociopath" since summer of 2015. And even before that he was always kind of a joke to a lot if people.', ">>{mommy2libras} : You should watch it. I'm going to start when I get the kids up at 6. I can't be there in person but no way am I missing what may be the largest US protest ever. It'll be a bunch of smaller groups but they're all there for one thing so I think that counts as one protest. I might have it on 2 or 3 different screens so I can see more protest.", ">>{mommy2libras} : I get what they're saying but you're correct. There are 100% alt-right news sites that even call themselves propaganda and they aren't state run, just bullshit hatred."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{OpiRCthrow} : Inaugural Committee: ‘We Want All Americans’ to Join Donald Trump’s Inauguration; This Is a ‘Movement of Unity for the People’', ">>{Argikeraunos} : Why is Breitbart still allowed on this subreddit? Have we ever gotten a ruling on them? They're transparent propaganda.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Movement of unity for the (rural white) people. FTFY.', '>>{SaltHash} : They need to tell the president-elect to shut down his divisive & hostile rhetoric if they want to promote unity of the people.', '>>{StonerMeditation} : **Republicans are as deluded as Trump himself:** Trump Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopath) **Symptoms Antisocial personality disorder signs and symptoms may include:** Disregard for right and wrong Persistent lying or deceit to exploit others Being callous, cynical and disrespectful of others Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or personal pleasure Arrogance, a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated Recurring problems with the law, including criminal behavior Repeatedly violating the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead Hostility, significant irritability, agitation, aggression or violence Lack of empathy for others and lack of remorse about harming others Unnecessary risk-taking or dangerous behavior with no regard for the safety of self or others Poor or abusive relationships Failure to consider the negative consequences of behavior or learn from them Being consistently irresponsible and repeatedly failing to fulfill work or financial obligations', ">>{liebkartoffel} : Given Trump's current approval ratings, he's doing a fantastic job uniting the American people. I mean, they're united against him, but still.", '>>{epistemological} : Please down vote and report Britbart they are the definition of FAKE NEWS.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : A "movement of unity" that attacks and belittles anyone who dare criticize it.', '>>{OpiRCthrow} : Mods say:From today : Hey! On Breitbart, please see our previous statement: > The final most received question is our subreddit\'s stance on Breitbart, a right-wing news site that has surged into the public consciousness with the rise of Trump. Despite the harassments it aimed toward the /r/politics moderation team, we have come to the conclusion that as Steve Bannon is no longer involved in the news site, it is not covered under the "No Propaganda" rule. If we were to ban every major news outlet with ties to a government, we would have to remove many more renowned media sources. > Further, “propaganda” is a serious matter. This is media that is truly state-run and produces a message that is dictated by the government. This can be seen in China with CCTV or in Russia with RT. Breitbart is nowhere near that and is ridiculous to assume otherwise. Going back to the partisan voting discussion, don’t simply ban the news outlet because you disagree with the message. That is a form of editorial control that goes too far.', '>>{iamtheaisle} : > If we were to ban every major news outlet with ties to a government, we would have to remove many more renowned media sources. Oh nooooo', ">>{CorporateDroog} : Ahhhhh no other website attracts the inclusiveness crowd like Breitbart. Ok, except maybe Stormfront edges them out, but now we're just splitting hairs...", ">>{SOL686} : LOL ooh my god, I mean I hate to say I'm going to enjoy the Trump years, but quotes like these.... >He added that this inauguration may be the most historic in U.S. history since the country has elected for the first time ever a businessman who has never held either elected or military office. Waay more historic than the election of the first and only president who wasn't a rich old white male", '>>{Therekrerf} : So is Salon, Buzzfeed, Huffington post etc.', '>>{Deofol7} : Ask the city of Atlanta how they feel about Trump this week. Maybe an apology will bring some unity?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Which one of those outlets was DIRECTLY involved in a politician's campaign?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Even the cover bands are backing out. I hear Tiffany Trump will still perform, so there's that...", '>>{CarmineFields} : Or is the wrong religion, race or gender...', ">>{Therekrerf} : None that I'm aware of. Of course, there is thinkprogress.com, founded by Judd Legum who has direct connections to the Hillary campaign.", ">>{OJSamson} : Has trump made a single move to unite Americans that wasn't immediately preceded by or followed by a tweet that that was intended to insult a group of Americans? He called me an enemy, fuck him we're enemies now.", '>>{treerat} : It may very well be historic. Trump hasnt a clue and can cause great damage quickly..', '>>{trumplord} : How long before this call to unity becomes an obligation?', '>>{ME24601} : >This Is a ‘Movement of Unity for the People’ Except Muslims. And women. And any other minority, really.', '>>{table_fireplace} : You know, I could go for some delicious Corn Flakes. Nurtitious *and* anti-fascist!', ">>{SOL686} : Its probably the last time we'll see a peaceful transition things will get bad, very bad, and the oligarchy isn't going to just walk away with the kind of power Trumps gifting them", '>>{treerat} : From [Wapo](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/stephen-bannon-will-be-trumps-chief-strategist-what-does-that-mean-for-breitbart/2016/11/14/a28965ca-aa66-11e6-977a-1030f822fc35_story.html), a different opinion: >Since then, neither Bannon nor staff members at Breitbart have spelled out what their relationship will be after candidate Trump becomes President Trump. But even if Bannon and the website sever all ties, they will face an unusual, and awkward, situation: Bannon would be the former executive of a media organization that openly supported his political patron who will serve the president in a senior capacity while his media organization continues to cover him and his new boss. >“Breitbart will now go from being the propaganda arm of the Trump campaign to effectively becoming a state-run medium,” said Kurt Bardella, Breitbart’s former spokesman. “They will exist to tell the narrative of the Trump presidency to their audience to ensure their alternate reality they successfully ran on stays intact regardless of the situational reality and condition of this country. **There is no separation between Breitbart and the Trump White House**.” >**Bannon remains on Breitbart’s masthead as its executive chairman**, although his day-to-day involvement as its chief editorial strategist (and host of its daily satellite radio program) were mothballed when he officially joined Trump’s team over the summer.', '>>{dekanger} : Fox is allowed and they are arguably worse for advancing the Putin agenda.', '>>{therealhood} : Millionaires... billionaires....angry white guys...... you know everyone', ">>{CarmineFields} : Breitbart is in a category all its own. I'd be happy to ban thinkprogress if we could get rid of Trump's personal tabloid.", ">>{coffeeisking} : Don't they get automatically removed due to their massively negative score... They're so often pure propaganda from an extremely unreliable source. This community clearly agrees breitbart is trash except for the few r the donald billy goat and bridge enthusiasts who insist on posting. By not banning it the mods aren't accomplishing anything because it gets deleted anyway, but they're just annoying the users. The posters should use fox news as their source instead. If it's a real story there should be more than one credible place reporting it. And if it's not there then the story is clearly not fit even for TP. And yet it's allowed here.", ">>{coffeeisking} : If the mods think this about propaganda, then I'm not certain logic works well on them. > Further, “propaganda” is a serious matter. This is media that is truly state-run and produces a message that is dictated by the government. Propaganda can most definitely come from non-state controlled sources. I was not under the impression that the wording of the ban was only 'state run propaganda' isn't allowed, but that's what this cat's quote from the mods says.", '>>{treerat} : Hillary no longer has a campaign. Try harder.', '>>{Therekrerf} : but neither does Trump... What are we talking about then?', ">>{saturnengr0} : For only $49.99, you can symbolically attend donald trump's inauguration. Make your check payable to cash and send it to donald trump Symbolic Inauguration C/O Eric trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500^^/S", ">>{dropspace} : I envision a North Korea like extravaganza that would make the dear leader proud! Dancing bears! Acrobats! Feats of military strength! I'm getting excited just thinking about it.", ">>{Doctor_YOOOU} : Don seems like he's really into nukes and Kim Jong Un is too! Maybe they can have a team up!", '>>{Animated_post} : The official mouth piece of the Dictator: Breitbart. No fucking thank you.', '>>{malpais} : 72 million American voters: "No thanks."', '>>{tau-lepton} : Like RT? And Lifezette? That would be just fine', '>>{justablur} : Want in one hand, pay a hooker to piss in the other; see which fills up first.', '>>{mommy2libras} : Dude, I\'ve been calling the "narcissistic sociopath" since summer of 2015. And even before that he was always kind of a joke to a lot if people.', ">>{mommy2libras} : You should watch it. I'm going to start when I get the kids up at 6. I can't be there in person but no way am I missing what may be the largest US protest ever. It'll be a bunch of smaller groups but they're all there for one thing so I think that counts as one protest. I might have it on 2 or 3 different screens so I can see more protest.", ">>{mommy2libras} : I get what they're saying but you're correct. There are 100% alt-right news sites that even call themselves propaganda and they aren't state run, just bullshit hatred."], [">>{jasonzimmy} : Ex-White House social secretary: 'This is the real Michelle Obama'", '>>{TheBrianJ} : That is a weirdly written headline. It reads like the kind of clickbait that would typically come before something that goes against her character, but instead "The real Michelle Obama" is pretty much the one we\'ve always seen; the passionate, inspirational, and dedicated FLOTUS.', ">>{shivs1147} : Does nobody else remember her speeches back in 2008? We've known for quite some time that her skills rivaled her husbands.", '>>{shivs1147} : You just know some DJ Trump acolyte clicked on this article assuming it would bash Michelle. Those poor people getting tricked out of their safe spaces!', ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Man, I'm really going to miss the Obamas.", '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Shoot to be honest, as much as I have been an Obama supporter since his 2004 DNC Keynote, Michelle is a *better* public speaker than the President. The President himself is a more skilled orator. His speeches are structured better, and his ability to paint a picture is better, but his start-stop style can sometimes be hard to keep up on. But Michelle is just so smooth. Her ability to flow through a speech conversationally is brilliant and a very rare skill.', '>>{shivs1147} : The funny thing is that Michelle is actually skilled at the type of conversational oratory DJ Trump thinks he excells at. Plus, unlike his speeches, hers actually still play well in written form.', '>>{gdex86} : Wait til both girls get to college and maybe Michelle will get bored and decide she wants a new project.', ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : I'm all on board for that. I just think they've been an exemplary First Family. It's like the Kennedy Camelot without the sex scandals.", '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : More like 2024. No way she would beat an incumbent Hillary.', '>>{Shiny-And-New} : There are reasonable ways hillary would be one term by choice, given her age'], ['>>{zakphi} : 10k+ emails? how is that even possible?', ">>{frickxoff} : This thread was just posted, but here's [mine ](https://i.imgur.com/7NfQvl7.png)", '>>{zakphi} : 20k? how does seeing that many emails not drive you crazy?', '>>{mysticportal} : http://m.imgur.com/gallery/5IctI I like keeping a stock layout except for the safari and Spotify icons in the dock. Wallpaper link: http://californiathroughmylens.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Splash-Cafe-Pismo-Beach.jpg', ">>{luqman_sha} : My setups.. iOS 9: https://imgur.com/a/nt4Bl iOS 10: https://imgur.com/a/Kz3CI Not that it makes much of a difference, but I used to be a heavy android user. Back in iOS 9 I was relying heavily on Google apps. But now, I really got used to Apple's ecosystem especially when I got myself an iMac.", '>>{frickxoff} : [I actually changed it, again. ](https://i.imgur.com/B3i6xGI.png) I think this layout is a little more bright and clean. I changed the folder titles to Japanese because why not?', ">>{thewizardofash} : Can I get a link to your wallpaper? It's sweet.", '>>{kayl-y11} : [I really want to get rid of the dock background] (http://i.imgur.com/6TMzS6Z.png)', ">>{shiftyshadow17} : I turn badges off so it doesn't bother me lmao", '>>{rub23} : https://imgur.com/a/wZl4W i hope its ok if i share my jailbroken homescreen :)', ">>{FUBARtheinsane} : [it's taken me a long time to get here](https://i.imgur.com/SHtpT5E.jpg)", '>>{Hellobrother222} : [Jailbroken](http://m.imgur.com/RrfzgIr), my lock screen looks even better though.'], ['>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : White males who care about black females. Thanks.', ">>{Fgtmods} : So what? If people feel they don't represent the district adequately because of gender or skin color, they can vote them out.", ">>{olov244} : we had some running in our state, but all the hilary supporters(a good portion black) voted in the cookie cutter white democrats. don't blame others for what you don't even do yourself. hell we could have had the first black governor in our state and I bet more white people voted for him than black people - because hilary supporters handing out flyers told them to vote for the white guy", ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : It's not as simple as that. Thanks to gerrymandering, a lot of districts are a mess of lines designed for manipulating demographics in order to preserve the status quo.", ">>{OninWar_} : You have such a simplified view of politics it's almost depressing.", ">>{Begotten912} : I've been starting to think people have the perceptions of our current Presidential candidates backwards. I think the truth is Hillary is secretly a racist conservative pretending to be a liberal, and Trump is secretly a liberal pretending to be a racist conservative. The world may never know...", '>>{CJsAviOr} : No shit? The US got rid of ban on interracial marriage just over 50 years ago, what do you expect things to move that fast?', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : But are they heavily *qualified?* Shouldn't this be more important?", ">>{masonsherer} : Because a white/male majority equals sexism. You should feel ashamed, you're probably a white male (ugh), check your privilege! /s", '>>{polymute} : > and Trump is secretly a liberal pretending to be a racist conservative Nah, he has a pretty long track record of being a racist. http://new.www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/29/donald-trump-blacks-lawsuit_n_855553.html', ">>{Begotten912} : Huffpo huh. Let me check Fox News for a piece on Hillary while I'm at it", '>>{polymute} : Trump orders blacks to leave casino floor whenever him or wife arrives on property. http://articles.philly.com/1991-05-10/news/25795529_1_trump-associates-trump-s-atlantic-city-donald-trump Trump refuses to cast black models http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3546047/Beauty-pageant-organizer-accused-Trump-unwanted-fondling-contestant-claimed-said-women-bimbos.html Trump Retweets message from Pro-Hitler, white genocide conspiracy Twitter account http://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-retweets-white-genocide-account-based-in-jewmerica/ Trump falsely claims 4 out of 5 white people who were victims of homicide were murdered by blacks http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/ *** Do you want more?', ">>{olov244} : I don't know if I'd go that far, but I think it's more like the 'good ol boy' system, they want their buddies, who think like them, in power, so they can get their agenda passed but she's not a liberal, no idea what category trump is but I don't think he's a liberal either", ">>{Begotten912} : Hillary has done and said more racist things during her time as a public figure than Trump has, and politically she's closer to a neocon than anything else. That's my reasoning for that. As for Trump, his voting record has him switching back and forth between Democrat, Republican, and Independent over the years (including voting for Obama and Kerry) and his policy proposals this election as a whole are hard to put under any one category."], [">>{acupoftwodayoldcoffe} : Floyd Mayweather Going to Trump Inauguration: 'Hopefully, He'll be a Good Prez!'", ">>{IGuessItsMe} : Just shows what happens after a lifetime of people punching your head into concussions. Don't be angry at him. Feel pity for his condition. Medicine is working to help people like him, from NFL players to boxers and other athletes that lose brain function to concussions. It is a serious matter and many pro athletes have killed themselves as a result. There are charities and organizations you can donate to, if you feel inclined to do so, that are working to solve these injuries.", ">>{Dsalter123} : Atleast he's giving him a chance to fuck up unlike the idiots here.", ">>{Dsalter123} : He retired undefeated not too long ago But I guess he's illiterate for giving trump a chance instead of saying fuck trump", '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : Just want they need at the inauguration, another domestic abuser.', ">>{William_Conrad_Bain} : > giving trump a chance Why? Based on what? He's ALREADY a fucking disaster. Look at his fucking cabinet picks. The *best* people. Believe me. *Believe me.*", ">>{Dsalter123} : You might be proven wrong We'll see 98% chance of Hillary victory right?", '>>{William_Conrad_Bain} : LOOK. AT. HIS. FUCKING. CABINET. PICKS. He stocked the oval office with the crew of a pirate ship.', ">>{Dsalter123} : Funny how you guys were shouting LOOK AT THE POLLS. But a different outcome... I'm still giving him a chance. Never know what might happen", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : >Just shows what happens after a lifetime of people punching your head into concussions. Na na, this is Floyd. He's spent his career hugging dudes, dancing and running.", '>>{AkoTehPanda} : It\'s always best to wait until something actually goes wrong before screaming "I TOLD YOU SO".', '>>{Cuckinandshillin} : When exactly is the point to stop the building from burning? Now realize, since his inauguration, he\'s picked.... * An Attorney General so synonymous with racism that Coretta Scott King wrote a strongly worded letter against him being made a judge. * A National Security Advisor who was hated so bad by his subordinates, they got him fired from DIA, and is so engrossed by conspiracy theories that the term "Flynn Facts" was coined for when he\'d waste government time on Weekly World News bullshit. Oh, and deep ties to an enemy who just performed a cyberattack that affected an election. * A Secretary of Labor who hates labor, who threatened to fire his whole staff, who thinks the national wage is repressing him personally, and who will happily automate his entire staff. * An EPA head who thinks Climate Change is a Chinese conspiracy. * An Energy Secretary who got a D in "Meats", and "Economics", an F in "Organic Chemistry" and a D in "Professional Writing". He has a degree (which he barely earned) in Animal Science. He\'ll be in charge of our nuclear program. * An Education Secretary who hates public education, has no experience as an educator or in education policy, and who\'s Detroit Charter school project was a monumental failure that wasted millions of dollars and lowered test schools district wide, and is widely considered the worst charter school project ever done. But she was a huge Trump donor. * A Secretary of State who has deep ties to a country who recently attacked us and affected an election. Tillerson\'s already denied Climate Change and suggested the sanctions on Crimea be lifted, which is itself a massive conflict of interest. But he was a huge Trump donor. * A Treasury Secretary who\'s most famous for being one of the most shameless looters during the economic downturn, claiming millions in economic relief, while illegally foreclosing homes, sometimes for as little as $28, but was a huge Trump donor. * A HUD Secretary who has absolutely zero experience in housing policy, urban development, or anything related, and who admitted on tape that he illegally traded his endorsement for a Cabinet position, and who\'s sole qualifications is that he is black and may have sometime lived in a house. Oh, and for general fuckups..... * Allowed his National Security Advisor to illegally make contact with Russia several times. While... * Trying to squelch an investigation that suggests that Russia may have compromising materials on him and/or that he traded adding the Russia claim to the Crimea to the RNC platform in exchange for Russia leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks. While... * Dodging a claim that Trump transition team members illegally influenced an RNC member to add the Crimea acceptance to the RNC platform. While... * Going on record suggesting that he wants to lift the Russian sanctions relative to Crimea without suggesting anything in return. While... * Attacking the National Security repeatedly for determining that Russia did perform the RNC hack and simultaneously attacking the CIA for investigating Carter Page and Paul Manafort\'s ties to Russia.... While... * Simultaneously denying he knew Page, who spent several days in Russia in mid-campaign, when it\'s clear that he knew Page, because they\'ve been seen together in meetings several times. While... * Simultaneously denying he had received a briefing on the details of the privately-sourced report that suggests all of this, which required the director of the FBI to admit he had given Trump that report. While... * Attacking and threatening to ban the news organization that reported on him receiving that briefing. While... * The House tried to put their own independent ethics watchdog under their control, and got promptly squashed for doing it. While... * The House made it so the Independent numbers crunching offices of the government can do a ten year assessment of the costs of everything EXCEPT REPEALING OBAMACARE. While... * Starting the repeal process of Obamacare with no real way to replace it or even delay the repeal inherently. While... * Attacking a Civil Rights Icon the day before MLK day (and his various other pissing matches on Twitter). While... * Offering lucrative ambassadorships to music industry bookers to get bands for his Inauguration While... * The House restored the rule allowing them to reduce Federal salaries to one dollar, in effect subverting the hiring and firing rules for civil servants, while the administration requested blacklists of Climate Change, ACA, and other specialists. While.... * Having lied almost exclusively about his divestitures, which creates several guaranteed conflicts of interests, including the Trump DC Hotel, which literally violates the agreement he signed. While... * Pressuring foreign governments to use his hotels and branded items, and on at least two occasions pressured foreign governments to advance his development projects. HOLY FUCK THIS TOOK FOREVER TO TYPE OUT. At what point is enough enough? What scandal, what bullshit is enough to justify being aggrieved? Is this not enough fuckup?', ">>{ontopic} : There is a long standing rumor that Floyd can't read. He had a feud with 50 Cent centered around it.", ">>{William_Conrad_Bain} : > I'm still giving him a chance. That means less than dog shit to me.", ">>{William_Conrad_Bain} : “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing,” Trump said, referring to the more than 30,000 purportedly personal emails that Clinton deleted from a private email server that she was using when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That will be next.” -Donald Trump", '>>{Dsalter123} : The fuck does that have to do with what we were talking about?', '>>{Mr_Durden} : As a boxing fan, this... Floyd is know as a defensive fighter and it was rather a rare occurrence that he would get hit with clean shots.', '>>{waffletoastcrunch} : >He stocked the oval office with the crew of a pirate ship. I choked on my drink', '>>{bmalph182} : >Offering lucrative ambassadorships to music industry bookers to get bands for his Inauguration I like this one for the giggles. What a maker of deals.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Firetrucker} : The Clinton News Network: All Clinton Winning All Day', '>>{WildAnimus} : For Now, Trump Bears Signs of a Dealmaker, Not a Policymaker', ">>{Firetrucker} : Sadly it appears to be true that the Democrats have elected the most Republican presidential candidate ever, outside of abortion and a smattering of carefully triangulated social issues. CNN's pimping has been consistent however but small wonder their owners paid Clinton a great of cash so naturally they're going to want to hedge that bet, they need TPP and other considerations.", '>>{jverity} : God I\'m tired of these posts, especially coming out of the hillary subs. Clinton hasn\'t clinched anything, and can\'t clinch anything without shutting Sanders out completely today. It\'s mathmatically possible, but not possible in reality. She only passes the threshold with superdelegates that don\'t vote until the convention. Does anyone know why we have superdelegates at all? >[The party advocates for the ability to protect itself in the event that the leading Democratic candidate is perceived to be incapable of winning the popular vote. For example, if only the most active—and liberal—members of the Democratic Party voted in the primary one year, they might choose a very liberal candidate. However, if the superdelegates—tried-and-true party stalwarts—felt that this person was too radical to win the popular vote, they would have the ability to elect someone else.](http://genprogress.org/voices/2008/04/09/14916/why-superdelegates-exist/) So in the absence of a candidate that actually meets the threshhold for clinching, they are there to protect the party from putting forth a candidate that will lose. Now, depending on which poll you look at, Hillary is either just ahead or behind Trump. But Sanders has a better shot in every poll, beating Hillary\'s numbers by double digits in some cases. And even if that wasn\'t the case, there is still the very real possibility that her legal problems are going to knock her out before she makes it to November. AND even if that never happens, it gives Trump something to pound on her with until the election, further reducing her chances. Just with simple facts, if the superdelegates are doing their job, they are going to switch to Sanders at the convention. Anything else proves what Bernie has been saying all along, that the party picked Hillary from the start and doesn\'t care what they have to do to get "their" establishment candidate on the ticket, even if it causes them to lose the election.', ">>{triplefastaction} : You're delusional if you think politics is a hillary sub.", '>>{miryslough} : >Trump said the decision to preserve Carrier\'s factory jobs occurred after he had phoned the CEO of its parent company, United Technologies. Yes, if "dealmaker" means getting played by Carrier for incentives and government contracts and then announcing they\'ll still be moving some jobs to Mexico.', '>>{LordDickish} : If you look at their Senate voting records Hillary was more Liberal than either Kerry or Obama.', '>>{Ouroboros000} : Dealmaker is an awfully polite word for it.', '>>{Firetrucker} : If you look at all the money Wall Street gives her you see that she is a corporate shill. If you look at her policy on the death penalty you see how illiberal she really is. If you look at her foreign policy voting you see how illlebral she is, yes she says Iraq was a mistake then she went rampaging into Libya and Syria and those two adventures have worked out the same. not only not liberal but clearly unable to learn from mistakes. If you look at the welfare cuts her husband pulled when he was President, when you look at how quickly they caved on health care and how bought they are by the insurance industry you see how liberal they are. When she is President watch her start to cut down Obamacare, more insurance less care will be the plan there. She is a triangulating opportunist and when she needs to be liberal she is when she needs to be conservative she is just like how her accent goes from down south to New York depending on where she happens to be speaking.', ">>{leroyVance} : I heard today that the DNC's metric for declaring a presumptive nominee. That candidate needs 60% of the pledged delegates. Ain't happened yet, this year.", ">>{aibot001} : The real knee-slapper is that most of Sander's supporters are now going to vote Clinton.", '>>{JacobCrim88} : He talked a lot about deal making in the debates, it was weird.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : oh, so Mr. Art of the Deal is a dealmaker and not a policymaker? Who could have known.', '>>{PerlenketteFurDich} : That\'s his whole schtick. He\'s gonna make better "deals" than the existing government does. And for him, a "deal" is where he signs a very competitive agreement to do a thing, pulls all the cash out of the deal, and then walks away and sues you when you try to make him do the thing he promised to do.', ">>{hearthneewb} : We don't know all the details its pretty obvious that Carrier are going to get a lot more government deals along with the tax break.", '>>{Claritypleas} : I think the term you wanted is "double-dealmaker"', '>>{jverity} : No, I\'m not saying it is. But yesterday, every Hillary sub posted multiple articles about how close she was to "clinching the nomination" even though she is no where near actually doing that.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah, saying that gays shouldn't be able to get married, voting yes on oil drilling and pipelines, and supporting wars is definitely liberal. Hillary will say anything to help her career.", '>>{Claritypleas} : Well, considering the campaign promise was to make corporations pay if they export jobs, and then you turn around and pay *them* to keep jobs here, then this is definitely Trump getting played.', ">>{triplefastaction} : Hillary has the votes needed to win. There are 813 delegates left, if Bernie won every one of those he'd still be one behind. But yeah you're right. There's still hope.", ">>{suhpro} : Let's wait for everyone to vote before we declare a winner. The democratic party and cable news media are so fucked. At least they are going out with a bang this year because Id bet they won't exist in the next decade", '>>{Claritypleas} : I think the title should more accurately be the Art of Bankruptcy.', '>>{aibot001} : > because Id bet they won\'t exist in the next decade RemindMe! 10 years. "Does the Democratic party still exist?"', ">>{miryslough} : You must only be thinking of what Carrier is getting and not what United Technologies will be getting. Also this deal is the exact opposite kind of thing that Trump said he'd be doing during his entire campaign. Instead of *penalizing* a company for attempting to move jobs, he's *rewarding* that effort and they're still moving some of those jobs. So, yes not only did he once again flip flop on his own stance, but he also got played."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Firetrucker} : The Clinton News Network: All Clinton Winning All Day', ">>{Firetrucker} : Sadly it appears to be true that the Democrats have elected the most Republican presidential candidate ever, outside of abortion and a smattering of carefully triangulated social issues. CNN's pimping has been consistent however but small wonder their owners paid Clinton a great of cash so naturally they're going to want to hedge that bet, they need TPP and other considerations.", '>>{jverity} : God I\'m tired of these posts, especially coming out of the hillary subs. Clinton hasn\'t clinched anything, and can\'t clinch anything without shutting Sanders out completely today. It\'s mathmatically possible, but not possible in reality. She only passes the threshold with superdelegates that don\'t vote until the convention. Does anyone know why we have superdelegates at all? >[The party advocates for the ability to protect itself in the event that the leading Democratic candidate is perceived to be incapable of winning the popular vote. For example, if only the most active—and liberal—members of the Democratic Party voted in the primary one year, they might choose a very liberal candidate. However, if the superdelegates—tried-and-true party stalwarts—felt that this person was too radical to win the popular vote, they would have the ability to elect someone else.](http://genprogress.org/voices/2008/04/09/14916/why-superdelegates-exist/) So in the absence of a candidate that actually meets the threshhold for clinching, they are there to protect the party from putting forth a candidate that will lose. Now, depending on which poll you look at, Hillary is either just ahead or behind Trump. But Sanders has a better shot in every poll, beating Hillary\'s numbers by double digits in some cases. And even if that wasn\'t the case, there is still the very real possibility that her legal problems are going to knock her out before she makes it to November. AND even if that never happens, it gives Trump something to pound on her with until the election, further reducing her chances. Just with simple facts, if the superdelegates are doing their job, they are going to switch to Sanders at the convention. Anything else proves what Bernie has been saying all along, that the party picked Hillary from the start and doesn\'t care what they have to do to get "their" establishment candidate on the ticket, even if it causes them to lose the election.', ">>{triplefastaction} : You're delusional if you think politics is a hillary sub.", '>>{LordDickish} : If you look at their Senate voting records Hillary was more Liberal than either Kerry or Obama.', '>>{Firetrucker} : If you look at all the money Wall Street gives her you see that she is a corporate shill. If you look at her policy on the death penalty you see how illiberal she really is. If you look at her foreign policy voting you see how illlebral she is, yes she says Iraq was a mistake then she went rampaging into Libya and Syria and those two adventures have worked out the same. not only not liberal but clearly unable to learn from mistakes. If you look at the welfare cuts her husband pulled when he was President, when you look at how quickly they caved on health care and how bought they are by the insurance industry you see how liberal they are. When she is President watch her start to cut down Obamacare, more insurance less care will be the plan there. She is a triangulating opportunist and when she needs to be liberal she is when she needs to be conservative she is just like how her accent goes from down south to New York depending on where she happens to be speaking.', ">>{leroyVance} : I heard today that the DNC's metric for declaring a presumptive nominee. That candidate needs 60% of the pledged delegates. Ain't happened yet, this year.", ">>{aibot001} : The real knee-slapper is that most of Sander's supporters are now going to vote Clinton.", '>>{jverity} : No, I\'m not saying it is. But yesterday, every Hillary sub posted multiple articles about how close she was to "clinching the nomination" even though she is no where near actually doing that.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah, saying that gays shouldn't be able to get married, voting yes on oil drilling and pipelines, and supporting wars is definitely liberal. Hillary will say anything to help her career.", ">>{triplefastaction} : Hillary has the votes needed to win. There are 813 delegates left, if Bernie won every one of those he'd still be one behind. But yeah you're right. There's still hope.", ">>{suhpro} : Let's wait for everyone to vote before we declare a winner. The democratic party and cable news media are so fucked. At least they are going out with a bang this year because Id bet they won't exist in the next decade", '>>{aibot001} : > because Id bet they won\'t exist in the next decade RemindMe! 10 years. "Does the Democratic party still exist?"'], ['>>{WildAnimus} : For Now, Trump Bears Signs of a Dealmaker, Not a Policymaker', '>>{miryslough} : >Trump said the decision to preserve Carrier\'s factory jobs occurred after he had phoned the CEO of its parent company, United Technologies. Yes, if "dealmaker" means getting played by Carrier for incentives and government contracts and then announcing they\'ll still be moving some jobs to Mexico.', '>>{Ouroboros000} : Dealmaker is an awfully polite word for it.', '>>{JacobCrim88} : He talked a lot about deal making in the debates, it was weird.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : oh, so Mr. Art of the Deal is a dealmaker and not a policymaker? Who could have known.', '>>{PerlenketteFurDich} : That\'s his whole schtick. He\'s gonna make better "deals" than the existing government does. And for him, a "deal" is where he signs a very competitive agreement to do a thing, pulls all the cash out of the deal, and then walks away and sues you when you try to make him do the thing he promised to do.', ">>{hearthneewb} : We don't know all the details its pretty obvious that Carrier are going to get a lot more government deals along with the tax break.", '>>{Claritypleas} : I think the term you wanted is "double-dealmaker"', '>>{Claritypleas} : Well, considering the campaign promise was to make corporations pay if they export jobs, and then you turn around and pay *them* to keep jobs here, then this is definitely Trump getting played.', '>>{Claritypleas} : I think the title should more accurately be the Art of Bankruptcy.', ">>{miryslough} : You must only be thinking of what Carrier is getting and not what United Technologies will be getting. Also this deal is the exact opposite kind of thing that Trump said he'd be doing during his entire campaign. Instead of *penalizing* a company for attempting to move jobs, he's *rewarding* that effort and they're still moving some of those jobs. So, yes not only did he once again flip flop on his own stance, but he also got played."]]
classify and reply
['>>{myellabella} : Conservative Group Wants Trump To ‘Ferret Out’ Pro-LGBT State Department Workers', ">>{AuckaLukaum} : Does Jesus *really* have so little to do that he needs to obsess over what's in people's pants? I mean, didn't he put it there to begin with?", '>>{Pregfur_} : And people mock us for saying there will be death camps', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Jesus also condemned the Pharisees for trying to micromanage peoples' lives based on their religion. The entire religious right could really use some remedial theology classes going over what exactly Jesus did and taught. He wouldn't be caught dead voting Republican.", ">>{__Noodles} : HuffPost with a clickbait headline coming from a lunatic group that doesn't actually represent Trump or really anyone else but themselves. Cool post bro :/", ">>{gaeuvyen} : We are LGBTQ friendly, we are trying to teach our friends that they ARE SINNERS AND WILL BURN IN AN ENTERNAL LAKE OF FIRE IF THEY DON'T REPENT -religious conservatives", '>>{AerialShorts} : Ah, the tolerant republicans. They are coming for all of us...', '>>{AuckaLukaum} : 8 years in Catholic schools here. Mass every day of the week. Know the bible inside and out, forward and backward. One thing Jesus would *not* be if he decided to come back, is a Christian.', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Where did the headline claim anything you are protesting? It says a group wants someone to do a thing, in its most basic form', '>>{Chocolate_Bane} : I think u/__Noodles takes issue with the term "Conservative Group" in the headline as it is a loaded term. Which conservative group? At a glance one might think republican law maker or some large constituency. In this case the conservative group is the Family Research Council (FRC) which the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies as an anti-gay hate group.', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : I still don\'t see how anyone could read that headline, and assume this is coming from someone representing Trump. "...that doesn\'t actually represent Trump or really anyone else but themselves." Not understanding a headline doesn\'t make it "clickbait". The headline seemed to accurately describe the content of the story.', ">>{ballerina12-24} : Trump and Pence don't seem to share your evaluation of that christapo group, but ok.... (Also - at no point does the headline imply or state that they are representing trump)", '>>{Chocolate_Bane} : I think that the combination of "Huffington Post", "Conservative Group" and "Trump" in the headline has conditioned some to automatically believe the content of the article to be anti-republican and anti-Trump. In fact one the issue of Trump and LGBT the article says: > Indeed, after this article [the article put out by FRC] was published, Trump’s transition team released a statement expressing strong opposition to the Family Research Council’s appeal. >“President-elect Trump campaigned on a message of unity in order to bring all Americans together. To think that discrimination of any kind will be condoned or tolerated in a Trump Administration is simply absurd and nothing more than the exploitation of certain groups for political purposes,” Trump spokesman Jason Miller said.', '>>{Chocolate_Bane} : The conservative group in the article is the Family Research Council. I doubt that typical republicans are classified as an[ anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Research_Council)', ">>{wyldcat} : Wrong, wrong, wrong! [Ken Blackwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Blackwell), the former Ohio secretary of state, who's on Trump's transition team as Domestic policy chair, now a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, will be handling domestic issues as the team discusses the administration’s priorities for its first hundred days. > [Blackwell gained national notoriety as Ohio’s secretary of state in the lead-up to the 2004 election, when he implemented a number of creative voter suppression measures. He now works for the FRC, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as an anti-gay hate group thanks to its promotion of “discredited research and junk science” meant to “denigrate LGBT people.”](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/12/inside-donald-trumps-shady-transition-team-domestic-policy-chair-ken-blackwell-pushed-voter-suppression-anti-lgbtq-measures/) [But he's far from the only one with connections to FRC:](https://www.wired.com/2016/11/trumps-transition-team-tied-anti-gay-pseudoscience/) > **Kay Cole James**, who co-leads the transition team in management and budget affairs, is a former FRC vice president. James’ co-lead, **Ed Meese**, has written for FRC. Brietbart’s **Ken Klukowski**, head of the team’s “Constitutional rights” policy, served as director of FRC’s Center of Religious Liberty. Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, **Betsy DeVos**, comes from a family of FRC donors. > > That’s not to mention the many cabinet appointees and soon-to-be staffers who have spoken at FRC’s annual Values Voter Summit, from **Reince Priebus** to **Tom Price** to **Jeff Sessions** to **Mike Pompeo**. **Pence** and **Trump** themselves have met with FRC President Tony Perkins, and they were the first-ever Republican presidential ticket to speak at the summit.", ">>{wyldcat} : That sounds like a load of bullshit to me considering how many people on Trump's transition team got connections with FRC: [Ken Blackwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Blackwell), the former Ohio secretary of state, who's on Trump's transition team as Domestic policy chair, now a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, will be handling domestic issues as the team discusses the administration’s priorities for its first hundred days. > [Blackwell gained national notoriety as Ohio’s secretary of state in the lead-up to the 2004 election, when he implemented a number of creative voter suppression measures. He now works for the FRC, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as an anti-gay hate group thanks to its promotion of “discredited research and junk science” meant to “denigrate LGBT people.”](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/12/inside-donald-trumps-shady-transition-team-domestic-policy-chair-ken-blackwell-pushed-voter-suppression-anti-lgbtq-measures/) [Also:](https://www.wired.com/2016/11/trumps-transition-team-tied-anti-gay-pseudoscience/) > **Kay Cole James**, who co-leads the transition team in management and budget affairs, is a former FRC vice president. James’ co-lead, **Ed Meese**, has written for FRC. Brietbart’s **Ken Klukowski**, head of the team’s “Constitutional rights” policy, served as director of FRC’s Center of Religious Liberty. Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, **Betsy DeVos**, comes from a family of FRC donors. > > That’s not to mention the many cabinet appointees and soon-to-be staffers who have spoken at FRC’s annual Values Voter Summit, from **Reince Priebus** to **Tom Price** to **Jeff Sessions** to **Mike Pompeo**. **Pence** and **Trump** themselves have met with FRC President Tony Perkins, and they were the first-ever Republican presidential ticket to speak at the summit.", ">>{imkillingmyselfnextm} : Maybe they're not classified as an anti-lgbt+ hate group, but their platform has a few pages full of homophobia."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{myellabella} : Conservative Group Wants Trump To ‘Ferret Out’ Pro-LGBT State Department Workers', ">>{AuckaLukaum} : Does Jesus *really* have so little to do that he needs to obsess over what's in people's pants? I mean, didn't he put it there to begin with?", '>>{Pregfur_} : And people mock us for saying there will be death camps', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Jesus also condemned the Pharisees for trying to micromanage peoples' lives based on their religion. The entire religious right could really use some remedial theology classes going over what exactly Jesus did and taught. He wouldn't be caught dead voting Republican.", ">>{__Noodles} : HuffPost with a clickbait headline coming from a lunatic group that doesn't actually represent Trump or really anyone else but themselves. Cool post bro :/", ">>{gaeuvyen} : We are LGBTQ friendly, we are trying to teach our friends that they ARE SINNERS AND WILL BURN IN AN ENTERNAL LAKE OF FIRE IF THEY DON'T REPENT -religious conservatives", '>>{AerialShorts} : Ah, the tolerant republicans. They are coming for all of us...', '>>{AuckaLukaum} : 8 years in Catholic schools here. Mass every day of the week. Know the bible inside and out, forward and backward. One thing Jesus would *not* be if he decided to come back, is a Christian.', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Where did the headline claim anything you are protesting? It says a group wants someone to do a thing, in its most basic form', '>>{Chocolate_Bane} : I think u/__Noodles takes issue with the term "Conservative Group" in the headline as it is a loaded term. Which conservative group? At a glance one might think republican law maker or some large constituency. In this case the conservative group is the Family Research Council (FRC) which the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies as an anti-gay hate group.', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : I still don\'t see how anyone could read that headline, and assume this is coming from someone representing Trump. "...that doesn\'t actually represent Trump or really anyone else but themselves." Not understanding a headline doesn\'t make it "clickbait". The headline seemed to accurately describe the content of the story.', ">>{ballerina12-24} : Trump and Pence don't seem to share your evaluation of that christapo group, but ok.... (Also - at no point does the headline imply or state that they are representing trump)", '>>{Chocolate_Bane} : I think that the combination of "Huffington Post", "Conservative Group" and "Trump" in the headline has conditioned some to automatically believe the content of the article to be anti-republican and anti-Trump. In fact one the issue of Trump and LGBT the article says: > Indeed, after this article [the article put out by FRC] was published, Trump’s transition team released a statement expressing strong opposition to the Family Research Council’s appeal. >“President-elect Trump campaigned on a message of unity in order to bring all Americans together. To think that discrimination of any kind will be condoned or tolerated in a Trump Administration is simply absurd and nothing more than the exploitation of certain groups for political purposes,” Trump spokesman Jason Miller said.', '>>{Chocolate_Bane} : The conservative group in the article is the Family Research Council. I doubt that typical republicans are classified as an[ anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Research_Council)', ">>{wyldcat} : Wrong, wrong, wrong! [Ken Blackwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Blackwell), the former Ohio secretary of state, who's on Trump's transition team as Domestic policy chair, now a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, will be handling domestic issues as the team discusses the administration’s priorities for its first hundred days. > [Blackwell gained national notoriety as Ohio’s secretary of state in the lead-up to the 2004 election, when he implemented a number of creative voter suppression measures. He now works for the FRC, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as an anti-gay hate group thanks to its promotion of “discredited research and junk science” meant to “denigrate LGBT people.”](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/12/inside-donald-trumps-shady-transition-team-domestic-policy-chair-ken-blackwell-pushed-voter-suppression-anti-lgbtq-measures/) [But he's far from the only one with connections to FRC:](https://www.wired.com/2016/11/trumps-transition-team-tied-anti-gay-pseudoscience/) > **Kay Cole James**, who co-leads the transition team in management and budget affairs, is a former FRC vice president. James’ co-lead, **Ed Meese**, has written for FRC. Brietbart’s **Ken Klukowski**, head of the team’s “Constitutional rights” policy, served as director of FRC’s Center of Religious Liberty. Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, **Betsy DeVos**, comes from a family of FRC donors. > > That’s not to mention the many cabinet appointees and soon-to-be staffers who have spoken at FRC’s annual Values Voter Summit, from **Reince Priebus** to **Tom Price** to **Jeff Sessions** to **Mike Pompeo**. **Pence** and **Trump** themselves have met with FRC President Tony Perkins, and they were the first-ever Republican presidential ticket to speak at the summit.", ">>{wyldcat} : That sounds like a load of bullshit to me considering how many people on Trump's transition team got connections with FRC: [Ken Blackwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Blackwell), the former Ohio secretary of state, who's on Trump's transition team as Domestic policy chair, now a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, will be handling domestic issues as the team discusses the administration’s priorities for its first hundred days. > [Blackwell gained national notoriety as Ohio’s secretary of state in the lead-up to the 2004 election, when he implemented a number of creative voter suppression measures. He now works for the FRC, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as an anti-gay hate group thanks to its promotion of “discredited research and junk science” meant to “denigrate LGBT people.”](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/12/inside-donald-trumps-shady-transition-team-domestic-policy-chair-ken-blackwell-pushed-voter-suppression-anti-lgbtq-measures/) [Also:](https://www.wired.com/2016/11/trumps-transition-team-tied-anti-gay-pseudoscience/) > **Kay Cole James**, who co-leads the transition team in management and budget affairs, is a former FRC vice president. James’ co-lead, **Ed Meese**, has written for FRC. Brietbart’s **Ken Klukowski**, head of the team’s “Constitutional rights” policy, served as director of FRC’s Center of Religious Liberty. Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, **Betsy DeVos**, comes from a family of FRC donors. > > That’s not to mention the many cabinet appointees and soon-to-be staffers who have spoken at FRC’s annual Values Voter Summit, from **Reince Priebus** to **Tom Price** to **Jeff Sessions** to **Mike Pompeo**. **Pence** and **Trump** themselves have met with FRC President Tony Perkins, and they were the first-ever Republican presidential ticket to speak at the summit.", ">>{imkillingmyselfnextm} : Maybe they're not classified as an anti-lgbt+ hate group, but their platform has a few pages full of homophobia."]]
classify and reply
['>>{cspan1} : U.S. Says New Bombing Campaign Against ISIS in Libya Has No “End Point at This Particular Moment”', '>>{onlineworker2} : Major Clinton donor with no experience tapped for security advisory post', ">>{pobody} : Nor should it. They want to live in the Stone Age, let's accommodate them by blowing them back there.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : >Fernando bundled more than $US100,000 ($136,000) for Clinton’s 2008 presidential primary campaign, before raising money for President Obama in the general election. He also donated between $US100,000 ($136,000) and $US250,000 ($339,000) to the William J. Clinton Foundation. . He is now a super-delegate to the Democratic presidential convention in Philadelphia. (along side Bill Clinton)', ">>{DeniseDeNephew} : That's ok. It would be unrealistic to think that you could accurately predict the end point of a bombing campaign. You don't measure the results by the number of bombs dropped, you measure it by the results and those results can't be calculated ahead of time, only estimated.", '>>{NosillaWilla} : It seems anything is for sale if you have enough money.', '>>{BanTheSpeech} : Like the Lincoln bedroom. Literalry, when Bill and H were in there before. They literalry rented it out.', '>>{US-American} : Should have stuck with Gaddafi. At least he kept the barbarians from the gate. I suspect that was part of the reason for taking him out. They wanted to open up another migrant route.', ">>{reinaert_de_sos} : Hillary supporters claim he had experience because he's on the board of American Security Project. Unfortunately for them, he only got that position after his passage at ISAB.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : I don't think you're gonna find anyone claiming Libya was a good idea. But I'm pretty sure the west got guilt tripped into intervening because Gaddafi really was massacring people. Every time something like this happens the entire world looks to NATO to intervene and stop it. And people will bitch about it no matter what they do. Don't intervene? You're a monster. Intervene? Monster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2rTafbQepg But sometimes it goes well and they love us.", '>>{wytxcook} : Democrats love themselves a good endless bombing campaign of brown people. Bonus points if the bomb is delivered by a man in a trailer 50,000 miles away.', ">>{orugami} : To argue against your devil, what you said is a possibility but the sudden resignation right when someone started asking questions is damning, not to mention the way he was hired at Hillary's insistence.", '>>{ajb160} : Not surprised at all. Top secret clearance could be very profitable to a stock trader.', ">>{US-American} : It's about doing what's best for American interests. Gaddafi made peace with the West. Gaddafi renounced terrorism and stopped all his WMD programs. And we assassinated him with a drone stroke followed by a bayonet up his ass. Why would ANY leader ever trust the US after that? And the Russians have been itching to get back at us for the bombing of Serbia and NATO backed secession. We shouldn't whine when they successfully pull off a bloodless secession in Crimea. We set the precedent.", ">>{justjack48} : He's not exactly wrong. Tactically speaking you pursue the objective until it's reached, or it's no longer feasible to reach that objective. Applying a fixed timetable or some other metric, gives your opposition the choice to wait it out.", '>>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : This is an absurd embarrassment. This is criminal, to think that instead of a qualified and competent person to protect us from nuclear disaster we had a fucking stock trader. How can anyone reasonably say that she will work her best to protect us from foreign enemies? How can she be fucking president? This deeply disturbs me.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> It's about doing what's best for American interests. Gaddafi made peace with the West. Gaddafi renounced terrorism and stopped all his WMD programs. And we assassinated him with a drone stroke followed by a bayonet up his ass. Why would ANY leader ever trust the US after that? He got taken out for the massacre he was carrying out, friend. >> And the Russians have been itching to get back at us for the bombing of Serbia and NATO backed secession. We shouldn't whine when they successfully pull off a bloodless secession in Crimea. We set the precedent. Russia can bitch all they want, the US stopped a genocide, Russia stole land. Big difference.", ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : Keep those wheels greased for Clinton, right? (Or, for that matter, Trump. Though, he's tanking his campaign, so unless they come up with a reason to have Trump win instead, this is really for Clinton.) Boom.", ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : > But I'm pretty sure Oh, good then.", ">>{adulthitter} : Everyone's got a price for the Million Dollar Man.", '>>{the_red_scimitar} : Of course. Influence peddling is the family business.', ">>{bernieaccountess} : i cant tell if your being sarcastic if so i advise you to look at her no fly zone in Syria that would put us in direct conflict with Russia if you are worried about mutually assured destruction. or her and Putin's track record of disrespect for each other. also if you worried about foreign enemies you can look at the one she helped create (Isis) if you was being serious then. Ikr wtf?", '>>{TalkingBackAgain} : There really is no clearer message that says: "I need you to talk to Allah right this very minute" than a laser-guided MK84!', ">>{US-American} : > He got taken out for the massacre he was carrying out, friend. Massacring the people we're massacring now! You think the US is STILL bombing Gaddafi forces? LOL! It's ISIS. The people Gaddafi was fighting. The people Assad is fighting. He was at war. Obama is boasting about killing tens of thousands of the very people Gaddafi was fighting! >Russia can bitch all they want, the US stopped a genocide, Russia stole land. Big difference. America can bitch all we want. We set the precedent. Crimea is once again Russia. An IDF shill should know all about historical claims!", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> Massacring the people we're massacring now! You think the US is STILL bombing Gaddafi forces? LOL! It's ISIS. The people Gaddafi was fighting. The people Assad is fighting. He was at war. Uh, the vast majority of rebels there were made up of citizens that revolted, not ISIS. >> America can bitch all we want. We set the precedent. Crimea is once again Russia. An IDF shill should know all about historical claims! Do you seriously think stopping a genocide is comparable to Russia literally stealing land from another country?", '>>{70ms} : It\'s "funny" that despite really disliking Clinton I still try to be reasonable and evaluate each scandal as it comes rather than just blanket believing everything. For example I think Benghazi was a witch hunt, while the emails do look pretty bad. This? Holy shit. I just cannot find anything here that makes me think it\'s overblown. From start to finish this is rotten as fuck. Not to mention so flagrant and blatant - that might be one of the worst parts. I can only hope Obama is embarrassed as hell about this; his own appointed SoS actually selling political positions right under his nose. If the FBI recommends indictment, I hope he remembers this too.', '>>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : You have to have a reason to keep the military industrial complex going.', '>>{cspan1} : what is the objective and how do you measure it?', ">>{SmedleysButler} : From the e-mail the board sent their list and it refers to scientists and military, etc.the only finance person was Clinton's addition. There is no logical way to explain this as anything other than it is. Watch she'll slide by and give us some preposterous excuse and go on with her day.", '>>{cspan1} : all war all the time. wait til we start up operations in asia.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Yes, Republicams understood this during the Bush years. They've conveniently forgotten it.", ">>{BelieveEnemie} : This is why the warhawk republicans are now supporting Clinton. She's the reason ISIS is in Libya in the first place.", ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : > > both sides love this > > As do the corporate media. Now, now... don't keep talking like that, you two. You'll give away [**the game**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fool_\\(Tarot_card\\)#As_excuse) and spoil the fun for everyone.", '>>{99PercentTruth} : How did republicans become pacifists this election cycle?!', ">>{eeint} : Somehow they will destroy ISIS and take out their families without using the military. I can't wait to see this genius plan in action!", '>>{99PercentTruth} : Republicans: OMG Obama is too soft on ISIS! Republicans: OMG Obama is too hard on ISIS!', '>>{scrotilicus132} : Destroy isis and their ability to fight a conventional war, thus allowing territory to be reclaimed by the local national forces. This can be achieved by destroying fighting positions and the fighters manning them, destroying command and control centers to disrupt communications, and by destroying supply lines so remaining fighters have nothing to fight with. The success of all of these can be measured in territory reclaimed by coalition and local national forces.', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Could have fooled me. All I see are hard core republicans running around calling Hillary a warhawk after voting for Bush, twice.', '>>{cspan1} : bunch of opportunistic dumb fucks who think they can win political points.', ">>{Yetkinler} : Let's bomb the shit out of the Middle East -2016 Republican debaters", '>>{cspan1} : and is it over when a dumb shit with a vendetta blows up a roadside bomb in a territory that has been "recaptured?" or is that just the beginning of a new chapter in this war without end?', ">>{claweddepussy} : Just a new chapter, of course. First time the objective was to remove Gaddafi. Now it's to defeat ISIS, which was created by the US and US-backed Iraqi governments and is metastasizing around the world. New objectives will evolve.", '>>{cspan1} : excellent! we need to kill more people. asia is going to be the most "fun" though.', '>>{greatniss} : It should be noted that these attacks are at the request of the Libyan government.', '>>{claweddepussy} : The South China Sea could be the next place - plenty of opportunities for a tough stance!', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Damn Obama and his drone strikes! [Leader of ISIS in Afghanistan Killed in U.S. Drone Strike: Pentagon](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/leader-isis-afghanistan-killed-u-s-drone-strike-pentagon-n629591?cid=sm_fb)', '>>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : Yes, though probably not for the reason you think.', ">>{Brady_55} : They're not. There is no reason to think they're pacifists.", ">>{HenryWCoveredInBees} : Yeah but Hillary is a warmonger for voting for the Iraq war in 2003! I think that's the talk. First Obama is a secret Muslim who founded ISIS, then he's a warmonger because of his approval of drone strikes in Libya against ISIS. It's hard to keep up with Republican nuttery anymore.", '>>{texdeveloper} : Sung to the tune of "My Endless Love"... \'My Endless War\' -------------------- Situation in Libya cannot be solved by a few air strikes being done every week, and cannot help the very real politics on the ground there. Air strikes help USA politics though, for the Democrats . I am rather disappointed in Obama . Libya is not a simple bad guy ISIS is expanding thing. ISIS is more like a franchise, like McDonalds, and many of the people we are bombing now are the same groups people in the USA were cheering for during the intervention there that overturned Qaddafi. Likewise the UN recognized government has its issues as well. All these strikes are going to do is to inflame a smaller conflict into a larger conflict and its the civilians there who will pay a price. Another small war, and some changes in the USA polls. Life continues....', ">>{HenryWCoveredInBees} : The people of Libya. Or are you suggesting we should have let ISIS take power? Doesn't make a lot of sense that we'd do that.", ">>{freshbake} : I think he's talking about the fact that we killed Gaddafi.", '>>{SolidThoriumPyroshar} : So you think we should have just let Gaddafi commit genocide against the rebels?', '>>{freshbake} : No, but I think we should have made him comply by force to end the genocide without killing him. We keep completely wiping out the structure of power and government in these already corrupted and delicate environments without thinking three steps ahead.', ">>{US-American} : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8839964/Col-Gaddafi-killed-convoy-bombed-by-drone-flown-by-pilot-in-Las-Vegas.html Get your facts straight if you're going to be smug!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{cspan1} : U.S. Says New Bombing Campaign Against ISIS in Libya Has No “End Point at This Particular Moment”', ">>{pobody} : Nor should it. They want to live in the Stone Age, let's accommodate them by blowing them back there.", ">>{DeniseDeNephew} : That's ok. It would be unrealistic to think that you could accurately predict the end point of a bombing campaign. You don't measure the results by the number of bombs dropped, you measure it by the results and those results can't be calculated ahead of time, only estimated.", '>>{US-American} : Should have stuck with Gaddafi. At least he kept the barbarians from the gate. I suspect that was part of the reason for taking him out. They wanted to open up another migrant route.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : I don't think you're gonna find anyone claiming Libya was a good idea. But I'm pretty sure the west got guilt tripped into intervening because Gaddafi really was massacring people. Every time something like this happens the entire world looks to NATO to intervene and stop it. And people will bitch about it no matter what they do. Don't intervene? You're a monster. Intervene? Monster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2rTafbQepg But sometimes it goes well and they love us.", '>>{wytxcook} : Democrats love themselves a good endless bombing campaign of brown people. Bonus points if the bomb is delivered by a man in a trailer 50,000 miles away.', ">>{US-American} : It's about doing what's best for American interests. Gaddafi made peace with the West. Gaddafi renounced terrorism and stopped all his WMD programs. And we assassinated him with a drone stroke followed by a bayonet up his ass. Why would ANY leader ever trust the US after that? And the Russians have been itching to get back at us for the bombing of Serbia and NATO backed secession. We shouldn't whine when they successfully pull off a bloodless secession in Crimea. We set the precedent.", ">>{justjack48} : He's not exactly wrong. Tactically speaking you pursue the objective until it's reached, or it's no longer feasible to reach that objective. Applying a fixed timetable or some other metric, gives your opposition the choice to wait it out.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> It's about doing what's best for American interests. Gaddafi made peace with the West. Gaddafi renounced terrorism and stopped all his WMD programs. And we assassinated him with a drone stroke followed by a bayonet up his ass. Why would ANY leader ever trust the US after that? He got taken out for the massacre he was carrying out, friend. >> And the Russians have been itching to get back at us for the bombing of Serbia and NATO backed secession. We shouldn't whine when they successfully pull off a bloodless secession in Crimea. We set the precedent. Russia can bitch all they want, the US stopped a genocide, Russia stole land. Big difference.", ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : Keep those wheels greased for Clinton, right? (Or, for that matter, Trump. Though, he's tanking his campaign, so unless they come up with a reason to have Trump win instead, this is really for Clinton.) Boom.", ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : > But I'm pretty sure Oh, good then.", '>>{TalkingBackAgain} : There really is no clearer message that says: "I need you to talk to Allah right this very minute" than a laser-guided MK84!', ">>{US-American} : > He got taken out for the massacre he was carrying out, friend. Massacring the people we're massacring now! You think the US is STILL bombing Gaddafi forces? LOL! It's ISIS. The people Gaddafi was fighting. The people Assad is fighting. He was at war. Obama is boasting about killing tens of thousands of the very people Gaddafi was fighting! >Russia can bitch all they want, the US stopped a genocide, Russia stole land. Big difference. America can bitch all we want. We set the precedent. Crimea is once again Russia. An IDF shill should know all about historical claims!", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> Massacring the people we're massacring now! You think the US is STILL bombing Gaddafi forces? LOL! It's ISIS. The people Gaddafi was fighting. The people Assad is fighting. He was at war. Uh, the vast majority of rebels there were made up of citizens that revolted, not ISIS. >> America can bitch all we want. We set the precedent. Crimea is once again Russia. An IDF shill should know all about historical claims! Do you seriously think stopping a genocide is comparable to Russia literally stealing land from another country?", '>>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : You have to have a reason to keep the military industrial complex going.', '>>{cspan1} : what is the objective and how do you measure it?', '>>{cspan1} : all war all the time. wait til we start up operations in asia.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Yes, Republicams understood this during the Bush years. They've conveniently forgotten it.", ">>{BelieveEnemie} : This is why the warhawk republicans are now supporting Clinton. She's the reason ISIS is in Libya in the first place.", ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : > > both sides love this > > As do the corporate media. Now, now... don't keep talking like that, you two. You'll give away [**the game**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fool_\\(Tarot_card\\)#As_excuse) and spoil the fun for everyone.", '>>{99PercentTruth} : How did republicans become pacifists this election cycle?!', ">>{eeint} : Somehow they will destroy ISIS and take out their families without using the military. I can't wait to see this genius plan in action!", '>>{99PercentTruth} : Republicans: OMG Obama is too soft on ISIS! Republicans: OMG Obama is too hard on ISIS!', '>>{scrotilicus132} : Destroy isis and their ability to fight a conventional war, thus allowing territory to be reclaimed by the local national forces. This can be achieved by destroying fighting positions and the fighters manning them, destroying command and control centers to disrupt communications, and by destroying supply lines so remaining fighters have nothing to fight with. The success of all of these can be measured in territory reclaimed by coalition and local national forces.', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Could have fooled me. All I see are hard core republicans running around calling Hillary a warhawk after voting for Bush, twice.', '>>{cspan1} : bunch of opportunistic dumb fucks who think they can win political points.', ">>{Yetkinler} : Let's bomb the shit out of the Middle East -2016 Republican debaters", '>>{cspan1} : and is it over when a dumb shit with a vendetta blows up a roadside bomb in a territory that has been "recaptured?" or is that just the beginning of a new chapter in this war without end?', ">>{claweddepussy} : Just a new chapter, of course. First time the objective was to remove Gaddafi. Now it's to defeat ISIS, which was created by the US and US-backed Iraqi governments and is metastasizing around the world. New objectives will evolve.", '>>{cspan1} : excellent! we need to kill more people. asia is going to be the most "fun" though.', '>>{greatniss} : It should be noted that these attacks are at the request of the Libyan government.', '>>{claweddepussy} : The South China Sea could be the next place - plenty of opportunities for a tough stance!', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Damn Obama and his drone strikes! [Leader of ISIS in Afghanistan Killed in U.S. Drone Strike: Pentagon](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/leader-isis-afghanistan-killed-u-s-drone-strike-pentagon-n629591?cid=sm_fb)', '>>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : Yes, though probably not for the reason you think.', ">>{Brady_55} : They're not. There is no reason to think they're pacifists.", ">>{HenryWCoveredInBees} : Yeah but Hillary is a warmonger for voting for the Iraq war in 2003! I think that's the talk. First Obama is a secret Muslim who founded ISIS, then he's a warmonger because of his approval of drone strikes in Libya against ISIS. It's hard to keep up with Republican nuttery anymore.", '>>{texdeveloper} : Sung to the tune of "My Endless Love"... \'My Endless War\' -------------------- Situation in Libya cannot be solved by a few air strikes being done every week, and cannot help the very real politics on the ground there. Air strikes help USA politics though, for the Democrats . I am rather disappointed in Obama . Libya is not a simple bad guy ISIS is expanding thing. ISIS is more like a franchise, like McDonalds, and many of the people we are bombing now are the same groups people in the USA were cheering for during the intervention there that overturned Qaddafi. Likewise the UN recognized government has its issues as well. All these strikes are going to do is to inflame a smaller conflict into a larger conflict and its the civilians there who will pay a price. Another small war, and some changes in the USA polls. Life continues....', ">>{HenryWCoveredInBees} : The people of Libya. Or are you suggesting we should have let ISIS take power? Doesn't make a lot of sense that we'd do that.", ">>{freshbake} : I think he's talking about the fact that we killed Gaddafi.", '>>{SolidThoriumPyroshar} : So you think we should have just let Gaddafi commit genocide against the rebels?', '>>{freshbake} : No, but I think we should have made him comply by force to end the genocide without killing him. We keep completely wiping out the structure of power and government in these already corrupted and delicate environments without thinking three steps ahead.', ">>{US-American} : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8839964/Col-Gaddafi-killed-convoy-bombed-by-drone-flown-by-pilot-in-Las-Vegas.html Get your facts straight if you're going to be smug!"], ['>>{onlineworker2} : Major Clinton donor with no experience tapped for security advisory post', '>>{bernieaccountess} : >Fernando bundled more than $US100,000 ($136,000) for Clinton’s 2008 presidential primary campaign, before raising money for President Obama in the general election. He also donated between $US100,000 ($136,000) and $US250,000 ($339,000) to the William J. Clinton Foundation. . He is now a super-delegate to the Democratic presidential convention in Philadelphia. (along side Bill Clinton)', '>>{NosillaWilla} : It seems anything is for sale if you have enough money.', '>>{BanTheSpeech} : Like the Lincoln bedroom. Literalry, when Bill and H were in there before. They literalry rented it out.', ">>{reinaert_de_sos} : Hillary supporters claim he had experience because he's on the board of American Security Project. Unfortunately for them, he only got that position after his passage at ISAB.", ">>{orugami} : To argue against your devil, what you said is a possibility but the sudden resignation right when someone started asking questions is damning, not to mention the way he was hired at Hillary's insistence.", '>>{ajb160} : Not surprised at all. Top secret clearance could be very profitable to a stock trader.', '>>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : This is an absurd embarrassment. This is criminal, to think that instead of a qualified and competent person to protect us from nuclear disaster we had a fucking stock trader. How can anyone reasonably say that she will work her best to protect us from foreign enemies? How can she be fucking president? This deeply disturbs me.', ">>{adulthitter} : Everyone's got a price for the Million Dollar Man.", '>>{the_red_scimitar} : Of course. Influence peddling is the family business.', ">>{bernieaccountess} : i cant tell if your being sarcastic if so i advise you to look at her no fly zone in Syria that would put us in direct conflict with Russia if you are worried about mutually assured destruction. or her and Putin's track record of disrespect for each other. also if you worried about foreign enemies you can look at the one she helped create (Isis) if you was being serious then. Ikr wtf?", '>>{70ms} : It\'s "funny" that despite really disliking Clinton I still try to be reasonable and evaluate each scandal as it comes rather than just blanket believing everything. For example I think Benghazi was a witch hunt, while the emails do look pretty bad. This? Holy shit. I just cannot find anything here that makes me think it\'s overblown. From start to finish this is rotten as fuck. Not to mention so flagrant and blatant - that might be one of the worst parts. I can only hope Obama is embarrassed as hell about this; his own appointed SoS actually selling political positions right under his nose. If the FBI recommends indictment, I hope he remembers this too.', ">>{SmedleysButler} : From the e-mail the board sent their list and it refers to scientists and military, etc.the only finance person was Clinton's addition. There is no logical way to explain this as anything other than it is. Watch she'll slide by and give us some preposterous excuse and go on with her day."]]
classify and reply
[">>{gdex86} : Gary Johnson has managed to hit 10% or greater in a number of polls both state wide and national. if this was the year the debate commission decided to alter the threshold to 10% I think ti would be perfectly fine for him to get on the debate stage if he avoids the usual collapse of 3rd party support that normally happens . I may not agree with the libertarian movement on large but they have managed to capitalize on a moment into broad national support. Jill Stein however is a no. I've not seen a consistent number of polls where she breaks double digit support state wide or nationally.", ">>{rastertaster} : Stein and Johnson in the debates would be totally unfair towards Trump. You can't pit Trump against three people that are far more talented, experienced and intelligent as he is.", '>>{mrseb} : AMD Ryzen review: Good, but not for gamers', ">>{FigFrontflip} : So they mention that the CPU is not as good for gaming. Which to me seems understandable since you would likely only buy this CPU if your main focus was for content creation. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like these guys had the wrong focus for why people want the CPU.", ">>{Uktabi68} : Neither will get in. The two parties have it locked down. They don't like competition. The game is rigged folks. Even if someone gets the 15% they will just change rules like the dnc did to that Harvard professor.", '>>{Wallonsi} : [Request] Can anyone resize this wallpaper so it fits an iPhone 7 screen perfectly? (This is for a plus model)', '>>{yolotasticx} : I feel sorry for the people who fell for the hype of "MORE CORES = MORE POWERS, GGWP INTEL" I don\'t blame them really, I fell for it back in 2011 with the bulldozer (I still can\'t believe I chose that over a 2600k) 8 months later it ended up under my bed still attached to it\'s motherboard. Before I get attacked by the AMD fanboys, don\'t misinterpret me. I need and want AMD to come back to it\'s former glory! The consumers are sick of intel\'s "high prices and bullshit 5% performance gain every new chip"', '>>{upstateman} : >Besides, even with our seemingly inevitable two-party sorting process, 20 percent of registered voters consistently indicate they will not be pulling the lever for either D or R. And consistently fewer than 1% vote Green or LP. Pretty much up and down the ticket. So anyway, suppose the Republican candidate refuses to debate anyone but the Democratic Party candidate. And the Democratic Party candidate refuses to debate anyone but the Republican Party candidate. Then what?', '>>{upstateman} : > The game is rigged folks. It is called First Past The Post, it has been rigged since the Constitution was ratified.', ">>{nit-picky} : For the three scheduled debates I say keep the threshold at 15%. But... they should add a forth debate and set the threshold at 8%. And put it first on the schedule. This gives them a chance to make their case. *A chance.* If they do a good enough job then their numbers might increase to make it to the next debate. If not then the debate commission can at least say, 'Look, we gave you an opportunity.'", ">>{jonnyp11} : Allowing Johnson in would ~~immediately~~ eventually cause a shit-show from a certain group of voters. They would ~~immediately~~ eventually start saying it was a MSM ploy to split the vote and increase Clinton's chances. This would happen during any election, but the animosity would be far worse this cycle. Changed immediately to eventually when I remembered how slow most of them are. After all, he loves the poorly educated!", '>>{Ajreil} : Then they should hold a debate between both third party candidates, say "Trump and Clintom have declined to appear today," and have a debate. It would show Trump\'s maturity level at the very least. Of course they wouldn\'t do this.', ">>{SlendyTheMan} : I had attempted to try a few months ago when it was popular in this subreddit. The 7's screen is too small for the text to work, like there's not enough space to put swipe.", '>>{BreZel85} : You watched the MKBHD Video about the coloware Airpods I guess? ;)', '>>{willtron3000} : What a revelation. Single core is still the major factor in the majority of games performance. Multiple cores (4+ including virtual) WILL become much more industry wide in the not so distance future, though. Battlefield 1 is a prime example. Ryzen is also more than just trading punches with intel on performance. Where it wins, is cost and it has intel up against the ropes. The price to performance ratio for Ryzen is impressive.', '>>{upstateman} : > Then they should hold a debate between both third party candidates, say "Trump and Clintom have declined to appear today," and have a debate. No one will watch that debate. Then The D and R hold their own debate and get the viewers. The whole point to this demand is that the D and R bring in the viewers and the Greens and LP want to take advantage of the audience.', ">>{KamonKur} : Perhaps, but it might be to Trumps advantage to not show up and let those two dump on Clinton. They might do some damage he couldn't. He can then make up derogatory and silly names for them while mocking the debates. In his mind, he would be the winner. I am in awe how one person can be so clever and so clueless **at the same time**.", '>>{Wallonsi} : Unfortunately not :(, http://imgur.com/kEvGQ6B, thanks for trying tho. I quite like this black one as well.', ">>{and_one_more_thing} : I don't get it. Can't you just resize it as needed when you set it as wallpaper?", ">>{g1z3rd83} : Yeah I like the black one a little better as well sorry I couldn't be of more help. I found that one by googling iPhone 7 blueprint wallpaper. Maybe you will have better luck? I only have a 7 plus, so testing those wallpapers on my phone won't work.", '>>{Scithmal} : The text and such may not match up with the icons.', ">>{rosts} : Once developers get the hang of dx12/vulkan, they'll be better able to utilize the cores, which should improve the performance to some degree.", ">>{dimsumwitmychum} : Can someone explain why this CPU class is not gaming ready? It isn't reaching the top end benchmark set by Intel but it's close enough to be an excellent value.", '>>{and_one_more_thing} : Oh, so OP is actually asking for someone to re-create a whole new image, not to just resize it.', '>>{Qwikphaze} : Libertarian town hall last week had the most watched viewers in that time slot. Exceeded cnn expectations', ">>{20WPM} : GJ and JS can't get 15% of the polls _combined_. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html", ">>{versusgorilla} : I'd have no problem with the three debates having different percentages you need to achieve to participate. Say the first debate is 5%, then the next is 10%, and the last is 15%. So have the summer to get 5% and then you have the first debate to make your case and get your approval up to 10%, and then you get a second debate to get it up to 15% to get into the third debate. Future debates, if they decide to have them, sit at 15%.", '>>{catwhiches} : It looks like it will be 8-10% slower when all is said and done, while being 40% cheaper. I think an 8-core is simply not economical for gamers, just like how no gamer should be buying an 8-core Intel chip either. 8-core chips are for workstations, even more so when your quad core model has hyperthreading anyways.', '>>{Patrico-8} : Not in any valid polls that I can find. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html', '>>{DailyNate} : To be fair this wallpaper has been around forever, I had this wallpaper on my iphone 4 back in the day.', '>>{RyzenFanboy} : Developer here. There\'s no "getting used to dx12/vulkan". Nor is there a magic bullet. Multi-threading has been around for more than a decade. It\'s simply not worth your "fantasy super optimizations" 99.99% of the time for the target demo. There is no profit to be made in wasting years of man power for a sub 1-5% increase in performance. Doubly when the most powerful adopted home console is in the hands of users who barely care about 60fps gaming. Pretty still trumps frame rate says the market research. Would anyone have bought Horizon: Zero Dawn if it had half the visual fidelity? It\'s a rather generic title outside it\'s looks, albeit polished extremely well. I love Ryzen and the multi-core concept, there\'s simply nothing consumer grade driving what you\'re expecting. Amazing things in STEM of course, but gaming is entertainment and will always be treated as such. In fact, the only thing I can think of to create that force is mass adoption of super low powered multi-core systems with 12-24+ cores. Then maybe the types of 1:1 scaling optimization you\'re dreaming about will start to surface. The average consumer has been touting these multi-core fantasies en masse since the PS3 release. The architecture was a nightmare compared to faster single-threaded systems. It\'ll happen, but not for another decade minimum. Mind you; That\'s only IF we hit a physical limit on single threaded throughput. There may be a new breakthrough by then. Now, to develop ON? It\'s fucking fantastic.', ">>{taiwannumber2} : Majority of the AMD hype threads on reddit are focused on gaming potential unfortunately. They tend to believe the opposite which is ridiculous. That some how Ryzen, turbo boasted or OC'd to 3.70-4.0 is going to compare at all to the 7700k OC'd to 5.2 on air for gaming. No it does not, no it will not. By the time games heavily utilize more than 4 threads, Intel will have released many generations of new CPUs.", ">>{rosts} : So the scaling we see isn't much simpler to achieve with vulkan? At least when I compare Talos GL vs Vulkan I see my cores utilized more evenly and with a higher and more stable framerate.", ">>{RyzenFanboy} : You're talking about several different things here. There are some new automatic features, the entire point of Vulkan really, but they don't necessarily scale better than previous manual methods. Vulkan would make it easier for more developers to use up to date multi-threading methodologies en masse, but would not necessarily push the scaling to the point you'd expect yet. So you'll see more optimized applications in the wild, which will make it appear that scaling is getting better, but the reality is simply that more people are using better implementations automatically. The implementations themselves are not scaling in power as you'd think 1:1 yet. At least not on general purpose CPUs. GPU's are a whole different story. I hope that made some sense. I've been drinking. Vulkan will come and go, as did the previous implementation and so on. There's no magic multi-thread breakthrough yet. I'd imagine you'd have to change CPU design entirely, but that's not my department.", ">>{upstateman} : Great. So they can get their debate. They just can't force the big boys to let them on the stage.", '>>{RandomCDN} : thanks and curse you for this idea. I have the Iphone 7 plus and wanted this black version so I spent far to much time in photoshop making it work for me.', '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I just loaded this to my iPhone 7 Plus and [it looks fine](https://imgur.com/a/IZ33C)', ">>{StugStig} : Making a click bait title is the reason. Nobody buys the i7-6900k to game either but you don't hear people saying Skylake/Kabylake isn't for gamers. Ryzen 3 and 5 is what's aimed at gamers, in the quest for cheap clicks facts like that are overlooked.", '>>{tccool} : The wallpaper specifically works on the 6/s/7 Plus *only*. The OP is asking for a version that works with the non-plus models.', '>>{Qwikphaze} : It will be an even bigger ratings boost than with trump and clinton alone.', ">>{Biershitz} : [so I found this](http://imgur.com/Lgvssll) [and here's how it looks on my phone](http://imgur.com/YVZeQ9b)", ">>{StugStig} : >By the time games heavily utilize more than 4 threads Which is why Core i7s get dominated by Core i5s in games powered by current AAA engines especially those using Vulkan and DX12. >Intel will have released many generations of new CPUs. And with each generation a stunning nigh 0% IPC improvement! >That some how Ryzen, turbo boasted or OC'd to 3.70-4.0 is going to compare at all to the 7700k OC'd to **5.2 on air** for gaming. Every i7-7700k is a majestic golden sample without flaw crafted by the legendary Dwarven smiths of Intel Fabs. Kabylake is totally fine and stable with a mere 1.45v on air. At such meager demands, a Kabylake core will last a thousand years!", ">>{StugStig} : A 16 thread 8 core HEDT workstation CPU with ECC memory support (something you don't even get on $1700 Broadwell-E chips) isn't for gamers. Wow, where would I, a helpless consumer, be without such astute purchasing advice!", '>>{upstateman} : So great, problem solved. Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and Darrell Castle can have a debate and people can watch if they want.', '>>{Wallonsi} : Unfortunately not but I found these and these line up perfectly, http://www.deviantart.com/art/iPhone-iOS10-Blueprint-Wallpaper-650113946', ">>{dantheman4075} : The day that 4 cores won't be enough for gaming should also be around the time that 4 ghz won't be enough for gaming. At its price point, you should buy the 7700k for gaming, no questions asked, because it's better for that. Once that chip no longer gets the job done, chances are, neither will ryzen", ">>{Qwikphaze} : The other candidates aren't even close to Johnson. Johnson trump and Clinton on debate stage for all the debate nights.", '>>{StugStig} : >"MORE CORES = MORE POWERS, GGWP INTEL" It is for people who are actually productive. It\'s a 16 thread 8 core HEDT workstation CPU with ECC memory support, which something you don\'t even get on $1700 Broadwell-E chips. It takes special kind of dense to think the R7 was meant to be used in a glorified gaming console instead of actual work.', ">>{repr1ze} : >Which is why Core i7s get dominated by Core i5s in games powered by current AAA engines especially those using Vulkan and DX12. They do? >And with each generation a stunning nigh 0% IPC improvement! Gen 1 to current gen Intel CPUs have seen a significant improvement. And if you are upgrading your CPU every single year for a 5% improvement, you're doing it wrong.", '>>{WaidWilson} : /r/PMCR the last few months were saying "wait for Zen!" Which turned it to be Ryzen, obviously. Then when the benchmarks were released they were talking about how amazing it was going to be for gaming. Others said, wait for benchmarks from real tests, while many didn\'t listen. Now we have this.', '>>{mg031} : Agreed. + Made this post awhile back. Pretty sure /mkbhd got it from me [](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5dx2ue/this_used_to_be_my_favorite_wallpaper_anyone_know/?st=IZYIDUI6&sh=feae43cd)', '>>{FigFrontflip} : Yea. Any idea on if bios updates will make much of a difference?', ">>{WaidWilson} : >They do? They don't. >And with each generation a stunning 0% performance! I mean intel releases every couple years or so. I don't understand why people feel the need to go out and upgrade CPUs. Using a 4690K and it hasn't caused any issues yet and I don't plan to upgrade until I absolutely have to.", '>>{upstateman} : Why would Clinton debate Johnson? What value does it offer her?', '>>{Qwikphaze} : The general election is for the people, not make Clinton or trump feel better about themselves. They will debate whoever is there and Johnson will be.', '>>{WaidWilson} : I have no clue, honestly. AMD ages well at least.', ">>{upstateman} : > The general election is for the people, not make Clinton or trump feel better about themselves The election is to pick the president, the candidates work to get themselves elected. The debates are one way for candidates to compete. Up and down the ticket candidate do or don't debate depending on how they think it will affect their chances of winning. So again, why should Clinton bother to debate Johnson? >They will debate whoever is there and Johnson will be. Want to bet?", ">>{Qwikphaze} : She doesn't have to debate, she has only done one press conference this year. She can sit at home and Johnson will provide insightful options rather than listening to the same talking points repeated over and over with the exception of a few deer in the headlight moments from Clinton.", '>>{upstateman} : And thanks to how bad Trump is Johnson will break the 1% barrier and libertarians will trumpet how this means they are the future.', ">>{repr1ze} : Yeah I'm using the same CPU. Its a champ.", '>>{ITXorBust} : No, this is a message people need to get right now. Everyone at PCMR and buildapc has been saying "Wait for Zen" forever now, and it\'s important to note that this does not outperform intel\'s offerings at the same pricepoint from a gaming perspective. If Ryzen 3 and 5 beat the competition for gaming at their price points for gaming that will be just as headline-worthy as this is right now. If people can\'t think hard enough to realize what they do and don\'t need from a CPU they do need someone to tell them "This is great but not for gaming."', '>>{Ghostnoize} : To play devils advocate here, if these are aimed at high-end workstations why the limited pcie lanes and 64gb ram cap?', ">>{RyzenFanboy} : Yes, without Vulkan or similar, any multi-threading is manually programmed. When using Vulkan or other multitasking APIs you can classify what goes where, how important it is, access to different queues, how things spread between available cores. When bare coding, it's single threaded. The behavior however.. is that the OS will use other cores while a single threaded game uses core 0, etc. So the OS does to some extent offset itself, but it doesn't touch the app. Hope that helps.", ">>{MrPeligro} : I was downvoted when I said wait for benchmarks here. Its a good CPU. I don't think anyone would disagree with that. It's just it wasn't worth the hype it got, the 1800. I can't wait to see what R5 offers."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Wallonsi} : [Request] Can anyone resize this wallpaper so it fits an iPhone 7 screen perfectly? (This is for a plus model)', ">>{SlendyTheMan} : I had attempted to try a few months ago when it was popular in this subreddit. The 7's screen is too small for the text to work, like there's not enough space to put swipe.", '>>{BreZel85} : You watched the MKBHD Video about the coloware Airpods I guess? ;)', '>>{Wallonsi} : Unfortunately not :(, http://imgur.com/kEvGQ6B, thanks for trying tho. I quite like this black one as well.', ">>{and_one_more_thing} : I don't get it. Can't you just resize it as needed when you set it as wallpaper?", ">>{g1z3rd83} : Yeah I like the black one a little better as well sorry I couldn't be of more help. I found that one by googling iPhone 7 blueprint wallpaper. Maybe you will have better luck? I only have a 7 plus, so testing those wallpapers on my phone won't work.", '>>{Scithmal} : The text and such may not match up with the icons.', '>>{and_one_more_thing} : Oh, so OP is actually asking for someone to re-create a whole new image, not to just resize it.', '>>{DailyNate} : To be fair this wallpaper has been around forever, I had this wallpaper on my iphone 4 back in the day.', '>>{RandomCDN} : thanks and curse you for this idea. I have the Iphone 7 plus and wanted this black version so I spent far to much time in photoshop making it work for me.', '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I just loaded this to my iPhone 7 Plus and [it looks fine](https://imgur.com/a/IZ33C)', '>>{tccool} : The wallpaper specifically works on the 6/s/7 Plus *only*. The OP is asking for a version that works with the non-plus models.', ">>{Biershitz} : [so I found this](http://imgur.com/Lgvssll) [and here's how it looks on my phone](http://imgur.com/YVZeQ9b)", '>>{Wallonsi} : Unfortunately not but I found these and these line up perfectly, http://www.deviantart.com/art/iPhone-iOS10-Blueprint-Wallpaper-650113946', '>>{mg031} : Agreed. + Made this post awhile back. Pretty sure /mkbhd got it from me [](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5dx2ue/this_used_to_be_my_favorite_wallpaper_anyone_know/?st=IZYIDUI6&sh=feae43cd)'], [">>{gdex86} : Gary Johnson has managed to hit 10% or greater in a number of polls both state wide and national. if this was the year the debate commission decided to alter the threshold to 10% I think ti would be perfectly fine for him to get on the debate stage if he avoids the usual collapse of 3rd party support that normally happens . I may not agree with the libertarian movement on large but they have managed to capitalize on a moment into broad national support. Jill Stein however is a no. I've not seen a consistent number of polls where she breaks double digit support state wide or nationally.", ">>{rastertaster} : Stein and Johnson in the debates would be totally unfair towards Trump. You can't pit Trump against three people that are far more talented, experienced and intelligent as he is.", ">>{Uktabi68} : Neither will get in. The two parties have it locked down. They don't like competition. The game is rigged folks. Even if someone gets the 15% they will just change rules like the dnc did to that Harvard professor.", '>>{upstateman} : >Besides, even with our seemingly inevitable two-party sorting process, 20 percent of registered voters consistently indicate they will not be pulling the lever for either D or R. And consistently fewer than 1% vote Green or LP. Pretty much up and down the ticket. So anyway, suppose the Republican candidate refuses to debate anyone but the Democratic Party candidate. And the Democratic Party candidate refuses to debate anyone but the Republican Party candidate. Then what?', '>>{upstateman} : > The game is rigged folks. It is called First Past The Post, it has been rigged since the Constitution was ratified.', ">>{nit-picky} : For the three scheduled debates I say keep the threshold at 15%. But... they should add a forth debate and set the threshold at 8%. And put it first on the schedule. This gives them a chance to make their case. *A chance.* If they do a good enough job then their numbers might increase to make it to the next debate. If not then the debate commission can at least say, 'Look, we gave you an opportunity.'", ">>{jonnyp11} : Allowing Johnson in would ~~immediately~~ eventually cause a shit-show from a certain group of voters. They would ~~immediately~~ eventually start saying it was a MSM ploy to split the vote and increase Clinton's chances. This would happen during any election, but the animosity would be far worse this cycle. Changed immediately to eventually when I remembered how slow most of them are. After all, he loves the poorly educated!", '>>{Ajreil} : Then they should hold a debate between both third party candidates, say "Trump and Clintom have declined to appear today," and have a debate. It would show Trump\'s maturity level at the very least. Of course they wouldn\'t do this.', '>>{upstateman} : > Then they should hold a debate between both third party candidates, say "Trump and Clintom have declined to appear today," and have a debate. No one will watch that debate. Then The D and R hold their own debate and get the viewers. The whole point to this demand is that the D and R bring in the viewers and the Greens and LP want to take advantage of the audience.', ">>{KamonKur} : Perhaps, but it might be to Trumps advantage to not show up and let those two dump on Clinton. They might do some damage he couldn't. He can then make up derogatory and silly names for them while mocking the debates. In his mind, he would be the winner. I am in awe how one person can be so clever and so clueless **at the same time**.", '>>{Qwikphaze} : Libertarian town hall last week had the most watched viewers in that time slot. Exceeded cnn expectations', ">>{20WPM} : GJ and JS can't get 15% of the polls _combined_. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html", ">>{versusgorilla} : I'd have no problem with the three debates having different percentages you need to achieve to participate. Say the first debate is 5%, then the next is 10%, and the last is 15%. So have the summer to get 5% and then you have the first debate to make your case and get your approval up to 10%, and then you get a second debate to get it up to 15% to get into the third debate. Future debates, if they decide to have them, sit at 15%.", '>>{Patrico-8} : Not in any valid polls that I can find. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html', ">>{upstateman} : Great. So they can get their debate. They just can't force the big boys to let them on the stage.", '>>{Qwikphaze} : It will be an even bigger ratings boost than with trump and clinton alone.', '>>{upstateman} : So great, problem solved. Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and Darrell Castle can have a debate and people can watch if they want.', ">>{Qwikphaze} : The other candidates aren't even close to Johnson. Johnson trump and Clinton on debate stage for all the debate nights.", '>>{upstateman} : Why would Clinton debate Johnson? What value does it offer her?', '>>{Qwikphaze} : The general election is for the people, not make Clinton or trump feel better about themselves. They will debate whoever is there and Johnson will be.', ">>{upstateman} : > The general election is for the people, not make Clinton or trump feel better about themselves The election is to pick the president, the candidates work to get themselves elected. The debates are one way for candidates to compete. Up and down the ticket candidate do or don't debate depending on how they think it will affect their chances of winning. So again, why should Clinton bother to debate Johnson? >They will debate whoever is there and Johnson will be. Want to bet?", ">>{Qwikphaze} : She doesn't have to debate, she has only done one press conference this year. She can sit at home and Johnson will provide insightful options rather than listening to the same talking points repeated over and over with the exception of a few deer in the headlight moments from Clinton.", '>>{upstateman} : And thanks to how bad Trump is Johnson will break the 1% barrier and libertarians will trumpet how this means they are the future.'], ['>>{mrseb} : AMD Ryzen review: Good, but not for gamers', ">>{FigFrontflip} : So they mention that the CPU is not as good for gaming. Which to me seems understandable since you would likely only buy this CPU if your main focus was for content creation. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like these guys had the wrong focus for why people want the CPU.", '>>{yolotasticx} : I feel sorry for the people who fell for the hype of "MORE CORES = MORE POWERS, GGWP INTEL" I don\'t blame them really, I fell for it back in 2011 with the bulldozer (I still can\'t believe I chose that over a 2600k) 8 months later it ended up under my bed still attached to it\'s motherboard. Before I get attacked by the AMD fanboys, don\'t misinterpret me. I need and want AMD to come back to it\'s former glory! The consumers are sick of intel\'s "high prices and bullshit 5% performance gain every new chip"', '>>{willtron3000} : What a revelation. Single core is still the major factor in the majority of games performance. Multiple cores (4+ including virtual) WILL become much more industry wide in the not so distance future, though. Battlefield 1 is a prime example. Ryzen is also more than just trading punches with intel on performance. Where it wins, is cost and it has intel up against the ropes. The price to performance ratio for Ryzen is impressive.', ">>{rosts} : Once developers get the hang of dx12/vulkan, they'll be better able to utilize the cores, which should improve the performance to some degree.", ">>{dimsumwitmychum} : Can someone explain why this CPU class is not gaming ready? It isn't reaching the top end benchmark set by Intel but it's close enough to be an excellent value.", '>>{catwhiches} : It looks like it will be 8-10% slower when all is said and done, while being 40% cheaper. I think an 8-core is simply not economical for gamers, just like how no gamer should be buying an 8-core Intel chip either. 8-core chips are for workstations, even more so when your quad core model has hyperthreading anyways.', '>>{RyzenFanboy} : Developer here. There\'s no "getting used to dx12/vulkan". Nor is there a magic bullet. Multi-threading has been around for more than a decade. It\'s simply not worth your "fantasy super optimizations" 99.99% of the time for the target demo. There is no profit to be made in wasting years of man power for a sub 1-5% increase in performance. Doubly when the most powerful adopted home console is in the hands of users who barely care about 60fps gaming. Pretty still trumps frame rate says the market research. Would anyone have bought Horizon: Zero Dawn if it had half the visual fidelity? It\'s a rather generic title outside it\'s looks, albeit polished extremely well. I love Ryzen and the multi-core concept, there\'s simply nothing consumer grade driving what you\'re expecting. Amazing things in STEM of course, but gaming is entertainment and will always be treated as such. In fact, the only thing I can think of to create that force is mass adoption of super low powered multi-core systems with 12-24+ cores. Then maybe the types of 1:1 scaling optimization you\'re dreaming about will start to surface. The average consumer has been touting these multi-core fantasies en masse since the PS3 release. The architecture was a nightmare compared to faster single-threaded systems. It\'ll happen, but not for another decade minimum. Mind you; That\'s only IF we hit a physical limit on single threaded throughput. There may be a new breakthrough by then. Now, to develop ON? It\'s fucking fantastic.', ">>{taiwannumber2} : Majority of the AMD hype threads on reddit are focused on gaming potential unfortunately. They tend to believe the opposite which is ridiculous. That some how Ryzen, turbo boasted or OC'd to 3.70-4.0 is going to compare at all to the 7700k OC'd to 5.2 on air for gaming. No it does not, no it will not. By the time games heavily utilize more than 4 threads, Intel will have released many generations of new CPUs.", ">>{rosts} : So the scaling we see isn't much simpler to achieve with vulkan? At least when I compare Talos GL vs Vulkan I see my cores utilized more evenly and with a higher and more stable framerate.", ">>{RyzenFanboy} : You're talking about several different things here. There are some new automatic features, the entire point of Vulkan really, but they don't necessarily scale better than previous manual methods. Vulkan would make it easier for more developers to use up to date multi-threading methodologies en masse, but would not necessarily push the scaling to the point you'd expect yet. So you'll see more optimized applications in the wild, which will make it appear that scaling is getting better, but the reality is simply that more people are using better implementations automatically. The implementations themselves are not scaling in power as you'd think 1:1 yet. At least not on general purpose CPUs. GPU's are a whole different story. I hope that made some sense. I've been drinking. Vulkan will come and go, as did the previous implementation and so on. There's no magic multi-thread breakthrough yet. I'd imagine you'd have to change CPU design entirely, but that's not my department.", ">>{StugStig} : Making a click bait title is the reason. Nobody buys the i7-6900k to game either but you don't hear people saying Skylake/Kabylake isn't for gamers. Ryzen 3 and 5 is what's aimed at gamers, in the quest for cheap clicks facts like that are overlooked.", ">>{StugStig} : >By the time games heavily utilize more than 4 threads Which is why Core i7s get dominated by Core i5s in games powered by current AAA engines especially those using Vulkan and DX12. >Intel will have released many generations of new CPUs. And with each generation a stunning nigh 0% IPC improvement! >That some how Ryzen, turbo boasted or OC'd to 3.70-4.0 is going to compare at all to the 7700k OC'd to **5.2 on air** for gaming. Every i7-7700k is a majestic golden sample without flaw crafted by the legendary Dwarven smiths of Intel Fabs. Kabylake is totally fine and stable with a mere 1.45v on air. At such meager demands, a Kabylake core will last a thousand years!", ">>{StugStig} : A 16 thread 8 core HEDT workstation CPU with ECC memory support (something you don't even get on $1700 Broadwell-E chips) isn't for gamers. Wow, where would I, a helpless consumer, be without such astute purchasing advice!", ">>{dantheman4075} : The day that 4 cores won't be enough for gaming should also be around the time that 4 ghz won't be enough for gaming. At its price point, you should buy the 7700k for gaming, no questions asked, because it's better for that. Once that chip no longer gets the job done, chances are, neither will ryzen", '>>{StugStig} : >"MORE CORES = MORE POWERS, GGWP INTEL" It is for people who are actually productive. It\'s a 16 thread 8 core HEDT workstation CPU with ECC memory support, which something you don\'t even get on $1700 Broadwell-E chips. It takes special kind of dense to think the R7 was meant to be used in a glorified gaming console instead of actual work.', ">>{repr1ze} : >Which is why Core i7s get dominated by Core i5s in games powered by current AAA engines especially those using Vulkan and DX12. They do? >And with each generation a stunning nigh 0% IPC improvement! Gen 1 to current gen Intel CPUs have seen a significant improvement. And if you are upgrading your CPU every single year for a 5% improvement, you're doing it wrong.", '>>{WaidWilson} : /r/PMCR the last few months were saying "wait for Zen!" Which turned it to be Ryzen, obviously. Then when the benchmarks were released they were talking about how amazing it was going to be for gaming. Others said, wait for benchmarks from real tests, while many didn\'t listen. Now we have this.', '>>{FigFrontflip} : Yea. Any idea on if bios updates will make much of a difference?', ">>{WaidWilson} : >They do? They don't. >And with each generation a stunning 0% performance! I mean intel releases every couple years or so. I don't understand why people feel the need to go out and upgrade CPUs. Using a 4690K and it hasn't caused any issues yet and I don't plan to upgrade until I absolutely have to.", '>>{WaidWilson} : I have no clue, honestly. AMD ages well at least.', ">>{repr1ze} : Yeah I'm using the same CPU. Its a champ.", '>>{ITXorBust} : No, this is a message people need to get right now. Everyone at PCMR and buildapc has been saying "Wait for Zen" forever now, and it\'s important to note that this does not outperform intel\'s offerings at the same pricepoint from a gaming perspective. If Ryzen 3 and 5 beat the competition for gaming at their price points for gaming that will be just as headline-worthy as this is right now. If people can\'t think hard enough to realize what they do and don\'t need from a CPU they do need someone to tell them "This is great but not for gaming."', '>>{Ghostnoize} : To play devils advocate here, if these are aimed at high-end workstations why the limited pcie lanes and 64gb ram cap?', ">>{RyzenFanboy} : Yes, without Vulkan or similar, any multi-threading is manually programmed. When using Vulkan or other multitasking APIs you can classify what goes where, how important it is, access to different queues, how things spread between available cores. When bare coding, it's single threaded. The behavior however.. is that the OS will use other cores while a single threaded game uses core 0, etc. So the OS does to some extent offset itself, but it doesn't touch the app. Hope that helps.", ">>{MrPeligro} : I was downvoted when I said wait for benchmarks here. Its a good CPU. I don't think anyone would disagree with that. It's just it wasn't worth the hype it got, the 1800. I can't wait to see what R5 offers."]]
classify and reply
['>>{gbengraff} : 9-Year-Old Boy Was Banned From Wearing A Baseball Cap That Displayed His Political Views.', '>>{frankztn} : Well this is nice and all but can we get some 1080 stock PLEASEEE.', '>>{FatherXnos} : Sanctuary city illegal immigrant sparks $61 million fire in Sequoia National Forest', ">>{themouseisonmyright} : I'm not pro-trump by any means... But Jesus Christ just let the kid wear his hat", '>>{TheAltLeft} : In a perfect world, his entire family would be conscripted to fight wildfires without proper training. Those who refuse would then be dragged by the hair back across the border.', '>>{PM_ME_YOUR_ASS_PICS_} : Or you could just get the [Blackphone](https://silent-circle.myshopify.com/products/blackphone2), or do all of these things yourself with a few apps from the market?', '>>{TheGuardianReflex} : The baller move is to buy this phone for 17k, an Apple Watch Edition for 10k, and those crazy marble tube amp Senheissers that are 40k.', '>>{TrumpyMcTrumpo} : http://www.nowinstock.net/computers/videocards/nvidia/gtx1080/ Get notifications for your prefered card. Buy when you get the text message', ">>{FlyingSquid} : So I guess your perfect world doesn't have the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in it.", ">>{Humblebee89} : If it really is faster than a 980 then I'll be really glad that I haven't been able to find an RX 480. I'm gonna wait for the 1060 reviews before I buy either now.", '>>{JackFX} : or you know a real watch that can run 40k plus', ">>{gbengraff} : I don't believe jumping to conclusions is the right thing to do. The video in the article that was linked shows that the parents very rarely interfere with his beliefs. I mean, the kid also mentions how strongly he feels about politics in general- so he seems like a very driven kid and I award him for that.", ">>{CampusTour} : Given how easily this guy returns every time, shouldn't we maybe convict him of one of his many crimes and send him to prison? Isn't being dropped off back in Mexico a way more lenient sentence than any of his other charges would carry?", ">>{gbengraff} : Please read the reply I sent to Jornetha referencing what you're saying. It seems like that at first, but if you had watched the video, you'd see that the kid is very passionate about politics.", ">>{archamedeznutz} : One of the points was that he did do jail time, but California sanctuary city law prevented the state from notifying the federal government of his release so they couldn't find him to deport him before this latest legal misadventure. That won't be a problem when he goes to federal prison for this.", ">>{deepseamonkey} : It'll be faster in 'some benchmarks'. It is also more expensive and has lass ram than the 8gb version. It's DX12 performance will potentially also be subpar compared to the 480", '>>{Slayer_Of_Anubis} : If he was supporting sanders would you be saying the same?', ">>{rmuktader} : And wear all those things while flying an underwater plane (apparently it's wrong to call it a submarine) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1246972/Underwater-plane-bought-Sir-Richard-Branson.html", ">>{CampusTour} : Seeing as how he has been deported five times in the past four years, and returned each time, I'm not sure that the deportations are having any effect whatsoever. Edit: Also, things like felony weapons violations can often be kicked up to federal court, where the sentences are *very* severe. *That* would have been a solution with this guy. Kind of hard to sneak out of a five to ten year mandatory minimum.", ">>{MatthewBaum} : Maybe that's true. Its hard to believe that a 9 year old has the cognitive ability to have a real grasp of the issues, but oh well. I think he, like anyone, should have the right to free expression, but I'm still inclined to think he was influenced by someone to feel so strongly at his age. EDIT: fixed a word", ">>{TheGuardianReflex} : See but a fine crafted 40k dollar watch, many times, is going to have craftsmanship and materials that command that price, it will have a historical pedigree or incredibly robust construction. Meanwhile, the innards of the Apple Watch Edition are functionally identical to an electronic destined to become obsolete Ina few years. A finely crafted piece like a good Rolex is basically timeless, an Edition is a punchline in a joke about the 2010s tech fads. That's why it belongs with the other items I named, cause their dumb bullshit, although the Senhiesser is arguably less dumb bullshit and more just unnecessary.", ">>{vozi45} : Damn it, they aren't making it easy for me to choose.", ">>{Dikuthecow} : Is it really going against the RX480 ? Isn't the rx480 much cheaper ?", ">>{truthhurts4444} : But if a kid wanted to wear an I'm With Her hat, it would be allowed. Just let the kid wear his cap!", ">>{Humblebee89} : Again, ill wait for the benchmarks. I don't really care about the ram. I still have a 1080p setup so it'd be pretty useless unless i upgrade.", ">>{flirp_cannon} : I personally think anything that sits on your wrist and tells you the time, and costs more than a few grand falls nicely into the 'dumb bullshit' category.", '>>{archamedeznutz} : This is true which is why strengthening border controls makes sense.', ">>{TheGuardianReflex} : It's only dumb if that money could have gone to something better for you. If you are in the market for a 40 grand watch I'd imagine all your other shit is in order. If you've already got the car, house, cloths, etc, buying a nicer watch isn't really dumb at that point.", ">>{nicholasxuu} : The senheissers may keep it price for a while (or after a while). The apple watch might be a collectable a long time later, (first version of apple's watch, and it's rare due to the price, think of the Apple 1) The phone... will definitely be worthless in a few years. At least put some diamonds on it.", ">>{Gundam336} : When I see 14,000$ and phone in the same sentence I know it's time to go to bed", '>>{ifuckmydog} : 17;000 and the only thing good on it is reddit and porn . Lol', '>>{FatherXnos} : I thought that the Constitution protected legal citizens of the United States.', '>>{BrokenScript72} : Way to go you managed to make the most expensively priced phone ever, and offer nothing new but a more organised security system, which with a bit of effort can be accomplished on an android phone for next to nothing In price. But good job lol', '>>{Trumpicana} : Than why are schools in minnesota teaching 3rd graders social justice?', ">>{TurboChewy} : rx480 at 200, 1060 at 250. It won't break the bank and it's hella more powerful.", ">>{katui} : >and it's hella more powerful. We will have to wait for benchmarks to see. Then RX 480 is slower in most games than the 980 but beats it in some. And their new driver increased the performance by an average of 3%. The GTX 1060 looks to be a bit faster and a bit more expensive. Time will tell.", ">>{CampusTour} : I'm not really sure the cost/benefit plays out there. There's about 2,000 miles of border, plus however far you need to extend out in to the ocean. Throwing a few bad apples in federal prison is a lot cheaper and easier than trying to lock down 2,000 miles. Unless and until we have a functional legal immigration system that isn't a complete clusterfuck, there's going to be enough demand to bypass pretty much any border security that's remotely feasible. Do that, and securing the border against the people we actually *need* to be keeping out gets a lot easier, because they won't be lost in the crowd.", ">>{TheGuardianReflex} : I kind of understand why someone would value it, but I feel like the edition version was received by some as so tacky that I wonder if that will affect perceptions of it long term. It's not exactly gotten glowing reviews even in its base form. You're probably right about the sennheisers though, and I think that's largely due to the technology being a refinement of very old tech, using ridiculously nice materials.", '>>{Luggage-12345} : If founders card is $300 then you can forget about MSRP. No one will sell it as an after market card for less than $320. Forget a out an MSRP lower then a stock card. Nvideas greed has set themselves up for epic failure at the low end of the gaming card spectrum. This will be Apple maps/Zune bad.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : No, the constitution protects everyone, not just citizens. Where did you get the idea that it was just citizens?', '>>{krispygrem} : For 40k I could buy a completely adequate, robust, and attractive watch every month for 30+ years... My lunch partners cannot see the internal construction of my watch, nor does anyone care about the "historical pedigree" of a brand new watch (what, was it worn by Rasputin?)', '>>{Trumpicana} : This is over board but ignore the 9 year old trans kids being forced on everyone else for political reasons. Secondly at a public school they cant ban political speech as its protected by the first amendment. Government institutions cant tell citizens what they can and cant wear when it comes to political speech. If I was the parents I would sue the school district and the local government.', ">>{gbengraff} : Very fair point. > a 9 year old has the cognitive ability to have a real grasp of the issues I think it's a grey area but for the most part you're right. I think the main part that I feel strongly about is that he is very vocal and passionate about politics in general. But I mean hell, what kid at his age tells his parents he'd like to become a politician?", '>>{Dhroms} : Meanwhile people in California like those thugs that harass Trump supporters are sporting a "Make America Mexico again" Cap with little to no repercussions.', '>>{Trumpicana} : Do you have an actual argument against what I said or do you think in some magic world 1 grammatical error some how disproves and discredits everything I said? Just curious how shallow your pool is.', ">>{TurboChewy} : I was under the impression the founders edition was the premium? That'd be keeping in line for the pricing on the 1080. 700 for founders, 650-700 range for most aftermarket. It's not like the founders edition is the base or stock version, it's the in house design but definitely not any less quality than aftermarket ones.", '>>{FatherXnos} : Yes I tried to use common sense. But convicted jailed illegal immigrants have more rights of protection then US citizens have to protect themselves.', '>>{TheGuardianReflex} : >I could buy a completely adequate, robust, and attractive watch every month for 30+ years... Okay, but it wouldn\'t be made of the kinds of materials or with the same details as a 40k watch. I\'m not saying every dime of that 40k goes to quality, the majority of it does not, but it will be a significantly nicer watch. >My lunch partners cannot see the internal construction of my watch. Actually they can if you flip over [some of them](http://alang.watchprosite.com/img/watchprosite/alang/92/raw/alang_image.512292.jpg), others come with partially glass fronts to expose the internal mechanisms as well. Needless to say better materials also lends to it looking nicer in person, something other people who like watches will notice. Similar to cars or suits, those who know the industry/interest will spot the nice stuff and know why it\'s nice, that is a luxury people are willing to pay for to indulge. >nor does anyone care about the "historical pedigree" of a brand new watch I didn\'t specifically mean the pedigree of the watch in my post, but many finely made german, swiss, and japanese made watches, due to their construction, last long enough to be passed down for a few generations. Part of the reason you might buy a new one is to be able to do exactly that and have a family heirloom. My family is german and we own a few Mont Blanc and Glashutte watches that were purchased in Hamburg, Germany before my dads side of the family came to the states. The watchmakers lived in the same place my ancestors did and drew from the same inspirations and culture, that\'s meaningful heritage for an heirloom, and it\'s not as if the watches were cheap back then either. What my post meant by historical pedigree though was the history of the company itself, its track record for quality and the legacy of products it\'s produced, which for watches, can go back quite a ways, with very storied histories of quality craftsmanship. That\'s something people absolutely value, and not because of intangible reasons.', ">>{rtechie1} : No credible evidence that this phone will get software updates any faster than the Nexus line so it's almost certainly *less secure* than the Nexus smartphones.", '>>{rararaknee} : You sound like you buy me 40k$ watches. 👀', '>>{Tietonz} : Except for the camera and speaker\'s. That is about it though. Not even any "bling".', '>>{Luggage-12345} : Founders is the basic model with nothing special (no overclock, no aftermarket cooler, ugly PCB showing, no backplate, etc.This is the first time (to my knowledge) a company is having people pay more for the stock model and they are doing it by marketing the stock cards as a premium product by calling them the "founders edition". There is nothing premium about a stock card. It is definitely lower quality, slower, uglier, and hotter than the aftermarket designs. Just because Nvidea is asking for more money does not make it better. They are trying to trick noobs like you into paying a premium for a less than premium product.', ">>{MatthewBaum} : It is odd, and I must applaud him for taking an interest in politics at a young age, America needs more of that. I think he should be able to express himself but at the same time, students forfeit certain rights when entering a school. If they deemed it disruptive, they were within their rights not to allow him to wear it. I don't see it as a big deal either way.", '>>{Dhroms} : No, because then he will be considered "enlightened". You see, only conservatives are delusional freaks, never the liberals.', ">>{TurboChewy} : I don't see how that's at all relevant. The point is that the aftermarket cards will be cheaper. Regardless of your analysis, it's already been announced, and you can see the pricing for the 1080 if you look it up.", ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : He'd wear a Klan hood if his hick father violently pulled it over his head.", ">>{DFAnton} : I'm pretty damn liberal, but one thing that always sickens me is when people bring their young children to *any* political rally and have them holding signs. They're incapable of having informed views on political situations, and should not be used as sympathetic faces (read: tools) by their parents.", '>>{PM_ME_STEAMGAMES_PLS} : My casio watch even has a calculator, great value for less than $20', '>>{MalcomXcrement} : Conservative 9 year old = brainwashed child Trans 5 year old = proud gender warrior Sick.', '>>{Thraximundar_} : If it was a "Feel the Bern" hat, this post would be upvoted into the stratosphere.', ">>{StupidForehead} : He can explain all the complexities of the global economic system, the externalities of Carbon Tax, and *alright i give up, it's a kid*", '>>{gbengraff} : Yeah. I personally believe the children that were harassing him should be reprimanded rather than the one wearing the baseball cap.', '>>{MatthewBaum} : For certain. Nobody should be harassed for expressing their views.', '>>{Trumpicana} : I dont believe social justice is needed. Social justice is the antithesis of legal justice. Its mob rule. Im sorry I like facts and a fair system. Not a bunch of gender studies retards deciding my fate.', '>>{Liar_tuck} : Maybe. But I do think either should be in school. The election is too hot topic right now and could cause problems in school. I think it is great when kids take an interest in politics, but there is a time and place for it.', ">>{Thraximundar_} : I don't think it's appropriate either, but I'm just pointing out that this place is basically /r/s4p2.", '>>{916hotdogs} : You joke, but really when they get charged with crimes they tend to just ignore them, if it gets bad enough they go back to Mexico and start again with new stolen documents. They have a reset button they can press any time.', '>>{NoIWillNotYield} : In kindergarten I was asked what thing I hated most. Other kids wrote things like Brussels Sprouts, bedtime, you know. I wrote "war." You might be surprised.', '>>{Fellero} : There\'s nothing wrong with being a feminist. There\'s a lot wrong with calling an entire ethnicity "rapists and thieves". Thats being racist.', ">>{Dhroms} : So they still using kids as political message. Doesn't defeat my point.", '>>{Not_Pictured} : If social justice was justice, it would be called justice.', '>>{richardleosimones} : The 5 year old could also be an object of lust for a salon reader too!', '>>{richardleosimones} : I dont know, it depends on how close his school is to san jose... /s', ">>{NoIWillNotYield} : It's genetic. **Name**: TAS2R38 **Location**: Chromosome 7 **Length**: 1,143 bases **Role**: Codes for PTC taste receptor **Site of action**: The tongue >There is one gene controlling taste sensitivity that scientists have characterised in a lot of detail – the catchily named TAS2R38 gene. This gene makes a protein that interlocks with a chemical called PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) and gives the taste sensation of bitterness. >PTC isn't usually found in the human diet, but it is very similar to chemicals found in brassicas such as brussels sprouts and cabbages. Because of this, scientists have suggested that the ability to taste or not taste PTC might explain why some people hate sprouts, and some people love them. >Ironically, the man who discovered this property of the chemical didn't have a working copy of the TAS2R38 gene. In 1931, Arthur Fox was in his laboratory pouring powdered PTC into a bottle, creating a cloud of the stuff. He was oblivious to the horrible odour, but the chemist on the next bench started complaining. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2011/nov/01/brussel-sprout-gene I love them. Little bit of butter. Just a big plate of them for dinner. Yes fuckin please!", '>>{NoIWillNotYield} : No. Just some random factoid I picked up.', ">>{Totherphoenix} : Welcome to 1984, where you aren't allowed to have opinions.", '>>{Totherphoenix} : Thanks for brightening up my shitty day with a borderline objective, intelligent discussion. People like you stand out on this subreddit when it comes to alt-right news. :^)', '>>{Totherphoenix} : There\'s also a lot wrong with calling an entire gender "rapists and abusers". That\'s being sexist.', '>>{Totherphoenix} : I\'m an adult who has "eaten that up" and you\'re kinda a massive asshole... again, please go back to r/Atheism', ">>{Totherphoenix} : good honestly, not the word I'd have used.", ">>{Totherphoenix} : Although they do struggle with beliefs as a concept at that age due to their brains still developing, to say that they literally can't is kinda... wrong. If you actually watch the video, he seems to be really into politics, which I think, regardless of who he supports, is great for a kid his age. Unless Trump is literally Hitler himself as everyone on this subreddit would have you believe, then I'm sure it's relatively harmless...", ">>{SunriseSurprise} : You're right. You know what? We should let 9 year olds vote.", '>>{SunriseSurprise} : Let\'s let 9 year olds vote, have sex, marry, drive a car...what the hell. Makes as much sense as a 9 year old "having political views".', '>>{youareaspastic} : The nine year olds on r/the_donald seem to have found some', '>>{arcaniean} : oh yeah, I remember the first time I wore a political hat the same as when I lost my virginity', ">>{TheExtremistModerate} : They're not in an educational setting, now are they?", '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : Yes, yes. Silence those who disagree. Just like the Church.', ">>{Totherphoenix} : Who is silencing who? I'm just making a suggestion.", ">>{Totherphoenix} : Hahahahahaha had that decision been made 6 months ago, we'd be looking at Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee.", '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : Telling someone to go away is not "making a suggestion." It\'s you proving that you can\'t handle people criticizing your religion.', ">>{Totherphoenix} : Again, I was making a suggestion. I am not so insecure about my faith that it is at all compromised by a stranger on the internet... It's more for his benefit that I suggest he maybe doesn't post such silly, narrow-minded (and irrelevant) comments in a strictly (?) political subreddit... hahaha", ">>{Totherphoenix} : That's not to say I don't respect his right to have an opinion.", ">>{TheExtremistModerate} : No. They're using actors. It *does* defeat your point. These kids may or may not actually believe what they're saying. They're being paid to say something. No brainwashing involved.", '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : > narrow-minded Irony. How is it "narrow-minded" to attack the Church?', ">>{TheExtremistModerate} : No. No it's not. It's not narrow-minded to criticize the Church.", '>>{Totherphoenix} : No. No its not. Only narrow minded people deal in absolutes.', '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : ... You realize you were the one dealing in absolutes, right? "It\'s narrow-minded to attack anybody." That\'s an absolute.', '>>{Totherphoenix} : Let me rephrase Only a ~sith~ deals in absolutes', '>>{_aed} : He is sixty nine, seventy next month, thank you very much!']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{PM_ME_YOUR_ASS_PICS_} : Or you could just get the [Blackphone](https://silent-circle.myshopify.com/products/blackphone2), or do all of these things yourself with a few apps from the market?', '>>{TheGuardianReflex} : The baller move is to buy this phone for 17k, an Apple Watch Edition for 10k, and those crazy marble tube amp Senheissers that are 40k.', '>>{JackFX} : or you know a real watch that can run 40k plus', ">>{rmuktader} : And wear all those things while flying an underwater plane (apparently it's wrong to call it a submarine) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1246972/Underwater-plane-bought-Sir-Richard-Branson.html", ">>{TheGuardianReflex} : See but a fine crafted 40k dollar watch, many times, is going to have craftsmanship and materials that command that price, it will have a historical pedigree or incredibly robust construction. Meanwhile, the innards of the Apple Watch Edition are functionally identical to an electronic destined to become obsolete Ina few years. A finely crafted piece like a good Rolex is basically timeless, an Edition is a punchline in a joke about the 2010s tech fads. That's why it belongs with the other items I named, cause their dumb bullshit, although the Senhiesser is arguably less dumb bullshit and more just unnecessary.", ">>{flirp_cannon} : I personally think anything that sits on your wrist and tells you the time, and costs more than a few grand falls nicely into the 'dumb bullshit' category.", ">>{TheGuardianReflex} : It's only dumb if that money could have gone to something better for you. If you are in the market for a 40 grand watch I'd imagine all your other shit is in order. If you've already got the car, house, cloths, etc, buying a nicer watch isn't really dumb at that point.", ">>{nicholasxuu} : The senheissers may keep it price for a while (or after a while). The apple watch might be a collectable a long time later, (first version of apple's watch, and it's rare due to the price, think of the Apple 1) The phone... will definitely be worthless in a few years. At least put some diamonds on it.", ">>{Gundam336} : When I see 14,000$ and phone in the same sentence I know it's time to go to bed", '>>{ifuckmydog} : 17;000 and the only thing good on it is reddit and porn . Lol', '>>{BrokenScript72} : Way to go you managed to make the most expensively priced phone ever, and offer nothing new but a more organised security system, which with a bit of effort can be accomplished on an android phone for next to nothing In price. But good job lol', ">>{TheGuardianReflex} : I kind of understand why someone would value it, but I feel like the edition version was received by some as so tacky that I wonder if that will affect perceptions of it long term. It's not exactly gotten glowing reviews even in its base form. You're probably right about the sennheisers though, and I think that's largely due to the technology being a refinement of very old tech, using ridiculously nice materials.", '>>{krispygrem} : For 40k I could buy a completely adequate, robust, and attractive watch every month for 30+ years... My lunch partners cannot see the internal construction of my watch, nor does anyone care about the "historical pedigree" of a brand new watch (what, was it worn by Rasputin?)', '>>{TheGuardianReflex} : >I could buy a completely adequate, robust, and attractive watch every month for 30+ years... Okay, but it wouldn\'t be made of the kinds of materials or with the same details as a 40k watch. I\'m not saying every dime of that 40k goes to quality, the majority of it does not, but it will be a significantly nicer watch. >My lunch partners cannot see the internal construction of my watch. Actually they can if you flip over [some of them](http://alang.watchprosite.com/img/watchprosite/alang/92/raw/alang_image.512292.jpg), others come with partially glass fronts to expose the internal mechanisms as well. Needless to say better materials also lends to it looking nicer in person, something other people who like watches will notice. Similar to cars or suits, those who know the industry/interest will spot the nice stuff and know why it\'s nice, that is a luxury people are willing to pay for to indulge. >nor does anyone care about the "historical pedigree" of a brand new watch I didn\'t specifically mean the pedigree of the watch in my post, but many finely made german, swiss, and japanese made watches, due to their construction, last long enough to be passed down for a few generations. Part of the reason you might buy a new one is to be able to do exactly that and have a family heirloom. My family is german and we own a few Mont Blanc and Glashutte watches that were purchased in Hamburg, Germany before my dads side of the family came to the states. The watchmakers lived in the same place my ancestors did and drew from the same inspirations and culture, that\'s meaningful heritage for an heirloom, and it\'s not as if the watches were cheap back then either. What my post meant by historical pedigree though was the history of the company itself, its track record for quality and the legacy of products it\'s produced, which for watches, can go back quite a ways, with very storied histories of quality craftsmanship. That\'s something people absolutely value, and not because of intangible reasons.', ">>{rtechie1} : No credible evidence that this phone will get software updates any faster than the Nexus line so it's almost certainly *less secure* than the Nexus smartphones.", '>>{rararaknee} : You sound like you buy me 40k$ watches. 👀', '>>{Tietonz} : Except for the camera and speaker\'s. That is about it though. Not even any "bling".', '>>{PM_ME_STEAMGAMES_PLS} : My casio watch even has a calculator, great value for less than $20'], ['>>{frankztn} : Well this is nice and all but can we get some 1080 stock PLEASEEE.', '>>{TrumpyMcTrumpo} : http://www.nowinstock.net/computers/videocards/nvidia/gtx1080/ Get notifications for your prefered card. Buy when you get the text message', ">>{Humblebee89} : If it really is faster than a 980 then I'll be really glad that I haven't been able to find an RX 480. I'm gonna wait for the 1060 reviews before I buy either now.", ">>{deepseamonkey} : It'll be faster in 'some benchmarks'. It is also more expensive and has lass ram than the 8gb version. It's DX12 performance will potentially also be subpar compared to the 480", ">>{vozi45} : Damn it, they aren't making it easy for me to choose.", ">>{Dikuthecow} : Is it really going against the RX480 ? Isn't the rx480 much cheaper ?", ">>{Humblebee89} : Again, ill wait for the benchmarks. I don't really care about the ram. I still have a 1080p setup so it'd be pretty useless unless i upgrade.", ">>{TurboChewy} : rx480 at 200, 1060 at 250. It won't break the bank and it's hella more powerful.", ">>{katui} : >and it's hella more powerful. We will have to wait for benchmarks to see. Then RX 480 is slower in most games than the 980 but beats it in some. And their new driver increased the performance by an average of 3%. The GTX 1060 looks to be a bit faster and a bit more expensive. Time will tell.", '>>{Luggage-12345} : If founders card is $300 then you can forget about MSRP. No one will sell it as an after market card for less than $320. Forget a out an MSRP lower then a stock card. Nvideas greed has set themselves up for epic failure at the low end of the gaming card spectrum. This will be Apple maps/Zune bad.', ">>{TurboChewy} : I was under the impression the founders edition was the premium? That'd be keeping in line for the pricing on the 1080. 700 for founders, 650-700 range for most aftermarket. It's not like the founders edition is the base or stock version, it's the in house design but definitely not any less quality than aftermarket ones.", '>>{Luggage-12345} : Founders is the basic model with nothing special (no overclock, no aftermarket cooler, ugly PCB showing, no backplate, etc.This is the first time (to my knowledge) a company is having people pay more for the stock model and they are doing it by marketing the stock cards as a premium product by calling them the "founders edition". There is nothing premium about a stock card. It is definitely lower quality, slower, uglier, and hotter than the aftermarket designs. Just because Nvidea is asking for more money does not make it better. They are trying to trick noobs like you into paying a premium for a less than premium product.', ">>{TurboChewy} : I don't see how that's at all relevant. The point is that the aftermarket cards will be cheaper. Regardless of your analysis, it's already been announced, and you can see the pricing for the 1080 if you look it up."], ['>>{gbengraff} : 9-Year-Old Boy Was Banned From Wearing A Baseball Cap That Displayed His Political Views.', ">>{themouseisonmyright} : I'm not pro-trump by any means... But Jesus Christ just let the kid wear his hat", ">>{gbengraff} : I don't believe jumping to conclusions is the right thing to do. The video in the article that was linked shows that the parents very rarely interfere with his beliefs. I mean, the kid also mentions how strongly he feels about politics in general- so he seems like a very driven kid and I award him for that.", ">>{gbengraff} : Please read the reply I sent to Jornetha referencing what you're saying. It seems like that at first, but if you had watched the video, you'd see that the kid is very passionate about politics.", '>>{Slayer_Of_Anubis} : If he was supporting sanders would you be saying the same?', ">>{MatthewBaum} : Maybe that's true. Its hard to believe that a 9 year old has the cognitive ability to have a real grasp of the issues, but oh well. I think he, like anyone, should have the right to free expression, but I'm still inclined to think he was influenced by someone to feel so strongly at his age. EDIT: fixed a word", ">>{truthhurts4444} : But if a kid wanted to wear an I'm With Her hat, it would be allowed. Just let the kid wear his cap!", '>>{Trumpicana} : Than why are schools in minnesota teaching 3rd graders social justice?', '>>{Trumpicana} : This is over board but ignore the 9 year old trans kids being forced on everyone else for political reasons. Secondly at a public school they cant ban political speech as its protected by the first amendment. Government institutions cant tell citizens what they can and cant wear when it comes to political speech. If I was the parents I would sue the school district and the local government.', ">>{gbengraff} : Very fair point. > a 9 year old has the cognitive ability to have a real grasp of the issues I think it's a grey area but for the most part you're right. I think the main part that I feel strongly about is that he is very vocal and passionate about politics in general. But I mean hell, what kid at his age tells his parents he'd like to become a politician?", '>>{Dhroms} : Meanwhile people in California like those thugs that harass Trump supporters are sporting a "Make America Mexico again" Cap with little to no repercussions.', '>>{Trumpicana} : Do you have an actual argument against what I said or do you think in some magic world 1 grammatical error some how disproves and discredits everything I said? Just curious how shallow your pool is.', ">>{MatthewBaum} : It is odd, and I must applaud him for taking an interest in politics at a young age, America needs more of that. I think he should be able to express himself but at the same time, students forfeit certain rights when entering a school. If they deemed it disruptive, they were within their rights not to allow him to wear it. I don't see it as a big deal either way.", '>>{Dhroms} : No, because then he will be considered "enlightened". You see, only conservatives are delusional freaks, never the liberals.', ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : He'd wear a Klan hood if his hick father violently pulled it over his head.", ">>{DFAnton} : I'm pretty damn liberal, but one thing that always sickens me is when people bring their young children to *any* political rally and have them holding signs. They're incapable of having informed views on political situations, and should not be used as sympathetic faces (read: tools) by their parents.", '>>{MalcomXcrement} : Conservative 9 year old = brainwashed child Trans 5 year old = proud gender warrior Sick.', '>>{Thraximundar_} : If it was a "Feel the Bern" hat, this post would be upvoted into the stratosphere.', ">>{StupidForehead} : He can explain all the complexities of the global economic system, the externalities of Carbon Tax, and *alright i give up, it's a kid*", '>>{gbengraff} : Yeah. I personally believe the children that were harassing him should be reprimanded rather than the one wearing the baseball cap.', '>>{MatthewBaum} : For certain. Nobody should be harassed for expressing their views.', '>>{Trumpicana} : I dont believe social justice is needed. Social justice is the antithesis of legal justice. Its mob rule. Im sorry I like facts and a fair system. Not a bunch of gender studies retards deciding my fate.', '>>{Liar_tuck} : Maybe. But I do think either should be in school. The election is too hot topic right now and could cause problems in school. I think it is great when kids take an interest in politics, but there is a time and place for it.', ">>{Thraximundar_} : I don't think it's appropriate either, but I'm just pointing out that this place is basically /r/s4p2.", '>>{916hotdogs} : You joke, but really when they get charged with crimes they tend to just ignore them, if it gets bad enough they go back to Mexico and start again with new stolen documents. They have a reset button they can press any time.', '>>{NoIWillNotYield} : In kindergarten I was asked what thing I hated most. Other kids wrote things like Brussels Sprouts, bedtime, you know. I wrote "war." You might be surprised.', '>>{Fellero} : There\'s nothing wrong with being a feminist. There\'s a lot wrong with calling an entire ethnicity "rapists and thieves". Thats being racist.', ">>{Dhroms} : So they still using kids as political message. Doesn't defeat my point.", '>>{Not_Pictured} : If social justice was justice, it would be called justice.', '>>{richardleosimones} : The 5 year old could also be an object of lust for a salon reader too!', '>>{richardleosimones} : I dont know, it depends on how close his school is to san jose... /s', ">>{NoIWillNotYield} : It's genetic. **Name**: TAS2R38 **Location**: Chromosome 7 **Length**: 1,143 bases **Role**: Codes for PTC taste receptor **Site of action**: The tongue >There is one gene controlling taste sensitivity that scientists have characterised in a lot of detail – the catchily named TAS2R38 gene. This gene makes a protein that interlocks with a chemical called PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) and gives the taste sensation of bitterness. >PTC isn't usually found in the human diet, but it is very similar to chemicals found in brassicas such as brussels sprouts and cabbages. Because of this, scientists have suggested that the ability to taste or not taste PTC might explain why some people hate sprouts, and some people love them. >Ironically, the man who discovered this property of the chemical didn't have a working copy of the TAS2R38 gene. In 1931, Arthur Fox was in his laboratory pouring powdered PTC into a bottle, creating a cloud of the stuff. He was oblivious to the horrible odour, but the chemist on the next bench started complaining. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2011/nov/01/brussel-sprout-gene I love them. Little bit of butter. Just a big plate of them for dinner. Yes fuckin please!", '>>{NoIWillNotYield} : No. Just some random factoid I picked up.', ">>{Totherphoenix} : Welcome to 1984, where you aren't allowed to have opinions.", '>>{Totherphoenix} : Thanks for brightening up my shitty day with a borderline objective, intelligent discussion. People like you stand out on this subreddit when it comes to alt-right news. :^)', '>>{Totherphoenix} : There\'s also a lot wrong with calling an entire gender "rapists and abusers". That\'s being sexist.', '>>{Totherphoenix} : I\'m an adult who has "eaten that up" and you\'re kinda a massive asshole... again, please go back to r/Atheism', ">>{Totherphoenix} : good honestly, not the word I'd have used.", ">>{Totherphoenix} : Although they do struggle with beliefs as a concept at that age due to their brains still developing, to say that they literally can't is kinda... wrong. If you actually watch the video, he seems to be really into politics, which I think, regardless of who he supports, is great for a kid his age. Unless Trump is literally Hitler himself as everyone on this subreddit would have you believe, then I'm sure it's relatively harmless...", ">>{SunriseSurprise} : You're right. You know what? We should let 9 year olds vote.", '>>{SunriseSurprise} : Let\'s let 9 year olds vote, have sex, marry, drive a car...what the hell. Makes as much sense as a 9 year old "having political views".', '>>{youareaspastic} : The nine year olds on r/the_donald seem to have found some', '>>{arcaniean} : oh yeah, I remember the first time I wore a political hat the same as when I lost my virginity', ">>{TheExtremistModerate} : They're not in an educational setting, now are they?", '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : Yes, yes. Silence those who disagree. Just like the Church.', ">>{Totherphoenix} : Who is silencing who? I'm just making a suggestion.", ">>{Totherphoenix} : Hahahahahaha had that decision been made 6 months ago, we'd be looking at Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee.", '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : Telling someone to go away is not "making a suggestion." It\'s you proving that you can\'t handle people criticizing your religion.', ">>{Totherphoenix} : Again, I was making a suggestion. I am not so insecure about my faith that it is at all compromised by a stranger on the internet... It's more for his benefit that I suggest he maybe doesn't post such silly, narrow-minded (and irrelevant) comments in a strictly (?) political subreddit... hahaha", ">>{Totherphoenix} : That's not to say I don't respect his right to have an opinion.", ">>{TheExtremistModerate} : No. They're using actors. It *does* defeat your point. These kids may or may not actually believe what they're saying. They're being paid to say something. No brainwashing involved.", '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : > narrow-minded Irony. How is it "narrow-minded" to attack the Church?', ">>{TheExtremistModerate} : No. No it's not. It's not narrow-minded to criticize the Church.", '>>{Totherphoenix} : No. No its not. Only narrow minded people deal in absolutes.', '>>{TheExtremistModerate} : ... You realize you were the one dealing in absolutes, right? "It\'s narrow-minded to attack anybody." That\'s an absolute.', '>>{Totherphoenix} : Let me rephrase Only a ~sith~ deals in absolutes', '>>{_aed} : He is sixty nine, seventy next month, thank you very much!'], ['>>{FatherXnos} : Sanctuary city illegal immigrant sparks $61 million fire in Sequoia National Forest', '>>{TheAltLeft} : In a perfect world, his entire family would be conscripted to fight wildfires without proper training. Those who refuse would then be dragged by the hair back across the border.', ">>{FlyingSquid} : So I guess your perfect world doesn't have the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in it.", ">>{CampusTour} : Given how easily this guy returns every time, shouldn't we maybe convict him of one of his many crimes and send him to prison? Isn't being dropped off back in Mexico a way more lenient sentence than any of his other charges would carry?", ">>{archamedeznutz} : One of the points was that he did do jail time, but California sanctuary city law prevented the state from notifying the federal government of his release so they couldn't find him to deport him before this latest legal misadventure. That won't be a problem when he goes to federal prison for this.", ">>{CampusTour} : Seeing as how he has been deported five times in the past four years, and returned each time, I'm not sure that the deportations are having any effect whatsoever. Edit: Also, things like felony weapons violations can often be kicked up to federal court, where the sentences are *very* severe. *That* would have been a solution with this guy. Kind of hard to sneak out of a five to ten year mandatory minimum.", '>>{archamedeznutz} : This is true which is why strengthening border controls makes sense.', '>>{FatherXnos} : I thought that the Constitution protected legal citizens of the United States.', ">>{CampusTour} : I'm not really sure the cost/benefit plays out there. There's about 2,000 miles of border, plus however far you need to extend out in to the ocean. Throwing a few bad apples in federal prison is a lot cheaper and easier than trying to lock down 2,000 miles. Unless and until we have a functional legal immigration system that isn't a complete clusterfuck, there's going to be enough demand to bypass pretty much any border security that's remotely feasible. Do that, and securing the border against the people we actually *need* to be keeping out gets a lot easier, because they won't be lost in the crowd.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : No, the constitution protects everyone, not just citizens. Where did you get the idea that it was just citizens?', '>>{FatherXnos} : Yes I tried to use common sense. But convicted jailed illegal immigrants have more rights of protection then US citizens have to protect themselves.']]
classify and reply
['>>{undeadslime} : Are President Trump’s Supporters Embarrassed To Tell Pollsters They Like Him?', '>>{loki8481} : Why Clinton is trouncing Trump in Michigan | "Trump was right about being different. He was wrong about winning."', ">>{pi31415pi} : Yes, that's why he won a number of states which he was polling behind in.", '>>{blancs50} : >"He\'s running behind the Republican base and even among white, older men he\'s not running as strong as he should be," Michigan EPIC-MRA pollster **Bernie Porn** said. Dat name...', '>>{kazookabomb} : If you are going to support him at least have the guts to admit it.', ">>{whaatwhaatwhat} : Those are some mental images I'd gladly give back.", ">>{loki8481} : wow. not a typo, that's actually his name -- http://17663-presscdn-0-49.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/bernie-porn-640x332.jpg", '>>{blancs50} : [Is that so?](https://lovelace-media.imgix.net/uploads/1090/8b5e8550-5e5e-0133-8fca-0e17bac22e39.jpg?) ^possibly^N^S^F^W', ">>{pi31415pi} : It's not always possible to be open about it, if you are a Trump supporter in Chicago where is live you could easily loose your job and even beaten, I think that's why the polls were so off.", ">>{kazookabomb} : Pollsters aren't going to beat you up or make you lose your job. Also, welcome to being liberal or black in deep red states.", ">>{letdogsvote} : Well, if you use the Charlie Sheen definition of winning, Trump's nailing it.", '>>{drsjsmith} : [In a Pew poll from early July,](http://www.people-press.org/2016/07/07/2016-campaign-strong-interest-widespread-dissatisfaction/) the [breakdown in answers to "Do you think [Clinton/Trump] would change the way things work in Washington?"](http://www.people-press.org/2016/07/07/5-candidate-traits-and-perceptions/) showed that 44% of all voters thought Trump was a change for the worse: Candidate | Change for worse | Wouldn\'t change much | Change for better :-- | --: | --: | --: Trump | 44 | 21 | 33 Clinton | 25 | 53 | 20', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : This pisses me off so much. If you're going to stand for something, fucking stand for it. Hiding your opinions just because others disagree is so weak. And I wouldn't normally care, but it comes from the same people who scream about society being too PC and how Trump represents confidence. Just pathetic.", ">>{ukraine_not_weak} : His doctor's evaluation *did* say he had only 'positive' results...", '>>{Boxy310} : Preview for tomorrow: Jill Stein one-on-one with Deez Nuts.', '>>{Uhgley} : Last year They were embarrassed to tell pollsters they intended to vote trump, so yeah... they lied and claimed t be undecided. Liars voting for liars...', ">>{miashaee} : When in July? Because things definitely shifted after the conventions and Trump's craptacular week right after that.", '>>{drsjsmith} : My apologies; the poll was *published* in early July, but *conducted* June 15th to June 26th. It was a good poll for Clinton, with a 45-36 lead over Trump and a 51-42 head-to-head lead.', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : You can't be fired for your political leanings (unless you're a government employee and you push your personal views over federal law) and physically attacking someone over their political position is still illegal last time I checked. Even in Chicago.", ">>{adam_hii} : It's a good change. That's a good change!", ">>{doubleplusuntruth} : 'member when the media hyped this shit during the election? I 'member.", ">>{pi31415pi} : Its illegal but it happens, if your boss doesn't like you they find a way.", ">>{Tristal} : Trump's biggest campaign focus has been anti-immigration. Unlike Southern Republicans, Western Michigan doesn't give a damn about immigration. Meanwhile, on the east side of the state, including (as mentioned in the article) Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan has one of the highest populations in the US of people of Middle Eastern origin. How do you think they feel about Trump?", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : Then you take them to court. You said it yourself, it's not legal, so just because other people might break the law, doesn't mean *you* should shrink your first amendment rights.", '>>{addy-Bee} : As somebody who grew up in SE Michigan....that man is the most michigan person I have ever seen. Except maaaaaybe Jim Harbaugh. Maybe.', ">>{pi31415pi} : That's really not how things work in real life. Most people do not have the ability to get a lawyer and go to court. More importantly its [not illegal to fire employees](http://www.businessinsider.com/you-can-be-fired-over-political-views-2017-1) for political views in most states. Even if it is employers can get around that by firing you for minor offenses like being late ect just because they don't like you.", ">>{loki8481} : it's not pleasant to look at, but it's not nsfw", '>>{innervision} : Where was this guy during the primaries? Missed a great self-promotion opportunity.', ">>{CurtisLeow} : Trump is polling poorly in the South, compared to previous presidential elections. Georgia is a clear battleground state this election, for example. Trump's lead in Texas is in the single digits, when Romney and McCain won Texas by double digit margins. Whereas Trump is polling better than expected in the rust belt, including Michigan. Romney lost Michigan by 10% in 2012, while Clinton only has a 7 point lead in Michigan, according to RCP.", ">>{Janfilecantror} : Seriously, round these here parts I'd be exiled for suggesting Obama was anything other than a Muslim dictator.", ">>{fluffyjdawg} : Michigander here. It's weird how I see Trump signs and bumper stickers everywhere. I literally haven't see any for Clinton (and I'm constantly driving all over the state). Lots of Bernie bling still around too. I also only know a couple of people who actually plan on voting for her. Don't get me wrong, I still think Clinton will crush Trump here, it just seems strange because her supporters seem nonexistent here.", '>>{Uktabi68} : In Grand Rapids we have the third largest growing mexican population behind Brownsville TX and San Diego, and it is not an issue. The loss of jobs to NAFTA is.', ">>{fieldnut} : Oakland County resident here. I hear more people get angry about the Muslims in Dearborn being used as a scapegoat then people that have animosity towards Muslims in general. It's mostly a county full of college educated people with higher incomes with some outliers like Pontiac and Waterford. It usually goes republican but with Trump being the idiot that he is I wouldn't be surprised if goes for Clinton but votes republican the rest of the ticket. Then again I could be totally wrong but that's just my guess.", ">>{amaddenmk4} : And Clinton is taking a break cause she is tired this weekend while Obama continues his 3,000th vacation all while Trump is stepping up to do Obama's job and visit the flood vicims of Louisiana", '>>{DhostPepper} : I have yet to see a Clinton yard sign or bumper sticker between Midland and Big Rapids. Lots of Trump and Bernie, though.', ">>{Plawsky} : It's just because they're not as vocal. The whole campaign has shown that Clinton doesn't have a very passionate fan base, at least not in the terms of mega rallies and bumper stickers and t-shirts. But she's also proven that it's not only the loud passionate people that vote.", ">>{Produceher} : I think it's important to realize that an excited voter and a bored one are judged equally. If you go by excitement, Sanders would be the nominee. I really really really want Hillary to win. But I'm not putting a stupid sign on my lawn.", '>>{elos_} : Excitement of a dedicated base =/= voter turnout. It only takes one guy with a hundred bucks and a day off to load up a town full of signs.', '>>{AgentElman} : I live in Seattle. It will go massively for Hillary. There are no Hillary signs or bumper stickers anywhere. It is very odd.', ">>{AgentElman} : Wow, do you seriously think that the president's job is to visit a disaster area and make the relief efforts harder due to his presence? You might want to learn what the actual job of the president is. TV appearances and photo ops are not the job description. Although if you think it is, that explains why you support Trump.", ">>{IndridCipher} : Clinton supporters don't have anything to prove really. The Trump supporter feel like they are rebelling so they are very very passionate and want you to know it.", ">>{amaddenmk4} : We can talk about what happened for two days in 2005 and we should. We can talk about levees that couldn't hold, a FEMA that seemed not just incompetent but paralyzed and powerless, about a president who only saw the people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground. OBAMA Might wanna focus on that last part of the quote", '>>{Sepik121} : Grand rapids represent! We got old dutch people up the wazoo', ">>{Sepik121} : Clinton supporter here, not a big fan of putting signs on my lawn that would vandalized or stolen. I live in a more rural part of Michigan, so I ain't gonna deal with that.", '>>{Uktabi68} : yeap, if you aint Dutch, you aint much. Its no so much like that here anymore though. The area has changed with the infusion of Mexicans and the population shift coming from the Detroit area.', ">>{bigbabyb} : Yeah but that's true. Bush went down there in an airplane and made a mess of things. His FEMA appointment, most like his other appointments, was an absolute idiot shrill with no emergency management experience that led to hundreds--if not over a thousand--of preventable deaths due to gross mismanagement and agency misdirection. And then Bush shows up in a photo op from an airplane. Obama's criticism is entirely warranted and founded, and he's doing exactly what a president should do: let a qualified FEMA director do his job and let the agency handle the crisis, the complexities and weight of his office escaped Bush the same way it seems to be escaping you now.", '>>{amaddenmk4} : I think this situation is not as severe as Katrina but still very bad. Ok Trump just went down to Louisiana helped hand out supplies and let the people know he is there for them and told the first responders thank you for their service. Obama is busy playing golf and Hillary is catching up on her rest, who is going to end up looking better? This turned out to be a good move by the Trump campaign', ">>{bigbabyb} : Why can't he just donate money and let the professionals do their job. I agree it is great PR for photo ops, but his presence is detrimental to actually providing support in this situation. Once you add in a presidential detail and the logistics of transporting the President, it becomes even more of a clusterfuck. It doesn't matter if Obama makes phone calls from his vacation rental or from the White House--they don't suddenly change depending on his location. FEMA and national guards crews are providing support. The governor of the state HIMSELF told Obama to wait another 1 to 2 weeks before coming down. Just because your clown of a candidate can't tell the difference between adults doing their jobs and a photo op doesn't mean that myself or the rest of the American people can't, either. Try harder.", ">>{4G_Kush} : It's virtually impossible to differentiate this post from satire.", ">>{Lakshata} : I mean, Bernie won the primary here. I'll vote for clinton as the backup choice, probably like most of the people here.", '>>{andr50} : Saw my first Clinton yard sign this week, even though there is still some Bernie ones up. Clinton office just opened on Wealthy too.', ">>{andr50} : They're slowly popping up in GR now. Haven't seen a single Trump sign or sticker, though I saw a few Cruz ones earlier this year.", '>>{EditorialComplex} : Man, you gotta figure that the Clinton camp could find a better street name to open house on.', '>>{0OKM9IJN8UHB7} : Thank god, I thought I was fucking hallucinating when I saw that flipping channels during the primaries.', ">>{sunburnd} : I don't there there is a lot of support here. Clinton will win. However I don't think it is due to having support but rather she is not Trump. It doesn't bode well though for the next 4 years though....", '>>{amaddenmk4} : Well looks like he donated and helped the professionals please tell how this is negative and Hillary is taking a power nap. Trump donates a 18 wheeler full of supplies while Obama plays 18', ">>{Poldiscalt} : Bernie and Trump were/are campaigns based on emotion. Hillary's campaign is based on competent professionalism. Her supporters vote, because that's what matters. We don't put up signs because that really doesn't matter.", '>>{BlindLemonLars} : > His FEMA appointment, most like his other appointments, was an absolute idiot shrill with no emergency management experience that led to hundreds--if not over a thousand--of preventable deaths Well, to be fair to Brownie, he had a lot of experience in the world of Arabian horses.', ">>{BlindLemonLars} : > Trump donates a 18 wheeler full of supplies while Obama plays 18 You're such a clever boy.", '>>{wenchette} : Peggy Noonan was convinced Mitt Romney would win big because she saw more of his yard signs.', ">>{bigbabyb} : It's negative because despite your candidates stupid photo op, it isn't enough to convince the American people such a thing is needed -- ESPECIALLY when governors themselves say such a presence is a hinderance and unnecessary. It makes great media I guess but it's a shit strategy and grasp of the issue as a whole. Which I guess explains why your candidate is down nationally and will be demolished in an electoral vote landslide to the worst Dem candidate in generations", '>>{petecash} : Trump is punching above his weight where obama did well with working class whites like the rust belt and struggling in states where romney won loads of working class whites like north carolina and Georgia', ">>{amaddenmk4} : Bush ran his administration just like Clinton will run her administration it will be a pay to play setup. Oh yeah look like Trump didn't cause to much of a disturbance like the CTR has been claiming for the past few days http://youtu.be/MxTvNR8NRls"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{loki8481} : Why Clinton is trouncing Trump in Michigan | "Trump was right about being different. He was wrong about winning."', '>>{blancs50} : >"He\'s running behind the Republican base and even among white, older men he\'s not running as strong as he should be," Michigan EPIC-MRA pollster **Bernie Porn** said. Dat name...', ">>{whaatwhaatwhat} : Those are some mental images I'd gladly give back.", ">>{loki8481} : wow. not a typo, that's actually his name -- http://17663-presscdn-0-49.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/bernie-porn-640x332.jpg", '>>{blancs50} : [Is that so?](https://lovelace-media.imgix.net/uploads/1090/8b5e8550-5e5e-0133-8fca-0e17bac22e39.jpg?) ^possibly^N^S^F^W', ">>{letdogsvote} : Well, if you use the Charlie Sheen definition of winning, Trump's nailing it.", '>>{drsjsmith} : [In a Pew poll from early July,](http://www.people-press.org/2016/07/07/2016-campaign-strong-interest-widespread-dissatisfaction/) the [breakdown in answers to "Do you think [Clinton/Trump] would change the way things work in Washington?"](http://www.people-press.org/2016/07/07/5-candidate-traits-and-perceptions/) showed that 44% of all voters thought Trump was a change for the worse: Candidate | Change for worse | Wouldn\'t change much | Change for better :-- | --: | --: | --: Trump | 44 | 21 | 33 Clinton | 25 | 53 | 20', ">>{ukraine_not_weak} : His doctor's evaluation *did* say he had only 'positive' results...", '>>{Boxy310} : Preview for tomorrow: Jill Stein one-on-one with Deez Nuts.', ">>{miashaee} : When in July? Because things definitely shifted after the conventions and Trump's craptacular week right after that.", '>>{drsjsmith} : My apologies; the poll was *published* in early July, but *conducted* June 15th to June 26th. It was a good poll for Clinton, with a 45-36 lead over Trump and a 51-42 head-to-head lead.', ">>{adam_hii} : It's a good change. That's a good change!", ">>{Tristal} : Trump's biggest campaign focus has been anti-immigration. Unlike Southern Republicans, Western Michigan doesn't give a damn about immigration. Meanwhile, on the east side of the state, including (as mentioned in the article) Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan has one of the highest populations in the US of people of Middle Eastern origin. How do you think they feel about Trump?", '>>{addy-Bee} : As somebody who grew up in SE Michigan....that man is the most michigan person I have ever seen. Except maaaaaybe Jim Harbaugh. Maybe.', ">>{loki8481} : it's not pleasant to look at, but it's not nsfw", '>>{innervision} : Where was this guy during the primaries? Missed a great self-promotion opportunity.', ">>{CurtisLeow} : Trump is polling poorly in the South, compared to previous presidential elections. Georgia is a clear battleground state this election, for example. Trump's lead in Texas is in the single digits, when Romney and McCain won Texas by double digit margins. Whereas Trump is polling better than expected in the rust belt, including Michigan. Romney lost Michigan by 10% in 2012, while Clinton only has a 7 point lead in Michigan, according to RCP.", ">>{fluffyjdawg} : Michigander here. It's weird how I see Trump signs and bumper stickers everywhere. I literally haven't see any for Clinton (and I'm constantly driving all over the state). Lots of Bernie bling still around too. I also only know a couple of people who actually plan on voting for her. Don't get me wrong, I still think Clinton will crush Trump here, it just seems strange because her supporters seem nonexistent here.", '>>{Uktabi68} : In Grand Rapids we have the third largest growing mexican population behind Brownsville TX and San Diego, and it is not an issue. The loss of jobs to NAFTA is.', ">>{fieldnut} : Oakland County resident here. I hear more people get angry about the Muslims in Dearborn being used as a scapegoat then people that have animosity towards Muslims in general. It's mostly a county full of college educated people with higher incomes with some outliers like Pontiac and Waterford. It usually goes republican but with Trump being the idiot that he is I wouldn't be surprised if goes for Clinton but votes republican the rest of the ticket. Then again I could be totally wrong but that's just my guess.", ">>{amaddenmk4} : And Clinton is taking a break cause she is tired this weekend while Obama continues his 3,000th vacation all while Trump is stepping up to do Obama's job and visit the flood vicims of Louisiana", '>>{DhostPepper} : I have yet to see a Clinton yard sign or bumper sticker between Midland and Big Rapids. Lots of Trump and Bernie, though.', ">>{Plawsky} : It's just because they're not as vocal. The whole campaign has shown that Clinton doesn't have a very passionate fan base, at least not in the terms of mega rallies and bumper stickers and t-shirts. But she's also proven that it's not only the loud passionate people that vote.", ">>{Produceher} : I think it's important to realize that an excited voter and a bored one are judged equally. If you go by excitement, Sanders would be the nominee. I really really really want Hillary to win. But I'm not putting a stupid sign on my lawn.", '>>{elos_} : Excitement of a dedicated base =/= voter turnout. It only takes one guy with a hundred bucks and a day off to load up a town full of signs.', '>>{AgentElman} : I live in Seattle. It will go massively for Hillary. There are no Hillary signs or bumper stickers anywhere. It is very odd.', ">>{AgentElman} : Wow, do you seriously think that the president's job is to visit a disaster area and make the relief efforts harder due to his presence? You might want to learn what the actual job of the president is. TV appearances and photo ops are not the job description. Although if you think it is, that explains why you support Trump.", ">>{IndridCipher} : Clinton supporters don't have anything to prove really. The Trump supporter feel like they are rebelling so they are very very passionate and want you to know it.", ">>{amaddenmk4} : We can talk about what happened for two days in 2005 and we should. We can talk about levees that couldn't hold, a FEMA that seemed not just incompetent but paralyzed and powerless, about a president who only saw the people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground. OBAMA Might wanna focus on that last part of the quote", '>>{Sepik121} : Grand rapids represent! We got old dutch people up the wazoo', ">>{Sepik121} : Clinton supporter here, not a big fan of putting signs on my lawn that would vandalized or stolen. I live in a more rural part of Michigan, so I ain't gonna deal with that.", '>>{Uktabi68} : yeap, if you aint Dutch, you aint much. Its no so much like that here anymore though. The area has changed with the infusion of Mexicans and the population shift coming from the Detroit area.', ">>{bigbabyb} : Yeah but that's true. Bush went down there in an airplane and made a mess of things. His FEMA appointment, most like his other appointments, was an absolute idiot shrill with no emergency management experience that led to hundreds--if not over a thousand--of preventable deaths due to gross mismanagement and agency misdirection. And then Bush shows up in a photo op from an airplane. Obama's criticism is entirely warranted and founded, and he's doing exactly what a president should do: let a qualified FEMA director do his job and let the agency handle the crisis, the complexities and weight of his office escaped Bush the same way it seems to be escaping you now.", '>>{amaddenmk4} : I think this situation is not as severe as Katrina but still very bad. Ok Trump just went down to Louisiana helped hand out supplies and let the people know he is there for them and told the first responders thank you for their service. Obama is busy playing golf and Hillary is catching up on her rest, who is going to end up looking better? This turned out to be a good move by the Trump campaign', ">>{bigbabyb} : Why can't he just donate money and let the professionals do their job. I agree it is great PR for photo ops, but his presence is detrimental to actually providing support in this situation. Once you add in a presidential detail and the logistics of transporting the President, it becomes even more of a clusterfuck. It doesn't matter if Obama makes phone calls from his vacation rental or from the White House--they don't suddenly change depending on his location. FEMA and national guards crews are providing support. The governor of the state HIMSELF told Obama to wait another 1 to 2 weeks before coming down. Just because your clown of a candidate can't tell the difference between adults doing their jobs and a photo op doesn't mean that myself or the rest of the American people can't, either. Try harder.", ">>{4G_Kush} : It's virtually impossible to differentiate this post from satire.", ">>{Lakshata} : I mean, Bernie won the primary here. I'll vote for clinton as the backup choice, probably like most of the people here.", '>>{andr50} : Saw my first Clinton yard sign this week, even though there is still some Bernie ones up. Clinton office just opened on Wealthy too.', ">>{andr50} : They're slowly popping up in GR now. Haven't seen a single Trump sign or sticker, though I saw a few Cruz ones earlier this year.", '>>{EditorialComplex} : Man, you gotta figure that the Clinton camp could find a better street name to open house on.', '>>{0OKM9IJN8UHB7} : Thank god, I thought I was fucking hallucinating when I saw that flipping channels during the primaries.', ">>{sunburnd} : I don't there there is a lot of support here. Clinton will win. However I don't think it is due to having support but rather she is not Trump. It doesn't bode well though for the next 4 years though....", '>>{amaddenmk4} : Well looks like he donated and helped the professionals please tell how this is negative and Hillary is taking a power nap. Trump donates a 18 wheeler full of supplies while Obama plays 18', ">>{Poldiscalt} : Bernie and Trump were/are campaigns based on emotion. Hillary's campaign is based on competent professionalism. Her supporters vote, because that's what matters. We don't put up signs because that really doesn't matter.", '>>{BlindLemonLars} : > His FEMA appointment, most like his other appointments, was an absolute idiot shrill with no emergency management experience that led to hundreds--if not over a thousand--of preventable deaths Well, to be fair to Brownie, he had a lot of experience in the world of Arabian horses.', ">>{BlindLemonLars} : > Trump donates a 18 wheeler full of supplies while Obama plays 18 You're such a clever boy.", '>>{wenchette} : Peggy Noonan was convinced Mitt Romney would win big because she saw more of his yard signs.', ">>{bigbabyb} : It's negative because despite your candidates stupid photo op, it isn't enough to convince the American people such a thing is needed -- ESPECIALLY when governors themselves say such a presence is a hinderance and unnecessary. It makes great media I guess but it's a shit strategy and grasp of the issue as a whole. Which I guess explains why your candidate is down nationally and will be demolished in an electoral vote landslide to the worst Dem candidate in generations", '>>{petecash} : Trump is punching above his weight where obama did well with working class whites like the rust belt and struggling in states where romney won loads of working class whites like north carolina and Georgia', ">>{amaddenmk4} : Bush ran his administration just like Clinton will run her administration it will be a pay to play setup. Oh yeah look like Trump didn't cause to much of a disturbance like the CTR has been claiming for the past few days http://youtu.be/MxTvNR8NRls"], ['>>{undeadslime} : Are President Trump’s Supporters Embarrassed To Tell Pollsters They Like Him?', ">>{pi31415pi} : Yes, that's why he won a number of states which he was polling behind in.", '>>{kazookabomb} : If you are going to support him at least have the guts to admit it.', ">>{pi31415pi} : It's not always possible to be open about it, if you are a Trump supporter in Chicago where is live you could easily loose your job and even beaten, I think that's why the polls were so off.", ">>{kazookabomb} : Pollsters aren't going to beat you up or make you lose your job. Also, welcome to being liberal or black in deep red states.", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : This pisses me off so much. If you're going to stand for something, fucking stand for it. Hiding your opinions just because others disagree is so weak. And I wouldn't normally care, but it comes from the same people who scream about society being too PC and how Trump represents confidence. Just pathetic.", '>>{Uhgley} : Last year They were embarrassed to tell pollsters they intended to vote trump, so yeah... they lied and claimed t be undecided. Liars voting for liars...', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : You can't be fired for your political leanings (unless you're a government employee and you push your personal views over federal law) and physically attacking someone over their political position is still illegal last time I checked. Even in Chicago.", ">>{doubleplusuntruth} : 'member when the media hyped this shit during the election? I 'member.", ">>{pi31415pi} : Its illegal but it happens, if your boss doesn't like you they find a way.", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : Then you take them to court. You said it yourself, it's not legal, so just because other people might break the law, doesn't mean *you* should shrink your first amendment rights.", ">>{pi31415pi} : That's really not how things work in real life. Most people do not have the ability to get a lawyer and go to court. More importantly its [not illegal to fire employees](http://www.businessinsider.com/you-can-be-fired-over-political-views-2017-1) for political views in most states. Even if it is employers can get around that by firing you for minor offenses like being late ect just because they don't like you.", ">>{Janfilecantror} : Seriously, round these here parts I'd be exiled for suggesting Obama was anything other than a Muslim dictator."]]
classify and reply
['>>{ghill1213} : Trump Says Only He ‘Knows Who the Finalists Are’ in Cabinet - Bloomberg Politics', ">>{thelance} : It's a low priority. I mean, they just fixed displaying negative temperatures correctly. Use one of the many great alternatives. Weather is only decent for use with Siri.", ">>{kenneth8733} : Where do these comments come from, does he realize how weird and foolish they sound? Any of these unconditional statements are too funny. Still wondering if there's anyone who respects women more than Trump?", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : I can actually answer this. I'm a meteorology student. Yes I said student, please correct me if you see anything wrong with what I said. Don't be an asshole just because though. Anyway. The iOS Weather app along with other stock apps similar to it use algorithms to predict the weather. These algorithms use Numerical Weather Prediction, which is what all the big Weather models are based. The models I analyze use NWP, it's a standard in computer weather prediction. However, the main problem with this algorithm system is the fact it's all automatic. Believe it or not, automatic weather prediction is still not good. It usually doesn't take actual observations into effect and it often makes mistakes like the ones you mentioned. If you want my advice, get WeatherUnderground and use the NWS data on it. The NWS is still the best at forecasting for the US and their data is based of NWP along with observed trends and statistics. It's what I use for my day to day weather info if I just need to check the weather fast. I deleted the stock app. It's useless to someone who really cares about the weather. I feel all giddy (: Also, fuck AccuWeather.", '>>{tankguy41} : Mike Pence Is Why We Have To Stop Excusing Religious Sexism', '>>{NinjaSimone} : Nikita Khrushchev\'s granddaughter says putin sees trump as a "useful fool"', '>>{NinjaSimone} : Putin likes something that can destabilize America...and the Russians, just in Moscow, they do believe that if Trump is elected, the greatness of America is really bye-bye.', ">>{sircool099} : the man doesn't dine with women out of respect for his wife, is this so foreign to people?", '>>{ZeroEqualsOne} : Nicola Sturgeon to Americans: Don’t vote for Donald Trump', ">>{GrabThemByThePussay} : Is this your way of saying that Americans are ignorant? I don't think it would take an intelligent person more than 10 seconds to Google her.", '>>{historymajor44} : >As Mother Jones’ Clara Jeffrey tweeted, “Would Pence dine with Theresa May? Angela Merkel? What, if he were to become POTUS, with female VP candidates?” I would understand your point if he was speaking of purely personal dinners but he did not clarify that he did not mean professional dinners. Just the other day Rex Tillerson and Mark Warner had a professional dinner. Romney/Trump is another example. Pence should have at least clarified his statement.', '>>{BefallenTragedy} : I would fucking hope so. Though I wouldn\'t be too surprised if he came out and said "Bannon and Reince haven\'t told me who the finalists are yet."', ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : I don't have a lot of experience with it, nor do I know where they get their data from. I couldn't get on with the style of the app. I know a lot of people like it though.", ">>{zedanger} : That's so cruel, Mr. Trump quite obviously idolizes Putin. It sucks when you try so hard and your heroes still don't respect you :/", ">>{Oh_Uncle_Paul} : Doesn't it just pull information straight from weather.com? I mean, it's still bad. A few days ago while it was raining, the app said 10% chance and the animation showed that it was raining, it was so stupid. [Edit. Here's the image.](https://i.imgur.com/OeXbntO.png)", ">>{PleaseGoOutside} : You don't believe in using the local stations? Isn't that the whole point of weather underground?", '>>{gloxas} : Oh my. Small things like that drive me crazy.', ">>{tripleg} : ... and Gorbachev's three times removed cousin, reckons that Hilary has a great ass.", ">>{DaRudeabides} : V.P. won't dine without his wife, Peetus won't dine with his wife ?", ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : Honestly he should just keep doing this. The left loses when they go full SJW. Normal people see that and they see the hypocrisy. He's a man in his elder years who won't dine alone with women out of respect, but surely that doesn't mean he won't meet with female politicians or coworkers, he just won't do it in a dinner setting. Also, *disturbing thought experiment here*, imagine, if you will, being in the Madame President timeline. Say the Hillary Clinton white house hired a Muslim staffer who wanted to wear a hijab to work. The right-wing would get bashed by the left-wing about being intolerant if we criticized hijabs in the white house. The left would say we weren't allowed to criticize that person. But Pence wanting to avoid dining with other women out of respect for his wife, the left feels totally fine roasting him for it. If you guys want to talk about religious sexism then why are you not talking about Muslim treatment of women? You can't sit there and rip Pence apart and then talk about being more accepting of Muslim men who forbid their wives and women from drinking alcohol or showing their hair because they will appeal to other men. The outrage completely contradicts what huffpo has previously published. Shame on all of you attacking this man.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : I'm thinking of taking that day off to join you. Keep us updated. We need an organizing link however.", '>>{JDeppel} : As far as I know, Dark Sky relies on forecast.io, which uses SREF and RTMA, among others, for its data sources. They recently launched a new website, darksky.net, if anyone is interested.', ">>{werestillhere} : I'm not good with that stuff. Someone needs to organize this. Know anyone?", ">>{JDeppel} : That's because the forecast for the day called for a 10% chance of showers. And that 10% chance happened. TWC isn't going to go in and update the forecast every time a change in conditions occurs. And since that's where the iOS app gets its info from...", ">>{Urshulg} : Putin sees Clinton as a useful fool when it comes to generating domestic support, since she's anti-Russia. Less useful fool when it comes to making deals, since she doesn't know how to negotiate with people who don't already agree with her.", ">>{aggierogue3} : Due to religious reasons I can't eat dinner alone with black people, I'm not racist or anything, it's just my religion.", '>>{President_Tantrump} : Not because it is wrong to bring Church into State? Because Mike Pence. OK.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Christ. The depths we've come to. this is conspiracy non-sense", ">>{dbratell} : Regardless of whether I agree with them or not I think it's in everyone's best interest to not have national representatives recommend how people in America should vote.", ">>{Shark-Farts} : Seriously, why does anyone think Khruschev's granddaughter's opinion would hold any weight in this matter?", ">>{radicalheadphone} : And we'll let you know who the winner is....after a message from our sponsors", ">>{cchris_39} : It has nothing to do with religion. It's just a good common sense rule that every man (and woman) should follow.", ">>{JitGoinHam} : Tune into NBC's *The Cabinet*, Thursdays at 10/9 central.", ">>{Un-trollable} : You could try weatherline. It's based on dark sky but cleaner as I myself found the dark sky app to be bloated.", ">>{Bartins} : His wife, secret service or an adviser would most likely be present at all times anyway if he was POTUS. It's really not a big deal.", '>>{BelieveEnemie} : Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails.', '>>{aggierogue3} : Some days it flows naturally, other days I have to really try. Thank you for noticing.', ">>{escalation} : Pay no attention to the fact that Hillary's idea of a diversion is to sabre rattle against Russia in an effort to pave the way for an invasion of Syria. Also, please ignore that she slapped Democracy in the face by stealing an election.", '>>{Speward} : Not even close. Hating Pence? Fine. Criticizing him for respecting is wife? Embarrassingly dumb.', ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : The local stations are very cool in theory. However, for them to be useful they have to be maintained. They also have to be installed where there isn't any bias coming from surroundings. There is a station near my house shows -40 degrees no matter what the temperature is.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : Honestly I don't know if it can. I haven't opened it in years.", '>>{crisss1205} : Also remember that depending on how it was forecasted, there maybe 100% chance of rain, buy in only 10% of a given area. So the forecast is correct, it is raining, but just not everywhere. So it may be raining where you are, but on the other side of town it may not be.', ">>{DrScientist812} : Ashley Judd tells me women are more free in the Middle East so no Edit: Why y'all hatin'? She DID say that, didn't she? I swear when /r/politics gets together you're worse than a sewing circle.", '>>{Mazreth1} : I disagree. As America goes, the world follows. Trump represents danger for the world and many people around the world recognise that and are voicing their opinions', ">>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : Him and a lot of the people who voted for him, I think. There's been speculation since the late-90s that this reality TV shit was going to one day meld with politics and create a nightmare statecraft of glitzy ignorance, but I think Trump has actually achieved it. Letting your culture go to utter shit and catering to the dimmest intellects has consequences.", '>>{qpzmwxom} : this is not a game show...i was really hopeful that i could give Trump a chance, but so far he has shown that he does not take governing seriously.', ">>{arbiass} : Mine doesn't show even anything loool never found my location since I switched to iphone 7 from 5s meanwhile at 5s worked well :(", ">>{buckeye_baker} : > If you guys want to talk about religious sexism then why are you not talking about Muslim treatment of women? Can they both not be bad? I don't really understand why people feel the need to bring up sexism in other religions or countries for this. There's obviously much worse cases of sexism you can point to, but it doesn't make this not sexist for it to not be a 10 on the scale. And if you don't care about this I have a hard time believing you actually care about those women, it feels like you are just using them as a convenient prop to reframe the conversation. It's his choice, yeah, I'm not disputing that. I just think it's kind of scummy if he's willing to socially interact with male co-workers in a way he would deny to women. I've been in work places where every supervisor is male, and if all of them acted like this I would have had a hard time advancing because if you are able to mix some social aspects to those work relationships you have a much better chance of gaining someone as a mentor or advocate for your career.", '>>{crow_road} : [If only all national representatives thought as you do](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scottish-independence/11103256/Barack-Obama-tells-Scotland-stay-united.html)', ">>{marsovec} : as an European... fuck it you're right have an upvote.", '>>{ilym} : Nina Khrushchev\'s actual quote: >Putin sees Trump as a "useful fool" - Putin likes something that can destabilize America. I was just in Moscow, the Russians do believe that if Trump is elected the greatness of America is really bye-bye.', '>>{joforemix} : Purely hypothetical question - if his wife asked him not to meet Angela Merkel without her and he agreed, would he then be open to criticism for respecting her wishes?', ">>{SaltyDownvotes} : Hahaha it's been a week. What will everyone complain about tomorrow for no reason? Stay tuned!", ">>{trcsteve} : And HER girlfiend reportedly totally dissed Michelle Obama's skirt. Oh no she didn't! Yes she did, gurl!", '>>{Speward} : Why would his wife ask that? Pence not dining alone with another woman is entirely his decision and done so out of respect for his wife.', ">>{PleaseGoOutside} : What about if you're not near an airport or in a more rural area? How does the NWS data work?", '>>{NinjaSimone} : Seeing as she\'s recently been in Moscow, talking to Muscovites and reporting what she\'s heard, she\'s more informed than of 90% of people reading this. What\'s she\'s reported is not that shocking. "If Trump is elected, America\'s greatness is really bye-bye" is, in so many words, what a lot of people are thinking all around the world. It\'s not just the Russians. Of course, a lot of Americans strongly disagree.', '>>{storefront} : although i generally agree with the sentiment, i feel like trump is a special case that provides a bizarrely unique danger to world leadership', '>>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : > does he realize how weird and foolish they sound? Uh no, no he doesn\'t. I think he is entirely lacking in the capacity for self-reflection. I feel like he\'s a guy eternally trapped in the ethos of the 1980s who\'s been surrounded by nothing but "yes" men for his entire professional life. Except for bankers, who\'ve turned him down because he\'s become far too risky a bet. He fucking hates those people.', '>>{americanrabbit} : I am so fucking embarrassed to be an American right now.', '>>{Landown} : No one but you thinks so. The hysteria is coming from the media that\'s desperately trying to shove this "Russia did it" conspiracy down our throats to distract bernie supporters from the fact that they just got damning evidence of genuine collusion. But please, pay no attention to the contents of the emails.', ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : NWS offices usually forecast for cities in their area. I don't know how the current observations for rural areas on NWS's site work but the actually forecast is written by them.", ">>{TurboClag} : What's wrong with AccuWeather? I like MinuteCast and find it to be useful.", ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Nicola Sturgeon is one of the anglophone world's leaders who I most respect. Glad to see her getting involved.", ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : I bring it up because of the hypocrisy and biased mindset of our media. R/politics is afraid to say anything negative about Muslims. I wish Huffpo and left media would consider both bad, but they don't. They praise one religion and call the other bad for political reasons. Right wing, Christians = bad Immigration, Islam = good. That's what I get when I see a pro Muslim article asking to respect the religion and a negative Christian article asking you to disrespect the religion.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : AccuWeather puts out and believes a 90 day forecast. Which isn't remotely how forecasting works. Models can barely handle forecasting 5 days out. When you get 7 plus days out you're just guessing. When AccuWeather is brought up at my school, everyone chuckles.", ">>{ghill1213} : I'd watch the shit out of that. West Wing + Scandal", '>>{TurboClag} : TIL: My weather app choice is bad and I should feel bad :(', ">>{Britlad1} : Don't vote for him, but don't take it from her. She's a divisive nationalist, just like trump.", ">>{Urshulg} : I've been living in Moscow for almost six years now. I'm married to a Russian. The Russians I've spoken to don't really care one way or another about Trump, they just know that Hillary will lead to worse relations between America and Russia. Not because she'll thwart Putin's grand schemes for empire, but because she'll keep pushing policies that Russia interprets as hostile. You know, like orchestrating the overthrow of friendly regimes in the countries right fucking next to them. Russians aren't just gangsters, oligarchs, prostitutes, and super models. They're a pretty sophisticated culture.", '>>{NebraskaGunGrabber} : Wait until someone tells him Congress has to approve.', '>>{Landown} : Clever *and* original! Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.', ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : It's okay. The weather community forgives you. 😂", '>>{NajeeA} : Gives credentials: instant download. The end. Thanks!', ">>{nliausacmmv} : I'm not Scottish, but I'm pretty sure that's not what SNP stands for.", ">>{joforemix} : Oh, I'm not saying she ever would - in fact I'm sure she wouldn't. That's why I made sure to give the question the preface that I did. Thoughts?", ">>{StairheidCritic} : Did that apply when Pres. Obama and other world leaders 'recommended' that Scotland vote to remain in the UK? :) Agree, it's not generally a good idea, but in the context of Mr Trump's Scottish connections she was bizarrely asked by an interviewer if she would be proud if he won. Ms Sturgeon answered the question in quite a diplomatic way, and she certainly didn't come out of the blue 'telling' US voters how to vote. I'd add, she said it in terms a deal more diplomatically than an awful lot in Scotland and the wider world would have. :D", ">>{Urshulg} : From the wiki: The World Policy Institute is a New York-based research institute. I'm sure she has her finger on the pulse of contemporary Russian society, given that she's spent most of her time in the U.S. since the mid 1990s. People who grew up in the soviet union and then left soon after it dissolved know very little about Russia in 2016. They're not insiders just because grandpa was a high ranking communist back when it mattered, they don't see the day to day life of a Russian. Back to the discussion, here's an article on why Clinton is the one likely to drive a wedge between Europe and the U.S. http://www.cityam.com/246510/itll-clinton-destroys-transatlantic-alliance-not-trump The anti-gay stuff was completely overblown by the media. I taught English for my first three years in Moscow, and quite a few of my colleagues were gay men. None of them experienced this terror that Western media assures you is awaiting any gay person in Russia. Russians are a fairly tolerant culture, when it comes to non-standard sub-cultures or sexual preference choices. What they are not is an accepting culture. Western media has forgotten that there's a big difference between tolerance and acceptance.", ">>{Britlad1} : She's a divisive nationalist, like trump. She's also the equivalent to a governor.", ">>{allahfalsegod} : It's foreign to me. Bizarre too. Are you sure it's not some obscure Russian tradition?", '>>{aggierogue3} : How is that different than my point? Maybe my religion says black people are plagued and I can\'t eat with them. There is no logic behind it, but it\'s my religion. His religion says he can\'t be alone with another woman as they are literally irresistible, which is also illogical, but it\'s his religion. Sure, it\'s a huge exaggeration, but I don\'t see at what "line" we pretend religion can be an excuse. I\'m not going to defend Islam, because it is worse than Christianity, it just so happens Christianity is something I run into more often here in the US.', '>>{mutzenbacher} : you get that feeling because you are biased as fuck. i think christianity and islam is shit and have never noticed that one religion gets better treatment than the other, oh well, come to think of it, christianity gets way more promotion in all medias', ">>{Trump_Is_Winning} : They're a Scottish Nationalist party that is socialist. National socialism. Nazism. Same thing.", ">>{Landown} : Reddit, what the fuck... This guy isn't clever. These responses aren't clever. This guy is just being pretentious and condescending because he doesnt have anything of substance to say that might actually add to the conversation. Ya'll are seriously letting me down with this shit. Downvote me all you want, but at least don't encourage his obnoxious attitude.", ">>{Hanchan} : Is he so distrustful of himself that he doesn't believe he can act appropriately without her there or is she distrustful of him because she doesn't believe he can behave in the presence of other women, even on official business?", ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Well no. Scotland is a country within the United Kingdom and she's the head of its devolved parliament. It would be more like if New England or the South or the Widwest elected a super-governor to help run it who could sort of overrule the federal government and has veto power over certain congressional actions. And her version of nationalism is very different. Where's Trump stokes a racial / religious nationalism, Sturgeon has made it very clear that her vision for Scotland is one of ethnic plurality and religious tolerance. Watch her speech from immediately after Brexit, it's frankly the most eloquent and human response I've read.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : No problem. Any time I get to talk weather to nonweather people I LOVE. It's what I do. ☺️", '>>{nliausacmmv} : Yeah except not at all. Nazism is extreme far-right, SNP is left. Nazism is mostly characterized by attempting to justify racism and antisemitism, along with totalitarian government with hardline social and economic policy. The SNP is mostly characterized by wanting to leave the UK, along with socially and economically liberal policies.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Trump is incapable of ending a sentence without an exclamation mark.', '>>{manzoire} : The man has no respect for the office, or the country. He treats it like a joke', '>>{Gelsamel} : The finalists? So does this mean we get another season of The Apprentice?', ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : Cmon, even liberals know Christianity is viewed in a bad light on r/politics Just the other day you guys up voted the shit out of an article claiming hijabs were a sign of feminism. You can't be serious?", ">>{elligirl} : If his wife doesn't trust him to have a business meeting with a female, then she's got issues. Pence needs to be able to meet with coworkers of all genders and get work done. He's a big boy and shouldn't need a chaperone.", '>>{trolls_brigade} : I thought you would say "a divisive nationalist just like May".', '>>{layzpcofcrap} : I still think he probably assumes he can fire congressmen and generals and senior civil service staff. The appropriate quote is from Truman : "I feel sorry for Ike. He\'s going to sit in this chair and give an order, and _nothing will happen_."', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : If you wait that long, you'll wake up as some war boy's bloodbag on the front of a speeding battlecar.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : I think allies should be able to express their opinions. Granted, there isn't a common government and set of political parties as we have in Europe, but still.", '>>{mutzenbacher} : is it possible some foreign country runs active measures to upvote bizarre articles like the one you mentioned? (i didnt see it)', ">>{AtomicKoala} : In all fairness I couldn't name the Governor of Arizona.", '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : ...because being POTUS and having secret service around totally stops you from banging chicks....just ask Bill Clinton or John F Kennedy!', '>>{kenneth8733} : Right people are talking...a lot of people. Big league talk happening', '>>{PraiseBeToScience} : He is a joke. A sad, pathetic joke.', ">>{PraiseBeToScience} : And he's already shitting the place up like no president in recent history. Damn, if trumpettes had a single ounce of self reflection they'd likely die of embarassment.", ">>{SOL686} : Yes that is very foreign to me, it would be very weird to me to have an old female friend from college in town for business and refuse to join them for dinner because my wife schedule wouldn't permit her to attend But an old male friend would be acceptable?", ">>{Speward} : we could go back and forth all day on hypotheticals but any response I'd offer would be entirely conjecture. I'm not trying to be rude or evasive I just don't see how my thoughts on a hypothetical has any bearing on Pences' moral beliefs or this discussion.", ">>{Bartins} : Of course it doesn't but it would allow him to do his job and maintain religious observance.", ">>{17Hongo} : They're not nazis. They're idiots and liars, but not nazis.", '>>{myznrrs} : Shhh! Be careful or the viewing audience will vote you off the island.', '>>{lukeyq} : Nicola is at the moment one of the only respectable politicians here in the UK', '>>{StrictlyNaija} : This guy really thinks this is all an elaborate game', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : > since the late-90s Earlier than that, Ronald Reagan was a host of Startime which is considered to be the originator of the variety-type reality TV shows.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Pretty much. The SNP is what the LibDems would be if they were competent... and Scottish.', '>>{FrenchCheerios} : She better be careful, or Trump may decide to come liberate Scotland from whatever Scotland needs to be liberated from. At the moment, that seems to be common sense.', ">>{T1mac} : The Scotts know The Donald well, and they don't like what they've seen. Trump muscled his way in and forced long time residents out to build his golf course, and he ruined a stretch of centuries old dunes in the process. Later, he took a fight against wind turbines to court, a fight that he lost. Loser. Now it looks like his golf courses are doing terribly and he's [hemorrhaging cash with big losses.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/12/donald-trump-scotland-golf-course-resort-losses) These are the very courses Trump said on his campaign finance statement that are making him $40 to $50 million. Really Donald?", ">>{StairheidCritic} : > At the moment, that seems to be common sense. Oh, I don't know. The common sense there is a deal more common. A Mr Trump-like party got 1.6% of the votes at the last general election, for example. :)", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : >Yeah except not at all. Nazism is extreme far-right, SNP is left. All socialist ideologies are left.', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : This is more like West Wing + Game of Thrones + Idiocracy', '>>{Djugdish} : Earlier than that, Calvin Coolidge hosted So You Think You Can Charleston?', ">>{nliausacmmv} : Nazism is not defined by socialism. It's a very small part compared to the core tenants which are hard right.", ">>{VonnegutIce9} : Yeah, if you voted for Trump, you're at least twice as dense as this POS.", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : The left-right scale of political ideologies is the economic scale. Nazism is a socialist ideology. Therefore it is a left-wing ideology. The SNP and people like Bernie Sanders are Nazis without racial hangups. Also, it\'s spelled and pronounced tenets, not "tenants".', ">>{SOL686} : This is exactly the reasoning in Muslim nations that leads to burkas Men cannot be held responsible for their actions, if there isn't an environment that is completely encouraging of good behavior.", '>>{Hanchan} : So mike pence uses the same reasoning that leads to burkas? Is that not a bad thing for him?', ">>{kdotalbasi} : Don't be alone with the opposite sex because you lack even a modicum of self control?", ">>{nliausacmmv} : That's like saying Ted Cruz is just a Marxist without the end if class hangup because they both support manufacturing jobs. Removing the racial hangups from Nazism is removing the core ideology of Nazism. You can't just ignore the main defining feature and almost every detail of two completely different ideologies and say they're the same because of a miniscule overlap. Nazism's defining feature are it's far-right social policies, not it's horseshoed economics. And pointing out a spelling error does not defeat the argument.", '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : > Not a lot of guys are themselves when they drink alcohol. ...most guys are capable of drinking alcohol during a business discussion without trying to fuck the other person. Come on... >If you guys want to talk about religious sexism then why are you not talking about Muslim treatment of women? ...people talk about that all the time...that isn\'t what this story is about though so why would they do so here? Nobody is saying muslims have a great track record with treating women well...that is actually sort of the point, that the people who yell the loudest about that are people like Pence who then goes on and lives by a similar viewpoint that men shouldn\'t be alone with women that they aren\'t married to...that is weird. If anybody is legitimately concerned about muslims\' treatment of women (and not just brining it up for political points or deflection purposes) then they should wonder why a vice president would act in a way even remotely similar. You are using the idea that we shouldn\'t actively discriminate against muslims purely for identifying as muslim as proof that people are ok with a muslim guy treating his wife like a second class citizen...that is not the case. That would be like saying that not being racist to black people is the same thing as defending a black guy that murdered somebody...it is a ludicrous argument. Most people here accused of "defending islam" are just trying to push a narrative that we shouldn\'t foster violent hatred for an entire group of people...not that it is ok to beat your wife or to take away her personal agency in life. If we are going to say that islam is so bad for women then why would *that* be the standard we would want to judge our leaders by? "Oh, he isn\'t as bad as a muslim guy that beats his wife and won\'t let her show her face? Oh, then I guess whatever he is doing couldn\'t possibly be wrong or something that sends a bad message!" You are being intentionally obtuse to try and draw equivalencies that aren\'t there.', ">>{Trump_Is_Winning} : >far-right social policies That's an oxymoron, social policies don't figure in to the left-right axis.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : They don't factor into the economic axis. You can have a far-right social policy and far left economic policy though. Plus when you get that far in either direction it horseshoes around enough that the typical labels start to come apart.", ">>{SOL686} : I'm sure the cognitive dissonance prevents him from extrapolating out that the logical conclusion of that vein of reasoning is burkhas. The point being that women are dangerous sexual commodities, best to control men's interactions with them", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Yea. All the backward idiotic misogyny of religions should be rejected. Some of us are just sick of seeing misogynistic Christians pretend the average Muslim is any worse than them. If I have to put up with Pence and Mississippi style Sharia already I\'m not that worried about Muslims on top of it. The strong and enforced separation of church and state protects against both. In Ohio it\'s legal to drug and rape your spouse. Republicans blocked legislation to stop it on religious grounds. In Mississippi a woman can\'t divorce her husband for domestic violence. The top member of their state legislature, a pastor, blocked a law to change that on religious grounds. We\'ve already seen plenty of "Christian" justification for rape and spousal abuse. It\'s just that these idiots are afraid of some brown person religion edging in on their misogyny territory.', '>>{Speward} : >How is that different than my point? Your point is not based on an established or known religious or moral code its just a "what if". >Maybe my religion says black people are plagued and I can\'t eat with them. We\'ve already established a term for this specific belief it\'s called racism. > His religion says he can\'t be alone with another woman as they are literally irresistible, which is also illogical, but it\'s his religion. No. His moral belief or code of marital conduct drives this decision not religion. In the US, with a divorce rate approaching 50% I\'m not sure I see a problem with Pence honoring his wife by not projecting any sense of impropriety. >Sure, it\'s a huge exaggeration, but I don\'t see at what "line" we pretend religion can be an excuse. I think you want to make this about religion vs. morality so that you can\'t hate on religion (I\'m an atheist so go ahead) or Pence - or both. It wasn\'t long ago in the US, when divorce rates where much lower that this was even an issue, it was just the respectful thing to do. >I\'m not going to defend Islam, because it is worse than Christianity, it just so happens Christianity is something I run into more often here in the US. I personally don\'t have a problem with any religion as long as its not extreme. Anything in moderation I suppose.', ">>{Clit_Trickett} : Imagine if Keith Ellison came out and said his religion wouldn't allow him to be in a room alone with a woman who wasn't his wife. The right wing would collectively shit their pants.", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Remember when we all laughed at this story? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/jewish-woman-made-to-move-flight-seats-by-ultra-orthodox-man-says-rule-is-not-in-the-torah-a6964641.html That's basically just the Jewish Mike Pence.", ">>{cchris_39} : If you a avoid the situation or have a trusted chaperone, you are completely insulated from false accusations. Sucks, but that's the way it goes.", '>>{mainliningfbs} : He is lying again. He has no clue who is running the government.', '>>{Meatsim1} : > Here, enjoy vodka. Thanks I need it', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : As an atheist I rape and murder as much as I want to. That number is zero.', '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : Again, "far-right social policy" doesn\'t make sense. Social policy is neither right-wing nor left-wing.', ">>{nliausacmmv} : It is though. That's why libertarians are in such a weird place politically because they have fairly left-wing liberal social policies but conservative right-wing economic policies. It's pretty well accepted that you can describe social policy in terms of left/right. Some people try to plot it on a plane and put social policy on the vertical axis, but left/right are still generally accepted descriptions of social positions.", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : I\'m a libertarian. I\'m right-wing. I categorically reject the notion that my classical liberal beliefs are in any way "left wing".', ">>{nliausacmmv} : You're free to think that but that doesn't make it correct. Left and right describe social and economic policy. This is widely accepted.", '>>{joforemix} : I see what you\'re saying, but I don\'t think answering a hypothetical necessarily requires conjecture. For example: "If the Steelers score a touchdown on their next play will they have more points than they did before?" That would be a hypothetical question, but you could be pretty confident in your answer. Additionally all pure mathematics is technically "hypothetical", but it has definite, checkable answers.', '>>{BrainOnLoan} : Black Mirror screenwriters would be a good hire for any Washington Politics Bureau. Certainly better than anybody that usually gets into the white house press corps.', '>>{Mynipsareonfire} : You mean the woman would make a false accusation? Do you also refuse to dine alone with a gay male work associate?', ">>{dmsean} : It's all about confirmation biases. If I saw that article I would have downvoted it because it's garbage. He sees it and thinks it's our values. I want to immigrate Muslims here so they see and adapt some of our values. Specifically the values that women are equal and have all the same rights.", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : > This is widely accepted. Among political illiterates.', ">>{nliausacmmv} : Coming from someone who says that Sanders or the SNP are Nazis without the racism. If you think that then clearly you don't know much about any of them.", '>>{Speward} : I just really prefer not getting in to hypotheticals. Especially here where all my comments are downvoted anyways.', ">>{Trump_Is_Winning} : I'm not the only one to make that charge in either case. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421369/bernies-strange-brew-nationalism-and-socialism-kevin-d-williamson http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/david-starkey-defends-remarks-comparing-the-snp-to-nazis-10321023.html http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13175323.Monckton__SNP_have_begun_to_look_much_more_like_national_socialist_party_than_Scottish_Nationalist_party/", ">>{branager} : if you consider this a serious issue you need to re-evaluate your ability to look at things from a neutral perspective. Pence is not a smart guy and he's old af -- he was not trying to make a low key sexist comment.", ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : I'm talking about hypocrisy, I'm not talking about making a judgement here myself. There is absolute hypocrisy on left wing media and it's going completely ignored.", ">>{Msshadow} : When the purpose of the dinner is professional, you don't get to exclude women. It's very seriously discrimination and undermines career opportunities and advancement. I have multiple female friends who work in DC in various capacities. His practice removes them from options to send to these very common meetings, even if they're *the* expert. It's bullshit.", ">>{Msshadow} : You need to consider the impact this mentality gas on professional women. It's an absolute adjust policy and prohibits their ability to communicate with him in a way men can. It's utter bullshit to excuse it.", ">>{cchris_39} : Couldn't tell you the last time I dined professionally with just one other person. The times I can recall were other married men I have known over 20 years.", ">>{branager} : no it doesn't. he's trying to appeal to conservatives and look like a good husband. that's it.", ">>{emeraldplatypus} : The article makes the point that this isn't an isolated incident. There's lots of men out there who think like this; I know many of them. Pence is a weird case, I agree, but the epidemic of Good Christian Men who aren't allowed to treat women as peers is a real issue.", '>>{Msshadow} : That doesn\'t make it magically not sexist. And spoken like someone who\'s never been a professional women who\'s faced this bullshit. What if he said "sorry, can\'t eat with black people because they carry the Curse of Cain?" That\'s a literally a religious belief. It\'s OK by your standard.', ">>{buckeye_baker} : I guess I won't speak for Huffington Post, because I don't really read it enough to know how they frame Islam and Christianity. But in my experience I see both represented in all kinds of ways. Christianity is the most popular religion in America, so it's the one most Americans feel familiar with. For people who get upset or passionate about the religion conversation it's normally directed at the one you know. For instance, I was raised Christian, it was a personally awful experience, so I have negative feelings toward the religion. We frame the religious conversation with the ones we know typically, and those conversations are rarely one thing or in one light. I would caution you on one thing, > Immigration, Islam = good. The immigration conversation and the Islam conversation only feel the same because the travel restriction targeted Muslims. I can disliked Islam, just as I dislike most religions, and still think they have a freedom to practice, and a freedom to immigrate to this country.", ">>{Brannagain} : What? You mean it's sexist to treat someone differently based solely on their sex? Huh... FWIW it's staggering the amount of people in these threads who can't see how this is sexist.", '>>{Msshadow} : It\'s mind blowing. I work overwhelming with men and have dealt firsthand with this religious notion that it\'s "improper" for me to mix with male coworkers and managers without a spouse present. It makes it harder for me to do my job. It makes it harder and almost impossible to build relationships with managers. Those relationships absolutely impact one\'s ability to move up in a company. But I have attended a lot of business mixers without my husband and without their support wives (in DC nonetheless!) and have managed NEVER to fuck one of them afterwards.', '>>{arthurpaliden} : Mike Pence where in the bible does it state that a man that grabs pussy and leers at naked young teens because he can is someone who is moral enough for you to support?', '>>{FinnishFinn} : Never? Yeah, /r/thathappened ^/s', ">>{OhMy8008} : Who gives a fuck what Ashley Judd said? it's irrelevant", '>>{DrScientist812} : I mean, there ARE people who actually think Western women have less rights than those in the Middle East. Which is just nonsensical.', '>>{i_am_splenetic} : Yeah, when I saw the title I did a ctrl+F of the article for the words "muslim" and "Islam." Nothing. Now, it isn\'t required that they point out all the religious sexism that exists out there, but it looks a bit hypocritical. I was sure that the Huffington Post was going to take a very specific line on this one and they didn\'t disappoint.', ">>{BenisPlanket} : You don't know their relationship, and quite frankly, even though he is VP, his personal relationship between him and his wife is none of our business. What is the point of this even being news?", ">>{Msshadow} : I've been had! That's how I got my current job /s", ">>{BenisPlanket} : No way. People rip in Christianity left and right - Seth Macfarlane, Bill Maher, almost everyone on the left. Yet when even intellectually honest people apply the same standard to Islam, like Sam Harris or the aforementioned Maher, they are called bigoted by the left. It's a huge problem, even more so because Islam has no ethnic component, unlike Judaism.", ">>{Tales_of_Earth} : Because as Vice President we need him to be able to meet with important people. Some of those important people are women. The guy who is next in line to the presidency can't meet with many experts and political leaders because he can't stop seeing them as sex objects.", '>>{BenisPlanket} : >Because as Vice President we need him to be able to meet with important people. Is there any indication he can\'t or hasn\'t? >can\'t meet with many experts and political leaders because he can\'t stop seeing them as sex objects. What? Sex objects??? Do you know what that term means? Also, again, any evidence he isn\'t meeting with "many experts and political leaders"?', '>>{HoneySnuSnu} : I guess if he was throwing gays off the tops of buildings, forcing women to cover their bodies, promoting the genital mutilation of little girls, and generally being far beyond the Westboro Baptist Church that would be acceptable? That seems to be new goal of the fringe-left. Do you say that\'s not your goal? If you dumped a bunch of people from Kansas into the heart of San Fransisco don\'t you think the feminist and LGBT standards might change? What do you think happens when you import tons of people from places that make Kansas look progressive? If Mike Pence\'s romantic standards are so offensive I suggest you look at other groups before using the term "Religious Sexism". Your bias is showing.', ">>{get_it_together1} : I browse the shit out of this sub and didn't see the article he's talking about. I wonder if it even exists.", ">>{anders_magnus} : The average Muslim believes death as punishment for being an apostate is appropriate. I'm not sure you understand what the average Muslim believes.", '>>{Who___Me___} : And the average Christian pastor believes they can molest little boys. Look, we both can mention issues rooted in deeper problems! Yay!', ">>{anders_magnus} : 3% is not average. That's outside 2 std dev. Over 40% of muslims worldwide believe in murdering apostates. Look, I can actually understand the difference between a religion that has dealt with secularism appropriately and one that's still a barbaric shitshow!", ">>{JoelKizz} : >Is he so distrustful of himself that he doesn't believe he can act appropriately without her there or is she distrustful of him because she doesn't believe he can behave in the presence of other women, even on official business? Not a trump/pence fan but this criticism seems unfair to me. First, I don't see anything wrong with putting up boundaries to protect your marriage. Most people don't start out with the intent of having an affair, he's smart enough to realize how we can fade into these things and he's taking steps to prevent that possibility. I find it admirable. I have friends that have never used alcohol. It's not because they think a sip of beer is going to instantly turn them into a raging alcoholic, but they have seen so much destruction from abuse in their family or whatnot that they have decided to just never partake, thus reducing the possibility of damage in their own life to zero percent. Can't say I don't see some wisdom in the approach! Also, He's probably mostly distrustful of a media that believes anything is fair game, and a public frothing at the mouth for a sex scandal, especially one involving a religious conservative. He doesn't have to be guilty for an accusation to completely ruin his career. This way, he doesn't even give room for the allegations. He's being smart, and a woman in his position would be smart to act similarly. Can we only imagine what Clinton would have accomplished during his presidency if he would have had this policy in place?", ">>{Hanchan} : There's a difference between setting boundaries and just refusing to be around women unsupervised, trump had a private meeting with Angela Merkel and Theresa May, if you are speaking about head of state classified type information you can't have a chaperone, what if pence needed to meet with a female senator, or business leader. You aren't going to fall into an affair over a couple dinners a year, and if you are so concerned about being alone with women with alcohol then avoid the alcohol.", '>>{JoelKizz} : Really? Are you really concerned about this as the issue? I\'m sure Pence and his wife will be able to work through the "meeting with dignitaries," thing. Damn, it\'s a personal marital boundary, not an official legal decree. In those situations there is no real threat of sliding into an emotionally dependent or physical relationship, and *more importantly*, there\'s no threat of an overzealous media starting rumors in those instances.', '>>{Hanchan} : Well those are the sorts of meetings pence has said he won\'t do without an escort, so yeah, it\'s kind of important, not as important as other things, but in my opinion it would be a huge insult to someone like Theresa May to show up at your private meeting with your wife in tow saying basically "I don\'t trust myself to be around you privately, so I brought a chaperone" and as far as the media goes, I doubt anyone is going to be reporting "mike pence, affair with Mary Barra? (ceo of GM)" especially if he can act like a normal person and have a meeting with someone without making it weird.', '>>{JoelKizz} : > I doubt anyone is going to be reporting "mike pence, affair with Mary Barra? (ceo of GM)" That is exactly my point...there\'s no real danger there, so those type of meetings will happen if they are necessary for some reason. No one really believes the vp wouldn\'t meet behind closed doors with a head of state, in a publicly covered meeting, if the situation required it. I don\'t know these people, but they seem happy enough, and I bet these potential meetings won\'t trip them up. In such a situation, He\'ll likely just make an exception, and his wife will probably just understand. I doubt he signed a contract with her. It\'s just an agreement between a husband and wife that love one another and put a high priority on safeguarding their marriage. There\'s probably room for some flexibility, that\'s how good marriages work.', ">>{RespectThyHypnotoad} : How weak willed does a person have to be to avoid being alone with a woman? And he's our VP a position that could require that time to time. You think a grown man who was elected to be the vice president of the united states could rise above such a silly rule for themselves. He must be very untrusting of his morals that he fears he'll fall into a affair because of a dinner. There's nothing admirable about excluding woman esp when your job requires you to work with them. If he was a regular citizen with a job that didn't require that time to time, whatever he isn't doing any harm. As VP he is doing harm.", ">>{Hanchan} : So what sort of meeting does this apply to? If not the world leaders, diplomats or business leaders that he would meet in his role as vp? I get that it isn't a hard rule, but just having that rule would be insulting to the people that he would be meeting, who almost as a rule have faced increasing gender based discrimination as they rose in their field and would be getting it from the Vice President of the United States.", ">>{JoelKizz} : It's not a matter of will, it's a matter of boundaries being established so you don't have to rely on your will. Have you ever known anyone who ruined their marriage over a work place affair? I know plenty and none of them set out to do it. It's his right to protect his marriage. I haven't heard a single women say their professional progress was hampered by Mike Pence's decision to not dine with women that aren't his wife, and until you find one you have no basis for claiming he has acted in a discriminatory fashion.", '>>{JoelKizz} : >So what sort of meeting does this apply to? The hundreds of other non public meetings he has I guess.', ">>{RespectThyHypnotoad} : Yeah I do, i know one who was close to me and caused a great deal of damage. I don't blame the situation i blame the weak willed person who despite being married allowed them to create the damage. Honestly i don't feel sympathy for those people, control yourself, have some respect for the one you married. I've been too close to a work affair situation to give them a pass for not being anything but a weak person. I understand that the sad case is many can't but I would never impose a ridicalous rule on my marriage unless I couldn't trust myself. I guess I wish a man a heartbeat from the presidency could do the same. I will give you that no woman has spoken out against it so maybe it is a non-issue, however what be said is a basis for claiming him to be discriminatory. If he can go out to eat with a guy for business and not a woman that's a issue as our VP. Now perhaps and hopefully he meant he doesn't do personal dinners with women which is still absurd to me but if it doesnt hamper with the job then that's good. However he didn't say that, it's on him to clear that up because without clearing it up he leads you to believe it's a blanket rule which is discrimnatory. Maybe he can't trust himself, or his marriage has major trust problems. Okay keep your rule just dont let it become a conflict with the job and cause discrimnation issues. Keep it as a martial problem not a professional one.", ">>{Msshadow} : True. Normal people do that. I specifically cite professional events because it really hurts ambitious women in certain industries. Relationships are critical to achieving those higher level management positions. If the boss can go to dinner with the guys but not the gals, he's not building those critical relationships.", '>>{anhero23} : Shame to see no one arguing your well founded point.', ">>{anhero23} : > can't stop seeing them as sex objects. It's nice to know that you liberals will continue to use emotions while doubling down. I can't wait for 2018~"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tankguy41} : Mike Pence Is Why We Have To Stop Excusing Religious Sexism', ">>{sircool099} : the man doesn't dine with women out of respect for his wife, is this so foreign to people?", '>>{historymajor44} : >As Mother Jones’ Clara Jeffrey tweeted, “Would Pence dine with Theresa May? Angela Merkel? What, if he were to become POTUS, with female VP candidates?” I would understand your point if he was speaking of purely personal dinners but he did not clarify that he did not mean professional dinners. Just the other day Rex Tillerson and Mark Warner had a professional dinner. Romney/Trump is another example. Pence should have at least clarified his statement.', ">>{DaRudeabides} : V.P. won't dine without his wife, Peetus won't dine with his wife ?", ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : Honestly he should just keep doing this. The left loses when they go full SJW. Normal people see that and they see the hypocrisy. He's a man in his elder years who won't dine alone with women out of respect, but surely that doesn't mean he won't meet with female politicians or coworkers, he just won't do it in a dinner setting. Also, *disturbing thought experiment here*, imagine, if you will, being in the Madame President timeline. Say the Hillary Clinton white house hired a Muslim staffer who wanted to wear a hijab to work. The right-wing would get bashed by the left-wing about being intolerant if we criticized hijabs in the white house. The left would say we weren't allowed to criticize that person. But Pence wanting to avoid dining with other women out of respect for his wife, the left feels totally fine roasting him for it. If you guys want to talk about religious sexism then why are you not talking about Muslim treatment of women? You can't sit there and rip Pence apart and then talk about being more accepting of Muslim men who forbid their wives and women from drinking alcohol or showing their hair because they will appeal to other men. The outrage completely contradicts what huffpo has previously published. Shame on all of you attacking this man.", ">>{aggierogue3} : Due to religious reasons I can't eat dinner alone with black people, I'm not racist or anything, it's just my religion.", '>>{President_Tantrump} : Not because it is wrong to bring Church into State? Because Mike Pence. OK.', ">>{cchris_39} : It has nothing to do with religion. It's just a good common sense rule that every man (and woman) should follow.", ">>{Bartins} : His wife, secret service or an adviser would most likely be present at all times anyway if he was POTUS. It's really not a big deal.", '>>{aggierogue3} : Some days it flows naturally, other days I have to really try. Thank you for noticing.', '>>{Speward} : Not even close. Hating Pence? Fine. Criticizing him for respecting is wife? Embarrassingly dumb.', ">>{DrScientist812} : Ashley Judd tells me women are more free in the Middle East so no Edit: Why y'all hatin'? She DID say that, didn't she? I swear when /r/politics gets together you're worse than a sewing circle.", ">>{buckeye_baker} : > If you guys want to talk about religious sexism then why are you not talking about Muslim treatment of women? Can they both not be bad? I don't really understand why people feel the need to bring up sexism in other religions or countries for this. There's obviously much worse cases of sexism you can point to, but it doesn't make this not sexist for it to not be a 10 on the scale. And if you don't care about this I have a hard time believing you actually care about those women, it feels like you are just using them as a convenient prop to reframe the conversation. It's his choice, yeah, I'm not disputing that. I just think it's kind of scummy if he's willing to socially interact with male co-workers in a way he would deny to women. I've been in work places where every supervisor is male, and if all of them acted like this I would have had a hard time advancing because if you are able to mix some social aspects to those work relationships you have a much better chance of gaining someone as a mentor or advocate for your career.", '>>{joforemix} : Purely hypothetical question - if his wife asked him not to meet Angela Merkel without her and he agreed, would he then be open to criticism for respecting her wishes?', '>>{Speward} : Why would his wife ask that? Pence not dining alone with another woman is entirely his decision and done so out of respect for his wife.', ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : I bring it up because of the hypocrisy and biased mindset of our media. R/politics is afraid to say anything negative about Muslims. I wish Huffpo and left media would consider both bad, but they don't. They praise one religion and call the other bad for political reasons. Right wing, Christians = bad Immigration, Islam = good. That's what I get when I see a pro Muslim article asking to respect the religion and a negative Christian article asking you to disrespect the religion.", ">>{joforemix} : Oh, I'm not saying she ever would - in fact I'm sure she wouldn't. That's why I made sure to give the question the preface that I did. Thoughts?", ">>{allahfalsegod} : It's foreign to me. Bizarre too. Are you sure it's not some obscure Russian tradition?", '>>{aggierogue3} : How is that different than my point? Maybe my religion says black people are plagued and I can\'t eat with them. There is no logic behind it, but it\'s my religion. His religion says he can\'t be alone with another woman as they are literally irresistible, which is also illogical, but it\'s his religion. Sure, it\'s a huge exaggeration, but I don\'t see at what "line" we pretend religion can be an excuse. I\'m not going to defend Islam, because it is worse than Christianity, it just so happens Christianity is something I run into more often here in the US.', '>>{mutzenbacher} : you get that feeling because you are biased as fuck. i think christianity and islam is shit and have never noticed that one religion gets better treatment than the other, oh well, come to think of it, christianity gets way more promotion in all medias', ">>{Hanchan} : Is he so distrustful of himself that he doesn't believe he can act appropriately without her there or is she distrustful of him because she doesn't believe he can behave in the presence of other women, even on official business?", ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : Cmon, even liberals know Christianity is viewed in a bad light on r/politics Just the other day you guys up voted the shit out of an article claiming hijabs were a sign of feminism. You can't be serious?", ">>{elligirl} : If his wife doesn't trust him to have a business meeting with a female, then she's got issues. Pence needs to be able to meet with coworkers of all genders and get work done. He's a big boy and shouldn't need a chaperone.", '>>{mutzenbacher} : is it possible some foreign country runs active measures to upvote bizarre articles like the one you mentioned? (i didnt see it)', '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : ...because being POTUS and having secret service around totally stops you from banging chicks....just ask Bill Clinton or John F Kennedy!', ">>{SOL686} : Yes that is very foreign to me, it would be very weird to me to have an old female friend from college in town for business and refuse to join them for dinner because my wife schedule wouldn't permit her to attend But an old male friend would be acceptable?", ">>{Speward} : we could go back and forth all day on hypotheticals but any response I'd offer would be entirely conjecture. I'm not trying to be rude or evasive I just don't see how my thoughts on a hypothetical has any bearing on Pences' moral beliefs or this discussion.", ">>{Bartins} : Of course it doesn't but it would allow him to do his job and maintain religious observance.", ">>{SOL686} : This is exactly the reasoning in Muslim nations that leads to burkas Men cannot be held responsible for their actions, if there isn't an environment that is completely encouraging of good behavior.", '>>{Hanchan} : So mike pence uses the same reasoning that leads to burkas? Is that not a bad thing for him?', ">>{kdotalbasi} : Don't be alone with the opposite sex because you lack even a modicum of self control?", '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : > Not a lot of guys are themselves when they drink alcohol. ...most guys are capable of drinking alcohol during a business discussion without trying to fuck the other person. Come on... >If you guys want to talk about religious sexism then why are you not talking about Muslim treatment of women? ...people talk about that all the time...that isn\'t what this story is about though so why would they do so here? Nobody is saying muslims have a great track record with treating women well...that is actually sort of the point, that the people who yell the loudest about that are people like Pence who then goes on and lives by a similar viewpoint that men shouldn\'t be alone with women that they aren\'t married to...that is weird. If anybody is legitimately concerned about muslims\' treatment of women (and not just brining it up for political points or deflection purposes) then they should wonder why a vice president would act in a way even remotely similar. You are using the idea that we shouldn\'t actively discriminate against muslims purely for identifying as muslim as proof that people are ok with a muslim guy treating his wife like a second class citizen...that is not the case. That would be like saying that not being racist to black people is the same thing as defending a black guy that murdered somebody...it is a ludicrous argument. Most people here accused of "defending islam" are just trying to push a narrative that we shouldn\'t foster violent hatred for an entire group of people...not that it is ok to beat your wife or to take away her personal agency in life. If we are going to say that islam is so bad for women then why would *that* be the standard we would want to judge our leaders by? "Oh, he isn\'t as bad as a muslim guy that beats his wife and won\'t let her show her face? Oh, then I guess whatever he is doing couldn\'t possibly be wrong or something that sends a bad message!" You are being intentionally obtuse to try and draw equivalencies that aren\'t there.', ">>{SOL686} : I'm sure the cognitive dissonance prevents him from extrapolating out that the logical conclusion of that vein of reasoning is burkhas. The point being that women are dangerous sexual commodities, best to control men's interactions with them", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Yea. All the backward idiotic misogyny of religions should be rejected. Some of us are just sick of seeing misogynistic Christians pretend the average Muslim is any worse than them. If I have to put up with Pence and Mississippi style Sharia already I\'m not that worried about Muslims on top of it. The strong and enforced separation of church and state protects against both. In Ohio it\'s legal to drug and rape your spouse. Republicans blocked legislation to stop it on religious grounds. In Mississippi a woman can\'t divorce her husband for domestic violence. The top member of their state legislature, a pastor, blocked a law to change that on religious grounds. We\'ve already seen plenty of "Christian" justification for rape and spousal abuse. It\'s just that these idiots are afraid of some brown person religion edging in on their misogyny territory.', '>>{Speward} : >How is that different than my point? Your point is not based on an established or known religious or moral code its just a "what if". >Maybe my religion says black people are plagued and I can\'t eat with them. We\'ve already established a term for this specific belief it\'s called racism. > His religion says he can\'t be alone with another woman as they are literally irresistible, which is also illogical, but it\'s his religion. No. His moral belief or code of marital conduct drives this decision not religion. In the US, with a divorce rate approaching 50% I\'m not sure I see a problem with Pence honoring his wife by not projecting any sense of impropriety. >Sure, it\'s a huge exaggeration, but I don\'t see at what "line" we pretend religion can be an excuse. I think you want to make this about religion vs. morality so that you can\'t hate on religion (I\'m an atheist so go ahead) or Pence - or both. It wasn\'t long ago in the US, when divorce rates where much lower that this was even an issue, it was just the respectful thing to do. >I\'m not going to defend Islam, because it is worse than Christianity, it just so happens Christianity is something I run into more often here in the US. I personally don\'t have a problem with any religion as long as its not extreme. Anything in moderation I suppose.', ">>{Clit_Trickett} : Imagine if Keith Ellison came out and said his religion wouldn't allow him to be in a room alone with a woman who wasn't his wife. The right wing would collectively shit their pants.", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Remember when we all laughed at this story? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/jewish-woman-made-to-move-flight-seats-by-ultra-orthodox-man-says-rule-is-not-in-the-torah-a6964641.html That's basically just the Jewish Mike Pence.", ">>{cchris_39} : If you a avoid the situation or have a trusted chaperone, you are completely insulated from false accusations. Sucks, but that's the way it goes.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : As an atheist I rape and murder as much as I want to. That number is zero.', '>>{joforemix} : I see what you\'re saying, but I don\'t think answering a hypothetical necessarily requires conjecture. For example: "If the Steelers score a touchdown on their next play will they have more points than they did before?" That would be a hypothetical question, but you could be pretty confident in your answer. Additionally all pure mathematics is technically "hypothetical", but it has definite, checkable answers.', '>>{Mynipsareonfire} : You mean the woman would make a false accusation? Do you also refuse to dine alone with a gay male work associate?', ">>{dmsean} : It's all about confirmation biases. If I saw that article I would have downvoted it because it's garbage. He sees it and thinks it's our values. I want to immigrate Muslims here so they see and adapt some of our values. Specifically the values that women are equal and have all the same rights.", '>>{Speward} : I just really prefer not getting in to hypotheticals. Especially here where all my comments are downvoted anyways.', ">>{branager} : if you consider this a serious issue you need to re-evaluate your ability to look at things from a neutral perspective. Pence is not a smart guy and he's old af -- he was not trying to make a low key sexist comment.", ">>{BEAR_RAMMAGE} : I'm talking about hypocrisy, I'm not talking about making a judgement here myself. There is absolute hypocrisy on left wing media and it's going completely ignored.", ">>{Msshadow} : When the purpose of the dinner is professional, you don't get to exclude women. It's very seriously discrimination and undermines career opportunities and advancement. I have multiple female friends who work in DC in various capacities. His practice removes them from options to send to these very common meetings, even if they're *the* expert. It's bullshit.", ">>{Msshadow} : You need to consider the impact this mentality gas on professional women. It's an absolute adjust policy and prohibits their ability to communicate with him in a way men can. It's utter bullshit to excuse it.", ">>{cchris_39} : Couldn't tell you the last time I dined professionally with just one other person. The times I can recall were other married men I have known over 20 years.", ">>{branager} : no it doesn't. he's trying to appeal to conservatives and look like a good husband. that's it.", ">>{emeraldplatypus} : The article makes the point that this isn't an isolated incident. There's lots of men out there who think like this; I know many of them. Pence is a weird case, I agree, but the epidemic of Good Christian Men who aren't allowed to treat women as peers is a real issue.", '>>{Msshadow} : That doesn\'t make it magically not sexist. And spoken like someone who\'s never been a professional women who\'s faced this bullshit. What if he said "sorry, can\'t eat with black people because they carry the Curse of Cain?" That\'s a literally a religious belief. It\'s OK by your standard.', ">>{buckeye_baker} : I guess I won't speak for Huffington Post, because I don't really read it enough to know how they frame Islam and Christianity. But in my experience I see both represented in all kinds of ways. Christianity is the most popular religion in America, so it's the one most Americans feel familiar with. For people who get upset or passionate about the religion conversation it's normally directed at the one you know. For instance, I was raised Christian, it was a personally awful experience, so I have negative feelings toward the religion. We frame the religious conversation with the ones we know typically, and those conversations are rarely one thing or in one light. I would caution you on one thing, > Immigration, Islam = good. The immigration conversation and the Islam conversation only feel the same because the travel restriction targeted Muslims. I can disliked Islam, just as I dislike most religions, and still think they have a freedom to practice, and a freedom to immigrate to this country.", ">>{Brannagain} : What? You mean it's sexist to treat someone differently based solely on their sex? Huh... FWIW it's staggering the amount of people in these threads who can't see how this is sexist.", '>>{Msshadow} : It\'s mind blowing. I work overwhelming with men and have dealt firsthand with this religious notion that it\'s "improper" for me to mix with male coworkers and managers without a spouse present. It makes it harder for me to do my job. It makes it harder and almost impossible to build relationships with managers. Those relationships absolutely impact one\'s ability to move up in a company. But I have attended a lot of business mixers without my husband and without their support wives (in DC nonetheless!) and have managed NEVER to fuck one of them afterwards.', '>>{arthurpaliden} : Mike Pence where in the bible does it state that a man that grabs pussy and leers at naked young teens because he can is someone who is moral enough for you to support?', '>>{FinnishFinn} : Never? Yeah, /r/thathappened ^/s', ">>{OhMy8008} : Who gives a fuck what Ashley Judd said? it's irrelevant", '>>{DrScientist812} : I mean, there ARE people who actually think Western women have less rights than those in the Middle East. Which is just nonsensical.', '>>{i_am_splenetic} : Yeah, when I saw the title I did a ctrl+F of the article for the words "muslim" and "Islam." Nothing. Now, it isn\'t required that they point out all the religious sexism that exists out there, but it looks a bit hypocritical. I was sure that the Huffington Post was going to take a very specific line on this one and they didn\'t disappoint.', ">>{BenisPlanket} : You don't know their relationship, and quite frankly, even though he is VP, his personal relationship between him and his wife is none of our business. What is the point of this even being news?", ">>{Msshadow} : I've been had! That's how I got my current job /s", ">>{BenisPlanket} : No way. People rip in Christianity left and right - Seth Macfarlane, Bill Maher, almost everyone on the left. Yet when even intellectually honest people apply the same standard to Islam, like Sam Harris or the aforementioned Maher, they are called bigoted by the left. It's a huge problem, even more so because Islam has no ethnic component, unlike Judaism.", ">>{Tales_of_Earth} : Because as Vice President we need him to be able to meet with important people. Some of those important people are women. The guy who is next in line to the presidency can't meet with many experts and political leaders because he can't stop seeing them as sex objects.", '>>{BenisPlanket} : >Because as Vice President we need him to be able to meet with important people. Is there any indication he can\'t or hasn\'t? >can\'t meet with many experts and political leaders because he can\'t stop seeing them as sex objects. What? Sex objects??? Do you know what that term means? Also, again, any evidence he isn\'t meeting with "many experts and political leaders"?', '>>{HoneySnuSnu} : I guess if he was throwing gays off the tops of buildings, forcing women to cover their bodies, promoting the genital mutilation of little girls, and generally being far beyond the Westboro Baptist Church that would be acceptable? That seems to be new goal of the fringe-left. Do you say that\'s not your goal? If you dumped a bunch of people from Kansas into the heart of San Fransisco don\'t you think the feminist and LGBT standards might change? What do you think happens when you import tons of people from places that make Kansas look progressive? If Mike Pence\'s romantic standards are so offensive I suggest you look at other groups before using the term "Religious Sexism". Your bias is showing.', ">>{get_it_together1} : I browse the shit out of this sub and didn't see the article he's talking about. I wonder if it even exists.", ">>{anders_magnus} : The average Muslim believes death as punishment for being an apostate is appropriate. I'm not sure you understand what the average Muslim believes.", '>>{Who___Me___} : And the average Christian pastor believes they can molest little boys. Look, we both can mention issues rooted in deeper problems! Yay!', ">>{anders_magnus} : 3% is not average. That's outside 2 std dev. Over 40% of muslims worldwide believe in murdering apostates. Look, I can actually understand the difference between a religion that has dealt with secularism appropriately and one that's still a barbaric shitshow!", ">>{JoelKizz} : >Is he so distrustful of himself that he doesn't believe he can act appropriately without her there or is she distrustful of him because she doesn't believe he can behave in the presence of other women, even on official business? Not a trump/pence fan but this criticism seems unfair to me. First, I don't see anything wrong with putting up boundaries to protect your marriage. Most people don't start out with the intent of having an affair, he's smart enough to realize how we can fade into these things and he's taking steps to prevent that possibility. I find it admirable. I have friends that have never used alcohol. It's not because they think a sip of beer is going to instantly turn them into a raging alcoholic, but they have seen so much destruction from abuse in their family or whatnot that they have decided to just never partake, thus reducing the possibility of damage in their own life to zero percent. Can't say I don't see some wisdom in the approach! Also, He's probably mostly distrustful of a media that believes anything is fair game, and a public frothing at the mouth for a sex scandal, especially one involving a religious conservative. He doesn't have to be guilty for an accusation to completely ruin his career. This way, he doesn't even give room for the allegations. He's being smart, and a woman in his position would be smart to act similarly. Can we only imagine what Clinton would have accomplished during his presidency if he would have had this policy in place?", ">>{Hanchan} : There's a difference between setting boundaries and just refusing to be around women unsupervised, trump had a private meeting with Angela Merkel and Theresa May, if you are speaking about head of state classified type information you can't have a chaperone, what if pence needed to meet with a female senator, or business leader. You aren't going to fall into an affair over a couple dinners a year, and if you are so concerned about being alone with women with alcohol then avoid the alcohol.", '>>{JoelKizz} : Really? Are you really concerned about this as the issue? I\'m sure Pence and his wife will be able to work through the "meeting with dignitaries," thing. Damn, it\'s a personal marital boundary, not an official legal decree. In those situations there is no real threat of sliding into an emotionally dependent or physical relationship, and *more importantly*, there\'s no threat of an overzealous media starting rumors in those instances.', '>>{Hanchan} : Well those are the sorts of meetings pence has said he won\'t do without an escort, so yeah, it\'s kind of important, not as important as other things, but in my opinion it would be a huge insult to someone like Theresa May to show up at your private meeting with your wife in tow saying basically "I don\'t trust myself to be around you privately, so I brought a chaperone" and as far as the media goes, I doubt anyone is going to be reporting "mike pence, affair with Mary Barra? (ceo of GM)" especially if he can act like a normal person and have a meeting with someone without making it weird.', '>>{JoelKizz} : > I doubt anyone is going to be reporting "mike pence, affair with Mary Barra? (ceo of GM)" That is exactly my point...there\'s no real danger there, so those type of meetings will happen if they are necessary for some reason. No one really believes the vp wouldn\'t meet behind closed doors with a head of state, in a publicly covered meeting, if the situation required it. I don\'t know these people, but they seem happy enough, and I bet these potential meetings won\'t trip them up. In such a situation, He\'ll likely just make an exception, and his wife will probably just understand. I doubt he signed a contract with her. It\'s just an agreement between a husband and wife that love one another and put a high priority on safeguarding their marriage. There\'s probably room for some flexibility, that\'s how good marriages work.', ">>{RespectThyHypnotoad} : How weak willed does a person have to be to avoid being alone with a woman? And he's our VP a position that could require that time to time. You think a grown man who was elected to be the vice president of the united states could rise above such a silly rule for themselves. He must be very untrusting of his morals that he fears he'll fall into a affair because of a dinner. There's nothing admirable about excluding woman esp when your job requires you to work with them. If he was a regular citizen with a job that didn't require that time to time, whatever he isn't doing any harm. As VP he is doing harm.", ">>{Hanchan} : So what sort of meeting does this apply to? If not the world leaders, diplomats or business leaders that he would meet in his role as vp? I get that it isn't a hard rule, but just having that rule would be insulting to the people that he would be meeting, who almost as a rule have faced increasing gender based discrimination as they rose in their field and would be getting it from the Vice President of the United States.", ">>{JoelKizz} : It's not a matter of will, it's a matter of boundaries being established so you don't have to rely on your will. Have you ever known anyone who ruined their marriage over a work place affair? I know plenty and none of them set out to do it. It's his right to protect his marriage. I haven't heard a single women say their professional progress was hampered by Mike Pence's decision to not dine with women that aren't his wife, and until you find one you have no basis for claiming he has acted in a discriminatory fashion.", '>>{JoelKizz} : >So what sort of meeting does this apply to? The hundreds of other non public meetings he has I guess.', ">>{RespectThyHypnotoad} : Yeah I do, i know one who was close to me and caused a great deal of damage. I don't blame the situation i blame the weak willed person who despite being married allowed them to create the damage. Honestly i don't feel sympathy for those people, control yourself, have some respect for the one you married. I've been too close to a work affair situation to give them a pass for not being anything but a weak person. I understand that the sad case is many can't but I would never impose a ridicalous rule on my marriage unless I couldn't trust myself. I guess I wish a man a heartbeat from the presidency could do the same. I will give you that no woman has spoken out against it so maybe it is a non-issue, however what be said is a basis for claiming him to be discriminatory. If he can go out to eat with a guy for business and not a woman that's a issue as our VP. Now perhaps and hopefully he meant he doesn't do personal dinners with women which is still absurd to me but if it doesnt hamper with the job then that's good. However he didn't say that, it's on him to clear that up because without clearing it up he leads you to believe it's a blanket rule which is discrimnatory. Maybe he can't trust himself, or his marriage has major trust problems. Okay keep your rule just dont let it become a conflict with the job and cause discrimnation issues. Keep it as a martial problem not a professional one.", ">>{Msshadow} : True. Normal people do that. I specifically cite professional events because it really hurts ambitious women in certain industries. Relationships are critical to achieving those higher level management positions. If the boss can go to dinner with the guys but not the gals, he's not building those critical relationships.", '>>{anhero23} : Shame to see no one arguing your well founded point.', ">>{anhero23} : > can't stop seeing them as sex objects. It's nice to know that you liberals will continue to use emotions while doubling down. I can't wait for 2018~"], [">>{thelance} : It's a low priority. I mean, they just fixed displaying negative temperatures correctly. Use one of the many great alternatives. Weather is only decent for use with Siri.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : I can actually answer this. I'm a meteorology student. Yes I said student, please correct me if you see anything wrong with what I said. Don't be an asshole just because though. Anyway. The iOS Weather app along with other stock apps similar to it use algorithms to predict the weather. These algorithms use Numerical Weather Prediction, which is what all the big Weather models are based. The models I analyze use NWP, it's a standard in computer weather prediction. However, the main problem with this algorithm system is the fact it's all automatic. Believe it or not, automatic weather prediction is still not good. It usually doesn't take actual observations into effect and it often makes mistakes like the ones you mentioned. If you want my advice, get WeatherUnderground and use the NWS data on it. The NWS is still the best at forecasting for the US and their data is based of NWP along with observed trends and statistics. It's what I use for my day to day weather info if I just need to check the weather fast. I deleted the stock app. It's useless to someone who really cares about the weather. I feel all giddy (: Also, fuck AccuWeather.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : I don't have a lot of experience with it, nor do I know where they get their data from. I couldn't get on with the style of the app. I know a lot of people like it though.", ">>{Oh_Uncle_Paul} : Doesn't it just pull information straight from weather.com? I mean, it's still bad. A few days ago while it was raining, the app said 10% chance and the animation showed that it was raining, it was so stupid. [Edit. Here's the image.](https://i.imgur.com/OeXbntO.png)", ">>{PleaseGoOutside} : You don't believe in using the local stations? Isn't that the whole point of weather underground?", '>>{gloxas} : Oh my. Small things like that drive me crazy.', '>>{JDeppel} : As far as I know, Dark Sky relies on forecast.io, which uses SREF and RTMA, among others, for its data sources. They recently launched a new website, darksky.net, if anyone is interested.', ">>{JDeppel} : That's because the forecast for the day called for a 10% chance of showers. And that 10% chance happened. TWC isn't going to go in and update the forecast every time a change in conditions occurs. And since that's where the iOS app gets its info from...", ">>{Un-trollable} : You could try weatherline. It's based on dark sky but cleaner as I myself found the dark sky app to be bloated.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : The local stations are very cool in theory. However, for them to be useful they have to be maintained. They also have to be installed where there isn't any bias coming from surroundings. There is a station near my house shows -40 degrees no matter what the temperature is.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : Honestly I don't know if it can. I haven't opened it in years.", '>>{crisss1205} : Also remember that depending on how it was forecasted, there maybe 100% chance of rain, buy in only 10% of a given area. So the forecast is correct, it is raining, but just not everywhere. So it may be raining where you are, but on the other side of town it may not be.', ">>{arbiass} : Mine doesn't show even anything loool never found my location since I switched to iphone 7 from 5s meanwhile at 5s worked well :(", ">>{marsovec} : as an European... fuck it you're right have an upvote.", ">>{PleaseGoOutside} : What about if you're not near an airport or in a more rural area? How does the NWS data work?", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : NWS offices usually forecast for cities in their area. I don't know how the current observations for rural areas on NWS's site work but the actually forecast is written by them.", ">>{TurboClag} : What's wrong with AccuWeather? I like MinuteCast and find it to be useful.", ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : AccuWeather puts out and believes a 90 day forecast. Which isn't remotely how forecasting works. Models can barely handle forecasting 5 days out. When you get 7 plus days out you're just guessing. When AccuWeather is brought up at my school, everyone chuckles.", '>>{TurboClag} : TIL: My weather app choice is bad and I should feel bad :(', ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : It's okay. The weather community forgives you. 😂", '>>{NajeeA} : Gives credentials: instant download. The end. Thanks!', ">>{WeatherWrestlingGuy} : No problem. Any time I get to talk weather to nonweather people I LOVE. It's what I do. ☺️"], ['>>{NinjaSimone} : Nikita Khrushchev\'s granddaughter says putin sees trump as a "useful fool"', '>>{NinjaSimone} : Putin likes something that can destabilize America...and the Russians, just in Moscow, they do believe that if Trump is elected, the greatness of America is really bye-bye.', ">>{zedanger} : That's so cruel, Mr. Trump quite obviously idolizes Putin. It sucks when you try so hard and your heroes still don't respect you :/", ">>{tripleg} : ... and Gorbachev's three times removed cousin, reckons that Hilary has a great ass.", ">>{Urshulg} : Putin sees Clinton as a useful fool when it comes to generating domestic support, since she's anti-Russia. Less useful fool when it comes to making deals, since she doesn't know how to negotiate with people who don't already agree with her.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Christ. The depths we've come to. this is conspiracy non-sense", ">>{Shark-Farts} : Seriously, why does anyone think Khruschev's granddaughter's opinion would hold any weight in this matter?", '>>{BelieveEnemie} : Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails. Pay no attention to the content of the emails.', ">>{escalation} : Pay no attention to the fact that Hillary's idea of a diversion is to sabre rattle against Russia in an effort to pave the way for an invasion of Syria. Also, please ignore that she slapped Democracy in the face by stealing an election.", '>>{ilym} : Nina Khrushchev\'s actual quote: >Putin sees Trump as a "useful fool" - Putin likes something that can destabilize America. I was just in Moscow, the Russians do believe that if Trump is elected the greatness of America is really bye-bye.', ">>{trcsteve} : And HER girlfiend reportedly totally dissed Michelle Obama's skirt. Oh no she didn't! Yes she did, gurl!", '>>{NinjaSimone} : Seeing as she\'s recently been in Moscow, talking to Muscovites and reporting what she\'s heard, she\'s more informed than of 90% of people reading this. What\'s she\'s reported is not that shocking. "If Trump is elected, America\'s greatness is really bye-bye" is, in so many words, what a lot of people are thinking all around the world. It\'s not just the Russians. Of course, a lot of Americans strongly disagree.', '>>{Landown} : No one but you thinks so. The hysteria is coming from the media that\'s desperately trying to shove this "Russia did it" conspiracy down our throats to distract bernie supporters from the fact that they just got damning evidence of genuine collusion. But please, pay no attention to the contents of the emails.', ">>{Urshulg} : I've been living in Moscow for almost six years now. I'm married to a Russian. The Russians I've spoken to don't really care one way or another about Trump, they just know that Hillary will lead to worse relations between America and Russia. Not because she'll thwart Putin's grand schemes for empire, but because she'll keep pushing policies that Russia interprets as hostile. You know, like orchestrating the overthrow of friendly regimes in the countries right fucking next to them. Russians aren't just gangsters, oligarchs, prostitutes, and super models. They're a pretty sophisticated culture.", '>>{Landown} : Clever *and* original! Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.', ">>{Urshulg} : From the wiki: The World Policy Institute is a New York-based research institute. I'm sure she has her finger on the pulse of contemporary Russian society, given that she's spent most of her time in the U.S. since the mid 1990s. People who grew up in the soviet union and then left soon after it dissolved know very little about Russia in 2016. They're not insiders just because grandpa was a high ranking communist back when it mattered, they don't see the day to day life of a Russian. Back to the discussion, here's an article on why Clinton is the one likely to drive a wedge between Europe and the U.S. http://www.cityam.com/246510/itll-clinton-destroys-transatlantic-alliance-not-trump The anti-gay stuff was completely overblown by the media. I taught English for my first three years in Moscow, and quite a few of my colleagues were gay men. None of them experienced this terror that Western media assures you is awaiting any gay person in Russia. Russians are a fairly tolerant culture, when it comes to non-standard sub-cultures or sexual preference choices. What they are not is an accepting culture. Western media has forgotten that there's a big difference between tolerance and acceptance.", ">>{Landown} : Reddit, what the fuck... This guy isn't clever. These responses aren't clever. This guy is just being pretentious and condescending because he doesnt have anything of substance to say that might actually add to the conversation. Ya'll are seriously letting me down with this shit. Downvote me all you want, but at least don't encourage his obnoxious attitude."], ['>>{ghill1213} : Trump Says Only He ‘Knows Who the Finalists Are’ in Cabinet - Bloomberg Politics', ">>{kenneth8733} : Where do these comments come from, does he realize how weird and foolish they sound? Any of these unconditional statements are too funny. Still wondering if there's anyone who respects women more than Trump?", '>>{BefallenTragedy} : I would fucking hope so. Though I wouldn\'t be too surprised if he came out and said "Bannon and Reince haven\'t told me who the finalists are yet."', ">>{DumpsterDon} : I'm thinking of taking that day off to join you. Keep us updated. We need an organizing link however.", ">>{werestillhere} : I'm not good with that stuff. Someone needs to organize this. Know anyone?", ">>{radicalheadphone} : And we'll let you know who the winner is....after a message from our sponsors", ">>{JitGoinHam} : Tune into NBC's *The Cabinet*, Thursdays at 10/9 central.", ">>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : Him and a lot of the people who voted for him, I think. There's been speculation since the late-90s that this reality TV shit was going to one day meld with politics and create a nightmare statecraft of glitzy ignorance, but I think Trump has actually achieved it. Letting your culture go to utter shit and catering to the dimmest intellects has consequences.", '>>{qpzmwxom} : this is not a game show...i was really hopeful that i could give Trump a chance, but so far he has shown that he does not take governing seriously.', ">>{SaltyDownvotes} : Hahaha it's been a week. What will everyone complain about tomorrow for no reason? Stay tuned!", '>>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : > does he realize how weird and foolish they sound? Uh no, no he doesn\'t. I think he is entirely lacking in the capacity for self-reflection. I feel like he\'s a guy eternally trapped in the ethos of the 1980s who\'s been surrounded by nothing but "yes" men for his entire professional life. Except for bankers, who\'ve turned him down because he\'s become far too risky a bet. He fucking hates those people.', '>>{americanrabbit} : I am so fucking embarrassed to be an American right now.', ">>{ghill1213} : I'd watch the shit out of that. West Wing + Scandal", '>>{NebraskaGunGrabber} : Wait until someone tells him Congress has to approve.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Trump is incapable of ending a sentence without an exclamation mark.', '>>{manzoire} : The man has no respect for the office, or the country. He treats it like a joke', '>>{Gelsamel} : The finalists? So does this mean we get another season of The Apprentice?', '>>{layzpcofcrap} : I still think he probably assumes he can fire congressmen and generals and senior civil service staff. The appropriate quote is from Truman : "I feel sorry for Ike. He\'s going to sit in this chair and give an order, and _nothing will happen_."', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : If you wait that long, you'll wake up as some war boy's bloodbag on the front of a speeding battlecar.", '>>{kenneth8733} : Right people are talking...a lot of people. Big league talk happening', '>>{PraiseBeToScience} : He is a joke. A sad, pathetic joke.', ">>{PraiseBeToScience} : And he's already shitting the place up like no president in recent history. Damn, if trumpettes had a single ounce of self reflection they'd likely die of embarassment.", '>>{myznrrs} : Shhh! Be careful or the viewing audience will vote you off the island.', '>>{StrictlyNaija} : This guy really thinks this is all an elaborate game', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : > since the late-90s Earlier than that, Ronald Reagan was a host of Startime which is considered to be the originator of the variety-type reality TV shows.', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : This is more like West Wing + Game of Thrones + Idiocracy', '>>{Djugdish} : Earlier than that, Calvin Coolidge hosted So You Think You Can Charleston?', ">>{VonnegutIce9} : Yeah, if you voted for Trump, you're at least twice as dense as this POS.", '>>{mainliningfbs} : He is lying again. He has no clue who is running the government.', '>>{Meatsim1} : > Here, enjoy vodka. Thanks I need it', '>>{BrainOnLoan} : Black Mirror screenwriters would be a good hire for any Washington Politics Bureau. Certainly better than anybody that usually gets into the white house press corps.'], ['>>{ZeroEqualsOne} : Nicola Sturgeon to Americans: Don’t vote for Donald Trump', ">>{GrabThemByThePussay} : Is this your way of saying that Americans are ignorant? I don't think it would take an intelligent person more than 10 seconds to Google her.", ">>{dbratell} : Regardless of whether I agree with them or not I think it's in everyone's best interest to not have national representatives recommend how people in America should vote.", '>>{Mazreth1} : I disagree. As America goes, the world follows. Trump represents danger for the world and many people around the world recognise that and are voicing their opinions', '>>{crow_road} : [If only all national representatives thought as you do](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scottish-independence/11103256/Barack-Obama-tells-Scotland-stay-united.html)', '>>{storefront} : although i generally agree with the sentiment, i feel like trump is a special case that provides a bizarrely unique danger to world leadership', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Nicola Sturgeon is one of the anglophone world's leaders who I most respect. Glad to see her getting involved.", ">>{Britlad1} : Don't vote for him, but don't take it from her. She's a divisive nationalist, just like trump.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : I'm not Scottish, but I'm pretty sure that's not what SNP stands for.", ">>{StairheidCritic} : Did that apply when Pres. Obama and other world leaders 'recommended' that Scotland vote to remain in the UK? :) Agree, it's not generally a good idea, but in the context of Mr Trump's Scottish connections she was bizarrely asked by an interviewer if she would be proud if he won. Ms Sturgeon answered the question in quite a diplomatic way, and she certainly didn't come out of the blue 'telling' US voters how to vote. I'd add, she said it in terms a deal more diplomatically than an awful lot in Scotland and the wider world would have. :D", ">>{Britlad1} : She's a divisive nationalist, like trump. She's also the equivalent to a governor.", ">>{Trump_Is_Winning} : They're a Scottish Nationalist party that is socialist. National socialism. Nazism. Same thing.", ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Well no. Scotland is a country within the United Kingdom and she's the head of its devolved parliament. It would be more like if New England or the South or the Widwest elected a super-governor to help run it who could sort of overrule the federal government and has veto power over certain congressional actions. And her version of nationalism is very different. Where's Trump stokes a racial / religious nationalism, Sturgeon has made it very clear that her vision for Scotland is one of ethnic plurality and religious tolerance. Watch her speech from immediately after Brexit, it's frankly the most eloquent and human response I've read.", '>>{nliausacmmv} : Yeah except not at all. Nazism is extreme far-right, SNP is left. Nazism is mostly characterized by attempting to justify racism and antisemitism, along with totalitarian government with hardline social and economic policy. The SNP is mostly characterized by wanting to leave the UK, along with socially and economically liberal policies.', '>>{trolls_brigade} : I thought you would say "a divisive nationalist just like May".', ">>{AtomicKoala} : I think allies should be able to express their opinions. Granted, there isn't a common government and set of political parties as we have in Europe, but still.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : In all fairness I couldn't name the Governor of Arizona.", ">>{17Hongo} : They're not nazis. They're idiots and liars, but not nazis.", '>>{lukeyq} : Nicola is at the moment one of the only respectable politicians here in the UK', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Pretty much. The SNP is what the LibDems would be if they were competent... and Scottish.', '>>{FrenchCheerios} : She better be careful, or Trump may decide to come liberate Scotland from whatever Scotland needs to be liberated from. At the moment, that seems to be common sense.', ">>{T1mac} : The Scotts know The Donald well, and they don't like what they've seen. Trump muscled his way in and forced long time residents out to build his golf course, and he ruined a stretch of centuries old dunes in the process. Later, he took a fight against wind turbines to court, a fight that he lost. Loser. Now it looks like his golf courses are doing terribly and he's [hemorrhaging cash with big losses.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/12/donald-trump-scotland-golf-course-resort-losses) These are the very courses Trump said on his campaign finance statement that are making him $40 to $50 million. Really Donald?", ">>{StairheidCritic} : > At the moment, that seems to be common sense. Oh, I don't know. The common sense there is a deal more common. A Mr Trump-like party got 1.6% of the votes at the last general election, for example. :)", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : >Yeah except not at all. Nazism is extreme far-right, SNP is left. All socialist ideologies are left.', ">>{nliausacmmv} : Nazism is not defined by socialism. It's a very small part compared to the core tenants which are hard right.", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : The left-right scale of political ideologies is the economic scale. Nazism is a socialist ideology. Therefore it is a left-wing ideology. The SNP and people like Bernie Sanders are Nazis without racial hangups. Also, it\'s spelled and pronounced tenets, not "tenants".', ">>{nliausacmmv} : That's like saying Ted Cruz is just a Marxist without the end if class hangup because they both support manufacturing jobs. Removing the racial hangups from Nazism is removing the core ideology of Nazism. You can't just ignore the main defining feature and almost every detail of two completely different ideologies and say they're the same because of a miniscule overlap. Nazism's defining feature are it's far-right social policies, not it's horseshoed economics. And pointing out a spelling error does not defeat the argument.", ">>{Trump_Is_Winning} : >far-right social policies That's an oxymoron, social policies don't figure in to the left-right axis.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : They don't factor into the economic axis. You can have a far-right social policy and far left economic policy though. Plus when you get that far in either direction it horseshoes around enough that the typical labels start to come apart.", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : Again, "far-right social policy" doesn\'t make sense. Social policy is neither right-wing nor left-wing.', ">>{nliausacmmv} : It is though. That's why libertarians are in such a weird place politically because they have fairly left-wing liberal social policies but conservative right-wing economic policies. It's pretty well accepted that you can describe social policy in terms of left/right. Some people try to plot it on a plane and put social policy on the vertical axis, but left/right are still generally accepted descriptions of social positions.", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : I\'m a libertarian. I\'m right-wing. I categorically reject the notion that my classical liberal beliefs are in any way "left wing".', ">>{nliausacmmv} : You're free to think that but that doesn't make it correct. Left and right describe social and economic policy. This is widely accepted.", '>>{Trump_Is_Winning} : > This is widely accepted. Among political illiterates.', ">>{nliausacmmv} : Coming from someone who says that Sanders or the SNP are Nazis without the racism. If you think that then clearly you don't know much about any of them.", ">>{Trump_Is_Winning} : I'm not the only one to make that charge in either case. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421369/bernies-strange-brew-nationalism-and-socialism-kevin-d-williamson http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/david-starkey-defends-remarks-comparing-the-snp-to-nazis-10321023.html http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13175323.Monckton__SNP_have_begun_to_look_much_more_like_national_socialist_party_than_Scottish_Nationalist_party/"]]
classify and reply
[">>{thabe331} : Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters", '>>{WhichPick4Prez} : Clinton Iowa Caucus EXPOSED! Caught Committing VOTER FRAUD (Video)', ">>{queso_fresco_} : People bitched about this in February and it was debunked. Go home, you're drunk.", '>>{Sidecarlover} : >As a Reddit user explained Oh come the fuck on', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Absolutely not. Where people own guns, there are more mass shootings. This is a fact.', ">>{JennysDad} : That's why Duke ran, he saw so many racists, bigots and misogynists attend Trump rallies he is sure NOW is the time for the white nationalist movement to come back into the mainstream. F U Donald Trump.", ">>{BigDickRichie} : Trump supporters don't want to use their real Reddit accounts. They will be deleting these alt accounts after Trump loses in November so they can pretend they never supported him.", ">>{sunup_scribe} : Considering it was more than 6 months ago I think they're okay in ignoring it.", ">>{Political_Lemming} : Undoubtedly. It will be well-armed men and women, purportedly working at the behest, and in the name, of *fellow citizens*, who will come to collect the weapons from peaceful firearm-owning citizens. (The Authoritarian's Wet Dream)", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : I don't think this is quite the right question. The issue is location. We need guns out of schools. We need guns out of anywhere liquor is served. We need guns out of public areas (you don't need an assault weapon to go to walmart) and we need guns away from children Ownership isn't really the issue it's the size of the gun free zones we create As well as mandatory and very long sentences for violating these gun free laws 0-tolerance", ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : Gun-free zones don't actually protect people from being shot. Criminals *do not care* about laws.", '>>{therealhood} : Not even coming up with a snarky response...... any help here?', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Which is why Trump needs to be absolutely destroyed in November. We need to send a message loud and clear to his racist base: America wants nothing to do with you losers.', '>>{guthepenguin} : I have one in my wallet right now. Has to be renewed every five years.', ">>{marks31} : I think it should work similar to getting a driver's permit/license. The former requires a written test on the mechanics of safely operating a gun, and the latter demands 5 hours of monitored gun usage. Would it necessarily stop mass shootings? No. But would mass shooters likely take the time to go through such a lengthy process? Debatable, but probably not.", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : Remember when Bachmann, Santorum, and Cruz won the Iowa Caucus?', '>>{Political_Lemming} : If only the management of the Orlando night club had declared it a "gun free zone". If only....', '>>{jcardoza} : All a gun free zone does is tell people where they would encounter the least amount of resistance. Sandy hook, Virginia Tech, columbine. They were gun free zones.', '>>{FatLadySingin} : Believe me. Just so you understand, I don\'t know anything about David Duke, OK? Believe me. I don\'t know anything about what you\'re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," Believe me. "So I don\'t know. I don\'t know -- did he endorse me, or what\'s going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists. Believe me', '>>{spaceghoti} : A personal blog reposts a story six months old and debunked just as long. This is what the Republican Party has been reduced to.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : We would never vote for this idiot, who Trump has been publicly denouncing since 2001.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : What a tepid repudiation. Trump clearly doesn't want to alienate his base with a full throated denouncing.", ">>{loremipsumchecksum} : Flip flop as you see fit Mr Trump. Trumps 2000 Run in the Reform Party QUOTATION OF THE DAY Published: February 14, 2000 . ''So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.'' \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0DONALD\xa0J.\xa0TRUMP,\xa0noncandidate\xa0for\xa0president.\xa0[A18] . The Times sure knows how to cite a quote. http://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/14/nyregion/quotation-of-the-day-815233.html", ">>{theendofanerror} : Anyone who's ever participated in a caucus knows even the people running it don't know what they're doing.", ">>{SandraLee48} : I watched the whole video but didn't see the fraud.", '>>{thabe331} : Nothing to say. The article is funny for how deep of a hole he digs >In his interview with NPR\'s Steve Inskeep, Duke claimed there is "massive racist, racial discrimination against European-Americans" and a "very vicious anti-white narrative" in the media. Hollywood, he said, is not controlled by European-Americans. Inskeep broke in to ask whether Duke was referring to Jews. Duke responded with, "Well they\'re from the Middle East, that\'s not European. That\'s not European, is it? That\'s Middle Eastern. And they have a particular orientation for their positions and their programs."', '>>{TinCookieMonster} : One may not like the premise that firearm ownership was seen by the Founding Fathers as an essential prerequisite of self-government, that all government is imposed by force and that ultimately that force should and must reside in the hands of the citizenry but that IS the reality. The citizenry of the United States, jointly and severally, are responsible for our freedoms.', ">>{pianistafj} : I'll have a side of fat free freedom fries with that nothingburger...", ">>{ThriceBannedAccount} : Not off to the best start after 32 minutes, huh, champ? It's really sad how many of these idiots make throwaways because they're too cowardly to use their real accounts.", ">>{guthepenguin} : Straw purchase? It's illegal by definition. What else can we do? We can't make it MORE illegal.", '>>{Political_Lemming} : But gun free zones should preclude such events, no?', '>>{ProudVirgin101} : Where people own cars, there are more traffic fatalities. This is a fact.', '>>{therealhood} : Hmmm wonder what he plans on putting in that hole', '>>{Boggledragon} : Plus, where people live, more people die. This is a fact. Is it meaningful, relevant, or insightful. Of course not.', '>>{Political_Lemming} : Thus demonstrating the ruse of gun control. *People control* is what is needed....', '>>{Political_Lemming} : Absolutely. There is no law, no ban, no diktat....which can stop a person who lacks respect for the law, his fellow humans, or himself.', ">>{boogietime} : Isnt it obvious at this point that Duke could not care less if his statements hurt Trump's chances? That should really tell you something.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : I've been licensed to carry firearms for over 30 years.", ">>{ThriceBannedAccount} : Yeah, they'll be dropping like flies, /r/The_Donald will be a ghost town, and the mentions of Trump in /r/politics will be virtually nonexistent. Less than a month to go!", ">>{DeadRedRussian} : For someone who left the Klan 40 years ago when he got out of college this guy is getting a ton of attention lately. Imagine being in your mid-sixties and people still referring to you as whatever you were in your early 20's. It's ridiculous.", ">>{ThriceBannedAccount} : Considering your shitty track record with reddit comments it's probably best if you just don't say anything at all at the risk of looking incredibly stupid.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Where people eat beans, there is more flatulence. This is a fact.', ">>{dustoff122} : god i can only hear Tim Kaine's voice every time he says Believe me now", '>>{manzoire} : Solution wise, sounds like your saying we have a cultural problem (which I agree). Besides more mental health treatment, what do you think needs to happen as a society? We are a country built on individualism, and that results in a lack of empathy yadda yadda yadda', ">>{Im_no_cowboy} : > deleting these alt accounts after Trump loses in November so they can pretend they never supported him. That's what Trump would do except he would keep using the same account without clearing the posting history.", ">>{thabe331} : I'm not sure if his candidacy is one long game or if he's legitimately lost his mind", '>>{sayerofstuff} : only race pimps from the left even know Duke is still alive', '>>{NachoLawbre} : He\'s no longer in the Klan, but he\'s still very much a white supremacist. After he left the KKK in 1980, he formed the NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of White People). He\'s still an active user on Stormfront. In 2009, he referred to Keith Olbermann as [Untermensch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Untermensch). Take a minute to go to his website and look at his articles. Almost every one is anti-Semitic. When he announced he was running for Senate recently, he said he was doing so "to defend the rights of European-Americans."', ">>{NachoLawbre} : Until he mysteriously forgot who David Duke is in 2015 and wouldn't denounce him on CNN.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Issuing concealed carry permits to qualified individuals is how we've licensed individuals for decades. You asked a question and I answered it.", ">>{75Rollo} : >1) Violence in America is not a result of guns but a result of human choice. I concur. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. The logical extension of this, is that the American people are inherently bad people. Land of the free, home of the brave, a people exceeding in moral turpitude. >7) We need to teach the value of life to our children, treat ourselves and others as though they have value. Ha ha ha ha. Really? Roe v Wade says otherwise. Also, the fact that nowhere in the Bill of Rights, is the right to life stated, proves that fundamentally America believes this to be untrue.", ">>{thirtysixtyninety} : David Duke who still embodies and espouses white supremacists views. He's a klansman in a suit. Whatever you think of Robert Byrd, his words and actions reflected that he at least genuinely evolved.", ">>{cromwest} : I would never trust someone who was in the clan in their twenties unless they actively started working against it. If anything it looking like he's just trying to make the Klan's message mainstream.", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : I was reading his list and thought, "this is where all the mass shootings have been happening"', ">>{oldbeth} : But the club last Saturday was a gun-free zone, and the cop in the press conference said that dozens of lives were saved because random people weren't able to conceal carry dangerous weapons and return fire.", ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : I doubt people would bring arms to a nightclub, but this massacre continued for three hours. Someone could've fought back.", ">>{Dads_cream_soda} : This is why I hate Trump, even if he's not serious. He ran a campaign, presumably trying to get the title of president to improve his business, while attempting to take the country several decades in the past with him.", ">>{Im_in_timeout} : No, the left knows that he's running as a republican in Louisiana for the U.S. Senate, which makes him an appropriate topic for political discussion.", '>>{QuietGentleman} : You people never explain why its better to never integrate. You mask it in fake nationalism but if you had a chance you would gas anyone of colour to achieve your goals.', '>>{therealhood} : On the contrary.... I think Dukes statements reinforce the views of trumpetts', '>>{JennysDad} : holy shit, are you kidding? What is your reason for restricting someone based on the melanin levels in their skin? What shade of white is your cutoff?', '>>{cgilbertmc} : A beautiful red rectangle with a white circle in the center with a broken-armed cross in black.', ">>{raisingdaisys} : I don't think trump was/is racist. I don't like throwing that word around. That kkk guy, sure probably. Immigration issues regardless of race needs to be discussed. When I supported him calling him being racist pushed me to support him more. Not because I'm racist but because it's an argument shutdown of a conversation we doing be having.", '>>{Beeftech67} : Yup, one of the many things that pisses me off about Trump is that he makes being a bigoted xenophobic asshole mainstream under the guise of "a non-PC way of telling it like it is". ...no, he\'s just an asshole and he\'s wrong. Or as Trump would say, "when Trump holds his rallies, he doesn\'t have the best. He has racists, and KKK members, and Nazis. some, I assume, are decent people".', '>>{JennysDad} : > Or as Trump would say, "when Trump holds his rallies, he doesn\'t have the best. He has racists, and KKK members, and Nazis. some, I assume, are decent people". ok, that was funny :)', ">>{raisingdaisys} : Again, I don't think he's racist. You can probably follow me around and make a list '10 things to prove raisingdaisys gay' I might do gay things from time to time, but im not gay.", '>>{Brightcab} : Lol... A former grand wizard of the KKK is "probably" racist. You seem to give a lot of slack.', '>>{JennysDad} : see, being gay is about what stimulates you sexually. Whatever you masturbate to is what you are. As for being racist - you are racist if you act in a way that discriminates against people based on race. The fact that the Justice Department sued Trump 3 times (and forced Trump to settle) because of his racist rental practices proves that Trump is racist.', '>>{MJ420} : Trump never forgets. He has the worlds best memory', '>>{raisingdaisys} : Haha no that would be a good indication of homosexual tendencies, but not definite.', '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : I would love to hear your list of 10 things that you think would "prove someone is gay".', '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : No. I want to see your response here and I think others would like to as well.', ">>{raisingdaisys} : People can watch gay porn and identify as straight. Guy likes money is all. Maybe holds some racist beliefs. I dunno, I'm not him. But I'd imagine the vast majority of Americans hold similar beliefs. It's not a reason to shut down discussion of the topic.", '>>{ShitOutTheBooze} : Yeah a white country that was covered in brown people before the white people got here.', ">>{JennysDad} : > People can watch gay porn and identify as straight. If you're beating off to two other dudes who are getting each other off that is by definition homosexual. It's ok dude, it's the 21st century. You're safe.", ">>{raisingdaisys} : Lesbians watch gay porn all the time. Lots of my gfs watched lesbian porn but would never do it. Welcome to pc land, where everyone is free to think what they want and be what they want as long as it's in the safe space manual", ">>{raisingdaisys} : Ok then there's a scale for racism to and everyone's on it.", ">>{JennysDad} : I agree with that. It's just that with racism it's only ok to be on the non-racist end of the scale.", '>>{raisingdaisys} : So, like sex, someone can be racist for cash and still identify as not racist. Or do you get to decide on how racist everyone is?', '>>{brihamedit} : They do see trump as encouragement but they are not going to see disapproval from general public as discouragement.', ">>{MescalPascal} : He totally freaked out when Obama won the 2008 and 2012 elections, after having been at least a nominal Democrat for decades. And it wasn't a freak out over policy or even simple dislike. Both times, he said the election was stolen. He's also consistently said that Obama can't possibly be an American. Maybe racist is the wrong word. Bigot would definitely fit. Xenophobe would also fit.", '>>{JennysDad} : racists define for themselves how racist they are with their words and actions.', ">>{CleanWholesomePhun} : I've heard personal racism compared to hygiene. Having some lettuce in your teeth doesn't make you a dirty person, but leaving it there for months is a cause for great alarm. We're responsible for regularly checking our attitudes and behaviors to make sure we don't have that metaphorical lettuce in our teeth. Trump saying that someone can't do their job right as a judge because their parents are Mexicans is a pretty big piece of lettuce, and when it was brought to Trump's attention he just left it in there... so I feel confident saying that he is, as presented before us now, a racist.", ">>{Kaiosama} : Does this idiot think he's helping Trump? He's basically reinforcing all accusations made against Trump and his supporters for months.", ">>{thabe331} : I'm not sure. He's been vocal about supporting Trump for the past year and a half. He could be trying to drum up support for himself, Louisiana is not a hard state for a republican to win in.", ">>{greg19735} : Some will. And that's why it's important that Trump gets thrashed.", '>>{brihamedit} : True. I kind of see what you are seeing. There ought to be some people who are going with the flow but they are not entirely down with the whole "kill\'em all" mentality. The extremist base isn\'t very large probably. It would be nice to see more data. Trump losing isn\'t going to discourage them. Also, trump most likely won\'t run to the finish line anyway.', ">>{ShyBiDude89} : Just like Trump's campaign. All a fucking joke.", '>>{addy-Bee} : > What\'s wrong with white countries remaining white? The U.S. is not and has never been a "white country." Fuck, have you even **read** the Declaration of Independence? >We hold these truths to be self evident: that **all men are created equal.**', '>>{killtheBS} : 1) The constitution doesn\'t agree with white nationalism. 2) Basic ethics don\'t agree with "pragmatic" white nationalism. And I want to point out: Electing Trump would, by extension, cause these kinds of people to surge everywhere. Even if I disagree with Clinton and Johnson on key issues, from a pragmatic standpoint it\'s all I need to secure my vote for whoever does best against Trump.', ">>{wh0kn3w} : Funny, History says the KKK was founded by Democrats. Edit: I see people don't like history lessons. CTR..", '>>{peacelovetree} : This guy is definitely an evil Lizard creature from another planet. Look at his eyes and that wretched toupee.', ">>{Michael70z} : Yeah I 100% agree with you. Not to mention that he isn't taking the support, and has absolutely no control what they say.", '>>{Mauser793} : meanwhile, Hillary gets a free pass on her relationship with Robert Byrd.', ">>{Mauser793} : Bill Clinton, at Robert Byrd's funeral, commented that Byrd never left the KKK because it was impossible to rise in the party if you left", '>>{ParanoydAndroid} : raisingdaisys is wrong, and that\'s pretty clear from the very first comment where he asserts that a former grand wizard is only "probably" racist. It\'s fairly obvious he does not have a very representative idea of what constitutes racism. Having said all that, I think insinuating he\'s the one that watches gay porn and mocking him for it is out of line. He\'s right that sexuality is complex, it can be fluid, and that sexuality is _not_ a purely behavioral issue. raisingdaisys is exactly correct that periodic, sporadic, incidental, or one-off homosexual behaviors or desires do not dictate one\'s sexuality and your implication not only that they do so, but that you find it acceptable to define for someone else their sexuality, is insensitive and incorrect. Using sexuality the way you are is, besides being inappropriate, also harmful. You are re-asserting old tropes about masculinity in the same way that mocking two straight men for hugging does. The _majority_ of men indicate having homosexual thoughts or urges at some point in their life, and upwards of 50% of men report having had at least some same-sex sexual experiences at some point in their life. It does not do the gay community any favors to mock straight people who are willing to acknowledge the complexity of sexuality back into silence. Also, sure it\'s the 21st century and no, that doesn\'t mean a gay person is safe.', '>>{number9_number9} : The only thing different about Duke now as compared to him in his 20s is he no longer wears sheets.', '>>{xHeero} : No shit. There are opportunists in every sort of demographic and in every sort of organization. Trump gets out there and draws out the racist vote. Racists who want to gain political power see an opportunity to jump on the wagon. They do so.', '>>{JennysDad} : I still contend that whatever you beat off to is what you are. Even if that can change with time.', '>>{always_reading} : [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9YPYRaeTW0) shows how Donald Trump has already caused damage to America by validating and condoning hatred and racism.', ">>{thejoshu} : They won't see it as discouragement, but they might see it as a sign to crawl back under their damn rocks.", '>>{wrtChase} : And history with context says party inversions have happened but you want to pretend both sides are equally bad to justify your poor moral character. We both know which party and candidate attracts white nationalists right now', '>>{IamConradBlack} : Imagine the amount of personal effort it would take to hate everyone on such a scale like bigots and racists do. I would think it takes a special kind of burning rage to think this way. Trump and his supporters just might be paving the way for such nonsense. The scary thing is so many are coming out of the woodwork this election cycle. Are people still pissed that a black man became president?', '>>{MikeSmith1776} : I can see him getting elected. The lack of pro-white politicians is sad.', ">>{blackseaoftrees} : Yes, because the rural South was politically liberal from the 1800s until the 1960s and Dixiecrats never existed. If anyone needs the record corrected, it's you.", ">>{OfficerDarrenWilson} : You're average progressive holds more vitriolic, soul staining hatred for those who don't share their ideology than the average racist does for people of different evolutionary background.", ">>{OfficerDarrenWilson} : Your average progressive holds more vitriolic, soul staining hatred for those who don't share their ideology than the average racist does for people of different evolutionary background."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{thabe331} : Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters", ">>{JennysDad} : That's why Duke ran, he saw so many racists, bigots and misogynists attend Trump rallies he is sure NOW is the time for the white nationalist movement to come back into the mainstream. F U Donald Trump.", '>>{therealhood} : Not even coming up with a snarky response...... any help here?', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Which is why Trump needs to be absolutely destroyed in November. We need to send a message loud and clear to his racist base: America wants nothing to do with you losers.', '>>{FatLadySingin} : Believe me. Just so you understand, I don\'t know anything about David Duke, OK? Believe me. I don\'t know anything about what you\'re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," Believe me. "So I don\'t know. I don\'t know -- did he endorse me, or what\'s going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists. Believe me', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : We would never vote for this idiot, who Trump has been publicly denouncing since 2001.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : What a tepid repudiation. Trump clearly doesn't want to alienate his base with a full throated denouncing.", ">>{loremipsumchecksum} : Flip flop as you see fit Mr Trump. Trumps 2000 Run in the Reform Party QUOTATION OF THE DAY Published: February 14, 2000 . ''So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.'' \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0DONALD\xa0J.\xa0TRUMP,\xa0noncandidate\xa0for\xa0president.\xa0[A18] . The Times sure knows how to cite a quote. http://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/14/nyregion/quotation-of-the-day-815233.html", '>>{thabe331} : Nothing to say. The article is funny for how deep of a hole he digs >In his interview with NPR\'s Steve Inskeep, Duke claimed there is "massive racist, racial discrimination against European-Americans" and a "very vicious anti-white narrative" in the media. Hollywood, he said, is not controlled by European-Americans. Inskeep broke in to ask whether Duke was referring to Jews. Duke responded with, "Well they\'re from the Middle East, that\'s not European. That\'s not European, is it? That\'s Middle Eastern. And they have a particular orientation for their positions and their programs."', '>>{therealhood} : Hmmm wonder what he plans on putting in that hole', ">>{boogietime} : Isnt it obvious at this point that Duke could not care less if his statements hurt Trump's chances? That should really tell you something.", ">>{DeadRedRussian} : For someone who left the Klan 40 years ago when he got out of college this guy is getting a ton of attention lately. Imagine being in your mid-sixties and people still referring to you as whatever you were in your early 20's. It's ridiculous.", ">>{dustoff122} : god i can only hear Tim Kaine's voice every time he says Believe me now", ">>{thabe331} : I'm not sure if his candidacy is one long game or if he's legitimately lost his mind", '>>{sayerofstuff} : only race pimps from the left even know Duke is still alive', '>>{NachoLawbre} : He\'s no longer in the Klan, but he\'s still very much a white supremacist. After he left the KKK in 1980, he formed the NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of White People). He\'s still an active user on Stormfront. In 2009, he referred to Keith Olbermann as [Untermensch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Untermensch). Take a minute to go to his website and look at his articles. Almost every one is anti-Semitic. When he announced he was running for Senate recently, he said he was doing so "to defend the rights of European-Americans."', ">>{NachoLawbre} : Until he mysteriously forgot who David Duke is in 2015 and wouldn't denounce him on CNN.", ">>{thirtysixtyninety} : David Duke who still embodies and espouses white supremacists views. He's a klansman in a suit. Whatever you think of Robert Byrd, his words and actions reflected that he at least genuinely evolved.", ">>{cromwest} : I would never trust someone who was in the clan in their twenties unless they actively started working against it. If anything it looking like he's just trying to make the Klan's message mainstream.", ">>{Dads_cream_soda} : This is why I hate Trump, even if he's not serious. He ran a campaign, presumably trying to get the title of president to improve his business, while attempting to take the country several decades in the past with him.", ">>{Im_in_timeout} : No, the left knows that he's running as a republican in Louisiana for the U.S. Senate, which makes him an appropriate topic for political discussion.", '>>{QuietGentleman} : You people never explain why its better to never integrate. You mask it in fake nationalism but if you had a chance you would gas anyone of colour to achieve your goals.', '>>{therealhood} : On the contrary.... I think Dukes statements reinforce the views of trumpetts', '>>{JennysDad} : holy shit, are you kidding? What is your reason for restricting someone based on the melanin levels in their skin? What shade of white is your cutoff?', '>>{cgilbertmc} : A beautiful red rectangle with a white circle in the center with a broken-armed cross in black.', ">>{raisingdaisys} : I don't think trump was/is racist. I don't like throwing that word around. That kkk guy, sure probably. Immigration issues regardless of race needs to be discussed. When I supported him calling him being racist pushed me to support him more. Not because I'm racist but because it's an argument shutdown of a conversation we doing be having.", '>>{Beeftech67} : Yup, one of the many things that pisses me off about Trump is that he makes being a bigoted xenophobic asshole mainstream under the guise of "a non-PC way of telling it like it is". ...no, he\'s just an asshole and he\'s wrong. Or as Trump would say, "when Trump holds his rallies, he doesn\'t have the best. He has racists, and KKK members, and Nazis. some, I assume, are decent people".', '>>{JennysDad} : > Or as Trump would say, "when Trump holds his rallies, he doesn\'t have the best. He has racists, and KKK members, and Nazis. some, I assume, are decent people". ok, that was funny :)', ">>{raisingdaisys} : Again, I don't think he's racist. You can probably follow me around and make a list '10 things to prove raisingdaisys gay' I might do gay things from time to time, but im not gay.", '>>{Brightcab} : Lol... A former grand wizard of the KKK is "probably" racist. You seem to give a lot of slack.', '>>{JennysDad} : see, being gay is about what stimulates you sexually. Whatever you masturbate to is what you are. As for being racist - you are racist if you act in a way that discriminates against people based on race. The fact that the Justice Department sued Trump 3 times (and forced Trump to settle) because of his racist rental practices proves that Trump is racist.', '>>{MJ420} : Trump never forgets. He has the worlds best memory', '>>{raisingdaisys} : Haha no that would be a good indication of homosexual tendencies, but not definite.', '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : I would love to hear your list of 10 things that you think would "prove someone is gay".', '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : No. I want to see your response here and I think others would like to as well.', ">>{raisingdaisys} : People can watch gay porn and identify as straight. Guy likes money is all. Maybe holds some racist beliefs. I dunno, I'm not him. But I'd imagine the vast majority of Americans hold similar beliefs. It's not a reason to shut down discussion of the topic.", '>>{ShitOutTheBooze} : Yeah a white country that was covered in brown people before the white people got here.', ">>{JennysDad} : > People can watch gay porn and identify as straight. If you're beating off to two other dudes who are getting each other off that is by definition homosexual. It's ok dude, it's the 21st century. You're safe.", ">>{raisingdaisys} : Lesbians watch gay porn all the time. Lots of my gfs watched lesbian porn but would never do it. Welcome to pc land, where everyone is free to think what they want and be what they want as long as it's in the safe space manual", ">>{raisingdaisys} : Ok then there's a scale for racism to and everyone's on it.", ">>{JennysDad} : I agree with that. It's just that with racism it's only ok to be on the non-racist end of the scale.", '>>{raisingdaisys} : So, like sex, someone can be racist for cash and still identify as not racist. Or do you get to decide on how racist everyone is?', '>>{brihamedit} : They do see trump as encouragement but they are not going to see disapproval from general public as discouragement.', ">>{MescalPascal} : He totally freaked out when Obama won the 2008 and 2012 elections, after having been at least a nominal Democrat for decades. And it wasn't a freak out over policy or even simple dislike. Both times, he said the election was stolen. He's also consistently said that Obama can't possibly be an American. Maybe racist is the wrong word. Bigot would definitely fit. Xenophobe would also fit.", '>>{JennysDad} : racists define for themselves how racist they are with their words and actions.', ">>{CleanWholesomePhun} : I've heard personal racism compared to hygiene. Having some lettuce in your teeth doesn't make you a dirty person, but leaving it there for months is a cause for great alarm. We're responsible for regularly checking our attitudes and behaviors to make sure we don't have that metaphorical lettuce in our teeth. Trump saying that someone can't do their job right as a judge because their parents are Mexicans is a pretty big piece of lettuce, and when it was brought to Trump's attention he just left it in there... so I feel confident saying that he is, as presented before us now, a racist.", ">>{Kaiosama} : Does this idiot think he's helping Trump? He's basically reinforcing all accusations made against Trump and his supporters for months.", ">>{thabe331} : I'm not sure. He's been vocal about supporting Trump for the past year and a half. He could be trying to drum up support for himself, Louisiana is not a hard state for a republican to win in.", ">>{greg19735} : Some will. And that's why it's important that Trump gets thrashed.", '>>{brihamedit} : True. I kind of see what you are seeing. There ought to be some people who are going with the flow but they are not entirely down with the whole "kill\'em all" mentality. The extremist base isn\'t very large probably. It would be nice to see more data. Trump losing isn\'t going to discourage them. Also, trump most likely won\'t run to the finish line anyway.', ">>{ShyBiDude89} : Just like Trump's campaign. All a fucking joke.", '>>{addy-Bee} : > What\'s wrong with white countries remaining white? The U.S. is not and has never been a "white country." Fuck, have you even **read** the Declaration of Independence? >We hold these truths to be self evident: that **all men are created equal.**', '>>{killtheBS} : 1) The constitution doesn\'t agree with white nationalism. 2) Basic ethics don\'t agree with "pragmatic" white nationalism. And I want to point out: Electing Trump would, by extension, cause these kinds of people to surge everywhere. Even if I disagree with Clinton and Johnson on key issues, from a pragmatic standpoint it\'s all I need to secure my vote for whoever does best against Trump.', ">>{wh0kn3w} : Funny, History says the KKK was founded by Democrats. Edit: I see people don't like history lessons. CTR..", '>>{peacelovetree} : This guy is definitely an evil Lizard creature from another planet. Look at his eyes and that wretched toupee.', ">>{Michael70z} : Yeah I 100% agree with you. Not to mention that he isn't taking the support, and has absolutely no control what they say.", '>>{Mauser793} : meanwhile, Hillary gets a free pass on her relationship with Robert Byrd.', ">>{Mauser793} : Bill Clinton, at Robert Byrd's funeral, commented that Byrd never left the KKK because it was impossible to rise in the party if you left", '>>{ParanoydAndroid} : raisingdaisys is wrong, and that\'s pretty clear from the very first comment where he asserts that a former grand wizard is only "probably" racist. It\'s fairly obvious he does not have a very representative idea of what constitutes racism. Having said all that, I think insinuating he\'s the one that watches gay porn and mocking him for it is out of line. He\'s right that sexuality is complex, it can be fluid, and that sexuality is _not_ a purely behavioral issue. raisingdaisys is exactly correct that periodic, sporadic, incidental, or one-off homosexual behaviors or desires do not dictate one\'s sexuality and your implication not only that they do so, but that you find it acceptable to define for someone else their sexuality, is insensitive and incorrect. Using sexuality the way you are is, besides being inappropriate, also harmful. You are re-asserting old tropes about masculinity in the same way that mocking two straight men for hugging does. The _majority_ of men indicate having homosexual thoughts or urges at some point in their life, and upwards of 50% of men report having had at least some same-sex sexual experiences at some point in their life. It does not do the gay community any favors to mock straight people who are willing to acknowledge the complexity of sexuality back into silence. Also, sure it\'s the 21st century and no, that doesn\'t mean a gay person is safe.', '>>{number9_number9} : The only thing different about Duke now as compared to him in his 20s is he no longer wears sheets.', '>>{xHeero} : No shit. There are opportunists in every sort of demographic and in every sort of organization. Trump gets out there and draws out the racist vote. Racists who want to gain political power see an opportunity to jump on the wagon. They do so.', '>>{JennysDad} : I still contend that whatever you beat off to is what you are. Even if that can change with time.', '>>{always_reading} : [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9YPYRaeTW0) shows how Donald Trump has already caused damage to America by validating and condoning hatred and racism.', ">>{thejoshu} : They won't see it as discouragement, but they might see it as a sign to crawl back under their damn rocks.", '>>{wrtChase} : And history with context says party inversions have happened but you want to pretend both sides are equally bad to justify your poor moral character. We both know which party and candidate attracts white nationalists right now', '>>{IamConradBlack} : Imagine the amount of personal effort it would take to hate everyone on such a scale like bigots and racists do. I would think it takes a special kind of burning rage to think this way. Trump and his supporters just might be paving the way for such nonsense. The scary thing is so many are coming out of the woodwork this election cycle. Are people still pissed that a black man became president?', '>>{MikeSmith1776} : I can see him getting elected. The lack of pro-white politicians is sad.', ">>{blackseaoftrees} : Yes, because the rural South was politically liberal from the 1800s until the 1960s and Dixiecrats never existed. If anyone needs the record corrected, it's you.", ">>{OfficerDarrenWilson} : You're average progressive holds more vitriolic, soul staining hatred for those who don't share their ideology than the average racist does for people of different evolutionary background.", ">>{OfficerDarrenWilson} : Your average progressive holds more vitriolic, soul staining hatred for those who don't share their ideology than the average racist does for people of different evolutionary background."], ['>>{truthhurts4444} : Absolutely not. Where people own guns, there are more mass shootings. This is a fact.', ">>{Political_Lemming} : Undoubtedly. It will be well-armed men and women, purportedly working at the behest, and in the name, of *fellow citizens*, who will come to collect the weapons from peaceful firearm-owning citizens. (The Authoritarian's Wet Dream)", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : I don't think this is quite the right question. The issue is location. We need guns out of schools. We need guns out of anywhere liquor is served. We need guns out of public areas (you don't need an assault weapon to go to walmart) and we need guns away from children Ownership isn't really the issue it's the size of the gun free zones we create As well as mandatory and very long sentences for violating these gun free laws 0-tolerance", ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : Gun-free zones don't actually protect people from being shot. Criminals *do not care* about laws.", '>>{guthepenguin} : I have one in my wallet right now. Has to be renewed every five years.', ">>{marks31} : I think it should work similar to getting a driver's permit/license. The former requires a written test on the mechanics of safely operating a gun, and the latter demands 5 hours of monitored gun usage. Would it necessarily stop mass shootings? No. But would mass shooters likely take the time to go through such a lengthy process? Debatable, but probably not.", '>>{Political_Lemming} : If only the management of the Orlando night club had declared it a "gun free zone". If only....', '>>{jcardoza} : All a gun free zone does is tell people where they would encounter the least amount of resistance. Sandy hook, Virginia Tech, columbine. They were gun free zones.', '>>{TinCookieMonster} : One may not like the premise that firearm ownership was seen by the Founding Fathers as an essential prerequisite of self-government, that all government is imposed by force and that ultimately that force should and must reside in the hands of the citizenry but that IS the reality. The citizenry of the United States, jointly and severally, are responsible for our freedoms.', ">>{guthepenguin} : Straw purchase? It's illegal by definition. What else can we do? We can't make it MORE illegal.", '>>{Political_Lemming} : But gun free zones should preclude such events, no?', '>>{ProudVirgin101} : Where people own cars, there are more traffic fatalities. This is a fact.', '>>{Boggledragon} : Plus, where people live, more people die. This is a fact. Is it meaningful, relevant, or insightful. Of course not.', '>>{Political_Lemming} : Thus demonstrating the ruse of gun control. *People control* is what is needed....', '>>{Political_Lemming} : Absolutely. There is no law, no ban, no diktat....which can stop a person who lacks respect for the law, his fellow humans, or himself.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : I've been licensed to carry firearms for over 30 years.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Where people eat beans, there is more flatulence. This is a fact.', '>>{manzoire} : Solution wise, sounds like your saying we have a cultural problem (which I agree). Besides more mental health treatment, what do you think needs to happen as a society? We are a country built on individualism, and that results in a lack of empathy yadda yadda yadda', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Issuing concealed carry permits to qualified individuals is how we've licensed individuals for decades. You asked a question and I answered it.", ">>{75Rollo} : >1) Violence in America is not a result of guns but a result of human choice. I concur. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. The logical extension of this, is that the American people are inherently bad people. Land of the free, home of the brave, a people exceeding in moral turpitude. >7) We need to teach the value of life to our children, treat ourselves and others as though they have value. Ha ha ha ha. Really? Roe v Wade says otherwise. Also, the fact that nowhere in the Bill of Rights, is the right to life stated, proves that fundamentally America believes this to be untrue.", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : I was reading his list and thought, "this is where all the mass shootings have been happening"', ">>{oldbeth} : But the club last Saturday was a gun-free zone, and the cop in the press conference said that dozens of lives were saved because random people weren't able to conceal carry dangerous weapons and return fire.", ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : I doubt people would bring arms to a nightclub, but this massacre continued for three hours. Someone could've fought back."], ['>>{WhichPick4Prez} : Clinton Iowa Caucus EXPOSED! Caught Committing VOTER FRAUD (Video)', ">>{queso_fresco_} : People bitched about this in February and it was debunked. Go home, you're drunk.", '>>{Sidecarlover} : >As a Reddit user explained Oh come the fuck on', ">>{BigDickRichie} : Trump supporters don't want to use their real Reddit accounts. They will be deleting these alt accounts after Trump loses in November so they can pretend they never supported him.", ">>{sunup_scribe} : Considering it was more than 6 months ago I think they're okay in ignoring it.", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : Remember when Bachmann, Santorum, and Cruz won the Iowa Caucus?', '>>{spaceghoti} : A personal blog reposts a story six months old and debunked just as long. This is what the Republican Party has been reduced to.', ">>{theendofanerror} : Anyone who's ever participated in a caucus knows even the people running it don't know what they're doing.", ">>{SandraLee48} : I watched the whole video but didn't see the fraud.", ">>{pianistafj} : I'll have a side of fat free freedom fries with that nothingburger...", ">>{ThriceBannedAccount} : Not off to the best start after 32 minutes, huh, champ? It's really sad how many of these idiots make throwaways because they're too cowardly to use their real accounts.", ">>{ThriceBannedAccount} : Yeah, they'll be dropping like flies, /r/The_Donald will be a ghost town, and the mentions of Trump in /r/politics will be virtually nonexistent. Less than a month to go!", ">>{ThriceBannedAccount} : Considering your shitty track record with reddit comments it's probably best if you just don't say anything at all at the risk of looking incredibly stupid.", ">>{Im_no_cowboy} : > deleting these alt accounts after Trump loses in November so they can pretend they never supported him. That's what Trump would do except he would keep using the same account without clearing the posting history."]]
classify and reply
['>>{dave1080} : The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S.', '>>{overthrow23} : Black Leaders Emerge as Powerful Allies in LGBT Fight in U.S. South', ">>{Cretchkin} : Comey won't commit to investigating Obama officials over Flynn leaks", '>>{GuessMeNow} : Comparing Trump to Hitler says a lot more about the accuser than the accused', '>>{viccar0} : How do we know they are Obama officials all of a sudden?', ">>{dave1080} : Haha lol ! Very funny ! I think you are mixing up the 2 distinct stenches. One from Trump's B.S., and the other stench that Trump's B.S. causes in some people ! :) lol", '>>{overthrow23} : Related: [42% of African Americans support same-sex marriage] (http://www.pewforum.org/2016/05/12/changing-attitudes-on-gay-marriage)', ">>{dave1080} : I know....however, Reddit.com still accepted this posting since it appears that this article's link was never posted here at all ! Also, it certainly is worth a read ! :)", '>>{pervocracy} : They\'re really pushing this "hey, that was *classified* treason!" thing, huh? Sad.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Seriously! Hitler actually served his country in a time of war, rather than deferring because his foot hurt. Also, Hitler had far better taste in fashion and architecture.', '>>{SaltHash} : However, Comey did confirm that it is possible that those leaks are coming from White House officials. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-comey-russia-hearing-live-updates/ White House officials are not the same as those people who are leftover from the previous administration.', '>>{ablurdumur} : To be fair, Mussolini is the more accurate comparison.', ">>{DickButtwoman} : Because, only Obama officials are turning on us and talking to the media Anonymously, says anonymous Trump official anonymously to the media. And you might think I'm joking, but that just happened recently. A Trump admin official complained to a media person anonymously about how everyone was out to get them, and talk to media people anonymously.", '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : >. Castro asked if it’s possible whether leaks could come directly from White House officials. Comey said “sure” and that he’s often found that the leaker is often beyond the circle of people who has direct access to the information or someone you didn’t anticipate knowing about the information. He literally just said sure and confirmed a basic question..', '>>{tfirhcslegeipS} : So, "Comey won\'t commit to investing Trump WH officials over Flynn leaks."', '>>{ablurdumur} : Did you forget you posted to r/politics and not r/the_donald?', ">>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : That was never said at all.. We have a leak that needs investigating.. And a presidential candidate, who's team seems to be colluding with a foreign government, while the candidate denies it and calls everyone who's looked into a liar... which needs to be investigated. Why would the leak take precedent over the potential treason..? He said it over and over that he couldn't comment on specific people and their investigations.. For all you know it is going on, but it's on the back burner until they can finish with the larger more important investigation.", '>>{waiv} : No. Mussolini didnt use other ethnic groups as scapegoats.', '>>{KingamongBeasts} : Lol but motherjones, vox, shariablue, slate, etc. are acceptable and non-partisan.', '>>{overthrow23} : This may hold some answers: [NPR: African-Americans Question Comparing Gay Rights Movement To Civil Rights](http://www.npr.org/2015/07/02/419554758/african-americans-question-comparing-gay-rights-movement-to-civil-rights)', ">>{zedanger} : Hey, Donald Trump is an Idi Amin at best, got it? I'd like to see this orange fucker make the trains run on time!", ">>{bhat} : But the stench is only getting worse, so it's clearly still relevant.", '>>{shash1} : Islam is not an ethnicity, Mexican is not an ethnicity. .', '>>{aresearchmonkey} : Meh. Trump is basically neutered in a first past the post system.', '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : While its a good article, the rules limit it to 30 days', '>>{dave1080} : And that is exactly why I posted the link to this article here.', ">>{JennysDad} : If you have to devote that length of an article to explain how Trump isn't *exactly* like Hitler you definitely have a problem.", ">>{angrae} : I just had a discussion not too long ago with someone on reddit about this very thing and it intrigues me. For a long time, Christianity was very important to the general black Americans, but it seems there's a new turn where black Americans are realizing how HIV is disproportionately affecting young black men because they cannot be out and comfortable with who they are. I would also argue that there's an insurgence of intelligent black young progressives that are getting their voices heard via YouTube, MTV, and other platforms. It also helps to have famous black people that are accepting of gay people as well- Obamas, Oprah, The Smith family, and so many famous rappers and R&B singers.", ">>{pensee_idee} : I also won't forget the way Black Lives Matter used the attention they were getting to draw attention to the murder of trans women. I was deeply impressed when they did that.", '>>{waiv} : Mexican is definitively an ethnicity. > An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common language, ancestral, social, cultural, or national experiences', '>>{paranoidadndroid} : Why the fuck would he? The GOP is really sinking into the other side of this entire scandal. "The leaks! Find the leakers!"', '>>{dave1080} : How many people here think that Trump will call the following CNN news article fake news considering that this article favorably talks about Trump: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/21/politics/donald-trump-republican-support/index.html (Article\'s title: "These Republicans didn\'t like Trump at first. They do now."). Note that before this article was published, Trump on camera in front of the whole world admitted saying ALL news coming out of outlets such as CNN is fake ! Good luck trying to answer this ! :)', ">>{MammalMolester} : That's far lower than what the actual white population of the south believes.", ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Yeah, that's what I said. Do you often hear voices in your head?", ">>{FakFeinstein} : CNN is well known to be way more biased than some other news organizations. You showing one article doesn't change the fact that they treat him with disdain in almost all the other programs. That's fine with me, but don't call yourself a news organization, they're simply a political arm of the Democratic party.", '>>{dave1080} : Much the same way FOX news might get called a political arm of the Republican party, huh? lol.', '>>{jkkuuuxb} : There are murders in every group of people. There is nothing particular about transwomen being murdered. This shit happens to actual women and men too.', ">>{please__________clap} : Only one candidate was for a laundry list of wars and regime changes in the middle east, supports a no fly zone against Russian jets and is continuously escalating tensions with US-Russian relationships for political gain. Hitler would be proud of this candidate's interventionist policies and vision that may potentially lead us into World War 3.", ">>{Qunidaye} : Whew that's a load off my mind. I was beginning to think Donald was some kind of bigot", ">>{FakFeinstein} : You're absolutely right, they're just as bad as CNN and much of their reporting is biased. It's hard to find a well respected news organization that doesn't take sides. Nowadays it's all about ratings, sensationalism and shock. Anything to turn people against each other for the sake of ratings.", '>>{waiv} : So you are saying that Trump is like Neville Chamberlain instead? Only this time he wants to hand over Ukraine .', '>>{trumpguard} : More africans disagree with same sex marriage than white americans.', '>>{A_Beltway_Griper} : I don\'t know about the rest of America, but the victory over "The bathroom bill" here in Houston was defeated due to the leadership of the black community. Our lesbian Mayor was very pissed off.', '>>{moxy801} : I was holding off on comparing Trump to Hitler till listening to his convention speech - 70+ minutes of angry ranting harkened back to watching old newsreels of Hitler speeches.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Remember that Hitler was just a candidate at one point too. Trump started his whole campaign by scapegoating all of America's problems on a somewhat visible minority.", '>>{alukima} : Do you have a source on that? [According to wiki the South as a whole only has 47% support.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_opinion_of_same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States#By_region) Edit: [Primary Source.](http://www.people-press.org/2015/06/08/same-sex-marriage-detailed-tables/)', '>>{dave1080} : We need to stand united, not divided ! We are not Democrats first. We are not Republicans first. We are Americans first !! - Obama !', '>>{classic_douche} : Why are you talking about Africans? This is America.', '>>{Jkid} : But only homophobic but male supremacist when it comes to gender roles.', ">>{etherspin} : Schrödinger's Officials ! The anonymous sources who are terrible people but also don't exist (source = DJT)", '>>{KingamongBeasts} : Maybe you can prentend Hillary Clinton is president too.', ">>{PlanetXpressShip} : And yet you can't stop bringing her up. Man. Obsession much?", '>>{CarmineFields} : Mexican is an ethnicity. Neither Mexican or Jewish is a race.', ">>{please__________clap} : My comment made absolutely no reference to Trump, please try not to get distracted. We're talking about Hitler and which candidate is more similar to him. I made the case it's the one who encouraged regime changes in...Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, and now suggesting aggressive military measures against Russia and complicating our relationships with them for personal gain. There's a very clear case that her pro-war, pro-interventionist policies is more Hitleresque then Trump.", ">>{KingamongBeasts} : No I just think it's funny that you lost and refuse to move forward. Trump is going nowhere for the next 8 years. Enjoy!", ">>{FakFeinstein} : They all say that bullshit, but behind closed doors both sides constantly plot against each other trying to score cheap political points. This is what happens when candidates are chosen during the primaries by the far left and the far right of their respective parties, and moderates don't bother to vote. We end up with rigid ideologues, unwilling to compromise on anything. The average American is pissed off at both parties, and they feel like Washington only cares about themselves and the special interests. I consider myself mostly conservative, but I do have some liberal views, Teddy Roosevelt is my hero, and these dumbfucks in the House are trying to destroy our public lands, and the morons from the left constantly try to take my gun rights away.", '>>{PlanetXpressShip} : Yes. We refuse to move forward, but you\'re the one bringing her up. I think it\'s hilariously ironic that the side telling everyone to just "move forward" is the side that still flies the confederate flag. You guys wrote the book on sore losers ;)', '>>{dave1080} : I hear you brother ! lol. Ever considered moving to a more peaceful, stable, country? E.g. Canada? Switzerland? lol.', ">>{FakFeinstein} : Canada, yes! Even though I've never been, I hear it's an amazing and beautiful country, with tons of outdoors recreational opportunities. Switzerland, too expensive.", ">>{LeftousCrusader} : He's not Hitler ffs, he's STALIN! He wants to trap us all in here with him and commence the pogroms. Hitler was all about reaching out to his neighbors.", '>>{dave1080} : Agreed, Switzerland is very expensive from what I hear. Indeed, Canada is a marvelous country, tons of outdoorsy stuff. E.g. the Canadian Rockies in the west (in Alberta and B.C.)', '>>{LazloWhittaker} : Donald Trump is much fatter than Hitler. This why comparison inaccurate.', ">>{chimpaman} : Are we back to Hitler now? Just asking because I saw a heavily upvoted post on here earlier today comparing him to Neville Chamberlain. I want to make sure I don't embarrass myself by making the wrong negative comparison du jour!", ">>{femshepslovechild} : Dude, you are missing the entire point: > It’s axiomatic that the ultimate goal of those who compare Trump to Hitler (even if they know it to be untrue) is to frighten and cajole others into not voting for Trump, yet this tactic almost always has the opposite effect. Trump is terrible for all his own reasons. Let's convince people of that without painting ourselves as lunatics.", '>>{Sayting} : I\'m making it my mission to defend Chamberlain. Old comment addressing common misconceptions about him: He wasn\'t naive. The first thing he did after getting back from Munich was order British industry to move to war footing and told them to expect war with three years . Britain\'s army wasn\'t ready for war and the British people weren\'t ready for it either. People don\'t know the political situation in 1938. While its true that the British and French were heavily anti-war the other major ally Poland was all but openly supporting Germany because they had territorial ambitions on Czechoslovakia and considered the USSR a bigger rival. >On 22 May, Juliusz Łukasiewicz, the Polish ambassador to France, told the French Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet that if France moved against Germany in defense of Czechoslovakia: "We shall not move." Łukasiewicz also told Bonnet that Poland would oppose any attempt by Soviet forces to defend Czechoslovakia from Germany. Daladier told Jakob Surits(the French PM), the Soviet ambassador to France: "Not only can we not count on Polish support but we have no faith that Poland will not strike us in the back."', ">>{zedanger} : It's a great brain, the greatest-- a magnificent brain, so beautiful, when it's splat all over the wall, people will put in the Lourve!", '>>{femshepslovechild} : > Trump is unquestionably unpresidential (this is the man who mocked a disabled reporter), but he’s nothing like Hitler. I encourage everyone to challenge and condemn the immoral and unfeasible ideas that Trump has, such as the proposal to deport 11 million undocumented migrants, but comparing Trump to Hitler is not only inaccurate, ineffective, dishonest, and dangerous, it also trivializes the tragedy of the Holocaust in the name of scoring political points. Indeed, comparing Trump to Hitler says a lot more about the accuser than the accused. **If you truly want to convince someone else to not vote for Trump, while maintaining your intellectual honesty and ostensible acumen, you really need to stop comparing Trump to Hitler.**', ">>{femshepslovechild} : The more lengthy an argument, the worse it is? That's news to logic.", '>>{JennysDad} : >Simplicity in the Philosophy of Science >The view that simplicity is a virtue in scientific theories and that, other things being equal, simpler theories should be preferred to more complex ones has been widely advocated in the history of science and philosophy, and it remains widely held by modern scientists and philosophers of science. It often goes by the name of “Ockham’s Razor.” The claim is that simplicity ought to be one of the key criteria for evaluating and choosing between rival theories, alongside criteria such as consistency with the data and coherence with accepted background theories. Simplicity, in this sense, is often understood ontologically, in terms of how simple a theory represents nature as being—for example, a theory might be said to be simpler than another if it posits the existence of fewer entities, causes, or processes in nature in order to account for the empirical data. However, simplicity can also been understood in terms of various features of how theories go about explaining nature—for example, a theory might be said to be simpler than another if it contains fewer adjustable parameters, if it invokes fewer extraneous assumptions, or if it provides a more unified explanation of the data.', '>>{femshepslovechild} : Hitler was "just a candidate?" Really? > Nearly three years later, and a decade before he even became Chancellor of Germany, Hitler began dictating Mein Kampf from his prison cell. He was in prison for staging a failed takeover of the government in Bavaria – known as the Beer Hall Putsch – where four police officers and sixteen Nazis were killed. You want your arguments to be received well? Don\'t devolve them into "he\'s literally Hitler."', '>>{bearrosaurus} : > There is not a modicum of evidence to suggest Trump would immediately call for a boycott of all Muslim businesses and bar Muslims from holding civil service, university, and state positions Uh okay, except for the fact that he said a judge would be unfit to preside over his case because of his Mexican heritage. And besides that point, why are you setting the bar that ridiculously low?', '>>{Karrionhardt} : Can someone please buy this motherfucker a keyboard with a functional spacebar.', ">>{CarmineFields} : When a candidate takes plays from the nazi playbook, he deserves it. Don't use bigotry to attract voters.", '>>{GonzoNation} : **eth·nic·i·ty** *the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.*', '>>{femshepslovechild} : Yeah you seem to have missed this part: > The view that simplicity is a virtue in scientific theories and that, **other things being equal,** simpler theories should be preferred to more complex ones The length of the argument has no explanatory power over the value of the argument itself, which is why Occam\'s razor does not apply when evaluating arguments meant to convince illogical humans. How many books have been written on the existence or nonexistence of God? If simplicity were all that were required of an argument to convince the faithful, the question would have been settled long ago. The approach "Trump is Hitler" is lazy, and is guaranteed to shut down the critical thought processes of any Trump supporter. Don\'t shit on the people you are trying to convince. Fight like a warrior.', ">>{femshepslovechild} : > When a candidate takes plays from the nazi playbook, he deserves it. Some plays in the Nazi playbook were arguably worse than others. I'm not going to condemn someone who calls for racist but nonviolent public policy to the same degree I condemn someone who calls for genocide. You pretending there is no difference between the two positions is transparently a rhetorical ploy, which brings me to your second statement: > Don't use bigotry to attract voters. How do you plan to attract Trump or undecided voters? Make outlandish statements about how Trump is the same as a man who came to power by advocating for genocide and murdering the opposition? Or do you want to deal honestly with them to facilitate a change of opinion? Choose wisely.", ">>{GonzoNation} : Hitler tortured people. So did W. W made us pay for his war and committed Abu Ghraib. Mrs. Clinton is no more an interventionist than Frank Church or William Fulbright were. Mrs. Clinton advocated and returned the US to legitimacy which both W and Trump do not want. A NATO alliance in Iraq would mean Bush would be unable to torture. There is a very sick infection of the American psyche that needs to torture people who aren't white. Trump is a self-declared carrier of this infection, just as the people who surrounded Bush in the Bush administration were. As we found out, Mrs. Clinton was right to say the responsibility for Abu Ghraib went all the way to the top.", '>>{dharmaBum0} : I think the overlooked historical analogy here is Kaiser Wilhelm II.', ">>{beer_and_beer} : Good lord, this sub now feels exactly like r/worldnews whenever Israel launches a big offensive on Palestine. Avoid it until it's over. As a basically indifferent guy just interested in trends in the election, these comment sections are just disgusting.", ">>{Vlad_Putinator} : So being a bigot makes him Hitler? Hitler had his stormtroopers beat up members of opposing parties and disrupt their rallies. A year after he took power, he had 200 people murdered because he thought they threatened his power. He had Jewish businesses boycotted and made the Nuremburg race laws. In 1938, 1,000 synagogues were burned down, 7,000 jewish businesses destroyed, 30,000 jews were arrested, and over 100 were murdered. Jews had their money taken and it was used to fund their own deportations. They were barely even allowed to go out in public. Hitler's inner circle was made up of some of the worst people to walk the earth. Thats not even mentioning the final solution. Donald Trump doesn't even have any Nazi ideologies and he isn't a fascist.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump isn't in power yet.... Okay, seriously, of course he's not Hitler, but he has deliberately used nazi tactics. He has earned the comparisons. Even if he's nowhere near as bad as Hitler, what he wants done is scary and we should be past this level of bigotry and racism from our potential leader.", '>>{GonnaBeHellToupee} : They\'re both ethnicities, they\'re not races, however. Still, I don\'t think semantics really works when even Hitler referred to it as the "jewish race" (I\'m not comparing Trump to Hitler, just saying semantics don\'t really matter) But hey, you post in the_donald, where facts get people banned, so it\'s understood that you wouldn\'t tolerate silly facts.', '>>{GonnaBeHellToupee} : You understand this article is bashing Trump, right? Or are Trumpettes just too stupid to read? The article is saying "Yeah, he\'s evil as fuck, but comparing him to hitler actually makes people feel bad for him"', ">>{GonnaBeHellToupee} : I love the OP is a non-stop Trump spammer, and in typical Trumpette form, doesn't have the reading comprehension skills to understand that this is still an article bashing Trump.", '>>{AR_Wyss} : Is there any reason why this article never has "Hitler" by itself? It\'s always missing a space and attached to another word.', ">>{Vlad_Putinator} : A better comparison would be Mussolini. He was nowhere near as bad as Hitler. Trump and Mussolini have similar personalities and that way the Hiler comparison isn't exhausted by the time someone actually like Hitler comes around.", ">>{bitfriend} : Hitler didn't preside over a divided party, for starters. He was the NASDP. Trump is someone the GOP has fought from day 1.", ">>{levalz} : He's mad, and therefore he is Hitler. Intellectually lazy bunch on this forum", ">>{levalz} : That user is the most vitriolic raging uneducated feminist on this board. She will definitely continue to equivocate mein kamph, which calls for genocide, with art of the deal, which calls for bombast to lead off a negotiation to get a better shake. Let her go. It's funny.", ">>{American_FETUS} : Hitler wasn't an idiot. I would compare him more to Biff from Back to the Future.", ">>{levalz} : Saying that judge probably has a personal bias in his case because he's Mexican and trump wants a wall is basically advocating kristalnacht. Got it. I don't think you're actually so shameless to equivocate the two, probably just ignorant.", '>>{PMMeYourJobOffer} : Henry Ford is the better comparision. Hateful bigot and successful businessman.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{dave1080} : The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S.', ">>{dave1080} : Haha lol ! Very funny ! I think you are mixing up the 2 distinct stenches. One from Trump's B.S., and the other stench that Trump's B.S. causes in some people ! :) lol", ">>{dave1080} : I know....however, Reddit.com still accepted this posting since it appears that this article's link was never posted here at all ! Also, it certainly is worth a read ! :)", ">>{bhat} : But the stench is only getting worse, so it's clearly still relevant.", '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : While its a good article, the rules limit it to 30 days', '>>{dave1080} : And that is exactly why I posted the link to this article here.', '>>{dave1080} : How many people here think that Trump will call the following CNN news article fake news considering that this article favorably talks about Trump: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/21/politics/donald-trump-republican-support/index.html (Article\'s title: "These Republicans didn\'t like Trump at first. They do now."). Note that before this article was published, Trump on camera in front of the whole world admitted saying ALL news coming out of outlets such as CNN is fake ! Good luck trying to answer this ! :)', ">>{FakFeinstein} : CNN is well known to be way more biased than some other news organizations. You showing one article doesn't change the fact that they treat him with disdain in almost all the other programs. That's fine with me, but don't call yourself a news organization, they're simply a political arm of the Democratic party.", '>>{dave1080} : Much the same way FOX news might get called a political arm of the Republican party, huh? lol.', ">>{FakFeinstein} : You're absolutely right, they're just as bad as CNN and much of their reporting is biased. It's hard to find a well respected news organization that doesn't take sides. Nowadays it's all about ratings, sensationalism and shock. Anything to turn people against each other for the sake of ratings.", '>>{dave1080} : We need to stand united, not divided ! We are not Democrats first. We are not Republicans first. We are Americans first !! - Obama !', ">>{FakFeinstein} : They all say that bullshit, but behind closed doors both sides constantly plot against each other trying to score cheap political points. This is what happens when candidates are chosen during the primaries by the far left and the far right of their respective parties, and moderates don't bother to vote. We end up with rigid ideologues, unwilling to compromise on anything. The average American is pissed off at both parties, and they feel like Washington only cares about themselves and the special interests. I consider myself mostly conservative, but I do have some liberal views, Teddy Roosevelt is my hero, and these dumbfucks in the House are trying to destroy our public lands, and the morons from the left constantly try to take my gun rights away.", '>>{dave1080} : I hear you brother ! lol. Ever considered moving to a more peaceful, stable, country? E.g. Canada? Switzerland? lol.', ">>{FakFeinstein} : Canada, yes! Even though I've never been, I hear it's an amazing and beautiful country, with tons of outdoors recreational opportunities. Switzerland, too expensive.", '>>{dave1080} : Agreed, Switzerland is very expensive from what I hear. Indeed, Canada is a marvelous country, tons of outdoorsy stuff. E.g. the Canadian Rockies in the west (in Alberta and B.C.)'], ['>>{overthrow23} : Black Leaders Emerge as Powerful Allies in LGBT Fight in U.S. South', '>>{overthrow23} : Related: [42% of African Americans support same-sex marriage] (http://www.pewforum.org/2016/05/12/changing-attitudes-on-gay-marriage)', '>>{overthrow23} : This may hold some answers: [NPR: African-Americans Question Comparing Gay Rights Movement To Civil Rights](http://www.npr.org/2015/07/02/419554758/african-americans-question-comparing-gay-rights-movement-to-civil-rights)', ">>{angrae} : I just had a discussion not too long ago with someone on reddit about this very thing and it intrigues me. For a long time, Christianity was very important to the general black Americans, but it seems there's a new turn where black Americans are realizing how HIV is disproportionately affecting young black men because they cannot be out and comfortable with who they are. I would also argue that there's an insurgence of intelligent black young progressives that are getting their voices heard via YouTube, MTV, and other platforms. It also helps to have famous black people that are accepting of gay people as well- Obamas, Oprah, The Smith family, and so many famous rappers and R&B singers.", ">>{pensee_idee} : I also won't forget the way Black Lives Matter used the attention they were getting to draw attention to the murder of trans women. I was deeply impressed when they did that.", ">>{MammalMolester} : That's far lower than what the actual white population of the south believes.", '>>{jkkuuuxb} : There are murders in every group of people. There is nothing particular about transwomen being murdered. This shit happens to actual women and men too.', '>>{trumpguard} : More africans disagree with same sex marriage than white americans.', '>>{A_Beltway_Griper} : I don\'t know about the rest of America, but the victory over "The bathroom bill" here in Houston was defeated due to the leadership of the black community. Our lesbian Mayor was very pissed off.', '>>{alukima} : Do you have a source on that? [According to wiki the South as a whole only has 47% support.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_opinion_of_same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States#By_region) Edit: [Primary Source.](http://www.people-press.org/2015/06/08/same-sex-marriage-detailed-tables/)', '>>{classic_douche} : Why are you talking about Africans? This is America.', '>>{Jkid} : But only homophobic but male supremacist when it comes to gender roles.'], ['>>{GuessMeNow} : Comparing Trump to Hitler says a lot more about the accuser than the accused', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Seriously! Hitler actually served his country in a time of war, rather than deferring because his foot hurt. Also, Hitler had far better taste in fashion and architecture.', '>>{ablurdumur} : To be fair, Mussolini is the more accurate comparison.', '>>{ablurdumur} : Did you forget you posted to r/politics and not r/the_donald?', '>>{waiv} : No. Mussolini didnt use other ethnic groups as scapegoats.', ">>{zedanger} : Hey, Donald Trump is an Idi Amin at best, got it? I'd like to see this orange fucker make the trains run on time!", '>>{shash1} : Islam is not an ethnicity, Mexican is not an ethnicity. .', '>>{aresearchmonkey} : Meh. Trump is basically neutered in a first past the post system.', ">>{JennysDad} : If you have to devote that length of an article to explain how Trump isn't *exactly* like Hitler you definitely have a problem.", '>>{waiv} : Mexican is definitively an ethnicity. > An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common language, ancestral, social, cultural, or national experiences', ">>{please__________clap} : Only one candidate was for a laundry list of wars and regime changes in the middle east, supports a no fly zone against Russian jets and is continuously escalating tensions with US-Russian relationships for political gain. Hitler would be proud of this candidate's interventionist policies and vision that may potentially lead us into World War 3.", ">>{Qunidaye} : Whew that's a load off my mind. I was beginning to think Donald was some kind of bigot", '>>{waiv} : So you are saying that Trump is like Neville Chamberlain instead? Only this time he wants to hand over Ukraine .', '>>{moxy801} : I was holding off on comparing Trump to Hitler till listening to his convention speech - 70+ minutes of angry ranting harkened back to watching old newsreels of Hitler speeches.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Remember that Hitler was just a candidate at one point too. Trump started his whole campaign by scapegoating all of America's problems on a somewhat visible minority.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Mexican is an ethnicity. Neither Mexican or Jewish is a race.', ">>{please__________clap} : My comment made absolutely no reference to Trump, please try not to get distracted. We're talking about Hitler and which candidate is more similar to him. I made the case it's the one who encouraged regime changes in...Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, and now suggesting aggressive military measures against Russia and complicating our relationships with them for personal gain. There's a very clear case that her pro-war, pro-interventionist policies is more Hitleresque then Trump.", ">>{LeftousCrusader} : He's not Hitler ffs, he's STALIN! He wants to trap us all in here with him and commence the pogroms. Hitler was all about reaching out to his neighbors.", '>>{LazloWhittaker} : Donald Trump is much fatter than Hitler. This why comparison inaccurate.', ">>{chimpaman} : Are we back to Hitler now? Just asking because I saw a heavily upvoted post on here earlier today comparing him to Neville Chamberlain. I want to make sure I don't embarrass myself by making the wrong negative comparison du jour!", ">>{femshepslovechild} : Dude, you are missing the entire point: > It’s axiomatic that the ultimate goal of those who compare Trump to Hitler (even if they know it to be untrue) is to frighten and cajole others into not voting for Trump, yet this tactic almost always has the opposite effect. Trump is terrible for all his own reasons. Let's convince people of that without painting ourselves as lunatics.", '>>{Sayting} : I\'m making it my mission to defend Chamberlain. Old comment addressing common misconceptions about him: He wasn\'t naive. The first thing he did after getting back from Munich was order British industry to move to war footing and told them to expect war with three years . Britain\'s army wasn\'t ready for war and the British people weren\'t ready for it either. People don\'t know the political situation in 1938. While its true that the British and French were heavily anti-war the other major ally Poland was all but openly supporting Germany because they had territorial ambitions on Czechoslovakia and considered the USSR a bigger rival. >On 22 May, Juliusz Łukasiewicz, the Polish ambassador to France, told the French Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet that if France moved against Germany in defense of Czechoslovakia: "We shall not move." Łukasiewicz also told Bonnet that Poland would oppose any attempt by Soviet forces to defend Czechoslovakia from Germany. Daladier told Jakob Surits(the French PM), the Soviet ambassador to France: "Not only can we not count on Polish support but we have no faith that Poland will not strike us in the back."', ">>{zedanger} : It's a great brain, the greatest-- a magnificent brain, so beautiful, when it's splat all over the wall, people will put in the Lourve!", '>>{femshepslovechild} : > Trump is unquestionably unpresidential (this is the man who mocked a disabled reporter), but he’s nothing like Hitler. I encourage everyone to challenge and condemn the immoral and unfeasible ideas that Trump has, such as the proposal to deport 11 million undocumented migrants, but comparing Trump to Hitler is not only inaccurate, ineffective, dishonest, and dangerous, it also trivializes the tragedy of the Holocaust in the name of scoring political points. Indeed, comparing Trump to Hitler says a lot more about the accuser than the accused. **If you truly want to convince someone else to not vote for Trump, while maintaining your intellectual honesty and ostensible acumen, you really need to stop comparing Trump to Hitler.**', ">>{femshepslovechild} : The more lengthy an argument, the worse it is? That's news to logic.", '>>{JennysDad} : >Simplicity in the Philosophy of Science >The view that simplicity is a virtue in scientific theories and that, other things being equal, simpler theories should be preferred to more complex ones has been widely advocated in the history of science and philosophy, and it remains widely held by modern scientists and philosophers of science. It often goes by the name of “Ockham’s Razor.” The claim is that simplicity ought to be one of the key criteria for evaluating and choosing between rival theories, alongside criteria such as consistency with the data and coherence with accepted background theories. Simplicity, in this sense, is often understood ontologically, in terms of how simple a theory represents nature as being—for example, a theory might be said to be simpler than another if it posits the existence of fewer entities, causes, or processes in nature in order to account for the empirical data. However, simplicity can also been understood in terms of various features of how theories go about explaining nature—for example, a theory might be said to be simpler than another if it contains fewer adjustable parameters, if it invokes fewer extraneous assumptions, or if it provides a more unified explanation of the data.', '>>{femshepslovechild} : Hitler was "just a candidate?" Really? > Nearly three years later, and a decade before he even became Chancellor of Germany, Hitler began dictating Mein Kampf from his prison cell. He was in prison for staging a failed takeover of the government in Bavaria – known as the Beer Hall Putsch – where four police officers and sixteen Nazis were killed. You want your arguments to be received well? Don\'t devolve them into "he\'s literally Hitler."', '>>{bearrosaurus} : > There is not a modicum of evidence to suggest Trump would immediately call for a boycott of all Muslim businesses and bar Muslims from holding civil service, university, and state positions Uh okay, except for the fact that he said a judge would be unfit to preside over his case because of his Mexican heritage. And besides that point, why are you setting the bar that ridiculously low?', '>>{Karrionhardt} : Can someone please buy this motherfucker a keyboard with a functional spacebar.', ">>{CarmineFields} : When a candidate takes plays from the nazi playbook, he deserves it. Don't use bigotry to attract voters.", '>>{GonzoNation} : **eth·nic·i·ty** *the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.*', '>>{femshepslovechild} : Yeah you seem to have missed this part: > The view that simplicity is a virtue in scientific theories and that, **other things being equal,** simpler theories should be preferred to more complex ones The length of the argument has no explanatory power over the value of the argument itself, which is why Occam\'s razor does not apply when evaluating arguments meant to convince illogical humans. How many books have been written on the existence or nonexistence of God? If simplicity were all that were required of an argument to convince the faithful, the question would have been settled long ago. The approach "Trump is Hitler" is lazy, and is guaranteed to shut down the critical thought processes of any Trump supporter. Don\'t shit on the people you are trying to convince. Fight like a warrior.', ">>{femshepslovechild} : > When a candidate takes plays from the nazi playbook, he deserves it. Some plays in the Nazi playbook were arguably worse than others. I'm not going to condemn someone who calls for racist but nonviolent public policy to the same degree I condemn someone who calls for genocide. You pretending there is no difference between the two positions is transparently a rhetorical ploy, which brings me to your second statement: > Don't use bigotry to attract voters. How do you plan to attract Trump or undecided voters? Make outlandish statements about how Trump is the same as a man who came to power by advocating for genocide and murdering the opposition? Or do you want to deal honestly with them to facilitate a change of opinion? Choose wisely.", ">>{GonzoNation} : Hitler tortured people. So did W. W made us pay for his war and committed Abu Ghraib. Mrs. Clinton is no more an interventionist than Frank Church or William Fulbright were. Mrs. Clinton advocated and returned the US to legitimacy which both W and Trump do not want. A NATO alliance in Iraq would mean Bush would be unable to torture. There is a very sick infection of the American psyche that needs to torture people who aren't white. Trump is a self-declared carrier of this infection, just as the people who surrounded Bush in the Bush administration were. As we found out, Mrs. Clinton was right to say the responsibility for Abu Ghraib went all the way to the top.", '>>{dharmaBum0} : I think the overlooked historical analogy here is Kaiser Wilhelm II.', ">>{beer_and_beer} : Good lord, this sub now feels exactly like r/worldnews whenever Israel launches a big offensive on Palestine. Avoid it until it's over. As a basically indifferent guy just interested in trends in the election, these comment sections are just disgusting.", ">>{Vlad_Putinator} : So being a bigot makes him Hitler? Hitler had his stormtroopers beat up members of opposing parties and disrupt their rallies. A year after he took power, he had 200 people murdered because he thought they threatened his power. He had Jewish businesses boycotted and made the Nuremburg race laws. In 1938, 1,000 synagogues were burned down, 7,000 jewish businesses destroyed, 30,000 jews were arrested, and over 100 were murdered. Jews had their money taken and it was used to fund their own deportations. They were barely even allowed to go out in public. Hitler's inner circle was made up of some of the worst people to walk the earth. Thats not even mentioning the final solution. Donald Trump doesn't even have any Nazi ideologies and he isn't a fascist.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump isn't in power yet.... Okay, seriously, of course he's not Hitler, but he has deliberately used nazi tactics. He has earned the comparisons. Even if he's nowhere near as bad as Hitler, what he wants done is scary and we should be past this level of bigotry and racism from our potential leader.", '>>{GonnaBeHellToupee} : They\'re both ethnicities, they\'re not races, however. Still, I don\'t think semantics really works when even Hitler referred to it as the "jewish race" (I\'m not comparing Trump to Hitler, just saying semantics don\'t really matter) But hey, you post in the_donald, where facts get people banned, so it\'s understood that you wouldn\'t tolerate silly facts.', '>>{GonnaBeHellToupee} : You understand this article is bashing Trump, right? Or are Trumpettes just too stupid to read? The article is saying "Yeah, he\'s evil as fuck, but comparing him to hitler actually makes people feel bad for him"', ">>{GonnaBeHellToupee} : I love the OP is a non-stop Trump spammer, and in typical Trumpette form, doesn't have the reading comprehension skills to understand that this is still an article bashing Trump.", '>>{AR_Wyss} : Is there any reason why this article never has "Hitler" by itself? It\'s always missing a space and attached to another word.', ">>{Vlad_Putinator} : A better comparison would be Mussolini. He was nowhere near as bad as Hitler. Trump and Mussolini have similar personalities and that way the Hiler comparison isn't exhausted by the time someone actually like Hitler comes around.", ">>{bitfriend} : Hitler didn't preside over a divided party, for starters. He was the NASDP. Trump is someone the GOP has fought from day 1.", ">>{levalz} : He's mad, and therefore he is Hitler. Intellectually lazy bunch on this forum", ">>{levalz} : That user is the most vitriolic raging uneducated feminist on this board. She will definitely continue to equivocate mein kamph, which calls for genocide, with art of the deal, which calls for bombast to lead off a negotiation to get a better shake. Let her go. It's funny.", ">>{American_FETUS} : Hitler wasn't an idiot. I would compare him more to Biff from Back to the Future.", ">>{levalz} : Saying that judge probably has a personal bias in his case because he's Mexican and trump wants a wall is basically advocating kristalnacht. Got it. I don't think you're actually so shameless to equivocate the two, probably just ignorant.", '>>{PMMeYourJobOffer} : Henry Ford is the better comparision. Hateful bigot and successful businessman.'], [">>{Cretchkin} : Comey won't commit to investigating Obama officials over Flynn leaks", '>>{viccar0} : How do we know they are Obama officials all of a sudden?', '>>{pervocracy} : They\'re really pushing this "hey, that was *classified* treason!" thing, huh? Sad.', '>>{SaltHash} : However, Comey did confirm that it is possible that those leaks are coming from White House officials. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-comey-russia-hearing-live-updates/ White House officials are not the same as those people who are leftover from the previous administration.', ">>{DickButtwoman} : Because, only Obama officials are turning on us and talking to the media Anonymously, says anonymous Trump official anonymously to the media. And you might think I'm joking, but that just happened recently. A Trump admin official complained to a media person anonymously about how everyone was out to get them, and talk to media people anonymously.", '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : >. Castro asked if it’s possible whether leaks could come directly from White House officials. Comey said “sure” and that he’s often found that the leaker is often beyond the circle of people who has direct access to the information or someone you didn’t anticipate knowing about the information. He literally just said sure and confirmed a basic question..', '>>{tfirhcslegeipS} : So, "Comey won\'t commit to investing Trump WH officials over Flynn leaks."', ">>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : That was never said at all.. We have a leak that needs investigating.. And a presidential candidate, who's team seems to be colluding with a foreign government, while the candidate denies it and calls everyone who's looked into a liar... which needs to be investigated. Why would the leak take precedent over the potential treason..? He said it over and over that he couldn't comment on specific people and their investigations.. For all you know it is going on, but it's on the back burner until they can finish with the larger more important investigation.", '>>{KingamongBeasts} : Lol but motherjones, vox, shariablue, slate, etc. are acceptable and non-partisan.', '>>{paranoidadndroid} : Why the fuck would he? The GOP is really sinking into the other side of this entire scandal. "The leaks! Find the leakers!"', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Yeah, that's what I said. Do you often hear voices in your head?", ">>{etherspin} : Schrödinger's Officials ! The anonymous sources who are terrible people but also don't exist (source = DJT)", '>>{KingamongBeasts} : Maybe you can prentend Hillary Clinton is president too.', ">>{PlanetXpressShip} : And yet you can't stop bringing her up. Man. Obsession much?", ">>{KingamongBeasts} : No I just think it's funny that you lost and refuse to move forward. Trump is going nowhere for the next 8 years. Enjoy!", '>>{PlanetXpressShip} : Yes. We refuse to move forward, but you\'re the one bringing her up. I think it\'s hilariously ironic that the side telling everyone to just "move forward" is the side that still flies the confederate flag. You guys wrote the book on sore losers ;)']]
classify and reply
['>>{Leprecon} : I agree that carplay looks a lot nicer but that google wins so much at voice commands.', ">>{tymoo22} : How carplay lags so far behind is surprising. I've been using it since shortly after head units were available with it, and while it has gotten better, it's still so rough around the edges. iOS is amazing, how Apple is content with the state carplay has been in since launch Is beyond me.", '>>{noneabove1182} : I\'ll be honest, as an Android auto user for the past year, I always thought it was "good enough" but assumed apple car play was way better cause.. Google likes releasing half finished products, and while I\'m fine with it, it hurts that products image.. had no idea car play was just as half-finished', '>>{grayninja62} : Okay so why didn\'t Yuri say "Jacob" with Siri? If they knew Siri cant\'/couldn\'t understand or pronounce the odd name wouldn\'t that have been more accurate to test then?', ">>{djmexi} : A true Apple fan wouldn't switch. Especially with the iPhone 8 coming.", '>>{urwonderful} : Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times', '>>{sanegop} : GOP EPA Chiefs Endorse Clinton over Trump’s “Profound Ignorance of Science”', ">>{RyanS0619} : You're right. I just get pulled into stuff like that as I work with mobile devices. I would hope the iPhone 8 is the S8 BUT more!", '>>{jahshua06} : This is really Siri vs Google Now/Assistant. All they compare between Auto and Car Play is how it looks.', '>>{r4816} : Trump: ‘Look at My African-American Over Here’', '>>{truthhurts4444} : If Trump has his way, he would dump toxic waste in national parks', ">>{LittleShrub} : Project Veritas' October 2016 election-related sting videos (embedded above) reveal tidbits of **selectively and (likely deceptively edited) footage absent of any context in which to evaluate them**. Unless his organization releases the footage in full, undertaking a fair assessment of their veracity is all but impossible. http://www.snopes.com/2016/10/18/project-veritas-election-videos/", ">>{BatmansParentsAreDed} : >Daily Caller You're gonna be downvoted straight to hell.", '>>{gonzone} : Hell is too good for a Daily Squalor post.', ">>{TheLastDankWizard} : Please stop posting these, it's such a non-story and its already got at least 5 other threads dedicated to it.", ">>{I_F_your_mom} : Close, he's going to start drilling and fracking on national reserves. The repubs have had a hard-on for years about the prospect of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).", ">>{TheStraightPipes} : We did test it, off camera. Sorry for not including it. We promise it didn't fix it", '>>{CarlosFromPhilly} : Jesus christ this guy is bad at talking. He was so articulate when he was preparing to run in 2000, what happened to make everything he says come out so weird and awkward?', '>>{Raspberry-Donut} : Why you dont wait to see i8 and compare before the leap?', ">>{tymoo22} : I feel that same way about Android, I love Android and still keep up with it. I should say it's not like the carplay experience is awful, I use it daily, it's far beyond what the stock Honda UI was like. But I feel like with the time it's been out in the wild, it should be an excellent experience by now.", ">>{noneabove1182} : oh for sure, anything apple and google are doing are years ahead of anything a car OEM has as of yet offered, so that's good.. but there's so much room to grow too, I'm just hoping they actually do grow", '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Victim of fake propaganda video did some stuff. News at 11.', '>>{wojosmith} : Do people know how many people visit the White house? They line them up the President walks in shakes a few hands and goes back to work. Not really a big deal. My friend who worked on the Olympic Committee got to shake his hand and Michelle spent more time talking them then the Obama. If you sign up for the tour to visit the White House sometimes you get lucky and the Pres or Michelle walk through and say hi.', ">>{StraightG0lden} : I'm sure we all know how likely seeing the unedited video is, which in itself says something about the legitimacy of the claims.", '>>{007meow} : > GOP > EPA Doesn\'t the GOP want to nuke the EPA because of their "profound ignorance of science"?', ">>{Xithryl} : What's more important here is how Android Auto said the name back with the correct pronunciation.", '>>{sanegop} : They just pretend they want to abolish them to appeal to their base. That is how it started, at least.', '>>{HBombthrow} : Lol "oversaw Trump rally agitators" is a weird way to say "wore a T shirt to a protest."', '>>{____yourcouch} : only because Trump\'s plan threatens their liberal "jobs" /s', ">>{zomg830} : I can't tell if people find this offensive or if literally anything that Trump says about the color of another person's skin becomes news.", '>>{Busybyeski} : [The EPA also ignores science.](https://news.vice.com/article/the-environmental-protection-agency-says-fracking-is-safe-but-its-scientists-disagree)', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : that's why he lost his position, because nothing he did was real", ">>{target_locked} : I wonder why the mods aren't turning this into a megathread?", ">>{whitemest} : No no no. Clearly he's in cahoots with Obama. Those visits were really appointments to meet with him and plan more dissent for the gop obvi. /s", '>>{NanoGeek} : Who in the world uses the phrase "my African-American"? I mean, even if it was totally innocent it just sounds weird and icky.', '>>{roddimus} : You know he wanted to say, "That\'s my n**** over there. "', '>>{theeaglemanstag} : Well I would hope that one party would at least attempt to take the high ground. People like you are why the Dems have had an actual challenge with a blowhard like Trump.', ">>{TRUMP_IS_KING} : He became weird with the birther stuff in 2011. Before that he was very articulate - even on The Apprentice. Then he became crazy Donald in 2011. Maybe it's Alzheimer's?", '>>{WillemDafuq_} : Trump messes up a sentence and says "my African American" it immediately means he\'s racist and 50 hack write stories about it. St Bernard says "white people don\'t know what it\'s like to be poor" and all the media outlets cover for him and report he misspoke. lol', '>>{cater2222} : You keep saying it looks better jeezes but I rather have something work better first than to look better first', ">>{BelieveEnemie} : You're right. Usually they say worse. But I think the media just fears his populist message is starting to resonate beyond 2008 identity politics.", '>>{sanegop} : This is a good point. There is definitely corruption and collusion in the EPA. Getting rid of it entirely might be a good thing, if there was a plan in place to support or improve their function.', '>>{sglville} : Samsung phones are good but you have a good phone now. Change because you want different but dont expect it to be better.', '>>{Zannyth} : Lmao he needs to do this. Would stir the pot for sure', '>>{tyfudgey} : This sub will only give you bias answers. You should be asking this question elsewhere', '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : As nice as Galaxy phones are, they still run Android which has its own ups and downs. The biggest thing, from the times I tried to make the switch, were the painful lack of iMessage and how terrible most of the apps are on the Play Store. Where iOS gets a dozen high quality apps a month, you get 1 or 2 every few years on Android.', '>>{artwooo} : I call a friend of mine by his not listed nickname and siri finds it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it sucks', ">>{blastnabbit} : That article is quoting the EPA's own science advisors, so the EPA *is* clearly noting the science, and that's what the science advisors are for. Also, there's this: >The charge leveled by the advising scientists is not that the EPA erred in the 20 peer-reviewed studies it conducted and 3,500 more studies and reports it reviewed. Rather, the advisory board, consisting of government and university scientists, finds fault with how the agency presented the information most likely to influence public opinion — particularly that the claim of no systematic impact on drinking water is insufficiently nuanced.", '>>{Busybyeski} : Hillary declared in her nomination speech that she believes in science. When will she take a stand with the scientists to stop downplaying the severity of fracking and in fact encouraging it?', '>>{XeraanTruss} : Definitely like the Carplay UI better, but Siri is a joke and everyone who has used her more than once knows this. Whatever Google is doing, Apple needs to do it too.', '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : Every few years I grab an Android instead of an iPhone and then return to iPhone in a couple of weeks.', '>>{algalkin} : Also, I have a friend Yuri and my iphone was never able to find him in the phone book if I try voicing his name, I had to rename him to Yorik in my phonebook (took me several tries with different nicknames) so Siri finally is able to phone him properly.', '>>{RyanS0619} : Funny thing is, I always do the same thing. But yet every year I am tempted to get the next flagship device Samsung offers🙄', '>>{NanoGeek} : I would have rather Trump not referred to him as "my" anything. Also, what was his purpose in pointing out a black person in the audience? My suspicion is that this is the sequel to his "I love Mexicans" tweet where he tries to pretend that minorities love him despite the obvious truth.', '>>{college_bound_baby} : The "it looks better" argument is useless in a car setting... you\'re supposed to be eyes on the road. Google just shows you the info you need, song, destinations, etc. at a glance without having to dive into each app. I argue that while having the apps and black screen is more pleasing aesthetically, functionally it is useless. Especially when paired with the subpar voice recognition.', ">>{roddimus} : He will, trust me. They'll try to cover it up. I'll give him until September.", '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I really want Android to get itself together so I can make the jump permanently. Windows Phone 7/8 was the first time I left iOS for more than a year. Even though it had no software.', '>>{blastnabbit} : >An in-depth investigation by progressive magazine Mother Jones said that Clinton’s support of fracking was "part of a broader push to fight climate change, boost global energy supply, and undercut the power of adversaries such as Russia that use their energy resources as a cudgel." >... >Sanders said that Clinton supported and continues "to support fracking." >As secretary of state, Clinton supported and promoted fracking around the world. As a 2016 candidate, her support comes with conditions such as local choice, stronger environmental regulation and chemicals. >Sanders’ claim is accurate but needs additional information. We rate it Mostly True. >http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/apr/13/bernie-s/does-hillary-clinton-support-fracking/ To me, that says this is a nuanced issue.', '>>{Expiscor} : Fracking is far cleaner than coal and helps reduce our dependence on it', ">>{Zannyth} : The purpose is he's hounded as a racist and he's pointing out that some black people support him and go to his rallies. I like the black supporter who knocked down the jackass disrupting a Trump rally in a KKK outfit with a confederate flag printout", '>>{NanoGeek} : So basically he\'s just doing the "I\'m not racist, I have a black friend!" thing on a larger scale?', '>>{umbertounity82} : Well one of the chiefs in this article is William Ruckelshaus. He was the first head of the EPA after Nixon created it. So I doubt they want to destroy the EPA.', '>>{Xanthanum87} : Trump doesn\'t understand the environment. Clinton doesn\'t understand technology and the word "classified." Ugh November is gonna suck either way.', ">>{RyanS0619} : Yeah I agree. I guess I'll wait to see what Apple does with their next phone. I hope it's good because I would hate to see the company loose its innovation", '>>{innervision} : The modern "science and regulation are for pussies" GOP wants to dismantle the EPA. The average American used to have more faith in experts back in the day, including republicans.', ">>{lordpotatoofpotatoes} : I personally would. I've never owned an Android phone in my entire life, so it's be an interesting switch. I also demoed the S8 at my local Target and I've got to say, I'm very impressed. It's making me more excited to upgrade.", ">>{c0des} : You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that's not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names.", ">>{saullyj} : Samsung phones lose support after two years, if they even last that long. The OS slows down considerably after a year of use. Android uses drastically different battery management than iOS, and I've never found the phones to have any real endurance. I used to switch back and forth, but the overall user experience is that much better with Apple. It's what keeps bringing me back.", '>>{gis8} : Security is why I stick with Apple now. Samsung has shown it has no interest in protecting that.', '>>{Maggie_A} : >Trump doesn\'t understand the environment. Clinton doesn\'t understand technology and the word "classified." Plus Clinton\'s pro-fracking and she just appointed a man as the head of her transition team who said, ["There’s not a single case where hydraulic fracking has created an environmental problem for anyone](http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/hillary-clinton-appoints-ken-salazar-lead-white-house-transition-2402567). And people who head transition teams often end up Chief of Staff, Cabinet Secretaries or Senior Advisors. >Ugh November is gonna suck either way. Which is why I\'m voting third party.', ">>{pilot-mikus14} : I had a terrible experience switching to an S7 edge from my iPhone 6. The battery life went downhill extremely fast, everything got very slow and laggy and I had a problem receiving texts for some reason unknown to me. Overall the customization was cool but for quality of the device I would stick to apple. I just got an iPhone 7 plus and I'm super happy.", ">>{Goasupreme} : He's thanking the guy for kicking the shit out of the KKK guy, imo.", '>>{Mark3180} : I don\'t want google to "suggest" info. I want the UI to resemble my phone with icons and ill navigate through them at the lights. Btw Carplay in Australia works really good. Maybe those guys had US English selected as language rather than Canadian hence working in miles.', ">>{Zannyth} : That's how I interpreted it lol. I don't think it was necessary but I can understand why he did it.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Holy fuck the dishonesty is unreal I've never seen anything like this in my life. He was talking to his loyal supporter who was at the rally about how he was previously in the news for beating up the guy with the KKK outfit. Trumps ENTIRE FUCKING SPEECH being quoted here was about **how rediculous the media was that when one of his African American supporters attacked someone they assumed he was against Trump since he was black!**", ">>{Maggie_A} : >Fracking is far cleaner than coal and helps reduce our dependence on it While increasing our dependence on the new housing we'll need because of **earthquakes**. Plus, I don't like it when water catches on fire. I'd be in favor of carbon capture & storage before I'd be in favor of fracking. Earthquakes aren't covered by homeowner's insurance. And even if you can buy earthquake insurance (which isn't offered everywhere), it only covers structural damage to the building, not any of its contents. Fracking was an experiment that was worth trying. Now we know what it does, we need to stop.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Yah [too bad he's not as articulate as our president](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSxo9-Z5Ki0&r) If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if", ">>{Xanthanum87} : Ditto! I'm also sick of all the maligning going on with the green platform.", '>>{college_bound_baby} : To that, it might be illegal. I\'m pretty sure it would be considered distracted driving here in Canada, although I\'m not 100% sure. Everyone will have preferences, but I prefer the "at a glance" option of android auto over the static grid of CarPlay. Just personal opinion.', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Except it's literally not a story. It's about how black supporter who knocked out that idiot protestor in the KKK outfit. The guy he's talking too is friends with him. Jesus you people are desperate.", ">>{Expiscor} : The only earthquakes we know of that would happen due to fracking are extremely small and wouldn't cause any sort of damage. We shouldn't get rid of a technology that helps us reduce dependency on the dirtiest power source, coal, out there. We should regulate more stringently and make the process more transparent.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : No it was the same guy, that's who he was talking to at the rally..", ">>{RyanS0619} : Yeah after reading through everyone's replies, I am going to stay with apple!", '>>{RyanS0619} : Does everyone think the IPhone 7S or 8 will be like the S8?', ">>{NanoGeek} : [The New York Times says they're different people.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/04/us/politics/donald-trump-african-americans.html)", ">>{djlaxl} : Was at Best Buy today and played with both S8 models...I must say, it is the absolutely nicest feeling phone I have ever held in my hand, but there is no way I'd trade that beautiful design for software updates, the messaging, the security, the fluidity, the ecosystem, and the support from Apple (three stores within 20 miles from me).", '>>{L33tMasta} : What a crock of garbage. They\'re using what looks to be a stock, entry level system without a dedicated, directional or calibrated microphone, guy in the glasses is mumbling while talking to Siri and mispronouncing places like "Toronto" and didn\'t even try using "Jacob" with Siri instead of whatever the hell he was saying before, but at least they got the aesthetics portion correct. I\'ve been using CarPlay ever since my Pioneer 4000NEX got the update a few years ago, and have had no where near the number of issues these guys are having. Name recognition is always spot on, I pronounce the address clearly and include the city and province, and the dictation for text messages is almost always correct the first time. I don\'t know what I expected from a YouTube channel with only 5k subs, though. Edit: And while we\'re at it, why wasn\'t this done on a garage or somewhere else where outside sound couldn\'t influence the test? A controlled environment for a test that requires a great deal of sound accuracy seems like a no brainer for me. External stimuli can skew the results quite drastically, as we see here. And as /u/C0des above stated: You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that\'s not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names. This would have drastically helped with Siri picking up on a foreign name like that. Edit 2: I put a contact called "Jakub W" in my iPhone 7 Plus 128GB and Siri had no issue calling them when I pronounced it like the guy in the video. So y\'all keep downvoting, it doesn\'t change the fact that I\'m right.', '>>{roddimus} : At this point and time, I really don\'t know who will be elected. And that\'s scary to me. This is one of the most confusing, frustrating, fuster-cluck of an election. I\'m likely to do like in the movie "Brewster\'s Millions" and vote none of the above.', '>>{TheStraightPipes} : This is what most people will get on new cars, so yes it\'s stock and very fair. We tried saying "Jacob" off camera and it did the same thing. You\'re welcome to come back and check out our channel in a few months when we\'re at 100,000 subs :)', ">>{L0veToReddit} : You're kidding right? The iphone 7 came out barely a couple months ago", '>>{youareaspastic} : Must have been the other black guy that goes to Trump rallies', '>>{L33tMasta} : > This is what most people will get with new cars My bad. I didn\'t know people just suddenly decided to opt out of upgrading their stereo systems for better feature such as directional and dedicated microphones. I guess the dealerships no longer offer that. At least at Hyundai, they might not. > We tried saying "Jacob" off camera and it did the same thing Convenient that it was off camera and not properly tested on camera like an actual head to head. I guess we can just leave details out and take bias reviewers at their word, then. > You\'re welcome to come back and check out our channel in a few months when we\'re at 100,000 subs Big pass there, chief. I\'ll stick to the actual tech reviews that do the videos properly and aren\'t biased towards Android. I\'m glad you\'re at least optimistic of your number of subscribers. I\'ll check back year\'s end to see how many you actually have. RemindMe! EOY Edit: And while we\'re at it, why wasn\'t this done on a garage or somewhere else where outside sound couldn\'t influence the test? A controlled environment for a test that requires a great deal of sound accuracy seems like a no brainer for me. External stimuli can skew the results quite drastically, as we see here. And as /u/C0des above stated: > You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that\'s not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names. This would have drastically helped with Siri picking up on a foreign name like that.', ">>{Maggie_A} : >The only earthquakes we know of that would happen due to fracking are extremely small and wouldn't cause any sort of damage. [Tell that to the people in Oklahoma whose houses were damaged.](https://www.google.com/search?q=fracking+earthquakes+oklahoma&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=fracking+earthquakes+oklahoma+home+damage) The ones who didn't have earthquake insurance (because it was Oklahoma) and can't afford the repairs. What do you work for a fracking company? Because deliberately ignoring the facts only appeals to other people who like to deliberately ignore the facts. It won't get you anywhere with people who are informed. So stop trying to peddle your ignorance to me..........I'm far too informed to buy what you're trying to sell. But it should go over well on the r/The_Donald.", ">>{phantomdreamwalker} : After all this time it still hasn't gotten itself together what would change in the future. I would switch also but there's some things on iOS I can do that I've gotten so used to that can't be done on Android which is so infuriating as Android is touted to be so flexible and versatile.", ">>{TheStraightPipes} : Hahaha I'd gladly make another video for you to prove that we tried it but you seem like a bit of a dick for no reason. Definitely stick to dedicated tech reviews. We are in no way biased towards anything as we are objective automotive journalists. I use Android and he uses Apple, simple.", ">>{Expiscor} : So people like you believe fracking causes earthquakes, then they sue companies unsuccessfully. That's what I'm getting from your links. Can you show me some scientific studies that show that fracking causes large earthquakes? Remember, feels don't equal reals.", '>>{TheLastDankWizard} : Yeah Im about as far away from a Trump supporter as you can get, but this is literally "Totally outrageous RACIST Trump says thing that I find offensive!" The man slipped up and forgot to say "friend" or "supporter". This is such a stupid story to be posting everywhere. It\'s just as bad when we get 20 pro-Bernie posts about the same exact thing. I love Bernie as much as the next guy but this is just stupid.', ">>{Ubuntu_Linux_User} : Don't worry about it dude. You offend him by having a different opinion. Nothing you say is going to make it better.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : hey they made a song about "icky vicky" on the fairy oddparents cartoon so it must be a mature word', '>>{here2red} : What a hatchet job done on a perfectly innocent speech.', '>>{GBralta} : You are right. We have to make room for those "Bernie leads trump in the polls" and "FBI is hot on Hillary\'s trail" posts.', ">>{hvyboots} : You have to remember, iOS didn't get copy/paste until like iOS 3 or something. Apple takes a surprisingly long time to iterate things sometimes. I basically agree with the Apple guy in the video that Car Play *looks* better, but no matter where you use Siri right now, she is so *terrible* at making guesses about stuff. I tried to call a restaurant while driving the other day and even though it's in my address book, Siri took it upon herself to call someplace 500 miles away in freaking Denver, CO instead. And that's basically what was shown in the video—that Google can correctly parse things about twice as rationally as Siri can right now.", ">>{TheWhiteNightmare} : It's not just that Google likes releasing half finished products, they like releasing half finished products and then never updating/canning them when they lose interest. I don't think Apple is quite as guilty of this, but Siri is a fair example in my opinion.", '>>{L33tMasta} : > nothing you say is going to make it better You\'re spot on with that. They covered everything from their flawed testing, improper setup, uncontrolled environmental factors and sub par equipment. > you offended him by having a different opinion No, they "offended" me by being bias towards Android Auto, and not performing the tests properly (see above). Then they proceeded to post this nonsense and pretend like it\'s fact, going so far as to say in their youtube comments that they "cannot wait for all the Apple user\'s tears", and pinning it. If that\'s not bias then I don\'t know what is.', '>>{Anti-Dentite8910} : Keep wishing. Over 30+ years in the Hollywood spotlight and the best you hacks can dig up is some Trump U bullshit.', ">>{tempestjg} : I can be both bias and true. Just accept that CarPlay isn't as good. Even Apple fans accept it.", '>>{Ubuntu_Linux_User} : > REAL WORLD comparison > improper setup, uncontrolled environmental factors and sub par equipment Wat.', ">>{L33tMasta} : > real world comparison Here let me translate that for you: Poorly Performed and Biased Comparison External stimuli in an uncontrolled environment basically nullified anything they thought they found, but **especially** outside noise and other uncontrolled factors that gave the Android Auto an unfair advantage. Who knows if the wind outside the vehicle was blowing harder during one test vs the other, if a large vehicle was passing by, or any number of other sounds from the cityscape were causing more external noise during one test vs the other? There's a reason this shit is done in a controlled environment by the pros.", ">>{INACCURATE_RESPONSE} : In Australia also - I'd agree that Apple maps works surprisingly good with directions etc but using Siri is a pain as always.", ">>{DJ-Salinger} : Siri used to be amazing though. And it would be bad enough if it just stagnated, but I feel like it's actually getting worse. There are a lot of plus sides to getting an iPhone, but.....Siri is just not one of them. On Android now, but still reminiscent of back when I was jailbroken and mapped holding down the home button to a Google voice search..", '>>{DJ-Salinger} : The UI is just the notification pane of any smart phone though.', '>>{drinkit_or_wearit} : LOL, "It looks better!" Yeah, maybe but who cares when the whole damn point is to never look at it and just give accurate voice commands while driving and looking at the road. That said, I think half of that video boils down to how they "train" the voice recognition. My Siri rarely ever makes mistakes.', ">>{noneabove1182} : it's interesting, because I'd almost take that one step further and say that typically once google finishes a product it's one of the best if not the best in its field.. but that happens so rarely then on the other hand, apple typically releases completed products, but i've never found them to be particularly compelling, but they're always good. Then apple car play and siri are their rare non-completed ones and they're... well, yeah", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", '>>{L33tMasta} : And as /u/c0des above stated: > You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that\'s not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names. Edit: I seriously put in a fake contact with the name "Jakub W" and when I pronounce it like the guy in the video, Siri picks it up everytime.', ">>{L33tMasta} : And as /u/C0des above stated: > You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that's not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names.", ">>{Karlwithakay} : I'm gonna try the learn to pronounce Siri thing. Thanks!", '>>{L33tMasta} : No problem. You seem like a cool dude, but your buddy is a chode ass Android loving pile of shit based on his comments. When you give Siri the command, simply tap on the name and you can type it in to correct her. I believe this is how you can correct her pronounciation. But I just put "Jakub W" in my phone with a fake number, says "Call Jakub (Yak-oob) W" and she picked it up first time. Like I mentioned before, I think you guys had some extreme distortion or outside noise during the Apple CarPlay section that would have caused an issue with her hearing properly. That\'s the only time I ever have an issue with CarPlay not picking up my commands properly. Granted I drive an old ass Oldsmobile Alero with shitty, degraded weather proofing, an old engine belt that I should probably replace, and the heat/fans turned up to max because I hate being cold.', '>>{Karlwithakay} : I know. Copy and pasted a poorly spelled sentence. Just trying to clear that one part up.', ">>{L33tMasta} : My Pioneer AVH-4000NEX came with a directional microphone that I have placed on the roof, directly centre, pointed at the driver's seat. > Because normal people use Carply and Android Auto with directional microphone When your equipment isn't low end stock trash, yes. > outside noise If you're going to test outside noise you need a standardized way of doing it. Parking in some random ass street is not the correct way to do this. Doing it in a garage, with the same sounds playing outside of the vehicle, would be the correct way of doing it. That way both systems are exposed to the exact same conditions.", ">>{oDiscordia19} : Came to say the same thing. If someone believes Siri is better than googles voice services they've never used google. And I'm a huge fan of my iPhone.", '>>{L33tMasta} : A standardized test that allows equal "real world" conditions be applied to both systems. Again, the example of having the vehicle in a garage with the same soundtrack of noise playing outside of the vehicle, at the same volume, to simulate traffic or construction, or whatever you want to play. There are too many variables for the test in the OP to be even considered accurate under any circumstances.', ">>{Kilmonjaro} : It's Siri that's holding it back..if the next major update to iOS doesn't have a major Siri update they are wayyyy behind", ">>{masterYodaOG} : I have a 7plus but CarPlay is utter garbage so I keep a cheap Android phone in my car with offline google maps/downloaded music it'd be nice to have realtime traffic alerts and other services that use the internet but i really can't seem to use CarPlay", ">>{JackDostoevsky} : It's preeeettty terrible. Which is sad, because over the past year I found myself wanting to do more and more with voice, and Siri just makes the entire experience pretty miserable.", '>>{Mark3180} : The icon has a badge with the number of notifications that app has. When you get a text it appears as a notification', ">>{RemindMeBot} : I will be messaging you on [**2017-12-31 09:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2017-12-31 09:00:00 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/61zs44/real_world_comparison_of_android_auto_vs_apple/dfj6naz) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/61zs44/real_world_comparison_of_android_auto_vs_apple/dfj6naz]%0A%0ARemindMe! 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When you're using Apple Carplay, you're driving, not sitting in a garage. That makes no sense at all. You test it in the conditions that it will be used. Regardless, Android Auto never had a problem, so that point is moot anyway.", ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Lol Apple really means a lot to you, doesn't it? You've built your personality upon being an Apple fan, and you get offended when someone criticises them, no matter how valid it is. That's sad, mate.", '>>{L33tMasta} : > Redditor for 6 days If I wanted advice from a newbie, I\'d ask for it. And since you posted 2 comments I\'ll quote them both here for ease of reading: > Apple really means a lot to you, doesn\'t it? Blah blah blah I don\'t know what I\'m talking about blah blah blah That\'s sad, mate. When the criticism is valid, I\'ll acknowledge it as such. This is just garbage clickbait nonsense that got spammed all over /r/Apple and /r/iPhone. The mods over at /r/Apple agree, the user in question posts almost exclusively their own videos and according to the Reddit FAQ that constitutes spam. > Why would you test it in a garage? When you\'re using Apple Carplay, you\'re driving, not sitting in a garage. That makes no sense at all. You test it in the conditions that it will be used. Wrong. You test it in a controlled environment with exact equal stimuli that simulates real world conditions. That way you ensure a fair and accurate test case, otherwise who knows if a large truck was going by during the CarPlay test vs Android Auto, if the wind picked up and was causing additional noise, maybe a car honking in the background, etc. This is anecdotal at best, and far from a true and accurate test. > Regardless, Android Auto never had a problem, so that point is moot anyway. Haha yea. It\'s easy to fake a bias test for clickbate subs. This is why this shit is done in controlled environments by reputable reviewers, not "Yacub and yuri" in their mom\'s Hyundai on a street corner.', ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Lol so just because it doesn't work as you wanted it to, it's fake!? That's hilarious. The video was made in the same conditions that you'd use it for in real life. They weren't trying to scientifically prove anything. They just wanted to test in real conditions, and unfortunately for you, Android won.", ">>{L33tMasta} : > because it doesn't work as you wanted it to, it's fake!? No. The test was done in an innacurate manner that was designed to give a bias towards one (Android Auto) vs the other (CarPlay). > they weren't trying to scientifically prove anything Ah, yes. So sloppy testing conditions that favour one vendor over the other are just the norm these days, I guess. Who cares about equal and fair testing? > Android won Oh boy! Introducing non-standard names that haven't had their pronunciation correctly input, having uncontrolled external factors, and a biased test platform sure shows the strength of Android Auto! I'm sure all the poor peasants that can't afford the iPhone are just overjoyed at this revelation. Meanwhile my obviously higher end system that's actually calibrated properly has next to no issues with use. If my deck supported Android Auto, I'd do a proper test myself. I could hack it with unofficial eBay firmware from the AVH-4100NEX, but I don't feel like possibly bricking my deck over a feature that I'll never use.", ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Hahahaha you're hilarious. I can't believe how stressed this has made you. You're literally offended at the results. You're a walking stereotype.", '>>{L33tMasta} : Yep. Non-standard biased garbage like this sure has made me "stressed". What actually has me offended is the fact that someone has passed this nonsense off as fact. Unsurprisingly, people that have no idea what they\'re talking about (you) believe it.', ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Lol. You've certainly entertained me, that's for sure."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{djmexi} : A true Apple fan wouldn't switch. Especially with the iPhone 8 coming.", ">>{RyanS0619} : You're right. I just get pulled into stuff like that as I work with mobile devices. I would hope the iPhone 8 is the S8 BUT more!", '>>{Raspberry-Donut} : Why you dont wait to see i8 and compare before the leap?', '>>{sglville} : Samsung phones are good but you have a good phone now. Change because you want different but dont expect it to be better.', '>>{tyfudgey} : This sub will only give you bias answers. You should be asking this question elsewhere', '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : As nice as Galaxy phones are, they still run Android which has its own ups and downs. The biggest thing, from the times I tried to make the switch, were the painful lack of iMessage and how terrible most of the apps are on the Play Store. Where iOS gets a dozen high quality apps a month, you get 1 or 2 every few years on Android.', '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : Every few years I grab an Android instead of an iPhone and then return to iPhone in a couple of weeks.', '>>{RyanS0619} : Funny thing is, I always do the same thing. But yet every year I am tempted to get the next flagship device Samsung offers🙄', '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I really want Android to get itself together so I can make the jump permanently. Windows Phone 7/8 was the first time I left iOS for more than a year. Even though it had no software.', ">>{RyanS0619} : Yeah I agree. I guess I'll wait to see what Apple does with their next phone. I hope it's good because I would hate to see the company loose its innovation", ">>{lordpotatoofpotatoes} : I personally would. I've never owned an Android phone in my entire life, so it's be an interesting switch. I also demoed the S8 at my local Target and I've got to say, I'm very impressed. It's making me more excited to upgrade.", ">>{saullyj} : Samsung phones lose support after two years, if they even last that long. The OS slows down considerably after a year of use. Android uses drastically different battery management than iOS, and I've never found the phones to have any real endurance. I used to switch back and forth, but the overall user experience is that much better with Apple. It's what keeps bringing me back.", '>>{gis8} : Security is why I stick with Apple now. Samsung has shown it has no interest in protecting that.', ">>{pilot-mikus14} : I had a terrible experience switching to an S7 edge from my iPhone 6. The battery life went downhill extremely fast, everything got very slow and laggy and I had a problem receiving texts for some reason unknown to me. Overall the customization was cool but for quality of the device I would stick to apple. I just got an iPhone 7 plus and I'm super happy.", ">>{RyanS0619} : Yeah after reading through everyone's replies, I am going to stay with apple!", '>>{RyanS0619} : Does everyone think the IPhone 7S or 8 will be like the S8?', ">>{djlaxl} : Was at Best Buy today and played with both S8 models...I must say, it is the absolutely nicest feeling phone I have ever held in my hand, but there is no way I'd trade that beautiful design for software updates, the messaging, the security, the fluidity, the ecosystem, and the support from Apple (three stores within 20 miles from me).", ">>{L0veToReddit} : You're kidding right? The iphone 7 came out barely a couple months ago", ">>{phantomdreamwalker} : After all this time it still hasn't gotten itself together what would change in the future. I would switch also but there's some things on iOS I can do that I've gotten so used to that can't be done on Android which is so infuriating as Android is touted to be so flexible and versatile."], ['>>{r4816} : Trump: ‘Look at My African-American Over Here’', ">>{TheLastDankWizard} : Please stop posting these, it's such a non-story and its already got at least 5 other threads dedicated to it.", '>>{CarlosFromPhilly} : Jesus christ this guy is bad at talking. He was so articulate when he was preparing to run in 2000, what happened to make everything he says come out so weird and awkward?', ">>{zomg830} : I can't tell if people find this offensive or if literally anything that Trump says about the color of another person's skin becomes news.", ">>{target_locked} : I wonder why the mods aren't turning this into a megathread?", '>>{NanoGeek} : Who in the world uses the phrase "my African-American"? I mean, even if it was totally innocent it just sounds weird and icky.', '>>{roddimus} : You know he wanted to say, "That\'s my n**** over there. "', ">>{TRUMP_IS_KING} : He became weird with the birther stuff in 2011. Before that he was very articulate - even on The Apprentice. Then he became crazy Donald in 2011. Maybe it's Alzheimer's?", '>>{WillemDafuq_} : Trump messes up a sentence and says "my African American" it immediately means he\'s racist and 50 hack write stories about it. St Bernard says "white people don\'t know what it\'s like to be poor" and all the media outlets cover for him and report he misspoke. lol', ">>{BelieveEnemie} : You're right. Usually they say worse. But I think the media just fears his populist message is starting to resonate beyond 2008 identity politics.", '>>{Zannyth} : Lmao he needs to do this. Would stir the pot for sure', '>>{NanoGeek} : I would have rather Trump not referred to him as "my" anything. Also, what was his purpose in pointing out a black person in the audience? My suspicion is that this is the sequel to his "I love Mexicans" tweet where he tries to pretend that minorities love him despite the obvious truth.', ">>{roddimus} : He will, trust me. They'll try to cover it up. I'll give him until September.", ">>{Zannyth} : The purpose is he's hounded as a racist and he's pointing out that some black people support him and go to his rallies. I like the black supporter who knocked down the jackass disrupting a Trump rally in a KKK outfit with a confederate flag printout", '>>{NanoGeek} : So basically he\'s just doing the "I\'m not racist, I have a black friend!" thing on a larger scale?', ">>{Goasupreme} : He's thanking the guy for kicking the shit out of the KKK guy, imo.", ">>{Zannyth} : That's how I interpreted it lol. I don't think it was necessary but I can understand why he did it.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Holy fuck the dishonesty is unreal I've never seen anything like this in my life. He was talking to his loyal supporter who was at the rally about how he was previously in the news for beating up the guy with the KKK outfit. Trumps ENTIRE FUCKING SPEECH being quoted here was about **how rediculous the media was that when one of his African American supporters attacked someone they assumed he was against Trump since he was black!**", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Yah [too bad he's not as articulate as our president](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSxo9-Z5Ki0&r) If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Except it's literally not a story. It's about how black supporter who knocked out that idiot protestor in the KKK outfit. The guy he's talking too is friends with him. Jesus you people are desperate.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : No it was the same guy, that's who he was talking to at the rally..", ">>{NanoGeek} : [The New York Times says they're different people.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/04/us/politics/donald-trump-african-americans.html)", '>>{roddimus} : At this point and time, I really don\'t know who will be elected. And that\'s scary to me. This is one of the most confusing, frustrating, fuster-cluck of an election. I\'m likely to do like in the movie "Brewster\'s Millions" and vote none of the above.', '>>{youareaspastic} : Must have been the other black guy that goes to Trump rallies', '>>{TheLastDankWizard} : Yeah Im about as far away from a Trump supporter as you can get, but this is literally "Totally outrageous RACIST Trump says thing that I find offensive!" The man slipped up and forgot to say "friend" or "supporter". This is such a stupid story to be posting everywhere. It\'s just as bad when we get 20 pro-Bernie posts about the same exact thing. I love Bernie as much as the next guy but this is just stupid.', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : hey they made a song about "icky vicky" on the fairy oddparents cartoon so it must be a mature word', '>>{here2red} : What a hatchet job done on a perfectly innocent speech.', '>>{GBralta} : You are right. We have to make room for those "Bernie leads trump in the polls" and "FBI is hot on Hillary\'s trail" posts.', '>>{Anti-Dentite8910} : Keep wishing. Over 30+ years in the Hollywood spotlight and the best you hacks can dig up is some Trump U bullshit.'], ['>>{Leprecon} : I agree that carplay looks a lot nicer but that google wins so much at voice commands.', ">>{tymoo22} : How carplay lags so far behind is surprising. I've been using it since shortly after head units were available with it, and while it has gotten better, it's still so rough around the edges. iOS is amazing, how Apple is content with the state carplay has been in since launch Is beyond me.", '>>{noneabove1182} : I\'ll be honest, as an Android auto user for the past year, I always thought it was "good enough" but assumed apple car play was way better cause.. Google likes releasing half finished products, and while I\'m fine with it, it hurts that products image.. had no idea car play was just as half-finished', '>>{grayninja62} : Okay so why didn\'t Yuri say "Jacob" with Siri? If they knew Siri cant\'/couldn\'t understand or pronounce the odd name wouldn\'t that have been more accurate to test then?', '>>{jahshua06} : This is really Siri vs Google Now/Assistant. All they compare between Auto and Car Play is how it looks.', ">>{TheStraightPipes} : We did test it, off camera. Sorry for not including it. We promise it didn't fix it", ">>{tymoo22} : I feel that same way about Android, I love Android and still keep up with it. I should say it's not like the carplay experience is awful, I use it daily, it's far beyond what the stock Honda UI was like. But I feel like with the time it's been out in the wild, it should be an excellent experience by now.", ">>{noneabove1182} : oh for sure, anything apple and google are doing are years ahead of anything a car OEM has as of yet offered, so that's good.. but there's so much room to grow too, I'm just hoping they actually do grow", ">>{Xithryl} : What's more important here is how Android Auto said the name back with the correct pronunciation.", '>>{cater2222} : You keep saying it looks better jeezes but I rather have something work better first than to look better first', '>>{artwooo} : I call a friend of mine by his not listed nickname and siri finds it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it sucks', '>>{XeraanTruss} : Definitely like the Carplay UI better, but Siri is a joke and everyone who has used her more than once knows this. Whatever Google is doing, Apple needs to do it too.', '>>{algalkin} : Also, I have a friend Yuri and my iphone was never able to find him in the phone book if I try voicing his name, I had to rename him to Yorik in my phonebook (took me several tries with different nicknames) so Siri finally is able to phone him properly.', '>>{college_bound_baby} : The "it looks better" argument is useless in a car setting... you\'re supposed to be eyes on the road. Google just shows you the info you need, song, destinations, etc. at a glance without having to dive into each app. I argue that while having the apps and black screen is more pleasing aesthetically, functionally it is useless. Especially when paired with the subpar voice recognition.', ">>{c0des} : You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that's not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names.", '>>{Mark3180} : I don\'t want google to "suggest" info. I want the UI to resemble my phone with icons and ill navigate through them at the lights. Btw Carplay in Australia works really good. Maybe those guys had US English selected as language rather than Canadian hence working in miles.', '>>{college_bound_baby} : To that, it might be illegal. I\'m pretty sure it would be considered distracted driving here in Canada, although I\'m not 100% sure. Everyone will have preferences, but I prefer the "at a glance" option of android auto over the static grid of CarPlay. Just personal opinion.', '>>{L33tMasta} : What a crock of garbage. They\'re using what looks to be a stock, entry level system without a dedicated, directional or calibrated microphone, guy in the glasses is mumbling while talking to Siri and mispronouncing places like "Toronto" and didn\'t even try using "Jacob" with Siri instead of whatever the hell he was saying before, but at least they got the aesthetics portion correct. I\'ve been using CarPlay ever since my Pioneer 4000NEX got the update a few years ago, and have had no where near the number of issues these guys are having. Name recognition is always spot on, I pronounce the address clearly and include the city and province, and the dictation for text messages is almost always correct the first time. I don\'t know what I expected from a YouTube channel with only 5k subs, though. Edit: And while we\'re at it, why wasn\'t this done on a garage or somewhere else where outside sound couldn\'t influence the test? A controlled environment for a test that requires a great deal of sound accuracy seems like a no brainer for me. External stimuli can skew the results quite drastically, as we see here. And as /u/C0des above stated: You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that\'s not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names. This would have drastically helped with Siri picking up on a foreign name like that. Edit 2: I put a contact called "Jakub W" in my iPhone 7 Plus 128GB and Siri had no issue calling them when I pronounced it like the guy in the video. So y\'all keep downvoting, it doesn\'t change the fact that I\'m right.', '>>{TheStraightPipes} : This is what most people will get on new cars, so yes it\'s stock and very fair. We tried saying "Jacob" off camera and it did the same thing. You\'re welcome to come back and check out our channel in a few months when we\'re at 100,000 subs :)', '>>{L33tMasta} : > This is what most people will get with new cars My bad. I didn\'t know people just suddenly decided to opt out of upgrading their stereo systems for better feature such as directional and dedicated microphones. I guess the dealerships no longer offer that. At least at Hyundai, they might not. > We tried saying "Jacob" off camera and it did the same thing Convenient that it was off camera and not properly tested on camera like an actual head to head. I guess we can just leave details out and take bias reviewers at their word, then. > You\'re welcome to come back and check out our channel in a few months when we\'re at 100,000 subs Big pass there, chief. I\'ll stick to the actual tech reviews that do the videos properly and aren\'t biased towards Android. I\'m glad you\'re at least optimistic of your number of subscribers. I\'ll check back year\'s end to see how many you actually have. RemindMe! EOY Edit: And while we\'re at it, why wasn\'t this done on a garage or somewhere else where outside sound couldn\'t influence the test? A controlled environment for a test that requires a great deal of sound accuracy seems like a no brainer for me. External stimuli can skew the results quite drastically, as we see here. And as /u/C0des above stated: > You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that\'s not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names. This would have drastically helped with Siri picking up on a foreign name like that.', ">>{TheStraightPipes} : Hahaha I'd gladly make another video for you to prove that we tried it but you seem like a bit of a dick for no reason. Definitely stick to dedicated tech reviews. We are in no way biased towards anything as we are objective automotive journalists. I use Android and he uses Apple, simple.", ">>{Ubuntu_Linux_User} : Don't worry about it dude. You offend him by having a different opinion. Nothing you say is going to make it better.", ">>{hvyboots} : You have to remember, iOS didn't get copy/paste until like iOS 3 or something. Apple takes a surprisingly long time to iterate things sometimes. I basically agree with the Apple guy in the video that Car Play *looks* better, but no matter where you use Siri right now, she is so *terrible* at making guesses about stuff. I tried to call a restaurant while driving the other day and even though it's in my address book, Siri took it upon herself to call someplace 500 miles away in freaking Denver, CO instead. And that's basically what was shown in the video—that Google can correctly parse things about twice as rationally as Siri can right now.", ">>{TheWhiteNightmare} : It's not just that Google likes releasing half finished products, they like releasing half finished products and then never updating/canning them when they lose interest. I don't think Apple is quite as guilty of this, but Siri is a fair example in my opinion.", '>>{L33tMasta} : > nothing you say is going to make it better You\'re spot on with that. They covered everything from their flawed testing, improper setup, uncontrolled environmental factors and sub par equipment. > you offended him by having a different opinion No, they "offended" me by being bias towards Android Auto, and not performing the tests properly (see above). Then they proceeded to post this nonsense and pretend like it\'s fact, going so far as to say in their youtube comments that they "cannot wait for all the Apple user\'s tears", and pinning it. If that\'s not bias then I don\'t know what is.', ">>{tempestjg} : I can be both bias and true. Just accept that CarPlay isn't as good. Even Apple fans accept it.", '>>{Ubuntu_Linux_User} : > REAL WORLD comparison > improper setup, uncontrolled environmental factors and sub par equipment Wat.', ">>{L33tMasta} : > real world comparison Here let me translate that for you: Poorly Performed and Biased Comparison External stimuli in an uncontrolled environment basically nullified anything they thought they found, but **especially** outside noise and other uncontrolled factors that gave the Android Auto an unfair advantage. Who knows if the wind outside the vehicle was blowing harder during one test vs the other, if a large vehicle was passing by, or any number of other sounds from the cityscape were causing more external noise during one test vs the other? There's a reason this shit is done in a controlled environment by the pros.", ">>{INACCURATE_RESPONSE} : In Australia also - I'd agree that Apple maps works surprisingly good with directions etc but using Siri is a pain as always.", ">>{DJ-Salinger} : Siri used to be amazing though. And it would be bad enough if it just stagnated, but I feel like it's actually getting worse. There are a lot of plus sides to getting an iPhone, but.....Siri is just not one of them. On Android now, but still reminiscent of back when I was jailbroken and mapped holding down the home button to a Google voice search..", '>>{DJ-Salinger} : The UI is just the notification pane of any smart phone though.', '>>{drinkit_or_wearit} : LOL, "It looks better!" Yeah, maybe but who cares when the whole damn point is to never look at it and just give accurate voice commands while driving and looking at the road. That said, I think half of that video boils down to how they "train" the voice recognition. My Siri rarely ever makes mistakes.', ">>{noneabove1182} : it's interesting, because I'd almost take that one step further and say that typically once google finishes a product it's one of the best if not the best in its field.. but that happens so rarely then on the other hand, apple typically releases completed products, but i've never found them to be particularly compelling, but they're always good. Then apple car play and siri are their rare non-completed ones and they're... well, yeah", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", ">>{Karlwithakay} : here is proof that it doesn't work sayign jay-cub https://streamable.com/5h4yi", '>>{L33tMasta} : And as /u/c0des above stated: > You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that\'s not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names. Edit: I seriously put in a fake contact with the name "Jakub W" and when I pronounce it like the guy in the video, Siri picks it up everytime.', ">>{L33tMasta} : And as /u/C0des above stated: > You can teach Siri how to pronounce names correctly. Either reply to her and tell her to learn how to pronounce the name or tell her that's not how you pronounce the name. Or you can edit the contact directly and add phonetic first and last names.", ">>{Karlwithakay} : I'm gonna try the learn to pronounce Siri thing. Thanks!", '>>{L33tMasta} : No problem. You seem like a cool dude, but your buddy is a chode ass Android loving pile of shit based on his comments. When you give Siri the command, simply tap on the name and you can type it in to correct her. I believe this is how you can correct her pronounciation. But I just put "Jakub W" in my phone with a fake number, says "Call Jakub (Yak-oob) W" and she picked it up first time. Like I mentioned before, I think you guys had some extreme distortion or outside noise during the Apple CarPlay section that would have caused an issue with her hearing properly. That\'s the only time I ever have an issue with CarPlay not picking up my commands properly. Granted I drive an old ass Oldsmobile Alero with shitty, degraded weather proofing, an old engine belt that I should probably replace, and the heat/fans turned up to max because I hate being cold.', '>>{Karlwithakay} : I know. Copy and pasted a poorly spelled sentence. Just trying to clear that one part up.', ">>{L33tMasta} : My Pioneer AVH-4000NEX came with a directional microphone that I have placed on the roof, directly centre, pointed at the driver's seat. > Because normal people use Carply and Android Auto with directional microphone When your equipment isn't low end stock trash, yes. > outside noise If you're going to test outside noise you need a standardized way of doing it. Parking in some random ass street is not the correct way to do this. Doing it in a garage, with the same sounds playing outside of the vehicle, would be the correct way of doing it. That way both systems are exposed to the exact same conditions.", ">>{oDiscordia19} : Came to say the same thing. If someone believes Siri is better than googles voice services they've never used google. And I'm a huge fan of my iPhone.", '>>{L33tMasta} : A standardized test that allows equal "real world" conditions be applied to both systems. Again, the example of having the vehicle in a garage with the same soundtrack of noise playing outside of the vehicle, at the same volume, to simulate traffic or construction, or whatever you want to play. There are too many variables for the test in the OP to be even considered accurate under any circumstances.', ">>{Kilmonjaro} : It's Siri that's holding it back..if the next major update to iOS doesn't have a major Siri update they are wayyyy behind", ">>{masterYodaOG} : I have a 7plus but CarPlay is utter garbage so I keep a cheap Android phone in my car with offline google maps/downloaded music it'd be nice to have realtime traffic alerts and other services that use the internet but i really can't seem to use CarPlay", ">>{JackDostoevsky} : It's preeeettty terrible. Which is sad, because over the past year I found myself wanting to do more and more with voice, and Siri just makes the entire experience pretty miserable.", '>>{Mark3180} : The icon has a badge with the number of notifications that app has. When you get a text it appears as a notification', ">>{RemindMeBot} : I will be messaging you on [**2017-12-31 09:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2017-12-31 09:00:00 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/61zs44/real_world_comparison_of_android_auto_vs_apple/dfj6naz) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/61zs44/real_world_comparison_of_android_auto_vs_apple/dfj6naz]%0A%0ARemindMe! 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When you're using Apple Carplay, you're driving, not sitting in a garage. That makes no sense at all. You test it in the conditions that it will be used. Regardless, Android Auto never had a problem, so that point is moot anyway.", ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Lol Apple really means a lot to you, doesn't it? You've built your personality upon being an Apple fan, and you get offended when someone criticises them, no matter how valid it is. That's sad, mate.", '>>{L33tMasta} : > Redditor for 6 days If I wanted advice from a newbie, I\'d ask for it. And since you posted 2 comments I\'ll quote them both here for ease of reading: > Apple really means a lot to you, doesn\'t it? Blah blah blah I don\'t know what I\'m talking about blah blah blah That\'s sad, mate. When the criticism is valid, I\'ll acknowledge it as such. This is just garbage clickbait nonsense that got spammed all over /r/Apple and /r/iPhone. The mods over at /r/Apple agree, the user in question posts almost exclusively their own videos and according to the Reddit FAQ that constitutes spam. > Why would you test it in a garage? When you\'re using Apple Carplay, you\'re driving, not sitting in a garage. That makes no sense at all. You test it in the conditions that it will be used. Wrong. You test it in a controlled environment with exact equal stimuli that simulates real world conditions. That way you ensure a fair and accurate test case, otherwise who knows if a large truck was going by during the CarPlay test vs Android Auto, if the wind picked up and was causing additional noise, maybe a car honking in the background, etc. This is anecdotal at best, and far from a true and accurate test. > Regardless, Android Auto never had a problem, so that point is moot anyway. Haha yea. It\'s easy to fake a bias test for clickbate subs. This is why this shit is done in controlled environments by reputable reviewers, not "Yacub and yuri" in their mom\'s Hyundai on a street corner.', ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Lol so just because it doesn't work as you wanted it to, it's fake!? That's hilarious. The video was made in the same conditions that you'd use it for in real life. They weren't trying to scientifically prove anything. They just wanted to test in real conditions, and unfortunately for you, Android won.", ">>{L33tMasta} : > because it doesn't work as you wanted it to, it's fake!? No. The test was done in an innacurate manner that was designed to give a bias towards one (Android Auto) vs the other (CarPlay). > they weren't trying to scientifically prove anything Ah, yes. So sloppy testing conditions that favour one vendor over the other are just the norm these days, I guess. Who cares about equal and fair testing? > Android won Oh boy! Introducing non-standard names that haven't had their pronunciation correctly input, having uncontrolled external factors, and a biased test platform sure shows the strength of Android Auto! I'm sure all the poor peasants that can't afford the iPhone are just overjoyed at this revelation. Meanwhile my obviously higher end system that's actually calibrated properly has next to no issues with use. If my deck supported Android Auto, I'd do a proper test myself. I could hack it with unofficial eBay firmware from the AVH-4100NEX, but I don't feel like possibly bricking my deck over a feature that I'll never use.", ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Hahahaha you're hilarious. I can't believe how stressed this has made you. You're literally offended at the results. You're a walking stereotype.", '>>{L33tMasta} : Yep. Non-standard biased garbage like this sure has made me "stressed". What actually has me offended is the fact that someone has passed this nonsense off as fact. Unsurprisingly, people that have no idea what they\'re talking about (you) believe it.', ">>{PLS-HELP-ME-ASCEND} : Lol. You've certainly entertained me, that's for sure."], ['>>{urwonderful} : Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times', ">>{LittleShrub} : Project Veritas' October 2016 election-related sting videos (embedded above) reveal tidbits of **selectively and (likely deceptively edited) footage absent of any context in which to evaluate them**. Unless his organization releases the footage in full, undertaking a fair assessment of their veracity is all but impossible. http://www.snopes.com/2016/10/18/project-veritas-election-videos/", ">>{BatmansParentsAreDed} : >Daily Caller You're gonna be downvoted straight to hell.", '>>{gonzone} : Hell is too good for a Daily Squalor post.', '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Victim of fake propaganda video did some stuff. News at 11.', '>>{wojosmith} : Do people know how many people visit the White house? They line them up the President walks in shakes a few hands and goes back to work. Not really a big deal. My friend who worked on the Olympic Committee got to shake his hand and Michelle spent more time talking them then the Obama. If you sign up for the tour to visit the White House sometimes you get lucky and the Pres or Michelle walk through and say hi.', ">>{StraightG0lden} : I'm sure we all know how likely seeing the unedited video is, which in itself says something about the legitimacy of the claims.", '>>{HBombthrow} : Lol "oversaw Trump rally agitators" is a weird way to say "wore a T shirt to a protest."', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : that's why he lost his position, because nothing he did was real", ">>{whitemest} : No no no. Clearly he's in cahoots with Obama. Those visits were really appointments to meet with him and plan more dissent for the gop obvi. /s", '>>{theeaglemanstag} : Well I would hope that one party would at least attempt to take the high ground. People like you are why the Dems have had an actual challenge with a blowhard like Trump.'], ['>>{sanegop} : GOP EPA Chiefs Endorse Clinton over Trump’s “Profound Ignorance of Science”', '>>{truthhurts4444} : If Trump has his way, he would dump toxic waste in national parks', ">>{I_F_your_mom} : Close, he's going to start drilling and fracking on national reserves. The repubs have had a hard-on for years about the prospect of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).", '>>{007meow} : > GOP > EPA Doesn\'t the GOP want to nuke the EPA because of their "profound ignorance of science"?', '>>{sanegop} : They just pretend they want to abolish them to appeal to their base. That is how it started, at least.', '>>{____yourcouch} : only because Trump\'s plan threatens their liberal "jobs" /s', '>>{Busybyeski} : [The EPA also ignores science.](https://news.vice.com/article/the-environmental-protection-agency-says-fracking-is-safe-but-its-scientists-disagree)', '>>{sanegop} : This is a good point. There is definitely corruption and collusion in the EPA. Getting rid of it entirely might be a good thing, if there was a plan in place to support or improve their function.', ">>{blastnabbit} : That article is quoting the EPA's own science advisors, so the EPA *is* clearly noting the science, and that's what the science advisors are for. Also, there's this: >The charge leveled by the advising scientists is not that the EPA erred in the 20 peer-reviewed studies it conducted and 3,500 more studies and reports it reviewed. Rather, the advisory board, consisting of government and university scientists, finds fault with how the agency presented the information most likely to influence public opinion — particularly that the claim of no systematic impact on drinking water is insufficiently nuanced.", '>>{Busybyeski} : Hillary declared in her nomination speech that she believes in science. When will she take a stand with the scientists to stop downplaying the severity of fracking and in fact encouraging it?', '>>{blastnabbit} : >An in-depth investigation by progressive magazine Mother Jones said that Clinton’s support of fracking was "part of a broader push to fight climate change, boost global energy supply, and undercut the power of adversaries such as Russia that use their energy resources as a cudgel." >... >Sanders said that Clinton supported and continues "to support fracking." >As secretary of state, Clinton supported and promoted fracking around the world. As a 2016 candidate, her support comes with conditions such as local choice, stronger environmental regulation and chemicals. >Sanders’ claim is accurate but needs additional information. We rate it Mostly True. >http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/apr/13/bernie-s/does-hillary-clinton-support-fracking/ To me, that says this is a nuanced issue.', '>>{Expiscor} : Fracking is far cleaner than coal and helps reduce our dependence on it', '>>{umbertounity82} : Well one of the chiefs in this article is William Ruckelshaus. He was the first head of the EPA after Nixon created it. So I doubt they want to destroy the EPA.', '>>{Xanthanum87} : Trump doesn\'t understand the environment. Clinton doesn\'t understand technology and the word "classified." Ugh November is gonna suck either way.', '>>{innervision} : The modern "science and regulation are for pussies" GOP wants to dismantle the EPA. The average American used to have more faith in experts back in the day, including republicans.', '>>{Maggie_A} : >Trump doesn\'t understand the environment. Clinton doesn\'t understand technology and the word "classified." Plus Clinton\'s pro-fracking and she just appointed a man as the head of her transition team who said, ["There’s not a single case where hydraulic fracking has created an environmental problem for anyone](http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/hillary-clinton-appoints-ken-salazar-lead-white-house-transition-2402567). And people who head transition teams often end up Chief of Staff, Cabinet Secretaries or Senior Advisors. >Ugh November is gonna suck either way. Which is why I\'m voting third party.', ">>{Maggie_A} : >Fracking is far cleaner than coal and helps reduce our dependence on it While increasing our dependence on the new housing we'll need because of **earthquakes**. Plus, I don't like it when water catches on fire. I'd be in favor of carbon capture & storage before I'd be in favor of fracking. Earthquakes aren't covered by homeowner's insurance. And even if you can buy earthquake insurance (which isn't offered everywhere), it only covers structural damage to the building, not any of its contents. Fracking was an experiment that was worth trying. Now we know what it does, we need to stop.", ">>{Xanthanum87} : Ditto! I'm also sick of all the maligning going on with the green platform.", ">>{Expiscor} : The only earthquakes we know of that would happen due to fracking are extremely small and wouldn't cause any sort of damage. We shouldn't get rid of a technology that helps us reduce dependency on the dirtiest power source, coal, out there. We should regulate more stringently and make the process more transparent.", ">>{Maggie_A} : >The only earthquakes we know of that would happen due to fracking are extremely small and wouldn't cause any sort of damage. [Tell that to the people in Oklahoma whose houses were damaged.](https://www.google.com/search?q=fracking+earthquakes+oklahoma&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=fracking+earthquakes+oklahoma+home+damage) The ones who didn't have earthquake insurance (because it was Oklahoma) and can't afford the repairs. What do you work for a fracking company? Because deliberately ignoring the facts only appeals to other people who like to deliberately ignore the facts. It won't get you anywhere with people who are informed. So stop trying to peddle your ignorance to me..........I'm far too informed to buy what you're trying to sell. But it should go over well on the r/The_Donald.", ">>{Expiscor} : So people like you believe fracking causes earthquakes, then they sue companies unsuccessfully. That's what I'm getting from your links. Can you show me some scientific studies that show that fracking causes large earthquakes? Remember, feels don't equal reals."]]
classify and reply
['>>{jennifer_smith_} : President-elect Donald Trump is taunting Arnold Schwarzenegger for bringing in low ratings in a spinoff of Trump\'s old reality television show, "Celebrity Apprentice."', '>>{gloggy} : The orangutan has a sore butthole again. What a whiny little bitch.', '>>{CarmineFields} : It opens for me. http://washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/10/donald-trump-islamic-state-put-boots-ground-take-o/ Try it now.', '>>{pariah-professional} : Ahhhh, right. But Trump wants to send boots on the ground to Syria to establish a safe-zone for Syrian refugees. That doesn\'t seem like much of an existential threat! And he wants to send boots on the ground to Syria to \'defeat\' ISIS, bringing up figures from 20k to 30k troops. No matter how paranoid of ISIS you are, you can\'t claim them to be any more of an existential threat to the US than the Viet Cong. But wait, there\'s more! Trump not only wants to send American troops over there, but he wants them to risk their lives so that we can take their oil! What a bargain! But hey! Trump knows what it means to be in the military. When not fighting his personal Vietnam against venereal disease, "[He] always felt like [he] was in the military. (He got) more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military."', ">>{NetflixBandit} : I'm a big Trump fan but even I think this is a little strange.", ">>{Ann0n0} : How is it strange? This is completely in character with how Trump's been behaving all his life.", '>>{WildAnimus} : Nordstrom Stock Soared by 7 Percent After Trump Slammed it on Twitter', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Trump got a deferment for medical reasons. It is in the link you provided. He showed up for the physical exam. Ready to serve. You lie.', ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : After John McCain called him a whacko bird, Trump retaliated by saying he prefers his heroes from the ranks of those who weren't heroes by dint of being a POW. I agree with that.", ">>{pariah-professional} : I wish I was paid to do this. My grandfather, now dead, served in military intelligence during Korea. He became quite close with the family of the mayor of Yongdongpo (sp?). I must admit, it's quite surreal to think that were my grandpa still alive, he could be arguing on Reddit. Cheers to your years.", '>>{SaltHash} : Maybe if Trump read books instead of chased skirts, he would have learned the Midas Touch does not benefit the possessor.', ">>{kgt5003} : It's his MO... he deals with things he can wrap his head around. Usually that means addressing matters of ego. He has an important intel meeting today and he's spending time getting worked up over The Apprentice.... but I'm sure most of his supporters will say that this is just another brilliant smoke screen where he is playing the media and molding the narrative.", ">>{remeard} : Yep, this is the guy America voted for. Has the time to look at Celebrity Apprentice ratings and tweet about them but not for security briefings. He's going to have a hard time separating himself from his businesses mentally", '>>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : I hope he tried to short them and lost money.', ">>{Echost} : I started to go into why this is so ridiculous to compare ratings of the two after years of the show being on air, but I assume that's common sense around here. He has been tweeting all morning...its ridiculous. Hope he doesn't miss his intelligence meeting today.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : That is different from the first link. I agree with boots on the ground to accomplish the specified goals. To destroy ISIS. No cowering here either.', '>>{Thechosenf3w} : Imagine if businesses started openly defying Trump in order to get a boost in sales/share price lol. Trump would lose his mind from all the mean people talking about him.', ">>{CryYouWhineyBitch} : If Donald Trump was actually a winner, he would act like he's been there before. Trump acts like the election is the first thing he's won in his life. So much so, that he is terrified people want to take it away. All this denial of Russian hacking is him just projecting that he thinks he doesn't really deserve it.", '>>{wwarnout} : When is this 5th-grade-mentality person going to grow up? The more he tweets, the more embarrassed I am to admit to being an American.', '>>{Shadowyugi} : *More insane by the minute, this has become...*', ">>{StormySands} : Those other retailers literally have no reason not to drop the brand at this point. It's time.", ">>{jlaux} : Trump's transition has low approval ratings, but I guess that doesn't matter.", ">>{cocobeann} : Was planning on going tomorrow. :) I'm happy I can go back to shopping there; Christmas without Nordstrom was sad.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, he said he likes people who don't get caught while he hid behind daddy's money. I don't care what your opinion of McCain is, at least McCain showed up. The same is true of the hundreds of other brave soldiers who got caught.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Nope. He got four separate deferments and his medical exams are contradictory. He also has records of playing a variety of sports during his college years. I'm not lying, you're being willfully blind.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah. Trump is super brave with other people's lives.", ">>{HelmetTesterTJ} : Usually though he's attacking ugly politicians or women with opinions. That's perfectly fine. This time he's attacking the rugged, handsome action hero that folks like /u/netflixbandit relate to. He wants to see them kiss, not fight.", '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : Cool. Hopefully he can shit on the S&P500 so my index fund can gain 7%. (yes, I know this is a nonsensical.)', ">>{Quexana} : He'd rather have the media and us talking about this than things of substance. It's classic media manipulation and they fall for it every time.", '>>{I_was_serious} : So if he runs our country into the ground, will he gloat about it because not everyone voted for him?', '>>{Pichus_Wrath} : I just realized what that commercial jingle was about.', ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Your spin doesn't mix well with my wa. Let's just call it a day on go about out business elsewhere OK?", '>>{Alpha2zulu} : FAKE NEWS! Breitbart said it plummeted. Where are you liberals getting your alternate facts? - conservatives.', ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : McCain is fine. I don't like him much, but he is fine, Not the issue.", '>>{deadbeatdad80} : But T_D was boycotting them! How could this be????', ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I'm only 79 now. Still engaged. Thanks for your granddads service.", '>>{Rawalmond73} : Donald has the lowest popularity rating of any incoming president ever. Mr. Schwarzenegger should throw that fact in his face.', ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Has no record of ever being in charge of anyone's life. Sayonara.", ">>{MoralMidgetry} : I fully expect Conway to announce the stock went up because people flooded Nordstrom to buy Ivanka's line before it was taken off the shelves.", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : And golf! I hope someone sets up a real time Trump v Obama Rounds of Golf graph.', '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : Oh fuck off with that. Trump is more anti-war than Sanders is. The only time Trump has ever said anything that is pro-war is against ISIS, and I\'m pretty sure Sanders is against ISIS also. And Trump is happy to let poor people die? Tell that to Bernie "Bread lines are a good thing" Sanders.', '>>{oneeasypod} : If he really wants to make money with his presidency he should start an advertising company where people pay him to have him attack their brand', ">>{CarmineFields} : What? No, Trump is more pro-war than sanders, he's just been intentionally vague about all policy so we don't know what he plans. Trump HAS promised war crimes, torture, carpet bombing and stealing resources. Even Hillary hasn't promised anything to that extent.", '>>{bexmex} : Well, it still makes sense for WalMart to sell the brand online... although Ivanka\'s "expensive and crappy" line might conflict with the whole "cheap and crappy" WalMart model.', '>>{futant462} : I can see struggling CEOs of publically traded companies just lashing out at Donny Moscow hoping he angrily tweets something at them so they get a stock bump. This future seems... so very very strange but plausible. Lean in to the dystopia?', '>>{zapichigo} : But ChickenTrump is actually a vet: >*[Trump describing how he has been promiscuous without contracting a Venereal Disease]* “I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there — it’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider” I haven\'t gone through the list of charities he released today but I am hopeful at least some of the money went to **"Veterans of the Dating Wars"** as well as **"Bone Spur Heroes"** - two organizations I am sure are very near and dear to Trump\'s heart.', '>>{kwangqengelele} : Hopefully over time you\'ll see enough of this "strange" behavior and it might make you reevaluate your support of Donald Trump. At least that\'s what I hope would happen, not just a rationalization of his behavior to avoid having to admit fault.', '>>{Galphanore} : Then six months down the road we find out that Trump has started to offer to bash companies on Twitter for a fee and everything goes back to being shit.', '>>{ApparentlyJesus} : Arnold should hunt tRump down the pussy grabbing Predator he is..', '>>{futant462} : Dow Jones Industrial Alternative. To measure all the alternative-jobs that will surely be created in our alternative-economy.', '>>{felesroo} : He had to finish watching his shows, okay? Jeez...', ">>{akronix10} : It's already going to go to shit. It's fucking February and we're talking about a department store stock. Wall Street is going to eat some suckers lunches over this.", '>>{Thechosenf3w} : Lol this is exactly what I was imagining. Lean into the dystopia indeed :)', ">>{CarmineFields} : He's promised what he'll do if we give him that power. Are you saying his complete and total inexperience is his main selling point? Is he lying about wanting torture and war crimes?", ">>{hammadurb} : It might work if they boycott goodwill, they might feel a pinch. Don't think thechump supporters are Nordstrom customers.", ">>{kidriverbug} : Trump also said he planned to cut corporate taxes. That had a much bigger positive impact on Nordstrom's stock price than his Twitter rants ever could.", '>>{Jack_M} : What executive producer would gloat about their show not performing well? This is insane.', ">>{boomhaeur} : And, ironically, a credited executive producer of the show he's shitting all over. So, is he gloating about his own failure? Or just trying to drive up ratings?", ">>{watch_over_me} : God, I want to know how bad this fact is pissing off Trump. He's probably losing his God damn mind.", ">>{nzmn} : Who cares? This isn't news and is just Trump trying to distract from the real issues - like his promised press conference about the hacks. Or the ACA repeal with no alternative.", '>>{No_big_whoop} : ...or just trying to distract from the real news happening today', ">>{shotgun883} : Any news is good news. Couldn't ask for better publicity for a company than a man for who literally half the country is hanging on his every word mentioning you multiple times. For Trump this is frankly Streisand Effect. In the words of Vader, if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.", ">>{CarmineFields} : You're right, he's not. Trump lecturing victims of internment camps and torture while he got massages and played tennis is the issue.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Sounds great. Something will get through the cult-wall you've put up one day. Best of luck.", '>>{itsameitsamario} : Every conservative friend on Facebook is sharing an Allan West (?) article that Nordstrom stock plummeted after they dropped Trump stuff. Buried deep within the comments was "Uh, guys, did any of you check the actual stock prices?"', '>>{Yare_Owns} : The clown is a kingmaker, but not the way he expected.', '>>{kdog1147} : Lol over a 2 day period months after he announced his "planned cuts" 😂😂 who you trying to fool?', '>>{Sip_py} : Eh. Think Texas stay at home mom type, less Alabama tow truck driver.', '>>{CarmineFields} : I already agreed but I got to that message after your other three messages. Goodnight!', ">>{DPSOnly} : This just in, Trump followers aren't all stock brokers.", ">>{kidriverbug} : Take a look at the business headlines for the day in question. The leading story was trump promising movement on tax cuts and its impact on heavily taxed industries (of which Nordstroms is included). Look, I hate Trump and think his tax cuts are idiotic, but let's not pretend that a stock price has gone up 7% because some people shopped there in protest. Edit: Here http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/10/trump-tax-cut-signal-pushes-wall-street-to-record-highs.html http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/09/trump-familys-new-nemesis-nordstrom-could-be-big-beneficiary-of-presidents-tax-reform.html Tax changes would have a major impact on Nordstrom's profit margin. Enough for investors to push its stock price up significantly.", '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : Of terrorists. Does that mean Sanders is against attacking terrorists? What country has Trump said he would invade?', ">>{sundialinshade} : Bill Clinton's draft dodging story: http://www.1stcavmedic.com/bill-clinton-draft.htm In 1996 his lawyers tried to claim he was considered on active military duty as commander in chief to avoid a lawsuit by Paula Jones. Veterans were upset.", '>>{ericn1300} : The Donald lied to get out of the draft. Bernie didn\'t lie, he applied for conscientious objector status which he got. Lying is taking the low road, obfuscating by saying that you "can\'t go" instead of saying that you "won\'t go". Bernie is legit. He came right out and said "hell no I won\'t go" and backed it up by playing by the rules.', ">>{dr_pepper_35} : I don't know about tennis, I heard Trump had some pretty serious bone spurs in his feet around then. Though he may have been able to play doubles, less running.", '>>{sundialinshade} : From snopes: " It\'s true that Sanders was consistently a vocal opponent of the Vietnam war\xa0during his college years and into his early political career, applying for "conscientious objector" status as a student. However, the term "draft dodger" has a very specific\xa0definition\xa0and\xa0connotation\xa0(that compulsory military service was evaded by illegal or unethical means, such as falsifying documents or leaving the country)\xa0which doesn\'t apply to conscientious objectors." Sanders debate response: "When I was a young man -- I\'m not a young man today. When I was a young man, I strongly opposed the war in Vietnam. Not the brave men like Jim who fought in that war, but the policy which got us involved in that war. That was my view then ... I am not a pacifist, Anderson. I supported the war in Afghanistan. I supported President Clinton\'s effort to deal with ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. I support air strikes in Syria and what the president is trying to do. Yes, I happen to believe from the bottom of my heart that war should be the last resort that we have got to exercise diplomacy. But yes, I am prepared to take this country into war if that is necessary."', '>>{ZomBrains} : He would invest in the companies and then talk shit about them to make more money.', '>>{CarmineFields} : No, but I can and have provided citations.', ">>{kidriverbug} : It did not rise 7% on Wednesday. This idea that Trump fueled a 7% rally with a tweet in a vacuum of other factors is insanity. The stock is up a total of a few percent on the week. The highest point it reached on Wednesday wasn't even equal to the highest point it reached on Monday before all of this happened. Stocks fluctuate. This narrative makes Trump protestors look silly by trying to cherry pick correlations to make it seem like there is some kind of huge movement.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Any country he wants to attack ISIS. He'll then steal that country's resources.", ">>{kdog1147} : Gee almost like Trump supporters did when they pointed out the stock dropped. All this does is throw it right back in their faces. Yes other factors come into play. That's how smart investors do it. However when Trump and his supporters cherry pick data (like they've done before) it's nice to be able to throw that data back in their face.", '>>{TallMagnolia} : I alt-beleive that the alt-govt will alt-fix the alt-economy and through their alt-sacrifice they will alt-save alt-humanity.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : This sucks. If Nordstrom had taken a hit they could have opened civil suit against the Trump for his (and his team's) debasing comments. They'd have had standing - actual injury - to sue him in court. I know a department store that needs to market itself to a wide range of people, including Trump supporters, probably wouldn't have entered the fray. But someone with standing will eventually do it.", '>>{CarmineFields} : His feet seem fine now. Bone spurs rarely disappear and the medical records he has provided show no operations. It must be a miracle!', '>>{SergeantButtcrack} : I think your fields of carmine were just vaccummed up by this guys anus.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump's words fit my narrative. It works out nicely for me.", '>>{SergeantButtcrack} : Seriously man. That and.. You know Hilary Clinton is really good at getting away with shit. Maybe she would be good at getting away with shit for America, you know, as the president. I think this article just inspired meet to vote Hilary #deepinsideher', '>>{partanimal} : Which of our recent presidents, our current candidates, served? None. So the same generality applies to them all.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Well, Obama was too young, but again, I wouldn't care if he didn't sit there smugly lecturing others about getting caught.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/). Additionally, Bernie was a conscientious objector during Vietnam. It's important to note however that neither Trump nor Bernie is number was ever pulled and therefore they were never asked to go to Vietnam in the first place due to their high lottery numbers.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Sorry but you are wrong. Trump is running in an antiwar platform that we've frankly never seen a Republican run on.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : He applied as a conscientious objector until he was too old to be drafted.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Additionally Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/).', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/). Your inability to do even 5 seconds of research before making a decision makes me worry about this country. Also Sanders applied as a conscientious objector until he was too old serve.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/). Bernie dodged by applying as a conscientious objector.', ">>{CarmineFields} : No he isn't. Saying that you're going to murder a bunch of people in some undisclosed country, torture them and kill their families and steal from the random unnamed country is not anti-war. It's just sloppy and ignorant. Trump is flying by the seat of his pants and doesn't understand foreign policy, the office of the president or much else about running the country so he makes uninformed, fuzzy promises. The best you can say about him is he hasn't got a clue about what war he wants. He's promised bloodshed.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Trump is against national building, wants to scale back our foreign presence including less to NATO, however he says IF we are fighting a war we should brutally eliminate the enemy, take our spoils and go home vs these prolonged engagements we've been having. You know, basically the way America always was up through WWII?", ">>{CarmineFields} : You mean prior to signing pacts saying we wouldn't torture and steal from sovereign countries? Yeah, there are rules we have to follow. We don't get to just waltz in and commit mass murder because Trump has a temper tantrum. If you want to align the entire world against us and crush our economy, this is how you do it.", ">>{partanimal} : But the point is that it is easy to be brave with other people's lives, and so I think we should hold our commanders in chief to a high standard in whether or not we are putting troops in harm's way, and any CinC who had not served should be more conservative in starting wars than Obama or Hillary. Edit: Obama was not too young to have served. Too young to be drafted, yes. But I do wish our CinCs would serve in the military..", ">>{CarmineFields} : >CinC who had not served should be more conservative in starting wars than Obama or Hillary You lost me there...Obama, Hillary and Trump haven't served. Of the three, only Trump committed a crime and I've only seen Trump lecture people who did serve.", ">>{bsmeteronhigh} : Obama wants to sell Communist Vietnam millions worth of weapons. Bringing up Trump's deferments is somehow hilarious. I wonder if Jane Fonda is rolling her eyes.", ">>{partanimal} : What I mean is, Iwould like to see a CinC who doesn't have military experience (like Obama, and like Clinton, trump, or Sanders if one of them were elected president) be much less hawkish than either Obama or Hillary have shown themselves to be in their respective positions as president, senator, and Secretary.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Okay, I just don't believe any of them besides Bernie will be conservative in terms of military usage.", ">>{partanimal} : I agree. It's one of my favorite things about him.", ">>{Sherman1865} : 79? You were born in 1936? That would make you 18 in 1954. The war ended in July 1953. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit.", ">>{IchSchwoerAlla} : > Bernie is anti-war for everyone. Trump is happy to let poor people die. What is that even supposed to mean? Trump is actually the only Republican candidate, who wants to give poor people access to healthcare for example: https://youtu.be/pNs4rYv1H_M?t=2m13s And he's also repeatedly spoken out against interventionist policies and military actions in other countries. Except those, the US already invaded, of course, since it would be retarded to just pack things up and leave a huge mess behind, as Obama did (see: Iraq, Afghanistan & the rise of IS).", ">>{Kaiged} : In my family all of the Vietnam vets took deferments available to them and still ended up going. None of them fault anyone who stayed out of that shit storm, but don't pretend getting out of the draft by being an objector was morally superior to being in the draft but deferred.", '>>{CarmineFields} : It means that he still wants war. He still wants "boots on the ground". Trump was above being drafted but he\'s brave enough to risk other people\'s lives.', '>>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : Well, no. That Trump lacked the courage of his convictions and was too much of a coward to stand up and say "this war is nonsense, I object to it" shows him for the shyster he is', ">>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : A conscientious objecter publicly admits that they oppose the war and have no intention of fighting. Trump on the other hand had to falsify a minor medical issue because he lacks the courage of his convictions, he's happy for others to die in wars he doesn't give two shits about, and he's happy to lie and cheat his way out of service.", ">>{sundialinshade} : CO applicants in 1969 were required to write an essay explaining one’s beliefs. If that essay was accepted, the next step was a Q and A appearance before the local draft board. After the hearing a decision would be rendered, at which point the registrant would be obligated to obey the board’s decision. A rejected applicant must enlist in the Army or face a two-year prison term. Because a fair number of COs were then in prison.\xa0 If the CO application was approved the person was assigned to alternate service, like working at a hospital or fire department - civilian public service. So by applying for CO, and facing the draft board, a person had to be prepared to go to jail, end up as a soldier, or best case scenario spend two years in public service. It wasn't dodging the draft, it was following the army's own rules.", ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I was in the National Guard when I was 16. Then, at 17 I joined the Navy. You are correct about the dates. I joined the Navy in 1954. Hostilities were pretty much over by then. My ship was the last one to make a ASW run in 1953, the year before I made my first cruise. Still, for purposes of reality I am considered to be a Korean War veteran and get VA benefits as such. You can research that, or take my word for it or just forget about it, I don't care. I am a Korean War veteran, aged 79, Tatar , Sunni living in SoCal.", '>>{dichenry} : Give the man some credit. It was either get a small million dollar loan from his dad or have his butt in a jungle with a gun.', ">>{ericn1300} : It really depends on the basis of the the deferment. If it was just an attempt to dodge the draft using false claims as opposed to someone willing to put himself to the test of a CO because of his beliefs then one would be morally superior. Also CO's were subject to the draft and did serve, just in non combatant positions.", ">>{Kaiged} : Sanders isn't a pacifist anymore so the basis of his CO status is questionable at best. Conscientious objection would be considered evasion if the sentiment was not genuine."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{WildAnimus} : Nordstrom Stock Soared by 7 Percent After Trump Slammed it on Twitter', '>>{SaltHash} : Maybe if Trump read books instead of chased skirts, he would have learned the Midas Touch does not benefit the possessor.', '>>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : I hope he tried to short them and lost money.', '>>{Thechosenf3w} : Imagine if businesses started openly defying Trump in order to get a boost in sales/share price lol. Trump would lose his mind from all the mean people talking about him.', ">>{StormySands} : Those other retailers literally have no reason not to drop the brand at this point. It's time.", ">>{cocobeann} : Was planning on going tomorrow. :) I'm happy I can go back to shopping there; Christmas without Nordstrom was sad.", '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : Cool. Hopefully he can shit on the S&P500 so my index fund can gain 7%. (yes, I know this is a nonsensical.)', '>>{Pichus_Wrath} : I just realized what that commercial jingle was about.', '>>{Alpha2zulu} : FAKE NEWS! Breitbart said it plummeted. Where are you liberals getting your alternate facts? - conservatives.', '>>{deadbeatdad80} : But T_D was boycotting them! How could this be????', ">>{MoralMidgetry} : I fully expect Conway to announce the stock went up because people flooded Nordstrom to buy Ivanka's line before it was taken off the shelves.", '>>{oneeasypod} : If he really wants to make money with his presidency he should start an advertising company where people pay him to have him attack their brand', '>>{bexmex} : Well, it still makes sense for WalMart to sell the brand online... although Ivanka\'s "expensive and crappy" line might conflict with the whole "cheap and crappy" WalMart model.', '>>{futant462} : I can see struggling CEOs of publically traded companies just lashing out at Donny Moscow hoping he angrily tweets something at them so they get a stock bump. This future seems... so very very strange but plausible. Lean in to the dystopia?', '>>{Galphanore} : Then six months down the road we find out that Trump has started to offer to bash companies on Twitter for a fee and everything goes back to being shit.', '>>{futant462} : Dow Jones Industrial Alternative. To measure all the alternative-jobs that will surely be created in our alternative-economy.', ">>{akronix10} : It's already going to go to shit. It's fucking February and we're talking about a department store stock. Wall Street is going to eat some suckers lunches over this.", '>>{Thechosenf3w} : Lol this is exactly what I was imagining. Lean into the dystopia indeed :)', ">>{hammadurb} : It might work if they boycott goodwill, they might feel a pinch. Don't think thechump supporters are Nordstrom customers.", ">>{kidriverbug} : Trump also said he planned to cut corporate taxes. That had a much bigger positive impact on Nordstrom's stock price than his Twitter rants ever could.", ">>{watch_over_me} : God, I want to know how bad this fact is pissing off Trump. He's probably losing his God damn mind.", ">>{shotgun883} : Any news is good news. Couldn't ask for better publicity for a company than a man for who literally half the country is hanging on his every word mentioning you multiple times. For Trump this is frankly Streisand Effect. In the words of Vader, if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.", '>>{itsameitsamario} : Every conservative friend on Facebook is sharing an Allan West (?) article that Nordstrom stock plummeted after they dropped Trump stuff. Buried deep within the comments was "Uh, guys, did any of you check the actual stock prices?"', '>>{Yare_Owns} : The clown is a kingmaker, but not the way he expected.', '>>{kdog1147} : Lol over a 2 day period months after he announced his "planned cuts" 😂😂 who you trying to fool?', '>>{Sip_py} : Eh. Think Texas stay at home mom type, less Alabama tow truck driver.', ">>{DPSOnly} : This just in, Trump followers aren't all stock brokers.", ">>{kidriverbug} : Take a look at the business headlines for the day in question. The leading story was trump promising movement on tax cuts and its impact on heavily taxed industries (of which Nordstroms is included). Look, I hate Trump and think his tax cuts are idiotic, but let's not pretend that a stock price has gone up 7% because some people shopped there in protest. Edit: Here http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/10/trump-tax-cut-signal-pushes-wall-street-to-record-highs.html http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/09/trump-familys-new-nemesis-nordstrom-could-be-big-beneficiary-of-presidents-tax-reform.html Tax changes would have a major impact on Nordstrom's profit margin. Enough for investors to push its stock price up significantly.", '>>{ZomBrains} : He would invest in the companies and then talk shit about them to make more money.', ">>{kidriverbug} : It did not rise 7% on Wednesday. This idea that Trump fueled a 7% rally with a tweet in a vacuum of other factors is insanity. The stock is up a total of a few percent on the week. The highest point it reached on Wednesday wasn't even equal to the highest point it reached on Monday before all of this happened. Stocks fluctuate. This narrative makes Trump protestors look silly by trying to cherry pick correlations to make it seem like there is some kind of huge movement.", ">>{kdog1147} : Gee almost like Trump supporters did when they pointed out the stock dropped. All this does is throw it right back in their faces. Yes other factors come into play. That's how smart investors do it. However when Trump and his supporters cherry pick data (like they've done before) it's nice to be able to throw that data back in their face.", '>>{TallMagnolia} : I alt-beleive that the alt-govt will alt-fix the alt-economy and through their alt-sacrifice they will alt-save alt-humanity.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : This sucks. If Nordstrom had taken a hit they could have opened civil suit against the Trump for his (and his team's) debasing comments. They'd have had standing - actual injury - to sue him in court. I know a department store that needs to market itself to a wide range of people, including Trump supporters, probably wouldn't have entered the fray. But someone with standing will eventually do it."], ['>>{CarmineFields} : It opens for me. http://washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/10/donald-trump-islamic-state-put-boots-ground-take-o/ Try it now.', '>>{pariah-professional} : Ahhhh, right. But Trump wants to send boots on the ground to Syria to establish a safe-zone for Syrian refugees. That doesn\'t seem like much of an existential threat! And he wants to send boots on the ground to Syria to \'defeat\' ISIS, bringing up figures from 20k to 30k troops. No matter how paranoid of ISIS you are, you can\'t claim them to be any more of an existential threat to the US than the Viet Cong. But wait, there\'s more! Trump not only wants to send American troops over there, but he wants them to risk their lives so that we can take their oil! What a bargain! But hey! Trump knows what it means to be in the military. When not fighting his personal Vietnam against venereal disease, "[He] always felt like [he] was in the military. (He got) more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military."', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Trump got a deferment for medical reasons. It is in the link you provided. He showed up for the physical exam. Ready to serve. You lie.', ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : After John McCain called him a whacko bird, Trump retaliated by saying he prefers his heroes from the ranks of those who weren't heroes by dint of being a POW. I agree with that.", ">>{pariah-professional} : I wish I was paid to do this. My grandfather, now dead, served in military intelligence during Korea. He became quite close with the family of the mayor of Yongdongpo (sp?). I must admit, it's quite surreal to think that were my grandpa still alive, he could be arguing on Reddit. Cheers to your years.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : That is different from the first link. I agree with boots on the ground to accomplish the specified goals. To destroy ISIS. No cowering here either.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, he said he likes people who don't get caught while he hid behind daddy's money. I don't care what your opinion of McCain is, at least McCain showed up. The same is true of the hundreds of other brave soldiers who got caught.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Nope. He got four separate deferments and his medical exams are contradictory. He also has records of playing a variety of sports during his college years. I'm not lying, you're being willfully blind.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah. Trump is super brave with other people's lives.", ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Your spin doesn't mix well with my wa. Let's just call it a day on go about out business elsewhere OK?", ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : McCain is fine. I don't like him much, but he is fine, Not the issue.", ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I'm only 79 now. Still engaged. Thanks for your granddads service.", ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Has no record of ever being in charge of anyone's life. Sayonara.", '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : Oh fuck off with that. Trump is more anti-war than Sanders is. The only time Trump has ever said anything that is pro-war is against ISIS, and I\'m pretty sure Sanders is against ISIS also. And Trump is happy to let poor people die? Tell that to Bernie "Bread lines are a good thing" Sanders.', ">>{CarmineFields} : What? No, Trump is more pro-war than sanders, he's just been intentionally vague about all policy so we don't know what he plans. Trump HAS promised war crimes, torture, carpet bombing and stealing resources. Even Hillary hasn't promised anything to that extent.", '>>{zapichigo} : But ChickenTrump is actually a vet: >*[Trump describing how he has been promiscuous without contracting a Venereal Disease]* “I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there — it’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider” I haven\'t gone through the list of charities he released today but I am hopeful at least some of the money went to **"Veterans of the Dating Wars"** as well as **"Bone Spur Heroes"** - two organizations I am sure are very near and dear to Trump\'s heart.', ">>{CarmineFields} : He's promised what he'll do if we give him that power. Are you saying his complete and total inexperience is his main selling point? Is he lying about wanting torture and war crimes?", ">>{CarmineFields} : You're right, he's not. Trump lecturing victims of internment camps and torture while he got massages and played tennis is the issue.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Sounds great. Something will get through the cult-wall you've put up one day. Best of luck.", '>>{CarmineFields} : I already agreed but I got to that message after your other three messages. Goodnight!', '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : Of terrorists. Does that mean Sanders is against attacking terrorists? What country has Trump said he would invade?', ">>{sundialinshade} : Bill Clinton's draft dodging story: http://www.1stcavmedic.com/bill-clinton-draft.htm In 1996 his lawyers tried to claim he was considered on active military duty as commander in chief to avoid a lawsuit by Paula Jones. Veterans were upset.", '>>{ericn1300} : The Donald lied to get out of the draft. Bernie didn\'t lie, he applied for conscientious objector status which he got. Lying is taking the low road, obfuscating by saying that you "can\'t go" instead of saying that you "won\'t go". Bernie is legit. He came right out and said "hell no I won\'t go" and backed it up by playing by the rules.', ">>{dr_pepper_35} : I don't know about tennis, I heard Trump had some pretty serious bone spurs in his feet around then. Though he may have been able to play doubles, less running.", '>>{sundialinshade} : From snopes: " It\'s true that Sanders was consistently a vocal opponent of the Vietnam war\xa0during his college years and into his early political career, applying for "conscientious objector" status as a student. However, the term "draft dodger" has a very specific\xa0definition\xa0and\xa0connotation\xa0(that compulsory military service was evaded by illegal or unethical means, such as falsifying documents or leaving the country)\xa0which doesn\'t apply to conscientious objectors." Sanders debate response: "When I was a young man -- I\'m not a young man today. When I was a young man, I strongly opposed the war in Vietnam. Not the brave men like Jim who fought in that war, but the policy which got us involved in that war. That was my view then ... I am not a pacifist, Anderson. I supported the war in Afghanistan. I supported President Clinton\'s effort to deal with ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. I support air strikes in Syria and what the president is trying to do. Yes, I happen to believe from the bottom of my heart that war should be the last resort that we have got to exercise diplomacy. But yes, I am prepared to take this country into war if that is necessary."', '>>{CarmineFields} : No, but I can and have provided citations.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Any country he wants to attack ISIS. He'll then steal that country's resources.", '>>{CarmineFields} : His feet seem fine now. Bone spurs rarely disappear and the medical records he has provided show no operations. It must be a miracle!', '>>{SergeantButtcrack} : I think your fields of carmine were just vaccummed up by this guys anus.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump's words fit my narrative. It works out nicely for me.", '>>{SergeantButtcrack} : Seriously man. That and.. You know Hilary Clinton is really good at getting away with shit. Maybe she would be good at getting away with shit for America, you know, as the president. I think this article just inspired meet to vote Hilary #deepinsideher', '>>{partanimal} : Which of our recent presidents, our current candidates, served? None. So the same generality applies to them all.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Well, Obama was too young, but again, I wouldn't care if he didn't sit there smugly lecturing others about getting caught.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/). Additionally, Bernie was a conscientious objector during Vietnam. It's important to note however that neither Trump nor Bernie is number was ever pulled and therefore they were never asked to go to Vietnam in the first place due to their high lottery numbers.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Sorry but you are wrong. Trump is running in an antiwar platform that we've frankly never seen a Republican run on.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : He applied as a conscientious objector until he was too old to be drafted.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Additionally Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/).', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/). Your inability to do even 5 seconds of research before making a decision makes me worry about this country. Also Sanders applied as a conscientious objector until he was too old serve.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Politifact rates the claim that Trump dodged the draft as [PANTS ON FIRE](http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/statements/2013/mar/24/liberals-are-cool/liberal-group-claims-mitt-romney-dick-cheney-donal/). Bernie dodged by applying as a conscientious objector.', ">>{CarmineFields} : No he isn't. Saying that you're going to murder a bunch of people in some undisclosed country, torture them and kill their families and steal from the random unnamed country is not anti-war. It's just sloppy and ignorant. Trump is flying by the seat of his pants and doesn't understand foreign policy, the office of the president or much else about running the country so he makes uninformed, fuzzy promises. The best you can say about him is he hasn't got a clue about what war he wants. He's promised bloodshed.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Trump is against national building, wants to scale back our foreign presence including less to NATO, however he says IF we are fighting a war we should brutally eliminate the enemy, take our spoils and go home vs these prolonged engagements we've been having. You know, basically the way America always was up through WWII?", ">>{CarmineFields} : You mean prior to signing pacts saying we wouldn't torture and steal from sovereign countries? Yeah, there are rules we have to follow. We don't get to just waltz in and commit mass murder because Trump has a temper tantrum. If you want to align the entire world against us and crush our economy, this is how you do it.", ">>{partanimal} : But the point is that it is easy to be brave with other people's lives, and so I think we should hold our commanders in chief to a high standard in whether or not we are putting troops in harm's way, and any CinC who had not served should be more conservative in starting wars than Obama or Hillary. Edit: Obama was not too young to have served. Too young to be drafted, yes. But I do wish our CinCs would serve in the military..", ">>{CarmineFields} : >CinC who had not served should be more conservative in starting wars than Obama or Hillary You lost me there...Obama, Hillary and Trump haven't served. Of the three, only Trump committed a crime and I've only seen Trump lecture people who did serve.", ">>{bsmeteronhigh} : Obama wants to sell Communist Vietnam millions worth of weapons. Bringing up Trump's deferments is somehow hilarious. I wonder if Jane Fonda is rolling her eyes.", ">>{partanimal} : What I mean is, Iwould like to see a CinC who doesn't have military experience (like Obama, and like Clinton, trump, or Sanders if one of them were elected president) be much less hawkish than either Obama or Hillary have shown themselves to be in their respective positions as president, senator, and Secretary.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Okay, I just don't believe any of them besides Bernie will be conservative in terms of military usage.", ">>{partanimal} : I agree. It's one of my favorite things about him.", ">>{Sherman1865} : 79? You were born in 1936? That would make you 18 in 1954. The war ended in July 1953. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit.", ">>{IchSchwoerAlla} : > Bernie is anti-war for everyone. Trump is happy to let poor people die. What is that even supposed to mean? Trump is actually the only Republican candidate, who wants to give poor people access to healthcare for example: https://youtu.be/pNs4rYv1H_M?t=2m13s And he's also repeatedly spoken out against interventionist policies and military actions in other countries. Except those, the US already invaded, of course, since it would be retarded to just pack things up and leave a huge mess behind, as Obama did (see: Iraq, Afghanistan & the rise of IS).", ">>{Kaiged} : In my family all of the Vietnam vets took deferments available to them and still ended up going. None of them fault anyone who stayed out of that shit storm, but don't pretend getting out of the draft by being an objector was morally superior to being in the draft but deferred.", '>>{CarmineFields} : It means that he still wants war. He still wants "boots on the ground". Trump was above being drafted but he\'s brave enough to risk other people\'s lives.', '>>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : Well, no. That Trump lacked the courage of his convictions and was too much of a coward to stand up and say "this war is nonsense, I object to it" shows him for the shyster he is', ">>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : A conscientious objecter publicly admits that they oppose the war and have no intention of fighting. Trump on the other hand had to falsify a minor medical issue because he lacks the courage of his convictions, he's happy for others to die in wars he doesn't give two shits about, and he's happy to lie and cheat his way out of service.", ">>{sundialinshade} : CO applicants in 1969 were required to write an essay explaining one’s beliefs. If that essay was accepted, the next step was a Q and A appearance before the local draft board. After the hearing a decision would be rendered, at which point the registrant would be obligated to obey the board’s decision. A rejected applicant must enlist in the Army or face a two-year prison term. Because a fair number of COs were then in prison.\xa0 If the CO application was approved the person was assigned to alternate service, like working at a hospital or fire department - civilian public service. So by applying for CO, and facing the draft board, a person had to be prepared to go to jail, end up as a soldier, or best case scenario spend two years in public service. It wasn't dodging the draft, it was following the army's own rules.", ">>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I was in the National Guard when I was 16. Then, at 17 I joined the Navy. You are correct about the dates. I joined the Navy in 1954. Hostilities were pretty much over by then. My ship was the last one to make a ASW run in 1953, the year before I made my first cruise. Still, for purposes of reality I am considered to be a Korean War veteran and get VA benefits as such. You can research that, or take my word for it or just forget about it, I don't care. I am a Korean War veteran, aged 79, Tatar , Sunni living in SoCal.", '>>{dichenry} : Give the man some credit. It was either get a small million dollar loan from his dad or have his butt in a jungle with a gun.', ">>{ericn1300} : It really depends on the basis of the the deferment. If it was just an attempt to dodge the draft using false claims as opposed to someone willing to put himself to the test of a CO because of his beliefs then one would be morally superior. Also CO's were subject to the draft and did serve, just in non combatant positions.", ">>{Kaiged} : Sanders isn't a pacifist anymore so the basis of his CO status is questionable at best. Conscientious objection would be considered evasion if the sentiment was not genuine."], ['>>{jennifer_smith_} : President-elect Donald Trump is taunting Arnold Schwarzenegger for bringing in low ratings in a spinoff of Trump\'s old reality television show, "Celebrity Apprentice."', '>>{gloggy} : The orangutan has a sore butthole again. What a whiny little bitch.', ">>{NetflixBandit} : I'm a big Trump fan but even I think this is a little strange.", ">>{Ann0n0} : How is it strange? This is completely in character with how Trump's been behaving all his life.", ">>{kgt5003} : It's his MO... he deals with things he can wrap his head around. Usually that means addressing matters of ego. He has an important intel meeting today and he's spending time getting worked up over The Apprentice.... but I'm sure most of his supporters will say that this is just another brilliant smoke screen where he is playing the media and molding the narrative.", ">>{remeard} : Yep, this is the guy America voted for. Has the time to look at Celebrity Apprentice ratings and tweet about them but not for security briefings. He's going to have a hard time separating himself from his businesses mentally", ">>{Echost} : I started to go into why this is so ridiculous to compare ratings of the two after years of the show being on air, but I assume that's common sense around here. He has been tweeting all morning...its ridiculous. Hope he doesn't miss his intelligence meeting today.", ">>{CryYouWhineyBitch} : If Donald Trump was actually a winner, he would act like he's been there before. Trump acts like the election is the first thing he's won in his life. So much so, that he is terrified people want to take it away. All this denial of Russian hacking is him just projecting that he thinks he doesn't really deserve it.", '>>{wwarnout} : When is this 5th-grade-mentality person going to grow up? The more he tweets, the more embarrassed I am to admit to being an American.', '>>{Shadowyugi} : *More insane by the minute, this has become...*', ">>{jlaux} : Trump's transition has low approval ratings, but I guess that doesn't matter.", ">>{HelmetTesterTJ} : Usually though he's attacking ugly politicians or women with opinions. That's perfectly fine. This time he's attacking the rugged, handsome action hero that folks like /u/netflixbandit relate to. He wants to see them kiss, not fight.", ">>{Quexana} : He'd rather have the media and us talking about this than things of substance. It's classic media manipulation and they fall for it every time.", '>>{I_was_serious} : So if he runs our country into the ground, will he gloat about it because not everyone voted for him?', '>>{Rawalmond73} : Donald has the lowest popularity rating of any incoming president ever. Mr. Schwarzenegger should throw that fact in his face.', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : And golf! I hope someone sets up a real time Trump v Obama Rounds of Golf graph.', '>>{kwangqengelele} : Hopefully over time you\'ll see enough of this "strange" behavior and it might make you reevaluate your support of Donald Trump. At least that\'s what I hope would happen, not just a rationalization of his behavior to avoid having to admit fault.', '>>{ApparentlyJesus} : Arnold should hunt tRump down the pussy grabbing Predator he is..', '>>{felesroo} : He had to finish watching his shows, okay? Jeez...', '>>{Jack_M} : What executive producer would gloat about their show not performing well? This is insane.', ">>{boomhaeur} : And, ironically, a credited executive producer of the show he's shitting all over. So, is he gloating about his own failure? Or just trying to drive up ratings?", ">>{nzmn} : Who cares? This isn't news and is just Trump trying to distract from the real issues - like his promised press conference about the hacks. Or the ACA repeal with no alternative.", '>>{No_big_whoop} : ...or just trying to distract from the real news happening today']]
classify and reply
['>>{Kawaiibootyholes} : Under iPhone upgrade program, is it possible to get my ATT iPhone 7 switched to a Verizon one so I can switch carriers?', '>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : Clinton: ‘I regret’ comment on Trump supporters', ">>{Foraminifera_} : I'm certain that's it's gonna be a no. Upgrade program works only under the carrier that you got the phone from. It's not an Apple program. You will have to pay off this phone and sell it and use that money to get a new phone from Verizon", ">>{BillRight} : She doesn't regret it at all. Another lie. It's her 47% moment, put a fork in her, she is done.", '>>{SonnyBlack90} : Her team realized afterwards that when you tell a group of people that "some of you are deplorable people" everyone in the group thinks you\'re talking about them. Including on the fence independents considering Trump, who she still needs to win.', '>>{Kawaiibootyholes} : The iPhone upgrade program is by apple... On the website it literally advertises you can use the phone with any carrier.', '>>{Foraminifera_} : Then if Apple told your no.... Ask the Verizon ppl', '>>{Seriouscatt} : I only regret it because it didnt work', '>>{TIFUbyResponding} : I mean, the phone literally will not work on Verizon, so what would that accomplish? Unless he went to T-Mobile.', ">>{nottodaymyboi} : Doesn't Verizon give out sim cards??? I have no clue since I've never had a Verizon phone. Or is Verizon CDMA exclusive???", '>>{tehbowler} : You can but not until the next iPhone is lunched', '>>{hwkns} : I play piano myself so it was an amusing coincidence.', ">>{BanTheSpeech} : yet at the same time there is a running trend this election for the both of them.... the highest liability to each campaign is themselves. Clinton is a psychological liar trying to put Bill's strategy to work in a different system while saying anything to win (also her record is shaky to say the least). Where trump is a psychological liar who is saying anything (in best literal terms) and pushing that so he will win You cant blame Trump's staff for most of Trumps problems, as you cant blame Clintons staff for most of Clinton's problems. (knowing full well the staff on both sides fuck up regular)", ">>{Kawaiibootyholes} : I work for Verizon. I put a sim in it but it literally doesn't have the antenna got the CDMA bands. I thought they'd give that version since they always advertised that it works on any carrier and that the phone is unlocked. I was reading here before people said you can but it wasn't confirmed.", '>>{YouMustBeThisDrunk} : Why would anyone use a protocol as insecure as CDMA anymore?', '>>{SoapboxJunkie} : The phone should be compatible but it is likely network locked', '>>{hillsfar} : Just as some people are only voting Clinton because they dislike Trump more... ...Some people are only voting Trump because they dislike Clinton more. They\'re not a basket of deplorables. "[Clinton thinks racists, misogynists & homophobes are a #BasketOfDeplorables - except when they donate to Clintons.](https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/775129041590325249)" - Dr. Jill Stein commenting on Saudi and other theocratic despotic regimes donating to the Clinton Foundation for favors. **Edit**: Remember, there are other choices out there like [Jill Stein](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbX7v246Ynk) and [Gary Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGD8gJt7weU). You don\'t have to vote for the "lesser evil". Voting for the lesser evil has, over decades, led us to where we are today. And yes, I\'ll take these downvotes with pride.a. **Vote for the lesser evil is a vote against good**.', '>>{thewiseswirl} : Ask Apple. The phone is supposed to work on all carriers.', '>>{aledlewis} : Never her fault. Always someone else under the bus.', ">>{OptionalCookie} : The 7 doesn't get a multi mode unlock unless it is the sprint/Verizon version. Otherwise it gets a GSM unlock. The 6/6s both have GSM and CDMA bands and therefore get multi mode unlock, not just a single unlock type. The GSM version of the iPhone 7, like the one for att will never work on sprint or Verizon. Ever. Their modems are made by Intel, and Qualcomm holds the patents for CDMA in the USA.", ">>{OptionalCookie} : I suggest to ask politely to switch the model. Don't day anything about switching to Verizon. State that your signal has been extremely poor in the places you travel to whereas with your other iPhones (name drop the 6/6s even if you never had them because they have Qualcomm radios). You read an article about the different radios in the iPhone 7, and are extremely unhappy with the Intel radio and would like a model with the Qualcomm radio instead. You are experiencing issues like poor data and when you switch the sim to your 6/6s, it seems like you are on the internet super highway but it just slogs along on your 7. Some people have had success with that and swapped their Intel radio models for a CDMA compatible Qualcomm version under warranty without comprising their iPhone upgrade program eligibility. Because the poor signal is true. You aren't telling a lie. Pay off the iPhone, or request a carrier unlock. I think phones in the iPhone eligibility upgrade program are automatically unlocked, but check that and get back to me. Remember to take a look at Apple.com/iPhone/lte for the Verizon sold model on the page. Idk the model numbers off of the top of my head for the 7.", '>>{jrau18} : Mmmm. I love A11 chips with my lunch.', ">>{aokusman} : Since you are beyond the return policy you won't be able to do so.", '>>{aledlewis} : AP delete whatever the Clinton camp tells them to these days.', '>>{Sundev1ls92} : I have personally done this. I had an ATT iPhone 6s Plus locked to ATT. When I got the 7 Plus I went to device unlock and got the phone unlocked and it works beautifully on Verizon now', '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Prepared speech, not off the cuff remarks. This was no oops. She meant every word including half.', '>>{BanTheSpeech} : Yeah thats a near more accurate generalization. Trump saying something bad - Blame Trump. He doubles down Clinton says something bad - Blame everyone. Deflect to Trump and move to next cycle', ">>{aledlewis} : She is a mess. Her fans on this sub were yesterday playing some wicked 4D chess, saying when she walked it back that actually she was doubling down and meant most if not all Trump supporters were deplorable. She's handing this to Trump. Old and establishment Dems were so sure that their establishment candidate was a dead cert. Grim stuff 60 days out.", ">>{Marvelkicks} : This isn't quite true. You have to pay a minimum of 6 months towards your current contract before upgrading. As OP says that he is using the 7, he can upgrade to the 7 plus. He will have to pay extra for the early upgrade and his monthly bill will reflect any price change in the phone. When he sets up his new contract he can do it on whatever carrier he wants.", '>>{hwkns} : Interesting that she said "half," she could have continued to point out that the other half of Trump supporters are this elections equivalent of the "Good Germans" that supported the Nazis yet pretended to be ignorant of the excesses.', '>>{tsdguy} : No. You can only join the iUP with a contract on an existing provider. You have to cancel your att contract and have a Verizon account before you could upgrade and get a Verizon account. And you have to wait for a new phone as well.', ">>{tmc_throwaway} : Reuters and AP are little more than establishment propaganda wings. The AP collaborated with the Nazis for access, so it's not like they were any different before.", ">>{quintsreddit} : Also, the phone is unlocked if he's on the iPhone upgrade program anyway.", ">>{curiousurick} : I asked this question a week ago. I went to the Appke Store yesterday and they told me all I have to do is get a Verizon account with no phone and get a Verizon sim card. They WILL swap out the phone for free. I don't know why everyone is insisting they know you can't.", '>>{OptionalCookie} : Idk about monopoly when even the Qualcomm radios surpass the Intel radios even on GSM network. Also, Qualcomm has been in the game *forever.* They know what they are doing.', '>>{bleke_xyz} : Then we have apple on the other hand sueing everyone', ">>{Mischievous_Puck} : I'd rather vote for the lesser evil than throw my vote away on a 3rd party candidate that has no realistic chance of winning. Our system is fucking stupid but voting third party won't stop Clinton or trump from entering office.", '>>{Yo_2T} : That does not apply to the 7 in question.', ">>{tmc_throwaway} : [Link re: the AP's previous Nazi problem.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/30/associated-press-cooperation-nazis-revealed-germany-harriet-scharnberg)", ">>{aledlewis} : I trust Reuters and AP a little bit more than MSNBC and CNN, but AP has proven in recent weeks that it will 'correct the record' if the Clinton camp wants it to. It really undermines it's integrity and/or independence.", ">>{Nutcup} : If you have an A1661 model iPhone then it'll work on Verizon. Look at the back of your naked phone to find out.", ">>{Kawaiibootyholes} : It's not. It's a A1784. I called support and they said to talk to a manager at my local Apple Store and get it swapped.", '>>{tmc_throwaway} : Misplaced trust, methinks. MSNBC and CNN will often just churn out rehashed AP and Reuters stories.', ">>{Quexana} : I think it was a stupid, thoughtless statement to make, but now that it's been made, recanting even a bit of it is even more of a mistake. There's no walking a statement like this back. Recanting it now looks insincere, weak (feeding right into the established Clinton narrative) and like she's only doing it because it was politically damaging. Her best option was to push forward. For better or worse, it was a campaign defining statement. She has to go with it.", ">>{curiousurick} : I haven't done it yet. I'm going to Iceland in May and want to use my free international data.", ">>{NarrowLightbulb} : Her actual statement isn't exactly a step back. She states the half part was wrong but everything else she still stood by.", ">>{Quexana} : Recanting even a bit of it is a mistake. Again, she's not going to be allowed to walk this statement back. Especially not when the MSM is going full-out to defend it.", '>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : She should have, would have shown her true colors even more. People seem to miss how utterly ridiculous it is to make Hitler analogies with people like Trump, because of his stance on illegal immigration.', '>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : Why would they delete these stories? She actually used the word regret. Most people would interpret this as "i spoke too broadly" rather than "not broadly enough" and I don\'t agree with your assessment: >"Last night I was \'grossly generalistic,\' and that\'s never a good idea. I regret saying \'half\' — that was wrong," Clinton said in a statement, only partially walking back her argument that the Republican nominee has many followers who are "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic." [link](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/clinton-regrets-calling-half-trump-supporters-basket-deplorables-n646126) Either way calling supporters of your opponent "racist" is petty and immature.', ">>{I_Need_Sources} : I mean you also have the fact that his rhetoric about muslims could be analogous to Hitler's rhetoric on jews.", '>>{Jewdius_Maximus} : As if anyone should care. Trump neeeeeeeeeever does anything petty and immature, no not Trump.', '>>{Firetrucker} : Nothing to regret, Trump voters are voting for a race-baitng racist Putin lover with stupid and dangerous ideas for policy, what else can you call them? Nothing postive. Clinton should do it some more, watching Trump voter subs scream and cry in oitrage has been great. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT CROOKED HAG MURDERING TRAITOR BITCH CALLED US DEPLORABLE!?! Is it hypocrisy or a complete lack of self-awarness?', ">>{Firetrucker} : But her opponent is racist, is cheered by racists so what else can you call his supporters? I'm not racist but I vote for racists? That makes sense? So not immature more accurate and hence the Trump supporters freaking out; truth hurts.", '>>{Venturin} : **The Clinton Defense**: Yea Hillary is terrible, but Trump is terrible-er', ">>{Firetrucker} : No she called millions of Trump voters deplorable and since they're voting for a racist, yeah, they are.", '>>{Venturin} : The complete lack of self awareness appears to be you believing that this is helping Hillary. Lol!', ">>{Jewdius_Maximus} : That's Trump's strategy isn't it? I know you are but what am I? Trump is literally AIDS in human form. Hillary could moon an entire GOP crowd and then tel them to suck her dick and she still wouldn't be half as immature and petty as Trump. Plus she's right, half of Trump voters are... I'll use a more layman's term.... Fucking retarded. I also am not voting for Hillary. I'm sitting this election out cause I cannot cast a vote for anyone in this race and not be ashamed of myself.", ">>{Venturin} : Trump's strategy?? No that's **your** strategy. Wow, did you forget that fast??", '>>{Firetrucker} : Yesh, calling people who aren\'t going to vote for her "deplorable" really is doing damage to her chances, they\'re not going to vote for her even more now!', ">>{Jewdius_Maximus} : No it's actually Tump's. Every attack that has been leveled against Trump he'll just say the same about Hillary. Trump asks why we can't use nukes and people say he's unstable and trigger happy? The next day Hillary is all of a sudden unstable and trigger happy. People question Trump's mental health? The next day Hillary has Alzheimer's. who are you trying to fool here?", '>>{Venturin} : > No it\'s actually Tump\'s. We started this exchange when I called out your ridiculous attempt to deflect from Hillary\'s "petty and immature" gaffe back to Trump. Now you\'re arguing that Trump does what you did, that you are equal to Trump. Wow! **You** used this tactic. Are you really this unaware?', ">>{Venturin} : Doesn't matter. It's terribly poor form to attack voters. It's petty and elitist. Say whatever you think helps, but Hillary is back-pedaling and her sycophants are trying to do damage control. She goofed. And Trump's team would be stupid to not try to use this against her.", ">>{Firetrucker} : No, calling deplorable people deplorable is an excellent idea because at the very least they can't say they were never told. Clinton should do it more, talk about all the Nazis, David Dukes and Klan types who adore Trump. Talk about how Trump adores confirmed monster Putin. When a slime like Trump is your opponent going negative is really the only positive course of action. Also Clinton is pretty terrible and the less she says about herself the better... actually the less she does period is better, let Trump do all her winning for her.", '>>{Venturin} : **The Hillary Defense**: Yea Hillary is terrible but Trump is terrible-er', '>>{Firetrucker} : Yes, that\'s about right. And it\'s not a "defense" as much as a simple statement of fact. When Trump calls Clinton "Crooked" he\'s not wrong (not creative or witty either but whatever) she is most certainly a liar who has pulled many shenanigans in her ambitions and is clearly corrupt and content to be so. But Trump is a race-baiting racist who is so much more corrupt, viciously stupid and given power a real danger. He embraces fascists, inspires other racists and his policies range from foolish to outright insane. So yes, Clinton is terrible but Trump is terrible-er, that is correct.', '>>{Venturin} : lol thanks for supporting my contention. So are you voting for Hillary?', ">>{Firetrucker} : No, I'm Canadian so not even an option and if it were I probably wouldn't (unless I was in a State where they were close in the polls) I can't stand her, awful person but no one should vote for Trump, he's a monster and voting for monsters is deplorable.", '>>{Venturin} : Got it. And you keep repeating yourself so clearly there\'s nothing new to learn from you. Good luck with your "advocacy" of Hillary. :)', ">>{Steel9966} : I can't wait to vote for Hillary. She'll be an excellent President.", '>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : It\'s petty name calling and nothing more, with people like you buying into it hook line and sinker. You have nothing to offer except reiterating the same empty vitriol and repeating the word "racist" ad nauseum.', ">>{Firetrucker} : No, calling racists racist isn't petty name calling, it's accurately identifying and labeling bad behaviors."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Kawaiibootyholes} : Under iPhone upgrade program, is it possible to get my ATT iPhone 7 switched to a Verizon one so I can switch carriers?', ">>{Foraminifera_} : I'm certain that's it's gonna be a no. Upgrade program works only under the carrier that you got the phone from. It's not an Apple program. You will have to pay off this phone and sell it and use that money to get a new phone from Verizon", '>>{Kawaiibootyholes} : The iPhone upgrade program is by apple... On the website it literally advertises you can use the phone with any carrier.', '>>{Foraminifera_} : Then if Apple told your no.... Ask the Verizon ppl', '>>{TIFUbyResponding} : I mean, the phone literally will not work on Verizon, so what would that accomplish? Unless he went to T-Mobile.', ">>{nottodaymyboi} : Doesn't Verizon give out sim cards??? I have no clue since I've never had a Verizon phone. Or is Verizon CDMA exclusive???", '>>{tehbowler} : You can but not until the next iPhone is lunched', ">>{Kawaiibootyholes} : I work for Verizon. I put a sim in it but it literally doesn't have the antenna got the CDMA bands. I thought they'd give that version since they always advertised that it works on any carrier and that the phone is unlocked. I was reading here before people said you can but it wasn't confirmed.", '>>{YouMustBeThisDrunk} : Why would anyone use a protocol as insecure as CDMA anymore?', '>>{SoapboxJunkie} : The phone should be compatible but it is likely network locked', '>>{thewiseswirl} : Ask Apple. The phone is supposed to work on all carriers.', ">>{OptionalCookie} : The 7 doesn't get a multi mode unlock unless it is the sprint/Verizon version. Otherwise it gets a GSM unlock. The 6/6s both have GSM and CDMA bands and therefore get multi mode unlock, not just a single unlock type. The GSM version of the iPhone 7, like the one for att will never work on sprint or Verizon. Ever. Their modems are made by Intel, and Qualcomm holds the patents for CDMA in the USA.", ">>{OptionalCookie} : I suggest to ask politely to switch the model. Don't day anything about switching to Verizon. State that your signal has been extremely poor in the places you travel to whereas with your other iPhones (name drop the 6/6s even if you never had them because they have Qualcomm radios). You read an article about the different radios in the iPhone 7, and are extremely unhappy with the Intel radio and would like a model with the Qualcomm radio instead. You are experiencing issues like poor data and when you switch the sim to your 6/6s, it seems like you are on the internet super highway but it just slogs along on your 7. Some people have had success with that and swapped their Intel radio models for a CDMA compatible Qualcomm version under warranty without comprising their iPhone upgrade program eligibility. Because the poor signal is true. You aren't telling a lie. Pay off the iPhone, or request a carrier unlock. I think phones in the iPhone eligibility upgrade program are automatically unlocked, but check that and get back to me. Remember to take a look at Apple.com/iPhone/lte for the Verizon sold model on the page. Idk the model numbers off of the top of my head for the 7.", '>>{jrau18} : Mmmm. I love A11 chips with my lunch.', ">>{aokusman} : Since you are beyond the return policy you won't be able to do so.", '>>{Sundev1ls92} : I have personally done this. I had an ATT iPhone 6s Plus locked to ATT. When I got the 7 Plus I went to device unlock and got the phone unlocked and it works beautifully on Verizon now', ">>{Marvelkicks} : This isn't quite true. You have to pay a minimum of 6 months towards your current contract before upgrading. As OP says that he is using the 7, he can upgrade to the 7 plus. He will have to pay extra for the early upgrade and his monthly bill will reflect any price change in the phone. When he sets up his new contract he can do it on whatever carrier he wants.", '>>{tsdguy} : No. You can only join the iUP with a contract on an existing provider. You have to cancel your att contract and have a Verizon account before you could upgrade and get a Verizon account. And you have to wait for a new phone as well.', ">>{quintsreddit} : Also, the phone is unlocked if he's on the iPhone upgrade program anyway.", ">>{curiousurick} : I asked this question a week ago. I went to the Appke Store yesterday and they told me all I have to do is get a Verizon account with no phone and get a Verizon sim card. They WILL swap out the phone for free. I don't know why everyone is insisting they know you can't.", '>>{OptionalCookie} : Idk about monopoly when even the Qualcomm radios surpass the Intel radios even on GSM network. Also, Qualcomm has been in the game *forever.* They know what they are doing.', '>>{bleke_xyz} : Then we have apple on the other hand sueing everyone', '>>{Yo_2T} : That does not apply to the 7 in question.', ">>{Nutcup} : If you have an A1661 model iPhone then it'll work on Verizon. Look at the back of your naked phone to find out.", ">>{Kawaiibootyholes} : It's not. It's a A1784. I called support and they said to talk to a manager at my local Apple Store and get it swapped.", ">>{curiousurick} : I haven't done it yet. I'm going to Iceland in May and want to use my free international data."], ['>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : Clinton: ‘I regret’ comment on Trump supporters', ">>{BillRight} : She doesn't regret it at all. Another lie. It's her 47% moment, put a fork in her, she is done.", '>>{SonnyBlack90} : Her team realized afterwards that when you tell a group of people that "some of you are deplorable people" everyone in the group thinks you\'re talking about them. Including on the fence independents considering Trump, who she still needs to win.', '>>{Seriouscatt} : I only regret it because it didnt work', '>>{hwkns} : I play piano myself so it was an amusing coincidence.', ">>{BanTheSpeech} : yet at the same time there is a running trend this election for the both of them.... the highest liability to each campaign is themselves. Clinton is a psychological liar trying to put Bill's strategy to work in a different system while saying anything to win (also her record is shaky to say the least). Where trump is a psychological liar who is saying anything (in best literal terms) and pushing that so he will win You cant blame Trump's staff for most of Trumps problems, as you cant blame Clintons staff for most of Clinton's problems. (knowing full well the staff on both sides fuck up regular)", '>>{hillsfar} : Just as some people are only voting Clinton because they dislike Trump more... ...Some people are only voting Trump because they dislike Clinton more. They\'re not a basket of deplorables. "[Clinton thinks racists, misogynists & homophobes are a #BasketOfDeplorables - except when they donate to Clintons.](https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/775129041590325249)" - Dr. Jill Stein commenting on Saudi and other theocratic despotic regimes donating to the Clinton Foundation for favors. **Edit**: Remember, there are other choices out there like [Jill Stein](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbX7v246Ynk) and [Gary Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGD8gJt7weU). You don\'t have to vote for the "lesser evil". Voting for the lesser evil has, over decades, led us to where we are today. And yes, I\'ll take these downvotes with pride.a. **Vote for the lesser evil is a vote against good**.', '>>{aledlewis} : Never her fault. Always someone else under the bus.', '>>{aledlewis} : AP delete whatever the Clinton camp tells them to these days.', '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Prepared speech, not off the cuff remarks. This was no oops. She meant every word including half.', '>>{BanTheSpeech} : Yeah thats a near more accurate generalization. Trump saying something bad - Blame Trump. He doubles down Clinton says something bad - Blame everyone. Deflect to Trump and move to next cycle', ">>{aledlewis} : She is a mess. Her fans on this sub were yesterday playing some wicked 4D chess, saying when she walked it back that actually she was doubling down and meant most if not all Trump supporters were deplorable. She's handing this to Trump. Old and establishment Dems were so sure that their establishment candidate was a dead cert. Grim stuff 60 days out.", '>>{hwkns} : Interesting that she said "half," she could have continued to point out that the other half of Trump supporters are this elections equivalent of the "Good Germans" that supported the Nazis yet pretended to be ignorant of the excesses.', ">>{tmc_throwaway} : Reuters and AP are little more than establishment propaganda wings. The AP collaborated with the Nazis for access, so it's not like they were any different before.", ">>{Mischievous_Puck} : I'd rather vote for the lesser evil than throw my vote away on a 3rd party candidate that has no realistic chance of winning. Our system is fucking stupid but voting third party won't stop Clinton or trump from entering office.", ">>{tmc_throwaway} : [Link re: the AP's previous Nazi problem.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/30/associated-press-cooperation-nazis-revealed-germany-harriet-scharnberg)", ">>{aledlewis} : I trust Reuters and AP a little bit more than MSNBC and CNN, but AP has proven in recent weeks that it will 'correct the record' if the Clinton camp wants it to. It really undermines it's integrity and/or independence.", '>>{tmc_throwaway} : Misplaced trust, methinks. MSNBC and CNN will often just churn out rehashed AP and Reuters stories.', ">>{Quexana} : I think it was a stupid, thoughtless statement to make, but now that it's been made, recanting even a bit of it is even more of a mistake. There's no walking a statement like this back. Recanting it now looks insincere, weak (feeding right into the established Clinton narrative) and like she's only doing it because it was politically damaging. Her best option was to push forward. For better or worse, it was a campaign defining statement. She has to go with it.", ">>{NarrowLightbulb} : Her actual statement isn't exactly a step back. She states the half part was wrong but everything else she still stood by.", ">>{Quexana} : Recanting even a bit of it is a mistake. Again, she's not going to be allowed to walk this statement back. Especially not when the MSM is going full-out to defend it.", '>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : She should have, would have shown her true colors even more. People seem to miss how utterly ridiculous it is to make Hitler analogies with people like Trump, because of his stance on illegal immigration.', '>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : Why would they delete these stories? She actually used the word regret. Most people would interpret this as "i spoke too broadly" rather than "not broadly enough" and I don\'t agree with your assessment: >"Last night I was \'grossly generalistic,\' and that\'s never a good idea. I regret saying \'half\' — that was wrong," Clinton said in a statement, only partially walking back her argument that the Republican nominee has many followers who are "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic." [link](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/clinton-regrets-calling-half-trump-supporters-basket-deplorables-n646126) Either way calling supporters of your opponent "racist" is petty and immature.', ">>{I_Need_Sources} : I mean you also have the fact that his rhetoric about muslims could be analogous to Hitler's rhetoric on jews.", '>>{Jewdius_Maximus} : As if anyone should care. Trump neeeeeeeeeever does anything petty and immature, no not Trump.', '>>{Firetrucker} : Nothing to regret, Trump voters are voting for a race-baitng racist Putin lover with stupid and dangerous ideas for policy, what else can you call them? Nothing postive. Clinton should do it some more, watching Trump voter subs scream and cry in oitrage has been great. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT CROOKED HAG MURDERING TRAITOR BITCH CALLED US DEPLORABLE!?! Is it hypocrisy or a complete lack of self-awarness?', ">>{Firetrucker} : But her opponent is racist, is cheered by racists so what else can you call his supporters? I'm not racist but I vote for racists? That makes sense? So not immature more accurate and hence the Trump supporters freaking out; truth hurts.", '>>{Venturin} : **The Clinton Defense**: Yea Hillary is terrible, but Trump is terrible-er', ">>{Firetrucker} : No she called millions of Trump voters deplorable and since they're voting for a racist, yeah, they are.", '>>{Venturin} : The complete lack of self awareness appears to be you believing that this is helping Hillary. Lol!', ">>{Jewdius_Maximus} : That's Trump's strategy isn't it? I know you are but what am I? Trump is literally AIDS in human form. Hillary could moon an entire GOP crowd and then tel them to suck her dick and she still wouldn't be half as immature and petty as Trump. Plus she's right, half of Trump voters are... I'll use a more layman's term.... Fucking retarded. I also am not voting for Hillary. I'm sitting this election out cause I cannot cast a vote for anyone in this race and not be ashamed of myself.", ">>{Venturin} : Trump's strategy?? No that's **your** strategy. Wow, did you forget that fast??", '>>{Firetrucker} : Yesh, calling people who aren\'t going to vote for her "deplorable" really is doing damage to her chances, they\'re not going to vote for her even more now!', ">>{Jewdius_Maximus} : No it's actually Tump's. Every attack that has been leveled against Trump he'll just say the same about Hillary. Trump asks why we can't use nukes and people say he's unstable and trigger happy? The next day Hillary is all of a sudden unstable and trigger happy. People question Trump's mental health? The next day Hillary has Alzheimer's. who are you trying to fool here?", '>>{Venturin} : > No it\'s actually Tump\'s. We started this exchange when I called out your ridiculous attempt to deflect from Hillary\'s "petty and immature" gaffe back to Trump. Now you\'re arguing that Trump does what you did, that you are equal to Trump. Wow! **You** used this tactic. Are you really this unaware?', ">>{Venturin} : Doesn't matter. It's terribly poor form to attack voters. It's petty and elitist. Say whatever you think helps, but Hillary is back-pedaling and her sycophants are trying to do damage control. She goofed. And Trump's team would be stupid to not try to use this against her.", ">>{Firetrucker} : No, calling deplorable people deplorable is an excellent idea because at the very least they can't say they were never told. Clinton should do it more, talk about all the Nazis, David Dukes and Klan types who adore Trump. Talk about how Trump adores confirmed monster Putin. When a slime like Trump is your opponent going negative is really the only positive course of action. Also Clinton is pretty terrible and the less she says about herself the better... actually the less she does period is better, let Trump do all her winning for her.", '>>{Venturin} : **The Hillary Defense**: Yea Hillary is terrible but Trump is terrible-er', '>>{Firetrucker} : Yes, that\'s about right. And it\'s not a "defense" as much as a simple statement of fact. When Trump calls Clinton "Crooked" he\'s not wrong (not creative or witty either but whatever) she is most certainly a liar who has pulled many shenanigans in her ambitions and is clearly corrupt and content to be so. But Trump is a race-baiting racist who is so much more corrupt, viciously stupid and given power a real danger. He embraces fascists, inspires other racists and his policies range from foolish to outright insane. So yes, Clinton is terrible but Trump is terrible-er, that is correct.', '>>{Venturin} : lol thanks for supporting my contention. So are you voting for Hillary?', ">>{Firetrucker} : No, I'm Canadian so not even an option and if it were I probably wouldn't (unless I was in a State where they were close in the polls) I can't stand her, awful person but no one should vote for Trump, he's a monster and voting for monsters is deplorable.", '>>{Venturin} : Got it. And you keep repeating yourself so clearly there\'s nothing new to learn from you. Good luck with your "advocacy" of Hillary. :)', ">>{Steel9966} : I can't wait to vote for Hillary. She'll be an excellent President.", '>>{ImOP_need_nerf} : It\'s petty name calling and nothing more, with people like you buying into it hook line and sinker. You have nothing to offer except reiterating the same empty vitriol and repeating the word "racist" ad nauseum.', ">>{Firetrucker} : No, calling racists racist isn't petty name calling, it's accurately identifying and labeling bad behaviors."]]
classify and reply
['>>{drakeb55} : Uniqlo threatens to leave U.S. over Trump threats', ">>{downvote_breitbart} : That is what people don't realize. Trump is going to make america poison for foreign companies to do business with, killing millions of american jobs.", '>>{communitycirclejerk} : Dump wants to eliminate competition so his Dump brands could finally be successful.', '>>{Quinnjester} : God no I love their clothes. FUCK TRUMP!', ">>{olfitz} : They shouldn't worry about it until the Trumps start having their cloths made in the U.S. Don't hold your breath.", ">>{ImInterested} : > That is what ~~people~~ Trump supporters don't realize.", '>>{52-6F-62} : You can always come to Toronto. We have 2 now.', '>>{AmericanFabius} : This headline was in answer to question how they react of Trump required them to make their clothes in the US.', ">>{holymolym} : Oh, now he's really gone and done it. *-wearing Uniqlo head to toe*", ">>{bbiggs32} : Dammit all my jeans and tshirts come from there. Free alterations! Don't fuck with my Uniqlo", ">>{4SAO} : I'm at a point where a large percentage of my wardrobe comes from there. I have friends in Japan, but I don't want to rely on that.", ">>{4SAO} : It's not a minor thing though, and they wouldn't be the only one to leave. It's a Japanese company, and it makes sense that they'd make their clothes in Asia since it's mainly aimed at Asians (though they are certainly finding success in the US). Meanwhile ivanka's crap isn't made in the US, so he sounds like a huge hypocrite to even imply that US companies should be making their things in the US alone.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : Of course Trump comes across as a huge hypocrite in a hypothetical situation invented by the reporter.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : /r/malefashionadvice is on suicide watch with this news.', ">>{lastdukestreetking} : One of my clients is their parent company, and I was in their offices earlier today, and this came up. I was told that a) Yanai is known for not being very guarded with his words, and b) there was a translation problem. Overall, they think it's blown out of proportion, and they won't be leaving the USA.", ">>{doot_doot} : Pretty quickly too. Make it your first stop at the mall, they'll usually finish in an hour or so.", '>>{IceReignBlack} : Who cares about those jobs if coal miners are able to mine coal? Arent those they the only industry that is important in this country?', '>>{mrbrambles} : Everything I wear below the waist besides shoes is uniqlo', '>>{MWM2} : On the bright side the republicans in the sub might be forced to go dem in 2018.', '>>{MWM2} : Oh, Canada***!***']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{drakeb55} : Uniqlo threatens to leave U.S. over Trump threats', ">>{downvote_breitbart} : That is what people don't realize. Trump is going to make america poison for foreign companies to do business with, killing millions of american jobs.", '>>{communitycirclejerk} : Dump wants to eliminate competition so his Dump brands could finally be successful.', '>>{Quinnjester} : God no I love their clothes. FUCK TRUMP!', ">>{olfitz} : They shouldn't worry about it until the Trumps start having their cloths made in the U.S. Don't hold your breath.", ">>{ImInterested} : > That is what ~~people~~ Trump supporters don't realize.", '>>{52-6F-62} : You can always come to Toronto. We have 2 now.', '>>{AmericanFabius} : This headline was in answer to question how they react of Trump required them to make their clothes in the US.', ">>{holymolym} : Oh, now he's really gone and done it. *-wearing Uniqlo head to toe*", ">>{bbiggs32} : Dammit all my jeans and tshirts come from there. Free alterations! Don't fuck with my Uniqlo", ">>{4SAO} : I'm at a point where a large percentage of my wardrobe comes from there. I have friends in Japan, but I don't want to rely on that.", ">>{4SAO} : It's not a minor thing though, and they wouldn't be the only one to leave. It's a Japanese company, and it makes sense that they'd make their clothes in Asia since it's mainly aimed at Asians (though they are certainly finding success in the US). Meanwhile ivanka's crap isn't made in the US, so he sounds like a huge hypocrite to even imply that US companies should be making their things in the US alone.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : Of course Trump comes across as a huge hypocrite in a hypothetical situation invented by the reporter.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : /r/malefashionadvice is on suicide watch with this news.', ">>{lastdukestreetking} : One of my clients is their parent company, and I was in their offices earlier today, and this came up. I was told that a) Yanai is known for not being very guarded with his words, and b) there was a translation problem. Overall, they think it's blown out of proportion, and they won't be leaving the USA.", ">>{doot_doot} : Pretty quickly too. Make it your first stop at the mall, they'll usually finish in an hour or so.", '>>{IceReignBlack} : Who cares about those jobs if coal miners are able to mine coal? Arent those they the only industry that is important in this country?', '>>{mrbrambles} : Everything I wear below the waist besides shoes is uniqlo', '>>{MWM2} : On the bright side the republicans in the sub might be forced to go dem in 2018.', '>>{MWM2} : Oh, Canada***!***']]
classify and reply
[">>{IrisKnebel} : Why Trump's golf diplomacy won't work with China's Xi Jinping", '>>{Ted_Boiler_Maker} : I bet they gave each other hand jobs, while hookers peed on them. Also known as a Trump Outhouse.', '>>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : Pro tip: whenever people say that they\'ve "buried the hatchet", they haven\'t.', ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : I can't believe this juvenile boy BS is normalized in our White House.", ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Elizabeth Warren responds to Trump's attacks: 'You want to see goofy? Look at him in that hat'", ">>{asifinperson} : Not sure why this was being down voted. Definitely falls under the politics heading. I think it's interesting that there's a reason, culturally and historically, for Xi not golfing, but it's unlikely Trump will know any of that or listen to anyone who does. So expect him to embarrass himself, America, and his guest by inviting him to golf anyway.", ">>{koproller} : Trump wants to escalate the situation with Xi. From the moment he took office and called Taiwan, he constantly tried to antagonize China. I hope that he'll fail, but Bannon, who claimed that war with China was inevitable, probably doesn't", '>>{DonManuel} : > "It\'s a symbol of the corruption Xi has been railing against," he added. "It represents a lot of the things he has spent much of his presidency fighting,..." Who would have thought, the US would one day appear more corrupt than China?', '>>{helpfulkorn} : Considering Trump said to the Irish leader that he was "as Irish as it gets" because he owned golf courses (a Scottish game), I wouldn\'t count on him having any historical context with which to view the situation.', ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Pls Stop Warren, you are destroying any shred of integrity you had. Stooping to Trump's level is just sad.", ">>{strangeelement} : Hey, it's the latest edition of tween drama. Now with nukes! President Apprentice is just too much.", '>>{just_a_timetraveller} : Trump will undoubtly say or do something a lot more offensive. Probably confuse them with another asian country or talk about Taiwan.', ">>{MelaniasNudez} : Nah, I totes heard Ivanka call Bannon a super creepazoid in fourth period. I think they're gonna fight after school.", ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : Alex Jones is suggesting Kushner is neoliberal globalist looking to undermine Trump's independence.", '>>{CharlieDarwin2} : I think Trump is just looking at what he can do to make more money for himself and his family.', '>>{bunchacruncha16} : Bannon will be gone by the end of the month', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Liz, let's admit it: he looks goofier without the hat.", ">>{1TipsyCoachman} : Xi had also chosen not to stay at Mar-A-Lago, which is an interesting snub and dovetails with Xi's concern about the optics of this whole visit.", ">>{nuscopic} : Trump: I like you Xi. You're a tough leader. I like tough leaders. Like the Samurai. Do you know the Samurai? Are they friends of yours?", '>>{AngryBudgie13} : During the W years Rumsfeld and Cheney would literally not speak to Powell. Condeleeza Rice (national security advisor at the time) was forced to act as a go between. "You tell Powell that we said...." type of deal. I did not envy her that job.', '>>{OmiSan13} : Liz is going full Trump. Never go full Trump.', '>>{Innovative_Wombat} : > buried the hatchet", they haven\'t. On the contrary, they did. Literally. Where Michelle Obama\'s garden was. But now the broadswords, crossbows and poison dart guns are coming out. Seriously though, no one should believe anything about harmony in the Incompetent Administration. That\'s what happens when a cabinet is made up of diametrically opposing interests. I don\'t remember Bush Jr or Obama having anywhere near this level of cabinet civil war. I\'m fairly certain that Clinton did not nor HW. But then again, all of them met a certain level of competence. I don\'t think Trump gets that having massive internal conflict is bad for governance, even if it worked for him at Trump Co.', ">>{kidkerouac} : Agreed. Makes she and Clinton look really small and petty. Feel like they'd be better served hitting him on policy, instead of this stupid fifth grade playground trash talk.", '>>{bxblox} : If he only had a department to help him figure out how to deal with foreign states.', ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : True, but that wasn't in the first 100 days, and the rest of them still agreed on principle for a number of issues. Given that Powell was basically betrayed and left as the fall guy, I can see why he'd be treating them with silence, but that's on an action rather than an entire ideology.", ">>{QuadraKev} : I wonder if Bannon has shit on Kushner (or the Trump family) that Kushner wouldn't want getting out.", '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : goofy would be a blonde hair blue eye lady claiming to be a native american', ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : There's a hatchet, and it's *going* to be buried. In somebody.", '>>{goshdarnwife} : Stuff like this is why I have lost a bit of respect for her. Why stoop to his level and make yourself look like an ass.', '>>{sundialinshade} : Who is this supposed to appeal to, besides the people who already plan to vote for her?', '>>{Ghoulishseventhson} : Oh warren. Sold your soul to clinton. Sold your dignity for a stipend. You dance and caw for a boss that dodges the law. Elizabeth Warren, squire to the Liar.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Because they don't know how to handle him. It's really funny to watch.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Without his panache she is at about 15% Trump.', '>>{rickeyspanish} : Either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain', '>>{thecolbster94} : Step 1 to beating Trump: **DONT PLAY HIS GAME** Step 2 to beating Trump: **DONT PLAY HIS GAME** etc.', '>>{goshdarnwife} : To me, the mature way to handle his silliness is just ignore him, rather than get into a middle school insult thing with him.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Too late for that, Trump has been baiting people all campaign and I have yet to see someone ignore him.', ">>{Buttocks} : Good idea Chief, go after Trump's appearance. Worked really well for Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina, Paul, Bush, Romney, etc.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Can you see how dumb the media and pols are now? Please tell me you see this.', ">>{C6O1999} : Because the candidate can't do it. It's the only reason she's there, to toss red meat.", '>>{Mallardy} : You mean, like the blond-haired, blue-eyed Tuscaroras that French Huguenots reported meeting along the Tar River in North Carolina in 1696?', '>>{C6O1999} : I have blond hair and blue eyes and I have Native American heritage. Why is that unfathomable to you?', ">>{goshdarnwife} : I think it's more a matter of *won't* rather than *can't*. Why not toss red meat in terms of policy, rather than this childishness.", ">>{vootator} : She couldn't possibly have delivered a more eloquent and heartfelt reply.", '>>{glidingclyde} : An example of why Warren is a bad VP pick.', ">>{C6O1999} : That's not the way tossing red meat works. The candidate discusses policy and nuance. Then either the VP or high profile surrogates say all the stuff he candidate won't. That way the candidate stays above the fray and looks presidential but they still get to trot out all the attacks.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Wwwwoooaaaahhh sick burn. Havent heard "i know you are but what am i" since 2nd grade.', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : I mean, that's not even a good comeback.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : That's too bad. Ruin your reputation and look like a moron when everybody knows the candidate is behind it anyway.", '>>{Ghoulishseventhson} : They cant beat him on policy. Trump in nationalistic pro American. Clinton is pro globalism. Trump = jobs for Americans Clinton = bring in the illegals and ship the jobs overseas.', ">>{C6O1999} : I didn't say it was pretty or that I agree with the strategy, I was just laying it out for ya.", '>>{CocoDarlin} : He looked really goofy when he had that hard hat on in WV, pretending to shovel coal with his puckered lips.', '>>{redeyecoffee} : or better yet lay out a vision for the country. A future. nope, better for her to keep tweeting.', ">>{goshdarnwife} : Yeah, I know. It's one of the strategies that makes election season tedious for me.", '>>{goshdarnwife} : It\'s like some misguided attempt at being "cool" or something.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Trying too hard, this is what it looks like.', '>>{treerat} : Based on all the responses here, her "cheeto baiting" seems to be working fine. (cue the pocahontas rebuttal)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{georgiapeanuts} : Elizabeth Warren responds to Trump's attacks: 'You want to see goofy? Look at him in that hat'", ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Pls Stop Warren, you are destroying any shred of integrity you had. Stooping to Trump's level is just sad.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Liz, let's admit it: he looks goofier without the hat.", '>>{OmiSan13} : Liz is going full Trump. Never go full Trump.', ">>{kidkerouac} : Agreed. Makes she and Clinton look really small and petty. Feel like they'd be better served hitting him on policy, instead of this stupid fifth grade playground trash talk.", '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : goofy would be a blonde hair blue eye lady claiming to be a native american', '>>{goshdarnwife} : Stuff like this is why I have lost a bit of respect for her. Why stoop to his level and make yourself look like an ass.', '>>{sundialinshade} : Who is this supposed to appeal to, besides the people who already plan to vote for her?', '>>{Ghoulishseventhson} : Oh warren. Sold your soul to clinton. Sold your dignity for a stipend. You dance and caw for a boss that dodges the law. Elizabeth Warren, squire to the Liar.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Because they don't know how to handle him. It's really funny to watch.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Without his panache she is at about 15% Trump.', '>>{rickeyspanish} : Either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain', '>>{thecolbster94} : Step 1 to beating Trump: **DONT PLAY HIS GAME** Step 2 to beating Trump: **DONT PLAY HIS GAME** etc.', '>>{goshdarnwife} : To me, the mature way to handle his silliness is just ignore him, rather than get into a middle school insult thing with him.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Too late for that, Trump has been baiting people all campaign and I have yet to see someone ignore him.', ">>{Buttocks} : Good idea Chief, go after Trump's appearance. Worked really well for Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina, Paul, Bush, Romney, etc.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Can you see how dumb the media and pols are now? Please tell me you see this.', ">>{C6O1999} : Because the candidate can't do it. It's the only reason she's there, to toss red meat.", '>>{Mallardy} : You mean, like the blond-haired, blue-eyed Tuscaroras that French Huguenots reported meeting along the Tar River in North Carolina in 1696?', '>>{C6O1999} : I have blond hair and blue eyes and I have Native American heritage. Why is that unfathomable to you?', ">>{goshdarnwife} : I think it's more a matter of *won't* rather than *can't*. Why not toss red meat in terms of policy, rather than this childishness.", ">>{vootator} : She couldn't possibly have delivered a more eloquent and heartfelt reply.", '>>{glidingclyde} : An example of why Warren is a bad VP pick.', ">>{C6O1999} : That's not the way tossing red meat works. The candidate discusses policy and nuance. Then either the VP or high profile surrogates say all the stuff he candidate won't. That way the candidate stays above the fray and looks presidential but they still get to trot out all the attacks.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Wwwwoooaaaahhh sick burn. Havent heard "i know you are but what am i" since 2nd grade.', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : I mean, that's not even a good comeback.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : That's too bad. Ruin your reputation and look like a moron when everybody knows the candidate is behind it anyway.", '>>{Ghoulishseventhson} : They cant beat him on policy. Trump in nationalistic pro American. Clinton is pro globalism. Trump = jobs for Americans Clinton = bring in the illegals and ship the jobs overseas.', ">>{C6O1999} : I didn't say it was pretty or that I agree with the strategy, I was just laying it out for ya.", '>>{CocoDarlin} : He looked really goofy when he had that hard hat on in WV, pretending to shovel coal with his puckered lips.', '>>{redeyecoffee} : or better yet lay out a vision for the country. A future. nope, better for her to keep tweeting.', ">>{goshdarnwife} : Yeah, I know. It's one of the strategies that makes election season tedious for me.", '>>{goshdarnwife} : It\'s like some misguided attempt at being "cool" or something.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Trying too hard, this is what it looks like.', '>>{treerat} : Based on all the responses here, her "cheeto baiting" seems to be working fine. (cue the pocahontas rebuttal)'], [">>{IrisKnebel} : Why Trump's golf diplomacy won't work with China's Xi Jinping", ">>{asifinperson} : Not sure why this was being down voted. Definitely falls under the politics heading. I think it's interesting that there's a reason, culturally and historically, for Xi not golfing, but it's unlikely Trump will know any of that or listen to anyone who does. So expect him to embarrass himself, America, and his guest by inviting him to golf anyway.", ">>{koproller} : Trump wants to escalate the situation with Xi. From the moment he took office and called Taiwan, he constantly tried to antagonize China. I hope that he'll fail, but Bannon, who claimed that war with China was inevitable, probably doesn't", '>>{DonManuel} : > "It\'s a symbol of the corruption Xi has been railing against," he added. "It represents a lot of the things he has spent much of his presidency fighting,..." Who would have thought, the US would one day appear more corrupt than China?', '>>{helpfulkorn} : Considering Trump said to the Irish leader that he was "as Irish as it gets" because he owned golf courses (a Scottish game), I wouldn\'t count on him having any historical context with which to view the situation.', '>>{just_a_timetraveller} : Trump will undoubtly say or do something a lot more offensive. Probably confuse them with another asian country or talk about Taiwan.', '>>{CharlieDarwin2} : I think Trump is just looking at what he can do to make more money for himself and his family.', ">>{1TipsyCoachman} : Xi had also chosen not to stay at Mar-A-Lago, which is an interesting snub and dovetails with Xi's concern about the optics of this whole visit.", ">>{nuscopic} : Trump: I like you Xi. You're a tough leader. I like tough leaders. Like the Samurai. Do you know the Samurai? Are they friends of yours?", '>>{bxblox} : If he only had a department to help him figure out how to deal with foreign states.'], ['>>{Ted_Boiler_Maker} : I bet they gave each other hand jobs, while hookers peed on them. Also known as a Trump Outhouse.', '>>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : Pro tip: whenever people say that they\'ve "buried the hatchet", they haven\'t.', ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : I can't believe this juvenile boy BS is normalized in our White House.", ">>{strangeelement} : Hey, it's the latest edition of tween drama. Now with nukes! President Apprentice is just too much.", ">>{MelaniasNudez} : Nah, I totes heard Ivanka call Bannon a super creepazoid in fourth period. I think they're gonna fight after school.", ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : Alex Jones is suggesting Kushner is neoliberal globalist looking to undermine Trump's independence.", '>>{bunchacruncha16} : Bannon will be gone by the end of the month', '>>{AngryBudgie13} : During the W years Rumsfeld and Cheney would literally not speak to Powell. Condeleeza Rice (national security advisor at the time) was forced to act as a go between. "You tell Powell that we said...." type of deal. I did not envy her that job.', '>>{Innovative_Wombat} : > buried the hatchet", they haven\'t. On the contrary, they did. Literally. Where Michelle Obama\'s garden was. But now the broadswords, crossbows and poison dart guns are coming out. Seriously though, no one should believe anything about harmony in the Incompetent Administration. That\'s what happens when a cabinet is made up of diametrically opposing interests. I don\'t remember Bush Jr or Obama having anywhere near this level of cabinet civil war. I\'m fairly certain that Clinton did not nor HW. But then again, all of them met a certain level of competence. I don\'t think Trump gets that having massive internal conflict is bad for governance, even if it worked for him at Trump Co.', ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : True, but that wasn't in the first 100 days, and the rest of them still agreed on principle for a number of issues. Given that Powell was basically betrayed and left as the fall guy, I can see why he'd be treating them with silence, but that's on an action rather than an entire ideology.", ">>{QuadraKev} : I wonder if Bannon has shit on Kushner (or the Trump family) that Kushner wouldn't want getting out.", ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : There's a hatchet, and it's *going* to be buried. In somebody."]]
classify and reply
[">>{macdonaldhall} : Democrats introduce bill to curb Trump's ability to launch a nuclear strike", ">>{Mtking105} : Is the iPhone 8 really going to be curved screen like the galaxy's?", ">>{kadupse} : This already happens with the 6/6S/7 models, they have curved glass around the display and no screen protector properly deals with that. Most cheap ones ignore the curvature and are smaller than the display, and the ones that do curve end up messing with cases and creating sharp edges around the phone. If you don't use a case and screen protector though this curves are amazing, they make swiping so smooth and satisfactory.", '>>{HandSack135} : made this comment yesterday: they should be rewritten and run against them.', '>>{Davis_Moore_usa} : Donald Trump Could Threaten U.S. Rule of Law, Scholars Say', ">>{vapescaped} : it's not a .gov, but if you read their faq page, they're pretty clear the site is not for sale.", ">>{Mtking105} : No it doesn't, literally no screen protector would work for my S7, for my iPhone I go to Walmart and pick up a cheap 10$ brand tempered glass, install it, no bubbles or lifting. It doesn't go all the way to the curves but it doesn't have that awful halo effect.", ">>{crikey-} : Florida governor: Obama 'has not called' after Orlando terrorist attack", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : On what basis is Trump a threat to Democracy? Give specifics. Because to my knowledge he has never said anything about removing congress, the judical branch, or state rights.', '>>{InertState} : Why does he need to talk to the Governer?', '>>{boltsnuts} : It should be hard for anyone to launch a nuke.', ">>{Frigguggi} : Because the most important thing in this situation is to make sure Scott's feelings aren't hurt.", '>>{Bellevue3} : Why should he. You people did this to yourselves.', '>>{ubix} : Also, he had to pay for the pizza even though it took longer than 30 minutes to arrive.', '>>{Accipiter} : Interestingly enough, that site has the same telephone number as a pro-ACA site, healthcaremarketplace.com. A Google search for the number shows that was their number at one point: http://www.boxwind.com/site/en/healthcaremarketplace.com https://www.stathtml.com/www.healthcaremarketplace.com > "Start here to enroll in 2015 Obamacare Health Insurance Plans. Compare plans, calculate your tax subsidy, apply online and more at the Health Care Marketplace." Both domains registered by proxy. They\'re talking out of both sides of their mouth, so something seriously fishy is up with this org. I\'m willing to bet it\'s some marketing info-gathering scam setup.', ">>{dackwarbs} : most rumors have said the curve is not nearly as dramatic as samsung's. It will probably be very similar to the current iphone's curved glass which isn't bad at all. Also only the most expensive phone is going to have the curve, just buy the cheaper 7s if it's an issue", ">>{vapescaped} : Yea, I'll admit, I saw the site and saw trump's face up on it and instantly jumped to conclusions. But still though, I may have been right to. Seems like this company is getting ahead of the game if or when trumpcare becomes a reality, so I think it still applies as premature.", '>>{cherydad33} : My question is who paid for these? (Yes I know who actually paid for them) These should come from whoever approved them. The public should not be held for the bill on this.', '>>{Babbster} : It wont matter until its too late. People find this headline as an attack against Trump which makes support for him stronger. We will be getting Trump as president because he is a master manipulator and understands social constructs and language. People are so upset with the current guard they will look to anyone who makes grand promises.', ">>{Mtking105} : So there's going to be a 7S and iPhone 8 to?", '>>{e0rt} : While that is true, I would be slightly concerned if iPhone screens become curved like the S7. One major difference between the devices is that the actual "screen" (the display, and not the just the glass) is curved on the S7 and presumably the upcoming S8. This causes the image seen to be distorted since the glass is curved along with the display panel. It also creates some annoying light reflections and glares while looking at the edges of the display. On the other hand, the iPhone\'s display is actually completely flat and while the glass is slightly curved at the edges, it doesn\'t deter from the viewing experience.', ">>{udownvotefacts} : Hilary's already broken the law and Bernie is choosing to ignore the law when it comes to inmigrants", ">>{ParalegalAlien} : What's he going to do, create an extrajudicial kill list of American citizens who can be assassinated at any time? No president would be that brazen.", ">>{kekulerules} : Maybe he should've [asked nicely](http://youtu.be/fWNaR-rxAic).", '>>{tb651175} : Call me crazy, but I feel like I could see Republicans getting on board with this.', '>>{treelager} : Hey this thread is LIVE wow. I came back here to say I called the number, nobody answered there was just a recorded message saying, "We do not service your area at this time."', ">>{six5_SMK} : The media are scared of Trump opening up libel laws particularly after the Gawker verdict under current law. That's really all they have because they hate the second amendment, and the 4th amendment is long gone but no one seems to care.", ">>{drew418} : I can't really see any reason why a President should talk to the governor who just requested a state of emergency in Florida. Nope, none at all. It's not like it's actually Obama's fucking job to handle the request.", ">>{-Metys} : That person is one of the ones trying to blame solely Ryan for the failure of all of Trump's Administration with the AHCA. So they're not going to call it Trumpcare, but we are.", '>>{tb651175} : I know, one can only dream....but it will be the true test of which republicans have fallen in line with him or not.', ">>{blatherskiter} : Meanwhile, Hillary has broken the law with her email servers but she's off the hook, and she's going to use executive actions to change immigration laws and grant amnesty.", ">>{kadupse} : Oh yeah, I agree. I don't like when the display itself is curved, it creates some weird glare and some color artifacts. I was just replying specifically to the screen protector issue, which is one we already have.", ">>{Quetehfuck} : Perhaps there are good reasons a president is authorized to launch a first strike. The bill's text isn't even available yet so I will abstain from too much judgement. Consider a scenario where Russia decides to advance their missile defense systems to a point where they could effectively deter a nuclear attack from the US. That would mean there would not be mutually assured destruction if they can completely destroy us and not be completely destroyed in the process. Now consider that Russia has the capabilities to deploy missile defense systems like the one I described above, but they have so far been deterred from doing so because that act in itself could be justification for a first strike before they had time to deploy the systems. Now, with a bill like this that would not stop those hypothetical Russian action being justification for a first strike, but it would be congress who would have to declare war first before we could strike. That could give Russia enough time to deploy those systems so that if and when congress approves a first strike we would be unable to completely destroy Russia and simultaneously triggering our own destruction. The fact that congress takes time to act could be exploited to our detriment.", '>>{Sledgecrushr} : Brilliantly expressed, subtle yet powerul. Have my upvote good sir.', '>>{kekulerules} : I think if Trump keeps attacking the judge the Supreme Court will make a public statement defending the judge. All the justices.', ">>{dackwarbs} : it's all rumor of course, but yes, it's very likely that there are 3 models. A 7s, 7s Plus, and a 10th anniversary iphone. I don't think it would be called the iphone 8", ">>{crikey-} : Worst terrorist shooting in the history of our nation, and nothing from Hussein. At least he didn't [give a shout out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adsHElOLabU) before addressing Islamic terror this time.", '>>{bodiaz6} : How dare he not call Scott after 50 people have died. Is Scott even pro lgbt rights?', ">>{BrockFukkingSamson} : This would be hilarious if it weren't disgusting. These people are spending thousands of dollars on ads asking for pats on the back from the exact people they are trying to fuck over.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : That TrumpTrain is taking you right over a cliff, man.', ">>{bbllaakkee} : hasn't been announced yet; no reason to try and speculate yet", '>>{DBDude} : Um, Congress? Yeah, I know most of your are dead and DC is an irradiated wasteland, but could you please approve a nuclear counter strike?', '>>{tehfunnymans} : This would be why the bill only forbids a first strike without a declaration of war.', '>>{highprofittrade} : Big business was so happy thwy had ads made aleady', '>>{Darkblitz9} : This needs to be spread over at t_d. They need a wakeup call. Trump wanted it. The republicans wanted it. They had seven years to make it happen, and with the President and congress under their full control, and they still managed to lose. Meanwhile, Obamacare passed with a majority republican control of congress. In their own words: Sad! Losers!', ">>{InertState} : Uh the governer declares a state of emergency. He doesn't ask Obama or need permission. Do you live in this country? Do you know how government works at the state and federal level?", ">>{treyhunna83} : This is one rumor I just done see happening. Especially since we know they will still offer the 7 at a reduced price. So it's gonna be SE/7/7plus/7s/7s plus and a 8?! Doubtful", ">>{vapescaped} : Oh, I'm not touching that group, they'd buy a ketchup Popsicle from trump while wearing white gloves. At least over here someone will try to offer valid counterpoints. Top 3 trump(and administration, and supporter) responses 1)You don't know what you're talking about 2)Hillary said 3)Obama did", '>>{crikey-} : RemindMe! 5 Months "Ask /r/guiltyofnothing how they feel about the recent Trump landslide."', '>>{Teotwawki69} : I**F** only th**E**y had so**M**e **A**gency to handle that sort of thing...', ">>{Power_x} : There was a report that said Apple decided against a curved screen due to poor yields and failed drop tests, so there's hope", '>>{morpheousmarty} : Finally something both sides can agree on, right?', ">>{treyhunna83} : The 6 isn't sold anymore tho. Just the se/last gen and this gen.", ">>{Rocksbury} : Everyone talks about reforming the legal system until Trump is the one to do it. Funny ain't it?", '>>{babiestgiraffe} : If you want specifics you should try reading the article before you comment.', ">>{cheesymoonshadow} : I like to think there's a guy at the network who could've kept the ads from airing when he heard the bill was pulled. But he's actually anti-Trump so he went r/maliciouscompliance and left the ads in the queue.", ">>{turtledan87} : Donald Trump will threaten the stability of Earth's gravitational field if elected, now will you not vote for him?-----Bezos Post", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : will they take a stance on the political violence? https://youtu.be/oEMZSn8iLr4?t=14 or are opinions more relevant than violent attackers repressing free political assembly?', ">>{tehfunnymans} : A threat to respond to a comprehensive abm shield with a preemptive nuclear strike would be non-credible both because it's absolutely insane and because it's unnecessary. Russian ABM could be countered relatively easily by deploying submarine-launched nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and/or by maintaining a force of strategic bombers in the air as the US did throughout the Cold War. Either would provide a secure deterrent while the US figured out a way to neutralize the ABM.", '>>{kadzier} : I have to wonder how this happened. They were clearly made ahead of time so did someone over at that PAC just assume the bill had universal support? Were they just not paying attention to anything? How can you know roughly the date of the house vote but not know of the public spat over said vote?', '>>{Uktabi68} : As opposed to just ignoring the law, like someone named Hillary has done constantly???? Nice try at a hit piece.', '>>{Newlg16} : This voldemort looking mfer needs to shut the hell up', ">>{davidsmith53} : My ROTC class explained it is a bit more complicated than that. I may be wrong (it was years ago and my memory isn't perfect) but it seems it would be a very strange set of circumstances that let POTUS launch a unilateral atomic strike.", '>>{DBDude} : It was a joke. Still, not only is this going nowhere, but it would die at the Supreme Court if it did.', '>>{redditorandcheef} : What a mess, not only did the bill not even get a vote, but it showed trumps quickly vanishing supporters how much he really cares about their well being. Which is not in the slightest. SAD!!!!', ">>{strikes_again_haha} : > With five months to go before Election Day, Mr. Trump has already said he would “loosen” libel laws to make it easier to sue news organizations. Given that news is no longer impartial and creates news not report on it ala hulk Hogan sex tape and Telemundo creating protestors I'd say this is probably warranted. But its still not an usurpation of law if congress votes on it. > His proposal to bar Muslims from entry into the country tests the Constitution’s guarantees of religious freedom, No it does not. The president has the power to block any group deemed a threat to the united states. This law has been on the books for over 100 years and was last used by obama in 2011. Given that 97% of terrorist attacks are islamic based. This is warranted > nd, in what was a tipping point for some, he attacked Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel of the Federal District Court in San Diego, who is overseeing two class actions against Trump University. I've stated many times on this sub.... Trump implied its impossible for the judge to be impartial in Trumps case given Trumps stance on illegal immigrants given that the judge is a member of LaRaza, a hispanic supremacist group. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html Scroll to the bottom, then look at link number three. The left is the one that set the narrative that it was impossible for white people to be impartial. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2016/05/23/Supreme-court-backs-Georgia-death-row-inmate-convicted-by-all-white-jury/7281464021876/ http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/24/obama-on-mourdock-male-politicians-shouldnt-make-abortion-decisions/ http://www.pinkisthenewblog.com/2014-08-24/white-men-make-up-the-majority-of-the-grand-jury-for-the-michael-brown-shooting-case http://www.dailywire.com/news/5510/leftists-create-super-pac-discourage-white-males-aaron-bandler http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/02/08/report-anti-white-agenda-revealed-at-githubs-diversity-team/ Which logically dictates the reverse is also true. You cant have it both ways. Either everyone is capable of impartiality or no one is.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Nah. Trump doesn't get to disown the bill that he has been pushing for since the beginning. This is his failure, and the failure of all Republicans who spent seven years trying to repeal the ACA.", ">>{kevinlyfellow} : If I had to guess, these ads were intentional. They probably want to get some people thinking it's repealed because they have been harping on the issue for so long. Since many people don't understand what 'Obamacare' is, they probably will try to get their base to think that the Republicans did their job.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : Nothing mentioned in the article was usurpation of law.', ">>{Rocksbury} : It's not like he has a track record of success or anything...", ">>{six5_SMK} : Democrats have been fighting back against their opposition publicly for decades, what's new is that a republican is doing it. Republicans are supposed to know their place.", '>>{Puffin_fan} : “This is how authoritarianism starts, with a president who does not respect the judiciary,” Mr. Post said. “You can criticize the judicial system, you can criticize individual cases, you can criticize individual judges. But the president has to be clear that the law is the law and that he enforces the law. That is his constitutional obligation.” " Like maybe not stealing elections by violent intimidation and corruption of the United States Supreme Court ? That would be a good start. Whoops. Already been done by the Establishment. So, maybe DT\'s crazy talk is not as much a threat as that violation and supression of democracy is already the status quo in Washington D.C. and state capitals throught the U.S.', '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : How has Trump "stolen" any elections? If anything, his own party was actively trying to rig the game against him.', ">>{a09j} : >His proposal to bar Muslims from entry into the country tests the Constitution’s guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection. No it doesn't. The President can ban anybody or any group of people for any length of time he wants. Jimmy Carter did it. Barack Obama did it. >(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President >Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. [8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182)", ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : Congress cannot vote to loosen up libel laws. The constitutional standard for libel laws was developed in the Supreme Court case of NY Times v Sullivan. In that case, the supreme court said, for the purposes of the constitution, libel means X. If Congress passes a law that loosens up the definition of libel, they are directly contradicting the stated interpretation of the US constitution. They do not have the power to rewrite what the constitution means and so the law would be unconstitutional and struck down. Also the hispanic lawyers association group that he is affiliated with is NOT La Raza. They are no more La Raza than the United States is the United Erab Emirates. Both countries share a name but they are not the same place. That's true even if the US has a link to the UAE's website on their page (hint: it does).", ">>{six5_SMK} : Libel law does not censor, it holds specifically the media accountable for malicious malice falsehoods with the intent to harm. It's actually a very high bar, not an easy case to prove.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : My friend, I will gladly buy you $13.07 Panera gift card if Trump wins this election. You've got my word.", '>>{_e_e_e_} : If the president has the power to effect such overarching change, perhaps the presidency confers too much power.', '>>{Cynadoclone} : I saw an ad of the same thing for Representative Greg Walden of Oregon.', ">>{WippitGuud} : It's actually Congress that handles the declaration.... although FEMA would be sent on-site to deal with it.", '>>{Orange_Menace} : Obama had a super majority and was able to pass the ACA without any republicans-in fact some dems voted against it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act', '>>{PoorBernie} : No, he has another TV show to appear on!', '>>{throwaway_ghast} : In the age of instant information, this would be like running the Dewey Beats Truman newspaper a week after the election.', ">>{Sempais_nutrients} : Exactly, and it's already working. I've seen trumpers convinced that the Affordable Care Act is what the Republicans voted in. They confused the ACA with the AHCA.", ">>{cratermoon} : I'm going to come back after the election to how this turns out.", '>>{crikey-} : RemindMe! 5 Months "Remind /u/cratermoon to witness the receipt of Panera gift card."', '>>{six5_SMK} : A terribly bad thing, the mainstream media truly enjoys saying whatever it wants about republicans. They would be very sad if that changed. They deserve to be allowed to influence the American public however they want to by any means necessary. After all, republicans are literally hitler.', ">>{drew418} : >Do you know how government works at the state and federal level? Yes I do, and you obviously don't. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stafford_Disaster_Relief_and_Emergency_Assistance_Act", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Any chance you'll get in on this bet if Clinton wins?", '>>{tallenlo} : So it would. In the cliché universe, The Dewey people (or those reporting on them) counted their chickens while the Trump people were asleep at the wheel.', '>>{Trumpingbitches} : Not to mention we have a very long history of banning people for all kinds of reasons. Chinese exclusion act of 1889. gentlemens agreement of 1907. immigration act of 1924. only since 1965 has the "american way" of letting every fucking person with a pulse into the country with no restrictions and letting them stay forever been a thing.', '>>{six5_SMK} : No of course not, libel law does not stop people from insulting someone. You sounded a few comments back like you knew exactly what it meant?? What gives? Insult - "Donald Trump has short stubby fingers and I think that\'s a toupee" Libel - "Donald Trump was witnessed doing cocaine in the 70\'s, republicans need to ask themselves if they should support a cocaine using mafia boss like Trump"', ">>{Darkblitz9} : You're absolutely right. However, they had a smaller majority then than the repubs do now. (235D - 198R then, 193- 237now). Not by much, mind you, but if the dems can get Obamacare passed with only a few months of drafting and planning beforehand, compared to seven years, it says a lot. Not to mention, at the time the SCOTUS was majority republican, while currently it's 50/50 (because again, the repubs can't seem to get anything done).", '>>{six5_SMK} : Well I agree that the law should not cover insults and so does Trump.', '>>{9291} : The problem is that people like the Washington Post are literally misinforming the public. "Donald Trump disappointed by turnout" a headline read.... about an event that was **capped**, which the press *knew about*. And that\'s the key term at the very end there. Freedom of Press comes with certain responsibilities, and is being used with *too much of a shield*. The libel laws are usually local. Without blanket protection from the federal government, it should be perfectly constitutional to sue a press agency.', ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : You can sue a press agency, and if you can show they knowingly or with reckless disregard for the truth, published an article that negatively impacted your reputation resulting in damage, you would win. In this if you say they knew about it, and that's true, Trump would win a libel suit if he sued the Washington Post and was able to prove damage to his reputation.", '>>{Orange_Menace} : I don\'t want to nitpick, but the dems had 60 senators which meant they could pass law without GOP support. And they had a healthy majority in the house. As for your comment about "republican" judges, you mean conservative. They are conservative in the constitutional sense that they believe the document cannot be updated or adopted to modern times. Liberal judges believe it can be and will often pass judgements that set precedent. SCOTUS btw upheld the ACA despite being 5-4 conservative. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Federation_of_Independent_Business_v._Sebelius', ">>{drew418} : It's actually the President who needs to answer a request / start the procedures.", ">>{RyanAdamsFamily} : So he has time to meet with Super Bowl champs but he can't spare 15 minutes to make a call?", ">>{crikey-} : Yea, why not. Are you sure you don't want to go with the catastrophic meteor strike?", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : The "rule of law" is the topic of the OP. Nothing could be more clear than violent rioting and physical assaults NOT being the "rule of law" we understand you don\'t want to take responsibility for your rioters not following the "rule of law" https://youtu.be/oEMZSn8iLr4?t=14 unfortunately for you, there are DOZENS of videos of bernie supporters rioting and assaulting people violently. lets see how that works out for you on tuesday!', ">>{i-really-like-mac} : That's hilarious! Has she or her team been watching the news leading up to the vote on the repeal?", ">>{Darkblitz9} : My point is that Obamacare passed and is still holding while being designed in a fraction of the time that Trumpcare was. You'd think the republicans and Trump could get something passed just as the Dems did, especially with years to plan, but they couldn't. That speaks volumes about the state of the government right now. The lack of unity that they kept saying would be there when they won is very obvious.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : I'll hedge my bets and stick with Clinton. I really like Panera.", '>>{six5_SMK} : As many as the the author of the article has real world stories of trump being a threat to the Rule of Law. So no, none.', ">>{Figger_Nlavored} : I'm pretty sure he was talking about bush 2 Berniebro", '>>{BlueDogDem62} : Obama is too busy apologizing to Islam and blaming Americans and pushing gun control to make a call.', ">>{John_handcock} : He is completely against LGBT. He couldn't even admit that it was a targeted attack when he was interviewed. The shooting at a gay club, and a lot of the victims being homosexual are just coincidences to him.", ">>{ThatFuh_Qr} : It's not Obamas job to call him it's the other way around. The governor makes the request and provides details of what they are capable of and what they need from the federal government. After the president decides if the governors request is warranted his job is to put someone in charge who actually deals with disaster management, and in this particular case likely spend most of the last few days in constant talks with the heads of every single intelligence agency to find out what happened and make sure that there isn't going to be any follow up attacks, not to sit around chatting on the phone with his buddy Rick."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{HandSack135} : made this comment yesterday: they should be rewritten and run against them.', ">>{vapescaped} : it's not a .gov, but if you read their faq page, they're pretty clear the site is not for sale.", '>>{Accipiter} : Interestingly enough, that site has the same telephone number as a pro-ACA site, healthcaremarketplace.com. A Google search for the number shows that was their number at one point: http://www.boxwind.com/site/en/healthcaremarketplace.com https://www.stathtml.com/www.healthcaremarketplace.com > "Start here to enroll in 2015 Obamacare Health Insurance Plans. Compare plans, calculate your tax subsidy, apply online and more at the Health Care Marketplace." Both domains registered by proxy. They\'re talking out of both sides of their mouth, so something seriously fishy is up with this org. I\'m willing to bet it\'s some marketing info-gathering scam setup.', ">>{vapescaped} : Yea, I'll admit, I saw the site and saw trump's face up on it and instantly jumped to conclusions. But still though, I may have been right to. Seems like this company is getting ahead of the game if or when trumpcare becomes a reality, so I think it still applies as premature.", '>>{cherydad33} : My question is who paid for these? (Yes I know who actually paid for them) These should come from whoever approved them. The public should not be held for the bill on this.', '>>{treelager} : Hey this thread is LIVE wow. I came back here to say I called the number, nobody answered there was just a recorded message saying, "We do not service your area at this time."', ">>{-Metys} : That person is one of the ones trying to blame solely Ryan for the failure of all of Trump's Administration with the AHCA. So they're not going to call it Trumpcare, but we are.", '>>{Sledgecrushr} : Brilliantly expressed, subtle yet powerul. Have my upvote good sir.', ">>{BrockFukkingSamson} : This would be hilarious if it weren't disgusting. These people are spending thousands of dollars on ads asking for pats on the back from the exact people they are trying to fuck over.", '>>{highprofittrade} : Big business was so happy thwy had ads made aleady', '>>{Darkblitz9} : This needs to be spread over at t_d. They need a wakeup call. Trump wanted it. The republicans wanted it. They had seven years to make it happen, and with the President and congress under their full control, and they still managed to lose. Meanwhile, Obamacare passed with a majority republican control of congress. In their own words: Sad! Losers!', ">>{vapescaped} : Oh, I'm not touching that group, they'd buy a ketchup Popsicle from trump while wearing white gloves. At least over here someone will try to offer valid counterpoints. Top 3 trump(and administration, and supporter) responses 1)You don't know what you're talking about 2)Hillary said 3)Obama did", '>>{morpheousmarty} : Finally something both sides can agree on, right?', ">>{cheesymoonshadow} : I like to think there's a guy at the network who could've kept the ads from airing when he heard the bill was pulled. But he's actually anti-Trump so he went r/maliciouscompliance and left the ads in the queue.", '>>{kadzier} : I have to wonder how this happened. They were clearly made ahead of time so did someone over at that PAC just assume the bill had universal support? Were they just not paying attention to anything? How can you know roughly the date of the house vote but not know of the public spat over said vote?', '>>{redditorandcheef} : What a mess, not only did the bill not even get a vote, but it showed trumps quickly vanishing supporters how much he really cares about their well being. Which is not in the slightest. SAD!!!!', ">>{fuzeebear} : Nah. Trump doesn't get to disown the bill that he has been pushing for since the beginning. This is his failure, and the failure of all Republicans who spent seven years trying to repeal the ACA.", ">>{kevinlyfellow} : If I had to guess, these ads were intentional. They probably want to get some people thinking it's repealed because they have been harping on the issue for so long. Since many people don't understand what 'Obamacare' is, they probably will try to get their base to think that the Republicans did their job.", '>>{Cynadoclone} : I saw an ad of the same thing for Representative Greg Walden of Oregon.', '>>{Orange_Menace} : Obama had a super majority and was able to pass the ACA without any republicans-in fact some dems voted against it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act', '>>{throwaway_ghast} : In the age of instant information, this would be like running the Dewey Beats Truman newspaper a week after the election.', ">>{Sempais_nutrients} : Exactly, and it's already working. I've seen trumpers convinced that the Affordable Care Act is what the Republicans voted in. They confused the ACA with the AHCA.", '>>{tallenlo} : So it would. In the cliché universe, The Dewey people (or those reporting on them) counted their chickens while the Trump people were asleep at the wheel.', ">>{Darkblitz9} : You're absolutely right. However, they had a smaller majority then than the repubs do now. (235D - 198R then, 193- 237now). Not by much, mind you, but if the dems can get Obamacare passed with only a few months of drafting and planning beforehand, compared to seven years, it says a lot. Not to mention, at the time the SCOTUS was majority republican, while currently it's 50/50 (because again, the repubs can't seem to get anything done).", '>>{Orange_Menace} : I don\'t want to nitpick, but the dems had 60 senators which meant they could pass law without GOP support. And they had a healthy majority in the house. As for your comment about "republican" judges, you mean conservative. They are conservative in the constitutional sense that they believe the document cannot be updated or adopted to modern times. Liberal judges believe it can be and will often pass judgements that set precedent. SCOTUS btw upheld the ACA despite being 5-4 conservative. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Federation_of_Independent_Business_v._Sebelius', ">>{i-really-like-mac} : That's hilarious! Has she or her team been watching the news leading up to the vote on the repeal?", ">>{Darkblitz9} : My point is that Obamacare passed and is still holding while being designed in a fraction of the time that Trumpcare was. You'd think the republicans and Trump could get something passed just as the Dems did, especially with years to plan, but they couldn't. That speaks volumes about the state of the government right now. The lack of unity that they kept saying would be there when they won is very obvious."], ['>>{Davis_Moore_usa} : Donald Trump Could Threaten U.S. Rule of Law, Scholars Say', '>>{strikes_again_haha} : On what basis is Trump a threat to Democracy? Give specifics. Because to my knowledge he has never said anything about removing congress, the judical branch, or state rights.', '>>{Babbster} : It wont matter until its too late. People find this headline as an attack against Trump which makes support for him stronger. We will be getting Trump as president because he is a master manipulator and understands social constructs and language. People are so upset with the current guard they will look to anyone who makes grand promises.', ">>{udownvotefacts} : Hilary's already broken the law and Bernie is choosing to ignore the law when it comes to inmigrants", ">>{ParalegalAlien} : What's he going to do, create an extrajudicial kill list of American citizens who can be assassinated at any time? No president would be that brazen.", ">>{six5_SMK} : The media are scared of Trump opening up libel laws particularly after the Gawker verdict under current law. That's really all they have because they hate the second amendment, and the 4th amendment is long gone but no one seems to care.", ">>{blatherskiter} : Meanwhile, Hillary has broken the law with her email servers but she's off the hook, and she's going to use executive actions to change immigration laws and grant amnesty.", '>>{kekulerules} : I think if Trump keeps attacking the judge the Supreme Court will make a public statement defending the judge. All the justices.', ">>{Rocksbury} : Everyone talks about reforming the legal system until Trump is the one to do it. Funny ain't it?", '>>{babiestgiraffe} : If you want specifics you should try reading the article before you comment.', ">>{turtledan87} : Donald Trump will threaten the stability of Earth's gravitational field if elected, now will you not vote for him?-----Bezos Post", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : will they take a stance on the political violence? https://youtu.be/oEMZSn8iLr4?t=14 or are opinions more relevant than violent attackers repressing free political assembly?', '>>{Uktabi68} : As opposed to just ignoring the law, like someone named Hillary has done constantly???? Nice try at a hit piece.', ">>{strikes_again_haha} : > With five months to go before Election Day, Mr. Trump has already said he would “loosen” libel laws to make it easier to sue news organizations. Given that news is no longer impartial and creates news not report on it ala hulk Hogan sex tape and Telemundo creating protestors I'd say this is probably warranted. But its still not an usurpation of law if congress votes on it. > His proposal to bar Muslims from entry into the country tests the Constitution’s guarantees of religious freedom, No it does not. The president has the power to block any group deemed a threat to the united states. This law has been on the books for over 100 years and was last used by obama in 2011. Given that 97% of terrorist attacks are islamic based. This is warranted > nd, in what was a tipping point for some, he attacked Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel of the Federal District Court in San Diego, who is overseeing two class actions against Trump University. I've stated many times on this sub.... Trump implied its impossible for the judge to be impartial in Trumps case given Trumps stance on illegal immigrants given that the judge is a member of LaRaza, a hispanic supremacist group. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html Scroll to the bottom, then look at link number three. The left is the one that set the narrative that it was impossible for white people to be impartial. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2016/05/23/Supreme-court-backs-Georgia-death-row-inmate-convicted-by-all-white-jury/7281464021876/ http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/24/obama-on-mourdock-male-politicians-shouldnt-make-abortion-decisions/ http://www.pinkisthenewblog.com/2014-08-24/white-men-make-up-the-majority-of-the-grand-jury-for-the-michael-brown-shooting-case http://www.dailywire.com/news/5510/leftists-create-super-pac-discourage-white-males-aaron-bandler http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/02/08/report-anti-white-agenda-revealed-at-githubs-diversity-team/ Which logically dictates the reverse is also true. You cant have it both ways. Either everyone is capable of impartiality or no one is.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : Nothing mentioned in the article was usurpation of law.', ">>{Rocksbury} : It's not like he has a track record of success or anything...", ">>{six5_SMK} : Democrats have been fighting back against their opposition publicly for decades, what's new is that a republican is doing it. Republicans are supposed to know their place.", '>>{Puffin_fan} : “This is how authoritarianism starts, with a president who does not respect the judiciary,” Mr. Post said. “You can criticize the judicial system, you can criticize individual cases, you can criticize individual judges. But the president has to be clear that the law is the law and that he enforces the law. That is his constitutional obligation.” " Like maybe not stealing elections by violent intimidation and corruption of the United States Supreme Court ? That would be a good start. Whoops. Already been done by the Establishment. So, maybe DT\'s crazy talk is not as much a threat as that violation and supression of democracy is already the status quo in Washington D.C. and state capitals throught the U.S.', '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : How has Trump "stolen" any elections? If anything, his own party was actively trying to rig the game against him.', ">>{a09j} : >His proposal to bar Muslims from entry into the country tests the Constitution’s guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection. No it doesn't. The President can ban anybody or any group of people for any length of time he wants. Jimmy Carter did it. Barack Obama did it. >(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President >Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. [8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182)", ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : Congress cannot vote to loosen up libel laws. The constitutional standard for libel laws was developed in the Supreme Court case of NY Times v Sullivan. In that case, the supreme court said, for the purposes of the constitution, libel means X. If Congress passes a law that loosens up the definition of libel, they are directly contradicting the stated interpretation of the US constitution. They do not have the power to rewrite what the constitution means and so the law would be unconstitutional and struck down. Also the hispanic lawyers association group that he is affiliated with is NOT La Raza. They are no more La Raza than the United States is the United Erab Emirates. Both countries share a name but they are not the same place. That's true even if the US has a link to the UAE's website on their page (hint: it does).", ">>{six5_SMK} : Libel law does not censor, it holds specifically the media accountable for malicious malice falsehoods with the intent to harm. It's actually a very high bar, not an easy case to prove.", '>>{_e_e_e_} : If the president has the power to effect such overarching change, perhaps the presidency confers too much power.', '>>{six5_SMK} : A terribly bad thing, the mainstream media truly enjoys saying whatever it wants about republicans. They would be very sad if that changed. They deserve to be allowed to influence the American public however they want to by any means necessary. After all, republicans are literally hitler.', '>>{Trumpingbitches} : Not to mention we have a very long history of banning people for all kinds of reasons. Chinese exclusion act of 1889. gentlemens agreement of 1907. immigration act of 1924. only since 1965 has the "american way" of letting every fucking person with a pulse into the country with no restrictions and letting them stay forever been a thing.', '>>{six5_SMK} : No of course not, libel law does not stop people from insulting someone. You sounded a few comments back like you knew exactly what it meant?? What gives? Insult - "Donald Trump has short stubby fingers and I think that\'s a toupee" Libel - "Donald Trump was witnessed doing cocaine in the 70\'s, republicans need to ask themselves if they should support a cocaine using mafia boss like Trump"', '>>{six5_SMK} : Well I agree that the law should not cover insults and so does Trump.', '>>{9291} : The problem is that people like the Washington Post are literally misinforming the public. "Donald Trump disappointed by turnout" a headline read.... about an event that was **capped**, which the press *knew about*. And that\'s the key term at the very end there. Freedom of Press comes with certain responsibilities, and is being used with *too much of a shield*. The libel laws are usually local. Without blanket protection from the federal government, it should be perfectly constitutional to sue a press agency.', ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : You can sue a press agency, and if you can show they knowingly or with reckless disregard for the truth, published an article that negatively impacted your reputation resulting in damage, you would win. In this if you say they knew about it, and that's true, Trump would win a libel suit if he sued the Washington Post and was able to prove damage to his reputation.", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : The "rule of law" is the topic of the OP. Nothing could be more clear than violent rioting and physical assaults NOT being the "rule of law" we understand you don\'t want to take responsibility for your rioters not following the "rule of law" https://youtu.be/oEMZSn8iLr4?t=14 unfortunately for you, there are DOZENS of videos of bernie supporters rioting and assaulting people violently. lets see how that works out for you on tuesday!', '>>{six5_SMK} : As many as the the author of the article has real world stories of trump being a threat to the Rule of Law. So no, none.', ">>{Figger_Nlavored} : I'm pretty sure he was talking about bush 2 Berniebro"], [">>{macdonaldhall} : Democrats introduce bill to curb Trump's ability to launch a nuclear strike", '>>{boltsnuts} : It should be hard for anyone to launch a nuke.', '>>{tb651175} : Call me crazy, but I feel like I could see Republicans getting on board with this.', '>>{tb651175} : I know, one can only dream....but it will be the true test of which republicans have fallen in line with him or not.', ">>{Quetehfuck} : Perhaps there are good reasons a president is authorized to launch a first strike. The bill's text isn't even available yet so I will abstain from too much judgement. Consider a scenario where Russia decides to advance their missile defense systems to a point where they could effectively deter a nuclear attack from the US. That would mean there would not be mutually assured destruction if they can completely destroy us and not be completely destroyed in the process. Now consider that Russia has the capabilities to deploy missile defense systems like the one I described above, but they have so far been deterred from doing so because that act in itself could be justification for a first strike before they had time to deploy the systems. Now, with a bill like this that would not stop those hypothetical Russian action being justification for a first strike, but it would be congress who would have to declare war first before we could strike. That could give Russia enough time to deploy those systems so that if and when congress approves a first strike we would be unable to completely destroy Russia and simultaneously triggering our own destruction. The fact that congress takes time to act could be exploited to our detriment.", '>>{DBDude} : Um, Congress? Yeah, I know most of your are dead and DC is an irradiated wasteland, but could you please approve a nuclear counter strike?', '>>{tehfunnymans} : This would be why the bill only forbids a first strike without a declaration of war.', ">>{tehfunnymans} : A threat to respond to a comprehensive abm shield with a preemptive nuclear strike would be non-credible both because it's absolutely insane and because it's unnecessary. Russian ABM could be countered relatively easily by deploying submarine-launched nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and/or by maintaining a force of strategic bombers in the air as the US did throughout the Cold War. Either would provide a secure deterrent while the US figured out a way to neutralize the ABM.", ">>{davidsmith53} : My ROTC class explained it is a bit more complicated than that. I may be wrong (it was years ago and my memory isn't perfect) but it seems it would be a very strange set of circumstances that let POTUS launch a unilateral atomic strike.", '>>{DBDude} : It was a joke. Still, not only is this going nowhere, but it would die at the Supreme Court if it did.'], [">>{Mtking105} : Is the iPhone 8 really going to be curved screen like the galaxy's?", ">>{kadupse} : This already happens with the 6/6S/7 models, they have curved glass around the display and no screen protector properly deals with that. Most cheap ones ignore the curvature and are smaller than the display, and the ones that do curve end up messing with cases and creating sharp edges around the phone. If you don't use a case and screen protector though this curves are amazing, they make swiping so smooth and satisfactory.", ">>{Mtking105} : No it doesn't, literally no screen protector would work for my S7, for my iPhone I go to Walmart and pick up a cheap 10$ brand tempered glass, install it, no bubbles or lifting. It doesn't go all the way to the curves but it doesn't have that awful halo effect.", ">>{dackwarbs} : most rumors have said the curve is not nearly as dramatic as samsung's. It will probably be very similar to the current iphone's curved glass which isn't bad at all. Also only the most expensive phone is going to have the curve, just buy the cheaper 7s if it's an issue", ">>{Mtking105} : So there's going to be a 7S and iPhone 8 to?", '>>{e0rt} : While that is true, I would be slightly concerned if iPhone screens become curved like the S7. One major difference between the devices is that the actual "screen" (the display, and not the just the glass) is curved on the S7 and presumably the upcoming S8. This causes the image seen to be distorted since the glass is curved along with the display panel. It also creates some annoying light reflections and glares while looking at the edges of the display. On the other hand, the iPhone\'s display is actually completely flat and while the glass is slightly curved at the edges, it doesn\'t deter from the viewing experience.', ">>{kadupse} : Oh yeah, I agree. I don't like when the display itself is curved, it creates some weird glare and some color artifacts. I was just replying specifically to the screen protector issue, which is one we already have.", ">>{dackwarbs} : it's all rumor of course, but yes, it's very likely that there are 3 models. A 7s, 7s Plus, and a 10th anniversary iphone. I don't think it would be called the iphone 8", ">>{bbllaakkee} : hasn't been announced yet; no reason to try and speculate yet", ">>{treyhunna83} : This is one rumor I just done see happening. Especially since we know they will still offer the 7 at a reduced price. So it's gonna be SE/7/7plus/7s/7s plus and a 8?! Doubtful", ">>{Power_x} : There was a report that said Apple decided against a curved screen due to poor yields and failed drop tests, so there's hope", ">>{treyhunna83} : The 6 isn't sold anymore tho. Just the se/last gen and this gen."], [">>{crikey-} : Florida governor: Obama 'has not called' after Orlando terrorist attack", '>>{InertState} : Why does he need to talk to the Governer?', ">>{Frigguggi} : Because the most important thing in this situation is to make sure Scott's feelings aren't hurt.", '>>{Bellevue3} : Why should he. You people did this to yourselves.', '>>{ubix} : Also, he had to pay for the pizza even though it took longer than 30 minutes to arrive.', ">>{kekulerules} : Maybe he should've [asked nicely](http://youtu.be/fWNaR-rxAic).", ">>{drew418} : I can't really see any reason why a President should talk to the governor who just requested a state of emergency in Florida. Nope, none at all. It's not like it's actually Obama's fucking job to handle the request.", ">>{crikey-} : Worst terrorist shooting in the history of our nation, and nothing from Hussein. At least he didn't [give a shout out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adsHElOLabU) before addressing Islamic terror this time.", '>>{bodiaz6} : How dare he not call Scott after 50 people have died. Is Scott even pro lgbt rights?', '>>{guiltyofnothing} : That TrumpTrain is taking you right over a cliff, man.', ">>{InertState} : Uh the governer declares a state of emergency. He doesn't ask Obama or need permission. Do you live in this country? Do you know how government works at the state and federal level?", '>>{crikey-} : RemindMe! 5 Months "Ask /r/guiltyofnothing how they feel about the recent Trump landslide."', '>>{Teotwawki69} : I**F** only th**E**y had so**M**e **A**gency to handle that sort of thing...', '>>{Newlg16} : This voldemort looking mfer needs to shut the hell up', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : My friend, I will gladly buy you $13.07 Panera gift card if Trump wins this election. You've got my word.", ">>{WippitGuud} : It's actually Congress that handles the declaration.... although FEMA would be sent on-site to deal with it.", '>>{PoorBernie} : No, he has another TV show to appear on!', ">>{cratermoon} : I'm going to come back after the election to how this turns out.", '>>{crikey-} : RemindMe! 5 Months "Remind /u/cratermoon to witness the receipt of Panera gift card."', ">>{drew418} : >Do you know how government works at the state and federal level? Yes I do, and you obviously don't. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stafford_Disaster_Relief_and_Emergency_Assistance_Act", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Any chance you'll get in on this bet if Clinton wins?", ">>{drew418} : It's actually the President who needs to answer a request / start the procedures.", ">>{RyanAdamsFamily} : So he has time to meet with Super Bowl champs but he can't spare 15 minutes to make a call?", ">>{crikey-} : Yea, why not. Are you sure you don't want to go with the catastrophic meteor strike?", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : I'll hedge my bets and stick with Clinton. I really like Panera.", '>>{BlueDogDem62} : Obama is too busy apologizing to Islam and blaming Americans and pushing gun control to make a call.', ">>{John_handcock} : He is completely against LGBT. He couldn't even admit that it was a targeted attack when he was interviewed. The shooting at a gay club, and a lot of the victims being homosexual are just coincidences to him.", ">>{ThatFuh_Qr} : It's not Obamas job to call him it's the other way around. The governor makes the request and provides details of what they are capable of and what they need from the federal government. After the president decides if the governors request is warranted his job is to put someone in charge who actually deals with disaster management, and in this particular case likely spend most of the last few days in constant talks with the heads of every single intelligence agency to find out what happened and make sure that there isn't going to be any follow up attacks, not to sit around chatting on the phone with his buddy Rick."]]
classify and reply
[">>{madam1} : The wealthy have captured the U.S. political system and that gives them the ability to decide what happens to women's bodies. This is a group that believes women can't get pregnant from rape and who assert that it's the woman's fault because of the way they dressed or behaved in public. Some even believe it's 'gods' will for the woman to become pregnant after a rape and it was punishment for behaving like a 'jezebel' to incite men to want sex.", '>>{tobiascuypers} : Congrats! (xpost-/r/oldpeoplefacebook)', '>>{r3ll1sh} : The Los Angeles Times endorses Clinton ahead of California primary', '>>{dwaxe} : Samsung is focusing on the S8 after its Note 7 disaster', ">>{FreakTalent} : Oh god, this is hilarious. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.", ">>{wellbent} : >The wealthy have captured the U.S. political system and that gives them the ability to decide what happens to women's bodies If only we could get the gov't out of the bedroom. Women are smart. There is no reason to force them to look to the gov't for contraceptives. There is no reason for dirty gov't money paying for things that a women wants done to her body. We remove gov't we remove the problem. >Some even believe it's 'gods' will for the woman to become pregnant after a rape and it was punishment for behaving like a 'jezebel' to incite men to want sex. Some even believe that Trump is a shape shifting lizard. What's your point?", '>>{FunkyTown313} : When are they just going to go for the public shaming and forcing them on the sex offenders list? These laws are idiotic and serve no purpose other than to try and humiliate people during one of the toughest decisions of their lives.', ">>{eggsuckingdog} : Ky checking in here. There is no need for a woman here to have an ultrasound before an abortion. Especially if there is already going to be a 20 week ban. This bill also says the woman must hear the fetal heartbeat. Really? GOP just got control of ky politics and their first priority is this. It is fucking shameful, has no basis in women's health care. Congratulations assholes.", '>>{nb4hnp} : Someone should tell her about 3D pressing the send button so she can try the others!', '>>{junipel} : Samsung focused on next phone after the previous phone. ALERT THE PRESS!\tthegil13\tt3_59oomq\nt3_58ob5n\tt1_d9adbng\t1477595244\tI put on my robe and wizard hat" Like that kind of magic?', '>>{savemejebus0} : Well of course they did. All the media does.', '>>{Purlpo} : I never downvote informative articles until I see salty comments like these', ">>{somaek} : >This page has endorsed Clinton not because she is more likely to win the nomination but because she is vastly better prepared than Sanders for the presidency. The average number of years of prior elected office for presidential candidates this year was 15. Clinton has had 8. She's under criminal investigation by the FBI. She hasn't given a press conference all year. Ugh. Am I surprised? Not really. Disappointed? Fuck yes.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : [New law requires women to name baby, paint nursery before getting an abortion.](http://www.theonion.com/video/new-law-requires-women-to-name-baby-paint-nursery--14393)', '>>{Deadcharacter} : The Kentucky state House Dem majority was the last barrier to those silly laws. Now the dam is broken and the crappy laws just keep coming. I think this is still the beginning. Lots of craziness to overcome in the future.', '>>{imsmellie} : I just tried that with congrats and happy birthday. Got confetti and balloons. I wonder what else they programmed in', '>>{mysteriouskiwi} : Did the same thing, but with fireworks, if you typed in "Happy New Year". Had lots of fun with that. It would be interesting to see the iMessage metrics on new years, considering I didn\'t notice a slow down, unlike conventional SMS.', ">>{drucifer27} : While I'm not exactly a regular LAT reader, I do find this interesting given that they seemed to be publishing quite a few pieces that were critical of Clinton recently.", ">>{InfiniteZr0} : I'm still on the Galaxy S5 and I think the S8 might be what I'll upgrade to.", ">>{KEVLAR60442} : I wonder if the Note line is done for. I can't imagine a Note 8 selling well in the wake of the Note 7. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Note 7 has a major negative influence on S8 sales next year.", ">>{wellbent} : Hi Ky. Sorry your inhabitants can't make good decisions either for themselves or their local gov't.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : Government money doesn't pay for abortions. As for contraceptives, Medicaid pays for all sorts of pharmaceuticals.", ">>{Bernie_Bot_9000} : Why wouldn't they? TRONC is one of her top donors.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : You could take government funding completely out of the equation and these nonsensical laws would still be proposed. The government money aspect of this is only a cunard employed by the ideologically driven. It's about a woman being held 100% responsible for becoming pregnant and carrying that pregnancy to term whether she wants to or not. That's what they want. State enforced gestation periods producing offspring in order to satisfy ideological dictates. Ticket to heaven for some and a nice wedge issue for cynical self serving politicians.", ">>{Stochastic__Process} : You'd think a media source would be attempting to be unbiased and report the news. But that's just a myth from a bygone era.", ">>{KrombopulousPichael} : I know you think you sound clever but in actuality it reads more like you're bitter and spend too much time here.", ">>{KrombopulousPichael} : Samesies. I've been quietly lurking this place before making an account... This sub is the saltiest I've ever seen. I see so many complaints about Bernie supporters but I never seem to find shitty comments from them. Just Hillary maniacs and Trump people yammering about them. Fascinating.", '>>{Solario_ff14} : Government so small it can be required to be jammed up your vagina.', '>>{liavoid} : Try typing "Happy Chinese New Year", grandma.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : We are used to it. King coal has dominated our politics for generations. This is the first time GOP has gotten in charge. So our status as being moderate - all the way back to being neutral in the civil war - is over.', ">>{nerd0001} : Nope that was enough Samsung bullshit for me. I'm officially done with Samsung...thank God nobody died or one of their phones brought down a plane...but goddammit, they still don't know or won't admit what went wrong.", '>>{W0666007} : Newspapers have been endorsing candidates since at least the 1800s, the NYT endorsed Lincoln in 1860. Keep acting like Sanders is some of victim instead of just a candidate that lost.', ">>{clone822} : It's been 2 years and there isn't another phone with all these features. Most have like 3. MicroSD, Waterproof, removable battery, amoled screen, MHL cable support, IR blaster", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Last barrier in the entirety of the south. Right to work, abortion laws. Governor firing u of l board of trustees. We will lose a lot of smart people that otherwise would have stayed', '>>{SleweD} : Happy birthday automatically sends with balloons too.', ">>{CurtLablue} : It wasn't clever at all. It's just a sad commentary about when I try to get any news on politics. I sort by new otherwise anything interesting would be buried before I could see it. Every once in awhile I just like making a snide comment.", '>>{Mattjbr2} : It was like one in a million phones, mate, calm your large man-tits.', '>>{nerd0001} : And if your that one person who went up in flames? Sure you tell them to calm down jackass.', ">>{awesomeshreyo} : Nobody was seriously harmed, and the product was recalled. Everyone who purchased one got compensation. I'm pretty sure they admitted something went wrong because they issued a recall. Out of about 3 million Note 7s that were sold only a few exploded. No reason to start avoiding all Samsung products.", ">>{Stochastic__Process} : Don't worry, I know Sanders has lost. MAGA. Just because something has been a certain way for a long time says nothing about whether or not it should be that way. Good luck electing your criminal candidate. I hope she enjoys her stint in prison.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : I agree complexly. We may be getting ready to find out. GOP will defund planned parenthood.', ">>{South_in_AZ} : > There is no reason for dirty gov't money paying for things that a women wants done to her body. The only issue here is this is not limited to any financial considerations. I know p, by law, federal money can not be used for abortion, I don't know if state funding is available. If there is no government funding involved the bill would have a carve out for that, not allpicable to,any and all procedures.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Guess I'll be helping them out more if that happens.", ">>{grummy_gram} : Jesus Christ...how am I just learning about that? I really should start reading to see what's in a major iOS update before or after I install it. I mean, I don't see any practical use for it, so I'll never use it anyway. It is pretty cool though.", '>>{TheMrLoL} : Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : I will start. One of the first things Bevin did was file lawsuits against planned parenthood in Louisville.', ">>{loki8481} : people don't read the editorial pages of the newspapers expecting unbiased reporting... it's the whole reason they exist.", '>>{Annies_Boobs} : The Tips app actually has a lot of good information like this, I always suggest it to people because they always seem to learn at least 1 new thing.', '>>{Puffin_fan} : LA Times - an endorsement from the Chandler Machine. What a kiss of death.', ">>{nb4hnp} : Yeah they have a ridiculous number of little features buried in the UI everywhere. That's what's great about this sub, we can continually discuss them and help others find those that have remained hidden so far! The best thing to do is keep up with what they post in the Tips app, and check out the videos they release for the major iOS versions.", ">>{balmergrl} : LA Times already endorsed her - **Editorial The Times' endorsements in the June 7 election on May 27** - http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-end-adv-endorsement-roundup-20160520-snap-story.html This is just a desperate move for positive press this weekend ahead of our election next Tue, Hillary is feeling the Bern in Cali.", ">>{BlackBloke} : You could just watch feature videos on YouTube. It's more fun than reading about them.", '>>{nerd0001} : Samsung didn\'t issue the recall, the Government did. And in light of the famous SMS text that was sent to a customer, I can see why. You act like the phone just went "poof" into a cloud of smoke...but it didn\'t. That phone\'s battery burns at like 1000 degrees. Samsung isn\'t coming forth and paying the medical bills to those people who got serious skin burns by the exploding samsung note 7...they have already filed suit. And that doesn\'t include those people with property damage. And now the note 7 edge has exploded.... http://fortune.com/2016/10/24/galaxy-s7-explodes/ Go ahead and give money to a company who doesn\'t take safety serious, but you may get burned.', ">>{factisfiction} : As a radiologist, I'd require that all sound turned down (at that stage the heart beat would be recorded in M-mode so no sound would be required anyhow) and moniters face away from the patient.", ">>{sweeptheleg55} : They are already offering half off the note 8 to note 7 customers in Korea-ish. I'll be tempted to get one note 7 was awesome. And has no competitor if you take a lot of notes", ">>{C01besaurus} : They had already endorsed her. Not only is Clinton incredibly unpopular with younger people (reddit's key demographic), even in her own party, but it's old news.", ">>{madam1} : You don't appear to have ever lived in the world of 'no' where affordability and access drive women's decisions on family planning.", '>>{KrombopulousPichael} : Ok cool but this "joke" is played the fuck out. You guys need to be socialized or something I can\'t handle it', ">>{KingPickle} : Yup, I've seen several media outlets try to push this today. Did they all just happen to notice week old news at the same time? Or does the DNC have its fingers in their pies. Hmm....", ">>{nb4hnp} : Instead of just tapping send, you can press hard (on 6s or 7), and it will offer the ability to send any iMessage with any of the available screen/bubble effects. So it's not just confined to a few pre-set phrases.", ">>{KEVLAR60442} : I'll definitely be interested in a Note 8 myself. The Note 4 was the best, most stylish phone I've ever held. I was really excited for the Note 7 before it started blowing up, and I can only hope that Samsung uses the Note 7 as a lesson and brings back removable batteries. ...And ditches the glass back. Even Apple realized that doubling the amount of crackable surface area on a phone is a bad idea.", '>>{bartManSimpson} : If you want to convince someone to agree with you, you should start by understanding their argument.', '>>{ThisDerpForSale} : Oh, hey. . . apparently it works on a 6 also. Fun!', ">>{robotrogelio} : Think of the children! Won't somebody think of the children?", ">>{bartManSimpson} : >that gives them the ability to decide what happens to women's bodies Are we supposed to ignore the unborn child just because you don't care about it?", '>>{tobiascuypers} : Really man? I found this on another sub (as indicated in the title) And who knows how OP ment to say it. Did you ever think that maybe they said it in a joking way? You just jump to conclusions.', '>>{nerd0001} : I guess the factual truth is dramatic for you.', '>>{robotrogelio} : Factual truth? As opposed to the infactual truth? lol.', '>>{lunchboxlou} : I love my S5. Control everything and has everything you really need in a phone and side device.', '>>{nb4hnp} : Nice! Yeah sometimes it\'s hard to tell whether there\'s a "long press" fallback for devices that don\'t support 3D touch. Glad it works for you though!', ">>{balmergrl} : > bipartisan cooperation Yeah, that worked out real well for him. They made him fight tooth and nail for the Republican idea of healthcare reform, among other stupidity. And, if there's anyone GOP hates more than Obama, it's Hillary.", ">>{LockeNCole} : It was the staggering amount of BernieSpam that was posted before. At this point, I'm 99% sure Trump supporters are here masquerading as Bernie supporters to mess with Hillary supporters.", ">>{nerd0001} : You can't dispute anything I said...its all true.", ">>{billdobaggins} : That's cool. I wasn't aware of this either. Does it only work with iMessage or also when sent to android?", '>>{TheLastBlockbuster} : Also, they only care about fucking over the poor because someone with money could just travel to another state for an abortion.', ">>{awesomeshreyo} : The problems only happened when it was charging, it's not as if it just randomly spontaneously combusted. There are plenty of companies with worse business practices than Samsung, and plenty of businesses have had recalls with similar if not worse safety consequences.", ">>{awesomeshreyo} : Samsung voluntarily issued the recall and then the government approved it. The battery's electrolyte burns at around 600 degrees, but it's not as if it's at room temperature one second and at 600 the next. Battery fires kind of build up in heat, so it's quite easy to tell if your battery is at danger of exploding.", '>>{hogitha} : They filed a lawsuit, they will get millions. I wish i got hurt from an exploding phone. I would pay my bills and family would sit comfortable.', ">>{SpoonyJank} : She can't use a PC. That is an entry level job qualification.", ">>{factsRcool} : The tiny blob of tissue that has no mental function and is half a year from viability? Yes, you are supposed to ignore in favor of the living breathing woman who's in the middle of trying to live a life.", ">>{factsRcool} : decisions As the GOP intends, there's very little choice for a woman to make decisions on", '>>{bartManSimpson} : How about you consider both lives instead of just the one that can speak for itself?', '>>{nerd0001} : I\'m guessing your a troll because you completely ignore any facts. Samsung issued a "replacement program" because they didn\'t want to issue an official formal recall which would have brought the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission into the fold and would have made it illegal to sell any more Note 7\'s. Basically the US Government stepped in and forced Samsung\'s hand. It\'s called Thermal Runaway and tt\'s 600 degrees C which translates to 1,110 degrees F.', '>>{awesomeshreyo} : > Samsung issued a "replacement program" Yeah, so that means the government didn\'t issue the recall, like you said. I know that a thermal runaway occurs, what I\'m saying is that it gives you the time to distance yourself from the device so the bodily damage isn\'t actually that serious.', ">>{Vegaprime} : The first part is correct. However, you shouldn't assume our wealthy overlords care about wedge issues. They are only a tool to get them power.", '>>{silkAcid} : Yea I think it was a really bad move taking out the removable back. It was so convenient.', ">>{miniatureelephant} : Why should I be forced to carry a fetus that I don't want or can't take care of or whatever other reason because you think you and a clump of cells has more say over my body than me?", '>>{Badrijnd} : I mean, to be fair, we are all just a clump of cells', ">>{ThiefOfDens} : Do you remember a time before you were born? No? Wow, me neither, nor does anyone else ever. So although you may think Jesus doesn't like it, in real-life practical terms, what's the harm in abortion? None of us ask to exist, but once we are born we are stuck with living, for good or for ill. So why is it morally superior to needlessly create a life that was unwanted and risk adding to the net suffering of the world, when there are other options available and the fetus itself will never be the wiser for having never been born?", ">>{bartManSimpson} : Do you remember when you were 1 year old? Something tells me you wouldn't be OK with killing 1 year olds. There's no need to bring Jesus into this, we can keep religion out of this.", '>>{nerd0001} : The US Government intervened and issued the formal recall, Samsung was forced to comply.', '>>{awesomeshreyo} : > Samsung didn\'t issue the recall, the Government did >Samsung issued a "replacement program" >The US Government intervened and issued the formal recall You don\'t seem to be able to decide, so I\'ll clear it up: Samsung voluntarily issued a recall first, then the US Government backed the recall afterwards.', ">>{nerd0001} : A replacement program isn't the same as a recall. Once you understand that and maybe educate yourself on the facts of the timeline, you'll be alright.", ">>{ThiefOfDens} : I knocked a chick up once. She had the nuva ring IIRC and for some reason it must not have worked, or she was taking antibiotics that fucked with it or something. Point is it wasn't supposed to happen and we weren't rawdogging irresponsibly to my knowledge at the time. I didn't find out until months later that she had had an abortion. We were broken up by this time for other reasons. I would have gladly gone with her to the clinic anyway, but she decided to go with a supportive female friend. We were living in GA at the time and although it wasn't required for her to actually view it, the law was that abortion providers had to do an ultrasound *and* offer to let her see the image. Well, her being the curious and pregnant twenty-something person that she was, she looked... I will never forgive those motherfuckers for that. Holding her as best I could across the center console of my freezing car in the Kroger parking lot, while she told me about the ordeal and we both cried bitterly--her in sadness and shame, me for her pain and for my rage.", ">>{awesomeshreyo} : > A replacement program isn't the same as a recall Please enlighten me. How does one replace the product without first recalling it.", '>>{ThiefOfDens} : Well, throughout human history, some degree of infanticide for both cultural and practical reasons seems to have been the rule rather than the exception, but in modern times we have different sensibilities. So, you\'re right. I would be a lot more squeamish about it if it was a child that had already been brought to term and delivered and allowed to live to the age of one year. But in terms of pure experiential suffering inflicted on the child, as far as we know it would still be closer to aborting a fetus than killing something that is sapient enough to really grasp what is happening. What is your non-religious argument against abortion? I\'m guessing it\'s still a moral one of some flavor, unless it\'s the "We might be killing the next Einstein!" type.', '>>{jiggatron69} : Maybe an labotomy for a sore throat. The fun never ends with Republcian Make Believe Christian Medicine. Also, prayers will heal cancer and apparently god will teach you chemistry in a bathroom stall to the point where you think pyramids are grain silos. Seriously, I would not want Ben Carson as my surgeon or doctor.', ">>{boundbylife} : >Some even believe it's 'gods' will for the woman to become pregnant after a rape and it was punishment for behaving like a 'jezebel' to incite men to want sex. Wait, are we talking about the Middle East, or still America? I'm confused.", '>>{nerd0001} : Educate yourself about a replacement program vs a recall and then we can have a discussion.', ">>{Deadcharacter} : That is why IMO it is silly to say that the two major parties are the same. They clearly are not. People don't get it and the results are in. Kentucky for example is going backwards.", '>>{awesomeshreyo} : As far as I know a replacement program follows the announcement of a recall. "Following today\'s announcement of a worldwide recall of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, Samsung has detailed an exchange program for the US."', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : What's their argument? My fairy tale is against this so I must make it hard for everyone else to have? Well too fucking bad for them. If the us became a mostly Muslim nation they'd still want to eat pork and drink alcohol.", '>>{nerd0001} : But the replacement program PRECEEDED the recall. And now you\'ve just confused yourself with "exchange program" vs "replacement program" those programs are 2 different programs. One came BEFORE the recall. You just can\'t wrap your head around that fact, then again I\'m guess your a troll. Either way I\'m done.', ">>{awesomeshreyo} : The recall was issued then the replacement program began. [I have sources. I'd like to see yours.](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/09/28/samsungs-new-safe-galaxy-note-7s-are-overheating-and-exploding-s/)", ">>{bartManSimpson} : Their argument is that abortion is murder and has nothing to do with women's rights. You can be pro-life without being religious by the way. You are okay with murder so you must make it easy for anyone to kill without consequences? If I want to go kill a cat you should stay out of this because my beliefs aren't against it so that gives me the right to do it. < this is how pro lifers see your argument", '>>{iizuna} : this... but for note 4... which is an s5 with a stylus... i feel bad for people who went from the note 4 to the 7...', '>>{justformygoodiphone} : Do you have any idea how low the failure rate tolerance in any industry when it comes to safety? I can tell you, zero. Go get educated .', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : So you mean they don't try and understand the other side of the argument.", ">>{madam1} : Those who care about the abortion issue lose all interest in what happens to the child after it's born. In fact, it gives conservatives more to bitch about if the child goes on to need public support.", '>>{madam1} : It does sound like ideas coming out of a Jewish or Islamic state but is also the beliefs of conservative Christians.', ">>{bartManSimpson} : >Those who care about the abortion issue lose all interest in what happens to the child after it's born. What if I told you... Some people care about children whether they are fetuses or toddlers", '>>{madam1} : There\'s are far too few "some people" when it comes to children in the US. The moment a baby is born conservative pro-lifers turn their backs on them and begin complaining about its drain on society.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tobiascuypers} : Congrats! (xpost-/r/oldpeoplefacebook)', ">>{FreakTalent} : Oh god, this is hilarious. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.", '>>{nb4hnp} : Someone should tell her about 3D pressing the send button so she can try the others!', '>>{imsmellie} : I just tried that with congrats and happy birthday. Got confetti and balloons. I wonder what else they programmed in', '>>{mysteriouskiwi} : Did the same thing, but with fireworks, if you typed in "Happy New Year". Had lots of fun with that. It would be interesting to see the iMessage metrics on new years, considering I didn\'t notice a slow down, unlike conventional SMS.', '>>{liavoid} : Try typing "Happy Chinese New Year", grandma.', '>>{SleweD} : Happy birthday automatically sends with balloons too.', ">>{grummy_gram} : Jesus Christ...how am I just learning about that? I really should start reading to see what's in a major iOS update before or after I install it. I mean, I don't see any practical use for it, so I'll never use it anyway. It is pretty cool though.", '>>{TheMrLoL} : Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year Happy Chinese New Year', '>>{Annies_Boobs} : The Tips app actually has a lot of good information like this, I always suggest it to people because they always seem to learn at least 1 new thing.', ">>{nb4hnp} : Yeah they have a ridiculous number of little features buried in the UI everywhere. That's what's great about this sub, we can continually discuss them and help others find those that have remained hidden so far! The best thing to do is keep up with what they post in the Tips app, and check out the videos they release for the major iOS versions.", ">>{BlackBloke} : You could just watch feature videos on YouTube. It's more fun than reading about them.", ">>{nb4hnp} : Instead of just tapping send, you can press hard (on 6s or 7), and it will offer the ability to send any iMessage with any of the available screen/bubble effects. So it's not just confined to a few pre-set phrases.", '>>{ThisDerpForSale} : Oh, hey. . . apparently it works on a 6 also. Fun!', '>>{tobiascuypers} : Really man? I found this on another sub (as indicated in the title) And who knows how OP ment to say it. Did you ever think that maybe they said it in a joking way? You just jump to conclusions.', '>>{nb4hnp} : Nice! Yeah sometimes it\'s hard to tell whether there\'s a "long press" fallback for devices that don\'t support 3D touch. Glad it works for you though!', ">>{billdobaggins} : That's cool. I wasn't aware of this either. Does it only work with iMessage or also when sent to android?"], ['>>{dwaxe} : Samsung is focusing on the S8 after its Note 7 disaster', '>>{junipel} : Samsung focused on next phone after the previous phone. ALERT THE PRESS!\tthegil13\tt3_59oomq\nt3_58ob5n\tt1_d9adbng\t1477595244\tI put on my robe and wizard hat" Like that kind of magic?', ">>{InfiniteZr0} : I'm still on the Galaxy S5 and I think the S8 might be what I'll upgrade to.", ">>{KEVLAR60442} : I wonder if the Note line is done for. I can't imagine a Note 8 selling well in the wake of the Note 7. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Note 7 has a major negative influence on S8 sales next year.", ">>{nerd0001} : Nope that was enough Samsung bullshit for me. I'm officially done with Samsung...thank God nobody died or one of their phones brought down a plane...but goddammit, they still don't know or won't admit what went wrong.", ">>{clone822} : It's been 2 years and there isn't another phone with all these features. Most have like 3. MicroSD, Waterproof, removable battery, amoled screen, MHL cable support, IR blaster", '>>{Mattjbr2} : It was like one in a million phones, mate, calm your large man-tits.', '>>{nerd0001} : And if your that one person who went up in flames? Sure you tell them to calm down jackass.', ">>{awesomeshreyo} : Nobody was seriously harmed, and the product was recalled. Everyone who purchased one got compensation. I'm pretty sure they admitted something went wrong because they issued a recall. Out of about 3 million Note 7s that were sold only a few exploded. No reason to start avoiding all Samsung products.", '>>{nerd0001} : Samsung didn\'t issue the recall, the Government did. And in light of the famous SMS text that was sent to a customer, I can see why. You act like the phone just went "poof" into a cloud of smoke...but it didn\'t. That phone\'s battery burns at like 1000 degrees. Samsung isn\'t coming forth and paying the medical bills to those people who got serious skin burns by the exploding samsung note 7...they have already filed suit. And that doesn\'t include those people with property damage. And now the note 7 edge has exploded.... http://fortune.com/2016/10/24/galaxy-s7-explodes/ Go ahead and give money to a company who doesn\'t take safety serious, but you may get burned.', ">>{sweeptheleg55} : They are already offering half off the note 8 to note 7 customers in Korea-ish. I'll be tempted to get one note 7 was awesome. And has no competitor if you take a lot of notes", ">>{KEVLAR60442} : I'll definitely be interested in a Note 8 myself. The Note 4 was the best, most stylish phone I've ever held. I was really excited for the Note 7 before it started blowing up, and I can only hope that Samsung uses the Note 7 as a lesson and brings back removable batteries. ...And ditches the glass back. Even Apple realized that doubling the amount of crackable surface area on a phone is a bad idea.", ">>{robotrogelio} : Think of the children! Won't somebody think of the children?", '>>{nerd0001} : I guess the factual truth is dramatic for you.', '>>{robotrogelio} : Factual truth? As opposed to the infactual truth? lol.', '>>{lunchboxlou} : I love my S5. Control everything and has everything you really need in a phone and side device.', ">>{nerd0001} : You can't dispute anything I said...its all true.", ">>{awesomeshreyo} : The problems only happened when it was charging, it's not as if it just randomly spontaneously combusted. There are plenty of companies with worse business practices than Samsung, and plenty of businesses have had recalls with similar if not worse safety consequences.", ">>{awesomeshreyo} : Samsung voluntarily issued the recall and then the government approved it. The battery's electrolyte burns at around 600 degrees, but it's not as if it's at room temperature one second and at 600 the next. Battery fires kind of build up in heat, so it's quite easy to tell if your battery is at danger of exploding.", '>>{hogitha} : They filed a lawsuit, they will get millions. I wish i got hurt from an exploding phone. I would pay my bills and family would sit comfortable.', '>>{nerd0001} : I\'m guessing your a troll because you completely ignore any facts. Samsung issued a "replacement program" because they didn\'t want to issue an official formal recall which would have brought the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission into the fold and would have made it illegal to sell any more Note 7\'s. Basically the US Government stepped in and forced Samsung\'s hand. It\'s called Thermal Runaway and tt\'s 600 degrees C which translates to 1,110 degrees F.', '>>{awesomeshreyo} : > Samsung issued a "replacement program" Yeah, so that means the government didn\'t issue the recall, like you said. I know that a thermal runaway occurs, what I\'m saying is that it gives you the time to distance yourself from the device so the bodily damage isn\'t actually that serious.', '>>{silkAcid} : Yea I think it was a really bad move taking out the removable back. It was so convenient.', '>>{nerd0001} : The US Government intervened and issued the formal recall, Samsung was forced to comply.', '>>{awesomeshreyo} : > Samsung didn\'t issue the recall, the Government did >Samsung issued a "replacement program" >The US Government intervened and issued the formal recall You don\'t seem to be able to decide, so I\'ll clear it up: Samsung voluntarily issued a recall first, then the US Government backed the recall afterwards.', ">>{nerd0001} : A replacement program isn't the same as a recall. Once you understand that and maybe educate yourself on the facts of the timeline, you'll be alright.", ">>{awesomeshreyo} : > A replacement program isn't the same as a recall Please enlighten me. How does one replace the product without first recalling it.", '>>{nerd0001} : Educate yourself about a replacement program vs a recall and then we can have a discussion.', '>>{awesomeshreyo} : As far as I know a replacement program follows the announcement of a recall. "Following today\'s announcement of a worldwide recall of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, Samsung has detailed an exchange program for the US."', '>>{nerd0001} : But the replacement program PRECEEDED the recall. And now you\'ve just confused yourself with "exchange program" vs "replacement program" those programs are 2 different programs. One came BEFORE the recall. You just can\'t wrap your head around that fact, then again I\'m guess your a troll. Either way I\'m done.', ">>{awesomeshreyo} : The recall was issued then the replacement program began. [I have sources. I'd like to see yours.](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/09/28/samsungs-new-safe-galaxy-note-7s-are-overheating-and-exploding-s/)", '>>{iizuna} : this... but for note 4... which is an s5 with a stylus... i feel bad for people who went from the note 4 to the 7...', '>>{justformygoodiphone} : Do you have any idea how low the failure rate tolerance in any industry when it comes to safety? I can tell you, zero. Go get educated .'], ['>>{r3ll1sh} : The Los Angeles Times endorses Clinton ahead of California primary', '>>{savemejebus0} : Well of course they did. All the media does.', '>>{Purlpo} : I never downvote informative articles until I see salty comments like these', ">>{somaek} : >This page has endorsed Clinton not because she is more likely to win the nomination but because she is vastly better prepared than Sanders for the presidency. The average number of years of prior elected office for presidential candidates this year was 15. Clinton has had 8. She's under criminal investigation by the FBI. She hasn't given a press conference all year. Ugh. Am I surprised? Not really. Disappointed? Fuck yes.", ">>{drucifer27} : While I'm not exactly a regular LAT reader, I do find this interesting given that they seemed to be publishing quite a few pieces that were critical of Clinton recently.", ">>{Bernie_Bot_9000} : Why wouldn't they? TRONC is one of her top donors.", ">>{Stochastic__Process} : You'd think a media source would be attempting to be unbiased and report the news. But that's just a myth from a bygone era.", ">>{KrombopulousPichael} : I know you think you sound clever but in actuality it reads more like you're bitter and spend too much time here.", ">>{KrombopulousPichael} : Samesies. I've been quietly lurking this place before making an account... This sub is the saltiest I've ever seen. I see so many complaints about Bernie supporters but I never seem to find shitty comments from them. Just Hillary maniacs and Trump people yammering about them. Fascinating.", '>>{W0666007} : Newspapers have been endorsing candidates since at least the 1800s, the NYT endorsed Lincoln in 1860. Keep acting like Sanders is some of victim instead of just a candidate that lost.', ">>{CurtLablue} : It wasn't clever at all. It's just a sad commentary about when I try to get any news on politics. I sort by new otherwise anything interesting would be buried before I could see it. Every once in awhile I just like making a snide comment.", ">>{Stochastic__Process} : Don't worry, I know Sanders has lost. MAGA. Just because something has been a certain way for a long time says nothing about whether or not it should be that way. Good luck electing your criminal candidate. I hope she enjoys her stint in prison.", ">>{loki8481} : people don't read the editorial pages of the newspapers expecting unbiased reporting... it's the whole reason they exist.", '>>{Puffin_fan} : LA Times - an endorsement from the Chandler Machine. What a kiss of death.', ">>{balmergrl} : LA Times already endorsed her - **Editorial The Times' endorsements in the June 7 election on May 27** - http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-end-adv-endorsement-roundup-20160520-snap-story.html This is just a desperate move for positive press this weekend ahead of our election next Tue, Hillary is feeling the Bern in Cali.", ">>{C01besaurus} : They had already endorsed her. Not only is Clinton incredibly unpopular with younger people (reddit's key demographic), even in her own party, but it's old news.", '>>{KrombopulousPichael} : Ok cool but this "joke" is played the fuck out. You guys need to be socialized or something I can\'t handle it', ">>{KingPickle} : Yup, I've seen several media outlets try to push this today. Did they all just happen to notice week old news at the same time? Or does the DNC have its fingers in their pies. Hmm....", ">>{balmergrl} : > bipartisan cooperation Yeah, that worked out real well for him. They made him fight tooth and nail for the Republican idea of healthcare reform, among other stupidity. And, if there's anyone GOP hates more than Obama, it's Hillary.", ">>{LockeNCole} : It was the staggering amount of BernieSpam that was posted before. At this point, I'm 99% sure Trump supporters are here masquerading as Bernie supporters to mess with Hillary supporters.", ">>{SpoonyJank} : She can't use a PC. That is an entry level job qualification."], [">>{madam1} : The wealthy have captured the U.S. political system and that gives them the ability to decide what happens to women's bodies. This is a group that believes women can't get pregnant from rape and who assert that it's the woman's fault because of the way they dressed or behaved in public. Some even believe it's 'gods' will for the woman to become pregnant after a rape and it was punishment for behaving like a 'jezebel' to incite men to want sex.", ">>{wellbent} : >The wealthy have captured the U.S. political system and that gives them the ability to decide what happens to women's bodies If only we could get the gov't out of the bedroom. Women are smart. There is no reason to force them to look to the gov't for contraceptives. There is no reason for dirty gov't money paying for things that a women wants done to her body. We remove gov't we remove the problem. >Some even believe it's 'gods' will for the woman to become pregnant after a rape and it was punishment for behaving like a 'jezebel' to incite men to want sex. Some even believe that Trump is a shape shifting lizard. What's your point?", '>>{FunkyTown313} : When are they just going to go for the public shaming and forcing them on the sex offenders list? These laws are idiotic and serve no purpose other than to try and humiliate people during one of the toughest decisions of their lives.', ">>{eggsuckingdog} : Ky checking in here. There is no need for a woman here to have an ultrasound before an abortion. Especially if there is already going to be a 20 week ban. This bill also says the woman must hear the fetal heartbeat. Really? GOP just got control of ky politics and their first priority is this. It is fucking shameful, has no basis in women's health care. Congratulations assholes.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : [New law requires women to name baby, paint nursery before getting an abortion.](http://www.theonion.com/video/new-law-requires-women-to-name-baby-paint-nursery--14393)', '>>{Deadcharacter} : The Kentucky state House Dem majority was the last barrier to those silly laws. Now the dam is broken and the crappy laws just keep coming. I think this is still the beginning. Lots of craziness to overcome in the future.', ">>{wellbent} : Hi Ky. Sorry your inhabitants can't make good decisions either for themselves or their local gov't.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : Government money doesn't pay for abortions. As for contraceptives, Medicaid pays for all sorts of pharmaceuticals.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : You could take government funding completely out of the equation and these nonsensical laws would still be proposed. The government money aspect of this is only a cunard employed by the ideologically driven. It's about a woman being held 100% responsible for becoming pregnant and carrying that pregnancy to term whether she wants to or not. That's what they want. State enforced gestation periods producing offspring in order to satisfy ideological dictates. Ticket to heaven for some and a nice wedge issue for cynical self serving politicians.", '>>{Solario_ff14} : Government so small it can be required to be jammed up your vagina.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : We are used to it. King coal has dominated our politics for generations. This is the first time GOP has gotten in charge. So our status as being moderate - all the way back to being neutral in the civil war - is over.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Last barrier in the entirety of the south. Right to work, abortion laws. Governor firing u of l board of trustees. We will lose a lot of smart people that otherwise would have stayed', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : I agree complexly. We may be getting ready to find out. GOP will defund planned parenthood.', ">>{South_in_AZ} : > There is no reason for dirty gov't money paying for things that a women wants done to her body. The only issue here is this is not limited to any financial considerations. I know p, by law, federal money can not be used for abortion, I don't know if state funding is available. If there is no government funding involved the bill would have a carve out for that, not allpicable to,any and all procedures.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Guess I'll be helping them out more if that happens.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : I will start. One of the first things Bevin did was file lawsuits against planned parenthood in Louisville.', ">>{factisfiction} : As a radiologist, I'd require that all sound turned down (at that stage the heart beat would be recorded in M-mode so no sound would be required anyhow) and moniters face away from the patient.", ">>{madam1} : You don't appear to have ever lived in the world of 'no' where affordability and access drive women's decisions on family planning.", '>>{bartManSimpson} : If you want to convince someone to agree with you, you should start by understanding their argument.', ">>{bartManSimpson} : >that gives them the ability to decide what happens to women's bodies Are we supposed to ignore the unborn child just because you don't care about it?", '>>{TheLastBlockbuster} : Also, they only care about fucking over the poor because someone with money could just travel to another state for an abortion.', ">>{factsRcool} : The tiny blob of tissue that has no mental function and is half a year from viability? Yes, you are supposed to ignore in favor of the living breathing woman who's in the middle of trying to live a life.", ">>{factsRcool} : decisions As the GOP intends, there's very little choice for a woman to make decisions on", '>>{bartManSimpson} : How about you consider both lives instead of just the one that can speak for itself?', ">>{Vegaprime} : The first part is correct. However, you shouldn't assume our wealthy overlords care about wedge issues. They are only a tool to get them power.", ">>{miniatureelephant} : Why should I be forced to carry a fetus that I don't want or can't take care of or whatever other reason because you think you and a clump of cells has more say over my body than me?", '>>{Badrijnd} : I mean, to be fair, we are all just a clump of cells', ">>{ThiefOfDens} : Do you remember a time before you were born? No? Wow, me neither, nor does anyone else ever. So although you may think Jesus doesn't like it, in real-life practical terms, what's the harm in abortion? None of us ask to exist, but once we are born we are stuck with living, for good or for ill. So why is it morally superior to needlessly create a life that was unwanted and risk adding to the net suffering of the world, when there are other options available and the fetus itself will never be the wiser for having never been born?", ">>{bartManSimpson} : Do you remember when you were 1 year old? Something tells me you wouldn't be OK with killing 1 year olds. There's no need to bring Jesus into this, we can keep religion out of this.", ">>{ThiefOfDens} : I knocked a chick up once. She had the nuva ring IIRC and for some reason it must not have worked, or she was taking antibiotics that fucked with it or something. Point is it wasn't supposed to happen and we weren't rawdogging irresponsibly to my knowledge at the time. I didn't find out until months later that she had had an abortion. We were broken up by this time for other reasons. I would have gladly gone with her to the clinic anyway, but she decided to go with a supportive female friend. We were living in GA at the time and although it wasn't required for her to actually view it, the law was that abortion providers had to do an ultrasound *and* offer to let her see the image. Well, her being the curious and pregnant twenty-something person that she was, she looked... I will never forgive those motherfuckers for that. Holding her as best I could across the center console of my freezing car in the Kroger parking lot, while she told me about the ordeal and we both cried bitterly--her in sadness and shame, me for her pain and for my rage.", '>>{ThiefOfDens} : Well, throughout human history, some degree of infanticide for both cultural and practical reasons seems to have been the rule rather than the exception, but in modern times we have different sensibilities. So, you\'re right. I would be a lot more squeamish about it if it was a child that had already been brought to term and delivered and allowed to live to the age of one year. But in terms of pure experiential suffering inflicted on the child, as far as we know it would still be closer to aborting a fetus than killing something that is sapient enough to really grasp what is happening. What is your non-religious argument against abortion? I\'m guessing it\'s still a moral one of some flavor, unless it\'s the "We might be killing the next Einstein!" type.', '>>{jiggatron69} : Maybe an labotomy for a sore throat. The fun never ends with Republcian Make Believe Christian Medicine. Also, prayers will heal cancer and apparently god will teach you chemistry in a bathroom stall to the point where you think pyramids are grain silos. Seriously, I would not want Ben Carson as my surgeon or doctor.', ">>{boundbylife} : >Some even believe it's 'gods' will for the woman to become pregnant after a rape and it was punishment for behaving like a 'jezebel' to incite men to want sex. Wait, are we talking about the Middle East, or still America? I'm confused.", ">>{Deadcharacter} : That is why IMO it is silly to say that the two major parties are the same. They clearly are not. People don't get it and the results are in. Kentucky for example is going backwards.", ">>{Barron_Cyber} : What's their argument? My fairy tale is against this so I must make it hard for everyone else to have? Well too fucking bad for them. If the us became a mostly Muslim nation they'd still want to eat pork and drink alcohol.", ">>{bartManSimpson} : Their argument is that abortion is murder and has nothing to do with women's rights. You can be pro-life without being religious by the way. You are okay with murder so you must make it easy for anyone to kill without consequences? If I want to go kill a cat you should stay out of this because my beliefs aren't against it so that gives me the right to do it. < this is how pro lifers see your argument", ">>{Barron_Cyber} : So you mean they don't try and understand the other side of the argument.", ">>{madam1} : Those who care about the abortion issue lose all interest in what happens to the child after it's born. In fact, it gives conservatives more to bitch about if the child goes on to need public support.", '>>{madam1} : It does sound like ideas coming out of a Jewish or Islamic state but is also the beliefs of conservative Christians.', ">>{bartManSimpson} : >Those who care about the abortion issue lose all interest in what happens to the child after it's born. What if I told you... Some people care about children whether they are fetuses or toddlers", '>>{madam1} : There\'s are far too few "some people" when it comes to children in the US. The moment a baby is born conservative pro-lifers turn their backs on them and begin complaining about its drain on society.']]
classify and reply
['>>{w1n5t0nM1k3y} : Just like in [Big Bang Theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9KXKbBKp1A). I know this show gets a lot of hate, but I found this scene hilarious.', ">>{ahbi7aoG} : Henry Kissinger how I'm missin' yer ... Coz you've got nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher", '>>{FlickerOfBean} : Cut a hole in it, and it turns into the pocket blow-j or pocket pussy.', '>>{heystupidd} : If any of my coworkers gets one I will rub my butt all over it.', ">>{INeedSomeAnonHelp} : How will the guy know he's kissing her if her camera isn't pointed at her??", ">>{didanybodychoosethis} : I'm going to buy one of these for my nonexistent gf and she can wear it in her underwear full time. I'll have an auto start from my end and surprise her at random moments.", ">>{HTJ1983} : What if.... you just kiss it cause you don't have anyone to kiss (._. )", '>>{BillNyeTheRussianGuy} : This + HTC VIVE + force feedback gloves ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', '>>{TonyDanzaBonenanza} : you should do some research into teledildonics sex or killing tends to lead the way with tech and in this case it is no different. Teledildonics started in the late 90’s, right alongside the push into streaming media, most all of which was funded by porn this man knows his teledildonics', '>>{intravenous_diarrhea} : I think the risk is too high of it becoming self-aware and jealous of its human user, driving a wedge between the long distance couple, breaking from kisses to whisper rumors of scandalous affairs. Also, does it work if you put it on your dick?', ">>{kennethls} : Isn't this in violation of the oft-abused teledildonics patent?", '>>{nougatreep} : reminds me of that scene in nightmare on elm street', '>>{quistissquall} : what if i punched it? would this then give the other user a punch in the face?', '>>{Xu_Lin} : Wonder if other body parts could also be used as well...', '>>{i-heart-trees} : Did they have to name it after a war criminal though?', '>>{NocturnalMorning} : Am I the only one that finds this weird?', '>>{kevincairo} : Quick question- Can I send messages to myself?', '>>{AverageJardinero} : Alternatively, I could just dial "six seven eight triple nine eight two one two".', '>>{Stoga} : This is the creepiest thing since the Real Dolls hit the market. Will be even creepier when they find a way to combine the two, especially.....down there.', '>>{2WksFromEverywhere} : They should develop a mirror function, so that narcissists can kiss themselves.', '>>{you_shall_not_reddit} : Let\'s all take this moment to realize that Soulja Boy was way ahead of his time when he released "Kiss Me Through the Phone".', '>>{Psalms137-9} : Seriously get all my employees one of these so they can kiss my ass.', ">>{DarthPeanutButter} : According to the article, it doesn't support tongue...otherwise this thing would be firmly pressed against my nuts", '>>{supersonicmike} : Not a big fan of the show, this scene was hilarious', ">>{w1n5t0nM1k3y} : Yeah, I've been getting bored with the show lately. This season has been pretty good, but the 2 or 3 seasons preceding the current one were pretty bad. I mostly only watch it because of my wife. But there are some truly hilarious scenes throughout the show that still make it worth watching.", '>>{billion_dollar_ideas} : There was a thing back in the day called FU-Fme. Check it out.', ">>{geistgoat} : It took me longer than I'd like to realized it was not named after Henry Kissinger.", '>>{cptgo0se} : Soulja boy was ahead of his time.. ("kiss me through the phone")', '>>{letmeexplainitforyou} : ... and wonderful obfuscation; if it becomes popular down the road, when people think of "Kissenger", it\'ll be about this, not war crimes.', '>>{porkman384} : What happens when this gets hacked and some random stranger is getting your kiss?', ">>{djfl00d} : Maybe it will cast to 4chan. Who knows what you'll end up kissing.", '>>{iballguy} : literally just watched this episode, it ended at 900pm. got on reddit and read this.', ">>{HTJ1983} : A trap? I'd be okay with a pretty trap.", '>>{bobjimenez_22} : This is going to be apart of porn just watch.', ">>{LtPyrex} : >Long-distance relationships are difficult because not only is your lover completely removed from your day-to-day life, but you have absolutely zero possibility of tangible physical intimacy. This is sad. well, that's like, your opinion, man.", '>>{Theeshades} : Sounds like you need to visit [r/wholesomememes](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)', '>>{Oxideist} : Yeah yeah, come get me when we can fuck over a distance', ">>{SugioSnoipar} : Why can't i go one single day without getting reminded...", '>>{IronWolfMafia} : We will all be licking our own taints in good time, no need to worry. It will be created.', '>>{xoites} : Name it something else or I will never buy one.', ">>{Yatta99} : If they like The Kissinger then they're gonna love the Tricky Dick.", '>>{everypostepic} : *sticks down pants* "OK honey, do some test kisses."', '>>{tomch546} : Simple. Make it match you up to another lonely person somewhere out in there world.', ">>{AnAvidCurler} : Indiscriminate bombing of civilians, women and children? Crimes against humanity. It's beyond an accusation at this point.", ">>{CoyoteBlaster} : Let's normalize sex with robots. I like human pussy you idiot.", '>>{garrettj100} : Over/under on how long it takes for the thing to get a penis in it after getting home: 7 minutes.', '>>{GrossmanSheepdog} : You can make it move to songs. I youtube an eminem song and i dont need toilet paper', '>>{tony7914} : Interesting idea, might bring a whole new meaning to butt dialing though.', ">>{Velen_swamp} : I'm sure they are working on a new model now - a Cosby.", '>>{Trottingslug} : I\'m sure he means "besides that". /s', '>>{padizzledonk} : 5sec later \'first ever long distance blowjob recieved by man with prototype kissenger"', ">>{Magicman_22} : Does no one realize that by the position of the front facing camera while using this device you're going to only be able to see their forehead?? Nothing sexier than seeing someone's forehead up close and pixelated", '>>{EyeZehUhh} : The third horseman of the apocalypse has arrived. With flesh lights, VR and the kissenger lonely people will survive.', '>>{mivinson} : Yes, but can i put my penis in it...', '>>{Aristox} : I think he had a good stab at all of them', ">>{chvauilon} : Imagine when instead of emails, those nosy CIA agents are intercepting your KISSES. think of the data the kissenger company might be saving on your spouse's kisses, they could be sharing you and yours around or selling them and you wouldn't even know", ">>{HPKEAZAR} : You gotta be on FaceTime with someone to kiss them- both people need one, so you won't be getting any body to be kissing you or the Kissinger ;'o", '>>{EbenezerMac} : There sure are some clingy people in this world.', ">>{growurfood2016} : This is so F'ked up I can't even begin to discuss it!", '>>{redhelpful} : Further proof that Soulja Boi was a true genius ahead of his time.', '>>{Weird4Live} : no tongue simulation is available. Sorry. (ಠ ∩ಠ)', '>>{Kosmosaik} : Would i be cheating if I used this on someone else other than my gf?', ">>{Adozgs2l} : I'm going to hold out till the Fuckenger becomes a thing.", ">>{RWC88} : yes it will be only used for 'kissing'", '>>{TheBoni} : Yer the doctor of my dreams With your crinkly hair And your glassy stare And your Machiavellian schemes', '>>{Sexy-blue-underwear} : First of all you should ask me if I have any relationship.....', '>>{Modiculous} : Maybe this would be better placed in /r/nottheonion', '>>{Mbuuqw} : he he what if i put my dick on it he he Said every 12yo that saw this post', '>>{KIMBER_DAY} : NEED This But for some good TOP she does it better than all these hoes round here smh', '>>{calnamu} : > I know this show gets a lot of hate On reddit. Which we all know has some opinions about mundane things that are way too passionate.', '>>{certifiablenutcase} : My long distance GF (currently visiting) and I are torn on this thing. I think this and teledildonics can make for a good stand in until you can be together again. She finds them weird and creepy. **XD** (After talking about these, she settled on a good old sat-on-lap hug on my office chair instead of a gadget.)', ">>{AyyyyyyyyyyyyySuckIt} : That's okay, just keep an eye out for *MY* new product, the Tunginn'Dere!", '>>{throwawaycatsop} : I think anyone would gladly accept even if you tell them.', ">>{PolloDiablo82} : I'll skip the kissinger, and wait for the blowinger", '>>{ChocolatePoopy} : Thanks to decades of technological revolution with computers, internet and mass Chinese manufacturing, I will soon finally be licking my own taint. Science.', ">>{coffeemars} : Why didn't I see this before New Years?!", ">>{jamesinger} : Goddamnit, [it's real.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teledildonics)", '>>{CronozDK} : Sooooo... what happens if one usually carries the phone in the back pocket?', ">>{Planeguy22} : The poor dude who wrote the article. Did anyone else pick up on the subtle self-deprecating humor in this? The writer makes it sound like he's never even held hands with someone.", '>>{youravg_skeptic} : this belongs in r/nottheonion .. why is this on the top here? everybody knows how stupid this is. and practically it will go absolutely NOWHERE. Why anyone in their right mind would fund, plan, attempt to design something like this, is beyond me..', ">>{calnamu} : I don't know what you are talking about ;) fixed it!", ">>{skyleach} : see, why can't they do this with a fleshlight? (also, this looks like a great white elephant gift)", ">>{TheBoni} : Can't stop a period. Just gotta go with the flow.", '>>{kat_x} : no tongue simulation is available. Sorry.', '>>{AnAvidCurler} : I think we are singling out Henry Kissinger because this reddit thread is about a device that allows you to kiss your mate that is named the Kissenger. But I could be wrong.', '>>{AnAvidCurler} : I stated that he committed horrendous war crimes. That should make it obvious I am a person who understands what a war crime is. Hillary Clinton is an extension of Henry Kissinger, she looks up to him and seeks his counsel and even vacations with his family, and she also committed horrendous war crimes. By further extension of that, Obama also committed war crimes. So did Bush.', '>>{paffle} : How to make a successful product: 1. Make it for iPhone, plugging in via the headphone socket they just removed. 2. Make it about romance. 3. Make it look ridiculous. 4. Make it a bit unhygienic. 5. Force a mental image of Henry Kissinger on people using it.', '>>{goddammitMicah} : We are ALL licking taints on this blessed day :)', ">>{St_Bernardus} : don't want to get burned as an early adopter.", ">>{Angerenhanced} : Were people talking this mimic of humanity bullshit up? Is that why all the comments are removed? Because I wanted to say that this is probably one of the biggest rip offs of a claim anybody could produce. I just didn't want to wreck anybody's dreams.", '>>{Saint_Mistake} : This really got me laughing. Came back for more.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{w1n5t0nM1k3y} : Just like in [Big Bang Theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9KXKbBKp1A). I know this show gets a lot of hate, but I found this scene hilarious.', ">>{ahbi7aoG} : Henry Kissinger how I'm missin' yer ... Coz you've got nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher", '>>{FlickerOfBean} : Cut a hole in it, and it turns into the pocket blow-j or pocket pussy.', '>>{heystupidd} : If any of my coworkers gets one I will rub my butt all over it.', ">>{INeedSomeAnonHelp} : How will the guy know he's kissing her if her camera isn't pointed at her??", ">>{didanybodychoosethis} : I'm going to buy one of these for my nonexistent gf and she can wear it in her underwear full time. I'll have an auto start from my end and surprise her at random moments.", ">>{HTJ1983} : What if.... you just kiss it cause you don't have anyone to kiss (._. )", '>>{BillNyeTheRussianGuy} : This + HTC VIVE + force feedback gloves ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', '>>{TonyDanzaBonenanza} : you should do some research into teledildonics sex or killing tends to lead the way with tech and in this case it is no different. Teledildonics started in the late 90’s, right alongside the push into streaming media, most all of which was funded by porn this man knows his teledildonics', '>>{intravenous_diarrhea} : I think the risk is too high of it becoming self-aware and jealous of its human user, driving a wedge between the long distance couple, breaking from kisses to whisper rumors of scandalous affairs. Also, does it work if you put it on your dick?', ">>{kennethls} : Isn't this in violation of the oft-abused teledildonics patent?", '>>{nougatreep} : reminds me of that scene in nightmare on elm street', '>>{quistissquall} : what if i punched it? would this then give the other user a punch in the face?', '>>{Xu_Lin} : Wonder if other body parts could also be used as well...', '>>{i-heart-trees} : Did they have to name it after a war criminal though?', '>>{NocturnalMorning} : Am I the only one that finds this weird?', '>>{kevincairo} : Quick question- Can I send messages to myself?', '>>{AverageJardinero} : Alternatively, I could just dial "six seven eight triple nine eight two one two".', '>>{Stoga} : This is the creepiest thing since the Real Dolls hit the market. Will be even creepier when they find a way to combine the two, especially.....down there.', '>>{2WksFromEverywhere} : They should develop a mirror function, so that narcissists can kiss themselves.', '>>{you_shall_not_reddit} : Let\'s all take this moment to realize that Soulja Boy was way ahead of his time when he released "Kiss Me Through the Phone".', '>>{Psalms137-9} : Seriously get all my employees one of these so they can kiss my ass.', ">>{DarthPeanutButter} : According to the article, it doesn't support tongue...otherwise this thing would be firmly pressed against my nuts", '>>{supersonicmike} : Not a big fan of the show, this scene was hilarious', ">>{w1n5t0nM1k3y} : Yeah, I've been getting bored with the show lately. This season has been pretty good, but the 2 or 3 seasons preceding the current one were pretty bad. I mostly only watch it because of my wife. But there are some truly hilarious scenes throughout the show that still make it worth watching.", '>>{billion_dollar_ideas} : There was a thing back in the day called FU-Fme. Check it out.', ">>{geistgoat} : It took me longer than I'd like to realized it was not named after Henry Kissinger.", '>>{cptgo0se} : Soulja boy was ahead of his time.. ("kiss me through the phone")', '>>{letmeexplainitforyou} : ... and wonderful obfuscation; if it becomes popular down the road, when people think of "Kissenger", it\'ll be about this, not war crimes.', '>>{porkman384} : What happens when this gets hacked and some random stranger is getting your kiss?', ">>{djfl00d} : Maybe it will cast to 4chan. Who knows what you'll end up kissing.", '>>{iballguy} : literally just watched this episode, it ended at 900pm. got on reddit and read this.', ">>{HTJ1983} : A trap? I'd be okay with a pretty trap.", '>>{bobjimenez_22} : This is going to be apart of porn just watch.', ">>{LtPyrex} : >Long-distance relationships are difficult because not only is your lover completely removed from your day-to-day life, but you have absolutely zero possibility of tangible physical intimacy. This is sad. well, that's like, your opinion, man.", '>>{Theeshades} : Sounds like you need to visit [r/wholesomememes](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)', '>>{Oxideist} : Yeah yeah, come get me when we can fuck over a distance', ">>{SugioSnoipar} : Why can't i go one single day without getting reminded...", '>>{IronWolfMafia} : We will all be licking our own taints in good time, no need to worry. It will be created.', '>>{xoites} : Name it something else or I will never buy one.', ">>{Yatta99} : If they like The Kissinger then they're gonna love the Tricky Dick.", '>>{everypostepic} : *sticks down pants* "OK honey, do some test kisses."', '>>{tomch546} : Simple. Make it match you up to another lonely person somewhere out in there world.', ">>{AnAvidCurler} : Indiscriminate bombing of civilians, women and children? Crimes against humanity. It's beyond an accusation at this point.", ">>{CoyoteBlaster} : Let's normalize sex with robots. I like human pussy you idiot.", '>>{garrettj100} : Over/under on how long it takes for the thing to get a penis in it after getting home: 7 minutes.', '>>{GrossmanSheepdog} : You can make it move to songs. I youtube an eminem song and i dont need toilet paper', '>>{tony7914} : Interesting idea, might bring a whole new meaning to butt dialing though.', ">>{Velen_swamp} : I'm sure they are working on a new model now - a Cosby.", '>>{Trottingslug} : I\'m sure he means "besides that". /s', '>>{padizzledonk} : 5sec later \'first ever long distance blowjob recieved by man with prototype kissenger"', ">>{Magicman_22} : Does no one realize that by the position of the front facing camera while using this device you're going to only be able to see their forehead?? Nothing sexier than seeing someone's forehead up close and pixelated", '>>{EyeZehUhh} : The third horseman of the apocalypse has arrived. With flesh lights, VR and the kissenger lonely people will survive.', '>>{mivinson} : Yes, but can i put my penis in it...', '>>{Aristox} : I think he had a good stab at all of them', ">>{chvauilon} : Imagine when instead of emails, those nosy CIA agents are intercepting your KISSES. think of the data the kissenger company might be saving on your spouse's kisses, they could be sharing you and yours around or selling them and you wouldn't even know", ">>{HPKEAZAR} : You gotta be on FaceTime with someone to kiss them- both people need one, so you won't be getting any body to be kissing you or the Kissinger ;'o", '>>{EbenezerMac} : There sure are some clingy people in this world.', ">>{growurfood2016} : This is so F'ked up I can't even begin to discuss it!", '>>{redhelpful} : Further proof that Soulja Boi was a true genius ahead of his time.', '>>{Weird4Live} : no tongue simulation is available. Sorry. (ಠ ∩ಠ)', '>>{Kosmosaik} : Would i be cheating if I used this on someone else other than my gf?', ">>{Adozgs2l} : I'm going to hold out till the Fuckenger becomes a thing.", ">>{RWC88} : yes it will be only used for 'kissing'", '>>{TheBoni} : Yer the doctor of my dreams With your crinkly hair And your glassy stare And your Machiavellian schemes', '>>{Sexy-blue-underwear} : First of all you should ask me if I have any relationship.....', '>>{Modiculous} : Maybe this would be better placed in /r/nottheonion', '>>{Mbuuqw} : he he what if i put my dick on it he he Said every 12yo that saw this post', '>>{KIMBER_DAY} : NEED This But for some good TOP she does it better than all these hoes round here smh', '>>{calnamu} : > I know this show gets a lot of hate On reddit. Which we all know has some opinions about mundane things that are way too passionate.', '>>{certifiablenutcase} : My long distance GF (currently visiting) and I are torn on this thing. I think this and teledildonics can make for a good stand in until you can be together again. She finds them weird and creepy. **XD** (After talking about these, she settled on a good old sat-on-lap hug on my office chair instead of a gadget.)', ">>{AyyyyyyyyyyyyySuckIt} : That's okay, just keep an eye out for *MY* new product, the Tunginn'Dere!", '>>{throwawaycatsop} : I think anyone would gladly accept even if you tell them.', ">>{PolloDiablo82} : I'll skip the kissinger, and wait for the blowinger", '>>{ChocolatePoopy} : Thanks to decades of technological revolution with computers, internet and mass Chinese manufacturing, I will soon finally be licking my own taint. Science.', ">>{coffeemars} : Why didn't I see this before New Years?!", ">>{jamesinger} : Goddamnit, [it's real.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teledildonics)", '>>{CronozDK} : Sooooo... what happens if one usually carries the phone in the back pocket?', ">>{Planeguy22} : The poor dude who wrote the article. Did anyone else pick up on the subtle self-deprecating humor in this? The writer makes it sound like he's never even held hands with someone.", '>>{youravg_skeptic} : this belongs in r/nottheonion .. why is this on the top here? everybody knows how stupid this is. and practically it will go absolutely NOWHERE. Why anyone in their right mind would fund, plan, attempt to design something like this, is beyond me..', ">>{calnamu} : I don't know what you are talking about ;) fixed it!", ">>{skyleach} : see, why can't they do this with a fleshlight? (also, this looks like a great white elephant gift)", ">>{TheBoni} : Can't stop a period. Just gotta go with the flow.", '>>{kat_x} : no tongue simulation is available. Sorry.', '>>{AnAvidCurler} : I think we are singling out Henry Kissinger because this reddit thread is about a device that allows you to kiss your mate that is named the Kissenger. But I could be wrong.', '>>{AnAvidCurler} : I stated that he committed horrendous war crimes. That should make it obvious I am a person who understands what a war crime is. Hillary Clinton is an extension of Henry Kissinger, she looks up to him and seeks his counsel and even vacations with his family, and she also committed horrendous war crimes. By further extension of that, Obama also committed war crimes. So did Bush.', '>>{paffle} : How to make a successful product: 1. Make it for iPhone, plugging in via the headphone socket they just removed. 2. Make it about romance. 3. Make it look ridiculous. 4. Make it a bit unhygienic. 5. Force a mental image of Henry Kissinger on people using it.', '>>{goddammitMicah} : We are ALL licking taints on this blessed day :)', ">>{St_Bernardus} : don't want to get burned as an early adopter.", ">>{Angerenhanced} : Were people talking this mimic of humanity bullshit up? Is that why all the comments are removed? Because I wanted to say that this is probably one of the biggest rip offs of a claim anybody could produce. I just didn't want to wreck anybody's dreams.", '>>{Saint_Mistake} : This really got me laughing. Came back for more.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Soundwarp} : Holy crap congrats messenger on a milestone like that, thanks for all the bug fixes.', ">>{pm_me_spacecucks} : I can't fucking stand how they push for you to enable notifications. I just want wanna use facebook in safari but it's such a hassle.", '>>{xahnel} : Hillary Clinton hacked by lab rats crawling on keyboard.', ">>{SATexas1} : Are people numb to it at this point? I'm no even sure the public follows it.", '>>{Alex1123} : Does anyone else get a loud screeching noise after being in a call on messenger for a while over an hour or so? Happened on my 6s plus and 7+ from iOS 9 to iOS 10', '>>{Head-e} : Sadly they still forget to add changelogs after 100 versions.', ">>{majnus} : I know, Facebook is the most aggressive app I've ever seen. Also EVERY SINGLE UPDATE makes the app bigger, I wonder what the hell are they adding. I mean, it's a stupid news browser and messenger, yet it's like 160MB each. Seriously, wtf. Pro tip: disable background data for Facebook, it won't drain the battery at all.", '>>{BlizzardShot} : Very annoying how they change the UI every fucking week, this week they have made the app to look like Snapchat, fuck off and keep to one design!', '>>{Mae315} : Once again, Hillary wants you to believe that her bootlegged server set up by her incompetent IT staff was not compromised by anyone because after all the secret service at her house were protecting it. Meanwhile the DNC was hacked, the Clinton Foundation is suspected of being hacked, and now her Campaign network was hacked. Good to know China and Russia had access to some confidential and top secret intel.', '>>{Ferry83} : I always tell people nicely I do not use Facebook messenger once so they are better off sending me a e-mail. The second time I tell them they need to fuck off The third time I just ignore them. Anyone who sends me a FB message while they have my phone number.. can just die in a fire...', ">>{TheRedBull28} : It's horrible too, there's just a weird black bar at the top", '>>{swansong19} : I thought for sure this was going to be a story about CNN. They are, after all, the real Clinton campaign network.', ">>{Volac76} : This really has to suck for them. With all of their scandals and criminal activity, it's tough to call in the cops to help you. It would be like calling 911 because someone broke into your garage and took your weed stash.", ">>{Grandebabo} : So servers so far hacked. The DCCC, the campaign of Hillary, Clinton's home and DNC. Not to mention the major intrusions with the OPM and the IRS. Have I missed any?", '>>{atomiccheesegod} : These new "developments" are going to put Trump in the White House', '>>{dont_eat_at_dennys} : Hillary tries to do everything "off the grid" to avoid getting caught in her various schemes, unfortunately this makes it very difficult for her to employ any sort of decent IT security since that inevitably leads to oversight and loose ends.', '>>{thompson1407} : If I turn off background app refresh for Messenger do I need to open the app to receive new messages?', ">>{dyonisis99} : You can turn it off in settings but it still goes ahead and use background services anyway. So no, you don't need to open the app to get new messages.", '>>{MyGuyNoah} : Check out the app "Friendly." It\'s essentially the mobile version of Facebook but with push notifications. It also doesn\'t run in the background constantly so you end up saving quite a bit of battery life.', ">>{mrrizzle} : I'm assuming you're born in 1983 from your username?", '>>{RightWingReject} : What is that? Bookface messenger? Lol, people still use Bookface!', ">>{mrrizzle} : The screenshot in the App Store for the conversations view looks so clean and tidy. Wish I could roll back the app to a simpler time. Also, does anyone actually use messenger day? Out of my hundreds of friends I've only seen 2 people use the snapchat story function on fb messenger.", '>>{EL337} : And they still want to give this woman security access? Her extreme carelessness has opened the door for malicious intruders.', '>>{smagmite} : Being compromised is a feature of the HRC campaign.', ">>{Ferry83} : Nope.. that's the times I had sex before i got my first std", '>>{barham90} : Do you guyz realize that each time you scroll up to go to to the first message and it accidentally opens the cam which is annoying and battery consuming.. i use messenger more than any other app which makes me feel like moving to something else', ">>{YourPoliticalParty} : Still waiting on Trump Foundation/Trump Tower leaks, although I have a feeling I know what'll be in them. Love notes from Bill, obviously,", '>>{smushednoodle} : push notifications never work for me on that app.', '>>{plee82} : Not going to defend Messenger but there are sometimes when you change a piece of code (Change string to stringbuffer for example) that MIGHT improve performance. You will not write in the change log that you did that explicitly. It is better to write Performance Improvements in this case. But yes, some apps are abusing the change logs.', ">>{TheVince9000} : luckily a friend warned me, no way Hosé I'm going to update to snapchat for facebook. I'll rather wait a month for them to unfuck everything", ">>{Momskirbyok} : There's this cool jailbreak tweak called App Admin that allows you to roll back to any version of an app!", ">>{TheRedBull28} : I literally didn't even know it existed until just know", '>>{codingphp} : Yeah... it\'d be nice if they\'d kind of introduced this shit instead of just dumping it on us. The amount of times I\'ve opened messenger (I use it all the time) and have been like "whoa... it\'s different, again.." is way too high. It\'s free and I can\'t complain, but I feel like communication could be improved a touch.', '>>{JDeppel} : I think OP was pointing out that the "change log" for Facebook Messenger has never said anything different than what is shown in the screenshot.', '>>{GFoxtrot} : The size is really annoying me these days, just WHY does it need to be so big? Twitter, instagram and Skype are all much smaller.', ">>{jmxd} : Fucking milestone my ass. First they force you to install a separate app and then continue to suddenly make that app bigger and bigger and have all kinds of unwanted features no one asked for. This time they decided to try and make a snapchat clone. Wonder what's next.", '>>{majnus} : I know...even though I still have like 100GB free it annoys the hell out of me that these apps are so big. "Friendly" does the job of Facebook, messenger and groups combined and it takes ~20MB and stores almost no cache. Facebook, messenger and Groups after few weeks are 1GB+ with their caches.', ">>{abhinavk} : Notifications screen controls the delivery of new messages. BAR is for syncing conversations and images even if you haven't opened the app for long. But it doesn't matter for FB. They use the VoIP background service for this.", ">>{Awsaim} : Maybe you're in some testing group, because it looks normal to me 😬", '>>{snowflakelord} : Wait and see. Everyone I knows has gotten the new shitty version, you might just be luckier than the rest of us.', ">>{snowflakelord} : I just wish that things like the new UI would come in the actual updates, and not just be pushed out directly to the app. That's what updates are for.", '>>{renegaderen} : Anyone else wonder why the hell a messaging app is 160mb??', '>>{rxmf} : I have the Camera option, but all I can do is send it to group chats or individuals; there\'s no "Messenger Day" option for me yet. I guess as they roll it out to more and more, you\'ll see more friends use it.', ">>{Awsaim} : Yep, mine just changed to it tonight. Gross... everyone's trying to ride Snapchats success.", ">>{FoxMcWeezer} : They didn't forget. You're just not entitled to them.", ">>{sneijder} : I had to install it the other day to read something.... I think it was 7-8 'no thanks' to entering my mobile and refusing notifications before I was in. ...then promptly deleted it.", ">>{gcr} : Messenger only notifies me for new direct messages. I'm very glad Facebook split off Messenger from FB. That way, I can turn off the Facebook app's messages and background refresh while still keeping it turned on for only Messenger."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{xahnel} : Hillary Clinton hacked by lab rats crawling on keyboard.', ">>{SATexas1} : Are people numb to it at this point? I'm no even sure the public follows it.", '>>{Mae315} : Once again, Hillary wants you to believe that her bootlegged server set up by her incompetent IT staff was not compromised by anyone because after all the secret service at her house were protecting it. Meanwhile the DNC was hacked, the Clinton Foundation is suspected of being hacked, and now her Campaign network was hacked. Good to know China and Russia had access to some confidential and top secret intel.', '>>{swansong19} : I thought for sure this was going to be a story about CNN. They are, after all, the real Clinton campaign network.', ">>{Volac76} : This really has to suck for them. With all of their scandals and criminal activity, it's tough to call in the cops to help you. It would be like calling 911 because someone broke into your garage and took your weed stash.", ">>{Grandebabo} : So servers so far hacked. The DCCC, the campaign of Hillary, Clinton's home and DNC. Not to mention the major intrusions with the OPM and the IRS. Have I missed any?", '>>{atomiccheesegod} : These new "developments" are going to put Trump in the White House', '>>{dont_eat_at_dennys} : Hillary tries to do everything "off the grid" to avoid getting caught in her various schemes, unfortunately this makes it very difficult for her to employ any sort of decent IT security since that inevitably leads to oversight and loose ends.', '>>{EL337} : And they still want to give this woman security access? Her extreme carelessness has opened the door for malicious intruders.', '>>{smagmite} : Being compromised is a feature of the HRC campaign.', ">>{YourPoliticalParty} : Still waiting on Trump Foundation/Trump Tower leaks, although I have a feeling I know what'll be in them. Love notes from Bill, obviously,"], ['>>{Soundwarp} : Holy crap congrats messenger on a milestone like that, thanks for all the bug fixes.', ">>{pm_me_spacecucks} : I can't fucking stand how they push for you to enable notifications. I just want wanna use facebook in safari but it's such a hassle.", '>>{Alex1123} : Does anyone else get a loud screeching noise after being in a call on messenger for a while over an hour or so? Happened on my 6s plus and 7+ from iOS 9 to iOS 10', '>>{Head-e} : Sadly they still forget to add changelogs after 100 versions.', ">>{majnus} : I know, Facebook is the most aggressive app I've ever seen. Also EVERY SINGLE UPDATE makes the app bigger, I wonder what the hell are they adding. I mean, it's a stupid news browser and messenger, yet it's like 160MB each. Seriously, wtf. Pro tip: disable background data for Facebook, it won't drain the battery at all.", '>>{BlizzardShot} : Very annoying how they change the UI every fucking week, this week they have made the app to look like Snapchat, fuck off and keep to one design!', '>>{Ferry83} : I always tell people nicely I do not use Facebook messenger once so they are better off sending me a e-mail. The second time I tell them they need to fuck off The third time I just ignore them. Anyone who sends me a FB message while they have my phone number.. can just die in a fire...', ">>{TheRedBull28} : It's horrible too, there's just a weird black bar at the top", '>>{thompson1407} : If I turn off background app refresh for Messenger do I need to open the app to receive new messages?', ">>{dyonisis99} : You can turn it off in settings but it still goes ahead and use background services anyway. So no, you don't need to open the app to get new messages.", '>>{MyGuyNoah} : Check out the app "Friendly." It\'s essentially the mobile version of Facebook but with push notifications. It also doesn\'t run in the background constantly so you end up saving quite a bit of battery life.', ">>{mrrizzle} : I'm assuming you're born in 1983 from your username?", '>>{RightWingReject} : What is that? Bookface messenger? Lol, people still use Bookface!', ">>{mrrizzle} : The screenshot in the App Store for the conversations view looks so clean and tidy. Wish I could roll back the app to a simpler time. Also, does anyone actually use messenger day? Out of my hundreds of friends I've only seen 2 people use the snapchat story function on fb messenger.", ">>{Ferry83} : Nope.. that's the times I had sex before i got my first std", '>>{barham90} : Do you guyz realize that each time you scroll up to go to to the first message and it accidentally opens the cam which is annoying and battery consuming.. i use messenger more than any other app which makes me feel like moving to something else', '>>{smushednoodle} : push notifications never work for me on that app.', '>>{plee82} : Not going to defend Messenger but there are sometimes when you change a piece of code (Change string to stringbuffer for example) that MIGHT improve performance. You will not write in the change log that you did that explicitly. It is better to write Performance Improvements in this case. But yes, some apps are abusing the change logs.', ">>{TheVince9000} : luckily a friend warned me, no way Hosé I'm going to update to snapchat for facebook. I'll rather wait a month for them to unfuck everything", ">>{Momskirbyok} : There's this cool jailbreak tweak called App Admin that allows you to roll back to any version of an app!", ">>{TheRedBull28} : I literally didn't even know it existed until just know", '>>{codingphp} : Yeah... it\'d be nice if they\'d kind of introduced this shit instead of just dumping it on us. The amount of times I\'ve opened messenger (I use it all the time) and have been like "whoa... it\'s different, again.." is way too high. It\'s free and I can\'t complain, but I feel like communication could be improved a touch.', '>>{JDeppel} : I think OP was pointing out that the "change log" for Facebook Messenger has never said anything different than what is shown in the screenshot.', '>>{GFoxtrot} : The size is really annoying me these days, just WHY does it need to be so big? Twitter, instagram and Skype are all much smaller.', ">>{jmxd} : Fucking milestone my ass. First they force you to install a separate app and then continue to suddenly make that app bigger and bigger and have all kinds of unwanted features no one asked for. This time they decided to try and make a snapchat clone. Wonder what's next.", '>>{majnus} : I know...even though I still have like 100GB free it annoys the hell out of me that these apps are so big. "Friendly" does the job of Facebook, messenger and groups combined and it takes ~20MB and stores almost no cache. Facebook, messenger and Groups after few weeks are 1GB+ with their caches.', ">>{abhinavk} : Notifications screen controls the delivery of new messages. BAR is for syncing conversations and images even if you haven't opened the app for long. But it doesn't matter for FB. They use the VoIP background service for this.", ">>{Awsaim} : Maybe you're in some testing group, because it looks normal to me 😬", '>>{snowflakelord} : Wait and see. Everyone I knows has gotten the new shitty version, you might just be luckier than the rest of us.', ">>{snowflakelord} : I just wish that things like the new UI would come in the actual updates, and not just be pushed out directly to the app. That's what updates are for.", '>>{renegaderen} : Anyone else wonder why the hell a messaging app is 160mb??', '>>{rxmf} : I have the Camera option, but all I can do is send it to group chats or individuals; there\'s no "Messenger Day" option for me yet. I guess as they roll it out to more and more, you\'ll see more friends use it.', ">>{Awsaim} : Yep, mine just changed to it tonight. Gross... everyone's trying to ride Snapchats success.", ">>{FoxMcWeezer} : They didn't forget. You're just not entitled to them.", ">>{sneijder} : I had to install it the other day to read something.... I think it was 7-8 'no thanks' to entering my mobile and refusing notifications before I was in. ...then promptly deleted it.", ">>{gcr} : Messenger only notifies me for new direct messages. I'm very glad Facebook split off Messenger from FB. That way, I can turn off the Facebook app's messages and background refresh while still keeping it turned on for only Messenger."]]
classify and reply
['>>{RileyWWarrick} : This Week in Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A golf course in Dubai and so much more!', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : If democrats can get a majority in 201, they could impeach and the ppl can protest for sanders.', '>>{in4real} : I would do anything that woman asked of me.', '>>{HeadHighSauce26} : Unless Sanders is the speaker of the house at the time, no.', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : That could be our next goal! Pelosi is garbage', ">>{HeadHighSauce26} : So, you're banking on Dems picking up a majority in 2018, even though it's mostly their seats up for reelection, then the Dems ousting Pelosi and picking someone who isn't even a Democrat for Speaker? That's unlikely.", ">>{ae_syn89} : >Located in a development owned by DAMAC Properties, a real estate company based in Dubai, the course would be dependent on the government of the United Arab Emirates for services including electricity, water and transportation access. Unless Trump totally divests himself from this business enterprise, any profit he makes off of the course could very well violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution, which prohibits public officials from accepting gifts or payments from foreign governments without Congress’s permission. They're trying to make the claim that because the golf course is supported by public services (like all businesses), any profits constitute a gift or payment from a foreign government. I'd love to see Salon cite a precedent for that. Sounds like bullshit to me. The rest of the article (a whole two more paragraphs) mentions how he'll benefit from his economic proposals. Whoopty frigging doo. So will small businesses as they won't have to operate in such an over regulated environment. This isn't news Salon. This is a hacked together bullshit article.", ">>{ae_syn89} : I hate to break it to you, but Sanders is a Senator. He can't be speaker of the House of Representatives.", ">>{BadChicken47} : I don't want my president making money on golf courses while he's supposed to be acting as my president. I'm sorry that I have such high standards.", '>>{whatnowdog} : All seats in the House are up for reelection every two years. The Senate is in office for 6 years with 1/3rd up for reelection every two years. Yes most of the Senate seats up for reelection are Democrats in 2018.', '>>{WhyDoYouShadowBanPPL} : - Thanks for the most peaceful civilization that has ever existed men. - Thanks for fighting in all the wars men. - Thanks for paying for all the dates men. - Thanks for building the western democracies men. - Thanks for all the cool inventions men. - Thanks for allowing freedom of all peoples eventually under your super cool democracy men. - Thanks for capitalism which has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system men.', ">>{whatnowdog} : I am not sure if it is Mar de Lago golf course or one of the others in South Florida but Americans are not good enough to be hired as grounds keepers Trump's people are trying to get work visas for workers from former former Soviet countries like Romania. He bashes Ford for Mexican workers but his own company and product are from overseas.", '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Thanks for slavery. Thanks for rape. Thanks for torture. Thanks for murder. Thanks for gamergate.', ">>{AlaDouche} : I'm surprised such biased news sources like Salon (and on the other side, Breitbart) are allowed on /r/politics. Shit that comes from sources like these does nothing to help any cause.", ">>{Adam_df} : That's not relevant to whether it's legal or not.", ">>{eximil} : Technically, the Speaker doesn't have to be a member of the House. He would lose his seat in the Senate, though.", ">>{jacks1000} : I'm glad that finally we have Michelle Obama to teach us how to be better men.", ">>{eximil} : Salon isn't anywhere near as bad as Breitbart. It's biased, sure, but it's more spin than false.", ">>{AlaDouche} : Yeah, that's fair. It's just not really actual news. They find the kind of insignificant things and just pump out things in volume. Just disappointing to see I guess. I wish this was full of sites like Reuters, where you know it's just facts.", '>>{MaiAyeNuhs} : The TrumpenFuhrer has no conflicts of interest. Golf is just a past time he greatly enjoys.', '>>{jacks1000} : >gamergate Gamergate is worse than slavery, rape, torture and murder.', '>>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Something that gets lost in all the gender politics is that while men do instigate a lot of violence men are also predominately the victims of said violence. Not trying to start a flame war, just pointing out the facts.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : You don’t have to say anything to the haters. You don’t have to acknowledge them at all. You just wake up every morning and be the best you you can be. And that tends to shut them up.', '>>{Trumpmeister} : Damn, we invented all those too? Why are others even trying? We are the only consequential group in existence.', '>>{Astalano} : Translation: Men, do my work for me.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Thanks for capitalism which has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system men. Actually, it's government investment, control and limiting of capitalism, and equality that built all the wealth and pulled people out of poverty... Capitalism got children's hands cut off in machines in the 1930s. Unions created all the wealth then", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : As the FLOTUS, conducting interviews and standing up for what she believes in ( such as her "Let\'s Move!" program) she is staying in her lane. And she knows how to avoid taking "advice" from reddit :)', '>>{jacks1000} : But if it was a contest, Gamergate would win.', '>>{elimtevir} : Or lose badly depending on how you scored it.', '>>{nateure} : I think "great men" know Michelle isn\'t talking to them. If (the royal) you think you\'re a great man but decide to take unnecessary umbrage at her statement, then chances are you\'re probably not as great as you think you are.', ">>{jacks1000} : > Capitalism got children's hands cut off in machines in the 1930s. Unions created all the wealth then Everything we have we can thank Communism for. American owes its prosperity to Lenin.", '>>{degadale3} : Really? Because gamergate is in another league when compared to paltry things like rape, murder, torture, and slavery!', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : We don't owe it to capitalist dictatorship Wonderful article recently, showing how the US government was essentially responsible for the iPhone", '>>{FarmToBong} : Why don\'t you start by telling your husband to be a better man Michelle? Would love to see you sitting down with Barack in the Oval Office and explaining to him how he could "be better".', '>>{jacks1000} : We owe it to communist dictators, they are the ones that invented and produced everything of value.', '>>{ratherlargepie} : 94% of domestic violence is perpetrated against women. 6% is perpetrated against men. But yeah. Predominantly is definitely the right word you used.', ">>{want-to-say-this} : Her job is to work the POTUS Dick not telling men what to do. How come women can tell men what to do but if a man even asks a woman to do or be something that isn't what she wants its oppression and mansplanning. She offered examples of be better or was womansplanning. 90% of commercials are womansplanning how to do things and how men are dumb. Educate yourself. The FLOTUS isn't a hired or elected job. It's the presidents wife THATS IT.", '>>{ratherlargepie} : Reddit is not the place for feminism, unfortunately, as it is literally 80% neck beards according to the Pew Research Center.', ">>{Mydogpupsters} : Can't wait until she is out of the White House...oh wait then Crooked Hillary will be in...damn.", '>>{FarmToBong} : Twitter? The entire western media establishment would explode.', '>>{FarmToBong} : You say something bad about women = "You\'re a hater." I say something bad about men = "I\'m a strong progressive feminist leader who doesn\'t waste time acknowledging haters." First Lady logic!', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : I am so grateful to the federal government and its correction of the free market, along with unions, etc. for allowing us to have these things Thank you US government and govenment investment for the iPhone', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Her job is to work the POTUS Dick not telling men what to do. Tis is exactly the kind of sexism that she's fighting", ">>{Hayley_Pandolfi1} : Oh good, spewing more numbers, with no source, as if fact. Here try this: Harvard, peer reviwed study, from data produced by the CDC & APA that says **70% of domestic violence is committed by women against men.** http://www.newscastmedia.com/domestic-violence.pdf Oddly, this is never mentioned. In fact it's been submitted to r/TIL many times but is always removed. Gotta keep that narrative going...", '>>{ratherlargepie} : It\'s because it\'s factually inaccurate and News Cast Media is not a peer reviewed source. Photoshop is easy. Here\'s this, ya idgit. http://www.ncadv.org/learn/statistics Sourced by only peer reviewed and government studies. The only statistic that almost backs up what your pseudo-stats suggest is 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence as opposed to 1 in 4 men, which makes both the use of the phrase predominantly and "70%" wholly untrue. If you proceed down the list, it gets starker and starker. 1 in 4 women experience rape. 1 in 71 men. I mean. I could call you an idgit. Continue the narrative that men do nothing wrong and are the real victims and then sit on a fork.', '>>{sprolo} : Gamergate? How are fucking videogames an issue in real life aahahaha did you seriously put some highschool drama level shit with that other suff lmao', '>>{work_lol} : Can you *imagine* the hate the president would get if he told women to "be better" or god forbid, if Trump did?', ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > it's government investment, control and limiting of capitalism So your saying capitalism is a fantastic tool to get people out of poverty as long as there is a system of checks and balances? Color me shocked.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > So your saying capitalism is a fantastic tool to get people out of poverty as long as there is a system of checks and balances? Color me shocked Both regulated capitalism and socialism are necessary, I think You need more than "a system of checks and balances". If this were so, then the "free" market in America wouldn\'t have failed so many times, costing us so much, losing so much value that federal government makes (and that we took from the labor of slaves and children) and killing many millions.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > oh wait then Crooked Hillary will be in...damn. You've given up all hope for racist Donald?", ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Both regulated capitalism and socialism are necessary I hope you mean socialist polies, not socialism. Socialist policies exist *because* of capitalism, not despite it. As we all know socialism has killed many many millions and for however many times history tells us how big of a failure it is, people still bring it up. > losing so much value that federal government makes Can you elaborate on this? The federal governemnt operates on the sole basis that it collects taxes from its populace. Without capitalism, there wouldn't be any taxes to collect. > and killing many millions. Not nearly as many as socialism and communism has. At the end of the day, Regulated capitalism is the best we've got. An efficient system allows for our government to collect taxes and distribute it to the populace via programs and projects.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > I hope you mean socialist polies, not socialism. Hope away. Either works great > Socialist policies exist because of capitalism, not despite it. Actually, capitalism is there because of socialist policies. The government creates the "free" market > As we all know ~~socialism~~ capitalism has killed many many millions and for however many times history tells us how big of a failure it is, people still bring it up. FTFY > losing so much value that federal government makes Can you elaborate on this? The federal governemnt operates on the sole basis that it collects taxes from its populace. Without capitalism, there wouldn\'t be any taxes to collect. Of course. The government and socialism is directly responsible for the wealth created. Without a socialist government (or a government using socialist poicies) there\'s no wealth for capitalism to take credit for. A wonderful article recently showed how the US government was the "can\'t replace" entity in the iPhone creation > At the end of the day, Regulated capitalism is the best we\'ve got. That\'s an interesting opinion. However if we do want to use it we need the "government over business, environment over government" nothing else we\'ve tried works. Additionally, there so much evidence that socialism is better than regulated capitalism, but we\'re not allowed to discuss that.', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Either works great Can you provide me one example of socialism working great? Keep in mind I\'m using the actual definition of the word (worker/government ownership of the means of production). Also, if you would like to start a co-op, last I checked, they aren\'t illegal. > The government creates the "free" market No, the people do. We vote in the goverment in as a constitutional republic. > FTFY Can you provide an example of capitalism killing millions? > The government and socialism is directly responsible for the wealth created. Ok, now i just think you\'ve made up your own definition of the word. As I stated above, the people elect the government who pass and enforce the laws. The people create the supply and the demand and the wealth. The government exist solely as a by-product of the people\'s ability to fund the government. Without the people, the government is nothing. A perfect example would be in New Jersey. Their state budget literally took a $140MM shortfall because one citizen decided to move to Florida. Explain to me how this creates wealth? > Additionally, there so much evidence that socialism is better than regulated capitalism, but we\'re not allowed to discuss that. I\'d love to dicuss that actually, and you\'re certainly allowed. Can you provide examples? Not one socialist regime (present or past) comes to mind as being sucessful. When I think of successfull capitalism, I think of Norway, Sweden, Canada, U.S., Germany, etc. When I think of socialism I think of what\'s happening in Venezeuala and things like bread lines. It\'s pretty sad actually that we can\'t learn from our past mistakes.', ">>{Mydogpupsters} : For decades the American people have been handed two underwhelming choices for our most important office. This year it's a blatant criminal or an idiot who might have good intentions but keeps shooting himself in the foot with the dumb things coming out of his mouth. We need to get rid of the electoral college, return to publicly funded campaigns, and outlaw PACS to have any hope of having an honest government again. Partisan politics is something to keep us all distracted from the real problem. I will be voting for trump not because I believe he is the answer to all of our problems, but because he shares SOME of my values, and Clinton needs to be in prison, not running for President. But she will win because of Trump's lack of a sensible filter between his brain and mouth.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Can you provide me one example of socialism working great? Can you give me an example of capitalism working great? I can\'t think of any. See my comment below on how you listed a large number of non capitalist countries to try and prove that capitalism works. > Can you provide an example of capitalism killing millions? Many people correctly compare Mao and Winston Churchill. Churchill killed approximately as many in much the same way. There are many other examples - the toll may run as high as the scores of millions, depending on how you classify capitalism\'s slaughter of the Native population in the US and Canada >The government and socialism is directly responsible for the wealth created. Ok, now i just think you\'ve made up your own definition of the word. As I stated above, the people elect the government who pass and enforce the laws. No, you\'re the one making stuff up. Federal government control and research is the primary component of the iPhone,for exampe. You saying what you said before doesn\'t make it a more effective reference > A perfect example would be in New Jersey. Their state budget literally took a $140MM shortfall because one citizen decided to move to Florida. Explain to me how this creates wealth? Obviously it doesn\'t. We allowed one civilian to move excess national wealth. That doesn\'t mean anything I remember when Christie said "Let the millionaires of New York occupy New Jersey ha ha" New York then said "The millionaires can leave, but the money that the society made stays here" Christie wasn\'t so enthusiastic about having the millionaires around Your example is just the need for more robust, progressive taxes along with firm federal control > When I think of successfull capitalism, I think of Norway, Sweden, Canada, U.S., Germany, etc. If you have mistaken teh Nordic model for capitalism, I can help you with a reading list. Nordic success has much more reliance on socialism and socialist principles Germany would never consider capitalism - they have the nazis in their past! (and fascism is degenerate capitalism) And the US gained its wealth from firm government control, powerful unions, a robust tax structure and sociallist programs\' Where do you think the wealth that 1980-2008 took credit for came from? Finally, lets compare communism to capitalism, or a representative republic (not a hybrid social democracy) Of the same size and starting point? Let\'s compare Cuba to Haiti or Somalia yes I know that the Somalian socialism couldn\'t undo the damage the "free" market did there Or how about Russia 1992-2000 - capitalism killed more than socialism ever did', ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : Can't tell if troll or not. Have you been to college yet? You sound like a typical /r/politics arm chair economist in the 10th grade with zero real world experience. > Can you give me an example of capitalism working great? I did, see below responses about capitalist economies like Norway and Germany (along with sources this time, so you can't make things up anymore :) ). I'd still like some examples from you. Explain how Russia and Venezeula are/were successes. > We allowed one civilian to move excess national wealth Personal wealth... He created it. If he didn't, then New Jersey wouldn't have this $140MM hole haha. > If you have mistaken teh Nordic model for capitalism, I can help you with a reading list. Nordic success has much more reliance on socialism and socialist principles. [The nordic model is very much capitalism](http://www.headlinepolitics.com/denmark-tells-bernie-sanders-stop-lying-country/). You don't beleive the primie minister of Denmark knows more about his own country than some redditor who's likely never paid a dime in taxes? As I've stated before, Nordic countries have socialist policies *as a result* of capitalism, not despite it. Without strong markets, there would be no means from which to tax from. Social programs needs funding; funding from capitalists who create wealth and are taxed. Governments are useless without the people; they need to be funded somehow afterall lol. > Germany would never consider capitalism [I'm still not understanding you](http://qz.com/452076/this-just-in-german-capitalism-has-won/). You keep making things up now, i've seen no sources from you. Who is teaching you these things?? They need to be fired (unless they have tenure). > Or how about Russia 1992-2000 - capitalism killed more than socialism ever did [ummmmm](http://www.ibtimes.com/how-many-people-did-joseph-stalin-kill-1111789). You can't just make up things to fit your warped view of reality. Come back down to earth and realize the government can't save you. Stop being a statist and create something and sell it for yourself. When you do something entirely on your own, the reward can beat pretty much anything; try it! [I'm done here](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMUThBbi4COkUshKEBll2zpYu3wPjDjHdmOUPS-3uaftvtFHZ6dAYBqTTr)", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Have you been to college yet? Had you, I suspect you would know. It sounds like you either didn't attent, or went on an athletic scholarship. I'd evaluate your reasoning as nearly 10th grade level > Personal wealth... He created it. If he didn't, then New Jersey wouldn't have this $140MM hole haha. Any real evidence he's not a capitalist or lottery winner (but I repeat myself?) Here it is - just lucking into money isn't the same as earning it > The nordic model is very much capitalism. You should use reputable sources - headlinePolitics is a known right wing mag with a reputation for racism > I'm still not understanding you. Y Had you read your own lnk, you would understand better. > Or how about Russia 1992-2000 - capitalism killed more than socialism ever did Again, you need to more critically evaluate your links > They need to be fired (unless they have tenure). Ahh, an anti-intellectual joke! ha ha! I understand the people who really never get fired are the super rich. Like the wall streeters. Good thing, the average streeter or CEO probably couldn't do a real job > And for your last paragraph - if you ever stand on your own feet, and dare to challenge what you're being spoonfed - you'd come to better conculsions and you've played yourself - one more redditor who chants cliches and doesn't understand the world. It will be good when the government regulates the market more, with socialist values,. Then the market may create value you're welcome More here than you'd ever learn at Trump U, eh? > As I've stated before, Nordic countries have socialist policies as a result of capitalism, not despite it. Some redditor repeating themselves doesn't make it true", ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Any real evidence he's not a capitalist or lottery winner (but I repeat myself?) You're making it easy on me! [He actually founded a hedge fund](http://nypost.com/2016/04/10/this-man-could-destroy-new-jersey-by-moving-to-florida/), but i guess that's the same as winning the lottery or lucking into it, right? As Obama says, You didnt build that! Except in this case he did. Oops... > the average streeter or CEO probably couldn't do a real job Try one minute as an investment banking analyst or trader. You will be absolutely put to shame with the level of intelligence and analytical skills you are dealing with. There's a reason they are paid so well. Stop being so obstuse and grow up. They are among the most competitive jobs you can get, and people come from all over the world to compete and get them. > Some redditor repeating themselves dosn't make it true Exactly, which is why I took a quote from the leader of Denmark. Again, he doesn't know his own country as well as someone in High school? > It will be good when the government regulates the market more, with socialist values,. Then the market may create value This... doesn't make any sense. The market creates value, so that we can *afford* socialist policies. Socialist policies are mostly expenses, things that create no value whatsoever. Look at medicaid and medicare. They cost money, but they are necessary programs. Same with Social Security. The return on my ivestment in S.S. (assuming i even get a penny) will be less than the value of the money I put in, while adjusting for inflation. It would literally be a better idea to stash my money under my mattress. It would be worth more that way. If I could give you any advice it would be to stop putting so much reliance on the government; they tend to do things very shittily. Do things for yourself, because no one else will. God speed.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > If I could give you any advice it would be to stop putting so much reliance on the government; they tend to do things very shittily. Do things for yourself, because no one else will. God speed. Thanks, but I think you should be taking, not giving, advice. Out in the world, you\'ll see the evidence everywhere. Starting with the President\'s stunning truth "You didn\'t build that by yourself" up through Senator Warren\'s accurate estimate of the country and its economy, you can see that this Ayn Rand fantasy is a failure If I could give you one piece of advice it would be - You don\'t have to be so dependent on some rich person. YOu can stand on your own 2 feet. I understand it\'s intimidating when you feel like the owner is giving you a job (the government created most of the jobs), but when you se through it, you\'ll feel more confident. I wish you the best. Good luckj!', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Starting with the President\'s stunning truth "You didn\'t build that by yourself" This quote probably pissed off more Americans than his other gem, "you can keep your doctor". You\'re even [taking it out of context](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/obamas-you-didnt-build-that-problem/2012/07/18/gJQAJxyotW_blog.html). Of course people get help along the way, but that doesn\'t mean help from the government. Did the government get me good grades in private school? Of course not, that was me. Did the government spend hours outside every night hitting off the tee? Of course not, that was me. Did the government send out 50 job applications during 2009 when no one was hiring? Of course not, that was me. The government is paid for via my taxes, so as far as I\'m concerned, whatever small benefit I *do* get from them, I have paid for. That means they have nothing for me to be grateful for. After you buy a coffee at starbucks, do you go back into the store and thank the barista for giving you a caffiene rush? No, that\'s ridiculous, because you paid for that coffee. For anyone to even suggest "I didn\'t build this" is laughable. The people who helped me the most were myself and my parents/role models. The government did nothing expect tax them along the way. The only people "who didn\'t build that", are the tax-negative people of the country; the "takers". Tax-positive people, like myself, semantically *did build that*; which is ironic. > (the government created most of the jobs) Source? My sources are telling me that private sector jobs outnumbers public almost [5 to 1](http://www.businessinsider.com/the-chart-public-sector-vs-private-sector-employment-2012-6). Walmart wasn\'t created by the government, nor was Facebook, or Apple. I\'m not sure where you get your information from. > You don\'t have to be so dependent on some rich person. YOu can stand on your own 2 feet. I understand it\'s intimidating when you feel like the owner is giving you a job I don\'t; I\'m my own rich person. I do stand on my own two feet and I have a great job. A job that wasn\'t created by the government. I still have not seen one source from you throughout this entire exchange. Probably because opinions don\'t have a lot of sources to back them up.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Did the government get me good grades in private school? Of course not, that was me. But the government guarantees education for all. The public schools are what make our system. Can you imagine if the private schools had to educate all the citizens? You wouldn\'t be so entitled from having people pat you on the back for studying and getting good grades. And it\'s too bad this private school didn\'t have much in the way of economics, huh? > The government is paid for via my taxes, The government creates the society that lets you have enough to be able to pay taxes! You have the cart before the horse > The only people "who didn\'t build that", are the tax-negative people of the country; the "takers" Isn\'t that the entitled rich and multi nationals who are the takers? Great article recently titled "Treasonous corporations move to avoid supporting the American system" > A job that wasn\'t created by the government. Then you clearly don\'t see who built this. As a fish doesn;t see water And of course Walmart was created by the government. It didn\'t form in haiti > I still have not seen one source from you throughout this entire exchange. And you won\'t. Nor will you see me produce a link showing that human caused global warming is happening, or that Trump is a racist (not taht either of those is what we\'re talking about) Educated people can do their own googling. And so far your biased sources are worse than none. If I were grading this as a freshman college argument, I\'d need to see more, to pass it', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Can you imagine if the private schools had to educate all the citizens We might be better off. Private schools outperform public schools in almost every category. > The government creates the society that lets you have enough to be able to pay taxes! What do you mean, "let"? Do you mean the government is a police force with a gun to my head allowing me to earn what they tell me? My bonus last year has something to say about that... > Isn\'t that the entitled rich and multi nationals who are the takers? Great article recently titled "Treasonous corporations move to avoid supporting the American system" Nope, I\'m talking about the "47%" of people who are tax negative. They are takers and literaly contribute nothing to our country. I don\'t like the corporations who avoid taxes just as much as you, but at least they pay payroll taxes and contribute jobs. That\'s can\'t be said about the low-life welfare leeches of the world who do nothing but drag us down. As far as companies jumping ship to other jurisdictions, that\'s just the free market at work. This literally proves how bullshit your point was that our government creates jobs and wealth, because they\'ve actually scared it away in this case. Companies will pay the lowest rate avaiable on the market. Sometimes that just happens to be Ireland. Good for Ireland for staying competitive. > And of course Walmart was created by the government. It didn\'t form in haiti It formed in Arkansas and was created by the Waltons. How did the government create this? By "allowing" it to be created? That\'s such a ridiculous argument I don\'t even know where to begin. You must think we are all slaves of the government or something, this is a scary line of thinking. > Educated people can do their own googling. And so far your biased sources are worse than none. If I were grading this as a freshman college argument, I\'d need to see more, to pass it But i\'ve already done the googling and provided sources stating that your opinions were bullshit; like socialism being the best system in the world, or that the Nordic countries weren\'t capitlist, lol. Honest question, how old are you? If i\'m dealing with a 16 year old, I feel i\'ve just wasted my time. You\'ll understand one day when you get your fist pay check probably. Staters gonna state! It might serve you well to get off your parents teet and move out :)', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Honest question, how old are you? If i\'m dealign with a 16 year old, I feel i\'ve just wasted Pardon me if I refuse to give personal information to an anonymous and (in my opinion) possibly unstable redditor, suffice it to say I am probably as old as you And almost definitely better educated Private schools still can\'t educate the average student. The "47% who don\'t pay taxes" is an old Romney canard that was shown to be a lie (google it yourself) And yes, it formed in Arkansas. It could not have formed in Haiti. Haiti\'s government doesn\'t provide the government innovation and oversight of the failing market needed for something like this to start. > but at least they pay payroll taxes and contribute jobs. They don\'t pay their taxes and the government creates those jobs Google how the government was the essential item in the creation of the iPhone The only essential item Certainly without government running national labs, none of this would be here Look at it this way, thanks to the federal government, you\'ll have way more money to use complaining about the government than you would otherwise', ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Haiti's government doesn't provide the government innovation and oversight of the failing market needed for something like this to start. No, Haiti is an evironmental shithole that doesn't attract the type of people who are capable of creating Walmart. > Google how the government was the essential item in the creation of the iPhone Why would I google something that is the definition of confirmation bias? I'd say Steve Jobs was pretty damn integral, as it wouldn't be here without him. > Look at it this way, thanks to the federal government, you'll have way more money to use complaining about the government than you would otherwise Again, I've paid for that via taxes. I don't go back and thank everyone who I've purchased something from, that's insane."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{in4real} : I would do anything that woman asked of me.', '>>{WhyDoYouShadowBanPPL} : - Thanks for the most peaceful civilization that has ever existed men. - Thanks for fighting in all the wars men. - Thanks for paying for all the dates men. - Thanks for building the western democracies men. - Thanks for all the cool inventions men. - Thanks for allowing freedom of all peoples eventually under your super cool democracy men. - Thanks for capitalism which has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system men.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Thanks for slavery. Thanks for rape. Thanks for torture. Thanks for murder. Thanks for gamergate.', ">>{jacks1000} : I'm glad that finally we have Michelle Obama to teach us how to be better men.", '>>{jacks1000} : >gamergate Gamergate is worse than slavery, rape, torture and murder.', '>>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Something that gets lost in all the gender politics is that while men do instigate a lot of violence men are also predominately the victims of said violence. Not trying to start a flame war, just pointing out the facts.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : You don’t have to say anything to the haters. You don’t have to acknowledge them at all. You just wake up every morning and be the best you you can be. And that tends to shut them up.', '>>{Trumpmeister} : Damn, we invented all those too? Why are others even trying? We are the only consequential group in existence.', '>>{Astalano} : Translation: Men, do my work for me.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Thanks for capitalism which has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system men. Actually, it's government investment, control and limiting of capitalism, and equality that built all the wealth and pulled people out of poverty... Capitalism got children's hands cut off in machines in the 1930s. Unions created all the wealth then", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : As the FLOTUS, conducting interviews and standing up for what she believes in ( such as her "Let\'s Move!" program) she is staying in her lane. And she knows how to avoid taking "advice" from reddit :)', '>>{jacks1000} : But if it was a contest, Gamergate would win.', '>>{elimtevir} : Or lose badly depending on how you scored it.', '>>{nateure} : I think "great men" know Michelle isn\'t talking to them. If (the royal) you think you\'re a great man but decide to take unnecessary umbrage at her statement, then chances are you\'re probably not as great as you think you are.', ">>{jacks1000} : > Capitalism got children's hands cut off in machines in the 1930s. Unions created all the wealth then Everything we have we can thank Communism for. American owes its prosperity to Lenin.", '>>{degadale3} : Really? Because gamergate is in another league when compared to paltry things like rape, murder, torture, and slavery!', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : We don't owe it to capitalist dictatorship Wonderful article recently, showing how the US government was essentially responsible for the iPhone", '>>{FarmToBong} : Why don\'t you start by telling your husband to be a better man Michelle? Would love to see you sitting down with Barack in the Oval Office and explaining to him how he could "be better".', '>>{jacks1000} : We owe it to communist dictators, they are the ones that invented and produced everything of value.', '>>{ratherlargepie} : 94% of domestic violence is perpetrated against women. 6% is perpetrated against men. But yeah. Predominantly is definitely the right word you used.', ">>{want-to-say-this} : Her job is to work the POTUS Dick not telling men what to do. How come women can tell men what to do but if a man even asks a woman to do or be something that isn't what she wants its oppression and mansplanning. She offered examples of be better or was womansplanning. 90% of commercials are womansplanning how to do things and how men are dumb. Educate yourself. The FLOTUS isn't a hired or elected job. It's the presidents wife THATS IT.", '>>{ratherlargepie} : Reddit is not the place for feminism, unfortunately, as it is literally 80% neck beards according to the Pew Research Center.', ">>{Mydogpupsters} : Can't wait until she is out of the White House...oh wait then Crooked Hillary will be in...damn.", '>>{FarmToBong} : Twitter? The entire western media establishment would explode.', '>>{FarmToBong} : You say something bad about women = "You\'re a hater." I say something bad about men = "I\'m a strong progressive feminist leader who doesn\'t waste time acknowledging haters." First Lady logic!', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : I am so grateful to the federal government and its correction of the free market, along with unions, etc. for allowing us to have these things Thank you US government and govenment investment for the iPhone', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Her job is to work the POTUS Dick not telling men what to do. Tis is exactly the kind of sexism that she's fighting", ">>{Hayley_Pandolfi1} : Oh good, spewing more numbers, with no source, as if fact. Here try this: Harvard, peer reviwed study, from data produced by the CDC & APA that says **70% of domestic violence is committed by women against men.** http://www.newscastmedia.com/domestic-violence.pdf Oddly, this is never mentioned. In fact it's been submitted to r/TIL many times but is always removed. Gotta keep that narrative going...", '>>{ratherlargepie} : It\'s because it\'s factually inaccurate and News Cast Media is not a peer reviewed source. Photoshop is easy. Here\'s this, ya idgit. http://www.ncadv.org/learn/statistics Sourced by only peer reviewed and government studies. The only statistic that almost backs up what your pseudo-stats suggest is 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence as opposed to 1 in 4 men, which makes both the use of the phrase predominantly and "70%" wholly untrue. If you proceed down the list, it gets starker and starker. 1 in 4 women experience rape. 1 in 71 men. I mean. I could call you an idgit. Continue the narrative that men do nothing wrong and are the real victims and then sit on a fork.', '>>{sprolo} : Gamergate? How are fucking videogames an issue in real life aahahaha did you seriously put some highschool drama level shit with that other suff lmao', '>>{work_lol} : Can you *imagine* the hate the president would get if he told women to "be better" or god forbid, if Trump did?', ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > it's government investment, control and limiting of capitalism So your saying capitalism is a fantastic tool to get people out of poverty as long as there is a system of checks and balances? Color me shocked.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > So your saying capitalism is a fantastic tool to get people out of poverty as long as there is a system of checks and balances? Color me shocked Both regulated capitalism and socialism are necessary, I think You need more than "a system of checks and balances". If this were so, then the "free" market in America wouldn\'t have failed so many times, costing us so much, losing so much value that federal government makes (and that we took from the labor of slaves and children) and killing many millions.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > oh wait then Crooked Hillary will be in...damn. You've given up all hope for racist Donald?", ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Both regulated capitalism and socialism are necessary I hope you mean socialist polies, not socialism. Socialist policies exist *because* of capitalism, not despite it. As we all know socialism has killed many many millions and for however many times history tells us how big of a failure it is, people still bring it up. > losing so much value that federal government makes Can you elaborate on this? The federal governemnt operates on the sole basis that it collects taxes from its populace. Without capitalism, there wouldn't be any taxes to collect. > and killing many millions. Not nearly as many as socialism and communism has. At the end of the day, Regulated capitalism is the best we've got. An efficient system allows for our government to collect taxes and distribute it to the populace via programs and projects.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > I hope you mean socialist polies, not socialism. Hope away. Either works great > Socialist policies exist because of capitalism, not despite it. Actually, capitalism is there because of socialist policies. The government creates the "free" market > As we all know ~~socialism~~ capitalism has killed many many millions and for however many times history tells us how big of a failure it is, people still bring it up. FTFY > losing so much value that federal government makes Can you elaborate on this? The federal governemnt operates on the sole basis that it collects taxes from its populace. Without capitalism, there wouldn\'t be any taxes to collect. Of course. The government and socialism is directly responsible for the wealth created. Without a socialist government (or a government using socialist poicies) there\'s no wealth for capitalism to take credit for. A wonderful article recently showed how the US government was the "can\'t replace" entity in the iPhone creation > At the end of the day, Regulated capitalism is the best we\'ve got. That\'s an interesting opinion. However if we do want to use it we need the "government over business, environment over government" nothing else we\'ve tried works. Additionally, there so much evidence that socialism is better than regulated capitalism, but we\'re not allowed to discuss that.', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Either works great Can you provide me one example of socialism working great? Keep in mind I\'m using the actual definition of the word (worker/government ownership of the means of production). Also, if you would like to start a co-op, last I checked, they aren\'t illegal. > The government creates the "free" market No, the people do. We vote in the goverment in as a constitutional republic. > FTFY Can you provide an example of capitalism killing millions? > The government and socialism is directly responsible for the wealth created. Ok, now i just think you\'ve made up your own definition of the word. As I stated above, the people elect the government who pass and enforce the laws. The people create the supply and the demand and the wealth. The government exist solely as a by-product of the people\'s ability to fund the government. Without the people, the government is nothing. A perfect example would be in New Jersey. Their state budget literally took a $140MM shortfall because one citizen decided to move to Florida. Explain to me how this creates wealth? > Additionally, there so much evidence that socialism is better than regulated capitalism, but we\'re not allowed to discuss that. I\'d love to dicuss that actually, and you\'re certainly allowed. Can you provide examples? Not one socialist regime (present or past) comes to mind as being sucessful. When I think of successfull capitalism, I think of Norway, Sweden, Canada, U.S., Germany, etc. When I think of socialism I think of what\'s happening in Venezeuala and things like bread lines. It\'s pretty sad actually that we can\'t learn from our past mistakes.', ">>{Mydogpupsters} : For decades the American people have been handed two underwhelming choices for our most important office. This year it's a blatant criminal or an idiot who might have good intentions but keeps shooting himself in the foot with the dumb things coming out of his mouth. We need to get rid of the electoral college, return to publicly funded campaigns, and outlaw PACS to have any hope of having an honest government again. Partisan politics is something to keep us all distracted from the real problem. I will be voting for trump not because I believe he is the answer to all of our problems, but because he shares SOME of my values, and Clinton needs to be in prison, not running for President. But she will win because of Trump's lack of a sensible filter between his brain and mouth.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Can you provide me one example of socialism working great? Can you give me an example of capitalism working great? I can\'t think of any. See my comment below on how you listed a large number of non capitalist countries to try and prove that capitalism works. > Can you provide an example of capitalism killing millions? Many people correctly compare Mao and Winston Churchill. Churchill killed approximately as many in much the same way. There are many other examples - the toll may run as high as the scores of millions, depending on how you classify capitalism\'s slaughter of the Native population in the US and Canada >The government and socialism is directly responsible for the wealth created. Ok, now i just think you\'ve made up your own definition of the word. As I stated above, the people elect the government who pass and enforce the laws. No, you\'re the one making stuff up. Federal government control and research is the primary component of the iPhone,for exampe. You saying what you said before doesn\'t make it a more effective reference > A perfect example would be in New Jersey. Their state budget literally took a $140MM shortfall because one citizen decided to move to Florida. Explain to me how this creates wealth? Obviously it doesn\'t. We allowed one civilian to move excess national wealth. That doesn\'t mean anything I remember when Christie said "Let the millionaires of New York occupy New Jersey ha ha" New York then said "The millionaires can leave, but the money that the society made stays here" Christie wasn\'t so enthusiastic about having the millionaires around Your example is just the need for more robust, progressive taxes along with firm federal control > When I think of successfull capitalism, I think of Norway, Sweden, Canada, U.S., Germany, etc. If you have mistaken teh Nordic model for capitalism, I can help you with a reading list. Nordic success has much more reliance on socialism and socialist principles Germany would never consider capitalism - they have the nazis in their past! (and fascism is degenerate capitalism) And the US gained its wealth from firm government control, powerful unions, a robust tax structure and sociallist programs\' Where do you think the wealth that 1980-2008 took credit for came from? Finally, lets compare communism to capitalism, or a representative republic (not a hybrid social democracy) Of the same size and starting point? Let\'s compare Cuba to Haiti or Somalia yes I know that the Somalian socialism couldn\'t undo the damage the "free" market did there Or how about Russia 1992-2000 - capitalism killed more than socialism ever did', ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : Can't tell if troll or not. Have you been to college yet? You sound like a typical /r/politics arm chair economist in the 10th grade with zero real world experience. > Can you give me an example of capitalism working great? I did, see below responses about capitalist economies like Norway and Germany (along with sources this time, so you can't make things up anymore :) ). I'd still like some examples from you. Explain how Russia and Venezeula are/were successes. > We allowed one civilian to move excess national wealth Personal wealth... He created it. If he didn't, then New Jersey wouldn't have this $140MM hole haha. > If you have mistaken teh Nordic model for capitalism, I can help you with a reading list. Nordic success has much more reliance on socialism and socialist principles. [The nordic model is very much capitalism](http://www.headlinepolitics.com/denmark-tells-bernie-sanders-stop-lying-country/). You don't beleive the primie minister of Denmark knows more about his own country than some redditor who's likely never paid a dime in taxes? As I've stated before, Nordic countries have socialist policies *as a result* of capitalism, not despite it. Without strong markets, there would be no means from which to tax from. Social programs needs funding; funding from capitalists who create wealth and are taxed. Governments are useless without the people; they need to be funded somehow afterall lol. > Germany would never consider capitalism [I'm still not understanding you](http://qz.com/452076/this-just-in-german-capitalism-has-won/). You keep making things up now, i've seen no sources from you. Who is teaching you these things?? They need to be fired (unless they have tenure). > Or how about Russia 1992-2000 - capitalism killed more than socialism ever did [ummmmm](http://www.ibtimes.com/how-many-people-did-joseph-stalin-kill-1111789). You can't just make up things to fit your warped view of reality. Come back down to earth and realize the government can't save you. Stop being a statist and create something and sell it for yourself. When you do something entirely on your own, the reward can beat pretty much anything; try it! [I'm done here](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMUThBbi4COkUshKEBll2zpYu3wPjDjHdmOUPS-3uaftvtFHZ6dAYBqTTr)", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > Have you been to college yet? Had you, I suspect you would know. It sounds like you either didn't attent, or went on an athletic scholarship. I'd evaluate your reasoning as nearly 10th grade level > Personal wealth... He created it. If he didn't, then New Jersey wouldn't have this $140MM hole haha. Any real evidence he's not a capitalist or lottery winner (but I repeat myself?) Here it is - just lucking into money isn't the same as earning it > The nordic model is very much capitalism. You should use reputable sources - headlinePolitics is a known right wing mag with a reputation for racism > I'm still not understanding you. Y Had you read your own lnk, you would understand better. > Or how about Russia 1992-2000 - capitalism killed more than socialism ever did Again, you need to more critically evaluate your links > They need to be fired (unless they have tenure). Ahh, an anti-intellectual joke! ha ha! I understand the people who really never get fired are the super rich. Like the wall streeters. Good thing, the average streeter or CEO probably couldn't do a real job > And for your last paragraph - if you ever stand on your own feet, and dare to challenge what you're being spoonfed - you'd come to better conculsions and you've played yourself - one more redditor who chants cliches and doesn't understand the world. It will be good when the government regulates the market more, with socialist values,. Then the market may create value you're welcome More here than you'd ever learn at Trump U, eh? > As I've stated before, Nordic countries have socialist policies as a result of capitalism, not despite it. Some redditor repeating themselves doesn't make it true", ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Any real evidence he's not a capitalist or lottery winner (but I repeat myself?) You're making it easy on me! [He actually founded a hedge fund](http://nypost.com/2016/04/10/this-man-could-destroy-new-jersey-by-moving-to-florida/), but i guess that's the same as winning the lottery or lucking into it, right? As Obama says, You didnt build that! Except in this case he did. Oops... > the average streeter or CEO probably couldn't do a real job Try one minute as an investment banking analyst or trader. You will be absolutely put to shame with the level of intelligence and analytical skills you are dealing with. There's a reason they are paid so well. Stop being so obstuse and grow up. They are among the most competitive jobs you can get, and people come from all over the world to compete and get them. > Some redditor repeating themselves dosn't make it true Exactly, which is why I took a quote from the leader of Denmark. Again, he doesn't know his own country as well as someone in High school? > It will be good when the government regulates the market more, with socialist values,. Then the market may create value This... doesn't make any sense. The market creates value, so that we can *afford* socialist policies. Socialist policies are mostly expenses, things that create no value whatsoever. Look at medicaid and medicare. They cost money, but they are necessary programs. Same with Social Security. The return on my ivestment in S.S. (assuming i even get a penny) will be less than the value of the money I put in, while adjusting for inflation. It would literally be a better idea to stash my money under my mattress. It would be worth more that way. If I could give you any advice it would be to stop putting so much reliance on the government; they tend to do things very shittily. Do things for yourself, because no one else will. God speed.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > If I could give you any advice it would be to stop putting so much reliance on the government; they tend to do things very shittily. Do things for yourself, because no one else will. God speed. Thanks, but I think you should be taking, not giving, advice. Out in the world, you\'ll see the evidence everywhere. Starting with the President\'s stunning truth "You didn\'t build that by yourself" up through Senator Warren\'s accurate estimate of the country and its economy, you can see that this Ayn Rand fantasy is a failure If I could give you one piece of advice it would be - You don\'t have to be so dependent on some rich person. YOu can stand on your own 2 feet. I understand it\'s intimidating when you feel like the owner is giving you a job (the government created most of the jobs), but when you se through it, you\'ll feel more confident. I wish you the best. Good luckj!', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Starting with the President\'s stunning truth "You didn\'t build that by yourself" This quote probably pissed off more Americans than his other gem, "you can keep your doctor". You\'re even [taking it out of context](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/obamas-you-didnt-build-that-problem/2012/07/18/gJQAJxyotW_blog.html). Of course people get help along the way, but that doesn\'t mean help from the government. Did the government get me good grades in private school? Of course not, that was me. Did the government spend hours outside every night hitting off the tee? Of course not, that was me. Did the government send out 50 job applications during 2009 when no one was hiring? Of course not, that was me. The government is paid for via my taxes, so as far as I\'m concerned, whatever small benefit I *do* get from them, I have paid for. That means they have nothing for me to be grateful for. After you buy a coffee at starbucks, do you go back into the store and thank the barista for giving you a caffiene rush? No, that\'s ridiculous, because you paid for that coffee. For anyone to even suggest "I didn\'t build this" is laughable. The people who helped me the most were myself and my parents/role models. The government did nothing expect tax them along the way. The only people "who didn\'t build that", are the tax-negative people of the country; the "takers". Tax-positive people, like myself, semantically *did build that*; which is ironic. > (the government created most of the jobs) Source? My sources are telling me that private sector jobs outnumbers public almost [5 to 1](http://www.businessinsider.com/the-chart-public-sector-vs-private-sector-employment-2012-6). Walmart wasn\'t created by the government, nor was Facebook, or Apple. I\'m not sure where you get your information from. > You don\'t have to be so dependent on some rich person. YOu can stand on your own 2 feet. I understand it\'s intimidating when you feel like the owner is giving you a job I don\'t; I\'m my own rich person. I do stand on my own two feet and I have a great job. A job that wasn\'t created by the government. I still have not seen one source from you throughout this entire exchange. Probably because opinions don\'t have a lot of sources to back them up.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Did the government get me good grades in private school? Of course not, that was me. But the government guarantees education for all. The public schools are what make our system. Can you imagine if the private schools had to educate all the citizens? You wouldn\'t be so entitled from having people pat you on the back for studying and getting good grades. And it\'s too bad this private school didn\'t have much in the way of economics, huh? > The government is paid for via my taxes, The government creates the society that lets you have enough to be able to pay taxes! You have the cart before the horse > The only people "who didn\'t build that", are the tax-negative people of the country; the "takers" Isn\'t that the entitled rich and multi nationals who are the takers? Great article recently titled "Treasonous corporations move to avoid supporting the American system" > A job that wasn\'t created by the government. Then you clearly don\'t see who built this. As a fish doesn;t see water And of course Walmart was created by the government. It didn\'t form in haiti > I still have not seen one source from you throughout this entire exchange. And you won\'t. Nor will you see me produce a link showing that human caused global warming is happening, or that Trump is a racist (not taht either of those is what we\'re talking about) Educated people can do their own googling. And so far your biased sources are worse than none. If I were grading this as a freshman college argument, I\'d need to see more, to pass it', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Can you imagine if the private schools had to educate all the citizens We might be better off. Private schools outperform public schools in almost every category. > The government creates the society that lets you have enough to be able to pay taxes! What do you mean, "let"? Do you mean the government is a police force with a gun to my head allowing me to earn what they tell me? My bonus last year has something to say about that... > Isn\'t that the entitled rich and multi nationals who are the takers? Great article recently titled "Treasonous corporations move to avoid supporting the American system" Nope, I\'m talking about the "47%" of people who are tax negative. They are takers and literaly contribute nothing to our country. I don\'t like the corporations who avoid taxes just as much as you, but at least they pay payroll taxes and contribute jobs. That\'s can\'t be said about the low-life welfare leeches of the world who do nothing but drag us down. As far as companies jumping ship to other jurisdictions, that\'s just the free market at work. This literally proves how bullshit your point was that our government creates jobs and wealth, because they\'ve actually scared it away in this case. Companies will pay the lowest rate avaiable on the market. Sometimes that just happens to be Ireland. Good for Ireland for staying competitive. > And of course Walmart was created by the government. It didn\'t form in haiti It formed in Arkansas and was created by the Waltons. How did the government create this? By "allowing" it to be created? That\'s such a ridiculous argument I don\'t even know where to begin. You must think we are all slaves of the government or something, this is a scary line of thinking. > Educated people can do their own googling. And so far your biased sources are worse than none. If I were grading this as a freshman college argument, I\'d need to see more, to pass it But i\'ve already done the googling and provided sources stating that your opinions were bullshit; like socialism being the best system in the world, or that the Nordic countries weren\'t capitlist, lol. Honest question, how old are you? If i\'m dealing with a 16 year old, I feel i\'ve just wasted my time. You\'ll understand one day when you get your fist pay check probably. Staters gonna state! It might serve you well to get off your parents teet and move out :)', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Honest question, how old are you? If i\'m dealign with a 16 year old, I feel i\'ve just wasted Pardon me if I refuse to give personal information to an anonymous and (in my opinion) possibly unstable redditor, suffice it to say I am probably as old as you And almost definitely better educated Private schools still can\'t educate the average student. The "47% who don\'t pay taxes" is an old Romney canard that was shown to be a lie (google it yourself) And yes, it formed in Arkansas. It could not have formed in Haiti. Haiti\'s government doesn\'t provide the government innovation and oversight of the failing market needed for something like this to start. > but at least they pay payroll taxes and contribute jobs. They don\'t pay their taxes and the government creates those jobs Google how the government was the essential item in the creation of the iPhone The only essential item Certainly without government running national labs, none of this would be here Look at it this way, thanks to the federal government, you\'ll have way more money to use complaining about the government than you would otherwise', ">>{A_Crabby_Patty} : > Haiti's government doesn't provide the government innovation and oversight of the failing market needed for something like this to start. No, Haiti is an evironmental shithole that doesn't attract the type of people who are capable of creating Walmart. > Google how the government was the essential item in the creation of the iPhone Why would I google something that is the definition of confirmation bias? I'd say Steve Jobs was pretty damn integral, as it wouldn't be here without him. > Look at it this way, thanks to the federal government, you'll have way more money to use complaining about the government than you would otherwise Again, I've paid for that via taxes. I don't go back and thank everyone who I've purchased something from, that's insane."], ['>>{RileyWWarrick} : This Week in Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A golf course in Dubai and so much more!', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : If democrats can get a majority in 201, they could impeach and the ppl can protest for sanders.', '>>{HeadHighSauce26} : Unless Sanders is the speaker of the house at the time, no.', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : That could be our next goal! Pelosi is garbage', ">>{HeadHighSauce26} : So, you're banking on Dems picking up a majority in 2018, even though it's mostly their seats up for reelection, then the Dems ousting Pelosi and picking someone who isn't even a Democrat for Speaker? That's unlikely.", ">>{ae_syn89} : >Located in a development owned by DAMAC Properties, a real estate company based in Dubai, the course would be dependent on the government of the United Arab Emirates for services including electricity, water and transportation access. Unless Trump totally divests himself from this business enterprise, any profit he makes off of the course could very well violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution, which prohibits public officials from accepting gifts or payments from foreign governments without Congress’s permission. They're trying to make the claim that because the golf course is supported by public services (like all businesses), any profits constitute a gift or payment from a foreign government. I'd love to see Salon cite a precedent for that. Sounds like bullshit to me. The rest of the article (a whole two more paragraphs) mentions how he'll benefit from his economic proposals. Whoopty frigging doo. So will small businesses as they won't have to operate in such an over regulated environment. This isn't news Salon. This is a hacked together bullshit article.", ">>{ae_syn89} : I hate to break it to you, but Sanders is a Senator. He can't be speaker of the House of Representatives.", ">>{BadChicken47} : I don't want my president making money on golf courses while he's supposed to be acting as my president. I'm sorry that I have such high standards.", '>>{whatnowdog} : All seats in the House are up for reelection every two years. The Senate is in office for 6 years with 1/3rd up for reelection every two years. Yes most of the Senate seats up for reelection are Democrats in 2018.', ">>{whatnowdog} : I am not sure if it is Mar de Lago golf course or one of the others in South Florida but Americans are not good enough to be hired as grounds keepers Trump's people are trying to get work visas for workers from former former Soviet countries like Romania. He bashes Ford for Mexican workers but his own company and product are from overseas.", ">>{AlaDouche} : I'm surprised such biased news sources like Salon (and on the other side, Breitbart) are allowed on /r/politics. Shit that comes from sources like these does nothing to help any cause.", ">>{Adam_df} : That's not relevant to whether it's legal or not.", ">>{eximil} : Technically, the Speaker doesn't have to be a member of the House. He would lose his seat in the Senate, though.", ">>{eximil} : Salon isn't anywhere near as bad as Breitbart. It's biased, sure, but it's more spin than false.", ">>{AlaDouche} : Yeah, that's fair. It's just not really actual news. They find the kind of insignificant things and just pump out things in volume. Just disappointing to see I guess. I wish this was full of sites like Reuters, where you know it's just facts.", '>>{MaiAyeNuhs} : The TrumpenFuhrer has no conflicts of interest. Golf is just a past time he greatly enjoys.']]
classify and reply
['>>{tyler9090} : Makes sense... A lot of Trump supporters are hateful people', '>>{DonaldBlowsIvanka} : >"[...] In the case of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack, which reports have connected to Russia, the fingerprints used to link blame to Russian hackers may have been manipulated,” Russia Today[, a Russian state-owned outlet that has “actively collaborated” with WikiLeaks,] reported. The liars lie about their lying, lmfao', '>>{theombudsmen} : In other news, prison population polled swear they are innocent.', '>>{LrankLcean} : Your answer to, "How can I listen to music and charge?"', '>>{CaptainAlaska} : This wins for single stupidest headline I have ever seen on r/politics.', '>>{BudrickBundy} : Trump Said the U.S. Should Expand Nuclear Weapons. He’s Right.', '>>{dubslies} : We must add this to the poll correction criteria. In addition to factoring in crowd sizes, facebook likes, retweets and amount of time covered on cable news, and skyrocketing anti-hillary merchandise sales, this means Trump should win 57% - 40% Why are we even having this election anymore? Look at the crowd sizes and merchandise sales figures people!', ">>{SATexas1} : Untill this week I didn't really consider that Wikileaks was being run by Russia I knew they collaborated, thought Wikileaks was independent, that was naive", '>>{CyberIndustrialist} : Well of course a FSB outlet would attempt to discourage dialogue about Russia engaging in information warfare during the election.', ">>{cubedanomalous} : OK, but it still doesn't support regular headphones without Apple's adapter. I'll wait for one that comes with a lightning port + headphone jack.", ">>{Negative_Clank} : Smart people don't buy bullshit merchandise. Life isn't about your bumper sticker.", ">>{Gorgonaut666} : No surprise there - the demographic of people who would buy anti-politician clothing of any sort are people I'd prefer to have absolutely nothing to do with.", '>>{viccar0} : That this is a point of pride or a sign of success is hilarious and says so much about this campaign', ">>{Dads_cream_soda} : Breitbart user: >Don't forget that Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks, and is very easy to prove how. >1) She refused to do her God mandated wifely duties, Bill resorted to straying from the marriage. >2) This lead to his impeachment, which cost taxpayers time and money >3) while the impeachment was going on Bill was too distracted to properly order the attack on Osama before the 9/11 attacks which would have prevented them. >If hillary cannot respect her duties as a wife, how can we expect her to perform the duties of a president? Hillary did 9/11.", ">>{vph} : If Fox News isn't calling him to declassify it and expose Obama, you know that even Fox News isn't believing in Trump's bullshit.", '>>{i-get-stabby} : i still dont get the theory on the CIA hacking to DNC. The CIA hacked the DNC to hurt the democrats and blamed it on Russia in case Trump did win the election(which nobody thought would) to hurt him. That theory the CIA hurts both parties. The leaks state the .', '>>{Capt_Consistent} : Wow great I have to buy something to replicate what every other phone on the market can already do!!! RESULT GUYS!!!', '>>{tommles} : [If these are all accurate then I hope to one day look back at these four years and see seven new conspiracies per day](http://www.alternet.org/right-wing/58-donald-trump-conspiracy-theories-and-counting-definitive-trump-conspiracy-guide).', '>>{PlaaaaasticJesuuuuus} : Considering the kind of people who are so obsessed and petty enough as to buy that sort of shit in the first place, that hardly seems like something you\'d want to crow about. It\'s like saying "814% more of pro-Trump people are the obnoxious fucks you hate working with and seeing in public compared to pro-Clinton people."', '>>{MWM2} : He doesn\'t a have a Wikipedia page. I assumed he was a GOP shill writing to "support" Trump\'s tweet so I jumped to the last paragraph and read only it and his bio. > Rather than express outrage over Trump\'s tweet, therefore, we should take heart that we once again have a president who may be willing to do what it takes to defend the country against real, growing and truly existential threats. > >--- > > Matthew Kroenig is associate professor in the Department of Government and the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and senior fellow in the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at The Atlantic Council. He is a former strategist in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and is currently writing a book on U.S. nuclear strategy. --- Edit I remember him now. I watched a few seconds of him speaking nonsense on the PBS Newshour before I actually said "For fuck\'s sake!" out loud and stopped watching. He\'s an asshat. > [Donald Trump’s fighting words are worrying to some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeTEuAdTHB8) > > President-elect Trump tweeted this week that the U.S. needs to build up its nuclear arsenal. He also declared that should an arms race occur, the U.S. would triumph over any adversary. John Yang talks to Joseph Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund and Matthew Kroenig of Georgetown University about the reaction to Mr. Trump’s words and the status of American weaponry. PBS has to go way too far in the name of "balance".', '>>{BrellK} : Yes, thank goodness SOMEONE is willing to utterly destroy this planet for untold millennia in order to protect America from threats that Nukes apparently work on.', ">>{JustVashu} : The best answer is don't buy one. The second best is buy Bluetooth headphones.", '>>{thomjrjr} : To say Alex Jones operates at the fringes of politics is the understatement of the year. He operates at the fringes of reality. Maybe the fringes of humanity even.', ">>{taqiyya-kitman} : Fake news media said Hillary's sickness was conspiracy too until she fainted stiff & had to be dumped into the van like side of beef. More and more Americans open their eyes and know who do all the lyings & coverups.", ">>{verbose_gent} : They all are. There are some pretty fucking famous speeches about military industrial complex, secret societies, and even fucking alien threats from our most beloved Presidents. Then there are the tons of straight up conspiracies they are a part of. It's literally a part of their job. This isn't a derogatory thing. Conspiracy and conspiracy theories do not have anything to do with crazy. It's just that some crazy people see the subject as a hobby.", ">>{gravityhorizon} : Assange said he would turn himself in to America if Manning was pardoned, why didn't he keep his word ? Too much work given to him by his Russian handlers I guess.", '>>{headee} : >In addition to providing fodder for Twitter "bots" believed to be tied to Russia, the claims were swiftly highlighted by Russian media outlets and some conservative sites in the United States. If anything I always believed Republicans to be the SUPER patriotic, put America above all else, party. How are half of our fellow Americans, who supposedly love their country, swallowing down this bullshit the Russian government is spoon feeding them without hesitation??? Are they truly just that stupid that they can\'t see what\'s going on??', ">>{Nomandate} : Wikileaks is so plainly compromised it's disgusting. It's an arm of the Russian intelligence service now.", ">>{BalconyFace} : We really need to do something about the radical leftwing professors poisoning our children's minds with that liberal nonsense.", '>>{RosesAreBad} : Lol: >Fake accounts on Twitter seized on the claim to dispute that Russia sought to interfere in the U.S. election last year...', ">>{blancs50} : Yeah, there is a significant number of people who have hated the Clintons for 20+ years. To some degree, it is part of their identity. A year ago I didn't give a fuck about trump and, if all goes well, a year from now I won't care about him either.", '>>{Wombat_H} : $40 to listen to music while charging? It was free on the last 8 iPhones.', '>>{outlooker707} : And yet baseless rumors are good enough evidence for leftists to push the fake Russian scandal. The hypocrisy is real.', '>>{MWM2} : *I\'m sorry.* I\'m not going to listen to an asshat defend Trump\'s de facto "position papers" created via tweets. Such clowns are only potentially worthy of attention if they are crazy or funny. Matthew Kroenig seemed to be entirely neither. Nobody enjoys watching an overly earnest clown perform.', '>>{excel958} : Did you just get candlejacked or something? When ever you day his name he comes and takes you away before you can finish your sente', '>>{charcoalist} : President Bannon traffics in conspiracy theories. Trump traffics to Mar a Lago.', '>>{unnecessaryViolins} : How rapidly do these people think should Trump expand nuclear weapons? And are these figures in m/s?', '>>{dariusorfeed} : No, they were not actually, by what metric are you basing this on?', '>>{MolestedConservative} : My neighbors spent their entire disability check on bumper stickers and red hats. They own the space their trailer is parked on, so all they really need to worry about is food and beer.', '>>{MWM2} : > But yea, you are in a position to dismiss him. I\'m certain you don\'t know what "yea" means. Hint: it\'s not the same as "yeah". You\'ll say that did. It\'s okay - you can look it up. Nobody will know. I have a dream that one day a r\\/the_donald person will actually teach me something. I know it\'s silly. But a man can dream. --- Have you checked out r\\/the_donald yet? I\'m sure you have. In any case - here\'s something to consider: > Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they\'re in good company. I wonder which one you are, u/HilarySuxATpolitics. **Spoiler alert:** I\'m pretty sure I know already.', ">>{Capt_Consistent} : For once I'm actually voting with my wallet on this one... Just saying it's not a solution", ">>{OpnotIc} : It is bad to not take Trump at his word and force him to prove it. Don't let the WH get away with releasing this statement without confirm that it isn't a release of info that only the President can declassify.", ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Kroneig makes it sound like bombing Iran [would be easy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_to_military_action_against_Iran). Also, what's he even getting at with North Korea? They'll never be close to matching us in nuclear capability, how would adding more bombs help in any way?", '>>{i-get-stabby} : I was going to make a second point and got distracted, and then I', '>>{Airship_Aficionado} : *How can I twist this article in order to maintain my worldview?*', '>>{xphoenix22} : is it hateful to call for Hillary to be in prison? Did you see the FBI megathread that was posted here yesterday? edit: [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50utmo/fbi_releases_documents_in_hillary_clinton_email/) just in case you forgot.', ">>{PixelBlock} : Apparently there are people here who would prefer the truth didn't come out about the CIA's capabilities because it is politically inconvenient. I'd say there is more harm to be done by suppressing reality than acknowledging it.", '>>{yuno4chan} : And then she died and was replaced by a lizard person. /s <----( sarcasm)', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : God (or should I say Allah, to be annoying?), what a visual', ">>{baldajan} : Making these statements only tries to diminish the truth. The Iraq War could have been stopped at the Senate, as democrats had control of it back then. However, Clinton actively lobbied for it, pushing her democratic colleagues to vote Yes on the war. She may have not been the sole orchestrator of the war, but her involvement was more than just a vote. Edit: apparently my comment is being horribly misinterpreted. Yes, the war happened after 9/11; I wasn't arguing that point. But making false statements that are irrelevant around Clinton's contribution to the Iraq war, such as Hillary being responsible for 9/11 is propaganda at its best.", '>>{SocratesUrethra} : Anybody else remember those wacky few months when Obama took all our guns and locked us up in FEMA/death camps? Crazy times.', ">>{KrupkeEsq} : What? No. I'd prefer the truth didn't come out about their capabilities because they're our goddamn spy agency.", ">>{Tiothae} : The election ended in November, that's all irrelevant now. Either defend Trump's actions on their own, or accept that the president shouldn't peddle unconfirmed stories.", '>>{Sayrenotso} : THAT\'S WHAT THE LIZARD PEOPLE WANT YOU TO THINK! I\'M ANGRY! I\'M A MAN! AND I HATE LIZARDS!* -Alex "Human Man" Jones. *[more or less lol](https://youtu.be/na4GYyJwYjQ)', '>>{ThatOneThingOnce} : The President of the United States really needs to stop reading fake news.', ">>{slanaiya} : They're obviously not patriots after all. Not even a little bit.", '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Bombing Iran would be easy. We know where their nuclear sites are. If the US and Russia did it together, since they have a bigger interest in Iran not being nuclear armed, it would be even easier. Obviously there would be consequences to deal with, but inaction also has consequences. With North Korea, I am sure you treat it as a joke. But every ballistic launch, every year, they get closer to having ICBM technology. Do you deny that? Then what?', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : You mean the FBI investigation that didn't call for any charges to be filed? That one?", ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : How about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, was action better than inaction on those cases? Regarding North Korea, again--how does us having more bombs deter them in the slightest, when we already have more than we'd ever need to use against them? If someone points a gun at me and tells me not to do something, but I do it anyway, do you think I'd stop just because he pointed a second one at me?", '>>{ShakeyBobWillis} : LoL. Who posts Breitbart links here anymore? I assume they love the downvotes.', ">>{The_Kommunist} : I feel like people are just looking for something to whine about. In the 5+ years I've owned smartphones I've never once been in a situation where i was using wired earbuds/headphones and HAD TO BE be charging at the same time.", ">>{raketooy} : What the fuck is this guy on about? I've seen the name pop up on the internet discussions (some extreme pro-Trump radio guy?) but he's not really known here in Europe. First time I saw a video of him now.", ">>{Tai_daishar} : He didn't use the word pardon. He used clemency.", ">>{PartyDannyTanner} : The Moto Z doesn't come with a headphone jack. Shit.", '>>{Firetrucker} : So... Trump Fans blow their money on made in China crap to express their hate like weird little children? Okay.', ">>{RyanB_} : Alright. That doesn't mean no one else has.", '>>{gaffney2010} : He needs to give his supporters any alternative to believe.', '>>{Sayrenotso} : From the little I\'ve seen of him, he is like a angry, white, right wing Cenk Unger. Mainly political commentary through emotionally charged arguments. He also talks a lot about odd conspiracy theories, ranging from the usual "the government is lying to you" all the way to "there are lizard people wearing zip up human suits". apparently a lot of his messages rely on being against the "establishment". If you take him with a grain of salt he can be entertaining at times.', '>>{IsrorOrca} : Well shit, movies alone the 80s has us beat hands down.', ">>{untiedgames} : I've been to Hiroshima, seen Genbaku Dome, and visited the peace memorial. I can say with confidence that nuclear expansion is a path to a darker world. Escalation will solve nothing- it will only increase the risk and the willingness to use them. We must rid the world of weapons that kill indiscriminately. This should not be a controversial statement. Undoing decades of disarmament runs counter to that.", '>>{Forestman88} : TIL: Stupid conservatives will spend loads of money an crap t-shirts denouncing Clinton while stupid liberals will just buy more pot.', '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : > How about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, was action better than inaction on those cases? Yes, it was. Iraq will never again be a geopolitical threat as it is broken up into 3 separate entities, and Afghanistan must be occupied by a great power. Are you honestly suggesting we should have left the Taliban alone after 9/11?', ">>{enemyoftheworld} : I'd like to talk about those things, but there's an Obamacare panel meeting right now to decide whether I get to live or die. To make things worse, the entire panel is made up of Kenyan Muslim Nationalists and once they decide my case, their next task will be to implement Sharia Law. I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment.", '>>{orangesarenotnasty} : You realize the war came *after* the 9/11 attacks, right?', '>>{guerisimo} : You\'re bitching about the left\'s "baseless rumors" because they want evidence for Trump\'s baseless rumors and ethical conflicts. Fucking idiot', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : > Trump honestly seems to be trying to improve racial inequality. He's listening to the African American community, had the big speech yesterday at a Detroit church. Hillary Clinton has been doing that for literally decades. It's the reason she won the primary. Trump has done it... once.", '>>{amanwithoutcontent} : A consumer and producer, getting high on his own supply.', '>>{Trump_carnage} : Of course. He saw the pathetic turnout for the March 4 Trump and he knew he needed to throw some red meat to his merry band of ~~racists~~ supporters. Fanning those flames are crucial to his survival.', '>>{toolazyforaname} : And only after Conway came along and told him he needed some minority support in order to win.', ">>{Trump_carnage} : Get with the program. In case you haven't received the memo yet, he is now only referred to as POS.", ">>{The_Kommunist} : I never said my anecdote >> anyone else's anecdote.", ">>{snailbro} : You're right, you never said it, you just implied it", ">>{eggsuckingdog} : You can get anti trump for free. He's on the tv all the time making an ass out of himself", ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : So are you saying Trump was wrong to now say that we shouldn't have invaded?", ">>{The_Kommunist} : fair enough. I'm just having trouble understanding the premise. the iphones have crazy good battery life, in what situation would you need to be plugged into power at the same time your earbuds are plugged in??", ">>{MerrickGreen} : Guys, it's all going to be okay. There are probably hundreds of different models of Bluetooth headphones at every price point, and the new iPhones have better battery life than ever anyway. It's annoying, yes, but it shouldn't be a dealbreaker.", ">>{Bernie_BTFO} : A fool and his money are soon parted. Bumper stickers, yard signs, T-shirts, and rally sizes don't win elections.", ">>{RyanB_} : When I get home and want to watch YouTube and Netflix on my phone but it's almost dead. On an airplane or a train. While driving. Generally, if I'm near a charger and am listening to music or watching a video or whatever, I'm going to plug it in.", ">>{The_Kommunist} : >When I get home and want to watch YouTube and Netflix on my phone I do this too, but use the speakers since I don't like having a cord tangled around everywhere when I'm in bed. > On an airplane or a train. your phone should be fully charged before you get on one of these >While driving. I'll concede this one, this affects me too since my car is an '05 and I use one of those cassette to aux things with a car charger (2 cables) >Generally, if I'm near a charger and am listening to music or watching a video or whatever, I'm going to plug it in. You shouldn't need to ever plug your phone in until you're just about to go to sleep, but then again you might be using your phone way more than I do.", ">>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Yes, I disagree with Trump on that. If I were to vote strictly on foreign policy I would have gone with Hillary, as I feel she is the most hawkish. But I put a premium on peoples actions, not their words. Hopefully Trump will be much more aggressive on the world stage with our military. I can't wait until the US Navy sinks the next Iranian ship that either gets too close or if they try to board our ships again.", '>>{truthhurts44444} : The Donald is buying that stuff up by the container load and dumping it at sea. He has figured out a way to get a tax write off doing it.', ">>{RyanB_} : Headphones offer way better audio quality than the speakers on the phone. Plus I have roommates. Just because my phone is charged enough doesn't mean don't want to further maintain that charge if I can. Plus some train rides and many flights can take upwards of 6-7 hours. Even if my phone could survive that, i want a full battery when I arrive.", ">>{Chumby_Hufflepuff} : Agreed. I've been in the iPhone ecosystem since then 3G and I think the iPhone 6s can last a couple of more years without the need to upgrade.", '>>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Even if the US ship is in Iranian waters? And how again will us having more nukes solve anything, such as North Korea developing their nuclear arsenal?', ">>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Yes, even if the ship is in Iranian waters. How those sailors acted was cowardice at the highest level allowing US Naval ships to be boarded without firing a shot. Good thing all those involved were subject to military discipline and will not be asked to re-enlist at the end of their term. New President, new rules of engagement. As to your question, it signals to the world community that the old ways of doing things are not in play anymore. The US will flex it's military might, we will increase our stockpile if we want, and in the case of North Korea, we will use nukes against them and their nuclear facilities if conventional munitions won't do the job.", '>>{cloudyjay} : Why are people fussing so much though, I am planning to stick stubbornly to my iphone 6 until they fix this shit', ">>{2ndprize} : Well yeah. Why the fuck would I want anti-trump shit? I don't need some idiot in a 1990 Econoline van trying to run me off the road for being unpatriotic", '>>{wafflehat} : Well, $600+... but yeah, free.', '>>{johnfrance} : Trump also spends something like 25% of all his campaign money on merchandising so I\'m unsurprised. Also most people from the average over to the left are generally opposed to wearing crass and obnoxious clothing out in public. These shirts include stuff like; "Trump that Bitch" "Hillary Sucks but not like Monica" "Hillary for Prison 2016" "Monica\'s Boyfriend\'s Wife" "Life\'s a bitch, don\'t vote for one" "Cage that bitch!" Now try and find a liberal who\'s comfortable being such a public asshole.', '>>{DumpsterDon} : Kind of blows a hole in the idea of the "Secret Dumpster voter".', '>>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Holy shit I might actually prefer Donald Trump to be president over you. These are bad, *bad* ideas and would not work in real life.', ">>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Except Donald Trump has already signaled he will take policy positions that I agree with, like sinking Iranian ships that fuck with our navy and reversing course on climate change. This isn't an online debate anymore, my side won.", '>>{LrankLcean} : I\'m not buying the 7. Regardless, I connect through BT for audio in my car. I don\'t need an "answer". I\'m just sharing for others who are worried.', '>>{deaconblues99} : The irony of people on disability voting for the man who would take it all away if he was elected.', '>>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Those are probably two of the dumbest policies to point out agreement with (since they\'re terrible policies) and "your side" winning the election in no way means those are good ideas. That\'s why no experts on either of those issues agrees with them, but congratulations on knowing the white working class backs you up on those ideas, or at least can tolerate them so long as it means Hillary isn\'t president.', ">>{remote_production} : I haven't bought either so I guess my vote won't count.", ">>{snailbro} : When you're in bed listening to a podcast after you've been using your phone all day", '>>{Ulaven} : So the point is that conservatives are eight times as likely to waste their money on shirts, hats, and bumper stickers that will mean nothing in two months?', '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Ah that is your mistake. We are not talking about your opinion on these policies. Whether you think they are good or not makes no difference. They are going to be the policies enacted by our future President. Hell, maybe even Putin will send over Snowden so we can throw him in a cage :)', '>>{jamiesg} : Bush could have gone with or without the assent of the Senate. Congress gets to declare war, but there was no official declaration of war. They possibly could have stopped funding the operation but that is about it. The vote was seen as leverage in negotiating with Sadam, not political coverage for the Bush until much later.', ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Okay so either you're not being serious or you just have an attraction to really bad policies.", '>>{Omniquist} : Trump said he doesn\'t want to cut entitlements at all. You may question the viability of that considering he\'s also promising tax cuts but attacking him for a policy he\'s never mentioned is more like attacking "generic republican".', '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Or we have different world views. For instance, I bet you think the ransom we paid Iran was "their" money, right? Or that Snowden is a patriot now that foreign governments know our capabilities? Let me guess, you are going to oppose the tax cuts/reform that Congress will pass. A 15 percent corporate tax rate is super bad, right? Like I said, this was all up for debate pre November 8th. You lost. It will be a new day very soon in Washington.', ">>{ClockClucker} : Pretty much this. I don't like Trump. I feel zero desire to buy a hat or a shirt or a bumper sticker to express that to the world.", ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : I mean, yeah it was their money, that's honestly just a fact, I'm not sure how that's up for debate. I agree the exchange looked bad, but you must think he's a great negotiator if he got hostages back in exchange for something that's theirs. I think exposing what the NSA was doing was the right thing. I'm not as familiar with what he's been doing since then. As far as tax cuts go, I think Kansas is a great example as to why that's a bad idea.", ">>{Vesstair} : Hah. There was actually someone who was spamming Trumpbart links a few days ago... but I didn't think to copy his name into my comment too. I only got a quote of what he had written on another page: >Guide to annoy the hell out of CTR: > >- Hang in r/politics/new all day and down-vote each new link (down-voting new links does max damage because it confuses shills >- they think another shill might have down-voted the link and don't know if they should up-vote '0' posts) >- Post breitbart.com links (shills waste time answering in that case (don't mind/react) - max damage) PROBLEM: Restriction of 1post/10min > >-> Drive their costs.", ">>{stillnotking} : That *has* to be a troll. Not that there aren't people who seriously believe that, but their style would be different. They'd misspell more words, for one thing.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Trump has the attention span of a puppy. This makes him an easy dupe for the Republican leadership in Congress.', ">>{waste-of-skin} : I get lots of compliments on my 'Hillary for Brazen Bull' t-shirt.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I hate Trump but I have better things to spend my money than Anti-Trump merchandise.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I have one bumper sticker from the candidate I made a small contribution to. I didn't request it. Think they sent it to me a bit later on in order to get more money out of me. I stuck it on the fridge with a magnet.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : If you have any doubts about the above statement go check out r/the_donald.', ">>{Im_no_cowboy} : So... Bill's cheating is obviously Hillary's fault? Partisan fishing expedition, that only caught Bill lying about sex and found nothing relating to what they were supposed to be investigating, is the Clinton's fault? Lawyers told Bill he had no legal means to deal with Bin Laden but 9/11 is his fault for not breaking the law to stop him? Makes sense. /s", '>>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : That would make sense. Trump supporters are the type of people who are far more likely to subsidize a billionaire who may or may not despise them.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : They're thinking way too hard about something as insignificant as r/politics.", ">>{Tobeck} : They're 14, they don't have anything else to do.", '>>{lower_echelon_peon} : Why would I spend my hard earned money on a stupid t shirt? Why would I even wear a t shirt? PS Fuck Breitbart', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : If charges aren't even filed how does one go to prison? I guess police states are cool so long as it's used against people you don't like?", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : With trump laughing all the way to the bank .', ">>{itsnickk} : You're like the anti Nate Silver with that formula.", '>>{sparta1170} : The Dems did push for it as a gamble, if Bush fucked up than they could use that to regain control of the House, Senate and eventually the White house. They gambled on the long game and won.', '>>{sparta1170} : TIL: A pot is a very good thing to have when cooking.', '>>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : REMINDER: Breitfart is run by the Trump campaign.', '>>{xphoenix22} : REMINDER: Hillary has over 6 million invested in a group called "Correct The Record" they work on sites like facebook, twitter and reddit. They are paid to post positive things about Hillary and negative things about Trump.', '>>{NemWan} : Clinton approved a [missile strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Infinite_Reach#Attack_on_Afghan_camps) on bin Laden but it missed because of bad intelligence and rats.', '>>{LittleShrub} : This just in: hateful people are gonna hate.', '>>{RhysPeanutButterCups} : To bad they have to go back to school. /s', ">>{treerat} : And they're easier to read than newspapers and position papers, and historical narratives.", '>>{kmmontandon} : > Called the KKK grand dragon her "mentor"? >Hillary seems super-racist. I guess it\'s easy to say that when you just make shit up.', ">>{kmmontandon} : > Bill Clinton's old campaign buttons had a confederate flag on them. Hey, look, a blatant lie.", '>>{gdex86} : Poor Byrd. Man disavowed the organization the majority of his legislative life to anyone who would listen, and now apperently he jumped from just a member to the grand wizard.', ">>{kmmontandon} : That's not an official Clinton '92 campaign button. That's a random piece that someone had made. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/06/22/what-those-clinton-gore-confederate-flag-buttons-say-about-politics-in-2015/", ">>{ekiemeno} : I think we could give him credit if he did this in the primaries and earlier in this presidential race. There were reports months that leaders in the black community wanted to meet with him and his campaigned stalled and declined. Now it seems not authentic and a bit too late. At this point it's all about saving face. I don't like Hillary but she has been in and out the black community for years. I don't think she is authentic about her outreach in minorities communities but she does have history with minorities. Also that super predators comment was about black youths in gangs. Not all black people. That doesn't make it any better though"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BudrickBundy} : Trump Said the U.S. Should Expand Nuclear Weapons. He’s Right.', '>>{MWM2} : He doesn\'t a have a Wikipedia page. I assumed he was a GOP shill writing to "support" Trump\'s tweet so I jumped to the last paragraph and read only it and his bio. > Rather than express outrage over Trump\'s tweet, therefore, we should take heart that we once again have a president who may be willing to do what it takes to defend the country against real, growing and truly existential threats. > >--- > > Matthew Kroenig is associate professor in the Department of Government and the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and senior fellow in the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at The Atlantic Council. He is a former strategist in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and is currently writing a book on U.S. nuclear strategy. --- Edit I remember him now. I watched a few seconds of him speaking nonsense on the PBS Newshour before I actually said "For fuck\'s sake!" out loud and stopped watching. He\'s an asshat. > [Donald Trump’s fighting words are worrying to some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeTEuAdTHB8) > > President-elect Trump tweeted this week that the U.S. needs to build up its nuclear arsenal. He also declared that should an arms race occur, the U.S. would triumph over any adversary. John Yang talks to Joseph Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund and Matthew Kroenig of Georgetown University about the reaction to Mr. Trump’s words and the status of American weaponry. PBS has to go way too far in the name of "balance".', '>>{BrellK} : Yes, thank goodness SOMEONE is willing to utterly destroy this planet for untold millennia in order to protect America from threats that Nukes apparently work on.', ">>{BalconyFace} : We really need to do something about the radical leftwing professors poisoning our children's minds with that liberal nonsense.", '>>{MWM2} : *I\'m sorry.* I\'m not going to listen to an asshat defend Trump\'s de facto "position papers" created via tweets. Such clowns are only potentially worthy of attention if they are crazy or funny. Matthew Kroenig seemed to be entirely neither. Nobody enjoys watching an overly earnest clown perform.', '>>{unnecessaryViolins} : How rapidly do these people think should Trump expand nuclear weapons? And are these figures in m/s?', '>>{dariusorfeed} : No, they were not actually, by what metric are you basing this on?', '>>{MWM2} : > But yea, you are in a position to dismiss him. I\'m certain you don\'t know what "yea" means. Hint: it\'s not the same as "yeah". You\'ll say that did. It\'s okay - you can look it up. Nobody will know. I have a dream that one day a r\\/the_donald person will actually teach me something. I know it\'s silly. But a man can dream. --- Have you checked out r\\/the_donald yet? I\'m sure you have. In any case - here\'s something to consider: > Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they\'re in good company. I wonder which one you are, u/HilarySuxATpolitics. **Spoiler alert:** I\'m pretty sure I know already.', ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Kroneig makes it sound like bombing Iran [would be easy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_to_military_action_against_Iran). Also, what's he even getting at with North Korea? They'll never be close to matching us in nuclear capability, how would adding more bombs help in any way?", '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Bombing Iran would be easy. We know where their nuclear sites are. If the US and Russia did it together, since they have a bigger interest in Iran not being nuclear armed, it would be even easier. Obviously there would be consequences to deal with, but inaction also has consequences. With North Korea, I am sure you treat it as a joke. But every ballistic launch, every year, they get closer to having ICBM technology. Do you deny that? Then what?', ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : How about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, was action better than inaction on those cases? Regarding North Korea, again--how does us having more bombs deter them in the slightest, when we already have more than we'd ever need to use against them? If someone points a gun at me and tells me not to do something, but I do it anyway, do you think I'd stop just because he pointed a second one at me?", '>>{IsrorOrca} : Well shit, movies alone the 80s has us beat hands down.', ">>{untiedgames} : I've been to Hiroshima, seen Genbaku Dome, and visited the peace memorial. I can say with confidence that nuclear expansion is a path to a darker world. Escalation will solve nothing- it will only increase the risk and the willingness to use them. We must rid the world of weapons that kill indiscriminately. This should not be a controversial statement. Undoing decades of disarmament runs counter to that.", '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : > How about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, was action better than inaction on those cases? Yes, it was. Iraq will never again be a geopolitical threat as it is broken up into 3 separate entities, and Afghanistan must be occupied by a great power. Are you honestly suggesting we should have left the Taliban alone after 9/11?', ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : So are you saying Trump was wrong to now say that we shouldn't have invaded?", ">>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Yes, I disagree with Trump on that. If I were to vote strictly on foreign policy I would have gone with Hillary, as I feel she is the most hawkish. But I put a premium on peoples actions, not their words. Hopefully Trump will be much more aggressive on the world stage with our military. I can't wait until the US Navy sinks the next Iranian ship that either gets too close or if they try to board our ships again.", '>>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Even if the US ship is in Iranian waters? And how again will us having more nukes solve anything, such as North Korea developing their nuclear arsenal?', ">>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Yes, even if the ship is in Iranian waters. How those sailors acted was cowardice at the highest level allowing US Naval ships to be boarded without firing a shot. Good thing all those involved were subject to military discipline and will not be asked to re-enlist at the end of their term. New President, new rules of engagement. As to your question, it signals to the world community that the old ways of doing things are not in play anymore. The US will flex it's military might, we will increase our stockpile if we want, and in the case of North Korea, we will use nukes against them and their nuclear facilities if conventional munitions won't do the job.", '>>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Holy shit I might actually prefer Donald Trump to be president over you. These are bad, *bad* ideas and would not work in real life.', ">>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Except Donald Trump has already signaled he will take policy positions that I agree with, like sinking Iranian ships that fuck with our navy and reversing course on climate change. This isn't an online debate anymore, my side won.", '>>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Those are probably two of the dumbest policies to point out agreement with (since they\'re terrible policies) and "your side" winning the election in no way means those are good ideas. That\'s why no experts on either of those issues agrees with them, but congratulations on knowing the white working class backs you up on those ideas, or at least can tolerate them so long as it means Hillary isn\'t president.', '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Ah that is your mistake. We are not talking about your opinion on these policies. Whether you think they are good or not makes no difference. They are going to be the policies enacted by our future President. Hell, maybe even Putin will send over Snowden so we can throw him in a cage :)', ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : Okay so either you're not being serious or you just have an attraction to really bad policies.", '>>{HilarySuxATpolitics} : Or we have different world views. For instance, I bet you think the ransom we paid Iran was "their" money, right? Or that Snowden is a patriot now that foreign governments know our capabilities? Let me guess, you are going to oppose the tax cuts/reform that Congress will pass. A 15 percent corporate tax rate is super bad, right? Like I said, this was all up for debate pre November 8th. You lost. It will be a new day very soon in Washington.', ">>{CamNewtonsLaw} : I mean, yeah it was their money, that's honestly just a fact, I'm not sure how that's up for debate. I agree the exchange looked bad, but you must think he's a great negotiator if he got hostages back in exchange for something that's theirs. I think exposing what the NSA was doing was the right thing. I'm not as familiar with what he's been doing since then. As far as tax cuts go, I think Kansas is a great example as to why that's a bad idea."], ['>>{tyler9090} : Makes sense... A lot of Trump supporters are hateful people', '>>{dubslies} : We must add this to the poll correction criteria. In addition to factoring in crowd sizes, facebook likes, retweets and amount of time covered on cable news, and skyrocketing anti-hillary merchandise sales, this means Trump should win 57% - 40% Why are we even having this election anymore? Look at the crowd sizes and merchandise sales figures people!', ">>{Negative_Clank} : Smart people don't buy bullshit merchandise. Life isn't about your bumper sticker.", ">>{Gorgonaut666} : No surprise there - the demographic of people who would buy anti-politician clothing of any sort are people I'd prefer to have absolutely nothing to do with.", '>>{viccar0} : That this is a point of pride or a sign of success is hilarious and says so much about this campaign', ">>{Dads_cream_soda} : Breitbart user: >Don't forget that Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks, and is very easy to prove how. >1) She refused to do her God mandated wifely duties, Bill resorted to straying from the marriage. >2) This lead to his impeachment, which cost taxpayers time and money >3) while the impeachment was going on Bill was too distracted to properly order the attack on Osama before the 9/11 attacks which would have prevented them. >If hillary cannot respect her duties as a wife, how can we expect her to perform the duties of a president? Hillary did 9/11.", '>>{PlaaaaasticJesuuuuus} : Considering the kind of people who are so obsessed and petty enough as to buy that sort of shit in the first place, that hardly seems like something you\'d want to crow about. It\'s like saying "814% more of pro-Trump people are the obnoxious fucks you hate working with and seeing in public compared to pro-Clinton people."', ">>{blancs50} : Yeah, there is a significant number of people who have hated the Clintons for 20+ years. To some degree, it is part of their identity. A year ago I didn't give a fuck about trump and, if all goes well, a year from now I won't care about him either.", '>>{MolestedConservative} : My neighbors spent their entire disability check on bumper stickers and red hats. They own the space their trailer is parked on, so all they really need to worry about is food and beer.', '>>{Airship_Aficionado} : *How can I twist this article in order to maintain my worldview?*', '>>{xphoenix22} : is it hateful to call for Hillary to be in prison? Did you see the FBI megathread that was posted here yesterday? edit: [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50utmo/fbi_releases_documents_in_hillary_clinton_email/) just in case you forgot.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : God (or should I say Allah, to be annoying?), what a visual', ">>{baldajan} : Making these statements only tries to diminish the truth. The Iraq War could have been stopped at the Senate, as democrats had control of it back then. However, Clinton actively lobbied for it, pushing her democratic colleagues to vote Yes on the war. She may have not been the sole orchestrator of the war, but her involvement was more than just a vote. Edit: apparently my comment is being horribly misinterpreted. Yes, the war happened after 9/11; I wasn't arguing that point. But making false statements that are irrelevant around Clinton's contribution to the Iraq war, such as Hillary being responsible for 9/11 is propaganda at its best.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : You mean the FBI investigation that didn't call for any charges to be filed? That one?", '>>{ShakeyBobWillis} : LoL. Who posts Breitbart links here anymore? I assume they love the downvotes.', '>>{Firetrucker} : So... Trump Fans blow their money on made in China crap to express their hate like weird little children? Okay.', '>>{Forestman88} : TIL: Stupid conservatives will spend loads of money an crap t-shirts denouncing Clinton while stupid liberals will just buy more pot.', '>>{orangesarenotnasty} : You realize the war came *after* the 9/11 attacks, right?', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : > Trump honestly seems to be trying to improve racial inequality. He's listening to the African American community, had the big speech yesterday at a Detroit church. Hillary Clinton has been doing that for literally decades. It's the reason she won the primary. Trump has done it... once.", '>>{toolazyforaname} : And only after Conway came along and told him he needed some minority support in order to win.', ">>{eggsuckingdog} : You can get anti trump for free. He's on the tv all the time making an ass out of himself", ">>{Bernie_BTFO} : A fool and his money are soon parted. Bumper stickers, yard signs, T-shirts, and rally sizes don't win elections.", '>>{truthhurts44444} : The Donald is buying that stuff up by the container load and dumping it at sea. He has figured out a way to get a tax write off doing it.', ">>{2ndprize} : Well yeah. Why the fuck would I want anti-trump shit? I don't need some idiot in a 1990 Econoline van trying to run me off the road for being unpatriotic", '>>{johnfrance} : Trump also spends something like 25% of all his campaign money on merchandising so I\'m unsurprised. Also most people from the average over to the left are generally opposed to wearing crass and obnoxious clothing out in public. These shirts include stuff like; "Trump that Bitch" "Hillary Sucks but not like Monica" "Hillary for Prison 2016" "Monica\'s Boyfriend\'s Wife" "Life\'s a bitch, don\'t vote for one" "Cage that bitch!" Now try and find a liberal who\'s comfortable being such a public asshole.', '>>{DumpsterDon} : Kind of blows a hole in the idea of the "Secret Dumpster voter".', '>>{deaconblues99} : The irony of people on disability voting for the man who would take it all away if he was elected.', ">>{remote_production} : I haven't bought either so I guess my vote won't count.", '>>{Ulaven} : So the point is that conservatives are eight times as likely to waste their money on shirts, hats, and bumper stickers that will mean nothing in two months?', '>>{jamiesg} : Bush could have gone with or without the assent of the Senate. Congress gets to declare war, but there was no official declaration of war. They possibly could have stopped funding the operation but that is about it. The vote was seen as leverage in negotiating with Sadam, not political coverage for the Bush until much later.', '>>{Omniquist} : Trump said he doesn\'t want to cut entitlements at all. You may question the viability of that considering he\'s also promising tax cuts but attacking him for a policy he\'s never mentioned is more like attacking "generic republican".', ">>{ClockClucker} : Pretty much this. I don't like Trump. I feel zero desire to buy a hat or a shirt or a bumper sticker to express that to the world.", ">>{Vesstair} : Hah. There was actually someone who was spamming Trumpbart links a few days ago... but I didn't think to copy his name into my comment too. I only got a quote of what he had written on another page: >Guide to annoy the hell out of CTR: > >- Hang in r/politics/new all day and down-vote each new link (down-voting new links does max damage because it confuses shills >- they think another shill might have down-voted the link and don't know if they should up-vote '0' posts) >- Post breitbart.com links (shills waste time answering in that case (don't mind/react) - max damage) PROBLEM: Restriction of 1post/10min > >-> Drive their costs.", ">>{stillnotking} : That *has* to be a troll. Not that there aren't people who seriously believe that, but their style would be different. They'd misspell more words, for one thing.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Trump has the attention span of a puppy. This makes him an easy dupe for the Republican leadership in Congress.', ">>{waste-of-skin} : I get lots of compliments on my 'Hillary for Brazen Bull' t-shirt.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I hate Trump but I have better things to spend my money than Anti-Trump merchandise.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I have one bumper sticker from the candidate I made a small contribution to. I didn't request it. Think they sent it to me a bit later on in order to get more money out of me. I stuck it on the fridge with a magnet.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : If you have any doubts about the above statement go check out r/the_donald.', ">>{Im_no_cowboy} : So... Bill's cheating is obviously Hillary's fault? Partisan fishing expedition, that only caught Bill lying about sex and found nothing relating to what they were supposed to be investigating, is the Clinton's fault? Lawyers told Bill he had no legal means to deal with Bin Laden but 9/11 is his fault for not breaking the law to stop him? Makes sense. /s", '>>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : That would make sense. Trump supporters are the type of people who are far more likely to subsidize a billionaire who may or may not despise them.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : They're thinking way too hard about something as insignificant as r/politics.", ">>{Tobeck} : They're 14, they don't have anything else to do.", '>>{lower_echelon_peon} : Why would I spend my hard earned money on a stupid t shirt? Why would I even wear a t shirt? PS Fuck Breitbart', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : If charges aren't even filed how does one go to prison? I guess police states are cool so long as it's used against people you don't like?", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : With trump laughing all the way to the bank .', ">>{itsnickk} : You're like the anti Nate Silver with that formula.", '>>{sparta1170} : The Dems did push for it as a gamble, if Bush fucked up than they could use that to regain control of the House, Senate and eventually the White house. They gambled on the long game and won.', '>>{sparta1170} : TIL: A pot is a very good thing to have when cooking.', '>>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : REMINDER: Breitfart is run by the Trump campaign.', '>>{xphoenix22} : REMINDER: Hillary has over 6 million invested in a group called "Correct The Record" they work on sites like facebook, twitter and reddit. They are paid to post positive things about Hillary and negative things about Trump.', '>>{NemWan} : Clinton approved a [missile strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Infinite_Reach#Attack_on_Afghan_camps) on bin Laden but it missed because of bad intelligence and rats.', '>>{LittleShrub} : This just in: hateful people are gonna hate.', '>>{RhysPeanutButterCups} : To bad they have to go back to school. /s', ">>{treerat} : And they're easier to read than newspapers and position papers, and historical narratives.", '>>{kmmontandon} : > Called the KKK grand dragon her "mentor"? >Hillary seems super-racist. I guess it\'s easy to say that when you just make shit up.', ">>{kmmontandon} : > Bill Clinton's old campaign buttons had a confederate flag on them. Hey, look, a blatant lie.", '>>{gdex86} : Poor Byrd. Man disavowed the organization the majority of his legislative life to anyone who would listen, and now apperently he jumped from just a member to the grand wizard.', ">>{kmmontandon} : That's not an official Clinton '92 campaign button. That's a random piece that someone had made. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/06/22/what-those-clinton-gore-confederate-flag-buttons-say-about-politics-in-2015/", ">>{ekiemeno} : I think we could give him credit if he did this in the primaries and earlier in this presidential race. There were reports months that leaders in the black community wanted to meet with him and his campaigned stalled and declined. Now it seems not authentic and a bit too late. At this point it's all about saving face. I don't like Hillary but she has been in and out the black community for years. I don't think she is authentic about her outreach in minorities communities but she does have history with minorities. Also that super predators comment was about black youths in gangs. Not all black people. That doesn't make it any better though"], [">>{vph} : If Fox News isn't calling him to declassify it and expose Obama, you know that even Fox News isn't believing in Trump's bullshit.", '>>{tommles} : [If these are all accurate then I hope to one day look back at these four years and see seven new conspiracies per day](http://www.alternet.org/right-wing/58-donald-trump-conspiracy-theories-and-counting-definitive-trump-conspiracy-guide).', '>>{thomjrjr} : To say Alex Jones operates at the fringes of politics is the understatement of the year. He operates at the fringes of reality. Maybe the fringes of humanity even.', ">>{taqiyya-kitman} : Fake news media said Hillary's sickness was conspiracy too until she fainted stiff & had to be dumped into the van like side of beef. More and more Americans open their eyes and know who do all the lyings & coverups.", ">>{verbose_gent} : They all are. There are some pretty fucking famous speeches about military industrial complex, secret societies, and even fucking alien threats from our most beloved Presidents. Then there are the tons of straight up conspiracies they are a part of. It's literally a part of their job. This isn't a derogatory thing. Conspiracy and conspiracy theories do not have anything to do with crazy. It's just that some crazy people see the subject as a hobby.", '>>{outlooker707} : And yet baseless rumors are good enough evidence for leftists to push the fake Russian scandal. The hypocrisy is real.', '>>{charcoalist} : President Bannon traffics in conspiracy theories. Trump traffics to Mar a Lago.', ">>{OpnotIc} : It is bad to not take Trump at his word and force him to prove it. Don't let the WH get away with releasing this statement without confirm that it isn't a release of info that only the President can declassify.", '>>{yuno4chan} : And then she died and was replaced by a lizard person. /s <----( sarcasm)', '>>{SocratesUrethra} : Anybody else remember those wacky few months when Obama took all our guns and locked us up in FEMA/death camps? Crazy times.', ">>{Tiothae} : The election ended in November, that's all irrelevant now. Either defend Trump's actions on their own, or accept that the president shouldn't peddle unconfirmed stories.", '>>{Sayrenotso} : THAT\'S WHAT THE LIZARD PEOPLE WANT YOU TO THINK! I\'M ANGRY! I\'M A MAN! AND I HATE LIZARDS!* -Alex "Human Man" Jones. *[more or less lol](https://youtu.be/na4GYyJwYjQ)', '>>{ThatOneThingOnce} : The President of the United States really needs to stop reading fake news.', ">>{raketooy} : What the fuck is this guy on about? I've seen the name pop up on the internet discussions (some extreme pro-Trump radio guy?) but he's not really known here in Europe. First time I saw a video of him now.", '>>{gaffney2010} : He needs to give his supporters any alternative to believe.', '>>{Sayrenotso} : From the little I\'ve seen of him, he is like a angry, white, right wing Cenk Unger. Mainly political commentary through emotionally charged arguments. He also talks a lot about odd conspiracy theories, ranging from the usual "the government is lying to you" all the way to "there are lizard people wearing zip up human suits". apparently a lot of his messages rely on being against the "establishment". If you take him with a grain of salt he can be entertaining at times.', ">>{enemyoftheworld} : I'd like to talk about those things, but there's an Obamacare panel meeting right now to decide whether I get to live or die. To make things worse, the entire panel is made up of Kenyan Muslim Nationalists and once they decide my case, their next task will be to implement Sharia Law. I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment.", '>>{guerisimo} : You\'re bitching about the left\'s "baseless rumors" because they want evidence for Trump\'s baseless rumors and ethical conflicts. Fucking idiot', '>>{amanwithoutcontent} : A consumer and producer, getting high on his own supply.', '>>{Trump_carnage} : Of course. He saw the pathetic turnout for the March 4 Trump and he knew he needed to throw some red meat to his merry band of ~~racists~~ supporters. Fanning those flames are crucial to his survival.', ">>{Trump_carnage} : Get with the program. In case you haven't received the memo yet, he is now only referred to as POS."], ['>>{DonaldBlowsIvanka} : >"[...] In the case of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack, which reports have connected to Russia, the fingerprints used to link blame to Russian hackers may have been manipulated,” Russia Today[, a Russian state-owned outlet that has “actively collaborated” with WikiLeaks,] reported. The liars lie about their lying, lmfao', '>>{theombudsmen} : In other news, prison population polled swear they are innocent.', '>>{CaptainAlaska} : This wins for single stupidest headline I have ever seen on r/politics.', ">>{SATexas1} : Untill this week I didn't really consider that Wikileaks was being run by Russia I knew they collaborated, thought Wikileaks was independent, that was naive", '>>{CyberIndustrialist} : Well of course a FSB outlet would attempt to discourage dialogue about Russia engaging in information warfare during the election.', '>>{i-get-stabby} : i still dont get the theory on the CIA hacking to DNC. The CIA hacked the DNC to hurt the democrats and blamed it on Russia in case Trump did win the election(which nobody thought would) to hurt him. That theory the CIA hurts both parties. The leaks state the .', ">>{gravityhorizon} : Assange said he would turn himself in to America if Manning was pardoned, why didn't he keep his word ? Too much work given to him by his Russian handlers I guess.", '>>{headee} : >In addition to providing fodder for Twitter "bots" believed to be tied to Russia, the claims were swiftly highlighted by Russian media outlets and some conservative sites in the United States. If anything I always believed Republicans to be the SUPER patriotic, put America above all else, party. How are half of our fellow Americans, who supposedly love their country, swallowing down this bullshit the Russian government is spoon feeding them without hesitation??? Are they truly just that stupid that they can\'t see what\'s going on??', ">>{Nomandate} : Wikileaks is so plainly compromised it's disgusting. It's an arm of the Russian intelligence service now.", '>>{RosesAreBad} : Lol: >Fake accounts on Twitter seized on the claim to dispute that Russia sought to interfere in the U.S. election last year...', '>>{excel958} : Did you just get candlejacked or something? When ever you day his name he comes and takes you away before you can finish your sente', '>>{i-get-stabby} : I was going to make a second point and got distracted, and then I', ">>{PixelBlock} : Apparently there are people here who would prefer the truth didn't come out about the CIA's capabilities because it is politically inconvenient. I'd say there is more harm to be done by suppressing reality than acknowledging it.", ">>{KrupkeEsq} : What? No. I'd prefer the truth didn't come out about their capabilities because they're our goddamn spy agency.", ">>{slanaiya} : They're obviously not patriots after all. Not even a little bit.", ">>{Tai_daishar} : He didn't use the word pardon. He used clemency."], ['>>{LrankLcean} : Your answer to, "How can I listen to music and charge?"', ">>{cubedanomalous} : OK, but it still doesn't support regular headphones without Apple's adapter. I'll wait for one that comes with a lightning port + headphone jack.", '>>{Capt_Consistent} : Wow great I have to buy something to replicate what every other phone on the market can already do!!! RESULT GUYS!!!', ">>{JustVashu} : The best answer is don't buy one. The second best is buy Bluetooth headphones.", '>>{Wombat_H} : $40 to listen to music while charging? It was free on the last 8 iPhones.', ">>{Capt_Consistent} : For once I'm actually voting with my wallet on this one... Just saying it's not a solution", ">>{The_Kommunist} : I feel like people are just looking for something to whine about. In the 5+ years I've owned smartphones I've never once been in a situation where i was using wired earbuds/headphones and HAD TO BE be charging at the same time.", ">>{PartyDannyTanner} : The Moto Z doesn't come with a headphone jack. Shit.", ">>{RyanB_} : Alright. That doesn't mean no one else has.", ">>{The_Kommunist} : I never said my anecdote >> anyone else's anecdote.", ">>{snailbro} : You're right, you never said it, you just implied it", ">>{The_Kommunist} : fair enough. I'm just having trouble understanding the premise. the iphones have crazy good battery life, in what situation would you need to be plugged into power at the same time your earbuds are plugged in??", ">>{MerrickGreen} : Guys, it's all going to be okay. There are probably hundreds of different models of Bluetooth headphones at every price point, and the new iPhones have better battery life than ever anyway. It's annoying, yes, but it shouldn't be a dealbreaker.", ">>{RyanB_} : When I get home and want to watch YouTube and Netflix on my phone but it's almost dead. On an airplane or a train. While driving. Generally, if I'm near a charger and am listening to music or watching a video or whatever, I'm going to plug it in.", ">>{The_Kommunist} : >When I get home and want to watch YouTube and Netflix on my phone I do this too, but use the speakers since I don't like having a cord tangled around everywhere when I'm in bed. > On an airplane or a train. your phone should be fully charged before you get on one of these >While driving. I'll concede this one, this affects me too since my car is an '05 and I use one of those cassette to aux things with a car charger (2 cables) >Generally, if I'm near a charger and am listening to music or watching a video or whatever, I'm going to plug it in. You shouldn't need to ever plug your phone in until you're just about to go to sleep, but then again you might be using your phone way more than I do.", ">>{RyanB_} : Headphones offer way better audio quality than the speakers on the phone. Plus I have roommates. Just because my phone is charged enough doesn't mean don't want to further maintain that charge if I can. Plus some train rides and many flights can take upwards of 6-7 hours. Even if my phone could survive that, i want a full battery when I arrive.", ">>{Chumby_Hufflepuff} : Agreed. I've been in the iPhone ecosystem since then 3G and I think the iPhone 6s can last a couple of more years without the need to upgrade.", '>>{cloudyjay} : Why are people fussing so much though, I am planning to stick stubbornly to my iphone 6 until they fix this shit', '>>{wafflehat} : Well, $600+... but yeah, free.', '>>{LrankLcean} : I\'m not buying the 7. Regardless, I connect through BT for audio in my car. I don\'t need an "answer". I\'m just sharing for others who are worried.', ">>{snailbro} : When you're in bed listening to a podcast after you've been using your phone all day"]]
classify and reply
[">>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Green Party Urges Voters Betrayed By the DNC's Sharp Turn to the Right to Go Green", '>>{woodtick57} : sharp turn to the right?!?!? maybe if the green party actually fields a candidate that understands the issues at any level, they might get more people to vote for them...', '>>{Matt4575} : Voice Bridge now lets you make calls with your landline from any Wi-Fi network', ">>{xvertigox} : How is this different from getting a SIP app on your phone? This won't work if you have a POTS homeline so why not just get a SIP app and set that up, especially since most are free.", '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Go Green and lock in Trump for another 4 years.', '>>{dolphins3} : Yes, the best way to stop the GOP and Trump from gutting the country is clearly to fission into yet more groups, all fighting each other.', ">>{danxmason} : So I can pay more money for something I'm already wasting money on? Yay!", '>>{fapto_bismol} : People still have landline phones? All the usefulness of a phone but without the convenience of portability and access to an endless source of information...', '>>{ringo_24601} : Unless you live somewhere with shockingly bad mobile reception.. in which you need a landline', '>>{mawic5150} : Nothing new here. I was doind this 10 years ago with asterisks.', '>>{Viking1308} : So you use your cell phone to use your landline? That makes no sense.', '>>{dolphins3} : It might also help if they ever did anything besides run for President.', ">>{komes_grudz} : Hopefully, with iOS 10's VOIP APIs this might get pretty seamless.", '>>{FromZiraCameCaesar} : DNC has the most progressive charter ever The main 2 guys are the most progressive leaders the DNC has ever had But sure, sharp turn to the right. The Green Party is a sad fucking joke', '>>{supplemental_cig} : If the Green Party gave a shit, they would be publicly supporting the dems for the time being.', ">>{888555888555} : I haven't even seen a house with a landline phone installed in the last 15 years.", '>>{DickDrippage} : My parents have lived at the same house for over 25 years and they explained to me that too many people have their landline number to get rid of it and calling everyone they know to change over to a new number is to time consuming and just a headache.', '>>{ObsidianTK} : Running candidates for lower offices is what you do when you want to actually make a difference and change things. Running a candidate for president is what you do when you want publicity.', '>>{ThisIsAlreadyTake-n} : 15 years ago was 2001. Where I live almost everyone still had a landline in 2001.', '>>{TheGeneralFilms} : THERE ARE APPS THAT LET YOU MAKE CALLS TO CANADA AND USA FOR FREE', ">>{ffactory_ofcl} : I live in Bavaria (Germany) and everyone has a landline here. Literally everyone who isn't homeless has a landline. I personally don't use it but my parents do.", ">>{yjtpark91} : Landline will continue to work even after a natural disaster that may affect cellphone towers. That's the only benefit of having a landline..", '>>{Hillary__Bro} : Fuck the Greens and their paid Russian hack Jake Stein.', ">>{Thatoneguywithathing} : Yeah, and the one that's an hour old is totally legit. Shoo.", ">>{HandSack135} : It must be difficult for all the Greens in the US House and Senate to stand up to the GOP and the president and their asinine policies. Just the other day Green House Member...oh there still isn't one.", '>>{glammistress} : Thank you. This says it all, succinctly.', ">>{JohnTitor2020} : Lay in bed with pseudo-scientists, alt medicine cranks and new age woomeisters who have no actual interest in winning elections or fixing america because then they'd lose their money spigot? Fuck that.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, the tepid support for environmentalists is punctuated by betrayals to corporate interests. Just recall that shit stain Jared Polis' (D-CO) back stabbing of the anti fracking movement to curry favor in Washington. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are hopeless on environmental issues. Voting for the marginally preferable Democrats validates their positions. Fuck that shit and fuck the Sierra Club for its work to elect Democrats.", ">>{janethefish} : The party that helped elect the last two republican presidents? That one? The one who just ran a putin pal? Who showed up for the anniversary party of putin's propaganda network?", '>>{ddottay} : I mean, I would definitely be interested, if you could come up with legitimate candidates for office. Starting local, then statewide, then nationally. And no Jill Stein either please.', '>>{woodtick57} : we have a few here in MN from the GPMN. several are soil and water conservation district supervisors (an elected position here) good spots for them. and a Mpls. city council member.', ">>{niknacks} : Put forward a candidate that is both competent and reasonable and I don't think they would struggle to find support.", ">>{ObsidianTK} : Yeah, I should have clarified, I agree with a lot of the Green Party's positions, and I think it's good to have a force pulling Dems to the left. That said, I _do_ have a problem with they way they behave while campaigning at the national level, and I very specifically have a problem with the behaviour of the Stein/Baraka ticket last year, so that sort of makes my general attitude toward the Green Party a bit sour.", ">>{coffeeisking} : I'll tell you what about the speech. It did energize. Trump's speech did energize the Donald posters to come over here and post garbage in r politics", '>>{cromwest} : Only one party made Scott Pruitt the head of the EPA. Well two if you count the greens running defense for Trump all cycle.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Yup. The Republicans are even worse for the environment than the Democrats. Of course, achieving that "honor" requires outright denial of reality and scientific illiteracy. What does that say about the Democrats? People need to stop giving their vote to the marginally better party if they ever want to be offered more than marginally better. Kudos to the Greens for fighting the Democrats. It\'s exactly what we need.', ">>{supplemental_cig} : In a two party system it doesn't work that way. We can kick and scream all we want. Winner take all districts means two parties. Pick your poison.", ">>{TaylorSwyft} : Exactly. Nothing about Stein felt genuine. Or Nader. Self-righteous, but not realistic and certainly not honest about their intentions I don't think. If they ran for seats in Congress or in State Legislatures, maybe then they'd work out. Why not put resources in the Mountain Party in West Virginia? Or form a Green Party on the west coast and Idaho and build a base there?", '>>{kthoag} : [I would prefer they field a candidate that is not possibly tied up in the Russia scandal. ](http://images.dailykos.com/images/330928/large/flynn.jpg)', '>>{woodtick57} : yeah i agree with you. that is how you start. and most of the laws that affect your daily life are local and state legislation. i also agree with your take on their national party ticket. Stein had no business in that arena....not even in the bleacher seats.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : And if you keep picking your poison, poison is all you'll get. It's certainly how those who own our two major parties want it to keep working.", ">>{KindaStillDrunk} : I'd prefer a candidate that isn't an anti-vaxxer and doesn't believe that wifi causes cancer."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Matt4575} : Voice Bridge now lets you make calls with your landline from any Wi-Fi network', ">>{xvertigox} : How is this different from getting a SIP app on your phone? This won't work if you have a POTS homeline so why not just get a SIP app and set that up, especially since most are free.", ">>{danxmason} : So I can pay more money for something I'm already wasting money on? Yay!", '>>{fapto_bismol} : People still have landline phones? All the usefulness of a phone but without the convenience of portability and access to an endless source of information...', '>>{ringo_24601} : Unless you live somewhere with shockingly bad mobile reception.. in which you need a landline', '>>{mawic5150} : Nothing new here. I was doind this 10 years ago with asterisks.', '>>{Viking1308} : So you use your cell phone to use your landline? That makes no sense.', ">>{komes_grudz} : Hopefully, with iOS 10's VOIP APIs this might get pretty seamless.", ">>{888555888555} : I haven't even seen a house with a landline phone installed in the last 15 years.", '>>{DickDrippage} : My parents have lived at the same house for over 25 years and they explained to me that too many people have their landline number to get rid of it and calling everyone they know to change over to a new number is to time consuming and just a headache.', '>>{ThisIsAlreadyTake-n} : 15 years ago was 2001. Where I live almost everyone still had a landline in 2001.', '>>{TheGeneralFilms} : THERE ARE APPS THAT LET YOU MAKE CALLS TO CANADA AND USA FOR FREE', ">>{ffactory_ofcl} : I live in Bavaria (Germany) and everyone has a landline here. Literally everyone who isn't homeless has a landline. I personally don't use it but my parents do.", ">>{yjtpark91} : Landline will continue to work even after a natural disaster that may affect cellphone towers. That's the only benefit of having a landline.."], [">>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Green Party Urges Voters Betrayed By the DNC's Sharp Turn to the Right to Go Green", '>>{woodtick57} : sharp turn to the right?!?!? maybe if the green party actually fields a candidate that understands the issues at any level, they might get more people to vote for them...', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Go Green and lock in Trump for another 4 years.', '>>{dolphins3} : Yes, the best way to stop the GOP and Trump from gutting the country is clearly to fission into yet more groups, all fighting each other.', '>>{dolphins3} : It might also help if they ever did anything besides run for President.', '>>{FromZiraCameCaesar} : DNC has the most progressive charter ever The main 2 guys are the most progressive leaders the DNC has ever had But sure, sharp turn to the right. The Green Party is a sad fucking joke', '>>{supplemental_cig} : If the Green Party gave a shit, they would be publicly supporting the dems for the time being.', '>>{ObsidianTK} : Running candidates for lower offices is what you do when you want to actually make a difference and change things. Running a candidate for president is what you do when you want publicity.', '>>{Hillary__Bro} : Fuck the Greens and their paid Russian hack Jake Stein.', ">>{Thatoneguywithathing} : Yeah, and the one that's an hour old is totally legit. Shoo.", ">>{HandSack135} : It must be difficult for all the Greens in the US House and Senate to stand up to the GOP and the president and their asinine policies. Just the other day Green House Member...oh there still isn't one.", '>>{glammistress} : Thank you. This says it all, succinctly.', ">>{JohnTitor2020} : Lay in bed with pseudo-scientists, alt medicine cranks and new age woomeisters who have no actual interest in winning elections or fixing america because then they'd lose their money spigot? Fuck that.", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, the tepid support for environmentalists is punctuated by betrayals to corporate interests. Just recall that shit stain Jared Polis' (D-CO) back stabbing of the anti fracking movement to curry favor in Washington. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are hopeless on environmental issues. Voting for the marginally preferable Democrats validates their positions. Fuck that shit and fuck the Sierra Club for its work to elect Democrats.", ">>{janethefish} : The party that helped elect the last two republican presidents? That one? The one who just ran a putin pal? Who showed up for the anniversary party of putin's propaganda network?", '>>{ddottay} : I mean, I would definitely be interested, if you could come up with legitimate candidates for office. Starting local, then statewide, then nationally. And no Jill Stein either please.', '>>{woodtick57} : we have a few here in MN from the GPMN. several are soil and water conservation district supervisors (an elected position here) good spots for them. and a Mpls. city council member.', ">>{niknacks} : Put forward a candidate that is both competent and reasonable and I don't think they would struggle to find support.", ">>{ObsidianTK} : Yeah, I should have clarified, I agree with a lot of the Green Party's positions, and I think it's good to have a force pulling Dems to the left. That said, I _do_ have a problem with they way they behave while campaigning at the national level, and I very specifically have a problem with the behaviour of the Stein/Baraka ticket last year, so that sort of makes my general attitude toward the Green Party a bit sour.", ">>{coffeeisking} : I'll tell you what about the speech. It did energize. Trump's speech did energize the Donald posters to come over here and post garbage in r politics", '>>{cromwest} : Only one party made Scott Pruitt the head of the EPA. Well two if you count the greens running defense for Trump all cycle.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Yup. The Republicans are even worse for the environment than the Democrats. Of course, achieving that "honor" requires outright denial of reality and scientific illiteracy. What does that say about the Democrats? People need to stop giving their vote to the marginally better party if they ever want to be offered more than marginally better. Kudos to the Greens for fighting the Democrats. It\'s exactly what we need.', ">>{supplemental_cig} : In a two party system it doesn't work that way. We can kick and scream all we want. Winner take all districts means two parties. Pick your poison.", ">>{TaylorSwyft} : Exactly. Nothing about Stein felt genuine. Or Nader. Self-righteous, but not realistic and certainly not honest about their intentions I don't think. If they ran for seats in Congress or in State Legislatures, maybe then they'd work out. Why not put resources in the Mountain Party in West Virginia? Or form a Green Party on the west coast and Idaho and build a base there?", '>>{kthoag} : [I would prefer they field a candidate that is not possibly tied up in the Russia scandal. ](http://images.dailykos.com/images/330928/large/flynn.jpg)', '>>{woodtick57} : yeah i agree with you. that is how you start. and most of the laws that affect your daily life are local and state legislation. i also agree with your take on their national party ticket. Stein had no business in that arena....not even in the bleacher seats.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : And if you keep picking your poison, poison is all you'll get. It's certainly how those who own our two major parties want it to keep working.", ">>{KindaStillDrunk} : I'd prefer a candidate that isn't an anti-vaxxer and doesn't believe that wifi causes cancer."]]
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