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[">>{billthomson} : Obama: I don't think I 'underestimated' Putin", '>>{madam1} : Whether He Wins or Loses, We’re Stuck With Trump - He’ll still speak for millions of alienated, disaffected Americans. He’ll still channel their anger at the nation’s rapid cultural and political changes. He’ll still have the star power and resources to carve out a spot in the public eye', ">>{ktkps} : Spigen's AirPods Strap is a $10 leash for Apple's new AirPods wireless earbuds", '>>{Propagation931} : That was fast. Good work Gore you really showed President Ivanka ... wait', '>>{TheLawWillRize} : Why in the world are they 10 dollars ?!?', '>>{Torisnotbatman} : Why the hell are they necessary???? Why is this a thing?', ">>{CNegan} : You underestimated how crazy Republicans were capable of becoming. They're so crazy that they called John Boehner, a fringe right-wing lunatic, a liberal so much to the point where he had to step down.", ">>{737477278} : Fuck of ivanka, attention whore. She's just trying to gain back credit so people buy her tacky jewelry kek. Eco bangles only 100,000$ order your today!", '>>{Gatesunder} : How is it a good thing for the disaffected racists to have a megaphone for their voice in the form of the highest elected official in this country?', ">>{AJ_Smith} : Fuck it, it'll be interesting. Let's see what happens", ">>{seanosul} : He'll still be the GOP. Lol well done dumb cons. I bet you love this new class of billionaire.", ">>{thisninjanerd} : I bet that DVD from Leo helped. Also, kudos to President-Elect having his daughter, who runs his corporation, at yet another presidential conversation. I'm sure no conflicts will arise if Ivanka is at every meeting.", ">>{RamenandAesthetics} : Because the airpods are wireless and small. You're bound to loose them so why not string them up? (Although im not sure whos willing to pay 159 dollars for airpods, imo i think they're a bit of a waste)", '>>{dfromnewyork} : lol trump is polling a lot better with minorities than any other gop candidate in a long time /thread', '>>{woodeye201} : And the clown will still have the media spinning and flipping every word he says over and over and over again.', ">>{whitepeoplerules} : She's like the first lady as far as I can tell.", '>>{vaska00762} : Because, you know, technology has yet to invent wired in ear headphones that stay together when they fall out of your ears. /S', '>>{Gatesunder} : And your point? That\'s like saying "I\'m not racist, I have a black friend."', '>>{dfromnewyork} : my point is he has never put one race above another. unless you can prove otherwise. btw mexican is not a race... its a nationality', ">>{BC-clette} : It's a blind trust... in which Ivanka has 20/20 vision of all presidential operations.", ">>{_STONEFISH} : Because Apple didn't have the practical foresight to realise that people *will* lose these all the time unless they're tethered somehow. Or maybe they did and don't care. Probably that.", '>>{omeow} : What is Ivanka Trumps role in the government? Why is she even relevant? Chelsea Clinton sitting on CF board was a big deal and Ivanka Trump brokering power is fine? Why is that?', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : No he is saying your ignorant comment was objectively incorrect by any metric.', ">>{kekus_vult} : Crimea, East Ucraine, the 2016 election and Syria disagree. Either you accept your failure or you blame Russia it can't be both.", ">>{thisninjanerd} : She'll be at the white house more than Melania, that's for sure.", ">>{Pokeprince56} : Yeah, I get the feeling Trump won't go quietly like Romney did. Really fun to see him make the GOP his bitch, though.", ">>{rwogh} : So you can re-wire those pesky headphones that didn't come with one!", ">>{CNegan} : >Crimea, East Ucraine If you're going to say he underestimated Putin in this front, you're going to have to say that Donald did the same. I mean Don was so ignorant on the subject that he swore **in 2016** that Russia would never go into Ukraine, two years into the intervention.", ">>{_STONEFISH} : I don't doubt that for a second. If they can convince people the earpods are good then people will buy replacements if they lose them... But making them easy to lose is low, even for Apple!", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Obama had more hope in Medvedev to do something for Russia that was positive. Medvedev turned out to be a stooge and easily brushed aside.', ">>{Imadethosehitmanguns} : This was on the front page last week. How is it on here again with only 28 upvotes? This furthers my belief that the front page in not an automatic process. Something something don't go back to sleep sheeple.", '>>{breezypancakes} : Whether he did or not is irrelevant. The damage to Clinton was done by the Democrats, not the Russians. We have nothing to fear from Russia if we have nothing to hide.', ">>{AssCalloway} : He'll be introduced as a loser till he vanishes from sight", ">>{MattKatt} : I've got a piece of string I'll sell you for 25c. For 50c I'll tie it myself, but only if he asks me", ">>{melbigsonasthebeaver} : Apple sells products for people who... wait for it... want them. And you buy something else because you want to. Some people will want the option of wireless or having a tether for running or other times. It's quite obvious to anyone without an Andriod phone set to vibrate in their underwear that options are good and everything is a compromise, so people choose what has the least bothersome trade offs for themselves.", '>>{BDOCP-091099} : What race does "La Raza" refer to? It\'s very interesting that when Trump makes disparaging comments about Mexicans, his lapdogs come out in droves to shout from the rooftops about how it wasn\'t a racist comment, because Mexican is not a race. But when a Mexican has any connection to the words "La Raza", they are immediately labeled racist by those same lapdogs.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Should we go to war with Russia over Crimea? Syria? Twice Pres. Obama went to the GOP led congress and asked them to authorize the use of military force in Syria and twice they said "no" then they complain he isn\'t using the military more in Syria (after complaining that he used the military too much in Libya).', '>>{captainfootpringles} : Why would I waste 10 dollars when I can just tape wire on the end of both of them...', '>>{thisninjanerd} : So as blind as [Maggie Lizer] (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/arresteddevelopment/images/5/59/1x17_Justice_is_Blind_%2824%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20120818213225), right? AD Reference.', '>>{billthomson} : BTW, as a big Obama backer, I disagree with him here. His mistakes were typically underestimating opposition, from Putin, to ISIS, to the Republicans.', ">>{_STONEFISH} : I'll just clarify for a moment that I spend all day using Apple products either for teaching Music Technology or working as a sound engineer. I do have an android phone but I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy for any particular brand... We'll let the results speak for themselves when these earphones have been properly tested and we have access to frequency response and waterfall plots. I cannot say for sure but I anticipate that the battery life and sound quality will be laughable, given the price tag. I also question the decision to make them out of hard plastic instead of having a rubber earpiece create a good seal that allows them to perform to their stated spec. Many people will buy them because they're trendy. The number of units sold won't necessarily be a reflection of the quality, just look at Beats by Dre as an example... Apple probably has one of the best marketing teams in the world, but they use their high profile to push products that aren't as innovative as they make them appear, or deliberately hiding weak specs and getting away with it. They make alluring products and have a strong brand identity that counts for quite a lot when shopping for something new. That's not suggesting that specifically Apple fans are sheep, rather that their marketing team has achieved everything any marketing team for any company (including Samsung etc) wants to achieve: Get people on board, keep them, and then tell them they need a certain product Apple don't have a monopoly, but they are big enough to tell people that they want what they want them to want.", '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : The Clinton foundation is a money laundering organisation. Thanks to Wikileaks, we learned that Chelsea was concerned with the unethical behavior.', '>>{GreatScottPropSvcs} : Apple will find a way to do a firmware update that will make these unusable somehow.', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : He probably wins deals by offering her to people sexually. We don't know for a fact that she didn't give Al Gore head in return for saying nice things about her.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : the funny thing is you are the person who is giving her the most attention in this thread and now mentioned her product. great promotion!', ">>{Pathfinder6} : Well, at least Trump won't be giving Putin blowjobs.", '>>{SpryAmoeba} : > twice they said "no" then they complain he isn\'t using the military more in Syria The question is why he is using the military at all in Syria, without authorization to use military force.', '>>{livecono} : Another way of saying that everyone else is overestimating him.', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : Because republicans don't have any values or morals or respect for America.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Medvedev was only acting as Captain Placeholder for Putin.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Because he still has authorization under the original AUMF to go after terrorist groups but not the Syrian gubmint.', '>>{makushr1} : Dental floss will be a cheap, effective substitute.', ">>{ComputersByte} : >We were joking around about how some company needed to make a leash accessory for Apple's new AirPods Totally didn't read it on Reddit or anything either (fairly sure it was the top comment on pretty much every bit of news about the airpods). Obviously it was our own original idea and no one else ever thought of it. And then BAM Spigen delivers exactly what we were talking about!", '>>{Zehardtruth} : >Apple sells products for people who... wait for it... want them. And you buy something else because you want to. I\'m the best of world\'s this would be true and the best product would be the best selling. Sadly all you need is advertising to create a demand, use your money to stop the competition and create a walled garden. Lock users to your eco system and force change upon them for the worse. No one asked for this, no one, it adds nothing that the old phones couldn\'t do. Apples not giving people a product they want, they\'re forcing them to get it or loose everything (apps, contacts, calender, the white eco system. Try to stay behind and your old phone will get slowed down to syrup via "updates")', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : > Because ~~republicans~~ politicians don't have any values or morals. FTFY", ">>{BatCountry9} : Apparently that's the Russian talking point this morning. The *Democrats* are at fault for the election, not Russia. Been seeing it all over.", '>>{SpryAmoeba} : Well the focus seems to be on taking out Assad...', ">>{Pottytrainer} : Indicating that Putin's cock is so far up its coming out Trumps mouth?", ">>{back2dashit} : >just look at Beats by Dre as an example... That's a fashion accessory though. And for people who listen to all of their music on their phone using Spotify or a similar streaming service (Apple Music, Google Play, Deezer, Tidal...) there really isn't much a difference between a mediocre pair and an audiophile pair. To actually use audiophile headphones and hear the difference you also need an audiophile set up. And an iPhone running Spotify playing 128kbps MP3s over the internet ain't gonna cut it.", ">>{Valmond} : That's so frustrating, everybody is streaming 128k (not just spotify & likes but also internet radio etc) when even 196 would sound wonderful in comparison...", ">>{mrmadmoose} : This is the reason I will never own another Apple product. I've never had an iPhone, but my original iPod Nano was the shit.", '>>{back2dashit} : What annoys me is that pretty much nobody says the actual bitrate they\'re streaming in. When the option is present to change the stream quality they just give you stuff like "Low, Standard, High" and never tell what the actual bitrate is.', '>>{_STONEFISH} : They are most definitely a fashion accessory. Some of their streetwear is indeed marketed as such, but I take issue with the claims of them having good sound quality. I can go and find some test sheets to back up what I\'m saying if people are interested (my opinion doesn\'t really matter so probably not!) but I would argue that they are objectively poor performers. They look cool if you like the style, but they\'re marketed very dishonestly, soundwise. They immediately sound fat and impressive, but they have very lethargic overblown bass and piercing highs, which fatigue ones hearing after an extended listening session. They are useless in the studio, because their inaccuracy makes it very hard to mix music. For the same price it is possible to get headphones that are *significantly* better. While streaming mp3s is of course not ideal, a good pair of headphones will genuinely make a high bitrate mp3 sound decent. Everything except the compression artefacts will sound good. Edit: I just looked at the official website, at the "professional studio" model. Apart from the lies and deceptive marketing, everything you need to know about them is due to how they haven\'t published the specs on that page.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I know right!? If they only stopped promoting [Ivanka Trump's amazing jewelry^TM](http://www.neimanmarcus.com/Ivanka-Trump/Designers/cat48860760/c.cat)!", ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : I'll give you ISIS, but Putin invaded Georgia before Obama's reset.", '>>{Valmond} : My bet: 48, 96, 128 or if only low & high: 96,128', '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : >Uckraine Is that how its spelled in Macedonia?', ">>{omeow} : >The Clinton foundation is a money laundering organisation. Proof? And alt-right bs don't count. >Thanks to Wikileaks, we learned that Chelsea was concerned with the unethical behavior. - what logic answers Trump question by citing clintons? - what is the ethical justification for Ivanka.Trump brokering power without being bound by any regulations that are imposed on government bureaucrats, lobbyists ?", '>>{billthomson} : But Obama dealt poorly with Syria, and the vacuum gave Putin an opening.', '>>{billthomson} : Honestly though, he was using congress to cover his ass in Syria. He dealt poorly with it when he declared his line in the sand, and used Congress as an excuse for not taking action.', '>>{back2dashit} : To be honest I called them "mediocre" not "good". And yeah I agree that with a good bitrate mp3 you can hear the difference but we are talking about at least 328kbps (and ideally all your mp3s should actually be VBR0) that most streaming services don\'t support. Don\'t think I\'m calling Beats good or anything, but when it comes to how their audio quality is advertised they are definitely going after people without good set ups who will be impressed at how much better Beats sound compared to their cheap earbuds that came with the phone.', ">>{737477278} : Haha I'm drawing attention to her motives and your trying to deflect them ;) Eco bangles are good profit, she can then set up a trust fund for endangered eco bangles. Buy one today show your support!", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Plenty of them are pretty consistent with their stance on abortion which shows they have a set of values they won't go against regardless of your opinion on the matter.", '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : Should he have instituted a no fly zone? Should he have sent in troops? Should he have done *less*? Syria is a mess - but the question is what should Obama have done instead. His foreign policy has been much more about non-engagement and leading from behind. It could have been far worse if he had escalated our involvement.', ">>{phydeaux70} : He either underestimated Putin, or ignored him. Either way, Russia's actions in the world in the past 8 years can be traced back to enablement from Obama. If he chooses to say he didn't underestimate, give. It makes him look even more incompetent.", ">>{themastermindz} : couldn't the president have fairly easily crippled syria's anti-aircraft capacity early in the conflict?", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I don't disagree that for some it is mostly political though for others they truly believe it. Again, agree or disagree with abortion or pro-choice, it's a set of values.", '>>{des0lar} : So the party of "small government" stands at least for dictating over women\'s bodies. Great values!', ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : Sure, I don't think there was all that much support for involving US military in the fight, though. Instead, he sent arms to the rebels. Then Russia got involved.", ">>{ronbag} : I don't want to pay for your girlfriend to get your mistake ripped out while we live in a first world country that is in desperate need of a higher birth rate. Abortions should be 100% privatized, legal, and women should have to buy abortion insurance if they plan to have unprotected sex.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : It's almost as if it's congress's constitutional responsibility to declare war or authorize the use of the military.", '>>{LuniWin} : > Fuck of ivanka, attention whore. Your misogyny is not welcome here.', '>>{hwkns} : Trump and Ivanka playing the classic "good cop" , "bad cop" routine', ">>{Dms5223} : Agreed. I don't care if people have abortions. That's on them and doesn't affect me (whether I agree or not morally). It should be legal (so it's safe and not happening in back alleys) but why do I have to pay for it? Government is involved in too much.", ">>{themastermindz} : Sure, I don't think there was all that much support for involving US military in the fight, though. is it fair to say that president obama correctly interpreted his mandate from the american people to withdraw from iraq and afghanistan and disengage from the middle east? do you agree that iraq was secure when the second president bush left office, due to the success of the troop surge? is the failure of america's libya adventure largely to blame for the united states congress (and british parliament!) refusing to support american military action in syria?", '>>{hkpp} : Yes, Republicans are gross and oversimplify major issues to influence their voters.', '>>{billthomson} : I want to be clear: Syria was very difficult. But when Obama said "If you do X we will respond", and Assad did X, Obama came off looking really weak.', ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : I will agree that the red line on chemical weapons that he failed to enforce was a bad move. I'm just not sure it was a winning situation regardless, and IMO that specific issue wasn't a big factor in the mess. The bigger issue was Russian's involvement - Assad was certainly about to be wiped out without Putin. On the other hand, Clinton's no fly zone had potential for escalation with Russia. Then on one foot, the GOP warhawks were calling to send our own troops in to fight ISIS, and also supported arming the rebels. And finally, on the other foot, Trump has zero coherence on the whole situation, doesn't even seem to understand the principle players. He will likely do little to nothing about it diplomatically or militarily, and allow Putin to get what he wants while killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.", ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : I'm always skeptical that people who make these rhetorical sounding questions on reddit want to actually engage in an honest discussion on it, but I'll bite. I agree that the mandate coming out of 2008 was that ground troops abroad are no longer an option outside of a very direct threat to the safety of the US. Obama was engaged in the middle east, but it was largely through diplomatic channels and by aiding revolutions against despotic leaders. What was misjudged was how much less stable that has made the region. I agree that violence had subsided, but obviously that security was in no way permanent. I'm not sure the benefit of security if it meant a permanent and significant military presence in Iraq. What OBama did achieve was a significant coalition in the last months to work to secure the country, albeit late. >s the failure of america's libya adventure largely to blame for the united states congress (and british parliament!) refusing to support american military action in syria? Tough one. I think it was a problem that congress wasn't willing to authorize it, but good of Obama to push the precedent of asking congress. Congress didn't help. That made it easier for Putin to turn the tides to Assad and kill of thousands of civilians and creating a mass refugee crisis.", '>>{themastermindz} : i actually want to engage in discussion and i appreciate your bite "What was misjudged was how much less stable that has made the region." please clarify for me what the "that" means in the quote of yours i reproduced above. was not the spread of democracy/human rights the main reason the united states invaded iraq in 2003? was it not the second president bush\'s primary intention that people in the region would be inspired by iraq\'s success and demand democratic reforms? "it was a problem that congress wasn\'t willing to authorize it" was partisanship the main reason that the united states congress wasn\'t willing to authorize president obama\'s request for a declaration of war in syria? years later, when the situation had significantly deteriorated and the president requested a declaration of war against the islamic state, was partisanship the main reason congress wasn\'t willing to authorize it?', ">>{billthomson} : Taking a stand against Assad early wouldn't have had the potential to escalate with Russia. Doing so now would. Obama made a very poor decision in the statement he made, he essentially let Assad call his bluff and in doing so made himself look weak. I don't really think Clinton's no fly zone had a prayer of happening, honestly. Again: Syria was, and is complicated. Trump is going to likely allow Syria to become heavily under Russia's influence, but I'm not sure that's different than what's happened under Obama.", ">>{TuLegit2quit} : Remember when Romney claimed that Russia was our #1 geopolitical threat and obama laughed at him and flippantly stated that the 1980's wanted their foreign policy back.... sounds like underestimating to me...", ">>{billthomson} : Romney looks much better in hindsight, doesn't he?", '>>{Shanashy} : Your tax dollars are not used to pay for abortions.', '>>{tau-lepton} : So glad Ivana had the good sense not to let Donald father her daughter.', '>>{tau-lepton} : Maybe we should look at when and why they became so "pro life", it was politics, not virtue.', '>>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Do you not know anyone that actually believes that abortion is killing an unborn baby because I do. There are people that believe that a baby should have actual representation and believe it or not some of them are very active in politics. My father is active in the community and believes that life starts at conception. Not everyone that is against abortion are dumb religious people.', ">>{tau-lepton} : Why don't you look at when and why the party became pro-life? Republicans use the issue to attract voters and rally the religious base. I'm not questioning your sincerity", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I'm very familiar with the rise of the social-conservatives of the late 70s and 80s. I'm just saying that some people actually believe those things showing that some of them do hold true values.", ">>{Dms5223} : Really? (Not being sarcastic) I could be wrong but isn't planned parenthood receiving federal funding and don't some locations do abortions?", '>>{Shanashy} : PP does receive federal funding under Medicaid and Title X, but those funds are not allowed to be used to provide abortion except for under the most extreme of circumstances (rape or incest, or if the life of the mother is in danger). [Source](http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/08/05/429641062/fact-check-how-does-planned-parenthood-spend-that-government-money)', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : And yet they support war and killing, and they're for making sure babies that are born have no healthcare or help.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Republicans love big government as long as they get to make the rules.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Propagation931} : That was fast. Good work Gore you really showed President Ivanka ... wait', ">>{737477278} : Fuck of ivanka, attention whore. She's just trying to gain back credit so people buy her tacky jewelry kek. Eco bangles only 100,000$ order your today!", ">>{thisninjanerd} : I bet that DVD from Leo helped. Also, kudos to President-Elect having his daughter, who runs his corporation, at yet another presidential conversation. I'm sure no conflicts will arise if Ivanka is at every meeting.", ">>{whitepeoplerules} : She's like the first lady as far as I can tell.", ">>{BC-clette} : It's a blind trust... in which Ivanka has 20/20 vision of all presidential operations.", '>>{omeow} : What is Ivanka Trumps role in the government? Why is she even relevant? Chelsea Clinton sitting on CF board was a big deal and Ivanka Trump brokering power is fine? Why is that?', ">>{thisninjanerd} : She'll be at the white house more than Melania, that's for sure.", '>>{thisninjanerd} : So as blind as [Maggie Lizer] (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/arresteddevelopment/images/5/59/1x17_Justice_is_Blind_%2824%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20120818213225), right? AD Reference.', '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : The Clinton foundation is a money laundering organisation. Thanks to Wikileaks, we learned that Chelsea was concerned with the unethical behavior.', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : He probably wins deals by offering her to people sexually. We don't know for a fact that she didn't give Al Gore head in return for saying nice things about her.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : the funny thing is you are the person who is giving her the most attention in this thread and now mentioned her product. great promotion!', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : Because republicans don't have any values or morals or respect for America.", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : > Because ~~republicans~~ politicians don't have any values or morals. FTFY", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I know right!? If they only stopped promoting [Ivanka Trump's amazing jewelry^TM](http://www.neimanmarcus.com/Ivanka-Trump/Designers/cat48860760/c.cat)!", ">>{omeow} : >The Clinton foundation is a money laundering organisation. Proof? And alt-right bs don't count. >Thanks to Wikileaks, we learned that Chelsea was concerned with the unethical behavior. - what logic answers Trump question by citing clintons? - what is the ethical justification for Ivanka.Trump brokering power without being bound by any regulations that are imposed on government bureaucrats, lobbyists ?", ">>{737477278} : Haha I'm drawing attention to her motives and your trying to deflect them ;) Eco bangles are good profit, she can then set up a trust fund for endangered eco bangles. Buy one today show your support!", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Plenty of them are pretty consistent with their stance on abortion which shows they have a set of values they won't go against regardless of your opinion on the matter.", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I don't disagree that for some it is mostly political though for others they truly believe it. Again, agree or disagree with abortion or pro-choice, it's a set of values.", '>>{des0lar} : So the party of "small government" stands at least for dictating over women\'s bodies. Great values!', ">>{ronbag} : I don't want to pay for your girlfriend to get your mistake ripped out while we live in a first world country that is in desperate need of a higher birth rate. Abortions should be 100% privatized, legal, and women should have to buy abortion insurance if they plan to have unprotected sex.", '>>{LuniWin} : > Fuck of ivanka, attention whore. Your misogyny is not welcome here.', '>>{hwkns} : Trump and Ivanka playing the classic "good cop" , "bad cop" routine', ">>{Dms5223} : Agreed. I don't care if people have abortions. That's on them and doesn't affect me (whether I agree or not morally). It should be legal (so it's safe and not happening in back alleys) but why do I have to pay for it? Government is involved in too much.", '>>{hkpp} : Yes, Republicans are gross and oversimplify major issues to influence their voters.', '>>{Shanashy} : Your tax dollars are not used to pay for abortions.', '>>{tau-lepton} : So glad Ivana had the good sense not to let Donald father her daughter.', '>>{tau-lepton} : Maybe we should look at when and why they became so "pro life", it was politics, not virtue.', '>>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Do you not know anyone that actually believes that abortion is killing an unborn baby because I do. There are people that believe that a baby should have actual representation and believe it or not some of them are very active in politics. My father is active in the community and believes that life starts at conception. Not everyone that is against abortion are dumb religious people.', ">>{tau-lepton} : Why don't you look at when and why the party became pro-life? Republicans use the issue to attract voters and rally the religious base. I'm not questioning your sincerity", ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I'm very familiar with the rise of the social-conservatives of the late 70s and 80s. I'm just saying that some people actually believe those things showing that some of them do hold true values.", ">>{Dms5223} : Really? (Not being sarcastic) I could be wrong but isn't planned parenthood receiving federal funding and don't some locations do abortions?", '>>{Shanashy} : PP does receive federal funding under Medicaid and Title X, but those funds are not allowed to be used to provide abortion except for under the most extreme of circumstances (rape or incest, or if the life of the mother is in danger). [Source](http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/08/05/429641062/fact-check-how-does-planned-parenthood-spend-that-government-money)', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : And yet they support war and killing, and they're for making sure babies that are born have no healthcare or help.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Republicans love big government as long as they get to make the rules.'], [">>{ktkps} : Spigen's AirPods Strap is a $10 leash for Apple's new AirPods wireless earbuds", '>>{TheLawWillRize} : Why in the world are they 10 dollars ?!?', '>>{Torisnotbatman} : Why the hell are they necessary???? Why is this a thing?', ">>{RamenandAesthetics} : Because the airpods are wireless and small. You're bound to loose them so why not string them up? (Although im not sure whos willing to pay 159 dollars for airpods, imo i think they're a bit of a waste)", '>>{vaska00762} : Because, you know, technology has yet to invent wired in ear headphones that stay together when they fall out of your ears. /S', ">>{_STONEFISH} : Because Apple didn't have the practical foresight to realise that people *will* lose these all the time unless they're tethered somehow. Or maybe they did and don't care. Probably that.", ">>{rwogh} : So you can re-wire those pesky headphones that didn't come with one!", ">>{_STONEFISH} : I don't doubt that for a second. If they can convince people the earpods are good then people will buy replacements if they lose them... But making them easy to lose is low, even for Apple!", ">>{Imadethosehitmanguns} : This was on the front page last week. How is it on here again with only 28 upvotes? This furthers my belief that the front page in not an automatic process. Something something don't go back to sleep sheeple.", ">>{MattKatt} : I've got a piece of string I'll sell you for 25c. For 50c I'll tie it myself, but only if he asks me", ">>{melbigsonasthebeaver} : Apple sells products for people who... wait for it... want them. And you buy something else because you want to. Some people will want the option of wireless or having a tether for running or other times. It's quite obvious to anyone without an Andriod phone set to vibrate in their underwear that options are good and everything is a compromise, so people choose what has the least bothersome trade offs for themselves.", '>>{captainfootpringles} : Why would I waste 10 dollars when I can just tape wire on the end of both of them...', ">>{_STONEFISH} : I'll just clarify for a moment that I spend all day using Apple products either for teaching Music Technology or working as a sound engineer. I do have an android phone but I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy for any particular brand... We'll let the results speak for themselves when these earphones have been properly tested and we have access to frequency response and waterfall plots. I cannot say for sure but I anticipate that the battery life and sound quality will be laughable, given the price tag. I also question the decision to make them out of hard plastic instead of having a rubber earpiece create a good seal that allows them to perform to their stated spec. Many people will buy them because they're trendy. The number of units sold won't necessarily be a reflection of the quality, just look at Beats by Dre as an example... Apple probably has one of the best marketing teams in the world, but they use their high profile to push products that aren't as innovative as they make them appear, or deliberately hiding weak specs and getting away with it. They make alluring products and have a strong brand identity that counts for quite a lot when shopping for something new. That's not suggesting that specifically Apple fans are sheep, rather that their marketing team has achieved everything any marketing team for any company (including Samsung etc) wants to achieve: Get people on board, keep them, and then tell them they need a certain product Apple don't have a monopoly, but they are big enough to tell people that they want what they want them to want.", '>>{GreatScottPropSvcs} : Apple will find a way to do a firmware update that will make these unusable somehow.', '>>{makushr1} : Dental floss will be a cheap, effective substitute.', ">>{ComputersByte} : >We were joking around about how some company needed to make a leash accessory for Apple's new AirPods Totally didn't read it on Reddit or anything either (fairly sure it was the top comment on pretty much every bit of news about the airpods). Obviously it was our own original idea and no one else ever thought of it. And then BAM Spigen delivers exactly what we were talking about!", '>>{Zehardtruth} : >Apple sells products for people who... wait for it... want them. And you buy something else because you want to. I\'m the best of world\'s this would be true and the best product would be the best selling. Sadly all you need is advertising to create a demand, use your money to stop the competition and create a walled garden. Lock users to your eco system and force change upon them for the worse. No one asked for this, no one, it adds nothing that the old phones couldn\'t do. Apples not giving people a product they want, they\'re forcing them to get it or loose everything (apps, contacts, calender, the white eco system. Try to stay behind and your old phone will get slowed down to syrup via "updates")', ">>{back2dashit} : >just look at Beats by Dre as an example... That's a fashion accessory though. And for people who listen to all of their music on their phone using Spotify or a similar streaming service (Apple Music, Google Play, Deezer, Tidal...) there really isn't much a difference between a mediocre pair and an audiophile pair. To actually use audiophile headphones and hear the difference you also need an audiophile set up. And an iPhone running Spotify playing 128kbps MP3s over the internet ain't gonna cut it.", ">>{Valmond} : That's so frustrating, everybody is streaming 128k (not just spotify & likes but also internet radio etc) when even 196 would sound wonderful in comparison...", ">>{mrmadmoose} : This is the reason I will never own another Apple product. I've never had an iPhone, but my original iPod Nano was the shit.", '>>{back2dashit} : What annoys me is that pretty much nobody says the actual bitrate they\'re streaming in. When the option is present to change the stream quality they just give you stuff like "Low, Standard, High" and never tell what the actual bitrate is.', '>>{_STONEFISH} : They are most definitely a fashion accessory. Some of their streetwear is indeed marketed as such, but I take issue with the claims of them having good sound quality. I can go and find some test sheets to back up what I\'m saying if people are interested (my opinion doesn\'t really matter so probably not!) but I would argue that they are objectively poor performers. They look cool if you like the style, but they\'re marketed very dishonestly, soundwise. They immediately sound fat and impressive, but they have very lethargic overblown bass and piercing highs, which fatigue ones hearing after an extended listening session. They are useless in the studio, because their inaccuracy makes it very hard to mix music. For the same price it is possible to get headphones that are *significantly* better. While streaming mp3s is of course not ideal, a good pair of headphones will genuinely make a high bitrate mp3 sound decent. Everything except the compression artefacts will sound good. Edit: I just looked at the official website, at the "professional studio" model. Apart from the lies and deceptive marketing, everything you need to know about them is due to how they haven\'t published the specs on that page.', '>>{Valmond} : My bet: 48, 96, 128 or if only low & high: 96,128', '>>{back2dashit} : To be honest I called them "mediocre" not "good". And yeah I agree that with a good bitrate mp3 you can hear the difference but we are talking about at least 328kbps (and ideally all your mp3s should actually be VBR0) that most streaming services don\'t support. Don\'t think I\'m calling Beats good or anything, but when it comes to how their audio quality is advertised they are definitely going after people without good set ups who will be impressed at how much better Beats sound compared to their cheap earbuds that came with the phone.'], ['>>{madam1} : Whether He Wins or Loses, We’re Stuck With Trump - He’ll still speak for millions of alienated, disaffected Americans. He’ll still channel their anger at the nation’s rapid cultural and political changes. He’ll still have the star power and resources to carve out a spot in the public eye', '>>{Gatesunder} : How is it a good thing for the disaffected racists to have a megaphone for their voice in the form of the highest elected official in this country?', ">>{AJ_Smith} : Fuck it, it'll be interesting. Let's see what happens", ">>{seanosul} : He'll still be the GOP. Lol well done dumb cons. I bet you love this new class of billionaire.", '>>{dfromnewyork} : lol trump is polling a lot better with minorities than any other gop candidate in a long time /thread', '>>{woodeye201} : And the clown will still have the media spinning and flipping every word he says over and over and over again.', '>>{Gatesunder} : And your point? That\'s like saying "I\'m not racist, I have a black friend."', '>>{dfromnewyork} : my point is he has never put one race above another. unless you can prove otherwise. btw mexican is not a race... its a nationality', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : No he is saying your ignorant comment was objectively incorrect by any metric.', ">>{Pokeprince56} : Yeah, I get the feeling Trump won't go quietly like Romney did. Really fun to see him make the GOP his bitch, though.", ">>{AssCalloway} : He'll be introduced as a loser till he vanishes from sight", '>>{BDOCP-091099} : What race does "La Raza" refer to? It\'s very interesting that when Trump makes disparaging comments about Mexicans, his lapdogs come out in droves to shout from the rooftops about how it wasn\'t a racist comment, because Mexican is not a race. But when a Mexican has any connection to the words "La Raza", they are immediately labeled racist by those same lapdogs.'], [">>{billthomson} : Obama: I don't think I 'underestimated' Putin", ">>{CNegan} : You underestimated how crazy Republicans were capable of becoming. They're so crazy that they called John Boehner, a fringe right-wing lunatic, a liberal so much to the point where he had to step down.", ">>{kekus_vult} : Crimea, East Ucraine, the 2016 election and Syria disagree. Either you accept your failure or you blame Russia it can't be both.", ">>{CNegan} : >Crimea, East Ucraine If you're going to say he underestimated Putin in this front, you're going to have to say that Donald did the same. I mean Don was so ignorant on the subject that he swore **in 2016** that Russia would never go into Ukraine, two years into the intervention.", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Obama had more hope in Medvedev to do something for Russia that was positive. Medvedev turned out to be a stooge and easily brushed aside.', '>>{breezypancakes} : Whether he did or not is irrelevant. The damage to Clinton was done by the Democrats, not the Russians. We have nothing to fear from Russia if we have nothing to hide.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Should we go to war with Russia over Crimea? Syria? Twice Pres. Obama went to the GOP led congress and asked them to authorize the use of military force in Syria and twice they said "no" then they complain he isn\'t using the military more in Syria (after complaining that he used the military too much in Libya).', '>>{billthomson} : BTW, as a big Obama backer, I disagree with him here. His mistakes were typically underestimating opposition, from Putin, to ISIS, to the Republicans.', ">>{Pathfinder6} : Well, at least Trump won't be giving Putin blowjobs.", '>>{SpryAmoeba} : > twice they said "no" then they complain he isn\'t using the military more in Syria The question is why he is using the military at all in Syria, without authorization to use military force.', '>>{livecono} : Another way of saying that everyone else is overestimating him.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Medvedev was only acting as Captain Placeholder for Putin.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Because he still has authorization under the original AUMF to go after terrorist groups but not the Syrian gubmint.', ">>{BatCountry9} : Apparently that's the Russian talking point this morning. The *Democrats* are at fault for the election, not Russia. Been seeing it all over.", '>>{SpryAmoeba} : Well the focus seems to be on taking out Assad...', ">>{Pottytrainer} : Indicating that Putin's cock is so far up its coming out Trumps mouth?", ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : I'll give you ISIS, but Putin invaded Georgia before Obama's reset.", '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : >Uckraine Is that how its spelled in Macedonia?', '>>{billthomson} : But Obama dealt poorly with Syria, and the vacuum gave Putin an opening.', '>>{billthomson} : Honestly though, he was using congress to cover his ass in Syria. He dealt poorly with it when he declared his line in the sand, and used Congress as an excuse for not taking action.', '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : Should he have instituted a no fly zone? Should he have sent in troops? Should he have done *less*? Syria is a mess - but the question is what should Obama have done instead. His foreign policy has been much more about non-engagement and leading from behind. It could have been far worse if he had escalated our involvement.', ">>{phydeaux70} : He either underestimated Putin, or ignored him. Either way, Russia's actions in the world in the past 8 years can be traced back to enablement from Obama. If he chooses to say he didn't underestimate, give. It makes him look even more incompetent.", ">>{themastermindz} : couldn't the president have fairly easily crippled syria's anti-aircraft capacity early in the conflict?", ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : Sure, I don't think there was all that much support for involving US military in the fight, though. Instead, he sent arms to the rebels. Then Russia got involved.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : It's almost as if it's congress's constitutional responsibility to declare war or authorize the use of the military.", ">>{themastermindz} : Sure, I don't think there was all that much support for involving US military in the fight, though. is it fair to say that president obama correctly interpreted his mandate from the american people to withdraw from iraq and afghanistan and disengage from the middle east? do you agree that iraq was secure when the second president bush left office, due to the success of the troop surge? is the failure of america's libya adventure largely to blame for the united states congress (and british parliament!) refusing to support american military action in syria?", '>>{billthomson} : I want to be clear: Syria was very difficult. But when Obama said "If you do X we will respond", and Assad did X, Obama came off looking really weak.', ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : I will agree that the red line on chemical weapons that he failed to enforce was a bad move. I'm just not sure it was a winning situation regardless, and IMO that specific issue wasn't a big factor in the mess. The bigger issue was Russian's involvement - Assad was certainly about to be wiped out without Putin. On the other hand, Clinton's no fly zone had potential for escalation with Russia. Then on one foot, the GOP warhawks were calling to send our own troops in to fight ISIS, and also supported arming the rebels. And finally, on the other foot, Trump has zero coherence on the whole situation, doesn't even seem to understand the principle players. He will likely do little to nothing about it diplomatically or militarily, and allow Putin to get what he wants while killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.", ">>{corncobbdouglas2} : I'm always skeptical that people who make these rhetorical sounding questions on reddit want to actually engage in an honest discussion on it, but I'll bite. I agree that the mandate coming out of 2008 was that ground troops abroad are no longer an option outside of a very direct threat to the safety of the US. Obama was engaged in the middle east, but it was largely through diplomatic channels and by aiding revolutions against despotic leaders. What was misjudged was how much less stable that has made the region. I agree that violence had subsided, but obviously that security was in no way permanent. I'm not sure the benefit of security if it meant a permanent and significant military presence in Iraq. What OBama did achieve was a significant coalition in the last months to work to secure the country, albeit late. >s the failure of america's libya adventure largely to blame for the united states congress (and british parliament!) refusing to support american military action in syria? Tough one. I think it was a problem that congress wasn't willing to authorize it, but good of Obama to push the precedent of asking congress. Congress didn't help. That made it easier for Putin to turn the tides to Assad and kill of thousands of civilians and creating a mass refugee crisis.", '>>{themastermindz} : i actually want to engage in discussion and i appreciate your bite "What was misjudged was how much less stable that has made the region." please clarify for me what the "that" means in the quote of yours i reproduced above. was not the spread of democracy/human rights the main reason the united states invaded iraq in 2003? was it not the second president bush\'s primary intention that people in the region would be inspired by iraq\'s success and demand democratic reforms? "it was a problem that congress wasn\'t willing to authorize it" was partisanship the main reason that the united states congress wasn\'t willing to authorize president obama\'s request for a declaration of war in syria? years later, when the situation had significantly deteriorated and the president requested a declaration of war against the islamic state, was partisanship the main reason congress wasn\'t willing to authorize it?', ">>{billthomson} : Taking a stand against Assad early wouldn't have had the potential to escalate with Russia. Doing so now would. Obama made a very poor decision in the statement he made, he essentially let Assad call his bluff and in doing so made himself look weak. I don't really think Clinton's no fly zone had a prayer of happening, honestly. Again: Syria was, and is complicated. Trump is going to likely allow Syria to become heavily under Russia's influence, but I'm not sure that's different than what's happened under Obama.", ">>{TuLegit2quit} : Remember when Romney claimed that Russia was our #1 geopolitical threat and obama laughed at him and flippantly stated that the 1980's wanted their foreign policy back.... sounds like underestimating to me...", ">>{billthomson} : Romney looks much better in hindsight, doesn't he?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : Lifeproof is hands down the best iPhone case on the market. With exceptional customer service too!', '>>{Dark-N1ghtmar3} : Meh my buddy has a fre on his iPhone 6s and it still cracked the screen with the case on', '>>{nirad} : Watch Trump Flat Out Lie About Why His Clothes Are Made In China And Mexico', ">>{pizzashill} : Except you know, Trump has said he wants to repeal Obamacare. I don't think people realize Obamacare **was the compromise.** The GOP has no replacement, they can not replace Obamacare, they could maybe modify it, but they sure as hell can't replace it.", '>>{dwf1967} : The budget deficit for FY2016 was ~$590 billion...', '>>{MakeAmericaGreat123} : Biggest insurance company obamacare exchanges rallies behind Ryans obamacare 2.0', ">>{Opuz} : I use my lifeproof when I go outside to work/exercise , otherwise I use my smart battery case because they replace it if it's defective same day and gives me all day charge :-).", '>>{Schiffy94} : Does Reichbart realize that Trump is behind this plan as well?', '>>{liliIllill} : They want their merger approved. Did you forget about that?', '>>{aubonpaine} : [Trumpcare’s Only Fan Is a Massive Insurance Company That Really Needs a Favor Right Now](http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2017/03/10/anthem_says_it_supports_parts_of_trumpcare.html)', ">>{kickstand} : Anecdotal report here. I have 4 people in my family, we all use Lifeproof or Catalyst cases for about 2 to 4 years. The Lifeproof and Catalyst cases have both been great at surviving drops and falls, no question. My iPhone5 survived a bike crash in a Lifeproof case; although the case itself was damaged, the iPhone remained in like-new condition. My daughter still uses the iPhone5 (in a new case). I've found that the Lifeproof cases last roughly a year and a half, maybe 2 years if you're lucky, before they start developing cracks in the soft rubber areas and peeling apart. When that happens, you have to buy a new replacement case. Also, I find that unscrewing the headphone jack port is inconvenient, especially if you use the headphones a lot. I have switched to Catalyst case for my iPhone6 and my son's iPhone 5s. The headphone port is a rubber plug; it doesn't screw, you just pull it out. Easy-peasy. On my own Catalyst case, the bottom gasket did wear out after a year or so, but I replaced it for $5 instead of buying a whole new case. The rest of the case is in great shape after about 20 months. The Catalyst case also has a connector to hold a lanyard, which I don't use, but some might find useful. Personally, I find the Lifeproof case to be more attractive than the catalyst (but ultimately I am more concerned about protection than appearance). So my verdict: Lifeproof good, Catalyst better.", ">>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : I don't know how that's possible unless he's doing some uncanny stuff to his phone. I've dropped mine countless times with the fre case on as has my gf. No cracks.", '>>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : Elaborate report, I like it. Will have to check out these catalyst cases once my lifeproof gives out.', ">>{archeominus} : His ratings on FactCheck.org, Politifact and Fact Checker are already the lowest in recorded political history. I'm not sure they can go any lower. But Trump is testing the limits of how poorly you can run a political campaign.", ">>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : I agree that they're expensive but with that comes an exceptionally high quality case, excellent customer service and a very good warranty.", ">>{ward0630} : Don't worry citizen, all of those websites are agents of Goldstein. /s", ">>{CowCuddX} : I had two Lifeproof cases and the company replaced the first one but after the second one got destroyed, I gave up. When it worked, it was great but clearly not my life proof. I wasn't doing anything extreme with it, rarely if at all, dropped it or anything of the sort. Two failed cases.", ">>{thumbprick} : no one knows for sure. Perhaps it's in his personality.", ">>{KKK4Trump} : It is odd though, isn't it? I just don't get it.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Maybe you didn't see the budget resolution the Senate passed tonight.", '>>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : Right here. This article\'s credibility was impeached as soon as it got the "breitbart" stamp. Next.', '>>{Trumpisota} : So hes lying even though hes been saying this for a year on the campaign trail? Maybe you people need to come up with some better copy pasta.', '>>{CowCuddX} : At the time I worked in a warehouse so occasionally my phone would fall out of the forklift or when I did deliveries between buildings. I would say the average height it dropped from was about 2-3 feet. Damn shame, the waterproofing was top notch.', '>>{SadMunkey} : [Cory Lewandowski](https://youtu.be/-jEQBjBUizY) was even baffled by it...', '>>{Trumpisota} : The orlando shooter was put on the watch list for cheering. Muslims did cheer.', '>>{CowCuddX} : Never done that. I did drop it in a pool twice. Second time was when I was involuntarily recruited to check the pool water.', '>>{Jkdsh} : Hurr, statesman-owned media say dis bill good so dis bill good. Read into it from a source not owned by someone that works at the White House.', ">>{MetroidMuscle} : Trump has also been saying for a long time that **he watched on TV as 1000s of Muslims in NJ cheered the Twin Towers coming down on 9/11. That's also a lie.**", '>>{The-Autarkh} : I think he is referring to the debt limit that the GOP just covertly raised after giving Obama shit for a limit $10 trillion lower.', ">>{gt500tr} : Of course the big insurance company would like this plan, they don't have to cover all those poor people who don't want insurance in the first place, or those old people with all those pre-existing conditions.", '>>{waiv} : He lies for pointless stupid shit all the time, like the Trump Steaks in his press conference.', '>>{MetroidMuscle} : Everyone who disagrees with me is paid to do so! Boo hoo!', ">>{thefirstandonly} : Trump lies about why his clothes are made in China/Mexico. *Oh well* Trump lies about not being able to release closed-out tax returns from 2011 backward. *Oh well* Trump lies about not making fun of a disable reporter at a campaign rally. *Oh well* Trump lies about being a big supporter of the LGBT community while simultaneously supporting SCOTUS nominations who want to roll back their rights. *Oh well* Trump lies about having been scheduled to be on board a doomed helicopter that crashed and killed business executives. *Oh well* Trump lies/embellishes every single day with regard to his policy platform, what he claims he can accomplish, the personal records of those he disagrees with, his background, winging an entire campaign, etc. *Oh well* Clinton embellishes a Bosnia story on one occasion. *IMPEACH NOW, SHE IS DISQUALIFIED, THIS IS THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER TO COME FROM A POLITICIAN, THIS PROVES SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE ECONOMY OR BE A GOOD COMMANDER IN CHIEF*", '>>{Thongpirate} : He always has to throw in the "Believe me. Believe me!" when he speaks. It\'s insane how people would actually think voting for him is a good idea...oh right, they\'re racists and they finally have a voice.', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Only five people in the world think my god-emperor is a huge retard, everybody else secretly agrees with me! >8)', ">>{Doctor_YOOOU} : Literally everywhere. Some of them showed up to Rep. Issa's town hall today (R-49 CA), you should check it out! No paid protesters there", '>>{The-Autarkh} : Right. The funny thing would be if they just came out from Medicare for all. That would split the Democratic party and half, and probably make Trump popular.', '>>{bbiggs32} : No. As a dem we would be all for it. Is this a joke? We have been for universal healthcare forever.', '>>{NewDonFlow} : They have fact in the name! They must be unbiased I am a great researcher I always Use resources that have fact in the name. No one would name a website "fact" if it wasn\'t objective and unbiased truth! What kinda nut jobs would post biased information thinking they can use fact in their website title and people would just take it as fact?!', '>>{SerIllinPayne} : Breitshart giving the best facts as always. They might as well start their own Aryan health insurance company for only the most racially and genetically fit.', '>>{Twojots} : Yeehaw! That definitely seems like the appropriate and reasonable thing to do.', '>>{kekulerules} : [Trump\'s support of the Iraq war](https://youtu.be/77P6fxa2KOs) [Cruz\' father](https://youtu.be/9KbWOMpBJYU) the "[Obama investigative team](https://youtu.be/aHhoDvHnkIo)" . Should I mention the [self-funded campaign](http://youtu.be/qjTmUhcRX3I)?', '>>{b0redengr} : Propaganda. Dismantling the propaganda outlets that have been hijacked by Russian narratives needs to be a priority once we remove their puppet from the White House.', ">>{muchaschicas} : That's the hilarious part. Trump and his supporters imagine themselves as somehow genetically superior? A casual glance renders their argument utterly bogus.", '>>{VROF} : I think the people are ready for Medicare for everyone now', ">>{VROF} : This is an actual ACA debate on social media. Idiots like this are why we can't have nice things http://imgur.com/5dy5LvH", ">>{noahcallaway-wa} : Yea, I'm with u/bbiggs32. As a staunchly left person, and someone _strongly_ opposed to the way the Trump presidency is shaping up, I would happily embrace Medicare for all, and contact my full slate of representatives to encourage it passing.", ">>{introversed} : Gee...Companies who want to deny care rally beyond plan to deny care...who would've thought!", ">>{noahcallaway-wa} : I think his point was probably a technical one, that 29 trillion dollars is our total debt, and that the budget deficit is much lower. While it's a pedantic point (and wasn't clearly stated), it's super important to keep straight the difference between the debt and the deficit. The deficit is the rate of change of our debt (it's first derivative), and mixing them up is as serious an error as confusing velocity with position.", '>>{SerIllinPayne} : Overweight and old baby boomers with the same sense of entitlement that has become a hallmark of that generation: "Fuck you, I got mine"', ">>{The-Autarkh} : What I mean is, substantively, it's the right policy. Overwhelming majority of Dems would support it. But there's a significant fraction who might strongly oppose because it would be Trump. This would create a useful cleavage if he could get most of the GOP behind it. He won't though.", '>>{farklespanktastic} : How is a tax cut the same as Obamacare?', ">>{bbiggs32} : As Bernie said tonight, we need to work with Trump. Yeah, he's a liar, cheapskate and bigot. That said, a single payer system would help America immensely. If he needs to dump the ACA and extend Medicaid to all, we should welcome it with open arms. It's what Obama wanted to do, but couldn't. And fuck Trump (for you guys that think it needs to be said each posting)", ">>{The-Autarkh} : [I don't disagree](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5mygn5/z/dc7sth4) to the extent the compromise policies are actually beneficial themselves--like single payer. I was just considering possibilities for what Trump could do if he wanted to be bold and were not constrained by GOP ideology. No way single-payer will actually happen though. Under Price, who wants to voucherize Medicare? If in doubt, just look at the other people he's surrounded himself with."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{MakeAmericaGreat123} : Biggest insurance company obamacare exchanges rallies behind Ryans obamacare 2.0', '>>{Schiffy94} : Does Reichbart realize that Trump is behind this plan as well?', '>>{liliIllill} : They want their merger approved. Did you forget about that?', '>>{aubonpaine} : [Trumpcare’s Only Fan Is a Massive Insurance Company That Really Needs a Favor Right Now](http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2017/03/10/anthem_says_it_supports_parts_of_trumpcare.html)', '>>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : Right here. This article\'s credibility was impeached as soon as it got the "breitbart" stamp. Next.', '>>{Jkdsh} : Hurr, statesman-owned media say dis bill good so dis bill good. Read into it from a source not owned by someone that works at the White House.', ">>{gt500tr} : Of course the big insurance company would like this plan, they don't have to cover all those poor people who don't want insurance in the first place, or those old people with all those pre-existing conditions.", ">>{Doctor_YOOOU} : Literally everywhere. Some of them showed up to Rep. Issa's town hall today (R-49 CA), you should check it out! No paid protesters there", '>>{SerIllinPayne} : Breitshart giving the best facts as always. They might as well start their own Aryan health insurance company for only the most racially and genetically fit.', '>>{b0redengr} : Propaganda. Dismantling the propaganda outlets that have been hijacked by Russian narratives needs to be a priority once we remove their puppet from the White House.', ">>{muchaschicas} : That's the hilarious part. Trump and his supporters imagine themselves as somehow genetically superior? A casual glance renders their argument utterly bogus.", ">>{introversed} : Gee...Companies who want to deny care rally beyond plan to deny care...who would've thought!", '>>{SerIllinPayne} : Overweight and old baby boomers with the same sense of entitlement that has become a hallmark of that generation: "Fuck you, I got mine"', '>>{farklespanktastic} : How is a tax cut the same as Obamacare?'], [">>{pizzashill} : Except you know, Trump has said he wants to repeal Obamacare. I don't think people realize Obamacare **was the compromise.** The GOP has no replacement, they can not replace Obamacare, they could maybe modify it, but they sure as hell can't replace it.", '>>{dwf1967} : The budget deficit for FY2016 was ~$590 billion...', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Maybe you didn't see the budget resolution the Senate passed tonight.", '>>{The-Autarkh} : I think he is referring to the debt limit that the GOP just covertly raised after giving Obama shit for a limit $10 trillion lower.', '>>{The-Autarkh} : Right. The funny thing would be if they just came out from Medicare for all. That would split the Democratic party and half, and probably make Trump popular.', '>>{bbiggs32} : No. As a dem we would be all for it. Is this a joke? We have been for universal healthcare forever.', '>>{Twojots} : Yeehaw! That definitely seems like the appropriate and reasonable thing to do.', '>>{VROF} : I think the people are ready for Medicare for everyone now', ">>{VROF} : This is an actual ACA debate on social media. Idiots like this are why we can't have nice things http://imgur.com/5dy5LvH", ">>{noahcallaway-wa} : Yea, I'm with u/bbiggs32. As a staunchly left person, and someone _strongly_ opposed to the way the Trump presidency is shaping up, I would happily embrace Medicare for all, and contact my full slate of representatives to encourage it passing.", ">>{noahcallaway-wa} : I think his point was probably a technical one, that 29 trillion dollars is our total debt, and that the budget deficit is much lower. While it's a pedantic point (and wasn't clearly stated), it's super important to keep straight the difference between the debt and the deficit. The deficit is the rate of change of our debt (it's first derivative), and mixing them up is as serious an error as confusing velocity with position.", ">>{The-Autarkh} : What I mean is, substantively, it's the right policy. Overwhelming majority of Dems would support it. But there's a significant fraction who might strongly oppose because it would be Trump. This would create a useful cleavage if he could get most of the GOP behind it. He won't though.", ">>{bbiggs32} : As Bernie said tonight, we need to work with Trump. Yeah, he's a liar, cheapskate and bigot. That said, a single payer system would help America immensely. If he needs to dump the ACA and extend Medicaid to all, we should welcome it with open arms. It's what Obama wanted to do, but couldn't. And fuck Trump (for you guys that think it needs to be said each posting)", ">>{The-Autarkh} : [I don't disagree](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5mygn5/z/dc7sth4) to the extent the compromise policies are actually beneficial themselves--like single payer. I was just considering possibilities for what Trump could do if he wanted to be bold and were not constrained by GOP ideology. No way single-payer will actually happen though. Under Price, who wants to voucherize Medicare? If in doubt, just look at the other people he's surrounded himself with."], ['>>{nirad} : Watch Trump Flat Out Lie About Why His Clothes Are Made In China And Mexico', ">>{archeominus} : His ratings on FactCheck.org, Politifact and Fact Checker are already the lowest in recorded political history. I'm not sure they can go any lower. But Trump is testing the limits of how poorly you can run a political campaign.", ">>{ward0630} : Don't worry citizen, all of those websites are agents of Goldstein. /s", ">>{thumbprick} : no one knows for sure. Perhaps it's in his personality.", ">>{KKK4Trump} : It is odd though, isn't it? I just don't get it.", '>>{Trumpisota} : So hes lying even though hes been saying this for a year on the campaign trail? Maybe you people need to come up with some better copy pasta.', '>>{SadMunkey} : [Cory Lewandowski](https://youtu.be/-jEQBjBUizY) was even baffled by it...', '>>{Trumpisota} : The orlando shooter was put on the watch list for cheering. Muslims did cheer.', ">>{MetroidMuscle} : Trump has also been saying for a long time that **he watched on TV as 1000s of Muslims in NJ cheered the Twin Towers coming down on 9/11. That's also a lie.**", '>>{waiv} : He lies for pointless stupid shit all the time, like the Trump Steaks in his press conference.', '>>{MetroidMuscle} : Everyone who disagrees with me is paid to do so! Boo hoo!', ">>{thefirstandonly} : Trump lies about why his clothes are made in China/Mexico. *Oh well* Trump lies about not being able to release closed-out tax returns from 2011 backward. *Oh well* Trump lies about not making fun of a disable reporter at a campaign rally. *Oh well* Trump lies about being a big supporter of the LGBT community while simultaneously supporting SCOTUS nominations who want to roll back their rights. *Oh well* Trump lies about having been scheduled to be on board a doomed helicopter that crashed and killed business executives. *Oh well* Trump lies/embellishes every single day with regard to his policy platform, what he claims he can accomplish, the personal records of those he disagrees with, his background, winging an entire campaign, etc. *Oh well* Clinton embellishes a Bosnia story on one occasion. *IMPEACH NOW, SHE IS DISQUALIFIED, THIS IS THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER TO COME FROM A POLITICIAN, THIS PROVES SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE ECONOMY OR BE A GOOD COMMANDER IN CHIEF*", '>>{Thongpirate} : He always has to throw in the "Believe me. Believe me!" when he speaks. It\'s insane how people would actually think voting for him is a good idea...oh right, they\'re racists and they finally have a voice.', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Only five people in the world think my god-emperor is a huge retard, everybody else secretly agrees with me! >8)', '>>{NewDonFlow} : They have fact in the name! They must be unbiased I am a great researcher I always Use resources that have fact in the name. No one would name a website "fact" if it wasn\'t objective and unbiased truth! What kinda nut jobs would post biased information thinking they can use fact in their website title and people would just take it as fact?!', '>>{kekulerules} : [Trump\'s support of the Iraq war](https://youtu.be/77P6fxa2KOs) [Cruz\' father](https://youtu.be/9KbWOMpBJYU) the "[Obama investigative team](https://youtu.be/aHhoDvHnkIo)" . Should I mention the [self-funded campaign](http://youtu.be/qjTmUhcRX3I)?'], ['>>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : Lifeproof is hands down the best iPhone case on the market. With exceptional customer service too!', '>>{Dark-N1ghtmar3} : Meh my buddy has a fre on his iPhone 6s and it still cracked the screen with the case on', ">>{Opuz} : I use my lifeproof when I go outside to work/exercise , otherwise I use my smart battery case because they replace it if it's defective same day and gives me all day charge :-).", ">>{kickstand} : Anecdotal report here. I have 4 people in my family, we all use Lifeproof or Catalyst cases for about 2 to 4 years. The Lifeproof and Catalyst cases have both been great at surviving drops and falls, no question. My iPhone5 survived a bike crash in a Lifeproof case; although the case itself was damaged, the iPhone remained in like-new condition. My daughter still uses the iPhone5 (in a new case). I've found that the Lifeproof cases last roughly a year and a half, maybe 2 years if you're lucky, before they start developing cracks in the soft rubber areas and peeling apart. When that happens, you have to buy a new replacement case. Also, I find that unscrewing the headphone jack port is inconvenient, especially if you use the headphones a lot. I have switched to Catalyst case for my iPhone6 and my son's iPhone 5s. The headphone port is a rubber plug; it doesn't screw, you just pull it out. Easy-peasy. On my own Catalyst case, the bottom gasket did wear out after a year or so, but I replaced it for $5 instead of buying a whole new case. The rest of the case is in great shape after about 20 months. The Catalyst case also has a connector to hold a lanyard, which I don't use, but some might find useful. Personally, I find the Lifeproof case to be more attractive than the catalyst (but ultimately I am more concerned about protection than appearance). So my verdict: Lifeproof good, Catalyst better.", ">>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : I don't know how that's possible unless he's doing some uncanny stuff to his phone. I've dropped mine countless times with the fre case on as has my gf. No cracks.", '>>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : Elaborate report, I like it. Will have to check out these catalyst cases once my lifeproof gives out.', ">>{MyPinkyToesCurlUnder} : I agree that they're expensive but with that comes an exceptionally high quality case, excellent customer service and a very good warranty.", ">>{CowCuddX} : I had two Lifeproof cases and the company replaced the first one but after the second one got destroyed, I gave up. When it worked, it was great but clearly not my life proof. I wasn't doing anything extreme with it, rarely if at all, dropped it or anything of the sort. Two failed cases.", '>>{CowCuddX} : At the time I worked in a warehouse so occasionally my phone would fall out of the forklift or when I did deliveries between buildings. I would say the average height it dropped from was about 2-3 feet. Damn shame, the waterproofing was top notch.', '>>{CowCuddX} : Never done that. I did drop it in a pool twice. Second time was when I was involuntarily recruited to check the pool water.']]
classify and reply
[">>{HSmedman} : Trump: If court rules against travel ban, we'll never be safe", '>>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Jill Stein: The Best Way to Boost the Economy Is by Saving the Planet', '>>{TheOrangeGroper} : In other words, "For the love of gawd TURN OFF YOUR WIFI"', '>>{5kPercentSure} : Sounds like someone may have used your phone and downloaded an app using their own Apple ID. But normally just hitting cancel once is enough to just skip redownloading apps that were installed using that Apple ID. In the settings, check Phone, Messages, FaceTime, iTunes and App Store and sign out of or remove the other Apple ID wherever you see it.', ">>{dagwood222} : Simple, if you can't keep us safe then quit. Declare bankruptcy and bail.", ">>{kevie3drinks} : Terrorism happens, it's horrible, tragic, and extremely rare. We don't need a Muslim ban.", '>>{vichistor} : This bracelet lets you feel the touch of someone.', '>>{Liar_tuck} : With a president who is a propaganda tool for terrorists, we will never be safe.', ">>{awad190} : Let's hope it doesn't go nowhere like the [taptap](http://www.taptap.me/).", ">>{Lukaze} : Unfortunately a no go. I do not even know anyone remotely close to the email that is coming up. I do not see it anywhere in settings either. I know if I reset the phone i'll be fine, but I am not in a position where I can lose the data in my backup. I may have to deal with it :( I appreciate your help though.", ">>{Its_a_bad_time} : She's not wrong. We need a viable planet for a viable economy.", '>>{KeepYourFilthyKarma} : Someone is going to put this thing on his dick.', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : We don't want to be safe. We want to be free.", ">>{greg19735} : I mean, sort of. If we got rid of all environmental regulation the economy would improve. But we're willing to sacrifice that for the future. If we didn't use oil, coal, wood or whatever the the last hundred or so years we'd be in a worse position with technology and the economy.", '>>{CrookedRPoliticsMod} : Ready for the Clinton apologists to start throwing smears in 3....2...1....', '>>{5th_Law_of_Robotics} : >If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, He actually thinks he\'s the US. >we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Didn\'t one of those founding father terrorists have a quote about trading liberty for security? I think it applies even when we\'re talking just about the illusion of security as in this case. >Politics! Could you imagine the Republican/foxnews shit-typhoon if Obama ever whined about "politics" like this?', '>>{floatinggrass} : You could just, like, touch the person though.', '>>{VolterianKnight} : That would be great, unfortunately the "getting arrested" part of that plan is not fun at all...', '>>{Ulaven} : “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” - Benjamin Franklin', '>>{5kPercentSure} : Before restoring or erasing the phone, try "Reset All Settings" in Settings > General > Reset. It won\'t erase any data but you\'ll have to reconfigure all your settings.', '>>{floatinggrass} : But not sexy touching, touching touching. I see no logical use for this bracelet', '>>{Celestial_Helix} : My girlfriend and I are currently in a long distance relationship. Something like this would be a nice way to feel connected throughout the day.', '>>{TalkingBackAgain} : For the love of Bob, you. can. not. save. the. planet. The. planet. is. not. in. any. danger. The planet is doing fine. It will always do fine. There is nothing we can do to the planet that will make it worse for the planet. The planet has not cared, does not care and will never care about us. It has seen millions upon millions of species come and go. If we go too, we\'ll just be the next bunch of critters that didn\'t make it. Do not, under any circumstance or pretext, work to save the planet. It is a wholly pointless endeavour. If you -must- use a \'save the...\' scenario: frame it like "Save your own asses, idiots. We\'re fucking dying here!" Because that is the only thing that\'s true.', '>>{dolphins3} : I saw a political cartoon once, wished I\'d saved it, where a man comes face to face with the personification of the Earth, Gaia. He tearfully apologizes for destroying the Earth, and Gaia gently replies to the "poor silly humans" that the Earth can never truly be destroyed, and it will always adapt and just change, etc. etc and it is humans who won\'t carry on. So the man asks "what?" And Gaia, still smiling serenely and hugging the man responds: "You\'re fucking yourselves over and won\'t be missed."', '>>{floatinggrass} : Oh, my bad. I thought you had to touch the bracelet to touch the person wearing it...', ">>{Lukaze} : Good idea - i'll do that :) I was able to cancel the restore, once I found where it was. I did that and doing a new icloud backup now. I'll restore that once done and see if I get the same issue.", '>>{Chiaro22} : ...because of the 0 terrorists from the banned nations that has attacked Americans the last 20 years?', '>>{TalkingBackAgain} : [Here you go, buddy](http://humon.deviantart.com/art/Mother-Gaia-207388674). Point well taken.', '>>{Beezure} : When you made the backup on your 6 , was it jailbroken? did you have any apps not from the app store?', ">>{Fuzzywuzzywazabear} : Well please don't use it late at night. I don't want her bracelet to wake me up.", '>>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : Brand new as in you saw it sealed in the box? If not then there is the possibility that the phone was a return that T-Mobile sold you.', '>>{W0666007} : George Carlin: The planet is fine. PEOPLE are fucked.', '>>{gonzone} : How on earth did that loser and failed President Obama manage such a miracle!?!?', '>>{perry1023} : Is your iTunes on a Mac or PC? I have had this issue in the past. It is more common on a PC. I sold an iPhone that I bought first run, one owner. I unlocked the iPhone and sold it. After I sold it the buyer tripped out and said there was another Apple ID associated with the iPhone. IMPOSSIBLE. Either way he was on a PC. And it was resolved by a reset which. Was strange since the iPhone was brand new and never out of my possession. Ever.', '>>{Lukaze} : yes - sealed. I opened the box w/ the sales guy.', '>>{system_exposure} : Jill Stein vs. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, and Evan McMullin on the issues: * [Jill Stein vs. Donald Trump](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-donald-trump) * [Jill Stein vs. Hillary Clinton](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-hillary-clinton) * [Jill Stein vs. Gary Johsnon](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-gary-johnson) * [Jill Stein vs. Evan McMullin](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-evan-mcmullin) /r/jillstein', '>>{Lukaze} : Not jailbroken - not sure how to even do that.', ">>{Eyes_Tee} : I see this parrots from conservatives a lot and I don't know if they just don't understand how this system works or are feigning ignorance. It's not the court's job to keep America safe. It's their job to make sure the actions of the other two branches are lawful. If America is left unsafe because the court struck down an executive order, then that's not their fault because national security is not their responsibility. That's the president's job. The president has to work within the confines of the Constitution to do it.", '>>{VolterianKnight} : The problem is that someone will not know the difference between sexy touching and touching touching when you do it to a stranger on the bus', '>>{Atalloneder} : You and your partner got these for your anniversary. Unfortunately they died not too long after that. You bury them with it. Months later you feel the bracelet taping your wrist.', ">>{DearCory} : Did you get music from another source??? My niece's pone had that issue... she got music from other people and when she restored her phone it wanted her friends' icloud passwords for permission to their music", '>>{SyntaxisDan} : Reminds me of a watch that guy from the black eyed peas tried to sell...no bad vibes man', ">>{vichistor} : It's not even my project, but what you said is a complete insult to any device. You should mark your comment as NSFW...", '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : If the court upholds the travel ban then no immigrant or religious minority will ever be safe.', ">>{engineer-everything} : This is 99% what it is. If OP downloaded music through torrents it could have the legacy DRM and needs to have the original owner's password. Best bet is to go through the library and check for any tracks not working.", '>>{DeathByPetrichor} : For every advancement in tech, someone will use it for sex', '>>{D0ctorrWatts} : Surely the actions of the judge wouldn\'t make much of a difference if this is only meant to be a 90 day ban, of which ~20 days has already elapsed. The only way the ruling would "*never* make us safe" is if POTUS intends to make the ban permanent', '>>{Techsupportvictim} : There\'s a few different ways that this can happen. The most common that I have seen are: 1. folks downloading music or videos that originally came from iTunes but were from someone else\'s account, like a friends does it for you. A friend sharing an app by signing out of your account signing into their account, downloading it would also do this. This can also include downloading torrent files that have someone else\'s Apple ID tag on them as the original purchaser. 2. Syncing your phone to a computer that is not yours. This can also simply include plugging in your phone to someone else\'s computer to charge it or someone else plugging their phone into yours. If iTunes is up it often goes into sink mode as soon as it detects the device. More often than not this kind of Apple ID "infection" happened a while ago which is why you don\'t remember the email address and was on iOS prior to the whole forced trust/do you want to connect pop up so we have now. This can even include having it happen at your carrier. At one point in time it was not uncommon for carrier shops to have a laptop and do the service of backing up old phones and restoring them to newly purchased phones for customers. This meant that dozens of Apple IDs could get transmitted back-and-forth through the various phones as people were having their information put on the laptop even if the back up was actually removed.', ">>{2coolfordigg} : Trump will never be safe he's going to be a bunker president. The public scares him.", '>>{cmagee79} : At no point will anyone be 100% safe. A travel ban from the countries listed won\'t have the desired effect, and we have a rather robust series of processes to do our best to keep those who might *actually* be dangerous from entering the country. The judicial branch is actually doing what it is intended to do. More harm is done to our relative safety, national security, and strategic interests by acting the fool and by the poorly conceived and thinly-veiled-slice-of-bigotry that is Trump\'s "travel ban". As seems to be the case with nearly all of his initiatives.', ">>{Wiscony} : Trump: I'm not going to ban countries that might actually cause us harm because, hotels. Fixed that headline.", '>>{TehatMeru} : “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” - Patrick Henry', '>>{angry-mustache} : well preferably both. However this action does nothing for, and likely harms our safety while heavily restricting our liberties.', ">>{downvote_breitbart} : Live Free or Die Give me Liberty or Give me Death. I'm tired of these cowardly republicans who are petrified of their shadow. If you aren't ready to die to maintain our freedoms, then get the fuck out.", ">>{Scarlettail} : To be fair, he's not taking away rights of citizens (ideally) but noncitizens who aren't guaranteed rights here.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Trump has been President less than 3 weeks, but he already threatening doom if he doesn't get his way on something.But, as the case with Russia, make a case **why** what you want is important. Why is this travel ban from these 7 nations so damned vital to national security?", '>>{PolanetaryForotdds} : Excuse me, I think you forgot the horrific Bowling Green massacre', ">>{Broadband2014} : Someone With Tiny Hands: If court rules against travel ban, he'll never be safe", ">>{Cottidae} : > He actually thinks he's the US. Or, more worryingly, that the judiciary is *not* the U.S.", '>>{Uncleniles} : Textbook fear mongering from the populist-in-chief, while at the same time preemptively shifting the responsibility for his poorly crafted order onto the courts. But honestly, who would have expected more from Trump?', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Funny, we went all 8 years under Obama without a visa holder terrorist attack.', '>>{stevemegson} : The order only imposes the 90-day ban to allow time to decide which countries should be included in a more permanent ban. > (e) After the 60-day period described in subsection (d) of this section expires, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the President a list of countries recommended for inclusion on a Presidential proclamation that would prohibit the entry of foreign nationals (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas) from countries that do not provide the information requested pursuant to subsection (d) of this section until compliance occurs. That 60-day period starts 30 days into the ban, so it ends at the end of the 90 days. It\'s safe to assume that the affected countries won\'t be in a position to provide the information requested, so "until compliance occurs" might as well be "until further notice".', ">>{IdiotCow} : With President ~~Bannon~~ Trump in the White House, we'll never be safe...", '>>{Checkma7e} : It\'s messed up because now if anything does happen, even the slightest thing by an immigrant, he can blame it on the courts and show he "tried" to stop it. It\'s an interesting strategy. It probably doesn\'t even matter that it\'s simplistic and transparent because the American people won\'t even consider that.', ">>{Shanashy} : We're more in danger from his right-wing Christian extremist nutjob supporters than we are from Muslims.", '>>{bickering_fool} : Trump talks to his dwindling demographic. Not 1 thing he says is for the consumption of the US as a whole.', ">>{fishsticks40} : He wanted 90 days to implement ***EXTREME VETTING***. Presumably that can still happen, so in 90 days won't we be exactly as safe as we would have been?", '>>{LiterallyEvolution} : Not to mention that the terrorist who did attack the US were here legally.', '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : Noncitizens are granted rights under the constitution. The rights of noncitizens have been upheld by the courts since the 19th century.', '>>{hyperiongate} : Never? This was to only be a temporary ban anyway. Did stopping the ban also stop looking into the vetting process? A process which is extreme already.', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : Out attitude toward the second amendment suggests that putting notions of safety ahead of freedom is not an American value. Edit: And honestly, that is how it should be. Living in a free society, we need to err on the side of freedom and avoid the pitfalls of 'safety'.", ">>{gwalms} : I'm sure these people were also upset when the Medicaid expansion was left up to the states.. lol", '>>{jmatsumoto} : Most sane people: "If Trump becomes President, we\'ll never be safe".', '>>{angry-mustache} : The "liberty for security" quote has people thinking that liberty and security are mutually exclusive, or operate on a sliding scale. It\'s not, we can have both. The important distinction is that security is not "control" and too many actions taken in the name of security are actually about control. Security through control is easy, security through methods that do not rely on control is harder.', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : When the action you take in search of safety threatens a 1st amendment right to freedom of worship, I think it's time to step back and think... Isn't thorough vetting enough to ensure safety while not compromising Constitutional values?", '>>{Proton_Driver} : Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better! * Donald Trump', '>>{panzerdarling} : The courts ruling against him are about the only reason I think we might still be safe in the future...', ">>{ShyBiDude89} : But what the fuck does he know? He's dead. He probably died in the Bowling Green Massacure. /s", ">>{butt_nutter} : The section you quoted doesn't restrict the list submitted to the ones temporarily banned. Can the final list be of any countries? Was the play here to get the EO launched with an uncontroversial temporary ban on previously identified trouble states (because Obama identified them) and 90 days later permanently ban more/all Islamic states?", '>>{stevemegson} : In principle it could be any countries. The order gives Homeland Security 90 days to decide on "the information needed from any country to ... determine that the individual seeking the benefit is who the individual claims to be and is not a security or public-safety threat", and then to ask all countries to provide that information. Any that don\'t comply go on the list.', ">>{yokablasta} : Translation: I don't read my daily security briefings, so when the country is attacked, I'll be blaming the judiciary branch.", ">>{Malakyr} : That's because Trump hadn't fucked up international relations yet. He's just trying to protect us from the monumental fuckups he's about to perform.", ">>{xactofork} : So if this one particular executive order is overturned, he's just giving up on his national security agenda? Good to know.", '>>{ToInfinityThenStop} : For 240 years the US has never been safe and it never will. No country has ever been safe.', ">>{OMyBuddha} : Cowards...the Right is filled with 'em. Imagine in the 30's that the Republicans had been in charge instead of FDR (see Bush II Administration for evidence).", ">>{Karrde2100} : Until the fsb sends us operatives posing as Syrian refugees (remember Syria + Russia are besties) who, shielded by the white house, commit a terrorist attack, giving Trump's claim it was the courts fault enough justification for his supporters to overthrow the judiciary...", '>>{TotallyCaffeinated} : I want to be 20% safe and 80% free, personally.', '>>{boundbylife} : > Didn\'t one of those founding father terrorists have a quote about trading liberty for security? You\'re thinking of Ben Franklin, who penned "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." However, the context of that quote is not at all well known. In fact, Franklin was speaking to the Liberty (the rights) of the state (in his case, to levy taxes), and the Safety of its lands. A wealthy landowner had proposed a lump sum to finance a security force for the outlier communities in exchange for Pennsylvania not charging him taxes. Franklin was arguing that the state shouldn\'t give up it\'s right to tax in exchange for temporary security. [The quote doesn\'t mean what you think it means.](https://www.lawfareblog.com/what-ben-franklin-really-said)', ">>{TotallyCaffeinated} : Well there *were* the Boston bombers. They came in originally on tourist visas and applied for asylum later. But they were from Russia (when they applied for their visa), not from any of the nations on Trump's list. I wonder why Trump has never pointed out that the only Muslim-refugee terrorist attack on US soil in the last decade involved Russia? Maybe we should tweet him a reminder to add Russia to the list.", ">>{TodayKindOfSucks} : From a legal standpoint, he is correct as the appellant is the United States of America. But I'm seriously doubting that's where Trump's intent lies.", ">>{rocknrollr77} : If the current people in positions of power associated with Trump remain in any position of power... We'll never be safe", ">>{starguy13} : Shut the fuck up Donnie, you're out of your element", ">>{Cleev} : I'm fairly certain this is the case. The judiciary disagreed with him > the judiciary is his enemy > he is the president of the US > the judiciary is the enemy of the US", '>>{ForWhomTheBoneBones} : She moved on him like a bitch! * Donald Trump', '>>{Skeetzinsheets} : I never knew that! Thanks dude, I learned something today!', ">>{skysterman} : The thing is is that we are never safe- like the world is dangerous, even with a ban there can still be terror attacks, and instead of whining about the judicial system not working for him he should be reevaluating what else he can do to up security if he really thinks it's needed. We aren't entitled to security and safety- it's something that is earned and fought for by our military. We definitely won't be safe and secure when the sitting president is pissing off every major power in the world via phone calls or twitter.", '>>{_Doctor_Teeth_} : Here\'s the scariest part: Another terrorist attack is going to happen eventually. Another home grown lone wolf San Bernadino style attack. And then trump will say "I was right" and use it to justify even more ridiculous policies.', ">>{5th_Law_of_Robotics} : Also even if the ban were in place decades ago it would have had no impact as we aren't being attacked by Visa holders from Iran.", ">>{PublicAccount1234} : And the travel ban will make us 100% safe? Oh, I know...that's just the first step of 100 where you take away rights and privileges. Once you run out of foreigners to piss off, I wonder who'd be next? You know...for safety.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : From Pakistan. Not from any of the "vital terrorism" countries.', ">>{Corn-Tortilla} : That doesn't change the fact that your claim was false.", ">>{Mol-lurker} : So banning valid visa and green card holders (who have already been deemed safe to live in our country) from these 7 nations (that no terrorists have originated from) is so unbelievably critical that we will never be safe again if they can enter the US? He's insane.", '>>{mrshade0420} : As long as Trump is President, we the American people will never be safe is how the headline should be interpreted.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Jill Stein: The Best Way to Boost the Economy Is by Saving the Planet', '>>{TheOrangeGroper} : In other words, "For the love of gawd TURN OFF YOUR WIFI"', ">>{Its_a_bad_time} : She's not wrong. We need a viable planet for a viable economy.", ">>{greg19735} : I mean, sort of. If we got rid of all environmental regulation the economy would improve. But we're willing to sacrifice that for the future. If we didn't use oil, coal, wood or whatever the the last hundred or so years we'd be in a worse position with technology and the economy.", '>>{CrookedRPoliticsMod} : Ready for the Clinton apologists to start throwing smears in 3....2...1....', '>>{TalkingBackAgain} : For the love of Bob, you. can. not. save. the. planet. The. planet. is. not. in. any. danger. The planet is doing fine. It will always do fine. There is nothing we can do to the planet that will make it worse for the planet. The planet has not cared, does not care and will never care about us. It has seen millions upon millions of species come and go. If we go too, we\'ll just be the next bunch of critters that didn\'t make it. Do not, under any circumstance or pretext, work to save the planet. It is a wholly pointless endeavour. If you -must- use a \'save the...\' scenario: frame it like "Save your own asses, idiots. We\'re fucking dying here!" Because that is the only thing that\'s true.', '>>{dolphins3} : I saw a political cartoon once, wished I\'d saved it, where a man comes face to face with the personification of the Earth, Gaia. He tearfully apologizes for destroying the Earth, and Gaia gently replies to the "poor silly humans" that the Earth can never truly be destroyed, and it will always adapt and just change, etc. etc and it is humans who won\'t carry on. So the man asks "what?" And Gaia, still smiling serenely and hugging the man responds: "You\'re fucking yourselves over and won\'t be missed."', '>>{TalkingBackAgain} : [Here you go, buddy](http://humon.deviantart.com/art/Mother-Gaia-207388674). Point well taken.', '>>{W0666007} : George Carlin: The planet is fine. PEOPLE are fucked.', '>>{system_exposure} : Jill Stein vs. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, and Evan McMullin on the issues: * [Jill Stein vs. Donald Trump](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-donald-trump) * [Jill Stein vs. Hillary Clinton](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-hillary-clinton) * [Jill Stein vs. Gary Johsnon](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-gary-johnson) * [Jill Stein vs. Evan McMullin](https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/jill-stein-vs-evan-mcmullin) /r/jillstein'], ['>>{vichistor} : This bracelet lets you feel the touch of someone.', ">>{awad190} : Let's hope it doesn't go nowhere like the [taptap](http://www.taptap.me/).", '>>{KeepYourFilthyKarma} : Someone is going to put this thing on his dick.', '>>{floatinggrass} : You could just, like, touch the person though.', '>>{VolterianKnight} : That would be great, unfortunately the "getting arrested" part of that plan is not fun at all...', '>>{floatinggrass} : But not sexy touching, touching touching. I see no logical use for this bracelet', '>>{Celestial_Helix} : My girlfriend and I are currently in a long distance relationship. Something like this would be a nice way to feel connected throughout the day.', '>>{floatinggrass} : Oh, my bad. I thought you had to touch the bracelet to touch the person wearing it...', ">>{Fuzzywuzzywazabear} : Well please don't use it late at night. I don't want her bracelet to wake me up.", '>>{VolterianKnight} : The problem is that someone will not know the difference between sexy touching and touching touching when you do it to a stranger on the bus', '>>{Atalloneder} : You and your partner got these for your anniversary. Unfortunately they died not too long after that. You bury them with it. Months later you feel the bracelet taping your wrist.', '>>{SyntaxisDan} : Reminds me of a watch that guy from the black eyed peas tried to sell...no bad vibes man', ">>{vichistor} : It's not even my project, but what you said is a complete insult to any device. You should mark your comment as NSFW...", '>>{DeathByPetrichor} : For every advancement in tech, someone will use it for sex'], [">>{HSmedman} : Trump: If court rules against travel ban, we'll never be safe", ">>{dagwood222} : Simple, if you can't keep us safe then quit. Declare bankruptcy and bail.", ">>{kevie3drinks} : Terrorism happens, it's horrible, tragic, and extremely rare. We don't need a Muslim ban.", '>>{Liar_tuck} : With a president who is a propaganda tool for terrorists, we will never be safe.', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : We don't want to be safe. We want to be free.", '>>{5th_Law_of_Robotics} : >If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, He actually thinks he\'s the US. >we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Didn\'t one of those founding father terrorists have a quote about trading liberty for security? I think it applies even when we\'re talking just about the illusion of security as in this case. >Politics! Could you imagine the Republican/foxnews shit-typhoon if Obama ever whined about "politics" like this?', '>>{Ulaven} : “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” - Benjamin Franklin', '>>{Chiaro22} : ...because of the 0 terrorists from the banned nations that has attacked Americans the last 20 years?', '>>{gonzone} : How on earth did that loser and failed President Obama manage such a miracle!?!?', ">>{Eyes_Tee} : I see this parrots from conservatives a lot and I don't know if they just don't understand how this system works or are feigning ignorance. It's not the court's job to keep America safe. It's their job to make sure the actions of the other two branches are lawful. If America is left unsafe because the court struck down an executive order, then that's not their fault because national security is not their responsibility. That's the president's job. The president has to work within the confines of the Constitution to do it.", '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : If the court upholds the travel ban then no immigrant or religious minority will ever be safe.', '>>{D0ctorrWatts} : Surely the actions of the judge wouldn\'t make much of a difference if this is only meant to be a 90 day ban, of which ~20 days has already elapsed. The only way the ruling would "*never* make us safe" is if POTUS intends to make the ban permanent', ">>{2coolfordigg} : Trump will never be safe he's going to be a bunker president. The public scares him.", '>>{cmagee79} : At no point will anyone be 100% safe. A travel ban from the countries listed won\'t have the desired effect, and we have a rather robust series of processes to do our best to keep those who might *actually* be dangerous from entering the country. The judicial branch is actually doing what it is intended to do. More harm is done to our relative safety, national security, and strategic interests by acting the fool and by the poorly conceived and thinly-veiled-slice-of-bigotry that is Trump\'s "travel ban". As seems to be the case with nearly all of his initiatives.', ">>{Wiscony} : Trump: I'm not going to ban countries that might actually cause us harm because, hotels. Fixed that headline.", '>>{TehatMeru} : “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” - Patrick Henry', '>>{angry-mustache} : well preferably both. However this action does nothing for, and likely harms our safety while heavily restricting our liberties.', ">>{downvote_breitbart} : Live Free or Die Give me Liberty or Give me Death. I'm tired of these cowardly republicans who are petrified of their shadow. If you aren't ready to die to maintain our freedoms, then get the fuck out.", ">>{Scarlettail} : To be fair, he's not taking away rights of citizens (ideally) but noncitizens who aren't guaranteed rights here.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Trump has been President less than 3 weeks, but he already threatening doom if he doesn't get his way on something.But, as the case with Russia, make a case **why** what you want is important. Why is this travel ban from these 7 nations so damned vital to national security?", '>>{PolanetaryForotdds} : Excuse me, I think you forgot the horrific Bowling Green massacre', ">>{Broadband2014} : Someone With Tiny Hands: If court rules against travel ban, he'll never be safe", ">>{Cottidae} : > He actually thinks he's the US. Or, more worryingly, that the judiciary is *not* the U.S.", '>>{Uncleniles} : Textbook fear mongering from the populist-in-chief, while at the same time preemptively shifting the responsibility for his poorly crafted order onto the courts. But honestly, who would have expected more from Trump?', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Funny, we went all 8 years under Obama without a visa holder terrorist attack.', '>>{stevemegson} : The order only imposes the 90-day ban to allow time to decide which countries should be included in a more permanent ban. > (e) After the 60-day period described in subsection (d) of this section expires, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the President a list of countries recommended for inclusion on a Presidential proclamation that would prohibit the entry of foreign nationals (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas) from countries that do not provide the information requested pursuant to subsection (d) of this section until compliance occurs. That 60-day period starts 30 days into the ban, so it ends at the end of the 90 days. It\'s safe to assume that the affected countries won\'t be in a position to provide the information requested, so "until compliance occurs" might as well be "until further notice".', ">>{IdiotCow} : With President ~~Bannon~~ Trump in the White House, we'll never be safe...", '>>{Checkma7e} : It\'s messed up because now if anything does happen, even the slightest thing by an immigrant, he can blame it on the courts and show he "tried" to stop it. It\'s an interesting strategy. It probably doesn\'t even matter that it\'s simplistic and transparent because the American people won\'t even consider that.', ">>{Shanashy} : We're more in danger from his right-wing Christian extremist nutjob supporters than we are from Muslims.", '>>{bickering_fool} : Trump talks to his dwindling demographic. Not 1 thing he says is for the consumption of the US as a whole.', ">>{fishsticks40} : He wanted 90 days to implement ***EXTREME VETTING***. Presumably that can still happen, so in 90 days won't we be exactly as safe as we would have been?", '>>{LiterallyEvolution} : Not to mention that the terrorist who did attack the US were here legally.', '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : Noncitizens are granted rights under the constitution. The rights of noncitizens have been upheld by the courts since the 19th century.', '>>{hyperiongate} : Never? This was to only be a temporary ban anyway. Did stopping the ban also stop looking into the vetting process? A process which is extreme already.', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : Out attitude toward the second amendment suggests that putting notions of safety ahead of freedom is not an American value. Edit: And honestly, that is how it should be. Living in a free society, we need to err on the side of freedom and avoid the pitfalls of 'safety'.", ">>{gwalms} : I'm sure these people were also upset when the Medicaid expansion was left up to the states.. lol", '>>{jmatsumoto} : Most sane people: "If Trump becomes President, we\'ll never be safe".', '>>{angry-mustache} : The "liberty for security" quote has people thinking that liberty and security are mutually exclusive, or operate on a sliding scale. It\'s not, we can have both. The important distinction is that security is not "control" and too many actions taken in the name of security are actually about control. Security through control is easy, security through methods that do not rely on control is harder.', ">>{FalstaffsMind} : When the action you take in search of safety threatens a 1st amendment right to freedom of worship, I think it's time to step back and think... Isn't thorough vetting enough to ensure safety while not compromising Constitutional values?", '>>{Proton_Driver} : Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better! * Donald Trump', '>>{panzerdarling} : The courts ruling against him are about the only reason I think we might still be safe in the future...', ">>{ShyBiDude89} : But what the fuck does he know? He's dead. He probably died in the Bowling Green Massacure. /s", ">>{butt_nutter} : The section you quoted doesn't restrict the list submitted to the ones temporarily banned. Can the final list be of any countries? Was the play here to get the EO launched with an uncontroversial temporary ban on previously identified trouble states (because Obama identified them) and 90 days later permanently ban more/all Islamic states?", '>>{stevemegson} : In principle it could be any countries. The order gives Homeland Security 90 days to decide on "the information needed from any country to ... determine that the individual seeking the benefit is who the individual claims to be and is not a security or public-safety threat", and then to ask all countries to provide that information. Any that don\'t comply go on the list.', ">>{yokablasta} : Translation: I don't read my daily security briefings, so when the country is attacked, I'll be blaming the judiciary branch.", ">>{Malakyr} : That's because Trump hadn't fucked up international relations yet. He's just trying to protect us from the monumental fuckups he's about to perform.", ">>{xactofork} : So if this one particular executive order is overturned, he's just giving up on his national security agenda? Good to know.", '>>{ToInfinityThenStop} : For 240 years the US has never been safe and it never will. No country has ever been safe.', ">>{OMyBuddha} : Cowards...the Right is filled with 'em. Imagine in the 30's that the Republicans had been in charge instead of FDR (see Bush II Administration for evidence).", ">>{Karrde2100} : Until the fsb sends us operatives posing as Syrian refugees (remember Syria + Russia are besties) who, shielded by the white house, commit a terrorist attack, giving Trump's claim it was the courts fault enough justification for his supporters to overthrow the judiciary...", '>>{TotallyCaffeinated} : I want to be 20% safe and 80% free, personally.', '>>{boundbylife} : > Didn\'t one of those founding father terrorists have a quote about trading liberty for security? You\'re thinking of Ben Franklin, who penned "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." However, the context of that quote is not at all well known. In fact, Franklin was speaking to the Liberty (the rights) of the state (in his case, to levy taxes), and the Safety of its lands. A wealthy landowner had proposed a lump sum to finance a security force for the outlier communities in exchange for Pennsylvania not charging him taxes. Franklin was arguing that the state shouldn\'t give up it\'s right to tax in exchange for temporary security. [The quote doesn\'t mean what you think it means.](https://www.lawfareblog.com/what-ben-franklin-really-said)', ">>{TotallyCaffeinated} : Well there *were* the Boston bombers. They came in originally on tourist visas and applied for asylum later. But they were from Russia (when they applied for their visa), not from any of the nations on Trump's list. I wonder why Trump has never pointed out that the only Muslim-refugee terrorist attack on US soil in the last decade involved Russia? Maybe we should tweet him a reminder to add Russia to the list.", ">>{TodayKindOfSucks} : From a legal standpoint, he is correct as the appellant is the United States of America. But I'm seriously doubting that's where Trump's intent lies.", ">>{rocknrollr77} : If the current people in positions of power associated with Trump remain in any position of power... We'll never be safe", ">>{starguy13} : Shut the fuck up Donnie, you're out of your element", ">>{Cleev} : I'm fairly certain this is the case. The judiciary disagreed with him > the judiciary is his enemy > he is the president of the US > the judiciary is the enemy of the US", '>>{ForWhomTheBoneBones} : She moved on him like a bitch! * Donald Trump', '>>{Skeetzinsheets} : I never knew that! Thanks dude, I learned something today!', ">>{skysterman} : The thing is is that we are never safe- like the world is dangerous, even with a ban there can still be terror attacks, and instead of whining about the judicial system not working for him he should be reevaluating what else he can do to up security if he really thinks it's needed. We aren't entitled to security and safety- it's something that is earned and fought for by our military. We definitely won't be safe and secure when the sitting president is pissing off every major power in the world via phone calls or twitter.", '>>{_Doctor_Teeth_} : Here\'s the scariest part: Another terrorist attack is going to happen eventually. Another home grown lone wolf San Bernadino style attack. And then trump will say "I was right" and use it to justify even more ridiculous policies.', ">>{5th_Law_of_Robotics} : Also even if the ban were in place decades ago it would have had no impact as we aren't being attacked by Visa holders from Iran.", ">>{PublicAccount1234} : And the travel ban will make us 100% safe? Oh, I know...that's just the first step of 100 where you take away rights and privileges. Once you run out of foreigners to piss off, I wonder who'd be next? You know...for safety.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : From Pakistan. Not from any of the "vital terrorism" countries.', ">>{Corn-Tortilla} : That doesn't change the fact that your claim was false.", ">>{Mol-lurker} : So banning valid visa and green card holders (who have already been deemed safe to live in our country) from these 7 nations (that no terrorists have originated from) is so unbelievably critical that we will never be safe again if they can enter the US? He's insane.", '>>{mrshade0420} : As long as Trump is President, we the American people will never be safe is how the headline should be interpreted.'], ['>>{5kPercentSure} : Sounds like someone may have used your phone and downloaded an app using their own Apple ID. But normally just hitting cancel once is enough to just skip redownloading apps that were installed using that Apple ID. In the settings, check Phone, Messages, FaceTime, iTunes and App Store and sign out of or remove the other Apple ID wherever you see it.', ">>{Lukaze} : Unfortunately a no go. I do not even know anyone remotely close to the email that is coming up. I do not see it anywhere in settings either. I know if I reset the phone i'll be fine, but I am not in a position where I can lose the data in my backup. I may have to deal with it :( I appreciate your help though.", '>>{5kPercentSure} : Before restoring or erasing the phone, try "Reset All Settings" in Settings > General > Reset. It won\'t erase any data but you\'ll have to reconfigure all your settings.', ">>{Lukaze} : Good idea - i'll do that :) I was able to cancel the restore, once I found where it was. I did that and doing a new icloud backup now. I'll restore that once done and see if I get the same issue.", '>>{Beezure} : When you made the backup on your 6 , was it jailbroken? did you have any apps not from the app store?', '>>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : Brand new as in you saw it sealed in the box? If not then there is the possibility that the phone was a return that T-Mobile sold you.', '>>{perry1023} : Is your iTunes on a Mac or PC? I have had this issue in the past. It is more common on a PC. I sold an iPhone that I bought first run, one owner. I unlocked the iPhone and sold it. After I sold it the buyer tripped out and said there was another Apple ID associated with the iPhone. IMPOSSIBLE. Either way he was on a PC. And it was resolved by a reset which. Was strange since the iPhone was brand new and never out of my possession. Ever.', '>>{Lukaze} : yes - sealed. I opened the box w/ the sales guy.', '>>{Lukaze} : Not jailbroken - not sure how to even do that.', ">>{DearCory} : Did you get music from another source??? My niece's pone had that issue... she got music from other people and when she restored her phone it wanted her friends' icloud passwords for permission to their music", ">>{engineer-everything} : This is 99% what it is. If OP downloaded music through torrents it could have the legacy DRM and needs to have the original owner's password. Best bet is to go through the library and check for any tracks not working.", '>>{Techsupportvictim} : There\'s a few different ways that this can happen. The most common that I have seen are: 1. folks downloading music or videos that originally came from iTunes but were from someone else\'s account, like a friends does it for you. A friend sharing an app by signing out of your account signing into their account, downloading it would also do this. This can also include downloading torrent files that have someone else\'s Apple ID tag on them as the original purchaser. 2. Syncing your phone to a computer that is not yours. This can also simply include plugging in your phone to someone else\'s computer to charge it or someone else plugging their phone into yours. If iTunes is up it often goes into sink mode as soon as it detects the device. More often than not this kind of Apple ID "infection" happened a while ago which is why you don\'t remember the email address and was on iOS prior to the whole forced trust/do you want to connect pop up so we have now. This can even include having it happen at your carrier. At one point in time it was not uncommon for carrier shops to have a laptop and do the service of backing up old phones and restoring them to newly purchased phones for customers. This meant that dozens of Apple IDs could get transmitted back-and-forth through the various phones as people were having their information put on the laptop even if the back up was actually removed.']]
classify and reply
['>>{travvvvvvv} : Weird question but, does anyone know of a case that fits like the Apple silicone case after all the silicone has worn off?', '>>{Mikelightman} : I did the same thing. Check out the Ringke [Slim] Lightweight Cover', '>>{gunner940} : Incipio Feather case is pretty great. Have both the silicone and the Incipio and prefer the feather case.', '>>{jdfmcok} : Not exactly the same, but I really like the Diztronic cases.. https://www.amazon.com/iPhone-Diztronic-Matte-Slim-Fit-Flexible/dp/B00NETYY60/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482339352&sr=8-1&keywords=diztronic+iphone+6&refinements=p_89%3ADiztronic', ">>{updraft419} : Peel has thin cases. [Check them out](https://buypeel.com) I had one, but I wasn't a fan of the feel of the case. Just my opinion.", ">>{elislider} : The best phone cases for price, thin, light, protection, and durability (everything really) is a TPU case, for example [something like this](http://www.ebay.com/itm/Super-Clear-TPU-Transparent-Crystal-Case-Cover-For-iPhone-7-Samsung-LG-3-/162325744433?var=&hash=item25cb5e4b31:m:mwmOgCTfpIDZO8SkLgUSKqQ). They are so stupidly simple but they don't stretch, they dont crack, they are soft and springy enough to crumple into a ball and spring back, and dense enough to absorb damage for small to medium drops. ideally you would get one thats edge extends very slightly forward beyond the plane of the screen, so that if you lay/drop it face down it won't hit the screen glass first. There are only 2 issues with cases like this. 1. dirt/grit may tend to get inbetween the phone and the case so occasionally you want to clean it inside (same applies to any phone case though) 2. There's a million variations out there and the pictures are rarely 100% accurate. If you are buying some for $1 on ebay, buy 6 or 7 because some will take 2 months to show up, some will never show up, some will look completely different than the picture", '>>{BitingChaos} : Does it feel like hard plastic? How grippy is that? Any issues with button presses (too stiff).', ">>{ebshipp} : I like [this case](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M1RK1PS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). It's super slim and doesn't really feel like there's a case on the phone.", ">>{Lavaswimmer} : I've been using diztronic cases ever since I had an iPhone. They're really great.", '>>{Jeremiareyes} : Can you post a picture of the case?? Mine have never peeled completely 😳', '>>{travvvvvvv} : This one looks very promising. How far does it wrap around the edge? Can you still feel the curved edge of the glass a little bit?', ">>{travvvvvvv} : I don't recommend peeling it all off. It's nearly impossible to get the last bits where the glue has hardened, and it will almost definitely annoy you enough to drive yourself buy a new case :)", ">>{travvvvvvv} : What didn't you like about it? I have seen those before and I thought it looked a little _too_ thin. If it were cheaper I might get one just to try.", ">>{updraft419} : It was just the feel of the case. I didn't like the material. Felt like new balloons with the powder on it. Just weird to me. Other than that it was great. I think I found a discount by email or something to get mine because it's not the cheapest case to just try.", '>>{gunner940} : It stops where the glass meets the metal, so you can still feel the edge of the glass. It wont provide much protection if you drop it on the face due to lack of lip over the edges, but its sleek and protects the back from scratches, which is all I really care about. edit: added image http://imgur.com/LuRwwrJ']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{travvvvvvv} : Weird question but, does anyone know of a case that fits like the Apple silicone case after all the silicone has worn off?', '>>{Mikelightman} : I did the same thing. Check out the Ringke [Slim] Lightweight Cover', '>>{gunner940} : Incipio Feather case is pretty great. Have both the silicone and the Incipio and prefer the feather case.', '>>{jdfmcok} : Not exactly the same, but I really like the Diztronic cases.. https://www.amazon.com/iPhone-Diztronic-Matte-Slim-Fit-Flexible/dp/B00NETYY60/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482339352&sr=8-1&keywords=diztronic+iphone+6&refinements=p_89%3ADiztronic', ">>{updraft419} : Peel has thin cases. [Check them out](https://buypeel.com) I had one, but I wasn't a fan of the feel of the case. Just my opinion.", ">>{elislider} : The best phone cases for price, thin, light, protection, and durability (everything really) is a TPU case, for example [something like this](http://www.ebay.com/itm/Super-Clear-TPU-Transparent-Crystal-Case-Cover-For-iPhone-7-Samsung-LG-3-/162325744433?var=&hash=item25cb5e4b31:m:mwmOgCTfpIDZO8SkLgUSKqQ). They are so stupidly simple but they don't stretch, they dont crack, they are soft and springy enough to crumple into a ball and spring back, and dense enough to absorb damage for small to medium drops. ideally you would get one thats edge extends very slightly forward beyond the plane of the screen, so that if you lay/drop it face down it won't hit the screen glass first. There are only 2 issues with cases like this. 1. dirt/grit may tend to get inbetween the phone and the case so occasionally you want to clean it inside (same applies to any phone case though) 2. There's a million variations out there and the pictures are rarely 100% accurate. If you are buying some for $1 on ebay, buy 6 or 7 because some will take 2 months to show up, some will never show up, some will look completely different than the picture", '>>{BitingChaos} : Does it feel like hard plastic? How grippy is that? Any issues with button presses (too stiff).', ">>{ebshipp} : I like [this case](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M1RK1PS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). It's super slim and doesn't really feel like there's a case on the phone.", ">>{Lavaswimmer} : I've been using diztronic cases ever since I had an iPhone. They're really great.", '>>{Jeremiareyes} : Can you post a picture of the case?? Mine have never peeled completely 😳', '>>{travvvvvvv} : This one looks very promising. How far does it wrap around the edge? Can you still feel the curved edge of the glass a little bit?', ">>{travvvvvvv} : I don't recommend peeling it all off. It's nearly impossible to get the last bits where the glue has hardened, and it will almost definitely annoy you enough to drive yourself buy a new case :)", ">>{travvvvvvv} : What didn't you like about it? I have seen those before and I thought it looked a little _too_ thin. If it were cheaper I might get one just to try.", ">>{updraft419} : It was just the feel of the case. I didn't like the material. Felt like new balloons with the powder on it. Just weird to me. Other than that it was great. I think I found a discount by email or something to get mine because it's not the cheapest case to just try.", '>>{gunner940} : It stops where the glass meets the metal, so you can still feel the edge of the glass. It wont provide much protection if you drop it on the face due to lack of lip over the edges, but its sleek and protects the back from scratches, which is all I really care about. edit: added image http://imgur.com/LuRwwrJ']]
classify and reply
['>>{ronin_d} : Just got my first iPhone ever today! Recommend me some apps please!', '>>{Ayuhno} : If you banned whining about the same subject over and over again all day, 75% of the users here would be out in a week.', '>>{PaperyWhistle} : That shit would last 0 seconds if he ignored the Judiciary.', ">>{darkfires} : Doing nothing? I wish my Wikipedia page (which doesn't exist) consisted of all the do-gooder stuff hers does at the time of my death.", '>>{drawnred} : Id assume to add exposure to a false point which is also the basis for the title of the article', '>>{drawnred} : Have you seen the way politcians present data? If youre oblivious to the disingenuous tactics they use with word play, presentation, and presumption, then it might be something you would want to look into/consider before you take all data at face value', ">>{UnstableParallel} : Narwhal for Reddit, 1blocker for ad block in safari Sorry that's all I got, I'm also new to iPhone (just moved to a 64GB SE from a OnePlus One)", '>>{amorrowlyday} : False. There is one reason she should have, and if you want to talk about gamesmenship it is fairly relevant: She said she would, and benefited from that say so. When truthiness is a major factor in the game at play, to give your real opposition evidence of reneging is opening a wound to fester.', ">>{ben010783} : I'll give an alternate take that is still hearsay. Hillary is actually very good at more personal events, and tries to mimic Bill's style. But from afar, she comes off as my being authentic. That was one explanation I heard on the news that explains why she does so well even without holding the huge rallies. I think there is some truth to that theory, but I think she also has more high-profile surrogates.", '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : Does that mean slaughtering the Native Americans? Because I can see Trump and Bannon actually discussing that.', '>>{-Ben_Ghazi-} : What we "whine" about is the president of the US, what you whine about is the relative of a presidential candidate. Do you see the failure in the comparison.', ">>{RyanClinton2017} : I hope so, but what could they do about it if he decided to ignore it and the police are on 45's side?", ">>{dschslava} : Very close. It's Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.", ">>{data2dave} : She's a trigger for some of us Bernie people but I am downvoting all this Clinton scandal mongering crap. From right wing websites. They should put Lena Dunham on the same page with Chelsea and some of us will have a stroke!", '>>{hunger_artists_unite} : There appears to be an annoying drip drip from the r/t_d rusted pipe. Every effing time some unreliable-not-news-word-salad that gets posted in t_d it slithers over here.', '>>{trumplord} : He would drop in the polls, markets would lose confidence. Lawyers would protest, which is generally a sign that things are going down the drain.', '>>{Ayuhno} : I am not whining about anything, so save me the canned partisan hack response. Just saying, there is a pretty obvious pattern of behavior around here if you look at many peoples posting history, and that goes for both sides.', ">>{Taylorheat231} : u/mwdw uploads a top apps and games for the week, you should definitely check it out. I've downloaded more than my fair share of apps from those videos. [Link to the most recent post](http://http://reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/4lkvml/5_new_iphone_apps_may_2016_week_4_incl_tldr/)", '>>{Youdontknowjack900} : Civilian uprising is next. I have no qualms about pushing through the idiots who want to stand on the wrong side of history.', '>>{MinisterforFun} : Apparently Hyperlapse is better at taking time lapses than the stock camera app. Better in terms of usability.', ">>{DrTenochtitlan} : Aviary and VSCO for photo filters, text, and editing. Aviary normally makes you pay for filter and feature packages, but if you grab it right now, you can download ALL of their feature packs for free. That's normally like $100 in downloads, so get it while you can! VSCO is more for professional high end filters, whereas Aviary is for adding text, effects, borders, stickers, and more filters (but different from VSCO). Both programs serve different purposes and work well in tandem with each other. For alternative keyboards, get Gboard and Word Flow. Gboard is by Google, and includes a feature that lets you access Google directly from the keyboard, making adding links and content into texts and posts incredibly simple. Word Flow is from Microsoft and has two great features. First, it's a swipe keyboard that's very accurate. Second, it features a one-handed mode that can be very useful, especially with a phone like the 6+ or 6S+.", '>>{PaperyWhistle} : Anyone who went against the judiciary would be held in contempt and the U.S. Marshals would be out enforcing the law.', ">>{doesitannoyou} : Isn't this the same sandroid who didn't even shake the former presidents hand?", ">>{btorchard} : [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/204pu1/whats_your_favourite_app_that_no_one_knows_about/) on /r/AskReddit is a gold mine. I'll personally vouch for SleepCycle and Overcast instead of the podcast app.", ">>{ApocalypseWoodsman} : She shouldn't be a trigger for you. You should be more in control of your emotions than that.", '>>{montydad5000} : Waze, Zenly, Yahoo Weather, Narwhal, Breaking News by Vijay Anand, Evernote, Wunderlist, Dropbox, DayOne, KeepTrax.', ">>{dialup_autism} : No, she just said she's coming out of the woods.", ">>{coffeeandsocks} : Opera VPN to block adds for sure. MinimaList to make to do lists if you're into that sort of thing, and Yummly if you're into cooking.", ">>{Hailtothething} : If you have the vaguest interest in creating music, please download Audiobus while it is free. If you don't need it today. You will eventually need it. It let's you connect a bunch of music apps together really efficiently. Also get VLC! It plays all video files. Appgonefree, is a good way to start your collection. Dayone is a nice place to keep a journal.", '>>{SlantedPictureFrame} : I second the Overcast pick for a podcast app. I would also like to include Castro, which is my podcast app of choice right now.', '>>{SlantedPictureFrame} : Just a few suggestions to get you started. If you listen to podcasts, my top two choices are Overcast and Castro. For Reddit, I would go with Narwhal. For news, I mainly stick to Feedly, but if you want one that is not the norm, give Quartz a shot. Parcel is what I use to keep track of deliveries. Tweetbot is my app of choice for Twitter. Finally, for weather, I recommend Yahoo Weather, though Sunshine is an interesting and great-looking take on a weather app.', '>>{-Ben_Ghazi-} : [This is all I hearing from you] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS7nqwGt4-I)', '>>{gnatyouagain} : IIRC- there was an agreement drawn between the two parties that Bernie would agree to a NH debate if she would agree to CA (and possibly others?) Seems fair to keep your word; particularly within your own party.', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Several key differences stand out to me. First and foremost, Jackson was a smart fucking man. He was his own man, not the person who agrees with whatever the last person he talked to told him. And Jackson was devoted husband, going so far as killing people who insulted his beloved Rachel. And that's just a small sampling of the list.", ">>{JRRTrollkin} : You're missing the point. I'm not arguing for Bill Clinton. I know that he added like 200k blacks into prison and turned it into an industry. I'm arguing against encouraging people to ignore data, despite being cherry picked. People hear that shit on here and they just use it as a get out of jail free card. You should never disregard someone's data unless you have a greater set of data that proves your point is the obvious choice. Do you understand now?", '>>{btorchard} : Never heard of Castro before. What about it do you prefer?', ">>{bdog2g2} : In order to go FULL Andrew he'll need to be in a duel. I like those odds ^^^for ^^^America", '>>{d_mcc_x} : Keep defunding then and see what happens. NYPD already the first to be pissed off at the new budget.', ">>{SlantedPictureFrame} : I know this sounds weird, but because it has less features than others, not to mention it looks awesome and the ability to just slide the bottom play controls to the left or right, makes it very simple to use. However, since Overcast does have a larger feature set, a lot of people prefer Overcast above all else. For me, I just listen to podcasts and that's it, so Castro is perfect for me.", ">>{frys180} : What you conveniently fail to include are the other statistics that he referenced. Also, he said **solely** on economic data. Which means that other statistics weren't taken into Bill's consideration. Nice propaganda job.", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : LOL. He didn't say it was normal. He said that you insisting that settling is tantamount to an admission of guilt is stupid. Which it is.", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : Is there video or a transcript of the conversation? Because asking a debater what the other guy said isn't exactly going to result in unbiased testimony.", '>>{Gscarveguy} : If he\'s going "full Jackson" Bannon could use a good cane whipping!', ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : >Let me rephrase since you are too dense to get it. Or because it's not actually what you said. It's OK to admin when you are wrong.", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : Yes, it's very sad that the people actually care about the outcome of voting and not making symbolic political gestures.", ">>{luciferludee} : Why the fuck do Republicans keep bringing up Chelsea? She's just a random person living her life, talking about shit on Twitter, doing her job. Stop being stupid.", '>>{DeliriousPrecarious} : With out the scale of both of those numbers this comparison is meaningless.', ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Lifetime achievement award. She's in her 30s.", ">>{Ayuhno} : way to take the fight to 'em, soldier", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : Which is why you're talking about the settlement as if it's an admission of guilt. Got it.", ">>{frys180} : Yes. It does. But sometimes, other statistics are needed to justify other statistics. What Bill didn't do was take other statistics into account for his claims. Also happy cake day.", '>>{pdxblazer} : The race ends in the general not at the nomination. Any other candidate does the debate to gain more recognition and spread their message. Hillary is one of the only politicians who does worse the more people see of her.', '>>{daner92} : Nice hot take. Funny you should ask about settling a sexual assault suit because the guy hrc is running against did exactly that http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/exclusive-inside-the-donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuit/ Just a low profile guy named trump. But as you say, he must be guilty then.', ">>{Stennick} : You realize debates weren't even a regular thing until the mid 80's right? Like before that maybe you'd debate, maybe you wouldn't. Most people debate because there are issues between them and they want to plead their case. The differences between them are clear. We live in a 24 hour news cycle and a limitless internet. Anyone and everyone has a way to get their information on these canidates. There is no need for MORE debates, especially when the debates they have had have damn near put me to sleep and aren't pulling in monster ratings. There is no need for a debate other than to give Sanders air time and all it would do is open Hillary or anyone else up to their opponent. Its why Trump refused to debate Cruz and its why Trump won't debate Bernie and its why the GOP said in general that 2012 had too many debates.", '>>{Stennick} : Oh yeah because you\'re punished for going back on your word and not telling the truth in Politics all the time. You\'re saying its best to tell the truth when playing the game and its important to keep you word when playing the game. Was Bush honest in 00 when his brother helped him steal the Presidency. Was Bush honest in 04 when he painted John Kerry as a coward instead of a war hero. Was Reagan honest when he painted Jimmy Carter as weak for having solar energy in the white house? Has Trump been honest about anything? There is negative amounts of correlation in regards to "playing the game" IE: being successful in politics and honesty.', '>>{Stennick} : I would agree it does seem fair and I\'m not disputing that its the fair thing to do. In a perfect world we\'d get a ton of these debates from everyone involved on both sides. But from a strategy point of view it makes little sense. I\'m not talking about merit of honesty or what is "right". I\'m merely pointing out that from a strategy point of view Hillary has nothing to gain from a debate with Sanders. The people that would switch their California vote to her if she performed well are the people that are already going to vote for her because she\'s the nominee. The people that aren\'t going to vote for her wouldn\'t vote for her no matter if she revealed herself as Christ live on air. Hillary needs to hunker down and figure out her Trump problem. Not playing around with a candidate thats losing by all most three times the margin she was in 08. Again from a strategy point of view.', '>>{amorrowlyday} : Nothing before your last 2 points are worth responding to, as they aren\'t relevant to the game being played out right now. The last point is only relevant because it demonstrates that we aren\'t talking about the same thing. I\'m not talking about "playing the game" as in politics in general, I\'m talking about playing the specific game we are facing today. A game drastically changes depending on who the players and officials are and todays officials (voters) aren\'t the same as 4 years ago. As for Trump, Trump doesn\'t need to be honest. He is a demagogue, He is all offense. What is he on the offense about? Political spin. By taking contrarian positions he can force his opponent into a corner and eviscerate them by dragging out their *overt* lies. It\'s hard to do that to trump when he doesn\'t actually stand for anything.', ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : Getting tons of degrees doesn't qualify as a lifetime achievement.", '>>{Stennick} : I don\'t disagree with what you\'re saying about Trump but debating the second place guy is only going to give Trump MORE shit to come after you about. If you don\'t debate Hilary didn\'t keep her word. If you do debate "not even her own party likes her". Lose/lose as I said hunker down. Trump has yet to be pinned in a one on one situation where he\'d have to talk policy, and real politics and he\'s not been held accountable to his record of lies because its been multiple people on stage. He takes his fire for a few minutes and then the topic goes to Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio and RIGHT when they started hammering Trump is when the debates stopped. They had two debates where Trump was gotten after and his poll numbers did drop and Ted Cruz\'s did rise in that time. The debates stopped and Trump\'s numbers went up. So I think the key to beating Trump is to expose him, make him say something dumb. Sure he\'s said dumb things but NONE of this matters. August, September, October thats when people pay attention. Thats when people will remember things. So many campaigns have risen and tanked in the late summer early fall. Clinton went from third place in the general to leading in polls by around July/August. Dukakis fell apart in August in the polls. Reagan got his surge over Carter in the late summer. Romney lost his edge in the late summer over Obama. I believe the reason for this is thats when people pay attention. Debating Sanders in a nothing debate against a guy she\'s already beaten will do her no good. She\'s gonna get attacked either way might as well not risk opening up more lines of attack than needed.', ">>{amorrowlyday} : This wordvomit isn't substantially different from the wordvomit floating around immediately after Secretary Clinton refused to debate, and while I argued against it then I'm not going to now. Now I don't have to. Now It doesn't hold water because Senator Clinton is in the middle of a social/media drubbing that may not be comparable to previous elections. Your word vomit may well be outdated, I'd imagine we'll see more cracks in the next couple weeks.", '>>{Stennick} : I appreciate you insulting me instead of having a rationale discussion. Although I\'m not sure how you could argue that debating Sanders is GOOD from a strategy point of view. What does Hillary gain from it? You have people that will watch it and if she reveals herself as Christ they STILL won\'t vote for her. And you have people that watch it an no matter what they will vote for whoever the democratic nominee is in November. She\'s not going to gain support no matter what. If she doesn\'t debate Trump can\'t say too much since he just REFUSED to debate Bernie and went back on his word to do so as well. Even if he does say something its not like there is a large national outcry for the Sanders/Clinton debate so nobody is going to really care. The campaign is over, Hillary won, who cares? Thats the general sentiment among the majority of voters. If she DOES debate she goes from being attacked for going against her word to being attacked on anything and everything she says. Its one area being attacked in versus an infinite amount. From a strategic point of view a debate only helps Sanders. Which is fine if your standpoint is "I want my guy to win as much as he can so I want her to give him that chance". But other than that it doesn\'t make sense.', ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : It's just usually an end-of-career sort of thing. You know, after a *lifetime* of achievement. But I guess the super-privileged can get early consideration, eh?", ">>{h00dpussy} : The cynic in me just makes me think he does it for PR. If you imagine everything the Clinton do as calculated then it becomes a pretty awful image. Even when he courted the black vote back in the day to get elected just to push policies that don't really favour the race (but because he is America's first honorary black president it's all good) and feeds into the more radical white sentiments. He also took the hands on approach then as well.", ">>{amorrowlyday} : See, this content, while basically the same, is much more interesting because of how you formulated it. >What does Hillary gain from it? She shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place. The panicked moment that caused her to barter was fleeting, but she followed it. **That** is when she gained. Following through now and having the debate would be more akin to follow-up care ensuring that *her integrity* is not an issue, when as we both agree her opponent has none. Being able to say: I followed through on my word *is* something to be gained, and optically something the Clinton campaign *needs and has needed*. >If she doesn't debate Trump can't say too much since he just REFUSED to debate Bernie and went back on his word to do so as well. All of which happened *after* she refused to debate Senator Sanders in the first place. In fact Were I a tin-foil hatter I might be inclined to suggest that he did so explicitly to take the heat off clinton. Obviously it's just disagreement within Trumps ranks, but the conspiracy is tantalizing, *and that's not good*. Right now the *last* thing Secretary Clinton wants to be doing is tacting the same wing as Donald trump. I don't know about you but I wouldn't support someone who presumes that raw skill is enough to take down the opposition even if it is trump. >If she DOES debate... She *shouldn't* debate at this point. It doesn't seem outrageous to suggest that waffling is seen as worse than reneging, which I grant is a problem. Furthermore, your very premise is disingenuous because it asks about debating *now* after the Trump fiasco. Since you like if's: IF Trump hadn't dropped out then the answer to your question is: It prevents Trump from having an opportunity to debate. Trump would probably get trounced by either one, *but what if he didn't* That possibility alone should have been enough to agree to a debate. By not doing so Senator Clinton looks weak at the game she has chased after her whole life, and I think that is a greater net loss. (I'm using your definition of game here)", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Because she's done more than people with raging hemroids will do in their entire lifetime.", '>>{Stennick} : See I just can\'t get behind gaining "I kept my word". Would it be a nice little story? Sure but its not going to sway people into thinking she\'s honest so the gains from "I kept my word" would be incremental at best. And again DOING it would open her up to any number of possible attacks. Anytime anyone speaks "live" to an audience full of people fielding unexpected questions words get twisted, tongues get tied. Its happened to Romney (Binders and Binders of Women, 47%), etc. Its even happened to Sanders a few times when he wasn\'t prepared to answer how he was going to achieve any number of stump items. Lord knows its happened to Trump. It happens to every politician and look no farther than Romney. The minute that " binders and blinders of women" become a meme he went from being neck and neck and winning in a lot of polls to his campaign dropping like a rock. So opening herself up to that possibility when she has nothing to gain from it but minuscule bump in her honesty perception isn\'t worth it. The reward is she kept her word to Senator Sanders and debated him when it didn\'t matter. That reward would get her most likely an unnoticable tick in the favorable or honesty column. The risk is she says something stupid on purpose or accidentally and it completely tanks her campaign. I wouldn\'t exactly call it waffling. To me what Donald did was "waffling" will I, won\'t I, I will, I won\'t, etc. Hillary said she would debate him in Cali and is now as far as I can tell ignoring it or making excuses why. Its not really back and forth though. If she doesn\'t debate Trump THEN she looks weak but can you give me one example of a debate between inner party candidates when the lead was this far this late in the primary? I don\'t think one exists. I\'m asking not telling because maybe you can give me an example of a time to Dems or two GOP debated with a delegate margin this wide this late in the game. So I don\'t think the overall general public gives a shit. Nobody is going to say " oh she wouldn\'t debate Sanders for a fifth, six, seventh time (whatever the number is) after she said she would she\'s weak". I think most people will look at this and say "who cares whats the point". Now if she didn\'t debate Trump at all in the general or if the lead was MUCH closer and Bernie had a shot and she refused to debate THEN it would be looked upon as weak. Just my opinion I guess we\'ll see how it plays out. I still think Trump is easily beaten and can be easily exposed in debates especially if they follow through with the three debate format that happens most of the time. Now that being said Hillary\'s stock has plummeted which is strange because nothing NEW has really came out about her. All this shit people are talking about now was there a year ago. Yet I remember when she came out of that first Bengazi hearing people were praising her for holding her own and standing up to the GOP. Politics are fun and weird and fascinating and crazy :)', '>>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Must be nice to be born into wealth and power, huh? Can spend your life doing "meaningful" work rather than being consigned to wage slavery and powerlessness.', ">>{professorrumham} : But she's a Clinton and highly intelligent so ya know. Lock her up......for some reason.", '>>{McKnotz} : And anyone else think bill might be getting a little long in the tooth because his wife has castrated him. I dont think i consider him a man anymore, there is just a shell left of him.', ">>{OrthodoxAtheist} : No. You never settle a rape allegation, especially if you're a public figure. You fight that to the end even if you go broke in the process, until your name is cleared. That is if you are innocent. Michael Jackson is the perfect example. He was never proven to be guilty, but the overwhelming belief now is that he was guilty, because of the settlements. Innocent until proven guilty comes with an asterisk in this day and age - *or until you settle lawsuits. I'd rather live on the street and eat from trash bins than be labelled a criminal for crimes I didn't commit for the rest of my life.", ">>{Teddy2011} : One is a meaningless award and the other is an unqualified person being granted access to classified information with no oversight and no justification. So, nah let's not agree on that.", ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : I'm not saying she doesn't deserve respect for her education, but a lifetime achievement award should be awarded to scientists who worked on cancer or famous artists in their '70s, not someone with just a lot of education.", ">>{david531990} : >ou never settle a rape allegation, especially if you're a public figure. You do because people will find you guilty as soon as word goes out and no matter if you win the lawsuit, you are already guilty on their minds. It's better to settle ASAP and sweep it undre the rug.", ">>{kiarra33} : Would you want to be Bill and Hillary's kid? It's not all perks i'm sure", '>>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Yeah, not a fan of bourgeoisie princesses. Sorry.', ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Won't someone think of the poor rich girl? Her life must be *so* hard! I'll bet she *constantly* worries about having enough money to cover rent, or being able to get time off of work to take care of her aging parents, or affording childcare, or paying off her student debt.", ">>{OrthodoxAtheist} : So a good way to extort you is just to claim your raped someone? Noted. There are too many frivolous claims for me to consider someone guilty upon accusation. At most I'd add a little more caution.", '>>{Cenbe2} : Ivanka. And can I just say what a stupid name that is.', '>>{Cenbe2} : So tell that to the people who awarded her.', ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Yeah sorry, these people need to be called out as the economic parasites they are. In ordinary-people-land, no child deserves to be judged based upon their parents' behavior. But once a person is an adult receiving benefits from their parents' disproportionate wealth and power, I think it is fair to level some criticism their way. The system is broken; America was not meant to have a heriditary privileged class. The normal cycling of the elites has stagnated; Boomers pulled the ladder up after them.", '>>{Cenbe2} : It has everything to do with the story posted.', '>>{david531990} : >So a good way to extort you is just to claim your raped someone? This happens way often tho, not to me obviously, but to lots of people.', '>>{kiarra33} : I love the name Ivanka! Well Chelsea is constantly embarrassed by her parents and probably bullied all the time. I think it would be better to be Ivanka but would hate to have Trump as a father', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : But then you also have to deal with Donald as a lover. *cringe*', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I would love to be. But no, I'm just a normal American who isn't consumed with irrational hatred. Sorry to hear about you. Hope you feel better!", ">>{Cenbe2} : Read more. It's a big, complicated world."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ronin_d} : Just got my first iPhone ever today! Recommend me some apps please!', ">>{UnstableParallel} : Narwhal for Reddit, 1blocker for ad block in safari Sorry that's all I got, I'm also new to iPhone (just moved to a 64GB SE from a OnePlus One)", ">>{Taylorheat231} : u/mwdw uploads a top apps and games for the week, you should definitely check it out. I've downloaded more than my fair share of apps from those videos. [Link to the most recent post](http://http://reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/4lkvml/5_new_iphone_apps_may_2016_week_4_incl_tldr/)", '>>{MinisterforFun} : Apparently Hyperlapse is better at taking time lapses than the stock camera app. Better in terms of usability.', ">>{DrTenochtitlan} : Aviary and VSCO for photo filters, text, and editing. Aviary normally makes you pay for filter and feature packages, but if you grab it right now, you can download ALL of their feature packs for free. That's normally like $100 in downloads, so get it while you can! VSCO is more for professional high end filters, whereas Aviary is for adding text, effects, borders, stickers, and more filters (but different from VSCO). Both programs serve different purposes and work well in tandem with each other. For alternative keyboards, get Gboard and Word Flow. Gboard is by Google, and includes a feature that lets you access Google directly from the keyboard, making adding links and content into texts and posts incredibly simple. Word Flow is from Microsoft and has two great features. First, it's a swipe keyboard that's very accurate. Second, it features a one-handed mode that can be very useful, especially with a phone like the 6+ or 6S+.", ">>{btorchard} : [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/204pu1/whats_your_favourite_app_that_no_one_knows_about/) on /r/AskReddit is a gold mine. I'll personally vouch for SleepCycle and Overcast instead of the podcast app.", '>>{montydad5000} : Waze, Zenly, Yahoo Weather, Narwhal, Breaking News by Vijay Anand, Evernote, Wunderlist, Dropbox, DayOne, KeepTrax.', ">>{coffeeandsocks} : Opera VPN to block adds for sure. MinimaList to make to do lists if you're into that sort of thing, and Yummly if you're into cooking.", ">>{Hailtothething} : If you have the vaguest interest in creating music, please download Audiobus while it is free. If you don't need it today. You will eventually need it. It let's you connect a bunch of music apps together really efficiently. Also get VLC! It plays all video files. Appgonefree, is a good way to start your collection. Dayone is a nice place to keep a journal.", '>>{SlantedPictureFrame} : I second the Overcast pick for a podcast app. I would also like to include Castro, which is my podcast app of choice right now.', '>>{SlantedPictureFrame} : Just a few suggestions to get you started. If you listen to podcasts, my top two choices are Overcast and Castro. For Reddit, I would go with Narwhal. For news, I mainly stick to Feedly, but if you want one that is not the norm, give Quartz a shot. Parcel is what I use to keep track of deliveries. Tweetbot is my app of choice for Twitter. Finally, for weather, I recommend Yahoo Weather, though Sunshine is an interesting and great-looking take on a weather app.', '>>{btorchard} : Never heard of Castro before. What about it do you prefer?', ">>{SlantedPictureFrame} : I know this sounds weird, but because it has less features than others, not to mention it looks awesome and the ability to just slide the bottom play controls to the left or right, makes it very simple to use. However, since Overcast does have a larger feature set, a lot of people prefer Overcast above all else. For me, I just listen to podcasts and that's it, so Castro is perfect for me."], ['>>{Ayuhno} : If you banned whining about the same subject over and over again all day, 75% of the users here would be out in a week.', ">>{darkfires} : Doing nothing? I wish my Wikipedia page (which doesn't exist) consisted of all the do-gooder stuff hers does at the time of my death.", '>>{-Ben_Ghazi-} : What we "whine" about is the president of the US, what you whine about is the relative of a presidential candidate. Do you see the failure in the comparison.', ">>{data2dave} : She's a trigger for some of us Bernie people but I am downvoting all this Clinton scandal mongering crap. From right wing websites. They should put Lena Dunham on the same page with Chelsea and some of us will have a stroke!", '>>{hunger_artists_unite} : There appears to be an annoying drip drip from the r/t_d rusted pipe. Every effing time some unreliable-not-news-word-salad that gets posted in t_d it slithers over here.', '>>{Ayuhno} : I am not whining about anything, so save me the canned partisan hack response. Just saying, there is a pretty obvious pattern of behavior around here if you look at many peoples posting history, and that goes for both sides.', ">>{ApocalypseWoodsman} : She shouldn't be a trigger for you. You should be more in control of your emotions than that.", ">>{dialup_autism} : No, she just said she's coming out of the woods.", '>>{-Ben_Ghazi-} : [This is all I hearing from you] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS7nqwGt4-I)', ">>{luciferludee} : Why the fuck do Republicans keep bringing up Chelsea? She's just a random person living her life, talking about shit on Twitter, doing her job. Stop being stupid.", ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Lifetime achievement award. She's in her 30s.", ">>{Ayuhno} : way to take the fight to 'em, soldier", ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : Getting tons of degrees doesn't qualify as a lifetime achievement.", ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : It's just usually an end-of-career sort of thing. You know, after a *lifetime* of achievement. But I guess the super-privileged can get early consideration, eh?", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Because she's done more than people with raging hemroids will do in their entire lifetime.", '>>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Must be nice to be born into wealth and power, huh? Can spend your life doing "meaningful" work rather than being consigned to wage slavery and powerlessness.', ">>{professorrumham} : But she's a Clinton and highly intelligent so ya know. Lock her up......for some reason.", ">>{Teddy2011} : One is a meaningless award and the other is an unqualified person being granted access to classified information with no oversight and no justification. So, nah let's not agree on that.", ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : I'm not saying she doesn't deserve respect for her education, but a lifetime achievement award should be awarded to scientists who worked on cancer or famous artists in their '70s, not someone with just a lot of education.", ">>{kiarra33} : Would you want to be Bill and Hillary's kid? It's not all perks i'm sure", '>>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Yeah, not a fan of bourgeoisie princesses. Sorry.', ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Won't someone think of the poor rich girl? Her life must be *so* hard! I'll bet she *constantly* worries about having enough money to cover rent, or being able to get time off of work to take care of her aging parents, or affording childcare, or paying off her student debt.", '>>{Cenbe2} : Ivanka. And can I just say what a stupid name that is.', '>>{Cenbe2} : So tell that to the people who awarded her.', ">>{FALGSC_IN_MY_ASSROID} : Yeah sorry, these people need to be called out as the economic parasites they are. In ordinary-people-land, no child deserves to be judged based upon their parents' behavior. But once a person is an adult receiving benefits from their parents' disproportionate wealth and power, I think it is fair to level some criticism their way. The system is broken; America was not meant to have a heriditary privileged class. The normal cycling of the elites has stagnated; Boomers pulled the ladder up after them.", '>>{Cenbe2} : It has everything to do with the story posted.', '>>{kiarra33} : I love the name Ivanka! Well Chelsea is constantly embarrassed by her parents and probably bullied all the time. I think it would be better to be Ivanka but would hate to have Trump as a father', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : But then you also have to deal with Donald as a lover. *cringe*', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I would love to be. But no, I'm just a normal American who isn't consumed with irrational hatred. Sorry to hear about you. Hope you feel better!", ">>{Cenbe2} : Read more. It's a big, complicated world."], ['>>{PaperyWhistle} : That shit would last 0 seconds if he ignored the Judiciary.', '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : Does that mean slaughtering the Native Americans? Because I can see Trump and Bannon actually discussing that.', ">>{RyanClinton2017} : I hope so, but what could they do about it if he decided to ignore it and the police are on 45's side?", '>>{trumplord} : He would drop in the polls, markets would lose confidence. Lawyers would protest, which is generally a sign that things are going down the drain.', '>>{Youdontknowjack900} : Civilian uprising is next. I have no qualms about pushing through the idiots who want to stand on the wrong side of history.', '>>{PaperyWhistle} : Anyone who went against the judiciary would be held in contempt and the U.S. Marshals would be out enforcing the law.', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Several key differences stand out to me. First and foremost, Jackson was a smart fucking man. He was his own man, not the person who agrees with whatever the last person he talked to told him. And Jackson was devoted husband, going so far as killing people who insulted his beloved Rachel. And that's just a small sampling of the list.", ">>{bdog2g2} : In order to go FULL Andrew he'll need to be in a duel. I like those odds ^^^for ^^^America", '>>{d_mcc_x} : Keep defunding then and see what happens. NYPD already the first to be pissed off at the new budget.', '>>{Gscarveguy} : If he\'s going "full Jackson" Bannon could use a good cane whipping!'], ['>>{drawnred} : Id assume to add exposure to a false point which is also the basis for the title of the article', '>>{drawnred} : Have you seen the way politcians present data? If youre oblivious to the disingenuous tactics they use with word play, presentation, and presumption, then it might be something you would want to look into/consider before you take all data at face value', '>>{amorrowlyday} : False. There is one reason she should have, and if you want to talk about gamesmenship it is fairly relevant: She said she would, and benefited from that say so. When truthiness is a major factor in the game at play, to give your real opposition evidence of reneging is opening a wound to fester.', ">>{ben010783} : I'll give an alternate take that is still hearsay. Hillary is actually very good at more personal events, and tries to mimic Bill's style. But from afar, she comes off as my being authentic. That was one explanation I heard on the news that explains why she does so well even without holding the huge rallies. I think there is some truth to that theory, but I think she also has more high-profile surrogates.", ">>{dschslava} : Very close. It's Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.", ">>{doesitannoyou} : Isn't this the same sandroid who didn't even shake the former presidents hand?", '>>{gnatyouagain} : IIRC- there was an agreement drawn between the two parties that Bernie would agree to a NH debate if she would agree to CA (and possibly others?) Seems fair to keep your word; particularly within your own party.', ">>{JRRTrollkin} : You're missing the point. I'm not arguing for Bill Clinton. I know that he added like 200k blacks into prison and turned it into an industry. I'm arguing against encouraging people to ignore data, despite being cherry picked. People hear that shit on here and they just use it as a get out of jail free card. You should never disregard someone's data unless you have a greater set of data that proves your point is the obvious choice. Do you understand now?", ">>{frys180} : What you conveniently fail to include are the other statistics that he referenced. Also, he said **solely** on economic data. Which means that other statistics weren't taken into Bill's consideration. Nice propaganda job.", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : LOL. He didn't say it was normal. He said that you insisting that settling is tantamount to an admission of guilt is stupid. Which it is.", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : Is there video or a transcript of the conversation? Because asking a debater what the other guy said isn't exactly going to result in unbiased testimony.", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : >Let me rephrase since you are too dense to get it. Or because it's not actually what you said. It's OK to admin when you are wrong.", ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : Yes, it's very sad that the people actually care about the outcome of voting and not making symbolic political gestures.", '>>{DeliriousPrecarious} : With out the scale of both of those numbers this comparison is meaningless.', ">>{DeliriousPrecarious} : Which is why you're talking about the settlement as if it's an admission of guilt. Got it.", ">>{frys180} : Yes. It does. But sometimes, other statistics are needed to justify other statistics. What Bill didn't do was take other statistics into account for his claims. Also happy cake day.", '>>{pdxblazer} : The race ends in the general not at the nomination. Any other candidate does the debate to gain more recognition and spread their message. Hillary is one of the only politicians who does worse the more people see of her.', '>>{daner92} : Nice hot take. Funny you should ask about settling a sexual assault suit because the guy hrc is running against did exactly that http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/exclusive-inside-the-donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuit/ Just a low profile guy named trump. But as you say, he must be guilty then.', ">>{Stennick} : You realize debates weren't even a regular thing until the mid 80's right? Like before that maybe you'd debate, maybe you wouldn't. Most people debate because there are issues between them and they want to plead their case. The differences between them are clear. We live in a 24 hour news cycle and a limitless internet. Anyone and everyone has a way to get their information on these canidates. There is no need for MORE debates, especially when the debates they have had have damn near put me to sleep and aren't pulling in monster ratings. There is no need for a debate other than to give Sanders air time and all it would do is open Hillary or anyone else up to their opponent. Its why Trump refused to debate Cruz and its why Trump won't debate Bernie and its why the GOP said in general that 2012 had too many debates.", '>>{Stennick} : Oh yeah because you\'re punished for going back on your word and not telling the truth in Politics all the time. You\'re saying its best to tell the truth when playing the game and its important to keep you word when playing the game. Was Bush honest in 00 when his brother helped him steal the Presidency. Was Bush honest in 04 when he painted John Kerry as a coward instead of a war hero. Was Reagan honest when he painted Jimmy Carter as weak for having solar energy in the white house? Has Trump been honest about anything? There is negative amounts of correlation in regards to "playing the game" IE: being successful in politics and honesty.', '>>{Stennick} : I would agree it does seem fair and I\'m not disputing that its the fair thing to do. In a perfect world we\'d get a ton of these debates from everyone involved on both sides. But from a strategy point of view it makes little sense. I\'m not talking about merit of honesty or what is "right". I\'m merely pointing out that from a strategy point of view Hillary has nothing to gain from a debate with Sanders. The people that would switch their California vote to her if she performed well are the people that are already going to vote for her because she\'s the nominee. The people that aren\'t going to vote for her wouldn\'t vote for her no matter if she revealed herself as Christ live on air. Hillary needs to hunker down and figure out her Trump problem. Not playing around with a candidate thats losing by all most three times the margin she was in 08. Again from a strategy point of view.', '>>{amorrowlyday} : Nothing before your last 2 points are worth responding to, as they aren\'t relevant to the game being played out right now. The last point is only relevant because it demonstrates that we aren\'t talking about the same thing. I\'m not talking about "playing the game" as in politics in general, I\'m talking about playing the specific game we are facing today. A game drastically changes depending on who the players and officials are and todays officials (voters) aren\'t the same as 4 years ago. As for Trump, Trump doesn\'t need to be honest. He is a demagogue, He is all offense. What is he on the offense about? Political spin. By taking contrarian positions he can force his opponent into a corner and eviscerate them by dragging out their *overt* lies. It\'s hard to do that to trump when he doesn\'t actually stand for anything.', '>>{Stennick} : I don\'t disagree with what you\'re saying about Trump but debating the second place guy is only going to give Trump MORE shit to come after you about. If you don\'t debate Hilary didn\'t keep her word. If you do debate "not even her own party likes her". Lose/lose as I said hunker down. Trump has yet to be pinned in a one on one situation where he\'d have to talk policy, and real politics and he\'s not been held accountable to his record of lies because its been multiple people on stage. He takes his fire for a few minutes and then the topic goes to Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio and RIGHT when they started hammering Trump is when the debates stopped. They had two debates where Trump was gotten after and his poll numbers did drop and Ted Cruz\'s did rise in that time. The debates stopped and Trump\'s numbers went up. So I think the key to beating Trump is to expose him, make him say something dumb. Sure he\'s said dumb things but NONE of this matters. August, September, October thats when people pay attention. Thats when people will remember things. So many campaigns have risen and tanked in the late summer early fall. Clinton went from third place in the general to leading in polls by around July/August. Dukakis fell apart in August in the polls. Reagan got his surge over Carter in the late summer. Romney lost his edge in the late summer over Obama. I believe the reason for this is thats when people pay attention. Debating Sanders in a nothing debate against a guy she\'s already beaten will do her no good. She\'s gonna get attacked either way might as well not risk opening up more lines of attack than needed.', ">>{amorrowlyday} : This wordvomit isn't substantially different from the wordvomit floating around immediately after Secretary Clinton refused to debate, and while I argued against it then I'm not going to now. Now I don't have to. Now It doesn't hold water because Senator Clinton is in the middle of a social/media drubbing that may not be comparable to previous elections. Your word vomit may well be outdated, I'd imagine we'll see more cracks in the next couple weeks.", '>>{Stennick} : I appreciate you insulting me instead of having a rationale discussion. Although I\'m not sure how you could argue that debating Sanders is GOOD from a strategy point of view. What does Hillary gain from it? You have people that will watch it and if she reveals herself as Christ they STILL won\'t vote for her. And you have people that watch it an no matter what they will vote for whoever the democratic nominee is in November. She\'s not going to gain support no matter what. If she doesn\'t debate Trump can\'t say too much since he just REFUSED to debate Bernie and went back on his word to do so as well. Even if he does say something its not like there is a large national outcry for the Sanders/Clinton debate so nobody is going to really care. The campaign is over, Hillary won, who cares? Thats the general sentiment among the majority of voters. If she DOES debate she goes from being attacked for going against her word to being attacked on anything and everything she says. Its one area being attacked in versus an infinite amount. From a strategic point of view a debate only helps Sanders. Which is fine if your standpoint is "I want my guy to win as much as he can so I want her to give him that chance". But other than that it doesn\'t make sense.', ">>{h00dpussy} : The cynic in me just makes me think he does it for PR. If you imagine everything the Clinton do as calculated then it becomes a pretty awful image. Even when he courted the black vote back in the day to get elected just to push policies that don't really favour the race (but because he is America's first honorary black president it's all good) and feeds into the more radical white sentiments. He also took the hands on approach then as well.", ">>{amorrowlyday} : See, this content, while basically the same, is much more interesting because of how you formulated it. >What does Hillary gain from it? She shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place. The panicked moment that caused her to barter was fleeting, but she followed it. **That** is when she gained. Following through now and having the debate would be more akin to follow-up care ensuring that *her integrity* is not an issue, when as we both agree her opponent has none. Being able to say: I followed through on my word *is* something to be gained, and optically something the Clinton campaign *needs and has needed*. >If she doesn't debate Trump can't say too much since he just REFUSED to debate Bernie and went back on his word to do so as well. All of which happened *after* she refused to debate Senator Sanders in the first place. In fact Were I a tin-foil hatter I might be inclined to suggest that he did so explicitly to take the heat off clinton. Obviously it's just disagreement within Trumps ranks, but the conspiracy is tantalizing, *and that's not good*. Right now the *last* thing Secretary Clinton wants to be doing is tacting the same wing as Donald trump. I don't know about you but I wouldn't support someone who presumes that raw skill is enough to take down the opposition even if it is trump. >If she DOES debate... She *shouldn't* debate at this point. It doesn't seem outrageous to suggest that waffling is seen as worse than reneging, which I grant is a problem. Furthermore, your very premise is disingenuous because it asks about debating *now* after the Trump fiasco. Since you like if's: IF Trump hadn't dropped out then the answer to your question is: It prevents Trump from having an opportunity to debate. Trump would probably get trounced by either one, *but what if he didn't* That possibility alone should have been enough to agree to a debate. By not doing so Senator Clinton looks weak at the game she has chased after her whole life, and I think that is a greater net loss. (I'm using your definition of game here)", '>>{Stennick} : See I just can\'t get behind gaining "I kept my word". Would it be a nice little story? Sure but its not going to sway people into thinking she\'s honest so the gains from "I kept my word" would be incremental at best. And again DOING it would open her up to any number of possible attacks. Anytime anyone speaks "live" to an audience full of people fielding unexpected questions words get twisted, tongues get tied. Its happened to Romney (Binders and Binders of Women, 47%), etc. Its even happened to Sanders a few times when he wasn\'t prepared to answer how he was going to achieve any number of stump items. Lord knows its happened to Trump. It happens to every politician and look no farther than Romney. The minute that " binders and blinders of women" become a meme he went from being neck and neck and winning in a lot of polls to his campaign dropping like a rock. So opening herself up to that possibility when she has nothing to gain from it but minuscule bump in her honesty perception isn\'t worth it. The reward is she kept her word to Senator Sanders and debated him when it didn\'t matter. That reward would get her most likely an unnoticable tick in the favorable or honesty column. The risk is she says something stupid on purpose or accidentally and it completely tanks her campaign. I wouldn\'t exactly call it waffling. To me what Donald did was "waffling" will I, won\'t I, I will, I won\'t, etc. Hillary said she would debate him in Cali and is now as far as I can tell ignoring it or making excuses why. Its not really back and forth though. If she doesn\'t debate Trump THEN she looks weak but can you give me one example of a debate between inner party candidates when the lead was this far this late in the primary? I don\'t think one exists. I\'m asking not telling because maybe you can give me an example of a time to Dems or two GOP debated with a delegate margin this wide this late in the game. So I don\'t think the overall general public gives a shit. Nobody is going to say " oh she wouldn\'t debate Sanders for a fifth, six, seventh time (whatever the number is) after she said she would she\'s weak". I think most people will look at this and say "who cares whats the point". Now if she didn\'t debate Trump at all in the general or if the lead was MUCH closer and Bernie had a shot and she refused to debate THEN it would be looked upon as weak. Just my opinion I guess we\'ll see how it plays out. I still think Trump is easily beaten and can be easily exposed in debates especially if they follow through with the three debate format that happens most of the time. Now that being said Hillary\'s stock has plummeted which is strange because nothing NEW has really came out about her. All this shit people are talking about now was there a year ago. Yet I remember when she came out of that first Bengazi hearing people were praising her for holding her own and standing up to the GOP. Politics are fun and weird and fascinating and crazy :)', '>>{McKnotz} : And anyone else think bill might be getting a little long in the tooth because his wife has castrated him. I dont think i consider him a man anymore, there is just a shell left of him.', ">>{OrthodoxAtheist} : No. You never settle a rape allegation, especially if you're a public figure. You fight that to the end even if you go broke in the process, until your name is cleared. That is if you are innocent. Michael Jackson is the perfect example. He was never proven to be guilty, but the overwhelming belief now is that he was guilty, because of the settlements. Innocent until proven guilty comes with an asterisk in this day and age - *or until you settle lawsuits. I'd rather live on the street and eat from trash bins than be labelled a criminal for crimes I didn't commit for the rest of my life.", ">>{david531990} : >ou never settle a rape allegation, especially if you're a public figure. You do because people will find you guilty as soon as word goes out and no matter if you win the lawsuit, you are already guilty on their minds. It's better to settle ASAP and sweep it undre the rug.", ">>{OrthodoxAtheist} : So a good way to extort you is just to claim your raped someone? Noted. There are too many frivolous claims for me to consider someone guilty upon accusation. At most I'd add a little more caution.", '>>{david531990} : >So a good way to extort you is just to claim your raped someone? This happens way often tho, not to me obviously, but to lots of people.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Shiny-And-New} : He already did a couple of weeks ago Edit: link http://www.cc.com/video-clips/81akpj/-midnight-with-chris-hardwick-a-word-from-president-george-w--bush--will-ferrell-', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : If you're not first, you're last. Remember that well Trump.", '>>{Hitchens92} : Something seems fishy that these intelligent and reasonable celebrities are supporting Hillary. ILLUMINATI ITS ALL RIGGED', ">>{jaysrapsleafs} : But what does Ja Rule think? I'm just gonna vote for the B-list reality tv star. Oh, oops...", ">>{cantstopper} : A comedian campaigning for a presidential candidate? That's when you know your entire campaign is a joke.", '>>{Saltysweetcake} : I like this, the Democrats could use some humor right now. We are angry and fired up, more than before!', '>>{MonsieurIneos} : What if you have a joke running as your presidential candidate?', '>>{wyldcat} : The Hollywood elite actors are owned by the big banks!!! REPTILIANS! GLOBAL AGENDA! [THE ILLURRMENANTI!!](http://i.giphy.com/PlyIt4cqmZz56.gif)', '>>{wyldcat} : ... [Your presidential candidate is a reality TV-host](http://i.giphy.com/Hjy8l5d7rwAEM.gif)...', '>>{cuteman} : >... [Your presidential candidate is a reality TV-host](http://i.giphy.com/Hjy8l5d7rwAEM.gif)... And yet no one is trying to sell that to us in its own article.', '>>{cuteman} : He can endorse whoever he wants to get paid by to endorse.', ">>{jsteve0} : If that's the case, I'm totally voting for Hillary now. /s I like movies, but being famous and playing pretend for a living doesn't make your opinion any more true. This attitude is the reason why we have a reality star running for president.", '>>{calvi_benso226} : Look, two people well beyond there prime working together, this election is bringing people together.', ">>{mep8} : Nothing more pathetic than when movie stars go political. I instantly can't stand them anymore. It's not like they need the money so supporting this corrupt witch seems absurd to me.", '>>{urbane_turtle} : This will really hurt him with his fans who modeled their lives after "Old School."', ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : Every single American has an equally valid say on who should be president, including Will Ferrell and anyone else. What's the problem?", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : This is a democracy. What's pathetic about American citizens going political?", ">>{shtfuk} : Yeah I could tell by the 45 people at Hillary's rally today.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : You should've been hating him since day 1 of this election.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : Even if Trump had money, he wouldn't be able to buy anyone not named Scott Baio or Stephen Baldwin.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : When nearly everyone is campaigning for you, it's bound to include a few comedians.", ">>{cuteman} : I don't pay any attention to endorsements either way.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : Well you certainly aren't paying attention to policy, so what are you paying attention to?", ">>{sinchichis} : Popularity isn't everything. Trump is the Crocs shoes of political candidates. A lot of people like him but I hope he gets stuck in an escalator.", ">>{cuteman} : >Well you certainly aren't paying attention to policy, so what are you paying attention to? What does policy have to do with every Tom, Dick and Harry throwing out endorsements? I'm a student of political science and this bullshit is just noise. If some celebrity sways you one way or another it sounds like you've got your own issues.", '>>{Shiny-And-New} : My bad this campaign had made time seem to stretch out', ">>{mindonshuffle} : It doesn't make your opinions more valid, but it DOES make more people hear them. Celebrities aren't expert opinions, they're just Americans making their views known. And sometimes they ARE well-informed or are using their voice to boost folks that are. It's completely reasonable. It's also fine to disregard them. If I had a large, visible platform, I'd use it.", '>>{fender642} : That\'s why I love Will Ferrel, he\'s full of jokes! Clinton for president... "hello darkness my old friend"', ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : > If some celebrity sways you one way or another it sounds like you've got your own issues. I don't believe you are a student of political science or else you'd know these kinds of endorsements aren't for swaying votes but exciting the base of supporters to get out and vote.", ">>{delirium2k} : >Popularity isn't everything. In an election??????", ">>{cuteman} : I'm actually a student of voter behavior and opinion and all this does is motivate bandwagon behavior."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Shiny-And-New} : He already did a couple of weeks ago Edit: link http://www.cc.com/video-clips/81akpj/-midnight-with-chris-hardwick-a-word-from-president-george-w--bush--will-ferrell-', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : If you're not first, you're last. Remember that well Trump.", '>>{Hitchens92} : Something seems fishy that these intelligent and reasonable celebrities are supporting Hillary. ILLUMINATI ITS ALL RIGGED', ">>{jaysrapsleafs} : But what does Ja Rule think? I'm just gonna vote for the B-list reality tv star. Oh, oops...", ">>{cantstopper} : A comedian campaigning for a presidential candidate? That's when you know your entire campaign is a joke.", '>>{Saltysweetcake} : I like this, the Democrats could use some humor right now. We are angry and fired up, more than before!', '>>{MonsieurIneos} : What if you have a joke running as your presidential candidate?', '>>{wyldcat} : The Hollywood elite actors are owned by the big banks!!! REPTILIANS! GLOBAL AGENDA! [THE ILLURRMENANTI!!](http://i.giphy.com/PlyIt4cqmZz56.gif)', '>>{wyldcat} : ... [Your presidential candidate is a reality TV-host](http://i.giphy.com/Hjy8l5d7rwAEM.gif)...', '>>{cuteman} : >... [Your presidential candidate is a reality TV-host](http://i.giphy.com/Hjy8l5d7rwAEM.gif)... And yet no one is trying to sell that to us in its own article.', '>>{cuteman} : He can endorse whoever he wants to get paid by to endorse.', ">>{jsteve0} : If that's the case, I'm totally voting for Hillary now. /s I like movies, but being famous and playing pretend for a living doesn't make your opinion any more true. This attitude is the reason why we have a reality star running for president.", '>>{calvi_benso226} : Look, two people well beyond there prime working together, this election is bringing people together.', ">>{mep8} : Nothing more pathetic than when movie stars go political. I instantly can't stand them anymore. It's not like they need the money so supporting this corrupt witch seems absurd to me.", '>>{urbane_turtle} : This will really hurt him with his fans who modeled their lives after "Old School."', ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : Every single American has an equally valid say on who should be president, including Will Ferrell and anyone else. What's the problem?", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : This is a democracy. What's pathetic about American citizens going political?", ">>{shtfuk} : Yeah I could tell by the 45 people at Hillary's rally today.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : You should've been hating him since day 1 of this election.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : Even if Trump had money, he wouldn't be able to buy anyone not named Scott Baio or Stephen Baldwin.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : When nearly everyone is campaigning for you, it's bound to include a few comedians.", ">>{cuteman} : I don't pay any attention to endorsements either way.", ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : Well you certainly aren't paying attention to policy, so what are you paying attention to?", ">>{sinchichis} : Popularity isn't everything. Trump is the Crocs shoes of political candidates. A lot of people like him but I hope he gets stuck in an escalator.", ">>{cuteman} : >Well you certainly aren't paying attention to policy, so what are you paying attention to? What does policy have to do with every Tom, Dick and Harry throwing out endorsements? I'm a student of political science and this bullshit is just noise. If some celebrity sways you one way or another it sounds like you've got your own issues.", '>>{Shiny-And-New} : My bad this campaign had made time seem to stretch out', ">>{mindonshuffle} : It doesn't make your opinions more valid, but it DOES make more people hear them. Celebrities aren't expert opinions, they're just Americans making their views known. And sometimes they ARE well-informed or are using their voice to boost folks that are. It's completely reasonable. It's also fine to disregard them. If I had a large, visible platform, I'd use it.", '>>{fender642} : That\'s why I love Will Ferrel, he\'s full of jokes! Clinton for president... "hello darkness my old friend"', ">>{tolerantlychaotic} : > If some celebrity sways you one way or another it sounds like you've got your own issues. I don't believe you are a student of political science or else you'd know these kinds of endorsements aren't for swaying votes but exciting the base of supporters to get out and vote.", ">>{delirium2k} : >Popularity isn't everything. In an election??????", ">>{cuteman} : I'm actually a student of voter behavior and opinion and all this does is motivate bandwagon behavior."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Nyong41} : Do you ever notice that some people are SHOCKED that a new iPhone came out?', '>>{bangersnmash13} : Group texts arriving very late, sometimes not at all.', '>>{janzeera} : Plus a 15% discount at any Trump Resort properties!', '>>{SteppingSplash} : Do people legitimately not understand that concept? I know that the smartphone is a very young technology, but the media makes a bit of a spectacle every fall when Apple releases the new one, right? This has been going on every year for almost ten years now. But yeah, some people are just ignorant to new technology.', '>>{Youdontknowjack900} : trump has a rift with reality. One can pretty safely assume trump pisses off family members at a similar rate to everyone else he interacts with.', '>>{Fatandmean} : Sounds hopeful, but I am not sure I believe it. I will need to see more.', ">>{sedgwickian} : Glad they'll have this newly-drained swamp on which to play (after they pay, of course!)", '>>{kimmers87} : It\'s right up there with "they make these things break in 2 years"... Um no your shattered screen is the result of you dropping a phone with a glass screen...', '>>{Acealone9} : Do you mean in whatsapp? Or just normal texts? I never do normal text group messages. Is that even a thing? I use whatsapp or Facebook messager for group messages.', '>>{Shitwascashbruh} : My friend always thinks Apple won\'t make a new iPhone. Both last year and this year he said "There won\'t be an iPhone X. They might make a phone, but it won\'t be an iPhone" I\'m always confused what would make him think that', ">>{Clearblue1096} : I'm 36. I've grown up with technology and am usually up to date on the the latest trends. That being said, I wasn't aware that Apple released a new iPhone every year around the the same time each year until I switched to an iPhone. Apple products have never really interest me until recently. I always thought they were overpriced. So it doesn't surprise me that people aren't aware a new iPhone is soon to be released. For most of those, Apple isn't a priority for them", '>>{OldMutant} : America has had a far left anti-American idiot in the oval office who refused to listen to military advice from the military.', ">>{Themightylamer} : Ha! Is he tired of The Donald hitting on his wife? That was a joke so don't send Putin and the KGB after me...", ">>{enslavedroosters} : Don't forget the lizard people he released from area 51. Never forget. What else can we make up? This is fun. Your turn.", '>>{Xdaysold} : Scott Adams predicted that the headlines would be all about internal "chaos" this week. This is one of those headlines. Fake news. Hopefully Trump will handle the lying media soon. They need to be held responsible for their actions.', '>>{Tadra29} : Romantic rivalry can sometimes spill into the work place.', ">>{bangersnmash13} : I'm talking about group texting through the default messages app.", ">>{hellypuppy888} : Well there are a lot of people out there that don't follow tech news or much news in general, depending on their lifestyle, especially if they have work and kids, but if they're going to be buying things and not thoroughly doing the research, they really deserve what they get.", '>>{Acealone9} : Are you and your wife both on the same phone network? Got the same signal? Do you have wifi where you are most of the time? Maybe it would be worth trying whatsapp instead of text messages as they would come though the internet connection rather than the phone signal. Just an idea.', '>>{gainin} : So? USA have not won a war since 1945. Not under any President. The botched F-35 fighter project secures that the US will also lose he next war. No kind of General with blowup ego will be able to change that. The US is just load talk and hot air. Goat herders with ak47s beat the shit out of the Marines. Will be the same next time.', '>>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Here\'s one: "There\'s voter fraud in them there numbers .... so lets do everything we can to block the count!" No truth need apply for Republicans.', ">>{Psy1} : It wasn't better under Bush, the problem is that US military bureaucracy struggled to grasp what Clausewitz wrote two centuries ago in that insurgents don't play by the standard rules of warfare and can forever be a thorn on the side of even the most powerful army in the world as they were for Napoleon.", '>>{GoTBRays162} : 2 hour account and -42 Karma? Checks out', '>>{whatabear} : > That they have not "done the job," however, is indisputable—at least if their job is to bring America\'s wars to a timely and successful conclusion. This is pretty silly. Politicians put American military into impossible situations and it\'s the military\'s fault for not accomplishing the impossible?', ">>{I_was_serious} : And Douglas Adams predicted that a towel is the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. I have a feeling many in this admin are sweating right now. Why would you think they're all cool with all of this? Are they really all sycophants?", '>>{Mr_Ben_Ghazzi} : And a free MAGA hate... I mean hat.', ">>{bangersnmash13} : Yes, we're both on AT&T, and have the same phone signal. I can sit next to her and watch her receive message that I do not.", ">>{Huck77} : No. Of course he has to pay himself back. He's just taking them there to put them all in their place.", ">>{vthswolfpack} : Unfortunately sms messages seem to be buggy like this. Some that I send don't go through at all. Some get it hours later. I would love a solution for this as not all of my contacts have whats app or imessage", ">>{-Mountain-King-} : He just wants another swamp to drain, once he's finished with the first one. /s", ">>{BlueBlurX} : Honestly this annoys me so much. You don't even have to follow tech, tech news, or whatever. Do people just not see a pattern? Does anyone actually pay attention? Or is it me?", ">>{bangersnmash13} : My thoughts exactly. I understand apps like Whatsapp or GroupMe are great for group messages, but it doesn't solve my problem. I shouldn't have to ask my friends to download an app because *I'm* the one having an issue.", '>>{Redditisfullofliars} : The iPhone upgrade program is essentially Apple saying, "yes, we *will* make a new iPhone every single year," so yeah, his logic is flawed', '>>{bangersnmash13} : Ok....never said it was an iMessage issue. Also, wife is still receiving SMS messages. My phone is not.', ">>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : How could this possibly be construed as good news, or Trump opposition grasping at straws? All I see is evidence that a guy who could have a moderating voice in the administration is being largely ignored. I'm not surprised at all by this...I assume Bannon is a much better manipulator of Trump than his goddamn son-in-law.", ">>{andyb5} : What? You don't like the taste of your own medicine? You were willing to look the other way when she did it but when Trump wants the same thing, suddenly you care?", ">>{perry1023} : You're in an iPhone forum. Either way who knows. Good luck", ">>{Acealone9} : It a friend of mine asked me, I sure wouldn't mind. Plus it seems to me like 75%+ of smartphone users already have it.", ">>{Takeabyte} : I think it also says something about the sales people who don't speak up.", '>>{OZY1} : Sure he listened, but not to them alone. To the guy with a hammer, everything looks like a nail...', '>>{Backflip_Wilson} : Yeah, because nobody could have expected Bush to win the wars he started... what with two terms and a Republican majority and all...', ">>{loki8481} : just for pure personal satisfaction, I really hope all of Kushner and Ivanka's rich socialite friends in NYC turn on them and they become completely ostracized.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : It would be unprecedented and sad if he rented out, say, the Lincoln Bedroom. Who would do that?', '>>{limbodog} : I\'ll put you in the "No" category.', ">>{SocialJustise} : It's a really safe prediction to make that a poorly run disorganized office will be chaotic.", '>>{TRUMPATTACKS} : The problem, as Mad Dog Mattis clearly articulated, is that American political leadership gets embroiled in conflicts without having clearly defined political objectives. What does victory look like? Define that up front. Look at Iraq 2 - the US military won in a month. Then what? Nobody knew. Nobody knows now!', ">>{was_683} : When the biggest, shiniest tool in your toolbox is a hammer, all your problems start looking like nails. When the hammer doesn't fix the problem, it's the hammer's fault. The US has built the most amazing military machine in the world. It should be, it costs enough. But blaming it for the failure of our politicians is wrong.", '>>{d_mcc_x} : If you saw that ridiculous "cyber" conference with Rudy yesterday, Jared could barely contain his contempt. That dude looked furious.', ">>{financialanon} : >In fact, Trump has indicated that his son-in-law could help brokering peace in the Middle East, citing his family background, but critics have pointed out the Kushner is too inexperienced for the task, reports The Guardian. So in Trump's mind, what qualifies his son-in-law to negotiate peace in the middle east on behalf of the United States is that he is Jewish. Let that sink in, no foreign policy experience, 35 yr old heir to a real estate company can negotiate peace in the middle east for the most powerful country in the world because he happens to be jewish. This is the way Trump thinks.", ">>{andyb5} : I guess we'll never know since SHE GOT [STUMPED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKG7CZfC0JQ)! #NeverHillary", ">>{SpiffShientz} : I mean, let's be fair here, Clinton never actually partook in pay-to-play - although we don't have conclusive proof of Trump doing so, either. Then again, why am I bothering? You're never going to change your opinion", ">>{bengillam} : Difficult one they need to make commission and feed their family, they can't just think I'll be nice and tell them to wait for September and kill says until then. Agree with above, anyone making quite a significant priced purchase and not doing their research deserves what they get **EDIT** Thanks for the downvote - i'm sure if you were in a low basic, commission based role you'd tell me people sure wait till September i don't mind having a rubbish paycheck this month. I wasnt saying its right to withhold information, but maybe not offer it for your own and your employers benefit, its a basic concept of sales, like a car dealer would not hold back on selling a car because a new model was around the corner.", '>>{-negative_creep-} : Did you ever find a solution to this? Mines been doing the same thing.', ">>{Ferry83} : A lot of people don't care... They buy an iPhone 5s and tell me that my iPhone is older than theirs. (I've got the 6s) However, whenever an iPhone comes out everyone loses their mind. whenever another android phone comes out everyone is just.. having breakfast or something", ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : He's having to beg someone to sing, right?", ">>{katamario} : I could have predicted this, too. Because Trump's entire political career has been beset by chaos. Past performance predicts future behavior.", '>>{odnalyd} : That and keeping their phones plugged in all hours of the day with the $3 gas station chargers. I know from personal experience. And the person still blames "Apple and their annoying ass updates"', '>>{thewalkingfred} : Wait are you saying that the objective needs to be more precise than "go over there and win?', '>>{tim_buckanowski} : Better that than a former coworker who tried to tell me Apple releases a new iPhone every 3 or 4 months and immediately cripples the old ones.', ">>{DPool34} : Yeah, I'm just as confused. It's just illogical. That's their bread and butter. Death, taxes, and a new iPhone every year are the only certainties in our age.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Bomb the shit out of them not good enough?', ">>{roo-ster} : > America has had a far left anti-American idiot in the oval office... You have such well thought-out, informed, and nuanced policy analysis. I just don't understand why you're at -100.", ">>{Takeabyte} : As far as I recall, iPhone subscribers don't net any commission for the seller. Plus, loyalty. Being honest like that will almost guarantee that they'll be a lifetime buyer from you and your store. It's a world of metrics and selling the phone today you might attach some standard stuff but make a guys day and they could go all out buying one of everything you got.", ">>{paranoidadndroid} : Not in the least bit surprised. Trump is the kind of person who would appoint Rami Malek from the show, Mr Robot, as his cyber security expert. That's his level of thinking.", ">>{thewalkingfred} : Did we not kill enough of them for the problems to dissappear? Maybe we should just kill their families too, because that's what a beacon of freedom and equality does.", ">>{paranoidadndroid} : If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her - DJT", '>>{jlew24asu} : just to be fair, is this something that most presidents have done in the past?', '>>{geelinz} : If your political capital gets low enough, you can declare bankruptcy and your approval rating gets reset, right?', '>>{J0NNYquid} : That is correct, however, Trump promised to put an end to this sort of thing, and spent a year and a half raking Hillary over the coals for doing exactly this.', ">>{deathtotheemperor} : Jared's probably just pissed off because for the first time in his life he's not surrounded by people who are being paid to kiss his ass.", '>>{bengillam} : not sure i follow, sales peoples commission is calculated on sales in that month surely? Regardless of if it comes directly from a subscriber.', ">>{eggsuckingdog} : Reminds me of a joke I read yesterday: What is the difference between an Isis training camp and a school? I don't know man, I'm just the drone pilot", '>>{JimmerUK} : I hate ass updates. Just leave my ass alone!', ">>{musicandlyricsby} : I can't believe a company will put out a new iteration of a product that sells hundreds of millions of units every year is all I'm hearing. I guess your average joe is maybe a bit oblivious to the ways in which capitalism works.", '>>{newe1344} : Genuine question: why do you think Putin wants trump in office?', ">>{Mr_Gorpley} : Or don't.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", '>>{lordofthedries} : You hit the nail on the head with your analogy.', '>>{yuhche} : There was someone on here a few days ago complaining about the fact that he bought a 6S not knowing there was going to be a new one released in a few months, and he thought his carrier owed him and should have told him this when he was buying, and that they should exchange it for the 7 out of goodwill. All I thought was "You know where to come to complain but you didn\'t think to come here and ask when the new one is due." Also, people always used to complain "Another one, already?" when I used to sell phones and my thought/reply was "Well, yeah that\'s how yearly iterations work and has done for years."', '>>{najing_ftw} : He seems like one of the least awful people that Trump trusts.', ">>{_tx} : The general rumor is that he and Bannon don't like each other and it causes problems", '>>{r_shall} : Even that might be an improvement. Maybe Rami would advise them to stop using [Twitter group messages](http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2017/01/31/mistaken-identity-british-man-steve-bannon-included-in-official-white-house-twitter-group-message.html) for White House staff communications. *seems like an even less secure form of communication than a private email server...*', ">>{aokusman} : A lot of people have no idea of the release cycle. They need a new phone today and buy it. They don't care about the latest and greatest.", ">>{loki8481} : obligatory reminder: Jared Kushner was the person who came up with the idea of bringing Bill Clinton's rape accusers to the Presidential debate and seating them in the front row family box to stare Hillary down. he's truly surrounded by a parade of horribles.", ">>{snowgimp} : Perhaps I'd be dating her There's a chance she wouldn't be keen on him grabbing other chicks by the pussy while she's at home pregnant like step mommy.", ">>{vanillabee3} : Or rather, they only care about the latest and greatest when they don't have it a few weeks/months later.", '>>{byjimini} : My boss and the woman in payroll bought a new iPhone at the end of August. We had the discussion in July about the new one coming out in September and the prices of the previous model being reduced. They were still shocked and very pissed off that the price reduced when the new iPhone released out of nowhere. In September. Like we already discussed.', '>>{TheyCallHimBrownies} : >"they make these things break in 2 years" While people generally abuse the devices, there is strong truth to that statement and I think people\'s frustrations are downplayed and ignored because of the raging hard-on most people have for Apple. They force you to update after a certain amount of time if you want up-to-date apps and support, they don\'t allow you to downgrade to a more stable version of software, and especially with the iPhone 6, the batteries have a shelf life of less than three years, I had to replace mine due to it expanding and almost wrecking the phone. (Over the year and a half of owning the device I\'ve only used the Apple approved chargers) Technology used to be built to last, now this whole consumer culture has ruined that. No body is forcing anybody to buy Apple products, yes, but unfortunately this kind of practice has set a industry-wide standard, not just Apple local.', '>>{IGotEm} : ? The 5s is still running perfectly and that phone is 3 years old now.', ">>{Dustin81783} : Most people don't. They are also usually the same people who are buying the 8 GB version.", '>>{redditsucksfatdick52} : No because I try not to associate with people that stupid.', ">>{Tastygroove} : Well, the SE did throw the cycle off...sooooooooo glad I didn't wait for the 7.", '>>{snowgimp} : I believe the Muslim ban went in around sundown on Friday...', ">>{Tastygroove} : There is a strong truth with androids but it's more like 1 year. iPhones are amazingly durable.", ">>{Shitwascashbruh} : Exactly! There's nothing pointing to the fact that they *wouldn't* make another iPhone", ">>{snowgimp} : Shocking that a neo-nazi and an Orthodox Jew don't find much common ground.", ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : TIL I'm qualified to lead Major American diplomatic missions.", ">>{AKernelPanic} : I saw an older guy walk into an Apple Store with an iPhone 3G because he'd heard he finally wouldn't be able to use the latest version of WhatsApp. That thing is like 7 years old and it still worked for him.", '>>{badfoodman} : > When people generally abuse the devices,... No shit if you abuse something it doesn\'t last very long. Apple guarantees a minimum of 5 years of software and hardware support on all their products. So even when you abuse it you can go get a repair instead of buying a new one. Hardly a hard on, just facts. > Technology used to be built to last I don\'t think that\'s true, but I do think people "babied" their new, state of the art equipment a lot more than we do today so it did last longer. You\'re buying a $700 phone and letting it just fall to the ground? I also don\'t think 5 guaranteed years of compatibility is or was anywhere close to the norm. Most places you get 1, 2 if you\'re lucky (which, coincidentally, is why I left Android).', ">>{PKS_5} : Yeah some people dgaf about their phone... no like to the point where they don't care enough to know or pay attention to tech. Nothing wrong with them.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : The 5 isn't though. I think the cutoff was the 5S, which is essentially the 6 in a smaller body in terms of specs.", '>>{handsomeassWIhipster} : Hell, on most occasions it\'s faster than my Galaxy S7, and my Lumia 950 only matches it on a few first party apps. For "planned obsolescence", it doesn\'t seem to be outdated...', '>>{sm1t1c0} : I found out that people will complain no matter what Apple decides to do. I have seen more outrage about the lack of headphone jack than the note 7 exploding.', '>>{rk119} : ["Dating" like these birds](https://pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/donald-ivanka-trump-throwback-photo-ftr-1.jpg) Edit: I\'m really curious about the thought process that went into this photo. The photographer should do an AMA.', ">>{FlatWoundStrings} : They have private email too. On mobile but there was a post here about aides being told to use private email for business and government email just enough to make it look good. On mobile and reddit is fun has terrible search but it's in this /r/politics mess somewhere.", '>>{cocobandicoot} : Most people don\'t even know what a "GB" is.', ">>{asillyfrog} : Probably because more iPhone people truly love their device (and thus get emotional and/or irrational as fuck about it) whereas most android people just need a phone and 'this one will do I guess'.", '>>{PigSlam} : To be fair to those that stopped paying attention, the new phones used to come out every summer. It was the iPhone 4s that first debuted in the fall.', ">>{fco83} : Yeah.. I don't like Kushner either, but while everyone here is making Ivanka jokes I read this as because Bannon has taken control of Trump's ear more than Kushner and Ivanka. Between the two options I would much rather have him following Kushner", '>>{itsmikeo} : I actually hope Ivankas clothing line is super successful so she can have her own empire and divorce herself from the trump family and name, then come out against her father. Remember, her closest friends are liberals and she leans that way too. She must be furious on the inside. I wonder if Donny had his own kids sign NDAs...', ">>{PigSlam} : It's gigs, right? More gigs is good.", ">>{loki8481} : it'll be interesting to see what happens if Bannon and Ivanka come to loggerheads... Corey Lewandowski was ultimately pushed out when the Family turned on him, but Bannon has the support of the Mercers, the family who ran Trump's Super PAC.", '>>{PigSlam} : I wonder what the people in the Apple store, Best Buy, whatever carrier stores are told to do. Around July or August, do they just say "we\'re not interested in making money, since the new phones will be out fairly soon" or do they say "here\'s the latest iPhone available."', ">>{big_orange_ball} : I have a 5 that runs perfectly fine. I use it daily for work emails and it's still a great phone.", '>>{rahbee33} : > So in Trump\'s mind, what qualifies his son-in-law to negotiate peace in the middle east on behalf of the United States is that he is Jewish. And why do you think he chose a fucking brain surgeon to lead HUD despite having ZERO qualifications *[and admitted he had no business in a cabinet position](http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-trailguide-updates-ben-carson-won-t-be-joining-donald-1479231990-htmlstory.html)*? Ben Carson lived in ~~public~~ subsidized housing as a kid. That\'s his qualification. Oh right and "urban" = black people.', ">>{Magjee} : For the sake of the world let's hope Bannon is out That should turn the crazy down from 11 to 10", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : What a shit show that was. I want to overdub it for comedic affect but not sure I could make it funnier.', ">>{markhewitt1978} : They aren't likely to say anything and why should they. They are there to sell the inventory they have that day.", ">>{HumanLikeYou155} : I guess Jared figured out Trump wasn't going to pardon his daddy.", ">>{HumanLikeYou155} : Come on now, we all know Chris Christie can't move that fast.", '>>{ggKevin} : Yet you never hear people talking about Chevrolet spitting out new vehicles every year, and that is a *much* larger investment.', '>>{trustmeiwouldntlie2u} : > This is the way Trump thinks. He expends the absolute minimum mental effort necessary to get him to the end of the sentence. Sometimes he undershoots.', '>>{trustmeiwouldntlie2u} : > Ben Carson lived in public housing as a kid. No, he didn\'t. But of course Trump assumes he did because >Oh right and "urban" = black people. There you go.', ">>{hookyboysb} : 5C here and iOS 9.3.5 works just fine. Battery is very aged though and I'm waiting a few days to upgrade to iOS 10 to make sure it's not a 4S situation.", '>>{rahbee33} : You\'re right. I thought it got walked back, but it was walked back to "subsidized housing". > Williams did tell NPR that Carson grew up in subsidized housing, which are homes owned privately but paid for with public subsidies. Williams said it was Carson\'s experience "life growing up in subsidized housing, growing up in poor communities" that helps him understand housing programs. [Source](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/12/06/secretary-housing-urban-development-nominee-ben-carson-public-housing/95070156/)', ">>{JFizDaWiz} : If I could buy a cheap ass 8GB version I would. I don't store any data locally on my phone, ive had my current phone for 2 years and only have 4GB of data on it including the OS.", ">>{digitizemd} : Same logic for Carson. He's black. HUD.", '>>{YouAreMicroscopic} : See what happens when you allow refugees into the country? You get Jared Kushners!', ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Anybody can be anything! It's a Brave New World.", '>>{Sirsalley23} : The best is when the asshole manager at the ATT store lied to me about when the Galaxy s6 was due to to come out when my S4 bit the dust back in February of that year. He told me it was coming out no earlier than June or July and told me that was the regular release schedule. Now albeit I should have taken the time to actually research the expected release date myself instead of jumping at the note edge (which turned out to be the phone from hell). There still is a certain respect that you would expect from a salesman to not lie to you boldfaced when you at least ask the right questions. Suffice to say that note edge was the reason I jumped ship from ATT because they refused to work with me and get me out of my 30 month installment plan and all the misinformation they gave me about when they would release me from that without having to pay around $400.', '>>{Sirsalley23} : Right but screwing customers by lying or not telling the full story like in my above anecdote is how you lose ppls business.', '>>{big_orange_ball} : That sucks about your battery, mine is still great. Since I only use it for email it lasts about 3 days on a single charge. Cool to know if I break my main phone (Nexus 6) I can easily transition back to the iPhone 5 until I find something else to buy.', ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Aw, c'mon, was that really too low a blow? I kid, I kid", ">>{andsoitgoes42} : My wife's iPhone 5 and my iPad 4 are slow, but still updated to iOS 10. How long does android support their devices, again?", '>>{_personofdisinterest} : Well if Scott Adams says so...wrap it up and shut it down, boys! Our work here is done.', '>>{Workywork15} : And yet if they did keep supporting apps and iOS updates for older devices people would still bitch that Apple ruined their phone by making it slow.', '>>{amd2800barton} : Which means the last 6 phones have come out in the fall. And basically all the new features and changes have been leaked for months: waterproof, colors, headphone port gone, bigger camera, two cameras on the plus, same overall shape and size as the 6/6s platform, force touch home button. I think the most "surprising" thing for me was the improved colors of the screen - since none of the leaks I saw would be able to mention that.', ">>{i0BAYi} : Well a new android device is released like 2 times a month. The more premium devices are more along the lines of 6 times a year (HTC, SAMSUNG, SONY, Huawei, etc). It's hard to get excited every other week with a new android device.", ">>{_retarder} : I know, I can't search for shit on reddit is fun.. But I'm wonering if it's the app or just reddits search is just terrible?", ">>{FlatWoundStrings} : I have less problems searching Reddit on a computer but you're right. It still isn't good.", ">>{Wagonlopnik} : The two most influential people in Trump's administration are Kushner, who is jewish, and Bannon, an anti-semite. I was wondering how long it would take before this started to cause problems.", ">>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : > Remember, her closest friends are liberals and she leans that way too. O'Reilly gets along decently enough with Jon Stewart. According to a biography I read, Ailes was involved in the NYC theater scene, and it confused many of his friends and acquaintances in that area when they realized just how he was when back on the politics. Trump himself presented more liberal views and hung out with enough liberals that back in the primaries he was accused of being a possible secret liberal. Who you hang out with isn't always indicative of how you'll break when the chips are down.", ">>{southlegend} : This is what I don't understand. I'm not trying to be a d*ck or rude to you in anyway, I just get how there are so many people who don't understand it. Like, it happens in so many industries that I just don't get why people don't know that there will be a new version next year/in 6 months etc. TV's, cars, footwear, washing machines, MP3 players, laptops, ANY PROCESSOR - they ALL have yearly releases (if not more frequently). Why do people get so upset that Apple release a new phone each year?! The ones that confuse me most are the people I've seen who own Android phones and b*tch about Apple releasing a new phone - erm.. really??", '>>{stew933} : Sorry, she is enabling him. I don\'t care if she cured cancer, fuck her. Her actions are all that matters, not what she "feels in the inside"... and her actions support her father.', '>>{Manfromlamancha74} : The first of many would-be attempts to drive a wedge in the Trump family. The media will soon learn, the family is too tight for that and they are excellent communicators and decision makers.', ">>{SuburbanLegend} : That's one of the main points of the article -- but to be fair, the link here is not to THE actual article (in Vanity Fair) it's a post summarizing and linking to it. Not sure why the Vanity Fair article wasn't posted instead, just a pet peeve of mine.", ">>{SuburbanLegend} : Whenever someone mentions Scott Adams' opinion approvingly I genuinely think it's probably him.", '>>{Cant-Find-Username} : iPhones are so weak No, you dropped a thin sheet of glass onto a concrete pavement, what do you expect?', ">>{itsmikeo} : She's the only one who has a chance at speaking out against him *in the family*. Melania absolutely signed an NDA. Barron is under 18. And the boys took over the business. Ivanka is the *only* one ***in the family*** who has a chance to open up about it from that perspective.", '>>{itsmikeo} : You can\'t use Trump as an example of "who you hang out with means/doesn\'t mean _____" because he panders to be liked. Like by *anyone* at that. He\'s a lonely man. But when her best friend is Chelsea Clinton, that says something.', ">>{LesserPolymerBeasts} : And if she does, then I'd celebrate that. But until then, I'll assume that she's complicit.", ">>{LesserPolymerBeasts} : I heard the Mercers were getting ready to walk, too... Edit: Sounds like there's at leats some tension there. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-rebekah-mercer-robert-mercer-donors-234030", ">>{Crazedgeekgirl} : Not that Jared is reading this but if he is please stay. You need to be there to kick Bannon out. You know he is a racist that hates all Jewish people, including you, and your children. They left out the Jews from the holocaust statement on purpose, you know it was his idea. He's going to get try to get you kicked out eventfully, so you better strike first. It's just a matter of time, before Bannon is the real President. He's already on the National Security Panel and your are not, it's already started, tick tock, tick tock...", '>>{itsmikeo} : Completely! Totally agree. Just my one iota of hope rests on her shoulders for coming out against the family (*of* the family members) as this shit unfolds.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{bangersnmash13} : Group texts arriving very late, sometimes not at all.', '>>{Acealone9} : Do you mean in whatsapp? Or just normal texts? I never do normal text group messages. Is that even a thing? I use whatsapp or Facebook messager for group messages.', ">>{bangersnmash13} : I'm talking about group texting through the default messages app.", '>>{Acealone9} : Are you and your wife both on the same phone network? Got the same signal? Do you have wifi where you are most of the time? Maybe it would be worth trying whatsapp instead of text messages as they would come though the internet connection rather than the phone signal. Just an idea.', ">>{bangersnmash13} : Yes, we're both on AT&T, and have the same phone signal. I can sit next to her and watch her receive message that I do not.", ">>{vthswolfpack} : Unfortunately sms messages seem to be buggy like this. Some that I send don't go through at all. Some get it hours later. I would love a solution for this as not all of my contacts have whats app or imessage", ">>{bangersnmash13} : My thoughts exactly. I understand apps like Whatsapp or GroupMe are great for group messages, but it doesn't solve my problem. I shouldn't have to ask my friends to download an app because *I'm* the one having an issue.", '>>{bangersnmash13} : Ok....never said it was an iMessage issue. Also, wife is still receiving SMS messages. My phone is not.', ">>{perry1023} : You're in an iPhone forum. Either way who knows. Good luck", ">>{Acealone9} : It a friend of mine asked me, I sure wouldn't mind. Plus it seems to me like 75%+ of smartphone users already have it.", '>>{-negative_creep-} : Did you ever find a solution to this? Mines been doing the same thing.'], ['>>{Nyong41} : Do you ever notice that some people are SHOCKED that a new iPhone came out?', '>>{SteppingSplash} : Do people legitimately not understand that concept? I know that the smartphone is a very young technology, but the media makes a bit of a spectacle every fall when Apple releases the new one, right? This has been going on every year for almost ten years now. But yeah, some people are just ignorant to new technology.', '>>{kimmers87} : It\'s right up there with "they make these things break in 2 years"... Um no your shattered screen is the result of you dropping a phone with a glass screen...', '>>{Shitwascashbruh} : My friend always thinks Apple won\'t make a new iPhone. Both last year and this year he said "There won\'t be an iPhone X. They might make a phone, but it won\'t be an iPhone" I\'m always confused what would make him think that', ">>{Clearblue1096} : I'm 36. I've grown up with technology and am usually up to date on the the latest trends. That being said, I wasn't aware that Apple released a new iPhone every year around the the same time each year until I switched to an iPhone. Apple products have never really interest me until recently. I always thought they were overpriced. So it doesn't surprise me that people aren't aware a new iPhone is soon to be released. For most of those, Apple isn't a priority for them", ">>{hellypuppy888} : Well there are a lot of people out there that don't follow tech news or much news in general, depending on their lifestyle, especially if they have work and kids, but if they're going to be buying things and not thoroughly doing the research, they really deserve what they get.", ">>{BlueBlurX} : Honestly this annoys me so much. You don't even have to follow tech, tech news, or whatever. Do people just not see a pattern? Does anyone actually pay attention? Or is it me?", '>>{Redditisfullofliars} : The iPhone upgrade program is essentially Apple saying, "yes, we *will* make a new iPhone every single year," so yeah, his logic is flawed', ">>{Takeabyte} : I think it also says something about the sales people who don't speak up.", ">>{bengillam} : Difficult one they need to make commission and feed their family, they can't just think I'll be nice and tell them to wait for September and kill says until then. Agree with above, anyone making quite a significant priced purchase and not doing their research deserves what they get **EDIT** Thanks for the downvote - i'm sure if you were in a low basic, commission based role you'd tell me people sure wait till September i don't mind having a rubbish paycheck this month. I wasnt saying its right to withhold information, but maybe not offer it for your own and your employers benefit, its a basic concept of sales, like a car dealer would not hold back on selling a car because a new model was around the corner.", ">>{Ferry83} : A lot of people don't care... They buy an iPhone 5s and tell me that my iPhone is older than theirs. (I've got the 6s) However, whenever an iPhone comes out everyone loses their mind. whenever another android phone comes out everyone is just.. having breakfast or something", '>>{odnalyd} : That and keeping their phones plugged in all hours of the day with the $3 gas station chargers. I know from personal experience. And the person still blames "Apple and their annoying ass updates"', '>>{tim_buckanowski} : Better that than a former coworker who tried to tell me Apple releases a new iPhone every 3 or 4 months and immediately cripples the old ones.', ">>{DPool34} : Yeah, I'm just as confused. It's just illogical. That's their bread and butter. Death, taxes, and a new iPhone every year are the only certainties in our age.", ">>{Takeabyte} : As far as I recall, iPhone subscribers don't net any commission for the seller. Plus, loyalty. Being honest like that will almost guarantee that they'll be a lifetime buyer from you and your store. It's a world of metrics and selling the phone today you might attach some standard stuff but make a guys day and they could go all out buying one of everything you got.", '>>{bengillam} : not sure i follow, sales peoples commission is calculated on sales in that month surely? Regardless of if it comes directly from a subscriber.', '>>{JimmerUK} : I hate ass updates. Just leave my ass alone!', ">>{musicandlyricsby} : I can't believe a company will put out a new iteration of a product that sells hundreds of millions of units every year is all I'm hearing. I guess your average joe is maybe a bit oblivious to the ways in which capitalism works.", ">>{Mr_Gorpley} : Or don't.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", '>>{yuhche} : There was someone on here a few days ago complaining about the fact that he bought a 6S not knowing there was going to be a new one released in a few months, and he thought his carrier owed him and should have told him this when he was buying, and that they should exchange it for the 7 out of goodwill. All I thought was "You know where to come to complain but you didn\'t think to come here and ask when the new one is due." Also, people always used to complain "Another one, already?" when I used to sell phones and my thought/reply was "Well, yeah that\'s how yearly iterations work and has done for years."', ">>{aokusman} : A lot of people have no idea of the release cycle. They need a new phone today and buy it. They don't care about the latest and greatest.", ">>{vanillabee3} : Or rather, they only care about the latest and greatest when they don't have it a few weeks/months later.", '>>{byjimini} : My boss and the woman in payroll bought a new iPhone at the end of August. We had the discussion in July about the new one coming out in September and the prices of the previous model being reduced. They were still shocked and very pissed off that the price reduced when the new iPhone released out of nowhere. In September. Like we already discussed.', '>>{TheyCallHimBrownies} : >"they make these things break in 2 years" While people generally abuse the devices, there is strong truth to that statement and I think people\'s frustrations are downplayed and ignored because of the raging hard-on most people have for Apple. They force you to update after a certain amount of time if you want up-to-date apps and support, they don\'t allow you to downgrade to a more stable version of software, and especially with the iPhone 6, the batteries have a shelf life of less than three years, I had to replace mine due to it expanding and almost wrecking the phone. (Over the year and a half of owning the device I\'ve only used the Apple approved chargers) Technology used to be built to last, now this whole consumer culture has ruined that. No body is forcing anybody to buy Apple products, yes, but unfortunately this kind of practice has set a industry-wide standard, not just Apple local.', '>>{IGotEm} : ? The 5s is still running perfectly and that phone is 3 years old now.', ">>{Dustin81783} : Most people don't. They are also usually the same people who are buying the 8 GB version.", '>>{redditsucksfatdick52} : No because I try not to associate with people that stupid.', ">>{Tastygroove} : Well, the SE did throw the cycle off...sooooooooo glad I didn't wait for the 7.", ">>{Tastygroove} : There is a strong truth with androids but it's more like 1 year. iPhones are amazingly durable.", ">>{Shitwascashbruh} : Exactly! There's nothing pointing to the fact that they *wouldn't* make another iPhone", ">>{AKernelPanic} : I saw an older guy walk into an Apple Store with an iPhone 3G because he'd heard he finally wouldn't be able to use the latest version of WhatsApp. That thing is like 7 years old and it still worked for him.", '>>{badfoodman} : > When people generally abuse the devices,... No shit if you abuse something it doesn\'t last very long. Apple guarantees a minimum of 5 years of software and hardware support on all their products. So even when you abuse it you can go get a repair instead of buying a new one. Hardly a hard on, just facts. > Technology used to be built to last I don\'t think that\'s true, but I do think people "babied" their new, state of the art equipment a lot more than we do today so it did last longer. You\'re buying a $700 phone and letting it just fall to the ground? I also don\'t think 5 guaranteed years of compatibility is or was anywhere close to the norm. Most places you get 1, 2 if you\'re lucky (which, coincidentally, is why I left Android).', ">>{PKS_5} : Yeah some people dgaf about their phone... no like to the point where they don't care enough to know or pay attention to tech. Nothing wrong with them.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : The 5 isn't though. I think the cutoff was the 5S, which is essentially the 6 in a smaller body in terms of specs.", '>>{handsomeassWIhipster} : Hell, on most occasions it\'s faster than my Galaxy S7, and my Lumia 950 only matches it on a few first party apps. For "planned obsolescence", it doesn\'t seem to be outdated...', '>>{sm1t1c0} : I found out that people will complain no matter what Apple decides to do. I have seen more outrage about the lack of headphone jack than the note 7 exploding.', '>>{cocobandicoot} : Most people don\'t even know what a "GB" is.', ">>{asillyfrog} : Probably because more iPhone people truly love their device (and thus get emotional and/or irrational as fuck about it) whereas most android people just need a phone and 'this one will do I guess'.", '>>{PigSlam} : To be fair to those that stopped paying attention, the new phones used to come out every summer. It was the iPhone 4s that first debuted in the fall.', ">>{PigSlam} : It's gigs, right? More gigs is good.", '>>{PigSlam} : I wonder what the people in the Apple store, Best Buy, whatever carrier stores are told to do. Around July or August, do they just say "we\'re not interested in making money, since the new phones will be out fairly soon" or do they say "here\'s the latest iPhone available."', ">>{big_orange_ball} : I have a 5 that runs perfectly fine. I use it daily for work emails and it's still a great phone.", ">>{markhewitt1978} : They aren't likely to say anything and why should they. They are there to sell the inventory they have that day.", '>>{ggKevin} : Yet you never hear people talking about Chevrolet spitting out new vehicles every year, and that is a *much* larger investment.', ">>{hookyboysb} : 5C here and iOS 9.3.5 works just fine. Battery is very aged though and I'm waiting a few days to upgrade to iOS 10 to make sure it's not a 4S situation.", ">>{JFizDaWiz} : If I could buy a cheap ass 8GB version I would. I don't store any data locally on my phone, ive had my current phone for 2 years and only have 4GB of data on it including the OS.", '>>{Sirsalley23} : The best is when the asshole manager at the ATT store lied to me about when the Galaxy s6 was due to to come out when my S4 bit the dust back in February of that year. He told me it was coming out no earlier than June or July and told me that was the regular release schedule. Now albeit I should have taken the time to actually research the expected release date myself instead of jumping at the note edge (which turned out to be the phone from hell). There still is a certain respect that you would expect from a salesman to not lie to you boldfaced when you at least ask the right questions. Suffice to say that note edge was the reason I jumped ship from ATT because they refused to work with me and get me out of my 30 month installment plan and all the misinformation they gave me about when they would release me from that without having to pay around $400.', '>>{Sirsalley23} : Right but screwing customers by lying or not telling the full story like in my above anecdote is how you lose ppls business.', '>>{big_orange_ball} : That sucks about your battery, mine is still great. Since I only use it for email it lasts about 3 days on a single charge. Cool to know if I break my main phone (Nexus 6) I can easily transition back to the iPhone 5 until I find something else to buy.', ">>{andsoitgoes42} : My wife's iPhone 5 and my iPad 4 are slow, but still updated to iOS 10. How long does android support their devices, again?", '>>{Workywork15} : And yet if they did keep supporting apps and iOS updates for older devices people would still bitch that Apple ruined their phone by making it slow.', '>>{amd2800barton} : Which means the last 6 phones have come out in the fall. And basically all the new features and changes have been leaked for months: waterproof, colors, headphone port gone, bigger camera, two cameras on the plus, same overall shape and size as the 6/6s platform, force touch home button. I think the most "surprising" thing for me was the improved colors of the screen - since none of the leaks I saw would be able to mention that.', ">>{i0BAYi} : Well a new android device is released like 2 times a month. The more premium devices are more along the lines of 6 times a year (HTC, SAMSUNG, SONY, Huawei, etc). It's hard to get excited every other week with a new android device.", ">>{southlegend} : This is what I don't understand. I'm not trying to be a d*ck or rude to you in anyway, I just get how there are so many people who don't understand it. Like, it happens in so many industries that I just don't get why people don't know that there will be a new version next year/in 6 months etc. TV's, cars, footwear, washing machines, MP3 players, laptops, ANY PROCESSOR - they ALL have yearly releases (if not more frequently). Why do people get so upset that Apple release a new phone each year?! The ones that confuse me most are the people I've seen who own Android phones and b*tch about Apple releasing a new phone - erm.. really??", '>>{Cant-Find-Username} : iPhones are so weak No, you dropped a thin sheet of glass onto a concrete pavement, what do you expect?'], ['>>{Youdontknowjack900} : trump has a rift with reality. One can pretty safely assume trump pisses off family members at a similar rate to everyone else he interacts with.', '>>{Fatandmean} : Sounds hopeful, but I am not sure I believe it. I will need to see more.', ">>{Themightylamer} : Ha! Is he tired of The Donald hitting on his wife? That was a joke so don't send Putin and the KGB after me...", '>>{Xdaysold} : Scott Adams predicted that the headlines would be all about internal "chaos" this week. This is one of those headlines. Fake news. Hopefully Trump will handle the lying media soon. They need to be held responsible for their actions.', '>>{Tadra29} : Romantic rivalry can sometimes spill into the work place.', '>>{GoTBRays162} : 2 hour account and -42 Karma? Checks out', ">>{I_was_serious} : And Douglas Adams predicted that a towel is the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. I have a feeling many in this admin are sweating right now. Why would you think they're all cool with all of this? Are they really all sycophants?", ">>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : How could this possibly be construed as good news, or Trump opposition grasping at straws? All I see is evidence that a guy who could have a moderating voice in the administration is being largely ignored. I'm not surprised at all by this...I assume Bannon is a much better manipulator of Trump than his goddamn son-in-law.", ">>{loki8481} : just for pure personal satisfaction, I really hope all of Kushner and Ivanka's rich socialite friends in NYC turn on them and they become completely ostracized.", ">>{SocialJustise} : It's a really safe prediction to make that a poorly run disorganized office will be chaotic.", '>>{d_mcc_x} : If you saw that ridiculous "cyber" conference with Rudy yesterday, Jared could barely contain his contempt. That dude looked furious.', ">>{financialanon} : >In fact, Trump has indicated that his son-in-law could help brokering peace in the Middle East, citing his family background, but critics have pointed out the Kushner is too inexperienced for the task, reports The Guardian. So in Trump's mind, what qualifies his son-in-law to negotiate peace in the middle east on behalf of the United States is that he is Jewish. Let that sink in, no foreign policy experience, 35 yr old heir to a real estate company can negotiate peace in the middle east for the most powerful country in the world because he happens to be jewish. This is the way Trump thinks.", ">>{katamario} : I could have predicted this, too. Because Trump's entire political career has been beset by chaos. Past performance predicts future behavior.", ">>{paranoidadndroid} : Not in the least bit surprised. Trump is the kind of person who would appoint Rami Malek from the show, Mr Robot, as his cyber security expert. That's his level of thinking.", ">>{paranoidadndroid} : If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her - DJT", '>>{geelinz} : If your political capital gets low enough, you can declare bankruptcy and your approval rating gets reset, right?', ">>{deathtotheemperor} : Jared's probably just pissed off because for the first time in his life he's not surrounded by people who are being paid to kiss his ass.", '>>{najing_ftw} : He seems like one of the least awful people that Trump trusts.', ">>{_tx} : The general rumor is that he and Bannon don't like each other and it causes problems", '>>{r_shall} : Even that might be an improvement. Maybe Rami would advise them to stop using [Twitter group messages](http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2017/01/31/mistaken-identity-british-man-steve-bannon-included-in-official-white-house-twitter-group-message.html) for White House staff communications. *seems like an even less secure form of communication than a private email server...*', ">>{loki8481} : obligatory reminder: Jared Kushner was the person who came up with the idea of bringing Bill Clinton's rape accusers to the Presidential debate and seating them in the front row family box to stare Hillary down. he's truly surrounded by a parade of horribles.", ">>{snowgimp} : Perhaps I'd be dating her There's a chance she wouldn't be keen on him grabbing other chicks by the pussy while she's at home pregnant like step mommy.", '>>{snowgimp} : I believe the Muslim ban went in around sundown on Friday...', ">>{snowgimp} : Shocking that a neo-nazi and an Orthodox Jew don't find much common ground.", ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : TIL I'm qualified to lead Major American diplomatic missions.", '>>{rk119} : ["Dating" like these birds](https://pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/donald-ivanka-trump-throwback-photo-ftr-1.jpg) Edit: I\'m really curious about the thought process that went into this photo. The photographer should do an AMA.', ">>{FlatWoundStrings} : They have private email too. On mobile but there was a post here about aides being told to use private email for business and government email just enough to make it look good. On mobile and reddit is fun has terrible search but it's in this /r/politics mess somewhere.", ">>{fco83} : Yeah.. I don't like Kushner either, but while everyone here is making Ivanka jokes I read this as because Bannon has taken control of Trump's ear more than Kushner and Ivanka. Between the two options I would much rather have him following Kushner", '>>{itsmikeo} : I actually hope Ivankas clothing line is super successful so she can have her own empire and divorce herself from the trump family and name, then come out against her father. Remember, her closest friends are liberals and she leans that way too. She must be furious on the inside. I wonder if Donny had his own kids sign NDAs...', ">>{loki8481} : it'll be interesting to see what happens if Bannon and Ivanka come to loggerheads... Corey Lewandowski was ultimately pushed out when the Family turned on him, but Bannon has the support of the Mercers, the family who ran Trump's Super PAC.", '>>{rahbee33} : > So in Trump\'s mind, what qualifies his son-in-law to negotiate peace in the middle east on behalf of the United States is that he is Jewish. And why do you think he chose a fucking brain surgeon to lead HUD despite having ZERO qualifications *[and admitted he had no business in a cabinet position](http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-trailguide-updates-ben-carson-won-t-be-joining-donald-1479231990-htmlstory.html)*? Ben Carson lived in ~~public~~ subsidized housing as a kid. That\'s his qualification. Oh right and "urban" = black people.', ">>{Magjee} : For the sake of the world let's hope Bannon is out That should turn the crazy down from 11 to 10", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : What a shit show that was. I want to overdub it for comedic affect but not sure I could make it funnier.', ">>{HumanLikeYou155} : I guess Jared figured out Trump wasn't going to pardon his daddy.", ">>{HumanLikeYou155} : Come on now, we all know Chris Christie can't move that fast.", '>>{trustmeiwouldntlie2u} : > This is the way Trump thinks. He expends the absolute minimum mental effort necessary to get him to the end of the sentence. Sometimes he undershoots.', '>>{trustmeiwouldntlie2u} : > Ben Carson lived in public housing as a kid. No, he didn\'t. But of course Trump assumes he did because >Oh right and "urban" = black people. There you go.', '>>{rahbee33} : You\'re right. I thought it got walked back, but it was walked back to "subsidized housing". > Williams did tell NPR that Carson grew up in subsidized housing, which are homes owned privately but paid for with public subsidies. Williams said it was Carson\'s experience "life growing up in subsidized housing, growing up in poor communities" that helps him understand housing programs. [Source](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/12/06/secretary-housing-urban-development-nominee-ben-carson-public-housing/95070156/)', ">>{digitizemd} : Same logic for Carson. He's black. HUD.", '>>{YouAreMicroscopic} : See what happens when you allow refugees into the country? You get Jared Kushners!', ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Anybody can be anything! It's a Brave New World.", ">>{YouAreMicroscopic} : Aw, c'mon, was that really too low a blow? I kid, I kid", '>>{_personofdisinterest} : Well if Scott Adams says so...wrap it up and shut it down, boys! Our work here is done.', ">>{_retarder} : I know, I can't search for shit on reddit is fun.. But I'm wonering if it's the app or just reddits search is just terrible?", ">>{FlatWoundStrings} : I have less problems searching Reddit on a computer but you're right. It still isn't good.", ">>{Wagonlopnik} : The two most influential people in Trump's administration are Kushner, who is jewish, and Bannon, an anti-semite. I was wondering how long it would take before this started to cause problems.", ">>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : > Remember, her closest friends are liberals and she leans that way too. O'Reilly gets along decently enough with Jon Stewart. According to a biography I read, Ailes was involved in the NYC theater scene, and it confused many of his friends and acquaintances in that area when they realized just how he was when back on the politics. Trump himself presented more liberal views and hung out with enough liberals that back in the primaries he was accused of being a possible secret liberal. Who you hang out with isn't always indicative of how you'll break when the chips are down.", '>>{stew933} : Sorry, she is enabling him. I don\'t care if she cured cancer, fuck her. Her actions are all that matters, not what she "feels in the inside"... and her actions support her father.', '>>{Manfromlamancha74} : The first of many would-be attempts to drive a wedge in the Trump family. The media will soon learn, the family is too tight for that and they are excellent communicators and decision makers.', ">>{SuburbanLegend} : That's one of the main points of the article -- but to be fair, the link here is not to THE actual article (in Vanity Fair) it's a post summarizing and linking to it. Not sure why the Vanity Fair article wasn't posted instead, just a pet peeve of mine.", ">>{SuburbanLegend} : Whenever someone mentions Scott Adams' opinion approvingly I genuinely think it's probably him.", ">>{itsmikeo} : She's the only one who has a chance at speaking out against him *in the family*. Melania absolutely signed an NDA. Barron is under 18. And the boys took over the business. Ivanka is the *only* one ***in the family*** who has a chance to open up about it from that perspective.", '>>{itsmikeo} : You can\'t use Trump as an example of "who you hang out with means/doesn\'t mean _____" because he panders to be liked. Like by *anyone* at that. He\'s a lonely man. But when her best friend is Chelsea Clinton, that says something.', ">>{LesserPolymerBeasts} : And if she does, then I'd celebrate that. But until then, I'll assume that she's complicit.", ">>{LesserPolymerBeasts} : I heard the Mercers were getting ready to walk, too... Edit: Sounds like there's at leats some tension there. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-rebekah-mercer-robert-mercer-donors-234030", ">>{Crazedgeekgirl} : Not that Jared is reading this but if he is please stay. You need to be there to kick Bannon out. You know he is a racist that hates all Jewish people, including you, and your children. They left out the Jews from the holocaust statement on purpose, you know it was his idea. He's going to get try to get you kicked out eventfully, so you better strike first. It's just a matter of time, before Bannon is the real President. He's already on the National Security Panel and your are not, it's already started, tick tock, tick tock...", '>>{itsmikeo} : Completely! Totally agree. Just my one iota of hope rests on her shoulders for coming out against the family (*of* the family members) as this shit unfolds.'], ['>>{janzeera} : Plus a 15% discount at any Trump Resort properties!', ">>{sedgwickian} : Glad they'll have this newly-drained swamp on which to play (after they pay, of course!)", '>>{Mr_Ben_Ghazzi} : And a free MAGA hate... I mean hat.', ">>{Huck77} : No. Of course he has to pay himself back. He's just taking them there to put them all in their place.", ">>{-Mountain-King-} : He just wants another swamp to drain, once he's finished with the first one. /s", ">>{andyb5} : What? You don't like the taste of your own medicine? You were willing to look the other way when she did it but when Trump wants the same thing, suddenly you care?", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : It would be unprecedented and sad if he rented out, say, the Lincoln Bedroom. Who would do that?', '>>{limbodog} : I\'ll put you in the "No" category.', ">>{andyb5} : I guess we'll never know since SHE GOT [STUMPED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKG7CZfC0JQ)! #NeverHillary", ">>{SpiffShientz} : I mean, let's be fair here, Clinton never actually partook in pay-to-play - although we don't have conclusive proof of Trump doing so, either. Then again, why am I bothering? You're never going to change your opinion", ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : He's having to beg someone to sing, right?", '>>{jlew24asu} : just to be fair, is this something that most presidents have done in the past?', '>>{J0NNYquid} : That is correct, however, Trump promised to put an end to this sort of thing, and spent a year and a half raking Hillary over the coals for doing exactly this.'], ['>>{OldMutant} : America has had a far left anti-American idiot in the oval office who refused to listen to military advice from the military.', ">>{enslavedroosters} : Don't forget the lizard people he released from area 51. Never forget. What else can we make up? This is fun. Your turn.", '>>{gainin} : So? USA have not won a war since 1945. Not under any President. The botched F-35 fighter project secures that the US will also lose he next war. No kind of General with blowup ego will be able to change that. The US is just load talk and hot air. Goat herders with ak47s beat the shit out of the Marines. Will be the same next time.', '>>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Here\'s one: "There\'s voter fraud in them there numbers .... so lets do everything we can to block the count!" No truth need apply for Republicans.', ">>{Psy1} : It wasn't better under Bush, the problem is that US military bureaucracy struggled to grasp what Clausewitz wrote two centuries ago in that insurgents don't play by the standard rules of warfare and can forever be a thorn on the side of even the most powerful army in the world as they were for Napoleon.", '>>{whatabear} : > That they have not "done the job," however, is indisputable—at least if their job is to bring America\'s wars to a timely and successful conclusion. This is pretty silly. Politicians put American military into impossible situations and it\'s the military\'s fault for not accomplishing the impossible?', '>>{OZY1} : Sure he listened, but not to them alone. To the guy with a hammer, everything looks like a nail...', '>>{Backflip_Wilson} : Yeah, because nobody could have expected Bush to win the wars he started... what with two terms and a Republican majority and all...', '>>{TRUMPATTACKS} : The problem, as Mad Dog Mattis clearly articulated, is that American political leadership gets embroiled in conflicts without having clearly defined political objectives. What does victory look like? Define that up front. Look at Iraq 2 - the US military won in a month. Then what? Nobody knew. Nobody knows now!', ">>{was_683} : When the biggest, shiniest tool in your toolbox is a hammer, all your problems start looking like nails. When the hammer doesn't fix the problem, it's the hammer's fault. The US has built the most amazing military machine in the world. It should be, it costs enough. But blaming it for the failure of our politicians is wrong.", '>>{thewalkingfred} : Wait are you saying that the objective needs to be more precise than "go over there and win?', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Bomb the shit out of them not good enough?', ">>{roo-ster} : > America has had a far left anti-American idiot in the oval office... You have such well thought-out, informed, and nuanced policy analysis. I just don't understand why you're at -100.", ">>{thewalkingfred} : Did we not kill enough of them for the problems to dissappear? Maybe we should just kill their families too, because that's what a beacon of freedom and equality does.", ">>{eggsuckingdog} : Reminds me of a joke I read yesterday: What is the difference between an Isis training camp and a school? I don't know man, I'm just the drone pilot", '>>{newe1344} : Genuine question: why do you think Putin wants trump in office?', '>>{lordofthedries} : You hit the nail on the head with your analogy.']]
classify and reply
[">>{t00w00t} : I'm pretty sure they will just replace the phone entirely. You should contact Apple Support or if you have the chance go to your nearest Apple store to see if they have any replacements in stock. They usually have a handful of iPhone's in stock for defects", '>>{FoxMcWeezer} : Don\'t guess if you don\'t use the answer. OP, google search something called dead pixel anomaly threshold. Officially, Apple will replace your device if your device hits a predetermined, acceptable number of dead pixels. This number is higher for different devices, and generally grows in size proportional to the number of pixels the display has. E.g. an iPod nano might be 2 dead pixels = acceptable, where a 27" iMac has an acceptable dead pixel count = 8. Apple will replace your device if it falls under this threshold, but if the new device also falls under the threshold, they will not replace that one. Edit: [here\'s](http://osxdaily.com/2010/11/04/apple-dead-pixel-stuck-pixel-policy/) the proof but you saps just bandwagon on what the current votes are instead of listening to facts so proof would fall on deaf ears.', '>>{neophunk} : I had one on my 6 after a year of use and they replaced the phone. You should be fine. EDIT: To be clear I only had 1 single dead pixel and they still replaced it.', '>>{neophunk} : They have a zero dead pixel policy for the iphone.', '>>{jlwood92} : I recently had this happen twice on iPhone 6s Plus. Top left of the screen was one dead pixel and quickly turned into multiple dead pixels. I took my phone to an Apple Store, the first time they just replaced the screen. The second time I requested they replaced the entire handset, which they did.', ">>{americanmuscle1988} : I don't understand why this is getting down voted. OP just spent nearly a grand for something that doesn't work properly, and is concerned with their purchase. Anyway, I think you should be OK. Apple's customer service has always treated me well. I had some LCD issues with my Macbook Pro that I bought used from eBay. The MBP was still under manufacturer warranty and they replaced it out without question after running their tests. Didn't cost me a dime! Edit: a word.", ">>{mi7chy} : He mentioned it's red against a black background so pretty obvious. I, too, have a zero bad pixel and no dust under screen tolerance and will exchange or return.", '>>{TurboPGT} : Who said its not working properly? 1 dead pixel is outside the acceptable levels for a replacement. I believe it needs to be 4 or more.', ">>{jumbledbumblecrumble} : You can easily get it swapped out. My 7 Plus had a defect in the top right corner when I bought it last Friday. The rubber ring between the screen and the body was indented by a few millimeters. Not a big deal, but cosmetically you could notice it right away. Not to mention who knows how it affected water resistance. I took it back to the Apple Store (fwiw a different Apple Store) the next day and they swapped it out for me. Apple is generally good about swapping out defective phones the first few weeks after launch. I guarantee you get a new one no questions asked. Ignore the phone stock on their site; they always have extras in the back, and if they don't, they'll arrange something for you.", ">>{c0deater} : i had my 6 plus replaced because of a single dead pixel. OP: take it in when you can (ASAP) and get it replaced, while it is in tolerance, its still something they'll replace for.", ">>{americanmuscle1988} : I don't care if it falls under the the acceptable range of 4 or less pixels. When you buy a brand new product for nearly a grand, you better get a product which works 100% perfectly out of the box. It's ridiculous how I have to explain this. OP, for the money you've spent, and the amount of time you've had your phone, you should get your phone replaced.", ">>{emgirgis95} : Yeah you're dead wrong about that. Pretty ironic too since you told t00w00t not to say anything if he didn't know the answer. Apple will replace the iPhone if it has even a single dead pixel on it.", '>>{nephyxx} : Apple has a 14 day return policy. Demand they replace it with a new device instead of attempting to repair it. They will, because you can just return it for full refund and buy a new phone with the money anyway. edit: I would definitely return it before your 14 day window is up -- after that they will either attempt to do a screen replacement under warranty or swap it for a refurb.', ">>{DaShata} : They will give you a new white box replacement no charge at all. You'd be in and out within like 15 minutes with a new 7 Plus", '>>{mikeofhyrule} : Apple has specific DOA parts in store. That is they have phones of most models to swap out immediately and take care of it because any repair done means the phone CANNOT be returned. Because you have just purchased it they should swap it no questions asked', ">>{benclayton} : Apple has REALLY high standards. Especially around this kind of launch. Wouldn't doubt a replacement or at very least a repair.", '>>{lunaprospect} : Because this subreddit is full of Apple dick throaters. These people are the reason apple can decrease the quality of the iPhone every year to increase profits. Yellow screens, dead pixels, hissing, scratches straight out of the box. All will be more commonplace than they already are.', ">>{_DuranDuran_} : Still with this? Stop crying on Reddit acting like Tim Cook ran over your puppy and get on the phone to apple. No, apple aren't letting quality slip to cut costs, because for every one of the complaints you're rehashing people are posting that they have visited an Apple Store and got a new unit, or replacement screen. That costs money for Apple, over and above what they'd save cutting costs. They are selling close to 100,000,000 iPhone 7's in the next 3-6 months and occasionally a few will have issues - that's called fucking reality. These are highly complex devices made up of lots of different parts sourced from many manufacturers - every now and then a duff unit will get out there. Same goes for car manufacturers, computer makers, pretty much any complex machine that is built for sale can have an issue - the real mark of a company is how they deal with it. In apples case they are awesome and will swap it out for you to make sure you're a happy camper.", '>>{Samueul} : i had a dead pixel on my iPhone 6 and took it right back to the Apple store, they replaced it with no hassle with a brand new one, not a refurb, but that was same day of purchase probably within 4 hours of purchase.', ">>{emgirgis95} : Jesus Christ, did you even *read* the article you linked? It clearly says the iPhone or iPod gets replaced with 1 dead pixel. You just proved that guy's comment.", ">>{subhuman1979} : Just reserve a new one when you can and return it. You've got 14 days, no questions asked. I'm sure they'd also replace the screen for you outside of the return window, but it may take longer.", '>>{Rocko9999} : Apple will prob. replace the screen. Dead pixels happen. I had one on a 5S and one on a 6, genius replaced both quickly.', ">>{DougNJ} : Good idea. The only thing I'm questionable about is I paid using AT&T Next. AT&T promo was buy a 7 by 9/25 and trade in your 6 for guaranteed $650 in credits. Worried that outright return and a new purchase will make me lose eligibility being passed the promo period and I already traded in my 6.", '>>{Anon_8675309} : This sounds more like a stuck pixel than a dead one. Try googling some of the remedies for a stuck pixel.', ">>{iShoot556} : Right now your replacement would be brand new, not a refurb. They won't replace the screen this early in the product life. I've had this happen within a couple of weeks after release of the 6S and my 5. Not dead pixels but a weird image retention and a screen crack.", '>>{sanjaybandaru} : Please call customer service or just go directly to an Apple Store and they will give you a brand new phone !!', '>>{hell0_moto} : You will loose eligibility you need to do an exchange under warranty.', '>>{OptionalCookie} : Would you have refurbed so soon after launch? That seems crazy. The first round of replacements might just be new models :o', ">>{asoksevil} : My new 2016 retina MacBook got the screen replaced due to a dead/stuck pixel. It's a brand new MacBook and I expect it to be immaculate. Other people might be more forgiving and flexible on that part.", '>>{borntohula85} : Had the exact same issue with a refurbished 6 Plus. Went back to the store, got handed a different one.', ">>{CaptNemo131} : Take it back. You're within 14 days, Apple won't question it.", '>>{Deep_Quote_Banana} : The article you referenced does say that they will repair or replace if one dead pixel is present...', ">>{Deep_Quote_Banana} : Nowhere in your comment did you say that 1 dead pixel is replaceable. You said an iPod nano *might* be 2 dead pixels is within the replacement threshold. Then the article you referenced said 1 pixel is within the replacement threshold for iPod nanos. You told the previous commenter not to guess if you didn't know the answer, yet you guessed on the replacement thresholds. I guess I have a problem with someone calling someone out for trying to help for offering an opinion, then doing the exact thing they called that person out on. The comment suggested OP call customer support, which is a direct way to find out if the phone is replaceable, and they might even replace it if OP is reasonable and respectable toward customer service regardless of the threshold. You gave a link to an unofficial article. It would suffice to say you have no idea what the official threshold is. TL;DR: don't call someone out for guessing about something (when they didn't even guess), then turn around and make a guess yourself. You are a hypocrite.", '>>{FoxMcWeezer} : > Apple will replace your device if it falls under this threshold, but if the new device also falls under the threshold, they will not replace that one. k.', '>>{yugi_motou} : The acceptable level for an iPhone is 1 or more', ">>{HoldUpBro} : Just call apple/visit an apple store. I had a dead pixel a month back on my 6s and they verified it was dead and replaced it on the spot for me, no questions asked. I'm sure they'll be helpful."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{t00w00t} : I'm pretty sure they will just replace the phone entirely. You should contact Apple Support or if you have the chance go to your nearest Apple store to see if they have any replacements in stock. They usually have a handful of iPhone's in stock for defects", '>>{FoxMcWeezer} : Don\'t guess if you don\'t use the answer. OP, google search something called dead pixel anomaly threshold. Officially, Apple will replace your device if your device hits a predetermined, acceptable number of dead pixels. This number is higher for different devices, and generally grows in size proportional to the number of pixels the display has. E.g. an iPod nano might be 2 dead pixels = acceptable, where a 27" iMac has an acceptable dead pixel count = 8. Apple will replace your device if it falls under this threshold, but if the new device also falls under the threshold, they will not replace that one. Edit: [here\'s](http://osxdaily.com/2010/11/04/apple-dead-pixel-stuck-pixel-policy/) the proof but you saps just bandwagon on what the current votes are instead of listening to facts so proof would fall on deaf ears.', '>>{neophunk} : I had one on my 6 after a year of use and they replaced the phone. You should be fine. EDIT: To be clear I only had 1 single dead pixel and they still replaced it.', '>>{neophunk} : They have a zero dead pixel policy for the iphone.', '>>{jlwood92} : I recently had this happen twice on iPhone 6s Plus. Top left of the screen was one dead pixel and quickly turned into multiple dead pixels. I took my phone to an Apple Store, the first time they just replaced the screen. The second time I requested they replaced the entire handset, which they did.', ">>{americanmuscle1988} : I don't understand why this is getting down voted. OP just spent nearly a grand for something that doesn't work properly, and is concerned with their purchase. Anyway, I think you should be OK. Apple's customer service has always treated me well. I had some LCD issues with my Macbook Pro that I bought used from eBay. The MBP was still under manufacturer warranty and they replaced it out without question after running their tests. Didn't cost me a dime! Edit: a word.", ">>{mi7chy} : He mentioned it's red against a black background so pretty obvious. I, too, have a zero bad pixel and no dust under screen tolerance and will exchange or return.", '>>{TurboPGT} : Who said its not working properly? 1 dead pixel is outside the acceptable levels for a replacement. I believe it needs to be 4 or more.', ">>{jumbledbumblecrumble} : You can easily get it swapped out. My 7 Plus had a defect in the top right corner when I bought it last Friday. The rubber ring between the screen and the body was indented by a few millimeters. Not a big deal, but cosmetically you could notice it right away. Not to mention who knows how it affected water resistance. I took it back to the Apple Store (fwiw a different Apple Store) the next day and they swapped it out for me. Apple is generally good about swapping out defective phones the first few weeks after launch. I guarantee you get a new one no questions asked. Ignore the phone stock on their site; they always have extras in the back, and if they don't, they'll arrange something for you.", ">>{c0deater} : i had my 6 plus replaced because of a single dead pixel. OP: take it in when you can (ASAP) and get it replaced, while it is in tolerance, its still something they'll replace for.", ">>{americanmuscle1988} : I don't care if it falls under the the acceptable range of 4 or less pixels. When you buy a brand new product for nearly a grand, you better get a product which works 100% perfectly out of the box. It's ridiculous how I have to explain this. OP, for the money you've spent, and the amount of time you've had your phone, you should get your phone replaced.", ">>{emgirgis95} : Yeah you're dead wrong about that. Pretty ironic too since you told t00w00t not to say anything if he didn't know the answer. Apple will replace the iPhone if it has even a single dead pixel on it.", '>>{nephyxx} : Apple has a 14 day return policy. Demand they replace it with a new device instead of attempting to repair it. They will, because you can just return it for full refund and buy a new phone with the money anyway. edit: I would definitely return it before your 14 day window is up -- after that they will either attempt to do a screen replacement under warranty or swap it for a refurb.', ">>{DaShata} : They will give you a new white box replacement no charge at all. You'd be in and out within like 15 minutes with a new 7 Plus", '>>{mikeofhyrule} : Apple has specific DOA parts in store. That is they have phones of most models to swap out immediately and take care of it because any repair done means the phone CANNOT be returned. Because you have just purchased it they should swap it no questions asked', ">>{benclayton} : Apple has REALLY high standards. Especially around this kind of launch. Wouldn't doubt a replacement or at very least a repair.", '>>{lunaprospect} : Because this subreddit is full of Apple dick throaters. These people are the reason apple can decrease the quality of the iPhone every year to increase profits. Yellow screens, dead pixels, hissing, scratches straight out of the box. All will be more commonplace than they already are.', ">>{_DuranDuran_} : Still with this? Stop crying on Reddit acting like Tim Cook ran over your puppy and get on the phone to apple. No, apple aren't letting quality slip to cut costs, because for every one of the complaints you're rehashing people are posting that they have visited an Apple Store and got a new unit, or replacement screen. That costs money for Apple, over and above what they'd save cutting costs. They are selling close to 100,000,000 iPhone 7's in the next 3-6 months and occasionally a few will have issues - that's called fucking reality. These are highly complex devices made up of lots of different parts sourced from many manufacturers - every now and then a duff unit will get out there. Same goes for car manufacturers, computer makers, pretty much any complex machine that is built for sale can have an issue - the real mark of a company is how they deal with it. In apples case they are awesome and will swap it out for you to make sure you're a happy camper.", '>>{Samueul} : i had a dead pixel on my iPhone 6 and took it right back to the Apple store, they replaced it with no hassle with a brand new one, not a refurb, but that was same day of purchase probably within 4 hours of purchase.', ">>{emgirgis95} : Jesus Christ, did you even *read* the article you linked? It clearly says the iPhone or iPod gets replaced with 1 dead pixel. You just proved that guy's comment.", ">>{subhuman1979} : Just reserve a new one when you can and return it. You've got 14 days, no questions asked. I'm sure they'd also replace the screen for you outside of the return window, but it may take longer.", '>>{Rocko9999} : Apple will prob. replace the screen. Dead pixels happen. I had one on a 5S and one on a 6, genius replaced both quickly.', ">>{DougNJ} : Good idea. The only thing I'm questionable about is I paid using AT&T Next. AT&T promo was buy a 7 by 9/25 and trade in your 6 for guaranteed $650 in credits. Worried that outright return and a new purchase will make me lose eligibility being passed the promo period and I already traded in my 6.", '>>{Anon_8675309} : This sounds more like a stuck pixel than a dead one. Try googling some of the remedies for a stuck pixel.', ">>{iShoot556} : Right now your replacement would be brand new, not a refurb. They won't replace the screen this early in the product life. I've had this happen within a couple of weeks after release of the 6S and my 5. Not dead pixels but a weird image retention and a screen crack.", '>>{sanjaybandaru} : Please call customer service or just go directly to an Apple Store and they will give you a brand new phone !!', '>>{hell0_moto} : You will loose eligibility you need to do an exchange under warranty.', '>>{OptionalCookie} : Would you have refurbed so soon after launch? That seems crazy. The first round of replacements might just be new models :o', ">>{asoksevil} : My new 2016 retina MacBook got the screen replaced due to a dead/stuck pixel. It's a brand new MacBook and I expect it to be immaculate. Other people might be more forgiving and flexible on that part.", '>>{borntohula85} : Had the exact same issue with a refurbished 6 Plus. Went back to the store, got handed a different one.', ">>{CaptNemo131} : Take it back. You're within 14 days, Apple won't question it.", '>>{Deep_Quote_Banana} : The article you referenced does say that they will repair or replace if one dead pixel is present...', ">>{Deep_Quote_Banana} : Nowhere in your comment did you say that 1 dead pixel is replaceable. You said an iPod nano *might* be 2 dead pixels is within the replacement threshold. Then the article you referenced said 1 pixel is within the replacement threshold for iPod nanos. You told the previous commenter not to guess if you didn't know the answer, yet you guessed on the replacement thresholds. I guess I have a problem with someone calling someone out for trying to help for offering an opinion, then doing the exact thing they called that person out on. The comment suggested OP call customer support, which is a direct way to find out if the phone is replaceable, and they might even replace it if OP is reasonable and respectable toward customer service regardless of the threshold. You gave a link to an unofficial article. It would suffice to say you have no idea what the official threshold is. TL;DR: don't call someone out for guessing about something (when they didn't even guess), then turn around and make a guess yourself. You are a hypocrite.", '>>{FoxMcWeezer} : > Apple will replace your device if it falls under this threshold, but if the new device also falls under the threshold, they will not replace that one. k.', '>>{yugi_motou} : The acceptable level for an iPhone is 1 or more', ">>{HoldUpBro} : Just call apple/visit an apple store. I had a dead pixel a month back on my 6s and they verified it was dead and replaced it on the spot for me, no questions asked. I'm sure they'll be helpful."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Kenatius} : Great expectations: Trump voters expect him to deliver for them', '>>{CyberIndustrialist} : A bunch of jackasses, He will deliver for them alright. He will deliver them right into the waiting arms of vulture multinational corporations.', '>>{popu33} : TJ Maxx and Marshall’s Stores Told to Stop Promoting Ivanka Trump Products', ">>{TinyBaron} : Truth's gonna hurt. Look at his Cabinet. He's going to deliver for his donors. And himself. No one else.", '>>{DemsARevolution} : The biggest con executed by Republicans, was to get themselves elected by people they routinely voted against.', '>>{Nomad47} : Trump benefited from Russia spreading fake news, researchers say', ">>{TheLawwMann} : He hope he helps the fracking industry too man I think that's something that we need it doesnt polute or endanger anything", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Gabbard is seriously overrated. Loyalty is nice, but it doesn't say anything about your abilities.", '>>{GODGK} : He is already delivering for the 1%. The other 99 will get their crumbs later, if ever.', ">>{dwf1967} : While I and many progressives don't care, being non Christian makes her a non starter. She will lose every red and purple state on the map for being Hindu. Yeah, it sucks, but it is true.", ">>{IrishJoe} : Sorry to inform you Trump voters, but if you aren't billionaires, he doesn't give a shit about what you expect him to deliver.", '>>{smarterthenyou2} : Does this all seem a bit petty to anyone else?', '>>{Tridamos} : Hindu, female, and looking just a little too tanned.', '>>{Brian-OBlivion} : Hindu for a lot of Americans equals Muslim. Hell as seen with Obama, black equals Muslim.', '>>{Izor28} : If youre worried about fake news so much maybe the "real" news shouldnt blatantly lie amd collude with the DNC. Then why would people need to go to other, less reliable outlets? Seems like a self correcting problem to me', '>>{ItchyThunder} : Breaking: All the rednecks in Alabama will get free teeth. All the coal miners in West Virginia will get to drill in their backyards for coal.', ">>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : Not at all. This happens all the time in retail. The sales are down and they dump the product. If the name has become toxic and they can't move the product what do you expect them to do? 100% if it was selling they wouldn't be doing this. This is an expensive product that is aimed at women, a group Trump has routinely offended. There are consequences to our actions.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Good. Using your wallet to protest the Trump clan is also a good way to oppose him.', '>>{pb2crazy} : This is America, comrade. Personality > policy We want a politician we can have a beer with, who cares if they loot the treasury!', '>>{deadbeatdad80} : Shelf space is at a premium. You put what you can sell there.', ">>{janzeera} : Collude with the DNC, yeah I bet it's only with the DNC...", ">>{Danny2lok} : No more petty than either Trump or his daughter have been to minorities, servicemen, and women the past year. You want petty? Don't lecture me about American jobs and outsourcing labor, then try to sell me massively overpriced crap that you had made in China.", '>>{quorvitz} : People were complaining about Hillary getting a "coronation", but now they\'re pushing candidates for 2020 a month after the 2016 election was over ... How about we wait and see what happens in the next years, who is strongest at opposing Trump and so on. We should be thinking about 2018 midterms now.', ">>{Supernovae768} : This alone should disqualify his fucking dirty party. Isn't there rules about trying to influence, smear out comes of votes. Elect collage do your job!", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : The people didn't want a conflict of interest so since dony wants to continue being a businessman why not let his family's buisness suffer. If he won't be honest at least the American people will make him pay for it.", ">>{raised_by_wolves__} : Trumps greatest benefit was running against a corrupt politician. A reality tv star with zero political experience beat the most established politician in political history. She had a billion dollar campaign and it wasn't enough.", '>>{mortfeinberg} : Yeah, probably because the dumbing down of America has reached critical mass and we\'re in deep shit now. Every time I see people saying shit like this I think back to Sagan and his book "a demon haunted world" from 1995. A few relevant pages. >> I have a foreboding of an America in my children\'s or grandchildren\'s time - when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what\'s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. >> The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance. As I write, the number one video cassette rental in America is the movie Dumb and Dumber. Beavis and Butthead remains popular (and influential) with young TV viewers. The plain lesson is that study and learning - not just of science, but of anything - are avoidable, even undesirable. We\'ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements - transportation, communications, and all other indus-tries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting - profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. >> Avoidable human misery is more often caused not so much by stupidity as by ignorance, particularly our ignorance about ourselves. I worry that, especially as the millen-nium edges nearer, pseudoscience and superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive. >> Where have we heard it before? Whenever our ethnic or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to national self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us - then, habits of thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls. The candle flame gutters. Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. Donald Trump is what happens when a society remains ignorant and starts to decline.', '>>{Drunkhistoryx} : Except ground water. Oh and causing earthquakes. Totally safe.', '>>{BuckDoe} : If she were nominated she would be committing suicide if she went to North Carolina to campaign considering what they tried to do to the new Democrat governor last night.', '>>{Odawn} : Excellent. The Trump financial and business empire includes businesses and deals involving Donald, Ivanka, and Melania. IMO, if the financial losses and collapse becomes too large for Trump and his family to accept, the better the chances Trump will resign the office of the presidency to attend to his businesses. Drive the Trump businesses down so they are losing 100s of millions each month, and Trump might quit the White House and get of government work before he goes flat broke.', '>>{hillaryIndicted} : Military and credit with the progressive base. If she finds the right message she is gold.', '>>{TINY_DiK_DONNY} : The third and hardest part of this story to dismiss is the money trail. As Marshall noted, Trump has increased his debt load and the dirty little secret is that most U.S. banks don’t loan money to Trump because they don’t trust him. And as Spoiler Alerts discussed last month, **“I’m beginning to wonder if [Trump’s] motivation to win now is less about making America great again and more about avoiding yet another Trump bankruptcy.” Cozying up to Russia and Russian money would certainly be one way of bolstering his finances.** And one wonders if the reason that Trump won’t release his tax returns is because it would expose Trump’s reliance on foreign money to prop up his companies.', ">>{Brannagain} : Fuck, in 2017 there's state house seats up for re-election.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : Giving Assad a pass as well is not a good thing.', ">>{saturnengr0} : Next month's headline: Great Expectations, Greater Depressions. President trump supporters actually thought he would help them", ">>{BalaaClaava} : Wonder if Trump can survive the attacks from the left. Unprecedented. This won't end well for Trump, for the left, for America.", ">>{Bobby_Marks2} : > You put what you can sell there. You put what sells _best_ there. The Ivanka line may not have been bleeding money, but if there is something more profitable it's going to get the space.", '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : Do you think importing uneducated, unskilled, 3rd world migrants contributes to the dumbing down of our population.', ">>{mortfeinberg} : The population is already dumbed down. Also, you know it's actually pretty hard to immigrate here, right? The general population is already stupid, Trump is evidence of that. On top of this, at most, this would latch for 1 generation, if that. The GOP waging a 30 year long war on education did more damage than immigrants could dream of.", '>>{deadbeatdad80} : Yes you are right, I should have said that.', ">>{Bobby_Marks2} : It's business, and honestly it's not a surprise that these kinds of brands suffer - polarizing brands almost always suffer in a market with choice. An example might help: Imagine you sell jeans. Conservatives buy jeans. Liberals buy jeans. Pretty much everyone buys jeans. But one day, your brand gets politicized because someone central to it became President. Suddenly, liberals refuse to buy your brand - which is easy, there are dozens if not hundreds or thousands of brands of jeans they could buy instead. Does the loss of business from almost half the population hurt less than the added business of the other half? Well, I'd guess no, since few people are actually going to afford and/or bother to buy one specific brand of jeans just to keep you in business. I just can't see conservatives buying enough to offset the losses from the liberals. It's easy to avoid one brand when there are hundreds of options; it's much harder to avoid hundreds so you can focus on the one. I worked retail management for about four years, and I know that it doesn't take much in the way of sales slumps to get a brand dropped. A 10% drop in sales would pretty much guarantee a brand getting dropped, and that's not factoring in the potential brand damage and disruption that comes from a volatile brand. Retailers want to sell safe, easy, reliable brands. Right now, Ivanka clothing is boat-rocking, polarizing, and potentially unreliable - they will drop it now before it causes real issues later. In the case of TJ Maxx and Marshalls specifically, I'd argue that there might be the added element of Trump attacking Nordsrom at play here. It's possible that they've decided that waiting (and leaving Nordstrom alone in dropping the brand) could lead to Nordstrom taking the brunt, which then lends power to Trump's position and the Ivanka brand simply because stockholders will be hesitant to trust in companies that go against Trump. It's all about money, and getting out of Ivanka retail right now is one of the best ways to prevent a bigger potential issue down the road.", '>>{hillaryIndicted} : Moralizing this when the other party will commit genocide and install a wahabi theocracy is not called for. The geopolitics are very entrenched calling both sides out is not giving assad a pass.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Help me out here. What's your source for Syrian rebels being Wahabi-backed groups? I admit my foreign relations knowledge needs work. Give me a starting point, if you could.", '>>{FUCK_THE_THALMOR} : Also long time in retail and you are spot on. Now is the time to pull out. If only Fred Trump had done so.', '>>{professorrumham} : Stupid people breed more. It was only a matter of time until it caught up to us.', '>>{branamuffin} : They are parasites who contribute nothing and greedily suck up as much as possible at the expense of others.', ">>{Astalano} : Why is this 'fake news' narrative being spread?", '>>{sherrinford_holmes} : Confession time: Something about Gabbard is deeply offputting to me, and I cannot quite put my finger on what it is.', ">>{hillaryIndicted} : >What's your source for Syrian rebels being Wahabi-backed groups? The Email leaks. Qtar and Saudi Arabia fund ISIS. Stop calling them rebels they are radical Islamist.", '>>{StealFromTheRichest} : Libs need a reason why they lost. They simply cannot accept the results of the election. Quite sad.', ">>{Quexana} : I like Gabbard a lot. She needs a bit more seasoning though. I think one day maybe, but that day isn't anytime in 2020.", '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : The USA is one of the most generous nations when it comes to immigration. We accept more than a million immigrants a year. Most come from underdeveloped nations (thanks to chain migration) that have little human capital and no desire to assimilate.', ">>{KingPickle} : It's not all of us libs. Just the establishment ones. And I agree, it's sad. Suddenly everything is Russia and Nazis. I expect them to pull out a chalk board, like Glenn Beck, and start drawing out some crazy connected plot that exists only in their heads. It's embarrassing to watch. So, from one of the cool libs, congrats on your win. I'm happy the TPP won't pass. Just please don't fuck up the Supreme Court too much. kthx ;)", '>>{StealFromTheRichest} : No win for me i voted hilary but tbh atleast for me i dont care who is president its all the same. No matter who is president tomorrow i will wake up and go to work.', '>>{pb2crazy} : The person asked for a source, not your personal opinion.', ">>{_PresidentTrump} : Stfu with this Orwellian 'fake news' term. I remember fake anti-Trump news. Fake tweets saying he wrote 'leightweight' and whatnot being published by trash tabloids", '>>{pm_me_ankle_nudes} : The only reason this opportunistic, conservative Dem gets any traction here is she 1) Supported Reddit Jesus 2) has a vagina to deflect any claims of sexism.', '>>{_PresidentTrump} : Not to mention the illegal ones who come off the record or stay when their visas expire. What a stupid comment by the guy above', ">>{black_krim} : Raw opportunism. I'm a Bernie supporter, like many of her fans, but you can feel the uninhibited ambition from her. Not to mention the odd ties to Hindu supremacists and her comments on Russia and Syria.", ">>{MarcoVincenzo} : The primary purveyors of fake news are the corporate media: CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. They're the ones who pushing their personal (or paid for) ideology as factual reporting and they, almost to a person, supported Clinton. If you truly want real news you have to go to the independent media. Oh, and Russia had nothing to do with it--though George Soros may have.", ">>{FlexButtman} : Man this is cool to read. It's been awhile since I've seen an opinion on here that doesn't flat out call the right racist, stupid or both. It's cool of you to recognize it and that it only creates a greater divide.", ">>{loki8481} : just this week, the Democratic members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the State Department urging them not to comply with any Trump team requests for lists of career staffers involved with various political decisions (like when the requested a list from the Energy Department of all staffers who worked on climate change programs) every Democrat signed it except Tulsi Gabbard. the one offputting thing to me is that I think a lot of her cheerleaders gloss over her actual record just because she's pretty and stood up to DWS.", '>>{VisceralMonkey} : Had hopes for her once, but not now. She tacks waaaay to close to republicans "values" for me now :(', ">>{KingPickle} : Absolutely! At the end of the day, *everyone* just wants their life to be a little bit better. We might disagree on what will make that happen, but we're all still just people. The parties and the media have become really good at pushing peoples buttons, and working them into a frenzy. But it's becoming tired, and trite, and obvious. And I think some people are starting to look past that. We need to get back to just having honest conversations with one another, instead of parroting their talking-point bullshit. Fuck all the shills. Time to get back to basics.", '>>{Pylons} : She\'s anti-muslim. Voted for the SAFE act which places an unnecessary level of bureaucracy on refugees from Syria and Iraq, and sponsored legislation which fast-tracks religious minority refugees from those same areas. I also think her "left-ward journey" is a bunch of bullshit, but that\'s a bit more spurious.', ">>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : She's associated with Hindu extremists and voted with Republicans to protect the BJP from sanctions (punishing them for deadly riots against Muslims which they encouraged), backed by Sheldon Adelson (the same guy who backed Trump), virulently pro-Likud when it comes to Israel policy, anti-refugee, and previously virulently anti-gay (but suddenly she loves the gays when it becomes an electoral issue). She's accused Obama of arming ISIS without providing any evidence. She's also spoken in favor of the Trump administration and wants more ex-generals in the Cabinet. She was literally a Republican until a few years ago, and her supposed Progressivism is so obviously a veneer to get elected it's not even funny. But all it takes to pass the Berniecrat purity test is to endorse Bernie, no matter what your own policies actually are.", ">>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : This is literally true. I've never even mentioned her gender and whenever I lay out the substantive case against her some Bernie or Trump fan comes out of the woodwork to call me a sexist.", '>>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : Don\'t worry, Tulsi is the most transparently Islamophobic Democrat out there. If you ever actually listen to her talk about Muslims, especially refugees from Syria, you\'ll note that she\'s somehow to the Right of *Peter King*, the NY Republican who wants to have McCarthy style investigations into "Muslim infiltration of the US government".', '>>{ducphat} : This article speaks clearly about the fact that the Syrian "rebels" are in fact directly aligned with Al Qaeda and Al Nusra, as confirmed by both the NYT and Wall Street Journal: http://www.atimes.com/us-ends-training-al-qaeda-isis.../', ">>{ducphat} : I really like Tulsi but I agree with you. It's too far ahead to talk about 2020. The mid terms will be critical.", '>>{ducphat} : Tulsi is supportive of people of ALL faiths (or no faith), including Muslims. She endorsed Muslim Keith Ellison for DNC. She also co-sponsored HRes 569 condemning violence, bigotry and hatred towards Muslims (https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-resolution/569. She also strongly condemned bigoted statements towards Muslims by Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Lindsey Graham. She is a champion of freedom of religion and separation of church and state, which she spoke about at the annual Reason Rally (https://medium.com/@TulsiGabbard/transcript-tulsis-speech-at-the-reason-rally-in-washington-d-c-this-month-85b1f2d577ea#.to48e5d9i). Her position on Syria and the need to address Islamic extremism is shared by many Muslims, including the founder of Muslim for Progressive Values. (http://www.wnyc.org/story/countering-radical-islam/)', '>>{ducphat} : Her base will be Dems, who generally are not bigots. People raised the same issue about JFK when he ran as a Catholic.', '>>{ducphat} : I don\'t agree with her on every issue, but she\'s clearly a strong progressive. She\'s fought against the DAPL for months and personally went there to support the water protectors, she\'s a peace dove trying to end U.S. dictator toppling war policy, she\'s fought to break up the big banks, criminally prosecute corporate executives who rip off the American people, she\'s pushed for criminal justice reform and legalization of marijuana, she\'s endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign for her strong support of LGBT, she\'s for protecting social security and for enacting universal healthcare, she was given an award for fighting for consumers\' "right to know" on GMO, she\'s for renewable energy and has been fighting to protect the environment since she was a teenager, etc. etc. You can learn more about her vision, voting record and positions on the issues on her website: https://www.votetulsi.com/vision. I saw Clintonistas try to smear her positions ever since Tulsi resigned from the DNC to endorse Bernie. They\'re good at their game, so unfortunately people have been influenced by the smears, but the reality is Tulsi is a true progressive for the people.', ">>{ducphat} : What you are saying is patently false and is another example of how the Clinton establishment tried to smear Tulsi is retaliation for her resignation at the DNC and her strong support of Bernie Sanders. Furthermore your statement reveals your own Hinduphobia and bigotry against Hindus by painting someone with a broad brush based on their religion. She is NOT backed by Sheldon Adelson and has never received a dime from him. She voted to give extra funding to the program that vets refugees so that their entrance to the U.S. can be expedited; she's also spoken out numerous times to encourage the entrance of refugees from Muslim countries (https://youtu.be/EZTut3CgFjc?t=3m15s) and she's been 100% pro LGBT since elected to Congress and was endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign. In respect to the issue of the U.S./Obama administration arming extremists in Syria, this has been reported by both the NYT and Wall Street Journal (here's a helpful article to understand the issue: http://www.atimes.com/us-ends-training-al-qaeda-isis-collaborators//). In regard to the generals, she simply said that they are civilians and, as such, they should not be discriminated against for having served. She is also a LIFELONG DEMOCRAT.", '>>{ducphat} : Quite the opposite, actually. She\'s anti- groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda and has supported and introduced legislation expediting entry to vetted refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq. She\'s also introduced legislation to [arm Sunni Muslims against ISIS.](https://gabbard.house.gov/news/press-releases/photos-rep-tulsi-gabbard-meets-middle-east-leaders-encourage-empowering-sunnis) supported bills [and spoken in favor of vetted refugees from Muslim majority Iraq and Afghanistan](https://youtu.be/EZTut3CgFjc?t=3m15s), has consistently opposed bigotry against Muslims by [Trump](https://www.facebook.com/cnnpolitics/videos/1028375490537617/), [Carson](https://www.facebook.com/VoteTulsi/photos/a.176069725782788.44124.174866249236469/935087709880982/), [Graham] (http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/your-world-cavuto/2015/02/04/rep-gabbard-not-religious-war) and others. She has said repeatedly emphasized this: > "The majority of Muslims are practicing the spiritual path of Islam within their own lives in a pluralistic, peaceful way. So by calling organizations like ISIS Islamic or Islamist **extremists** [emphasis hers], we are making a distinction between the vast majority of Muslims who are not extremists and a handful of those who are.". It is a position supported by [moderate](http://ifut.net/3569-2/) and [progressive Muslims](http://www.wnyc.org/story/countering-radical-islam/) If you think war doesn\'t change people, I suggest you try it. Tulsi [said she was wrong](http://archive.is/5DkwH) and her actions in Congress [in support of marriage equality and LGBT rights](https://www.votetulsi.com/node/25012) have proven that.', '>>{Pylons} : > Quite the opposite, actually. The only possible thing I said that could be false is that she\'s anti-muslim - and I consider that completely debatable. [She *did* vote for the SAFE act](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/114-2015/h643), and [she *did* sponsor legislation to fast-track Yezidi and other minorities from ISIS-affected areas.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-resolution/435/text) These are facts that you cannot deny. As for this: > her actions in Congress in support of marriage equality and LGBT rights have proven that. Her actions in Congress prove nothing except that she wants to keep her job in the face of an increasingly LGBT-friendly constituency. Are they evidence to back up your claim that she is now LGBT friendly? Sure. I even admitted that my thinking her left-ward journey is bullshit is more spurious than the facts of her legislation record. I, personally, just don\'t believe someone who has used the phrase "homosexual extremists" can change so easily.', ">>{ducphat} : Actually, Tulsi did [sign the letter.](https://democrats-foreignaffairs.house.gov/sites/democrats.foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/12.15.16.%20REVISED%20-%20Rep.%20Engel%20Letter%20to%20Secretary%20Kerry%20on%20Non-Compliance.pdf) Her [ideals, record and views](https://www.votetulsi.com/vision) are progressive, with strong support for national defense, but she's [against regime-change wars.](https://medium.com/@TulsiGabbard/theres-an-old-saying-that-the-road-to-hell-is-paved-with-good-intentions-c7133a72e6ab#.op1ixmmav) That should tell you she's on the right side of humanity."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Nomad47} : Trump benefited from Russia spreading fake news, researchers say', '>>{Izor28} : If youre worried about fake news so much maybe the "real" news shouldnt blatantly lie amd collude with the DNC. Then why would people need to go to other, less reliable outlets? Seems like a self correcting problem to me', ">>{janzeera} : Collude with the DNC, yeah I bet it's only with the DNC...", ">>{Supernovae768} : This alone should disqualify his fucking dirty party. Isn't there rules about trying to influence, smear out comes of votes. Elect collage do your job!", ">>{raised_by_wolves__} : Trumps greatest benefit was running against a corrupt politician. A reality tv star with zero political experience beat the most established politician in political history. She had a billion dollar campaign and it wasn't enough.", '>>{mortfeinberg} : Yeah, probably because the dumbing down of America has reached critical mass and we\'re in deep shit now. Every time I see people saying shit like this I think back to Sagan and his book "a demon haunted world" from 1995. A few relevant pages. >> I have a foreboding of an America in my children\'s or grandchildren\'s time - when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what\'s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. >> The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance. As I write, the number one video cassette rental in America is the movie Dumb and Dumber. Beavis and Butthead remains popular (and influential) with young TV viewers. The plain lesson is that study and learning - not just of science, but of anything - are avoidable, even undesirable. We\'ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements - transportation, communications, and all other indus-tries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting - profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. >> Avoidable human misery is more often caused not so much by stupidity as by ignorance, particularly our ignorance about ourselves. I worry that, especially as the millen-nium edges nearer, pseudoscience and superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive. >> Where have we heard it before? Whenever our ethnic or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to national self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us - then, habits of thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls. The candle flame gutters. Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. Donald Trump is what happens when a society remains ignorant and starts to decline.', '>>{TINY_DiK_DONNY} : The third and hardest part of this story to dismiss is the money trail. As Marshall noted, Trump has increased his debt load and the dirty little secret is that most U.S. banks don’t loan money to Trump because they don’t trust him. And as Spoiler Alerts discussed last month, **“I’m beginning to wonder if [Trump’s] motivation to win now is less about making America great again and more about avoiding yet another Trump bankruptcy.” Cozying up to Russia and Russian money would certainly be one way of bolstering his finances.** And one wonders if the reason that Trump won’t release his tax returns is because it would expose Trump’s reliance on foreign money to prop up his companies.', '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : Do you think importing uneducated, unskilled, 3rd world migrants contributes to the dumbing down of our population.', ">>{mortfeinberg} : The population is already dumbed down. Also, you know it's actually pretty hard to immigrate here, right? The general population is already stupid, Trump is evidence of that. On top of this, at most, this would latch for 1 generation, if that. The GOP waging a 30 year long war on education did more damage than immigrants could dream of.", '>>{professorrumham} : Stupid people breed more. It was only a matter of time until it caught up to us.', ">>{Astalano} : Why is this 'fake news' narrative being spread?", '>>{StealFromTheRichest} : Libs need a reason why they lost. They simply cannot accept the results of the election. Quite sad.', '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : The USA is one of the most generous nations when it comes to immigration. We accept more than a million immigrants a year. Most come from underdeveloped nations (thanks to chain migration) that have little human capital and no desire to assimilate.', ">>{KingPickle} : It's not all of us libs. Just the establishment ones. And I agree, it's sad. Suddenly everything is Russia and Nazis. I expect them to pull out a chalk board, like Glenn Beck, and start drawing out some crazy connected plot that exists only in their heads. It's embarrassing to watch. So, from one of the cool libs, congrats on your win. I'm happy the TPP won't pass. Just please don't fuck up the Supreme Court too much. kthx ;)", '>>{StealFromTheRichest} : No win for me i voted hilary but tbh atleast for me i dont care who is president its all the same. No matter who is president tomorrow i will wake up and go to work.', ">>{_PresidentTrump} : Stfu with this Orwellian 'fake news' term. I remember fake anti-Trump news. Fake tweets saying he wrote 'leightweight' and whatnot being published by trash tabloids", '>>{_PresidentTrump} : Not to mention the illegal ones who come off the record or stay when their visas expire. What a stupid comment by the guy above', ">>{MarcoVincenzo} : The primary purveyors of fake news are the corporate media: CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. They're the ones who pushing their personal (or paid for) ideology as factual reporting and they, almost to a person, supported Clinton. If you truly want real news you have to go to the independent media. Oh, and Russia had nothing to do with it--though George Soros may have.", ">>{FlexButtman} : Man this is cool to read. It's been awhile since I've seen an opinion on here that doesn't flat out call the right racist, stupid or both. It's cool of you to recognize it and that it only creates a greater divide.", ">>{KingPickle} : Absolutely! At the end of the day, *everyone* just wants their life to be a little bit better. We might disagree on what will make that happen, but we're all still just people. The parties and the media have become really good at pushing peoples buttons, and working them into a frenzy. But it's becoming tired, and trite, and obvious. And I think some people are starting to look past that. We need to get back to just having honest conversations with one another, instead of parroting their talking-point bullshit. Fuck all the shills. Time to get back to basics."], ['>>{Kenatius} : Great expectations: Trump voters expect him to deliver for them', '>>{CyberIndustrialist} : A bunch of jackasses, He will deliver for them alright. He will deliver them right into the waiting arms of vulture multinational corporations.', ">>{TinyBaron} : Truth's gonna hurt. Look at his Cabinet. He's going to deliver for his donors. And himself. No one else.", '>>{DemsARevolution} : The biggest con executed by Republicans, was to get themselves elected by people they routinely voted against.', ">>{TheLawwMann} : He hope he helps the fracking industry too man I think that's something that we need it doesnt polute or endanger anything", '>>{GODGK} : He is already delivering for the 1%. The other 99 will get their crumbs later, if ever.', ">>{IrishJoe} : Sorry to inform you Trump voters, but if you aren't billionaires, he doesn't give a shit about what you expect him to deliver.", '>>{ItchyThunder} : Breaking: All the rednecks in Alabama will get free teeth. All the coal miners in West Virginia will get to drill in their backyards for coal.', '>>{Drunkhistoryx} : Except ground water. Oh and causing earthquakes. Totally safe.', ">>{saturnengr0} : Next month's headline: Great Expectations, Greater Depressions. President trump supporters actually thought he would help them"], [">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Gabbard is seriously overrated. Loyalty is nice, but it doesn't say anything about your abilities.", ">>{dwf1967} : While I and many progressives don't care, being non Christian makes her a non starter. She will lose every red and purple state on the map for being Hindu. Yeah, it sucks, but it is true.", '>>{Tridamos} : Hindu, female, and looking just a little too tanned.', '>>{Brian-OBlivion} : Hindu for a lot of Americans equals Muslim. Hell as seen with Obama, black equals Muslim.', '>>{pb2crazy} : This is America, comrade. Personality > policy We want a politician we can have a beer with, who cares if they loot the treasury!', '>>{quorvitz} : People were complaining about Hillary getting a "coronation", but now they\'re pushing candidates for 2020 a month after the 2016 election was over ... How about we wait and see what happens in the next years, who is strongest at opposing Trump and so on. We should be thinking about 2018 midterms now.', '>>{BuckDoe} : If she were nominated she would be committing suicide if she went to North Carolina to campaign considering what they tried to do to the new Democrat governor last night.', '>>{hillaryIndicted} : Military and credit with the progressive base. If she finds the right message she is gold.', ">>{Brannagain} : Fuck, in 2017 there's state house seats up for re-election.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : Giving Assad a pass as well is not a good thing.', '>>{hillaryIndicted} : Moralizing this when the other party will commit genocide and install a wahabi theocracy is not called for. The geopolitics are very entrenched calling both sides out is not giving assad a pass.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Help me out here. What's your source for Syrian rebels being Wahabi-backed groups? I admit my foreign relations knowledge needs work. Give me a starting point, if you could.", '>>{sherrinford_holmes} : Confession time: Something about Gabbard is deeply offputting to me, and I cannot quite put my finger on what it is.', ">>{hillaryIndicted} : >What's your source for Syrian rebels being Wahabi-backed groups? The Email leaks. Qtar and Saudi Arabia fund ISIS. Stop calling them rebels they are radical Islamist.", ">>{Quexana} : I like Gabbard a lot. She needs a bit more seasoning though. I think one day maybe, but that day isn't anytime in 2020.", '>>{pb2crazy} : The person asked for a source, not your personal opinion.', '>>{pm_me_ankle_nudes} : The only reason this opportunistic, conservative Dem gets any traction here is she 1) Supported Reddit Jesus 2) has a vagina to deflect any claims of sexism.', ">>{black_krim} : Raw opportunism. I'm a Bernie supporter, like many of her fans, but you can feel the uninhibited ambition from her. Not to mention the odd ties to Hindu supremacists and her comments on Russia and Syria.", ">>{loki8481} : just this week, the Democratic members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the State Department urging them not to comply with any Trump team requests for lists of career staffers involved with various political decisions (like when the requested a list from the Energy Department of all staffers who worked on climate change programs) every Democrat signed it except Tulsi Gabbard. the one offputting thing to me is that I think a lot of her cheerleaders gloss over her actual record just because she's pretty and stood up to DWS.", '>>{VisceralMonkey} : Had hopes for her once, but not now. She tacks waaaay to close to republicans "values" for me now :(', '>>{Pylons} : She\'s anti-muslim. Voted for the SAFE act which places an unnecessary level of bureaucracy on refugees from Syria and Iraq, and sponsored legislation which fast-tracks religious minority refugees from those same areas. I also think her "left-ward journey" is a bunch of bullshit, but that\'s a bit more spurious.', ">>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : She's associated with Hindu extremists and voted with Republicans to protect the BJP from sanctions (punishing them for deadly riots against Muslims which they encouraged), backed by Sheldon Adelson (the same guy who backed Trump), virulently pro-Likud when it comes to Israel policy, anti-refugee, and previously virulently anti-gay (but suddenly she loves the gays when it becomes an electoral issue). She's accused Obama of arming ISIS without providing any evidence. She's also spoken in favor of the Trump administration and wants more ex-generals in the Cabinet. She was literally a Republican until a few years ago, and her supposed Progressivism is so obviously a veneer to get elected it's not even funny. But all it takes to pass the Berniecrat purity test is to endorse Bernie, no matter what your own policies actually are.", ">>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : This is literally true. I've never even mentioned her gender and whenever I lay out the substantive case against her some Bernie or Trump fan comes out of the woodwork to call me a sexist.", '>>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : Don\'t worry, Tulsi is the most transparently Islamophobic Democrat out there. If you ever actually listen to her talk about Muslims, especially refugees from Syria, you\'ll note that she\'s somehow to the Right of *Peter King*, the NY Republican who wants to have McCarthy style investigations into "Muslim infiltration of the US government".', '>>{ducphat} : This article speaks clearly about the fact that the Syrian "rebels" are in fact directly aligned with Al Qaeda and Al Nusra, as confirmed by both the NYT and Wall Street Journal: http://www.atimes.com/us-ends-training-al-qaeda-isis.../', ">>{ducphat} : I really like Tulsi but I agree with you. It's too far ahead to talk about 2020. The mid terms will be critical.", '>>{ducphat} : Tulsi is supportive of people of ALL faiths (or no faith), including Muslims. She endorsed Muslim Keith Ellison for DNC. She also co-sponsored HRes 569 condemning violence, bigotry and hatred towards Muslims (https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-resolution/569. She also strongly condemned bigoted statements towards Muslims by Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Lindsey Graham. She is a champion of freedom of religion and separation of church and state, which she spoke about at the annual Reason Rally (https://medium.com/@TulsiGabbard/transcript-tulsis-speech-at-the-reason-rally-in-washington-d-c-this-month-85b1f2d577ea#.to48e5d9i). Her position on Syria and the need to address Islamic extremism is shared by many Muslims, including the founder of Muslim for Progressive Values. (http://www.wnyc.org/story/countering-radical-islam/)', '>>{ducphat} : Her base will be Dems, who generally are not bigots. People raised the same issue about JFK when he ran as a Catholic.', '>>{ducphat} : I don\'t agree with her on every issue, but she\'s clearly a strong progressive. She\'s fought against the DAPL for months and personally went there to support the water protectors, she\'s a peace dove trying to end U.S. dictator toppling war policy, she\'s fought to break up the big banks, criminally prosecute corporate executives who rip off the American people, she\'s pushed for criminal justice reform and legalization of marijuana, she\'s endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign for her strong support of LGBT, she\'s for protecting social security and for enacting universal healthcare, she was given an award for fighting for consumers\' "right to know" on GMO, she\'s for renewable energy and has been fighting to protect the environment since she was a teenager, etc. etc. You can learn more about her vision, voting record and positions on the issues on her website: https://www.votetulsi.com/vision. I saw Clintonistas try to smear her positions ever since Tulsi resigned from the DNC to endorse Bernie. They\'re good at their game, so unfortunately people have been influenced by the smears, but the reality is Tulsi is a true progressive for the people.', ">>{ducphat} : What you are saying is patently false and is another example of how the Clinton establishment tried to smear Tulsi is retaliation for her resignation at the DNC and her strong support of Bernie Sanders. Furthermore your statement reveals your own Hinduphobia and bigotry against Hindus by painting someone with a broad brush based on their religion. She is NOT backed by Sheldon Adelson and has never received a dime from him. She voted to give extra funding to the program that vets refugees so that their entrance to the U.S. can be expedited; she's also spoken out numerous times to encourage the entrance of refugees from Muslim countries (https://youtu.be/EZTut3CgFjc?t=3m15s) and she's been 100% pro LGBT since elected to Congress and was endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign. In respect to the issue of the U.S./Obama administration arming extremists in Syria, this has been reported by both the NYT and Wall Street Journal (here's a helpful article to understand the issue: http://www.atimes.com/us-ends-training-al-qaeda-isis-collaborators//). In regard to the generals, she simply said that they are civilians and, as such, they should not be discriminated against for having served. She is also a LIFELONG DEMOCRAT.", '>>{ducphat} : Quite the opposite, actually. She\'s anti- groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda and has supported and introduced legislation expediting entry to vetted refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq. She\'s also introduced legislation to [arm Sunni Muslims against ISIS.](https://gabbard.house.gov/news/press-releases/photos-rep-tulsi-gabbard-meets-middle-east-leaders-encourage-empowering-sunnis) supported bills [and spoken in favor of vetted refugees from Muslim majority Iraq and Afghanistan](https://youtu.be/EZTut3CgFjc?t=3m15s), has consistently opposed bigotry against Muslims by [Trump](https://www.facebook.com/cnnpolitics/videos/1028375490537617/), [Carson](https://www.facebook.com/VoteTulsi/photos/a.176069725782788.44124.174866249236469/935087709880982/), [Graham] (http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/your-world-cavuto/2015/02/04/rep-gabbard-not-religious-war) and others. She has said repeatedly emphasized this: > "The majority of Muslims are practicing the spiritual path of Islam within their own lives in a pluralistic, peaceful way. So by calling organizations like ISIS Islamic or Islamist **extremists** [emphasis hers], we are making a distinction between the vast majority of Muslims who are not extremists and a handful of those who are.". It is a position supported by [moderate](http://ifut.net/3569-2/) and [progressive Muslims](http://www.wnyc.org/story/countering-radical-islam/) If you think war doesn\'t change people, I suggest you try it. Tulsi [said she was wrong](http://archive.is/5DkwH) and her actions in Congress [in support of marriage equality and LGBT rights](https://www.votetulsi.com/node/25012) have proven that.', '>>{Pylons} : > Quite the opposite, actually. The only possible thing I said that could be false is that she\'s anti-muslim - and I consider that completely debatable. [She *did* vote for the SAFE act](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/114-2015/h643), and [she *did* sponsor legislation to fast-track Yezidi and other minorities from ISIS-affected areas.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-resolution/435/text) These are facts that you cannot deny. As for this: > her actions in Congress in support of marriage equality and LGBT rights have proven that. Her actions in Congress prove nothing except that she wants to keep her job in the face of an increasingly LGBT-friendly constituency. Are they evidence to back up your claim that she is now LGBT friendly? Sure. I even admitted that my thinking her left-ward journey is bullshit is more spurious than the facts of her legislation record. I, personally, just don\'t believe someone who has used the phrase "homosexual extremists" can change so easily.', ">>{ducphat} : Actually, Tulsi did [sign the letter.](https://democrats-foreignaffairs.house.gov/sites/democrats.foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/12.15.16.%20REVISED%20-%20Rep.%20Engel%20Letter%20to%20Secretary%20Kerry%20on%20Non-Compliance.pdf) Her [ideals, record and views](https://www.votetulsi.com/vision) are progressive, with strong support for national defense, but she's [against regime-change wars.](https://medium.com/@TulsiGabbard/theres-an-old-saying-that-the-road-to-hell-is-paved-with-good-intentions-c7133a72e6ab#.op1ixmmav) That should tell you she's on the right side of humanity."], ['>>{popu33} : TJ Maxx and Marshall’s Stores Told to Stop Promoting Ivanka Trump Products', '>>{smarterthenyou2} : Does this all seem a bit petty to anyone else?', ">>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : Not at all. This happens all the time in retail. The sales are down and they dump the product. If the name has become toxic and they can't move the product what do you expect them to do? 100% if it was selling they wouldn't be doing this. This is an expensive product that is aimed at women, a group Trump has routinely offended. There are consequences to our actions.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Good. Using your wallet to protest the Trump clan is also a good way to oppose him.', '>>{deadbeatdad80} : Shelf space is at a premium. You put what you can sell there.', ">>{Danny2lok} : No more petty than either Trump or his daughter have been to minorities, servicemen, and women the past year. You want petty? Don't lecture me about American jobs and outsourcing labor, then try to sell me massively overpriced crap that you had made in China.", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : The people didn't want a conflict of interest so since dony wants to continue being a businessman why not let his family's buisness suffer. If he won't be honest at least the American people will make him pay for it.", '>>{Odawn} : Excellent. The Trump financial and business empire includes businesses and deals involving Donald, Ivanka, and Melania. IMO, if the financial losses and collapse becomes too large for Trump and his family to accept, the better the chances Trump will resign the office of the presidency to attend to his businesses. Drive the Trump businesses down so they are losing 100s of millions each month, and Trump might quit the White House and get of government work before he goes flat broke.', ">>{BalaaClaava} : Wonder if Trump can survive the attacks from the left. Unprecedented. This won't end well for Trump, for the left, for America.", ">>{Bobby_Marks2} : > You put what you can sell there. You put what sells _best_ there. The Ivanka line may not have been bleeding money, but if there is something more profitable it's going to get the space.", '>>{deadbeatdad80} : Yes you are right, I should have said that.', ">>{Bobby_Marks2} : It's business, and honestly it's not a surprise that these kinds of brands suffer - polarizing brands almost always suffer in a market with choice. An example might help: Imagine you sell jeans. Conservatives buy jeans. Liberals buy jeans. Pretty much everyone buys jeans. But one day, your brand gets politicized because someone central to it became President. Suddenly, liberals refuse to buy your brand - which is easy, there are dozens if not hundreds or thousands of brands of jeans they could buy instead. Does the loss of business from almost half the population hurt less than the added business of the other half? Well, I'd guess no, since few people are actually going to afford and/or bother to buy one specific brand of jeans just to keep you in business. I just can't see conservatives buying enough to offset the losses from the liberals. It's easy to avoid one brand when there are hundreds of options; it's much harder to avoid hundreds so you can focus on the one. I worked retail management for about four years, and I know that it doesn't take much in the way of sales slumps to get a brand dropped. A 10% drop in sales would pretty much guarantee a brand getting dropped, and that's not factoring in the potential brand damage and disruption that comes from a volatile brand. Retailers want to sell safe, easy, reliable brands. Right now, Ivanka clothing is boat-rocking, polarizing, and potentially unreliable - they will drop it now before it causes real issues later. In the case of TJ Maxx and Marshalls specifically, I'd argue that there might be the added element of Trump attacking Nordsrom at play here. It's possible that they've decided that waiting (and leaving Nordstrom alone in dropping the brand) could lead to Nordstrom taking the brunt, which then lends power to Trump's position and the Ivanka brand simply because stockholders will be hesitant to trust in companies that go against Trump. It's all about money, and getting out of Ivanka retail right now is one of the best ways to prevent a bigger potential issue down the road.", '>>{FUCK_THE_THALMOR} : Also long time in retail and you are spot on. Now is the time to pull out. If only Fred Trump had done so.', '>>{branamuffin} : They are parasites who contribute nothing and greedily suck up as much as possible at the expense of others.']]
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['>>{captaincanada84} : James Comey’s Rebuke of Hillary Clinton Fits a 3-Decade Pattern', ">>{rdevaughn} : I'm having a hard time understanding why Americans should not be rioting. Prosecutors can decide not to file charges, but it's unclear to me on what basis law enforcement can not recommend charges if there is evidence of a crime (which Comey has admitted, and seems undisputed at this point). Law enforcements' ability to not recommend charges essentially means that if I commit a crime, the responsible prosecutor could arbitrarily decide not to charge me, and I would get off scot-free; that seems categorically unjust.", '>>{growyurown} : 3-decade pattern. If you have money and power you can get away with anything.', '>>{CarbonTrebles} : [This](http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/no-hillary-did-not-commit-a-crime-at-least-based-on-what-we-know-today/) answers your question. Imho, the agencies created a real fear of indictment not because they thought that Clinton was a criminal but rather to ensure future SOSs will comply with security measures and not follow the pattern of past SOSs.', '>>{rdevaughn} : >"First, none of the information she possessed and/or presumably “removes” had officially been declared “classified” at that time." Directly contradicted by Comey today- "From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received."', ">>{oldbeth} : He talked down to her. He wouldn't have done that to a male candidate.", '>>{HeilStrictScrutiny} : So the woman who broke every rule in the book as SOS can then reside over the next SOS and enforce a code of ethics she mocked?', '>>{CarbonTrebles} : Comey also said that they did not find clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information or vast quantities of material, or indications of disloyalty to the U.S. or efforts to obstruct justice. This is one of the main points in the linked article.', '>>{rdevaughn} : Those are not caveats of the law as written. She broke the law.', '>>{yungcattdamon} : i think he would have talked down to any official who set up a private unsecure server in her bathroom to avoid transparency. fuck off with your identity politics.', '>>{Real_Muthsera} : Read that as he has no evidence for a clear intent to mishandle evidence. But we actually do. She wanted a private server. She had the training to handle classified information. She was told repeatedly the risk of a private system. Her staff was told the problems with attempted hacking on the server (Which is laughable in itself as with the weak security measures on her server this on itself is evidence that it was breached). And she continued using it. People even asked her not to send sensitive matter over the server. It is beyond clear that this was reckless. Willfully reckless, but she didn\'t want to subject herself to FOIA and keep "the private, private" even after all these problems. That show clear gross negligence. If this doesn\'t mean that, what does?', ">>{dannager} : > Prosecutors can decide not to file charges, but it's unclear to me on what basis law enforcement can not recommend charges if there is evidence of a crime (which Comey has admitted, and seems undisputed at this point). You have some pretty fundamental misunderstandings. Think of it like a funnel, with a conviction being the bottom of the funnel. Cases proceed down the funnel pass various points of review, and at any of those points the authority in question can decide that the case probably shouldn't proceed. Law enforcement makes the first call because they handle the investigation and can end an investigation without a recommendation for charges. This is often based on their judgment as to whether a crime likely took place. In this case, the FBI does not believe a crime took place. The FBI acknowledges that evidence exists that things were handled improperly, but that is *not* the same as evidence of a crime (which requires elements - like intent or gross negligence - that were not present). The next step in the funnel would be the prosecutor's office, which decides whether to prosecute based on a number of factors, chief among them being likelihood of conviction. This case never got to that point in the funnel.", '>>{CuckinEggs} : Three decades of conservatives being ass blasted more like it', ">>{javi404} : > In this case, the FBI does not believe a crime took place. Bullshit, were you watching the same speech the rest of us were? He literally give 15 mins of reasons on what crimes were committed and at the end decided that they shouldn't charge her with a crime. > gross negligence He said exactly this.", ">>{Fapzz} : in what way is [TELLING a staffer to send a secure email as unsecure not wilfully mishandling](http://i.imgur.com/zu279dN.jpg) oh right, when you're with her, facts and logic go out the window", '>>{Imjusthigh} : While he did not "exactly" say "gross negligence," what Comey did say is pretty damn close. >Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were **extremely careless** in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. and >For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that **any reasonable person** in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, **should have known** that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. Emphasis mine.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : By the owning agency which means that some other agency - DoD, CIA, NSA - felt the information should be labeled classified, but that doesn't mean that State agreed with the designation or knew of that decision. Information wants to be free.", '>>{AgoraiosBum} : The article is all about how Comey is a maverick who isn\'t afraid to make the tough call. And he investigated it and said "there\'s no crime." Why would we riot after an independent-minded law enforcement official who is a Republican decided there was no crime, and issued a report on how to follow better security procedures? There are things worth rioting over. This isn\'t one of them. State Department email security? That\'s your number one issue that you want to take to the streets over?', ">>{dannager} : > He literally give 15 mins of reasons on what crimes were committed No, he didn't. > He said exactly this. No, he fucking didn't. You guys don't get to twist reality to fit your narrative. Comey didn't say the things you wanted him to say.", ">>{rdevaughn} : The issue isn't State Department security, its equality before the law, which by Comey's explicit admission, there is evidence that she broke. Secondarily, the email issue is about subverting accountability- the only conceivable purpose for choosing a private, physical server.", '>>{javi404} : http://time.com/4393372/james-comey-fbi-hillary-clinton-email-speech-transcript/ > From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; > and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery. > Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Doesn\'t that basically say, "we have evidence that the law was violated, but no one will prosecute a Clinton."']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{captaincanada84} : James Comey’s Rebuke of Hillary Clinton Fits a 3-Decade Pattern', ">>{rdevaughn} : I'm having a hard time understanding why Americans should not be rioting. Prosecutors can decide not to file charges, but it's unclear to me on what basis law enforcement can not recommend charges if there is evidence of a crime (which Comey has admitted, and seems undisputed at this point). Law enforcements' ability to not recommend charges essentially means that if I commit a crime, the responsible prosecutor could arbitrarily decide not to charge me, and I would get off scot-free; that seems categorically unjust.", '>>{growyurown} : 3-decade pattern. If you have money and power you can get away with anything.', '>>{CarbonTrebles} : [This](http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/no-hillary-did-not-commit-a-crime-at-least-based-on-what-we-know-today/) answers your question. Imho, the agencies created a real fear of indictment not because they thought that Clinton was a criminal but rather to ensure future SOSs will comply with security measures and not follow the pattern of past SOSs.', '>>{rdevaughn} : >"First, none of the information she possessed and/or presumably “removes” had officially been declared “classified” at that time." Directly contradicted by Comey today- "From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received."', ">>{oldbeth} : He talked down to her. He wouldn't have done that to a male candidate.", '>>{HeilStrictScrutiny} : So the woman who broke every rule in the book as SOS can then reside over the next SOS and enforce a code of ethics she mocked?', '>>{CarbonTrebles} : Comey also said that they did not find clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information or vast quantities of material, or indications of disloyalty to the U.S. or efforts to obstruct justice. This is one of the main points in the linked article.', '>>{rdevaughn} : Those are not caveats of the law as written. She broke the law.', '>>{yungcattdamon} : i think he would have talked down to any official who set up a private unsecure server in her bathroom to avoid transparency. fuck off with your identity politics.', '>>{Real_Muthsera} : Read that as he has no evidence for a clear intent to mishandle evidence. But we actually do. She wanted a private server. She had the training to handle classified information. She was told repeatedly the risk of a private system. Her staff was told the problems with attempted hacking on the server (Which is laughable in itself as with the weak security measures on her server this on itself is evidence that it was breached). And she continued using it. People even asked her not to send sensitive matter over the server. It is beyond clear that this was reckless. Willfully reckless, but she didn\'t want to subject herself to FOIA and keep "the private, private" even after all these problems. That show clear gross negligence. If this doesn\'t mean that, what does?', ">>{dannager} : > Prosecutors can decide not to file charges, but it's unclear to me on what basis law enforcement can not recommend charges if there is evidence of a crime (which Comey has admitted, and seems undisputed at this point). You have some pretty fundamental misunderstandings. Think of it like a funnel, with a conviction being the bottom of the funnel. Cases proceed down the funnel pass various points of review, and at any of those points the authority in question can decide that the case probably shouldn't proceed. Law enforcement makes the first call because they handle the investigation and can end an investigation without a recommendation for charges. This is often based on their judgment as to whether a crime likely took place. In this case, the FBI does not believe a crime took place. The FBI acknowledges that evidence exists that things were handled improperly, but that is *not* the same as evidence of a crime (which requires elements - like intent or gross negligence - that were not present). The next step in the funnel would be the prosecutor's office, which decides whether to prosecute based on a number of factors, chief among them being likelihood of conviction. This case never got to that point in the funnel.", '>>{CuckinEggs} : Three decades of conservatives being ass blasted more like it', ">>{javi404} : > In this case, the FBI does not believe a crime took place. Bullshit, were you watching the same speech the rest of us were? He literally give 15 mins of reasons on what crimes were committed and at the end decided that they shouldn't charge her with a crime. > gross negligence He said exactly this.", ">>{Fapzz} : in what way is [TELLING a staffer to send a secure email as unsecure not wilfully mishandling](http://i.imgur.com/zu279dN.jpg) oh right, when you're with her, facts and logic go out the window", '>>{Imjusthigh} : While he did not "exactly" say "gross negligence," what Comey did say is pretty damn close. >Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were **extremely careless** in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. and >For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that **any reasonable person** in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, **should have known** that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. Emphasis mine.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : By the owning agency which means that some other agency - DoD, CIA, NSA - felt the information should be labeled classified, but that doesn't mean that State agreed with the designation or knew of that decision. Information wants to be free.", '>>{AgoraiosBum} : The article is all about how Comey is a maverick who isn\'t afraid to make the tough call. And he investigated it and said "there\'s no crime." Why would we riot after an independent-minded law enforcement official who is a Republican decided there was no crime, and issued a report on how to follow better security procedures? There are things worth rioting over. This isn\'t one of them. State Department email security? That\'s your number one issue that you want to take to the streets over?', ">>{dannager} : > He literally give 15 mins of reasons on what crimes were committed No, he didn't. > He said exactly this. No, he fucking didn't. You guys don't get to twist reality to fit your narrative. Comey didn't say the things you wanted him to say.", ">>{rdevaughn} : The issue isn't State Department security, its equality before the law, which by Comey's explicit admission, there is evidence that she broke. Secondarily, the email issue is about subverting accountability- the only conceivable purpose for choosing a private, physical server.", '>>{javi404} : http://time.com/4393372/james-comey-fbi-hillary-clinton-email-speech-transcript/ > From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; > and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery. > Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Doesn\'t that basically say, "we have evidence that the law was violated, but no one will prosecute a Clinton."']]
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['>>{The_Libertarian_} : Rand Paul is by far the best choice for SoS. We need a non-interventionist at the head of the State Department.', '>>{dominion47} : What is she to become in this administration? Official translator, or official apologist?', '>>{Happening190} : Apple Pay: Do you just put your phone near the NFC or double tap the home button near the NFC?', '>>{Snafu80} : You can put it near nfc with the app open, or double tap when its locked and the cards come up, select and then thumb reader.', ">>{Happening190} : Will it just pop up when near NFC when it's locked? Or need to double tap?", '>>{Snafu80} : Sorry not sure about that, I always have the app open when I want to pay.', '>>{petrusk} : Yes put it near the sensor and it will "just come up" :).', '>>{FunkyGradStudent} : Even with a locked phone and turned off display, just the act of putting your phone near an NFC payment terminal will turn your screen onto the Apple Pay screen. Holding your thumb (not pressing, just touching) on the fingerprint sensor while doing this makes it all go by in a flash, since you\'ll authenticate as soon as it turns on. You don\'t need anything open beforehand. Not sure why the poster above says "with the app open".', '>>{Khyrdantai} : I leave my thumb on the TouchID without double tapping or clicking the button and keep my phone near the NFC. Everything works automatically.', ">>{Vincere31} : You do not need the app open at all! I just hold it near the nfc terminal and place my thumb on home button and that's it. I use it at whole foods all the time.", ">>{UsernameError404} : I double tap it to get to my rewards card first but the only card I have is for Best Buy so it's not needed as often.", '>>{3seven1} : I saw another person mention "the app", are you taking about the wallet app?', '>>{Caveat-Emperor} : Official Oracle of Delphi reading the entrails of an ass/Il Douche for some sort of wisdom. Dried up crone throwing bones for hourly interpretations?', ">>{quandrawn} : Reports are that Trump was upset Romney didn't swallow.", '>>{liberte_} : Can we text in our votes for $1.99?', '>>{Walkitback} : There has to be someone really unstable and reckless Trump can relate to.', ">>{staringinto_space} : if what trump wants is non intervention why does he call for increasing the already massive pentagon budget? You don't do that unless you intent to use it.", '>>{Desi_US} : Total Shitshow. Why not have a reality show to elect the next Secretary of State instead on Trump TV?', '>>{jamesroberts} : Translation: all our candidates are either train wrecks or do not want to join our train wreck.', '>>{UtzTheCrabChip} : Man fuck this reality show "Who wants to be a cabinet member?" bullshit. Just let me know when he announces the position.', '>>{another_sunnyday} : Geez, be patient. These are really important appointments. Expecting Trump to make up his mind before the swimsuit or talent portion would be a detriment to our democracy.', '>>{UtzTheCrabChip} : No, no. He should take his time and do his due diligence. What I hate is "Will it be Giuliani? Will it be Romney? Maybe, but let\'s see how the dinner goes first, stay tuned!" nonsense. It\'s straight out of reality TV Edit: I\'m an idiot', ">>{another_sunnyday} : Oh I agree with you. I was trying to make a joke, but nowadays it's too hard to tell", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Trump seems to have a thing for Mormons. Maybe it's their missionary work as youth?", ">>{ScholarOfTwilight} : I think it's their missionary position when they age."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Happening190} : Apple Pay: Do you just put your phone near the NFC or double tap the home button near the NFC?', '>>{Snafu80} : You can put it near nfc with the app open, or double tap when its locked and the cards come up, select and then thumb reader.', ">>{Happening190} : Will it just pop up when near NFC when it's locked? Or need to double tap?", '>>{Snafu80} : Sorry not sure about that, I always have the app open when I want to pay.', '>>{petrusk} : Yes put it near the sensor and it will "just come up" :).', '>>{FunkyGradStudent} : Even with a locked phone and turned off display, just the act of putting your phone near an NFC payment terminal will turn your screen onto the Apple Pay screen. Holding your thumb (not pressing, just touching) on the fingerprint sensor while doing this makes it all go by in a flash, since you\'ll authenticate as soon as it turns on. You don\'t need anything open beforehand. Not sure why the poster above says "with the app open".', '>>{Khyrdantai} : I leave my thumb on the TouchID without double tapping or clicking the button and keep my phone near the NFC. Everything works automatically.', ">>{Vincere31} : You do not need the app open at all! I just hold it near the nfc terminal and place my thumb on home button and that's it. I use it at whole foods all the time.", ">>{UsernameError404} : I double tap it to get to my rewards card first but the only card I have is for Best Buy so it's not needed as often.", '>>{3seven1} : I saw another person mention "the app", are you taking about the wallet app?'], ['>>{The_Libertarian_} : Rand Paul is by far the best choice for SoS. We need a non-interventionist at the head of the State Department.', '>>{dominion47} : What is she to become in this administration? Official translator, or official apologist?', '>>{Caveat-Emperor} : Official Oracle of Delphi reading the entrails of an ass/Il Douche for some sort of wisdom. Dried up crone throwing bones for hourly interpretations?', ">>{quandrawn} : Reports are that Trump was upset Romney didn't swallow.", '>>{liberte_} : Can we text in our votes for $1.99?', '>>{Walkitback} : There has to be someone really unstable and reckless Trump can relate to.', ">>{staringinto_space} : if what trump wants is non intervention why does he call for increasing the already massive pentagon budget? You don't do that unless you intent to use it.", '>>{Desi_US} : Total Shitshow. Why not have a reality show to elect the next Secretary of State instead on Trump TV?', '>>{jamesroberts} : Translation: all our candidates are either train wrecks or do not want to join our train wreck.', '>>{UtzTheCrabChip} : Man fuck this reality show "Who wants to be a cabinet member?" bullshit. Just let me know when he announces the position.', '>>{another_sunnyday} : Geez, be patient. These are really important appointments. Expecting Trump to make up his mind before the swimsuit or talent portion would be a detriment to our democracy.', '>>{UtzTheCrabChip} : No, no. He should take his time and do his due diligence. What I hate is "Will it be Giuliani? Will it be Romney? Maybe, but let\'s see how the dinner goes first, stay tuned!" nonsense. It\'s straight out of reality TV Edit: I\'m an idiot', ">>{another_sunnyday} : Oh I agree with you. I was trying to make a joke, but nowadays it's too hard to tell", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Trump seems to have a thing for Mormons. Maybe it's their missionary work as youth?", ">>{ScholarOfTwilight} : I think it's their missionary position when they age."]]
classify and reply
['>>{zenmasterzen3} : Department of State helped Clinton to get rid of Manafort', ">>{osaucyone} : Manafort's business dealings in Ukraine helped to get rid of Manafort.", ">>{RosesAreBad} : Trump supporter cancels Airbnb guest's booking at last minute 'because of her race'", ">>{mgusedom} : Damn, you Russians aren't even *attempting* to be covert anymore.", '>>{Fatandmean} : There is really no other answer to this than the statement here.', ">>{conservativeliberals} : Well this certainly isn't russia trying to spread propaganda.", '>>{loki8481} : Manafort, the guy 100% fired by Trump and Trump alone?', '>>{HonoredPeople} : U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win', '>>{HonoredPeople} : The TL;DR - > Senior officials in the Russian government celebrated Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton **as a geopolitical win for Moscow,** according to U.S. officials who said that American intelligence agencies intercepted communications in the aftermath of the election in which **Russian officials congratulated themselves on the outcome.** Good old Ronny has got to be rattling that grave to dust. Never thought I would see the day when Republicans sold out to Russia.', ">>{SNStains} : What it looks like to me is some Russian agitprop smearing certain Ukrainians they don't like...painting them as US puppets. I don't really know many of the figures he's talking about other than Yanukovych. Honestly, I think it's designed for internal use...maybe the guy just translated it for the fuck of it. It's not sourced, just a theory, but it's presented as fact.", '>>{BuddyEndsleigh} : Was really hoping for a video of them celebrating.', ">>{HealthyandHappy} : There's nothing worse than these posts. Congratulations, you found one shitty person out of the 50 million plus who voted for Donald Trump. I airbnb all the time and had a lady tell me I couldn't stay if I was a Trump supporter, I didn't call a news service about it. There are shitty people on both sides of the coin and trying to push a political point based on those individuals is ridiculous. Edit: You guys can down vote brigade me but at the end of the day this is low effort journalism and should not be promoted.", ">>{RosesAreBad} : Lol. I've found far more than one Trump supporter who treats others badly because they feel emboldened after that nutbag 'won' the election.", ">>{Ximitar} : Mr Gorbachev, tear down this... On second thoughts, please just give me your approval. You're a great guy. A tremendous guy. Smart. So smart. He's so smart, folks. America is so dumb. I love your wall. I love all walls. I'm going to build a big, beautiful wall too! - Ronald Reagan (Source: A Revised History of the United States, New York, 2019)", '>>{wyldcat} : Veterans Today posting an article from pro-Russian propaganda outlet Korrespondent.net? In what universe am I living in?', ">>{freakincampers} : I worked customer service for Airbnb for a while. If the person renting the room set their price at $50, and allowed pets and four people into the room, accepted the reservation, they must abide by the agreement. It's a contract. If he cancels, those dates are blacked out. It appears the conversation took place via Airbnb, which is great because that is a paper trail that Airbnb can utilize when deciding matters. What is likely to occur is that the renter loses his account, and makes it damn near impossible to ever get on the site again (it uses a background check, which in this case the person will fail). Edit: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Southern-California-Airbnb-cancellation-racial-dispute-418466753.html Airbnb permanently banned the host, as was expected.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Is the "in which Russian officials congratulated themselves" part a quote from their source or WashPo\'s opinion? It\'s difficult to tell the way the sentence is put together.', ">>{JumbledFun} : Veteranstoday aka a shitty blog site that doesn't speak for veterans", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : The site doesn't seem to be pro-Trump. It's either really amazing satire, or more likely they are just out of their freakin minds. See [this piece](http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/11/05/rolling-stone-bust-trump-this-election-is-being-rigged-but-not-by-hillary-clinton/) for example which asserts that Trump is at the center of the gay mafia and was behind the 9-11 attacks.", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : It doesn\'t say he was the centre of the attack just that he may have used his private plane to smuggle in the bombs that were used to bring the towers down. 911 was a cheap magic trick, the Israelis blew holes in the WTC using explosives, then used CG to add planes to the footage taken of the explosions. A Pentagon employee crawled through the hole and saw no evidence of a plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIy9hjB3DGk Major General Stubblebine confirms that the wreckage at the pentagon is consistent with a missile and not a plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc1ql4TfCZw This WTC witness insists it was a bomb, no plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq1-BCeNcm0 These firemen said they counted 3 explosions. The Police/FBI are reported to have attributed this to vans with explosives in the WTC basement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfxkcBmZfK0 You can also see raw footage (ie. not altered to show a CG plane) that shows the missile impacting the WTC (no plane): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg You can see a comparison showing the NBC footage showing no plane was digitally altered to show a plane (as well as adjust the colors to make the buildings appeared white and sky blue for increased psychological impact): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPKq2K2dh6k The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzfKRe0gbc But what wasn\'t CG was the explosions and the plane cutout shape they created. You can see those small explosions here (6 minute mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT1z90BB8E4&feature=endscreen&NR=1 The cutting charges were planted by Israeli Mossad posing as art students who rented a whole floor and got construction permits at the site, and made a temporary balcony. They even made a book about their "art" - which showed them standing next to boxes and boxes of explosives fuses in the WTC! http://winteractionables.com/?p=25207 Mossad agents filmed the missile impacts/explosions (to add CG planes later and pass on to media) and later went up to the roof to plant radio jamming devices. They were arrested and this is documented by the FBI. There was traces of explosives in their van and they were set up filming BEFORE the attack: https://www.scribd.com/collections/4010452/9-11-The-Dancing-Israelis-FBI-report Let me stress that again, the FBI arrested dancing Israelis on 911, not muslims. They refused to take lie detector tests for months, and when they did, they failed. So much of that FBI report is redacted, proof positive of guilt. They needed to fake plane impacts because a real plane would be shredded by the WTC like cheese through a grater. That\'s why when the Transasia plane collided with a taxi, the wing broke off, and the taxi wasn\'t sliced in half at all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ29Zr7wWnw According to a WTC architect in a 80s interview, the impact of a plane (300 tonnes) is nothing compared to the 13,000 tonnes of force trying to push the WTC over simply because of its enormous surface area. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E15GbdVaV-Q WTC project management engineer atttests the buildings could survive multiple plane impacts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fQlC2AIWrY The WTC designers did a study for 600mph-1 impact which showed the towers would easily withstand the 911 attack. http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/design.html Someone planted an engine (though wrong make) to further the plane deception: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/34o4y0/911_engine_that_shot_out_of_the_south_tower_was/ Essentially the media got punked by Israel, because journalists just report what they\'re told. You can see another example of newscasters being fooled by a movie set into thinking it\'s a real plane accident. At the 7 minute mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wozTHxykDwQ The larger 911 plan required the destruction of the Washington bridge and Lincoln tunnel. That would take out the fiber optic cables linked to stock market/banking, markets would have crashed and there would be martial law introduced. You can see this TV report on the other Israeli vans that were intercepted, one of them exploded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmpWe2Rhi_I Israeli companies moved out of the building months before the attack. Israelis in America were warned in advance through an Israeli messaging service: http://www.haaretz.com/odigo-says-workers-were-warned-of-attack-1.70579 Hundreds of Israelis were flown out of America, despite a flight ban, to avoid them being arrested by the FBI, including the "art students": http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/1387069/US-arrests-200-young-Israelis-in-spying-investigation.html Israel is the almost only country that benefited from the September 11 th attacks. In the words of Netanyahu, "it\'s good for Israel". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUbTe50UUgM', '>>{NoMoreDeflections} : How do you see if an article has been submitted more than once? (serious)', '>>{TheGiraffeWithALong} : I feel like shit is about to hit the fan....', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : > It doesn't say he was the centre of the attack I didn't say that either, I paraphrased the first line in the article: center of the gay mafia. Since you're not American or sane why do you care so much about how Zion false flagged America into Zero One Hussein something gibberish whackjob word salad conspiracy bullshit?", ">>{4esop} : Doesn't it suck that if it does we still won't know if Putin really did it? Because, regardless of the truth, he would have every reason at this point to let info leak that Trump knew Russia was involved. Putin is The Mule.", '>>{HealthyandHappy} : Congratulations, you managed to see far more than one out of a sample size of 50 million.', '>>{zenmasterzen3} : >why do you care so much about how Zion false flagged America Because they false flagged Australia too (Port Arthur, Bali). 911 was a much bigger operation which they fucked up, leaving all this evidence behind. See for example, the FBI report on the dancing Israelis arrested. Even grannies and teenagers are exposing 911 as a false flag operation. It\'s because that\'s what the facts point to. **50% of Americans believe in 911 conspiracy theories.** I\'m sure you\'d like to label all these dissidents as schizophrenic even though it would be laughably stupid to do so. That\'s why Psychiatrists are inventing new labels to discredit truthers that are more wide reaching such as "Opposition defiant disorder". Psychiatry has gone 360, first it claimed there was an "authoritarian disorder" and now anyone who questions the Government has a personality disorder! Psychiatry has always been a political organisation which engages in torture. See for example MK ULTRA or who designed the Guantanamo Bay interrogation process. Maybe it has something to do with all those Psychiatrists who visited Epstein\'s pedophile orgy island, according to one victim...', ">>{Comrade_Shillington} : THE MSM SAYS IT IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY THAT Bill raped and email in Benghazi, and he gave it Parkinson's disease. The email couldn't keep the affair (c)ondential, so Hillary sacrificed her in a blood ritual to Satan. And then declared war on the canned foods section at a grocery store to take out the pickle jar who was going to leak the story.", '>>{Geowi} : At least you agree that he was a shitty person. Now how about the entire race you just ignored and compared it to your one experience with a non-Trump supporter?', ">>{comeherebob} : When you submit a link, it will tell you if it's already been submitted once. I try to submit things all the time but someone usually beats me to the punch, so I just abandon the attempt. I suspect others like to leave theirs up because it'll probably still get karma even if it doesn't come out on top, but I hate seeing the same story posted over and over, especially if a less reputable outlet is the submitted link that's getting the most upvotes.", ">>{Another-Chance} : Has anyone ever met a trump supporter who wasn't racist, sexist, and bigoted towards all religions but christianity and all people not white and from the US? Yeah. Me either.", '>>{fdsa4327} : Was his password "Passw0rd" like the incompetent dems? Or did he click on the "free cat pics.exe" app from the nigerian prince?', ">>{HealthyandHappy} : What? For the record I was a Bernie supporter, I wanted to keep my political association out of my initial post because it was irrelevant. You can look at my score and see that this subreddit is nothing more than the liberal T_D though. And for what it's worth, I'm banned from T_D for questioning that subreddit too.", '>>{HealthyandHappy} : There are more bay area Iranians and Chinese who voted for Donald Trump than you think.', ">>{LastOfTheLost} : Except you can't be racist against Trump supporters because 'Trump supporter' isn't a race. It's not the same.", ">>{yobsmezn} : >and disparities in the levels of effort Russian intelligence entities devoted to penetrating and exploiting sensitive information stored on Democratic and Republican campaign networks At some point in the future we will learn that this was the Russian equivalent of the Moon Shot. They built a team of hackers, propagandists, and agitators, and managed to make the United States vote itself off the island. If so, it's genius. They threw everything they had at the problem, and triumphed. Trump has already sent the US into a diplomatic tailspin and he's not even president yet. The economy is next. Meanwhile his Republican colleagues are going wild on Civil Rights and the social contract (medical care, poverty assistance, and security for old people, among other things). In the Kremlin they must be high-fiving each other nonstop.", '>>{metaobject} : de·flect dəˈflekt/ verb cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.', '>>{fdsa4327} : >Russian officials celebrating Trump win guys, guys, guys, they were HAPPY!!!!!! If that doesnt prove various spy type things i dont know WHAT these drumpfbots sexistracistxenophobemysoginisthitlernazis will accept!!', '>>{BuddyEndsleigh} : Still not as raucous an affair as I was hoping for.', '>>{HonoredPeople} : I just posted it quickly, I have no real idea what your going on about.', ">>{HonoredPeople} : There is no narrative but the truth. Diddling Donald Trump is a walking pile of evil and filth. The fact's are the facts.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : But you're trying to make a news article on the fact that one person out of 50+ million is racist. You don't think I could make the exact same thing based off a Hillary supporter? Congratulations, shitty people tend to have political affiliations. I'm sure there are plenty of rapists and pedophiles who were strong supporters of Bernie too.", ">>{Bac0nLegs} : The difference with your experience and hers is that being a trump supporter is not protected by the law. Racial discrimination is. I wouldn't want someone who knowingly voted for a racist, sexist, possibly Treasonous, garbage human being in my house either. A political point was pushed when the host mentioned Trump.", ">>{LastOfTheLost} : >But you're trying to make a news article on the fact that one person out of 50+ million is racist. You don't think racism is newsworthy? It's literally the biggest issue of our time. >You don't think I could make the exact same thing based off a Hillary supporter? I've yet to meet a bad Hillary supporter. In all likelihood there aren't any. >I'm sure there are plenty of rapists and pedophiles who were strong supporters of Bernie too. Not a fucking chance. Bernie stood for kindness of purity; if you supported him it meant you had a pure heart as well.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : Perhaps my wording was poor in my initial comment. I just meant that shitty people tend to have political affiliations too. I'm sure if I head over to the local jail and ask all the rapists and pedophiles who they support for prison, they'll give me their opinion. Doesn't mean I should go write a news article that says RAPISTS IN PRISON SUPPORT X CANDIDATE. When the sample size is 300 million + you're going to have people that do shitty things in every spectrum, especially when our political spectrum is essentially right or left.", ">>{watchout5} : I don't rent for or use air bnb but if I did I wouldn't rent to a Trump supporter and I sure as fuck wouldn't stay in the same house as someone who hates freedom and loves war. I'd much rather sleep in a crack house.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : I'm sure that all 50 million Trump supporters are the pure embodiment of evil.", '>>{inmyhead7} : Unfortunately, this happens way too often. Trump just validates their shitty beliefs on a national scale. Think about that. 300M+ people are now subjected to this bigotry becoming normalized.', '>>{ShadowPOTUSBannon} : >Congratulations, you found one shitty person out of the 50 million plus who voted for Donald Trump. Hahahaha. Hahaha. One.', ">>{Klope62} : But.. If you aren't banned here how are you claiming that it is the same? For what it's worth; I don't think these type of articles are great, for many reasons, but let us also not pretend that there are plenty of people that still refuse to believe that these kind of things happen at all.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : > You don't think racism is newsworthy? It's literally the biggest issue of our time. I think that tying single instances to political affiliation is low effort journalism. The other two points you made are so ridiculous that I don't know how to respond to them. You've never met a bad Hillary supporter? You have to have a pure heart to be a Bernie supporter?", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : Anything that isn't a clear left post on this subreddit is absolutely buried, it's no different than being banned. If I were to post even a reasonable critique of liberal policy here it would have to be done with the prefix that I'm a liberal. This is not a place for political discussion, nor is TD.", '>>{VapeApe} : I have, but he fits the stereotype of a member of the 4 channels.', '>>{RosesAreBad} : Trump was literally backed by every white supremacist group across the board.', ">>{watchout5} : Well if they support making weed illegal and bombing Syria I think we have a major problem with freedom. No matter what these people support, the government operating in their name wants to end medicare and social security. If Trump supporters actually support ending those programs don't we have a major problem?", '>>{letsgoantiquing} : Yes. I have. I know several people who voted for Trump who voted for him because he said he\'d bring their jobs back - one is a Mexican immigrant, the others were largely apolitical until the economy collapsed. I know some Trump voters who were farther to the Left than me - people who are anti-capitalists - who said they voted for him because they wanted the "whole system" to collapse. Hell, I know a suburban dad who felt the same way and voted for Trump. He\'s not a racist or a bigot; he was just frustrated that his (and pretty much everyone\'s) standard of living has dramatically decreased over the last decade or so. He blamed Obama for this, because Obama was the most visible figurehead for the government during that time, and this guy (otherwise really smart) believed that Obama was responsible for the lack of jobs (i.e. not the corporations that have abandoned the US as a manufacturing base in favor of outsourcing and automation.). When the economy collapsed right before the 2008 election, it was the best gift the Republicans could have given themselves, because they knew the American electorate is so dumb that they\'d hold the guy *after* Bush responsible for the fallout, and they were correct.', '>>{rabidstoat} : I\'m as anti Trump as they come and completely agree with you. I\'ve seen articles like this having various sides and it makes little sense to call out a single instance of an asshole and then imply (or state) it holds for everyone of that group of people. I put it up there with pointing out a single person who is abusing food stamps and then saying "see how awful every single welfare recipient is!"', ">>{kajagoogoo2} : They may not be racist, but it wasn't a dealbreaker!", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Brand new account huh? Funny that you convieniently are a Trump supporter/apologist.', ">>{HealthyandHappy} : Whether you agree or not I'm just thankful you put thought into your response. The guy who said that Bernie supporters are incapable of having anything but a pure heart and that he's never met a bad Hillary supporter further soured my thoughts on this sub. For what it's worth I'm also as anti Trump as they come. Shit posting low effort journalism shouldn't be the standards held by the most popular political board on this site.", ">>{clone822} : It's still correct to make racism shameful. Whether it is black on white violence or this sort of nonsense, racists should be shamed. Because ultimately, racism won't die because it is illegal, it dies when it is vulgar.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : I never said it wasn't. I just said that it's low effort journalism to tie single instances of racism to political affiliation.", ">>{notathrowaway2201} : If there's one silver lining to all of these disgusting Trump supporters, its letting us know about how awful they are, its Trump emboldening them to come out. It lets us know not to associate with them, I hope they lose many friendships and become financially ruined once Trump is out of office, and we should never ever accept them back into society, these people are unrepentant and would just go back to being assholes the next time someone like Trump is in office.", ">>{Hurricos} : I have. Plenty, actually! I phonebanked quite a bit, and you hear all sorts of things. I had a paralyzed Trump voter that voted for Brownback cry on me because he just realized the guy he voted for is trying to dismantle what is basically his last lifeline, and his governor just vetoed medicaid expansion. He doesn't care about anything you listed, and as a matter of fact used to hire illegals quietly for decent wages because he thought everyone deserved a chance. He voted like he did because he got tired of hearing he and everyone in his state was wrong and stupid and hateful. People are misled by everything. We're human. The people around us shape us and make us believe what we believe, just like you believe that every Trump voter is a racist, sexist, bigoted hyper-Christian nationalist. There have been so many people fighting against bigotry before you. Two wrongs do not make a right, and so many people have demonstrated what a lot of people are doing is just wrong. MLK had a speech about loving the segregationist, but in reality these people are plain and unintending, and have had people tell them the other side is their enemy.", '>>{Hurricos} : Rationalizing as normalized by the positive force completely forgets that hate and anger from the right AND from the left brought Trump into power in the first place. > Time is cluttered with wreckage of communities which surrendered to hatred and violence. For the salvation of our nation or mankind, we must follow another way. This does not mean that we abandon our righteous efforts. With every ounce of our energy we must continue to rid this nation of the incubus of segregation. **But we shall not in the process relinquish our privilege and our obligation to love. While abhorring segregation, we shall love the segregationist. This is the only way to create the beloved community.**', '>>{Bac0nLegs} : I tend to agree with you, and I\'m glad we\'re having this discussion. I\'m a progressive Democrat, I voted for Bernie and I will hold the Dem parry accountable for their actions until the day I die because that\'s how we get *better*. I do not believe all Trump supporters are all evil, racist, bad people, and there are all sorts of reasons why people voted for him (plenty being that he wasn\'t Hillary), but those who say and do racist, horrible things while simultaneously hailing Trump need to be called out. If someone rejects someone because of their skin tone and then says "this is why we have Trump", they 100% need to see that they fucked up and if being on the news is a way to do it (while also keeping her anonymous) then so be it. I feel the same way about Dems (Hillary and Bernie supporters alike) who say awful shit. They need to be called out. Not all Trump supporters are bad. Some genuinely thought that he\'d improve the economy and bring back jobs, but there is a trend here of people supporting trump and also doing/saying despicable things. We can\'t ignore that trend and we need to nip that shit in the bud.', ">>{LastOfTheLost} : It's just a fucking fact at this point that Hillary / Bernie supporters are the good guys and Trump supporters are the bad guys. It's like the Rebels vs. the Empire in Star Wars, or Katniss and the Resistance vs. The Capitol, or Dumbledore's Army vs. The Death Eaters.", ">>{ialsohaveadobro} : I wouldn't have downvoted, but your implicitly equating being rejected because of your political stance with being discriminated against because of race is ridiculous and degrades the conversation.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : >The guy who said that Bernie supporters are incapable of having anything but a pure heart and that he's never met a bad Hillary supporter further soured my thoughts on this sub. Pretty sure they're fucking with you.", '>>{Onemanhopefully} : You see in earlier messages the Asian chick told the host to go fuck herself.', '>>{HealthyandHappy} : No, I just think that this sub is as gamed as some of the other subs full of shills.', ">>{votenanocratic} : A lot of my extended family are Trump supporters. I don't think they have ever expressed that sort of bigotry in front of me at least. I'd be surprised if they were openly racist or supremacist. They are mostly Super Catholics who only care about abortion and think the (R) is all that matters, completely ignoring that Trump has probably been responsible for a lot of abortions.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : If you look through that guy's rather short comment history it's all deliberately inflammatory stuff.", '>>{HBombthrow} : Still, I bet if you probed that suburban dad with questions about how he feels about black lives matter; what he blames for lack of wealth and high crime rate among black Americans; whether his minority coworkers deserved their jobs or were hired because of affirmative action; Hispanic immigrants versus Northern European immigrants; the notion of a mosque being built in his town; and so forth -- he might surprise you with some dark thoughts. Not necessarily, but high probability.', ">>{RegexEmpire} : Isn't this a pretty cut and dry discrimination lawsuit with compensation and damages waiting?", '>>{monjorob} : Does this article really promote any type of rational discussion? Is this what an echo chamber feels like? Like how is this any different from a right wing blog posting an "article" of a Mexican immigrant committing some sort of heinous crime? They both are clickbait designed to illicit a certain response from a certain reader. Most Trump supporters are not racist, and it is a huge mistake for people to dismiss them as such.', '>>{monjorob} : Thank you. these independent.uk posts are clickbait bullshit that provides no more value than the frequent "black/brown person commits crime against white person" posts on right wing websites. No discussion, just reinforcing our own biases and perpetuating an echo chamber.', ">>{ace17708} : The lack of context raises questions on how the conversation went originally when the extra people and dogs were brought up. I'd like to see all the related screenshots as it seems like there was a misunderstanding somewhere down the line. They did originally offer to pay for the extra people and attempted to figure that out as well with the owner. I feel like this was a misunderstanding fueled further by a horrible stereotype that turned into prejudice.", ">>{frontierparty} : Facebook is a fantastic way to see how bigoted your family and friends are. I guess some people just don't realize that the groups they are posting in, aren't closed.", ">>{ProgressiveJedi} : You can come back in February of 2021. We'll probably be okay again.", '>>{thundertool} : White people are racist until proven otherwise? Pretty shitty attitude to have my man.', ">>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Lol yeah it's probably just some mild form of Tourette's that causes them to scream racist shit constantly, really it's Trump supporters who are the victim! /s", '>>{reaper527} : what a waste of bandwidth loading that article. it\'s some nobody, not a big donor, and airbnb already dealt with the person by banning their account. does anyone think there weren\'t obama supporters during the last administration doing/saying stupid shit? bush supporters before that? clinton supporters before that? the now banned host is clearly a scumbag, but this is no different from left wing groups such as BLM holding "no whites allowed" meetings. both sides of the aisle has its fair share of scumbags.', '>>{jojosjacket} : Bigotry will never be "normalized". You think *all* Americans are bigots now? We fought and won a cultural war over Civil Rights. We\'re a multicultural nation. I\'m tired of this "normalization" buzztrend. He lost the popular vote and people are rioting over bigotry.', ">>{FrickinLazerBeams} : I don't know if it's necessarily about her political affiliation. It's just making fun of a racist. It's all good fun. Racists aren't like people, so it's no problem to shame and humiliate them for fun.", '>>{HealthyandHappy} : When she\'s defined as "Trump supporter" on a politics board it absolutely is based on her political affiliation.', ">>{FrickinLazerBeams} : Well sure, I mean that's just some relevant information about it. Telling us she's a Trump supporter is a brief way of telling us a lot about her. In the end though it's just good fun to shame racists. Kind of how some people torture small animals for fun, only it's okay because racists are worthless, unlike cats.", ">>{Ashley8777} : Yeah I'm sure 1 out of 50 million people that voted for the first candidate openly backed by white supremacist groups is racist.", ">>{nomadofwaves} : We'll be *great* as usual. Before trump anyway.", '>>{AmericCanuck} : Well there was that one Mexican lady who got her husband deported. She voted for Drumpf', '>>{ProgressiveJedi} : We had significant problems even before he came along. He just made them unbearably worse.', '>>{clone822} : The host roped Trump into it tho, not the journalist', '>>{Andyklah} : Way to equate all white people with his point specifically about Trump supporters. Really obnoxious when you guys try to claim any criticism about you guys is a criticism against "the white race" and somehow double racist. As a white guy myself, other people can tell it\'s transparently horseshit, so stop doing it.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{zenmasterzen3} : Department of State helped Clinton to get rid of Manafort', ">>{osaucyone} : Manafort's business dealings in Ukraine helped to get rid of Manafort.", ">>{mgusedom} : Damn, you Russians aren't even *attempting* to be covert anymore.", '>>{Fatandmean} : There is really no other answer to this than the statement here.', ">>{conservativeliberals} : Well this certainly isn't russia trying to spread propaganda.", '>>{loki8481} : Manafort, the guy 100% fired by Trump and Trump alone?', ">>{SNStains} : What it looks like to me is some Russian agitprop smearing certain Ukrainians they don't like...painting them as US puppets. I don't really know many of the figures he's talking about other than Yanukovych. Honestly, I think it's designed for internal use...maybe the guy just translated it for the fuck of it. It's not sourced, just a theory, but it's presented as fact.", '>>{wyldcat} : Veterans Today posting an article from pro-Russian propaganda outlet Korrespondent.net? In what universe am I living in?', ">>{JumbledFun} : Veteranstoday aka a shitty blog site that doesn't speak for veterans", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : The site doesn't seem to be pro-Trump. It's either really amazing satire, or more likely they are just out of their freakin minds. See [this piece](http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/11/05/rolling-stone-bust-trump-this-election-is-being-rigged-but-not-by-hillary-clinton/) for example which asserts that Trump is at the center of the gay mafia and was behind the 9-11 attacks.", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : It doesn\'t say he was the centre of the attack just that he may have used his private plane to smuggle in the bombs that were used to bring the towers down. 911 was a cheap magic trick, the Israelis blew holes in the WTC using explosives, then used CG to add planes to the footage taken of the explosions. A Pentagon employee crawled through the hole and saw no evidence of a plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIy9hjB3DGk Major General Stubblebine confirms that the wreckage at the pentagon is consistent with a missile and not a plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc1ql4TfCZw This WTC witness insists it was a bomb, no plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq1-BCeNcm0 These firemen said they counted 3 explosions. The Police/FBI are reported to have attributed this to vans with explosives in the WTC basement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfxkcBmZfK0 You can also see raw footage (ie. not altered to show a CG plane) that shows the missile impacting the WTC (no plane): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg You can see a comparison showing the NBC footage showing no plane was digitally altered to show a plane (as well as adjust the colors to make the buildings appeared white and sky blue for increased psychological impact): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPKq2K2dh6k The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzfKRe0gbc But what wasn\'t CG was the explosions and the plane cutout shape they created. You can see those small explosions here (6 minute mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT1z90BB8E4&feature=endscreen&NR=1 The cutting charges were planted by Israeli Mossad posing as art students who rented a whole floor and got construction permits at the site, and made a temporary balcony. They even made a book about their "art" - which showed them standing next to boxes and boxes of explosives fuses in the WTC! http://winteractionables.com/?p=25207 Mossad agents filmed the missile impacts/explosions (to add CG planes later and pass on to media) and later went up to the roof to plant radio jamming devices. They were arrested and this is documented by the FBI. There was traces of explosives in their van and they were set up filming BEFORE the attack: https://www.scribd.com/collections/4010452/9-11-The-Dancing-Israelis-FBI-report Let me stress that again, the FBI arrested dancing Israelis on 911, not muslims. They refused to take lie detector tests for months, and when they did, they failed. So much of that FBI report is redacted, proof positive of guilt. They needed to fake plane impacts because a real plane would be shredded by the WTC like cheese through a grater. That\'s why when the Transasia plane collided with a taxi, the wing broke off, and the taxi wasn\'t sliced in half at all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ29Zr7wWnw According to a WTC architect in a 80s interview, the impact of a plane (300 tonnes) is nothing compared to the 13,000 tonnes of force trying to push the WTC over simply because of its enormous surface area. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E15GbdVaV-Q WTC project management engineer atttests the buildings could survive multiple plane impacts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fQlC2AIWrY The WTC designers did a study for 600mph-1 impact which showed the towers would easily withstand the 911 attack. http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/design.html Someone planted an engine (though wrong make) to further the plane deception: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/34o4y0/911_engine_that_shot_out_of_the_south_tower_was/ Essentially the media got punked by Israel, because journalists just report what they\'re told. You can see another example of newscasters being fooled by a movie set into thinking it\'s a real plane accident. At the 7 minute mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wozTHxykDwQ The larger 911 plan required the destruction of the Washington bridge and Lincoln tunnel. That would take out the fiber optic cables linked to stock market/banking, markets would have crashed and there would be martial law introduced. You can see this TV report on the other Israeli vans that were intercepted, one of them exploded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmpWe2Rhi_I Israeli companies moved out of the building months before the attack. Israelis in America were warned in advance through an Israeli messaging service: http://www.haaretz.com/odigo-says-workers-were-warned-of-attack-1.70579 Hundreds of Israelis were flown out of America, despite a flight ban, to avoid them being arrested by the FBI, including the "art students": http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/1387069/US-arrests-200-young-Israelis-in-spying-investigation.html Israel is the almost only country that benefited from the September 11 th attacks. In the words of Netanyahu, "it\'s good for Israel". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUbTe50UUgM', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : > It doesn't say he was the centre of the attack I didn't say that either, I paraphrased the first line in the article: center of the gay mafia. Since you're not American or sane why do you care so much about how Zion false flagged America into Zero One Hussein something gibberish whackjob word salad conspiracy bullshit?", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : >why do you care so much about how Zion false flagged America Because they false flagged Australia too (Port Arthur, Bali). 911 was a much bigger operation which they fucked up, leaving all this evidence behind. See for example, the FBI report on the dancing Israelis arrested. Even grannies and teenagers are exposing 911 as a false flag operation. It\'s because that\'s what the facts point to. **50% of Americans believe in 911 conspiracy theories.** I\'m sure you\'d like to label all these dissidents as schizophrenic even though it would be laughably stupid to do so. That\'s why Psychiatrists are inventing new labels to discredit truthers that are more wide reaching such as "Opposition defiant disorder". Psychiatry has gone 360, first it claimed there was an "authoritarian disorder" and now anyone who questions the Government has a personality disorder! Psychiatry has always been a political organisation which engages in torture. See for example MK ULTRA or who designed the Guantanamo Bay interrogation process. Maybe it has something to do with all those Psychiatrists who visited Epstein\'s pedophile orgy island, according to one victim...', ">>{Comrade_Shillington} : THE MSM SAYS IT IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY THAT Bill raped and email in Benghazi, and he gave it Parkinson's disease. The email couldn't keep the affair (c)ondential, so Hillary sacrificed her in a blood ritual to Satan. And then declared war on the canned foods section at a grocery store to take out the pickle jar who was going to leak the story."], [">>{RosesAreBad} : Trump supporter cancels Airbnb guest's booking at last minute 'because of her race'", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : There's nothing worse than these posts. Congratulations, you found one shitty person out of the 50 million plus who voted for Donald Trump. I airbnb all the time and had a lady tell me I couldn't stay if I was a Trump supporter, I didn't call a news service about it. There are shitty people on both sides of the coin and trying to push a political point based on those individuals is ridiculous. Edit: You guys can down vote brigade me but at the end of the day this is low effort journalism and should not be promoted.", ">>{RosesAreBad} : Lol. I've found far more than one Trump supporter who treats others badly because they feel emboldened after that nutbag 'won' the election.", ">>{freakincampers} : I worked customer service for Airbnb for a while. If the person renting the room set their price at $50, and allowed pets and four people into the room, accepted the reservation, they must abide by the agreement. It's a contract. If he cancels, those dates are blacked out. It appears the conversation took place via Airbnb, which is great because that is a paper trail that Airbnb can utilize when deciding matters. What is likely to occur is that the renter loses his account, and makes it damn near impossible to ever get on the site again (it uses a background check, which in this case the person will fail). Edit: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Southern-California-Airbnb-cancellation-racial-dispute-418466753.html Airbnb permanently banned the host, as was expected.", '>>{HealthyandHappy} : Congratulations, you managed to see far more than one out of a sample size of 50 million.', '>>{Geowi} : At least you agree that he was a shitty person. Now how about the entire race you just ignored and compared it to your one experience with a non-Trump supporter?', ">>{Another-Chance} : Has anyone ever met a trump supporter who wasn't racist, sexist, and bigoted towards all religions but christianity and all people not white and from the US? Yeah. Me either.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : What? For the record I was a Bernie supporter, I wanted to keep my political association out of my initial post because it was irrelevant. You can look at my score and see that this subreddit is nothing more than the liberal T_D though. And for what it's worth, I'm banned from T_D for questioning that subreddit too.", '>>{HealthyandHappy} : There are more bay area Iranians and Chinese who voted for Donald Trump than you think.', ">>{LastOfTheLost} : Except you can't be racist against Trump supporters because 'Trump supporter' isn't a race. It's not the same.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : But you're trying to make a news article on the fact that one person out of 50+ million is racist. You don't think I could make the exact same thing based off a Hillary supporter? Congratulations, shitty people tend to have political affiliations. I'm sure there are plenty of rapists and pedophiles who were strong supporters of Bernie too.", ">>{Bac0nLegs} : The difference with your experience and hers is that being a trump supporter is not protected by the law. Racial discrimination is. I wouldn't want someone who knowingly voted for a racist, sexist, possibly Treasonous, garbage human being in my house either. A political point was pushed when the host mentioned Trump.", ">>{LastOfTheLost} : >But you're trying to make a news article on the fact that one person out of 50+ million is racist. You don't think racism is newsworthy? It's literally the biggest issue of our time. >You don't think I could make the exact same thing based off a Hillary supporter? I've yet to meet a bad Hillary supporter. In all likelihood there aren't any. >I'm sure there are plenty of rapists and pedophiles who were strong supporters of Bernie too. Not a fucking chance. Bernie stood for kindness of purity; if you supported him it meant you had a pure heart as well.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : Perhaps my wording was poor in my initial comment. I just meant that shitty people tend to have political affiliations too. I'm sure if I head over to the local jail and ask all the rapists and pedophiles who they support for prison, they'll give me their opinion. Doesn't mean I should go write a news article that says RAPISTS IN PRISON SUPPORT X CANDIDATE. When the sample size is 300 million + you're going to have people that do shitty things in every spectrum, especially when our political spectrum is essentially right or left.", ">>{watchout5} : I don't rent for or use air bnb but if I did I wouldn't rent to a Trump supporter and I sure as fuck wouldn't stay in the same house as someone who hates freedom and loves war. I'd much rather sleep in a crack house.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : I'm sure that all 50 million Trump supporters are the pure embodiment of evil.", '>>{inmyhead7} : Unfortunately, this happens way too often. Trump just validates their shitty beliefs on a national scale. Think about that. 300M+ people are now subjected to this bigotry becoming normalized.', '>>{ShadowPOTUSBannon} : >Congratulations, you found one shitty person out of the 50 million plus who voted for Donald Trump. Hahahaha. Hahaha. One.', ">>{Klope62} : But.. If you aren't banned here how are you claiming that it is the same? For what it's worth; I don't think these type of articles are great, for many reasons, but let us also not pretend that there are plenty of people that still refuse to believe that these kind of things happen at all.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : > You don't think racism is newsworthy? It's literally the biggest issue of our time. I think that tying single instances to political affiliation is low effort journalism. The other two points you made are so ridiculous that I don't know how to respond to them. You've never met a bad Hillary supporter? You have to have a pure heart to be a Bernie supporter?", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : Anything that isn't a clear left post on this subreddit is absolutely buried, it's no different than being banned. If I were to post even a reasonable critique of liberal policy here it would have to be done with the prefix that I'm a liberal. This is not a place for political discussion, nor is TD.", '>>{VapeApe} : I have, but he fits the stereotype of a member of the 4 channels.', '>>{RosesAreBad} : Trump was literally backed by every white supremacist group across the board.', ">>{watchout5} : Well if they support making weed illegal and bombing Syria I think we have a major problem with freedom. No matter what these people support, the government operating in their name wants to end medicare and social security. If Trump supporters actually support ending those programs don't we have a major problem?", '>>{letsgoantiquing} : Yes. I have. I know several people who voted for Trump who voted for him because he said he\'d bring their jobs back - one is a Mexican immigrant, the others were largely apolitical until the economy collapsed. I know some Trump voters who were farther to the Left than me - people who are anti-capitalists - who said they voted for him because they wanted the "whole system" to collapse. Hell, I know a suburban dad who felt the same way and voted for Trump. He\'s not a racist or a bigot; he was just frustrated that his (and pretty much everyone\'s) standard of living has dramatically decreased over the last decade or so. He blamed Obama for this, because Obama was the most visible figurehead for the government during that time, and this guy (otherwise really smart) believed that Obama was responsible for the lack of jobs (i.e. not the corporations that have abandoned the US as a manufacturing base in favor of outsourcing and automation.). When the economy collapsed right before the 2008 election, it was the best gift the Republicans could have given themselves, because they knew the American electorate is so dumb that they\'d hold the guy *after* Bush responsible for the fallout, and they were correct.', '>>{rabidstoat} : I\'m as anti Trump as they come and completely agree with you. I\'ve seen articles like this having various sides and it makes little sense to call out a single instance of an asshole and then imply (or state) it holds for everyone of that group of people. I put it up there with pointing out a single person who is abusing food stamps and then saying "see how awful every single welfare recipient is!"', ">>{kajagoogoo2} : They may not be racist, but it wasn't a dealbreaker!", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Brand new account huh? Funny that you convieniently are a Trump supporter/apologist.', ">>{HealthyandHappy} : Whether you agree or not I'm just thankful you put thought into your response. The guy who said that Bernie supporters are incapable of having anything but a pure heart and that he's never met a bad Hillary supporter further soured my thoughts on this sub. For what it's worth I'm also as anti Trump as they come. Shit posting low effort journalism shouldn't be the standards held by the most popular political board on this site.", ">>{clone822} : It's still correct to make racism shameful. Whether it is black on white violence or this sort of nonsense, racists should be shamed. Because ultimately, racism won't die because it is illegal, it dies when it is vulgar.", ">>{HealthyandHappy} : I never said it wasn't. I just said that it's low effort journalism to tie single instances of racism to political affiliation.", ">>{notathrowaway2201} : If there's one silver lining to all of these disgusting Trump supporters, its letting us know about how awful they are, its Trump emboldening them to come out. It lets us know not to associate with them, I hope they lose many friendships and become financially ruined once Trump is out of office, and we should never ever accept them back into society, these people are unrepentant and would just go back to being assholes the next time someone like Trump is in office.", ">>{Hurricos} : I have. Plenty, actually! I phonebanked quite a bit, and you hear all sorts of things. I had a paralyzed Trump voter that voted for Brownback cry on me because he just realized the guy he voted for is trying to dismantle what is basically his last lifeline, and his governor just vetoed medicaid expansion. He doesn't care about anything you listed, and as a matter of fact used to hire illegals quietly for decent wages because he thought everyone deserved a chance. He voted like he did because he got tired of hearing he and everyone in his state was wrong and stupid and hateful. People are misled by everything. We're human. The people around us shape us and make us believe what we believe, just like you believe that every Trump voter is a racist, sexist, bigoted hyper-Christian nationalist. There have been so many people fighting against bigotry before you. Two wrongs do not make a right, and so many people have demonstrated what a lot of people are doing is just wrong. MLK had a speech about loving the segregationist, but in reality these people are plain and unintending, and have had people tell them the other side is their enemy.", '>>{Hurricos} : Rationalizing as normalized by the positive force completely forgets that hate and anger from the right AND from the left brought Trump into power in the first place. > Time is cluttered with wreckage of communities which surrendered to hatred and violence. For the salvation of our nation or mankind, we must follow another way. This does not mean that we abandon our righteous efforts. With every ounce of our energy we must continue to rid this nation of the incubus of segregation. **But we shall not in the process relinquish our privilege and our obligation to love. While abhorring segregation, we shall love the segregationist. This is the only way to create the beloved community.**', '>>{Bac0nLegs} : I tend to agree with you, and I\'m glad we\'re having this discussion. I\'m a progressive Democrat, I voted for Bernie and I will hold the Dem parry accountable for their actions until the day I die because that\'s how we get *better*. I do not believe all Trump supporters are all evil, racist, bad people, and there are all sorts of reasons why people voted for him (plenty being that he wasn\'t Hillary), but those who say and do racist, horrible things while simultaneously hailing Trump need to be called out. If someone rejects someone because of their skin tone and then says "this is why we have Trump", they 100% need to see that they fucked up and if being on the news is a way to do it (while also keeping her anonymous) then so be it. I feel the same way about Dems (Hillary and Bernie supporters alike) who say awful shit. They need to be called out. Not all Trump supporters are bad. Some genuinely thought that he\'d improve the economy and bring back jobs, but there is a trend here of people supporting trump and also doing/saying despicable things. We can\'t ignore that trend and we need to nip that shit in the bud.', ">>{LastOfTheLost} : It's just a fucking fact at this point that Hillary / Bernie supporters are the good guys and Trump supporters are the bad guys. It's like the Rebels vs. the Empire in Star Wars, or Katniss and the Resistance vs. The Capitol, or Dumbledore's Army vs. The Death Eaters.", ">>{ialsohaveadobro} : I wouldn't have downvoted, but your implicitly equating being rejected because of your political stance with being discriminated against because of race is ridiculous and degrades the conversation.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : >The guy who said that Bernie supporters are incapable of having anything but a pure heart and that he's never met a bad Hillary supporter further soured my thoughts on this sub. Pretty sure they're fucking with you.", '>>{Onemanhopefully} : You see in earlier messages the Asian chick told the host to go fuck herself.', '>>{HealthyandHappy} : No, I just think that this sub is as gamed as some of the other subs full of shills.', ">>{votenanocratic} : A lot of my extended family are Trump supporters. I don't think they have ever expressed that sort of bigotry in front of me at least. I'd be surprised if they were openly racist or supremacist. They are mostly Super Catholics who only care about abortion and think the (R) is all that matters, completely ignoring that Trump has probably been responsible for a lot of abortions.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : If you look through that guy's rather short comment history it's all deliberately inflammatory stuff.", '>>{HBombthrow} : Still, I bet if you probed that suburban dad with questions about how he feels about black lives matter; what he blames for lack of wealth and high crime rate among black Americans; whether his minority coworkers deserved their jobs or were hired because of affirmative action; Hispanic immigrants versus Northern European immigrants; the notion of a mosque being built in his town; and so forth -- he might surprise you with some dark thoughts. Not necessarily, but high probability.', ">>{RegexEmpire} : Isn't this a pretty cut and dry discrimination lawsuit with compensation and damages waiting?", '>>{monjorob} : Does this article really promote any type of rational discussion? Is this what an echo chamber feels like? Like how is this any different from a right wing blog posting an "article" of a Mexican immigrant committing some sort of heinous crime? They both are clickbait designed to illicit a certain response from a certain reader. Most Trump supporters are not racist, and it is a huge mistake for people to dismiss them as such.', '>>{monjorob} : Thank you. these independent.uk posts are clickbait bullshit that provides no more value than the frequent "black/brown person commits crime against white person" posts on right wing websites. No discussion, just reinforcing our own biases and perpetuating an echo chamber.', ">>{ace17708} : The lack of context raises questions on how the conversation went originally when the extra people and dogs were brought up. I'd like to see all the related screenshots as it seems like there was a misunderstanding somewhere down the line. They did originally offer to pay for the extra people and attempted to figure that out as well with the owner. I feel like this was a misunderstanding fueled further by a horrible stereotype that turned into prejudice.", ">>{frontierparty} : Facebook is a fantastic way to see how bigoted your family and friends are. I guess some people just don't realize that the groups they are posting in, aren't closed.", ">>{ProgressiveJedi} : You can come back in February of 2021. We'll probably be okay again.", '>>{thundertool} : White people are racist until proven otherwise? Pretty shitty attitude to have my man.', ">>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Lol yeah it's probably just some mild form of Tourette's that causes them to scream racist shit constantly, really it's Trump supporters who are the victim! /s", '>>{reaper527} : what a waste of bandwidth loading that article. it\'s some nobody, not a big donor, and airbnb already dealt with the person by banning their account. does anyone think there weren\'t obama supporters during the last administration doing/saying stupid shit? bush supporters before that? clinton supporters before that? the now banned host is clearly a scumbag, but this is no different from left wing groups such as BLM holding "no whites allowed" meetings. both sides of the aisle has its fair share of scumbags.', '>>{jojosjacket} : Bigotry will never be "normalized". You think *all* Americans are bigots now? We fought and won a cultural war over Civil Rights. We\'re a multicultural nation. I\'m tired of this "normalization" buzztrend. He lost the popular vote and people are rioting over bigotry.', ">>{FrickinLazerBeams} : I don't know if it's necessarily about her political affiliation. It's just making fun of a racist. It's all good fun. Racists aren't like people, so it's no problem to shame and humiliate them for fun.", '>>{HealthyandHappy} : When she\'s defined as "Trump supporter" on a politics board it absolutely is based on her political affiliation.', ">>{FrickinLazerBeams} : Well sure, I mean that's just some relevant information about it. Telling us she's a Trump supporter is a brief way of telling us a lot about her. In the end though it's just good fun to shame racists. Kind of how some people torture small animals for fun, only it's okay because racists are worthless, unlike cats.", ">>{Ashley8777} : Yeah I'm sure 1 out of 50 million people that voted for the first candidate openly backed by white supremacist groups is racist.", ">>{nomadofwaves} : We'll be *great* as usual. Before trump anyway.", '>>{AmericCanuck} : Well there was that one Mexican lady who got her husband deported. She voted for Drumpf', '>>{ProgressiveJedi} : We had significant problems even before he came along. He just made them unbearably worse.', '>>{clone822} : The host roped Trump into it tho, not the journalist', '>>{Andyklah} : Way to equate all white people with his point specifically about Trump supporters. Really obnoxious when you guys try to claim any criticism about you guys is a criticism against "the white race" and somehow double racist. As a white guy myself, other people can tell it\'s transparently horseshit, so stop doing it.'], ['>>{HonoredPeople} : U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win', '>>{HonoredPeople} : The TL;DR - > Senior officials in the Russian government celebrated Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton **as a geopolitical win for Moscow,** according to U.S. officials who said that American intelligence agencies intercepted communications in the aftermath of the election in which **Russian officials congratulated themselves on the outcome.** Good old Ronny has got to be rattling that grave to dust. Never thought I would see the day when Republicans sold out to Russia.', '>>{BuddyEndsleigh} : Was really hoping for a video of them celebrating.', ">>{Ximitar} : Mr Gorbachev, tear down this... On second thoughts, please just give me your approval. You're a great guy. A tremendous guy. Smart. So smart. He's so smart, folks. America is so dumb. I love your wall. I love all walls. I'm going to build a big, beautiful wall too! - Ronald Reagan (Source: A Revised History of the United States, New York, 2019)", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Is the "in which Russian officials congratulated themselves" part a quote from their source or WashPo\'s opinion? It\'s difficult to tell the way the sentence is put together.', '>>{NoMoreDeflections} : How do you see if an article has been submitted more than once? (serious)', '>>{TheGiraffeWithALong} : I feel like shit is about to hit the fan....', ">>{4esop} : Doesn't it suck that if it does we still won't know if Putin really did it? Because, regardless of the truth, he would have every reason at this point to let info leak that Trump knew Russia was involved. Putin is The Mule.", ">>{comeherebob} : When you submit a link, it will tell you if it's already been submitted once. I try to submit things all the time but someone usually beats me to the punch, so I just abandon the attempt. I suspect others like to leave theirs up because it'll probably still get karma even if it doesn't come out on top, but I hate seeing the same story posted over and over, especially if a less reputable outlet is the submitted link that's getting the most upvotes.", '>>{fdsa4327} : Was his password "Passw0rd" like the incompetent dems? Or did he click on the "free cat pics.exe" app from the nigerian prince?', ">>{yobsmezn} : >and disparities in the levels of effort Russian intelligence entities devoted to penetrating and exploiting sensitive information stored on Democratic and Republican campaign networks At some point in the future we will learn that this was the Russian equivalent of the Moon Shot. They built a team of hackers, propagandists, and agitators, and managed to make the United States vote itself off the island. If so, it's genius. They threw everything they had at the problem, and triumphed. Trump has already sent the US into a diplomatic tailspin and he's not even president yet. The economy is next. Meanwhile his Republican colleagues are going wild on Civil Rights and the social contract (medical care, poverty assistance, and security for old people, among other things). In the Kremlin they must be high-fiving each other nonstop.", '>>{metaobject} : de·flect dəˈflekt/ verb cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.', '>>{fdsa4327} : >Russian officials celebrating Trump win guys, guys, guys, they were HAPPY!!!!!! If that doesnt prove various spy type things i dont know WHAT these drumpfbots sexistracistxenophobemysoginisthitlernazis will accept!!', '>>{BuddyEndsleigh} : Still not as raucous an affair as I was hoping for.', '>>{HonoredPeople} : I just posted it quickly, I have no real idea what your going on about.', ">>{HonoredPeople} : There is no narrative but the truth. Diddling Donald Trump is a walking pile of evil and filth. The fact's are the facts."]]
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['>>{phungus_mungus} : When the Law Would Leave You Defenseless Against the Likes of Omar Mateen, Carry a Gun Anyway', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Reason... False advertising. What happens when one guy starts shooting and a bunch of other upstanding , armed citizens pull out their heaters? Not mayhem, right?', '>>{veedubbin} : I for one would rather have the chance to defend myself and bystanders, over being completely defenseless. Its called standing up for your fellow man, its called being an AMERICAN.', ">>{Ketzeph} : I know when someone starts shooting into a loud room, filled with flashing lights and people, with an automatic weapon, my gun will really make a difference. That and my x-ray vision that can easily pierce a crowd and my time-turner that let's me go back and stop him from killing a swath of people before I'm even aware.", ">>{turbofarts1} : the law was there when he showed up. he was unable to stop the shooter. some dude with a gun isn't necessarily going to stop the shooter, oh, and then theres the problem of carrying a fucking gun on a dance floor.", ">>{phungus_mungus} : Idiot logic... What happens when you get caught in the crossfire between the bad guy and responding cops? It's all a bad situation, how do you want to die cowering in a corner or fighting like a fucking man?", ">>{Ags4Trump} : There's a reason mass murders happen at gun free zones.", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Then enjoy getting shot when the real cops show up.', ">>{Byzantine279} : The problem, of course, being that of imperfect information: If you didn't see who started shooting initially, but see someone with a gun, you are going to assume they were the shooter. The whole situation could easily turn into a bloody multi-way battle with no one having any idea who the actual attacker is.", ">>{phungus_mungus} : He expected the cop to be armed that's why he began shooting at the cop first. He wouldn't expect a club goer to be armed, he had to turn his back to a majority of people at some point.", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Chain reaction of death of idiots . Darwin was right', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Yes only Americans defend themselves . Everyone else are just giant pussies', ">>{Ketzeph} : I wonder how many people can be killed with a couple sprays from an AR-15, in a crowded room, before you can even draw your gun? This wasn't some gunfight at the OK Corral sorta thing. This was chaos incarnate. But sure, you'll be the one 'fighting like a man' when you accidentally shoot someone in the dark, crowded, strobe lit club", ">>{toekknow} : Seems like an overreaction. The kind that's typical in this age of instant wordwide news. The Orlando attack was horrific, but I'm guessing the odds of dying in a shooting like this are still much much smaller than dying in a car crash on the way to the grocery store. If people want to carry a gun with them everywhere to beat those small odds I guess they're entitled to, but personally I'll pass.", ">>{turbofarts1} : people are unpredictable. You can't expect someone to behave like a hero. the concert goer might be hiding somewhere where its difficult to use it without drawing attention to his/her self. it also may be extremely dangerous to be peeking around if the gunman can see you.... where it could come in handy is if somehow you could ambush the gunman....", ">>{nepils} : What a terrifyingly thoughtless headline. In my state, unlawful carrying of a handgun carries with it a standard penalty of seven years in state prison, with 5.5 years before one is eligible for parole. That's not the *maximum* possible sentence. That's the *presumed* sentence, for a first-time offender with no prior criminal record. Call it stupid and oppressive if you like. Petition the legislature to change it. But to incite people to break such a law? That's staggeringly short-sighted.", ">>{nepils} : So all those drunk people at the club at 2am should have been carrying loaded firearms? That's what responsible gun-owners do?", ">>{Bellevue3} : If it wasn't a gun free zone, even more people would have died.", '>>{demagogue451} : It took them 3 HOURS to storm the building... Not too worried.', '>>{TheTeaIsPoisonous} : Why does this subreddit seem so fond of the Koch Brothers\' trashy fish wrapper, the ill-titled *"REASON"*?', '>>{demagogue451} : >I wonder how many people can be killed with a couple sprays from an AR-15, in a crowded room, before you can even draw your gun? A lot less than 49. James holmes shot 72 people in Aurora, and only 12 died. You know what was different about this time? The cops took 3 hours to go in there, and the people were being executed and bleeding out the whole time. Stop this thing in 5 minutes, no matter how many people get hit, and get medical attention in there, and a lot fewer people would die.', ">>{demagogue451} : >with an automatic weapon He didn't have an automatic weapon, he had a regular semi-automatic rifle.", '>>{demagogue451} : No, just a couple designated drivers, maybe a bartender or bouncer.', ">>{Byzantine279} : You really don't want to know how much higher your odds are of dying in a car crash. It's scary.", '>>{smithcm14} : I mean, do the cons think that all first graders need to start packing a Glock along with their afternoon snack?', '>>{obelus} : I sincerely hope that the tactical response of the Orlando police is given some high level review here. Even given the confusion of the scene where they may not have known it was a single shooter, and the difficulties posed by assuming it was a hostage situation. It needs to be answered if more innocent people died as an indirect result of their overly cautious approach to their counter-attack.', ">>{Fargonian} : Oh look, it's another mention of that thing that was supposed to happen each of the 50 times concealed carry was passed in this country and never did.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : maybe they need to make bigger signs so the criminals are aware that they areas are gun free zones. im sure if the murderers were better informed on where guns are and arent allowed they would respect that!', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : and now you know how republicans feel about democrats views on illegal immigration', ">>{Totally_Cereal_Guys} : Conservatives are conveniently ignoring that the gunman Sunday was engaged by 3 armed security/off-duty officers when attempting to enter the building. Didn't stop him.", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : they dont care, they're all the same to them and they will always pick the one that fits their agenda", ">>{Totally_Cereal_Guys} : He was engaged by three people with guns before entering. That's a pretty immediate response to me.", '>>{saturnengr0} : Defend them from who? Obviously the guy with the gun who\'s shooting. But if there are multiple people shooting -- or let\'s just make it simple: There are two people shooting. Case 1: The guy with the AR-15. Ok - so you identify the guy with the AR-15, unless he\'s not the first person you see with a gun shooting, or you can\'t see the AR-15 because he\'s partially hidden from you because of the mass of people running away -- then you\'re on to case 2: Case 2: They guy without an AR-15, or the guy with a gun. Now you\'ve got two people with guns shooting at one another. Who do you shoot? And why would they not start shooting you. Remember, this is the simple case with just 2 people firing. It\'s highly unlikely that you saw who shot first, and people will be running away from both of them. I\'m all for shooting the bad guy. I\'ll go further -- I\'m all for making sure that he will never, ever be a bad guy again. I\'m just asking "How do you identify the bad guy?" Edit: I\'m all for being able to protect yourself from the guy shooting at you. If there is 1 person shooting, then identifying the shooter shouldn\'t be intellectually difficult, except bullets are flying and you, or the typical person, are in desperate need of clean underwear and that makes judgement difficult. But once 2 people start shooting, how do you identify which one (because you\'re not going to really be able to tell if they\'re shooting at you or not), and when does one stop shooting? The first person to respond to a BGWG (bad guy with gun) has the advantage of context: There\'s one guy shooting, he\'s the bad guy. The next person who joins the fray screws that all up. You would be well within your rights to not stop shooting until everybody with a gun was down -- except that they also would have the same right.', '>>{Analog265} : Ya know, i know of one gun free zone that works pretty well. It\'s called "almost every developed country except the United States".', ">>{Analog265} : obviously. There's no way to stop some criminal 7 year old from bringing a gun to the playground if he truly wants to. Therefore, we need to arm everyone else on the playground to make sure he doesn't try anything.", ">>{Analog265} : lol, everyone packing heat thinks they're Clint Eastwood or something.", '>>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Oh the Internet commando brigade are here. Rest easy gents the 507th keyboard warriors have got this.', ">>{Analog265} : > It's all a bad situation, how do you want to die cowering in a corner or fighting like a fucking man? at the end of the day, its all ego with you people.", '>>{obelus} : Sandy Hook was a gun free zone because it was an elementary school. How much firepower would you like to see deployed at your local school? San Bernadino was a community center. Would you like to see guns in glass cases next to fire hoses in all public buildings? I truly wish this self-hating-cop-wanna-be-gay-homophobe would have attacked a police station instead of a nightclub, but nightclubs are still no place where more guns makes it more fun.', ">>{Analog265} : gun free zones in the US don't mean shit, they don't stop anyone from having guns except criminals (the one time that logic actually applies). You can't half ass gun reform. It's like when people use Chicago as an example of why gun control doesn't work. Your laws are basically pointless if you can just drive for an hour across state lines and buy a gun. If your measures aren't national, they simply won't work.", ">>{nepils} : I'm sorry, I genuinely don't understand the point that you're trying to make. Mind connecting the dots for me?", '>>{obelus} : If only [Charlie Daniels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAHgGsrdXyM) would have been there.', '>>{reid8470} : Crowded nightclub at 2am with loads of drunk, drugged up people. Bit different than the run of the mill instance where concealed carry is useful.', ">>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : The same thing happened in France. People waited for hours as they were being methodically slaughtered - waiting for someone else with a gun to show up and save them. Sure, there is a possibility that someone might mistake you for the criminal and you'll have to decide whether the risk is worth taking, but when *someone is already shooting at you* the situation is already FUBAR. A gun isn't a guarantee you'll survive, it's just a chance to fight back. That said, I'm not opposed to private establishments creating gun-free zones, especially where everyone is intoxicated. It's their property and how they run it is their business. Nobody is forcing me to go there, just as nobody forces anyone to go to a club where guns are permitted. Regulation of public spaces should be under local jurisdiction, responding as necessary to their particular environment. Nobody knows what's appropriate restraint or acceptable risk more than the people who live there. Where I absolutely draw the line is when people use these tragedies as excuses to try and make me a defenseless victim in my own home. Don't tell me a gun makes me less safe, that's my decision to evaluate. I've been shooting since I was six, hunting by myself since I was eleven, and I've never killed anyone or shot anything I didn't intend to. If my rifle scares you and you don't like the rules in my castle then you're free to get the fuck out, because I know there are fates worse than death and I'll be damned if I ever let that happen again.", '>>{nepils} : So if we all agree that a club at 2am is *not* a place for ordinary citizens to be carrying weapons, then what is the point of this article?', ">>{Alabastercrab} : I'm guessing it's that illegal immigration is illegal but this guy thinks dems encourage people to do it anyway. Except we actually prosecute unlawful carry, unlawful entry not so much", '>>{smithcm14} : Hmm...My gut tells me you might be on to something there.', ">>{reid8470} : Because not everyone agrees. What I think should have been the case is Pulse shouldn't have had only one armed guard. They had 320 people packed into their enormous nightclub, with various bouncers and whatnot, yet they only have *one* armed guard? Mateen walked up and shot the guy right at the start, and the rest is history. Even if they had one more trained, armed guard there's a possibility they would have been substantially better off. A team of 2-3 armed guards that are well-trained and able to communicate with each other--people that are prepared for instances like this. Fairly certain a venue that regularly hosts hundreds of people at a time could afford that.", ">>{nepils} : Yeah, I mean 99% of the time the worst consequence for illegal entry is just, y'know, removal to country of origin. And even that is discretionary. And I've never met a liberal who affirmatively *encouraged* unlawful entry in the way that this author *encourages* unlawful carry. Call me an optimist, I choose to believe that we're missing a coherent point the other poster was trying to make.", '>>{mclumber1} : And once he was inside, he had a building full of defenseless people that he could execute at his leisure.', ">>{nepils} : But again, the thesis of this article is that this incident might have been prevented had the patrons at the club been allowed to carry firearms, which is illegal in Florida. Your reply seems to consist of a criticism of the nightclub's policy to only have one armed bouncer, but that reply is non-responsive to my attack on the author's thesis. Regardless of whether the nightclub did something wrong, hiring more armed bouncers would have been *perfectly legal*. Thus, your response doesn't defend the article's thesis at all. So we're still left with the apparent consensus that nobody up here in the top of the thread thinks that 2am clubgoers should be packing heat. So again: why is anybody defending this article? Or did I misinterpret your comment and you're not endorsing the article?", '>>{hwkns} : You would have much better results if you had a law that prevented anybody on steroids from possessing a gun in the first place.', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : hahah yeah look at how good of a job you guys are doing at prosecuting all 11 million of them that entered illegally. Democrats are actually trying right now to allow them to be able to get Obamacare. Please tell me how that's not rewarding illegal actions?", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : call the process to become a legal citizen oppressive if you like. petition the legislature to change it. but to incite people to break such a law? that's staggeringly short-sighted", ">>{Tvc3333} : You think that's scary?? Let's talk about motorcycles my friend!", ">>{Byzantine279} : Let's not, I prefer to sleep with the lights off.", '>>{nepils} : I think the major (and forgive me, *obvious*) distinction is that the author of this article is encouraging people to break a law that they have not yet broken, while the immigration activists you\'re referring to are concerned with what should be done after a law has already been broken. Maybe somebody with anarcho-capitalist leanings would encourage illegal entry before it occurs. But for the standard liberal, it\'s more "the deed has already been done, so now what do we do?" So there\'s no "inciting," as there is in this article. That\'s a very major difference.', '>>{demagogue451} : He was expecting that. A person inside with a concealed gun could have surprised him.', ">>{demagogue451} : It's really not at all likely for two seperate law abiding people with guns to both be in a position to engage the shooter at the same time. Once someone engages the shooter, it will likely be over within a few seconds, with one of those two people down. Now we are back to just one shooter, the problem is we don't necessarily know which person won, good guy or bad guy. So if I'm the good guy and I shoot the bad guy, first thing I do is reholster as long as I don't see anyone else with a gun. If I'm watching this go down, and I see one person shoot another with a gun, and I have the time to observe, I'd wait to see if he keeps shooting unarmed people, or if it looks like he is done shooting because the guy with the gun is down. If I really can't tell if the person is good or not, I would just run and not engage.", '>>{demagogue451} : No, but if you have an ex police or ex military teacher or faculty member who is trained and licensed to carry a firearm legally, why not let them? No need to force anyone to carry, but if people actually WANT to carry, and know how to do so safely, why not let them?', ">>{reid8470} : I'm not endorsing the article--I completely disagree with these arguments when it comes to packed, crowded, hectic venues including the recent shooting in Paris. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have clubgoers at these large clubs being armed needs to go visit one for even a few minutes. I was suggesting that even if you, me, and several others here agree, that there are many people who don't; there are many who think this article is making a strong point.", '>>{saturnengr0} : Thank you. That was a reasoned answer to what I had hoped was a reasoned question.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{phungus_mungus} : When the Law Would Leave You Defenseless Against the Likes of Omar Mateen, Carry a Gun Anyway', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Reason... False advertising. What happens when one guy starts shooting and a bunch of other upstanding , armed citizens pull out their heaters? Not mayhem, right?', '>>{veedubbin} : I for one would rather have the chance to defend myself and bystanders, over being completely defenseless. Its called standing up for your fellow man, its called being an AMERICAN.', ">>{Ketzeph} : I know when someone starts shooting into a loud room, filled with flashing lights and people, with an automatic weapon, my gun will really make a difference. That and my x-ray vision that can easily pierce a crowd and my time-turner that let's me go back and stop him from killing a swath of people before I'm even aware.", ">>{turbofarts1} : the law was there when he showed up. he was unable to stop the shooter. some dude with a gun isn't necessarily going to stop the shooter, oh, and then theres the problem of carrying a fucking gun on a dance floor.", ">>{phungus_mungus} : Idiot logic... What happens when you get caught in the crossfire between the bad guy and responding cops? It's all a bad situation, how do you want to die cowering in a corner or fighting like a fucking man?", ">>{Ags4Trump} : There's a reason mass murders happen at gun free zones.", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Then enjoy getting shot when the real cops show up.', ">>{Byzantine279} : The problem, of course, being that of imperfect information: If you didn't see who started shooting initially, but see someone with a gun, you are going to assume they were the shooter. The whole situation could easily turn into a bloody multi-way battle with no one having any idea who the actual attacker is.", ">>{phungus_mungus} : He expected the cop to be armed that's why he began shooting at the cop first. He wouldn't expect a club goer to be armed, he had to turn his back to a majority of people at some point.", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Chain reaction of death of idiots . Darwin was right', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Yes only Americans defend themselves . Everyone else are just giant pussies', ">>{Ketzeph} : I wonder how many people can be killed with a couple sprays from an AR-15, in a crowded room, before you can even draw your gun? This wasn't some gunfight at the OK Corral sorta thing. This was chaos incarnate. But sure, you'll be the one 'fighting like a man' when you accidentally shoot someone in the dark, crowded, strobe lit club", ">>{toekknow} : Seems like an overreaction. The kind that's typical in this age of instant wordwide news. The Orlando attack was horrific, but I'm guessing the odds of dying in a shooting like this are still much much smaller than dying in a car crash on the way to the grocery store. If people want to carry a gun with them everywhere to beat those small odds I guess they're entitled to, but personally I'll pass.", ">>{turbofarts1} : people are unpredictable. You can't expect someone to behave like a hero. the concert goer might be hiding somewhere where its difficult to use it without drawing attention to his/her self. it also may be extremely dangerous to be peeking around if the gunman can see you.... where it could come in handy is if somehow you could ambush the gunman....", ">>{nepils} : What a terrifyingly thoughtless headline. In my state, unlawful carrying of a handgun carries with it a standard penalty of seven years in state prison, with 5.5 years before one is eligible for parole. That's not the *maximum* possible sentence. That's the *presumed* sentence, for a first-time offender with no prior criminal record. Call it stupid and oppressive if you like. Petition the legislature to change it. But to incite people to break such a law? That's staggeringly short-sighted.", ">>{nepils} : So all those drunk people at the club at 2am should have been carrying loaded firearms? That's what responsible gun-owners do?", ">>{Bellevue3} : If it wasn't a gun free zone, even more people would have died.", '>>{demagogue451} : It took them 3 HOURS to storm the building... Not too worried.', '>>{TheTeaIsPoisonous} : Why does this subreddit seem so fond of the Koch Brothers\' trashy fish wrapper, the ill-titled *"REASON"*?', '>>{demagogue451} : >I wonder how many people can be killed with a couple sprays from an AR-15, in a crowded room, before you can even draw your gun? A lot less than 49. James holmes shot 72 people in Aurora, and only 12 died. You know what was different about this time? The cops took 3 hours to go in there, and the people were being executed and bleeding out the whole time. Stop this thing in 5 minutes, no matter how many people get hit, and get medical attention in there, and a lot fewer people would die.', ">>{demagogue451} : >with an automatic weapon He didn't have an automatic weapon, he had a regular semi-automatic rifle.", '>>{demagogue451} : No, just a couple designated drivers, maybe a bartender or bouncer.', ">>{Byzantine279} : You really don't want to know how much higher your odds are of dying in a car crash. It's scary.", '>>{smithcm14} : I mean, do the cons think that all first graders need to start packing a Glock along with their afternoon snack?', '>>{obelus} : I sincerely hope that the tactical response of the Orlando police is given some high level review here. Even given the confusion of the scene where they may not have known it was a single shooter, and the difficulties posed by assuming it was a hostage situation. It needs to be answered if more innocent people died as an indirect result of their overly cautious approach to their counter-attack.', ">>{Fargonian} : Oh look, it's another mention of that thing that was supposed to happen each of the 50 times concealed carry was passed in this country and never did.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : maybe they need to make bigger signs so the criminals are aware that they areas are gun free zones. im sure if the murderers were better informed on where guns are and arent allowed they would respect that!', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : and now you know how republicans feel about democrats views on illegal immigration', ">>{Totally_Cereal_Guys} : Conservatives are conveniently ignoring that the gunman Sunday was engaged by 3 armed security/off-duty officers when attempting to enter the building. Didn't stop him.", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : they dont care, they're all the same to them and they will always pick the one that fits their agenda", ">>{Totally_Cereal_Guys} : He was engaged by three people with guns before entering. That's a pretty immediate response to me.", '>>{saturnengr0} : Defend them from who? Obviously the guy with the gun who\'s shooting. But if there are multiple people shooting -- or let\'s just make it simple: There are two people shooting. Case 1: The guy with the AR-15. Ok - so you identify the guy with the AR-15, unless he\'s not the first person you see with a gun shooting, or you can\'t see the AR-15 because he\'s partially hidden from you because of the mass of people running away -- then you\'re on to case 2: Case 2: They guy without an AR-15, or the guy with a gun. Now you\'ve got two people with guns shooting at one another. Who do you shoot? And why would they not start shooting you. Remember, this is the simple case with just 2 people firing. It\'s highly unlikely that you saw who shot first, and people will be running away from both of them. I\'m all for shooting the bad guy. I\'ll go further -- I\'m all for making sure that he will never, ever be a bad guy again. I\'m just asking "How do you identify the bad guy?" Edit: I\'m all for being able to protect yourself from the guy shooting at you. If there is 1 person shooting, then identifying the shooter shouldn\'t be intellectually difficult, except bullets are flying and you, or the typical person, are in desperate need of clean underwear and that makes judgement difficult. But once 2 people start shooting, how do you identify which one (because you\'re not going to really be able to tell if they\'re shooting at you or not), and when does one stop shooting? The first person to respond to a BGWG (bad guy with gun) has the advantage of context: There\'s one guy shooting, he\'s the bad guy. The next person who joins the fray screws that all up. You would be well within your rights to not stop shooting until everybody with a gun was down -- except that they also would have the same right.', '>>{Analog265} : Ya know, i know of one gun free zone that works pretty well. It\'s called "almost every developed country except the United States".', ">>{Analog265} : obviously. There's no way to stop some criminal 7 year old from bringing a gun to the playground if he truly wants to. Therefore, we need to arm everyone else on the playground to make sure he doesn't try anything.", ">>{Analog265} : lol, everyone packing heat thinks they're Clint Eastwood or something.", '>>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Oh the Internet commando brigade are here. Rest easy gents the 507th keyboard warriors have got this.', ">>{Analog265} : > It's all a bad situation, how do you want to die cowering in a corner or fighting like a fucking man? at the end of the day, its all ego with you people.", '>>{obelus} : Sandy Hook was a gun free zone because it was an elementary school. How much firepower would you like to see deployed at your local school? San Bernadino was a community center. Would you like to see guns in glass cases next to fire hoses in all public buildings? I truly wish this self-hating-cop-wanna-be-gay-homophobe would have attacked a police station instead of a nightclub, but nightclubs are still no place where more guns makes it more fun.', ">>{Analog265} : gun free zones in the US don't mean shit, they don't stop anyone from having guns except criminals (the one time that logic actually applies). You can't half ass gun reform. It's like when people use Chicago as an example of why gun control doesn't work. Your laws are basically pointless if you can just drive for an hour across state lines and buy a gun. If your measures aren't national, they simply won't work.", ">>{nepils} : I'm sorry, I genuinely don't understand the point that you're trying to make. Mind connecting the dots for me?", '>>{obelus} : If only [Charlie Daniels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAHgGsrdXyM) would have been there.', '>>{reid8470} : Crowded nightclub at 2am with loads of drunk, drugged up people. Bit different than the run of the mill instance where concealed carry is useful.', ">>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : The same thing happened in France. People waited for hours as they were being methodically slaughtered - waiting for someone else with a gun to show up and save them. Sure, there is a possibility that someone might mistake you for the criminal and you'll have to decide whether the risk is worth taking, but when *someone is already shooting at you* the situation is already FUBAR. A gun isn't a guarantee you'll survive, it's just a chance to fight back. That said, I'm not opposed to private establishments creating gun-free zones, especially where everyone is intoxicated. It's their property and how they run it is their business. Nobody is forcing me to go there, just as nobody forces anyone to go to a club where guns are permitted. Regulation of public spaces should be under local jurisdiction, responding as necessary to their particular environment. Nobody knows what's appropriate restraint or acceptable risk more than the people who live there. Where I absolutely draw the line is when people use these tragedies as excuses to try and make me a defenseless victim in my own home. Don't tell me a gun makes me less safe, that's my decision to evaluate. I've been shooting since I was six, hunting by myself since I was eleven, and I've never killed anyone or shot anything I didn't intend to. If my rifle scares you and you don't like the rules in my castle then you're free to get the fuck out, because I know there are fates worse than death and I'll be damned if I ever let that happen again.", '>>{nepils} : So if we all agree that a club at 2am is *not* a place for ordinary citizens to be carrying weapons, then what is the point of this article?', ">>{Alabastercrab} : I'm guessing it's that illegal immigration is illegal but this guy thinks dems encourage people to do it anyway. Except we actually prosecute unlawful carry, unlawful entry not so much", '>>{smithcm14} : Hmm...My gut tells me you might be on to something there.', ">>{reid8470} : Because not everyone agrees. What I think should have been the case is Pulse shouldn't have had only one armed guard. They had 320 people packed into their enormous nightclub, with various bouncers and whatnot, yet they only have *one* armed guard? Mateen walked up and shot the guy right at the start, and the rest is history. Even if they had one more trained, armed guard there's a possibility they would have been substantially better off. A team of 2-3 armed guards that are well-trained and able to communicate with each other--people that are prepared for instances like this. Fairly certain a venue that regularly hosts hundreds of people at a time could afford that.", ">>{nepils} : Yeah, I mean 99% of the time the worst consequence for illegal entry is just, y'know, removal to country of origin. And even that is discretionary. And I've never met a liberal who affirmatively *encouraged* unlawful entry in the way that this author *encourages* unlawful carry. Call me an optimist, I choose to believe that we're missing a coherent point the other poster was trying to make.", '>>{mclumber1} : And once he was inside, he had a building full of defenseless people that he could execute at his leisure.', ">>{nepils} : But again, the thesis of this article is that this incident might have been prevented had the patrons at the club been allowed to carry firearms, which is illegal in Florida. Your reply seems to consist of a criticism of the nightclub's policy to only have one armed bouncer, but that reply is non-responsive to my attack on the author's thesis. Regardless of whether the nightclub did something wrong, hiring more armed bouncers would have been *perfectly legal*. Thus, your response doesn't defend the article's thesis at all. So we're still left with the apparent consensus that nobody up here in the top of the thread thinks that 2am clubgoers should be packing heat. So again: why is anybody defending this article? Or did I misinterpret your comment and you're not endorsing the article?", '>>{hwkns} : You would have much better results if you had a law that prevented anybody on steroids from possessing a gun in the first place.', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : hahah yeah look at how good of a job you guys are doing at prosecuting all 11 million of them that entered illegally. Democrats are actually trying right now to allow them to be able to get Obamacare. Please tell me how that's not rewarding illegal actions?", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : call the process to become a legal citizen oppressive if you like. petition the legislature to change it. but to incite people to break such a law? that's staggeringly short-sighted", ">>{Tvc3333} : You think that's scary?? Let's talk about motorcycles my friend!", ">>{Byzantine279} : Let's not, I prefer to sleep with the lights off.", '>>{nepils} : I think the major (and forgive me, *obvious*) distinction is that the author of this article is encouraging people to break a law that they have not yet broken, while the immigration activists you\'re referring to are concerned with what should be done after a law has already been broken. Maybe somebody with anarcho-capitalist leanings would encourage illegal entry before it occurs. But for the standard liberal, it\'s more "the deed has already been done, so now what do we do?" So there\'s no "inciting," as there is in this article. That\'s a very major difference.', '>>{demagogue451} : He was expecting that. A person inside with a concealed gun could have surprised him.', ">>{demagogue451} : It's really not at all likely for two seperate law abiding people with guns to both be in a position to engage the shooter at the same time. Once someone engages the shooter, it will likely be over within a few seconds, with one of those two people down. Now we are back to just one shooter, the problem is we don't necessarily know which person won, good guy or bad guy. So if I'm the good guy and I shoot the bad guy, first thing I do is reholster as long as I don't see anyone else with a gun. If I'm watching this go down, and I see one person shoot another with a gun, and I have the time to observe, I'd wait to see if he keeps shooting unarmed people, or if it looks like he is done shooting because the guy with the gun is down. If I really can't tell if the person is good or not, I would just run and not engage.", '>>{demagogue451} : No, but if you have an ex police or ex military teacher or faculty member who is trained and licensed to carry a firearm legally, why not let them? No need to force anyone to carry, but if people actually WANT to carry, and know how to do so safely, why not let them?', ">>{reid8470} : I'm not endorsing the article--I completely disagree with these arguments when it comes to packed, crowded, hectic venues including the recent shooting in Paris. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have clubgoers at these large clubs being armed needs to go visit one for even a few minutes. I was suggesting that even if you, me, and several others here agree, that there are many people who don't; there are many who think this article is making a strong point.", '>>{saturnengr0} : Thank you. That was a reasoned answer to what I had hoped was a reasoned question.']]
classify and reply
[">>{0ne_Word} : ??? I'm about 100.2% sure that all the problems with the Dem party are because of the corporatists, not the liberals.", ">>{SubversiveAgent} : With a headline like that, why wasn't this article about the Southern Strategy?", '>>{echo249} : Reports: Trump To Receive His First Classified Briefing On Wednesday', '>>{hesoshy} : There are no liberals in the Democratic party, just moderate conservatives.', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : And how did racist neo-nazis with an unhealthy admiration for Russia wind up running the Republican Party?', '>>{2ndprize} : I wonder if they will treat this like a Star Wars Script? Maybe sprinkle in a couple alternate plot lines to see if they leak.', '>>{jzpenny} : Now this here is exactly what Fake News looks like. Liberal activists took over the Democratic Party? Hahahaha. They couldn\'t even get Keith Ellison elected as DNC chair, that position went to a reliably corporate-friendly establishmentarian. This is literally "big lie" propaganda.', '>>{MydniteSon} : We\'re in need of a "pendulum realignment". The Republican party has driven the spectrum so far to the Right over the past 20 - 30 years, that the Center has inched to the right to keep pace. We needs a sharp correction left to bring it back to a true center. I\'m saying this as a "Centrist". I mean Barry Goldwater, hell Ronald Reagan, would be considered "too liberal" for today\'s Republican party. So yes, we need progressive activists to take over the Democratic party.', ">>{segvcore} : Are people reading beyond the headline? (Perhaps a poor headline.) It's a pretty good story about how liberal activists got components of the Democratic _Establishment_ to wake up and resist the Gorsuch appointment. That resistance will fail, but not without inflicting some appropriate damage.", ">>{i-am-sancho} : Nobody reads beyond the headline. It's a shame, because some great articles with boring headlines get no traction on here, while sensational headlines like this get a strong reaction with nobody actually discussing the content.", '>>{RealPutin} : I hope they give him some false info. See if he leaks it.', '>>{shivs1147} : Wait wait wait go back, what happened in Crimea?', '>>{bjerwin} : *CLASSIFIED SUBJECT: FIRST BRIEFING ORGANIZER: RNC CONTENT: you are a fucking idiot', '>>{shivs1147} : Trump blows the lid off of area 51 conspiricy!', '>>{throwaway5272} : A remark like this makes me think your purity test would only find the likes of Mao Zedong far left enough to qualify as liberal.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : The republican party was driven to the right due to 30 years of grassroots work by the conservative movement. It started with Goldwater's loss in 64, and culminated with the takeover of congress in 94. The liberal base needs to follow their playbook and plan for the long haul. It's not just as simple as nominating more liberal candidates. You need to get the country as a whole to move left too, not just the party.", ">>{TrippyTheSnail} : that's okay as long as he says he didn't know it was wrong at the time", ">>{guamisc} : The reason they couldn't get Keith Ellison in is that it takes a few years to get in new voting members of the DNC. They first have to take over the local voting positions to get power in the state level Democratic parties. For example, my state party chair DuBose Porter was elected in 2015 - he voted for Perez, and he serves until 2019. Ellison lost because all of those voting members are heavily skewed in number towards the corporatist wing. It'll be a long, slow fight to replace the state level folks.", '>>{guamisc} : Buckleup buddy! This is gonna be a long slog.', '>>{kingsumo_1} : Did you read the article at all? It actually talks about a lot of the stuff we do here. "Activist" was a really poor word to use, and I wish they didn\'t use it so much, but it talks about the momentum and actual action we have started to see from the Dems in the last couple of weeks. It also brings up the three outliers who voted for Gorsich and how they are getting eaten alive now by liberal activist groups despite the obvious strategy that if they had voted along the party lines they would have lost their seats next election due to being from such deep red states. All in all I found it to be a pretty insightful piece, and it sounds like the writer would actually like to see more action like this from the current party, despite how the headline makes it sound.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : I think the problem was the left got complacent after 2008. It looked like the era of the democratic majority had finally arrived, and with the demographic changes to the country, it would stay for a long time. Unfortunately, the country wasn't there. It saw a liberal agenda for the first time in decades and flipped out, and ran right back to the republicans. That's why the focus needs to be on reshaping the electorate, not just the party.", '>>{Pexelled} : A guy with no self-control who constantly says whatever stupid shit pops into his head. There’s no way he gets through this election without blurting out classified information. I bet he does it during one of the debates, after Hillary baits him about being one of Putin’s useful idiots.', '>>{Usawasfun} : Decent chance Bernie was (Wittingly or unwittingly) also a Russian stooge. That would be the ultimate twist.', ">>{Cho-Chang} : Writing prompt: It's Thursday night, and Donald Trump leaks Half-Life 3.", ">>{bellbo} : Someone put Fox News on in the background while being briefed so he doesn't retain any of the info and let it slip in a speech.", ">>{AdSin15} : They didn't. The Neoliberals drove all the Modern Liberals and Progressives out of the party. Now the DNC is a bunch of fake, limousine liberals who talk about equality while at the same time supporting the horrific system of crony capitalism which causes inequality in the first place.", '>>{AdSin15} : If the 1% can convince dumb Americans that Hillary Clinton is a Leftist then there is no need for us to even have elections anymore. That is their goal. If people are so stupid that they can be convinced that Neoliberalism = Left then they win regardless of which party wins the elections.', '>>{Turambar87} : The solution was to entrench Democrats so that a proper liberal party can split off from them. The solution is not to push the US off the right-wing cliff and hope that climbing back up reminds everyone of the value of climbing.', '>>{PorfiryPetrovich} : Secret Service: "Ok Mr. Trump, we need you to find the differences between this picture and this picture. We have been told there are at least 7. Good luck." Trump stares intensely at the pictures, beads of sweat begin to form on his forehead. Secret Service member: *in other room* *looks directly at camera* "They\'re the same picture."', ">>{jzpenny} : > it talks about the momentum and actual action we have started to see from the Dems in the last couple of weeks. We haven't seen *any*. Where are Democrats on proposing health care reforms? Where are Democrats on CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM? Where are they on party corruption, on special interest influence, on immigration reform, on Syria, on North Korea, on anything? The Democratic grassroots is distracted by Soros-funded, media-backed temper-tantrums-of-the-week, while the DNC elites sneak all the valuables out of the vault. >It also brings up the three outliers who voted for Gorsich and how they are getting eaten alive now by liberal activist groups Blocking Gorsich is stupid. All you're going to do is kill the nuclear option, which is a bet hedged on midterm success that is anything but guaranteed given the shitty preparations the DNC has made so far, and what certainly appears to be no signs of changing that course. Its' still within Trump's first 100 days...", ">>{jzpenny} : >The reason they couldn't get Keith Ellison in is that it takes a few years to get in new voting members of the DNC. So, in other words, liberal activists didn't take over the Democratic Party (which is run by the DNC), right? >Ellison lost because all of those voting members are heavily skewed in number towards the corporatist wing. It'll be a long, slow fight to replace the state level folks. Given that context, the headline seems rather premature at best, doesn't it?", ">>{k4rlmarx} : Give him all the info about JFK and aliens. I want to know the truth and you know he's going to run his mouth.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Kansas City Star What once looked like an easy victory for Senate Republicans and Trump has become anything but, thanks to near-unanimous opposition from Senate Democrats. Members who praised the justice just a month earlier now say they not only won’t vote him, but they also won’t support a cloture vote to end a filibuster. The credit or blame for that change sits squarely with Hogue and the Democrats’ liberal activist wing, which through one-on-one persuasion and grass-roots mobilization convinced party leaders that they needed to muster maximum resistance. Do you think the racist opposition Obama had, or the misogynistic attacks HRC suffered, had something to do with this?', ">>{guamisc} : >So, in other words, liberal activists didn't take over the Democratic Party (which is run by the DNC), right? Depends on what you mean, it takes a while to organize and change local, and then state, and then national positions in the DNC. There has been a massive influx at the local levels but it will take at least one entire major election cycle (4 years+) to change the DNC as a whole. >Given that context, the headline seems rather premature at best, doesn't it? Depends on what you mean.", '>>{uselesstriviadude} : ITT: Clinton supporters who forgot she compromised thousands of classified emails.', ">>{AdSin15} : Ridiculous. Since we're making absurd comments...the Corporate News Media were all Russian stooges since they gave Trump so much free air time.", ">>{Usawasfun} : Well his campaign strategist Tad Devine worked with Manafort to help get Yanukovich elected in Ukraine, most see that as a strong link for the Trump team. He is close with Manafort. Bernie also as you recall, was similar to Trump in regards to NATO and trade, 2 big things Russia would want. The dossier did say Russia was pushing for Bernie because it split dems and pushed Hillary on TPP. Bernie's campaign also hacked into the DNC database to copy Hillary's list of likely voters. I'm saying it was probably unwittingly with Devine. Dossier also said Russia had moles on the democrats side.", '>>{AdSin15} : Wow silly conspiracy stuff here. It\'s pretty ridiculous that Russia is now hiding behind every shrubbery. Tad Devine is a longtime Democratic Operative and has worked on multiple campaigns including Al Gore and John Kerry\'s campaign. Implying he is a Russian Agent is a pretty insane accusation. Bernie did not have any position similar to Trump on Nato and Bernie Sanders has been against "free trade" for decades. No. The Bernie Sanders campaign did NOT hack the DNC files that was a lie made by the DNC as an excuse to cut Bernie off from the information. Sanders sued and the DNC caved in and restored his access. The staffers accused of improperly accessing the data were DNC employees who were specifically recommended to the Sanders Campaign by the DNC. Russia is not responsible for Hillary losing. Hillary and the DNC are responsible for Hillary losing. Period. End of discussion. Seriously this kinda crap makes me insane. I voted for Bernie Sanders and then Jill Stein. I didn\'t do it because of ANY SORT OF RUSSIAN INFLUENCE. I did it because they represented my beliefs and it was the right thing to do. Stop pretending like everyone who didn\'t support Hillary is a Russian stooge.', ">>{Usawasfun} : Umm he wanted NATO to pay more, just like Trump. Those Devine campaigns were before he worked in Ukraine. His campaign did hack the DNC.. that's just your conspiracy theory. They played a huge role.. you just didn't like her.. maybe you took in too much of that Russian propaganda.", '>>{AdSin15} : I think you took in too much Corporate Propaganda. You now blame the Russians for everything that goes wrong in your life. Everyone is a Russian Agent. Everyone is hacking the people you support. The people you support are, of course, as pure as the driven snow and are just helpless victims of all the bad people. I get it.', '>>{Usawasfun} : I didn\'t say that.. but yes Russia did a lot in this election. -Hacked Hillary and Podesta (All 17 intelligence agencies agree) -Published fake news. -Used over 1000 Russian trolls to push that news to the top of social media like Twitter. -Made fake Bernie fb pages to push the fake news to Bernie supporters. You think Bernie is as pure as the driven snow, and was a helpless victim to the DNC. No proof that they "rigged it" against him.. but you like that idea. I guess maybe we aren\'t so different.', ">>{AdSin15} : Hillary hired thousands of trolls to IMPERSONATE Bernie supporters and act racist and sexist to people on the internet. Hillary took millions in bribes from the rich and refused to release her speeches because the information in them was SO DAMNING that the public could not be allowed to see it or it would have destroyed her candidacy. They pushed all kinds of fake news about Sanders...like the non-scandal of him buying a home. They actually tried calling him sexist and racist! Strategizing on how to attack him for being Jewish or an Atheist. Hillary was a WILLING agent of Wall Street. WILLING AGENT. She wasn't duped. Powerful groups didn't promote her candidacy as a way to get somebody more preferable into office. She was their henchwoman and they were attempting to install her in power to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of the American People. I think the problem is that you believe, for some strange reason, that an election rigged by American Billionaires is better than one rigged by Russian Billionaires.", ">>{Usawasfun} : Thousand of trolls to act sexist and racist? Gonna need a source on that. SPEECHES SO DAMNING that they were hacked and released and.. oh ya nothing was really in there. He bought that home after the election.. and again what proof do you have Hillary was behind that? They talked about having someone ask about his religion, well because that is a big deal to voters. See: How republicans vote, and talk about how christian they are all the time. That's politics, sorry they wondered if his religious views may turn off some voters. WILLING AGENT OF WALL STREET! Seems like they would have been much better giving to Trump, since he hired a bunch of wall street guys and is deregulating banking. She probably would have thrown wall street some sort of bone, but nothing like Trump. Lot's of attacks, 0 proof of any of it. Again, you bit hard on some propaganda. Just like Puttie wanted.", ">>{AdSin15} : Huh? it's common knowledge. Since you're playing dumb though here ya go: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-clinton-digital-trolling-20160506-snap-htmlstory.html Of course with entire Corporations on your side you don't always need an Army of trolls. You can simply have the Corporation which owns the website delete any unwanted posts from the site. Politico had a system in place during the Primary which recorded the names of anti-Hillary posters and automatically deleted their posts if they were longer than a few words. I experienced this first hand during the primary as my posts would be auto-deleted by Politico. The frequency of posting was irrelevant. Often my first post of the day would be auto-deleted within seconds of it being posted. Hillary had NBC, CNN, Huffpost, Politico, were all proven to have been working directly with the Hillary campaign. It's funny that you desperately need to believe that Russian propaganda caused me to not vote for Hillary when I decided I would never support her the instant she refused to release the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street Banks. Having my posts auto-deleted by Politico also sealed the deal for me. I'm a big fan of the 1st Amendment and I don't like being silenced because of my views. Finally...Clinton has already given Wall Street many many bones...including the Great Grandaddy Bone of the All...repealing Glaes Steagal and refusing to put it back in place. That's the one the Banks wanted gone since the 1930's. The Clintons gave it to them and they knew that Hillary was good for more stuff.", '>>{Usawasfun} : >Others, however, say Clinton has little choice but to try, given the ubiquity of online assaults and the difficulty of squelching even provably untrue narratives once they have taken hold. That would make sense since there is so much **Russian** propaganda against you. Also, you believe Russia has the right to annex Crimea. So.. I think you know what my guess of where you live is.', '>>{Usawasfun} : You can tell with the use of RANDOM ALL CAPS!!!! Our president does that too.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{0ne_Word} : ??? I'm about 100.2% sure that all the problems with the Dem party are because of the corporatists, not the liberals.", ">>{SubversiveAgent} : With a headline like that, why wasn't this article about the Southern Strategy?", '>>{hesoshy} : There are no liberals in the Democratic party, just moderate conservatives.', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : And how did racist neo-nazis with an unhealthy admiration for Russia wind up running the Republican Party?', '>>{jzpenny} : Now this here is exactly what Fake News looks like. Liberal activists took over the Democratic Party? Hahahaha. They couldn\'t even get Keith Ellison elected as DNC chair, that position went to a reliably corporate-friendly establishmentarian. This is literally "big lie" propaganda.', '>>{MydniteSon} : We\'re in need of a "pendulum realignment". The Republican party has driven the spectrum so far to the Right over the past 20 - 30 years, that the Center has inched to the right to keep pace. We needs a sharp correction left to bring it back to a true center. I\'m saying this as a "Centrist". I mean Barry Goldwater, hell Ronald Reagan, would be considered "too liberal" for today\'s Republican party. So yes, we need progressive activists to take over the Democratic party.', ">>{segvcore} : Are people reading beyond the headline? (Perhaps a poor headline.) It's a pretty good story about how liberal activists got components of the Democratic _Establishment_ to wake up and resist the Gorsuch appointment. That resistance will fail, but not without inflicting some appropriate damage.", ">>{i-am-sancho} : Nobody reads beyond the headline. It's a shame, because some great articles with boring headlines get no traction on here, while sensational headlines like this get a strong reaction with nobody actually discussing the content.", '>>{throwaway5272} : A remark like this makes me think your purity test would only find the likes of Mao Zedong far left enough to qualify as liberal.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : The republican party was driven to the right due to 30 years of grassroots work by the conservative movement. It started with Goldwater's loss in 64, and culminated with the takeover of congress in 94. The liberal base needs to follow their playbook and plan for the long haul. It's not just as simple as nominating more liberal candidates. You need to get the country as a whole to move left too, not just the party.", ">>{guamisc} : The reason they couldn't get Keith Ellison in is that it takes a few years to get in new voting members of the DNC. They first have to take over the local voting positions to get power in the state level Democratic parties. For example, my state party chair DuBose Porter was elected in 2015 - he voted for Perez, and he serves until 2019. Ellison lost because all of those voting members are heavily skewed in number towards the corporatist wing. It'll be a long, slow fight to replace the state level folks.", '>>{guamisc} : Buckleup buddy! This is gonna be a long slog.', '>>{kingsumo_1} : Did you read the article at all? It actually talks about a lot of the stuff we do here. "Activist" was a really poor word to use, and I wish they didn\'t use it so much, but it talks about the momentum and actual action we have started to see from the Dems in the last couple of weeks. It also brings up the three outliers who voted for Gorsich and how they are getting eaten alive now by liberal activist groups despite the obvious strategy that if they had voted along the party lines they would have lost their seats next election due to being from such deep red states. All in all I found it to be a pretty insightful piece, and it sounds like the writer would actually like to see more action like this from the current party, despite how the headline makes it sound.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : I think the problem was the left got complacent after 2008. It looked like the era of the democratic majority had finally arrived, and with the demographic changes to the country, it would stay for a long time. Unfortunately, the country wasn't there. It saw a liberal agenda for the first time in decades and flipped out, and ran right back to the republicans. That's why the focus needs to be on reshaping the electorate, not just the party.", '>>{Usawasfun} : Decent chance Bernie was (Wittingly or unwittingly) also a Russian stooge. That would be the ultimate twist.', ">>{AdSin15} : They didn't. The Neoliberals drove all the Modern Liberals and Progressives out of the party. Now the DNC is a bunch of fake, limousine liberals who talk about equality while at the same time supporting the horrific system of crony capitalism which causes inequality in the first place.", '>>{AdSin15} : If the 1% can convince dumb Americans that Hillary Clinton is a Leftist then there is no need for us to even have elections anymore. That is their goal. If people are so stupid that they can be convinced that Neoliberalism = Left then they win regardless of which party wins the elections.', '>>{Turambar87} : The solution was to entrench Democrats so that a proper liberal party can split off from them. The solution is not to push the US off the right-wing cliff and hope that climbing back up reminds everyone of the value of climbing.', ">>{jzpenny} : > it talks about the momentum and actual action we have started to see from the Dems in the last couple of weeks. We haven't seen *any*. Where are Democrats on proposing health care reforms? Where are Democrats on CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM? Where are they on party corruption, on special interest influence, on immigration reform, on Syria, on North Korea, on anything? The Democratic grassroots is distracted by Soros-funded, media-backed temper-tantrums-of-the-week, while the DNC elites sneak all the valuables out of the vault. >It also brings up the three outliers who voted for Gorsich and how they are getting eaten alive now by liberal activist groups Blocking Gorsich is stupid. All you're going to do is kill the nuclear option, which is a bet hedged on midterm success that is anything but guaranteed given the shitty preparations the DNC has made so far, and what certainly appears to be no signs of changing that course. Its' still within Trump's first 100 days...", ">>{jzpenny} : >The reason they couldn't get Keith Ellison in is that it takes a few years to get in new voting members of the DNC. So, in other words, liberal activists didn't take over the Democratic Party (which is run by the DNC), right? >Ellison lost because all of those voting members are heavily skewed in number towards the corporatist wing. It'll be a long, slow fight to replace the state level folks. Given that context, the headline seems rather premature at best, doesn't it?", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Kansas City Star What once looked like an easy victory for Senate Republicans and Trump has become anything but, thanks to near-unanimous opposition from Senate Democrats. Members who praised the justice just a month earlier now say they not only won’t vote him, but they also won’t support a cloture vote to end a filibuster. The credit or blame for that change sits squarely with Hogue and the Democrats’ liberal activist wing, which through one-on-one persuasion and grass-roots mobilization convinced party leaders that they needed to muster maximum resistance. Do you think the racist opposition Obama had, or the misogynistic attacks HRC suffered, had something to do with this?', ">>{guamisc} : >So, in other words, liberal activists didn't take over the Democratic Party (which is run by the DNC), right? Depends on what you mean, it takes a while to organize and change local, and then state, and then national positions in the DNC. There has been a massive influx at the local levels but it will take at least one entire major election cycle (4 years+) to change the DNC as a whole. >Given that context, the headline seems rather premature at best, doesn't it? Depends on what you mean.", ">>{AdSin15} : Ridiculous. Since we're making absurd comments...the Corporate News Media were all Russian stooges since they gave Trump so much free air time.", ">>{Usawasfun} : Well his campaign strategist Tad Devine worked with Manafort to help get Yanukovich elected in Ukraine, most see that as a strong link for the Trump team. He is close with Manafort. Bernie also as you recall, was similar to Trump in regards to NATO and trade, 2 big things Russia would want. The dossier did say Russia was pushing for Bernie because it split dems and pushed Hillary on TPP. Bernie's campaign also hacked into the DNC database to copy Hillary's list of likely voters. I'm saying it was probably unwittingly with Devine. Dossier also said Russia had moles on the democrats side.", '>>{AdSin15} : Wow silly conspiracy stuff here. It\'s pretty ridiculous that Russia is now hiding behind every shrubbery. Tad Devine is a longtime Democratic Operative and has worked on multiple campaigns including Al Gore and John Kerry\'s campaign. Implying he is a Russian Agent is a pretty insane accusation. Bernie did not have any position similar to Trump on Nato and Bernie Sanders has been against "free trade" for decades. No. The Bernie Sanders campaign did NOT hack the DNC files that was a lie made by the DNC as an excuse to cut Bernie off from the information. Sanders sued and the DNC caved in and restored his access. The staffers accused of improperly accessing the data were DNC employees who were specifically recommended to the Sanders Campaign by the DNC. Russia is not responsible for Hillary losing. Hillary and the DNC are responsible for Hillary losing. Period. End of discussion. Seriously this kinda crap makes me insane. I voted for Bernie Sanders and then Jill Stein. I didn\'t do it because of ANY SORT OF RUSSIAN INFLUENCE. I did it because they represented my beliefs and it was the right thing to do. Stop pretending like everyone who didn\'t support Hillary is a Russian stooge.', ">>{Usawasfun} : Umm he wanted NATO to pay more, just like Trump. Those Devine campaigns were before he worked in Ukraine. His campaign did hack the DNC.. that's just your conspiracy theory. They played a huge role.. you just didn't like her.. maybe you took in too much of that Russian propaganda.", '>>{AdSin15} : I think you took in too much Corporate Propaganda. You now blame the Russians for everything that goes wrong in your life. Everyone is a Russian Agent. Everyone is hacking the people you support. The people you support are, of course, as pure as the driven snow and are just helpless victims of all the bad people. I get it.', '>>{Usawasfun} : I didn\'t say that.. but yes Russia did a lot in this election. -Hacked Hillary and Podesta (All 17 intelligence agencies agree) -Published fake news. -Used over 1000 Russian trolls to push that news to the top of social media like Twitter. -Made fake Bernie fb pages to push the fake news to Bernie supporters. You think Bernie is as pure as the driven snow, and was a helpless victim to the DNC. No proof that they "rigged it" against him.. but you like that idea. I guess maybe we aren\'t so different.', ">>{AdSin15} : Hillary hired thousands of trolls to IMPERSONATE Bernie supporters and act racist and sexist to people on the internet. Hillary took millions in bribes from the rich and refused to release her speeches because the information in them was SO DAMNING that the public could not be allowed to see it or it would have destroyed her candidacy. They pushed all kinds of fake news about Sanders...like the non-scandal of him buying a home. They actually tried calling him sexist and racist! Strategizing on how to attack him for being Jewish or an Atheist. Hillary was a WILLING agent of Wall Street. WILLING AGENT. She wasn't duped. Powerful groups didn't promote her candidacy as a way to get somebody more preferable into office. She was their henchwoman and they were attempting to install her in power to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of the American People. I think the problem is that you believe, for some strange reason, that an election rigged by American Billionaires is better than one rigged by Russian Billionaires.", ">>{Usawasfun} : Thousand of trolls to act sexist and racist? Gonna need a source on that. SPEECHES SO DAMNING that they were hacked and released and.. oh ya nothing was really in there. He bought that home after the election.. and again what proof do you have Hillary was behind that? They talked about having someone ask about his religion, well because that is a big deal to voters. See: How republicans vote, and talk about how christian they are all the time. That's politics, sorry they wondered if his religious views may turn off some voters. WILLING AGENT OF WALL STREET! Seems like they would have been much better giving to Trump, since he hired a bunch of wall street guys and is deregulating banking. She probably would have thrown wall street some sort of bone, but nothing like Trump. Lot's of attacks, 0 proof of any of it. Again, you bit hard on some propaganda. Just like Puttie wanted.", ">>{AdSin15} : Huh? it's common knowledge. Since you're playing dumb though here ya go: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-clinton-digital-trolling-20160506-snap-htmlstory.html Of course with entire Corporations on your side you don't always need an Army of trolls. You can simply have the Corporation which owns the website delete any unwanted posts from the site. Politico had a system in place during the Primary which recorded the names of anti-Hillary posters and automatically deleted their posts if they were longer than a few words. I experienced this first hand during the primary as my posts would be auto-deleted by Politico. The frequency of posting was irrelevant. Often my first post of the day would be auto-deleted within seconds of it being posted. Hillary had NBC, CNN, Huffpost, Politico, were all proven to have been working directly with the Hillary campaign. It's funny that you desperately need to believe that Russian propaganda caused me to not vote for Hillary when I decided I would never support her the instant she refused to release the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street Banks. Having my posts auto-deleted by Politico also sealed the deal for me. I'm a big fan of the 1st Amendment and I don't like being silenced because of my views. Finally...Clinton has already given Wall Street many many bones...including the Great Grandaddy Bone of the All...repealing Glaes Steagal and refusing to put it back in place. That's the one the Banks wanted gone since the 1930's. The Clintons gave it to them and they knew that Hillary was good for more stuff.", '>>{Usawasfun} : >Others, however, say Clinton has little choice but to try, given the ubiquity of online assaults and the difficulty of squelching even provably untrue narratives once they have taken hold. That would make sense since there is so much **Russian** propaganda against you. Also, you believe Russia has the right to annex Crimea. So.. I think you know what my guess of where you live is.', '>>{Usawasfun} : You can tell with the use of RANDOM ALL CAPS!!!! Our president does that too.'], ['>>{echo249} : Reports: Trump To Receive His First Classified Briefing On Wednesday', '>>{2ndprize} : I wonder if they will treat this like a Star Wars Script? Maybe sprinkle in a couple alternate plot lines to see if they leak.', '>>{RealPutin} : I hope they give him some false info. See if he leaks it.', '>>{shivs1147} : Wait wait wait go back, what happened in Crimea?', '>>{bjerwin} : *CLASSIFIED SUBJECT: FIRST BRIEFING ORGANIZER: RNC CONTENT: you are a fucking idiot', '>>{shivs1147} : Trump blows the lid off of area 51 conspiricy!', ">>{TrippyTheSnail} : that's okay as long as he says he didn't know it was wrong at the time", '>>{Pexelled} : A guy with no self-control who constantly says whatever stupid shit pops into his head. There’s no way he gets through this election without blurting out classified information. I bet he does it during one of the debates, after Hillary baits him about being one of Putin’s useful idiots.', ">>{Cho-Chang} : Writing prompt: It's Thursday night, and Donald Trump leaks Half-Life 3.", ">>{bellbo} : Someone put Fox News on in the background while being briefed so he doesn't retain any of the info and let it slip in a speech.", '>>{PorfiryPetrovich} : Secret Service: "Ok Mr. Trump, we need you to find the differences between this picture and this picture. We have been told there are at least 7. Good luck." Trump stares intensely at the pictures, beads of sweat begin to form on his forehead. Secret Service member: *in other room* *looks directly at camera* "They\'re the same picture."', ">>{k4rlmarx} : Give him all the info about JFK and aliens. I want to know the truth and you know he's going to run his mouth.", '>>{uselesstriviadude} : ITT: Clinton supporters who forgot she compromised thousands of classified emails.']]
classify and reply
[">>{holla_snackbar} : Wapo was on it, NYT got around to it late in the game after they'd tired of tearing Hillary down.", '>>{IbanezDavy} : Either nothing is a miracle or EVERYTHING is. Rainbows!', '>>{VladsGooeyEyedBoyToy} : Drumpf Demolition is doing most of the heavy work.', '>>{PM__ME__STUFFZ} : Yo 4th estate maybe hold off on the self-fellating till after he loses the election.', '>>{MolestedConservative} : Gingrich, Giuliani reportedly planning to spearhead a Trump ‘intervention’', '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Yes, but the first step is admitting you have a problem, these people will never do that.', ">>{wizardofthefuture} : Hillary Clinton Says Campaigning for President Is 'Especially Tricky for Women'", ">>{golikehellmachine} : I could've sworn that I was hearing all primary long that the big, old, stodgy newspapers didn't matter any more, and all of the important news was coming from the scrappy startups and blogs. Turns out having a background in investigative reporting and the resources to fund it miiiigggghhht turn up better stories than a shoestring budget, a domain name registered a year ago and a Wordpress template.", '>>{letdogsvote} : Created the monster, lost control of the monster, no containing the monster now.', '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : *"No more just kiddings!, this is 2016, humor/sarcasm left America back in the 90\'s"*', '>>{MC_Carty} : Disagree strongly on "no one is deplorable." Somewhat agree on "no one is irredeemable."', ">>{truthhurts4444} : Lol! You can't make this up. You can really feel the desperation and futility as career GOP politicians watch the party they tried so hard to create get burned To The Ground by his careless actions in front of their very eyes", '>>{MolestedConservative} : >...senior party officials are so frustrated and confused by his behavior of late that they are exploring how to replace him on the ballot if he did quit the race.', ">>{WaltBush} : Will this intervention involving bowing and scraping before Eric and Ivanka with their hats in their hands, begging to be granted entrance to The Don's inner sanctum?", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Except those that have seen the folly of their ways and continue to thrive in them, such as the KKK.', '>>{500547} : Democratic candidate claims that women are especially unfit for presidency. --- someone', ">>{3_Limes} : Newt must be thanking his lucky stare that he didn't get the VP nod! To be chained to the deck of this Titanic in full view of the 'Murican public would really suck. (Not that I wouldn't LMAO watching them sink together.)", '>>{lordfredericknorth} : No one is deplorable, no one is irredeemable. See also: "all lives matter."', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : This comment will surely lead to an insightful and even-handed discussion on reddit about how we view women in positions of power.', '>>{udownvotefacts} : i hate how she does the whole "women are strong, we can do anything men do!" and then also blames her struggles in this campaign on the fact that she is a woman and acts like it couldn\'t be other reasons, like her lack of honesty. stop using your vagina as a crutch hillary!', ">>{Hardy723} : While I don't think it will work, the terrifying thought is it will. Trump has, without question, shown his true colors already. If he actually changed and managed to convince enough undecideds and he wins....God help us all. This man is a danger to humanity.", '>>{cyclopsrex} : I would rather be seen as deplorable than a killer or rapist.', '>>{lolnopound} : Why is this not bigger news? The democratic nominee for president just said women have a harder time campaigning than men do.', '>>{kmmontandon} : Because Giuliani and Gingrich know all about running successful Presidential campaigns.', '>>{spaceghoti} : Some people *are* deplorable, when their actions make them that way. As for being redeemable, "capable of" should not be confused with "willing to." Thus far, the die-hard racists who flock to Trump\'s rhetoric have demonstrated they\'re proud of their bigotry and see no reason to change. All efforts to explain have failed, so why not stop pretending that it\'s okay to be a bigot and also stop pretending that it\'s not happening? Instead, let\'s shine a light on it and remind people why they don\'t want to associate with that kind of festering rot.', ">>{truthhurts4444} : The reason I don't want Hillary Clinton in the White House isn't because she's a woman. The reason I don't want Hillary Clinton in the White House is because she's a Clinton", ">>{tom_hilfinger} : Washington Post and NYT are amazing, they've done incredible work in supporting Hillary and feminism in general. It's wonderful to know that our journalist class is overwhelmingly liberal and supports social justice, the future is bright.", ">>{cyclopsrex} : My point is Hillary's remarks are very tempered compared to Trump's.", '>>{POTUSKNOPE} : Washington Post, I absolutely agree. While I appreciate the NYT for coming around, they took a long ass time doing it.', ">>{pramoni} : Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumb try to put Humpty Dumbty together again. What a hoot! The GOP is dead--we're just watching the corpse collapse as it rots from the head. Now we need to see what form the remains of the corpse becomes--and it will not be pretty.", '>>{Vesstair} : Well.... to be fair, that is more of an idiot thing, rather than a woman thing.', ">>{ShadyPollster} : Hey look if they wanna be on top I'm down.", ">>{wondering-this} : Could you say what impartial would look like to you wrt this election? From my point of view, they covered the investigations of the emails and of benghazi and their results. They review the dumps, see what's there. Now, given the disaster of a life that trump has created, and given that hrc has been under the microscope for decades, is it really any surprise that they're finding skeletons by the truckload?", '>>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : What a jokester! A few of my personal favorites: "So, when can we nuke people?" "Why don\'t we get to nuke everyone?" "No, seriously...why can\'t we nuke the world?"', '>>{ShadyPollster} : It is getting tiresome. Please America offer up a better type of lady than the shrill robot queen.', ">>{redditpodd} : Not just due to Trump stuff but generally... I used to use incognito mode for free news, and for what it's worth, I am personally okay with folks who can't afford the budget to use that and other methods still. But as an older millennial (30's), I realized I wanted to support local journalism. I also started subscribing to two other national newspapers. Not suggesting anything. Just sharing my experience. The John Oliver piece (incidentally watched on YouTube since I don't have cable, and definitely not HBO) was dead right. We need journalism. And I'd rather drink less beer and cook at home more to support it. Though in the interest of not sounding more preachy than i probably already do, I'm at a point in my life where I can afford to do that without sacrificing anything.", '>>{moxy801} : >No One Is Deplorable, No One Is Irredeemable But that is what the whole right-wing mindset is predicated upon.', ">>{cool_hand_luke} : Crackhead hits rock bottom, let's send in the meth addict and heroin user to help him out.", ">>{golikehellmachine} : Oh, I'm at the tail end of Gen-X, so we are probably close in age, and this year, I've subscribed to NYT, WaPo and the print version of Esquire.", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : You know one Hillary Clinton personal joke that I just love and I cant stop laughing? *"I\'m going to repeal Citizen\'s United!!!"* or here\'s another *"Im going to stop TPP!!"* that always makes me laugh', '>>{GeorgeWTrudeau} : Suck a dick Giuliani. You were one of his biggest supporters & one of the people adamantly advocating for the atmosphere we have now.', ">>{redditpodd} : I hate digital disclosures but I'm actually likely very very close to you in that case. I realized very recently why my old man, liberal for the time and place (different country in another corner of the world), bought newspapers he couldn't afford and didn't agree with, and he did it almost everyday. Considering he lived through two tyrannies, I understood it before. But now, I appreciate it based on my own different experiences.", '>>{intravenus_de_milo} : Well there you go, the right wing calling for kumbaya.', '>>{InFearn0} : Aren\'t there people that aren\'t worth the risk of trying to redeem? The only true test of redemption is putting someone in a position where they can repeat their offensive and seeing what they do. But if their past offensive is bad enough, who would take the chance they would repeat it? In the practical world we triage. We access relative risk and likelihoods to maximize gain and minimize wasted effort. That means deciding that some people aren\'t worth the effort. They are too far gone to prioritize. Now perhaps the number of people that are "too far gone" just isn\'t that high. But I have to ask myself, after Trump loses in November, would we want him to have this kind of media attention ever again?', ">>{stillnotking} : I have no problem acknowledging the truth of that remark, even as someone who has absolutely no use for Clinton. I'm sure it is trickier for women. More minefields to navigate, in terms of public expectations. It must be especially tricky to be the *first* major-party woman candidate.", ">>{MC_Carty} : > Aren't there people that aren't worth the risk of trying to redeem? No, there are those. But redemption could always be a possibility depending on what you'd count toward redemption. Prioritization is just something you'd have to take into account given the situation. But outright saying that no one can be or is deplorable is just plain wrong.", ">>{GodfreyLongbeard} : Don't you feel bad for her? It's not like everything she does calls her honesty and capacity to lead into question. No, she's handicapped because she has a snatch rather then a log and berries.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : wow, two multi-syllable words that dont mean the same thing!', '>>{Vesstair} : I... I dont even know how you come to the conclusion Obama is an idiot. I doubt you will find many Harvard Law grads who are idiots.', '>>{WhenIm5ixtyFour} : >Seeing someone or some group of people as deplorable or irredeemable is the starting point for coercing them and can lead to initiating violence against them. We have the death penalty exactly because we consider some people irredeemable. Was this guy born yesterday?', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Come on guys, see this for what it is. It wouldn't be an intervention if they alerted the press a day before. This is just for optics so they can say they talked some sense into him.", '>>{ceh142} : Or my favorite "I\'ll get money out of politics!" What a hoot lmao', '>>{colormefeminist} : Obama made tons of good zingers against Hillary and Romney, he is a witty man. Sarah Palin is a terrible debater and political personality, and she pretty much lost when she tried to claim that Katie Couric tripped her up with a "gotcha" question.', ">>{wizardofthefuture} : Not sure. It's generally not a good look for Clinton to blame her gender for the state of her campaign right after the deplorables comment and a few straight months of lying. American women are on average more trustworthy and more fit to lead than she is, so this just comes off as insulting and more of the same you'd expect from someone so out of touch with the people.", '>>{Vesstair} : Again, nothing supporting your claim. And just to argue the opposition, there is a difference between a legacy and someone who got in on their own merits.', '>>{Vesstair} : Gotcha question? You mean "what do you read to stay informed"?', ">>{ShadyPollster} : It's just more whining because after all...it's her turn.", '>>{ShadyPollster} : Yeah okay buddy, saying there are better women who could lead is sexist....', '>>{guitmusic12} : How do you feel about Ted Cruz or Antonin Scalia', '>>{Vesstair} : Cruz is hated by everybody he works with, and Scalia is a troll.', '>>{colormefeminist} : I nominate [Congresswoman Barbara Lee](https://youtu.be/Zh_sxilhyV0) to be the first woman president. Hillary is a disaster', ">>{CryloRen} : Once upon a time Ted Cruz was libertarian leanings then he started running for office and began pandering to the extreme right. Neither of those guys are idiots. They know exactly what they're doing.", ">>{pwomptastic} : The kind of old school feminism that Hillary Clinton represents- the type of feminism where a woman needs to do more than a man to be treated as a man's equal, is dying, thankfully. If she truly wanted to focus on a positive message the attention she brought to her gender would be to constantly point out how exciting it is that a woman is running for president of the United States. She wallows in the negative. It's no wonder she's constantly on the defense.", '>>{Vesstair} : Idiots? No. Horrible people? Probably, but not idiots.', '>>{Vesstair} : I doubt it is worth my time to reply to you... but... source?', '>>{orlinsky} : Why, oh why, has a women never been President? Not enough of them around? Pretending being a woman has not introduced additional struggles, however minimal, is delusional.', ">>{Diplocephalus} : Pro-feminist arguments and discussions are like the Reddit equivalent of saying Voldemort's name out loud in HP. Tumblr and Hugh Mungus and Anita Sarkeesian ruined everything.", '>>{ShadyPollster} : Naw now you are reaching. People who run for public office are open to criticism. Deal with it.', '>>{orlinsky} : Millions of voters are taught from an early age that Eve tricked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit. It sounds stupid but on a macro level these undertones have a tangible impact.', '>>{udownvotefacts} : I dont view their gender at all. I view people in those positions based on their past work, qualifications & their achievements which doesnt include having a vagina.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I think its more like, woman are as capable but face different challenges', ">>{WyrmSaint} : Because it's pretty obvious that the problems she's having comes from her history of constant lying, her Nixon-esque opaqueness, trading Clinton Foundation donations for ambassadorships and other pay-for-play, the insider-trading, rigging the primaries, abuse of power, taking foreign donations, and obstruction of justice.", ">>{WyrmSaint} : In 2016 it's probably an advantage. People like Obama and want another *first* president.", '>>{orlinsky} : Clinton is not doing that well among young voters who should be more excited about this kind of thing.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : Scalia is gone, and he deserves more credit than he gets here. You should read up on him, I've seen you post here so I know you aren't a bad person. He was in favor of states rights for contentious issues that others think should be federal, but his reasoning was there. I mean, he's the reason we can burn a flag as free speech, or the reason our homes can't be scanned with thermal imaging without a warrant, among a list of other things.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : > trading Clinton Foundation donations for ambassadorships The President is in charge of giving out ambassadorships right?', ">>{WyrmSaint} : That's because it's not 'this kind of thing' that's turning them away, it's her complete lack of trustworthiness, scandals, etc.", ">>{WyrmSaint} : Hypothetical situation: You're the president of a company and you can hire someone because they're well-qualified or because they gave you a few million dollars. Which is better for the company?", '>>{partanimal} : The only person focused on her gender is her.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Well-qualified. But what I'm saying is that Clinton isn't President and therefore can't have a history of trading Clinton Foundation donations for ambassadorships.", '>>{orlinsky} : How does the tone of her voice impact her trustworthiness? How does the shape of her jawline and hair impact how people feel about her? Voters are emotional and this stuff matters.', '>>{partanimal} : So asking for a better man than trump, one who is less abrasive and arrogant would surely be decried by you for being sexist as well, right?', ">>{WyrmSaint} : I can't lay out the paper trail of how Clinton exercised her influence (she's the Secretary of State, she's around the president all the time, plenty of opportunity), I can just point out the [huge correlation](http://i.sli.mg/RmL2pJ.jpg) between donations to the Clinton Foundation and positions of power.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I agree there is a correlation, but why the fuck would Obama care if they donated to Clinton?', ">>{WyrmSaint} : I bet she gains more voters from people who want a first woman president than she loses to those factors. Come to think of it, it's the second woman president that would have a tougher time. I think she's gaining more support than she's losing from the gender issue.", '>>{WyrmSaint} : She has political power. Again, no specifics, but she definitely has stuff (congressmen under her thumb, that kind of thing) to trade.', ">>{kstinfo} : If I understand your point, shouldn't the fact that a woman wears makeup and has her hair styled be considered 'cheating' in a more perfect world?", ">>{Imgur_Lurker} : It's even dumber because the person she's running against is infamous for how dumb his hair is...", ">>{Deplorable4U} : Doesn't help that every peer we've ever had that fails upwards is jewish and/or female. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. /s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgaOcfbqrdU", ">>{wrtChase} : He's not just a Harvard Law grad. He's a magna cum laude Harvard Law Grad. A chief editor of the Harvard Law Review. He then taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. What you're doing is disgraceful.", ">>{Novae_Blue} : That makes his policies on the first and fourth amendments unquestionable and flawless, I'm sure. He's not an idiot, but the policies he advocates for are being sold to idiots by someone who knows that many Americans *are* idiots and are proud of it. Those same policies are idiotic at best...unless you're a powerful person who stands to gain financially from them.", '>>{growyurown} : We all get it, you have a vagina.', ">>{growyurown} : The theme is if you don't support her you are sexist. Get used to it.", '>>{partanimal} : You would have been right 40 years ago. But people today say "lady" without meaning that definition and instead meaning "woman" ALL the time. And what about the rest of it? Words like "abrasive"? And finally, since when does "robot" have any sort of gender relevance at all?', ">>{partanimal} : No, it's the exact same thing as saying a better kind of woman our a better kind of human. If you don't want her gender to be an issue, stop making it one. The only people focused on her gender are her and her minions.", ">>{orlinsky} : The problem is there's 100's of years of history of CEO's, Congressmen, Presidents, etc. that show women are underrepresented when it comes to democratic positions of power. In our world that means women have some sort of disadvantage."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{MolestedConservative} : Gingrich, Giuliani reportedly planning to spearhead a Trump ‘intervention’', '>>{letdogsvote} : Created the monster, lost control of the monster, no containing the monster now.', '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : *"No more just kiddings!, this is 2016, humor/sarcasm left America back in the 90\'s"*', ">>{truthhurts4444} : Lol! You can't make this up. You can really feel the desperation and futility as career GOP politicians watch the party they tried so hard to create get burned To The Ground by his careless actions in front of their very eyes", '>>{MolestedConservative} : >...senior party officials are so frustrated and confused by his behavior of late that they are exploring how to replace him on the ballot if he did quit the race.', ">>{WaltBush} : Will this intervention involving bowing and scraping before Eric and Ivanka with their hats in their hands, begging to be granted entrance to The Don's inner sanctum?", ">>{3_Limes} : Newt must be thanking his lucky stare that he didn't get the VP nod! To be chained to the deck of this Titanic in full view of the 'Murican public would really suck. (Not that I wouldn't LMAO watching them sink together.)", ">>{Hardy723} : While I don't think it will work, the terrifying thought is it will. Trump has, without question, shown his true colors already. If he actually changed and managed to convince enough undecideds and he wins....God help us all. This man is a danger to humanity.", '>>{kmmontandon} : Because Giuliani and Gingrich know all about running successful Presidential campaigns.', ">>{pramoni} : Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumb try to put Humpty Dumbty together again. What a hoot! The GOP is dead--we're just watching the corpse collapse as it rots from the head. Now we need to see what form the remains of the corpse becomes--and it will not be pretty.", '>>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : What a jokester! A few of my personal favorites: "So, when can we nuke people?" "Why don\'t we get to nuke everyone?" "No, seriously...why can\'t we nuke the world?"', ">>{cool_hand_luke} : Crackhead hits rock bottom, let's send in the meth addict and heroin user to help him out.", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : You know one Hillary Clinton personal joke that I just love and I cant stop laughing? *"I\'m going to repeal Citizen\'s United!!!"* or here\'s another *"Im going to stop TPP!!"* that always makes me laugh', '>>{GeorgeWTrudeau} : Suck a dick Giuliani. You were one of his biggest supporters & one of the people adamantly advocating for the atmosphere we have now.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Come on guys, see this for what it is. It wouldn't be an intervention if they alerted the press a day before. This is just for optics so they can say they talked some sense into him.", '>>{ceh142} : Or my favorite "I\'ll get money out of politics!" What a hoot lmao'], [">>{holla_snackbar} : Wapo was on it, NYT got around to it late in the game after they'd tired of tearing Hillary down.", '>>{VladsGooeyEyedBoyToy} : Drumpf Demolition is doing most of the heavy work.', '>>{PM__ME__STUFFZ} : Yo 4th estate maybe hold off on the self-fellating till after he loses the election.', ">>{golikehellmachine} : I could've sworn that I was hearing all primary long that the big, old, stodgy newspapers didn't matter any more, and all of the important news was coming from the scrappy startups and blogs. Turns out having a background in investigative reporting and the resources to fund it miiiigggghhht turn up better stories than a shoestring budget, a domain name registered a year ago and a Wordpress template.", ">>{tom_hilfinger} : Washington Post and NYT are amazing, they've done incredible work in supporting Hillary and feminism in general. It's wonderful to know that our journalist class is overwhelmingly liberal and supports social justice, the future is bright.", '>>{POTUSKNOPE} : Washington Post, I absolutely agree. While I appreciate the NYT for coming around, they took a long ass time doing it.', ">>{wondering-this} : Could you say what impartial would look like to you wrt this election? From my point of view, they covered the investigations of the emails and of benghazi and their results. They review the dumps, see what's there. Now, given the disaster of a life that trump has created, and given that hrc has been under the microscope for decades, is it really any surprise that they're finding skeletons by the truckload?", ">>{redditpodd} : Not just due to Trump stuff but generally... I used to use incognito mode for free news, and for what it's worth, I am personally okay with folks who can't afford the budget to use that and other methods still. But as an older millennial (30's), I realized I wanted to support local journalism. I also started subscribing to two other national newspapers. Not suggesting anything. Just sharing my experience. The John Oliver piece (incidentally watched on YouTube since I don't have cable, and definitely not HBO) was dead right. We need journalism. And I'd rather drink less beer and cook at home more to support it. Though in the interest of not sounding more preachy than i probably already do, I'm at a point in my life where I can afford to do that without sacrificing anything.", ">>{golikehellmachine} : Oh, I'm at the tail end of Gen-X, so we are probably close in age, and this year, I've subscribed to NYT, WaPo and the print version of Esquire.", ">>{redditpodd} : I hate digital disclosures but I'm actually likely very very close to you in that case. I realized very recently why my old man, liberal for the time and place (different country in another corner of the world), bought newspapers he couldn't afford and didn't agree with, and he did it almost everyday. Considering he lived through two tyrannies, I understood it before. But now, I appreciate it based on my own different experiences."], [">>{wizardofthefuture} : Hillary Clinton Says Campaigning for President Is 'Especially Tricky for Women'", '>>{500547} : Democratic candidate claims that women are especially unfit for presidency. --- someone', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : This comment will surely lead to an insightful and even-handed discussion on reddit about how we view women in positions of power.', '>>{udownvotefacts} : i hate how she does the whole "women are strong, we can do anything men do!" and then also blames her struggles in this campaign on the fact that she is a woman and acts like it couldn\'t be other reasons, like her lack of honesty. stop using your vagina as a crutch hillary!', '>>{lolnopound} : Why is this not bigger news? The democratic nominee for president just said women have a harder time campaigning than men do.', ">>{truthhurts4444} : The reason I don't want Hillary Clinton in the White House isn't because she's a woman. The reason I don't want Hillary Clinton in the White House is because she's a Clinton", '>>{Vesstair} : Well.... to be fair, that is more of an idiot thing, rather than a woman thing.', ">>{ShadyPollster} : Hey look if they wanna be on top I'm down.", '>>{ShadyPollster} : It is getting tiresome. Please America offer up a better type of lady than the shrill robot queen.', ">>{stillnotking} : I have no problem acknowledging the truth of that remark, even as someone who has absolutely no use for Clinton. I'm sure it is trickier for women. More minefields to navigate, in terms of public expectations. It must be especially tricky to be the *first* major-party woman candidate.", ">>{GodfreyLongbeard} : Don't you feel bad for her? It's not like everything she does calls her honesty and capacity to lead into question. No, she's handicapped because she has a snatch rather then a log and berries.", '>>{Vesstair} : I... I dont even know how you come to the conclusion Obama is an idiot. I doubt you will find many Harvard Law grads who are idiots.', '>>{colormefeminist} : Obama made tons of good zingers against Hillary and Romney, he is a witty man. Sarah Palin is a terrible debater and political personality, and she pretty much lost when she tried to claim that Katie Couric tripped her up with a "gotcha" question.', ">>{wizardofthefuture} : Not sure. It's generally not a good look for Clinton to blame her gender for the state of her campaign right after the deplorables comment and a few straight months of lying. American women are on average more trustworthy and more fit to lead than she is, so this just comes off as insulting and more of the same you'd expect from someone so out of touch with the people.", '>>{Vesstair} : Again, nothing supporting your claim. And just to argue the opposition, there is a difference between a legacy and someone who got in on their own merits.', '>>{Vesstair} : Gotcha question? You mean "what do you read to stay informed"?', ">>{ShadyPollster} : It's just more whining because after all...it's her turn.", '>>{ShadyPollster} : Yeah okay buddy, saying there are better women who could lead is sexist....', '>>{guitmusic12} : How do you feel about Ted Cruz or Antonin Scalia', '>>{Vesstair} : Cruz is hated by everybody he works with, and Scalia is a troll.', '>>{colormefeminist} : I nominate [Congresswoman Barbara Lee](https://youtu.be/Zh_sxilhyV0) to be the first woman president. Hillary is a disaster', ">>{CryloRen} : Once upon a time Ted Cruz was libertarian leanings then he started running for office and began pandering to the extreme right. Neither of those guys are idiots. They know exactly what they're doing.", ">>{pwomptastic} : The kind of old school feminism that Hillary Clinton represents- the type of feminism where a woman needs to do more than a man to be treated as a man's equal, is dying, thankfully. If she truly wanted to focus on a positive message the attention she brought to her gender would be to constantly point out how exciting it is that a woman is running for president of the United States. She wallows in the negative. It's no wonder she's constantly on the defense.", '>>{Vesstair} : Idiots? No. Horrible people? Probably, but not idiots.', '>>{Vesstair} : I doubt it is worth my time to reply to you... but... source?', '>>{orlinsky} : Why, oh why, has a women never been President? Not enough of them around? Pretending being a woman has not introduced additional struggles, however minimal, is delusional.', ">>{Diplocephalus} : Pro-feminist arguments and discussions are like the Reddit equivalent of saying Voldemort's name out loud in HP. Tumblr and Hugh Mungus and Anita Sarkeesian ruined everything.", '>>{ShadyPollster} : Naw now you are reaching. People who run for public office are open to criticism. Deal with it.', '>>{orlinsky} : Millions of voters are taught from an early age that Eve tricked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit. It sounds stupid but on a macro level these undertones have a tangible impact.', '>>{udownvotefacts} : I dont view their gender at all. I view people in those positions based on their past work, qualifications & their achievements which doesnt include having a vagina.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I think its more like, woman are as capable but face different challenges', ">>{WyrmSaint} : Because it's pretty obvious that the problems she's having comes from her history of constant lying, her Nixon-esque opaqueness, trading Clinton Foundation donations for ambassadorships and other pay-for-play, the insider-trading, rigging the primaries, abuse of power, taking foreign donations, and obstruction of justice.", ">>{WyrmSaint} : In 2016 it's probably an advantage. People like Obama and want another *first* president.", '>>{orlinsky} : Clinton is not doing that well among young voters who should be more excited about this kind of thing.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : Scalia is gone, and he deserves more credit than he gets here. You should read up on him, I've seen you post here so I know you aren't a bad person. He was in favor of states rights for contentious issues that others think should be federal, but his reasoning was there. I mean, he's the reason we can burn a flag as free speech, or the reason our homes can't be scanned with thermal imaging without a warrant, among a list of other things.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : > trading Clinton Foundation donations for ambassadorships The President is in charge of giving out ambassadorships right?', ">>{WyrmSaint} : That's because it's not 'this kind of thing' that's turning them away, it's her complete lack of trustworthiness, scandals, etc.", ">>{WyrmSaint} : Hypothetical situation: You're the president of a company and you can hire someone because they're well-qualified or because they gave you a few million dollars. Which is better for the company?", '>>{partanimal} : The only person focused on her gender is her.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Well-qualified. But what I'm saying is that Clinton isn't President and therefore can't have a history of trading Clinton Foundation donations for ambassadorships.", '>>{orlinsky} : How does the tone of her voice impact her trustworthiness? How does the shape of her jawline and hair impact how people feel about her? Voters are emotional and this stuff matters.', '>>{partanimal} : So asking for a better man than trump, one who is less abrasive and arrogant would surely be decried by you for being sexist as well, right?', ">>{WyrmSaint} : I can't lay out the paper trail of how Clinton exercised her influence (she's the Secretary of State, she's around the president all the time, plenty of opportunity), I can just point out the [huge correlation](http://i.sli.mg/RmL2pJ.jpg) between donations to the Clinton Foundation and positions of power.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I agree there is a correlation, but why the fuck would Obama care if they donated to Clinton?', ">>{WyrmSaint} : I bet she gains more voters from people who want a first woman president than she loses to those factors. Come to think of it, it's the second woman president that would have a tougher time. I think she's gaining more support than she's losing from the gender issue.", '>>{WyrmSaint} : She has political power. Again, no specifics, but she definitely has stuff (congressmen under her thumb, that kind of thing) to trade.', ">>{kstinfo} : If I understand your point, shouldn't the fact that a woman wears makeup and has her hair styled be considered 'cheating' in a more perfect world?", ">>{Imgur_Lurker} : It's even dumber because the person she's running against is infamous for how dumb his hair is...", ">>{Deplorable4U} : Doesn't help that every peer we've ever had that fails upwards is jewish and/or female. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. /s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgaOcfbqrdU", ">>{wrtChase} : He's not just a Harvard Law grad. He's a magna cum laude Harvard Law Grad. A chief editor of the Harvard Law Review. He then taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. What you're doing is disgraceful.", ">>{Novae_Blue} : That makes his policies on the first and fourth amendments unquestionable and flawless, I'm sure. He's not an idiot, but the policies he advocates for are being sold to idiots by someone who knows that many Americans *are* idiots and are proud of it. Those same policies are idiotic at best...unless you're a powerful person who stands to gain financially from them.", '>>{growyurown} : We all get it, you have a vagina.', ">>{growyurown} : The theme is if you don't support her you are sexist. Get used to it.", '>>{partanimal} : You would have been right 40 years ago. But people today say "lady" without meaning that definition and instead meaning "woman" ALL the time. And what about the rest of it? Words like "abrasive"? And finally, since when does "robot" have any sort of gender relevance at all?', ">>{partanimal} : No, it's the exact same thing as saying a better kind of woman our a better kind of human. If you don't want her gender to be an issue, stop making it one. The only people focused on her gender are her and her minions.", ">>{orlinsky} : The problem is there's 100's of years of history of CEO's, Congressmen, Presidents, etc. that show women are underrepresented when it comes to democratic positions of power. In our world that means women have some sort of disadvantage."], ['>>{IbanezDavy} : Either nothing is a miracle or EVERYTHING is. Rainbows!', '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Yes, but the first step is admitting you have a problem, these people will never do that.', '>>{MC_Carty} : Disagree strongly on "no one is deplorable." Somewhat agree on "no one is irredeemable."', '>>{thegoodvibe} : Except those that have seen the folly of their ways and continue to thrive in them, such as the KKK.', '>>{lordfredericknorth} : No one is deplorable, no one is irredeemable. See also: "all lives matter."', '>>{cyclopsrex} : I would rather be seen as deplorable than a killer or rapist.', '>>{spaceghoti} : Some people *are* deplorable, when their actions make them that way. As for being redeemable, "capable of" should not be confused with "willing to." Thus far, the die-hard racists who flock to Trump\'s rhetoric have demonstrated they\'re proud of their bigotry and see no reason to change. All efforts to explain have failed, so why not stop pretending that it\'s okay to be a bigot and also stop pretending that it\'s not happening? Instead, let\'s shine a light on it and remind people why they don\'t want to associate with that kind of festering rot.', ">>{cyclopsrex} : My point is Hillary's remarks are very tempered compared to Trump's.", '>>{moxy801} : >No One Is Deplorable, No One Is Irredeemable But that is what the whole right-wing mindset is predicated upon.', '>>{intravenus_de_milo} : Well there you go, the right wing calling for kumbaya.', '>>{InFearn0} : Aren\'t there people that aren\'t worth the risk of trying to redeem? The only true test of redemption is putting someone in a position where they can repeat their offensive and seeing what they do. But if their past offensive is bad enough, who would take the chance they would repeat it? In the practical world we triage. We access relative risk and likelihoods to maximize gain and minimize wasted effort. That means deciding that some people aren\'t worth the effort. They are too far gone to prioritize. Now perhaps the number of people that are "too far gone" just isn\'t that high. But I have to ask myself, after Trump loses in November, would we want him to have this kind of media attention ever again?', ">>{MC_Carty} : > Aren't there people that aren't worth the risk of trying to redeem? No, there are those. But redemption could always be a possibility depending on what you'd count toward redemption. Prioritization is just something you'd have to take into account given the situation. But outright saying that no one can be or is deplorable is just plain wrong.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : wow, two multi-syllable words that dont mean the same thing!', '>>{WhenIm5ixtyFour} : >Seeing someone or some group of people as deplorable or irredeemable is the starting point for coercing them and can lead to initiating violence against them. We have the death penalty exactly because we consider some people irredeemable. Was this guy born yesterday?']]
classify and reply
['>>{pump_the_brakes_son} : White People Banned From Black Live Matter Meetings in Philadelphia', '>>{janzeera} : By "white people" it\'s meant "people like our readers"...', ">>{chrisdurand} : Because Breitbart is alt-right propaganda. If I hear this from a *competent* conservative paper (IE: The Federalist), then I'll believe it.", ">>{Frequently-Absent} : Trolls and their troll accounts. Breitbart *loves* 'em!", '>>{stufen1} : By "people like our readers" it\'s meant racists.', ">>{violue} : Wow, that'll teach me to try sorting /r/politics by 'new'.", ">>{IphtashuFitz} : Breitbart is the alt-right equivalent of supermarket tabloids like the National Enquirer, etc. They publish sensationalist articles of dubious accuracy specifically to catch the eye of easily manipulated readers. Nothing they publish should be taken seriously unless other news sites with *much* better reputations publish the same thing as well. If you see an article on Breitbart that you want to submit to /r/politics then you'd be far better off searching for similar articles on other websites. If you can find the same article on a different well-known website then submit that to /r/politics instead of the Breitbart article. If you can't find the same article on any different well-known websites then it's highly likely the article is an opinion piece spun as factual news and shouldn't be considered trustworthy at all, much less posted here.", '>>{apolitic} : I kinda get entertained by watching Brietbart go down in flames every time its submitted.', '>>{Nekowulf} : I do it just to see what shit from breitbart people trying to push on here.', ">>{spacelincoln} : I've been doing it for too long. I recognized the username first. If you gaze long enough into an abyss....", '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Actual news banned from state run propaganda website, Breitbart.', ">>{pump_the_brakes_son} : Doesn't change the fact that Black people are banning white people. Liberal news won't cover this because they're scared.", '>>{Erra0} : The Federalist is liberal news now? Wow you guys are in a world of your own.', '>>{apolitic} : Brietbart is considered a government propaganda site here - the story may or may not have merit - but if you want it to get any traction I suggest posting it from another site. Any Brietbart article is immediately down voted by most without reading - myself included. Also liberals wont cover news because they are scared?? LOL Wat? Okay then show me this on Fox or any other national news site? Or is every other site a liberal news site except Brietbart?', ">>{Just_the_Truths} : breitbart is not news - it's propaganda.. How hard is that concept to understand comrade??? It's under FBI investigation for colluding with Russia as we speak!", ">>{chrisdurand} : And you know who's reporting this? Breitbart and the Daily Wire, both of which are fake news sites. Think higher, you are better than this: there are facts, which, regardless of the flaws in the mainstream media, are reported on, and there are conspiratorial echo chambers that play to people's fears. Don't lose your capacity for logic because of politics.", '>>{Tucking_Fypos} : Can transgender people come in any washroom? Or do you need a safe space?', '>>{joepo32} : Calling those that respond to you snowflakes shows quite clearly you are not here to publish news and have civil conversations about it.', ">>{pump_the_brakes_son} : How is this fake news? The tweets are right there and BLM isn't denying it.", '>>{joepo32} : You know there are still all white male country clubs right?', '>>{FreshHotTakes} : It just is not a newsworthy publication. No one should care what they have to say. Just move on to a real publication.', '>>{SlutShamedToddler} : Who cares? Why does this upset you so much?', ">>{dankpoots} : Can you explain why you are concerned that white people aren't being welcomed at Black Lives Matter meetings? Explicitly, please.", '>>{Matthmaroo} : He does not know what that is New to politics', ">>{Yokaren} : Lol, scared. No, they won't cover it because nobody cares if one BLM chapter turns racist. Many of us already drew the conclusion that some black people, just like some white people, are racist. So? Who cares?", ">>{Yokaren} : Hey moron, it's not hypocrisy if nobody gave a shit to begin with. We already knew some black people, just like some people of every ethnicity, are racists. Nobody fucking cares. Meanwhile, there are important things going on... Like treason."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{pump_the_brakes_son} : White People Banned From Black Live Matter Meetings in Philadelphia', '>>{janzeera} : By "white people" it\'s meant "people like our readers"...', ">>{chrisdurand} : Because Breitbart is alt-right propaganda. If I hear this from a *competent* conservative paper (IE: The Federalist), then I'll believe it.", ">>{Frequently-Absent} : Trolls and their troll accounts. Breitbart *loves* 'em!", '>>{stufen1} : By "people like our readers" it\'s meant racists.', ">>{violue} : Wow, that'll teach me to try sorting /r/politics by 'new'.", ">>{IphtashuFitz} : Breitbart is the alt-right equivalent of supermarket tabloids like the National Enquirer, etc. They publish sensationalist articles of dubious accuracy specifically to catch the eye of easily manipulated readers. Nothing they publish should be taken seriously unless other news sites with *much* better reputations publish the same thing as well. If you see an article on Breitbart that you want to submit to /r/politics then you'd be far better off searching for similar articles on other websites. If you can find the same article on a different well-known website then submit that to /r/politics instead of the Breitbart article. If you can't find the same article on any different well-known websites then it's highly likely the article is an opinion piece spun as factual news and shouldn't be considered trustworthy at all, much less posted here.", '>>{apolitic} : I kinda get entertained by watching Brietbart go down in flames every time its submitted.', '>>{Nekowulf} : I do it just to see what shit from breitbart people trying to push on here.', ">>{spacelincoln} : I've been doing it for too long. I recognized the username first. If you gaze long enough into an abyss....", '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Actual news banned from state run propaganda website, Breitbart.', ">>{pump_the_brakes_son} : Doesn't change the fact that Black people are banning white people. Liberal news won't cover this because they're scared.", '>>{Erra0} : The Federalist is liberal news now? Wow you guys are in a world of your own.', '>>{apolitic} : Brietbart is considered a government propaganda site here - the story may or may not have merit - but if you want it to get any traction I suggest posting it from another site. Any Brietbart article is immediately down voted by most without reading - myself included. Also liberals wont cover news because they are scared?? LOL Wat? Okay then show me this on Fox or any other national news site? Or is every other site a liberal news site except Brietbart?', ">>{Just_the_Truths} : breitbart is not news - it's propaganda.. How hard is that concept to understand comrade??? It's under FBI investigation for colluding with Russia as we speak!", ">>{chrisdurand} : And you know who's reporting this? Breitbart and the Daily Wire, both of which are fake news sites. Think higher, you are better than this: there are facts, which, regardless of the flaws in the mainstream media, are reported on, and there are conspiratorial echo chambers that play to people's fears. Don't lose your capacity for logic because of politics.", '>>{Tucking_Fypos} : Can transgender people come in any washroom? Or do you need a safe space?', '>>{joepo32} : Calling those that respond to you snowflakes shows quite clearly you are not here to publish news and have civil conversations about it.', ">>{pump_the_brakes_son} : How is this fake news? The tweets are right there and BLM isn't denying it.", '>>{joepo32} : You know there are still all white male country clubs right?', '>>{FreshHotTakes} : It just is not a newsworthy publication. No one should care what they have to say. Just move on to a real publication.', '>>{SlutShamedToddler} : Who cares? Why does this upset you so much?', ">>{dankpoots} : Can you explain why you are concerned that white people aren't being welcomed at Black Lives Matter meetings? Explicitly, please.", '>>{Matthmaroo} : He does not know what that is New to politics', ">>{Yokaren} : Lol, scared. No, they won't cover it because nobody cares if one BLM chapter turns racist. Many of us already drew the conclusion that some black people, just like some white people, are racist. So? Who cares?", ">>{Yokaren} : Hey moron, it's not hypocrisy if nobody gave a shit to begin with. We already knew some black people, just like some people of every ethnicity, are racists. Nobody fucking cares. Meanwhile, there are important things going on... Like treason."]]
classify and reply
['>>{madam1} : Junk the system: why young Americans won’t do as they’re told this election', ">>{TheRealZero} : How do I view the actual text of the bills on this site? I feel like everyone I've looked at I haven't been able to see the full text. Thanks!", '>>{ZebZ} : The link is literally the text of the bill.', '>>{AndyInAtlanta} : Stared them down with the "I\'ll rain hellfire on you" eyes.', ">>{ozabelle} : not voting or voting 3rd party won't junk the system.", ">>{KittenSwagger} : Don't upvote? Don't upvote?! How *dare* you tell me what to do. /upvotes.", '>>{ExMachaenus} : At the bottom of the light grey box, there are a bunch of tabs for different things. The second tab should be "text."', ">>{devolka} : We're also not telling them not to do it. We're just telling them it's dumb.", '>>{BayonetsforBoardmen} : Phone taps and email snooping and prohibition of communications companies from publically revealing the government demanded access by the looks of it. Fun fact, privacy of communications was one of the first rights to go under Nazi Germany thanks to the Reichstag Fire Act.', ">>{filluwithsynergism} : She has to have someone hold her hand and tell her it's all ok. Jesus.", ">>{bauboish} : Given that the entire purpose of a campaign is to get votes, not voting essentially means you are stating you don't want your voice heard in the government. If you want to vote 3rd party, at least be consistent about it. Vote 3rd party everywhere, for example if you believe in Libertarian ideals, make Libertarians a force to be reckoned with and not just use it as a protest vote and then forget who Gary Johnson is by December. So far no 3rd party has had any kind of sustained power because they're treated as a protest vote and not actual vote. Make the 3rd party you believe in a powerful voting bloc and then these articles will stop.", '>>{Allergic2ShellFsh} : Jill Stein, Green Party will be the force.', ">>{lapinsk} : The incipeo NGP is my favorite. Slim, doesn't catch in your pocket, and i've dropped my phone on cement a few times and it walked away without a scratch", '>>{zazahan10} : Or she can still use her fake smile and scream over her pre-written speech', '>>{mr_fn_wonderful} : So far as I could see it was security doing security work. And all he did was race up and put his arm on her back. Christ.', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals Oh fucking lord.', ">>{ZebZ} : It's a good thing that this group of Congressmen have been trying to push through for several years. [The EFF endorsed a prior year version.](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/04/house-advances-email-privacy-act-setting-stage-vital-privacy-reform) It requires a proper warrant be issued before the government is allowed to gain access to electronic communication stored on third party (ie, GMail, Facebook) servers. It's not perfect because it doesn't require notification that warrants have been issued or information has been shared. But it's better than what's currently in place.", ">>{metalspring6} : If you mean the other bills, many of them don't have a text section yet", '>>{cheefjustice} : Thanks! Does it have enough support to pass? Is Trump expected to veto, and if so, is there support to override?', '>>{ohthatwasme} : Can we just take a moment to recognize how badass secret service is?', '>>{KittenSwagger} : [I have two cases, but one I mostly use the whole time. The Peel case. Its amazing. Protects by phone from those little scratches that can happen, but feels like no case is on it at all.](https://buypeel.com/products/super-thin-iphone-7-case?variant=29716430727)', '>>{colin_staples} : [I got this Spigen one from Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01GIVX7TA/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1487347882&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=spigen+iphone+7+case&dpPl=1&dpID=41eutL4Y9oL&ref=plSrch)', '>>{TRUMP_MAGA_} : Its ok Hillary. I think protests will throw her into a seizure eventually. She is not healthy. That is why she only does 1 rally every few days.', ">>{ZebZ} : It hasn't passed since they first introduced it 4 years ago. No reason to believe this will be any different.", ">>{theduke282} : Ok, as they got their sign unfurled there was no telling what it was going to say, but given their proximity to the stage I can understand Clinton's uneasiness.", ">>{OMGshNicholas} : I have the clear otterbox thin case, and a glass cover. It's like glass+ or something + I like them both. I've noticed that my clear otter is case stands up a lot better compared to my partners clear speck case.", ">>{political_junkie24m} : I just can't understand why we can't just have a normal rally why does there always have to be protesters involved", ">>{FrederikTwn} : I've had panzerglass, a tempered glass brand, and the apple black leather on my current and previous IPhone.", ">>{SandraLee48} : Once she's coronated we'll never see her at a public rally or news conference again.", '>>{5pez__A} : There is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged.', ">>{W0LF_JK} : To them the whole system is dumb. They feel betrayed and don't give a damn either way. The Millenials are disengaged and rightfully so at this point.", ">>{TheRealZero} : Thanks! That's pretty much what I assumed given the nature of the post, but, not being able to find the text myself I was forced to half to ask the helpful teddy community, such as your helpful self. :) Thanks for your very helpful reply! I am on mobile, so perhaps that makes my question less baffling? In any event, thanks again for all the help you provided!", ">>{TheRealZero} : Clicking it now it literally is the text of the bill. Perhaps the text is uploaded at a later time than the initial notice? Strange, because looking now it's certainly not hard to see it!", ">>{hahaha01} : There is no possible outcome from this election that doesn't end poorly.", '>>{TheRealZero} : Makes sense, I see this one now. Thanks for your reply!', ">>{ExMachaenus} : I've seen that on some of these, too. I think whoever is entering these onto the site posted the heading of the bill first, and is filling in the elements one piece at a time as they become available.", '>>{hahaha01} : I hope it grows up someday and moves out of the damn house.', '>>{letsgometros} : You could have said what is the best case for iPhone 7+ in your title', ">>{HeadphoneJackal} : I'm a huge fan of the [Magpul Field Case](https://www.magpul.com/products/magpul-field-case-iphone-7-plus). Had it on my 5c for 3 years now and it has taken some pretty severe beatings and kept the phone in great condition. Magpul makes pistol grips and other firearm accessories, so think rugged but comfortable to hold.", '>>{devolka} : You and I will have to agree to disagree on that.', '>>{hightrix} : Have you been paying attention to Clinton and the DNC at all? Of course there will be protests at every single event.', ">>{Steven_Sr} : Mate, her reaction here was chill as fuck. Didn't flinch, assessed situation, kept her cool and then turned it into an attack on her opponent. I mean... fucking masterful. Trumps little hobgoblins can try and spin this all they want, but [her reaction is a hell of a lot more impressive than his was.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8PyJb-tDl0) And she didn't call for anyone to be kicked out or hurt. Good woman, that president.", '>>{asanttu} : Do you get dust under the case? I bought something like this from a local store here and after a while, I noticed lot of dust etc from pockets. My concern is that in the long run it will scratch the phone itself.', ">>{ScarecrowTEP} : I know I'm a little late, but can you explain what is currently in place? Can the government just tap into emails without warrants, currently?", '>>{political_junkie24m} : She hasnt had a new conference in over 200 days at it is lol', '>>{goldenspear} : Yeh wonder if the media is gonna go balls to wall bashing her credibility over that statement????', '>>{Benjaphar} : She was referencing the safari kill pics the boys tweeted.', '>>{m2k88} : Caseology makes some really sweet cases, got one for my iphone7', ">>{BigBlue4U} : Well, as The Guardian has illustrated, if you pay 'em enough they do EXACTLY as they're told.", '>>{Nyawk} : TOZO for the 7+ on Amazon for $8.99. Same case as the Peel.', '>>{b3tcha} : ~~It\'s also dumb to say "Don\'t Upvote" because A. he won\'t get karma either way since it\'s a self post and B. no one will see it if they don\'t upvote. I don\'t know why people don\'t get this. Either that or they\'re using reverse psychology.~~ I was wrong. Retracting my outdated comment. I should read the admin posts more often.', '>>{ADMunro} : Self posts get karma now. They have done for a few months.', ">>{ReshbergShedwitz} : Yup I can vouch for that one. I've dropped my 7+ and GS5 so many times with Spigen Tough Armor cases, never any damage.", '>>{420blazer247} : Many people think it would be just as dumb to vote for clinton or trump.', '>>{devolka} : Those people are wrong. Clinton or Trump is GOING to win. How is voting for them dumb?', ">>{RampantAndroid} : I'm using a Tech21 Impact Clear case. It's pretty grippy (I found the Apple silicone case to be slippery, especially compared to my iphone 6 silicone case from Apple which was damn near impossible to get out of my jeans pocket sometimes). I've dropped the phone one concrete once with the Tech21 case on it, on a corner no less. No damage to the phone *OR* to the case!", ">>{NicholassBalls} : My favorite cases are the leather clad ones from apple. Used them with my 6, 6s, 6s+ and now 7+. Durable and stylish, I don't drop my phone THAT often, but they hold up really well. Plus it's still easy to get in and out of my pocket. Here's my examples of the saddle brown aging. I had a black one for the 6 before the 6s/saddle brown https://instagram.com/p/BLpefxygwVs/", ">>{420blazer247} : It's odd, but some people would rather vote for someone the support, at least a little bit. You can say it's dumb. But to them, it's dumb to vote for someone who you don't agree with or support at all. Edit: they are not wrong.", '>>{Rsidhuu} : Just saying but I bet there is a bunch of these under $5 on eBay', '>>{trill-chino} : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J2CBU1E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_4F5Pyb27961BD I use this one. I was looking for a "carbon-fiber" case but none of the ones I wanted look like they\'d protect much at all until I saw this one. Very good design with the 2 piece aspect. Easy to get on and off. Would highly recommend. EDIT: The back feels like a leathery material so it\'s not real obviously but has some texture to it. also doesn\'t make the phone much bigger(I have fairly large hands so I prefer this over a smaller less grippy case.)', '>>{nomnomnaan} : there is on aliexpress or like $10 from TOZO on amazon. literally the same case, other than the gloss black one.', ">>{devolka} : Well, what I meant is that it's dumb to think it has any impact. You can vote for whoever you want for whatever reason you want but if that person doesn't have any chance of winning it's no different from not voting.", '>>{BoochBeam} : You don\'t get the "don\'t upvote" circle jerk? It happened once and it became the top post of all time and it was funny. Ever since then it\'s become a circle jerk of up vote anyone who says not to.', '>>{TigerTeller} : https://www.totalleecase.com/ I absolutely love these cases. I currently have the scarf for the iPhone 6 and it works wonders for my minimalist personality.', '>>{420blazer247} : Many people will not vote for either candidate, so to them, a 3rd party vote is a better option to them.', ">>{b3tcha} : Noted. I get that it's a thing but on posts like this it just seems like the OP doesn't get it. I guess I don't Reddit enough. I rescind my rant.", ">>{Blooice} : I rotate my cases a lot and I'm currently on this one (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01JSZMN5M/). Great texture for your fingertips, hides the camera bulge well without sacrificing a skin profile and the material has decent grip that won't stick to pockets but keeps you from dropping your phone.", ">>{KittenSwagger} : I don't get much, if it all, under that case. Its almost as if there is a thin skin on it. Its very snug."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{AndyInAtlanta} : Stared them down with the "I\'ll rain hellfire on you" eyes.', ">>{filluwithsynergism} : She has to have someone hold her hand and tell her it's all ok. Jesus.", '>>{zazahan10} : Or she can still use her fake smile and scream over her pre-written speech', '>>{mr_fn_wonderful} : So far as I could see it was security doing security work. And all he did was race up and put his arm on her back. Christ.', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals Oh fucking lord.', '>>{ohthatwasme} : Can we just take a moment to recognize how badass secret service is?', '>>{TRUMP_MAGA_} : Its ok Hillary. I think protests will throw her into a seizure eventually. She is not healthy. That is why she only does 1 rally every few days.', ">>{theduke282} : Ok, as they got their sign unfurled there was no telling what it was going to say, but given their proximity to the stage I can understand Clinton's uneasiness.", ">>{political_junkie24m} : I just can't understand why we can't just have a normal rally why does there always have to be protesters involved", ">>{SandraLee48} : Once she's coronated we'll never see her at a public rally or news conference again.", '>>{hightrix} : Have you been paying attention to Clinton and the DNC at all? Of course there will be protests at every single event.', ">>{Steven_Sr} : Mate, her reaction here was chill as fuck. Didn't flinch, assessed situation, kept her cool and then turned it into an attack on her opponent. I mean... fucking masterful. Trumps little hobgoblins can try and spin this all they want, but [her reaction is a hell of a lot more impressive than his was.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8PyJb-tDl0) And she didn't call for anyone to be kicked out or hurt. Good woman, that president.", '>>{political_junkie24m} : She hasnt had a new conference in over 200 days at it is lol', '>>{goldenspear} : Yeh wonder if the media is gonna go balls to wall bashing her credibility over that statement????', '>>{Benjaphar} : She was referencing the safari kill pics the boys tweeted.'], ['>>{madam1} : Junk the system: why young Americans won’t do as they’re told this election', ">>{ozabelle} : not voting or voting 3rd party won't junk the system.", ">>{devolka} : We're also not telling them not to do it. We're just telling them it's dumb.", ">>{bauboish} : Given that the entire purpose of a campaign is to get votes, not voting essentially means you are stating you don't want your voice heard in the government. If you want to vote 3rd party, at least be consistent about it. Vote 3rd party everywhere, for example if you believe in Libertarian ideals, make Libertarians a force to be reckoned with and not just use it as a protest vote and then forget who Gary Johnson is by December. So far no 3rd party has had any kind of sustained power because they're treated as a protest vote and not actual vote. Make the 3rd party you believe in a powerful voting bloc and then these articles will stop.", '>>{Allergic2ShellFsh} : Jill Stein, Green Party will be the force.', '>>{5pez__A} : There is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged.', ">>{W0LF_JK} : To them the whole system is dumb. They feel betrayed and don't give a damn either way. The Millenials are disengaged and rightfully so at this point.", ">>{hahaha01} : There is no possible outcome from this election that doesn't end poorly.", '>>{hahaha01} : I hope it grows up someday and moves out of the damn house.', '>>{devolka} : You and I will have to agree to disagree on that.', ">>{BigBlue4U} : Well, as The Guardian has illustrated, if you pay 'em enough they do EXACTLY as they're told.", '>>{420blazer247} : Many people think it would be just as dumb to vote for clinton or trump.', '>>{devolka} : Those people are wrong. Clinton or Trump is GOING to win. How is voting for them dumb?', ">>{420blazer247} : It's odd, but some people would rather vote for someone the support, at least a little bit. You can say it's dumb. But to them, it's dumb to vote for someone who you don't agree with or support at all. Edit: they are not wrong.", ">>{devolka} : Well, what I meant is that it's dumb to think it has any impact. You can vote for whoever you want for whatever reason you want but if that person doesn't have any chance of winning it's no different from not voting.", '>>{420blazer247} : Many people will not vote for either candidate, so to them, a 3rd party vote is a better option to them.'], [">>{KittenSwagger} : Don't upvote? Don't upvote?! How *dare* you tell me what to do. /upvotes.", ">>{lapinsk} : The incipeo NGP is my favorite. Slim, doesn't catch in your pocket, and i've dropped my phone on cement a few times and it walked away without a scratch", '>>{KittenSwagger} : [I have two cases, but one I mostly use the whole time. The Peel case. Its amazing. Protects by phone from those little scratches that can happen, but feels like no case is on it at all.](https://buypeel.com/products/super-thin-iphone-7-case?variant=29716430727)', '>>{colin_staples} : [I got this Spigen one from Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01GIVX7TA/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1487347882&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=spigen+iphone+7+case&dpPl=1&dpID=41eutL4Y9oL&ref=plSrch)', ">>{OMGshNicholas} : I have the clear otterbox thin case, and a glass cover. It's like glass+ or something + I like them both. I've noticed that my clear otter is case stands up a lot better compared to my partners clear speck case.", ">>{FrederikTwn} : I've had panzerglass, a tempered glass brand, and the apple black leather on my current and previous IPhone.", '>>{letsgometros} : You could have said what is the best case for iPhone 7+ in your title', ">>{HeadphoneJackal} : I'm a huge fan of the [Magpul Field Case](https://www.magpul.com/products/magpul-field-case-iphone-7-plus). Had it on my 5c for 3 years now and it has taken some pretty severe beatings and kept the phone in great condition. Magpul makes pistol grips and other firearm accessories, so think rugged but comfortable to hold.", '>>{asanttu} : Do you get dust under the case? I bought something like this from a local store here and after a while, I noticed lot of dust etc from pockets. My concern is that in the long run it will scratch the phone itself.', '>>{m2k88} : Caseology makes some really sweet cases, got one for my iphone7', '>>{Nyawk} : TOZO for the 7+ on Amazon for $8.99. Same case as the Peel.', '>>{b3tcha} : ~~It\'s also dumb to say "Don\'t Upvote" because A. he won\'t get karma either way since it\'s a self post and B. no one will see it if they don\'t upvote. I don\'t know why people don\'t get this. Either that or they\'re using reverse psychology.~~ I was wrong. Retracting my outdated comment. I should read the admin posts more often.', '>>{ADMunro} : Self posts get karma now. They have done for a few months.', ">>{ReshbergShedwitz} : Yup I can vouch for that one. I've dropped my 7+ and GS5 so many times with Spigen Tough Armor cases, never any damage.", ">>{RampantAndroid} : I'm using a Tech21 Impact Clear case. It's pretty grippy (I found the Apple silicone case to be slippery, especially compared to my iphone 6 silicone case from Apple which was damn near impossible to get out of my jeans pocket sometimes). I've dropped the phone one concrete once with the Tech21 case on it, on a corner no less. No damage to the phone *OR* to the case!", ">>{NicholassBalls} : My favorite cases are the leather clad ones from apple. Used them with my 6, 6s, 6s+ and now 7+. Durable and stylish, I don't drop my phone THAT often, but they hold up really well. Plus it's still easy to get in and out of my pocket. Here's my examples of the saddle brown aging. I had a black one for the 6 before the 6s/saddle brown https://instagram.com/p/BLpefxygwVs/", '>>{Rsidhuu} : Just saying but I bet there is a bunch of these under $5 on eBay', '>>{trill-chino} : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J2CBU1E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_4F5Pyb27961BD I use this one. I was looking for a "carbon-fiber" case but none of the ones I wanted look like they\'d protect much at all until I saw this one. Very good design with the 2 piece aspect. Easy to get on and off. Would highly recommend. EDIT: The back feels like a leathery material so it\'s not real obviously but has some texture to it. also doesn\'t make the phone much bigger(I have fairly large hands so I prefer this over a smaller less grippy case.)', '>>{nomnomnaan} : there is on aliexpress or like $10 from TOZO on amazon. literally the same case, other than the gloss black one.', '>>{BoochBeam} : You don\'t get the "don\'t upvote" circle jerk? It happened once and it became the top post of all time and it was funny. Ever since then it\'s become a circle jerk of up vote anyone who says not to.', '>>{TigerTeller} : https://www.totalleecase.com/ I absolutely love these cases. I currently have the scarf for the iPhone 6 and it works wonders for my minimalist personality.', ">>{b3tcha} : Noted. I get that it's a thing but on posts like this it just seems like the OP doesn't get it. I guess I don't Reddit enough. I rescind my rant.", ">>{Blooice} : I rotate my cases a lot and I'm currently on this one (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01JSZMN5M/). Great texture for your fingertips, hides the camera bulge well without sacrificing a skin profile and the material has decent grip that won't stick to pockets but keeps you from dropping your phone.", ">>{KittenSwagger} : I don't get much, if it all, under that case. Its almost as if there is a thin skin on it. Its very snug."], [">>{TheRealZero} : How do I view the actual text of the bills on this site? I feel like everyone I've looked at I haven't been able to see the full text. Thanks!", '>>{ZebZ} : The link is literally the text of the bill.', '>>{ExMachaenus} : At the bottom of the light grey box, there are a bunch of tabs for different things. The second tab should be "text."', '>>{BayonetsforBoardmen} : Phone taps and email snooping and prohibition of communications companies from publically revealing the government demanded access by the looks of it. Fun fact, privacy of communications was one of the first rights to go under Nazi Germany thanks to the Reichstag Fire Act.', ">>{ZebZ} : It's a good thing that this group of Congressmen have been trying to push through for several years. [The EFF endorsed a prior year version.](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/04/house-advances-email-privacy-act-setting-stage-vital-privacy-reform) It requires a proper warrant be issued before the government is allowed to gain access to electronic communication stored on third party (ie, GMail, Facebook) servers. It's not perfect because it doesn't require notification that warrants have been issued or information has been shared. But it's better than what's currently in place.", ">>{metalspring6} : If you mean the other bills, many of them don't have a text section yet", '>>{cheefjustice} : Thanks! Does it have enough support to pass? Is Trump expected to veto, and if so, is there support to override?', ">>{ZebZ} : It hasn't passed since they first introduced it 4 years ago. No reason to believe this will be any different.", ">>{TheRealZero} : Thanks! That's pretty much what I assumed given the nature of the post, but, not being able to find the text myself I was forced to half to ask the helpful teddy community, such as your helpful self. :) Thanks for your very helpful reply! I am on mobile, so perhaps that makes my question less baffling? In any event, thanks again for all the help you provided!", ">>{TheRealZero} : Clicking it now it literally is the text of the bill. Perhaps the text is uploaded at a later time than the initial notice? Strange, because looking now it's certainly not hard to see it!", '>>{TheRealZero} : Makes sense, I see this one now. Thanks for your reply!', ">>{ExMachaenus} : I've seen that on some of these, too. I think whoever is entering these onto the site posted the heading of the bill first, and is filling in the elements one piece at a time as they become available.", ">>{ScarecrowTEP} : I know I'm a little late, but can you explain what is currently in place? Can the government just tap into emails without warrants, currently?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{snikrepab_} : Transcript: Read President Trump’s full inaugural address', ">>{Ralphdraw3} : Donald Trump's Foundation gave money to a state attorney general's re-election bid. Shortly after, she didn't pursue a case involving Trump University. Joy Reid talks with Washington Post reporter David Farenthold.", '>>{ResistTrumpAlways} : This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. What absolute, unadulterated horseshit. I almost hurt my eyes from rolling them so hard.', '>>{MWM2} : The Daily Wire used the word "brilliant". Is that accurate? I\'d say "no". Example: > Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. > > An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. > > And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. > > We are one nation, and their pain is our pain. > > Their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny. It\'s like a shitty speech from a really shitty novel titled "Reality TV Doofus Becomes the Prez". But I must say that I think Trump might have actually told the truth for once. It\'s more than possible he wrote the speech all by himself***!*** Maybe even with a Sharpie too.', '>>{cajunrajing} : https://medium.com/@wilw/that-clinton-scandal-the-press-desperately-wants-exists-but-its-actually-about-trump-6d4291edc324#.pjr4mohut That one also references the Texas issue where there was another criminal case that went away.', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : Joy Reid is one of the few cable journalists actually covering this issue. Credit to her for taking about an actual case of political corruption instead of chasing phantoms with Breitbart.', ">>{SplittingEnnui} : >We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones -- and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth. Oh good. I was hoping I'd live to see a crusade.", ">>{crowtheelder} : My family fought for American independence, won the civil war, and settled the wild west. For what? This? I'm at a loss for words, reasons to care, and a leg to stand on. Please explain to me why I should do anything but mock this presidency.", '>>{anothermanswoman} : Yea just put your fingers in your ears and scream "lalalalalalala" at the top of your lungs. Real mature.', '>>{formeraide} : And they so clearly tried to hide what they were doing.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Trump broke the law at least twice: 1) by hiring foreigners without work visas 2) by using his foundation to give a political donation ( against IRS rules)', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : that\'s a big "at least" too. He settled out of court when it was proven he was engaging in housing discrimination, is being sued for running a racket (trump U) and is about to go to civil court on the charge of raping a 13 year old girl. Etc etc.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : $25,000 to Bondi is not chump change... it is a sizable bribe.. tremendous!', ">>{d_mcc_x} : Hey. At least I have something scary to read my kid when she's misbehaving", '>>{Jan_Dariel} : What did you miss the one we had in the 2000s?', '>>{BrainDeadNeoCon} : Pandering Pandering Bluster Pandering Nationalism Nationalism Pandering Pandering Nationalism Nationalism Pandering Pandering Bluster Pandering Pandering. /speech', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Isn't this the exact kind of pay to play that cons are crying about but can't substantiate?", '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Roger Ailes, lifetime serial sexual harasser, is regularly advising the Trump campaign', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Yes the foundation did a "cover up" check to throw the IRS off. No wonder Trump is always being audited by the IRS.', '>>{IAMA_SeaOtter_AMA} : Rusted out factories scattered out like tombstones across the nations landscape hits pretty fucking hard for those who have been affected by it. Imagine fathers and mothers driving by those rusted out factories everyday remembering they used to provide for their family with ease during their times working there and now are struggling to do so.', ">>{anonymousconsequence} : It doesn't matter to them because it doesn't effect them.", ">>{Ralphdraw3} : He did in this case. The political donation from the charitable foundation in illegal/not allowed. I will bet he did. That is one reason why he won't release ANY of the tax returns.", '>>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : What a crock of horse shit. Manufacturing has been gone for decades. The vast majority of anyone who worked in the American manufacturing is either retired or dead. Low skill high pay manufacturing is dead and there is literally nothing that can be done to bring it back. It was killed by people like Trump who sent manufacturing away to save every penny. There is a reason why all trump buildings are made with Chinese steel and every single trump product on the market is made in China. The people who were hit by this are people who feel entitled to a high paying job without taking the effort to learn a skill or trade. These people are lazy leeches', ">>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : I'm sure your going to explain how trump is going to bring back manufacturing jobs that have been home for decades due to automation?", '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : I could go on and complete the list but I have some things planned for the rest of my life', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Has this hit national news channels yet, I wonder?', ">>{october-supplies} : Seems to me that's what you're doing. He's not doing anything, which is a rational response to an irrational world. Whatever trip you're on, you need to get off it.", ">>{IAMA_SeaOtter_AMA} : I don't expect him to bring them back but he can make it more reasonable for them wanting to stay from now on", ">>{bookant} : Yes, the effects of Reaganomics *do* hit pretty fucking hard, which is why only the most hopeless of morons would've voted for more of the same.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Great video btw. This is solid investigative reporting of what seems to be money laundering.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Mitt Romney is looking better and better!!!', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Exactly - the foundation acts like a "slush fund". Nixon had a slush fund... and look what happened to him.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Washington Post has been all over Trump’s "charitable giving" usually finding that Trump has made No Charitable donations. CNN has reported on the Trump Modeling agency hiring foreigners without work visas. I don\'t know about the illegal political donation from the Trump Foundation...', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Well I think he broke the law... civil? Tax evasion?', ">>{sunnieskye1} : I'm sorry! I wasn't very clear with that! I meant news stations that people not on the internet would watch, like regular TV.", '>>{creejay} : Nope, there has been a bit of coverage here and there, but nothing substantial.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I remember reading all about Nixon in the papers years ago. Nixon used the cash as hush money for the "plumbers" behind the Watergate break in. [Linky.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slush_fund)', ">>{sunnieskye1} : Thanks! Just wondering if it's going to get out to the general public.", ">>{barbedvelvet} : This is old news for Floridians, but it's so nice to see it gaining traction on the national level.", '>>{AlphaCygni} : No, there have been a lot of angry reporters hounding the NYT on Twitter for going hard on Hillary but completely avoiding this. Hopefully it gains traction.', ">>{sunnieskye1} : I was just reading [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/09/05/trumps-history-of-corruption-is-mind-boggling-so-why-is-clinton-supposedly-the-corrupt-one/?utm_term=.140f403ae52f), which is on the front of /r/pol now, and it pertains to what you are saying about reporters being angry. It is correct, I had no idea about his corruption issues. Hill can't even blink without it causing an email scandal. But the press lets Trump's nonsense go by.", ">>{Ralphdraw3} : Cash in paper bags. Nixon adviser: Roger Ailes!!! Some things don't change..", '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Hillary should make a TV ad about it. 30 second or a minute. Or put it in a speech...', '>>{sunnieskye1} : She may find some way of using it. Gods know he raises a stink every time she blinks.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{snikrepab_} : Transcript: Read President Trump’s full inaugural address', '>>{ResistTrumpAlways} : This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. What absolute, unadulterated horseshit. I almost hurt my eyes from rolling them so hard.', '>>{MWM2} : The Daily Wire used the word "brilliant". Is that accurate? I\'d say "no". Example: > Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. > > An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. > > And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. > > We are one nation, and their pain is our pain. > > Their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny. It\'s like a shitty speech from a really shitty novel titled "Reality TV Doofus Becomes the Prez". But I must say that I think Trump might have actually told the truth for once. It\'s more than possible he wrote the speech all by himself***!*** Maybe even with a Sharpie too.', ">>{SplittingEnnui} : >We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones -- and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth. Oh good. I was hoping I'd live to see a crusade.", ">>{crowtheelder} : My family fought for American independence, won the civil war, and settled the wild west. For what? This? I'm at a loss for words, reasons to care, and a leg to stand on. Please explain to me why I should do anything but mock this presidency.", '>>{anothermanswoman} : Yea just put your fingers in your ears and scream "lalalalalalala" at the top of your lungs. Real mature.', ">>{d_mcc_x} : Hey. At least I have something scary to read my kid when she's misbehaving", '>>{Jan_Dariel} : What did you miss the one we had in the 2000s?', '>>{BrainDeadNeoCon} : Pandering Pandering Bluster Pandering Nationalism Nationalism Pandering Pandering Nationalism Nationalism Pandering Pandering Bluster Pandering Pandering. /speech', '>>{IAMA_SeaOtter_AMA} : Rusted out factories scattered out like tombstones across the nations landscape hits pretty fucking hard for those who have been affected by it. Imagine fathers and mothers driving by those rusted out factories everyday remembering they used to provide for their family with ease during their times working there and now are struggling to do so.', ">>{anonymousconsequence} : It doesn't matter to them because it doesn't effect them.", '>>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : What a crock of horse shit. Manufacturing has been gone for decades. The vast majority of anyone who worked in the American manufacturing is either retired or dead. Low skill high pay manufacturing is dead and there is literally nothing that can be done to bring it back. It was killed by people like Trump who sent manufacturing away to save every penny. There is a reason why all trump buildings are made with Chinese steel and every single trump product on the market is made in China. The people who were hit by this are people who feel entitled to a high paying job without taking the effort to learn a skill or trade. These people are lazy leeches', ">>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : I'm sure your going to explain how trump is going to bring back manufacturing jobs that have been home for decades due to automation?", ">>{october-supplies} : Seems to me that's what you're doing. He's not doing anything, which is a rational response to an irrational world. Whatever trip you're on, you need to get off it.", ">>{IAMA_SeaOtter_AMA} : I don't expect him to bring them back but he can make it more reasonable for them wanting to stay from now on", ">>{bookant} : Yes, the effects of Reaganomics *do* hit pretty fucking hard, which is why only the most hopeless of morons would've voted for more of the same."], [">>{Ralphdraw3} : Donald Trump's Foundation gave money to a state attorney general's re-election bid. Shortly after, she didn't pursue a case involving Trump University. Joy Reid talks with Washington Post reporter David Farenthold.", '>>{cajunrajing} : https://medium.com/@wilw/that-clinton-scandal-the-press-desperately-wants-exists-but-its-actually-about-trump-6d4291edc324#.pjr4mohut That one also references the Texas issue where there was another criminal case that went away.', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : Joy Reid is one of the few cable journalists actually covering this issue. Credit to her for taking about an actual case of political corruption instead of chasing phantoms with Breitbart.', '>>{formeraide} : And they so clearly tried to hide what they were doing.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Trump broke the law at least twice: 1) by hiring foreigners without work visas 2) by using his foundation to give a political donation ( against IRS rules)', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : that\'s a big "at least" too. He settled out of court when it was proven he was engaging in housing discrimination, is being sued for running a racket (trump U) and is about to go to civil court on the charge of raping a 13 year old girl. Etc etc.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : $25,000 to Bondi is not chump change... it is a sizable bribe.. tremendous!', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Isn't this the exact kind of pay to play that cons are crying about but can't substantiate?", '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Roger Ailes, lifetime serial sexual harasser, is regularly advising the Trump campaign', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Yes the foundation did a "cover up" check to throw the IRS off. No wonder Trump is always being audited by the IRS.', ">>{Ralphdraw3} : He did in this case. The political donation from the charitable foundation in illegal/not allowed. I will bet he did. That is one reason why he won't release ANY of the tax returns.", '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : I could go on and complete the list but I have some things planned for the rest of my life', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Has this hit national news channels yet, I wonder?', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Great video btw. This is solid investigative reporting of what seems to be money laundering.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Mitt Romney is looking better and better!!!', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Exactly - the foundation acts like a "slush fund". Nixon had a slush fund... and look what happened to him.', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Washington Post has been all over Trump’s "charitable giving" usually finding that Trump has made No Charitable donations. CNN has reported on the Trump Modeling agency hiring foreigners without work visas. I don\'t know about the illegal political donation from the Trump Foundation...', '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Well I think he broke the law... civil? Tax evasion?', ">>{sunnieskye1} : I'm sorry! I wasn't very clear with that! I meant news stations that people not on the internet would watch, like regular TV.", '>>{creejay} : Nope, there has been a bit of coverage here and there, but nothing substantial.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I remember reading all about Nixon in the papers years ago. Nixon used the cash as hush money for the "plumbers" behind the Watergate break in. [Linky.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slush_fund)', ">>{sunnieskye1} : Thanks! Just wondering if it's going to get out to the general public.", ">>{barbedvelvet} : This is old news for Floridians, but it's so nice to see it gaining traction on the national level.", '>>{AlphaCygni} : No, there have been a lot of angry reporters hounding the NYT on Twitter for going hard on Hillary but completely avoiding this. Hopefully it gains traction.', ">>{sunnieskye1} : I was just reading [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/09/05/trumps-history-of-corruption-is-mind-boggling-so-why-is-clinton-supposedly-the-corrupt-one/?utm_term=.140f403ae52f), which is on the front of /r/pol now, and it pertains to what you are saying about reporters being angry. It is correct, I had no idea about his corruption issues. Hill can't even blink without it causing an email scandal. But the press lets Trump's nonsense go by.", ">>{Ralphdraw3} : Cash in paper bags. Nixon adviser: Roger Ailes!!! Some things don't change..", '>>{Ralphdraw3} : Hillary should make a TV ad about it. 30 second or a minute. Or put it in a speech...', '>>{sunnieskye1} : She may find some way of using it. Gods know he raises a stink every time she blinks.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Solterlun} : At lunch can\'t watch plz give highlights thank you. Edit: Luckily Spicer can\'t start on time to save his life. Can watch now TY. Edit 2: Last thing caught on camera "Did you get a chance to watch the snl...."', '>>{candiedskull} : Probably* -Bragging about Devos confirmation -Sessions moving toward a vote -Spicer gets mocked for the Error and typo riddle list on underreported terrorist attacks -Muslim ban legal fight -Something about Iran -Planted skype questions My wet dream would be a reporter asking a question that starts with "What does President Bannon think of.."', '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : The last one made me laugh. Would pay for that.', ">>{candiedskull} : -Tracking Severe weather in Louisiana. -Had an amazing day at McDill -Announced historic investment in armed forces -Pence's vote for DeVos was historic -Listening session with sheriffs. -Listening session on fixing VA -Complaining that Pence had to cast his vote, called tactics childish. -Gorsuch continues meetings -Trump is meeting with House oversight chair to go over agenda -Trump will have calls with Spain and Turkey -9th curcuit will have oral arguments tonight on interim decision of whether to continue stay on Muslim ban -PM Abe of Japan will be at Mar-a-Lago on 2/10 -Looks forward to welcoming Patriots -Keeping an eye on Kabul (suicide attack) -? Was list of 78 attacks prewritten-A) Yes -? Turkey call, Will safe zones be discussed-A)Will have readout -? Did Trump reach out to two Republican that voted down DeVos and will he remember what they did-A)Blames Democrats-Beats down Democrats ad nauseum, says Republicans are not the problem ?-ACA-Is Trump frustrated with repeal taking longer-A)It's a big bill, wanting to be responsible while they replace it. Encouraged by commitment, focused on end solution. ?-Concerned about acting treasury sec sanctions-A) went off without hitch ?-Is Trump prepared to accept adverse ruling on the ban-A)Cites law code, not worried, will prevail on merits ?-will admin take position on retroactive settlements-A)Will discuss when Bibi arrives. ?-Response to impeachment by Maxine Waters?-A) No. Goes off on Democrats again. ?-CNN won't interview KellyAnne. Will WH offer others-A) CNN walked it back, to characterize her poorly is insulting. ?-Is Trump going to ask congress for ability to swiftly fire bad VA employees-Main concern is getting Vets taken care of. ?-Main issues with Spain call-A) will have readout. Talk about defeating ISIS ?-Has WH accepted credentials of new Mexico ambassador. Does Trump support bill on 2% tax on remittances to Mexico-Not commenting on credentials. ?-Yemen terrorist taunting Trump. Response-A) Was highly successful intel gathering raid. Was not a target. ?-If Trump does not prevail on 9th circuit, will he take it to SCOTUS-A) explains it is a restraining order, not merits of the case. Says merits need to be discussed. Trump has authority to implement ban. ZERO concern they will be fine. Will not say if he will take it to SCOTUS if he loses. ?-Does Trump plan to immediately terminate DACA and DAPA-A)Trump will give updates shortly. ?-Iran, Trump has helped exposed real face of America, does he have a response A) Iran will learn there is a new President in office, and will take action as he sees fit. He will show Iran cannot flout law. ? Norwegian got special permit, Emirates is state subsidized, violations of blue skies act. Will Trump address it A)Will be decided when he meets with Airline Execs. US jobs and planes are involved and doesn't want to get ahead of him ?-Does Trump want people to keep terrorists attacks at forefront, and not go about lives like Obama said. A) Don't get relaxed, be ever vigilant, get ahead of the curve. ?-If something happens, blame the judge, should all attacks be blamed on judge or just those 7 countries. A) deflects back to Obama admin, wants to be proactive. took IMMEDIATE and DECISIVE action. ?-Trump will negotiate prices? Where is Trump at. Said had to get prices down, had pharma meeting, then said needed to remove roadblocks for pharma A)Yes, wants to get prices down. Have to stop for now, sorry.", '>>{Thurasiz} : Oh look, another weekend at the "winter white house" is coming, what a surprise.', ">>{mellcrisp} : Maybe someone put a mirror in the back of the room and now he's forced to look at himself as he blatantly lies and supports this travesty of an administration.", ">>{Boondock1980} : I love watching these. I'm fascinated watching propaganda pushed with zero spin. They just don't care how obvious and blatant the gaslighting and lies are now.", ">>{thedevilsmusic} : Oh for sure. He's concerned Spicer is looking weak after being played by a woman.", ">>{3030303} : RCP wants to know if the Republican Senators who didn't put party over country will be punished. FFS", ">>{l_histoire} : There's a new president in town. I can't believe he can say it without laughing.", '>>{jlewis10} : Ok uhh sit down, Glenn. Who here... just by show of hands, who here hates Glenn? Right? Everybody? One, two, three, infinity. Yeah, see, let the record show that everyone raised their hand because everybody hates Glenn.', ">>{Droll_Papagiorgio} : What the fuck is Spicer even saying. When an attack takes place that's all you can see on the news....This is almost as ridiculous as the attendance count at the inauguration.", ">>{redirish} : couldn't agree more - he just painted himself into a corner answering that", ">>{reallyjay} : Spicer can't back anything with facts or common sense, so he's angry and talking to the press like their a bunch of 4th graders.", ">>{recruit00} : Oh god he's calling Turkey. I have a bad feeling about this one.", ">>{l_histoire} : But there's a list now! A list!!!", '>>{Droll_Papagiorgio} : I also am loving how Spicer is preaching about the need for students to have the opportunities to succeed. Well, Spice...So much for that! Thanks for DeVos.', ">>{candiedskull} : Republicans aren't the problem, Democrats are *eyeroll*", '>>{redirish} : seriously! Wonder if he ponders his life decisions on the ride home from work? Wonder how he can live with himself when he knows that we know he knows he is lying!']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Solterlun} : At lunch can\'t watch plz give highlights thank you. Edit: Luckily Spicer can\'t start on time to save his life. Can watch now TY. Edit 2: Last thing caught on camera "Did you get a chance to watch the snl...."', '>>{candiedskull} : Probably* -Bragging about Devos confirmation -Sessions moving toward a vote -Spicer gets mocked for the Error and typo riddle list on underreported terrorist attacks -Muslim ban legal fight -Something about Iran -Planted skype questions My wet dream would be a reporter asking a question that starts with "What does President Bannon think of.."', '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : The last one made me laugh. Would pay for that.', ">>{candiedskull} : -Tracking Severe weather in Louisiana. -Had an amazing day at McDill -Announced historic investment in armed forces -Pence's vote for DeVos was historic -Listening session with sheriffs. -Listening session on fixing VA -Complaining that Pence had to cast his vote, called tactics childish. -Gorsuch continues meetings -Trump is meeting with House oversight chair to go over agenda -Trump will have calls with Spain and Turkey -9th curcuit will have oral arguments tonight on interim decision of whether to continue stay on Muslim ban -PM Abe of Japan will be at Mar-a-Lago on 2/10 -Looks forward to welcoming Patriots -Keeping an eye on Kabul (suicide attack) -? Was list of 78 attacks prewritten-A) Yes -? Turkey call, Will safe zones be discussed-A)Will have readout -? Did Trump reach out to two Republican that voted down DeVos and will he remember what they did-A)Blames Democrats-Beats down Democrats ad nauseum, says Republicans are not the problem ?-ACA-Is Trump frustrated with repeal taking longer-A)It's a big bill, wanting to be responsible while they replace it. Encouraged by commitment, focused on end solution. ?-Concerned about acting treasury sec sanctions-A) went off without hitch ?-Is Trump prepared to accept adverse ruling on the ban-A)Cites law code, not worried, will prevail on merits ?-will admin take position on retroactive settlements-A)Will discuss when Bibi arrives. ?-Response to impeachment by Maxine Waters?-A) No. Goes off on Democrats again. ?-CNN won't interview KellyAnne. Will WH offer others-A) CNN walked it back, to characterize her poorly is insulting. ?-Is Trump going to ask congress for ability to swiftly fire bad VA employees-Main concern is getting Vets taken care of. ?-Main issues with Spain call-A) will have readout. Talk about defeating ISIS ?-Has WH accepted credentials of new Mexico ambassador. Does Trump support bill on 2% tax on remittances to Mexico-Not commenting on credentials. ?-Yemen terrorist taunting Trump. Response-A) Was highly successful intel gathering raid. Was not a target. ?-If Trump does not prevail on 9th circuit, will he take it to SCOTUS-A) explains it is a restraining order, not merits of the case. Says merits need to be discussed. Trump has authority to implement ban. ZERO concern they will be fine. Will not say if he will take it to SCOTUS if he loses. ?-Does Trump plan to immediately terminate DACA and DAPA-A)Trump will give updates shortly. ?-Iran, Trump has helped exposed real face of America, does he have a response A) Iran will learn there is a new President in office, and will take action as he sees fit. He will show Iran cannot flout law. ? Norwegian got special permit, Emirates is state subsidized, violations of blue skies act. Will Trump address it A)Will be decided when he meets with Airline Execs. US jobs and planes are involved and doesn't want to get ahead of him ?-Does Trump want people to keep terrorists attacks at forefront, and not go about lives like Obama said. A) Don't get relaxed, be ever vigilant, get ahead of the curve. ?-If something happens, blame the judge, should all attacks be blamed on judge or just those 7 countries. A) deflects back to Obama admin, wants to be proactive. took IMMEDIATE and DECISIVE action. ?-Trump will negotiate prices? Where is Trump at. Said had to get prices down, had pharma meeting, then said needed to remove roadblocks for pharma A)Yes, wants to get prices down. Have to stop for now, sorry.", '>>{Thurasiz} : Oh look, another weekend at the "winter white house" is coming, what a surprise.', ">>{mellcrisp} : Maybe someone put a mirror in the back of the room and now he's forced to look at himself as he blatantly lies and supports this travesty of an administration.", ">>{Boondock1980} : I love watching these. I'm fascinated watching propaganda pushed with zero spin. They just don't care how obvious and blatant the gaslighting and lies are now.", ">>{thedevilsmusic} : Oh for sure. He's concerned Spicer is looking weak after being played by a woman.", ">>{3030303} : RCP wants to know if the Republican Senators who didn't put party over country will be punished. FFS", ">>{l_histoire} : There's a new president in town. I can't believe he can say it without laughing.", '>>{jlewis10} : Ok uhh sit down, Glenn. Who here... just by show of hands, who here hates Glenn? Right? Everybody? One, two, three, infinity. Yeah, see, let the record show that everyone raised their hand because everybody hates Glenn.', ">>{Droll_Papagiorgio} : What the fuck is Spicer even saying. When an attack takes place that's all you can see on the news....This is almost as ridiculous as the attendance count at the inauguration.", ">>{redirish} : couldn't agree more - he just painted himself into a corner answering that", ">>{reallyjay} : Spicer can't back anything with facts or common sense, so he's angry and talking to the press like their a bunch of 4th graders.", ">>{recruit00} : Oh god he's calling Turkey. I have a bad feeling about this one.", ">>{l_histoire} : But there's a list now! A list!!!", '>>{Droll_Papagiorgio} : I also am loving how Spicer is preaching about the need for students to have the opportunities to succeed. Well, Spice...So much for that! Thanks for DeVos.', ">>{candiedskull} : Republicans aren't the problem, Democrats are *eyeroll*", '>>{redirish} : seriously! Wonder if he ponders his life decisions on the ride home from work? Wonder how he can live with himself when he knows that we know he knows he is lying!']]
classify and reply
['>>{the_mikepence} : Changes Coming to White House Press Room: Who, Where, When and How', '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Difficult argument to make to those who like math.', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Can't wait to be lied to & have my intelligence insulted while being funded by my own tax dollars. What a special hell this will be.", ">>{pakabaka} : BuzzFeed branded 'garbage' by Trump, who then attacks CNN", '>>{kundehotze} : Who needs a press room, when you have Twitter to spread xenophobia, lies, and narcissism?', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : NY Times, Politico, CNN, and Washington Post all gotta go. They should be completely banned from the WH Press Room.', '>>{Barfuzio} : Perhaps he can have some hookers piss on it for him...', '>>{TheRedEminence} : Yet wraps himself in Breitbart and dances with Alex Jones.', ">>{Nzash} : Well both BuzzFeed and CNN *are* garbage, so I don't see what's wrong with that.", '>>{PutinsPepePuppet} : RT, Pravda and Trumpbart are all we need. Da Comrade.', '>>{joelrrj} : Regardless of your personal opinion on news medias as President/Elect you need to be behave and provide information to the public.', '>>{TrumpyMcTrumpo} : Mmm only logical reasons are Clinton gets indicted or super delegates go against the vote of the people and choose Sanders. As a sanders fan I doubt either of those will happen.', ">>{Graybealz} : 'No evidence' Trump campaign aides recruited by Russia, former top spy chief says", '>>{Graybealz} : >Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told ABC News he did not see anything to suggest that Russia successfully infiltrated Donald Trump’s presidential campaign or recruited any of Trump’s advisers – at least as of Jan. 20, when the retired three-star general left office. ________ Clapper denied in the same interview that there were any wiretaps on Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign, saying "there was no wiretap against Trump Tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the National Intelligence Community. "None at all...including the FBI," he said.', ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Or those who can't let democracy play out and have to rush their candidate through, even though its not decided until the convention.", '>>{Inspector-Space_Time} : Would you want to ban NPR and PBS as well? They report a lot of the same stories. Sounds like a conspiracy to me.', ">>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : Trump won't be personally interacting with reporters. Guaranteed.", '>>{Cupinacup} : TIL waiting for superdelegates to decide on a nominee = democracy.', ">>{Kanarkly} : He is so undiplomatic for a president. If Obama did that to FOX news I imagine they'd be talking about it for half a year.", '>>{Graybealz} : >Clapper denied in the same interview that there were any wiretaps on Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign, saying "there was no wiretap against Trump Tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the National Intelligence Community. "None at all...including the FBI," he said. What about that?', '>>{FNSam} : By the same standards, the press need to behave and not provide MISinformation.', '>>{Staback} : I love how ironic your user name is. Should we stick to only sources like brietbart, fox, and infowars?', '>>{Cho-Chang} : Rumor has it they all get their news from a place called outside', ">>{IN_U_Endo} : Care to make a case for it or state any facts? I bet you won't...", ">>{joelrrj} : Yeah, they are. Just because the information that is being reported in not to your liking doesn't mean they aren't doing their job.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : The only reason for changing any of it is to shield dear leader from dissenters. Maybe they should learn how their jobs work and what their responsibilities are first. One thing not enduring a shortage in the incoming administration is contempt for our processes and traditions.', ">>{NoMoreNazis} : Where do you get your news from then? What do you consider to be more reputable? Surely you're referring to NYT, WaPo, WSJ, etc?", ">>{trogdor5} : Bernie is the victim of a vicious media. The only way to defeat our opponents is to demonstrate our passion. I've already donated $150, and this latest attack has motivated me to sell my Pokemon card collection in order to make another donation. I'm so glad that I found that Charizard in a booster pack as a child. I never traded it because I knew its fire was destined to Bern far brighter than ever imagined.", '>>{SmugAsHell} : Now how do I balance this with leaks from the intelligence agencies and knowledge of ongoing FBI probes? Or the dossier? Or the possibility that the justice department is investigating trump?', '>>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Well no, waiting until the current party rules play out as corrupt as they are.', ">>{FNSam} : [It's not that I don't like the information, it's that the information produced is not true](http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-11/nyt-suggests-cnn-buzzfeed-peddled-fake-news)", ">>{urfriendosvendo} : Every single outlet mentioned above this comment are terrible. If you have an agenda, you're garbage. News is supposed to inform not campaign for their favorite for any party. Ever.", ">>{aledlewis} : If you were a math fan, you'd notice that the final delegate addition is made on 28 July. Until then, the super delegate count = *x*", ">>{Graybealz} : It's really weird to see how many reports there are they are ties, but when pressed, no one has provided any evidence in an official capacity with regards to the investigations. They wouldn't be doing all these investigations without cause right? Could the journalists reporting these ties be compelled to give their sources to the government to help with the investigations?", ">>{SmugAsHell} : I doubt journalists would reveal their sources. Haha. They'd never be able to talk to those people again for anything. And alienate themselves in the process. As for the evidence, I'll repeat what I've said several times. We are not entitled to the evidence that the intelligence community, the justice department and the fbi are using/viewing.", '>>{Anomaj} : Democracy has played out and will finish playing out June 7 and June 14 when DC votes. My problem is not impatience with democracy but rather impatience with people who simply cannot accept that their candidate lost.', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Care to make a case for it or state any facts? They were wrong about everything this election.', ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : So you're not understanding it ends at the convention, got it.", ">>{Graybealz} : > I doubt journalists would reveal their sources. Haha. They'd never be able to talk to those people again for anything. And alienate themselves in the process. Are journalistic ethics more important that the sanctity of the United States as a nation is the question they will have to ask themselves I guess. >We are not entitled to the evidence that the intelligence community, the justice department and the fbi are using/viewing. So if we aren't entitled to it, then we would have to accept whatever their findings are, which so far, seem to be nothing.", '>>{remote_production} : Ok, the headline doesn\'t accurately depict what the NYT said. and also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Hedge >Lokey, a former paid Zero Hedge writer who left the website in 2016 over disagreements in editorial direction, characterizes the site\'s political content as "disingenuous," summarizing its political stances as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft."[1] >Dr. Craig Pirrong, professor at the Bauer College of Business writes that "I have frequently written that Zero Hedge has the MO of a Soviet agitprop operation, that it reliably peddles Russian propaganda: my first post on this, almost exactly three years ago, noted the parallels between Zero Hedge and Russia Today.', '>>{sleepy_batman1776} : What about this? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/01/us/politics/obama-trump-russia-election-hacking.html >WASHINGTON — In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators. >American allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump, according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence. >Separately, American intelligence agencies had intercepted communications of Russian officials, some of them within the Kremlin, discussing contacts with Trump associates. Clapper said "there was no wiretap against Trump Tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the National Intelligence Community." You do realize they could just wiretap the Russians on the other end of the calls, right?', '>>{US_Citizen2468} : And Sean "Lumpy" Hannity would constantly be talking about this.', '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : Yeah! Ban all news sources that might possibly hold Trumps feet to the fire! Only Breitbart and Fox allowed!', ">>{SmugAsHell} : >Are journalistic ethics more important that the sanctity of the United States as a nation is the question they will have to ask themselves I guess. This is a red herring argument. >So if we aren't entitled to it, then we would have to accept whatever their findings are, which so far, seem to be nothing. How do you know they are nothing? You don't have anything to cite from any federal agency. But the answer to your question is yes.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Yeah! Ban all news sources that might possibly hold Trumps feet to the fire! Only Breitbart and Fox allowed! They were completely wrong on EVERYTHING this election cycle. Trusting them would be like trusting Enron with your retirement in 2001.', ">>{Graybealz} : So if they have the Russian side of conversations, what's the hold up?", '>>{US_Citizen2468} : And has Sean "Lumpy" Hannity from Fox News kneeling before him.', '>>{US_Citizen2468} : Apprantely Fox News and Breibart are "reliable" news organization in the eyes of Trump supporters.', ">>{Chinesedoghandler} : Nov. 8, 2016 - the death of u/OnlyFactsMatter 's brain.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Maybe Trump will get rid of the White House Press Secretary and go for a White House Twitter Secretary instead. I doubt they plan to actually hold press conferences anyway. The entire administration will just get official Twitter accounts where they can fire off random tweets and hope things somehow work out in the end.', '>>{Anomaj} : It becomes official at the convention but it ends Tuesday when we have a presumptive nominee.', '>>{remote_production} : both those quotes have sources cited to them. feel free to check them out. Neither of them link to Breitbart, InfoWars, or Drudge Report, so you might be disappointed.', ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Why rush her through? Something to hide? If shes the best fit it will work out in the end like the process is supposed to. But im sure you're getting worried with all this indictment talk. The intentions are glaring.", ">>{desarcasticbastard} : > The result, reporters and editors say, could be a loss of transparency that would hinder the press’s role as a conduit for information to the people. They're wanting to make up their own stories. And are annoyed that they are no longer needed.", '>>{Jkoy} : She has the needed delegates so democracy worked, why drag it out?', ">>{Anomaj} : Because there's nothing to gain from making it a lengthier process than it need be. She went through all of the primaries and came out a pretty clear winner. The news media and political world don't need to pretend she isn't the nominee for a month and a half just to indulge supporters of a lost candidate.", ">>{Nzash} : Look in any direction. Odds are it'll be better than fucking Buzzfeed, are you kidding me.", '>>{catpor} : Probably a better funneling of a million dollars a day as well.', ">>{FNSam} : >Where do you get your news from then? What do you consider to be more reputable? Surely you're referring to NYT, WaPo, WSJ, etc? [it was reported by the NYT, its in the link i posted earlier](https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/01/10/business/buzzfeed-donald-trump-russia.html?_r=1&referer=http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-11/nyt-suggests-cnn-buzzfeed-peddled-fake-news)", ">>{sleepy_batman1776} : I think the DOJ is blocking the investigation. The head of the DOJ is a subject of the investigation (or should be), there are suspicious circumstances surrounding the [acting AG](http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/editorial-bring-on-a-special-prosecutor-to-probe-russia-scandal/), and the DOJ [ignored the FBI's request](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-director-comey-asked-doj-reject-trump-s-wiretap-claims-n729351) to shoot down claims that Obama ordered Trump to be wiretapped--we had to hear it from a leak instead. There's just a lot of reasons why we can't trust this administration to investigate itself.", ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : I guess you're not understanding it's not over, not sure what to tell you.", ">>{Anomaj} : I understand it very well. It's not over until June 7 when one candidate clinches the nomination.", ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Soooo you don't understand at all. Clinching the nomination is not until the convention. Hard to debate with someone that doesn't know how it works :/", ">>{Anomaj} : I know exactly how it works- I'll be attending the convention as a member of my state's delegation. The nominee is not officially chosen until the convention when they are nominated by the delegates. However, once the primaries are finished/there is only one contender/one candidate reaches the magic number of delegates- that person is the *presumptive* nominee. Do you really not understand the difference between a presumptive nominee vs a nominee or are you just being willfully obtuse so as to not have to admit that your candidate is out of the running?", '>>{TeamStark31} : Yes, Sanders is still in the race and elections are Tuesday. What is the point here? "Oh, look, Phyllis has bad skin. We\'re all making observations!"', '>>{bigdonAMAZING} : bill clinton is a ___, **infowars d0t com**', ">>{Camca} : I don't think he'll have a single press conference. Twitter and FOX.", ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Except they weren't. Why am I reading about 10 articles from the Washington Post alone that were wrong? It's all about how he'd lose, and should just give up. He won. Big League.", ">>{skunkmoor} : Breitbart, you're golden. BuzzFeed, you're garbage", ">>{yetanothercfcgrunt} : Which means fuck all. It's also not what you originally said, which is still wrong.", ">>{objectivedesigning} : Some of this sounds like it will be great for the White House Press Corps. Journalists shouldn't be all cozy with the administration and beholden to the administration's rules in order to get information. They should have to scramble and cultivate sources that will give them real scoops, not administration propaganda.", '>>{Thefelix01} : What? Noone is reaching the magic number of delegates before the convention. Hillary will have more, but probably a smaller lead than she currently has. Unless you are including super delegates which absolutely proves you have no idea what you are talking about.', '>>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : Your account exists to insult Bernie sanders and his supporters.', '>>{pillbuggery} : Yeah. And fucking fire every weatherman who ever fails to predict rain.', ">>{Jkoy} : I'm sorry, I probably should of used if but I was talking about after Tuesday. My bad", ">>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : Do you not know that super delegates haven't voted?", ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Ya nobody is reaching that number before the convention, you have no idea what you're talking about. That's the problem with the media brainwashing everyone thinking it's over Tuesday, it makes people clueless.", '>>{zaures} : After his inauguration the only interactions with people will be rallies, Twitter, his show, and prerecorded videos.', ">>{Anomaj} : On Tuesday every single media outlet will be including super delegates. Every single political figure will acknowledge the super delegates. She will be the presumptive nominee because of her pledged delegate majority and yes, because of her super delegate support. This is how it works and how it has worked in previous cycles. I know exactly what I'm talking about- I'm just not pretending this isn't over when it so clearly is.", '>>{Jkoy} : Yeah I realize that but do you really think they will go against the will of the people?', ">>{getahitcrash} : Now they are worried about a loss of transparency? That is laughable. The Obama administration was one of the least transparent in history but the press didn't care. Why? The love Obama. He could do whatever he wanted and they would eat it all up.", ">>{getahitcrash} : It's been going on the last 8 years already but you were too blinded by partisanship to notice apparently.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Which means fuck all. Why were they wrong about everything this election?', '>>{fdar} : That and reality, both well known for their extreme liberal bias.', '>>{fdar} : You do know they published more than 10 articles before the election, right?', '>>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Again with the false equivalences! I always do love the "they\'re exactly the same" argument from the right. They picked that lie up from Sanders, which is just a special kind of hell for the 5 of us who are not Sanders fans.', '>>{squeegee_boy} : Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.', ">>{TheChinchilla914} : That's just stupid. I can't stand half of those organizations but banning them from the press room is counter productive", ">>{aaronhayes26} : I'll be shocked if trump doesn't get impeached in the first 4 years.", ">>{Infidel8} : Trump does not have the intellectual capacity to hold regular press conferences. I imagine that this is a significant reason for him to avoid the press room. I challenge you to watch any YouTube video of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, or Reagan fielding questions from the press. Then ask yourself whether you think Donald Trump could ever possess enough mastery of policy or clarity of thought to face the press corps and provide unscripted nuanced answers. (And I'm sure that if he is ever pressed on his responses, he will lash out in anger.) Frequent press conferences would serve as frequent reminders to the public that he is a buffoon. So, I understand why he would avoid them. Press conferences during the primaries were different, because everything was framed in the abstract. There were no numbers and details. After January 20, answers he gives to the press will face a much greater level of scrutiny.", '>>{cluelessOpinions} : Trump will only allow vetted (GOP leaning) reporters who will ask pre-released softball questions.', ">>{grimmnash} : That's been going around a lot longer than from Sanders running.", '>>{mutzenbacher} : You read the news for true predictions of the future? Thats funny', ">>{CpnStumpy} : It's not the first 4 you should worry about, it's the 3rd.", '>>{ranaparvus} : Or Exxon with our foreign policy, or Amway with our education, ...uh, never mind.', '>>{thudstroke} : Will he do a state of the union? I know the constitution requires it, but doesn\'t it only say "from time to time" or something else vague? And would he have to televise it?', '>>{roterghost} : Just like Big Brother. Donald Trump could have a heart attack and it could take years for anyone to even notice.', ">>{Twojots} : The 3rd 4? Surely, he'll be dead by then.", ">>{CpnStumpy} : There's the silver lining I guess, unless he can figure out how to change the line of succession to go to his children, which he may think he can do, but while I believe he'll jail political dissidents, even i don't believe he can manage to change the line of succession.", ">>{Twojots} : We have faced worse people than him. He has bigger weapons and this is going to get ugly but he isn't new. Always forward. Sometimes backwards to go forward. We will be good. Go get involved.", '>>{whatnowdog} : And Trump lied all the time but you still seem to like him.', ">>{whatnowdog} : Were they wrong when they caught Trump lying time after time? Trump is wrong all the time and you don't seem to have a problem with that so your Why were they wrong about everything this election? Does not carry any weight.", ">>{whatnowdog} : The press should say fine then we will ignore what you tweet and say and just report when it suits us. He wants the attention and only goes on Fox most of the time. Report on him but don't quote him or give him a free ride make him work for it.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Were they wrong when they caught Trump lying time after time? Trump is wrong all the time and you don\'t seem to have a problem with that so your They were wrong because they predicted doom so many times or campaign turmoil. Notice how many people thought this win was "shocking" except for T_D. At T_D we use REAL sources while /r/politics uses fake news.', ">>{CpnStumpy} : When, and who has held power in America with more hate for it's citizens, more greed and lust for power than Trump and his unified governmental front of GOP? Who?", '>>{Twojots} : Your mom? Calvin Coolidge? Nixon? I am not saying this will be easy. But with a little luck and some Prozac, I bet we can survive. The meme war rages on. We have much to do. :)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Difficult argument to make to those who like math.', '>>{TrumpyMcTrumpo} : Mmm only logical reasons are Clinton gets indicted or super delegates go against the vote of the people and choose Sanders. As a sanders fan I doubt either of those will happen.', ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Or those who can't let democracy play out and have to rush their candidate through, even though its not decided until the convention.", '>>{Cupinacup} : TIL waiting for superdelegates to decide on a nominee = democracy.', ">>{trogdor5} : Bernie is the victim of a vicious media. The only way to defeat our opponents is to demonstrate our passion. I've already donated $150, and this latest attack has motivated me to sell my Pokemon card collection in order to make another donation. I'm so glad that I found that Charizard in a booster pack as a child. I never traded it because I knew its fire was destined to Bern far brighter than ever imagined.", '>>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Well no, waiting until the current party rules play out as corrupt as they are.', ">>{aledlewis} : If you were a math fan, you'd notice that the final delegate addition is made on 28 July. Until then, the super delegate count = *x*", '>>{Anomaj} : Democracy has played out and will finish playing out June 7 and June 14 when DC votes. My problem is not impatience with democracy but rather impatience with people who simply cannot accept that their candidate lost.', ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : So you're not understanding it ends at the convention, got it.", '>>{Anomaj} : It becomes official at the convention but it ends Tuesday when we have a presumptive nominee.', ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Why rush her through? Something to hide? If shes the best fit it will work out in the end like the process is supposed to. But im sure you're getting worried with all this indictment talk. The intentions are glaring.", '>>{Jkoy} : She has the needed delegates so democracy worked, why drag it out?', ">>{Anomaj} : Because there's nothing to gain from making it a lengthier process than it need be. She went through all of the primaries and came out a pretty clear winner. The news media and political world don't need to pretend she isn't the nominee for a month and a half just to indulge supporters of a lost candidate.", ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : I guess you're not understanding it's not over, not sure what to tell you.", ">>{Anomaj} : I understand it very well. It's not over until June 7 when one candidate clinches the nomination.", ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Soooo you don't understand at all. Clinching the nomination is not until the convention. Hard to debate with someone that doesn't know how it works :/", ">>{Anomaj} : I know exactly how it works- I'll be attending the convention as a member of my state's delegation. The nominee is not officially chosen until the convention when they are nominated by the delegates. However, once the primaries are finished/there is only one contender/one candidate reaches the magic number of delegates- that person is the *presumptive* nominee. Do you really not understand the difference between a presumptive nominee vs a nominee or are you just being willfully obtuse so as to not have to admit that your candidate is out of the running?", '>>{TeamStark31} : Yes, Sanders is still in the race and elections are Tuesday. What is the point here? "Oh, look, Phyllis has bad skin. We\'re all making observations!"', '>>{Thefelix01} : What? Noone is reaching the magic number of delegates before the convention. Hillary will have more, but probably a smaller lead than she currently has. Unless you are including super delegates which absolutely proves you have no idea what you are talking about.', '>>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : Your account exists to insult Bernie sanders and his supporters.', ">>{Jkoy} : I'm sorry, I probably should of used if but I was talking about after Tuesday. My bad", ">>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : Do you not know that super delegates haven't voted?", ">>{ItchyIrishBalls} : Ya nobody is reaching that number before the convention, you have no idea what you're talking about. That's the problem with the media brainwashing everyone thinking it's over Tuesday, it makes people clueless.", ">>{Anomaj} : On Tuesday every single media outlet will be including super delegates. Every single political figure will acknowledge the super delegates. She will be the presumptive nominee because of her pledged delegate majority and yes, because of her super delegate support. This is how it works and how it has worked in previous cycles. I know exactly what I'm talking about- I'm just not pretending this isn't over when it so clearly is.", '>>{Jkoy} : Yeah I realize that but do you really think they will go against the will of the people?'], ['>>{the_mikepence} : Changes Coming to White House Press Room: Who, Where, When and How', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Can't wait to be lied to & have my intelligence insulted while being funded by my own tax dollars. What a special hell this will be.", '>>{kundehotze} : Who needs a press room, when you have Twitter to spread xenophobia, lies, and narcissism?', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : NY Times, Politico, CNN, and Washington Post all gotta go. They should be completely banned from the WH Press Room.', '>>{PutinsPepePuppet} : RT, Pravda and Trumpbart are all we need. Da Comrade.', '>>{Inspector-Space_Time} : Would you want to ban NPR and PBS as well? They report a lot of the same stories. Sounds like a conspiracy to me.', ">>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : Trump won't be personally interacting with reporters. Guaranteed.", '>>{Staback} : I love how ironic your user name is. Should we stick to only sources like brietbart, fox, and infowars?', '>>{Cho-Chang} : Rumor has it they all get their news from a place called outside', ">>{IN_U_Endo} : Care to make a case for it or state any facts? I bet you won't...", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : The only reason for changing any of it is to shield dear leader from dissenters. Maybe they should learn how their jobs work and what their responsibilities are first. One thing not enduring a shortage in the incoming administration is contempt for our processes and traditions.', ">>{urfriendosvendo} : Every single outlet mentioned above this comment are terrible. If you have an agenda, you're garbage. News is supposed to inform not campaign for their favorite for any party. Ever.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Care to make a case for it or state any facts? They were wrong about everything this election.', '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : Yeah! Ban all news sources that might possibly hold Trumps feet to the fire! Only Breitbart and Fox allowed!', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Yeah! Ban all news sources that might possibly hold Trumps feet to the fire! Only Breitbart and Fox allowed! They were completely wrong on EVERYTHING this election cycle. Trusting them would be like trusting Enron with your retirement in 2001.', ">>{Chinesedoghandler} : Nov. 8, 2016 - the death of u/OnlyFactsMatter 's brain.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Maybe Trump will get rid of the White House Press Secretary and go for a White House Twitter Secretary instead. I doubt they plan to actually hold press conferences anyway. The entire administration will just get official Twitter accounts where they can fire off random tweets and hope things somehow work out in the end.', ">>{desarcasticbastard} : > The result, reporters and editors say, could be a loss of transparency that would hinder the press’s role as a conduit for information to the people. They're wanting to make up their own stories. And are annoyed that they are no longer needed.", '>>{catpor} : Probably a better funneling of a million dollars a day as well.', '>>{bigdonAMAZING} : bill clinton is a ___, **infowars d0t com**', ">>{Camca} : I don't think he'll have a single press conference. Twitter and FOX.", ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Except they weren't. Why am I reading about 10 articles from the Washington Post alone that were wrong? It's all about how he'd lose, and should just give up. He won. Big League.", ">>{yetanothercfcgrunt} : Which means fuck all. It's also not what you originally said, which is still wrong.", ">>{objectivedesigning} : Some of this sounds like it will be great for the White House Press Corps. Journalists shouldn't be all cozy with the administration and beholden to the administration's rules in order to get information. They should have to scramble and cultivate sources that will give them real scoops, not administration propaganda.", '>>{pillbuggery} : Yeah. And fucking fire every weatherman who ever fails to predict rain.', '>>{zaures} : After his inauguration the only interactions with people will be rallies, Twitter, his show, and prerecorded videos.', ">>{getahitcrash} : Now they are worried about a loss of transparency? That is laughable. The Obama administration was one of the least transparent in history but the press didn't care. Why? The love Obama. He could do whatever he wanted and they would eat it all up.", ">>{getahitcrash} : It's been going on the last 8 years already but you were too blinded by partisanship to notice apparently.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Which means fuck all. Why were they wrong about everything this election?', '>>{fdar} : That and reality, both well known for their extreme liberal bias.', '>>{fdar} : You do know they published more than 10 articles before the election, right?', '>>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Again with the false equivalences! I always do love the "they\'re exactly the same" argument from the right. They picked that lie up from Sanders, which is just a special kind of hell for the 5 of us who are not Sanders fans.', '>>{squeegee_boy} : Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.', ">>{TheChinchilla914} : That's just stupid. I can't stand half of those organizations but banning them from the press room is counter productive", ">>{aaronhayes26} : I'll be shocked if trump doesn't get impeached in the first 4 years.", ">>{Infidel8} : Trump does not have the intellectual capacity to hold regular press conferences. I imagine that this is a significant reason for him to avoid the press room. I challenge you to watch any YouTube video of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, or Reagan fielding questions from the press. Then ask yourself whether you think Donald Trump could ever possess enough mastery of policy or clarity of thought to face the press corps and provide unscripted nuanced answers. (And I'm sure that if he is ever pressed on his responses, he will lash out in anger.) Frequent press conferences would serve as frequent reminders to the public that he is a buffoon. So, I understand why he would avoid them. Press conferences during the primaries were different, because everything was framed in the abstract. There were no numbers and details. After January 20, answers he gives to the press will face a much greater level of scrutiny.", '>>{cluelessOpinions} : Trump will only allow vetted (GOP leaning) reporters who will ask pre-released softball questions.', ">>{grimmnash} : That's been going around a lot longer than from Sanders running.", '>>{mutzenbacher} : You read the news for true predictions of the future? Thats funny', ">>{CpnStumpy} : It's not the first 4 you should worry about, it's the 3rd.", '>>{ranaparvus} : Or Exxon with our foreign policy, or Amway with our education, ...uh, never mind.', '>>{thudstroke} : Will he do a state of the union? I know the constitution requires it, but doesn\'t it only say "from time to time" or something else vague? And would he have to televise it?', '>>{roterghost} : Just like Big Brother. Donald Trump could have a heart attack and it could take years for anyone to even notice.', ">>{Twojots} : The 3rd 4? Surely, he'll be dead by then.", ">>{CpnStumpy} : There's the silver lining I guess, unless he can figure out how to change the line of succession to go to his children, which he may think he can do, but while I believe he'll jail political dissidents, even i don't believe he can manage to change the line of succession.", ">>{Twojots} : We have faced worse people than him. He has bigger weapons and this is going to get ugly but he isn't new. Always forward. Sometimes backwards to go forward. We will be good. Go get involved.", '>>{whatnowdog} : And Trump lied all the time but you still seem to like him.', ">>{whatnowdog} : Were they wrong when they caught Trump lying time after time? Trump is wrong all the time and you don't seem to have a problem with that so your Why were they wrong about everything this election? Does not carry any weight.", ">>{whatnowdog} : The press should say fine then we will ignore what you tweet and say and just report when it suits us. He wants the attention and only goes on Fox most of the time. Report on him but don't quote him or give him a free ride make him work for it.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Were they wrong when they caught Trump lying time after time? Trump is wrong all the time and you don\'t seem to have a problem with that so your They were wrong because they predicted doom so many times or campaign turmoil. Notice how many people thought this win was "shocking" except for T_D. At T_D we use REAL sources while /r/politics uses fake news.', ">>{CpnStumpy} : When, and who has held power in America with more hate for it's citizens, more greed and lust for power than Trump and his unified governmental front of GOP? Who?", '>>{Twojots} : Your mom? Calvin Coolidge? Nixon? I am not saying this will be easy. But with a little luck and some Prozac, I bet we can survive. The meme war rages on. We have much to do. :)'], [">>{Graybealz} : 'No evidence' Trump campaign aides recruited by Russia, former top spy chief says", '>>{Graybealz} : >Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told ABC News he did not see anything to suggest that Russia successfully infiltrated Donald Trump’s presidential campaign or recruited any of Trump’s advisers – at least as of Jan. 20, when the retired three-star general left office. ________ Clapper denied in the same interview that there were any wiretaps on Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign, saying "there was no wiretap against Trump Tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the National Intelligence Community. "None at all...including the FBI," he said.', '>>{Graybealz} : >Clapper denied in the same interview that there were any wiretaps on Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign, saying "there was no wiretap against Trump Tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the National Intelligence Community. "None at all...including the FBI," he said. What about that?', '>>{SmugAsHell} : Now how do I balance this with leaks from the intelligence agencies and knowledge of ongoing FBI probes? Or the dossier? Or the possibility that the justice department is investigating trump?', ">>{Graybealz} : It's really weird to see how many reports there are they are ties, but when pressed, no one has provided any evidence in an official capacity with regards to the investigations. They wouldn't be doing all these investigations without cause right? Could the journalists reporting these ties be compelled to give their sources to the government to help with the investigations?", ">>{SmugAsHell} : I doubt journalists would reveal their sources. Haha. They'd never be able to talk to those people again for anything. And alienate themselves in the process. As for the evidence, I'll repeat what I've said several times. We are not entitled to the evidence that the intelligence community, the justice department and the fbi are using/viewing.", ">>{Graybealz} : > I doubt journalists would reveal their sources. Haha. They'd never be able to talk to those people again for anything. And alienate themselves in the process. Are journalistic ethics more important that the sanctity of the United States as a nation is the question they will have to ask themselves I guess. >We are not entitled to the evidence that the intelligence community, the justice department and the fbi are using/viewing. So if we aren't entitled to it, then we would have to accept whatever their findings are, which so far, seem to be nothing.", '>>{sleepy_batman1776} : What about this? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/01/us/politics/obama-trump-russia-election-hacking.html >WASHINGTON — In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators. >American allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump, according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence. >Separately, American intelligence agencies had intercepted communications of Russian officials, some of them within the Kremlin, discussing contacts with Trump associates. Clapper said "there was no wiretap against Trump Tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the National Intelligence Community." You do realize they could just wiretap the Russians on the other end of the calls, right?', ">>{SmugAsHell} : >Are journalistic ethics more important that the sanctity of the United States as a nation is the question they will have to ask themselves I guess. This is a red herring argument. >So if we aren't entitled to it, then we would have to accept whatever their findings are, which so far, seem to be nothing. How do you know they are nothing? You don't have anything to cite from any federal agency. But the answer to your question is yes.", ">>{Graybealz} : So if they have the Russian side of conversations, what's the hold up?", ">>{sleepy_batman1776} : I think the DOJ is blocking the investigation. The head of the DOJ is a subject of the investigation (or should be), there are suspicious circumstances surrounding the [acting AG](http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/editorial-bring-on-a-special-prosecutor-to-probe-russia-scandal/), and the DOJ [ignored the FBI's request](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-director-comey-asked-doj-reject-trump-s-wiretap-claims-n729351) to shoot down claims that Obama ordered Trump to be wiretapped--we had to hear it from a leak instead. There's just a lot of reasons why we can't trust this administration to investigate itself."], [">>{pakabaka} : BuzzFeed branded 'garbage' by Trump, who then attacks CNN", '>>{Barfuzio} : Perhaps he can have some hookers piss on it for him...', '>>{TheRedEminence} : Yet wraps himself in Breitbart and dances with Alex Jones.', ">>{Nzash} : Well both BuzzFeed and CNN *are* garbage, so I don't see what's wrong with that.", '>>{joelrrj} : Regardless of your personal opinion on news medias as President/Elect you need to be behave and provide information to the public.', ">>{Kanarkly} : He is so undiplomatic for a president. If Obama did that to FOX news I imagine they'd be talking about it for half a year.", '>>{FNSam} : By the same standards, the press need to behave and not provide MISinformation.', ">>{joelrrj} : Yeah, they are. Just because the information that is being reported in not to your liking doesn't mean they aren't doing their job.", ">>{NoMoreNazis} : Where do you get your news from then? What do you consider to be more reputable? Surely you're referring to NYT, WaPo, WSJ, etc?", ">>{FNSam} : [It's not that I don't like the information, it's that the information produced is not true](http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-11/nyt-suggests-cnn-buzzfeed-peddled-fake-news)", '>>{remote_production} : Ok, the headline doesn\'t accurately depict what the NYT said. and also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Hedge >Lokey, a former paid Zero Hedge writer who left the website in 2016 over disagreements in editorial direction, characterizes the site\'s political content as "disingenuous," summarizing its political stances as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft."[1] >Dr. Craig Pirrong, professor at the Bauer College of Business writes that "I have frequently written that Zero Hedge has the MO of a Soviet agitprop operation, that it reliably peddles Russian propaganda: my first post on this, almost exactly three years ago, noted the parallels between Zero Hedge and Russia Today.', '>>{US_Citizen2468} : And Sean "Lumpy" Hannity would constantly be talking about this.', '>>{US_Citizen2468} : And has Sean "Lumpy" Hannity from Fox News kneeling before him.', '>>{US_Citizen2468} : Apprantely Fox News and Breibart are "reliable" news organization in the eyes of Trump supporters.', '>>{remote_production} : both those quotes have sources cited to them. feel free to check them out. Neither of them link to Breitbart, InfoWars, or Drudge Report, so you might be disappointed.', ">>{Nzash} : Look in any direction. Odds are it'll be better than fucking Buzzfeed, are you kidding me.", ">>{FNSam} : >Where do you get your news from then? What do you consider to be more reputable? Surely you're referring to NYT, WaPo, WSJ, etc? [it was reported by the NYT, its in the link i posted earlier](https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/01/10/business/buzzfeed-donald-trump-russia.html?_r=1&referer=http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-11/nyt-suggests-cnn-buzzfeed-peddled-fake-news)", ">>{skunkmoor} : Breitbart, you're golden. BuzzFeed, you're garbage"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Ferguson97} : Just switched from Android. Anything I should know?', ">>{coolcrosby} : Obama's presidency transformed America for the worse (commentary)", ">>{FatLadySingin} : >Johnson's approach to climate change is medieval. We still have billions of years left before the earth could be rendered uninhabitable by the expanding sun, and avoiding climate change — let alone contributing to it through the use of coal-fired plants — is going to make earth a lot less pleasant as a result. If Johnson is attempting to make himself an attractive candidate to younger voters, he is going to have to consider that most 20-somethings are hyperaware of climate change and its effects.", '>>{RileyWWarrick} : Trump Campaign on Latest Accuser’s Claim of Lewd Behavior: ‘Media Has Gone Too Far’', '>>{RandomTrumpVoterSim} : Writer\'s twitter: > [Daniel Leddy on Twitter: "Serbian abortionist who killed 48,000 unborn children quits after St. Thomas Aquinas visits him in a dream. https://t.co/JHLbc14Z85"](https://twitter.com/LegalHotShots/status/819270331089244160)', ">>{HoLiShiicz} : Say goodbye to freedom of android, welcome to a stock phone that has all the basic features with no option to add detailed settings. Witgets, customization and icon placement as you know it, well forget it. Actually what you're looking at now, that's about it, there's not more to an iPhone than **that**. Anything custom wanted, you'll need a jailbreak.", '>>{totallyclips} : Yeah, I remember 9/11 and Katrina, under Obama, terrible really terrible', '>>{ennervated_scientist} : It was the media the whole time! They grabbed em by the pussy! Crooked media!', '>>{0149} : I, for one, welcome the coming ekpyrosis and the consumption of the world by primordial fire.', ">>{iwasinmybunk} : >>While Obama claims economic successes, Donald Trump owes his election in large part to voters' decidedly contrary perspective. When I read statements like this I truly wonder if the person says so knowing that they are lying, or whether they actually believe this false narrative. The American voters overwhelmingly embraced his values. HRC received 3m more votes than trump. that shows pretty solid support for the things he stood vote. The voters didn't elect trump. A relic of a system elected him. Further when you poll people, most of the things he has done people support, even republicans. Don't ask if you're for or against the ACA. Ask if you think people should be able to get insurance even with pre existing conditions. Ask if we should be able to negotiate better drug prices. Ask if women should be able to get insurance of the same price as men, or get access to free birth control, ask if they support closing the gun Show loopholes or whether they support equal rights for gays. Ask if people think that obstructing Obama just because he was Obama was right, Ask if we should have had a 9 judge Supreme Court the past year. Issue after issue, if you ask about it without political implication, but ask about the idea itself, American voters agree with the democrats. Trump has no mandate, none.", '>>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : The basis for this article is a quote that was said as a joke over 5 years ago. Johnson has acknowledged man made climate change and he says there should be a price on pollution. He also wants to end fossil fuel subsidies (which are in the ballpark of $500B annually in the US)', ">>{Ulaven} : Yes, it's the **media** that's gone too far. How dare they publish stories about Trump's sexual predation! It's a global conspiracy! He's going to reach critical mass before the final debate at this point.", '>>{SteveBannonEXPOSED} : Sessions was under investigation by the FBI together with other Trump associates for improper contact with Russian officials. NYT is reporting that Trump associates met with senior Russian intelligence officials in European cities FREQUENTLY! This is becoming scary and add another thing to this. The Russian Ambassador is considered the nations Top spy and Top spy recruiter...', ">>{CarmineFields} : It's fine to trot out Bill's alleged victims and put them on display, but it's mean to even mention Donald's. *waaaaa*", '>>{HoLiShiicz} : You\'ve ever heard of a word called "realism", fanboy?', '>>{PillsAndPolitics_com} : I was just thinking that the Trump administration might\'ve turned a corner with their attitude towards the media last night. Like he got positive coverage for the speech - ironic given how much his supporters like him for not being a regular politician and yesterday he got praise for being a regular politician. And I thought that trigger something in his brain and he\'d be like "gee this feels good when they all like me rather than when I\'m fighting them" Heck even today, he only said [one thing on Twitter](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/836933725602656256). But I think we\'re about to see Trump admin vs media again real fast if this blows up.', ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : Get a good night's sleep, Secretary. You will need to be rested for tomorrow.", '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : Clearly he is playing nice to be able to attack them after this.', ">>{orangeisstupid} : He's a douchebag. I have both a 6S(work) and a sony android phone on 6.0.1(personal). I do like all the features that person mentioned, and even tried to make the 6S my daily driver and just ditch my android altogether. I couldn't (see: didn't want to) do it, so I carry both. I like file manager and simple simple simple chromecast support in more apps. I like the top pulldown ever so much more on android compared to ios. IMO it is so much more powerful and easy to access, which is a result of certain app devs taking advantage of android's more open nature. First commenter is a douchebag, but the points are valid.", '>>{GearPeople} : Trump started this shit show. All he had to do was let the whole Miss Piggy Miss housekeeping thing die. He drug up the clinton shit. He did the press conference with the accusers (one of which testified under oath 2x that Bill did nothing). Mother fucker has nobody to blame but himself. He has no idea how he is the epitome of hypocrisy.', '>>{LoveSignMasterSpark} : First off it\'d help if you realized the Electoral College works by having the people vote for the candidate in which their state\'s electors should vote; the states vote on behalf of their citizens. The US at a federal level isn\'t a democracy, it\'s a republic. This is why you can lose by millions of votes and still win the election. Even The Framers realized the people directly electing the president wouldn\'t turn out very well. Second, the ACA is hardly the only way to stop insurance companies from fucking people with pre-existing conditions over. It\'s entirely possible to be against the ACA and for excusing those with pre-existing conditions. Better drug prices? What has been done over the last 16 years? Big Phrama has gotten larger and has more control now than it ever did. No one, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, progressive, alt-right, etc. seems to have done much in government to prevent this. Consistent bipartisan failure. The "gun show loophole" doesn\'t exist in the form you think it does. Any professional firearms dealers that sell guns at a gun show must adhere to every restriction they\'d have in an actual gun store. The "loop hole" is that unlicensed private owners can buy and sell guns without having to be a licensed firearms dealer. Note that the ATF has a fairly liberal definition of what it means to be in the business of firearms, even going so far as to include people who make the bullets. See this for more info. https://www.atf.gov/file/100871/download What rights do I as a homosexual not have? I can marry my boyfriend, I have legal protections against employer discrimination, and I\'m offered the same access to government services as any other person. What more is there to legislate? How can you claim American voters agree with the democrats when the republicans now control even level of the Government? Just because Trump won due to the Electoral College doesn\'t mean the down ballot candidates did as well. Clearly the American people in general voted Republican if anything, though in reality it\'s more a 50/50 split.', ">>{dementorpoop} : These posts always seem to come out late at night, and I'm all excited about the next day, only to find out it has fizzled or disappeared completely. I really hope that isn't the case this time.", ">>{dygituljunky} : Replying to your last paragraph: many down-ballot candidates won due to gerrymandering. It's time for mathematically calculated districts without political influence.", ">>{Buttercup614} : As an honest comment, it will take you a while to get used to not having an app drawer and a couple other things, but I think overall you're going to enjoy the experience. I've stuck with my 6 plus even after trying a Moto X Pure Edition, Nexus 6P, and Nextbit Robin in the last two years. I also had an android phone for 3 years prior to purchasing my 6 plus (Galaxy X skyrocket, nexus 4, OnePlus One), and have yet to regret the switch.", '>>{DBDude} : >RC received 3m more votes than trump. that shows pretty solid support for the things he stood vote. California alone gave Clinton over four million more votes than Trump because it is heavily liberal with a huge population. We can say that shows pretty solid support for her in California, but not necessarily everywhere else. And that was her problem: She campaigned heavily in states that were going to vote for her anyway, ignoring important states that could go either way. Trump concentrated on these states and didn\'t do much in states he knew were lost. That\'s how he won while spending only half of what she spent. Yes, the big money was behind her, not him. >A relic of a system elected him. It\'s not like that was a rigged game. They both played by the exact same rules. Her strategists knew the system just as much as Trump\'s. She probably knew the system better than Trump, having been in politics for most of her life. Yet she ignored it, pandering to those who were already on her side, not trying to win over critical people in critical places, and even alienating them. She displayed a horrible strategy, horrible management. She deserved to lose by playing the game so badly. >ask if they support closing the gun Show loopholes You see, here\'s a good example of why polls aren\'t that great. There is no such thing as a gun show loophole. That is a derogatory political term crafted by the anti-gun people, and thus any poll that uses it is push-pollling instead of trying to gain accurate insight into opinions. Being the intent of Congress, the description as a "loophole" is even factually incorrect. Calling these sales a "loophole" is a fraudulent effort to make the act illegitimate in the eyes of the person taking the poll.', '>>{txkno} : For app drawer, some people put all their apps in one folder, then put the folder in the dock.', '>>{SilvarusLupus} : Considering the media let you get this far in your campaign to begin with, I guess you could say it has gone that too far in that sense.', '>>{why____tho} : Really. All that shit was happening at the FBI alongside Comey publicly berating Clinton over the private server. Really. Wtf. Really.', ">>{Buttercup614} : I've actually really enjoyed having my apps on the home screen. My android home screens always seemed like a bit of a waste anyway, since I only had a clock widget there. The clock widget being redundant since there's a clock at the top of the screen.", '>>{muffler48} : You mean the media has gone to far reporting all your sexual attacks?', ">>{HankPeppercorn} : So can this be considered perjury or did he give himself enough wiggle room to pretend he was just telling half truths? If it's perjury, what does that mean?", ">>{KalenXI} : If only you could do that and have them automatically sorted alphabetically. I've given up organizing all but my first home screen because I could never find anything and couldn't remember what was in which folder. So I keep my most used on the first screen, then use Spotlight to find everything else. Really miss having multiple dock pages and home screen widgets though so I could just unlock and use a widget to adjust my lights instead of having to open an app or pull down the notifications then swipe over to Today then scroll to find the widget I want.", ">>{avEmonsta} : In case you didn't know :D When you are surfing web pages in Safari or any app for that matter, you can always tap the top middle portion of the screen to bring you back to the top of the page.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : his impeachment will depend solely on whether he received a blowjob or not. surely he will be prosecuted by several serial-adulterers and at least one pedophile...if history is any prologue.', '>>{mwsomerset} : Looks to me like Trump went a tad too far, many times.', ">>{nofork77} : I was hardcore iPhone, switched to Android, now back on iOS. One thing that was really nice coming back to is the hardware switch for silent mode. The android way was fairly annoying to me. One thing I really miss is the ability to totally customize the launcher, but surprisingly I don't miss widgets.", '>>{T3ach3rman} : [I think Sessions said it best himself](https://youtu.be/D5fxdJto7v4)', ">>{captain_blackadder} : If we're going to use a video from 2011, then I guess we can use Clinton's stance on gay marriage from 2011 as well.", '>>{mwsomerset} : I hope he reaches it during the debate, I just paid $20 for some special BSA cameral popcorn for it.', '>>{topiary84} : Well that was quick. Not complaining, just sayin.', '>>{This_Freggin_Guy} : [Love this Clip from newsroom] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CXRaTnKDXA)', ">>{Virtcoin} : This is going nowhere. Sessions met with the Russian ambassador as part of his position as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee. Apparently this was among more than 25 conversations he had with foreign ambassadors in 2016. The questions that were asked of him during his confirmation hearing were if he had contact with the Russian government **while acting on behalf of the Trump campaign. ** Outside of an actual recording of the conversation he had with the Russian ambassador, I can't imagine a special prosecutor would have much to go on. The prosecutor would have to prove he was acting on behalf of the Trump campaign while performing his duties as a member of the Armed Services Committee. Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton while the FBI was investigating his wife for goodness sake. Maybe they talked about baseball?", ">>{iwasinmybunk} : aso you're saying if we don't count the people who voted for her, she wouldn't have won. Wow. what a concept. ill grant you its not a rigged game, and Ill absolutely agree that she took some votes for granted and campaigned badly. that doesnt mean the electoral college is fair or proper.", '>>{logicalnoise} : While he would end subsidies he would also reduce pollution controls. He believes a healthy economy will encourage companies to be more environmentally minded which is straight up dopishly naive.', ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : I've never heard him say anything remotely like that and I pay a lot of attention to Gary. I have heard him say that the government has a fundamental responsibility to protect the environment.", '>>{DONNIE_THE_PISSHEAD} : > I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and **I did not have communications with the Russians**.', '>>{RealRepub} : True. Trump SMEARED a woman about a Sex Tape she was NOT IN. so. Not the media.', '>>{gonzone} : Someone went too far alright, many times, and it wasn\'t "the media."', '>>{bijan4187} : Yeah, i dont believe hes ever said that. From what I understand of the libertarian position on how to deal with climate change is to make it easier to sue those that damage the environment. It is impossible to sue a major corporation for polluting on your land/water or air source, because they can bleed you dry w court costs. The libertarians want to get rid of that advantage in the courts to make it so you could sue a corporation for damaging your property w pollution and win the case in a timely fashion. I could be wrong, this is just what i remember of ron paul talking about in 2012.', '>>{Adama0001} : I get it. He messed up. But I think he was really trying to get ahead of a leak from within. Giuliani was just giddy about them leaking stuff and he was put in a spot with Chaffetz and promising any future details would be sent to them.', ">>{limeybunny} : One big thing that I've found very useful since my switch from a Nexus 6 to an iPhone 6 is the gesture of swiping from the left hand side of the screen to go back a page. The one big thing I missed from Android was the back button at the bottom of the phone, but the swipe action really helps with the flow instead of reaching up to hit the back button on the upper end of the screen.", '>>{logicalnoise} : https://www.johnsonweld.com/environment >In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators, and personal choices will do more to bring about environmental protection and restoration than will government regulations driven by special interests. Too often, when Washington, D.C. gets involved, the winners are those with the political clout to write the rules of the game, and the losers are the people and businesses actually trying to innovate.', '>>{gatemansgc} : OP has the best username. but yeah, wtf is this shit?!?!?', ">>{hwkns} : Let's see. He either had two conversations or he didn't. Obviously there is a record of these calls, if they did happen or didn't. The proof is there. Would you bet money on this?", '>>{nkunka} : This needs to be played over and over and over again alongside reporting of the story tomorrow.', '>>{logicalnoise} : https://www.johnsonweld.com/environment >In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators, and personal choices will do more to bring about environmental protection and restoration than will government regulations driven by special interests. Too often, when Washington, D.C. gets involved, the winners are those with the political clout to write the rules of the game, and the losers are the people and businesses actually trying to innovate.', '>>{iwasinmybunk} : > How can you claim American voters agree with the democrats when the republicans now control even level of the Government? see my original post, Im not gonna bother repeating myself. oh, also gerrymandering, voter id bullshit and the fact that republicans are a hell of a lot better at motivating their base then democrats are. stalin once said (very loosely translated) "The people who cast the votes don\'t decide an election, the people who count the votes do." why do you think that so many republican gerrymandered districts have been rejected by courts? sadly not enough were rejected. watch how the districts have been gerrymandered and the rising power of the republicans. its an abuse of power that is now at its fruition.', ">>{wwlink1} : Met with other officials in the same room.... Campaign was not mentioned or discussed. Making his statement under oath true. This is another failed coup, let's call it what it is. Sore losers", '>>{jedimonkey} : His statement under oath was about "any contact with Russian officials during the campaign" which was clearly false. That\'s flat out perjury and Sessions is a lawyer... he is supposed to know this is illegal. How does anyone know, in what capacity did Sessions act during these interactions, campaign representative or legislator? If it was innocent, why not mention it during the hearings ? And I don\'t get the double standard... Hillary got a lot of shit (and rightfully so) for the CGI. She could have claimed that when she represented the CGI, those interactions with donors had no overlap with the State department. Would you have bought this defense , or would you be brewing up more Alex jones/ lizard /vampire / pizza related fan fiction ?', ">>{twistedt} : While the statement that he did not have communications with Russia is huge, the fact that he willfully aligned himself with the campaign in this statement means that Franken's questioning regarding campaign involvement DOES include Sessions...and is as equally as damning.", '>>{NovarisBlueHusky} : This joke of a government is falling quicker than a feather in a vacuum.', '>>{DBDude} : >that doesnt mean the electoral college is fair or proper It gave neither side an advantage. If she lost, it was because of her, not because of any lack of fairness or properness of the electoral college.', '>>{trimeta} : Gary Johnson\'s stance on climate change is "It\'s real, but government regulations cause more problems than they solve. The free market should be left on its own to fix climate change without any government interference." Which perhaps isn\'t "medieval," but also is barely an improvement over climate change denial.', ">>{DaJoW} : Because as we all know the free market just up and decided to scrub pollution from coal plants one day. It didn't take government intervention at all.", ">>{iwasinmybunk} : when did I say it gave either side an advantage? I never said the system favored trump or disfavored HRC. I said the EC is a flawed system. it allows someone who didn't get the most votes to win. period. full stop. for the second time in a 4 elections. I would say it was a flawed system if Trump had 3m more votes than HRC but she won the EC. If it can fuck her, it can fuck a republican candidate just as easily. and neither side should get fucked.", ">>{DBDude} : > when did I say it gave either side an advantage? If it gave no one an advantage, then it's irrelevant. They both played by the same rules with no advantage, and she lost fair and square. >I said the EC is a flawed system. it allows someone who didn't get the most votes to win. It protects the smaller states in our republic (not democracy) from being completely ruled over by the larger states. When was the last time someone called tennis a flawed game because you can with a match with fewer points? >If it can fuck her, it can fuck a republican candidate just as easily. and neither side should get fucked. Or, nobody's getting fucked because they all have the same system.", ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : That doesn't say that he plans to reduce pollution controls. But I will acknowledge that his lack of a firm stance on dealing with climate change is my biggest gripe with him. He is a principled and honest person though and I don't see him doing/proposing anything that would continue to prop up the fossil fuel industry or cause detriment to the environment . That being said, I'm not supporting him because of his environmental consciousness. I like Gary because he doesn't think we can solve the world's problems with military force, he wants to get rid of subsidies/crony capitalism (they are a waste of money and hinder free markets), he only wants to spend what we take in and is concerned about our national debt, and he wants to simplify the tax code (70k pages is pretty ridiculous). If I had any faith that Hillary's private position on addressing climate change had any teeth I'd be a lot more comfortable with her as president. Unfortunately I feel like she says she wants us to install 500 million solar panels, but when it comes down to it she'll probably support building a bunch of natural gas power plants, which will make things worse and is a kick the can down the road type solution.", '>>{Esc_ape_artist} : I am floored by the breadth and success of the Russian effort to destabilize the US. It\'s astonishing. I wonder, though... who was "patient zero"? Who was the one that decided to pursue this path actively? Did it fall in the Russian\'s laps by accident and they realized the potential and actively pursued it? Or was it trump or his associates actively seeking assistance with a quid pro with?', ">>{lxac3xl} : At this point I want to say it is the entire RNC. We were warned they had kompromant on the RNC and it wasn't leaked. The perception here may not be collusion, rather we have dirt and you better work with us.", ">>{iwasinmybunk} : >> They both played by the same rules with no advantage, and she lost fair and square. um. no. she had to overocme the imbalance that gives four california voters the same voting power as one voter in Wyoming. this isn't keeping it even, its tilting the scales to the rural states who are vastly overrepresented. if it made them even, maybe you'd have na argument. maybe. but it doesnt. it gives rural voters a decided advantage. if you get more votes and arent the president, you got fucked.", ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : Well we do give coal hundreds of billions of dollars annually in subsidies...so right now it's like we're paying someone to punch us in the face.", ">>{Esc_ape_artist} : That's a very distinct possibility. Also, it's just as likely that the Republicans are: 1. Taking advantage the situation to cram their agenda through while everyone is distracted by the upheaval in the administration. 2. Doing everything to act like nothing is wrong because they're in so deep that to have the administration fail while they've been giving their unwavering support will cost them heavily in the midterms and the next election. 3. Toeing the party line, because they want Republicanistan, not America.", ">>{DBDude} : >um. no. she had to overocme the imbalance that gives four california voters the same voting power as one voter in Wyoming Translated: She can't ignore states like Wyoming and only have to concentrate on the few most populous states to win the election. In fact, I believe she did ignore Wyoming. I don't remember her having one campaign stop there. >if you get more votes and arent the president, you got fucked. If you score more points in a tennis match and don't win, you lost. That's it. You just lost because you didn't play the game as well as the other player.", ">>{Paco44} : *yuge (and also no, it's not)", '>>{fuzeebear} : Have you not read about this? You should.', '>>{iwasinmybunk} : in the above analogy, scoring more points = scoring more votes. I totally agree.', '>>{logicalnoise} : Simplifying taxes is great unfortunately the simpler the tax code the easier it is to exploit it.', ">>{Virtcoin} : I did and couldn't find anything conclusive. Inform me with facts ? Did you read it yourself?", ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : His climate stance is my largest disagreement with him, but his advocacy for removing fossil fuel and other subsidies is a huge deal. It would really shake things up if everyone was paying $5+ per gallon in the US and if electricity costs went up to something like $0.30 per kWh. Things would change for the better pretty rapidly. Here's a link to an article I read yesterday about Elon Musk calling for a free market approach to energy after being called out for receiving subsidies (worldwide there's $5 trillion USD in fossil fuel subsidies annually): https://electrek.co/2016/10/10/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-challenges-big-coal-toe-to-toe-without-subsidies-after-called-fraud/", ">>{fuzeebear} : I'm sorry you're uninformed. You can use google.com to find the video, or read the numerous reports on this event.", ">>{Virtcoin} : So you're saying you don't have anything meaningful to provide?", ">>{trimeta} : Sure, it's a good first step, but I'm not convinced it's enough. Hillary also is advocating for the end of fossil fuel subsidies, but that's just the beginning of her climate change policy, not the entire thing.", ">>{fuzeebear} : I'm saying that I'm sorry you're uninformed, and that you can use the internet search engine google.com to find information about Sessions.", '>>{NosuchRedditor} : Unless you read the NYT piece that explains the witch hunt that Obama started with zero evidence, just an effort to derail the Trump administration.', ">>{AliveByLovesGlory} : He won't be investigating anything to do with Russia because of this. What more do you want?", '>>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : I\'d say the exact opposite is true, the more complex, the easier it is to exploit. There are literally parts of our tax code that say "for x type of companies incorporated in x year in x state you get x exemption". It was specifically designed and slipped into some other legislation for one particular business...our tax code is Fucked.', '>>{logicalnoise} : Simple tax code will draw lawsuits("Profits aren\'t income if we spend it right away" or other bullshit schemes) which will require amending the tax code and eventually it ends up just as expensive. We need reform but any leeway on language will be exploited.', ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : That's what people do now and they get exemptions on top of it.", ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : I wish I knew what her private policy was...I feel like it would favor natural gas more than I'd like", '>>{d00ns} : The only thing worse than a climate change denier is someone who believes US tax code will change the carbon output of China and India.', '>>{trimeta} : If only we signed international treaties to try and influence the behavior of other countries. Oh wait, we did just that.', ">>{d00ns} : I have no problem with international agreements. It's the people that think the US can act alone without economic consequence that bother me."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Ferguson97} : Just switched from Android. Anything I should know?', ">>{HoLiShiicz} : Say goodbye to freedom of android, welcome to a stock phone that has all the basic features with no option to add detailed settings. Witgets, customization and icon placement as you know it, well forget it. Actually what you're looking at now, that's about it, there's not more to an iPhone than **that**. Anything custom wanted, you'll need a jailbreak.", '>>{HoLiShiicz} : You\'ve ever heard of a word called "realism", fanboy?', ">>{orangeisstupid} : He's a douchebag. I have both a 6S(work) and a sony android phone on 6.0.1(personal). I do like all the features that person mentioned, and even tried to make the 6S my daily driver and just ditch my android altogether. I couldn't (see: didn't want to) do it, so I carry both. I like file manager and simple simple simple chromecast support in more apps. I like the top pulldown ever so much more on android compared to ios. IMO it is so much more powerful and easy to access, which is a result of certain app devs taking advantage of android's more open nature. First commenter is a douchebag, but the points are valid.", ">>{Buttercup614} : As an honest comment, it will take you a while to get used to not having an app drawer and a couple other things, but I think overall you're going to enjoy the experience. I've stuck with my 6 plus even after trying a Moto X Pure Edition, Nexus 6P, and Nextbit Robin in the last two years. I also had an android phone for 3 years prior to purchasing my 6 plus (Galaxy X skyrocket, nexus 4, OnePlus One), and have yet to regret the switch.", '>>{txkno} : For app drawer, some people put all their apps in one folder, then put the folder in the dock.', ">>{Buttercup614} : I've actually really enjoyed having my apps on the home screen. My android home screens always seemed like a bit of a waste anyway, since I only had a clock widget there. The clock widget being redundant since there's a clock at the top of the screen.", ">>{KalenXI} : If only you could do that and have them automatically sorted alphabetically. I've given up organizing all but my first home screen because I could never find anything and couldn't remember what was in which folder. So I keep my most used on the first screen, then use Spotlight to find everything else. Really miss having multiple dock pages and home screen widgets though so I could just unlock and use a widget to adjust my lights instead of having to open an app or pull down the notifications then swipe over to Today then scroll to find the widget I want.", ">>{avEmonsta} : In case you didn't know :D When you are surfing web pages in Safari or any app for that matter, you can always tap the top middle portion of the screen to bring you back to the top of the page.", ">>{nofork77} : I was hardcore iPhone, switched to Android, now back on iOS. One thing that was really nice coming back to is the hardware switch for silent mode. The android way was fairly annoying to me. One thing I really miss is the ability to totally customize the launcher, but surprisingly I don't miss widgets.", ">>{limeybunny} : One big thing that I've found very useful since my switch from a Nexus 6 to an iPhone 6 is the gesture of swiping from the left hand side of the screen to go back a page. The one big thing I missed from Android was the back button at the bottom of the phone, but the swipe action really helps with the flow instead of reaching up to hit the back button on the upper end of the screen."], ['>>{SteveBannonEXPOSED} : Sessions was under investigation by the FBI together with other Trump associates for improper contact with Russian officials. NYT is reporting that Trump associates met with senior Russian intelligence officials in European cities FREQUENTLY! This is becoming scary and add another thing to this. The Russian Ambassador is considered the nations Top spy and Top spy recruiter...', '>>{PillsAndPolitics_com} : I was just thinking that the Trump administration might\'ve turned a corner with their attitude towards the media last night. Like he got positive coverage for the speech - ironic given how much his supporters like him for not being a regular politician and yesterday he got praise for being a regular politician. And I thought that trigger something in his brain and he\'d be like "gee this feels good when they all like me rather than when I\'m fighting them" Heck even today, he only said [one thing on Twitter](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/836933725602656256). But I think we\'re about to see Trump admin vs media again real fast if this blows up.', ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : Get a good night's sleep, Secretary. You will need to be rested for tomorrow.", '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : Clearly he is playing nice to be able to attack them after this.', ">>{dementorpoop} : These posts always seem to come out late at night, and I'm all excited about the next day, only to find out it has fizzled or disappeared completely. I really hope that isn't the case this time.", '>>{why____tho} : Really. All that shit was happening at the FBI alongside Comey publicly berating Clinton over the private server. Really. Wtf. Really.', ">>{HankPeppercorn} : So can this be considered perjury or did he give himself enough wiggle room to pretend he was just telling half truths? If it's perjury, what does that mean?", '>>{theRealRedherring} : his impeachment will depend solely on whether he received a blowjob or not. surely he will be prosecuted by several serial-adulterers and at least one pedophile...if history is any prologue.', '>>{T3ach3rman} : [I think Sessions said it best himself](https://youtu.be/D5fxdJto7v4)', '>>{topiary84} : Well that was quick. Not complaining, just sayin.', ">>{Virtcoin} : This is going nowhere. Sessions met with the Russian ambassador as part of his position as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee. Apparently this was among more than 25 conversations he had with foreign ambassadors in 2016. The questions that were asked of him during his confirmation hearing were if he had contact with the Russian government **while acting on behalf of the Trump campaign. ** Outside of an actual recording of the conversation he had with the Russian ambassador, I can't imagine a special prosecutor would have much to go on. The prosecutor would have to prove he was acting on behalf of the Trump campaign while performing his duties as a member of the Armed Services Committee. Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton while the FBI was investigating his wife for goodness sake. Maybe they talked about baseball?", '>>{DONNIE_THE_PISSHEAD} : > I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and **I did not have communications with the Russians**.', '>>{Adama0001} : I get it. He messed up. But I think he was really trying to get ahead of a leak from within. Giuliani was just giddy about them leaking stuff and he was put in a spot with Chaffetz and promising any future details would be sent to them.', '>>{gatemansgc} : OP has the best username. but yeah, wtf is this shit?!?!?', ">>{hwkns} : Let's see. He either had two conversations or he didn't. Obviously there is a record of these calls, if they did happen or didn't. The proof is there. Would you bet money on this?", '>>{nkunka} : This needs to be played over and over and over again alongside reporting of the story tomorrow.', ">>{wwlink1} : Met with other officials in the same room.... Campaign was not mentioned or discussed. Making his statement under oath true. This is another failed coup, let's call it what it is. Sore losers", '>>{jedimonkey} : His statement under oath was about "any contact with Russian officials during the campaign" which was clearly false. That\'s flat out perjury and Sessions is a lawyer... he is supposed to know this is illegal. How does anyone know, in what capacity did Sessions act during these interactions, campaign representative or legislator? If it was innocent, why not mention it during the hearings ? And I don\'t get the double standard... Hillary got a lot of shit (and rightfully so) for the CGI. She could have claimed that when she represented the CGI, those interactions with donors had no overlap with the State department. Would you have bought this defense , or would you be brewing up more Alex jones/ lizard /vampire / pizza related fan fiction ?', ">>{twistedt} : While the statement that he did not have communications with Russia is huge, the fact that he willfully aligned himself with the campaign in this statement means that Franken's questioning regarding campaign involvement DOES include Sessions...and is as equally as damning.", '>>{NovarisBlueHusky} : This joke of a government is falling quicker than a feather in a vacuum.', '>>{Esc_ape_artist} : I am floored by the breadth and success of the Russian effort to destabilize the US. It\'s astonishing. I wonder, though... who was "patient zero"? Who was the one that decided to pursue this path actively? Did it fall in the Russian\'s laps by accident and they realized the potential and actively pursued it? Or was it trump or his associates actively seeking assistance with a quid pro with?', ">>{lxac3xl} : At this point I want to say it is the entire RNC. We were warned they had kompromant on the RNC and it wasn't leaked. The perception here may not be collusion, rather we have dirt and you better work with us.", ">>{Esc_ape_artist} : That's a very distinct possibility. Also, it's just as likely that the Republicans are: 1. Taking advantage the situation to cram their agenda through while everyone is distracted by the upheaval in the administration. 2. Doing everything to act like nothing is wrong because they're in so deep that to have the administration fail while they've been giving their unwavering support will cost them heavily in the midterms and the next election. 3. Toeing the party line, because they want Republicanistan, not America.", ">>{Paco44} : *yuge (and also no, it's not)", '>>{fuzeebear} : Have you not read about this? You should.', ">>{Virtcoin} : I did and couldn't find anything conclusive. Inform me with facts ? Did you read it yourself?", ">>{fuzeebear} : I'm sorry you're uninformed. You can use google.com to find the video, or read the numerous reports on this event.", ">>{Virtcoin} : So you're saying you don't have anything meaningful to provide?", ">>{fuzeebear} : I'm saying that I'm sorry you're uninformed, and that you can use the internet search engine google.com to find information about Sessions.", '>>{NosuchRedditor} : Unless you read the NYT piece that explains the witch hunt that Obama started with zero evidence, just an effort to derail the Trump administration.', ">>{AliveByLovesGlory} : He won't be investigating anything to do with Russia because of this. What more do you want?"], [">>{FatLadySingin} : >Johnson's approach to climate change is medieval. We still have billions of years left before the earth could be rendered uninhabitable by the expanding sun, and avoiding climate change — let alone contributing to it through the use of coal-fired plants — is going to make earth a lot less pleasant as a result. If Johnson is attempting to make himself an attractive candidate to younger voters, he is going to have to consider that most 20-somethings are hyperaware of climate change and its effects.", '>>{0149} : I, for one, welcome the coming ekpyrosis and the consumption of the world by primordial fire.', '>>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : The basis for this article is a quote that was said as a joke over 5 years ago. Johnson has acknowledged man made climate change and he says there should be a price on pollution. He also wants to end fossil fuel subsidies (which are in the ballpark of $500B annually in the US)', ">>{captain_blackadder} : If we're going to use a video from 2011, then I guess we can use Clinton's stance on gay marriage from 2011 as well.", '>>{This_Freggin_Guy} : [Love this Clip from newsroom] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CXRaTnKDXA)', '>>{logicalnoise} : While he would end subsidies he would also reduce pollution controls. He believes a healthy economy will encourage companies to be more environmentally minded which is straight up dopishly naive.', ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : I've never heard him say anything remotely like that and I pay a lot of attention to Gary. I have heard him say that the government has a fundamental responsibility to protect the environment.", '>>{bijan4187} : Yeah, i dont believe hes ever said that. From what I understand of the libertarian position on how to deal with climate change is to make it easier to sue those that damage the environment. It is impossible to sue a major corporation for polluting on your land/water or air source, because they can bleed you dry w court costs. The libertarians want to get rid of that advantage in the courts to make it so you could sue a corporation for damaging your property w pollution and win the case in a timely fashion. I could be wrong, this is just what i remember of ron paul talking about in 2012.', '>>{logicalnoise} : https://www.johnsonweld.com/environment >In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators, and personal choices will do more to bring about environmental protection and restoration than will government regulations driven by special interests. Too often, when Washington, D.C. gets involved, the winners are those with the political clout to write the rules of the game, and the losers are the people and businesses actually trying to innovate.', '>>{logicalnoise} : https://www.johnsonweld.com/environment >In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators, and personal choices will do more to bring about environmental protection and restoration than will government regulations driven by special interests. Too often, when Washington, D.C. gets involved, the winners are those with the political clout to write the rules of the game, and the losers are the people and businesses actually trying to innovate.', '>>{trimeta} : Gary Johnson\'s stance on climate change is "It\'s real, but government regulations cause more problems than they solve. The free market should be left on its own to fix climate change without any government interference." Which perhaps isn\'t "medieval," but also is barely an improvement over climate change denial.', ">>{DaJoW} : Because as we all know the free market just up and decided to scrub pollution from coal plants one day. It didn't take government intervention at all.", ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : That doesn't say that he plans to reduce pollution controls. But I will acknowledge that his lack of a firm stance on dealing with climate change is my biggest gripe with him. He is a principled and honest person though and I don't see him doing/proposing anything that would continue to prop up the fossil fuel industry or cause detriment to the environment . That being said, I'm not supporting him because of his environmental consciousness. I like Gary because he doesn't think we can solve the world's problems with military force, he wants to get rid of subsidies/crony capitalism (they are a waste of money and hinder free markets), he only wants to spend what we take in and is concerned about our national debt, and he wants to simplify the tax code (70k pages is pretty ridiculous). If I had any faith that Hillary's private position on addressing climate change had any teeth I'd be a lot more comfortable with her as president. Unfortunately I feel like she says she wants us to install 500 million solar panels, but when it comes down to it she'll probably support building a bunch of natural gas power plants, which will make things worse and is a kick the can down the road type solution.", ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : Well we do give coal hundreds of billions of dollars annually in subsidies...so right now it's like we're paying someone to punch us in the face.", '>>{logicalnoise} : Simplifying taxes is great unfortunately the simpler the tax code the easier it is to exploit it.', ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : His climate stance is my largest disagreement with him, but his advocacy for removing fossil fuel and other subsidies is a huge deal. It would really shake things up if everyone was paying $5+ per gallon in the US and if electricity costs went up to something like $0.30 per kWh. Things would change for the better pretty rapidly. Here's a link to an article I read yesterday about Elon Musk calling for a free market approach to energy after being called out for receiving subsidies (worldwide there's $5 trillion USD in fossil fuel subsidies annually): https://electrek.co/2016/10/10/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-challenges-big-coal-toe-to-toe-without-subsidies-after-called-fraud/", ">>{trimeta} : Sure, it's a good first step, but I'm not convinced it's enough. Hillary also is advocating for the end of fossil fuel subsidies, but that's just the beginning of her climate change policy, not the entire thing.", '>>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : I\'d say the exact opposite is true, the more complex, the easier it is to exploit. There are literally parts of our tax code that say "for x type of companies incorporated in x year in x state you get x exemption". It was specifically designed and slipped into some other legislation for one particular business...our tax code is Fucked.', '>>{logicalnoise} : Simple tax code will draw lawsuits("Profits aren\'t income if we spend it right away" or other bullshit schemes) which will require amending the tax code and eventually it ends up just as expensive. We need reform but any leeway on language will be exploited.', ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : That's what people do now and they get exemptions on top of it.", ">>{-BEEF-SUPREME-} : I wish I knew what her private policy was...I feel like it would favor natural gas more than I'd like", '>>{d00ns} : The only thing worse than a climate change denier is someone who believes US tax code will change the carbon output of China and India.', '>>{trimeta} : If only we signed international treaties to try and influence the behavior of other countries. Oh wait, we did just that.', ">>{d00ns} : I have no problem with international agreements. It's the people that think the US can act alone without economic consequence that bother me."], ['>>{RileyWWarrick} : Trump Campaign on Latest Accuser’s Claim of Lewd Behavior: ‘Media Has Gone Too Far’', '>>{ennervated_scientist} : It was the media the whole time! They grabbed em by the pussy! Crooked media!', ">>{Ulaven} : Yes, it's the **media** that's gone too far. How dare they publish stories about Trump's sexual predation! It's a global conspiracy! He's going to reach critical mass before the final debate at this point.", ">>{CarmineFields} : It's fine to trot out Bill's alleged victims and put them on display, but it's mean to even mention Donald's. *waaaaa*", '>>{GearPeople} : Trump started this shit show. All he had to do was let the whole Miss Piggy Miss housekeeping thing die. He drug up the clinton shit. He did the press conference with the accusers (one of which testified under oath 2x that Bill did nothing). Mother fucker has nobody to blame but himself. He has no idea how he is the epitome of hypocrisy.', '>>{SilvarusLupus} : Considering the media let you get this far in your campaign to begin with, I guess you could say it has gone that too far in that sense.', '>>{muffler48} : You mean the media has gone to far reporting all your sexual attacks?', '>>{mwsomerset} : Looks to me like Trump went a tad too far, many times.', '>>{mwsomerset} : I hope he reaches it during the debate, I just paid $20 for some special BSA cameral popcorn for it.', '>>{RealRepub} : True. Trump SMEARED a woman about a Sex Tape she was NOT IN. so. Not the media.', '>>{gonzone} : Someone went too far alright, many times, and it wasn\'t "the media."'], [">>{coolcrosby} : Obama's presidency transformed America for the worse (commentary)", '>>{RandomTrumpVoterSim} : Writer\'s twitter: > [Daniel Leddy on Twitter: "Serbian abortionist who killed 48,000 unborn children quits after St. Thomas Aquinas visits him in a dream. https://t.co/JHLbc14Z85"](https://twitter.com/LegalHotShots/status/819270331089244160)', '>>{totallyclips} : Yeah, I remember 9/11 and Katrina, under Obama, terrible really terrible', ">>{iwasinmybunk} : >>While Obama claims economic successes, Donald Trump owes his election in large part to voters' decidedly contrary perspective. When I read statements like this I truly wonder if the person says so knowing that they are lying, or whether they actually believe this false narrative. The American voters overwhelmingly embraced his values. HRC received 3m more votes than trump. that shows pretty solid support for the things he stood vote. The voters didn't elect trump. A relic of a system elected him. Further when you poll people, most of the things he has done people support, even republicans. Don't ask if you're for or against the ACA. Ask if you think people should be able to get insurance even with pre existing conditions. Ask if we should be able to negotiate better drug prices. Ask if women should be able to get insurance of the same price as men, or get access to free birth control, ask if they support closing the gun Show loopholes or whether they support equal rights for gays. Ask if people think that obstructing Obama just because he was Obama was right, Ask if we should have had a 9 judge Supreme Court the past year. Issue after issue, if you ask about it without political implication, but ask about the idea itself, American voters agree with the democrats. Trump has no mandate, none.", '>>{LoveSignMasterSpark} : First off it\'d help if you realized the Electoral College works by having the people vote for the candidate in which their state\'s electors should vote; the states vote on behalf of their citizens. The US at a federal level isn\'t a democracy, it\'s a republic. This is why you can lose by millions of votes and still win the election. Even The Framers realized the people directly electing the president wouldn\'t turn out very well. Second, the ACA is hardly the only way to stop insurance companies from fucking people with pre-existing conditions over. It\'s entirely possible to be against the ACA and for excusing those with pre-existing conditions. Better drug prices? What has been done over the last 16 years? Big Phrama has gotten larger and has more control now than it ever did. No one, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, progressive, alt-right, etc. seems to have done much in government to prevent this. Consistent bipartisan failure. The "gun show loophole" doesn\'t exist in the form you think it does. Any professional firearms dealers that sell guns at a gun show must adhere to every restriction they\'d have in an actual gun store. The "loop hole" is that unlicensed private owners can buy and sell guns without having to be a licensed firearms dealer. Note that the ATF has a fairly liberal definition of what it means to be in the business of firearms, even going so far as to include people who make the bullets. See this for more info. https://www.atf.gov/file/100871/download What rights do I as a homosexual not have? I can marry my boyfriend, I have legal protections against employer discrimination, and I\'m offered the same access to government services as any other person. What more is there to legislate? How can you claim American voters agree with the democrats when the republicans now control even level of the Government? Just because Trump won due to the Electoral College doesn\'t mean the down ballot candidates did as well. Clearly the American people in general voted Republican if anything, though in reality it\'s more a 50/50 split.', ">>{dygituljunky} : Replying to your last paragraph: many down-ballot candidates won due to gerrymandering. It's time for mathematically calculated districts without political influence.", '>>{DBDude} : >RC received 3m more votes than trump. that shows pretty solid support for the things he stood vote. California alone gave Clinton over four million more votes than Trump because it is heavily liberal with a huge population. We can say that shows pretty solid support for her in California, but not necessarily everywhere else. And that was her problem: She campaigned heavily in states that were going to vote for her anyway, ignoring important states that could go either way. Trump concentrated on these states and didn\'t do much in states he knew were lost. That\'s how he won while spending only half of what she spent. Yes, the big money was behind her, not him. >A relic of a system elected him. It\'s not like that was a rigged game. They both played by the exact same rules. Her strategists knew the system just as much as Trump\'s. She probably knew the system better than Trump, having been in politics for most of her life. Yet she ignored it, pandering to those who were already on her side, not trying to win over critical people in critical places, and even alienating them. She displayed a horrible strategy, horrible management. She deserved to lose by playing the game so badly. >ask if they support closing the gun Show loopholes You see, here\'s a good example of why polls aren\'t that great. There is no such thing as a gun show loophole. That is a derogatory political term crafted by the anti-gun people, and thus any poll that uses it is push-pollling instead of trying to gain accurate insight into opinions. Being the intent of Congress, the description as a "loophole" is even factually incorrect. Calling these sales a "loophole" is a fraudulent effort to make the act illegitimate in the eyes of the person taking the poll.', ">>{iwasinmybunk} : aso you're saying if we don't count the people who voted for her, she wouldn't have won. Wow. what a concept. ill grant you its not a rigged game, and Ill absolutely agree that she took some votes for granted and campaigned badly. that doesnt mean the electoral college is fair or proper.", '>>{iwasinmybunk} : > How can you claim American voters agree with the democrats when the republicans now control even level of the Government? see my original post, Im not gonna bother repeating myself. oh, also gerrymandering, voter id bullshit and the fact that republicans are a hell of a lot better at motivating their base then democrats are. stalin once said (very loosely translated) "The people who cast the votes don\'t decide an election, the people who count the votes do." why do you think that so many republican gerrymandered districts have been rejected by courts? sadly not enough were rejected. watch how the districts have been gerrymandered and the rising power of the republicans. its an abuse of power that is now at its fruition.', '>>{DBDude} : >that doesnt mean the electoral college is fair or proper It gave neither side an advantage. If she lost, it was because of her, not because of any lack of fairness or properness of the electoral college.', ">>{iwasinmybunk} : when did I say it gave either side an advantage? I never said the system favored trump or disfavored HRC. I said the EC is a flawed system. it allows someone who didn't get the most votes to win. period. full stop. for the second time in a 4 elections. I would say it was a flawed system if Trump had 3m more votes than HRC but she won the EC. If it can fuck her, it can fuck a republican candidate just as easily. and neither side should get fucked.", ">>{DBDude} : > when did I say it gave either side an advantage? If it gave no one an advantage, then it's irrelevant. They both played by the same rules with no advantage, and she lost fair and square. >I said the EC is a flawed system. it allows someone who didn't get the most votes to win. It protects the smaller states in our republic (not democracy) from being completely ruled over by the larger states. When was the last time someone called tennis a flawed game because you can with a match with fewer points? >If it can fuck her, it can fuck a republican candidate just as easily. and neither side should get fucked. Or, nobody's getting fucked because they all have the same system.", ">>{iwasinmybunk} : >> They both played by the same rules with no advantage, and she lost fair and square. um. no. she had to overocme the imbalance that gives four california voters the same voting power as one voter in Wyoming. this isn't keeping it even, its tilting the scales to the rural states who are vastly overrepresented. if it made them even, maybe you'd have na argument. maybe. but it doesnt. it gives rural voters a decided advantage. if you get more votes and arent the president, you got fucked.", ">>{DBDude} : >um. no. she had to overocme the imbalance that gives four california voters the same voting power as one voter in Wyoming Translated: She can't ignore states like Wyoming and only have to concentrate on the few most populous states to win the election. In fact, I believe she did ignore Wyoming. I don't remember her having one campaign stop there. >if you get more votes and arent the president, you got fucked. If you score more points in a tennis match and don't win, you lost. That's it. You just lost because you didn't play the game as well as the other player.", '>>{iwasinmybunk} : in the above analogy, scoring more points = scoring more votes. I totally agree.']]
classify and reply
['>>{greymanbomber} : Like It or Not, Donald Trump Saw the Economic Crisis the Others Didn’t', ">>{economicallyanxious} : they're really hoping he actually flip flopped, and isn't just saying what people want to hear all the way up to inauguration", '>>{knubby} : Making the apps go into wiggle mode fixed it. Fun fact: it was all the other ones that were low. Inbox was the only one where it should be.', '>>{TRUMP_2016_MAGA} : UC Irvine Republicans To Distribute Baby Pacifiers To Campus Liberals', '>>{Dynamitleo} : Umf that Google Calendar icon text is an eyesore. That would not go on my springboard.', '>>{Squirmishes} : Bullshit. Bernie Sanders saw it too, but it was Her Turn.', ">>{LupMani} : Then somehow it might be her daughter's turn in 2020.", '>>{Stubrochill17} : >If Trump tells his followers that the Paris agreement on climate change is worth preserving or that NATO is crucial for global stability, they might actually listen. The article makes this as its main point - Trump is in a position to reason with at least half of America (it should be all of America). He\'s capable of being a reasonable man, as the article suggests in its deportation example. The effect on the farming and construction industries that mass deportation would have would be nearly unfixable. There is reason to be had, people just have to listen. I think the whole "give him a chance" argument may be a little hard to swallow for many Americans, but I also think that it has merit and most people focus only on the negative portrayal of Trump the media did during the election cycle. Simply, he\'s got the job, let\'s let him be reasonable.', ">>{CorsaStrada} : Don't interrupt a republican safe space whatever you do. pussy tears and blog posts for weeks.", '>>{donottalk413} : Why do you need an Outlook AND Inbox? (Just curious.)', '>>{QuiteSomeBiscuit} : Sort-of odd that you can legitimately say "I well I hope the President of the USA was lying all that time."', ">>{darkstream81} : I've said Trump is everything the right has complained about for the last 8 years. They will back him on anything because they tossed their principles out the door in order to win. Well now they have power. So either he lies about everything or we get Kansas on a federal level. Gonna be a fun four years", '>>{sparkledavisjr} : The UC Irvine libs should capitalize on this-- offer the republicans butt plugs in exchange.', ">>{70ms} : OC is actually pretty Republican. It's the land of white guys with perfect lawns BBQing in their manicured yards bitching about the illegal immigrants they hire to do their landscaping.", '>>{RoastedWithHoney} : I hope they called Pres Trump to say thank you!', ">>{Robb1324} : Trump won after saying some insanely crazy shit too. Can you imagine how much he would have destroyed Clinton if he wasn't a self conscious, lying, xenophobic maniac? It would have been an absolute blow out. The only one who would have beat him was Bernie because Bernie had the same trade message as Trump... But with decades of actual experience being on union lines and in Congress fighting for the working class. Oh, and Bernie didn't care about his hand size.", ">>{SlicedDicedBeef} : That's a great idea, though the reception would be vastly more welcomed in Libtard San Francisco. Two thumbs up... or... whatever it is that people shove up in there.", ">>{j0phus} : mmhmm. That's why he started Trump Mortgage in fucking 2006 before it went under in 2007. He sure saw that coming. >the real estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come", '>>{jinglejangle104} : Obama had 8 years, but only when Trump became president-elect did he abandon the idea.', ">>{gusty_bible} : The beginnings of TPP started in the final year of the Bush administration and continued to be negotiated for the duration of Obama's tenure. It's a huge trade agreement that takes a long time to work out the details. A close friend of mine worked on TPP for most of the last 6 years. I think it will be a net-positive for American interests, but it's not like Bernie even read the thing.", '>>{spacemoose1} : Bernie campaigned on TPP before Trump did, the thanks should go the other way.', '>>{IndianInTheCabinet} : Sure, go tell that to the kids in Vietnam who would have gotten fucked by pharmaceutical patents.', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : Then fuck him for being a lying manipulative asshole. He gets no credit for acknowledging reality now that he's won and actually has to deal with it.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : Actually pharma doesn't like the deal. The push by NZ and co made the patent situation much better and changed my mind on the deal.", '>>{njlx2016} : The Outlook app could be for work, or if OP is using Outlook.com or Hotmail.', '>>{Izor28} : Please get him to run in 2020. Trump will wipe the floor with him especially when he can attach "sellout" to his name', '>>{Brofart12367} : Irvine is actually majority republican. Or at least it was 4 years ago before I moved away.', '>>{trcsteve} : So does blocking a door or blowing whistles or buying tickets to an event with the single intent to disrupt it when you could just ignore it. And it is apt, because if some snowflake has an absolute meltdown because someone else says something they disagree with, that is very childish behavior, and maybe they need to be treated as such.', '>>{grahamcracker1234} : Wtf is with Reddit and low battery. Literally every screenshot I see has less than 25 percent.', ">>{HeadHighSauce26} : It probably would be but it doesn't stand up to the Bernie Bro ideological test", '>>{Propagation931} : Her daughter is only getting groomed for Congress atm. It will take a while before she can Run for President. It will probably go 2 Terms as Congresswoman then 2 more as Senator then Pres run', '>>{DBudders} : Some apps will only open links in safari, while chrome is more integrated with systems not in the Apple realm.', ">>{Robb1324} : Trump could hit him with all of the labels and one liners he wanted. Bernie would just point out all of the hypocritical shit about Trump. Only one of them has spent their life fighting for working families... And it sure as hell isn't Trump.", ">>{IndianInTheCabinet} : Can you source that? I'm not saying I don't believe you, but I did a quick google search and didn't see anything to the point. I would be interested to read this if that's the case.", '>>{throwawayainteasy} : >Then fuck him for being a lying manipulative asshole. So, for being like every politician, then?', ">>{DBudders} : I mean my Reddit app uses about 50% of my battery each day, I've noticed a slight correlation..", ">>{TheGreatPrimate} : He's appointing cabinet members that don't really agree with that", ">>{Curlywurlywoo} : I charged my phone last night and then spent the evening browsing r/videos and now I'm back down to 54% haha 😥", ">>{LupMani} : Her last name might hurt her during the pres run. idk about the other two. This could be a good time for her to do what her mother and i suppose her father couldn't do.", ">>{wd3war} : I use Hangouts for professional use and Messages for personal. I began doing that when I first got a Google Voice number about 7 or so years ago and used it when I started a business (free business line for the win). Even though I no longer own the business (I shoulda stayed in school, Ma), I do pick up side work and it's easier for me to sort through messages that are archived like emails when I have side projects.", '>>{trcsteve} : The liberals in this story are being mocked...not interrupted. The only people on campuses whom want to stifle free speech are leftists.', ">>{the_hamturdler} : Great! It's been 6 whole days since we had a Clinton with the personality of a stump run and I'm ready for more!", ">>{miashaee} : Depends on the context, I mean we have a long history of people disrupting things in order to encourage change in this country. This just seems like antagonizing people for no real greater purpose.......that's why I think it's pointless, now if this were to protest some political position, law, or practice (like say someone protesting an abortion clinic) then I'd see the point........but with this it's just antagonizing people just to antagonize them. With the people standing in doors and blocking people they may have a point, but they are just being douche bags. lol", '>>{youdidntreddit} : Hooray! Now China gets to make the big Pacific trading agreement and exclude America instead of the other way around.', ">>{trcsteve} : > Depends on the context, I mean we have a long history of people disrupting things in order to encourage change in this country. Yeah, and those people tend to get arrested. If one feels strongly enough to willingly break the law and pay the consequences, that's their right...but don't pretend they represent free speech when they do it to shut down a scheduled speach. The Supreme Court has very old precedent that clearly states the scheduled speaker's rights superceed the rights of anyone trying to shut them up. And yeah, it's a dick move to offer pacifiers. A funny, trolling dick move :)", '>>{preposte} : Then maybe Chinese industries will start "offshoring" manufacturing jobs to Laos and they can start dealing with the same problems we do.', '>>{whynotjoin} : Oh hey AppyCouple! We used that to make our wedding site', ">>{drhuntzzz} : If you think Trump is flip flopping, you haven't been paying attention. He's been up front the whole time that his positions are starting points for negotiations. http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/29/politics/ted-cruz-new-york-times-immigration-tape/index.html http://blog.dilbert.com/post/127079241801/political-reporters-cover-a-business-candidate", ">>{SadMunkey} : So a handful of the janitorial staff and a few creepy professors will try to stick things in student's mouths...", ">>{zephyy} : doesn't matter how much he flip-flops, he's already filled a quarter of his cabinet with degenerates the people surrounding him are more dangerous than himself", '>>{SlicedDicedBeef} : YOU ask Milo. YOU are the one interested.', '>>{kogashuko} : Trump isn\'t flip-flopping, he\'s the Schrodinger\'s cat of politicians. Until he is observed actually governing he holds both (maybe more) positions on every issue. Nobody knows what he will do, not even Trump, because right now he honestly seems to believe in both sides of almost every issue. The only certainties are that whatever he does will be "huge" and Trump International will exceed its previous year\'s earnings by a healthy margin.', '>>{SteppingSplash} : This is what legalization has done! Even our phones are too intoxicated all the time to function properly.', ">>{Gasonfires} : What you are criticizing is the mandatory purchase of health insurance from for-profit companies. I assume you'd would have no argument with medicare for all, paid for out of tax dollars not operated to make a profit. So far so good. But mandatory auto liability insurance is a different thing altogether. It's there to pay to right your wrongs and is for the protection of others. Even though it's sold for profit by private companies I support the requirement that all drivers have it.", ">>{Mortimer14} : What would happen if Trump couldn't become the president? Rapid onset alzheimers? heart failure? Would Pence take his place even though they haven't been sworn in yet? or would there be an emergency election to choose a new candidate?", ">>{2chainzzzz} : Why would they offshore when they don't have the same wage regulation? We're playing against against a team that uses a different set of rules. A less flawed TPP needed to be passed.", '>>{Propagation931} : >Her last name might hurt her during the pres run It wont in a few decades >idk about the other two Both are easy. Just plop her in a safe Blue State', '>>{preposte} : The US didn\'t use to have wage regulation. Our ancestors fought for it. They have a long way to go, but let\'s not pretend that we\'ve fixed all the bugs in our own system. Interestingly, when Americans talk about "a rising tide lifts all boats", they only ever mean the American economy.', '>>{BuffaloBird} : I spent way too long looking for 420 in a notification somewhere...', ">>{LupMani} : It wont in a few decades You sure? from I've seen on this sub it seems Bernie and Warren are the new Heads of DNC. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm really new to this sub and politics in general but from what I've seen it feels like the democrats are moving more progressive.", ">>{philoponeria} : If after the electoral college votes then Pense would be president. I'm not sure about before.", '>>{montydad5000} : I never let mine get below 60%, FWIW.', '>>{Izor28} : I dont want to be the one to point out the obvious here, but you could make these same points about Bernie against a far weaker opponent in Clinton, who couldnt even come up with one liners. He pointed out all her hypocritical shit and still lost. Then took his donation money from genuine supporters and gave it to her...', ">>{mhead526} : I'm pretty sure Paul Ryan would become president in that case as speaker of the house", '>>{RoastedWithHoney} : But as soon as Trump was elected all the TPP is dead talk started. Do you think it would be dead if HRC, who Bernie supported, was elected?', ">>{yuhche} : BaconReader with dark/night theme selected. Only Reddit app I actually use and can't see myself changing from!", '>>{JoJoWiCo} : And it would be after a disastrous four years of Donald. That should help things.', '>>{mhead526} : I think Paul ryan would be president if trump theoretically died before electoral college voted for him', ">>{2chainzzzz} : Right, until then they're playing by different rules, though. This was to even the playing field and maintain premier influence. Also, hey fellow Oregonian.", '>>{cpdion1} : Annddd you just reminded me that I should charge my phone...thanks!', '>>{tkarocker} : Did you also not like the yahoo sports redesign?', ">>{cerberus698} : Would really need to make sure the VP pick was a good one there because on a Bernie 2020 ticket, theres a half way decent chance that you're voting on the 46th and 47th president. The mans going to be 79 during the next presidential general.", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : It was negotiated in secret and the provisions that the public learned about were pro-business but anti human. It might be a net positive for American interests if you define that as the how the richest Americans are doing. It would be another mechanism to insulate multinationals from the power of governments. The loser in that deal was the wage earner, medical patient, and personal property owner, all of whom would lose a degree of agency, a measure of access to their government and quality of life. But hey, it would protect Pfizer, Monstanto, Beyer, and Dow from competition which helps America.... somehow.', '>>{UnaClocker} : Yup. Same here. Love the ease of attaching images, the intuitive interface. The dark mode. :)', ">>{preposte} : Considering Trump is President along with a Republican Congress and a soon to be ultra-conservative Supreme Court, I don't think it's a bad thing that the US take a backseat in world politics. Personally, I'm all for the West Coast seceding to join Canada.", ">>{verybakedpotatoe} : > Bernie Bro This is getting pretty sad at this point. Hillary could not even attract women to vote for her. Even the women of her own party didn't show up for her. It was pretty clear very early on that these kinds of secret deals that have been proven to have a damaging impact on American employment. ...but by all means, keep pushing people out of your party. Keep blaming them for your unwillingness to figure out what they want and appeal to that. You are entitled to their support and they are stupid if they don't give it to you. If you are male, and you supported Sanders, then you are a sexist man whose maleness makes you not support the person who denigrated and demeaned you.", '>>{Propagation931} : > Bernie and Warren are the new Heads of DNC. Both wont be active for very long. They are both old (70s)', ">>{gusty_bible} : > It was negotiated in secret Most trade deals are. They are then made public for signing/ratification periods. >pro-business but anti human I don't know what this is supposed to mean.", ">>{SuitcaseWarrior} : Then surely you aren't straying far from urban areas, like, ever.", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : Secret government is a problem. Regardless of how important or essential or what ever other excuse we can give for why we do things the way we do, the secrecy of government has been implicated in much of the current sentiment of "government behaving badly". Associating yourself with government behaving badly by claiming to have been in on the secret and to "trust us, its really good" when we can see evidence to the contrary can have the consequence of damaging your credibility. Pro fracking regulations that make it impossible to know what is being injected in to the water is an example of "Pro-business but anti-human". They actually regulated what governments are allowed to do to control and monitor it. That is the kind of stuff that Hillary\'s base is against. That is specifically something that she needs to take a stand against. Failure to do so made her appear as if she was a wolf in progressives clothes. The hardest challenge I faced getting people to vote this season was trying to convince them to not let their hatred of Hillary discourage them from showing up for all those down ticket races that are actually the people who are supposed to write and vote on these bills. She had such a smug, superior and dishonest posture that I could not convince people that no matter how bad they THINK she is, there is no exaggeration great enough to hyperbolize the disaster that is Trump.', '>>{2chainzzzz} : Yeah, I fully agree and think Germany is currently in leading position. Just sad to see.', ">>{gusty_bible} : > Secret government is a problem. I agree on most parts, but negotiating something as complex as TPP is best done in private. Why? Because public reaction will be stoked by misinformation and cause chaos and ruin the negotiations, even if the negotiations are bearing positive fruit. Just look at it now. How many of Bernie and Trump's supporters are convinced it is awful without ever reading it? 90%?", ">>{Robb1324} : The Democratic primaries were a different race. There are a lot of elitist out of touch people in the Democratic party. His message didn't quite get through to them for the same reason they're all surprised that Trump could have possibly won. Bernie I think finally realized that he could have more of an impact reshaping the Democratic party than he would remaining an independent his whole career. That's why donations went to her at the end. It's a sound strategy that has already been tremendously successful.", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : This is not a fair assessment of what happened. By the time we find out what is in it, it has already been passed and there is no going back. That is why they are so thoroughly against it. It reminds me of the ACA push "we have to pass it to see what is in it" except in that case, we had far more transparency and far less funny business. Like I said, it does not matter to THEM how important to YOU the secrecy is to the process since they want that process to stop and are not willing to believe what amounts to a myth that the trade deal is in their best interest. Its like when people rail against big corrupt government and are offered sneers of "You must hate fire fighters and police." It is oversimplification of their interests, and rather than show them i n bad light, it is us that look foolish (to them, the people we must build solidarity with) for trying to project our notions into their heads. It comes down to consent, agency, authority, and faith. * If I am not informed on the actions my government is taking that will affect my life, then I have been robbed of any opportunity to consent. * If my government will press on with unpopular actions despite widespread public outcry, folks will feel as though we have been denied our agency. * If my government and the people in it engage in criminal, near criminal, or somehow unprosecutable behavior that is illegal but somehow technically not criminal because they were able to time it just oh-so-right, people will mistrust that authority. * If a person in a position of authority makes claims that are later proven to be false in an effort to get you to take a specific action, then when that same person later tries to talk you into stuff, you are right and reasonable to mistrust them. Donald Trump is objectively worse on all of these bullet points, but that is not entirely relevant to the problem here. The problem, is that the distinguishing between the misdeeds of Hillary and Trump is the measure of magnitudes that requires direct response. Instead of focusing on the economy, privacy, security, and transparency, Hillary\'s Campaign focused on race, religion, gender and how great the Obama economy is. (Hint: better than Bush is still not great, it was a work in progress, but now Trump gets to crash the economy all over again) It does not matter that unemployment is at 4.9% if you can look around your community and see that number is totally fucking meaningless. Trump lied to them, told them the jobs were coming back. Hillary lied to them too, told them they are doing fine.', '>>{LupMani} : What about Ellison? How do you do that quote thing btw', ">>{knubby} : Hey how do you like tmobile? I'm over Verizon", '>>{Robb1324} : Bernie has spent his whole life trying to give a voice to the voiceless. Of course he yielded his mic to them.', '>>{UnaClocker} : Absolutely love it. Upgraded to the 6S Plus from the 6 Plus to get band 12 coverage, which is their "long range LTE". I just really love all the free streaming with Binge On.', '>>{montydad5000} : Correct...and I have a 10-foot charging cable.', ">>{gooderthanhail} : I'm sorry. What crisis? Are we strictly talking about the Rust Belt? Because if this is a crisis, I can't imagine what a fucking recession is going to look like.", '>>{Izor28} : Eh, as long as you guys are happy with claiming victory from crushing defeat I suppose Im ok with it. He "reshaped" the party and they got massacred. Now youre blaming the candidate at the top for down ballot underperformance. Youre doubling down on being the most progressive ticket ever and not realizing people just rejected it. Im happy to hear that', ">>{Jewels30} : Reception wise, it's awful for me. I have dead zones all over my city, we were told there weren't any, and I don't get service at all at work. Also, there are dead spots all over the main highways in my state. The coverage maps we looked at didn't at all reflect what we are actually getting. When we do get service it's good though.", '>>{Propagation931} : He will be DNC head for a while but they dont stay that long', ">>{Robb1324} : You're probably right that it might have been a closer race simply because of the race thing. Trump has the white nativist votes locked down.", '>>{Izor28} : You say this, but before taking office he killed the TPP and had Mexico and Canada offer to renogotiate NAFTA. Maybe you think this is a bad thing but its what the Bernie people were campaigning on before they sold their souls to the devil.', ">>{Robb1324} : He has barely began reshaping it, lol. Don't claim victory over a new Democratic party yet, you guys just destroyed the old one. I think they're just now realizing it has to happen now that Hillary lost to a crazy person.", ">>{Tyler_matson_} : Well thankfully I am in an area of constant coverage by T-Mobile, so I haven't really experienced issues like those!", ">>{Jewels30} : That's awesome. I really wish I was in a better covered area because they are cheap compared to the others and I get way more data for the money. Plus, the customer service has been decent too. But we will probably switch to AT&T or possibly back to sprint. Verizon is just way too expensive unfortunately 😕", ">>{j0phus} : Maybe you're right. He certainly had a hell of a lot better of a chance than Clinton though and in all those states that Clinton called weird and white that he beat her by double digits- the same ones she lost in the general by tiny margins.", '>>{mango-roller} : Is it better than alien blue? I been using alien blue for 3 years now.', ">>{yuhche} : Development for AB has ended so it will do you no harm if you tried it out (there's a free version with IAP) but I would say yes it is better. Been using it since I opened this account, over 2 years now.", ">>{JoJoWiCo} : He hasn't negotiated shit. Canada and Mexico are politely open to talking, that is all. I'll believe TPP is dead when it's gone for good. Don't believe the GOP won't still try to shove it down Donald's throat.", '>>{the3littlechemists} : You can call most numbers within Canada and the US for free on hangouts. Works for people like me who have more data than minutes.', ">>{Byteflux} : That's great, but the things that are going to lose him 2020 are progressive values. More than half the country supports the progressive agenda, this is evident in the fact that Trump lost the popular vote. Implementing conservative justices who would regresss progressivism in our country is going to cost the Republicans dearly in 2020. Another thing worth noting, now that Republicans have control of every branch of government in our country, every misstep is going to be on them. Every bad decision, every failure, every step back: It's all going to be blamed on Republicans. 2020 is going to be a brutal year for Republicans if they govern in the same way they have traditionally.", '>>{Izor28} : Normally Id look back at your post history and quote where you said Trumps candidacy was a joke and he had no real chance of winning, but this level of delusion youre displaying is enough for me. You keep right on thinking that voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania are focused on progressive values over the economy. Its worked very well historically for you.', '>>{Numbchicken} : Economic crisis? The economic crisis that is coming is going to be terrible if free trade gets squashed in this country. Products are affordable here, and thats because producing goods in other countries is cheaper. Bernie supporters and trump supporters might love the anti free trade rhetoric but their solution to surging product prices will be vastly different. Republicans and Trump would probably advocate for getting rid of environmental regulations and other regulations that make the production costs high. Bernie isnt going to accept that. Bernies supporters might propose raising the minimum wage, and we can already imagine what the response to that will be from the republicans. You can be employed, but if you cant afford to purchase products, or consumption rates are at a fraction of what they used to be, that isnt going to be good for the economy. Further, trumps party in congress is funded by people who are rich from free trade, so i dont think they will just let their funding dry up, because they cant run a trump style campaign due to the vastly different nature of their elections. The actual crisis is that people want to act like they can bring jobs back here rather than passing policy that retrains people who lost from free trade agreements. Currently, America spends a paltry 0.1% of its GDP, one-sixth of the rich-country average, on policies to retrain workers and help them find new jobs. We have a program called the “trade-adjustment assistance” (TAA), a program dating from 1962 and beefed up after the signing of NAFTA. If the Department of Labour accepts a petition for TAA, workers get an extension to their unemployment-insurance payments. For most of the 2000s, the extension lasted six months. In addition, beneficiaries can enroll in training program; if they do, they receive more payments while they train. Workers over 50 also get a kind of wage insurance which pays up to $12,000 over two years to compensate them for starting a new job on lower pay. by 2007 even for those workers who did qualify for TAA, support was woefully inadequate. Only about a third entered training program, perhaps because the budget was so low: just $1,700 per displaced worker in 2007. $1,700 per displaced worker in 2007. The wage-insurance scheme was better than nothing, but was not enough to make up for wage losses which frequently exceeded 20%. This program is the stepping stone to getting these people back into employment. This should be the focus, how to build off of this program, not bringing back jobs that will screw the consumer, and the owners of business.', ">>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : The thing with the voiceless minority is that it's a minority.", ">>{ameoba} : ...or they're just going to give up on anyone ever helping them economically & become purely social issues voters.", ">>{CadetPeepers} : > i have no idea if someone else even could. I don't think they could. Hillary was a uniquely bad candidate. That being said, I'm not willing to call the election for Trump or Sanders in a hypothetical matchup.", '>>{Casey_is_drunk} : It all depended on which end of the real estate market you were on.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{RoastedWithHoney} : I hope they called Pres Trump to say thank you!', '>>{jinglejangle104} : Obama had 8 years, but only when Trump became president-elect did he abandon the idea.', ">>{gusty_bible} : The beginnings of TPP started in the final year of the Bush administration and continued to be negotiated for the duration of Obama's tenure. It's a huge trade agreement that takes a long time to work out the details. A close friend of mine worked on TPP for most of the last 6 years. I think it will be a net-positive for American interests, but it's not like Bernie even read the thing.", '>>{spacemoose1} : Bernie campaigned on TPP before Trump did, the thanks should go the other way.', '>>{IndianInTheCabinet} : Sure, go tell that to the kids in Vietnam who would have gotten fucked by pharmaceutical patents.', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Actually pharma doesn't like the deal. The push by NZ and co made the patent situation much better and changed my mind on the deal.", ">>{HeadHighSauce26} : It probably would be but it doesn't stand up to the Bernie Bro ideological test", ">>{IndianInTheCabinet} : Can you source that? I'm not saying I don't believe you, but I did a quick google search and didn't see anything to the point. I would be interested to read this if that's the case.", '>>{youdidntreddit} : Hooray! Now China gets to make the big Pacific trading agreement and exclude America instead of the other way around.', '>>{preposte} : Then maybe Chinese industries will start "offshoring" manufacturing jobs to Laos and they can start dealing with the same problems we do.', ">>{2chainzzzz} : Why would they offshore when they don't have the same wage regulation? We're playing against against a team that uses a different set of rules. A less flawed TPP needed to be passed.", '>>{preposte} : The US didn\'t use to have wage regulation. Our ancestors fought for it. They have a long way to go, but let\'s not pretend that we\'ve fixed all the bugs in our own system. Interestingly, when Americans talk about "a rising tide lifts all boats", they only ever mean the American economy.', '>>{RoastedWithHoney} : But as soon as Trump was elected all the TPP is dead talk started. Do you think it would be dead if HRC, who Bernie supported, was elected?', ">>{2chainzzzz} : Right, until then they're playing by different rules, though. This was to even the playing field and maintain premier influence. Also, hey fellow Oregonian.", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : It was negotiated in secret and the provisions that the public learned about were pro-business but anti human. It might be a net positive for American interests if you define that as the how the richest Americans are doing. It would be another mechanism to insulate multinationals from the power of governments. The loser in that deal was the wage earner, medical patient, and personal property owner, all of whom would lose a degree of agency, a measure of access to their government and quality of life. But hey, it would protect Pfizer, Monstanto, Beyer, and Dow from competition which helps America.... somehow.', ">>{preposte} : Considering Trump is President along with a Republican Congress and a soon to be ultra-conservative Supreme Court, I don't think it's a bad thing that the US take a backseat in world politics. Personally, I'm all for the West Coast seceding to join Canada.", ">>{verybakedpotatoe} : > Bernie Bro This is getting pretty sad at this point. Hillary could not even attract women to vote for her. Even the women of her own party didn't show up for her. It was pretty clear very early on that these kinds of secret deals that have been proven to have a damaging impact on American employment. ...but by all means, keep pushing people out of your party. Keep blaming them for your unwillingness to figure out what they want and appeal to that. You are entitled to their support and they are stupid if they don't give it to you. If you are male, and you supported Sanders, then you are a sexist man whose maleness makes you not support the person who denigrated and demeaned you.", ">>{gusty_bible} : > It was negotiated in secret Most trade deals are. They are then made public for signing/ratification periods. >pro-business but anti human I don't know what this is supposed to mean.", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : Secret government is a problem. Regardless of how important or essential or what ever other excuse we can give for why we do things the way we do, the secrecy of government has been implicated in much of the current sentiment of "government behaving badly". Associating yourself with government behaving badly by claiming to have been in on the secret and to "trust us, its really good" when we can see evidence to the contrary can have the consequence of damaging your credibility. Pro fracking regulations that make it impossible to know what is being injected in to the water is an example of "Pro-business but anti-human". They actually regulated what governments are allowed to do to control and monitor it. That is the kind of stuff that Hillary\'s base is against. That is specifically something that she needs to take a stand against. Failure to do so made her appear as if she was a wolf in progressives clothes. The hardest challenge I faced getting people to vote this season was trying to convince them to not let their hatred of Hillary discourage them from showing up for all those down ticket races that are actually the people who are supposed to write and vote on these bills. She had such a smug, superior and dishonest posture that I could not convince people that no matter how bad they THINK she is, there is no exaggeration great enough to hyperbolize the disaster that is Trump.', '>>{2chainzzzz} : Yeah, I fully agree and think Germany is currently in leading position. Just sad to see.', ">>{gusty_bible} : > Secret government is a problem. I agree on most parts, but negotiating something as complex as TPP is best done in private. Why? Because public reaction will be stoked by misinformation and cause chaos and ruin the negotiations, even if the negotiations are bearing positive fruit. Just look at it now. How many of Bernie and Trump's supporters are convinced it is awful without ever reading it? 90%?", '>>{verybakedpotatoe} : This is not a fair assessment of what happened. By the time we find out what is in it, it has already been passed and there is no going back. That is why they are so thoroughly against it. It reminds me of the ACA push "we have to pass it to see what is in it" except in that case, we had far more transparency and far less funny business. Like I said, it does not matter to THEM how important to YOU the secrecy is to the process since they want that process to stop and are not willing to believe what amounts to a myth that the trade deal is in their best interest. Its like when people rail against big corrupt government and are offered sneers of "You must hate fire fighters and police." It is oversimplification of their interests, and rather than show them i n bad light, it is us that look foolish (to them, the people we must build solidarity with) for trying to project our notions into their heads. It comes down to consent, agency, authority, and faith. * If I am not informed on the actions my government is taking that will affect my life, then I have been robbed of any opportunity to consent. * If my government will press on with unpopular actions despite widespread public outcry, folks will feel as though we have been denied our agency. * If my government and the people in it engage in criminal, near criminal, or somehow unprosecutable behavior that is illegal but somehow technically not criminal because they were able to time it just oh-so-right, people will mistrust that authority. * If a person in a position of authority makes claims that are later proven to be false in an effort to get you to take a specific action, then when that same person later tries to talk you into stuff, you are right and reasonable to mistrust them. Donald Trump is objectively worse on all of these bullet points, but that is not entirely relevant to the problem here. The problem, is that the distinguishing between the misdeeds of Hillary and Trump is the measure of magnitudes that requires direct response. Instead of focusing on the economy, privacy, security, and transparency, Hillary\'s Campaign focused on race, religion, gender and how great the Obama economy is. (Hint: better than Bush is still not great, it was a work in progress, but now Trump gets to crash the economy all over again) It does not matter that unemployment is at 4.9% if you can look around your community and see that number is totally fucking meaningless. Trump lied to them, told them the jobs were coming back. Hillary lied to them too, told them they are doing fine.'], ['>>{knubby} : Making the apps go into wiggle mode fixed it. Fun fact: it was all the other ones that were low. Inbox was the only one where it should be.', '>>{Dynamitleo} : Umf that Google Calendar icon text is an eyesore. That would not go on my springboard.', '>>{donottalk413} : Why do you need an Outlook AND Inbox? (Just curious.)', '>>{njlx2016} : The Outlook app could be for work, or if OP is using Outlook.com or Hotmail.', '>>{grahamcracker1234} : Wtf is with Reddit and low battery. Literally every screenshot I see has less than 25 percent.', '>>{DBudders} : Some apps will only open links in safari, while chrome is more integrated with systems not in the Apple realm.', ">>{DBudders} : I mean my Reddit app uses about 50% of my battery each day, I've noticed a slight correlation..", ">>{Curlywurlywoo} : I charged my phone last night and then spent the evening browsing r/videos and now I'm back down to 54% haha 😥", ">>{wd3war} : I use Hangouts for professional use and Messages for personal. I began doing that when I first got a Google Voice number about 7 or so years ago and used it when I started a business (free business line for the win). Even though I no longer own the business (I shoulda stayed in school, Ma), I do pick up side work and it's easier for me to sort through messages that are archived like emails when I have side projects.", '>>{whynotjoin} : Oh hey AppyCouple! We used that to make our wedding site', '>>{SteppingSplash} : This is what legalization has done! Even our phones are too intoxicated all the time to function properly.', '>>{BuffaloBird} : I spent way too long looking for 420 in a notification somewhere...', '>>{montydad5000} : I never let mine get below 60%, FWIW.', ">>{yuhche} : BaconReader with dark/night theme selected. Only Reddit app I actually use and can't see myself changing from!", '>>{cpdion1} : Annddd you just reminded me that I should charge my phone...thanks!', '>>{tkarocker} : Did you also not like the yahoo sports redesign?', '>>{UnaClocker} : Yup. Same here. Love the ease of attaching images, the intuitive interface. The dark mode. :)', ">>{SuitcaseWarrior} : Then surely you aren't straying far from urban areas, like, ever.", ">>{knubby} : Hey how do you like tmobile? I'm over Verizon", '>>{UnaClocker} : Absolutely love it. Upgraded to the 6S Plus from the 6 Plus to get band 12 coverage, which is their "long range LTE". I just really love all the free streaming with Binge On.', '>>{montydad5000} : Correct...and I have a 10-foot charging cable.', ">>{Jewels30} : Reception wise, it's awful for me. I have dead zones all over my city, we were told there weren't any, and I don't get service at all at work. Also, there are dead spots all over the main highways in my state. The coverage maps we looked at didn't at all reflect what we are actually getting. When we do get service it's good though.", ">>{Tyler_matson_} : Well thankfully I am in an area of constant coverage by T-Mobile, so I haven't really experienced issues like those!", ">>{Jewels30} : That's awesome. I really wish I was in a better covered area because they are cheap compared to the others and I get way more data for the money. Plus, the customer service has been decent too. But we will probably switch to AT&T or possibly back to sprint. Verizon is just way too expensive unfortunately 😕", '>>{mango-roller} : Is it better than alien blue? I been using alien blue for 3 years now.', ">>{yuhche} : Development for AB has ended so it will do you no harm if you tried it out (there's a free version with IAP) but I would say yes it is better. Been using it since I opened this account, over 2 years now.", '>>{the3littlechemists} : You can call most numbers within Canada and the US for free on hangouts. Works for people like me who have more data than minutes.'], ['>>{greymanbomber} : Like It or Not, Donald Trump Saw the Economic Crisis the Others Didn’t', '>>{Squirmishes} : Bullshit. Bernie Sanders saw it too, but it was Her Turn.', ">>{LupMani} : Then somehow it might be her daughter's turn in 2020.", ">>{Robb1324} : Trump won after saying some insanely crazy shit too. Can you imagine how much he would have destroyed Clinton if he wasn't a self conscious, lying, xenophobic maniac? It would have been an absolute blow out. The only one who would have beat him was Bernie because Bernie had the same trade message as Trump... But with decades of actual experience being on union lines and in Congress fighting for the working class. Oh, and Bernie didn't care about his hand size.", ">>{j0phus} : mmhmm. That's why he started Trump Mortgage in fucking 2006 before it went under in 2007. He sure saw that coming. >the real estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come", '>>{Izor28} : Please get him to run in 2020. Trump will wipe the floor with him especially when he can attach "sellout" to his name', '>>{Propagation931} : Her daughter is only getting groomed for Congress atm. It will take a while before she can Run for President. It will probably go 2 Terms as Congresswoman then 2 more as Senator then Pres run', ">>{Robb1324} : Trump could hit him with all of the labels and one liners he wanted. Bernie would just point out all of the hypocritical shit about Trump. Only one of them has spent their life fighting for working families... And it sure as hell isn't Trump.", ">>{LupMani} : Her last name might hurt her during the pres run. idk about the other two. This could be a good time for her to do what her mother and i suppose her father couldn't do.", ">>{the_hamturdler} : Great! It's been 6 whole days since we had a Clinton with the personality of a stump run and I'm ready for more!", '>>{Propagation931} : >Her last name might hurt her during the pres run It wont in a few decades >idk about the other two Both are easy. Just plop her in a safe Blue State', ">>{LupMani} : It wont in a few decades You sure? from I've seen on this sub it seems Bernie and Warren are the new Heads of DNC. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm really new to this sub and politics in general but from what I've seen it feels like the democrats are moving more progressive.", '>>{Izor28} : I dont want to be the one to point out the obvious here, but you could make these same points about Bernie against a far weaker opponent in Clinton, who couldnt even come up with one liners. He pointed out all her hypocritical shit and still lost. Then took his donation money from genuine supporters and gave it to her...', '>>{JoJoWiCo} : And it would be after a disastrous four years of Donald. That should help things.', ">>{cerberus698} : Would really need to make sure the VP pick was a good one there because on a Bernie 2020 ticket, theres a half way decent chance that you're voting on the 46th and 47th president. The mans going to be 79 during the next presidential general.", '>>{Propagation931} : > Bernie and Warren are the new Heads of DNC. Both wont be active for very long. They are both old (70s)', ">>{Robb1324} : The Democratic primaries were a different race. There are a lot of elitist out of touch people in the Democratic party. His message didn't quite get through to them for the same reason they're all surprised that Trump could have possibly won. Bernie I think finally realized that he could have more of an impact reshaping the Democratic party than he would remaining an independent his whole career. That's why donations went to her at the end. It's a sound strategy that has already been tremendously successful.", '>>{LupMani} : What about Ellison? How do you do that quote thing btw', '>>{Robb1324} : Bernie has spent his whole life trying to give a voice to the voiceless. Of course he yielded his mic to them.', ">>{gooderthanhail} : I'm sorry. What crisis? Are we strictly talking about the Rust Belt? Because if this is a crisis, I can't imagine what a fucking recession is going to look like.", '>>{Izor28} : Eh, as long as you guys are happy with claiming victory from crushing defeat I suppose Im ok with it. He "reshaped" the party and they got massacred. Now youre blaming the candidate at the top for down ballot underperformance. Youre doubling down on being the most progressive ticket ever and not realizing people just rejected it. Im happy to hear that', '>>{Propagation931} : He will be DNC head for a while but they dont stay that long', ">>{Robb1324} : You're probably right that it might have been a closer race simply because of the race thing. Trump has the white nativist votes locked down.", '>>{Izor28} : You say this, but before taking office he killed the TPP and had Mexico and Canada offer to renogotiate NAFTA. Maybe you think this is a bad thing but its what the Bernie people were campaigning on before they sold their souls to the devil.', ">>{Robb1324} : He has barely began reshaping it, lol. Don't claim victory over a new Democratic party yet, you guys just destroyed the old one. I think they're just now realizing it has to happen now that Hillary lost to a crazy person.", ">>{j0phus} : Maybe you're right. He certainly had a hell of a lot better of a chance than Clinton though and in all those states that Clinton called weird and white that he beat her by double digits- the same ones she lost in the general by tiny margins.", ">>{JoJoWiCo} : He hasn't negotiated shit. Canada and Mexico are politely open to talking, that is all. I'll believe TPP is dead when it's gone for good. Don't believe the GOP won't still try to shove it down Donald's throat.", ">>{Byteflux} : That's great, but the things that are going to lose him 2020 are progressive values. More than half the country supports the progressive agenda, this is evident in the fact that Trump lost the popular vote. Implementing conservative justices who would regresss progressivism in our country is going to cost the Republicans dearly in 2020. Another thing worth noting, now that Republicans have control of every branch of government in our country, every misstep is going to be on them. Every bad decision, every failure, every step back: It's all going to be blamed on Republicans. 2020 is going to be a brutal year for Republicans if they govern in the same way they have traditionally.", '>>{Izor28} : Normally Id look back at your post history and quote where you said Trumps candidacy was a joke and he had no real chance of winning, but this level of delusion youre displaying is enough for me. You keep right on thinking that voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania are focused on progressive values over the economy. Its worked very well historically for you.', '>>{Numbchicken} : Economic crisis? The economic crisis that is coming is going to be terrible if free trade gets squashed in this country. Products are affordable here, and thats because producing goods in other countries is cheaper. Bernie supporters and trump supporters might love the anti free trade rhetoric but their solution to surging product prices will be vastly different. Republicans and Trump would probably advocate for getting rid of environmental regulations and other regulations that make the production costs high. Bernie isnt going to accept that. Bernies supporters might propose raising the minimum wage, and we can already imagine what the response to that will be from the republicans. You can be employed, but if you cant afford to purchase products, or consumption rates are at a fraction of what they used to be, that isnt going to be good for the economy. Further, trumps party in congress is funded by people who are rich from free trade, so i dont think they will just let their funding dry up, because they cant run a trump style campaign due to the vastly different nature of their elections. The actual crisis is that people want to act like they can bring jobs back here rather than passing policy that retrains people who lost from free trade agreements. Currently, America spends a paltry 0.1% of its GDP, one-sixth of the rich-country average, on policies to retrain workers and help them find new jobs. We have a program called the “trade-adjustment assistance” (TAA), a program dating from 1962 and beefed up after the signing of NAFTA. If the Department of Labour accepts a petition for TAA, workers get an extension to their unemployment-insurance payments. For most of the 2000s, the extension lasted six months. In addition, beneficiaries can enroll in training program; if they do, they receive more payments while they train. Workers over 50 also get a kind of wage insurance which pays up to $12,000 over two years to compensate them for starting a new job on lower pay. by 2007 even for those workers who did qualify for TAA, support was woefully inadequate. Only about a third entered training program, perhaps because the budget was so low: just $1,700 per displaced worker in 2007. $1,700 per displaced worker in 2007. The wage-insurance scheme was better than nothing, but was not enough to make up for wage losses which frequently exceeded 20%. This program is the stepping stone to getting these people back into employment. This should be the focus, how to build off of this program, not bringing back jobs that will screw the consumer, and the owners of business.', ">>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : The thing with the voiceless minority is that it's a minority.", ">>{ameoba} : ...or they're just going to give up on anyone ever helping them economically & become purely social issues voters.", ">>{CadetPeepers} : > i have no idea if someone else even could. I don't think they could. Hillary was a uniquely bad candidate. That being said, I'm not willing to call the election for Trump or Sanders in a hypothetical matchup.", '>>{Casey_is_drunk} : It all depended on which end of the real estate market you were on.'], ['>>{TRUMP_2016_MAGA} : UC Irvine Republicans To Distribute Baby Pacifiers To Campus Liberals', ">>{CorsaStrada} : Don't interrupt a republican safe space whatever you do. pussy tears and blog posts for weeks.", '>>{sparkledavisjr} : The UC Irvine libs should capitalize on this-- offer the republicans butt plugs in exchange.', ">>{70ms} : OC is actually pretty Republican. It's the land of white guys with perfect lawns BBQing in their manicured yards bitching about the illegal immigrants they hire to do their landscaping.", ">>{SlicedDicedBeef} : That's a great idea, though the reception would be vastly more welcomed in Libtard San Francisco. Two thumbs up... or... whatever it is that people shove up in there.", '>>{Brofart12367} : Irvine is actually majority republican. Or at least it was 4 years ago before I moved away.', '>>{trcsteve} : So does blocking a door or blowing whistles or buying tickets to an event with the single intent to disrupt it when you could just ignore it. And it is apt, because if some snowflake has an absolute meltdown because someone else says something they disagree with, that is very childish behavior, and maybe they need to be treated as such.', '>>{trcsteve} : The liberals in this story are being mocked...not interrupted. The only people on campuses whom want to stifle free speech are leftists.', ">>{miashaee} : Depends on the context, I mean we have a long history of people disrupting things in order to encourage change in this country. This just seems like antagonizing people for no real greater purpose.......that's why I think it's pointless, now if this were to protest some political position, law, or practice (like say someone protesting an abortion clinic) then I'd see the point........but with this it's just antagonizing people just to antagonize them. With the people standing in doors and blocking people they may have a point, but they are just being douche bags. lol", ">>{trcsteve} : > Depends on the context, I mean we have a long history of people disrupting things in order to encourage change in this country. Yeah, and those people tend to get arrested. If one feels strongly enough to willingly break the law and pay the consequences, that's their right...but don't pretend they represent free speech when they do it to shut down a scheduled speach. The Supreme Court has very old precedent that clearly states the scheduled speaker's rights superceed the rights of anyone trying to shut them up. And yeah, it's a dick move to offer pacifiers. A funny, trolling dick move :)", ">>{SadMunkey} : So a handful of the janitorial staff and a few creepy professors will try to stick things in student's mouths...", '>>{SlicedDicedBeef} : YOU ask Milo. YOU are the one interested.'], [">>{economicallyanxious} : they're really hoping he actually flip flopped, and isn't just saying what people want to hear all the way up to inauguration", '>>{Stubrochill17} : >If Trump tells his followers that the Paris agreement on climate change is worth preserving or that NATO is crucial for global stability, they might actually listen. The article makes this as its main point - Trump is in a position to reason with at least half of America (it should be all of America). He\'s capable of being a reasonable man, as the article suggests in its deportation example. The effect on the farming and construction industries that mass deportation would have would be nearly unfixable. There is reason to be had, people just have to listen. I think the whole "give him a chance" argument may be a little hard to swallow for many Americans, but I also think that it has merit and most people focus only on the negative portrayal of Trump the media did during the election cycle. Simply, he\'s got the job, let\'s let him be reasonable.', '>>{QuiteSomeBiscuit} : Sort-of odd that you can legitimately say "I well I hope the President of the USA was lying all that time."', ">>{darkstream81} : I've said Trump is everything the right has complained about for the last 8 years. They will back him on anything because they tossed their principles out the door in order to win. Well now they have power. So either he lies about everything or we get Kansas on a federal level. Gonna be a fun four years", ">>{gAlienLifeform} : Then fuck him for being a lying manipulative asshole. He gets no credit for acknowledging reality now that he's won and actually has to deal with it.", '>>{throwawayainteasy} : >Then fuck him for being a lying manipulative asshole. So, for being like every politician, then?', ">>{TheGreatPrimate} : He's appointing cabinet members that don't really agree with that", ">>{drhuntzzz} : If you think Trump is flip flopping, you haven't been paying attention. He's been up front the whole time that his positions are starting points for negotiations. http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/29/politics/ted-cruz-new-york-times-immigration-tape/index.html http://blog.dilbert.com/post/127079241801/political-reporters-cover-a-business-candidate", ">>{zephyy} : doesn't matter how much he flip-flops, he's already filled a quarter of his cabinet with degenerates the people surrounding him are more dangerous than himself", '>>{kogashuko} : Trump isn\'t flip-flopping, he\'s the Schrodinger\'s cat of politicians. Until he is observed actually governing he holds both (maybe more) positions on every issue. Nobody knows what he will do, not even Trump, because right now he honestly seems to believe in both sides of almost every issue. The only certainties are that whatever he does will be "huge" and Trump International will exceed its previous year\'s earnings by a healthy margin.', ">>{Gasonfires} : What you are criticizing is the mandatory purchase of health insurance from for-profit companies. I assume you'd would have no argument with medicare for all, paid for out of tax dollars not operated to make a profit. So far so good. But mandatory auto liability insurance is a different thing altogether. It's there to pay to right your wrongs and is for the protection of others. Even though it's sold for profit by private companies I support the requirement that all drivers have it.", ">>{Mortimer14} : What would happen if Trump couldn't become the president? Rapid onset alzheimers? heart failure? Would Pence take his place even though they haven't been sworn in yet? or would there be an emergency election to choose a new candidate?", ">>{philoponeria} : If after the electoral college votes then Pense would be president. I'm not sure about before.", ">>{mhead526} : I'm pretty sure Paul Ryan would become president in that case as speaker of the house", '>>{mhead526} : I think Paul ryan would be president if trump theoretically died before electoral college voted for him']]
classify and reply
['>>{JudySledge} : CBD Oil Now Considered Schedule I Drug by the DEA', ">>{JudySledge} : Let's make your prescription medication illegal, too. Let's make it all illegal! Got Cancer, Druggie? You don't need any medication for that at all.", '>>{omg_stuff} : If someone said "you have to smoke pot every day or else you will die," I would just die.', ">>{JudySledge} : Anyone who is ignorant of something would naturally and understandably be afraid of it. I'll bet you kick back and drink at your house when the mood strikes. Enjoy your morning Coffee? Acetaminophen good for a head ache? You can choose not to partake in any of this but making these things illegal would be like telling everyone they can't have chocolate because you're on a diet. It doesn't work. Big Government doesn't work and it never will. Dictating to people rather than letting people dictate themselves will produce a nation of pathetics", ">>{omg_stuff} : I don't drink coffee, I never drink at home and I never take aspirin or anything! lol Nice try though.", ">>{TexasFreedomFries} : The Obama Administration, through AG Holder and Lynch, have chased out or shut down more medical dispensaries and care providers than Bush or Clinton, combined... Obama and Co. have had multiple opportunities to flex muscle or to get legislation passed, they didn't. They exerted zero effort in patient rights. Patients were and are demonized, and worse, criminalized. Please do not praise Obama or his Administration for any improvements in the medical marijuana world, all strives have been done at the State and private levels.", '>>{JudySledge} : You can choose not to partake in any of these things but you cannot dictate to people what they are going to partake in. Nice try with ignoring this point from my previous comment. -Idiocracy was never meant to be a documentary.', ">>{JudySledge} : I appreciate your opinion and I'm not saying that Obama had any positive legacy toward Cannabis legislation. What I think is that people should ignore bad legislation. In other words, smoke any Cannabis or Cannabis-related extracts regardless of what the law says. We disregarded the King to start this country and we can disregard this terrible law.", ">>{omg_stuff} : Caffeine is considerably milder than pot. Alcohol has a much different social history, for better or for worse, that's just the way it is. Aspirin is also considerably milder than pot. Now, if pot was as mild as caffeine and aspirin, or if it was only used for medical use ... actual medical use, not the bullshit that people in CA do ... then no one would fight it. But medical has been an excuse for people to get high. Socially, people don't want to deal with that shit.", ">>{JudySledge} : You can't laugh off Alcohol as having a different social history. For better or for worse, logic is logic. Legal Cannabis is being fought by people who consider Cannabis a 'thug drug.' There's no assuming about it, I know you that you don't know the history of Cannabis in the United States. As for the milder-than-thou argument, you're using faulty logic. Caffeine can KILL you in high enough doses. Cannabis simply cannot. Aspirin can also KILL you in high enough doses. And how would you know Cannabis isn't useful in patient care, no matter what State? It's not as though people get sick differently across State lines. If Cancer can be treated with CBD oil or any other Cannabis extract, why should their treatment be disrupted because you have the heeby-jeebies about it?", '>>{tainted_waffles} : That also requires cooperation via jury nullification. If you are on a case trying someone over cannabis legislation do your part!', '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Not even a quick key bump to get you through the day?', '>>{TexasFreedomFries} : While I admire your spirit, the reason that this move in particular is alarming is that CBDs (not like TCH, no "high") have long been a crutch for the financially strapped, the uninsured, the holistic, and most often, the desperate parents in need of anything to give their child a better quality of life. Encouraging or portraying them as martyrs for a cause irks me. Rather, letting them be examples of patient choice and science-based research. As even this short and to the point article points out, Big Pharma cannot get in on this action at the State level due to being publically traded, this could change if the feds did something else than just leave everyone alone. Let the states decide on models of revenue, but stop appropriating funds/agency power at the federal level for interference.', ">>{omg_stuff} : I don't give a fuck if people get high. I give a fuck when their use encroaches on my space. Use responsibly and be considerate about it ... and be honest about it ... quit hiding behind medical use ... and you and your stoner friends will get much further.", ">>{JudySledge} : How would the use of Cannabis by someone else encroach your space? I'll bet you didn't even know until you started reading this that CBD oil can't even get you high.", ">>{omg_stuff} : Yea, the source has a pot leaf in their logo. I'm sure they're very reputable and have no agenda! lol", ">>{JudySledge} : Yeah, because their logo shouldn't have anything to do with what they are fighting for. lol", '>>{omg_stuff} : They are fighting to get stoned, plain and simple. I feel sorry for anyone who has a disease and thinks these people know what they are talking about or think they give a shit about anything but getting high.', '>>{JudySledge} : And the people who work for them that do not get high?', '>>{revolutionfrommybed} : First of all Medical marijuana for the most part is not smoked, it is administrated through pills or nasal sprays. Second of all medical marijuana targets CB1 receptors that regulate areas such is the cerebellum and hippocampus. These areas are targeted by medical canabinoids for patients who suffer from seizures or other medical disorders where there is a lack of gabanergic regulation. Lastly, the thc is usually removed so patients benefit off the regulatory effects rather than being "high" considering that these drugs target canabinoid receptors. Source: PHD Neuroscience student.', '>>{omg_stuff} : > First of all Medical marijuana for the most part is not smoked lmao I live in CA, I guar-an-fucking-tee you that the vast majority is smoked.', '>>{wwwhistler} : i wonder if this has anything to do with the upcoming release of the CBD based medication Epidiolex....it looks like it will soon be the ONLY CBD based medication available in the US....funny how that works out.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{JudySledge} : CBD Oil Now Considered Schedule I Drug by the DEA', ">>{JudySledge} : Let's make your prescription medication illegal, too. Let's make it all illegal! Got Cancer, Druggie? You don't need any medication for that at all.", '>>{omg_stuff} : If someone said "you have to smoke pot every day or else you will die," I would just die.', ">>{JudySledge} : Anyone who is ignorant of something would naturally and understandably be afraid of it. I'll bet you kick back and drink at your house when the mood strikes. Enjoy your morning Coffee? Acetaminophen good for a head ache? You can choose not to partake in any of this but making these things illegal would be like telling everyone they can't have chocolate because you're on a diet. It doesn't work. Big Government doesn't work and it never will. Dictating to people rather than letting people dictate themselves will produce a nation of pathetics", ">>{omg_stuff} : I don't drink coffee, I never drink at home and I never take aspirin or anything! lol Nice try though.", ">>{TexasFreedomFries} : The Obama Administration, through AG Holder and Lynch, have chased out or shut down more medical dispensaries and care providers than Bush or Clinton, combined... Obama and Co. have had multiple opportunities to flex muscle or to get legislation passed, they didn't. They exerted zero effort in patient rights. Patients were and are demonized, and worse, criminalized. Please do not praise Obama or his Administration for any improvements in the medical marijuana world, all strives have been done at the State and private levels.", '>>{JudySledge} : You can choose not to partake in any of these things but you cannot dictate to people what they are going to partake in. Nice try with ignoring this point from my previous comment. -Idiocracy was never meant to be a documentary.', ">>{JudySledge} : I appreciate your opinion and I'm not saying that Obama had any positive legacy toward Cannabis legislation. What I think is that people should ignore bad legislation. In other words, smoke any Cannabis or Cannabis-related extracts regardless of what the law says. We disregarded the King to start this country and we can disregard this terrible law.", ">>{omg_stuff} : Caffeine is considerably milder than pot. Alcohol has a much different social history, for better or for worse, that's just the way it is. Aspirin is also considerably milder than pot. Now, if pot was as mild as caffeine and aspirin, or if it was only used for medical use ... actual medical use, not the bullshit that people in CA do ... then no one would fight it. But medical has been an excuse for people to get high. Socially, people don't want to deal with that shit.", ">>{JudySledge} : You can't laugh off Alcohol as having a different social history. For better or for worse, logic is logic. Legal Cannabis is being fought by people who consider Cannabis a 'thug drug.' There's no assuming about it, I know you that you don't know the history of Cannabis in the United States. As for the milder-than-thou argument, you're using faulty logic. Caffeine can KILL you in high enough doses. Cannabis simply cannot. Aspirin can also KILL you in high enough doses. And how would you know Cannabis isn't useful in patient care, no matter what State? It's not as though people get sick differently across State lines. If Cancer can be treated with CBD oil or any other Cannabis extract, why should their treatment be disrupted because you have the heeby-jeebies about it?", '>>{tainted_waffles} : That also requires cooperation via jury nullification. If you are on a case trying someone over cannabis legislation do your part!', '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Not even a quick key bump to get you through the day?', '>>{TexasFreedomFries} : While I admire your spirit, the reason that this move in particular is alarming is that CBDs (not like TCH, no "high") have long been a crutch for the financially strapped, the uninsured, the holistic, and most often, the desperate parents in need of anything to give their child a better quality of life. Encouraging or portraying them as martyrs for a cause irks me. Rather, letting them be examples of patient choice and science-based research. As even this short and to the point article points out, Big Pharma cannot get in on this action at the State level due to being publically traded, this could change if the feds did something else than just leave everyone alone. Let the states decide on models of revenue, but stop appropriating funds/agency power at the federal level for interference.', ">>{omg_stuff} : I don't give a fuck if people get high. I give a fuck when their use encroaches on my space. Use responsibly and be considerate about it ... and be honest about it ... quit hiding behind medical use ... and you and your stoner friends will get much further.", ">>{JudySledge} : How would the use of Cannabis by someone else encroach your space? I'll bet you didn't even know until you started reading this that CBD oil can't even get you high.", ">>{omg_stuff} : Yea, the source has a pot leaf in their logo. I'm sure they're very reputable and have no agenda! lol", ">>{JudySledge} : Yeah, because their logo shouldn't have anything to do with what they are fighting for. lol", '>>{omg_stuff} : They are fighting to get stoned, plain and simple. I feel sorry for anyone who has a disease and thinks these people know what they are talking about or think they give a shit about anything but getting high.', '>>{JudySledge} : And the people who work for them that do not get high?', '>>{revolutionfrommybed} : First of all Medical marijuana for the most part is not smoked, it is administrated through pills or nasal sprays. Second of all medical marijuana targets CB1 receptors that regulate areas such is the cerebellum and hippocampus. These areas are targeted by medical canabinoids for patients who suffer from seizures or other medical disorders where there is a lack of gabanergic regulation. Lastly, the thc is usually removed so patients benefit off the regulatory effects rather than being "high" considering that these drugs target canabinoid receptors. Source: PHD Neuroscience student.', '>>{omg_stuff} : > First of all Medical marijuana for the most part is not smoked lmao I live in CA, I guar-an-fucking-tee you that the vast majority is smoked.', '>>{wwwhistler} : i wonder if this has anything to do with the upcoming release of the CBD based medication Epidiolex....it looks like it will soon be the ONLY CBD based medication available in the US....funny how that works out.']]
classify and reply
['>>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : After Syria strike, populist supporters abandon Trump at home and abroad', '>>{Vriens} : What the hell does this mean and how do I remove it', '>>{Vriens} : The text under the date just randomly is there since yesterday cant get rid off it, The : 21 saf line', '>>{TavishGauss} : >Farage continued, arguing that in a region riven by Islamic extremism, "whatever Assad\'s sins, he is secular." So Muslim < *. Thanks Nigel!', '>>{planitorsunion} : Medieval memes: The far right’s new fascination with the Middle Ages', ">>{Kvetch__22} : That's the political problem for Trump here. I've wanted the US government to strike Assad since 2011. I think the strike was terribly coordinated and poorly thought out, but it's a decent idea. Problem is, I wouldn't support Trump for dogcatcher. The people that actually support Trump don't like this. They are finally realizing Trump was only pandering to them.", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : When you promise not to go to war and are America first, a foreign war might not be the best distraction tool. Interesting to see the old start a war trick might not play for Trump as it has played for other President's.", '>>{gamechanger55} : Any surprise that they love the times when slavery was legal and women can be abused for fun?', '>>{planitorsunion} : Did you read the article? I was pleasantly surprised. "The more popular medieval history becomes, the more it may come to be seen not as an endorsement of homogeneity but a refutation, a world in which non-conformity was not debilitating deviance but a desire to strive for something better."', ">>{NikeSwish} : So I had a black 7+ for 2 months but eventually found a JB 7+ and bought that instead. I noticed my black 7+'s screen already had some crazy amount of noticeable scratches in it. So I ordered this glass screen protector for my JB one. So far it looks amazing and feels like I'm using the screen naked. Pretty cheap too. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01LY5FXII/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1", '>>{Anon_8675309} : The text or that wallpaper? Google iPhone wallpaper and click images.', ">>{K-LAWN} : I went through like 6 but couldn't get the edges to stick/avoid dust. I gave up and haven't had any scratches besides the usual tiny oleophobic hairline scratches that you can only see at a lighted angle.", ">>{thebrain1984} : Special Edition Justin Bieber branded iPhone 7+. Comes with a Justin Bieber graphic instead of an apple logo, and several high resolution wallpapers of the Biebs fitting for the 1920x1080 screen of the iPhone 7+. Just kidding. It's the jet black version.", '>>{JasonAnarchy} : Can you imagine Trump with a big net running around trying to catch a dog?', ">>{1Glitch0} : The bigger ptoblem as I see it is the establishment is figuring out how to weaponize Trump. Suddenly all the news channels have his back and are once again back to playing missile launches on a loop while breathlessly showing diagrams and stats on weapons and circling random things in the distance in poor quality pictures. Lindsey Graham is suddenly calling Trump the 2nd coming of Reagan... I've seen this movie. Who cares if Trump's followers don't like it? They're dolts. They'll believe what they're told to believe in 3 years.", '>>{Honkycatt} : Love the image. I found it [here. ](http://www.imgrum.net/media/1005271981183493393_752776560)', ">>{JCBDoesGaming} : That's the Islamic calender hahahaha, hoe heb je dat voor elkaar gekregen?", '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Do you have any idea of how medieval/feudal society actually was structured or worked?', ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : >I've wanted the US government to strike Assad since 2011. I think the strike was terribly coordinated and poorly thought out, but it's a decent idea. Maybe there was a time before Russia got involved that this was a good idea, but that time is gone. At this point I think US strikes against Assad are a terrible idea. The problem is that Russia is so closely tied with the Assad regime now that you can't really hit Assad anywhere without also hitting Russian assets on the ground. Consequently, any military strikes at Assad would first issue a warning to Russia for them to get their assets out of the way. Except any warnings given to Russia are guaranteed to be immediately passed onto Assad himself, which means Assad will always have ample time to get *his* assets out of the target sites, evacuate personnel and move valuable equipment. Bottom line is that the mandatory communication required to avoid war with Russia also eliminates the usefulness and effectiveness of any military action against Assad. This is the fundamental reason why Assad cannot really be taken out of power, or even damaged in any meaningful way, without Russia's international cooperation. Russia will have to want Assad gone for Assad to be gone. That's just the unfortunate reality we have to plan around in Syria. This is also why I'm actually a proponent of abandoning Syria completely in the military sense and just allowing Russia to do whatever the fuck it wants there. If they want to prop up Assad so badly, let them do it. Any war crimes committed by Assad will be on Russia's ledger at the international stage. Plus ISIS is still there fighting against Assad. If we pull out, they become Russia's problem. And the more Russia continues to back ISIS' principal enemy, the more Russia will find itself in ISIS' terror crosshairs. They will be the primary targets of ISIS backed terror activity, not us. Of course I'm not suggesting we abandon the Syrian *people*. I'm all for providing them humanitarian assistance and granting them asylum. But I think maybe it's prudent for everyone, including the Syrian people, for the Western world to make Syria Russia's problem, and Russia's only. That way, some years down the line when Russia has suffered enough in Syria, they will be the ones seeking out Western help in solving the Syria crisis rather than the West trying to bring Russia to the table. Because otherwise, we're really just playing right into Putin's hand by continuing to be involved in Syria.", '>>{simplecocktails} : It\'s a tiger dressed as a person. To "get rid of it," you just have to change your wallpaper.', '>>{matriarchetype} : China and Israel are both countries that use significantly different calendars and years. The pictured is yet another alternative system that I cannot place. To answer your question: regional tradition and/or religion.', '>>{masklinn} : Showing [local/national or religious non-gregorian calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar#Religious_calendars) next to the gregorian one. * Eastern orthodox, Muslims, Jews, Hindu, Buddhist and Bahá\'ís have non-gregorian religious calendars (religiously, the gregorian calendar is the calendar of western christians) * Multiple countries primarily use non-gregorian calendars either for historical civil reasons (Chinese calendar) or due to their main religious group (not unlike western european countries using the gregorian calendar) In mixed-use systems users may want or need to have multiple calendars at the same time, hence this feature. (nb: iOS only supports Gregorian as the main calendar, with Chinese, Islamic and Hebrew alternative calendars, which is why you can find "orthodox" or "julian" calendar applications on the store).', ">>{The_Reaganator} : I take it you didn't even read the article and rather just jumped to the racist and sexist argument. Well if you read the article you would know that it talks about the Crusades, not slavery and sexism. The Crusades or the Holy Wars were religious Wars fought against the Muslim's for taking the Holy land to the Jewish and Christian faith. Muslim's had no religious right to that land yet they sought it anyway. Why? Because of their lust for land and power along with their contempt for other religions. And if you look at the state of today with the middle east how it is with ISIS and other terror regimes, we may just be sucked into another holy war.", '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : [Paul F Thompkins looks so young here.](https://youtu.be/br_70Kbdpow)', '>>{denaissance} : What calendar does China use? How is it different than our standard calendar?', '>>{portnux} : I haven\'t used a "screen protector" since screens were made of plastic.', '>>{frickxoff} : The sprint store I usually go to puts one on for free (yes, I checked the bill) whenever I get a new iPhone.', ">>{ShadowPOTUSBannon} : The media are like cats. You know what'll be a hell of a laser pointer? The FBI suggesting charges be filed against Trump aides and possibly Trump himself. The FBI isn't impressed with tomahawk missiles, and they're not easily distracted.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : How can the muslims have no right to the land that they are literally from? How do the native population have less rights to the lands they live on than Europeans?', '>>{portnux} : I was going to ask when he became a seven year old girl.', '>>{matriarchetype} : Their official calendar is the Gregorian calendar but the traditional lunisolar calendar is still used as well.', ">>{The_Reaganator} : Jerusalem rightfully belongs to the Jewish people. Looks like you need a lesson on time. The religion of Judaism was founded in 2000 BC. The Christian religion was formed obviously in the turn from BC to AD. The Islamic religion was not formed until the 7th century AD, if that doesn't prove that the Jew's held the right to their land then I don't know what does, other than the fact that Jesus was born there? And Jew's are literally from Jerusalem, the same place you claim Islam is from, yet history tells us they're from Saudi Arabia. Funny.", '>>{Vriens} : ik heb geen idee dacht dat ik was gehackt door een isis strijder', '>>{TinyBaron} : Ironic considering the Age of Enlightenment which gave birth to the United States was an explicit refutation of the Darkness and Superstition of the Middle Ages.', ">>{1Glitch0} : Agreed, but even then it's complicated paperwork to pore over. Nothing gets the networks off like simple explosions. That's what always kills me about Trumpers calling CNN the Clinton News Network or whatever. CNN made their name shitting on the Clintons and being endlessly fascinated with Bill's cock. CNN isn't liberal, they're just idiots.", ">>{Supa_x7} : I've been using screen protectors since the first time I got an iPhone. I don't want my screen to get scratched up. I'm using a glass one for my 6s", ">>{Reynbou} : Yep. Here's the best one to get: http://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-7-plus I used Android before switching to iPhone 6S Plus. I have a Galaxy Note 4 here with a Spiegen Screen protector. I've had the protector on it ever since the Note 4 came out. So that's about October 2014. As you can see, it still looks amazing. http://i.imgur.com/OhE59xV.jpg Been using one on my iPhone 7 since I got it as well. Looks fantastic and ultimately feels fantastic as well. Good protection, good feeling. Worth it in my opinion. And while you weren't asking, this is the case I use for the phone. It goes nicely. Very minimal and keeps the aesthetic. https://buypeel.com/products/super-thin-iphone-7-case", ">>{mayaisme} : Haven't used a screen protector on my ten month old iPhone and it doesn't have a single scratch", ">>{Anaron} : I use the same screen protector for my new iPhone 7 Plus. It's great.", ">>{Ezl} : Nope, I just use the Apple silicon case and the bumper before that. No scratching. Also, re the glass ones, I read this in another thread do don't know if it's accurate but: people often give credit to the shield saving their screen because the shield breaks when the phone is dropped but the screen's ok. Someone pointed out that the shield isn't as shatter proof so even though it broke the screen likely would have been ok anyway.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : I think you need to look up history. Literally muslims came from the same region. the religion is based off the same mythology. Islam didnt just come from a foreign region. the faith spread peacefully until a few centuries after it was founded when one islamic philosopher decided that science was anti islamic. when you say that the people living in the region have no right to the land, you might as well say we should kick christianity out of every region of the world except for the middle east. We should remove saxons from the UK, we should kick out europeans from the America's. So are you for kicking christians out of the rest of the world because they're not from anywhere but the middle east? Might as well just have all humans go back to africa too and give the other animals on this planet the rest of the earth. edit: also Jewish people displaced phoenicians. The region has a history of changing hands consantly through the ages and saying that one group of people have more right than anyone else is ridiculous.", '>>{TheSaharaPalace} : I prefer these edge to edge screen protectors because they look better. This one was recommended on this subreddit and it works with the Apple silicone and leather cases! I bought one and I love it. https://www.amazon.com/Protector-TURATA-Tempered-Ultra-Thin-Hardness/dp/B01KXP4F70/ I debated whether it was necessary to get a protector at all for a long time. Now that I have one, I highly recommend it.', ">>{1Glitch0} : I've seen him attempting to retrieve a golf ball and it wasn't pretty.", ">>{NeoAcario} : I would say it's more of a problem that he doesn't have a single 'no' man in any of his inner circles. Just one person to sit there and point out flaws right before execution. The past 3 months have been one long chain of doing basically the opposite of best choice... one after the other after the other...", '>>{KidCasey} : I moved on that bitch like a bitch.', '>>{deej_bong} : First they came for Pepe, now they want our Trebuchets?', ">>{MrIosity} : >Because of their lust for land and power along with their contempt for other religions. I thought that was supposed to be 'the Jews'. Can't you people make up your fucking mind?", '>>{DRphoenix99} : And how many Syrian men women and children die in the process? Sure, there might be a point when Russia throws in the towel, but they will willing watch hundreds of thousands die before we reach that point.', '>>{Ouroboros000} : I basically got kicked out of r/askhistorians because so many of those people are right-wing apologists who insist what a *wonderful* time the middle ages were - which is complete BS.', '>>{NAmember81} : They Redhats are triggered by the movie "The Building of a Nation" because it "hurts race relations". Not only are Redhats anti-intellectual they are beginning to be anti-art as well. The other day Redhats were saying Jews were promoting filth as "art" as a means to harm society.', ">>{NAmember81} : Redditors hero worship the mods over there for some reason. Whenever a question arises that has a controversial answer that makes the West look bad they'll delete it even though it's sources are well cited. But when a revisionist comes along with bullshit sources that makes the West look better, it's allowed to stay up.", '>>{Ouroboros000} : >Redditors hero worship the mods over there for some reason. I mean, its a great IDEA, but the place has been hijacked by primarily right-wingers who get incredibly huffy over being challenged.', '>>{NAmember81} : I spent like an hour and a half answering a question about Jewish history once with top notch sources provided and with very accurate and factual information and it got deleted despit many upvotes. The top answer in that post was completely inaccurate with sources that the mods claim to not even accept. I was done there for good once somebody answered a follow up question with zero sources provide that was 100% false and I politely corrected him and provided multiple legit sources and I got deleted while the commenter with ZERO sources AND false information remained up! His lies were liked better than my properly sourced facts.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : No, it is the Right's obsession for the Neo-Dark Ages! They want to again eliminate all science and replace it with a politically controllable Christianity. Like the Christianity which brought about the fall of Rome and the 1,200 years of the Dark Ages...", ">>{Argorash} : That's adorable! The economist found a stale meme. OK Grandpa it's time to come off the Internet.", '>>{alxzen66} : Americans talking about the crusades make me sad, simply because of your ignorance. Both christian and muslim accounts decry the crusades.', ">>{alxzen66} : > Jew's are literally from Jerusalem wow, so much ignorance. Why don't you ask a jew about that? >The Crusades or the Holy Wars were religious Wars fought against the Muslim's for taking over Muslims and jews in the region are mostly the same people. Hence both are semite, as deriving from Shem, as a common ancestor.", ">>{The_Reaganator} : >wow, so much ignorance. Why don't you ask a Jew about that? Ok I asked history the origin of the Jewish people, guess what? Israel, and do you know what's included in the Israel/Canaan region? Jerusalem. Again, you're forgetting the timeline here entirely. Judaism was created in 2000 BC/BCE. Islam wasn't created until 600 AD/CE. 2600 YEARS LATER. And yet they believe that they have rightful claim to Jerusalem? Judaism had that claim long ago. Israel has a right to defend that land because it belongs to them. And guess what, you look up the origin of Islam.....SAUDI ARABIA. Wow, that's not Israel. Learn your history before you preach anything is all I've got to say.", ">>{alxzen66} : > Ok I asked history the origin of the Jewish people, guess what? Israel, and do you know what's included in the Israel/Canaan region? Jerusalem. wtf? this has nothing to do with your original post that says: **Jew's are literally from Jerusalem.** > Islam wasn't created until 600 AD/CE. 2600 YEARS LATER. And yet they believe that they have rightful claim to Jerusalem? Judaism had that claim long ago. Israel has a right to defend that land because it belongs to them. Are you that thick that you confound religion with ethnicity and nationality? By your token, most of europe belongs to the closest remnat of the original christian church, orthodoxy. while the United States belong to the original Reformed Protestants. Baptists GTFO. This is me being generous, as all Christians should GTFO of native american land.", ">>{fleshrott} : Native (mixed) here. Right of conquest is a fucking bitch, but there's no denying the reality of it.", '>>{rawbdor} : Please stop using the term "Redhats". I\'m begging you to find any other name to denigrate the group you hate. Red Hat is a company that employs 10,000 people, working in open source software, supporting open copyright laws, and continuing to push for freedom of information and open formats. It\'s a company with a market cap slightly less than Viacom\'s and close to Best Buy\'s. Alternately, if you don\'t care about companies, a different group called "The Red Hat Society" is an international social organization that was founded in 1998 in the United States for women age 50 and beyond, but now open to women of all ages. It\'s basically a woman\'s social club, and doesn\'t deserve to be lumped into the group you\'re describing. There are so many other things we can call these people.', ">>{rawbdor} : > Again, you're forgetting the timeline here entirely. Judaism was created in 2000 BC/BCE. Islam wasn't created until 600 AD/CE. 2600 YEARS LATER. And yet they believe that they have rightful claim to Jerusalem? This just may be the dumbest thing I've ever read. This is like saying that if the USA decided en-masse to convert to scientology and we expelled all the Mormons, and we stayed scientologist for 500 years, that the Mormons have the right to take and defend all of America for itself, since Mormonism originated in USA earlier than Scientology did. Do the native americans also have the right to reclaim USA and take it back from us for their religion? To take and defend the land? The Jews may have begun as you said... but... then they all left. They were expelled, sure, but, they were a tiny minority of the people there. The rest of the people there just... kept living there. It's like saying if we expelled all the mormons, and they eventually expanded and converted people all over the world, that the mormons have a right to come back to America and take it back from us.... because they started here. Even if 98% of the country was NEVER Mormon... The people who lived in the area around Jerusalem just KEPT living there after the Jews were expelled. And their ancestors lived there and their kids lived there. A huge number of people in the area were NOT Jewish, never became Jewish, and cared not one bit for the Jews. The idea that a minority of people originally from an area, who left an area for 2000 years, has claim to the entire area, is ridiculous. No... the people who live in an area have a right to be there. > And guess what, you look up the origin of Islam.....SAUDI ARABIA. So? The religion might have started in Saudi (I'm not even sure, but I'll take your word for it), but the people living around Jerusalem decided to convert to this religion. It's not like the Saudi folks moved en-masse into the area. They converted the people living in the area. You act like a religion is a person, and when it moves, the people move. But that's not true of religion. Religion is a thought, an idea. A religion can travel far and wide without people moving at all. Edit: To add a bit more, both Judaism and Islam are Abrahamic religions. They both descend from Abraham and can trace their lineage to Abraham. It's not surprising the people who followed father Abraham, but didn't go down the Jewish branch, continued living in the area... and because they continued to live in the area, they also have a right to continue living there as well. The most I can give you is that both Jews and Muslims have the right to live in the area. That's the absolute best I can give you. In fact, the Zionists (and I'm not using this term negatively) almost didn't even choose the land around Jerusalem to make their home. They almost chose somewhere in South America. They just wanted a homeland. It was just convenience that the British mandate on the region left it open for the taking."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{planitorsunion} : Medieval memes: The far right’s new fascination with the Middle Ages', '>>{gamechanger55} : Any surprise that they love the times when slavery was legal and women can be abused for fun?', '>>{planitorsunion} : Did you read the article? I was pleasantly surprised. "The more popular medieval history becomes, the more it may come to be seen not as an endorsement of homogeneity but a refutation, a world in which non-conformity was not debilitating deviance but a desire to strive for something better."', '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Do you have any idea of how medieval/feudal society actually was structured or worked?', ">>{The_Reaganator} : I take it you didn't even read the article and rather just jumped to the racist and sexist argument. Well if you read the article you would know that it talks about the Crusades, not slavery and sexism. The Crusades or the Holy Wars were religious Wars fought against the Muslim's for taking the Holy land to the Jewish and Christian faith. Muslim's had no religious right to that land yet they sought it anyway. Why? Because of their lust for land and power along with their contempt for other religions. And if you look at the state of today with the middle east how it is with ISIS and other terror regimes, we may just be sucked into another holy war.", '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : [Paul F Thompkins looks so young here.](https://youtu.be/br_70Kbdpow)', '>>{gaeuvyen} : How can the muslims have no right to the land that they are literally from? How do the native population have less rights to the lands they live on than Europeans?', ">>{The_Reaganator} : Jerusalem rightfully belongs to the Jewish people. Looks like you need a lesson on time. The religion of Judaism was founded in 2000 BC. The Christian religion was formed obviously in the turn from BC to AD. The Islamic religion was not formed until the 7th century AD, if that doesn't prove that the Jew's held the right to their land then I don't know what does, other than the fact that Jesus was born there? And Jew's are literally from Jerusalem, the same place you claim Islam is from, yet history tells us they're from Saudi Arabia. Funny.", '>>{TinyBaron} : Ironic considering the Age of Enlightenment which gave birth to the United States was an explicit refutation of the Darkness and Superstition of the Middle Ages.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : I think you need to look up history. Literally muslims came from the same region. the religion is based off the same mythology. Islam didnt just come from a foreign region. the faith spread peacefully until a few centuries after it was founded when one islamic philosopher decided that science was anti islamic. when you say that the people living in the region have no right to the land, you might as well say we should kick christianity out of every region of the world except for the middle east. We should remove saxons from the UK, we should kick out europeans from the America's. So are you for kicking christians out of the rest of the world because they're not from anywhere but the middle east? Might as well just have all humans go back to africa too and give the other animals on this planet the rest of the earth. edit: also Jewish people displaced phoenicians. The region has a history of changing hands consantly through the ages and saying that one group of people have more right than anyone else is ridiculous.", '>>{deej_bong} : First they came for Pepe, now they want our Trebuchets?', ">>{MrIosity} : >Because of their lust for land and power along with their contempt for other religions. I thought that was supposed to be 'the Jews'. Can't you people make up your fucking mind?", '>>{Ouroboros000} : I basically got kicked out of r/askhistorians because so many of those people are right-wing apologists who insist what a *wonderful* time the middle ages were - which is complete BS.', '>>{NAmember81} : They Redhats are triggered by the movie "The Building of a Nation" because it "hurts race relations". Not only are Redhats anti-intellectual they are beginning to be anti-art as well. The other day Redhats were saying Jews were promoting filth as "art" as a means to harm society.', ">>{NAmember81} : Redditors hero worship the mods over there for some reason. Whenever a question arises that has a controversial answer that makes the West look bad they'll delete it even though it's sources are well cited. But when a revisionist comes along with bullshit sources that makes the West look better, it's allowed to stay up.", '>>{Ouroboros000} : >Redditors hero worship the mods over there for some reason. I mean, its a great IDEA, but the place has been hijacked by primarily right-wingers who get incredibly huffy over being challenged.', '>>{NAmember81} : I spent like an hour and a half answering a question about Jewish history once with top notch sources provided and with very accurate and factual information and it got deleted despit many upvotes. The top answer in that post was completely inaccurate with sources that the mods claim to not even accept. I was done there for good once somebody answered a follow up question with zero sources provide that was 100% false and I politely corrected him and provided multiple legit sources and I got deleted while the commenter with ZERO sources AND false information remained up! His lies were liked better than my properly sourced facts.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : No, it is the Right's obsession for the Neo-Dark Ages! They want to again eliminate all science and replace it with a politically controllable Christianity. Like the Christianity which brought about the fall of Rome and the 1,200 years of the Dark Ages...", ">>{Argorash} : That's adorable! The economist found a stale meme. OK Grandpa it's time to come off the Internet.", '>>{alxzen66} : Americans talking about the crusades make me sad, simply because of your ignorance. Both christian and muslim accounts decry the crusades.', ">>{alxzen66} : > Jew's are literally from Jerusalem wow, so much ignorance. Why don't you ask a jew about that? >The Crusades or the Holy Wars were religious Wars fought against the Muslim's for taking over Muslims and jews in the region are mostly the same people. Hence both are semite, as deriving from Shem, as a common ancestor.", ">>{The_Reaganator} : >wow, so much ignorance. Why don't you ask a Jew about that? Ok I asked history the origin of the Jewish people, guess what? Israel, and do you know what's included in the Israel/Canaan region? Jerusalem. Again, you're forgetting the timeline here entirely. Judaism was created in 2000 BC/BCE. Islam wasn't created until 600 AD/CE. 2600 YEARS LATER. And yet they believe that they have rightful claim to Jerusalem? Judaism had that claim long ago. Israel has a right to defend that land because it belongs to them. And guess what, you look up the origin of Islam.....SAUDI ARABIA. Wow, that's not Israel. Learn your history before you preach anything is all I've got to say.", ">>{alxzen66} : > Ok I asked history the origin of the Jewish people, guess what? Israel, and do you know what's included in the Israel/Canaan region? Jerusalem. wtf? this has nothing to do with your original post that says: **Jew's are literally from Jerusalem.** > Islam wasn't created until 600 AD/CE. 2600 YEARS LATER. And yet they believe that they have rightful claim to Jerusalem? Judaism had that claim long ago. Israel has a right to defend that land because it belongs to them. Are you that thick that you confound religion with ethnicity and nationality? By your token, most of europe belongs to the closest remnat of the original christian church, orthodoxy. while the United States belong to the original Reformed Protestants. Baptists GTFO. This is me being generous, as all Christians should GTFO of native american land.", ">>{fleshrott} : Native (mixed) here. Right of conquest is a fucking bitch, but there's no denying the reality of it.", '>>{rawbdor} : Please stop using the term "Redhats". I\'m begging you to find any other name to denigrate the group you hate. Red Hat is a company that employs 10,000 people, working in open source software, supporting open copyright laws, and continuing to push for freedom of information and open formats. It\'s a company with a market cap slightly less than Viacom\'s and close to Best Buy\'s. Alternately, if you don\'t care about companies, a different group called "The Red Hat Society" is an international social organization that was founded in 1998 in the United States for women age 50 and beyond, but now open to women of all ages. It\'s basically a woman\'s social club, and doesn\'t deserve to be lumped into the group you\'re describing. There are so many other things we can call these people.', ">>{rawbdor} : > Again, you're forgetting the timeline here entirely. Judaism was created in 2000 BC/BCE. Islam wasn't created until 600 AD/CE. 2600 YEARS LATER. And yet they believe that they have rightful claim to Jerusalem? This just may be the dumbest thing I've ever read. This is like saying that if the USA decided en-masse to convert to scientology and we expelled all the Mormons, and we stayed scientologist for 500 years, that the Mormons have the right to take and defend all of America for itself, since Mormonism originated in USA earlier than Scientology did. Do the native americans also have the right to reclaim USA and take it back from us for their religion? To take and defend the land? The Jews may have begun as you said... but... then they all left. They were expelled, sure, but, they were a tiny minority of the people there. The rest of the people there just... kept living there. It's like saying if we expelled all the mormons, and they eventually expanded and converted people all over the world, that the mormons have a right to come back to America and take it back from us.... because they started here. Even if 98% of the country was NEVER Mormon... The people who lived in the area around Jerusalem just KEPT living there after the Jews were expelled. And their ancestors lived there and their kids lived there. A huge number of people in the area were NOT Jewish, never became Jewish, and cared not one bit for the Jews. The idea that a minority of people originally from an area, who left an area for 2000 years, has claim to the entire area, is ridiculous. No... the people who live in an area have a right to be there. > And guess what, you look up the origin of Islam.....SAUDI ARABIA. So? The religion might have started in Saudi (I'm not even sure, but I'll take your word for it), but the people living around Jerusalem decided to convert to this religion. It's not like the Saudi folks moved en-masse into the area. They converted the people living in the area. You act like a religion is a person, and when it moves, the people move. But that's not true of religion. Religion is a thought, an idea. A religion can travel far and wide without people moving at all. Edit: To add a bit more, both Judaism and Islam are Abrahamic religions. They both descend from Abraham and can trace their lineage to Abraham. It's not surprising the people who followed father Abraham, but didn't go down the Jewish branch, continued living in the area... and because they continued to live in the area, they also have a right to continue living there as well. The most I can give you is that both Jews and Muslims have the right to live in the area. That's the absolute best I can give you. In fact, the Zionists (and I'm not using this term negatively) almost didn't even choose the land around Jerusalem to make their home. They almost chose somewhere in South America. They just wanted a homeland. It was just convenience that the British mandate on the region left it open for the taking."], ['>>{Vriens} : What the hell does this mean and how do I remove it', '>>{Vriens} : The text under the date just randomly is there since yesterday cant get rid off it, The : 21 saf line', '>>{Anon_8675309} : The text or that wallpaper? Google iPhone wallpaper and click images.', '>>{Honkycatt} : Love the image. I found it [here. ](http://www.imgrum.net/media/1005271981183493393_752776560)', ">>{JCBDoesGaming} : That's the Islamic calender hahahaha, hoe heb je dat voor elkaar gekregen?", '>>{simplecocktails} : It\'s a tiger dressed as a person. To "get rid of it," you just have to change your wallpaper.', '>>{matriarchetype} : China and Israel are both countries that use significantly different calendars and years. The pictured is yet another alternative system that I cannot place. To answer your question: regional tradition and/or religion.', '>>{masklinn} : Showing [local/national or religious non-gregorian calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar#Religious_calendars) next to the gregorian one. * Eastern orthodox, Muslims, Jews, Hindu, Buddhist and Bahá\'ís have non-gregorian religious calendars (religiously, the gregorian calendar is the calendar of western christians) * Multiple countries primarily use non-gregorian calendars either for historical civil reasons (Chinese calendar) or due to their main religious group (not unlike western european countries using the gregorian calendar) In mixed-use systems users may want or need to have multiple calendars at the same time, hence this feature. (nb: iOS only supports Gregorian as the main calendar, with Chinese, Islamic and Hebrew alternative calendars, which is why you can find "orthodox" or "julian" calendar applications on the store).', '>>{denaissance} : What calendar does China use? How is it different than our standard calendar?', '>>{matriarchetype} : Their official calendar is the Gregorian calendar but the traditional lunisolar calendar is still used as well.', '>>{Vriens} : ik heb geen idee dacht dat ik was gehackt door een isis strijder'], [">>{NikeSwish} : So I had a black 7+ for 2 months but eventually found a JB 7+ and bought that instead. I noticed my black 7+'s screen already had some crazy amount of noticeable scratches in it. So I ordered this glass screen protector for my JB one. So far it looks amazing and feels like I'm using the screen naked. Pretty cheap too. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01LY5FXII/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1", ">>{K-LAWN} : I went through like 6 but couldn't get the edges to stick/avoid dust. I gave up and haven't had any scratches besides the usual tiny oleophobic hairline scratches that you can only see at a lighted angle.", ">>{thebrain1984} : Special Edition Justin Bieber branded iPhone 7+. Comes with a Justin Bieber graphic instead of an apple logo, and several high resolution wallpapers of the Biebs fitting for the 1920x1080 screen of the iPhone 7+. Just kidding. It's the jet black version.", '>>{portnux} : I haven\'t used a "screen protector" since screens were made of plastic.', '>>{frickxoff} : The sprint store I usually go to puts one on for free (yes, I checked the bill) whenever I get a new iPhone.', '>>{portnux} : I was going to ask when he became a seven year old girl.', ">>{Supa_x7} : I've been using screen protectors since the first time I got an iPhone. I don't want my screen to get scratched up. I'm using a glass one for my 6s", ">>{Reynbou} : Yep. Here's the best one to get: http://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-7-plus I used Android before switching to iPhone 6S Plus. I have a Galaxy Note 4 here with a Spiegen Screen protector. I've had the protector on it ever since the Note 4 came out. So that's about October 2014. As you can see, it still looks amazing. http://i.imgur.com/OhE59xV.jpg Been using one on my iPhone 7 since I got it as well. Looks fantastic and ultimately feels fantastic as well. Good protection, good feeling. Worth it in my opinion. And while you weren't asking, this is the case I use for the phone. It goes nicely. Very minimal and keeps the aesthetic. https://buypeel.com/products/super-thin-iphone-7-case", ">>{mayaisme} : Haven't used a screen protector on my ten month old iPhone and it doesn't have a single scratch", ">>{Anaron} : I use the same screen protector for my new iPhone 7 Plus. It's great.", ">>{Ezl} : Nope, I just use the Apple silicon case and the bumper before that. No scratching. Also, re the glass ones, I read this in another thread do don't know if it's accurate but: people often give credit to the shield saving their screen because the shield breaks when the phone is dropped but the screen's ok. Someone pointed out that the shield isn't as shatter proof so even though it broke the screen likely would have been ok anyway.", '>>{TheSaharaPalace} : I prefer these edge to edge screen protectors because they look better. This one was recommended on this subreddit and it works with the Apple silicone and leather cases! I bought one and I love it. https://www.amazon.com/Protector-TURATA-Tempered-Ultra-Thin-Hardness/dp/B01KXP4F70/ I debated whether it was necessary to get a protector at all for a long time. Now that I have one, I highly recommend it.'], ['>>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : After Syria strike, populist supporters abandon Trump at home and abroad', '>>{TavishGauss} : >Farage continued, arguing that in a region riven by Islamic extremism, "whatever Assad\'s sins, he is secular." So Muslim < *. Thanks Nigel!', ">>{Kvetch__22} : That's the political problem for Trump here. I've wanted the US government to strike Assad since 2011. I think the strike was terribly coordinated and poorly thought out, but it's a decent idea. Problem is, I wouldn't support Trump for dogcatcher. The people that actually support Trump don't like this. They are finally realizing Trump was only pandering to them.", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : When you promise not to go to war and are America first, a foreign war might not be the best distraction tool. Interesting to see the old start a war trick might not play for Trump as it has played for other President's.", '>>{JasonAnarchy} : Can you imagine Trump with a big net running around trying to catch a dog?', ">>{1Glitch0} : The bigger ptoblem as I see it is the establishment is figuring out how to weaponize Trump. Suddenly all the news channels have his back and are once again back to playing missile launches on a loop while breathlessly showing diagrams and stats on weapons and circling random things in the distance in poor quality pictures. Lindsey Graham is suddenly calling Trump the 2nd coming of Reagan... I've seen this movie. Who cares if Trump's followers don't like it? They're dolts. They'll believe what they're told to believe in 3 years.", ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : >I've wanted the US government to strike Assad since 2011. I think the strike was terribly coordinated and poorly thought out, but it's a decent idea. Maybe there was a time before Russia got involved that this was a good idea, but that time is gone. At this point I think US strikes against Assad are a terrible idea. The problem is that Russia is so closely tied with the Assad regime now that you can't really hit Assad anywhere without also hitting Russian assets on the ground. Consequently, any military strikes at Assad would first issue a warning to Russia for them to get their assets out of the way. Except any warnings given to Russia are guaranteed to be immediately passed onto Assad himself, which means Assad will always have ample time to get *his* assets out of the target sites, evacuate personnel and move valuable equipment. Bottom line is that the mandatory communication required to avoid war with Russia also eliminates the usefulness and effectiveness of any military action against Assad. This is the fundamental reason why Assad cannot really be taken out of power, or even damaged in any meaningful way, without Russia's international cooperation. Russia will have to want Assad gone for Assad to be gone. That's just the unfortunate reality we have to plan around in Syria. This is also why I'm actually a proponent of abandoning Syria completely in the military sense and just allowing Russia to do whatever the fuck it wants there. If they want to prop up Assad so badly, let them do it. Any war crimes committed by Assad will be on Russia's ledger at the international stage. Plus ISIS is still there fighting against Assad. If we pull out, they become Russia's problem. And the more Russia continues to back ISIS' principal enemy, the more Russia will find itself in ISIS' terror crosshairs. They will be the primary targets of ISIS backed terror activity, not us. Of course I'm not suggesting we abandon the Syrian *people*. I'm all for providing them humanitarian assistance and granting them asylum. But I think maybe it's prudent for everyone, including the Syrian people, for the Western world to make Syria Russia's problem, and Russia's only. That way, some years down the line when Russia has suffered enough in Syria, they will be the ones seeking out Western help in solving the Syria crisis rather than the West trying to bring Russia to the table. Because otherwise, we're really just playing right into Putin's hand by continuing to be involved in Syria.", ">>{ShadowPOTUSBannon} : The media are like cats. You know what'll be a hell of a laser pointer? The FBI suggesting charges be filed against Trump aides and possibly Trump himself. The FBI isn't impressed with tomahawk missiles, and they're not easily distracted.", ">>{1Glitch0} : Agreed, but even then it's complicated paperwork to pore over. Nothing gets the networks off like simple explosions. That's what always kills me about Trumpers calling CNN the Clinton News Network or whatever. CNN made their name shitting on the Clintons and being endlessly fascinated with Bill's cock. CNN isn't liberal, they're just idiots.", ">>{1Glitch0} : I've seen him attempting to retrieve a golf ball and it wasn't pretty.", ">>{NeoAcario} : I would say it's more of a problem that he doesn't have a single 'no' man in any of his inner circles. Just one person to sit there and point out flaws right before execution. The past 3 months have been one long chain of doing basically the opposite of best choice... one after the other after the other...", '>>{KidCasey} : I moved on that bitch like a bitch.', '>>{DRphoenix99} : And how many Syrian men women and children die in the process? Sure, there might be a point when Russia throws in the towel, but they will willing watch hundreds of thousands die before we reach that point.']]
classify and reply
['>>{DONNIE_THE_PISSHEAD} : GOP House Chair Tells Sean Spicer To Mind His Own Business On Obamacare Repeal', '>>{letdogsvote} : Well, good to know the GOP White House is in close coordination and on the same page with the GOP House on this very important and significant piece of legislation. That will directly and quickly affect millions and millions of Americans. Including probably you.', '>>{wenchette} : Huge rallies may signal an emerging anti-Trump movement. But sustaining unity could prove difficult', ">>{agentanaranjado} : The important thing is that this burgeoning movement cannot have a litmus test for participation. I am a pro-choice atheist, but the anti-choice, the heartland religious who are inevitably suffering as a result of Trump's economic policies must be drawn in too. We need coalition building and strength in numbers to ensure the continued existence of American liberalism. More active left-wing groups also really need to ensure both thorough organization and that their membership is vetted. Project Veritas and previous fascist movements have shown that the far-right will plant agent provocateurs to spy and incite public violence in an attempt to splinter the opposition and its message. They can't allow this to happen.", ">>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Oh, better hope Melissa didn't see that Spicy.", '>>{Pksoze} : This is the Fine Tuned Machine the Trump administration promised.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : I disagree. It will be very hard, since democrats that tend towards the establishment side of things, are prone to repeating propaganda and defending establishment chosen candidates. Both of which rubs independents and the far left wrongly. I think they are a becoming a minority, but they are a rather annoying bunch. With their 52 gender names and saying you can't wear native american Halloween costumes.", ">>{histagehand} : I wasn't talking about dems I am talking about the people that don't like T rump that number is yuuuuuge.", ">>{OJSamson} : Aww someone's going to have a heart attack. I hope it's trump. To bad we won't be subject to the healthcare repeal", '>>{tedsmitts} : Oh a toddler could put him in a corner get out of here with that', ">>{IbanezDavy} : Yeah, but it's those dems that will drive a wedge in everyone else. It's kind of how two party partisan politics works.", ">>{Hobophobic} : Movements against something are always easier to sustain than movements for something. Trump winning actually illustrated this well. His election wasn't because he was for anything, his policies were an inconsistent mess. He was able to pull people together against something, the establishment. It was more a condemnation against the establishment Hillary represented. It's why he and his supporters can't let it go. That's the only thing that brought them together. Now that he actually has to do something they'll fracture like the alt-right is doing right now. Anyone who's paying attention (and most people are now) can see the clear threat he represents to this country. Whether the movement can keep going once he's gone is another matter.", ">>{Sacpunch} : http://i.imgur.com/Y2228GU.jpg But we have the biggest rally so we're right!", ">>{wenchette} : Color always makes photos like that extra chilling. That's a really long piece of carpet in the aisle.", ">>{row_guy} : There is a party becoming a minority and it's not the Dems.", '>>{WilliamMButtlicker} : The 5 minute video of the interaction is well worth watching. The amount of sarcasm is unbelievably hilarious.', ">>{billslovechild} : Lol no one was 'planted'. Let's stop with the wacko conspiracy theories. The left has a very large population that is more then willing to use violence to further their agenda. If the left wants wants to be taken seriously. They need to remove these elements not try and come up with conspiracy theories why it is so frequent. And to appeal to normal women they probably shouldn't have a woman that wants sharia law in the US leading 'women's rights' movements.", '>>{why____tho} : Does Spicer not speak for Trump? Why does the GOP House Chair specifically tell Spicer (not Trump) to stay out of his lane? Is Spicer the one pushing an open amendment process and not Trump?', ">>{batsofburden} : Uh, you do realize that there were zero arrests at the women's march on Washington. Doesn't sound very violent to me.", '>>{lil_poo} : 1. Not a conspiracy theory. 2. We all know the majority of the protesters were peaceful and non violent.', '>>{fizzixs} : Man I love seeing liberals being tough, sincerely. This was a pleasure to watch, they were polite but the sarcasm and maneuvering were clear.', ">>{agentanaranjado} : I'm not saying anyone was planted. I'm saying that that could come to pass in the future, and that active left-leaning groups should be weary of it. You already know that Project Veritas was *attempting* to act as an agent provocateur for Friday's events; this could ratchet up. Also, conspiracy theories. Ha. That's rich.", '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Hourly reminder that Trump was the one that made attendance into a big deal.', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Just let David Brock lead the resistance movement by making a [$27 donation to American Bridge today](https://secure.americanbridgepac.org/page/contribute/donate)! So easy!', '>>{takeashill_pill} : You have no idea what you\'re takking about with regards to "the establishment." There is no singular establishment, no one can be loyal to something that doesn\'t exist. And if you don\'t respect trans people and want to wear racist halloween costumes, we don\'t want you anyway.', '>>{WilliamMButtlicker} : Really well played by them. Pete Sessions was seething and they completely painted him into a corner.', '>>{billslovechild} : Over 200 at inauguration. You do realize there are more then 1 protest.', '>>{row_guy} : You know thats not permanent right? You know trump just lost the popular by 3 million and won the EC by 70k in 3 states with the help of Russia and the Comey announcement. After 8 years of a dem it should not have been that close. And he still needed PUTIN to save him. Also a strong party never would have allowed tremp to rise.', ">>{raresanevoice} : Gee, the Republican Congressman tells the Republican President to stay out of Republicare.... sounds like they're not really all that together", ">>{GuestCartographer} : Today's press briefing is going to be so good.", ">>{batsofburden} : They're totally different groups of people. The vandals at the inauguration were anarchists who just like to cause mayhem, they are not affiliated with the Democratic party, they probably hate Hillary Clinton as much as Donald Trump."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{DONNIE_THE_PISSHEAD} : GOP House Chair Tells Sean Spicer To Mind His Own Business On Obamacare Repeal', '>>{letdogsvote} : Well, good to know the GOP White House is in close coordination and on the same page with the GOP House on this very important and significant piece of legislation. That will directly and quickly affect millions and millions of Americans. Including probably you.', ">>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Oh, better hope Melissa didn't see that Spicy.", '>>{Pksoze} : This is the Fine Tuned Machine the Trump administration promised.', ">>{OJSamson} : Aww someone's going to have a heart attack. I hope it's trump. To bad we won't be subject to the healthcare repeal", '>>{tedsmitts} : Oh a toddler could put him in a corner get out of here with that', '>>{WilliamMButtlicker} : The 5 minute video of the interaction is well worth watching. The amount of sarcasm is unbelievably hilarious.', '>>{why____tho} : Does Spicer not speak for Trump? Why does the GOP House Chair specifically tell Spicer (not Trump) to stay out of his lane? Is Spicer the one pushing an open amendment process and not Trump?', '>>{fizzixs} : Man I love seeing liberals being tough, sincerely. This was a pleasure to watch, they were polite but the sarcasm and maneuvering were clear.', '>>{WilliamMButtlicker} : Really well played by them. Pete Sessions was seething and they completely painted him into a corner.', ">>{raresanevoice} : Gee, the Republican Congressman tells the Republican President to stay out of Republicare.... sounds like they're not really all that together", ">>{GuestCartographer} : Today's press briefing is going to be so good."], ['>>{wenchette} : Huge rallies may signal an emerging anti-Trump movement. But sustaining unity could prove difficult', ">>{agentanaranjado} : The important thing is that this burgeoning movement cannot have a litmus test for participation. I am a pro-choice atheist, but the anti-choice, the heartland religious who are inevitably suffering as a result of Trump's economic policies must be drawn in too. We need coalition building and strength in numbers to ensure the continued existence of American liberalism. More active left-wing groups also really need to ensure both thorough organization and that their membership is vetted. Project Veritas and previous fascist movements have shown that the far-right will plant agent provocateurs to spy and incite public violence in an attempt to splinter the opposition and its message. They can't allow this to happen.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : I disagree. It will be very hard, since democrats that tend towards the establishment side of things, are prone to repeating propaganda and defending establishment chosen candidates. Both of which rubs independents and the far left wrongly. I think they are a becoming a minority, but they are a rather annoying bunch. With their 52 gender names and saying you can't wear native american Halloween costumes.", ">>{histagehand} : I wasn't talking about dems I am talking about the people that don't like T rump that number is yuuuuuge.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : Yeah, but it's those dems that will drive a wedge in everyone else. It's kind of how two party partisan politics works.", ">>{Hobophobic} : Movements against something are always easier to sustain than movements for something. Trump winning actually illustrated this well. His election wasn't because he was for anything, his policies were an inconsistent mess. He was able to pull people together against something, the establishment. It was more a condemnation against the establishment Hillary represented. It's why he and his supporters can't let it go. That's the only thing that brought them together. Now that he actually has to do something they'll fracture like the alt-right is doing right now. Anyone who's paying attention (and most people are now) can see the clear threat he represents to this country. Whether the movement can keep going once he's gone is another matter.", ">>{Sacpunch} : http://i.imgur.com/Y2228GU.jpg But we have the biggest rally so we're right!", ">>{wenchette} : Color always makes photos like that extra chilling. That's a really long piece of carpet in the aisle.", ">>{row_guy} : There is a party becoming a minority and it's not the Dems.", ">>{billslovechild} : Lol no one was 'planted'. Let's stop with the wacko conspiracy theories. The left has a very large population that is more then willing to use violence to further their agenda. If the left wants wants to be taken seriously. They need to remove these elements not try and come up with conspiracy theories why it is so frequent. And to appeal to normal women they probably shouldn't have a woman that wants sharia law in the US leading 'women's rights' movements.", ">>{batsofburden} : Uh, you do realize that there were zero arrests at the women's march on Washington. Doesn't sound very violent to me.", '>>{lil_poo} : 1. Not a conspiracy theory. 2. We all know the majority of the protesters were peaceful and non violent.', ">>{agentanaranjado} : I'm not saying anyone was planted. I'm saying that that could come to pass in the future, and that active left-leaning groups should be weary of it. You already know that Project Veritas was *attempting* to act as an agent provocateur for Friday's events; this could ratchet up. Also, conspiracy theories. Ha. That's rich.", '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Hourly reminder that Trump was the one that made attendance into a big deal.', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Just let David Brock lead the resistance movement by making a [$27 donation to American Bridge today](https://secure.americanbridgepac.org/page/contribute/donate)! So easy!', '>>{takeashill_pill} : You have no idea what you\'re takking about with regards to "the establishment." There is no singular establishment, no one can be loyal to something that doesn\'t exist. And if you don\'t respect trans people and want to wear racist halloween costumes, we don\'t want you anyway.', '>>{billslovechild} : Over 200 at inauguration. You do realize there are more then 1 protest.', '>>{row_guy} : You know thats not permanent right? You know trump just lost the popular by 3 million and won the EC by 70k in 3 states with the help of Russia and the Comey announcement. After 8 years of a dem it should not have been that close. And he still needed PUTIN to save him. Also a strong party never would have allowed tremp to rise.', ">>{batsofburden} : They're totally different groups of people. The vandals at the inauguration were anarchists who just like to cause mayhem, they are not affiliated with the Democratic party, they probably hate Hillary Clinton as much as Donald Trump."]]
classify and reply
['>>{VTFD} : It\'s a classic. **tl;dr:** She asks him a question, he asks her a question in response about supporting genocide, and she pleads the 5th! ___ Way to downvote, cowards. Here\'s two exchanges: > **Speaker:** "Will you condemn Hamas, here and now, as a terrorist and genocidal organization?" > **Questioner:** "Are you asking me to put myself on a cross?" > **Speaker:** [some other talking, he explains Hamas connections to other groups, etc]. > **Questioner:** I don\'t think you understood what I meant by that. **I meant that if I say something I am sure that I will be arrested for reasons of homeland security."** ^ She literally just said she can\'t state her support for a terrorist organization because she\'s afraid it will incriminate her. Then later... > **Speaker:** The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes we (the Jews) will gather in Israel so that he doesn\'t have to hunt us down. For it, or against it? > **Questioner:** For it.', ">>{winstonsmith7} : I'm keen to hear about her sponsored Hitler Youth Week!", '>>{JimmyIntense} : US military has launched more than 50 missiles aimed at Syria: NBC News', '>>{TheRunner_PD} : Been nice knowing you all. Well, some of you.', '>>{wstsdr} : For it That was kind of chilling.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : This is dumb shit from over a year ago.', ">>{cchiu23} : I think this is the first time America directly attacked the syrian government somebody feel free to correct me if i'm wrong", '>>{DennisW001} : Conservatives will never listen about Islam. Really it is a religion of peace and the people who cause violence were never Islamic in the first place. They are completely unrelated, shame on this professor', '>>{TheRunner_PD} : On purpose you might want to add, but yes.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : I misread the title and thought she was gonna shut him down then when she said "For it" im like "wait wait, wait a minute here. Something aint right" anyways i think /r/The_Donald is leaking', ">>{JimmyIntense} : I know Assad had this coming and I certainly don't condone any act of war especially against innocent civilians (women, children or men) but I am so fucking SICK of the US going to war. Every fucking year. Constantly policing the globe whilst they have a god damned Russian puppet leading the charge. Your country is hardly better than the terrorists you are fighting. Ripping away $ from education etc. to keep the war machine running. I am ashamed to share North America with you.", '>>{UnpopularMe} : yeah islam has some radical shit but we could just as easily find Christians saying we should round up gays and exterminate them and wish they burned in a fiery lake forever', '>>{target_locked} : >but is seems like she is saying that if she publicly denounces Hamas, she could be hurt. Nope, she said that the NSA would come after her, not Hamas. Both would be bullshit. >The guy speaking completely ignored her original question about something he wrote, then asked her what seems like a "gotcha" question She admitted to supporting jewish extermination. It\'s hardly a gotcha moment. Saying against it is pretty easy in these situations. >hich imo he knew she could only answer one way, How could he have possibly expected her to openly support genocide? >then used her "admission" as an excuse to cut her off, move on, and completely ignore the original point. You wouldn\'t hold a discussion with somebody in a klan robe, why would this be any different. >I guess the professor "shut her up on the spot" but not in an intellectually honest way, her bullied her into an impossible corner like a coward then crowed about it while not actually addressing the topic like some politician You realize you\'re defending her view that genocide is justifiable against jews. Seriously how fucked is that?', ">>{NateBronze} : As a Jew that shit is pretty fucking harrowing. Thankfully she looks like she'd run out of breath after taking two or three steps towards me, so I don't think I'd have much to worry about from her in particular.", '>>{NateBronze} : Being in favor of genocide is "dumb shit" to you? Are you a member of her family or something? Do you share her belief?', ">>{TravvyJ} : ANNNNDDDD there goes a bunch of our tax money to the military industrial complex. Gotta replace them cruise missiles. Why the Hell are we here? Why is it the responsibility of the US military to solve the internal disputes of other sovereign nations? The answer lies in the fact that we mostly ignore such strife in foreign lands. Only when big oil wants to run a pipeline through a country is there a concerted effort to start war there. Of course, the MIC is happy for wars to start anywhere. And our politicians happily push this agenda with one hand as they collect their oil and blood soaked checks with the other. Let's leave these people alone and let them solve their own problems. We surely have enough of our own to worry about.", ">>{unhampered_by_pants} : > Your country is hardly better than the terrorists you are fighting. Ripping away $ from education etc. to keep the war machine running. I am ashamed to share North America with you. We know. We're ashamed too.", '>>{JimmyIntense} : Sorry to generalize in my moment of outrage. I know there are many decent and kind hearted Americans that want no part in this.', '>>{STFUTheFuckUp} : I downvoted because the title is shitty. Am I now anti-semitic and a terrorist apologist?', '>>{NateBronze} : A moderate Muslim woman just called for genocide and your response is to call Islam the religion of peace?', '>>{UnpopularMe} : Christian Pastor Says Gay Victims Of Orlando Massacre Deserve No [Sympathy ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHZcHTGzJ3U) > “We’re supposed to be sad because a bunch of perverts in a gay bar are killed?” – Pastor Steven Anderson.', '>>{therecordcorrected} : So why don\'t you fly over there and tell the Russians to leave then? Because it isn\'t just "those people".', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Yeah, because I'm either on the side of thinking this video is good or a terrorist.", '>>{UnpopularMe} : did you not read the quote or watch the video. A christian pastor saying he is happy gays were slaughtered and that he thinks gays should be killed by the government.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : holy crap did you fail kindergarten. I said you can find christians saying gays should be killed. You ask for a source. I give you a christian saying gays should be killed and you dont find that meets the qualification? what do you want a harvard study? the denial is strong in you', ">>{TravvyJ} : Seems you learned nothing from Iraq. Now you think Trump is acting altruistically? You think the action today was necessary as a deterrent to Russia? Don't be naive. When Trump is giving you a sob story about 'those sweet babies', you know that bullshit is filling the room. All he cares about his money for him and his buddies."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{JimmyIntense} : US military has launched more than 50 missiles aimed at Syria: NBC News', '>>{TheRunner_PD} : Been nice knowing you all. Well, some of you.', ">>{cchiu23} : I think this is the first time America directly attacked the syrian government somebody feel free to correct me if i'm wrong", '>>{TheRunner_PD} : On purpose you might want to add, but yes.', ">>{JimmyIntense} : I know Assad had this coming and I certainly don't condone any act of war especially against innocent civilians (women, children or men) but I am so fucking SICK of the US going to war. Every fucking year. Constantly policing the globe whilst they have a god damned Russian puppet leading the charge. Your country is hardly better than the terrorists you are fighting. Ripping away $ from education etc. to keep the war machine running. I am ashamed to share North America with you.", ">>{TravvyJ} : ANNNNDDDD there goes a bunch of our tax money to the military industrial complex. Gotta replace them cruise missiles. Why the Hell are we here? Why is it the responsibility of the US military to solve the internal disputes of other sovereign nations? The answer lies in the fact that we mostly ignore such strife in foreign lands. Only when big oil wants to run a pipeline through a country is there a concerted effort to start war there. Of course, the MIC is happy for wars to start anywhere. And our politicians happily push this agenda with one hand as they collect their oil and blood soaked checks with the other. Let's leave these people alone and let them solve their own problems. We surely have enough of our own to worry about.", ">>{unhampered_by_pants} : > Your country is hardly better than the terrorists you are fighting. Ripping away $ from education etc. to keep the war machine running. I am ashamed to share North America with you. We know. We're ashamed too.", '>>{JimmyIntense} : Sorry to generalize in my moment of outrage. I know there are many decent and kind hearted Americans that want no part in this.', '>>{therecordcorrected} : So why don\'t you fly over there and tell the Russians to leave then? Because it isn\'t just "those people".', ">>{TravvyJ} : Seems you learned nothing from Iraq. Now you think Trump is acting altruistically? You think the action today was necessary as a deterrent to Russia? Don't be naive. When Trump is giving you a sob story about 'those sweet babies', you know that bullshit is filling the room. All he cares about his money for him and his buddies."], ['>>{VTFD} : It\'s a classic. **tl;dr:** She asks him a question, he asks her a question in response about supporting genocide, and she pleads the 5th! ___ Way to downvote, cowards. Here\'s two exchanges: > **Speaker:** "Will you condemn Hamas, here and now, as a terrorist and genocidal organization?" > **Questioner:** "Are you asking me to put myself on a cross?" > **Speaker:** [some other talking, he explains Hamas connections to other groups, etc]. > **Questioner:** I don\'t think you understood what I meant by that. **I meant that if I say something I am sure that I will be arrested for reasons of homeland security."** ^ She literally just said she can\'t state her support for a terrorist organization because she\'s afraid it will incriminate her. Then later... > **Speaker:** The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes we (the Jews) will gather in Israel so that he doesn\'t have to hunt us down. For it, or against it? > **Questioner:** For it.', ">>{winstonsmith7} : I'm keen to hear about her sponsored Hitler Youth Week!", '>>{wstsdr} : For it That was kind of chilling.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : This is dumb shit from over a year ago.', '>>{DennisW001} : Conservatives will never listen about Islam. Really it is a religion of peace and the people who cause violence were never Islamic in the first place. They are completely unrelated, shame on this professor', '>>{UnpopularMe} : I misread the title and thought she was gonna shut him down then when she said "For it" im like "wait wait, wait a minute here. Something aint right" anyways i think /r/The_Donald is leaking', '>>{UnpopularMe} : yeah islam has some radical shit but we could just as easily find Christians saying we should round up gays and exterminate them and wish they burned in a fiery lake forever', '>>{target_locked} : >but is seems like she is saying that if she publicly denounces Hamas, she could be hurt. Nope, she said that the NSA would come after her, not Hamas. Both would be bullshit. >The guy speaking completely ignored her original question about something he wrote, then asked her what seems like a "gotcha" question She admitted to supporting jewish extermination. It\'s hardly a gotcha moment. Saying against it is pretty easy in these situations. >hich imo he knew she could only answer one way, How could he have possibly expected her to openly support genocide? >then used her "admission" as an excuse to cut her off, move on, and completely ignore the original point. You wouldn\'t hold a discussion with somebody in a klan robe, why would this be any different. >I guess the professor "shut her up on the spot" but not in an intellectually honest way, her bullied her into an impossible corner like a coward then crowed about it while not actually addressing the topic like some politician You realize you\'re defending her view that genocide is justifiable against jews. Seriously how fucked is that?', ">>{NateBronze} : As a Jew that shit is pretty fucking harrowing. Thankfully she looks like she'd run out of breath after taking two or three steps towards me, so I don't think I'd have much to worry about from her in particular.", '>>{NateBronze} : Being in favor of genocide is "dumb shit" to you? Are you a member of her family or something? Do you share her belief?', '>>{STFUTheFuckUp} : I downvoted because the title is shitty. Am I now anti-semitic and a terrorist apologist?', '>>{NateBronze} : A moderate Muslim woman just called for genocide and your response is to call Islam the religion of peace?', '>>{UnpopularMe} : Christian Pastor Says Gay Victims Of Orlando Massacre Deserve No [Sympathy ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHZcHTGzJ3U) > “We’re supposed to be sad because a bunch of perverts in a gay bar are killed?” – Pastor Steven Anderson.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Yeah, because I'm either on the side of thinking this video is good or a terrorist.", '>>{UnpopularMe} : did you not read the quote or watch the video. A christian pastor saying he is happy gays were slaughtered and that he thinks gays should be killed by the government.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : holy crap did you fail kindergarten. I said you can find christians saying gays should be killed. You ask for a source. I give you a christian saying gays should be killed and you dont find that meets the qualification? what do you want a harvard study? the denial is strong in you']]
classify and reply
['>>{howaboutthattoast} : When it comes to writing effective financial regulations, Mrs. Clinton said, “The people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.”', ">>{bandit69} : And they're the ones who support the lawyers who write the laws that protect the industry's profits to the detriment of everyone else.", '>>{Qunidaye} : They do along with public policy experts. Do people want farmers and plumbers crafting financial policy and hedge fudge managers drafting agriculture bills', ">>{remote_production} : She's not wrong, but I don't trust them to not be self serving. They know what will help them and fuck the masses and I don't see any evidence of them looking out for anybody but themselves.", ">>{ozabelle} : yeah, when it comes to writing the fire code, who knows better than an arsonist? but when it comes to pot, it's best to trust the DEA.", ">>{howaboutthattoast} : One thing is for certain after the crash: Wall Street won't regulate Wall Street.", ">>{UncleDan2017} : They're certainly the ones who will contribute the most to Clinton's retirement fund.", '>>{GeorgeXKennan} : Tom Wheeler in the FCC is a example of a industry insider turned decent and fair regulator.', ">>{Qunidaye} : Sure, a lot probably have a more myopic view towards the wider implications of the financial system on the economy and politics, but there are academics among them as well. It's worth considering their input especially one's who are experts in systemic risk, regulation, etc. It's also good to have industry input when you're going to regulate it, it might turn out to be partial or biased, but it can also prevent excessive or misdirected regulation", ">>{Qunidaye} : It's not their job to regulate themselves. Having worked in the industry shouldn't disqualify someone with expertise and insight from giving their opinion on regulation. Also, the mistakes leading up to the financial crisis does not mean the government should regulate without any consultation with present or former leaders in the industry. I don't think anyone is suggesting giving them free reign, just that regulation should be fact based with fair consideration of different view points and interests instead of emotional and reactionary punishment", '>>{Deadcharacter} : I think and I hope she has changed her thinking on this. Right now she enjoys the backing of Bernie and Warren, but if she tries to appoint somebody from Wall Street to a high office, you can be sure, the liberal gang will be campaigning against it.', '>>{OJSamson} : Well if the can manage hedges they probably know a little bit about plants. Also> hedge fudge managers']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{howaboutthattoast} : When it comes to writing effective financial regulations, Mrs. Clinton said, “The people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.”', ">>{bandit69} : And they're the ones who support the lawyers who write the laws that protect the industry's profits to the detriment of everyone else.", '>>{Qunidaye} : They do along with public policy experts. Do people want farmers and plumbers crafting financial policy and hedge fudge managers drafting agriculture bills', ">>{remote_production} : She's not wrong, but I don't trust them to not be self serving. They know what will help them and fuck the masses and I don't see any evidence of them looking out for anybody but themselves.", ">>{ozabelle} : yeah, when it comes to writing the fire code, who knows better than an arsonist? but when it comes to pot, it's best to trust the DEA.", ">>{howaboutthattoast} : One thing is for certain after the crash: Wall Street won't regulate Wall Street.", ">>{UncleDan2017} : They're certainly the ones who will contribute the most to Clinton's retirement fund.", '>>{GeorgeXKennan} : Tom Wheeler in the FCC is a example of a industry insider turned decent and fair regulator.', ">>{Qunidaye} : Sure, a lot probably have a more myopic view towards the wider implications of the financial system on the economy and politics, but there are academics among them as well. It's worth considering their input especially one's who are experts in systemic risk, regulation, etc. It's also good to have industry input when you're going to regulate it, it might turn out to be partial or biased, but it can also prevent excessive or misdirected regulation", ">>{Qunidaye} : It's not their job to regulate themselves. Having worked in the industry shouldn't disqualify someone with expertise and insight from giving their opinion on regulation. Also, the mistakes leading up to the financial crisis does not mean the government should regulate without any consultation with present or former leaders in the industry. I don't think anyone is suggesting giving them free reign, just that regulation should be fact based with fair consideration of different view points and interests instead of emotional and reactionary punishment", '>>{Deadcharacter} : I think and I hope she has changed her thinking on this. Right now she enjoys the backing of Bernie and Warren, but if she tries to appoint somebody from Wall Street to a high office, you can be sure, the liberal gang will be campaigning against it.', '>>{OJSamson} : Well if the can manage hedges they probably know a little bit about plants. Also> hedge fudge managers']]
classify and reply
['>>{conantheking} : Florida Democrats push for new voting rules Change would allow ballots to be cast before registration verified', ">>{TrumpRegime} : Russia 'intervened to promote Trump' - US intelligence", ">>{Quazimodal} : Hillary lost guys. Please let's just get over it and move forward.", ">>{malpais} : As someone who was registering voters in Florida right up until the deadline on the 18th, AND telling them that early voting starts on the 24th.... yeah we might have a problem here. If someone shows up to vote who's registration hasn't gone through yet, then yes, they should be allowed to cast a vote, which can be set aside pending their registration clearing. Seems pretty simple.", ">>{greenisunderdog} : Good. Voting is a human right so you shouldn't have to register in the first place.", ">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : Kaine splits with Clinton on some Trump supporters as 'irredeemable'", ">>{a__witty__username} : If this doesn't stop Trump from getting into office, nothing will.", '>>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : Democrats do their best to rig the election, then whine when people are upset at having the election stolen', ">>{The_Write_Stuff} : How do the Trumpettes argue that away? You know Russian intelligence didn't think those talking points up on their own. If someone coordinated with a hostile foreign intelligence service to influence a US election, that person is a traitor by any definition of the word.", ">>{wwarnout} : Uh, you've got the wrong party. Due to GOP gerrymandering, in the 2012 election, 1.4 million more people voted for Democrats for House seats, but Republicans won 33 more seats.", ">>{slaffcheff} : Oh come on ... they should stop making BIGGER phones ffs. 4.7 was big enough, to me it's bigger than my preferred size. iPhones are turning to Androids. What a disappointment.", ">>{Iammattieee} : These reports are full of garbage. Anyone who believes Apple would sell the next iPhone for 1000+ is naive and gullible. It's already enough paying $750 up front for one. It would be suicide to pull this so it's not practical.", '>>{salmonchaser} : Oh look who it is, the best and most mature poster on r/politics!', '>>{aokusman} : It already costs $1,000. I doubt apple will raise the price again.', ">>{very-well} : Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France guys. Please let's just get over it and move forward.", ">>{target_locked} : This just means that he can't reasonably defend the statement publicly.", ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : This isn't about hillary. I don't give a flying fuck about Hillary anymore. This is about foreign powers buttfucking our way of democracy like a bitch.", '>>{CNegan} : There are [plenty](http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000004533191/unfiltered-voices-from-donald-trumps-crowds.html?src=vidm) of Trump supporters that are irredeemable.', '>>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : Cherry picked recordings from dicks. Hate to break it to you, every party has those. I assume these freedom of speech hating mofos dont speak for all hillary supporters? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ50XmALd54', ">>{Lorenzo_Canyon} : Could someone break it to him that Bill Clinton isn't running for president?", '>>{ianrl337} : ok, this is from a month ago at the first debate when Trump was threatening to bring her then. Try again.', ">>{Another-Chance} : Is Bill running again? HOLY SHIT I didn't know that he could. This is amazing.", ">>{BLVARI} : In Canada the iPhone 7+ starts at $1049 and goes up from there, I don't think Apple has any issue selling a $1000 phone.", '>>{CNegan} : lol. You say cherry picked, then give an example of one group of people at one event.', '>>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : Who knows how many people voted for anything. The Democrat party has spent so many years weakening our election laws and allowing for voter fraud that none of those numbers mean anything.', '>>{GirthBrooks} : Which is of course why they control the house and senate to this day!', ">>{ITrustGoogle} : You know people basically begged Apple for bigger phones right? There's a huge demand for people wanting bigger iPhones and they sell quite well.", ">>{slaffcheff} : And they started to make + models. But why they are destroying the base model? FOr example, 5'' is too big for me.", '>>{dyzo-blue} : He is reddit-famous both for his hatred of Hillary Clinton, and his hatred of Bitcoins. Which is odd, because the two have nothing in common.', '>>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : And as bad as the Democrats are in promoting voter fraud, their disgraceful relationship with the media and with Hollywood is even worse. The media are quite simply a propaganda arm of the Democrat party, taking orders from the DNC.', '>>{Cyberbeni} : Yeah but they use monopoly dollars in Canada, no?', '>>{ArchiveSQ} : Am I missing something? An iPhone 7+ at max config already crossed that mark. The 128 is only $40 shy with taxes?', ">>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : And what is more comical is Hillary Clinton attacking the Russians for attempting to affect our election. Number one: this is without proof, just the conjecture of the corrupt Obama administration Number two:. Where is the outrage over the influence of George Soros Or even worse where is the outrage over Carlos Slim's role.", '>>{Quazimodal} : Are you insinuating Trump was on steroids.? How dare you?', ">>{dubslies} : Yeah I don't understand why a provisional ballot can't be issued and then counted once the registration goes through. It seems like a rational thing to do. On the other hand, the judge shouldn't just be changing things without any evidence they are dragging their feet. This is also coming from the same judge that extended the deadline and forced the FL legislature to allow absentee voters to fix signatures if they mismatched, so he has been very sympathetic to voter access. Suffice to say, a lot of things aren't rational in our elections. We shouldn't even have registration deadlines to begin with.", '>>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : That was the point. You can cherry pick examples from both sides. Glad youre caught up', '>>{PostTruthPete} : Trump is going to go down in infamy as an utterly disgraced failure. Watch.', '>>{BLVARI} : Yeah but only the larger denominations, I buy my Starbucks with Pogs.', '>>{SATexas1} : My wife is voting for Hillary because she likes Bill', '>>{malpais} : Right. I think that\'s why they went back to the judge and said: "There was an unintended consequence to what you ordered: The registration deadline was moved up to 3 working days before the start of early voting. There may be some people who get caught in a situation where their registration hasn\'t cleared yet. In the interest of counting every vote can we get these people permission to cast a provisional ballot until their registration clears?"', '>>{Quazimodal} : We shall see my friend, we shall see...', ">>{Georgia_Welder} : He will possibly be the first man.. and he's been accused of rape and he cheated on his wife in the White House, why shouldn't he be brought up?", '>>{Quazimodal} : I like the idea of a little protectionism, and national pride.', '>>{CNegan} : You\'re using a loose definition of "cherry pick" if you think the two are the same. The NYT video is dozens of people at several different events. Your video is just one group at one event.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Have we come to a point where facts are indefensible because they hurt feelings? Talk about political correctness. Even if Trump loses this election he's put a new face on this country, he kicked over a rock and the worst people in the country crawled out. I found common ground with Bush supporters, Romney supporters. and many conservatives over the years. I will absolutely not tolerate Trump supporters even if he loses this election. These people want to burn my country to the ground, they're awful.", '>>{Ian_Rubbish} : Got it. Congressional Republicans and someone in the FBI were floating baseless slanders against Hillary Clinton WHILE SITTING ON ACTUAL NEED-TO-KNOW INFORMATION, before an election.', ">>{JaxThePyro} : Bill's accuser denied that he raped her under oath.", ">>{mommy2libras} : What's crazy is that even after all this, he'd probably win.", ">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : Funny that you say that. You know the average attendance at a trump rally? Its in the thousands, those are huge rallies. Lets say its just a thousand. By your words, its dozens of people at several different events, lets call it 5. Thats 5000 people, and they chose 'dozens.' That means for every 500 people, there was maybe 1 that they could have used in that video. You dont call that cherry picking? I loved this by the way: > Your video is just one group at one event. Its almost like i was.... cherrypicking! Glad your caught up to 5 comments ago.", ">>{PostTruthPete} : I'm very very proud of America currently but am less since november 8th. Do you like Donald Trump?", ">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : She called half of trump supporters 'deplorable.' Thats not a fact that you can quatify, that is, by definition of the word, her 'feelings' about them.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Do you have some citation showing that it ISN\'T half? Because pretty much every survey and "study" I\'ve found has shown a large portion of them are clearly horrible people. Race motivates them more than anything else, explain this. Better yet, even if this wasn\'t 100% factually correct, why exactly can Trump run around blatantly lying, accusing the president of being a fucking terrorist, attacking disabled people and that\'s fine, but Clinton uses hyperbole and it\'s a big deal. Trump says shit many times worse than this multiple times a week and nobody cares.', ">>{PsychoTea} : Since when were they 'destroying' the base model?", '>>{cabrerabear} : Based on his post history yes yes he does.', '>>{barbe_du_cou} : > Because pretty much every survey and "study" I\'ve found has shown a large portion of them are clearly horrible people. Thanks for sharing some of those sources with us, it really illustrates the strength of your argument.', '>>{slaffcheff} : Take it easy :) i know but this will be a single model. I doubt they will put effort in it.', '>>{1461DaysInHell} : The Election is over and the US just lost the cold war. The Russians were playing the long con.', ">>{ITrustGoogle} : They aren't. The person complaining is being overly dramatic.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/clinton-wasnt-wrong-about-the-deplorables-among-trumps-supporters/2016/09/12/93720264-7932-11e6-beac-57a4a412e93a_story.html?utm_term=.a655d7d8801f Here you go man. Clinton saying "half" is less hyperbole than Trump throws out in an average day.', '>>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : again, deplorables isnt something you can quantify, its how she feels about voters. By the defintion of the word, it means she destests them, she despises them, she loaths them. Its like me saying i find half of hillary supporters pretentious, theres no way to quantify that.', '>>{Quazimodal} : I like a lot of what he seems to stand for, and his approach is fresh, and IMO just what we need.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Lmao, good, I hope she does loath them because they want to burn this country to the ground. Hating Trumpers is the act of a fucking patriot. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/clinton-wasnt-wrong-about-the-deplorables-among-trumps-supporters/2016/09/12/93720264-7932-11e6-beac-57a4a412e93a_story.html?utm_term=.a655d7d8801f', ">>{Georgia_Welder} : Gee I wonder why, it couldn't have anything to do with Hillary Clinton harassing and shaming and threatening her, nah I'm sure that's got nothing to do with it!", ">>{Quazimodal} : Don't know HIM. I see how hes' represented by the media, but that is taken with a grain of salt.", ">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : lol, those were primary voters, those arent all trump supporters, thats only counting 15 million of the estimated 65million who will vote for him. Whats more, you can manipualte those questions to get whatever answer you want. One study found that by changing the phrasing, you could get white 'racism' against blacks to go from as low as 5% to as high as 50%.... within the same group! Face it, your candidate either lied, or she was just expressing her personal distate for voters http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/putting-hillarys-basket-of-deplorables-in-context/ But hey, i personally love it when hillary reveals her true self, because her poll numbers go in the toilet http://www.latimes.com/politics/", '>>{wstsdr} : And **[here is the moment it got real](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/trump-campaign-guts-gops-anti-russia-stance-on-ukraine/2016/07/18/98adb3b0-4cf3-11e6-a7d8-13d06b37f256_story.html?postshare=8241481350566647&tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.7c456066bcd8)** - clear as day on July 18th 2016 when an unnamed Republican operative alerted media to change in RNC platform on Ukraine.', '>>{Georgia_Welder} : from her own tweet “How many times must it be said, Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things! HRC threatened me after BC raped me.” http://www.theamericanmirror.com/broaddrick-hillarys-actions-speak-louder-trumps-words/', '>>{wstsdr} : Nothing will. To be honest I fully expect this to be forgotten by Monday.', '>>{Mynipsareonfire} : They don\'t argue it away because they don\'t care. I just saw an interview with Katy Tur where she said the Trump supporters she talked to "voted for the man, not the policy" where if he says or does something, they give him the benefit of the doubt for having a good reason for doing so. Flip flops are fine, Russia meddling with the election, that\'s probably OK too.', ">>{UMR-san} : Sit back and let an unhinged authoritarian destroy America's standing in the world and quality of life.", '>>{btross} : I find it funny that she specifically stated that only a portion of his supporters are racists and bigots (the American Nazi party and the KKK have both come out publicly in support of Trump, so it\'s undeniably true) and Trump\'s supporters put on a wounded air and talk about how "deplorable" they are... so they\'re voluntarily equating themselves with the *actual* "deplorables" (the nazi party and KKK) instead of stating that they\'re part of the *other* group of Trump supporters that she specifically stated exist as well...', ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> lol, those were primary voters, those arent all trump supporters, thats only counting 15 million of the estimated 65million who will vote for him. Whats more, you can manipualte those questions to get whatever answer you want. One study found that by changing the phrasing, you could get white 'racism' against blacks to go from as low as 5% to as high as 50%.... within the same group! https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mental_gymnastics >> Face it, your candidate either lied, or she was just expressing her personal distate for voters http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/putting-hillarys-basket-of-deplorables-in-context/ Distate for garbage Trump voters, of which there are many, they are trashy, disgusting, horrible people. She was talking about those people. >> But hey, i personally love it when hillary reveals her true self, because her poll numbers go in the toilet I personally love when people have not even a basic understanding of polling and think a single sketchy poll = all poll numbers, she's still very much leading Trump. Either way, Trump is a moron of the absolute highest caliber, at least half of his supporters are vile pieces of trash and I hope they crawl back under that rock real fucking quick after the election. PS: the 538 article you just linked literally backs Clinton up. The absolute backbone of Trumps support is the shitty racists coming out from behind the curtains because they feel emboldened by him. There's a reason the daily stormer spams Trump love articles all day every day.", '>>{nlyles1} : From what were getting, thats what I can infer.', ">>{anonuisance} : Seems like a lot of effort for fireworks. Where's the profit?", '>>{mrupvot3s} : Fucking traitors. Willing to side with Russia over their own country. This seals the deal for me. Republicans are the enemy of America. Straight up traitors. Lying, fucking treasonous traitors.', '>>{Frptwenty} : And apparently Putin won. Does that make you happy? Mother Russias victory is your victory?', '>>{Scheisser_Soze} : Weaken the U.S. and the EU, boost their economy in comparison, build on that strength, profit...', ">>{stravadarius} : And the governing party's complicity. That's the part that really needs to be stressed. Honestly, it's no surprise the Russia would stoop to this kind of pettiness, but the fact that the Republican Party was aware of it and pretty much okay with it, that's infuriatingly unacceptable. And what can we do? Try to vote them out? Good luck in a country that's been gerrymandered to hell and back to more or less guarantee Republican control of the House. Indict the guilty parties? With the justice department in partisan Republican hands as of January 2017, that seems far from likely. Those treasonous fuckers are going to ride the plausible deniability wave straight into another legislative majority in 2018.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : Russia gets to run roughshod over Europe with NATO and the EU too weak to defend themselves.', '>>{UMR-san} : Not much effort. Trump was already one of the two choices. They just needed to give Americans a little push. As for profit, the Russian\'s aren\'t Trump, they can see farther than 30 minutes into the future. Russia can see the long term benefit of their biggest rival losing strength. The rest of the world is rapidly losing faith in America\'s "reliance". You are no longer a stable country in many eyes. Even if countries don\'t turn to Russia (most probably won\'t) they will still help out their relative standing.', '>>{osay77} : Yeah I think even if trump gets tried for treason, America has lost a massive amount of prestige in this whole affair. We could be looking at our decline.', '>>{InsertCoinForCredit} : Your typical Republican voter would pull the lever for Putin himself if he had an "(Я)" next to his name on the ballot.', '>>{InsertCoinForCredit} : To be fair, when the United States elects an inexperienced short-tempered clown whose **only** major endorsement came from the *National Enquirer,* you can\'t be too surprised when the rest of the world\'s leaders suddenly ask themselves, "WHY are we following them again?"', '>>{InsertCoinForCredit} : You only figured it out now? A lot of us realized that back in 1980.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Mitt Romney, 2012: "Russia is our greatest geopolitical enemy." Donnie Boy, 2016: "I sure am glad Vladimir eats so much pineapple."', '>>{osay77} : Agreed. I think even if he had lost but not by a lot, other countries would still be a little hesitant to follow us. This just speeds it up.', ">>{BerningTendies} : They probably intervened to promote Bernie too, during the primaries. Or...did everyone miss the front page of this sub around that time? RussiaToday, etc. all over the place w/ either positive Bernie or anti-Hill stuff. And it's not like Stein doesn't seem to at least be favorable to Russia as well.", ">>{BerningTendies} : Frankly, I'll be a bit happy if they just simply sit back and do nothing else...that seems...almost ideal...rather than some of the alternatives.", ">>{TrumpsMurica} : can we megathread this yet? I swear, we can megathread every tweet, Russia, climate, cabinet picks, election update, etc and still have plenty of room for all trump's conflict of interests.....and some politics too!!", '>>{overwet} : No we need to see all the real news outlets covering this', ">>{TrumpsMurica} : Megathreads don't hide anything. They are at the top in bold print. I just think we need to take more advantage of megathreads. It's organized and we can read about more/other things. Tweets and Russia are lame. Amount to nothing.", '>>{kovacskalliszto} : So did did the people of 4chan, so what are you gonna do, arrest them?', '>>{1461DaysInHell} : Who knows, but some or all of this: Remove the current UN sanction for invading and annexing Crimea. Rebuild the USSR, force eastern Europe back under their influence. Push for favorable trade deals around the world by bring more resources under their influence (oil) by flexing military strength. And finally while its a stretch many Russian hardliners have been bitching the sale of a piece of land to the US in 1867 should be reversed.', ">>{theshadowfax} : This is still akin to being more upset about someone breaking into a house than being upset that their breaking into a house uncovered a serial killers body dump which they reported, but #LiberalLogic. Enjoy your flawed logic and impotent downvotes, folks, and get ready to start saying 'President Trump.'", '>>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : Here is the Trumpets carefully thought out and completely air tight argument: Russians are white. The end', ">>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : The American Experiment ended with America's assimilation into the former soviet union.", '>>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : Trump is probably ignorant and innocent. McConnell and Comey and his leakers are the ones who should be bound for the gallows.', ">>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : Look back at what they've done since 9-11. Any time American interests were attacked by terrorists. The GOP followed up by attacking the American government. Trump ran as an enemy of America and won.", '>>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : This poster is a Trumpet and thus in favor of Russia\'s annexation of the American Government. Now these comrade centipedes want us to "get over it"', ">>{null_status} : He stands for his personal profit. You've been conned.", ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Republicans politicians being literal quislings is a new low. Like seriously, McConnell sold out his country so his wife could get a good job. I'm not usually for the death penalty, but a person should swing from a rope for that.", ">>{CandiKaine} : The DNC also [intervened to promote Trump](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/) as well: > The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee called for using far-right candidates “as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right.” Clinton’s camp insisted that **Trump and other extremists should be “elevated” to “leaders of the pack” and media outlets should be told to “take them seriously.** > “In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party,” the Clinton campaign wrote. > “**We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously**” We know this because of the leaks. Trump's victory is a confluence of a lot of fuck ups.", '>>{anonymau5} : It was In their best interest. Hillary wanted to go to war with them', ">>{InsertCoinForCredit} : Republicans have been conspiring with The Enemy -- and getting away with it -- since Nixon. They're fine with that.", '>>{ruler_gurl} : Followed shortly by his notion that [NATO alliance should be run as a business](http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/07/trump-nato/492341/) and only countries that can afford to pay for protection will get it. Oh, and *da cyber*', '>>{janethefish} : Obama thought that appearing nonpartisan or something was more important. Now we got trump.', '>>{janethefish} : Obama thought that appearing nonpartisan or something was more important. Now we got trump.', '>>{CommanderMcBragg} : They have the very best kind of evidence. Super top secret evidence that no one can ever see cuz its so secret. Why does the "Democratic" party of today seem more and more like the Republican party of 1953?', '>>{FightingLasagna24} : Only someone that is stupid would believe that she wanted to go to war with Russia.', ">>{NotAsBadAsHitler} : The good news is that now trump has zero mandate to govern and ruin anything. The dems can literally say that he only won because of Russia and he didn't even get the most votes.", '>>{NotAsBadAsHitler} : It looks like Russia is getting everything it wants now. The US is going to pull out of NATO and the EU is slowly breaking up so Russia can absorb one country at a time. Hillary warned us all along, but poorly educated whites just had to have someone who "wins."', ">>{TheLadyEve} : If you're proud of your country, you'll change horses.", ">>{Quazimodal} : The thing is, it's hard for me to imagine your actually knowing how much pride in my country that I have. Nationalism is not always a bad thing.", ">>{TheLadyEve} : Right, so if you're very proud, you'll want someone in charge who is actually competent--not just someone who just spouts jingoistic platitudes. The person who is in charge doesn't even have to be from a certain political party, all that should matter is competence. I wouldn't be opposed to voting for a Republican candidate if they were the most competent person running, and if I thought they were going to put Americans in front of their own self-interests. I'm not seeing that with our current PE.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : This is the CIA saying Russia aided Trump by hacking his opponents. The CIA is on America's side here. What side is Trump on?", '>>{cyanuricmoon} : Obama probably had more faith in America. I know I did.', ">>{gunnarmarine} : It's easy to dismiss the story because the source was never named. Just think about this too for a second. A senior intelligence official who wanted to be anonymous for some unknown reasons decided to leak Intel to the NYTs. No senior intelligence official is ever going to leak anything. It would be so easy to figure out who it was and someone would lose their jobs.", ">>{JesusHRChrist} : I'm sure you were a part of the circlejerk a few months back", ">>{DragonXV} : Putin realized that it's unnecessary to go to war with America, when you can just undermine it from within. When the Electoral College meets, it should reject Putin's Puppet.", '>>{DragonXV} : Kinda like how Republicans impeached Clinton for a blowjob, while carrying on with their own extramarital affairs.', ">>{safety_jam} : Don't listen to this guys, the BBC and CBC are obviously fake news sites and controlled by the evil corporate American MSM! /s", ">>{cuteman} : John Oliver too. Didn't he beg trump to run? Even said he would donate $1,000 to his campaign.", ">>{cuteman} : Megathreads don't hide the topic, they obfuscate the discussion because new threads cannot overcome the older comments so most conversation ends up in a black hole of no views and no replies.", ">>{janethefish} : I had more faith in America too. It seems America wasn't worthy of it. If freedom survives, history will not look kindly upon us.", ">>{ja734} : when they march across the borders of their neighbors and the world police isn't there to stop them.", '>>{Ickyfist} : What are you even talking about? The article is saying that "people" with ties to the russian government gave hacked emails to wikileaks. Even if that is true, that\'s not someone being a traitor if they aren\'t even american. Make note of the following: 1) There is no accountability here. NYT quoting an unnamed intelligence official isn\'t reliable. That\'s like Fox News saying their unnamed source in the FBI told them ____. 2) There are so many assumptions and baseless claims here. They didn\'t point out who this hacker is but that they know he/she has ties to the government. So somehow they know who the hacker is and also know for a fact that this hacker is responsible for giving wikileaks its information? But they also aren\'t saying who it is? And are also confident in asserting the motivation for that hacking? All the while Wikileaks itself has come out and said that their source wasn\'t russia and wasn\'t even necessarily a hacking. It\'s all smoke and mirrors. Notice how these sources always make a point to say that russia hacked them but then expect the reader/listener to jump to the conclusion themselves that russia also gave that information to wikileaks without any proof and without having to explicitly say that themselves. Why is that so consistent? Because they don\'t actually have proof of that but want people to believe it. What is probably true is that russia has hacked them (pretty much any idiot could have gotten their hands on hillary\'s server and podesta\'s poorly protected emails). But you can be sure that the US also hacks every other country out there themselves. That is not proof of an intention to influence elections. The misleading and stubborn ignorance of our media and government on this issue should concern you when none of this fake news or russia influence narrative has been backed up at all for months now despite their willingness to continue insisting on and spreading it.', '>>{Ickyfist} : Are you saying that Trump is a russian agent with the main objective of taking down the US? And if you think that is true you also believe he could even remotely accomplish that?', '>>{kingslayers0} : You know Democrats ridiculed Romney for saying that right?', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : No hes an isolationist fool who will (if he's knows it or not) is aiding Russian goals with his publicly stated policies. Every time Russia was brought up on Reddit it was shot down as conspiracy theories. A real estate huckster is not prepared for the diplomatic stage. It is war (cold) out there, and we are losing. Trump fans put a dangerous idiot in charge with assistance from Russia. The founders saw assistance from foreign powers as a threat to the country and put protection from it in the Constitution with the The Title of Nobility Clause.", ">>{DragonXV} : Of course! I don't care if the Prez gets a little strange on the side. None of my business. And fuck the Republicans for their hypocrisy.", ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : I'd like to know how much Russian money is tied up in Trump's businesses first. Let's at least see his tax returns before we exonerate him.", '>>{kingslayers0} : Thanks for honestly replying to my comment. Is that how all Democrats feel?', ">>{Meatsim1} : I guess that excuses everything Trump is doing. Whew that was close, who knew what Dems ridicule excuses any of this shady behavior on the RNC's side. Lucky for you, you almost had to defend Trump's Russia policies but no sir not anymore. Just point out the Dems mocked Romney in 2008 and Trump is fully cleared to do whatever he wants with Russia. Have some dignity.", ">>{kingslayers0} : Dignity? I'm just pointing out Democrats' hypocrisy that's all.", ">>{Meatsim1} : Yeah because thats whats important, an argument about whether Democrats are hypocrites today in 2016 because of what some of them said EIGHT YEARS AGO. Could the situation have changed in eight years? Maybe. Could Romney have been actually correct? Sure seems so. Should we talk about the present instead of debating if Dems as a whole are hypocritical? God no!!! Gotta avoid talking about the actual issue going on right now, keep talking about the DNC in 2008! Distract from Trump! How do you feel about Trump's Russia connections and statements, how do you feel about him rewriting the RNC platform to recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea and to drop sanctions against it?", ">>{Ickyfist} : What exactly do you think russia aims to accomplish from this? Subverting our foreign policy that we shouldn't have in the first place? Avoiding a war with us? The things that benefit russia here also benefit the US. It's not some cold war conspiracy. US is the aggressor here, not Russia. For everything you can rightfully criticize trump for (and should), avoiding a pointless war and proxy wars against russia is not one of them. It's insane that people are okay with that and think they enacted some nefarious plan.", ">>{kingslayers0} : I mean i feel like I'm taking crazy pills, not that long ago Democrats were ridiculing Trump for saying the election was rigged, Hillary loses and Democrats do a 180, and now they claim the everything is rigged, like are you serious? Do you not see your hypocrisy?", '>>{Meatsim1} : If I was as desperate as you seem to be to avoid talking about the actual issue and didn\'t know any details whatsoever about the competing claims from Trump and the DNC it would seem hypocritical. But I guess you don\'t care that Trump\'s rigged claims are completely unsubstantiated and the DNC\'s claims aren\'t. And I bet you don\'t care that no one at the DNC has called the election "rigged" they are pointing out Russia\'s influence in their hacking and leaks but they arent denying the vote totals. Oh shit you\'re a three month old account, I really gotta look at that before I reply to people. Fresh accounts that do nothing but post to /r/politics aren\'t here for any other reason other than to push bullshit in the comments', ">>{kingslayers0} : Since you cannot refute my points you dismiss me due to my account's age, nice debating technique!", ">>{kingslayers0} : Since you cannot refute my points you dismiss me due to my account's age, nice debating technique!", ">>{TrumpsMurica} : I'm not looking to hide the topic....just limit it. Twitter is lame and means nothing. It can be megathread....ed.", '>>{BashfulTurtle} : The humor is the idiotic, broad-sweeping statement you made that has no details, no proof nor any semblance of coherent thought ground in reality. Aka, that post is a steaming pile of horseshit.', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : Your trigger is going off, I guess it is stressful realizing you voted for a candidate working on the behalf of ~~Russia~~ Restored U.S.S.R. And for the record: horse manure washes off, donnie's stench is forever.", '>>{1461DaysInHell} : One was an actual NAMBLA boylover, does that count as an affair?', '>>{DragonXV} : Foley? The same pervert who attended all those Trump rallies?', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : I meant Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, but hell he's good to.", '>>{BashfulTurtle} : I did not vote for Trump. Do you see how you over assume?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{slaffcheff} : Oh come on ... they should stop making BIGGER phones ffs. 4.7 was big enough, to me it's bigger than my preferred size. iPhones are turning to Androids. What a disappointment.", ">>{Iammattieee} : These reports are full of garbage. Anyone who believes Apple would sell the next iPhone for 1000+ is naive and gullible. It's already enough paying $750 up front for one. It would be suicide to pull this so it's not practical.", '>>{aokusman} : It already costs $1,000. I doubt apple will raise the price again.', ">>{BLVARI} : In Canada the iPhone 7+ starts at $1049 and goes up from there, I don't think Apple has any issue selling a $1000 phone.", ">>{ITrustGoogle} : You know people basically begged Apple for bigger phones right? There's a huge demand for people wanting bigger iPhones and they sell quite well.", ">>{slaffcheff} : And they started to make + models. But why they are destroying the base model? FOr example, 5'' is too big for me.", '>>{Cyberbeni} : Yeah but they use monopoly dollars in Canada, no?', '>>{ArchiveSQ} : Am I missing something? An iPhone 7+ at max config already crossed that mark. The 128 is only $40 shy with taxes?', '>>{BLVARI} : Yeah but only the larger denominations, I buy my Starbucks with Pogs.', ">>{PsychoTea} : Since when were they 'destroying' the base model?", '>>{slaffcheff} : Take it easy :) i know but this will be a single model. I doubt they will put effort in it.', ">>{ITrustGoogle} : They aren't. The person complaining is being overly dramatic."], [">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : Kaine splits with Clinton on some Trump supporters as 'irredeemable'", ">>{target_locked} : This just means that he can't reasonably defend the statement publicly.", '>>{CNegan} : There are [plenty](http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000004533191/unfiltered-voices-from-donald-trumps-crowds.html?src=vidm) of Trump supporters that are irredeemable.', '>>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : Cherry picked recordings from dicks. Hate to break it to you, every party has those. I assume these freedom of speech hating mofos dont speak for all hillary supporters? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ50XmALd54', '>>{CNegan} : lol. You say cherry picked, then give an example of one group of people at one event.', '>>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : That was the point. You can cherry pick examples from both sides. Glad youre caught up', '>>{CNegan} : You\'re using a loose definition of "cherry pick" if you think the two are the same. The NYT video is dozens of people at several different events. Your video is just one group at one event.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Have we come to a point where facts are indefensible because they hurt feelings? Talk about political correctness. Even if Trump loses this election he's put a new face on this country, he kicked over a rock and the worst people in the country crawled out. I found common ground with Bush supporters, Romney supporters. and many conservatives over the years. I will absolutely not tolerate Trump supporters even if he loses this election. These people want to burn my country to the ground, they're awful.", ">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : Funny that you say that. You know the average attendance at a trump rally? Its in the thousands, those are huge rallies. Lets say its just a thousand. By your words, its dozens of people at several different events, lets call it 5. Thats 5000 people, and they chose 'dozens.' That means for every 500 people, there was maybe 1 that they could have used in that video. You dont call that cherry picking? I loved this by the way: > Your video is just one group at one event. Its almost like i was.... cherrypicking! Glad your caught up to 5 comments ago.", ">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : She called half of trump supporters 'deplorable.' Thats not a fact that you can quatify, that is, by definition of the word, her 'feelings' about them.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Do you have some citation showing that it ISN\'T half? Because pretty much every survey and "study" I\'ve found has shown a large portion of them are clearly horrible people. Race motivates them more than anything else, explain this. Better yet, even if this wasn\'t 100% factually correct, why exactly can Trump run around blatantly lying, accusing the president of being a fucking terrorist, attacking disabled people and that\'s fine, but Clinton uses hyperbole and it\'s a big deal. Trump says shit many times worse than this multiple times a week and nobody cares.', '>>{barbe_du_cou} : > Because pretty much every survey and "study" I\'ve found has shown a large portion of them are clearly horrible people. Thanks for sharing some of those sources with us, it really illustrates the strength of your argument.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/clinton-wasnt-wrong-about-the-deplorables-among-trumps-supporters/2016/09/12/93720264-7932-11e6-beac-57a4a412e93a_story.html?utm_term=.a655d7d8801f Here you go man. Clinton saying "half" is less hyperbole than Trump throws out in an average day.', '>>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : again, deplorables isnt something you can quantify, its how she feels about voters. By the defintion of the word, it means she destests them, she despises them, she loaths them. Its like me saying i find half of hillary supporters pretentious, theres no way to quantify that.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Lmao, good, I hope she does loath them because they want to burn this country to the ground. Hating Trumpers is the act of a fucking patriot. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/clinton-wasnt-wrong-about-the-deplorables-among-trumps-supporters/2016/09/12/93720264-7932-11e6-beac-57a4a412e93a_story.html?utm_term=.a655d7d8801f', ">>{AnastasiaBeaverhosen} : lol, those were primary voters, those arent all trump supporters, thats only counting 15 million of the estimated 65million who will vote for him. Whats more, you can manipualte those questions to get whatever answer you want. One study found that by changing the phrasing, you could get white 'racism' against blacks to go from as low as 5% to as high as 50%.... within the same group! Face it, your candidate either lied, or she was just expressing her personal distate for voters http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/putting-hillarys-basket-of-deplorables-in-context/ But hey, i personally love it when hillary reveals her true self, because her poll numbers go in the toilet http://www.latimes.com/politics/", '>>{btross} : I find it funny that she specifically stated that only a portion of his supporters are racists and bigots (the American Nazi party and the KKK have both come out publicly in support of Trump, so it\'s undeniably true) and Trump\'s supporters put on a wounded air and talk about how "deplorable" they are... so they\'re voluntarily equating themselves with the *actual* "deplorables" (the nazi party and KKK) instead of stating that they\'re part of the *other* group of Trump supporters that she specifically stated exist as well...', ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> lol, those were primary voters, those arent all trump supporters, thats only counting 15 million of the estimated 65million who will vote for him. Whats more, you can manipualte those questions to get whatever answer you want. One study found that by changing the phrasing, you could get white 'racism' against blacks to go from as low as 5% to as high as 50%.... within the same group! https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mental_gymnastics >> Face it, your candidate either lied, or she was just expressing her personal distate for voters http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/putting-hillarys-basket-of-deplorables-in-context/ Distate for garbage Trump voters, of which there are many, they are trashy, disgusting, horrible people. She was talking about those people. >> But hey, i personally love it when hillary reveals her true self, because her poll numbers go in the toilet I personally love when people have not even a basic understanding of polling and think a single sketchy poll = all poll numbers, she's still very much leading Trump. Either way, Trump is a moron of the absolute highest caliber, at least half of his supporters are vile pieces of trash and I hope they crawl back under that rock real fucking quick after the election. PS: the 538 article you just linked literally backs Clinton up. The absolute backbone of Trumps support is the shitty racists coming out from behind the curtains because they feel emboldened by him. There's a reason the daily stormer spams Trump love articles all day every day."], [">>{TrumpRegime} : Russia 'intervened to promote Trump' - US intelligence", ">>{Quazimodal} : Hillary lost guys. Please let's just get over it and move forward.", ">>{a__witty__username} : If this doesn't stop Trump from getting into office, nothing will.", ">>{The_Write_Stuff} : How do the Trumpettes argue that away? You know Russian intelligence didn't think those talking points up on their own. If someone coordinated with a hostile foreign intelligence service to influence a US election, that person is a traitor by any definition of the word.", ">>{very-well} : Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France guys. Please let's just get over it and move forward.", ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : This isn't about hillary. I don't give a flying fuck about Hillary anymore. This is about foreign powers buttfucking our way of democracy like a bitch.", '>>{Quazimodal} : Are you insinuating Trump was on steroids.? How dare you?', '>>{PostTruthPete} : Trump is going to go down in infamy as an utterly disgraced failure. Watch.', '>>{Quazimodal} : We shall see my friend, we shall see...', '>>{Quazimodal} : I like the idea of a little protectionism, and national pride.', '>>{Ian_Rubbish} : Got it. Congressional Republicans and someone in the FBI were floating baseless slanders against Hillary Clinton WHILE SITTING ON ACTUAL NEED-TO-KNOW INFORMATION, before an election.', ">>{PostTruthPete} : I'm very very proud of America currently but am less since november 8th. Do you like Donald Trump?", '>>{cabrerabear} : Based on his post history yes yes he does.', '>>{1461DaysInHell} : The Election is over and the US just lost the cold war. The Russians were playing the long con.', '>>{Quazimodal} : I like a lot of what he seems to stand for, and his approach is fresh, and IMO just what we need.', ">>{Quazimodal} : Don't know HIM. I see how hes' represented by the media, but that is taken with a grain of salt.", '>>{wstsdr} : And **[here is the moment it got real](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/trump-campaign-guts-gops-anti-russia-stance-on-ukraine/2016/07/18/98adb3b0-4cf3-11e6-a7d8-13d06b37f256_story.html?postshare=8241481350566647&tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.7c456066bcd8)** - clear as day on July 18th 2016 when an unnamed Republican operative alerted media to change in RNC platform on Ukraine.', '>>{wstsdr} : Nothing will. To be honest I fully expect this to be forgotten by Monday.', '>>{Mynipsareonfire} : They don\'t argue it away because they don\'t care. I just saw an interview with Katy Tur where she said the Trump supporters she talked to "voted for the man, not the policy" where if he says or does something, they give him the benefit of the doubt for having a good reason for doing so. Flip flops are fine, Russia meddling with the election, that\'s probably OK too.', ">>{UMR-san} : Sit back and let an unhinged authoritarian destroy America's standing in the world and quality of life.", '>>{nlyles1} : From what were getting, thats what I can infer.', ">>{anonuisance} : Seems like a lot of effort for fireworks. Where's the profit?", '>>{mrupvot3s} : Fucking traitors. Willing to side with Russia over their own country. This seals the deal for me. Republicans are the enemy of America. Straight up traitors. Lying, fucking treasonous traitors.', '>>{Frptwenty} : And apparently Putin won. Does that make you happy? Mother Russias victory is your victory?', '>>{Scheisser_Soze} : Weaken the U.S. and the EU, boost their economy in comparison, build on that strength, profit...', ">>{stravadarius} : And the governing party's complicity. That's the part that really needs to be stressed. Honestly, it's no surprise the Russia would stoop to this kind of pettiness, but the fact that the Republican Party was aware of it and pretty much okay with it, that's infuriatingly unacceptable. And what can we do? Try to vote them out? Good luck in a country that's been gerrymandered to hell and back to more or less guarantee Republican control of the House. Indict the guilty parties? With the justice department in partisan Republican hands as of January 2017, that seems far from likely. Those treasonous fuckers are going to ride the plausible deniability wave straight into another legislative majority in 2018.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : Russia gets to run roughshod over Europe with NATO and the EU too weak to defend themselves.', '>>{UMR-san} : Not much effort. Trump was already one of the two choices. They just needed to give Americans a little push. As for profit, the Russian\'s aren\'t Trump, they can see farther than 30 minutes into the future. Russia can see the long term benefit of their biggest rival losing strength. The rest of the world is rapidly losing faith in America\'s "reliance". You are no longer a stable country in many eyes. Even if countries don\'t turn to Russia (most probably won\'t) they will still help out their relative standing.', '>>{osay77} : Yeah I think even if trump gets tried for treason, America has lost a massive amount of prestige in this whole affair. We could be looking at our decline.', '>>{InsertCoinForCredit} : Your typical Republican voter would pull the lever for Putin himself if he had an "(Я)" next to his name on the ballot.', '>>{InsertCoinForCredit} : To be fair, when the United States elects an inexperienced short-tempered clown whose **only** major endorsement came from the *National Enquirer,* you can\'t be too surprised when the rest of the world\'s leaders suddenly ask themselves, "WHY are we following them again?"', '>>{InsertCoinForCredit} : You only figured it out now? A lot of us realized that back in 1980.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Mitt Romney, 2012: "Russia is our greatest geopolitical enemy." Donnie Boy, 2016: "I sure am glad Vladimir eats so much pineapple."', '>>{osay77} : Agreed. I think even if he had lost but not by a lot, other countries would still be a little hesitant to follow us. This just speeds it up.', ">>{BerningTendies} : They probably intervened to promote Bernie too, during the primaries. Or...did everyone miss the front page of this sub around that time? RussiaToday, etc. all over the place w/ either positive Bernie or anti-Hill stuff. And it's not like Stein doesn't seem to at least be favorable to Russia as well.", ">>{BerningTendies} : Frankly, I'll be a bit happy if they just simply sit back and do nothing else...that seems...almost ideal...rather than some of the alternatives.", ">>{TrumpsMurica} : can we megathread this yet? I swear, we can megathread every tweet, Russia, climate, cabinet picks, election update, etc and still have plenty of room for all trump's conflict of interests.....and some politics too!!", '>>{overwet} : No we need to see all the real news outlets covering this', ">>{TrumpsMurica} : Megathreads don't hide anything. They are at the top in bold print. I just think we need to take more advantage of megathreads. It's organized and we can read about more/other things. Tweets and Russia are lame. Amount to nothing.", '>>{kovacskalliszto} : So did did the people of 4chan, so what are you gonna do, arrest them?', '>>{1461DaysInHell} : Who knows, but some or all of this: Remove the current UN sanction for invading and annexing Crimea. Rebuild the USSR, force eastern Europe back under their influence. Push for favorable trade deals around the world by bring more resources under their influence (oil) by flexing military strength. And finally while its a stretch many Russian hardliners have been bitching the sale of a piece of land to the US in 1867 should be reversed.', ">>{theshadowfax} : This is still akin to being more upset about someone breaking into a house than being upset that their breaking into a house uncovered a serial killers body dump which they reported, but #LiberalLogic. Enjoy your flawed logic and impotent downvotes, folks, and get ready to start saying 'President Trump.'", '>>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : Here is the Trumpets carefully thought out and completely air tight argument: Russians are white. The end', ">>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : The American Experiment ended with America's assimilation into the former soviet union.", '>>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : Trump is probably ignorant and innocent. McConnell and Comey and his leakers are the ones who should be bound for the gallows.', ">>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : Look back at what they've done since 9-11. Any time American interests were attacked by terrorists. The GOP followed up by attacking the American government. Trump ran as an enemy of America and won.", '>>{AsteriskSCOTUS} : This poster is a Trumpet and thus in favor of Russia\'s annexation of the American Government. Now these comrade centipedes want us to "get over it"', ">>{null_status} : He stands for his personal profit. You've been conned.", ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Republicans politicians being literal quislings is a new low. Like seriously, McConnell sold out his country so his wife could get a good job. I'm not usually for the death penalty, but a person should swing from a rope for that.", ">>{CandiKaine} : The DNC also [intervened to promote Trump](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/) as well: > The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee called for using far-right candidates “as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right.” Clinton’s camp insisted that **Trump and other extremists should be “elevated” to “leaders of the pack” and media outlets should be told to “take them seriously.** > “In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party,” the Clinton campaign wrote. > “**We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously**” We know this because of the leaks. Trump's victory is a confluence of a lot of fuck ups.", '>>{anonymau5} : It was In their best interest. Hillary wanted to go to war with them', ">>{InsertCoinForCredit} : Republicans have been conspiring with The Enemy -- and getting away with it -- since Nixon. They're fine with that.", '>>{ruler_gurl} : Followed shortly by his notion that [NATO alliance should be run as a business](http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/07/trump-nato/492341/) and only countries that can afford to pay for protection will get it. Oh, and *da cyber*', '>>{janethefish} : Obama thought that appearing nonpartisan or something was more important. Now we got trump.', '>>{janethefish} : Obama thought that appearing nonpartisan or something was more important. Now we got trump.', '>>{CommanderMcBragg} : They have the very best kind of evidence. Super top secret evidence that no one can ever see cuz its so secret. Why does the "Democratic" party of today seem more and more like the Republican party of 1953?', '>>{FightingLasagna24} : Only someone that is stupid would believe that she wanted to go to war with Russia.', ">>{NotAsBadAsHitler} : The good news is that now trump has zero mandate to govern and ruin anything. The dems can literally say that he only won because of Russia and he didn't even get the most votes.", '>>{NotAsBadAsHitler} : It looks like Russia is getting everything it wants now. The US is going to pull out of NATO and the EU is slowly breaking up so Russia can absorb one country at a time. Hillary warned us all along, but poorly educated whites just had to have someone who "wins."', ">>{TheLadyEve} : If you're proud of your country, you'll change horses.", ">>{Quazimodal} : The thing is, it's hard for me to imagine your actually knowing how much pride in my country that I have. Nationalism is not always a bad thing.", ">>{TheLadyEve} : Right, so if you're very proud, you'll want someone in charge who is actually competent--not just someone who just spouts jingoistic platitudes. The person who is in charge doesn't even have to be from a certain political party, all that should matter is competence. I wouldn't be opposed to voting for a Republican candidate if they were the most competent person running, and if I thought they were going to put Americans in front of their own self-interests. I'm not seeing that with our current PE.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : This is the CIA saying Russia aided Trump by hacking his opponents. The CIA is on America's side here. What side is Trump on?", '>>{cyanuricmoon} : Obama probably had more faith in America. I know I did.', ">>{gunnarmarine} : It's easy to dismiss the story because the source was never named. Just think about this too for a second. A senior intelligence official who wanted to be anonymous for some unknown reasons decided to leak Intel to the NYTs. No senior intelligence official is ever going to leak anything. It would be so easy to figure out who it was and someone would lose their jobs.", ">>{JesusHRChrist} : I'm sure you were a part of the circlejerk a few months back", ">>{DragonXV} : Putin realized that it's unnecessary to go to war with America, when you can just undermine it from within. When the Electoral College meets, it should reject Putin's Puppet.", '>>{DragonXV} : Kinda like how Republicans impeached Clinton for a blowjob, while carrying on with their own extramarital affairs.', ">>{safety_jam} : Don't listen to this guys, the BBC and CBC are obviously fake news sites and controlled by the evil corporate American MSM! /s", ">>{cuteman} : John Oliver too. Didn't he beg trump to run? Even said he would donate $1,000 to his campaign.", ">>{cuteman} : Megathreads don't hide the topic, they obfuscate the discussion because new threads cannot overcome the older comments so most conversation ends up in a black hole of no views and no replies.", ">>{janethefish} : I had more faith in America too. It seems America wasn't worthy of it. If freedom survives, history will not look kindly upon us.", ">>{ja734} : when they march across the borders of their neighbors and the world police isn't there to stop them.", '>>{Ickyfist} : What are you even talking about? The article is saying that "people" with ties to the russian government gave hacked emails to wikileaks. Even if that is true, that\'s not someone being a traitor if they aren\'t even american. Make note of the following: 1) There is no accountability here. NYT quoting an unnamed intelligence official isn\'t reliable. That\'s like Fox News saying their unnamed source in the FBI told them ____. 2) There are so many assumptions and baseless claims here. They didn\'t point out who this hacker is but that they know he/she has ties to the government. So somehow they know who the hacker is and also know for a fact that this hacker is responsible for giving wikileaks its information? But they also aren\'t saying who it is? And are also confident in asserting the motivation for that hacking? All the while Wikileaks itself has come out and said that their source wasn\'t russia and wasn\'t even necessarily a hacking. It\'s all smoke and mirrors. Notice how these sources always make a point to say that russia hacked them but then expect the reader/listener to jump to the conclusion themselves that russia also gave that information to wikileaks without any proof and without having to explicitly say that themselves. Why is that so consistent? Because they don\'t actually have proof of that but want people to believe it. What is probably true is that russia has hacked them (pretty much any idiot could have gotten their hands on hillary\'s server and podesta\'s poorly protected emails). But you can be sure that the US also hacks every other country out there themselves. That is not proof of an intention to influence elections. The misleading and stubborn ignorance of our media and government on this issue should concern you when none of this fake news or russia influence narrative has been backed up at all for months now despite their willingness to continue insisting on and spreading it.', '>>{Ickyfist} : Are you saying that Trump is a russian agent with the main objective of taking down the US? And if you think that is true you also believe he could even remotely accomplish that?', '>>{kingslayers0} : You know Democrats ridiculed Romney for saying that right?', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : No hes an isolationist fool who will (if he's knows it or not) is aiding Russian goals with his publicly stated policies. Every time Russia was brought up on Reddit it was shot down as conspiracy theories. A real estate huckster is not prepared for the diplomatic stage. It is war (cold) out there, and we are losing. Trump fans put a dangerous idiot in charge with assistance from Russia. The founders saw assistance from foreign powers as a threat to the country and put protection from it in the Constitution with the The Title of Nobility Clause.", ">>{DragonXV} : Of course! I don't care if the Prez gets a little strange on the side. None of my business. And fuck the Republicans for their hypocrisy.", ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : I'd like to know how much Russian money is tied up in Trump's businesses first. Let's at least see his tax returns before we exonerate him.", '>>{kingslayers0} : Thanks for honestly replying to my comment. Is that how all Democrats feel?', ">>{Meatsim1} : I guess that excuses everything Trump is doing. Whew that was close, who knew what Dems ridicule excuses any of this shady behavior on the RNC's side. Lucky for you, you almost had to defend Trump's Russia policies but no sir not anymore. Just point out the Dems mocked Romney in 2008 and Trump is fully cleared to do whatever he wants with Russia. Have some dignity.", ">>{kingslayers0} : Dignity? I'm just pointing out Democrats' hypocrisy that's all.", ">>{Meatsim1} : Yeah because thats whats important, an argument about whether Democrats are hypocrites today in 2016 because of what some of them said EIGHT YEARS AGO. Could the situation have changed in eight years? Maybe. Could Romney have been actually correct? Sure seems so. Should we talk about the present instead of debating if Dems as a whole are hypocritical? God no!!! Gotta avoid talking about the actual issue going on right now, keep talking about the DNC in 2008! Distract from Trump! How do you feel about Trump's Russia connections and statements, how do you feel about him rewriting the RNC platform to recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea and to drop sanctions against it?", ">>{Ickyfist} : What exactly do you think russia aims to accomplish from this? Subverting our foreign policy that we shouldn't have in the first place? Avoiding a war with us? The things that benefit russia here also benefit the US. It's not some cold war conspiracy. US is the aggressor here, not Russia. For everything you can rightfully criticize trump for (and should), avoiding a pointless war and proxy wars against russia is not one of them. It's insane that people are okay with that and think they enacted some nefarious plan.", ">>{kingslayers0} : I mean i feel like I'm taking crazy pills, not that long ago Democrats were ridiculing Trump for saying the election was rigged, Hillary loses and Democrats do a 180, and now they claim the everything is rigged, like are you serious? Do you not see your hypocrisy?", '>>{Meatsim1} : If I was as desperate as you seem to be to avoid talking about the actual issue and didn\'t know any details whatsoever about the competing claims from Trump and the DNC it would seem hypocritical. But I guess you don\'t care that Trump\'s rigged claims are completely unsubstantiated and the DNC\'s claims aren\'t. And I bet you don\'t care that no one at the DNC has called the election "rigged" they are pointing out Russia\'s influence in their hacking and leaks but they arent denying the vote totals. Oh shit you\'re a three month old account, I really gotta look at that before I reply to people. Fresh accounts that do nothing but post to /r/politics aren\'t here for any other reason other than to push bullshit in the comments', ">>{kingslayers0} : Since you cannot refute my points you dismiss me due to my account's age, nice debating technique!", ">>{kingslayers0} : Since you cannot refute my points you dismiss me due to my account's age, nice debating technique!", ">>{TrumpsMurica} : I'm not looking to hide the topic....just limit it. Twitter is lame and means nothing. It can be megathread....ed.", '>>{BashfulTurtle} : The humor is the idiotic, broad-sweeping statement you made that has no details, no proof nor any semblance of coherent thought ground in reality. Aka, that post is a steaming pile of horseshit.', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : Your trigger is going off, I guess it is stressful realizing you voted for a candidate working on the behalf of ~~Russia~~ Restored U.S.S.R. And for the record: horse manure washes off, donnie's stench is forever.", '>>{1461DaysInHell} : One was an actual NAMBLA boylover, does that count as an affair?', '>>{DragonXV} : Foley? The same pervert who attended all those Trump rallies?', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : I meant Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, but hell he's good to.", '>>{BashfulTurtle} : I did not vote for Trump. Do you see how you over assume?'], ['>>{salmonchaser} : Oh look who it is, the best and most mature poster on r/politics!', ">>{Lorenzo_Canyon} : Could someone break it to him that Bill Clinton isn't running for president?", '>>{ianrl337} : ok, this is from a month ago at the first debate when Trump was threatening to bring her then. Try again.', ">>{Another-Chance} : Is Bill running again? HOLY SHIT I didn't know that he could. This is amazing.", '>>{dyzo-blue} : He is reddit-famous both for his hatred of Hillary Clinton, and his hatred of Bitcoins. Which is odd, because the two have nothing in common.', '>>{SATexas1} : My wife is voting for Hillary because she likes Bill', ">>{Georgia_Welder} : He will possibly be the first man.. and he's been accused of rape and he cheated on his wife in the White House, why shouldn't he be brought up?", ">>{JaxThePyro} : Bill's accuser denied that he raped her under oath.", ">>{mommy2libras} : What's crazy is that even after all this, he'd probably win.", ">>{Georgia_Welder} : Gee I wonder why, it couldn't have anything to do with Hillary Clinton harassing and shaming and threatening her, nah I'm sure that's got nothing to do with it!", '>>{Georgia_Welder} : from her own tweet “How many times must it be said, Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things! HRC threatened me after BC raped me.” http://www.theamericanmirror.com/broaddrick-hillarys-actions-speak-louder-trumps-words/'], ['>>{conantheking} : Florida Democrats push for new voting rules Change would allow ballots to be cast before registration verified', ">>{malpais} : As someone who was registering voters in Florida right up until the deadline on the 18th, AND telling them that early voting starts on the 24th.... yeah we might have a problem here. If someone shows up to vote who's registration hasn't gone through yet, then yes, they should be allowed to cast a vote, which can be set aside pending their registration clearing. Seems pretty simple.", ">>{greenisunderdog} : Good. Voting is a human right so you shouldn't have to register in the first place.", '>>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : Democrats do their best to rig the election, then whine when people are upset at having the election stolen', ">>{wwarnout} : Uh, you've got the wrong party. Due to GOP gerrymandering, in the 2012 election, 1.4 million more people voted for Democrats for House seats, but Republicans won 33 more seats.", '>>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : Who knows how many people voted for anything. The Democrat party has spent so many years weakening our election laws and allowing for voter fraud that none of those numbers mean anything.', '>>{GirthBrooks} : Which is of course why they control the house and senate to this day!', '>>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : And as bad as the Democrats are in promoting voter fraud, their disgraceful relationship with the media and with Hollywood is even worse. The media are quite simply a propaganda arm of the Democrat party, taking orders from the DNC.', ">>{EnoughPoliticsUsual} : And what is more comical is Hillary Clinton attacking the Russians for attempting to affect our election. Number one: this is without proof, just the conjecture of the corrupt Obama administration Number two:. Where is the outrage over the influence of George Soros Or even worse where is the outrage over Carlos Slim's role.", ">>{dubslies} : Yeah I don't understand why a provisional ballot can't be issued and then counted once the registration goes through. It seems like a rational thing to do. On the other hand, the judge shouldn't just be changing things without any evidence they are dragging their feet. This is also coming from the same judge that extended the deadline and forced the FL legislature to allow absentee voters to fix signatures if they mismatched, so he has been very sympathetic to voter access. Suffice to say, a lot of things aren't rational in our elections. We shouldn't even have registration deadlines to begin with.", '>>{malpais} : Right. I think that\'s why they went back to the judge and said: "There was an unintended consequence to what you ordered: The registration deadline was moved up to 3 working days before the start of early voting. There may be some people who get caught in a situation where their registration hasn\'t cleared yet. In the interest of counting every vote can we get these people permission to cast a provisional ballot until their registration clears?"']]
classify and reply
['>>{Daniel4780} : Dyson Pure Cool Link review: a fan that blows clean air in your face', '>>{a_chill_bro} : Trump Leads Clinton By Two Points In North Carolina Poll', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Deflect, deflect, deflect. But that only works if Trump stops digging.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : All the women Trump raped and harassed have names too. And he's actually the one running for president.", '>>{DamagedHells} : You should go watch their pornos. Oh wait.', '>>{Pleased_to_meet_u} : How is this anything but a shill for dyson fans? /u/Daniel4780 22,609 post karma **19 comment karma** Yep. Shill account. Downvote away.', '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : the poll is landline only...thats actually really bad for Trump.', ">>{helpmeredditimbored} : How Republicans in North Carolina created a 'monster' voter ID law", ">>{dagwood222} : Here's the funny thing. Say Gennifer Flowers had shown up at the debate. I'm sure Hillary would have tried to be classy. Wahtever she felt inside, she's have been cool outside. Donald not so much.", ">>{yhwhx} : OK, if we're going to play that game... What's the name of the [13-year-old girl The Donald is accused of raping?](http://www.snopes.com/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/) And here's a [name](http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/09/donald-trump-scandals/474726/): > After years of attending beauty pageants—Trump seems to have always enjoyed the company of beautiful, scantily clad women—he decided he wanted to get in on the business himself, meeting with George Houraney and Jill Harth, a couple that ran the American Dream pageant. It was an ill-fated effort. Harth and Houraney alleged that Trump started making passes at her almost immediately. On one occasion, Trump allegedly asked them to bring some models to a party. Harth alleges Trump groped her at the party. In a limo afterward, another model said she heard him say that “all women are bimbos” and most “gold diggers.” Trump reportedly joined another model in bed, uninvited, late at night. On other occasions, he forced Harth into bedrooms and made passes at her, she said. But after the contest, Trump broke off dealings. Harth sued Trump, alleging sexual misbehavior, while the couple together sued him for breach of contract. In the suit, they also alleged that Trump had kept black women out of the pageant.", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Interesting. I wonder how much bigger his lead would be if they counted Facebook likes.', ">>{DoNot_GuildMe} : Can we stop denying that Republican officials don't actually want the people to speak? They want so called 'smart' voters only. It's disgusting.", '>>{ItchyThunder} : This arrogant as swipe can do anything and people still support him. Amazing!!', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : Don't be afraid, say it, They want White voters or subservient AA voters only. And it was the Greatest of the Voter ID laws, the most effective the one that would have eliminated all AA people from all government functions in less than 5 years and NC would become a white heaven with legal slavery once again.", ">>{Kuro207} : Drive through the rural sections of North Carolina and you'll see bible-beater billboards and signs everywhere. Turn on the radio and you'll hear bug-eyed crazy religious conservatives across the dial. Somehow these people have conflated their religious views with hardcore political conservatism and they would vote for a sack of groat clusters if it were running against Hillary.", '>>{Jeraltofrivias} : >but the recent flood of revelations have halted his momentum and his chances now look as patchy as his tan," said firm representative Féilim Mac An Iomaire in a statement. Rofl', '>>{SinSkin} : Sept the majority of white people in NC are fucking poor. And poor white people make shitty slaves, maybe on meth they are better.', '>>{FatLadySingin} : [Jane Doe](https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058/Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits) [Jill Harth](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/jul/20/jill-harth-donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuit-video?CMP=embed_video) [Ivana Trump](http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/time-to-press-donald-on-raping-his-wife)', '>>{ashstronge} : I cant help but feel that this is a bit premature. Like in theory at least, anything could happen over the space of the next 3 weeks. In most countries, election season only lasts about 6 weeks.', '>>{leontes} : There is a small gamble here, to be sure, but the amount of free advertising outways the risk, to them, most likely. They are trying to run a business, after all.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I don't think those meth and Oxycontin users get around to much voting. They get the same treatment, almost. If your community doesn't have any poor blacks the rule is, abuse the poor whites. If you are poor white you might want to make sure you live in an area with a mixed population. /bitter s.", ">>{JPN2214} : I don't care. It's a gadget article, why does it not deserve to be here? If the article is good, upvote it. If it isn't, downvote it. Why should I care about the poster?", '>>{CTR_COINTELPRO_007} : > Somehow these people have conflated their religious views with hardcore political conservatism So like ISIS.', '>>{redmustang04} : Luckily that monster for now over there has been slain. Now if Hillary wins, those laws would probably be struck down when she chooses her Supreme court picks.', '>>{intoon} : Wait, do people actually bet on elections?! My money is on Clinton. Far less risky than the last [bet](http://i.imgur.com/PyXh2Ya.jpg) I placed.', '>>{western_red} : > "Is there no category for \'Hispanic\' voter?" a GOP lawmaker asked in March 2013 after requesting a range of data, including how many voters cast ballots outside their precinct. And in April 2013, a top aide to the Republican House speaker asked for "a breakdown, by race, of those registered voters in your database that do not have a driver\'s license number." The DNC should run an ad in North Carolina just quoting the republican party in their state. I can\'t imagine it wouldn\'t help turnout.', '>>{lampishthing} : Paddy Power likes to do this sort of thing for the advertising. The controversy is worth it to them. Also their twitter feed is hilarious.', '>>{ShillinforaHillin} : That\'s like saying "yeah it\'s the superbowl and the Seahawks are winning 36-8 going into the fourth quarter, but I can\'t help feeling it\'s a bit premature to to call it." Sure it was technically possible that the entire defensive line could get hurt and leave room for a comeback, but Vegas knows the likelihood of that happening and they accept bets accordingly.', ">>{possiblebraindamage} : what if i want dirty air in my face? can this product oblige? Don't ask why, just answer the question.", ">>{ashstronge} : Yeah, Tbf, even in that scenario, I would be that guy who says it's still too early to call.", '>>{salisburymistake} : Might do a better job feigning human empathy if you excised this from the 3rd fucking paragraph: > a beauty pageant winner who misinterpreted her Miss Universe title as a license to eat it', '>>{elartepubs} : They are the American ISIS. A lot of ISIS joined because they were the bottom of the barrel of their societies and it gave them a reason to unleash their hate. You can say the same for the alt-right and their support of the Tiny Handed one.', ">>{ShillinforaHillin} : Well.. Yeah that's probably why you're not a bookie though lol no one's saying it's all over. We're just saying you're going to have a, hard time betting on Hillary anymore. They're just not smart odds for them to play anymore. They're looking at statistical probability and the chances of an upset making them money.", '>>{FriesWithThat} : If this post gets 1000 Likes, Trump will put Red States into play.', '>>{Flying_Teapot} : You want a [Fartcopter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njVa64VeqN0)', ">>{yeaabut} : The gall of trump to imply that Hillary's husband cheating somehow reflects negatively on her becoming president but his OWN cheating on his wife is somehow ok??? this is CRAZY that he can make Bill an issue while everyone is ignoring his cheating... AAAAHHHHH", '>>{imwithxir} : 2004, I miss you [Intellectual Morons](https://www.amazon.com/Intellectual-Morons-Ideology-People-Stupid/dp/1400053552): How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas - 2004 by Daniel J. Flynn "Why do well-educated antiwar activists call the president of the United States “the new Hitler” and argue that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 attacks? Why does Al Gore believe that cars pose “a mortal threat to the security of every nation”? Why does the Princeton professor known as the father of the animal rights movement object to humans eating animals but not to humans having sex with them—and why does PETA defend that position?"', ">>{Dropperneck} : You can't drive a car, have a bank acct, go to a payday loan place, buy alcohol, and the list goes forever with out an ID. People who want no laws want to be able to bus in elderly, the mentally disabled, and to have the dead vote.", '>>{HTownian25} : For First Lady, the most powerful office in national politics.', ">>{a_chill_bro} : > They are the American ISIS. I remember back when political differences weren't so extreme. People used to at least respect each other's points of view and were able to have intelligent debates around their perspectives. Be more fucking responsible with your rhetoric.", ">>{FrozenSquirrel} : >to bus in elderly, the mentally disabled, and to have the dead vote. So, that happens a lot where you're from? Or do people just tell you that it happens a lot?", ">>{ashstronge} : That's not what this is saying- they are saying they have cashed out on a Hillary win.", '>>{SooperModelsDotCom} : Will it also blow smoke up my ass? Because if it\'s like all of the rest of the Dyson products then that\'s all it\'ll do. Especially that ridiculously idiotic hands "free" dryer that is more like a hands "wipe your hands on your pants because this piece of shit ain\'t gonna dry them" dryer.', ">>{hatramroany} : I've never had a problem with thief hand dryers? You just shove your hands in and feverishly pump them in and out like a mad man. Simple.", ">>{I_am_legend-ary} : I know the Dyson fans are incredibly overpriced but there is something inherently 'cool' about them, I hate the fact that I want one!", ">>{JohnDelmont} : Cheating is when you glance at the test answers of the person sitting in the desk next to you. We're talking here about sexually abusing, subjugating and assaulting women coupled with Hillary's enabling of those heinous acts by her own husband.", '>>{elartepubs} : No. The "alt-right" is the American ISIS - the trash of society - only with bigotry and hate instead of rape and murder. If you feel triggered by that being pointed out, that\'s on you.', ">>{ShillinforaHillin} : Right they're saying an Irish betting firm has called the election and is already paying out to those who bet on Hillary. > An Irish betting market is so confident that Hillary Clinton will beat Donald Trump that it is already paying off bettors. >Irish bookmaking market Paddy Power said it would close its U.S. presidential election book. The market would be paying slightly more than $1 million altogether for people who bet on a Clinton victory. It then went on to say other betting firms have Clinton as the heavy heavy favorite meaning your chances of finding a place to bet on Clinton that will net you any profit is pretty unlikely. Unless something crazy happens, your window to bet on this is over.", ">>{GinsengandHoney} : So they're ISIS because they hurt your feelings? Grow up you fucking child lmao", ">>{Dropperneck} : I volunteer at my voting station. One that leans blue in a red state. I have seen some low down stuff done by local democrat leaders. I think all people should vote, but I always get concerned when people getting off a bus can't even sign their own names. It just doesn't seem right. I can see how it is advantageous to democrats to not need an ID but I don't think it is right.", '>>{ashstronge} : I actually just checked my Paddy Power account- can confirm that they have cashed out!', ">>{FrozenSquirrel} : Old people overwhelmingly vote republican. How does this help democrats again? >It just doesn't seem right. I get it. Feels over facts.", ">>{Feignfame} : When has he been convicted of any of this? Never, you are just passing judgement on him while ignoring Trump's own accusers? Awesome, thanks for proving my point.", '>>{WhisperScream92} : TIL of "Thief" hand dryers and what to do when around one.', '>>{The_Estate} : Sounds like Dyson is *blowing hot air* again... heh...', '>>{Dropperneck} : From what I have witnessed they bus in scores of people that have disabilities and are disabled and strongly encourage them to vote one way or another. In 2012 I noticed a large group from a mental handicap group home all had state ids issued on the same date. So essentially I think democrats do not like going through the hassle of getting these people ids. If I had to guess.', '>>{PrettySlickShit} : Really? Their hand dryers work perfect, much better than standard ones and much faster', '>>{a_chill_bro} : > The "alt-right" is the American ISIS - the trash of society It\'s so easy to compare people who disagree with you to Hitler, Stalin, ISIS, etc. It\'s so intellectually lazy. You\'re better than that, at least I truly hope you are. The truth is we are all Americans, no matter what side you are on, left, right or center. No one from the so-called "alt-right" has beheaded or even shot anyone during this election. No one from the "alt-right" has invaded entire villages or towns to enslave thousands of women and children and no one has committed genocide. Therefore, no, the "alt-right" is NOT ISIS. You really need to educate yourself on who ISIS is, why they do what they do and how they came to power. Read about the people who were in charge during that time and about the weapons deals that were made. You\'re not going to like it, and unless you are a traitor to your own country, you will come to your senses.', ">>{elartepubs} : Your mistake is thinking this is about disagreement. If you want to boil it down to that, fine, I disagree with the alt-right. I disagree with their bigotry, their ignorance, their pure dumb racist hatred. I disagree completely with their view of what this country should be. Your straw manning and deflection only shows how this comparison bothers you. If it bothers you, try looking at what you've associated yourself with. Your little safe space at /r/the_tinyhands calls for some of those the same things you just described. I'd point out examples but really I'e already spent too much time talking to someone who posts [this stupid shit](https://i.redd.it/6o613foz35hx.jpg).", '>>{carolinagirrrl} : I have also worked as a precinct judge in NC. When this occurred, did you advise the chief precinct judge of the suspected irregularities? Did you report this activity to the county or state BOE?', ">>{a_chill_bro} : > I'd point out examples but really I'e already spent too much time talking to someone who posts this stupid shit. Pointing out examples is how you prove points and show people how they are incorrect. Just like your ISIS comparison is incorrect. Take care of yourself.", ">>{cato1986} : It's just a fan that forces air up a tube into a circular vent.", ">>{Dropperneck} : I did but I'm not sure if anything ever came of it tbh", ">>{gtg092x} : It's a beurocratic hurdle that gets exploited by corrupt politicians", '>>{JimCramersButthole} : The key thing we need to do is speak to them.', '>>{Wildbilly777} : We\'ll see how "struck down" this was on election day!', ">>{elartepubs} : LOL you don't even realize I showed a perfect example of your core ignorance. Here's another for you. Should I go on? https://i.redd.it/ed89kh9uniix.png", '>>{mommy2libras} : Who is "they"? And how can you be against any citizen voting, regardless of whether you think they are "qualified"?', '>>{JimCramersButthole} : They’ve looked at my plans and they’ve said, OK, if we can do for the middle class, took their eyes off of Wall Street, and created a perfect storm.', '>>{a_chill_bro} : > you don\'t even realize I showed a perfect example of your core ignorance. Your main argument is that the "alt-right" is ISIS. That\'s what started all this. Unless you have evidence or examples of someone from the "alt-right" behaving as ISIS does, which I outlined above, then you have no argument. You don\'t have evidence of that behavior simply because it has not and will not ever take place. The "alt-right" is NOT ISIS. You lost this one bud. Be more responsible with your comparisons moving forward.', '>>{elartepubs} : > Your main argument is that the "alt-right" is ISIS. Your inability to understand my point is, well, not unexpected. Your triggering, however, is a pleasant side bonus.', ">>{a_chill_bro} : > Your inability to understand my point is, well, not unexpected. That's because you don't have a point. As anyone reading this will confirm. Learn from this and move on.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : hey when you find a case that ends with his conviction let me know!!', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : when she wants to stop using him to speak at her events, then you can make this argument', '>>{yeaabut} : blah blah .... whatever.... I give up...It is embarrassing as a country that people are voting for this idiot... Truly..', ">>{Nautigirl} : Well, if you see that cheating by a husband as being the fault of having a bad wife, then it all makes perfect sense. Trump is incapable of accepting blame or responsibility, so his failed marriages and affairs are because of what faults his ex wives had. It's only natural for him to assume the same of the Clintons marriage.", ">>{yeaabut} : Thanks..I wasn't getting it.... But it's clear to me now...", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : The fact that it's being pursued in court makes it more credible than any of *this* bullshit.", ">>{popname} : Did Hillary Clinton threaton these women into silence too? Or does she only silence her husband's rape victims?", '>>{zoidboix} : I mean trump forced Ivana to never talk about what happened during her rape.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Daniel4780} : Dyson Pure Cool Link review: a fan that blows clean air in your face', '>>{Pleased_to_meet_u} : How is this anything but a shill for dyson fans? /u/Daniel4780 22,609 post karma **19 comment karma** Yep. Shill account. Downvote away.', ">>{JPN2214} : I don't care. It's a gadget article, why does it not deserve to be here? If the article is good, upvote it. If it isn't, downvote it. Why should I care about the poster?", ">>{possiblebraindamage} : what if i want dirty air in my face? can this product oblige? Don't ask why, just answer the question.", '>>{Flying_Teapot} : You want a [Fartcopter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njVa64VeqN0)', '>>{SooperModelsDotCom} : Will it also blow smoke up my ass? Because if it\'s like all of the rest of the Dyson products then that\'s all it\'ll do. Especially that ridiculously idiotic hands "free" dryer that is more like a hands "wipe your hands on your pants because this piece of shit ain\'t gonna dry them" dryer.', ">>{hatramroany} : I've never had a problem with thief hand dryers? You just shove your hands in and feverishly pump them in and out like a mad man. Simple.", ">>{I_am_legend-ary} : I know the Dyson fans are incredibly overpriced but there is something inherently 'cool' about them, I hate the fact that I want one!", '>>{WhisperScream92} : TIL of "Thief" hand dryers and what to do when around one.', '>>{The_Estate} : Sounds like Dyson is *blowing hot air* again... heh...', '>>{PrettySlickShit} : Really? Their hand dryers work perfect, much better than standard ones and much faster', ">>{cato1986} : It's just a fan that forces air up a tube into a circular vent."], ['>>{a_chill_bro} : Trump Leads Clinton By Two Points In North Carolina Poll', '>>{PhillyRedditStan} : the poll is landline only...thats actually really bad for Trump.', '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Interesting. I wonder how much bigger his lead would be if they counted Facebook likes.', '>>{ItchyThunder} : This arrogant as swipe can do anything and people still support him. Amazing!!', ">>{Kuro207} : Drive through the rural sections of North Carolina and you'll see bible-beater billboards and signs everywhere. Turn on the radio and you'll hear bug-eyed crazy religious conservatives across the dial. Somehow these people have conflated their religious views with hardcore political conservatism and they would vote for a sack of groat clusters if it were running against Hillary.", '>>{CTR_COINTELPRO_007} : > Somehow these people have conflated their religious views with hardcore political conservatism So like ISIS.', '>>{elartepubs} : They are the American ISIS. A lot of ISIS joined because they were the bottom of the barrel of their societies and it gave them a reason to unleash their hate. You can say the same for the alt-right and their support of the Tiny Handed one.', '>>{FriesWithThat} : If this post gets 1000 Likes, Trump will put Red States into play.', ">>{a_chill_bro} : > They are the American ISIS. I remember back when political differences weren't so extreme. People used to at least respect each other's points of view and were able to have intelligent debates around their perspectives. Be more fucking responsible with your rhetoric.", '>>{elartepubs} : No. The "alt-right" is the American ISIS - the trash of society - only with bigotry and hate instead of rape and murder. If you feel triggered by that being pointed out, that\'s on you.', ">>{GinsengandHoney} : So they're ISIS because they hurt your feelings? Grow up you fucking child lmao", '>>{a_chill_bro} : > The "alt-right" is the American ISIS - the trash of society It\'s so easy to compare people who disagree with you to Hitler, Stalin, ISIS, etc. It\'s so intellectually lazy. You\'re better than that, at least I truly hope you are. The truth is we are all Americans, no matter what side you are on, left, right or center. No one from the so-called "alt-right" has beheaded or even shot anyone during this election. No one from the "alt-right" has invaded entire villages or towns to enslave thousands of women and children and no one has committed genocide. Therefore, no, the "alt-right" is NOT ISIS. You really need to educate yourself on who ISIS is, why they do what they do and how they came to power. Read about the people who were in charge during that time and about the weapons deals that were made. You\'re not going to like it, and unless you are a traitor to your own country, you will come to your senses.', ">>{elartepubs} : Your mistake is thinking this is about disagreement. If you want to boil it down to that, fine, I disagree with the alt-right. I disagree with their bigotry, their ignorance, their pure dumb racist hatred. I disagree completely with their view of what this country should be. Your straw manning and deflection only shows how this comparison bothers you. If it bothers you, try looking at what you've associated yourself with. Your little safe space at /r/the_tinyhands calls for some of those the same things you just described. I'd point out examples but really I'e already spent too much time talking to someone who posts [this stupid shit](https://i.redd.it/6o613foz35hx.jpg).", ">>{a_chill_bro} : > I'd point out examples but really I'e already spent too much time talking to someone who posts this stupid shit. Pointing out examples is how you prove points and show people how they are incorrect. Just like your ISIS comparison is incorrect. Take care of yourself.", ">>{elartepubs} : LOL you don't even realize I showed a perfect example of your core ignorance. Here's another for you. Should I go on? https://i.redd.it/ed89kh9uniix.png", '>>{a_chill_bro} : > you don\'t even realize I showed a perfect example of your core ignorance. Your main argument is that the "alt-right" is ISIS. That\'s what started all this. Unless you have evidence or examples of someone from the "alt-right" behaving as ISIS does, which I outlined above, then you have no argument. You don\'t have evidence of that behavior simply because it has not and will not ever take place. The "alt-right" is NOT ISIS. You lost this one bud. Be more responsible with your comparisons moving forward.', '>>{elartepubs} : > Your main argument is that the "alt-right" is ISIS. Your inability to understand my point is, well, not unexpected. Your triggering, however, is a pleasant side bonus.', ">>{a_chill_bro} : > Your inability to understand my point is, well, not unexpected. That's because you don't have a point. As anyone reading this will confirm. Learn from this and move on."], ['>>{Jeraltofrivias} : >but the recent flood of revelations have halted his momentum and his chances now look as patchy as his tan," said firm representative Féilim Mac An Iomaire in a statement. Rofl', '>>{ashstronge} : I cant help but feel that this is a bit premature. Like in theory at least, anything could happen over the space of the next 3 weeks. In most countries, election season only lasts about 6 weeks.', '>>{leontes} : There is a small gamble here, to be sure, but the amount of free advertising outways the risk, to them, most likely. They are trying to run a business, after all.', '>>{intoon} : Wait, do people actually bet on elections?! My money is on Clinton. Far less risky than the last [bet](http://i.imgur.com/PyXh2Ya.jpg) I placed.', '>>{lampishthing} : Paddy Power likes to do this sort of thing for the advertising. The controversy is worth it to them. Also their twitter feed is hilarious.', '>>{ShillinforaHillin} : That\'s like saying "yeah it\'s the superbowl and the Seahawks are winning 36-8 going into the fourth quarter, but I can\'t help feeling it\'s a bit premature to to call it." Sure it was technically possible that the entire defensive line could get hurt and leave room for a comeback, but Vegas knows the likelihood of that happening and they accept bets accordingly.', ">>{ashstronge} : Yeah, Tbf, even in that scenario, I would be that guy who says it's still too early to call.", ">>{ShillinforaHillin} : Well.. Yeah that's probably why you're not a bookie though lol no one's saying it's all over. We're just saying you're going to have a, hard time betting on Hillary anymore. They're just not smart odds for them to play anymore. They're looking at statistical probability and the chances of an upset making them money.", ">>{ashstronge} : That's not what this is saying- they are saying they have cashed out on a Hillary win.", ">>{ShillinforaHillin} : Right they're saying an Irish betting firm has called the election and is already paying out to those who bet on Hillary. > An Irish betting market is so confident that Hillary Clinton will beat Donald Trump that it is already paying off bettors. >Irish bookmaking market Paddy Power said it would close its U.S. presidential election book. The market would be paying slightly more than $1 million altogether for people who bet on a Clinton victory. It then went on to say other betting firms have Clinton as the heavy heavy favorite meaning your chances of finding a place to bet on Clinton that will net you any profit is pretty unlikely. Unless something crazy happens, your window to bet on this is over.", '>>{ashstronge} : I actually just checked my Paddy Power account- can confirm that they have cashed out!'], ['>>{Scarletyoshi} : Deflect, deflect, deflect. But that only works if Trump stops digging.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : All the women Trump raped and harassed have names too. And he's actually the one running for president.", '>>{DamagedHells} : You should go watch their pornos. Oh wait.', ">>{dagwood222} : Here's the funny thing. Say Gennifer Flowers had shown up at the debate. I'm sure Hillary would have tried to be classy. Wahtever she felt inside, she's have been cool outside. Donald not so much.", ">>{yhwhx} : OK, if we're going to play that game... What's the name of the [13-year-old girl The Donald is accused of raping?](http://www.snopes.com/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/) And here's a [name](http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/09/donald-trump-scandals/474726/): > After years of attending beauty pageants—Trump seems to have always enjoyed the company of beautiful, scantily clad women—he decided he wanted to get in on the business himself, meeting with George Houraney and Jill Harth, a couple that ran the American Dream pageant. It was an ill-fated effort. Harth and Houraney alleged that Trump started making passes at her almost immediately. On one occasion, Trump allegedly asked them to bring some models to a party. Harth alleges Trump groped her at the party. In a limo afterward, another model said she heard him say that “all women are bimbos” and most “gold diggers.” Trump reportedly joined another model in bed, uninvited, late at night. On other occasions, he forced Harth into bedrooms and made passes at her, she said. But after the contest, Trump broke off dealings. Harth sued Trump, alleging sexual misbehavior, while the couple together sued him for breach of contract. In the suit, they also alleged that Trump had kept black women out of the pageant.", '>>{FatLadySingin} : [Jane Doe](https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058/Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits) [Jill Harth](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/jul/20/jill-harth-donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuit-video?CMP=embed_video) [Ivana Trump](http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/time-to-press-donald-on-raping-his-wife)', '>>{salisburymistake} : Might do a better job feigning human empathy if you excised this from the 3rd fucking paragraph: > a beauty pageant winner who misinterpreted her Miss Universe title as a license to eat it', ">>{yeaabut} : The gall of trump to imply that Hillary's husband cheating somehow reflects negatively on her becoming president but his OWN cheating on his wife is somehow ok??? this is CRAZY that he can make Bill an issue while everyone is ignoring his cheating... AAAAHHHHH", '>>{imwithxir} : 2004, I miss you [Intellectual Morons](https://www.amazon.com/Intellectual-Morons-Ideology-People-Stupid/dp/1400053552): How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas - 2004 by Daniel J. Flynn "Why do well-educated antiwar activists call the president of the United States “the new Hitler” and argue that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 attacks? Why does Al Gore believe that cars pose “a mortal threat to the security of every nation”? Why does the Princeton professor known as the father of the animal rights movement object to humans eating animals but not to humans having sex with them—and why does PETA defend that position?"', '>>{HTownian25} : For First Lady, the most powerful office in national politics.', ">>{JohnDelmont} : Cheating is when you glance at the test answers of the person sitting in the desk next to you. We're talking here about sexually abusing, subjugating and assaulting women coupled with Hillary's enabling of those heinous acts by her own husband.", ">>{Feignfame} : When has he been convicted of any of this? Never, you are just passing judgement on him while ignoring Trump's own accusers? Awesome, thanks for proving my point.", '>>{JimCramersButthole} : The key thing we need to do is speak to them.', '>>{JimCramersButthole} : They’ve looked at my plans and they’ve said, OK, if we can do for the middle class, took their eyes off of Wall Street, and created a perfect storm.', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : hey when you find a case that ends with his conviction let me know!!', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : when she wants to stop using him to speak at her events, then you can make this argument', '>>{yeaabut} : blah blah .... whatever.... I give up...It is embarrassing as a country that people are voting for this idiot... Truly..', ">>{Nautigirl} : Well, if you see that cheating by a husband as being the fault of having a bad wife, then it all makes perfect sense. Trump is incapable of accepting blame or responsibility, so his failed marriages and affairs are because of what faults his ex wives had. It's only natural for him to assume the same of the Clintons marriage.", ">>{yeaabut} : Thanks..I wasn't getting it.... But it's clear to me now...", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : The fact that it's being pursued in court makes it more credible than any of *this* bullshit.", ">>{popname} : Did Hillary Clinton threaton these women into silence too? Or does she only silence her husband's rape victims?", '>>{zoidboix} : I mean trump forced Ivana to never talk about what happened during her rape.'], [">>{helpmeredditimbored} : How Republicans in North Carolina created a 'monster' voter ID law", ">>{DoNot_GuildMe} : Can we stop denying that Republican officials don't actually want the people to speak? They want so called 'smart' voters only. It's disgusting.", ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : Don't be afraid, say it, They want White voters or subservient AA voters only. And it was the Greatest of the Voter ID laws, the most effective the one that would have eliminated all AA people from all government functions in less than 5 years and NC would become a white heaven with legal slavery once again.", '>>{SinSkin} : Sept the majority of white people in NC are fucking poor. And poor white people make shitty slaves, maybe on meth they are better.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I don't think those meth and Oxycontin users get around to much voting. They get the same treatment, almost. If your community doesn't have any poor blacks the rule is, abuse the poor whites. If you are poor white you might want to make sure you live in an area with a mixed population. /bitter s.", '>>{redmustang04} : Luckily that monster for now over there has been slain. Now if Hillary wins, those laws would probably be struck down when she chooses her Supreme court picks.', '>>{western_red} : > "Is there no category for \'Hispanic\' voter?" a GOP lawmaker asked in March 2013 after requesting a range of data, including how many voters cast ballots outside their precinct. And in April 2013, a top aide to the Republican House speaker asked for "a breakdown, by race, of those registered voters in your database that do not have a driver\'s license number." The DNC should run an ad in North Carolina just quoting the republican party in their state. I can\'t imagine it wouldn\'t help turnout.', ">>{Dropperneck} : You can't drive a car, have a bank acct, go to a payday loan place, buy alcohol, and the list goes forever with out an ID. People who want no laws want to be able to bus in elderly, the mentally disabled, and to have the dead vote.", ">>{FrozenSquirrel} : >to bus in elderly, the mentally disabled, and to have the dead vote. So, that happens a lot where you're from? Or do people just tell you that it happens a lot?", ">>{Dropperneck} : I volunteer at my voting station. One that leans blue in a red state. I have seen some low down stuff done by local democrat leaders. I think all people should vote, but I always get concerned when people getting off a bus can't even sign their own names. It just doesn't seem right. I can see how it is advantageous to democrats to not need an ID but I don't think it is right.", ">>{FrozenSquirrel} : Old people overwhelmingly vote republican. How does this help democrats again? >It just doesn't seem right. I get it. Feels over facts.", '>>{Dropperneck} : From what I have witnessed they bus in scores of people that have disabilities and are disabled and strongly encourage them to vote one way or another. In 2012 I noticed a large group from a mental handicap group home all had state ids issued on the same date. So essentially I think democrats do not like going through the hassle of getting these people ids. If I had to guess.', '>>{carolinagirrrl} : I have also worked as a precinct judge in NC. When this occurred, did you advise the chief precinct judge of the suspected irregularities? Did you report this activity to the county or state BOE?', ">>{Dropperneck} : I did but I'm not sure if anything ever came of it tbh", ">>{gtg092x} : It's a beurocratic hurdle that gets exploited by corrupt politicians", '>>{Wildbilly777} : We\'ll see how "struck down" this was on election day!', '>>{mommy2libras} : Who is "they"? And how can you be against any citizen voting, regardless of whether you think they are "qualified"?']]
classify and reply
['>>{buffoonery4U} : Ranting Trump Voters on Viral Videos Aren’t Empowered. They’re the Opposite.', '>>{chicknlil} : Spicer says Trump was talking about general surveillance in his wiretapping tweets', '>>{tonybessette} : Who has gone back and forth, from Android to iPhone, and back....then finally landing with iPhone?', '>>{thewholedamnplanet} : It is good that President Trump has someone to explain his tweets otherwise he might look like a crazy person.', ">>{rupisingh0001} : Donald Trump: torture 'absolutely' works, says US president in first television interview", ">>{kol13190} : Left iPhone for Android. I got tired of jaikbreaking and then waiting for a jailbreak and etc. Android is pretty nice when its on a good phone. Only minor things I miss are iMessage and the camera. The build quality is decent compared to many Android flagships. I bought the HTC 10 for the ability to root and flash ROMs and then for the build quality. Unfortunately the HTC 10 suffers from a WiFi issue where it looks like it keeps getting in range and out of range to the WiFi router despite standing next to it. Doesn't actually affect speeds, it's just a GUI thing. I would go back if there was a jailbreak or something more enticing than just fireworks in iMessage. iMessage is important to me because of the picture sending quality. All other messages in SMS and WhatsApp or whatever are all downsized in quality which kind of ruins the whole picture taking experience and purpose. iMessage will compress if necessary but more than often, it won't. And sweet baby Jesus if Google doesn't know how to help out its home base. Google hangouts blows dick, messenger is the same, messages is the same, I use Textra now. But it feels like Google keeps giving all the updates, new programs, beta apps. And etc are going to iOS rather than android. Ridiculous. If youre reading all this and getting the idea I hate Android, that's wrong. I miss apple for its ability to make home run products and in house software that really functions well, however I don't enjoy being locked down to not do whatever I want. I might switch back whenever they get true NFC, QC 3.0, and a microSD slot.", ">>{professionaldiy} : I use both. S6 Edge+ and a 6+ depending on my mood. There are things that iOS does well and things Android does well. Android is only usable in my opinion on a flagship device running the latest build. I wish i could take the best of both worlds and put them in a phone. If iOS would let me as a grown adult put my icons where I want I'd love it. Let me set default apps too. Oh and on screen widgets and I'd probably stay with iOS most of the time. If Android could pick up iOS smoothness that would be perfect too. No matter what phone or os you use on Android, they'll always be frame drops. Drives me nuts. Plus, it takes so long to get updates.", ">>{Casapaz} : It doesn't matter if it works. It's wrong. You don't fight evil with evil.", ">>{wraithtek} : Nice try, Spicy. That's not what he said.", ">>{BigCalhoun} : Stability and consistency. I was a staunch Android supporter. Transitioning from the old Windows CE/Windows Phone devices, everything about Android OS and the hardware was exciting. After a while, though, it became too much like the old Windows platforms. There were too many bugs to be chased down, updates were inconsistent, and features felt half-baked at times. I found myself having to maintain my phone, just like when I used Windows phones: pruning messages, deleting app data, soft-resets to clear RAM and caches, hard resets to chase down application issues, restarting core applications... It's cliche, but the iOS (mostly) just works. I've never missed a phone call because the dialer app stopped working. I've never had an application installed that caused the overall performance of my device to deteriorate. I've never had to chase down an update because the carrier or the manufacturer decided to stop supporting the hardware. In some ways, the iPhone isn't as exciting or 'fresh' as Android: the widget system sucks (IMO), it takes longer for new hardware functionality to be opened up to developers, the lack of customization takes away from the ease of use at times. By and large, though, the user experience is consistent from one device and iOS version pair to the next. I still keep up with Android happenings cause I'm always willing to go back. However, I have friends that have newer Android devices that still experience some of the same issues I did (and mentioned above) years ago.", ">>{simplycass} : Kinda the reverse here. I've been an iOS user since getting an iPod touch. My parents, who currently use flip phones, are seriously considering getting a Nexus 5X to use on Google Fi since it can be used when they travel abroad. I wouldn't use the 5X personally - it'd be their phone - but the Fi plan looks really really sweet. It might just get me to consider Android, or at least learn a bit about it because (I'm sure) my parents will be using me for tech support.", ">>{NudeEskimo} : Why doesn't Donald just apologize for the tweet? We all fuck up sometimes.", '>>{OutOfMoneyError} : As if speaking from personal experience. Did he get pee-boarded in Russia?', '>>{jullmg} : It might work, the point is do you want to loose your dignity?', '>>{Frequently-Absent} : When Trump said President Obama "wiretapped" him, he meant that President Obama *has* thought about Trump, or heard his name mentioned, at some point in the past. That should be clear to anyone.', ">>{Methaxetamine} : Jailbreak. I've had all those options since iOS5.", '>>{Donald_McPoyle} : Wrong! He very specifically accused Obama of spying on him during the election.', ">>{Methaxetamine} : I got a Droid and iPhone 4. Sold the 4, it was nice but I liked the keyboard on the Droid. It was stolen, and I used an Evo, Evo Shift, Galaxy Epic, each with tons of little issues like built quality, battery life and little issues. Apple got iMessage, I got another 4 and since iOS5 I've not looked back. When I use Android it's as a companion device. Android is ram hungry and I've had a lot of hardware issues with Moto, HTC and Samung. I've had 2 iPhones a 4 (replaced because it was slow), and an iPhone 5 (will be replaced when it dies or I get sick of the 16GB limit)", ">>{professionaldiy} : Nah. I have an iPad air 2 that is jailbroken but it's not worth waiting and/or staying on an old os just to preserve the break. A lot of tweaks are unstable and present security issues too.", ">>{haochiah} : I was always inbetween the two, until I realised on the iPhone, it is just so smoother. Hardware lag will come with all phones/apps, but the OS itself is just so much better. Customization can be sacrificed for a phone that just works. Android is alot more customisable, but guess what - you're gonna have to keep configuring that, and something will crash, or break.", '>>{osaucyone} : Trump\'s phone must autocorrect "in general" to "Obama." This is the same excuse used when he criticized Obama for releasing prisoners from Gitmo.', ">>{ingenioutor} : I did this. After using iPhone 4S. I went to one of the droids back then. I used it for three months and went back to the 4S. Around the time 5 came out I bought a nexus and returned it to get a 5. I then went on to get the 5S and the 6. I sold the 6 early to optimize my selling price before the launch of 6S. I had to use nexus 5 for three months. I loved marshmallow. But I had to come back. iPhone and iOS are two very polished products. I still felt android was rough at the edges. It's customizable but that's about it. With all the skins available and ROMs it's a customizers dream but that takes a lot of time. I know my iPhone can consistently take good photographs while never really losing its UI smoothness and speed. It just works. The apps are beautiful. They work like they should. They get way better support than android apps. iPhones are honestly devices that you pull out of the box and they are ready to go. Don't even get me started on how beautiful iCloud services and iMessage is and the integration with my MacBook Air and iPad. Pick what works for you.", '>>{Tamerlin} : He seems to want to use waterboarding for retaliatory purposes. He lists a bunch of evil things ISIS and their ilk do, then asks "Would I feel strongly about waterboarding? As far as I\'m concerned, we have to fight fire with fire." Apparently Mathis and Pompeo have told him that waterboarding works, which is good enough for him. He emphasises that he would rely on "Mathis, and Pompeo, and my group" for advice and guidance, but also that "Absolutely, I believe it works." Just thought I\'d give some context.', ">>{pravenone} : They want their entitlement back. Newsflash, it ain't coming.", '>>{StayFrostyZ} : Went from the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 5 to the Samsung S5 to the iPhone 6 to the Samsung Note 5. I kept leaving Android because sometimes iOS is just appealing. The hardware is beautiful, it has iMessage and FaceTime. Also at the time, the dorm I was staying had no reception and most of the people I knew had iPhones so contacting them via iMessage or FaceTime with Wi-Fi made things easier. I still do get that Apple urge from time to time', '>>{SNStains} : >But they’re also full of what the scholar and author Robin DiAngelo calls “white fragility”—“a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.” Not the color of your skin, but the thickness.', ">>{SadlyNaiveGirl} : I feel like it doesn't actually work, but it gets the torturee to say what you want them to say, true or not.", '>>{raisedbypoodles} : 3 assholes out of 330,000,000 people got internet famous. Hardly worth all the psycho-babble.', ">>{anonuisance} : What's this, another Trumpeter telling me what is and isn't worth my attention?", ">>{PostTruthPete} : It's funny to watch people meltdown and scream about how they voted as if it's relevant though, you gotta admit that.", '>>{anonuisance} : Works for what goal? To scare and piss off a population?', ">>{redwhiskeredbubul} : This is feels over reals, on so many levels. There's [a body of research and argument](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22830471-200-torture-doesnt-work-says-science-why-are-we-still-doing-it/) that says it doesn't work, ethical aspects aside. And I think it's easier, in a way, to say what psychological factors would dispose people towards a belief in the efficacy of torture, than it is to say if it really does produce useful information or not.", '>>{do_you_even_ship_bro} : Disregarding the dignity argument, no, torture is not an effective way to get useful information from people. You get answers that will make it stop.', '>>{semaphore-1842} : > The closer you look, the more you listen, the clearer it is that these bigoted ranters aren’t so much empowered as they are fragile and pathetic. Yeah, but now they feel empowered to be pathetic in public.', '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Should we give them a safe space or keep poking at their fragility?', ">>{sailorbrendan} : Given that the intelligence community generally says torture doesn't work, I have to believe the context is a lie", '>>{raisedbypoodles} : Not a Trumpeter by a long shot. Just expressing an opinion. Sorry for triggering you.', ">>{Methaxetamine} : I'm running iOS6 still lol idc. There's stuff to fix security as well.", ">>{ghostcurls} : >He added that terrorist groups “chop off the citizens’ or anybody’s heads in the Middle East, because they’re Christian or Muslim or anything else ... we have that and we’re not allowed to do anything. We’re not playing on an even field.” He is literally complaining that he can't act like the terrorists.", '>>{udbettarecognize} : You could stop at "Spicer says" and everyone would already know some apologist bullshit was coming', ">>{PhoenixReborn} : That's a matter of ethics. It's a matter of fact that it doesn't work.", ">>{jackduloz} : Sorry is not in his vocabulary, he only uses the best words, and words that show personal fault aren't the best.", ">>{wogwarts} : More critically, not a single US President has banned or even condemned torture before. You can't claim to love Obama but then say you disliked his drone strikes and continued Guantanamo program along with the rest of the NSA. I'd hate Trump for continuing the policy, just like I hate every *single* US President previously for even allowing torture to exist. There's no moral high-ground for you if you're arch-rival drives down the same fucking moral road.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Actually entitlements are going away thanks to Trump voters. Things will get just as shitty for these angry white folk as they already are for many others. News flash: White America loves it's food stamps, social security, medicare, and all that medicaid expansion they got. All.going.away.", '>>{anastus} : Trump thinks torture works. Suddenly I get why he had Three Doors down play at his Inauguration.', '>>{MAKE_REDDIT_SAFE} : Trump wants to use it to punish, not extract information. If he sees ISIS members cut heads off of Christians he will then torture captured ISIS members. He pretty well explained this in his rallies.', '>>{DsntMttrHadSex} : That´s some dictator speaking. 0/10 wouldn´t trust that guy.', '>>{PoshcatLadonia} : The problem is, you can disagree about whether it\'s wrong or not, just like we see Trump doing here. [You can\'t however, disagree with the fact that it doesn\'t work at all](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/09/senate-committee-cia-torture-does-not-work) "Absolutely I feel it works" This is fucking crazy. A business man with no experience and knowledge about anything just "feels" something and then makes it happen. Americans should be marching on Washington.', '>>{the_resident_skeptic} : Even a broken clock is right twice a day.', ">>{ghostcurls} : I don't think it is, but I also don't want it to be? Or are you saying you want us to brainwash kids into murder others too? What is your point exactly?", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I think the whole black guy with his butt in the big chair in the Oval office really rustled some white jimmies. Thing is, they have way way more to fear from politicians of their own race. Just look at what Republicans are about to do. Ain't none of it going to make things better for angry white people. If anything things will be worse for them especially as they enter retirement.", '>>{yourlyingalready} : >If you think the playing field is level, tell us more... So much for American idealism. You realize that ideolocial terrorist recruiters will use this as justification for their actions and otherwise mundane people will hear about this and think ISIS has a point now, right? But yet you saw a kid do some bad shit this one time so America must respond in kind? Quit your bullshit.', ">>{SNStains} : How about neither? They let that dingbat ~~and~~ at Michael's go on for *45 minutes*. Just call the cops, she's disturbing the peace.", ">>{ramonycajones} : Obama did ban torture - he required the CIA to conform to the Army Field Manual, which did not allow torture. Drone strikes are terrible, but they ain't torture.", ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : I like poking at it, because they refuse to acknowledge it. If they simply asked for a safe space and admitted that safe spaces aren't in and of themselves an abomination, I'd let them have it. As long as they continue to decry the concept of safe spaces, though, they don't get one.", '>>{raisedbypoodles} : I believe that Trump voters are perfectly OK with that.', '>>{SNStains} : The article says that, the prospect of becoming minorities, and economic anxiety conspire to create the "perfect storm" for a lot of thin-skinned sadsacks.', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : No. That's not what he was talking about.", '>>{AlmostNotANoob} : I hear from Alt-Right individuals that Trump really is not that bad and that anyone who think he is is a victim of the "biased" media. Is it biased when people agree to it? It seems like everything that is "biased" just seems to be anything that they dont want to be hearing', ">>{TheOfficialJonSnow} : I don't care if I agree with the person speaking or not, if you're ranting or screaming your political opinions at others you're an asshole.", '>>{SNStains} : I expect "white anxiety" outbursts are a fad that will eventually become a niche thing...like bluetooth headsets.', ">>{theartofrolling} : Yes but Trump doesn't get his opinions on torture from silly things like evidence. He just refers to good old fashioned American television; if it worked for Jack Bauer it can work for us!", ">>{thesilent30} : Amazing how he defeated his own point with the very next sentence. I wonder if he'll reply.", ">>{pravenone} : I wasn't talking about government entitlements, but you're right. I was talking about a sense of entitlement that comes from a class of people believing their better than others.", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : err… \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0^^^(*wut??*)', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Thing about these angry white people is they don't see that they're on the government tit as much as anyone else at one point or another in life. And this angers them. Because how can they be better than those takers if they're doing the same thing? They think if they could check out completely and not have to pay anything into the system that they'd automagically live well off lives. That's a big misunderstanding on their part. Entitlements are the only thing left that provide some degree of ease from the effects of economic downturns, automation, and globalization. They're probably angry that they're unable to roll with the punches anymore and very uncomfortable that they need help. The kind of help they want in the form of living wage jobs, especially for less educated people just isn't going to happen for them anytime soon. Trump lied to them and now what little helpp they could have got, what little retirement they could have looked forward to is being taken apart.", ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : No, the playing field isn't level. Are you seriously comparing child soldiers with the US Army? Do honestly think a 16 year old with an AK and fanatical belief in the afterlife is a better fighter than a US Marine - let alone US special forces? And that's not even mentioning the heavy ordance and tech that means the US can go on the offensive with next to no casualties - the drone program, for instance. When the the US does go in for a little light torture, it doesn't 'level' the playing field - it just creates easy propaganda for terrorists.", ">>{mjp242} : It's Chicago. They did call the cops. Response time is a little slow for non violent activity I guess.", '>>{ghostcurls} : So in order to level the playing field you want us to become "subhuman pieces of shit"?', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : hahahhahha ha ha ha haaah ahaha ha haah aha good one ;)', '>>{streetwalker} : To quote Sean from the press conference tonight, Trump means what he says "unless he\'s joking." Sean can\'t tell fact from fiction. Or let\'s take "the ACA is collapsing." Or "What good is it if people have coverage, if they can\'t afford to pay" Sure Sean, let\'s take away their ability to pay for insurance! Spicer is like a little gerbil on the spinning wheel. Go, Sean, go, go! Spin those lies.', '>>{SandFoxes} : There is a small subreddit named r/The_Dickhead that has been doing the same exact ranting for over a year now. A toxic community that has been spoiling r/all and many default subs. There are thousands of them with the same jingoism and CAPSLOCKed "poor me" attitude. The thing about the (3) videos is that we are finally watching people act like internet trolls, In Real Life. And when they *lose it* IRL, its quite a spectacle!', ">>{revcasy} : Narcissists can't apologize. It's like asking water to not be wet.", '>>{Motagada} : How about this, we\'ll give you this one, we\'ll "believe" you that you meant "general surveillance" when you literally said "wire tapped phone" ***IF*** you release your taxes.', ">>{Donald_McPoyle} : He still hasn't apologized for the Birther smear, or his defamation of the Central Park Five, or his baseless attacks against the Khan family, or anything else he's done.", '>>{gingerblz} : Then it sounds like his boss needs to learn how to talk.', '>>{pl487} : This is just the start. Once they officially take power and start feeling more confident, these incidents will start turning violent.', ">>{CliffDropOver} : Let's try it on him and see if he agrees that he is a Fraud?", ">>{mutzenbacher} : And you need to torture those subhumans before you drone them? I don't understand.", '>>{DudeWithAPitchfork} : Donald Trump is a liar. So is Sean Spicer.', ">>{yourlyingalready} : Does it fucking matter how many times its posted, or how many videos you see? No. No it doesnt. So your saying, because barbarians do some shit we should do what they do? You completely skipped over my point about that being ammunition used against us by recruits by the way. Are you even American? Fucking christ. I'd hate to see what type of rationale you'd justify if you were German during WW2.", ">>{HiImAConservative} : While that is absolutely not what he meant when he tweeted about it, he's probably right. We have 0 privacy anymore.", '>>{jullmg} : Please keep in mind that not everyone here has English as a primary language', '>>{lackimagination} : Oh, so he knew about the wikileaks dump? It just gets better and better...', ">>{ghostcurls} : But those are boring and don't make for good movies.", '>>{Misanthraloperer} : Bigly, twice, mentioned *phones* being tapped. Seems pretty specific, and not "general" to me.', '>>{ghostcurls} : But you agree it is moving toward their level then?', ">>{quazywabbit} : I think even spicy has changed the story a few times himself when talking to reporters. Trump however has not made any statement regarding it and probably won't. I would hope congress uses this against him, but most likely nothing will happen.", ">>{MolestedConservative} : Another attempt at trumps-lating the alleged child rapist in chief 's accusations. But it won't save trump. What most likely happened is that trump was alerted to the fisa warrant investigating crimes against the US by a foreign power specifically targeting non-US persons. Trump and company were caught being dirty with russia, didn't like it and desperate to head it off claimed it was done illegally. **But** trump fucked up because the warrant is for ongoing investigations, and trumps tweet addressing the warrant means that he effectively obstructed the case. So either trump randomly decided to tweet a random accusation about obama, which makes what trump said a coincidence. Or someone told trump about the FISA warrant, not realizing it's part of an ongoing case, and trump tweet-farted it out, breaking a very serious law regarding very serious investigations.", ">>{yourlyingalready} : LOL. What intel are you gonna get from someone being tortured? They're going to tell you whatever the fuck you want to hear to stop the torture. This was discussed. At length. Back in 2006. The intelligence community stopped it for a reason. Have you thought about this? Like.. at all? And that guy you picked up in Iraq to torture isn't going to have intel on that new group thats using propaganda videos to recruit for a new front in Yemen. And then that guy you pick up in Yemen isn't going to have the intel for the people using recruitment videos for a new front in Ethiopia. And that guy you pick up in Ethiopia.. Do you fucking see where I'm going with this? I thought Donald Trump wasn't going in the business of international policing.", ">>{strangeelement} : Should he just go have remedial English classes and come back to the presidency once he's mastered his native language? Things will go on just fine without him present. He can even get shiny stickers for his participation.", '>>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : He would know he has been torturing his wives and raping young girls for years.', '>>{commieflirt} : It warps the minds of our children and weakens the resolve of our allies.', '>>{cheetah__heels} : What angers me most is when Spicer says "Trump has made it *absolutely clear* in his comments on Sunday", as if his Tweets are ever clear in any sense. He always sounds like he\'s just responding emotionally on Twitter and then Spicer has to come on and pretend like this is an official statement. Fuck everything about this government. I\'ve dealt with incredibly small first time small businesses with more tact and organization then this administration.', ">>{SpearNmagicHelmet} : Oh, so he was joking when he accused Obama of a felony? That's hilarious.", '>>{androgenius} : The previous Republican administration spent a lot of time and effort normalising torture. Trump is a big step in the wrong direction *and* an obvious extension of previous Republican practice. If he got his ideas from television, which I do believe he did, he would have got them from Fox news.', ">>{MitchAlanP} : Were we supposed to be listening to what was in his heart again? I can never remember when I'm supposed to disregard the words and go with the feels.", '>>{commieflirt} : Clearly the only rational thing to do is to train our own children to chop off the heads and hands of their child soldiers. That will level the torture field.', ">>{soggylittleshrimp} : Trump tweeted. Spicer said. It's all substance-less rhetoric to act as a misdirection for what's really happening.", ">>{californianion} : Like lighting one's own farts on fire in order to distract from what the person is actually doing.", ">>{pm_me_ankle_nudes} : Trump probably owes his understanding of torture to the show '24'.", ">>{cschmidt0525} : Keep changing lanes to fit the daily narrative, Melissa. It's worked so well for you in the past.", ">>{cschmidt0525} : You really haven't paid much attention to Donald these last few years, have you?", '>>{Scoutandabout} : Donald Trump will never ever ever EVER apologize to Barack Obama. Trump is not even close to being a big enough of a man to do that.', ">>{commieflirt} : Some of the smartest people I know can't read DJT", ">>{cschmidt0525} : > Trump means what he says, unless he's joking. *Obviously* the calls for investigation were a joke. Ha! Gotchya! -Melissa Spicer, basically.", '>>{yourlyingalready} : Bombing the shit out of ISIS isn\'t much of a policy. Especially when you have large recruitment efforts spread across multiple countries. You can\'t just "bomb the shit" out of everywhere.. and when you do, you have unintended casualties that feeds right back into recruitment efforts. Like that kid that saw his family get blown up by an errant US bomb now hates America. Being poor and hungry, he goes to his local Imam who is preaching hate for the US while being clothed and fed. Things are nuanced. Again, have you actually thought about this? Have you heard from actual intelligence people anywhere at all? Watched talks about this very subject? Do you even know what we\'ve been doing vs ISIS in the past 2 years?', ">>{Scoutandabout} : Spicer's shoulders must be *worn* after carrying those goalposts all the way across the field like that!", '>>{yourlyingalready} : Because I have first hand knowledge of what the US military was/is doing vs ISIS and it isn\'t just "bombing the shit" out of them. Trump doesn\'t know what the fuck hes talking about, nor do his supporters.', ">>{Guitata} : lilly livered coward lier...just don't take anything he says seriously and the country will be ok...but thought there could be a federal charge on trump for falsely accusing the president of this?", '>>{ZDAXOPDR} : March 4, 2017: >How low has President Obama gone to **tapp my phones** during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy! March 13, 2017: >White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that President Donald Trump **was not talking literally or specifically** when he accused President Barack Obama of "wiretapping" his campaign.', '>>{wogwarts} : Like Obama and Bush? They both used torture liberally.', '>>{commieflirt} : Disney hated unions, Hitler loved Ford, and PT Barnum was a conman - so that does sound like Trump, if you were trying to rub their genius onto him or something', ">>{wogwarts} : ... uh, I'd rather be tortured than killed.", ">>{Enwinor} : Hey, could you kindly go back to the 16th century? The rest of us would like to enjoy the centuries of progress we've made since torture was considered normal and right.", '>>{MosDaf} : When he said \'wiretapping,\' he didn\'t mean *wiretapping*...he meant "wiretapping." See?', ">>{Stalin_2020} : So he just happens to say this the day the House Intelligence Committee wants to see proof? Is...... is this the proof? Oh my god unbelievable, he's been in office for a few months and he's already permanently tarnished the last President without evidence. History textbooks will have to mention this Trump accusation objectively as if there is a chance Obama actually put cameras in the Microwaves, think about that.", '>>{MadeAnAccountJust_4U} : And then blaming someone else for the scorch marks on the carpeting', ">>{Nac_Lac} : In other words, if Trump is going to look bad if something is taken seriously, he is joking. This whole Russian thing is a farce, literally. Trump is going to reveal on April 1st that he was only pulling our legs to see if we'd notice.", ">>{ndphillips} : He's said that Matthis told him water boarding doesn't work in a previous interview.", ">>{Ichabodfuxter72} : Don't forget The Piano Guys playing the same song a hundred times.", '>>{DaleKerbal} : The real question is "Are we the baddies"?', '>>{rabidbunnygopoop} : Don\'t worry, neither do I. It was a microwave "pun".', ">>{letsburn00} : From pretty much all accounts that aren't movies, it wasn't via waterboarding that they found that info. One of the biggest problems with torture is that people will eventually say anything you want, which muddies the water. Including innocent people ( or guilty people who did stuff totally unrelated to whatever you care about). The side effect being you don't realise that the real bad guy is still out there, so you let your guard down or stop your search(because someone confessed)", '>>{Katzeye} : Nine days and that was the best they could come up with?', '>>{morbidexpression} : or we could just do what Americans have always done before Bush and be BETTER than their enemies and not descend to fucking depravity just because it gives Trumpers erections to think about torturing brown people.', '>>{exwasstalking} : Ahhh... you really have to be on your toes around here. I missed that.', ">>{silverscrub} : He isn't right. Obama didn't wiretap his home.", ">>{lankist} : Wow, you're all over this thread saying scumbag shit. You should get the Machiavelli treatment and get first in line.", '>>{bluefingerblue} : He literally said Obama should go to jail for illegal surveillance. This guy is so insane. Ugh. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.', ">>{LeafRivers} : Why is he still allowed to be President? We already know how awful he is, the longer he is in there the more damage he will do. Let's impeach him already so we can avoid massive damage to both our country and others and then get to work on ridding ourselves of Pence.", ">>{GiuseppeZangara} : No. He just fucking wasn't. There is no way to interpret Trump's original tweet that way. I think part of the problem with this administration is that they have a huge lack of respect for the American public's intelligence. They genuinely think that we're stupid enough to believe this nonsense.", ">>{OpnotIc} : And 'He was just informed' was another quote. A week later he says he meant: Saw in Brietbart' 1.5 weeks later says 'didn't mean tap'. He should just tweet out: 'I didn't mean to win the election.'", '>>{justablur} : Kinda like the meat product people buy is called "Chikkin" because they can\'t legally call it "Chicken"?', ">>{lankist} : Guess the Machiavelli reference went right over your head. I'm saying I'd like to see you get tortured just for the fun of it.", ">>{HiImAConservative} : Do you honestly think the NSA doesn't collect our records in bulk? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the truth is that we have 0 privacy anymore and that our 4th amendment rights are trampled all over every single day.", '>>{sarge21} : Why are you changing the argument? Obama banned torture, contrary to what you said.', ">>{carlplaysstuff} : Look, it's not just the President saying that. There's a lot of people saying water isn't wet. Someone told the President that and I believe that he believes it. I don't know if he thinks it applies to all water. Maybe some water is less wet than other water. I don't know. But what I will say is that the President has access to information on water that you and I don't have. And neither the President nor this White House is going to comment further until Congress performs a full investigation into the dryness of water.", ">>{AnthropoStatic} : The real story is all these leaks. How are we supposed to know about our water's wetness if it's leaking all over the place? Sad!", ">>{TypicalTrumperger} : Oh, he didn't mean *wiretapping* wiretapping. He meant it as figuratively wiretapping, ya know, like Obama would have guys checking his Facebook and Twitter and stuff. It's still really terrible!!", ">>{silverscrub} : They absolutely do but Trump isn't right because that's not what he said. Let's not pretend Trump plays 4D chess with everyone when he doesn't know how many sides a 6-sided dice has.", ">>{PublicAccount1234} : It works if your goal is to feel good about making some guy pay for someone else's hideous acts. Whether or not it produces usable info that couldn't be gotten other ways in the same amount of time is not a consideration. It works if your goal is to antagonize and scare a country's population into rebelling against your incursion/committing terrorist acts against the invaders (and thereby justifying both the incursion and the torture after the fact, in some minds).", '>>{HiImAConservative} : > While that is absolutely not what he meant when he tweeted about it How did you manage to miss the very first thing I said...', ">>{EdwardRMeow} : I have faith and trust people who can admit they've made a mistake, as opposed to people who make mistakes then insist they didn't. Even having others lie for them. It hurts my brain.", ">>{silverscrub} : >While that is absolutely not what he meant when he tweeted about it, he's probably right. We have 0 privacy anymore. You said he is probably right. I just pointed out you are probably right (about NSA) but Trump isn't because he didn't tweet about NSA.", '>>{reptile7383} : Nice deflection. You assert something as a fact, and then demand others "prove" the opposite while you present no evidence. And then claim victory when nobody at all provides anything factual. Btw by "nice" I meant incredibly boring to read.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Ah yes, "Obama ordered my phone to be tapped" is clearly non-specific and only speaking in generalizations. Heaven forbid Trump be accountable for the actual words he says, instead we are supposed to only be interested in what he "meant" to say.', '>>{the_leprechauns_anus} : Yes, his tweet was absolutely clear that he meant wiretapping, as in his phone was bugged.', '>>{shitlurd} : I think even Spicer realized how stupid that was the second it came out of his mouth. The silence followed by bits of laughter from the press was pretty amusing.', '>>{Jaydevil2015} : if the U. S had put Bush and Cheney up on charges for torture the first time around there would be precedent to deter Trump from this sort of barbarity.', '>>{nliausacmmv} : Onus is on you to prove it, not on him to disprove.', ">>{Obvious_Troll_Accoun} : A broken clock is right twice a day. But I sure as shit ain't going to use it to know when to go anywhere.", ">>{vegastar7} : Yes, you're right: since our enemies use child soldiers, we should too. It'll even the playing field. /s", '>>{vegastar7} : Wow, you need to see a shrink fast. That\'s some seriously sociopathic shit you just spewed right there "make kids kill muslims". Whose kids, pray tell? That\'s the most interesting part: whether you want to have a bunch of killers go to school with your children...or maybe you just want to unleash them in a very unstable part of the world so they continue the cycle of violence.', '>>{vegastar7} : I think he also gets it from experience: the guy is a bully since childhood and never experienced repercussions for his acts. In his mind, violence works VERY well.', ">>{vegastar7} : Nope, you're just posting ONE instance where it might have worked. All the instances where it didn't work obviously don't make the news, which gives the illusion that torture is super effective. If people in the CIA tell me torture is not effective, then I'll believe them over some sociopath on the internet.", '>>{vegastar7} : Yeah, how many times and for what reasons? Trump seems adept at making awful business decisions, like selling steaks through Radioshack. Have Ford, Barnum, and Disney made these types of moronic decisions?', ">>{vegastar7} : Which is why Matthis and Pompeo want to distance themselves from that statement: because they're pro torture. /s", '>>{bcra00} : Ah, my bad. I thought you were saying "we found Osama bin Laden without waterboarding." Yeah, you\'re wrong that torture works or is preferable to humane questioning. What a great example for ISIS of the evil of America when so many of our citizens want us to torture people.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tonybessette} : Who has gone back and forth, from Android to iPhone, and back....then finally landing with iPhone?', ">>{kol13190} : Left iPhone for Android. I got tired of jaikbreaking and then waiting for a jailbreak and etc. Android is pretty nice when its on a good phone. Only minor things I miss are iMessage and the camera. The build quality is decent compared to many Android flagships. I bought the HTC 10 for the ability to root and flash ROMs and then for the build quality. Unfortunately the HTC 10 suffers from a WiFi issue where it looks like it keeps getting in range and out of range to the WiFi router despite standing next to it. Doesn't actually affect speeds, it's just a GUI thing. I would go back if there was a jailbreak or something more enticing than just fireworks in iMessage. iMessage is important to me because of the picture sending quality. All other messages in SMS and WhatsApp or whatever are all downsized in quality which kind of ruins the whole picture taking experience and purpose. iMessage will compress if necessary but more than often, it won't. And sweet baby Jesus if Google doesn't know how to help out its home base. Google hangouts blows dick, messenger is the same, messages is the same, I use Textra now. But it feels like Google keeps giving all the updates, new programs, beta apps. And etc are going to iOS rather than android. Ridiculous. If youre reading all this and getting the idea I hate Android, that's wrong. I miss apple for its ability to make home run products and in house software that really functions well, however I don't enjoy being locked down to not do whatever I want. I might switch back whenever they get true NFC, QC 3.0, and a microSD slot.", ">>{professionaldiy} : I use both. S6 Edge+ and a 6+ depending on my mood. There are things that iOS does well and things Android does well. Android is only usable in my opinion on a flagship device running the latest build. I wish i could take the best of both worlds and put them in a phone. If iOS would let me as a grown adult put my icons where I want I'd love it. Let me set default apps too. Oh and on screen widgets and I'd probably stay with iOS most of the time. If Android could pick up iOS smoothness that would be perfect too. No matter what phone or os you use on Android, they'll always be frame drops. Drives me nuts. Plus, it takes so long to get updates.", ">>{BigCalhoun} : Stability and consistency. I was a staunch Android supporter. Transitioning from the old Windows CE/Windows Phone devices, everything about Android OS and the hardware was exciting. After a while, though, it became too much like the old Windows platforms. There were too many bugs to be chased down, updates were inconsistent, and features felt half-baked at times. I found myself having to maintain my phone, just like when I used Windows phones: pruning messages, deleting app data, soft-resets to clear RAM and caches, hard resets to chase down application issues, restarting core applications... It's cliche, but the iOS (mostly) just works. I've never missed a phone call because the dialer app stopped working. I've never had an application installed that caused the overall performance of my device to deteriorate. I've never had to chase down an update because the carrier or the manufacturer decided to stop supporting the hardware. In some ways, the iPhone isn't as exciting or 'fresh' as Android: the widget system sucks (IMO), it takes longer for new hardware functionality to be opened up to developers, the lack of customization takes away from the ease of use at times. By and large, though, the user experience is consistent from one device and iOS version pair to the next. I still keep up with Android happenings cause I'm always willing to go back. However, I have friends that have newer Android devices that still experience some of the same issues I did (and mentioned above) years ago.", ">>{simplycass} : Kinda the reverse here. I've been an iOS user since getting an iPod touch. My parents, who currently use flip phones, are seriously considering getting a Nexus 5X to use on Google Fi since it can be used when they travel abroad. I wouldn't use the 5X personally - it'd be their phone - but the Fi plan looks really really sweet. It might just get me to consider Android, or at least learn a bit about it because (I'm sure) my parents will be using me for tech support.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : Jailbreak. I've had all those options since iOS5.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : I got a Droid and iPhone 4. Sold the 4, it was nice but I liked the keyboard on the Droid. It was stolen, and I used an Evo, Evo Shift, Galaxy Epic, each with tons of little issues like built quality, battery life and little issues. Apple got iMessage, I got another 4 and since iOS5 I've not looked back. When I use Android it's as a companion device. Android is ram hungry and I've had a lot of hardware issues with Moto, HTC and Samung. I've had 2 iPhones a 4 (replaced because it was slow), and an iPhone 5 (will be replaced when it dies or I get sick of the 16GB limit)", ">>{professionaldiy} : Nah. I have an iPad air 2 that is jailbroken but it's not worth waiting and/or staying on an old os just to preserve the break. A lot of tweaks are unstable and present security issues too.", ">>{haochiah} : I was always inbetween the two, until I realised on the iPhone, it is just so smoother. Hardware lag will come with all phones/apps, but the OS itself is just so much better. Customization can be sacrificed for a phone that just works. Android is alot more customisable, but guess what - you're gonna have to keep configuring that, and something will crash, or break.", ">>{ingenioutor} : I did this. After using iPhone 4S. I went to one of the droids back then. I used it for three months and went back to the 4S. Around the time 5 came out I bought a nexus and returned it to get a 5. I then went on to get the 5S and the 6. I sold the 6 early to optimize my selling price before the launch of 6S. I had to use nexus 5 for three months. I loved marshmallow. But I had to come back. iPhone and iOS are two very polished products. I still felt android was rough at the edges. It's customizable but that's about it. With all the skins available and ROMs it's a customizers dream but that takes a lot of time. I know my iPhone can consistently take good photographs while never really losing its UI smoothness and speed. It just works. The apps are beautiful. They work like they should. They get way better support than android apps. iPhones are honestly devices that you pull out of the box and they are ready to go. Don't even get me started on how beautiful iCloud services and iMessage is and the integration with my MacBook Air and iPad. Pick what works for you.", '>>{StayFrostyZ} : Went from the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 5 to the Samsung S5 to the iPhone 6 to the Samsung Note 5. I kept leaving Android because sometimes iOS is just appealing. The hardware is beautiful, it has iMessage and FaceTime. Also at the time, the dorm I was staying had no reception and most of the people I knew had iPhones so contacting them via iMessage or FaceTime with Wi-Fi made things easier. I still do get that Apple urge from time to time', ">>{Methaxetamine} : I'm running iOS6 still lol idc. There's stuff to fix security as well."], ['>>{buffoonery4U} : Ranting Trump Voters on Viral Videos Aren’t Empowered. They’re the Opposite.', ">>{pravenone} : They want their entitlement back. Newsflash, it ain't coming.", '>>{SNStains} : >But they’re also full of what the scholar and author Robin DiAngelo calls “white fragility”—“a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.” Not the color of your skin, but the thickness.', '>>{raisedbypoodles} : 3 assholes out of 330,000,000 people got internet famous. Hardly worth all the psycho-babble.', ">>{anonuisance} : What's this, another Trumpeter telling me what is and isn't worth my attention?", ">>{PostTruthPete} : It's funny to watch people meltdown and scream about how they voted as if it's relevant though, you gotta admit that.", '>>{semaphore-1842} : > The closer you look, the more you listen, the clearer it is that these bigoted ranters aren’t so much empowered as they are fragile and pathetic. Yeah, but now they feel empowered to be pathetic in public.', '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Should we give them a safe space or keep poking at their fragility?', '>>{raisedbypoodles} : Not a Trumpeter by a long shot. Just expressing an opinion. Sorry for triggering you.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Actually entitlements are going away thanks to Trump voters. Things will get just as shitty for these angry white folk as they already are for many others. News flash: White America loves it's food stamps, social security, medicare, and all that medicaid expansion they got. All.going.away.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I think the whole black guy with his butt in the big chair in the Oval office really rustled some white jimmies. Thing is, they have way way more to fear from politicians of their own race. Just look at what Republicans are about to do. Ain't none of it going to make things better for angry white people. If anything things will be worse for them especially as they enter retirement.", ">>{SNStains} : How about neither? They let that dingbat ~~and~~ at Michael's go on for *45 minutes*. Just call the cops, she's disturbing the peace.", ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : I like poking at it, because they refuse to acknowledge it. If they simply asked for a safe space and admitted that safe spaces aren't in and of themselves an abomination, I'd let them have it. As long as they continue to decry the concept of safe spaces, though, they don't get one.", '>>{SNStains} : The article says that, the prospect of becoming minorities, and economic anxiety conspire to create the "perfect storm" for a lot of thin-skinned sadsacks.', '>>{AlmostNotANoob} : I hear from Alt-Right individuals that Trump really is not that bad and that anyone who think he is is a victim of the "biased" media. Is it biased when people agree to it? It seems like everything that is "biased" just seems to be anything that they dont want to be hearing', ">>{TheOfficialJonSnow} : I don't care if I agree with the person speaking or not, if you're ranting or screaming your political opinions at others you're an asshole.", '>>{SNStains} : I expect "white anxiety" outbursts are a fad that will eventually become a niche thing...like bluetooth headsets.', ">>{pravenone} : I wasn't talking about government entitlements, but you're right. I was talking about a sense of entitlement that comes from a class of people believing their better than others.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Thing about these angry white people is they don't see that they're on the government tit as much as anyone else at one point or another in life. And this angers them. Because how can they be better than those takers if they're doing the same thing? They think if they could check out completely and not have to pay anything into the system that they'd automagically live well off lives. That's a big misunderstanding on their part. Entitlements are the only thing left that provide some degree of ease from the effects of economic downturns, automation, and globalization. They're probably angry that they're unable to roll with the punches anymore and very uncomfortable that they need help. The kind of help they want in the form of living wage jobs, especially for less educated people just isn't going to happen for them anytime soon. Trump lied to them and now what little helpp they could have got, what little retirement they could have looked forward to is being taken apart.", ">>{mjp242} : It's Chicago. They did call the cops. Response time is a little slow for non violent activity I guess.", '>>{SandFoxes} : There is a small subreddit named r/The_Dickhead that has been doing the same exact ranting for over a year now. A toxic community that has been spoiling r/all and many default subs. There are thousands of them with the same jingoism and CAPSLOCKed "poor me" attitude. The thing about the (3) videos is that we are finally watching people act like internet trolls, In Real Life. And when they *lose it* IRL, its quite a spectacle!', '>>{pl487} : This is just the start. Once they officially take power and start feeling more confident, these incidents will start turning violent.'], ['>>{chicknlil} : Spicer says Trump was talking about general surveillance in his wiretapping tweets', '>>{thewholedamnplanet} : It is good that President Trump has someone to explain his tweets otherwise he might look like a crazy person.', ">>{wraithtek} : Nice try, Spicy. That's not what he said.", ">>{NudeEskimo} : Why doesn't Donald just apologize for the tweet? We all fuck up sometimes.", '>>{Frequently-Absent} : When Trump said President Obama "wiretapped" him, he meant that President Obama *has* thought about Trump, or heard his name mentioned, at some point in the past. That should be clear to anyone.', '>>{Donald_McPoyle} : Wrong! He very specifically accused Obama of spying on him during the election.', '>>{osaucyone} : Trump\'s phone must autocorrect "in general" to "Obama." This is the same excuse used when he criticized Obama for releasing prisoners from Gitmo.', '>>{udbettarecognize} : You could stop at "Spicer says" and everyone would already know some apologist bullshit was coming', ">>{jackduloz} : Sorry is not in his vocabulary, he only uses the best words, and words that show personal fault aren't the best.", ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : No. That's not what he was talking about.", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : err… \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0^^^(*wut??*)', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : hahahhahha ha ha ha haaah ahaha ha haah aha good one ;)', '>>{streetwalker} : To quote Sean from the press conference tonight, Trump means what he says "unless he\'s joking." Sean can\'t tell fact from fiction. Or let\'s take "the ACA is collapsing." Or "What good is it if people have coverage, if they can\'t afford to pay" Sure Sean, let\'s take away their ability to pay for insurance! Spicer is like a little gerbil on the spinning wheel. Go, Sean, go, go! Spin those lies.', ">>{revcasy} : Narcissists can't apologize. It's like asking water to not be wet.", '>>{Motagada} : How about this, we\'ll give you this one, we\'ll "believe" you that you meant "general surveillance" when you literally said "wire tapped phone" ***IF*** you release your taxes.', ">>{Donald_McPoyle} : He still hasn't apologized for the Birther smear, or his defamation of the Central Park Five, or his baseless attacks against the Khan family, or anything else he's done.", '>>{gingerblz} : Then it sounds like his boss needs to learn how to talk.', '>>{DudeWithAPitchfork} : Donald Trump is a liar. So is Sean Spicer.', ">>{HiImAConservative} : While that is absolutely not what he meant when he tweeted about it, he's probably right. We have 0 privacy anymore.", '>>{lackimagination} : Oh, so he knew about the wikileaks dump? It just gets better and better...', '>>{Misanthraloperer} : Bigly, twice, mentioned *phones* being tapped. Seems pretty specific, and not "general" to me.', ">>{quazywabbit} : I think even spicy has changed the story a few times himself when talking to reporters. Trump however has not made any statement regarding it and probably won't. I would hope congress uses this against him, but most likely nothing will happen.", ">>{MolestedConservative} : Another attempt at trumps-lating the alleged child rapist in chief 's accusations. But it won't save trump. What most likely happened is that trump was alerted to the fisa warrant investigating crimes against the US by a foreign power specifically targeting non-US persons. Trump and company were caught being dirty with russia, didn't like it and desperate to head it off claimed it was done illegally. **But** trump fucked up because the warrant is for ongoing investigations, and trumps tweet addressing the warrant means that he effectively obstructed the case. So either trump randomly decided to tweet a random accusation about obama, which makes what trump said a coincidence. Or someone told trump about the FISA warrant, not realizing it's part of an ongoing case, and trump tweet-farted it out, breaking a very serious law regarding very serious investigations.", ">>{strangeelement} : Should he just go have remedial English classes and come back to the presidency once he's mastered his native language? Things will go on just fine without him present. He can even get shiny stickers for his participation.", '>>{cheetah__heels} : What angers me most is when Spicer says "Trump has made it *absolutely clear* in his comments on Sunday", as if his Tweets are ever clear in any sense. He always sounds like he\'s just responding emotionally on Twitter and then Spicer has to come on and pretend like this is an official statement. Fuck everything about this government. I\'ve dealt with incredibly small first time small businesses with more tact and organization then this administration.', ">>{SpearNmagicHelmet} : Oh, so he was joking when he accused Obama of a felony? That's hilarious.", ">>{MitchAlanP} : Were we supposed to be listening to what was in his heart again? I can never remember when I'm supposed to disregard the words and go with the feels.", ">>{soggylittleshrimp} : Trump tweeted. Spicer said. It's all substance-less rhetoric to act as a misdirection for what's really happening.", ">>{californianion} : Like lighting one's own farts on fire in order to distract from what the person is actually doing.", ">>{cschmidt0525} : Keep changing lanes to fit the daily narrative, Melissa. It's worked so well for you in the past.", ">>{cschmidt0525} : You really haven't paid much attention to Donald these last few years, have you?", '>>{Scoutandabout} : Donald Trump will never ever ever EVER apologize to Barack Obama. Trump is not even close to being a big enough of a man to do that.', ">>{cschmidt0525} : > Trump means what he says, unless he's joking. *Obviously* the calls for investigation were a joke. Ha! Gotchya! -Melissa Spicer, basically.", ">>{Scoutandabout} : Spicer's shoulders must be *worn* after carrying those goalposts all the way across the field like that!", ">>{Guitata} : lilly livered coward lier...just don't take anything he says seriously and the country will be ok...but thought there could be a federal charge on trump for falsely accusing the president of this?", '>>{ZDAXOPDR} : March 4, 2017: >How low has President Obama gone to **tapp my phones** during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy! March 13, 2017: >White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that President Donald Trump **was not talking literally or specifically** when he accused President Barack Obama of "wiretapping" his campaign.', '>>{MosDaf} : When he said \'wiretapping,\' he didn\'t mean *wiretapping*...he meant "wiretapping." See?', ">>{Stalin_2020} : So he just happens to say this the day the House Intelligence Committee wants to see proof? Is...... is this the proof? Oh my god unbelievable, he's been in office for a few months and he's already permanently tarnished the last President without evidence. History textbooks will have to mention this Trump accusation objectively as if there is a chance Obama actually put cameras in the Microwaves, think about that.", '>>{MadeAnAccountJust_4U} : And then blaming someone else for the scorch marks on the carpeting', ">>{Nac_Lac} : In other words, if Trump is going to look bad if something is taken seriously, he is joking. This whole Russian thing is a farce, literally. Trump is going to reveal on April 1st that he was only pulling our legs to see if we'd notice.", '>>{rabidbunnygopoop} : Don\'t worry, neither do I. It was a microwave "pun".', '>>{Katzeye} : Nine days and that was the best they could come up with?', '>>{exwasstalking} : Ahhh... you really have to be on your toes around here. I missed that.', ">>{silverscrub} : He isn't right. Obama didn't wiretap his home.", '>>{bluefingerblue} : He literally said Obama should go to jail for illegal surveillance. This guy is so insane. Ugh. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.', ">>{GiuseppeZangara} : No. He just fucking wasn't. There is no way to interpret Trump's original tweet that way. I think part of the problem with this administration is that they have a huge lack of respect for the American public's intelligence. They genuinely think that we're stupid enough to believe this nonsense.", ">>{OpnotIc} : And 'He was just informed' was another quote. A week later he says he meant: Saw in Brietbart' 1.5 weeks later says 'didn't mean tap'. He should just tweet out: 'I didn't mean to win the election.'", '>>{justablur} : Kinda like the meat product people buy is called "Chikkin" because they can\'t legally call it "Chicken"?', ">>{HiImAConservative} : Do you honestly think the NSA doesn't collect our records in bulk? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the truth is that we have 0 privacy anymore and that our 4th amendment rights are trampled all over every single day.", ">>{carlplaysstuff} : Look, it's not just the President saying that. There's a lot of people saying water isn't wet. Someone told the President that and I believe that he believes it. I don't know if he thinks it applies to all water. Maybe some water is less wet than other water. I don't know. But what I will say is that the President has access to information on water that you and I don't have. And neither the President nor this White House is going to comment further until Congress performs a full investigation into the dryness of water.", ">>{AnthropoStatic} : The real story is all these leaks. How are we supposed to know about our water's wetness if it's leaking all over the place? Sad!", ">>{TypicalTrumperger} : Oh, he didn't mean *wiretapping* wiretapping. He meant it as figuratively wiretapping, ya know, like Obama would have guys checking his Facebook and Twitter and stuff. It's still really terrible!!", ">>{silverscrub} : They absolutely do but Trump isn't right because that's not what he said. Let's not pretend Trump plays 4D chess with everyone when he doesn't know how many sides a 6-sided dice has.", '>>{HiImAConservative} : > While that is absolutely not what he meant when he tweeted about it How did you manage to miss the very first thing I said...', ">>{EdwardRMeow} : I have faith and trust people who can admit they've made a mistake, as opposed to people who make mistakes then insist they didn't. Even having others lie for them. It hurts my brain.", ">>{silverscrub} : >While that is absolutely not what he meant when he tweeted about it, he's probably right. We have 0 privacy anymore. You said he is probably right. I just pointed out you are probably right (about NSA) but Trump isn't because he didn't tweet about NSA.", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Ah yes, "Obama ordered my phone to be tapped" is clearly non-specific and only speaking in generalizations. Heaven forbid Trump be accountable for the actual words he says, instead we are supposed to only be interested in what he "meant" to say.', '>>{the_leprechauns_anus} : Yes, his tweet was absolutely clear that he meant wiretapping, as in his phone was bugged.', '>>{shitlurd} : I think even Spicer realized how stupid that was the second it came out of his mouth. The silence followed by bits of laughter from the press was pretty amusing.'], [">>{rupisingh0001} : Donald Trump: torture 'absolutely' works, says US president in first television interview", ">>{Casapaz} : It doesn't matter if it works. It's wrong. You don't fight evil with evil.", '>>{OutOfMoneyError} : As if speaking from personal experience. Did he get pee-boarded in Russia?', '>>{jullmg} : It might work, the point is do you want to loose your dignity?', '>>{Tamerlin} : He seems to want to use waterboarding for retaliatory purposes. He lists a bunch of evil things ISIS and their ilk do, then asks "Would I feel strongly about waterboarding? As far as I\'m concerned, we have to fight fire with fire." Apparently Mathis and Pompeo have told him that waterboarding works, which is good enough for him. He emphasises that he would rely on "Mathis, and Pompeo, and my group" for advice and guidance, but also that "Absolutely, I believe it works." Just thought I\'d give some context.', ">>{SadlyNaiveGirl} : I feel like it doesn't actually work, but it gets the torturee to say what you want them to say, true or not.", '>>{anonuisance} : Works for what goal? To scare and piss off a population?', ">>{redwhiskeredbubul} : This is feels over reals, on so many levels. There's [a body of research and argument](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22830471-200-torture-doesnt-work-says-science-why-are-we-still-doing-it/) that says it doesn't work, ethical aspects aside. And I think it's easier, in a way, to say what psychological factors would dispose people towards a belief in the efficacy of torture, than it is to say if it really does produce useful information or not.", '>>{do_you_even_ship_bro} : Disregarding the dignity argument, no, torture is not an effective way to get useful information from people. You get answers that will make it stop.', ">>{sailorbrendan} : Given that the intelligence community generally says torture doesn't work, I have to believe the context is a lie", ">>{ghostcurls} : >He added that terrorist groups “chop off the citizens’ or anybody’s heads in the Middle East, because they’re Christian or Muslim or anything else ... we have that and we’re not allowed to do anything. We’re not playing on an even field.” He is literally complaining that he can't act like the terrorists.", ">>{PhoenixReborn} : That's a matter of ethics. It's a matter of fact that it doesn't work.", ">>{wogwarts} : More critically, not a single US President has banned or even condemned torture before. You can't claim to love Obama but then say you disliked his drone strikes and continued Guantanamo program along with the rest of the NSA. I'd hate Trump for continuing the policy, just like I hate every *single* US President previously for even allowing torture to exist. There's no moral high-ground for you if you're arch-rival drives down the same fucking moral road.", '>>{anastus} : Trump thinks torture works. Suddenly I get why he had Three Doors down play at his Inauguration.', '>>{MAKE_REDDIT_SAFE} : Trump wants to use it to punish, not extract information. If he sees ISIS members cut heads off of Christians he will then torture captured ISIS members. He pretty well explained this in his rallies.', '>>{DsntMttrHadSex} : That´s some dictator speaking. 0/10 wouldn´t trust that guy.', '>>{PoshcatLadonia} : The problem is, you can disagree about whether it\'s wrong or not, just like we see Trump doing here. [You can\'t however, disagree with the fact that it doesn\'t work at all](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/09/senate-committee-cia-torture-does-not-work) "Absolutely I feel it works" This is fucking crazy. A business man with no experience and knowledge about anything just "feels" something and then makes it happen. Americans should be marching on Washington.', '>>{the_resident_skeptic} : Even a broken clock is right twice a day.', ">>{ghostcurls} : I don't think it is, but I also don't want it to be? Or are you saying you want us to brainwash kids into murder others too? What is your point exactly?", '>>{yourlyingalready} : >If you think the playing field is level, tell us more... So much for American idealism. You realize that ideolocial terrorist recruiters will use this as justification for their actions and otherwise mundane people will hear about this and think ISIS has a point now, right? But yet you saw a kid do some bad shit this one time so America must respond in kind? Quit your bullshit.', ">>{ramonycajones} : Obama did ban torture - he required the CIA to conform to the Army Field Manual, which did not allow torture. Drone strikes are terrible, but they ain't torture.", '>>{raisedbypoodles} : I believe that Trump voters are perfectly OK with that.', ">>{theartofrolling} : Yes but Trump doesn't get his opinions on torture from silly things like evidence. He just refers to good old fashioned American television; if it worked for Jack Bauer it can work for us!", ">>{thesilent30} : Amazing how he defeated his own point with the very next sentence. I wonder if he'll reply.", ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : No, the playing field isn't level. Are you seriously comparing child soldiers with the US Army? Do honestly think a 16 year old with an AK and fanatical belief in the afterlife is a better fighter than a US Marine - let alone US special forces? And that's not even mentioning the heavy ordance and tech that means the US can go on the offensive with next to no casualties - the drone program, for instance. When the the US does go in for a little light torture, it doesn't 'level' the playing field - it just creates easy propaganda for terrorists.", '>>{ghostcurls} : So in order to level the playing field you want us to become "subhuman pieces of shit"?', ">>{CliffDropOver} : Let's try it on him and see if he agrees that he is a Fraud?", ">>{mutzenbacher} : And you need to torture those subhumans before you drone them? I don't understand.", ">>{yourlyingalready} : Does it fucking matter how many times its posted, or how many videos you see? No. No it doesnt. So your saying, because barbarians do some shit we should do what they do? You completely skipped over my point about that being ammunition used against us by recruits by the way. Are you even American? Fucking christ. I'd hate to see what type of rationale you'd justify if you were German during WW2.", '>>{jullmg} : Please keep in mind that not everyone here has English as a primary language', ">>{ghostcurls} : But those are boring and don't make for good movies.", '>>{ghostcurls} : But you agree it is moving toward their level then?', ">>{yourlyingalready} : LOL. What intel are you gonna get from someone being tortured? They're going to tell you whatever the fuck you want to hear to stop the torture. This was discussed. At length. Back in 2006. The intelligence community stopped it for a reason. Have you thought about this? Like.. at all? And that guy you picked up in Iraq to torture isn't going to have intel on that new group thats using propaganda videos to recruit for a new front in Yemen. And then that guy you pick up in Yemen isn't going to have the intel for the people using recruitment videos for a new front in Ethiopia. And that guy you pick up in Ethiopia.. Do you fucking see where I'm going with this? I thought Donald Trump wasn't going in the business of international policing.", '>>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : He would know he has been torturing his wives and raping young girls for years.', '>>{commieflirt} : It warps the minds of our children and weakens the resolve of our allies.', '>>{androgenius} : The previous Republican administration spent a lot of time and effort normalising torture. Trump is a big step in the wrong direction *and* an obvious extension of previous Republican practice. If he got his ideas from television, which I do believe he did, he would have got them from Fox news.', '>>{commieflirt} : Clearly the only rational thing to do is to train our own children to chop off the heads and hands of their child soldiers. That will level the torture field.', ">>{pm_me_ankle_nudes} : Trump probably owes his understanding of torture to the show '24'.", ">>{commieflirt} : Some of the smartest people I know can't read DJT", '>>{yourlyingalready} : Bombing the shit out of ISIS isn\'t much of a policy. Especially when you have large recruitment efforts spread across multiple countries. You can\'t just "bomb the shit" out of everywhere.. and when you do, you have unintended casualties that feeds right back into recruitment efforts. Like that kid that saw his family get blown up by an errant US bomb now hates America. Being poor and hungry, he goes to his local Imam who is preaching hate for the US while being clothed and fed. Things are nuanced. Again, have you actually thought about this? Have you heard from actual intelligence people anywhere at all? Watched talks about this very subject? Do you even know what we\'ve been doing vs ISIS in the past 2 years?', '>>{yourlyingalready} : Because I have first hand knowledge of what the US military was/is doing vs ISIS and it isn\'t just "bombing the shit" out of them. Trump doesn\'t know what the fuck hes talking about, nor do his supporters.', '>>{wogwarts} : Like Obama and Bush? They both used torture liberally.', '>>{commieflirt} : Disney hated unions, Hitler loved Ford, and PT Barnum was a conman - so that does sound like Trump, if you were trying to rub their genius onto him or something', ">>{wogwarts} : ... uh, I'd rather be tortured than killed.", ">>{Enwinor} : Hey, could you kindly go back to the 16th century? The rest of us would like to enjoy the centuries of progress we've made since torture was considered normal and right.", ">>{ndphillips} : He's said that Matthis told him water boarding doesn't work in a previous interview.", ">>{Ichabodfuxter72} : Don't forget The Piano Guys playing the same song a hundred times.", '>>{DaleKerbal} : The real question is "Are we the baddies"?', ">>{letsburn00} : From pretty much all accounts that aren't movies, it wasn't via waterboarding that they found that info. One of the biggest problems with torture is that people will eventually say anything you want, which muddies the water. Including innocent people ( or guilty people who did stuff totally unrelated to whatever you care about). The side effect being you don't realise that the real bad guy is still out there, so you let your guard down or stop your search(because someone confessed)", '>>{morbidexpression} : or we could just do what Americans have always done before Bush and be BETTER than their enemies and not descend to fucking depravity just because it gives Trumpers erections to think about torturing brown people.', ">>{lankist} : Wow, you're all over this thread saying scumbag shit. You should get the Machiavelli treatment and get first in line.", ">>{LeafRivers} : Why is he still allowed to be President? We already know how awful he is, the longer he is in there the more damage he will do. Let's impeach him already so we can avoid massive damage to both our country and others and then get to work on ridding ourselves of Pence.", ">>{lankist} : Guess the Machiavelli reference went right over your head. I'm saying I'd like to see you get tortured just for the fun of it.", '>>{sarge21} : Why are you changing the argument? Obama banned torture, contrary to what you said.', ">>{PublicAccount1234} : It works if your goal is to feel good about making some guy pay for someone else's hideous acts. Whether or not it produces usable info that couldn't be gotten other ways in the same amount of time is not a consideration. It works if your goal is to antagonize and scare a country's population into rebelling against your incursion/committing terrorist acts against the invaders (and thereby justifying both the incursion and the torture after the fact, in some minds).", '>>{reptile7383} : Nice deflection. You assert something as a fact, and then demand others "prove" the opposite while you present no evidence. And then claim victory when nobody at all provides anything factual. Btw by "nice" I meant incredibly boring to read.', '>>{Jaydevil2015} : if the U. S had put Bush and Cheney up on charges for torture the first time around there would be precedent to deter Trump from this sort of barbarity.', '>>{nliausacmmv} : Onus is on you to prove it, not on him to disprove.', ">>{Obvious_Troll_Accoun} : A broken clock is right twice a day. But I sure as shit ain't going to use it to know when to go anywhere.", ">>{vegastar7} : Yes, you're right: since our enemies use child soldiers, we should too. It'll even the playing field. /s", '>>{vegastar7} : Wow, you need to see a shrink fast. That\'s some seriously sociopathic shit you just spewed right there "make kids kill muslims". Whose kids, pray tell? That\'s the most interesting part: whether you want to have a bunch of killers go to school with your children...or maybe you just want to unleash them in a very unstable part of the world so they continue the cycle of violence.', '>>{vegastar7} : I think he also gets it from experience: the guy is a bully since childhood and never experienced repercussions for his acts. In his mind, violence works VERY well.', ">>{vegastar7} : Nope, you're just posting ONE instance where it might have worked. All the instances where it didn't work obviously don't make the news, which gives the illusion that torture is super effective. If people in the CIA tell me torture is not effective, then I'll believe them over some sociopath on the internet.", '>>{vegastar7} : Yeah, how many times and for what reasons? Trump seems adept at making awful business decisions, like selling steaks through Radioshack. Have Ford, Barnum, and Disney made these types of moronic decisions?', ">>{vegastar7} : Which is why Matthis and Pompeo want to distance themselves from that statement: because they're pro torture. /s", '>>{bcra00} : Ah, my bad. I thought you were saying "we found Osama bin Laden without waterboarding." Yeah, you\'re wrong that torture works or is preferable to humane questioning. What a great example for ISIS of the evil of America when so many of our citizens want us to torture people.']]
classify and reply
['>>{MostlyCarbonite} : 123 Republican Leaders Urge RNC to Cut Off Funding to Trump', '>>{byrd_nick} : Trump’s New Order Bans Immigrants From 6 Muslim Nations, Except Iraq', ">>{CanuckCharlie} : There's also 10 day delay so everyone can figure their shit out but What are the chances this will have the same result as the first ban? (Could it happen before day 10?)", ">>{dyzo-blue} : Trump doesn't need their funding anyways! ReTweeting White Supremacist propaganda is free!", ">>{just_say_maybe} : It's like they're just playing pin the tail on the donkey with middle eastern countries. This is insanity.", ">>{DROPkick28} : [He's very clearly having a negative affect down-ballet](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-gops-chances-of-holding-the-senate-are-following-trump-downhill/). They need all the money they can get just to try to off-set the Trump affect.", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : This puzzles me a little -- is it the endorsement of Trump that typically hurts the person running for Congress?', ">>{DROPkick28} : I think it's more like he's just damaging the brand. They candidates are likely going to try to expressly distance themselves from him if it keeps getting worse. Though that would likely be some last-ditch and not effective effort.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Donnie says do it! >[“I don’t need anybody’s money. It’s nice. I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich, I’ll show you that in a second. And by the way, I’m not even saying that in a braggadocios … that’s the kind that’s the kind of thinking you need for this country.”](http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/donald-trump-2016-announcement-10-best-lines-119066)', '>>{chinadaze} : I think that\'s a big part of it, yes. It\'s all too easy for a Dem opponent to run an ad saying, "Kelly Ayotte supports Donald Trump..." with the rest of the ad being a string of insane shit Donald has said.', ">>{jeffinRTP} : It's good to know that Iraq is a stable government and is able to extremely vet its citizens. It's not like isis has any supporters or control any land there.", '>>{byrd_nick} : (I wish there press conferences for things like *this*; the things I actually have questions about).', ">>{ward0630} : By next week we'll have at least two more zeroes on the end of that number.", ">>{c_double_u} : Just keep mixing them in and out until people believe that it's not based on religion! That will definitely work!", ">>{Diazepam} : Toyota is going to sell a very small 'buddy robot' for $400", '>>{bengye} : japan only :`( I thought I could finally afford a buddy', '>>{comedylover2016} : hope nobody ever makes a bully robot but something tells me someone will someday.', '>>{byrd_nick} : 2.0 applies to different countries, sure. But does it still except religious minorities like Christians?', '>>{njuffstrunk} : We are going to ban muslims in order to stop IS, but we won\'t ban muslims the exact country where IS has most of its bases How can anyone claim this ban is in place to keep out the terorrists? Ffs even the terorists involved with the "Bowling green massacre" wouldn\'t fall under this ban, this is embarassing.', ">>{IloveIslams} : honestly this isn't enough. I thought President Trump was going to keep us *safe* but now instead he's cowarding to the liberalists and letting islams pour in from yet more and more countries (if you can even call them countries)", '>>{digitaldavis} : The only one that matters, the one that actually gave birth to, funds and supports Islamic terrorism.', '>>{JasonsBoredAgain} : Oh, great, tiny enough to fit under the bed...', ">>{ImWatchinUWatchinMe} : Wouldn't it benefit the party to back Johnson over trump at this point?", ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : PM'd ^^^^^^^^^^^^^no ^^^^^^^^^^^^^I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^didn't", '>>{gnomath} : Why exactly is this getting downvoted? "Learn another language robot" seems like the next step for Rosetta Stone.', '>>{byrd_nick} : Much more helpful than the NYT piece. Thanks!', ">>{ward0630} : It's a double-edged sword. Endorse Trump and you risk pissing off the independents (tying a candidate to Trump is a tactic that democrats are already using, including John McCain's opponent). Fail to endorse him, or outright denounce him, and you're almost certain to alienate Trump supporters. So Republicans are in a serious bind this election.", '>>{vit29} : Dude, if you want people to kill themselves you should lead by example.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_FLOWERS} : Learning Japanese I think I'm learning Japanese I really think so...", ">>{Narwhalbaconguy} : I just checked your profile, is this all you seriously talk about? You're just as bad as those people at /r/incels.", ">>{bengye} : Hey, I volunteer to be your makeover guy, teach you to be cool, 80s movie style. Send me a link to your dating profile and let's get started right away. DM me tho", '>>{IHeartMyKitten} : Pretty sure the above poster is a bot that reposts comments from /r/incels.', ">>{liberte_} : I can't wait until Trump doesn't spend a dime of his donations, funnels it all back to himself and makes a cool $100M from his run at the Presidency. It will be hilarious to watch his supporters justify getting conned to themselves.", '>>{IHeartMyKitten} : Not sure. Looks kinda like a support subreddit for people who have trouble with romance.', ">>{Phroon} : [Your plastic pal who's fun to be with!](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/hitchhikers/images/f/f9/Your_plastic_pal_who%27s_fun_to_be_with%21.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110305210310)", ">>{kacmandoth} : Here is the problem, I feel the price is based more on research required to build it rather than price to build its capabilities. Once a competitor gets toyota's tech, it becomes a maybe $100 item. If they really want to make a difference in human-robot relationships, they would suck up research costs and price it for what it really costs. Otherwise they end up as a stepping stone, and not the market dominator.", '>>{Kurcide} : This would actually be amazing, I would easily spend $400 for a bilingual robot companion that could teach me to speak other languages', ">>{groovemanexe} : It's SO CUTE, I already love it. Once it becomes a generally available product there's gonna be a solid customisation community, I can tell. Who wouldn't want a tiny MegaMan friend?", '>>{TheSluagh} : That would be amazing. I would love a few.', '>>{Biddybiddyhamburger} : Or just get a Giga-pet, for crying out loud.', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : >["I think I am, actually humble. I think I\'m much more humble than you would understand."](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/18/donald-trump-is-way-more-humble-than-you-could-possibly-understand/)', '>>{therealjoemontana} : They had this on display at the Tokyo motor show last November. It was cute but not too interesting.', '>>{Slyfox76} : Why not just spend $4.99 on an app that will do the same thing?', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : >"I think I\'ve made a lot of sacrifices." -- [ABCNews](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-father-fallen-soldier-ive-made-lot/story?id=41015051)', '>>{2PackJack} : This is great, my Sony AIBO could use some company in the attic.', '>>{DROPkick28} : ....I like what ~~my phone auto-corrected~~ I totally wrote on purpose better.', '>>{diyandtoys} : Maybe the guys at Toyota have watched "Chobits" one to many times. Who am I kidding, if they could get the functionality of a cellphone in to one of these I\'d get it tomorrow.', '>>{Mamadagru} : $400, let me see the invoice. Ok, I see it. I need to think about it.', ">>{Coffeechipmunk} : It's roughly $290, plus 3 bucks a month. I thought at first it would, *do stuff.* It really doesn't, though.", ">>{SpuddMeister} : I wonder who would be the big decision maker. I don't think Rience actually has that power. Maybe Paul Ryan?", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : 1. Trump adopts Paul Ryan. 1. Ryan runs instead. 1. Trump / Pence 2016 with no signage change and a conservative candidate that isn't actively hated.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Doesn't seem like a good idea. It's very easy to paint a libertarian as nutty.", ">>{odanedu} : Sooo, 123 republican politicians have cast their favor to Hillary, instead of trying to shore up a GOP position. You see? You can't trust any of them. Trump is the GOP nominee. Although I firmly believe Trump only got into the race to insure a Hillary win.", '>>{kevy508} : How long has r/politics been r/Hillary for president?', ">>{MixmasterJrod} : >wish for this robot to function as a mediator between a person and machine, or a person and the Internet, and sometimes even between people, So it's like C3P0 and R2D2 had a baby?", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : History for kevy508 subreddit submitted to count % The_Donald 31 26% ar15 11 9% magicTCG 9 8% CCW 8 7% lol shouldn't you be in your cheeto-colored safe-space?", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : How is pointing out your user history rude, exactly? Seems pretty relevant, considering.', '>>{ccai} : Plus, he\'ll finally feel average sized compared to the "very small" robot...', '>>{kevy508} : I was asking how r/politics was now a serious pro Hillary sub. What does that have to do with my history?', ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Does this story mention Hillary in any way? If a story is negative about one politician it is not automatically positive about every other politician. It'd be equally as accurate to say this piece is pro Jill Stein in that case.", '>>{kevy508} : In a two person race, which this certainly is, if a sub is constantly bashing one of the candidates without equal consideration, its not rocket science that they are biased.', '>>{Pkytails} : couples, the elderly, singletons, and students, with everyone visibly enthralled by its ability to say the right thing at the right time... TIL singleton can be given robots', ">>{Lvutera} : Have you ever seen your reddit history? Maybe they also think you're ugly on the inside...", ">>{ThePwnr} : I'll take one NetNavi and a CopyBot, please.", '>>{AsherFromThe6} : Little Toyota, since Toyota was the name of the owner', ">>{f4hy} : I live in tokyo... but that means I can't afford a buddy either.", '>>{groovemanexe} : Also a very good choice, and would have been my go-to, except a physical rendition of a Net Navi feels blasphemous somehow. I had forgotten about the CopyBots though; good save. I would also happily take a Medabot design (Though a Little Battlers Experience robot is more likely in this day and age).', '>>{dandandanman737} : Okay mini me, time to fight the monsters under my bed!', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : Is a trumpette really complaining about not getting equal time for the minority viewpoint? \\#TrumpOpinionsMatter', ">>{dandandanman737} : This isn't the first time Toyoga made a cool tech product that is not a car... I'm not holding my breath.", ">>{Libbwith2bs} : If there's one thing I've learned, it's that anything remotely resembling a Furby can scare the shit out of you in the middle of the night. Nice try, Toyota.", '>>{quartbeer} : It’s only going to be **after** we see a huge spike in child suicide that we realize loneliness is one of the most important social issues of our time.', '>>{314R8} : Not if he is paying his companies and family for services rendered.', ">>{YouEnglishNotSoGood} : Can someone post 11 more links to this same story please. I have BaconReader set to not show me links I've already seen and that sucks. If we make more threads I can keep seeing the same headline over and over again.", '>>{Taizan} : Beep bop boop *"There is no monster underneath. The true monster is the one sending me there."*', ">>{dandandanman737} : I DON'T CARE I WANT YOU TO KILL THE ONE WHO SNORES EVEN IF HE PAYS REMNT AND HAS A FAMILY!", ">>{CaeligoCielo} : An interesting concept, I'm rather fond of the idea of having a PerseCom (Chobits reference, for those that don't get it). Setting that aside, mouse over the background on that page. It's more interesting than the article.", ">>{Onlyspacemanspiff} : I'm sure Honda will have one with the same build quality but for $250.", ">>{borntobenothing} : Suicide, hah. That's why I am doing my part and killing them before they can kill themselves! Not on my watch!", '>>{borntobenothing} : Well, alright then. I am going to have to buy that and figure out how to fuck it.', '>>{darkspy13} : It has a subscription fee :*( That makes me sad', ">>{Spidertech500} : Are you aware how business works? Copying something isn't just that simple.", '>>{Pipiya} : Share and enjoy Share and enjoy Journey through life With your plastic boy Or girl by your side Let your pal be your guide And when it breaks down Or starts to annoy Or grinds when it moves And gives you no joy Cause its eaten your hat Or had sex with your cat Bled oil on the floor Or ripped off your door You get to the point You can\'t stand any more Bring it to us We won\'t give a fig We\'ll tell you: "Go stick your head in a pig"', ">>{HEMATOSPERMIA-MAN} : probably because it has to offload all memory and voice recognition to servers, most likely via mobile data. if it's as interactive as it seems that might be a small price to pay for an actually useful digital assistant.", ">>{DoctorBrandon} : It's China. Everything gives you hand jobs there.", '>>{risa_hostess} : There may be some sellers who would ship it internationally.', '>>{2sliderz} : yea but can I have sex with it safely?', '>>{PanamaMoe} : That would be awesome, maybe add a setting to where you can input a specific region to learn not only the language but the pronunciation and dialect as well.', ">>{TheNorthComesWithMe} : >Once a competitor gets toyota's tech What exactly do you think the tech is? Hint: the little robot isn't the novel part. Children's toys have had the complexity of the robot for years now.", ">>{hakkzpets} : I rather have an advanced [Keepon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g-yrjh58ms) instead. Been waiting for that little fellah forever. And the cheap ones which are sold doesn't make it.", '>>{Aquaman5000} : If your penis is less than 4 inches long.', ">>{bloodguard} : If they make one that'll wander your house at night assassinating pests (mice, lice, fleas, bedbugs) they'd have a license to print money in some cities.", '>>{machine_yearning} : Hope Toyota has made leaps and bounds in their voice recognition technology, the Entune system in my 4Runner is horrible.', ">>{HGStormy} : So there's a chance I might actually have a friend?", '>>{OneObstinateOrange} : New Item alert from Alibaba Buddy Robot flashlight attachment and "realistic grip" had atachment', ">>{whothefuckcares69} : What's up with the subscription? Will they repossess the robot if you don't pay?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{byrd_nick} : Trump’s New Order Bans Immigrants From 6 Muslim Nations, Except Iraq', ">>{CanuckCharlie} : There's also 10 day delay so everyone can figure their shit out but What are the chances this will have the same result as the first ban? (Could it happen before day 10?)", ">>{just_say_maybe} : It's like they're just playing pin the tail on the donkey with middle eastern countries. This is insanity.", ">>{jeffinRTP} : It's good to know that Iraq is a stable government and is able to extremely vet its citizens. It's not like isis has any supporters or control any land there.", '>>{byrd_nick} : (I wish there press conferences for things like *this*; the things I actually have questions about).', ">>{c_double_u} : Just keep mixing them in and out until people believe that it's not based on religion! That will definitely work!", '>>{byrd_nick} : 2.0 applies to different countries, sure. But does it still except religious minorities like Christians?', '>>{njuffstrunk} : We are going to ban muslims in order to stop IS, but we won\'t ban muslims the exact country where IS has most of its bases How can anyone claim this ban is in place to keep out the terorrists? Ffs even the terorists involved with the "Bowling green massacre" wouldn\'t fall under this ban, this is embarassing.', ">>{IloveIslams} : honestly this isn't enough. I thought President Trump was going to keep us *safe* but now instead he's cowarding to the liberalists and letting islams pour in from yet more and more countries (if you can even call them countries)", '>>{digitaldavis} : The only one that matters, the one that actually gave birth to, funds and supports Islamic terrorism.', '>>{byrd_nick} : Much more helpful than the NYT piece. Thanks!'], [">>{Diazepam} : Toyota is going to sell a very small 'buddy robot' for $400", '>>{bengye} : japan only :`( I thought I could finally afford a buddy', '>>{comedylover2016} : hope nobody ever makes a bully robot but something tells me someone will someday.', '>>{JasonsBoredAgain} : Oh, great, tiny enough to fit under the bed...', ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : PM'd ^^^^^^^^^^^^^no ^^^^^^^^^^^^^I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^didn't", '>>{gnomath} : Why exactly is this getting downvoted? "Learn another language robot" seems like the next step for Rosetta Stone.', '>>{vit29} : Dude, if you want people to kill themselves you should lead by example.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_FLOWERS} : Learning Japanese I think I'm learning Japanese I really think so...", ">>{Narwhalbaconguy} : I just checked your profile, is this all you seriously talk about? You're just as bad as those people at /r/incels.", ">>{bengye} : Hey, I volunteer to be your makeover guy, teach you to be cool, 80s movie style. Send me a link to your dating profile and let's get started right away. DM me tho", '>>{IHeartMyKitten} : Pretty sure the above poster is a bot that reposts comments from /r/incels.', '>>{IHeartMyKitten} : Not sure. Looks kinda like a support subreddit for people who have trouble with romance.', ">>{Phroon} : [Your plastic pal who's fun to be with!](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/hitchhikers/images/f/f9/Your_plastic_pal_who%27s_fun_to_be_with%21.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110305210310)", ">>{kacmandoth} : Here is the problem, I feel the price is based more on research required to build it rather than price to build its capabilities. Once a competitor gets toyota's tech, it becomes a maybe $100 item. If they really want to make a difference in human-robot relationships, they would suck up research costs and price it for what it really costs. Otherwise they end up as a stepping stone, and not the market dominator.", '>>{Kurcide} : This would actually be amazing, I would easily spend $400 for a bilingual robot companion that could teach me to speak other languages', ">>{groovemanexe} : It's SO CUTE, I already love it. Once it becomes a generally available product there's gonna be a solid customisation community, I can tell. Who wouldn't want a tiny MegaMan friend?", '>>{TheSluagh} : That would be amazing. I would love a few.', '>>{Biddybiddyhamburger} : Or just get a Giga-pet, for crying out loud.', '>>{therealjoemontana} : They had this on display at the Tokyo motor show last November. It was cute but not too interesting.', '>>{Slyfox76} : Why not just spend $4.99 on an app that will do the same thing?', '>>{2PackJack} : This is great, my Sony AIBO could use some company in the attic.', '>>{diyandtoys} : Maybe the guys at Toyota have watched "Chobits" one to many times. Who am I kidding, if they could get the functionality of a cellphone in to one of these I\'d get it tomorrow.', '>>{Mamadagru} : $400, let me see the invoice. Ok, I see it. I need to think about it.', ">>{Coffeechipmunk} : It's roughly $290, plus 3 bucks a month. I thought at first it would, *do stuff.* It really doesn't, though.", ">>{MixmasterJrod} : >wish for this robot to function as a mediator between a person and machine, or a person and the Internet, and sometimes even between people, So it's like C3P0 and R2D2 had a baby?", '>>{ccai} : Plus, he\'ll finally feel average sized compared to the "very small" robot...', '>>{Pkytails} : couples, the elderly, singletons, and students, with everyone visibly enthralled by its ability to say the right thing at the right time... TIL singleton can be given robots', ">>{Lvutera} : Have you ever seen your reddit history? Maybe they also think you're ugly on the inside...", ">>{ThePwnr} : I'll take one NetNavi and a CopyBot, please.", '>>{AsherFromThe6} : Little Toyota, since Toyota was the name of the owner', ">>{f4hy} : I live in tokyo... but that means I can't afford a buddy either.", '>>{groovemanexe} : Also a very good choice, and would have been my go-to, except a physical rendition of a Net Navi feels blasphemous somehow. I had forgotten about the CopyBots though; good save. I would also happily take a Medabot design (Though a Little Battlers Experience robot is more likely in this day and age).', '>>{dandandanman737} : Okay mini me, time to fight the monsters under my bed!', ">>{dandandanman737} : This isn't the first time Toyoga made a cool tech product that is not a car... I'm not holding my breath.", ">>{Libbwith2bs} : If there's one thing I've learned, it's that anything remotely resembling a Furby can scare the shit out of you in the middle of the night. Nice try, Toyota.", '>>{quartbeer} : It’s only going to be **after** we see a huge spike in child suicide that we realize loneliness is one of the most important social issues of our time.', '>>{Taizan} : Beep bop boop *"There is no monster underneath. The true monster is the one sending me there."*', ">>{dandandanman737} : I DON'T CARE I WANT YOU TO KILL THE ONE WHO SNORES EVEN IF HE PAYS REMNT AND HAS A FAMILY!", ">>{CaeligoCielo} : An interesting concept, I'm rather fond of the idea of having a PerseCom (Chobits reference, for those that don't get it). Setting that aside, mouse over the background on that page. It's more interesting than the article.", ">>{Onlyspacemanspiff} : I'm sure Honda will have one with the same build quality but for $250.", ">>{borntobenothing} : Suicide, hah. That's why I am doing my part and killing them before they can kill themselves! Not on my watch!", '>>{borntobenothing} : Well, alright then. I am going to have to buy that and figure out how to fuck it.', '>>{darkspy13} : It has a subscription fee :*( That makes me sad', ">>{Spidertech500} : Are you aware how business works? Copying something isn't just that simple.", '>>{Pipiya} : Share and enjoy Share and enjoy Journey through life With your plastic boy Or girl by your side Let your pal be your guide And when it breaks down Or starts to annoy Or grinds when it moves And gives you no joy Cause its eaten your hat Or had sex with your cat Bled oil on the floor Or ripped off your door You get to the point You can\'t stand any more Bring it to us We won\'t give a fig We\'ll tell you: "Go stick your head in a pig"', ">>{HEMATOSPERMIA-MAN} : probably because it has to offload all memory and voice recognition to servers, most likely via mobile data. if it's as interactive as it seems that might be a small price to pay for an actually useful digital assistant.", ">>{DoctorBrandon} : It's China. Everything gives you hand jobs there.", '>>{risa_hostess} : There may be some sellers who would ship it internationally.', '>>{2sliderz} : yea but can I have sex with it safely?', '>>{PanamaMoe} : That would be awesome, maybe add a setting to where you can input a specific region to learn not only the language but the pronunciation and dialect as well.', ">>{TheNorthComesWithMe} : >Once a competitor gets toyota's tech What exactly do you think the tech is? Hint: the little robot isn't the novel part. Children's toys have had the complexity of the robot for years now.", ">>{hakkzpets} : I rather have an advanced [Keepon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g-yrjh58ms) instead. Been waiting for that little fellah forever. And the cheap ones which are sold doesn't make it.", '>>{Aquaman5000} : If your penis is less than 4 inches long.', ">>{bloodguard} : If they make one that'll wander your house at night assassinating pests (mice, lice, fleas, bedbugs) they'd have a license to print money in some cities.", '>>{machine_yearning} : Hope Toyota has made leaps and bounds in their voice recognition technology, the Entune system in my 4Runner is horrible.', ">>{HGStormy} : So there's a chance I might actually have a friend?", '>>{OneObstinateOrange} : New Item alert from Alibaba Buddy Robot flashlight attachment and "realistic grip" had atachment', ">>{whothefuckcares69} : What's up with the subscription? Will they repossess the robot if you don't pay?"], ['>>{MostlyCarbonite} : 123 Republican Leaders Urge RNC to Cut Off Funding to Trump', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Trump doesn't need their funding anyways! ReTweeting White Supremacist propaganda is free!", ">>{DROPkick28} : [He's very clearly having a negative affect down-ballet](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-gops-chances-of-holding-the-senate-are-following-trump-downhill/). They need all the money they can get just to try to off-set the Trump affect.", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : This puzzles me a little -- is it the endorsement of Trump that typically hurts the person running for Congress?', ">>{DROPkick28} : I think it's more like he's just damaging the brand. They candidates are likely going to try to expressly distance themselves from him if it keeps getting worse. Though that would likely be some last-ditch and not effective effort.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Donnie says do it! >[“I don’t need anybody’s money. It’s nice. I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich, I’ll show you that in a second. And by the way, I’m not even saying that in a braggadocios … that’s the kind that’s the kind of thinking you need for this country.”](http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/donald-trump-2016-announcement-10-best-lines-119066)', '>>{chinadaze} : I think that\'s a big part of it, yes. It\'s all too easy for a Dem opponent to run an ad saying, "Kelly Ayotte supports Donald Trump..." with the rest of the ad being a string of insane shit Donald has said.', ">>{ward0630} : By next week we'll have at least two more zeroes on the end of that number.", ">>{ImWatchinUWatchinMe} : Wouldn't it benefit the party to back Johnson over trump at this point?", ">>{ward0630} : It's a double-edged sword. Endorse Trump and you risk pissing off the independents (tying a candidate to Trump is a tactic that democrats are already using, including John McCain's opponent). Fail to endorse him, or outright denounce him, and you're almost certain to alienate Trump supporters. So Republicans are in a serious bind this election.", ">>{liberte_} : I can't wait until Trump doesn't spend a dime of his donations, funnels it all back to himself and makes a cool $100M from his run at the Presidency. It will be hilarious to watch his supporters justify getting conned to themselves.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : >["I think I am, actually humble. I think I\'m much more humble than you would understand."](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/18/donald-trump-is-way-more-humble-than-you-could-possibly-understand/)', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : >"I think I\'ve made a lot of sacrifices." -- [ABCNews](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-father-fallen-soldier-ive-made-lot/story?id=41015051)', '>>{DROPkick28} : ....I like what ~~my phone auto-corrected~~ I totally wrote on purpose better.', ">>{SpuddMeister} : I wonder who would be the big decision maker. I don't think Rience actually has that power. Maybe Paul Ryan?", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : 1. Trump adopts Paul Ryan. 1. Ryan runs instead. 1. Trump / Pence 2016 with no signage change and a conservative candidate that isn't actively hated.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Doesn't seem like a good idea. It's very easy to paint a libertarian as nutty.", ">>{odanedu} : Sooo, 123 republican politicians have cast their favor to Hillary, instead of trying to shore up a GOP position. You see? You can't trust any of them. Trump is the GOP nominee. Although I firmly believe Trump only got into the race to insure a Hillary win.", '>>{kevy508} : How long has r/politics been r/Hillary for president?', ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : History for kevy508 subreddit submitted to count % The_Donald 31 26% ar15 11 9% magicTCG 9 8% CCW 8 7% lol shouldn't you be in your cheeto-colored safe-space?", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : How is pointing out your user history rude, exactly? Seems pretty relevant, considering.', '>>{kevy508} : I was asking how r/politics was now a serious pro Hillary sub. What does that have to do with my history?', ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Does this story mention Hillary in any way? If a story is negative about one politician it is not automatically positive about every other politician. It'd be equally as accurate to say this piece is pro Jill Stein in that case.", '>>{kevy508} : In a two person race, which this certainly is, if a sub is constantly bashing one of the candidates without equal consideration, its not rocket science that they are biased.', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : Is a trumpette really complaining about not getting equal time for the minority viewpoint? \\#TrumpOpinionsMatter', '>>{314R8} : Not if he is paying his companies and family for services rendered.', ">>{YouEnglishNotSoGood} : Can someone post 11 more links to this same story please. I have BaconReader set to not show me links I've already seen and that sucks. If we make more threads I can keep seeing the same headline over and over again."]]
classify and reply
[">>{conanthecnidarian} : Now that there are so many connections between Trump and Putin, it is imperative that he release his returns so we can verify Putin has not bought and paid for Trump. He's not stupid. He knows what people are assuming by him not releasing his returns. That tells me that what is actually there is worse that what we are assuming.", '>>{FatLadySingin} : Even FOX, yes FOX is getting in on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBrgNfdBP-E', ">>{thatFUCKINGitalian} : That's what happens when you try to monopolize everything. A Samsung fridge? Really??", '>>{Todojaw21} : Why is this surprising? If you release your tax returns, then you will get a lot more support. Conservatives aren\'t just going to say "I like trump so I will forgive him for being secret about his tax returns" it doesn\'t make any sense', '>>{Ben_Thar} : How the hell does a washing machine explode? Are we sure this is the right word for what is happening?', ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : What's next? Samsung TV series, directed by Michael Bay?", '>>{BigAstra} : U.S. regulators on Wednesday warned owners of certain top-loading Samsung washing machines of "safety issues" following reports that some have exploded. The warning, from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, covered machines made between March 2011 and April 2016. It did not specify a model. The commission suggested people use only the delicate cycle to wash bedding and water-resistant and bulky items because the lower spin speed "lessens the risk of impact injuries or property damage due to the washing machine becoming dislodged." The agency said it is working with Samsung on a remedy. The warning comes more than a month after Samsung was hit with a federal class-action lawsuit by customers who said their machines had exploded during use. Customers in Texas, Georgia and Indiana all said they were washing clothes when they heard a violent boom. A washer belonging to a McAllen, Texas, woman "exploded with such ferocity that it penetrated the interior wall of her garage," according to court filings. A woman in Dallas, Georgia, said it felt and sounded as if "a bomb went off."', ">>{skandr75} : Samsung is the Korean version of Mitsubishi. You'd be surprised how many industries Samsung is involved in besides electronics.", ">>{3_Limes} : I think Trump might be proud to have connections to The Kremlin, and that he might not spend too much energy hiding that. That he's not as rich as he says he is, especially if the difference between spin and reality is appallingly, laughably large, would be something that he'd do almost anything to conceal. And I think that's the more likely scenario. The idea of America laughing at his finances would be the very deepest humiliation that Donnie Boy could imagine.", '>>{Kitten_of_Death} : Again, this election cycle is really bringing people together in ways no one could have expected.', '>>{Waitandbleed5676} : Please tell me there is atleast one video of this happening', '>>{Karpablanca} : Samsung is the brand of choice in some islamic countries, I think </s> </notPC>', ">>{Inthethickofit} : He should at least release them to an independent auditor hired by the RNC (or DNC). If he doesn't want to reveal them publicly at least have someone review them to tell us that he didn't break the law and has no ties to Russia. At the very least, I think we can assume he paid a very low or 0% real income tax, but the bigger question is whether he actually did something illegal or has been lying about his investments and revenue streams.", '>>{AnswerAwake} : Probably not a thermal explosion but a RUD...a Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly.', '>>{cutlass_supreme} : No but she released her tax returns so we can do apples to apples :)', ">>{3_3219280948874} : How do we know about Hillary's speeches? Spoiler: tax returns.", '>>{swollennode} : Maybe "explosion" is misinterpreted in that there probably was no fire with air moving in an outward movement. However, it was probably that the washing machines were unbalanced, causing a lot of vibration which led to failure due to unintended disassembly. And since there was rotation involved, thugs were probably thrown outward hitting the machine and walls causing a loud sound which sounds like an explosion. Nowadays, "explosion" is a layman\'s term for boom sounds.', '>>{swollennode} : How many people do you know that video their washing machine on a regular basis?', ">>{rspix000} : All the other candidates have released their speeches to wall street (didn't exist) so we again have apples to rotten apples. Which will tell you more about the candidate's non-pander positions do you think?", ">>{cutlass_supreme} : Let's start with those tax returns and get back to mr", ">>{rspix000} : Nah, let's start with those speech transcripts and see what she tells her *base*.", ">>{CreativeGPX} : > He's not stupid. He knows what people are assuming by him not releasing his returns. That tells me that what is actually there is worse that what we are assuming. Or it tells us that, as he has done several times in this election, he's happy to let people have him in the speculative limelight filling the airwaves and the public debate.", ">>{roadfood} : And what do you think she told the bankers in her speeches? If she's such a liar why don't you think she just lied to them too?", '>>{rspix000} : M.o.n.e.y.', '>>{ReVo5000} : Maybe Samsung should change paths and start making bombs...', '>>{Captain_J_Kerbal} : They do make military vehicles and missile launchers actually.', ">>{roadfood} : But we still don't know how much Trump made or who he gave speeches to. How much do you think NAMBLA pays for a speaking fee?", '>>{OppaiGaKawaiiDesu} : This is done intentionally, I think, regarding the manner it has exploded. It exploded on the part where it did not contain any electronic parts, or atleast questionably low and nothing like "electrolytic capacitors".', ">>{KeithMyArthe} : Just because the new Samsung phones are waterproof doesn't mean you should wash them", ">>{loopytommy} : There's already been a major recall in Australia, I work for a big appliance retailer and it was absolute chaos. What was a simple fix turned into a fiasco all because Samsung wouldn't return customer calls and forced to government to act. I personally wouldn't buy any of their products.", '>>{jackbauer1989} : I have one of their top loader machine. In the article it did not mention if Samsung is recalling the top loader washer.', ">>{meatpoi} : My mom has one of these. It has never worked right since the day she bought it. I did a little research and saw that they were being sued and that some of these have been recalled out of the stores they were being sold from. I called Lowe's to see if we could swap it in on something else and they said they would have to transfer me to Samsung. I talked to someone from the call center and they asked for the model number and serial number of the washer. I gave it to them and they told me that it wasn't covered under the recall. They told me that it was built in July of 2013 when we had a receipt from Lowe's that showed it was purchased in January of 2013. She also said the issue I stated was not covered in the recall however I never told her a specific issue she just said that I did when I never did. Typical corporate runaround bullshit.", '>>{Blazingshot147} : No, a transforming Samsung device, directed by Michael Bay.', '>>{AntsInMyEyes-Johnson} : Same here, that\'s something I\'d like to take advantage of if Samsung decided to take some accountability. As low of a chance there may be for an "explosion" or RUD or whatever, I\'d like to avoid any property damage wherever I\'m able to. Hopefully Samsung steps it up a notch. Not that I have any faith in any corporation\'s sense of accountability, but it would be nice.', '>>{MBGA_HD} : samsung-"Alright.. who fucked up and sent our electronic projects to our military division?"', '>>{MrNerd82} : I have one of these samsung units -- had it about 1 year so far. Never had any issue to be honest. Kicks the shit out of the craptastic whirlpool washer that failed exactly after the warranty period was over. I did plug in my serial number on their website to check "if my unit is effected" and it is. *shrugs* I\'m a single guy and maybe do 2 or 3 loads of laundry a week, not a big deal. Hope they wind up doing someting cool -- like giving me a wad of cash back, or swap it out for something newer/safer. If it blows up I\'m covered either way, with my luck on washers I got a square trade warranty for a pretty good price. I figure it something happens I\'m covered either way. I\'ve seen the results of some of these washer "explosions", mostly pieces of plastic everywhere, and in some cases damage to drywall or whatever is sitting next to it. When in a full spin cycle there\'s a serious amount of kinetic energy flowing, and it could seriously mess someone up if they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.', '>>{Tetrastructural_Mind} : Well they are notorious for making garbage. Our front loading washer died. My HDD died. The first Galaxy phones were complete shit. Everything they make feels cheap.', '>>{livevicarious} : Samsung in my opinion makes shit products. I had 2 samsung galaxy phones back in the day, both had numerous issues including screens just failing, batteries dying within a few months and various other weird issues. Also had a Samsung smart TV that would disconnect from the internet consistently. Called support literally 11 times, they would push update after update to the TV all of which over time REMOVED features I bought the TV for, the built in guide GONE, the smart hub features GONE. Finally a support tech got sent out who replaced literally the whole tv mainboard, wireless adapter everything. Still had the same issues, Samsung\'s official word was I had to be within 10 feet of my wireless router in order to get a dependable signal. WTF? Then when I informed them I work IT and 10 feet is ridiculous for a wireless N device, they offered to either BUY back the TV for $500.00 I payed 1,300 or I could swap it for a 4k tv refurbished for $500.00 but would have to give them the TV. The "customer support" side of Samsung is a shit show. I had to fight for a month to even get THOSE options.', '>>{livevicarious} : Also yes I use Apple products now, and while yes I have had 1 issue with an iPhone in 5 years, I made an appointment, went in, no questions asked swapped out with a new phone in literally 10 minutes. Samsung id have to send out a phone, wait a week and get back a refurbished POS in its place, that was obviously used and abused.', ">>{patentolog1st} : It's absolutely the correct word. During the spin cycle, the crushing pressure within the vortex generated by the drum initiates fusion in the dihydrogen oxide mixture in the core. The result is catastrophic.", ">>{MrNerd82} : Generally it's one load of regular clothes, one load of towels/washrags. If there's a 3rd load, it's usually car care stuff. Plus, being a single guy... I just don't have that many clothes... i should probably stop buying computer crap or motorcycle crap and get more, but meh. It's one of those load sensing washers so it never uses more water than necessary and does a damn good job. Even sings a little song/tune at the end of each load. Truth be told, if the damn thing explodes, I'll be a bit sad.", ">>{tyler_time} : Oh these washing machines aren't homemade. They were made in a factory.... A bomb factory.", '>>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : This can also explain their regret of pissing off Michael Bay, and putting so much effort to get Michael Bay back to them. Like, film ads for us, you can make everything explode, for real.', '>>{Waitandbleed5676} : Idk I was hoping to see like a laundry mat or something explode', '>>{blueberries97} : I don\'t know the credibility of this article, but it seems like every Samsung product has overheating issues. My brother had a Samsung flatscreen once and it heated up so badly it actually warped the screen and broke itself. Fuck that noise. My mother also had a dishwasher of theirs that didn\'t work right from day one, it would just sit there day and night and make this horrible "AGHHHH" noise without ever actually washing any dishes. Nothing you did would stop it except yanking it out of the wall and unplugging it.', '>>{Captain_J_Kerbal} : The new S7 features 5g, wifi, 10f blast radius, incendiary device, airport allowed. Faghammed al kus mohamed this is the phone for you.', '>>{Captain_J_Kerbal} : This year our jihadi line of house wares are made of military grade plastic exposives. Store your left overs or use them to wage guerilla war against your foes. Not only will they look great in your house but some say they are to die for. So try our new Jihadi line of products. You are guaranteed more bang for your buck.', ">>{triangleman83} : I bought one of these just a few months ago however it was built in May so it is safe. We did encounter the machine stopping during a load of a blanket and some other bulky stuff and it said the load was imbalanced so I assume that's the evidence of the fixed problem.", '>>{nerfherder911} : That explains my sudden sense of wanting to walk out of the last few transformers movies.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{conanthecnidarian} : Now that there are so many connections between Trump and Putin, it is imperative that he release his returns so we can verify Putin has not bought and paid for Trump. He's not stupid. He knows what people are assuming by him not releasing his returns. That tells me that what is actually there is worse that what we are assuming.", '>>{FatLadySingin} : Even FOX, yes FOX is getting in on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBrgNfdBP-E', '>>{Todojaw21} : Why is this surprising? If you release your tax returns, then you will get a lot more support. Conservatives aren\'t just going to say "I like trump so I will forgive him for being secret about his tax returns" it doesn\'t make any sense', ">>{3_Limes} : I think Trump might be proud to have connections to The Kremlin, and that he might not spend too much energy hiding that. That he's not as rich as he says he is, especially if the difference between spin and reality is appallingly, laughably large, would be something that he'd do almost anything to conceal. And I think that's the more likely scenario. The idea of America laughing at his finances would be the very deepest humiliation that Donnie Boy could imagine.", '>>{Kitten_of_Death} : Again, this election cycle is really bringing people together in ways no one could have expected.', ">>{Inthethickofit} : He should at least release them to an independent auditor hired by the RNC (or DNC). If he doesn't want to reveal them publicly at least have someone review them to tell us that he didn't break the law and has no ties to Russia. At the very least, I think we can assume he paid a very low or 0% real income tax, but the bigger question is whether he actually did something illegal or has been lying about his investments and revenue streams.", '>>{cutlass_supreme} : No but she released her tax returns so we can do apples to apples :)', ">>{3_3219280948874} : How do we know about Hillary's speeches? Spoiler: tax returns.", ">>{rspix000} : All the other candidates have released their speeches to wall street (didn't exist) so we again have apples to rotten apples. Which will tell you more about the candidate's non-pander positions do you think?", ">>{cutlass_supreme} : Let's start with those tax returns and get back to mr", ">>{rspix000} : Nah, let's start with those speech transcripts and see what she tells her *base*.", ">>{CreativeGPX} : > He's not stupid. He knows what people are assuming by him not releasing his returns. That tells me that what is actually there is worse that what we are assuming. Or it tells us that, as he has done several times in this election, he's happy to let people have him in the speculative limelight filling the airwaves and the public debate.", ">>{roadfood} : And what do you think she told the bankers in her speeches? If she's such a liar why don't you think she just lied to them too?", '>>{rspix000} : M.o.n.e.y.', ">>{roadfood} : But we still don't know how much Trump made or who he gave speeches to. How much do you think NAMBLA pays for a speaking fee?"], [">>{thatFUCKINGitalian} : That's what happens when you try to monopolize everything. A Samsung fridge? Really??", '>>{Ben_Thar} : How the hell does a washing machine explode? Are we sure this is the right word for what is happening?', ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : What's next? Samsung TV series, directed by Michael Bay?", '>>{BigAstra} : U.S. regulators on Wednesday warned owners of certain top-loading Samsung washing machines of "safety issues" following reports that some have exploded. The warning, from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, covered machines made between March 2011 and April 2016. It did not specify a model. The commission suggested people use only the delicate cycle to wash bedding and water-resistant and bulky items because the lower spin speed "lessens the risk of impact injuries or property damage due to the washing machine becoming dislodged." The agency said it is working with Samsung on a remedy. The warning comes more than a month after Samsung was hit with a federal class-action lawsuit by customers who said their machines had exploded during use. Customers in Texas, Georgia and Indiana all said they were washing clothes when they heard a violent boom. A washer belonging to a McAllen, Texas, woman "exploded with such ferocity that it penetrated the interior wall of her garage," according to court filings. A woman in Dallas, Georgia, said it felt and sounded as if "a bomb went off."', ">>{skandr75} : Samsung is the Korean version of Mitsubishi. You'd be surprised how many industries Samsung is involved in besides electronics.", '>>{Waitandbleed5676} : Please tell me there is atleast one video of this happening', '>>{Karpablanca} : Samsung is the brand of choice in some islamic countries, I think </s> </notPC>', '>>{AnswerAwake} : Probably not a thermal explosion but a RUD...a Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly.', '>>{swollennode} : Maybe "explosion" is misinterpreted in that there probably was no fire with air moving in an outward movement. However, it was probably that the washing machines were unbalanced, causing a lot of vibration which led to failure due to unintended disassembly. And since there was rotation involved, thugs were probably thrown outward hitting the machine and walls causing a loud sound which sounds like an explosion. Nowadays, "explosion" is a layman\'s term for boom sounds.', '>>{swollennode} : How many people do you know that video their washing machine on a regular basis?', '>>{ReVo5000} : Maybe Samsung should change paths and start making bombs...', '>>{Captain_J_Kerbal} : They do make military vehicles and missile launchers actually.', '>>{OppaiGaKawaiiDesu} : This is done intentionally, I think, regarding the manner it has exploded. It exploded on the part where it did not contain any electronic parts, or atleast questionably low and nothing like "electrolytic capacitors".', ">>{KeithMyArthe} : Just because the new Samsung phones are waterproof doesn't mean you should wash them", ">>{loopytommy} : There's already been a major recall in Australia, I work for a big appliance retailer and it was absolute chaos. What was a simple fix turned into a fiasco all because Samsung wouldn't return customer calls and forced to government to act. I personally wouldn't buy any of their products.", '>>{jackbauer1989} : I have one of their top loader machine. In the article it did not mention if Samsung is recalling the top loader washer.', ">>{meatpoi} : My mom has one of these. It has never worked right since the day she bought it. I did a little research and saw that they were being sued and that some of these have been recalled out of the stores they were being sold from. I called Lowe's to see if we could swap it in on something else and they said they would have to transfer me to Samsung. I talked to someone from the call center and they asked for the model number and serial number of the washer. I gave it to them and they told me that it wasn't covered under the recall. They told me that it was built in July of 2013 when we had a receipt from Lowe's that showed it was purchased in January of 2013. She also said the issue I stated was not covered in the recall however I never told her a specific issue she just said that I did when I never did. Typical corporate runaround bullshit.", '>>{Blazingshot147} : No, a transforming Samsung device, directed by Michael Bay.', '>>{AntsInMyEyes-Johnson} : Same here, that\'s something I\'d like to take advantage of if Samsung decided to take some accountability. As low of a chance there may be for an "explosion" or RUD or whatever, I\'d like to avoid any property damage wherever I\'m able to. Hopefully Samsung steps it up a notch. Not that I have any faith in any corporation\'s sense of accountability, but it would be nice.', '>>{MBGA_HD} : samsung-"Alright.. who fucked up and sent our electronic projects to our military division?"', '>>{MrNerd82} : I have one of these samsung units -- had it about 1 year so far. Never had any issue to be honest. Kicks the shit out of the craptastic whirlpool washer that failed exactly after the warranty period was over. I did plug in my serial number on their website to check "if my unit is effected" and it is. *shrugs* I\'m a single guy and maybe do 2 or 3 loads of laundry a week, not a big deal. Hope they wind up doing someting cool -- like giving me a wad of cash back, or swap it out for something newer/safer. If it blows up I\'m covered either way, with my luck on washers I got a square trade warranty for a pretty good price. I figure it something happens I\'m covered either way. I\'ve seen the results of some of these washer "explosions", mostly pieces of plastic everywhere, and in some cases damage to drywall or whatever is sitting next to it. When in a full spin cycle there\'s a serious amount of kinetic energy flowing, and it could seriously mess someone up if they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.', '>>{Tetrastructural_Mind} : Well they are notorious for making garbage. Our front loading washer died. My HDD died. The first Galaxy phones were complete shit. Everything they make feels cheap.', '>>{livevicarious} : Samsung in my opinion makes shit products. I had 2 samsung galaxy phones back in the day, both had numerous issues including screens just failing, batteries dying within a few months and various other weird issues. Also had a Samsung smart TV that would disconnect from the internet consistently. Called support literally 11 times, they would push update after update to the TV all of which over time REMOVED features I bought the TV for, the built in guide GONE, the smart hub features GONE. Finally a support tech got sent out who replaced literally the whole tv mainboard, wireless adapter everything. Still had the same issues, Samsung\'s official word was I had to be within 10 feet of my wireless router in order to get a dependable signal. WTF? Then when I informed them I work IT and 10 feet is ridiculous for a wireless N device, they offered to either BUY back the TV for $500.00 I payed 1,300 or I could swap it for a 4k tv refurbished for $500.00 but would have to give them the TV. The "customer support" side of Samsung is a shit show. I had to fight for a month to even get THOSE options.', '>>{livevicarious} : Also yes I use Apple products now, and while yes I have had 1 issue with an iPhone in 5 years, I made an appointment, went in, no questions asked swapped out with a new phone in literally 10 minutes. Samsung id have to send out a phone, wait a week and get back a refurbished POS in its place, that was obviously used and abused.', ">>{patentolog1st} : It's absolutely the correct word. During the spin cycle, the crushing pressure within the vortex generated by the drum initiates fusion in the dihydrogen oxide mixture in the core. The result is catastrophic.", ">>{MrNerd82} : Generally it's one load of regular clothes, one load of towels/washrags. If there's a 3rd load, it's usually car care stuff. Plus, being a single guy... I just don't have that many clothes... i should probably stop buying computer crap or motorcycle crap and get more, but meh. It's one of those load sensing washers so it never uses more water than necessary and does a damn good job. Even sings a little song/tune at the end of each load. Truth be told, if the damn thing explodes, I'll be a bit sad.", ">>{tyler_time} : Oh these washing machines aren't homemade. They were made in a factory.... A bomb factory.", '>>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : This can also explain their regret of pissing off Michael Bay, and putting so much effort to get Michael Bay back to them. Like, film ads for us, you can make everything explode, for real.', '>>{Waitandbleed5676} : Idk I was hoping to see like a laundry mat or something explode', '>>{blueberries97} : I don\'t know the credibility of this article, but it seems like every Samsung product has overheating issues. My brother had a Samsung flatscreen once and it heated up so badly it actually warped the screen and broke itself. Fuck that noise. My mother also had a dishwasher of theirs that didn\'t work right from day one, it would just sit there day and night and make this horrible "AGHHHH" noise without ever actually washing any dishes. Nothing you did would stop it except yanking it out of the wall and unplugging it.', '>>{Captain_J_Kerbal} : The new S7 features 5g, wifi, 10f blast radius, incendiary device, airport allowed. Faghammed al kus mohamed this is the phone for you.', '>>{Captain_J_Kerbal} : This year our jihadi line of house wares are made of military grade plastic exposives. Store your left overs or use them to wage guerilla war against your foes. Not only will they look great in your house but some say they are to die for. So try our new Jihadi line of products. You are guaranteed more bang for your buck.', ">>{triangleman83} : I bought one of these just a few months ago however it was built in May so it is safe. We did encounter the machine stopping during a load of a blanket and some other bulky stuff and it said the load was imbalanced so I assume that's the evidence of the fixed problem.", '>>{nerfherder911} : That explains my sudden sense of wanting to walk out of the last few transformers movies.']]
classify and reply
['>>{drioqka} : Why is every "leak" such low quality?', '>>{ohiotexmex} : Ohio investigation found 385 non-US citizens registered to vote, 82 cast illegal ballots', ">>{zazabar} : 385 out of 11.59 million people. That's not horrible at all. Sounds like they just need better record checking during the voter registration step.", ">>{ohiotexmex} : Certainly far from the 3 million people we've been hearing about.", '>>{aldrinjtauro} : To be brutally honest, if these leaks are really from the factories producing these parts, the people taking these pictures have neither the time to line up a good shot nor the money to be able to afford a phone with a great camera.', '>>{CHWK} : Yes - pointing a gun at the police, be it real or fake, justifies deadly force.', ">>{20WPM} : What a crappy title, /u/rickybobysf. What's with the bullshit?", '>>{Feignfame} : Vox stop being stupid. This is an absurd argument and you know it.', ">>{woodtick57} : seems Ohio has some work to do in their election process. who is their attorney general? what party is he from? still two million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and eighteen (2,999,918) illegal votes to go to back up Trump's obvious lie...", '>>{note_3_t-mo} : Plus, would you actually believe it if it had that perfect exposure, lined up, and highly detailed?', ">>{Highglider87} : I'd be interested to know how many mistakenly thought they *were* allowed to vote; e.g. non-English-speaking green card holders who are happy to be in the United States and wanted to take part in our democratic institutions.", '>>{analogWeapon} : Wow. So there are literally dozens of them. This changes everything. Edit: Should have thrown a "/s" in there, just in case. I was being very sarcastic.', '>>{Arcgav} : Yeah definitely. Every year we get leaks and some say its fake and it ends up being true.', ">>{holierthanthee} : Nope - that chart was for THREE years - it was *only 82 non-citizens voting for 2015. That is for ALL elections in 2017 - but let's say that's just for the Nov election. 5.1 million voted in that election. That's .0016% fraud! OMG - it's out of control !! /s", ">>{Squevis} : This is my thought. When I was a teenager and working on my Dad's construction sites to earn a little money, the illegal immigrants that had paid for SSN's were under the impression that that is how you got them and they were legit.", '>>{Reflex2011} : Never thought of it that way. Kind of sad actually.', ">>{Highglider87} : Good on you for working *hard* for pocket money as a teenager, and thanks for a specific example. It's easy to see that paying taxes (regardless of the legitimacy of the arrangement) would lead one to think that being allowed to vote is part of the deal.", '>>{rickybobysf} : Yes I know its stupid to believe the title. I was hoping I wasnt the only one.', '>>{19djafoij02} : [She had lead poisoning. She might have felt that getting killed by police was the only way to draw attention to the issue.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/05/korryn-gaines-baltimore-lead-poisoning-crisis)', '>>{woodtick57} : alternative math.... this is also how Trump gets to his 10billion dollar self worth figure!', '>>{Flacvest} : The people on the production like, in maany cases, have never seen the full product. Never seen a working iphone. Just the back case, motherboard, or whatever part they work on.', '>>{woodtick57} : no...82 x 50. 385 were registered, but that in no way means they voted. 82 voted illegally.', '>>{mrsuns10} : Pointing a gun even if its fake at the police is stupid and irresponsible', '>>{Robdog777} : Hmm... Low quality = fake but high quality = fake', ">>{TheRealDL} : Wow. I'm pro-gun but way outside of pro-gun policy, preferring smart guns and strict enforcement of current legislation, but this argument by the ACLU seems a stretch of reasoning. Do our police departments need more individuals trained on deescalating these incidents? Absolutely. Should LE not shoot back when shot at? No. It's pretty common knowledge that if you shoot at LE, they can and likely will reply.", '>>{ninethirtyone} : Huh? What? Yes, it literally does.', ">>{note_3_t-mo} : How about: low quality = more believable and high quality = less believable. I mean, if these are truly the next iPhone chassis, then I'm almost certain they're not just laying around without anybody monitoring them", '>>{pramoni} : But, who did they vote for--in Ohio is could have been Trump!', '>>{TheBraveSirRobin} : 82 illegal ballots cast... > "...82 voted in at least one election in the last year." In Ohio there were 5,325,395 total ballots cast for president in the 2016 election. Even if all 82 votes were cast in the presidential election *and* all for one side, it is an insignificant number. How much time and money was spent to find this insignificant number?', '>>{Xander707} : ..second-degree assault around 12:43 pm after officers saw she her point a the shotgun... Just had a stroke trying to read that.', '>>{1000000students} : yup, just last week one woman thought she was eligible', '>>{utnow} : They are being watched to protect against leaks. So the guy on the line is sneaking in a camera, and sneaking a photo as quickly as possible to avoid detection. Just like my photos of the Sistine chapel ceiling.', '>>{drioqka} : > low quality = more believable Yep I put that in the OP, I definitely think at least *some* leaks are done this way for that purpose.', '>>{druuconian} : Clearly we need to disenfranchise thousands of people to handle these 80 fraudulent ballots', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : In a normal tactical situation I'm going to say that only an idiot would point a gun at a cop. Here none of that was necessary. It's only a warrant for traffic violations. If a hostage negotiator cannot get her to surrender, they should have just left her. They know who she is, they don't have to use force. They can choose to back down.", '>>{ElPlywood} : okay, fine. 82 X 50 is still 15 million 15 million is a yuge number', ">>{Borigrad} : If pointing a shotgun at someone while using a 5 year old as a human shield, doesn't justify deadly force nothing ever will and we should just get rid of the police all together. Oh also she announced she was about to fire it, they literally shot her as she was pulling the trigger.", '>>{noobredit} : But she didnt shoot first though. Im not saying LE should wait to get shot, but having a gun shouldnt automatically forfiet your life.', '>>{Piscator629} : I wonder how many are due to mistaken duplicate names.', '>>{TheRealDL} : From what I read, she did fire first.', '>>{AdoptMeBrangelina} : Well since this proves the GE invalid, time for a re-vote', '>>{HollywoodH23} : I might be missing some important number here, but 82 X 50 is 4,100 not 15 million...', '>>{Nephthyzz} : Lol they are making fun of Trump saying he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes because of the illegals casting votes. They are just doing Trump math and making alternative facts lol', ">>{stuckinthepow} : This will only bolster Trump's claims of election fraud which he will then use to limit the voting rights of non-whites.", '>>{NC-12} : Oh come one now, we need to know WHO they voted for so we can bicker over that. This article is worthless without some blame.', ">>{mephisto1001} : I am for voter ID laws, however I also think ID should be free and easily available to everyone. I also want longer voting windows and more utilization of absentee ballots. And I agree, the voter fraud is minuscule when talking about national elections, but as the article mentions, Ohio had 112 elections that tied or were decided by one vote in the last 3 years, a single fraudulent vote would have had an impact on these elections. I laughed at the funny math in this thread, NO WAY is there 3 million undocumented immigrants voting or anything of the like. But if you take Ohio as a representative sample(Id think states with larger undocumented populations would have greater instances based on culture and not knowing their green card doesn't give them the right to vote) and extrapolate to the US as a whole you are talking about 13,000 non-US citizens voting and over 60,000 registered. California would have nearly 3,000 which obviously wouldn't have given Trump California or the national popular vote, but could have had a large impact on state and local elections.", ">>{CantCensorWontCensor} : I thought there's never been a single incident of voting fraud though? I thought voter ID was waycist? What's going on? This isn't what Salon and HuffPo told me was happening?", '>>{jeffinRTP} : So the future of democracy is at stake. /s', '>>{TheBraveSirRobin} : I find it funny that they tell us so much detail (number illegally registered, number of illegal votes cast, they were cast in one of last years elections, none of the elections were decided by one vote or tied), but they do not tell us the specific elections that the votes were used in. They are not saying a single illegal vote was used in the national election.', '>>{HollywoodH23} : Oh gotcha, the joke went way over my head', '>>{SSA69} : What makes you say Trump wants to limit the voting rights of non-whites?', '>>{stuckinthepow} : Voter ID laws are the easiest way to disenfranchise non-white voters.', ">>{SSA69} : How so? I'm genuinely curious since I'm not from the US. edit: Also, why would Trump want to limit the voting rights of the non-whites?", ">>{stuckinthepow} : [This article in The Atlantic will give you a good understanding of the implications of voter ID laws.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/03/how-voter-id-laws-are-being-used-to-disenfranchise-minorities-and-the-poor/254572/) > [W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.", ">>{SSA69} : Thanks for the article, but you really didn't answer my second question. I would really like to know. Some of the stuff I've been seeing tells me he really doesn't care about race.", ">>{stuckinthepow} : I'm not trying to be rude, but it describes an answer to your question in the article. Basically what it boils down to is that the [Republican voter demographic is mostly made up of white people.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/04/08/the-10-most-loyal-demographic-groups-for-republicans-and-democrats/) Protecting the white vote is important to the GOP. As the minority vote increases, it increases the odds at which the GOP will lose elections simply by the way the country has shifted from a mostly white country to a large mix of all races. At that point, it's a numbers game. At some point in the not-so-far future, white voters will represent less than half of all voters. You can see then that by doing the math, the GOP needs to limit the ability of non-whites to vote in order to keep their share. Over the past 40 years they have effectively done well through [gerrymandering](http://www.fairvote.org/gerrymandering#gerrymandering_key_facts). If gerrymandering was done away with, it is believed that a lot of seats in Congress would flip during the next election. This would thus force the right to come back to the middle in order to regain their votes. It is believed that the right, or GOP, does not want to become more centrist. They want to stay far right and bring the left closer to them instead of coming to the middle. How does this relate to Trump? Trump can use rhetoric and lies to get districts, states, and city legislatures to enact voter ID laws to help the GOP from losing key states and legislatures."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{drioqka} : Why is every "leak" such low quality?', '>>{aldrinjtauro} : To be brutally honest, if these leaks are really from the factories producing these parts, the people taking these pictures have neither the time to line up a good shot nor the money to be able to afford a phone with a great camera.', '>>{note_3_t-mo} : Plus, would you actually believe it if it had that perfect exposure, lined up, and highly detailed?', '>>{Arcgav} : Yeah definitely. Every year we get leaks and some say its fake and it ends up being true.', '>>{Reflex2011} : Never thought of it that way. Kind of sad actually.', '>>{Flacvest} : The people on the production like, in maany cases, have never seen the full product. Never seen a working iphone. Just the back case, motherboard, or whatever part they work on.', '>>{Robdog777} : Hmm... Low quality = fake but high quality = fake', ">>{note_3_t-mo} : How about: low quality = more believable and high quality = less believable. I mean, if these are truly the next iPhone chassis, then I'm almost certain they're not just laying around without anybody monitoring them", '>>{utnow} : They are being watched to protect against leaks. So the guy on the line is sneaking in a camera, and sneaking a photo as quickly as possible to avoid detection. Just like my photos of the Sistine chapel ceiling.', '>>{drioqka} : > low quality = more believable Yep I put that in the OP, I definitely think at least *some* leaks are done this way for that purpose.'], ['>>{CHWK} : Yes - pointing a gun at the police, be it real or fake, justifies deadly force.', ">>{20WPM} : What a crappy title, /u/rickybobysf. What's with the bullshit?", '>>{Feignfame} : Vox stop being stupid. This is an absurd argument and you know it.', '>>{rickybobysf} : Yes I know its stupid to believe the title. I was hoping I wasnt the only one.', '>>{19djafoij02} : [She had lead poisoning. She might have felt that getting killed by police was the only way to draw attention to the issue.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/05/korryn-gaines-baltimore-lead-poisoning-crisis)', '>>{mrsuns10} : Pointing a gun even if its fake at the police is stupid and irresponsible', ">>{TheRealDL} : Wow. I'm pro-gun but way outside of pro-gun policy, preferring smart guns and strict enforcement of current legislation, but this argument by the ACLU seems a stretch of reasoning. Do our police departments need more individuals trained on deescalating these incidents? Absolutely. Should LE not shoot back when shot at? No. It's pretty common knowledge that if you shoot at LE, they can and likely will reply.", '>>{ninethirtyone} : Huh? What? Yes, it literally does.', '>>{Xander707} : ..second-degree assault around 12:43 pm after officers saw she her point a the shotgun... Just had a stroke trying to read that.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : In a normal tactical situation I'm going to say that only an idiot would point a gun at a cop. Here none of that was necessary. It's only a warrant for traffic violations. If a hostage negotiator cannot get her to surrender, they should have just left her. They know who she is, they don't have to use force. They can choose to back down.", ">>{Borigrad} : If pointing a shotgun at someone while using a 5 year old as a human shield, doesn't justify deadly force nothing ever will and we should just get rid of the police all together. Oh also she announced she was about to fire it, they literally shot her as she was pulling the trigger.", '>>{noobredit} : But she didnt shoot first though. Im not saying LE should wait to get shot, but having a gun shouldnt automatically forfiet your life.', '>>{TheRealDL} : From what I read, she did fire first.'], ['>>{ohiotexmex} : Ohio investigation found 385 non-US citizens registered to vote, 82 cast illegal ballots', ">>{zazabar} : 385 out of 11.59 million people. That's not horrible at all. Sounds like they just need better record checking during the voter registration step.", ">>{ohiotexmex} : Certainly far from the 3 million people we've been hearing about.", ">>{woodtick57} : seems Ohio has some work to do in their election process. who is their attorney general? what party is he from? still two million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and eighteen (2,999,918) illegal votes to go to back up Trump's obvious lie...", ">>{Highglider87} : I'd be interested to know how many mistakenly thought they *were* allowed to vote; e.g. non-English-speaking green card holders who are happy to be in the United States and wanted to take part in our democratic institutions.", '>>{analogWeapon} : Wow. So there are literally dozens of them. This changes everything. Edit: Should have thrown a "/s" in there, just in case. I was being very sarcastic.', ">>{holierthanthee} : Nope - that chart was for THREE years - it was *only 82 non-citizens voting for 2015. That is for ALL elections in 2017 - but let's say that's just for the Nov election. 5.1 million voted in that election. That's .0016% fraud! OMG - it's out of control !! /s", ">>{Squevis} : This is my thought. When I was a teenager and working on my Dad's construction sites to earn a little money, the illegal immigrants that had paid for SSN's were under the impression that that is how you got them and they were legit.", ">>{Highglider87} : Good on you for working *hard* for pocket money as a teenager, and thanks for a specific example. It's easy to see that paying taxes (regardless of the legitimacy of the arrangement) would lead one to think that being allowed to vote is part of the deal.", '>>{woodtick57} : alternative math.... this is also how Trump gets to his 10billion dollar self worth figure!', '>>{woodtick57} : no...82 x 50. 385 were registered, but that in no way means they voted. 82 voted illegally.', '>>{pramoni} : But, who did they vote for--in Ohio is could have been Trump!', '>>{TheBraveSirRobin} : 82 illegal ballots cast... > "...82 voted in at least one election in the last year." In Ohio there were 5,325,395 total ballots cast for president in the 2016 election. Even if all 82 votes were cast in the presidential election *and* all for one side, it is an insignificant number. How much time and money was spent to find this insignificant number?', '>>{1000000students} : yup, just last week one woman thought she was eligible', '>>{druuconian} : Clearly we need to disenfranchise thousands of people to handle these 80 fraudulent ballots', '>>{ElPlywood} : okay, fine. 82 X 50 is still 15 million 15 million is a yuge number', '>>{Piscator629} : I wonder how many are due to mistaken duplicate names.', '>>{AdoptMeBrangelina} : Well since this proves the GE invalid, time for a re-vote', '>>{HollywoodH23} : I might be missing some important number here, but 82 X 50 is 4,100 not 15 million...', '>>{Nephthyzz} : Lol they are making fun of Trump saying he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes because of the illegals casting votes. They are just doing Trump math and making alternative facts lol', ">>{stuckinthepow} : This will only bolster Trump's claims of election fraud which he will then use to limit the voting rights of non-whites.", '>>{NC-12} : Oh come one now, we need to know WHO they voted for so we can bicker over that. This article is worthless without some blame.', ">>{mephisto1001} : I am for voter ID laws, however I also think ID should be free and easily available to everyone. I also want longer voting windows and more utilization of absentee ballots. And I agree, the voter fraud is minuscule when talking about national elections, but as the article mentions, Ohio had 112 elections that tied or were decided by one vote in the last 3 years, a single fraudulent vote would have had an impact on these elections. I laughed at the funny math in this thread, NO WAY is there 3 million undocumented immigrants voting or anything of the like. But if you take Ohio as a representative sample(Id think states with larger undocumented populations would have greater instances based on culture and not knowing their green card doesn't give them the right to vote) and extrapolate to the US as a whole you are talking about 13,000 non-US citizens voting and over 60,000 registered. California would have nearly 3,000 which obviously wouldn't have given Trump California or the national popular vote, but could have had a large impact on state and local elections.", ">>{CantCensorWontCensor} : I thought there's never been a single incident of voting fraud though? I thought voter ID was waycist? What's going on? This isn't what Salon and HuffPo told me was happening?", '>>{jeffinRTP} : So the future of democracy is at stake. /s', '>>{TheBraveSirRobin} : I find it funny that they tell us so much detail (number illegally registered, number of illegal votes cast, they were cast in one of last years elections, none of the elections were decided by one vote or tied), but they do not tell us the specific elections that the votes were used in. They are not saying a single illegal vote was used in the national election.', '>>{HollywoodH23} : Oh gotcha, the joke went way over my head', '>>{SSA69} : What makes you say Trump wants to limit the voting rights of non-whites?', '>>{stuckinthepow} : Voter ID laws are the easiest way to disenfranchise non-white voters.', ">>{SSA69} : How so? I'm genuinely curious since I'm not from the US. edit: Also, why would Trump want to limit the voting rights of the non-whites?", ">>{stuckinthepow} : [This article in The Atlantic will give you a good understanding of the implications of voter ID laws.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/03/how-voter-id-laws-are-being-used-to-disenfranchise-minorities-and-the-poor/254572/) > [W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.", ">>{SSA69} : Thanks for the article, but you really didn't answer my second question. I would really like to know. Some of the stuff I've been seeing tells me he really doesn't care about race.", ">>{stuckinthepow} : I'm not trying to be rude, but it describes an answer to your question in the article. Basically what it boils down to is that the [Republican voter demographic is mostly made up of white people.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/04/08/the-10-most-loyal-demographic-groups-for-republicans-and-democrats/) Protecting the white vote is important to the GOP. As the minority vote increases, it increases the odds at which the GOP will lose elections simply by the way the country has shifted from a mostly white country to a large mix of all races. At that point, it's a numbers game. At some point in the not-so-far future, white voters will represent less than half of all voters. You can see then that by doing the math, the GOP needs to limit the ability of non-whites to vote in order to keep their share. Over the past 40 years they have effectively done well through [gerrymandering](http://www.fairvote.org/gerrymandering#gerrymandering_key_facts). If gerrymandering was done away with, it is believed that a lot of seats in Congress would flip during the next election. This would thus force the right to come back to the middle in order to regain their votes. It is believed that the right, or GOP, does not want to become more centrist. They want to stay far right and bring the left closer to them instead of coming to the middle. How does this relate to Trump? Trump can use rhetoric and lies to get districts, states, and city legislatures to enact voter ID laws to help the GOP from losing key states and legislatures."]]
classify and reply
['>>{awake-at-dawn} : U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen calls on FBI director to resign', '>>{BlankVerse} : Initiative to legalize recreational pot use qualifies for November California ballot', '>>{gaeuvyen} : My prediction is that the Church of Latter day saints will be too busy with the presidential election to spend money to stop it like they did last time (as well as spending money to support proposition 8), leaving only Humboldt growers to try and fight against it by fear mongering that corporatism will muscle them out of the state. And with more younger people being able to vote, and more of them coming out to vote because of Bernie Sanders and in some form Trump. Along with Older hippies it might actually pass 52% to 48%', '>>{arthurpaliden} : >Graham\'s "not going to chair the cyber panel. We’re going by seniority," the Arizona lawmaker told POLITICO. So knowledge in a particular area counts for nothing.', ">>{BlankVerse} : > leaving only Humboldt growers to try and fight against it by fear mongering that corporatism will muscle them out of the state I think they've got a very legitimate fear.", ">>{Siray} : Marco Rubio says he isn't showing up to town halls because of their 'hostile atmosphere'", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Not if they read the bill in question. I read the thing. It allows them to get their shit together before corporations can even make a move in. They're basically lying about the bill.", '>>{PlanetXpressShip} : More evidence that the panel will be a farce. It\'s the worst thing that could have happened. They\'ll glance at the evidence and say "Well we reached nothing conclusive so that means it definitely didn\'t happen, case closed." Cowards.', '>>{zkela} : This panel is distinct from the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation, correct?', '>>{disturbd} : Cool story. Obama says otherwise but good luck with that.', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Obama\'s administration should have started this process of launching a committee and an investigation back in July when Crowdstrike and Threatconnect first reported their findings. You have to admit it\'s ridiculous to wait until the end of December, especially considering the fact that the 17 intelligence agencies revealed absolutely no new information since the July report except "omg Russia Today totally undermined Hillary\'s campaign!" Furthermore, if you spend all you energy believing that the Russians have kompromat on Hillary and Trump, it\'s not a stretch of logic to acknowledge that they have gay blackmail on Lindsey Graham. Therefore he is compromised and shouldn\'t be in a cybersecurity panel.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : Are you calling people retarded for moving to a state that has more freedoms?', '>>{TinyBaron} : Guess that Amber Alert for Little Marco flushed him out.', ">>{InfoSecProThrowAway} : I loathe Lindsay Graham as a politician, but if there's one place he actually belongs, it's here.", '>>{Foos47DCC} : Literally the best guy for this job save maybe like McCain and they fuck him', ">>{delta_14} : Democratic senator says Trump's 'major pivots in foreign policy' are 'how wars start'", '>>{Roastafarian} : Washington, Oregon, & Colorado making it legal. The grower gravy-train is over', ">>{cmagee79} : Well then, I suppose he should caucus with his fellow Congressional Republicans and ask around to see what, exactly, they've been doing for the past seven and a half years. If their plan for ACA is this bad, this *nonexistent*, they can, and should, be greeted with hostility.", ">>{Zoophagous} : What?! Didn't you hear? the GOP is reviving their investigation of Hillary's emails. I wish I was joking.", ">>{flxtr} : They will see how many trucks went through a series of tubes from Russia to Trump's campaign. The evidence will clear Trump of any wrongdoing.", '>>{GuruOfGravity} : I signed that petition and imagine, California is the state with 12% of the U.S. Population. We have had medical pot since 1996, 20 years. Add California to the already legal states, Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska and Colorado that will be legal marijuana for about 17% of the U.S. population. Keep up the push for legalization. Alcohol kills.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : America has started countless wars in the past 60 years of the Cold War - hasn't won one single of them. About time to change?", ">>{AlternativeHillbilly} : Shaking things up domestically is one thing, but outside our borders there's an established order we must respect to maintain the peace.", ">>{SATexas1} : >the first time a US president has directly spoken with Taiwan's leadership in more than 30 years He isn't the president yet, there's a recount going on and an effort to overturn the electoral college, so he isn't even the president elect yet", ">>{Evolve_or_Bye} : It's the smoke that destroys. Not the nicotine or the THC. Else they wouldn't allow nicotine patches if nicotine was the damage. Same risks as tobacco. If they knew all the risks of tobacco back then, do you think they'd ever legalize it? You see how hard it is to make it go away with all those commercials and patches?", '>>{crabpotkiwi} : I hope we as a people have not forgotten how horrible war is. 60 million people lost their lives in World War 2. We live in relatively peaceful times precisely because we maintain workable diplomatic relationships with foreign countries and due to exploiting mutual interests -- such as globalism and international trade.', '>>{ReadySettGo} : No matter our other political differences, all of Reddit had damned well better get in line behind this one. This is the dankest ballot initiative in recent memory.', ">>{espo619} : If there's anything I've learned from the rhetoric coming from this country for the last couple of decades, it's that we *absolutely* have forgotten how horrible war is.", ">>{S-O-What} : Comey's career would have lasted longer than Obama's. Until, you know, he pointlessly made an enemy of the next administration, and both parties in Congress.", '>>{LadySpectreX} : Yeah it\'s "hostile", because he and his ilk don\'t represent what the majority want. Apparently that little detail no longer matters to elected officials. At least not until about 6 months before the election.', ">>{CommonCentsEh} : I really think he's just doing his job. Wasn't he instructed to come back ASAP if new evidence was found? Wasn't it very professional of him to not indite Clinton when there was insufficient evidence and a mob of voters calling for incarceration?", ">>{RacheleNY4} : As someone with anxiety I get it. He'd probably have a panic attack trying to defend Trump.", ">>{AngryDingo} : Well they aren't paying him any bribe money so why would he show up? I'm sure there's a CEO somewhere who would like to get some awful legislation passed that puts the screws to the people and benefits him personally, and also has 6 figures in payoff money on the table for Marco. His time is much better spent there, duh.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : You mean the ones that were already in Colorado before the legalization of recreational marijuana? Do you honestly think people were leaving their own state without any prospects just because they can get legal weed?', '>>{Good_Guy_Putin} : That is how the Senate works. Pretty funny you are complaing about being ignorant on a subject while being ignorant on a subject.', '>>{ev6464} : Fucking PLEASE let this bite them in the ass in 2018.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : Alcohol in moderation can improve cognitive function, but there was only 2-3 studies, and 2 of them mentioned that the results could have been influenced by their income bracket, location and diet, but that third one though was more inclusive of people and had the same results so...', ">>{tangibleadhd} : Alcohol kills. Drink too much and get in a car, you're a threat to the public. Smoke some weed, you're a threat to a pizza.", ">>{arthurpaliden} : Well not being a 'Murican I figured that maybe your's being the supposed premier first world government would do things differently.", '>>{Brytard} : This is how Trump negotiates. He holds world & economic stability as a card he can play. He is a sociopath.', '>>{Madame_Presidente} : Resign? He should be arrested and tried for treason of the highest order.', ">>{Canuckleball} : Shouldn't politicians be the last people who need a safe space? Like, their job description involves listening to angry constituents and addressing their problems. We shouldn't need to shelter representatives from reality.", ">>{Meatsim1} : Trump is actively destroying the world order thats held peace together between the great powers since WW2. NATO, wanting to recognize Russia's crimea annexation, this business with Taiwan. This shit is so fucked", ">>{listeningwind42} : We have forgotten. I know a few trump supporters that I play online with, They are young to be fair, but old enough to have voted (which they did) But they don't think any of this is real. They also think that any war that would happen would be essentially won instantly by the US. They don't think any of this talk is dangerous at all. They have literally zero conception of what we could be facing, and utter disdain for any warning. I truly hope their thoughts only represent their age and not the general political predilections of trump supporters.", ">>{6p6ss6} : Calling for his resignation / dismissal is premature. Now that an OSC investigation is underway for Hatch Act violations, let the facts come to light about Comey -- just like the facts need to come to light about Abedin's emails on her ex-husband's computer.", '>>{kozmo1313} : they should give everyone on that panel a rorschach test.', '>>{crabpotkiwi} : The sad part is we are only a decade or so removed from the Iraq war. A war that the USA smashed in a few days but gave us ISIS. Even if you win sometimes you make the situation worse... we should all realize that war is not simple. A lot of our talk is hyperbole... I don\'t think this one singular incident will lead to war... but it worries me that there is so much bravado and "showing China whats up" attitude. It just isn\'t that easy... people are only worried about their manufacturing jobs when perhaps the increase in international trade has precisely what has kept them alive/safe.', ">>{democraticwhre} : Hey you're the one giving us fancy titles. Don't know if you've noticed, but our system is getting old. Hopefully someone has made an improvement by now! Also, putting yourself up doesn't require putting yourself down.", ">>{FunkyTown313} : Yes, it was the right thing for him to do at the time. The mob mentality is not the rule of law. I think the letter was questionable in timing but I don't competently think it was wrong.", '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Those are allowed, because medical THC does not come with the toxic fumes and other mix-ins.', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : Consuming to much alcohol will kill you, it can happen fast or take years and when it takes years there is all the peripheral damage to family and career and sometimes a community.', ">>{nightmuzak} : Gosh, that's convenient. I wish I could hide in my safe space all day like a snake under a rock.", ">>{NorbertDupner} : Rubio just got reelected, and don't ask Floridians to remember any of this in six years.", '>>{GuruOfGravity} : Thanks, I missed that word entirely. I have been angry about the legal status of pot vs the deadly alcohol for most of my life and I am not even from a family with alcohol problems, but still it is so common and so many of my friends endured life in a family with an alcoholic parent and I have lost co-workers to the disease and it is a brain pathway issue, addiction I mean. Thanks to neurosciences we can stop blaming it on weak character.', ">>{Pickled_Squid} : This is going to severely impact our colonization of Oregon. If people can get weed here legally, the wave of migrants leaving California to settle our Portland colony will slow dramatically and we won't be able to reach that critical mass necessary to impose our culture and values on the native Oregonians and annex their state into Greater California.", '>>{zeromussc} : Well to be fair the US can win most wars very quickly because of strong and advanced the military is. The problem aa you said is what happens after the first battles are won? What happens of the war happens with an alliance of nations. Then youre fucked and its ww3.', '>>{btech1138} : So say he loses after the recount... do you really think anything will happen? I\'m almost 100% certain they\'ll go "oh well its too late now" and Trump and the GOP will find a way to contest the results until he swears in.', ">>{NotAnHiro} : I think the vagueness was the issue, especially the part where he didn't have a warrant but still informed congress.", '>>{cschmidt0525} : ***Poor Marco.*** Must be so difficult to be held accountable for your actions (or lack thereof). God forbid your constituents expect you to, you know, do your fucking job.', '>>{democraticwhre} : Well his BFF McCain is involved in keeping him off it', ">>{Thveskev} : Marijuana isn't going to stop the alcohol industry. The only thing it will do is make city streets smell even worse and make everyone sound like idiots because they're high.", ">>{addy-Bee} : Hey, come on now. Don't go slandering vaginas everywhere by comparing them to *Marco Rubio*!", ">>{democraticwhre} : It's possible that the rest of the committee / party pushed it and McCain is just the unfortunate mouthpiece", ">>{Foos47DCC} : That seems very likely. Which Democrats are going to be on the committee do we know I don't have time to look into it.? I hope Schumer he has always been a Neo-con at heart.", '>>{70ms} : I signed the petition even though I don\'t really smoke out. A few years ago I didn\'t have health insurance and hurt my foot. When it wasn\'t getting better and was still painful, I thought I\'d try CBDs. I found a MM doctor within 2 miles of my house and was in and out in 15 minutes with a sheet of paper that let me go to any dispensary I wanted. Those places are amazing and make me wish I still liked to get high. :D I mean... lip balm, soda, ice cream, *everything* that can have THC is sold there, not just weed. But anyway, it\'s already basically legal here. Walk into the "doctor\'s" office, state your problem, sign a paper, and you\'re done. We might as well go all the way. (The CBDs didn\'t work, unfortunately, and eventually I had to see a "real" doctor.)', ">>{Monkey_poo} : Didn't help that his challenger Patrick Murphy had scandals of his own. Rubio also wiped the floor with him during the debate.", ">>{SATexas1} : So you think it's a waste of time and that he's your president", ">>{dxtboxer} : Well, didn't 60 million people vote for Trump? Quite coincidental those numbers match up so perfectly..", ">>{ricdesi} : That's really distressing. I don't agree with Graham on much, but it's clear he smells something rotten in the GOP.", ">>{Soviet_Canukistan} : Oliver Stone's new series on American history (Netflix) should be mandatory for all us citizens, and pretty much everyone.", ">>{70ms} : You can get it in chocolate form! And gummy form, and sucker form, gum form, ice cream form, root beer form, even chocolate-covered espresso bean form. It's kind of nuts (you can probably get those too).", '>>{NorbertDupner} : It\'s a line from *The Vagina Monologues*: "My vagina is a delicate flower".', ">>{GhastlyParadox} : Cowards, but I'm not surprised. I would bet that both were threatened, and are now falling in line. Trump and his minions saw that threat, and acted accordingly. Discouraging to say the least.", '>>{JacobCrim88} : Well. Little Marco doesn\'t like his job. > Rubio’s disenchantment with the Senate looks to have started early — he told a newspaper he was stymied by his first year in office. > Dec. 18, 2011, South Florida Sun Sentinel: "I can\'t think of a single real high point. By and large, this has been a highly dysfunctional Congress, particularly in the Senate. It seems like the entire year has just been one big staged event, trying to get political advantage in the next election. You look at the major issues facing this country, and few if any of them have been confronted." > But it wasn’t until he announced in April 2015 he was running for president and faced criticism for missing a third of his votes that his feelings about the Senate became a subject of discussion.', ">>{S-O-What} : > Wasn't he instructed to come back ASAP if new evidence was found? Would have been trivial to take cover behind the Hatch Act and delay releasing it until after the election. > Wasn't it very professional of him to not indite Clinton when there was insufficient evidence and a mob of voters calling for incarceration? Yes, but it was very unprofessional of him to add his own personal commentary in the press release, and even less professional to pull this most recent trick.", '>>{boreddiscordian} : There is too much money in illegal marijuana in California. No weed smoking California resident wants to see their favorite strains turned into Marlbro and Camel, and no one wants to have to choose from coke or pepsi bud. Besides, as it is you can get your medical card for literally any sort of ailment, real or imagined.', '>>{thisisbasil} : The only real things pot is good for are anti convulsants and appetite boosters.', '>>{Deathoftheages} : Maybe the fact they were found in a folder called life insurance gave him the heads up they might have needed to know there was pertinent info on it.', '>>{70ms} : Yeah, I was really hoping for pain relief but, no go!', ">>{zphobic} : Assuming that doesn't contradict with DOJ Policy and the Hatch Act was implied, maybe. He could have used a secure channel - rather than a public letter - to communicate to the senators that there were possibly related emails.", ">>{sightlab} : I think the deck is stacked awfully hard against a more positive outcome. Each stage of this has proven that the system is perverted so badly by corruption, disinterest, or stupidity that we haven't got much of a chance. That hasn't stopped me from doing my meager individual part. It never should have came to this, and people have been saying that at every surprising stage for months.", '>>{sightlab} : Depends on what you mean by that, but yes: trump gamed the game, and he won. Want to know who I think lost this round?', '>>{tangibleadhd} : As a sober alcoholic for almost a few years it\'s still a terrifying disease to have. thanks for this "Thanks to neurosciences we can stop blaming it on weak character."', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : Thank you and I celebrate every day an addict wins and I am looking forward to the day when the neuroscientists can find a fix, there is one now but it is currently tedious and time consuming making new brain pathways.', ">>{crabpotkiwi} : Didn't know he had a series on Netflix... gonna check it out now thanks!", ">>{Soviet_Canukistan} : It's epic. Definitely stuff I did not know.", '>>{addy-Bee} : Oh. Honestly the part of that I remember is the whole "CUUUUNNNTT" thing.', '>>{tangibleadhd} : Yes, it is. Currently the only solution is in another realm. If science could, sign me up.', ">>{mashington14} : There's no way McCain would leave Graham off unless there was some legitimate issue. They're like the most prominent friends/partners in the senate. Calm down. Maybe he just didn't want it. Edit: or maybe they're just going by the rules. Once again, calm down. McCain and Graham work together on everything they can.", ">>{PusherofCarts} : Or McCain knows that they'll find something, and wants the panel to seem as unbiased and fair as possible (i.e., don't let the guy who proposed the idea be in charge).", ">>{antiquegeek} : Did anyone say it would stop the alcohol industry? You just pulled that out of your ass. And drunk people puke on sidewalks everywhere the world around. And you can't smoke weed in public in legal states. And everyone sounding like idiots is quite literally just an opinion (a childish one) that makes you look like a wanker. Don't mind me though, I'm just smoking a joint.. ¯\\\\_/(ツ)\\_/¯", '>>{chuckberry314} : he has never cared about his constituents why would he start now.', '>>{antiquegeek} : They lose profit when it legalizes. Their product will devalue from supply.', ">>{NeoAcario} : That's really not necessary... you only need to look at the name. An account made for a political candidate.", ">>{Sliiiiime} : Smoking and driving isn't great either, especially if you drive within an hour after you've smoked", ">>{tangibleadhd} : Most people don't want to drive if they're stoned and don't think they can. Drunk people- FUKYA LET GO BRUUH!", '>>{chuckberry314} : politician lives matter will be the next legislation passed.', ">>{Adama0001} : That approach runs the risk of influencing the election just like the FBI letting slip about emails. And then the question would be whether a sitting president was using his position to influence an election. Russia is definitely involved but it's a fine line to walk with no easy answers.", '>>{oohhh} : It should be on the ballot in Michigan this fall too but the republicans here rushed through a bill changing petition requirements last month. Now the Milegalize initiative and the fracking ban will both bebleft off the ballot despite collecting more than enough signatures. Who cares about the will of the people amirite?', '>>{happyPugMonkey} : Or people with better cognitive function are better at moderation', ">>{pipsdontsqueak} : He's not wrong about the lack of bipartisanship in the Senate and he has a right to complain about the difficulty getting things done. But this is a different, though related, matter. His *job* is to talk to constituents to represent their interests. If he isn't doing that, he's in dereliction of duty.", ">>{northshore12} : Trucks? Are you serious? Everyone knows those series of tubes are filled with cats, each cat carrying a message tied around it's collar. Seems a lot of those messages were written in Cyrillic, but I'm sure Mitch McConnell isn't concerned about that.", ">>{FuckMeBernie} : Yeah, not disagreeing with you at all, but making weed legal isn't going to make alcohol illegal. Alcohol will still kill after legalization.", ">>{RittledIn} : Easy there, lots of assumptions are being made as to why this is a bad thing. There's a lot of other reasons they could have made this move given their shared stances and buddy relationship. I.e. Having the two most outspoken guys in the GOP on this issue run the committee could devalue their findings and be made out as a witch hunt.", '>>{redditmyhacienda} : A thing of beauty was yesterdays Town hall event with Senator Tom Cotton Smart questions (one better then the other) In Full: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0 Katie concerning ACA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=21m45s Investigation into russian ties: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=42m22s ACA question concerning husband: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=34m34s Question on Refugees: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=67m10s Concerning public education: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=72m30s Concerning Tax Returns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=77m9s 7 year old Toby concerning the Wall and PBS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=99m31s ...& many more, they were all good but i cant list them all', '>>{FuckMeBernie} : Yes! I don\'t think a lot of people get this. Another point is that in cigarettes they put a shit ton of chemicals in them that lead to more health problems. That\'s my number one fear of legalization. Is that big pharma or big tobacco will get their hands on it and sell them like cigarettes and monopolize them, then just fill them in with chemicals and shit, just how cigarettes happened. I want them to legalize with restrictions on how many chemicals go into it. Some of the same arguments for tobacco are being used for marijuana, and while some of them are not wrong, people forget how dangerous smoking "tobacco" has become. In short, while nicotine or THC is not bad for you, the smoke is bad. Big companies putting in their chemicals and shit once they get their patents is even worse.', ">>{absolutebeginners} : There was a study where there found no difference in stoned vs sober driving. Can't find it atm. Still wouldn't recommend doing it though.", ">>{Whaddaulookinat} : It's in the article, for Graham to get another top post of a subcommittee he'd need to apply for a waiver, which he'd be the only one. He's already on Justice Oversight and Appropriations.", '>>{ChaseFromPawPatrol} : This is a problem. Graham and McCain are the only ones who stand between the truth and the craven GOP politicians who care more about power than their country.', '>>{Gonzanic} : ...well...Trump was elected. And look at his cabinet nominations. Seems like that question has been answered.', ">>{absolutebeginners} : Nicotine is also damaging, it's terrible for your heart. But a patch is better than smoking because no smoke like you say.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : They lose profits because people will be able to grow their own, and other people will be able to safely start up. So basically they're afraid people will have choices and have freedom. These growers are nothing but a bunch of thieves. FFS they're already illegally selling recreational marijuana on the sides, growing more than the medical laws allow, and using illegally obtained water to grow those illegal crops. They just want to keep their own monopoly for profits.", ">>{Canuckleball} : Yeah, its pretty tough to claim to represent people when he literally doesn't show up for work", '>>{madusldasl} : Not to mention that all the rage and anger is created by the job they do in Washington. So they create the angry mob, then Complain about the angry mob. Fuck these assholes', ">>{antiquegeek} : I agree, many growers should quit being children and capitalist fucks and vote yes. How long have we been waiting for legalization? They are probably just mad because they know that the illegal trade will be way smaller, or completely gone. Someone should tell them to fuck off. It's like beer brewers fighting against a law to legalize beer. What the actual fuck are they thinking.", '>>{TyneyTymey} : Seems to me the democrats should use such a leaderless meeting to make a point - if rubio shows up - fine - if not - fine.', ">>{Canuckleball} : It would be akin to me skipping my performance review because I didn't want to hear my bosses telling me how much I suck at my job.", ">>{irish91} : If there's one place he belongs its inside the turtle shell he crawled out of.", '>>{birdiesanders2016} : That investigation question: Amazing. Remember this is Arkansas. Holy Shit.', ">>{PMMeUltraVioletCodes} : Apparently you haven't paid much attention to the science and technology committee. A basic understanding isn't even a requirement.", ">>{Semper_Fi_Do_or_Die} : Don't worry -- it's an eight-day-old account with -100 karma.", ">>{Stenzycakes} : Lindsey Graham has said a lot of sound bites that look great in headlines but he's by no means one of the more respected republicans or as widely touted as Reddit would have you believe. He didn't even get 1% support in the primaries. I am not an expert in OP so I can't say if he should have been selected but it doesn't surprise me. He's a young politician who knows how to capture the right attention in the media. I hear more about his quotes than his actions.", '>>{adamdavid85} : The mobile version of that site is fucking cancer.', ">>{Pera_Espinosa} : Did he dispel the myth that Patrick Murphy doesn't know what he is doing?", '>>{groot_liga} : The truck was paid for by Trump, but operated by another company and the destination was a bank not the Russian government, so clearly no connection. It was just email marketing. That call from Flynn, more marketing, he was just filling seat for the inauguration. /s', ">>{goody_heggety} : If your constituents hate you, maybe it's time to take a second look. At yourself.", ">>{clockworm} : Graham didn't even know why encryption was important until just a couple years ago."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{awake-at-dawn} : U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen calls on FBI director to resign', '>>{disturbd} : Cool story. Obama says otherwise but good luck with that.', ">>{S-O-What} : Comey's career would have lasted longer than Obama's. Until, you know, he pointlessly made an enemy of the next administration, and both parties in Congress.", ">>{CommonCentsEh} : I really think he's just doing his job. Wasn't he instructed to come back ASAP if new evidence was found? Wasn't it very professional of him to not indite Clinton when there was insufficient evidence and a mob of voters calling for incarceration?", '>>{Madame_Presidente} : Resign? He should be arrested and tried for treason of the highest order.', ">>{6p6ss6} : Calling for his resignation / dismissal is premature. Now that an OSC investigation is underway for Hatch Act violations, let the facts come to light about Comey -- just like the facts need to come to light about Abedin's emails on her ex-husband's computer.", ">>{FunkyTown313} : Yes, it was the right thing for him to do at the time. The mob mentality is not the rule of law. I think the letter was questionable in timing but I don't competently think it was wrong.", ">>{NotAnHiro} : I think the vagueness was the issue, especially the part where he didn't have a warrant but still informed congress.", ">>{S-O-What} : > Wasn't he instructed to come back ASAP if new evidence was found? Would have been trivial to take cover behind the Hatch Act and delay releasing it until after the election. > Wasn't it very professional of him to not indite Clinton when there was insufficient evidence and a mob of voters calling for incarceration? Yes, but it was very unprofessional of him to add his own personal commentary in the press release, and even less professional to pull this most recent trick.", '>>{Deathoftheages} : Maybe the fact they were found in a folder called life insurance gave him the heads up they might have needed to know there was pertinent info on it.', ">>{zphobic} : Assuming that doesn't contradict with DOJ Policy and the Hatch Act was implied, maybe. He could have used a secure channel - rather than a public letter - to communicate to the senators that there were possibly related emails."], ['>>{BlankVerse} : Initiative to legalize recreational pot use qualifies for November California ballot', '>>{gaeuvyen} : My prediction is that the Church of Latter day saints will be too busy with the presidential election to spend money to stop it like they did last time (as well as spending money to support proposition 8), leaving only Humboldt growers to try and fight against it by fear mongering that corporatism will muscle them out of the state. And with more younger people being able to vote, and more of them coming out to vote because of Bernie Sanders and in some form Trump. Along with Older hippies it might actually pass 52% to 48%', ">>{BlankVerse} : > leaving only Humboldt growers to try and fight against it by fear mongering that corporatism will muscle them out of the state I think they've got a very legitimate fear.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Not if they read the bill in question. I read the thing. It allows them to get their shit together before corporations can even make a move in. They're basically lying about the bill.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Are you calling people retarded for moving to a state that has more freedoms?', '>>{Roastafarian} : Washington, Oregon, & Colorado making it legal. The grower gravy-train is over', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : I signed that petition and imagine, California is the state with 12% of the U.S. Population. We have had medical pot since 1996, 20 years. Add California to the already legal states, Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska and Colorado that will be legal marijuana for about 17% of the U.S. population. Keep up the push for legalization. Alcohol kills.', ">>{Evolve_or_Bye} : It's the smoke that destroys. Not the nicotine or the THC. Else they wouldn't allow nicotine patches if nicotine was the damage. Same risks as tobacco. If they knew all the risks of tobacco back then, do you think they'd ever legalize it? You see how hard it is to make it go away with all those commercials and patches?", '>>{ReadySettGo} : No matter our other political differences, all of Reddit had damned well better get in line behind this one. This is the dankest ballot initiative in recent memory.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : You mean the ones that were already in Colorado before the legalization of recreational marijuana? Do you honestly think people were leaving their own state without any prospects just because they can get legal weed?', '>>{gaeuvyen} : Alcohol in moderation can improve cognitive function, but there was only 2-3 studies, and 2 of them mentioned that the results could have been influenced by their income bracket, location and diet, but that third one though was more inclusive of people and had the same results so...', ">>{tangibleadhd} : Alcohol kills. Drink too much and get in a car, you're a threat to the public. Smoke some weed, you're a threat to a pizza.", '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Those are allowed, because medical THC does not come with the toxic fumes and other mix-ins.', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : Consuming to much alcohol will kill you, it can happen fast or take years and when it takes years there is all the peripheral damage to family and career and sometimes a community.', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : Thanks, I missed that word entirely. I have been angry about the legal status of pot vs the deadly alcohol for most of my life and I am not even from a family with alcohol problems, but still it is so common and so many of my friends endured life in a family with an alcoholic parent and I have lost co-workers to the disease and it is a brain pathway issue, addiction I mean. Thanks to neurosciences we can stop blaming it on weak character.', ">>{Pickled_Squid} : This is going to severely impact our colonization of Oregon. If people can get weed here legally, the wave of migrants leaving California to settle our Portland colony will slow dramatically and we won't be able to reach that critical mass necessary to impose our culture and values on the native Oregonians and annex their state into Greater California.", ">>{Thveskev} : Marijuana isn't going to stop the alcohol industry. The only thing it will do is make city streets smell even worse and make everyone sound like idiots because they're high.", '>>{70ms} : I signed the petition even though I don\'t really smoke out. A few years ago I didn\'t have health insurance and hurt my foot. When it wasn\'t getting better and was still painful, I thought I\'d try CBDs. I found a MM doctor within 2 miles of my house and was in and out in 15 minutes with a sheet of paper that let me go to any dispensary I wanted. Those places are amazing and make me wish I still liked to get high. :D I mean... lip balm, soda, ice cream, *everything* that can have THC is sold there, not just weed. But anyway, it\'s already basically legal here. Walk into the "doctor\'s" office, state your problem, sign a paper, and you\'re done. We might as well go all the way. (The CBDs didn\'t work, unfortunately, and eventually I had to see a "real" doctor.)', ">>{70ms} : You can get it in chocolate form! And gummy form, and sucker form, gum form, ice cream form, root beer form, even chocolate-covered espresso bean form. It's kind of nuts (you can probably get those too).", '>>{boreddiscordian} : There is too much money in illegal marijuana in California. No weed smoking California resident wants to see their favorite strains turned into Marlbro and Camel, and no one wants to have to choose from coke or pepsi bud. Besides, as it is you can get your medical card for literally any sort of ailment, real or imagined.', '>>{thisisbasil} : The only real things pot is good for are anti convulsants and appetite boosters.', '>>{70ms} : Yeah, I was really hoping for pain relief but, no go!', '>>{tangibleadhd} : As a sober alcoholic for almost a few years it\'s still a terrifying disease to have. thanks for this "Thanks to neurosciences we can stop blaming it on weak character."', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : Thank you and I celebrate every day an addict wins and I am looking forward to the day when the neuroscientists can find a fix, there is one now but it is currently tedious and time consuming making new brain pathways.', '>>{tangibleadhd} : Yes, it is. Currently the only solution is in another realm. If science could, sign me up.', ">>{antiquegeek} : Did anyone say it would stop the alcohol industry? You just pulled that out of your ass. And drunk people puke on sidewalks everywhere the world around. And you can't smoke weed in public in legal states. And everyone sounding like idiots is quite literally just an opinion (a childish one) that makes you look like a wanker. Don't mind me though, I'm just smoking a joint.. ¯\\\\_/(ツ)\\_/¯", '>>{antiquegeek} : They lose profit when it legalizes. Their product will devalue from supply.', ">>{Sliiiiime} : Smoking and driving isn't great either, especially if you drive within an hour after you've smoked", ">>{tangibleadhd} : Most people don't want to drive if they're stoned and don't think they can. Drunk people- FUKYA LET GO BRUUH!", '>>{oohhh} : It should be on the ballot in Michigan this fall too but the republicans here rushed through a bill changing petition requirements last month. Now the Milegalize initiative and the fracking ban will both bebleft off the ballot despite collecting more than enough signatures. Who cares about the will of the people amirite?', '>>{happyPugMonkey} : Or people with better cognitive function are better at moderation', ">>{FuckMeBernie} : Yeah, not disagreeing with you at all, but making weed legal isn't going to make alcohol illegal. Alcohol will still kill after legalization.", '>>{FuckMeBernie} : Yes! I don\'t think a lot of people get this. Another point is that in cigarettes they put a shit ton of chemicals in them that lead to more health problems. That\'s my number one fear of legalization. Is that big pharma or big tobacco will get their hands on it and sell them like cigarettes and monopolize them, then just fill them in with chemicals and shit, just how cigarettes happened. I want them to legalize with restrictions on how many chemicals go into it. Some of the same arguments for tobacco are being used for marijuana, and while some of them are not wrong, people forget how dangerous smoking "tobacco" has become. In short, while nicotine or THC is not bad for you, the smoke is bad. Big companies putting in their chemicals and shit once they get their patents is even worse.', ">>{absolutebeginners} : There was a study where there found no difference in stoned vs sober driving. Can't find it atm. Still wouldn't recommend doing it though.", ">>{absolutebeginners} : Nicotine is also damaging, it's terrible for your heart. But a patch is better than smoking because no smoke like you say.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : They lose profits because people will be able to grow their own, and other people will be able to safely start up. So basically they're afraid people will have choices and have freedom. These growers are nothing but a bunch of thieves. FFS they're already illegally selling recreational marijuana on the sides, growing more than the medical laws allow, and using illegally obtained water to grow those illegal crops. They just want to keep their own monopoly for profits.", ">>{antiquegeek} : I agree, many growers should quit being children and capitalist fucks and vote yes. How long have we been waiting for legalization? They are probably just mad because they know that the illegal trade will be way smaller, or completely gone. Someone should tell them to fuck off. It's like beer brewers fighting against a law to legalize beer. What the actual fuck are they thinking."], [">>{delta_14} : Democratic senator says Trump's 'major pivots in foreign policy' are 'how wars start'", ">>{Zoophagous} : What?! Didn't you hear? the GOP is reviving their investigation of Hillary's emails. I wish I was joking.", ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : America has started countless wars in the past 60 years of the Cold War - hasn't won one single of them. About time to change?", ">>{AlternativeHillbilly} : Shaking things up domestically is one thing, but outside our borders there's an established order we must respect to maintain the peace.", ">>{SATexas1} : >the first time a US president has directly spoken with Taiwan's leadership in more than 30 years He isn't the president yet, there's a recount going on and an effort to overturn the electoral college, so he isn't even the president elect yet", '>>{crabpotkiwi} : I hope we as a people have not forgotten how horrible war is. 60 million people lost their lives in World War 2. We live in relatively peaceful times precisely because we maintain workable diplomatic relationships with foreign countries and due to exploiting mutual interests -- such as globalism and international trade.', ">>{espo619} : If there's anything I've learned from the rhetoric coming from this country for the last couple of decades, it's that we *absolutely* have forgotten how horrible war is.", '>>{Brytard} : This is how Trump negotiates. He holds world & economic stability as a card he can play. He is a sociopath.', ">>{Meatsim1} : Trump is actively destroying the world order thats held peace together between the great powers since WW2. NATO, wanting to recognize Russia's crimea annexation, this business with Taiwan. This shit is so fucked", ">>{listeningwind42} : We have forgotten. I know a few trump supporters that I play online with, They are young to be fair, but old enough to have voted (which they did) But they don't think any of this is real. They also think that any war that would happen would be essentially won instantly by the US. They don't think any of this talk is dangerous at all. They have literally zero conception of what we could be facing, and utter disdain for any warning. I truly hope their thoughts only represent their age and not the general political predilections of trump supporters.", '>>{crabpotkiwi} : The sad part is we are only a decade or so removed from the Iraq war. A war that the USA smashed in a few days but gave us ISIS. Even if you win sometimes you make the situation worse... we should all realize that war is not simple. A lot of our talk is hyperbole... I don\'t think this one singular incident will lead to war... but it worries me that there is so much bravado and "showing China whats up" attitude. It just isn\'t that easy... people are only worried about their manufacturing jobs when perhaps the increase in international trade has precisely what has kept them alive/safe.', '>>{zeromussc} : Well to be fair the US can win most wars very quickly because of strong and advanced the military is. The problem aa you said is what happens after the first battles are won? What happens of the war happens with an alliance of nations. Then youre fucked and its ww3.', '>>{btech1138} : So say he loses after the recount... do you really think anything will happen? I\'m almost 100% certain they\'ll go "oh well its too late now" and Trump and the GOP will find a way to contest the results until he swears in.', ">>{SATexas1} : So you think it's a waste of time and that he's your president", ">>{dxtboxer} : Well, didn't 60 million people vote for Trump? Quite coincidental those numbers match up so perfectly..", ">>{Soviet_Canukistan} : Oliver Stone's new series on American history (Netflix) should be mandatory for all us citizens, and pretty much everyone.", ">>{sightlab} : I think the deck is stacked awfully hard against a more positive outcome. Each stage of this has proven that the system is perverted so badly by corruption, disinterest, or stupidity that we haven't got much of a chance. That hasn't stopped me from doing my meager individual part. It never should have came to this, and people have been saying that at every surprising stage for months.", '>>{sightlab} : Depends on what you mean by that, but yes: trump gamed the game, and he won. Want to know who I think lost this round?', ">>{crabpotkiwi} : Didn't know he had a series on Netflix... gonna check it out now thanks!", ">>{Soviet_Canukistan} : It's epic. Definitely stuff I did not know."], [">>{Siray} : Marco Rubio says he isn't showing up to town halls because of their 'hostile atmosphere'", '>>{TinyBaron} : Guess that Amber Alert for Little Marco flushed him out.', ">>{cmagee79} : Well then, I suppose he should caucus with his fellow Congressional Republicans and ask around to see what, exactly, they've been doing for the past seven and a half years. If their plan for ACA is this bad, this *nonexistent*, they can, and should, be greeted with hostility.", '>>{LadySpectreX} : Yeah it\'s "hostile", because he and his ilk don\'t represent what the majority want. Apparently that little detail no longer matters to elected officials. At least not until about 6 months before the election.', ">>{RacheleNY4} : As someone with anxiety I get it. He'd probably have a panic attack trying to defend Trump.", ">>{AngryDingo} : Well they aren't paying him any bribe money so why would he show up? I'm sure there's a CEO somewhere who would like to get some awful legislation passed that puts the screws to the people and benefits him personally, and also has 6 figures in payoff money on the table for Marco. His time is much better spent there, duh.", '>>{ev6464} : Fucking PLEASE let this bite them in the ass in 2018.', ">>{Canuckleball} : Shouldn't politicians be the last people who need a safe space? Like, their job description involves listening to angry constituents and addressing their problems. We shouldn't need to shelter representatives from reality.", ">>{nightmuzak} : Gosh, that's convenient. I wish I could hide in my safe space all day like a snake under a rock.", ">>{NorbertDupner} : Rubio just got reelected, and don't ask Floridians to remember any of this in six years.", '>>{cschmidt0525} : ***Poor Marco.*** Must be so difficult to be held accountable for your actions (or lack thereof). God forbid your constituents expect you to, you know, do your fucking job.', ">>{addy-Bee} : Hey, come on now. Don't go slandering vaginas everywhere by comparing them to *Marco Rubio*!", ">>{Monkey_poo} : Didn't help that his challenger Patrick Murphy had scandals of his own. Rubio also wiped the floor with him during the debate.", '>>{NorbertDupner} : It\'s a line from *The Vagina Monologues*: "My vagina is a delicate flower".', '>>{JacobCrim88} : Well. Little Marco doesn\'t like his job. > Rubio’s disenchantment with the Senate looks to have started early — he told a newspaper he was stymied by his first year in office. > Dec. 18, 2011, South Florida Sun Sentinel: "I can\'t think of a single real high point. By and large, this has been a highly dysfunctional Congress, particularly in the Senate. It seems like the entire year has just been one big staged event, trying to get political advantage in the next election. You look at the major issues facing this country, and few if any of them have been confronted." > But it wasn’t until he announced in April 2015 he was running for president and faced criticism for missing a third of his votes that his feelings about the Senate became a subject of discussion.', '>>{addy-Bee} : Oh. Honestly the part of that I remember is the whole "CUUUUNNNTT" thing.', '>>{chuckberry314} : he has never cared about his constituents why would he start now.', '>>{chuckberry314} : politician lives matter will be the next legislation passed.', ">>{pipsdontsqueak} : He's not wrong about the lack of bipartisanship in the Senate and he has a right to complain about the difficulty getting things done. But this is a different, though related, matter. His *job* is to talk to constituents to represent their interests. If he isn't doing that, he's in dereliction of duty.", '>>{redditmyhacienda} : A thing of beauty was yesterdays Town hall event with Senator Tom Cotton Smart questions (one better then the other) In Full: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0 Katie concerning ACA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=21m45s Investigation into russian ties: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=42m22s ACA question concerning husband: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=34m34s Question on Refugees: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=67m10s Concerning public education: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=72m30s Concerning Tax Returns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=77m9s 7 year old Toby concerning the Wall and PBS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFa4FIcDo0&t=99m31s ...& many more, they were all good but i cant list them all', ">>{Canuckleball} : Yeah, its pretty tough to claim to represent people when he literally doesn't show up for work", '>>{madusldasl} : Not to mention that all the rage and anger is created by the job they do in Washington. So they create the angry mob, then Complain about the angry mob. Fuck these assholes', '>>{TyneyTymey} : Seems to me the democrats should use such a leaderless meeting to make a point - if rubio shows up - fine - if not - fine.', ">>{Canuckleball} : It would be akin to me skipping my performance review because I didn't want to hear my bosses telling me how much I suck at my job.", '>>{birdiesanders2016} : That investigation question: Amazing. Remember this is Arkansas. Holy Shit.', '>>{adamdavid85} : The mobile version of that site is fucking cancer.', ">>{Pera_Espinosa} : Did he dispel the myth that Patrick Murphy doesn't know what he is doing?", ">>{goody_heggety} : If your constituents hate you, maybe it's time to take a second look. At yourself."], ['>>{arthurpaliden} : >Graham\'s "not going to chair the cyber panel. We’re going by seniority," the Arizona lawmaker told POLITICO. So knowledge in a particular area counts for nothing.', '>>{PlanetXpressShip} : More evidence that the panel will be a farce. It\'s the worst thing that could have happened. They\'ll glance at the evidence and say "Well we reached nothing conclusive so that means it definitely didn\'t happen, case closed." Cowards.', '>>{zkela} : This panel is distinct from the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation, correct?', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Obama\'s administration should have started this process of launching a committee and an investigation back in July when Crowdstrike and Threatconnect first reported their findings. You have to admit it\'s ridiculous to wait until the end of December, especially considering the fact that the 17 intelligence agencies revealed absolutely no new information since the July report except "omg Russia Today totally undermined Hillary\'s campaign!" Furthermore, if you spend all you energy believing that the Russians have kompromat on Hillary and Trump, it\'s not a stretch of logic to acknowledge that they have gay blackmail on Lindsey Graham. Therefore he is compromised and shouldn\'t be in a cybersecurity panel.', ">>{InfoSecProThrowAway} : I loathe Lindsay Graham as a politician, but if there's one place he actually belongs, it's here.", '>>{Foos47DCC} : Literally the best guy for this job save maybe like McCain and they fuck him', ">>{flxtr} : They will see how many trucks went through a series of tubes from Russia to Trump's campaign. The evidence will clear Trump of any wrongdoing.", '>>{Good_Guy_Putin} : That is how the Senate works. Pretty funny you are complaing about being ignorant on a subject while being ignorant on a subject.', ">>{arthurpaliden} : Well not being a 'Murican I figured that maybe your's being the supposed premier first world government would do things differently.", '>>{kozmo1313} : they should give everyone on that panel a rorschach test.', ">>{democraticwhre} : Hey you're the one giving us fancy titles. Don't know if you've noticed, but our system is getting old. Hopefully someone has made an improvement by now! Also, putting yourself up doesn't require putting yourself down.", '>>{democraticwhre} : Well his BFF McCain is involved in keeping him off it', ">>{democraticwhre} : It's possible that the rest of the committee / party pushed it and McCain is just the unfortunate mouthpiece", ">>{Foos47DCC} : That seems very likely. Which Democrats are going to be on the committee do we know I don't have time to look into it.? I hope Schumer he has always been a Neo-con at heart.", ">>{ricdesi} : That's really distressing. I don't agree with Graham on much, but it's clear he smells something rotten in the GOP.", ">>{GhastlyParadox} : Cowards, but I'm not surprised. I would bet that both were threatened, and are now falling in line. Trump and his minions saw that threat, and acted accordingly. Discouraging to say the least.", ">>{mashington14} : There's no way McCain would leave Graham off unless there was some legitimate issue. They're like the most prominent friends/partners in the senate. Calm down. Maybe he just didn't want it. Edit: or maybe they're just going by the rules. Once again, calm down. McCain and Graham work together on everything they can.", ">>{PusherofCarts} : Or McCain knows that they'll find something, and wants the panel to seem as unbiased and fair as possible (i.e., don't let the guy who proposed the idea be in charge).", ">>{NeoAcario} : That's really not necessary... you only need to look at the name. An account made for a political candidate.", ">>{Adama0001} : That approach runs the risk of influencing the election just like the FBI letting slip about emails. And then the question would be whether a sitting president was using his position to influence an election. Russia is definitely involved but it's a fine line to walk with no easy answers.", ">>{northshore12} : Trucks? Are you serious? Everyone knows those series of tubes are filled with cats, each cat carrying a message tied around it's collar. Seems a lot of those messages were written in Cyrillic, but I'm sure Mitch McConnell isn't concerned about that.", ">>{RittledIn} : Easy there, lots of assumptions are being made as to why this is a bad thing. There's a lot of other reasons they could have made this move given their shared stances and buddy relationship. I.e. Having the two most outspoken guys in the GOP on this issue run the committee could devalue their findings and be made out as a witch hunt.", ">>{Whaddaulookinat} : It's in the article, for Graham to get another top post of a subcommittee he'd need to apply for a waiver, which he'd be the only one. He's already on Justice Oversight and Appropriations.", '>>{ChaseFromPawPatrol} : This is a problem. Graham and McCain are the only ones who stand between the truth and the craven GOP politicians who care more about power than their country.', '>>{Gonzanic} : ...well...Trump was elected. And look at his cabinet nominations. Seems like that question has been answered.', ">>{irish91} : If there's one place he belongs its inside the turtle shell he crawled out of.", ">>{PMMeUltraVioletCodes} : Apparently you haven't paid much attention to the science and technology committee. A basic understanding isn't even a requirement.", ">>{Semper_Fi_Do_or_Die} : Don't worry -- it's an eight-day-old account with -100 karma.", ">>{Stenzycakes} : Lindsey Graham has said a lot of sound bites that look great in headlines but he's by no means one of the more respected republicans or as widely touted as Reddit would have you believe. He didn't even get 1% support in the primaries. I am not an expert in OP so I can't say if he should have been selected but it doesn't surprise me. He's a young politician who knows how to capture the right attention in the media. I hear more about his quotes than his actions.", '>>{groot_liga} : The truck was paid for by Trump, but operated by another company and the destination was a bank not the Russian government, so clearly no connection. It was just email marketing. That call from Flynn, more marketing, he was just filling seat for the inauguration. /s', ">>{clockworm} : Graham didn't even know why encryption was important until just a couple years ago."]]
classify and reply
['>>{bernieaccountess} : [the sword of Damocles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdufVsPXtCE) or [This i guess](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damocles)', ">>{tau-lepton} : What law did she break? The private RNC server was used in the same way, it wasn't a violation of the law, and neither was Clinton's. The Republicans look silly, they can't give up a grudge going back two decades. You know Judical Watch had 18 cases against the Bill Clinton administration, right? They were even trying to involve the Clintons in Vince Foster's death. They didn't win a single one.", '>>{tau-lepton} : You keep saying that she broke a law, which one?', '>>{todayilearned83} : Anderson Cooper told Trump ‘That is sexual assault.’ The Justice Department agrees.', ">>{Clay2099} : Is there evidence that he actually did those things? I honestly don't know so don't get mad.", '>>{rieslingatkos} : Betsy DeVos is one ‘no’ vote away from defeat', ">>{2ndprize} : I wrote to Rubio, I emailed Rubio, I guess I will try calling Rubio. I can just imagine Grounds keeper Willie letting me know he doesn't care.", ">>{tau-lepton} : Attempted homicide!!! Doesn't she love America's children, there's obviously something going on. Lock her up and throw away the keys. /s", ">>{bitfriend} : >According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of associate’s degrees, 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorate degrees awarded to black students. This is statistically wrong. They're technically the most educated group *that attends college*, but most blacks do not attend or do not complete a college degree. So they aren't the most educated group, given that more whites attend college and complete it. It's wrong to misrepresent data like this for some sort of social justice, because it's totally backwards and does not help actual social justice. Black Americans overall are still dropping out of highschool and college at abnormally high rates, and do not preform as well as other ethnic groups. They certainly are not the most educated and this is a big problem.", '>>{PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES} : Clinton opens up double-digit lead over Trump nationwide: Reuters/Ipsos poll', '>>{SernyRanders} : 50:46, Collins and Murkowski voted Yes for advancing Devos.', '>>{southernliberal} : Not yet. Just saying it can be considered assault.', ">>{JimLahee} : No. But he claimed to have done it. And what he said by definition was sexual assault. There's no evidence physically that he's done it, other than what came out of his own mouth. But the fact that he glorified it is immoral enough.", '>>{Matickk} : Clinton probably has a slight edge on Trump, but this has to be an outlier. They over sampled Democrats over Republicans by such a huge margin...', '>>{archamedeznutz} : of...degrees awarded to black students I suspect that final qualifier applies to all the statistics cited, not of degrees awarded in total.', ">>{reborn8u} : These debates seem more like a hit job on trump than a debate. I think both candidates suck, however Hilary has horrible skeletons in her closet that got our soldiers killed. Yet they are trying to make a huge deal out of a billionaire, playboy, who is cocky and outspoken, only dates/marries models, because he like to grab pussy. Establishment is clearly trying to make sure the election is close so they can get their stooge (clinton) in office, by rigging the election. That way they wont have to kill Trump because he wont be anyone's puppet.", ">>{tau-lepton} : Good luck with that, proving gross negligence is extremely hard. Especially since the government was unable to protect the State Department email servers that she would have been using, they were successfully hacked twice during her term as Secretary of State. So no, proving gross negligence won't happen.", '>>{CanlStillBeGarth} : I mean, admitting to doing it can be used as evidence so kinda.', '>>{TheBernFather} : Better down vote so no one sees it. Best not to talk about these things', ">>{BKGPrints} : >There's an entire industry trying to find dirt on the Clintons. You must be new to politics. >They're still pissed that Bill balanced the budget I guess. You do know that *Congress* controls the budget and during President Clinton's tenure it would not have passed without the support of the Republicans...right?", '>>{MysticRay} : Nice attempt to turn the FBI investigation back into Benghazi.', '>>{xxxMAGAxxx} : Well duh. They get both racial and gender priority acceptance with lowered standards for both GPA and SAT plus they get more grants.', '>>{cstater} : She is confirmed. Pence will be the tiebreaker. She has the needed 50 right now.', ">>{cstater} : advancement, but let's be real... she's confirmed.", ">>{Tifoso89} : Even if she's confirmed with 50 votes plus Pence, wouldn't it be wiser to propose someone else? Secretaries usually receive 70+ votes. Most Trump appointees (with a few exceptions) will be confirmed with 52 votes. That's kind of shitty. It means literally only your party approved your appointment. Obviously, the above is a rhetorical question. A wiser president would tap someone less divisive, Trump wouldn't.", ">>{psychcat} : Doesn't matter, if she breaks so many laws even while under such scrutiny then she's only bringing it on herself.", ">>{psychcat} : I used to think that this whole email scandal was just a republican attack looking for anything to bust her for, but the scope of what has been revealed thus far has lead me to believe that she has a much more serious legal issue to deal with. It's also a huge reason why I will not support her now.", '>>{CanlStillBeGarth} : This is so incoherent. And down playing "grabbing pussy" is just fucking gross man.', ">>{yennenga} : Some 46 percent of likely voters said they supported Clinton, while 35 percent said they supported Trump, and another **19 percent said they would not support either,** according to the survey of 1,421 people conducted between May 30 and June 3. I would be curious where the 19% came from, I'm guessing Trump.", '>>{juicetothrowawayfar} : And the results as similar as if ghere was no opposition, a mini trump campaign', '>>{tau-lepton} : 18 lawsuits were brought against the Clinton administration by Judical Watch. These people are simply obsessed, the Koch brothers and their ilk are cheering this on. None of those lawsuits resulted in anything.', '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : That was sexual assault. Trump was bragging that he had committed sexual assault. They were right to ask him about it in the debate. This crime is increasingly becoming a serious problem in this country. This is a job interview for the **Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States**. My concern is that if he is elected the message will be that this behavior is acceptable.', '>>{WaltBush} : > And what he said by definition was sexual assault. I mean...he said "And when you’re a star, they let you do it," - right? "They let you do it?"', '>>{Merc_Drew} : After months of statistically tied polling they finally get one that shows Clinton ahead... I wonder how many they had to go thru to finally get a result they wanted', ">>{reborn8u} : Nothing is incoherent, perhaps your reading comprehension is poor, or you don't understand what incoherent actually means. Down playing is not the same as saying there are plenty of more important topics, and that the questions are horribly slanted against Trump. It's obvious, and they are both terrible people. We need a new government, not a new president.", '>>{Radovan_Karadzic} : I mean polling is volatile, we will see in November I guess I wonder what the racial background and affiliation of the people polled is', ">>{Sanity_in_Moderation} : No. It can't. You don't understand what assault means.", ">>{Jaydubzsc2} : They both believe in a full vote and supporting the president's pick and letting all of senate vote, they both said they will vote no now.", '>>{FreedomofPreach} : Wow that is pretty huge news. Trump should easily be polling ahead since he is the only presumptive nominee right now.', '>>{Hicapacity-maga_zine} : I came here to point this out. Terribly misleading headline. It should simply Woman are now the most educated in the black population.', ">>{reborn8u} : Clinton is above the law, she ignores the law. She got good people killed willfully, and doesn't give a fuck about them or their families. She is exactly the stooge they want in office, she's already been bought. Trump is a wild card, he's too hard if not impossible to be controlled, the establishment will not allow that. They are both pieces of shit. I don't want a new president, I want a new government. Also, check this out http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/114412/Hacking_Democracy__Full_Length/", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : >You must be new to politics. Sorry what? Are you saying that Republicans haven't been trying to take down the Clintons for the past 20 years? You must be really new to politics. >it would not have passed without the support of the Republicans So fuckin what if Bill compromised with Republicans to balance the budget? That's called getting shit done. I'm pretty sure Bernie has comprised with Republicans to get stuff done a bunch of times in the past.", ">>{Levarien} : If Sessions gets through first, his vote is gone, and it'll be 49-50, with no chance for Pence to vote. Of course that means a racist dick is AG, and a slightly less awful person will end up being Sec Ed.", ">>{richardleosimones} : OMFG that's racist. It should be someone's job to remove comments I disagree with. Can someone do that? Does that job exist?", '>>{mikes94} : So using that logic they would have pushed for a full vote regardless of who the candidate was?', '>>{Inquisitive_Troll} : Largely Republicans sitting the election out or the 20% or so of Bernie supporters who are "Bernie Or Bust"', '>>{robaloie} : Also, I saw a poll saying 75% of Americans eat dog food', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : As does anyone with 1/2 a brain our an ounce of decency. Only deplorables disagree.', '>>{Marou_} : Yah, the Rasmussen from a couple days ago has Clinton at +1.', ">>{tau-lepton} : So the outrage over the death of those innocents has faded? Please, it's whitewater, travelgate, bill is a rapist, Vince Foster, ... Ad nauseum crap.", '>>{proteus_swarm} : Another example of how statistics can say anything you want them to say.', '>>{swoleinjesus} : shut the fuck up. you just sound like a delusional poor person now', ">>{spaycemunkey} : This is one of the most blatantly misleading things I've ever read, excluding Tumblr and my own Facebook feed.", '>>{rab7} : Those two said plan to oppose said that they voted for advancement because the candidate deserved the vote of the full Senate', ">>{BKGPrints} : >Sorry what? Are you saying that Republicans haven't been trying to take down the Clintons for the past 20 years? Both sides have tried to demean and undermine the other. >You must be really new to politics. Probably as much as you. >So fuckin what if Bill compromised with Republicans to balance the budget? That's called getting shit done. You missed the point totally. Compromising isn't something the Republicans and Democrats have done in a long time.", '>>{heyhey922} : The poll has 0% undecided. Me thinks they are being mixed in with the neithers', ">>{Inquisitive_Troll} : Yeah, it's GG for Trump. Clinton starting to open up double digit leads while still running against Bernie at the same time. Respect.", '>>{Omnibrad} : I\'ll bet the author has one of those degrees too. Makes you wonder what the value of this supposed "education" really is.', '>>{beautyanddelusion} : Wrote to and emailed Rob Portman, hoping he votes against DeVos too. I tried calling but the lines were all busy, that could be a good sign.', '>>{FreedomofPreach} : Yea the Rasmussen poll wich heavily leans towards the right shows Clinton still ahead... Not a good sign.', '>>{FreedomofPreach} : > After months of statistically tied polling they finally get one that shows Clinton ahead You means after months of Clinton always being ahead she is now starting to pull away?', '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : > Most Trump appointees (with a few exceptions) will be confirmed with 52 votes. Not so far.', ">>{Tiafves} : >now I'd guess it's been that way since the 60's or 70's at least.", '>>{ThcLoserGuy} : Remember guys, polls only count if it shows a strong lead for Hillary.', ">>{70ms} : Same here, Benghazi was a witch hunt. I shrugged when the emails first came up. As the months have gone by and more and more info has come out, my opinion has changed completely. It's a big, stinking mess. Edit: I see the downvote brigade arrived overnight. Smooches, guys, love ya!", '>>{StonerMeditation} : This is just the beginning-of-the-end for Crazy-Trump. More and more people are starting to realize just how mentally ill Crazy-Trump really is... Wait until Bernie and President Obama start campaigning for Hillary... I expect Trump to get 20% of the vote in November, and Hillary 80%', '>>{ivsciguy} : She was way ahead until like a month ago. Then they were sort of statistically tied for a couple weeks. Now she is back ahead.', '>>{christopherNV} : The Good: People are getting an education. The Bad: The article author is a moron. The statistics given are for all blacks, not all students of all races. Blacks account for 12% of degrees which is about right for population and demographics.', ">>{RogueEyebrow} : The GOP doesn't care how it looks, they just want to get their way. They'll piss on your head, tell you that it's raining, and expect you to thank them for it.", '>>{Tifoso89} : That\'s why I wrote "a few exceptions". Mattis got 98 votes. But still, Tillerson is the Secretary of State and he got 56 votes. Clinton and Kerry both got 94.', ">>{likeafox} : Honestly wish you would stop with the FUD. What poll are you even talking about, I can't find it. This poll, the one we're actually talking about, was conducted by Ipsos, which is a well regarded pollster. It shows a very high number of 'neither' responses which may indicate a groundswell of third party support, which would be worth discussing.", ">>{Yiphyin} : I feel like this isn't because Clinton is getting better, it's because they're both getting worse at alternating rates.", ">>{the_dewski} : Oh, you weren't kidding. He has posted this like six times.", '>>{89y7t6fdrycfxgvhbnoh} : The MOE does not once in the last 2 months make this a statistical tie that I can see, let alone months? http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/2016-general-election-trump-vs-clinton', ">>{robaloie} : the news will try and control how we think by conducting these polls , even though when they are sometimes shown wrong like in Michigan the media still can use this tool as a way to actually create what they want us to think. Don't fall for it.", ">>{tau-lepton} : Those are rules,not laws. She did likely break those rules, as did many in the government. It's very bad, it's not a crime. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/clinton-broke-federal-rules-email-server-audit-finds-n580131", '>>{BKGPrints} : >The president sends budgets to congress, and has done so for a hundred years. Yes...He submits a *proposed* budget just like the Senate and House of Representatives also submit their proposed budget. In a hundred years (actually more), no President has actually had their proposed budget passed without changes made to it.', ">>{Teepees} : And no loans to pay back either. I honestly find it repulsive to qualify for grants based on things you never worked for but we're born with - makes as much sense as giving free college to tall people. How any black person isn't taking advantage of their blatant superiority in admissions is beyond me. Fuck if I was black I would have been a damn neurosurgeon. But as a white kid, no fucking way.", ">>{smurfsm00} : I wish my fuckin senators lines weren't busy... Wait.... that's a good thing. Calling DOES work in some cases!!! Get em, everyone!!!", '>>{HealthyDebtlover} : This is all a game, the numbers were determined already... the political system is insulting', ">>{ashthemarvelous} : Oh yes, just look at all the majority black colleges across the country. They get it easy during admissions, it's not like they qualify for the school they are accepted to. I'm sure your life has been so hard, living in the shadows of all those black people who glide through life with all of the free money and education they get.", ">>{chimusicguy} : Wouldn't he just delay his start date until the Devos vote goes through?", '>>{Levarien} : Depends on the legislative calendar. Plus, with the chaos created by Trump sacking the interim AG, it looks worse if they delay the Sessions hearings/votes.', ">>{elinordash} : Possible No Voters: Johnny Isakson (GA-R)- asked her to further explain her position on educating students with disabilities. Dean Heller (NV-R)- Up for reelection in 2018 Deb Fischer (NE-R)- school choice doesn't play well in rural areas. Received money from DeVos, but so did Murkowski. Jeff Flake (AZ-R)- people on Twitter are saying he has a big announcement coming later today. At 5:30pm he linked to his contact form for anyone who wants to contact him.", '>>{gooderthanhail} : Am I the only person who actually wants this shitshow to go forward just so I can say "I told you so?"', ">>{MysticRay} : No. There was a hearing. She was cleared. She has yet to be cleared of her latest scandal and I will reiterate that this is the FBI, not the republicans. Yes, the Clintons have been on the recieving end of a lot of conspiracy theories and wild accusations over the years but they've made it pretty easy on the opposition. Unfortunately, the republicans cried wolf so many times, people can go around muddying the waters by comparing this scandal to the others. But again, it's not the RNC this time. It's the FBI. This is a criminal investigation. Not some congressional panel's dirty tricks. I'd prefer straight up lies to the kind of calculated misinformation you are spreading.", '>>{Merc_Drew} : Because the huffington post is a bastion of unbiased reporting...', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : > I can just imagine Grounds keeper Willie letting me know he doesn't care. I don't know what you mean, but the mental image is hilarious!", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : You have got to be fucking kidding me if you think the Republicans haven't had a boner specifically for taking down the Clintons for the past 20 years. How many hit piece books have been written about Gore, Kerry, or any other prominent Democrat? >Compromising isn't something Republicans and Democrats have done in a long time. Obama and John Boehner compromised on a debt ceiling deal last October. So I guess you've only been into politics for less than a year. That's cute man.", ">>{jestlolk} : Has anyone expected the democrats to lose this election outside of a Clinton indictment? She couldn't possibly lose if the FBI were able to clear her of wrongdoing.", '>>{Blarglephish} : Ipsos has a A- rating from FiveThirtyEight. Usual note of caution is that general election polls this early are less reliable.', '>>{tau-lepton} : Good, so not the budget. Why did Judical Watch have 18 lawsuits against the Clinton administration? All amounting to nothing. Are they just really bad at their job? Or was it all false accusations to attack the President because he had a D after his name?', ">>{BKGPrints} : >Why did Judical Watch have 18 lawsuits against the Clinton administration? *Judicial Watch* is a watchdog organization that is not a part if the government. >All amounting to nothing. Well...There is an active FBI investigation. >Are they just really bad at their job? Again...It's a watchdog organization. There are watchdog organizations that support the Democratic party as well. >Or was it all false accusations to attack the President because he had a D after his name? Okay...You lost me.", ">>{70ms} : The Federal Records Act IS a law. I mean it even says it *in the article* you just linked to. >A federal law requires the preservation of government records Here's another example. https://www.justice.gov/archive/transition/protect.htm Pay attention to the part at the bottom. >What are the Risks of Poor Management of Records? >Increased difficulty or inability to complete your work and meet your responsibilities >Difficulties in fulfilling FOIA or litigation requests >Criminal or civil penalties, fines and/or imprisonment for: >The unlawful removal or destruction of federal records (18 U.S.C. 2071) >The unlawful disclosure of national security information (18 U.S.C. 793,794,& 798) >The improper handling of records containing other information exempt under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.552), the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a), and other information to which access is restricted by law.", ">>{BKGPrints} : >You have got to be fucking kidding me if you think the Republicans haven't had a boner specifically for taking down the Clintons for the past 20 years. Didn't say that but I could care less. She's corrupt. >Obama and John Boehner compromised on a debt ceiling deal last October. Oh...Sure...It only took until the last two years of President Obama's second term to do so. >So I guess you've only been into politics for less than a year. Bwwwaaahhhaaa. >That's cute man. Bwwwaaahhhaaa.", '>>{ivotedhrc} : They\'re doing the ethically "right" thing... like when Congresss had a chance to vote on Garland but chose not to, except the opposite.', ">>{Inquisitive_Troll} : Elections in the US are democratic, and therefore, tend to be competitive. I think it's naive to rule out Trump has having *no chance* of winning with his blend of populism and fascism. With all that said, all signs point to the idea that the Democrats are set for a historic victory come November.", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : >boo hoo, not listening, don't care, I hate Shillary! Good lord man. You're making it too obvious how new you are at this. Obama compromised with Republicans in 2008 to pass an energy bill. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/02/AR2008080201538.html Was 2008 his last two years in office? Remind me. >Bwwwaaahhhaaa Are you a comic book villain or something?", ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : Here's the record so far of yes votes: 56, 66, 88, 93, 96, 98. No one has gotten 52 votes yet. That's over half the cabinet. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/01/31/us/politics/trump-cabinet-confirmation-votes.html I don't think many will get 52 votes - maybe Devos and Sessions, but I tink Sessions will get Manchin-Heitkamp-Warner blue dog vote.", '>>{Blarglephish} : Ipsos has a A- rating from FiveThirtyEight. Usual note of caution is that general election polls this early are less reliable.', ">>{etolie} : flake said he's on board with her, and i think heller is too.", ">>{BKGPrints} : >>boo hoo, not listening, don't care, I hate Shillary! Listening to your views? Oh...I hear it but that's like...your opinion, dude. Seriously though, the FBI investigation isn't over and it's not the e-mail server that's the topic but rather the *Espionage Act* was violated. >Good lord man. You're making it too obvious how new you are at this. Meh. >Obama compromised with Republicans in 2008 to pass an energy bill. Oh my God...An energy bill...really? I thought we were talking about the budget. Stay on topic. >http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/02/AR2008080201538.html >Was 2008 his last two years in office? Remind me. Read previous statement. Again...Stay on topic. >Are you a comic book villain or something? Bwwwaaahhhaaa.", '>>{sly_boots} : With so much corruption, we have to rely on Judicial Watch and hackers for the truth. At least someone is willing to fight back.', '>>{TahMephs} : The more you learn about the truth of this woman and what she\'s got her dirty hands on you start to realize all of her scandals are directly of her own manifestation and the right wing really just wants justice for one of the slimiest criminals in Washington. She\'s slipped out of the arms of the law so many times that she can make it seem like it\'s all just a right wing conspiracy but she\'s hurt a lot of people in her years, and she\'s ruined so many lives - don\'t you think the friends and family of those she\'s destroyed just want justice? It\'s easy to paint all republicans as incompetent morons with a bone to pick for no reason but her followers are easily convinced that she\'s a saint and these mean old guys just have the power to bring investigations and trials down on anyone they just "don\'t like very much" with the point of a finger. The system doesn\'t work that way, the truth is she keeps ending up under investigation, because the breadcrumb trail just keeps leading back to her and Bill\'s feet.', '>>{TahMephs} : The republicans don\'t have this magical superpower to waste the FBI and court\'s time prosecuting someone who\'s innocent just because they don\'t like her. You ever stop to realize that she keeps ending up under the microscope because these investigations have a weird way of constantly leading back to the clintons? You don\'t become the single most investigated family by being saintly and doing good things for the world. I\'ll leave you with that hint. Do you realize how many people have taken a fall for this woman\'s crimes as she slips away from the law on technical legalities time and time again? Don\'t you think the friends and family of these people maybe deserve justice? I can assure you that the "right wing conspiracy" doesn\'t exist, but a lot of people do want to see her go down because of the lives she\'s ruined and scapegoated to stay free.', ">>{TahMephs} : You ever stop to think why they might want to bring this woman down? Do you know how many lives she's ruined and how many people have taken the fall for her crimes while she walks free? You know these people are human too and when you destroy the friends and family of people they tend to want justice served", ">>{ParinoidPanda} : Moving classified information to a non secure location has landed lesser people in jail. That's one. Bribery, depending on what was found in the deleted emails. Possible two. Avoiding foia. Possible three. In the end, we won't really know what we're working with until the FBI says what it found. Like some one said before, Al Capone was jailed for tax evasion, not for murder.", '>>{tau-lepton} : > Moving classified information to a non secure location has landed lesser people in jail. What classified information did she move? What comparable cases where anyone went to prison?', '>>{areyoumydad-} : His most recent tweet suggests that he is a firm "yes."', '>>{JAYVAUGHN42} : A group formed to muddy the waters with fake Clinton scandals continues to muddy waters. And at 11; Bears, where do they poop?', ">>{89y7t6fdrycfxgvhbnoh} : Dude it's a polling average, just check their numbers, they're all there.", '>>{Complexifier} : Muddy the waters... where have I heard that before? Oh right, when Shillary was colluding with the DNC about how to "muddy the waters around ethics, transparency, and campaign finance".', '>>{CarolinaPunk} : If it were any other republican i feel clinton would lose.', '>>{Cunty_Ann_Conway} : Does anyone else think that we might see a Senator or two strong armed by the former Blackwater outfit? Her brother runs it ...', ">>{ParinoidPanda} : We know she moved 22 top secret files in emails that she released that were identified as such upon review. As for the second, I'm not familiar with how to pull military tribunal records. I can say that such things don't really make the news, and base blotters that do post such things don't post publicly.", ">>{Cunty_Ann_Conway} : Rob's loyalty was already bought and paid for long ago. Something to the tune of $51,000", ">>{Ryoji_M} : Fun trick: remove Rasmussen Reports from the HuffPo polling average and Hillary's lead widens to a safe +7.", '>>{mattpen} : Where are you seeing the breakdown of the cross tabs?', '>>{Cunty_Ann_Conway} : So whats the point of even having a committee hearing then? Such despicable twats.', ">>{fattiefalldown} : Redditors in Nevada: CALL AND WRITE HELLER NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T. He is undecided. You can help prevent DeVos from moving forward and keep our public schools running.", '>>{myirle} : Whether or not the lead is "within the margin of error" is statistically meaningless anyway. That\'s not what the margin of error is for, and the journalists who think it is are the same ones who think outliers (polls showing Clinton with massive leads, or tied with Trump) are somehow more reliable than all the other polls.', '>>{NotJustAmy} : How long before Trump attempts to fire the congresspeople who vote against her?', ">>{Ghostcoal312} : It's on some other articles it is crazy skewed in her favor.", '>>{Ghostcoal312} : U bet they will lose that rating quick though after this poll. Something like half of the people polled were Democrats!', ">>{Ghostcoal312} : Yeah all the polls this month show her slightly ahead or slightly behind yet you people cling to this one outlier as Evidance of Saint Hillary of Little Rock's imminent ascension.", ">>{mostdope28} : At this point it's obvious they don't care how things look lol", ">>{Cannon_Drill} : I would love for the R's to describe a candidate that they would oppose for a position such as this one. Clearly experience isn't a requirement for their support, so what is something that would cause them to vote no? I couldn't imagine showing up for a job interview for a highly paid and respected position, claim to have ZERO experience, have a history of stating that the whole organization should be eliminated, and get hired anyway. What the actual fuck is wrong with people? And Trump supporters hate them libruls so much that they see nothing wrong with DeVos. This is blatant cronyism from the guy who promised to drain the swamp. These are truly dark times for our democracy.", '>>{DrBrotato} : The turtle flipped the vote order so sessions can vote', ">>{krazycatgal} : No, she's not. The GOP are going to push through ALL of Trumps nominees, come hell or high water! Our system of checks & balances has disappeared in Congress. DeVos has bought this position. It's the ultimate pay to play & Trump is flaunting it in the American peoples faces.", '>>{DaHipsterDoofus} : http://polling.reuters.com/#!poll/TM651Y15_13/filters/LIKELY:1/type/smallest/dates/20160401-20160603/collapsed/true/spotlight/1 So they poll 1000+ people every single day? lmfao clearly a bogus online poll. No legitimate poll has the resources to poll that many people daily with any accuracy whatsoever.', ">>{Askew123} : That's a bold comment to play on ~~/r/politics~~ - /r/s4p2", '>>{Archivolt} : Oh, oh, *THIS* one we ignore. /r/politics is a shitshow', '>>{Archivolt} : Nah, Cruz would\'ve been thumped by Clinton easily. Trump has the "surprise" factor that has "energized" the R side. Jeb Bush would\'ve been interesting, but I think his connection with the Bush name would\'ve hurt him. Would be close though.', '>>{Jorgenstern8} : Moran (R-KS) [is also uncertain](https://twitter.com/VinesMatthew/status/826893010097025024). Call him!', ">>{DaHipsterDoofus} : http://polling.reuters.com/#!poll/TM651Y15_13/filters/LIKELY:1/type/smallest/dates/20160401-20160603/collapsed/true/spotlight/1 It's an online poll clearly. They poll 1000+ every single day, really? This has the exact same number of voters as the article claims. Looks like it was easily manipulated and possibly could've been done by the site itself just to get a news story out of it.", '>>{ThcLoserGuy} : How long is this going to be repeated until everyone realizes this place has become /r/The_Donald?', ">>{elinordash} : Well, that's from noon and [at 5pm he told the Kansas City Star that he'd vote in favor of DeVos.](http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article130174849.html) But I think anyone with a Republican Senator should contact them right now. It just takes one person to change their vote.", ">>{Askew123} : I don't see a single pro-Donald piece on the front page...", ">>{ThcLoserGuy} : There is, although it's towards the bottom of the front page. Have you checked the comments on these posts? Sanders and Clinton are now being shat on consistently. It's also Trump supporters that spam a lot of Sanders posts. It's a move thought of and pushed by the Trump sub. The point is to annoy you. Trump posts also frequently make it to the front page of r/all almost daily. If you check 4chan regularly, you'll see that making Reddit a toxic cesspool is hailed as a great feat. It's only going to get worse as the general gets closer.", ">>{Jorgenstern8} : He clearly has reservations, maybe enough calls and he'll change his mind and go the other way.", '>>{Maddoktor2} : > Remember guys, polls only count if it shows a[ny] ~~strong~~ lead for ~~Hillary~~ Bernie. FTFY.', '>>{Maddoktor2} : Ignoring Rasmussen results always improves accuracy. See: Romney 2012.', ">>{Tifoso89} : So far, they've faced a record opposition. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/02/09/us/politics/100000004921124.mobile.html DeVos, in particular, was the first cabinet pick ever to be confirmed with 50 votes.", ">>{Maddoktor2} : > Because the huffington post is a bastion of unbiased reporting... Yeah, I agree completely - HAG and Seth have pretty much turned it into a toilet these days. That's ok, though - their time in the spotlight is rapidly coming to an end and they'll become completely irrelevant and be ignored after Hilary wins the nomination because they won't have a willfully ignorant choir to preach their Cult of Bernie to any longer.", '>>{nirad} : This election is basically over. Dummy Donnie has a ceiling in the low 40s.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{todayilearned83} : Anderson Cooper told Trump ‘That is sexual assault.’ The Justice Department agrees.', ">>{Clay2099} : Is there evidence that he actually did those things? I honestly don't know so don't get mad.", '>>{southernliberal} : Not yet. Just saying it can be considered assault.', ">>{JimLahee} : No. But he claimed to have done it. And what he said by definition was sexual assault. There's no evidence physically that he's done it, other than what came out of his own mouth. But the fact that he glorified it is immoral enough.", ">>{reborn8u} : These debates seem more like a hit job on trump than a debate. I think both candidates suck, however Hilary has horrible skeletons in her closet that got our soldiers killed. Yet they are trying to make a huge deal out of a billionaire, playboy, who is cocky and outspoken, only dates/marries models, because he like to grab pussy. Establishment is clearly trying to make sure the election is close so they can get their stooge (clinton) in office, by rigging the election. That way they wont have to kill Trump because he wont be anyone's puppet.", '>>{CanlStillBeGarth} : I mean, admitting to doing it can be used as evidence so kinda.', '>>{CanlStillBeGarth} : This is so incoherent. And down playing "grabbing pussy" is just fucking gross man.', '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : That was sexual assault. Trump was bragging that he had committed sexual assault. They were right to ask him about it in the debate. This crime is increasingly becoming a serious problem in this country. This is a job interview for the **Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States**. My concern is that if he is elected the message will be that this behavior is acceptable.', '>>{WaltBush} : > And what he said by definition was sexual assault. I mean...he said "And when you’re a star, they let you do it," - right? "They let you do it?"', ">>{reborn8u} : Nothing is incoherent, perhaps your reading comprehension is poor, or you don't understand what incoherent actually means. Down playing is not the same as saying there are plenty of more important topics, and that the questions are horribly slanted against Trump. It's obvious, and they are both terrible people. We need a new government, not a new president.", ">>{Sanity_in_Moderation} : No. It can't. You don't understand what assault means.", ">>{reborn8u} : Clinton is above the law, she ignores the law. She got good people killed willfully, and doesn't give a fuck about them or their families. She is exactly the stooge they want in office, she's already been bought. Trump is a wild card, he's too hard if not impossible to be controlled, the establishment will not allow that. They are both pieces of shit. I don't want a new president, I want a new government. Also, check this out http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/114412/Hacking_Democracy__Full_Length/", '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : As does anyone with 1/2 a brain our an ounce of decency. Only deplorables disagree.', '>>{swoleinjesus} : shut the fuck up. you just sound like a delusional poor person now'], ['>>{rieslingatkos} : Betsy DeVos is one ‘no’ vote away from defeat', ">>{2ndprize} : I wrote to Rubio, I emailed Rubio, I guess I will try calling Rubio. I can just imagine Grounds keeper Willie letting me know he doesn't care.", '>>{SernyRanders} : 50:46, Collins and Murkowski voted Yes for advancing Devos.', '>>{cstater} : She is confirmed. Pence will be the tiebreaker. She has the needed 50 right now.', ">>{cstater} : advancement, but let's be real... she's confirmed.", ">>{Tifoso89} : Even if she's confirmed with 50 votes plus Pence, wouldn't it be wiser to propose someone else? Secretaries usually receive 70+ votes. Most Trump appointees (with a few exceptions) will be confirmed with 52 votes. That's kind of shitty. It means literally only your party approved your appointment. Obviously, the above is a rhetorical question. A wiser president would tap someone less divisive, Trump wouldn't.", '>>{juicetothrowawayfar} : And the results as similar as if ghere was no opposition, a mini trump campaign', ">>{Jaydubzsc2} : They both believe in a full vote and supporting the president's pick and letting all of senate vote, they both said they will vote no now.", ">>{Levarien} : If Sessions gets through first, his vote is gone, and it'll be 49-50, with no chance for Pence to vote. Of course that means a racist dick is AG, and a slightly less awful person will end up being Sec Ed.", '>>{mikes94} : So using that logic they would have pushed for a full vote regardless of who the candidate was?', '>>{rab7} : Those two said plan to oppose said that they voted for advancement because the candidate deserved the vote of the full Senate', '>>{beautyanddelusion} : Wrote to and emailed Rob Portman, hoping he votes against DeVos too. I tried calling but the lines were all busy, that could be a good sign.', '>>{Donald_J_Putin} : > Most Trump appointees (with a few exceptions) will be confirmed with 52 votes. Not so far.', ">>{RogueEyebrow} : The GOP doesn't care how it looks, they just want to get their way. They'll piss on your head, tell you that it's raining, and expect you to thank them for it.", '>>{Tifoso89} : That\'s why I wrote "a few exceptions". Mattis got 98 votes. But still, Tillerson is the Secretary of State and he got 56 votes. Clinton and Kerry both got 94.', ">>{smurfsm00} : I wish my fuckin senators lines weren't busy... Wait.... that's a good thing. Calling DOES work in some cases!!! Get em, everyone!!!", '>>{HealthyDebtlover} : This is all a game, the numbers were determined already... the political system is insulting', ">>{chimusicguy} : Wouldn't he just delay his start date until the Devos vote goes through?", '>>{Levarien} : Depends on the legislative calendar. Plus, with the chaos created by Trump sacking the interim AG, it looks worse if they delay the Sessions hearings/votes.', ">>{elinordash} : Possible No Voters: Johnny Isakson (GA-R)- asked her to further explain her position on educating students with disabilities. Dean Heller (NV-R)- Up for reelection in 2018 Deb Fischer (NE-R)- school choice doesn't play well in rural areas. Received money from DeVos, but so did Murkowski. Jeff Flake (AZ-R)- people on Twitter are saying he has a big announcement coming later today. At 5:30pm he linked to his contact form for anyone who wants to contact him.", '>>{gooderthanhail} : Am I the only person who actually wants this shitshow to go forward just so I can say "I told you so?"', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : > I can just imagine Grounds keeper Willie letting me know he doesn't care. I don't know what you mean, but the mental image is hilarious!", '>>{ivotedhrc} : They\'re doing the ethically "right" thing... like when Congresss had a chance to vote on Garland but chose not to, except the opposite.', ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : Here's the record so far of yes votes: 56, 66, 88, 93, 96, 98. No one has gotten 52 votes yet. That's over half the cabinet. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/01/31/us/politics/trump-cabinet-confirmation-votes.html I don't think many will get 52 votes - maybe Devos and Sessions, but I tink Sessions will get Manchin-Heitkamp-Warner blue dog vote.", ">>{etolie} : flake said he's on board with her, and i think heller is too.", '>>{areyoumydad-} : His most recent tweet suggests that he is a firm "yes."', '>>{Cunty_Ann_Conway} : Does anyone else think that we might see a Senator or two strong armed by the former Blackwater outfit? Her brother runs it ...', ">>{Cunty_Ann_Conway} : Rob's loyalty was already bought and paid for long ago. Something to the tune of $51,000", '>>{Cunty_Ann_Conway} : So whats the point of even having a committee hearing then? Such despicable twats.', ">>{fattiefalldown} : Redditors in Nevada: CALL AND WRITE HELLER NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T. He is undecided. You can help prevent DeVos from moving forward and keep our public schools running.", '>>{NotJustAmy} : How long before Trump attempts to fire the congresspeople who vote against her?', ">>{mostdope28} : At this point it's obvious they don't care how things look lol", ">>{Cannon_Drill} : I would love for the R's to describe a candidate that they would oppose for a position such as this one. Clearly experience isn't a requirement for their support, so what is something that would cause them to vote no? I couldn't imagine showing up for a job interview for a highly paid and respected position, claim to have ZERO experience, have a history of stating that the whole organization should be eliminated, and get hired anyway. What the actual fuck is wrong with people? And Trump supporters hate them libruls so much that they see nothing wrong with DeVos. This is blatant cronyism from the guy who promised to drain the swamp. These are truly dark times for our democracy.", '>>{DrBrotato} : The turtle flipped the vote order so sessions can vote', ">>{krazycatgal} : No, she's not. The GOP are going to push through ALL of Trumps nominees, come hell or high water! Our system of checks & balances has disappeared in Congress. DeVos has bought this position. It's the ultimate pay to play & Trump is flaunting it in the American peoples faces.", '>>{Jorgenstern8} : Moran (R-KS) [is also uncertain](https://twitter.com/VinesMatthew/status/826893010097025024). Call him!', ">>{elinordash} : Well, that's from noon and [at 5pm he told the Kansas City Star that he'd vote in favor of DeVos.](http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article130174849.html) But I think anyone with a Republican Senator should contact them right now. It just takes one person to change their vote.", ">>{Jorgenstern8} : He clearly has reservations, maybe enough calls and he'll change his mind and go the other way.", ">>{Tifoso89} : So far, they've faced a record opposition. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/02/09/us/politics/100000004921124.mobile.html DeVos, in particular, was the first cabinet pick ever to be confirmed with 50 votes."], ['>>{PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES} : Clinton opens up double-digit lead over Trump nationwide: Reuters/Ipsos poll', '>>{Matickk} : Clinton probably has a slight edge on Trump, but this has to be an outlier. They over sampled Democrats over Republicans by such a huge margin...', '>>{TheBernFather} : Better down vote so no one sees it. Best not to talk about these things', ">>{yennenga} : Some 46 percent of likely voters said they supported Clinton, while 35 percent said they supported Trump, and another **19 percent said they would not support either,** according to the survey of 1,421 people conducted between May 30 and June 3. I would be curious where the 19% came from, I'm guessing Trump.", '>>{Merc_Drew} : After months of statistically tied polling they finally get one that shows Clinton ahead... I wonder how many they had to go thru to finally get a result they wanted', '>>{Radovan_Karadzic} : I mean polling is volatile, we will see in November I guess I wonder what the racial background and affiliation of the people polled is', '>>{FreedomofPreach} : Wow that is pretty huge news. Trump should easily be polling ahead since he is the only presumptive nominee right now.', '>>{Inquisitive_Troll} : Largely Republicans sitting the election out or the 20% or so of Bernie supporters who are "Bernie Or Bust"', '>>{robaloie} : Also, I saw a poll saying 75% of Americans eat dog food', '>>{Marou_} : Yah, the Rasmussen from a couple days ago has Clinton at +1.', '>>{heyhey922} : The poll has 0% undecided. Me thinks they are being mixed in with the neithers', ">>{Inquisitive_Troll} : Yeah, it's GG for Trump. Clinton starting to open up double digit leads while still running against Bernie at the same time. Respect.", '>>{FreedomofPreach} : Yea the Rasmussen poll wich heavily leans towards the right shows Clinton still ahead... Not a good sign.', '>>{FreedomofPreach} : > After months of statistically tied polling they finally get one that shows Clinton ahead You means after months of Clinton always being ahead she is now starting to pull away?', '>>{ThcLoserGuy} : Remember guys, polls only count if it shows a strong lead for Hillary.', '>>{StonerMeditation} : This is just the beginning-of-the-end for Crazy-Trump. More and more people are starting to realize just how mentally ill Crazy-Trump really is... Wait until Bernie and President Obama start campaigning for Hillary... I expect Trump to get 20% of the vote in November, and Hillary 80%', '>>{ivsciguy} : She was way ahead until like a month ago. Then they were sort of statistically tied for a couple weeks. Now she is back ahead.', ">>{likeafox} : Honestly wish you would stop with the FUD. What poll are you even talking about, I can't find it. This poll, the one we're actually talking about, was conducted by Ipsos, which is a well regarded pollster. It shows a very high number of 'neither' responses which may indicate a groundswell of third party support, which would be worth discussing.", ">>{Yiphyin} : I feel like this isn't because Clinton is getting better, it's because they're both getting worse at alternating rates.", ">>{the_dewski} : Oh, you weren't kidding. He has posted this like six times.", '>>{89y7t6fdrycfxgvhbnoh} : The MOE does not once in the last 2 months make this a statistical tie that I can see, let alone months? http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/2016-general-election-trump-vs-clinton', ">>{robaloie} : the news will try and control how we think by conducting these polls , even though when they are sometimes shown wrong like in Michigan the media still can use this tool as a way to actually create what they want us to think. Don't fall for it.", '>>{Merc_Drew} : Because the huffington post is a bastion of unbiased reporting...', ">>{jestlolk} : Has anyone expected the democrats to lose this election outside of a Clinton indictment? She couldn't possibly lose if the FBI were able to clear her of wrongdoing.", '>>{Blarglephish} : Ipsos has a A- rating from FiveThirtyEight. Usual note of caution is that general election polls this early are less reliable.', ">>{Inquisitive_Troll} : Elections in the US are democratic, and therefore, tend to be competitive. I think it's naive to rule out Trump has having *no chance* of winning with his blend of populism and fascism. With all that said, all signs point to the idea that the Democrats are set for a historic victory come November.", '>>{Blarglephish} : Ipsos has a A- rating from FiveThirtyEight. Usual note of caution is that general election polls this early are less reliable.', ">>{89y7t6fdrycfxgvhbnoh} : Dude it's a polling average, just check their numbers, they're all there.", '>>{CarolinaPunk} : If it were any other republican i feel clinton would lose.', ">>{Ryoji_M} : Fun trick: remove Rasmussen Reports from the HuffPo polling average and Hillary's lead widens to a safe +7.", '>>{mattpen} : Where are you seeing the breakdown of the cross tabs?', '>>{myirle} : Whether or not the lead is "within the margin of error" is statistically meaningless anyway. That\'s not what the margin of error is for, and the journalists who think it is are the same ones who think outliers (polls showing Clinton with massive leads, or tied with Trump) are somehow more reliable than all the other polls.', ">>{Ghostcoal312} : It's on some other articles it is crazy skewed in her favor.", '>>{Ghostcoal312} : U bet they will lose that rating quick though after this poll. Something like half of the people polled were Democrats!', ">>{Ghostcoal312} : Yeah all the polls this month show her slightly ahead or slightly behind yet you people cling to this one outlier as Evidance of Saint Hillary of Little Rock's imminent ascension.", '>>{DaHipsterDoofus} : http://polling.reuters.com/#!poll/TM651Y15_13/filters/LIKELY:1/type/smallest/dates/20160401-20160603/collapsed/true/spotlight/1 So they poll 1000+ people every single day? lmfao clearly a bogus online poll. No legitimate poll has the resources to poll that many people daily with any accuracy whatsoever.', ">>{Askew123} : That's a bold comment to play on ~~/r/politics~~ - /r/s4p2", '>>{Archivolt} : Oh, oh, *THIS* one we ignore. /r/politics is a shitshow', '>>{Archivolt} : Nah, Cruz would\'ve been thumped by Clinton easily. Trump has the "surprise" factor that has "energized" the R side. Jeb Bush would\'ve been interesting, but I think his connection with the Bush name would\'ve hurt him. Would be close though.', ">>{DaHipsterDoofus} : http://polling.reuters.com/#!poll/TM651Y15_13/filters/LIKELY:1/type/smallest/dates/20160401-20160603/collapsed/true/spotlight/1 It's an online poll clearly. They poll 1000+ every single day, really? This has the exact same number of voters as the article claims. Looks like it was easily manipulated and possibly could've been done by the site itself just to get a news story out of it.", '>>{ThcLoserGuy} : How long is this going to be repeated until everyone realizes this place has become /r/The_Donald?', ">>{Askew123} : I don't see a single pro-Donald piece on the front page...", ">>{ThcLoserGuy} : There is, although it's towards the bottom of the front page. Have you checked the comments on these posts? Sanders and Clinton are now being shat on consistently. It's also Trump supporters that spam a lot of Sanders posts. It's a move thought of and pushed by the Trump sub. The point is to annoy you. Trump posts also frequently make it to the front page of r/all almost daily. If you check 4chan regularly, you'll see that making Reddit a toxic cesspool is hailed as a great feat. It's only going to get worse as the general gets closer.", '>>{Maddoktor2} : > Remember guys, polls only count if it shows a[ny] ~~strong~~ lead for ~~Hillary~~ Bernie. FTFY.', '>>{Maddoktor2} : Ignoring Rasmussen results always improves accuracy. See: Romney 2012.', ">>{Maddoktor2} : > Because the huffington post is a bastion of unbiased reporting... Yeah, I agree completely - HAG and Seth have pretty much turned it into a toilet these days. That's ok, though - their time in the spotlight is rapidly coming to an end and they'll become completely irrelevant and be ignored after Hilary wins the nomination because they won't have a willfully ignorant choir to preach their Cult of Bernie to any longer.", '>>{nirad} : This election is basically over. Dummy Donnie has a ceiling in the low 40s.'], ['>>{bernieaccountess} : [the sword of Damocles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdufVsPXtCE) or [This i guess](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damocles)', ">>{tau-lepton} : What law did she break? The private RNC server was used in the same way, it wasn't a violation of the law, and neither was Clinton's. The Republicans look silly, they can't give up a grudge going back two decades. You know Judical Watch had 18 cases against the Bill Clinton administration, right? They were even trying to involve the Clintons in Vince Foster's death. They didn't win a single one.", '>>{tau-lepton} : You keep saying that she broke a law, which one?', ">>{tau-lepton} : Attempted homicide!!! Doesn't she love America's children, there's obviously something going on. Lock her up and throw away the keys. /s", ">>{tau-lepton} : Good luck with that, proving gross negligence is extremely hard. Especially since the government was unable to protect the State Department email servers that she would have been using, they were successfully hacked twice during her term as Secretary of State. So no, proving gross negligence won't happen.", ">>{BKGPrints} : >There's an entire industry trying to find dirt on the Clintons. You must be new to politics. >They're still pissed that Bill balanced the budget I guess. You do know that *Congress* controls the budget and during President Clinton's tenure it would not have passed without the support of the Republicans...right?", '>>{MysticRay} : Nice attempt to turn the FBI investigation back into Benghazi.', ">>{psychcat} : Doesn't matter, if she breaks so many laws even while under such scrutiny then she's only bringing it on herself.", ">>{psychcat} : I used to think that this whole email scandal was just a republican attack looking for anything to bust her for, but the scope of what has been revealed thus far has lead me to believe that she has a much more serious legal issue to deal with. It's also a huge reason why I will not support her now.", '>>{tau-lepton} : 18 lawsuits were brought against the Clinton administration by Judical Watch. These people are simply obsessed, the Koch brothers and their ilk are cheering this on. None of those lawsuits resulted in anything.', ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : >You must be new to politics. Sorry what? Are you saying that Republicans haven't been trying to take down the Clintons for the past 20 years? You must be really new to politics. >it would not have passed without the support of the Republicans So fuckin what if Bill compromised with Republicans to balance the budget? That's called getting shit done. I'm pretty sure Bernie has comprised with Republicans to get stuff done a bunch of times in the past.", ">>{tau-lepton} : So the outrage over the death of those innocents has faded? Please, it's whitewater, travelgate, bill is a rapist, Vince Foster, ... Ad nauseum crap.", ">>{BKGPrints} : >Sorry what? Are you saying that Republicans haven't been trying to take down the Clintons for the past 20 years? Both sides have tried to demean and undermine the other. >You must be really new to politics. Probably as much as you. >So fuckin what if Bill compromised with Republicans to balance the budget? That's called getting shit done. You missed the point totally. Compromising isn't something the Republicans and Democrats have done in a long time.", ">>{70ms} : Same here, Benghazi was a witch hunt. I shrugged when the emails first came up. As the months have gone by and more and more info has come out, my opinion has changed completely. It's a big, stinking mess. Edit: I see the downvote brigade arrived overnight. Smooches, guys, love ya!", ">>{tau-lepton} : Those are rules,not laws. She did likely break those rules, as did many in the government. It's very bad, it's not a crime. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/clinton-broke-federal-rules-email-server-audit-finds-n580131", '>>{BKGPrints} : >The president sends budgets to congress, and has done so for a hundred years. Yes...He submits a *proposed* budget just like the Senate and House of Representatives also submit their proposed budget. In a hundred years (actually more), no President has actually had their proposed budget passed without changes made to it.', ">>{MysticRay} : No. There was a hearing. She was cleared. She has yet to be cleared of her latest scandal and I will reiterate that this is the FBI, not the republicans. Yes, the Clintons have been on the recieving end of a lot of conspiracy theories and wild accusations over the years but they've made it pretty easy on the opposition. Unfortunately, the republicans cried wolf so many times, people can go around muddying the waters by comparing this scandal to the others. But again, it's not the RNC this time. It's the FBI. This is a criminal investigation. Not some congressional panel's dirty tricks. I'd prefer straight up lies to the kind of calculated misinformation you are spreading.", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : You have got to be fucking kidding me if you think the Republicans haven't had a boner specifically for taking down the Clintons for the past 20 years. How many hit piece books have been written about Gore, Kerry, or any other prominent Democrat? >Compromising isn't something Republicans and Democrats have done in a long time. Obama and John Boehner compromised on a debt ceiling deal last October. So I guess you've only been into politics for less than a year. That's cute man.", '>>{tau-lepton} : Good, so not the budget. Why did Judical Watch have 18 lawsuits against the Clinton administration? All amounting to nothing. Are they just really bad at their job? Or was it all false accusations to attack the President because he had a D after his name?', ">>{BKGPrints} : >Why did Judical Watch have 18 lawsuits against the Clinton administration? *Judicial Watch* is a watchdog organization that is not a part if the government. >All amounting to nothing. Well...There is an active FBI investigation. >Are they just really bad at their job? Again...It's a watchdog organization. There are watchdog organizations that support the Democratic party as well. >Or was it all false accusations to attack the President because he had a D after his name? Okay...You lost me.", ">>{70ms} : The Federal Records Act IS a law. I mean it even says it *in the article* you just linked to. >A federal law requires the preservation of government records Here's another example. https://www.justice.gov/archive/transition/protect.htm Pay attention to the part at the bottom. >What are the Risks of Poor Management of Records? >Increased difficulty or inability to complete your work and meet your responsibilities >Difficulties in fulfilling FOIA or litigation requests >Criminal or civil penalties, fines and/or imprisonment for: >The unlawful removal or destruction of federal records (18 U.S.C. 2071) >The unlawful disclosure of national security information (18 U.S.C. 793,794,& 798) >The improper handling of records containing other information exempt under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.552), the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a), and other information to which access is restricted by law.", ">>{BKGPrints} : >You have got to be fucking kidding me if you think the Republicans haven't had a boner specifically for taking down the Clintons for the past 20 years. Didn't say that but I could care less. She's corrupt. >Obama and John Boehner compromised on a debt ceiling deal last October. Oh...Sure...It only took until the last two years of President Obama's second term to do so. >So I guess you've only been into politics for less than a year. Bwwwaaahhhaaa. >That's cute man. Bwwwaaahhhaaa.", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : >boo hoo, not listening, don't care, I hate Shillary! Good lord man. You're making it too obvious how new you are at this. Obama compromised with Republicans in 2008 to pass an energy bill. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/02/AR2008080201538.html Was 2008 his last two years in office? Remind me. >Bwwwaaahhhaaa Are you a comic book villain or something?", ">>{BKGPrints} : >>boo hoo, not listening, don't care, I hate Shillary! Listening to your views? Oh...I hear it but that's like...your opinion, dude. Seriously though, the FBI investigation isn't over and it's not the e-mail server that's the topic but rather the *Espionage Act* was violated. >Good lord man. You're making it too obvious how new you are at this. Meh. >Obama compromised with Republicans in 2008 to pass an energy bill. Oh my God...An energy bill...really? I thought we were talking about the budget. Stay on topic. >http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/02/AR2008080201538.html >Was 2008 his last two years in office? Remind me. Read previous statement. Again...Stay on topic. >Are you a comic book villain or something? Bwwwaaahhhaaa.", '>>{sly_boots} : With so much corruption, we have to rely on Judicial Watch and hackers for the truth. At least someone is willing to fight back.', '>>{TahMephs} : The more you learn about the truth of this woman and what she\'s got her dirty hands on you start to realize all of her scandals are directly of her own manifestation and the right wing really just wants justice for one of the slimiest criminals in Washington. She\'s slipped out of the arms of the law so many times that she can make it seem like it\'s all just a right wing conspiracy but she\'s hurt a lot of people in her years, and she\'s ruined so many lives - don\'t you think the friends and family of those she\'s destroyed just want justice? It\'s easy to paint all republicans as incompetent morons with a bone to pick for no reason but her followers are easily convinced that she\'s a saint and these mean old guys just have the power to bring investigations and trials down on anyone they just "don\'t like very much" with the point of a finger. The system doesn\'t work that way, the truth is she keeps ending up under investigation, because the breadcrumb trail just keeps leading back to her and Bill\'s feet.', '>>{TahMephs} : The republicans don\'t have this magical superpower to waste the FBI and court\'s time prosecuting someone who\'s innocent just because they don\'t like her. You ever stop to realize that she keeps ending up under the microscope because these investigations have a weird way of constantly leading back to the clintons? You don\'t become the single most investigated family by being saintly and doing good things for the world. I\'ll leave you with that hint. Do you realize how many people have taken a fall for this woman\'s crimes as she slips away from the law on technical legalities time and time again? Don\'t you think the friends and family of these people maybe deserve justice? I can assure you that the "right wing conspiracy" doesn\'t exist, but a lot of people do want to see her go down because of the lives she\'s ruined and scapegoated to stay free.', ">>{TahMephs} : You ever stop to think why they might want to bring this woman down? Do you know how many lives she's ruined and how many people have taken the fall for her crimes while she walks free? You know these people are human too and when you destroy the friends and family of people they tend to want justice served", ">>{ParinoidPanda} : Moving classified information to a non secure location has landed lesser people in jail. That's one. Bribery, depending on what was found in the deleted emails. Possible two. Avoiding foia. Possible three. In the end, we won't really know what we're working with until the FBI says what it found. Like some one said before, Al Capone was jailed for tax evasion, not for murder.", '>>{tau-lepton} : > Moving classified information to a non secure location has landed lesser people in jail. What classified information did she move? What comparable cases where anyone went to prison?', '>>{JAYVAUGHN42} : A group formed to muddy the waters with fake Clinton scandals continues to muddy waters. And at 11; Bears, where do they poop?', '>>{Complexifier} : Muddy the waters... where have I heard that before? Oh right, when Shillary was colluding with the DNC about how to "muddy the waters around ethics, transparency, and campaign finance".', ">>{ParinoidPanda} : We know she moved 22 top secret files in emails that she released that were identified as such upon review. As for the second, I'm not familiar with how to pull military tribunal records. I can say that such things don't really make the news, and base blotters that do post such things don't post publicly."], [">>{bitfriend} : >According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of associate’s degrees, 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorate degrees awarded to black students. This is statistically wrong. They're technically the most educated group *that attends college*, but most blacks do not attend or do not complete a college degree. So they aren't the most educated group, given that more whites attend college and complete it. It's wrong to misrepresent data like this for some sort of social justice, because it's totally backwards and does not help actual social justice. Black Americans overall are still dropping out of highschool and college at abnormally high rates, and do not preform as well as other ethnic groups. They certainly are not the most educated and this is a big problem.", '>>{archamedeznutz} : of...degrees awarded to black students I suspect that final qualifier applies to all the statistics cited, not of degrees awarded in total.', '>>{xxxMAGAxxx} : Well duh. They get both racial and gender priority acceptance with lowered standards for both GPA and SAT plus they get more grants.', '>>{Hicapacity-maga_zine} : I came here to point this out. Terribly misleading headline. It should simply Woman are now the most educated in the black population.', ">>{richardleosimones} : OMFG that's racist. It should be someone's job to remove comments I disagree with. Can someone do that? Does that job exist?", '>>{proteus_swarm} : Another example of how statistics can say anything you want them to say.', ">>{spaycemunkey} : This is one of the most blatantly misleading things I've ever read, excluding Tumblr and my own Facebook feed.", '>>{Omnibrad} : I\'ll bet the author has one of those degrees too. Makes you wonder what the value of this supposed "education" really is.', ">>{Tiafves} : >now I'd guess it's been that way since the 60's or 70's at least.", '>>{christopherNV} : The Good: People are getting an education. The Bad: The article author is a moron. The statistics given are for all blacks, not all students of all races. Blacks account for 12% of degrees which is about right for population and demographics.', ">>{Teepees} : And no loans to pay back either. I honestly find it repulsive to qualify for grants based on things you never worked for but we're born with - makes as much sense as giving free college to tall people. How any black person isn't taking advantage of their blatant superiority in admissions is beyond me. Fuck if I was black I would have been a damn neurosurgeon. But as a white kid, no fucking way.", ">>{ashthemarvelous} : Oh yes, just look at all the majority black colleges across the country. They get it easy during admissions, it's not like they qualify for the school they are accepted to. I'm sure your life has been so hard, living in the shadows of all those black people who glide through life with all of the free money and education they get."]]
classify and reply
['>>{SumDonkus69} : These 3D printers that primarily use plastic should have a recycling component that can remelt and shape the plastic so it can be used again', '>>{tashasaladd} : We sell these at Radioshack. They are confirmed garbage.', '>>{Propagation931} : Which is Ironic because im pretty sure Trump is an Atheist or at Agnostic', '>>{johnmountain} : Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM for First Time in 4 Million Years', ">>{legaljargonguy} : We're running an uncontrolled experiment on the only place we can call home", '>>{arrestofjudgment} : GOP Sen. Mark Kirk: I cannot support Donald Trump -- Establishment turning on Trump', ">>{arrestofjudgment} : **Disclosing NOT Trump Supporter** However, I support a protest candidate. I smell something's cookin' in the GOP. If you support Trump, watch your back.", '>>{CadetPeepers} : All we need is to pass the TPP and finally the energy companies can finish off the planet!', ">>{Blackwhitehorse} : I work at a local library in the STEM department. We bought these and never ended using them. They are really really shitty, it's pretty much impossible to make anything other then a clump of plastic.", ">>{bosox284} : Why is this on /r/politics? Isn't this more related to /r/science? Nonetheless, how do they know it's the first time in 4 million years? The farthest you can carbon date things is like 50,000 years I thought. (And just for clarification, I'm not a climate change denier. It just an honest/maybe naive question) Edit: Not sure why the downvotes. It's not directly related to politics. I get it's a policy thing, but it's not like a politician is specifically involved.", '>>{Yngorion} : There are many, many more ways to date things than carbon dating. Carbon dating is only useful for things that were once alive.', ">>{TrumpSJW} : Everyone's turning on him except the voters. What ever will he do.", ">>{dolphins3} : Non-Christian here. We really don't fucking care as long as it isn't a public institution, we just think it's amazingly ironic how damn insecure conservative Christians are about their beliefs.", '>>{letdogsvote} : Yeah but climate change is just a bunch of treehugger crap, amirite?', '>>{holydeltawings} : All 3d printing pens are garbage. There is a universal hate for them over at r/3Dprinting and for good reason. EDIT: damn autocorrect.', '>>{Propagation931} : Well from the POV of Christians Christmas was already Hijacked by the retail industry and Santa.', '>>{Uktabi86} : Just remember kids, santa is white. - Megan Kelly and fox news', '>>{POTUSKNOPE} : I\'m so confused by this entire conflict. Can we just say "accept it all, it\'s fucking winter, we\'re all dealing with the same shit" and stop letting ourselves get so butthurt? Be accepting, be compassionate. Be human.', ">>{TrueEclective} : Have an up-vote, just so people can read through these comments to see how shitty this thing is... In case it isn't blatantly obvious.", ">>{clone822} : Atheist chiming in I just wished like 30 people Merry Christmas today, and they had no idea i was faking it. Hahaha! I'm even making a dish for Christmas dinner with my family, hahaha!", ">>{herbertJblunt} : Is this bad for Trump considering he ran as anti establishment? Even fully presumptive and no challengers, he is still getting people to the polls. He got 80% of the same number of votes Clinton did in Cali so far, and Cali is full on Democratic state for presidential runs. Only 10 voters could have shown up and he would win the state, yet half a million so far made the effort to vote for him. I won't vote for him either, but he is certainly way more popular than any story portrays him as.", ">>{arrestofjudgment} : I don't disagree with your analysis. However, the GOP establishment folded their tents more quickly than I would expect. Seems to me GOP establishment has a plan B, C, D, etc. to prevent Trump. Somehow.", '>>{Jesus_is_my_flyhalf} : One nice thing about ice cores is that they produce annual banding of new snow being deposited, kind of like tree rings. You can basically count them.', ">>{USI9080} : Why would anyone want a ~~hot glue gun pen~~ 3D printing pen? It's not a 3D printer. It doesn't really do anything useful, I suppose it could be used for patching 3D printing parts but a soldering iron could do that too?", ">>{Jake314159265359} : This shouldn't be here. Climate Change existing is not an opinion. (Also centipedes it isn't a Chinese Hoax Either.)", ">>{PearTron2000} : Care to explain what exactly you think is going on behind the curtains? While I do agree with you, I'm still quite surprised that Paul Ryan and a number of other heavyweights in the GOP have supported him already. Granted, I know they did not do it with open arms. That said, it does feel like it's a tinder box on both sides.", '>>{R0ckitJump} : You can! [Filabot!](https://www.filabot.com) Unfortunately, it\'s a separate machine, which is probably a good thing considering you need a heavy duty heating element and auger, and the device can cost as much as the printer itself. Also, the nature of a lot of plastic designed for 3D printing means that unless you precisely control the temperature, remelting it makes it turn black and ugly. However, you can melt and reuse your waste plastic from previous prints, buy affordable plastic pellets and create your own filament, and even create filament with plastics you find around you, like milk bottles, but few household plastics make for even halfway decent filament. Unless you\'re printing difficult parts on multiple printers nonstop, the Filabot isn\'t remotely worth it. Also, the machine (and therefore company) was a Kickstarter, and last I really checked 3 months ago, they were still doing a terrible job of shipping the machines as donor rewards for the 10x more people than they thought would contribute to the campaign. Also, this pen doesn\'t deserve to be called "3D" anything. It\'s just garbage.', '>>{Thongpirate} : by voting for Hillary....who, like Obama is essentially a moderate republican.', ">>{bosox284} : That makes sense, but how do you measure the carbon dioxide concentration from millions of years ago? I'll try to Google it when I have a chance, but if you (or someone else) can ELI5 I'd appreciate it.", '>>{MontyAtWork} : And world governments will do about as much about this as the USA will about guns. The march towards inevitability continues unabated.', '>>{herbertJblunt} : Maybe they dipped their toe back in, but as they found out with Reagan, it is a bad idea at this point to try and stop it.', ">>{billslovechild} : Well if that would just be the case don't think anyone would care. But atheists want to erase it from everywhere. They boycott and make big a stink against any company that has Christmas undertones as well.", '>>{femshepslovechild} : Donnie thinks climate change is what happens when he steps off his private jet. He would sell out humanity in a heartbeat.', ">>{TheLightningbolt} : Meanwhile, the corrupt republicans continue to deny the existence of climate change, which has been proven by mountains of scientific evidence. It has gotten to the point where actively sabotaging the government's efforts to deal with climate change should be considered treason, since climate change is the greatest threat to national security in history. What would we do if the republicans decided to sabotage FDR's war effort against Japan or Germany in WW2? We'd call them traitors. Climate change is an even bigger threat than Germany and Japan.", '>>{tails_the_gay_fox} : I am a 3d printing hobbyist and think the tech is cool but : 3d printing pens are completely useless pieces of shit. Also being XYZprinting I am shocked it is does not use special drm tagged filament. Seriously fuck XYZprinting so much. I am surprised those fuckers are still in business. Also their slicing software is complete horseshit. Also not to mention that the printers they make are supper cheaply made. In that case them pen might just catch fire while using it.', '>>{illinoishokie} : Kirk is in the fight of his life as a Republican in a blue state, facing one of the strongest challengers to an incumbent this election cycle in Tammy Duckworth. When we see incumbent GOP senators from red states expected to easily win reelection, that\'s the threshold for the "establishment" turning on Trump.', '>>{Triggering_Cucks} : Atheist here but I still say Merry Christmas because Christmas is the shit!!', ">>{arrestofjudgment} : I'm going on instinct here, but with the GOP heavyweights POUNCING on him for a statement that (in my opinion) is not any MORE racist that some of the stuff he said earlier in his campaign really makes me wonder. I know Ryan said he wanted to wait for 2020, however, he's also known for being a lazy candidate. If they could install him, or someone like him, I think the old guard would do it in a heartbeat, ESPECIALLY if they think HRC will win the nom.", '>>{OminousG} : We use XYZ printers at work. The spools are DRM protected, waste huge amounts of plastic and give sub par prints. No way in hell would I trust them to make a 3D printing pen.', '>>{shadic108} : As someone who got a 3Doodler, can confirm.', '>>{___ok} : Looks pretty crappy and no way a kid is making anything like that in the photo', ">>{LoveTruffle} : They cut ice core samples out of the arctic. The deeper they dig the older the ice which acts as a sort of snap shot of past atmospheric conditions. Based on those CO2 levels have been rising and falling for as far back as we've measured but there was a very notable rising trend in CO2 starting around the Industrial Revolution IIRC. Smart money is on human industry and agriculture causing the up trend.", '>>{tbtsh12} : they tried to give him 200 million to get him to nominate Newt Gringrich as his VP. Rejected it and Newt is getting salty', ">>{dolphins3} : Can you provide a list of which companies we're supposedly boycotting this year, with sources?", '>>{tashasaladd} : Kind of. You push buttons that pull a long, coiled piece of plastic through the "printer pen" at different speeds. It\'s has very clunky operations though and the pen itself feels very cheap.', ">>{Throwitrightaweigh} : He hasn't yet. Just turned down 200,000,000.00 to choose his own running mate. Meanwhile Bernie straight up endorsed burning the economy to the ground with millennials locked inside.", '>>{FalstaffsMind} : Does something have to be an opinion to have political implications. One of the Candidates for President is a climate change denier.', ">>{Bonerbailey} : All XYZ is garbage. Had a printer brick with less than 40h on it and couldn't get any support. Had an error code but could never get them to answer their support line or emails.", ">>{MechanicalEngineEar} : it is just a toy like other toys/hobbies. Why would anyone buy crayons, colored pencils, or markers, when inkjet printers exist? With this thing you can start playing and drawing with this right out of the box. You can give it to a kid or someone not tech savvy who doesn't know the first thing about 3d modeling and make rudimentary 3d objects for fun. I use 3d 3d printed parts at work for prototyping, some made in house some outsourced, and to be honest, the quality of 3d printers that most people own at home are about as worthless for my job as you think this pen is for the home consumer is. Different levels of products have different markets.", ">>{MEsniff} : Atheist here, i don't care if the christian-Islam religion wants to celebrate it's holidays for all to see, it beats the violence they are constantly threatening us with.", '>>{hwkns} : It\'s the knee jerk reactionary "Moonie Times" of course they have a hard on for atheists.', ">>{dolphins3} : Hi /u/billsovechild! I never heard back from you, so I was wondering if you just forgot. I'd still be really interested in seeing that sourced list of companies I'm supposedly boycotting this year for mentioning Christmas.", '>>{basot} : Right. /r/Gadgets is now officially an advertising channel.', '>>{Filabot} : Just want to step in and make a note, we did finish up all of our kickstarter, we shipped all the systems that we could and refunded to backers who wanted to be refunded. We are not fully operational and have been for about 4 years. We have well over 2500 machines out in the world.', ">>{TwistedMexi} : idk, I've had the da vinci jr for a year now and it's held strong. The downside for me has always been the chipped cartridges.", '>>{femshepslovechild} : It looks like they look at the chemical makeup of rocks to figure it out, but this is frankly way beyond me: http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/virtualmuseum/climatechange2/07_1.shtml', ">>{Bonerbailey} : Ha you're lucky. Glad you got a good one. A friend of mine had one that caught on fire too. Print some replacement parts of you haven't already. I was dumb and didn't join an online resource until after I had the issue and didn't know that was common practice.", ">>{femshepslovechild} : I'm not suggesting he'd do it through malice. Purely through ignorance. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/how-trump-and-company-warmed-climate-change Is that his position now? It's a thing, but no big deal?", ">>{blackstarwhiplash} : Hope the Trump folks don't catch wind of this thread until it's too late.", ">>{Moosewiggle} : I literally have zero faith in humanity. We can't do the most basic shit, there is no way we will solve this. I'm always trying to be positive but there is just no way it will happen this time. I'm going to be 70 years old defending a fucking cabin in the woods from a horde of rapist and thieves in a lawless, collapsed world that barely has breathable air.", '>>{TwistedMexi} : Yup I have a few. Also printed a small block to put under the right side of the "arm", the right side drooped slightly lower than the left so I had to level it out. Only issue so far.', ">>{AkirIkasu} : Can't you just replace the firmware and not have to deal with that anymore?", ">>{St_Bernardus} : As someone who didn't, I can confirm that I have nothing usefull to add.", ">>{Throwitrightaweigh} : A. China does in fact use it to their benefit and B. He panders to the right. I still think he's trying to get a Clinton elected. Further, he's more liberal than Hillary.", '>>{St_Bernardus} : Generally when something is that cheap, no one is paying for support.', '>>{Pugs_of_war} : Yeah, because we measured co2 so accurately 4 million years ago.', '>>{FoxxMcCloud} : I agree. By nature, we are hardwired to worry about the present, rather than "theoretical" future catastrophes. By the time we all finally acknowledge that it\'s a serious problem when the signs really begin to show, it\'ll be too late by to effectively reverse the effects as more cycles of positive feedback are set into motion by the excess CO2.', '>>{St_Bernardus} : Generally when something is that cheap, no one is paying for support.', '>>{bulla564} : Just make sure you have a beach or a pool near you before we all melt away. Enjoy the coronas!', '>>{68droptop} : The oldest ice core sample they ever found was only 1.5mm year', '>>{bulla564} : Sorry guys... CEOs need to meet their profit targets next quarter for them fat stock options. No time to worry about the planet.', '>>{onewiseowl} : It is a political issue because so many leaders and potential leaders are deniers.', ">>{baconbourbontomato} : Yeah, we're not really destroying the Earth we're just making it uninhabitable for ourselves. The Earth will be here long after we're all gone. We're just a parasite waiting for the host to become immune.", ">>{femshepslovechild} : Do you think he has any idea what he's talking about on this or any other subject?", ">>{R0ckitJump} : Nice! I really should've just checked the Kickstarter before I wrote that.", ">>{Throwitrightaweigh} : Absolutely. I just don't think that means he believes it. He markets things.", ">>{Bochinsky} : Just because you don't understand science doesn't mean that other, smarter, people don't understand it.", ">>{Zxar} : Or we use what's called core samples to pull rock and ice from that time period to then measure the co2 lvls from long ago", ">>{Pugs_of_war} : And I don't understand science why? Because I don't agree with you. How ignorant.", ">>{Pugs_of_war} : Core samples are measured as layers. Each layer is created by the nature heating and cooling periods, often mistaken for seasonal cycles. What is claimed to be 4 million years ago could be half that, or even far more recently. The samples are a measure of co2 levels when a layer was formed. It's more than a little dishonest to claim that the Artic hasn't seen this co2 level in 4 million years when such a shoddy method is used to come up with that time. That fact that we don't know how old the layer in question is shows that this is just alarmism. It makes the level seem extraordinary, therefore AGW. Logically speaking, more Co2 results in higher temperatures. Higher temperatures will increase the number of heating, cooling, and freezing periods that create the layers that are commonly mistaken for something like a single seasonal cycle.", ">>{TwistedMexi} : Nope, no ones figured it out for the da vinci jr unless they've done so in the last 2 months.", ">>{Bochinsky} : >And I don't understand science why? Because I don't agree with you. No because you seem to think the process of measuring CO2 just involves human record-keeping and we can't measure something 4 million years ago because we weren't around then, right?", '>>{negative_nothing} : When you think of the inevitable shortages that will occur as arable land becomes more scarce...you should also notice the opportunities for profit that will arise from said shortages. This will be very lucrative for some parties.', '>>{r3drocket} : I just finished reading "The Sixth Extinction" by Kolbert, outside of being the best science book I\'ve read in the past year or so, I found it optimistic. While I found it optimistic, because it demonstrates life\'s ability to overcome mass extinction events, my friend found it terribly depressing because it highlights how perilous the future of our species is. Perhaps I\'m overly optimistic that the giant rats, which will probably come to rein after the fall of man will do a better job than we did :)', ">>{bulla564} : Indeed. It is very likely they are already positioned for this. Disaster capitalism is one of the most lucrative and grotesque sides of humanity, but alas the sociopath predators that own the bulk of the world's capital made it to the top, and are entrenching themselves further through our wonderful militarized police states that snoop on disobedient dissidents. I have to worry about even typing this in our grand new world.", ">>{SentientPenguin} : Wow, you solved it! Now publish a peer reviewed, scientific paper explaining why these scientists don't know how to use ice core samples!", '>>{FLYBOY611} : *"We had a garden, and we paved it."* -The Expanse', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Better send another $70B to 'developing nations.'", '>>{r3drocket} : BTW The only book I\'ve read which I believe provides a credible counterpoint to climate change is "The Rational Optimist: How prosperity evolves" by Ridely This book essentially makes the argument that we tend to overcome our major perils shortly before they hit because there is enough focus and effort expended on them. While I can\'t disagree that it is possible that we\'ll figure it out, I think it will take a major catastrophic event. My friend who is an environmental lawyer says the political will to do anything won\'t exist until it gets so bad that impacts a bunch of us in terrible ways - i.e. Florida will have to be underwater, California will have to be on fire, and Texas will have to experience continuous flooding, along with all sorts of other calamities.', '>>{rainbowplasmacannon} : i mean cali has been on fire quite a bit lately', ">>{Pugs_of_war} : How about you publish a peer reviewed scientific paper explaining how we know for certain how to accurately measure the age of ice core samples. It's not my problem that you skipped high school science. Idiot. And an appeal to authority is not a scientific fact. Edit: you don't even need to take a science class to understand warming and cooling periods. Just watch the weather and you'll know it's a thing. There's no excuse for your ignorance.", '>>{SentientPenguin} : I don\'t need to publish anything because people have already done it. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8517651_EPICA_Members_Eight_glacial_cycles_from_an_Antarctic_ice_core_Nature_429_623-628 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229311699_Toward_a_radiometric_ice_clock_Uranium_ages_of_the_Dome_C_ice_core The second link even shows that we don\'t need to count the layers, like you suggest. Aside from Uranium dating, we also have ash layers from volcanic eruptions that give dating accuracy. Some ice sheets could be even 1.5 million years old! http://www.clim-past.net/9/2489/2013/cp-9-2489-2013.html But in reality, ice cores only get us back 800ka, not the 4 million that you claim. The article never mentions that their record was entirely from the ice core, because it wasn\'t. The rest of our carbon dioxide record goes back tens of million of years, and is determined through analyzing the isotopes produced in the shells found in rock layers of known age. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301599616_Changing_atmospheric_CO2_concentration_was_the_primary_driver_of_early_Cenozoic_climate "Watching the weather" is what a do for a living, so I definitely understand that periods of warming and cool leave layers in the ice, and I am sure that the scientists doing this research do, too.', '>>{Pugs_of_war} : >>I don\'t need to publish anything because people have already done it. Then we\'re in the same boat. Warming and cooling within a single winter is a well established phenomenon. >>The second link even shows that we don\'t need to count the layers, **like you suggest**. Aside from Uranium dating, we also have ash layers from volcanic eruptions that give dating accuracy. I didn\'t suggest anything. You assumed. You don\'t get points just because somebody didn\'t give an exhaustive list of ice dating methods. But if you want to talk about using 234U for dating, first let me know how much there was when the ice was formed. Can\'t have us assuming things when the sample might have originally been *dirty.* You see, I understand perfectly well how radiometric dating works. That\'s why I\'m here right now disagreeing with the claim that we last had this level of Co2 4 million years ago. >>But in reality, ice cores only get us back 800ka, **not the 4 million that you claim.** What\'s the deal with you making things up about me? Also, you just said that the ice samples don\'t prove that it\'s been 4 million years since the last time the Co2 levels have been this high. >>"Watching the weather" is what a do for a living, so I definitely understand that periods of warming and cool leave layers in the ice, and I am sure that the scientists doing this research do, too. Good, then you understand the fundamental flaw with trying to use layers of ice to date the age of the layer. My work here is done.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{johnmountain} : Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM for First Time in 4 Million Years', ">>{legaljargonguy} : We're running an uncontrolled experiment on the only place we can call home", '>>{CadetPeepers} : All we need is to pass the TPP and finally the energy companies can finish off the planet!', ">>{bosox284} : Why is this on /r/politics? Isn't this more related to /r/science? Nonetheless, how do they know it's the first time in 4 million years? The farthest you can carbon date things is like 50,000 years I thought. (And just for clarification, I'm not a climate change denier. It just an honest/maybe naive question) Edit: Not sure why the downvotes. It's not directly related to politics. I get it's a policy thing, but it's not like a politician is specifically involved.", '>>{Yngorion} : There are many, many more ways to date things than carbon dating. Carbon dating is only useful for things that were once alive.', '>>{letdogsvote} : Yeah but climate change is just a bunch of treehugger crap, amirite?', '>>{Jesus_is_my_flyhalf} : One nice thing about ice cores is that they produce annual banding of new snow being deposited, kind of like tree rings. You can basically count them.', ">>{Jake314159265359} : This shouldn't be here. Climate Change existing is not an opinion. (Also centipedes it isn't a Chinese Hoax Either.)", ">>{bosox284} : That makes sense, but how do you measure the carbon dioxide concentration from millions of years ago? I'll try to Google it when I have a chance, but if you (or someone else) can ELI5 I'd appreciate it.", '>>{MontyAtWork} : And world governments will do about as much about this as the USA will about guns. The march towards inevitability continues unabated.', '>>{femshepslovechild} : Donnie thinks climate change is what happens when he steps off his private jet. He would sell out humanity in a heartbeat.', ">>{TheLightningbolt} : Meanwhile, the corrupt republicans continue to deny the existence of climate change, which has been proven by mountains of scientific evidence. It has gotten to the point where actively sabotaging the government's efforts to deal with climate change should be considered treason, since climate change is the greatest threat to national security in history. What would we do if the republicans decided to sabotage FDR's war effort against Japan or Germany in WW2? We'd call them traitors. Climate change is an even bigger threat than Germany and Japan.", ">>{LoveTruffle} : They cut ice core samples out of the arctic. The deeper they dig the older the ice which acts as a sort of snap shot of past atmospheric conditions. Based on those CO2 levels have been rising and falling for as far back as we've measured but there was a very notable rising trend in CO2 starting around the Industrial Revolution IIRC. Smart money is on human industry and agriculture causing the up trend.", ">>{Throwitrightaweigh} : He hasn't yet. Just turned down 200,000,000.00 to choose his own running mate. Meanwhile Bernie straight up endorsed burning the economy to the ground with millennials locked inside.", '>>{FalstaffsMind} : Does something have to be an opinion to have political implications. One of the Candidates for President is a climate change denier.', '>>{femshepslovechild} : It looks like they look at the chemical makeup of rocks to figure it out, but this is frankly way beyond me: http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/virtualmuseum/climatechange2/07_1.shtml', ">>{femshepslovechild} : I'm not suggesting he'd do it through malice. Purely through ignorance. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/how-trump-and-company-warmed-climate-change Is that his position now? It's a thing, but no big deal?", ">>{blackstarwhiplash} : Hope the Trump folks don't catch wind of this thread until it's too late.", ">>{Moosewiggle} : I literally have zero faith in humanity. We can't do the most basic shit, there is no way we will solve this. I'm always trying to be positive but there is just no way it will happen this time. I'm going to be 70 years old defending a fucking cabin in the woods from a horde of rapist and thieves in a lawless, collapsed world that barely has breathable air.", ">>{Throwitrightaweigh} : A. China does in fact use it to their benefit and B. He panders to the right. I still think he's trying to get a Clinton elected. Further, he's more liberal than Hillary.", '>>{Pugs_of_war} : Yeah, because we measured co2 so accurately 4 million years ago.', '>>{FoxxMcCloud} : I agree. By nature, we are hardwired to worry about the present, rather than "theoretical" future catastrophes. By the time we all finally acknowledge that it\'s a serious problem when the signs really begin to show, it\'ll be too late by to effectively reverse the effects as more cycles of positive feedback are set into motion by the excess CO2.', '>>{bulla564} : Just make sure you have a beach or a pool near you before we all melt away. Enjoy the coronas!', '>>{68droptop} : The oldest ice core sample they ever found was only 1.5mm year', '>>{bulla564} : Sorry guys... CEOs need to meet their profit targets next quarter for them fat stock options. No time to worry about the planet.', '>>{onewiseowl} : It is a political issue because so many leaders and potential leaders are deniers.', ">>{baconbourbontomato} : Yeah, we're not really destroying the Earth we're just making it uninhabitable for ourselves. The Earth will be here long after we're all gone. We're just a parasite waiting for the host to become immune.", ">>{femshepslovechild} : Do you think he has any idea what he's talking about on this or any other subject?", ">>{Throwitrightaweigh} : Absolutely. I just don't think that means he believes it. He markets things.", ">>{Bochinsky} : Just because you don't understand science doesn't mean that other, smarter, people don't understand it.", ">>{Zxar} : Or we use what's called core samples to pull rock and ice from that time period to then measure the co2 lvls from long ago", ">>{Pugs_of_war} : And I don't understand science why? Because I don't agree with you. How ignorant.", ">>{Pugs_of_war} : Core samples are measured as layers. Each layer is created by the nature heating and cooling periods, often mistaken for seasonal cycles. What is claimed to be 4 million years ago could be half that, or even far more recently. The samples are a measure of co2 levels when a layer was formed. It's more than a little dishonest to claim that the Artic hasn't seen this co2 level in 4 million years when such a shoddy method is used to come up with that time. That fact that we don't know how old the layer in question is shows that this is just alarmism. It makes the level seem extraordinary, therefore AGW. Logically speaking, more Co2 results in higher temperatures. Higher temperatures will increase the number of heating, cooling, and freezing periods that create the layers that are commonly mistaken for something like a single seasonal cycle.", ">>{Bochinsky} : >And I don't understand science why? Because I don't agree with you. No because you seem to think the process of measuring CO2 just involves human record-keeping and we can't measure something 4 million years ago because we weren't around then, right?", '>>{negative_nothing} : When you think of the inevitable shortages that will occur as arable land becomes more scarce...you should also notice the opportunities for profit that will arise from said shortages. This will be very lucrative for some parties.', '>>{r3drocket} : I just finished reading "The Sixth Extinction" by Kolbert, outside of being the best science book I\'ve read in the past year or so, I found it optimistic. While I found it optimistic, because it demonstrates life\'s ability to overcome mass extinction events, my friend found it terribly depressing because it highlights how perilous the future of our species is. Perhaps I\'m overly optimistic that the giant rats, which will probably come to rein after the fall of man will do a better job than we did :)', ">>{bulla564} : Indeed. It is very likely they are already positioned for this. Disaster capitalism is one of the most lucrative and grotesque sides of humanity, but alas the sociopath predators that own the bulk of the world's capital made it to the top, and are entrenching themselves further through our wonderful militarized police states that snoop on disobedient dissidents. I have to worry about even typing this in our grand new world.", ">>{SentientPenguin} : Wow, you solved it! Now publish a peer reviewed, scientific paper explaining why these scientists don't know how to use ice core samples!", '>>{FLYBOY611} : *"We had a garden, and we paved it."* -The Expanse', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Better send another $70B to 'developing nations.'", '>>{r3drocket} : BTW The only book I\'ve read which I believe provides a credible counterpoint to climate change is "The Rational Optimist: How prosperity evolves" by Ridely This book essentially makes the argument that we tend to overcome our major perils shortly before they hit because there is enough focus and effort expended on them. While I can\'t disagree that it is possible that we\'ll figure it out, I think it will take a major catastrophic event. My friend who is an environmental lawyer says the political will to do anything won\'t exist until it gets so bad that impacts a bunch of us in terrible ways - i.e. Florida will have to be underwater, California will have to be on fire, and Texas will have to experience continuous flooding, along with all sorts of other calamities.', '>>{rainbowplasmacannon} : i mean cali has been on fire quite a bit lately', ">>{Pugs_of_war} : How about you publish a peer reviewed scientific paper explaining how we know for certain how to accurately measure the age of ice core samples. It's not my problem that you skipped high school science. Idiot. And an appeal to authority is not a scientific fact. Edit: you don't even need to take a science class to understand warming and cooling periods. Just watch the weather and you'll know it's a thing. There's no excuse for your ignorance.", '>>{SentientPenguin} : I don\'t need to publish anything because people have already done it. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8517651_EPICA_Members_Eight_glacial_cycles_from_an_Antarctic_ice_core_Nature_429_623-628 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229311699_Toward_a_radiometric_ice_clock_Uranium_ages_of_the_Dome_C_ice_core The second link even shows that we don\'t need to count the layers, like you suggest. Aside from Uranium dating, we also have ash layers from volcanic eruptions that give dating accuracy. Some ice sheets could be even 1.5 million years old! http://www.clim-past.net/9/2489/2013/cp-9-2489-2013.html But in reality, ice cores only get us back 800ka, not the 4 million that you claim. The article never mentions that their record was entirely from the ice core, because it wasn\'t. The rest of our carbon dioxide record goes back tens of million of years, and is determined through analyzing the isotopes produced in the shells found in rock layers of known age. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301599616_Changing_atmospheric_CO2_concentration_was_the_primary_driver_of_early_Cenozoic_climate "Watching the weather" is what a do for a living, so I definitely understand that periods of warming and cool leave layers in the ice, and I am sure that the scientists doing this research do, too.', '>>{Pugs_of_war} : >>I don\'t need to publish anything because people have already done it. Then we\'re in the same boat. Warming and cooling within a single winter is a well established phenomenon. >>The second link even shows that we don\'t need to count the layers, **like you suggest**. Aside from Uranium dating, we also have ash layers from volcanic eruptions that give dating accuracy. I didn\'t suggest anything. You assumed. You don\'t get points just because somebody didn\'t give an exhaustive list of ice dating methods. But if you want to talk about using 234U for dating, first let me know how much there was when the ice was formed. Can\'t have us assuming things when the sample might have originally been *dirty.* You see, I understand perfectly well how radiometric dating works. That\'s why I\'m here right now disagreeing with the claim that we last had this level of Co2 4 million years ago. >>But in reality, ice cores only get us back 800ka, **not the 4 million that you claim.** What\'s the deal with you making things up about me? Also, you just said that the ice samples don\'t prove that it\'s been 4 million years since the last time the Co2 levels have been this high. >>"Watching the weather" is what a do for a living, so I definitely understand that periods of warming and cool leave layers in the ice, and I am sure that the scientists doing this research do, too. Good, then you understand the fundamental flaw with trying to use layers of ice to date the age of the layer. My work here is done.'], ['>>{arrestofjudgment} : GOP Sen. Mark Kirk: I cannot support Donald Trump -- Establishment turning on Trump', ">>{arrestofjudgment} : **Disclosing NOT Trump Supporter** However, I support a protest candidate. I smell something's cookin' in the GOP. If you support Trump, watch your back.", ">>{TrumpSJW} : Everyone's turning on him except the voters. What ever will he do.", ">>{herbertJblunt} : Is this bad for Trump considering he ran as anti establishment? Even fully presumptive and no challengers, he is still getting people to the polls. He got 80% of the same number of votes Clinton did in Cali so far, and Cali is full on Democratic state for presidential runs. Only 10 voters could have shown up and he would win the state, yet half a million so far made the effort to vote for him. I won't vote for him either, but he is certainly way more popular than any story portrays him as.", ">>{arrestofjudgment} : I don't disagree with your analysis. However, the GOP establishment folded their tents more quickly than I would expect. Seems to me GOP establishment has a plan B, C, D, etc. to prevent Trump. Somehow.", ">>{PearTron2000} : Care to explain what exactly you think is going on behind the curtains? While I do agree with you, I'm still quite surprised that Paul Ryan and a number of other heavyweights in the GOP have supported him already. Granted, I know they did not do it with open arms. That said, it does feel like it's a tinder box on both sides.", '>>{Thongpirate} : by voting for Hillary....who, like Obama is essentially a moderate republican.', '>>{herbertJblunt} : Maybe they dipped their toe back in, but as they found out with Reagan, it is a bad idea at this point to try and stop it.', '>>{illinoishokie} : Kirk is in the fight of his life as a Republican in a blue state, facing one of the strongest challengers to an incumbent this election cycle in Tammy Duckworth. When we see incumbent GOP senators from red states expected to easily win reelection, that\'s the threshold for the "establishment" turning on Trump.', ">>{arrestofjudgment} : I'm going on instinct here, but with the GOP heavyweights POUNCING on him for a statement that (in my opinion) is not any MORE racist that some of the stuff he said earlier in his campaign really makes me wonder. I know Ryan said he wanted to wait for 2020, however, he's also known for being a lazy candidate. If they could install him, or someone like him, I think the old guard would do it in a heartbeat, ESPECIALLY if they think HRC will win the nom.", '>>{tbtsh12} : they tried to give him 200 million to get him to nominate Newt Gringrich as his VP. Rejected it and Newt is getting salty'], ['>>{Propagation931} : Which is Ironic because im pretty sure Trump is an Atheist or at Agnostic', ">>{dolphins3} : Non-Christian here. We really don't fucking care as long as it isn't a public institution, we just think it's amazingly ironic how damn insecure conservative Christians are about their beliefs.", '>>{Propagation931} : Well from the POV of Christians Christmas was already Hijacked by the retail industry and Santa.', '>>{Uktabi86} : Just remember kids, santa is white. - Megan Kelly and fox news', '>>{POTUSKNOPE} : I\'m so confused by this entire conflict. Can we just say "accept it all, it\'s fucking winter, we\'re all dealing with the same shit" and stop letting ourselves get so butthurt? Be accepting, be compassionate. Be human.', ">>{clone822} : Atheist chiming in I just wished like 30 people Merry Christmas today, and they had no idea i was faking it. Hahaha! I'm even making a dish for Christmas dinner with my family, hahaha!", ">>{billslovechild} : Well if that would just be the case don't think anyone would care. But atheists want to erase it from everywhere. They boycott and make big a stink against any company that has Christmas undertones as well.", '>>{Triggering_Cucks} : Atheist here but I still say Merry Christmas because Christmas is the shit!!', ">>{dolphins3} : Can you provide a list of which companies we're supposedly boycotting this year, with sources?", ">>{MEsniff} : Atheist here, i don't care if the christian-Islam religion wants to celebrate it's holidays for all to see, it beats the violence they are constantly threatening us with.", '>>{hwkns} : It\'s the knee jerk reactionary "Moonie Times" of course they have a hard on for atheists.', ">>{dolphins3} : Hi /u/billsovechild! I never heard back from you, so I was wondering if you just forgot. I'd still be really interested in seeing that sourced list of companies I'm supposedly boycotting this year for mentioning Christmas."], ['>>{SumDonkus69} : These 3D printers that primarily use plastic should have a recycling component that can remelt and shape the plastic so it can be used again', '>>{tashasaladd} : We sell these at Radioshack. They are confirmed garbage.', ">>{Blackwhitehorse} : I work at a local library in the STEM department. We bought these and never ended using them. They are really really shitty, it's pretty much impossible to make anything other then a clump of plastic.", '>>{holydeltawings} : All 3d printing pens are garbage. There is a universal hate for them over at r/3Dprinting and for good reason. EDIT: damn autocorrect.', ">>{TrueEclective} : Have an up-vote, just so people can read through these comments to see how shitty this thing is... In case it isn't blatantly obvious.", ">>{USI9080} : Why would anyone want a ~~hot glue gun pen~~ 3D printing pen? It's not a 3D printer. It doesn't really do anything useful, I suppose it could be used for patching 3D printing parts but a soldering iron could do that too?", '>>{R0ckitJump} : You can! [Filabot!](https://www.filabot.com) Unfortunately, it\'s a separate machine, which is probably a good thing considering you need a heavy duty heating element and auger, and the device can cost as much as the printer itself. Also, the nature of a lot of plastic designed for 3D printing means that unless you precisely control the temperature, remelting it makes it turn black and ugly. However, you can melt and reuse your waste plastic from previous prints, buy affordable plastic pellets and create your own filament, and even create filament with plastics you find around you, like milk bottles, but few household plastics make for even halfway decent filament. Unless you\'re printing difficult parts on multiple printers nonstop, the Filabot isn\'t remotely worth it. Also, the machine (and therefore company) was a Kickstarter, and last I really checked 3 months ago, they were still doing a terrible job of shipping the machines as donor rewards for the 10x more people than they thought would contribute to the campaign. Also, this pen doesn\'t deserve to be called "3D" anything. It\'s just garbage.', '>>{tails_the_gay_fox} : I am a 3d printing hobbyist and think the tech is cool but : 3d printing pens are completely useless pieces of shit. Also being XYZprinting I am shocked it is does not use special drm tagged filament. Seriously fuck XYZprinting so much. I am surprised those fuckers are still in business. Also their slicing software is complete horseshit. Also not to mention that the printers they make are supper cheaply made. In that case them pen might just catch fire while using it.', '>>{OminousG} : We use XYZ printers at work. The spools are DRM protected, waste huge amounts of plastic and give sub par prints. No way in hell would I trust them to make a 3D printing pen.', '>>{shadic108} : As someone who got a 3Doodler, can confirm.', '>>{___ok} : Looks pretty crappy and no way a kid is making anything like that in the photo', '>>{tashasaladd} : Kind of. You push buttons that pull a long, coiled piece of plastic through the "printer pen" at different speeds. It\'s has very clunky operations though and the pen itself feels very cheap.', ">>{Bonerbailey} : All XYZ is garbage. Had a printer brick with less than 40h on it and couldn't get any support. Had an error code but could never get them to answer their support line or emails.", ">>{MechanicalEngineEar} : it is just a toy like other toys/hobbies. Why would anyone buy crayons, colored pencils, or markers, when inkjet printers exist? With this thing you can start playing and drawing with this right out of the box. You can give it to a kid or someone not tech savvy who doesn't know the first thing about 3d modeling and make rudimentary 3d objects for fun. I use 3d 3d printed parts at work for prototyping, some made in house some outsourced, and to be honest, the quality of 3d printers that most people own at home are about as worthless for my job as you think this pen is for the home consumer is. Different levels of products have different markets.", '>>{basot} : Right. /r/Gadgets is now officially an advertising channel.', '>>{Filabot} : Just want to step in and make a note, we did finish up all of our kickstarter, we shipped all the systems that we could and refunded to backers who wanted to be refunded. We are not fully operational and have been for about 4 years. We have well over 2500 machines out in the world.', ">>{TwistedMexi} : idk, I've had the da vinci jr for a year now and it's held strong. The downside for me has always been the chipped cartridges.", ">>{Bonerbailey} : Ha you're lucky. Glad you got a good one. A friend of mine had one that caught on fire too. Print some replacement parts of you haven't already. I was dumb and didn't join an online resource until after I had the issue and didn't know that was common practice.", '>>{TwistedMexi} : Yup I have a few. Also printed a small block to put under the right side of the "arm", the right side drooped slightly lower than the left so I had to level it out. Only issue so far.', ">>{AkirIkasu} : Can't you just replace the firmware and not have to deal with that anymore?", ">>{St_Bernardus} : As someone who didn't, I can confirm that I have nothing usefull to add.", '>>{St_Bernardus} : Generally when something is that cheap, no one is paying for support.', '>>{St_Bernardus} : Generally when something is that cheap, no one is paying for support.', ">>{R0ckitJump} : Nice! I really should've just checked the Kickstarter before I wrote that.", ">>{TwistedMexi} : Nope, no ones figured it out for the da vinci jr unless they've done so in the last 2 months."]]
classify and reply
['>>{misanthropester} : Jon Huntsman, Trump’s pick for Russia ambassador, is a baffling choice', '>>{bullshit_inspector_} : Yeah, these hackers were just careless and accidentally found the emails and released them to the world. No prosecutor would take this case.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : C06135428 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06135428 Date: 02/27/2017', '>>{antisoshal} : I dont know if youre that stupid or just that desperate to actually think this means anything or actually even relates in any way.', ">>{SaltHash} : It seems like crap posted to deflect from Donnie's bigger issues with Putin.", '>>{DamagedHells} : So are they investigating who hacked it, or investigating the fact that they were going to make federal appointments for donors?', ">>{Richafod} : Into pay to play appointments or the attempted removal of democracy in the process by the DNCs head? No, whether or not Russia where one of the no doubt countless hacks on their hilariously unsecured servers. Good at least the FBI isn't wasting everyone's time again.", '>>{antisoshal} : its nothing. Its a reference to Hillary talking to Huma about someone else meeting Putin in 2010. Its literally nothing.', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Well, during the campaign Trump famously said Huntsman gave away everything to China, now I guess he picked him to be the ambassador to Russia to do the same thing? All jokes aside, Huntsman was one of the last Republicans I had any respect for, and now that's gone.", '>>{soccerman95} : Because who gives shit about what the emails revealed right? Who cares if there was corruption. But those nasty hackers who gave America the truth? Lets get them for the sake of our Dear Leaders', '>>{anti-pope} : Every pick in the current administration is a baffling choice... including the president.', '>>{nedsliver} : EF the FBI! Comey and crew knew everything HRC did was illegal and did nothing. Now they are going to go after the real criminal.', ">>{johnthebold2} : I'm curious whether this is your first election paying attention?", '>>{Wiskeyjac} : But Hillary, derp derp I think.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Democrats have spoken to Russians at some point meaning it's okay for trump to collude with them to throw an election and perjury is no biggie.", ">>{PutinsMissingShirt} : It appears to be a message from a sitting SOS's assistant telling her that someone called when she was unavailable and that person also had a telephone call with the president of Russia after he left the message. I'm thinking the he in this document is referring to Donald since there's no evidence to the contrary that's how I'm taking this 'evidence'", '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : Pretty sure Russia is outside US jurisdiction. This will be more of a counterintelligence investigation than a criminal one.', ">>{Ajreil} : Isn't this person most likely in Russia? I doubt that will go over well. Remember when we asked for Snowden?", '>>{DamagedHells} : Is this going to be one of those "All government is corrupt, get used to it," or a "This isn\'t corruption! The DNC promising federal appointments for donations is just **POLITICS!**" posts?', '>>{i-am-sancho} : Huntsman is the kind of republican who actually would be appealing to a majority of the country in a presidential election, and would have won in a landslide against Hillary. I wish he had ran this past election instead of 2012. Unfortunately though, the GOP base would *never* have voted for him.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Democrats have spoken to Russians at some point meaning it's okay for trump to collude with them to throw an election and perjury is no biggie.", ">>{astonishingpants} : I think Trump *wanted* a guy who really isn't capable of much. Trump will be dealing directly with Russia anyway. and they needed a relatively clean-cut guy who could lend the whole shitshow at least a veneer of respectability.", '>>{FamineGhost} : Baffling choice because he isn\'t a "Russian expert", but if he was it would just be endless articles about his ties to Russia.', '>>{Tchocky} : >EF the FBI! Comey and crew knew everything HRC did was illegal and did nothing. Hats off indoors please.', ">>{johnthebold2} : Ahh I see youve already been corrected. I'll record that in my log.", '>>{scaldingramen} : She was the Secretary of State. Laughably different circumstances.', ">>{nrfind} : A lot of them are terrible choices, but they make a ton of sense. Jeff Sessions, known racist and probable Russia collaborator? That's a perfect fit for the Trump administration.", ">>{StoneEater} : Sorry this is dumb and takes away from actual issues. It's not like Huntsman was just some campaign contributor who is getting a cushy gig as an ambassador, he was the ambassador to China. I'll assume he will have policy experts and translators in his staff", '>>{antisoshal} : No. its a memo showing Hillary talking to Huma about someone else talking to Putin in 2010. Its utterly meaningless but they hope simply having the names on there will incite people already supporting Trump to think theres some sort of equivalence.', ">>{ME24601} : In fairness to Huntsman, virtually all of Trump's picks have been baffling.", '>>{DamagedHells} : My point was more that you should have realized the tone in my original post was pointing exactly towards which it was obvious they were doing. ^Hint: ^It ^^was ^^^the ^^^^first.', ">>{OJSamson} : psst, that's why they chose him. he has no expertise on Russia so he has no idea what trump and Russia are up to.", ">>{TimRigginsPanther} : Yep. Huntsman stupidly accepted this position. He won't be anything more than public face they trot out while the real play-makers operate behind the scenes.", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : Ah, makes sense then. Can we get a FOIA on Bigly's taxes now?", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : Ah ha! Nearly blank document with a could names on it. So.....can we get Bigly's taxes now?", ">>{BannonsReichstagFire} : Yeah, it's disappointing AF - my only hope is that Huntsman joined like Mattis, to help steer the ship rather than as a statement of loyalty to President Maniac.", '>>{antisoshal} : it shows if you have two names on a piece of paper from 6 years ago that they are the same as a current issue because words. I dunno. I dont even get how deranged you have to be to think this is even worth posting.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Did you know democrats also have tax bills?!?!?!?', '>>{BannonsReichstagFire} : Yup, and as someone who would have voted for Huntsman over everyone but Bernie - your (and my) support of him is precisely why he wouldn\'t clear a GOP primary. If the core tenet of your campaign isn\'t "liberal tears" you won\'t go far in the GOP anymore.', '>>{antisoshal} : yeah it didnt seem important to me. Its clearly part of a conversation. Its also meaningless.', ">>{dread_lobster} : Nothing my ass! It's the Secretary of State discussing foreign contacts with her staff. Next you're going to tell me that Steven Chu had extensive discussions about nukes!", '>>{misscee} : Your comment underscores just how bad the public trust is with respect to our government institutions.', ">>{PutinsMissingShirt} : Called = callgirls = hookers phone = smartphone = facebook = teenagers mtg = mad tongue gangbang putin = put in = anal sex It's obviously evidence that Hillary was having wild anal sex orgies in the basement of comet pizza", '>>{emmawatsonfan} : There is enough political material in 2016 to sustain two seasons of House of Cards without any Holywood exaggeration.', '>>{loki0008} : It took the FBI 2 years to investigate Hillary Clinton\'s emails and yet here they\'ve closed the case that it\'s the Rooskies fifteen minutes before it even happened. More DNC BS for the stupid people to regurgitate. Once again perpetrators of the crime play the victim. "I\'m just a poor lil\' old dirt poor alcoholic lezbo grandma, What Difference Does it Make?"', ">>{philly47} : I thought Huntsman was smarter than that. Who knows though, he might end up being the whistleblower in all this. He has a history of breaking ranks. edit: also, he's a billionaire so he's probably not concerned about repercussions.", ">>{PrecariouslySane} : It'll conclude after the election and we wont hear about it because of bigger/other news that day.", ">>{Rhinosaucerous} : We didn't know it was corrupt. Oops, sorry.", ">>{MindYourGrindr} : I think the only reasons Huntsman was picked was because of 1) Change the subject and 2) They both hate Romney. I hate seeing Huntsman in this position, I was a strong supporter of his 2012 run and now he's a hack.", ">>{DamagedHells} : They didn't ***intend*** for it to be corrupt.", ">>{Jordy_Stingray} : So Huma Abedin emailed Hillary to say someone was going to talk to Putin and get back to Hillary. This is from 2010. HRC was Secretary of State at the time. So aside from the fact there's nothing sketchy in the email anyway it would've been within the scope of her job to be having discussions with someone in contact with a foreign head of state. That's some pretty low effort shit posting my friend.", '>>{Shlak2k15} : FBI suggest no charges. Yes crime was committed but no charges. - future headline.', ">>{New-Atlantis} : If this is a baffling choice for Trump, the logical conclusion is that Trump didn't chose him. He was chosen by the traditional GOP power elite, who have taken over the reigns of government while letting Trump play the clown. They realized that Trump's style was too damaging to US interests and decided to sideline him.", ">>{Scrimshawmud} : He's placing someone there who won't be able to understand the language and will not have any power. Not baffling; obvious.", ">>{mthmchris} : Huntsman's career has been pretty dead since 2012 anyhow. The Republican base hates him, the GOP establishment hates him, and the DNC establishment hates him. Basically the only people that like Huntsman are economically conservative centrists - I'd gather he has more of a shot at becoming lead editor at the Economist than he does at winning any sort of statewide or national election.", ">>{Gscarveguy} : We're not supposed to refer to fellow Redditors as brain damaged morons.", '>>{wistfulmelancholy} : Wow- really trying to dig up dirt. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face- you used up all of your fake conspiracy points on the election... No one believes this bs anymore. Go crawl back to T_d where they eat this shit up. Or maybe Putin will take you back in Moscow.', ">>{MadHatter514} : > All jokes aside, Huntsman was one of the last Republicans I had any respect for, and now that's gone. Because he is answering the call to serve his country?", ">>{MadHatter514} : He was apparently going to run for Hatch's Senate seat in 2018.", '>>{MadHatter514} : At least he is actually a diplomat and not the opposite of what his job description entails.', ">>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Seems odd that they would use his initials though. I don't see what this proves", '>>{MadHatter514} : Or serving his country when the President asks, just like he did with Obama.', ">>{MindYourGrindr} : Well, Obama's team actually saw him as a future threat so there were some motivations behind his appointment outside of his extraordinary qualifications. That plan worked b/c he crashed and burned in 2012 (sadly). Huntsman isn't going to be a player in US-Russia relations, he'll be sidelined like Tillerson.", '>>{sikeston} : Who even talks like this? How much did Moscow pay for a 7 year old account?', ">>{MadHatter514} : I'm not talking about Obama's motives; I'm talking about Huntsman's. I'm sure he knew it would hurt his political future, but he still accepted to serve his country. He's doing that here too.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Primary document that provides zero context. A single email is kinda worthless when it has this little info in it.', ">>{MindYourGrindr} : There's serving your country and then there's voluntarily inserting yourself into the middle of the largest political scandal in American history, but that's on him.", '>>{jsprogrammer} : Wrong. Email is from Huma to Hilary saying Bill will call Hilary after meeting with Putin.', ">>{MadHatter514} : Or maybe he wants to be there so that one of the pro-Russian sycophants aren't. Sitting on the outside and forcing the administration to be full of vile incompetent cronies just hurts the country.", ">>{MindYourGrindr} : Huntsman will serve his role as the token qualified pick but will be completely sidelined by Team Trump. I'll give Huntsman the benefit of the doubt but I'm not holding my breath. I would've loved to see Condi appointed. She'd be perfect.", ">>{surviva316} : The standing Secretary of State talking to a foreign official? Well I'd never!", '>>{jsprogrammer} : I agree. If you read through other released emails, it appears to be a trend: using initials to refer to people, including themselves.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : I think reddit only lets you submit one URL at a time?', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Irrelevance to what? Department of State just released this document within the last week in an ongoing response to a FOIA request.', '>>{varelse96} : >Clearly this shows Hillary is the puppet / *sniff* FTFY', '>>{unsureofwhatiwant} : Another failed false equivalence to excuse Trump\'s Russia obsession. Everyone knows the Obama admin tried a "Russian Reset" early on. This doc is from Jun 2010. WJC could be William Jefferson Clinton.', ">>{realjd} : Irrelevant to anything. What's the context? What point are you trying to make? A single line email is meaningless without context.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Then write up a comment showing your work and post as a reply to your submission.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Equivalence? Where? Doc is from 02/27/2017, check the header/title.', ">>{jsprogrammer} : someone was Wjc, Bill, Hilary's husband.", '>>{jsprogrammer} : Unclassified and recently released State Department email from Huma Abedin to Hilary Clinton stating that William Clinton would call Hilary after he meets with Putin.', '>>{unsureofwhatiwant} : The FOIA release was 2/27. Look at the sent date of the email. Sheesh!', '>>{jsprogrammer} : This is how it was released by State. You can see the other documents in the case at: https://foia.state.gov/search/results.aspx?caseNumber=F-2016-07895', ">>{jsprogrammer} : Didn't know you can only make points here. The document is part of an ongoing release of State Department documents in response to a FOIA request. The released documents (including the one linked in this post) can be found at: https://foia.state.gov/search/results.aspx?caseNumber=F-2016-07895", ">>{wistfulmelancholy} : Oh, ok, thanks. Sounds like the secretary of state was doing her job- but that doesn't mean it won't be used against her.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : If you have something, then show it. I have no personal interest in digging through 2k emails for something that is likely normal SOS business.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Yes, the linked document from the State Department is from 02/27/2017. The email was apparently sent on 06/29/2010.', ">>{appmanga} : Putin's minions are back on social media, working overtime to protect his American asset in the White House.", '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : Playing the fool must work out well for you IRL huh?', ">>{realjd} : This subreddit is about political commentary and discussion. A more relevant post would be to an article discussing the original source. That's why you're getting downvotes. Let me rephrase what I was asking: what made you think this was worth posting here? What political discussion were you hoping to have?", '>>{jsprogrammer} : Our government and private citizens seem to be heavily involved in Putin. This document is a primary source attesting to such involvement. Have you seen this fact reported any where else?', '>>{RobToastie} : /u/jsprogrammer you have stated what this is, and who the people are, what does this demonstrate? Why should anybody care?', ">>{jsprogrammer} : I think we can. Congress could have pulled them awhile ago, but didn't, I think. Have you put in a request?", '>>{Jordy_Stingray} : So in your opinion what does this email pertain to?', ">>{RobToastie} : Putin is a foreign diplomat. Our country's officials and former officials talk to foreign diplomats. There is no reason to report on it. Again, why is this even remotely interesting?", ">>{realjd} : The current issues with the Trump administration are that they're repeatedly hiding and lying about contact with Russian officials. Flynn never would have been fired if he hadn't lied about his meetings. Sessions meeting with the ambassador would have been a non-issue if he hadn't lied under oath about it. What are they trying to hide? Hillary's job at the time was SecState and a key part of that was to talk to foreign diplomats and leaders. Bill, as former president and head of a big multinational charity at the time, had many legitimate reasons to talk to Putin. Neither tried to hide it.", '>>{jsprogrammer} : This document is part of a FOIA information release regarding pending litigation, released by the State Department this week.', ">>{RobToastie} : I know this, and you still haven't answered the question. Why should anyone care about this email?", ">>{jsprogrammer} : Ok, I give you an answer, and, you say it's not an answer?", '>>{RobToastie} : You did not give an answer, you just stated where it came from, not why anyone should care about it. What point are you trying to make by posting this here? How does this support your point? What am I supposed to learn from reading this? How is the relevant to current US politics?', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Making a point is not a requirement for posting here. I don\'t know what you are "supposed" to learn; it\'s a primary source document. >How is the relevant to current US politics? I\'ve already answered that: >This document is part of a FOIA information release regarding pending litigation, released by the State Department this week.', ">>{RobToastie} : You don't have to make a point to post here, but you aren't contributing to the discussion if you post an email that frankly, has literally nothing interesting in it. Clearly you found something interesting about *this* email in particular, I'm curious what it is. Why did you pick this email in particular? Why is *this* email relevant to current US politics? > This document is part of a FOIA information release regarding pending litigation, released by the State Department this week. They have released information every month, and will continue to do so. There is nothing interesting happening here.", ">>{RobToastie} : I'm not interested in the email, because I see nothing interesting in it. I'm interested in your opinion on it, and why *you* think it's interesting. And now I'm interested in why you are dodging the question.", '>>{jsprogrammer} : I\'m interested why you are so interested in something which you claim has "nothing interesting happening". As the information has been released, I\'ve been trying to read at least some of it (I don\'t have the time to read all of it). This is one of the documents I found and it seemed like others would be interested in it.', '>>{RobToastie} : But *why* did you think others would be interested in it?', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Why are you so interested in it? The document is a recent Department of State primary source release related to people currently very much in the news. How many times do I have to answer your question?', '>>{RobToastie} : You have continued to dance around the question more than I thought possible rather than actually answer it']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{jsprogrammer} : C06135428 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06135428 Date: 02/27/2017', '>>{antisoshal} : I dont know if youre that stupid or just that desperate to actually think this means anything or actually even relates in any way.', ">>{SaltHash} : It seems like crap posted to deflect from Donnie's bigger issues with Putin.", '>>{antisoshal} : its nothing. Its a reference to Hillary talking to Huma about someone else meeting Putin in 2010. Its literally nothing.', '>>{Wiskeyjac} : But Hillary, derp derp I think.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Democrats have spoken to Russians at some point meaning it's okay for trump to collude with them to throw an election and perjury is no biggie.", ">>{PutinsMissingShirt} : It appears to be a message from a sitting SOS's assistant telling her that someone called when she was unavailable and that person also had a telephone call with the president of Russia after he left the message. I'm thinking the he in this document is referring to Donald since there's no evidence to the contrary that's how I'm taking this 'evidence'", ">>{CarmineFields} : Democrats have spoken to Russians at some point meaning it's okay for trump to collude with them to throw an election and perjury is no biggie.", '>>{scaldingramen} : She was the Secretary of State. Laughably different circumstances.', '>>{antisoshal} : No. its a memo showing Hillary talking to Huma about someone else talking to Putin in 2010. Its utterly meaningless but they hope simply having the names on there will incite people already supporting Trump to think theres some sort of equivalence.', ">>{Misanthraloperer} : Ah, makes sense then. Can we get a FOIA on Bigly's taxes now?", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : Ah ha! Nearly blank document with a could names on it. So.....can we get Bigly's taxes now?", '>>{antisoshal} : it shows if you have two names on a piece of paper from 6 years ago that they are the same as a current issue because words. I dunno. I dont even get how deranged you have to be to think this is even worth posting.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Did you know democrats also have tax bills?!?!?!?', '>>{antisoshal} : yeah it didnt seem important to me. Its clearly part of a conversation. Its also meaningless.', ">>{dread_lobster} : Nothing my ass! It's the Secretary of State discussing foreign contacts with her staff. Next you're going to tell me that Steven Chu had extensive discussions about nukes!", ">>{PutinsMissingShirt} : Called = callgirls = hookers phone = smartphone = facebook = teenagers mtg = mad tongue gangbang putin = put in = anal sex It's obviously evidence that Hillary was having wild anal sex orgies in the basement of comet pizza", ">>{Jordy_Stingray} : So Huma Abedin emailed Hillary to say someone was going to talk to Putin and get back to Hillary. This is from 2010. HRC was Secretary of State at the time. So aside from the fact there's nothing sketchy in the email anyway it would've been within the scope of her job to be having discussions with someone in contact with a foreign head of state. That's some pretty low effort shit posting my friend.", ">>{Gscarveguy} : We're not supposed to refer to fellow Redditors as brain damaged morons.", '>>{wistfulmelancholy} : Wow- really trying to dig up dirt. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face- you used up all of your fake conspiracy points on the election... No one believes this bs anymore. Go crawl back to T_d where they eat this shit up. Or maybe Putin will take you back in Moscow.', ">>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Seems odd that they would use his initials though. I don't see what this proves", '>>{sikeston} : Who even talks like this? How much did Moscow pay for a 7 year old account?', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Primary document that provides zero context. A single email is kinda worthless when it has this little info in it.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Wrong. Email is from Huma to Hilary saying Bill will call Hilary after meeting with Putin.', ">>{surviva316} : The standing Secretary of State talking to a foreign official? Well I'd never!", '>>{jsprogrammer} : I agree. If you read through other released emails, it appears to be a trend: using initials to refer to people, including themselves.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : I think reddit only lets you submit one URL at a time?', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Irrelevance to what? Department of State just released this document within the last week in an ongoing response to a FOIA request.', '>>{varelse96} : >Clearly this shows Hillary is the puppet / *sniff* FTFY', '>>{unsureofwhatiwant} : Another failed false equivalence to excuse Trump\'s Russia obsession. Everyone knows the Obama admin tried a "Russian Reset" early on. This doc is from Jun 2010. WJC could be William Jefferson Clinton.', ">>{realjd} : Irrelevant to anything. What's the context? What point are you trying to make? A single line email is meaningless without context.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Then write up a comment showing your work and post as a reply to your submission.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Equivalence? Where? Doc is from 02/27/2017, check the header/title.', ">>{jsprogrammer} : someone was Wjc, Bill, Hilary's husband.", '>>{jsprogrammer} : Unclassified and recently released State Department email from Huma Abedin to Hilary Clinton stating that William Clinton would call Hilary after he meets with Putin.', '>>{unsureofwhatiwant} : The FOIA release was 2/27. Look at the sent date of the email. Sheesh!', '>>{jsprogrammer} : This is how it was released by State. You can see the other documents in the case at: https://foia.state.gov/search/results.aspx?caseNumber=F-2016-07895', ">>{jsprogrammer} : Didn't know you can only make points here. The document is part of an ongoing release of State Department documents in response to a FOIA request. The released documents (including the one linked in this post) can be found at: https://foia.state.gov/search/results.aspx?caseNumber=F-2016-07895", ">>{wistfulmelancholy} : Oh, ok, thanks. Sounds like the secretary of state was doing her job- but that doesn't mean it won't be used against her.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : If you have something, then show it. I have no personal interest in digging through 2k emails for something that is likely normal SOS business.', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Yes, the linked document from the State Department is from 02/27/2017. The email was apparently sent on 06/29/2010.', ">>{appmanga} : Putin's minions are back on social media, working overtime to protect his American asset in the White House.", '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : Playing the fool must work out well for you IRL huh?', ">>{realjd} : This subreddit is about political commentary and discussion. A more relevant post would be to an article discussing the original source. That's why you're getting downvotes. Let me rephrase what I was asking: what made you think this was worth posting here? What political discussion were you hoping to have?", '>>{jsprogrammer} : Our government and private citizens seem to be heavily involved in Putin. This document is a primary source attesting to such involvement. Have you seen this fact reported any where else?', '>>{RobToastie} : /u/jsprogrammer you have stated what this is, and who the people are, what does this demonstrate? Why should anybody care?', ">>{jsprogrammer} : I think we can. Congress could have pulled them awhile ago, but didn't, I think. Have you put in a request?", '>>{Jordy_Stingray} : So in your opinion what does this email pertain to?', ">>{RobToastie} : Putin is a foreign diplomat. Our country's officials and former officials talk to foreign diplomats. There is no reason to report on it. Again, why is this even remotely interesting?", ">>{realjd} : The current issues with the Trump administration are that they're repeatedly hiding and lying about contact with Russian officials. Flynn never would have been fired if he hadn't lied about his meetings. Sessions meeting with the ambassador would have been a non-issue if he hadn't lied under oath about it. What are they trying to hide? Hillary's job at the time was SecState and a key part of that was to talk to foreign diplomats and leaders. Bill, as former president and head of a big multinational charity at the time, had many legitimate reasons to talk to Putin. Neither tried to hide it.", '>>{jsprogrammer} : This document is part of a FOIA information release regarding pending litigation, released by the State Department this week.', ">>{RobToastie} : I know this, and you still haven't answered the question. Why should anyone care about this email?", ">>{jsprogrammer} : Ok, I give you an answer, and, you say it's not an answer?", '>>{RobToastie} : You did not give an answer, you just stated where it came from, not why anyone should care about it. What point are you trying to make by posting this here? How does this support your point? What am I supposed to learn from reading this? How is the relevant to current US politics?', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Making a point is not a requirement for posting here. I don\'t know what you are "supposed" to learn; it\'s a primary source document. >How is the relevant to current US politics? I\'ve already answered that: >This document is part of a FOIA information release regarding pending litigation, released by the State Department this week.', ">>{RobToastie} : You don't have to make a point to post here, but you aren't contributing to the discussion if you post an email that frankly, has literally nothing interesting in it. Clearly you found something interesting about *this* email in particular, I'm curious what it is. Why did you pick this email in particular? Why is *this* email relevant to current US politics? > This document is part of a FOIA information release regarding pending litigation, released by the State Department this week. They have released information every month, and will continue to do so. There is nothing interesting happening here.", ">>{RobToastie} : I'm not interested in the email, because I see nothing interesting in it. I'm interested in your opinion on it, and why *you* think it's interesting. And now I'm interested in why you are dodging the question.", '>>{jsprogrammer} : I\'m interested why you are so interested in something which you claim has "nothing interesting happening". As the information has been released, I\'ve been trying to read at least some of it (I don\'t have the time to read all of it). This is one of the documents I found and it seemed like others would be interested in it.', '>>{RobToastie} : But *why* did you think others would be interested in it?', '>>{jsprogrammer} : Why are you so interested in it? The document is a recent Department of State primary source release related to people currently very much in the news. How many times do I have to answer your question?', '>>{RobToastie} : You have continued to dance around the question more than I thought possible rather than actually answer it'], ['>>{misanthropester} : Jon Huntsman, Trump’s pick for Russia ambassador, is a baffling choice', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Well, during the campaign Trump famously said Huntsman gave away everything to China, now I guess he picked him to be the ambassador to Russia to do the same thing? All jokes aside, Huntsman was one of the last Republicans I had any respect for, and now that's gone.", '>>{anti-pope} : Every pick in the current administration is a baffling choice... including the president.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : Huntsman is the kind of republican who actually would be appealing to a majority of the country in a presidential election, and would have won in a landslide against Hillary. I wish he had ran this past election instead of 2012. Unfortunately though, the GOP base would *never* have voted for him.', ">>{astonishingpants} : I think Trump *wanted* a guy who really isn't capable of much. Trump will be dealing directly with Russia anyway. and they needed a relatively clean-cut guy who could lend the whole shitshow at least a veneer of respectability.", '>>{FamineGhost} : Baffling choice because he isn\'t a "Russian expert", but if he was it would just be endless articles about his ties to Russia.', ">>{nrfind} : A lot of them are terrible choices, but they make a ton of sense. Jeff Sessions, known racist and probable Russia collaborator? That's a perfect fit for the Trump administration.", ">>{StoneEater} : Sorry this is dumb and takes away from actual issues. It's not like Huntsman was just some campaign contributor who is getting a cushy gig as an ambassador, he was the ambassador to China. I'll assume he will have policy experts and translators in his staff", ">>{ME24601} : In fairness to Huntsman, virtually all of Trump's picks have been baffling.", ">>{OJSamson} : psst, that's why they chose him. he has no expertise on Russia so he has no idea what trump and Russia are up to.", ">>{TimRigginsPanther} : Yep. Huntsman stupidly accepted this position. He won't be anything more than public face they trot out while the real play-makers operate behind the scenes.", ">>{BannonsReichstagFire} : Yeah, it's disappointing AF - my only hope is that Huntsman joined like Mattis, to help steer the ship rather than as a statement of loyalty to President Maniac.", '>>{BannonsReichstagFire} : Yup, and as someone who would have voted for Huntsman over everyone but Bernie - your (and my) support of him is precisely why he wouldn\'t clear a GOP primary. If the core tenet of your campaign isn\'t "liberal tears" you won\'t go far in the GOP anymore.', ">>{philly47} : I thought Huntsman was smarter than that. Who knows though, he might end up being the whistleblower in all this. He has a history of breaking ranks. edit: also, he's a billionaire so he's probably not concerned about repercussions.", ">>{MindYourGrindr} : I think the only reasons Huntsman was picked was because of 1) Change the subject and 2) They both hate Romney. I hate seeing Huntsman in this position, I was a strong supporter of his 2012 run and now he's a hack.", ">>{New-Atlantis} : If this is a baffling choice for Trump, the logical conclusion is that Trump didn't chose him. He was chosen by the traditional GOP power elite, who have taken over the reigns of government while letting Trump play the clown. They realized that Trump's style was too damaging to US interests and decided to sideline him.", ">>{Scrimshawmud} : He's placing someone there who won't be able to understand the language and will not have any power. Not baffling; obvious.", ">>{mthmchris} : Huntsman's career has been pretty dead since 2012 anyhow. The Republican base hates him, the GOP establishment hates him, and the DNC establishment hates him. Basically the only people that like Huntsman are economically conservative centrists - I'd gather he has more of a shot at becoming lead editor at the Economist than he does at winning any sort of statewide or national election.", ">>{MadHatter514} : > All jokes aside, Huntsman was one of the last Republicans I had any respect for, and now that's gone. Because he is answering the call to serve his country?", ">>{MadHatter514} : He was apparently going to run for Hatch's Senate seat in 2018.", '>>{MadHatter514} : At least he is actually a diplomat and not the opposite of what his job description entails.', '>>{MadHatter514} : Or serving his country when the President asks, just like he did with Obama.', ">>{MindYourGrindr} : Well, Obama's team actually saw him as a future threat so there were some motivations behind his appointment outside of his extraordinary qualifications. That plan worked b/c he crashed and burned in 2012 (sadly). Huntsman isn't going to be a player in US-Russia relations, he'll be sidelined like Tillerson.", ">>{MadHatter514} : I'm not talking about Obama's motives; I'm talking about Huntsman's. I'm sure he knew it would hurt his political future, but he still accepted to serve his country. He's doing that here too.", ">>{MindYourGrindr} : There's serving your country and then there's voluntarily inserting yourself into the middle of the largest political scandal in American history, but that's on him.", ">>{MadHatter514} : Or maybe he wants to be there so that one of the pro-Russian sycophants aren't. Sitting on the outside and forcing the administration to be full of vile incompetent cronies just hurts the country.", ">>{MindYourGrindr} : Huntsman will serve his role as the token qualified pick but will be completely sidelined by Team Trump. I'll give Huntsman the benefit of the doubt but I'm not holding my breath. I would've loved to see Condi appointed. She'd be perfect."], ['>>{bullshit_inspector_} : Yeah, these hackers were just careless and accidentally found the emails and released them to the world. No prosecutor would take this case.', '>>{DamagedHells} : So are they investigating who hacked it, or investigating the fact that they were going to make federal appointments for donors?', ">>{Richafod} : Into pay to play appointments or the attempted removal of democracy in the process by the DNCs head? No, whether or not Russia where one of the no doubt countless hacks on their hilariously unsecured servers. Good at least the FBI isn't wasting everyone's time again.", '>>{soccerman95} : Because who gives shit about what the emails revealed right? Who cares if there was corruption. But those nasty hackers who gave America the truth? Lets get them for the sake of our Dear Leaders', '>>{nedsliver} : EF the FBI! Comey and crew knew everything HRC did was illegal and did nothing. Now they are going to go after the real criminal.', ">>{johnthebold2} : I'm curious whether this is your first election paying attention?", '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : Pretty sure Russia is outside US jurisdiction. This will be more of a counterintelligence investigation than a criminal one.', ">>{Ajreil} : Isn't this person most likely in Russia? I doubt that will go over well. Remember when we asked for Snowden?", '>>{DamagedHells} : Is this going to be one of those "All government is corrupt, get used to it," or a "This isn\'t corruption! The DNC promising federal appointments for donations is just **POLITICS!**" posts?', '>>{Tchocky} : >EF the FBI! Comey and crew knew everything HRC did was illegal and did nothing. Hats off indoors please.', ">>{johnthebold2} : Ahh I see youve already been corrected. I'll record that in my log.", '>>{DamagedHells} : My point was more that you should have realized the tone in my original post was pointing exactly towards which it was obvious they were doing. ^Hint: ^It ^^was ^^^the ^^^^first.', '>>{misscee} : Your comment underscores just how bad the public trust is with respect to our government institutions.', '>>{emmawatsonfan} : There is enough political material in 2016 to sustain two seasons of House of Cards without any Holywood exaggeration.', '>>{loki0008} : It took the FBI 2 years to investigate Hillary Clinton\'s emails and yet here they\'ve closed the case that it\'s the Rooskies fifteen minutes before it even happened. More DNC BS for the stupid people to regurgitate. Once again perpetrators of the crime play the victim. "I\'m just a poor lil\' old dirt poor alcoholic lezbo grandma, What Difference Does it Make?"', ">>{PrecariouslySane} : It'll conclude after the election and we wont hear about it because of bigger/other news that day.", ">>{Rhinosaucerous} : We didn't know it was corrupt. Oops, sorry.", ">>{DamagedHells} : They didn't ***intend*** for it to be corrupt.", '>>{Shlak2k15} : FBI suggest no charges. Yes crime was committed but no charges. - future headline.']]
classify and reply
['>>{thefunkylemon} : Introducing The Trump News Channel–Coming in 2017?', '>>{rastertaster} : >Queer Eye for the Alt-Right Guy starring Milo Yiannopolous: Milo and co-host Ann Coulter work to help white nationalists look fabulous.', '>>{coolepairc} : Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein On Getting Arrested', '>>{20WPM} : Jill Stein has $195,763 cash on hand to run her entire 2016 presidential campaign (and that is more cash than GJ has).', '>>{aglaeasfather} : Sure, ok, but maybe if you guys didn\'t [support moronic things like homeopathy](http://www.gp.org/social_justice/#sjHealthCare) people would take you more seriously. (Section F, bottom of 4th paragraph: "We support the teaching, funding and practice of holistic health approaches and, as appropriate, the use of complementary and alternative therapies such as herbal medicines, homeopathy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and other healing approaches".)', '>>{coolepairc} : From Jill\'s recent AMA on Reddit: Q: What is your campaign\'s official stance on vaccines and homeopathic medicine? A: I don\'t know if we have an "official" stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. According to the most recent review of vaccination policies across the globe, mandatory vaccination that doesn\'t allow for medical exemptions is practically unheard of. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn\'t be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-indsutrial complex. Vaccines in general have made a huge contribution to public health. Reducing or eliminating devastating diseases like small pox and polio. In Canada, where I happen to have some numbers, hundreds of annual death from measles and whooping cough were eliminated after vaccines were introduced. Still, vaccines should be treated like any medical procedure--each one needs to be tested and regulated by parties that do not have a financial interest in them. In an age when industry lobbyists and CEOs are routinely appointed to key regulatory positions through the notorious revolving door, its no wonder many Americans don\'t trust the FDA to be an unbiased source of sound advice. A Monsanto lobbyists and CEO like Michael Taylor, former high-ranking DEA official, should not decide what food is safe for you to eat. Same goes for vaccines and pharmaceuticals. We need to take the corporate influence out of government so people will trust our health authorities, and the rest of the government for that matter. End the revolving door. Appoint qualified professionals without a financial interest in the product being regulated. Create public funding of elections to stop the buying of elections by corporations and the super-rich. For homeopathy, just because something is untested doesn\'t mean it\'s safe. By the same token, being "tested" and "reviewed" by agencies tied to big pharma and the chemical industry is also problematic. There\'s a lot of snake-oil in this system. We need research and licensing boards that are protected from conflicts of interest. They should not be limited by arbitrary definitions of what is "natural" or not.', '>>{c4l1k0} : Australia Pushes for TPP Without U.S. After Trump Exits Deal', ">>{throwthetrash16} : Seeing as the TPP itself states that it need the GDP worth of 85% of proposed signatories to actually go ahead and the US has 65% of that, it's dead in the water. It's physically impossible.", '>>{evil420pimp} : Another media outlet parroting my theory from days ago. Love it.', ">>{aglaeasfather} : Summary: >What is your campaign's official stance on vaccines I'm going to dodge this question and point out that people don't like the government. Oh, and Monsanto is bad because GMOs or whatever. >and homeopathic medicine? Again, I'm not going to take a hard stance on this but some homeopathic treatments might be bad (we don't know...?) and just because something has passed FDA approval doesn't mean its safe (**!!!**). I'm also going to point out that I either don't know about, or purposefully are ignoring, the entire peer review process in academic medicine and research. Overall, a severely lackluster statement from someone running for president.", ">>{coolepairc} : I'm not a spokesperson for the Green party or even a member (as yet) and Dr Stein as its presumptive nominee is in the best position to present its policies. I think her statement is spot on and speaks to the root causes of many of our public health problems in the US. What is your candidate's stances on said issues?", '>>{Rupperrt} : Not if they get China and Indonesia in the boat.', ">>{aglaeasfather} : I'm not arguing that she's better or worse than other candidates, but I am arguing that these views are incompatible with being taken seriously as a presidential candidate. Also, Monsanto=bad because GMOs = bad is the most moronic thing I think I have ever heard. Well, next to anti-vaxxers..", ">>{coolepairc} : I live in N Europe and TTIP is being defeated in large measure as a rejection of GMO-trace American agricultural products. So I'd say most of the rest of the world disagrees with you on Monsanto and GMOs.", '>>{m3dicated} : white nationalists. say it again at least 5 times.', ">>{TinyBaron} : Story of international politics for the next four years. They'll all just work around the US. Then soon enough they'll realize they don't need us at all anymore. As for Australia, they have their own Rupert Murdoch to thank. His shameless pushing for Trump using his Fox News is what brought us to this point.", '>>{Agedwithaview} : So, if we DO NOT elect Donald president in November we will be bombarded with his nonsensical political commentary 24/7? But if we DO elect him president in November we will be bombarded with his nonsensical political decisions 24/7? This is one of those *"red pill" / "blue pill"* things isn\'t it?', '>>{51Bootwearer} : You do realize the USAs GDP is like 3 times larger than Chinas and roughly 20 times larger than Indonesias right?', ">>{throwthetrash16} : Highly doubtful regarding China, and their economy will be tanked pretty hard by Trump's policies.", '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : Should never have joined it in the first place. This tail will never wag any dogs.', ">>{nonades} : That's fine. It'd be another Trump venture that folds in a couple months.", '>>{aglaeasfather} : >So I\'d say most of the rest of the world disagrees with you on Monsanto and GMOs. After last week do you really think the take-home lesson was "trust the people, they vote with their minds and not their emotions"?', ">>{kiwisrkool} : Thanks. But I think you read that wrong. The TPP agreement will continue with 11 countries if the USA pulls out, or 12 or 13 if China and Indonesia join. Then 85% of that groups gdp is required. You have to remember TPP was started by Helen Clark's Labour government in NZ about 14 years ago. It was only when China looked like joining that the USA pushed it's way in and weight around. Although having the US involved would be better, they are not completely Necessary for the agreement to move forward. Interestingly, USA have said they want a free trade agreement with NZ this morning, but Bill English the PM said the US term were not good enough, so I think the decision to work with the remaining TPP members has already been made.", ">>{throwthetrash16} : No, if the US pulls out, it's dead. It's done by the original group, not the remainder. Even if it was though, it ruins the point of the TPP: To stop China's Asian trade nations from sticking with China, in exchange for cheap Western goods and zero tariffs. Later, China would be forced to accept Western laws on things like IPs so that companies could come in and not lose millions because a Chinese company stole their work and then the American company is banned from trading in China.", '>>{kiwisrkool} : Pretty sure those were rules the US placed on TPP regarding copyright etc, so would be watered down in a new deal. The remaining members have already been in touch and agreed to proceed with out USA.', '>>{woody678} : Debatable. Remember, most of the shit you buy in the store comes from china. It makes more sense to me that our economy will tank pretty hard.', ">>{throwthetrash16} : Having massive tariffs on Chinese goods moves factories back to the US, it's cheaper to do that. China will have their main market (cheap goods) cut off.", '>>{mrsmeeseeks} : I kind of wish Roseanne Barr ran for the Green party nomination again, she might have actually had a chance to beat Jill Stein this year.', ">>{woody678} : That depends on how many free trade agreements they set up with everyone else. Yes, we buy a lot of shit, but we are not their only trade partner. Besides, you're assuming that the extra cost wont get passed on to consumers.", '>>{coolepairc} : I believe absolutely in democracy without hesitation. That presupposes a free and fair election with unquestioned integrity. I know of no better political process.', '>>{Average_Autist} : Will he use this channel to explain the millions of dollars he allegedly donated to NAMBLA??', '>>{thisbites_over} : I think Vanity Fair was saying this back in May.', '>>{the92jays} : Not a new theory. There were articles written about this months ago.', ">>{liberationation} : Id rather he get the commentary, because commentary doesn't drop nukes.", ">>{liberationation} : I don't know, his base seems pretty fanatical. There's plenty of them who would be more than happy to abandon Fox and join TNN (which coincidentally should push Fox to the center).", '>>{wavescrashover} : I\'ve always contemplated the notion that him running for President was more of a PR stunt than anything. Various moves made throughout the campaign made it seem a little more likely. And then bringing Bannon onto the team and doing debate prep (or whatever) with Ailes definitely adds some fuel to that whole idea. But then... he started his attack on the media. Saying he\'s not running against Clinton but he\'s running against the media. Blaming the media for being biased (yes, I do realize a bias exists... but I\'ve seen it go both ways.) And now whenever I see comments or discussions between Trump supporters & Clinton supporters, those for Trump immediately discredit any information as "stupid liberal media bias," even if it\'s been proven true. In the speech he gave yesterday (last night?) he talked about the media taking things he says and either taking them out of context or devoting several days to dissecting every single syllable of what he\'s said. Then he said something like "Imagine if the media took all that energy and instead focused on the things that matter that are happening around our country? Take them to our borders, etc." Considering so many of his supporters praise him for being a smart businessman (and I don\'t doubt that he is or can be), claim that all the negatives about his history (bankruptcies, not paying laborers, etc.) were just wise business moves on his part, the way it\'s looking to me is that he\'s just making very calculated moves, laying the foundation for something other than becoming the next President. He\'s setting the stage to make so many people reject mainstream media by painting them all as biased against telling the truth or not focusing on the real issues in our country or around the world so that when he, Ailes & Bannon go on to form Trump News Channel (or whatever) they will already have a huge following and will make the claim that their news network is the only one you can trust. And considering the beliefs & backgrounds of those 3 guys (and things they\'ve said or done), it seems like it would definitely be more for those that believe every conspiracy theory they want to throw your way. Or those that have a more alt-right ideology. But heck, I could be totally wrong. Just how it looks from the outside.', ">>{DAllenJ} : He'll try, but I don't know... They're really struggling to find an explanation, the Trump campaign - at least that's what I'm hearing. How do you explain that the Republican nominee for POTUS is a card-carrying member of NAMBLA? How do you explain the millions and millions of dollars in donations to NAMBLA? There's no good explanation, and people tell me they're panicking, the Trump people. This is ultimately why the campaign is such a sideshow. They're constantly distracting and deflecting because they're desperate to keep this NAMBLA thing from getting out.", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : It'll be a whole other kind of opiate epidemic in their communities.", ">>{stumblebreak} : It'll be some subscription based streaming Network that'll be $40 per month. They'll throw big contracts at a few right wing names and get no advertising. Within a couple years it will die away and they'll blame the failure on PC culture or liberal media.", '>>{something45723} : If the current media climate created Trump, what might his media climate create?', '>>{notashill9} : Has anyone else noticed whenever the NAMBLA story is about to break out, Trump says something more outrage so the MSM is distracted from the story? A lot people are noticing this, and some of the smartest people are saying something seriously weird is afoot here.', '>>{VINCE_C_} : I think RT already has a US based channel.', ">>{Wolfspirit4W} : I'm starting to believe that Trump's campaign style is influenced by the same self-selection technique used by [Nigerian Scammers](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/why-do-nigerian-scammers-say-they-are-from-nigeria/) as discussed in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittykickstarters/comments/4sojaw/why_do_shittykickstarters_look_so_shitty_maybe/) >Scams don't care about looking like a scam because they're filtering for people who don't know what a scam is. Think about some of the most outrageous, demonstrably false things that Trump has said. If they aren't just a product of an unwell man that has lost a grip on reality and is just saying whatever comes to him, then they could just be a way of finding people that will believe **anything** that he says.", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : [I think he meant this](http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_logppcX3Z81qeuh7go3_500.gif)', ">>{nonades} : I don't know. Trump's who image is predicated on how he' so good and is the best. Personally, I'm hoping this lose (I mean, it's crooked Hillary! How could he!) is the start of a long, painful slide for him.", ">>{AssCalloway} : Like Glenn Beck's channel..internet only 13$/mo", ">>{everred} : I'd prefer a steep, sharp drop in popularity followed by a Nixon-esque disappearance. And he won't live long enough to make a comeback.", ">>{megavega11} : You know... I'm completely okay with this. This doesn't bother me at all.", '>>{nattokun} : So the truth is finally out; he only ran for president to gain viewers for his own TV channel.', '>>{Frankfett} : President Trump will be too busy making America great again in 2017.', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : So basically, he'll be the Glenn Beck to Fox's Rush Limbaugh? Stealing away the crazier portions of his audience until it's no longer profitable?", ">>{liberationation} : It will be no longer profitable for Fox if they don't change, hence why I think it would push them to the center. It's the direct the Murdochs want it to go anyway.", '>>{eigenman} : Hope he goes public with it so I can short the crap out of that stock.', ">>{hobbes305} : He's planning on permanently moving to Russia after he loses the election by a landslide? Kewl!", ">>{NashMcCabe} : He's also obsessed with ratings. That's all he talks about in interviews.", '>>{Jake314159265359} : Not if it becomes the new fox. Then it affects elections.', '>>{Jake314159265359} : Imagine a Trump with better speaking skills. Now get about 6-11 of those running for multiple government positions all propped up by the Trump Network.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{c4l1k0} : Australia Pushes for TPP Without U.S. After Trump Exits Deal', ">>{throwthetrash16} : Seeing as the TPP itself states that it need the GDP worth of 85% of proposed signatories to actually go ahead and the US has 65% of that, it's dead in the water. It's physically impossible.", '>>{Rupperrt} : Not if they get China and Indonesia in the boat.', ">>{TinyBaron} : Story of international politics for the next four years. They'll all just work around the US. Then soon enough they'll realize they don't need us at all anymore. As for Australia, they have their own Rupert Murdoch to thank. His shameless pushing for Trump using his Fox News is what brought us to this point.", '>>{51Bootwearer} : You do realize the USAs GDP is like 3 times larger than Chinas and roughly 20 times larger than Indonesias right?', ">>{throwthetrash16} : Highly doubtful regarding China, and their economy will be tanked pretty hard by Trump's policies.", '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : Should never have joined it in the first place. This tail will never wag any dogs.', ">>{kiwisrkool} : Thanks. But I think you read that wrong. The TPP agreement will continue with 11 countries if the USA pulls out, or 12 or 13 if China and Indonesia join. Then 85% of that groups gdp is required. You have to remember TPP was started by Helen Clark's Labour government in NZ about 14 years ago. It was only when China looked like joining that the USA pushed it's way in and weight around. Although having the US involved would be better, they are not completely Necessary for the agreement to move forward. Interestingly, USA have said they want a free trade agreement with NZ this morning, but Bill English the PM said the US term were not good enough, so I think the decision to work with the remaining TPP members has already been made.", ">>{throwthetrash16} : No, if the US pulls out, it's dead. It's done by the original group, not the remainder. Even if it was though, it ruins the point of the TPP: To stop China's Asian trade nations from sticking with China, in exchange for cheap Western goods and zero tariffs. Later, China would be forced to accept Western laws on things like IPs so that companies could come in and not lose millions because a Chinese company stole their work and then the American company is banned from trading in China.", '>>{kiwisrkool} : Pretty sure those were rules the US placed on TPP regarding copyright etc, so would be watered down in a new deal. The remaining members have already been in touch and agreed to proceed with out USA.', '>>{woody678} : Debatable. Remember, most of the shit you buy in the store comes from china. It makes more sense to me that our economy will tank pretty hard.', ">>{throwthetrash16} : Having massive tariffs on Chinese goods moves factories back to the US, it's cheaper to do that. China will have their main market (cheap goods) cut off.", ">>{woody678} : That depends on how many free trade agreements they set up with everyone else. Yes, we buy a lot of shit, but we are not their only trade partner. Besides, you're assuming that the extra cost wont get passed on to consumers."], ['>>{thefunkylemon} : Introducing The Trump News Channel–Coming in 2017?', '>>{rastertaster} : >Queer Eye for the Alt-Right Guy starring Milo Yiannopolous: Milo and co-host Ann Coulter work to help white nationalists look fabulous.', '>>{evil420pimp} : Another media outlet parroting my theory from days ago. Love it.', '>>{m3dicated} : white nationalists. say it again at least 5 times.', '>>{Agedwithaview} : So, if we DO NOT elect Donald president in November we will be bombarded with his nonsensical political commentary 24/7? But if we DO elect him president in November we will be bombarded with his nonsensical political decisions 24/7? This is one of those *"red pill" / "blue pill"* things isn\'t it?', ">>{nonades} : That's fine. It'd be another Trump venture that folds in a couple months.", '>>{Average_Autist} : Will he use this channel to explain the millions of dollars he allegedly donated to NAMBLA??', '>>{thisbites_over} : I think Vanity Fair was saying this back in May.', '>>{the92jays} : Not a new theory. There were articles written about this months ago.', ">>{liberationation} : Id rather he get the commentary, because commentary doesn't drop nukes.", ">>{liberationation} : I don't know, his base seems pretty fanatical. There's plenty of them who would be more than happy to abandon Fox and join TNN (which coincidentally should push Fox to the center).", '>>{wavescrashover} : I\'ve always contemplated the notion that him running for President was more of a PR stunt than anything. Various moves made throughout the campaign made it seem a little more likely. And then bringing Bannon onto the team and doing debate prep (or whatever) with Ailes definitely adds some fuel to that whole idea. But then... he started his attack on the media. Saying he\'s not running against Clinton but he\'s running against the media. Blaming the media for being biased (yes, I do realize a bias exists... but I\'ve seen it go both ways.) And now whenever I see comments or discussions between Trump supporters & Clinton supporters, those for Trump immediately discredit any information as "stupid liberal media bias," even if it\'s been proven true. In the speech he gave yesterday (last night?) he talked about the media taking things he says and either taking them out of context or devoting several days to dissecting every single syllable of what he\'s said. Then he said something like "Imagine if the media took all that energy and instead focused on the things that matter that are happening around our country? Take them to our borders, etc." Considering so many of his supporters praise him for being a smart businessman (and I don\'t doubt that he is or can be), claim that all the negatives about his history (bankruptcies, not paying laborers, etc.) were just wise business moves on his part, the way it\'s looking to me is that he\'s just making very calculated moves, laying the foundation for something other than becoming the next President. He\'s setting the stage to make so many people reject mainstream media by painting them all as biased against telling the truth or not focusing on the real issues in our country or around the world so that when he, Ailes & Bannon go on to form Trump News Channel (or whatever) they will already have a huge following and will make the claim that their news network is the only one you can trust. And considering the beliefs & backgrounds of those 3 guys (and things they\'ve said or done), it seems like it would definitely be more for those that believe every conspiracy theory they want to throw your way. Or those that have a more alt-right ideology. But heck, I could be totally wrong. Just how it looks from the outside.', ">>{DAllenJ} : He'll try, but I don't know... They're really struggling to find an explanation, the Trump campaign - at least that's what I'm hearing. How do you explain that the Republican nominee for POTUS is a card-carrying member of NAMBLA? How do you explain the millions and millions of dollars in donations to NAMBLA? There's no good explanation, and people tell me they're panicking, the Trump people. This is ultimately why the campaign is such a sideshow. They're constantly distracting and deflecting because they're desperate to keep this NAMBLA thing from getting out.", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : It'll be a whole other kind of opiate epidemic in their communities.", ">>{stumblebreak} : It'll be some subscription based streaming Network that'll be $40 per month. They'll throw big contracts at a few right wing names and get no advertising. Within a couple years it will die away and they'll blame the failure on PC culture or liberal media.", '>>{something45723} : If the current media climate created Trump, what might his media climate create?', '>>{notashill9} : Has anyone else noticed whenever the NAMBLA story is about to break out, Trump says something more outrage so the MSM is distracted from the story? A lot people are noticing this, and some of the smartest people are saying something seriously weird is afoot here.', '>>{VINCE_C_} : I think RT already has a US based channel.', ">>{Wolfspirit4W} : I'm starting to believe that Trump's campaign style is influenced by the same self-selection technique used by [Nigerian Scammers](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/why-do-nigerian-scammers-say-they-are-from-nigeria/) as discussed in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittykickstarters/comments/4sojaw/why_do_shittykickstarters_look_so_shitty_maybe/) >Scams don't care about looking like a scam because they're filtering for people who don't know what a scam is. Think about some of the most outrageous, demonstrably false things that Trump has said. If they aren't just a product of an unwell man that has lost a grip on reality and is just saying whatever comes to him, then they could just be a way of finding people that will believe **anything** that he says.", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : [I think he meant this](http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_logppcX3Z81qeuh7go3_500.gif)', ">>{nonades} : I don't know. Trump's who image is predicated on how he' so good and is the best. Personally, I'm hoping this lose (I mean, it's crooked Hillary! How could he!) is the start of a long, painful slide for him.", ">>{AssCalloway} : Like Glenn Beck's channel..internet only 13$/mo", ">>{everred} : I'd prefer a steep, sharp drop in popularity followed by a Nixon-esque disappearance. And he won't live long enough to make a comeback.", ">>{megavega11} : You know... I'm completely okay with this. This doesn't bother me at all.", '>>{nattokun} : So the truth is finally out; he only ran for president to gain viewers for his own TV channel.', '>>{Frankfett} : President Trump will be too busy making America great again in 2017.', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : So basically, he'll be the Glenn Beck to Fox's Rush Limbaugh? Stealing away the crazier portions of his audience until it's no longer profitable?", ">>{liberationation} : It will be no longer profitable for Fox if they don't change, hence why I think it would push them to the center. It's the direct the Murdochs want it to go anyway.", '>>{eigenman} : Hope he goes public with it so I can short the crap out of that stock.', ">>{hobbes305} : He's planning on permanently moving to Russia after he loses the election by a landslide? Kewl!", ">>{NashMcCabe} : He's also obsessed with ratings. That's all he talks about in interviews.", '>>{Jake314159265359} : Not if it becomes the new fox. Then it affects elections.', '>>{Jake314159265359} : Imagine a Trump with better speaking skills. Now get about 6-11 of those running for multiple government positions all propped up by the Trump Network.'], ['>>{coolepairc} : Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein On Getting Arrested', '>>{20WPM} : Jill Stein has $195,763 cash on hand to run her entire 2016 presidential campaign (and that is more cash than GJ has).', '>>{aglaeasfather} : Sure, ok, but maybe if you guys didn\'t [support moronic things like homeopathy](http://www.gp.org/social_justice/#sjHealthCare) people would take you more seriously. (Section F, bottom of 4th paragraph: "We support the teaching, funding and practice of holistic health approaches and, as appropriate, the use of complementary and alternative therapies such as herbal medicines, homeopathy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and other healing approaches".)', '>>{coolepairc} : From Jill\'s recent AMA on Reddit: Q: What is your campaign\'s official stance on vaccines and homeopathic medicine? A: I don\'t know if we have an "official" stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. According to the most recent review of vaccination policies across the globe, mandatory vaccination that doesn\'t allow for medical exemptions is practically unheard of. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn\'t be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-indsutrial complex. Vaccines in general have made a huge contribution to public health. Reducing or eliminating devastating diseases like small pox and polio. In Canada, where I happen to have some numbers, hundreds of annual death from measles and whooping cough were eliminated after vaccines were introduced. Still, vaccines should be treated like any medical procedure--each one needs to be tested and regulated by parties that do not have a financial interest in them. In an age when industry lobbyists and CEOs are routinely appointed to key regulatory positions through the notorious revolving door, its no wonder many Americans don\'t trust the FDA to be an unbiased source of sound advice. A Monsanto lobbyists and CEO like Michael Taylor, former high-ranking DEA official, should not decide what food is safe for you to eat. Same goes for vaccines and pharmaceuticals. We need to take the corporate influence out of government so people will trust our health authorities, and the rest of the government for that matter. End the revolving door. Appoint qualified professionals without a financial interest in the product being regulated. Create public funding of elections to stop the buying of elections by corporations and the super-rich. For homeopathy, just because something is untested doesn\'t mean it\'s safe. By the same token, being "tested" and "reviewed" by agencies tied to big pharma and the chemical industry is also problematic. There\'s a lot of snake-oil in this system. We need research and licensing boards that are protected from conflicts of interest. They should not be limited by arbitrary definitions of what is "natural" or not.', ">>{aglaeasfather} : Summary: >What is your campaign's official stance on vaccines I'm going to dodge this question and point out that people don't like the government. Oh, and Monsanto is bad because GMOs or whatever. >and homeopathic medicine? Again, I'm not going to take a hard stance on this but some homeopathic treatments might be bad (we don't know...?) and just because something has passed FDA approval doesn't mean its safe (**!!!**). I'm also going to point out that I either don't know about, or purposefully are ignoring, the entire peer review process in academic medicine and research. Overall, a severely lackluster statement from someone running for president.", ">>{coolepairc} : I'm not a spokesperson for the Green party or even a member (as yet) and Dr Stein as its presumptive nominee is in the best position to present its policies. I think her statement is spot on and speaks to the root causes of many of our public health problems in the US. What is your candidate's stances on said issues?", ">>{aglaeasfather} : I'm not arguing that she's better or worse than other candidates, but I am arguing that these views are incompatible with being taken seriously as a presidential candidate. Also, Monsanto=bad because GMOs = bad is the most moronic thing I think I have ever heard. Well, next to anti-vaxxers..", ">>{coolepairc} : I live in N Europe and TTIP is being defeated in large measure as a rejection of GMO-trace American agricultural products. So I'd say most of the rest of the world disagrees with you on Monsanto and GMOs.", '>>{aglaeasfather} : >So I\'d say most of the rest of the world disagrees with you on Monsanto and GMOs. After last week do you really think the take-home lesson was "trust the people, they vote with their minds and not their emotions"?', '>>{mrsmeeseeks} : I kind of wish Roseanne Barr ran for the Green party nomination again, she might have actually had a chance to beat Jill Stein this year.', '>>{coolepairc} : I believe absolutely in democracy without hesitation. That presupposes a free and fair election with unquestioned integrity. I know of no better political process.']]
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[">>{IPeedOnTrumpAMA} : Mae Beavers?? No way in hell that isn't a porn name.", '>>{Ninjasteevo} : Im all for this legislature. 100 percent. Theres this one book that has made it into our society that is so egregious that it blows my mind for example it has stories of incest and rape, encourages slavery and discrimination, not to mention the glorification of violence. You may have heard of it, you know The Bible. Fuck all these regressive, backwards thinking politicians and the idiots who follow them.', '>>{tau-lepton} : Co-starring Sir Gay Kiss Lee-Yak, playing the Russia diplomat.', '>>{txyesboy} : In other words: Dumb Southern Elderly White Folks.', '>>{hairy_chicken} : I thought you\'d misspelled muh beavers. "Don\'t take away muh beavers"', ">>{Arborgarbage} : What is the legislation? The link won't load for me", '>>{Vgatv} : So they are complaining that kids are using porn as a form of sex education. What the fuck did you expect when all you teach them in school is "don\'t have it"?', '>>{jasondickson} : A resolution to recognize pornography as a public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms. [Full text.](http://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/110/Bill/SJR0035.pdf)', ">>{jasondickson} : For anyone who missed this moron's gonzo scenes last month: [Mae Beavers tells town hall that 'Muslim terrorists' are planning jihad in Tennessee, citing 'intelligence people'](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5v2mnz/sen_mae_beavers_tells_town_hall_that_muslim/)", '>>{Mamafritas} : >condemning pornography as a "public health crisis" that is **making men less interested in marrying** Does that mean porn is okay for women?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{IPeedOnTrumpAMA} : Mae Beavers?? No way in hell that isn't a porn name.", '>>{Ninjasteevo} : Im all for this legislature. 100 percent. Theres this one book that has made it into our society that is so egregious that it blows my mind for example it has stories of incest and rape, encourages slavery and discrimination, not to mention the glorification of violence. You may have heard of it, you know The Bible. Fuck all these regressive, backwards thinking politicians and the idiots who follow them.', '>>{tau-lepton} : Co-starring Sir Gay Kiss Lee-Yak, playing the Russia diplomat.', '>>{txyesboy} : In other words: Dumb Southern Elderly White Folks.', '>>{hairy_chicken} : I thought you\'d misspelled muh beavers. "Don\'t take away muh beavers"', ">>{Arborgarbage} : What is the legislation? The link won't load for me", '>>{Vgatv} : So they are complaining that kids are using porn as a form of sex education. What the fuck did you expect when all you teach them in school is "don\'t have it"?', '>>{jasondickson} : A resolution to recognize pornography as a public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms. [Full text.](http://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/110/Bill/SJR0035.pdf)', ">>{jasondickson} : For anyone who missed this moron's gonzo scenes last month: [Mae Beavers tells town hall that 'Muslim terrorists' are planning jihad in Tennessee, citing 'intelligence people'](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5v2mnz/sen_mae_beavers_tells_town_hall_that_muslim/)", '>>{Mamafritas} : >condemning pornography as a "public health crisis" that is **making men less interested in marrying** Does that mean porn is okay for women?']]
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[">>{StevenSanders90210} : Trump blasts Carrier union leader: He's 'done a terrible job'", ">>{GAforTrump} : We're Not the Evil Empire -- But We're Divided by Class and Ruled by Elites", '>>{GAforTrump} : >Anyway, what is happening, what you are actually referring to, I can trace back to Dr. Angelo Codevilla in his piece in the American Spectator. >"Ruling Classes vs. Country Class." I think even Peggy Noonan now has written a column about this in the Wall Street Journal, and what is happening here -- and in this country it\'s relatively new. In much of the world, it\'s the way things are every day. In this country, it\'s relatively new, and you can find it in cronyism. In the old days -- and it wasn\'t that long ago -- corporate leaders and business leaders, you never questioned their patriotic tendencies. >You knew they were American, and they voted -- and they did business with the government when they had a choice, and they ran their companies. Even if they were multinational, if they were headquartered here and they ran their companies here, no doubt they were American. What\'s happening now is that our leaders -- and I don\'t mean just the president; I\'m talking about a lot of the elected leaders, but people in the cabinet, people that are not elected, people in the various agencies. >EPA, housing and urban development, you name it, they have nothing in common nor any interest with the vast majority of the people who live in the country. They have a condescending view of most people. It\'s very class-conscious now. They are an elite, and they know it, and they only have interest in what other elites think, say, and do. There is a greater divide between the people that lead the countries and the people who elect \'em, or who live in the country, than there has ever been.', ">>{MelaniasNudez} : Vote for a moron, bad things happen. Not sure why his marriage didn't grant him citizenship or a green card, but oh well.", ">>{topamine2} : Is Trump lying? This union leader seems to be angry at Trump for not saving all the jobs but he didn't stop Carrier from moving to Mexico. Why is it Trump's fault?", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Rush Limbaugh is a bigot with a drug problem.', '>>{fluxing_uranus} : Geez lady, you could have just filed for divorce.', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : I don\'t mind being ruled by elites, so long as they are actually elite and are not out-of-touch power happy morons. And of course being "ruled" does not imply absolute power.', ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Don't put stock in anything Rush Limbaugh says. He's a hack; a right-wing reactionary jackass whose fanbase is somehow dumber than he is.", '>>{OverTWERKed} : She fell for a con man and now her family is being ripped apart. Gotta feel bad for this family including her.', ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > I don't mind being ruled by elites I do! The govt is supposed to be working for me! I'm not supposed to be working for it and it's goals! http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/2010/01/more-government-employees-than-goods.html", ">>{Buffalox} : I feel bad for him, not her. Allegedly he even warned her about it, but she wouldn't listen.", '>>{progwire} : Trump gave Carrier $7M to help them open their Mexico offshoring factory.', '>>{MurplesDoop} : It\'s one of those things where it isn\'t as simple as "We\'re married and one of us is from abroad." It can cost anywhere from 2k to 15k in order to do, and if it\'s been found you overstayed your visa or entered the country illegally prior to your marriage you can still be deported. And be unable to re enter the country legally.', ">>{whitepeoplerules} : from a federal perspective, that's profitable (payroll taxes / income taxes / etc.) from indianas perspective, i have no idea, because i don't know indianas tax code", ">>{Modshaveaids} : >if it's been found you overstayed your visa or entered the country illegally prior to your marriage I did not know this. In which case Melania Trump cant be a citizen either. She over stayed and worked without a visa too. Talk about double standards.", ">>{Littlepiecesofme} : Apparently once you are already here there is NO legal path to take. It's one one reasons Dreamers are screwed. The system isn't set up to handle them.", ">>{OverTWERKed} : I hear ya, but I don't see any difference between this lady and Bernie Madoffs victims. When they're under that con man's spell everything just slips away and your own family's pleas for reason are futile.", '>>{spookbeard} : The union leader praised Trump for the jobs he did save, but scolds him for exaggerating and lying about the number that were saved. Trump promised to save them all, he says he saved 1100, he actually saved 800 and a lot are still going to Mexico.', '>>{MurplesDoop} : Oh definitely. Bad for thee, not for me at its finest.', '>>{alephnul} : User for 1 day, posts the same copy pasta in every thread, comment karma -43..... Come to your own conclusions.', '>>{the_mikepence} : The man is apparently receiving death threats as we speak. It is not ok for a man with this power to be targeting citizens by name through social media. Donald Trump is an embarrassment and cancer to America. Too bad so many willfully remain ignorant... Edit: https://twitter.com/DPAQreport/status/806671653035982848', '>>{progwire} : sounds complicated, all i know is carrier is getting money from trump to move jobs that exist today to mexico tomorrow', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Even though the number of manufacturing jobs goes down, the amount of manufactured goods has gone up. [http://www.hire-intelligence.com/increases-industrial-productivity-strand-workers-unemployment/](http://www.hire-intelligence.com/increases-industrial-productivity-strand-workers-unemployment/) This is automation at work.', ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : It's not like Trump was hiding the fact that he wanted to deport every single illegal immigrant. She didn't get fleeced by him on this one. He lied about a lot of shit but he meant it on the deportations. She fooled herself.", '>>{AlcoaSombrero} : Rush Limbaugh: Barack the magic Negro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_FAJUFutyw Rush played this song a lot back in those days. I used to wonder how a small businessman could possibly listen to Rush Limbaugh at work. There you are selling antiques or repairing washing machines listening to Rush when suddenly that Negro song comes on and you have black customers in the shop.', '>>{MyPSAcct} : There is no scenario in which it costs 15k for a CR1/IR1 visa.', ">>{whatthefizzle} : Not sure how he wasn't a citizen if he was married to an American citizen. Doesn't the non-citizen spouse automatically become a citizen if they marry one?", '>>{definitelynotbeardo} : Only if you assume the people being laid off were to be unemployed instead of finding other jobs.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Time for Twitter to take away his toy if he's going to target individuals.", '>>{wodthing} : Trumplethinskin defensive crybaby tweet #352... stay tuned for #353.', ">>{MyPSAcct} : That's not true. You just have to file for a I-601 waiver. Those are granted most of the time.", ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Even though the number of manufacturing jobs goes down, the amount of manufactured goods has gone up. That's irrelevant to my point where the govt is getting bigger than the people it serves. [Which I should have explained.] It also becomes bad for the people when the govt employees can vote itself a raise at the expense of the middle class.", ">>{PurpleProsePoet} : Yes, as the source you cited cites only manufacturing employees. That said, no the government is not getting bigger than the people it serves. That doesn't even make sense.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : The money isn't coming from Trump. Pence gave them Hoosier tax money.", '>>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Yes, as the source you cited cites only manufacturing employees. That along with the farmers, is the base for making all of our wealth. They are the wealth producers. Once you outnumber them, or shrink their numbers to where they no longer create enough wealth to pay for the govt overhead, we start going broke.', ">>{MurplesDoop} : There actually are. It's rare, and usually involves issues with being a prior refugee status.", ">>{Imnotarobotami} : Aren't the government and the people supposed to one and the same to a certain degree?", ">>{progwire} : so Trump did let Carrier jobs go to Mexico and paid them $7M, right? he's really bad at deals", ">>{whitepeoplerules} : indiana is paying the 7m (700k per year), if you want to single out a person, it'd be pence.", ">>{progwire} : no no, Trump is taking credit for this. He's never said it was all Pence.", '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Firstly, I just showed you manufacturing output continues to grow. Secondly, so you think doctors don\'t add value to a society? Lawyers? Truck Drivers? Our military? (I wonder if that graph counts them as government workers) Our teachers? (More "government workers") We live in a service based economy - because manufacturing jobs are being automated and outsourced. But manufacturing output hasn\'t disapeared at all.', '>>{MyPSAcct} : Maybe if you have a scumbag lawyer, which, granted, is quite a large percentage of the immigration lawyer population.', ">>{topamine2} : 550 are going to mexico according to the union boss. Trump saved 800 and it's still better than if Clinton was president because all 1400 would be going over.", ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Aren't the government and the people supposed to one and the same to a certain degree? What are you trying to get at? The wealth creators are the manufacturers and farmers. Once the govt starts to outstrip their ability to pay all taxes and still profit the country goes into ruin! By the way, they actually do pay all the taxes. All of our REAL wealth is created by them. Their profits and goods are what pays for all the incidental workers and govt out there. If were manufactured nothing and grew nothing we would be broke.", ">>{helpfulkorn} : [Path to citizenship flow chart](http://reason.org/files/a87d1550853898a9b306ef458f116079.pdf) Quick answer is even if you do everything right you're going to wait a decade to be a citizen or more.", ">>{MurplesDoop} : Hell yeah. Why not nickel and dime a disenfranchised group of people who are scared about being deported back home (especially if they have family here) or thrown into prison for minor infractions? It's what the US is best at.", '>>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Firstly, I just showed you manufacturing output continues to grow. Yes, but if you tax them too much they will likely just stop or leave the country! You are not thinking straight and understanding that as the people in the manufacturing base gets robbed more and more to pay for the govt and those that do not work that they will start to despise being used! Which is natural. Making things is our Golden Goose! A growing govt just leaves the people with less and less every year. > Secondly, so you think doctors don\'t add value to a society? Value? Yes. Profits to pay for everything, No. Real wealth is created by making things to trade. Think of it this way, a doctor is just the maintenance man in a manufacturing plant. He is just an expense that eats the manufacturers profits. Understand? >Lawyers? Very expensive overhead! >Our military? Expensive operating costs! >(I wonder if that graph counts them as government workers) Our teachers? (More "government workers") We live in a service based economy - because manufacturing jobs are being automated and outsourced. But manufacturing output hasn\'t disapeared at all. **All of them do not create new wealth on a macro economic scale!** They all get paid from the profits of the things that were made and created wealth. Think of it this way, a govt employee is just the maintenance man in a manufacturing plant. He is just an expense that eats the manufacturers profits. Via taxation, the makers pay their wages. Understand?', '>>{MurplesDoop} : Immigration lawyers suck because disenfranchised people are easy to target.', '>>{topamine2} : Trump paid Carrier 7M to keep 800 jobs in the US.', ">>{MyPSAcct} : I can't count the number of times I've had people say that they paid a lawyer to file their immigration paperwork and were told that they were good to go. Except nothing had been filed.", '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : You appear to just repeat bilge over and over. Manufacturing things is not the only source of wealth, logistics is very important too, so is the spread of knowledge. So are people. They are all part of rearranging the world we live in to be more serviceable to humans. And again, **manufacturing output continues to grow.**', ">>{wongwong} : No you don't automatically get a green card, He applied for the green card in 2007 and was still awaiting approval. If you over stay an initial visa apparently it severely slows down down the process", ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Manufacturing things is not the only source of wealth, logistics is very important too That's an expense to get the goods sold. It's not profit. >so is the spread of knowledge Disseminating information for free is not making something to sell. >So are people Even the ones on welfare that are the takers?", '>>{Imnotarobotami} : Your original statement was: "I do! The govt is supposed to be working for me! I\'m not supposed to be working for it and it\'s goals!" I was trying to point out you\'re moving into an "us vs. them" mentality. We are all responsible for our government. Further, you say the government should be working for you, but then imply the government is too big and too much of a burden on small business. You also state manufacturers and farmers are the wealth creators of our country. I agree. Does that also mean the majority of the goods you purchase are made in the USA? I purchase approximately 80% made in USA. I find this is commonly an area where people are incredibly hypocritical; complaining about the manufacturing industry in the US but at the same time buying all their goods from China.', ">>{progwire} : apparently no one does....otherwise i can't imagine he would be president. fml", '>>{progwire} : he paid them 7M to offshore 1300 jobs too! 1300>800 Both statements are true.', '>>{wongwong} : He applied for his green card in 2007...was still waiting and checked in with ICE every year through his immigration lawyer', ">>{whitepeoplerules} : lol, if you know what he is, why would you take his word as something it isn't", '>>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > I was trying to point out you\'re moving into an "us vs. them" mentality. We are all responsible for our government. That\'s true but the article points out that is no longer true with such a big and powerful govt! > Further, you say the government should be working for you, but then imply the government is too big and too much of a burden on small business. Correct. As the article states, it now makes rules and regulations without concern for who it\'s supposed to be helping. US!! > You also state manufacturers and farmers are the wealth creators of our country. I agree. Does that also mean the majority of the goods you purchase are made in the USA? Since I can no longer afford what we make because we constantly debase our wages and savings, No. >I purchase approximately 80% made in USA. You are lucky. Most of the country cannot afford to do that AND save for retirement. >I find this is commonly an area where people are incredibly hypocritical; complaining about the manufacturing industry in the US but at the same time buying all their goods from China. You can pay more taxes than you legally owe too, does that mean you do?', ">>{Imnotarobotami} : 1. I disagree. Start with your local government, where changes you can help make are clearly visable. if ones mentality is that they can't make a difference then they never will. 2. What should the government be doing for you? 3. This is a classic downward spiral. People need realize if they don't make changes things won't change. Start with buying local food directly from local farmers. Don't buy cheap shit from China just because it's cheap. People generally have more overhead in there budgets than they think they do. For instance, many people pay hundreds of dollars a month on phone, Internet, and cable when alternatives exist for a fraction of the cost. 4. I am lucky. I also choose to pay more for one thing made in US. 5. No, I don't. I do buy lottery tickets, which is basically a form of self taxation. Regardless, your comment doesn't address what I said, your deliberately changing he subject.", ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : >I disagree. Start with your local government, where changes you can help make are clearly visable. if ones mentality is that they can't make a difference then they never will. I agree, but the article was mostly talking about the federal level. > > > >What should the government be doing for you? Compared to what it is doing now? Staying out of our way. > > > >This is a classic downward spiral. People need realize if they don't make changes things won't change. Start with buying local food directly from local farmers. This is true but since the democrats gave us a debt based currency they have cut or stagnated our wages and destroyed our savings. > Don't buy cheap shit from China just because it's cheap. You are a lot more fortunate than most. >People generally have more overhead in there budgets than they think they do. For instance, many people pay hundreds of dollars a month on phone, Internet, and cable when alternatives exist for a fraction of the cost. Is this where you become the govt elites in the article that know better than us? > > > > > >No, I don't. Then I would argue you are a hypocrite for condemning those that do not want to pay more for the things they buy! >Regardless, your comment doesn't address what I said, your deliberately changing he subject. Be more specific then.", ">>{wongwong} : That's not true in this case because he was given an ICE departure order in 2000, he would not be eligible for I-601/a. But with a good lawyer and patience I-601 can help in many cases", ">>{MyPSAcct} : > he was given an ICE departure order in 2000 Ah, I didn't know that. Well yea, if you've already been ordered deported you can't just go get married afterwards to fix it.", ">>{Littlepiecesofme} : Could be. All I've read in similar articles is about how hard and expensive it is if you are already here illegally.", '>>{Imnotarobotami} : 1. Changes at the federal level start at the local level. 2. Generally, I agree. "Smart" regulation at the state level is generally more effective. 3. The American people are not blameless here. The government never forced anyone to buy imported goods. And they still don\'t. 4. I am. I also don\'t have cable, only buy used vehicles, shop at used clothing stores, have an incredibly cheap phone plan, an eight year old computer, eat lots of low cost self prepared food. I do those things so I can buy t shirts for $15 that are made in the USA. 5. Absolutely not. However, my statement remains and you did not make a counter point. Most people waste money, including myself, some more so than others. 6. This does not make me a hypocrite. And, again, you are not addressing the original point. That is, many people complain about manufacturing in the USA, then turn around and buy imports. 7. See 6. Above.', ">>{progwire} : 2k jobs being outsourced. 700 'saved.' Math! Or you show me your math.", ">>{TheRain} : When you vote for the guy who says he's going to punch you in the face, I have a hard time feeling sad when you get punched in the face.", '>>{spookbeard} : But is he going to spend his whole presidency making deals with individual companies while his overall economic policy is likely to cause millions of job losses? What about states his VP or cabinet members aren\'t in high government positions in? AKA all of them once his term starts? It\'s silly to praise the president of the entire country for saving less than 1000 jobs in one state. And more to the point, he lied about the numbers. Regardless of what hypothetical situation Clinton may or may not have put us in, Clinton who is not going to be president and therefore has no purpose in this argument whatsoever. Can I look forward to 4 years of "well it would have been worse with Clinton" every time Trump does something stupid?', ">>{brasswirebrush} : > Why is it Trump's fault? Because he lied about how many jobs were staying. Then he decided to go on Twitter like a fucking child and insult the person who called him out on his lies.", ">>{Twilight_Error} : > It's silly to praise the president of the entire country for saving less than 1000 jobs in one state. That is absolutely correct. If we're going to set the bar this pathetically low for Trump, then we truly are fucked.", '>>{I_politics} : Please, tell me how you justify the president-elect of the USA arguing via Twitter with a local union rep? I want to know.', ">>{golikehellmachine} : > Is Trump lying? This union leader seems to be angry at Trump for not saving all the jobs but he didn't stop Carrier from moving to Mexico. Why is it Trump's fault? Whether the Union leader was lying or not (he wasn't) is wholly irrelevant. Trump's the President-elect of the United States using a social media platform that reaches millions of people. Attacking a local Union leader is fucking ridiculous, dangerous, and pathetic.", '>>{DustyFalmouth} : Yeah, all the guy had to do was give 7mil in tax breaks in exchange for saving 40% of the jobs. Give that job to someone who knows how to make a deal, like one educated at Trump U.', '>>{schlitz91} : Damn Unions and their inability to offer state tax breaks. Those fools!', ">>{dxtboxer} : You've heard of seeing the tree but not the forest, right? What you're doing is basically seeing the leaf on the branch on the trunk on the tree and not the forest.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Trump got what he wanted out of those workers and now he's running out on the deal. Too bad for those 550 people. Their experience is trump's model for his business deals. First he tells them not one job will be lost and then he negotiates those poor people into the unemployment line and declares victory.", '>>{-Mountain-King-} : Apparently, those jobs are each worth under $9000 on average. If one of those workers is thinking about getting into trouble costing more than that, they can say "more than my job\'s worth" and have evidence to back it up.', '>>{Juli87} : Seriously. Why is no one talking about this?', '>>{WhiteBoythatCantJump} : Its hard to do a good job when the PEOTUS doesnt let you into the negotiations.', ">>{topamine2} : That's not how it works. How have you been by the way? I haven't heard from you since Hillary lost. You were so sure that she was going to win.", ">>{topamine2} : So? You're saying we should have just thrown away the 1400 jobs without a fight?", ">>{topamine2} : It is childish that he uses twitter to send angry messages, but you're still not answering my question.", ">>{topamine2} : He said 1000, but it was actually 800. It's really not that much of a difference.", ">>{topamine2} : Pence wouldn't have saved them if Trump didn't tell him to.", ">>{-Mountain-King-} : It's a joke, dude. It's not supposed to be a representation of reality. And yeah, it was pretty flabberghasting to see Trump win. I've been around though. Not quite as much on r/politics, but around.", ">>{topamine2} : Obviously I wouldn't expect him to make deals with individual companies. But you have to understand that he's not president yet. His power is limited. The fact that he was even able to save 1000 jobs is a statement in itself.", ">>{topamine2} : I mean, they expected to lose all 1400 jobs, isn't it good news that Trump was able to save 800 of them? Even if 500 of the jobs were union ones. I don't recall Trump saying he was going to save every Carrier job.", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Yes, we get it. People who side with Trump are great and anyone who says something negative is a failure, a terrible person, bad at their job, etc. Does anyone believe Trump can unite America with this "winning temperment" of his?', '>>{eohorp} : > Can I look forward to 4 years of "well it would have been worse with Clinton" every time Trump does something stupid? I\'m betting on at least 2', '>>{spookbeard} : It\'s not like it was free and it\'s not like he could have done it without Pence And once again the point is he lied about the numbers. The numbers were one thing and he said they were a different thing. That\'s the issue in question here. I don\'t want to hear about what the president elect and eventually president could have done if not for this, that, and the other. "Would have" "could have" "should have" means nothing. The only things that matter are what he intends to do and what he actually does. And he needs to avoid lying and exaggerating about what he has done.', '>>{brasswirebrush} : 20% is a lot. Also, he should really know the numbers he supposedly negotiated. It just shows just how weak and thin-skinned he is when he goes on twitter and lashes out at every random person who says something critical of him on TV.', '>>{I_politics} : My question was how do you justify Trump getting into a Twitter war with anyone that criticizes him? How do you make that normal in your head? How do you spin it in your head that that is OK? That that is acceptable? Simply say it is childish and to move on? That seems to be what you are suggesting.', '>>{I_politics} : If you are asking me if Trump was lying, Hell yes! Every time that man opens his mouth a lie comes out.', ">>{prisoner42} : Freedom of speech! Besides it's not his fault America voted for an internet troll to be President. But he should be sued for inciting hate and endangering people.", ">>{spookbeard} : Well we threw almost half of them away. And Trump worrying about 800 jobs at Carrier is like the president of Wal-mart going into one specific store and paying someone to not steal $50 in merchandise just to brag about the $100 theft he prevented. Meanwhile there's millions in theft every month nationwide. It's micromanaging and (I never thought I'd say this...God help us all...) Sarah Palin made some really good points (I threw up in my mouth just now) about it in her op-ed last week. You should find it and read it.", '>>{VoiceOfRealson} : Who would have guessed just a year ago that the position of the next Republican president is that Union leaders are indeed Job creators.', '>>{lt_skittles} : Freedom of speech does not apply to the Internet. When you sign up for a website you agree to their terms of use.', '>>{CDchrysalis} : I thought his original deal was to penalize companies that sent jobs elsewhere, not incentivize them to stay. That\'s a horrible precedent to set, because it opens up the door for other companies to "claim" they\'ll send jobs out - just so they can get that fat fat cash.', '>>{CDchrysalis} : We should have penalized the shit out of them. Not thrown money at them.', ">>{dxtboxer} : I don't want the President meeting and negotiating with companies over 1400 jobs. I want him or her in Washington pushing for economic and labor policies that will impact 14k, 140k, 1.4mil Americans and their jobs. He's on a victory tour now; it's clear he only focuses on petty shit for the headlines because the actual work of governing is far above his abilities."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{GAforTrump} : We're Not the Evil Empire -- But We're Divided by Class and Ruled by Elites", '>>{GAforTrump} : >Anyway, what is happening, what you are actually referring to, I can trace back to Dr. Angelo Codevilla in his piece in the American Spectator. >"Ruling Classes vs. Country Class." I think even Peggy Noonan now has written a column about this in the Wall Street Journal, and what is happening here -- and in this country it\'s relatively new. In much of the world, it\'s the way things are every day. In this country, it\'s relatively new, and you can find it in cronyism. In the old days -- and it wasn\'t that long ago -- corporate leaders and business leaders, you never questioned their patriotic tendencies. >You knew they were American, and they voted -- and they did business with the government when they had a choice, and they ran their companies. Even if they were multinational, if they were headquartered here and they ran their companies here, no doubt they were American. What\'s happening now is that our leaders -- and I don\'t mean just the president; I\'m talking about a lot of the elected leaders, but people in the cabinet, people that are not elected, people in the various agencies. >EPA, housing and urban development, you name it, they have nothing in common nor any interest with the vast majority of the people who live in the country. They have a condescending view of most people. It\'s very class-conscious now. They are an elite, and they know it, and they only have interest in what other elites think, say, and do. There is a greater divide between the people that lead the countries and the people who elect \'em, or who live in the country, than there has ever been.', '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Rush Limbaugh is a bigot with a drug problem.', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : I don\'t mind being ruled by elites, so long as they are actually elite and are not out-of-touch power happy morons. And of course being "ruled" does not imply absolute power.', ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Don't put stock in anything Rush Limbaugh says. He's a hack; a right-wing reactionary jackass whose fanbase is somehow dumber than he is.", ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > I don't mind being ruled by elites I do! The govt is supposed to be working for me! I'm not supposed to be working for it and it's goals! http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/2010/01/more-government-employees-than-goods.html", '>>{alephnul} : User for 1 day, posts the same copy pasta in every thread, comment karma -43..... Come to your own conclusions.', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Even though the number of manufacturing jobs goes down, the amount of manufactured goods has gone up. [http://www.hire-intelligence.com/increases-industrial-productivity-strand-workers-unemployment/](http://www.hire-intelligence.com/increases-industrial-productivity-strand-workers-unemployment/) This is automation at work.', '>>{AlcoaSombrero} : Rush Limbaugh: Barack the magic Negro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_FAJUFutyw Rush played this song a lot back in those days. I used to wonder how a small businessman could possibly listen to Rush Limbaugh at work. There you are selling antiques or repairing washing machines listening to Rush when suddenly that Negro song comes on and you have black customers in the shop.', ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Even though the number of manufacturing jobs goes down, the amount of manufactured goods has gone up. That's irrelevant to my point where the govt is getting bigger than the people it serves. [Which I should have explained.] It also becomes bad for the people when the govt employees can vote itself a raise at the expense of the middle class.", ">>{PurpleProsePoet} : Yes, as the source you cited cites only manufacturing employees. That said, no the government is not getting bigger than the people it serves. That doesn't even make sense.", '>>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Yes, as the source you cited cites only manufacturing employees. That along with the farmers, is the base for making all of our wealth. They are the wealth producers. Once you outnumber them, or shrink their numbers to where they no longer create enough wealth to pay for the govt overhead, we start going broke.', ">>{Imnotarobotami} : Aren't the government and the people supposed to one and the same to a certain degree?", '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Firstly, I just showed you manufacturing output continues to grow. Secondly, so you think doctors don\'t add value to a society? Lawyers? Truck Drivers? Our military? (I wonder if that graph counts them as government workers) Our teachers? (More "government workers") We live in a service based economy - because manufacturing jobs are being automated and outsourced. But manufacturing output hasn\'t disapeared at all.', ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Aren't the government and the people supposed to one and the same to a certain degree? What are you trying to get at? The wealth creators are the manufacturers and farmers. Once the govt starts to outstrip their ability to pay all taxes and still profit the country goes into ruin! By the way, they actually do pay all the taxes. All of our REAL wealth is created by them. Their profits and goods are what pays for all the incidental workers and govt out there. If were manufactured nothing and grew nothing we would be broke.", '>>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Firstly, I just showed you manufacturing output continues to grow. Yes, but if you tax them too much they will likely just stop or leave the country! You are not thinking straight and understanding that as the people in the manufacturing base gets robbed more and more to pay for the govt and those that do not work that they will start to despise being used! Which is natural. Making things is our Golden Goose! A growing govt just leaves the people with less and less every year. > Secondly, so you think doctors don\'t add value to a society? Value? Yes. Profits to pay for everything, No. Real wealth is created by making things to trade. Think of it this way, a doctor is just the maintenance man in a manufacturing plant. He is just an expense that eats the manufacturers profits. Understand? >Lawyers? Very expensive overhead! >Our military? Expensive operating costs! >(I wonder if that graph counts them as government workers) Our teachers? (More "government workers") We live in a service based economy - because manufacturing jobs are being automated and outsourced. But manufacturing output hasn\'t disapeared at all. **All of them do not create new wealth on a macro economic scale!** They all get paid from the profits of the things that were made and created wealth. Think of it this way, a govt employee is just the maintenance man in a manufacturing plant. He is just an expense that eats the manufacturers profits. Via taxation, the makers pay their wages. Understand?', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : You appear to just repeat bilge over and over. Manufacturing things is not the only source of wealth, logistics is very important too, so is the spread of knowledge. So are people. They are all part of rearranging the world we live in to be more serviceable to humans. And again, **manufacturing output continues to grow.**', ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > Manufacturing things is not the only source of wealth, logistics is very important too That's an expense to get the goods sold. It's not profit. >so is the spread of knowledge Disseminating information for free is not making something to sell. >So are people Even the ones on welfare that are the takers?", '>>{Imnotarobotami} : Your original statement was: "I do! The govt is supposed to be working for me! I\'m not supposed to be working for it and it\'s goals!" I was trying to point out you\'re moving into an "us vs. them" mentality. We are all responsible for our government. Further, you say the government should be working for you, but then imply the government is too big and too much of a burden on small business. You also state manufacturers and farmers are the wealth creators of our country. I agree. Does that also mean the majority of the goods you purchase are made in the USA? I purchase approximately 80% made in USA. I find this is commonly an area where people are incredibly hypocritical; complaining about the manufacturing industry in the US but at the same time buying all their goods from China.', '>>{ImNotARobotNo5} : > I was trying to point out you\'re moving into an "us vs. them" mentality. We are all responsible for our government. That\'s true but the article points out that is no longer true with such a big and powerful govt! > Further, you say the government should be working for you, but then imply the government is too big and too much of a burden on small business. Correct. As the article states, it now makes rules and regulations without concern for who it\'s supposed to be helping. US!! > You also state manufacturers and farmers are the wealth creators of our country. I agree. Does that also mean the majority of the goods you purchase are made in the USA? Since I can no longer afford what we make because we constantly debase our wages and savings, No. >I purchase approximately 80% made in USA. You are lucky. Most of the country cannot afford to do that AND save for retirement. >I find this is commonly an area where people are incredibly hypocritical; complaining about the manufacturing industry in the US but at the same time buying all their goods from China. You can pay more taxes than you legally owe too, does that mean you do?', ">>{Imnotarobotami} : 1. I disagree. Start with your local government, where changes you can help make are clearly visable. if ones mentality is that they can't make a difference then they never will. 2. What should the government be doing for you? 3. This is a classic downward spiral. People need realize if they don't make changes things won't change. Start with buying local food directly from local farmers. Don't buy cheap shit from China just because it's cheap. People generally have more overhead in there budgets than they think they do. For instance, many people pay hundreds of dollars a month on phone, Internet, and cable when alternatives exist for a fraction of the cost. 4. I am lucky. I also choose to pay more for one thing made in US. 5. No, I don't. I do buy lottery tickets, which is basically a form of self taxation. Regardless, your comment doesn't address what I said, your deliberately changing he subject.", ">>{ImNotARobotNo5} : >I disagree. Start with your local government, where changes you can help make are clearly visable. if ones mentality is that they can't make a difference then they never will. I agree, but the article was mostly talking about the federal level. > > > >What should the government be doing for you? Compared to what it is doing now? Staying out of our way. > > > >This is a classic downward spiral. People need realize if they don't make changes things won't change. Start with buying local food directly from local farmers. This is true but since the democrats gave us a debt based currency they have cut or stagnated our wages and destroyed our savings. > Don't buy cheap shit from China just because it's cheap. You are a lot more fortunate than most. >People generally have more overhead in there budgets than they think they do. For instance, many people pay hundreds of dollars a month on phone, Internet, and cable when alternatives exist for a fraction of the cost. Is this where you become the govt elites in the article that know better than us? > > > > > >No, I don't. Then I would argue you are a hypocrite for condemning those that do not want to pay more for the things they buy! >Regardless, your comment doesn't address what I said, your deliberately changing he subject. Be more specific then.", '>>{Imnotarobotami} : 1. Changes at the federal level start at the local level. 2. Generally, I agree. "Smart" regulation at the state level is generally more effective. 3. The American people are not blameless here. The government never forced anyone to buy imported goods. And they still don\'t. 4. I am. I also don\'t have cable, only buy used vehicles, shop at used clothing stores, have an incredibly cheap phone plan, an eight year old computer, eat lots of low cost self prepared food. I do those things so I can buy t shirts for $15 that are made in the USA. 5. Absolutely not. However, my statement remains and you did not make a counter point. Most people waste money, including myself, some more so than others. 6. This does not make me a hypocrite. And, again, you are not addressing the original point. That is, many people complain about manufacturing in the USA, then turn around and buy imports. 7. See 6. Above.'], [">>{MelaniasNudez} : Vote for a moron, bad things happen. Not sure why his marriage didn't grant him citizenship or a green card, but oh well.", '>>{fluxing_uranus} : Geez lady, you could have just filed for divorce.', '>>{OverTWERKed} : She fell for a con man and now her family is being ripped apart. Gotta feel bad for this family including her.', ">>{Buffalox} : I feel bad for him, not her. Allegedly he even warned her about it, but she wouldn't listen.", '>>{MurplesDoop} : It\'s one of those things where it isn\'t as simple as "We\'re married and one of us is from abroad." It can cost anywhere from 2k to 15k in order to do, and if it\'s been found you overstayed your visa or entered the country illegally prior to your marriage you can still be deported. And be unable to re enter the country legally.', ">>{Modshaveaids} : >if it's been found you overstayed your visa or entered the country illegally prior to your marriage I did not know this. In which case Melania Trump cant be a citizen either. She over stayed and worked without a visa too. Talk about double standards.", ">>{Littlepiecesofme} : Apparently once you are already here there is NO legal path to take. It's one one reasons Dreamers are screwed. The system isn't set up to handle them.", ">>{OverTWERKed} : I hear ya, but I don't see any difference between this lady and Bernie Madoffs victims. When they're under that con man's spell everything just slips away and your own family's pleas for reason are futile.", '>>{MurplesDoop} : Oh definitely. Bad for thee, not for me at its finest.', ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : It's not like Trump was hiding the fact that he wanted to deport every single illegal immigrant. She didn't get fleeced by him on this one. He lied about a lot of shit but he meant it on the deportations. She fooled herself.", '>>{MyPSAcct} : There is no scenario in which it costs 15k for a CR1/IR1 visa.', ">>{whatthefizzle} : Not sure how he wasn't a citizen if he was married to an American citizen. Doesn't the non-citizen spouse automatically become a citizen if they marry one?", ">>{MyPSAcct} : That's not true. You just have to file for a I-601 waiver. Those are granted most of the time.", ">>{MurplesDoop} : There actually are. It's rare, and usually involves issues with being a prior refugee status.", '>>{MyPSAcct} : Maybe if you have a scumbag lawyer, which, granted, is quite a large percentage of the immigration lawyer population.', ">>{helpfulkorn} : [Path to citizenship flow chart](http://reason.org/files/a87d1550853898a9b306ef458f116079.pdf) Quick answer is even if you do everything right you're going to wait a decade to be a citizen or more.", ">>{MurplesDoop} : Hell yeah. Why not nickel and dime a disenfranchised group of people who are scared about being deported back home (especially if they have family here) or thrown into prison for minor infractions? It's what the US is best at.", '>>{MurplesDoop} : Immigration lawyers suck because disenfranchised people are easy to target.', ">>{MyPSAcct} : I can't count the number of times I've had people say that they paid a lawyer to file their immigration paperwork and were told that they were good to go. Except nothing had been filed.", ">>{wongwong} : No you don't automatically get a green card, He applied for the green card in 2007 and was still awaiting approval. If you over stay an initial visa apparently it severely slows down down the process", '>>{wongwong} : He applied for his green card in 2007...was still waiting and checked in with ICE every year through his immigration lawyer', ">>{wongwong} : That's not true in this case because he was given an ICE departure order in 2000, he would not be eligible for I-601/a. But with a good lawyer and patience I-601 can help in many cases", ">>{MyPSAcct} : > he was given an ICE departure order in 2000 Ah, I didn't know that. Well yea, if you've already been ordered deported you can't just go get married afterwards to fix it.", ">>{Littlepiecesofme} : Could be. All I've read in similar articles is about how hard and expensive it is if you are already here illegally.", ">>{TheRain} : When you vote for the guy who says he's going to punch you in the face, I have a hard time feeling sad when you get punched in the face."], [">>{StevenSanders90210} : Trump blasts Carrier union leader: He's 'done a terrible job'", ">>{topamine2} : Is Trump lying? This union leader seems to be angry at Trump for not saving all the jobs but he didn't stop Carrier from moving to Mexico. Why is it Trump's fault?", '>>{progwire} : Trump gave Carrier $7M to help them open their Mexico offshoring factory.', ">>{whitepeoplerules} : from a federal perspective, that's profitable (payroll taxes / income taxes / etc.) from indianas perspective, i have no idea, because i don't know indianas tax code", '>>{spookbeard} : The union leader praised Trump for the jobs he did save, but scolds him for exaggerating and lying about the number that were saved. Trump promised to save them all, he says he saved 1100, he actually saved 800 and a lot are still going to Mexico.', '>>{the_mikepence} : The man is apparently receiving death threats as we speak. It is not ok for a man with this power to be targeting citizens by name through social media. Donald Trump is an embarrassment and cancer to America. Too bad so many willfully remain ignorant... Edit: https://twitter.com/DPAQreport/status/806671653035982848', '>>{progwire} : sounds complicated, all i know is carrier is getting money from trump to move jobs that exist today to mexico tomorrow', '>>{definitelynotbeardo} : Only if you assume the people being laid off were to be unemployed instead of finding other jobs.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Time for Twitter to take away his toy if he's going to target individuals.", '>>{wodthing} : Trumplethinskin defensive crybaby tweet #352... stay tuned for #353.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : The money isn't coming from Trump. Pence gave them Hoosier tax money.", ">>{progwire} : so Trump did let Carrier jobs go to Mexico and paid them $7M, right? he's really bad at deals", ">>{whitepeoplerules} : indiana is paying the 7m (700k per year), if you want to single out a person, it'd be pence.", ">>{progwire} : no no, Trump is taking credit for this. He's never said it was all Pence.", ">>{topamine2} : 550 are going to mexico according to the union boss. Trump saved 800 and it's still better than if Clinton was president because all 1400 would be going over.", '>>{topamine2} : Trump paid Carrier 7M to keep 800 jobs in the US.', ">>{progwire} : apparently no one does....otherwise i can't imagine he would be president. fml", '>>{progwire} : he paid them 7M to offshore 1300 jobs too! 1300>800 Both statements are true.', ">>{whitepeoplerules} : lol, if you know what he is, why would you take his word as something it isn't", ">>{progwire} : 2k jobs being outsourced. 700 'saved.' Math! Or you show me your math.", '>>{spookbeard} : But is he going to spend his whole presidency making deals with individual companies while his overall economic policy is likely to cause millions of job losses? What about states his VP or cabinet members aren\'t in high government positions in? AKA all of them once his term starts? It\'s silly to praise the president of the entire country for saving less than 1000 jobs in one state. And more to the point, he lied about the numbers. Regardless of what hypothetical situation Clinton may or may not have put us in, Clinton who is not going to be president and therefore has no purpose in this argument whatsoever. Can I look forward to 4 years of "well it would have been worse with Clinton" every time Trump does something stupid?', ">>{brasswirebrush} : > Why is it Trump's fault? Because he lied about how many jobs were staying. Then he decided to go on Twitter like a fucking child and insult the person who called him out on his lies.", ">>{Twilight_Error} : > It's silly to praise the president of the entire country for saving less than 1000 jobs in one state. That is absolutely correct. If we're going to set the bar this pathetically low for Trump, then we truly are fucked.", '>>{I_politics} : Please, tell me how you justify the president-elect of the USA arguing via Twitter with a local union rep? I want to know.', ">>{golikehellmachine} : > Is Trump lying? This union leader seems to be angry at Trump for not saving all the jobs but he didn't stop Carrier from moving to Mexico. Why is it Trump's fault? Whether the Union leader was lying or not (he wasn't) is wholly irrelevant. Trump's the President-elect of the United States using a social media platform that reaches millions of people. Attacking a local Union leader is fucking ridiculous, dangerous, and pathetic.", '>>{DustyFalmouth} : Yeah, all the guy had to do was give 7mil in tax breaks in exchange for saving 40% of the jobs. Give that job to someone who knows how to make a deal, like one educated at Trump U.', '>>{schlitz91} : Damn Unions and their inability to offer state tax breaks. Those fools!', ">>{dxtboxer} : You've heard of seeing the tree but not the forest, right? What you're doing is basically seeing the leaf on the branch on the trunk on the tree and not the forest.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Trump got what he wanted out of those workers and now he's running out on the deal. Too bad for those 550 people. Their experience is trump's model for his business deals. First he tells them not one job will be lost and then he negotiates those poor people into the unemployment line and declares victory.", '>>{-Mountain-King-} : Apparently, those jobs are each worth under $9000 on average. If one of those workers is thinking about getting into trouble costing more than that, they can say "more than my job\'s worth" and have evidence to back it up.', '>>{Juli87} : Seriously. Why is no one talking about this?', '>>{WhiteBoythatCantJump} : Its hard to do a good job when the PEOTUS doesnt let you into the negotiations.', ">>{topamine2} : That's not how it works. How have you been by the way? I haven't heard from you since Hillary lost. You were so sure that she was going to win.", ">>{topamine2} : So? You're saying we should have just thrown away the 1400 jobs without a fight?", ">>{topamine2} : It is childish that he uses twitter to send angry messages, but you're still not answering my question.", ">>{topamine2} : He said 1000, but it was actually 800. It's really not that much of a difference.", ">>{topamine2} : Pence wouldn't have saved them if Trump didn't tell him to.", ">>{-Mountain-King-} : It's a joke, dude. It's not supposed to be a representation of reality. And yeah, it was pretty flabberghasting to see Trump win. I've been around though. Not quite as much on r/politics, but around.", ">>{topamine2} : Obviously I wouldn't expect him to make deals with individual companies. But you have to understand that he's not president yet. His power is limited. The fact that he was even able to save 1000 jobs is a statement in itself.", ">>{topamine2} : I mean, they expected to lose all 1400 jobs, isn't it good news that Trump was able to save 800 of them? Even if 500 of the jobs were union ones. I don't recall Trump saying he was going to save every Carrier job.", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Yes, we get it. People who side with Trump are great and anyone who says something negative is a failure, a terrible person, bad at their job, etc. Does anyone believe Trump can unite America with this "winning temperment" of his?', '>>{eohorp} : > Can I look forward to 4 years of "well it would have been worse with Clinton" every time Trump does something stupid? I\'m betting on at least 2', '>>{spookbeard} : It\'s not like it was free and it\'s not like he could have done it without Pence And once again the point is he lied about the numbers. The numbers were one thing and he said they were a different thing. That\'s the issue in question here. I don\'t want to hear about what the president elect and eventually president could have done if not for this, that, and the other. "Would have" "could have" "should have" means nothing. The only things that matter are what he intends to do and what he actually does. And he needs to avoid lying and exaggerating about what he has done.', '>>{brasswirebrush} : 20% is a lot. Also, he should really know the numbers he supposedly negotiated. It just shows just how weak and thin-skinned he is when he goes on twitter and lashes out at every random person who says something critical of him on TV.', '>>{I_politics} : My question was how do you justify Trump getting into a Twitter war with anyone that criticizes him? How do you make that normal in your head? How do you spin it in your head that that is OK? That that is acceptable? Simply say it is childish and to move on? That seems to be what you are suggesting.', '>>{I_politics} : If you are asking me if Trump was lying, Hell yes! Every time that man opens his mouth a lie comes out.', ">>{prisoner42} : Freedom of speech! Besides it's not his fault America voted for an internet troll to be President. But he should be sued for inciting hate and endangering people.", ">>{spookbeard} : Well we threw almost half of them away. And Trump worrying about 800 jobs at Carrier is like the president of Wal-mart going into one specific store and paying someone to not steal $50 in merchandise just to brag about the $100 theft he prevented. Meanwhile there's millions in theft every month nationwide. It's micromanaging and (I never thought I'd say this...God help us all...) Sarah Palin made some really good points (I threw up in my mouth just now) about it in her op-ed last week. You should find it and read it.", '>>{VoiceOfRealson} : Who would have guessed just a year ago that the position of the next Republican president is that Union leaders are indeed Job creators.', '>>{lt_skittles} : Freedom of speech does not apply to the Internet. When you sign up for a website you agree to their terms of use.', '>>{CDchrysalis} : I thought his original deal was to penalize companies that sent jobs elsewhere, not incentivize them to stay. That\'s a horrible precedent to set, because it opens up the door for other companies to "claim" they\'ll send jobs out - just so they can get that fat fat cash.', '>>{CDchrysalis} : We should have penalized the shit out of them. Not thrown money at them.', ">>{dxtboxer} : I don't want the President meeting and negotiating with companies over 1400 jobs. I want him or her in Washington pushing for economic and labor policies that will impact 14k, 140k, 1.4mil Americans and their jobs. He's on a victory tour now; it's clear he only focuses on petty shit for the headlines because the actual work of governing is far above his abilities."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Unknown_IP_1940} : Samsung kicks off the Galaxy Note 7 exchange program in the UK', '>>{motivatingtechnology} : At the cost of more than a billion $. Their reputation is at stake, after all.', ">>{Stumblebum2016} : I ordered one from EE on Sunday as its upgrade time, they said in the next 5 days, here's hoping", '>>{dirtydenier} : When I\'ve read "exchange program", at fist I thought about these poor, depressed, under aged workers assembling these phones visiting UK.', ">>{Whipit} : This whole exploding battery issue hasn't phased me one bit. Especially now that the problem is fixed it really is the best phone out there IMO. Its got the best display, the best camera, it's waterproof, a bazillion features and it looks gorgeous. I'm buying a Note 7.", '>>{zaturama020} : Discarted edge7 for a new htc 10. I may try samsung phones 4 years from now', '>>{Javerlin} : But can I take the back off and just change my faulty battery? No? Okay then. Bye Samsung.', '>>{WhatInYourPants} : They rushed it to try and make some explosive headlines before the release of the iPhone 7. I guess they got their wish.', ">>{endebe} : Don't know why you're downvoted. I've always had notes but no removable battery equals no buy for me. It becomes a very high specced brick after 18 months.", ">>{Twelvety} : Mistakes happen. They've fixed it so that's good enough for me. I love mine.", '>>{Wondernoob} : Because who would come/sub to a sub for a specific forum just to slag off the phone? Who does that help? What does it add to this discussion?', ">>{endebe} : A fair point but the discussion is about a phones battery in a public message board so I guess it's fair game but I haven't read all the rules and regulations", '>>{Ubigred} : They can easily gain back customers by unlocking the bootloader for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and 8.... Then lock the 9. All is forgotten', ">>{Wondernoob} : Yes but downvotes are intended for comments that do that add to the discussion. That's exactly what the comment was and thus why it was downvoted. Not necessarily anything sinister.", ">>{meatspin6969} : It's this mystical thing called an *opinion*. I'm not sure you've ever heard of it?", ">>{trambe25} : It just sounded like something I'd hear in a commercial mb I guess", '>>{badger906} : i got my replacement today :) i gave my original note 7 back to my local carphone warehouse on friday, and picked up my new one this morning (monday). was a rather painless process', '>>{DemonRaptor1} : I have had it since launch, not even worried. The chances of it happening to mine are so slim that I would rather take them than have to settle for an inferior phone even for those couple of weeks. It is a beast and I recommend it for anyone out there, Samsung are proving that they do not play around when it comes to customer satisfaction and safety, no matter the cost.', ">>{DemonRaptor1} : Fair game for him to dislike the phone and talk about it here, fair game for everyone else to dislike his opinion, don't you think?", ">>{Carvemynameinstone} : Is a removable battery possible with it being waterproof? I mean, sure they can make the phone an inch thick, but that wouldn't go well with the general mobile phone users.", '>>{Javerlin} : The Samsung fanboys are out in force I see. I too love having reduced functionality, control and accessibility! Long live the ~~apple~~ samsung overlords! The tithe shall secure our place in the gadget afterlife.', '>>{KL_boy} : Can you now use the phone on the plane or are they still asking people to turn them off?', ">>{sheravi} : We bought a Note 7 (the shiny silver pre-order edition) for my wife and she absolutely loves it. We signed up for the exchange as soon as the website went up, they shipped out the new phone via next day FedEx when they said they would, and it was the silver version. As some one else mentioned, mistakes happen; it's how mistakes are handled that makes the difference and to me they handled this very well.", ">>{Fatfaggottreat1} : Too bad the software doesn't work well with the hardware. All those specs, and it's still slower in day to day use when compared to the cheaper iphone.", ">>{The-Syldon} : IPhone 7 is said to have a better camera and waterproofing from tests. It also has a 30% faster CPU, I'm not so sure on battery life yet. IOS is a lot more secure; I wouldn't use an Android for banking. Note rules in screen quality by far. Also has Wireless charging and a headphone socket. Storage option are cheaper on the Note. Iris scanner is also a feature that iPhone does not have. Aside from the jet black (which I think you would be an idiot to buy) the Note is reputed to scratch easier also. I was inbetween the two phones on which to buy so I wrote down what I saw in reviews.", ">>{phoneleg} : The note 7 isn't slower because of software, its slower because of hardware. Don't underestimate the importance of storage speed. The iPhone's flash storage is twice as fast as the note 7. So it should be expected that the iPhone 7 would load things like games much quicker. As for GPU and CPU speed. I can't remember from the top of my head, but while the iPhone 7 is twice as fast in single core, the multi core score is similar. And android does use multiple cores so you can't disregard multi core scores. I can't remember the GPU results. I think iPhone was a bit faster. And in day to day usage, they're about equal. Those app opening speed test is not a good reference for day to usage.", ">>{Fatfaggottreat1} : When I am in a hurry and need to open up an app for navigation or to oder something, I want the app to open up as fast as it can. I also want to be able to flip between apps and not have the phone load everything all over again. That's the day to day usage issue. Saving seconds here and there add up to a lot of time saved.", ">>{phoneleg} : Apps other than games open up just as fast. I'm on mobile so I can't link, but someone did a speed test between some iPhone and galaxy s7(?) and without games added to the mix, they're neck ad neck.", ">>{Fatfaggottreat1} : You mean, apps that are smaller are neck and neck, but the moment they have to load something big, the difference is apparent. Also, samsung and android phones can't handle encryption very well. It slows the phone down to a crawl.", ">>{MAKAAH1} : I wanna get note 7 myself, strange how people like to pick mistakes and make a huge deal out of it, but I think that's the society we live in nowadays, I hope they reduce the the price though", ">>{Reenigav} : The snapdragon 810 and newer all have hardware encryption. There's hardly any difference.", ">>{Whipit} : the iPhone is said to have a better camera Then you're listening to Apple marketing and not the many actual side by side comparisons which have unanimously shown the S7 / Note 7 cameras are clearly superior. Would you like a link? Would you like MANY links?", '>>{INDYSCOTs} : They will always tell you to turn it off because there is no way for the airline to know if it fixed. So this will go on forever', ">>{PhilKelix} : There is still no external identifier on the phone to prove that it's a safe model, so it will still be banned on planes/public transport etc.", '>>{KL_boy} : That is what I thought. It makes the replacement still unusable on the plane.', '>>{Zehardtruth} : All PR is good PR they say, and this one surely blew up!', ">>{Zehardtruth} : wouldn't use Android for banking, sorry but that's laughable. Millions of users do use Android for banking every day and have no problems. Unless you download some really shady stuff you'll be fine, and that same shady stuff can be downloaded on an iPhone too. Why sacrifice freedom for a sense of security...", '>>{badger906} : the battery icon on the phone will soon change to green so people can identify it as safe.', '>>{Orjan91} : And now apple is struggling with iphone 7 making noise from their CPU. Dis gun be gud', '>>{kkZZZ} : Aside from what others have said, the water resistance rating is actually lower. Also if you really are that worried about banking on your phone, you can use knox.', '>>{kkZZZ} : look up Knox, I use it all the time and nothing comes to a crawl.', ">>{The-Syldon} : Been at work on a long shift so couldn't reply to the android fans. You are right the rating for the iPhone is lower, but there was a test done 2 days back that blew the android away. The iPhone was filmed going deeper than an Note 7 and surviving, where as the note died. **edit** I should be honest I have **not** looked into the possibility of banking on an Android. I just wouldn't trust it. And that is a failing in myself no matter how I dress it up.", ">>{The-Syldon} : A pro tip for reddit for free. Don't ask if I would like links, just supply them. http://www.digitalspy.com/tech/smartphones/feature/a803229/iphone-7-vs-samsung-galaxy-s7-whats-the-difference-and-which-is-best-for-you/ tech radar had one as well but I cant find the link. There has been upteen videos on it. No one says the iPhone blows the note 7 away but the low light camera gives it the advantage.", ">>{The-Syldon} : here has been no viruses yet on an IOS phone that hasn't been jailbroken. There was a virus last year built into an app. But it only affected jailbroken phones. It affected jailbroken phones, because you caught the virus by downloading software from a non apple source in china. If I am accept my apology, I am reciting this from memory. You are 100% right all phones are vulnerable to web or wireless attacks. And even loophole hacks. The last one being siri on the lock screen. The difference is that because IOS isn't open source, you know that when you do a full reboot, then you are back to a secure system. Until it is allowed to go into another compromising set up again. Because Android is open source you cannot get that guarantee. If I did buy an Android, and I really did consider it, then I would only do my banking on the ipad I own. I wouldn't use my phone anymore. My freedom to do what I want - I leave that to my PC.", ">>{MrBardo} : Note 7 actually has a slightly better camera if you look at the pictures and photos. The screen quality is substantially better on the note 7 (oled display) and the battery life is better too. The only thing iPhone is better at is the CPU. Waterproofing is practically the same, you're not going to notice the different. As for security, ios is better, but if you don't install 3rd party applications you will be fine on android.", ">>{kkZZZ} : Well you replied rather quickly, iPhone fan :] Anyway, I'm not an android fan and it's well known that ios is better optimized, uses less batter, etc. Just stating the facts about the water resistance rating.", ">>{Whipit} : Your link, is not a camera comparison. It's just some guy writing words. Not only that but he doesn't even say that iphone 7 camera is better. Why would you ever post that? Here are some actual camera comparisons. And they DO say ( and show ) that the S7 / Note 7 camera is superior. http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-iphone-7-plus-galaxy-s7-camera-comparison-2016-9 http://www.pcmag.com/article/347907/iphone-7-plus-vs-iphone-6s-vs-galaxy-s7-cameras-compared https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seSJvwF68-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I556pCYr_sw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AWjAbLghV4", ">>{The-Syldon} : I probably should have phrased that better. It was directed at the two comments above. I am not an Apple fan either. I dislike the restrictive OS they throw out every year. But I do see the merits of it when it comes to security. The water rating is Apple being clever. Because they know that there are bodies out there that are going to do a million and one comparison tests. The note 7 falls well with in its ip68 rating so it is not advertised wrongly. Apple's iPhone will operate at the same rating and has been shown to go further. It is a quality perception gimmick. A lot will see the recent video and think wow well if they underrated the IP rating so low, what is the rest of the phone like. It also means they cannot have any warranty claims for any phone that are slightly below par. They did the same with the original Applewatch. For all they took away any water resistance rating people were using it for showering and even swimming.", '>>{harraj128} : Wtf I gave mine in on Thursday and they said it will come 21st October?... What should I do?', '>>{badger906} : it seems to be a store by store basis to how successful you are with the exchange program! unfortunately there is more bad experiences than good! someone i talk to on the linustechtips forum told me that he was due to get his this week but they are now out of stock.. how true this is i dont know. if its possible i would try another store! if it helps my local store in huntingdon cambs were amazing! i would say call them.. but they never answer the phone!!', '>>{harraj128} : Would I be able to use a different store even though the store I went to has my note 7??', '>>{badger906} : im not sure how their internal workings work. you could try and explain that the staff were less than helpful. your details will be on their system regardless.', '>>{JPN2214} : I mean, I understand how you feel, but you do need to understand that this is a serious issue. You sound like you just want to bury it up and forget about it.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Unknown_IP_1940} : Samsung kicks off the Galaxy Note 7 exchange program in the UK', '>>{motivatingtechnology} : At the cost of more than a billion $. Their reputation is at stake, after all.', ">>{Stumblebum2016} : I ordered one from EE on Sunday as its upgrade time, they said in the next 5 days, here's hoping", '>>{dirtydenier} : When I\'ve read "exchange program", at fist I thought about these poor, depressed, under aged workers assembling these phones visiting UK.', ">>{Whipit} : This whole exploding battery issue hasn't phased me one bit. Especially now that the problem is fixed it really is the best phone out there IMO. Its got the best display, the best camera, it's waterproof, a bazillion features and it looks gorgeous. I'm buying a Note 7.", '>>{zaturama020} : Discarted edge7 for a new htc 10. I may try samsung phones 4 years from now', '>>{Javerlin} : But can I take the back off and just change my faulty battery? No? Okay then. Bye Samsung.', '>>{WhatInYourPants} : They rushed it to try and make some explosive headlines before the release of the iPhone 7. I guess they got their wish.', ">>{endebe} : Don't know why you're downvoted. I've always had notes but no removable battery equals no buy for me. It becomes a very high specced brick after 18 months.", ">>{Twelvety} : Mistakes happen. They've fixed it so that's good enough for me. I love mine.", '>>{Wondernoob} : Because who would come/sub to a sub for a specific forum just to slag off the phone? Who does that help? What does it add to this discussion?', ">>{endebe} : A fair point but the discussion is about a phones battery in a public message board so I guess it's fair game but I haven't read all the rules and regulations", '>>{Ubigred} : They can easily gain back customers by unlocking the bootloader for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and 8.... Then lock the 9. All is forgotten', ">>{Wondernoob} : Yes but downvotes are intended for comments that do that add to the discussion. That's exactly what the comment was and thus why it was downvoted. Not necessarily anything sinister.", ">>{meatspin6969} : It's this mystical thing called an *opinion*. I'm not sure you've ever heard of it?", ">>{trambe25} : It just sounded like something I'd hear in a commercial mb I guess", '>>{badger906} : i got my replacement today :) i gave my original note 7 back to my local carphone warehouse on friday, and picked up my new one this morning (monday). was a rather painless process', '>>{DemonRaptor1} : I have had it since launch, not even worried. The chances of it happening to mine are so slim that I would rather take them than have to settle for an inferior phone even for those couple of weeks. It is a beast and I recommend it for anyone out there, Samsung are proving that they do not play around when it comes to customer satisfaction and safety, no matter the cost.', ">>{DemonRaptor1} : Fair game for him to dislike the phone and talk about it here, fair game for everyone else to dislike his opinion, don't you think?", ">>{Carvemynameinstone} : Is a removable battery possible with it being waterproof? I mean, sure they can make the phone an inch thick, but that wouldn't go well with the general mobile phone users.", '>>{Javerlin} : The Samsung fanboys are out in force I see. I too love having reduced functionality, control and accessibility! Long live the ~~apple~~ samsung overlords! The tithe shall secure our place in the gadget afterlife.', '>>{KL_boy} : Can you now use the phone on the plane or are they still asking people to turn them off?', ">>{sheravi} : We bought a Note 7 (the shiny silver pre-order edition) for my wife and she absolutely loves it. We signed up for the exchange as soon as the website went up, they shipped out the new phone via next day FedEx when they said they would, and it was the silver version. As some one else mentioned, mistakes happen; it's how mistakes are handled that makes the difference and to me they handled this very well.", ">>{Fatfaggottreat1} : Too bad the software doesn't work well with the hardware. All those specs, and it's still slower in day to day use when compared to the cheaper iphone.", ">>{The-Syldon} : IPhone 7 is said to have a better camera and waterproofing from tests. It also has a 30% faster CPU, I'm not so sure on battery life yet. IOS is a lot more secure; I wouldn't use an Android for banking. Note rules in screen quality by far. Also has Wireless charging and a headphone socket. Storage option are cheaper on the Note. Iris scanner is also a feature that iPhone does not have. Aside from the jet black (which I think you would be an idiot to buy) the Note is reputed to scratch easier also. I was inbetween the two phones on which to buy so I wrote down what I saw in reviews.", ">>{phoneleg} : The note 7 isn't slower because of software, its slower because of hardware. Don't underestimate the importance of storage speed. The iPhone's flash storage is twice as fast as the note 7. So it should be expected that the iPhone 7 would load things like games much quicker. As for GPU and CPU speed. I can't remember from the top of my head, but while the iPhone 7 is twice as fast in single core, the multi core score is similar. And android does use multiple cores so you can't disregard multi core scores. I can't remember the GPU results. I think iPhone was a bit faster. And in day to day usage, they're about equal. Those app opening speed test is not a good reference for day to usage.", ">>{Fatfaggottreat1} : When I am in a hurry and need to open up an app for navigation or to oder something, I want the app to open up as fast as it can. I also want to be able to flip between apps and not have the phone load everything all over again. That's the day to day usage issue. Saving seconds here and there add up to a lot of time saved.", ">>{phoneleg} : Apps other than games open up just as fast. I'm on mobile so I can't link, but someone did a speed test between some iPhone and galaxy s7(?) and without games added to the mix, they're neck ad neck.", ">>{Fatfaggottreat1} : You mean, apps that are smaller are neck and neck, but the moment they have to load something big, the difference is apparent. Also, samsung and android phones can't handle encryption very well. It slows the phone down to a crawl.", ">>{MAKAAH1} : I wanna get note 7 myself, strange how people like to pick mistakes and make a huge deal out of it, but I think that's the society we live in nowadays, I hope they reduce the the price though", ">>{Reenigav} : The snapdragon 810 and newer all have hardware encryption. There's hardly any difference.", ">>{Whipit} : the iPhone is said to have a better camera Then you're listening to Apple marketing and not the many actual side by side comparisons which have unanimously shown the S7 / Note 7 cameras are clearly superior. Would you like a link? Would you like MANY links?", '>>{INDYSCOTs} : They will always tell you to turn it off because there is no way for the airline to know if it fixed. So this will go on forever', ">>{PhilKelix} : There is still no external identifier on the phone to prove that it's a safe model, so it will still be banned on planes/public transport etc.", '>>{KL_boy} : That is what I thought. It makes the replacement still unusable on the plane.', '>>{Zehardtruth} : All PR is good PR they say, and this one surely blew up!', ">>{Zehardtruth} : wouldn't use Android for banking, sorry but that's laughable. Millions of users do use Android for banking every day and have no problems. Unless you download some really shady stuff you'll be fine, and that same shady stuff can be downloaded on an iPhone too. Why sacrifice freedom for a sense of security...", '>>{badger906} : the battery icon on the phone will soon change to green so people can identify it as safe.', '>>{Orjan91} : And now apple is struggling with iphone 7 making noise from their CPU. Dis gun be gud', '>>{kkZZZ} : Aside from what others have said, the water resistance rating is actually lower. Also if you really are that worried about banking on your phone, you can use knox.', '>>{kkZZZ} : look up Knox, I use it all the time and nothing comes to a crawl.', ">>{The-Syldon} : Been at work on a long shift so couldn't reply to the android fans. You are right the rating for the iPhone is lower, but there was a test done 2 days back that blew the android away. The iPhone was filmed going deeper than an Note 7 and surviving, where as the note died. **edit** I should be honest I have **not** looked into the possibility of banking on an Android. I just wouldn't trust it. And that is a failing in myself no matter how I dress it up.", ">>{The-Syldon} : A pro tip for reddit for free. Don't ask if I would like links, just supply them. http://www.digitalspy.com/tech/smartphones/feature/a803229/iphone-7-vs-samsung-galaxy-s7-whats-the-difference-and-which-is-best-for-you/ tech radar had one as well but I cant find the link. There has been upteen videos on it. No one says the iPhone blows the note 7 away but the low light camera gives it the advantage.", ">>{The-Syldon} : here has been no viruses yet on an IOS phone that hasn't been jailbroken. There was a virus last year built into an app. But it only affected jailbroken phones. It affected jailbroken phones, because you caught the virus by downloading software from a non apple source in china. If I am accept my apology, I am reciting this from memory. You are 100% right all phones are vulnerable to web or wireless attacks. And even loophole hacks. The last one being siri on the lock screen. The difference is that because IOS isn't open source, you know that when you do a full reboot, then you are back to a secure system. Until it is allowed to go into another compromising set up again. Because Android is open source you cannot get that guarantee. If I did buy an Android, and I really did consider it, then I would only do my banking on the ipad I own. I wouldn't use my phone anymore. My freedom to do what I want - I leave that to my PC.", ">>{MrBardo} : Note 7 actually has a slightly better camera if you look at the pictures and photos. The screen quality is substantially better on the note 7 (oled display) and the battery life is better too. The only thing iPhone is better at is the CPU. Waterproofing is practically the same, you're not going to notice the different. As for security, ios is better, but if you don't install 3rd party applications you will be fine on android.", ">>{kkZZZ} : Well you replied rather quickly, iPhone fan :] Anyway, I'm not an android fan and it's well known that ios is better optimized, uses less batter, etc. Just stating the facts about the water resistance rating.", ">>{Whipit} : Your link, is not a camera comparison. It's just some guy writing words. Not only that but he doesn't even say that iphone 7 camera is better. Why would you ever post that? Here are some actual camera comparisons. And they DO say ( and show ) that the S7 / Note 7 camera is superior. http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-iphone-7-plus-galaxy-s7-camera-comparison-2016-9 http://www.pcmag.com/article/347907/iphone-7-plus-vs-iphone-6s-vs-galaxy-s7-cameras-compared https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seSJvwF68-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I556pCYr_sw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AWjAbLghV4", ">>{The-Syldon} : I probably should have phrased that better. It was directed at the two comments above. I am not an Apple fan either. I dislike the restrictive OS they throw out every year. But I do see the merits of it when it comes to security. The water rating is Apple being clever. Because they know that there are bodies out there that are going to do a million and one comparison tests. The note 7 falls well with in its ip68 rating so it is not advertised wrongly. Apple's iPhone will operate at the same rating and has been shown to go further. It is a quality perception gimmick. A lot will see the recent video and think wow well if they underrated the IP rating so low, what is the rest of the phone like. It also means they cannot have any warranty claims for any phone that are slightly below par. They did the same with the original Applewatch. For all they took away any water resistance rating people were using it for showering and even swimming.", '>>{harraj128} : Wtf I gave mine in on Thursday and they said it will come 21st October?... What should I do?', '>>{badger906} : it seems to be a store by store basis to how successful you are with the exchange program! unfortunately there is more bad experiences than good! someone i talk to on the linustechtips forum told me that he was due to get his this week but they are now out of stock.. how true this is i dont know. if its possible i would try another store! if it helps my local store in huntingdon cambs were amazing! i would say call them.. but they never answer the phone!!', '>>{harraj128} : Would I be able to use a different store even though the store I went to has my note 7??', '>>{badger906} : im not sure how their internal workings work. you could try and explain that the staff were less than helpful. your details will be on their system regardless.', '>>{JPN2214} : I mean, I understand how you feel, but you do need to understand that this is a serious issue. You sound like you just want to bury it up and forget about it.']]
classify and reply
['>>{wenchette} : >White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is reportedly a reader of neoreactionary political theory. A tour through the pro-authoritarian philosophy gaining visibility on the right.', '>>{Muffinizer1} : But she does with "the BS delegates" that aren\'t going away any time soon.', '>>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Jill Stein claim that U.S. bombing 7 countries sparked our No. 1 fact check of 2016', '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : >“It should be obvious that, although I am not a white nationalist, I am not exactly allergic to the stuff,” Yarvin wrote in 2007. Sounds like a good motto for the alt-right.', '>>{CykoTom} : All the delegates that I disagree with are bullshit.', ">>{waldron76} : if bannon is actually an acolyte of the dork enlightenment that is really fucking concerning. this is a philosophy that explicitly disavows values like democracy and equality, and has white and male supremacy as core beliefs. if bannon is truly working from the neoreactionary playbook, then he wants to set society back hundreds of years with regards to progressive values, and he wants to install trump as an autocratic figure. and even if he isn't a true believer, showing any sort of tolerance towards these sorts of views rings some very loud alarm bells. jfc, it was only a few years ago that everyone was mocking neoreactionaries as a bunch of disaffected insular tech nerds with niche extremists political views and a tendency towards almost indecipherable verbosity. now they might be architects of government. the mind boggles.", '>>{FranklinBeans2010} : Lowercase kkk, just dip your toes in, see how supremacy feels! /s', ">>{S-O-What} : > Asked what he thought I would print, Steves explained that “115 IQ people are not generally well equipped to summarize 160 IQ people” and that only one journalist, Vox’s Dylan Matthews, had “come close to permitting NRx to speak for itself.” Oh. I see. I think I've got a working definition of neoreactionism. Neoreactionism: rule by /r/iamverysmart", '>>{godiebiel} : And she still shilled for Hillary ... In exchange for a few millions ...', '>>{Akeb} : A well-deserved Noble Peace Prize indeed. Thanks Obama!', '>>{madmars} : Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug) is, I believe, the guy that posts as "urbit" on Hacker News (a sort of Reddit for the Silicon Valley startup scene). The guy is a bit of a crank. His urbit project is notoriously indecipherable. I would argue, purposely obtuse. They re-invented well known computer terms because, according to them, what they are building is *so* advanced that our (i.e. you and I) lower IQ brains are not equipped to deal with it. Or something to that effect. Just read the first tutorial: https://urbit.org/docs/byte/0/ There is really no point to the abstraction and level of "recreate the entire world" that they are going for. Everything they aim to accomplish can be done today, with existing terminology and methods. I suspect they are trying to obscure the fact that nothing they are doing is that novel. Truly novel ideas build on existing ideas. They don\'t reinvent the universe of all ideas at once.', '>>{XaeVS} : Literally yes. Dark Enlightenment is about a group of people who view themselves as so smart ("Enlightened") they should be able to have dictatorial powers with no oversight because the rest of humanity is too dumb ("dark") judge them. It\'s like a half drunk bullshit session in a freshmen dorm written large.', '>>{kodefuguru} : Wow, that\'s 10 minutes I will never recover. At least I have a response if someone ever mentions urbit again: "that\'s a synonym for rubbish."', ">>{FranklinBeans2010} : Where the rhetoric is made up and real facts don't matter.", ">>{resultachieved} : Honest Question: What is the value in these semantics? Does Bernie somehow feel illegitimate on the national stage? It's very clear the primary is over. Pretending otherwise just makes Bernie look less.", ">>{spmortgage} : He's not staying in to try to win -- he's staying in to try and force movement in regards to a more progressive platform. I don't know why people have such an issue with him trying to keep the young people and independents politically engaged and within the Democratic party process. The clear goal is to eventually bridge them over to HRC.", ">>{wenchette} : You've heard of Fat-Free? Now there's also Fact-Free.", ">>{jsmooth7} : At that rate, he'll overtake Hillary in only 160 days from now!", ">>{resultachieved} : >He's not staying in to try to win He should state that clearly with an endorsement. The semantics cited above at best indicate a poor attempt at such a thing.", '>>{JoshuaZ1} : If you throw out all the "BS" delegates, then she wins a majority of the remaining delegates. And she has over 3.7 million more actual votes[ than Sanders has](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/democratic_vote_count.html). So what is your point? We campaigned, we fought hard, and we lost. The will of the voters did not choose Bernie.', '>>{301ss} : acolyte is the wrong word I think. He sees it as a useful wellspring of ideas and natural constituency. Bannon has shown himself eager to rebrand a version of regressive "Traditionalism" that a lot of far right, reactionaries share, but sanitizing for a broader pallet.', ">>{unsure_person} : Trump: Screw bombing in the middle-east. Let's bomb China and North Korea.", '>>{TheDevourerOfDreams} : If only Hilary came up with a slogan like this when it actually mattered.', '>>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : You mean "**Its Her Turn**" wasn\'t as good a campaign slogan as "**Make America Great Again**"?', ">>{Proper97} : Democracy is a very useful tool when you're in control of how the public get their infomation.", ">>{huevhp} : She's under a criminal investigation, and accusations and now court cases are accusing the DNC of election fraud. Super delegates in states that went overwhelming for Bernie might be feeling concerned for their own political future in tying themselves to such a shady lady.", '>>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : Its going to be "her turn" again in 4 years of course, she hasn\'t completed the hubristic self destruction of a greek tragedy yet', '>>{miltedmalkball} : She was pretty vocally opposed to Hillary Clinton throughout the campaign...', '>>{coso9001} : liberals and conservatives: locked in a lifelong battle to decide which demographic should die', ">>{miltedmalkball} : I don't agree with their politics, but a strong third party alternative is good for our system of government imo.", '>>{justuntlsundown} : If he endorses her now, what leverage does he have?', ">>{vph} : Where is Jill Stein now? Where's Ralph Nader now? These folks are professional presidential candidates. They show up once every 4 years to say our system is corrupt and that they and only they are the answer. Then, after the election is over, they disappear into oblivion to prepare for the next cycle.", '>>{begrudged} : We need people to speak out against trump. We also need hillary to shut the fuck up.', ">>{W0LF_JK} : I'm not into Jill Stein but in her defense she's still hitting [back where she can](https://www.rttnews.com%2F2729216%2Fjill-stein-calls-for-mass-rally-in-washington-dc-to-occupy-inauguration.aspx), its just she doesn't have much of an appeal to be watched by the media.", '>>{deadin_tx} : Great read. Be afraid.Be very afraid. Bannon and Flynn have got to go, soon.', '>>{H37man} : When compared to the previous administration then yes it an extreme difference in the size of conflicts we are in. The last GOP administration had us in a trillion dollar war with over a 100k american soldiers and civilians in Iraq. One cannot just ignore the fact that his administration came into power during the time when america was already at war. The deescalation of man power and war compared to the GOP administration was huge. Unfortunately america just decided to elect another GOP lead candidate.', ">>{nflitgirl} : RIPE...? There wasn't a better acronym she could have come up with? 'Ripe' is such a gross word, for me it's up there with 'moist'", '>>{spmortgage} : I guess you\'re not the best negotiator then..... "Yes sir I\'ll definitely take that watch....but can I get a discount please?"', '>>{Zefrum} : Our conflict in Syria, Libya and Yemen, in particular, were started under the Obama administration, so it is disingenuous to blame the Bush administration without giving fault to the Obama administration as well. We, in fact, escalated conflicts in these countries. It has been stunning how silent the Democrats have been with regard to the expansion of our involvement in more countries and conflicts.', '>>{resultachieved} : hmmm. Interesting. So what does success look like? What are the things Bernie wants to see done?', '>>{H37man} : When you destabilize a region of course more conflicts are going to pop up. Do you think we should just ignore them even though we are at fault for causing the destabilization?', '>>{Akeb} : Electing the Democrat who voted for those wars and pushed for regime change in Libya and Syria would have been a much safer alternative. /s', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : Can Hillary Clinton just stay gone? She's just going to remind all the GOP that they still have somebody they all can hate and obsessively focus on. And remind half of the democrat base that they don't really like the other half of the base. Go take a vacation in Tahiti, you deserve it.", '>>{resultachieved} : actually I think this a great opprotunity for both Clinton and Sanders. Many of the disagreement stem from how things get paid for, or details of implementation. Sanders can actually help Hillary pivot to better versions of ideas they have in common before the convention.', '>>{H37man} : Yes it would have. But we have 4 years to realize the mistake the voting populaiton of america has made. And it will be more obvious than the 8 years of Bushs policies.', ">>{Zefrum} : But the issues in, again, Syria, Libya and Yemen are not due to the existing destabilization in the regions which occurred under the Bush administration. The US was part of a group of countries who decided to topple Qaddafi in Libya. The US is aiding the Saudi war against Yemen by both selling them arms and contributing military assistance. Syria is a bit more complicated, but ultimately, we, once again, want to topple Assad. Again, these aren't directly attributable to our conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under Bush.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : I am hardly her biggest fan, but she WON THE POPULAR VOTE - a lot of people genuinely like her and should not be shamed for it. She also is almost certainly NOT going to be a presidential candidate again but is a public figure and deserves to have her voice heard and not forced into some corner because some POS defeated her in an election, likely with Russian help. And if she can help rally support against Trump - I say more power to her.', ">>{pwomptastic} : She just added two rhyming words to Chuck Schumer's comment re: Elizabeth Warren...", ">>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Fake comment. {{yawn}} Here's some truth for you from the inside ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUUJqUXlEzg", '>>{woohalladoobop} : I mean that wasn\'t the campaign slogan at all. Personally I thought "I\'m With Her" was pretty good.', '>>{plato1123} : For a moment I thought you were joking about the number of votes she got.', ">>{Ashley8777} : The rebel army has a lot of terrorists, al queda and isis fighting for it. When we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan a lot of terrorists just moved countries so it's still pretty atrituable. It's like you're saying the US going into WW2 had nothing to do with Hitler since Japan attacked us.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I mean polls clearly showed that she (along with Trump) were two of the most unpopular candidates in American history. A whole lot of people voting for her in the election did so because they thought the other option was worse, not out of any love for her. (This also works for Trump). Sure, she (and yes Trump) have their devoted followers and there's a lot of them. I wouldn't call either popular. And I wouldn't want to put Clinton as a leader in the party again. It's not about what's deserved. It's about how it will affect the party (and yes the GoP) going forward. HRC giving speeches at rallies and being involved will make the GOP salivate (because they get their unifying hatred back) and half the democratic base want to abandon ship. She needs to have some common sense and go enjoy retirement. She's not going to help by being front and center.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Yeah, instead she had her surrogates going around saying bullshit like— >For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin. Hillary's campaign was not aimed at *resisting* the machine, it was about making the machine stronger.", '>>{Ashley8777} : Yet when Hillary lost she threw a tantrum, sounds like president material to me.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : Um okay? What does that have to do with Jill Stein being opposed to her?', '>>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : It was the widely known unofficial campaign slogan. Like Sander\'s "*Feel the Bern*" or Nixon\'s "*Don\'t change Dicks in the midst of a screw, vote for Nixon in \'72*" or George W. Bush\'s "*John McCain fathered a black baby out of wedlock*"', ">>{BernadetteSanderson} : Remember when she appeared after a week of silence, and she looked like she had been crying her eyes out a week straight? Eye witnesses also say she cried on election night and they couldn't get her together enough to go out and face the crowd.", ">>{Zefrum} : These conflicts are much, much more complicated than simply a diaspora of terrorists from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Terrorism in these countries, historically, has only been allowed to thrive once the government is destabilized. There was not a real terrorist presence in Libya prior to the fall of Qaddafi. Terrorism became an issue in this country after he was killed and the government became destabilized, and was thus unable to quell dissenters. The conflict in Yemen is a Sunni-Shia conflict, where Saudi Arabia is trying to control who wins in the Yemen civil war. Saudi Arabia (Sunni run) is carrying out attacks with the aid of the US against the Houthis, who are Shia. The Syrian conflict does have large ISIS involvement, but the US wants to do more than take out ISIS in Syria, they also want to destroy the Syrian government, who is backed by Russia. This is similar to the Saudi-Yemen conflict in a way. We are trying to control who wins in the civil war in Syria, but we don't want the government nor ISIS to be victors. We want to destroy both to install a more malleable government.", '>>{comeonnow17} : Hey, she came up with the real zinger "Trumped up trickle down economics". Man that woman had no charisma. A dead dog would have won the elections for the democrats.', ">>{woohalladoobop} : Name one presidential candidate in the past 300 years who hasn't had a black baby out of wedlock.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : > I wouldn't want to put Clinton as a leader in the party again Well she isn't going to be president, as far as being one of many prominent figures, I don' see a problem with that.", '>>{BernieSandlers} : Please go back into the woods Madame Secretary, maybe there you can find some charisma. We got this.', '>>{Drgntrnr} : They moved on to frothing with anger over speculations (that they made up...) that Chelsea is gonna run for some kind of office.', '>>{sinnerG} : She resisted a reduction in pay. She insisted she was worth the same price that she commanded as a future presidential candidate. She persisted after they made a counter-offer that was within their budget and fitting to her position. She enlisted in the same speakers bureau which employs her husband and they managed to negotiate a higher fee.', ">>{MaximumEffort433} : > why Hilary still thinks her opinion matters at this point. Could have something to do with the fact that more people voted for her than voted for the sitting President, but that's just a guess.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Vermin Supreme, he's impotent, man. Always has been.", ">>{begrudged} : No, she helped put him there. https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/ http://observer.com/2016/10/wikileaks-reveals-dnc-elevated-trump-to-help-clinton/ I hope she's miserable and mad at herself. But I doubt it.", ">>{MaximumEffort433} : Yeah, if only the DNC and the [3 million more people who voted for Clinton in the Democratic primaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries,_2016), hadn't forced her down our throats then we wouldn't have had to watch a loser like her [win the popular vote in the general election.](http://cookpolitical.com/story/10174) What the fuck do they think this is, some sort of Democracy!?", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : And decades of governmental experience, and hundreds of pages of policy proposals, and deep relationships with lawmakers across the political spectrum, and is well educated on the problems of the day, but yeah, pretty much just a slogan.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Because "both parties are the same" and "Trump tells it like it is" and "at least he\'s not Clinton" and "her emails!" The propaganda did its job, redditors seem happy to carry the Russian torch. Plus, after winning the popular vote, I think a lot of Republicans/Russians realize that she\'s a hell of a lot more legitimate than the actual President is. God forbid we show some respect to the more popular candidate.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : If only the electorate had given a shit about something other than slogans.', ">>{callmebrotherg} : The DNC's job is to not give us a terrible candidate. She didn't take him seriously. She let herself get lazy.", ">>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : Maybe John Madison's bones will burst from their grave and have a word and teach them that america is a democratic republic, not a democracy, and that we'd assign votes by treasure rather than census if the founding fathers had a feasible way to quantify assets", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : First: The DNC didn\'t "give us" any candidate, an overwhelming majority of voters in the Democratic primaries *chose* our candidate. She got more votes than Sanders, which is why she was our nominee. Secondly: That "terrible candidate" still beat the man who went on to win the electoral college. If the "terrible candidate" got more votes, what does that say about Trump? Clinton made mistakes, you\'re absolutely right. Also [James Comey, tanking Clinton\'s poll numbers the week before the election.](https://www.salon.com/2016/12/12/nate-silver-harry-reid-agree-hillary-clinton-isnt-president-because-of-james-comeys-letters/) And the mainstream media, who [spent more time discussing Clinton\'s emails than her policy](https://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/11/02/how-media-s-email-obsession-obliterated-clinton-policy-coverage/214242), and [wasted an afternoon filming Donald Trump\'s empty podium](http://www.politicususa.com/2016/05/26/msnbc-cnn-fox-news-ignore-hillary-clinton-speech-show-trumps-empty-podium.html) ([just one more example of the $2 billion in free advertising that they gave to him.](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-has-gotten-nearly-3-billion-in-free-advertising-2016-05-06)) And [the Russian propagandists who specifically targeted Sanders supporters with anti-Clinton messages.](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-fake-news-russia_us_58c34d97e4b0ed71826cdb36) And there\'s some blame to be shared [with the Stein voters who thought that Clinton simply wasn\'t progressive enough to vote for.](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/622ybv/trump_guts_obama_order_protecting_lgbt_federal/dfjjtgr/) And [Congressional Republicans running repeated unnecessary investigations into Benghazi and Clinton\'s private server for the sole purpose of tanking her poll numbers.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/kevin-mccarthys-truthful-gaffe/2015/09/30/f12a9fac-67a8-11e5-8325-a42b5a459b1e_story.html?utm_term=.c6db41d5dcc3) Plus a [Republican candidate who was willing to make outlandish and unfulfilable promises in order to win an election.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/01/22/here-are-76-of-donald-trumps-many-campaign-promises/?utm_term=.28649f52acd4) And despite *all* of that the "terrible candidate" still [won more than 2.8 million more votes than her opponent in the general election.](http://cookpolitical.com/story/10174) At best you\'re being intellectually lazy, at worst you\'re being intentionally deceptive. This was not a simple election, our loss, and Trump\'s win, cannot be attributed to any single cause or factor. I worry that you\'ve drank too much of the Russian Kool Aid.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : All I\'m saying is that Hillary Clinton wasn\'t the one saying it was "her turn," it was the American *electorate* saying that; judging by the vote totals, anyway.', '>>{callmebrotherg} : > First: The DNC didn\'t "give us" any candidate, an overwhelming majority of voters in the Democratic primaries chose our candidate. She got more votes than Sanders, which is why she was our nominee. I don\'t think that the DNC applied any pressure to the scales. I think that they ought to have done what they could, however, and I think a generic Democrat would have fared better than Clinton. I don\'t believe that Benghazi et al was the atrocitypile that the GOP made it out to be, but it was obvious from the beginning that these things were going to come into play, and it was risky as hell to do nothing to impede Clinton in the face of that. Just to be clear, I don\'t think that Sander was our great fiery messiah. I think that the Democrats would have stood a better chance in keeping the Midwest with Bernie at the helm, but ultimately, as I said above, I think that the biggest issue was that the GOP had successfully dragged Clinton through the mud. Her campaign was angling for The Beast to win GOP nomination. They thought that her odds were best against that sorry excuse for a sack of rotten tangerines (or against Ben Carson). I don\'t like the electoral college. [This article](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/why-hillary-clinton-lost/507704/) does a fair job of discussing some of the issues that I had with the Clinton campaign. I think that all of the things that you mentioned are valid, but I think that it was extraordinarily foolish for Clinton to not realize that they would apply, with the exception of the Russian propagandists bit, and *probably* Trump\'s ability to lie without repercussions. Excepting those two things, these were all matters that were either known ahead of time or (in the case of e.g. Comey\'s letter) related to things that were known ahead of time. It has to suck to be dragged through the mud to the point that you have to give up your dreams of being POTUS, to reduce the likelihood that things will go wrong. She ought to have done it, though. This was bigger than her, it was bigger than anyone who supported her, and yes, there were other things that got in the way and also proved to be stumbling blocks in their own right, but she could have known from the beginning that this was a risky bet and that she wasn\'t the best chance that the Democrats had to offer, and she ought to have passed on this. Regardless, I\'m glad that we\'re having a civil discourse and I appreciate that you\'re coming at me with links and lists rather than rants. EDIT: Changed some phrasing because it was possible to read my comments as saying that the DNC should have engaged in fraud.', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : No it wasn't. Its the bullshit all you Putin apologists spread like herpes.", ">>{dirtnapper56} : Right like how the DNC wanted to rig the primary against Sanders, who showed winning poll #s against both Clinton and Trump... and they didn't 'give' us a candidate.... right...", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : 3 million more people voted for Clinton in the primaries than voted for Sanders, and that\'s why she was the nominee, not because "the DNC wanted to rig the elections." [The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged](https://www.thenation.com/article/the-democratic-primary-wasnt-rigged/) (The Nation) [The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-system-isnt-rigged-against-sanders/) (538) [No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary](https://newrepublic.com/article/135472/no-dnc-didnt-rig-primary-favor-hillary) (New Republic) [For the Last Time: Here’s Proof the Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged Against Bernie Sanders](http://www.forwardprogressives.com/for-the-last-time-heres-proof-the-democratic-primary-wasnt-rigged-against-bernie-sanders/) (Forward Progressives) [The Myths Democrats Swallowed That Cost Them the Presidential Election](http://www.newsweek.com/myths-cost-democrats-presidential-election-521044) (Newsweek, written *after* the Podesta leaks.) [Bernie Sanders\' Former Staffer: "No One Stole the Election From Us"](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/07/tweetstorm-bernie-sanders-former-press-secretary-amazing) (Simone Sanders) [Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Won Fair And Square](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton_us_577d51c0e4b0c590f7e7a3ec) (Bernie Sanders)', ">>{MaximumEffort433} : I'd be happy to have a look at the emails that prove the DNC rigged the election. Go ahead and hit me up with a link whenever you can get around to it."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Muffinizer1} : But she does with "the BS delegates" that aren\'t going away any time soon.', '>>{CykoTom} : All the delegates that I disagree with are bullshit.', ">>{resultachieved} : Honest Question: What is the value in these semantics? Does Bernie somehow feel illegitimate on the national stage? It's very clear the primary is over. Pretending otherwise just makes Bernie look less.", ">>{spmortgage} : He's not staying in to try to win -- he's staying in to try and force movement in regards to a more progressive platform. I don't know why people have such an issue with him trying to keep the young people and independents politically engaged and within the Democratic party process. The clear goal is to eventually bridge them over to HRC.", ">>{jsmooth7} : At that rate, he'll overtake Hillary in only 160 days from now!", ">>{resultachieved} : >He's not staying in to try to win He should state that clearly with an endorsement. The semantics cited above at best indicate a poor attempt at such a thing.", '>>{JoshuaZ1} : If you throw out all the "BS" delegates, then she wins a majority of the remaining delegates. And she has over 3.7 million more actual votes[ than Sanders has](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/democratic_vote_count.html). So what is your point? We campaigned, we fought hard, and we lost. The will of the voters did not choose Bernie.', ">>{huevhp} : She's under a criminal investigation, and accusations and now court cases are accusing the DNC of election fraud. Super delegates in states that went overwhelming for Bernie might be feeling concerned for their own political future in tying themselves to such a shady lady.", '>>{justuntlsundown} : If he endorses her now, what leverage does he have?', '>>{spmortgage} : I guess you\'re not the best negotiator then..... "Yes sir I\'ll definitely take that watch....but can I get a discount please?"', '>>{resultachieved} : hmmm. Interesting. So what does success look like? What are the things Bernie wants to see done?', '>>{resultachieved} : actually I think this a great opprotunity for both Clinton and Sanders. Many of the disagreement stem from how things get paid for, or details of implementation. Sanders can actually help Hillary pivot to better versions of ideas they have in common before the convention.'], ['>>{wenchette} : >White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is reportedly a reader of neoreactionary political theory. A tour through the pro-authoritarian philosophy gaining visibility on the right.', '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : >“It should be obvious that, although I am not a white nationalist, I am not exactly allergic to the stuff,” Yarvin wrote in 2007. Sounds like a good motto for the alt-right.', ">>{waldron76} : if bannon is actually an acolyte of the dork enlightenment that is really fucking concerning. this is a philosophy that explicitly disavows values like democracy and equality, and has white and male supremacy as core beliefs. if bannon is truly working from the neoreactionary playbook, then he wants to set society back hundreds of years with regards to progressive values, and he wants to install trump as an autocratic figure. and even if he isn't a true believer, showing any sort of tolerance towards these sorts of views rings some very loud alarm bells. jfc, it was only a few years ago that everyone was mocking neoreactionaries as a bunch of disaffected insular tech nerds with niche extremists political views and a tendency towards almost indecipherable verbosity. now they might be architects of government. the mind boggles.", '>>{FranklinBeans2010} : Lowercase kkk, just dip your toes in, see how supremacy feels! /s', ">>{S-O-What} : > Asked what he thought I would print, Steves explained that “115 IQ people are not generally well equipped to summarize 160 IQ people” and that only one journalist, Vox’s Dylan Matthews, had “come close to permitting NRx to speak for itself.” Oh. I see. I think I've got a working definition of neoreactionism. Neoreactionism: rule by /r/iamverysmart", '>>{madmars} : Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug) is, I believe, the guy that posts as "urbit" on Hacker News (a sort of Reddit for the Silicon Valley startup scene). The guy is a bit of a crank. His urbit project is notoriously indecipherable. I would argue, purposely obtuse. They re-invented well known computer terms because, according to them, what they are building is *so* advanced that our (i.e. you and I) lower IQ brains are not equipped to deal with it. Or something to that effect. Just read the first tutorial: https://urbit.org/docs/byte/0/ There is really no point to the abstraction and level of "recreate the entire world" that they are going for. Everything they aim to accomplish can be done today, with existing terminology and methods. I suspect they are trying to obscure the fact that nothing they are doing is that novel. Truly novel ideas build on existing ideas. They don\'t reinvent the universe of all ideas at once.', '>>{XaeVS} : Literally yes. Dark Enlightenment is about a group of people who view themselves as so smart ("Enlightened") they should be able to have dictatorial powers with no oversight because the rest of humanity is too dumb ("dark") judge them. It\'s like a half drunk bullshit session in a freshmen dorm written large.', '>>{kodefuguru} : Wow, that\'s 10 minutes I will never recover. At least I have a response if someone ever mentions urbit again: "that\'s a synonym for rubbish."', ">>{FranklinBeans2010} : Where the rhetoric is made up and real facts don't matter.", ">>{wenchette} : You've heard of Fat-Free? Now there's also Fact-Free.", '>>{301ss} : acolyte is the wrong word I think. He sees it as a useful wellspring of ideas and natural constituency. Bannon has shown himself eager to rebrand a version of regressive "Traditionalism" that a lot of far right, reactionaries share, but sanitizing for a broader pallet.', ">>{Proper97} : Democracy is a very useful tool when you're in control of how the public get their infomation.", '>>{deadin_tx} : Great read. Be afraid.Be very afraid. Bannon and Flynn have got to go, soon.'], ['>>{TheDevourerOfDreams} : If only Hilary came up with a slogan like this when it actually mattered.', '>>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : You mean "**Its Her Turn**" wasn\'t as good a campaign slogan as "**Make America Great Again**"?', '>>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : Its going to be "her turn" again in 4 years of course, she hasn\'t completed the hubristic self destruction of a greek tragedy yet', '>>{begrudged} : We need people to speak out against trump. We also need hillary to shut the fuck up.', ">>{nflitgirl} : RIPE...? There wasn't a better acronym she could have come up with? 'Ripe' is such a gross word, for me it's up there with 'moist'", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : Can Hillary Clinton just stay gone? She's just going to remind all the GOP that they still have somebody they all can hate and obsessively focus on. And remind half of the democrat base that they don't really like the other half of the base. Go take a vacation in Tahiti, you deserve it.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : I am hardly her biggest fan, but she WON THE POPULAR VOTE - a lot of people genuinely like her and should not be shamed for it. She also is almost certainly NOT going to be a presidential candidate again but is a public figure and deserves to have her voice heard and not forced into some corner because some POS defeated her in an election, likely with Russian help. And if she can help rally support against Trump - I say more power to her.', ">>{pwomptastic} : She just added two rhyming words to Chuck Schumer's comment re: Elizabeth Warren...", '>>{woohalladoobop} : I mean that wasn\'t the campaign slogan at all. Personally I thought "I\'m With Her" was pretty good.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I mean polls clearly showed that she (along with Trump) were two of the most unpopular candidates in American history. A whole lot of people voting for her in the election did so because they thought the other option was worse, not out of any love for her. (This also works for Trump). Sure, she (and yes Trump) have their devoted followers and there's a lot of them. I wouldn't call either popular. And I wouldn't want to put Clinton as a leader in the party again. It's not about what's deserved. It's about how it will affect the party (and yes the GoP) going forward. HRC giving speeches at rallies and being involved will make the GOP salivate (because they get their unifying hatred back) and half the democratic base want to abandon ship. She needs to have some common sense and go enjoy retirement. She's not going to help by being front and center.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Yeah, instead she had her surrogates going around saying bullshit like— >For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin. Hillary's campaign was not aimed at *resisting* the machine, it was about making the machine stronger.", '>>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : It was the widely known unofficial campaign slogan. Like Sander\'s "*Feel the Bern*" or Nixon\'s "*Don\'t change Dicks in the midst of a screw, vote for Nixon in \'72*" or George W. Bush\'s "*John McCain fathered a black baby out of wedlock*"', '>>{comeonnow17} : Hey, she came up with the real zinger "Trumped up trickle down economics". Man that woman had no charisma. A dead dog would have won the elections for the democrats.', ">>{woohalladoobop} : Name one presidential candidate in the past 300 years who hasn't had a black baby out of wedlock.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : > I wouldn't want to put Clinton as a leader in the party again Well she isn't going to be president, as far as being one of many prominent figures, I don' see a problem with that.", '>>{BernieSandlers} : Please go back into the woods Madame Secretary, maybe there you can find some charisma. We got this.', '>>{Drgntrnr} : They moved on to frothing with anger over speculations (that they made up...) that Chelsea is gonna run for some kind of office.', '>>{sinnerG} : She resisted a reduction in pay. She insisted she was worth the same price that she commanded as a future presidential candidate. She persisted after they made a counter-offer that was within their budget and fitting to her position. She enlisted in the same speakers bureau which employs her husband and they managed to negotiate a higher fee.', ">>{MaximumEffort433} : > why Hilary still thinks her opinion matters at this point. Could have something to do with the fact that more people voted for her than voted for the sitting President, but that's just a guess.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Vermin Supreme, he's impotent, man. Always has been.", ">>{begrudged} : No, she helped put him there. https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/ http://observer.com/2016/10/wikileaks-reveals-dnc-elevated-trump-to-help-clinton/ I hope she's miserable and mad at herself. But I doubt it.", ">>{MaximumEffort433} : Yeah, if only the DNC and the [3 million more people who voted for Clinton in the Democratic primaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries,_2016), hadn't forced her down our throats then we wouldn't have had to watch a loser like her [win the popular vote in the general election.](http://cookpolitical.com/story/10174) What the fuck do they think this is, some sort of Democracy!?", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : And decades of governmental experience, and hundreds of pages of policy proposals, and deep relationships with lawmakers across the political spectrum, and is well educated on the problems of the day, but yeah, pretty much just a slogan.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Because "both parties are the same" and "Trump tells it like it is" and "at least he\'s not Clinton" and "her emails!" The propaganda did its job, redditors seem happy to carry the Russian torch. Plus, after winning the popular vote, I think a lot of Republicans/Russians realize that she\'s a hell of a lot more legitimate than the actual President is. God forbid we show some respect to the more popular candidate.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : If only the electorate had given a shit about something other than slogans.', ">>{callmebrotherg} : The DNC's job is to not give us a terrible candidate. She didn't take him seriously. She let herself get lazy.", ">>{CrispinGloversLarynx} : Maybe John Madison's bones will burst from their grave and have a word and teach them that america is a democratic republic, not a democracy, and that we'd assign votes by treasure rather than census if the founding fathers had a feasible way to quantify assets", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : First: The DNC didn\'t "give us" any candidate, an overwhelming majority of voters in the Democratic primaries *chose* our candidate. She got more votes than Sanders, which is why she was our nominee. Secondly: That "terrible candidate" still beat the man who went on to win the electoral college. If the "terrible candidate" got more votes, what does that say about Trump? Clinton made mistakes, you\'re absolutely right. Also [James Comey, tanking Clinton\'s poll numbers the week before the election.](https://www.salon.com/2016/12/12/nate-silver-harry-reid-agree-hillary-clinton-isnt-president-because-of-james-comeys-letters/) And the mainstream media, who [spent more time discussing Clinton\'s emails than her policy](https://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/11/02/how-media-s-email-obsession-obliterated-clinton-policy-coverage/214242), and [wasted an afternoon filming Donald Trump\'s empty podium](http://www.politicususa.com/2016/05/26/msnbc-cnn-fox-news-ignore-hillary-clinton-speech-show-trumps-empty-podium.html) ([just one more example of the $2 billion in free advertising that they gave to him.](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-has-gotten-nearly-3-billion-in-free-advertising-2016-05-06)) And [the Russian propagandists who specifically targeted Sanders supporters with anti-Clinton messages.](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-fake-news-russia_us_58c34d97e4b0ed71826cdb36) And there\'s some blame to be shared [with the Stein voters who thought that Clinton simply wasn\'t progressive enough to vote for.](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/622ybv/trump_guts_obama_order_protecting_lgbt_federal/dfjjtgr/) And [Congressional Republicans running repeated unnecessary investigations into Benghazi and Clinton\'s private server for the sole purpose of tanking her poll numbers.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/kevin-mccarthys-truthful-gaffe/2015/09/30/f12a9fac-67a8-11e5-8325-a42b5a459b1e_story.html?utm_term=.c6db41d5dcc3) Plus a [Republican candidate who was willing to make outlandish and unfulfilable promises in order to win an election.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/01/22/here-are-76-of-donald-trumps-many-campaign-promises/?utm_term=.28649f52acd4) And despite *all* of that the "terrible candidate" still [won more than 2.8 million more votes than her opponent in the general election.](http://cookpolitical.com/story/10174) At best you\'re being intellectually lazy, at worst you\'re being intentionally deceptive. This was not a simple election, our loss, and Trump\'s win, cannot be attributed to any single cause or factor. I worry that you\'ve drank too much of the Russian Kool Aid.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : All I\'m saying is that Hillary Clinton wasn\'t the one saying it was "her turn," it was the American *electorate* saying that; judging by the vote totals, anyway.', '>>{callmebrotherg} : > First: The DNC didn\'t "give us" any candidate, an overwhelming majority of voters in the Democratic primaries chose our candidate. She got more votes than Sanders, which is why she was our nominee. I don\'t think that the DNC applied any pressure to the scales. I think that they ought to have done what they could, however, and I think a generic Democrat would have fared better than Clinton. I don\'t believe that Benghazi et al was the atrocitypile that the GOP made it out to be, but it was obvious from the beginning that these things were going to come into play, and it was risky as hell to do nothing to impede Clinton in the face of that. Just to be clear, I don\'t think that Sander was our great fiery messiah. I think that the Democrats would have stood a better chance in keeping the Midwest with Bernie at the helm, but ultimately, as I said above, I think that the biggest issue was that the GOP had successfully dragged Clinton through the mud. Her campaign was angling for The Beast to win GOP nomination. They thought that her odds were best against that sorry excuse for a sack of rotten tangerines (or against Ben Carson). I don\'t like the electoral college. [This article](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/why-hillary-clinton-lost/507704/) does a fair job of discussing some of the issues that I had with the Clinton campaign. I think that all of the things that you mentioned are valid, but I think that it was extraordinarily foolish for Clinton to not realize that they would apply, with the exception of the Russian propagandists bit, and *probably* Trump\'s ability to lie without repercussions. Excepting those two things, these were all matters that were either known ahead of time or (in the case of e.g. Comey\'s letter) related to things that were known ahead of time. It has to suck to be dragged through the mud to the point that you have to give up your dreams of being POTUS, to reduce the likelihood that things will go wrong. She ought to have done it, though. This was bigger than her, it was bigger than anyone who supported her, and yes, there were other things that got in the way and also proved to be stumbling blocks in their own right, but she could have known from the beginning that this was a risky bet and that she wasn\'t the best chance that the Democrats had to offer, and she ought to have passed on this. Regardless, I\'m glad that we\'re having a civil discourse and I appreciate that you\'re coming at me with links and lists rather than rants. EDIT: Changed some phrasing because it was possible to read my comments as saying that the DNC should have engaged in fraud.', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : No it wasn't. Its the bullshit all you Putin apologists spread like herpes.", ">>{dirtnapper56} : Right like how the DNC wanted to rig the primary against Sanders, who showed winning poll #s against both Clinton and Trump... and they didn't 'give' us a candidate.... right...", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : 3 million more people voted for Clinton in the primaries than voted for Sanders, and that\'s why she was the nominee, not because "the DNC wanted to rig the elections." [The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged](https://www.thenation.com/article/the-democratic-primary-wasnt-rigged/) (The Nation) [The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-system-isnt-rigged-against-sanders/) (538) [No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary](https://newrepublic.com/article/135472/no-dnc-didnt-rig-primary-favor-hillary) (New Republic) [For the Last Time: Here’s Proof the Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged Against Bernie Sanders](http://www.forwardprogressives.com/for-the-last-time-heres-proof-the-democratic-primary-wasnt-rigged-against-bernie-sanders/) (Forward Progressives) [The Myths Democrats Swallowed That Cost Them the Presidential Election](http://www.newsweek.com/myths-cost-democrats-presidential-election-521044) (Newsweek, written *after* the Podesta leaks.) [Bernie Sanders\' Former Staffer: "No One Stole the Election From Us"](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/07/tweetstorm-bernie-sanders-former-press-secretary-amazing) (Simone Sanders) [Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Won Fair And Square](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton_us_577d51c0e4b0c590f7e7a3ec) (Bernie Sanders)', ">>{MaximumEffort433} : I'd be happy to have a look at the emails that prove the DNC rigged the election. Go ahead and hit me up with a link whenever you can get around to it."], ['>>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Jill Stein claim that U.S. bombing 7 countries sparked our No. 1 fact check of 2016', '>>{godiebiel} : And she still shilled for Hillary ... In exchange for a few millions ...', '>>{Akeb} : A well-deserved Noble Peace Prize indeed. Thanks Obama!', ">>{unsure_person} : Trump: Screw bombing in the middle-east. Let's bomb China and North Korea.", '>>{miltedmalkball} : She was pretty vocally opposed to Hillary Clinton throughout the campaign...', '>>{coso9001} : liberals and conservatives: locked in a lifelong battle to decide which demographic should die', ">>{miltedmalkball} : I don't agree with their politics, but a strong third party alternative is good for our system of government imo.", ">>{vph} : Where is Jill Stein now? Where's Ralph Nader now? These folks are professional presidential candidates. They show up once every 4 years to say our system is corrupt and that they and only they are the answer. Then, after the election is over, they disappear into oblivion to prepare for the next cycle.", ">>{W0LF_JK} : I'm not into Jill Stein but in her defense she's still hitting [back where she can](https://www.rttnews.com%2F2729216%2Fjill-stein-calls-for-mass-rally-in-washington-dc-to-occupy-inauguration.aspx), its just she doesn't have much of an appeal to be watched by the media.", '>>{H37man} : When compared to the previous administration then yes it an extreme difference in the size of conflicts we are in. The last GOP administration had us in a trillion dollar war with over a 100k american soldiers and civilians in Iraq. One cannot just ignore the fact that his administration came into power during the time when america was already at war. The deescalation of man power and war compared to the GOP administration was huge. Unfortunately america just decided to elect another GOP lead candidate.', '>>{Zefrum} : Our conflict in Syria, Libya and Yemen, in particular, were started under the Obama administration, so it is disingenuous to blame the Bush administration without giving fault to the Obama administration as well. We, in fact, escalated conflicts in these countries. It has been stunning how silent the Democrats have been with regard to the expansion of our involvement in more countries and conflicts.', '>>{H37man} : When you destabilize a region of course more conflicts are going to pop up. Do you think we should just ignore them even though we are at fault for causing the destabilization?', '>>{Akeb} : Electing the Democrat who voted for those wars and pushed for regime change in Libya and Syria would have been a much safer alternative. /s', '>>{H37man} : Yes it would have. But we have 4 years to realize the mistake the voting populaiton of america has made. And it will be more obvious than the 8 years of Bushs policies.', ">>{Zefrum} : But the issues in, again, Syria, Libya and Yemen are not due to the existing destabilization in the regions which occurred under the Bush administration. The US was part of a group of countries who decided to topple Qaddafi in Libya. The US is aiding the Saudi war against Yemen by both selling them arms and contributing military assistance. Syria is a bit more complicated, but ultimately, we, once again, want to topple Assad. Again, these aren't directly attributable to our conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under Bush.", ">>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Fake comment. {{yawn}} Here's some truth for you from the inside ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUUJqUXlEzg", '>>{plato1123} : For a moment I thought you were joking about the number of votes she got.', ">>{Ashley8777} : The rebel army has a lot of terrorists, al queda and isis fighting for it. When we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan a lot of terrorists just moved countries so it's still pretty atrituable. It's like you're saying the US going into WW2 had nothing to do with Hitler since Japan attacked us.", '>>{Ashley8777} : Yet when Hillary lost she threw a tantrum, sounds like president material to me.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : Um okay? What does that have to do with Jill Stein being opposed to her?', ">>{BernadetteSanderson} : Remember when she appeared after a week of silence, and she looked like she had been crying her eyes out a week straight? Eye witnesses also say she cried on election night and they couldn't get her together enough to go out and face the crowd.", ">>{Zefrum} : These conflicts are much, much more complicated than simply a diaspora of terrorists from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Terrorism in these countries, historically, has only been allowed to thrive once the government is destabilized. There was not a real terrorist presence in Libya prior to the fall of Qaddafi. Terrorism became an issue in this country after he was killed and the government became destabilized, and was thus unable to quell dissenters. The conflict in Yemen is a Sunni-Shia conflict, where Saudi Arabia is trying to control who wins in the Yemen civil war. Saudi Arabia (Sunni run) is carrying out attacks with the aid of the US against the Houthis, who are Shia. The Syrian conflict does have large ISIS involvement, but the US wants to do more than take out ISIS in Syria, they also want to destroy the Syrian government, who is backed by Russia. This is similar to the Saudi-Yemen conflict in a way. We are trying to control who wins in the civil war in Syria, but we don't want the government nor ISIS to be victors. We want to destroy both to install a more malleable government."]]
classify and reply
[">>{mysticportal} : Totally agree dude. This shit is amazing. Finally an update that suits the 7 well. Fast animations, improved file system, and great battery life. The camera is fine, but I'm wondering if it can be improved.", '>>{sglville} : Yep my 6S plus is currently at 6,15 usage, 37,36 standby and 40% left', '>>{kjellpu} : Accept President Trump and hold him accountable for promised change', '>>{_Ver01} : Oh, insane like great not insane like horrible.', ">>{DonaldJohnDump} : Trust me, I'm trying.. second day and it's already seeming impossible.", ">>{SACHD} : Odd how some people are saying it's amazing, while I'm experiencing much worse battery life.", ">>{cheefjustice} : I accept that he's president, because it's objective reality, but that's where it ends. I reject the obvious untruth that he's fit for office, I reject his lies and attempts to manipulate the American public, I reject the disdain he has shown for the office and for us by not preparing for the job. I eagerly look forward to his inevitable resignation or impeachment and conviction for ethics violations by a Republican-led congress which has no more respect for him than the Democrats do.", '>>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : That\'s the thing, we don\'t want his shitty "promised change."', ">>{UnicornPumaShark} : Sorry about that article. It's been a rough few days for us with the Seahawks loss and that's the Seattle times way of coping.", '>>{watchout5} : I love how the case for Trump is "acceptance". As if we accepting him in some capacity will change his mind about being blood thirsty for war. Trump is going to send this country into as many wars as he can, while being butt buddies with Putin. I don\'t have to accept anything. I can just look at the world and already see just how terrible this president wants to be.', '>>{chxiis} : Same, and are you seeing the location symbol all the time at the top', '>>{main_element} : Lol never. Drumpf is illegitimate. Not a real president. Putin puppet. Impeachment then treason charges only option. #notmypresident', '>>{supreme_man} : Accountable for what? The only thing he said that is good was about jobs and even then it depends on the context. America needs better jobs but he claimed he would bring back long dead jobs. Beyond "jobs" I don\'t know of any of his other promises I want him to succeed in. I don\'t want a damn wall, I don\'t want a deportation force, I don\'t want police to have more power, I don\'t want to piss off china, I don\'t want to be buddy buddy with Russia, I don\'t want to undermine Palestine, I don\'t want to repeal the ACA, I don\'t want women seeking an abortion to be punished, I don\'t want a Muslim ban, I don\'t want out of NATO, and I don\'t want out of the Iran deal. So, I hope he fails because any success of those things would be disastrous.', '>>{lfep} : Damn what apps do you use? What do you have turned off?', '>>{SACHD} : iPhone 7 32 GB, bought a few weeks ago.', ">>{sabins253} : Couldn't have said it better. Have an upvote!", '>>{sglville} : Regular apps like Safari, Chrome, mail, tapatalk, calendar, podcast, messages, maps, music, youtube, weather, and some IT admin stuff etc... make up my normal day. No social media or games but I have 4 email accounts syncing as fast as possible and multiple calendars for different things. Only important apps notify me about things. If I want to know a sports score or the latest news I open the app or website and look. Wifi/bluetooth are toggled on/off as needed. Brightness is auto and I often slide it brighter, rarely darker, No smartwatches or fitness trackers. If I want siri I push a button but I dont use often. icloud is on and google photos too, both sync immediately. I have a strong lte signal almost all of the time and wifi is very good at home and work.', ">>{lfep} : I thought google photos doesn't allow syncing in the background? What about location services and background refresh?", '>>{Fiat_Tractor} : lol dude, you know the higher capacity, the faster it is right? Try getting a 128 GB 7+ and see how fast it is from the base model.', ">>{CrumbBumCrampOn} : I can't accept Trump. I'm American, not Russian.", ">>{CLxJames} : I mean Obama promised a lot of things that didn't end up happening. Most politicians do that, on both sides of the aisle Not condoning it, just giving my two cents", ">>{Fiat_Tractor} : All I'm saying is everything is shit in the base model.", '>>{SACHD} : My battery life was really good before iOS 10.3.1, was the phone not a base model at the time?', '>>{matali} : I respect the seat, but not the man. Trump is the ultimate test of whether our institutions are more powerful than the men who occupy them, as the founders intended.', '>>{Lifeform604} : What exactly that Trump said makes you think he plans military action against addition countries, or even to continue it against all of the 7 the US acted against under Obama?', '>>{Fiat_Tractor} : Holy shit dude, just let it go. Did you just willy nilly upgrade without first waiting for feedback on increases in battery performance? I waited like a week to upgrade, during that time I researched how other people were doing with the upgrade.', ">>{Broadband2014} : Don't accept Someone With Tiny Hands and hold him accountable for promised change", ">>{Krishrox2000} : Jesus relax mate. The speed differences aren't huge and there's no reason to be so rude! Spread the love :)", '>>{sglville} : Yeah I think I have to open google photos to sync but I leave background app refresh on for everything. Location services are on too.', '>>{watchout5} : > What exactly that Trump said makes you think he plans military action against addition countries Him dropping drone bombs in Yemen. Like he just did.', '>>{sglville} : Faster write speeds of the internal storage. This only really matters when moving really large files. Daily activies come nowhere close to topping out write speeds on the "slow" 32GB.', '>>{malpais} : Donald Trump: * ["I\'m the most militaristic person there is."](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/08/11/donald_trumps_isis_policy_cut_them_off_where_theyre_getting_their_wealth_take_the_oil.html) ^[\\[2\\]](http://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/trump--we-have-to-put-people-to-work-501383235676) ^[\\[3\\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI7MmOLnDHY) ^[\\[4\\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B90DWilHI3Q) ^[\\[5\\]](http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-i-am-the-most-militaristic-person-on-that-stage/article/2576103) * [I\'d put boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-massive-ground-force-may-be-needed-to-fight-isis/) * [I will bomb oil fields of Iraq and Syria](http://www.factcheck.org/2015/11/trump-on-bombing-isis-oil-fields/) * ["Bomb the shit out of them, let Exxon in, and take the oil."](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/11/13/trumps_updated_isis_plan_bomb_the_shit_out_of_them_send_exxon_in_to_rebuild.html)', ">>{SPEZ_THE_BITCH} : You're like a caricature of this sub, pretty funny.", '>>{Yo_2T} : *Tells someone to let it go* *Immediately gets all worked up and insults them* You have great people skills there.', '>>{CommunismWillTriumph} : Obama promised a lot of things but he really just ended up being the biggest shill for the military industrial complex in U.S. presidential history.', '>>{cowboys5xsbs} : Yea which is why I never trust politicians when they say they are going to do something. Makes it that much harder to choose.', ">>{solefald} : Yes, Hillary would've been pro-world peace, right?", ">>{majnus} : I'm confused. I'm still on 10.2 and didn't upgrade because I keep reading 10.3 and 10.3.1 fucked the battery life. You're saying it's awesome. So what the fuck is it? Am I forever fucked into uncertainty? Will I ever upgrade? Will I lose my shit thinking of 10.3.1? I don't know what to do anymore, the opinions are so different and contradicting", '>>{thx1138jr} : Well he is trying to make easier for the police to shoot people.', '>>{badman_pullup} : Impressive. Were these results achieved while having the phone in "low power mode" the whole time?', '>>{StandNTroll} : > you know the higher capacity, the faster it is right? Dude wtf?', '>>{Lifeform604} : So he plans to target two of the seven countries the US has already been taking military action in under Obama.', ">>{malgenone} : Do you even know what you're talking about?..... ........ ....... ....... Smh", '>>{Lifeform604} : That would be a continuation of military action already in progress under Obama. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_drone_strikes_in_Yemen I asked what indicated an intent to take military action in additional countries.', ">>{watchout5} : I'm 1000000000% positive Clinton wouldn't have suggested going into Iraq. I couldn't imagine being happy with her foreign policy but for fucks sake she's not suicidal. She's also not greedy. Vindictive? Maybe. But the idea that she would be plotting against fucking Iraq is laughable. At best she'd start a war with Russia in the spring...", ">>{mrgreen4242} : You're spreading misinformation and being a dick about it.", ">>{SJUNLIN} : Holy shit. For God's sake read his comment even. He's talking about battery life, not speed. And the higher capacity iPhone are just ever so slightly faster at maybe launching apps cos of their slightly higher storage capacity which is almost negligible. Don't spread misinformation.", ">>{Fatchicken1o1} : It's about the same as before, those massive changes that everybody talks about after every miniscule update are just placebo. In case that there actually are significant changes in battery life then it's most likely due to how they've been using their phone recently (More/less screen-on time, more/less use of heavy applications like google maps etc.) I've updated my phone several times ever since i got it and the battery life has been exactly the same as day 1.", '>>{watchout5} : > That would be a continuation of military action already in progress under Obama. Which is a continuation from Bush...', '>>{Lifeform604} : So again, what leads you to believe Trump plans on moving into additional countries?', '>>{sglville} : No I never use low power mode. Strong lte and wifi signals play a big part in good battery life.', ">>{thrush77} : If you go into Settings > Privacy> Location Services you can see exactly what's using it. A grey arrow means it'll use location while open. A purple arrow means it uses location all the time. On my phone Dark Sky is set to use it all the time so I see the location arrow at the top all the time too.", '>>{paligror} : Just update and calm ya shit. My phone goes from 100% at 8:30 am down to around 75% at or around 5 pm. 10.3.1 is awesome.', '>>{watchout5} : Literally Trump today claimed he wanted to re invade Iraq. FROM HIS OWN MOUTH', '>>{Lifeform604} : You can\'t actually "re-invade" a country you never left. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American-led_intervention_in_Iraq_(2014%E2%80%93present)', '>>{Ninjewx} : There are always going to be tons of complaints on battery life with every update. It happens every time.', ">>{FloodMoose} : Or he was stonewalked by congress the entire time because these old rich white guys still have issues with black people, and he was told he'd get JFK treatment with a young family if he strayed from specifics.", ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.", ">>{Fiat_Tractor} : Holy shit, the amount of shills ITT is incredible. Don't forget to plug your samshit s8, pajeet.", ">>{ReliableSource} : It's always going to improve for some people and reduce it for others; there's no way to know which you'll end up with.", '>>{SMACK-A-BRO} : Thats funny. When I updated my phone dies before noon with light use.', ">>{jimstoic} : The battery life on my 6S Plus dipped dramatically. I remember that at the end of the installation I got a notification that my provider software had also been updated. When I checked Location Services, My Verizon was set to Always. I've changed the setting to While Using. Maybe that will return battery life to the pre-update level.", ">>{Flipsican} : I have an iPhone 7 128gb and my batter life went way down. I used to be able to have wifi and bluetooth on all day and not worry about the battery life. Now, I have to turn them off, and even with that I'm at 50% by the afternoon when I used to only use 40% by the time I get off of work at 6pm.", ">>{Flipsican} : Yah, no, sorry my friend. I updated to 10.3.1 the other day, and battery life has dropped significantly. I had wifi and bluetooth constantly on with no issues. Now, there's a major battery drain.", '>>{patapof} : I came here thinking he was being sarcastic... Went from a full day with a charge to about 3h. It is indeed insane.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{mysticportal} : Totally agree dude. This shit is amazing. Finally an update that suits the 7 well. Fast animations, improved file system, and great battery life. The camera is fine, but I'm wondering if it can be improved.", '>>{sglville} : Yep my 6S plus is currently at 6,15 usage, 37,36 standby and 40% left', '>>{_Ver01} : Oh, insane like great not insane like horrible.', ">>{SACHD} : Odd how some people are saying it's amazing, while I'm experiencing much worse battery life.", '>>{chxiis} : Same, and are you seeing the location symbol all the time at the top', '>>{lfep} : Damn what apps do you use? What do you have turned off?', '>>{SACHD} : iPhone 7 32 GB, bought a few weeks ago.', '>>{sglville} : Regular apps like Safari, Chrome, mail, tapatalk, calendar, podcast, messages, maps, music, youtube, weather, and some IT admin stuff etc... make up my normal day. No social media or games but I have 4 email accounts syncing as fast as possible and multiple calendars for different things. Only important apps notify me about things. If I want to know a sports score or the latest news I open the app or website and look. Wifi/bluetooth are toggled on/off as needed. Brightness is auto and I often slide it brighter, rarely darker, No smartwatches or fitness trackers. If I want siri I push a button but I dont use often. icloud is on and google photos too, both sync immediately. I have a strong lte signal almost all of the time and wifi is very good at home and work.', ">>{lfep} : I thought google photos doesn't allow syncing in the background? What about location services and background refresh?", '>>{Fiat_Tractor} : lol dude, you know the higher capacity, the faster it is right? Try getting a 128 GB 7+ and see how fast it is from the base model.', ">>{Fiat_Tractor} : All I'm saying is everything is shit in the base model.", '>>{SACHD} : My battery life was really good before iOS 10.3.1, was the phone not a base model at the time?', '>>{Fiat_Tractor} : Holy shit dude, just let it go. Did you just willy nilly upgrade without first waiting for feedback on increases in battery performance? I waited like a week to upgrade, during that time I researched how other people were doing with the upgrade.', ">>{Krishrox2000} : Jesus relax mate. The speed differences aren't huge and there's no reason to be so rude! Spread the love :)", '>>{sglville} : Yeah I think I have to open google photos to sync but I leave background app refresh on for everything. Location services are on too.', '>>{sglville} : Faster write speeds of the internal storage. This only really matters when moving really large files. Daily activies come nowhere close to topping out write speeds on the "slow" 32GB.', '>>{Yo_2T} : *Tells someone to let it go* *Immediately gets all worked up and insults them* You have great people skills there.', ">>{majnus} : I'm confused. I'm still on 10.2 and didn't upgrade because I keep reading 10.3 and 10.3.1 fucked the battery life. You're saying it's awesome. So what the fuck is it? Am I forever fucked into uncertainty? Will I ever upgrade? Will I lose my shit thinking of 10.3.1? I don't know what to do anymore, the opinions are so different and contradicting", '>>{badman_pullup} : Impressive. Were these results achieved while having the phone in "low power mode" the whole time?', '>>{StandNTroll} : > you know the higher capacity, the faster it is right? Dude wtf?', ">>{malgenone} : Do you even know what you're talking about?..... ........ ....... ....... Smh", ">>{mrgreen4242} : You're spreading misinformation and being a dick about it.", ">>{SJUNLIN} : Holy shit. For God's sake read his comment even. He's talking about battery life, not speed. And the higher capacity iPhone are just ever so slightly faster at maybe launching apps cos of their slightly higher storage capacity which is almost negligible. Don't spread misinformation.", ">>{Fatchicken1o1} : It's about the same as before, those massive changes that everybody talks about after every miniscule update are just placebo. In case that there actually are significant changes in battery life then it's most likely due to how they've been using their phone recently (More/less screen-on time, more/less use of heavy applications like google maps etc.) I've updated my phone several times ever since i got it and the battery life has been exactly the same as day 1.", '>>{sglville} : No I never use low power mode. Strong lte and wifi signals play a big part in good battery life.', ">>{thrush77} : If you go into Settings > Privacy> Location Services you can see exactly what's using it. A grey arrow means it'll use location while open. A purple arrow means it uses location all the time. On my phone Dark Sky is set to use it all the time so I see the location arrow at the top all the time too.", '>>{paligror} : Just update and calm ya shit. My phone goes from 100% at 8:30 am down to around 75% at or around 5 pm. 10.3.1 is awesome.', '>>{Ninjewx} : There are always going to be tons of complaints on battery life with every update. It happens every time.', ">>{Fiat_Tractor} : Holy shit, the amount of shills ITT is incredible. Don't forget to plug your samshit s8, pajeet.", ">>{ReliableSource} : It's always going to improve for some people and reduce it for others; there's no way to know which you'll end up with.", '>>{SMACK-A-BRO} : Thats funny. When I updated my phone dies before noon with light use.', ">>{jimstoic} : The battery life on my 6S Plus dipped dramatically. I remember that at the end of the installation I got a notification that my provider software had also been updated. When I checked Location Services, My Verizon was set to Always. I've changed the setting to While Using. Maybe that will return battery life to the pre-update level.", ">>{Flipsican} : I have an iPhone 7 128gb and my batter life went way down. I used to be able to have wifi and bluetooth on all day and not worry about the battery life. Now, I have to turn them off, and even with that I'm at 50% by the afternoon when I used to only use 40% by the time I get off of work at 6pm.", ">>{Flipsican} : Yah, no, sorry my friend. I updated to 10.3.1 the other day, and battery life has dropped significantly. I had wifi and bluetooth constantly on with no issues. Now, there's a major battery drain.", '>>{patapof} : I came here thinking he was being sarcastic... Went from a full day with a charge to about 3h. It is indeed insane.'], ['>>{kjellpu} : Accept President Trump and hold him accountable for promised change', ">>{DonaldJohnDump} : Trust me, I'm trying.. second day and it's already seeming impossible.", ">>{cheefjustice} : I accept that he's president, because it's objective reality, but that's where it ends. I reject the obvious untruth that he's fit for office, I reject his lies and attempts to manipulate the American public, I reject the disdain he has shown for the office and for us by not preparing for the job. I eagerly look forward to his inevitable resignation or impeachment and conviction for ethics violations by a Republican-led congress which has no more respect for him than the Democrats do.", '>>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : That\'s the thing, we don\'t want his shitty "promised change."', ">>{UnicornPumaShark} : Sorry about that article. It's been a rough few days for us with the Seahawks loss and that's the Seattle times way of coping.", '>>{watchout5} : I love how the case for Trump is "acceptance". As if we accepting him in some capacity will change his mind about being blood thirsty for war. Trump is going to send this country into as many wars as he can, while being butt buddies with Putin. I don\'t have to accept anything. I can just look at the world and already see just how terrible this president wants to be.', '>>{main_element} : Lol never. Drumpf is illegitimate. Not a real president. Putin puppet. Impeachment then treason charges only option. #notmypresident', '>>{supreme_man} : Accountable for what? The only thing he said that is good was about jobs and even then it depends on the context. America needs better jobs but he claimed he would bring back long dead jobs. Beyond "jobs" I don\'t know of any of his other promises I want him to succeed in. I don\'t want a damn wall, I don\'t want a deportation force, I don\'t want police to have more power, I don\'t want to piss off china, I don\'t want to be buddy buddy with Russia, I don\'t want to undermine Palestine, I don\'t want to repeal the ACA, I don\'t want women seeking an abortion to be punished, I don\'t want a Muslim ban, I don\'t want out of NATO, and I don\'t want out of the Iran deal. So, I hope he fails because any success of those things would be disastrous.', ">>{sabins253} : Couldn't have said it better. Have an upvote!", ">>{CrumbBumCrampOn} : I can't accept Trump. I'm American, not Russian.", ">>{CLxJames} : I mean Obama promised a lot of things that didn't end up happening. Most politicians do that, on both sides of the aisle Not condoning it, just giving my two cents", '>>{matali} : I respect the seat, but not the man. Trump is the ultimate test of whether our institutions are more powerful than the men who occupy them, as the founders intended.', '>>{Lifeform604} : What exactly that Trump said makes you think he plans military action against addition countries, or even to continue it against all of the 7 the US acted against under Obama?', ">>{Broadband2014} : Don't accept Someone With Tiny Hands and hold him accountable for promised change", '>>{watchout5} : > What exactly that Trump said makes you think he plans military action against addition countries Him dropping drone bombs in Yemen. Like he just did.', '>>{malpais} : Donald Trump: * ["I\'m the most militaristic person there is."](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/08/11/donald_trumps_isis_policy_cut_them_off_where_theyre_getting_their_wealth_take_the_oil.html) ^[\\[2\\]](http://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/trump--we-have-to-put-people-to-work-501383235676) ^[\\[3\\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI7MmOLnDHY) ^[\\[4\\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B90DWilHI3Q) ^[\\[5\\]](http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-i-am-the-most-militaristic-person-on-that-stage/article/2576103) * [I\'d put boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-massive-ground-force-may-be-needed-to-fight-isis/) * [I will bomb oil fields of Iraq and Syria](http://www.factcheck.org/2015/11/trump-on-bombing-isis-oil-fields/) * ["Bomb the shit out of them, let Exxon in, and take the oil."](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/11/13/trumps_updated_isis_plan_bomb_the_shit_out_of_them_send_exxon_in_to_rebuild.html)', ">>{SPEZ_THE_BITCH} : You're like a caricature of this sub, pretty funny.", '>>{CommunismWillTriumph} : Obama promised a lot of things but he really just ended up being the biggest shill for the military industrial complex in U.S. presidential history.', '>>{cowboys5xsbs} : Yea which is why I never trust politicians when they say they are going to do something. Makes it that much harder to choose.', ">>{solefald} : Yes, Hillary would've been pro-world peace, right?", '>>{thx1138jr} : Well he is trying to make easier for the police to shoot people.', '>>{Lifeform604} : So he plans to target two of the seven countries the US has already been taking military action in under Obama.', '>>{Lifeform604} : That would be a continuation of military action already in progress under Obama. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_drone_strikes_in_Yemen I asked what indicated an intent to take military action in additional countries.', ">>{watchout5} : I'm 1000000000% positive Clinton wouldn't have suggested going into Iraq. I couldn't imagine being happy with her foreign policy but for fucks sake she's not suicidal. She's also not greedy. Vindictive? Maybe. But the idea that she would be plotting against fucking Iraq is laughable. At best she'd start a war with Russia in the spring...", '>>{watchout5} : > That would be a continuation of military action already in progress under Obama. Which is a continuation from Bush...', '>>{Lifeform604} : So again, what leads you to believe Trump plans on moving into additional countries?', '>>{watchout5} : Literally Trump today claimed he wanted to re invade Iraq. FROM HIS OWN MOUTH', '>>{Lifeform604} : You can\'t actually "re-invade" a country you never left. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American-led_intervention_in_Iraq_(2014%E2%80%93present)', ">>{FloodMoose} : Or he was stonewalked by congress the entire time because these old rich white guys still have issues with black people, and he was told he'd get JFK treatment with a young family if he strayed from specifics.", ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about."]]
classify and reply
['>>{FizzleMateriel} : I saw some asshole defending her in another thread saying it was disrespectful to speak ill of the dead immediately after they\'ve died. Fuck that. She was a walking caricature of social conservatism and her son Andrew created Conservapedia and the Conservative Bible Project. Nothing of value was lost. Oh, and women should have to register for the draft just the same as men. And laws should be sex-neutral, especially those in regards to sexual assault, rape, child abuse, and alimony and child support. It\'s only fair. Edit: And I\'m pretty sure that if someone like Germaine Greer or Gloria Steinem died tomorrow they wouldn\'t suddenly be "respecting" them just because they recently died.', '>>{ndphillips} : Joe: Donald Trump Thinks He Knows Everything | Morning Joe | MSNBC', ">>{TheBernFather} : He's got a great brain telling him all the best words", '>>{Killary_Cliton} : Joe should be off the air, his music sucks too.', ">>{Cardenjs} : The speech hasn't happened yet, it's like Fox reporting how well trump did at the second debate before it even happened", '>>{ndphillips} : I\'d encourage people to watch at about 7:00 onward especially when they talk about why the Muslim ban polled so high among Republicans in the primary. There\'s an interesting moment where Joe says "I can\'t believe the Republican party, *my* Republican party, would be okay with that!" And Mika looks at him as if to say "Really? You can\'t believe that? Where have you been?"', '>>{AntiHasbaraUnit} : America looks at israeli antics and shitfits as pathetic. keep it up, history has a tendency to repeat', '>>{seanosul} : She died a failure. In every state gay people can get married, not as civil partnerships, or gay marriage, they can just get married.', ">>{CharlieDarwin2} : Why can't Israel sink or swim on its own?", '>>{tacobellcosby} : State Department sought land deal with Nigerian firm tied to Clinton Foundation', '>>{Simplicity3245} : This is the person directly responsible for killing the Equal Rights Amendment with tropes such as \'men in women\'s bathrooms.\' Basically her only argument was in the defense of traditional gender roles. She stood for military escalation during the cold war, opposing any kind of arms control negotiations. She was a xenophobe of the highest order, with comments like The people the Republicans should reach out to are the white votes, the white voters who didn’t vote in the last election. The propagandists are leading us down the wrong path," she said. "There’s not any evidence at all that these Hispanics coming in from Mexico will vote Republican." Not to mention her opinions on the right to marriage equality with comments like "The gay marriage goal is to wipe out the Christian religion." By the way, her son is gay...which she thought was a direct attack on her. Her rhetoric directly contributed to protestors harassing women outside of Planned Parenthood, and some would say she is even indirectly responsible for abortion clinic bombings. Her other opinions on feminism... well, how about I just copy and paste some quotes: Schlafly told Time magazine in 1978, "I have cancelled speeches whenever my husband thought that I had been away from home too much." In March 2007, Schlafly said in a speech at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, "By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don\'t think you can call it rape." In a March 30, 2006, interview, Schlafly attributed improvement in women\'s lives during the last decades of the 20th century to labor-saving devices such as the indoor clothes dryer and disposable diapers. She called Roe v. Wade "the worst decision in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court" and said that it "is responsible for the killing of millions of unborn babies". In 2007, while working to defeat a new version of the Equal Rights Amendment, she warned it would force courts to approve same-sex marriages and deny Social Security benefits for housewives and widows. Phyllis Schlafly, you will not be missed, and the evil you have wrought over your lifetime will hopefully someday be fixed." Copy/pasted from another thread, thank you /u/drewiepoodle', '>>{crangina} : Another fact-free rumor from your home of Fair & Balanced news.', ">>{VDFT} : Media is so funny. Defend Israel all through out its one sided slaughter war of 2 years ago. Obama says settlements are bad- All of a sudden media turns. It's like the US government tells everyone what to write/think.", ">>{GaussianCurve} : Ironically he is extremely stupid. Remember when he said we don't even know who the leader of ISIS is? Or when he was stumped in an interview for not knowing what Brexit was? He's incoherent on every level. The average person that reads any major (informative) newspaper daily (WaPo, NYT) would thoroughly know both topics.", '>>{xxxJakkxxx} : I think the job of the candidates is to think they know everything. Imagine if they honestly answered "i don\'t know" to some of the difficult questions from media or debates.', ">>{xxxJakkxxx} : That makes me pretty happy. I'd actually prefer a candidate to be honest and say they don't know something rather than try to answer it and sound stupid. I know a lot of America wants a candidate that knows everything and doesn't need and advisors it help, though.", '>>{Gor3fiend} : Ah yes, here you see the left celebrating the death of people they disagree with. A fascinating look at the process of making a fascist.', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : I think Fox is responding to a letter from a Nigerian Prince.', ">>{ndphillips} : That's not really what the clip is about, necessarily. But yeah, it's a difficult thing. You can't be an expert in every area, but basic competency is expected.", '>>{DeftWisp} : Who cares what Israel thinks? I give absolutely zero fucks what Israel thinks.', '>>{seanosul} : She had considerable responsibility for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAzDn7tE1lU She had blood on her claws.', '>>{chrisdurand} : I care a great deal because we subsidize their bullshit on a daily basis -- the age old adage of not biting the hand that feeds is really ringing in my mind right now.', '>>{FizzleMateriel} : >Schlafly told Time magazine in 1978, "I have cancelled speeches whenever my husband thought that I had been away from home too much." Well... at least she\'s more consistent in applying her beliefs to her own life compared to Ann Coulter.', ">>{HydroStaticSkeletor} : It's not like Israel has had a well funded and run pro-Israel propaganda machine pushing its ideas on Americas for decades or anything. This isn't some crazy 'Jews control the media' thing; just that the country has very astutely realized they needed to push that they were the good guys from the first day of doing shitty things and has implemented that message very well through the American media using lots of very well paid pundants with silver tongues and interest groups.", ">>{CouchMaster} : I'm listening to it live. It's like they are psychic or somethin...", ">>{Gor3fiend} : Oh and there it is, did you see that? That justification certainly is a beaut. As you all know, you can't become a fascist unless you can justify the opposing group as being sub-human.", '>>{red-light} : The "War on Terror" propaganda meme that we\'ve been blasted with on a daily basis for over 15 years now, is another example of this. The Israeli\'s essentially say that all Palestinians are terrorists and the establishment media just parrots their propaganda. This almost guarantees American support for whatever anti-Palestinian policies they want to enact.', ">>{_Prisoner_24601_} : You didn't actually provide any proof, you just attacked the commenter. Would you like to try again?", '>>{druuconian} : I know, right? Since when does our client state that is 100% dependent on our military aid get to talk to us like that? They need a reminder of the nature of this relationship.', '>>{WhyIsThereSomething} : Is that why Trump constantly says he has "a great team; I have the best team of people" and he constantly seeks advice from others and experts?', '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Yeah, this is cute how untrue it is.', ">>{Evil_ivan} : It's almost like people's opinion can change. Israel's actions are just more and more erratic and supporting this country is growing more and more difficult as time passes.", '>>{seanosul} : She died a failure. The social Conservative cancer she infected her party with made them unelectable as a Presidential party. That agenda she fought for is as dead and rotten as she is. In every state of the great United States of America same sex marriage is legal, not as civil partnerships, not as gay marriage but simply as marriage. Imagine laying there, dying, knowing hope beats hate and all you stood for was hate. Imagine dying, with your family in court against you.', '>>{throbo} : All aboard the Crazy Train ! Ha ha (Cue Ozzy Osbourne song)', ">>{TigerExpress} : It's looking more and more like a realigning election. Joe's Republican Party, should Trump win, will exist only in name. There will be a good bit of shuffling of policy positions between the parties as everyone tries to find their spot in the new landscape. Given the amount of overlap between the two parties currently, this would be a good thing. Too bad Sanders didn't win for the Democrats because that would ensure realignment regardless of who wins in November. If Clinton wins, expect the overlap between the parties to continue to increase.", '>>{mattrabbit} : A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. -Planck I think this is pertinent to social progress as well.', ">>{fauxscot} : Glad to see her go. Can't believe she was a lawyer. I have higher expectations from lawyers. I CAN believe she was in her 90's. She's one of those people who started out old, but never got wise. Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter... two more I hope to outlive.", ">>{MissRaffix3} : FINALLY. She's been spouting bigotry for decades. It's ironic, though, because she was pretty fucking outspoken for someone who believed women shouldn't be outspoken, haha.", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Oh, so *seeking* is illegal now? OMG, you Trumpkins have no shame. You just don't want to see a woman as President, so you try to make *seeking* into something wrong.", ">>{pohlp} : You mean, after a bunch of other t_d posters blindly upvoted you, regular users saw through your bullshit. Err, sorry. I'm just correcting the record.", '>>{Patello} : This article is completely void of anything other than right-wing conjecture. It is crap and unsurprising that it gets down voted.', '>>{MissRaffix3} : > Oh, and women should have to register for the draft just the same as men. [Women are actually required now to register for the draft now](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/us/politics/congress-women-military-draft.html?_r=0).', '>>{FizzleMateriel} : I know but she staked her opposition to the ERA on making the point that that should not be the case.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : Please folks it's ALWAYS written as Fox 'news' Don't be lazy, like Fox 'news'... see how that works?", ">>{34472345} : State Department (after Clinton left) sought land deal (which never went through) with Nigerian firm tied to Clinton Foundation (one of the founders of one of Nigeria's largest development companies gave money to the Clinton Foundation once).", '>>{Viol33} : > BTW this suppression of free thought is just disgusting. Your "thought" [sic] isn\'t being suppressed - it\'s just being ridiculed and laughed at. Sorry if your feelings are hurt!', ">>{toolish22} : That means nothing! Since you can buy/sell accounts. I don't know who to trust, but I stopped caring long ago.", '>>{kmmontandon} : > and after receiving 8 upvotes in nearly 1 minutes *That* sounds like shill-bot voting, so thanks for admitting it.', ">>{tacobellcosby} : True, it's hard to actually put in any effort when the games been fixed from the start. I'll save my efforts for people more... Receptive.", ">>{MissRaffix3} : And obviously she was wrong and ridiculous by adhering to traditional and socially constructed gender roles. It's just ironic how outspoken she was for someone who believed, essentially, that women should be quietly content with their pre-determined roles in life.", '>>{tacobellcosby} : Nope, just a barrage of shrill comments. Just like the media questions *where the DNC leaks came from* rather than **the corruption they expose**', ">>{CohenDaBarbarian} : yeah. i suppose you wouldn't go to /r/politics for any kind of actual non biased news and opinion. its the reddit equivalent of Fox or CNN.", ">>{beard_meat} : I think it's a profound tragedy that Phyllis Schafly died at the age of 92 but better late than never."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tacobellcosby} : State Department sought land deal with Nigerian firm tied to Clinton Foundation', '>>{crangina} : Another fact-free rumor from your home of Fair & Balanced news.', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : I think Fox is responding to a letter from a Nigerian Prince.', ">>{_Prisoner_24601_} : You didn't actually provide any proof, you just attacked the commenter. Would you like to try again?", '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Yeah, this is cute how untrue it is.', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Oh, so *seeking* is illegal now? OMG, you Trumpkins have no shame. You just don't want to see a woman as President, so you try to make *seeking* into something wrong.", ">>{pohlp} : You mean, after a bunch of other t_d posters blindly upvoted you, regular users saw through your bullshit. Err, sorry. I'm just correcting the record.", '>>{Patello} : This article is completely void of anything other than right-wing conjecture. It is crap and unsurprising that it gets down voted.', ">>{StonerMeditation} : Please folks it's ALWAYS written as Fox 'news' Don't be lazy, like Fox 'news'... see how that works?", ">>{34472345} : State Department (after Clinton left) sought land deal (which never went through) with Nigerian firm tied to Clinton Foundation (one of the founders of one of Nigeria's largest development companies gave money to the Clinton Foundation once).", '>>{Viol33} : > BTW this suppression of free thought is just disgusting. Your "thought" [sic] isn\'t being suppressed - it\'s just being ridiculed and laughed at. Sorry if your feelings are hurt!', ">>{toolish22} : That means nothing! Since you can buy/sell accounts. I don't know who to trust, but I stopped caring long ago.", '>>{kmmontandon} : > and after receiving 8 upvotes in nearly 1 minutes *That* sounds like shill-bot voting, so thanks for admitting it.', ">>{tacobellcosby} : True, it's hard to actually put in any effort when the games been fixed from the start. I'll save my efforts for people more... Receptive.", '>>{tacobellcosby} : Nope, just a barrage of shrill comments. Just like the media questions *where the DNC leaks came from* rather than **the corruption they expose**', ">>{CohenDaBarbarian} : yeah. i suppose you wouldn't go to /r/politics for any kind of actual non biased news and opinion. its the reddit equivalent of Fox or CNN."], [">>{Cardenjs} : The speech hasn't happened yet, it's like Fox reporting how well trump did at the second debate before it even happened", '>>{AntiHasbaraUnit} : America looks at israeli antics and shitfits as pathetic. keep it up, history has a tendency to repeat', ">>{CharlieDarwin2} : Why can't Israel sink or swim on its own?", ">>{VDFT} : Media is so funny. Defend Israel all through out its one sided slaughter war of 2 years ago. Obama says settlements are bad- All of a sudden media turns. It's like the US government tells everyone what to write/think.", '>>{DeftWisp} : Who cares what Israel thinks? I give absolutely zero fucks what Israel thinks.', '>>{chrisdurand} : I care a great deal because we subsidize their bullshit on a daily basis -- the age old adage of not biting the hand that feeds is really ringing in my mind right now.', ">>{HydroStaticSkeletor} : It's not like Israel has had a well funded and run pro-Israel propaganda machine pushing its ideas on Americas for decades or anything. This isn't some crazy 'Jews control the media' thing; just that the country has very astutely realized they needed to push that they were the good guys from the first day of doing shitty things and has implemented that message very well through the American media using lots of very well paid pundants with silver tongues and interest groups.", ">>{CouchMaster} : I'm listening to it live. It's like they are psychic or somethin...", '>>{red-light} : The "War on Terror" propaganda meme that we\'ve been blasted with on a daily basis for over 15 years now, is another example of this. The Israeli\'s essentially say that all Palestinians are terrorists and the establishment media just parrots their propaganda. This almost guarantees American support for whatever anti-Palestinian policies they want to enact.', '>>{druuconian} : I know, right? Since when does our client state that is 100% dependent on our military aid get to talk to us like that? They need a reminder of the nature of this relationship.', ">>{Evil_ivan} : It's almost like people's opinion can change. Israel's actions are just more and more erratic and supporting this country is growing more and more difficult as time passes."], ['>>{FizzleMateriel} : I saw some asshole defending her in another thread saying it was disrespectful to speak ill of the dead immediately after they\'ve died. Fuck that. She was a walking caricature of social conservatism and her son Andrew created Conservapedia and the Conservative Bible Project. Nothing of value was lost. Oh, and women should have to register for the draft just the same as men. And laws should be sex-neutral, especially those in regards to sexual assault, rape, child abuse, and alimony and child support. It\'s only fair. Edit: And I\'m pretty sure that if someone like Germaine Greer or Gloria Steinem died tomorrow they wouldn\'t suddenly be "respecting" them just because they recently died.', '>>{seanosul} : She died a failure. In every state gay people can get married, not as civil partnerships, or gay marriage, they can just get married.', '>>{Simplicity3245} : This is the person directly responsible for killing the Equal Rights Amendment with tropes such as \'men in women\'s bathrooms.\' Basically her only argument was in the defense of traditional gender roles. She stood for military escalation during the cold war, opposing any kind of arms control negotiations. She was a xenophobe of the highest order, with comments like The people the Republicans should reach out to are the white votes, the white voters who didn’t vote in the last election. The propagandists are leading us down the wrong path," she said. "There’s not any evidence at all that these Hispanics coming in from Mexico will vote Republican." Not to mention her opinions on the right to marriage equality with comments like "The gay marriage goal is to wipe out the Christian religion." By the way, her son is gay...which she thought was a direct attack on her. Her rhetoric directly contributed to protestors harassing women outside of Planned Parenthood, and some would say she is even indirectly responsible for abortion clinic bombings. Her other opinions on feminism... well, how about I just copy and paste some quotes: Schlafly told Time magazine in 1978, "I have cancelled speeches whenever my husband thought that I had been away from home too much." In March 2007, Schlafly said in a speech at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, "By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don\'t think you can call it rape." In a March 30, 2006, interview, Schlafly attributed improvement in women\'s lives during the last decades of the 20th century to labor-saving devices such as the indoor clothes dryer and disposable diapers. She called Roe v. Wade "the worst decision in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court" and said that it "is responsible for the killing of millions of unborn babies". In 2007, while working to defeat a new version of the Equal Rights Amendment, she warned it would force courts to approve same-sex marriages and deny Social Security benefits for housewives and widows. Phyllis Schlafly, you will not be missed, and the evil you have wrought over your lifetime will hopefully someday be fixed." Copy/pasted from another thread, thank you /u/drewiepoodle', '>>{Gor3fiend} : Ah yes, here you see the left celebrating the death of people they disagree with. A fascinating look at the process of making a fascist.', '>>{seanosul} : She had considerable responsibility for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAzDn7tE1lU She had blood on her claws.', '>>{FizzleMateriel} : >Schlafly told Time magazine in 1978, "I have cancelled speeches whenever my husband thought that I had been away from home too much." Well... at least she\'s more consistent in applying her beliefs to her own life compared to Ann Coulter.', ">>{Gor3fiend} : Oh and there it is, did you see that? That justification certainly is a beaut. As you all know, you can't become a fascist unless you can justify the opposing group as being sub-human.", '>>{seanosul} : She died a failure. The social Conservative cancer she infected her party with made them unelectable as a Presidential party. That agenda she fought for is as dead and rotten as she is. In every state of the great United States of America same sex marriage is legal, not as civil partnerships, not as gay marriage but simply as marriage. Imagine laying there, dying, knowing hope beats hate and all you stood for was hate. Imagine dying, with your family in court against you.', '>>{mattrabbit} : A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. -Planck I think this is pertinent to social progress as well.', ">>{fauxscot} : Glad to see her go. Can't believe she was a lawyer. I have higher expectations from lawyers. I CAN believe she was in her 90's. She's one of those people who started out old, but never got wise. Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter... two more I hope to outlive.", ">>{MissRaffix3} : FINALLY. She's been spouting bigotry for decades. It's ironic, though, because she was pretty fucking outspoken for someone who believed women shouldn't be outspoken, haha.", '>>{MissRaffix3} : > Oh, and women should have to register for the draft just the same as men. [Women are actually required now to register for the draft now](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/us/politics/congress-women-military-draft.html?_r=0).', '>>{FizzleMateriel} : I know but she staked her opposition to the ERA on making the point that that should not be the case.', ">>{MissRaffix3} : And obviously she was wrong and ridiculous by adhering to traditional and socially constructed gender roles. It's just ironic how outspoken she was for someone who believed, essentially, that women should be quietly content with their pre-determined roles in life.", ">>{beard_meat} : I think it's a profound tragedy that Phyllis Schafly died at the age of 92 but better late than never."], ['>>{ndphillips} : Joe: Donald Trump Thinks He Knows Everything | Morning Joe | MSNBC', ">>{TheBernFather} : He's got a great brain telling him all the best words", '>>{Killary_Cliton} : Joe should be off the air, his music sucks too.', '>>{ndphillips} : I\'d encourage people to watch at about 7:00 onward especially when they talk about why the Muslim ban polled so high among Republicans in the primary. There\'s an interesting moment where Joe says "I can\'t believe the Republican party, *my* Republican party, would be okay with that!" And Mika looks at him as if to say "Really? You can\'t believe that? Where have you been?"', ">>{GaussianCurve} : Ironically he is extremely stupid. Remember when he said we don't even know who the leader of ISIS is? Or when he was stumped in an interview for not knowing what Brexit was? He's incoherent on every level. The average person that reads any major (informative) newspaper daily (WaPo, NYT) would thoroughly know both topics.", '>>{xxxJakkxxx} : I think the job of the candidates is to think they know everything. Imagine if they honestly answered "i don\'t know" to some of the difficult questions from media or debates.', ">>{xxxJakkxxx} : That makes me pretty happy. I'd actually prefer a candidate to be honest and say they don't know something rather than try to answer it and sound stupid. I know a lot of America wants a candidate that knows everything and doesn't need and advisors it help, though.", ">>{ndphillips} : That's not really what the clip is about, necessarily. But yeah, it's a difficult thing. You can't be an expert in every area, but basic competency is expected.", '>>{WhyIsThereSomething} : Is that why Trump constantly says he has "a great team; I have the best team of people" and he constantly seeks advice from others and experts?', '>>{throbo} : All aboard the Crazy Train ! Ha ha (Cue Ozzy Osbourne song)', ">>{TigerExpress} : It's looking more and more like a realigning election. Joe's Republican Party, should Trump win, will exist only in name. There will be a good bit of shuffling of policy positions between the parties as everyone tries to find their spot in the new landscape. Given the amount of overlap between the two parties currently, this would be a good thing. Too bad Sanders didn't win for the Democrats because that would ensure realignment regardless of who wins in November. If Clinton wins, expect the overlap between the parties to continue to increase."]]
classify and reply
['>>{feabney} : This is a bit premature, because Trump is looking like the winner.', '>>{coolbern} : In Stunning Reversal, Trump Scraps His Calls to Bring Back Torture', '>>{americanrabbit} : Come one and all! Come see the amazing orange trapeze act! Not two but one man both going up and down at the same time!', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : I don't really like this much at all. The antagonism needs to be toned down a few notches.", '>>{knuckle_drag_racer} : trump tells whatever lies the audience calls for. trumpzis lapped it up.', '>>{BuyPepe} : I hope the tower is nice and reflective that day', ">>{ihaverocketlegs} : It is so incredibly early that it's straight up ridiculous to say this", ">>{feabney} : He's winning florida and had a pretty solid lead the whole time. Meanwhile. Salon said Hilary was the winner hours ago in a landslide. Let the hate flow through you.", '>>{alex878} : I have now broken the screen of my iPhone 6s twice. $200 later, I decided that I need to get a better phone case. Any suggestions?', '>>{GonzoNation} : Why Mike Pence Wouldn’t Call David Duke ‘Deplorable’', '>>{SATexas1} : So one by one, the things that scared people are disappearing', '>>{BourbonZawa} : UAG a.k.a. Urban Armour Gear', ">>{ICantPooNoMore} : Rhinoshield. Look it up. Shit won't break!", ">>{dyzo-blue} : He said whatever it took to get the rubes to vote for him. He doesn't have any actual policy positions, other than the enrichment of himself and his family. That is what he will use the White House to do.", '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Not surprising he won\'t use their word. Try getting Hillary to call the Charlotte rioters "thugs".', '>>{ICantPooNoMore} : The Playproof is what I have. Full case.', '>>{ihaverocketlegs} : >had a pretty solid lead the whole time Wait for it to move west, bucko. So, so ridiculous to do this.', ">>{johnfrance} : Those are definitely the same thing. Not sure you get how the 'thug' image plays into the racist caricature of black Americans but okay", '>>{perry1023} : Unicorn beetle Remove the built in screen protector. Easy to do.', ">>{tickle_mittens} : If Mike Pence's hair was any whiter, it'd be grand wizard.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The supremacist line according to WND is why won\'t "the media" call the protestors rioters.', ">>{takeashill_pill} : You can't report on his new stances right away, you have to give them a few weeks to see if they hold up after his advisors tell him to revert back. Remember the softening on immigration that lasted a week?", ">>{I_politics} : What's the point? To further divide the country?", '>>{ferrisie} : Spigen Rugged Armor or Tough Armor. I use the Rugged Armor case and have no complaints but Tough Armor would probably give you a little bit extra protection. Which case have you been using until now?', '>>{mhwtexplode} : Come out, come out, wherever you are centipedes and see how you were conned by one of he best.', '>>{terminater577} : Urban Armour gear cases. They are rather thin, and have saved my iPhone from countless drops.', ">>{thesunmustdie} : I really despise Trump, but please don't do this, people. Be gracious whatever the results tonight.", ">>{wtfwasdat} : While this is fantastic news, I'm afraid it might just be another case of trump echoing whatever the last person he talked to says. >The change seems to have come after a meeting with retired Marine Corps general James Mattis on Sunday, who Trump said he is “seriously considering” to head the Department of Defense. The president-elect admitted that when he asked Mattis about waterboarding, he was surprised that the retired general rejected the idea. Hope he sticks to it though.", ">>{feabney} : That's some pretty desperate reaching on your part. Just accept president Trump.", '>>{Clay_Statue} : Scared away *decent* people. Shitty people love the idea of their country torturing people.', ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Good, you're halfway to getting the point. You can't use the word thug for actual thugs without tarnishing a whole group by association. And Hillary called 47% of Trump supporters deplorable. You can probably figure it out from here, I have faith in you.", '>>{I_politics} : Too many people think of the political parties like opposing football teams trying to beat each other. In fact they are members of the same team who are supposed to be "playing" for one team: we the people. Too much hate, division, finger pointing, blame have eaten holes in our national identity. It\'s not " us against them. " It\'s "out of many we are one. " I hope things change', ">>{MyPSAcct} : They dissappear, then come back later when it's politically convenient, then disappear again when it's not. Trump has no political opinions other than to say and do whatever he has to to remain popular with his base.", ">>{gngstrMNKY} : I've been using a thin $10 TPU case from Diztronic since the launch of the 6 and it's been dropped onto concrete many times with no ill effect. It fully wraps around the front unlike Apple's silicone case. Hard cases provide the illusion of strength, but they end up transferring shock to the phone instead of eating it.", ">>{Sequax1} : Spigen makes good cases, I've had some pretty good drops with my 6 and it hasn't taken any damage.", ">>{beefytrout} : I'm not a big fan of the cases that are huge or if they have the plastic film attached. These are my two requirements for a case.", '>>{ajjsbrujas1990} : Even then its all just talk until he actually try to pass a bill or an executive order', ">>{iPhone_an_Pizza} : Speck cases are pretty good. That's what I'm using. $10 at Marshall's, Ross and TJ Maxx. Dropped my phone from some bleachers and it survived no damage to the screen.", '>>{kitduncan} : Waiting for the other shoe to fall on immigration, global warming, and global trade.', ">>{Being_and_Thyme} : Does this not terrify people a little? Trump didn't say he wouldn't back torture because its morally abhorrent; he's backing down because he a good little chat. Trump apparently has no moral or normative spine. What else could he be easily convinced of?", '>>{dolphins3} : So the president-elect back-peddles on his pledge to violate international law, basic human decency, and common sense, and people are going to act like his conforming to this ludicrously low standard is praiseworthy?', ">>{SpookyKid94} : > “I’m not really sure why the media keeps dropping David Duke’s name,” Pence responded. “Donald Trump has denounced David Duke repeatedly. We don’t want his support, and we don’t want the support of people who think like him.” So Pence would characterize Duke as deplorable, or “deserving censure or contempt,” right? “No, I’m not in the name-calling business, Wolf, you know me better than that,” This isn't anywhere near as egregious as the headline makes it sound.", '>>{GonzoNation} : That\'s usually my line. For WND I guess it\'s "the real media, not us." I always think "the media" is a way of saying "we don\'t understand what journalism is." It\'s a nice target to put up for people who can\'t tell the difference between The Atlantic and The National Inquirer.', '>>{FunfortheLadies} : ☝🏻️this guy... I like this guy👌🏻', '>>{johnfrance} : Are you saying that trump supporters are a historically oppressed minority in America?', '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Are you saying the only thing that makes a person\'s political views worth listening to is whether he can tick a box as a "historically oppressed minority"?', '>>{johnfrance} : Where did I say that? You seem to be equating calling black rioters thugs to Trump supports being called deplorable, is that not the parallel you are making?', ">>{AmazingAnytime} : So one-by-one the things he promised his voters disappear. I'd rather have the candidate who shared my views both before and after the election.", ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Right. I'm not talking about the underlying merits of the arguments, my point is no one who's aware of the broader context is going to give their opponents a soundbite no matter how much specific people deserve to be condemned. They'll just find other words that don't have as much baggage.", ">>{el-toro-loco} : At this rate, he'll be a full-on Democrat by inauguration", '>>{DumpsterDon} : Yep. I think he just wants to call it in, via Twitter and Morning Joe, while his kids make the BEST deals.', '>>{Xelif} : Trump has earned three happy face stickers so far this week! Only five more and he gets ice cream at recess!', '>>{wyldcat} : > Mattis replied that he had never found abuse to be useful when dealing with detainees, Trump recounted to the newspaper. Instead, he advocated building a rapport with prisoners, something many in the intelligence community have been arguing for years is a more effective method of soliciting information. “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better,” Trump said Mattis told him. “I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump said. > > Torture, Trump concluded, is “not going to make the kind of a difference that a lot of people are thinking.” You guys remember the Trump supporters here who openly defended waterboarding and torture? "it\'s not torture and it works blablabla!!". But I think it\'s worth mentioning that people shouldn\'t just accept his normalized behavior and be a bit wary of everything he says considering all his previous flip-flops.', ">>{Imaybelightning} : Look at the definition of white and black in a dictionary. Read the dictionary. There's a literal meaning to words. You can take implication and bias out of anything if you try hard enough. Duke is deplorable, and those people are thugs. And you're a goon if you don't think that.", '>>{NorbertDupner} : Trump is like a parrot. He spouts back whatever the last person he talked to said.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Someone that supports torture one day and rejects it the next can support it again tomorrow. Someone who campaigns on torture has no moral center or moral soul. Opposition to torture needs to be unequivocal from day one. Withdrawing support for war crimes is better than continuing to support them, but that's a pretty low bar.", '>>{dxtboxer} : In Wolf\'s defense, "deplorable" isn\'t really in the same league as name-calling. Although Deplorable David Duke sure has a great rhythm to it. Deplorable Don and the Duke.', ">>{Sugarysam} : A lot of old stories getting posted today. Can we keep it current? It's Trumpsmas and Cheesus will deliver.", '>>{NonHomogenized} : Were the colonists who rioted against the British in the lead-up to the American Revolution "thugs"? How about the veterans of the Revolutionary War who rose up in arms when the government failed to pay their back wages, leaving them desperately impoverished?', ">>{executivemonkey} : I'm shocked. Shocked! Well not that shocked.", '>>{wyldcat} : He might be trolling us too. Be cautious and wait until he actually steps into the White House.', ">>{ademnus} : >In a CNN interview, Wolf Blitzer raised the issue of Clinton declaring “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’” The Democratic presidential candidate has said she regrets saying that “half” of her opponent’s supporters are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it,” but Blitzer noted that description certainly fits a percentage of Trump backers. “There are some supporters of Donald Trump and Mike Pence who, like David Duke for example and some other white nationalists, who would fit into that category of ‘deplorables,’” Blitzer said. Yeah, that's why she said it, Blitzy.", ">>{21Inc-ompetent} : > you have to give them a few weeks to see if they hold up after his advisors tell him to revert back. Haha about a month ago this sub was saying Donald was so stubborn and thin skinned he could not take advice from anyone. Which made him a danger. Now you're making fun of him for taking advice from advisors. Every day a new narrative that /r/politics believed in gets proven dead wrong. And every day a new river of cognitive dissonance emerges to cover up the fact that you guys don't have a god damn clue what you are talking about. At this point we could use your delusional group think to predict the future. Just read this cess pool and assume the exact opposite will happen.", ">>{SATexas1} : That candidate wasn't on the ballot, but cmon, you knew that", ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : > No, I’m not in the name-calling business Yet he's completely fine with running with the presidential nominee equivalent of Eric Cartman.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : That's my favorite part of their fantasy land rhetoric. The worst part is when they say shit like this, their followers literally scream like it was some kind of sick burn.", '>>{SATexas1} : He never really said he was against global trade as far as I know, he said he wanted to negotiate good deals', '>>{monkeysrule123} : People will just remember all the shit Donald did and it may kill his shot. Cruz though? Oh hes going to be back.', '>>{GonzoNation} : His twitter feed must be slow. October 7, 2016, 11:59 PM', '>>{GonzoNation} : CBS.com says October 7, 2016, 11:59 PM Mike Pence: Trump is “still standing stronger than ever”', ">>{Wholesome2301} : Pence is worse than Trump. So far, Trump has been openly racist and sexist yes, and maybe have raped/sexually assaulted an unknown amount of women, but there is blood on Pence's hands. He actively oppresses minorities, women, and LGBT people in Indiana. Resulting in death.", ">>{so817} : Just wish pubbies weren't so stupid then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place", '>>{Sugarysam} : This link is from NY Mag and it is about Pence not calling Trump deplorable.', '>>{28thumbs} : They too embarrassed to post comments prolly. I see barely any in the top of the hour lol', '>>{Sugarysam} : TBF the story is still relevant, just looks old.', '>>{InnocuousUserName} : > This link is from NY Mag and it is about Pence not calling ~~Trump~~ David Duke deplorable. FTFY', '>>{Sugarysam} : Whoops! How could I get them mixed up??', ">>{Dr_Disaster} : The amount of racists and the reverence for the KKK in Indiana is astonishing. Source: I'm a black man that lived there.", '>>{MightyMorph} : I think he is ditching the "alt-right" supporters and the extremist republican supporters because he has seen the amount of benefit to his own business companies being president brings. That means starting to satisfy the democrats and the middle-leaning majority. Back away from the rhetoric of illegal moves, while still ensuring that Trump CEOs are invited and cleared to be in on meetings and communications between Trump and foreign leaders. TLDR: Basically he figured out that he doesn\'t need the republicans anymore, and how beneficial being a president is to his personal companies. More profit for less work.', '>>{weightloss89} : Until the next time he goes on Hannity, of course.', '>>{Feignfame} : The question is can he be trusted? Absolutely not fuck off.', ">>{OmegaFemale} : Cut the president some slack. He's never thought about basic politics or morality or ethics before these last few days.", '>>{Alces_alces_gigas} : And he will still be Ted Cruz, a man literally less appealing than Donald Trump.', '>>{monkeysrule123} : I mean i guess hes better. In the sense of Jong Il and Jong Un', '>>{bearrosaurus} : Wait, so... the calls for boycotting Trump shit worked?', '>>{Lawschoolfool} : Mike Pence is no way, shape, or form a contender for 2020. Even if we ignore his absolutely abhorrent record (and unsurprisingly low approval ratings) as a govenor, he will never be able to wash off the stench of Trump.', '>>{JohnMcDuffey} : Because it was the day after Hillary Clinton\'s "basket of deplorable" comment came out and he didn\'t want to normalize the use of the word. He strongly condemned David Duke in every way possible and made it clear he was not going to use the verbage the media wanted to because it would just be used as a soundbite of how to normalize Hillarys horrible and disgusting comments calling 25% of the US population deplorable and irredeemable. But hey, why be reasonable and logic on /r/politics, GET THE PITCHFORKS PENCE IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST!', ">>{volares} : Negative it didn't work and was still enough of a bonus for him to think about maybe keeping the job.", ">>{MightyMorph} : Not really, more like he realized now that he is the president that he has more to gain by going into a more right-moderate position, and satisfy his voters, than going with the extreme-right and anger too many people to pursue his business opportunities and goals without having much backlash. Trump has always been in one team only. Team Trump. He doesn't give two shits about people. He cares about himself and his wealth. I think after the shock of winning the election, because realistically every evidence was pointing towards him setting himself up for a extreme-right tv station for self-profit, as they are the ones who tend to sit the most in front of the tv and provide viewer ratings. After winning the election, he has seen the amount of ass-kissing people are willing to do towards him now. His businesses can gain fast-track permits in foreign countries, and he can minimize taxes and create further loopholes on himself first and foremost that will allow him to garner a much better and larger wealth than what a alt-right republican tv station would. He will become more moderate in hopes of satiating the anger towards him, and allow him to continue to reap the money that his position allows him to grab.", ">>{Archlicht} : Pence is just more classical republican than Donald Trump is. Only cares about white men and specifically himself, but he's smart enough to be more subtle about his racism and bigotry. Doesn't matter if they switched him to the top of the ticket at this point, either. Trump gave away the whole game for the current republican party.", ">>{clone822} : I want to believe he's pivoting center, finally. But his appointments all indicate otherwise.", ">>{NameRetrievalError} : for most people, support for torture has nothing to do with its effectiveness. it's about whether you consider it a socially desirable opinion to buck global norms and promote sadism and dehumanization against your enemy. the edge-case scenarios have nothing to do with it. it's just a litmus test for your worldview.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : Lol no Just because Trump's scandals are worse than Clinton's doesn't mean the subreddit is rigged. Her speeches do her a favor, they're not controversial, that's why they're not at the top. It's not unfair, Trump is a scumbag.", '>>{rollerhen} : People who are offended by "politically correct" speech need to really examine the fundamentalist agendas that Trump has pledged to support. He would be a GOP rubber stamp which would benefit radical religious beliefs but would ultimately censor anti-Christian speech. The leaders have appealed to Christians this way: >"On June 21, 2016 Trump invited over 1100 Evangelical leaders to New York to discuss policy positions and to develop a dialogue. The meeting was led by Mike Huckabee, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr., and more. The meeting went very well, and, from it, a leadership committee was established between the Evangelicals and Trump. The meeting also encouraged many Evangelical leaders to give their support to Trump. >The leadership committee formed as a standing advisory council that will advise Trump on evangelical matters during the election campaign, and thereafter during his presidency. >Trump is very supportive of the Christian position and seeks the support of the Christian community. He gives every indication that he will continue this if elected. That would be a significant change from previous Establishment Republican presidents. >Considering presidential candidates of the last half century, is it possible to find a more pro-Christian candidate for president than Donald Trump?" https://www.c4dt.com/donald-trump-champion-christians/', ">>{morbidexpression} : Boy, all those dopes on the_donald are going to be disappointed. Still, they'll probably rationalize it as masterful trolling because they've been inhaling his fumes for too long.", ">>{blackseaoftrees} : Right? It's almost like he has an established pattern of saying one thing and doing another.", ">>{JohnMcDuffey} : Trump talked about grabbing pussy. Clinton threatened and harassed rape victims of Bill, floated the idea of assassinating Assange, Clinton Foundation + Hati, scrubbed 30k + emails protected by FOIA, lied about this to the American people, lied about it to congress, mishandled classified information on multiple occasions, had her 08 camp manager run the DNC which actively shut down Bernie, colluded with media to minimize her scandals, allowed our embassy in Benghazi to be attacked (she had more than 600 requests to beef up security which she ignored), went against peace deals in Libya and instead had a head of state assassinated, allowed ISIS to expand to a world terror organization, puts the US at serious risk of world war with Russia, called 25% of the population deplorable and irredeemable, called another large swath of the population basement dwellers, spoke to wealthy doners about how she lies to the public because you can't have your private opinions known, has received money and support from countries that actively kill and persecute gays/women/apostates/athesists, should I keep going? But hold on, Pence denounced David Duke in every way possible except by playing the games of the Clinton camp, so fuck him.", ">>{SultanObama} : Well it's a school night so they are probably asleep", ">>{oO0-__-0Oo} : It's true. I lived in southern Indiana for decades, and it's still really strong there. It's not uncommon to find flyers on cars or in mailboxes from the KKK.", ">>{oO0-__-0Oo} : I'm convinced that a lot of people voted for him because he looks like a younger, less fat Bobby Knight (who is revered as a God in Indiana).", '>>{ProdigaI} : True. He also showed signs of being much more moderate before he ran for president. It is possible that he pandered considerably to the GOP base and now that he is the president, he will fall back on his actual beliefs.', ">>{imnotgem} : I've been thinking this for well over a year. Whoever Republicans roll out in 2020 should have a very good chance of beating Hillary because people will sit back and try to compare him to Donald Trump. Watch me be wrong though and they find a way to nominate Trump again in 2020.", ">>{ruiner8850} : I think that's mainly because most people don't really know who he is. The exposure of running for President would destroy his chances. That and being willing to be Trump's VP.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : The problem here is that no matter how many Clinton scandals you name, it's not going to matter. These things would matter, but people hate Trump more than they hate her, it's not media manipulation. His policies suck, he reminds people of fascism and the alt-right is literally calling for an ethno-state. Media focuses on things like this because they're easily understood by most people. Your average American does not know who Steve Bannon is and they're not attentive enough to learn why he's important. Let me spell this out: Trump, himself, has fascist tendencies and a core who wants to live in a society free of non-white people. That's a bad combination, man. If things go south economically or we end up in a major war, America goes to a place it never comes back from. I'm a lot more afraid of winding up with a white nationalist dictator than a corrupt Marxist in the closet.", '>>{JohnMcDuffey} : Let me spell this out: Hillary wants open borders with strict restrictions on free speech and ability for citizens to defend themselves. Hillary and the left is far more fascist than you realize, and you are very clearly operating under the notion that you are not living in an echo chamber of non-diverse thought. http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/09/05/flashback-rev-jesse-jackson-praises-trump-reaching-inclusive/ You will believe what has been spoon fed to you about Trump. Trump is nothing near a white nationalist dictator and its disappointing people even think such. If you are not scared of a Marxist you have not been paying attention in history class. That is the most truly frightening thing you have said.', '>>{laxamericana} : Waiting for the inevitable heading, "In stunning reversal, Trump endorses Clinton for president."', ">>{ToddHelton4Ever} : Awesome. If anything, he's coming across as a great listener.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : Wait a second. Trump has said he wants to loosen libel laws to allow people to sue the press for opinions they don't like, that's violating free speech. Trump has said he supports virtually every part of Clinton's gun policy plus national stop and frisk to illegally confiscate any weapon found on a person. The first part is speculation, she has never said she wants to limit speech, Trump has. She's clearly anti-gun, but so is Trump, he said so at the debate. Dude you link breitbart? Steve Bannon is the CEO of the Trump campaign and he controls the site, that's not a valid source. You need to learn about speculation vs verifiable facts.", '>>{lnsetick} : uhhh, T_D was at the top of rising posts in /r/all 24/7, even in the middle of the night. I think the T_D posters are gone because Putin stopped paying them.', '>>{ShockingBlue42} : So then Pence took the bait and failed to condemn Duke because the word used was too close to something Hillary said, and It triggered him. He should have said that Duke is deplorable but so is Hillary dividing the country with language like that. Too bad he is a loser politician just like Donald and has no moral foundation.', '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : Actually, Pence does not consider Duke to be a Deplorable. Pence is a Deplorable who has gone over to the dark side. He knows full well who Trump is and he still stands right by his side.', ">>{atomicxblue} : Maybe this is the real reason he's meeting with Tulsi Gabbard.", ">>{gamerlen} : If anything, he's realizing just how much pressure he's going to be under as President of the United States. He's gone from being the CEO of his own company to having about 318,000,000 bosses who argue all the time and make constant unreasonable demands.", ">>{ShockingBlue42} : They are too white to use that word! Don't trigger the Trumplings by equating their national heroes with their national race hate targets!", ">>{NonHomogenized} : Ironically, *some* (but far from all) of the people rioting in the lead-up to the Revolution weren't white. Not that I expect Trump supporters to know this.", '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : Pence said calling people deplorable was worse than calling fellow citizens rapists, career criminals, whores.............he is not in any way a christian.', ">>{gottapaythetrolltol} : If we keep going he'll be a progressive again before he actually takes the oath.", '>>{senatorpjt} : Will Trump get any credit if somehow, after getting every dimwitted neo-Nazi in the country eating out of his hand, he manages to bring them to the center?', ">>{SpookyKid94} : Eh. Most Christians aren't Christians, I don't play the true Scotsman game, it's all bullshit.", ">>{JohnMcDuffey} : Vox salon and huff post are allowed but BB is not. I think if you could take a step back from your position and logically analyze it you would come to the same conclusion, you're living in an echo chamber of non-diverse thought.", ">>{ssick92} : At least it shows that he is willing to actually listen to expert's advice on subjects he has less experience with. This is something that the left should be happy about...", '>>{Bronafide} : Oh yes we were all so on board with torture and none of us told you not to take it seriously over and over and over and over again', '>>{ianahotdog420} : Going to piggy back because I honestly feel that these reversals are part of the strategy. Trump\'s strategist, Bannon: "Darkness is good," Bannon told The Hollywood Reporter. "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That\'s power. It only helps us when [the liberals and media] get it wrong. When they\'re blind to who we are and what we\'re doing." They said what they intend and the waffling is to make us complacent. Don\'t buy it.', '>>{boxcaradventure} : I live in northern Indiana and there was a KKK demonstration of sorts not long ago in our town.', '>>{GodEmpWildRide} : It\'s hillarious how okay you all are that Trump lied to you on the campaign trail over and over and over again for votes like the "carrer politicians" you all despise. Member all words no action? I member', ">>{SpookyKid94} : I don't read any of them with any sort of religiosity. And here's the problem: those are all independent sources. They're biased, but bias isn't my issue with Breitbart, it's conflict of interest. It's literally a speaker box for Trump talking points and alt-right racial realism(I put them in the same category as stormfront at this point). I'm not living in an echo chamber, I'm a centrist libertarian who listens to conservative talk radio and reads a wide range of news sources. I don't align ideologically with very many people, so I have had to learn how to weed through spin. Guess what? The spin has been a hell of a lot harder from the right since Cruz dropped out.", '>>{GodEmpWildRide} : Except atleast other politicians have voting records we can atleast get and idea of what their stances are.', ">>{JohnMcDuffey} : Also I'd like to point out what is more telling is Jessies own words. You don't need to use BB to just watch the vid where Trump is being praised for his work in the black community. It's right there on video for you to see", '>>{Frank_the_Bunneh} : Is it me or has he said something contradicting a campaign promise/stance every single damn day since the election. Most presidents wait until they are in office to start letting their supporters down.', '>>{zbyte64} : If you are going to list out the controversies of one candidate you should do the same for the other. Unless of course you think that is the only thing Trump has done wrong.', '>>{Another-Chance} : We should rename the white house the waffle house.', ">>{flip314} : It's like the weather in Alberta. If you don't like what Trump is saying, wait a couple hours and he'll say exactly the opposite.", ">>{Nerdenstein} : Hillary will have proved herself a decent president by then, and people will be tired of the same old attacks from the right. The'll keep throwing benghazi, emails, and pay to play at her and it still won't stick. Her approval rating can only go up from here.", '>>{ugahammertime} : 25% of the population *is* deplorable. Maybe more. Nothing horrible and disgusting about saying that.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : I have never once in my life given a shit about what Jessie Jackson thinks. It doesn't change the fact that every white nationalist in this country has a raging hard on for Donald Trump. It doesn't change the fact that the demographic that swayed the primary election in Don's favor are the most authoritarian right that this country has ever had in substantial numbers participating in politics. Fucking Jack Kennedy had tons of nice things to say about Hitler in the 30s, that doesn't mean he wasn't a genocidal maniac. Donald Trump has said everything that he is going to do as president, nothing in the world will lead me to the conclusion that it's reasonable to assume that he's not going to be the leader he told us he would be.", ">>{linguotgr} : So if I understand this, Trump was advised by a general, who trump claimed to know more about war and ISIS than, and had his opinion changed after just one or two sentences? What's next? I talked to a scientist who told me Global Warming is real?", '>>{Ordmantel69} : its shameful the average person with 30 brain cells knows more about torture and its lack of effectiveness then the man with the nuclear codes. shameful and fucking scary.', ">>{Ginsengstrip_2002} : Crooked Hillary Clinton was the 19th hijacker folks it's true, but you won't hear that in the rigged media full of cucked journalists. She's also been serial killing the gays for years folks believe me. Donald is that you!?", '>>{mockio77} : TBF the appointments came days before these reversals. Maybe in a week Bernie, Warren, and even HRC herself will be filling the cabinet if we can get Trump to have a few hour long meetings with progressives.', ">>{reddit_user13} : I don't think you can call any of his reversals stunning anymore, quite frankly we are starting to expect them…", ">>{deadpear} : He isn't taking advice from someone, he is taking it from everyone - he lacks leadership and principle. He is thin-skinned - he just demanded an apology from some theatre nerds because they challenged Pence's beliefs. There are more examples, this is most recent. Trump doesn't have a clue what is involved in being President and he is making shit up as he goes. But, congrats on electing Trump - he is going to pussify the office of president with his weakness. He is already seen like a chump by world leaders - he is not demonstrating that he can change this. Maybe, though I doubt it. I doubted he would win, and he did though - so...maybe?", ">>{mockio77} : He, and every other moron who talks about bringing a business mentality into politics don't get that you can't fire the American people. They're there and they are horribly inneficient. You have to basically be a schoolteacher in order to deal with them, not someone who is used to brown nosing kowtowlers.", ">>{gamerlen} : Pretty much. Ontop of that he met with every major news outlet recently, then spent the entire meeting screaming at them and insulting them. GEE. I WONDER IF THAT'LL COME BACK TO BITE HIM IN THE ASS?", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Prosecuting Hillary. Climate change. Now torture? I bet his voters are wondering just what if anything Trump is going to keep his word on.', '>>{abchiptop} : And some of them, like my dad, wear that brand proudly for whatever fucking reason', ">>{ULN515} : Because Pence doesn't have to regurgitate the words leftist shills try to shove in his mouth.", '>>{mhwtexplode} : the expert advice has been out there for decades for anyone interested.', '>>{dens421} : How can a reversal from Trump be stunning to anyone anymore? He is changing stances on everything so fast that if he was hooked to a generator he could power NYC for free.', ">>{whatabear} : I don't think anyone is capable of being stunned by Trump any more.", '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : You are correct about the faux christians. No one hates as well as religious folks.', ">>{bluemandan} : It doesn't matter though. He's on tape saying he plans to go after the family members of terrorists. That's all ISIS needs.", '>>{SpookyKid94} : I wish I was wrong about that, but every evangelical I know is a Trump supporter. Judgemental is as judgemental does.', '>>{arthurpaliden} : Because like all republicans he has no honour or moral character.', '>>{notonrexmanningday} : What the what? Trump is easily the least religious GOP presidential nominee since Nixon. I think there\'s a certain amount of self-delusion required to be a Christian conservative to begin with, but this shit right here is just wacky. I mean "that would be a significant from previous Establishment Republican presidents"? Are these people\'s memories really that short? Do they not remember George W Bush? Probably the most openly religious president ever?', '>>{ChryslerFifthAvenue} : Media is out of their minds with all this reversal crap. He never said any of the bullshit they are still accusing him of. He never said he wanted to torture anything.', ">>{rollerhen} : True. But to secure the nomination, he worked out a deal with the evangelical leaders that in exchange for their support he would have them write his platform and he would support conservative justices. Depending on who his audience was, he would modify his message. Trump formed an Evangelical Board of Advisors with 25 huge leaders and they chose Pence and Kelly Conway and Myrin Ebbell and his SCOTUS picks, etc. Here is his board, right off his official site: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/trump-campaign-announces-evangelical-executive-advisory-board They are the largest base he has and if he wins he'll support them, of course, since he already picked his evangelical transition team. Edit: this gets no play because of all the racist buzz. I secretly think it was intentional so he could play all sides.", ">>{notonrexmanningday} : That's amazing. It's literally the same deal Lee Atwater made (the Southern Coalition) to get Nixon elected. It all comes full circle. And people in those poor rural areas screw themselves again.", '>>{rollerhen} : Yeah. It\'s the story that will be told more after this debacle ends. The evangelicals are still strong but are losing ground. They have to fracture social conservatives and keep their movements quiet now or millennials will erode their numbers. Expect to see them sneak in with other "Mavericks".', ">>{iseah100} : I live in Fort Wayne and it's not really revered here. Maybe in smaller towns but not here. Also, we are not struggling just fyi. Plenty of jobs and a growing economy.", ">>{samtrano} : It's just kind of funny though coming from the ticket that thinks Hillary couldn't fight ISIS just because she won't use the right words to refer to terrorism", '>>{lofi76} : I cannot fathom the GOP going with a hard right candidate after the past few losses. Surely they see the direction that the nation is moving is toward equality and progress. Not back to the Salem witch trials and race riots they desperately miss.', '>>{JennJayBee} : False prophets and modern day Pharisees exist. A lot of Christians think that they\'ll be smart enough to spot to false teachings because it\'ll be some evil-looking dude telling them to worship Satan. Nope. It\'ll be a guy in an expensive suit spitting Bible verses. Also, "politically correct" is basically just another way of saying that you shouldn\'t be an asshat. If you\'ve got a problem with "being politically correct," then it\'s likely you\'re really complaining that it\'s not okay for you to be an asshat.', '>>{JennJayBee} : Hi there. (waves) You now know one evangelical who is voting for Hillary.', '>>{kosmokomeno} : An adjective is an adjective, these are "adults" talking about "name calling" when they don\'t seem to understand the difference between insults and unappealing qualities. But that\'s the culture today, everyone is equal, therefore everyone is the same. I\'d say it\'s ludicrous but that kind of name calling might offend the world, right?', '>>{rocker5969} : because he is in total agreement with him - lock, stock, and barrel.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Has Pence suddenly had a change of heart about David Duke?', ">>{Rubbydubbydoo} : Only one party is endorsing race riots right now and it isn't Republicans.", ">>{Rubbydubbydoo} : Hillary's response to the riot in Charlotte where a white veteran was beaten into a coma by a lynch mob while begging for mercy was to say it was white people's fault.", '>>{matt997} : yeah thats when the right wants that the left use pc speak. I have no problem leave behind all pc and call proto fascists by their name.', ">>{ugahammertime} : Protofascist isn't really the right word. Neofascist would be better.", '>>{lorrika62} : True there have been black people who have fought in every single war in America from the American Revolution through the present wars. A thug is not defined ed by race any gang doing criminal things can be defined as thugs. Actually the word thug is derived from thuggee and it meant a cult in India that killed people as sacrifices to the goddess Kali that they worshipped and they robbed them and then killed their victims. The cult was destroyed after being outlawed in India centuries ago.', '>>{NonHomogenized} : I\'m aware of the origin of the word "thug". The point of the question was regarding the (mostly, white) people who were rioting at the time, but would normally be people considered "patriots", not "thugs". I was trying to see if their position regarding "thugs" was consistently about rioters, or whether they might have other motives. And "thug" is often, in modern day America, used as a racist dog whistle in reference to black people.', '>>{matt997} : I mean it in a way like its the preliminary stage of fascism.', '>>{lofi76} : Hahaha! Hilarious. The Trumpets are truly leaking.', ">>{Rubbydubbydoo} : Yeah ikr [this](https://youtu.be/__p1eR6KDXQ) is just so funny isn't it?", '>>{Atlas_Troll} : While I agree there are some asshats who use it as cover, a good chunk of people who are "anti-pc" see it as a way to stifle discussion around controversial topics. For example, looking at crime in inner cities and how income and culture affects it (for example, most people are aware of race in crime statistics but how does it corrolate to income? Do rich black men commit more crime than rich white men? I\'ve not seen any answer to that question). Another great example is with the possibility of gender dysphoria being a form of body dismorphia. But saying anything remotely bad about transgenders tends to earn you a poor label.', '>>{JennJayBee} : My answer would be, in all honesty, I don\'t know. I haven\'t looked at the statistics. That said... I\'m sure that when taking a look at said statistics various factors other than race would need to be considered. Income and quality of life is absolutely a factor in crime, and I haven\'t seen where anyone has argued otherwise. Hell, it\'s a motivator. The main thing I think that would be foolish to argue is that people at various income levels are more or less moral or more or less prone to crime in general. Having a certain amount of wealth at one\'s disposal is certainly going to make robbing a convenience store or car jacking less appealing, but you\'re still going to have plenty of white collar crimes and even violent crimes. And the drugs... The drugs only get more expensive and more plentiful when you have more money. Further, with the ability to afford a good lawyer,prosecution and conviction rates will also be lower for the wealthy. Even arrests would be lower in a higher end neighborhood, as bias from police officers might make them more likely to give a warning in the case of a disturbance, so you\'re even going to see fewer arrests. In other words... They\'re not necessarily less prone to crime, but they are more likely to get away with it if they commit one. There\'s a general perception that suburbs are "safe" places. That\'s why when news breaks of crime actually happening, it\'s usually something so horrific that they can\'t ignore, and people are understandably shocked.', '>>{Atlas_Troll} : I think the more interesting question to look it is if race matters when income is the same for crime rates. But as I said, I\'ve yet to see a study on it. But the problem is even a discussion like this is sometimes taboo. I and many others feel the possibility of "offending" someone just by asking questions is a tad silly', '>>{JennJayBee} : No, this discussion is not taboo, though the assertion that race alone is a factor in crime is utterly ridiculous. The reason such a study hasn\'t been done is likely because income inequality and standard of living is such that it\'s just not possible. As a result, many of these neighborhoods tend to segregate themselves. Then there are other factors that may or may not contribute, like family life, education, age, social status, etc. Police (in profiling) might still arrest a person of color for being "suspicious" even if they\'re just trying to get into their own house. But the color of someone\'s skin alone making them more or less likely to commit a crime? Forget politically incorrect... it\'s just silly.', ">>{Atlas_Troll} : That's what I'm getting at though. It does seem a tad silly, but we need to look at everything when trying to find answers to problems, even if only to disprove wrong assertions. Writing something off only because it sounds ridiculous is a great way to overlook things.", ">>{JennJayBee} : It doesn't SEEM just a tad silly. It is silly, and it's racist. Skin color has no more bearing on personality than eye color, and asserting as much would in fact be the very definition of racism. (See also, not okay to be an asshole.)"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{feabney} : This is a bit premature, because Trump is looking like the winner.', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : I don't really like this much at all. The antagonism needs to be toned down a few notches.", '>>{BuyPepe} : I hope the tower is nice and reflective that day', ">>{ihaverocketlegs} : It is so incredibly early that it's straight up ridiculous to say this", ">>{feabney} : He's winning florida and had a pretty solid lead the whole time. Meanwhile. Salon said Hilary was the winner hours ago in a landslide. Let the hate flow through you.", '>>{ihaverocketlegs} : >had a pretty solid lead the whole time Wait for it to move west, bucko. So, so ridiculous to do this.', ">>{I_politics} : What's the point? To further divide the country?", ">>{thesunmustdie} : I really despise Trump, but please don't do this, people. Be gracious whatever the results tonight.", ">>{feabney} : That's some pretty desperate reaching on your part. Just accept president Trump.", '>>{I_politics} : Too many people think of the political parties like opposing football teams trying to beat each other. In fact they are members of the same team who are supposed to be "playing" for one team: we the people. Too much hate, division, finger pointing, blame have eaten holes in our national identity. It\'s not " us against them. " It\'s "out of many we are one. " I hope things change'], ['>>{coolbern} : In Stunning Reversal, Trump Scraps His Calls to Bring Back Torture', '>>{americanrabbit} : Come one and all! Come see the amazing orange trapeze act! Not two but one man both going up and down at the same time!', '>>{knuckle_drag_racer} : trump tells whatever lies the audience calls for. trumpzis lapped it up.', '>>{SATexas1} : So one by one, the things that scared people are disappearing', ">>{dyzo-blue} : He said whatever it took to get the rubes to vote for him. He doesn't have any actual policy positions, other than the enrichment of himself and his family. That is what he will use the White House to do.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : You can't report on his new stances right away, you have to give them a few weeks to see if they hold up after his advisors tell him to revert back. Remember the softening on immigration that lasted a week?", '>>{mhwtexplode} : Come out, come out, wherever you are centipedes and see how you were conned by one of he best.', ">>{wtfwasdat} : While this is fantastic news, I'm afraid it might just be another case of trump echoing whatever the last person he talked to says. >The change seems to have come after a meeting with retired Marine Corps general James Mattis on Sunday, who Trump said he is “seriously considering” to head the Department of Defense. The president-elect admitted that when he asked Mattis about waterboarding, he was surprised that the retired general rejected the idea. Hope he sticks to it though.", '>>{Clay_Statue} : Scared away *decent* people. Shitty people love the idea of their country torturing people.', ">>{MyPSAcct} : They dissappear, then come back later when it's politically convenient, then disappear again when it's not. Trump has no political opinions other than to say and do whatever he has to to remain popular with his base.", '>>{ajjsbrujas1990} : Even then its all just talk until he actually try to pass a bill or an executive order', '>>{kitduncan} : Waiting for the other shoe to fall on immigration, global warming, and global trade.', ">>{Being_and_Thyme} : Does this not terrify people a little? Trump didn't say he wouldn't back torture because its morally abhorrent; he's backing down because he a good little chat. Trump apparently has no moral or normative spine. What else could he be easily convinced of?", '>>{dolphins3} : So the president-elect back-peddles on his pledge to violate international law, basic human decency, and common sense, and people are going to act like his conforming to this ludicrously low standard is praiseworthy?', ">>{AmazingAnytime} : So one-by-one the things he promised his voters disappear. I'd rather have the candidate who shared my views both before and after the election.", ">>{el-toro-loco} : At this rate, he'll be a full-on Democrat by inauguration", '>>{DumpsterDon} : Yep. I think he just wants to call it in, via Twitter and Morning Joe, while his kids make the BEST deals.', '>>{Xelif} : Trump has earned three happy face stickers so far this week! Only five more and he gets ice cream at recess!', '>>{wyldcat} : > Mattis replied that he had never found abuse to be useful when dealing with detainees, Trump recounted to the newspaper. Instead, he advocated building a rapport with prisoners, something many in the intelligence community have been arguing for years is a more effective method of soliciting information. “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better,” Trump said Mattis told him. “I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump said. > > Torture, Trump concluded, is “not going to make the kind of a difference that a lot of people are thinking.” You guys remember the Trump supporters here who openly defended waterboarding and torture? "it\'s not torture and it works blablabla!!". But I think it\'s worth mentioning that people shouldn\'t just accept his normalized behavior and be a bit wary of everything he says considering all his previous flip-flops.', '>>{NorbertDupner} : Trump is like a parrot. He spouts back whatever the last person he talked to said.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Someone that supports torture one day and rejects it the next can support it again tomorrow. Someone who campaigns on torture has no moral center or moral soul. Opposition to torture needs to be unequivocal from day one. Withdrawing support for war crimes is better than continuing to support them, but that's a pretty low bar.", ">>{executivemonkey} : I'm shocked. Shocked! Well not that shocked.", '>>{wyldcat} : He might be trolling us too. Be cautious and wait until he actually steps into the White House.', ">>{21Inc-ompetent} : > you have to give them a few weeks to see if they hold up after his advisors tell him to revert back. Haha about a month ago this sub was saying Donald was so stubborn and thin skinned he could not take advice from anyone. Which made him a danger. Now you're making fun of him for taking advice from advisors. Every day a new narrative that /r/politics believed in gets proven dead wrong. And every day a new river of cognitive dissonance emerges to cover up the fact that you guys don't have a god damn clue what you are talking about. At this point we could use your delusional group think to predict the future. Just read this cess pool and assume the exact opposite will happen.", ">>{SATexas1} : That candidate wasn't on the ballot, but cmon, you knew that", '>>{SATexas1} : He never really said he was against global trade as far as I know, he said he wanted to negotiate good deals', ">>{so817} : Just wish pubbies weren't so stupid then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place", '>>{28thumbs} : They too embarrassed to post comments prolly. I see barely any in the top of the hour lol', '>>{MightyMorph} : I think he is ditching the "alt-right" supporters and the extremist republican supporters because he has seen the amount of benefit to his own business companies being president brings. That means starting to satisfy the democrats and the middle-leaning majority. Back away from the rhetoric of illegal moves, while still ensuring that Trump CEOs are invited and cleared to be in on meetings and communications between Trump and foreign leaders. TLDR: Basically he figured out that he doesn\'t need the republicans anymore, and how beneficial being a president is to his personal companies. More profit for less work.', '>>{weightloss89} : Until the next time he goes on Hannity, of course.', '>>{Feignfame} : The question is can he be trusted? Absolutely not fuck off.', ">>{OmegaFemale} : Cut the president some slack. He's never thought about basic politics or morality or ethics before these last few days.", '>>{bearrosaurus} : Wait, so... the calls for boycotting Trump shit worked?', ">>{volares} : Negative it didn't work and was still enough of a bonus for him to think about maybe keeping the job.", ">>{MightyMorph} : Not really, more like he realized now that he is the president that he has more to gain by going into a more right-moderate position, and satisfy his voters, than going with the extreme-right and anger too many people to pursue his business opportunities and goals without having much backlash. Trump has always been in one team only. Team Trump. He doesn't give two shits about people. He cares about himself and his wealth. I think after the shock of winning the election, because realistically every evidence was pointing towards him setting himself up for a extreme-right tv station for self-profit, as they are the ones who tend to sit the most in front of the tv and provide viewer ratings. After winning the election, he has seen the amount of ass-kissing people are willing to do towards him now. His businesses can gain fast-track permits in foreign countries, and he can minimize taxes and create further loopholes on himself first and foremost that will allow him to garner a much better and larger wealth than what a alt-right republican tv station would. He will become more moderate in hopes of satiating the anger towards him, and allow him to continue to reap the money that his position allows him to grab.", ">>{clone822} : I want to believe he's pivoting center, finally. But his appointments all indicate otherwise.", ">>{NameRetrievalError} : for most people, support for torture has nothing to do with its effectiveness. it's about whether you consider it a socially desirable opinion to buck global norms and promote sadism and dehumanization against your enemy. the edge-case scenarios have nothing to do with it. it's just a litmus test for your worldview.", ">>{morbidexpression} : Boy, all those dopes on the_donald are going to be disappointed. Still, they'll probably rationalize it as masterful trolling because they've been inhaling his fumes for too long.", ">>{blackseaoftrees} : Right? It's almost like he has an established pattern of saying one thing and doing another.", ">>{SultanObama} : Well it's a school night so they are probably asleep", '>>{ProdigaI} : True. He also showed signs of being much more moderate before he ran for president. It is possible that he pandered considerably to the GOP base and now that he is the president, he will fall back on his actual beliefs.', '>>{laxamericana} : Waiting for the inevitable heading, "In stunning reversal, Trump endorses Clinton for president."', ">>{ToddHelton4Ever} : Awesome. If anything, he's coming across as a great listener.", '>>{lnsetick} : uhhh, T_D was at the top of rising posts in /r/all 24/7, even in the middle of the night. I think the T_D posters are gone because Putin stopped paying them.', ">>{atomicxblue} : Maybe this is the real reason he's meeting with Tulsi Gabbard.", ">>{gamerlen} : If anything, he's realizing just how much pressure he's going to be under as President of the United States. He's gone from being the CEO of his own company to having about 318,000,000 bosses who argue all the time and make constant unreasonable demands.", ">>{gottapaythetrolltol} : If we keep going he'll be a progressive again before he actually takes the oath.", '>>{senatorpjt} : Will Trump get any credit if somehow, after getting every dimwitted neo-Nazi in the country eating out of his hand, he manages to bring them to the center?', ">>{ssick92} : At least it shows that he is willing to actually listen to expert's advice on subjects he has less experience with. This is something that the left should be happy about...", '>>{Bronafide} : Oh yes we were all so on board with torture and none of us told you not to take it seriously over and over and over and over again', '>>{ianahotdog420} : Going to piggy back because I honestly feel that these reversals are part of the strategy. Trump\'s strategist, Bannon: "Darkness is good," Bannon told The Hollywood Reporter. "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That\'s power. It only helps us when [the liberals and media] get it wrong. When they\'re blind to who we are and what we\'re doing." They said what they intend and the waffling is to make us complacent. Don\'t buy it.', '>>{GodEmpWildRide} : It\'s hillarious how okay you all are that Trump lied to you on the campaign trail over and over and over again for votes like the "carrer politicians" you all despise. Member all words no action? I member', '>>{GodEmpWildRide} : Except atleast other politicians have voting records we can atleast get and idea of what their stances are.', '>>{Frank_the_Bunneh} : Is it me or has he said something contradicting a campaign promise/stance every single damn day since the election. Most presidents wait until they are in office to start letting their supporters down.', '>>{Another-Chance} : We should rename the white house the waffle house.', ">>{flip314} : It's like the weather in Alberta. If you don't like what Trump is saying, wait a couple hours and he'll say exactly the opposite.", ">>{linguotgr} : So if I understand this, Trump was advised by a general, who trump claimed to know more about war and ISIS than, and had his opinion changed after just one or two sentences? What's next? I talked to a scientist who told me Global Warming is real?", '>>{Ordmantel69} : its shameful the average person with 30 brain cells knows more about torture and its lack of effectiveness then the man with the nuclear codes. shameful and fucking scary.', '>>{mockio77} : TBF the appointments came days before these reversals. Maybe in a week Bernie, Warren, and even HRC herself will be filling the cabinet if we can get Trump to have a few hour long meetings with progressives.', ">>{reddit_user13} : I don't think you can call any of his reversals stunning anymore, quite frankly we are starting to expect them…", ">>{deadpear} : He isn't taking advice from someone, he is taking it from everyone - he lacks leadership and principle. He is thin-skinned - he just demanded an apology from some theatre nerds because they challenged Pence's beliefs. There are more examples, this is most recent. Trump doesn't have a clue what is involved in being President and he is making shit up as he goes. But, congrats on electing Trump - he is going to pussify the office of president with his weakness. He is already seen like a chump by world leaders - he is not demonstrating that he can change this. Maybe, though I doubt it. I doubted he would win, and he did though - so...maybe?", ">>{mockio77} : He, and every other moron who talks about bringing a business mentality into politics don't get that you can't fire the American people. They're there and they are horribly inneficient. You have to basically be a schoolteacher in order to deal with them, not someone who is used to brown nosing kowtowlers.", ">>{gamerlen} : Pretty much. Ontop of that he met with every major news outlet recently, then spent the entire meeting screaming at them and insulting them. GEE. I WONDER IF THAT'LL COME BACK TO BITE HIM IN THE ASS?", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Prosecuting Hillary. Climate change. Now torture? I bet his voters are wondering just what if anything Trump is going to keep his word on.', '>>{mhwtexplode} : the expert advice has been out there for decades for anyone interested.', '>>{dens421} : How can a reversal from Trump be stunning to anyone anymore? He is changing stances on everything so fast that if he was hooked to a generator he could power NYC for free.', ">>{whatabear} : I don't think anyone is capable of being stunned by Trump any more.", ">>{bluemandan} : It doesn't matter though. He's on tape saying he plans to go after the family members of terrorists. That's all ISIS needs.", '>>{ChryslerFifthAvenue} : Media is out of their minds with all this reversal crap. He never said any of the bullshit they are still accusing him of. He never said he wanted to torture anything.'], ['>>{GonzoNation} : Why Mike Pence Wouldn’t Call David Duke ‘Deplorable’', '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Not surprising he won\'t use their word. Try getting Hillary to call the Charlotte rioters "thugs".', ">>{johnfrance} : Those are definitely the same thing. Not sure you get how the 'thug' image plays into the racist caricature of black Americans but okay", ">>{tickle_mittens} : If Mike Pence's hair was any whiter, it'd be grand wizard.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The supremacist line according to WND is why won\'t "the media" call the protestors rioters.', ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Good, you're halfway to getting the point. You can't use the word thug for actual thugs without tarnishing a whole group by association. And Hillary called 47% of Trump supporters deplorable. You can probably figure it out from here, I have faith in you.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : > “I’m not really sure why the media keeps dropping David Duke’s name,” Pence responded. “Donald Trump has denounced David Duke repeatedly. We don’t want his support, and we don’t want the support of people who think like him.” So Pence would characterize Duke as deplorable, or “deserving censure or contempt,” right? “No, I’m not in the name-calling business, Wolf, you know me better than that,” This isn't anywhere near as egregious as the headline makes it sound.", '>>{GonzoNation} : That\'s usually my line. For WND I guess it\'s "the real media, not us." I always think "the media" is a way of saying "we don\'t understand what journalism is." It\'s a nice target to put up for people who can\'t tell the difference between The Atlantic and The National Inquirer.', '>>{FunfortheLadies} : ☝🏻️this guy... I like this guy👌🏻', '>>{johnfrance} : Are you saying that trump supporters are a historically oppressed minority in America?', '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Are you saying the only thing that makes a person\'s political views worth listening to is whether he can tick a box as a "historically oppressed minority"?', '>>{johnfrance} : Where did I say that? You seem to be equating calling black rioters thugs to Trump supports being called deplorable, is that not the parallel you are making?', ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : Right. I'm not talking about the underlying merits of the arguments, my point is no one who's aware of the broader context is going to give their opponents a soundbite no matter how much specific people deserve to be condemned. They'll just find other words that don't have as much baggage.", ">>{Imaybelightning} : Look at the definition of white and black in a dictionary. Read the dictionary. There's a literal meaning to words. You can take implication and bias out of anything if you try hard enough. Duke is deplorable, and those people are thugs. And you're a goon if you don't think that.", '>>{dxtboxer} : In Wolf\'s defense, "deplorable" isn\'t really in the same league as name-calling. Although Deplorable David Duke sure has a great rhythm to it. Deplorable Don and the Duke.', ">>{Sugarysam} : A lot of old stories getting posted today. Can we keep it current? It's Trumpsmas and Cheesus will deliver.", '>>{NonHomogenized} : Were the colonists who rioted against the British in the lead-up to the American Revolution "thugs"? How about the veterans of the Revolutionary War who rose up in arms when the government failed to pay their back wages, leaving them desperately impoverished?', ">>{ademnus} : >In a CNN interview, Wolf Blitzer raised the issue of Clinton declaring “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’” The Democratic presidential candidate has said she regrets saying that “half” of her opponent’s supporters are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it,” but Blitzer noted that description certainly fits a percentage of Trump backers. “There are some supporters of Donald Trump and Mike Pence who, like David Duke for example and some other white nationalists, who would fit into that category of ‘deplorables,’” Blitzer said. Yeah, that's why she said it, Blitzy.", ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : > No, I’m not in the name-calling business Yet he's completely fine with running with the presidential nominee equivalent of Eric Cartman.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : That's my favorite part of their fantasy land rhetoric. The worst part is when they say shit like this, their followers literally scream like it was some kind of sick burn.", '>>{monkeysrule123} : People will just remember all the shit Donald did and it may kill his shot. Cruz though? Oh hes going to be back.', '>>{GonzoNation} : His twitter feed must be slow. October 7, 2016, 11:59 PM', '>>{GonzoNation} : CBS.com says October 7, 2016, 11:59 PM Mike Pence: Trump is “still standing stronger than ever”', ">>{Wholesome2301} : Pence is worse than Trump. So far, Trump has been openly racist and sexist yes, and maybe have raped/sexually assaulted an unknown amount of women, but there is blood on Pence's hands. He actively oppresses minorities, women, and LGBT people in Indiana. Resulting in death.", '>>{Sugarysam} : This link is from NY Mag and it is about Pence not calling Trump deplorable.', '>>{Sugarysam} : TBF the story is still relevant, just looks old.', '>>{InnocuousUserName} : > This link is from NY Mag and it is about Pence not calling ~~Trump~~ David Duke deplorable. FTFY', '>>{Sugarysam} : Whoops! How could I get them mixed up??', ">>{Dr_Disaster} : The amount of racists and the reverence for the KKK in Indiana is astonishing. Source: I'm a black man that lived there.", '>>{Alces_alces_gigas} : And he will still be Ted Cruz, a man literally less appealing than Donald Trump.', '>>{monkeysrule123} : I mean i guess hes better. In the sense of Jong Il and Jong Un', '>>{Lawschoolfool} : Mike Pence is no way, shape, or form a contender for 2020. Even if we ignore his absolutely abhorrent record (and unsurprisingly low approval ratings) as a govenor, he will never be able to wash off the stench of Trump.', '>>{JohnMcDuffey} : Because it was the day after Hillary Clinton\'s "basket of deplorable" comment came out and he didn\'t want to normalize the use of the word. He strongly condemned David Duke in every way possible and made it clear he was not going to use the verbage the media wanted to because it would just be used as a soundbite of how to normalize Hillarys horrible and disgusting comments calling 25% of the US population deplorable and irredeemable. But hey, why be reasonable and logic on /r/politics, GET THE PITCHFORKS PENCE IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST!', ">>{Archlicht} : Pence is just more classical republican than Donald Trump is. Only cares about white men and specifically himself, but he's smart enough to be more subtle about his racism and bigotry. Doesn't matter if they switched him to the top of the ticket at this point, either. Trump gave away the whole game for the current republican party.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : Lol no Just because Trump's scandals are worse than Clinton's doesn't mean the subreddit is rigged. Her speeches do her a favor, they're not controversial, that's why they're not at the top. It's not unfair, Trump is a scumbag.", '>>{rollerhen} : People who are offended by "politically correct" speech need to really examine the fundamentalist agendas that Trump has pledged to support. He would be a GOP rubber stamp which would benefit radical religious beliefs but would ultimately censor anti-Christian speech. The leaders have appealed to Christians this way: >"On June 21, 2016 Trump invited over 1100 Evangelical leaders to New York to discuss policy positions and to develop a dialogue. The meeting was led by Mike Huckabee, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr., and more. The meeting went very well, and, from it, a leadership committee was established between the Evangelicals and Trump. The meeting also encouraged many Evangelical leaders to give their support to Trump. >The leadership committee formed as a standing advisory council that will advise Trump on evangelical matters during the election campaign, and thereafter during his presidency. >Trump is very supportive of the Christian position and seeks the support of the Christian community. He gives every indication that he will continue this if elected. That would be a significant change from previous Establishment Republican presidents. >Considering presidential candidates of the last half century, is it possible to find a more pro-Christian candidate for president than Donald Trump?" https://www.c4dt.com/donald-trump-champion-christians/', ">>{JohnMcDuffey} : Trump talked about grabbing pussy. Clinton threatened and harassed rape victims of Bill, floated the idea of assassinating Assange, Clinton Foundation + Hati, scrubbed 30k + emails protected by FOIA, lied about this to the American people, lied about it to congress, mishandled classified information on multiple occasions, had her 08 camp manager run the DNC which actively shut down Bernie, colluded with media to minimize her scandals, allowed our embassy in Benghazi to be attacked (she had more than 600 requests to beef up security which she ignored), went against peace deals in Libya and instead had a head of state assassinated, allowed ISIS to expand to a world terror organization, puts the US at serious risk of world war with Russia, called 25% of the population deplorable and irredeemable, called another large swath of the population basement dwellers, spoke to wealthy doners about how she lies to the public because you can't have your private opinions known, has received money and support from countries that actively kill and persecute gays/women/apostates/athesists, should I keep going? But hold on, Pence denounced David Duke in every way possible except by playing the games of the Clinton camp, so fuck him.", ">>{oO0-__-0Oo} : It's true. I lived in southern Indiana for decades, and it's still really strong there. It's not uncommon to find flyers on cars or in mailboxes from the KKK.", ">>{oO0-__-0Oo} : I'm convinced that a lot of people voted for him because he looks like a younger, less fat Bobby Knight (who is revered as a God in Indiana).", ">>{imnotgem} : I've been thinking this for well over a year. Whoever Republicans roll out in 2020 should have a very good chance of beating Hillary because people will sit back and try to compare him to Donald Trump. Watch me be wrong though and they find a way to nominate Trump again in 2020.", ">>{ruiner8850} : I think that's mainly because most people don't really know who he is. The exposure of running for President would destroy his chances. That and being willing to be Trump's VP.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : The problem here is that no matter how many Clinton scandals you name, it's not going to matter. These things would matter, but people hate Trump more than they hate her, it's not media manipulation. His policies suck, he reminds people of fascism and the alt-right is literally calling for an ethno-state. Media focuses on things like this because they're easily understood by most people. Your average American does not know who Steve Bannon is and they're not attentive enough to learn why he's important. Let me spell this out: Trump, himself, has fascist tendencies and a core who wants to live in a society free of non-white people. That's a bad combination, man. If things go south economically or we end up in a major war, America goes to a place it never comes back from. I'm a lot more afraid of winding up with a white nationalist dictator than a corrupt Marxist in the closet.", '>>{JohnMcDuffey} : Let me spell this out: Hillary wants open borders with strict restrictions on free speech and ability for citizens to defend themselves. Hillary and the left is far more fascist than you realize, and you are very clearly operating under the notion that you are not living in an echo chamber of non-diverse thought. http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/09/05/flashback-rev-jesse-jackson-praises-trump-reaching-inclusive/ You will believe what has been spoon fed to you about Trump. Trump is nothing near a white nationalist dictator and its disappointing people even think such. If you are not scared of a Marxist you have not been paying attention in history class. That is the most truly frightening thing you have said.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : Wait a second. Trump has said he wants to loosen libel laws to allow people to sue the press for opinions they don't like, that's violating free speech. Trump has said he supports virtually every part of Clinton's gun policy plus national stop and frisk to illegally confiscate any weapon found on a person. The first part is speculation, she has never said she wants to limit speech, Trump has. She's clearly anti-gun, but so is Trump, he said so at the debate. Dude you link breitbart? Steve Bannon is the CEO of the Trump campaign and he controls the site, that's not a valid source. You need to learn about speculation vs verifiable facts.", '>>{ShockingBlue42} : So then Pence took the bait and failed to condemn Duke because the word used was too close to something Hillary said, and It triggered him. He should have said that Duke is deplorable but so is Hillary dividing the country with language like that. Too bad he is a loser politician just like Donald and has no moral foundation.', '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : Actually, Pence does not consider Duke to be a Deplorable. Pence is a Deplorable who has gone over to the dark side. He knows full well who Trump is and he still stands right by his side.', ">>{ShockingBlue42} : They are too white to use that word! Don't trigger the Trumplings by equating their national heroes with their national race hate targets!", ">>{NonHomogenized} : Ironically, *some* (but far from all) of the people rioting in the lead-up to the Revolution weren't white. Not that I expect Trump supporters to know this.", '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : Pence said calling people deplorable was worse than calling fellow citizens rapists, career criminals, whores.............he is not in any way a christian.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : Eh. Most Christians aren't Christians, I don't play the true Scotsman game, it's all bullshit.", ">>{JohnMcDuffey} : Vox salon and huff post are allowed but BB is not. I think if you could take a step back from your position and logically analyze it you would come to the same conclusion, you're living in an echo chamber of non-diverse thought.", '>>{boxcaradventure} : I live in northern Indiana and there was a KKK demonstration of sorts not long ago in our town.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : I don't read any of them with any sort of religiosity. And here's the problem: those are all independent sources. They're biased, but bias isn't my issue with Breitbart, it's conflict of interest. It's literally a speaker box for Trump talking points and alt-right racial realism(I put them in the same category as stormfront at this point). I'm not living in an echo chamber, I'm a centrist libertarian who listens to conservative talk radio and reads a wide range of news sources. I don't align ideologically with very many people, so I have had to learn how to weed through spin. Guess what? The spin has been a hell of a lot harder from the right since Cruz dropped out.", ">>{JohnMcDuffey} : Also I'd like to point out what is more telling is Jessies own words. You don't need to use BB to just watch the vid where Trump is being praised for his work in the black community. It's right there on video for you to see", '>>{zbyte64} : If you are going to list out the controversies of one candidate you should do the same for the other. Unless of course you think that is the only thing Trump has done wrong.', ">>{Nerdenstein} : Hillary will have proved herself a decent president by then, and people will be tired of the same old attacks from the right. The'll keep throwing benghazi, emails, and pay to play at her and it still won't stick. Her approval rating can only go up from here.", '>>{ugahammertime} : 25% of the population *is* deplorable. Maybe more. Nothing horrible and disgusting about saying that.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : I have never once in my life given a shit about what Jessie Jackson thinks. It doesn't change the fact that every white nationalist in this country has a raging hard on for Donald Trump. It doesn't change the fact that the demographic that swayed the primary election in Don's favor are the most authoritarian right that this country has ever had in substantial numbers participating in politics. Fucking Jack Kennedy had tons of nice things to say about Hitler in the 30s, that doesn't mean he wasn't a genocidal maniac. Donald Trump has said everything that he is going to do as president, nothing in the world will lead me to the conclusion that it's reasonable to assume that he's not going to be the leader he told us he would be.", ">>{Ginsengstrip_2002} : Crooked Hillary Clinton was the 19th hijacker folks it's true, but you won't hear that in the rigged media full of cucked journalists. She's also been serial killing the gays for years folks believe me. Donald is that you!?", '>>{abchiptop} : And some of them, like my dad, wear that brand proudly for whatever fucking reason', ">>{ULN515} : Because Pence doesn't have to regurgitate the words leftist shills try to shove in his mouth.", '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : You are correct about the faux christians. No one hates as well as religious folks.', '>>{SpookyKid94} : I wish I was wrong about that, but every evangelical I know is a Trump supporter. Judgemental is as judgemental does.', '>>{arthurpaliden} : Because like all republicans he has no honour or moral character.', '>>{notonrexmanningday} : What the what? Trump is easily the least religious GOP presidential nominee since Nixon. I think there\'s a certain amount of self-delusion required to be a Christian conservative to begin with, but this shit right here is just wacky. I mean "that would be a significant from previous Establishment Republican presidents"? Are these people\'s memories really that short? Do they not remember George W Bush? Probably the most openly religious president ever?', ">>{rollerhen} : True. But to secure the nomination, he worked out a deal with the evangelical leaders that in exchange for their support he would have them write his platform and he would support conservative justices. Depending on who his audience was, he would modify his message. Trump formed an Evangelical Board of Advisors with 25 huge leaders and they chose Pence and Kelly Conway and Myrin Ebbell and his SCOTUS picks, etc. Here is his board, right off his official site: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/trump-campaign-announces-evangelical-executive-advisory-board They are the largest base he has and if he wins he'll support them, of course, since he already picked his evangelical transition team. Edit: this gets no play because of all the racist buzz. I secretly think it was intentional so he could play all sides.", ">>{notonrexmanningday} : That's amazing. It's literally the same deal Lee Atwater made (the Southern Coalition) to get Nixon elected. It all comes full circle. And people in those poor rural areas screw themselves again.", '>>{rollerhen} : Yeah. It\'s the story that will be told more after this debacle ends. The evangelicals are still strong but are losing ground. They have to fracture social conservatives and keep their movements quiet now or millennials will erode their numbers. Expect to see them sneak in with other "Mavericks".', ">>{iseah100} : I live in Fort Wayne and it's not really revered here. Maybe in smaller towns but not here. Also, we are not struggling just fyi. Plenty of jobs and a growing economy.", ">>{samtrano} : It's just kind of funny though coming from the ticket that thinks Hillary couldn't fight ISIS just because she won't use the right words to refer to terrorism", '>>{lofi76} : I cannot fathom the GOP going with a hard right candidate after the past few losses. Surely they see the direction that the nation is moving is toward equality and progress. Not back to the Salem witch trials and race riots they desperately miss.', '>>{JennJayBee} : False prophets and modern day Pharisees exist. A lot of Christians think that they\'ll be smart enough to spot to false teachings because it\'ll be some evil-looking dude telling them to worship Satan. Nope. It\'ll be a guy in an expensive suit spitting Bible verses. Also, "politically correct" is basically just another way of saying that you shouldn\'t be an asshat. If you\'ve got a problem with "being politically correct," then it\'s likely you\'re really complaining that it\'s not okay for you to be an asshat.', '>>{JennJayBee} : Hi there. (waves) You now know one evangelical who is voting for Hillary.', '>>{kosmokomeno} : An adjective is an adjective, these are "adults" talking about "name calling" when they don\'t seem to understand the difference between insults and unappealing qualities. But that\'s the culture today, everyone is equal, therefore everyone is the same. I\'d say it\'s ludicrous but that kind of name calling might offend the world, right?', '>>{rocker5969} : because he is in total agreement with him - lock, stock, and barrel.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Has Pence suddenly had a change of heart about David Duke?', ">>{Rubbydubbydoo} : Only one party is endorsing race riots right now and it isn't Republicans.", ">>{Rubbydubbydoo} : Hillary's response to the riot in Charlotte where a white veteran was beaten into a coma by a lynch mob while begging for mercy was to say it was white people's fault.", '>>{matt997} : yeah thats when the right wants that the left use pc speak. I have no problem leave behind all pc and call proto fascists by their name.', ">>{ugahammertime} : Protofascist isn't really the right word. Neofascist would be better.", '>>{lorrika62} : True there have been black people who have fought in every single war in America from the American Revolution through the present wars. A thug is not defined ed by race any gang doing criminal things can be defined as thugs. Actually the word thug is derived from thuggee and it meant a cult in India that killed people as sacrifices to the goddess Kali that they worshipped and they robbed them and then killed their victims. The cult was destroyed after being outlawed in India centuries ago.', '>>{NonHomogenized} : I\'m aware of the origin of the word "thug". The point of the question was regarding the (mostly, white) people who were rioting at the time, but would normally be people considered "patriots", not "thugs". I was trying to see if their position regarding "thugs" was consistently about rioters, or whether they might have other motives. And "thug" is often, in modern day America, used as a racist dog whistle in reference to black people.', '>>{matt997} : I mean it in a way like its the preliminary stage of fascism.', '>>{lofi76} : Hahaha! Hilarious. The Trumpets are truly leaking.', ">>{Rubbydubbydoo} : Yeah ikr [this](https://youtu.be/__p1eR6KDXQ) is just so funny isn't it?", '>>{Atlas_Troll} : While I agree there are some asshats who use it as cover, a good chunk of people who are "anti-pc" see it as a way to stifle discussion around controversial topics. For example, looking at crime in inner cities and how income and culture affects it (for example, most people are aware of race in crime statistics but how does it corrolate to income? Do rich black men commit more crime than rich white men? I\'ve not seen any answer to that question). Another great example is with the possibility of gender dysphoria being a form of body dismorphia. But saying anything remotely bad about transgenders tends to earn you a poor label.', '>>{JennJayBee} : My answer would be, in all honesty, I don\'t know. I haven\'t looked at the statistics. That said... I\'m sure that when taking a look at said statistics various factors other than race would need to be considered. Income and quality of life is absolutely a factor in crime, and I haven\'t seen where anyone has argued otherwise. Hell, it\'s a motivator. The main thing I think that would be foolish to argue is that people at various income levels are more or less moral or more or less prone to crime in general. Having a certain amount of wealth at one\'s disposal is certainly going to make robbing a convenience store or car jacking less appealing, but you\'re still going to have plenty of white collar crimes and even violent crimes. And the drugs... The drugs only get more expensive and more plentiful when you have more money. Further, with the ability to afford a good lawyer,prosecution and conviction rates will also be lower for the wealthy. Even arrests would be lower in a higher end neighborhood, as bias from police officers might make them more likely to give a warning in the case of a disturbance, so you\'re even going to see fewer arrests. In other words... They\'re not necessarily less prone to crime, but they are more likely to get away with it if they commit one. There\'s a general perception that suburbs are "safe" places. That\'s why when news breaks of crime actually happening, it\'s usually something so horrific that they can\'t ignore, and people are understandably shocked.', '>>{Atlas_Troll} : I think the more interesting question to look it is if race matters when income is the same for crime rates. But as I said, I\'ve yet to see a study on it. But the problem is even a discussion like this is sometimes taboo. I and many others feel the possibility of "offending" someone just by asking questions is a tad silly', '>>{JennJayBee} : No, this discussion is not taboo, though the assertion that race alone is a factor in crime is utterly ridiculous. The reason such a study hasn\'t been done is likely because income inequality and standard of living is such that it\'s just not possible. As a result, many of these neighborhoods tend to segregate themselves. Then there are other factors that may or may not contribute, like family life, education, age, social status, etc. Police (in profiling) might still arrest a person of color for being "suspicious" even if they\'re just trying to get into their own house. But the color of someone\'s skin alone making them more or less likely to commit a crime? Forget politically incorrect... it\'s just silly.', ">>{Atlas_Troll} : That's what I'm getting at though. It does seem a tad silly, but we need to look at everything when trying to find answers to problems, even if only to disprove wrong assertions. Writing something off only because it sounds ridiculous is a great way to overlook things.", ">>{JennJayBee} : It doesn't SEEM just a tad silly. It is silly, and it's racist. Skin color has no more bearing on personality than eye color, and asserting as much would in fact be the very definition of racism. (See also, not okay to be an asshole.)"], ['>>{alex878} : I have now broken the screen of my iPhone 6s twice. $200 later, I decided that I need to get a better phone case. Any suggestions?', '>>{BourbonZawa} : UAG a.k.a. Urban Armour Gear', ">>{ICantPooNoMore} : Rhinoshield. Look it up. Shit won't break!", '>>{ICantPooNoMore} : The Playproof is what I have. Full case.', '>>{perry1023} : Unicorn beetle Remove the built in screen protector. Easy to do.', '>>{ferrisie} : Spigen Rugged Armor or Tough Armor. I use the Rugged Armor case and have no complaints but Tough Armor would probably give you a little bit extra protection. Which case have you been using until now?', '>>{terminater577} : Urban Armour gear cases. They are rather thin, and have saved my iPhone from countless drops.', ">>{gngstrMNKY} : I've been using a thin $10 TPU case from Diztronic since the launch of the 6 and it's been dropped onto concrete many times with no ill effect. It fully wraps around the front unlike Apple's silicone case. Hard cases provide the illusion of strength, but they end up transferring shock to the phone instead of eating it.", ">>{Sequax1} : Spigen makes good cases, I've had some pretty good drops with my 6 and it hasn't taken any damage.", ">>{beefytrout} : I'm not a big fan of the cases that are huge or if they have the plastic film attached. These are my two requirements for a case.", ">>{iPhone_an_Pizza} : Speck cases are pretty good. That's what I'm using. $10 at Marshall's, Ross and TJ Maxx. Dropped my phone from some bleachers and it survived no damage to the screen."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Kennedy6661} : You'll be able to buy the OnePlus 3 without knowing anything about it, not even the price", ">>{molten_dragon} : OnePlus's phones look decent, and at a pretty good price, but I refuse to buy anything from them because of their stupid marketing gimmicks.", ">>{BPwhowantstheD} : I love my oneplus one, and if they had done this with their 2, I might have gone for it. But after the shitshow that was the 2, I don't think I'm interested in gambling like this on the 3.", '>>{Tiffany_Stallions} : Stupid marketing gimmicks aside, their phones tend to be really solid and my Oneplus One is still as good as the day I bought it. I wonder if the "Three" will once again be a flagship at a stunning price or a compromise of features at a pretty standard market price like the "Two".', '>>{BPwhowantstheD} : So, I should have checked myself before posting, but it was the oneplus X I was thinking about, not the two. However, there is still stuff like this: http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/07/30/editorial-if-oneplus-will-basically-just-lie-with-marketing-slogans-we-have-no-reason-to-respect-them/ which really kind of confirmed what I had been feeling. Their first phone was truly awesome. But I haven\'t been too impressed with their next offerings, and they tend to build a LOT of hype and just don\'t come through. They\'re not "bad" at all, but there\'s just nothing really special about them anymore, especially not worth taking a gamble with their latest marketing scheme.', ">>{AvoidingIowa} : I know one thing was that it didn't have NFC.", '>>{TheSwrl} : Even if the oneplus 3 is a decent phone, people should never buy a product without getting a good look at it first.', ">>{TheSwrl} : I've been out of the loop with oneplus but at the time didn't it seem that AP had a personal vendetta against oneplus. I mean the company doesn't exactly have a perfect track record but they seem like any other company to me.", ">>{booleanerror} : That's a dumb reason not to buy their phones. You should refuse to buy from them because of their horrible customer service record. Actually, both are valid.", ">>{byttle} : Now I'm afraid I've already bought it without knowing. Does anyone know how to find out?", ">>{molten_dragon} : > That's a dumb reason not to buy their phones. Why? If you make a good product at a fair price, I'll buy it. But I refuse to send a company the message that I'm willing to jump through a bunch of stupid hoops to buy their product. I'm not going to wait on a list and hope for an invite. I'm not going to buy a iPhone case first so that I can buy their phone. And I'm sure as hell not going to pay money for a product they won't tell me anything about, including the final price. And refusing to buy their products is the only means I have to let them know that I don't appreciate that kind of gimmicky marketing. So that's the means I'll use.", ">>{thermalrust} : Kinda dumb. Wish they gave more info. I sort of hate my OnePlus One. The camera is absolutely awful all across the board. Battery life is weak, certain apps like chromecast don't work (and companies aren't in a hurry to fix them for a phone manufacturer that's so small), I can't receive or send picture texts half the time.", ">>{vrbose} : That's a dumb comment. Actually, it's valid.", '>>{nicholasxuu} : Well, I thought apple would be the first to do this. I mean, they can totally pull this off.', '>>{fr0stbyte124} : Sorry, a memory wipe is part of the process. There was an important reason for that, but nobody can remember what it was.', '>>{HAPPYMATE} : As someone who has no interest in oneplus, WTF is wrong with that article? It starts by saying Oneplus is lying and is untrustworthy and deserves no respect. Ok, pretty heavy claim. I wonder what the article goes on to talk about? Maybe Oneplus lied about their specs? Maybe they stole patents or obtained components unethically? No, it seems the author of the article takes issue with this slogan for the Oneplus 2: "2016 Flagship Killer" Yeah, the entire article\'s beef is with that line. > No quick charging, no wireless charging, no NFC, a 1080p rather than 2K display, a still paltry 16GB of base storage, no SD card slot - all component choices that reek of compromise when OnePlus\' high-end competitors are offering more. Perfect example of how writing articles on the internet obviously doesn\'t require anything more than being a spoiled kid who knows how to type.', '>>{ShirtShanks} : *puts on sunglasses* Imma need you to look at this... #*flash* *This neuralyzation has been brought to you by the 2020 flagship killer.*', '>>{SakhaSasha} : I have one and aside from the camera, I have none of these issues. What OS are you running?', ">>{thermalrust} : I have CM 11.0, Kit Kat. It's been asking me to update but I'm skeptical, think it might worsen performance even more. Battery life has really dropped a lot in the past two months though. I've had the phone about 14 months.", ">>{Steppdeckenwolf} : Sultanxda's unofficial CM 13 fixes all that, including improving the camera. I bought mine used and the battery life has actually gotten better with updates. Edit: fixed autocorrect", ">>{thermalrust} : Thanks for the tip, looks pretty good on xda. Just sorta skeptical of having to flash a rom. Last time I rooted a phone, it started acting funny a few months in and the touchscreen went out. I didn't even do anything weird or flash any custom roms. Just kinda unsure of what'll happen.", '>>{Steppdeckenwolf} : Sorry, I misunderstood your post and thought you had flashed CM on there as opposed to the pre-installed Cyanogen OS. I definitely do not want to convince you to mess around with unlocking the bootloader and flashing, if you are not comfortable with that - which is fine, the phone should work without that. That said, I think the official OTA update should not cause any problems, so if you want to try a newer Android version, I would give that a shot before trying out custom ROMs.', ">>{thermalrust} : For sure, no worries. I really loved having my LG G2 rooted, the extra functionality was awesome. But having it become useless within a few months wasn't worth it. It's hard to know if the screen going out was related to rooting but it got progressively worse and I can't do anything on it at all now. Just wary of having something go wrong with my OPO cause a new phone is not in the budget. Anyone know if the camera in the newer official updates is better? I find the one on 11 almost unusable.", ">>{Gonnigoogoo} : So much hate wagon. I love my 1+1, great hardware for great price. I mean compare 2014 iPhone's/bloatdroids to a 3k mah, budget nexus.. Though I wouldn't get 1+4 or whatever, without knowing the specifications. And ideally that would be something special, like say 4000mah+ battery.", ">>{Steppdeckenwolf} : The massive camera improvements in sultanxda's ROM are due to him using the latest Qualcomm CAF kernel, instead of OP's kernel. So unless Oneplus has changed anything about their kernel recently, I don't think so. And I doubt it, because afaik, the OPO is still on Lollipop officially. AFAIK, you don't lose your warranty by unlocking, rooting, or flashing the OPO, but don't quote me on that. I fully understand your reservations, I've been nervous and afraid to brick my phone when messing around with that stuff often enough.", ">>{TheRealPizza} : The camera on the newer updates is better, but as far as I recall the battery life on KitKat is the best, and its pretty amazing. Back when I had KitKat I could reach 7-8 hours of SOT, but on Sultan's CM13, the maximum I hit is about 6 hours.", '>>{kollabane} : I agree with your statements. However, as someone who followed the company, their second phone had less features than their first, for more money. That generally made people upset with oneplus.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Kennedy6661} : You'll be able to buy the OnePlus 3 without knowing anything about it, not even the price", ">>{molten_dragon} : OnePlus's phones look decent, and at a pretty good price, but I refuse to buy anything from them because of their stupid marketing gimmicks.", ">>{BPwhowantstheD} : I love my oneplus one, and if they had done this with their 2, I might have gone for it. But after the shitshow that was the 2, I don't think I'm interested in gambling like this on the 3.", '>>{Tiffany_Stallions} : Stupid marketing gimmicks aside, their phones tend to be really solid and my Oneplus One is still as good as the day I bought it. I wonder if the "Three" will once again be a flagship at a stunning price or a compromise of features at a pretty standard market price like the "Two".', '>>{BPwhowantstheD} : So, I should have checked myself before posting, but it was the oneplus X I was thinking about, not the two. However, there is still stuff like this: http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/07/30/editorial-if-oneplus-will-basically-just-lie-with-marketing-slogans-we-have-no-reason-to-respect-them/ which really kind of confirmed what I had been feeling. Their first phone was truly awesome. But I haven\'t been too impressed with their next offerings, and they tend to build a LOT of hype and just don\'t come through. They\'re not "bad" at all, but there\'s just nothing really special about them anymore, especially not worth taking a gamble with their latest marketing scheme.', ">>{AvoidingIowa} : I know one thing was that it didn't have NFC.", '>>{TheSwrl} : Even if the oneplus 3 is a decent phone, people should never buy a product without getting a good look at it first.', ">>{TheSwrl} : I've been out of the loop with oneplus but at the time didn't it seem that AP had a personal vendetta against oneplus. I mean the company doesn't exactly have a perfect track record but they seem like any other company to me.", ">>{booleanerror} : That's a dumb reason not to buy their phones. You should refuse to buy from them because of their horrible customer service record. Actually, both are valid.", ">>{byttle} : Now I'm afraid I've already bought it without knowing. Does anyone know how to find out?", ">>{molten_dragon} : > That's a dumb reason not to buy their phones. Why? If you make a good product at a fair price, I'll buy it. But I refuse to send a company the message that I'm willing to jump through a bunch of stupid hoops to buy their product. I'm not going to wait on a list and hope for an invite. I'm not going to buy a iPhone case first so that I can buy their phone. And I'm sure as hell not going to pay money for a product they won't tell me anything about, including the final price. And refusing to buy their products is the only means I have to let them know that I don't appreciate that kind of gimmicky marketing. So that's the means I'll use.", ">>{thermalrust} : Kinda dumb. Wish they gave more info. I sort of hate my OnePlus One. The camera is absolutely awful all across the board. Battery life is weak, certain apps like chromecast don't work (and companies aren't in a hurry to fix them for a phone manufacturer that's so small), I can't receive or send picture texts half the time.", ">>{vrbose} : That's a dumb comment. Actually, it's valid.", '>>{nicholasxuu} : Well, I thought apple would be the first to do this. I mean, they can totally pull this off.', '>>{fr0stbyte124} : Sorry, a memory wipe is part of the process. There was an important reason for that, but nobody can remember what it was.', '>>{HAPPYMATE} : As someone who has no interest in oneplus, WTF is wrong with that article? It starts by saying Oneplus is lying and is untrustworthy and deserves no respect. Ok, pretty heavy claim. I wonder what the article goes on to talk about? Maybe Oneplus lied about their specs? Maybe they stole patents or obtained components unethically? No, it seems the author of the article takes issue with this slogan for the Oneplus 2: "2016 Flagship Killer" Yeah, the entire article\'s beef is with that line. > No quick charging, no wireless charging, no NFC, a 1080p rather than 2K display, a still paltry 16GB of base storage, no SD card slot - all component choices that reek of compromise when OnePlus\' high-end competitors are offering more. Perfect example of how writing articles on the internet obviously doesn\'t require anything more than being a spoiled kid who knows how to type.', '>>{ShirtShanks} : *puts on sunglasses* Imma need you to look at this... #*flash* *This neuralyzation has been brought to you by the 2020 flagship killer.*', '>>{SakhaSasha} : I have one and aside from the camera, I have none of these issues. What OS are you running?', ">>{thermalrust} : I have CM 11.0, Kit Kat. It's been asking me to update but I'm skeptical, think it might worsen performance even more. Battery life has really dropped a lot in the past two months though. I've had the phone about 14 months.", ">>{Steppdeckenwolf} : Sultanxda's unofficial CM 13 fixes all that, including improving the camera. I bought mine used and the battery life has actually gotten better with updates. Edit: fixed autocorrect", ">>{thermalrust} : Thanks for the tip, looks pretty good on xda. Just sorta skeptical of having to flash a rom. Last time I rooted a phone, it started acting funny a few months in and the touchscreen went out. I didn't even do anything weird or flash any custom roms. Just kinda unsure of what'll happen.", '>>{Steppdeckenwolf} : Sorry, I misunderstood your post and thought you had flashed CM on there as opposed to the pre-installed Cyanogen OS. I definitely do not want to convince you to mess around with unlocking the bootloader and flashing, if you are not comfortable with that - which is fine, the phone should work without that. That said, I think the official OTA update should not cause any problems, so if you want to try a newer Android version, I would give that a shot before trying out custom ROMs.', ">>{thermalrust} : For sure, no worries. I really loved having my LG G2 rooted, the extra functionality was awesome. But having it become useless within a few months wasn't worth it. It's hard to know if the screen going out was related to rooting but it got progressively worse and I can't do anything on it at all now. Just wary of having something go wrong with my OPO cause a new phone is not in the budget. Anyone know if the camera in the newer official updates is better? I find the one on 11 almost unusable.", ">>{Gonnigoogoo} : So much hate wagon. I love my 1+1, great hardware for great price. I mean compare 2014 iPhone's/bloatdroids to a 3k mah, budget nexus.. Though I wouldn't get 1+4 or whatever, without knowing the specifications. And ideally that would be something special, like say 4000mah+ battery.", ">>{Steppdeckenwolf} : The massive camera improvements in sultanxda's ROM are due to him using the latest Qualcomm CAF kernel, instead of OP's kernel. So unless Oneplus has changed anything about their kernel recently, I don't think so. And I doubt it, because afaik, the OPO is still on Lollipop officially. AFAIK, you don't lose your warranty by unlocking, rooting, or flashing the OPO, but don't quote me on that. I fully understand your reservations, I've been nervous and afraid to brick my phone when messing around with that stuff often enough.", ">>{TheRealPizza} : The camera on the newer updates is better, but as far as I recall the battery life on KitKat is the best, and its pretty amazing. Back when I had KitKat I could reach 7-8 hours of SOT, but on Sultan's CM13, the maximum I hit is about 6 hours.", '>>{kollabane} : I agree with your statements. However, as someone who followed the company, their second phone had less features than their first, for more money. That generally made people upset with oneplus.']]
classify and reply
['>>{acosmichippo} : Any other people having severe battery drain on 10.2 and now 10.2.1?', '>>{DC25NYC} : >The number we tallied is 93 sniffles for Donald Trump. This guy LOVES coke!', ">>{IbanezDavy} : He's either snorting cocaine or he has a cold. Given it's the start of flu season, he appears to be always awake, and campaigning in general can take a toll on the body (particularly if you are 69+ like these two)...let's assume the most likely scenario...he's a coke head.", '>>{jtrick33} : Same. Hoping I could restore to 10.2. But not sure if apple is still signing it. Really shitty.', ">>{cregister} : You'd have the sniffles too if you just snorted an 8-inch line of schneef off your daughter's ass. He's only human, guys.", '>>{cregister} : Come on now. It\'s obviously Parkinson\'s. I think these "sniffles" might actually be nose seizures.', '>>{DragonPup} : > The number we tallied is 93 sniffles for Donald Trump. That’s about one sniffle per minute, as the debate went slightly over the allotted 90 minutes. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.', '>>{dominoid73} : The sniff is a tell. He does it after a lie. The bigger the sniff, the bigger the lie. Seriously not trying to be funny.', ">>{Rsidhuu} : http://i.imgur.com/wQgzJO7.png http://i.imgur.com/AzwdUkF.png I'm coming from iOS 9.3.2 to iOS 10.2 on my 6s. Way better battery life on iOS 10.2. That is without my smart battery case. With the case I can probably get through 6 more hours. Not bad for me at all.", '>>{jazzology101} : right up there with his lawsuit every other day... http://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/', ">>{lianelking} : Donald Trump challenges Hillary Clinton to hold a press conference: 'I think it's time'", ">>{BornCavalry} : I cant wait for the debates. She's hid behind the press and her lawyers too long. People have questions. They want answers.", '>>{GreyRoses} : Someone (ANYONE) should have offered him a tissue......... super annoying....... and there are OTC med for those "symptoms" also Cocaine Anonymous. I would have \'died\' if HRC had offered him a tissue (and a tic-tac) edits: inability to spell \'anonymous\'', '>>{affenstall} : Narwhal didn\'t use 19% of your battery. It used 19% of the 25% that are used (since you have 75% left), so 4.75% of your battery. Same for the other apps. What you can do is scroll all the way to the bottom in that list. If you see that Time since last full charge "standby" equals "usage" you know that some app is going wild. Usage time should always be (much) lower than standby time. If it\'s not, something is not letting our phone go to standby (could be an app or a system process). Also check your background app refresh settings and only enable what you really need. Battery drain and recharge will do nothing. A restore might help. I had the problem too, the other day, and it was because of faulty hardware (GPS module). You said you did nothing with thep phone, though - wasn\'t Strong active (i.e. on screen) for 50 mins, and narwhal for 12? I happen to be at 75% right now, too, and my "Usage" time is 3h 7min and Standby is "6h 6min", also on an iPhone 7. Either way, you should use Gym Hero instead of strong, so PM me and I\'ll send you a promo code for Gym Hero Pro :-P', '>>{Walkitback} : Maybe he should try being truthful when he holds one. Pretty meaningless to have a press conference when all you do is dodge, lie, attack and self-aggrandize.', '>>{DailyNate} : They still are, might want to hurry, I would bet in the next couple days they will stop. I would suggest when you downgrade that you back up your phone and then rather restoring it from that backup you set it up as a new phone and just put back on what you want back on.', '>>{toekknow} : Has Trump held any (real) press conferences? I\'d like to see someone ask him Rick Wilson\'s question: > "Do you, or any of your business units have outstanding loans with Russian banks or individuals? If so, how much?" And of course a follow-up question when he dodges that one.', ">>{DailyNate} : Pretty sure the beginning piece is false. The battery section of the settings app does not show the current battery cycle, it shows the last 24 hours. So in the last 24 hours Narwal has used 19% of the battery. But that's going to be over two different charges.", ">>{EggbroHam} : Those don't sound like sniffles, they sound like he is out of breath.", '>>{affenstall} : You make a lot more sense than I did, so thank you and please have an upvote!', '>>{physicsfan1} : This count doesn\'t match with what running counters said last night. They came up with 94 and 6 that were smaller "half-sniffs"', ">>{Yo_2T} : You can't restore from a backup of the newer version if you downgrade anyway.", '>>{Trivelo} : Maybe he has a runny nose? Those are the worst.', ">>{RedTango313} : >half-sniffs I'll toss that into the pile of crap I never expected to be uttered in a presidential election.", '>>{IbanezDavy} : Tic tacs work so well! Altoids too. They make me fart a lot after though. That might not have been ideal considering the situation.', ">>{philasurfer} : Yes, as Trump has proven, you don't have to have even a remote command of the facts or tell the truth at all. Its easy to hold press conferences.", ">>{sipsyrup} : I thought the same, too. It sounded more like labored breathing. It also didn't help that he held the mic way too close to his mouth all night.", '>>{devildunkard} : It didnt even help him last night. He looked tired as hell.', ">>{Quackattackaggie} : I think he's just out of breath from being a fat lard and talking too much without pausing.", '>>{DragonPup} : No, he sounded sedate and his body movement seemed sluggish. I think he chased a few lines with Xanax.', ">>{jtrick33} : Is that true? Damn. Well, it seems like it might be better today than yesterday. So who knows, maybe I'll just wait and see.", '>>{Arizona-Willie} : Sometimes he inhaled via his mouth, other times he sniffed very very loudly. Very symptomatic of cocaine addiction. Sniff ... sniff', '>>{FellowYankeeComrade} : Yes, yes, it is time for Hillary Clinton to press the conference I think.', ">>{manboyish} : Nope. I haven't seen any notable changes in battery life. But I don't use the same apps you use.", '>>{Mr_Montague} : It came out after the last debate the audio levels were "accidentally" turned up too high. Now it\'s happened again. Coincidentally this has only happened at the debates and never at any of the hundreds of rallies he\'s had. I put money on it at the next debate, fox news is hosting, it won\'t be an issue except perhaps for Hillary this time.', '>>{TheYearTwentySixteen} : They asked him nearly a dozen questions about Russia in the conference today.', '>>{munkeyy} : I am on iphone6 and having bad case of battery drains and touchId not working. * Failed finger print reading and cant add new finger prints. Restarted the phone and it throws error dialog and cant register or add new finger prints too. * Battery drains lightning fast, looses 2% every 10 mins or so with phone in locked and sleep mode and no background apps. * Tried factory settings reset and data reset and setup as new phone same issues persist. * read in other forums and downgraded to 10.2 to Still finding same issues Can someone confirm if this is expected or anyone on the same train as me?', ">>{IamDavidBrockAMA} : Damn should be easy for Hillary to do one in your view then right? Why hasn't she?", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Hillary - more FBI investigations than press conferences in 2016', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : He holds at least one per week. He gets in front of the press at every opportunity.', ">>{arcxa} : Holding press conferences is part of the job. What the hell is she doing running for office if she can't pull that off?", ">>{The-whore-of-Haiti} : She isn't running just waiting for her coronation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM", ">>{gusty_bible} : She really should hold some press conferences. I have no idea why she's refusing to do this.", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : We got answers. "They cant prove intent (aside from the obvious evidence that any grand jury would indict for if it was some average person), and prosecuting based on ~~gross negligence~~ reckless carelessness isnt fair so we\'re just not gunna do it" The answer is the laws dont apply to the elite because fuck you that\'s why', '>>{Gadough} : Yes. My 6 just updated to 10.2.1, and it loses nearly 40% overnight while I sleep. All apps closed. Never had this issue before.', '>>{roo-ster} : > Holding press conferences is part of the job. So is releasing tax returns. They should agree to a trade -- a presser for her and a multi-year, tax release for him.', ">>{arcxa} : Releasing tax returns is not mandatory. It's just courtesy.", ">>{roo-ster} : > wall street speeches is a better trade Are you also calling for Trump to release the text of all of the remarks he's made to private groups over the years? Regardless, no candidate in history has provided their paid speeches, whereas all candidates in the past 30+ years have [released their taxes.](http://www.taxhistory.org/www/website.nsf/web/presidentialtaxreturns)", ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Holding a press conference while on the campaign isn't mandatory either.", '>>{toekknow} : Chris Matthews got him to stumble on the abortion issue.', '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : Only the approved press though. His list of banned publications is extensive - Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, the Des Moines Register, Huffington Post, Politico and all of the major Spanish or Latino news networks are not allowed in.', ">>{roo-ster} : I know you don't care but it has been, for every President in the last thirty+ years. * Tax History Project: [Presidential Tax Returns](http://www.taxhistory.org/www/website.nsf/web/presidentialtaxreturns)", ">>{BernillaryClanders} : I'd argue that it's fairly obvious at this point.", ">>{BernillaryClanders} : I have a running bet with my wife. During the first debate she'll storm off after she starts her death spiral, and immediately refuse further debates because of his tone.", ">>{arcxa} : Like I said, it's not mandatory. You can call him on this, but it's still his choice.", ">>{roo-ster} : > it's not mandatory. You can call him on this I did, and hope that everyone else does, too.", '>>{toekknow} : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGSttcyn2RI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGSttcyn2RI) > MATTHEWS: If you say abortion is a crime or abortion is murder, you have to deal with it under law. Should abortion be punished? > TRUMP: Well, people in certain parts of the Republican Party and conservative Republicans would say, "yes, they should be punished." [Full transcript here](http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/article/2016/mar/30/context-transcript-donald-trump-punishing-women-ab/) Trump dodged all over the place, trying to turn it back on Matthews, but Matthews wasn\'t having any of it.', ">>{pixl_graphix} : WaPo, the media outlet holding secret fundraisers for HRC? Hmm, I wonder why Trump might call them biased. Oh, and Politico the one sending articles to the DNC for review before publishing. Don't be pissed that Trump isn't actually as ignorant like you him to be.", ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > WaPo, the media outlet holding secret fundraisers for HRC? That's not what the email described ta all. WaPo had an event after the debates and the DNC was allowed to invite people, including donors who were in town after the debates. Press organizations frequently have these events and invite big names and donors from both parties to them. > Politico the one sending articles to the DNC for review That was clearly a request for comments or clarifications from the DNC on the issue. This is standard journalistic practice.", '>>{er-day} : Donald, release your tax statements. I think its time.', ">>{pixl_graphix} : > This is standard journalistic practice. DNC: Today's keyword is dark, remember the RNC's message was dark. I'm pretty sure by standard practice you mean having your political group write the article and then try to promote it as objective. I'm sure the RNC does the same thing. The fourth estate is dead.", ">>{etherpromo} : Can't wait for her to hold a press conference and can't wait for him to release his taxes. Great election we got going on here; playing the *Who's less Shady* game.", ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > Today's keyword is dark, remember the RNC's message was dark. I'm not seeing any DNC email with that phrase.", ">>{pixl_graphix} : Well, the hacker didn't release lasts weeks email, did they now ;)", '>>{Work_Account69} : None of those are real press. Huffington Posts puts a disclaimer on every Trump article saying hes a racist, xenophobic,sexist pos, of course hes going to revoke their press credentials.', '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > None of those are real press. So *none* of the major Spanish or Latino news networks are real press?', ">>{Work_Account69} : Remember the stunt Jorge Ramos pulled where he spoke out of turn and interrupted? Ramos admitted that his plan was to cause a scene, hes banned. He ruined it for everyone else. And Spanish and latino networks don't belong in American politics. We speak English for fuck sakes!", ">>{I_Kick_Puppies_Hard} : Absolutely wrong. If she's trying be a leader, she needs to lead **by setting the example**. They both do, but releasing tax returns is one simple question of finances - Hillary refuses to answer *any* questions in a press conference. She's trying to take a page from Harper's book from Canada in this regard: anything she says and does is only hurting at this point and she knows it, her best and only real play is to not provide a venue for open questioning.", '>>{roo-ster} : You start by saying I\'m "absolutely wrong" but don\'t show anything I said to be incorrect.', '>>{I_Kick_Puppies_Hard} : Nothing you said was based in fact, all conjecture/opinion/feelings.. Just as valid as what I had to say my friend.', ">>{cmatt010} : Because she isn't generally likeable (at lowest point in 24 years) and will be asked more questions about emails, etc.", ">>{delive5} : No only the private speeches he's made during his campaign. Which is none. Clinton however....", '>>{PierreDeLaCroix} : Trump isn\'t promising to regulate Wall Street at a level stronger than a socialist. Hillary claims her plan is tougher on Wall Street than Sanders\'. I think revelations of a 90-minute rhetorical massage parlor session with JP Morgan execs would provide some great grounding context for the situational legitimacy of that claim. She also said she\'d release her transcripts when her opponents released theirs - Bernie had none and Trump\'s are, like his actual speeches, rather wanting of anything resembling substance. Instead of leading by her conduct she says "b-b-b-but Republicans!!!!" every time. That didn\'t work for Gore, that didn\'t work for Kerry, it didn\'t work in the 2010/2014 midterms and it isn\'t working today.', ">>{gist864} : how about the release of her transcripts. Still waiting on those. I don't care about trumps taxes, who he gave money too. He is perceived to be rich and greedy so what are his taxes going to tell me that i don't already know.", ">>{schlondark} : clinton's wall street speeches for which she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Yes and 30 years ago if someone said this is unprecedented they would have been destroyed', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : I could totally see this. I don't think she'll storm off in the middle of this debate. But, if it goes bad, I 100% see her backing off from later debates.", '>>{roo-ster} : Trump earned $1.75 million from speeches last year; including $450,000 from a single speech. > [Donald Trump Financial Disclosure: Speeches Paid Presidential Candidate More Than $1M, According To Federal Election Form](http://www.ibtimes.com/donald-trump-financial-disclosure-speeches-paid-presidential-candidate-more-1m-2020460) So neither of them have released their speeches. Now, about the tax returns, she released hers a long time ago. Where are his?', ">>{deleigh} : Aren't you late for a Klan rally or something?", '>>{ReadyToBeGreatAgain} : She should hold a press conference to talk about mean old Russia and those mean Russians!', '>>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Lost me at the part where Trump was "thinking"', '>>{Busybyeski} : Pretty meaningless for her to have a press conference when all she does is dodge, lie, attack and self-aggrandize. >What, like, with a cloth?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{lianelking} : Donald Trump challenges Hillary Clinton to hold a press conference: 'I think it's time'", ">>{BornCavalry} : I cant wait for the debates. She's hid behind the press and her lawyers too long. People have questions. They want answers.", '>>{Walkitback} : Maybe he should try being truthful when he holds one. Pretty meaningless to have a press conference when all you do is dodge, lie, attack and self-aggrandize.', '>>{toekknow} : Has Trump held any (real) press conferences? I\'d like to see someone ask him Rick Wilson\'s question: > "Do you, or any of your business units have outstanding loans with Russian banks or individuals? If so, how much?" And of course a follow-up question when he dodges that one.', ">>{philasurfer} : Yes, as Trump has proven, you don't have to have even a remote command of the facts or tell the truth at all. Its easy to hold press conferences.", '>>{FellowYankeeComrade} : Yes, yes, it is time for Hillary Clinton to press the conference I think.', '>>{TheYearTwentySixteen} : They asked him nearly a dozen questions about Russia in the conference today.', ">>{IamDavidBrockAMA} : Damn should be easy for Hillary to do one in your view then right? Why hasn't she?", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Hillary - more FBI investigations than press conferences in 2016', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : He holds at least one per week. He gets in front of the press at every opportunity.', ">>{arcxa} : Holding press conferences is part of the job. What the hell is she doing running for office if she can't pull that off?", ">>{The-whore-of-Haiti} : She isn't running just waiting for her coronation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM", ">>{gusty_bible} : She really should hold some press conferences. I have no idea why she's refusing to do this.", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : We got answers. "They cant prove intent (aside from the obvious evidence that any grand jury would indict for if it was some average person), and prosecuting based on ~~gross negligence~~ reckless carelessness isnt fair so we\'re just not gunna do it" The answer is the laws dont apply to the elite because fuck you that\'s why', '>>{roo-ster} : > Holding press conferences is part of the job. So is releasing tax returns. They should agree to a trade -- a presser for her and a multi-year, tax release for him.', ">>{arcxa} : Releasing tax returns is not mandatory. It's just courtesy.", ">>{roo-ster} : > wall street speeches is a better trade Are you also calling for Trump to release the text of all of the remarks he's made to private groups over the years? Regardless, no candidate in history has provided their paid speeches, whereas all candidates in the past 30+ years have [released their taxes.](http://www.taxhistory.org/www/website.nsf/web/presidentialtaxreturns)", ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Holding a press conference while on the campaign isn't mandatory either.", '>>{toekknow} : Chris Matthews got him to stumble on the abortion issue.', '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : Only the approved press though. His list of banned publications is extensive - Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, the Des Moines Register, Huffington Post, Politico and all of the major Spanish or Latino news networks are not allowed in.', ">>{roo-ster} : I know you don't care but it has been, for every President in the last thirty+ years. * Tax History Project: [Presidential Tax Returns](http://www.taxhistory.org/www/website.nsf/web/presidentialtaxreturns)", ">>{BernillaryClanders} : I'd argue that it's fairly obvious at this point.", ">>{BernillaryClanders} : I have a running bet with my wife. During the first debate she'll storm off after she starts her death spiral, and immediately refuse further debates because of his tone.", ">>{arcxa} : Like I said, it's not mandatory. You can call him on this, but it's still his choice.", ">>{roo-ster} : > it's not mandatory. You can call him on this I did, and hope that everyone else does, too.", '>>{toekknow} : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGSttcyn2RI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGSttcyn2RI) > MATTHEWS: If you say abortion is a crime or abortion is murder, you have to deal with it under law. Should abortion be punished? > TRUMP: Well, people in certain parts of the Republican Party and conservative Republicans would say, "yes, they should be punished." [Full transcript here](http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/article/2016/mar/30/context-transcript-donald-trump-punishing-women-ab/) Trump dodged all over the place, trying to turn it back on Matthews, but Matthews wasn\'t having any of it.', ">>{pixl_graphix} : WaPo, the media outlet holding secret fundraisers for HRC? Hmm, I wonder why Trump might call them biased. Oh, and Politico the one sending articles to the DNC for review before publishing. Don't be pissed that Trump isn't actually as ignorant like you him to be.", ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > WaPo, the media outlet holding secret fundraisers for HRC? That's not what the email described ta all. WaPo had an event after the debates and the DNC was allowed to invite people, including donors who were in town after the debates. Press organizations frequently have these events and invite big names and donors from both parties to them. > Politico the one sending articles to the DNC for review That was clearly a request for comments or clarifications from the DNC on the issue. This is standard journalistic practice.", '>>{er-day} : Donald, release your tax statements. I think its time.', ">>{pixl_graphix} : > This is standard journalistic practice. DNC: Today's keyword is dark, remember the RNC's message was dark. I'm pretty sure by standard practice you mean having your political group write the article and then try to promote it as objective. I'm sure the RNC does the same thing. The fourth estate is dead.", ">>{etherpromo} : Can't wait for her to hold a press conference and can't wait for him to release his taxes. Great election we got going on here; playing the *Who's less Shady* game.", ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > Today's keyword is dark, remember the RNC's message was dark. I'm not seeing any DNC email with that phrase.", ">>{pixl_graphix} : Well, the hacker didn't release lasts weeks email, did they now ;)", '>>{Work_Account69} : None of those are real press. Huffington Posts puts a disclaimer on every Trump article saying hes a racist, xenophobic,sexist pos, of course hes going to revoke their press credentials.', '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > None of those are real press. So *none* of the major Spanish or Latino news networks are real press?', ">>{Work_Account69} : Remember the stunt Jorge Ramos pulled where he spoke out of turn and interrupted? Ramos admitted that his plan was to cause a scene, hes banned. He ruined it for everyone else. And Spanish and latino networks don't belong in American politics. We speak English for fuck sakes!", ">>{I_Kick_Puppies_Hard} : Absolutely wrong. If she's trying be a leader, she needs to lead **by setting the example**. They both do, but releasing tax returns is one simple question of finances - Hillary refuses to answer *any* questions in a press conference. She's trying to take a page from Harper's book from Canada in this regard: anything she says and does is only hurting at this point and she knows it, her best and only real play is to not provide a venue for open questioning.", '>>{roo-ster} : You start by saying I\'m "absolutely wrong" but don\'t show anything I said to be incorrect.', '>>{I_Kick_Puppies_Hard} : Nothing you said was based in fact, all conjecture/opinion/feelings.. Just as valid as what I had to say my friend.', ">>{cmatt010} : Because she isn't generally likeable (at lowest point in 24 years) and will be asked more questions about emails, etc.", ">>{delive5} : No only the private speeches he's made during his campaign. Which is none. Clinton however....", '>>{PierreDeLaCroix} : Trump isn\'t promising to regulate Wall Street at a level stronger than a socialist. Hillary claims her plan is tougher on Wall Street than Sanders\'. I think revelations of a 90-minute rhetorical massage parlor session with JP Morgan execs would provide some great grounding context for the situational legitimacy of that claim. She also said she\'d release her transcripts when her opponents released theirs - Bernie had none and Trump\'s are, like his actual speeches, rather wanting of anything resembling substance. Instead of leading by her conduct she says "b-b-b-but Republicans!!!!" every time. That didn\'t work for Gore, that didn\'t work for Kerry, it didn\'t work in the 2010/2014 midterms and it isn\'t working today.', ">>{gist864} : how about the release of her transcripts. Still waiting on those. I don't care about trumps taxes, who he gave money too. He is perceived to be rich and greedy so what are his taxes going to tell me that i don't already know.", ">>{schlondark} : clinton's wall street speeches for which she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Yes and 30 years ago if someone said this is unprecedented they would have been destroyed', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : I could totally see this. I don't think she'll storm off in the middle of this debate. But, if it goes bad, I 100% see her backing off from later debates.", '>>{roo-ster} : Trump earned $1.75 million from speeches last year; including $450,000 from a single speech. > [Donald Trump Financial Disclosure: Speeches Paid Presidential Candidate More Than $1M, According To Federal Election Form](http://www.ibtimes.com/donald-trump-financial-disclosure-speeches-paid-presidential-candidate-more-1m-2020460) So neither of them have released their speeches. Now, about the tax returns, she released hers a long time ago. Where are his?', ">>{deleigh} : Aren't you late for a Klan rally or something?", '>>{ReadyToBeGreatAgain} : She should hold a press conference to talk about mean old Russia and those mean Russians!', '>>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : Lost me at the part where Trump was "thinking"', '>>{Busybyeski} : Pretty meaningless for her to have a press conference when all she does is dodge, lie, attack and self-aggrandize. >What, like, with a cloth?'], ['>>{DC25NYC} : >The number we tallied is 93 sniffles for Donald Trump. This guy LOVES coke!', ">>{IbanezDavy} : He's either snorting cocaine or he has a cold. Given it's the start of flu season, he appears to be always awake, and campaigning in general can take a toll on the body (particularly if you are 69+ like these two)...let's assume the most likely scenario...he's a coke head.", ">>{cregister} : You'd have the sniffles too if you just snorted an 8-inch line of schneef off your daughter's ass. He's only human, guys.", '>>{cregister} : Come on now. It\'s obviously Parkinson\'s. I think these "sniffles" might actually be nose seizures.', '>>{DragonPup} : > The number we tallied is 93 sniffles for Donald Trump. That’s about one sniffle per minute, as the debate went slightly over the allotted 90 minutes. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.', '>>{dominoid73} : The sniff is a tell. He does it after a lie. The bigger the sniff, the bigger the lie. Seriously not trying to be funny.', '>>{jazzology101} : right up there with his lawsuit every other day... http://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/', '>>{GreyRoses} : Someone (ANYONE) should have offered him a tissue......... super annoying....... and there are OTC med for those "symptoms" also Cocaine Anonymous. I would have \'died\' if HRC had offered him a tissue (and a tic-tac) edits: inability to spell \'anonymous\'', ">>{EggbroHam} : Those don't sound like sniffles, they sound like he is out of breath.", '>>{physicsfan1} : This count doesn\'t match with what running counters said last night. They came up with 94 and 6 that were smaller "half-sniffs"', '>>{Trivelo} : Maybe he has a runny nose? Those are the worst.', ">>{RedTango313} : >half-sniffs I'll toss that into the pile of crap I never expected to be uttered in a presidential election.", '>>{IbanezDavy} : Tic tacs work so well! Altoids too. They make me fart a lot after though. That might not have been ideal considering the situation.', ">>{sipsyrup} : I thought the same, too. It sounded more like labored breathing. It also didn't help that he held the mic way too close to his mouth all night.", '>>{devildunkard} : It didnt even help him last night. He looked tired as hell.', ">>{Quackattackaggie} : I think he's just out of breath from being a fat lard and talking too much without pausing.", '>>{DragonPup} : No, he sounded sedate and his body movement seemed sluggish. I think he chased a few lines with Xanax.', '>>{Arizona-Willie} : Sometimes he inhaled via his mouth, other times he sniffed very very loudly. Very symptomatic of cocaine addiction. Sniff ... sniff', '>>{Mr_Montague} : It came out after the last debate the audio levels were "accidentally" turned up too high. Now it\'s happened again. Coincidentally this has only happened at the debates and never at any of the hundreds of rallies he\'s had. I put money on it at the next debate, fox news is hosting, it won\'t be an issue except perhaps for Hillary this time.'], ['>>{acosmichippo} : Any other people having severe battery drain on 10.2 and now 10.2.1?', '>>{jtrick33} : Same. Hoping I could restore to 10.2. But not sure if apple is still signing it. Really shitty.', ">>{Rsidhuu} : http://i.imgur.com/wQgzJO7.png http://i.imgur.com/AzwdUkF.png I'm coming from iOS 9.3.2 to iOS 10.2 on my 6s. Way better battery life on iOS 10.2. That is without my smart battery case. With the case I can probably get through 6 more hours. Not bad for me at all.", '>>{affenstall} : Narwhal didn\'t use 19% of your battery. It used 19% of the 25% that are used (since you have 75% left), so 4.75% of your battery. Same for the other apps. What you can do is scroll all the way to the bottom in that list. If you see that Time since last full charge "standby" equals "usage" you know that some app is going wild. Usage time should always be (much) lower than standby time. If it\'s not, something is not letting our phone go to standby (could be an app or a system process). Also check your background app refresh settings and only enable what you really need. Battery drain and recharge will do nothing. A restore might help. I had the problem too, the other day, and it was because of faulty hardware (GPS module). You said you did nothing with thep phone, though - wasn\'t Strong active (i.e. on screen) for 50 mins, and narwhal for 12? I happen to be at 75% right now, too, and my "Usage" time is 3h 7min and Standby is "6h 6min", also on an iPhone 7. Either way, you should use Gym Hero instead of strong, so PM me and I\'ll send you a promo code for Gym Hero Pro :-P', '>>{DailyNate} : They still are, might want to hurry, I would bet in the next couple days they will stop. I would suggest when you downgrade that you back up your phone and then rather restoring it from that backup you set it up as a new phone and just put back on what you want back on.', ">>{DailyNate} : Pretty sure the beginning piece is false. The battery section of the settings app does not show the current battery cycle, it shows the last 24 hours. So in the last 24 hours Narwal has used 19% of the battery. But that's going to be over two different charges.", '>>{affenstall} : You make a lot more sense than I did, so thank you and please have an upvote!', ">>{Yo_2T} : You can't restore from a backup of the newer version if you downgrade anyway.", ">>{jtrick33} : Is that true? Damn. Well, it seems like it might be better today than yesterday. So who knows, maybe I'll just wait and see.", ">>{manboyish} : Nope. I haven't seen any notable changes in battery life. But I don't use the same apps you use.", '>>{munkeyy} : I am on iphone6 and having bad case of battery drains and touchId not working. * Failed finger print reading and cant add new finger prints. Restarted the phone and it throws error dialog and cant register or add new finger prints too. * Battery drains lightning fast, looses 2% every 10 mins or so with phone in locked and sleep mode and no background apps. * Tried factory settings reset and data reset and setup as new phone same issues persist. * read in other forums and downgraded to 10.2 to Still finding same issues Can someone confirm if this is expected or anyone on the same train as me?', '>>{Gadough} : Yes. My 6 just updated to 10.2.1, and it loses nearly 40% overnight while I sleep. All apps closed. Never had this issue before.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Magnon} : Brexit hasn't actually happened yet so... the results of it are yet to be seen.", '>>{compensatedshill} : Market falling, not economy imploding. Big difference. The economy doesn\'t "implode" overnight. Shit headline', ">>{skilliard7} : stock market isn't even open at this time of night", '>>{aubonpaine} : Trump, Mocking Claim That Russia Hacked Election Is at Odds with G.O.P.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : There is still time before the Electoral College casts their votes. The GOP could unify against the Russian puppet Trump. A deal could be crafted to deny this unstable man the Presidency.', '>>{PlanetoftheAtheists} : Colbert mocks EPA chief’s climate denial: ‘You really shouldn’t contradict your own website’', '>>{President_Muffley} : The idea that the president-elect would mock the work of the US intelligence agencies is really unbelievable. How are they supposed to do their work going forward if their boss basically just called them a bunch of hacks? And where is he going to get his information from now — Infowars?', '>>{Johan_NO} : The cause of the global warming is the head of the EPA blowing smoke up the ass of Fossil fuel industry.', ">>{legacy_of_fail} : Ok. I'm sure the website will be updated shortly to reflect the new reality.", ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Of course Infowars and Breitbart! They are the BEST sources, bigly Truth! Bush2 fired any CIA analyst who contradicted his propaganda. The Repubs set the stage so perfectly for Il Douche, didn't they?", ">>{CommandoDude} : Yeah I can't pick the headline, otherwise I'd have changed it to something more accurate.", ">>{Luvke} : Honestly, if the republicans want to keep the presidency without the walking liability that is Donald Trump, it wouldn't be a bad option to install an alternative republican. If they double down, however, they may not get much of a say as this becomes a bigger deal (which it will).", '>>{h3rring} : This is making the rounds on social media: https://twitter.com/MattOrtega/status/761334289728466945 Not a good look.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : Yes but unlike Brexit, we don't have 2 years to decide whether or not we'll go through with it.", '>>{h3rring} : There\'s another version with the words, "Who do you trust with nukes?" or something. It\'s devastating.', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : I'm really confused. Why is this a big deal. Look at what the CNN video said >Secret Service agents gathered around Hillary Clinton at her Las Vegas rally after animal rights protesters got close to the stage. Looks like animal rights protesters got too close to the stage by the judgment of the secret service. Why is this a big deal?", '>>{Wave_particle_theory} : That coal power will actually reduce global warming by creating thick, black smog that will block out sunlight which will reduce the effects of the completely natural process of global warming. That polluting the rivers with runoff from industry is a good thing as it provides essential heavy metal and minerals to wildlife they just could not get from nature. We will no longer be requiring any hazardous leaks from fracking to be reported, the person wasting time writing the report would be better spent covering it up, I mean clearing it up.', ">>{ArchGaden} : Because she's short circuited again and doesn't know what to do when things get off script. The have to tell her what to do. She's no leader!", ">>{MikeHot-Pence} : It's not a contradiction, it's alternative facts. The website reflects old-fashioned facts-based science. The new opinion-based science has come to an alternative conclusion.", ">>{hopelesslysarcastic} : >Economies don't implode from 9-11pm Which economy?", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : I think tomorrow will be the single biggest drop in stock market history if Trump wins, futures are already looking horrific edit: absolute numbers', '>>{legacy_of_fail} : Chocolate rations increase next week, brother! The calorie rises...', '>>{jcatleather} : -Cue the change in website information- EPA CHIEF- "See? I\'m right! The website says so!"', '>>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : I hate to break it to you, friend, but there is this whitelist at CTR HQ of "Posters Too Pathetic to Discredit" and you\'re right there at the top. I\'m not even getting a commission for posting this. Public service from me. Huma Abedin says hi! And the Hilldog herself! They\'re really proud that you\'re able to post with your condition. Keep up the great work champ! Edited to add: oh damn! Too much shill for some poor paranoid poster to handle. That\'s too bad!', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : I don't see how she short circuited in that video. She was talking and then she stopped when the Secret Service came up to protect her, and then once the Secret Service went off the stage she continued talking. She even made a funny comment about how the animal rights protesters should be protesting Trump's kids because they are hunters and kill animals. Oh yeah and before anyone says I'm a Shill or whatever, no I'm not a Hillary fan and I'm not voting for her.", '>>{monkeybreath} : Though it does contradict what Exxon and Shell are saying.', '>>{deathtotheemperor} : Picking a fight with the CIA is an extremely bad idea, even by Trump standards. The nature of the agency\'s work means they\'ve been provided an independence that is highly unusual in government. Even friendly Presidents have had occasional trouble controlling them. This demonstrates once again that Trump has no idea how his job actually works. He thinks he has been elected "boss of the company".', '>>{umarsami} : Trump has 244 electoral votes and Hillary has 210 electoral votes; Wisconsin will most likely give its electoral votes to Trump. Most likely, Donald Trump will win the Presidency. If Trump becomes President, it will not only be a radical change for E.E.U.U but will finally demonstate the extreme racism that still exists in the country. How sad that as a daughter of immigrant parents, I will have to fear that actions this racist man will make. I will have to fear as many others, the possibility of my family being seperated.', '>>{fungobat} : > ~~reflect the new reality.~~ reflect the current alternate timeline. FTFY.', '>>{ItsNotThatDeep} : Stock markets are open in other countries. In Australia today has been the worst day in the last 9 months', ">>{Sativar} : For years! When big oil knows the gig is up and it only being a matter of time, you'd think everyone else would get onboard.", ">>{Gnarledhalo} : ' Mr. Trump, in a statement issued by his transition team on Friday evening, expressed complete disbelief in the intelliegence agencies’ assessments. “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,” Mr. Trump’s team said, adding that the election was over and that it was time to “move on.' No. Colin Powell, said there were WMD's. Why do I know this and these asses don't?", '>>{yeahscience62} : Projections however already say that a 750 point drop is possible, and it will probably increase tomorrow', '>>{Forgottopraise} : Yeah right, the agent told her two times keep talking. She looked very confused. And that comment was just from nowhere. Her husband hunts to so i really dont get it.', '>>{zoidboix} : Yep. Thirty seven GOP electors to drop trump, then send the election to the house.', '>>{thunderstorm35} : We are at war with East Asia. We have always been at war with East Asia.', ">>{dreamtraveller} : But Brexit has insofar had terrible effects on the British economy from which it hasn't recovered and they haven't even left yet.", ">>{ScienceThrowinMonkey} : >That coal power will actually reduce global warming by creating thick, black smog that will block out sunlight which will reduce the effects of the completely natural process of global warming. This one has some truth to it. It's called global dimming. Although, it won't offset the warming completely it will temporarily slow it down.", ">>{KirkBuckrogers} : Then picks Putin's BFF as Secetary of State. A shiny Russian piece of shit is still Russian.", '>>{Brad_Wesley} : Right, neither has a trump presidency happened. Yet this article is claiming that the economy is imploding.', '>>{ryarger} : Disagree. She\'s looking at the "threat" for a handful of seconds, waiting until the commotion dies down and she can start speaking again safely. See the side-by-side video downthread for how Trump handled a similar situation.', '>>{h3rring} : There\'s more than "fight" or "flight," though. There\'s "freeze." There\'s also assessing the situation to see if it\'s a real threat. There\'s also the fact she has spent much of her life around the Secret Service, and I assume she trusts them to protect her. edit: a word', ">>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : It's time to dismantle the CIA. They created the [legitimation crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legitimation_crisis) that our world faces. They gleefully poured hummus down men's asses in Guantanamo, prisoners of a war they manufactured, and now ISIS uses orange jumpsuits as a recruiting tool. And then they had the audacity to hack a Congresswomen's staff's computers to prevent the world from knowing how truly perverted they are. And this is just strictly their scandals from the past 16 years. In fact all our intelligence agencies need an overhaul, the past few decades they have been experiencing a notorious brain drain. Please stop blaming Trump for creating a confidence crisis that already existed in our nation. I thought we lived in the era that fights fake news, at what point is America going to face the facts?", ">>{Karadactyl_D} : Thank you. That's what we were just talking about! Don't make no sense!", '>>{natalieilatan} : > “To have the president-elect of the United States simply reject the fact-based narrative that the intelligence community puts together because it conflicts with his a priori assumptions — wow,” said Michael V. Hayden, who was the director of the N.S.A. and later the C.I.A. under President George W. Bush. Wow indeed.', ">>{sw0le_patr0l} : That's what happens when the opposition is owned by Wall Street", ">>{toekknow} : Not based on his reaction a few months back when the secret service had to intervene. He cowered like a little wimp and nearly yanked the podium over out of fear. Trump's likely never been in a fight and is used to getting other people to do his dirty work. Thus the mob ties.", '>>{charginghawk} : For reference: https://i.imgur.com/LKcZHDN.gifv The Trump protestors are legally entitled to two for flinch.', '>>{vicxvr} : Who needs to defend themselves from animal rights protesters :)', '>>{HIGHENERGYBASTARD} : In history? IN HISTORY? Are you including depression era drops?', ">>{President_Muffley} : You're not going to get any argument from me that the CIA has done some horrible shit over the years. But Trump is the one who has said that we should use torture that's far worse than waterboarding, murder the families of terror suspects, and commit other war crimes. He could be critical of the CIA's behavior in the past without now questioning their basic competence. Like them or not, the US needs intelligence agencies to have reliable information about the world.", '>>{DuncanYoudaho} : And the soot has to settle somewhere. If it settles on snow and ice, it makes it black. This absorbs light instead of reflects it which increases melt rates.', '>>{BossRedRanger} : Cattle farms actually have a greater impact than fossil fuels used in transportation. Not arguing your point, but this information needs attention as well.', '>>{Odkin} : Wall Street does not equal "the economy". The insiders are mad that the insider didn\'t win. No shock whatsoever. It\'ll be a 30-day tantrum just like the post-Brexit market.', '>>{terrymr} : And what changes does trump propose to Guantanamo ? Maybe pork rinds instead of hummus?', ">>{Johan_NO} : Very true. I tried being a complete vegetarian, couldn't quite do it but I eat 80% less meat now than before which is great for health, environment and ethically!", '>>{wellheytherefreckles} : If any of your relatives came illegally, they deserve to be deported.', '>>{frenight} : eh.. yes and no. You are correct that animal agriculture is a major contributor to climate change, however the gas caused by it is methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas however the leading cause of climate change is Co2 which is caused from burning fossil fuels. Currently Co2 is the green house gas our scientific community is most concerned about currently.', ">>{vahntitrio} : No, he'll get them from Barron and his cyber skills.", ">>{JAEman1995} : Many people are saying that US Intelligence is rigged. Bigly. Tremendous rigging. Believe me; I'm great at business. Really.", ">>{brainiac3397} : Why blame the CIA for the flaws of the leadership? Trump flat out ignoring the CIA isn't going to improve them.", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Interestingly enough, the markets were due for a correction. Here's the correction.", '>>{Gnarledhalo} : Thanks man. I thought I was losing my mind.', '>>{kiddestructo} : This might pinch a bit. Holy shit! Sure hope it rebounds.', ">>{S-O-What} : This isn't the end of the fight, it's the start of the fight. It just means the tactics have to change. Electoral reform at the state level has to be the top of the list for all right-thinking Democrats.", ">>{ashesashesdustdust} : I don't know, Trump is an uninformed moron-- he probably genuinely doesn't know who said there were WMDs back then. But ask him the cup size of Miss USA 2003 and I bet he gets it right.", '>>{Budge-O-Matic} : The futures market is real. As are international stock exchanges as well as foreign currency markets.... they are all tanking.', '>>{Jeraltofrivias} : Not gonna say imploding exactly, but DOW Is down more than when Brexit happened.', ">>{yeahscience62} : Idk, but I can explain how you're mom should of aborted you when she had the chance", ">>{the_ideologist} : Judging by your username I don't think you're really going to care for his explanation.", '>>{nachofriendguy} : Futures markets trade round the clock except weekends. Right now Dow futures are down about 700. Gonna be a bad day tomorrow for retirement accounts.', '>>{ashesashesdustdust} : and thank god for them, since the FBI is a flaming pile of dogshit.', ">>{deathtotheemperor} : What's so bafflingly ironic is that *Comey himself* was trying to put a halt to this. He came into the job determined to break some of the old guard power blocs that infested the FBI, especially in the near-independant New York and DC field offices. Comey has been aggressively recruiting women and minorities to change the FBI's monoculture, and he's installed a variety of rules and regulations to break down the various factions in the Bureau and get everybody more professionalized. But in the end all his efforts have been for naught, because of his own stupid, partisan inability to resist the siren's call of Clinton Corruption. What a fucking shitshow.", ">>{Aqquila89} : Trump's statement also contained the blatant, shameless lie he has been pushing recently; that he won by a landslide. >The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. [54 presidential elections](http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/12/donald-trump-really-really-doesnt-want-hear-about-how-russia-got-him-elected) held since the 12th Amendment was passed. Ranked by margin of victory in the Electoral College Trump's is 44th.", '>>{lawanddisorder} : >The Republicans who lead the congressional committees overseeing intelligence, the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security take the opposite view. They say that Russia was behind the election meddling, but that the scope and intent of the operation need deep investigation, hearings and public reports. >“We cannot allow foreign governments to interfere in our democracy,” Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who is the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee and was considered by Mr. Trump for secretary of Homeland Security, said at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “When they do, we must respond forcefully, publicly and decisively.” >He has promised hearings, saying the Russian activity was “a call to action,” as has Senator John McCain, one of the few senators left from the Cold War era, when the Republican Party made opposition to the Soviet Union — and later deep suspicion of Russia — the centerpiece of its foreign policy. >Even one of Mr. Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters, Representative Devin Nunes, a California Republican, said on Friday that he had no doubt about Russia’s culpability. His complaint was with the intelligence agencies, which he said had “repeatedly” failed “to anticipate Putin’s hostile actions,” and with the Obama administration’s lack of a punitive response. >Mr. Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said that the intelligence agencies had “ignored pleas by numerous Intelligence Committee members to take more forceful action against the Kremlin’s aggression.” He added that the Obama administration had “suddenly awoken to the threat.” Come on Republicans, time to choose--party loyalty or country?', ">>{Raininheaven} : I imagine you don't know a damn thing about finance.", ">>{Mitch_Buchannon} : The world population is also due for a correction. I get the feeling it's going to be corrected soon.", '>>{rustycuntz} : Everything is going to be fine, remember you have probably heard this from media outlets that have all been predicting Hrc. Rich donors* push these types of stories to keep us on their agenda.', '>>{ashesashesdustdust} : > Comey has been aggressively recruiting women and minorities to change the FBI\'s monoculture huh. I didn\'t know that. What a weird way to end his career. I guess this is what happens when you befriend corrupt and evil people--they will call on you for favors at some point. Stupid Giliani made it obvious by going on tv 2 days before Comey\'s annoucement and giggling that "we have something up our sleeve." Guiliani hired Comey as an assistant in 87. Must have pulled some strings to get Comey where he is today, and Comey felt that he had to pay up. So he did, big time. What I don\'t understand is how, given his blind loyalty to trump, Guiliani didn\'t end up with a position in the administration. What\'s his reward going to be? I shutter to think.', ">>{Naggers123} : Comey didn't have a choice. If he didn't say she was under investigation the second time it would've leaked and the only difference would be that he'd look partisan / incompetent", ">>{titanic_eclair} : Yeah, ok. *Let's just stop having the CIA and let Trump start his own secret informant agency*. I'm sure that's going to go well. Any ideas for names?", ">>{TrumpRules2016} : See, you can't tell me how trump is racist and you just jump to insults.", '>>{titanic_eclair} : He would probably still lie and say she was a cup size lower so that he could publicly criticize her. "I\'m not saying that a full B is a bad size. I\'m not, okay? Most other Miss USA winners were bigger, ok? But that doesn\'t mean anything I don\'t think."', '>>{titanic_eclair} : > The election ended a long time ago It ended literally one month ago.', '>>{rafikiknowsdeway1} : oh, markets are moving based on expectations. its already imploding at this moment', '>>{ItsNotThatDeep} : I have no idea, but trump has definitely effected the markets already. The US dollar is plummeting and there is talk of a recession.', ">>{ashesashesdustdust} : It's very hard to be a 10 when you’re flat chested. -Trump insulting Carla Bruni on the Howard Stern show after she rejected him. And of course, trump went on to [plant a story that they had an affair together](http://pagesix.com/2016/11/22/biographer-donald-trump-planted-carla-bruni-affair-story/)", '>>{Hyperion1144} : At odds with the GOP *at the moment.* Those spineless, power-mad, unamerican fuck nuts will fall in line within days or hours. Whatever it takes, as long as they win.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Meh. It's being corrected by the day, in certain regions.", ">>{Brannagain} : >Thanks man. I thought I was losing my mind. It's called gas lighting. On a national scale.", ">>{terrymr} : At odds ? The chairman of the RNC is his chief of staff. That's a long way from being at odds with the GOP.", '>>{Brad_Wesley} : No. There are expectations that it will implode.', ">>{SanchoAnchovy} : That's what we thought when Bush was elected. Liberalism needs a new political model.", ">>{Alienz8mypopcorn} : Wow, I hope you're never in a desperate situation where you need desperate help... Part of me actually actually wants to revoke that statement...the other part of me wants to be there for you if necessary... Guess which part is the legitimately better half?", '>>{terrymr} : This is the just taking the republican logic of "You can\'t trust the government" to it\'s logical conclusion.', ">>{mycall} : Yup, my President. HAHAHAHAHA. (didn't ask for this)", ">>{MrBulger} : The election isn't even officially over yet. Markets were going to fall no matter who won.", '>>{NukeLuke1} : Is this a place for political discussion, or a third grade class?', '>>{messiandbarca} : The world will embrace themselves to the realities that will happen to us, will be a difficult place to live. wait and see the effects and Americans will regret', ">>{BernadetteSanderson} : Perhaps what's tanking it is the inaccurate polling and the impact that has on confidence in futures predictions. Maybe the process now seems flawed and certain stocks overvalued.", '>>{compensatedshill} : Yeah, want blaming you. Just saying shit, scare headline', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : I can't wait for the GOP to support Russia.", ">>{paganize} : okay... [who said what #1](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jul/06/spy-agencies-flawed-information-saddam-wmds-iraq-chilcot) [who said what #2](https://theintercept.com/2015/04/10/twelve-years-later-u-s-media-still-cant-get-iraqi-wmd-story-right/) and, finally: [CIA Director quote](http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/18/woodward.book/) Sorry, don't mean to seem like I'm defending Trump.", ">>{Gnarledhalo} : It's cool to have contrasting arguments. TBH, it's even fine to be a supporter of trump. I'm trying to find a link. Frontline did an episode about the founding of ISIS. The very people in the CIA that gathered the Intel for Powell's U.N. speech go on record saying Powell flipped the information. As for #1 Tony was Bush's little bitch. Here is a bonus track. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/colin-powell-u-n-speech-was-a-great-intelligence-failure/", '>>{mrsuns10} : Yeah I think you need to take an economic course', ">>{Deagor} : Right now it wouldn't be their currency I'd be worried about: http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=EUR&to=USD&view=12h", ">>{PetroChico77} : My username doesn't have Trump in it. Could you explain it to me?", '>>{ItsNotThatDeep} : If clinton won they would have remained stable. People know what her economic plans are. People have no idea what trump will do, and the economic plans and goals he has suggested will hurt growth. I definitely would be getting out of the US markets if i had investments there, or at least hedging my investments in another market.', ">>{paganize} : Nice bonus track; I wouldn't argue that Colin Powel did say what he did. My point is that he was far from the first to say it, and one of the people saying it before him was the head of the CIA. Now I think you are right that as a institution the CIA did know the truth; and I could believe that Powell was told the truth and did flip it. but the Director of the CIA flipped it first, before Powell. I'm seriously not a Trump supporter. Or a Hillary supporter.", ">>{erikthatswho} : He would have his staff write C on applications of colored ppl who wanted to be tenants in his buildings and deny them. Look at how he generalizes Muslims and Mexicans. It's harmful and sets us as a nation back. Not the kind of man i can look up to.", ">>{obsoletedreams} : You don't argue with the mentally ill. You give them treatment. Don't be cruel. Get them help. You don't tell a child that there really is a monster under the bed, you tell them that there isn't and help them understand.", ">>{yellowsubmarinr} : Doesn't work like that. People are selling because Trump winning causes uncertainty in the world.", ">>{JuanSpiceyweiner} : That isn't an insult though,what op was trying to say is that you have already made up your mind on the situation and won't listen", '>>{kiddestructo} : Not quite, but in a wee bit, for sure.', '>>{CharlesMcSuck} : So breaking laws is okay? Are you serious?', '>>{CharlesMcSuck} : How the fuck is it racist if he wins when our president of the last 8 years is black? Quit fucking bringing race into everything', ">>{Kl3rik} : I keep seeing people say he is racist, but haven't seen any evidence yet.", '>>{S-O-What} : > Liberalism needs a new political model. What, being wrong about everything?', ">>{Rawtashk} : If your family legally immigrated to this country, then you have nothing to worry about. My grandfather immigrated here, and we won't be split up.", ">>{dogsstevens} : Nah fuck him. I hope he's in a desperate situation and doesn't get the help he needs. Then maybe he'll realize how important compassion for others is", ">>{S-O-What} : > If your family legally immigrated to this country, then you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure the Jews in Germany who had lived there for generations thought the same thing.", ">>{S-O-What} : It's going to be a pretty grim day on the stock market tomorrow. Might not be an absolute historic drop, but it'll be a severe drop.", ">>{Rawtashk} : Lol. Godwin's Law in full effect! You seriously need to seek professional help if you think Trump is Hitler 2.0", ">>{scottcmu} : By percentage you're right, but by absolute value this one will probably be bigger.", '>>{g_borris} : The fact that we are bringing up historic crashes to compare against because we elected this guy is pretty frightening.', '>>{wellheytherefreckles} : this is incredibly minor lol. trump wins, get over it', ">>{F22Rapture} : If this continues, Clinton will have won the popular vote and lost the electoral college. 2nd time in 20 years. It's what we thought then and it's what we legitimately should have tried to accomplish.", '>>{withpumppliers} : The intention is to decide on Brexit next March.', '>>{Alienz8mypopcorn} : I guess were just going to shoot/deport every non middle class non-white person too. Where does it stop?', '>>{enzamatica} : This just in...Trump excusing minorly working without a visa, first 20k no problem', ">>{Baygo22} : > I think tomorrow will be the single biggest drop in stock market history if Trump wins Dow Jones Surpasses **Record High** in First Day of Post-Election Trading http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/first-day-post-election-trading-stocks-open-surprisingly-steady-note-n681351 The Dow Jones surged by almost 300 points on Wednesday, pushing the industrial average beyond a record high as the market absorbed Donald Trump's surprise victory..."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{PlanetoftheAtheists} : Colbert mocks EPA chief’s climate denial: ‘You really shouldn’t contradict your own website’', '>>{Johan_NO} : The cause of the global warming is the head of the EPA blowing smoke up the ass of Fossil fuel industry.', ">>{legacy_of_fail} : Ok. I'm sure the website will be updated shortly to reflect the new reality.", '>>{Wave_particle_theory} : That coal power will actually reduce global warming by creating thick, black smog that will block out sunlight which will reduce the effects of the completely natural process of global warming. That polluting the rivers with runoff from industry is a good thing as it provides essential heavy metal and minerals to wildlife they just could not get from nature. We will no longer be requiring any hazardous leaks from fracking to be reported, the person wasting time writing the report would be better spent covering it up, I mean clearing it up.', ">>{MikeHot-Pence} : It's not a contradiction, it's alternative facts. The website reflects old-fashioned facts-based science. The new opinion-based science has come to an alternative conclusion.", '>>{legacy_of_fail} : Chocolate rations increase next week, brother! The calorie rises...', '>>{jcatleather} : -Cue the change in website information- EPA CHIEF- "See? I\'m right! The website says so!"', '>>{monkeybreath} : Though it does contradict what Exxon and Shell are saying.', '>>{fungobat} : > ~~reflect the new reality.~~ reflect the current alternate timeline. FTFY.', ">>{Sativar} : For years! When big oil knows the gig is up and it only being a matter of time, you'd think everyone else would get onboard.", '>>{thunderstorm35} : We are at war with East Asia. We have always been at war with East Asia.', ">>{ScienceThrowinMonkey} : >That coal power will actually reduce global warming by creating thick, black smog that will block out sunlight which will reduce the effects of the completely natural process of global warming. This one has some truth to it. It's called global dimming. Although, it won't offset the warming completely it will temporarily slow it down.", '>>{DuncanYoudaho} : And the soot has to settle somewhere. If it settles on snow and ice, it makes it black. This absorbs light instead of reflects it which increases melt rates.', '>>{BossRedRanger} : Cattle farms actually have a greater impact than fossil fuels used in transportation. Not arguing your point, but this information needs attention as well.', ">>{Johan_NO} : Very true. I tried being a complete vegetarian, couldn't quite do it but I eat 80% less meat now than before which is great for health, environment and ethically!", '>>{frenight} : eh.. yes and no. You are correct that animal agriculture is a major contributor to climate change, however the gas caused by it is methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas however the leading cause of climate change is Co2 which is caused from burning fossil fuels. Currently Co2 is the green house gas our scientific community is most concerned about currently.'], ['>>{h3rring} : This is making the rounds on social media: https://twitter.com/MattOrtega/status/761334289728466945 Not a good look.', '>>{h3rring} : There\'s another version with the words, "Who do you trust with nukes?" or something. It\'s devastating.', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : I'm really confused. Why is this a big deal. Look at what the CNN video said >Secret Service agents gathered around Hillary Clinton at her Las Vegas rally after animal rights protesters got close to the stage. Looks like animal rights protesters got too close to the stage by the judgment of the secret service. Why is this a big deal?", ">>{ArchGaden} : Because she's short circuited again and doesn't know what to do when things get off script. The have to tell her what to do. She's no leader!", '>>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : I hate to break it to you, friend, but there is this whitelist at CTR HQ of "Posters Too Pathetic to Discredit" and you\'re right there at the top. I\'m not even getting a commission for posting this. Public service from me. Huma Abedin says hi! And the Hilldog herself! They\'re really proud that you\'re able to post with your condition. Keep up the great work champ! Edited to add: oh damn! Too much shill for some poor paranoid poster to handle. That\'s too bad!', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : I don't see how she short circuited in that video. She was talking and then she stopped when the Secret Service came up to protect her, and then once the Secret Service went off the stage she continued talking. She even made a funny comment about how the animal rights protesters should be protesting Trump's kids because they are hunters and kill animals. Oh yeah and before anyone says I'm a Shill or whatever, no I'm not a Hillary fan and I'm not voting for her.", '>>{Forgottopraise} : Yeah right, the agent told her two times keep talking. She looked very confused. And that comment was just from nowhere. Her husband hunts to so i really dont get it.', '>>{ryarger} : Disagree. She\'s looking at the "threat" for a handful of seconds, waiting until the commotion dies down and she can start speaking again safely. See the side-by-side video downthread for how Trump handled a similar situation.', '>>{h3rring} : There\'s more than "fight" or "flight," though. There\'s "freeze." There\'s also assessing the situation to see if it\'s a real threat. There\'s also the fact she has spent much of her life around the Secret Service, and I assume she trusts them to protect her. edit: a word', ">>{toekknow} : Not based on his reaction a few months back when the secret service had to intervene. He cowered like a little wimp and nearly yanked the podium over out of fear. Trump's likely never been in a fight and is used to getting other people to do his dirty work. Thus the mob ties.", '>>{charginghawk} : For reference: https://i.imgur.com/LKcZHDN.gifv The Trump protestors are legally entitled to two for flinch.', '>>{vicxvr} : Who needs to defend themselves from animal rights protesters :)'], [">>{Magnon} : Brexit hasn't actually happened yet so... the results of it are yet to be seen.", '>>{compensatedshill} : Market falling, not economy imploding. Big difference. The economy doesn\'t "implode" overnight. Shit headline', ">>{skilliard7} : stock market isn't even open at this time of night", ">>{CommandoDude} : Yeah I can't pick the headline, otherwise I'd have changed it to something more accurate.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Yes but unlike Brexit, we don't have 2 years to decide whether or not we'll go through with it.", ">>{hopelesslysarcastic} : >Economies don't implode from 9-11pm Which economy?", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : I think tomorrow will be the single biggest drop in stock market history if Trump wins, futures are already looking horrific edit: absolute numbers', '>>{umarsami} : Trump has 244 electoral votes and Hillary has 210 electoral votes; Wisconsin will most likely give its electoral votes to Trump. Most likely, Donald Trump will win the Presidency. If Trump becomes President, it will not only be a radical change for E.E.U.U but will finally demonstate the extreme racism that still exists in the country. How sad that as a daughter of immigrant parents, I will have to fear that actions this racist man will make. I will have to fear as many others, the possibility of my family being seperated.', '>>{ItsNotThatDeep} : Stock markets are open in other countries. In Australia today has been the worst day in the last 9 months', '>>{yeahscience62} : Projections however already say that a 750 point drop is possible, and it will probably increase tomorrow', ">>{dreamtraveller} : But Brexit has insofar had terrible effects on the British economy from which it hasn't recovered and they haven't even left yet.", '>>{Brad_Wesley} : Right, neither has a trump presidency happened. Yet this article is claiming that the economy is imploding.', ">>{Karadactyl_D} : Thank you. That's what we were just talking about! Don't make no sense!", ">>{sw0le_patr0l} : That's what happens when the opposition is owned by Wall Street", '>>{HIGHENERGYBASTARD} : In history? IN HISTORY? Are you including depression era drops?', '>>{Odkin} : Wall Street does not equal "the economy". The insiders are mad that the insider didn\'t win. No shock whatsoever. It\'ll be a 30-day tantrum just like the post-Brexit market.', '>>{wellheytherefreckles} : If any of your relatives came illegally, they deserve to be deported.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Interestingly enough, the markets were due for a correction. Here's the correction.", '>>{kiddestructo} : This might pinch a bit. Holy shit! Sure hope it rebounds.', ">>{S-O-What} : This isn't the end of the fight, it's the start of the fight. It just means the tactics have to change. Electoral reform at the state level has to be the top of the list for all right-thinking Democrats.", '>>{Budge-O-Matic} : The futures market is real. As are international stock exchanges as well as foreign currency markets.... they are all tanking.', '>>{Jeraltofrivias} : Not gonna say imploding exactly, but DOW Is down more than when Brexit happened.', ">>{yeahscience62} : Idk, but I can explain how you're mom should of aborted you when she had the chance", ">>{the_ideologist} : Judging by your username I don't think you're really going to care for his explanation.", '>>{nachofriendguy} : Futures markets trade round the clock except weekends. Right now Dow futures are down about 700. Gonna be a bad day tomorrow for retirement accounts.', ">>{Raininheaven} : I imagine you don't know a damn thing about finance.", ">>{Mitch_Buchannon} : The world population is also due for a correction. I get the feeling it's going to be corrected soon.", '>>{rustycuntz} : Everything is going to be fine, remember you have probably heard this from media outlets that have all been predicting Hrc. Rich donors* push these types of stories to keep us on their agenda.', ">>{TrumpRules2016} : See, you can't tell me how trump is racist and you just jump to insults.", '>>{rafikiknowsdeway1} : oh, markets are moving based on expectations. its already imploding at this moment', '>>{ItsNotThatDeep} : I have no idea, but trump has definitely effected the markets already. The US dollar is plummeting and there is talk of a recession.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Meh. It's being corrected by the day, in certain regions.", '>>{Brad_Wesley} : No. There are expectations that it will implode.', ">>{SanchoAnchovy} : That's what we thought when Bush was elected. Liberalism needs a new political model.", ">>{Alienz8mypopcorn} : Wow, I hope you're never in a desperate situation where you need desperate help... Part of me actually actually wants to revoke that statement...the other part of me wants to be there for you if necessary... Guess which part is the legitimately better half?", ">>{mycall} : Yup, my President. HAHAHAHAHA. (didn't ask for this)", ">>{MrBulger} : The election isn't even officially over yet. Markets were going to fall no matter who won.", '>>{NukeLuke1} : Is this a place for political discussion, or a third grade class?', '>>{messiandbarca} : The world will embrace themselves to the realities that will happen to us, will be a difficult place to live. wait and see the effects and Americans will regret', ">>{BernadetteSanderson} : Perhaps what's tanking it is the inaccurate polling and the impact that has on confidence in futures predictions. Maybe the process now seems flawed and certain stocks overvalued.", '>>{compensatedshill} : Yeah, want blaming you. Just saying shit, scare headline', '>>{mrsuns10} : Yeah I think you need to take an economic course', ">>{Deagor} : Right now it wouldn't be their currency I'd be worried about: http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=EUR&to=USD&view=12h", ">>{PetroChico77} : My username doesn't have Trump in it. Could you explain it to me?", '>>{ItsNotThatDeep} : If clinton won they would have remained stable. People know what her economic plans are. People have no idea what trump will do, and the economic plans and goals he has suggested will hurt growth. I definitely would be getting out of the US markets if i had investments there, or at least hedging my investments in another market.', ">>{erikthatswho} : He would have his staff write C on applications of colored ppl who wanted to be tenants in his buildings and deny them. Look at how he generalizes Muslims and Mexicans. It's harmful and sets us as a nation back. Not the kind of man i can look up to.", ">>{obsoletedreams} : You don't argue with the mentally ill. You give them treatment. Don't be cruel. Get them help. You don't tell a child that there really is a monster under the bed, you tell them that there isn't and help them understand.", ">>{yellowsubmarinr} : Doesn't work like that. People are selling because Trump winning causes uncertainty in the world.", ">>{JuanSpiceyweiner} : That isn't an insult though,what op was trying to say is that you have already made up your mind on the situation and won't listen", '>>{kiddestructo} : Not quite, but in a wee bit, for sure.', '>>{CharlesMcSuck} : So breaking laws is okay? Are you serious?', '>>{CharlesMcSuck} : How the fuck is it racist if he wins when our president of the last 8 years is black? Quit fucking bringing race into everything', ">>{Kl3rik} : I keep seeing people say he is racist, but haven't seen any evidence yet.", '>>{S-O-What} : > Liberalism needs a new political model. What, being wrong about everything?', ">>{Rawtashk} : If your family legally immigrated to this country, then you have nothing to worry about. My grandfather immigrated here, and we won't be split up.", ">>{dogsstevens} : Nah fuck him. I hope he's in a desperate situation and doesn't get the help he needs. Then maybe he'll realize how important compassion for others is", ">>{S-O-What} : > If your family legally immigrated to this country, then you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure the Jews in Germany who had lived there for generations thought the same thing.", ">>{S-O-What} : It's going to be a pretty grim day on the stock market tomorrow. Might not be an absolute historic drop, but it'll be a severe drop.", ">>{Rawtashk} : Lol. Godwin's Law in full effect! You seriously need to seek professional help if you think Trump is Hitler 2.0", ">>{scottcmu} : By percentage you're right, but by absolute value this one will probably be bigger.", '>>{g_borris} : The fact that we are bringing up historic crashes to compare against because we elected this guy is pretty frightening.', '>>{wellheytherefreckles} : this is incredibly minor lol. trump wins, get over it', ">>{F22Rapture} : If this continues, Clinton will have won the popular vote and lost the electoral college. 2nd time in 20 years. It's what we thought then and it's what we legitimately should have tried to accomplish.", '>>{withpumppliers} : The intention is to decide on Brexit next March.', '>>{Alienz8mypopcorn} : I guess were just going to shoot/deport every non middle class non-white person too. Where does it stop?', '>>{enzamatica} : This just in...Trump excusing minorly working without a visa, first 20k no problem', ">>{Baygo22} : > I think tomorrow will be the single biggest drop in stock market history if Trump wins Dow Jones Surpasses **Record High** in First Day of Post-Election Trading http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/first-day-post-election-trading-stocks-open-surprisingly-steady-note-n681351 The Dow Jones surged by almost 300 points on Wednesday, pushing the industrial average beyond a record high as the market absorbed Donald Trump's surprise victory..."], ['>>{aubonpaine} : Trump, Mocking Claim That Russia Hacked Election Is at Odds with G.O.P.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : There is still time before the Electoral College casts their votes. The GOP could unify against the Russian puppet Trump. A deal could be crafted to deny this unstable man the Presidency.', '>>{President_Muffley} : The idea that the president-elect would mock the work of the US intelligence agencies is really unbelievable. How are they supposed to do their work going forward if their boss basically just called them a bunch of hacks? And where is he going to get his information from now — Infowars?', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : Of course Infowars and Breitbart! They are the BEST sources, bigly Truth! Bush2 fired any CIA analyst who contradicted his propaganda. The Repubs set the stage so perfectly for Il Douche, didn't they?", ">>{Luvke} : Honestly, if the republicans want to keep the presidency without the walking liability that is Donald Trump, it wouldn't be a bad option to install an alternative republican. If they double down, however, they may not get much of a say as this becomes a bigger deal (which it will).", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : Picking a fight with the CIA is an extremely bad idea, even by Trump standards. The nature of the agency\'s work means they\'ve been provided an independence that is highly unusual in government. Even friendly Presidents have had occasional trouble controlling them. This demonstrates once again that Trump has no idea how his job actually works. He thinks he has been elected "boss of the company".', ">>{Gnarledhalo} : ' Mr. Trump, in a statement issued by his transition team on Friday evening, expressed complete disbelief in the intelliegence agencies’ assessments. “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,” Mr. Trump’s team said, adding that the election was over and that it was time to “move on.' No. Colin Powell, said there were WMD's. Why do I know this and these asses don't?", '>>{zoidboix} : Yep. Thirty seven GOP electors to drop trump, then send the election to the house.', ">>{KirkBuckrogers} : Then picks Putin's BFF as Secetary of State. A shiny Russian piece of shit is still Russian.", ">>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : It's time to dismantle the CIA. They created the [legitimation crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legitimation_crisis) that our world faces. They gleefully poured hummus down men's asses in Guantanamo, prisoners of a war they manufactured, and now ISIS uses orange jumpsuits as a recruiting tool. And then they had the audacity to hack a Congresswomen's staff's computers to prevent the world from knowing how truly perverted they are. And this is just strictly their scandals from the past 16 years. In fact all our intelligence agencies need an overhaul, the past few decades they have been experiencing a notorious brain drain. Please stop blaming Trump for creating a confidence crisis that already existed in our nation. I thought we lived in the era that fights fake news, at what point is America going to face the facts?", '>>{natalieilatan} : > “To have the president-elect of the United States simply reject the fact-based narrative that the intelligence community puts together because it conflicts with his a priori assumptions — wow,” said Michael V. Hayden, who was the director of the N.S.A. and later the C.I.A. under President George W. Bush. Wow indeed.', ">>{President_Muffley} : You're not going to get any argument from me that the CIA has done some horrible shit over the years. But Trump is the one who has said that we should use torture that's far worse than waterboarding, murder the families of terror suspects, and commit other war crimes. He could be critical of the CIA's behavior in the past without now questioning their basic competence. Like them or not, the US needs intelligence agencies to have reliable information about the world.", '>>{terrymr} : And what changes does trump propose to Guantanamo ? Maybe pork rinds instead of hummus?', ">>{vahntitrio} : No, he'll get them from Barron and his cyber skills.", ">>{JAEman1995} : Many people are saying that US Intelligence is rigged. Bigly. Tremendous rigging. Believe me; I'm great at business. Really.", ">>{brainiac3397} : Why blame the CIA for the flaws of the leadership? Trump flat out ignoring the CIA isn't going to improve them.", '>>{Gnarledhalo} : Thanks man. I thought I was losing my mind.', ">>{ashesashesdustdust} : I don't know, Trump is an uninformed moron-- he probably genuinely doesn't know who said there were WMDs back then. But ask him the cup size of Miss USA 2003 and I bet he gets it right.", '>>{ashesashesdustdust} : and thank god for them, since the FBI is a flaming pile of dogshit.', ">>{deathtotheemperor} : What's so bafflingly ironic is that *Comey himself* was trying to put a halt to this. He came into the job determined to break some of the old guard power blocs that infested the FBI, especially in the near-independant New York and DC field offices. Comey has been aggressively recruiting women and minorities to change the FBI's monoculture, and he's installed a variety of rules and regulations to break down the various factions in the Bureau and get everybody more professionalized. But in the end all his efforts have been for naught, because of his own stupid, partisan inability to resist the siren's call of Clinton Corruption. What a fucking shitshow.", ">>{Aqquila89} : Trump's statement also contained the blatant, shameless lie he has been pushing recently; that he won by a landslide. >The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. [54 presidential elections](http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/12/donald-trump-really-really-doesnt-want-hear-about-how-russia-got-him-elected) held since the 12th Amendment was passed. Ranked by margin of victory in the Electoral College Trump's is 44th.", '>>{lawanddisorder} : >The Republicans who lead the congressional committees overseeing intelligence, the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security take the opposite view. They say that Russia was behind the election meddling, but that the scope and intent of the operation need deep investigation, hearings and public reports. >“We cannot allow foreign governments to interfere in our democracy,” Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who is the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee and was considered by Mr. Trump for secretary of Homeland Security, said at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “When they do, we must respond forcefully, publicly and decisively.” >He has promised hearings, saying the Russian activity was “a call to action,” as has Senator John McCain, one of the few senators left from the Cold War era, when the Republican Party made opposition to the Soviet Union — and later deep suspicion of Russia — the centerpiece of its foreign policy. >Even one of Mr. Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters, Representative Devin Nunes, a California Republican, said on Friday that he had no doubt about Russia’s culpability. His complaint was with the intelligence agencies, which he said had “repeatedly” failed “to anticipate Putin’s hostile actions,” and with the Obama administration’s lack of a punitive response. >Mr. Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said that the intelligence agencies had “ignored pleas by numerous Intelligence Committee members to take more forceful action against the Kremlin’s aggression.” He added that the Obama administration had “suddenly awoken to the threat.” Come on Republicans, time to choose--party loyalty or country?', '>>{ashesashesdustdust} : > Comey has been aggressively recruiting women and minorities to change the FBI\'s monoculture huh. I didn\'t know that. What a weird way to end his career. I guess this is what happens when you befriend corrupt and evil people--they will call on you for favors at some point. Stupid Giliani made it obvious by going on tv 2 days before Comey\'s annoucement and giggling that "we have something up our sleeve." Guiliani hired Comey as an assistant in 87. Must have pulled some strings to get Comey where he is today, and Comey felt that he had to pay up. So he did, big time. What I don\'t understand is how, given his blind loyalty to trump, Guiliani didn\'t end up with a position in the administration. What\'s his reward going to be? I shutter to think.', ">>{Naggers123} : Comey didn't have a choice. If he didn't say she was under investigation the second time it would've leaked and the only difference would be that he'd look partisan / incompetent", ">>{titanic_eclair} : Yeah, ok. *Let's just stop having the CIA and let Trump start his own secret informant agency*. I'm sure that's going to go well. Any ideas for names?", '>>{titanic_eclair} : He would probably still lie and say she was a cup size lower so that he could publicly criticize her. "I\'m not saying that a full B is a bad size. I\'m not, okay? Most other Miss USA winners were bigger, ok? But that doesn\'t mean anything I don\'t think."', '>>{titanic_eclair} : > The election ended a long time ago It ended literally one month ago.', ">>{ashesashesdustdust} : It's very hard to be a 10 when you’re flat chested. -Trump insulting Carla Bruni on the Howard Stern show after she rejected him. And of course, trump went on to [plant a story that they had an affair together](http://pagesix.com/2016/11/22/biographer-donald-trump-planted-carla-bruni-affair-story/)", '>>{Hyperion1144} : At odds with the GOP *at the moment.* Those spineless, power-mad, unamerican fuck nuts will fall in line within days or hours. Whatever it takes, as long as they win.', ">>{Brannagain} : >Thanks man. I thought I was losing my mind. It's called gas lighting. On a national scale.", ">>{terrymr} : At odds ? The chairman of the RNC is his chief of staff. That's a long way from being at odds with the GOP.", '>>{terrymr} : This is the just taking the republican logic of "You can\'t trust the government" to it\'s logical conclusion.', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : I can't wait for the GOP to support Russia.", ">>{paganize} : okay... [who said what #1](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jul/06/spy-agencies-flawed-information-saddam-wmds-iraq-chilcot) [who said what #2](https://theintercept.com/2015/04/10/twelve-years-later-u-s-media-still-cant-get-iraqi-wmd-story-right/) and, finally: [CIA Director quote](http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/18/woodward.book/) Sorry, don't mean to seem like I'm defending Trump.", ">>{Gnarledhalo} : It's cool to have contrasting arguments. TBH, it's even fine to be a supporter of trump. I'm trying to find a link. Frontline did an episode about the founding of ISIS. The very people in the CIA that gathered the Intel for Powell's U.N. speech go on record saying Powell flipped the information. As for #1 Tony was Bush's little bitch. Here is a bonus track. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/colin-powell-u-n-speech-was-a-great-intelligence-failure/", ">>{paganize} : Nice bonus track; I wouldn't argue that Colin Powel did say what he did. My point is that he was far from the first to say it, and one of the people saying it before him was the head of the CIA. Now I think you are right that as a institution the CIA did know the truth; and I could believe that Powell was told the truth and did flip it. but the Director of the CIA flipped it first, before Powell. I'm seriously not a Trump supporter. Or a Hillary supporter."]]
classify and reply
['>>{mori226} : Trump Visits Kentucky to Reprise His Greatest Hits of 2016', '>>{AnarkistReese} : Well as long as he is playing his greatest hits, I would like to see how those tiny hands handle a banjo.', '>>{mori226} : > “We sacrificed our own middle class to finance the growth of foreign countries,” Mr. Trump told the raucous crowd in Freedom Hall. “Ladies and gentlemen, those days are over.” And here we go boys and girls. Our beloved president, in his all benevolent wisdom and omnipotence, will wave his hands and undo the basic laws of supply and demand and usher in a torrent of jobs to make America Great Again.', ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : I think the next line is just as crucial >“We won’t be played for fools, and we won’t be played for suckers anymore,” he said. Well, aren't they in for a pleasant surprise...", '>>{rajriddles} : How the government lost its case against the Oregon occupiers', '>>{ivanapetkova} : Putin Just Gave Obama 24 Hours Or His Ships Will Open Fire', '>>{polishedrhythm18} : And this was found out from "helping-mothers.com". Yeah, ok', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Yes surely helping-mothers.com would break this totally true not made up story.', '>>{TheTeenageOldman} : Because it bills itself as the "best site for mothers". Duh.', ">>{internet_critic} : Well he's out there to talk to his moron base... Hopefully they listened to him without drooling or molesting the women in their crowd", '>>{rethyu} : One good thing about nuclear war with Russia: It will kill off all of the incredibly crappy right-wing news sites that print Russian propaganda.', ">>{legogizmo} : >Defense attorneys in the case say that prosecutors became overconfident, electing not to file lesser charges that would have resulted in easier convictions — and likely little, if any, jail time. and >“All 12 jurors felt that this verdict was a statement regarding the various failures of the prosecution to prove 'conspiracy' in the count itself – and not any form of affirmation of the defense's various beliefs, actions or aspirations,'' Juror 4 wrote in an email to the Oregonian.", ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : Can't believe the amount of drivel Cons swallow everyday.", '>>{phiwings} : >Moscow is sending a blunt message to Obama and Hillary by purposefully stationing dozens of large aircraft carriers to conduct operations in Syria. They don\'t have dozens of aircraft carriers...They have one: Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov ("Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"). It has to be accompanied by a tug because it has massive technical issues. This article is crap.', ">>{TinyBaron} : He's been in office 50 days and he's already doing a reunion tour of his greatest hits. This morning he was at [Pay-to-Playgo](https://youtu.be/claPetUPO7s?t=25s) since Friday. On Thursday he was worshipping a dead President in Nashville. Is he ever planning on doing any real work?", '>>{phiwings} : Given the issues with the lone carrier in the Russian fleet...the latter is far more likely.', '>>{NPMSRP} : Greatest "hits", greatest fits : tomato, tomatoe...', '>>{GypsyJC} : 4 month old domain, located in France, filled with Trump propaganda.', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : It's buried, but it's there - > The most significant of the charges against the occupation’s leaders was a count of felony conspiracy to intentionally intimidate government workers and prevent them from doing their jobs. > The conspiracy count was actually a double-whammy: If the defendants could persuade the jury that no criminal conspiracy had occurred, then they could not be convicted of the accompanying weapons charge — which requires the government to prove the guns had been brought on federal property to commit a crime. > The defendants said they were not trying to intimidate or hurt anyone by occupying the refuge. Ammon Bundy claimed that he was trying to take ownership of the land by way of “adverse possession” — a legal process of gaining ownership of something by occupying it. > That’s an unusual legal argument, and one that prosecutors disputed at trial. But ultimately, the jury agreed that the government was unable to prove the intent required to establish criminal conspiracy.", '>>{redgrass40} : A website this guy is spamming to get ad revenue.', '>>{Just_another_Masshol} : Reminds me of that congressman who thought putting too many Marines on Guam would cause it to tip over and sink.', ">>{unsureofwhatiwant} : Inside Trump's head is a massive inferiority complex fighting with a massive superiority complex. Anytime there becomes an inferiority advantage, he has a rally to pump up the other side.", ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : It's not like they were peacefully protesting a pipeline in North Dakota... Wait, what's the difference? Were they ... **white?**", '>>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : So fucked up. I hate to be one of those, "if they were black..." People but c\'mon...if they were black they\'d be in prison the rest of their lives.', '>>{TemperRed} : > Is he ever planning on doing any real work? He watches cable news eight hours a day. What do you think the odds are?', '>>{Pal_Smurch} : This is a great idea! Let him be president of Kentucky.', ">>{Ginsengstrip_2002} : This is the thing that gets me. Just google how many aircraft carriers the US has verses the world. From the looks of it we may be able to win a conventional war with *the planet* let alone just Russia. (We wouldn't fight Canada tho, little bro's been too nice to us over the year) If Putin wants to start a war like this he should go back on his meds", '>>{rethyu} : This article is not from helping-mothers. It is a direct reprint from a Conservative Daily Post article that cites as it\'s source for the claim an article from Infowars. Guess who Infowars cites as its source? If you said "RT," pat yourself on the back. It\'s Russian propaganda repeated by Alex Jones and making the rounds on terrible right wing websites. Seriously, Google a random paragraph in the article and you\'ll find the trail.', ">>{FartsInACar} : helping-mothers.com - sounds more like a milf porn site than as a news site. And one more thing Russia doesn't have ˝dozens˝ of aircraft carriers. They have one: https://twitter.com/mrdavidboberesq/status/790003720541048832 And this is one of two tug boats escorting that pile of crap in case her engines break: http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/navy-ships/a18141/towing-admiral-kuznetsov-video-tugboat/ Even the tug boat looks like it's ready to be sent to scrapyard. Believe me Russia would like to have dozens of aircraft carriers but they lack one crucial necessity: money. Russia already burned through the oil money fund (oil money from the good old days when the oil price was over $100 per barrel) they already started laying of public employees, they slashed already small pensions and decreased the amount of funds going into healthcare. Basically they'll end up just like USSR. Putin failed to improve Russian economy, failed to modernize their army (Armata is just an overhyped project that Putin slapped together in 5 years from old Soviet designs and prototypes). People always need to remember that Italy has a bigger GDP than Russia. Every Soviet leader since Stalin tried and failed to make a breakthrough in the way Russians handle economy. It's their Achilles heel. If they want to play with the big boys first they need to develop a big boy economy. China is currently more powerful than ex USSR ever was. If I was Putin I wouldn't fight with the West I'd be more afraid of 1 billion Chinese looking at those nice natural resources in Siberia that Russia fails to transform into consumer products. In fact in 2014 after Russian economy started to tank Putin sold a couple of gas fields to Chinese companies for a ridiculously low amount of money. In short soon Russia won't be able to afford 12 tug boats let alone 12 aircraft carriers.", '>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : In other words this site and user should be banned.', '>>{mori226} : Holy bonkers... 79 IQ? 630 on the SAT? I didn\'t even know you could get that low if you even tried. Unless of course, I suppose you can\'t spell "tap" correctly.', '>>{theRealRedherring} : public property vs. private property I am personally agaist the Dakota pipeline. I think its a fucking raw deal that people have to go this far to protect their water and they (we) still get shit on by corporations and their government lapdogs. side note: you know those mercenaries and cops boners were sky high when they got the orders to crack skulls.', '>>{TinyBaron} : He was doing that before he ran for President. Why even run?', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Keep that fact in mind, when Donald tells us how WEAK we are militarily, and we need to spend more!', '>>{Sussay} : Just wind him up on Brietbart & Faux News & the dummy performs.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : >public property vs. private property Go to any US Post Office and note the warnings and promises of federal prosecution against anyone bringing firearms onto Federal property.', '>>{FriendlyBlanket} : Kind of like when Zimmerman would have been convicted of manslaughter but they went for Premeditated Murder', ">>{ennervated_scientist} : I can't fathom that he wasn't joking to make a sarcastic point, but this election has taught me to just give up and go with the most absurd option as the most likely.", ">>{TinyBaron} : They don't want to compete. They want it all handed to them on a plate. Conservativism was just an excuse, as was religion. Trump's campaign and victory proved it.", ">>{sabotenda} : I'm gonna need references here. Not that I'm calling you a liar by any means, I just really don't want to believe an American state can be this bad", '>>{theRealRedherring} : not to step on your comment as I see your point, still, those Bundy clowns just got out of that charge...', ">>{BannedLOLno} : I'm going to adversely possess some of their shit next weekend.", ">>{Just_another_Masshol} : This was years ago during a committee meeting. It's on youtube. Edit context. It's was about moving Marines based in Okinawa to Guam as permanent base.", '>>{BannedLOLno} : >The defendants said they were not trying to intimidate or hurt anyone by occupying the refuge. Ammon Bundy claimed that he was trying to take ownership of the land by way of “adverse possession” — a legal process of gaining ownership of something by occupying it. I will go and adversely possess some of their stuff and then use that as my defense in court.', ">>{SacredVoina} : Yup. The Average SAT score is from the CollegeBoard's archives, and the average IQ score was a research study done by Gallup back in 2009. The state with the highest average IQ was New York, with 112, and the lowest IQ was West Virginia at 77.", ">>{ennervated_scientist} : No I've seen it, I read it more as him making a point as to what he saw as too much buildup on the island.", '>>{whitemest} : Because it has a *nonbiased* headline with a narrative I believe, despite facts to the contrary?', '>>{My_soliloquy} : Is anyone paying attention to the long view? The prosecutors were sure they had evidence to convict based on video evidence (typical lawyers - just like SCOTUS thinking Citizens United was \'just\' about legal stuff, and wouldn\'t be perverted by the very people who have large amounts of money it was supposed to manage), but even the \'simple\' jurors comprehended the actual problems. >"Don\'t they know that \'not guilty\' does not mean innocent?\'\' the juror wrote to the Oregonian. "It was not lost on us that our verdict(s) might inspire future actions that are regrettable, but that sort of thinking was not permitted when considering the charges before us.\'\' This is only going to make it easier to identify idiots like these, who will still think that armed insurrection is somehow going to overthrow something as large as the Federal Government, instead of using something that might actually do something, like legal options (www.wolf-pac.com) to reverse our corporate owned oligarchy. But in the mean time, this is twisted so it can be used for more \'fear of the other\' to keep the population docile and managed, pointing fingers at each other, can\'t let the cattle realize they have a way out. When bringing a knife to a gun fight, it just doesn\'t work when your opponent has a longer reach. **Both** of the first two amendments are equally vital, depending on only one (or getting people to argue about the importance of one or the other) keeps us oblivious to the real problem. Money has taken over politics. I spent my first (and only) $27 on a candidate this year, knowing it\'s only a start.', ">>{SacredVoina} : The population and lifespan figure is from the US Census Bureau The murder rate is from the FBI NCIS study The average IQ is from a research study done by Gallup in2009 The percentage of Kentucky residents who can't locate KY on a map is from a study done by the University of Kentucky in 2013. The average SAT score is from the CollegeBoard archives", ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : That's just feeding the trolls. Downvote, report, move on. Trolls are like Trump -- the thing they hate most is being ignored.", ">>{MissionStyle} : Don't be fools people this post is categorically fake. It's population is higher, it's average life span is far better. At best it's misleading cherry picked stats from the past 10 years.", ">>{TrillboBaggins} : Uhhh... there's a 0% chance that the average lifespan is 52 years. Life expectancy in Russia is 70 yrs. The data I see on KY says 76 years. Kentucky sucks, we all agree, but you don't have to make shit up.", '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : The difference is that Democrats are not lining up to take that kind of stuff seriously.', ">>{SacredVoina} : You know what's even sadder? That Kentucky isn't even the worst state in ANY of those categories. Lowest lifespan and lowest IQ both belong to West Virginia, with average lifespan at 48 years and average IQ of 77 Lowest average SAT score is Wyoming, with an average SAT score of 610 Highest murder rate is Utah, with a murder rate of 41 per 100,000, higher than the murder rates of Mexico, Honduras, AND Brazil COMBINED 72 percent of Mississippi residents can't find their state on a map", '>>{SacredVoina} : The US census bureau says on its website that the average lifespan in Kentucky is 51.9 years.', '>>{Elryc35} : 630 on an SAT is almost impossible, let alone as an average score.', ">>{Elryc35} : The population numbers aren't even close https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21 The rest is likely bullshit as well. Edit: removed link formatting for idiocy Edit 2: and because I'm pissed... 2016 population: 4,436,974 (US Census Bureau, linked above) 2015 murder rate: 4.7 ([source](http://insiderlouisville.com/metro/violent-crimes-up-and-property-crimes-down-in-nation-and-kentucky-last-year/)) 2016 Poverty Rate: 18.5% (US Census Bureau, linked above) 2015 average SAT score: 1749/2400 ([source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/local/sat-scores-2015/1812/) 2015 life expectancy: Between 70 and 79 years ([source](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html)) 2015 IQ: 99.4 ([source](http://www.ttu.ee/public/m/mart-murdvee/EconPsy/2/McDaniel_2006_Estimating_state_IQ_-_Measurement_challenges_and_preliminary_correlates.pdf)) In summation: fuck off.", '>>{Duck_Potato} : The guy is full of shit. 4.4 million live there now. 4 million lived there in 2000. Will post rest later.', '>>{sabotenda} : Well. I can only hope that Mars colonization thing comes through and I can leave', ">>{SacredVoina} : It's very, very depressing. I am a professor of Criminology, so I am reminded of these statistics (especially the murder rate) daily at my job.", ">>{Bighossmoose} : The funny thing is that all these rural white voters who basically just want handouts aren't going to get them. They're too ignorant to realize it was liberal policies that led to low income people getting money from the government. And they truly expect he'll bring back blue collar jobs - and maybe he will, but they'll be gone within a few years when a machine takes their place. The education gap in this country is depressing and the worst part is these people lack the schooling to understand that and they wind up pushing for less funding to education", ">>{Darammer} : [Population](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21): 4.4 million Poverty Rate (same source): 18.5% I'm going to guess the rest of your numbers are equally made up.", ">>{SacredVoina} : You know that Breitbart isn't a valid source, right?", ">>{TrillboBaggins} : Ok I cannot find what you're referencing but the data you're citing cannot be correct. That is way way way way way too low. See this article for more information: http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html the LOWEST life expectancy in any county in Kentucky is 70 yrs. Sorry. A life expectancy in the 50s is like Middle Ages low.", '>>{SacredVoina} : Stop trying to cite Brietbart as a valid source.', '>>{SacredVoina} : The population of Kentucky in 1.7 million, and is predicted to shrink to about 1.3 million by the 2020 census.', '>>{Mol-lurker} : Average lifespan is way off: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_life_expectancy http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html And the estimated population 4,436,974 per the Census Bureau - https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045216/21 Just those two being way off should make anyone question the rest of your stats.', ">>{CountChoculahh} : He's speaking to the people being played like fools.", '>>{SacredVoina} : For fucks sake, stop trying to cite Breitbart as a valid source.', '>>{Elryc35} : Right, and that confirms all your "stats" are bullshit.', ">>{Awards_from_Army} : You're committed to the troll, I'll give you that", ">>{TemperRed} : I don't think he ever really expected to win. He thought after losing he was going to launch Trump TV. winning the popular vote but losing the electoral vote would be a great conspiracy to feed to the base. He was going to make lots of money being the figurehead of an alt right rebellion. Things didn't work out the way he hoped. Oops! He got elected! Now ppl expect him to be an adult.", ">>{Mol-lurker} : You aren't doing any favors posting fake crap like this. It ain't cute.", '>>{CountChoculahh} : Are you some sort of weird reverse troll account?', ">>{Thiana256} : 'For fucks sake, stop trying to cite https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21 as a*n in*valid source.'", '>>{SacredVoina} : Nope. All my statistics are true and valid. The guy trying to "disprove" them had to resort to posting Breitbart articles as "proof"', ">>{SacredVoina} : Nope. I'm committed to spreading information and enlightening others on just how shitty red states can be.", ">>{Thiana256} : 'Stop trying to cite http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html as a*n in*valid source.'", ">>{Awards_from_Army} : I can see the URL's that everyone is citing to discredit you. None of them are Breitbart", ">>{Thiana256} : '/u/SacredVoina isn't a valid source either'", ">>{Thiana256} : '/u/SacredVoina isn't a valid source either'", '>>{gh0stwheel} : How about you link some of those? Probably won\'t, considering that even the very first "fact" is blatantly false. A quick Google search will get you 4.4 million on Wikipedia, [and is actually supported by the US Census Bureau.](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) How about folks not take random anonymous internet users at their word and do about 2 minutes of independent research? Edit: user is simply a convincing troll. Well played.', ">>{freshwordsalad} : At least he can't really go the Chavez/Venezuela route, right? I could totally see Trump wanting to do that if he had the power. All he cares about is adulation.", '>>{diversif} : Which is, hilariously, the opposite of "the free market" his supporters so ardently claim to support.', ">>{LordsofDecay} : His source is the US census. Yours is questionable. Please don't make numbers up.", ">>{Duck_Potato} : Yeah, so, no, none of this is even remotely accurate. I'm a lib too but gee whiz come on. Just over 4.4 million live in Kentucky now, from the [Census Bureau](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21). In 2000, the population was just over 4 million, also from the [Census Bureau](https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk). The murder rate in 2016 was [4.7 per 100,000](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015/tables/table-4), just under the national average of 4.9. The poverty rate is about [18.9%](https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk), which is high, but not 83%. U.S. average is 15.5%. Average SAT score out of 2,400 was [1789](https://reports.collegeboard.org/pdf/ky16030301.pdf). Page one. Life expectancy varies but isn't outrageous either, ranging from about [70 to 79](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html). Can't find that 2009 Gallup poll on IQ. Seems outrageous by itself and considering SAT scores seems even more so. Having trouble finding the KY finding state on a map study. Would appreciate link, but I'm guessing it doesn't exist.", ">>{dinkum_thinkum} : To fully compile the debunking: Population: [4.4 million (census.gov)](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) (credit /u/Darammer, /u/Elryc35) Murder rate: [4.7 per 100,000 (CDC)](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide.htm), plus same rate [from FBI](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015/tables/table-4) per /u/Duck_Potato Poverty rate: [18.5% (census.gov)](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/INC110215/21) (credit /u/Darammer) Average SAT: [1749 of 2400 (Washington Post 2015)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/local/sat-scores-2015/1812/), and [1789 in 2016 (CollegeBoard)](https://reports.collegeboard.org/pdf/ky16030301.pdf) from /u/Duck_Potato Can't find state on map: lol, not going to bother Average Lifespan: [76 (Measure of America, page 18; from CDC and census data)](http://www.measureofamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/MOA-III.pdf), and from /u/Duck_Potato between [70 and 79 by county (VCU)](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html) Average IQ: [99.4 (McDaniel, 2006)](https://www.ttu.ee/public/m/mart-murdvee/EconPsy/2/McDaniel_2006_Estimating_state_IQ_-_Measurement_challenges_and_preliminary_correlates.pdf) Edit: additional refs from /u/Duck_Potato", '>>{TheGreatGhostof1979} : This sounds like a great pitch for a 90 minute comedy. RECORD SCRATCH! Not real life', '>>{Elryc35} : Lol, I just did the same damn thing.', '>>{dinkum_thinkum} : Hahaha, yeah... it was the list of "sources" and the Breitbart misdirection that got me.', ">>{sabotenda} : Way ahead of you sir and/or madam. Took me ten seconds to Google half that and figure out it's way off", '>>{ineffectivegoggles} : Heh, 83% poverty rate did sound fishy..', ">>{Donnadre} : **Population** Liar's claim: 1.7 million Actual: **4.4 million** Source: [US Census](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Poverty** Liar's claim: 83% Actual: **18%** Source: [US census data](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Lifespan** Liar's claim: 52 Actual: **70-78** Source: [County by county lifespan 2016](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html) **State IQ** Liar's claim: 79 Actual: **99** Source: [McDaniel's State by state IQ estimates](http://www.vdare.com/articles/average-iq-by-state-honest-numbers-at-last-0) Not even wasting time on the rest, you're clearly lying your face off.", ">>{Donnadre} : **Population** Liar's claim: 1.7 million Actual: **4.4 million** Source: [US Census](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Poverty** Liar's claim: 83% Actual: **18%** Source: [US census data](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Lifespan** Liar's claim: 52 Actual: **70-78** Source: [County by county lifespan 2016](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html) **State IQ** Liar's claim: 79 Actual: **99** Source: [McDaniel's State by state IQ estimates](http://www.vdare.com/articles/average-iq-by-state-honest-numbers-at-last-0)"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{rajriddles} : How the government lost its case against the Oregon occupiers', ">>{legogizmo} : >Defense attorneys in the case say that prosecutors became overconfident, electing not to file lesser charges that would have resulted in easier convictions — and likely little, if any, jail time. and >“All 12 jurors felt that this verdict was a statement regarding the various failures of the prosecution to prove 'conspiracy' in the count itself – and not any form of affirmation of the defense's various beliefs, actions or aspirations,'' Juror 4 wrote in an email to the Oregonian.", ">>{gAlienLifeform} : It's buried, but it's there - > The most significant of the charges against the occupation’s leaders was a count of felony conspiracy to intentionally intimidate government workers and prevent them from doing their jobs. > The conspiracy count was actually a double-whammy: If the defendants could persuade the jury that no criminal conspiracy had occurred, then they could not be convicted of the accompanying weapons charge — which requires the government to prove the guns had been brought on federal property to commit a crime. > The defendants said they were not trying to intimidate or hurt anyone by occupying the refuge. Ammon Bundy claimed that he was trying to take ownership of the land by way of “adverse possession” — a legal process of gaining ownership of something by occupying it. > That’s an unusual legal argument, and one that prosecutors disputed at trial. But ultimately, the jury agreed that the government was unable to prove the intent required to establish criminal conspiracy.", ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : It's not like they were peacefully protesting a pipeline in North Dakota... Wait, what's the difference? Were they ... **white?**", '>>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : So fucked up. I hate to be one of those, "if they were black..." People but c\'mon...if they were black they\'d be in prison the rest of their lives.', '>>{theRealRedherring} : public property vs. private property I am personally agaist the Dakota pipeline. I think its a fucking raw deal that people have to go this far to protect their water and they (we) still get shit on by corporations and their government lapdogs. side note: you know those mercenaries and cops boners were sky high when they got the orders to crack skulls.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : >public property vs. private property Go to any US Post Office and note the warnings and promises of federal prosecution against anyone bringing firearms onto Federal property.', '>>{FriendlyBlanket} : Kind of like when Zimmerman would have been convicted of manslaughter but they went for Premeditated Murder', '>>{theRealRedherring} : not to step on your comment as I see your point, still, those Bundy clowns just got out of that charge...', ">>{BannedLOLno} : I'm going to adversely possess some of their shit next weekend.", '>>{BannedLOLno} : >The defendants said they were not trying to intimidate or hurt anyone by occupying the refuge. Ammon Bundy claimed that he was trying to take ownership of the land by way of “adverse possession” — a legal process of gaining ownership of something by occupying it. I will go and adversely possess some of their stuff and then use that as my defense in court.', '>>{My_soliloquy} : Is anyone paying attention to the long view? The prosecutors were sure they had evidence to convict based on video evidence (typical lawyers - just like SCOTUS thinking Citizens United was \'just\' about legal stuff, and wouldn\'t be perverted by the very people who have large amounts of money it was supposed to manage), but even the \'simple\' jurors comprehended the actual problems. >"Don\'t they know that \'not guilty\' does not mean innocent?\'\' the juror wrote to the Oregonian. "It was not lost on us that our verdict(s) might inspire future actions that are regrettable, but that sort of thinking was not permitted when considering the charges before us.\'\' This is only going to make it easier to identify idiots like these, who will still think that armed insurrection is somehow going to overthrow something as large as the Federal Government, instead of using something that might actually do something, like legal options (www.wolf-pac.com) to reverse our corporate owned oligarchy. But in the mean time, this is twisted so it can be used for more \'fear of the other\' to keep the population docile and managed, pointing fingers at each other, can\'t let the cattle realize they have a way out. When bringing a knife to a gun fight, it just doesn\'t work when your opponent has a longer reach. **Both** of the first two amendments are equally vital, depending on only one (or getting people to argue about the importance of one or the other) keeps us oblivious to the real problem. Money has taken over politics. I spent my first (and only) $27 on a candidate this year, knowing it\'s only a start.'], ['>>{ivanapetkova} : Putin Just Gave Obama 24 Hours Or His Ships Will Open Fire', '>>{polishedrhythm18} : And this was found out from "helping-mothers.com". Yeah, ok', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Yes surely helping-mothers.com would break this totally true not made up story.', '>>{TheTeenageOldman} : Because it bills itself as the "best site for mothers". Duh.', '>>{rethyu} : One good thing about nuclear war with Russia: It will kill off all of the incredibly crappy right-wing news sites that print Russian propaganda.', ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : Can't believe the amount of drivel Cons swallow everyday.", '>>{phiwings} : >Moscow is sending a blunt message to Obama and Hillary by purposefully stationing dozens of large aircraft carriers to conduct operations in Syria. They don\'t have dozens of aircraft carriers...They have one: Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov ("Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"). It has to be accompanied by a tug because it has massive technical issues. This article is crap.', '>>{phiwings} : Given the issues with the lone carrier in the Russian fleet...the latter is far more likely.', '>>{GypsyJC} : 4 month old domain, located in France, filled with Trump propaganda.', '>>{redgrass40} : A website this guy is spamming to get ad revenue.', '>>{Just_another_Masshol} : Reminds me of that congressman who thought putting too many Marines on Guam would cause it to tip over and sink.', ">>{Ginsengstrip_2002} : This is the thing that gets me. Just google how many aircraft carriers the US has verses the world. From the looks of it we may be able to win a conventional war with *the planet* let alone just Russia. (We wouldn't fight Canada tho, little bro's been too nice to us over the year) If Putin wants to start a war like this he should go back on his meds", '>>{rethyu} : This article is not from helping-mothers. It is a direct reprint from a Conservative Daily Post article that cites as it\'s source for the claim an article from Infowars. Guess who Infowars cites as its source? If you said "RT," pat yourself on the back. It\'s Russian propaganda repeated by Alex Jones and making the rounds on terrible right wing websites. Seriously, Google a random paragraph in the article and you\'ll find the trail.', ">>{FartsInACar} : helping-mothers.com - sounds more like a milf porn site than as a news site. And one more thing Russia doesn't have ˝dozens˝ of aircraft carriers. They have one: https://twitter.com/mrdavidboberesq/status/790003720541048832 And this is one of two tug boats escorting that pile of crap in case her engines break: http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/navy-ships/a18141/towing-admiral-kuznetsov-video-tugboat/ Even the tug boat looks like it's ready to be sent to scrapyard. Believe me Russia would like to have dozens of aircraft carriers but they lack one crucial necessity: money. Russia already burned through the oil money fund (oil money from the good old days when the oil price was over $100 per barrel) they already started laying of public employees, they slashed already small pensions and decreased the amount of funds going into healthcare. Basically they'll end up just like USSR. Putin failed to improve Russian economy, failed to modernize their army (Armata is just an overhyped project that Putin slapped together in 5 years from old Soviet designs and prototypes). People always need to remember that Italy has a bigger GDP than Russia. Every Soviet leader since Stalin tried and failed to make a breakthrough in the way Russians handle economy. It's their Achilles heel. If they want to play with the big boys first they need to develop a big boy economy. China is currently more powerful than ex USSR ever was. If I was Putin I wouldn't fight with the West I'd be more afraid of 1 billion Chinese looking at those nice natural resources in Siberia that Russia fails to transform into consumer products. In fact in 2014 after Russian economy started to tank Putin sold a couple of gas fields to Chinese companies for a ridiculously low amount of money. In short soon Russia won't be able to afford 12 tug boats let alone 12 aircraft carriers.", '>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : In other words this site and user should be banned.', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Keep that fact in mind, when Donald tells us how WEAK we are militarily, and we need to spend more!', ">>{ennervated_scientist} : I can't fathom that he wasn't joking to make a sarcastic point, but this election has taught me to just give up and go with the most absurd option as the most likely.", ">>{Just_another_Masshol} : This was years ago during a committee meeting. It's on youtube. Edit context. It's was about moving Marines based in Okinawa to Guam as permanent base.", ">>{ennervated_scientist} : No I've seen it, I read it more as him making a point as to what he saw as too much buildup on the island.", '>>{whitemest} : Because it has a *nonbiased* headline with a narrative I believe, despite facts to the contrary?', ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : That's just feeding the trolls. Downvote, report, move on. Trolls are like Trump -- the thing they hate most is being ignored.", '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : The difference is that Democrats are not lining up to take that kind of stuff seriously.'], ['>>{mori226} : Trump Visits Kentucky to Reprise His Greatest Hits of 2016', '>>{AnarkistReese} : Well as long as he is playing his greatest hits, I would like to see how those tiny hands handle a banjo.', '>>{mori226} : > “We sacrificed our own middle class to finance the growth of foreign countries,” Mr. Trump told the raucous crowd in Freedom Hall. “Ladies and gentlemen, those days are over.” And here we go boys and girls. Our beloved president, in his all benevolent wisdom and omnipotence, will wave his hands and undo the basic laws of supply and demand and usher in a torrent of jobs to make America Great Again.', ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : I think the next line is just as crucial >“We won’t be played for fools, and we won’t be played for suckers anymore,” he said. Well, aren't they in for a pleasant surprise...", ">>{internet_critic} : Well he's out there to talk to his moron base... Hopefully they listened to him without drooling or molesting the women in their crowd", ">>{TinyBaron} : He's been in office 50 days and he's already doing a reunion tour of his greatest hits. This morning he was at [Pay-to-Playgo](https://youtu.be/claPetUPO7s?t=25s) since Friday. On Thursday he was worshipping a dead President in Nashville. Is he ever planning on doing any real work?", '>>{NPMSRP} : Greatest "hits", greatest fits : tomato, tomatoe...', ">>{unsureofwhatiwant} : Inside Trump's head is a massive inferiority complex fighting with a massive superiority complex. Anytime there becomes an inferiority advantage, he has a rally to pump up the other side.", '>>{TemperRed} : > Is he ever planning on doing any real work? He watches cable news eight hours a day. What do you think the odds are?', '>>{Pal_Smurch} : This is a great idea! Let him be president of Kentucky.', '>>{mori226} : Holy bonkers... 79 IQ? 630 on the SAT? I didn\'t even know you could get that low if you even tried. Unless of course, I suppose you can\'t spell "tap" correctly.', '>>{TinyBaron} : He was doing that before he ran for President. Why even run?', '>>{Sussay} : Just wind him up on Brietbart & Faux News & the dummy performs.', ">>{TinyBaron} : They don't want to compete. They want it all handed to them on a plate. Conservativism was just an excuse, as was religion. Trump's campaign and victory proved it.", ">>{sabotenda} : I'm gonna need references here. Not that I'm calling you a liar by any means, I just really don't want to believe an American state can be this bad", ">>{SacredVoina} : Yup. The Average SAT score is from the CollegeBoard's archives, and the average IQ score was a research study done by Gallup back in 2009. The state with the highest average IQ was New York, with 112, and the lowest IQ was West Virginia at 77.", ">>{SacredVoina} : The population and lifespan figure is from the US Census Bureau The murder rate is from the FBI NCIS study The average IQ is from a research study done by Gallup in2009 The percentage of Kentucky residents who can't locate KY on a map is from a study done by the University of Kentucky in 2013. The average SAT score is from the CollegeBoard archives", ">>{MissionStyle} : Don't be fools people this post is categorically fake. It's population is higher, it's average life span is far better. At best it's misleading cherry picked stats from the past 10 years.", ">>{TrillboBaggins} : Uhhh... there's a 0% chance that the average lifespan is 52 years. Life expectancy in Russia is 70 yrs. The data I see on KY says 76 years. Kentucky sucks, we all agree, but you don't have to make shit up.", ">>{SacredVoina} : You know what's even sadder? That Kentucky isn't even the worst state in ANY of those categories. Lowest lifespan and lowest IQ both belong to West Virginia, with average lifespan at 48 years and average IQ of 77 Lowest average SAT score is Wyoming, with an average SAT score of 610 Highest murder rate is Utah, with a murder rate of 41 per 100,000, higher than the murder rates of Mexico, Honduras, AND Brazil COMBINED 72 percent of Mississippi residents can't find their state on a map", '>>{SacredVoina} : The US census bureau says on its website that the average lifespan in Kentucky is 51.9 years.', '>>{Elryc35} : 630 on an SAT is almost impossible, let alone as an average score.', ">>{Elryc35} : The population numbers aren't even close https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21 The rest is likely bullshit as well. Edit: removed link formatting for idiocy Edit 2: and because I'm pissed... 2016 population: 4,436,974 (US Census Bureau, linked above) 2015 murder rate: 4.7 ([source](http://insiderlouisville.com/metro/violent-crimes-up-and-property-crimes-down-in-nation-and-kentucky-last-year/)) 2016 Poverty Rate: 18.5% (US Census Bureau, linked above) 2015 average SAT score: 1749/2400 ([source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/local/sat-scores-2015/1812/) 2015 life expectancy: Between 70 and 79 years ([source](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html)) 2015 IQ: 99.4 ([source](http://www.ttu.ee/public/m/mart-murdvee/EconPsy/2/McDaniel_2006_Estimating_state_IQ_-_Measurement_challenges_and_preliminary_correlates.pdf)) In summation: fuck off.", '>>{Duck_Potato} : The guy is full of shit. 4.4 million live there now. 4 million lived there in 2000. Will post rest later.', '>>{sabotenda} : Well. I can only hope that Mars colonization thing comes through and I can leave', ">>{SacredVoina} : It's very, very depressing. I am a professor of Criminology, so I am reminded of these statistics (especially the murder rate) daily at my job.", ">>{Bighossmoose} : The funny thing is that all these rural white voters who basically just want handouts aren't going to get them. They're too ignorant to realize it was liberal policies that led to low income people getting money from the government. And they truly expect he'll bring back blue collar jobs - and maybe he will, but they'll be gone within a few years when a machine takes their place. The education gap in this country is depressing and the worst part is these people lack the schooling to understand that and they wind up pushing for less funding to education", ">>{Darammer} : [Population](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21): 4.4 million Poverty Rate (same source): 18.5% I'm going to guess the rest of your numbers are equally made up.", ">>{SacredVoina} : You know that Breitbart isn't a valid source, right?", ">>{TrillboBaggins} : Ok I cannot find what you're referencing but the data you're citing cannot be correct. That is way way way way way too low. See this article for more information: http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html the LOWEST life expectancy in any county in Kentucky is 70 yrs. Sorry. A life expectancy in the 50s is like Middle Ages low.", '>>{SacredVoina} : Stop trying to cite Brietbart as a valid source.', '>>{SacredVoina} : The population of Kentucky in 1.7 million, and is predicted to shrink to about 1.3 million by the 2020 census.', '>>{Mol-lurker} : Average lifespan is way off: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_life_expectancy http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html And the estimated population 4,436,974 per the Census Bureau - https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045216/21 Just those two being way off should make anyone question the rest of your stats.', ">>{CountChoculahh} : He's speaking to the people being played like fools.", '>>{SacredVoina} : For fucks sake, stop trying to cite Breitbart as a valid source.', '>>{Elryc35} : Right, and that confirms all your "stats" are bullshit.', ">>{Awards_from_Army} : You're committed to the troll, I'll give you that", ">>{TemperRed} : I don't think he ever really expected to win. He thought after losing he was going to launch Trump TV. winning the popular vote but losing the electoral vote would be a great conspiracy to feed to the base. He was going to make lots of money being the figurehead of an alt right rebellion. Things didn't work out the way he hoped. Oops! He got elected! Now ppl expect him to be an adult.", ">>{Mol-lurker} : You aren't doing any favors posting fake crap like this. It ain't cute.", '>>{CountChoculahh} : Are you some sort of weird reverse troll account?', ">>{Thiana256} : 'For fucks sake, stop trying to cite https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21 as a*n in*valid source.'", '>>{SacredVoina} : Nope. All my statistics are true and valid. The guy trying to "disprove" them had to resort to posting Breitbart articles as "proof"', ">>{SacredVoina} : Nope. I'm committed to spreading information and enlightening others on just how shitty red states can be.", ">>{Thiana256} : 'Stop trying to cite http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html as a*n in*valid source.'", ">>{Awards_from_Army} : I can see the URL's that everyone is citing to discredit you. None of them are Breitbart", ">>{Thiana256} : '/u/SacredVoina isn't a valid source either'", ">>{Thiana256} : '/u/SacredVoina isn't a valid source either'", '>>{gh0stwheel} : How about you link some of those? Probably won\'t, considering that even the very first "fact" is blatantly false. A quick Google search will get you 4.4 million on Wikipedia, [and is actually supported by the US Census Bureau.](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) How about folks not take random anonymous internet users at their word and do about 2 minutes of independent research? Edit: user is simply a convincing troll. Well played.', ">>{freshwordsalad} : At least he can't really go the Chavez/Venezuela route, right? I could totally see Trump wanting to do that if he had the power. All he cares about is adulation.", '>>{diversif} : Which is, hilariously, the opposite of "the free market" his supporters so ardently claim to support.', ">>{LordsofDecay} : His source is the US census. Yours is questionable. Please don't make numbers up.", ">>{Duck_Potato} : Yeah, so, no, none of this is even remotely accurate. I'm a lib too but gee whiz come on. Just over 4.4 million live in Kentucky now, from the [Census Bureau](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21). In 2000, the population was just over 4 million, also from the [Census Bureau](https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk). The murder rate in 2016 was [4.7 per 100,000](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015/tables/table-4), just under the national average of 4.9. The poverty rate is about [18.9%](https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk), which is high, but not 83%. U.S. average is 15.5%. Average SAT score out of 2,400 was [1789](https://reports.collegeboard.org/pdf/ky16030301.pdf). Page one. Life expectancy varies but isn't outrageous either, ranging from about [70 to 79](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html). Can't find that 2009 Gallup poll on IQ. Seems outrageous by itself and considering SAT scores seems even more so. Having trouble finding the KY finding state on a map study. Would appreciate link, but I'm guessing it doesn't exist.", ">>{dinkum_thinkum} : To fully compile the debunking: Population: [4.4 million (census.gov)](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) (credit /u/Darammer, /u/Elryc35) Murder rate: [4.7 per 100,000 (CDC)](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide.htm), plus same rate [from FBI](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015/tables/table-4) per /u/Duck_Potato Poverty rate: [18.5% (census.gov)](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/INC110215/21) (credit /u/Darammer) Average SAT: [1749 of 2400 (Washington Post 2015)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/local/sat-scores-2015/1812/), and [1789 in 2016 (CollegeBoard)](https://reports.collegeboard.org/pdf/ky16030301.pdf) from /u/Duck_Potato Can't find state on map: lol, not going to bother Average Lifespan: [76 (Measure of America, page 18; from CDC and census data)](http://www.measureofamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/MOA-III.pdf), and from /u/Duck_Potato between [70 and 79 by county (VCU)](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html) Average IQ: [99.4 (McDaniel, 2006)](https://www.ttu.ee/public/m/mart-murdvee/EconPsy/2/McDaniel_2006_Estimating_state_IQ_-_Measurement_challenges_and_preliminary_correlates.pdf) Edit: additional refs from /u/Duck_Potato", '>>{TheGreatGhostof1979} : This sounds like a great pitch for a 90 minute comedy. RECORD SCRATCH! Not real life', '>>{Elryc35} : Lol, I just did the same damn thing.', '>>{dinkum_thinkum} : Hahaha, yeah... it was the list of "sources" and the Breitbart misdirection that got me.', ">>{sabotenda} : Way ahead of you sir and/or madam. Took me ten seconds to Google half that and figure out it's way off", '>>{ineffectivegoggles} : Heh, 83% poverty rate did sound fishy..', ">>{Donnadre} : **Population** Liar's claim: 1.7 million Actual: **4.4 million** Source: [US Census](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Poverty** Liar's claim: 83% Actual: **18%** Source: [US census data](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Lifespan** Liar's claim: 52 Actual: **70-78** Source: [County by county lifespan 2016](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html) **State IQ** Liar's claim: 79 Actual: **99** Source: [McDaniel's State by state IQ estimates](http://www.vdare.com/articles/average-iq-by-state-honest-numbers-at-last-0) Not even wasting time on the rest, you're clearly lying your face off.", ">>{Donnadre} : **Population** Liar's claim: 1.7 million Actual: **4.4 million** Source: [US Census](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Poverty** Liar's claim: 83% Actual: **18%** Source: [US census data](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/21) **Lifespan** Liar's claim: 52 Actual: **70-78** Source: [County by county lifespan 2016](http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article81990682.html) **State IQ** Liar's claim: 79 Actual: **99** Source: [McDaniel's State by state IQ estimates](http://www.vdare.com/articles/average-iq-by-state-honest-numbers-at-last-0)"]]
classify and reply
[">>{CoffeeAndWork} : I've been glued to my window waiting for UPS. Once they roll up I'll be like,", '>>{jacksenters} : Why Donald Trump May Still Face a Delegate Mutiny at the Convention', ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Jill Stein: Green Party is 'not some irrelevant footnote'", '>>{JasonBored} : No. He probably wouldn\'t investigate his own mothers rapist if there was an "R" next to their name. This shameless prick will do nothing. Certainly not his job.', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Oo. Hmm, let’s think… ummm… \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0^*no*', ">>{Schiffy94} : He's too busy focusing on the real orange threat to America - Sid the Science Kid.", '>>{Film_Director} : John Oliver to Trump: ‘Drop Out’ Now and ‘You Would Be a Legend’', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Jill Stein's Green Party is nothing less than the party where the Sanders revolution continues.", '>>{greenway2} : Her belief in crystals for healing turns off most thinking people.', ">>{beelzuhbub} : I hope he does. I hope the RNC exposes how candidate Trump was the DNC's plan all along and shows how the DNC was trying to hold the American people hostage in to voting for their candidate.", ">>{Heylookaguy} : Let Ryan try, he'll lose more than just the presidency.", '>>{Guitata} : we can only hope the people of Utah will let Chaffetz know what a sucky job he has been doing and even, perhaps, run a recall on his office. That would take the startch out of his shirts and perhaps wake him up. So far, he has not wanted to do the job he has in congress and no gop congressmen are complaining. Recall efforts on every gop congressman in every state might go a long way to getting those anti-American congressmen back in line to doing the actual work of the congress, instead avoiding it', ">>{FissureKing} : Trump did what?! Well, tell Mom to get some rest and explain to her that he's a Republican. Sounds right.", '>>{Rostrom} : It sounds like Oliver is panicking and running out of options.', '>>{Glovedawg} : As a Brit I find it hilarious that Americans give John Oliver the time of day let alone his own programme.', ">>{whogivesafu} : He may investigate, but he'll make sure not to find anything. I'm sure the Mar-a-Lago security issue he's looking into now will end in a gentle reminder at most.", ">>{djreeled23} : Mine has been delivered to my apt with my doorman. I'm just staring at the clock at work, waiting for 5pm", '>>{turtledan87} : What happened to the Oliver that did the FIFA bit?', ">>{manni1to} : I'm still waiting too ! Smh. How late do they deliver until", '>>{trickx1991} : Someone needs to beat some sence into this guy.', ">>{KKK4Trump} : The downballot Republicans might just want to keep their jobs. Even if they are not just self centered pricks, they might like to see the Senate stay in Republican hands. That's why Donnie may yet get the boot.", '>>{IbanezDavy} : I agree with Oliver. Drop out. Start your media empire. Have it be a success for 3 months and then go bankrupt in a year. Just do it already. Save yourself embarrassment. Additionally, for my own selfish reasons, drop out so we can have some other option than the smaller, yet equally mortifying, pile of shit that is Clinton. As of now, you are making me have to vote for her.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : It is right now, Jill. There's hope, with the right leadership it could be something, but right now...irrelevant footnote.", ">>{archeominus} : It's almost guaranteed at this point. A lot of top GOP officials are saying the RNC is speaking with Republican leaders and delegates on a strategy to unify and denounce Trump as their party's figurehead. This is probably being hastened by Trump's rapid drop in polls. By the end of next week, many Republicans are saying we might see Hillary up by an average of 15-20 points.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Ahahaha...here we go. Everything Trump does is tactically brilliant until he starts losing and then it's a conspiracy. Stop. He picked up a lot of republican support with dog-whistle racism and bluster. Then he freaked out and implied Obama was ISIS and a federal judge was racist. Republicans caused their own problems. Trump hasn't spent months bringing up Bill's alleged rape victims and all of Hillary's scandals as a mole. He's just losing. The end.", ">>{ShackledColt} : Sent my to the UPS store near me. Didn't want to miss it before work.", ">>{vorter} : FedEx overnight delivery by 3PM and it's 5 now....", '>>{AfroPanther} : It probably has a lot to do with his accent.', ">>{ggKevin} : They've delivered items around 8pm to my house before.", ">>{t88m} : He would be. He'd be a fucking rock star forever with no shortage of money.", ">>{TheSwordofGod} : http://www.rightwisconsin.com/opinion/daily-takes/paul-ryan-has-massive-78-14-lead-over-primary-challenger Yes because he's so close to losing his seat!", '>>{Glovedawg} : I imagine so, he had a few slots on a British panel show but was perfectly average on it.', ">>{theloudestlion} : My neighbors probably think I'm trying to execute a meth deal by now the amount of times I've gone out and lingered in front of my house", '>>{eightdx} : I think at this point even the satirists are sick of this bullshit election. Jon Stewart is lucky he got out when he did, else the Daily Show would just be a daily half hour of him drinking hard alcohol and banging his head against a teleprompter.', ">>{beelzuhbub} : I don't like Trump. His personality fits the description that the DNC laid out for promoting a far-right Republican as nominee though. The DNC wanted to get rid of all the moderate Republicans out of the way and end up with an easy-target, extreme nominee. That much has been revealed in recent DNC leaks. While they don't name him specifically, he was the perfect candidate to meet their needs.", ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Going off on a bit of a tangent here, but I was recently in London and was surprised at the lack of professional quality in television. Lighting, camera work like color balance and shutter speed, sound quality, shot blocking, and even wardrobe/makeup were all showing a lack of experience or possibly cut from the budget. Even in the US you'll see a quality drop once you get outside the major media markets but I would have expected a huge metropolitan market like London to be able to attract better quality media professionals.", ">>{DeniseDeNephew} : I think this is fairly likely. We're seeing prominent republicans make public statements against Trump, even republicans like Mitt Romney and Meg Whitman who aren't going to take his place as the candidate. They're dropping hints to the republican constituents of what may happen during the Convention. A last-minute candidate would be strange to see but it might also generate a huge amount of buzz and excitement, and might be the republicans best chance of winning. Regardless of who you support, the Republican Convention will be interesting to watch.", ">>{Frisnfruitig} : Certainly doesn't look like it. He may crumble under the pressure but it won't be because he has any other choice. It's still baffling to me how these Republicans can behave like this and get away with it or even worse, be rewarded for it during elections.", '>>{LordPennyfarthington} : Please peddle your lies somewhere else. Thank you.', '>>{poopvotes} : Well, so far it pretty much has been.', '>>{k4rst3n} : They fucked me over today. 8:35 they started to deliver. At 17:30 I get "unable to deliver" even though I\'ve been home all day long. So at 19:45, 15 min before the UPS pickup point close I drove there and finally got it. Would have had to wait till Monday else way...', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : What a choice. They can either risk an explosion of violence at their convention or they can write off the Presidency and Senate and try to hold onto the House. Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.", ">>{Heylookaguy} : I was talking more about his control of the house. Of course he's going to maintain his seat, senators and congressmen are lifetime appointments. That was never an issue. Edit -Just to clarify. The ones you know, those who are household names are lifetime appointments. You know the ones I mean.", '>>{jdscarface} : Man every John Oliver post people say the same thing but I\'m willing to bet Oliver would be the first person to agree with every bit of criticism hurled his way. "A poor man\'s version of John Stewart.. Hell of a compliment to be honest. I\'ll take it."', ">>{LoveMunster} : This is not what the party needs. It doesn't matter that you don't like him. It's who the people chose (supposedly) so y'all needa get together and deal with it so we can keep Hillary out of the white house. It's a shitty hand, but deal with it.", '>>{KKK4Trump} : That thought is big and strong and can walk all by itself.', '>>{Pigs81} : I got stuck at work and missed the delivery. Went online and set it up so I can pick it up when the driver gets back to the service center..... one more hour to go.', '>>{123celestekent321} : Unless or until the Green Party manages to elect some large fraction of the entire house of representatives, they will continue to be irrelevant footnote. Because unless or until they attain that status they will simply not have anything to say about the agenda and the votes of that august body. What that means is a 50 state campaign, it means spending millions in many different states not just one or two. AND of course having a candidate which is identifiable by more than 10% of the voting public.', '>>{YallMofosNeedCheesus} : If as expected Chaffetz does nothing he should face McMullin in the 2018 election. McMullin should get combined support from Democrats, Libertarians, NeverTrump Republicans, fans of the McMuffin, and all the people Trump will piss off between now and 2018.', ">>{CarmineFields} : > His personality fits the description that the DNC laid out for promoting a far-right Republican as nominee though His personality fits exactly what republicans like, that's why he was so popular while in the primaries. But, seriously, stop and think about who Clinton's competition was without Trump. Rubio? Jeb!? Cruz? None of those guys had a hope. They're nuts and one has one of the least popular presidents in history as a brother. There's no way they'd waste hundreds of millions on a fake candidate that's more appealing than all the real candidates.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : That's not a lie. Also, dismantling nuclear power, and the anti-vax shit, from a doctor no less. Plus, there's her amazing track record with political leadership...", ">>{SanDiegoDude} : Jill Stein thinks vaccines are possibly unnecessary and maybe just a money making scheme by big pharma colluding with the FDA. She also wants to ban all GMO products. Let me remind you she's a medical doctor and should fucking know better. ಠ_ಠ [Here's a source since OP is trying to do his best to call us all liars for criticizing Stein for being an idiot.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/)", '>>{_____Anarchy_____} : >"That\'s not a lie." /u/LordPennyfarthington responded to your claim that Stein believes in crystal healing. Is that true, or is it not?', ">>{TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP} : Globalists crashing the party and the peoples choice. Media working with them. Ryan's a sell out. These are bad, un-American people.", '>>{ME24601} : >To help convince Trump to take his advice, Oliver presented an actual children’s book called The Kid Who Ran for President, about a 12-year-old boy who runs for president as a joke. Will Arnett even recorded an audiobook version to help dramatize the story for Trump, including the speech the boy delivers when he is elected president and promptly resigns. The problem with this is that there is a sequel titled [The Kid Who Became President](http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/book/kid-who-became-president), wherein the kid changes his mind and decides to actually be president, and ends up averting a world war by defeating a foreign leader at a video game.', '>>{r2deetard} : I think we all are at this point. Trump is fucking terrifying.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : Very insightful how did you come up with that?', ">>{Ximitar} : BAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAH! NO! No, of course fucking not! Besides, he'll be too busy conducting an intensive hunt for whomever was audacious enough to leak information about General Flynn breaking the law and then lying about it; they're the *real* criminals here.", '>>{vootator} : There are strong signs that "Top Cop" is actually, "Bottom Bitch"', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : Just asking, have Andy Kaufman and Donald Trump ever been seen in the same place at the same time?', '>>{throwawatc123} : After the 8 years of hell we had under Bush and Darth, the only way Republicans should see the inside of the White House for at least the next 20 years should be as part of a tour group', '>>{CoffeeAndWork} : That was me. I ended up going to work shortly after posting this and my brother texted me an hour into my shift "Hey your phone is here." Haha.', '>>{appletimemac} : They delivered mine at like freaking 7pm. I was ready to come home early to grab it and nothin. Those UPS guys must have been crazy busy.', ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Ah yes, let's put all our faith in the no-name anti-vaxxer. Hey Jill, how about you make an actual case for yourself and your party when it matters instead of hopping in at the last second and fucking over the candidate who has a chance and actually has the most in common with you and your supporters.", '>>{creejay} : I normally like her in interviews, but she comes across unhinged in that video. Like a crazy street person handing out pamphlets about conspiracies.', '>>{Greenman851} : If it says by 7PM those fuckers always arrive at 6:59. Hate that shit', ">>{RyanAdamsFamily} : It's frustrating to those of us who enjoyed his earlier work as he has the talent to do something truly unique and to his own. Instead he's ending up a wanna be - definitely not the most damning criticism by any means....but it's still a disappointment.", '>>{PDXMatthew} : I always listen for the truck. The UPS truck has a distinctive sound.', ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Thank you for spreading disinformation, but none of that's true.", '>>{lcarlson6082} : Wow. What an irrelevant footnote of a candidacy.', ">>{shillmaster_9000} : She's an MD who's running in a party that is pro homeopathy. How's that for the truth?", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Romney wanted to take his place I'm sure but was outed trying to sandbag him secretly.", ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Lies about crystal healing and anti-vax are part of their standardized list of attacks to throw at every Jill Stein article. It's all a script.", '>>{Rostrom} : Are you being serious? What, in his 40 years as a billionaire celebrity with the means and authority to do whatever he wanted, has he done something you disagreed with?', ">>{dastweinerhund} : You're kidding they love it. one of the longest running bits was when the Bush presidency was ending and comedians were complaing about having g to come up with material on their own. This is great fodder for their writers. The elections are ripe for parody", ">>{TrumpSJW} : I've heard this before and it's repeated quite often so I assume she's on record saying some of it. Why is it all lies?", ">>{Glovedawg} : I've never seen a full episode, but when he was on TV in Britain he was exactly average.", ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Here's Jill Stein's platform: http://www.jill2016.com/platform Homeopathy is not on it.", '>>{Afalau} : Ah, so you find it hilarious that people watch a show that you know nothing about. Got it.', ">>{yeahsureYnot} : It's easy to present an alternative to two unfavorable candidates at the last minute and suck up some disenchanted voters. It's also irresponsible in this case, because Donald fucking trump is running for president (aka the most powerful position in the goddamn solar system)", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : How else can they try to help Clinton get elected. They just care about their fiefdoms which will be preserved under her regime.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : ~85% of the time, it works every time... https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/eric-cantor-faces-tea-party-challenge-tuesday/2014/06/10/17da5d20-f092-11e3-bf76-447a5df6411f_story.html https://www.opensecrets.org/overview/reelect.php', '>>{OptionTheThird} : Not at all. She tries to coyly play both sides of the anti-vax movement. Saying otherwise is inaccurate.', '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : You thought maybe it was Clinton or Trump? And felt less bad for it?', '>>{liberalconservatives} : > Globalists Thats how I know you are a teenager.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : No your insider info that trump will be down by 20 points next week', '>>{TrumpSJW} : When the house decides a non majority you will always have a two party system', ">>{Corporal_Yorper} : I'm a democrat and I feel Hitlery is a worthless bag of fucking human garbage. I agree with what you said.", ">>{Glovedawg} : No I find it hilarious that someone who wasn't good enough to make it in Britain is a superstar in America.", '>>{beer_down} : I feel like the Democratic Party most accurately represents the progressive ideas of Bernie Sanders.', ">>{BlueMoblin} : Most optimistic comment I've read in weeks but maybe Trump will actually MAGA and hand over the senate.", '>>{Film_Director} : Nah, man. Democrats are a lot better at names than "Hitlery" or "Shillery.', '>>{liberalconservatives} : Ryan is probably the only person who could possibley beat Clinton in the general election.', ">>{Ugh8888} : ...What shows was he on in Britain? I'm no expert on the man, but I thought he got his start doing stand up, which segwayed into acting, which led to a role on Community, which led to The Daily Show, which led to him covering Stewart one summer, which led to his show on HBO. I know nothing though, just what I see on the Tee Vee.", ">>{DoxedByReddit} : Because she's not on record saying it. The green party platform, which as we all know is a completely meaningless document and has no bearing on the candidate or actual implementation of policy, has in the past held some goofy anti-science positions. They have been removed. ***Dr. Stein is a physician, a medical doctor***, so I don't understand where this comes from except an attempt to sling mud.", ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : It's just standard talking points to correct Jill's record. Here's Jill Stein's platform: http://www.jill2016.com/platform", '>>{fett4evr} : Remind me again which group of supporters has been doing the violent assaults and riots at political rallies again?', ">>{Clockwork757} : Well it's not like they just gave him the show. He was in a few sitcoms and the daily show before this.", '>>{BloodOfSokar} : She waffles a bit... tries to pander to both sides of the issue. e.g. "Vaccines are great *but*..."', ">>{Heylookaguy} : I doubt that, but he's not going to get the chance. If they do end up stealing it from Trump and handing it off, whoever gets the ball will lose spectacularly. We're not going to be told who to vote for and blindly fall in line. Well some will, but enough won't.", '>>{CuntTheRouge} : Different markets. There\'s no "good enough". I like stuff like A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Would I Lie To You, QI--none of that stuff would make it in the US, way too highbrow.', ">>{JoshuaZ1} : > Romney wanted to take his place I'm sure but was outed trying to sandbag him secretly. What are you talking about? Romney has been very open about how he wants to stop Trump and has been for months. He's even given speeches about it.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : No. She believes in fucking homeopathy, which includes healing crystals. She also has cast doubt on vaccines. She will say they have done good, but then will go on to say we don't understand them or the dangers they may pose. She wants to ban all gmo's. She wants to end all nuclear power. She's a nut. Sorry.", '>>{creejay} : Not a viable candidate (polling average of 3% on RCP dropped 1.8 points since last month). People are actually moving away from her campaign. Probably because she has no relevant experience and some questionable positions. Libertarians can actually gain something from votes (they have a shot at the 5% required for federal funding).', ">>{TrumpSJW} : True. So where does the rumor come from? I never pay attention to non issues anyway. Though I suppose that's subjective. What I mean is I hate wedge issues. Things like abortion or vaccines. Things that the president doesn't really have say in.", ">>{CuntTheRouge} : Doesn't he get into some more practical stuff though--with his gambits like setting up the fake church and collecting donations. Didn't one of his segments lead to the Feds opening up an investigation of something?", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Yes after he was outed. He hit the media circuit a few days later.', '>>{shillmaster_9000} : I know that. I said party platform. By the way, Jill is absolutely illiterate in economics. See [here](https://m.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4ixbr5/i_am_jill_stein_green_party_candidate_for/d31ynmd)', '>>{fredjonez} : She literally expanded on it today and said some dumb stuff about GMOs too. She\'s not a great candidate. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/ "real questions" Dated today. Also: "Monsanto lobbyists help run the day in those agencies and are in charge of approving what food isn’t safe" Bad', ">>{anon902503} : He could easily still get the nom. I would not be shocked if his people were secretly coordinating this delegate revolt. Im really curious about who is actually running this. If it's really just organic, then that's an extremely impressive organizing effort for a 50 year old Utah high school teacher.", ">>{whoamdave} : Yup. It's a four shot with the two of them, Elvis, and the Lindburgh Baby.", ">>{AssDotCom} : I don't think that was OP's point. Seriously though, imagine if the GOP screws Trump. What do you think would happen amongst his supporters?", '>>{Thringo} : Wait, I thought the lord of the Sith had a different title.', '>>{bigfootplays} : Trump supporters have, and Trump even offered to pay for their legal fees! Stand up guy!', '>>{growyurown} : The only thing that would make this election legendary is if both Hillary and Trump dropped out.', ">>{Rostrom} : We know he's worth at least 1 billion, so yeah, he is.", ">>{fett4evr} : Well, the democrat party already screwed over the base of it's supporters, yet I don't see any of them on here switching sides out of spite. Registered Republicans gave up their support of the party in droves after they saw what the GOP was trying to do to the candidate they wanted....but it's ONLY the Republicans that are corrupt.", ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Nice script, but still: lies. Jill Stein's platform for anyone who wants actual truth: http://www.jill2016.com/platform", '>>{someguyjusttrying} : A one party state is just what we need right? How left is too far left?', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : If they oust Trump, Trump supporters won't vote for whoever they nominate. Trump is the only way to avoid a Shillary presidency.", '>>{gAlienLifeform} : This is for you dad, America First!', '>>{JakeFrmStateFarm} : >Tell you what, worry-warts. I\'ll happily give back the 15 minutes of "our president\'s a sociopath who can\'t speak and believes in angels" material I wrote if we WEREN\'T TORTURING PEOPLE ANYMORE. I know everyone thinks Bush was some sort of comedic Everlasting Gobstopper but believe me, history\'s going to look at these last eight years and think, "I don\'t know if teetering that close to the brink was worth the funny YouTube impressions." - Patton Oswalt', '>>{Pylons} : Jill herself still has some worrying comments about the "vaccination conspiracy". "I don\'t know if we have an "official" stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. According to the most recent review of vaccination policies across the globe, mandatory vaccination that doesn\'t allow for medical exemptions is practically unheard of. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn\'t be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-indsutrial complex."', ">>{creejay} : Stein's entire campaign is based around attacking Clinton, why would anyone expect Clinton supporters to not attack Stein? Maybe if she focused on the issues she might actually attract people to her campaign (check out those polling numbers - not pretty).", ">>{Sink3mlow} : How did the parties screw over anyone? The candidates who won the most votes, most delegates, most states are the presumptive nominees. That's how it is supposed to work. Each primary was definitely more competitive than anyone probably imagined, but that's it.", ">>{Sink3mlow} : You aren't replying to the person who made that claim.", '>>{Sink3mlow} : I honestly feel sorry for people for whom this is their first real taste of presidential election year politics. What a nasty introduction.', ">>{dastweinerhund} : Oh for sure I've heard that one he's my favorite!", '>>{RedditYearTwo} : Jill is approaching 14 minutes and 59 seconds on her 15 min of fame.', ">>{kingbane} : it really doesn't matter. they have zero candidates who stand a chance other than trump. he's by far their most popular (and at the same time most unpopular) candidate. it's lose lose for them, but this is the result of them taking the southern strategy too far, and for far too long.", '>>{zacdenver} : It might also have greater relevance by running (and electing) candidates at local levels, so that 20 years from now, the party can actually point to some successes.', ">>{kingbane} : all lords of the sith are darths. there's darth sidious, daarth plagueis, etc. sidious i believe was the emperor.", ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : I think the thought process is that Trump is going to guarantee a Hillary presidency and at the same time, put the House at risk. I don't necessarily agree with that thought process, but that's whats pushing this", ">>{fett4evr} : Oh but don't you know, Bernie got cheated.", '>>{Niro5} : It\'s funny how sometimes the very fact that someone tells you something makes you less likely to believe it. "I\'m a very smart person" "I\'m not irrelevant" "You\'re going to live"', '>>{fett4evr} : Oh so that was Trump supporters shouting "BER-NIE BER-NIE BER-NIE" and holding up Mexican flags that were assaulting Trump supporters in San Jose at a Trump rally and they are the ones making death threats toward Trump over social media?', '>>{Ihavethepowerheman} : you think this is likely? are you high?', ">>{something45723} : That's correct, it was very relevant in 2000 when they got blamed for splitting democrats and electing Bush. Although a fair comeback to that I saw was that there were far more registered democrats in Florida who voted for Bush. I'm not sure what the evidence is because obviously you can't see who a specific person voted for, only that they voted*. This page, from an actual university, seems to indicate that 11% of democrats voted for Bush, 2% for Nader, and 1% to Buchanan. Meanwhile, 8% of Republicans voted for Gore and 1% for Nader. The page does not list the numbers behind those percentages Source: http://ropercenter.cornell.edu/polls/us-elections/how-groups-voted/how-groups-voted-2000/ This page lays out a few more counter arguments to the claim that Nader and the Greens cost Gore Florida and therefore the election, such as the fact that in Florida convicted felons cannot vote and they are disproportionately more likely to be African American and vote Democrat. The page is literally by and from the California Green Party themselves though, so it's quite clearly biased. http://www.cagreens.org/alameda/city/0803myth/myth.html * Edited to add this footnote - if you want to matter to anyone, vote. I have worked for a few political campaigns and they literally have records of who voted and in which elections. They / we would go door to door talking to people about the issues and candidates. If you don't vote or aren't registered, your house gets skipped because to them whatever you think literally doesn't matter and is a waste of time because they could be using that time on someone who votes. It's better to use your limited 10 hours to convert 10 regular voters than 10 people, only 5 of whom vote. It doesn't matter whom you vote for, or whether you write in a protest. Be on record as a regular voter, especially in primaries, and local politicians will care more about what you say. Nationally it might be different, not sure.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Lol a few Cruz delegates won't be able to force a rule change because the other 90% of delegates who support Trump wouldn't vote for that.", ">>{cl33t} : Has the Green Party accomplished something that I don't know about? Because otherwise, yeah, it will totally be an irrelevant footnote in history. That is, if they even get a footnote.", '>>{epraider} : Then they need stop acting like it. Win some local elections, establish the base, maybe win some state or even federal seats. They have failed to do so.', '>>{FishyFred} : Then try it this way: The Democratic Party is much closer to implementing progressive policies than the Green Party.', '>>{LazloWhittaker} : But I saw on the news that Bernie sayed to vote for cooked Hillary. This is why industrious corporate tyrant Doland James Trump has declared him weak and claimed all Bernie lapdogs as his own. Fellow nazis, we must not allowed cooKed Hitlery to win this election and due to this we must encourage Bernie dogs to vote out of spite instead of reason.', '>>{bigfootplays} : http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/03/02/a_list_of_violent_incidents_at_donald_trump_rallies_and_events.html http://mediamatters.org/research/2016/03/11/media-highlight-trumps-role-in-inspiring-violen/209176 http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/trump-artist-punched-face-nude-painting-los-angeles-378062381.html?_osource=nbcnews_twitter https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/08/21/trump-says-fans-are-very-passionate-after-hearing-one-of-them-allegedly-assaulted-hispanic-man/ http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-protester-roughed-up-2015-11 http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-trump-campaign-protests-20160313-story.html http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/11/24/black-protestor-beaten-at-trump-rally-ready-to-sue-for-hate-crime.html http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-supporters-rip-sign-held-peaceful-protesters-article-1.2488491 http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/donald-trump-supporters-spits-latino-protester-rally-article-1.2398331 http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a42966/trump-protester-go-back-to-africa/ http://www.insideedition.com/headlines/15177-trump-supporter-who-punched-protester-next-time-we-might-have-to-kill-him https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/11/donald-trumps-baffling-explanation-for-violence-at-his-campaign-rallies/ http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/272923-authorities-consider-charging-trump-with-inciting Need any more links?', ">>{fett4evr} : Did you notice what all your sources have in common? When you figure that out, you'll understand the problem.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Is that how it works? You just keep saying random shit until you say something that sounds true to enough people? Dems won't ever implement progressive policies while they can take progressive votes for granted yet need to complete for centrist votes. Think about it. Try to make sense.", ">>{bigfootplays} : Let me guess. They're all left-wing media, and not respected news sources like stormfront or breitbart?", ">>{aerosplat} : Yeah, Jill. It is. Pull your shit together, start contesting Congressional seats, and get yourself on the ballot in all 50 states. *Then* we'll talk about you being more than a footnote. Fuck.", '>>{SanDiegoDude} : [Yea, okay, all lies. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/)', '>>{turkey_is_dead} : I know. Dnc and shillary need to be rounded up', '>>{Naktem} : Things would rebalance after enough time with a new second party and a transformed democratic one.', ">>{spooed} : She's showing classic symptoms of healing crystal overdose. Someone needs to get her a tincture of wolfbane and 2-3 dreamcatchers STAT", ">>{ar9mm} : It's as if delegates don't vote on the rules committee", ">>{aDramaticPause} : Trumps. Have you not been paying attention for the past year? Oh, wait, one time, a few dudes said Bernie's name while getting violent so that means all of Bernie's supporters are violent. Yet at countless rallies over and over Trump's own supporters DID get violent. Plus, we've already seen corruption and bias at a convention with Bernie supporters (NV) and no one got violent. Is it easy or hard to just revise history this way?", '>>{emr1028} : What a whackjob. Did she just accuse the Clintons of being responsible for the Third Reich?', '>>{emr1028} : If we had a ranking system, I would put Stein fifth behind Clinton, Johnson, Undecided, and Vermin Supreme. She believes in homeopathy, so the less votes she gets the more powerful she is right?', ">>{aDramaticPause} : the are all factual, that's what they have in common :)", '>>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : 1 v 1 polling has Trump [plummeting](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html). Only four percentage points of voter look to go to [Johnson](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson-5949.html) or [Johnson and Stein combined](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html) while Trump has lost 5-8 points after Trump\'s comments on Orlando destroying the advantage the third party candidates were giving him. His polling is [historically bad](http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/436652/trump-doing-worse-polls-mccain-or-romney) for modern times. In the mean time, people tend not to "like" Hillary. However, that dislike is the result of two decades, nearing three at least, worth of attacks on Hillary and Bill. That she hasn\'t dipped below 43% indicates that is her floor. She can near bank on always being above 43% unless something major happens. Polling aside you also have the following: * The previous nominee is suggesting he\'ll vote for [Johnson, another party\'s nominee,](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/politics/mitt-romney-donald-trump-racism/), and saying Trump is a threat to the nation\'s soul. * [McCain](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/for-john-mccain-donald-trump-makes-reelection-the-race-of-my-life/) attributes Trump to risking his own re-election. Well, at least that\'s what he has said at a private fundraiser, allegedly. * [George W. Bush](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/17/us/politics/george-w-bush-gop-fundraising.html?_r=0) advocating a GOP controlled senate with phrasing to indicate the GOP needs said control to stop Trump and Hillary no matter who wins. This is their last President. * Not that [George W. Bush or George H. W. Bush](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/05/05/george-w-bush-trump-former-presidents/83962432/) look likely to endorse him. You can\'t blame the GOPe for now being very skittish with that polling and every GOP President and Nominee going back to Reagan (not sure what Reagan would have thought) coming out against this nominee. Not to mention Paul Ryan being openly flippant with his "Oh, I do endorse Candidate Blowhard" like comments. This is very much looking like an election where Hillary has to lose it rather than win it.', ">>{emr1028} : How about this: The democratic party isn't composed of science denying whackjobs, the GOP and Green Party are.", ">>{FishyFred} : They are doing the actual work, pushing towards those ideals. But they don't happen all at once. Take healthcare reform as an example. Universal/single payer isn't yet realistic. So we are on an intermediate step. If you don't show up, you are proving that you don't reward effort on behalf of progressive ideals. Hell, you don't even reward results. If you can't be counted on as a vote, then everybody will stop listening to you. So you have it exactly backwards.", '>>{creejay} : Exactly. As soon as I read that line I thought, "irrelevant footnote, what a perfect description of the Green Party."', '>>{Piglet86} : >need to be rounded up Easy with the language there, Pol Pot.', ">>{Piglet86} : This politicization of the media is one of the most understated problems in our country today, in my opinion. The further the media breaks down into wings the worse it'll be for the country. Completely kills discourse and rational thought from people that are easily swayed one way or another. This is coming from someone that agrees with your point, and not a critique on your links. Just slightly offtopic rambling.", '>>{Almustafa} : Politicization of media is neither new or a problem. Seriously, a lot of newspapers used to be called "The Such-and-such Democrat" or things like that. The real problem is the front of objectivity the media puts up. People wanted "unbiased" news so the media started claiming to be unbiased and people bought into it. What we need is for more media to be explict and honest about their worldviews instead of coyly pretending to be pure objective observers.', ">>{emr1028} : Yeah I'm not really comfortable with someone who can align herself with the idea that our medical system should be replaced with healing crystals and magical water.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Abject fail. Typical Hillarista lies and everyone open minded enough to consider the Green Party is insightful enough to see through them. Not a concern at all, but rather an act of obvious desperation on the part of the Clinton campaign. But still , what Hillarista can never seem to understand: we all are sick of the lies; You are your own worst enemies. Tell more lies lol. We're all literally that stupid. Pls. It's working so well, right?", ">>{emr1028} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/ Oh man it's all a conspiracy that runs so deep that Jill Stein herself is in on it. She's trying to paint herself as a whackjob because she's a secret Hillary shill. It all makes sense now.", '>>{IamBenCarsonsSpleen} : Dems who voted for Bush got what they wanted. Naderites never had a chance of getting what they wanted, and in fact got much worse than Gore, who they certainly agreed with more than Bush', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : This, So much this that Hillary's unfavorable rating is **57%**.", '>>{emr1028} : Jill Stein will never get to a point in her life where 57% of voters know who she is.', '>>{greenway2} : But she has said she thinks crystals can cure cancer.', ">>{Phunk131} : Polls are. Wait until the polling comes out after his Orlando comments. He's toast.", ">>{blancs50} : Seriously she couldn't even win a job as a state representative in Massachussets. Wtf is she thinking. At least Johnson and Weld were governors. Wanna know how you kill the progressive cause? Put a former city councilwoman completely out of her depths in charge of the Executive branch of the government and show how dysfunctional things can really go. See if any Americans will trust the government with health care after that.", ">>{fett4evr} : It's been more than one time. But YOU are incapable of knowing what truth is. There is a mountain of evidence shows proof it's YOUR people doing it but YOU WILL NEVER believe that.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : I am always a bit saddened by how little faith you people have in the potential for Americans to act in intelligent ways.', ">>{Mojo12000} : Here's the thing with a gap of just 500 votes? that 2%? just like a third of that would of been more than enough for Gore to win the state.", '>>{LordPennyfarthington} : Stein will be on 47-50 state ballots by November.', '>>{Phunk131} : No we need two sane parties willing to compromise to enact legislation to benefit the American people.', ">>{Everythingberns} : It's a loaded question to begin she's pointing out that the Clintons helped contribute to Trump's rise by enacting policies like NAFTA which hurt the middle class economically not just in the U.S. but worldwide making them more susceptible to neo-fascism. We already see that nationalism is on the rise in Britain as the brexit result was partly made up of people whose agenda included decreased immigration. In the United States it's blatantly obvious with Trump that nationalism is on the rise and it is not because he tapped into something special, it is because these feelings have been growing for nearly a decade. If we are to go off of Hillary and Bill's past policies we can assume that they will enact similar trade deals and Wall St. deregulation that contributed to the recession in the first place, leading to an economic disaster for the middle class while banks and corporations come out better off than before.The answer to Donald Trump is not Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is the result of failed policy enacted with the support of Hillary Clinton.", '>>{turkey_is_dead} : I say, I say, Round em up! Eee-awww!!', ">>{Piglet86} : And you don't think any media organization could be (mostly) independent of bias?", '>>{Mojo12000} : go look for and read her AMA, she came off as a freaking idiot there too. Some of her answers got utterly torn apart and she seemed to have some incredibly grave misunderstandings about economics and government.', ">>{Jake314159265359} : We're both wrong. http://www.gp.org/ballotaccess Enough to possibly get 270, but not 47 states.", ">>{Phunk131} : Wrong. No polling has been released since his comments on Orlando. His massive downturn was because of his racist comments towards the judge. I can't imagine his comments about Orlando will make his numbers go up. At all.", ">>{acerebral} : Conference call tldr: fuckfuckfuck! Democracy isn't doing what we want! We gotta fix this!!!", ">>{Pylons} : that is some grade A homeopathy you're on, my man", ">>{elbiot} : So instead of addressing people's concerns, we should take their children away? Or hold them down kicking and screaming and stick a needle in them? You've got CDC scientists destroying data that would be interpreted to say vaccines increase the risk of autism in african american boys. (because they don't want to be on that side of the argument? Who knows) That totally makes people skeptical. But better not focus on getting more clear, unbiased, data. Just call everyone who disagrees with you an idiot.", '>>{Phunk131} : Oh this is great. The condescension. The "I\'ve totally found a bigotry loophole, so I can hate all Mexicans and NOT be justifiably called racist." The denial of basic facts and all polling data. Actually, ya know what? Forget I said anything. Keep at it. Trump is on the trail to victory. He\'s totally not alienating all voting blocs he needs to win. Dropping in the polls is just gaining momentum to get to the top. MAGA CENTIPEDE HIGH ENERGY POST', '>>{Pylons} : Yes. I am going to call people who think there is a vaccination conspiracy idiots.', '>>{elbiot} : That will surely improve the public health. You are a true leader. Please run for office.', '>>{oldmonty} : This whole thing honestly reminds me of the John Oliver Segment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HetrEAH3DRE He called it months ago that the Republican party is going to tear itself apart trying to deny the person who got the most votes the nomination.', ">>{userKname} : >Also 'Mexican' is not a race, but thanks for playing. Weird, because if it's a nationality the Judge is American.", '>>{NonHomogenized} : > She believes in fucking homeopathy, which includes healing crystals. Congratulations, you\'re wrong twice in one sentence. She doesn\'t believe in homeopathy, and homeopathy is that whole "like cures like when diluted to the point that there is none of the actual \'cure\' in the crap we\'re peddling" nonsense - crystal healing is a different type of idiocy that is popular among the same kind of dumbasses.', '>>{userKname} : >Then Trump\'s just wrong. No, he knows the judge is American. He just thinks he inherited his "Mexican" from his immigrant parents. > ["He\'s a Mexican.\xa0[...] He\'s of Mexican heritage"](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-tapper-lead/) > ["If you are saying he cannot do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism"](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-tapper-lead/) > ["No, I don\'t think so at all," Trump said.](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-tapper-lead/)', ">>{GenghisSan} : I'll take 2 of what this guy had if trump wins in November.", '>>{Phunk131} : >Call it bigotry, but it\'s not racism. This is hilarious. "My candidate is NOT racist...he\'s a BIGOT." That\'s seriously the argument you\'re making right now? Not "He\'s not a bigot", just "He\'s in a different category of bigotry then the one you said." Well at least his supporters recognize his bigotry. That\'s progress...I guess. >You\'re the one who isn\'t familiar with the polling data, and arrogantly pretends to be. BUT WAIT DUDE, JUST WAIT TIL THOSE POLLS COME OUT DUDE, HE\'S DONE FOR. You can\'t make this stuff up: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/17/politics/donald-trump-poll-tweet/ Trump\'s dumbassery aside, the trend for Trump is bad. VERY VERY bad. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html >Never mind that Hillary hasn\'t done a single fucking press conference this entire year. Do you think she\'s going to win an election without going through the fire? She avoids the press because she has shady issues and because when people see her talk (like during her debates with Bernie) she drops in the polls. Hillary sucks, but she does press interviews every day. Here\'s some from the last few days. Literally google "Hillary interview" in Google News and you\'ll see a ton of stuff. She\'s not hiding, you\'re just not looking because it goes against what you want to hear. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/clinton-interview-transcript_us_57619f7be4b05e4be86091fd http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/15/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-economy/85928334/ http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/13/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-orlando-attacks-reaction/ Trump has no money, no staff, and no likability beyond his base. His own party hates him. He needs a completely unified GOP base behind him to even have a hair\'s breath chance of winning, and right now his party is condemning his racism and talking about replacing him as the nominee. It\'s looking awful for him right now.', ">>{Phunk131} : Lol...my favorite part was all the facts and data you cited to prove any of that bullshit you just made up. >None of this shows a 15-20 point lead or even the beginnings of that. He was 5 points behind last week, you're saying that's gonna jump up next week because of some minor comments? okay. Real the links again. You're missing something. And the comments weren't minor...EVERYONE, republican and democrat were talking about how grotesque his response one. He CAN'T win without moderates. >Press conferences that's where multiple reporters from different outfits come and you answer questions from them. Hillary does really well with groups that have been vetted, or on TV programs with similar groups. She hasn't done a press conference in a long, long time. Right. But you said she's avoiding press. She's just avoiding press the way YOU want her to, for some reason. Like I proved, she does press all the time. I'm NOT a Hillary supporter, but this argument is dumb. >You'd think his own party hates him if you hang out here and only read the shit that gets posted and up voted here. Paul Ryan: He's racist. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/08/us/politics/paul-ryan-donald-trump-gonzalo-curiel.html?_r=0 > in reality Trump is only 5.8 points behind, maybe a little worse than tha Citation needed. >He has enough money to run a campaign, Citation needed. >and with the exposure he has he doesn't need to spend hundreds of millions on TV ads. The exposure he's been getting is not good. It's universally negative. He's not in control of the narrative, and that's awful for him. He needs to fundraise, and he's not. >Nobody with the power is actually talking about replacing him, btw, that's just delusional nevertrumpers and rumors. You sure about that? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/dozens-of-gop-delegates-launch-new-push-to-halt-donald-trump/2016/06/17/e8dcf74e-3491-11e6-8758-d58e76e11b12_story.html >I'm done here, you're an absolute waste of time. Citation needed.", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Bernie Sanders appears to disagree with you. Which of these individuals should I believe when it comes to understanding "the progressive ideas of Bernie Sanders" * /u/AllHailKingJeb * Bernie Sanders', '>>{leamas666} : Keep getting into street fights with your fellow peasants while we print more money! Central Bankers', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : both. Bernie was in a position to influence the Democratic Platform, so he took that opportunity, and fudged the truth a bit by saying Hillary isn't Satanic. But she is, he knows it, we all know it. Don't be fake. Maybe you believe she's less Satanic than Trump, whatever. She's obviously Satanic.", ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Well, since I'm agnostic and don't believe in Satan, I'm going to have to dismiss that argument", ">>{userKname} : >That's still not racist, that's being nationalistic. Haha, ok. Dunno if you're aware, but nationality isn't genetic. The judge's nationality is American. His _ethnicity_ is hispanic. Trump isn't prejudiced against the judge's nationality (American), he's prejudiced against his heritage (which Trump stated unequivocally in the interview). He says the judge is unqualified because of his heritage, that is racism, that is bigotry, that is discrimination.", '>>{rydan} : To be fair Bernie supporters have their own convention to protest.', '>>{userKname} : >Heritage can involve nationality as well, there is nothing in the word that designates genealogy or race. Except that in this case Trump has been explicitly clear that he is referring to the judge\'s genealogy. Trump is arguing that the judge is unqualified because of his parentage, that his ethnicity as a "Mexican" biases him. No matter how you try and qualify that, it\'s bigotry.', '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : You\'re not offering anything worthy of debate. "Oh I know the truth, trust me" It\'s a very Trump-like argument. I don\'t buy it from him, and I\'m not buying it from you', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : (You shouldn't let Bernie or Hillary think for you, either. Not even Stein.)", ">>{userKname} : Nope, it's bigotry. Saying someone is unqualified because of the nationality of their parents is undeniably bigotry.", '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : Globalization? Isn\'t she a "borders shouldn\'t exist" candidate?', ">>{aDramaticPause} : You're right, I won't. Because it's not the truth. There are tons and tons of videos and sources showing multiple Trump rallies where his supporters are being violent AND Trump is calling for more violence. But that just doesn't exist to you. But there are a few examples of where people are violent and have a Bernie sign and bam, it's his entire group. I guess we all see what we want to see. I'm just happy there's video evidence for what I see.", ">>{TheDarkAgniRises} : While I completely disagree with almost 100% of his policies, Gary is, unlike Trump, a good person. (And yeah r/politics, Ill even add Clinton for y'all, even though I personally don't think she's a bad person.)", ">>{fett4evr} : That is what your media wants you to believe. Trump was NEVER treated this way by democrats until he started running against them. Go back and look. He's a threat to their power grab. That is why they fear him.", '>>{CoolDudeKylePeters} : Certainly not angry mobs attacking people with different opinions than them. The worst case scenario is maybe /pol/ does something outrageous and stupid.', ">>{CoolDudeKylePeters} : No one really wins here considering how bad both sides are. At least they aren't BLM though they're fucking obnoxious.", '>>{notanartmajor} : You see, one small vote in a large enough quantity of water assures her victory.', ">>{CoolDudeKylePeters} : I have a very large penis Don't ask for proof though I don't have any", ">>{sartori_tangier} : No, the Green Party is not an irrelevant footnote. A good example of an irrelevant footnote is, say, Bernie Sanders. The Green Party doesn't even warrant a mention.", '>>{dwntwn_dine_ent_dist} : In many states, the delegates that Trump won were chosen by the party. They may be pledged, but they are not Trump supporters.', ">>{LesterPearsonsProjct} : I suspect that despite Ryan's statements to the contrary, he's actually interested in the job, but since he's a Nervous Nellie, he won't admit it until the RNC assures him it's 100% safe and risk-free to do so. Nellie/Kasich 2016!", '>>{Jake314159265359} : List of questions: * Can Republicans win without Trump Supporters? * Can Trump keep the other Republicans? * Can Trump/Other Republican win with Johnson on stage?', '>>{Jacob_exe} : Clinton is going to win in a plurality just like her husband...', ">>{aDramaticPause} : The same thing can be said about how Trump talks about them. He talks about Obama like he's the devil, he talks about Hillary like she's awful even when just 4 years ago he was praising her. He's flip flopped on so many subjects. Just watch these two videos if you want to see words out of his own mouth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIs2L2nUL-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5A02pNcGHs", '>>{shr00mydan} : I think Kasich would have of really good chance in a three-way race against Clinton and Trump. He would stand out as moderate and presidential compared to a personality disorder on his right and a career criminal on his left.', ">>{kingbane} : if it was a 3 way race, i doubt it. look at the democratic side's primary. the dems do have a large base of super loyal people. kasich might be able to steal a few independents who were leaning democratic, but honestly some of his policies will rub those people the ~~same~~ wrong way. they might spite vote for kasich cause clinton is a piece of shit. but he's not gonna be able to steal enough of the votes from the dems to beat clinton. he would however though split the republican's pretty badly. maybe not take 50% of the republican votes but 10-20% away from trump would end his chances of beating clinton as well.", '>>{am2o} : No: Most optimistic comment would be that "Trump MAGA and handed over the House."', '>>{xenium94} : Ofcourse he doesn\'t. He just rides his high horse "olol ur so dumb, get educated"', ">>{just_a_thought4U} : Well, as long as it's not one of the loosers from the primary. They have all been soundly rejected already by voters.", ">>{fett4evr} : I am aware of all that. Reagan used to be a liberal too. If you trying to say Trump is worse than Hillary, you clearly have been listen or reading the WRONG stuff. Trump isn't under investigation by the FBI for selling out the country, nor has he ever been. He has never been in any serious trouble with the law. Hillary has a trail of bodies and corporate money behind her. There no comparison between the two. Not to mention how many jobs he has created for Americans. Can you say the same about Hillary?", ">>{aDramaticPause} : My point is that it's not the media making me believe anything, I listen to Trump's words to make my decisions, no one else's. The videos were all his words.", ">>{Insanity601} : Why are you saying that as if being a globalist was a bad thing... Disruption and corruption of democracy is one charge, but having any political belief isn't inherently wrong."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Jill Stein: Green Party is 'not some irrelevant footnote'", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Jill Stein's Green Party is nothing less than the party where the Sanders revolution continues.", '>>{greenway2} : Her belief in crystals for healing turns off most thinking people.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : It is right now, Jill. There's hope, with the right leadership it could be something, but right now...irrelevant footnote.", '>>{LordPennyfarthington} : Please peddle your lies somewhere else. Thank you.', '>>{poopvotes} : Well, so far it pretty much has been.', '>>{123celestekent321} : Unless or until the Green Party manages to elect some large fraction of the entire house of representatives, they will continue to be irrelevant footnote. Because unless or until they attain that status they will simply not have anything to say about the agenda and the votes of that august body. What that means is a 50 state campaign, it means spending millions in many different states not just one or two. AND of course having a candidate which is identifiable by more than 10% of the voting public.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : That's not a lie. Also, dismantling nuclear power, and the anti-vax shit, from a doctor no less. Plus, there's her amazing track record with political leadership...", ">>{SanDiegoDude} : Jill Stein thinks vaccines are possibly unnecessary and maybe just a money making scheme by big pharma colluding with the FDA. She also wants to ban all GMO products. Let me remind you she's a medical doctor and should fucking know better. ಠ_ಠ [Here's a source since OP is trying to do his best to call us all liars for criticizing Stein for being an idiot.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/)", '>>{_____Anarchy_____} : >"That\'s not a lie." /u/LordPennyfarthington responded to your claim that Stein believes in crystal healing. Is that true, or is it not?', ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Ah yes, let's put all our faith in the no-name anti-vaxxer. Hey Jill, how about you make an actual case for yourself and your party when it matters instead of hopping in at the last second and fucking over the candidate who has a chance and actually has the most in common with you and your supporters.", '>>{creejay} : I normally like her in interviews, but she comes across unhinged in that video. Like a crazy street person handing out pamphlets about conspiracies.', ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Thank you for spreading disinformation, but none of that's true.", '>>{lcarlson6082} : Wow. What an irrelevant footnote of a candidacy.', ">>{shillmaster_9000} : She's an MD who's running in a party that is pro homeopathy. How's that for the truth?", ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Lies about crystal healing and anti-vax are part of their standardized list of attacks to throw at every Jill Stein article. It's all a script.", ">>{TrumpSJW} : I've heard this before and it's repeated quite often so I assume she's on record saying some of it. Why is it all lies?", ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Here's Jill Stein's platform: http://www.jill2016.com/platform Homeopathy is not on it.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : It's easy to present an alternative to two unfavorable candidates at the last minute and suck up some disenchanted voters. It's also irresponsible in this case, because Donald fucking trump is running for president (aka the most powerful position in the goddamn solar system)", '>>{OptionTheThird} : Not at all. She tries to coyly play both sides of the anti-vax movement. Saying otherwise is inaccurate.', '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : You thought maybe it was Clinton or Trump? And felt less bad for it?', '>>{TrumpSJW} : When the house decides a non majority you will always have a two party system', '>>{beer_down} : I feel like the Democratic Party most accurately represents the progressive ideas of Bernie Sanders.', ">>{DoxedByReddit} : Because she's not on record saying it. The green party platform, which as we all know is a completely meaningless document and has no bearing on the candidate or actual implementation of policy, has in the past held some goofy anti-science positions. They have been removed. ***Dr. Stein is a physician, a medical doctor***, so I don't understand where this comes from except an attempt to sling mud.", ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : It's just standard talking points to correct Jill's record. Here's Jill Stein's platform: http://www.jill2016.com/platform", '>>{BloodOfSokar} : She waffles a bit... tries to pander to both sides of the issue. e.g. "Vaccines are great *but*..."', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : No. She believes in fucking homeopathy, which includes healing crystals. She also has cast doubt on vaccines. She will say they have done good, but then will go on to say we don't understand them or the dangers they may pose. She wants to ban all gmo's. She wants to end all nuclear power. She's a nut. Sorry.", '>>{creejay} : Not a viable candidate (polling average of 3% on RCP dropped 1.8 points since last month). People are actually moving away from her campaign. Probably because she has no relevant experience and some questionable positions. Libertarians can actually gain something from votes (they have a shot at the 5% required for federal funding).', ">>{TrumpSJW} : True. So where does the rumor come from? I never pay attention to non issues anyway. Though I suppose that's subjective. What I mean is I hate wedge issues. Things like abortion or vaccines. Things that the president doesn't really have say in.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : I know that. I said party platform. By the way, Jill is absolutely illiterate in economics. See [here](https://m.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4ixbr5/i_am_jill_stein_green_party_candidate_for/d31ynmd)', '>>{fredjonez} : She literally expanded on it today and said some dumb stuff about GMOs too. She\'s not a great candidate. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/ "real questions" Dated today. Also: "Monsanto lobbyists help run the day in those agencies and are in charge of approving what food isn’t safe" Bad', ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Nice script, but still: lies. Jill Stein's platform for anyone who wants actual truth: http://www.jill2016.com/platform", '>>{Pylons} : Jill herself still has some worrying comments about the "vaccination conspiracy". "I don\'t know if we have an "official" stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. According to the most recent review of vaccination policies across the globe, mandatory vaccination that doesn\'t allow for medical exemptions is practically unheard of. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn\'t be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-indsutrial complex."', ">>{creejay} : Stein's entire campaign is based around attacking Clinton, why would anyone expect Clinton supporters to not attack Stein? Maybe if she focused on the issues she might actually attract people to her campaign (check out those polling numbers - not pretty).", '>>{RedditYearTwo} : Jill is approaching 14 minutes and 59 seconds on her 15 min of fame.', '>>{zacdenver} : It might also have greater relevance by running (and electing) candidates at local levels, so that 20 years from now, the party can actually point to some successes.', '>>{Niro5} : It\'s funny how sometimes the very fact that someone tells you something makes you less likely to believe it. "I\'m a very smart person" "I\'m not irrelevant" "You\'re going to live"', ">>{something45723} : That's correct, it was very relevant in 2000 when they got blamed for splitting democrats and electing Bush. Although a fair comeback to that I saw was that there were far more registered democrats in Florida who voted for Bush. I'm not sure what the evidence is because obviously you can't see who a specific person voted for, only that they voted*. This page, from an actual university, seems to indicate that 11% of democrats voted for Bush, 2% for Nader, and 1% to Buchanan. Meanwhile, 8% of Republicans voted for Gore and 1% for Nader. The page does not list the numbers behind those percentages Source: http://ropercenter.cornell.edu/polls/us-elections/how-groups-voted/how-groups-voted-2000/ This page lays out a few more counter arguments to the claim that Nader and the Greens cost Gore Florida and therefore the election, such as the fact that in Florida convicted felons cannot vote and they are disproportionately more likely to be African American and vote Democrat. The page is literally by and from the California Green Party themselves though, so it's quite clearly biased. http://www.cagreens.org/alameda/city/0803myth/myth.html * Edited to add this footnote - if you want to matter to anyone, vote. I have worked for a few political campaigns and they literally have records of who voted and in which elections. They / we would go door to door talking to people about the issues and candidates. If you don't vote or aren't registered, your house gets skipped because to them whatever you think literally doesn't matter and is a waste of time because they could be using that time on someone who votes. It's better to use your limited 10 hours to convert 10 regular voters than 10 people, only 5 of whom vote. It doesn't matter whom you vote for, or whether you write in a protest. Be on record as a regular voter, especially in primaries, and local politicians will care more about what you say. Nationally it might be different, not sure.", ">>{cl33t} : Has the Green Party accomplished something that I don't know about? Because otherwise, yeah, it will totally be an irrelevant footnote in history. That is, if they even get a footnote.", '>>{epraider} : Then they need stop acting like it. Win some local elections, establish the base, maybe win some state or even federal seats. They have failed to do so.', '>>{FishyFred} : Then try it this way: The Democratic Party is much closer to implementing progressive policies than the Green Party.', '>>{LazloWhittaker} : But I saw on the news that Bernie sayed to vote for cooked Hillary. This is why industrious corporate tyrant Doland James Trump has declared him weak and claimed all Bernie lapdogs as his own. Fellow nazis, we must not allowed cooKed Hitlery to win this election and due to this we must encourage Bernie dogs to vote out of spite instead of reason.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Is that how it works? You just keep saying random shit until you say something that sounds true to enough people? Dems won't ever implement progressive policies while they can take progressive votes for granted yet need to complete for centrist votes. Think about it. Try to make sense.", ">>{aerosplat} : Yeah, Jill. It is. Pull your shit together, start contesting Congressional seats, and get yourself on the ballot in all 50 states. *Then* we'll talk about you being more than a footnote. Fuck.", '>>{SanDiegoDude} : [Yea, okay, all lies. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/)', ">>{spooed} : She's showing classic symptoms of healing crystal overdose. Someone needs to get her a tincture of wolfbane and 2-3 dreamcatchers STAT", '>>{emr1028} : What a whackjob. Did she just accuse the Clintons of being responsible for the Third Reich?', '>>{emr1028} : If we had a ranking system, I would put Stein fifth behind Clinton, Johnson, Undecided, and Vermin Supreme. She believes in homeopathy, so the less votes she gets the more powerful she is right?', ">>{emr1028} : How about this: The democratic party isn't composed of science denying whackjobs, the GOP and Green Party are.", ">>{FishyFred} : They are doing the actual work, pushing towards those ideals. But they don't happen all at once. Take healthcare reform as an example. Universal/single payer isn't yet realistic. So we are on an intermediate step. If you don't show up, you are proving that you don't reward effort on behalf of progressive ideals. Hell, you don't even reward results. If you can't be counted on as a vote, then everybody will stop listening to you. So you have it exactly backwards.", '>>{creejay} : Exactly. As soon as I read that line I thought, "irrelevant footnote, what a perfect description of the Green Party."', ">>{emr1028} : Yeah I'm not really comfortable with someone who can align herself with the idea that our medical system should be replaced with healing crystals and magical water.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Abject fail. Typical Hillarista lies and everyone open minded enough to consider the Green Party is insightful enough to see through them. Not a concern at all, but rather an act of obvious desperation on the part of the Clinton campaign. But still , what Hillarista can never seem to understand: we all are sick of the lies; You are your own worst enemies. Tell more lies lol. We're all literally that stupid. Pls. It's working so well, right?", ">>{emr1028} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/ Oh man it's all a conspiracy that runs so deep that Jill Stein herself is in on it. She's trying to paint herself as a whackjob because she's a secret Hillary shill. It all makes sense now.", '>>{IamBenCarsonsSpleen} : Dems who voted for Bush got what they wanted. Naderites never had a chance of getting what they wanted, and in fact got much worse than Gore, who they certainly agreed with more than Bush', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : This, So much this that Hillary's unfavorable rating is **57%**.", '>>{emr1028} : Jill Stein will never get to a point in her life where 57% of voters know who she is.', '>>{greenway2} : But she has said she thinks crystals can cure cancer.', ">>{blancs50} : Seriously she couldn't even win a job as a state representative in Massachussets. Wtf is she thinking. At least Johnson and Weld were governors. Wanna know how you kill the progressive cause? Put a former city councilwoman completely out of her depths in charge of the Executive branch of the government and show how dysfunctional things can really go. See if any Americans will trust the government with health care after that.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : I am always a bit saddened by how little faith you people have in the potential for Americans to act in intelligent ways.', ">>{Mojo12000} : Here's the thing with a gap of just 500 votes? that 2%? just like a third of that would of been more than enough for Gore to win the state.", '>>{LordPennyfarthington} : Stein will be on 47-50 state ballots by November.', ">>{Everythingberns} : It's a loaded question to begin she's pointing out that the Clintons helped contribute to Trump's rise by enacting policies like NAFTA which hurt the middle class economically not just in the U.S. but worldwide making them more susceptible to neo-fascism. We already see that nationalism is on the rise in Britain as the brexit result was partly made up of people whose agenda included decreased immigration. In the United States it's blatantly obvious with Trump that nationalism is on the rise and it is not because he tapped into something special, it is because these feelings have been growing for nearly a decade. If we are to go off of Hillary and Bill's past policies we can assume that they will enact similar trade deals and Wall St. deregulation that contributed to the recession in the first place, leading to an economic disaster for the middle class while banks and corporations come out better off than before.The answer to Donald Trump is not Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is the result of failed policy enacted with the support of Hillary Clinton.", '>>{Mojo12000} : go look for and read her AMA, she came off as a freaking idiot there too. Some of her answers got utterly torn apart and she seemed to have some incredibly grave misunderstandings about economics and government.', ">>{Jake314159265359} : We're both wrong. http://www.gp.org/ballotaccess Enough to possibly get 270, but not 47 states.", ">>{Pylons} : that is some grade A homeopathy you're on, my man", ">>{elbiot} : So instead of addressing people's concerns, we should take their children away? Or hold them down kicking and screaming and stick a needle in them? You've got CDC scientists destroying data that would be interpreted to say vaccines increase the risk of autism in african american boys. (because they don't want to be on that side of the argument? Who knows) That totally makes people skeptical. But better not focus on getting more clear, unbiased, data. Just call everyone who disagrees with you an idiot.", '>>{Pylons} : Yes. I am going to call people who think there is a vaccination conspiracy idiots.', '>>{elbiot} : That will surely improve the public health. You are a true leader. Please run for office.', '>>{NonHomogenized} : > She believes in fucking homeopathy, which includes healing crystals. Congratulations, you\'re wrong twice in one sentence. She doesn\'t believe in homeopathy, and homeopathy is that whole "like cures like when diluted to the point that there is none of the actual \'cure\' in the crap we\'re peddling" nonsense - crystal healing is a different type of idiocy that is popular among the same kind of dumbasses.', ">>{GenghisSan} : I'll take 2 of what this guy had if trump wins in November.", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Bernie Sanders appears to disagree with you. Which of these individuals should I believe when it comes to understanding "the progressive ideas of Bernie Sanders" * /u/AllHailKingJeb * Bernie Sanders', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : both. Bernie was in a position to influence the Democratic Platform, so he took that opportunity, and fudged the truth a bit by saying Hillary isn't Satanic. But she is, he knows it, we all know it. Don't be fake. Maybe you believe she's less Satanic than Trump, whatever. She's obviously Satanic.", ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Well, since I'm agnostic and don't believe in Satan, I'm going to have to dismiss that argument", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : You\'re not offering anything worthy of debate. "Oh I know the truth, trust me" It\'s a very Trump-like argument. I don\'t buy it from him, and I\'m not buying it from you', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : (You shouldn't let Bernie or Hillary think for you, either. Not even Stein.)", '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : Globalization? Isn\'t she a "borders shouldn\'t exist" candidate?', ">>{TheDarkAgniRises} : While I completely disagree with almost 100% of his policies, Gary is, unlike Trump, a good person. (And yeah r/politics, Ill even add Clinton for y'all, even though I personally don't think she's a bad person.)", '>>{notanartmajor} : You see, one small vote in a large enough quantity of water assures her victory.', ">>{sartori_tangier} : No, the Green Party is not an irrelevant footnote. A good example of an irrelevant footnote is, say, Bernie Sanders. The Green Party doesn't even warrant a mention."], ['>>{JasonBored} : No. He probably wouldn\'t investigate his own mothers rapist if there was an "R" next to their name. This shameless prick will do nothing. Certainly not his job.', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Oo. Hmm, let’s think… ummm… \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0^*no*', ">>{Schiffy94} : He's too busy focusing on the real orange threat to America - Sid the Science Kid.", '>>{Guitata} : we can only hope the people of Utah will let Chaffetz know what a sucky job he has been doing and even, perhaps, run a recall on his office. That would take the startch out of his shirts and perhaps wake him up. So far, he has not wanted to do the job he has in congress and no gop congressmen are complaining. Recall efforts on every gop congressman in every state might go a long way to getting those anti-American congressmen back in line to doing the actual work of the congress, instead avoiding it', ">>{FissureKing} : Trump did what?! Well, tell Mom to get some rest and explain to her that he's a Republican. Sounds right.", ">>{whogivesafu} : He may investigate, but he'll make sure not to find anything. I'm sure the Mar-a-Lago security issue he's looking into now will end in a gentle reminder at most.", '>>{trickx1991} : Someone needs to beat some sence into this guy.', ">>{Frisnfruitig} : Certainly doesn't look like it. He may crumble under the pressure but it won't be because he has any other choice. It's still baffling to me how these Republicans can behave like this and get away with it or even worse, be rewarded for it during elections.", '>>{YallMofosNeedCheesus} : If as expected Chaffetz does nothing he should face McMullin in the 2018 election. McMullin should get combined support from Democrats, Libertarians, NeverTrump Republicans, fans of the McMuffin, and all the people Trump will piss off between now and 2018.', ">>{Ximitar} : BAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAH! NO! No, of course fucking not! Besides, he'll be too busy conducting an intensive hunt for whomever was audacious enough to leak information about General Flynn breaking the law and then lying about it; they're the *real* criminals here.", '>>{vootator} : There are strong signs that "Top Cop" is actually, "Bottom Bitch"'], ['>>{Film_Director} : John Oliver to Trump: ‘Drop Out’ Now and ‘You Would Be a Legend’', '>>{Rostrom} : It sounds like Oliver is panicking and running out of options.', '>>{Glovedawg} : As a Brit I find it hilarious that Americans give John Oliver the time of day let alone his own programme.', '>>{turtledan87} : What happened to the Oliver that did the FIFA bit?', '>>{IbanezDavy} : I agree with Oliver. Drop out. Start your media empire. Have it be a success for 3 months and then go bankrupt in a year. Just do it already. Save yourself embarrassment. Additionally, for my own selfish reasons, drop out so we can have some other option than the smaller, yet equally mortifying, pile of shit that is Clinton. As of now, you are making me have to vote for her.', '>>{AfroPanther} : It probably has a lot to do with his accent.', ">>{t88m} : He would be. He'd be a fucking rock star forever with no shortage of money.", '>>{Glovedawg} : I imagine so, he had a few slots on a British panel show but was perfectly average on it.', '>>{eightdx} : I think at this point even the satirists are sick of this bullshit election. Jon Stewart is lucky he got out when he did, else the Daily Show would just be a daily half hour of him drinking hard alcohol and banging his head against a teleprompter.', ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Going off on a bit of a tangent here, but I was recently in London and was surprised at the lack of professional quality in television. Lighting, camera work like color balance and shutter speed, sound quality, shot blocking, and even wardrobe/makeup were all showing a lack of experience or possibly cut from the budget. Even in the US you'll see a quality drop once you get outside the major media markets but I would have expected a huge metropolitan market like London to be able to attract better quality media professionals.", '>>{jdscarface} : Man every John Oliver post people say the same thing but I\'m willing to bet Oliver would be the first person to agree with every bit of criticism hurled his way. "A poor man\'s version of John Stewart.. Hell of a compliment to be honest. I\'ll take it."', '>>{ME24601} : >To help convince Trump to take his advice, Oliver presented an actual children’s book called The Kid Who Ran for President, about a 12-year-old boy who runs for president as a joke. Will Arnett even recorded an audiobook version to help dramatize the story for Trump, including the speech the boy delivers when he is elected president and promptly resigns. The problem with this is that there is a sequel titled [The Kid Who Became President](http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/book/kid-who-became-president), wherein the kid changes his mind and decides to actually be president, and ends up averting a world war by defeating a foreign leader at a video game.', '>>{r2deetard} : I think we all are at this point. Trump is fucking terrifying.', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : Just asking, have Andy Kaufman and Donald Trump ever been seen in the same place at the same time?', ">>{RyanAdamsFamily} : It's frustrating to those of us who enjoyed his earlier work as he has the talent to do something truly unique and to his own. Instead he's ending up a wanna be - definitely not the most damning criticism by any means....but it's still a disappointment.", '>>{Rostrom} : Are you being serious? What, in his 40 years as a billionaire celebrity with the means and authority to do whatever he wanted, has he done something you disagreed with?', ">>{dastweinerhund} : You're kidding they love it. one of the longest running bits was when the Bush presidency was ending and comedians were complaing about having g to come up with material on their own. This is great fodder for their writers. The elections are ripe for parody", ">>{Glovedawg} : I've never seen a full episode, but when he was on TV in Britain he was exactly average.", '>>{Afalau} : Ah, so you find it hilarious that people watch a show that you know nothing about. Got it.', ">>{Corporal_Yorper} : I'm a democrat and I feel Hitlery is a worthless bag of fucking human garbage. I agree with what you said.", ">>{Glovedawg} : No I find it hilarious that someone who wasn't good enough to make it in Britain is a superstar in America.", '>>{Film_Director} : Nah, man. Democrats are a lot better at names than "Hitlery" or "Shillery.', ">>{Ugh8888} : ...What shows was he on in Britain? I'm no expert on the man, but I thought he got his start doing stand up, which segwayed into acting, which led to a role on Community, which led to The Daily Show, which led to him covering Stewart one summer, which led to his show on HBO. I know nothing though, just what I see on the Tee Vee.", ">>{Clockwork757} : Well it's not like they just gave him the show. He was in a few sitcoms and the daily show before this.", '>>{CuntTheRouge} : Different markets. There\'s no "good enough". I like stuff like A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Would I Lie To You, QI--none of that stuff would make it in the US, way too highbrow.', ">>{CuntTheRouge} : Doesn't he get into some more practical stuff though--with his gambits like setting up the fake church and collecting donations. Didn't one of his segments lead to the Feds opening up an investigation of something?", ">>{whoamdave} : Yup. It's a four shot with the two of them, Elvis, and the Lindburgh Baby.", '>>{growyurown} : The only thing that would make this election legendary is if both Hillary and Trump dropped out.', ">>{Rostrom} : We know he's worth at least 1 billion, so yeah, he is.", '>>{gAlienLifeform} : This is for you dad, America First!', '>>{JakeFrmStateFarm} : >Tell you what, worry-warts. I\'ll happily give back the 15 minutes of "our president\'s a sociopath who can\'t speak and believes in angels" material I wrote if we WEREN\'T TORTURING PEOPLE ANYMORE. I know everyone thinks Bush was some sort of comedic Everlasting Gobstopper but believe me, history\'s going to look at these last eight years and think, "I don\'t know if teetering that close to the brink was worth the funny YouTube impressions." - Patton Oswalt', ">>{dastweinerhund} : Oh for sure I've heard that one he's my favorite!"], [">>{CoffeeAndWork} : I've been glued to my window waiting for UPS. Once they roll up I'll be like,", ">>{djreeled23} : Mine has been delivered to my apt with my doorman. I'm just staring at the clock at work, waiting for 5pm", ">>{manni1to} : I'm still waiting too ! Smh. How late do they deliver until", ">>{ShackledColt} : Sent my to the UPS store near me. Didn't want to miss it before work.", ">>{vorter} : FedEx overnight delivery by 3PM and it's 5 now....", ">>{ggKevin} : They've delivered items around 8pm to my house before.", ">>{theloudestlion} : My neighbors probably think I'm trying to execute a meth deal by now the amount of times I've gone out and lingered in front of my house", '>>{k4rst3n} : They fucked me over today. 8:35 they started to deliver. At 17:30 I get "unable to deliver" even though I\'ve been home all day long. So at 19:45, 15 min before the UPS pickup point close I drove there and finally got it. Would have had to wait till Monday else way...', '>>{Pigs81} : I got stuck at work and missed the delivery. Went online and set it up so I can pick it up when the driver gets back to the service center..... one more hour to go.', '>>{CoffeeAndWork} : That was me. I ended up going to work shortly after posting this and my brother texted me an hour into my shift "Hey your phone is here." Haha.', '>>{appletimemac} : They delivered mine at like freaking 7pm. I was ready to come home early to grab it and nothin. Those UPS guys must have been crazy busy.', '>>{Greenman851} : If it says by 7PM those fuckers always arrive at 6:59. Hate that shit', '>>{PDXMatthew} : I always listen for the truck. The UPS truck has a distinctive sound.'], ['>>{jacksenters} : Why Donald Trump May Still Face a Delegate Mutiny at the Convention', ">>{beelzuhbub} : I hope he does. I hope the RNC exposes how candidate Trump was the DNC's plan all along and shows how the DNC was trying to hold the American people hostage in to voting for their candidate.", ">>{Heylookaguy} : Let Ryan try, he'll lose more than just the presidency.", ">>{KKK4Trump} : The downballot Republicans might just want to keep their jobs. Even if they are not just self centered pricks, they might like to see the Senate stay in Republican hands. That's why Donnie may yet get the boot.", ">>{archeominus} : It's almost guaranteed at this point. A lot of top GOP officials are saying the RNC is speaking with Republican leaders and delegates on a strategy to unify and denounce Trump as their party's figurehead. This is probably being hastened by Trump's rapid drop in polls. By the end of next week, many Republicans are saying we might see Hillary up by an average of 15-20 points.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Ahahaha...here we go. Everything Trump does is tactically brilliant until he starts losing and then it's a conspiracy. Stop. He picked up a lot of republican support with dog-whistle racism and bluster. Then he freaked out and implied Obama was ISIS and a federal judge was racist. Republicans caused their own problems. Trump hasn't spent months bringing up Bill's alleged rape victims and all of Hillary's scandals as a mole. He's just losing. The end.", ">>{TheSwordofGod} : http://www.rightwisconsin.com/opinion/daily-takes/paul-ryan-has-massive-78-14-lead-over-primary-challenger Yes because he's so close to losing his seat!", ">>{beelzuhbub} : I don't like Trump. His personality fits the description that the DNC laid out for promoting a far-right Republican as nominee though. The DNC wanted to get rid of all the moderate Republicans out of the way and end up with an easy-target, extreme nominee. That much has been revealed in recent DNC leaks. While they don't name him specifically, he was the perfect candidate to meet their needs.", ">>{DeniseDeNephew} : I think this is fairly likely. We're seeing prominent republicans make public statements against Trump, even republicans like Mitt Romney and Meg Whitman who aren't going to take his place as the candidate. They're dropping hints to the republican constituents of what may happen during the Convention. A last-minute candidate would be strange to see but it might also generate a huge amount of buzz and excitement, and might be the republicans best chance of winning. Regardless of who you support, the Republican Convention will be interesting to watch.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : What a choice. They can either risk an explosion of violence at their convention or they can write off the Presidency and Senate and try to hold onto the House. Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.", ">>{Heylookaguy} : I was talking more about his control of the house. Of course he's going to maintain his seat, senators and congressmen are lifetime appointments. That was never an issue. Edit -Just to clarify. The ones you know, those who are household names are lifetime appointments. You know the ones I mean.", ">>{LoveMunster} : This is not what the party needs. It doesn't matter that you don't like him. It's who the people chose (supposedly) so y'all needa get together and deal with it so we can keep Hillary out of the white house. It's a shitty hand, but deal with it.", '>>{KKK4Trump} : That thought is big and strong and can walk all by itself.', ">>{CarmineFields} : > His personality fits the description that the DNC laid out for promoting a far-right Republican as nominee though His personality fits exactly what republicans like, that's why he was so popular while in the primaries. But, seriously, stop and think about who Clinton's competition was without Trump. Rubio? Jeb!? Cruz? None of those guys had a hope. They're nuts and one has one of the least popular presidents in history as a brother. There's no way they'd waste hundreds of millions on a fake candidate that's more appealing than all the real candidates.", ">>{TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP} : Globalists crashing the party and the peoples choice. Media working with them. Ryan's a sell out. These are bad, un-American people.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Very insightful how did you come up with that?', '>>{throwawatc123} : After the 8 years of hell we had under Bush and Darth, the only way Republicans should see the inside of the White House for at least the next 20 years should be as part of a tour group', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Romney wanted to take his place I'm sure but was outed trying to sandbag him secretly.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : How else can they try to help Clinton get elected. They just care about their fiefdoms which will be preserved under her regime.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : ~85% of the time, it works every time... https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/eric-cantor-faces-tea-party-challenge-tuesday/2014/06/10/17da5d20-f092-11e3-bf76-447a5df6411f_story.html https://www.opensecrets.org/overview/reelect.php', '>>{liberalconservatives} : > Globalists Thats how I know you are a teenager.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : No your insider info that trump will be down by 20 points next week', ">>{BlueMoblin} : Most optimistic comment I've read in weeks but maybe Trump will actually MAGA and hand over the senate.", '>>{liberalconservatives} : Ryan is probably the only person who could possibley beat Clinton in the general election.', '>>{fett4evr} : Remind me again which group of supporters has been doing the violent assaults and riots at political rallies again?', ">>{Heylookaguy} : I doubt that, but he's not going to get the chance. If they do end up stealing it from Trump and handing it off, whoever gets the ball will lose spectacularly. We're not going to be told who to vote for and blindly fall in line. Well some will, but enough won't.", ">>{JoshuaZ1} : > Romney wanted to take his place I'm sure but was outed trying to sandbag him secretly. What are you talking about? Romney has been very open about how he wants to stop Trump and has been for months. He's even given speeches about it.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Yes after he was outed. He hit the media circuit a few days later.', ">>{anon902503} : He could easily still get the nom. I would not be shocked if his people were secretly coordinating this delegate revolt. Im really curious about who is actually running this. If it's really just organic, then that's an extremely impressive organizing effort for a 50 year old Utah high school teacher.", ">>{AssDotCom} : I don't think that was OP's point. Seriously though, imagine if the GOP screws Trump. What do you think would happen amongst his supporters?", '>>{Thringo} : Wait, I thought the lord of the Sith had a different title.', '>>{bigfootplays} : Trump supporters have, and Trump even offered to pay for their legal fees! Stand up guy!', ">>{fett4evr} : Well, the democrat party already screwed over the base of it's supporters, yet I don't see any of them on here switching sides out of spite. Registered Republicans gave up their support of the party in droves after they saw what the GOP was trying to do to the candidate they wanted....but it's ONLY the Republicans that are corrupt.", '>>{someguyjusttrying} : A one party state is just what we need right? How left is too far left?', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : If they oust Trump, Trump supporters won't vote for whoever they nominate. Trump is the only way to avoid a Shillary presidency.", ">>{Sink3mlow} : How did the parties screw over anyone? The candidates who won the most votes, most delegates, most states are the presumptive nominees. That's how it is supposed to work. Each primary was definitely more competitive than anyone probably imagined, but that's it.", ">>{Sink3mlow} : You aren't replying to the person who made that claim.", '>>{Sink3mlow} : I honestly feel sorry for people for whom this is their first real taste of presidential election year politics. What a nasty introduction.', ">>{kingbane} : it really doesn't matter. they have zero candidates who stand a chance other than trump. he's by far their most popular (and at the same time most unpopular) candidate. it's lose lose for them, but this is the result of them taking the southern strategy too far, and for far too long.", ">>{kingbane} : all lords of the sith are darths. there's darth sidious, daarth plagueis, etc. sidious i believe was the emperor.", ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : I think the thought process is that Trump is going to guarantee a Hillary presidency and at the same time, put the House at risk. I don't necessarily agree with that thought process, but that's whats pushing this", ">>{fett4evr} : Oh but don't you know, Bernie got cheated.", '>>{fett4evr} : Oh so that was Trump supporters shouting "BER-NIE BER-NIE BER-NIE" and holding up Mexican flags that were assaulting Trump supporters in San Jose at a Trump rally and they are the ones making death threats toward Trump over social media?', '>>{Ihavethepowerheman} : you think this is likely? are you high?', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Lol a few Cruz delegates won't be able to force a rule change because the other 90% of delegates who support Trump wouldn't vote for that.", '>>{bigfootplays} : http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/03/02/a_list_of_violent_incidents_at_donald_trump_rallies_and_events.html http://mediamatters.org/research/2016/03/11/media-highlight-trumps-role-in-inspiring-violen/209176 http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/trump-artist-punched-face-nude-painting-los-angeles-378062381.html?_osource=nbcnews_twitter https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/08/21/trump-says-fans-are-very-passionate-after-hearing-one-of-them-allegedly-assaulted-hispanic-man/ http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-protester-roughed-up-2015-11 http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-trump-campaign-protests-20160313-story.html http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/11/24/black-protestor-beaten-at-trump-rally-ready-to-sue-for-hate-crime.html http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-supporters-rip-sign-held-peaceful-protesters-article-1.2488491 http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/donald-trump-supporters-spits-latino-protester-rally-article-1.2398331 http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a42966/trump-protester-go-back-to-africa/ http://www.insideedition.com/headlines/15177-trump-supporter-who-punched-protester-next-time-we-might-have-to-kill-him https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/11/donald-trumps-baffling-explanation-for-violence-at-his-campaign-rallies/ http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/272923-authorities-consider-charging-trump-with-inciting Need any more links?', ">>{fett4evr} : Did you notice what all your sources have in common? When you figure that out, you'll understand the problem.", ">>{bigfootplays} : Let me guess. They're all left-wing media, and not respected news sources like stormfront or breitbart?", '>>{turkey_is_dead} : I know. Dnc and shillary need to be rounded up', '>>{Naktem} : Things would rebalance after enough time with a new second party and a transformed democratic one.', ">>{ar9mm} : It's as if delegates don't vote on the rules committee", ">>{aDramaticPause} : Trumps. Have you not been paying attention for the past year? Oh, wait, one time, a few dudes said Bernie's name while getting violent so that means all of Bernie's supporters are violent. Yet at countless rallies over and over Trump's own supporters DID get violent. Plus, we've already seen corruption and bias at a convention with Bernie supporters (NV) and no one got violent. Is it easy or hard to just revise history this way?", ">>{aDramaticPause} : the are all factual, that's what they have in common :)", '>>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : 1 v 1 polling has Trump [plummeting](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html). Only four percentage points of voter look to go to [Johnson](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson-5949.html) or [Johnson and Stein combined](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html) while Trump has lost 5-8 points after Trump\'s comments on Orlando destroying the advantage the third party candidates were giving him. His polling is [historically bad](http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/436652/trump-doing-worse-polls-mccain-or-romney) for modern times. In the mean time, people tend not to "like" Hillary. However, that dislike is the result of two decades, nearing three at least, worth of attacks on Hillary and Bill. That she hasn\'t dipped below 43% indicates that is her floor. She can near bank on always being above 43% unless something major happens. Polling aside you also have the following: * The previous nominee is suggesting he\'ll vote for [Johnson, another party\'s nominee,](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/politics/mitt-romney-donald-trump-racism/), and saying Trump is a threat to the nation\'s soul. * [McCain](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/for-john-mccain-donald-trump-makes-reelection-the-race-of-my-life/) attributes Trump to risking his own re-election. Well, at least that\'s what he has said at a private fundraiser, allegedly. * [George W. Bush](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/17/us/politics/george-w-bush-gop-fundraising.html?_r=0) advocating a GOP controlled senate with phrasing to indicate the GOP needs said control to stop Trump and Hillary no matter who wins. This is their last President. * Not that [George W. Bush or George H. W. Bush](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/05/05/george-w-bush-trump-former-presidents/83962432/) look likely to endorse him. You can\'t blame the GOPe for now being very skittish with that polling and every GOP President and Nominee going back to Reagan (not sure what Reagan would have thought) coming out against this nominee. Not to mention Paul Ryan being openly flippant with his "Oh, I do endorse Candidate Blowhard" like comments. This is very much looking like an election where Hillary has to lose it rather than win it.', '>>{Piglet86} : >need to be rounded up Easy with the language there, Pol Pot.', ">>{Piglet86} : This politicization of the media is one of the most understated problems in our country today, in my opinion. The further the media breaks down into wings the worse it'll be for the country. Completely kills discourse and rational thought from people that are easily swayed one way or another. This is coming from someone that agrees with your point, and not a critique on your links. Just slightly offtopic rambling.", '>>{Almustafa} : Politicization of media is neither new or a problem. Seriously, a lot of newspapers used to be called "The Such-and-such Democrat" or things like that. The real problem is the front of objectivity the media puts up. People wanted "unbiased" news so the media started claiming to be unbiased and people bought into it. What we need is for more media to be explict and honest about their worldviews instead of coyly pretending to be pure objective observers.', ">>{Phunk131} : Polls are. Wait until the polling comes out after his Orlando comments. He's toast.", ">>{fett4evr} : It's been more than one time. But YOU are incapable of knowing what truth is. There is a mountain of evidence shows proof it's YOUR people doing it but YOU WILL NEVER believe that.", '>>{Phunk131} : No we need two sane parties willing to compromise to enact legislation to benefit the American people.', '>>{turkey_is_dead} : I say, I say, Round em up! Eee-awww!!', ">>{Piglet86} : And you don't think any media organization could be (mostly) independent of bias?", ">>{Phunk131} : Wrong. No polling has been released since his comments on Orlando. His massive downturn was because of his racist comments towards the judge. I can't imagine his comments about Orlando will make his numbers go up. At all.", ">>{acerebral} : Conference call tldr: fuckfuckfuck! Democracy isn't doing what we want! We gotta fix this!!!", '>>{Phunk131} : Oh this is great. The condescension. The "I\'ve totally found a bigotry loophole, so I can hate all Mexicans and NOT be justifiably called racist." The denial of basic facts and all polling data. Actually, ya know what? Forget I said anything. Keep at it. Trump is on the trail to victory. He\'s totally not alienating all voting blocs he needs to win. Dropping in the polls is just gaining momentum to get to the top. MAGA CENTIPEDE HIGH ENERGY POST', '>>{oldmonty} : This whole thing honestly reminds me of the John Oliver Segment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HetrEAH3DRE He called it months ago that the Republican party is going to tear itself apart trying to deny the person who got the most votes the nomination.', ">>{userKname} : >Also 'Mexican' is not a race, but thanks for playing. Weird, because if it's a nationality the Judge is American.", '>>{userKname} : >Then Trump\'s just wrong. No, he knows the judge is American. He just thinks he inherited his "Mexican" from his immigrant parents. > ["He\'s a Mexican.\xa0[...] He\'s of Mexican heritage"](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-tapper-lead/) > ["If you are saying he cannot do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism"](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-tapper-lead/) > ["No, I don\'t think so at all," Trump said.](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-tapper-lead/)', '>>{Phunk131} : >Call it bigotry, but it\'s not racism. This is hilarious. "My candidate is NOT racist...he\'s a BIGOT." That\'s seriously the argument you\'re making right now? Not "He\'s not a bigot", just "He\'s in a different category of bigotry then the one you said." Well at least his supporters recognize his bigotry. That\'s progress...I guess. >You\'re the one who isn\'t familiar with the polling data, and arrogantly pretends to be. BUT WAIT DUDE, JUST WAIT TIL THOSE POLLS COME OUT DUDE, HE\'S DONE FOR. You can\'t make this stuff up: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/17/politics/donald-trump-poll-tweet/ Trump\'s dumbassery aside, the trend for Trump is bad. VERY VERY bad. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html >Never mind that Hillary hasn\'t done a single fucking press conference this entire year. Do you think she\'s going to win an election without going through the fire? She avoids the press because she has shady issues and because when people see her talk (like during her debates with Bernie) she drops in the polls. Hillary sucks, but she does press interviews every day. Here\'s some from the last few days. Literally google "Hillary interview" in Google News and you\'ll see a ton of stuff. She\'s not hiding, you\'re just not looking because it goes against what you want to hear. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/clinton-interview-transcript_us_57619f7be4b05e4be86091fd http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/15/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-economy/85928334/ http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/13/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-orlando-attacks-reaction/ Trump has no money, no staff, and no likability beyond his base. His own party hates him. He needs a completely unified GOP base behind him to even have a hair\'s breath chance of winning, and right now his party is condemning his racism and talking about replacing him as the nominee. It\'s looking awful for him right now.', ">>{Phunk131} : Lol...my favorite part was all the facts and data you cited to prove any of that bullshit you just made up. >None of this shows a 15-20 point lead or even the beginnings of that. He was 5 points behind last week, you're saying that's gonna jump up next week because of some minor comments? okay. Real the links again. You're missing something. And the comments weren't minor...EVERYONE, republican and democrat were talking about how grotesque his response one. He CAN'T win without moderates. >Press conferences that's where multiple reporters from different outfits come and you answer questions from them. Hillary does really well with groups that have been vetted, or on TV programs with similar groups. She hasn't done a press conference in a long, long time. Right. But you said she's avoiding press. She's just avoiding press the way YOU want her to, for some reason. Like I proved, she does press all the time. I'm NOT a Hillary supporter, but this argument is dumb. >You'd think his own party hates him if you hang out here and only read the shit that gets posted and up voted here. Paul Ryan: He's racist. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/08/us/politics/paul-ryan-donald-trump-gonzalo-curiel.html?_r=0 > in reality Trump is only 5.8 points behind, maybe a little worse than tha Citation needed. >He has enough money to run a campaign, Citation needed. >and with the exposure he has he doesn't need to spend hundreds of millions on TV ads. The exposure he's been getting is not good. It's universally negative. He's not in control of the narrative, and that's awful for him. He needs to fundraise, and he's not. >Nobody with the power is actually talking about replacing him, btw, that's just delusional nevertrumpers and rumors. You sure about that? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/dozens-of-gop-delegates-launch-new-push-to-halt-donald-trump/2016/06/17/e8dcf74e-3491-11e6-8758-d58e76e11b12_story.html >I'm done here, you're an absolute waste of time. Citation needed.", '>>{leamas666} : Keep getting into street fights with your fellow peasants while we print more money! Central Bankers', ">>{userKname} : >That's still not racist, that's being nationalistic. Haha, ok. Dunno if you're aware, but nationality isn't genetic. The judge's nationality is American. His _ethnicity_ is hispanic. Trump isn't prejudiced against the judge's nationality (American), he's prejudiced against his heritage (which Trump stated unequivocally in the interview). He says the judge is unqualified because of his heritage, that is racism, that is bigotry, that is discrimination.", '>>{rydan} : To be fair Bernie supporters have their own convention to protest.', '>>{userKname} : >Heritage can involve nationality as well, there is nothing in the word that designates genealogy or race. Except that in this case Trump has been explicitly clear that he is referring to the judge\'s genealogy. Trump is arguing that the judge is unqualified because of his parentage, that his ethnicity as a "Mexican" biases him. No matter how you try and qualify that, it\'s bigotry.', ">>{userKname} : Nope, it's bigotry. Saying someone is unqualified because of the nationality of their parents is undeniably bigotry.", ">>{aDramaticPause} : You're right, I won't. Because it's not the truth. There are tons and tons of videos and sources showing multiple Trump rallies where his supporters are being violent AND Trump is calling for more violence. But that just doesn't exist to you. But there are a few examples of where people are violent and have a Bernie sign and bam, it's his entire group. I guess we all see what we want to see. I'm just happy there's video evidence for what I see.", ">>{fett4evr} : That is what your media wants you to believe. Trump was NEVER treated this way by democrats until he started running against them. Go back and look. He's a threat to their power grab. That is why they fear him.", '>>{CoolDudeKylePeters} : Certainly not angry mobs attacking people with different opinions than them. The worst case scenario is maybe /pol/ does something outrageous and stupid.', ">>{CoolDudeKylePeters} : No one really wins here considering how bad both sides are. At least they aren't BLM though they're fucking obnoxious.", ">>{CoolDudeKylePeters} : I have a very large penis Don't ask for proof though I don't have any", '>>{dwntwn_dine_ent_dist} : In many states, the delegates that Trump won were chosen by the party. They may be pledged, but they are not Trump supporters.', ">>{LesterPearsonsProjct} : I suspect that despite Ryan's statements to the contrary, he's actually interested in the job, but since he's a Nervous Nellie, he won't admit it until the RNC assures him it's 100% safe and risk-free to do so. Nellie/Kasich 2016!", '>>{Jake314159265359} : List of questions: * Can Republicans win without Trump Supporters? * Can Trump keep the other Republicans? * Can Trump/Other Republican win with Johnson on stage?', '>>{Jacob_exe} : Clinton is going to win in a plurality just like her husband...', ">>{aDramaticPause} : The same thing can be said about how Trump talks about them. He talks about Obama like he's the devil, he talks about Hillary like she's awful even when just 4 years ago he was praising her. He's flip flopped on so many subjects. Just watch these two videos if you want to see words out of his own mouth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIs2L2nUL-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5A02pNcGHs", '>>{shr00mydan} : I think Kasich would have of really good chance in a three-way race against Clinton and Trump. He would stand out as moderate and presidential compared to a personality disorder on his right and a career criminal on his left.', ">>{kingbane} : if it was a 3 way race, i doubt it. look at the democratic side's primary. the dems do have a large base of super loyal people. kasich might be able to steal a few independents who were leaning democratic, but honestly some of his policies will rub those people the ~~same~~ wrong way. they might spite vote for kasich cause clinton is a piece of shit. but he's not gonna be able to steal enough of the votes from the dems to beat clinton. he would however though split the republican's pretty badly. maybe not take 50% of the republican votes but 10-20% away from trump would end his chances of beating clinton as well.", '>>{am2o} : No: Most optimistic comment would be that "Trump MAGA and handed over the House."', '>>{xenium94} : Ofcourse he doesn\'t. He just rides his high horse "olol ur so dumb, get educated"', ">>{just_a_thought4U} : Well, as long as it's not one of the loosers from the primary. They have all been soundly rejected already by voters.", ">>{fett4evr} : I am aware of all that. Reagan used to be a liberal too. If you trying to say Trump is worse than Hillary, you clearly have been listen or reading the WRONG stuff. Trump isn't under investigation by the FBI for selling out the country, nor has he ever been. He has never been in any serious trouble with the law. Hillary has a trail of bodies and corporate money behind her. There no comparison between the two. Not to mention how many jobs he has created for Americans. Can you say the same about Hillary?", ">>{aDramaticPause} : My point is that it's not the media making me believe anything, I listen to Trump's words to make my decisions, no one else's. The videos were all his words.", ">>{Insanity601} : Why are you saying that as if being a globalist was a bad thing... Disruption and corruption of democracy is one charge, but having any political belief isn't inherently wrong."]]
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['>>{Tokolshe} : Hillary’s bad tax plan It will kill job-creating capital investment in a stalled economy', '>>{Bul1oasaurus} : Stalled economy? Money is free to qualifying institutions. A bloated dollar is being used to fuel consumption around the world. What more do these people want? When republicans signed us up for the WTO they pissed away the chance for any "low tax low spending" conservatism. We\'re in the mix with every undeveloped nation out there. That\'s the deal they made. So unless you want to crush aggregate demand, and with it the global economy, you\'re going to keep expanding that budget. Or you can force multinational corporations to employ the people who would be laid off by that budget slashing by extricating us from the duty-free global economy. Yeah, take that one to your corporate bosses. See what they think. Your conservatism is a fucking pipe dream fit only for the most idealistic of college freshmen.', ">>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : There's no proof a 43.4 % capital gains tax would discourage investment.", ">>{greenlife4} : This. 43 percent is still not high enough to be fair. They didn't work for that money.", ">>{exploding_growing} : They'd have us believe that billionaires would stuff their wealth in mattresses. A lot of fucking mattresses, apparently.", ">>{saturnengr0} : They're not directly related are they. At the business level, I mean. Capital gains is primarily going to affect the wealthy personal investor and high speed trader, not the corporate investor", '>>{Refreshing_Beverage} : My ol\' gramma never did know much \'bout no fancy economics. But was she wise in her own ways! One night she was a makin\' rice for supper and she told me this; "Boy, it\'s important you never add too much liquidty to the pot. You\'ll get bubbles, and when them bubbles burst they\'ll cascade down that pot like a liquidty trap cascading down through the macro \'conomy." My \'ol gramma was a simple woman. She died on the same 9 acres she were born on. But a cow don\'t pick her pasture, and I think we could all learn a lesson from her cookin\'.', '>>{Tokolshe} : I am middle class and the current capital gains tax discourages me from investing more. Capital gain dividends that are reinvested should not be taxed. It should only be taxed when it is sold. A 43.4% capital gains tax would kill retirement plans and the working people in the middle class like me trying to save and use mutual funds etc for retirement as well as a 403b or 401k. Fuck Clinton', ">>{Elmobius} : Glad to know I didn't work for the returns from my retirement account. :(", '>>{Tokolshe} : No it would affect anyone with mutual funds that includes the majority in the middle class and your 401ks. Your reinvested dividends would be taxed at 43.4% causing middle class america to not invest in stock markets which means they lose an opportunity for their 401ks and mutual funds. fuck clinton. Reinvested dividends should not be taxed at all. Nor should it be taxed when taken out as it was originally taxed at pay roll.', ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : I don't see any of that being true for middle-class investors in Clinton's plan. The top rate is dependent on the time the investment held, with long-term investments (>6yrs) taxed at the current rate. Cash dividends are already taxed whether they're reinvested or not. Unrealized capital gains aren't taxed under Clinton's plan either, with the exception of derivative contracts. What am I missing?", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : Your retirement account isn't going to be taxed at 43%.", ">>{saturnengr0} : Dividends probably wouldn't come under this policy. Reinvested dividends wouldn't come into play, I don't think because they were reinvested. Regular dividends probably wouldn't either. Remember there's a lot of different capital gains in the finance world. We'll have to wait and see, but she's trying to tax short term speculative investments, not necessarily long term money making retirement plans. Different capital gains example: If you buy a piece of equipment for a business and deduct depreciation over a period of time and sell it. If you sell it for more than the depreciated value, you'll get charged a capital gains tax on the difference between the sale value and the depreciated value. If you sell it for less, you get a tax credit.", '>>{Elmobius} : It will be if I need to divest any funds from it.', '>>{Agedwithaview} : >Hillary Clinton handed Donald Trump the best campaign issue he could hope for this week, and he ignored it. Sorry, when an article states an inarguable conclusion in the first sentence (i.e., Donald isn\'t smart enough to know when to pick up the "easy" criticism of Clinton), is there any other reason necessary to convince people that the buffoon is unfit.', '>>{Refreshing_Beverage} : You mean a non-qualified withdrawal? In that case, duh, but also only if the investment was held less than 2 years.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Tokolshe} : Hillary’s bad tax plan It will kill job-creating capital investment in a stalled economy', '>>{Bul1oasaurus} : Stalled economy? Money is free to qualifying institutions. A bloated dollar is being used to fuel consumption around the world. What more do these people want? When republicans signed us up for the WTO they pissed away the chance for any "low tax low spending" conservatism. We\'re in the mix with every undeveloped nation out there. That\'s the deal they made. So unless you want to crush aggregate demand, and with it the global economy, you\'re going to keep expanding that budget. Or you can force multinational corporations to employ the people who would be laid off by that budget slashing by extricating us from the duty-free global economy. Yeah, take that one to your corporate bosses. See what they think. Your conservatism is a fucking pipe dream fit only for the most idealistic of college freshmen.', ">>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : There's no proof a 43.4 % capital gains tax would discourage investment.", ">>{greenlife4} : This. 43 percent is still not high enough to be fair. They didn't work for that money.", ">>{exploding_growing} : They'd have us believe that billionaires would stuff their wealth in mattresses. A lot of fucking mattresses, apparently.", ">>{saturnengr0} : They're not directly related are they. At the business level, I mean. Capital gains is primarily going to affect the wealthy personal investor and high speed trader, not the corporate investor", '>>{Refreshing_Beverage} : My ol\' gramma never did know much \'bout no fancy economics. But was she wise in her own ways! One night she was a makin\' rice for supper and she told me this; "Boy, it\'s important you never add too much liquidty to the pot. You\'ll get bubbles, and when them bubbles burst they\'ll cascade down that pot like a liquidty trap cascading down through the macro \'conomy." My \'ol gramma was a simple woman. She died on the same 9 acres she were born on. But a cow don\'t pick her pasture, and I think we could all learn a lesson from her cookin\'.', '>>{Tokolshe} : I am middle class and the current capital gains tax discourages me from investing more. Capital gain dividends that are reinvested should not be taxed. It should only be taxed when it is sold. A 43.4% capital gains tax would kill retirement plans and the working people in the middle class like me trying to save and use mutual funds etc for retirement as well as a 403b or 401k. Fuck Clinton', ">>{Elmobius} : Glad to know I didn't work for the returns from my retirement account. :(", '>>{Tokolshe} : No it would affect anyone with mutual funds that includes the majority in the middle class and your 401ks. Your reinvested dividends would be taxed at 43.4% causing middle class america to not invest in stock markets which means they lose an opportunity for their 401ks and mutual funds. fuck clinton. Reinvested dividends should not be taxed at all. Nor should it be taxed when taken out as it was originally taxed at pay roll.', ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : I don't see any of that being true for middle-class investors in Clinton's plan. The top rate is dependent on the time the investment held, with long-term investments (>6yrs) taxed at the current rate. Cash dividends are already taxed whether they're reinvested or not. Unrealized capital gains aren't taxed under Clinton's plan either, with the exception of derivative contracts. What am I missing?", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : Your retirement account isn't going to be taxed at 43%.", ">>{saturnengr0} : Dividends probably wouldn't come under this policy. Reinvested dividends wouldn't come into play, I don't think because they were reinvested. Regular dividends probably wouldn't either. Remember there's a lot of different capital gains in the finance world. We'll have to wait and see, but she's trying to tax short term speculative investments, not necessarily long term money making retirement plans. Different capital gains example: If you buy a piece of equipment for a business and deduct depreciation over a period of time and sell it. If you sell it for more than the depreciated value, you'll get charged a capital gains tax on the difference between the sale value and the depreciated value. If you sell it for less, you get a tax credit.", '>>{Elmobius} : It will be if I need to divest any funds from it.', '>>{Agedwithaview} : >Hillary Clinton handed Donald Trump the best campaign issue he could hope for this week, and he ignored it. Sorry, when an article states an inarguable conclusion in the first sentence (i.e., Donald isn\'t smart enough to know when to pick up the "easy" criticism of Clinton), is there any other reason necessary to convince people that the buffoon is unfit.', '>>{Refreshing_Beverage} : You mean a non-qualified withdrawal? In that case, duh, but also only if the investment was held less than 2 years.']]
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[">>{TOMapleLaughs} : *This guy is still alive?* Hillary... Lookin' weak here, sis.", '>>{greenlife4} : Good. That was sexist of that woman hater.', ">>{Kaiosama} : Trump's former accountant takes credit for 'brilliance' after write-off controversy and claims The Donald does not even understand the tax code", '>>{Panda413} : I found it funny that people were debating whether Trump was "being smart"... Trump just paid a guy 6 figures to minimize his tax liability. He didn\'t do anything other than 1st grade arithmetic. Salary of accountant < Tax money saved = good idea. No matter whether you think Trump should have paid tax or not.. I can\'t find anyone that says it was anything other than completely stupid to brag about not paying taxes during the debate and afterwards. That\'s embarrassingly stupid. (for anyone capable of being embarrassed of their own stupidity)', ">>{frackpot} : you might want to know that someone in the trump mob forged Mitnick's signature on trump's tax returns, as Mitnick testified in 1992.", ">>{Cagnazzo82} : If he doesn't sugarcoat, then where are his tax returns from last year or even several years prior? How do you know he hasn't lost another $1 billion recently?", ">>{3_Limes} : Antimedia? How about anti-reality? So what's happening today? Is r/conspiracytheory closed for some reason?", ">>{DBDude} : Any rich person running a lot of companies shouldn't understand the tax code, because understanding it is a career in and of itself, and he would have no time to run the businesses. That's why they hire accountants who, in their professional responsibility, work to legally minimize the taxes as much as possible.", '>>{redroguetech} : >and they’ve deleted both of my articles that were published earlier over the weekend Oooh. So playing a bit fast and loose with the truth on your claims about your articles that play fast and loose with facts. "Both" of the three haven\'t been removed, just "both" of the two that "mention" Hillary\'s health. Still up: - "[Wikileaks Revealed Massive Political Corruption: Where’s The Coverage?](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-seaman/wikileaks-revealed-massiv_b_11753560.html?)" Removed: - "[Donald Trump Challenges Hillary Clinton To Health Records Duel](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-seaman/donald-trump-challenges-h_b_11756582.html?)" - "[Hillary Clinton’s Health Is Superb (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-seaman/hillary-clintons-health-i_b_11752226.html?)" >“I’ve honestly never seen anything like this. This is happening in the United States in 2016. It’s frankly chilling. I’m a little scared." Awwww! Is the editorial review process of the media in 2016 scary, and you been fired?? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/21/white-tv-anchor-fired-after-racial-comments-fights-back-with-discrimination-lawsuit/ http://www.cbsnews.com/news/st-louis-journalist-reportedly-fired-after-facebook-post-on-michael-browns-mom/ http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/forbes-fires-journalist-after-reporting-truth-about-cliven-bundy http://www.adweek.com/fishbowlny/8-journalists-who-were-fired-for-tweeting-part-1/245092', ">>{kmallon12} : Journalist fired for trying to pass off conspiracy theory as news just doesn't have the same ring to it.", ">>{Kaiosama} : Correct. However most people who hire CPAs don't later present themselves as being more knowledgeable than CPAs who work on their taxes.", ">>{todayilearned83} : They're letting just about anything fly in here these days.", '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : If one hates Hillary Clinton does that make one a woman hater?', ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > He speaks the truth He said he knows the tax code better than anyone but the accountant said he wasn't even interested in it. How is that truth?", ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > He comes from the private sector and doesn't care to. So did Mitt Romney. >they peddle their influence to fill up the coffers of sham corps and foundations all over the world. Like bribing AG's investigating their businesses? Or buying portraits from charity money? >There are tens of millions missing from the Clinton Foundation taxes that no one cares about.. Citation needed > Trump's private business but not the Clinton's? CF taxes are publicly known. >Chelsea's sitting in $10 million dollar apartment doing jack She has a rich husband I heard. >we're supposed to believe Clinton pays her fair share just like us! NO, you are supposed to provide EVIDENCE that it didn't happen.", ">>{ElPlywood} : where's the *scared for life* part in this steaming pile of shit whining", ">>{redroguetech} : Hillary has yet to respond to Trump's demand to prove he's a woman.", ">>{Cagnazzo82} : > There are tens of millions missing from the Clinton Foundation taxes that no one cares about [The Clinton Foundation has one of the highest ratings attainable for a charitable organization.](https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=16680) So where are you getting this notion that millions are missing from the foundation? > why should we care about Trump's private business but not the Clinton's? Chelsea's sitting in $10 million dollar apartment doing jack shit yet we're supposed to believe Clinton pays her fair share just like us! I'm not even sure what you're talking about, or how Chelsea Clinton figures into this. She's not running for the presidency, and she married an hedge-fund manager. Their finances are their own business. Point still remains that based on Donald Trump's past actions and rhetoric, his word basically means nothing. We know he lost $1 billion and may have been living tax free for two decades. It *is* actually important knowing whether he may have lost more, who he owes money to, etc... If he claims he's one of the greatest businessmen in America, and he builds his entire campaign off the basis that he's going to run America like he runs his businesses, I think it is actually imperative that the America people understand exactly how he runs his businesses... and especially whether or not he's currently running them into the ground and is deeply in debt (which all indications are pointing to).", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Scared? Really? If the Clintons really did have people assassinated, Anthony Wiener wouldn't have been able to get caught texting his junk for a second time, let alone a third.", ">>{proggieus} : >Like bribing AG's investigating their businesses? Or buying portraits from charity money? nope they just arrange an impromptu meeting on private jets to intimidate them >CF taxes are publicly known. where is CESC taxes?", '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > nope they just arrange an impromptu meeting on private jets to intimidate them Loretta Lynch was not investigating Clinton, Republican FBI director who is solely answerable to the REpublican Oversight committee was. >where is CESC taxes? Check their website', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : You found a bombshell then, send that tip to Breitbart and WSJ.', '>>{proggieus} : whats curious is there is no mention of either income or losses on their personal taxes from CESC-', ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : Because they don't make any income from the foundation, this isn't exactly news.", '>>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : Sexists like him should be scared for their life. They are so full of hate. So full of hate.', ">>{vph} : The dude is a complete bullshit. HuffPo has allowed its contributors to publish many anti-Hillary articles, including those from a dude who edits a pro-Russia website. Questioning Clinton's health is neither original nor damaging to her. So, perhaps this dude's articles didn't meet Huffo's standard.", ">>{bib_fortunas_agent} : KILLARY IS SIMPLY ALLOWING HER PREY TO MARINATE IN ITS OWN FEAR-JUICES. DELICIOUS. Jokes aside, I'd totally watch a movie about a President that also is a cannibal.", '>>{proggieus} : CESC is not a foundation or a charity. it stands for Clinton executive services corp.', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : We were discussing CF, you linked to a CNN article that talked about the foundation and their income. I remember the politico article on CESC, now there is a conspiracy about that too now?', ">>{AssCalloway} : Imagine what we'd discover if trump's various NDA's were suddenly voided", '>>{proggieus} : i never linked to any article in this thread- and your right, I did switch streams on you a little- I was merely pointing out that the Clintons have not released all of their taxes-', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : in what way does disliking hillary make you automatically a "woman hater"?', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > I was merely pointing out that the Clintons have not released all of their taxes- Can you be specific what exactly did they leave out that other candidates revealed?', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Yeah, I'm sure in a world where Alex Jones with his millions of listeners is still drawing breath some shit tier blogger on the HuffPo is definitely on the death list.", ">>{GunOfSod} : Don't question the cry-bullies, they can get vicious.", '>>{proggieus} : how about using the the Former President’s Act to supply full federal benefits for 10 employees of both CESC and the clinton foundation. >http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/bill-clinton-used-tax-dollars-to-subsidize-foundation-private-email-support-teneo-227613 >The key reason for adding staffers to the GSA payroll, according to two people familiar with the Clintons’ staffing arrangements, was that each employee became eligible for full federal employee benefits, including health and life insurance and pensions. The two people familiar with Bill Clinton’s staffing said the employees on his GSA payroll almost never received benefits from either the Clinton Foundation or the CESC.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Some of the links popping up on this sub lately. Pure garbage.', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > how about using the the Former President’s Act to supply full federal benefits for 10 employees of both CESC and the clinton foundation. Which the politico article said was completely legal, why would they be trying to hide that?', '>>{proggieus} : i wonder how much that saves the Clintons? it might be legal but is it moral? that seems to be the answer to Trumps 900 million in losses in 94', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : So a President getting paid like every other President for the work he did is now immoral? >that seems to be the answer to Trumps 900 million in losses in 94 Ya, dodging taxes is the same as receiving benefits for the work you did in the past. Exactly the same thing.', '>>{proggieus} : got another ex president that is using the act to supplement 13 peoples salaries and provide full federal benefits for those people. it the people sole worked for Clinton then fine- but when they work for clinton foundation, HRCs campaign, etc it gets murky real quick.', ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > got another ex president that is using the act to supplement 13 peoples salaries and provide full federal benefits for those people. There are restrictions to how an ex President uses the money? >but when they work for clinton foundation, HRCs campaign, etc it gets murky real quick. What exactly is murky here? It's his money and he is free to spend it as he likes. Jesus Christ, talk about inane bullshit.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : by their own logic i could just say they are sexist because they are disagreeing with me, a woman. what bigots!!', ">>{kiwisrkool} : Huffo's standards. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Plonk! Laffed my head off.", '>>{DBDude} : No, he said he knows the tax code better than anyone who has ever run for president. Have any tax accountants run for president?', ">>{Kaiosama} : And you honestly in your heart of hearts believe Donald Trump understands tax codes better than all the governors and senators and congressmen who've ever run for office in US history? You honestly believe that?", ">>{DBDude} : >And you honestly in your heart of hearts believe Donald Trump understands tax codes better than all the governors and senators and congressmen who've ever run for office in US history? Not a chance, standard exaggeration. But he did not say he knew it better than a tax CPA, which was your claim."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Kaiosama} : Trump's former accountant takes credit for 'brilliance' after write-off controversy and claims The Donald does not even understand the tax code", '>>{Panda413} : I found it funny that people were debating whether Trump was "being smart"... Trump just paid a guy 6 figures to minimize his tax liability. He didn\'t do anything other than 1st grade arithmetic. Salary of accountant < Tax money saved = good idea. No matter whether you think Trump should have paid tax or not.. I can\'t find anyone that says it was anything other than completely stupid to brag about not paying taxes during the debate and afterwards. That\'s embarrassingly stupid. (for anyone capable of being embarrassed of their own stupidity)', ">>{frackpot} : you might want to know that someone in the trump mob forged Mitnick's signature on trump's tax returns, as Mitnick testified in 1992.", ">>{Cagnazzo82} : If he doesn't sugarcoat, then where are his tax returns from last year or even several years prior? How do you know he hasn't lost another $1 billion recently?", ">>{DBDude} : Any rich person running a lot of companies shouldn't understand the tax code, because understanding it is a career in and of itself, and he would have no time to run the businesses. That's why they hire accountants who, in their professional responsibility, work to legally minimize the taxes as much as possible.", ">>{Kaiosama} : Correct. However most people who hire CPAs don't later present themselves as being more knowledgeable than CPAs who work on their taxes.", ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > He speaks the truth He said he knows the tax code better than anyone but the accountant said he wasn't even interested in it. How is that truth?", ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > He comes from the private sector and doesn't care to. So did Mitt Romney. >they peddle their influence to fill up the coffers of sham corps and foundations all over the world. Like bribing AG's investigating their businesses? Or buying portraits from charity money? >There are tens of millions missing from the Clinton Foundation taxes that no one cares about.. Citation needed > Trump's private business but not the Clinton's? CF taxes are publicly known. >Chelsea's sitting in $10 million dollar apartment doing jack She has a rich husband I heard. >we're supposed to believe Clinton pays her fair share just like us! NO, you are supposed to provide EVIDENCE that it didn't happen.", ">>{Cagnazzo82} : > There are tens of millions missing from the Clinton Foundation taxes that no one cares about [The Clinton Foundation has one of the highest ratings attainable for a charitable organization.](https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=16680) So where are you getting this notion that millions are missing from the foundation? > why should we care about Trump's private business but not the Clinton's? Chelsea's sitting in $10 million dollar apartment doing jack shit yet we're supposed to believe Clinton pays her fair share just like us! I'm not even sure what you're talking about, or how Chelsea Clinton figures into this. She's not running for the presidency, and she married an hedge-fund manager. Their finances are their own business. Point still remains that based on Donald Trump's past actions and rhetoric, his word basically means nothing. We know he lost $1 billion and may have been living tax free for two decades. It *is* actually important knowing whether he may have lost more, who he owes money to, etc... If he claims he's one of the greatest businessmen in America, and he builds his entire campaign off the basis that he's going to run America like he runs his businesses, I think it is actually imperative that the America people understand exactly how he runs his businesses... and especially whether or not he's currently running them into the ground and is deeply in debt (which all indications are pointing to).", ">>{proggieus} : >Like bribing AG's investigating their businesses? Or buying portraits from charity money? nope they just arrange an impromptu meeting on private jets to intimidate them >CF taxes are publicly known. where is CESC taxes?", '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > nope they just arrange an impromptu meeting on private jets to intimidate them Loretta Lynch was not investigating Clinton, Republican FBI director who is solely answerable to the REpublican Oversight committee was. >where is CESC taxes? Check their website', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : You found a bombshell then, send that tip to Breitbart and WSJ.', '>>{proggieus} : whats curious is there is no mention of either income or losses on their personal taxes from CESC-', ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : Because they don't make any income from the foundation, this isn't exactly news.", '>>{proggieus} : CESC is not a foundation or a charity. it stands for Clinton executive services corp.', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : We were discussing CF, you linked to a CNN article that talked about the foundation and their income. I remember the politico article on CESC, now there is a conspiracy about that too now?', ">>{AssCalloway} : Imagine what we'd discover if trump's various NDA's were suddenly voided", '>>{proggieus} : i never linked to any article in this thread- and your right, I did switch streams on you a little- I was merely pointing out that the Clintons have not released all of their taxes-', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > I was merely pointing out that the Clintons have not released all of their taxes- Can you be specific what exactly did they leave out that other candidates revealed?', '>>{proggieus} : how about using the the Former President’s Act to supply full federal benefits for 10 employees of both CESC and the clinton foundation. >http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/bill-clinton-used-tax-dollars-to-subsidize-foundation-private-email-support-teneo-227613 >The key reason for adding staffers to the GSA payroll, according to two people familiar with the Clintons’ staffing arrangements, was that each employee became eligible for full federal employee benefits, including health and life insurance and pensions. The two people familiar with Bill Clinton’s staffing said the employees on his GSA payroll almost never received benefits from either the Clinton Foundation or the CESC.', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > how about using the the Former President’s Act to supply full federal benefits for 10 employees of both CESC and the clinton foundation. Which the politico article said was completely legal, why would they be trying to hide that?', '>>{proggieus} : i wonder how much that saves the Clintons? it might be legal but is it moral? that seems to be the answer to Trumps 900 million in losses in 94', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : So a President getting paid like every other President for the work he did is now immoral? >that seems to be the answer to Trumps 900 million in losses in 94 Ya, dodging taxes is the same as receiving benefits for the work you did in the past. Exactly the same thing.', '>>{proggieus} : got another ex president that is using the act to supplement 13 peoples salaries and provide full federal benefits for those people. it the people sole worked for Clinton then fine- but when they work for clinton foundation, HRCs campaign, etc it gets murky real quick.', ">>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > got another ex president that is using the act to supplement 13 peoples salaries and provide full federal benefits for those people. There are restrictions to how an ex President uses the money? >but when they work for clinton foundation, HRCs campaign, etc it gets murky real quick. What exactly is murky here? It's his money and he is free to spend it as he likes. Jesus Christ, talk about inane bullshit.", '>>{DBDude} : No, he said he knows the tax code better than anyone who has ever run for president. Have any tax accountants run for president?', ">>{Kaiosama} : And you honestly in your heart of hearts believe Donald Trump understands tax codes better than all the governors and senators and congressmen who've ever run for office in US history? You honestly believe that?", ">>{DBDude} : >And you honestly in your heart of hearts believe Donald Trump understands tax codes better than all the governors and senators and congressmen who've ever run for office in US history? Not a chance, standard exaggeration. But he did not say he knew it better than a tax CPA, which was your claim."], [">>{TOMapleLaughs} : *This guy is still alive?* Hillary... Lookin' weak here, sis.", '>>{greenlife4} : Good. That was sexist of that woman hater.', ">>{3_Limes} : Antimedia? How about anti-reality? So what's happening today? Is r/conspiracytheory closed for some reason?", '>>{redroguetech} : >and they’ve deleted both of my articles that were published earlier over the weekend Oooh. So playing a bit fast and loose with the truth on your claims about your articles that play fast and loose with facts. "Both" of the three haven\'t been removed, just "both" of the two that "mention" Hillary\'s health. Still up: - "[Wikileaks Revealed Massive Political Corruption: Where’s The Coverage?](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-seaman/wikileaks-revealed-massiv_b_11753560.html?)" Removed: - "[Donald Trump Challenges Hillary Clinton To Health Records Duel](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-seaman/donald-trump-challenges-h_b_11756582.html?)" - "[Hillary Clinton’s Health Is Superb (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-seaman/hillary-clintons-health-i_b_11752226.html?)" >“I’ve honestly never seen anything like this. This is happening in the United States in 2016. It’s frankly chilling. I’m a little scared." Awwww! Is the editorial review process of the media in 2016 scary, and you been fired?? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/21/white-tv-anchor-fired-after-racial-comments-fights-back-with-discrimination-lawsuit/ http://www.cbsnews.com/news/st-louis-journalist-reportedly-fired-after-facebook-post-on-michael-browns-mom/ http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/forbes-fires-journalist-after-reporting-truth-about-cliven-bundy http://www.adweek.com/fishbowlny/8-journalists-who-were-fired-for-tweeting-part-1/245092', ">>{kmallon12} : Journalist fired for trying to pass off conspiracy theory as news just doesn't have the same ring to it.", ">>{todayilearned83} : They're letting just about anything fly in here these days.", '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : If one hates Hillary Clinton does that make one a woman hater?', ">>{ElPlywood} : where's the *scared for life* part in this steaming pile of shit whining", ">>{redroguetech} : Hillary has yet to respond to Trump's demand to prove he's a woman.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Scared? Really? If the Clintons really did have people assassinated, Anthony Wiener wouldn't have been able to get caught texting his junk for a second time, let alone a third.", '>>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : Sexists like him should be scared for their life. They are so full of hate. So full of hate.', ">>{vph} : The dude is a complete bullshit. HuffPo has allowed its contributors to publish many anti-Hillary articles, including those from a dude who edits a pro-Russia website. Questioning Clinton's health is neither original nor damaging to her. So, perhaps this dude's articles didn't meet Huffo's standard.", ">>{bib_fortunas_agent} : KILLARY IS SIMPLY ALLOWING HER PREY TO MARINATE IN ITS OWN FEAR-JUICES. DELICIOUS. Jokes aside, I'd totally watch a movie about a President that also is a cannibal.", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : in what way does disliking hillary make you automatically a "woman hater"?', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Yeah, I'm sure in a world where Alex Jones with his millions of listeners is still drawing breath some shit tier blogger on the HuffPo is definitely on the death list.", ">>{GunOfSod} : Don't question the cry-bullies, they can get vicious.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Some of the links popping up on this sub lately. Pure garbage.', '>>{getridofappleskitle} : by their own logic i could just say they are sexist because they are disagreeing with me, a woman. what bigots!!', ">>{kiwisrkool} : Huffo's standards. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Plonk! Laffed my head off."]]
classify and reply
['>>{BilalShahid} : Trump Goes Back To Original Immigration Position With Second 180 Flip', ">>{Proton_Driver} : Trump is so full of shit he's like a turd in a playdoh fun factory.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Had never heard that. Going to have to read up on him.', '>>{SandersCantWin} : A lot of his body language in speeches resembles Mussolini.', ">>{thegoodvibe} : Interesting, like I mentioned, haven't really read up on him", ">>{YgramulTheMany} : Just watch his message for a few days. It's obviously intentional at this point. Say something Monday. Say the opposite Tuesday, then Wednesday go back to Monday's position but act like people are stupid for misunderstanding.", ">>{YgramulTheMany} : Trump forgets that in Mussolini's time they didn't have the sorts of play and record buttons that we have now.", ">>{Quinnjester} : He's the Mussolini to Putin's Hitler. I'm telling ya.", '>>{GonzoNation} : But what is the overall quality? After all the flips, will he still be able enter on a vertical into the sludge pool?', '>>{LogicBytes} : He just needs to get elected. Then give the finger to the globalist donors controlling the US. Even guys have to recognize that.', ">>{thegoodvibe} : I'm a guy, and i 100% do not agree", ">>{basaltgranite} : Meanwhile, we're still waiting for Melania's immigration records. You know: the documents that Trump and Trump can easily release, and that would show that she was here legally and working legally.", '>>{tramdog} : You must be an odd guy. Even guys recognize it. /s', ">>{mindcracked} : She could just do a 90, but she's not an ambiturner", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I imagine 11 million people doing the eye roll.', '>>{lurking_tiger} : So... when do we start calling him Floppy Don?', '>>{LLv2} : Phew! For a minute there I thought he was actually going to lose the election! /s', ">>{CuntTheRouge} : I have genuinely lol'd harder at some of the headlines that this election has produced than at some of the standup I've watched over the past few months."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BilalShahid} : Trump Goes Back To Original Immigration Position With Second 180 Flip', ">>{Proton_Driver} : Trump is so full of shit he's like a turd in a playdoh fun factory.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Had never heard that. Going to have to read up on him.', '>>{SandersCantWin} : A lot of his body language in speeches resembles Mussolini.', ">>{thegoodvibe} : Interesting, like I mentioned, haven't really read up on him", ">>{YgramulTheMany} : Just watch his message for a few days. It's obviously intentional at this point. Say something Monday. Say the opposite Tuesday, then Wednesday go back to Monday's position but act like people are stupid for misunderstanding.", ">>{YgramulTheMany} : Trump forgets that in Mussolini's time they didn't have the sorts of play and record buttons that we have now.", ">>{Quinnjester} : He's the Mussolini to Putin's Hitler. I'm telling ya.", '>>{GonzoNation} : But what is the overall quality? After all the flips, will he still be able enter on a vertical into the sludge pool?', '>>{LogicBytes} : He just needs to get elected. Then give the finger to the globalist donors controlling the US. Even guys have to recognize that.', ">>{thegoodvibe} : I'm a guy, and i 100% do not agree", ">>{basaltgranite} : Meanwhile, we're still waiting for Melania's immigration records. You know: the documents that Trump and Trump can easily release, and that would show that she was here legally and working legally.", '>>{tramdog} : You must be an odd guy. Even guys recognize it. /s', ">>{mindcracked} : She could just do a 90, but she's not an ambiturner", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I imagine 11 million people doing the eye roll.', '>>{lurking_tiger} : So... when do we start calling him Floppy Don?', '>>{LLv2} : Phew! For a minute there I thought he was actually going to lose the election! /s', ">>{CuntTheRouge} : I have genuinely lol'd harder at some of the headlines that this election has produced than at some of the standup I've watched over the past few months."]]
classify and reply
[">>{briancon} : BU Professor, Larry Kotlikoff - life long Democrat - says Trump’s plan is far superior to Hillary Clinton's. By 2020 the U.S. economy under Trump would be $1.34 trillion larger and wages would rise by 6 to 7 percent above the baseline.", ">>{Susarian} : I'll take a faulty plan over no plan any day.", ">>{Barteringram} : Everyone, before you get too far, check out the [trainwreck that is this guy's last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50bf9z/im_a_young_black_man_and_i_support_donald_trump/), in which he claims to be a dead author to support his own credibility, is caught and called out, and resorts to attacking users based on whom he incorrectly percieves to be thier chosen candidate.", '>>{briancon} : Your ignorance is showing if you actually believe that. http://graphics.wsj.com/elections/2016/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-on-the-economy/', '>>{briancon} : Quick, we must deflect from the actual article!', '>>{spaceghoti} : The former Reagan administration staffer and [current Presidential candidate?](https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2016/07/11/the-back-bay-resident-is-running-for-president-again)', '>>{J0NNYquid} : Stephen Moore is an economic consultant with Freedom Works and a senior economic consultant with the Trump campaign.', '>>{Barteringram} : Quick, we must deflect from our complete lack of credibility!', ">>{ivsciguy} : Are you kidding. Every other economist says that Trump's plan would quadruppal the debt and decimate the middle class. All it consists of is massive tax breaks for people like trump. Those have never proven to actually be beneficial to the economy as a whole.", ">>{salmonchaser} : I saw your link. Why are you trying to claim someone else's identity?", '>>{briancon} : Are you inferring that /r/politics is respected and full of credibility?', ">>{J0NNYquid} : You mean the article written by one of Trump's economic consultants?", '>>{briancon} : What are you talking about? I got hacked.', ">>{gusty_bible} : >Who benefits the most from the Trump tax cut? Mr. Kotlikoff concludes: “This kind of reform has the potential to raise the income of the typical worker by as much as $4,000 per year within the next four years.” Based on what analysis? This would increase median pay up to the record high of the late 90s tech boom in only 4 years. They did something similar in Kansas at the state level and it did nothing for growth. Cutting taxes doesn't simply juice the economy to record levels otherwise GWB would be considered a god and Republicans would still hold the White House.", ">>{Barteringram} : I'm inferring that most have more credibility than you at this point. Are you inferring that we should look past your claim of being a dead author, which happened all of 30 minutes ago at time of writing?", '>>{Barteringram} : Got hacked, recovered the account, and continued posting, all in the span of a half hour? You reek of male bovine excrement.', ">>{briancon} : It's all in the eye of the beholder my friend", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Just to save weveryone the time This guy is a former Reagan admin staffer (hardly economic experts LOL) and here\'s a quote "This economic mumbo jumbo defies basic common sense and helps explain why we still have more than 40 million Americans on food stamps — evidently, the more that get free food, the more prosperous we become. This is the crux of the continuing curse of Keynesian economics, which says that the more the government spends, the more the economy grows. A dollar of government spending leads to as much as two dollars of additional economic output, according to Professor Pelosi." Still can\'t explain why spending pulls us out of the lethal depressions the free maket puts us in?', '>>{briancon} : At least you had the decency to call me a male. /r/mensrights could use you on our frontlines for battle.', ">>{Barteringram} : No, it's really not. You fucking lied, therefore, you have zero fucking credibility. It's pretty much math at this point. You + Lying about your identity = You're full of shit. And I am not your friend.", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Not to mention he's not a life long democrat, hates both parties, and wanted to run as a third party candidate in 2012, but failed. He's self-serving, his opinion is slanted, and not even worth posting.", ">>{briancon} : Hahaha dude you don't know when to stop, it's actually so great.", ">>{Barteringram} : Like y'all could actually stand in a line for long enough to battle...", '>>{salmonchaser} : You got hacked, and the person posted a link to a webpage for an author very similar to your username? Why would someone do that?', '>>{Catzendo} : Will we be fooled again? Starting with Reagan, taxes (especially on the high end) were reduced drastically, as well as "investment" (capital gains). This with the promise that it would create jobs. If this were true, there would be lots of jobs. Instead we have most of the wealth concentrated in a few hands. Jobs are not created by the wealthiest getting more breaks, jobs are created by increasing the spending capabilities of the masses who actual spend almost all of what they make. BTW, if the government doesn\'t create jobs, then why is the DOD spending millions on refurbishing tanks they don\'t want :-)?', '>>{briancon} : So do you actually believe Hillary Clinton will put the interests and well-being of the American people over the demands from lobbyists who have given her millions and millions of dollars?', ">>{AgentElman} : Did trump's doctor write an economic analysis in 5 minutes to make trump happy?", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : And he [specifically asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50bf9z/im_a_young_black_man_and_i_support_donald_trump/d72pw3q) that people follow him around and make sure everyone is aware of it in his future posts.', ">>{Castro02} : She's still waiting for Trump to release anything comparable to what shes already released, not just an absurd letter with zero relevant information.", '>>{briancon} : Wall Street transcripts for tax returns, a fair trade off', '>>{LittleShrub} : Because everyone is looking for another economy like W. left us with.', ">>{Castro02} : I'm not even talking about his tax returns, he's clearly not gonna release those because it would fucking ruin him if people knew how shitty of a businessman he is (or how much money hes taken from Russia). I'm talking about his medical records, Clinton has released much more detailed records and a family history. How can Trump be saying she should release more, when he hasn't even done as much as her?", ">>{RomanMigrains} : I'll do it, if you do it first, is not worthy of a response.", '>>{RomanMigrains} : A fair trade off would be tax returns for tax returns.', '>>{IIHURRlCANEII} : No a fair trade off is tax returns for tax returns.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Simple, we just let poor people starve, and then...not sure what the next point is. Just hurt poor people first, worry about the rest later.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Yes. "Lobbyists" are registered agents and actually have given very little to her campaign. There are pretty tight limits on what lobbyists can actually give. And the money is spent on the campaign, it doesn\'t go in her pocket. She\'s not like Trump taking donations and just funneling the money to himself.', ">>{AgentElman} : Where is trump's response to the nambla allegations? why won't he deny that he funds them? I'm not saying he does but a lot of people are saying that and he will not say they are wrong so I have to assume there is something to the claims.", ">>{Catzendo} : I don't like either of their stated plans, but at the current time his is worse then hers."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{briancon} : BU Professor, Larry Kotlikoff - life long Democrat - says Trump’s plan is far superior to Hillary Clinton's. By 2020 the U.S. economy under Trump would be $1.34 trillion larger and wages would rise by 6 to 7 percent above the baseline.", ">>{Susarian} : I'll take a faulty plan over no plan any day.", ">>{Barteringram} : Everyone, before you get too far, check out the [trainwreck that is this guy's last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50bf9z/im_a_young_black_man_and_i_support_donald_trump/), in which he claims to be a dead author to support his own credibility, is caught and called out, and resorts to attacking users based on whom he incorrectly percieves to be thier chosen candidate.", '>>{briancon} : Your ignorance is showing if you actually believe that. http://graphics.wsj.com/elections/2016/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-on-the-economy/', '>>{briancon} : Quick, we must deflect from the actual article!', '>>{spaceghoti} : The former Reagan administration staffer and [current Presidential candidate?](https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2016/07/11/the-back-bay-resident-is-running-for-president-again)', '>>{J0NNYquid} : Stephen Moore is an economic consultant with Freedom Works and a senior economic consultant with the Trump campaign.', '>>{Barteringram} : Quick, we must deflect from our complete lack of credibility!', ">>{ivsciguy} : Are you kidding. Every other economist says that Trump's plan would quadruppal the debt and decimate the middle class. All it consists of is massive tax breaks for people like trump. Those have never proven to actually be beneficial to the economy as a whole.", ">>{salmonchaser} : I saw your link. Why are you trying to claim someone else's identity?", '>>{briancon} : Are you inferring that /r/politics is respected and full of credibility?', ">>{J0NNYquid} : You mean the article written by one of Trump's economic consultants?", '>>{briancon} : What are you talking about? I got hacked.', ">>{gusty_bible} : >Who benefits the most from the Trump tax cut? Mr. Kotlikoff concludes: “This kind of reform has the potential to raise the income of the typical worker by as much as $4,000 per year within the next four years.” Based on what analysis? This would increase median pay up to the record high of the late 90s tech boom in only 4 years. They did something similar in Kansas at the state level and it did nothing for growth. Cutting taxes doesn't simply juice the economy to record levels otherwise GWB would be considered a god and Republicans would still hold the White House.", ">>{Barteringram} : I'm inferring that most have more credibility than you at this point. Are you inferring that we should look past your claim of being a dead author, which happened all of 30 minutes ago at time of writing?", '>>{Barteringram} : Got hacked, recovered the account, and continued posting, all in the span of a half hour? You reek of male bovine excrement.', ">>{briancon} : It's all in the eye of the beholder my friend", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Just to save weveryone the time This guy is a former Reagan admin staffer (hardly economic experts LOL) and here\'s a quote "This economic mumbo jumbo defies basic common sense and helps explain why we still have more than 40 million Americans on food stamps — evidently, the more that get free food, the more prosperous we become. This is the crux of the continuing curse of Keynesian economics, which says that the more the government spends, the more the economy grows. A dollar of government spending leads to as much as two dollars of additional economic output, according to Professor Pelosi." Still can\'t explain why spending pulls us out of the lethal depressions the free maket puts us in?', '>>{briancon} : At least you had the decency to call me a male. /r/mensrights could use you on our frontlines for battle.', ">>{Barteringram} : No, it's really not. You fucking lied, therefore, you have zero fucking credibility. It's pretty much math at this point. You + Lying about your identity = You're full of shit. And I am not your friend.", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Not to mention he's not a life long democrat, hates both parties, and wanted to run as a third party candidate in 2012, but failed. He's self-serving, his opinion is slanted, and not even worth posting.", ">>{briancon} : Hahaha dude you don't know when to stop, it's actually so great.", ">>{Barteringram} : Like y'all could actually stand in a line for long enough to battle...", '>>{salmonchaser} : You got hacked, and the person posted a link to a webpage for an author very similar to your username? Why would someone do that?', '>>{Catzendo} : Will we be fooled again? Starting with Reagan, taxes (especially on the high end) were reduced drastically, as well as "investment" (capital gains). This with the promise that it would create jobs. If this were true, there would be lots of jobs. Instead we have most of the wealth concentrated in a few hands. Jobs are not created by the wealthiest getting more breaks, jobs are created by increasing the spending capabilities of the masses who actual spend almost all of what they make. BTW, if the government doesn\'t create jobs, then why is the DOD spending millions on refurbishing tanks they don\'t want :-)?', '>>{briancon} : So do you actually believe Hillary Clinton will put the interests and well-being of the American people over the demands from lobbyists who have given her millions and millions of dollars?', ">>{AgentElman} : Did trump's doctor write an economic analysis in 5 minutes to make trump happy?", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : And he [specifically asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50bf9z/im_a_young_black_man_and_i_support_donald_trump/d72pw3q) that people follow him around and make sure everyone is aware of it in his future posts.', ">>{Castro02} : She's still waiting for Trump to release anything comparable to what shes already released, not just an absurd letter with zero relevant information.", '>>{briancon} : Wall Street transcripts for tax returns, a fair trade off', '>>{LittleShrub} : Because everyone is looking for another economy like W. left us with.', ">>{Castro02} : I'm not even talking about his tax returns, he's clearly not gonna release those because it would fucking ruin him if people knew how shitty of a businessman he is (or how much money hes taken from Russia). I'm talking about his medical records, Clinton has released much more detailed records and a family history. How can Trump be saying she should release more, when he hasn't even done as much as her?", ">>{RomanMigrains} : I'll do it, if you do it first, is not worthy of a response.", '>>{RomanMigrains} : A fair trade off would be tax returns for tax returns.', '>>{IIHURRlCANEII} : No a fair trade off is tax returns for tax returns.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Simple, we just let poor people starve, and then...not sure what the next point is. Just hurt poor people first, worry about the rest later.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Yes. "Lobbyists" are registered agents and actually have given very little to her campaign. There are pretty tight limits on what lobbyists can actually give. And the money is spent on the campaign, it doesn\'t go in her pocket. She\'s not like Trump taking donations and just funneling the money to himself.', ">>{AgentElman} : Where is trump's response to the nambla allegations? why won't he deny that he funds them? I'm not saying he does but a lot of people are saying that and he will not say they are wrong so I have to assume there is something to the claims.", ">>{Catzendo} : I don't like either of their stated plans, but at the current time his is worse then hers."]]
classify and reply
[">>{OmNomDeBonBon} : > Far-right candidate Norbert Hofer has lost Austria's presidential election. His campaign manager said he had conceded victory to independent candidate, Alexander Van der Bellen. > The Austrian presidency is largely ceremonial but the vote had been seen as a sign of how well populist candidates might do in upcoming elections in the European Union. >Former Green Party head Mr Van der Bellen had a clear lead, according to projections.", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Donald Trump warns Obama about campaigning for Hillary Clinton - Election 2016', ">>{5HT-2a_is_a_crybaby} : It's 2016, and we still can't copy a single word from an SMS on the iPhone", ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : I'm sure Obama is cowering in fear from the mighty wit of Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8TwRmX6zs4", '>>{chip_0} : The alt-right has been warded off in one battle, but the war rages on. Where and when is the next conflict?', '>>{snailiens} : Selecting text and copy/paste as a whole is seriously broken on iOS. It boggles my mind how such an important feature has been completely fucked for so long.', ">>{Edward_Clayton} : I don't think the alt-right is anywhere near as big as it purports itself to be. It could be argued that the only reason anyone has heard of them at all is because of their excessive self-promotion. Once Trump settles into office, and when the hype about his campaign promises begins to die down, I predict that the alt-right will slide back into irrelevancy. They never really did have any independent momentum without riding the coattails of the Trump campaign.", ">>{Pyrokuda} : Because Apple doesn't give a shit. We keep buying their phones regardless. They have turned into a non innovating colossus.", '>>{asghostdj} : Where the fuck does this spoiled brat get off? Warning the President? Did he forget about the corespondents dinner?', ">>{snailiens} : Where is drag and drop? That was practically the entire reason the GUI was invented, and it's inexplicably missing in the one context that it makes even MORE sense--when you can literally drag and drop with your fingers. And why on earth can we not open multiple instances of the same app? Split Safari is the definition of a bandaid. How did the app selection for SlideOver ship? I dare anyone to try and suggest a *worse* workflow than that. Why do animations completely disallow touch input? This makes using the device feel like utter shit, because you have no faith as to whether your touch will be registered, so you have to constantly tap things multiple times because you have no idea when the animation cuts off, even if you can clearly see the thing you're trying to tap. And I mentioned text selection--why does selecting a word inevitably result in the entire webpage being selected, with one of the selection sliders completely absent, so that it is literally impossible to select text? Before anyone says anything about broken DIVs, you'll have to justify why this is never a problem on the Mac. And yes, I'm upset, because I hate seeing my favorite company fuck up so hard, with people falling over themselves making excuses for honestly inexcusable deficiencies.", ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Or he'll *say something mean* The leader of the free world should honor that threat and cower in the White House for the rest of his term", '>>{wraithtek} : > "We have a president that doesn\'t know what the hell he\'s doing, folks," Trump said. "I hear he\'s going to take a lot of time, during our time, when he\'s supposed to be looking at trade and the military and all of these things, and he\'s going to campaign for Crooked Hillary." > "You know what? That\'s OK. That\'s OK," Trump said before then issuing a veiled threat to the president. "Because if he does that, we\'re allowed to say things about him that normally we wouldn\'t bring up. Remember when Bill started campaigning?" http://i.imgur.com/7SGI3Cc.gif "Ohh, Trump is mad at me. I\'m so scared! Oooh, Trump! Uh oh, Trump\'s coming to get me! Oh, don\'t let Trump come after me! Oh no, Trump is coming after me! No, he\'s so big and strong!"', '>>{TheKKKSupportsHilary} : [If...if...if...if...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKXSgB7MEUU)', '>>{misscee} : I hope he comes to Colorado and campaigns for her. Of course the media will ignore it, but it will be grand. Democrats are being led over a cliff.', '>>{chip_0} : I feel ya, but given their self-promotion their annihilation needs to be just as over-the-top.', '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : Ooh, the Germans. Stop it. Stop it, Mr. Burns!', '>>{itsrichardparkerr} : nah, making emojis x3 bigger is more important!!', '>>{Sidwill} : Obama, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Bill the Dems have a deep bench of likable surrogates with high approval ratings all taking turns hammering Don the Con while the Repubs have to hide their last POTUS in a closet and their last presidential nominee is actively speaking out against Trump.', '>>{yuridam} : this surprised me when I convert to 6s from Android a few months ago.', '>>{malpais} : Right? Not to mention that this "too close to call" election was rather easily won - by the Green Party!', '>>{surreal_blue} : Seems like 2016 is starting to lose steam, thankfully.', ">>{asghostdj} : I'm sure that's what mommy and daddy told him.", '>>{Shikadi314} : Yeah, cause Trump doesnt get any media coverage at all. /s', '>>{misscee} : what does that have to do with the media ignoring protests against the D\'s .. there was a huge one at the state convention that got *zero* media coverage ... unlike how they cough, gag "covered" Nevada', ">>{asghostdj} : So you don't want anyone to take you seriously with that ridiculous handle?", '>>{TheKKKSupportsHilary} : Facts are ridiculous! [‘For the KKK, Clinton is our choice’](http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/26/klan-leader-claims-kkk-has-given-20k-clinton-campa/)', ">>{negroiso} : It's 2016, you shouldn't be communicating with anyone not on iMessages :)", '>>{meccanikal} : Copy full message and paste it into enter text field. Copy the number you needed to copy, in this case, say, "12345". Open Bank you needed to paste it to. Paste clipboard, "💩💦☔️😍" What the shit, that\'s not what I just copied. Rinse, repeat, until you actually "copy" what you need for your Banking app. It\'s messy everywhere. Don\'t even start me on being unable to copy one word or phrase without the copy highlighter going ape-shit (selects a word, then two then the whole fucking page!!). This is especially hard on certain websites.', ">>{resto} : This so fucking much Please send this as feedback to Apple, maybe they're read it and listen?", ">>{asghostdj} : Sorry buddy, can't allow myself to be that gullible, you have fun with it though.", ">>{bowb4zod} : It's fucking stupid they haven't fixed these problems yet. I love my iPhone but sometime I I want to throw it at the fucken wall.", '>>{KingPickle} : [Donald Trump Stuttering For 88 Seconds ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR7uIAR9O7Y)', ">>{AquilaAdax} : A workaround: hold down on message, click 'more' when it comes up. Press the arrow key in the bottom right corner. Voila, the message is now copied in the text box, where you can select individual words.", '>>{NotTellinYou} : Yeah...because that might seriously put Android users over the edge!', ">>{peepeetchootchoo} : AFAIK it's up to the webpage how it's formatted (layout paragraphs and shit) or codeed. Smthng like that.", '>>{onetoughmotherfucker} : alt-right is just a new phrase for groups of people who have always existed. the name is new but the beliefs are not :/', '>>{mrshade0420} : Donald Trump is the type of guy that would show up to the battle of wits only half prepared.', ">>{Velcrocore} : I can't wait until there's an emoji requirement in passwords. One number, one symbol, one emoji, one gif, and more than 8 characters.", ">>{sneijder} : It's ever since force touch came along, the rest of us with older phones get that shit.", ">>{snailiens} : This is true, but it works fine on the Mac. Users don't care about who's at fault--it's Apple's responsibility to make sure it works. The fact that it works is proof that it CAN be solved!", '>>{LifeBeginsAt10kRPM} : Now with universal pasteboard, imagine how much more shittier and random it will be', ">>{Middleman79} : The one where Clinton wasn't there and Obama mocked her for being old and out of touch?", ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : top post right now: > Hofer lost but it wouldn't matter if he won either lol", ">>{blackbeardsmoustache} : DicklessDon's popularity makes sense on reddit now. This website is full of failure being enabled by their parents, just like trump", ">>{sparowe} : It's the same with iMessage. And WhatsApp, by the way.", ">>{liberte_} : Have we forgotten that their leader is Trump's chief strategist already?", '>>{dumbelts} : > Scrap the Apple Watch and get to work on this. Behold. The dumbest comment ever on r/Apple', ">>{aldrinjtauro} : That's like saying it's Tesla's responsibility to make sure Tesla owners don't crash into a wall. Oh wait, they still do.", '>>{eveningformalxanax} : Haha, now try selecting text with callused fingers on an SE. Frustrating', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Thank fuck. I was really starting to feel pretty sure Hoffer would win, and the whole Duterte-Brexit-Trump-Hoffer-Wilders-LePen axis was starting to get an air of unbeatability. Rationality *can* stop the march of ethnonationalism. May Hoffer be the first of many to learn this.', ">>{dastweinerhund} : So what's the public opinion on that island immigrants are being stocked in? Are you guys going to bring them over to Australia and give them attention.", '>>{eveningformalxanax} : Selecting/copy/paste is literally the only thing that makes me curse at this thing. I love everything else about it. Cmon, Apple.', ">>{OmNomDeBonBon} : > Duterte He isn't white or a white nationalist, so isn't part of that axis...", ">>{srasi} : I switched from from Android to iOS a month ago and this is probably the only thing that I absolutely hate. Also why can't iOS detect tracking numbers in emails? In Android, the OS detects tracking numbers and you can click on them which redirects you to the appropriate tracking site.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : B-b-b-but the global rise of nationalism! Muh blood and soil!', '>>{CommanderMcBragg} : A sad day for the ~~SS-Totenkopfverbände~~ Freeedom Party.', ">>{cududwd} : > Also why can't iOS detect tracking numbers in emails? Just a note, it does do this for me...?", '>>{xDomox} : Would the election be held on weekdays, the far-right would win. Call me an asshole, but the far-right got more unemployed supporters who got the time to vote also on weekdays.', '>>{srasi} : Sorry, I meant tracking numbers in text messages. It just interprets it as a phone number even if the number is 20 digits long.', '>>{cududwd} : Ah, that makes more sense. Seems do-able, probably leave them a feedback/file a bug?', '>>{negroiso} : I forgot my /s sorry. Yeah, it stinks, like people said you have to copy the whole dang text message and then delete what you don\'t want. There\'s a lot to be said about "smart phones". However, I do wish my laptop had the dedication and power to battery savings like a phone.', '>>{LanceBelcher} : Jesus mate, did you see what the Yanks did?', '>>{LanceBelcher} : Its saving up for one last big burst. Expect the electoral college to pick Kanye West. You heard it here first.', '>>{drive2fast} : Press and hold? I get a copy command. 6s though. Not pressing hard enough to trigger the force touch.', '>>{Nan0machines} : Good for Australia. Now someone get them to wake up about climate change before their entire country is destryed', '>>{5HT-2a_is_a_crybaby} : Press and hold copies THE ENTIRE TEXT. I want to copy a SINGLE word.', '>>{Hardy723} : Part of the authoritarian/fascist/autocrat axis.', '>>{drunkenbrawler} : 1) wrong country 2) Australia is a monarchy', ">>{snowflakelord} : I'm not having this problem. I just went on Wikipedia, which has quite a bit of text, and I have no trouble selecting a single word. I press and hold on any word, and it marks the word. I moved the markers around, marked different words, pressed and held again, and never did it select the entire page...", '>>{5HT-2a_is_a_crybaby} : Why are you so daft? This is about SMS messages. Not Wikipedia. Jesus Christ, man.', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : He's a part of the same authoritarian/nationalist undertow, albeit for a different part of the world.", ">>{AcerRubrum} : They're still a minority, but have all the energy and motivation to get 90-95% turnout in elections, while the rest stay 60-70%. This inflates their actual representation. Enough defeats and demoralizations will cause those turnout numbers to recede.", ">>{snowflakelord} : Thought we were talking about text in general, geez. But seeing as we're talking about messages, if you could mark just one word, you wouldn't be able to mark a message in the same way. So it would probably require a few changes to make it work properly.", '>>{OmNomDeBonBon} : There are lots of authoritarian nationalists all over the world. The reason the alt-right doesn\'t ally with them is because they\'re mostly non-white countries with non-white leaders who are sometimes anti-American. The alt-right\'s primary goal is to stop interracial relationships (white-black, white-brown, etc.) as they\'re afraid that their gene pool is being "diluted". As such it makes no sense to ally with Duterte, who is a brown man governing a brown country full of people who\'d love to move to America and potentially make caramel babies. This is why they hate Obama so much. His mother was white and his father was black, so he\'s the result of a black man impregnating a white woman; Obama is the embodiment of everything they detest and fear.', '>>{PlayMp1} : Technically true since the Austrian presidency is basically ceremonial, but it would have been a huge symbolic win and would have presaged a win for the far right in their parliament.', ">>{swanny246} : It could be done with 3D touch, possibly. Basic select to select a word, force touch to highlight the entire message. Not sure how well it could work for non-3D touch devices though :/ I think in some sense, they'd be better to look at overhauling the entire text selection concept.", ">>{MinisterforFun} : 6s+ here. Still encounter that everyday. Force touch only fixes the selection of text. Sometimes the copy button doesn't auto appear. When it does, it rarely ever copies the text correctly. (Some words missing, some paragraph missing, or even a whole vertical column of words can be gone). Tapping and holding onto a word to bring up the define menu also rarely works properly.", '>>{91394320394} : >Australia >Article is about Austria Not sure if you dropped this /s buddy', ">>{Brada65} : This election was irrelevant. The president is just a ceremonial figure with no real power. Austria's parliamentary election is in 2018, and Hofer's party is leading by a lot.", ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : You can call it irrelevant but then you're just denigrating their democracy, which I'm sure you would not have done if the other candidate had won."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{OmNomDeBonBon} : > Far-right candidate Norbert Hofer has lost Austria's presidential election. His campaign manager said he had conceded victory to independent candidate, Alexander Van der Bellen. > The Austrian presidency is largely ceremonial but the vote had been seen as a sign of how well populist candidates might do in upcoming elections in the European Union. >Former Green Party head Mr Van der Bellen had a clear lead, according to projections.", '>>{chip_0} : The alt-right has been warded off in one battle, but the war rages on. Where and when is the next conflict?', ">>{Edward_Clayton} : I don't think the alt-right is anywhere near as big as it purports itself to be. It could be argued that the only reason anyone has heard of them at all is because of their excessive self-promotion. Once Trump settles into office, and when the hype about his campaign promises begins to die down, I predict that the alt-right will slide back into irrelevancy. They never really did have any independent momentum without riding the coattails of the Trump campaign.", '>>{chip_0} : I feel ya, but given their self-promotion their annihilation needs to be just as over-the-top.', '>>{malpais} : Right? Not to mention that this "too close to call" election was rather easily won - by the Green Party!', '>>{surreal_blue} : Seems like 2016 is starting to lose steam, thankfully.', '>>{onetoughmotherfucker} : alt-right is just a new phrase for groups of people who have always existed. the name is new but the beliefs are not :/', ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : top post right now: > Hofer lost but it wouldn't matter if he won either lol", ">>{liberte_} : Have we forgotten that their leader is Trump's chief strategist already?", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Thank fuck. I was really starting to feel pretty sure Hoffer would win, and the whole Duterte-Brexit-Trump-Hoffer-Wilders-LePen axis was starting to get an air of unbeatability. Rationality *can* stop the march of ethnonationalism. May Hoffer be the first of many to learn this.', ">>{dastweinerhund} : So what's the public opinion on that island immigrants are being stocked in? Are you guys going to bring them over to Australia and give them attention.", ">>{OmNomDeBonBon} : > Duterte He isn't white or a white nationalist, so isn't part of that axis...", '>>{takeashill_pill} : B-b-b-but the global rise of nationalism! Muh blood and soil!', '>>{CommanderMcBragg} : A sad day for the ~~SS-Totenkopfverbände~~ Freeedom Party.', '>>{xDomox} : Would the election be held on weekdays, the far-right would win. Call me an asshole, but the far-right got more unemployed supporters who got the time to vote also on weekdays.', '>>{LanceBelcher} : Jesus mate, did you see what the Yanks did?', '>>{LanceBelcher} : Its saving up for one last big burst. Expect the electoral college to pick Kanye West. You heard it here first.', '>>{Nan0machines} : Good for Australia. Now someone get them to wake up about climate change before their entire country is destryed', '>>{Hardy723} : Part of the authoritarian/fascist/autocrat axis.', '>>{drunkenbrawler} : 1) wrong country 2) Australia is a monarchy', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : He's a part of the same authoritarian/nationalist undertow, albeit for a different part of the world.", ">>{AcerRubrum} : They're still a minority, but have all the energy and motivation to get 90-95% turnout in elections, while the rest stay 60-70%. This inflates their actual representation. Enough defeats and demoralizations will cause those turnout numbers to recede.", '>>{OmNomDeBonBon} : There are lots of authoritarian nationalists all over the world. The reason the alt-right doesn\'t ally with them is because they\'re mostly non-white countries with non-white leaders who are sometimes anti-American. The alt-right\'s primary goal is to stop interracial relationships (white-black, white-brown, etc.) as they\'re afraid that their gene pool is being "diluted". As such it makes no sense to ally with Duterte, who is a brown man governing a brown country full of people who\'d love to move to America and potentially make caramel babies. This is why they hate Obama so much. His mother was white and his father was black, so he\'s the result of a black man impregnating a white woman; Obama is the embodiment of everything they detest and fear.', '>>{PlayMp1} : Technically true since the Austrian presidency is basically ceremonial, but it would have been a huge symbolic win and would have presaged a win for the far right in their parliament.', '>>{91394320394} : >Australia >Article is about Austria Not sure if you dropped this /s buddy', ">>{Brada65} : This election was irrelevant. The president is just a ceremonial figure with no real power. Austria's parliamentary election is in 2018, and Hofer's party is leading by a lot.", ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : You can call it irrelevant but then you're just denigrating their democracy, which I'm sure you would not have done if the other candidate had won."], [">>{5HT-2a_is_a_crybaby} : It's 2016, and we still can't copy a single word from an SMS on the iPhone", '>>{snailiens} : Selecting text and copy/paste as a whole is seriously broken on iOS. It boggles my mind how such an important feature has been completely fucked for so long.', ">>{Pyrokuda} : Because Apple doesn't give a shit. We keep buying their phones regardless. They have turned into a non innovating colossus.", ">>{snailiens} : Where is drag and drop? That was practically the entire reason the GUI was invented, and it's inexplicably missing in the one context that it makes even MORE sense--when you can literally drag and drop with your fingers. And why on earth can we not open multiple instances of the same app? Split Safari is the definition of a bandaid. How did the app selection for SlideOver ship? I dare anyone to try and suggest a *worse* workflow than that. Why do animations completely disallow touch input? This makes using the device feel like utter shit, because you have no faith as to whether your touch will be registered, so you have to constantly tap things multiple times because you have no idea when the animation cuts off, even if you can clearly see the thing you're trying to tap. And I mentioned text selection--why does selecting a word inevitably result in the entire webpage being selected, with one of the selection sliders completely absent, so that it is literally impossible to select text? Before anyone says anything about broken DIVs, you'll have to justify why this is never a problem on the Mac. And yes, I'm upset, because I hate seeing my favorite company fuck up so hard, with people falling over themselves making excuses for honestly inexcusable deficiencies.", '>>{itsrichardparkerr} : nah, making emojis x3 bigger is more important!!', '>>{yuridam} : this surprised me when I convert to 6s from Android a few months ago.', ">>{negroiso} : It's 2016, you shouldn't be communicating with anyone not on iMessages :)", '>>{meccanikal} : Copy full message and paste it into enter text field. Copy the number you needed to copy, in this case, say, "12345". Open Bank you needed to paste it to. Paste clipboard, "💩💦☔️😍" What the shit, that\'s not what I just copied. Rinse, repeat, until you actually "copy" what you need for your Banking app. It\'s messy everywhere. Don\'t even start me on being unable to copy one word or phrase without the copy highlighter going ape-shit (selects a word, then two then the whole fucking page!!). This is especially hard on certain websites.', ">>{resto} : This so fucking much Please send this as feedback to Apple, maybe they're read it and listen?", ">>{bowb4zod} : It's fucking stupid they haven't fixed these problems yet. I love my iPhone but sometime I I want to throw it at the fucken wall.", ">>{AquilaAdax} : A workaround: hold down on message, click 'more' when it comes up. Press the arrow key in the bottom right corner. Voila, the message is now copied in the text box, where you can select individual words.", '>>{NotTellinYou} : Yeah...because that might seriously put Android users over the edge!', ">>{peepeetchootchoo} : AFAIK it's up to the webpage how it's formatted (layout paragraphs and shit) or codeed. Smthng like that.", ">>{Velcrocore} : I can't wait until there's an emoji requirement in passwords. One number, one symbol, one emoji, one gif, and more than 8 characters.", ">>{sneijder} : It's ever since force touch came along, the rest of us with older phones get that shit.", ">>{snailiens} : This is true, but it works fine on the Mac. Users don't care about who's at fault--it's Apple's responsibility to make sure it works. The fact that it works is proof that it CAN be solved!", '>>{LifeBeginsAt10kRPM} : Now with universal pasteboard, imagine how much more shittier and random it will be', ">>{sparowe} : It's the same with iMessage. And WhatsApp, by the way.", '>>{dumbelts} : > Scrap the Apple Watch and get to work on this. Behold. The dumbest comment ever on r/Apple', ">>{aldrinjtauro} : That's like saying it's Tesla's responsibility to make sure Tesla owners don't crash into a wall. Oh wait, they still do.", '>>{eveningformalxanax} : Haha, now try selecting text with callused fingers on an SE. Frustrating', '>>{eveningformalxanax} : Selecting/copy/paste is literally the only thing that makes me curse at this thing. I love everything else about it. Cmon, Apple.', ">>{srasi} : I switched from from Android to iOS a month ago and this is probably the only thing that I absolutely hate. Also why can't iOS detect tracking numbers in emails? In Android, the OS detects tracking numbers and you can click on them which redirects you to the appropriate tracking site.", ">>{cududwd} : > Also why can't iOS detect tracking numbers in emails? Just a note, it does do this for me...?", '>>{srasi} : Sorry, I meant tracking numbers in text messages. It just interprets it as a phone number even if the number is 20 digits long.', '>>{cududwd} : Ah, that makes more sense. Seems do-able, probably leave them a feedback/file a bug?', '>>{negroiso} : I forgot my /s sorry. Yeah, it stinks, like people said you have to copy the whole dang text message and then delete what you don\'t want. There\'s a lot to be said about "smart phones". However, I do wish my laptop had the dedication and power to battery savings like a phone.', '>>{drive2fast} : Press and hold? I get a copy command. 6s though. Not pressing hard enough to trigger the force touch.', '>>{5HT-2a_is_a_crybaby} : Press and hold copies THE ENTIRE TEXT. I want to copy a SINGLE word.', ">>{snowflakelord} : I'm not having this problem. I just went on Wikipedia, which has quite a bit of text, and I have no trouble selecting a single word. I press and hold on any word, and it marks the word. I moved the markers around, marked different words, pressed and held again, and never did it select the entire page...", '>>{5HT-2a_is_a_crybaby} : Why are you so daft? This is about SMS messages. Not Wikipedia. Jesus Christ, man.', ">>{snowflakelord} : Thought we were talking about text in general, geez. But seeing as we're talking about messages, if you could mark just one word, you wouldn't be able to mark a message in the same way. So it would probably require a few changes to make it work properly.", ">>{swanny246} : It could be done with 3D touch, possibly. Basic select to select a word, force touch to highlight the entire message. Not sure how well it could work for non-3D touch devices though :/ I think in some sense, they'd be better to look at overhauling the entire text selection concept.", ">>{MinisterforFun} : 6s+ here. Still encounter that everyday. Force touch only fixes the selection of text. Sometimes the copy button doesn't auto appear. When it does, it rarely ever copies the text correctly. (Some words missing, some paragraph missing, or even a whole vertical column of words can be gone). Tapping and holding onto a word to bring up the define menu also rarely works properly."], ['>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Donald Trump warns Obama about campaigning for Hillary Clinton - Election 2016', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : I'm sure Obama is cowering in fear from the mighty wit of Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8TwRmX6zs4", '>>{asghostdj} : Where the fuck does this spoiled brat get off? Warning the President? Did he forget about the corespondents dinner?', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Or he'll *say something mean* The leader of the free world should honor that threat and cower in the White House for the rest of his term", '>>{wraithtek} : > "We have a president that doesn\'t know what the hell he\'s doing, folks," Trump said. "I hear he\'s going to take a lot of time, during our time, when he\'s supposed to be looking at trade and the military and all of these things, and he\'s going to campaign for Crooked Hillary." > "You know what? That\'s OK. That\'s OK," Trump said before then issuing a veiled threat to the president. "Because if he does that, we\'re allowed to say things about him that normally we wouldn\'t bring up. Remember when Bill started campaigning?" http://i.imgur.com/7SGI3Cc.gif "Ohh, Trump is mad at me. I\'m so scared! Oooh, Trump! Uh oh, Trump\'s coming to get me! Oh, don\'t let Trump come after me! Oh no, Trump is coming after me! No, he\'s so big and strong!"', '>>{TheKKKSupportsHilary} : [If...if...if...if...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKXSgB7MEUU)', '>>{misscee} : I hope he comes to Colorado and campaigns for her. Of course the media will ignore it, but it will be grand. Democrats are being led over a cliff.', '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : Ooh, the Germans. Stop it. Stop it, Mr. Burns!', '>>{Sidwill} : Obama, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Bill the Dems have a deep bench of likable surrogates with high approval ratings all taking turns hammering Don the Con while the Repubs have to hide their last POTUS in a closet and their last presidential nominee is actively speaking out against Trump.', ">>{asghostdj} : I'm sure that's what mommy and daddy told him.", '>>{Shikadi314} : Yeah, cause Trump doesnt get any media coverage at all. /s', '>>{misscee} : what does that have to do with the media ignoring protests against the D\'s .. there was a huge one at the state convention that got *zero* media coverage ... unlike how they cough, gag "covered" Nevada', ">>{asghostdj} : So you don't want anyone to take you seriously with that ridiculous handle?", '>>{TheKKKSupportsHilary} : Facts are ridiculous! [‘For the KKK, Clinton is our choice’](http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/26/klan-leader-claims-kkk-has-given-20k-clinton-campa/)', ">>{asghostdj} : Sorry buddy, can't allow myself to be that gullible, you have fun with it though.", '>>{KingPickle} : [Donald Trump Stuttering For 88 Seconds ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR7uIAR9O7Y)', '>>{mrshade0420} : Donald Trump is the type of guy that would show up to the battle of wits only half prepared.', ">>{Middleman79} : The one where Clinton wasn't there and Obama mocked her for being old and out of touch?", ">>{blackbeardsmoustache} : DicklessDon's popularity makes sense on reddit now. This website is full of failure being enabled by their parents, just like trump"]]
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['>>{ghaffar_abdul} : Who will win US election 2016 to become next President', '>>{CAMPAIGN_PROMISES} : If you asked me before today, I would have said Clinton. Now. Biden.', '>>{sberlusconi2} : POLL: Hillary Clinton opens up double-digit lead over Trump nationwide', ">>{ACTUALLY_A_WHITE_GUY} : It's going to be won by a candidate that dropped out early, but will re-enter the race and will lead the US to a new golden age of prosperity. The return of Deez Nuts for President", '>>{ACTUALLY_A_WHITE_GUY} : As much as I love and miss him harambes views on gun control will sink his campaign.', '>>{potato_type} : at least this one is getting upvotes and downvotes, my post on this poll made it all the way through new without acknowledgement of its existence. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4me9po/new_reutersipsos_poll_has_clinton_expanding_her/', '>>{eromitlab} : Who will win? Your mom. Seriously, your mom should run, the current candidates are pretty bad.', ">>{gettinginfocus} : 'I don't like the results of this poll - therefore I will downvote it'", ">>{Stochastic__Process} : Also, Hilldawg is in the lead for indictment nation wide. Of all presidential candidates, more people believe she will go to prison. We can't risk a Trump presidency; vote for the criminal. /s", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I am working to prevent Hillary from emerging victorious. She should go to prison.', ">>{Sidwill} : Yep, that's r/politics in a nutshell.", '>>{YossarianPrime} : What are the specifics of this poll? random landline dialing? Landline+Cells?', ">>{wraithtek} : The article has today's date, but content is clearly outdated. Just reading this paragraph: > On May 19th the Donald Trump who is a Republican and as well as the Hillary Clinton who is Democrat are the main headlines on every poll. Mr., Trump had slightly greater percentage points than the Clinton and the difference between both of them is 0.2% but on 22nd May the public started to get apprehensive. In the very next ballot, Hillary Clinton was heading than Trump. suggests it's been either poorly translated, or modified so it doesn't match 100% to an existing article (from an actual news site).", ">>{jmktimelord} : It's probably going to be Clinton, according to polls and projections. We'll have to see how recent events shake out though.", '>>{TWDCody} : I mean, is this still a legit question lol? Trump could win Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, and New Hampshire and still not reach 270 electoral votes.', '>>{HIGH_ENERGY-VOTER} : if i see more of these double-digit leads then i will believe it.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : After today, Clinton could've very well handed Trump the White House on a silver platter", '>>{trx55} : I think Pepe could talk some sense into him though, he is a very viable option.', ">>{IN_to_AG} : I'm curious as to what keeps this swinging. As far as polls go, this years has been a wild ride.", ">>{hacksociety} : Hopefully it's coming soon. The IG report pretty much declared her a liar and incompetent.", '>>{twistedjunction} : Well since she refuses to meet withe FBI, that indictment should be here any minute now, right?', ">>{givesomefucks} : if you're only calling land lines its going to lean to older people", ">>{Claritypleas} : Don't mean to be picky here, but those aren't grounds for an indictment. Not even close.", '>>{MelGibsonDerp} : If we are being honest, this is the first poll of the last 7 or 8 that shows her with such a lead. The others show a tight race. Logic tells me this poll is an outlier. But who knows.', ">>{IN_to_AG} : I wouldn't think the older demographic would lean toward Hillary though. But I don't know the demographic numbers at all.", '>>{SunriseSurprise} : So does this mean Hillary and her supporters will give weight to general election polls again like they used to?', ">>{brunnock} : Until June of 1980, Carter led Reagan in the polls. In August of '88, Dukakis led Bush. In July of '92, Bush led Clinton. In September of '08, Obama and McCain kept switching leads. Situation normal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_polling_for_U.S._Presidential_elections", ">>{Rick554} : This is an outlier, just like the poll that showed Trump with a 3 point lead last week. Don't expect this one to hit the front page of /r/politics, though.", ">>{ccenterbiotch} : http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/2016ReutersTrackingCorePolitical60116.pdf With a democrat heavy sampling 48% SD 31%R 11% I and 10% Don't know", '>>{shadowredditor9000} : Poll which does not include Bernie. Yeah getting ahead of ourselves there Reuters.', '>>{shadowredditor9000} : This poll does not include Bernie. It is a just trump versus hillary. I sure if this same poll was Bernie versus trump he would be beating him by 20+ points.', ">>{MelGibsonDerp} : Trump with a 3 point lead is less of an outlier than this. But I don't think he has a 3 point lead. It's likely Clinton +2-4."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ghaffar_abdul} : Who will win US election 2016 to become next President', '>>{CAMPAIGN_PROMISES} : If you asked me before today, I would have said Clinton. Now. Biden.', ">>{ACTUALLY_A_WHITE_GUY} : It's going to be won by a candidate that dropped out early, but will re-enter the race and will lead the US to a new golden age of prosperity. The return of Deez Nuts for President", '>>{ACTUALLY_A_WHITE_GUY} : As much as I love and miss him harambes views on gun control will sink his campaign.', '>>{eromitlab} : Who will win? Your mom. Seriously, your mom should run, the current candidates are pretty bad.', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I am working to prevent Hillary from emerging victorious. She should go to prison.', ">>{wraithtek} : The article has today's date, but content is clearly outdated. Just reading this paragraph: > On May 19th the Donald Trump who is a Republican and as well as the Hillary Clinton who is Democrat are the main headlines on every poll. Mr., Trump had slightly greater percentage points than the Clinton and the difference between both of them is 0.2% but on 22nd May the public started to get apprehensive. In the very next ballot, Hillary Clinton was heading than Trump. suggests it's been either poorly translated, or modified so it doesn't match 100% to an existing article (from an actual news site).", ">>{jmktimelord} : It's probably going to be Clinton, according to polls and projections. We'll have to see how recent events shake out though.", '>>{TWDCody} : I mean, is this still a legit question lol? Trump could win Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, and New Hampshire and still not reach 270 electoral votes.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : After today, Clinton could've very well handed Trump the White House on a silver platter", '>>{trx55} : I think Pepe could talk some sense into him though, he is a very viable option.'], ['>>{sberlusconi2} : POLL: Hillary Clinton opens up double-digit lead over Trump nationwide', '>>{potato_type} : at least this one is getting upvotes and downvotes, my post on this poll made it all the way through new without acknowledgement of its existence. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4me9po/new_reutersipsos_poll_has_clinton_expanding_her/', ">>{gettinginfocus} : 'I don't like the results of this poll - therefore I will downvote it'", ">>{Stochastic__Process} : Also, Hilldawg is in the lead for indictment nation wide. Of all presidential candidates, more people believe she will go to prison. We can't risk a Trump presidency; vote for the criminal. /s", ">>{Sidwill} : Yep, that's r/politics in a nutshell.", '>>{YossarianPrime} : What are the specifics of this poll? random landline dialing? Landline+Cells?', '>>{HIGH_ENERGY-VOTER} : if i see more of these double-digit leads then i will believe it.', ">>{IN_to_AG} : I'm curious as to what keeps this swinging. As far as polls go, this years has been a wild ride.", ">>{hacksociety} : Hopefully it's coming soon. The IG report pretty much declared her a liar and incompetent.", '>>{twistedjunction} : Well since she refuses to meet withe FBI, that indictment should be here any minute now, right?', ">>{givesomefucks} : if you're only calling land lines its going to lean to older people", ">>{Claritypleas} : Don't mean to be picky here, but those aren't grounds for an indictment. Not even close.", '>>{MelGibsonDerp} : If we are being honest, this is the first poll of the last 7 or 8 that shows her with such a lead. The others show a tight race. Logic tells me this poll is an outlier. But who knows.', ">>{IN_to_AG} : I wouldn't think the older demographic would lean toward Hillary though. But I don't know the demographic numbers at all.", '>>{SunriseSurprise} : So does this mean Hillary and her supporters will give weight to general election polls again like they used to?', ">>{brunnock} : Until June of 1980, Carter led Reagan in the polls. In August of '88, Dukakis led Bush. In July of '92, Bush led Clinton. In September of '08, Obama and McCain kept switching leads. Situation normal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_polling_for_U.S._Presidential_elections", ">>{Rick554} : This is an outlier, just like the poll that showed Trump with a 3 point lead last week. Don't expect this one to hit the front page of /r/politics, though.", ">>{ccenterbiotch} : http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/2016ReutersTrackingCorePolitical60116.pdf With a democrat heavy sampling 48% SD 31%R 11% I and 10% Don't know", '>>{shadowredditor9000} : Poll which does not include Bernie. Yeah getting ahead of ourselves there Reuters.', '>>{shadowredditor9000} : This poll does not include Bernie. It is a just trump versus hillary. I sure if this same poll was Bernie versus trump he would be beating him by 20+ points.', ">>{MelGibsonDerp} : Trump with a 3 point lead is less of an outlier than this. But I don't think he has a 3 point lead. It's likely Clinton +2-4."]]
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[">>{beelzuhbub} : Goody, now Trump won't have to hold back and can disembowel her. Reality show of the century coming up.", '>>{uswhole} : The Answer is No, He still need to work on senate reelection.', ">>{DimitriVolochenko} : The answer is no. Establishment isn't gonna dismantle itself.", '>>{RobertBall1} : Trump Attorney Fires Back After ‘Jane Doe’ Refiles Rape Lawsuit with New Witness', ">>{MysticRay} : Ryan on talk of convention upset: Trump won 'fair and square'", '>>{gamechanger55} : In all honestly i want to see what the clinton supporters do when Trump really goes after her corruption.', '>>{Matickk} : If they don\'t select Trump as the popular vote indicated, the GOP will completely destroy itself. Keep in mind, the average Joe GOP voter likes what Trump is saying. It\'s the Establishment that is all up in arms. Media is propping up the "outrage" from said Establishment.', ">>{Matickk} : Agreed he will hurt downticket races, disagree that he doesn't represent the GOP. He was voted in overwhelmingly in the primary process.", '>>{FalseSong0fGlobalism} : Hillary is not corrupt, please stop trying to spread this false narrative', ">>{IAMAcynicalbastard} : I'm kind of curious how this sub will look if he does lose. Will people start supporting Trump more or Hillary? It doesn't seem like Trump has a lot of support here but Hillary isn't that popular either...", ">>{rustymetalshaft} : I'm just curious, people keep saying the gop will implode or destroy itself if it selects a different candidate at the convention. What exactly does that look like to you?", '>>{mhead526} : Sorry Giant Douche just has better policies. Nothing personal ShitSandwich but your not getting my vote!', ">>{RobertBall1} : How come I'm hearing about this for the first time from Death and Taxes?", ">>{soccerman95} : 1) He will take it to the Convention 2) If Supers get their heads out of their asses, they will see that Bernie is actually the stronger candidate and give him the nomination where he proceeds to win the Presidency and goes into the history books as one of the most important Presidents ever. 2a) Bernie loses the nomination and unenthusiastically endorses Clinton, only for the sake of stopping Trump. Some may switch to Clinton, but most will remain in the BernieOrBust camp. 3a) Bernie heads back to the Senate with more support then ever and continues to make change. The Political Revolution will be handed off to his supporters that will only grow into an even lager flame for the next four years until we can (hopefully) make a difference next time. Bernard Sanders isn't going anywhere, regardless of the outcome of this Primary. He is the Ghandi/Martin Luther King Jr. of today. The Elite/The Establishment/Clinton/every single PoS scumbag elite of this country will want us to forget about Sanders. We can not, and will not, let this happen.", ">>{SATexas1} : If this comes up in the next debate, Trump isn't saavy enough to not talk about it trying to defend himself for 5-10 minutes.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Nothing political here, totally on the up and up right?', ">>{boones_farmer} : You're right, she's just the center of so many FBI investigations because umm... reasons. Look over there Republicans!", ">>{mhead526} : The Republican Party is pissed but they know they're done for for the foreseeable future if they some how steal it from trump", '>>{BadDecisionDino} : Imagine the consequences of telling their voters that their votes in the primaries meant absolutely nothing. This contest wasn\'t even close - Trump won by a landslide! What happens when in 2020, the Republican Party holds a primary? Do voters even come out to choose anyone? What would be the point, if they have literally zero impact on the party\'s choice? People would simply stay home because they\'d feel utterly disenfranchised. And low turnout in primaries leads to low turnout in the general and downballot races. Republicans at large would simply join the hordes of Americans who already think *"What\'s the point of even getting involved in politics? No one represents me anyway so I\'ll just go back to worrying about my own personal shit and let the oligarchs sort it out."*', '>>{myellabella} : How is a Republican presidential candidate charged with raping a 13 year old not political? A child rapist is usually not a presidential quality. The voters have the right to know if Donald Trump rapes children.', ">>{boones_farmer} : Sanders will be campaigning full time for Nina Turner or Tulsi Gabbard in 2020. It's going to be glorious.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Don't be a fool. Someone comes out of the woodwork and files a lawsuit against Trump for something that allegedly happened 20 years ago and this just happens to take place a few months before a Presidential election? Then she withdraws the case, and then refiles a couple weeks later, so it can get some more headlines? This is absolutely disgusting and it represents everything that's wrong with the legal system and our politics. Edit: And the worst part is that it diminishes the horrific experiences of those who really have been victimized.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : There are users here who insist the entire scandal, including the FBI investigation, is yet another attack by the right wing conspiracy. One of the mutts accused me of having Clinton Derangement Syndrome. So 1990's...", ">>{Drathrul} : lol end of the line? Even if he isn't the nominee he has more political capital than Hillary does at this point. Everyone thinking the movement behind Bernie is just going to dissipate really doesn't get it.", ">>{FalseSong0fGlobalism} : I'm not sure if you know what political capital means or is. Hillary Clinton is leagues ahead of Breadline Bernie when it comes to political capital.", '>>{myellabella} : She withdrew the case so that she could add more witness testimonies to the lawsuit filing.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Sounds like an important time to come forward if any.', '>>{WKWA} : Did you really just compare Bernie Sanders to MLK and Ghandi? God I love this sub.', '>>{circlegetsthejerk} : This is perfect. I want to see It cosplayed on youtube. A shit sandwich debating a giant douche bottle. Wait this is offensive to shit, sandwiches, douche and large bottles.', ">>{What_I_Thought} : Right man? What the hell is with people bringing up things that happened twenty years ago, as though it still matters now. Me personally, I can't even remember twenty years ago, so basically anything before then might as well be a lie. Why should I even read an article about it or try to understand it when I can just ignorantly dismiss it? Because I'm smart.", '>>{WKWA} : No the runner up has way more than the winner!', ">>{elliotron} : [Trump's ex-wife accuses him of having sex with her against her will. She's, what, trying to sabotage her daughter's future?](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/27/ex-wife-donald-trump-made-feel-violated-during-sex.html)", '>>{Vitosi4ek} : From a non-American perspective only driven by common sense: would a convention upset basically tell the voters, in no unclear terms, that their vote doesn\'t matter at all? Racist or not, Trump DID win the primary fair and square. I get that American democracy is not as transparent and "a golden standard" as percieved by most people, but it at least maintains an illusion of being so. Disregarding the convincing Trump victory because "he doesn\'t represent the party well" is a pretty big middle finger to all who voted in the primary, regardless of candidate. P.S. Also, if I understand it correctly, Trump did get to 1237, which means a potential convention upset would have to involve bound delegates switching their vote. Which raises a question: what exactly "binds" delegates? Is there a written agreement, with punishment for breaking it? What theoretically happens if a bound delegate doesn\'t vote for who he\'s supposed to?', '>>{wavescrashover} : This was mentioned on another website the other day. http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/09/30/rape-allegations-refiled-against-donald-trump.htm I just happened to check that link out again and noticed something that was added after I first read it on Friday. > He also went on to say the Trump Organization warned her lawyer, New Jersey attorney Thomas Meagher, "that in the event he decides to refile his complaint we will seek to have him sanctioned." > Perhaps in anticipation of such a move, a second attorney has joined the lawsuit, J. Cheney Mason of Florida. The last line, about the addition of a second attorney joining is new information.', '>>{treerat} : >The original lawsuit claimed Trump raped the then-13-year-old plaintiff in the 1990s. There was also a second anonymous woman, known as “Tiffany Doe.” She said that Epstein had her pickup teenage girls for his parties. One of these girls was Jane, and Tiffany said she witnessed Trump and Epstein rape the plaintiff several times. >The new complaint adds a third woman. She’s known in court documents as “Joan Doe.”', ">>{androidpk} : Hillary's political capital is going to amount to a wet piece of dog shit when Director Comey is finished with her.", '>>{soccerman95} : Tell me, what other kind, honest, civil person in the past few decades has created this much of a momentum asking for a change in a fucked up system?', ">>{androidpk} : You're right, she's not just corrupt, she's flat out an incompetent criminal not even fit to manage a local McDonalds franchise let alone be President of the United States.", '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : The Tea Party contingent will probably finally have the balls to break off and form a completely new party. The evangelicals will probably be split 50/50. The neocons and the economic conservatives will remain with the GOP and keep the fundraising infrastructure intact. The GOP desperately contacts Obama and says they\'ll accept Merrick Garland as their Supreme Court pick. Obama laughs and says "Too bad", and punts the decision to Hillary, who will nominate a full-blown liberal to replace Scalia. The Tea Party will have no ability to fundraise or campaign, and will be completely blown out of the water in 2016. They\'ll persist until 2018 at the very least on momentum alone, whereupon they\'ll lose even worse. The traditional GOP will lose very badly as well, in both 2016 and 2018. The Senate will flip back to the Dems. The House will be a conservative majority simply because the country is that gerrymandered right now, but the two conservative parties will not work together anymore so we\'ll have a 3-party plurality where literally nothing gets done. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer, both in their 80\'s, decide to retire and allow Hillary to replace them on the Supreme Court. Anthony Kennedy may make this decision as well. Hillary will appoint 3-4 justices to the court during her tenure and the SC will be a liberal majority for the first time in over 30 years. The Speaker of the House, which required a majority to become elected, may become an empty position. The House will be so dysfunctional that literally nothing ever gets done, and no laws get passed for the entirety of the 2016-2018 term. The US might even default on its debt finally. Perhaps enough of the GOP would defect to side with the Democrats just to pass really important shit like that, but who knows, really. Eventually, everyone realises that the Tea Party cannot exist without the GOP and the GOP cannot exist without the Tea Party, and that the 2020 census is coming up. If they don\'t get together, soon, they could lose the house for the next decade once the states turn blue again and the house districts become un-gerrymandered. There may be a half-assed attempt to unify the conservatives. I\'m not sure what that looks like. In my professional opinion it\'ll be the GOP making empty promises on trade and pretending to adopt more racist policies. The Tea Party collapses, rejoins the GOP, and put up a good fight. Buuuut. Seeing as how 2020 is a presidential election year, the Democrats will turn out in force, and the states flip blue again, thus ensuring that the congressional districts get redrawn more in their favor. 2022 is the first time that the Democrats have a real shot at the House, and I give them 2:1 odds of gaining it. 2024, Elizabeth Warren rides on the wave of progressivism that Bernie kicked off in 2015 and handily gets voted into the Presidency. By 2026, we may even have single-payer healthcare. Meanwhile, the GOP ceases to become relevant on the national stage until they realise they\'ve slid too far right and need to compromise once and for all. They will only maintain power in their safe regions. If the GOP splits, we\'re pretty much looking at a solid Democratic majority for another 20 years before things begin to realign.', ">>{WKWA} : Candidate (not President) Obama eight years ago in a much larger way than Sanders. Unfortunately his presidency didn't quite deliver, but we'll never know how a Sanders presidency would turn out.", '>>{sonQUAALUDE} : i hate the man with a burning passion and cant wait to see him lose, but damn i seriously hope this isnt true', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Couple things wrong with this. The democrats are no longer liberal. This should be obvious by how abandon their base is with bernie.', '>>{franny_lydon} : Obama had 10 times the movement Bernie has. Remember him? the guy who ran on the platform of "Hope and Change"?', ">>{mommy2libras} : Really? I knew about the original filing quite awhile ago. I mention it from time to time but people don't seem too interested.", '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : I\'ll agree that the Democrats have been sliding to the right. But to no longer consider them liberal is a stretch. Bernie is doing a good job of telling us how many people out there would like to see the party go left again. I love him for that. That\'s why I think Warren will be the future voice of the Democrats. But the problem we have is that the conservatives are simply more reliable voters than the liberals. Young, idealistic liberals simply don\'t bother to vote, and therefore the Overton Window keeps sliding right as the politicians fight for the people who will actually go out and vote. The Bernie Or Bust movement is a prime example of this. They couldn\'t even dominate the primaries the way they promised, and for some reason they think they have the leverage to force Hillary to adopt every single one of their policy planks? That\'s not reasonable. The voters voted for Hillary; clearly they like her policies more. All I ever see are complaints that Hillary is snubbing the Sanders voters, when in reality it\'s the Sanders voters who continue to claim that they aren\'t moving one inch. Adults compromise and if you start from a position where you state "Everything that\'s mine is mine, and everything that\'s yours is negotiable", well, then people aren\'t going to fall for it. Hopefully, Bernie has opened the eyes of the party and we\'ll start to see a slide to the left. But... as they say, "it takes two to tango". The base has to give a little, the progressives have to give a little. Slide to the left, but maybe we do it halfway instead of the whole shebang. Too much rapid change and you may force the conservative rift to heal prematurely, simply out of fear for the progressives.', '>>{Meetchel} : Trump can still run and win in the general election regardless of what happens at the convention. The RNC is not a legal part of the ACTUAL election, just one of two hyper-powerful entities (the two main parties) that essentially put their unified support toward one candidate. They are not bound by democratic laws as they are, for all legal intents and purposes, independent agencies. Thus, they are not bound by any controlling rules dictating who they support. Edit FYI: I am vehemently anti-Trump, just trying to explain the situation.', ">>{soccerman95} : To be honest, I was 12 at the time. I have heard good things about how he ran his campaign though. Things is though, Bernie isn't apart of the Elite. Obama is fallen to the Elite. His support for Debbie Whatsernaname and endorsement of Clinton make it even more clear.", ">>{Meetchel} : The Republican party will adapt- it's never going to disappear. Just as it has for a long time. This whole fiasco looks terrible, but 4/8 years from now it will be largely forgotten.", '>>{Vitosi4ek} : Isn\'t there a "sore loser" provision that prevents those that lost their party\'s nomination from running as independents? I get that the Republican Party is a separate entity that sets its own rules. My point is that, basically, if Trump gets upset at the convention despite getting 1237 BOUND delegates, that means they\'re not really "bound" (because they had to break their commitment in order to perform an upset), which opens up a large can of worms regarding the whole primary process. If the RNC is in any way rational and assesses the situation beyond "we must not elect Trump at any cost", they won\'t take that risk. Or they shouldn\'t, at least.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Exactly. Trump won overwhelmingly and followed every rule. He's not racist but if course each election we hear the dems call our candidate racist. They did the same thing with Reagan and he won almost every state in the general.", ">>{laxboy119} : There is nothing saying he can't run. If he were upset at the convention despite winning the primary he could run independent with no strings attached. Wether it's too late to get on all states ballots is another issue though", '>>{johnramsey5} : Shit\'s gonna hit the fan. "Good morning ma\'am" "Fuck off" Couldn\'t happen to a more crooked bitch.', '>>{GestapoSky} : Except... He says a lot of racist things.', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Yes tomorrow can't come soon enough. Then the great reddit purge will come.", ">>{12-juin-3049} : Sanders end of the line was New York at the latest. He's just going to ride this to the bank", ">>{alcatraz_0109} : Sound strategy, it's not like the Clintons have been targets for literally decades", ">>{Clintonite} : > 2) If Supers get their heads out of their asses, they will see that Bernie is actually the stronger candidate and give him the nomination where he proceeds to win the Presidency and goes into the history books as one of the most important Presidents ever. No. They'll only do that if some *extraordinary* event happens, like Clinton getting indicted or something. Mind, that's not looking *that* improbable.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : No he doesn't Jesus Christ you people. [Obama ordered Iranian American judge to not hear cases regarding Iranians because his heritage could lead to bias](http://www.npr.org/2015/01/24/379550390/should-shared-ancestry-force-a-judges-recusal-in-immigration-cases) Is Obama racist for saying his heritage could lead to bias? [Founder of Judge Curiel’s Group: Whites Should Go Back to Europe, California To Be ‘Hispanic State’](http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/06/09/whites-go-back-europe-california-hispanic-state-said-founder-judge-curiels-group/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29) Hmm maybe this judges lawyers group is actually racist and may be biased. Do you people just lack critical thinking skills? Do you legitimately believe trump is a racist? Or that he even says anything racist. Let me guess, calling the blonde haired, blue eyed white woman Elizabeth Warren pocahontas is racist too?", ">>{mindlessrabble} : This is what happens when you chase all the liberal and moderate Republicans out of the party. There used to be moderate Republicans. Now there are none. To make up for those loses the GOP has had to open the doors to radical right wingers and allowed people into positions of power who have close ties to the KKK. The Tea Party are the remake of the John Birch Society (both created and funded by the Koch's). Even Goldwater fought to keep them out of the party in the 1960's. Predicting that if they, the libertarians and the evangelicals got into power it would be the end of the Republican party.", '>>{mindlessrabble} : I would say that he could run; but there would be no hope of winning. He and whoever the GOP named would split the anti-Hillary vote.', ">>{NinjaDegrees} : The Justice Department's actions concerning this are indeed racist.", ">>{GestapoSky} : He called Mexicans rapists and proposed a ban on letting Muslim people into the country. Nothing about that is not racist. You've got the blankets pulled over your head too far", ">>{Meetchel} : I'm just trying to explain the way our democracy works. You're right; in general, if a conservative runs 3rd party the democrat wins and vice versa.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's like you can't help yourself but to lie. He said that about ILLEGALS, that when Mexico sends them they commit more crime. Trumo has no problem with Mexicans and has many Mexican supporters, because they aren't ignorant idiots.", ">>{MakeAmericanGrapes} : It's a shame the GOP doesnt have superdelegates to avoid the disaster that is Trump.", '>>{Kittenmittons91} : He would be able to run, but at that point he would miss deadlines to get on the ballot in at least some states (which is one way they deter sore loser candidates).', ">>{GestapoSky} : Lol. You're just silly. I'm not wasting time fighting someone who is ready to shut their eyes to racist and prejudiced remarks.", ">>{Shillin4Bernie} : >Obama ordered Iranian American judge to not hear cases regarding Iranians because his heritage could lead to bias Wow. That's some extreme media bias right there. I can't believe this shit.", '>>{GestapoSky} : Ok, I guess we can do this. A history lesson on Trumps racist actions and remarks pre-primary: http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/ http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_56d47177e4b03260bf777e83 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/07/08/donald-trumps-false-comments-connecting-mexican-immigrants-and-crime/ There\'s three articles. Try your best to shit on these with your supposed enhanced intellect. Who are you to claim that I\'m an "ignorant idiot?" Do tell what educatiom you have and we can compare. Explain to me how you believe that that rhetoric does anything but make your claim look even more unsubstantiated? You come off as an angsty teenager who just wants to fight for the sake of fighting. If a literal fuck ton of people think he is a racist, and there are several news articles, several GOP politicians, several journalists, and polling of average Americans that claims he is a racist, then there just might be something to it, and maybe, just maybe you are the one actually ignorant to the problems. So instead of shutting down and writing all of those things off as "idiots" who lie, open your goddamn ears and eyes, use them both, and think objectively about these comments and actions.', ">>{southsideson} : I don't think he would be guaranteed to even be on the ballot in a lot of states, I think that's based on the party getting ballot access, and I think it might be too late already for some states, and some states, also have a sore loser law where someone who loses a primary can't run, so it would be pretty tough.", '>>{amsterdam_pro} : wew lad, those can be bought, which is undemocratic.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Okay so let's break these down: * Saying judge can't be impartial due to his heritage [Obama ordered Iranian American judge to not hear cases regarding Iranians because his heritage could lead to bias](http://www.npr.org/2015/01/24/379550390/should-shared-ancestry-force-a-judges-recusal-in-immigration-cases) Funny nobody called Obama racist for this. But is Trump right, is this person part of a lawyers association that's donated $900k to Clinton and is in a Mexican advocacy group/hate group? [Founder of Judge Curiel’s Group: Whites Should Go Back to Europe, California To Be ‘Hispanic State’](http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/06/09/whites-go-back-europe-california-hispanic-state-said-founder-judge-curiels-group/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29) Hmm looks like Trump is right, I don't see how someone party to such a group could be impartial to Trump seeing as they are unapologetically racist against whites. * crime statistics indicating African Americans commit more crime. I will say that the stats he retweeted were incorrect in that they mistake some of the numbers, however the general point is correct in that blacks (whom account for 13% of the population, and only 6% for black males who commit most of the crime) are in fact, according to the fbi crime statistics committing a disproportionate amount of violence crimes (namely murders and rapes) relative to their population size. Even controlling for socioeconomic factors they are way out of bounds, namely in that they commit half the nation's murders and violent crimes while making up roughly 6% of the population. Now of course context is important, it's not like their melanin levels cause this, it's because they got a late start in acquiring generational wealth due to slavery an doppression, however it doesn't change the objectively indisputable fact that they do commit an insanely disproportionate amount of crime. *** I'm Puerto Rican, my wife is a Filipino national. I am not, nor have I ever been racist, nor do I support those I believe to be racist. If I even thought a little bit that Trump was racist I would be the one to throw the first brick. But he's not. This is akin to those who say how Hillary used the term superpredator or who take bernies white people can't be poor quotes out of context. At least be fair here, you have to admit that they are building a narrative to stop him that doesn't appear to apply to others who've said equally as sloppy things as he has. There's so many legitimate criticisms against Trump that are valid, but him being an actual racist is simply ignorant.", '>>{HungryWolfFish} : So did Obama in 2008 and 2012, but obstructionism is strong with the GOP.', ">>{Darkeyescry22} : I doubt it. Hardly anyone would vote for the usurper. I'd bet they'd get <5%"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{RobertBall1} : Trump Attorney Fires Back After ‘Jane Doe’ Refiles Rape Lawsuit with New Witness', ">>{RobertBall1} : How come I'm hearing about this for the first time from Death and Taxes?", ">>{SATexas1} : If this comes up in the next debate, Trump isn't saavy enough to not talk about it trying to defend himself for 5-10 minutes.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Nothing political here, totally on the up and up right?', '>>{myellabella} : How is a Republican presidential candidate charged with raping a 13 year old not political? A child rapist is usually not a presidential quality. The voters have the right to know if Donald Trump rapes children.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Don't be a fool. Someone comes out of the woodwork and files a lawsuit against Trump for something that allegedly happened 20 years ago and this just happens to take place a few months before a Presidential election? Then she withdraws the case, and then refiles a couple weeks later, so it can get some more headlines? This is absolutely disgusting and it represents everything that's wrong with the legal system and our politics. Edit: And the worst part is that it diminishes the horrific experiences of those who really have been victimized.", '>>{myellabella} : She withdrew the case so that she could add more witness testimonies to the lawsuit filing.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Sounds like an important time to come forward if any.', ">>{What_I_Thought} : Right man? What the hell is with people bringing up things that happened twenty years ago, as though it still matters now. Me personally, I can't even remember twenty years ago, so basically anything before then might as well be a lie. Why should I even read an article about it or try to understand it when I can just ignorantly dismiss it? Because I'm smart.", ">>{elliotron} : [Trump's ex-wife accuses him of having sex with her against her will. She's, what, trying to sabotage her daughter's future?](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/27/ex-wife-donald-trump-made-feel-violated-during-sex.html)", '>>{wavescrashover} : This was mentioned on another website the other day. http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/09/30/rape-allegations-refiled-against-donald-trump.htm I just happened to check that link out again and noticed something that was added after I first read it on Friday. > He also went on to say the Trump Organization warned her lawyer, New Jersey attorney Thomas Meagher, "that in the event he decides to refile his complaint we will seek to have him sanctioned." > Perhaps in anticipation of such a move, a second attorney has joined the lawsuit, J. Cheney Mason of Florida. The last line, about the addition of a second attorney joining is new information.', '>>{treerat} : >The original lawsuit claimed Trump raped the then-13-year-old plaintiff in the 1990s. There was also a second anonymous woman, known as “Tiffany Doe.” She said that Epstein had her pickup teenage girls for his parties. One of these girls was Jane, and Tiffany said she witnessed Trump and Epstein rape the plaintiff several times. >The new complaint adds a third woman. She’s known in court documents as “Joan Doe.”', '>>{sonQUAALUDE} : i hate the man with a burning passion and cant wait to see him lose, but damn i seriously hope this isnt true', ">>{mommy2libras} : Really? I knew about the original filing quite awhile ago. I mention it from time to time but people don't seem too interested."], [">>{MysticRay} : Ryan on talk of convention upset: Trump won 'fair and square'", '>>{Matickk} : If they don\'t select Trump as the popular vote indicated, the GOP will completely destroy itself. Keep in mind, the average Joe GOP voter likes what Trump is saying. It\'s the Establishment that is all up in arms. Media is propping up the "outrage" from said Establishment.', ">>{Matickk} : Agreed he will hurt downticket races, disagree that he doesn't represent the GOP. He was voted in overwhelmingly in the primary process.", ">>{rustymetalshaft} : I'm just curious, people keep saying the gop will implode or destroy itself if it selects a different candidate at the convention. What exactly does that look like to you?", '>>{mhead526} : Sorry Giant Douche just has better policies. Nothing personal ShitSandwich but your not getting my vote!', ">>{mhead526} : The Republican Party is pissed but they know they're done for for the foreseeable future if they some how steal it from trump", '>>{BadDecisionDino} : Imagine the consequences of telling their voters that their votes in the primaries meant absolutely nothing. This contest wasn\'t even close - Trump won by a landslide! What happens when in 2020, the Republican Party holds a primary? Do voters even come out to choose anyone? What would be the point, if they have literally zero impact on the party\'s choice? People would simply stay home because they\'d feel utterly disenfranchised. And low turnout in primaries leads to low turnout in the general and downballot races. Republicans at large would simply join the hordes of Americans who already think *"What\'s the point of even getting involved in politics? No one represents me anyway so I\'ll just go back to worrying about my own personal shit and let the oligarchs sort it out."*', '>>{circlegetsthejerk} : This is perfect. I want to see It cosplayed on youtube. A shit sandwich debating a giant douche bottle. Wait this is offensive to shit, sandwiches, douche and large bottles.', '>>{Vitosi4ek} : From a non-American perspective only driven by common sense: would a convention upset basically tell the voters, in no unclear terms, that their vote doesn\'t matter at all? Racist or not, Trump DID win the primary fair and square. I get that American democracy is not as transparent and "a golden standard" as percieved by most people, but it at least maintains an illusion of being so. Disregarding the convincing Trump victory because "he doesn\'t represent the party well" is a pretty big middle finger to all who voted in the primary, regardless of candidate. P.S. Also, if I understand it correctly, Trump did get to 1237, which means a potential convention upset would have to involve bound delegates switching their vote. Which raises a question: what exactly "binds" delegates? Is there a written agreement, with punishment for breaking it? What theoretically happens if a bound delegate doesn\'t vote for who he\'s supposed to?', '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : The Tea Party contingent will probably finally have the balls to break off and form a completely new party. The evangelicals will probably be split 50/50. The neocons and the economic conservatives will remain with the GOP and keep the fundraising infrastructure intact. The GOP desperately contacts Obama and says they\'ll accept Merrick Garland as their Supreme Court pick. Obama laughs and says "Too bad", and punts the decision to Hillary, who will nominate a full-blown liberal to replace Scalia. The Tea Party will have no ability to fundraise or campaign, and will be completely blown out of the water in 2016. They\'ll persist until 2018 at the very least on momentum alone, whereupon they\'ll lose even worse. The traditional GOP will lose very badly as well, in both 2016 and 2018. The Senate will flip back to the Dems. The House will be a conservative majority simply because the country is that gerrymandered right now, but the two conservative parties will not work together anymore so we\'ll have a 3-party plurality where literally nothing gets done. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer, both in their 80\'s, decide to retire and allow Hillary to replace them on the Supreme Court. Anthony Kennedy may make this decision as well. Hillary will appoint 3-4 justices to the court during her tenure and the SC will be a liberal majority for the first time in over 30 years. The Speaker of the House, which required a majority to become elected, may become an empty position. The House will be so dysfunctional that literally nothing ever gets done, and no laws get passed for the entirety of the 2016-2018 term. The US might even default on its debt finally. Perhaps enough of the GOP would defect to side with the Democrats just to pass really important shit like that, but who knows, really. Eventually, everyone realises that the Tea Party cannot exist without the GOP and the GOP cannot exist without the Tea Party, and that the 2020 census is coming up. If they don\'t get together, soon, they could lose the house for the next decade once the states turn blue again and the house districts become un-gerrymandered. There may be a half-assed attempt to unify the conservatives. I\'m not sure what that looks like. In my professional opinion it\'ll be the GOP making empty promises on trade and pretending to adopt more racist policies. The Tea Party collapses, rejoins the GOP, and put up a good fight. Buuuut. Seeing as how 2020 is a presidential election year, the Democrats will turn out in force, and the states flip blue again, thus ensuring that the congressional districts get redrawn more in their favor. 2022 is the first time that the Democrats have a real shot at the House, and I give them 2:1 odds of gaining it. 2024, Elizabeth Warren rides on the wave of progressivism that Bernie kicked off in 2015 and handily gets voted into the Presidency. By 2026, we may even have single-payer healthcare. Meanwhile, the GOP ceases to become relevant on the national stage until they realise they\'ve slid too far right and need to compromise once and for all. They will only maintain power in their safe regions. If the GOP splits, we\'re pretty much looking at a solid Democratic majority for another 20 years before things begin to realign.', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Couple things wrong with this. The democrats are no longer liberal. This should be obvious by how abandon their base is with bernie.', '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : I\'ll agree that the Democrats have been sliding to the right. But to no longer consider them liberal is a stretch. Bernie is doing a good job of telling us how many people out there would like to see the party go left again. I love him for that. That\'s why I think Warren will be the future voice of the Democrats. But the problem we have is that the conservatives are simply more reliable voters than the liberals. Young, idealistic liberals simply don\'t bother to vote, and therefore the Overton Window keeps sliding right as the politicians fight for the people who will actually go out and vote. The Bernie Or Bust movement is a prime example of this. They couldn\'t even dominate the primaries the way they promised, and for some reason they think they have the leverage to force Hillary to adopt every single one of their policy planks? That\'s not reasonable. The voters voted for Hillary; clearly they like her policies more. All I ever see are complaints that Hillary is snubbing the Sanders voters, when in reality it\'s the Sanders voters who continue to claim that they aren\'t moving one inch. Adults compromise and if you start from a position where you state "Everything that\'s mine is mine, and everything that\'s yours is negotiable", well, then people aren\'t going to fall for it. Hopefully, Bernie has opened the eyes of the party and we\'ll start to see a slide to the left. But... as they say, "it takes two to tango". The base has to give a little, the progressives have to give a little. Slide to the left, but maybe we do it halfway instead of the whole shebang. Too much rapid change and you may force the conservative rift to heal prematurely, simply out of fear for the progressives.', '>>{Meetchel} : Trump can still run and win in the general election regardless of what happens at the convention. The RNC is not a legal part of the ACTUAL election, just one of two hyper-powerful entities (the two main parties) that essentially put their unified support toward one candidate. They are not bound by democratic laws as they are, for all legal intents and purposes, independent agencies. Thus, they are not bound by any controlling rules dictating who they support. Edit FYI: I am vehemently anti-Trump, just trying to explain the situation.', ">>{Meetchel} : The Republican party will adapt- it's never going to disappear. Just as it has for a long time. This whole fiasco looks terrible, but 4/8 years from now it will be largely forgotten.", '>>{Vitosi4ek} : Isn\'t there a "sore loser" provision that prevents those that lost their party\'s nomination from running as independents? I get that the Republican Party is a separate entity that sets its own rules. My point is that, basically, if Trump gets upset at the convention despite getting 1237 BOUND delegates, that means they\'re not really "bound" (because they had to break their commitment in order to perform an upset), which opens up a large can of worms regarding the whole primary process. If the RNC is in any way rational and assesses the situation beyond "we must not elect Trump at any cost", they won\'t take that risk. Or they shouldn\'t, at least.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Exactly. Trump won overwhelmingly and followed every rule. He's not racist but if course each election we hear the dems call our candidate racist. They did the same thing with Reagan and he won almost every state in the general.", ">>{laxboy119} : There is nothing saying he can't run. If he were upset at the convention despite winning the primary he could run independent with no strings attached. Wether it's too late to get on all states ballots is another issue though", '>>{GestapoSky} : Except... He says a lot of racist things.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : No he doesn't Jesus Christ you people. [Obama ordered Iranian American judge to not hear cases regarding Iranians because his heritage could lead to bias](http://www.npr.org/2015/01/24/379550390/should-shared-ancestry-force-a-judges-recusal-in-immigration-cases) Is Obama racist for saying his heritage could lead to bias? [Founder of Judge Curiel’s Group: Whites Should Go Back to Europe, California To Be ‘Hispanic State’](http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/06/09/whites-go-back-europe-california-hispanic-state-said-founder-judge-curiels-group/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29) Hmm maybe this judges lawyers group is actually racist and may be biased. Do you people just lack critical thinking skills? Do you legitimately believe trump is a racist? Or that he even says anything racist. Let me guess, calling the blonde haired, blue eyed white woman Elizabeth Warren pocahontas is racist too?", ">>{mindlessrabble} : This is what happens when you chase all the liberal and moderate Republicans out of the party. There used to be moderate Republicans. Now there are none. To make up for those loses the GOP has had to open the doors to radical right wingers and allowed people into positions of power who have close ties to the KKK. The Tea Party are the remake of the John Birch Society (both created and funded by the Koch's). Even Goldwater fought to keep them out of the party in the 1960's. Predicting that if they, the libertarians and the evangelicals got into power it would be the end of the Republican party.", '>>{mindlessrabble} : I would say that he could run; but there would be no hope of winning. He and whoever the GOP named would split the anti-Hillary vote.', ">>{NinjaDegrees} : The Justice Department's actions concerning this are indeed racist.", ">>{GestapoSky} : He called Mexicans rapists and proposed a ban on letting Muslim people into the country. Nothing about that is not racist. You've got the blankets pulled over your head too far", ">>{Meetchel} : I'm just trying to explain the way our democracy works. You're right; in general, if a conservative runs 3rd party the democrat wins and vice versa.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's like you can't help yourself but to lie. He said that about ILLEGALS, that when Mexico sends them they commit more crime. Trumo has no problem with Mexicans and has many Mexican supporters, because they aren't ignorant idiots.", ">>{MakeAmericanGrapes} : It's a shame the GOP doesnt have superdelegates to avoid the disaster that is Trump.", '>>{Kittenmittons91} : He would be able to run, but at that point he would miss deadlines to get on the ballot in at least some states (which is one way they deter sore loser candidates).', ">>{GestapoSky} : Lol. You're just silly. I'm not wasting time fighting someone who is ready to shut their eyes to racist and prejudiced remarks.", ">>{Shillin4Bernie} : >Obama ordered Iranian American judge to not hear cases regarding Iranians because his heritage could lead to bias Wow. That's some extreme media bias right there. I can't believe this shit.", '>>{GestapoSky} : Ok, I guess we can do this. A history lesson on Trumps racist actions and remarks pre-primary: http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/ http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_56d47177e4b03260bf777e83 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/07/08/donald-trumps-false-comments-connecting-mexican-immigrants-and-crime/ There\'s three articles. Try your best to shit on these with your supposed enhanced intellect. Who are you to claim that I\'m an "ignorant idiot?" Do tell what educatiom you have and we can compare. Explain to me how you believe that that rhetoric does anything but make your claim look even more unsubstantiated? You come off as an angsty teenager who just wants to fight for the sake of fighting. If a literal fuck ton of people think he is a racist, and there are several news articles, several GOP politicians, several journalists, and polling of average Americans that claims he is a racist, then there just might be something to it, and maybe, just maybe you are the one actually ignorant to the problems. So instead of shutting down and writing all of those things off as "idiots" who lie, open your goddamn ears and eyes, use them both, and think objectively about these comments and actions.', ">>{southsideson} : I don't think he would be guaranteed to even be on the ballot in a lot of states, I think that's based on the party getting ballot access, and I think it might be too late already for some states, and some states, also have a sore loser law where someone who loses a primary can't run, so it would be pretty tough.", '>>{amsterdam_pro} : wew lad, those can be bought, which is undemocratic.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Okay so let's break these down: * Saying judge can't be impartial due to his heritage [Obama ordered Iranian American judge to not hear cases regarding Iranians because his heritage could lead to bias](http://www.npr.org/2015/01/24/379550390/should-shared-ancestry-force-a-judges-recusal-in-immigration-cases) Funny nobody called Obama racist for this. But is Trump right, is this person part of a lawyers association that's donated $900k to Clinton and is in a Mexican advocacy group/hate group? [Founder of Judge Curiel’s Group: Whites Should Go Back to Europe, California To Be ‘Hispanic State’](http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/06/09/whites-go-back-europe-california-hispanic-state-said-founder-judge-curiels-group/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29) Hmm looks like Trump is right, I don't see how someone party to such a group could be impartial to Trump seeing as they are unapologetically racist against whites. * crime statistics indicating African Americans commit more crime. I will say that the stats he retweeted were incorrect in that they mistake some of the numbers, however the general point is correct in that blacks (whom account for 13% of the population, and only 6% for black males who commit most of the crime) are in fact, according to the fbi crime statistics committing a disproportionate amount of violence crimes (namely murders and rapes) relative to their population size. Even controlling for socioeconomic factors they are way out of bounds, namely in that they commit half the nation's murders and violent crimes while making up roughly 6% of the population. Now of course context is important, it's not like their melanin levels cause this, it's because they got a late start in acquiring generational wealth due to slavery an doppression, however it doesn't change the objectively indisputable fact that they do commit an insanely disproportionate amount of crime. *** I'm Puerto Rican, my wife is a Filipino national. I am not, nor have I ever been racist, nor do I support those I believe to be racist. If I even thought a little bit that Trump was racist I would be the one to throw the first brick. But he's not. This is akin to those who say how Hillary used the term superpredator or who take bernies white people can't be poor quotes out of context. At least be fair here, you have to admit that they are building a narrative to stop him that doesn't appear to apply to others who've said equally as sloppy things as he has. There's so many legitimate criticisms against Trump that are valid, but him being an actual racist is simply ignorant.", '>>{HungryWolfFish} : So did Obama in 2008 and 2012, but obstructionism is strong with the GOP.', ">>{Darkeyescry22} : I doubt it. Hardly anyone would vote for the usurper. I'd bet they'd get <5%"], [">>{beelzuhbub} : Goody, now Trump won't have to hold back and can disembowel her. Reality show of the century coming up.", '>>{uswhole} : The Answer is No, He still need to work on senate reelection.', ">>{DimitriVolochenko} : The answer is no. Establishment isn't gonna dismantle itself.", '>>{gamechanger55} : In all honestly i want to see what the clinton supporters do when Trump really goes after her corruption.', '>>{FalseSong0fGlobalism} : Hillary is not corrupt, please stop trying to spread this false narrative', ">>{IAMAcynicalbastard} : I'm kind of curious how this sub will look if he does lose. Will people start supporting Trump more or Hillary? It doesn't seem like Trump has a lot of support here but Hillary isn't that popular either...", ">>{soccerman95} : 1) He will take it to the Convention 2) If Supers get their heads out of their asses, they will see that Bernie is actually the stronger candidate and give him the nomination where he proceeds to win the Presidency and goes into the history books as one of the most important Presidents ever. 2a) Bernie loses the nomination and unenthusiastically endorses Clinton, only for the sake of stopping Trump. Some may switch to Clinton, but most will remain in the BernieOrBust camp. 3a) Bernie heads back to the Senate with more support then ever and continues to make change. The Political Revolution will be handed off to his supporters that will only grow into an even lager flame for the next four years until we can (hopefully) make a difference next time. Bernard Sanders isn't going anywhere, regardless of the outcome of this Primary. He is the Ghandi/Martin Luther King Jr. of today. The Elite/The Establishment/Clinton/every single PoS scumbag elite of this country will want us to forget about Sanders. We can not, and will not, let this happen.", ">>{boones_farmer} : You're right, she's just the center of so many FBI investigations because umm... reasons. Look over there Republicans!", ">>{boones_farmer} : Sanders will be campaigning full time for Nina Turner or Tulsi Gabbard in 2020. It's going to be glorious.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : There are users here who insist the entire scandal, including the FBI investigation, is yet another attack by the right wing conspiracy. One of the mutts accused me of having Clinton Derangement Syndrome. So 1990's...", ">>{Drathrul} : lol end of the line? Even if he isn't the nominee he has more political capital than Hillary does at this point. Everyone thinking the movement behind Bernie is just going to dissipate really doesn't get it.", ">>{FalseSong0fGlobalism} : I'm not sure if you know what political capital means or is. Hillary Clinton is leagues ahead of Breadline Bernie when it comes to political capital.", '>>{WKWA} : Did you really just compare Bernie Sanders to MLK and Ghandi? God I love this sub.', '>>{WKWA} : No the runner up has way more than the winner!', ">>{androidpk} : Hillary's political capital is going to amount to a wet piece of dog shit when Director Comey is finished with her.", '>>{soccerman95} : Tell me, what other kind, honest, civil person in the past few decades has created this much of a momentum asking for a change in a fucked up system?', ">>{androidpk} : You're right, she's not just corrupt, she's flat out an incompetent criminal not even fit to manage a local McDonalds franchise let alone be President of the United States.", ">>{WKWA} : Candidate (not President) Obama eight years ago in a much larger way than Sanders. Unfortunately his presidency didn't quite deliver, but we'll never know how a Sanders presidency would turn out.", '>>{franny_lydon} : Obama had 10 times the movement Bernie has. Remember him? the guy who ran on the platform of "Hope and Change"?', ">>{soccerman95} : To be honest, I was 12 at the time. I have heard good things about how he ran his campaign though. Things is though, Bernie isn't apart of the Elite. Obama is fallen to the Elite. His support for Debbie Whatsernaname and endorsement of Clinton make it even more clear.", '>>{johnramsey5} : Shit\'s gonna hit the fan. "Good morning ma\'am" "Fuck off" Couldn\'t happen to a more crooked bitch.', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Yes tomorrow can't come soon enough. Then the great reddit purge will come.", ">>{12-juin-3049} : Sanders end of the line was New York at the latest. He's just going to ride this to the bank", ">>{alcatraz_0109} : Sound strategy, it's not like the Clintons have been targets for literally decades", ">>{Clintonite} : > 2) If Supers get their heads out of their asses, they will see that Bernie is actually the stronger candidate and give him the nomination where he proceeds to win the Presidency and goes into the history books as one of the most important Presidents ever. No. They'll only do that if some *extraordinary* event happens, like Clinton getting indicted or something. Mind, that's not looking *that* improbable."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Got bored and made a headphone jack dust cover for my 6S.', '>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : I was going through an old drawer full of cables and thought I was being all creative. Turns out that not only do they already exist, they even have one that will act as a button and lets you program what happens when you push it! lol Oh well. http://i.imgur.com/P735lDU.png', ">>{lovelovesstar} : The programmable button ones suck. I've used different brands and they all end up not working correctly. Looks like you did a nice job yourself! Looks professional!", ">>{BigTimeMFCEO} : What case are you using? I've been looking for a new one and that looks nice", '>>{MarkyparkyMeh} : Can you still use the phone speakers with this plugged in?', '>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Search "Ipaky skin" at amazon. I love it. It provides a tiny bit of rubbery feeling to provide a better grip and is the thinnest case ever! I can almost fit it in my Ram Mount without removing it. (Ram mounts are tighter than the skin on a Jimmy Dean sausage.) lol It provides no drop absorption though. Just keeps the phone from getting scratched. It\'s nice that it makes my white phone look black too. (I didn\'t want to wait for a black phone when the 6S was new, so I just bought the white one and got the black case that covers the entire phone minus the screen.)', '>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : OOO. Glad I read this. I was about to buy one. TY. :-)', '>>{Diggoobuoxum} : Instead of wasting your time on this you should have volunteered at the homeless shelter and done some good.', '>>{whoamanwtf} : Does your phone think you have headphones plugged in though with this plugged in?', ">>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Are you one of my kids joking around? Lol. I'm retired and volunteer at 2 local homeless shelters, the Humane Society and Special Olympics. But I see from your posts that you're a troll. Have a nibble troll. :-) *Edit: Troll confirmation.", ">>{AnthonyDawnwalker} : Dude I love these phone cases! I had them on my 6 and now I've got one for my 7! I just buy them cheap on eBay and they are amazing! 10/10", ">>{Buttstache} : It's like the dumbest troll account ever. The guy posts in The_Donald seriously, but any other post is some over-exaggerated leftist or something? Your reply is pretty slam dunk though!", '>>{whoamanwtf} : That could be a reason then for you to get one of the rubber/plastic or the buttons, with those the phone does not think it has headphones in so it works like normal still.', ">>{colinstalter} : If you put some tape over the metal the phone wont know it's plugged in.", ">>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Well ok. But I don't know why it's my job to screen shot your trollness. http://i.imgur.com/6YqAn5v.jpg", ">>{Diggoobuoxum} : That's what I thought. People make stuff up all the time on Reddit, it's sickening.", ">>{Pavlovs_Doug} : OMG. So much better! I laid out 10 big ones and got a Titanium one that doesn't fool the phone into thinking you're listening to music. :-) http://i.imgur.com/DIV9e1k.jpg Feels sweet and acts like a little handling nub which keeps the phone more secure in the hand. I got the Titaner one. 10 bucks included shipping from Asia! :-)"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Got bored and made a headphone jack dust cover for my 6S.', '>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : I was going through an old drawer full of cables and thought I was being all creative. Turns out that not only do they already exist, they even have one that will act as a button and lets you program what happens when you push it! lol Oh well. http://i.imgur.com/P735lDU.png', ">>{lovelovesstar} : The programmable button ones suck. I've used different brands and they all end up not working correctly. Looks like you did a nice job yourself! Looks professional!", ">>{BigTimeMFCEO} : What case are you using? I've been looking for a new one and that looks nice", '>>{MarkyparkyMeh} : Can you still use the phone speakers with this plugged in?', '>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Search "Ipaky skin" at amazon. I love it. It provides a tiny bit of rubbery feeling to provide a better grip and is the thinnest case ever! I can almost fit it in my Ram Mount without removing it. (Ram mounts are tighter than the skin on a Jimmy Dean sausage.) lol It provides no drop absorption though. Just keeps the phone from getting scratched. It\'s nice that it makes my white phone look black too. (I didn\'t want to wait for a black phone when the 6S was new, so I just bought the white one and got the black case that covers the entire phone minus the screen.)', '>>{Pavlovs_Doug} : OOO. Glad I read this. I was about to buy one. TY. :-)', '>>{Diggoobuoxum} : Instead of wasting your time on this you should have volunteered at the homeless shelter and done some good.', '>>{whoamanwtf} : Does your phone think you have headphones plugged in though with this plugged in?', ">>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Are you one of my kids joking around? Lol. I'm retired and volunteer at 2 local homeless shelters, the Humane Society and Special Olympics. But I see from your posts that you're a troll. Have a nibble troll. :-) *Edit: Troll confirmation.", ">>{AnthonyDawnwalker} : Dude I love these phone cases! I had them on my 6 and now I've got one for my 7! I just buy them cheap on eBay and they are amazing! 10/10", ">>{Buttstache} : It's like the dumbest troll account ever. The guy posts in The_Donald seriously, but any other post is some over-exaggerated leftist or something? Your reply is pretty slam dunk though!", '>>{whoamanwtf} : That could be a reason then for you to get one of the rubber/plastic or the buttons, with those the phone does not think it has headphones in so it works like normal still.', ">>{colinstalter} : If you put some tape over the metal the phone wont know it's plugged in.", ">>{Pavlovs_Doug} : Well ok. But I don't know why it's my job to screen shot your trollness. http://i.imgur.com/6YqAn5v.jpg", ">>{Diggoobuoxum} : That's what I thought. People make stuff up all the time on Reddit, it's sickening.", ">>{Pavlovs_Doug} : OMG. So much better! I laid out 10 big ones and got a Titanium one that doesn't fool the phone into thinking you're listening to music. :-) http://i.imgur.com/DIV9e1k.jpg Feels sweet and acts like a little handling nub which keeps the phone more secure in the hand. I got the Titaner one. 10 bucks included shipping from Asia! :-)"]]
classify and reply
['>>{SaltHash} : Nobody on the Left said that President Obama was their Reagan. So fuck off, NRO Cons.', ">>{pizzashill} : Well, Obama doesn't have dementia and wasn't a clown, so clearly not. For fucks sake Reagan once lied about freeing people from a nazi death camp.", '>>{theombudsmen} : And right wing NRO is going to speak for the left wing in one last hit piece. Nothing to gain from it, they are just trained to impugn any chance they get after 8 years of habit. No one thinkgs Obama is the left\'s "Reagan", because Reagan was an overrated individual that only became some hero to the right long after he left office.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Unless it turns out Obama had dementia in his second term than no', ">>{kescusay} : Holy shit, I forgot about that little gem. Obama has been so, so much more than Reagan. It's too bad that having an effective and dignified black man in the oval office drove the Republican party truly insane.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : He was the left's Kennedy. Left-center, Grabbed Russia's pussy and embraced science. I'm ok with that.", '>>{gabagool69} : > Obama has been so, so much more than Reagan. Then why have Democrats lost seats at every level of government since he came into office?', ">>{FewerMoonves} : I'd argue that Obama was never so much a political ideologue as Reagan was. I'd point to two speeches that helped launch each to political stardom to illustrate this: Reagan's 1964 'Time For Choosing' speech was a full-throated endorsement of Barry Goldwater's philosophy and political platform; Obama's 2002 speech at an anti-Iraq War rally argued against the invasion from a tactical, geopolitical standpoint, while emphasizing that he was by no means a pacifist. This isn't meant as praise or criticism of either, only an assessment. Obama as an ideologically realigning figure in the mold of Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt was always something of a media creation, in my judgment, which is neither a good nor a bad thing inherently. Perhaps Obama briefly, half-heartedly bought into this narrative about himself. But, as this narrative was not one of his own imagining, his heart was never really in it.", ">>{kescusay} : 1. You're wrong, it's been a mixed bag. 2. Gerrymandering is a thing.", ">>{pizzashill} : I mean, this didn't start until 2010 or so, and that was because of operate red map: http://www.npr.org/2016/06/15/482150951/understanding-congressional-gerrymandering-its-moneyball-applied-to-politics", '>>{gabagool69} : House of Reps: 257 to 188 Senate: 57 to 46 State Governors: 28 to 18 State Legislature, control of both chambers: 27 to 11 (GOP 14 to 30 over same time) State Trifecta control: 17 to 6 Executive: 1 to 0 And gerrymandering has been a thing since the 1800s.', ">>{FewerMoonves} : That's a fair question; there were, of course, two major factors working against him: a) Democrats taking such a heavy beating in the census year of 2010, giving Republicans broad control over the subsequent redistricting process nationwide; and b) the fact that House, Senate, Governor, and state legislative races generally favor the party not in control of the White House. The durability (or lack thereof) of the current Republican advantage cannot be truly measured until the midterms of 2018. If Barack Obama himself served as a major drag on Democratic fortunes, then his diminished public presence going forward should theoretically help Democrats in these races. If they continue to struggle, it suggests that the larger problems run deeper. Of course, we'll never be able to completely measure this in a 'vacuum,' as numerous other factors, many if not most of which we have no way of forseeing at this point, will be a major part of the backdrop in 2018 as well. Not the least of which being this incoming and ever-unpredictable Donald Trump administration.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Gerrymandering has been a GOP thing for the last decade and a half. So has voter suppression, dirty tricks, online shenanigans and last but not least - Fake News. Which only proves the GOP cannot win a clean race, anywhere. Edit: left out the GOP's dependence on a foreign dictator to win this election. Such patriots, 'Merica!", '>>{gabagool69} : > House, Senate, Governor, and state legislative races generally favor the party not in control of the White House. Not under Reagan, which is the point the author of the article makes. > his diminished public presence going forward I seriously doubt Obama plans to ride off quietly into the sunset.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : No one said he is. If you want a more accurate analogy though, Reagan's GOP is probably dead now, if it wasn't dead earlier. Reagan's GOP lasted a mere 36 years. FDR's Democratic Party on the other hand has survived until at least 1975 for a total of 43 years, but some would argue it wasn't radically changed until Bill Clinton took office, making for it lasting a full 60 years. This is not to mention that a lot of Reagan's policies gave way to his party being torn apart by Trump.", '>>{LGMenu} : They look back at Reagan with very rose tinted glasses.', ">>{FewerMoonves} : Ronald Reagan was an exceptionally talented politician, though. Like Lyndon Johnson in 1964 and Richard Nixon in 1972, he racked up landslide victories, but unlike Johnson against Goldwater and Nixon against McGovern, Reagan didn't need to rip his opponent's throat out in order to do it. 1984 was a remarkably civil campaign to have produced so lopsided an outcome. I agree that Obama will likely be more vocal/visible in his post-presidency than most, but there's no doubt that his public presence will diminish. The incumbent President of the United States is on television every single day, whether they want to be or not. Former presidents can go without a major public appearance or even mention for months at a time.", ">>{Askew_2016} : The only way Obama is like Reagan is that they were both transformative presidents. They both a sea change of things happening domestic and foreign under their watch that will impact the country for decades to come. However, Obama got a lot more done than Reagan. He's the most accomplished president since LBJ.", ">>{slapadastic} : Custer's last stand, guess who won that one? Conservatives can only survive by eroding the process with absolutely immoral tactic. And even that won't work much longer. Despite having all 3 branches, they get nothing done because they have no agenda other than to scream about brown people taking over the American way.", ">>{shamefuless} : Didn't Dems pick up six seats in the house this election?", '>>{VROF} : He is 10x better than Reagan. If he was a Republican they would have already named an airport after him.', ">>{kescusay} : Yup. But don't expect /u/gabagool69 to address that.", ">>{helpfulkorn} : To be fair didn't he have dementia so bad he couldn't tell the difference between movies he had acted in and real life? That's more sad than nefarious.", ">>{pizzashill} : I don't think it was nefarious, but the GOP paints him as some kind of saint and great leader.", ">>{helpfulkorn} : Yeah that I never get. I mean the thing he's most famous for in my opinion at this point, is the Iran-Contra scandal.", ">>{gabagool69} : I addressed it below. Dems went from 257 seats when Obama took office to 188 at the end of his term. You claim it was a mixed bag. Can you name one area of government where Democrats have increased their representation from Obama's inauguration to today? (I don't expect /u/kescusay to address that)", ">>{kescusay} : Sigh... Look at each election year individually. In some we gained, in others we lost. I don't dispute that overall, largely due to gerrymandering and modern Jim Crow, Democrats have ended up behind where we were in 2008. But you attempted to pin that on Obama, when the fault actually lies with your own party's un-American - and largely successful - attempts to disenfranchise voters, not with any failures on his part. If he failed at anything, it was at taking your unreasoning and irrational hatred of America seriously enough."]
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[['>>{SaltHash} : Nobody on the Left said that President Obama was their Reagan. So fuck off, NRO Cons.', ">>{pizzashill} : Well, Obama doesn't have dementia and wasn't a clown, so clearly not. For fucks sake Reagan once lied about freeing people from a nazi death camp.", '>>{theombudsmen} : And right wing NRO is going to speak for the left wing in one last hit piece. Nothing to gain from it, they are just trained to impugn any chance they get after 8 years of habit. No one thinkgs Obama is the left\'s "Reagan", because Reagan was an overrated individual that only became some hero to the right long after he left office.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Unless it turns out Obama had dementia in his second term than no', ">>{kescusay} : Holy shit, I forgot about that little gem. Obama has been so, so much more than Reagan. It's too bad that having an effective and dignified black man in the oval office drove the Republican party truly insane.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : He was the left's Kennedy. Left-center, Grabbed Russia's pussy and embraced science. I'm ok with that.", '>>{gabagool69} : > Obama has been so, so much more than Reagan. Then why have Democrats lost seats at every level of government since he came into office?', ">>{FewerMoonves} : I'd argue that Obama was never so much a political ideologue as Reagan was. I'd point to two speeches that helped launch each to political stardom to illustrate this: Reagan's 1964 'Time For Choosing' speech was a full-throated endorsement of Barry Goldwater's philosophy and political platform; Obama's 2002 speech at an anti-Iraq War rally argued against the invasion from a tactical, geopolitical standpoint, while emphasizing that he was by no means a pacifist. This isn't meant as praise or criticism of either, only an assessment. Obama as an ideologically realigning figure in the mold of Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt was always something of a media creation, in my judgment, which is neither a good nor a bad thing inherently. Perhaps Obama briefly, half-heartedly bought into this narrative about himself. But, as this narrative was not one of his own imagining, his heart was never really in it.", ">>{kescusay} : 1. You're wrong, it's been a mixed bag. 2. Gerrymandering is a thing.", ">>{pizzashill} : I mean, this didn't start until 2010 or so, and that was because of operate red map: http://www.npr.org/2016/06/15/482150951/understanding-congressional-gerrymandering-its-moneyball-applied-to-politics", '>>{gabagool69} : House of Reps: 257 to 188 Senate: 57 to 46 State Governors: 28 to 18 State Legislature, control of both chambers: 27 to 11 (GOP 14 to 30 over same time) State Trifecta control: 17 to 6 Executive: 1 to 0 And gerrymandering has been a thing since the 1800s.', ">>{FewerMoonves} : That's a fair question; there were, of course, two major factors working against him: a) Democrats taking such a heavy beating in the census year of 2010, giving Republicans broad control over the subsequent redistricting process nationwide; and b) the fact that House, Senate, Governor, and state legislative races generally favor the party not in control of the White House. The durability (or lack thereof) of the current Republican advantage cannot be truly measured until the midterms of 2018. If Barack Obama himself served as a major drag on Democratic fortunes, then his diminished public presence going forward should theoretically help Democrats in these races. If they continue to struggle, it suggests that the larger problems run deeper. Of course, we'll never be able to completely measure this in a 'vacuum,' as numerous other factors, many if not most of which we have no way of forseeing at this point, will be a major part of the backdrop in 2018 as well. Not the least of which being this incoming and ever-unpredictable Donald Trump administration.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Gerrymandering has been a GOP thing for the last decade and a half. So has voter suppression, dirty tricks, online shenanigans and last but not least - Fake News. Which only proves the GOP cannot win a clean race, anywhere. Edit: left out the GOP's dependence on a foreign dictator to win this election. Such patriots, 'Merica!", '>>{gabagool69} : > House, Senate, Governor, and state legislative races generally favor the party not in control of the White House. Not under Reagan, which is the point the author of the article makes. > his diminished public presence going forward I seriously doubt Obama plans to ride off quietly into the sunset.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : No one said he is. If you want a more accurate analogy though, Reagan's GOP is probably dead now, if it wasn't dead earlier. Reagan's GOP lasted a mere 36 years. FDR's Democratic Party on the other hand has survived until at least 1975 for a total of 43 years, but some would argue it wasn't radically changed until Bill Clinton took office, making for it lasting a full 60 years. This is not to mention that a lot of Reagan's policies gave way to his party being torn apart by Trump.", '>>{LGMenu} : They look back at Reagan with very rose tinted glasses.', ">>{FewerMoonves} : Ronald Reagan was an exceptionally talented politician, though. Like Lyndon Johnson in 1964 and Richard Nixon in 1972, he racked up landslide victories, but unlike Johnson against Goldwater and Nixon against McGovern, Reagan didn't need to rip his opponent's throat out in order to do it. 1984 was a remarkably civil campaign to have produced so lopsided an outcome. I agree that Obama will likely be more vocal/visible in his post-presidency than most, but there's no doubt that his public presence will diminish. The incumbent President of the United States is on television every single day, whether they want to be or not. Former presidents can go without a major public appearance or even mention for months at a time.", ">>{Askew_2016} : The only way Obama is like Reagan is that they were both transformative presidents. They both a sea change of things happening domestic and foreign under their watch that will impact the country for decades to come. However, Obama got a lot more done than Reagan. He's the most accomplished president since LBJ.", ">>{slapadastic} : Custer's last stand, guess who won that one? Conservatives can only survive by eroding the process with absolutely immoral tactic. And even that won't work much longer. Despite having all 3 branches, they get nothing done because they have no agenda other than to scream about brown people taking over the American way.", ">>{shamefuless} : Didn't Dems pick up six seats in the house this election?", '>>{VROF} : He is 10x better than Reagan. If he was a Republican they would have already named an airport after him.', ">>{kescusay} : Yup. But don't expect /u/gabagool69 to address that.", ">>{helpfulkorn} : To be fair didn't he have dementia so bad he couldn't tell the difference between movies he had acted in and real life? That's more sad than nefarious.", ">>{pizzashill} : I don't think it was nefarious, but the GOP paints him as some kind of saint and great leader.", ">>{helpfulkorn} : Yeah that I never get. I mean the thing he's most famous for in my opinion at this point, is the Iran-Contra scandal.", ">>{gabagool69} : I addressed it below. Dems went from 257 seats when Obama took office to 188 at the end of his term. You claim it was a mixed bag. Can you name one area of government where Democrats have increased their representation from Obama's inauguration to today? (I don't expect /u/kescusay to address that)", ">>{kescusay} : Sigh... Look at each election year individually. In some we gained, in others we lost. I don't dispute that overall, largely due to gerrymandering and modern Jim Crow, Democrats have ended up behind where we were in 2008. But you attempted to pin that on Obama, when the fault actually lies with your own party's un-American - and largely successful - attempts to disenfranchise voters, not with any failures on his part. If he failed at anything, it was at taking your unreasoning and irrational hatred of America seriously enough."]]
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['>>{Sonder_is} : I think it ended alot of the concerns that progressive voters had. Even months after Sanders dropped out, she is touting the *most* progressive platform in Democratic history.', '>>{Justtryme90} : Hopefully she tries to enact that platform as well.', ">>{hyper-station} : Breakthrough as in she'll be breaking through into your bank account to tax the shit out of you to fund dysgenic welfare programs!", '>>{DontBeSoHarsh} : What the else do you do as a sane president that wants to be compared to the prior 44 people to hold the office? Not moving your agenda forward usually classes you in the "unfavorable" category.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : It's certainly a starting point. But if anyone gets passed, it certainly will be a compromise with house republicans.", '>>{elgul} : And of course next election if its Clinton vs another batshit there is no mechanism to hold her accountable.', ">>{Nosterana} : Let's hope that the GOP has sorted its shit out by then, then.", '>>{Justtryme90} : Which will result in bullshit that does no good. Republicans are a stain on our country.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : If there was a center right party to make compromises with, it would be fine. But scorched earth opposition is a problem.', ">>{T0mThomas} : TL;DR: she pandered popular talking points to the masses. See: every election for the last 30 years. Don't worry though, *this* time it will be different.", '>>{beermaker} : My GF and I make enough to live very comfortably... go ahead and tax us.', '>>{T0mThomas} : Wow. Thanks for using your personal, anecdotal, situation to define tax policy for all of us. What a *progressive*. This is the kind of thinking we need more of folks.', ">>{beermaker} : Just my two cents worth... keep in mind that taxes aren't necessarily a boogyman to some people, Mmmkay?", '>>{T0mThomas} : Fair enough. Now, you should take your own advice and keep in mind that for some people, they *are*. Mmmkay?', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : I notice this article is heavily downvoted and I haven't seen a single mention of CTR in any of the comments.", ">>{MrGr33n31} : I know man...sucks so much. Taxing the shit out of me to give subsidies to oilmen and the sugar lobby is ok, and I don't mind chipping in a couple billion so the local NFL team can play in a new stadium for the next three years. But if I see ONE homeless person eating a meal at my expense, I know that something's not right, ya know?"]
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[['>>{Sonder_is} : I think it ended alot of the concerns that progressive voters had. Even months after Sanders dropped out, she is touting the *most* progressive platform in Democratic history.', '>>{Justtryme90} : Hopefully she tries to enact that platform as well.', ">>{hyper-station} : Breakthrough as in she'll be breaking through into your bank account to tax the shit out of you to fund dysgenic welfare programs!", '>>{DontBeSoHarsh} : What the else do you do as a sane president that wants to be compared to the prior 44 people to hold the office? Not moving your agenda forward usually classes you in the "unfavorable" category.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : It's certainly a starting point. But if anyone gets passed, it certainly will be a compromise with house republicans.", '>>{elgul} : And of course next election if its Clinton vs another batshit there is no mechanism to hold her accountable.', ">>{Nosterana} : Let's hope that the GOP has sorted its shit out by then, then.", '>>{Justtryme90} : Which will result in bullshit that does no good. Republicans are a stain on our country.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : If there was a center right party to make compromises with, it would be fine. But scorched earth opposition is a problem.', ">>{T0mThomas} : TL;DR: she pandered popular talking points to the masses. See: every election for the last 30 years. Don't worry though, *this* time it will be different.", '>>{beermaker} : My GF and I make enough to live very comfortably... go ahead and tax us.', '>>{T0mThomas} : Wow. Thanks for using your personal, anecdotal, situation to define tax policy for all of us. What a *progressive*. This is the kind of thinking we need more of folks.', ">>{beermaker} : Just my two cents worth... keep in mind that taxes aren't necessarily a boogyman to some people, Mmmkay?", '>>{T0mThomas} : Fair enough. Now, you should take your own advice and keep in mind that for some people, they *are*. Mmmkay?', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : I notice this article is heavily downvoted and I haven't seen a single mention of CTR in any of the comments.", ">>{MrGr33n31} : I know man...sucks so much. Taxing the shit out of me to give subsidies to oilmen and the sugar lobby is ok, and I don't mind chipping in a couple billion so the local NFL team can play in a new stadium for the next three years. But if I see ONE homeless person eating a meal at my expense, I know that something's not right, ya know?"]]
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