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[">>{UsedToBCool} : Trump's travel ban could cost $18B in U.S. tourism, analysts say", '>>{V0ice_0f_Reas0n} : Drone Strikes Under Obama Killed up to 117 Civilians Worldwide, Intelligence Report Claims', '>>{UsedToBCool} : So let me get this straight, I thought he was supposed to be good for America and its economy...?', '>>{MakeMyDickHardAgain} : Source? This sub is so biased and wrong it blows my mind.', '>>{convictTV} : Trump: It’s ‘Ridiculous’ To Think Russia Intervened In The Election On My Behalf', ">>{theLusitanian} : Why the heck can't Wisconsin rid themselves of this slime.. it's a good thing he realized he was getting no where near the oval office.", '>>{EIEIOOooo} : He was never going to, his puppet masters just used him for fundraising purposes. They just shuffle the money around and throw it all at whoever they need to.', '>>{Bhantl01} : Sad title! Everyone knows it\'s spelled "rediculous" as our President-elect so humbly informed us the other day.', ">>{backfromthedead} : He runs good commercials about good conservative values. Fly some flags in the background. Play some patriotic music. That's all it takes. People soak it all in and then he stabs them in the back because he's a shill for large corporations. Its really a good play. It works like, every time. We are too stupid to save ourselves from smart corrupt leaders. That's why we're already passed the point of no return in climate change and were unable to stop it. People believe the snow ball guy and feel smart.", '>>{jful504} : I wonder what the current administration has to say about this, given their previous opinions about the intelligence community... 🤔', '>>{LittleShrub} : Asshat has never done a single thing *for* Wisconsin citizens.', ">>{Blue_Team4President} : Another rightwing weasel, who has only been able to slither into office because Wisconsin elects their Governors in the midterm season. See also: Rick Scott. If only Dems could GOTV during midterms, there'd be a lot fewer States, like Wisconsin, having to suffer the humiliations of the Scott Walkers of the world.", '>>{salmonchaser} : Do you tend to just ignore the articles and instead complain about the sub?', ">>{Tucking_Fypos} : Yeah, that seems real low. I don't like one innocent casualty, but I would have expected over 1,000 easily. I wonder how many innocents got lumped into Obama's redefinition of combatant though.", ">>{Blue_Team4President} : Democrats don't seem to be able to wake up for midterm elections.", '>>{peterabbit456} : As I read it, Scott Walker, Rance (spelling?) Prebus and a Wisconsin state supreme court judge could all face federal indictments on bribery and racketeering charges.', ">>{bassististist} : Well, you see all those jobs he's creating, right? * ACLU attorneys * Congressional investigators * Newspapers * ICE officers * Swamp dredgers * Russian stooges * Bagmen These gains should definitely offset the damage he's doing with travel bans, shit-talking our allies/trade partners, embezzling, scaring tourists away, polluting the country, etc.", ">>{sigstone} : It's also ridiculous to think you'd win the election.", ">>{JaisBit} : Trump's already a quarter of the way there, and it's only been 2 weeks.", '>>{UsedToBCool} : ACLU attorneys hahaha. "I\'m going to do so many unethical things I will double the lawyer workforce in this country. MAGA!"', ">>{voompanatos} : > Greeley Koch, executive director of the Association of Corporate Travel Executives, said 39% of the 260 executives who responded by Jan. 30 to his survey after the first ban was announced said they would significantly reduce their travel. Another survey after the revised ban found 21% of respondents **would reconsider doing business in the U.S.**, Koch said. > “It could be a snowball from there because people get frustrated,” Koch said. “They think the U.S. is **anti-business**.” Vote a businessman in as president, they said. It'll be good for American business, they said.", ">>{Kilpikonnaa} : Thank goodness he's saving all those coal jobs, though.", ">>{bdog2g2} : If he gets away with shit it'll be great for his businesses so that's good enough for him.", ">>{ConservativeTears} : There's that sound again...is that rain? Oh no. No. That's just the sound of conservative tears beating on the tin roof of reality.", '>>{FakeeMcFake} : Whatever, Boris. Or is it Bubba? Which is it - are you a Russian agent working for Putin... or just a useful idiot who voted for treason?', '>>{Rower78} : This report only seems to include drone strikes outside of "active combat zones" like Afghanistan, Libya, or Syria.', '>>{EIEIOOooo} : No, not true. Scott Walker banned microbeads in the state of Wisconsin. so, he did ONE thing.', ">>{AmericanFabius} : You really think 90 days of travel suspension from six countries like Somalia will cost $18B? Somalia GDP isn't $6B.", ">>{kittykat713} : He wins because people in wisconsin can be really fucking small minded and stupid. My family voted for him repeatedly and now they're voting for trump.", ">>{throwneverywhichway} : I doubt that he will actually confront them. The extent of his public reaction will likely be to express displeasure that the documents survived and were brought in to daylight, as I'm sure he had been assured by his cronies that they had been destroyed and the whole business swept under the rug.", '>>{RepelGropers} : >"Is it out of line to wonder, given Trump’s lack of transparency about his finances, what role Russia has played in his business empire? After all, his son Donald Trump Jr. said in 2008 that **“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets” and added: “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”** Now more than ever, we need to know exactly what he was talking about."', ">>{Tucking_Fypos} : I read the article after posting, it touches on it a bit in there, but doesn't give the full definition. I think it's military age males not found innocent after death.", '>>{sigstone} : This is why Trumps hate msm. Their words are always used verbatim against them.', ">>{kittykat713} : Thanks. My Facebook feed makes me feel like I'm bleeding from the ears.", '>>{hiding_who_it_is} : >Human rights organization Reprieve said in July that the U.S. government has misled the public on its drone programme and “shifted the goalposts on what counts as a civilian to such an extent that any estimate may be far removed from reality.” "In U.S. drone operations, reports suggest all \'military aged males\' and potentially even women and children are considered \'enemies killed in action\' unless they can \'posthumously\' and \'conclusively\' prove their innocence," it added. Yeah, unless verified after the fact, everyone is a terrorist.', '>>{voompanatos} : It\'s been a while since I read the precise definition of "robber baron," but it really fits this Administration. > "A robber baron or robber knight (German Raubritter) was an unscrupulous feudal landowner who resorted to **banditry while protected by his fief\'s legal status**.[1]" [Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robber_baron)', ">>{PostTruthPete} : Since he didn't release his taxes we have to assume he's on the hook to someone in Russia for a metric shit ton. Donald the Owned.", '>>{dread_lobster} : His tally is going to be yuge. A tremendous amount of collateral damage. The best.', ">>{ButterflySammy} : I'm not from one of the countries suspended but I'm not going to travel to somewhere with that attitude, potentially have to turn over passwords and shit at the border. There's plenty nice places to go while you guys sort this out amongst yourself. The damage to the economy won't just be the people from those countries - it's your damaged reputation with the rest of the world.", ">>{branamuffin} : This is the guy that believed in the birther conspiracy 5 years after Obama released his birth certificate. I wouldn't say he's trustworthy judge of accuracy.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : We can actually test your hypothesis. How much tourism did we lose when Obama blocked travel from Iraq?', '>>{GruePineapple} : Did he really believe it? Or did he just pitch it to people stupid enough to believe it because it suited his purpose?', '>>{branamuffin} : I have found it futile to guess what that man *really* thinks. We might as take him at his word.', '>>{Mr_Dionysus} : Probably a negligible amount, as it was a temporary measure in response to an actual attempted attack. Also, he still let refugees in. Most of the enmity we are receiving from the travel ban is rolling back our commitment to the Syrian refugee crisis.', ">>{FakeeMcFake} : Plenty of people will still come...but they'll stick to the Coasts, maybe Yellowstone/Jackson Hole in Wyoming. Poor Trumpland...no one loves you anymore.", ">>{V0ice_0f_Reas0n} : I'd like to know the total amount including small arm fire, explosives, troops, and even executions by locals when accusing someone of being an American sympathizer etc.", '>>{V0ice_0f_Reas0n} : As in the POTUS, or his cabinet? Most of who would have had different opinions BEFORE having the ability to be briefed on national security measures? This would be no different than the opinions that Obama had about POTUS G.W. Bush.', ">>{novacham} : That's because any military aged male hit by a drone strike isn't considered a civilian.", '>>{GruePineapple} : Perhaps where we are going wrong is in assuming that he thinks...', ">>{ButterflySammy} : An amount proportional to the number of people who opposed his ban in countries that could travel to the US + the amount lost from the country that could not I assume. So - to get an idea of how popular Obama's plan was so we can do the maths fairly... can you remind me how many judges struck Obama's ban down for being unconstitutional?", '>>{UsedToBCool} : Did Obama also try to create a border wall and simultaneously push an isolationist agenda when he blocked travel?', ">>{AmericanFabius} : We have dig a little deeper. If Obama did this same sort of ban, which he did, would it be unconstitutional? Is something really unconstitutional if it isn't for one President but allegedly is for another?", '>>{IGuessItsMe} : Maybe, just maybe, it would make more sense if Mr. Trump actually attended-and listened-to his briefings from the Intel Services.', '>>{Hicrine} : I was also under the impression that drone strikes in the US military only count women in children in civilian casualty numbers. Military-aged males are all grouped into one category which is why the number appears so low.', '>>{ButterflySammy} : I guess it would be unconstitutional! Looks like we need check how similar the two bans are. Let\'s start by asking: * how many times did Obama call it a "Muslim Ban"? and * how many times does Obama\'s website use the phrase "Muslim Ban"?', '>>{MissionStyle} : So Obama rabble roused his base with racist comments then proceeded to attempt to ban a region based on that promise with no actionable intelligence? Definitely apples to apples if you are into revisionist history', '>>{BenDarDunDat} : Civilian casualties have historically run around 70%. Some wars were higher, some lower. However, the average is around 70%. That drones are only resulting in 4% civilian casualties is nothing short of amazing.', ">>{MiCK_GaSM} : “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing” - Donald Trump, July 27th, 2016 Yeah, it's totally ridiculous.", ">>{RepelGropers} : That's the amusing thing about Trump. You can literally use clips of him speaking to prove he is a liar.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : So those phrases make an otherwise constitutional act, unconstitutional? How so?', ">>{ButterflySammy} : This is not an interrogation. I guess it isn't a conversation yet either - you haven't answered any of my questions, I'll get back to you once you do.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : I\'m sorry I thought it was clear I was conceding that Obama never uttered the phrase "Muslim Ban" but Trump did. I didn\'t think you wanted to banter back and forth about facts we already know. I\'m sorry for hurting your feelings by conceding your question about facts that no one is disputing.', ">>{ButterflySammy} : You were scared to say the facts because they are contrary to your assertion that both bans are the same. Don't be scared homie.", ">>{JohnGillnitz} : The number 117 is pathetically low. We know that isn't true. Still, it is several magnitudes less than what happened under Bush. You can have a drone war, a conventional war, or mass terror attacks. Pick one.", ">>{geedeeit} : Exactly! It's hilarious! [Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2a44F5TgM)", ">>{geedeeit} : If Russia had anything to do with these leaks, it happened months before Trump was the candidate. Anti-Hillary doesn't automatically mean Pro-Trump.", ">>{AmericanFabius} : Both bans are the same. To you that phrase magically makes them unconstitutional, I was asking you how when you got all upset with hurt feelings. Again sorry if this hurts your feelings but I don't follow the reasoning that two words makes an act unconstitutional for Trump that clearly wouldn't be unconstitutional if Obama had done it.", ">>{phiz36} : Wow. I'm sure they tried really hard to prove innocence. Like seriously, what incentive at all would they have to do that?", '>>{90sBojack} : Trump: It’s ‘Ridiculous’ ~~To Think~~ Russia Intervened In The Election On My Behalf. There. Fixed it for ya.', ">>{ButterflySammy} : You keep talking about feelings; are you trying to drop hints? Would you like me to ask you how you are? Both bans are not the same - Trump's ban is unconstitutional because he framed it as a muslim ban; that's literally a thing that makes them different. If Obama had called his ban a muslim ban I hope it would have been struck down... but he didn't... so it's not the same. Do you follow now... or... should... I... say... it... slower? Edit: And while I remember - I wasn't saying the difference is that one is unconstitutional - the reason I mention it is because I said the amount of people not travelling to the US will depend on how *popular* each ban is **not** how *constitutional* they were. I was showing that Trump's ban is widely unpopular inside your own country as well as outside it. To that note, I'd never heard of Obama's ban so I don't know why are crying about him. We were calculating how much travel both would cost which depend on how many people don't like it, not how much you can conflate Trump's ban with Obama's.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : He "framed it" as a Muslim Ban? How does that make it unconstitutional? Clearly it wasn\'t a Muslim ban as it was only seven countries and only for 90 days and the EO said nothing about Muslims. Are you saying his words on the campaign trail carry forward and alter the constitutionality of an otherwise constitutional act? What is the constitutional principle this theory rests on? Is there any precedence in our history where campaign statements later affected the constitutionality of an otherwise constitutional executive act?', ">>{opheliaks} : Mass terror attacks? You mean the one that happened 15years ago? that's if you believe the shady hole filled story BS that was. The only option is war is what you're saying. Do you hear yourself? Welcome to being conditioned.", ">>{ButterflySammy} : Why do I care? I only mention it because we are looking at how popular it is so we can calculate the different relative change in tourism revenue - I'm trying to establish Trump's ban is so unpopular it keeps getting struck down by his own country where people are protesting it - compare that to Obama's ban where it was popular enough to pass relatively silently.", ">>{ButterflySammy} : I didn't say that - I said we should look at popularity and you threw an Obama tantrum. I opened: > An amount proportional to the number of people who opposed his ban in countries that could travel to the US + the amount lost from the country that could not I assume. > So - **to get an idea of how popular Obama's plan was** so we can do the maths fairly... can you remind me how many judges struck Obama's ban down for being unconstitutional? It's simple - the financial impact will be relative to how many people dislike the policy - more people hate Trump's. Even people in his own country. So the financial impact of Trump's ban will be worse. Which bans are and are not constitutional don't matter to my argument - just the fact that Trump's ban keeps getting struck down and Obama's didn't - and only because that says Trump's ban is more unpopular, not because I care about how constitutional either are. I already told you I'm not American, why are you even crying about Obama's ban being unconstitutional in the middle of a discussions about the cost to tourism? We can agree Obama's ban was unconstitutional right now - won't change what it cost. Won't change that it went through like a whisper in the night while Trump's ban was like a fart in an elevator.", ">>{1liberalsocialist} : Maybe those civilians shouldn't have standing between the enemy and the weapons. Obama knew what he was doing. Unlike Thump. I wish we could have just kept Obama forever.", ">>{AmericanFabius} : >**I'm trying to establish Trump's ban is so unpopular it keeps getting struck down by his own country** Popularity determines constitutionality? Lol that's a new one >I said we should look at popularity and you threw an Obama tantrum. Please don't make personal attacks. It's against the rules.", ">>{oowowaee} : Just had another friend tell me today he and his family will be travelling inside of Canada this year rather than visiting the states. So, uh, you're not just losing Somali tourist dollars, and to pretend that is a joke.", '>>{ButterflySammy} : No - constitutionality is irrelevant when it is popularity that will determine how many people don\'t travel because of the ban. If the rest of the world think Trump\'s ban is worse than Obama\'s ban and act on their belief then it will be worse economically because less people will travel. You can argue constitutionally Obama\'s ban was just as illegal as Trump\'s, and it may be true for all I know, but that doesn\'t change that Trump\'s ban is being received way worse than Obama\'s. We can agree that constitutionality Obama\'s ban was just as bad if you like - this is a discussion about the economic affects of both bans and constitutionality is irrelevant - people looking to travel to the US aren\'t basing their opinion of the travel ban on how constitutional it is; that\'s something you argue about internally. See - regardless of how legal your government considers things, I don\'t care - it\'s not my government. That\'s not how people living in other countries look at before deciding to travel to the USA or go elsewhere. What does sway me is when I see someone at a Trump rally on stage saying "Fake news - or to use it\'s original name Lúgen press" - when I see the ruling party trying to invoke Hitler at a rally I don\'t think "Good time for a foreigner to visit".', '>>{BenDarDunDat} : I made this over a month ago, but I think I found the statistics on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio', '>>{oowowaee} : Plenty of people I am sure, but less.', ">>{fuzeebear} : This article I didn't read is biased and wrong!", '>>{FakeeMcFake} : Yes..I jest, of course. But while Trump seems to be winning now...the long term backlash will hurt them. *Who wants to move or start a new economy business in the backwards climate of Middle America? Lower taxes, sure...but bad schools, bad political & economic environments, racism, homophobia, religious intolerance, etc. keep *profitable*, good paying job makers out*. In 15-20 years, when Trumpland whines & wants a bailout *again*, the rest of us will shrug and think "this is all on you - & you\'re on your own."']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{theLusitanian} : Why the heck can't Wisconsin rid themselves of this slime.. it's a good thing he realized he was getting no where near the oval office.", '>>{EIEIOOooo} : He was never going to, his puppet masters just used him for fundraising purposes. They just shuffle the money around and throw it all at whoever they need to.', ">>{backfromthedead} : He runs good commercials about good conservative values. Fly some flags in the background. Play some patriotic music. That's all it takes. People soak it all in and then he stabs them in the back because he's a shill for large corporations. Its really a good play. It works like, every time. We are too stupid to save ourselves from smart corrupt leaders. That's why we're already passed the point of no return in climate change and were unable to stop it. People believe the snow ball guy and feel smart.", '>>{LittleShrub} : Asshat has never done a single thing *for* Wisconsin citizens.', ">>{Blue_Team4President} : Another rightwing weasel, who has only been able to slither into office because Wisconsin elects their Governors in the midterm season. See also: Rick Scott. If only Dems could GOTV during midterms, there'd be a lot fewer States, like Wisconsin, having to suffer the humiliations of the Scott Walkers of the world.", ">>{Blue_Team4President} : Democrats don't seem to be able to wake up for midterm elections.", '>>{peterabbit456} : As I read it, Scott Walker, Rance (spelling?) Prebus and a Wisconsin state supreme court judge could all face federal indictments on bribery and racketeering charges.', '>>{EIEIOOooo} : No, not true. Scott Walker banned microbeads in the state of Wisconsin. so, he did ONE thing.', ">>{kittykat713} : He wins because people in wisconsin can be really fucking small minded and stupid. My family voted for him repeatedly and now they're voting for trump.", ">>{throwneverywhichway} : I doubt that he will actually confront them. The extent of his public reaction will likely be to express displeasure that the documents survived and were brought in to daylight, as I'm sure he had been assured by his cronies that they had been destroyed and the whole business swept under the rug.", ">>{kittykat713} : Thanks. My Facebook feed makes me feel like I'm bleeding from the ears."], ['>>{V0ice_0f_Reas0n} : Drone Strikes Under Obama Killed up to 117 Civilians Worldwide, Intelligence Report Claims', '>>{jful504} : I wonder what the current administration has to say about this, given their previous opinions about the intelligence community... 🤔', ">>{Tucking_Fypos} : Yeah, that seems real low. I don't like one innocent casualty, but I would have expected over 1,000 easily. I wonder how many innocents got lumped into Obama's redefinition of combatant though.", ">>{JaisBit} : Trump's already a quarter of the way there, and it's only been 2 weeks.", '>>{Rower78} : This report only seems to include drone strikes outside of "active combat zones" like Afghanistan, Libya, or Syria.', ">>{Tucking_Fypos} : I read the article after posting, it touches on it a bit in there, but doesn't give the full definition. I think it's military age males not found innocent after death.", '>>{hiding_who_it_is} : >Human rights organization Reprieve said in July that the U.S. government has misled the public on its drone programme and “shifted the goalposts on what counts as a civilian to such an extent that any estimate may be far removed from reality.” "In U.S. drone operations, reports suggest all \'military aged males\' and potentially even women and children are considered \'enemies killed in action\' unless they can \'posthumously\' and \'conclusively\' prove their innocence," it added. Yeah, unless verified after the fact, everyone is a terrorist.', '>>{dread_lobster} : His tally is going to be yuge. A tremendous amount of collateral damage. The best.', ">>{V0ice_0f_Reas0n} : I'd like to know the total amount including small arm fire, explosives, troops, and even executions by locals when accusing someone of being an American sympathizer etc.", '>>{V0ice_0f_Reas0n} : As in the POTUS, or his cabinet? Most of who would have had different opinions BEFORE having the ability to be briefed on national security measures? This would be no different than the opinions that Obama had about POTUS G.W. Bush.', ">>{novacham} : That's because any military aged male hit by a drone strike isn't considered a civilian.", '>>{Hicrine} : I was also under the impression that drone strikes in the US military only count women in children in civilian casualty numbers. Military-aged males are all grouped into one category which is why the number appears so low.', '>>{BenDarDunDat} : Civilian casualties have historically run around 70%. Some wars were higher, some lower. However, the average is around 70%. That drones are only resulting in 4% civilian casualties is nothing short of amazing.', ">>{JohnGillnitz} : The number 117 is pathetically low. We know that isn't true. Still, it is several magnitudes less than what happened under Bush. You can have a drone war, a conventional war, or mass terror attacks. Pick one.", ">>{phiz36} : Wow. I'm sure they tried really hard to prove innocence. Like seriously, what incentive at all would they have to do that?", ">>{opheliaks} : Mass terror attacks? You mean the one that happened 15years ago? that's if you believe the shady hole filled story BS that was. The only option is war is what you're saying. Do you hear yourself? Welcome to being conditioned.", ">>{1liberalsocialist} : Maybe those civilians shouldn't have standing between the enemy and the weapons. Obama knew what he was doing. Unlike Thump. I wish we could have just kept Obama forever.", '>>{BenDarDunDat} : I made this over a month ago, but I think I found the statistics on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio'], ['>>{convictTV} : Trump: It’s ‘Ridiculous’ To Think Russia Intervened In The Election On My Behalf', '>>{Bhantl01} : Sad title! Everyone knows it\'s spelled "rediculous" as our President-elect so humbly informed us the other day.', ">>{sigstone} : It's also ridiculous to think you'd win the election.", '>>{RepelGropers} : >"Is it out of line to wonder, given Trump’s lack of transparency about his finances, what role Russia has played in his business empire? After all, his son Donald Trump Jr. said in 2008 that **“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets” and added: “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”** Now more than ever, we need to know exactly what he was talking about."', '>>{sigstone} : This is why Trumps hate msm. Their words are always used verbatim against them.', ">>{PostTruthPete} : Since he didn't release his taxes we have to assume he's on the hook to someone in Russia for a metric shit ton. Donald the Owned.", ">>{branamuffin} : This is the guy that believed in the birther conspiracy 5 years after Obama released his birth certificate. I wouldn't say he's trustworthy judge of accuracy.", '>>{GruePineapple} : Did he really believe it? Or did he just pitch it to people stupid enough to believe it because it suited his purpose?', '>>{branamuffin} : I have found it futile to guess what that man *really* thinks. We might as take him at his word.', '>>{GruePineapple} : Perhaps where we are going wrong is in assuming that he thinks...', '>>{IGuessItsMe} : Maybe, just maybe, it would make more sense if Mr. Trump actually attended-and listened-to his briefings from the Intel Services.', ">>{MiCK_GaSM} : “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing” - Donald Trump, July 27th, 2016 Yeah, it's totally ridiculous.", ">>{RepelGropers} : That's the amusing thing about Trump. You can literally use clips of him speaking to prove he is a liar.", ">>{geedeeit} : Exactly! It's hilarious! [Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2a44F5TgM)", ">>{geedeeit} : If Russia had anything to do with these leaks, it happened months before Trump was the candidate. Anti-Hillary doesn't automatically mean Pro-Trump.", '>>{90sBojack} : Trump: It’s ‘Ridiculous’ ~~To Think~~ Russia Intervened In The Election On My Behalf. There. Fixed it for ya.'], [">>{UsedToBCool} : Trump's travel ban could cost $18B in U.S. tourism, analysts say", '>>{UsedToBCool} : So let me get this straight, I thought he was supposed to be good for America and its economy...?', '>>{MakeMyDickHardAgain} : Source? This sub is so biased and wrong it blows my mind.', '>>{salmonchaser} : Do you tend to just ignore the articles and instead complain about the sub?', ">>{bassististist} : Well, you see all those jobs he's creating, right? * ACLU attorneys * Congressional investigators * Newspapers * ICE officers * Swamp dredgers * Russian stooges * Bagmen These gains should definitely offset the damage he's doing with travel bans, shit-talking our allies/trade partners, embezzling, scaring tourists away, polluting the country, etc.", '>>{UsedToBCool} : ACLU attorneys hahaha. "I\'m going to do so many unethical things I will double the lawyer workforce in this country. MAGA!"', ">>{voompanatos} : > Greeley Koch, executive director of the Association of Corporate Travel Executives, said 39% of the 260 executives who responded by Jan. 30 to his survey after the first ban was announced said they would significantly reduce their travel. Another survey after the revised ban found 21% of respondents **would reconsider doing business in the U.S.**, Koch said. > “It could be a snowball from there because people get frustrated,” Koch said. “They think the U.S. is **anti-business**.” Vote a businessman in as president, they said. It'll be good for American business, they said.", ">>{Kilpikonnaa} : Thank goodness he's saving all those coal jobs, though.", ">>{bdog2g2} : If he gets away with shit it'll be great for his businesses so that's good enough for him.", ">>{ConservativeTears} : There's that sound again...is that rain? Oh no. No. That's just the sound of conservative tears beating on the tin roof of reality.", '>>{FakeeMcFake} : Whatever, Boris. Or is it Bubba? Which is it - are you a Russian agent working for Putin... or just a useful idiot who voted for treason?', ">>{AmericanFabius} : You really think 90 days of travel suspension from six countries like Somalia will cost $18B? Somalia GDP isn't $6B.", '>>{voompanatos} : It\'s been a while since I read the precise definition of "robber baron," but it really fits this Administration. > "A robber baron or robber knight (German Raubritter) was an unscrupulous feudal landowner who resorted to **banditry while protected by his fief\'s legal status**.[1]" [Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robber_baron)', ">>{ButterflySammy} : I'm not from one of the countries suspended but I'm not going to travel to somewhere with that attitude, potentially have to turn over passwords and shit at the border. There's plenty nice places to go while you guys sort this out amongst yourself. The damage to the economy won't just be the people from those countries - it's your damaged reputation with the rest of the world.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : We can actually test your hypothesis. How much tourism did we lose when Obama blocked travel from Iraq?', '>>{Mr_Dionysus} : Probably a negligible amount, as it was a temporary measure in response to an actual attempted attack. Also, he still let refugees in. Most of the enmity we are receiving from the travel ban is rolling back our commitment to the Syrian refugee crisis.', ">>{FakeeMcFake} : Plenty of people will still come...but they'll stick to the Coasts, maybe Yellowstone/Jackson Hole in Wyoming. Poor Trumpland...no one loves you anymore.", ">>{ButterflySammy} : An amount proportional to the number of people who opposed his ban in countries that could travel to the US + the amount lost from the country that could not I assume. So - to get an idea of how popular Obama's plan was so we can do the maths fairly... can you remind me how many judges struck Obama's ban down for being unconstitutional?", '>>{UsedToBCool} : Did Obama also try to create a border wall and simultaneously push an isolationist agenda when he blocked travel?', ">>{AmericanFabius} : We have dig a little deeper. If Obama did this same sort of ban, which he did, would it be unconstitutional? Is something really unconstitutional if it isn't for one President but allegedly is for another?", '>>{ButterflySammy} : I guess it would be unconstitutional! Looks like we need check how similar the two bans are. Let\'s start by asking: * how many times did Obama call it a "Muslim Ban"? and * how many times does Obama\'s website use the phrase "Muslim Ban"?', '>>{MissionStyle} : So Obama rabble roused his base with racist comments then proceeded to attempt to ban a region based on that promise with no actionable intelligence? Definitely apples to apples if you are into revisionist history', '>>{AmericanFabius} : So those phrases make an otherwise constitutional act, unconstitutional? How so?', ">>{ButterflySammy} : This is not an interrogation. I guess it isn't a conversation yet either - you haven't answered any of my questions, I'll get back to you once you do.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : I\'m sorry I thought it was clear I was conceding that Obama never uttered the phrase "Muslim Ban" but Trump did. I didn\'t think you wanted to banter back and forth about facts we already know. I\'m sorry for hurting your feelings by conceding your question about facts that no one is disputing.', ">>{ButterflySammy} : You were scared to say the facts because they are contrary to your assertion that both bans are the same. Don't be scared homie.", ">>{AmericanFabius} : Both bans are the same. To you that phrase magically makes them unconstitutional, I was asking you how when you got all upset with hurt feelings. Again sorry if this hurts your feelings but I don't follow the reasoning that two words makes an act unconstitutional for Trump that clearly wouldn't be unconstitutional if Obama had done it.", ">>{ButterflySammy} : You keep talking about feelings; are you trying to drop hints? Would you like me to ask you how you are? Both bans are not the same - Trump's ban is unconstitutional because he framed it as a muslim ban; that's literally a thing that makes them different. If Obama had called his ban a muslim ban I hope it would have been struck down... but he didn't... so it's not the same. Do you follow now... or... should... I... say... it... slower? Edit: And while I remember - I wasn't saying the difference is that one is unconstitutional - the reason I mention it is because I said the amount of people not travelling to the US will depend on how *popular* each ban is **not** how *constitutional* they were. I was showing that Trump's ban is widely unpopular inside your own country as well as outside it. To that note, I'd never heard of Obama's ban so I don't know why are crying about him. We were calculating how much travel both would cost which depend on how many people don't like it, not how much you can conflate Trump's ban with Obama's.", '>>{AmericanFabius} : He "framed it" as a Muslim Ban? How does that make it unconstitutional? Clearly it wasn\'t a Muslim ban as it was only seven countries and only for 90 days and the EO said nothing about Muslims. Are you saying his words on the campaign trail carry forward and alter the constitutionality of an otherwise constitutional act? What is the constitutional principle this theory rests on? Is there any precedence in our history where campaign statements later affected the constitutionality of an otherwise constitutional executive act?', ">>{ButterflySammy} : Why do I care? I only mention it because we are looking at how popular it is so we can calculate the different relative change in tourism revenue - I'm trying to establish Trump's ban is so unpopular it keeps getting struck down by his own country where people are protesting it - compare that to Obama's ban where it was popular enough to pass relatively silently.", ">>{ButterflySammy} : I didn't say that - I said we should look at popularity and you threw an Obama tantrum. I opened: > An amount proportional to the number of people who opposed his ban in countries that could travel to the US + the amount lost from the country that could not I assume. > So - **to get an idea of how popular Obama's plan was** so we can do the maths fairly... can you remind me how many judges struck Obama's ban down for being unconstitutional? It's simple - the financial impact will be relative to how many people dislike the policy - more people hate Trump's. Even people in his own country. So the financial impact of Trump's ban will be worse. Which bans are and are not constitutional don't matter to my argument - just the fact that Trump's ban keeps getting struck down and Obama's didn't - and only because that says Trump's ban is more unpopular, not because I care about how constitutional either are. I already told you I'm not American, why are you even crying about Obama's ban being unconstitutional in the middle of a discussions about the cost to tourism? We can agree Obama's ban was unconstitutional right now - won't change what it cost. Won't change that it went through like a whisper in the night while Trump's ban was like a fart in an elevator.", ">>{AmericanFabius} : >**I'm trying to establish Trump's ban is so unpopular it keeps getting struck down by his own country** Popularity determines constitutionality? Lol that's a new one >I said we should look at popularity and you threw an Obama tantrum. Please don't make personal attacks. It's against the rules.", ">>{oowowaee} : Just had another friend tell me today he and his family will be travelling inside of Canada this year rather than visiting the states. So, uh, you're not just losing Somali tourist dollars, and to pretend that is a joke.", '>>{ButterflySammy} : No - constitutionality is irrelevant when it is popularity that will determine how many people don\'t travel because of the ban. If the rest of the world think Trump\'s ban is worse than Obama\'s ban and act on their belief then it will be worse economically because less people will travel. You can argue constitutionally Obama\'s ban was just as illegal as Trump\'s, and it may be true for all I know, but that doesn\'t change that Trump\'s ban is being received way worse than Obama\'s. We can agree that constitutionality Obama\'s ban was just as bad if you like - this is a discussion about the economic affects of both bans and constitutionality is irrelevant - people looking to travel to the US aren\'t basing their opinion of the travel ban on how constitutional it is; that\'s something you argue about internally. See - regardless of how legal your government considers things, I don\'t care - it\'s not my government. That\'s not how people living in other countries look at before deciding to travel to the USA or go elsewhere. What does sway me is when I see someone at a Trump rally on stage saying "Fake news - or to use it\'s original name Lúgen press" - when I see the ruling party trying to invoke Hitler at a rally I don\'t think "Good time for a foreigner to visit".', '>>{oowowaee} : Plenty of people I am sure, but less.', ">>{fuzeebear} : This article I didn't read is biased and wrong!", '>>{FakeeMcFake} : Yes..I jest, of course. But while Trump seems to be winning now...the long term backlash will hurt them. *Who wants to move or start a new economy business in the backwards climate of Middle America? Lower taxes, sure...but bad schools, bad political & economic environments, racism, homophobia, religious intolerance, etc. keep *profitable*, good paying job makers out*. In 15-20 years, when Trumpland whines & wants a bailout *again*, the rest of us will shrug and think "this is all on you - & you\'re on your own."']]
classify and reply
[">>{KingScrotum} : Who's rocking with an iPhone SE then? Case or not?", '>>{ennervated_scientist} : Staunch lefty here. No one curr Michael. Go away.', '>>{grfxp} : 10th anniversary iPhone skin for 7 and 7 plus!', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : I will put slightly more currency into this than I do the O'Keefe videos.", '>>{HILLARYLovesHITLER} : Bill Clinton’s ex-lover just dropped a never-before told bombshell about Hillary – and Bill got hit too', '>>{Allyanna} : 8 Cops Are Killed In 8 Days, This Sheriff Has Had Enough Of Obama Ignoring People Targeting Police And He Is Going Public', ">>{Jeraltofrivias} : Yeah because he didn't address the senseless Boston assassination, or the baton rogue killings, or Dallas? Is he expected to acknowledge every single police death now?", '>>{crispychoc} : Apple leather case which was originally made for the 5/5S, fits like a glove. (And paid less than 50%)', ">>{ThePoose} : ok maybe three James O'Keefes that ate an Alex Jones", '>>{SaltHash} : Great. Another right-winger with a badge who conveniently does not remember the fact that Dubya did not address every death of a cop.', '>>{gagaboy} : [Vote Trump if you want more of this](http://ghettoradio.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/melania2-215x300-215x300.png)', '>>{gagaboy} : Maybe his daughter will join in too if we vote hard enough', '>>{limbodog} : Like with the Clinton movie before it, I wonder if this treads over election laws.', ">>{coonana} : If Trump is elected, wouldn't it at least be making history for having the most attractive First Lady of all time? Plus it shatters the puritanical standards previously expected of First Ladies.", '>>{Maxkhoon} : Leather case is the best None touch and sleek profile', ">>{m_bob01} : Think I'm going to buy one of these. Edit: thanks for the downvotes.", '>>{Trooper27} : That is cool but man. Dat matte black doe.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : It's only playing in NYC. Pretty sure that city's blueness won't be impacted.", ">>{Quexana} : He's a bloviating jagoff with no credibility. Whatever differences lie between Moore and O'Keefe, it has nothing to do with the quality of his videos.", '>>{DeathCab4LU} : Yep - just impulse bought this guy! Thanks op for the share!', ">>{skatinbrad2} : I always have a small heart attack when I see people rock no case. iPhones are so fragile. One drop and it's a cracked screen", ">>{sonicdeathmonkey2132} : Eh no. This is on the same level of a false equivocate as saying Hillary is as bad as trump. I mean there are problems with Moore's politics and filmmaking but O'Keefe is straight garbage.", '>>{WookieDong} : I got a few sentences in and opted for the Rhonda Rousey click bait ad.', ">>{NeoMoonlight} : Whitey mad that the president isn't talking about their problems and making safe zones for them...", '>>{thisismyraelname} : Does anyone know is there is an alternative for a 6+?', '>>{Lucidification} : Does it also make it twice as thick and 120x slower? Edit: Fuck you :)', ">>{KingScrotum} : Wouldn't you want to use the phone as Apple intended it to be used? It feels so much better without a cheap case that's been designed by some college reject.", ">>{skatinbrad2} : I don't want to drop $150 because my phone slipped out of my hand and shattered the screen", ">>{KingScrotum} : Much quicker and the battery is so much better. Photo quality is better too. And you get Apple Pay if you use it. I think it's much better than the 6/6S as its a nice one handed use iPhone, just like the 5S and it is much more robust than the 6/6S", ">>{gagaboy} : Yes. One more reason to vote for Trump. Wow he's so amazing", ">>{Mooseyxhmx} : I haven't heard of this company until yesterday and now I've seen them at least 4 times. Good marketing team I guess.", ">>{quadomatic2} : space grey with tempered glass screen protector and clear shell case here. looks naked and almost feels naked, but i don't trust myself.", ">>{Another-Chance} : Cons in another thread were saying we can't blame trump for what others do. Now this? ROFL. Classic.", '>>{MrJagaloon} : Is there any way to verify this book at all? If not, lets not all jump on the "upvote anything anti-Hillary" bandwagon. I despise Hillary but if we don\'t focus on provable issues, then we just look like a bunch of raving lunatics and it will ruin our message.', '>>{blazedshaggy} : Remember when everyone complained about the plastic base on the original iPhone and how bad they said it made the phone look?', ">>{Quexana} : There's nothing wrong with Moore's politics. In fact, I agree with most of them. His problems are that he's a dishonest sack of shit.", '>>{KingScrotum} : I just hate cases. They make the phone feel cheap', ">>{ksarizona} : Article says Bill Clinton sold prisoners blood (tainted w/ AIDS) to CANADA. That's f'ed up on so many levels.", ">>{ksarizona} : I have no idea if it's true. I'm definately going to look into it. If true, well, that level of evil is unimaginable.", '>>{wonderingsocrates} : slightly? okeefe secretly points, tapes and edits to his own designs. moore makes movies that are creative, humorous and have a goal that many progressives agree with.', ">>{j1akey} : If I remember correctly from one of his TV spots, he wasn't saying it because he thought he had a chance based on his policies, he was echoing Bill Mahar in that he thought people wouldn't turn out or cast protest votes because Hillary has it locked up causing an upset.", ">>{ksarizona} : I read the material on the website. Sad. Doesn't mention that the tainted blood was from US prisoners selling their blood to profit Bill Clinton. Should I read the book?", ">>{DJG513} : Great concept but it doesn't cover the corners and top/bottom, where I feel 90% of dings happen.", ">>{Jeremiareyes} : Yeah, I have tons of cases from my old 5S but I don't wanna put it in a case, I LOVE the color, same with my RG iPad hahaha I just have the Smart Cover", ">>{KingScrotum} : Don't case it my friend. Enjoy that thing naked 😉", '>>{3Suze} : Ahhh, bizpacreview.com, that wonderful site that brings us >"OJ Simpson agrees to put rumors to bed he’s Khloe Kardashian’s father but on one bizarre condition" And >"After lefty claims firing AR-15 gave him PTSD, 7-year-old girl gives him humiliating shooting lesson" And >"LGBT community asked who’s to blame for Orlando terror attack, the answers are beyond ridiculous"', '>>{Dark_Fiber} : I recently upgraded from an iPhone 5s to an SE. I am using the same case that I used on my iPhone 5s, a Spigen Tough Armor. http://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-se-5s-5/products/iphone-se-case-tough-armor?variant=16524825729', '>>{cratermoon} : [Fake/conspiracy/propaganda news site](http://www.fakenewschecker.com/fake-news-source/us-chronicle)', ">>{ManunkaChunk} : Moore makes me ashamed to call myself a progressive. That Charlton Heston interview was on O'Keefe's level.", '>>{jewchbag} : > Does it also make it twice as think Twice as think, yes', ">>{KingScrotum} : Everyone seems to worry about the rear camera lens becoming scratched or scuffed, however this wouldn't be the case as the lens is made from crystal sapphire. The only material that is harder than this is diamond, so don't go running your wife's diamond ring on the lens and you'll be fine ☺️", ">>{sleaze_bag_alert} : Yeah but he didn't ignore it while being black so it was ok", '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : 1. Fake news is fake. 2. So imaginary cops die and redpublicans jizz themselves. But real disenfranchised minorities are slaughtered by cops constantly and BLM is evil for protesting... Right. Some people need to get their priorities checked.', '>>{FeedMyBaconstein} : How do you consider this to be "fake news" if the article has DeWees powerful statement verbatim right at the bottom? It is a commentary, I will give you that, but it is no different than any HuffPo, Slate, Wired, etc. article. The fact the Obama did not recognize the fallen officers is indisputable. I think you just disagree when certain content does not fit your narrative.', '>>{StephenHK} : i bought a R-Just gundam iphone 5s case, http://www.ipromarket.com/r-just-gundam-shockproof-aluminum-alloy-metal-case-for-apple-iphone-6s-6-iphone-6s-plus-6-plus-iphone-5s-5c-5.html, it fits my SE case also.', ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : I have a 5S. Didn't use a case for a year and then I dropped it, breaking the screen but not the glass.", ">>{AKA_Criswell} : It's not going to be credible as a documentary but the for popcorn-eating Trump-bashing entertainment it might be aight, I definitely want to see it for funsies. Moore has a handle on the inflammatory and sensational satire, journalistic ethics maybe not so much.", '>>{netpastor} : Got one for me and a couple to give away.', '>>{cratermoon} : The reputation of the source site is sufficient to determine that what it says may hinge somewhat on a particular fact, but that how it is interpreted and framed is complete fantasy.', '>>{docket17} : This is what i keep thinking. Is Moore trolling peeps to try and get a lawsuit going?', ">>{sffunfun} : The Reddit spam is annoying. It's not cool, it's a fucking iPhone skin. Like thousands and thousands available online.", '>>{pwnedkiller} : For $6 really debating this, do we have to worry about sticky residue left over from taking off the skin?', ">>{lordwumpus} : This will almost certainly rile Trump. Right before the last debate. I'm sure the timing wasn't an accident...", ">>{KingScrotum} : Due to your username, I don't think I will correspond with you too much...😳", '>>{Bruster112} : Oh hi. Are you my long lost cousin?', '>>{treerat} : [An Open Letter to Sheriff Jim DeWees](http://www.afro.com/an-open-letter-to-sheriff-jim-dewees/) And Dewees wrote his letter [last February](http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/feb/15/jim-dewees-maryland-sheriff-blasts-obama-for-silen/). I thought "news" here had to be recent, within the last 31 days. (Guideline # 2)', '>>{Jaxticko} : Moore waits excitedly for his turn every four years it seems. Why political fire can he flame this time?', ">>{IsleCook} : If Moore goes after Trump's kids I would expect Trump to obsess over it, mostly to the exclusion of all else. Not the best thing for his limping campaign right now.", '>>{netpastor} : Hey there! Want a skin for free?!', '>>{ennervated_scientist} : Sure. But many people take them as journalism.', ">>{swissarmybriefs} : can they be removed cleanly as well? I'm just wondering about sticking one on your phone if you have a lease plan.", ">>{MissionStyle} : lol except O'Keefe misleads with blatent lies whereas Moore misleads with half-truths. Pretty big difference. I'm not even a fan of Moore because of his style personally (I think there's plenty of truth in nearly every argument he makes without having to be so heavy-handed with it) .", ">>{netpastor} : Wait, so they have a product that's pretty cool, for cheap, and a demographic in a sub that would be interested, and that's a bad thing? As long as it's not spam, I'm cool with it.", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : It's opening in New York tonight, but goes national soon (tomorrow, I think?).", '>>{netpastor} : PM me your name, shipping info, and iPhone model. (E) on its way!', '>>{wonderingsocrates} : yes, they have. yet, moore has won /many/ more', ">>{Jyrik} : By my understanding this is fully legal thanks to the Citizen's United decision. We make a lot of bones about the campaign finance implications, but much of the brunt of the case was about political censorship of movies and books, and despite what one thinks of Michael Moore, he or others like him should not be censored.", '>>{grfxp} : Of course! Vinyl skins can be removed extremely easily with a little heat -- no damage and no residue', '>>{grfxp} : pretty cool customer made video showing off the look and quality of our skin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2857vda0vJ8']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ennervated_scientist} : Staunch lefty here. No one curr Michael. Go away.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : I will put slightly more currency into this than I do the O'Keefe videos.", ">>{ThePoose} : ok maybe three James O'Keefes that ate an Alex Jones", '>>{limbodog} : Like with the Clinton movie before it, I wonder if this treads over election laws.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : It's only playing in NYC. Pretty sure that city's blueness won't be impacted.", ">>{Quexana} : He's a bloviating jagoff with no credibility. Whatever differences lie between Moore and O'Keefe, it has nothing to do with the quality of his videos.", ">>{sonicdeathmonkey2132} : Eh no. This is on the same level of a false equivocate as saying Hillary is as bad as trump. I mean there are problems with Moore's politics and filmmaking but O'Keefe is straight garbage.", ">>{Quexana} : There's nothing wrong with Moore's politics. In fact, I agree with most of them. His problems are that he's a dishonest sack of shit.", '>>{wonderingsocrates} : slightly? okeefe secretly points, tapes and edits to his own designs. moore makes movies that are creative, humorous and have a goal that many progressives agree with.', ">>{j1akey} : If I remember correctly from one of his TV spots, he wasn't saying it because he thought he had a chance based on his policies, he was echoing Bill Mahar in that he thought people wouldn't turn out or cast protest votes because Hillary has it locked up causing an upset.", ">>{ManunkaChunk} : Moore makes me ashamed to call myself a progressive. That Charlton Heston interview was on O'Keefe's level.", ">>{AKA_Criswell} : It's not going to be credible as a documentary but the for popcorn-eating Trump-bashing entertainment it might be aight, I definitely want to see it for funsies. Moore has a handle on the inflammatory and sensational satire, journalistic ethics maybe not so much.", '>>{docket17} : This is what i keep thinking. Is Moore trolling peeps to try and get a lawsuit going?', ">>{lordwumpus} : This will almost certainly rile Trump. Right before the last debate. I'm sure the timing wasn't an accident...", '>>{Jaxticko} : Moore waits excitedly for his turn every four years it seems. Why political fire can he flame this time?', ">>{IsleCook} : If Moore goes after Trump's kids I would expect Trump to obsess over it, mostly to the exclusion of all else. Not the best thing for his limping campaign right now.", '>>{ennervated_scientist} : Sure. But many people take them as journalism.', ">>{MissionStyle} : lol except O'Keefe misleads with blatent lies whereas Moore misleads with half-truths. Pretty big difference. I'm not even a fan of Moore because of his style personally (I think there's plenty of truth in nearly every argument he makes without having to be so heavy-handed with it) .", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : It's opening in New York tonight, but goes national soon (tomorrow, I think?).", '>>{wonderingsocrates} : yes, they have. yet, moore has won /many/ more', ">>{Jyrik} : By my understanding this is fully legal thanks to the Citizen's United decision. We make a lot of bones about the campaign finance implications, but much of the brunt of the case was about political censorship of movies and books, and despite what one thinks of Michael Moore, he or others like him should not be censored."], ['>>{grfxp} : 10th anniversary iPhone skin for 7 and 7 plus!', ">>{m_bob01} : Think I'm going to buy one of these. Edit: thanks for the downvotes.", '>>{Trooper27} : That is cool but man. Dat matte black doe.', '>>{DeathCab4LU} : Yep - just impulse bought this guy! Thanks op for the share!', '>>{thisismyraelname} : Does anyone know is there is an alternative for a 6+?', '>>{Lucidification} : Does it also make it twice as thick and 120x slower? Edit: Fuck you :)', ">>{Mooseyxhmx} : I haven't heard of this company until yesterday and now I've seen them at least 4 times. Good marketing team I guess.", '>>{blazedshaggy} : Remember when everyone complained about the plastic base on the original iPhone and how bad they said it made the phone look?', ">>{DJG513} : Great concept but it doesn't cover the corners and top/bottom, where I feel 90% of dings happen.", '>>{jewchbag} : > Does it also make it twice as think Twice as think, yes', '>>{netpastor} : Got one for me and a couple to give away.', ">>{sffunfun} : The Reddit spam is annoying. It's not cool, it's a fucking iPhone skin. Like thousands and thousands available online.", '>>{pwnedkiller} : For $6 really debating this, do we have to worry about sticky residue left over from taking off the skin?', '>>{Bruster112} : Oh hi. Are you my long lost cousin?', '>>{netpastor} : Hey there! Want a skin for free?!', ">>{swissarmybriefs} : can they be removed cleanly as well? I'm just wondering about sticking one on your phone if you have a lease plan.", ">>{netpastor} : Wait, so they have a product that's pretty cool, for cheap, and a demographic in a sub that would be interested, and that's a bad thing? As long as it's not spam, I'm cool with it.", '>>{netpastor} : PM me your name, shipping info, and iPhone model. (E) on its way!', '>>{grfxp} : Of course! Vinyl skins can be removed extremely easily with a little heat -- no damage and no residue', '>>{grfxp} : pretty cool customer made video showing off the look and quality of our skin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2857vda0vJ8'], ['>>{HILLARYLovesHITLER} : Bill Clinton’s ex-lover just dropped a never-before told bombshell about Hillary – and Bill got hit too', '>>{gagaboy} : [Vote Trump if you want more of this](http://ghettoradio.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/melania2-215x300-215x300.png)', '>>{gagaboy} : Maybe his daughter will join in too if we vote hard enough', ">>{coonana} : If Trump is elected, wouldn't it at least be making history for having the most attractive First Lady of all time? Plus it shatters the puritanical standards previously expected of First Ladies.", ">>{gagaboy} : Yes. One more reason to vote for Trump. Wow he's so amazing", '>>{MrJagaloon} : Is there any way to verify this book at all? If not, lets not all jump on the "upvote anything anti-Hillary" bandwagon. I despise Hillary but if we don\'t focus on provable issues, then we just look like a bunch of raving lunatics and it will ruin our message.', ">>{ksarizona} : Article says Bill Clinton sold prisoners blood (tainted w/ AIDS) to CANADA. That's f'ed up on so many levels.", ">>{ksarizona} : I have no idea if it's true. I'm definately going to look into it. If true, well, that level of evil is unimaginable.", ">>{ksarizona} : I read the material on the website. Sad. Doesn't mention that the tainted blood was from US prisoners selling their blood to profit Bill Clinton. Should I read the book?", '>>{3Suze} : Ahhh, bizpacreview.com, that wonderful site that brings us >"OJ Simpson agrees to put rumors to bed he’s Khloe Kardashian’s father but on one bizarre condition" And >"After lefty claims firing AR-15 gave him PTSD, 7-year-old girl gives him humiliating shooting lesson" And >"LGBT community asked who’s to blame for Orlando terror attack, the answers are beyond ridiculous"'], [">>{KingScrotum} : Who's rocking with an iPhone SE then? Case or not?", '>>{crispychoc} : Apple leather case which was originally made for the 5/5S, fits like a glove. (And paid less than 50%)', '>>{Maxkhoon} : Leather case is the best None touch and sleek profile', ">>{skatinbrad2} : I always have a small heart attack when I see people rock no case. iPhones are so fragile. One drop and it's a cracked screen", ">>{KingScrotum} : Wouldn't you want to use the phone as Apple intended it to be used? It feels so much better without a cheap case that's been designed by some college reject.", ">>{skatinbrad2} : I don't want to drop $150 because my phone slipped out of my hand and shattered the screen", ">>{KingScrotum} : Much quicker and the battery is so much better. Photo quality is better too. And you get Apple Pay if you use it. I think it's much better than the 6/6S as its a nice one handed use iPhone, just like the 5S and it is much more robust than the 6/6S", ">>{quadomatic2} : space grey with tempered glass screen protector and clear shell case here. looks naked and almost feels naked, but i don't trust myself.", '>>{KingScrotum} : I just hate cases. They make the phone feel cheap', ">>{Jeremiareyes} : Yeah, I have tons of cases from my old 5S but I don't wanna put it in a case, I LOVE the color, same with my RG iPad hahaha I just have the Smart Cover", ">>{KingScrotum} : Don't case it my friend. Enjoy that thing naked 😉", '>>{Dark_Fiber} : I recently upgraded from an iPhone 5s to an SE. I am using the same case that I used on my iPhone 5s, a Spigen Tough Armor. http://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-se-5s-5/products/iphone-se-case-tough-armor?variant=16524825729', ">>{KingScrotum} : Everyone seems to worry about the rear camera lens becoming scratched or scuffed, however this wouldn't be the case as the lens is made from crystal sapphire. The only material that is harder than this is diamond, so don't go running your wife's diamond ring on the lens and you'll be fine ☺️", '>>{StephenHK} : i bought a R-Just gundam iphone 5s case, http://www.ipromarket.com/r-just-gundam-shockproof-aluminum-alloy-metal-case-for-apple-iphone-6s-6-iphone-6s-plus-6-plus-iphone-5s-5c-5.html, it fits my SE case also.', ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : I have a 5S. Didn't use a case for a year and then I dropped it, breaking the screen but not the glass.", ">>{KingScrotum} : Due to your username, I don't think I will correspond with you too much...😳"], ['>>{Allyanna} : 8 Cops Are Killed In 8 Days, This Sheriff Has Had Enough Of Obama Ignoring People Targeting Police And He Is Going Public', ">>{Jeraltofrivias} : Yeah because he didn't address the senseless Boston assassination, or the baton rogue killings, or Dallas? Is he expected to acknowledge every single police death now?", '>>{SaltHash} : Great. Another right-winger with a badge who conveniently does not remember the fact that Dubya did not address every death of a cop.', '>>{WookieDong} : I got a few sentences in and opted for the Rhonda Rousey click bait ad.', ">>{NeoMoonlight} : Whitey mad that the president isn't talking about their problems and making safe zones for them...", ">>{Another-Chance} : Cons in another thread were saying we can't blame trump for what others do. Now this? ROFL. Classic.", '>>{cratermoon} : [Fake/conspiracy/propaganda news site](http://www.fakenewschecker.com/fake-news-source/us-chronicle)', ">>{sleaze_bag_alert} : Yeah but he didn't ignore it while being black so it was ok", '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : 1. Fake news is fake. 2. So imaginary cops die and redpublicans jizz themselves. But real disenfranchised minorities are slaughtered by cops constantly and BLM is evil for protesting... Right. Some people need to get their priorities checked.', '>>{FeedMyBaconstein} : How do you consider this to be "fake news" if the article has DeWees powerful statement verbatim right at the bottom? It is a commentary, I will give you that, but it is no different than any HuffPo, Slate, Wired, etc. article. The fact the Obama did not recognize the fallen officers is indisputable. I think you just disagree when certain content does not fit your narrative.', '>>{cratermoon} : The reputation of the source site is sufficient to determine that what it says may hinge somewhat on a particular fact, but that how it is interpreted and framed is complete fantasy.', '>>{treerat} : [An Open Letter to Sheriff Jim DeWees](http://www.afro.com/an-open-letter-to-sheriff-jim-dewees/) And Dewees wrote his letter [last February](http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/feb/15/jim-dewees-maryland-sheriff-blasts-obama-for-silen/). I thought "news" here had to be recent, within the last 31 days. (Guideline # 2)']]
classify and reply
[">>{WHITES_GAVE_US_TRUMP} : The greatest president of our time, to be replaced by a literal fascist. You will be missed Obama. Thank you for everything you've given us, we didn't deserve a man as great as you to lead us.", '>>{KIMGUILFOILES_TITS} : At least 18 MORE Guantanamo detainees to be freed within days as Obama starts mass transfer of fanatics who have threatened to bomb and behead Americans.', '>>{secureSTRINGpickle} : > In all seriousness, Obama was a total failure who pandered to low information leftists and minorities with an entitlement mentality. Please explain your thinking. Why do you think this is the case? Please provide sources and provide some logical structure to your argument instead of leaving your claim out there without support.', '>>{magnifo} : Dr. Zuhdi Jasser: ‘Left Loves to Use Us Muslims as a Foil for Identity Politics', ">>{weightloss89} : FREED? FREED? Or transferred? ( The answer is transferred ) But if you'd like, you can continue to pretend that Gitmo detainees are going to be let out somewhere in your redneck town.", '>>{DelphisFinn} : Well, if Breitbart says so, I guess it must be true.', ">>{MostMorbidOne} : Lol.. don't worry Trump will have him/her on the first bus back. Most definitely.. lol That's me bullshitting you if you can't tell.", ">>{cmagee79} : They wouldn't have to if the Right would stop treating them as if they were the most evil vile people on the face of the earth.", ">>{kescusay} : I don't understand that fear. The people who are most afraid that terrorists are going to blow them up always seem to be the people who live in places terrorists couldn't even find on a map of the United States.", ">>{TinyBaron} : The politicians in that out-of-the-way town are stoking and are benefiting from that fear. The people in that town aren't intelligent enough to understand that.", ">>{weightloss89} : Yeah, I've found that the people most afraid of demographic changes live in the whitest areas.", '>>{SaltHash} : The folks at Breitbart repeatedly advertise their bias as alt-right which is their contrived euphemism for Neo-Nazis. So those racist buttercups can fuck themselves with their identity politics.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Trump supporters hate civil liberties. It's great to generalize other people isn't it?", ">>{MostMorbidOne} : Not that I don't want to empathize but I call bullshit. You just deleted one account in this thread and posted again under this less than hour old account. You have zero credibilty right now stranger.", '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Not to mention terrorists tend to be pretty conservative. Anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-feminist. If conservative Christians could get around their religious intolerance they would have strong allies with the Muslim community.', ">>{TheHairyManrilla} : I think he's a Russian troll. And now that I've read your comment, I'm guessing the same about you.", ">>{commandantKenny} : T_D Troll doing exactly what dear leader does. Spew devisive, misinformed, unsubstantiated hate. How's the weather in Moscow?", ">>{LBullingdon} : Isn't Dailymail banned? We don't need more fake news.", ">>{CarmineFields} : That's WAY worse than killing you or banning you from the country for votes! Damn lie-bruls! How dare they stand up for your rights!", '>>{WigginIII} : I\'m waiting for the moment in 2024, when Trump declares martial law and American is a post apocalyptic hellscape, pundits will be saying "Well, if you didn\'t want Trump, maybe you shouldn\'t have had such a weak Democrat in Obama! May he should have declared martial law when he had a chance!"', ">>{-Sk3ptical-} : It's going to be tough transitioning from a well-spoken intelligent president to Trumplethinskin.", '>>{trumpsupportrsrnazis} : Breitbart, the website with a section on "Black Crime", complaining about identity politics.', '>>{elliotron} : Jade Helmet will be running like clockwork by then.', ">>{kescusay} : I'm not sure why you're linking the wiki page on the attack in Chattanooga. New York it's not, sure, but it's by no means a tiny rural town of 5,000, either. Plus it's near a bunch of military land.", ">>{insertunique_name} : The Chattanooga metro has over a half of a million people living in it. Hardly a small town like what the person you responded to was probably talking about. I live in BFE rural Missouri and people in this town of like 300 think terrorists are going to target it...it's a totally irrational fear.", '>>{JayTee12} : Accuses someone of being a low information leftist. Does not provide any information. Seems about right.', '>>{_personofdisinterest} : How do you say "shucking and jiving" in Arabic? Reichbart fans only want to hear from obedient "I\'m not like *them*" Muslims. GTFO.', ">>{SNStains} : Bwrongbart: 'We Love to Make you Angry with Steaming Piles of White-Supremacist Horseshit.'", '>>{yhwhx} : Using Muslims as a foil for identity politics, forcing someone to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", then having an abortion is an ideal Saturday for anyone on "The Left".', '>>{jpshayes} : I know. He actually answers the questions and if not he at least says he declines to comment.', '>>{Xandernomics} : I\'m really gonna miss all his "uh\'s" and "umm\'s."', ">>{DC25NYC} : They also have a section on Big Gov't. Trumps gov't is the most overreaching of any in recent times so far and they seem to be silent on that front. Obviously used to be for criticizing, now its used to suck President Bannons small dick.", '>>{MWM2} : He just said "[At some point in the future] we might have all sorts of presidents... a Hindu president... We\'re going to have a mixed up presidents. And we won\'t know what to call them." The press corps laughed.', '>>{yhwhx} : If I had added "brunch" to the list would I maybe then have been able to leave off the "/s"?', ">>{HippocriteOfCos} : Hahah, I mean, these days I really don't know anymore. It's hard to tell sarcasm, from trolls, from republicans.", '>>{BowtoPrezTrump} : You realize that the source they are citing is a Muslim man with a PhD, right? But just go ahead and shoot the messenger to express your hatred for America', '>>{gaeuvyen} : If you search hard enough, you can find anyone who will confirm your bias and has a Ph.D. Does this one Muslim man speak for all other Muslims? Does he speak for all "leftists?" Does he have a Ph.D in political science? Unless their Ph.D is for a subject theyre talking about, their Ph.D is irrelevant. You don\'t see very many theoretical physicists talking about archeology, and you don\'t see very many historians talking about medical procedures, their education doesn\'t mean anything if theyre not talking about something they were taught. At this point, he is just a Muslim man with his opinion, which he is free to have and express. Just as everyone is free to disagree with him, and free to know that Breitbart will, lie, mislead, and even go a long way to interview people that have opinions that fit their narrative.', ">>{cd411} : [10 of Breitbart's most incendiary headlines](http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/14/media/breitbart-incendiary-headlines/) Breitbart is a right wing shit hole site...by all means, shoot that messenger!", ">>{DelphisFinn} : Last I checked, Breitbart (for which I'll gladly express hatred) isn't America. Thank goodness for that.", '>>{BowtoPrezTrump} : No, but president trump is. The treasonous attacks against him on this sub are disgusting and unpatriotic. You owe him your full, undying support', ">>{BowtoPrezTrump} : Nice how your fake news site provides no context. Like how >'Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew' was written by a Jewish man talking about how this Jewish republican wasn't going to help his Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. It's nice more people are seeing through your little propaganda bullshit", ">>{DelphisFinn} : Donald Trump owes the entire western world a sincere apology and a brisk resignation. Sadly, I doubt they're forthcoming."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{KIMGUILFOILES_TITS} : At least 18 MORE Guantanamo detainees to be freed within days as Obama starts mass transfer of fanatics who have threatened to bomb and behead Americans.', ">>{weightloss89} : FREED? FREED? Or transferred? ( The answer is transferred ) But if you'd like, you can continue to pretend that Gitmo detainees are going to be let out somewhere in your redneck town.", ">>{kescusay} : I don't understand that fear. The people who are most afraid that terrorists are going to blow them up always seem to be the people who live in places terrorists couldn't even find on a map of the United States.", ">>{TinyBaron} : The politicians in that out-of-the-way town are stoking and are benefiting from that fear. The people in that town aren't intelligent enough to understand that.", ">>{weightloss89} : Yeah, I've found that the people most afraid of demographic changes live in the whitest areas.", ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Trump supporters hate civil liberties. It's great to generalize other people isn't it?", '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Not to mention terrorists tend to be pretty conservative. Anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-feminist. If conservative Christians could get around their religious intolerance they would have strong allies with the Muslim community.', ">>{LBullingdon} : Isn't Dailymail banned? We don't need more fake news.", ">>{kescusay} : I'm not sure why you're linking the wiki page on the attack in Chattanooga. New York it's not, sure, but it's by no means a tiny rural town of 5,000, either. Plus it's near a bunch of military land.", ">>{insertunique_name} : The Chattanooga metro has over a half of a million people living in it. Hardly a small town like what the person you responded to was probably talking about. I live in BFE rural Missouri and people in this town of like 300 think terrorists are going to target it...it's a totally irrational fear."], ['>>{magnifo} : Dr. Zuhdi Jasser: ‘Left Loves to Use Us Muslims as a Foil for Identity Politics', '>>{DelphisFinn} : Well, if Breitbart says so, I guess it must be true.', ">>{cmagee79} : They wouldn't have to if the Right would stop treating them as if they were the most evil vile people on the face of the earth.", '>>{SaltHash} : The folks at Breitbart repeatedly advertise their bias as alt-right which is their contrived euphemism for Neo-Nazis. So those racist buttercups can fuck themselves with their identity politics.', ">>{CarmineFields} : That's WAY worse than killing you or banning you from the country for votes! Damn lie-bruls! How dare they stand up for your rights!", '>>{trumpsupportrsrnazis} : Breitbart, the website with a section on "Black Crime", complaining about identity politics.', '>>{_personofdisinterest} : How do you say "shucking and jiving" in Arabic? Reichbart fans only want to hear from obedient "I\'m not like *them*" Muslims. GTFO.', ">>{SNStains} : Bwrongbart: 'We Love to Make you Angry with Steaming Piles of White-Supremacist Horseshit.'", '>>{yhwhx} : Using Muslims as a foil for identity politics, forcing someone to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", then having an abortion is an ideal Saturday for anyone on "The Left".', ">>{DC25NYC} : They also have a section on Big Gov't. Trumps gov't is the most overreaching of any in recent times so far and they seem to be silent on that front. Obviously used to be for criticizing, now its used to suck President Bannons small dick.", '>>{yhwhx} : If I had added "brunch" to the list would I maybe then have been able to leave off the "/s"?', ">>{HippocriteOfCos} : Hahah, I mean, these days I really don't know anymore. It's hard to tell sarcasm, from trolls, from republicans.", '>>{BowtoPrezTrump} : You realize that the source they are citing is a Muslim man with a PhD, right? But just go ahead and shoot the messenger to express your hatred for America', '>>{gaeuvyen} : If you search hard enough, you can find anyone who will confirm your bias and has a Ph.D. Does this one Muslim man speak for all other Muslims? Does he speak for all "leftists?" Does he have a Ph.D in political science? Unless their Ph.D is for a subject theyre talking about, their Ph.D is irrelevant. You don\'t see very many theoretical physicists talking about archeology, and you don\'t see very many historians talking about medical procedures, their education doesn\'t mean anything if theyre not talking about something they were taught. At this point, he is just a Muslim man with his opinion, which he is free to have and express. Just as everyone is free to disagree with him, and free to know that Breitbart will, lie, mislead, and even go a long way to interview people that have opinions that fit their narrative.', ">>{cd411} : [10 of Breitbart's most incendiary headlines](http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/14/media/breitbart-incendiary-headlines/) Breitbart is a right wing shit hole site...by all means, shoot that messenger!", ">>{DelphisFinn} : Last I checked, Breitbart (for which I'll gladly express hatred) isn't America. Thank goodness for that.", '>>{BowtoPrezTrump} : No, but president trump is. The treasonous attacks against him on this sub are disgusting and unpatriotic. You owe him your full, undying support', ">>{BowtoPrezTrump} : Nice how your fake news site provides no context. Like how >'Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew' was written by a Jewish man talking about how this Jewish republican wasn't going to help his Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. It's nice more people are seeing through your little propaganda bullshit", ">>{DelphisFinn} : Donald Trump owes the entire western world a sincere apology and a brisk resignation. Sadly, I doubt they're forthcoming."], [">>{WHITES_GAVE_US_TRUMP} : The greatest president of our time, to be replaced by a literal fascist. You will be missed Obama. Thank you for everything you've given us, we didn't deserve a man as great as you to lead us.", '>>{secureSTRINGpickle} : > In all seriousness, Obama was a total failure who pandered to low information leftists and minorities with an entitlement mentality. Please explain your thinking. Why do you think this is the case? Please provide sources and provide some logical structure to your argument instead of leaving your claim out there without support.', ">>{MostMorbidOne} : Lol.. don't worry Trump will have him/her on the first bus back. Most definitely.. lol That's me bullshitting you if you can't tell.", ">>{MostMorbidOne} : Not that I don't want to empathize but I call bullshit. You just deleted one account in this thread and posted again under this less than hour old account. You have zero credibilty right now stranger.", ">>{TheHairyManrilla} : I think he's a Russian troll. And now that I've read your comment, I'm guessing the same about you.", ">>{commandantKenny} : T_D Troll doing exactly what dear leader does. Spew devisive, misinformed, unsubstantiated hate. How's the weather in Moscow?", '>>{WigginIII} : I\'m waiting for the moment in 2024, when Trump declares martial law and American is a post apocalyptic hellscape, pundits will be saying "Well, if you didn\'t want Trump, maybe you shouldn\'t have had such a weak Democrat in Obama! May he should have declared martial law when he had a chance!"', ">>{-Sk3ptical-} : It's going to be tough transitioning from a well-spoken intelligent president to Trumplethinskin.", '>>{elliotron} : Jade Helmet will be running like clockwork by then.', '>>{JayTee12} : Accuses someone of being a low information leftist. Does not provide any information. Seems about right.', '>>{jpshayes} : I know. He actually answers the questions and if not he at least says he declines to comment.', '>>{Xandernomics} : I\'m really gonna miss all his "uh\'s" and "umm\'s."', '>>{MWM2} : He just said "[At some point in the future] we might have all sorts of presidents... a Hindu president... We\'re going to have a mixed up presidents. And we won\'t know what to call them." The press corps laughed.']]
classify and reply
['>>{HonoredPeoples} : If only I had a time machine. If 2014 me knew that the Washington Post and others would be reporting on rare Pepes and framing it as a serious issue in 2016...', ">>{badbits} : No that was true with the old battery tech but lithium, the kind all modern phone uses doesn't care when you charge it.", '>>{Stormystormynight} : [Quick Muddy the Waters before Clinton Ca$h comes out!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdMrEmx6Bvg)', '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : [Pepe](https://i.imgur.com/aFMEIpN.jpg) is not an alt-right symbol FFS.', ">>{AthleticNerd_} : Modern phones don't have the kinds of limitations and issues that older phones did. The batteries and the charging circuits are extremely advanced. You do not have to drain the phone down to zero. That accomplishes nothing. Charge it up as often as you like, or use it all up by the end of the day, doesn't matter. And phones are designed to be plugged in overnight, they know that's what you'll do. If anyone tells you that you need to do something special to make your battery last longer or work better, ignore them, they're working from outdated information. The only exception is extreme heat, that's bad for your phone and your battery. Such as letting it charge in a hot car or in direct sunlight (in the summer) where the phone can overheat.", ">>{Zannyth} : After their attack on his veteran donations and the veteran came to the mic and verbally whooped the reporters' collective asses, I lend 0 credibility to their claims against his donations now. That single incident really pissed me off to see the veterans running the organizations have to specifically come out and cal the media out on their bullshit and they still didn't let up. Really showed their lack of morals and research.", '>>{the_beer-baron} : Lawyers for a detained DACA recipient now say ICE doctored paperwork to include gang affiliation', ">>{Beesfield} : Inside the Beltway: Hillary's campaign: 'Nothing short of a disaster'", ">>{IsaoraAK} : Actually, letting it die is worse for the battery. You only want to do that if you are calibrating the battery, and you are supposed to plug it in right after it dies. Suggested charging is plugging in above 20%. But letting it dip below this won't hurt it too much. Leaving it plugged in overnight should be fine. Your phone will stop charging when full.", ">>{DPlaintiff} : The good news is that they didn't doctor it well.", ">>{OdinSQL} : Most of the people reading the article don't know that though so mission accomplished.", '>>{Chewwaka} : A disaster for the Moonie Times is that she is winning and there is nothing they can do to stop her.', ">>{Dirtybrd} : I have yet to meet a single person who has said they won't vote Hillary because of the deplorable thing. This screams of guns and religion all over again.", ">>{Lysergh} : I wonder why you're downvoted when your post is one of two correct and informative in this thread.", '>>{HappyBroody} : Pepe might not be an alt right symbol... but Milo Yiannopoulos sure is.', '>>{IsaoraAK} : haha. November is just full of proof of how democracy can fail.', '>>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Oh do tell us why Clinton is worse. It works so well as a rhetorical device. Look at little donnies soaring poll performance.', '>>{HappyBroody} : Pepe might not be an alt right symbol. but Milo Yiannopoulos sure is.', ">>{nopressconferences} : I know it's her turn and all that, but I'm just not that into her. Might stay home.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Trump should hire that vet for press secretary "get your head out of your butts!"', ">>{Dirtybrd} : Oh, see. I'm not Hillary Clinton. Easy mistake to make.", '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : What is the correct position you put it to the wall?', '>>{nate8quake} : This! Thank you. Also physical damage can hurt your battery (eg dropping it) so get a good case!! Also closing apps when ur not using them can also hurt ur battery as apps running in the background really don\'t use battery as ram is constant but having to use the processing power to reopen them will use considerable amounts of battery. Also never download those "battery saving apps" they traditionally use WAY more battery than they\'ll ever save. Your phone power saving options are by far the best!! You can also turn off apps running in the background to save battery as some constantly use location services and like to upload that sweet sweet metadata. Enjoy your phone, take care of it and don\'t be afraid to play around with it you won\'t hurt it :D Source: previous Samsung sales specialist', ">>{PolanetaryForotdds} : Heavily armed, lawless thugs. That's what them and the CBP are. Visiting the US these days? No, thank you very much.", ">>{chiragde} : Leaving it unplugged overnight is fine. Usually try to keep the phone in 20-80 % range. I've read somewhere that keeping it above 80% keeps it in high tension state (somewhat) and degrades battery life (although very slowly). But yea, you don't need to worry too much about it all.", ">>{bassististist} : We're going to have the best scandals, folks. You're not going to believe it.", '>>{NY2LA1WAY} : http://www.apple.com/batteries/why-lithium-ion/ >Charge your Apple lithium-ion battery whenever you want. There’s no need to let it discharge 100% before recharging. Apple lithium-ion batteries work in charge cycles. You complete one charge cycle when you’ve used (discharged) an amount that equals 100% of your battery’s capacity — but not necessarily all from one charge http://www.apple.com/batteries/maximizing-performance/', ">>{Its_a_bad_time} : Staying home is letting someone else represent you. It's you letting the government that is supposed to be representing and working for you have a disproportionate amount of power over you. I'm a progressive, and I'm not voting for phony Clinton. I'll be voting Green this election because progressive policies are important to me. Vote for the policies and the representatives you trust to advocate for those policies.", '>>{voompanatos} : A sudden "gang affiliation" discovery is far easier than planting marijuana or crack on a detainee.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : >The repercussions just keep rolling in: Hillary Clinton’s recent decision to call Donald Trump’s fans a “basketful of deplorables” has turned into “nothing short of a crisis” . >“The entire fainting and pneumonia issue is nothing short of a disaster,” A crisis and a disaster in one weekend. Most people couldn't do that if they tried.", ">>{gazpachosoupissouper} : OK, so, when I was in second grade, we had to pass our homework up front, desk by desk. I sat in the back and two seats in front of me sat a kid named Tim. Now, unlike me, Tim never ever did his homework and he had been getting in trouble and having to miss recess because of it. A half hour or so after turning in our work, the teacher wrote the names of the kids who would have to skip recess because they did not do their homework. Much to my horror, my name was on the list. After a complete mental breakdown and crying anxiety attack on my part, the teacher and I looked through the pile of papers. I located my homework and noticed that my neatly printed name had been sloppily erased and that Tim's name had been printed boldly on top of the erase marks. After pointing this out, I was exonerated, Tim was convicted and I was released to go clean up my tear-stained face and plot my revenge against Tim. My point in telling this story? Tim did a MUCH better job of erasing my name than these bozos.", ">>{SteamboatWillie} : Meh. Cases are overrated. I mean, I'm definitely going to have one for when I'm using it for photos outside this winter, because gloves are slippery, but I am rocking this one naked 90% of the time", '>>{gazpachosoupissouper} : No, he works in telecom, has four kids and takes in a steady stream of foster kids as well. I am still mad at him, though.', ">>{nate8quake} : Yeah me too. But I'll never recommend it to anybody. I've seen people get a phone. Tell me blah blah they'll get a case later they wanna find a perfect one. Come back with a smashed phone the same day. Happens often as people aren't used to the new phones size and weight. They ask to return it and I laugh. And laugh. And laugh. ...Not to their face.", '>>{BrianSharpay} : Well he is about tied with Hillary in the latest Gravis poll. http://gravismarketing.com/polling-and-market-research/current-national-polling/ Clinton: 51 Trump: 49', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : You're joking right? She's been slaughtered in the polls the last 2 days. Her lead is gone and she's currently dropping like a rock.", ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Oh I'm sure you can unskew it to read anyway you want. Reality always finds you that second week of November.", ">>{NanoGeek} : No offense, but why should I trust this guy anymore than Trump? Veterans aren't automatically trustworthy just for being veterans. And there are multiple cases where Trump claims he gave to charity but there isn't any evidence that he actually did.", '>>{SteamboatWillie} : Yeah, the naked phone life isn\'t for everyone, I guess. I was looking for a thin one at the store the other day - just one that I can use to set it on the treadmill or while I\'m outside with gloves - that makes it a little less slippery, but doesn\'t destroy the look or feel of the phone and the sales guy was like "no, you have to get a Speck or Tech 21. Everything else is *worthless* and I won\'t point you to anything but those. I decided not to get one from there. I see the point of the recommendation, but I\'m all about that matte black life.', ">>{suitology} : Milo might be a worthless cringe bag of shit but god damn that hair is fine... I'd kill for that hair.", '>>{Sherm} : Would you also say that George W Bush and Al Gore were exactly the same as each other?', '>>{TheDaggestOfNabbits} : In other news, ICE agents spotted tying a woman to train tracks.', '>>{tlsrandy} : Maybe your incident set him straight. When he saw the damage he was doing to others he knew he was wrong. Again, a much better job than these bozos.', '>>{suitology} : he is now thanks to r/the_dumbass and 4chan', ">>{nate8quake} : There's a couple companies that make wooden cases. But I'd be worried about swelling and warping of the wood. I'd be happy with a stainless steel or brushed aluminum case too but haven't found one I like yet. Most phone sales guys are so arrogant. I get that they think their experts but there's something to be said for listening to what the customer actually wants and not coming across as a total douche", '>>{gazpachosoupissouper} : Yeah. But he also once made fun of me for saying "nuts" when I was referring to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I did not know what other uses that term had. Also, another time he punched me in the stomach while we were waiting in line in gym and the teacher wasn\'t looking.', '>>{bloohens} : Dick facing up Edit: oh sorry I meant phone', '>>{wizardofthefuture} : You mean the "deplorable" little people won\'t vote for her after she showed her hate for them in front of a rich audience? What a surprise.', '>>{Chewwaka} : [Nope Donnie is still losing](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/) lololol [Latest polls still have Clinton winning](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html)', ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Listen I'm old and ugly enough that I see reality. Trump isn't winning on these numbers. Primp it, gussy it up it won't play. Terrible McGovern level disaster awaits. He will be Howard Hughes with less money next year. Take that to the bank.", ">>{sheepsleepdeep} : And Alex Jones. Which makes this article even more perplexing. There are so many things to attack including the fact that its 9-11 and we're talking about this crap but the frog is not the thing they should be talking about", '>>{BrianSharpay} : Yea most people are aware Trump won\'t win on these numbers right now. But the polls are very close with months away. No "unskewing" necessary.', ">>{Zannyth} : the veteran in question worked with veteran charities to distribute funds. Can't remember if he was a treasurer of head for his state or what. Limited time and resources atm but I encourage you to look into it and draw your own conclusions. It wasn't just a random veteran. Just find Trump's introduction for him, I think someone linked it.", ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : They aren't close. The plane is crashing into the mountain. What do you want to bet? 100 US dollars? Because I'll take that. It's basically free money. Hell I'll bet you 100 at two to one odds. I'll pay you 200 US if trump wins. You want to take it? I'm sure there's an online escrow service that will suffice. Put your money where your mouth is.", ">>{gazpachosoupissouper} : Could be, could be. He's definitely a much better guy than the guys trying to frame and deport a teenager. Good Lord.", '>>{cubitoaequet} : We now have reports coming in that mustaches were twirled. More on that after the break.', ">>{BrianSharpay} : How is 2% not close? And of course I'll take that bet. Set it up and stop trolling on reddit.", ">>{shocktribe} : Best practice is have your phone anywhere between 15-85 %. I don't suggest charging over night. Lithium Ion batteries have a limited amount of charge cycles. It's a high rate but prolonged charging cuts down on the cycles.", ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Ok dokey. My word is my bond. I'll save your user name and get it set.", '>>{yfwdbwdso} : The new non jet black iPhones have rounded edges and are slippery. Not the best combo', ">>{sicclee} : Huh? If they were going to 'doctor' it to make it look like he admitted to being in a gang, why'd they leave in the part that said 'I'm not in a gang' ? You can even still read the erased portion. This is just some BS the attorney is trying to pull... shouldn't even be reported on. Crap argument, crap story.", '>>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : I found this site. Looks reputable. http://www.safefunds.com/fees.html Work for you?', ">>{zackline} : I've yet to drop mine, my Nexus 6P dropped into my face like every other week. Just holding it my matte black seems more sticky than slippery.", ">>{BeeLuv} : This has nothing to do with Washington being a blue state, and nothing to do with Seattle being a Sanctuary City. I'm sure. /sniff", ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : it's really 50-45 (Clinton lead) you're forgetting about other parties", '>>{NanoGeek} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/05/24/four-months-later-donald-trump-says-he-gave-1-million-to-veterans-group/ >When asked Tuesday whether he had given the money this week only because reporters had been asking about it, Trump responded: “You know, you’re a nasty guy. You’re really a nasty guy. I gave out millions of dollars that I had no obligation to do.”', ">>{PapaBat} : I'm sure the Trumpets will want the same investigative rigor applied to Trump as they did with Hillary because they all very concerned about corrupt government officials.", ">>{SteamboatWillie} : Yeah? Well, that's like, uh, your opinion, man. AppleCare+ is a pretty good case", ">>{PapaBat} : It means Trump's numbers are worse than McCain had in the race against Obama in 2008. Mind you that was immediately after Bush tanked the economy, tortured people, and started a false flag war.", ">>{heelspider} : If Trump wins because progressives split their votes, that's the opposite of progressive policies being implemented. And it's not going to send anyone a message...the message will be that belligerence, ignorance, bigotry, and conspiracy theories rule the day. The Democrats won't move further away from the winning party and to the far left no matter how many votes Jill Stein picks up.", ">>{h34dyr0kz} : You do realize law enforcement routinely denies applicants for testing too highly on their general aptitude tests, correct? It wouldn't surprise me if someone dumb enough to do that made it through the testing process.", '>>{geneeva71} : Jesus haha, the Medias gone full retard here.', ">>{malosa} : Oh, you got us, now! You're free to go. Well played.", ">>{Its_a_bad_time} : If Clinton passes through the TPP, progressive policies will be much harder to implement. Progressives are screwed either way this election. I am thinking strategy, and mine is that I don't trust Clinton. I especially don't trust her to act on progressive policies. So I need to put pressure on her left flank. Truth is, there isn't a good option this election. Hillary seems to have aligned everything for her coronation in a few months. To me as a voter, the only thing I feel I can do to keep her accountable to the progressive policies she's supposedly compromised on is to vote Green party for presidency. I'm voting for single payer, meaningful climate change reform, meaningful election finance reform, and most importantly, integrity. I don't trust Clinton. I think she'll largely ignore her progressive backers, and go back on a lot of the 'compromises' she's trying to lure Bernie voters with. She's very likely to use our resources to intervene militarily where we have no reason to be again. I voted for Obama in 2008, I'm pretty sure I'll be part of some statisitic the Democratic party will be looking at. The fraction of voters moving from dem to green for the presidency isn't some meaningless political number as much as Clinton supporters would like me to believe. It's what's going to keep her accountable to keeping her promises. Those numbers are important, they show that progressives don't trust her, that she should probably act on that progressive platform her party supposedly adopted. How else is she going to know how many progressives won't back her in four years when she doesn't act on her promises?", '>>{Trumpmeister} : ban the assault memes already! for the love of God!', '>>{AthleticNerd_} : This is not true. It was an issue with NiMH batteries, but not with modern Li-ion and modern charging circuits. But, nobody lets their phone go to zero and die every day anyway.', ">>{mommy2libras} : Yeah, he's not even a terrible looking guy. He's just terrible in all of the other ways.", ">>{AthleticNerd_} : How often does anyone let their phone go to zero and die? Not often. So don't worry about it. If you make a statement like 'letting your phone go to zero is bad for the battery' then people get paranoid and unnecessarily worry about their battery when they don't not need to.", '>>{PapaBat} : No but that is what the entirety of his comment meant, but you already knew that. http://www.techinsider.io/people-who-correct-typos-may-be-jerks-study-finds-2016-3', '>>{BrianSharpay} : I don\'t think so. People say "unskewing the polls" when they mean that someone doesn\'t like the poll results so they change the result to fit whatever they want. For example, Romney was losing to Obama in the polls near the end of 2012 but many conservatives believed the polls were "skewed" and pundits "unskewed" the polls by having Romney be winning. All I did was post a recent poll where it is Clinton 51-Trump 49, which is exactly what the poll says. I didn\'t "unskew" any poll. It\'s really not a typo. It\'s just a phrase I see people constantly misuse.', '>>{sinsyder-} : It is quite funny of you to bring up Obama\'s 2008 Guns and Religion comment. Clinton jumped on that instantly and started hammering him on not having the support of "Hard Working White Americans". That Race Baiting tactic against Obama was the moment of her political career you can point to where her pursuit of power and history meant more to her than her principles.', ">>{Beesfield} : > If Trump wins because progressives split their votes, that's the opposite of progressive policies being implemented. If you aren't MAGAing, you aren't progressing, comrade.", '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : Obviously the polls disagree with your echo chamber. Keep defending her repulsive (dare say deplorable) comments, though.', ">>{Dirtybrd} : The polls tell me that Clinton collapsed and is neck and neck with Trump. That's incredible. If this was Marco Rubio or Kasich, it'd be over. I'm tickled pink that Trump supporters are so fucking stupid as to not understand that.", ">>{varemia} : Honestly, that says more to me that Democrats have created a protective bubble around their candidate in which it is near impossible for them to do wrong. Talk about Super-predators? Forget about it. Talk about Colored People Time? Forget about it. Have a severe coughing fit? Forget about it. Have a massive email scandal on top of tons of other scandals where you almost get prosecuted but by technicality? Forget about it. Collapse on camera and need thrown into a van till you can recover? Forget about it. Everything seems to be nothing when it comes to Clinton, but Trump gets lambasted about tiny things. I think, though, that the constant barrage of bad Clinton events is superseding the media's blase approach to it. It's NOT nothing. It'll hurt her, and it is hurting her, and it's making people listen to Trump and realize he's not a bombastic racist, xenophobe, etc. like they make him out to be. His visit to Mexico showed that even a country he's actively wanting to pay billions of dollars can be respected in diplomatic relations. The playbook of demonizing him just isn't working, and Clinton's issues are becoming more and more plain.", ">>{heelspider} : The Supreme Court is far more important than some trade agreement you don't like, and is central to pretty much every issue you just said was important to you.", '>>{toodrunktofuck} : Staying home is a conscious decision that you deem nobody worthy enough of your vote. You could of course invalidate your vote. In Germany these are counted separately and many people deliberately make a big cross across the whole sheet.', '>>{HoneyBeeSwarm} : Trump 42% Johnson 27% Stein 20% Clinton 11%', '>>{edhredhr} : We need some Gonzo journalism of that Miami shindig. A good shot of the American Dream in action.', ">>{whitesquare} : Staying home is one possible choice. Voting (d) is one possible choice. Voting (r) is one possible choice. Voting (other) is another possible choice. In America, we celebrate the freedom of choice. Just because you think that everybody has to do their civic duty and vote, does not mean that they have to. That is your opinion, which you are entitled to. But you can't expect everybody to see things your way. In this great country, you can choose not to participate. Coercing or forcing people to participate is what leads to dictatorships, so I'm glad that we have freedom of choice here in the good ol USA.", ">>{TooManyCookz} : Considering she was referring to people who already didn't support her, that makes sense. The real issue, here, is that she forced Trump supporters to double down. Anyone who was maybe reconsidering their support for him or contemplating whether to hold their nose and vote D were just slapped in the face. They'll vote Trump and they'll *campaign* for Trump simply out of spite or to get payback.", ">>{daringjojo} : Maybe she's trying to knock herself out of the race before WikiLeaks dumps on her so hard she finally ends up in a real investigation with her going to jail after."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{HonoredPeoples} : If only I had a time machine. If 2014 me knew that the Washington Post and others would be reporting on rare Pepes and framing it as a serious issue in 2016...', '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-BITCOINS} : [Pepe](https://i.imgur.com/aFMEIpN.jpg) is not an alt-right symbol FFS.', ">>{OdinSQL} : Most of the people reading the article don't know that though so mission accomplished.", '>>{HappyBroody} : Pepe might not be an alt right symbol... but Milo Yiannopoulos sure is.', '>>{HappyBroody} : Pepe might not be an alt right symbol. but Milo Yiannopoulos sure is.', ">>{suitology} : Milo might be a worthless cringe bag of shit but god damn that hair is fine... I'd kill for that hair.", '>>{suitology} : he is now thanks to r/the_dumbass and 4chan', ">>{sheepsleepdeep} : And Alex Jones. Which makes this article even more perplexing. There are so many things to attack including the fact that its 9-11 and we're talking about this crap but the frog is not the thing they should be talking about", '>>{geneeva71} : Jesus haha, the Medias gone full retard here.', '>>{Trumpmeister} : ban the assault memes already! for the love of God!', ">>{mommy2libras} : Yeah, he's not even a terrible looking guy. He's just terrible in all of the other ways."], [">>{Beesfield} : Inside the Beltway: Hillary's campaign: 'Nothing short of a disaster'", '>>{Chewwaka} : A disaster for the Moonie Times is that she is winning and there is nothing they can do to stop her.', ">>{Dirtybrd} : I have yet to meet a single person who has said they won't vote Hillary because of the deplorable thing. This screams of guns and religion all over again.", ">>{nopressconferences} : I know it's her turn and all that, but I'm just not that into her. Might stay home.", ">>{Dirtybrd} : Oh, see. I'm not Hillary Clinton. Easy mistake to make.", ">>{Its_a_bad_time} : Staying home is letting someone else represent you. It's you letting the government that is supposed to be representing and working for you have a disproportionate amount of power over you. I'm a progressive, and I'm not voting for phony Clinton. I'll be voting Green this election because progressive policies are important to me. Vote for the policies and the representatives you trust to advocate for those policies.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : >The repercussions just keep rolling in: Hillary Clinton’s recent decision to call Donald Trump’s fans a “basketful of deplorables” has turned into “nothing short of a crisis” . >“The entire fainting and pneumonia issue is nothing short of a disaster,” A crisis and a disaster in one weekend. Most people couldn't do that if they tried.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : You're joking right? She's been slaughtered in the polls the last 2 days. Her lead is gone and she's currently dropping like a rock.", '>>{Sherm} : Would you also say that George W Bush and Al Gore were exactly the same as each other?', '>>{wizardofthefuture} : You mean the "deplorable" little people won\'t vote for her after she showed her hate for them in front of a rich audience? What a surprise.', '>>{Chewwaka} : [Nope Donnie is still losing](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/) lololol [Latest polls still have Clinton winning](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html)', ">>{heelspider} : If Trump wins because progressives split their votes, that's the opposite of progressive policies being implemented. And it's not going to send anyone a message...the message will be that belligerence, ignorance, bigotry, and conspiracy theories rule the day. The Democrats won't move further away from the winning party and to the far left no matter how many votes Jill Stein picks up.", ">>{Its_a_bad_time} : If Clinton passes through the TPP, progressive policies will be much harder to implement. Progressives are screwed either way this election. I am thinking strategy, and mine is that I don't trust Clinton. I especially don't trust her to act on progressive policies. So I need to put pressure on her left flank. Truth is, there isn't a good option this election. Hillary seems to have aligned everything for her coronation in a few months. To me as a voter, the only thing I feel I can do to keep her accountable to the progressive policies she's supposedly compromised on is to vote Green party for presidency. I'm voting for single payer, meaningful climate change reform, meaningful election finance reform, and most importantly, integrity. I don't trust Clinton. I think she'll largely ignore her progressive backers, and go back on a lot of the 'compromises' she's trying to lure Bernie voters with. She's very likely to use our resources to intervene militarily where we have no reason to be again. I voted for Obama in 2008, I'm pretty sure I'll be part of some statisitic the Democratic party will be looking at. The fraction of voters moving from dem to green for the presidency isn't some meaningless political number as much as Clinton supporters would like me to believe. It's what's going to keep her accountable to keeping her promises. Those numbers are important, they show that progressives don't trust her, that she should probably act on that progressive platform her party supposedly adopted. How else is she going to know how many progressives won't back her in four years when she doesn't act on her promises?", '>>{sinsyder-} : It is quite funny of you to bring up Obama\'s 2008 Guns and Religion comment. Clinton jumped on that instantly and started hammering him on not having the support of "Hard Working White Americans". That Race Baiting tactic against Obama was the moment of her political career you can point to where her pursuit of power and history meant more to her than her principles.', ">>{Beesfield} : > If Trump wins because progressives split their votes, that's the opposite of progressive policies being implemented. If you aren't MAGAing, you aren't progressing, comrade.", '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : Obviously the polls disagree with your echo chamber. Keep defending her repulsive (dare say deplorable) comments, though.', ">>{Dirtybrd} : The polls tell me that Clinton collapsed and is neck and neck with Trump. That's incredible. If this was Marco Rubio or Kasich, it'd be over. I'm tickled pink that Trump supporters are so fucking stupid as to not understand that.", ">>{varemia} : Honestly, that says more to me that Democrats have created a protective bubble around their candidate in which it is near impossible for them to do wrong. Talk about Super-predators? Forget about it. Talk about Colored People Time? Forget about it. Have a severe coughing fit? Forget about it. Have a massive email scandal on top of tons of other scandals where you almost get prosecuted but by technicality? Forget about it. Collapse on camera and need thrown into a van till you can recover? Forget about it. Everything seems to be nothing when it comes to Clinton, but Trump gets lambasted about tiny things. I think, though, that the constant barrage of bad Clinton events is superseding the media's blase approach to it. It's NOT nothing. It'll hurt her, and it is hurting her, and it's making people listen to Trump and realize he's not a bombastic racist, xenophobe, etc. like they make him out to be. His visit to Mexico showed that even a country he's actively wanting to pay billions of dollars can be respected in diplomatic relations. The playbook of demonizing him just isn't working, and Clinton's issues are becoming more and more plain.", ">>{heelspider} : The Supreme Court is far more important than some trade agreement you don't like, and is central to pretty much every issue you just said was important to you.", '>>{toodrunktofuck} : Staying home is a conscious decision that you deem nobody worthy enough of your vote. You could of course invalidate your vote. In Germany these are counted separately and many people deliberately make a big cross across the whole sheet.', '>>{HoneyBeeSwarm} : Trump 42% Johnson 27% Stein 20% Clinton 11%', '>>{edhredhr} : We need some Gonzo journalism of that Miami shindig. A good shot of the American Dream in action.', ">>{whitesquare} : Staying home is one possible choice. Voting (d) is one possible choice. Voting (r) is one possible choice. Voting (other) is another possible choice. In America, we celebrate the freedom of choice. Just because you think that everybody has to do their civic duty and vote, does not mean that they have to. That is your opinion, which you are entitled to. But you can't expect everybody to see things your way. In this great country, you can choose not to participate. Coercing or forcing people to participate is what leads to dictatorships, so I'm glad that we have freedom of choice here in the good ol USA.", ">>{TooManyCookz} : Considering she was referring to people who already didn't support her, that makes sense. The real issue, here, is that she forced Trump supporters to double down. Anyone who was maybe reconsidering their support for him or contemplating whether to hold their nose and vote D were just slapped in the face. They'll vote Trump and they'll *campaign* for Trump simply out of spite or to get payback.", ">>{daringjojo} : Maybe she's trying to knock herself out of the race before WikiLeaks dumps on her so hard she finally ends up in a real investigation with her going to jail after."], ['>>{the_beer-baron} : Lawyers for a detained DACA recipient now say ICE doctored paperwork to include gang affiliation', ">>{DPlaintiff} : The good news is that they didn't doctor it well.", ">>{PolanetaryForotdds} : Heavily armed, lawless thugs. That's what them and the CBP are. Visiting the US these days? No, thank you very much.", ">>{bassististist} : We're going to have the best scandals, folks. You're not going to believe it.", '>>{voompanatos} : A sudden "gang affiliation" discovery is far easier than planting marijuana or crack on a detainee.', ">>{gazpachosoupissouper} : OK, so, when I was in second grade, we had to pass our homework up front, desk by desk. I sat in the back and two seats in front of me sat a kid named Tim. Now, unlike me, Tim never ever did his homework and he had been getting in trouble and having to miss recess because of it. A half hour or so after turning in our work, the teacher wrote the names of the kids who would have to skip recess because they did not do their homework. Much to my horror, my name was on the list. After a complete mental breakdown and crying anxiety attack on my part, the teacher and I looked through the pile of papers. I located my homework and noticed that my neatly printed name had been sloppily erased and that Tim's name had been printed boldly on top of the erase marks. After pointing this out, I was exonerated, Tim was convicted and I was released to go clean up my tear-stained face and plot my revenge against Tim. My point in telling this story? Tim did a MUCH better job of erasing my name than these bozos.", '>>{gazpachosoupissouper} : No, he works in telecom, has four kids and takes in a steady stream of foster kids as well. I am still mad at him, though.', '>>{TheDaggestOfNabbits} : In other news, ICE agents spotted tying a woman to train tracks.', '>>{tlsrandy} : Maybe your incident set him straight. When he saw the damage he was doing to others he knew he was wrong. Again, a much better job than these bozos.', '>>{gazpachosoupissouper} : Yeah. But he also once made fun of me for saying "nuts" when I was referring to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I did not know what other uses that term had. Also, another time he punched me in the stomach while we were waiting in line in gym and the teacher wasn\'t looking.', ">>{gazpachosoupissouper} : Could be, could be. He's definitely a much better guy than the guys trying to frame and deport a teenager. Good Lord.", '>>{cubitoaequet} : We now have reports coming in that mustaches were twirled. More on that after the break.', ">>{sicclee} : Huh? If they were going to 'doctor' it to make it look like he admitted to being in a gang, why'd they leave in the part that said 'I'm not in a gang' ? You can even still read the erased portion. This is just some BS the attorney is trying to pull... shouldn't even be reported on. Crap argument, crap story.", ">>{BeeLuv} : This has nothing to do with Washington being a blue state, and nothing to do with Seattle being a Sanctuary City. I'm sure. /sniff", ">>{h34dyr0kz} : You do realize law enforcement routinely denies applicants for testing too highly on their general aptitude tests, correct? It wouldn't surprise me if someone dumb enough to do that made it through the testing process.", ">>{malosa} : Oh, you got us, now! You're free to go. Well played."], ['>>{Stormystormynight} : [Quick Muddy the Waters before Clinton Ca$h comes out!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdMrEmx6Bvg)', ">>{Zannyth} : After their attack on his veteran donations and the veteran came to the mic and verbally whooped the reporters' collective asses, I lend 0 credibility to their claims against his donations now. That single incident really pissed me off to see the veterans running the organizations have to specifically come out and cal the media out on their bullshit and they still didn't let up. Really showed their lack of morals and research.", '>>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Oh do tell us why Clinton is worse. It works so well as a rhetorical device. Look at little donnies soaring poll performance.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : Trump should hire that vet for press secretary "get your head out of your butts!"', '>>{BrianSharpay} : Well he is about tied with Hillary in the latest Gravis poll. http://gravismarketing.com/polling-and-market-research/current-national-polling/ Clinton: 51 Trump: 49', ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Oh I'm sure you can unskew it to read anyway you want. Reality always finds you that second week of November.", ">>{NanoGeek} : No offense, but why should I trust this guy anymore than Trump? Veterans aren't automatically trustworthy just for being veterans. And there are multiple cases where Trump claims he gave to charity but there isn't any evidence that he actually did.", ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Listen I'm old and ugly enough that I see reality. Trump isn't winning on these numbers. Primp it, gussy it up it won't play. Terrible McGovern level disaster awaits. He will be Howard Hughes with less money next year. Take that to the bank.", '>>{BrianSharpay} : Yea most people are aware Trump won\'t win on these numbers right now. But the polls are very close with months away. No "unskewing" necessary.', ">>{Zannyth} : the veteran in question worked with veteran charities to distribute funds. Can't remember if he was a treasurer of head for his state or what. Limited time and resources atm but I encourage you to look into it and draw your own conclusions. It wasn't just a random veteran. Just find Trump's introduction for him, I think someone linked it.", ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : They aren't close. The plane is crashing into the mountain. What do you want to bet? 100 US dollars? Because I'll take that. It's basically free money. Hell I'll bet you 100 at two to one odds. I'll pay you 200 US if trump wins. You want to take it? I'm sure there's an online escrow service that will suffice. Put your money where your mouth is.", ">>{BrianSharpay} : How is 2% not close? And of course I'll take that bet. Set it up and stop trolling on reddit.", ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Ok dokey. My word is my bond. I'll save your user name and get it set.", '>>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : I found this site. Looks reputable. http://www.safefunds.com/fees.html Work for you?', ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : it's really 50-45 (Clinton lead) you're forgetting about other parties", '>>{NanoGeek} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/05/24/four-months-later-donald-trump-says-he-gave-1-million-to-veterans-group/ >When asked Tuesday whether he had given the money this week only because reporters had been asking about it, Trump responded: “You know, you’re a nasty guy. You’re really a nasty guy. I gave out millions of dollars that I had no obligation to do.”', ">>{PapaBat} : I'm sure the Trumpets will want the same investigative rigor applied to Trump as they did with Hillary because they all very concerned about corrupt government officials.", ">>{PapaBat} : It means Trump's numbers are worse than McCain had in the race against Obama in 2008. Mind you that was immediately after Bush tanked the economy, tortured people, and started a false flag war.", '>>{PapaBat} : No but that is what the entirety of his comment meant, but you already knew that. http://www.techinsider.io/people-who-correct-typos-may-be-jerks-study-finds-2016-3', '>>{BrianSharpay} : I don\'t think so. People say "unskewing the polls" when they mean that someone doesn\'t like the poll results so they change the result to fit whatever they want. For example, Romney was losing to Obama in the polls near the end of 2012 but many conservatives believed the polls were "skewed" and pundits "unskewed" the polls by having Romney be winning. All I did was post a recent poll where it is Clinton 51-Trump 49, which is exactly what the poll says. I didn\'t "unskew" any poll. It\'s really not a typo. It\'s just a phrase I see people constantly misuse.'], [">>{badbits} : No that was true with the old battery tech but lithium, the kind all modern phone uses doesn't care when you charge it.", ">>{AthleticNerd_} : Modern phones don't have the kinds of limitations and issues that older phones did. The batteries and the charging circuits are extremely advanced. You do not have to drain the phone down to zero. That accomplishes nothing. Charge it up as often as you like, or use it all up by the end of the day, doesn't matter. And phones are designed to be plugged in overnight, they know that's what you'll do. If anyone tells you that you need to do something special to make your battery last longer or work better, ignore them, they're working from outdated information. The only exception is extreme heat, that's bad for your phone and your battery. Such as letting it charge in a hot car or in direct sunlight (in the summer) where the phone can overheat.", ">>{IsaoraAK} : Actually, letting it die is worse for the battery. You only want to do that if you are calibrating the battery, and you are supposed to plug it in right after it dies. Suggested charging is plugging in above 20%. But letting it dip below this won't hurt it too much. Leaving it plugged in overnight should be fine. Your phone will stop charging when full.", ">>{Lysergh} : I wonder why you're downvoted when your post is one of two correct and informative in this thread.", '>>{IsaoraAK} : haha. November is just full of proof of how democracy can fail.', '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : What is the correct position you put it to the wall?', '>>{nate8quake} : This! Thank you. Also physical damage can hurt your battery (eg dropping it) so get a good case!! Also closing apps when ur not using them can also hurt ur battery as apps running in the background really don\'t use battery as ram is constant but having to use the processing power to reopen them will use considerable amounts of battery. Also never download those "battery saving apps" they traditionally use WAY more battery than they\'ll ever save. Your phone power saving options are by far the best!! You can also turn off apps running in the background to save battery as some constantly use location services and like to upload that sweet sweet metadata. Enjoy your phone, take care of it and don\'t be afraid to play around with it you won\'t hurt it :D Source: previous Samsung sales specialist', ">>{chiragde} : Leaving it unplugged overnight is fine. Usually try to keep the phone in 20-80 % range. I've read somewhere that keeping it above 80% keeps it in high tension state (somewhat) and degrades battery life (although very slowly). But yea, you don't need to worry too much about it all.", '>>{NY2LA1WAY} : http://www.apple.com/batteries/why-lithium-ion/ >Charge your Apple lithium-ion battery whenever you want. There’s no need to let it discharge 100% before recharging. Apple lithium-ion batteries work in charge cycles. You complete one charge cycle when you’ve used (discharged) an amount that equals 100% of your battery’s capacity — but not necessarily all from one charge http://www.apple.com/batteries/maximizing-performance/', ">>{SteamboatWillie} : Meh. Cases are overrated. I mean, I'm definitely going to have one for when I'm using it for photos outside this winter, because gloves are slippery, but I am rocking this one naked 90% of the time", ">>{nate8quake} : Yeah me too. But I'll never recommend it to anybody. I've seen people get a phone. Tell me blah blah they'll get a case later they wanna find a perfect one. Come back with a smashed phone the same day. Happens often as people aren't used to the new phones size and weight. They ask to return it and I laugh. And laugh. And laugh. ...Not to their face.", '>>{SteamboatWillie} : Yeah, the naked phone life isn\'t for everyone, I guess. I was looking for a thin one at the store the other day - just one that I can use to set it on the treadmill or while I\'m outside with gloves - that makes it a little less slippery, but doesn\'t destroy the look or feel of the phone and the sales guy was like "no, you have to get a Speck or Tech 21. Everything else is *worthless* and I won\'t point you to anything but those. I decided not to get one from there. I see the point of the recommendation, but I\'m all about that matte black life.', ">>{nate8quake} : There's a couple companies that make wooden cases. But I'd be worried about swelling and warping of the wood. I'd be happy with a stainless steel or brushed aluminum case too but haven't found one I like yet. Most phone sales guys are so arrogant. I get that they think their experts but there's something to be said for listening to what the customer actually wants and not coming across as a total douche", '>>{bloohens} : Dick facing up Edit: oh sorry I meant phone', ">>{shocktribe} : Best practice is have your phone anywhere between 15-85 %. I don't suggest charging over night. Lithium Ion batteries have a limited amount of charge cycles. It's a high rate but prolonged charging cuts down on the cycles.", '>>{yfwdbwdso} : The new non jet black iPhones have rounded edges and are slippery. Not the best combo', ">>{zackline} : I've yet to drop mine, my Nexus 6P dropped into my face like every other week. Just holding it my matte black seems more sticky than slippery.", ">>{SteamboatWillie} : Yeah? Well, that's like, uh, your opinion, man. AppleCare+ is a pretty good case", '>>{AthleticNerd_} : This is not true. It was an issue with NiMH batteries, but not with modern Li-ion and modern charging circuits. But, nobody lets their phone go to zero and die every day anyway.', ">>{AthleticNerd_} : How often does anyone let their phone go to zero and die? Not often. So don't worry about it. If you make a statement like 'letting your phone go to zero is bad for the battery' then people get paranoid and unnecessarily worry about their battery when they don't not need to."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Grolschisgood} : That'd be so shit. Id have to get my card out everytime i bought something rather than just entering the number. And if my wallet was stolen, nothing would change. Why not put in an opt in text verification kind of thing over a certain dollar value for online purchases. That way if your details get nicked, you become aware immediately. And for instore purchases, how about some sort of number tied to your card that identifies you? We could call it a personal identification number, pretty radical i know", ">>{Nyctom7} : You now how much credit companies pay to underwrite fraud and insure against fraud. Billions. It's actually a law that they must cover any loss due to theft and fraud. So that money is paid and gone whether fraud is committed or not. So it's in their best interest not to really stop fraud, because that money is then put back into their control instead of the insurance company. If someone does fraud on your card, the insurance will pay the credit card co. that money, not you or the vendor.", ">>{grizzlyking} : Won't the insurance payment be less if there is less fraud?", ">>{Nyctom7} : It's still a loss, just scaled down. I think fraud benefits them. Does your car insurance go down every year you don't have an accident. Minuscule at best.", ">>{TonyHSmith} : Most banks already require this for companies that process wire transactions through online banking or do payrolls and other large automated transactions. They just put a little random number generator in a keychain with a battery. It's pretty slick that they can get it down to card size.", ">>{friendlylocalcracker} : It's pretty cool, but online checkout is probably a bitch if the website stores your card info.", '>>{Spectrezero} : No, but if the population as a whole reduces the amount of accidents, competition will drive down premiums.', '>>{kanemano} : stolen credit card numbers are usually not stolen when you swipe with the exception of skimmers or when you buy something online, it comes from getting into the merchants database and this will not stop that, https://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/01/how-was-your-credit-card-stolen/', ">>{trspanache} : Maybe I don't understand but isn't this basically an MFA? If not why not just make all CC's use a real MFA.", '>>{timpham} : But will be useless without the correct "3 digit value" that are generated randomly after 60 seconds. How will this not work?', ">>{wcmbk} : >It's pretty slick that they can get it down to card size. Well, lets see an actual copy of the card first. All they've got now are 3d renders. **Edit 2:** I found an actually similar card by the same company. [Looks slicker than I expected, don't know why they didn't show an actual prototype.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za5WeipXrTk) **Edit:** If you're referring to [this linked article](https://www.getinbank.pl/klienci-indywidualni/oferta/karty/karta-debetowa-mastercard-dynamic-cvc) it only has renders as well. Two banks are apparently 'readying' themselves for a rollout, but my initial point still stands. Until I actually see a card, I doubt it will manage to maintain the form factor of the renders.", ">>{LedditGlobel} : > All they've got now are 3d renders. read the damn article", ">>{remiel} : It is currently not a a required field to authorise a transaction. Some big companies for example don't use CVV such as Amazon. The CVV should never be stored on a database anyway, it breaches PCI regulations.", '>>{OozeNAahz} : Actually not too weak. Basically you would have to try and use the card 500 times on average for each period it changes to try and guess the number correctly. Assuming rational tracking at the CC vendor side it should make it very rare that a fraudulent transaction would succeed. Quite a bit stronger than a knowledge based question for instance in most cases.', ">>{OozeNAahz} : Reoccurring payments shouldn't be an issue. I think that verification code would only be used the first time you put it in. After that I think they store an authorization code that the CC company supplies them. The site shouldn't be storing your CC number and verification code after first use. However what would be an issue is asynchronous charges. Put the info now but the company actually doesn't check it till tomorrow because their CC link is down. That should fail 99.9% of the time.", ">>{Iksuda} : Makes you wonder why we actually need the card in the first place. Same thing could be accomplished by a cell phone. It raises a whole new set of security concerns, but the sheer number of security options that a phone can use outweigh the fact that they're accessible by hackers as networked devices.", ">>{advicevice} : They could do a lot better, like implementing real two-factor. The chip has to be the dumbest thing yet. I suppose it's good for card-present transactions, but the card still has a number that can used for non-present transactions. I really don't get why they didn't just implement 2FA with exchanged keys or text messages. It could completely do away with PINs as well. Hell, why not go hog wild and implement one-time use credit card numbers. Certainly not outside the realm of possibility.", ">>{SooperModelsDotCom} : You don't even know what a write off it. /That's gold, Jerry; GOLD!!!", '>>{Aethanol} : Then how is an online store supposed to store the code in their database? Should the user input it with every transaction? Then why store the old static code in the first place?', ">>{gambiting} : That's how apple/android pay do it. A fresh number is generated for EVERY transaction so it can't be stolen.", ">>{advicevice} : Good to know I'm not talking crazy I guess.", '>>{DatabaseDiddler} : until the algorithm that generates the "random" number is broken; then it will be back to business as usual. I suppose, theoretically you\'d need 2 or more consecutive codes from the card (like with the old RSA TFA fobs) but the 60 minute rotation does help with that.', ">>{alexanderpas} : > Does your car insurance go down every year you don't have an accident. Yes, up to 75% no-claim discount. Also, you can get up to 25% higher rates from the base rate if you make too much accidents, so the highest discount is 80% off the highest rate.", ">>{Individdy} : I write down my card's code and then scratch it off the physical card. Then I must have the card and this written-down code to use it online. I get weird looks sometimes when trying to use the card in a store, though.", ">>{cargopantstotheopera} : 3DSecure. I hate it with a passion. Not only do I have to enter the code no matter how small the transaction is, but the thief can and will still simply use an online store that doesn't use that system.", ">>{beer_and_} : This is not the card we're discussing, but it is an example of the technology. https://onlycoin.com", '>>{thephantom1492} : This new technology also will be hell for lots of transactions! Like those who process the payment manually. For example, I know of a flower shop that bill the flower at shipping time, since they don\'t know the exact price yet in some situation, like for a funeral. let\'s say the client say "around 200$", they will look at whatever they have at that time, and then bill whatever they use. It may be 199.99 or 200.01 or the client may call and say MORE! Or just cancel... Also, would make the card useless for any scheduled payment, like your cellphone bill. Could also make some online transaction fail, depending on how they do their stuff... Will also may make partial refund a real pain. I think it is a step forward in the wrong direction...', '>>{Individdy} : Then please enlighten me as to the complete lack of benefit to myself by doing that.', '>>{hniball} : how would this help on websites that dont even use CVV auth? like for example amazon, probably the biggest online marketplace on the planet?', '>>{hniball} : I do the same thing :) I also scratched off expiration date of the card from the front and memorized that, as on websites like amazon, you dont even need CVV to buy things.', '>>{BusinessBear53} : I had a little number generator key chain just to log into my world of war craft account. My bank has a similar system to this card. For large movements of money, the bank requires a code which it texts to my phone upon demand via app or website to verify that the transaction is by me.', '>>{RadioBirdmen} : Yet still requires a signature for the card to be valid...', '>>{Roulbs} : Ok do people without cell phones typically have credit cards', ">>{sparr} : Bank of America and Citi and a few other banks offer one-time-use debit/credit card numbers. It's been an available option for something like ten years now. Not a lot of people find them worth the hassle.", ">>{Roulbs} : At this point just have a credit card app with an offline authenticator that's synced with the banks...", '>>{-14k-} : It think somewhere I ehard about a phone manufacturer that was implenting something like this. Name escapes me, but it was something something golden and delicious.', '>>{StormCrow1986} : Oh I get it! You have a randomly assigned bank account balance. On good days you have $1,000 but on bad ones >$.10...', ">>{zerrff} : It's just a waste of time and effort. Your card probably isn't ever going to get stolen, and even if it does every bank has protection against fraudulent charges.", '>>{DemeGeek} : Depends on how strict credit card laws about predatory lending are in said area', ">>{pb7280} : I mean my bank app already let's me use my phone as any one of my credit cards, through the NFC and tap terminals (pretty much every place that accepts a CC has one in my country). It's limited to $100 a day (like all tap purchases) but still hasn't been an issue so far", '>>{pwnersaurus} : Apple Pay is already way more secure than a normal credit card, it uses a virtual card number (device ID) plus a transaction specific code, so basically whatever information is provided is only good for that one transaction. I imagine Android Pay has similar features. IMO this is definitely the way forward - rather than inconveniencing users, its both more secure and more convenient', ">>{Individdy} : I have a debit card and I lost it a few months ago in fact. I didn't even notice until a couple of days later. As far as I know I can be liable for at least $50, and that's if I report within a few days that it was lost. I got lucky because apparently the person who found it reported it. I like to take steps to actively prevent fraud rather than rely on their safety nets. It is only a minor inconvenience the rare time I buy online from something other than the big few I regularly buy from.", '>>{ClintonsCigars} : Ground breaking? This idea has been used in network security for years. Not sure it actually helps though...', ">>{tilman2015} : Yet, in the UK, Barclays Bank refuses to allow us to use Android Pay (guess they won't pay their fees) and has their own NFC app for payments which uses the same card number over and over :(", ">>{tilman2015} : No CVV / 3D Secure = Liability on the merchant. The bank doesn't care.", ">>{gambiting} : Yeah, I'm with barclays and I have to use their app for android pay. Really annoying.", ">>{tilman2015} : Yeah, and it's also annoying that their stupid notification covers my lock screen all the time! #firstworldproblems", ">>{ProfessionalWil} : Lots of banks do that for 3d secure. ING sends me a text every time I use my card with a code I have to input if it's a 3d secure tx", ">>{green_banana_is_best} : Most of these cards are sync'd separately with an online presence, so setting up a reoccuring bill would be a separate process to simply entering the numbers on the card. Additionally the way that's often worked around is a holding value for $1000 with an actual charge for $200 further down the track (refunding $800). The real reason these cards won't work is because they cost more than a buck to make and customers won't pay for that when they can just get the bank to chargeback everything.", ">>{green_banana_is_best} : Lol no. No they won't. These things have been around for like 10 years. They don't work for many reasons. * What do you do when it runs out of battery? * Will a customer pay like $50 for each of these when they can just get a normal card for free from their bank (the bank will front up the $0.50 for a plastic card when they need to be replaced) * Fraudsters just move to a different bank and defraud them instead * What happens when I use the old baseball bat theory and smack you in the head and steal the card? Is the bank going to front up that $50 to replace them each time", ">>{neotek} : >It's pretty slick that they can get it down to card size. If you like that, check out the [Pi Zero](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2885), it's an actual proper computer the size of a credit card (okay, a little bit thicker, but that's mainly because of the ports which physically can't be any thinner), for just $5.", '>>{stuxxnet42} : Finally a credit card with a lithium battery inside. If your exploding smartphone isnt enough, have an exploding credit card!', ">>{PM_YourDildoAndPussy} : Apple and Android pay are already doing this. They use NFC over emv, and it's actually more secure than emv alone. And now they're also beginning to enter the website market, so we'll be secure there too. All we need are more places supporting NFC and we'll be good. Already 98% of my in person purchases are through nfc", ">>{Yuktobania} : All someone needs is your SIM and they have your phone. And all that takes is social engineering to the cell phone companies. This is oftentimes how the big youtube channels will get hacked; because your google account is linked to your phone for the event that you get locked out of your account, people will figure out a youtuber's phone number, call the phone company and manipulate them into sending them a replacement SIM. Now that replacement SIM gets all of their text messages. So they go through the standard password recovery thing for Google. And for any other site that uses a phone number as a means of identification.", '>>{IFE-Antler-Boy} : Social engineering is a lot scarier, to me, than the hacker named 4chan narrative. Aside from the exploding van.', '>>{PyroDragn} : * Battery: shouldn\'t be an issue? It only needs to last the expiry time of the card - a couple of years shouldn\'t be difficult. * Will a customer pay for the card? Maybe they will, I don\'t see a cost though (link to where you\'re getting $50 cost from?) - plus if they become standard then the bank will just move to replacing them like they currently do for \'normal\' cards. * Fraudsters move to a different bank? Sure, but that\'s why it\'s "Help eliminate fraud" not "solves the problem of fraud overnight". This is more secure than a fixed CVV. That\'s a good thing. People still accept signatures which are less secure than Chip+PIN - that doesn\'t mean no-one should move to chip+PIN just \'cause some people don\'t. * If someone steals the card - the same thing that happens if someone steals the card now. Being just as secure in some cases, and better in other cases, is still better overall.', ">>{green_banana_is_best} : * Sorry are you suggesting we charge our card? How are you plugging this in? is it fitting in your wallet still? * No, history shows us that customers do not pay for these types of cards. As I say it's old tech * If bank A has this card for some customers than the fraudsters will target customers of bank A without this type of card, or they'll target bank B & C, there's no net reduction - America is so far behind the rest of the world in still accepting the magstripe * Sure I'll accept that. E: Merging points 3&4 into #3", '>>{cool110110} : Most of the British banks do that with card readers implementing EMV-CAP/DPA.', '>>{McSpoon202} : Also, my phone battery never lasts the day.', '>>{GayFrog5000} : Ask Deutsche Bank how much fraud you might avoid with this one :D', ">>{vader31} : If you are using Apple Pay on an iPhone it's not limited to hundred dollars.", ">>{Kenblu24} : I wish my android pay wasn't broken af. It gets stuck when I unlock my phone.", '>>{mikeyBikely} : Breakthrough? My credit card company has a "VAN" (virtual account number) that I log in and use. It allows me to set the maximum transaction amount and the expiration time (in minutes) for the number.', '>>{mikeyBikely} : Yup. I use the VAN (virtual account number) for most of my "never shopped online here before but prices are low" purchases. Been doing it for years.', ">>{-Badger2-} : You don't charge it, there's a little battery in it that lasts a couple of years. You'd be surprised how little energy stuff like this actually uses.", ">>{iFr4g} : Nowadays even if the merchant uses 3D Secure, the bank doesn't care and authorises it itself", '>>{green_banana_is_best} : Weeks or months, maybe. Years? No. This is charging an encrypted chip and a screen.', ">>{tilman2015} : If the merchant uses 3D secure, the bank then uses their own risk profiling to decide whether it's worth getting the end user to put in their password. This is based on a multitude of factors including geolocation, amount spent, type of merchant (some are higher risk than others), purchase history of card user etc", ">>{-Badger2-} : Yes, years. This isn't some proof of concept bullshit, it exists, they've been trialing it in Poland.", ">>{Geminii27} : When the screen doesn't need to be updated at 30fps, but more like 30 frames per week as required, and uses a zero-power screen tech so it only draws power when it actually changes, and the chip is only running for a couple of seconds a week likewise, then yes - years.", '>>{green_banana_is_best} : Sure, and a kindle lasts a solid amount of time, but it does have to recharge monthly, it might last a year maximum', ">>{green_banana_is_best} : Like I said, this stuff is old. They've trialed it in the middle east before Poland and before that for high value customers in the EU & the UK, each time it fails because the card costs a lot compared to the static CVV code on a plastic card and only diverts fraud into other channels rather than reducing it. I do this stuff for a living.", ">>{john_dune} : It doesn't make anything fraud proof. You just have to figure out the algorithm for number generation. It's one extra step, but not really anything more complicated", ">>{thegreatgazoo} : Sure. Older people and those who aren't tech savvy. It isn't just cell phones it is smart phones. Even bare bones you are looking at $100 plus $25/month for a smart phone in the US.", ">>{Geminii27} : Kindle needs to alter a lot more pixels and update the screen a lot more often when people are turning pages. Imagine a Kindle which had 1/20th the screen area, no backlight/sidelight, far weaker/slower wireless, and was called on to display the equivalent of maybe one book per year. I'd bet that such a card would last long enough so that banks would be fine with absorbing the cost of handing out free replacements every two years or so.", '>>{OverQualifried} : RSA has been doing it for years. Neat tech.', ">>{-Badger2-} : I'm not disputing the practicality of it, I'm just saying the battery technology exists.", ">>{green_banana_is_best} : So what makes this better than every other time they've tried this? Including within the past year where they determined the costs where too high", ">>{OozeNAahz} : Yeah, the chips are pretty dumb from a card holder perspective. At least it isn't chip and pin. They are great from a CC company perspective and a vendor perspective because it is easier to argue that a charge wasn't fraudulent (even if it was). Exchanged keys is a pain to manage on a small basis, and would be a nightmare to handle for something of this scope. Text messages is a possibility, but there are complications with that too. Lose your phone? Can't use your CC. Don't have a phone? Can't use your CC. Phone get cutoff because you didn't pay the bill? You can't use your CC. One time use credit card numbers are their own tracking nightmare. Honestly the ApplePay type model is the best in my opinion though ApplePay isn't implemented with all the protections it could have. I haven't studied the Google/Android model but assume it is similar. With those approaches the vendor never gets your CC number, only Apple has that info. To make it more secure, setting up the CCs in ApplePay should require a step on the CC card side to approve it. It seems a bit too easy to link someone else's CC to an ApplePay account you control.", ">>{Iksuda} : Yeah, I mean I get this, in its current state it's not viable (but there are a variety of ways you can use your phone as more of a debit card, and they have pretty good track records), but many of these are also CC issues. You can fake a credit card just like a SIM. The point is, as some point it may as well go that way, because it has a lot of potential benefits over credit cards that you have to fully consider rather than just the potential flaws. Credit cards had many potential flaws, and actually flaws that ultimately caused security problems, but we figure it out scam by scam.", ">>{Iksuda} : Yeah, definitely, this, but the problem is, at least last I checked, they're more of a debit card or a much better version of those Visas you charge up without a bank. I know a lot of college students who use Google Pay, and it works great for them, but it would never suffice for the older generations, and they'll ultimately push something else on us lest we forget to put ourselves in insurmountable debt.", ">>{Iksuda} : Where do you live? Pretty much isn't a thing here, but I saw it more in the UK. The only places I see have the tap terminal are places with a lot of college students going, and as far as I know they're not actually credit cards - more debit cards. Either way, the fact that we do have this technology just makes it all the more ridiculous that we need something like this card.", ">>{Iksuda} : Google had it first I think, but the point is why make a stupid changing card when banks instead of tech giants could use the technology. Also they're all basically debit card equivalents I believe - not actually credit cards.", ">>{Iksuda} : Enough people in the US have cell phones to make a switch over right now to just about everyone. They'd still make credit cards, but the credit cards would very much be a fringe situation. The people most likely not using CCs are also the people most likely to have cell phones, so they aren't exactly losing out.", ">>{berock212} : As long as cellphones don't replace credit cards I see no problem.", ">>{PM_YourDildoAndPussy} : No, actually they're all backed by either a debit or a credit card depending on bank support. My bank supports it via debit, but I use credit cards with it because I prefer them. Android pay has no balance associated with it. You're thinking if the old Google wallet, which is now just a people to people money transfer thingy.", '>>{PonyKiller81} : Lest we forget there are those in the community who can\'t afford the latest smartphones, even the cheap ones. It\'s easy for the comfortable to talk about smartphones like everyone has one. In reality, for many this is not the case. Your "cheap" phone is another man\'s unobtainable dream. Last year I gave a woman at my work an old LCD television. She was amazed and incredibly grateful. Never underestimate the struggle of others. Anyways back to the original topic ...', ">>{PonyKiller81} : Why is this downvoted? It's a perfectly reasonable point of view. Sure the majority has cellphones. Comment is still valid and fair.", '>>{Duffelson} : You can find NFC payment option in pretty much every store in Finland, no matter how small.', ">>{tddp} : This is entirely redundant if you use 3D Secure and have the user authenticate with their card provider on checkout. Who actually needs a card like this? 60 minutes is a hell of a long time to rotate the code. Criminals will react by simply using your stolen card details faster. Also I would bet that it's feasible to electronically detect what numbers are displayed on the card without looking at it or touching it. We already have the technology to see what's on a screen by the radio frequencies it leaks. This screen is just 3 digits - unless it is a Faraday cage it's probably going to leak.", ">>{Iksuda} : Absolutely, but I didn't say get rid of CCs right away. Even these new CCs will take years to roll out and you'd have to expect the same of phones. Frankly the fact that people still don't have phones in the USA disgusts me anyway, it's essential to modern life. It's arguably a right all Americans deserve to have that connection. The people who can't afford phones, with the exception of some elderly people, have the least security risk because they live paycheck to paycheck and generally don't make as many purchases as a wealthier person would. My basic point is simply that scrolling numbers on a CC seems to be a nearly useless and redundant technology, and is becoming ever more so by the day. We should act on the expectation that someday soon everyone will have a phone. A great number of advancements humans have made are similar, and once upon a time it was said that the phone would never be more useful than perhaps a line to every town. Now everyone has on in their home, even the tremendously poor in the US, and there's no reason that they shouldn't have one in their pocket, especially if they're working. They both deserve and need it.", ">>{PonyKiller81} : I see your point. Mobile phones have become an integral part of the lives of essentially everyone on Reddit. It would be a long road before they could totally replace credit cards, for these reasons: 1) Not everyone has a mobile phone; b) Many cannot afford the cost of buying and using a mobile phone (I think many have become a bit desensitised to the amount we pay for them) iii) Not everyone here lives in the US, myself included. Maybe this plan could work in the States. In many parts of Australia, however, this would not. I'm all for new technology, as long as no one is left disadvantaged by what is meant to be a step forward.", ">>{Iksuda} : Yeah, I'm talking about the US particularly but I didn't think of the number of places besides the number of places besides extremely poor countries that might have this problem. Australia and the US may be alike to some extent though if you mean what I think you mean. It's a big place. Not everyone could use a cell phone even if they had one. It's true of the US too, it's a massive country and even I live somewhere I get an occasional signal if I'm lucky. Again though, I'm totally not saying we should just leave those people behind. The size and wealth of that demographic would mean that, should we begin to use cell phones to pay more, this card would be of very little real importance.", '>>{pb7280} : Almost nowhere Ive seen accepts apple pay though, this tap app works almost everywhere', ">>{pb7280} : In Canada, almost all credit/debit cards now have an NFC chip you tap on the payment terminal (which is in almost all stores). The app just emulates the cards chip so it works anywhere the tap cards work The stores pretty much have to have a PIN terminal machine for credit card payment (we don't do signatures at all anymore), and these machines mostly include the tap hardware. So it is very widely available", '>>{Iksuda} : Yeah, the NFC chips are usable in a lot of the US now, but there are still loads of places they still have the same machines. When I lived in the UK it was similar, they all had chips. I guess the hard thing really is that chipped cards still have a static security code for online purchases. A phone could use a number that changes every purchase like a much more advanced version of this card.', '>>{lurk_n_throw} : And you can "refund" to an Apple Pay device. It\'s not just one-way.', '>>{AkirIkasu} : I know this comment is old, but I just wanted to point out that your phone already has a number of different encryption engines built into it. With Android Pay (and Apple Pay too, I believe), it stores your sensitive information inside what\'s called a "Secure Element" that is typically embedded in the NFC controller. That Secure Element is essentially as secure as data can possibly be.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Grolschisgood} : That'd be so shit. Id have to get my card out everytime i bought something rather than just entering the number. And if my wallet was stolen, nothing would change. Why not put in an opt in text verification kind of thing over a certain dollar value for online purchases. That way if your details get nicked, you become aware immediately. And for instore purchases, how about some sort of number tied to your card that identifies you? We could call it a personal identification number, pretty radical i know", ">>{Nyctom7} : You now how much credit companies pay to underwrite fraud and insure against fraud. Billions. It's actually a law that they must cover any loss due to theft and fraud. So that money is paid and gone whether fraud is committed or not. So it's in their best interest not to really stop fraud, because that money is then put back into their control instead of the insurance company. If someone does fraud on your card, the insurance will pay the credit card co. that money, not you or the vendor.", ">>{grizzlyking} : Won't the insurance payment be less if there is less fraud?", ">>{Nyctom7} : It's still a loss, just scaled down. I think fraud benefits them. Does your car insurance go down every year you don't have an accident. Minuscule at best.", ">>{TonyHSmith} : Most banks already require this for companies that process wire transactions through online banking or do payrolls and other large automated transactions. They just put a little random number generator in a keychain with a battery. It's pretty slick that they can get it down to card size.", ">>{friendlylocalcracker} : It's pretty cool, but online checkout is probably a bitch if the website stores your card info.", '>>{Spectrezero} : No, but if the population as a whole reduces the amount of accidents, competition will drive down premiums.', '>>{kanemano} : stolen credit card numbers are usually not stolen when you swipe with the exception of skimmers or when you buy something online, it comes from getting into the merchants database and this will not stop that, https://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/01/how-was-your-credit-card-stolen/', ">>{trspanache} : Maybe I don't understand but isn't this basically an MFA? If not why not just make all CC's use a real MFA.", '>>{timpham} : But will be useless without the correct "3 digit value" that are generated randomly after 60 seconds. How will this not work?', ">>{wcmbk} : >It's pretty slick that they can get it down to card size. Well, lets see an actual copy of the card first. All they've got now are 3d renders. **Edit 2:** I found an actually similar card by the same company. [Looks slicker than I expected, don't know why they didn't show an actual prototype.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za5WeipXrTk) **Edit:** If you're referring to [this linked article](https://www.getinbank.pl/klienci-indywidualni/oferta/karty/karta-debetowa-mastercard-dynamic-cvc) it only has renders as well. Two banks are apparently 'readying' themselves for a rollout, but my initial point still stands. Until I actually see a card, I doubt it will manage to maintain the form factor of the renders.", ">>{LedditGlobel} : > All they've got now are 3d renders. read the damn article", ">>{remiel} : It is currently not a a required field to authorise a transaction. Some big companies for example don't use CVV such as Amazon. The CVV should never be stored on a database anyway, it breaches PCI regulations.", '>>{OozeNAahz} : Actually not too weak. Basically you would have to try and use the card 500 times on average for each period it changes to try and guess the number correctly. Assuming rational tracking at the CC vendor side it should make it very rare that a fraudulent transaction would succeed. Quite a bit stronger than a knowledge based question for instance in most cases.', ">>{OozeNAahz} : Reoccurring payments shouldn't be an issue. I think that verification code would only be used the first time you put it in. After that I think they store an authorization code that the CC company supplies them. The site shouldn't be storing your CC number and verification code after first use. However what would be an issue is asynchronous charges. Put the info now but the company actually doesn't check it till tomorrow because their CC link is down. That should fail 99.9% of the time.", ">>{Iksuda} : Makes you wonder why we actually need the card in the first place. Same thing could be accomplished by a cell phone. It raises a whole new set of security concerns, but the sheer number of security options that a phone can use outweigh the fact that they're accessible by hackers as networked devices.", ">>{advicevice} : They could do a lot better, like implementing real two-factor. The chip has to be the dumbest thing yet. I suppose it's good for card-present transactions, but the card still has a number that can used for non-present transactions. I really don't get why they didn't just implement 2FA with exchanged keys or text messages. It could completely do away with PINs as well. Hell, why not go hog wild and implement one-time use credit card numbers. Certainly not outside the realm of possibility.", ">>{SooperModelsDotCom} : You don't even know what a write off it. /That's gold, Jerry; GOLD!!!", '>>{Aethanol} : Then how is an online store supposed to store the code in their database? Should the user input it with every transaction? Then why store the old static code in the first place?', ">>{gambiting} : That's how apple/android pay do it. A fresh number is generated for EVERY transaction so it can't be stolen.", ">>{advicevice} : Good to know I'm not talking crazy I guess.", '>>{DatabaseDiddler} : until the algorithm that generates the "random" number is broken; then it will be back to business as usual. I suppose, theoretically you\'d need 2 or more consecutive codes from the card (like with the old RSA TFA fobs) but the 60 minute rotation does help with that.', ">>{alexanderpas} : > Does your car insurance go down every year you don't have an accident. Yes, up to 75% no-claim discount. Also, you can get up to 25% higher rates from the base rate if you make too much accidents, so the highest discount is 80% off the highest rate.", ">>{Individdy} : I write down my card's code and then scratch it off the physical card. Then I must have the card and this written-down code to use it online. I get weird looks sometimes when trying to use the card in a store, though.", ">>{cargopantstotheopera} : 3DSecure. I hate it with a passion. Not only do I have to enter the code no matter how small the transaction is, but the thief can and will still simply use an online store that doesn't use that system.", ">>{beer_and_} : This is not the card we're discussing, but it is an example of the technology. https://onlycoin.com", '>>{thephantom1492} : This new technology also will be hell for lots of transactions! Like those who process the payment manually. For example, I know of a flower shop that bill the flower at shipping time, since they don\'t know the exact price yet in some situation, like for a funeral. let\'s say the client say "around 200$", they will look at whatever they have at that time, and then bill whatever they use. It may be 199.99 or 200.01 or the client may call and say MORE! Or just cancel... Also, would make the card useless for any scheduled payment, like your cellphone bill. Could also make some online transaction fail, depending on how they do their stuff... Will also may make partial refund a real pain. I think it is a step forward in the wrong direction...', '>>{Individdy} : Then please enlighten me as to the complete lack of benefit to myself by doing that.', '>>{hniball} : how would this help on websites that dont even use CVV auth? like for example amazon, probably the biggest online marketplace on the planet?', '>>{hniball} : I do the same thing :) I also scratched off expiration date of the card from the front and memorized that, as on websites like amazon, you dont even need CVV to buy things.', '>>{BusinessBear53} : I had a little number generator key chain just to log into my world of war craft account. My bank has a similar system to this card. For large movements of money, the bank requires a code which it texts to my phone upon demand via app or website to verify that the transaction is by me.', '>>{RadioBirdmen} : Yet still requires a signature for the card to be valid...', '>>{Roulbs} : Ok do people without cell phones typically have credit cards', ">>{sparr} : Bank of America and Citi and a few other banks offer one-time-use debit/credit card numbers. It's been an available option for something like ten years now. Not a lot of people find them worth the hassle.", ">>{Roulbs} : At this point just have a credit card app with an offline authenticator that's synced with the banks...", '>>{-14k-} : It think somewhere I ehard about a phone manufacturer that was implenting something like this. Name escapes me, but it was something something golden and delicious.', '>>{StormCrow1986} : Oh I get it! You have a randomly assigned bank account balance. On good days you have $1,000 but on bad ones >$.10...', ">>{zerrff} : It's just a waste of time and effort. Your card probably isn't ever going to get stolen, and even if it does every bank has protection against fraudulent charges.", '>>{DemeGeek} : Depends on how strict credit card laws about predatory lending are in said area', ">>{pb7280} : I mean my bank app already let's me use my phone as any one of my credit cards, through the NFC and tap terminals (pretty much every place that accepts a CC has one in my country). It's limited to $100 a day (like all tap purchases) but still hasn't been an issue so far", '>>{pwnersaurus} : Apple Pay is already way more secure than a normal credit card, it uses a virtual card number (device ID) plus a transaction specific code, so basically whatever information is provided is only good for that one transaction. I imagine Android Pay has similar features. IMO this is definitely the way forward - rather than inconveniencing users, its both more secure and more convenient', ">>{Individdy} : I have a debit card and I lost it a few months ago in fact. I didn't even notice until a couple of days later. As far as I know I can be liable for at least $50, and that's if I report within a few days that it was lost. I got lucky because apparently the person who found it reported it. I like to take steps to actively prevent fraud rather than rely on their safety nets. It is only a minor inconvenience the rare time I buy online from something other than the big few I regularly buy from.", '>>{ClintonsCigars} : Ground breaking? This idea has been used in network security for years. Not sure it actually helps though...', ">>{tilman2015} : Yet, in the UK, Barclays Bank refuses to allow us to use Android Pay (guess they won't pay their fees) and has their own NFC app for payments which uses the same card number over and over :(", ">>{tilman2015} : No CVV / 3D Secure = Liability on the merchant. The bank doesn't care.", ">>{gambiting} : Yeah, I'm with barclays and I have to use their app for android pay. Really annoying.", ">>{tilman2015} : Yeah, and it's also annoying that their stupid notification covers my lock screen all the time! #firstworldproblems", ">>{ProfessionalWil} : Lots of banks do that for 3d secure. ING sends me a text every time I use my card with a code I have to input if it's a 3d secure tx", ">>{green_banana_is_best} : Most of these cards are sync'd separately with an online presence, so setting up a reoccuring bill would be a separate process to simply entering the numbers on the card. Additionally the way that's often worked around is a holding value for $1000 with an actual charge for $200 further down the track (refunding $800). The real reason these cards won't work is because they cost more than a buck to make and customers won't pay for that when they can just get the bank to chargeback everything.", ">>{green_banana_is_best} : Lol no. No they won't. These things have been around for like 10 years. They don't work for many reasons. * What do you do when it runs out of battery? * Will a customer pay like $50 for each of these when they can just get a normal card for free from their bank (the bank will front up the $0.50 for a plastic card when they need to be replaced) * Fraudsters just move to a different bank and defraud them instead * What happens when I use the old baseball bat theory and smack you in the head and steal the card? Is the bank going to front up that $50 to replace them each time", ">>{neotek} : >It's pretty slick that they can get it down to card size. If you like that, check out the [Pi Zero](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2885), it's an actual proper computer the size of a credit card (okay, a little bit thicker, but that's mainly because of the ports which physically can't be any thinner), for just $5.", '>>{stuxxnet42} : Finally a credit card with a lithium battery inside. If your exploding smartphone isnt enough, have an exploding credit card!', ">>{PM_YourDildoAndPussy} : Apple and Android pay are already doing this. They use NFC over emv, and it's actually more secure than emv alone. And now they're also beginning to enter the website market, so we'll be secure there too. All we need are more places supporting NFC and we'll be good. Already 98% of my in person purchases are through nfc", ">>{Yuktobania} : All someone needs is your SIM and they have your phone. And all that takes is social engineering to the cell phone companies. This is oftentimes how the big youtube channels will get hacked; because your google account is linked to your phone for the event that you get locked out of your account, people will figure out a youtuber's phone number, call the phone company and manipulate them into sending them a replacement SIM. Now that replacement SIM gets all of their text messages. So they go through the standard password recovery thing for Google. And for any other site that uses a phone number as a means of identification.", '>>{IFE-Antler-Boy} : Social engineering is a lot scarier, to me, than the hacker named 4chan narrative. Aside from the exploding van.', '>>{PyroDragn} : * Battery: shouldn\'t be an issue? It only needs to last the expiry time of the card - a couple of years shouldn\'t be difficult. * Will a customer pay for the card? Maybe they will, I don\'t see a cost though (link to where you\'re getting $50 cost from?) - plus if they become standard then the bank will just move to replacing them like they currently do for \'normal\' cards. * Fraudsters move to a different bank? Sure, but that\'s why it\'s "Help eliminate fraud" not "solves the problem of fraud overnight". This is more secure than a fixed CVV. That\'s a good thing. People still accept signatures which are less secure than Chip+PIN - that doesn\'t mean no-one should move to chip+PIN just \'cause some people don\'t. * If someone steals the card - the same thing that happens if someone steals the card now. Being just as secure in some cases, and better in other cases, is still better overall.', ">>{green_banana_is_best} : * Sorry are you suggesting we charge our card? How are you plugging this in? is it fitting in your wallet still? * No, history shows us that customers do not pay for these types of cards. As I say it's old tech * If bank A has this card for some customers than the fraudsters will target customers of bank A without this type of card, or they'll target bank B & C, there's no net reduction - America is so far behind the rest of the world in still accepting the magstripe * Sure I'll accept that. E: Merging points 3&4 into #3", '>>{cool110110} : Most of the British banks do that with card readers implementing EMV-CAP/DPA.', '>>{McSpoon202} : Also, my phone battery never lasts the day.', '>>{GayFrog5000} : Ask Deutsche Bank how much fraud you might avoid with this one :D', ">>{vader31} : If you are using Apple Pay on an iPhone it's not limited to hundred dollars.", ">>{Kenblu24} : I wish my android pay wasn't broken af. It gets stuck when I unlock my phone.", '>>{mikeyBikely} : Breakthrough? My credit card company has a "VAN" (virtual account number) that I log in and use. It allows me to set the maximum transaction amount and the expiration time (in minutes) for the number.', '>>{mikeyBikely} : Yup. I use the VAN (virtual account number) for most of my "never shopped online here before but prices are low" purchases. Been doing it for years.', ">>{-Badger2-} : You don't charge it, there's a little battery in it that lasts a couple of years. You'd be surprised how little energy stuff like this actually uses.", ">>{iFr4g} : Nowadays even if the merchant uses 3D Secure, the bank doesn't care and authorises it itself", '>>{green_banana_is_best} : Weeks or months, maybe. Years? No. This is charging an encrypted chip and a screen.', ">>{tilman2015} : If the merchant uses 3D secure, the bank then uses their own risk profiling to decide whether it's worth getting the end user to put in their password. This is based on a multitude of factors including geolocation, amount spent, type of merchant (some are higher risk than others), purchase history of card user etc", ">>{-Badger2-} : Yes, years. This isn't some proof of concept bullshit, it exists, they've been trialing it in Poland.", ">>{Geminii27} : When the screen doesn't need to be updated at 30fps, but more like 30 frames per week as required, and uses a zero-power screen tech so it only draws power when it actually changes, and the chip is only running for a couple of seconds a week likewise, then yes - years.", '>>{green_banana_is_best} : Sure, and a kindle lasts a solid amount of time, but it does have to recharge monthly, it might last a year maximum', ">>{green_banana_is_best} : Like I said, this stuff is old. They've trialed it in the middle east before Poland and before that for high value customers in the EU & the UK, each time it fails because the card costs a lot compared to the static CVV code on a plastic card and only diverts fraud into other channels rather than reducing it. I do this stuff for a living.", ">>{john_dune} : It doesn't make anything fraud proof. You just have to figure out the algorithm for number generation. It's one extra step, but not really anything more complicated", ">>{thegreatgazoo} : Sure. Older people and those who aren't tech savvy. It isn't just cell phones it is smart phones. Even bare bones you are looking at $100 plus $25/month for a smart phone in the US.", ">>{Geminii27} : Kindle needs to alter a lot more pixels and update the screen a lot more often when people are turning pages. Imagine a Kindle which had 1/20th the screen area, no backlight/sidelight, far weaker/slower wireless, and was called on to display the equivalent of maybe one book per year. I'd bet that such a card would last long enough so that banks would be fine with absorbing the cost of handing out free replacements every two years or so.", '>>{OverQualifried} : RSA has been doing it for years. Neat tech.', ">>{-Badger2-} : I'm not disputing the practicality of it, I'm just saying the battery technology exists.", ">>{green_banana_is_best} : So what makes this better than every other time they've tried this? Including within the past year where they determined the costs where too high", ">>{OozeNAahz} : Yeah, the chips are pretty dumb from a card holder perspective. At least it isn't chip and pin. They are great from a CC company perspective and a vendor perspective because it is easier to argue that a charge wasn't fraudulent (even if it was). Exchanged keys is a pain to manage on a small basis, and would be a nightmare to handle for something of this scope. Text messages is a possibility, but there are complications with that too. Lose your phone? Can't use your CC. Don't have a phone? Can't use your CC. Phone get cutoff because you didn't pay the bill? You can't use your CC. One time use credit card numbers are their own tracking nightmare. Honestly the ApplePay type model is the best in my opinion though ApplePay isn't implemented with all the protections it could have. I haven't studied the Google/Android model but assume it is similar. With those approaches the vendor never gets your CC number, only Apple has that info. To make it more secure, setting up the CCs in ApplePay should require a step on the CC card side to approve it. It seems a bit too easy to link someone else's CC to an ApplePay account you control.", ">>{Iksuda} : Yeah, I mean I get this, in its current state it's not viable (but there are a variety of ways you can use your phone as more of a debit card, and they have pretty good track records), but many of these are also CC issues. You can fake a credit card just like a SIM. The point is, as some point it may as well go that way, because it has a lot of potential benefits over credit cards that you have to fully consider rather than just the potential flaws. Credit cards had many potential flaws, and actually flaws that ultimately caused security problems, but we figure it out scam by scam.", ">>{Iksuda} : Yeah, definitely, this, but the problem is, at least last I checked, they're more of a debit card or a much better version of those Visas you charge up without a bank. I know a lot of college students who use Google Pay, and it works great for them, but it would never suffice for the older generations, and they'll ultimately push something else on us lest we forget to put ourselves in insurmountable debt.", ">>{Iksuda} : Where do you live? Pretty much isn't a thing here, but I saw it more in the UK. The only places I see have the tap terminal are places with a lot of college students going, and as far as I know they're not actually credit cards - more debit cards. Either way, the fact that we do have this technology just makes it all the more ridiculous that we need something like this card.", ">>{Iksuda} : Google had it first I think, but the point is why make a stupid changing card when banks instead of tech giants could use the technology. Also they're all basically debit card equivalents I believe - not actually credit cards.", ">>{Iksuda} : Enough people in the US have cell phones to make a switch over right now to just about everyone. They'd still make credit cards, but the credit cards would very much be a fringe situation. The people most likely not using CCs are also the people most likely to have cell phones, so they aren't exactly losing out.", ">>{berock212} : As long as cellphones don't replace credit cards I see no problem.", ">>{PM_YourDildoAndPussy} : No, actually they're all backed by either a debit or a credit card depending on bank support. My bank supports it via debit, but I use credit cards with it because I prefer them. Android pay has no balance associated with it. You're thinking if the old Google wallet, which is now just a people to people money transfer thingy.", '>>{PonyKiller81} : Lest we forget there are those in the community who can\'t afford the latest smartphones, even the cheap ones. It\'s easy for the comfortable to talk about smartphones like everyone has one. In reality, for many this is not the case. Your "cheap" phone is another man\'s unobtainable dream. Last year I gave a woman at my work an old LCD television. She was amazed and incredibly grateful. Never underestimate the struggle of others. Anyways back to the original topic ...', ">>{PonyKiller81} : Why is this downvoted? It's a perfectly reasonable point of view. Sure the majority has cellphones. Comment is still valid and fair.", '>>{Duffelson} : You can find NFC payment option in pretty much every store in Finland, no matter how small.', ">>{tddp} : This is entirely redundant if you use 3D Secure and have the user authenticate with their card provider on checkout. Who actually needs a card like this? 60 minutes is a hell of a long time to rotate the code. Criminals will react by simply using your stolen card details faster. Also I would bet that it's feasible to electronically detect what numbers are displayed on the card without looking at it or touching it. We already have the technology to see what's on a screen by the radio frequencies it leaks. This screen is just 3 digits - unless it is a Faraday cage it's probably going to leak.", ">>{Iksuda} : Absolutely, but I didn't say get rid of CCs right away. Even these new CCs will take years to roll out and you'd have to expect the same of phones. Frankly the fact that people still don't have phones in the USA disgusts me anyway, it's essential to modern life. It's arguably a right all Americans deserve to have that connection. The people who can't afford phones, with the exception of some elderly people, have the least security risk because they live paycheck to paycheck and generally don't make as many purchases as a wealthier person would. My basic point is simply that scrolling numbers on a CC seems to be a nearly useless and redundant technology, and is becoming ever more so by the day. We should act on the expectation that someday soon everyone will have a phone. A great number of advancements humans have made are similar, and once upon a time it was said that the phone would never be more useful than perhaps a line to every town. Now everyone has on in their home, even the tremendously poor in the US, and there's no reason that they shouldn't have one in their pocket, especially if they're working. They both deserve and need it.", ">>{PonyKiller81} : I see your point. Mobile phones have become an integral part of the lives of essentially everyone on Reddit. It would be a long road before they could totally replace credit cards, for these reasons: 1) Not everyone has a mobile phone; b) Many cannot afford the cost of buying and using a mobile phone (I think many have become a bit desensitised to the amount we pay for them) iii) Not everyone here lives in the US, myself included. Maybe this plan could work in the States. In many parts of Australia, however, this would not. I'm all for new technology, as long as no one is left disadvantaged by what is meant to be a step forward.", ">>{Iksuda} : Yeah, I'm talking about the US particularly but I didn't think of the number of places besides the number of places besides extremely poor countries that might have this problem. Australia and the US may be alike to some extent though if you mean what I think you mean. It's a big place. Not everyone could use a cell phone even if they had one. It's true of the US too, it's a massive country and even I live somewhere I get an occasional signal if I'm lucky. Again though, I'm totally not saying we should just leave those people behind. The size and wealth of that demographic would mean that, should we begin to use cell phones to pay more, this card would be of very little real importance.", '>>{pb7280} : Almost nowhere Ive seen accepts apple pay though, this tap app works almost everywhere', ">>{pb7280} : In Canada, almost all credit/debit cards now have an NFC chip you tap on the payment terminal (which is in almost all stores). The app just emulates the cards chip so it works anywhere the tap cards work The stores pretty much have to have a PIN terminal machine for credit card payment (we don't do signatures at all anymore), and these machines mostly include the tap hardware. So it is very widely available", '>>{Iksuda} : Yeah, the NFC chips are usable in a lot of the US now, but there are still loads of places they still have the same machines. When I lived in the UK it was similar, they all had chips. I guess the hard thing really is that chipped cards still have a static security code for online purchases. A phone could use a number that changes every purchase like a much more advanced version of this card.', '>>{lurk_n_throw} : And you can "refund" to an Apple Pay device. It\'s not just one-way.', '>>{AkirIkasu} : I know this comment is old, but I just wanted to point out that your phone already has a number of different encryption engines built into it. With Android Pay (and Apple Pay too, I believe), it stores your sensitive information inside what\'s called a "Secure Element" that is typically embedded in the NFC controller. That Secure Element is essentially as secure as data can possibly be.']]
classify and reply
['>>{jc38122} : Trump’s DOE Announces $30M in Funding for Grid Integration of Solar', '>>{jc38122} : Even Berkeley got part of the pie. Hopefully there will be more of this.', '>>{Actuarybrad} : Scarborough Unloads, Wonders if Comey ‘Feels Bad About Himself’ Over Not Indicting Clinton', ">>{deadbeatdad80} : What?? What's happening here? Trump is doing something that is HELPING? I don't understand!", ">>{DickButtwoman} : I'm glad his supporters will lap this up like everything else, but this is also the guy that said solar is trash and that clean energy was stupid. I'm just glad his supporters are all spineless, value-less hacks that only care about liberal tears and will change opinions at the whim of their master...", '>>{Telstar_} : Who gave Trump’s taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.', '>>{jc38122} : Well that was a very nice thing to say about something people care about. I hope he keeps pouring money into stuff like this. It is not about eating up what he does, its about making sure all the news gets out there. This is a good thing, yet people will still just call names and slander others. At some point I hope we can all come together and end this craziness that is happening now.', '>>{Lost_the_weight} : Already there in Nevada. Governor (Sandoval?) basically killed rooftop solar last summer. I mean, come on, how much solar power would you generate in Nevada anyway, right?', '>>{Frisky_Mongoose} : Im confused as well... :/ Seeing tRump and an actual glimmer of a good idea in the same sentence is unpresidented.', '>>{1800Feelsbadman} : Chances it magically appeared in a plain envelope in her mailbox are the chances Gary Johnson will be president. It is just to protect the source since if she said I got it in a email they could suspeona the records or if it was snail mailed to her it could be traced. More than likely it is someone at a accounting firm or IRS. Either way it they would be in HUUUUGGE trouble if they were caught.', '>>{BlackSailsUnfurled} : That was the most key part of his mission, yes.', '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : You will too once you are covered by Universal healthcare aka Trumpcare.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : No because he came to the correct decision after executing his job professionally. I guess it's a slow news day..", '>>{DeplorableMe} : Bombshell:. Jeff Bezos did the same shit http://prntly.com/2016/10/02/breaking-washington-post-ceo-paid-no-taxes-under-the-same-deal-trump-did-media-covering-it-up/', '>>{DeplorableMe} : Hillary Clinton did the same shit in 2015. https://m.hrc.onl/secretary/10-documents/01-health-financial-records/Clinton_2015_Form_1040_with_Signature_Page.pdf', ">>{Beo1} : Can you read? She paid $4.5m on a $3.5m tax bill, and instead of getting a tax return, left the million extra to go towards this year's taxes. That's almost the opposite of what Trump did.", ">>{BED_WETTER_BY_PROXY} : We should OVER praise him for this kind of stuff. I would let him think he's the most admired man in the world if he's going support progressive policies. Maybe he'd be addicted to the praise and continue to do MORE progressive things. He's got a lot of ground to make up though.", ">>{DeplorableMe} : I can, apparently you can't. Page 17, she carried over $699,540 in capital gains losses.", '>>{Losalou52} : > This is a good thing, yet people will still just call names and slander others. The current state of American discourse. So much for the Socratic Method.', '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : He\'s probably glad he didn\'t "accidentally" die in a gym accident', '>>{malpais} : Comey said the decision was unanimous among the 25 or so investigators assigned to the case. Does he "feel bad"? Guess what Joe, ya giant douchebag...the law doesn\'t work on "feelings".', ">>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : No, the DNC will email his handlers and quiet him that way. We already know it's happened before.", '>>{Losalou52} : It has to do more with protecting the utilities and tax revenue bases than being "anti-solar". Oregon has had similar issues with electric cars reducing fuel tax revenues which creates budget shortfalls. Now they are looking at a per mile tax opposed to the current fuel tax. There is always a bigger picture to look at.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Scarborough Unloads, what a disgusting image.', '>>{jc38122} : I think praise should come where praise is due. I do not agree with all of his policies, but I am not going to disagree with something someone does just because my party says to.', '>>{Beo1} : Oh, no! Did she pay no taxes for 18 years based on that loss? No, she paid more in tax than she needed to, which was millions.', '>>{exitpursuedbybear} : Perry to his credit (head of DoE) came to his hearing and said he was wrong and didnt the understand the scope of the department unlike other Trump appointees that have cavalierly, smugly embraced their ignorance and made no apologies.', '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I imagine Comey feels pretty shitty either way. A long, distinguished legal career, and he will be mostly remembered for this. Not many people talking about him standing up against NSA surveillance or calling for the Justice Department to be non-partisan now are they? If he recommended indictment he would be roasted for being a partisan hack, and by not recommending indictment he\'s "an arm of the Clinton campaign." Dude was fucked the moment this landed on his desk.', '>>{4FNC} : The office cleaning staff who has not been paid in months.', ">>{bulldog11} : I call bullshit ! All 25 said do not indict . You can't get 8 people to agree on a jury much less 25. Total crap💩💩💩💩💩", ">>{DeplorableMe} : How do you know Trump didn't pay taxes? Clearly you can carry losses and still pay.", ">>{IND_CFC} : Funding for SunShot was allocated in the previous budget. I work in the energy industry, and I didn't think the grants were being awarded anytime soon. Considering a leaked budget memo for the Department of Energy indicated the entire program would be scrapped, I'm guessing the DOE is doing this independent of the White House. The acting director has been with the department for many years and is a huge supporter of solar (Trump is not). The DOE was silenced from announcing any grant recipients as soon as Trump took office. Sunshot went completely silent after that. To be perfectly honest, I think Chalk is going ahead with the program before Trump has a chance to shut it down. If he wants to make a show of going back on the awards, so be it, but that will be much more difficult to do now.", '>>{malpais} : Jul 7, 2016, 11:45 a.m. In sworn testimony, under oath... >Comey told the House Oversight Committee that the decision not to recommend an indictment was unanimous among the investigative team.', ">>{bulldog11} : So, it appears to me that lying to congress has no consequences . Or maybe if you want to keep your cushy fbi job you go along to get along. Don't you seriously think they should have recommended for indictment ? Look at General Patreaus.", '>>{Bman0921} : I think more people would view him as a hero for indicting Clinton. And probably history too.', ">>{Skunkmore} : Why would he? He's Smarter(tm) than that.", ">>{Telstar_} : When a victim has so many enemies it's hard to know where to start!", ">>{theshantanu} : Lol. You look at General Petraeus. Clearly you haven't been following this issue. Comey clarified why Petraeus issue was handled differently in his testimony. [Here](http://www.businessinsider.in/FBI-director-explains-distinction-between-Hillary-Clinton-and-David-Petraeus-investigations/articleshow/53103535.cms) I got you a link to look at. Ignorant people all over this site.", '>>{bulldog11} : The explanation is weak at best. Saying that she did not act deliberately does not excuse her extreme careless and reckless behavior. All other cases with the same set of facts get sent to the DOJ . THE ONLY THING DIFFERENT HERE IS WHO . Your bias is clear. Who smashes I pads and other devices with a hammer to destroy any trail of evidence? There is only one reason to do that.', '>>{deadbeatdad80} : ^^ This makes much more sense. Thank you!', '>>{Colonel_Gentleman} : Indiana is trying to screw it up also, preventing selling excess back to the grid, making you sell it all to the power companies, then buy it back at a higher rate.', ">>{Colonel_Gentleman} : As far as I understand that would be possible, if you're confident you can store enough juice to make it through a cloudy week :) If I understand correctly, the IN law is referred to as all or none, in that you can't sell the excess energy you generate to the grid. You either sell none of it, or all of it then buy it back at power company rates.", '>>{moosigny} : but by all accounts, she would have been exonerated after a long and gruesome proceeding. in which case, comey would look even worse.', ">>{theshantanu} : Weak at best my ass. That's coming from an actual legal expert in concert with his team that was doing the investigation. It's not an isolated opinion. And really? All other cases had the *same* set of facts? You sure about that? 100%?", '>>{bulldog11} : Who smashes eletonic devices with a hammer and why ? You left the genius answer to that one out. 100% and you ? Give me that 33% answer.', ">>{theshantanu} : Many people do that for various reasons. I have no reason to assume Clinton of any wrongdoing especially when there I not a *shred of evidence*. Fuck conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists. It's not my job to prove something didn't happen just because you accuse me of something. The onus is on you. That's how it works. That's how everything works. You high information voters are really something.", '>>{kekiswithme} : [Not as discusting as hillary unloading phelgm into her water glass](http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1473183590819.webm)', ">>{Scarletyoshi} : Those are obviously cough drops. You may want to seek medical attention if you're under the impression that's what phlegm is supposed to look like.", '>>{kekiswithme} : You may want to watch the higher def videos.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Are those the ones where you can see the horns?', '>>{kekiswithme} : No, you can see a cough drop followed by two nasty lung butters she spit up.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{jc38122} : Trump’s DOE Announces $30M in Funding for Grid Integration of Solar', '>>{jc38122} : Even Berkeley got part of the pie. Hopefully there will be more of this.', ">>{deadbeatdad80} : What?? What's happening here? Trump is doing something that is HELPING? I don't understand!", ">>{DickButtwoman} : I'm glad his supporters will lap this up like everything else, but this is also the guy that said solar is trash and that clean energy was stupid. I'm just glad his supporters are all spineless, value-less hacks that only care about liberal tears and will change opinions at the whim of their master...", '>>{jc38122} : Well that was a very nice thing to say about something people care about. I hope he keeps pouring money into stuff like this. It is not about eating up what he does, its about making sure all the news gets out there. This is a good thing, yet people will still just call names and slander others. At some point I hope we can all come together and end this craziness that is happening now.', '>>{Lost_the_weight} : Already there in Nevada. Governor (Sandoval?) basically killed rooftop solar last summer. I mean, come on, how much solar power would you generate in Nevada anyway, right?', '>>{Frisky_Mongoose} : Im confused as well... :/ Seeing tRump and an actual glimmer of a good idea in the same sentence is unpresidented.', '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : You will too once you are covered by Universal healthcare aka Trumpcare.', ">>{BED_WETTER_BY_PROXY} : We should OVER praise him for this kind of stuff. I would let him think he's the most admired man in the world if he's going support progressive policies. Maybe he'd be addicted to the praise and continue to do MORE progressive things. He's got a lot of ground to make up though.", '>>{Losalou52} : > This is a good thing, yet people will still just call names and slander others. The current state of American discourse. So much for the Socratic Method.', '>>{Losalou52} : It has to do more with protecting the utilities and tax revenue bases than being "anti-solar". Oregon has had similar issues with electric cars reducing fuel tax revenues which creates budget shortfalls. Now they are looking at a per mile tax opposed to the current fuel tax. There is always a bigger picture to look at.', '>>{jc38122} : I think praise should come where praise is due. I do not agree with all of his policies, but I am not going to disagree with something someone does just because my party says to.', '>>{exitpursuedbybear} : Perry to his credit (head of DoE) came to his hearing and said he was wrong and didnt the understand the scope of the department unlike other Trump appointees that have cavalierly, smugly embraced their ignorance and made no apologies.', ">>{IND_CFC} : Funding for SunShot was allocated in the previous budget. I work in the energy industry, and I didn't think the grants were being awarded anytime soon. Considering a leaked budget memo for the Department of Energy indicated the entire program would be scrapped, I'm guessing the DOE is doing this independent of the White House. The acting director has been with the department for many years and is a huge supporter of solar (Trump is not). The DOE was silenced from announcing any grant recipients as soon as Trump took office. Sunshot went completely silent after that. To be perfectly honest, I think Chalk is going ahead with the program before Trump has a chance to shut it down. If he wants to make a show of going back on the awards, so be it, but that will be much more difficult to do now.", '>>{deadbeatdad80} : ^^ This makes much more sense. Thank you!', '>>{Colonel_Gentleman} : Indiana is trying to screw it up also, preventing selling excess back to the grid, making you sell it all to the power companies, then buy it back at a higher rate.', ">>{Colonel_Gentleman} : As far as I understand that would be possible, if you're confident you can store enough juice to make it through a cloudy week :) If I understand correctly, the IN law is referred to as all or none, in that you can't sell the excess energy you generate to the grid. You either sell none of it, or all of it then buy it back at power company rates."], ['>>{Telstar_} : Who gave Trump’s taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.', '>>{1800Feelsbadman} : Chances it magically appeared in a plain envelope in her mailbox are the chances Gary Johnson will be president. It is just to protect the source since if she said I got it in a email they could suspeona the records or if it was snail mailed to her it could be traced. More than likely it is someone at a accounting firm or IRS. Either way it they would be in HUUUUGGE trouble if they were caught.', '>>{BlackSailsUnfurled} : That was the most key part of his mission, yes.', '>>{DeplorableMe} : Bombshell:. Jeff Bezos did the same shit http://prntly.com/2016/10/02/breaking-washington-post-ceo-paid-no-taxes-under-the-same-deal-trump-did-media-covering-it-up/', '>>{DeplorableMe} : Hillary Clinton did the same shit in 2015. https://m.hrc.onl/secretary/10-documents/01-health-financial-records/Clinton_2015_Form_1040_with_Signature_Page.pdf', ">>{Beo1} : Can you read? She paid $4.5m on a $3.5m tax bill, and instead of getting a tax return, left the million extra to go towards this year's taxes. That's almost the opposite of what Trump did.", ">>{DeplorableMe} : I can, apparently you can't. Page 17, she carried over $699,540 in capital gains losses.", '>>{Beo1} : Oh, no! Did she pay no taxes for 18 years based on that loss? No, she paid more in tax than she needed to, which was millions.', '>>{4FNC} : The office cleaning staff who has not been paid in months.', ">>{DeplorableMe} : How do you know Trump didn't pay taxes? Clearly you can carry losses and still pay.", ">>{Skunkmore} : Why would he? He's Smarter(tm) than that.", ">>{Telstar_} : When a victim has so many enemies it's hard to know where to start!"], ['>>{Actuarybrad} : Scarborough Unloads, Wonders if Comey ‘Feels Bad About Himself’ Over Not Indicting Clinton', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : No because he came to the correct decision after executing his job professionally. I guess it's a slow news day..", '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : He\'s probably glad he didn\'t "accidentally" die in a gym accident', '>>{malpais} : Comey said the decision was unanimous among the 25 or so investigators assigned to the case. Does he "feel bad"? Guess what Joe, ya giant douchebag...the law doesn\'t work on "feelings".', ">>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : No, the DNC will email his handlers and quiet him that way. We already know it's happened before.", '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Scarborough Unloads, what a disgusting image.', '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I imagine Comey feels pretty shitty either way. A long, distinguished legal career, and he will be mostly remembered for this. Not many people talking about him standing up against NSA surveillance or calling for the Justice Department to be non-partisan now are they? If he recommended indictment he would be roasted for being a partisan hack, and by not recommending indictment he\'s "an arm of the Clinton campaign." Dude was fucked the moment this landed on his desk.', ">>{bulldog11} : I call bullshit ! All 25 said do not indict . You can't get 8 people to agree on a jury much less 25. Total crap💩💩💩💩💩", '>>{malpais} : Jul 7, 2016, 11:45 a.m. In sworn testimony, under oath... >Comey told the House Oversight Committee that the decision not to recommend an indictment was unanimous among the investigative team.', ">>{bulldog11} : So, it appears to me that lying to congress has no consequences . Or maybe if you want to keep your cushy fbi job you go along to get along. Don't you seriously think they should have recommended for indictment ? Look at General Patreaus.", '>>{Bman0921} : I think more people would view him as a hero for indicting Clinton. And probably history too.', ">>{theshantanu} : Lol. You look at General Petraeus. Clearly you haven't been following this issue. Comey clarified why Petraeus issue was handled differently in his testimony. [Here](http://www.businessinsider.in/FBI-director-explains-distinction-between-Hillary-Clinton-and-David-Petraeus-investigations/articleshow/53103535.cms) I got you a link to look at. Ignorant people all over this site.", '>>{bulldog11} : The explanation is weak at best. Saying that she did not act deliberately does not excuse her extreme careless and reckless behavior. All other cases with the same set of facts get sent to the DOJ . THE ONLY THING DIFFERENT HERE IS WHO . Your bias is clear. Who smashes I pads and other devices with a hammer to destroy any trail of evidence? There is only one reason to do that.', '>>{moosigny} : but by all accounts, she would have been exonerated after a long and gruesome proceeding. in which case, comey would look even worse.', ">>{theshantanu} : Weak at best my ass. That's coming from an actual legal expert in concert with his team that was doing the investigation. It's not an isolated opinion. And really? All other cases had the *same* set of facts? You sure about that? 100%?", '>>{bulldog11} : Who smashes eletonic devices with a hammer and why ? You left the genius answer to that one out. 100% and you ? Give me that 33% answer.', ">>{theshantanu} : Many people do that for various reasons. I have no reason to assume Clinton of any wrongdoing especially when there I not a *shred of evidence*. Fuck conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists. It's not my job to prove something didn't happen just because you accuse me of something. The onus is on you. That's how it works. That's how everything works. You high information voters are really something.", '>>{kekiswithme} : [Not as discusting as hillary unloading phelgm into her water glass](http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1473183590819.webm)', ">>{Scarletyoshi} : Those are obviously cough drops. You may want to seek medical attention if you're under the impression that's what phlegm is supposed to look like.", '>>{kekiswithme} : You may want to watch the higher def videos.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Are those the ones where you can see the horns?', '>>{kekiswithme} : No, you can see a cough drop followed by two nasty lung butters she spit up.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Ben826} : Top Intel Dem to seek testimony from ex-MI6 spy behind Trump dossier', '>>{TableTopFarmer} : Since Steele surfaced yesterday, it seems that he is inviting lawmakers to ask him all the questions they want. Which means he thinks he can make a strong case for the veracity of his claims.', ">>{AustinTxTeacher} : *shrugs* I've totally given up hope. I'll vote, but I'll never have confidence again, ever. And after I early retire and move out of the country, I won't care at all. I'm done worrying about this shit.", '>>{RayWencube} : I\'ve said before and I\'ll say again, it\'s like the Democrats actively don\'t want to win another election. The "third way" moderate Democratic orthodoxy has resulted in record-shattering losses at the state and local level over the past 8 years.', '>>{Sussay} : I just don\'t think "sorry" is going to cut it.', '>>{Frank_Drebin} : A disgusting card but i dont think anyone should face administrative action for bad jokes. The exception being if this was a pattern of harrassment against some person or group, but i think that is a stretch at this point.', '>>{lokokowo} : I actually think it is really neat that a real-life James Bond movie is playing out before our eyes.', ">>{FlamingGarbageCan} : His reappearance video was really strange. Some people think he wouldn't have made such a conspicuous return if he hadn't been fully debriefed already.", ">>{Sussay} : Clearly the person was not taught by parents or interaction with peers that this was an awful and HATEFUL expression. Perhaps they are unteachable and shouldn't be at a public university. Maybe they would find Liberty U or Oral Roberts U more in tune with their sentiments.", '>>{joelberg} : Steele is just trying to Make America Great Again. Hopefully Congress will do their job.', ">>{TableTopFarmer} : I hadn't considered that possibility, but it makes sense.", '>>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah, the failure to keep conservative Democrats since 2008 has been damaging.', ">>{PM-ME-HAPPY-THOUGHTS} : He better be covered in bubble wrap inside a radiation-proof EOD suit at all times if we're going to seriously move forward with this.", '>>{AustinTxTeacher} : After the last election cycle, and the election itself...I have to tend to myself and protect my sanity.', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : You're absolutely not alone in that, but we all can't get through this if we don't stick together. The goal of some people is this division or exhaustion. Give yourself breaks from it all, we all need that, but don't give others what they want. Fight back. (at least this is what I've been telling myself every morning for the last three weeks)", '>>{Not_A_Doctor__} : > But it came after weeks of fierce wrangling over what should fall under the purview of the investigation — and how strong the evidence is indicating contact between the campaign and Russian officials. "Is the Republican position that *nothing* involving the president should be investigated?" "Nothing is a sort of something."', ">>{lollygagme} : This. Let's crowdfund a sterile bubble and 24/7 security for the guy.", '>>{PolanetaryForotdds} : I hear people talking about Republicans being racist, does anyone have one actual instance of it happening?', '>>{copperpanner} : If not by the U.S., then by MI6.', ">>{RayWencube} : I can't tell whether you're defending the idea of conservative Democrats or not.", ">>{FlamingGarbageCan} : Yeah, I'd think that's very possible. I'm sure they have protocols for this situation, whatever that may be, which would explain his absence and then reappearance.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Trump certainly is as cartoonishly ridiculous as a Bond villain. Much more inept than any I can think of though.', '>>{BizaRhythm} : Can you imagine if he was the villain in one of those films? "I\'m going to get him. Bigly. He\'s a bad hombre."', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : You spray yourself orange daily, Mr. Trump? *takes sip of martini* "Frankly I don\'t see the appeal."', ">>{AustinTxTeacher} : I will vote progressive w/o fail, but I'm done putting any faith in the DNC and the electorate, not to mention the gerrymandering, voting rights stifling, Citizens United, etc. Thank you for the encouraging words, though! They really do go a long way.", ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : At another time an eyerolling frown would be appropriate in response but in this environment, damn, that is some epic level stupidity on someone's part.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : All republicans are pieces of shit. When colleges allow clubs for racist hate groups like the Republican party what else do they expect.', '>>{SaltHash} : >I hear people talking about Republicans being racist, does anyone have one actual instance of it happening? The article is an account of an actual instance of bigotry from Republicans. Indeed, there are other accounts of actual instances of Republicans being racist. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/upstate-n-y-republican-threatened-deport-muslim-obama-article-1.2954936 http://rollingout.com/2017/01/18/racist-governor-wants-john-lewis-thank-republicans-ending-slavery/ http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/15/west-virginia-mayor-resigns-after-racist-facebook-post-about-michelle-obama.html', '>>{c0pypastry} : That one isn\'t even clever ffs "You\'re the Reich one for me" "I\'ve been sieg-ing for someone like you" "You\'re so cute I could Gobbel you up" "Will you B f 1 0 mine?" (With a picture of a bf109) "Be mein"', '>>{Frank_Drebin} : If they offer a genuine apology then i think telling them how stupid it was is enough. If they are intending to intimidate or harrass someone, like sending it to jewish students or one person in particular nefariously, then yes. But we really shouldnt condem people because they did something offensive. Nobody learns why this shit is not acceptable if the punishment too harsh, it just helps idiots at the_donald and like minded places ralley and their message gets more air time. Over reaction makes it worse.', ">>{PolanetaryForotdds} : I mean... I'm fucking commenting it under the evidence itself. How is it possible for someone to not think it's sarcasm?", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : I absolutely get that. It was a bit of a less than positive realization that the DNC was a private organization. They're not in it for all the people, just they're own. Unfortunately for now, that seems like the best way forward for progressive agendas, but I don't have faith in them. They can try and win it back, but I'm putting my faith more in my neighbors, the American people. We're more people than them. They need us as much as we think we need them. We just need to keep together and not let others divide us for their personal gain. I can only hope this election grows a new generation of politicians, people who put country over party within the context of what our country has always strived to stand for.", ">>{OG_Willikers} : Yeah, he's definitely more like Dr. Evil than Goldfinger.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : You were criticising the party for losing seats, obviously the party losing conservatives has been the big issue there, as the moderates didn't want to keep appealing to them.", '>>{Sussay} : Well, you make a sound argument, thank you for taking the time to make it. I can almost get there, however, I think in the days of "alternative facts," there should be real and swift rejection of this. Perhaps expulsion is over reaction, but there needs to be a reaction.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : Could you elaborate? Like I was agreeing with your idea that Democrats have forgotten just how right wing the US is, they ignored the lessons of 2010 and 2014.', '>>{RayWencube} : No, the Democrats have been *too* right wing (well, too corporatist at least). The vast, vast majority of the electorate don\'t think in ideological terms--that has been a central tenet of political science since the 50s. The Dems have lost sight of the populist message that led them to power in the 40s-70s. Moreover, when you spend your time campaigning on "man, I\'m not like the rest of my party--they are all socialist shitlibs but I\'m basically a republican" you leave voters wondering why they shouldn\'t just vote for the republican.', ">>{sungazer69} : This story is fucking insane. I can't get enough of it but it's also TERRIFYING", '>>{yokablasta} : Good old Republican humor. The best "comedian" they have is Gutfield, and they have to use canned laughter.', ">>{f_d} : One of the movies was about a Murdoch type using his control of news to control the world. That's not so different from Trump relying on Fox.", '>>{RayWencube} : I swear I\'m not toeing a line here, but it would be Bernie\'s message. "The system has left average Americans behind, and I am going to relentlessly fight that system, and here\'s how" The how of it honestly doesn\'t matter that much so long as it\'s *different*', '>>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah, I get that. What do you do in 2 years time after being elected though? The 2009 Democratic trifecta put in place the most anti-inequality spending since LBJ, put in place strong financial regulation, and saw the US regain respect and good governance. In November 2010 the American people voted decisively against that, with conservative Democrats being hit particularly hard, as they were seen as supporting a centre-left agenda.', '>>{RayWencube} : > In November 2010 the American people voted decisively against that **That** is the problematic narrative. That isn\'t at all what happened. Political scientists have known going back to the 70s that midterm elections are categorically not referenda on the President. Here\'s why: There are three groups who vote in a presidential election. Partisan Democrats, partisan Republicans, and true independents. The true independents tend to be the group that decides the winner of the presidency. Moreover, they are much more likely than the partisans to let their choice in President determine their choice in down-ballot races. In midterm elections, however, there are only two groups who vote: partisan Democrats and partisan Republicans. The independents stay home. Therefore, the President\'s party *typically* has a much smaller coalition of voters than it did during the general election. The result is that congressmen who won on the backs of those independents in the presidential are at a high risk of losing in the midterms. Certainly 2010 was worse than most (maybe all) years, but a pretty significant amount of the "extra" losses can be explained pretty easily by the fact that the Democratic base\'s enthusiasm was at a probably record-breaking high in 2008 because of Obama. That enthusiasm doesn\'t last long, and it had worn off by 2010. Moreover, Obama attracted *a ton* of independent support--moreso than is typical of a winning President. The result is that the Democratic coalition was not only thumped by the loss of a historically sizeable group of independents, but also significantly reduced turnout from partisan Democrats.', ">>{letsmakemistakes} : I'm no longer shocked about how often I see people post stuff like that unsarcastically :[", ">>{PolanetaryForotdds} : I know, my post is really day-to-day stuff, but I mean, I'm posting it literally under the evidence I'm asking for. But anyway... it's sad what this has become.", ">>{Whyeth} : I've been so impressed with the mental gymnastics being performed at t_d I assume everything is serious without the /s tag.", '>>{Sussay} : Update: an investigation completed by the university identified a NON-student as the source of the unsavory valentine. They have admitted to being the source and the local DA says no criminal charges will be filed.', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Right, what I'm asking is, how would you avoid this?", '>>{RayWencube} : It\'s very difficult because the President\'s party always loses seats in the midterm. It\'s virtually guaranteed. To start, you have to build enthusiasm among the party base during the presidential election. That leads to Democrats getting elected during that election. Then, you have to *sustain* that enthusiasm through the mid-terms by, say, championing popular policies like single-payer or Wall Street reform, so the size of the base is not reduced in the midterm. Meanwhile, you have to focus on convincing non-partisans to become partisan Democrats. The way to do that is long and complicated, but it boils down to "be exciting, simple, and populist."', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Do you have any examples of this working? I'm interested.", ">>{data2dave} : You got a Progressive Gay mayor in Fort Wayne. Sorry, his name doesn't roll off my tongue. But there is hope. Whereas the Bayh clan is too establishment, boring and Third way and they lose. Economic Populism is what is needed-- not the phony brand of Trump's which will be undone with another recession around the corner.", ">>{data2dave} : Too be honest, Obama, tried to deal with Republicans more than tried to energize his base during '09 and '10. He did the opposite of FDR who never gave quarter to the Republicans who led us into the Great Depression. Also, the ACA wasn't a good cause as Jobs and stimulus were a far more important goal then. He kissed Wall Street's butt and let Main Street whither by giving Republicans too much respect.", '>>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah fair point, would have been better if Hillary won in 08. Obama was mediocre at that stuff.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : How do they hold on to power in 2 years time though?', '>>{butdoctorimpagliacci} : institutions will always fight change. they will never give it up willingly. the republicans fought trump every step of the way, and only accepted some concessions on economic populism and lgbt acceptance when he won. establishment democrats will never give an inch, they must be purged and replaced.', '>>{data2dave} : Sorry, but both have similarities and Hillary\'s probably would be worse than Obama\'s. She\'d give Social Security to ReThugians if it meant more contributions for her funding and Third Way agenda. Her inability to not be a "trimmer" of the truth matched her husband\'s. and I\'m old enough to remember how Limbaugh and Gingrich kneecapped the Clinton\'s two years into their first Term. Again major disaster for Democrats.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Sussay} : I just don\'t think "sorry" is going to cut it.', '>>{Frank_Drebin} : A disgusting card but i dont think anyone should face administrative action for bad jokes. The exception being if this was a pattern of harrassment against some person or group, but i think that is a stretch at this point.', ">>{Sussay} : Clearly the person was not taught by parents or interaction with peers that this was an awful and HATEFUL expression. Perhaps they are unteachable and shouldn't be at a public university. Maybe they would find Liberty U or Oral Roberts U more in tune with their sentiments.", '>>{PolanetaryForotdds} : I hear people talking about Republicans being racist, does anyone have one actual instance of it happening?', ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : At another time an eyerolling frown would be appropriate in response but in this environment, damn, that is some epic level stupidity on someone's part.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : All republicans are pieces of shit. When colleges allow clubs for racist hate groups like the Republican party what else do they expect.', '>>{SaltHash} : >I hear people talking about Republicans being racist, does anyone have one actual instance of it happening? The article is an account of an actual instance of bigotry from Republicans. Indeed, there are other accounts of actual instances of Republicans being racist. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/upstate-n-y-republican-threatened-deport-muslim-obama-article-1.2954936 http://rollingout.com/2017/01/18/racist-governor-wants-john-lewis-thank-republicans-ending-slavery/ http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/15/west-virginia-mayor-resigns-after-racist-facebook-post-about-michelle-obama.html', '>>{c0pypastry} : That one isn\'t even clever ffs "You\'re the Reich one for me" "I\'ve been sieg-ing for someone like you" "You\'re so cute I could Gobbel you up" "Will you B f 1 0 mine?" (With a picture of a bf109) "Be mein"', '>>{Frank_Drebin} : If they offer a genuine apology then i think telling them how stupid it was is enough. If they are intending to intimidate or harrass someone, like sending it to jewish students or one person in particular nefariously, then yes. But we really shouldnt condem people because they did something offensive. Nobody learns why this shit is not acceptable if the punishment too harsh, it just helps idiots at the_donald and like minded places ralley and their message gets more air time. Over reaction makes it worse.', ">>{PolanetaryForotdds} : I mean... I'm fucking commenting it under the evidence itself. How is it possible for someone to not think it's sarcasm?", '>>{Sussay} : Well, you make a sound argument, thank you for taking the time to make it. I can almost get there, however, I think in the days of "alternative facts," there should be real and swift rejection of this. Perhaps expulsion is over reaction, but there needs to be a reaction.', '>>{yokablasta} : Good old Republican humor. The best "comedian" they have is Gutfield, and they have to use canned laughter.', ">>{letsmakemistakes} : I'm no longer shocked about how often I see people post stuff like that unsarcastically :[", ">>{PolanetaryForotdds} : I know, my post is really day-to-day stuff, but I mean, I'm posting it literally under the evidence I'm asking for. But anyway... it's sad what this has become.", ">>{Whyeth} : I've been so impressed with the mental gymnastics being performed at t_d I assume everything is serious without the /s tag.", '>>{Sussay} : Update: an investigation completed by the university identified a NON-student as the source of the unsavory valentine. They have admitted to being the source and the local DA says no criminal charges will be filed.'], ['>>{Ben826} : Top Intel Dem to seek testimony from ex-MI6 spy behind Trump dossier', '>>{TableTopFarmer} : Since Steele surfaced yesterday, it seems that he is inviting lawmakers to ask him all the questions they want. Which means he thinks he can make a strong case for the veracity of his claims.', '>>{lokokowo} : I actually think it is really neat that a real-life James Bond movie is playing out before our eyes.', ">>{FlamingGarbageCan} : His reappearance video was really strange. Some people think he wouldn't have made such a conspicuous return if he hadn't been fully debriefed already.", '>>{joelberg} : Steele is just trying to Make America Great Again. Hopefully Congress will do their job.', ">>{TableTopFarmer} : I hadn't considered that possibility, but it makes sense.", ">>{PM-ME-HAPPY-THOUGHTS} : He better be covered in bubble wrap inside a radiation-proof EOD suit at all times if we're going to seriously move forward with this.", '>>{Not_A_Doctor__} : > But it came after weeks of fierce wrangling over what should fall under the purview of the investigation — and how strong the evidence is indicating contact between the campaign and Russian officials. "Is the Republican position that *nothing* involving the president should be investigated?" "Nothing is a sort of something."', ">>{lollygagme} : This. Let's crowdfund a sterile bubble and 24/7 security for the guy.", '>>{copperpanner} : If not by the U.S., then by MI6.', ">>{FlamingGarbageCan} : Yeah, I'd think that's very possible. I'm sure they have protocols for this situation, whatever that may be, which would explain his absence and then reappearance.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Trump certainly is as cartoonishly ridiculous as a Bond villain. Much more inept than any I can think of though.', '>>{BizaRhythm} : Can you imagine if he was the villain in one of those films? "I\'m going to get him. Bigly. He\'s a bad hombre."', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : You spray yourself orange daily, Mr. Trump? *takes sip of martini* "Frankly I don\'t see the appeal."', ">>{OG_Willikers} : Yeah, he's definitely more like Dr. Evil than Goldfinger.", ">>{sungazer69} : This story is fucking insane. I can't get enough of it but it's also TERRIFYING", ">>{f_d} : One of the movies was about a Murdoch type using his control of news to control the world. That's not so different from Trump relying on Fox."], [">>{AustinTxTeacher} : *shrugs* I've totally given up hope. I'll vote, but I'll never have confidence again, ever. And after I early retire and move out of the country, I won't care at all. I'm done worrying about this shit.", '>>{RayWencube} : I\'ve said before and I\'ll say again, it\'s like the Democrats actively don\'t want to win another election. The "third way" moderate Democratic orthodoxy has resulted in record-shattering losses at the state and local level over the past 8 years.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah, the failure to keep conservative Democrats since 2008 has been damaging.', '>>{AustinTxTeacher} : After the last election cycle, and the election itself...I have to tend to myself and protect my sanity.', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : You're absolutely not alone in that, but we all can't get through this if we don't stick together. The goal of some people is this division or exhaustion. Give yourself breaks from it all, we all need that, but don't give others what they want. Fight back. (at least this is what I've been telling myself every morning for the last three weeks)", ">>{RayWencube} : I can't tell whether you're defending the idea of conservative Democrats or not.", ">>{AustinTxTeacher} : I will vote progressive w/o fail, but I'm done putting any faith in the DNC and the electorate, not to mention the gerrymandering, voting rights stifling, Citizens United, etc. Thank you for the encouraging words, though! They really do go a long way.", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : I absolutely get that. It was a bit of a less than positive realization that the DNC was a private organization. They're not in it for all the people, just they're own. Unfortunately for now, that seems like the best way forward for progressive agendas, but I don't have faith in them. They can try and win it back, but I'm putting my faith more in my neighbors, the American people. We're more people than them. They need us as much as we think we need them. We just need to keep together and not let others divide us for their personal gain. I can only hope this election grows a new generation of politicians, people who put country over party within the context of what our country has always strived to stand for.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : You were criticising the party for losing seats, obviously the party losing conservatives has been the big issue there, as the moderates didn't want to keep appealing to them.", '>>{AtomicKoala} : Could you elaborate? Like I was agreeing with your idea that Democrats have forgotten just how right wing the US is, they ignored the lessons of 2010 and 2014.', '>>{RayWencube} : No, the Democrats have been *too* right wing (well, too corporatist at least). The vast, vast majority of the electorate don\'t think in ideological terms--that has been a central tenet of political science since the 50s. The Dems have lost sight of the populist message that led them to power in the 40s-70s. Moreover, when you spend your time campaigning on "man, I\'m not like the rest of my party--they are all socialist shitlibs but I\'m basically a republican" you leave voters wondering why they shouldn\'t just vote for the republican.', '>>{RayWencube} : I swear I\'m not toeing a line here, but it would be Bernie\'s message. "The system has left average Americans behind, and I am going to relentlessly fight that system, and here\'s how" The how of it honestly doesn\'t matter that much so long as it\'s *different*', '>>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah, I get that. What do you do in 2 years time after being elected though? The 2009 Democratic trifecta put in place the most anti-inequality spending since LBJ, put in place strong financial regulation, and saw the US regain respect and good governance. In November 2010 the American people voted decisively against that, with conservative Democrats being hit particularly hard, as they were seen as supporting a centre-left agenda.', '>>{RayWencube} : > In November 2010 the American people voted decisively against that **That** is the problematic narrative. That isn\'t at all what happened. Political scientists have known going back to the 70s that midterm elections are categorically not referenda on the President. Here\'s why: There are three groups who vote in a presidential election. Partisan Democrats, partisan Republicans, and true independents. The true independents tend to be the group that decides the winner of the presidency. Moreover, they are much more likely than the partisans to let their choice in President determine their choice in down-ballot races. In midterm elections, however, there are only two groups who vote: partisan Democrats and partisan Republicans. The independents stay home. Therefore, the President\'s party *typically* has a much smaller coalition of voters than it did during the general election. The result is that congressmen who won on the backs of those independents in the presidential are at a high risk of losing in the midterms. Certainly 2010 was worse than most (maybe all) years, but a pretty significant amount of the "extra" losses can be explained pretty easily by the fact that the Democratic base\'s enthusiasm was at a probably record-breaking high in 2008 because of Obama. That enthusiasm doesn\'t last long, and it had worn off by 2010. Moreover, Obama attracted *a ton* of independent support--moreso than is typical of a winning President. The result is that the Democratic coalition was not only thumped by the loss of a historically sizeable group of independents, but also significantly reduced turnout from partisan Democrats.', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Right, what I'm asking is, how would you avoid this?", '>>{RayWencube} : It\'s very difficult because the President\'s party always loses seats in the midterm. It\'s virtually guaranteed. To start, you have to build enthusiasm among the party base during the presidential election. That leads to Democrats getting elected during that election. Then, you have to *sustain* that enthusiasm through the mid-terms by, say, championing popular policies like single-payer or Wall Street reform, so the size of the base is not reduced in the midterm. Meanwhile, you have to focus on convincing non-partisans to become partisan Democrats. The way to do that is long and complicated, but it boils down to "be exciting, simple, and populist."', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Do you have any examples of this working? I'm interested.", ">>{data2dave} : You got a Progressive Gay mayor in Fort Wayne. Sorry, his name doesn't roll off my tongue. But there is hope. Whereas the Bayh clan is too establishment, boring and Third way and they lose. Economic Populism is what is needed-- not the phony brand of Trump's which will be undone with another recession around the corner.", ">>{data2dave} : Too be honest, Obama, tried to deal with Republicans more than tried to energize his base during '09 and '10. He did the opposite of FDR who never gave quarter to the Republicans who led us into the Great Depression. Also, the ACA wasn't a good cause as Jobs and stimulus were a far more important goal then. He kissed Wall Street's butt and let Main Street whither by giving Republicans too much respect.", '>>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah fair point, would have been better if Hillary won in 08. Obama was mediocre at that stuff.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : How do they hold on to power in 2 years time though?', '>>{butdoctorimpagliacci} : institutions will always fight change. they will never give it up willingly. the republicans fought trump every step of the way, and only accepted some concessions on economic populism and lgbt acceptance when he won. establishment democrats will never give an inch, they must be purged and replaced.', '>>{data2dave} : Sorry, but both have similarities and Hillary\'s probably would be worse than Obama\'s. She\'d give Social Security to ReThugians if it meant more contributions for her funding and Third Way agenda. Her inability to not be a "trimmer" of the truth matched her husband\'s. and I\'m old enough to remember how Limbaugh and Gingrich kneecapped the Clinton\'s two years into their first Term. Again major disaster for Democrats.']]
classify and reply
['>>{i0BAYi} : Does the Reddit app not allow any NSFW text, or images to be viewed?', ">>{elmkzgirxp} : Xbox One S: The smaller, handsomer, 4K-ier system we've been looking for", '>>{Positively_erratic81} : You have to switch the settings on the desktop site', ">>{SpaceGoonie} : I'm happy with my current Xbox One system. My plan is to upgrade to 4k TV first, then next year get Scorpio. I happened to see a 4k Sharp Aquos the other day for only $900... i'm leaning towards that purchase.", '>>{Mydadfucksme} : A moment of silence for all the people who will buy this thinking they will be able to game in 4K.', '>>{i0BAYi} : Ahhh gotcha. Okay, that seems silly and kinda understandable at the same time haha', '>>{marcusgx} : Apple revoked apps with NSFW toggles in-app. They had to do it this way.', '>>{CharlesManson420} : That is not true. Antenna still has an option in settings to Preview NSFW posts', ">>{seanosul} : Glenn Beck Will Not Vote For Donald Trump Because He Doesn't Want To Answer To God", '>>{marcusgx} : They may be one of the lucky few to get through. Narwhal, Reddit, and a few others were removed from the App Store for this.', '>>{elitearo} : Is there really any major differences between this and the original Xbox one? Worth the buy?', ">>{pkafan4life} : Bro those PC guys can't keep up with the power of the Xbox One! EDIT: For those of you who can't figure it out this is satire", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I wish Glenn Beck was still on Fox. By far the most entertaining show I've seen. And when he brought out the chalkboard and his Soros and Obama magnets, phew. Its like X Files in real life lmao", ">>{Writerhaha} : Beck's God seems kind of petty, if he's worried about a voting record.", ">>{liarandathief} : And if that's the least of what Beck's done that he has to answer for.", '>>{tsdguy} : But you still have to sign on using the desktop site and accept the NSFW agreement.', '>>{tsdguy} : Yes. You probably already agreed to NSFW when you started using Reddit on the web.', '>>{Neennars} : Let me just leave this here for everyone: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/', '>>{CharlesManson420} : You mean all the way back when I created my account? So something pretty much every single user did?', ">>{seanosul} : It's the straight face thing, I just couldn't do it. I find most conservatives just too funny. I also could not manage to do the switcheroo as easily as they could. R/conservative went from being a place that would ban you if you didn't worship Ted Cruz (some of them actually had personal shrines dedicated to him) to another version of The Donald.", ">>{full-house-porno} : God also doesn't seem to support any of the candidates Beck does......", '>>{maxmorris134134} : So you told us about the box and nothing about the inside. Did you even try it out?', ">>{CharlesManson420} : Well that was incredibly misleading. Probably shouldn't say there aren't any apps that have a NSFW toggle in them, because that's blatantly untrue.", '>>{tsdguy} : Misleading by whom? It was an Apple decision some time ago to make the management of NSFW apps a site by site decision. This was because if apps have the capability of displaying NSFW content they had to be marked as over 14 in the App Store so that prevented people from downloading them even if they only wanted to access non-adult content. By switching to making the apps follow the account preferences they could remove the restriction in the App Store and have a wider distribution of the app. Makes perfect sense.', ">>{ArminVanBowman} : It's cheaper than pretty much any other 4k player out there and it plays videos games...", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Does Glenn think God forgot about that time he raped and murdered a girl in 1990? Because I think that would be a bigger deal to the old man, not that I can speak for him or anything.', ">>{Clsjajll} : I know he can't deny this before God. But, why won't he deny that to all mankind?", ">>{Xx_Swegpad_xX} : Dude you do know neither of these consoles won't be able to game in 4k?", ">>{dkliberator} : What?? Baby christians don't answer to god??", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Beck isn't voting for trump? There is only one way to not be like Beck liberals...Sorry.", ">>{IHaveVariedInterests} : Apparently it's the cheapest 4k BR player on the market. Slight (~10% framerate bump) Smaller, quieter (?), 50% less power draw, integrated power source (no giant brick).", ">>{Claritypleas} : It's okay, Pence has already answered for him.", '>>{CharlesManson420} : Misleading by the person who said there are no Reddit apps that have a NSFW preview toggle in them. There are.', '>>{wwwhistler} : while i can not speak for his theologic concerns i second the spirit of his words. to elect either is not something i want to answer for to my future grandchild.', ">>{tsdguy} : Oh. Well I guess that's technically true but it seems to be a pretty useless feature. Well maybe not if you are running on your work's LAN and they're tracking you then if you get a preview you might expose a NSFW URL for your work to detect. However in that case you'd have to be happy turning off all previews.", '>>{CharlesManson420} : It pertains to the thumbnail image of the post. By default all NSFW posts thumbnails are censored, you can check the toggle to disable that.', '>>{progress10} : I would like to take this moment to thank Donald Trump for absolutely de-legitimizing Glenn Beck and his platform The Blaze. I hate Trump for everything else he has done but his one good deed to society this election season is exposing Beck as a nutter to liberals and conservatives alike and damaging the Blaze. The people demanding it be added to my satellite service have gone away.', ">>{tsdguy} : I said that. You would get neither if you didn't agree to NSFW content within your Reddit account. At that point I guess a toggle is helpful although for me either thumbnails or not is fine regardless of the content.", '>>{anotherbrainstew} : Read books? Be rooted in reality? Not cry all the time', ">>{IHaveVariedInterests} : You know for a fact that Scorpio won't game in 4k?", '>>{IHaveVariedInterests} : All of this "le PC masta race" circlejerkery can eat a dick. It\'s not funny and never was.', '>>{reaper527} : he lives in texas. trump will win there with or without beck\'s vote. regardless of the fact that trump didn\'t win there in the primary, come the general election he could just put his name on the ballot as "Not Hilary (R) - NY" and win the state.', ">>{SpaceGoonie} : Dude, it's not about 4k gaming for me. I want the more powerful hardware and BLD player. I will appreciate the increased resolution and FPS on any level. For me, buying a TV this year and a more powerful console next year is a perfect way to spread the cost factor over time and still being able to enjoy fancy new hardware.", ">>{lawblogz} : I don't know, I think God works for Trump corp. now.", '>>{elitearo} : Feel like less noise and no big ass brick would be a good reason why people would buy it.', '>>{Pandastratton} : Glenn is still salty AF about trump swooping his thunder.. fucking hilarious', '>>{The_Master_Bater_} : There was that one girl that Beck killed and then raped.', '>>{seanosul} : Beck supports Ted Cruz. Have you seen what happens when a slug gets near salt?', ">>{kent_eh} : True, neither are what anyone would call stellar choices. However, at teh end of the day, *one* of them is going to be president whether you vote or not. Don't you want to have some influence in picking the lesser of 2 evils?", '>>{Pandastratton} : [IM MELTING!!!!](https://media.riffsy.com/images/5b872ee791c8822bf37812e3a3847266/raw)', '>>{wwwhistler} : not when the choices are Ronald McDonald vs Dr. Evil... no.', '>>{kent_eh} : So what are *you* going to do to improve the situation? Besides impotent internet rage, I mean.', '>>{Neennars} : It became a circle jerk because they are all true facts. You can get everything from a console and more for the same price in a pc. The only possible thing that you can argue is that you an exclusive that is specific to one of the systems aka Halo, Gears, Bloodborne, etc. Even with that, it would be an auxiliary system. I have saved so much money buying games on PC that I could build a PC to beat the PS4/XBone with the savings. Better framerates, better graphics, more exclusives than the PS4/XB1 combined, etc. I guess all I can say is that you can eat a dick buddy. You want to know what the internet is? One big circlejerk. Good luck with your lack of humor.', '>>{BeGoku} : 4 K? I thought that was supposed to be the point of that whole "Project Scorpio," jibba jabba... Getting flashbacks of them SEGA Saturn, SEGA Genesis, SEGA Dreamcast times. Edit: Oh, and can\'t leave out 32X...', '>>{IHaveVariedInterests} : > true facts As opposed to all the false facts out there?', '>>{Neennars} : You grabbed one part of that paragraph that I typed and try to make it a big deal and completely ignore the points that I made. Exactly boyo.', ">>{SorryImProbablyDrunk} : I press a button on a controller, the console loads up, I press the big rocket league logo, I play for an hour, I turn it off. Maybe I don't represent gamers, but consoles have their market. Not everyone gives a fuck about frame rates and getting the greatest graphics available, some people just want a nice and simple pick up and play machine that sits quietly under the tv.", ">>{slin25} : I do the exact same thing with my PC. Except it can do even more than any console. But seriously if I want to play Rocket League I just turn it on and press the Rocket League icon and bam I'm playing.", '>>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : There is no increased resolution. The new xbox upscales to 4k just like the current xbox upscales most games to 1080p. And the games that get a "solid" frame rate use dynamic scaling to drop the resolution to keep the framerate. So when there is a lot going on it drop the res from "1080" to 460. Besides, there is VERY VERY few content that is even in 4K. You have to use the TVs internet like Netflix and there are 4 or 5 shows that in in 4k, YouTube videos are way compressed anyway so it isn\'t even really 4k, and forget about TV, it will be years before they go to 4K, besides some havent even gone to 1080p yet. Yes it will look better with the more dense pixles and the better color representation but unless you have a PC capable of handling 4K (with gtx 980ti and above with capable cpu) there is no point in getting a 4K tv, or a "4k" console. And all this is still not the best because none of this is TRUE 4K. Talk to me when consoles upscale to true 4k.', '>>{FingerMilk} : This is the detachment between the 17 year old PC circlejerkers and adults who have life commitments. The amount of depth that sub goes into to hate on consoles is atrocious.', ">>{SpaceGoonie} : Then don't buy it. The point is, it's a more powerful machine and it will have increased visuals and performance. I will be getting one, and as I mentioned in my previous message, Blueray movies are one of the main reasons.", ">>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : The price to performance increase is not worth the money. I garuntee you will see better colors and that's it. It's the placebo effect making it seem better. That and marketing. And anyone who doesn't already have a Blu-ray player is behind the times. I mean Sony had it in their PS3 back when that came out! And with the internal power brick, there is going to be more heat in the box which will make it want to drop the resolution to keep a solid fps.", '>>{Gains4dayz} : Pc can\'t keep up with the "higher quality pixels"', ">>{SpaceGoonie} : I think you have confused what I said. I am not buying the Xbox One S. I am buying a Scorpio when it is released. I don't believe that will have an internal power brick (could be wrong) but even if it does, they will have implemented a sufficient cooling system to handle it. Obviously I won't buy the first batch, rather I will wait for any hardware issues to be discovered. The Scorpio will absolutely have increased visuals over current hardware. And the blueray player will support 4k, unlike the 2 BLD players I currently own.", ">>{THE_darkknight_pees} : Don't forget that it can output games and video in HDR now, which people with some 4k tvs can appreciate even if the games aren't 4k.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Please show me a computer for $300 that will do everything an Xbox S will do. You can't so don't waste your time on google. I build my stuff as well but I'm not an idiot. Can you build a PC for 300 bucks, of course you can. It will be a hunk of shit. X99 $350 (old model for 200 or cheaper as you lose capability) I5 $250 (i7 $350, yes old models can be cheaper I know) As we can see building a PC with anything that is considered worth a gaming rig instantly tops any console ever. We haven't even made it to GPU (add another $700 or $800) and god forbid you want to run SLI. Now on the flip side why people paid for a Xbox s I'll never know. Could have kept your x1, wait for Scorpio. Buy a nvidia for home media set up, case closed. Rookies.", ">>{Macnsal09} : After you update drivers and google why you have no audio. I'm a PC guy. Don't be crazy. Consoles are a million times more simple then a PC. That's a proven fact. PC has a plus in almost everything. Simplistic isn't it.", '>>{Macnsal09} : Actually you are behind the times. Who the fuck buys or use a blu-ray player? Streaming is actually current gen technology. Bluray players were like 2005 or 2006 technology', ">>{Macnsal09} : This entire post is basically a gigantic bullshit infested misinformed rant. I do agree with games upscaling. Rest of it is completely wrong. 4K content is everywhere. Every movie I watch is 4K. Every show that's been produced since 4K, I watch in 4K. YouTube has legit 4K 60fps content. You're problem is you don't know where to find 4K content. Ask any cord cutter how much 4K content there is. Lol.", '>>{Neennars} : My favorite things is how uninformed you are. Your prices are completely wrong and not sure if you realize that everything that you say is wrong pretty much. Have a good one and gtfo bruh.', '>>{DeadlyUnicorn98} : Scorpio is confirmed to be able to game in 4K in most if not all games', ">>{Macnsal09} : Interesting. Let's double check [x99](http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=X99&N=-1&isNodeId=1) [i5](http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=I5&N=-1&isNodeId=1). [i7](http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=I7&N=-1&isNodeId=1) Shall we continue?", ">>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : Anyone who wants the best picture and sound experience uses Blu-ray. Really, the best for sound is Lazer Disk. Streaming anything has something called compression rate. It must be compressed from original bit rate or resolution and has to travel then uncompress as it reaches your device. Compression and travel causes something called distortion!! But it's ok because you obviously don't care about the experience, grant it I do have Netflix and enjoy the convenience but that's all it is to me. Also, 4K Blu-ray does exist. It is better in everyway to streaming in 4K and is being implemented more and more.", ">>{Macnsal09} : I never argued which is better or which has compression or bit rates. Also I never said 4K blu-ray doesn't exist. You made a comment saying blu-ray was this new great technology and people without it are behind the times. I would greatly argue that people who still buy DVD, rent DVDs or need a blu-ray are behind the times. I won't get into a debate about compression ratios. Sure bluray sounds great when you consider it next to someone with'a 7mb connection. Also blu ray bit rate is 40mps and usually coded and pressed at 25. Sooo my internet which I adjust for, actually comes out way ahead of bluray as far as compression goes. However I will agree bit rates and compression combined will always better on bluray. Audio I will agree can be tricky and requires some work. 90% of everything I stream is 7.1 and the rest is 5.1. Unless someone is a extreme home theater user (high end) I can agree bluray will provide an over all better expierence that can match going to the movies. However for the other 99% people watching movies at home, streaming is perfect. It's proven by the 20% jump in digital media and the 12% decrease in DVD/bluray sales. Digital sales outsold physical media period by 20%. Case and point convenience will always win. VHS beat laser disc, compressed audio files killed the CD and 4K bluray is dead before it even started. So back to your original statement, bluray is behind the times regardless of which one provides the best quality.", '>>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : Back to my original point. I never said Blu-ray was new. In fact I even said it was implemented in the PS3. And everything else, just went off topic. I was just talking about not getting an Xbox just because of the Blu-ray.', '>>{Macnsal09} : Gotcha. I was only talking about the comment I responded to, not everything said prior. I do agree buying an Xbox for bluray is dumb. Xbox s is a terrible buy for any reason. Scorpio is right around the corner', ">>{Neennars} : Interesting, let's double check some facts boyo. You seem to think you need a skylake i5 or i7 to beat the xb1 s. You could beat it with a few generations old i3 which are stupid cheap. And you can get a mobo for one of those for like 40 bucks. Xb1 is not a powerful machine by any means buddy. The pc you are trying to allude to needing is a monster that can run native 4k at least 60 for on high to ultra. The xb1 s will run games at 900p or 1080p (I believe I saw that it might try to simply upscale to 4k sometimes) at 30-40 fps on low to medium settings. You also are talking about an 800 dollar graphics card? What card right now costs 800? A 1080 is cheaper than that and a new Titan X is way more but completely unnecessary for gaming and more for workstations. I will reiterate what I said earlier, you are an uninformed Internet stranger who doesn't know what he is talking about and I will be excusing myself from the conversation. Buh bye.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Correct. The new xboxes have 4K 60 FPS (reportedly I've seen no benchmarks) You are not going to hit 4K 60fps with an i3 on most intense games. Battlefield, GTA, and others all bottle neck on a 980. So that's been proven an i3 will not compare. 1080s are going for $700. So that's respectably in the window I quoted. So once again what else you got? Also stick with the topic. What 300 dollar computer will compare to the Xbox s. Don't even respond with an i3 running a 980. The rig you keep trying to say is 300 bucks won't even run current games worth a shit, much less games that are being produced for Xboxs or Scorpio. I5 will do the job but we already seen that price. Buy bye.", '>>{Xx_Swegpad_xX} : Sorry to break it to you but if you really want to game at 4k, just buy a pc please', ">>{DeadlyUnicorn98} : Who said I didn't? Obviously a PC would be better and cheaper but this is for those who want the power of a PC along with the XBL system, or those who don't want to build a PC, or those who just want better graphics on their Xbox", '>>{Neennars} : I will say this on last thing and them I am for real finished. THE XBOX ONE S DOES NOT PLAY GAMES AT 4K NOR AT 60 FPS. THE XBOX ONE PLAYS GAMES AT 900P-1080P 30FPS WITH LOW TO MEDIUM SETTINGS. THE ONE S IS A 10% FPS BOOST AND POSSIBLY **UPSCALING** (AKA NOT ACTUALLY NATIVE OR GOOD LOOKING) TO 4K WITH STILL LOW TO MEDIUM SETTINGS. AT THOSE SETTINGS, A 980 WOULD BE WAYYY OVERBOARD. FUCKING STUPID PEASANT ASS SHIT RIGHT HERE BOYOS.', ">>{Macnsal09} : Also when I went to 4K 60 FPS I said new as in the Scorpio. I was stepping outside the argument and addressing issues that weren't related to topic. Kind of how you are doing. Then I pulled it back to the Xbox s to stay on subject. Try and keep up. So you think a 980 on an i3 is going to push 4K. Lol. You call me a peasant? 😂😂😂 what's funny is you have yet to tell me what computer for 300 bucks will do the same thing as an Xbox s. You can't just say you were wrong. It's okay I understand. You probably got your computer from geek squad, Best Buy. Read some articles about how other nerds liked it and what needs to upgraded. Soon you realized you got a hunk of shit and need $1500 for a really good gaming rig. However mommy and daddy won't buy it for you. You got sad because you wasted money and questioned wether you should have gotten a console. You Read an article saying 300 bucks for a computer will out do any console as an attempt to justify a master race and feel better. However you have no clue what the article said so you avoid the conversation to avoid looking like a noob. We all get it. We've seen it a million times. Glad your done because you're way to easy to embarrass", '>>{Neennars} : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. All I can respond with is something like trolololololololololol because that is the level of kindergarten shit I am seeing. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/guide there is a build in there that will beat a normal xb1 or an xb1s. Read through my posts. I built my first comp at 15 and was selling custom builds in high school. You are too fucking stupid to even realize that the xb1s is not really any better than the normal xb1 in terms of specs. OMFG this is too funny. Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about, go back to playing your games at a cinematic 30 fps, and of course, never stop being a waste of space and oxygen. Hahaha jeezus', ">>{Macnsal09} : We will address your comments backwards. First I told you I'm a PC gamer but I'm also not an idiot thinking a $300 PC compares. The fact alone you had to goto a Reddit called PC master race is pathetic all in its own. If you knew shit about builds you would know that build will not keep up. Second: Your x4 with a 750 is going to blow balls. If you play Tetris or another GPU dependent game, your fine. Play a new game and tell me how it works. Next the requirement was for a $300 PC that compares. You went and cited someone else's build and still busted budget and you're not even close to being done. I'll exclude monitor because I know your going to say something about a tv. We both know PC gamers don't play on a TV so you need a monitor. You still need a OS, power supply, speakers, keyboard, mouse, and a few other things. So again you lose. I win. Just give up kid. It's not possible to build a $300 gaming PC that will compete with Xbox s. Go back to Reddit. I look forward to your highly educated response. /S", '>>{SpaceGoonie} : I completely disagree that I am behind the times. I already have Netflix for streaming, which I use frequently. However for the best quality picture and sound on my current hardware Bluray is my best bet. If I want to watch something I own that is also available on Netflix, I will put the disk in for the best quality picture and sound. Some of this is because I have limited bandwidth due to my geographical location. I am excited for 4k movies and the amazing surround sound that will support them. Your argument fails to take into consideration the immense variety of hardware configurations, human preferences, internet services, and personal economic situations. Millions of people still use basic DVD players because they didn\'t see a need or have the ability to upgrade to HD and Bluray. You saying they are "behind the time" is insensitive and ignorant.', ">>{Sundried_Poop} : That's cool except some people don't have the money or time to devote to a gaming PC. The majority of gamers want something simple and fun to use, which consoles cater for. There's more than enough interest in PC *and* console to keep everyone happy.", ">>{slin25} : I think we already established that price for a gaming pc is the same as a console and will run games better. I have no problem with people enjoying consoles. My only point is that the idea that they are much easier to use than PC's is false, as well as the idea that gaming on consoles is cheaper.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Speaking of ignorant. Read the conversation and try to understand it. Nothing I've said has been directed at you.", '>>{SpaceGoonie} : Your statement may not have been directly aimed at me, but it certainly includes me (and many others). Also, I was the one who started talking about getting a 4k bluray player. Your response was to the person who replied to me. My point was simply that you shouldn\'t label people as being "behind the times" without giving some consideration first. It was opinionated and inclusive of millions of people who aren\'t early adopters or cord cutters, or whose circumstances don\'t match your own. I still think you spoke in ignorance (both times). It\'s not like I called you stupid.', ">>{throwthisawayacc} : Automatic driver updates if you so wish, and issues like having no audio are very rare. If they do occur, the solution is generally pretty simple and the application probably just needs to be run in some sort of compatibility mode. Once an issue has been troubleshooted (we're talking standard issues, nothing like modding bethesda games) it most likely will never pop up again.", '>>{throwthisawayacc} : With an SSD, a PC can go from off to in-game faster than a console too, and it has a handicap since the consoles (IIRC) are always on, but in sleep mode when not in use.', ">>{throwthisawayacc} : You realise he was talking about an i3 to match the xbox one S, right? You look like you're trolling, you can't jump back and forth between two different arguments. Obviously he wasn't trying to say that an i3 can pair up with a 980, and the 980 is still pretty expensive compared to newer cards that match or outperform it at equal or lesser prices so mentioning it at all doesn't even make any sense. You could throw together an i3 and a 750ti or an RX 460 and have something that matches the performance of the xbox one s and beats it in the cases of more cpu intense games. And that's not even factoring in overclocking the gpu, whereas the consoles out now have mid-range gpus from 2012, underclocked. Let's not even factor in the cost of xbox live or the fact that xbox games on average cost more than PC games, without even considering websites that sell keys for cheap. These factors exacerbate the savings you get from PC every year after you've made the purchase.", ">>{Macnsal09} : I actually didn't jump back and forth. Follow the conversation and you will see I only jumped to counter his argument when he left the main topic. Also I fully awknoledged that gpu he mentioned are perfectly fine just not with an i3. It's proven ready when you run an i3 with those gpu, it's a troubled set up for new games. People are running the i3 set up at low to medium settings just to get a decent refresh or frames. It's nothing personal or a way to try to win the argument. Newer games just require more CPU power/ GPU power ratio. The argument was getting a full PC set up for 300 bucks that matches what Xbox s will do. And for 300 bucks it's just not going to happen. I also never argued that games were cheaper or more expensive. Anyone can research and find this to be a plausible factor.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Agreed it's simple once you have done it a time or two. However fact remains consoles are designed as Uplp in general. PCs try to be and generally are easy but they are not as easy as consoles. Never have been and never will be ( which turns out to offer more benefits then downfalls).", '>>{Macnsal09} : I didn\'t call you stupid either. Sorry I triggered you. Block me and goto your safe zone. Like I said, read and if your still,offended I do t know what to tell you. Fact remains bluray is old technology and streaming is current technology. Sure blueray for those "must have theatre expierence" might think it\'s better. Doesn\'t make it less of older technology. It\'s just the way it is.', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Yous are all suckers for this shit,they could have made this console and released it from the beginning but no We got to have the newer version it's shiny...im really starting to dislike Microsoft and Sony,make one fucking console that does everything you money hungry ass wipes", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : What's the point, Microsoft are gonna bring out another Xbox one in 2017 for the holidays...3 versions of the same console wtf Microsoft your innovation department is shit.", '>>{Hephaestus3131} : No wait until they release the next version next year', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : And what about the one in 2017 even lesser noise,it's retarded", '>>{Hephaestus3131} : They seen you coming..its people like you why they make three versions of a console when they could have brought out the one they are making next year first', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Yeah true but you don't relax on the beanbag or couch with your pc", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Username checks out anyway, they're not lying about their dad", ">>{SpaceGoonie} : I made it very clear. I am NOT buying the S... I am waiting to buy Scorpio. While waiting for the Scorpio I plan to upgrade my TV to 4k. I can't make this any simpler for you.", '>>{Hephaestus3131} : My misunderstanding have an upvote...anyone that gets all three or keeps trading in their old one for the newer version is an idiot, no one should buy this one wait for the next one like yourself.', '>>{BossyBlonde} : 2tb?? Wow. My son is counting down the days til arrival. And he needs the 4k now too? :(', ">>{DinoSuarez} : Sony is doing the same thing. Standard ps4, ps4.5, and the ps4 slim or whatever they're naming the slim version this time around. Then there's going to probably be store-exclusive game bundled systems, so expect to see something like 5 SKUs for each console.", ">>{DinoSuarez} : Don't feed the troll. I have a $1,500 PC, but my ps4 gets right around the same, if not more playtime just because multiplayer with friends is far easier & a better user experience.", '>>{DinoSuarez} : Yeah what a bunch of idiots, everyone knows VHS is the best modern media format /s', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Why? This is ass fuck Sony and Microsoft,I'm going back to Nintendo", ">>{Hap-e} : Oh man, that reminds me of the time that I was playing the new MGS game on a friend's Xbone, and it refused to save any progress. I got to find that rocket launcher over and over and over. Obviously, that's not a problem, it's a feature. My computer NEVER fails to save my games, and that's just so uninteresting. And being able to play online without having to pay for it? So boring. I WANT to **PAY** for my online community, not choose from the plethora of free ones I can access on my PC."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{elmkzgirxp} : Xbox One S: The smaller, handsomer, 4K-ier system we've been looking for", ">>{SpaceGoonie} : I'm happy with my current Xbox One system. My plan is to upgrade to 4k TV first, then next year get Scorpio. I happened to see a 4k Sharp Aquos the other day for only $900... i'm leaning towards that purchase.", '>>{Mydadfucksme} : A moment of silence for all the people who will buy this thinking they will be able to game in 4K.', '>>{elitearo} : Is there really any major differences between this and the original Xbox one? Worth the buy?', ">>{pkafan4life} : Bro those PC guys can't keep up with the power of the Xbox One! EDIT: For those of you who can't figure it out this is satire", '>>{Neennars} : Let me just leave this here for everyone: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/', '>>{maxmorris134134} : So you told us about the box and nothing about the inside. Did you even try it out?', ">>{ArminVanBowman} : It's cheaper than pretty much any other 4k player out there and it plays videos games...", ">>{Xx_Swegpad_xX} : Dude you do know neither of these consoles won't be able to game in 4k?", ">>{IHaveVariedInterests} : Apparently it's the cheapest 4k BR player on the market. Slight (~10% framerate bump) Smaller, quieter (?), 50% less power draw, integrated power source (no giant brick).", ">>{IHaveVariedInterests} : You know for a fact that Scorpio won't game in 4k?", '>>{IHaveVariedInterests} : All of this "le PC masta race" circlejerkery can eat a dick. It\'s not funny and never was.', ">>{SpaceGoonie} : Dude, it's not about 4k gaming for me. I want the more powerful hardware and BLD player. I will appreciate the increased resolution and FPS on any level. For me, buying a TV this year and a more powerful console next year is a perfect way to spread the cost factor over time and still being able to enjoy fancy new hardware.", '>>{elitearo} : Feel like less noise and no big ass brick would be a good reason why people would buy it.', '>>{Neennars} : It became a circle jerk because they are all true facts. You can get everything from a console and more for the same price in a pc. The only possible thing that you can argue is that you an exclusive that is specific to one of the systems aka Halo, Gears, Bloodborne, etc. Even with that, it would be an auxiliary system. I have saved so much money buying games on PC that I could build a PC to beat the PS4/XBone with the savings. Better framerates, better graphics, more exclusives than the PS4/XB1 combined, etc. I guess all I can say is that you can eat a dick buddy. You want to know what the internet is? One big circlejerk. Good luck with your lack of humor.', '>>{BeGoku} : 4 K? I thought that was supposed to be the point of that whole "Project Scorpio," jibba jabba... Getting flashbacks of them SEGA Saturn, SEGA Genesis, SEGA Dreamcast times. Edit: Oh, and can\'t leave out 32X...', '>>{IHaveVariedInterests} : > true facts As opposed to all the false facts out there?', '>>{Neennars} : You grabbed one part of that paragraph that I typed and try to make it a big deal and completely ignore the points that I made. Exactly boyo.', ">>{SorryImProbablyDrunk} : I press a button on a controller, the console loads up, I press the big rocket league logo, I play for an hour, I turn it off. Maybe I don't represent gamers, but consoles have their market. Not everyone gives a fuck about frame rates and getting the greatest graphics available, some people just want a nice and simple pick up and play machine that sits quietly under the tv.", ">>{slin25} : I do the exact same thing with my PC. Except it can do even more than any console. But seriously if I want to play Rocket League I just turn it on and press the Rocket League icon and bam I'm playing.", '>>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : There is no increased resolution. The new xbox upscales to 4k just like the current xbox upscales most games to 1080p. And the games that get a "solid" frame rate use dynamic scaling to drop the resolution to keep the framerate. So when there is a lot going on it drop the res from "1080" to 460. Besides, there is VERY VERY few content that is even in 4K. You have to use the TVs internet like Netflix and there are 4 or 5 shows that in in 4k, YouTube videos are way compressed anyway so it isn\'t even really 4k, and forget about TV, it will be years before they go to 4K, besides some havent even gone to 1080p yet. Yes it will look better with the more dense pixles and the better color representation but unless you have a PC capable of handling 4K (with gtx 980ti and above with capable cpu) there is no point in getting a 4K tv, or a "4k" console. And all this is still not the best because none of this is TRUE 4K. Talk to me when consoles upscale to true 4k.', '>>{FingerMilk} : This is the detachment between the 17 year old PC circlejerkers and adults who have life commitments. The amount of depth that sub goes into to hate on consoles is atrocious.', ">>{SpaceGoonie} : Then don't buy it. The point is, it's a more powerful machine and it will have increased visuals and performance. I will be getting one, and as I mentioned in my previous message, Blueray movies are one of the main reasons.", ">>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : The price to performance increase is not worth the money. I garuntee you will see better colors and that's it. It's the placebo effect making it seem better. That and marketing. And anyone who doesn't already have a Blu-ray player is behind the times. I mean Sony had it in their PS3 back when that came out! And with the internal power brick, there is going to be more heat in the box which will make it want to drop the resolution to keep a solid fps.", '>>{Gains4dayz} : Pc can\'t keep up with the "higher quality pixels"', ">>{SpaceGoonie} : I think you have confused what I said. I am not buying the Xbox One S. I am buying a Scorpio when it is released. I don't believe that will have an internal power brick (could be wrong) but even if it does, they will have implemented a sufficient cooling system to handle it. Obviously I won't buy the first batch, rather I will wait for any hardware issues to be discovered. The Scorpio will absolutely have increased visuals over current hardware. And the blueray player will support 4k, unlike the 2 BLD players I currently own.", ">>{THE_darkknight_pees} : Don't forget that it can output games and video in HDR now, which people with some 4k tvs can appreciate even if the games aren't 4k.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Please show me a computer for $300 that will do everything an Xbox S will do. You can't so don't waste your time on google. I build my stuff as well but I'm not an idiot. Can you build a PC for 300 bucks, of course you can. It will be a hunk of shit. X99 $350 (old model for 200 or cheaper as you lose capability) I5 $250 (i7 $350, yes old models can be cheaper I know) As we can see building a PC with anything that is considered worth a gaming rig instantly tops any console ever. We haven't even made it to GPU (add another $700 or $800) and god forbid you want to run SLI. Now on the flip side why people paid for a Xbox s I'll never know. Could have kept your x1, wait for Scorpio. Buy a nvidia for home media set up, case closed. Rookies.", ">>{Macnsal09} : After you update drivers and google why you have no audio. I'm a PC guy. Don't be crazy. Consoles are a million times more simple then a PC. That's a proven fact. PC has a plus in almost everything. Simplistic isn't it.", '>>{Macnsal09} : Actually you are behind the times. Who the fuck buys or use a blu-ray player? Streaming is actually current gen technology. Bluray players were like 2005 or 2006 technology', ">>{Macnsal09} : This entire post is basically a gigantic bullshit infested misinformed rant. I do agree with games upscaling. Rest of it is completely wrong. 4K content is everywhere. Every movie I watch is 4K. Every show that's been produced since 4K, I watch in 4K. YouTube has legit 4K 60fps content. You're problem is you don't know where to find 4K content. Ask any cord cutter how much 4K content there is. Lol.", '>>{Neennars} : My favorite things is how uninformed you are. Your prices are completely wrong and not sure if you realize that everything that you say is wrong pretty much. Have a good one and gtfo bruh.', '>>{DeadlyUnicorn98} : Scorpio is confirmed to be able to game in 4K in most if not all games', ">>{Macnsal09} : Interesting. Let's double check [x99](http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=X99&N=-1&isNodeId=1) [i5](http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=I5&N=-1&isNodeId=1). [i7](http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=I7&N=-1&isNodeId=1) Shall we continue?", ">>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : Anyone who wants the best picture and sound experience uses Blu-ray. Really, the best for sound is Lazer Disk. Streaming anything has something called compression rate. It must be compressed from original bit rate or resolution and has to travel then uncompress as it reaches your device. Compression and travel causes something called distortion!! But it's ok because you obviously don't care about the experience, grant it I do have Netflix and enjoy the convenience but that's all it is to me. Also, 4K Blu-ray does exist. It is better in everyway to streaming in 4K and is being implemented more and more.", ">>{Macnsal09} : I never argued which is better or which has compression or bit rates. Also I never said 4K blu-ray doesn't exist. You made a comment saying blu-ray was this new great technology and people without it are behind the times. I would greatly argue that people who still buy DVD, rent DVDs or need a blu-ray are behind the times. I won't get into a debate about compression ratios. Sure bluray sounds great when you consider it next to someone with'a 7mb connection. Also blu ray bit rate is 40mps and usually coded and pressed at 25. Sooo my internet which I adjust for, actually comes out way ahead of bluray as far as compression goes. However I will agree bit rates and compression combined will always better on bluray. Audio I will agree can be tricky and requires some work. 90% of everything I stream is 7.1 and the rest is 5.1. Unless someone is a extreme home theater user (high end) I can agree bluray will provide an over all better expierence that can match going to the movies. However for the other 99% people watching movies at home, streaming is perfect. It's proven by the 20% jump in digital media and the 12% decrease in DVD/bluray sales. Digital sales outsold physical media period by 20%. Case and point convenience will always win. VHS beat laser disc, compressed audio files killed the CD and 4K bluray is dead before it even started. So back to your original statement, bluray is behind the times regardless of which one provides the best quality.", '>>{MinibirdPimpstrich} : Back to my original point. I never said Blu-ray was new. In fact I even said it was implemented in the PS3. And everything else, just went off topic. I was just talking about not getting an Xbox just because of the Blu-ray.', '>>{Macnsal09} : Gotcha. I was only talking about the comment I responded to, not everything said prior. I do agree buying an Xbox for bluray is dumb. Xbox s is a terrible buy for any reason. Scorpio is right around the corner', ">>{Neennars} : Interesting, let's double check some facts boyo. You seem to think you need a skylake i5 or i7 to beat the xb1 s. You could beat it with a few generations old i3 which are stupid cheap. And you can get a mobo for one of those for like 40 bucks. Xb1 is not a powerful machine by any means buddy. The pc you are trying to allude to needing is a monster that can run native 4k at least 60 for on high to ultra. The xb1 s will run games at 900p or 1080p (I believe I saw that it might try to simply upscale to 4k sometimes) at 30-40 fps on low to medium settings. You also are talking about an 800 dollar graphics card? What card right now costs 800? A 1080 is cheaper than that and a new Titan X is way more but completely unnecessary for gaming and more for workstations. I will reiterate what I said earlier, you are an uninformed Internet stranger who doesn't know what he is talking about and I will be excusing myself from the conversation. Buh bye.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Correct. The new xboxes have 4K 60 FPS (reportedly I've seen no benchmarks) You are not going to hit 4K 60fps with an i3 on most intense games. Battlefield, GTA, and others all bottle neck on a 980. So that's been proven an i3 will not compare. 1080s are going for $700. So that's respectably in the window I quoted. So once again what else you got? Also stick with the topic. What 300 dollar computer will compare to the Xbox s. Don't even respond with an i3 running a 980. The rig you keep trying to say is 300 bucks won't even run current games worth a shit, much less games that are being produced for Xboxs or Scorpio. I5 will do the job but we already seen that price. Buy bye.", '>>{Xx_Swegpad_xX} : Sorry to break it to you but if you really want to game at 4k, just buy a pc please', ">>{DeadlyUnicorn98} : Who said I didn't? Obviously a PC would be better and cheaper but this is for those who want the power of a PC along with the XBL system, or those who don't want to build a PC, or those who just want better graphics on their Xbox", '>>{Neennars} : I will say this on last thing and them I am for real finished. THE XBOX ONE S DOES NOT PLAY GAMES AT 4K NOR AT 60 FPS. THE XBOX ONE PLAYS GAMES AT 900P-1080P 30FPS WITH LOW TO MEDIUM SETTINGS. THE ONE S IS A 10% FPS BOOST AND POSSIBLY **UPSCALING** (AKA NOT ACTUALLY NATIVE OR GOOD LOOKING) TO 4K WITH STILL LOW TO MEDIUM SETTINGS. AT THOSE SETTINGS, A 980 WOULD BE WAYYY OVERBOARD. FUCKING STUPID PEASANT ASS SHIT RIGHT HERE BOYOS.', ">>{Macnsal09} : Also when I went to 4K 60 FPS I said new as in the Scorpio. I was stepping outside the argument and addressing issues that weren't related to topic. Kind of how you are doing. Then I pulled it back to the Xbox s to stay on subject. Try and keep up. So you think a 980 on an i3 is going to push 4K. Lol. You call me a peasant? 😂😂😂 what's funny is you have yet to tell me what computer for 300 bucks will do the same thing as an Xbox s. You can't just say you were wrong. It's okay I understand. You probably got your computer from geek squad, Best Buy. Read some articles about how other nerds liked it and what needs to upgraded. Soon you realized you got a hunk of shit and need $1500 for a really good gaming rig. However mommy and daddy won't buy it for you. You got sad because you wasted money and questioned wether you should have gotten a console. You Read an article saying 300 bucks for a computer will out do any console as an attempt to justify a master race and feel better. However you have no clue what the article said so you avoid the conversation to avoid looking like a noob. We all get it. We've seen it a million times. Glad your done because you're way to easy to embarrass", '>>{Neennars} : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. All I can respond with is something like trolololololololololol because that is the level of kindergarten shit I am seeing. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/guide there is a build in there that will beat a normal xb1 or an xb1s. Read through my posts. I built my first comp at 15 and was selling custom builds in high school. You are too fucking stupid to even realize that the xb1s is not really any better than the normal xb1 in terms of specs. OMFG this is too funny. Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about, go back to playing your games at a cinematic 30 fps, and of course, never stop being a waste of space and oxygen. Hahaha jeezus', ">>{Macnsal09} : We will address your comments backwards. First I told you I'm a PC gamer but I'm also not an idiot thinking a $300 PC compares. The fact alone you had to goto a Reddit called PC master race is pathetic all in its own. If you knew shit about builds you would know that build will not keep up. Second: Your x4 with a 750 is going to blow balls. If you play Tetris or another GPU dependent game, your fine. Play a new game and tell me how it works. Next the requirement was for a $300 PC that compares. You went and cited someone else's build and still busted budget and you're not even close to being done. I'll exclude monitor because I know your going to say something about a tv. We both know PC gamers don't play on a TV so you need a monitor. You still need a OS, power supply, speakers, keyboard, mouse, and a few other things. So again you lose. I win. Just give up kid. It's not possible to build a $300 gaming PC that will compete with Xbox s. Go back to Reddit. I look forward to your highly educated response. /S", '>>{SpaceGoonie} : I completely disagree that I am behind the times. I already have Netflix for streaming, which I use frequently. However for the best quality picture and sound on my current hardware Bluray is my best bet. If I want to watch something I own that is also available on Netflix, I will put the disk in for the best quality picture and sound. Some of this is because I have limited bandwidth due to my geographical location. I am excited for 4k movies and the amazing surround sound that will support them. Your argument fails to take into consideration the immense variety of hardware configurations, human preferences, internet services, and personal economic situations. Millions of people still use basic DVD players because they didn\'t see a need or have the ability to upgrade to HD and Bluray. You saying they are "behind the time" is insensitive and ignorant.', ">>{Sundried_Poop} : That's cool except some people don't have the money or time to devote to a gaming PC. The majority of gamers want something simple and fun to use, which consoles cater for. There's more than enough interest in PC *and* console to keep everyone happy.", ">>{slin25} : I think we already established that price for a gaming pc is the same as a console and will run games better. I have no problem with people enjoying consoles. My only point is that the idea that they are much easier to use than PC's is false, as well as the idea that gaming on consoles is cheaper.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Speaking of ignorant. Read the conversation and try to understand it. Nothing I've said has been directed at you.", '>>{SpaceGoonie} : Your statement may not have been directly aimed at me, but it certainly includes me (and many others). Also, I was the one who started talking about getting a 4k bluray player. Your response was to the person who replied to me. My point was simply that you shouldn\'t label people as being "behind the times" without giving some consideration first. It was opinionated and inclusive of millions of people who aren\'t early adopters or cord cutters, or whose circumstances don\'t match your own. I still think you spoke in ignorance (both times). It\'s not like I called you stupid.', ">>{throwthisawayacc} : Automatic driver updates if you so wish, and issues like having no audio are very rare. If they do occur, the solution is generally pretty simple and the application probably just needs to be run in some sort of compatibility mode. Once an issue has been troubleshooted (we're talking standard issues, nothing like modding bethesda games) it most likely will never pop up again.", '>>{throwthisawayacc} : With an SSD, a PC can go from off to in-game faster than a console too, and it has a handicap since the consoles (IIRC) are always on, but in sleep mode when not in use.', ">>{throwthisawayacc} : You realise he was talking about an i3 to match the xbox one S, right? You look like you're trolling, you can't jump back and forth between two different arguments. Obviously he wasn't trying to say that an i3 can pair up with a 980, and the 980 is still pretty expensive compared to newer cards that match or outperform it at equal or lesser prices so mentioning it at all doesn't even make any sense. You could throw together an i3 and a 750ti or an RX 460 and have something that matches the performance of the xbox one s and beats it in the cases of more cpu intense games. And that's not even factoring in overclocking the gpu, whereas the consoles out now have mid-range gpus from 2012, underclocked. Let's not even factor in the cost of xbox live or the fact that xbox games on average cost more than PC games, without even considering websites that sell keys for cheap. These factors exacerbate the savings you get from PC every year after you've made the purchase.", ">>{Macnsal09} : I actually didn't jump back and forth. Follow the conversation and you will see I only jumped to counter his argument when he left the main topic. Also I fully awknoledged that gpu he mentioned are perfectly fine just not with an i3. It's proven ready when you run an i3 with those gpu, it's a troubled set up for new games. People are running the i3 set up at low to medium settings just to get a decent refresh or frames. It's nothing personal or a way to try to win the argument. Newer games just require more CPU power/ GPU power ratio. The argument was getting a full PC set up for 300 bucks that matches what Xbox s will do. And for 300 bucks it's just not going to happen. I also never argued that games were cheaper or more expensive. Anyone can research and find this to be a plausible factor.", ">>{Macnsal09} : Agreed it's simple once you have done it a time or two. However fact remains consoles are designed as Uplp in general. PCs try to be and generally are easy but they are not as easy as consoles. Never have been and never will be ( which turns out to offer more benefits then downfalls).", '>>{Macnsal09} : I didn\'t call you stupid either. Sorry I triggered you. Block me and goto your safe zone. Like I said, read and if your still,offended I do t know what to tell you. Fact remains bluray is old technology and streaming is current technology. Sure blueray for those "must have theatre expierence" might think it\'s better. Doesn\'t make it less of older technology. It\'s just the way it is.', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Yous are all suckers for this shit,they could have made this console and released it from the beginning but no We got to have the newer version it's shiny...im really starting to dislike Microsoft and Sony,make one fucking console that does everything you money hungry ass wipes", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : What's the point, Microsoft are gonna bring out another Xbox one in 2017 for the holidays...3 versions of the same console wtf Microsoft your innovation department is shit.", '>>{Hephaestus3131} : No wait until they release the next version next year', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : And what about the one in 2017 even lesser noise,it's retarded", '>>{Hephaestus3131} : They seen you coming..its people like you why they make three versions of a console when they could have brought out the one they are making next year first', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Yeah true but you don't relax on the beanbag or couch with your pc", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Username checks out anyway, they're not lying about their dad", ">>{SpaceGoonie} : I made it very clear. I am NOT buying the S... I am waiting to buy Scorpio. While waiting for the Scorpio I plan to upgrade my TV to 4k. I can't make this any simpler for you.", '>>{Hephaestus3131} : My misunderstanding have an upvote...anyone that gets all three or keeps trading in their old one for the newer version is an idiot, no one should buy this one wait for the next one like yourself.', '>>{BossyBlonde} : 2tb?? Wow. My son is counting down the days til arrival. And he needs the 4k now too? :(', ">>{DinoSuarez} : Sony is doing the same thing. Standard ps4, ps4.5, and the ps4 slim or whatever they're naming the slim version this time around. Then there's going to probably be store-exclusive game bundled systems, so expect to see something like 5 SKUs for each console.", ">>{DinoSuarez} : Don't feed the troll. I have a $1,500 PC, but my ps4 gets right around the same, if not more playtime just because multiplayer with friends is far easier & a better user experience.", '>>{DinoSuarez} : Yeah what a bunch of idiots, everyone knows VHS is the best modern media format /s', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Why? This is ass fuck Sony and Microsoft,I'm going back to Nintendo", ">>{Hap-e} : Oh man, that reminds me of the time that I was playing the new MGS game on a friend's Xbone, and it refused to save any progress. I got to find that rocket launcher over and over and over. Obviously, that's not a problem, it's a feature. My computer NEVER fails to save my games, and that's just so uninteresting. And being able to play online without having to pay for it? So boring. I WANT to **PAY** for my online community, not choose from the plethora of free ones I can access on my PC."], [">>{seanosul} : Glenn Beck Will Not Vote For Donald Trump Because He Doesn't Want To Answer To God", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I wish Glenn Beck was still on Fox. By far the most entertaining show I've seen. And when he brought out the chalkboard and his Soros and Obama magnets, phew. Its like X Files in real life lmao", ">>{Writerhaha} : Beck's God seems kind of petty, if he's worried about a voting record.", ">>{liarandathief} : And if that's the least of what Beck's done that he has to answer for.", ">>{seanosul} : It's the straight face thing, I just couldn't do it. I find most conservatives just too funny. I also could not manage to do the switcheroo as easily as they could. R/conservative went from being a place that would ban you if you didn't worship Ted Cruz (some of them actually had personal shrines dedicated to him) to another version of The Donald.", ">>{full-house-porno} : God also doesn't seem to support any of the candidates Beck does......", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Does Glenn think God forgot about that time he raped and murdered a girl in 1990? Because I think that would be a bigger deal to the old man, not that I can speak for him or anything.', ">>{Clsjajll} : I know he can't deny this before God. But, why won't he deny that to all mankind?", ">>{dkliberator} : What?? Baby christians don't answer to god??", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Beck isn't voting for trump? There is only one way to not be like Beck liberals...Sorry.", ">>{Claritypleas} : It's okay, Pence has already answered for him.", '>>{wwwhistler} : while i can not speak for his theologic concerns i second the spirit of his words. to elect either is not something i want to answer for to my future grandchild.', '>>{progress10} : I would like to take this moment to thank Donald Trump for absolutely de-legitimizing Glenn Beck and his platform The Blaze. I hate Trump for everything else he has done but his one good deed to society this election season is exposing Beck as a nutter to liberals and conservatives alike and damaging the Blaze. The people demanding it be added to my satellite service have gone away.', '>>{anotherbrainstew} : Read books? Be rooted in reality? Not cry all the time', '>>{reaper527} : he lives in texas. trump will win there with or without beck\'s vote. regardless of the fact that trump didn\'t win there in the primary, come the general election he could just put his name on the ballot as "Not Hilary (R) - NY" and win the state.', ">>{lawblogz} : I don't know, I think God works for Trump corp. now.", '>>{Pandastratton} : Glenn is still salty AF about trump swooping his thunder.. fucking hilarious', '>>{The_Master_Bater_} : There was that one girl that Beck killed and then raped.', '>>{seanosul} : Beck supports Ted Cruz. Have you seen what happens when a slug gets near salt?', ">>{kent_eh} : True, neither are what anyone would call stellar choices. However, at teh end of the day, *one* of them is going to be president whether you vote or not. Don't you want to have some influence in picking the lesser of 2 evils?", '>>{Pandastratton} : [IM MELTING!!!!](https://media.riffsy.com/images/5b872ee791c8822bf37812e3a3847266/raw)', '>>{wwwhistler} : not when the choices are Ronald McDonald vs Dr. Evil... no.', '>>{kent_eh} : So what are *you* going to do to improve the situation? Besides impotent internet rage, I mean.'], ['>>{i0BAYi} : Does the Reddit app not allow any NSFW text, or images to be viewed?', '>>{Positively_erratic81} : You have to switch the settings on the desktop site', '>>{i0BAYi} : Ahhh gotcha. Okay, that seems silly and kinda understandable at the same time haha', '>>{marcusgx} : Apple revoked apps with NSFW toggles in-app. They had to do it this way.', '>>{CharlesManson420} : That is not true. Antenna still has an option in settings to Preview NSFW posts', '>>{marcusgx} : They may be one of the lucky few to get through. Narwhal, Reddit, and a few others were removed from the App Store for this.', '>>{tsdguy} : But you still have to sign on using the desktop site and accept the NSFW agreement.', '>>{tsdguy} : Yes. You probably already agreed to NSFW when you started using Reddit on the web.', '>>{CharlesManson420} : You mean all the way back when I created my account? So something pretty much every single user did?', ">>{CharlesManson420} : Well that was incredibly misleading. Probably shouldn't say there aren't any apps that have a NSFW toggle in them, because that's blatantly untrue.", '>>{tsdguy} : Misleading by whom? It was an Apple decision some time ago to make the management of NSFW apps a site by site decision. This was because if apps have the capability of displaying NSFW content they had to be marked as over 14 in the App Store so that prevented people from downloading them even if they only wanted to access non-adult content. By switching to making the apps follow the account preferences they could remove the restriction in the App Store and have a wider distribution of the app. Makes perfect sense.', '>>{CharlesManson420} : Misleading by the person who said there are no Reddit apps that have a NSFW preview toggle in them. There are.', ">>{tsdguy} : Oh. Well I guess that's technically true but it seems to be a pretty useless feature. Well maybe not if you are running on your work's LAN and they're tracking you then if you get a preview you might expose a NSFW URL for your work to detect. However in that case you'd have to be happy turning off all previews.", '>>{CharlesManson420} : It pertains to the thumbnail image of the post. By default all NSFW posts thumbnails are censored, you can check the toggle to disable that.', ">>{tsdguy} : I said that. You would get neither if you didn't agree to NSFW content within your Reddit account. At that point I guess a toggle is helpful although for me either thumbnails or not is fine regardless of the content."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Soylent_Orange} : I appreciate that she nailed Ryan and McConnell's balls to wall as well.", '>>{Cardenjs} : Volatile is the word I have used probably the most to describe the presidency', '>>{Not_A_Doctor__} : It might be consistent with his survival instinct, however.', ">>{SSHeretic} : It's amazing that no matter what Trump does, he manages to do it in a way that loses him international respect.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Fauxahontas should bury the hatchet while there is still time.', '>>{PM__ME__STUFFZ} : In the long term volatility like this is definitely bad, but short run it may actually benefit Donnie a bit. I think Russia\'s reaction to this has partially been driven by the very real realization that: "we thought we were on the same page as Trump, what is happening, is he really this inconsistent?" Putin is nothing if not rational and he may not be able to comfortably handle largely irrational actors.', '>>{Chalji} : Stop making me agree with Krauthammer! It feels so unseemly.', '>>{HexezWork} : Endorses Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders to get ahead politically and exploits a job opening at Harvard meant for someone of minority descent. Remind me why Reddit likes her?', '>>{Donald_McPoyle} : From here on out, we need to submit presidential candidates to psychological evaluation. Insanity cannot be tolerated in the White House.', '>>{XxHotCoupleXx} : Hammer meet head of nail. This guy gets it.', '>>{JacobCrim88} : We knew Trump was emotionally unstable years ago, we should have known this would harm his foreign policy.', '>>{HexezWork} : She should calm down and just pass the peace pipe.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Come let us sit and discuss this Great Orange buffalo you saw in your dreams.', '>>{HexezWork} : At least the Orange Buffalo has as much Native American in him as Goofy Warren.', '>>{DPlaintiff} : Nice to see him taking a stand on something.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. If only someone had warned us about this. Let\'s be honest here: The concern that many of us have isn\'t the action, it\'s the *actor.* In just three days time Donald Trump went from a strict isolationist to bombing a nation that posed no threat to national security, he made his decision so quickly that Congress learned about the strike from the evening news reports. The attack on Syria may have been the right thing to do, personally I\'m still conflicted on that, but what I\'m concerned about are the President\'s motives. Do we really think that a man who advocated for [targeting and killing civilians in the war on terror](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1eXRXL0nkk), who [is seeking to loosen rules protecting against civilian deaths from drone strikes](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/12/us/politics/trump-loosen-counterterrorism-rules.html), who has been [responsible for over a thousand civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria *in the month of March alone*](http://www.newsweek.com/trumps-war-civilian-deaths-syria-577353), is suddenly queasy about civilians dying overseas? Firing fifty tomahawk missiles into Syria to protect the civilians is fine, but [accepting Syrian refugees is a step too far for this man.](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-signs-two-executive-orders-expands-power-military-extreme-vetting-n713336) That should scare the shit out of anybody: Donald Trump is more willing to risk war than risk accepting immigrants. I am reminded of a point in the campaign when Donald Trump was asked about abortion rights (something he\'s flip flopped on repeatedly throughout his life, going from "very pro-choice" when he was a registered Democrat to being "very pro-life" when he was running as a Republican) and he screwed up his answer by saying that yes, women should be punished for having an abortion. The shit hit the fan, as did his poll numbers, and he started saying and doing anything he could to fix the situation. As a result he [went through five different, often conflicting positions on abortion in three days.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/04/03/donald-trumps-ever-shifting-positions-on-abortion/?utm_term=.d24b1b12ea34) Donald Trump is a man who ran his entire campaign on the theory that whatever got the most applause was the best thing to say. Just tell the people what they want to hear and put on a good show, that\'s what matters. But we\'re past the campaign now, we\'re past the point where words alone are all that\'s required to bring Donald Trump the popularity and praise he\'s so addicted to. His poll numbers are in the tank, he\'s being hounded by scandals from Russia to Mar A Lago, so far all of his initiatives are failing, and his supporters are turning their back on him. Words aren\'t enough and he knows that, *he needs popular action.* Maybe [after four years of decrying war against Syria](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-syria-tweets-old-2013-stay-out-of-many-bad-things-will-happen-a7671561.html) he really did have a change of heart, maybe we\'re finally seeing the real Donald Trump. Perhaps through the campaign bluster about [reinstating waterboarding and worse](http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-primaries/268530-trump-calls-for-hell-of-a-lot-worse-than-waterboarding), the [calls to take Iraq\'s oil](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-threat-seize-iraq-oil-reserves-cia-middle-east-us-president-petroleum-a7545106.html), the [threat of indiscriminate bombing](http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-bomb-isis-2015-11), and the [advocation of targeting civilian families for military strikes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1eXRXL0nkk), he actually was a humanitarian all along. Maybe we should ignore the [record high number of civilian deaths caused by US-led airstrikes under Donald Trump](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-civilian-deaths-syria-iraq-middle-east-a7649486.html), follow Kellyanne\'s advice, and look at "what\'s in his heart." Maybe we shouldn\'t judge Donald Trump by any of the words he said or the actions he took before we struck Syria last night, or maybe we should let his past inform our opinion of the present. But what if Donald Trump\'s motivations aren\'t so benevolent as he would have us believe? As we discuss the fawning media, the ecstatic Congressional Republicans, the warhawks cheering how strong and presidential he looks, and the allies around the world praising his quick action, let\'s consider a less wholesome alternative: Donald Trump on October 9th, 2012: * [Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate. -Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, October 9, 2012](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/255784560904773633) Donald Trump on March 27th, 2017, 11 days ago: * [Gallup: Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/27/15076578/gallup-trump-obama-poll) * >A new poll released on Monday by Gallup found that Trump’s approval rating has plummeted to 36 percent — 2 points lower than President Barack Obama’s nadir of 38 percent, which he hit in both 2011 and 2014. Donald Trump, today: * [US Launches Missile Strike on Syria](https://no.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/63xk5o/us_launches_missile_strike_on_syria/) * >The United States Military has launched about 60 missiles into Syria, targeting hangars, planes and fuel tanks at the Shayrat Airfield. The news today isn\'t going to be talking about the lousy jobs report we just got in, they won\'t be covering Jared Kushner\'s newly revealed ties to Russia, the nuclear option is already gone from the headlines and front pages and Neil Gorsuch\'s impending appointment to the Supreme Court is barely worth a bi-line, the $1trillion infrastructure bill President Trump was peddling for this week probably won\'t be mentioned, and who knows what happened at Mar A Lago with Chinese President Xi Jinping? Even the petty and dramatic stuff like Bannon being kicked off the NSC, or Trump defending Bill O\'Reilly as a great guy is gone. All it took for Donald Trump to shut the media up was fifty tomahawk missiles. Probably just a coincidence though, Donald Trump doesn\'t strike me as the type of guy who would resort to projection or anything, he\'d never put his ambitions over the wellbeing of others.', ">>{slakmehl} : This is what concerns me the most. The most powerful nation on earth needs to be predictable for the sake of global stability. And not only that, but do we really want our enemies thinking we can turn on a dime and attack them at any time? That's just begging for preventative strikes, and what if the enemy has nuclear weapons?", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : I have heard the Great Orange buffalo speak, do you know what it said?', '>>{Woofleboofle} : I think the Kompromat will take care of that just fine for Putty.', '>>{XxHotCoupleXx} : As an American I hope this is true. As a cynic, I think this has been choreographed perfectly between Putin and Trump.', ">>{zenith1959} : I watched it live, I think she doesn't like Trump.", '>>{LoudTsu} : He might get a career boost after the impeachment. Wise.', ">>{sthlmsoul} : Krauthammer is the voice of reason? What's goign on?", '>>{Chief_Mother_Fucker} : Warren trying to look VPdential material for Hillary practically screaming "pick me pick me"', '>>{HexezWork} : She still mad about the White Man taking her land.', '>>{wulfgar_beornegar} : *Looks at % upvoted in upper right* Yep, no the_donald users brigading here. Nope. Totally not using downvotes to hide submissions.', ">>{Generation_Y_Not} : > Shortly after amateur President Donald Trump launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian air base Thursday night... Observer.com... isn't this the paper Kushner used to own?", '>>{RadBadTad} : Bumbling "Emotional" "Half cocked" "Unfounded" "Irrational" "Reductive"', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : We would have also accepted screeching, dat voice.', ">>{RadBadTad} : > we should have known Most of us did know. The majority of the country hasn't been surprised by a single headline regarding this administration for three months.", '>>{fullofgreendust} : Why the paranoia? Bernie shit skyrockets on this page, is that s4p brigading?', '>>{DrunkenEffigy} : You know what I find most interesting? [The fact that The Observer is owned by Jared Kushner.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_Media)', ">>{duckduck_goose} : I'm in so much agreement here. While I think we should step in it is very concerning we as a country have made no diplomatic attempts to prevent this situation. In fact, we may have green lit the act as Rex Tilerson wanted to leave Syria to themselves to sort out their nation.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : God she's almost incoherent. She looks like she's trying too hard.", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : The chemical attack is for sure terrible and a war crime. However you'd think they'd wait on a strike after all the intel and information about it is gained to help prevent an international incedent. If this is how the reactions are going to be in foreign policy we should be worried about more than just Syria.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's the Bernie is folks mainly, they turned on her since she is endorsing Clinton tonight.", '>>{enchantrem} : His voters don\'t give a flying fuck about "stability".', ">>{probablyuntrue} : He's willing to drop 60 missiles that cost 1.5 mil each like it's no problem, but man fuuuuuck saving those refugee's. They're the real drain on American society /s", '>>{radickulous} : > he made his decision so quickly that Congress learned about the strike from the evening news reports. He reportedly told Putin beforehand, though...', '>>{tinderphallus} : Thank you so much! I have actually seen some of your comments elsewhere and been in total agreement. I find it mind blowing how people are justifying what Trump has done based on his previous statements. I mean this was the whole issue with him flip flopping the media said he would not have credibility if there was a domestic or international incident, but he does this and they jump right in with him, just mind blowing to me. If he gets a ratings bump from this I will lose my fucking mind.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Except she's gotten blown the fuck out every time she talks.", ">>{eyemember} : >If only someone had warned us about this. She called for the same strikes the same day they happened. >The concern that many of us have isn't the action, it's the actor. AKA Trump Derangement Syndrome", ">>{wulfgar_beornegar} : Honestly at this point it's hard telling Bernie supporters and Trump supporters pretending to be Bernie supporters apart.", '>>{attelcomm} : Really good speech that spells out some of the corruption in our system and how Trump is a complete scam artist.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : If she hadn't had cotton mouth from the peace pipe she'd be frothing.", ">>{wulfgar_beornegar} : No, they just make 9 day old alt accounts and weakly announce that they're terrible at trolling.", '>>{SkittleTittys} : Also, the entire idea of "why would you let anyone know your military plans, it ruins the element of surprise" vs. "We let Russia know so that they could clear out" Makes you wonder what occured over the last three days that caused this reaction. I am wholly unconvinced that it has anything to do with a tearful Trump dabbing his eyes at the sight of childrens bodies, and everything to do with the ongoing investigation and internal turmoil and journalistic work. I\'m concerned that we\'ll war for the sake of him protecting his own interests, not Americas or anyone elses.', '>>{bbiggs32} : Has anyone ventured over to T_Dipshits today? How are they taking this?', ">>{luckinthevalley} : I vehemently disagree with his politics, but he's always struck me as one of the more dignified and intelligent conservative voices.", ">>{WaldoTime} : The establishment is wresting back control from the alt-right. Bannon out of the NSC, probably out of the WH soon; Syria strikes now. I'm also internally conflicted on the strike itself, but I do see the establishment Repubs are taking their party back and Kushner and Ivanka are the key players. I believe this is why Ivanka was given her job; to get Trump to ignore the Bannon wing of the party.", '>>{justanyman1} : Pretty much. The really disturbing thing here is not necessarily the action Trump decided to take, but rather the thought process behind that action. Because, well, he doesn\'t seem to have fucking had one. This wasn\'t a planned, measured *response*; it was a panicked *reaction* of a man who has no fucking clue what he\'s doing. It completely contradicts his stated approach to foreign policy, even though the facts of the situation have not changed. We knew last summer that Assad has used chemical weapons against his people, but Trump was content to keep bleating about "America First" and non-interventionism. One can completely understand why the people who voted for him are pissed off, though it\'s less clear why it\'s *this* lie that seems to have struck a chord with them, given that he has demonstrably lied to them ad nauseum since the very beginning of his campaign. Of course, it\'s not exactly like this move is surprising, even though it utterly contradicts a key plank of Trump\'s supposed platform. We\'ve known all along that, (1) he has no integrity and no coherent, consistent worldview, and (2) he\'s the sort of sorely impotent leader who conflates personal and national strength with bellicosity. Well, here we are.', '>>{tinderphallus} : Thank god someone in the media is connecting these dots and asking these questions!', ">>{viva_la_vinyl} : He's one of the voices on the right that actually you can listen to making a logical argument on his position, much like David Frum.", '>>{voompanatos} : And yet the 1 mil annual budget for Meals on Wheels to feed our own starving citizens is somehow unaffordable liberal fluff.', ">>{enchantrem} : It's like the man's truly not worthy of respect.", ">>{Economic_Anxiety} : Anyone disagreeing has already been purged. It's just another day in paradise.", ">>{antiproton} : They don't know what to do with themselves, but the urge to adjust their personal perception of reality to keep aligned is strong.", '>>{sthlmsoul} : The world sure could use more conservative intellectuals like Bill Buckley.', '>>{PenguinsHaveSex} : Trump/Russia-O-Trons keep saying how "things have changed" in Syria so the bombings and about face are suddenly justified. Nothing has changed except your own narrow opinions. The war is over half a decade old.', '>>{GudSpellar} : [Sen Schumer and Rep Pelosi are now giving him credit for the way this is being handled](http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2619622/). Meanwhile, pundits and policy experts from Nicholas Kristoff to Richard Haas are speaking positively of this action in their media appearances. The general support for this proportional response to a chemical weapons attack that killed children is fairly broad.', '>>{GudSpellar} : http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/politics/tomahawk-missiles-explainer/index.html > Each unit cost about $569,000 in 1999 dollars, according to the US Navy, -- equivalent to about $832,000 today. 59 Tomahawks... it was actually only $49 mil! /s', ">>{aaeme} : > choreographed perfectly between Putin and Trump I see that theory a lot today but really the simpler explanation is that this was just a knee-jerk reaction from Trump trying to look strong and didn't think of (or understand) the implications to his 'make friends with Russia' policy. The 'Trump/Putin pretend to be enemies then makes friends' explanation is very far-fetched in comparison: Consider that, with all the FBI scrutiny at the moment, Trump's team talking to and planning with Russia (outside of official [and monitored] routes) would be very risky and tricky and is probably being avoided for now (if they have any sense). Perhaps Trump and Putin are playing this like a game of bridge and communicating through coded actions but I doubt very much Trump is up to that.   There is no doubt which explanation both [Occam's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor) and [Hanlon's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor) Razor would prefer.", '>>{viva_la_vinyl} : There was an excellent Pod Save America podcast episode maybe a week or two back that speaks to many of the points you\'ve raised. The US president has to be guided by a set of principles and a worldview that shapes a president\'s decisions and actions. This allows institutions (the US government as a whole, global markets, international bodies) have some sense of predictability. Trumps seems to be utterly lacking that, completely running the risk of throwing geopolitics and domestic politics into a complete state of chaos. This "I am not going to tell you what I\'ll do next" behaviour is beyond dangerous. He\'s treating his presidency much like his television show. His attentions to polls are like neilsen TV ratings: what can he do improve his ratings in the next episode.', '>>{OrangutangRussian} : The only thing consistent about Trump is his narcism.', '>>{OrangutangRussian} : In fact the Russians alerted the Syrians in time to evacuate the airfield.', '>>{RobosapienLXIV} : With the millions we spent in those cruise missiles we could have supported hundreds if not thousands of refugees for years. But the only help America can give is bullets and missiles.', '>>{GudSpellar} : > In fact, we may have green lit the act Remember what happened when we did the opposite? [When President Obama declared the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "Red Line" that must not be crossed](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2013/09/06/president-obama-and-the-red-line-on-syrias-chemical-weapons/)? A little less than six months later, [multiple chemical weapons attacks ensued in Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_chemical_weapons_in_the_Syrian_civil_war). Speak aggressively? Assad gasses civilians. Speak passively? Assad gasses civilians. I don\'t know what the answer is, but the rhetoric does not seem to be making much difference.', '>>{XxHotCoupleXx} : I clearly see your point, and I hope (how sad that I hope our president is a knee-jerking idiot) your version is more correct.', ">>{WaldoTime} : I didn't imply he was. It was a more general statement on his losing influence in the White House and the party. But the establishment is who I believe pushed for the strikes, not Bannon. He might agree with it, but I don't see his influence in this.", ">>{MonkeyPlug} : When the actor has shown himself to be unstable, it does cause some concern. Add to this, the suspicious nature of Trump and Putin's relationship. It's not impossible that this is some part of a long-term strategy between the two. The actor makes a big difference, and it's not deranged to realize this.", ">>{datpiffss} : How do we know it was Assad? Also why? The man isn't insane. Guess who wins if the US comes in and topples another nation? Say it with me RADICAL ISLAM. ISIL gassed its own people", '>>{tinderphallus} : That is fine. They also agreed to invade Iraq over "wmds" so I will take their opinions with a grain of salt. Also sorry but thousands of children have been killed in Syria, I understand chemical weapons are bad but acting like because this attack killed children is ridiculous and needs to stop it. We did not fire these missiles over some pictures of dead children because children have been massacred in Syria for 4 years now', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Like I said, I don\'t know how I feel about the action itself, I\'m conflicted, what worries me *is the actor and his motivation.* If Donald Trump seriously and sincerely had a complete change of heart in just three days, if he went from being an isolationist who was fine with civilian deaths on Tuesday to an interventionist who wants to prevent civilian deaths on Thursday, that\'s fine, that\'s great. Donald Trump\'s heart grew three sizes that day and everything\'s fine. On the other hand if an irrational and impulsive President that was tanking in the polls, being hounded by scandal, standing knee deep in failed initiatives, fighting off attacks from the left, right, and center decided that "Missile strikes would make me way more popular!" If *that\'s* the reason we just bombed Syria then I\'m fucking terrified. The action itself can be debated six ways to Sunday, and it *should be.* But if this is a sign of things to come, if Donald Trump solves his unpopularity and flagging poll numbers with military strikes, if we fire off missiles anytime a new scandal pops up or bill gets voted down, then we\'ve got a huge problem on our hands. I don\'t trust this man, I don\'t trust his intentions, I don\'t trust his motivations. He\'s never done a single thing without first asking "What\'s in it for me?"', '>>{tinderphallus} : Right! People say all the time they use human shields for US bombs but cannot fathom them gassing civilians for their benefit.', '>>{tinderphallus} : OMG sir your comment keeps getting better and better.', ">>{aaeme} : I'm not sure it is the happier version. The conspiracy theory is a more comforting thought. Otherwise, this is entirely in Assad's hands and he's not following a script (there is no script). One more chemical weapon attack next week and what does Trump do then? Over-react by any chance? This could actually result in America killing Russians in Syria (and not to mention the Syrian casualties). And that danger is now perpetually there for months if not years to come.", ">>{XxHotCoupleXx} : Man, I've never felt so crappy from being enlightened. Thank you for this perspective.", '>>{KNBeaArthur} : i agree. i have a lot of respect for Krauthammer the person, but not Krauthammer the pundit. also, Krauthammer is a bad ass surname.', '>>{duckduck_goose} : Congress was at fault for that actually; Not Obama. In fact, I do believe that Adam Schiff drew up approval for military actions and Republicans shrugged it off in Congress.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Soylent_Orange} : I appreciate that she nailed Ryan and McConnell's balls to wall as well.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Fauxahontas should bury the hatchet while there is still time.', '>>{HexezWork} : Endorses Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders to get ahead politically and exploits a job opening at Harvard meant for someone of minority descent. Remind me why Reddit likes her?', '>>{HexezWork} : She should calm down and just pass the peace pipe.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Come let us sit and discuss this Great Orange buffalo you saw in your dreams.', '>>{HexezWork} : At least the Orange Buffalo has as much Native American in him as Goofy Warren.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : I have heard the Great Orange buffalo speak, do you know what it said?', ">>{zenith1959} : I watched it live, I think she doesn't like Trump.", '>>{Chief_Mother_Fucker} : Warren trying to look VPdential material for Hillary practically screaming "pick me pick me"', '>>{HexezWork} : She still mad about the White Man taking her land.', '>>{wulfgar_beornegar} : *Looks at % upvoted in upper right* Yep, no the_donald users brigading here. Nope. Totally not using downvotes to hide submissions.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : We would have also accepted screeching, dat voice.', '>>{fullofgreendust} : Why the paranoia? Bernie shit skyrockets on this page, is that s4p brigading?', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : God she's almost incoherent. She looks like she's trying too hard.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It's the Bernie is folks mainly, they turned on her since she is endorsing Clinton tonight.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Except she's gotten blown the fuck out every time she talks.", ">>{wulfgar_beornegar} : Honestly at this point it's hard telling Bernie supporters and Trump supporters pretending to be Bernie supporters apart.", '>>{attelcomm} : Really good speech that spells out some of the corruption in our system and how Trump is a complete scam artist.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : If she hadn't had cotton mouth from the peace pipe she'd be frothing.", ">>{wulfgar_beornegar} : No, they just make 9 day old alt accounts and weakly announce that they're terrible at trolling."], ['>>{Cardenjs} : Volatile is the word I have used probably the most to describe the presidency', '>>{Not_A_Doctor__} : It might be consistent with his survival instinct, however.', ">>{SSHeretic} : It's amazing that no matter what Trump does, he manages to do it in a way that loses him international respect.", '>>{PM__ME__STUFFZ} : In the long term volatility like this is definitely bad, but short run it may actually benefit Donnie a bit. I think Russia\'s reaction to this has partially been driven by the very real realization that: "we thought we were on the same page as Trump, what is happening, is he really this inconsistent?" Putin is nothing if not rational and he may not be able to comfortably handle largely irrational actors.', '>>{Chalji} : Stop making me agree with Krauthammer! It feels so unseemly.', '>>{Donald_McPoyle} : From here on out, we need to submit presidential candidates to psychological evaluation. Insanity cannot be tolerated in the White House.', '>>{XxHotCoupleXx} : Hammer meet head of nail. This guy gets it.', '>>{JacobCrim88} : We knew Trump was emotionally unstable years ago, we should have known this would harm his foreign policy.', '>>{DPlaintiff} : Nice to see him taking a stand on something.', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. If only someone had warned us about this. Let\'s be honest here: The concern that many of us have isn\'t the action, it\'s the *actor.* In just three days time Donald Trump went from a strict isolationist to bombing a nation that posed no threat to national security, he made his decision so quickly that Congress learned about the strike from the evening news reports. The attack on Syria may have been the right thing to do, personally I\'m still conflicted on that, but what I\'m concerned about are the President\'s motives. Do we really think that a man who advocated for [targeting and killing civilians in the war on terror](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1eXRXL0nkk), who [is seeking to loosen rules protecting against civilian deaths from drone strikes](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/12/us/politics/trump-loosen-counterterrorism-rules.html), who has been [responsible for over a thousand civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria *in the month of March alone*](http://www.newsweek.com/trumps-war-civilian-deaths-syria-577353), is suddenly queasy about civilians dying overseas? Firing fifty tomahawk missiles into Syria to protect the civilians is fine, but [accepting Syrian refugees is a step too far for this man.](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-signs-two-executive-orders-expands-power-military-extreme-vetting-n713336) That should scare the shit out of anybody: Donald Trump is more willing to risk war than risk accepting immigrants. I am reminded of a point in the campaign when Donald Trump was asked about abortion rights (something he\'s flip flopped on repeatedly throughout his life, going from "very pro-choice" when he was a registered Democrat to being "very pro-life" when he was running as a Republican) and he screwed up his answer by saying that yes, women should be punished for having an abortion. The shit hit the fan, as did his poll numbers, and he started saying and doing anything he could to fix the situation. As a result he [went through five different, often conflicting positions on abortion in three days.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/04/03/donald-trumps-ever-shifting-positions-on-abortion/?utm_term=.d24b1b12ea34) Donald Trump is a man who ran his entire campaign on the theory that whatever got the most applause was the best thing to say. Just tell the people what they want to hear and put on a good show, that\'s what matters. But we\'re past the campaign now, we\'re past the point where words alone are all that\'s required to bring Donald Trump the popularity and praise he\'s so addicted to. His poll numbers are in the tank, he\'s being hounded by scandals from Russia to Mar A Lago, so far all of his initiatives are failing, and his supporters are turning their back on him. Words aren\'t enough and he knows that, *he needs popular action.* Maybe [after four years of decrying war against Syria](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-syria-tweets-old-2013-stay-out-of-many-bad-things-will-happen-a7671561.html) he really did have a change of heart, maybe we\'re finally seeing the real Donald Trump. Perhaps through the campaign bluster about [reinstating waterboarding and worse](http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-primaries/268530-trump-calls-for-hell-of-a-lot-worse-than-waterboarding), the [calls to take Iraq\'s oil](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-threat-seize-iraq-oil-reserves-cia-middle-east-us-president-petroleum-a7545106.html), the [threat of indiscriminate bombing](http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-bomb-isis-2015-11), and the [advocation of targeting civilian families for military strikes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1eXRXL0nkk), he actually was a humanitarian all along. Maybe we should ignore the [record high number of civilian deaths caused by US-led airstrikes under Donald Trump](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-civilian-deaths-syria-iraq-middle-east-a7649486.html), follow Kellyanne\'s advice, and look at "what\'s in his heart." Maybe we shouldn\'t judge Donald Trump by any of the words he said or the actions he took before we struck Syria last night, or maybe we should let his past inform our opinion of the present. But what if Donald Trump\'s motivations aren\'t so benevolent as he would have us believe? As we discuss the fawning media, the ecstatic Congressional Republicans, the warhawks cheering how strong and presidential he looks, and the allies around the world praising his quick action, let\'s consider a less wholesome alternative: Donald Trump on October 9th, 2012: * [Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate. -Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, October 9, 2012](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/255784560904773633) Donald Trump on March 27th, 2017, 11 days ago: * [Gallup: Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/27/15076578/gallup-trump-obama-poll) * >A new poll released on Monday by Gallup found that Trump’s approval rating has plummeted to 36 percent — 2 points lower than President Barack Obama’s nadir of 38 percent, which he hit in both 2011 and 2014. Donald Trump, today: * [US Launches Missile Strike on Syria](https://no.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/63xk5o/us_launches_missile_strike_on_syria/) * >The United States Military has launched about 60 missiles into Syria, targeting hangars, planes and fuel tanks at the Shayrat Airfield. The news today isn\'t going to be talking about the lousy jobs report we just got in, they won\'t be covering Jared Kushner\'s newly revealed ties to Russia, the nuclear option is already gone from the headlines and front pages and Neil Gorsuch\'s impending appointment to the Supreme Court is barely worth a bi-line, the $1trillion infrastructure bill President Trump was peddling for this week probably won\'t be mentioned, and who knows what happened at Mar A Lago with Chinese President Xi Jinping? Even the petty and dramatic stuff like Bannon being kicked off the NSC, or Trump defending Bill O\'Reilly as a great guy is gone. All it took for Donald Trump to shut the media up was fifty tomahawk missiles. Probably just a coincidence though, Donald Trump doesn\'t strike me as the type of guy who would resort to projection or anything, he\'d never put his ambitions over the wellbeing of others.', ">>{slakmehl} : This is what concerns me the most. The most powerful nation on earth needs to be predictable for the sake of global stability. And not only that, but do we really want our enemies thinking we can turn on a dime and attack them at any time? That's just begging for preventative strikes, and what if the enemy has nuclear weapons?", '>>{Woofleboofle} : I think the Kompromat will take care of that just fine for Putty.', '>>{XxHotCoupleXx} : As an American I hope this is true. As a cynic, I think this has been choreographed perfectly between Putin and Trump.', '>>{LoudTsu} : He might get a career boost after the impeachment. Wise.', ">>{sthlmsoul} : Krauthammer is the voice of reason? What's goign on?", ">>{Generation_Y_Not} : > Shortly after amateur President Donald Trump launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian air base Thursday night... Observer.com... isn't this the paper Kushner used to own?", '>>{RadBadTad} : Bumbling "Emotional" "Half cocked" "Unfounded" "Irrational" "Reductive"', ">>{RadBadTad} : > we should have known Most of us did know. The majority of the country hasn't been surprised by a single headline regarding this administration for three months.", '>>{DrunkenEffigy} : You know what I find most interesting? [The fact that The Observer is owned by Jared Kushner.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_Media)', ">>{duckduck_goose} : I'm in so much agreement here. While I think we should step in it is very concerning we as a country have made no diplomatic attempts to prevent this situation. In fact, we may have green lit the act as Rex Tilerson wanted to leave Syria to themselves to sort out their nation.", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : The chemical attack is for sure terrible and a war crime. However you'd think they'd wait on a strike after all the intel and information about it is gained to help prevent an international incedent. If this is how the reactions are going to be in foreign policy we should be worried about more than just Syria.", '>>{enchantrem} : His voters don\'t give a flying fuck about "stability".', ">>{probablyuntrue} : He's willing to drop 60 missiles that cost 1.5 mil each like it's no problem, but man fuuuuuck saving those refugee's. They're the real drain on American society /s", '>>{radickulous} : > he made his decision so quickly that Congress learned about the strike from the evening news reports. He reportedly told Putin beforehand, though...', '>>{tinderphallus} : Thank you so much! I have actually seen some of your comments elsewhere and been in total agreement. I find it mind blowing how people are justifying what Trump has done based on his previous statements. I mean this was the whole issue with him flip flopping the media said he would not have credibility if there was a domestic or international incident, but he does this and they jump right in with him, just mind blowing to me. If he gets a ratings bump from this I will lose my fucking mind.', ">>{eyemember} : >If only someone had warned us about this. She called for the same strikes the same day they happened. >The concern that many of us have isn't the action, it's the actor. AKA Trump Derangement Syndrome", '>>{SkittleTittys} : Also, the entire idea of "why would you let anyone know your military plans, it ruins the element of surprise" vs. "We let Russia know so that they could clear out" Makes you wonder what occured over the last three days that caused this reaction. I am wholly unconvinced that it has anything to do with a tearful Trump dabbing his eyes at the sight of childrens bodies, and everything to do with the ongoing investigation and internal turmoil and journalistic work. I\'m concerned that we\'ll war for the sake of him protecting his own interests, not Americas or anyone elses.', '>>{bbiggs32} : Has anyone ventured over to T_Dipshits today? How are they taking this?', ">>{luckinthevalley} : I vehemently disagree with his politics, but he's always struck me as one of the more dignified and intelligent conservative voices.", ">>{WaldoTime} : The establishment is wresting back control from the alt-right. Bannon out of the NSC, probably out of the WH soon; Syria strikes now. I'm also internally conflicted on the strike itself, but I do see the establishment Repubs are taking their party back and Kushner and Ivanka are the key players. I believe this is why Ivanka was given her job; to get Trump to ignore the Bannon wing of the party.", '>>{justanyman1} : Pretty much. The really disturbing thing here is not necessarily the action Trump decided to take, but rather the thought process behind that action. Because, well, he doesn\'t seem to have fucking had one. This wasn\'t a planned, measured *response*; it was a panicked *reaction* of a man who has no fucking clue what he\'s doing. It completely contradicts his stated approach to foreign policy, even though the facts of the situation have not changed. We knew last summer that Assad has used chemical weapons against his people, but Trump was content to keep bleating about "America First" and non-interventionism. One can completely understand why the people who voted for him are pissed off, though it\'s less clear why it\'s *this* lie that seems to have struck a chord with them, given that he has demonstrably lied to them ad nauseum since the very beginning of his campaign. Of course, it\'s not exactly like this move is surprising, even though it utterly contradicts a key plank of Trump\'s supposed platform. We\'ve known all along that, (1) he has no integrity and no coherent, consistent worldview, and (2) he\'s the sort of sorely impotent leader who conflates personal and national strength with bellicosity. Well, here we are.', '>>{tinderphallus} : Thank god someone in the media is connecting these dots and asking these questions!', ">>{viva_la_vinyl} : He's one of the voices on the right that actually you can listen to making a logical argument on his position, much like David Frum.", '>>{voompanatos} : And yet the 1 mil annual budget for Meals on Wheels to feed our own starving citizens is somehow unaffordable liberal fluff.', ">>{enchantrem} : It's like the man's truly not worthy of respect.", ">>{Economic_Anxiety} : Anyone disagreeing has already been purged. It's just another day in paradise.", ">>{antiproton} : They don't know what to do with themselves, but the urge to adjust their personal perception of reality to keep aligned is strong.", '>>{sthlmsoul} : The world sure could use more conservative intellectuals like Bill Buckley.', '>>{PenguinsHaveSex} : Trump/Russia-O-Trons keep saying how "things have changed" in Syria so the bombings and about face are suddenly justified. Nothing has changed except your own narrow opinions. The war is over half a decade old.', '>>{GudSpellar} : [Sen Schumer and Rep Pelosi are now giving him credit for the way this is being handled](http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2619622/). Meanwhile, pundits and policy experts from Nicholas Kristoff to Richard Haas are speaking positively of this action in their media appearances. The general support for this proportional response to a chemical weapons attack that killed children is fairly broad.', '>>{GudSpellar} : http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/politics/tomahawk-missiles-explainer/index.html > Each unit cost about $569,000 in 1999 dollars, according to the US Navy, -- equivalent to about $832,000 today. 59 Tomahawks... it was actually only $49 mil! /s', ">>{aaeme} : > choreographed perfectly between Putin and Trump I see that theory a lot today but really the simpler explanation is that this was just a knee-jerk reaction from Trump trying to look strong and didn't think of (or understand) the implications to his 'make friends with Russia' policy. The 'Trump/Putin pretend to be enemies then makes friends' explanation is very far-fetched in comparison: Consider that, with all the FBI scrutiny at the moment, Trump's team talking to and planning with Russia (outside of official [and monitored] routes) would be very risky and tricky and is probably being avoided for now (if they have any sense). Perhaps Trump and Putin are playing this like a game of bridge and communicating through coded actions but I doubt very much Trump is up to that.   There is no doubt which explanation both [Occam's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor) and [Hanlon's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor) Razor would prefer.", '>>{viva_la_vinyl} : There was an excellent Pod Save America podcast episode maybe a week or two back that speaks to many of the points you\'ve raised. The US president has to be guided by a set of principles and a worldview that shapes a president\'s decisions and actions. This allows institutions (the US government as a whole, global markets, international bodies) have some sense of predictability. Trumps seems to be utterly lacking that, completely running the risk of throwing geopolitics and domestic politics into a complete state of chaos. This "I am not going to tell you what I\'ll do next" behaviour is beyond dangerous. He\'s treating his presidency much like his television show. His attentions to polls are like neilsen TV ratings: what can he do improve his ratings in the next episode.', '>>{OrangutangRussian} : The only thing consistent about Trump is his narcism.', '>>{OrangutangRussian} : In fact the Russians alerted the Syrians in time to evacuate the airfield.', '>>{RobosapienLXIV} : With the millions we spent in those cruise missiles we could have supported hundreds if not thousands of refugees for years. But the only help America can give is bullets and missiles.', '>>{GudSpellar} : > In fact, we may have green lit the act Remember what happened when we did the opposite? [When President Obama declared the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "Red Line" that must not be crossed](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2013/09/06/president-obama-and-the-red-line-on-syrias-chemical-weapons/)? A little less than six months later, [multiple chemical weapons attacks ensued in Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_chemical_weapons_in_the_Syrian_civil_war). Speak aggressively? Assad gasses civilians. Speak passively? Assad gasses civilians. I don\'t know what the answer is, but the rhetoric does not seem to be making much difference.', '>>{XxHotCoupleXx} : I clearly see your point, and I hope (how sad that I hope our president is a knee-jerking idiot) your version is more correct.', ">>{WaldoTime} : I didn't imply he was. It was a more general statement on his losing influence in the White House and the party. But the establishment is who I believe pushed for the strikes, not Bannon. He might agree with it, but I don't see his influence in this.", ">>{MonkeyPlug} : When the actor has shown himself to be unstable, it does cause some concern. Add to this, the suspicious nature of Trump and Putin's relationship. It's not impossible that this is some part of a long-term strategy between the two. The actor makes a big difference, and it's not deranged to realize this.", ">>{datpiffss} : How do we know it was Assad? Also why? The man isn't insane. Guess who wins if the US comes in and topples another nation? Say it with me RADICAL ISLAM. ISIL gassed its own people", '>>{tinderphallus} : That is fine. They also agreed to invade Iraq over "wmds" so I will take their opinions with a grain of salt. Also sorry but thousands of children have been killed in Syria, I understand chemical weapons are bad but acting like because this attack killed children is ridiculous and needs to stop it. We did not fire these missiles over some pictures of dead children because children have been massacred in Syria for 4 years now', '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Like I said, I don\'t know how I feel about the action itself, I\'m conflicted, what worries me *is the actor and his motivation.* If Donald Trump seriously and sincerely had a complete change of heart in just three days, if he went from being an isolationist who was fine with civilian deaths on Tuesday to an interventionist who wants to prevent civilian deaths on Thursday, that\'s fine, that\'s great. Donald Trump\'s heart grew three sizes that day and everything\'s fine. On the other hand if an irrational and impulsive President that was tanking in the polls, being hounded by scandal, standing knee deep in failed initiatives, fighting off attacks from the left, right, and center decided that "Missile strikes would make me way more popular!" If *that\'s* the reason we just bombed Syria then I\'m fucking terrified. The action itself can be debated six ways to Sunday, and it *should be.* But if this is a sign of things to come, if Donald Trump solves his unpopularity and flagging poll numbers with military strikes, if we fire off missiles anytime a new scandal pops up or bill gets voted down, then we\'ve got a huge problem on our hands. I don\'t trust this man, I don\'t trust his intentions, I don\'t trust his motivations. He\'s never done a single thing without first asking "What\'s in it for me?"', '>>{tinderphallus} : Right! People say all the time they use human shields for US bombs but cannot fathom them gassing civilians for their benefit.', '>>{tinderphallus} : OMG sir your comment keeps getting better and better.', ">>{aaeme} : I'm not sure it is the happier version. The conspiracy theory is a more comforting thought. Otherwise, this is entirely in Assad's hands and he's not following a script (there is no script). One more chemical weapon attack next week and what does Trump do then? Over-react by any chance? This could actually result in America killing Russians in Syria (and not to mention the Syrian casualties). And that danger is now perpetually there for months if not years to come.", ">>{XxHotCoupleXx} : Man, I've never felt so crappy from being enlightened. Thank you for this perspective.", '>>{KNBeaArthur} : i agree. i have a lot of respect for Krauthammer the person, but not Krauthammer the pundit. also, Krauthammer is a bad ass surname.', '>>{duckduck_goose} : Congress was at fault for that actually; Not Obama. In fact, I do believe that Adam Schiff drew up approval for military actions and Republicans shrugged it off in Congress.']]
classify and reply
[">>{gpia7r} : Congresswoman indicted, accused of using charity as 'slush fund'", '>>{robber93} : Report: Next-gen iPhone could dump the Lightning port in favor of USB-C', '>>{ChomskysChekist} : She should be in jail. She also conspired with the Florida republicans to Gerrymander her district in order to allow her to perpetually stay in power', ">>{thr0-awey} : I thought she was supposed to be down-to-earth. I guess that's what you get for marrying a BIllionarie russian spy.", '>>{james_jamieson} : This ‘Apprentice’ story would kill most candidacies. For Trump, it’s just another Monday.', ">>{afterpoop} : Can't wait for Democratic Presidential Nominee jailed for Clinton Foundation corruption", '>>{aparabola} : Richard Branson: Trump told me he wanted to spend his life destroying people', '>>{misscee} : How many Clinton superdelegates does that make now? Anyone keeping count?', ">>{loki8481} : makes me miss the days when the biggest election scandal was Mitt Romney's car elevators and binders full of women.", '>>{HerpesPhobic} : The latest Androids have this type of connector. Having both brands on the same connector will benefit everyone.', ">>{ozabelle} : gotta break each and every mirror that fails to reflect donald's greatness.", ">>{JimHadar} : True, but exactly the same could be said of Hillary calling for a drone strike on Assange. Any other election - both these candidates wouldn't have a hope in hell of winning.", '>>{HerpesPhobic} : I am suprised it took Apple this long to get this. Android has been doing this for years.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : ...neither of which are traditionally part of the role of First Lady.', ">>{MysticRay} : Good. Let's have the left vs. right debate *after* we remove the self-serving criminal element out of our government. Then we'll be able to begin arguing in earnest.", '>>{RadBadTad} : The very first! Also, that will be nice, so that finally every time an iPhone owner says "Hey, do you have a charger?" I can say yes.', '>>{throwawatc123} : And his supporters wonder why sane people are terrified at the thought of him having access to The Button', ">>{CadetPeepers} : A member of Hillary Clinton's 'Florida Leadership Council' was indicted for using a charity as a slush fund? Boy, who could have known?", '>>{mhwtexplode} : One of the very few times trump has told the truth. What a low and evil person.', '>>{ohheyitsdeejay} : Just so we\'re clear: Donald\'s third wife, an immigrant, that posed nude is leading the Lord\'s Prayer and Christians are like "OMG she\'s one of us!"', ">>{theendofanerror} : The shit he said about John McCain/POW's would have killed most candidacies a LONG time ago. It would have gotten a democrat run out of the country.", '>>{YnoS4950} : Asking, why not kill a foreign journalist in a foreign country with a fucking drone, is not even close to this Apprentice horror! Go CTR!', ">>{RandomRedditor44} : How many times should I tell Melania that God isn't real? I don't listen to the people that take a religion from a book, magical wizard created Earth and that gays are bad because of two people", ">>{Bronc27} : Yea but did she know that she couldn't do that??", '>>{RadBadTad} : > Having both brands on the same connector will benefit everyone. Except anyone making money on selling overpriced iPhone peripherals that require a proprietary connector.', '>>{GonzoNation} : >He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people. >He didn’t speak about anything else and I found it very bizarre. I told him I didn’t think it was the best way of spending his life. I said it was going to eat him up, and do more damage to him than them.', '>>{Ello_elicopter} : Half asleep, squinting at this thumbnail looked like a vampire covered in blood...not to far off the mark though. She is a parasite', ">>{kar0shi00} : It's not convenient yet. Apple will add it once full-room charging is cheap enough. Last I checked it was $200 for the base station for a full-room charge so certainly approaching apple accessory territory", '>>{loki8481} : one of those two stories is completely made up without a shred of proof, though.', '>>{probo1} : people in this title refers to 5 people. Misleading topic title.', '>>{noopept2} : I guess you can call Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as "people"', ">>{kar0shi00} : Seriously doubt it, if they were going to do it they would've done it when the EU ruled that all phones had to use USB-C. Instead they managed to find a loophole wherein they offered an converter and were allowed to use their proprietary connection.", '>>{DietSpite} : God I know. Five bucks a cable? How can I ever afford to send my kids to college at prices like that.', '>>{BalaaClaava} : you forgot to add that she is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a misogynist and other nasty things your ilk seems to enjoy saying. Have you had difficulty standing in the shower, or does all this slime just not wash off?', ">>{DietSpite} : This is an optimistic interpretation of the non-news that they're probably going to start shipping with a Lighting to USB-C cable in the box instead of Lighting to USB-A.", '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >Donald\'s third wife, an immigrant, that posed nude is leading the Lord\'s Prayer and Christians are like "OMG she\'s one of us!" Literally breaking your own narrative about bigotry. Your almost there. I\'ve got faith in you.', ">>{zabsane} : Don't forget she is more dignified than Michelle Obama! You can't forget that utterly crucial point!!!", '>>{FreedomIntensifies} : Might be a warning to Clinton. Literally yesterday the FBI director was in front of Congress being asked if Clinton was under investigation for this.', ">>{aperfectmouth} : Boy did you miss the point! That wasn't about Melania. It's about the disengenuousness of christianity or should we call it christendom? It's apparent you have a narrative you want to spout and it's interfering with your vision and thinking", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : Nothing. That's why it's great. I'm glad the fact that Trump's supporters don't hate all immigrants is getting some coverage here.", ">>{Firetrucker} : If they have dirt on her shady foundation I'd be super annoyed if they wasted all that time, effort and political capital on her emails. Unless of course emails lead to said dirt, that happens in investigations, small to big, now that is something I could circle-jerk over.", ">>{RadBadTad} : Well there's car chargers, battery cases, extended cables, headphone-jack splitters, soundbar docks, battery packs, anyone who just shelled out for lightning port headphones with their 7...", ">>{DietSpite} : I'm not sure I follow. You're saying all of those are more expensive in Lightning?", '>>{dont_eat_at_dennys} : She learned how to set it up from her Abuela!', '>>{MEsniff} : it will be over next week. When Trump loses the filthy regressive right will crawl back under their rocks for another 4 years.', ">>{Awards_from_Army} : > **Trump 2016** >'Fair. Balanced. Only destroyed 5 people'", ">>{aperfectmouth} : Not going to lie, I love those shoes. It was the first thing I noticed. That said, the only time they send Melania sent out to talk is when Donnie is in trouble. It must be really bad if they're sending her out to pray.", '>>{BayonetsforBoardmen} : I can literally see this man having Congress trying both Clinton and Obama for "treason" and sentence them to death. If Trump wins the right will have literal free fucking reign to do as they please and the generational shift means they have nothing to lose by going balls-to-the-wall crazy, and he is a man with no inhibitions and no moral scruples. I am fucking scared to the point where I\'m seriously thinking of trying to get my family out of the country if he wins, because shit is going to go downhill fast and frankly if we were stupid enough to elect him there\'s no fucking saving this country.', '>>{h-town} : A Democrat stealing money from the poor, nothing to see here, move along.', '>>{ivquatch} : My feeling is that a lot of Democrats do this, high ranking ones as well. Probably true for Republicans, too.', ">>{aperfectmouth} : > you forgot to add that she is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a misogynist and other nasty things BalaaClaava you should try to wash it off. The narrative you're trying to promote is barely worthy of your russian roots", '>>{sausagemurphy} : Just the ones that are bright over as a trophy wife for a rich fuck', ">>{RadBadTad} : I'm saying that companies have put money into creating these products (And more importantly, iPhone users have put money into buying them) and they won't be happy if the jack disappears suddenly.", ">>{Boxy310} : I'm pretty sure Trump also has binders full of women, but they all look like Ivanka.", ">>{ivquatch} : I think you're underestmating the scope. You have to consider the possibility that this kind of corruption/collusion is systemic.", ">>{MysticRay} : Of course it is. It's the rule rather than the exception. Special interests are corruption and until we solve that problem, idealogical arguments are essentially entertainment.", ">>{xjayroox} : A good chunk of his supporters relate to his sexism so it's not exactly a disqualifier", '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >Just the ones that are *bright* over as a trophy wife for a rich fuck And you call us uneducated.', ">>{Icantseeyoucantseeme} : Huh, I heard that law was passed, was wondering why I didn't see apple with USB type c yet. Makes sense. Was the loophole about using a dongle?", ">>{ivquatch} : Well, it's structural, meaning it's not possible to remove the criminal element without fundamentally changing the system.", '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : I was outraged by her sleeveless dress and the fact she flew to Florida separately costing taxpayers hundred of thousands of dollars.', '>>{Downbound92} : People who like to throw around the term "slush fund", *this* is a slush fund.', '>>{Vesstair} : Hmmm... we have been thinking about rebranding. We are trying to come up with something that abbreviates to PEWDIEPIE.', '>>{monkeybreath} : Much more likely that they will just ship chargers with USB-C, along with the Lightning to USB-C cables they already sell. This means they only have one port type and one controller chip across all their chargers.', ">>{KarmaPolice911} : The sources cited on that story about the drone* strike are very dubious. I wouldn't trust it.", '>>{Murderers_Row_Boat} : Trump\'s highest possible praise for a woman: "You\'re hot. I\'d bang you."', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : > It's about the disengenuousness of christianity or should we call it christendom? It's apparent you have a narrative you want to spout and it's interfering with your vision and thinking You must have missed the part in the bible where Jesus didn't really seem to mind associating with anyone. He was a pretty chill dude. You're confusing puritanism with christianity. Then using it to call christians hypocrites without even bothering to check if they are all christians in the first place. >It's apparent you have a narrative you want to spout and it's interfering with your vision and thinking I'm agnostic. I can see and think just fine as well.", '>>{HerpesPhobic} : You must have checked wrong. You can get a wireless charging puck on Amazon for less than 15$. You simply rest your phone on the puck.', ">>{kar0shi00} : Not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about full-room charging. You place a base station in your living room and it can charge everything in that room (or house - not sure on the range).", '>>{HerpesPhobic} : It sounds like something at least a decade away.', '>>{throwawatc123} : Ever since 2003, "treason" has been redefined by the right as "disagreeing with a Republican". You\'re not wrong. The soul of our nation is at stake.', ">>{mabris} : >I'm pretty sure Trump also has binders full of **a woman**, but they all ~~look like~~ **are** Ivanka.", '>>{thejoshu} : What about... >People EMAILS Wall Donald ISIS EMAILS Problems I-alone-can-solve Everything', '>>{djfacebooth} : The Clinton Foundation is the blueprint, now all politicians are trying to copy her model.', ">>{SilvarusLupus} : > I am fucking scared to the point where I'm seriously thinking of trying to get my family out of the country if he wins That train of thought is what has been keeping me up at night. If he wins, I want to fucking leave this country but I can't because money. My best hope would be to somehow find a way to get to Canada, but I don't even think moving there would help honestly...", ">>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : Remember in Ghostbusters when they are locked up in the jail and Egon talks about Gozer and his followers? : Egon: After the First World War, Shandor decided that society was too sick to survive. And he wasn't alone, he had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals up on the roof. Bizarre rituals, intended to bring about the *end of the world*, and now it looks like it might actually happen. Trump is Gozer The Traveler. Giuliani is The Gate Keeper Kellyanne Conway is the Key Master", ">>{enslavedroosters} : It feels untrue. That's what matters right? Feels over reals!", '>>{kbgames360} : Yep. I used to use a Galaxy S6 and iPhone 7 Plus, but upgraded the Galaxy to Huawei, and love the USB-C. I am looking at getting a new Macbook down the road, and am excited for the USB-C aspects, including the display that charges while being used.', ">>{916M_IN_LOSSES_LMAO} : For Trump, it's a blessing because it distracts from his more deplorable stories.", '>>{DebussySIMiami} : To be fair you fucked up the difference between "your" and "you\'re" a few comments up the chain. So you\'re not exactly shattering stereotypes.', '>>{916M_IN_LOSSES_LMAO} : > a foreign journalist Lol. Assange is a Russian spy.', ">>{damnatio_memoriae} : And that woman's name? Hillary Clint-- oh, wait, it was someone else? Well I'll be damned...", ">>{DietSpite} : Gotcha. Yeah, agreed. I don't think this rumor is particularly likely to pan out.", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : He's said as much in his own words, the fact that an actual billionaire confirms them is just icing on the shit sandwich... by the way, people are still voting for the shit sandwich.", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : donald finds it surprising. Surprising anyone would speak out against him when he's the greatest, most magnificent guy to ever run against the most crooked, GYNA loving, look, Obama is terrible, everybody knows that, people say it to me all the time. We sell taco bowls in Trump Tower, they're great, you should try them. What are we talking about?", ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : I'm not sure that republicans often bother with charity slush funds, but it would be interesting if someone looked into what GW bush was doing with his charity. Otherwise you have guys like McCain that are straight up crooked and don't bother with charities.", '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : > Prosecutors say Wiley had deposited $800,000 into One Door’s account, but the organization had only given out two scholarships worth $1,200. 0.3% for actual charity, I wonder if their administrative expense was within acceptable range?', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : This won't hurt him, and that's fine. We all know who he is. His rabid base is committed and the majority of Americans are committed against him. At this point we're just running out the clock.", '>>{philly47} : Glad to see that my frequent referencing of "Three Stooges Syndrome" has become mainstream.', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Melania said the Lord's Prayer? She really is the prostitute with a heart of gold!", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : Fuck I always do that. Bear with me. I'm learning =).", ">>{Isellmacs} : It's not possible to permanently remove the criminal element without fundamental change. It's not possible to fundamentally change the system without at least temporarily removing the criminal element. It's an order of operations thing. Clean house first, and then try and change the system to prevent future corruption. Trying to go directly to preventing future corruption won't work, or at least it hasn't so far.", '>>{unexpectedrpdr} : I love people who jump on good usernames fast.', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Imagine how awful his mother must have been to make him hate women so much. I guess we're lucky he didn't go Francis Dolarhyde crazy.", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : Five he was willing to single out. There's no win-win in donald's world. If somebody else wins, it's not winning. It's not enough that he wins, everyone else has to lose. And if he loses, by god he'll scuttle his own ship just to make sure the rats drown with him.", '>>{Neurorational} : Is Paul Ryan the dickless EPA inspector who shut down the containment device?', ">>{spotted_dick} : I don't know. I still remember the GOP swift boating of John Kerry, a Vietnam war veteran.", ">>{Isellmacs} : Apparently she's not elite enough to be above the law. Sucks to be her I guess.", ">>{Jokrtothethief} : They still don't even acknowledge he said that much less try and defend it. Willful IGNOREance.", '>>{Thecalculatorman} : This times a billion. Get the filth out of both parties, stop being loyal to corrupt garbage in your party because "Lesser of two evils!!!1!\' So sick and tired of hearing that lesser of two evils bullshit, its the same argument that is hashed out every four years.', ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : I mean, it's kind of obscured by his charity being shut down in New York and him apparently insulting veterans with PTSD. The fact that the media is having to prioritize which scandals to report on tells you how much of a hot mess his campaign is.", ">>{aperfectmouth} : > You must have missed the part in the bible where Jesus didn't really seem to mind associating with anyone. Still missing the point. OP wasn't calling Melania names or making a judgement. He was saying that christendom's judgement is hypocritical because it is political not religious.", ">>{Prax150} : The Apprentice thing is literally not even the craziest or second craziest trump story in the last 12 hours. We're well beyond belief at this point.", ">>{goody_heggety} : She's also whiter. /s because fuck the alt-reich.", '>>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : yes its true. this man has no dick.', '>>{Neurorational} : The context: > Some years ago, Mr Trump invited me to lunch for a one-to-one meeting at his apartment in Manhattan. We had not met before and I accepted. Even before the starters arrived he began telling me about how he had asked a number of people for help after his latest bankruptcy and how five of them were unwilling to help. He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people. But **which five people** ??', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : > He was saying that christendom's judgement is hypocritical because it is political not religious. Christendom? So all christians voted for the same party?", '>>{BalaaClaava} : Steak Tatar? Beef sushi. Golden horde. Kazan, Tatarstan.', ">>{sausagemurphy} : No I didn't? Quit projecting. But sorry for a typo.. boy, do I have egg on my face!", ">>{TheShadowCat} : I don't think an invasion is a serious threat, but if Trump tanks the US economy, and his plans will, our economy will be equally fucked.", '>>{TheEgregore} : A bit off topic, but it always sort of bothered me that gozer is spelt with an "o". Sumerians didn\'t use the letter "o"', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : 'You' refered to this sub and it's mindless circle jerk. Even when there's good points raised by this sub the ensuing mania ensures that it can't even be discussed rationally. >Just the ones that are bright over as a trophy wife for a rich fuck This has no evidence at all.", '>>{DaisyKitty} : >The story is filled with stuff like that, which Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks dismissed, uniformly, as "outlandish, unsubstantiated, and totally false claims." Somebody has a thesaurus! Something tells me Ms. Hicks will be using it a lot in the coming month.', '>>{aperfectmouth} : > So all christians voted for the same party? I doubt that Panda but there has been pandering to one group of christians, evangelicals, and for the most part they did vote for the one party. Christendom vs Christianity= The difference between the practice and observance of the namesakes values and those who use the namesake while lacking in the actual practice of it.', '>>{sausagemurphy} : My post literally does not reference the sub or the circle jerk...In fact your post is a reference to the r/pol circle jerk w reference to your feelings being hurt because then damn liberals typecast all you good hard working Americans as anti immigrant. The evidence is Melania, who is Trump\'s 3rd trophy wife, who the Trump supporters adore while spitting fire on other immigrants. What "evidence" do you want? "Would you have have married Trump if he wasn\'t rich?" "Would he have married me if I want beautiful?" Right from the horse\'s mouth.', ">>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : interesting. now would that still have the 'O' sound?", '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >My post literally does not reference the sub or the circle jerk...In fact your post is a reference to the r/pol circle jerk w reference to your feelings being hurt because then damn liberals typecast all you good hard working Americans as anti immigrant. what? >The evidence is Melania, who is Trump\'s 3rd trophy wife, who the Trump supporters adore while spitting fire on other immigrants. What "evidence" do you want? Spitting fire on **illegal** immigrants. This sub always misses that point. >Right from the horse\'s mouth. Democrats of course always marry for love. The point here is that you are choosing to misconstrue the dislike of illegal immigrants as being all immigrants just so that you have a basis from which to claim hypocracy.', '>>{The_Colonel-Sanders} : *DAE LE DEPLORABLES?1!!?*', ">>{sausagemurphy} : Melania Trump literally worked illegally here... I'm not sure what your point is. Look I know you're just trying to get a rise, but your whole argument relies on projecting whatever the fuck you think about me. My original argument literally just called her a trophy wife brought over, which agree was. I don't give a fuck why people get married, I'm not naive, but don't act like she is a fucking saint.", '>>{aperfectmouth} : Because she knew if her language caused her to falter in any way she would be tarred and feathered', '>>{rydan} : Nobody gets access to [The Button](http://www.reddit.com/r/thebutton).', ">>{ludeS} : Trump's 3AM twitter bomb just went nuclear is an all too possible headlines in our future.", ">>{DaisyKitty} : yeah, and it worked! somehow shit sticks to a democrat, and not so much to a republican, which i think is what the op was saying. even if it's not, that's the important take-away.", ">>{DaisyKitty} : to be realistic - not that i don't think he's despicable and deplorable - that's a lot of men's highest possible praise for a woman.", ">>{DaisyKitty} : or more likely, how despicable his father was, in general, and in particular to his mother who likely just took it because back then women did. that's probably where young donald's contempt for women began. and also his idea of what a man was.", '>>{mrslappydick} : Do you think his staffers sit around at night surrounded by empty vodka bottles and say things like "Well at least he didn\'t pull out his dick today,"', ">>{Boxy310} : Worse, he cuts out old family photos of Ivana, Marla, and Melania, and pastes Obama's head onto the bodies. Edit: Autocorrect changed Ivanka to Obama. I'm gonna let it stand.", ">>{DaisyKitty} : Of course not. Even absent that there's likely nothing in Trump that you and I would like in a president.", ">>{aperfectmouth} : [Obama's Choice to Bare Arms Causes Uproar](http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=6986019&page=1)", ">>{USSRJew} : Canada is very strict. Can't even enter on a visit if you have DUI conviction.", ">>{bobsack} : Why isn't there just a Trump mega thread. Literally every post on this sub is about Trump. After the wiki leaks dump tomorrow you know there won't be any posts about that, that aren't removed and put in a mega thread.", '>>{r0botosaurus} : Man, I forget how the Obamas got shit for literally everything they did.', '>>{lumaga} : Yeah, someone losing less than $1B through business is pretty bad, but blowing $6B of taxpayer money is a lot worse.', ">>{treeGuerin} : My dad has a few DUIs and he's visited Canada multiple times.", '>>{rikvanoostende} : It always bothered me that "gozer" (transl. dude, bloke, guy) appears as a girl.', '>>{FruitierGnome} : Well according to hilary, who illegally told everyone. That they gave 4 minutes to changethat order.', '>>{YungSnuggie} : thats still not the same thing hillary did not personally blow 6 billion dollars the government is not a business; its main goal is not to turn a profit', ">>{WhatWouldKekDo} : Like Hillary Clinton! But really this is old news he went near bankrupt in the 90's when he had some casino trouble. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/02/japanese-gambler-donald-trump-213635", '>>{ludeS} : Instantaneously causing all the corn in the corn fields to pop, thus turning your state, into popcorn. You can thank trump for making your flair true, future 5D chess move to make supporters AFTER the election.', '>>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : but moranis in the film explains that gozer can appear in many different forms: "He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!"', '>>{Schilthorn} : clinton is not the lesser of two evils. tim kane is and he needs to be the candidate at large.', '>>{Totes_Police} : If Trump did try and seize Canada, odds are, there will be an internal revolt within the US army.', '>>{Prax150} : people who sell antidepressants are going to make a killing this month too.', ">>{7HarperSeven} : Concurred as a fellow Canadian. Assuming Trump embarks on trade wars, renogiating U.S. Debt etc you're going to see the world economy go into an insane tailspin that will make 2008/09 look like a walk in the park with unicorns. Canada's economy is still incredibly linked at hip to USA. Americans forget that we're each other's largest trading partners. Out economy will go in equal free fall. Also, Canadians don't like to really openly admit it but our security is based on having ONE neighbour that happens to be our closest ally and most powerful military on earth. We don't stand a bloody chance if Trump wanted to annex us. Doubt that would happen. But you're point on NORAD is very apt. I could see him ripping those agreements a part and BAM we have even more Russian incursion into our sovereign Arctic territory for oil and minerals. Trump is a risk to the world people.", '>>{TheEgregore} : No they straight up didn\'t have the "o" sound. I know this because I recently watch ghostbusters really high. I paused the movie to look through a Sumerian Dictionary online to see if "gozer" means anything. Closest thing I found was "ga zir" meaning "breaks milk"', ">>{HarryGlibert} : Hillary called for a drone strike on Assange? While he's in an embassy...in London? I'm not sure how that wouldn't be...you know...noticed. If it happened (a big if since there's no legit sources reporting it) it was probably a joke. This is ridiculous. I hope Assange is killed though.", '>>{Deedge111} : Hello??? Is that me I hear??? Oh sorry, I thought this was written in an echo chamber (it was). To all who read this drivel, please read the original AP version where they point out both sides to the story. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?', '>>{YnoS4950} : >But... but... [Clinton!](https://i.redditmedia.com/f7jAtEWXZFIp43xSGPsyLH7b5m16ckI6Gh1WSxY7Krg.png?w=808&s=275861d139e8bf2d220628bb74663a70)', '>>{Deedge111} : It is in the first line of the WP article.', '>>{wrtChase} : Tilt harder bro, almost got those windmills >"Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion," he wrote. "Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — ‘creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.’ " >In other words, the State Department was terrible at paperwork. The $6 billion figure refers to the total amount affected by file mismanagement. It’s akin to spending $20 on lunch and losing or not asking for a receipt. Documentation over where that $20 went was lost, but not the $20 itself.', '>>{SHD1313} : Yea a binder full of women was funny and you knew what he meant. Trump is just an ass with no censor', ">>{lumaga} : It may as well have been pocketed if you can't account for it. Who knows where it is?", '>>{CinderSkye} : An email in the state department that suggested nonlegal strategies for dealing with wiki leaks, like PR and diplomacy, is being spun as a suggestion that Hillary Clinton was looking to drone murder Assange -- off an unsourced anonymous comment that said she made a joke about it. BS.', ">>{xenium94} : Wow, now this is wow. I've seen stuff but this is actually takes the piss. Going after his mother, this is a new low. I think Ben Laden himself hasn't got that much hate, going for the mother is really despicable.", ">>{savagedan} : Its ludicrous. Things like breaking the Cuba embargo aren't even on the radar any more, we're like 6-8 scandals past that point.", ">>{VROF} : That was the media's fault for treating it as possibly true. And Trump is the RNC's fault. Someone with this many skeletons should have been easy to take out in the primary. Now leadership ENDORSES him. Pathetic and disgusting", '>>{ShaveIceBaby} : Suprised if it still works being 70 and as unhealthy as he is', '>>{Kleinmann4President} : I just want to say THANK YOU Mr. Trump for not letting the PC liberal media restrict your Right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH! These women were totally fuckable and nobody in the NBC crew (liberal media!) ever mentioned it! Everybody was probably talking about the Bin Laden assassination and the economic recovery and nobody except Trump is talking about the REAL ISSUES! MAGA!', '>>{Renatusisk} : Its a contest between total corruption and total insanity. Either way America loses.', ">>{ak1368a} : Nah I'd tell a good 59 percent of women that", ">>{AdvicePerson} : Because he actually has like a dozen major scandals going at a time. I literally get withdrawal when he doesn't say or do something for a few hours.", '>>{AdvicePerson} : Both sides? Like, "Trump is a serial sexual harasser" vs "that camera chick was pretty hot"?', '>>{Renatusisk} : Please. Her corruption is real unless you stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes.', '>>{badcomputers} : lots of people hate trump without being shills get used to it', ">>{AdvicePerson} : Well, that's the only way to stop Fox News from making you dumber.", '>>{heroic_cat} : Drone strike in downtown London? You Trumpets actually believe this story, huh. Nobody has accused your ilk of posessing critical thinking skills.', ">>{savagedan} : I am not sure,they'd likely need pay. Its a full-time job and you can't even be guaranteed a nights sleep for fear of missing a tweet-storm.", ">>{realityno} : Media, heads up there is just too much. You've desensitized me from Trump.", '>>{Denjia} : GQ has been putting out some videos that are effectively lists, hosted by Keith Olbermann. [See here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2Efz2wPctY)', '>>{miniatureelephant} : Yeah. Calling people deplorable for being racist, sexist, and homophobic is *totallyyy* worse than actually being those things.', ">>{Capcombric} : Trump is mostly the media's fault. Studies showed that he received wildly disproportionate media coverage given his initial polling numbers, which precipitated his rise to the top of the polls. Once his poll numbers were up the coverage increased and his numbers continued to do so as well.", '>>{VROF} : Oh this is true. I watched a rally in Arkansas and all cable news networks covered it live like it was a royal wedding. Right down to breathlessly exclaiming they see the red hat and he was in the arena. After one of the debates Rand Paul called out Chris Christie and the rest of them for wanting to start WWIII. It was an amazing moment and afterwards Chris Matthews asked him about it. He started to answer and Matthews interrupted him to go to the floor because the person down there had Trump. Hopefully Rand Paul told them to fuck off because they never went back to him. But even though the media continues to cover him and give him unlimited air time, the RNC still should have been digging up the skeletons that are coming out now. This is ridiculous.', '>>{DJ_Theo} : A democrat would have been tarred and feathered after being branded a communist', ">>{forg0tmypen} : Can confirm fingers not in ear and eyes open. Don't see corruption. Sorry bud it's just propaganda and crap from the alt right. You got played.", ">>{Renatusisk} : I'm for no means for Trump but if you can't see the shady shit Clinton has done in the past you're blind.", ">>{forg0tmypen} : What shady shit there's just nothing there dude but conspiracy theories and loose connections with third and fourth hand information that you guys eat up as gospel. She's a fine normal candidate. Easily the best choice this election", ">>{Renatusisk} : Her deleted emails? 6 billion dollars unaccounted for while she was secretary of state. Her being chosen by the DNC before the election. There is a lot of shady things that isn't conspiracy theory.", ">>{forg0tmypen} : All of that is LITERALLY conspiracy theories. Lol Show me proof she stole or laundered or abused the spending of $6 billion. There's nothing there. You just proved my comment even more", '>>{Renatusisk} : Show me where I said stole or launderer or misused that 6 billion. You used one example that you twisted and discredited my whole statement.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{aparabola} : Richard Branson: Trump told me he wanted to spend his life destroying people', ">>{ozabelle} : gotta break each and every mirror that fails to reflect donald's greatness.", '>>{throwawatc123} : And his supporters wonder why sane people are terrified at the thought of him having access to The Button', '>>{mhwtexplode} : One of the very few times trump has told the truth. What a low and evil person.', '>>{GonzoNation} : >He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people. >He didn’t speak about anything else and I found it very bizarre. I told him I didn’t think it was the best way of spending his life. I said it was going to eat him up, and do more damage to him than them.', '>>{probo1} : people in this title refers to 5 people. Misleading topic title.', '>>{noopept2} : I guess you can call Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as "people"', '>>{MEsniff} : it will be over next week. When Trump loses the filthy regressive right will crawl back under their rocks for another 4 years.', ">>{Awards_from_Army} : > **Trump 2016** >'Fair. Balanced. Only destroyed 5 people'", '>>{BayonetsforBoardmen} : I can literally see this man having Congress trying both Clinton and Obama for "treason" and sentence them to death. If Trump wins the right will have literal free fucking reign to do as they please and the generational shift means they have nothing to lose by going balls-to-the-wall crazy, and he is a man with no inhibitions and no moral scruples. I am fucking scared to the point where I\'m seriously thinking of trying to get my family out of the country if he wins, because shit is going to go downhill fast and frankly if we were stupid enough to elect him there\'s no fucking saving this country.', '>>{Vesstair} : Hmmm... we have been thinking about rebranding. We are trying to come up with something that abbreviates to PEWDIEPIE.', '>>{throwawatc123} : Ever since 2003, "treason" has been redefined by the right as "disagreeing with a Republican". You\'re not wrong. The soul of our nation is at stake.', '>>{thejoshu} : What about... >People EMAILS Wall Donald ISIS EMAILS Problems I-alone-can-solve Everything', ">>{SilvarusLupus} : > I am fucking scared to the point where I'm seriously thinking of trying to get my family out of the country if he wins That train of thought is what has been keeping me up at night. If he wins, I want to fucking leave this country but I can't because money. My best hope would be to somehow find a way to get to Canada, but I don't even think moving there would help honestly...", ">>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : Remember in Ghostbusters when they are locked up in the jail and Egon talks about Gozer and his followers? : Egon: After the First World War, Shandor decided that society was too sick to survive. And he wasn't alone, he had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals up on the roof. Bizarre rituals, intended to bring about the *end of the world*, and now it looks like it might actually happen. Trump is Gozer The Traveler. Giuliani is The Gate Keeper Kellyanne Conway is the Key Master", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : He's said as much in his own words, the fact that an actual billionaire confirms them is just icing on the shit sandwich... by the way, people are still voting for the shit sandwich.", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : donald finds it surprising. Surprising anyone would speak out against him when he's the greatest, most magnificent guy to ever run against the most crooked, GYNA loving, look, Obama is terrible, everybody knows that, people say it to me all the time. We sell taco bowls in Trump Tower, they're great, you should try them. What are we talking about?", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : This won't hurt him, and that's fine. We all know who he is. His rabid base is committed and the majority of Americans are committed against him. At this point we're just running out the clock.", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : Five he was willing to single out. There's no win-win in donald's world. If somebody else wins, it's not winning. It's not enough that he wins, everyone else has to lose. And if he loses, by god he'll scuttle his own ship just to make sure the rats drown with him.", '>>{Neurorational} : Is Paul Ryan the dickless EPA inspector who shut down the containment device?', '>>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : yes its true. this man has no dick.', '>>{Neurorational} : The context: > Some years ago, Mr Trump invited me to lunch for a one-to-one meeting at his apartment in Manhattan. We had not met before and I accepted. Even before the starters arrived he began telling me about how he had asked a number of people for help after his latest bankruptcy and how five of them were unwilling to help. He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people. But **which five people** ??', ">>{TheShadowCat} : I don't think an invasion is a serious threat, but if Trump tanks the US economy, and his plans will, our economy will be equally fucked.", '>>{TheEgregore} : A bit off topic, but it always sort of bothered me that gozer is spelt with an "o". Sumerians didn\'t use the letter "o"', ">>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : interesting. now would that still have the 'O' sound?", '>>{rydan} : Nobody gets access to [The Button](http://www.reddit.com/r/thebutton).', ">>{ludeS} : Trump's 3AM twitter bomb just went nuclear is an all too possible headlines in our future.", ">>{USSRJew} : Canada is very strict. Can't even enter on a visit if you have DUI conviction.", ">>{treeGuerin} : My dad has a few DUIs and he's visited Canada multiple times.", '>>{rikvanoostende} : It always bothered me that "gozer" (transl. dude, bloke, guy) appears as a girl.', '>>{FruitierGnome} : Well according to hilary, who illegally told everyone. That they gave 4 minutes to changethat order.', ">>{WhatWouldKekDo} : Like Hillary Clinton! But really this is old news he went near bankrupt in the 90's when he had some casino trouble. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/02/japanese-gambler-donald-trump-213635", '>>{ludeS} : Instantaneously causing all the corn in the corn fields to pop, thus turning your state, into popcorn. You can thank trump for making your flair true, future 5D chess move to make supporters AFTER the election.', '>>{IHv2RtrnSumVdeotapes} : but moranis in the film explains that gozer can appear in many different forms: "He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!"', '>>{Schilthorn} : clinton is not the lesser of two evils. tim kane is and he needs to be the candidate at large.', '>>{Totes_Police} : If Trump did try and seize Canada, odds are, there will be an internal revolt within the US army.', ">>{7HarperSeven} : Concurred as a fellow Canadian. Assuming Trump embarks on trade wars, renogiating U.S. Debt etc you're going to see the world economy go into an insane tailspin that will make 2008/09 look like a walk in the park with unicorns. Canada's economy is still incredibly linked at hip to USA. Americans forget that we're each other's largest trading partners. Out economy will go in equal free fall. Also, Canadians don't like to really openly admit it but our security is based on having ONE neighbour that happens to be our closest ally and most powerful military on earth. We don't stand a bloody chance if Trump wanted to annex us. Doubt that would happen. But you're point on NORAD is very apt. I could see him ripping those agreements a part and BAM we have even more Russian incursion into our sovereign Arctic territory for oil and minerals. Trump is a risk to the world people.", '>>{TheEgregore} : No they straight up didn\'t have the "o" sound. I know this because I recently watch ghostbusters really high. I paused the movie to look through a Sumerian Dictionary online to see if "gozer" means anything. Closest thing I found was "ga zir" meaning "breaks milk"'], [">>{thr0-awey} : I thought she was supposed to be down-to-earth. I guess that's what you get for marrying a BIllionarie russian spy.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : ...neither of which are traditionally part of the role of First Lady.', '>>{ohheyitsdeejay} : Just so we\'re clear: Donald\'s third wife, an immigrant, that posed nude is leading the Lord\'s Prayer and Christians are like "OMG she\'s one of us!"', ">>{RandomRedditor44} : How many times should I tell Melania that God isn't real? I don't listen to the people that take a religion from a book, magical wizard created Earth and that gays are bad because of two people", '>>{BalaaClaava} : you forgot to add that she is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a misogynist and other nasty things your ilk seems to enjoy saying. Have you had difficulty standing in the shower, or does all this slime just not wash off?', '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >Donald\'s third wife, an immigrant, that posed nude is leading the Lord\'s Prayer and Christians are like "OMG she\'s one of us!" Literally breaking your own narrative about bigotry. Your almost there. I\'ve got faith in you.', ">>{zabsane} : Don't forget she is more dignified than Michelle Obama! You can't forget that utterly crucial point!!!", ">>{aperfectmouth} : Boy did you miss the point! That wasn't about Melania. It's about the disengenuousness of christianity or should we call it christendom? It's apparent you have a narrative you want to spout and it's interfering with your vision and thinking", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : Nothing. That's why it's great. I'm glad the fact that Trump's supporters don't hate all immigrants is getting some coverage here.", ">>{aperfectmouth} : Not going to lie, I love those shoes. It was the first thing I noticed. That said, the only time they send Melania sent out to talk is when Donnie is in trouble. It must be really bad if they're sending her out to pray.", ">>{aperfectmouth} : > you forgot to add that she is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a misogynist and other nasty things BalaaClaava you should try to wash it off. The narrative you're trying to promote is barely worthy of your russian roots", '>>{sausagemurphy} : Just the ones that are bright over as a trophy wife for a rich fuck', '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >Just the ones that are *bright* over as a trophy wife for a rich fuck And you call us uneducated.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : I was outraged by her sleeveless dress and the fact she flew to Florida separately costing taxpayers hundred of thousands of dollars.', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : > It's about the disengenuousness of christianity or should we call it christendom? It's apparent you have a narrative you want to spout and it's interfering with your vision and thinking You must have missed the part in the bible where Jesus didn't really seem to mind associating with anyone. He was a pretty chill dude. You're confusing puritanism with christianity. Then using it to call christians hypocrites without even bothering to check if they are all christians in the first place. >It's apparent you have a narrative you want to spout and it's interfering with your vision and thinking I'm agnostic. I can see and think just fine as well.", ">>{enslavedroosters} : It feels untrue. That's what matters right? Feels over reals!", '>>{DebussySIMiami} : To be fair you fucked up the difference between "your" and "you\'re" a few comments up the chain. So you\'re not exactly shattering stereotypes.', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Melania said the Lord's Prayer? She really is the prostitute with a heart of gold!", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : Fuck I always do that. Bear with me. I'm learning =).", ">>{aperfectmouth} : > You must have missed the part in the bible where Jesus didn't really seem to mind associating with anyone. Still missing the point. OP wasn't calling Melania names or making a judgement. He was saying that christendom's judgement is hypocritical because it is political not religious.", ">>{goody_heggety} : She's also whiter. /s because fuck the alt-reich.", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : > He was saying that christendom's judgement is hypocritical because it is political not religious. Christendom? So all christians voted for the same party?", '>>{BalaaClaava} : Steak Tatar? Beef sushi. Golden horde. Kazan, Tatarstan.', ">>{sausagemurphy} : No I didn't? Quit projecting. But sorry for a typo.. boy, do I have egg on my face!", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : 'You' refered to this sub and it's mindless circle jerk. Even when there's good points raised by this sub the ensuing mania ensures that it can't even be discussed rationally. >Just the ones that are bright over as a trophy wife for a rich fuck This has no evidence at all.", '>>{aperfectmouth} : > So all christians voted for the same party? I doubt that Panda but there has been pandering to one group of christians, evangelicals, and for the most part they did vote for the one party. Christendom vs Christianity= The difference between the practice and observance of the namesakes values and those who use the namesake while lacking in the actual practice of it.', '>>{sausagemurphy} : My post literally does not reference the sub or the circle jerk...In fact your post is a reference to the r/pol circle jerk w reference to your feelings being hurt because then damn liberals typecast all you good hard working Americans as anti immigrant. The evidence is Melania, who is Trump\'s 3rd trophy wife, who the Trump supporters adore while spitting fire on other immigrants. What "evidence" do you want? "Would you have have married Trump if he wasn\'t rich?" "Would he have married me if I want beautiful?" Right from the horse\'s mouth.', '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >My post literally does not reference the sub or the circle jerk...In fact your post is a reference to the r/pol circle jerk w reference to your feelings being hurt because then damn liberals typecast all you good hard working Americans as anti immigrant. what? >The evidence is Melania, who is Trump\'s 3rd trophy wife, who the Trump supporters adore while spitting fire on other immigrants. What "evidence" do you want? Spitting fire on **illegal** immigrants. This sub always misses that point. >Right from the horse\'s mouth. Democrats of course always marry for love. The point here is that you are choosing to misconstrue the dislike of illegal immigrants as being all immigrants just so that you have a basis from which to claim hypocracy.', ">>{sausagemurphy} : Melania Trump literally worked illegally here... I'm not sure what your point is. Look I know you're just trying to get a rise, but your whole argument relies on projecting whatever the fuck you think about me. My original argument literally just called her a trophy wife brought over, which agree was. I don't give a fuck why people get married, I'm not naive, but don't act like she is a fucking saint.", '>>{aperfectmouth} : Because she knew if her language caused her to falter in any way she would be tarred and feathered', ">>{aperfectmouth} : [Obama's Choice to Bare Arms Causes Uproar](http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=6986019&page=1)", '>>{r0botosaurus} : Man, I forget how the Obamas got shit for literally everything they did.'], ['>>{james_jamieson} : This ‘Apprentice’ story would kill most candidacies. For Trump, it’s just another Monday.', ">>{loki8481} : makes me miss the days when the biggest election scandal was Mitt Romney's car elevators and binders full of women.", ">>{JimHadar} : True, but exactly the same could be said of Hillary calling for a drone strike on Assange. Any other election - both these candidates wouldn't have a hope in hell of winning.", ">>{theendofanerror} : The shit he said about John McCain/POW's would have killed most candidacies a LONG time ago. It would have gotten a democrat run out of the country.", '>>{YnoS4950} : Asking, why not kill a foreign journalist in a foreign country with a fucking drone, is not even close to this Apprentice horror! Go CTR!', '>>{loki8481} : one of those two stories is completely made up without a shred of proof, though.', ">>{Boxy310} : I'm pretty sure Trump also has binders full of women, but they all look like Ivanka.", ">>{xjayroox} : A good chunk of his supporters relate to his sexism so it's not exactly a disqualifier", ">>{KarmaPolice911} : The sources cited on that story about the drone* strike are very dubious. I wouldn't trust it.", '>>{Murderers_Row_Boat} : Trump\'s highest possible praise for a woman: "You\'re hot. I\'d bang you."', ">>{mabris} : >I'm pretty sure Trump also has binders full of **a woman**, but they all ~~look like~~ **are** Ivanka.", ">>{916M_IN_LOSSES_LMAO} : For Trump, it's a blessing because it distracts from his more deplorable stories.", '>>{916M_IN_LOSSES_LMAO} : > a foreign journalist Lol. Assange is a Russian spy.', '>>{philly47} : Glad to see that my frequent referencing of "Three Stooges Syndrome" has become mainstream.', '>>{unexpectedrpdr} : I love people who jump on good usernames fast.', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Imagine how awful his mother must have been to make him hate women so much. I guess we're lucky he didn't go Francis Dolarhyde crazy.", ">>{spotted_dick} : I don't know. I still remember the GOP swift boating of John Kerry, a Vietnam war veteran.", ">>{Jokrtothethief} : They still don't even acknowledge he said that much less try and defend it. Willful IGNOREance.", ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : I mean, it's kind of obscured by his charity being shut down in New York and him apparently insulting veterans with PTSD. The fact that the media is having to prioritize which scandals to report on tells you how much of a hot mess his campaign is.", ">>{Prax150} : The Apprentice thing is literally not even the craziest or second craziest trump story in the last 12 hours. We're well beyond belief at this point.", '>>{DaisyKitty} : >The story is filled with stuff like that, which Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks dismissed, uniformly, as "outlandish, unsubstantiated, and totally false claims." Somebody has a thesaurus! Something tells me Ms. Hicks will be using it a lot in the coming month.', '>>{The_Colonel-Sanders} : *DAE LE DEPLORABLES?1!!?*', ">>{DaisyKitty} : yeah, and it worked! somehow shit sticks to a democrat, and not so much to a republican, which i think is what the op was saying. even if it's not, that's the important take-away.", ">>{DaisyKitty} : to be realistic - not that i don't think he's despicable and deplorable - that's a lot of men's highest possible praise for a woman.", ">>{DaisyKitty} : or more likely, how despicable his father was, in general, and in particular to his mother who likely just took it because back then women did. that's probably where young donald's contempt for women began. and also his idea of what a man was.", '>>{mrslappydick} : Do you think his staffers sit around at night surrounded by empty vodka bottles and say things like "Well at least he didn\'t pull out his dick today,"', ">>{Boxy310} : Worse, he cuts out old family photos of Ivana, Marla, and Melania, and pastes Obama's head onto the bodies. Edit: Autocorrect changed Ivanka to Obama. I'm gonna let it stand.", ">>{DaisyKitty} : Of course not. Even absent that there's likely nothing in Trump that you and I would like in a president.", ">>{bobsack} : Why isn't there just a Trump mega thread. Literally every post on this sub is about Trump. After the wiki leaks dump tomorrow you know there won't be any posts about that, that aren't removed and put in a mega thread.", '>>{lumaga} : Yeah, someone losing less than $1B through business is pretty bad, but blowing $6B of taxpayer money is a lot worse.', '>>{YungSnuggie} : thats still not the same thing hillary did not personally blow 6 billion dollars the government is not a business; its main goal is not to turn a profit', '>>{Prax150} : people who sell antidepressants are going to make a killing this month too.', ">>{HarryGlibert} : Hillary called for a drone strike on Assange? While he's in an embassy...in London? I'm not sure how that wouldn't be...you know...noticed. If it happened (a big if since there's no legit sources reporting it) it was probably a joke. This is ridiculous. I hope Assange is killed though.", '>>{Deedge111} : Hello??? Is that me I hear??? Oh sorry, I thought this was written in an echo chamber (it was). To all who read this drivel, please read the original AP version where they point out both sides to the story. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?', '>>{YnoS4950} : >But... but... [Clinton!](https://i.redditmedia.com/f7jAtEWXZFIp43xSGPsyLH7b5m16ckI6Gh1WSxY7Krg.png?w=808&s=275861d139e8bf2d220628bb74663a70)', '>>{Deedge111} : It is in the first line of the WP article.', '>>{wrtChase} : Tilt harder bro, almost got those windmills >"Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion," he wrote. "Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — ‘creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.’ " >In other words, the State Department was terrible at paperwork. The $6 billion figure refers to the total amount affected by file mismanagement. It’s akin to spending $20 on lunch and losing or not asking for a receipt. Documentation over where that $20 went was lost, but not the $20 itself.', '>>{SHD1313} : Yea a binder full of women was funny and you knew what he meant. Trump is just an ass with no censor', ">>{lumaga} : It may as well have been pocketed if you can't account for it. Who knows where it is?", '>>{CinderSkye} : An email in the state department that suggested nonlegal strategies for dealing with wiki leaks, like PR and diplomacy, is being spun as a suggestion that Hillary Clinton was looking to drone murder Assange -- off an unsourced anonymous comment that said she made a joke about it. BS.', ">>{xenium94} : Wow, now this is wow. I've seen stuff but this is actually takes the piss. Going after his mother, this is a new low. I think Ben Laden himself hasn't got that much hate, going for the mother is really despicable.", ">>{savagedan} : Its ludicrous. Things like breaking the Cuba embargo aren't even on the radar any more, we're like 6-8 scandals past that point.", ">>{VROF} : That was the media's fault for treating it as possibly true. And Trump is the RNC's fault. Someone with this many skeletons should have been easy to take out in the primary. Now leadership ENDORSES him. Pathetic and disgusting", '>>{ShaveIceBaby} : Suprised if it still works being 70 and as unhealthy as he is', '>>{Kleinmann4President} : I just want to say THANK YOU Mr. Trump for not letting the PC liberal media restrict your Right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH! These women were totally fuckable and nobody in the NBC crew (liberal media!) ever mentioned it! Everybody was probably talking about the Bin Laden assassination and the economic recovery and nobody except Trump is talking about the REAL ISSUES! MAGA!', '>>{Renatusisk} : Its a contest between total corruption and total insanity. Either way America loses.', ">>{ak1368a} : Nah I'd tell a good 59 percent of women that", ">>{AdvicePerson} : Because he actually has like a dozen major scandals going at a time. I literally get withdrawal when he doesn't say or do something for a few hours.", '>>{AdvicePerson} : Both sides? Like, "Trump is a serial sexual harasser" vs "that camera chick was pretty hot"?', '>>{Renatusisk} : Please. Her corruption is real unless you stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes.', '>>{badcomputers} : lots of people hate trump without being shills get used to it', ">>{AdvicePerson} : Well, that's the only way to stop Fox News from making you dumber.", '>>{heroic_cat} : Drone strike in downtown London? You Trumpets actually believe this story, huh. Nobody has accused your ilk of posessing critical thinking skills.', ">>{savagedan} : I am not sure,they'd likely need pay. Its a full-time job and you can't even be guaranteed a nights sleep for fear of missing a tweet-storm.", ">>{realityno} : Media, heads up there is just too much. You've desensitized me from Trump.", '>>{Denjia} : GQ has been putting out some videos that are effectively lists, hosted by Keith Olbermann. [See here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2Efz2wPctY)', '>>{miniatureelephant} : Yeah. Calling people deplorable for being racist, sexist, and homophobic is *totallyyy* worse than actually being those things.', ">>{Capcombric} : Trump is mostly the media's fault. Studies showed that he received wildly disproportionate media coverage given his initial polling numbers, which precipitated his rise to the top of the polls. Once his poll numbers were up the coverage increased and his numbers continued to do so as well.", '>>{VROF} : Oh this is true. I watched a rally in Arkansas and all cable news networks covered it live like it was a royal wedding. Right down to breathlessly exclaiming they see the red hat and he was in the arena. After one of the debates Rand Paul called out Chris Christie and the rest of them for wanting to start WWIII. It was an amazing moment and afterwards Chris Matthews asked him about it. He started to answer and Matthews interrupted him to go to the floor because the person down there had Trump. Hopefully Rand Paul told them to fuck off because they never went back to him. But even though the media continues to cover him and give him unlimited air time, the RNC still should have been digging up the skeletons that are coming out now. This is ridiculous.', '>>{DJ_Theo} : A democrat would have been tarred and feathered after being branded a communist', ">>{forg0tmypen} : Can confirm fingers not in ear and eyes open. Don't see corruption. Sorry bud it's just propaganda and crap from the alt right. You got played.", ">>{Renatusisk} : I'm for no means for Trump but if you can't see the shady shit Clinton has done in the past you're blind.", ">>{forg0tmypen} : What shady shit there's just nothing there dude but conspiracy theories and loose connections with third and fourth hand information that you guys eat up as gospel. She's a fine normal candidate. Easily the best choice this election", ">>{Renatusisk} : Her deleted emails? 6 billion dollars unaccounted for while she was secretary of state. Her being chosen by the DNC before the election. There is a lot of shady things that isn't conspiracy theory.", ">>{forg0tmypen} : All of that is LITERALLY conspiracy theories. Lol Show me proof she stole or laundered or abused the spending of $6 billion. There's nothing there. You just proved my comment even more", '>>{Renatusisk} : Show me where I said stole or launderer or misused that 6 billion. You used one example that you twisted and discredited my whole statement.'], ['>>{robber93} : Report: Next-gen iPhone could dump the Lightning port in favor of USB-C', '>>{HerpesPhobic} : The latest Androids have this type of connector. Having both brands on the same connector will benefit everyone.', '>>{HerpesPhobic} : I am suprised it took Apple this long to get this. Android has been doing this for years.', '>>{RadBadTad} : The very first! Also, that will be nice, so that finally every time an iPhone owner says "Hey, do you have a charger?" I can say yes.', '>>{RadBadTad} : > Having both brands on the same connector will benefit everyone. Except anyone making money on selling overpriced iPhone peripherals that require a proprietary connector.', ">>{kar0shi00} : It's not convenient yet. Apple will add it once full-room charging is cheap enough. Last I checked it was $200 for the base station for a full-room charge so certainly approaching apple accessory territory", ">>{kar0shi00} : Seriously doubt it, if they were going to do it they would've done it when the EU ruled that all phones had to use USB-C. Instead they managed to find a loophole wherein they offered an converter and were allowed to use their proprietary connection.", '>>{DietSpite} : God I know. Five bucks a cable? How can I ever afford to send my kids to college at prices like that.', ">>{DietSpite} : This is an optimistic interpretation of the non-news that they're probably going to start shipping with a Lighting to USB-C cable in the box instead of Lighting to USB-A.", ">>{RadBadTad} : Well there's car chargers, battery cases, extended cables, headphone-jack splitters, soundbar docks, battery packs, anyone who just shelled out for lightning port headphones with their 7...", ">>{DietSpite} : I'm not sure I follow. You're saying all of those are more expensive in Lightning?", ">>{RadBadTad} : I'm saying that companies have put money into creating these products (And more importantly, iPhone users have put money into buying them) and they won't be happy if the jack disappears suddenly.", ">>{Icantseeyoucantseeme} : Huh, I heard that law was passed, was wondering why I didn't see apple with USB type c yet. Makes sense. Was the loophole about using a dongle?", '>>{monkeybreath} : Much more likely that they will just ship chargers with USB-C, along with the Lightning to USB-C cables they already sell. This means they only have one port type and one controller chip across all their chargers.', '>>{HerpesPhobic} : You must have checked wrong. You can get a wireless charging puck on Amazon for less than 15$. You simply rest your phone on the puck.', ">>{kar0shi00} : Not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about full-room charging. You place a base station in your living room and it can charge everything in that room (or house - not sure on the range).", '>>{HerpesPhobic} : It sounds like something at least a decade away.', '>>{kbgames360} : Yep. I used to use a Galaxy S6 and iPhone 7 Plus, but upgraded the Galaxy to Huawei, and love the USB-C. I am looking at getting a new Macbook down the road, and am excited for the USB-C aspects, including the display that charges while being used.', ">>{DietSpite} : Gotcha. Yeah, agreed. I don't think this rumor is particularly likely to pan out."], [">>{gpia7r} : Congresswoman indicted, accused of using charity as 'slush fund'", '>>{ChomskysChekist} : She should be in jail. She also conspired with the Florida republicans to Gerrymander her district in order to allow her to perpetually stay in power', ">>{afterpoop} : Can't wait for Democratic Presidential Nominee jailed for Clinton Foundation corruption", '>>{misscee} : How many Clinton superdelegates does that make now? Anyone keeping count?', ">>{MysticRay} : Good. Let's have the left vs. right debate *after* we remove the self-serving criminal element out of our government. Then we'll be able to begin arguing in earnest.", ">>{CadetPeepers} : A member of Hillary Clinton's 'Florida Leadership Council' was indicted for using a charity as a slush fund? Boy, who could have known?", ">>{Bronc27} : Yea but did she know that she couldn't do that??", '>>{Ello_elicopter} : Half asleep, squinting at this thumbnail looked like a vampire covered in blood...not to far off the mark though. She is a parasite', '>>{FreedomIntensifies} : Might be a warning to Clinton. Literally yesterday the FBI director was in front of Congress being asked if Clinton was under investigation for this.', ">>{Firetrucker} : If they have dirt on her shady foundation I'd be super annoyed if they wasted all that time, effort and political capital on her emails. Unless of course emails lead to said dirt, that happens in investigations, small to big, now that is something I could circle-jerk over.", '>>{dont_eat_at_dennys} : She learned how to set it up from her Abuela!', '>>{h-town} : A Democrat stealing money from the poor, nothing to see here, move along.', '>>{ivquatch} : My feeling is that a lot of Democrats do this, high ranking ones as well. Probably true for Republicans, too.', ">>{ivquatch} : I think you're underestmating the scope. You have to consider the possibility that this kind of corruption/collusion is systemic.", ">>{MysticRay} : Of course it is. It's the rule rather than the exception. Special interests are corruption and until we solve that problem, idealogical arguments are essentially entertainment.", ">>{ivquatch} : Well, it's structural, meaning it's not possible to remove the criminal element without fundamentally changing the system.", '>>{Downbound92} : People who like to throw around the term "slush fund", *this* is a slush fund.', '>>{djfacebooth} : The Clinton Foundation is the blueprint, now all politicians are trying to copy her model.', ">>{damnatio_memoriae} : And that woman's name? Hillary Clint-- oh, wait, it was someone else? Well I'll be damned...", ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : I'm not sure that republicans often bother with charity slush funds, but it would be interesting if someone looked into what GW bush was doing with his charity. Otherwise you have guys like McCain that are straight up crooked and don't bother with charities.", '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : > Prosecutors say Wiley had deposited $800,000 into One Door’s account, but the organization had only given out two scholarships worth $1,200. 0.3% for actual charity, I wonder if their administrative expense was within acceptable range?', ">>{Isellmacs} : It's not possible to permanently remove the criminal element without fundamental change. It's not possible to fundamentally change the system without at least temporarily removing the criminal element. It's an order of operations thing. Clean house first, and then try and change the system to prevent future corruption. Trying to go directly to preventing future corruption won't work, or at least it hasn't so far.", ">>{Isellmacs} : Apparently she's not elite enough to be above the law. Sucks to be her I guess.", '>>{Thecalculatorman} : This times a billion. Get the filth out of both parties, stop being loyal to corrupt garbage in your party because "Lesser of two evils!!!1!\' So sick and tired of hearing that lesser of two evils bullshit, its the same argument that is hashed out every four years.']]
classify and reply
['>>{IRLycanthorpe} : Once he or she resets the iPhone and takes off activation lock then no. The phone is no longer tied to his or hers iCloud account.', '>>{aokusman} : Verify that the phone is not stolen or financed.', '>>{Hankipanky} : Is activation lock the samething as turning off find my iphone?', '>>{WispGB} : no. to remove activation lock the previous owner needs to completely sign out of iCloud on the device and remove the device on iCloud.com', ">>{IRLycanthorpe} : Isn't that the same as removing activation lock since u have to do it on iCloud.com.....", ">>{Dallas2888} : You can disable find my iPhone and still stay signed in on your iPhone. No, it's not the same.", ">>{Dallas2888} : Get the IMEI number and know what carrier it's being used or was used on. Check the IMEI with the carrier to make sure it's all clear and not currently under a lease or financing or on someone's account. It can be clean but still active on someone's account and they can report it lost or stolen and then your screwed. The IMEI will be blacklisted.", '>>{Hankipanky} : I brought it to tmobile and he said its good except i need to unlock for the sim to work on my carrier. With that being said, later on down the road, what happens if the seller reports it as stolen?', ">>{Dallas2888} : If T-Mobile said it's clear and not actively being used on someone's account, then you'll be fine. Blacklisting happens if someone sells a phone still being leased or financed or tied to their account and after you buy it, down the road, report it stolen or lost. They get a new phone, and your cash and you get a device that will no longer activate on any carrier.", '>>{Hankipanky} : Okay thank you for the help. So as long as its not blacklisted at this time, I am fine. I am only asking because I have heard of people reporting it stolen later and then you are held accountable.', ">>{Dallas2888} : If it's not active on someone's account and/or the phone is paid off through the carrier, you will be fine. A phone can still be used with your sim if it's still actively belongs to someone else, which is where they can report it lost or stolen to the carrier and it gets black listed. That's why you never buy from Craigslist. People sell phones to people who aren't paid off or they still belong to the carrier and then they report it lost or stolen days or weeks down the line and your screwed."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{IRLycanthorpe} : Once he or she resets the iPhone and takes off activation lock then no. The phone is no longer tied to his or hers iCloud account.', '>>{aokusman} : Verify that the phone is not stolen or financed.', '>>{Hankipanky} : Is activation lock the samething as turning off find my iphone?', '>>{WispGB} : no. to remove activation lock the previous owner needs to completely sign out of iCloud on the device and remove the device on iCloud.com', ">>{IRLycanthorpe} : Isn't that the same as removing activation lock since u have to do it on iCloud.com.....", ">>{Dallas2888} : You can disable find my iPhone and still stay signed in on your iPhone. No, it's not the same.", ">>{Dallas2888} : Get the IMEI number and know what carrier it's being used or was used on. Check the IMEI with the carrier to make sure it's all clear and not currently under a lease or financing or on someone's account. It can be clean but still active on someone's account and they can report it lost or stolen and then your screwed. The IMEI will be blacklisted.", '>>{Hankipanky} : I brought it to tmobile and he said its good except i need to unlock for the sim to work on my carrier. With that being said, later on down the road, what happens if the seller reports it as stolen?', ">>{Dallas2888} : If T-Mobile said it's clear and not actively being used on someone's account, then you'll be fine. Blacklisting happens if someone sells a phone still being leased or financed or tied to their account and after you buy it, down the road, report it stolen or lost. They get a new phone, and your cash and you get a device that will no longer activate on any carrier.", '>>{Hankipanky} : Okay thank you for the help. So as long as its not blacklisted at this time, I am fine. I am only asking because I have heard of people reporting it stolen later and then you are held accountable.', ">>{Dallas2888} : If it's not active on someone's account and/or the phone is paid off through the carrier, you will be fine. A phone can still be used with your sim if it's still actively belongs to someone else, which is where they can report it lost or stolen to the carrier and it gets black listed. That's why you never buy from Craigslist. People sell phones to people who aren't paid off or they still belong to the carrier and then they report it lost or stolen days or weeks down the line and your screwed."]]
classify and reply
['>>{calmdrive} : This is great news! I sleep through mine sometimes. :D', '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : LA Times Tracking Poll: Donald Trump Leading Hillary Clinton', '>>{isthereananswer1} : It would take a bombshell for FBI to charge Clinton in email case, experts say', '>>{saint1959j} : Well according to all the media outlets, Comey sending a letter saying emails may or may not have any significance = a bombshell.', '>>{spudlime} : yep. lots of conf calls i have had to have it at max volume, now about 3/4 full.. watching netflix and such i have it at 3/4 volume now also. its great!', '>>{The_Identikit} : a real bombshell guys, not the every article is a bomb shell shit the alt right is trying to pretend is happening.', '>>{tizod} : I\'ve been asking this since the start. What exactly do they expect they are going to find in this batch that will be the undoing of Hillary? Unless there\'s an email from HRC saying "fuck that Chris Stevens guy" this is going to end up being a whole lot of nothing.', ">>{Makovu} : Oh lord. Just got mine today and have to be up extra early tomorrow. Scared now. lol I've been at work so its been on silent.", ">>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : The point is Trump lied. Clinton didn't deny anything. There was never any threat of Russia's supporting Clinton.", '>>{niikhil} : Hahaha would like to some stories of how someone watched porn on 7plus in an awkward situation lol', ">>{CarmineFields} : The LA Times poll has been consistently out-of-wack with other polls. Nate Silver still includes it for fairness, but it's been a constant outlier.", '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : This is an LA Times poll, not a Breitbart poll.', '>>{CAMPAIGN_PROMISES} : >Q: Okay. The Russian government said today that there were contacts between it and the Trump campaign and the Clinton campaign during the course of the campaign. Does the White House find any reason at all to be concerned about that, or would that fall under the category of normal embassy communications with two campaigns of which -- one of which may become the next President of the United States? > MR. EARNEST: I can’t speak to the nature of those conversations, obviously, so it’s hard to judge them in the abstract. >Q -- the conversation that went on during the campaign, does this raise any higher level of anxiety or alarm? >MR. EARNEST: Listen, what I know based on my own personal experience is I know that there were -- when President Obama was running for President that there were occasions where members of his team did consult with representatives of other governments. I don’t think there’s anything inherently nefarious about that. But, again, I can’t speak to the content of the conversations that may have occurred, so I don’t think I can pass judgment one way or the other. But I don’t think there’s anything inherently nefarious about it.', '>>{cratermoon} : Has anyone ventured any thoughts about why the poll is an outlier? Polling method? Statistical over-fitting?', ">>{atomic92} : That's awesome news. My wife says that if it's anything short of a train horn I don't wake up crap.", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don't know why they're even bothering. There's no way they can prove that she intended to break the law.", '>>{mf_miller} : I\'m a pretty light sleeper. It doesn\'t take much and I usually wake up "gently" for lack of a better term. This jolted me awake. Gonna try it at about 75% tonight.', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : The latest\xa0L.A. Times political tracking poll also shows this: “Who do you think will win? We ask voters who they expect to see win, regardless of which candidate they support. Over the years, asking voters their expectation about which candidate will win often has proved to predict elections more reliably than asking how they plan to vote. That’s particularly true when the election is still many weeks away. Hillary Clinton 54.3% Donald Trump 39.9%” http://graphics.latimes.com/usc-presidential-poll-dashboard/#perceived-vote', ">>{stupidaccountname} : Just her failed reset. The mockery of a GOP candidate for suggesting Russia was a geopolitical foe. Her campaign talking with the Russians. The sudden pivot to red baiting every negative thing that happened. She's totally normal.", '>>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : Literally most news outlets are reporting this. You can google it. Or I can waste 15 minutes compiling a giant list for you.', ">>{poopeedoop} : That's what makes that letter so strange. Why send that letter which you know is going to be spun when it's highly unlikely that there is anything in these emails?", '>>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : The main point is that he lied and said there was no contact besides "compliments".', '>>{jaydubbss21} : Even the phone speaker is a lot louder than previous models. Made a call on the way home with my new phone and about went deaf because of the difference hahah.', ">>{moxy801} : So many uses of the word 'bombshell' - so little actual evidence...", ">>{joltto} : Unless they find conversations discussing how to break he law. Which they won't because Clinton isn't fucking stupid and would never have those conversations over email.", '>>{wtfwasdat} : >Trump now has 45.3 percent support while Hillary Clinton has 42.3 percent. As a Clinton supporter I guess I could cry about breitbart or Nate silver or something but polls are tightening all over the place. Officially scared shitless.', '>>{Karefree2} : I showed my class a video on my iPhone 7; everyone was able to hear it fine, even in the back of the classroom. No speaker or anything.', ">>{Boomhauer14} : I'm so livid that I don't have this phone now. I wanted this phone for this feature alone. DAMN IT. I was told I'd have it on launch date...now it's November.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I know. Who is actually dumb enough to intend to commit a crime?', '>>{nilsej} : Do you guys feels any abnormal vibration on the back of the iPhone 7 Plus while listening to any audio from the speaker. I feel the phone has abnormal vibration when I am playing any audio from the phone even at the 50% volume. I have 6 and 6s to compare in front of me and none of them make the same vibration not even at 100% sound.', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : So post the poll and not white supremacist propoganda.', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Well its a tracking poll so its very different than a regular pollster. They track the same people and ask them each week and see how their opinions change.', ">>{dilln} : Is anyone bothered by the vibration on the screen while sound is playing? I'm assuming it's from the new front speaker. It's kinda weird using the phone normally while listening to music", ">>{mf_miller} : That's rough. Hopefully it changes in the next few days. Stay positive!", '>>{levant99} : Even if its sourced from the LA Times, I take anything coming from breitbart with a grain of salt. They obviously have a huge conflict of interest.', '>>{lordfredericknorth} : It\'s a tracking poll that measures the exact same people over a period of time. [538 covered how it greatly differs from conventional polling methods](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-leave-the-la-times-poll-alone/), and noted that while it\'s not really a "bad" poll, it needs to be adjusted for. But naturally, since this is the only poll that shows Trump in the lead, Breitbart loves to overstate the results and does *not* adjust them. So in a way, it does suffer from the Breitbart effect.', ">>{moxy801} : I think what they're hoping is that Weiner had State Dept. intelligence on his computer, probably claiming he may have relayed said information to underage girls he was trying to impress ('if he was crazy enough to send girls dick pix, he would have also sent state secrets')", ">>{wtfwasdat} : You could just ignore breitbart completely but I guess there aren't many other ways to take the sting off these numbers. I get it :( this sucks", ">>{mf_miller} : I haven't noticed anything but I'll pay attention next time I'm listening to anything.", '>>{DPool34} : Have you noticed any improvement in the quality of sound?', '>>{mf_miller} : Definitely. The stereo speakers add a ton of depth, in my opinion.', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : They survey the same closed, finite group of people over and over. It is bizarre.', '>>{Makovu} : Holy shit I almost fell out of my bed when it went off this morning. Can confirm. Certainly louder :)', '>>{1LT_Obvious} : But according to everything posted by Trump supporters, literally every scrap of information they read is a "bombshell".', '>>{toker7} : It not about that at this point. It is whether they catch her in a lie. If they discover evidence contrary to what she told them that will be the bomb shell. Anything short of that she will be fine.', '>>{The_GMD} : >trusting the same media that said Trump would never win', ">>{F22Rapture} : It's a tracking poll. They selected N participants at the beginning and then ask the same group their opinions over and over. If the initial sample was out of whack with the general population, every subsequent poll of that group will be similarly off.", '>>{toker7} : The thing they are looking for is consistency. Whether the new evidence contradicts the testimony of Clinton or her aides.', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : She already told the Benghazi probe under oath that she turned over all of her emails. Which turned out to be untrue.', ">>{Trumptron3000} : I will say this: something very strange is happening with the [official FBI Records Vault twitter account](https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault). edit - clarifiation: it hadn't posted anything **for over a year** until this past Sunday. [This was the tweet it resumed activity with.](https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault/status/792637173937807360) Shortly thereafter, it posted [this Tweet.](https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault/status/792637181944672256) Since then, it has posted a crapload of things pointing to old or ongoing Clinton-related investigations.", ">>{moxy801} : They have a gross naked Selfie of Weiner that they post at every opportunity - that's all they care about.", '>>{GenerationEgomania} : fast-food journalism taking from the "dollar-news-menu"', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : What about Russian agents pretending to be teen girls?', '>>{pseudolocus} : Get a grip with your conspiracy theories. All the pollsters ignored one single poll that showed a hidden Trump base / a base that did not poll well because they gave automated polls a different answer than live calls and they did not correct methodology. They went by bad polling. Lots of bad polling, and ignored the few outlier polls that were showing the opposite. Yeah its happened before and will happen again unless other outlets keep them in check.', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Polling method. It measures the exact same group of people every time, rather than a brand new sample each time like most other polls do. If the group of people measured in the beginning mostly went for Trump, it's not at all unlikely they would still be mostly going for Trump when asked again later.", '>>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : The r/T_D post formula: All caps, because that means it\'s serious news. Seriously this time. Multiple exclamation points. The more the better as more means more guilt. BOMBSHELL. Because it\'ll cause a bigger impact. Like, meteor crater big impact. For really juicy tidbits, you may say "apocalyptic" or something equally creative. It\'ll draw the crayon art crowd. TO THE TOP! means bring the Russian bot reserves in to insure that extra 10% of spamming r/All If you have something powerful but know it\'s a touch complicated for the average drool machine, be sure to use words like BOOM, indicating a good gut punch is at hand. Use the green frog for comedic irony. It means your post is correct because you\'re employing humor. If you really got something huge, make sure to swear as well. HOLY FUCKING SHIT immediately indicates you have a title all media are going to --------->PAY ATTENTION TO<---------- because you swore in all caps, so that means it\'s huge news of course. It\'s generally advised that you use as much hyperbole as possible, because clickbait headlines work so why not employ them, right? Use of memes, particularly of the spicy variety, are encouraged as they are sure to draw the 12-14 age range, which is an important demographic for more memege. If you have to use a fact that can easily be debunked, phrase it in such a way that panders to feelings. After all, facts have a notoriously liberal bias, and you don\'t want be labeled a gay commie pinko now, do you? Be sure to use LOCK HER UP at even the slightest suggestion of guilt. But even if you forget, the mods will do it for you, so rest easy, centipede. For additional ideas on posting guidelines and how to insure a quality post, please see 4chan.', '>>{I_Hate_Nerds} : Check the 538 article on the la times poll. They emphasis they use "highly unconventional" (or some language to that effect) methodology which includes polling the same group over and over based on how they voted in 2012. The problem is that people tend to lie about how they voted for previously to favor the winner - making it look like Obama voters are disproportionately jumping ship for trump when it\'s actually Romney voters continuing to vote republican. So the poll had an engrained trump bias.', '>>{xjayroox} : 538 converts it to +1 Clinton based on their house lean', '>>{cratermoon} : That\'s great. The weight they give for the "how the respondent voted in 2012" and some of the other peculiar aspects explain a lot, and it\'s telling that the poll\'s *trend* follows along with others.', '>>{1LT_Obvious} : Make sure to use "IT\'S HAPPENING!!!" so people don\'t compare post to all those other times where nothing ended up happening.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : It's not out of line with Rueters or Fox. Stop Unskewing", '>>{KamonKur} : If you are just reading the comments, take a moment and read the actually article. The points made are both clear and compelling. I could have done without the Bombshell reference, but that seems to be the word that is so popular in this campaign season even if it\'s meaning has morphed to: "look at me, I have nothing."', '>>{suseu} : Its A- rated poll and you are consistently full of shit. Rating raw data: [number 31](https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/blob/master/pollster-ratings/pollster-ratings.csv) Btw. I am aware of [this](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-leave-the-la-times-poll-alone/).', ">>{xjayroox} : A sub sample of the same 3000 each week, yes. So you end up with pretty decent trend data but terrible sample data since if there's a significant conservative or liberal bias in your group, that will show throughout the tracking poll", '>>{Foxehh} : Yeah man 57 major news outlets just had bad polling.', '>>{The_GMD} : They went by lies. Never before in any election with modern polling did they have it so wrong.', ">>{pseudolocus} : No, there were eight major pollsters regularly reporting, with only two of them correcting for trends and methods, and a third correcting for previous voting and following the same set of samples. What the hell, do you know anything about the polling? I've sat there looking at why LA times was so odd for six months+ and why 538's corrections were +4-6 pts Trump; they got bashed by other news outlets who refused to do any correcting or analysis of polls.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Ehhhh, there have been other totally wrong instances but state/local levels. It WAS a major echo chamber though. But the data was also wrong.', ">>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : No. I know Trump lied about his relationship with Russia. And that's the point.", ">>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : No it's a quote from Sergei Ryabkov. It's not just a made up story.", ">>{Kissing_Toast} : They weight the responses according to self-reported 2012 voting behavior. So they assume their sample consists of 47% Romney supporters and 51% Obama supporters. Problem is, people tend to overstate their support for the winner of an election. So when 55 or 60% of their respondents claim they voted for Obama, their response is weighted down, and the Romney supporters' response is weighted up.", ">>{Bezeltazer} : Not to mention all of the following people's twitter accounts are no longer following hillary clinton: Barack Obama and Michelle Obama's personal and official twitter accounts, Joe Biden and his wife, Elizabeth Warren, Loretta Lynch, and John Kerry. Michelle Obama's twitter page doesn't have a tweet after 2013. This is all as of Nov 1st. https://twitter.com/MichelleObama?lang=en", ">>{gottahavemycaffeine} : LA Times is one of those polls that oversample Republicans because they see them as more likely to actually go to the polls. I don't know if that is going to be true this election though.", '>>{CAMPAIGN_PROMISES} : Well you don\'t. You don\'t have any evidence to the contrary "there was no contact besides "compliments".', '>>{satosaison} : Yes, and they sample the same 400 about every week on a rolling basis. The problem with this poll is that people can get "locked in." These are people who have been asked to think about who they will vote for and report that decision, over time, as fewer and fewer become flexible or undecided, the poll should become immune to change and simply fix at a percentage.', '>>{toker7} : Well congress could vote to hold her in contempt, but I highly doubt that it would pass. Unless she lied to the FBI, she will not be getting in trouble for her actions.', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm paraphrasing Nate Silver. The LA Times poll asks respondents who they voted for last election and that's what they base their numbers on. That seems weak since people forget and or those who supported one of the two candidates last election don't necessarily support their party counterpart this election.", ">>{Pylons} : *You're* full of shit. The LA Times/Dornsife tracking poll has no rating.", '>>{Kissing_Toast} : A- rated by whom? Not 538, the pollster is unrated there: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/updates/', ">>{alphonse_schilling} : > that is presumably the idea That is an awful idea. I can't imagine waking up every morning knowing that each day your job is put out this crap.", '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : Reuters has him leading and they are a Hillary outlier. Any other excuses?', ">>{Shillin4Bernie} : I can't. The don't post an original link whenever they update the poll.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yes. They are both outliers since the agreggate shows Clinton with a 3.9 point lead. Outlier doesn't necessarily mean wrong, it just means different. You can be as angry as you want but that's reality. See purple banner at top of page: http://www.realclearpolitics.com", '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : The reality is that your reality is crumbling around you.', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : > Why is that an awful idea? This is not how professional marketers gather meaningful data.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, I really should have learned my lesson after President Romney won in a landslide. *sigh*', ">>{Citizen00001} : Does it really help the cause to cherry pick outlier polls to try to convince supporters your candidate is winning? Isn't the reality that he is trailing in most polls more motivating to get people to help the cause with volunteering and fundraising and to get out to vote?", ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : You're blinded by liberal circle jerks, just 2 weeks ago the idiots in this sub were saying his campaign is fucked and he's dropping out. Now it's a dead even race. 2 more weeks and he'll be winning and you'll be making new excuses. You're wrong and it will be so satisfying when you can no longer deny it.", '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : STOP spreading bs. The RAND poll used that methodology in 2012 and was in the top 3 most accurate polls.', ">>{CarmineFields} : It's not dead-even though. You can't cherrypick one or two polls and refuse to acknowledge anything else. I'm not discounting Reuters or LA Times. I'm just refusing to look at them in isolation.", ">>{xjayroox} : Yeah because they had a representative sample that year. You'll notice this year that it's consistently 4-7 points away from the general consensus which indicates their sample this year isn't as good Edit: And if you're into only using historical accuracy from 2012, PPP was the most accurate and they have Clinton up 5 in their latest poll", '>>{xjayroox} : They tend to adjust it about 4 points towards Clinton, for reference which might be a point or two conservative', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Being 4-7 points off indicates that they're different, not wrong. The election hasn't happened. Basic logic guy/gal. Also, they aren't 7 points off from Fox, or Reuters, or Rasmussen. All four have a tie or trump lead. When four reputable polls show a tie/trump lead-- It's time to stop Unskewing.", ">>{xjayroox} : The Fox and Rasmussen ones have a heavy republican house lean and the Reuters was a tracking poll too I'm gonna need some from Quinnipiac and PPP to confirm the race is actually statistically tied", ">>{IdontFeedTrolls} : This is before it came out that she admitted that she's too retarded to understand the most basic parts of her job. No wonder everything she's a part of turns into a disaster.", '>>{xjayroox} : Yeah fuck me for wanting to average *all* the polls from one time period together', ">>{CarmineFields} : Where does it show +4 points in Clinton's favor?", '>>{xjayroox} : Pollster: USC Dornsife/LA Times Leader: Trump +3 Adjusted Leader: Clinton +1 Am I missing something here?', '>>{dirtfarmingcanuck} : So did they assign you that name or were you allowed to choose your own?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Look at the adjustment totals. After adjustments By FiveThirtyEight, Clinton's score drops slightly while Trump's is adjusted upwards. Your writing style is very confusing. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I'm looking at the chart on the bottom. Clinton's percentage drops .2 and Trump's rises .6", ">>{xjayroox} : I'm saying that 538 takes the LA Times tracking poll and adds 4 towards Clinton to attempt to eliminate the house effect I think we're in agreement based on your other comments here", ">>{CarmineFields} : Okay, my apologizes. I just wasn't following you.", '>>{mwsomerset} : Strange that it is the only poll showing Trump leading...hmmmm.', ">>{keystone_union} : You can easily give us a link to the LA Times website and not the literal tabloid running Trump's campaign.", '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : Yes, but that link has already been submitted and the automod will reject it. You need a fresh url every time you submit a story.', ">>{keystone_union} : I just don't want to see Breitbart! I normally read a wide range of sources, but Breitbart is off the rocker.", '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : waaah! waaah! Go back to your safe space, lol.', '>>{Steel9966} : So did they assign you that name or were you allowed to choose your own?', '>>{keystone_union} : At least your diplomatic stance before was revealed to be fake.', ">>{Shillin4Bernie} : Nope. Breitbart was the only source I could find when I searched for this poll. You're the one who's so biased you can't imagine leaving your left wing media bubble to read alternative news sources.", '>>{keystone_union} : Breitbart is pretty much a tabloid. It\'s openly advocating for Trump and its CEO is leading Trump\'s campaign. Gotta love how source criticism is seen as desiring a "safe space" nowadays - such an anti-intellectual frame of mind.', '>>{dirtfarmingcanuck} : What do they give you like 5 bucks a day? You must be really desperate and lazy.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{calmdrive} : This is great news! I sleep through mine sometimes. :D', '>>{spudlime} : yep. lots of conf calls i have had to have it at max volume, now about 3/4 full.. watching netflix and such i have it at 3/4 volume now also. its great!', ">>{Makovu} : Oh lord. Just got mine today and have to be up extra early tomorrow. Scared now. lol I've been at work so its been on silent.", '>>{niikhil} : Hahaha would like to some stories of how someone watched porn on 7plus in an awkward situation lol', ">>{atomic92} : That's awesome news. My wife says that if it's anything short of a train horn I don't wake up crap.", '>>{mf_miller} : I\'m a pretty light sleeper. It doesn\'t take much and I usually wake up "gently" for lack of a better term. This jolted me awake. Gonna try it at about 75% tonight.', '>>{jaydubbss21} : Even the phone speaker is a lot louder than previous models. Made a call on the way home with my new phone and about went deaf because of the difference hahah.', '>>{Karefree2} : I showed my class a video on my iPhone 7; everyone was able to hear it fine, even in the back of the classroom. No speaker or anything.', ">>{Boomhauer14} : I'm so livid that I don't have this phone now. I wanted this phone for this feature alone. DAMN IT. I was told I'd have it on launch date...now it's November.", '>>{nilsej} : Do you guys feels any abnormal vibration on the back of the iPhone 7 Plus while listening to any audio from the speaker. I feel the phone has abnormal vibration when I am playing any audio from the phone even at the 50% volume. I have 6 and 6s to compare in front of me and none of them make the same vibration not even at 100% sound.', ">>{dilln} : Is anyone bothered by the vibration on the screen while sound is playing? I'm assuming it's from the new front speaker. It's kinda weird using the phone normally while listening to music", ">>{mf_miller} : That's rough. Hopefully it changes in the next few days. Stay positive!", ">>{mf_miller} : I haven't noticed anything but I'll pay attention next time I'm listening to anything.", '>>{DPool34} : Have you noticed any improvement in the quality of sound?', '>>{mf_miller} : Definitely. The stereo speakers add a ton of depth, in my opinion.', '>>{Makovu} : Holy shit I almost fell out of my bed when it went off this morning. Can confirm. Certainly louder :)'], ['>>{Shillin4Bernie} : LA Times Tracking Poll: Donald Trump Leading Hillary Clinton', ">>{CarmineFields} : The LA Times poll has been consistently out-of-wack with other polls. Nate Silver still includes it for fairness, but it's been a constant outlier.", '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : This is an LA Times poll, not a Breitbart poll.', '>>{cratermoon} : Has anyone ventured any thoughts about why the poll is an outlier? Polling method? Statistical over-fitting?', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : The latest\xa0L.A. Times political tracking poll also shows this: “Who do you think will win? We ask voters who they expect to see win, regardless of which candidate they support. Over the years, asking voters their expectation about which candidate will win often has proved to predict elections more reliably than asking how they plan to vote. That’s particularly true when the election is still many weeks away. Hillary Clinton 54.3% Donald Trump 39.9%” http://graphics.latimes.com/usc-presidential-poll-dashboard/#perceived-vote', '>>{wtfwasdat} : >Trump now has 45.3 percent support while Hillary Clinton has 42.3 percent. As a Clinton supporter I guess I could cry about breitbart or Nate silver or something but polls are tightening all over the place. Officially scared shitless.', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : So post the poll and not white supremacist propoganda.', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Well its a tracking poll so its very different than a regular pollster. They track the same people and ask them each week and see how their opinions change.', '>>{levant99} : Even if its sourced from the LA Times, I take anything coming from breitbart with a grain of salt. They obviously have a huge conflict of interest.', '>>{lordfredericknorth} : It\'s a tracking poll that measures the exact same people over a period of time. [538 covered how it greatly differs from conventional polling methods](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-leave-the-la-times-poll-alone/), and noted that while it\'s not really a "bad" poll, it needs to be adjusted for. But naturally, since this is the only poll that shows Trump in the lead, Breitbart loves to overstate the results and does *not* adjust them. So in a way, it does suffer from the Breitbart effect.', ">>{wtfwasdat} : You could just ignore breitbart completely but I guess there aren't many other ways to take the sting off these numbers. I get it :( this sucks", '>>{alphonse_schilling} : They survey the same closed, finite group of people over and over. It is bizarre.', ">>{F22Rapture} : It's a tracking poll. They selected N participants at the beginning and then ask the same group their opinions over and over. If the initial sample was out of whack with the general population, every subsequent poll of that group will be similarly off.", ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Polling method. It measures the exact same group of people every time, rather than a brand new sample each time like most other polls do. If the group of people measured in the beginning mostly went for Trump, it's not at all unlikely they would still be mostly going for Trump when asked again later.", '>>{I_Hate_Nerds} : Check the 538 article on the la times poll. They emphasis they use "highly unconventional" (or some language to that effect) methodology which includes polling the same group over and over based on how they voted in 2012. The problem is that people tend to lie about how they voted for previously to favor the winner - making it look like Obama voters are disproportionately jumping ship for trump when it\'s actually Romney voters continuing to vote republican. So the poll had an engrained trump bias.', '>>{xjayroox} : 538 converts it to +1 Clinton based on their house lean', '>>{cratermoon} : That\'s great. The weight they give for the "how the respondent voted in 2012" and some of the other peculiar aspects explain a lot, and it\'s telling that the poll\'s *trend* follows along with others.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : It's not out of line with Rueters or Fox. Stop Unskewing", '>>{suseu} : Its A- rated poll and you are consistently full of shit. Rating raw data: [number 31](https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/blob/master/pollster-ratings/pollster-ratings.csv) Btw. I am aware of [this](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-leave-the-la-times-poll-alone/).', ">>{xjayroox} : A sub sample of the same 3000 each week, yes. So you end up with pretty decent trend data but terrible sample data since if there's a significant conservative or liberal bias in your group, that will show throughout the tracking poll", ">>{Kissing_Toast} : They weight the responses according to self-reported 2012 voting behavior. So they assume their sample consists of 47% Romney supporters and 51% Obama supporters. Problem is, people tend to overstate their support for the winner of an election. So when 55 or 60% of their respondents claim they voted for Obama, their response is weighted down, and the Romney supporters' response is weighted up.", ">>{gottahavemycaffeine} : LA Times is one of those polls that oversample Republicans because they see them as more likely to actually go to the polls. I don't know if that is going to be true this election though.", '>>{satosaison} : Yes, and they sample the same 400 about every week on a rolling basis. The problem with this poll is that people can get "locked in." These are people who have been asked to think about who they will vote for and report that decision, over time, as fewer and fewer become flexible or undecided, the poll should become immune to change and simply fix at a percentage.', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm paraphrasing Nate Silver. The LA Times poll asks respondents who they voted for last election and that's what they base their numbers on. That seems weak since people forget and or those who supported one of the two candidates last election don't necessarily support their party counterpart this election.", ">>{Pylons} : *You're* full of shit. The LA Times/Dornsife tracking poll has no rating.", '>>{Kissing_Toast} : A- rated by whom? Not 538, the pollster is unrated there: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/updates/', ">>{alphonse_schilling} : > that is presumably the idea That is an awful idea. I can't imagine waking up every morning knowing that each day your job is put out this crap.", '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : Reuters has him leading and they are a Hillary outlier. Any other excuses?', ">>{Shillin4Bernie} : I can't. The don't post an original link whenever they update the poll.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yes. They are both outliers since the agreggate shows Clinton with a 3.9 point lead. Outlier doesn't necessarily mean wrong, it just means different. You can be as angry as you want but that's reality. See purple banner at top of page: http://www.realclearpolitics.com", '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : The reality is that your reality is crumbling around you.', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : > Why is that an awful idea? This is not how professional marketers gather meaningful data.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, I really should have learned my lesson after President Romney won in a landslide. *sigh*', ">>{Citizen00001} : Does it really help the cause to cherry pick outlier polls to try to convince supporters your candidate is winning? Isn't the reality that he is trailing in most polls more motivating to get people to help the cause with volunteering and fundraising and to get out to vote?", ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : You're blinded by liberal circle jerks, just 2 weeks ago the idiots in this sub were saying his campaign is fucked and he's dropping out. Now it's a dead even race. 2 more weeks and he'll be winning and you'll be making new excuses. You're wrong and it will be so satisfying when you can no longer deny it.", '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : STOP spreading bs. The RAND poll used that methodology in 2012 and was in the top 3 most accurate polls.', ">>{CarmineFields} : It's not dead-even though. You can't cherrypick one or two polls and refuse to acknowledge anything else. I'm not discounting Reuters or LA Times. I'm just refusing to look at them in isolation.", ">>{xjayroox} : Yeah because they had a representative sample that year. You'll notice this year that it's consistently 4-7 points away from the general consensus which indicates their sample this year isn't as good Edit: And if you're into only using historical accuracy from 2012, PPP was the most accurate and they have Clinton up 5 in their latest poll", '>>{xjayroox} : They tend to adjust it about 4 points towards Clinton, for reference which might be a point or two conservative', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Being 4-7 points off indicates that they're different, not wrong. The election hasn't happened. Basic logic guy/gal. Also, they aren't 7 points off from Fox, or Reuters, or Rasmussen. All four have a tie or trump lead. When four reputable polls show a tie/trump lead-- It's time to stop Unskewing.", ">>{xjayroox} : The Fox and Rasmussen ones have a heavy republican house lean and the Reuters was a tracking poll too I'm gonna need some from Quinnipiac and PPP to confirm the race is actually statistically tied", ">>{IdontFeedTrolls} : This is before it came out that she admitted that she's too retarded to understand the most basic parts of her job. No wonder everything she's a part of turns into a disaster.", '>>{xjayroox} : Yeah fuck me for wanting to average *all* the polls from one time period together', ">>{CarmineFields} : Where does it show +4 points in Clinton's favor?", '>>{xjayroox} : Pollster: USC Dornsife/LA Times Leader: Trump +3 Adjusted Leader: Clinton +1 Am I missing something here?', '>>{dirtfarmingcanuck} : So did they assign you that name or were you allowed to choose your own?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Look at the adjustment totals. After adjustments By FiveThirtyEight, Clinton's score drops slightly while Trump's is adjusted upwards. Your writing style is very confusing. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I'm looking at the chart on the bottom. Clinton's percentage drops .2 and Trump's rises .6", ">>{xjayroox} : I'm saying that 538 takes the LA Times tracking poll and adds 4 towards Clinton to attempt to eliminate the house effect I think we're in agreement based on your other comments here", ">>{CarmineFields} : Okay, my apologizes. I just wasn't following you.", '>>{mwsomerset} : Strange that it is the only poll showing Trump leading...hmmmm.', ">>{keystone_union} : You can easily give us a link to the LA Times website and not the literal tabloid running Trump's campaign.", '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : Yes, but that link has already been submitted and the automod will reject it. You need a fresh url every time you submit a story.', ">>{keystone_union} : I just don't want to see Breitbart! I normally read a wide range of sources, but Breitbart is off the rocker.", '>>{Shillin4Bernie} : waaah! waaah! Go back to your safe space, lol.', '>>{Steel9966} : So did they assign you that name or were you allowed to choose your own?', '>>{keystone_union} : At least your diplomatic stance before was revealed to be fake.', ">>{Shillin4Bernie} : Nope. Breitbart was the only source I could find when I searched for this poll. You're the one who's so biased you can't imagine leaving your left wing media bubble to read alternative news sources.", '>>{keystone_union} : Breitbart is pretty much a tabloid. It\'s openly advocating for Trump and its CEO is leading Trump\'s campaign. Gotta love how source criticism is seen as desiring a "safe space" nowadays - such an anti-intellectual frame of mind.', '>>{dirtfarmingcanuck} : What do they give you like 5 bucks a day? You must be really desperate and lazy.'], [">>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : The point is Trump lied. Clinton didn't deny anything. There was never any threat of Russia's supporting Clinton.", '>>{CAMPAIGN_PROMISES} : >Q: Okay. The Russian government said today that there were contacts between it and the Trump campaign and the Clinton campaign during the course of the campaign. Does the White House find any reason at all to be concerned about that, or would that fall under the category of normal embassy communications with two campaigns of which -- one of which may become the next President of the United States? > MR. EARNEST: I can’t speak to the nature of those conversations, obviously, so it’s hard to judge them in the abstract. >Q -- the conversation that went on during the campaign, does this raise any higher level of anxiety or alarm? >MR. EARNEST: Listen, what I know based on my own personal experience is I know that there were -- when President Obama was running for President that there were occasions where members of his team did consult with representatives of other governments. I don’t think there’s anything inherently nefarious about that. But, again, I can’t speak to the content of the conversations that may have occurred, so I don’t think I can pass judgment one way or the other. But I don’t think there’s anything inherently nefarious about it.', ">>{stupidaccountname} : Just her failed reset. The mockery of a GOP candidate for suggesting Russia was a geopolitical foe. Her campaign talking with the Russians. The sudden pivot to red baiting every negative thing that happened. She's totally normal.", '>>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : Literally most news outlets are reporting this. You can google it. Or I can waste 15 minutes compiling a giant list for you.', '>>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : The main point is that he lied and said there was no contact besides "compliments".', '>>{The_GMD} : >trusting the same media that said Trump would never win', '>>{GenerationEgomania} : fast-food journalism taking from the "dollar-news-menu"', '>>{pseudolocus} : Get a grip with your conspiracy theories. All the pollsters ignored one single poll that showed a hidden Trump base / a base that did not poll well because they gave automated polls a different answer than live calls and they did not correct methodology. They went by bad polling. Lots of bad polling, and ignored the few outlier polls that were showing the opposite. Yeah its happened before and will happen again unless other outlets keep them in check.', '>>{Foxehh} : Yeah man 57 major news outlets just had bad polling.', '>>{The_GMD} : They went by lies. Never before in any election with modern polling did they have it so wrong.', ">>{pseudolocus} : No, there were eight major pollsters regularly reporting, with only two of them correcting for trends and methods, and a third correcting for previous voting and following the same set of samples. What the hell, do you know anything about the polling? I've sat there looking at why LA times was so odd for six months+ and why 538's corrections were +4-6 pts Trump; they got bashed by other news outlets who refused to do any correcting or analysis of polls.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Ehhhh, there have been other totally wrong instances but state/local levels. It WAS a major echo chamber though. But the data was also wrong.', ">>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : No. I know Trump lied about his relationship with Russia. And that's the point.", ">>{soundsaboutWRIGHT} : No it's a quote from Sergei Ryabkov. It's not just a made up story.", '>>{CAMPAIGN_PROMISES} : Well you don\'t. You don\'t have any evidence to the contrary "there was no contact besides "compliments".'], ['>>{isthereananswer1} : It would take a bombshell for FBI to charge Clinton in email case, experts say', '>>{saint1959j} : Well according to all the media outlets, Comey sending a letter saying emails may or may not have any significance = a bombshell.', '>>{The_Identikit} : a real bombshell guys, not the every article is a bomb shell shit the alt right is trying to pretend is happening.', '>>{tizod} : I\'ve been asking this since the start. What exactly do they expect they are going to find in this batch that will be the undoing of Hillary? Unless there\'s an email from HRC saying "fuck that Chris Stevens guy" this is going to end up being a whole lot of nothing.', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don't know why they're even bothering. There's no way they can prove that she intended to break the law.", ">>{poopeedoop} : That's what makes that letter so strange. Why send that letter which you know is going to be spun when it's highly unlikely that there is anything in these emails?", ">>{moxy801} : So many uses of the word 'bombshell' - so little actual evidence...", ">>{joltto} : Unless they find conversations discussing how to break he law. Which they won't because Clinton isn't fucking stupid and would never have those conversations over email.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I know. Who is actually dumb enough to intend to commit a crime?', ">>{moxy801} : I think what they're hoping is that Weiner had State Dept. intelligence on his computer, probably claiming he may have relayed said information to underage girls he was trying to impress ('if he was crazy enough to send girls dick pix, he would have also sent state secrets')", '>>{1LT_Obvious} : But according to everything posted by Trump supporters, literally every scrap of information they read is a "bombshell".', '>>{toker7} : It not about that at this point. It is whether they catch her in a lie. If they discover evidence contrary to what she told them that will be the bomb shell. Anything short of that she will be fine.', '>>{toker7} : The thing they are looking for is consistency. Whether the new evidence contradicts the testimony of Clinton or her aides.', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : She already told the Benghazi probe under oath that she turned over all of her emails. Which turned out to be untrue.', ">>{Trumptron3000} : I will say this: something very strange is happening with the [official FBI Records Vault twitter account](https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault). edit - clarifiation: it hadn't posted anything **for over a year** until this past Sunday. [This was the tweet it resumed activity with.](https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault/status/792637173937807360) Shortly thereafter, it posted [this Tweet.](https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault/status/792637181944672256) Since then, it has posted a crapload of things pointing to old or ongoing Clinton-related investigations.", ">>{moxy801} : They have a gross naked Selfie of Weiner that they post at every opportunity - that's all they care about.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : What about Russian agents pretending to be teen girls?', '>>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : The r/T_D post formula: All caps, because that means it\'s serious news. Seriously this time. Multiple exclamation points. The more the better as more means more guilt. BOMBSHELL. Because it\'ll cause a bigger impact. Like, meteor crater big impact. For really juicy tidbits, you may say "apocalyptic" or something equally creative. It\'ll draw the crayon art crowd. TO THE TOP! means bring the Russian bot reserves in to insure that extra 10% of spamming r/All If you have something powerful but know it\'s a touch complicated for the average drool machine, be sure to use words like BOOM, indicating a good gut punch is at hand. Use the green frog for comedic irony. It means your post is correct because you\'re employing humor. If you really got something huge, make sure to swear as well. HOLY FUCKING SHIT immediately indicates you have a title all media are going to --------->PAY ATTENTION TO<---------- because you swore in all caps, so that means it\'s huge news of course. It\'s generally advised that you use as much hyperbole as possible, because clickbait headlines work so why not employ them, right? Use of memes, particularly of the spicy variety, are encouraged as they are sure to draw the 12-14 age range, which is an important demographic for more memege. If you have to use a fact that can easily be debunked, phrase it in such a way that panders to feelings. After all, facts have a notoriously liberal bias, and you don\'t want be labeled a gay commie pinko now, do you? Be sure to use LOCK HER UP at even the slightest suggestion of guilt. But even if you forget, the mods will do it for you, so rest easy, centipede. For additional ideas on posting guidelines and how to insure a quality post, please see 4chan.', '>>{1LT_Obvious} : Make sure to use "IT\'S HAPPENING!!!" so people don\'t compare post to all those other times where nothing ended up happening.', '>>{KamonKur} : If you are just reading the comments, take a moment and read the actually article. The points made are both clear and compelling. I could have done without the Bombshell reference, but that seems to be the word that is so popular in this campaign season even if it\'s meaning has morphed to: "look at me, I have nothing."', ">>{Bezeltazer} : Not to mention all of the following people's twitter accounts are no longer following hillary clinton: Barack Obama and Michelle Obama's personal and official twitter accounts, Joe Biden and his wife, Elizabeth Warren, Loretta Lynch, and John Kerry. Michelle Obama's twitter page doesn't have a tweet after 2013. This is all as of Nov 1st. https://twitter.com/MichelleObama?lang=en", '>>{toker7} : Well congress could vote to hold her in contempt, but I highly doubt that it would pass. Unless she lied to the FBI, she will not be getting in trouble for her actions.']]
classify and reply
['>>{ScotHibb} : Trump handed fake £300bn Nato invoice to German chancellor: report', '>>{MBAMBA0} : In the old days of kings and queens, an insult like this would be tantamount to an act of war.', '>>{Sybles} : >The U.S. Federal Reserve detected more than 50 cyber breaches between 2011 and 2015, with several incidents described internally as "espionage," according to Fed records.', ">>{MaturinsGirth} : Oh wow, I assumed the title couldn't be what happened but it looks like he literally gave her a bill. I wonder if he printed one up for Mexico, but didn't get to give it when the visit was cancelled..? He'll probably send out invoices to staffers asking for back rent from living in his shadow....", '>>{DragonPup} : Days without an international embarrassment: ~~1~~ 0', ">>{jeffinRTP} : It's fake news, the invoice was for use of his properties.", ">>{alephnul} : Ya' know, the last time Germany ramped up its military spending, it didn't work out so well. Be careful what you wish for.", ">>{skoalbrother} : Trump's executive order on immigration includes a plan to publish a weekly list of crimes committed by 'aliens'", '>>{golikehellmachine} : I like that everyone\'s response to this is, "Well, there\'s no way this could possibly be as stupid as... Oh, well, shit, it *is* just as stupid and insane as it sounds."', ">>{Cool_Bastard} : UN report: Israel has established an 'apartheid regime'", '>>{blarghusmaximus} : We should just ask china to audit the Fed for us.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Why not a weekly list of crimes committed by people who donated to Trump's campaign?", '>>{Gator_Bite} : The U.S. needs to stop playing footsy with these foreign government sanctioned intruders and cut their access to the U.S. internet off completely.', ">>{brithus} : That's one way to curb immigration.. America! Land of vicarious embarrassment!", '>>{NRG1975} : Is it? Cause it seems quite tacky, and to be honest, kind of an assholish thing to do.', '>>{TheGrandNagusRom} : As a German, I like this very American, very Hollywood-esque approach. It\'s straight out of a mafia movie: "Ey Angie, whaddaya know. So me and the fellas here had a look over our books the day before. You know, catching up on old invoices, payments, tha Russian money laundarette as we call it... Anyways, we realized that you have been a bad girl, Angie. A very bad girl cause turns out you didn\'t pay us anything for our excellent, fantastic, tremendous service over the years where we protectet that small and beautiful little country of yours." "..." "So anyways, here is the deal. I asked Ugly Steve here how much that would add up to over the years and with interest and some, you know, special taxes and stuff. And Ugly Steve here tells me that\'ll be something like 300 billion dollars." "..." "And since we are a respectable family busine-, I mean country, and since we\'re totally legitimate, I printed out an official invoice with all the bells and whistles. It even has the real letterhead of the real president of the US. See here? At the top? Totally real!" "..." "Anyway, as you can see, this is a real bill. Unlike fake Bill Clinton. A real bill from a real government of the greatest country on earth. With a real president, which I am. So your beautiful country better pay up. And fast. You don\'t want anything bad to happen to it, right?"', ">>{Black_Delphinium} : I was thinking 12, but I think you're right.", '>>{Cool_Bastard} : Did you even see the videos? How would you like it if Mexicans came and took your land?', '>>{jeffinRTP} : Sorry satire, no source, just a comment based on how I think trump acts. Sorry for the confusion.', '>>{kelshrc} : Kind of like how Breitbart has a "black crime" section. It\'s all racist propaganda.', '>>{whadup5} : If I posted this on Facebook. I would get screamed at for being anti-Semitic.', ">>{Ramietoes} : A lot of people don't know anything about the internet.", ">>{Cool_Bastard} : Yeah...that's true. You can't criticize Israel, the IDF or Zionism. You also can't criticize Islam or you're an Islamophobe. But it's open season on Christianity. Edit: I think the downvotes prove my point.", ">>{Middle_Eats} : Christianity is great. The morals and ethical guidelines Christ espoused would go a long way to improving the condition of humanity. Unfortunately, Christians seems to be unable to live up to those values. I don't see how you can argue against discontent towards people who claim to be Christian and yet cannot uphold Christ's teachings.", ">>{m0nk_3y_gw} : There is no 'US Internet'. And this is the Federal Reserve (not connected to the US government) -- they are involved in global banking.", ">>{Taylor814} : Dozens of breaches of secure government systems and we're still supposed to believe that Hillary Clinton's non-secure email server just flew under the radar...", '>>{Cool_Bastard} : I believe Gandhi said, "“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”"', '>>{jeffinRTP} : Sorry satire, just a comment based on how I think trump acts. Sorry for the confusion.', '>>{guy_breadmore} : They should go for it. It will pair well with the substantially longer list of bald faced, demonstrable lies uttered by the President and his press secretary provided by the media every week.', ">>{PantsuitNixon} : Be a shame if something were to... happen to it. Cracks knuckles, sits back, forgets where he is, tweets insult to Rosie O'Donnell.", '>>{NRG1975} : Doubt this will get much play. Israel has been known to be an Apartheid state for several, several years, and it did not get traction.', ">>{ashmole} : Does he not know that we also benefit from having bases in Germany? Of course he doesn't. I bet he doesn't know where wounded Soldiers go when they are evacuated out of Afghanistan.", '>>{Bumblelicious} : I could see the Nazis publishing a weekly list of crimes committed by Jews. Just more mendacious evil from an authoritarian psychopath.', ">>{sedgwickian} : Came in expecting Sanders supporters thinking this was about Clinton without bothering to read the article. Instead, I've found one who read the article and twisted it to be about Clinton!", '>>{Taylor814} : I am not a Bernie supporter in any way. And my comment is not about the article. Rather, that it is ridiculous to believe that a non-secure email server used over OpenNet was more secure and less hacked than secure government systems that got penetrated.', '>>{Randomusername_999} : Someone should definitely make a "leave Hillary alone" video', ">>{RavagingRoomba} : Haha, it's one of those The Onion stories, right?", ">>{sedgwickian} : > And my comment is not about the article That's my point!", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Twisting? The article is about the government being hacked multiple times. Hillary was a part of our government and had a private server installed without proper security measures, don't see how that's twisting, more bringing up a relevant topic.", '>>{HighballJordan} : Wait...publish the list to? This fucking guy.', ">>{xynix_ie} : Only the brown ones I'm sure. People from the UK or other white countries won't be on the list.", '>>{bbuk11} : Those were not "crimes" according to my facts.', ">>{mikek3} : Who's going to wake up to a severed horse head in their bed?", ">>{bucketbot42} : Wait, so did he really do this? The white house denies it happened but they deny everything nowadays so much its difficult to tell what really happened. I'm just going assume that when the WH denies something that its actually true, and this does sound like a trump move... *sigh*", '>>{djfacebooth} : People are going to say this vindicated Clinton "See the feds got hacked too" But the reality of the situation is, if the Feds with a secure server were hacked a dozen times, then Hillary with an unsecure server was undeniably hacked just as much if not more than the feds.', '>>{Cool_Bastard} : I agree. The US keeps supporting them, they can do whatever they want.', '>>{DeliriousPrecarious} : >And this is the Federal Reserve (not connected to the US government) Right. They just pay their profits to the U.S treasury and have their Chairman selected by the president and confirmed by the senate. No connection at all.', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Duh. It's a tool meant to make you envision how you would react were you in the place of having occupied a land for a long time, only to be displaced. You have a florida tag. Let's say Spain successfully reclaims and conquers Florida. Suddenly, you're about to be kicked out of your house so a Spaniard can live there. How do you feel? Whether or not it happens here is irrelevant, because international politics affects the United States but, obviously, is not specific to conditions only found in the United States.", '>>{NRG1975} : I think we are on the same page here, /u/Valmirah most likely is not.', '>>{Middle_Eats} : Apologies then!! Tough distinguishing ironically absurd/sarcastic comments from genuinely held opinions these days.', ">>{sedgwickian} : This article offers no evidence that Clinton's email was hacked.", ">>{poiu477} : idk i too think its hilarious. clearly shows he doesn't even understand NATO on the most basic of levels, sure hes an asshole and this is totally in character but you gotta admit it's basically an SNL skit in real life", '>>{scullingby} : To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!"', ">>{bloozchicken} : That doesn't make sense, unless its the same ones you're deporting. There are definitely more American criminals in America than anything else", ">>{scullingby} : The SNL writers don't even have to work at this...", ">>{TuesdayAfternoonYep} : Also, there haven't been any reported breaches of the State Department email system during Clinton's tenure. She would have no reason to believe the State Department's system was insecure or compromised, especially compared to her homebrew server.", '>>{Lost_Traveller_} : I get that every whitehouse has an agenda, but this is an unhealthy use of power. It only serves to make Americans more suspicious of immigrants and further divide us. Gross really', '>>{Ramrod312} : These crimes will include: 1.) Speeding on the intergalactic Highway 2.) Universal Tax Evasion 3.) Littering in a protected Star System 4.) Leaving a child in a locked space vessel next to a sun 5.) Being Mexican', '>>{HothMoreLikeColdth} : Any way to also have crimes by his administration also published?', '>>{KatanaPig} : Okay, but what is wrong with using the information from the article to draw a sensible conclusion about an ongoing and very public FBI investigation?', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Totally off topic, but I'm sort of curious. What's living in Florida like?", '>>{NRG1975} : Fucking amazing! I have lived in several places across the country, and always return to FL. Great food, weather is fantastic, everything is close, couple of the best beaches in the country within 30 minutes, all the boatable water, islands, camping, some of the best college football to be had in the country. Not sure what exactly you are looking for. But I personally love it, but I like being on the water, hanging out at the beach drinking beer, biking, and nearby adventures.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : doesn't matter, its well known now that at least 2 attempts were made to hack into her server.", '>>{VELOCIRAPTOR_ANUS} : If secure systems have demonstrated a propensity for being breached, it is logical to conclude that the potential for unsecured systems to have been breached as well. We will await the evidence, which may or may not have already been provided to the FBI by Guccifer.', ">>{grimbotronic} : Those aren't crimes, they are operating under alternative laws.", '>>{FkUCrinton} : Liberals are afraid of what the crime statistics will reveal. It\'s time for these figures to *"come out from the shadows"* P.S. Illegal Alien is not a race. It is racist to equate Illegal Aliens with Mexicans, in order to label this publication racist. So sad. Over 1,000 Democratic seats lost under Obama. Wonder why...', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Oh man that sounds great. I live in Missouri and I sort of get tired of the crazy weather. This month we've had highs of 80 and lows of 18. No way to even dress correctly for that! I'm a recent graduate who's seriously considering moving down there. What are the best parts of the state would you say? Especially for fresh out of college? You make it sound amazing!", '>>{johnwalkersbeard} : Dude seriously? That\'s because she didn\'t report the breaches. That\'s why there were no reported breaches. She was breached, then didn\'t report it. Her IT Director (a man with full access to state Dept emails and no security clearance) had to shut the damn server off three separate times because they were breached so hard the only way to stop the attack was by shutting off the machine. Hillary was issued 22 different email names because the other 21 all got compromised. Fuck man. The FBI went to Greece and pulled a guy onto a plane to prosecute him in America, specifically, because he breached Clinton\'s server. That\'s like, exactly why and the only reason why, Guccifer is in America. Yea of course there were no "reported" breaches. Hillary never reported them and forbade her staff from doing the same. *** You know, prior to Enron\'s bankruptcy filing and subsequent criminal investigation, there were no reports of corporate malfeasance at Enron.', ">>{TuesdayAfternoonYep} : I know she didn't report the breaches. I'm talking about the State Department. She didn't have any reason to believe she would be safer at home, because there weren't any breaches of the State Department email system.", ">>{ChuanFaFist} : hold on, I'll get my blanket to hide under", '>>{NRG1975} : No shit huh? My ex wife was from Branson, lol. Anyways, yeah the weather in Missouri is not my cup of tea, been going there for several years, until recently. If you catch my drift. What are you looking to do for work, that will sometimes help where you would want to go. Also, what do you like to do?', ">>{Maxx0rz} : Strange, it works for me, I double checked it twice just now.. It's just the dude from ancient aliens I was trying to make a funny :<", '>>{blah_blah_STFU} : Enron was also given awards for running an ethical busines.', '>>{Valmirah} : No, /u/Middle_Eats essentially said what I was thinking.', '>>{ieatkittentails} : Racial propaganda. What next, immigrants have to wear badges?..', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Hahaha yeah it has been getting strangely warmer here that's for sure, and the ozarks region of the state does have a lot of beautiful places, although the mountains of north Arkansas are just beautiful. If you ever happen to be in the area, all state and national parks in Arkansas are free until March 15th, but they've been easily in season earlier, recently. I have degrees in biology and Spanish literature. I graduated in December and am not too sure where to take that skill set. Professionally, at this stage of my career, I'd be really looking for any type of research, ecology, or even just some position that would allow me to engage in Spanish on a regular basis. I know Florida has affordable state schools, also, another great reason to move there and establish residency looking towards my masters. I love camping and hiking, I really enjoy exploring new places too. Also a big fan of beaches, good beers and just hanging out near a bonfire. A good night life is nice but certainly not a priority. Florida just sounds like the kind of place where I could go exercise or enjoy the outdoors for most of the year. Guess I'm rambling a bit, just seems like a cool place to be.", ">>{wraithtek} : I guess we now know why [the White House hired Breitbart's Julia Hahn](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/24/14359852/white-house-paul-ryan-breitbart-julia-hahn).", '>>{friedeggs3} : This is the Federal Reserve guys not the FBI.', '>>{NRG1975} : My apologies to you then as well. I thought you were inferring that Mexicans are moving to the US, and claim the land for Mexico.', '>>{ckwing} : Maybe they should hire Edward Snowden to secure their systems instead of trying to disappear him.', '>>{takeashill_pill} : One of the authors of the report genuinely is though. Richard Falk got kicked out of Human Rights Watch for it.', ">>{takeashill_pill} : It should be noted this was done without the Secretary General's approval. Also, one of the co-authors says Israel was behind 9/11, so make of that what you will.", '>>{friendly-cephalopod} : I looked for, but couldn\'t find the "black crime" section of Breitbart. Whatever UX engineer designed their website is an idiot, this interface is pure garbage.', '>>{the_pains_of_sleep} : No don\'t you just love "alternative facts"? :)', ">>{mathieu_delarue} : Downvote and move on. Don't argue with a fool - people can't tell you apart from a distance.", ">>{Byzantine279} : They would do a better job of it, I'd expect.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : >The cases of information disclosure can refer to a range of ways unauthorized people see Fed information, from hacking attacks to Fed emails sent to the wrong recipients, according to two former Fed cybersecurity staffers who spoke on condition of anonymity.', ">>{Iwillnotgiveinagain} : I Don't think that Bannon is going to find as much success, using his propaganda BS on the well-informed members of our society, as he has with the readership of Breitbart.", '>>{Phiarmage} : Well, it is quasi-private, which just shows that both private and public organizations can both get hacked.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : > unhealthy use of power Known also as abuse.', '>>{NRG1975} : >I have degrees in biology and Spanish literature. I graduated in December and am not too sure where to take that skill set. Professionally, at this stage of my career, I\'d be really looking for any type of research, ecology, or even just some position that would allow me to engage in Spanish on a regular basis. I know Florida has affordable state schools, also, another great reason to move there and establish residency looking towards my masters. USF in Tampa has a great research sector, and a huge cancer research institute. Also, the new Florida Poly is nearby. If this would be a draw for you, I would suggest living in South Tampa or St. Petersburg. Lots to be offered here. South Tampa is not really beach oriented, but is right in your age bracket. St. Petersburg is my choice of the two, but I live in Dunedin. Dunedin is a little town which is bike oriented, and right on the coast. Lots of Breweries in the area. Easy to get around. Not much variety in the club scene, but more than enough events and restaurants to keep you happy. There is several places to camp and explore for sure. Not mountainess as you might be used to in MO. But unique in it\'s own way. If you get a boat/canoe/kayak it opens up several islands for you to explore and camp at. There is also the "Springs" in florida which are always fun. If you are into a more metro feel, Tampa, Orlando, and of course Miami/Lauderdale will do. I do not really ever seeing me living in South Florida(Miami/Lauderdale) area. Too much Traffic, and not really my speed. However the area would let you flex your Spanish Skills. but you can do that in Tampa too. Fun fact, Tampa was the largest population of Cubans out side of Cuba before Reagan offered them amnesty here. When that happened, Miami became the largest pop. To be honest, it is really all up to you. I prefer the West coast, some prefer South Florida. If I was you, I watch some videos, and read up on Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Dunedin. That might help you more than I can on reddit, lol', ">>{Omnishift} : The Chinese backup server is probably more secure than Hillary's.", ">>{newaccount13242222} : I'm sure this will be an unbiased credible report since it is authored by two people critical of Israel's practices and commissioned by the ESCWA, a commission made up of Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.", '>>{GetSoft4U} : have you read the international laws of belligerent occupation? you may be surprise at the fact that an occupying power cant enforce their law over the occupy population...so good luck with the rhetoric is all you have.', ">>{KindaOlderWhiteGuy} : >A lot, but not all, old people don't know shit about the Internet. FTFY", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Sorry, the Trump junta only cares about unAmerican foreigners.', '>>{NRG1975} : Are you talking about the same Israel that is in violation of several International Laws, but they ignore it?', '>>{Cool_Bastard} : Annnd that makes it ok? Yeah, the US massacred Indians and took their land, so that makes it ok? That\'s like saying, "Well Dad said I could."', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Trump would implement that at once if he thought he could get away with it.', ">>{Cool_Bastard} : Yeah, maybe you're right. All criticism of Israel is biased, never mind the maps and the numbers that everyone's been saying for the last couple decades.", '>>{thewolfshead} : >In an effort to shape public opinion at home and abroad, the Nazi propaganda machine played up stories of new “Polish atrocities” once the war began. They publicized attacks on ethnic Germans in towns such as Bromberg (Bydgoszcz). There, fleeing Polish civilians and military personnel killed between 5,000 and 6,000 ethnic Germans, whom they had perceived, in the heat of the invasion, to be fifth column traitors, spies, Nazis, or snipers. By exaggerating the actual number of ethnic German victims killed in Bromberg and other towns to 58,000, Nazi propaganda enflamed passions, providing “justification” for the numbers of civilians that the Germans intended to kill. [United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Deceiving the Public](https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007822)', ">>{Gator_Bite} : First, I wasn't referring to the Federal Reserve's ability to cutoff U.S. internet access. Instead, I was referring to the federal government's abilities to do it since it is both within their jurisdiction, authority and ability to do so. Second, international cyber espionage against the U.S. and U.S. entities, like the Federal Reserve, pose a national security threat. This threat to the U.S. falls well within its rights to confront through whatever means is necessary to end it. Only a fool would mistakenly assume that nothing can be or should be done to blunt it. Third, the Federal Reserve IS connected to the federal government. It has long maintained ties to the U.S. treasury.", '>>{----root} : This sets the stage for some *very* powerful, anti-immigrant, propaganda.', '>>{zacdenver} : Kang and Kodos had better watch their respective asses -- assuming they actually have them.', '>>{GetSoft4U} : you better bring a court ruling if you plan to support that if not...international law of belligerent occupation overrule rhetoric.', ">>{friendly-cephalopod} : Ahhh I guess I just wasn't racist enough to find it.", '>>{FarageIsMyWaifu} : Illegal immigrant is not a race. They are criminals who broke US law.', '>>{whadup5} : Your downvotes are because of the last 2 sentences. Israel is turning into a totalitarian regime. That is the fault of a few men, specifically one. THEN you decide to discredit your opinions on it by throwing in "why can\'t I blame a whole mass religion for the insanity of secular governments that use the poverty that surrounds them to their advantage? Apparently people taking issue with the same thing domestically or the whole \'priest pedophila thing\' is a somehow ok!" Yeah you\'re a dumbass who doesn\'t take a seconds thought to sort out his own biases to analyze something. Have another downvote and stfu.', ">>{m0nk_3y_gw} : > Only a fool would mistakenly assume that nothing can be or should be done to blunt it. A fool would assume nothing has been done for the past ~20 years and that cutting access to the 'US Internet' on a per 'government sanctioned intruder' basis would be effective. If you are proposing to blocking entire countries from US IP address that is where the significance of me highlighting the Fed is involved in ~global~ banking. but like the article says > It was unclear if the espionage incidents involved foreign governments and the one hacker that was named is an activist from the UK.", '>>{leamas666} : This is like a bank robber complaining that someone broke into his house.', ">>{Gator_Bite} : First, China has already proven that Internet access can be cut off to a country. There are many ways to shut down government sanctioned cyber spies. Second, if you assume the federal government doesn't have the same capability, you're sorely misinformed. >the Fed is involved in ~global~ banking. I'm aware of that, but it should NOT be since that is outside of its mission statement. The U.S. Treasury Department should have shut that BS down *long* ago. >the one hacker that was named is an activist from the UK. That is only one of scores of such instances that I am referring to in my critique. It is beyond disingenuous to downplay the national security threats this behavior poses to the U.S. Since you brought it up, [China is one of the biggest offenders and threats involved.](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-great-brain-robbery-china-cyber-espionage/) Quite frankly, the U.S. should have cut off China's access to the U.S. market long ago over its trade cheating, currency manipulation and rampant intellectual property theft.", '>>{Cool_Bastard} : * Anybody who criticizes Israel is labelled antisemetic. Jimmy Carter proved it, in spades. The downvotes prove it. * Blaming a few men for Zionism and apartheid? That\'s just ridiculous. You forget the entire IDF. You forget Rachel pancakes. * You\'re equivocating "criticize Islam" with "blame a whole mass religion". Those are your words, again, proving my point. See above where I say that if someone criticizes Islam they\'re labelled an Islamophobe. You proved my point. There is no room for criticizing Islam because regressive liberals interpret that as bias, bigotry, racism (not a race) and Islamophobia. * And I the dumbass? Looks like ums didn\'t read the guidelines.', ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : I'm pretty sure you and /u/TuesdayAfternoonYep are on the same page. Their comment (if I'm understanding context correctly) disputes one particularly weak argument *for* using her home server.", '>>{whadup5} : Alright lets go one at a time lol. Israel vs. Islam. Could you please tell me the difference in your own words?', '>>{zetsuboubilly} : From a comment found in Breitbart: "I wonder if Trump will also go after non residents (green card holders) with criminal offenses... There are, relatively speaking, a lot of Southeast Asian refugees (Laotian, Cambodian, etc.) that have contributed close to nothing to American society... **They, along with other ethnic groups, gotta go too.**" Leading up to the election, just about every comment defending Trump\'s anti-immigration policies would say something along the lines of "I\'m not against immigrants, just illegal immigrants." I think as time goes on and Trump puts harsher immigration policies in place, we will see these same "pro-immigrants, anti-illegals" people come out of the woodwork as "anti-all-immigrants." Or, as this Breitbart commenter put it, "they, along with other ethnic groups, gotta go too." Once they\'re rid of the illegal ones, they\'ll get rid of the legal ones and other ethnic groups. Because White America First, White America Only.', '>>{Cool_Bastard} : You don\'t get it. I never said "Israel vs Islam". Where the fuck did you read that? That\'s your regressive liberal brain injecting bias into what I said. Note that I had periods in my sentence, and the word "also" which means they were independent objects in the sentence. You\'re looking for an excuse to flame.', '>>{whadup5} : Wow that wasn\'t simple enough. Ok. I am asking you... "what kind of thing is Israel?" also "what kind of thing is Islam?"', ">>{kelshrc} : You think they're going to focus on white Canadians and Australians?", ">>{thegreat8} : Side note (since you're from MA): I clicked the link and saw Curt Shilling has a radio/tv/something show in Brietbart now!? I can't say i'm shocked but good lord...", '>>{voompanatos} : A weekly list of cherry-picked outrages is really close to 1984\'s "daily hate". Fascist demonization of immigrants is about to get severely worse. (3). Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.', ">>{Kilpikonnaa} : So far he's getting away with everything, so why wouldn't he?", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Why not just a list of all crimes ever committed?', ">>{novareddit2000} : I actually used to spend time in a locker room of all places with a Canadian who lived here illegally, but he's a white adult male, so that's impossible right?", '>>{KaliYugaz} : It\'s amazing how so far we\'ve been able to predict exactly what the neo-fascists are going to do, play by play, and yet there doesn\'t seem to be any way to stop it. Whether we "learned from history" or not doesn\'t seem to matter.', ">>{rtft} : We are in the 21st century , today it won't be badges and tattoos it will be microchip implants.", '>>{rtft} : That is the whole reason for it. The more you show people how bad the "enemy" is the more they are willing to do against that enemy. This is literally what the Nazis did with ever present propaganda. Once you desensitise people enough bad shit will happen all by itself.', '>>{rtft} : It makes total sense if you are an aspiring fascist dictator.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : What does that have to do with anything I said? nothing, that's what.", ">>{Another_Alex} : I thought immigrating illegally was a crime, you're aware the leading country for overstaying visas by a wide margin is Canada? http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/02/03/homeland-security-produces-first-estimate-of-foreign-visitors-to-u-s-who-overstay-deadline-to-leave/", '>>{Nighshade586} : [The scene from V for Vendetta seems to resonate with current events.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI0xAXmJNrc)', '>>{FarageIsMyWaifu} : Oh, TIL. Time to kick the Canadians out too.', '>>{FarageIsMyWaifu} : Canadians break the law too in the US. Shame. Time to kick em all out.', ">>{moleratical} : Stopping fascism doesn't require identifying fascism, it requires convincing those that either do not recognize fascism, or those embrace fascist policies that they are wrong. Don't ask me how because I'm at a bit of a loss right now but if anyone has any good ideas I'm open to suggestions", '>>{mergerr} : Posting a list of every crime has nothing to do with "illegal-alien" crime. So why even ask?', ">>{KaliYugaz} : > it requires convincing those that either do not recognize fascism, or those embrace fascist policies that they are wrong. Which will never happen of course, because that's what fascism is. Muscle over reason. Bash the Fash.", ">>{Rollakud} : Why do people keep telling me Breitbart isn't racist when you go on the site there's evidence otherwise.", ">>{zetsuboubilly} : They think that if they say it enough, we'll believe them", ">>{overlordpotatoe} : Looks like they don't have a white crime tag. How strange!", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : It will be all three. Implants and RFID are excellent for tracking, but badges remain important in order to instantly identify the *others*.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Unless they are from the UK and not white.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Many won't care the president and his minions are lying as long as they continue to like what they hear.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : They must be using those "alternative facts" I keep hearing about.', ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Ahh the ol' Racist Breitbart gambit. Who didn't see that one coming?", '>>{trickx1991} : Wow just wow. If he is not killed by the end of the year i will be surprised.', '>>{Exasperated_Sigh} : The way to stop it is the people in congress grow a fucking spine and remember who they\'re supposed to serve. The fact that seemingly every member of the Republican Party is just fine with Fuehrer Trump is bad enough, but then add in the Democrats just rolling over and trying to pretend like "finding areas where we agree" is a strategy for anything is really demoralizing. Self-admitted guy who\'s too incompetent for government Ben Carson was unanimously voted out of committee with Elizabeth fucking Warren voting yes. I\'d love not to think armed rebellion is our only option left, but it sure looks like every other fail-safe is going to fail.', '>>{TipTipTopKek-NE} : FANTASTIC NEWS! You have no idea how many Facebook socks have been banned by commenting on a crime story with the innocent question, "I wonder what Mr. Cortez\' immigration status was?"']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ScotHibb} : Trump handed fake £300bn Nato invoice to German chancellor: report', '>>{MBAMBA0} : In the old days of kings and queens, an insult like this would be tantamount to an act of war.', ">>{MaturinsGirth} : Oh wow, I assumed the title couldn't be what happened but it looks like he literally gave her a bill. I wonder if he printed one up for Mexico, but didn't get to give it when the visit was cancelled..? He'll probably send out invoices to staffers asking for back rent from living in his shadow....", '>>{DragonPup} : Days without an international embarrassment: ~~1~~ 0', ">>{jeffinRTP} : It's fake news, the invoice was for use of his properties.", ">>{alephnul} : Ya' know, the last time Germany ramped up its military spending, it didn't work out so well. Be careful what you wish for.", '>>{golikehellmachine} : I like that everyone\'s response to this is, "Well, there\'s no way this could possibly be as stupid as... Oh, well, shit, it *is* just as stupid and insane as it sounds."', ">>{brithus} : That's one way to curb immigration.. America! Land of vicarious embarrassment!", '>>{NRG1975} : Is it? Cause it seems quite tacky, and to be honest, kind of an assholish thing to do.', '>>{TheGrandNagusRom} : As a German, I like this very American, very Hollywood-esque approach. It\'s straight out of a mafia movie: "Ey Angie, whaddaya know. So me and the fellas here had a look over our books the day before. You know, catching up on old invoices, payments, tha Russian money laundarette as we call it... Anyways, we realized that you have been a bad girl, Angie. A very bad girl cause turns out you didn\'t pay us anything for our excellent, fantastic, tremendous service over the years where we protectet that small and beautiful little country of yours." "..." "So anyways, here is the deal. I asked Ugly Steve here how much that would add up to over the years and with interest and some, you know, special taxes and stuff. And Ugly Steve here tells me that\'ll be something like 300 billion dollars." "..." "And since we are a respectable family busine-, I mean country, and since we\'re totally legitimate, I printed out an official invoice with all the bells and whistles. It even has the real letterhead of the real president of the US. See here? At the top? Totally real!" "..." "Anyway, as you can see, this is a real bill. Unlike fake Bill Clinton. A real bill from a real government of the greatest country on earth. With a real president, which I am. So your beautiful country better pay up. And fast. You don\'t want anything bad to happen to it, right?"', ">>{Black_Delphinium} : I was thinking 12, but I think you're right.", '>>{jeffinRTP} : Sorry satire, no source, just a comment based on how I think trump acts. Sorry for the confusion.', '>>{jeffinRTP} : Sorry satire, just a comment based on how I think trump acts. Sorry for the confusion.', ">>{PantsuitNixon} : Be a shame if something were to... happen to it. Cracks knuckles, sits back, forgets where he is, tweets insult to Rosie O'Donnell.", ">>{ashmole} : Does he not know that we also benefit from having bases in Germany? Of course he doesn't. I bet he doesn't know where wounded Soldiers go when they are evacuated out of Afghanistan.", ">>{RavagingRoomba} : Haha, it's one of those The Onion stories, right?", ">>{mikek3} : Who's going to wake up to a severed horse head in their bed?", ">>{bucketbot42} : Wait, so did he really do this? The white house denies it happened but they deny everything nowadays so much its difficult to tell what really happened. I'm just going assume that when the WH denies something that its actually true, and this does sound like a trump move... *sigh*", ">>{poiu477} : idk i too think its hilarious. clearly shows he doesn't even understand NATO on the most basic of levels, sure hes an asshole and this is totally in character but you gotta admit it's basically an SNL skit in real life", '>>{scullingby} : To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!"', ">>{scullingby} : The SNL writers don't even have to work at this..."], ['>>{Sybles} : >The U.S. Federal Reserve detected more than 50 cyber breaches between 2011 and 2015, with several incidents described internally as "espionage," according to Fed records.', '>>{blarghusmaximus} : We should just ask china to audit the Fed for us.', '>>{Gator_Bite} : The U.S. needs to stop playing footsy with these foreign government sanctioned intruders and cut their access to the U.S. internet off completely.', ">>{Ramietoes} : A lot of people don't know anything about the internet.", ">>{m0nk_3y_gw} : There is no 'US Internet'. And this is the Federal Reserve (not connected to the US government) -- they are involved in global banking.", ">>{Taylor814} : Dozens of breaches of secure government systems and we're still supposed to believe that Hillary Clinton's non-secure email server just flew under the radar...", ">>{sedgwickian} : Came in expecting Sanders supporters thinking this was about Clinton without bothering to read the article. Instead, I've found one who read the article and twisted it to be about Clinton!", '>>{Taylor814} : I am not a Bernie supporter in any way. And my comment is not about the article. Rather, that it is ridiculous to believe that a non-secure email server used over OpenNet was more secure and less hacked than secure government systems that got penetrated.', '>>{Randomusername_999} : Someone should definitely make a "leave Hillary alone" video', ">>{sedgwickian} : > And my comment is not about the article That's my point!", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Twisting? The article is about the government being hacked multiple times. Hillary was a part of our government and had a private server installed without proper security measures, don't see how that's twisting, more bringing up a relevant topic.", '>>{djfacebooth} : People are going to say this vindicated Clinton "See the feds got hacked too" But the reality of the situation is, if the Feds with a secure server were hacked a dozen times, then Hillary with an unsecure server was undeniably hacked just as much if not more than the feds.', '>>{DeliriousPrecarious} : >And this is the Federal Reserve (not connected to the US government) Right. They just pay their profits to the U.S treasury and have their Chairman selected by the president and confirmed by the senate. No connection at all.', ">>{sedgwickian} : This article offers no evidence that Clinton's email was hacked.", ">>{TuesdayAfternoonYep} : Also, there haven't been any reported breaches of the State Department email system during Clinton's tenure. She would have no reason to believe the State Department's system was insecure or compromised, especially compared to her homebrew server.", '>>{KatanaPig} : Okay, but what is wrong with using the information from the article to draw a sensible conclusion about an ongoing and very public FBI investigation?', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : doesn't matter, its well known now that at least 2 attempts were made to hack into her server.", '>>{VELOCIRAPTOR_ANUS} : If secure systems have demonstrated a propensity for being breached, it is logical to conclude that the potential for unsecured systems to have been breached as well. We will await the evidence, which may or may not have already been provided to the FBI by Guccifer.', '>>{johnwalkersbeard} : Dude seriously? That\'s because she didn\'t report the breaches. That\'s why there were no reported breaches. She was breached, then didn\'t report it. Her IT Director (a man with full access to state Dept emails and no security clearance) had to shut the damn server off three separate times because they were breached so hard the only way to stop the attack was by shutting off the machine. Hillary was issued 22 different email names because the other 21 all got compromised. Fuck man. The FBI went to Greece and pulled a guy onto a plane to prosecute him in America, specifically, because he breached Clinton\'s server. That\'s like, exactly why and the only reason why, Guccifer is in America. Yea of course there were no "reported" breaches. Hillary never reported them and forbade her staff from doing the same. *** You know, prior to Enron\'s bankruptcy filing and subsequent criminal investigation, there were no reports of corporate malfeasance at Enron.', ">>{TuesdayAfternoonYep} : I know she didn't report the breaches. I'm talking about the State Department. She didn't have any reason to believe she would be safer at home, because there weren't any breaches of the State Department email system.", ">>{ChuanFaFist} : hold on, I'll get my blanket to hide under", '>>{blah_blah_STFU} : Enron was also given awards for running an ethical busines.', '>>{friedeggs3} : This is the Federal Reserve guys not the FBI.', '>>{ckwing} : Maybe they should hire Edward Snowden to secure their systems instead of trying to disappear him.', ">>{Byzantine279} : They would do a better job of it, I'd expect.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : >The cases of information disclosure can refer to a range of ways unauthorized people see Fed information, from hacking attacks to Fed emails sent to the wrong recipients, according to two former Fed cybersecurity staffers who spoke on condition of anonymity.', '>>{Phiarmage} : Well, it is quasi-private, which just shows that both private and public organizations can both get hacked.', ">>{Omnishift} : The Chinese backup server is probably more secure than Hillary's.", ">>{KindaOlderWhiteGuy} : >A lot, but not all, old people don't know shit about the Internet. FTFY", ">>{Gator_Bite} : First, I wasn't referring to the Federal Reserve's ability to cutoff U.S. internet access. Instead, I was referring to the federal government's abilities to do it since it is both within their jurisdiction, authority and ability to do so. Second, international cyber espionage against the U.S. and U.S. entities, like the Federal Reserve, pose a national security threat. This threat to the U.S. falls well within its rights to confront through whatever means is necessary to end it. Only a fool would mistakenly assume that nothing can be or should be done to blunt it. Third, the Federal Reserve IS connected to the federal government. It has long maintained ties to the U.S. treasury.", ">>{m0nk_3y_gw} : > Only a fool would mistakenly assume that nothing can be or should be done to blunt it. A fool would assume nothing has been done for the past ~20 years and that cutting access to the 'US Internet' on a per 'government sanctioned intruder' basis would be effective. If you are proposing to blocking entire countries from US IP address that is where the significance of me highlighting the Fed is involved in ~global~ banking. but like the article says > It was unclear if the espionage incidents involved foreign governments and the one hacker that was named is an activist from the UK.", '>>{leamas666} : This is like a bank robber complaining that someone broke into his house.', ">>{Gator_Bite} : First, China has already proven that Internet access can be cut off to a country. There are many ways to shut down government sanctioned cyber spies. Second, if you assume the federal government doesn't have the same capability, you're sorely misinformed. >the Fed is involved in ~global~ banking. I'm aware of that, but it should NOT be since that is outside of its mission statement. The U.S. Treasury Department should have shut that BS down *long* ago. >the one hacker that was named is an activist from the UK. That is only one of scores of such instances that I am referring to in my critique. It is beyond disingenuous to downplay the national security threats this behavior poses to the U.S. Since you brought it up, [China is one of the biggest offenders and threats involved.](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-great-brain-robbery-china-cyber-espionage/) Quite frankly, the U.S. should have cut off China's access to the U.S. market long ago over its trade cheating, currency manipulation and rampant intellectual property theft.", ">>{lewkiamurfarther} : I'm pretty sure you and /u/TuesdayAfternoonYep are on the same page. Their comment (if I'm understanding context correctly) disputes one particularly weak argument *for* using her home server."], [">>{skoalbrother} : Trump's executive order on immigration includes a plan to publish a weekly list of crimes committed by 'aliens'", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Why not a weekly list of crimes committed by people who donated to Trump's campaign?", '>>{kelshrc} : Kind of like how Breitbart has a "black crime" section. It\'s all racist propaganda.', '>>{guy_breadmore} : They should go for it. It will pair well with the substantially longer list of bald faced, demonstrable lies uttered by the President and his press secretary provided by the media every week.', '>>{Bumblelicious} : I could see the Nazis publishing a weekly list of crimes committed by Jews. Just more mendacious evil from an authoritarian psychopath.', '>>{HighballJordan} : Wait...publish the list to? This fucking guy.', ">>{xynix_ie} : Only the brown ones I'm sure. People from the UK or other white countries won't be on the list.", '>>{bbuk11} : Those were not "crimes" according to my facts.', ">>{bloozchicken} : That doesn't make sense, unless its the same ones you're deporting. There are definitely more American criminals in America than anything else", '>>{Lost_Traveller_} : I get that every whitehouse has an agenda, but this is an unhealthy use of power. It only serves to make Americans more suspicious of immigrants and further divide us. Gross really', '>>{Ramrod312} : These crimes will include: 1.) Speeding on the intergalactic Highway 2.) Universal Tax Evasion 3.) Littering in a protected Star System 4.) Leaving a child in a locked space vessel next to a sun 5.) Being Mexican', '>>{HothMoreLikeColdth} : Any way to also have crimes by his administration also published?', ">>{grimbotronic} : Those aren't crimes, they are operating under alternative laws.", '>>{FkUCrinton} : Liberals are afraid of what the crime statistics will reveal. It\'s time for these figures to *"come out from the shadows"* P.S. Illegal Alien is not a race. It is racist to equate Illegal Aliens with Mexicans, in order to label this publication racist. So sad. Over 1,000 Democratic seats lost under Obama. Wonder why...', ">>{Maxx0rz} : Strange, it works for me, I double checked it twice just now.. It's just the dude from ancient aliens I was trying to make a funny :<", '>>{ieatkittentails} : Racial propaganda. What next, immigrants have to wear badges?..', ">>{wraithtek} : I guess we now know why [the White House hired Breitbart's Julia Hahn](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/24/14359852/white-house-paul-ryan-breitbart-julia-hahn).", '>>{friendly-cephalopod} : I looked for, but couldn\'t find the "black crime" section of Breitbart. Whatever UX engineer designed their website is an idiot, this interface is pure garbage.', '>>{the_pains_of_sleep} : No don\'t you just love "alternative facts"? :)', ">>{mathieu_delarue} : Downvote and move on. Don't argue with a fool - people can't tell you apart from a distance.", ">>{Iwillnotgiveinagain} : I Don't think that Bannon is going to find as much success, using his propaganda BS on the well-informed members of our society, as he has with the readership of Breitbart.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : > unhealthy use of power Known also as abuse.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Sorry, the Trump junta only cares about unAmerican foreigners.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Trump would implement that at once if he thought he could get away with it.', '>>{thewolfshead} : >In an effort to shape public opinion at home and abroad, the Nazi propaganda machine played up stories of new “Polish atrocities” once the war began. They publicized attacks on ethnic Germans in towns such as Bromberg (Bydgoszcz). There, fleeing Polish civilians and military personnel killed between 5,000 and 6,000 ethnic Germans, whom they had perceived, in the heat of the invasion, to be fifth column traitors, spies, Nazis, or snipers. By exaggerating the actual number of ethnic German victims killed in Bromberg and other towns to 58,000, Nazi propaganda enflamed passions, providing “justification” for the numbers of civilians that the Germans intended to kill. [United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Deceiving the Public](https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007822)', '>>{----root} : This sets the stage for some *very* powerful, anti-immigrant, propaganda.', '>>{zacdenver} : Kang and Kodos had better watch their respective asses -- assuming they actually have them.', ">>{friendly-cephalopod} : Ahhh I guess I just wasn't racist enough to find it.", '>>{FarageIsMyWaifu} : Illegal immigrant is not a race. They are criminals who broke US law.', '>>{zetsuboubilly} : From a comment found in Breitbart: "I wonder if Trump will also go after non residents (green card holders) with criminal offenses... There are, relatively speaking, a lot of Southeast Asian refugees (Laotian, Cambodian, etc.) that have contributed close to nothing to American society... **They, along with other ethnic groups, gotta go too.**" Leading up to the election, just about every comment defending Trump\'s anti-immigration policies would say something along the lines of "I\'m not against immigrants, just illegal immigrants." I think as time goes on and Trump puts harsher immigration policies in place, we will see these same "pro-immigrants, anti-illegals" people come out of the woodwork as "anti-all-immigrants." Or, as this Breitbart commenter put it, "they, along with other ethnic groups, gotta go too." Once they\'re rid of the illegal ones, they\'ll get rid of the legal ones and other ethnic groups. Because White America First, White America Only.', ">>{kelshrc} : You think they're going to focus on white Canadians and Australians?", ">>{thegreat8} : Side note (since you're from MA): I clicked the link and saw Curt Shilling has a radio/tv/something show in Brietbart now!? I can't say i'm shocked but good lord...", '>>{voompanatos} : A weekly list of cherry-picked outrages is really close to 1984\'s "daily hate". Fascist demonization of immigrants is about to get severely worse. (3). Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.', ">>{Kilpikonnaa} : So far he's getting away with everything, so why wouldn't he?", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Why not just a list of all crimes ever committed?', ">>{novareddit2000} : I actually used to spend time in a locker room of all places with a Canadian who lived here illegally, but he's a white adult male, so that's impossible right?", '>>{KaliYugaz} : It\'s amazing how so far we\'ve been able to predict exactly what the neo-fascists are going to do, play by play, and yet there doesn\'t seem to be any way to stop it. Whether we "learned from history" or not doesn\'t seem to matter.', ">>{rtft} : We are in the 21st century , today it won't be badges and tattoos it will be microchip implants.", '>>{rtft} : That is the whole reason for it. The more you show people how bad the "enemy" is the more they are willing to do against that enemy. This is literally what the Nazis did with ever present propaganda. Once you desensitise people enough bad shit will happen all by itself.', '>>{rtft} : It makes total sense if you are an aspiring fascist dictator.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : What does that have to do with anything I said? nothing, that's what.", ">>{Another_Alex} : I thought immigrating illegally was a crime, you're aware the leading country for overstaying visas by a wide margin is Canada? http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/02/03/homeland-security-produces-first-estimate-of-foreign-visitors-to-u-s-who-overstay-deadline-to-leave/", '>>{Nighshade586} : [The scene from V for Vendetta seems to resonate with current events.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI0xAXmJNrc)', '>>{FarageIsMyWaifu} : Oh, TIL. Time to kick the Canadians out too.', '>>{FarageIsMyWaifu} : Canadians break the law too in the US. Shame. Time to kick em all out.', ">>{moleratical} : Stopping fascism doesn't require identifying fascism, it requires convincing those that either do not recognize fascism, or those embrace fascist policies that they are wrong. Don't ask me how because I'm at a bit of a loss right now but if anyone has any good ideas I'm open to suggestions", '>>{mergerr} : Posting a list of every crime has nothing to do with "illegal-alien" crime. So why even ask?', ">>{KaliYugaz} : > it requires convincing those that either do not recognize fascism, or those embrace fascist policies that they are wrong. Which will never happen of course, because that's what fascism is. Muscle over reason. Bash the Fash.", ">>{Rollakud} : Why do people keep telling me Breitbart isn't racist when you go on the site there's evidence otherwise.", ">>{zetsuboubilly} : They think that if they say it enough, we'll believe them", ">>{overlordpotatoe} : Looks like they don't have a white crime tag. How strange!", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : It will be all three. Implants and RFID are excellent for tracking, but badges remain important in order to instantly identify the *others*.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Unless they are from the UK and not white.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Many won't care the president and his minions are lying as long as they continue to like what they hear.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : They must be using those "alternative facts" I keep hearing about.', ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Ahh the ol' Racist Breitbart gambit. Who didn't see that one coming?", '>>{trickx1991} : Wow just wow. If he is not killed by the end of the year i will be surprised.', '>>{Exasperated_Sigh} : The way to stop it is the people in congress grow a fucking spine and remember who they\'re supposed to serve. The fact that seemingly every member of the Republican Party is just fine with Fuehrer Trump is bad enough, but then add in the Democrats just rolling over and trying to pretend like "finding areas where we agree" is a strategy for anything is really demoralizing. Self-admitted guy who\'s too incompetent for government Ben Carson was unanimously voted out of committee with Elizabeth fucking Warren voting yes. I\'d love not to think armed rebellion is our only option left, but it sure looks like every other fail-safe is going to fail.', '>>{TipTipTopKek-NE} : FANTASTIC NEWS! You have no idea how many Facebook socks have been banned by commenting on a crime story with the innocent question, "I wonder what Mr. Cortez\' immigration status was?"'], [">>{Cool_Bastard} : UN report: Israel has established an 'apartheid regime'", '>>{Cool_Bastard} : Did you even see the videos? How would you like it if Mexicans came and took your land?', '>>{whadup5} : If I posted this on Facebook. I would get screamed at for being anti-Semitic.', ">>{Cool_Bastard} : Yeah...that's true. You can't criticize Israel, the IDF or Zionism. You also can't criticize Islam or you're an Islamophobe. But it's open season on Christianity. Edit: I think the downvotes prove my point.", ">>{Middle_Eats} : Christianity is great. The morals and ethical guidelines Christ espoused would go a long way to improving the condition of humanity. Unfortunately, Christians seems to be unable to live up to those values. I don't see how you can argue against discontent towards people who claim to be Christian and yet cannot uphold Christ's teachings.", '>>{Cool_Bastard} : I believe Gandhi said, "“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”"', '>>{NRG1975} : Doubt this will get much play. Israel has been known to be an Apartheid state for several, several years, and it did not get traction.', '>>{Cool_Bastard} : I agree. The US keeps supporting them, they can do whatever they want.', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Duh. It's a tool meant to make you envision how you would react were you in the place of having occupied a land for a long time, only to be displaced. You have a florida tag. Let's say Spain successfully reclaims and conquers Florida. Suddenly, you're about to be kicked out of your house so a Spaniard can live there. How do you feel? Whether or not it happens here is irrelevant, because international politics affects the United States but, obviously, is not specific to conditions only found in the United States.", '>>{NRG1975} : I think we are on the same page here, /u/Valmirah most likely is not.', '>>{Middle_Eats} : Apologies then!! Tough distinguishing ironically absurd/sarcastic comments from genuinely held opinions these days.', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Totally off topic, but I'm sort of curious. What's living in Florida like?", '>>{NRG1975} : Fucking amazing! I have lived in several places across the country, and always return to FL. Great food, weather is fantastic, everything is close, couple of the best beaches in the country within 30 minutes, all the boatable water, islands, camping, some of the best college football to be had in the country. Not sure what exactly you are looking for. But I personally love it, but I like being on the water, hanging out at the beach drinking beer, biking, and nearby adventures.', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Oh man that sounds great. I live in Missouri and I sort of get tired of the crazy weather. This month we've had highs of 80 and lows of 18. No way to even dress correctly for that! I'm a recent graduate who's seriously considering moving down there. What are the best parts of the state would you say? Especially for fresh out of college? You make it sound amazing!", '>>{NRG1975} : No shit huh? My ex wife was from Branson, lol. Anyways, yeah the weather in Missouri is not my cup of tea, been going there for several years, until recently. If you catch my drift. What are you looking to do for work, that will sometimes help where you would want to go. Also, what do you like to do?', '>>{Valmirah} : No, /u/Middle_Eats essentially said what I was thinking.', ">>{Middle_Eats} : Hahaha yeah it has been getting strangely warmer here that's for sure, and the ozarks region of the state does have a lot of beautiful places, although the mountains of north Arkansas are just beautiful. If you ever happen to be in the area, all state and national parks in Arkansas are free until March 15th, but they've been easily in season earlier, recently. I have degrees in biology and Spanish literature. I graduated in December and am not too sure where to take that skill set. Professionally, at this stage of my career, I'd be really looking for any type of research, ecology, or even just some position that would allow me to engage in Spanish on a regular basis. I know Florida has affordable state schools, also, another great reason to move there and establish residency looking towards my masters. I love camping and hiking, I really enjoy exploring new places too. Also a big fan of beaches, good beers and just hanging out near a bonfire. A good night life is nice but certainly not a priority. Florida just sounds like the kind of place where I could go exercise or enjoy the outdoors for most of the year. Guess I'm rambling a bit, just seems like a cool place to be.", '>>{NRG1975} : My apologies to you then as well. I thought you were inferring that Mexicans are moving to the US, and claim the land for Mexico.', '>>{takeashill_pill} : One of the authors of the report genuinely is though. Richard Falk got kicked out of Human Rights Watch for it.', ">>{takeashill_pill} : It should be noted this was done without the Secretary General's approval. Also, one of the co-authors says Israel was behind 9/11, so make of that what you will.", '>>{NRG1975} : >I have degrees in biology and Spanish literature. I graduated in December and am not too sure where to take that skill set. Professionally, at this stage of my career, I\'d be really looking for any type of research, ecology, or even just some position that would allow me to engage in Spanish on a regular basis. I know Florida has affordable state schools, also, another great reason to move there and establish residency looking towards my masters. USF in Tampa has a great research sector, and a huge cancer research institute. Also, the new Florida Poly is nearby. If this would be a draw for you, I would suggest living in South Tampa or St. Petersburg. Lots to be offered here. South Tampa is not really beach oriented, but is right in your age bracket. St. Petersburg is my choice of the two, but I live in Dunedin. Dunedin is a little town which is bike oriented, and right on the coast. Lots of Breweries in the area. Easy to get around. Not much variety in the club scene, but more than enough events and restaurants to keep you happy. There is several places to camp and explore for sure. Not mountainess as you might be used to in MO. But unique in it\'s own way. If you get a boat/canoe/kayak it opens up several islands for you to explore and camp at. There is also the "Springs" in florida which are always fun. If you are into a more metro feel, Tampa, Orlando, and of course Miami/Lauderdale will do. I do not really ever seeing me living in South Florida(Miami/Lauderdale) area. Too much Traffic, and not really my speed. However the area would let you flex your Spanish Skills. but you can do that in Tampa too. Fun fact, Tampa was the largest population of Cubans out side of Cuba before Reagan offered them amnesty here. When that happened, Miami became the largest pop. To be honest, it is really all up to you. I prefer the West coast, some prefer South Florida. If I was you, I watch some videos, and read up on Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Dunedin. That might help you more than I can on reddit, lol', ">>{newaccount13242222} : I'm sure this will be an unbiased credible report since it is authored by two people critical of Israel's practices and commissioned by the ESCWA, a commission made up of Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.", '>>{GetSoft4U} : have you read the international laws of belligerent occupation? you may be surprise at the fact that an occupying power cant enforce their law over the occupy population...so good luck with the rhetoric is all you have.', '>>{NRG1975} : Are you talking about the same Israel that is in violation of several International Laws, but they ignore it?', '>>{Cool_Bastard} : Annnd that makes it ok? Yeah, the US massacred Indians and took their land, so that makes it ok? That\'s like saying, "Well Dad said I could."', ">>{Cool_Bastard} : Yeah, maybe you're right. All criticism of Israel is biased, never mind the maps and the numbers that everyone's been saying for the last couple decades.", '>>{GetSoft4U} : you better bring a court ruling if you plan to support that if not...international law of belligerent occupation overrule rhetoric.', '>>{whadup5} : Your downvotes are because of the last 2 sentences. Israel is turning into a totalitarian regime. That is the fault of a few men, specifically one. THEN you decide to discredit your opinions on it by throwing in "why can\'t I blame a whole mass religion for the insanity of secular governments that use the poverty that surrounds them to their advantage? Apparently people taking issue with the same thing domestically or the whole \'priest pedophila thing\' is a somehow ok!" Yeah you\'re a dumbass who doesn\'t take a seconds thought to sort out his own biases to analyze something. Have another downvote and stfu.', '>>{Cool_Bastard} : * Anybody who criticizes Israel is labelled antisemetic. Jimmy Carter proved it, in spades. The downvotes prove it. * Blaming a few men for Zionism and apartheid? That\'s just ridiculous. You forget the entire IDF. You forget Rachel pancakes. * You\'re equivocating "criticize Islam" with "blame a whole mass religion". Those are your words, again, proving my point. See above where I say that if someone criticizes Islam they\'re labelled an Islamophobe. You proved my point. There is no room for criticizing Islam because regressive liberals interpret that as bias, bigotry, racism (not a race) and Islamophobia. * And I the dumbass? Looks like ums didn\'t read the guidelines.', '>>{whadup5} : Alright lets go one at a time lol. Israel vs. Islam. Could you please tell me the difference in your own words?', '>>{Cool_Bastard} : You don\'t get it. I never said "Israel vs Islam". Where the fuck did you read that? That\'s your regressive liberal brain injecting bias into what I said. Note that I had periods in my sentence, and the word "also" which means they were independent objects in the sentence. You\'re looking for an excuse to flame.', '>>{whadup5} : Wow that wasn\'t simple enough. Ok. I am asking you... "what kind of thing is Israel?" also "what kind of thing is Islam?"']]
classify and reply
['>>{GoldenRussianReign} : Trump was reportedly ‘obsessed’ with translator’s breasts', '>>{CatDad69} : New campaign video: "Donald Trump will protect you. He is the only one who can."', ">>{BlankVerse} : Americans don't expect much from their next president, no matter who it is", '>>{tripleg} : Well then, either way they are going in for a big shock.', ">>{ambientlozenge} : They use North Korea as a threat to scare people? That's amazingly ridiculous. I started laughing.", ">>{malioswa} : House Intelligence chairman: 'No evidence of collusion' between Trump camp, Russia", ">>{RecoveringGrocer} : He expressed this in his own fragrant fashion... that's racist.", '>>{osaucyone} : > But this Sunday on "Meet The Press," Schiff, D-Calif., told host Chuck Todd, "I was surprised to see Director Clapper say that because I don\'t think you can make that claim categorically as he did. I would characterize it this way at the outset of the investigation: There is circumstantial evidence of collusion. There is direct evidence, I think, of deception and that\'s where we begin the investigation." > > Schiff is the ranking Democratic member on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. > > "There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation," he added. "The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more." From the NBC article about Schiff\'s appearance on Meet the Press. I think I\'m going to believe him over Nunes, who was involved in Trump\'s transition team. Guess we\'ll see if Nunes is lying for Trump on Monday.', ">>{osaucyone} : Strange how you said that someone reporting his words saying there is no evidence of wiretapping was factually inaccurate, but now that he's saying something pro-Trump, it is accurate. Better work harder if you want a successful novelty account.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Expecting to see the economy to improve with more jobs, lower taxes, no illegal aliens living in the country, no unvetted refugees from terrorist countries, more law and order, less racial strife, less political correctness and well America more like it used to be. America will be made whole, great, again. With Trump/Pence 2016.', '>>{osaucyone} : But he would fall on the sword to protect the reputation of the Republican party. Remember, they nominated Trump, so if he goes down in flames, it reflects poorly on the whole party.', '>>{SaltHash} : >"He expressed this in his own fragrant fashion"... that\'s racist. That is not racist.', '>>{redavid} : No, but conservative hacks will continue to ignore that fact.', ">>{johnfrance} : That was straight out of the Mussolini playbook right there. 'Give yourself over to The Leader, he knows what to do, don't worry yourself with the details, The Leader will handle it all, you just need to listen and follow the instructions.' He is the *only* one that can, already they are trying to build a savior mythos around him, that he is national rebirth, the protector benevolently giving up his business life to save the nation.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Does that statistic remove the people who have been later pardoned after evidence became clear they were actually innocent? Because during the 50's and 60's many black men were wrongfully convicted of violent crimes they did not commit. You also failed to mention that African Americans also made up the most of homicide victims. Which was 6 times HIGHER than whites. Which makes a lot of sense, you segregate people, don't educate a large group of people, stick them into densely populated low income housing, and you have a recipe for high crime rates in a group of people. You also fail to point out that males make up most victims and offenders, are you going to try and say that Men are a huge crime problem? Black activists aren't complaining about black people dying, they're complaining about unarmed black people being shot by police.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Well, the most well known black activist groups (BLM and Black Panthers) certainly do.', ">>{INB4_Whataboutism} : This is good for Hillary. She'll be able to exceed expectations and secure the election for the Democrats in 2020.", ">>{RecoveringGrocer} : They pronounced flagrant with an 'r'... it was a joke but... nevermind.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : And yet the first few graphs are showing stuff from the 1950's to 2008. So it seems you like to cherry pick statistics instead of talking about the entire thing.", ">>{kescusay} : That's Republican party loyalty in a nutshell. Nunes seems very much the type to put the good of the GOP over everything else.", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : If he wants to participate in the dismantling the US government and laws, and congratulated with big bucks from big corps for sending all our money their way, Nunes will support Donny until the bitter end.', ">>{storefront} : i can't possibly imagine how anyone can feel safe behind the small, clutched fists of this petulant manchild", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Not only that statistics never show the root of the problem, they simply show symptoms. Why are black people killing other black people at an alarming rate? Could it be the fact that for years we have tried to continue segregation and lowering educational standards, and institutionalized racism that has forced people to live in densely populated low-income housing and with a broken educational system it becomes a recipe for disaster.', '>>{blancs50} : No. People need to show up to primary elections and midterm elections if they actually want better governance.', ">>{TheTeenageOldman} : And by the way, Mr. President, they're real and they're spectacular!", '>>{woodtick57} : they need to give women visiting the white House Flack jackets....', '>>{rockytimber} : When the two main parties put forth utter turds, the principle of least harm should enter in, which means doing less. The least harm in this case would be Jill Stein and neither of the two corrupt candidates of the two corrupt main parties.', ">>{viccar0} : This statement would be more meaningful if it wasn't coming out of the mouth of someone who was part of the Trump transition team.", ">>{morbidexpression} : gee, it's almost as if Mr. Investigation decided the outcome before investigating because he's a corrupt, spineless sack of shit.", ">>{ImTheCapm} : This kind of shit is so idiotic. Why do activists need to focus on the problem you think they should? Why can't unjust executions by law enforcement officers be addressed without pointing out the data you just did? The difference is that police officers are here to protect us. The same is not true of random citizens. Stop moving the goalposts so you can win the argument.", '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : in a just world, this guy should be on a list but here we are', '>>{ProsciuttoMan} : I thought this was North Korean propaganda for a second', ">>{urnbabyurn} : > Guess we'll see if Nunes is lying for Trump on Monday. We certainly wont find that out on Monday.", ">>{jzpenny} : Primary elections are not the fair contests we were told, it seems. Instead, they're shadowy affairs where special interest influence is at its height. You're blaming the victims of disenfranchisement.", '>>{Capop} : *"was killed in an argument over a parking spot"* You really think guns are the issue(s) here.', ">>{Valmirah} : Downvote this, the chairman is a Kremlin stooge. There's no point in this shit getting any exposure- fucking bury it.", ">>{twoplustwois10} : Mike Brown was a piece of crap but I've never once felt happy for his death. Either you are trolling or have serious mental issues.", '>>{basaltgranite} : To get the obvious question out of the way--can someone link a picture of the translator? For science.', ">>{blancs50} : Man I hope you're joking. People don't come out to vote because the party's have favorites? If Barack Obama and Donald trump have one thing in common it's that they showed with enough voter enthusiasm, the people can overcome the party's favorite. The fact is, if the voters think they deserve better than the party's favorite, only they can do so,etching about it. In the case of the democrats this year or republicans in 2012, the voters did not care enough about Ron Paul or Bernie sanders to sink Mitt Romney or Hillary Clinton.", ">>{ImTheCapm} : >claiming I'm emotionally unstable Yet again bringing up irrelevant information (this time info that isn't even true) because you can't win an argument on your own. If you honestly believe resisting arrest is a crime worthy of the death penalty, and meted out without trial or justice, then you have no moral compass and you are truly lost.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Giuliani: "I\'ve made a huge mistake."', '>>{TheScamr} : The fact is actions speak louder than words. The amount of effort spent protesting police violence is greatly disproportionate to the harm done to the black community. And don\'t forget words. I have heard in person and on line that the term "black-on-black" crime is a racist construct because people don\'t really talk about "white-on-white" crime. But that misses the point. When BoB crime is at the rate of 14x higher than WoW crime it kinda sticks out. Just like how the infected rates rates for many STDs is 10-15x higher in the black community. And to prevent another arguement, learn what a rate is. For many STDs or crime they are per 100,000. So if blacks murder one another at 14 times the rate that white people murder one another they have taken into account different population sizes. And one last thing: you can talk about black crime all you want so long as you phase it as a systemic failure. But as soon as you start talking about personal accountability you lose all credibility from those that don\'t want the agency of solving their own problems.', ">>{ChickenPotPi} : What do you expect when you elect a president that tried to hit on a married Nancy O'Dell and admits he was a little bitch that grabs women by the pussy? Also his wife was pregnant with his child at the time.", ">>{LizardPeople666} : Anyone who disagrees with my narrative is a shill and part of the conspiracy. I'm not a paranoid conspiracy theorist", '>>{PM_ME_KIND_THOUGHTS} : I would do the opposite. Every time I had an important policy issue I wanted the United States on board with, I would just bring a bunch of models with me as "staff" and get him to sign his life away when he was distracted.', '>>{basaltgranite} : The phoneme you have in mind is in between the English R, L, and D, but I digress.', ">>{runningwithsharpie} : Is anyone seriously surprised by this? He's our pussy-grabber-in-chief ffs.", ">>{CaptainKompromat} : Nudes can't be trusted. He's a partisan hack. He doesn't give a shit about the US. We need a independent investigation ASAp", '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Well, on the positive side, he is pretty fat, so he might make a decent human shield.', '>>{malioswa} : This is a call for brigading, chap, which is a violation of rules.', ">>{throwaway_ghast} : That's kinda what you expect when you elect a womanizer to the highest office in the land.", ">>{nugget9k} : Of course the cops don't get charged in half of the cases because they are open and shut cases. If you are a black felon with a gun, and you wrestle with police, you deserve to be shot. Then BLM protests that the cops are being racist. No idiots, the cops are protecting us and themselves", '>>{fraghawk} : Paul Ryan to Donald: "OK, you know what you do buddy? You buy yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day. I think you’re going to be surprised at some of your phrasing."', '>>{jzpenny} : > People don\'t come out to vote because the party\'s have favorites? People don\'t come out because the political process is full of a bunch of fakes who lie to the public and betray their interests in the service of wealthy special interest donors. People are disenfranchised from the political process. Political policy has almost nothing to do with popularity and everything to do with what the wealthiest and most powerful want. The general public are dragged along now, not in charge of the political process. And while we do bear responsibility for arriving there, and for getting away again, we can\'t do it without addressing the overwhelming influence of money in politics today. An issue that Hillary Clinton not only can\'t and won\'t fix, but actually exemplifies. > If Barack Obama and Donald trump have one thing in common it\'s that they showed with enough voter enthusiasm, the people can overcome the party\'s favorite. If there\'s one thing that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shows, it\'s that the Democratic party is actually far more resistant to grassroots change than the other team, and the only reason that Obama made it through was that he was accepted by the leadership clique. >The fact is, if the voters think they deserve better than the party\'s favorite, only they can do so,etching about it. Now that\'s really something. Literally we are to the point in this country where a political party can betray the public by claiming to run a fair democratic contest, cheating a bunch behind the scenes to rig it for their person, and then telling the public, "do something about it, then". Hopefully, they will. Bernie should have run third party.', ">>{Valmirah} : Brigading? No, that's only when one sub attacks another. I was simply calling for the users here to do their duty and downvote anything that isn't anti Trump.", '>>{n0ahbody} : I know, how are we supposed to know if he has good taste or not.', ">>{CouchRadish} : But does that mean he's lying about Trump having zero evidence on his wiretapping claims?", ">>{osaucyone} : Nunes and Schiff agree on that. I'm going off of what Schiff is saying since Nunes in too deep in Trumpland.", '>>{torusaurus} : Bravo sir, thank you for being logical and objective. It\'s a myth that people "just need to turn out" is the problem. The corruption is too deep at this point that to ignore it seems intentional to me more than ignorant.', ">>{shades3370} : wow this is the most fascist ad i've ever seen", ">>{n0ahbody} : They never show the translator. You can only see them for a second or two, if they get in the way of the camera by mistake, and if you're watching on TV.", '>>{FuckTheParties} : Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?', ">>{FriesWithThat} : Pheromones may not be fragrant, but in Trump's case the results are flagrant.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : Has anyone who has trotted out that grossly misleading statistic ever been concerned about the welfare of black people? Or is it just a lazy way of dog whistling that black people are somehow lesser?', ">>{dammitpea} : I am experiencing empathetic revulsion on behalf of that translator, and I hope word never gets back to (her?) It's so gross to have some old perv's beady little eyes zeroed in on your body the whole time you're just trying to do your job.", '>>{malioswa} : Lol I won\'t quarrel about terminology -- you incited (or attempted to incite) mass downvoting and had no basis to do so. If you took issue with my [totally valid] submission you should have contacted\u200b the mods, not call on others to "bury" a news article that you obviously just don\'t really like.', ">>{n0ahbody} : That's not her. [This is her.](http://2static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Future+japanese+american+relations+trigger+mentionlist+lewdlistings+you+want+free+protection_024ec0_6089675.jpg) Looks like Trump nailed her after all...", '>>{jerrygergichsmith} : Trump had gone too far, and had best watch his mouth.', '>>{richardleosimones} : > dog whistling That term is offensive to feminists.', '>>{jedimika} : Yeah, this could definitely be used to tilt negotiations.', '>>{wraithtek} : Ryan: "I don\'t know what I expected."', ">>{DenimPatriot} : Mr president, the Swedish women's beach volleyball team would like to have a word with you about this bill to use 100% renewable energy by 2024.", ">>{malioswa} : Whether Nunes is trustworthy I don't know; what I do know is that Schiff absolutely is *not*. There is no verdict right now on Trump/Russia, because there is no (public) evidence one way or another. Yet, Schiff has consistently suggested that he is sure beyond reasonable doubt that team Trump is in cahoots to a degree that violates federal statute. He is a known liar on this matter. His word is specious. For that, I don't trust him, personally, but I do not take Nunes' as gospel either, so we'll see.", '>>{Magoonie} : First off, no Nunes is not trustworthy in all this. It was already found out that Nunes made statements on the investigation at the request of the White House. I hope you can see how unethical that is. As for Schiff, can I get a quote/source from him where he says "he is sure beyond a reasonable doubt", the quote above is the closest he seems to have come to that. Also can I get a quote/source on him being caught lying on this matter? Not sure why you pointed out "there is no (public) evidence" on this since that really doesn\'t apply to Schiff since he is privy to much more evidence than the general public since he\'s on the intelligence committee, has had meetings with the head of the CIA and FBI as well as had access to those four large binders that apparently are raw intelligence about this investigation. Of course he is going to know more than you or me.', '>>{twitchinstereo} : Translator "We\'d like to thank you for agreeing to this meeting." Trump "Well, that\'s because you have big jugs. I mean, your boobs are huge! I mean, I want to squeeze them!"', '>>{YourMomPutsOut} : The GOP nominee: Only our government can protect you! Wow.', ">>{bow-desu} : Looking at the comments I thought I'm literally on the hillary subreddit,I guess they are the same", ">>{LuniWin} : Doesn't fit the narrative, so it's instantly downvoted.", ">>{sedgwickian} : Too unlikely. It's like how you can tell a fake coin toss log from a real one because the real one has longer streaks in it. Nobody would think this would be believable in the sim.", ">>{hairy_chicken} : Mr Precedent, Rosie O'Donnell is here to have a word about Trumpcare. And she has her sisters with her.", ">>{wtf_areyoudoing} : 'I think he's lying, so he's a liar, and therefore I don't trust him.' fucking absurd lmao", ">>{TheSciences} : > Carter and Trump have a long history of trading jabs. You could say that. Here's one of my [favourite bits from Carter:](http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2015/10/graydon-carter-donald-trump) > Like so many bullies, Trump has skin of gossamer. He thinks nothing of saying the most hurtful thing about someone else, but when he hears a whisper that runs counter to his own vainglorious self-image, he coils like a caged ferret. >Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers. I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby. The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination. Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: “See, not so short!” I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, “Actually, quite short.” Which I can only assume gave him fits.", '>>{mondaymoderate} : Hahaha I knew someone would have said this. Yes! Where are the breasts in question??', '>>{be4u4get} : I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.', '>>{OnlyTellsLie} : My upvote is solely for the word "breasts" in the title. Carry on.', '>>{QuietGentleman} : How often does this President see his kid? We have pictures of John Jr. in the oval office but this President seems to want to keep his family as far away as possible from himself. Quite the family values candidate we have here.', '>>{annoyingrelative} : Something more modest but [still patriotic](http://imgur.com/a/7Lf4l)', ">>{probation_420} : I'll analyze it... With **Science**.", ">>{malioswa} : >**I *think* he's lying** ... therefore don't trust This isn't my personal opinion. It's objective truth. He has lied shamelessly about Trump/Russia. You understand this distinction, I trust, so you can probably also understand that there is nothing absurd about not trusting a liar/my reasoning. This is why I avoid this sub. Fruitful discussion is NEVER realized because you all* act as if you know precisely what everyone is thinking and anything unusual is at best taboo and at worst literal Nazism--and it is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS to anyone looking in that this because of two things: 1. Astroturfing 2. Groupthink (normal in any sub; but amplified by (1) here in particular) So instead of actually discussing this story, I have to waste time carefully explaining shit like this to what I know are intelligent folks blinded by over exposure to a partisan narrative. Fucking hell. --------- \\(*) #NotAllrPoliticsUsers", '>>{EditorialComplex} : What a fucking pig of a man. Donald Trump: Proving feminists right about pretty much fucking everything since the 1980s.', ">>{si_sports} : Hahah! This sub has become a joke. This is buried with downvotes but a story about Trump's missing at a club, was he golfing? is plus 3k upvoted to the front page. Why or why do you keep doing this to yourself?", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : Looks like your were wrong here. They have been investigating this for months.', ">>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : There are allegations that at this point Melania is done with him, and would probably divorce him if his health didn't mean he's probably close to death. Think of Trump Tower as their house. The White House as work. His trips to Marlamargo are the 1% version of crashing at camp.", ">>{malioswa} : No I'm not - there is no verdict and Schiff has proven he's a liar yet again. I didn't say anything to the contrary regarding whether it's been an ongoing investigation.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : > No I'm not yeah, you were. There is an investigation that has been going on for months. You're not a politician. You don't have to lie for them. Schiff has been correct so far.", '>>{IND_CFC} : [I think this may be her on the left](http://cdn.saleminteractivemedia.com/associated-press/data/photos/2017/42/95cd5e35-e6fe-4d1a-a5ec-76b44701439a.jpg). Not completely sure though.', ">>{malioswa} : >Schiff has been correct so far. [***Wew lad***](http://i.imgur.com/1IdxF7t.jpg)   >There is an investigation that has been going on for months. You need to re-read my comments: >***[I didn't say anything to the contrary regarding whether it's been an ongoing investigation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/60bk51/house_intelligence_chairman_no_evidence_of/df6ddmk/)***", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : Thanks for saying wew lad, I was not sure if you needed to be taken seriously. I guess not.', '>>{pilto} : Are you, by chance, from northern Michigan?', '>>{philliesphan555} : Godddamn, this gets more shocking every time I hear it', ">>{malioswa} : Everything you've said is a non-sequitur. And anyone able to read can see this. You need to do better -- you're too obvious -- saying much more than that will get me banned, but you know what I mean. ;\\^)", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : > Everything you've said is a non-sequitur. I gotcha.", '>>{Buddhas_bong} : Pretty sure he is right now, but fuck if Comey will confirm anything 😋', '>>{NC-12} : Well, we are certainly going to need at least 7 more select committees before this is put to rest.', '>>{Valmirah} : Your submission is fake news. Drumpf DID collude with Russia. We all know it.', '>>{pooponagoose} : Even if this is lame news... The president ladies and gents... -_-', '>>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : Not from Michigan, what makes you say that? Granted, oddly enough [Da Yoopers](http://dayoopers.com/) are very popular in this area. If it is the camp thing, well, I suspect certain convergent cultural evolution occurs in areas with lots of woodland and alleged hunting occurs.', '>>{urnbabyurn} : >as consistently suggested that he is sure beyond reasonable doubt that team Trump is in cahoots to a degree that violates federal statute. He is a known liar on this matter When did he say anything with such certainty?', ">>{malioswa} : Tucker's show. He lies point blank. Best example.", '>>{andyb5} : Seems right but I bet she had a different outfit with more cleavage during Trump and the Prime Minister meeting.', ">>{urnbabyurn} : Because I saw it on TV. Oh, ok. That's convincing.", ">>{urnbabyurn} : Your lack of an example - saying that you saw it on a TV show isn't convincing unless you can share a link to it.", ">>{malioswa} : > Your lack of an example - saying that you saw it on a TV show isn't convincing unless you can share a link to it. If you wanted a [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZwC3NfH84o) just say so, why misuse quotes? Schiff appeared on Tucker Carlson's show recently, linked above. The end is the most pronounced/obvious part if you're impatient (not hating btw - just being helpful) but he (Schiff) frankly comes off as an unhinged conspiracy theorist--and I say this unironically--when pressed with very basic questions. Honestly, I don't believe anyone can watch that, in an unbiased state of mind, and conclude that Schiff is anything close to truthful. The body language, the tone of voice, the deflection and refusal to really answer any questions directly, the finger pointing at Tucker saying he carries water for the Russians ..... it's difficult to take him seriously. But I hope you do watch it and share your thoughts. It's not the only example- just the most convenient. You wouldn't know based on the [egregious] vitriol I get here in r/politics (due to my T_D post history I'm guessing--which is totally ridiculous as I only come here to try and provoke discussion about things I believe are important, and I actually get VERY tired of the circle jerk over there sometimes), but I'm not some fucking rube or Nazi or WHATEVER the folks here want to accuse. I really think it's a shame what this sub has become - it used to be my first stop on Reddit. Now I come to see just how much worse it's gotten since my last visit, in a sense. FWIW, I voted for Bernie once (2016 IL Primaries), Obama twice (2008 + 2012 General), and Trump once (2016 General). Every time I mention it, though, I'm basically called a liar or shill (?? the irony). /shrug"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{redavid} : No, but conservative hacks will continue to ignore that fact.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : Does that statistic remove the people who have been later pardoned after evidence became clear they were actually innocent? Because during the 50's and 60's many black men were wrongfully convicted of violent crimes they did not commit. You also failed to mention that African Americans also made up the most of homicide victims. Which was 6 times HIGHER than whites. Which makes a lot of sense, you segregate people, don't educate a large group of people, stick them into densely populated low income housing, and you have a recipe for high crime rates in a group of people. You also fail to point out that males make up most victims and offenders, are you going to try and say that Men are a huge crime problem? Black activists aren't complaining about black people dying, they're complaining about unarmed black people being shot by police.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Well, the most well known black activist groups (BLM and Black Panthers) certainly do.', ">>{gaeuvyen} : And yet the first few graphs are showing stuff from the 1950's to 2008. So it seems you like to cherry pick statistics instead of talking about the entire thing.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Not only that statistics never show the root of the problem, they simply show symptoms. Why are black people killing other black people at an alarming rate? Could it be the fact that for years we have tried to continue segregation and lowering educational standards, and institutionalized racism that has forced people to live in densely populated low-income housing and with a broken educational system it becomes a recipe for disaster.', ">>{ImTheCapm} : This kind of shit is so idiotic. Why do activists need to focus on the problem you think they should? Why can't unjust executions by law enforcement officers be addressed without pointing out the data you just did? The difference is that police officers are here to protect us. The same is not true of random citizens. Stop moving the goalposts so you can win the argument.", '>>{Capop} : *"was killed in an argument over a parking spot"* You really think guns are the issue(s) here.', ">>{twoplustwois10} : Mike Brown was a piece of crap but I've never once felt happy for his death. Either you are trolling or have serious mental issues.", ">>{ImTheCapm} : >claiming I'm emotionally unstable Yet again bringing up irrelevant information (this time info that isn't even true) because you can't win an argument on your own. If you honestly believe resisting arrest is a crime worthy of the death penalty, and meted out without trial or justice, then you have no moral compass and you are truly lost.", '>>{TheScamr} : The fact is actions speak louder than words. The amount of effort spent protesting police violence is greatly disproportionate to the harm done to the black community. And don\'t forget words. I have heard in person and on line that the term "black-on-black" crime is a racist construct because people don\'t really talk about "white-on-white" crime. But that misses the point. When BoB crime is at the rate of 14x higher than WoW crime it kinda sticks out. Just like how the infected rates rates for many STDs is 10-15x higher in the black community. And to prevent another arguement, learn what a rate is. For many STDs or crime they are per 100,000. So if blacks murder one another at 14 times the rate that white people murder one another they have taken into account different population sizes. And one last thing: you can talk about black crime all you want so long as you phase it as a systemic failure. But as soon as you start talking about personal accountability you lose all credibility from those that don\'t want the agency of solving their own problems.', ">>{nugget9k} : Of course the cops don't get charged in half of the cases because they are open and shut cases. If you are a black felon with a gun, and you wrestle with police, you deserve to be shot. Then BLM protests that the cops are being racist. No idiots, the cops are protecting us and themselves", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : Has anyone who has trotted out that grossly misleading statistic ever been concerned about the welfare of black people? Or is it just a lazy way of dog whistling that black people are somehow lesser?', '>>{richardleosimones} : > dog whistling That term is offensive to feminists.'], ['>>{CatDad69} : New campaign video: "Donald Trump will protect you. He is the only one who can."', ">>{ambientlozenge} : They use North Korea as a threat to scare people? That's amazingly ridiculous. I started laughing.", ">>{johnfrance} : That was straight out of the Mussolini playbook right there. 'Give yourself over to The Leader, he knows what to do, don't worry yourself with the details, The Leader will handle it all, you just need to listen and follow the instructions.' He is the *only* one that can, already they are trying to build a savior mythos around him, that he is national rebirth, the protector benevolently giving up his business life to save the nation.", ">>{storefront} : i can't possibly imagine how anyone can feel safe behind the small, clutched fists of this petulant manchild", '>>{ProsciuttoMan} : I thought this was North Korean propaganda for a second', '>>{FlyingSquid} : Giuliani: "I\'ve made a huge mistake."', '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Well, on the positive side, he is pretty fat, so he might make a decent human shield.', '>>{fraghawk} : Paul Ryan to Donald: "OK, you know what you do buddy? You buy yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day. I think you’re going to be surprised at some of your phrasing."', ">>{shades3370} : wow this is the most fascist ad i've ever seen", '>>{jerrygergichsmith} : Trump had gone too far, and had best watch his mouth.', '>>{wraithtek} : Ryan: "I don\'t know what I expected."', '>>{YourMomPutsOut} : The GOP nominee: Only our government can protect you! Wow.', ">>{bow-desu} : Looking at the comments I thought I'm literally on the hillary subreddit,I guess they are the same", ">>{sedgwickian} : Too unlikely. It's like how you can tell a fake coin toss log from a real one because the real one has longer streaks in it. Nobody would think this would be believable in the sim."], ['>>{GoldenRussianReign} : Trump was reportedly ‘obsessed’ with translator’s breasts', ">>{RecoveringGrocer} : He expressed this in his own fragrant fashion... that's racist.", '>>{SaltHash} : >"He expressed this in his own fragrant fashion"... that\'s racist. That is not racist.', ">>{RecoveringGrocer} : They pronounced flagrant with an 'r'... it was a joke but... nevermind.", ">>{TheTeenageOldman} : And by the way, Mr. President, they're real and they're spectacular!", '>>{woodtick57} : they need to give women visiting the white House Flack jackets....', '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : in a just world, this guy should be on a list but here we are', '>>{basaltgranite} : To get the obvious question out of the way--can someone link a picture of the translator? For science.', ">>{ChickenPotPi} : What do you expect when you elect a president that tried to hit on a married Nancy O'Dell and admits he was a little bitch that grabs women by the pussy? Also his wife was pregnant with his child at the time.", '>>{PM_ME_KIND_THOUGHTS} : I would do the opposite. Every time I had an important policy issue I wanted the United States on board with, I would just bring a bunch of models with me as "staff" and get him to sign his life away when he was distracted.', '>>{basaltgranite} : The phoneme you have in mind is in between the English R, L, and D, but I digress.', ">>{runningwithsharpie} : Is anyone seriously surprised by this? He's our pussy-grabber-in-chief ffs.", ">>{throwaway_ghast} : That's kinda what you expect when you elect a womanizer to the highest office in the land.", '>>{n0ahbody} : I know, how are we supposed to know if he has good taste or not.', ">>{n0ahbody} : They never show the translator. You can only see them for a second or two, if they get in the way of the camera by mistake, and if you're watching on TV.", ">>{FriesWithThat} : Pheromones may not be fragrant, but in Trump's case the results are flagrant.", ">>{dammitpea} : I am experiencing empathetic revulsion on behalf of that translator, and I hope word never gets back to (her?) It's so gross to have some old perv's beady little eyes zeroed in on your body the whole time you're just trying to do your job.", ">>{n0ahbody} : That's not her. [This is her.](http://2static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Future+japanese+american+relations+trigger+mentionlist+lewdlistings+you+want+free+protection_024ec0_6089675.jpg) Looks like Trump nailed her after all...", '>>{jedimika} : Yeah, this could definitely be used to tilt negotiations.', ">>{DenimPatriot} : Mr president, the Swedish women's beach volleyball team would like to have a word with you about this bill to use 100% renewable energy by 2024.", '>>{twitchinstereo} : Translator "We\'d like to thank you for agreeing to this meeting." Trump "Well, that\'s because you have big jugs. I mean, your boobs are huge! I mean, I want to squeeze them!"', ">>{hairy_chicken} : Mr Precedent, Rosie O'Donnell is here to have a word about Trumpcare. And she has her sisters with her.", ">>{TheSciences} : > Carter and Trump have a long history of trading jabs. You could say that. Here's one of my [favourite bits from Carter:](http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2015/10/graydon-carter-donald-trump) > Like so many bullies, Trump has skin of gossamer. He thinks nothing of saying the most hurtful thing about someone else, but when he hears a whisper that runs counter to his own vainglorious self-image, he coils like a caged ferret. >Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers. I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby. The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination. Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: “See, not so short!” I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, “Actually, quite short.” Which I can only assume gave him fits.", '>>{mondaymoderate} : Hahaha I knew someone would have said this. Yes! Where are the breasts in question??', '>>{be4u4get} : I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.', '>>{OnlyTellsLie} : My upvote is solely for the word "breasts" in the title. Carry on.', '>>{QuietGentleman} : How often does this President see his kid? We have pictures of John Jr. in the oval office but this President seems to want to keep his family as far away as possible from himself. Quite the family values candidate we have here.', '>>{annoyingrelative} : Something more modest but [still patriotic](http://imgur.com/a/7Lf4l)', ">>{probation_420} : I'll analyze it... With **Science**.", '>>{EditorialComplex} : What a fucking pig of a man. Donald Trump: Proving feminists right about pretty much fucking everything since the 1980s.', ">>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : There are allegations that at this point Melania is done with him, and would probably divorce him if his health didn't mean he's probably close to death. Think of Trump Tower as their house. The White House as work. His trips to Marlamargo are the 1% version of crashing at camp.", '>>{IND_CFC} : [I think this may be her on the left](http://cdn.saleminteractivemedia.com/associated-press/data/photos/2017/42/95cd5e35-e6fe-4d1a-a5ec-76b44701439a.jpg). Not completely sure though.', '>>{pilto} : Are you, by chance, from northern Michigan?', '>>{philliesphan555} : Godddamn, this gets more shocking every time I hear it', '>>{Buddhas_bong} : Pretty sure he is right now, but fuck if Comey will confirm anything 😋', '>>{pooponagoose} : Even if this is lame news... The president ladies and gents... -_-', '>>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : Not from Michigan, what makes you say that? Granted, oddly enough [Da Yoopers](http://dayoopers.com/) are very popular in this area. If it is the camp thing, well, I suspect certain convergent cultural evolution occurs in areas with lots of woodland and alleged hunting occurs.', '>>{andyb5} : Seems right but I bet she had a different outfit with more cleavage during Trump and the Prime Minister meeting.'], [">>{malioswa} : House Intelligence chairman: 'No evidence of collusion' between Trump camp, Russia", '>>{osaucyone} : > But this Sunday on "Meet The Press," Schiff, D-Calif., told host Chuck Todd, "I was surprised to see Director Clapper say that because I don\'t think you can make that claim categorically as he did. I would characterize it this way at the outset of the investigation: There is circumstantial evidence of collusion. There is direct evidence, I think, of deception and that\'s where we begin the investigation." > > Schiff is the ranking Democratic member on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. > > "There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation," he added. "The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more." From the NBC article about Schiff\'s appearance on Meet the Press. I think I\'m going to believe him over Nunes, who was involved in Trump\'s transition team. Guess we\'ll see if Nunes is lying for Trump on Monday.', ">>{osaucyone} : Strange how you said that someone reporting his words saying there is no evidence of wiretapping was factually inaccurate, but now that he's saying something pro-Trump, it is accurate. Better work harder if you want a successful novelty account.", '>>{osaucyone} : But he would fall on the sword to protect the reputation of the Republican party. Remember, they nominated Trump, so if he goes down in flames, it reflects poorly on the whole party.', ">>{kescusay} : That's Republican party loyalty in a nutshell. Nunes seems very much the type to put the good of the GOP over everything else.", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : If he wants to participate in the dismantling the US government and laws, and congratulated with big bucks from big corps for sending all our money their way, Nunes will support Donny until the bitter end.', ">>{viccar0} : This statement would be more meaningful if it wasn't coming out of the mouth of someone who was part of the Trump transition team.", ">>{morbidexpression} : gee, it's almost as if Mr. Investigation decided the outcome before investigating because he's a corrupt, spineless sack of shit.", ">>{urnbabyurn} : > Guess we'll see if Nunes is lying for Trump on Monday. We certainly wont find that out on Monday.", ">>{Valmirah} : Downvote this, the chairman is a Kremlin stooge. There's no point in this shit getting any exposure- fucking bury it.", ">>{LizardPeople666} : Anyone who disagrees with my narrative is a shill and part of the conspiracy. I'm not a paranoid conspiracy theorist", ">>{CaptainKompromat} : Nudes can't be trusted. He's a partisan hack. He doesn't give a shit about the US. We need a independent investigation ASAp", '>>{malioswa} : This is a call for brigading, chap, which is a violation of rules.', ">>{Valmirah} : Brigading? No, that's only when one sub attacks another. I was simply calling for the users here to do their duty and downvote anything that isn't anti Trump.", ">>{CouchRadish} : But does that mean he's lying about Trump having zero evidence on his wiretapping claims?", ">>{osaucyone} : Nunes and Schiff agree on that. I'm going off of what Schiff is saying since Nunes in too deep in Trumpland.", '>>{FuckTheParties} : Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?', '>>{malioswa} : Lol I won\'t quarrel about terminology -- you incited (or attempted to incite) mass downvoting and had no basis to do so. If you took issue with my [totally valid] submission you should have contacted\u200b the mods, not call on others to "bury" a news article that you obviously just don\'t really like.', ">>{malioswa} : Whether Nunes is trustworthy I don't know; what I do know is that Schiff absolutely is *not*. There is no verdict right now on Trump/Russia, because there is no (public) evidence one way or another. Yet, Schiff has consistently suggested that he is sure beyond reasonable doubt that team Trump is in cahoots to a degree that violates federal statute. He is a known liar on this matter. His word is specious. For that, I don't trust him, personally, but I do not take Nunes' as gospel either, so we'll see.", '>>{Magoonie} : First off, no Nunes is not trustworthy in all this. It was already found out that Nunes made statements on the investigation at the request of the White House. I hope you can see how unethical that is. As for Schiff, can I get a quote/source from him where he says "he is sure beyond a reasonable doubt", the quote above is the closest he seems to have come to that. Also can I get a quote/source on him being caught lying on this matter? Not sure why you pointed out "there is no (public) evidence" on this since that really doesn\'t apply to Schiff since he is privy to much more evidence than the general public since he\'s on the intelligence committee, has had meetings with the head of the CIA and FBI as well as had access to those four large binders that apparently are raw intelligence about this investigation. Of course he is going to know more than you or me.', ">>{LuniWin} : Doesn't fit the narrative, so it's instantly downvoted.", ">>{wtf_areyoudoing} : 'I think he's lying, so he's a liar, and therefore I don't trust him.' fucking absurd lmao", ">>{malioswa} : >**I *think* he's lying** ... therefore don't trust This isn't my personal opinion. It's objective truth. He has lied shamelessly about Trump/Russia. You understand this distinction, I trust, so you can probably also understand that there is nothing absurd about not trusting a liar/my reasoning. This is why I avoid this sub. Fruitful discussion is NEVER realized because you all* act as if you know precisely what everyone is thinking and anything unusual is at best taboo and at worst literal Nazism--and it is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS to anyone looking in that this because of two things: 1. Astroturfing 2. Groupthink (normal in any sub; but amplified by (1) here in particular) So instead of actually discussing this story, I have to waste time carefully explaining shit like this to what I know are intelligent folks blinded by over exposure to a partisan narrative. Fucking hell. --------- \\(*) #NotAllrPoliticsUsers", ">>{si_sports} : Hahah! This sub has become a joke. This is buried with downvotes but a story about Trump's missing at a club, was he golfing? is plus 3k upvoted to the front page. Why or why do you keep doing this to yourself?", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : Looks like your were wrong here. They have been investigating this for months.', ">>{malioswa} : No I'm not - there is no verdict and Schiff has proven he's a liar yet again. I didn't say anything to the contrary regarding whether it's been an ongoing investigation.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : > No I'm not yeah, you were. There is an investigation that has been going on for months. You're not a politician. You don't have to lie for them. Schiff has been correct so far.", ">>{malioswa} : >Schiff has been correct so far. [***Wew lad***](http://i.imgur.com/1IdxF7t.jpg)   >There is an investigation that has been going on for months. You need to re-read my comments: >***[I didn't say anything to the contrary regarding whether it's been an ongoing investigation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/60bk51/house_intelligence_chairman_no_evidence_of/df6ddmk/)***", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : Thanks for saying wew lad, I was not sure if you needed to be taken seriously. I guess not.', ">>{malioswa} : Everything you've said is a non-sequitur. And anyone able to read can see this. You need to do better -- you're too obvious -- saying much more than that will get me banned, but you know what I mean. ;\\^)", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : > Everything you've said is a non-sequitur. I gotcha.", '>>{NC-12} : Well, we are certainly going to need at least 7 more select committees before this is put to rest.', '>>{Valmirah} : Your submission is fake news. Drumpf DID collude with Russia. We all know it.', '>>{urnbabyurn} : >as consistently suggested that he is sure beyond reasonable doubt that team Trump is in cahoots to a degree that violates federal statute. He is a known liar on this matter When did he say anything with such certainty?', ">>{malioswa} : Tucker's show. He lies point blank. Best example.", ">>{urnbabyurn} : Because I saw it on TV. Oh, ok. That's convincing.", ">>{urnbabyurn} : Your lack of an example - saying that you saw it on a TV show isn't convincing unless you can share a link to it.", ">>{malioswa} : > Your lack of an example - saying that you saw it on a TV show isn't convincing unless you can share a link to it. If you wanted a [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZwC3NfH84o) just say so, why misuse quotes? Schiff appeared on Tucker Carlson's show recently, linked above. The end is the most pronounced/obvious part if you're impatient (not hating btw - just being helpful) but he (Schiff) frankly comes off as an unhinged conspiracy theorist--and I say this unironically--when pressed with very basic questions. Honestly, I don't believe anyone can watch that, in an unbiased state of mind, and conclude that Schiff is anything close to truthful. The body language, the tone of voice, the deflection and refusal to really answer any questions directly, the finger pointing at Tucker saying he carries water for the Russians ..... it's difficult to take him seriously. But I hope you do watch it and share your thoughts. It's not the only example- just the most convenient. You wouldn't know based on the [egregious] vitriol I get here in r/politics (due to my T_D post history I'm guessing--which is totally ridiculous as I only come here to try and provoke discussion about things I believe are important, and I actually get VERY tired of the circle jerk over there sometimes), but I'm not some fucking rube or Nazi or WHATEVER the folks here want to accuse. I really think it's a shame what this sub has become - it used to be my first stop on Reddit. Now I come to see just how much worse it's gotten since my last visit, in a sense. FWIW, I voted for Bernie once (2016 IL Primaries), Obama twice (2008 + 2012 General), and Trump once (2016 General). Every time I mention it, though, I'm basically called a liar or shill (?? the irony). /shrug"], [">>{BlankVerse} : Americans don't expect much from their next president, no matter who it is", '>>{tripleg} : Well then, either way they are going in for a big shock.', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Expecting to see the economy to improve with more jobs, lower taxes, no illegal aliens living in the country, no unvetted refugees from terrorist countries, more law and order, less racial strife, less political correctness and well America more like it used to be. America will be made whole, great, again. With Trump/Pence 2016.', ">>{INB4_Whataboutism} : This is good for Hillary. She'll be able to exceed expectations and secure the election for the Democrats in 2020.", '>>{blancs50} : No. People need to show up to primary elections and midterm elections if they actually want better governance.', '>>{rockytimber} : When the two main parties put forth utter turds, the principle of least harm should enter in, which means doing less. The least harm in this case would be Jill Stein and neither of the two corrupt candidates of the two corrupt main parties.', ">>{jzpenny} : Primary elections are not the fair contests we were told, it seems. Instead, they're shadowy affairs where special interest influence is at its height. You're blaming the victims of disenfranchisement.", ">>{blancs50} : Man I hope you're joking. People don't come out to vote because the party's have favorites? If Barack Obama and Donald trump have one thing in common it's that they showed with enough voter enthusiasm, the people can overcome the party's favorite. The fact is, if the voters think they deserve better than the party's favorite, only they can do so,etching about it. In the case of the democrats this year or republicans in 2012, the voters did not care enough about Ron Paul or Bernie sanders to sink Mitt Romney or Hillary Clinton.", '>>{jzpenny} : > People don\'t come out to vote because the party\'s have favorites? People don\'t come out because the political process is full of a bunch of fakes who lie to the public and betray their interests in the service of wealthy special interest donors. People are disenfranchised from the political process. Political policy has almost nothing to do with popularity and everything to do with what the wealthiest and most powerful want. The general public are dragged along now, not in charge of the political process. And while we do bear responsibility for arriving there, and for getting away again, we can\'t do it without addressing the overwhelming influence of money in politics today. An issue that Hillary Clinton not only can\'t and won\'t fix, but actually exemplifies. > If Barack Obama and Donald trump have one thing in common it\'s that they showed with enough voter enthusiasm, the people can overcome the party\'s favorite. If there\'s one thing that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shows, it\'s that the Democratic party is actually far more resistant to grassroots change than the other team, and the only reason that Obama made it through was that he was accepted by the leadership clique. >The fact is, if the voters think they deserve better than the party\'s favorite, only they can do so,etching about it. Now that\'s really something. Literally we are to the point in this country where a political party can betray the public by claiming to run a fair democratic contest, cheating a bunch behind the scenes to rig it for their person, and then telling the public, "do something about it, then". Hopefully, they will. Bernie should have run third party.', '>>{torusaurus} : Bravo sir, thank you for being logical and objective. It\'s a myth that people "just need to turn out" is the problem. The corruption is too deep at this point that to ignore it seems intentional to me more than ignorant.']]
classify and reply
['>>{oahut} : H.R. McMaster Isn’t a Bigot, Making Him an Outlier on Trump’s National Security Team', '>>{lghltr} : >In a speech at the Carnegie Council in 2014, McMaster said that the United States must partner with people in Muslim-majority countries to defeat groups like Islamic State, describing them as “the people who are suffering the most” from terrorism. McMaster added that to win such conflicts,U.S. forces must understand the history and social dynamics of the countries it is fighting in, as well as have “empathy for the people among whom these wars are fought.”', '>>{weareallshepherds} : Public opinion on Trump continues to be remarkably stable // 50.5% unfavorable, 43.6% favorable', ">>{AdoptMeBrangelina} : I don't like Hillary at all but this is the type of shit I'm taking about when I say Republicans KNOW how to make something so small seem like a big fuckin deal. Same with Benghazi. They did the same thing with Susan Rice except this unmasking bullshit because that died down real quick. But MSM are the ones that should be held accountable for that. Republicans sensationalized it, MSM ran with it.", '>>{BoredPork} : When your approval rating is 43%, stable is a bad thing, FYI.', ">>{Friarchuck} : Incipio dual shock case. Simple and black and doesn't add too much extra thickness either. They are usually in stock at the Verizon stores.", ">>{Quexana} : As you should have been. It was a major news event, with an FBI investigation attached, and Hillary changed her story 3 or 4 times about it. Were there stories about Trump that he should have been harassed more about? You betcha, but Hillary's server was absolutely a big enough deal to harass her about.", ">>{BunsTown} : But considering the real life nightmare of deceit and misinformation that echoes throughout every corridor of this administration day after day... it's impressive that he's stable in his disapproval.", '>>{d_mcc_x} : If only we had known about an investigation that started in July. I wonder what the MSM would have done with that info.', '>>{DoctorTortilla} : Are you looking for a lot of protection or just a thin case ?', '>>{slakmehl} : Not being a bigot is the least you can say about him. Everything I read makes me like him more. He seems like he has consistently opted for openly criticizing his superiors at the expense of his career, which is just about the worst thing possible for Trump. I have to wonder if Mattis applied pressure to get this done.', ">>{VotesSlitThroats} : Every single person I know that voted for him either only watches Fox News or doesn't pay attention to any news, now that the election is over. All of them are completely unaware of anything that's happened since he's been in office.", ">>{Taman_Should} : I heard a theory that Trump nominated him because of his name, which would be funnier if it weren't so plausible.", '>>{msmwatchdog} : Google Pixel XL review: The new best Android phone', '>>{EqualityGuy69} : They are brainwashed like all the other alt-right people.', ">>{michaelmanieri} : I don't drop my phone though as soon as I say that watch me drop it. So probably a thin case, they look best imo.", '>>{bad-green-wolf} : That stability means Trump is not going away and is not going to be impeached. Its going to be a very rough few years. Unduly pessimistic ? Maybe. But what will it take to move those numbers ? Assuming that the numbers will be reduced by the weight of drop by drop evidence of malfeasance and mismanagement is simply too optimistic for me. Assuming the democratic party will somehow kick butt in 2018 is great, but those numbers, if they stay current, mean, with the current voting patterns, that they may not make that many gains It is with this quiet murmer of statistics that the Great America will go , watching youtube, into that Great Night', '>>{12INCHVOICES} : They\'re labeled "undecided" in the article, so I\'m guessing they\'re...undecided.', '>>{oahut} : If you watch the video you can also briefly see the childlike executive summary that Trump used to select McMaster -- it looks like something out of 5th grade English primer. Trump went to check it like a cheat sheet two or three times during the full interview.', ">>{Ask10101} : In all fairness, he hasn't actually done jackshit yet. Hard to be angry or happy with him when he just vacations in maralago the first 2 months.", ">>{DoctorTortilla} : This one I got yesterday it's great, feels amazing but it's not a soft case. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01M7V1GKC/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I also have this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01GIWG3D6/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1 And finally a cheaper alternative to apples expensive leather cases https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01LH9JCJC/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1", '>>{Quexana} : That is an outstanding point. Trump should have absolutely been hit harder on a number of things than he was.', '>>{deaconstevew} : I am using a Rankoo aluminum bumper with an IQ shield screen protector. Love it.', '>>{keithsweatshirt_} : http://www.iphonecaze.com/iphone7/iphone7-plus-thinedge-frame-bumper.html Low profile and I like the black matte and red tab look.', '>>{1000000students} : yeah...and? you guys just repeat without analysis', '>>{thewizardofash} : I use Incipio Octane case. I love it. Simple, yet it gives me a grip on my Plus.', ">>{kiarra33} : Also it might be because Obamas economy is doing well so they decide it's because of Trump", '>>{Avenkal19} : Also their is small problems of no expandable memory slot nor water resistance.', '>>{danart2} : So, is the back bigger than the front of the phone ?? Lol', '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Red silicon apple case. It has a good grip to hold and looks great with the jet black.', ">>{The-Respawner} : Lol what? You have the Pixel and Pixel XL. The Pixel XL is the one with the back turned towards you. It's to show both phones, aswell as both the front and back in one picture.", ">>{Taman_Should} : I was elected to lead, not to read We're living in the Simpsons Movie. Scott Pruitt=Russ Cargill. Finkle is Einhorn. Except not even, since president Schwarzenegger would be infinitely better than Trump. At the very least he has government experience and genuinely cares about someone other than himself.", '>>{IEatPizza} : [This](https://www.incipio.com/cases/iphone-cases/iphone-7-plus-cases/reprieve-sport-iphone-7-plus-case.html) it add a little bulk but I like it, have also the Esquire and Dual Pro', '>>{bad-green-wolf} : If I were Trump, and was being blackmailed by the Russians; that is exactly what I would do. Nothing. Be a gray president. It could also save our asses too', '>>{commandantKenny} : Do you have a link? Or i missed it in the article.', ">>{NotGivinMyNam2AMachn} : Hit the nail on the head here. 15% price hike for Australia, no Google support/insurance options like in the US, hardly flagship specs, exclusive sales deals with two companies that are notoriously hard to deal with for support. I am so disappointed. I'll have to nurse my current phone along a lot longer than I expected in the hope of a reasonable phone in the near future.", ">>{BunsTown} : Yeah. This might sound weird. (Weird coming from me because I'm a liberal art guy)... But. About two years ago I just happened to come upon a talk by him on YouTube. And was struck by his name. And I thought I'm going to see what a crazy hard ass this McMaster guy is all about. Blown away by the guy! Next level smarts. Next level human. Extremely thoughtful. I forwarded the talk to a friend just for him to gawk over the sturdiness of this guy. McMaster made me very proud and confident in the military actually. Here's the talk. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1zOs2VkUDIc And for the record, I'm not a Trump supporter. Can't stand this nightmare of a situation we are in right now. But glad there is another adult in the room now. Mattis being the other adult, I suppose.", ">>{SlLKY_JOHNSON} : I'm in no hurry to upgrade but this or whatever current Pixel Google is selling will probably be my next phone once my second N5X goes tits up.", '>>{Ask10101} : >It could also save our asses too I agree. I very much fear a war with Russia. The US would undoubtedly win but it would be at an enormous cost. Edit: I will also say that this stance would cost both Europe and the free world dearly. We could easily be the last standing "democratic" superpower if this tact is taken.', '>>{danart2} : Bad day? Teen? Fan? Read again and check the picture', ">>{slakmehl} : Thanks for sharing that video. There is deep shame and melancholy that I'm going to have as long as Donald Trump is president, and for some time after, that isn't really helped by this. But then there is the more concrete, short term terror of 'wait, are we all going to die because of this nutcase?'. Trading Flynn for McMaster takes some of that weight off my mind.", ">>{bad-green-wolf} : Actually, I was thinking of domestic issues; Trump won't rock the boat too much if he wants to be a gray president. Which means a hit on freedom and laws as he will try to protect his family making a fortune off the office and raise ad hock protections for them; but it won't mean the end of the world to the USA government. As for war with Russia, there is no winning that ever. No win situation for anyone", '>>{The-Respawner} : Yes, you obviously didnt get my point. The one turned backwards is the XL, the front faced one is the regular Pixel.', ">>{BunsTown} : Yeah. Makes one long for the days of standard old conservative politics. Give me Romney. Give me Bush. Someone with statesman-like efforts. I mean. I couldn't stand Bush, but he's a saint compared to this nightmare. This bat shit misinformation whirlwind is beyond the pail. His team tapped into the small word, anti-establishment fervor that Palin introduced to those people. They love an unapologetic leader that loves to shit kick. We shall see how happy they are in 4 years. Now that this door of shit kicking fuck you politics has been opened, it's the beginning of the end.", '>>{ChristieRodriguez37} : Google is all set to blast this year. Get ready to experience Nougat(7.1) features.Google assistant will be your friend soon. Great UI, 4 GB RAM is not worthy enough ,because people will not use apps more than 350 MB, So unused space will consume battery more. you will able to watch Quad HD videos. Its prize will make your pocket empty.', ">>{ben1481} : I said this when it was first annouced on the /r/android and got downvoted to hell. I don't know how people don't see how it's almost a direct clone on the front.", '>>{temporaryaccount1984} : Dan Carlin actually met with Mattis and was instantly impressed. Very cool that Mattis and McMaster made it to the top, especially considering everything.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Really - I don't see why after Comey established she broke no laws with her email or server. Especially when there's many more questions on Don but he's a male conservative", '>>{pizzashill} : The media is just absolute cancer dude, but the fact Trump was allowed to get away with the shit he did in that election is mind blowing. At no point did anyone even try to challenge his bat-shittery, they just kept throwing out identity politics and screeching racist/sexist. When Trump called NAFTA the worst deal ever I was sitting there waiting for Clinton to ask the question that would have exposed him for what he is. "Can you point out which section of NAFTA isn\'t fair." He would have had **no answer because he has literally no clue what he\'s talking about.** **Everyone** went easy on Trump, even at the republican debates he was allowed to just freely lie and make wild claims and nobody would contest on the facts. The problem is the only people republicans will listen to = the right wing media, and the right-wing media isn\'t interested in facts, mainly because almost every lie Trump told came from the right wing media. Trump is the intellectual rot and decline of the GOP personified, every cycle they\'ve lost more and more ground with educated voters and all that\'s left is crazy ass rural people that want to dismantle the government.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : https://qz.com/953908/susan-bordos-the-destruction-of-hillary-clinton-why-did-hillary-clinton-lose-the-2016-election/ Gives a much better overview of the real situation rather than someone else getting their name in the paper by rehashing a non-scandal', '>>{RandomCDN} : Does the spigen have a decent grip compared to the actual phone?', ">>{placeboasis} : We noticed, Andrea. Hope you're happy with President Trump.", '>>{TimeMachineSlime} : Well, you certainly ignored Bernie, did as many blackout of his events as could be. Bernie would have kicked ass, but you, the left leaning media wanted a women, who was hated, that you sabotaged Bernie, who would have won. Since all the speculation is fake about the Russians, the churning is outrageous. Well, they deserve Trump now. The pundits are the Fifth Column spreading yellow journalism, it what they write is anything near journalistic.', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : > As you should have been. It was a major news event, Circular logic.', '>>{letstryitwithreason} : While misogyny probably has played a role, I do not believe that it was the determining factor for her loss. Any kind of argument trying to identify a single point of failure in this situation is insufficient from the get go. Calling this the "real situation" without any further points is pretty far fetched in my opinion.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Calling this the "real situation" without any further points is pretty far fetched in my opinion. I really think the article I linked described it in detail. I was just too lazy to quote the stuff here', '>>{Uktabi86} : they always do, that is what they are paid for.', '>>{robotjosh} : Not the same. The email scandal was fire. Benghazi was all smoke.', '>>{VROF} : Well, Jason Chaffetz is planning on [starting the Benghazi hearings again](http://www.redstate.com/jimjamitis/2017/03/30/chaffetz-trump-administration-far-not-cooperating-benghazi-investigation/)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{oahut} : H.R. McMaster Isn’t a Bigot, Making Him an Outlier on Trump’s National Security Team', '>>{lghltr} : >In a speech at the Carnegie Council in 2014, McMaster said that the United States must partner with people in Muslim-majority countries to defeat groups like Islamic State, describing them as “the people who are suffering the most” from terrorism. McMaster added that to win such conflicts,U.S. forces must understand the history and social dynamics of the countries it is fighting in, as well as have “empathy for the people among whom these wars are fought.”', '>>{slakmehl} : Not being a bigot is the least you can say about him. Everything I read makes me like him more. He seems like he has consistently opted for openly criticizing his superiors at the expense of his career, which is just about the worst thing possible for Trump. I have to wonder if Mattis applied pressure to get this done.', ">>{Taman_Should} : I heard a theory that Trump nominated him because of his name, which would be funnier if it weren't so plausible.", '>>{oahut} : If you watch the video you can also briefly see the childlike executive summary that Trump used to select McMaster -- it looks like something out of 5th grade English primer. Trump went to check it like a cheat sheet two or three times during the full interview.', ">>{Taman_Should} : I was elected to lead, not to read We're living in the Simpsons Movie. Scott Pruitt=Russ Cargill. Finkle is Einhorn. Except not even, since president Schwarzenegger would be infinitely better than Trump. At the very least he has government experience and genuinely cares about someone other than himself.", '>>{commandantKenny} : Do you have a link? Or i missed it in the article.', ">>{BunsTown} : Yeah. This might sound weird. (Weird coming from me because I'm a liberal art guy)... But. About two years ago I just happened to come upon a talk by him on YouTube. And was struck by his name. And I thought I'm going to see what a crazy hard ass this McMaster guy is all about. Blown away by the guy! Next level smarts. Next level human. Extremely thoughtful. I forwarded the talk to a friend just for him to gawk over the sturdiness of this guy. McMaster made me very proud and confident in the military actually. Here's the talk. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1zOs2VkUDIc And for the record, I'm not a Trump supporter. Can't stand this nightmare of a situation we are in right now. But glad there is another adult in the room now. Mattis being the other adult, I suppose.", ">>{slakmehl} : Thanks for sharing that video. There is deep shame and melancholy that I'm going to have as long as Donald Trump is president, and for some time after, that isn't really helped by this. But then there is the more concrete, short term terror of 'wait, are we all going to die because of this nutcase?'. Trading Flynn for McMaster takes some of that weight off my mind.", ">>{BunsTown} : Yeah. Makes one long for the days of standard old conservative politics. Give me Romney. Give me Bush. Someone with statesman-like efforts. I mean. I couldn't stand Bush, but he's a saint compared to this nightmare. This bat shit misinformation whirlwind is beyond the pail. His team tapped into the small word, anti-establishment fervor that Palin introduced to those people. They love an unapologetic leader that loves to shit kick. We shall see how happy they are in 4 years. Now that this door of shit kicking fuck you politics has been opened, it's the beginning of the end.", '>>{temporaryaccount1984} : Dan Carlin actually met with Mattis and was instantly impressed. Very cool that Mattis and McMaster made it to the top, especially considering everything.'], [">>{AdoptMeBrangelina} : I don't like Hillary at all but this is the type of shit I'm taking about when I say Republicans KNOW how to make something so small seem like a big fuckin deal. Same with Benghazi. They did the same thing with Susan Rice except this unmasking bullshit because that died down real quick. But MSM are the ones that should be held accountable for that. Republicans sensationalized it, MSM ran with it.", ">>{Quexana} : As you should have been. It was a major news event, with an FBI investigation attached, and Hillary changed her story 3 or 4 times about it. Were there stories about Trump that he should have been harassed more about? You betcha, but Hillary's server was absolutely a big enough deal to harass her about.", '>>{d_mcc_x} : If only we had known about an investigation that started in July. I wonder what the MSM would have done with that info.', '>>{Quexana} : That is an outstanding point. Trump should have absolutely been hit harder on a number of things than he was.', '>>{1000000students} : yeah...and? you guys just repeat without analysis', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Really - I don't see why after Comey established she broke no laws with her email or server. Especially when there's many more questions on Don but he's a male conservative", '>>{pizzashill} : The media is just absolute cancer dude, but the fact Trump was allowed to get away with the shit he did in that election is mind blowing. At no point did anyone even try to challenge his bat-shittery, they just kept throwing out identity politics and screeching racist/sexist. When Trump called NAFTA the worst deal ever I was sitting there waiting for Clinton to ask the question that would have exposed him for what he is. "Can you point out which section of NAFTA isn\'t fair." He would have had **no answer because he has literally no clue what he\'s talking about.** **Everyone** went easy on Trump, even at the republican debates he was allowed to just freely lie and make wild claims and nobody would contest on the facts. The problem is the only people republicans will listen to = the right wing media, and the right-wing media isn\'t interested in facts, mainly because almost every lie Trump told came from the right wing media. Trump is the intellectual rot and decline of the GOP personified, every cycle they\'ve lost more and more ground with educated voters and all that\'s left is crazy ass rural people that want to dismantle the government.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : https://qz.com/953908/susan-bordos-the-destruction-of-hillary-clinton-why-did-hillary-clinton-lose-the-2016-election/ Gives a much better overview of the real situation rather than someone else getting their name in the paper by rehashing a non-scandal', ">>{placeboasis} : We noticed, Andrea. Hope you're happy with President Trump.", '>>{TimeMachineSlime} : Well, you certainly ignored Bernie, did as many blackout of his events as could be. Bernie would have kicked ass, but you, the left leaning media wanted a women, who was hated, that you sabotaged Bernie, who would have won. Since all the speculation is fake about the Russians, the churning is outrageous. Well, they deserve Trump now. The pundits are the Fifth Column spreading yellow journalism, it what they write is anything near journalistic.', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : > As you should have been. It was a major news event, Circular logic.', '>>{letstryitwithreason} : While misogyny probably has played a role, I do not believe that it was the determining factor for her loss. Any kind of argument trying to identify a single point of failure in this situation is insufficient from the get go. Calling this the "real situation" without any further points is pretty far fetched in my opinion.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : > Calling this the "real situation" without any further points is pretty far fetched in my opinion. I really think the article I linked described it in detail. I was just too lazy to quote the stuff here', '>>{Uktabi86} : they always do, that is what they are paid for.', '>>{robotjosh} : Not the same. The email scandal was fire. Benghazi was all smoke.', '>>{VROF} : Well, Jason Chaffetz is planning on [starting the Benghazi hearings again](http://www.redstate.com/jimjamitis/2017/03/30/chaffetz-trump-administration-far-not-cooperating-benghazi-investigation/)'], [">>{Friarchuck} : Incipio dual shock case. Simple and black and doesn't add too much extra thickness either. They are usually in stock at the Verizon stores.", '>>{DoctorTortilla} : Are you looking for a lot of protection or just a thin case ?', ">>{michaelmanieri} : I don't drop my phone though as soon as I say that watch me drop it. So probably a thin case, they look best imo.", ">>{DoctorTortilla} : This one I got yesterday it's great, feels amazing but it's not a soft case. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01M7V1GKC/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I also have this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01GIWG3D6/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1 And finally a cheaper alternative to apples expensive leather cases https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01LH9JCJC/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1", '>>{deaconstevew} : I am using a Rankoo aluminum bumper with an IQ shield screen protector. Love it.', '>>{keithsweatshirt_} : http://www.iphonecaze.com/iphone7/iphone7-plus-thinedge-frame-bumper.html Low profile and I like the black matte and red tab look.', '>>{thewizardofash} : I use Incipio Octane case. I love it. Simple, yet it gives me a grip on my Plus.', '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Red silicon apple case. It has a good grip to hold and looks great with the jet black.', '>>{IEatPizza} : [This](https://www.incipio.com/cases/iphone-cases/iphone-7-plus-cases/reprieve-sport-iphone-7-plus-case.html) it add a little bulk but I like it, have also the Esquire and Dual Pro', '>>{RandomCDN} : Does the spigen have a decent grip compared to the actual phone?'], ['>>{weareallshepherds} : Public opinion on Trump continues to be remarkably stable // 50.5% unfavorable, 43.6% favorable', '>>{BoredPork} : When your approval rating is 43%, stable is a bad thing, FYI.', ">>{BunsTown} : But considering the real life nightmare of deceit and misinformation that echoes throughout every corridor of this administration day after day... it's impressive that he's stable in his disapproval.", ">>{VotesSlitThroats} : Every single person I know that voted for him either only watches Fox News or doesn't pay attention to any news, now that the election is over. All of them are completely unaware of anything that's happened since he's been in office.", '>>{EqualityGuy69} : They are brainwashed like all the other alt-right people.', '>>{bad-green-wolf} : That stability means Trump is not going away and is not going to be impeached. Its going to be a very rough few years. Unduly pessimistic ? Maybe. But what will it take to move those numbers ? Assuming that the numbers will be reduced by the weight of drop by drop evidence of malfeasance and mismanagement is simply too optimistic for me. Assuming the democratic party will somehow kick butt in 2018 is great, but those numbers, if they stay current, mean, with the current voting patterns, that they may not make that many gains It is with this quiet murmer of statistics that the Great America will go , watching youtube, into that Great Night', '>>{12INCHVOICES} : They\'re labeled "undecided" in the article, so I\'m guessing they\'re...undecided.', ">>{Ask10101} : In all fairness, he hasn't actually done jackshit yet. Hard to be angry or happy with him when he just vacations in maralago the first 2 months.", ">>{kiarra33} : Also it might be because Obamas economy is doing well so they decide it's because of Trump", '>>{bad-green-wolf} : If I were Trump, and was being blackmailed by the Russians; that is exactly what I would do. Nothing. Be a gray president. It could also save our asses too', '>>{Ask10101} : >It could also save our asses too I agree. I very much fear a war with Russia. The US would undoubtedly win but it would be at an enormous cost. Edit: I will also say that this stance would cost both Europe and the free world dearly. We could easily be the last standing "democratic" superpower if this tact is taken.', ">>{bad-green-wolf} : Actually, I was thinking of domestic issues; Trump won't rock the boat too much if he wants to be a gray president. Which means a hit on freedom and laws as he will try to protect his family making a fortune off the office and raise ad hock protections for them; but it won't mean the end of the world to the USA government. As for war with Russia, there is no winning that ever. No win situation for anyone"], ['>>{msmwatchdog} : Google Pixel XL review: The new best Android phone', '>>{Avenkal19} : Also their is small problems of no expandable memory slot nor water resistance.', '>>{danart2} : So, is the back bigger than the front of the phone ?? Lol', ">>{The-Respawner} : Lol what? You have the Pixel and Pixel XL. The Pixel XL is the one with the back turned towards you. It's to show both phones, aswell as both the front and back in one picture.", ">>{NotGivinMyNam2AMachn} : Hit the nail on the head here. 15% price hike for Australia, no Google support/insurance options like in the US, hardly flagship specs, exclusive sales deals with two companies that are notoriously hard to deal with for support. I am so disappointed. I'll have to nurse my current phone along a lot longer than I expected in the hope of a reasonable phone in the near future.", ">>{SlLKY_JOHNSON} : I'm in no hurry to upgrade but this or whatever current Pixel Google is selling will probably be my next phone once my second N5X goes tits up.", '>>{danart2} : Bad day? Teen? Fan? Read again and check the picture', '>>{The-Respawner} : Yes, you obviously didnt get my point. The one turned backwards is the XL, the front faced one is the regular Pixel.', '>>{ChristieRodriguez37} : Google is all set to blast this year. Get ready to experience Nougat(7.1) features.Google assistant will be your friend soon. Great UI, 4 GB RAM is not worthy enough ,because people will not use apps more than 350 MB, So unused space will consume battery more. you will able to watch Quad HD videos. Its prize will make your pocket empty.', ">>{ben1481} : I said this when it was first annouced on the /r/android and got downvoted to hell. I don't know how people don't see how it's almost a direct clone on the front."]]
classify and reply
['>>{KarlMarxIsntDead} : Why Is Trump Returning to Birther-Style Attacks on Obama?', '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Deflection from his crimes. It really is that simple.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Maybe a birther is all he is. Or ever was.', '>>{Emily770} : Donald Trump: ‘I was viciously attacked’ by dead Army captain’s father', ">>{gabagool69} : Kahn in 2015: > This is the time for us American Muslims to rat out any traitor who walks amongst us. Among us hides the enemies of the value system of this country. And we need to defend it. And if that means ratting out the traitors that hide behind an American passport, that's what we need to do. Kahn in 2016: > Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.", '>>{TinyBaron} : Desperate attempt at [deflection.](http://i.imgur.com/nzzjEGa.jpg)', '>>{xjayroox} : Clinton campaign raises more than $154 million in September', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : Libertarians are batshit insane, and believe in bizarre policies that are so anachronistic, they almost belong in the 1800s ("return to the gold standard, abandon fiat currency"--wtf?). Open door immigration, nonsensical, fantastic economic policies, a complete gutting of the government institutions that *people actually like*, like the National Park Service (not to mention the privatisation of national parks)--This is why no one wants to vote for Libertarians. They want to legalise pot...that\'s all they really got going for them.', ">>{WilsonWilsonJr} : Sad! Trump drew 7 trillion just last night. DON'T QUESTION ME!", '>>{Writerhaha} : What a crybaby coward. It just confirms he\'s going to duck the debates, if he considered that speech and interviews an "attack" HRC is going to get savage on him.', '>>{Brady_55} : PLEASE keep talking about this Donald. Please. I love it', '>>{ciethrenn} : you couldnt be more naive and wrong if u tried sir if you think your fav candidate is the more competent than Gary Johnson i think you might need some help. our options are a racist former democrat a corrupt current democrat or a principled former republican now libertarian vote gary johnson 2016', ">>{Thedummies} : Those are not contradictory. There are also Christian terrorists. There are billions of Muslims not terrorizing. It's a mental illness problem. Anybody can use any reason to terrorize", '>>{xjayroox} : >Hillary for America raised about $84 million, while about $70 million was raised for the Democratic National Committee and state parties through the Hillary Victory Fund and the Hillary Action Fund, according to the statement. Get ready to see some local races get some impressive cash infusions in October', '>>{LukeforBernie} : Wrong! Dishonest media! This was the **least** attended march in history! **Period!!**', ">>{Jombozeus} : Holy shit look at that fucking posting history! Dude has like 500 comments and threads in 7 days, can't even [copy and paste the title right](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaryJohnson/comments/4vviwd/is_gary_johnson_democracy%C3%A2s_safety_valve/?st=irelcjx7&sh=415666e6). Looks like even the Johnson campaign has got their own shills now. Everybody's got one! Where the fuck do I sign up?!? Here you go !aynrandtipbot 0.03kgAU", ">>{Trumppered} : I'm not sure why you think those statements are contradictory", ">>{The_Strict_Nein} : Fuck me, a protest in a different fucking city had the same number of people as Trump's actual inauguration, possibly more.", ">>{thegoodbadandsmoggy} : Shit dude if you find out let me know. I've been trying to become a paid shill for months now", ">>{Jombozeus} : I emailed in my Resume and cover letter to correcttherecord.org, revolutionmessaging.com, and breitbart.com and now I'm just waiting and praying.", '>>{Just_another_Masshol} : These points are not mutally exclusive. Someone claiming to fight for Islam would likely hide among Muslims.', '>>{holierthanthee} : Trump barely drew ~~100K~~ 250K for his coronation. Try again.', '>>{VonnegutIce9} : I hope the downballot rides the Trump slide. The GOP deserves a shameful defeat for allowing this maniac to get this close to the presidency.', ">>{APeacefulWarrior} : You'd think that if the J-W campaign was hiring shills, they'd at least pick ones that had a decent grasp of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It would be pretty damaging to the Libertarians' attempt to portray themselves as the intellectual party if they're hiring people whose posts look like a High School freshman wrote them. So no, he's probably not a shill.", '>>{ajaxsinger} : Be fair. 250k. L.A.was only 3x bigger.', ">>{downvoteyous} : He desperately needs some sort of foil. Hillary... Obama... otherwise we'd have to focus on what a horrible job he's doing. Even if I agreed with his goals I'd have to admit that. He's been flailing around like the last days of the Nixon White House ever since he got in there. He should be working to advance legislation through Congress to enact his agenda. I mean, personally I'm somewhat relieved that he and his team are so incapable of doing that, but still. This is what happens when you elect [Vincent Adultman](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/bojackhorseman/images/f/f1/Vincent.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/242?cb=20150719055028) to the presidency. *The competent businessman was just a character Trump played on TV, guys.*", '>>{whatcolorwasit} : I used to support Bernie, but now I... just kidding, fuck hillary', ">>{gabagool69} : > Those are not contradictory. Yes they are. In the 2015 quote he acknowledges a dangerous extremism brewing in the Muslim community. In the 2016 quote, right after being paraded as a political pawn by the DNC, he denies it. > There are also Christian terrorists. There are billions of Muslims not terrorizing. It's a mental illness problem. Anybody can use any reason to terrorize This is an absurdly idiotic argument. Mental illness has no bias, but there is no question which ideology the overwhelming majority of terrorism in the world is coming form today.", '>>{whatcolorwasit} : did she ask everyone to give her multiple 1 dollar donations http://www.weblinenews.com/hillary-clinton-one-dollar-donations-average/', ">>{DeathBeforeTrump} : Yeah, it's people doing bad things and using religion as an excuse. That works with every religion.", '>>{ajaxsinger} : Me, too. Whole family went. Great fun!', '>>{Bdhdhs71} : I really hope she gives some to Patrick Murphy. I see nonstop Rubio ads on TV.', ">>{Jombozeus} : I may not be serious. Or maybe that's what a shill would want you to think?", '>>{F22Rapture} : So did Bernie. Mark Ruffalo accidentally exceeded the legal donation limit by making more than 100 donations of $27. His campaign encouraged splitting donations up to keep the average low.', '>>{ajaxsinger} : Why do I read comments on articles in The Hill? I know better.', '>>{Nothing_Is_Strange} : Hopefully the anti-vaxxers can unite and send a little cash Trumps way /s', ">>{balmergrl} : Principled? Please. Gary's 2012 campaign adviser was Roger Stone, Trumps good pal who's been making headlines this week and prides himself on being a dirty opposition pol trickster. Also, Gary gave the Koch bros a sweetheart no-bid highway construction deal as Gov of NM, that ended up costing the state a bundle. He is a goof, the Libs I know don't consider him an actual Lib just a failed Republican.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Yeah, Kahn is a badass. Thanks for pointing it out, doo', '>>{CDXXRoman} : >more than 900,000 **people** donated to the campaign that mon', ">>{leatherpants500} : It doesn't surprise me that so many sexist women in L.A. marched. L.A. is a haven for sexism.", '>>{orchid_breeder} : Worked in the past. He\'s much more comfortable being the opposition. You just have to take pot shots and not actually be responsible. Being the opposition allows one to always be "right".', ">>{gabagool69} : Except 99% of the terrorism in the world today stems from Islamic ideology. EDIT: The semantics brigade doesn't seem to appreciate the hyperbole of my 99% claim, so as I can not back that specific number up, I figured I would provide some actual statistics that can be backed up by Pew Research: Indonesia - 205 million Muslims - 50% believe in globalized Sharia Law, 73% blame USA for 9/11 Egypt - 8 million - 75% positive or mixed feelings about Bin Laden Pakistan - 179 million - 76% believe in globalized Sharia law Bangladesh - 149 million - 27% say suicide bombings of civilians is sometimes justified, 82% want Sharia as official law of nation, 67% say honor killings of women can be justified Nigeria - 76 million - 71% favor Sharia as official law of land Iran - 75 million - 83% global implementation of Sharia Turkey - 75 million - 32% support honor killings of women Morocco - 32 million - 77% want sharia as law of land Iraq - 31 million - 78% support honor killings women Afganistan - 24 million - 76% honor killings of women, 99% sharia Jordan - 6 million - Hamas 71% approval rating Palestine region - 4 million - 78% support Bin Laden, 89% support terror attacks on Israeli civilians France - 5 million - 35% say suicide bombings can be justified UK - 3 million - 78% want cartoonists of Mohammed federally prosecuted", '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : This is fake news! It was 12 trillion in public and 35 gazillion around the globe!', ">>{GreatZoombini} : He's an idiot, a spoiled rich man, a narcissist,and a racist and has no idea how to handle real responsibility or people not just accepting the nonsense he says.", ">>{bearblu} : And his voters really love to believe Obama is the devil. So stop looking at Trump and Russia, but spend your time hating on Obama. I'm not a Trump voter, I'll be looking at our unhinged president and Putin.", '>>{ciethrenn} : yes the expert shills work for shillary the racist shills work for trump and Johnson gets stuck with people like me who have principles and care about the future https://teespring.com/shop/politics-tshirts/giantdouche-turdsandwich-2016#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=front', '>>{Jombozeus} : Do you have a comma on your keyboard???', ">>{blancs50} : >Gary's 2012 campaign adviser was Roger Stone Thanks for making me hate myself for voting for him in 2012..", '>>{ciethrenn} : yes principled you look anyone in the eye and tell them that shillary or trumpet have a single principle besides making themselves rich and the world will know your lying or a fool', '>>{johnmountain} : It\'s not because Republicans don\'t actually care about ideology such as "small government", "freedoms" and all that. They care about corruption. And that\'s what Clinton can provide them. Birds of a feather and all that. When it\'s about screwing the little guy, both the Republicans and Democrats are united.', ">>{xjayroox} : Oddly enough, they weren't as enthusiastic about divulging their info it would seem as they haven't sent out a press release about it. Probably will have to wait until the FEC filings become public?", '>>{qukab} : There is no way 750k people were at the inauguration. Time-lapse of the national mall during the inauguration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdantUf5tXg Chart showing how many people can fit on the national mall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/119514394@N07/13094624364/', ">>{SevenGlass} : >Those who enjoy the possibility of profits must not impose risks of losses upon others, such as through government guarantees or bailouts. Anachronistic? >Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property. Which part of that is 'batshit insane'?", '>>{No_Fence} : Oh, and Johnson advocates for abolishing welfare. When that\'s your "sensible" choice...', '>>{gabagool69} : In the 2015 quote he acknowledges a dangerous extremism brewing in the Muslim community. In the 2016 quote, right after being paraded as a political pawn by the DNC, he denies it.', '>>{lmeaac} : I assume we\'re looking for an answer more sophisticated than "because he\'s insane."', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : You got to admit, going back to the gold standard is pretty fanatical.', '>>{DevilNDDetails} : I mean, they were what won him the election.', ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : Can you give us any reason to believe you're not just pulling things out of your ass and claiming they're true?", '>>{c0pypastry} : Inauguration is to trump hand as L.A. Protest is to normal hand', ">>{gabagool69} : Or at least he was in 2015. Now he's just a grandstanding political pawn.", '>>{soggylittleshrimp} : Because it gets idiots excited. I just flipped to Fox News and they\'re full bonered about "Obama\'s wiretaps".', ">>{unfunnyryan} : Cause the GOP is going all out to make sure he wins. He loses now he's out in 2020", ">>{Trumpledthinskin} : The small orange hand rocks back and forth as he carefully aims,, The dart misses the large board by three inches. Steve is heard mumbling , same size as your dick donny, I heard that Stevey. Just pick one idiot. Ok says donny , Obama birther. His tiny fists sorta clench in rage but it hurt alittle so he stops. The memory of it doesn't stop. The gall of that _______ laughing at me in front of all those people. Just tell me what to say again stevey............", '>>{jazzology101} : they said something about pulling 18mil on one day recently, probably after he "won" the debate... off to google ! 32 seconds later : http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-raises-18-million-after-first-debate/ I don\'t like to speculate about the obvious, so I won\'t...but I wouldn\'t rule it out...', ">>{xjayroox} : If they're trumpeting (see what I did there?) just a single day and not the entire month, there's nothing to brag about for them. You know damn well a campaign run by Trump would be bragging any chance they get", '>>{wizardofthefuture} : Yep, Bush backers are flocking to Hillary and the DNC emails show us they are looking for that sweet neocon money. Hillary Clinton will get us 4 years of corruption, pay to play politics, and a Bush foreign policy.', '>>{dont_tread_on_dc} : That is when he knew success. He is really good at exploiting undeserved anger to rally around him but not good at leading. It is why he tweets so much and still has rallies, he just likes to feel validated. The longer he is president the less he seems to actually like the job. He just wants to back to when his angry followers liked him for his rhetoric and he did not have to do anything.', ">>{Tchocky} : I don't see it as deflection. Remember that this guy just isn't very smart.", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Not true! Fake news! Sad! What proof do you have? Pictures? All fake! My inauguration numbers were the best! Believe me! Bigly the best!', ">>{trubaited} : Because he's a fake president and he knows that his days are numbered.", '>>{so_so_sherlock} : Just curious: amongst all the pro-abortion and anti-Trump signs, were there any signs regarding the treatment of women in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan? Edit: I\'ll take the downvotes as a "no" answer to my question.', ">>{Megaloman71} : I was too. I was in Grand Park and there was a Trump guy there, stupid red hat and all. He was very reasonably answering people's questions about how he could support Trump. Nice enough guy, dumber than a box of rocks though.", ">>{jazzology101} : yeah, I'm getting tired of pointing out the obvious (at least obvious to me) ridiculousness and finding zero willingness to acknowledge it on the part of many of my neighbors. I'd really like to discuss ideas on how to find compromise and cooperation and not keep falling into a dividided and conquered abyss...", ">>{OffNos} : Sure, let's see a citation and I'll certainly agree. Until then you can continue being afraid of everything.", ">>{Casey234} : > He desperately needs some sort of foil. This is basically it. He's almost in need of something to define himself in contrast to, he played up that he wasn't a career politician during his campaign.", ">>{Nano_Burger} : Go with what you know......I'm guessing Trump does not have a lot of tools at his disposal.", '>>{Megaloman71} : I had to wait almost two hours for the subway. Totally worth it. It was fun, although trying to balance hydration with not peeing was a bit of a struggle. There was literally no place to go anywhere. I met a ton of really cool people, including a couple of women from Australia who just happened to be in town and took part.', '>>{MillenialNationalist} : If Johnson can win a single state, and no candidate gets a majority in the electoral college he most likely will win the Congressional vote and become president.', '>>{Scoutster13} : He is incredibly thin-skinned for someone seeking the highest political office in the world.', ">>{DeathBeforeTrump} : First of all, that's a number you just pulled out of your ass. Second, even if it wasn't a bald-faced fucking lie, so what? I'm black. Are you going to insist that means I'm a murderer?", ">>{SevenGlass} : I'm not sure where you're getting that from; it is not a part of the official platform. Many libertarians are huge proponents of expanding digital currencies like bitcoin (as a competing currency, not necessarily a direct replacement), which seems a little ahead of its time if anything.", ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : When you go to a cancer fundraiser, do you get pissed that no one's talking about hungry children?", ">>{coldandpain} : To me, you became a hero today. The bad news; Hero is not a one-day job. Its a calling until evil is vanquished. The good news: You've got yourself a real life supervillain to go up against.", '>>{greenburg} : If course. You must be equally pissed about everything all the time. /s', ">>{coldandpain} : Sarcasm and proper trolling takes a certain amount of intelligence. The good news is that you *can* actually get smarter by several methods. Keep trying, you'll get there some day. We're rooting for you!", ">>{SevenGlass} : Okay, 'most likely' seems like a bit of a stretch.", '>>{RosesAreBad} : As usual, Trump is blaming the unemployed black guy for his own failings.', ">>{synae} : You're right about everything, except it's not secret. As you pointed out it's on full display. This is the biggest reason I believe the piss tape is real - the Obama-hate motivation for having the ladies pee on the bed.", '>>{compbioguy} : Seattle was huge as well. Not 3/4 of a million but well over 100k', '>>{DONNIE_THE_PISSHEAD} : Because his base eats that shit right up because they have no capacity for critical thinking?', '>>{MEsniff} : Looks like everyone had fun and a good time exercising their constitutional rights. Meanwhile hateful Trump supporters are at home seething that their fellow Americans have so much freedom.', '>>{Orange_Republic} : > And his voters really love to believe Obama is the devil. My Trump-loving brother STILL posts anti-Obama memes to Facebook.', '>>{MillenialNationalist} : I made a full post here if you want to read it, it explains my exact reasoning for my claim of "most likely" https://www.reddit.com/r/GaryJohnson/comments/4vwt0t/my_thoughts_on_johnson_and_his_path_to_the/', '>>{pmurtkcuf} : 99% of terrorism in the world comes from areas the Western world has bombed for decades', ">>{JaisBit} : I was expecting to run into more Trump people, but I didn't notice any. One shirtless guy was yelling incoherent obscenities from his balcony when we were walking back to our car, but I think he was just drunk.", '>>{ChestyLaRue83} : Because something huge is about to come out in this Russia thing.', '>>{ciethrenn} : but your happy with bomb dropping shillary or kill muslim families trump..............', ">>{Thedummies} : You're dumb so I'm gonna stop trying to convince the decided.", ">>{Trumppered} : Err when I accuse someone of betraying my values, I typically mean they are acting in a way which is contrary-to and not representative of those values. Erego, calling terrorists traitors to Muslim Americans is wholly consistent with saying that those terrorists have nothing to do with Islam, since they are in fact, betraying Islam/Islamic beliefs. Also maybe include the full context of the 2015 quote, which was a direct response to Trump's call for a ban on Muslim immigration: > “Muslims are American, Muslims are citizens, Muslims participat[e] in the well-being of this country as American citizens,” Khan’s father, Khizr Khan, who moved to the U.S. in the late 1970s after growing up in Pakistan, said Tuesday. “We are proud American citizens. It’s the values [of this country] that brought us here, not our religion. Trump’s position on these issues do not represent those values,” he said.", '>>{MWM2} : Sample: > [avatar](https://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/users/21603/1446/avatar92.jpg) Donaldus Victorious > > All right. Who in the hell left the pasture gate open again?', '>>{balmergrl} : I agree, just don\'t see Gary as a "principled" alternative either. Anyone who associates with a hateful dirty bigot like Roger lacks basic moral fiber in my book. I\'ve been watching him since he ran Al Sharpton as a spoiler back in the day - any self-respecting person should know better and stay far far away. Sadly Gary appears to be to be just another opportunist, in the politics game for his own personal agenda.', ">>{IrishJoe} : It worked so bigly for him before and it's all he's got left.", '>>{MWM2} : > Were there any signs regarding the treatment of women in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan? Use. Your. Brain. - Clinton - a champion for women\'s rights. - Trump - pussy grabber sexual assaulter. Was there a *super-*popular t_d post that instructed you guys to aggressively attack common sense? Was it titled something like "Common sense EVEN WORSE than libs?" *Sheesh.*', ">>{JeanJauresJr} : Honestly, it's funny how Trump is going to lose these elections not because of Hillary's performance, or due to the speeches by Obama, Biden, or Michelle Obama....but because of the Khan family. They put a real dent into Trump's credibility. Kudos to them. ...Oh, and what an idiot you are Trump.", '>>{Qwikphaze} : You are throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.', '>>{20WPM} : Libertarians (even _Ron Paul_ ) can make sense and sound reasonable for a couple of minutes at a time. Alas, it never lasts very long. “Johnson also had a suggestion on how to reduce housing costs in the Bay Area.” “Without rules, regulations, zoning, what they come up with — there wouldn’t be a need for rent control because housing would be so incredibly affordable.” http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Libertarian-candidate-brings-presidential-8335619.php Eliminating the City and County of San Francisco Department of Building Inspection and all of the building codes, plumbing codes, electrical codes and mechanical codes is more weird than sane. And here is an example of Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government: “... [Libertarian vice president candidate Bill] Weld argued that Orlando suspect Omar Mateen could have been apprehended before he acted.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/06/13/libertarian-vp-candidate-calls-for-anti-isis-task-force/ The FBI used surveillance of Mateen’s movements, recordings of his conversations, and inspection of his communications records to determine he had broken no law. Weld thinks he should have been locked up anyway.', ">>{gabagool69} : > I'm black. Are you going to insist that means I'm a murderer? No, I'm going to insist that if you deny that there is a murder problem in the black community you're an idiot. You may be a lovely gentleman yourself, I have not had the pleasure to meet you.", '>>{REdEnt} : >*The competent businessman was just a character Trump played on TV, guys.* Which show was that? The only one I ever saw he was the same petulant child we see today.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I might have to take a second look at Johnson. I mean, I've been waiting for a sensible candidate for a long time now and if he really wants to eliminate welfare I may have finally found the right one.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : If I understand this guy's posting history, yes.", ">>{CloudSlydr} : he's going with what he knows. he is desperate. this is literally what got him political standing (with idiots). He is simply reverting in time of crisis. any psychiatrists wanna chime in on where this goes from here (diagnosis not needed)", '>>{ciethrenn} : for the 1000 time he has not gotten 1 dollar in koch funding this election cycle if they had given him money he would be doing tv ads by now to get the 15% for the debate stage please post 1 single piece of evidance from this election cycle by the kochs and i will eat my hat and my words', '>>{MWM2} : I hope he answers you. The logic of t_d guys can be bizarre and amusing.', ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : I'd call you a useful idiot but I don't like being only half-right.", '>>{MillenialNationalist} : From the Trump side, yeah it\'s a hard sell, but from the Clinton side I could argue she is taking magnitudes more money compared to Johnson in regards to special interests. Including George Soros who [donated 25 million dollars](http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/27/george-soros-returns-to-politics-with-25-million-splash-report.html). Furthermore, Clinton covertly supports TPP since the Democratic party didn\'t even make it a platform to reject it and Obama is pushing to get it passed. I believe there is a rumor that the Koch brothers pledged some millions, but it hasn\'t been confirmed. But yeah, that\'s a problematic issue for getting anti-establishment supporters. All Johnson needs to do is engage the moderate voters and try to siphon them off from both parties. Problem is he hasn\'t been attacking Clinton enough. If Johnson follows the "nice guy" routine Sanders did, he\'s gonna end up losing.', '>>{MWM2} : I often tell them something like "Please read more." But they only rarely reply to that.', ">>{grantmoore3d} : He's a 70 year old man, most people when they are at that age are unable to change their established personalities and behaviors. Add on top of that some serious mental health issues and you've good conspiracy nut running the show.", '>>{doot_doot} : All I saw in the way of Trump folks was one guy with those typical REPENT signs you see at any public gathering. And then at one point a few people started shouting ALL LIVES MATTER, and a few people calmly explained to them why that statement is silly.', ">>{shibesandsubgenres} : have you ever even heard Johnson speak? this comment is one of the most inaccurate things I've ever heard. it's fine to criticize libertarianism, but what you're saying is basically completely irrelevant when it comes to Gary Johnson.", ">>{microferret} : At least Vincent Adultman managed to hold down a job at the business factory. Trump's done nothing but undermine all trust and confidence a reasonable person might have once lent him.", '>>{kinderbrownie} : Me too. It was great. Super positive and uplifting. The only pro-Trump thing I saw was the airplane pulling a "Congratulations President Trump" sign...which when you think about it is more than a little ironic.', '>>{PretzelSamples} : Because that was one of his strongest tricks as a candidate, and people keep assuming there is more substance to this man.', ">>{SevenGlass} : With regards to San Francisco the conversation is about zoning regulations, not fire codes. [This article](https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/14/sf-housing/) is a couple of years old, but it gives a good broad overview of some of the issues that decreased zoning regulations would help to alleviate in the city, as well as just how messed up some of those regulations currently are. By the way, you skipped the first half of that quote. “If San Francisco were serious about this issue, it would take a six-acre site and build 30,000 units on that site,” As for Weld, on its surface that doesn't sound like a particularly libertarian stance. If anything it sounds like something straight out of the GOP playbook. I'll let someone who is actually convinced Weld is a libertarian try and defend that one.", '>>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : Because Obama is simultaneously incompetent and the most cunning of criminal masterminds.', '>>{downvoteyous} : Well, the petulant child you saw on *The Apprentice* was pretty heavily edited to make his leadership appear stronger and his decisions look more rational.', '>>{mountainsound89} : We heard a woman say that too, and kind of just glared at her and she walked away', ">>{downvoteyous} : > a reasonable person *That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!* Adlai Stevenson burn!", '>>{20WPM} : > not fire codes. GJ never mentioned that, did he? Never mind the earthquakes. Oh, he has no concern about that as he never mentioned them either.', ">>{Blacktrevor} : Because he's still thinking with the same really smart brain.", ">>{Newmanator29} : Because he's a 70 year old toddler that realizes he's over his head and is throwing a temper tantrum until he gets his way", '>>{pinkle657100} : He is looking to deflect attention from the Russian scandal.', '>>{hkmalhi} : It was great to see so many people there. I loved the energy.', '>>{anthroengineer} : The great thing about these pics of war machines on Trump supporter avatars is that we all know none of them have the brains to design a lawnmower, let alone a 60-ton tank.', '>>{MWM2} : I wonder if some of them literally [roll coal.](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/5a/b1/9c/5ab19c2fb7b62791053267520c3dde11.jpg)', '>>{waffletoastcrunch} : No, but there were many signs about how Trump treats women.', ">>{moonbouncecaptain} : Agreed this was a rallying call not the credit roll. There's much to do.", '>>{ertri} : Yesterday, I learned that Americans can organize in record numbers to stand up to fascism. I also learned that LA had a subway system that people actually use after living there for four years.', ">>{Rudyrobbob} : It's really kinda sad that being a habitual liar is all this guy knows. His parents failed at raising a decent human being.", ">>{ertri} : Women's rights are human rights, bro. equality means everyone is well off, not just a single group", ">>{Victor_Zsasz} : Cause being President is really hard and he doesn't have the stamina for it.", ">>{trivial} : As I've been saying, it also shows trump is desperate now. He just lost sessions, his inside man to protect him from investigation and inquiry. He has lost control of the narrative and can no longer be either silent, deny, or create a flood of absurd distractions. Trump is scared out of his wits and he is setting up an alternate conspiracy to discredit among his supporters what is coming his way.", ">>{downvoteyous} : I'm just as qualified for the presidency as Trump is -- not at all -- and I'd certainly be terrified in his position. I'd have the sense to step down, but still.", ">>{trivial} : I honestly think trump doesnt care about much of anything, he doesnt care about isis he doesnt care about mexico, he doesnt care about obama. Trump doesnt need the bogeyman, his supporters do and trump knows this well and uses it to his advantage. It's been his entire strategy all along. Trump cares about trump and thats it. He cares about getting rich. He doesnt even really hold grudges, look at how he spoke his opponents before vand after he considered them a threat. He just gives his audience what they want and they love him for it. And now he needs to give them something to protect himself from incrimination. It wont work but it will be very successful among conservatives, look at how many of them use the term fake news now. Trump just takes whatever stance he thinks will help him. He doesnt believe in any of them or care about them. He is a grifter through and through and these latest tweets speak to how desparate he is right now, he just lost sessions and can face a true independent inquiry into his russian connections.", '>>{HowITrulyFeel} : Delusional Donald is trying to change the subject. SAD.', '>>{DongleNocker} : To get us to stop talking about this AG committing perjury.', ">>{trivial} : I dont think trump gets scared because he realizes he is in over his head, he's not the type to ever realize or think that. He is scared because he has run out of options to control the russian scandal.", ">>{newsified} : It's all he knows. He's a man of very little brain.", '>>{DarrenEdwards} : How long did it take for Bill and Monica pictures to quick getting emailed around?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{xjayroox} : Clinton campaign raises more than $154 million in September', '>>{xjayroox} : >Hillary for America raised about $84 million, while about $70 million was raised for the Democratic National Committee and state parties through the Hillary Victory Fund and the Hillary Action Fund, according to the statement. Get ready to see some local races get some impressive cash infusions in October', '>>{VonnegutIce9} : I hope the downballot rides the Trump slide. The GOP deserves a shameful defeat for allowing this maniac to get this close to the presidency.', '>>{whatcolorwasit} : I used to support Bernie, but now I... just kidding, fuck hillary', '>>{whatcolorwasit} : did she ask everyone to give her multiple 1 dollar donations http://www.weblinenews.com/hillary-clinton-one-dollar-donations-average/', '>>{Bdhdhs71} : I really hope she gives some to Patrick Murphy. I see nonstop Rubio ads on TV.', '>>{F22Rapture} : So did Bernie. Mark Ruffalo accidentally exceeded the legal donation limit by making more than 100 donations of $27. His campaign encouraged splitting donations up to keep the average low.', '>>{Nothing_Is_Strange} : Hopefully the anti-vaxxers can unite and send a little cash Trumps way /s', '>>{CDXXRoman} : >more than 900,000 **people** donated to the campaign that mon', ">>{xjayroox} : Oddly enough, they weren't as enthusiastic about divulging their info it would seem as they haven't sent out a press release about it. Probably will have to wait until the FEC filings become public?", ">>{unfunnyryan} : Cause the GOP is going all out to make sure he wins. He loses now he's out in 2020", '>>{jazzology101} : they said something about pulling 18mil on one day recently, probably after he "won" the debate... off to google ! 32 seconds later : http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-raises-18-million-after-first-debate/ I don\'t like to speculate about the obvious, so I won\'t...but I wouldn\'t rule it out...', ">>{xjayroox} : If they're trumpeting (see what I did there?) just a single day and not the entire month, there's nothing to brag about for them. You know damn well a campaign run by Trump would be bragging any chance they get", ">>{jazzology101} : yeah, I'm getting tired of pointing out the obvious (at least obvious to me) ridiculousness and finding zero willingness to acknowledge it on the part of many of my neighbors. I'd really like to discuss ideas on how to find compromise and cooperation and not keep falling into a dividided and conquered abyss..."], ['>>{Emily770} : Donald Trump: ‘I was viciously attacked’ by dead Army captain’s father', ">>{gabagool69} : Kahn in 2015: > This is the time for us American Muslims to rat out any traitor who walks amongst us. Among us hides the enemies of the value system of this country. And we need to defend it. And if that means ratting out the traitors that hide behind an American passport, that's what we need to do. Kahn in 2016: > Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.", '>>{Writerhaha} : What a crybaby coward. It just confirms he\'s going to duck the debates, if he considered that speech and interviews an "attack" HRC is going to get savage on him.', '>>{Brady_55} : PLEASE keep talking about this Donald. Please. I love it', ">>{Thedummies} : Those are not contradictory. There are also Christian terrorists. There are billions of Muslims not terrorizing. It's a mental illness problem. Anybody can use any reason to terrorize", ">>{Trumppered} : I'm not sure why you think those statements are contradictory", '>>{Just_another_Masshol} : These points are not mutally exclusive. Someone claiming to fight for Islam would likely hide among Muslims.', ">>{gabagool69} : > Those are not contradictory. Yes they are. In the 2015 quote he acknowledges a dangerous extremism brewing in the Muslim community. In the 2016 quote, right after being paraded as a political pawn by the DNC, he denies it. > There are also Christian terrorists. There are billions of Muslims not terrorizing. It's a mental illness problem. Anybody can use any reason to terrorize This is an absurdly idiotic argument. Mental illness has no bias, but there is no question which ideology the overwhelming majority of terrorism in the world is coming form today.", ">>{DeathBeforeTrump} : Yeah, it's people doing bad things and using religion as an excuse. That works with every religion.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Yeah, Kahn is a badass. Thanks for pointing it out, doo', ">>{gabagool69} : Except 99% of the terrorism in the world today stems from Islamic ideology. EDIT: The semantics brigade doesn't seem to appreciate the hyperbole of my 99% claim, so as I can not back that specific number up, I figured I would provide some actual statistics that can be backed up by Pew Research: Indonesia - 205 million Muslims - 50% believe in globalized Sharia Law, 73% blame USA for 9/11 Egypt - 8 million - 75% positive or mixed feelings about Bin Laden Pakistan - 179 million - 76% believe in globalized Sharia law Bangladesh - 149 million - 27% say suicide bombings of civilians is sometimes justified, 82% want Sharia as official law of nation, 67% say honor killings of women can be justified Nigeria - 76 million - 71% favor Sharia as official law of land Iran - 75 million - 83% global implementation of Sharia Turkey - 75 million - 32% support honor killings of women Morocco - 32 million - 77% want sharia as law of land Iraq - 31 million - 78% support honor killings women Afganistan - 24 million - 76% honor killings of women, 99% sharia Jordan - 6 million - Hamas 71% approval rating Palestine region - 4 million - 78% support Bin Laden, 89% support terror attacks on Israeli civilians France - 5 million - 35% say suicide bombings can be justified UK - 3 million - 78% want cartoonists of Mohammed federally prosecuted", '>>{gabagool69} : In the 2015 quote he acknowledges a dangerous extremism brewing in the Muslim community. In the 2016 quote, right after being paraded as a political pawn by the DNC, he denies it.', ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : Can you give us any reason to believe you're not just pulling things out of your ass and claiming they're true?", ">>{gabagool69} : Or at least he was in 2015. Now he's just a grandstanding political pawn.", ">>{OffNos} : Sure, let's see a citation and I'll certainly agree. Until then you can continue being afraid of everything.", '>>{Scoutster13} : He is incredibly thin-skinned for someone seeking the highest political office in the world.', ">>{DeathBeforeTrump} : First of all, that's a number you just pulled out of your ass. Second, even if it wasn't a bald-faced fucking lie, so what? I'm black. Are you going to insist that means I'm a murderer?", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : 99% of terrorism in the world comes from areas the Western world has bombed for decades', ">>{Thedummies} : You're dumb so I'm gonna stop trying to convince the decided.", ">>{Trumppered} : Err when I accuse someone of betraying my values, I typically mean they are acting in a way which is contrary-to and not representative of those values. Erego, calling terrorists traitors to Muslim Americans is wholly consistent with saying that those terrorists have nothing to do with Islam, since they are in fact, betraying Islam/Islamic beliefs. Also maybe include the full context of the 2015 quote, which was a direct response to Trump's call for a ban on Muslim immigration: > “Muslims are American, Muslims are citizens, Muslims participat[e] in the well-being of this country as American citizens,” Khan’s father, Khizr Khan, who moved to the U.S. in the late 1970s after growing up in Pakistan, said Tuesday. “We are proud American citizens. It’s the values [of this country] that brought us here, not our religion. Trump’s position on these issues do not represent those values,” he said.", ">>{JeanJauresJr} : Honestly, it's funny how Trump is going to lose these elections not because of Hillary's performance, or due to the speeches by Obama, Biden, or Michelle Obama....but because of the Khan family. They put a real dent into Trump's credibility. Kudos to them. ...Oh, and what an idiot you are Trump.", ">>{gabagool69} : > I'm black. Are you going to insist that means I'm a murderer? No, I'm going to insist that if you deny that there is a murder problem in the black community you're an idiot. You may be a lovely gentleman yourself, I have not had the pleasure to meet you.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : If I understand this guy's posting history, yes.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : I'd call you a useful idiot but I don't like being only half-right."], ['>>{KarlMarxIsntDead} : Why Is Trump Returning to Birther-Style Attacks on Obama?', '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Deflection from his crimes. It really is that simple.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Maybe a birther is all he is. Or ever was.', '>>{TinyBaron} : Desperate attempt at [deflection.](http://i.imgur.com/nzzjEGa.jpg)', ">>{downvoteyous} : He desperately needs some sort of foil. Hillary... Obama... otherwise we'd have to focus on what a horrible job he's doing. Even if I agreed with his goals I'd have to admit that. He's been flailing around like the last days of the Nixon White House ever since he got in there. He should be working to advance legislation through Congress to enact his agenda. I mean, personally I'm somewhat relieved that he and his team are so incapable of doing that, but still. This is what happens when you elect [Vincent Adultman](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/bojackhorseman/images/f/f1/Vincent.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/242?cb=20150719055028) to the presidency. *The competent businessman was just a character Trump played on TV, guys.*", '>>{orchid_breeder} : Worked in the past. He\'s much more comfortable being the opposition. You just have to take pot shots and not actually be responsible. Being the opposition allows one to always be "right".', ">>{GreatZoombini} : He's an idiot, a spoiled rich man, a narcissist,and a racist and has no idea how to handle real responsibility or people not just accepting the nonsense he says.", ">>{bearblu} : And his voters really love to believe Obama is the devil. So stop looking at Trump and Russia, but spend your time hating on Obama. I'm not a Trump voter, I'll be looking at our unhinged president and Putin.", '>>{lmeaac} : I assume we\'re looking for an answer more sophisticated than "because he\'s insane."', '>>{DevilNDDetails} : I mean, they were what won him the election.', '>>{soggylittleshrimp} : Because it gets idiots excited. I just flipped to Fox News and they\'re full bonered about "Obama\'s wiretaps".', ">>{Trumpledthinskin} : The small orange hand rocks back and forth as he carefully aims,, The dart misses the large board by three inches. Steve is heard mumbling , same size as your dick donny, I heard that Stevey. Just pick one idiot. Ok says donny , Obama birther. His tiny fists sorta clench in rage but it hurt alittle so he stops. The memory of it doesn't stop. The gall of that _______ laughing at me in front of all those people. Just tell me what to say again stevey............", '>>{dont_tread_on_dc} : That is when he knew success. He is really good at exploiting undeserved anger to rally around him but not good at leading. It is why he tweets so much and still has rallies, he just likes to feel validated. The longer he is president the less he seems to actually like the job. He just wants to back to when his angry followers liked him for his rhetoric and he did not have to do anything.', ">>{Tchocky} : I don't see it as deflection. Remember that this guy just isn't very smart.", ">>{trubaited} : Because he's a fake president and he knows that his days are numbered.", ">>{Casey234} : > He desperately needs some sort of foil. This is basically it. He's almost in need of something to define himself in contrast to, he played up that he wasn't a career politician during his campaign.", ">>{Nano_Burger} : Go with what you know......I'm guessing Trump does not have a lot of tools at his disposal.", '>>{RosesAreBad} : As usual, Trump is blaming the unemployed black guy for his own failings.', ">>{synae} : You're right about everything, except it's not secret. As you pointed out it's on full display. This is the biggest reason I believe the piss tape is real - the Obama-hate motivation for having the ladies pee on the bed.", '>>{DONNIE_THE_PISSHEAD} : Because his base eats that shit right up because they have no capacity for critical thinking?', '>>{Orange_Republic} : > And his voters really love to believe Obama is the devil. My Trump-loving brother STILL posts anti-Obama memes to Facebook.', '>>{ChestyLaRue83} : Because something huge is about to come out in this Russia thing.', ">>{IrishJoe} : It worked so bigly for him before and it's all he's got left.", '>>{REdEnt} : >*The competent businessman was just a character Trump played on TV, guys.* Which show was that? The only one I ever saw he was the same petulant child we see today.', ">>{CloudSlydr} : he's going with what he knows. he is desperate. this is literally what got him political standing (with idiots). He is simply reverting in time of crisis. any psychiatrists wanna chime in on where this goes from here (diagnosis not needed)", ">>{grantmoore3d} : He's a 70 year old man, most people when they are at that age are unable to change their established personalities and behaviors. Add on top of that some serious mental health issues and you've good conspiracy nut running the show.", ">>{microferret} : At least Vincent Adultman managed to hold down a job at the business factory. Trump's done nothing but undermine all trust and confidence a reasonable person might have once lent him.", '>>{PretzelSamples} : Because that was one of his strongest tricks as a candidate, and people keep assuming there is more substance to this man.', '>>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : Because Obama is simultaneously incompetent and the most cunning of criminal masterminds.', '>>{downvoteyous} : Well, the petulant child you saw on *The Apprentice* was pretty heavily edited to make his leadership appear stronger and his decisions look more rational.', ">>{downvoteyous} : > a reasonable person *That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!* Adlai Stevenson burn!", ">>{Blacktrevor} : Because he's still thinking with the same really smart brain.", ">>{Newmanator29} : Because he's a 70 year old toddler that realizes he's over his head and is throwing a temper tantrum until he gets his way", '>>{pinkle657100} : He is looking to deflect attention from the Russian scandal.', ">>{Rudyrobbob} : It's really kinda sad that being a habitual liar is all this guy knows. His parents failed at raising a decent human being.", ">>{Victor_Zsasz} : Cause being President is really hard and he doesn't have the stamina for it.", ">>{trivial} : As I've been saying, it also shows trump is desperate now. He just lost sessions, his inside man to protect him from investigation and inquiry. He has lost control of the narrative and can no longer be either silent, deny, or create a flood of absurd distractions. Trump is scared out of his wits and he is setting up an alternate conspiracy to discredit among his supporters what is coming his way.", ">>{downvoteyous} : I'm just as qualified for the presidency as Trump is -- not at all -- and I'd certainly be terrified in his position. I'd have the sense to step down, but still.", ">>{trivial} : I honestly think trump doesnt care about much of anything, he doesnt care about isis he doesnt care about mexico, he doesnt care about obama. Trump doesnt need the bogeyman, his supporters do and trump knows this well and uses it to his advantage. It's been his entire strategy all along. Trump cares about trump and thats it. He cares about getting rich. He doesnt even really hold grudges, look at how he spoke his opponents before vand after he considered them a threat. He just gives his audience what they want and they love him for it. And now he needs to give them something to protect himself from incrimination. It wont work but it will be very successful among conservatives, look at how many of them use the term fake news now. Trump just takes whatever stance he thinks will help him. He doesnt believe in any of them or care about them. He is a grifter through and through and these latest tweets speak to how desparate he is right now, he just lost sessions and can face a true independent inquiry into his russian connections.", '>>{HowITrulyFeel} : Delusional Donald is trying to change the subject. SAD.', '>>{DongleNocker} : To get us to stop talking about this AG committing perjury.', ">>{trivial} : I dont think trump gets scared because he realizes he is in over his head, he's not the type to ever realize or think that. He is scared because he has run out of options to control the russian scandal.", ">>{newsified} : It's all he knows. He's a man of very little brain.", '>>{DarrenEdwards} : How long did it take for Bill and Monica pictures to quick getting emailed around?'], [">>{WilsonWilsonJr} : Sad! Trump drew 7 trillion just last night. DON'T QUESTION ME!", '>>{LukeforBernie} : Wrong! Dishonest media! This was the **least** attended march in history! **Period!!**', ">>{The_Strict_Nein} : Fuck me, a protest in a different fucking city had the same number of people as Trump's actual inauguration, possibly more.", '>>{holierthanthee} : Trump barely drew ~~100K~~ 250K for his coronation. Try again.', '>>{ajaxsinger} : Be fair. 250k. L.A.was only 3x bigger.', '>>{ajaxsinger} : Me, too. Whole family went. Great fun!', '>>{ajaxsinger} : Why do I read comments on articles in The Hill? I know better.', ">>{leatherpants500} : It doesn't surprise me that so many sexist women in L.A. marched. L.A. is a haven for sexism.", '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : This is fake news! It was 12 trillion in public and 35 gazillion around the globe!', '>>{qukab} : There is no way 750k people were at the inauguration. Time-lapse of the national mall during the inauguration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdantUf5tXg Chart showing how many people can fit on the national mall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/119514394@N07/13094624364/', '>>{c0pypastry} : Inauguration is to trump hand as L.A. Protest is to normal hand', '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Not true! Fake news! Sad! What proof do you have? Pictures? All fake! My inauguration numbers were the best! Believe me! Bigly the best!', '>>{so_so_sherlock} : Just curious: amongst all the pro-abortion and anti-Trump signs, were there any signs regarding the treatment of women in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan? Edit: I\'ll take the downvotes as a "no" answer to my question.', ">>{Megaloman71} : I was too. I was in Grand Park and there was a Trump guy there, stupid red hat and all. He was very reasonably answering people's questions about how he could support Trump. Nice enough guy, dumber than a box of rocks though.", '>>{Megaloman71} : I had to wait almost two hours for the subway. Totally worth it. It was fun, although trying to balance hydration with not peeing was a bit of a struggle. There was literally no place to go anywhere. I met a ton of really cool people, including a couple of women from Australia who just happened to be in town and took part.', ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : When you go to a cancer fundraiser, do you get pissed that no one's talking about hungry children?", ">>{coldandpain} : To me, you became a hero today. The bad news; Hero is not a one-day job. Its a calling until evil is vanquished. The good news: You've got yourself a real life supervillain to go up against.", '>>{greenburg} : If course. You must be equally pissed about everything all the time. /s', ">>{coldandpain} : Sarcasm and proper trolling takes a certain amount of intelligence. The good news is that you *can* actually get smarter by several methods. Keep trying, you'll get there some day. We're rooting for you!", '>>{compbioguy} : Seattle was huge as well. Not 3/4 of a million but well over 100k', '>>{MEsniff} : Looks like everyone had fun and a good time exercising their constitutional rights. Meanwhile hateful Trump supporters are at home seething that their fellow Americans have so much freedom.', ">>{JaisBit} : I was expecting to run into more Trump people, but I didn't notice any. One shirtless guy was yelling incoherent obscenities from his balcony when we were walking back to our car, but I think he was just drunk.", '>>{MWM2} : Sample: > [avatar](https://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/users/21603/1446/avatar92.jpg) Donaldus Victorious > > All right. Who in the hell left the pasture gate open again?', '>>{MWM2} : > Were there any signs regarding the treatment of women in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan? Use. Your. Brain. - Clinton - a champion for women\'s rights. - Trump - pussy grabber sexual assaulter. Was there a *super-*popular t_d post that instructed you guys to aggressively attack common sense? Was it titled something like "Common sense EVEN WORSE than libs?" *Sheesh.*', '>>{MWM2} : I hope he answers you. The logic of t_d guys can be bizarre and amusing.', '>>{MWM2} : I often tell them something like "Please read more." But they only rarely reply to that.', '>>{doot_doot} : All I saw in the way of Trump folks was one guy with those typical REPENT signs you see at any public gathering. And then at one point a few people started shouting ALL LIVES MATTER, and a few people calmly explained to them why that statement is silly.', '>>{kinderbrownie} : Me too. It was great. Super positive and uplifting. The only pro-Trump thing I saw was the airplane pulling a "Congratulations President Trump" sign...which when you think about it is more than a little ironic.', '>>{mountainsound89} : We heard a woman say that too, and kind of just glared at her and she walked away', '>>{hkmalhi} : It was great to see so many people there. I loved the energy.', '>>{anthroengineer} : The great thing about these pics of war machines on Trump supporter avatars is that we all know none of them have the brains to design a lawnmower, let alone a 60-ton tank.', '>>{MWM2} : I wonder if some of them literally [roll coal.](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/5a/b1/9c/5ab19c2fb7b62791053267520c3dde11.jpg)', '>>{waffletoastcrunch} : No, but there were many signs about how Trump treats women.', ">>{moonbouncecaptain} : Agreed this was a rallying call not the credit roll. There's much to do.", '>>{ertri} : Yesterday, I learned that Americans can organize in record numbers to stand up to fascism. I also learned that LA had a subway system that people actually use after living there for four years.', ">>{ertri} : Women's rights are human rights, bro. equality means everyone is well off, not just a single group"], ['>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : Libertarians are batshit insane, and believe in bizarre policies that are so anachronistic, they almost belong in the 1800s ("return to the gold standard, abandon fiat currency"--wtf?). Open door immigration, nonsensical, fantastic economic policies, a complete gutting of the government institutions that *people actually like*, like the National Park Service (not to mention the privatisation of national parks)--This is why no one wants to vote for Libertarians. They want to legalise pot...that\'s all they really got going for them.', '>>{ciethrenn} : you couldnt be more naive and wrong if u tried sir if you think your fav candidate is the more competent than Gary Johnson i think you might need some help. our options are a racist former democrat a corrupt current democrat or a principled former republican now libertarian vote gary johnson 2016', ">>{Jombozeus} : Holy shit look at that fucking posting history! Dude has like 500 comments and threads in 7 days, can't even [copy and paste the title right](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaryJohnson/comments/4vviwd/is_gary_johnson_democracy%C3%A2s_safety_valve/?st=irelcjx7&sh=415666e6). Looks like even the Johnson campaign has got their own shills now. Everybody's got one! Where the fuck do I sign up?!? Here you go !aynrandtipbot 0.03kgAU", ">>{thegoodbadandsmoggy} : Shit dude if you find out let me know. I've been trying to become a paid shill for months now", ">>{Jombozeus} : I emailed in my Resume and cover letter to correcttherecord.org, revolutionmessaging.com, and breitbart.com and now I'm just waiting and praying.", ">>{APeacefulWarrior} : You'd think that if the J-W campaign was hiring shills, they'd at least pick ones that had a decent grasp of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It would be pretty damaging to the Libertarians' attempt to portray themselves as the intellectual party if they're hiring people whose posts look like a High School freshman wrote them. So no, he's probably not a shill.", ">>{Jombozeus} : I may not be serious. Or maybe that's what a shill would want you to think?", ">>{balmergrl} : Principled? Please. Gary's 2012 campaign adviser was Roger Stone, Trumps good pal who's been making headlines this week and prides himself on being a dirty opposition pol trickster. Also, Gary gave the Koch bros a sweetheart no-bid highway construction deal as Gov of NM, that ended up costing the state a bundle. He is a goof, the Libs I know don't consider him an actual Lib just a failed Republican.", '>>{ciethrenn} : yes the expert shills work for shillary the racist shills work for trump and Johnson gets stuck with people like me who have principles and care about the future https://teespring.com/shop/politics-tshirts/giantdouche-turdsandwich-2016#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=front', '>>{Jombozeus} : Do you have a comma on your keyboard???', ">>{blancs50} : >Gary's 2012 campaign adviser was Roger Stone Thanks for making me hate myself for voting for him in 2012..", '>>{ciethrenn} : yes principled you look anyone in the eye and tell them that shillary or trumpet have a single principle besides making themselves rich and the world will know your lying or a fool', '>>{johnmountain} : It\'s not because Republicans don\'t actually care about ideology such as "small government", "freedoms" and all that. They care about corruption. And that\'s what Clinton can provide them. Birds of a feather and all that. When it\'s about screwing the little guy, both the Republicans and Democrats are united.', ">>{SevenGlass} : >Those who enjoy the possibility of profits must not impose risks of losses upon others, such as through government guarantees or bailouts. Anachronistic? >Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property. Which part of that is 'batshit insane'?", '>>{No_Fence} : Oh, and Johnson advocates for abolishing welfare. When that\'s your "sensible" choice...', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : You got to admit, going back to the gold standard is pretty fanatical.', '>>{wizardofthefuture} : Yep, Bush backers are flocking to Hillary and the DNC emails show us they are looking for that sweet neocon money. Hillary Clinton will get us 4 years of corruption, pay to play politics, and a Bush foreign policy.', '>>{MillenialNationalist} : If Johnson can win a single state, and no candidate gets a majority in the electoral college he most likely will win the Congressional vote and become president.', ">>{SevenGlass} : I'm not sure where you're getting that from; it is not a part of the official platform. Many libertarians are huge proponents of expanding digital currencies like bitcoin (as a competing currency, not necessarily a direct replacement), which seems a little ahead of its time if anything.", ">>{SevenGlass} : Okay, 'most likely' seems like a bit of a stretch.", '>>{MillenialNationalist} : I made a full post here if you want to read it, it explains my exact reasoning for my claim of "most likely" https://www.reddit.com/r/GaryJohnson/comments/4vwt0t/my_thoughts_on_johnson_and_his_path_to_the/', '>>{ciethrenn} : but your happy with bomb dropping shillary or kill muslim families trump..............', '>>{balmergrl} : I agree, just don\'t see Gary as a "principled" alternative either. Anyone who associates with a hateful dirty bigot like Roger lacks basic moral fiber in my book. I\'ve been watching him since he ran Al Sharpton as a spoiler back in the day - any self-respecting person should know better and stay far far away. Sadly Gary appears to be to be just another opportunist, in the politics game for his own personal agenda.', '>>{Qwikphaze} : You are throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.', '>>{20WPM} : Libertarians (even _Ron Paul_ ) can make sense and sound reasonable for a couple of minutes at a time. Alas, it never lasts very long. “Johnson also had a suggestion on how to reduce housing costs in the Bay Area.” “Without rules, regulations, zoning, what they come up with — there wouldn’t be a need for rent control because housing would be so incredibly affordable.” http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Libertarian-candidate-brings-presidential-8335619.php Eliminating the City and County of San Francisco Department of Building Inspection and all of the building codes, plumbing codes, electrical codes and mechanical codes is more weird than sane. And here is an example of Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government: “... [Libertarian vice president candidate Bill] Weld argued that Orlando suspect Omar Mateen could have been apprehended before he acted.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/06/13/libertarian-vp-candidate-calls-for-anti-isis-task-force/ The FBI used surveillance of Mateen’s movements, recordings of his conversations, and inspection of his communications records to determine he had broken no law. Weld thinks he should have been locked up anyway.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : I might have to take a second look at Johnson. I mean, I've been waiting for a sensible candidate for a long time now and if he really wants to eliminate welfare I may have finally found the right one.", '>>{ciethrenn} : for the 1000 time he has not gotten 1 dollar in koch funding this election cycle if they had given him money he would be doing tv ads by now to get the 15% for the debate stage please post 1 single piece of evidance from this election cycle by the kochs and i will eat my hat and my words', '>>{MillenialNationalist} : From the Trump side, yeah it\'s a hard sell, but from the Clinton side I could argue she is taking magnitudes more money compared to Johnson in regards to special interests. Including George Soros who [donated 25 million dollars](http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/27/george-soros-returns-to-politics-with-25-million-splash-report.html). Furthermore, Clinton covertly supports TPP since the Democratic party didn\'t even make it a platform to reject it and Obama is pushing to get it passed. I believe there is a rumor that the Koch brothers pledged some millions, but it hasn\'t been confirmed. But yeah, that\'s a problematic issue for getting anti-establishment supporters. All Johnson needs to do is engage the moderate voters and try to siphon them off from both parties. Problem is he hasn\'t been attacking Clinton enough. If Johnson follows the "nice guy" routine Sanders did, he\'s gonna end up losing.', ">>{shibesandsubgenres} : have you ever even heard Johnson speak? this comment is one of the most inaccurate things I've ever heard. it's fine to criticize libertarianism, but what you're saying is basically completely irrelevant when it comes to Gary Johnson.", ">>{SevenGlass} : With regards to San Francisco the conversation is about zoning regulations, not fire codes. [This article](https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/14/sf-housing/) is a couple of years old, but it gives a good broad overview of some of the issues that decreased zoning regulations would help to alleviate in the city, as well as just how messed up some of those regulations currently are. By the way, you skipped the first half of that quote. “If San Francisco were serious about this issue, it would take a six-acre site and build 30,000 units on that site,” As for Weld, on its surface that doesn't sound like a particularly libertarian stance. If anything it sounds like something straight out of the GOP playbook. I'll let someone who is actually convinced Weld is a libertarian try and defend that one.", '>>{20WPM} : > not fire codes. GJ never mentioned that, did he? Never mind the earthquakes. Oh, he has no concern about that as he never mentioned them either.']]
classify and reply
['>>{-Tryzor} : Goat Simulator is free on the app store for a week', '>>{pooppusher} : Strict military gun control should be our model: Column', ">>{courtneylovesmerkin} : Strict military speech control should be the model for journalism as well. The internet didn't exist when the Constitution was written, so some speech should be illegal.", ">>{monmisfit} : Great, just one question because apparently I just don't understand… Why would anyone want this?", ">>{Han_Shat_First} : It's a fun game. It's sort of like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater meets goats.", ">>{LightsOut5774} : What, you mean to say that you've never felt like wanting to be a goat, running around and smashing into people and causing chaos?", '>>{elmkzgirxp} : This super-lux 3D printer can print up to four materials at once', ">>{dark_delight} : I get it, but I feel like I don't cause enough chaos... Maybe I'm not using my imagination. Game is fun as hell though.", '>>{oldbeth} : But those Republicans want to be able to kill dozens at will so this will never happen.', '>>{ziggie216} : sometimes we just need to rest our brain from all those puzzle games and enjoy some stupid fun.', '>>{Engineer_daddy91} : Thank goodness the Democrats only use drones with hell fire missiles to kill hundreds.', '>>{pooppusher} : People need to learn that in America, killing is a bipartisan effort.', ">>{printering} : This is a fairly standard delta printer, but they've put the print bed on the delta arms instead of the print head (or hot end). Normally the bed would be stationary and the hot end would be moving around, but this model has the hot end stationary and the bed moves. This means that the bed should only hold a certain amount of weight before the weight begins to alter the print quality negatively. Each pair of those arms you see is attached to a carriage which is attached to a belt and the belt is moved by a NEMA motor. The X, Y, and Z are corners of a triangle and the three motors move to be able to reach all points within the build container of the printer. Most people run a delta with a bowden hot end (basically the extruder motor that feeds the plastic in is held somewhere else and feeds plastic through a PTFE tube to the hot end) so they don't even have the extra weight of an extruder motor supported by their delta arms. Considering an extruder motor weighs about 250g - I would think this printer will suffer in quality printing items over 200g or 300g. Notice how in the samples all the larger prints are vases, they have to offset the weight problem by printing hollow objects. This may be decent for printing small samples, but for the price, you'd expect much more. The build quality does look nice, but I think the design would have been better with a 4-tube bowden feed and something like E3D's Kraken hotend. I'm fairly sure you could find some mods online of people who run such a setup. _________________________________________________________________________________ I personally have a Rostock Max v2 Delta printer, so if you're good at soldering and building - that's a great option. There is also a similarly priced Hatchbox brand Delta printer on Amazon that's already assembled. Again, on 3D printers, I'd recommend against them if you don't have technical ability or the patience to invest in reading on how to properly operate and maintain them. Deltas are also considered more prone to calibration problems than a standard Cartesian model. If you want a starter 3d printer, I'd recommend a Monoprice Select Mini at $199 - which minimizes the investment if you decide 3d printing isn't right for you.", '>>{Dustin81783} : How do we compete with Mario!?! "FREE THE GOATS!!"', '>>{monmisfit} : No, not really. I spent the last 20yrs pretending I knew what I was doing as an Over The Road Truck Driver. Fooled my employer enough that they promoted me to the Dispatch Office, where I get to pretend that I know how to type, direct other drivers to move the freight we have, and negotiate rates to get them home again by weeks end. Life is game enough for me I guess.', ">>{onlyCulturallyMormon} : He/she didn't ask who wants to play it. They asked why.", ">>{DBDude} : >second of all I'd prefer it would carry a criminal penalty I'd prefer illegal *use* of it would carry a penalty. That is how we treat rights, prohibiting knowledge of the word would be unconstitutional.", '>>{printering} : This looks like linear rails on a home-built Cartesian. Lovely engineering, the cooling fans look fantastic.', ">>{stupidcatname} : 40u i think must be pretty unheard of for 3D extrusion printing. I could be wrong.. don't follow the tech.", ">>{Antonio_Browns_Smile} : Wow. You are so fucking cool having a job! Good thing nobody else on here has jobs. Otherwise we wouldn't have time for silly things like video games.", ">>{1randomuseraccount} : Why are people downvoting you? Most jobs are a game just like this, I'm just pretending as I go until someone's figures me out", ">>{xmnstr} : It's really stupid, in a fun way. Try it.", ">>{avEmonsta} : It's fun to run around being a goat defying physics and law of nature", '>>{InternetCommentsAI} : My Note 3 almost catches on fire every time I play this game but my SE runs smoothly, damn lol', ">>{will99222} : The trick is to pretend so well that not even you realise you don't know what you are doing. That's the truest method for getting promoted.", '>>{AJ_Smith} : Fuck that, I want a .50 cal for my Subaru (completely serious). No one will cut me off, ever.', '>>{LotsOfVodka} : Was thinking of getting this on PS4 for like $2.99, but this is better.', '>>{sideburns} : getting really stoned and run around as a goat. Pretty fucking awesome time.', ">>{Frog-sack} : Probably the most least informative ad for a technical product I've ever seen. A little less arty farty production and a lot more no bullshit info would have been nice.", '>>{Aronarono} : Exactly what I was thinking. "Oh wow, now we know that it\'s possible to blow away the dust that it gathers, thank you very much"', '>>{TheC0zmo} : Because "gunmen" set on massacring people will abide by strict military gun control. Terrorists will never get their hands on magazines larger than five rounds. If we just outlaw them, they can\'t get them!', '>>{espanolprofesional} : Link for the lazy: Goat Simulator by Coffee Stain Studios https://appsto.re/nl/deZXZ.i', ">>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : Yeah, let's impose strict martial law even though it doesn't stop shootings at military installations. Brilliant plan.", '>>{All_I_feel_is_rage} : They say expensive as hell but ours cost more than twice that. Also the carriage should never move. Weight makes them less and less precise. Looks neat though', ">>{Psy1} : >There is an image held by many that in the military, all servicemen and servicewomen have a weapon mounted on a rack above their bunk, ready for them instantly to reach up and grab when the alert siren sounds. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the field that is for the most part true. A division of infantry dug in the field won't retreat from the battlefield for the night just to give their rifles back to the quarter master, instead they will sleep with the rifle within reach. When leg infantry are marching due to shortage of transport they will still have a rifle with them even though their orders are to march from point A to point B. >In fact, when I was in the Army, all military weapons not in use for official duties were locked in a rack, which was chained to the floor, which was in a room secured by double doors, which were bolted shut with high-security locks. In addition, the room was monitored with alarm systems and checked hourly to ensure all security measures were in place and functioning. WWII proved this doesn't work when your are in a major war, you can't waste your initiative on paperwork and units need to resupplied ASAP and thrown back into battle.", '>>{AJ_Smith} : More cost effective, yes. As fun to fire? Not nearly as much. Although the mark 19 was my favorite....', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : > some speech should be illegal. Some speech is illegal. To name a few examples that come to mind; terrorist propaganda and recruiting, death threats, criminal conspiracy, incitement to riot, certain bomb and weapon making manuals, extreme obscenity leading to antisocial behavior, incitement to genocide, terrorist threats, certain forms of harassment and verbal abuse, sexual stories extolling the joys of child fucking, libel, slander, recklessly inflicting severe emotional distress, making false statements under certain conditions, inciting lawless action, spreading classified information, fighting words, and inciting panic.', '>>{Lacasax} : That was more informative than the ad... I mean article.', ">>{Engineer_daddy91} : I'm in a heavy weapons company, MK19 is best weapon system.", '>>{poseidon42} : seriously, this is hands down one of the dumbest games I have ever seen. which of course is why i told a bunch of people to download it. lol. i enjoy the random "dude, wtf is wrong with you" texts.', ">>{lovely_sombrero} : So if you can't completely eliminate something, it is not worth even doing it? A decline of 20% would not be worth is for example, so let's not do it?", '>>{TheC0zmo} : What if taking guns and high capacity magazines only made law-abiding people more vulnerable and there was no decline?', '>>{walter_neft} : You need assault rifles and high capacity magazines to protect yourself? Is a Camanche war party coming for your children?', '>>{Engineer_daddy91} : Assault rifles cost in excess of $20K and require mountains of paperwork which includes a $200 tax stamp and 6 to 9 months of waiting. 30brounds is a standard magazine for an AR pattern rifle. The standard magazine in my carry gun is 15 rounds. Mag bans are idiotic.', '>>{igottashare} : Can you 3D print lenses, or would they still require polishing to be able to see out of them?', '>>{SelfCockBlock} : Polishing to see through. But not optically reliable at all', '>>{russian-icemilk} : An assault weapons ban will have no effect on deaths because long guns aren\'t used in crimes or as murder. It is a few hundred deaths per year compared to 10,000 from handguns. People say how "assault rifles" are only made to kill. Something must be wrong because they are not being used as intended. It is stranger still that they are popular and not used in many murders. Magazine bans may or may not have any effect. It would be more difficult to round up magazines than guns. Fixing poverty and social issues would do more to reduce violence.', ">>{McPickle} : Even if you go on their website they really don't specify which materials it can actually print.", '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > If there was a crazy new word that could kill a room full of people against their will just by saying it. You mean like inciting violence or shouting fire in a crowded room? Where you can only make it illegal for the misuse of the word and not outright ban it?', '>>{SelfCockBlock} : 100%. Those glasses lenses arent printed. The frames are though. They\'ll blame you for assuming that. Stratasys polyjet printers can do clear material at 16.5 microns. They have pictures similar to this as well. Their machines are actually expensive as hell though. But they pull the same marketing trick. "Well that certain part isnt printed. Not our fault you assumed it was."', '>>{4_string_troubador} : > In fact, when I was in the Army, all military weapons not in use for official duties were locked in a rack, which was chained to the floor, which was in a room secured by double doors, which were bolted shut with high-security locks. In addition, the room was monitored with alarm systems and checked hourly to ensure all security measures were in place and functioning. So they won\'t be stolen, not to prevent shootings. In country and in the field, we did in fact keep them with us at all times. In country, we kept our ammo with us too. > Given that the military is a drug-free society, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...what fucking military were *you* in? > is made up of individuals who have education levels above the national norm, High school? > Moreover, military weapons, particularly assault rifles, are even more dangerous. They are designed to do one thing — kill a large number of human beings quickly — as we just witnessed in Orlando Trust a cannon-cocker officer not to know the difference between an AR-15 and a military weapon. An infantryman wouldn\'t make that mistake. > The Founding Fathers seemingly wrote the Second Amendment, with its infrequently quoted preamble, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,” ... "and when serving as a militia" Prefatory clause v. operative clause...learn it > Unless in an active combat zone, the military stores its large ammunition magazines separately from weapons. Nope, they\'re in a box in the arms room > Third, there need to be thorough background checks. There already are. Enforce the laws we already have. > let us levy a heavy tax on arms and ammunition, particularly the latter. IOW, let us turn a constitutional right into a privilege accessible only to the wealthy. Ammunition taxes would only serve to price the poor out of the market...the very people who need guns for self-defense the most.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : >Give me one instance in the history of mankind that someone yelled fire in a theatre and everyone in the room died Rarely does anything have a 100% success rate, including firearms, so it isn't like it is standard to measure by anyway.", '>>{McPickle} : Here is a new one that technically does 6 but one material should usually be the support so it does 5 (i guess). interesting thing is, it can do color gradient. http://www.stratasys.com/j750', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : No it isn't. Because what you are advocating is for the outright ban of particular words or phrases, that in themselves are no more deadly than any other words. It is not at all like banning speech that is used in a harmful manner. And if you think the disparity between when the amendment was ratified to now, then you need to amend the constitution. Not try and go around it based on how you don't think it is appropriate anymore.", '>>{Django8200} : Too fancy I think for this kind of product but still impressive.', '>>{scotscott} : So could you print a metal or carbon impregnated plastic or silicone and a shell of plastic? Then just jam electronic components into place? Cause that would be neet', '>>{AliGLeaph} : And the person writing the article was more worried about the hipster leather and brass handles than giving us info.', ">>{green_euphoria} : >what you are advocating is for the outright ban of particular words or phrases I couldn't read past that. Sorry. Have a nice day.", ">>{Dalemaunder} : /u/McPickle further up posted a link to the Stratasys J750, I just watched the video for it and it's absolutely packed with things that aren't printed, it's borderline false advertising.", '>>{S_K_I} : You should check out the price tag on this.', ">>{light24bulbs} : Well that's a stupid design. Much better to have multiple bodens on a standard head", '>>{spockspeare} : 3D printing is the most over hyped new tech since mobile wifi.', '>>{SelfCockBlock} : Hate to burst your bubble but everything in that is 3d printed. Lenses in the telescope are printed. You can see layer gradients. The housing is printed. Those sushi pieces are printed. Shoes are printed. Glasses. The automotive console is printed and the wood grain is printed on it as well. J750 is a ridiculous machine. You can overlay an image on your stl models and it will print them. Thats how that telescope housing is done. Same with woodgrain, and sushi. Its legit all printed and no false advertising. Its getting that good at looking like the real products. The shoes are just colour mixed on the printer using a soft printed rubber. I work on all of the stratasys machines and we have a j750 at the office...plus a few other machines', ">>{Frog-sack} : Someones gotta pay for their overly produced promotional campaign. I mean, maybe it's a good product but this ad tells next to nothing of the technology it uses or what it's build capabilities are.", '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : I mean that is what the analogy does. It is the equivalent advocating for banning phrases and words. It is not a false equivalence, especially in the context of the protections of enumerated rights.', ">>{Arsenic99} : The classic tagline of the military is that it's a dictatorship to protect a democracy. It should never be used as a blueprint for a free society.", '>>{SelfCockBlock} : Not just colour gradients, but full images. The space and stars image on the telescope was printed on the housing as is. No painting or airbrushing. The surface image was put onto the stl file. The j750 prints it onto the model.', ">>{Frog-sack} : I was getting components 3D printed back in 2004. And even THEN it was dated technology. Have to say (other than machine cost) the capabilities of these things for most uses has gone nowhere. Still the same shitty surface finish and less than ideal material strength characteristics from what I've seen.", ">>{Frog-sack} : $9k isn't too bad if you have the business that employs it. I used to pay $1200+ to get a single prototype shampoo bottle made back in 2007. Just sayin.", ">>{Dalemaunder} : Well shit... that's the exact opposite of bursting my bubble, now I want one.", ">>{Frog-sack} : I'm very particular about where I store my shampoo. Actually the truth isn't that intersting. I designed machinery for Unilever. Wouldn't see final blow molded bottles until pretty much day one of production. The equipment customisation required around 12 weeks of preparation so it was a small price to pay for a test bottle. Tolerances were crap and we used to baby the fuckers or they'd break. Surface finish wasn't too much of a consideration for me to design with.", ">>{freerangetrousers} : I think you misunderstood, this guy clearly works in shampoo bottle manufacturing. I'm pretty sure he's not some eccentric spending $1200 for a custom personal shampoo bottle", ">>{McPickle} : Yeah, I've seen the wood grain patterns too, pretty crazy stuff.", ">>{TurboChewy} : Since weight is added at a measurable rate (proprietary pellets), wouldn't they be able to account for the added weight on the software side? So instead of affecting output quality negatively, it affects output speed?", ">>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : That's what happens when you try to write about tech with a Bellybutton Studies degree.", '>>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : Prototypes are prototypical. This is how "things" are made.', ">>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : It should be fine if you're only making ear gauge plugs and bangles for your clown colored fixie.", '>>{pseudosciense} : For anyone reading this post who is interested in getting started with printing, I recommend checking out /r/3dprinting - we have a number of experienced users (including some company representatives) and the search function can probably answer any questions you have before and after your purchase.', '>>{GuyDean} : Can we have a one material print 4 times faster instead, thank you.', ">>{printering} : Yeah, this sounds reasonable. Delta printers are still in their early stages in regards to structure, so perhaps they've found a way to solve those problems.", '>>{printering} : /r/3dprinting is one of my go to sub-reddits. Definitely a great source for your 3d printing questions or ideas!']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{pooppusher} : Strict military gun control should be our model: Column', ">>{courtneylovesmerkin} : Strict military speech control should be the model for journalism as well. The internet didn't exist when the Constitution was written, so some speech should be illegal.", '>>{oldbeth} : But those Republicans want to be able to kill dozens at will so this will never happen.', '>>{Engineer_daddy91} : Thank goodness the Democrats only use drones with hell fire missiles to kill hundreds.', '>>{pooppusher} : People need to learn that in America, killing is a bipartisan effort.', ">>{DBDude} : >second of all I'd prefer it would carry a criminal penalty I'd prefer illegal *use* of it would carry a penalty. That is how we treat rights, prohibiting knowledge of the word would be unconstitutional.", '>>{AJ_Smith} : Fuck that, I want a .50 cal for my Subaru (completely serious). No one will cut me off, ever.', '>>{TheC0zmo} : Because "gunmen" set on massacring people will abide by strict military gun control. Terrorists will never get their hands on magazines larger than five rounds. If we just outlaw them, they can\'t get them!', ">>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : Yeah, let's impose strict martial law even though it doesn't stop shootings at military installations. Brilliant plan.", ">>{Psy1} : >There is an image held by many that in the military, all servicemen and servicewomen have a weapon mounted on a rack above their bunk, ready for them instantly to reach up and grab when the alert siren sounds. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the field that is for the most part true. A division of infantry dug in the field won't retreat from the battlefield for the night just to give their rifles back to the quarter master, instead they will sleep with the rifle within reach. When leg infantry are marching due to shortage of transport they will still have a rifle with them even though their orders are to march from point A to point B. >In fact, when I was in the Army, all military weapons not in use for official duties were locked in a rack, which was chained to the floor, which was in a room secured by double doors, which were bolted shut with high-security locks. In addition, the room was monitored with alarm systems and checked hourly to ensure all security measures were in place and functioning. WWII proved this doesn't work when your are in a major war, you can't waste your initiative on paperwork and units need to resupplied ASAP and thrown back into battle.", '>>{AJ_Smith} : More cost effective, yes. As fun to fire? Not nearly as much. Although the mark 19 was my favorite....', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : > some speech should be illegal. Some speech is illegal. To name a few examples that come to mind; terrorist propaganda and recruiting, death threats, criminal conspiracy, incitement to riot, certain bomb and weapon making manuals, extreme obscenity leading to antisocial behavior, incitement to genocide, terrorist threats, certain forms of harassment and verbal abuse, sexual stories extolling the joys of child fucking, libel, slander, recklessly inflicting severe emotional distress, making false statements under certain conditions, inciting lawless action, spreading classified information, fighting words, and inciting panic.', ">>{Engineer_daddy91} : I'm in a heavy weapons company, MK19 is best weapon system.", ">>{lovely_sombrero} : So if you can't completely eliminate something, it is not worth even doing it? A decline of 20% would not be worth is for example, so let's not do it?", '>>{TheC0zmo} : What if taking guns and high capacity magazines only made law-abiding people more vulnerable and there was no decline?', '>>{walter_neft} : You need assault rifles and high capacity magazines to protect yourself? Is a Camanche war party coming for your children?', '>>{Engineer_daddy91} : Assault rifles cost in excess of $20K and require mountains of paperwork which includes a $200 tax stamp and 6 to 9 months of waiting. 30brounds is a standard magazine for an AR pattern rifle. The standard magazine in my carry gun is 15 rounds. Mag bans are idiotic.', '>>{russian-icemilk} : An assault weapons ban will have no effect on deaths because long guns aren\'t used in crimes or as murder. It is a few hundred deaths per year compared to 10,000 from handguns. People say how "assault rifles" are only made to kill. Something must be wrong because they are not being used as intended. It is stranger still that they are popular and not used in many murders. Magazine bans may or may not have any effect. It would be more difficult to round up magazines than guns. Fixing poverty and social issues would do more to reduce violence.', '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > If there was a crazy new word that could kill a room full of people against their will just by saying it. You mean like inciting violence or shouting fire in a crowded room? Where you can only make it illegal for the misuse of the word and not outright ban it?', '>>{4_string_troubador} : > In fact, when I was in the Army, all military weapons not in use for official duties were locked in a rack, which was chained to the floor, which was in a room secured by double doors, which were bolted shut with high-security locks. In addition, the room was monitored with alarm systems and checked hourly to ensure all security measures were in place and functioning. So they won\'t be stolen, not to prevent shootings. In country and in the field, we did in fact keep them with us at all times. In country, we kept our ammo with us too. > Given that the military is a drug-free society, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...what fucking military were *you* in? > is made up of individuals who have education levels above the national norm, High school? > Moreover, military weapons, particularly assault rifles, are even more dangerous. They are designed to do one thing — kill a large number of human beings quickly — as we just witnessed in Orlando Trust a cannon-cocker officer not to know the difference between an AR-15 and a military weapon. An infantryman wouldn\'t make that mistake. > The Founding Fathers seemingly wrote the Second Amendment, with its infrequently quoted preamble, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,” ... "and when serving as a militia" Prefatory clause v. operative clause...learn it > Unless in an active combat zone, the military stores its large ammunition magazines separately from weapons. Nope, they\'re in a box in the arms room > Third, there need to be thorough background checks. There already are. Enforce the laws we already have. > let us levy a heavy tax on arms and ammunition, particularly the latter. IOW, let us turn a constitutional right into a privilege accessible only to the wealthy. Ammunition taxes would only serve to price the poor out of the market...the very people who need guns for self-defense the most.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : >Give me one instance in the history of mankind that someone yelled fire in a theatre and everyone in the room died Rarely does anything have a 100% success rate, including firearms, so it isn't like it is standard to measure by anyway.", ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : No it isn't. Because what you are advocating is for the outright ban of particular words or phrases, that in themselves are no more deadly than any other words. It is not at all like banning speech that is used in a harmful manner. And if you think the disparity between when the amendment was ratified to now, then you need to amend the constitution. Not try and go around it based on how you don't think it is appropriate anymore.", ">>{green_euphoria} : >what you are advocating is for the outright ban of particular words or phrases I couldn't read past that. Sorry. Have a nice day.", '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : I mean that is what the analogy does. It is the equivalent advocating for banning phrases and words. It is not a false equivalence, especially in the context of the protections of enumerated rights.', ">>{Arsenic99} : The classic tagline of the military is that it's a dictatorship to protect a democracy. It should never be used as a blueprint for a free society."], ['>>{-Tryzor} : Goat Simulator is free on the app store for a week', ">>{monmisfit} : Great, just one question because apparently I just don't understand… Why would anyone want this?", ">>{Han_Shat_First} : It's a fun game. It's sort of like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater meets goats.", ">>{LightsOut5774} : What, you mean to say that you've never felt like wanting to be a goat, running around and smashing into people and causing chaos?", ">>{dark_delight} : I get it, but I feel like I don't cause enough chaos... Maybe I'm not using my imagination. Game is fun as hell though.", '>>{ziggie216} : sometimes we just need to rest our brain from all those puzzle games and enjoy some stupid fun.', '>>{Dustin81783} : How do we compete with Mario!?! "FREE THE GOATS!!"', '>>{monmisfit} : No, not really. I spent the last 20yrs pretending I knew what I was doing as an Over The Road Truck Driver. Fooled my employer enough that they promoted me to the Dispatch Office, where I get to pretend that I know how to type, direct other drivers to move the freight we have, and negotiate rates to get them home again by weeks end. Life is game enough for me I guess.', ">>{onlyCulturallyMormon} : He/she didn't ask who wants to play it. They asked why.", ">>{Antonio_Browns_Smile} : Wow. You are so fucking cool having a job! Good thing nobody else on here has jobs. Otherwise we wouldn't have time for silly things like video games.", ">>{1randomuseraccount} : Why are people downvoting you? Most jobs are a game just like this, I'm just pretending as I go until someone's figures me out", ">>{xmnstr} : It's really stupid, in a fun way. Try it.", ">>{avEmonsta} : It's fun to run around being a goat defying physics and law of nature", '>>{InternetCommentsAI} : My Note 3 almost catches on fire every time I play this game but my SE runs smoothly, damn lol', ">>{will99222} : The trick is to pretend so well that not even you realise you don't know what you are doing. That's the truest method for getting promoted.", '>>{LotsOfVodka} : Was thinking of getting this on PS4 for like $2.99, but this is better.', '>>{sideburns} : getting really stoned and run around as a goat. Pretty fucking awesome time.', '>>{espanolprofesional} : Link for the lazy: Goat Simulator by Coffee Stain Studios https://appsto.re/nl/deZXZ.i', '>>{poseidon42} : seriously, this is hands down one of the dumbest games I have ever seen. which of course is why i told a bunch of people to download it. lol. i enjoy the random "dude, wtf is wrong with you" texts.'], ['>>{elmkzgirxp} : This super-lux 3D printer can print up to four materials at once', ">>{printering} : This is a fairly standard delta printer, but they've put the print bed on the delta arms instead of the print head (or hot end). Normally the bed would be stationary and the hot end would be moving around, but this model has the hot end stationary and the bed moves. This means that the bed should only hold a certain amount of weight before the weight begins to alter the print quality negatively. Each pair of those arms you see is attached to a carriage which is attached to a belt and the belt is moved by a NEMA motor. The X, Y, and Z are corners of a triangle and the three motors move to be able to reach all points within the build container of the printer. Most people run a delta with a bowden hot end (basically the extruder motor that feeds the plastic in is held somewhere else and feeds plastic through a PTFE tube to the hot end) so they don't even have the extra weight of an extruder motor supported by their delta arms. Considering an extruder motor weighs about 250g - I would think this printer will suffer in quality printing items over 200g or 300g. Notice how in the samples all the larger prints are vases, they have to offset the weight problem by printing hollow objects. This may be decent for printing small samples, but for the price, you'd expect much more. The build quality does look nice, but I think the design would have been better with a 4-tube bowden feed and something like E3D's Kraken hotend. I'm fairly sure you could find some mods online of people who run such a setup. _________________________________________________________________________________ I personally have a Rostock Max v2 Delta printer, so if you're good at soldering and building - that's a great option. There is also a similarly priced Hatchbox brand Delta printer on Amazon that's already assembled. Again, on 3D printers, I'd recommend against them if you don't have technical ability or the patience to invest in reading on how to properly operate and maintain them. Deltas are also considered more prone to calibration problems than a standard Cartesian model. If you want a starter 3d printer, I'd recommend a Monoprice Select Mini at $199 - which minimizes the investment if you decide 3d printing isn't right for you.", '>>{printering} : This looks like linear rails on a home-built Cartesian. Lovely engineering, the cooling fans look fantastic.', ">>{stupidcatname} : 40u i think must be pretty unheard of for 3D extrusion printing. I could be wrong.. don't follow the tech.", ">>{Frog-sack} : Probably the most least informative ad for a technical product I've ever seen. A little less arty farty production and a lot more no bullshit info would have been nice.", '>>{Aronarono} : Exactly what I was thinking. "Oh wow, now we know that it\'s possible to blow away the dust that it gathers, thank you very much"', '>>{All_I_feel_is_rage} : They say expensive as hell but ours cost more than twice that. Also the carriage should never move. Weight makes them less and less precise. Looks neat though', '>>{Lacasax} : That was more informative than the ad... I mean article.', '>>{igottashare} : Can you 3D print lenses, or would they still require polishing to be able to see out of them?', '>>{SelfCockBlock} : Polishing to see through. But not optically reliable at all', ">>{McPickle} : Even if you go on their website they really don't specify which materials it can actually print.", '>>{SelfCockBlock} : 100%. Those glasses lenses arent printed. The frames are though. They\'ll blame you for assuming that. Stratasys polyjet printers can do clear material at 16.5 microns. They have pictures similar to this as well. Their machines are actually expensive as hell though. But they pull the same marketing trick. "Well that certain part isnt printed. Not our fault you assumed it was."', '>>{McPickle} : Here is a new one that technically does 6 but one material should usually be the support so it does 5 (i guess). interesting thing is, it can do color gradient. http://www.stratasys.com/j750', '>>{Django8200} : Too fancy I think for this kind of product but still impressive.', '>>{scotscott} : So could you print a metal or carbon impregnated plastic or silicone and a shell of plastic? Then just jam electronic components into place? Cause that would be neet', '>>{AliGLeaph} : And the person writing the article was more worried about the hipster leather and brass handles than giving us info.', ">>{Dalemaunder} : /u/McPickle further up posted a link to the Stratasys J750, I just watched the video for it and it's absolutely packed with things that aren't printed, it's borderline false advertising.", '>>{S_K_I} : You should check out the price tag on this.', ">>{light24bulbs} : Well that's a stupid design. Much better to have multiple bodens on a standard head", '>>{spockspeare} : 3D printing is the most over hyped new tech since mobile wifi.', '>>{SelfCockBlock} : Hate to burst your bubble but everything in that is 3d printed. Lenses in the telescope are printed. You can see layer gradients. The housing is printed. Those sushi pieces are printed. Shoes are printed. Glasses. The automotive console is printed and the wood grain is printed on it as well. J750 is a ridiculous machine. You can overlay an image on your stl models and it will print them. Thats how that telescope housing is done. Same with woodgrain, and sushi. Its legit all printed and no false advertising. Its getting that good at looking like the real products. The shoes are just colour mixed on the printer using a soft printed rubber. I work on all of the stratasys machines and we have a j750 at the office...plus a few other machines', ">>{Frog-sack} : Someones gotta pay for their overly produced promotional campaign. I mean, maybe it's a good product but this ad tells next to nothing of the technology it uses or what it's build capabilities are.", '>>{SelfCockBlock} : Not just colour gradients, but full images. The space and stars image on the telescope was printed on the housing as is. No painting or airbrushing. The surface image was put onto the stl file. The j750 prints it onto the model.', ">>{Frog-sack} : I was getting components 3D printed back in 2004. And even THEN it was dated technology. Have to say (other than machine cost) the capabilities of these things for most uses has gone nowhere. Still the same shitty surface finish and less than ideal material strength characteristics from what I've seen.", ">>{Frog-sack} : $9k isn't too bad if you have the business that employs it. I used to pay $1200+ to get a single prototype shampoo bottle made back in 2007. Just sayin.", ">>{Dalemaunder} : Well shit... that's the exact opposite of bursting my bubble, now I want one.", ">>{Frog-sack} : I'm very particular about where I store my shampoo. Actually the truth isn't that intersting. I designed machinery for Unilever. Wouldn't see final blow molded bottles until pretty much day one of production. The equipment customisation required around 12 weeks of preparation so it was a small price to pay for a test bottle. Tolerances were crap and we used to baby the fuckers or they'd break. Surface finish wasn't too much of a consideration for me to design with.", ">>{freerangetrousers} : I think you misunderstood, this guy clearly works in shampoo bottle manufacturing. I'm pretty sure he's not some eccentric spending $1200 for a custom personal shampoo bottle", ">>{McPickle} : Yeah, I've seen the wood grain patterns too, pretty crazy stuff.", ">>{TurboChewy} : Since weight is added at a measurable rate (proprietary pellets), wouldn't they be able to account for the added weight on the software side? So instead of affecting output quality negatively, it affects output speed?", ">>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : That's what happens when you try to write about tech with a Bellybutton Studies degree.", '>>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : Prototypes are prototypical. This is how "things" are made.', ">>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : It should be fine if you're only making ear gauge plugs and bangles for your clown colored fixie.", '>>{pseudosciense} : For anyone reading this post who is interested in getting started with printing, I recommend checking out /r/3dprinting - we have a number of experienced users (including some company representatives) and the search function can probably answer any questions you have before and after your purchase.', '>>{GuyDean} : Can we have a one material print 4 times faster instead, thank you.', ">>{printering} : Yeah, this sounds reasonable. Delta printers are still in their early stages in regards to structure, so perhaps they've found a way to solve those problems.", '>>{printering} : /r/3dprinting is one of my go to sub-reddits. Definitely a great source for your 3d printing questions or ideas!']]
classify and reply
['>>{Cheeriodarlin} : Trump loves despots: He couldn’t shake Angela Merkel’s hand, but falls hard for Egypt’s strongman. Sense a pattern?', '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : Syrians hail Donald Trump as their new champion: Abu Ivanka al-Amriki', '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : Maybe you in the West hate Trump, but he has already done far more for us than Obama, said Najim Hassan, who lives in the rebel-held Syrian city of Idlib. "We love him because he does more than he says, he\'s a man of action and at least he gives us something to hope for."', '>>{WmPitcher} : Donald Trump said 11 false things in his first major TV interview as president', '>>{WmPitcher} : Daniel Dale is still tracking (now) President Trump daily. He got his start tracking former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.', '>>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : It makes sense, Syrians love Trump, the West hates him. He belongs there.', '>>{Fatandmean} : Yeah, unstable small man with a complex about those smarter and more capable than he is.', '>>{GODGK} : So, he only said 11 things in his first interview then?? Amirite??', '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : Fake news. I saw Trump shake her hand as he welcomed her.', '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : I think we should respect the thoughts and opinions of our Syrian brothers and sisters.', '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : I agree, it would get that Syrian messes solved in a few weeks, unlike that other president that did nothing.', ">>{WmPitcher} : It was a focussed interview I guess, and that doesn't include all the times he repeats something in an interview. ;-)", '>>{ChicagoJohn123} : I only read half the transcript. Did he say anything that WAS true?', ">>{Baltorussian} : You really should read the whole thing. I watched it after, and it doesn't come across as bad, since listening and reading really make a difference in how we process info. But man..Trump is one sick puppy.", ">>{kennedymeeks11} : Shitheads have a victim complex. It's that simple when you're as fucking stupid as this orange tweedfuck. I am physically sick to my fucking stomach.", '>>{Fatandmean} : It was later while sitting in the Diplomatic Reception Room. It was asked if he would like to shake hands and he never said a word. It was cringe worthy.', '>>{WmPitcher} : Well I do, but you asked me the wrong question.', ">>{Cheeriodarlin} : Хорошо, товарищ. Так почему бы ему не пожать руку за возможность фотографии? [Ok comrade. So why wouldn't he shake her hand for the photo op?](http://time.com/4705483/president-trump-angela-merkel-handshake/)", '>>{Kenny_Wayne_Shitbird} : He shook her hand several times during her visit, on camera. Why lie about that?', ">>{Sportsfan5000} : True, but maybe we shouldn't ban them from entering then.", '>>{SkyLukewalker} : If we want to respect them we should allow them to come here as refugees.', '>>{SaltHash} : >Fake news. I saw Trump shake her hand as he welcomed her. That seems like a conveniently limited perspective because Trump infamously refused to shake her hand in front of the fireplace where he later shook hands with Sisi. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/17/politics/donald-trump-angela-merkel-handshake/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-sisi-handshake-photo-angela-merkel-snub-a7665166.html', '>>{uyink5} : > West hates him \xa0> gets elected to be leader of the West', ">>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : It would also solve America's mess. No more Trump is a win for everybody!", '>>{upendingpotato} : He only said 11 things in an interview? Concerning.', ">>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : He's not the leader of the west. Even his own country doesn't approve of him.", ">>{n3rdychick} : He appeared to refuse or ignore a request for a photo op handshake that is pretty routine for world leader visits. He has had that same photo without incident with all other visiting heads of state so far, so it's not like he didn't know people like that photo. Either he forgot (senile), didn't hear the request (deaf), or ignored her on purpose (douche).", '>>{BC-clette} : Lying about things that are easily demonstrably false is the characteristic of: a) a fascist propagandist b) a compulsive liar c) both Take your pick.', '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : You\'d have to ask him that. Personally I believe it was a silly power move, similar to his handshake jerk. Mind you, he absolutely shook her hand prior to that meeting. I\'m sure you already know that too. I\'m Canadian BTW. I understand you\'re trying to deflect by implying anyone that disagrees with you is a foreign enemy. You\'re heading down a dark "us vs them" path down in the States. I don\'t envy ya\'ll one bit.', ">>{letdogsvote} : For all the Trump supporters who were trying to excuse his interactions with Merkel (wasn't necessarily a photo op, they'd already shaken hands, he didn't hear her, etc) in this very same room and spot and circumstances, just compare the images here.", ">>{jamey0077} : It's perfectly acceptable to call 'false things' *Lies* now. No need to keep sugarcoating this shit.", ">>{WmPitcher} : But he is maintaining his headline structure that he has been using for months. It has been an 'impressive' list -- you might say huge.", ">>{meowskywalker} : I just don't understand why the republican congress was so opposed to Obama doing this very thing when he was in charge if it was the right thing to do? Or did it only become the correct thing to do once a republican was sitting in the oval office? Would a democrat bombing Syria somehow not have made these same Syrians happy?", '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : They dont want to come here as refugees they want justice in their own country.', ">>{mommy2libras} : Keep it up Toronto Star. You're doing the Lord's work. And you're doing a fucking fabulous job!", '>>{cascaderade} : are you saying that reading it is the preferred method?', '>>{uyink5} : > He\'s not the leader of the west. soo US isn\'t the leader of West? what country can stand up to us in the West? the 60k soldiers of Germany? lmao. > Even his own country doesn\'t approve of him the country that elected him? inb4 you bring up "approval poll". to which I say, ask every single voters and then I\'ll believe it. your sample polls have proven to be worthless.', '>>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : > soo US isn\'t the leader of West? Not anymore. People don\'t respect the US anymore. >the country that elected him? inb4 you bring up "approval poll". to which I say, ask every single voters and then I\'ll believe it. your sample polls have proven to be worthless. "I\'m and idiot and don\'t understand representative samples." Donnie wouldn\'t even *be* President if our election reflected the will of the American people, who wanted Hillary Clinton to be President.', ">>{MyNameIsRay} : It's a bit ironic that they hail Trump as their new champion. He made a symbolical missile launch at an empty base, after making it clear he'd actively block any actual assistance (no financial aid, won't accept refugees, etc.), and killing an order of magnitude more civilians with drone strikes than Assad has with gas. Meanwhile, other world leaders are taking in thousands of refugees, actively working to fund relief efforts and protect citizens, and not ordering drone strikes on innocent civilians. People like Stefan Lofven, one of the few people putting his reputation and career on the line to make sure they're safe, don't get so much as a thank you.", '>>{Baltorussian} : When we listen, we interpret things different. It took me a lot longer "slow reading" the transcript compared to watching it. Hell, after reading it, watching it was supposed to reinforce what I read, and add facial expressions...except it fucking didn\'t sound as bad. We typically speak faster than we read...this leads to less time processing the info...', ">>{lunex} : She's also a woman and he's not used to grabbing them by the hand.", ">>{cascaderade} : I can't even listen to him speak due to his inability to speak in complete sentences. It's so hard to follow exactly what he's saying.", ">>{Kharn0} : I think they use false because the delusional lunatic literally can't accept things that disagree with him so he can't actually 'lie'. Dementia patients aren't liars if they believe it.", '>>{noregretstomorrow} : LMAO nice try! Thanks for the nostalgia though, I was brought back to our "we will be greeted as liberators in Iraq" days.', '>>{SoGodDangTired} : A narcissist\u200b or a sign of ignorance, as well', ">>{RepelGropers} : These aren't ALL Syrians. These ones support the Islamists. The secular ones support Assad. As does everyone else.", ">>{CarlTheRedditor} : You're better at this than the usual detritus that t_d sends. Not good, mind you, but better.", ">>{banjosbadfurday} : Despite refusing to shake a world leader's hand, nobody respects women more than Donald Trump. ^^^/s", '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : Gee, I can\'t imagine what might give the impression of a Russian troll on a few day old obvious troll account screaming, "FAKE NEWS" on a not fake story.', ">>{hblask} : That's about matches Obama's average. I expect Trump to double or triple that as time goes on.", ">>{Tmoto261} : This is so 3 weeks ago. I heard he's making the switch to fist bumps anyways.", ">>{SquanchMyFamily} : Salon is fake news. President Trump did shake Merkel's hand. Not that it fucking matters.", ">>{jjolla888} : Merkel has a B.S. in physics and a Ph.D. in quantum chemistry. She speaks fluent Russian and English, and has worked as a research scientist. Trump can't even read. What a contrast. And this is the buffoon that Americans chose as their leader /s", '>>{iwantttopettthekitty} : Trump is a classical Greek Tragedy. He\'s a Shakespearean King Lear. He\'s the stereotype of a bully, like Wolfgang from Hey Arnold or Randall from Recess. Its so obvious and clear I find it funny. The man literally has all the traits of a sterotypical bully. "Bullies bully to mask their own insecurity." - Every gradeschool teacher any of us ever had. I dont know, I think of the bullies I met in school, and the ones I saw on TV as a kid, and the tragic figures I read about in college, and its all Trump baby.', '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : It probably especially angers Trump that Merkel is a woman who is now the most powerful force in western democracy who accomplished that with her brain instead of her appearance.', '>>{loungeboy79} : He shakes the hands the Putin orders him to shake, and refuses to expose his tiny hands to the others.', '>>{Clitorally-Hitler} : Obama wore a tan suit. NOW THAT SHIT FUCKING MATTERS!', '>>{donnyradwell} : I am 100% fine with finger pointing and us vs them if it will call out fake news and stop this ridiculous 21st century propaganda machine that has started to pollute half the countrys minds and get an illiterate Russian Cheetoh to rule the free world.', '>>{DANleDINOSAUR} : I\'m piecing something together here, guys: -Obviously doesn\'t respect females (any age) -Making "muslim bans" fail on purpose to portray he trying -So far hasn\'t been seen ingesting alcohol or pork products BOOM Donald is a secret head of the muslim brotherhood! /s', ">>{0phois} : he shook her hands once during that meeting, yes, yet he couldn't be bothered to shake hers at the very place depicted in the photo above, despite multiple photographers and merkel herself asking for it. make of that what you want.", ">>{RedStar21} : Sure, but the thing is a lot of those characters develop as people and grow to regret their actions. Not so with Trump. Honestly I don't feel that man has experienced a shred of pathos or regret in his entire life. His diseased mind prevents it.", ">>{tertialtom} : Did you even the video of them, he acted like she wasn't even in the room? He completely disrespected a world leader.", '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : Oh you! It\'s a sad day for American politics when any admonishment is met by "Hurrr, you Russian scum". I\'m a Canadian, who\'s probably far more left of center than yourself. I simply pointed out the truth, Trump shook her hand at the start of the meeting. I\'m not a Trump fan, I think he\'s going to be an awful President, but I won\'t compromise the truth for spin.', '>>{Vyrosatwork} : The eternal question: Does Trump love despots, or just hate women?', '>>{bocephus607} : So calling Trump a micropenisman is an insult to micropenismen? They would rather be able to proudly proclaim their "shortcomings" than have to be compared to Trump. Am I getting that right?', ">>{Vyrosatwork} : Sadly in real life, a great many bullies don't grow out of their tendencies, they just grow up to be bad middle managers, abusive police officers, or bitter hurtful drunks.", '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : Combination. Trump was also a colossal douche to Australian PM Turnbull, pulled his "alpha" handshake BS with Abe and Trudeaux, so make of that what you will.', '>>{AlecBalls22} : Trump is illiterate? How is this not all over the news?', ">>{RugerRedhawk} : > Trudeaux He tried his awkward handshake with him, but failed. Does he still try it on others? It's like what a little kid would do if they learned about a strong confident handshake and didn't understand that if you take the concept too far it portrays the opposite image oneself, one of insecurity.", '>>{curious_dead} : Google "Donald Trump can\'t read"; mostly conspiracy theories or exaggerations, but you can still notice in some videos that he is very reluctant to read, as if it required a lot of effort or attention. Personally, I don\'t believe he cannot read at all, probably just attention span or something. The videos are still troubling; at some point in one, he fumbles multiple excuses to not read something, like "I don\'t have my glasses" (has anyone even seen Trump with glasses?).', ">>{iwantttopettthekitty} : Thats what i'm saying! In all the stories and TV the bullies learned their lesson, showed humanity, and CHANGED. Trump is like what happens when that pattern breaks down. Its fascinating. These lessons have been around for millennia for a reason. I simply can't see Trump getting away with it. My entire worldview is premised on people like him eventually getting their comeupance. I don't think Trump will be the one to break the universe. So we wait....", '>>{curious_dead} : > Personally I believe it was a silly power move, similar to his handshake jerk. So you admit he didn\'t shake her hand for the photo op when asked by multiple journalists and Merkel herself? > You\'re heading down a dark "us vs them" path down in the States. Trump has started the US on this path long ago.', '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : If you believe this "Us vs them" mentality started during this election cycle, then I doubt you\'ve been following politics for long. He did not shake her hand during that specific interaction - I have no idea why. He may not have heard the request, etc, that\'s all speculation.', '>>{curious_dead} : OK, he amplified it, then. Happy? As for the handshake, yes, it is that particular interaction that is criticized. I don\'t believe an instant he didn\'t hear the MULTIPLE requests though. He acted like a jerk - period. It wouldn\'t be the first time (hung up on the Australian PM, his alpha douchey handhsakes, "grab women by the pussy", his ridiculous feuds) and sadly it won\'t be the last.', '>>{bongggblue} : TBH, Trump is half the man Merkel is..', '>>{bongggblue} : He\'s probably one of those types of readers who move their mouth when they "read to themself"', ">>{Canadiandemocracy} : Oh absolutely, he acts like a jerk. You guys elected a jerk as your President, I wouldn't expect him to change now.", '>>{smacksaw} : No, because you don\'t understand the context. Is he purely literate? Yes. Clearly so. Is he functionally literate, as in he meets the standards of our society when it comes to reading and writing? Not that we can observe. Since there\'s different degrees, Trump and his supporters would say "see, he\'s purely literate" and "purely literate is a *kind* of literacy"...which isn\'t the same as functional literacy. He is not functionally literate. He isn\'t thoroughly literate. Often people with dyslexia struggle with literacy and can\'t read at adult levels because of that. I suspect he has dyslexia or some other learning difficulty which in turn has made him functionally illiterate. His limited vocabulary and inability to express himself with any verbosity tells me that he probably stopped reading around age 8 when it started to get harder.', '>>{mindfu} : Yep. If a pattern from one worldview were applied here, Trump would definitely be 100% "beta".', '>>{seius} : > It probably especially angers Trump that Merkel is a woman who is now the most powerful force in Islamic democracy who accomplished that with her East German communist connections instead of her appearance. FTFY', ">>{mindfu} : It's a more satirical thing. Similar to how Glenn Beck may have raped and murdered a girl in 1990. Now, I'm not saying he did. I think Glenn Beck probably didn't. I'm just asking the question. A lot of smart people are asking it. And it's interesting that he doesn't comment on it at all. Why won't Glenn Beck just speak up about whether or not he raped and murdered a girl in 1990? What's he got to hide? Etc. : )", '>>{RECOGNI7E} : Trudeau put trump in his place. Do you think a 70 year old fat man can over power a 40 year old fit man?', ">>{cisGenderMan} : Maybe he's dyslexic, and everybody is making fun of a person with a disability?", ">>{isperfectlycromulent} : This doesn't make any sense at all. Islamic democracy, like from the 1500's? East Germany hasn't existed since 1989. Are you some sort of Sam Beckett, jumping through time all willy nilly?", ">>{isperfectlycromulent} : I don't know if he's illiterate, or dyslexic, or very far sighted. The fact is if you watch when something with words on it is put in front of him, he tries to avoid it like it's something unpleasant. It's pretty consistent, which isn't a good quality to have as a politician since that involves a metric fuckton of reading.", '>>{isperfectlycromulent} : This man you\'re defending has mocked anyone and everyone who he\'s deemed enemies. He has no friends, just people he\'s friendly to. This is a small, incomplete list of people, places and things that he\'s mocked since the inauguration; Iowans Muslims Ted Cruz The disabled https://cdn.theguardian.tv/mainwebsite/2015/11/26/151126TrumpCNN_desk.mp4 The Pope Chris Christie Court order halting immigration ban CNN Ted Cruz’s Iowa caucus speech Arnold Schwarzenegger Ruth Bader Ginsburg Jeb Bush supporters The NYT Jeb Bush John Roberts Bernie Sanders Germany CBS Mexicans Ben Carson, his HUD Secretary The 9th Circuit Court The Mainstream Media Saturday Night Live Macy\'s Hillary Clinton Amazon Republican Party of Virginia Karl Rove Britain Canada Nordstrom Major League Baseball Women Meet The Press Morning Joe John McCain "I don\'t like soldiers that get captured" Glenn Beck The State of the Union Address Marco Rubio He deserves every bit of mockery sent his way, and then some.', ">>{xanatos451} : It's not even the only comparison. Look at the meeting with he Japanese PM as well. He was very clearly snubbing her.", '>>{partydelux} : what basis are you using to diagnose his functional illiteracy doctor?', ">>{Maggie_A} : >Why is this kind of thing an okay or acceptable comment to make in any way? When you make light of something like that and treat it as a joke or an insult, you also insult and hurt good men who legitimately suffer with that condition, many of whom self-harm or commit suicide as a result of the way they were born. Don't body shame. We're better than that. You must have hated this South Park... http://southpark.cc.com/clips/386593/america-is-back", ">>{johnly81} : >Russia has just absolutely politically dominated the United States over the last ten years. Barry certainly couldn't hold his own against Vladimir Mmkay Comrade", ">>{GFR_120} : I'm just hearing a lot of people say he's illiterate. I don't know, you tell me, maybe he is. But a lot of people are saying this, saying that Trump can't read.", '>>{Bobo480} : Its more simple then that. They would destroy the educated first. No matter race, religion, or nationality. They have a deep seeded fear of knowledge.', '>>{partydelux} : That actually cracked me up reading it. I disagree that he is illiterate, i think its just the overplayed trope that all republican elected presidents are secret, or overt, idiots. The same is true when its democrats and the overarching storyline on the right is "could this be the most corrupt socialist ever?" the way he speaks i believe is akin to how some newspapers write their articles at a 6th grade reading level, so that everyone understands it. I personally dont think obama spoke much differently, albeit more smooth. If the key to effective communication is being understood, trump is, for the most part doing well.', '>>{ckaili} : The fact that you needed to explain yourself makes me sad.', ">>{DieRedditDie0oo0} : Merkel is the worst leader in German history! She is a Marxist Traitor who is using forced mass Islamic invasion to destroy Germany. She has accomplished for Islam what they couldn't do for themselves for the last 1400 years. She will go down as the most hated leader in history. Trump will go down in history as perhaps America's greatest President ever.", '>>{Rubberbabybuggybum} : Trump once went up against the word tap. The word tap befuddled him.', '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : >Merkel is the worst leader in German history! Yeah, totally worse than Hitler. /s Crawl back into whatever hole you came out of, please.', '>>{DieRedditDie0oo0} : Merkel is a traitor to everything the Free World holds dear. She is the worst leader in German history.', '>>{politicstroll43} : > I suspect he has dyslexia or some other learning difficulty which in turn has made him functionally illiterate. That would be, "he\'s always had people to read things to him because he was a spoiled brat/huckster who has never worked an honest day in his life". Also, he\'s got dementia, and he fucks his daughter.', '>>{seius} : She was big in the east Germany communist party. She is now Mama-Merkel to the future of Germany which is Islamic in nature. Not a bad idea actually,if she can get all muslims to fight for her the rest of the world is fucked.', ">>{isperfectlycromulent} : Germany was WAYYYY different 30 years ago. I don't get where you're saying Germany is Islamic in nature. I've tried googling it but all I find are terrorist attacks that've happened in the country. Do you have a source for any of that?", ">>{seius} : By 2030, 30% of the native German population will be older than 65. 1 in 2 Children born in Germany is born to a migrant family. It's simple mathematics, with Germans having a birthdate as low as 1.2 in some major cities, and Islamic migrants having 3-4, by 2050 Germans will be a minority in Germany.", '>>{Fr31l0ck} : If he\'s doing well why does everyone struggle to pin down the exact meaning of what he says? Is it that millions of people are idiots or that the speaker is unable to relay a clear message? Yes, I understand that millions of people ARE idiots, but if you look back at the reception of pretty much any statment any other president has made, news sources will generally analyze the same underlying meaning/intent regardless of bias. Where as with Trump single articles discuss multiple meaning of a single statment summing it all up with a "fuck if I know" coclusion. While yes millions of people are idiots only a few of them are anti-Trump.', ">>{seius} : https://jungefreiheit.de/debatte/kommentar/2016/raum-ohne-volk/ This article cites census data that 4/10 births are from migrant families, you can do your own research into German census data and statistics, much of which is glossed over by the media to prevent 'extremism'. You can deny it all you want, but basic math is not on your side, this migrant policy is unsustainable unless you are ok with European culture being completely eradicated.", ">>{jjolla888} : I read that translators have a really hard time translating in real-time .. but I don't have a problem understanding what he says. The problem is that all of it is intentioal BS.", ">>{TheRealArmandoS} : The page you posted doesn't cite where the numbers came from. For all we know he could have invented those numbers. Though about halfway through he does make one reference to destasis but no link to any reports.", '>>{jjolla888} : He relies on bannon to say "just sign here, its fine"', ">>{supermochabear} : Culture isn't eradicated by immigrants, it evolves. Y'know, the same way American culture evolved due to immigrants from countries like Ireland, Italy, and Germany. It's not necessary for a country to stay racially homogenous.", '>>{jjolla888} : You probably mean since Adolf ? In any case, do u have sources?', '>>{partydelux} : i dont think everyone struggles, i would argue that he says something and there is a segment of the population that willfully misunderstands, takes out of context, or creates their own subtext for everything he says. this happe ed with obama, busg, clinton. it basically happens every time someone that half the population hates speaks on anything', '>>{Dimmed_skyline} : that would explain why his wife refuses to move in with him', ">>{Fr31l0ck} : My point is that when other politician's statements make the news cycle the media may disagree on the affect or motivation for a decission but they all are talking about the same understanding of the content of the statement regardless of bias. Where as with Trump they can't pick apart the statments and apply them to reality because his fragmented thought proccess prevents him from relaying a clear message. And this is magnified by his advisors who do some amazing rational acrobatics to reframe his statments in a way that can be applied to reality.", ">>{MartinSchou} : Merkel probably didn't go out of her way to kiss his ass.", ">>{MartinSchou} : > Maybe he's dyslexic, and everybody is making fun of a person with a disability? No - they're making fun of a person who makes insane claims about everything, who makes insane claims about himself, about how he's the best at everything ever, and who clearly is incapable of admitting a problem. If you're blind but pretend that you are the best at seeing things, you're a fucking moron who deserves to be made fun of, and if you try to get behind the wheel of a car, someone needs to kick your ass before you kill someone.", '>>{cisGenderMan} : Yes, but what if he *is* dyslexic? As far as I know, he\'s never said something like: "I\'m the best reader, really. All other readers are nothing compared to me. Sad really. Oh and buy some of my steaks." Would it have been fair to say about FDR; "Man, what an S.O.B.. He\'s so out of shape, he can\'t even stand!"', '>>{MartinSchou} : > Would it have been fair to say about FDR; "Man, what an S.O.B.. He\'s so out of shape, he can\'t even stand!" Once elected FDR never made any pretence that he didn\'t have polio. And it\'s not like Trump hasn\'t had plenty of chances to point out that he\'s dyslexic. There\'s that lovely moment from court where he claimed he couldn\'t read without his glasses in an apparent attempt to get out of reading. There\'s nothing wrong with being dyslexic - just be honest about it. Being illiterate, however, especially when coming from such a privileged upbringing **is** problematic, and it\'d be emblematic of Trump.', ">>{cisGenderMan} : Trump is illiterate, got it. What other conspiracy theories are you down with? Obama is a muslim? Bush did 9-11? Black Lives Matter is a Soros false flag? Never-mind, I don't want to know. (; Be careful with those vids you see on YouTube. The lizard people will blow your mind.", ">>{MartinSchou} : > Trump is illiterate, got it. Pretty sure I didn't say he was. I do, however, think it's far more likely that he's illiterate (or at least functionally illiterate) than dyslexic.", ">>{Sharkaddy2} : Trudeau is *40*!? Freeze that man's DNA for research.", ">>{Sharkaddy2} : Salon publishes opinion pieces. They do conservative and liberal opinions, but they're all opinion.", '>>{RECOGNI7E} : 45 actually! Ya he is looking pretty good. Those cold canadian winters are good for the skin apparently.', ">>{DieRedditDie0oo0} : Why are you SJWs so obsessed with race? I was talking specifically about Merkel. You should stop that. It gets you high, doesn't it? Well, it isn't healthy and won't help you understand anything. Making everything about race only clouds the real issues.", '>>{Sharkaddy2} : If you think Merkel is worse than Hitler, you are either a white supremacist, or an apologist.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Cheeriodarlin} : Trump loves despots: He couldn’t shake Angela Merkel’s hand, but falls hard for Egypt’s strongman. Sense a pattern?', '>>{Fatandmean} : Yeah, unstable small man with a complex about those smarter and more capable than he is.', '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : Fake news. I saw Trump shake her hand as he welcomed her.', ">>{kennedymeeks11} : Shitheads have a victim complex. It's that simple when you're as fucking stupid as this orange tweedfuck. I am physically sick to my fucking stomach.", '>>{Fatandmean} : It was later while sitting in the Diplomatic Reception Room. It was asked if he would like to shake hands and he never said a word. It was cringe worthy.', ">>{Cheeriodarlin} : Хорошо, товарищ. Так почему бы ему не пожать руку за возможность фотографии? [Ok comrade. So why wouldn't he shake her hand for the photo op?](http://time.com/4705483/president-trump-angela-merkel-handshake/)", '>>{Kenny_Wayne_Shitbird} : He shook her hand several times during her visit, on camera. Why lie about that?', '>>{SaltHash} : >Fake news. I saw Trump shake her hand as he welcomed her. That seems like a conveniently limited perspective because Trump infamously refused to shake her hand in front of the fireplace where he later shook hands with Sisi. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/17/politics/donald-trump-angela-merkel-handshake/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-sisi-handshake-photo-angela-merkel-snub-a7665166.html', ">>{n3rdychick} : He appeared to refuse or ignore a request for a photo op handshake that is pretty routine for world leader visits. He has had that same photo without incident with all other visiting heads of state so far, so it's not like he didn't know people like that photo. Either he forgot (senile), didn't hear the request (deaf), or ignored her on purpose (douche).", '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : You\'d have to ask him that. Personally I believe it was a silly power move, similar to his handshake jerk. Mind you, he absolutely shook her hand prior to that meeting. I\'m sure you already know that too. I\'m Canadian BTW. I understand you\'re trying to deflect by implying anyone that disagrees with you is a foreign enemy. You\'re heading down a dark "us vs them" path down in the States. I don\'t envy ya\'ll one bit.', ">>{letdogsvote} : For all the Trump supporters who were trying to excuse his interactions with Merkel (wasn't necessarily a photo op, they'd already shaken hands, he didn't hear her, etc) in this very same room and spot and circumstances, just compare the images here.", ">>{lunex} : She's also a woman and he's not used to grabbing them by the hand.", ">>{banjosbadfurday} : Despite refusing to shake a world leader's hand, nobody respects women more than Donald Trump. ^^^/s", '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : Gee, I can\'t imagine what might give the impression of a Russian troll on a few day old obvious troll account screaming, "FAKE NEWS" on a not fake story.', ">>{Tmoto261} : This is so 3 weeks ago. I heard he's making the switch to fist bumps anyways.", ">>{SquanchMyFamily} : Salon is fake news. President Trump did shake Merkel's hand. Not that it fucking matters.", ">>{jjolla888} : Merkel has a B.S. in physics and a Ph.D. in quantum chemistry. She speaks fluent Russian and English, and has worked as a research scientist. Trump can't even read. What a contrast. And this is the buffoon that Americans chose as their leader /s", '>>{iwantttopettthekitty} : Trump is a classical Greek Tragedy. He\'s a Shakespearean King Lear. He\'s the stereotype of a bully, like Wolfgang from Hey Arnold or Randall from Recess. Its so obvious and clear I find it funny. The man literally has all the traits of a sterotypical bully. "Bullies bully to mask their own insecurity." - Every gradeschool teacher any of us ever had. I dont know, I think of the bullies I met in school, and the ones I saw on TV as a kid, and the tragic figures I read about in college, and its all Trump baby.', '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : It probably especially angers Trump that Merkel is a woman who is now the most powerful force in western democracy who accomplished that with her brain instead of her appearance.', '>>{loungeboy79} : He shakes the hands the Putin orders him to shake, and refuses to expose his tiny hands to the others.', '>>{Clitorally-Hitler} : Obama wore a tan suit. NOW THAT SHIT FUCKING MATTERS!', '>>{donnyradwell} : I am 100% fine with finger pointing and us vs them if it will call out fake news and stop this ridiculous 21st century propaganda machine that has started to pollute half the countrys minds and get an illiterate Russian Cheetoh to rule the free world.', '>>{DANleDINOSAUR} : I\'m piecing something together here, guys: -Obviously doesn\'t respect females (any age) -Making "muslim bans" fail on purpose to portray he trying -So far hasn\'t been seen ingesting alcohol or pork products BOOM Donald is a secret head of the muslim brotherhood! /s', ">>{0phois} : he shook her hands once during that meeting, yes, yet he couldn't be bothered to shake hers at the very place depicted in the photo above, despite multiple photographers and merkel herself asking for it. make of that what you want.", ">>{RedStar21} : Sure, but the thing is a lot of those characters develop as people and grow to regret their actions. Not so with Trump. Honestly I don't feel that man has experienced a shred of pathos or regret in his entire life. His diseased mind prevents it.", ">>{tertialtom} : Did you even the video of them, he acted like she wasn't even in the room? He completely disrespected a world leader.", '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : Oh you! It\'s a sad day for American politics when any admonishment is met by "Hurrr, you Russian scum". I\'m a Canadian, who\'s probably far more left of center than yourself. I simply pointed out the truth, Trump shook her hand at the start of the meeting. I\'m not a Trump fan, I think he\'s going to be an awful President, but I won\'t compromise the truth for spin.', '>>{Vyrosatwork} : The eternal question: Does Trump love despots, or just hate women?', '>>{bocephus607} : So calling Trump a micropenisman is an insult to micropenismen? They would rather be able to proudly proclaim their "shortcomings" than have to be compared to Trump. Am I getting that right?', ">>{Vyrosatwork} : Sadly in real life, a great many bullies don't grow out of their tendencies, they just grow up to be bad middle managers, abusive police officers, or bitter hurtful drunks.", '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : Combination. Trump was also a colossal douche to Australian PM Turnbull, pulled his "alpha" handshake BS with Abe and Trudeaux, so make of that what you will.', '>>{AlecBalls22} : Trump is illiterate? How is this not all over the news?', ">>{RugerRedhawk} : > Trudeaux He tried his awkward handshake with him, but failed. Does he still try it on others? It's like what a little kid would do if they learned about a strong confident handshake and didn't understand that if you take the concept too far it portrays the opposite image oneself, one of insecurity.", '>>{curious_dead} : Google "Donald Trump can\'t read"; mostly conspiracy theories or exaggerations, but you can still notice in some videos that he is very reluctant to read, as if it required a lot of effort or attention. Personally, I don\'t believe he cannot read at all, probably just attention span or something. The videos are still troubling; at some point in one, he fumbles multiple excuses to not read something, like "I don\'t have my glasses" (has anyone even seen Trump with glasses?).', ">>{iwantttopettthekitty} : Thats what i'm saying! In all the stories and TV the bullies learned their lesson, showed humanity, and CHANGED. Trump is like what happens when that pattern breaks down. Its fascinating. These lessons have been around for millennia for a reason. I simply can't see Trump getting away with it. My entire worldview is premised on people like him eventually getting their comeupance. I don't think Trump will be the one to break the universe. So we wait....", '>>{curious_dead} : > Personally I believe it was a silly power move, similar to his handshake jerk. So you admit he didn\'t shake her hand for the photo op when asked by multiple journalists and Merkel herself? > You\'re heading down a dark "us vs them" path down in the States. Trump has started the US on this path long ago.', '>>{Canadiandemocracy} : If you believe this "Us vs them" mentality started during this election cycle, then I doubt you\'ve been following politics for long. He did not shake her hand during that specific interaction - I have no idea why. He may not have heard the request, etc, that\'s all speculation.', '>>{curious_dead} : OK, he amplified it, then. Happy? As for the handshake, yes, it is that particular interaction that is criticized. I don\'t believe an instant he didn\'t hear the MULTIPLE requests though. He acted like a jerk - period. It wouldn\'t be the first time (hung up on the Australian PM, his alpha douchey handhsakes, "grab women by the pussy", his ridiculous feuds) and sadly it won\'t be the last.', '>>{bongggblue} : TBH, Trump is half the man Merkel is..', '>>{bongggblue} : He\'s probably one of those types of readers who move their mouth when they "read to themself"', ">>{Canadiandemocracy} : Oh absolutely, he acts like a jerk. You guys elected a jerk as your President, I wouldn't expect him to change now.", '>>{smacksaw} : No, because you don\'t understand the context. Is he purely literate? Yes. Clearly so. Is he functionally literate, as in he meets the standards of our society when it comes to reading and writing? Not that we can observe. Since there\'s different degrees, Trump and his supporters would say "see, he\'s purely literate" and "purely literate is a *kind* of literacy"...which isn\'t the same as functional literacy. He is not functionally literate. He isn\'t thoroughly literate. Often people with dyslexia struggle with literacy and can\'t read at adult levels because of that. I suspect he has dyslexia or some other learning difficulty which in turn has made him functionally illiterate. His limited vocabulary and inability to express himself with any verbosity tells me that he probably stopped reading around age 8 when it started to get harder.', '>>{mindfu} : Yep. If a pattern from one worldview were applied here, Trump would definitely be 100% "beta".', '>>{seius} : > It probably especially angers Trump that Merkel is a woman who is now the most powerful force in Islamic democracy who accomplished that with her East German communist connections instead of her appearance. FTFY', ">>{mindfu} : It's a more satirical thing. Similar to how Glenn Beck may have raped and murdered a girl in 1990. Now, I'm not saying he did. I think Glenn Beck probably didn't. I'm just asking the question. A lot of smart people are asking it. And it's interesting that he doesn't comment on it at all. Why won't Glenn Beck just speak up about whether or not he raped and murdered a girl in 1990? What's he got to hide? Etc. : )", '>>{RECOGNI7E} : Trudeau put trump in his place. Do you think a 70 year old fat man can over power a 40 year old fit man?', ">>{cisGenderMan} : Maybe he's dyslexic, and everybody is making fun of a person with a disability?", ">>{isperfectlycromulent} : This doesn't make any sense at all. Islamic democracy, like from the 1500's? East Germany hasn't existed since 1989. Are you some sort of Sam Beckett, jumping through time all willy nilly?", ">>{isperfectlycromulent} : I don't know if he's illiterate, or dyslexic, or very far sighted. The fact is if you watch when something with words on it is put in front of him, he tries to avoid it like it's something unpleasant. It's pretty consistent, which isn't a good quality to have as a politician since that involves a metric fuckton of reading.", '>>{isperfectlycromulent} : This man you\'re defending has mocked anyone and everyone who he\'s deemed enemies. He has no friends, just people he\'s friendly to. This is a small, incomplete list of people, places and things that he\'s mocked since the inauguration; Iowans Muslims Ted Cruz The disabled https://cdn.theguardian.tv/mainwebsite/2015/11/26/151126TrumpCNN_desk.mp4 The Pope Chris Christie Court order halting immigration ban CNN Ted Cruz’s Iowa caucus speech Arnold Schwarzenegger Ruth Bader Ginsburg Jeb Bush supporters The NYT Jeb Bush John Roberts Bernie Sanders Germany CBS Mexicans Ben Carson, his HUD Secretary The 9th Circuit Court The Mainstream Media Saturday Night Live Macy\'s Hillary Clinton Amazon Republican Party of Virginia Karl Rove Britain Canada Nordstrom Major League Baseball Women Meet The Press Morning Joe John McCain "I don\'t like soldiers that get captured" Glenn Beck The State of the Union Address Marco Rubio He deserves every bit of mockery sent his way, and then some.', ">>{xanatos451} : It's not even the only comparison. Look at the meeting with he Japanese PM as well. He was very clearly snubbing her.", '>>{partydelux} : what basis are you using to diagnose his functional illiteracy doctor?', ">>{Maggie_A} : >Why is this kind of thing an okay or acceptable comment to make in any way? When you make light of something like that and treat it as a joke or an insult, you also insult and hurt good men who legitimately suffer with that condition, many of whom self-harm or commit suicide as a result of the way they were born. Don't body shame. We're better than that. You must have hated this South Park... http://southpark.cc.com/clips/386593/america-is-back", ">>{johnly81} : >Russia has just absolutely politically dominated the United States over the last ten years. Barry certainly couldn't hold his own against Vladimir Mmkay Comrade", ">>{GFR_120} : I'm just hearing a lot of people say he's illiterate. I don't know, you tell me, maybe he is. But a lot of people are saying this, saying that Trump can't read.", '>>{Bobo480} : Its more simple then that. They would destroy the educated first. No matter race, religion, or nationality. They have a deep seeded fear of knowledge.', '>>{partydelux} : That actually cracked me up reading it. I disagree that he is illiterate, i think its just the overplayed trope that all republican elected presidents are secret, or overt, idiots. The same is true when its democrats and the overarching storyline on the right is "could this be the most corrupt socialist ever?" the way he speaks i believe is akin to how some newspapers write their articles at a 6th grade reading level, so that everyone understands it. I personally dont think obama spoke much differently, albeit more smooth. If the key to effective communication is being understood, trump is, for the most part doing well.', '>>{ckaili} : The fact that you needed to explain yourself makes me sad.', ">>{DieRedditDie0oo0} : Merkel is the worst leader in German history! She is a Marxist Traitor who is using forced mass Islamic invasion to destroy Germany. She has accomplished for Islam what they couldn't do for themselves for the last 1400 years. She will go down as the most hated leader in history. Trump will go down in history as perhaps America's greatest President ever.", '>>{Rubberbabybuggybum} : Trump once went up against the word tap. The word tap befuddled him.', '>>{Cheeriodarlin} : >Merkel is the worst leader in German history! Yeah, totally worse than Hitler. /s Crawl back into whatever hole you came out of, please.', '>>{DieRedditDie0oo0} : Merkel is a traitor to everything the Free World holds dear. She is the worst leader in German history.', '>>{politicstroll43} : > I suspect he has dyslexia or some other learning difficulty which in turn has made him functionally illiterate. That would be, "he\'s always had people to read things to him because he was a spoiled brat/huckster who has never worked an honest day in his life". Also, he\'s got dementia, and he fucks his daughter.', '>>{seius} : She was big in the east Germany communist party. She is now Mama-Merkel to the future of Germany which is Islamic in nature. Not a bad idea actually,if she can get all muslims to fight for her the rest of the world is fucked.', ">>{isperfectlycromulent} : Germany was WAYYYY different 30 years ago. I don't get where you're saying Germany is Islamic in nature. I've tried googling it but all I find are terrorist attacks that've happened in the country. Do you have a source for any of that?", ">>{seius} : By 2030, 30% of the native German population will be older than 65. 1 in 2 Children born in Germany is born to a migrant family. It's simple mathematics, with Germans having a birthdate as low as 1.2 in some major cities, and Islamic migrants having 3-4, by 2050 Germans will be a minority in Germany.", '>>{Fr31l0ck} : If he\'s doing well why does everyone struggle to pin down the exact meaning of what he says? Is it that millions of people are idiots or that the speaker is unable to relay a clear message? Yes, I understand that millions of people ARE idiots, but if you look back at the reception of pretty much any statment any other president has made, news sources will generally analyze the same underlying meaning/intent regardless of bias. Where as with Trump single articles discuss multiple meaning of a single statment summing it all up with a "fuck if I know" coclusion. While yes millions of people are idiots only a few of them are anti-Trump.', ">>{seius} : https://jungefreiheit.de/debatte/kommentar/2016/raum-ohne-volk/ This article cites census data that 4/10 births are from migrant families, you can do your own research into German census data and statistics, much of which is glossed over by the media to prevent 'extremism'. You can deny it all you want, but basic math is not on your side, this migrant policy is unsustainable unless you are ok with European culture being completely eradicated.", ">>{jjolla888} : I read that translators have a really hard time translating in real-time .. but I don't have a problem understanding what he says. The problem is that all of it is intentioal BS.", ">>{TheRealArmandoS} : The page you posted doesn't cite where the numbers came from. For all we know he could have invented those numbers. Though about halfway through he does make one reference to destasis but no link to any reports.", '>>{jjolla888} : He relies on bannon to say "just sign here, its fine"', ">>{supermochabear} : Culture isn't eradicated by immigrants, it evolves. Y'know, the same way American culture evolved due to immigrants from countries like Ireland, Italy, and Germany. It's not necessary for a country to stay racially homogenous.", '>>{jjolla888} : You probably mean since Adolf ? In any case, do u have sources?', '>>{partydelux} : i dont think everyone struggles, i would argue that he says something and there is a segment of the population that willfully misunderstands, takes out of context, or creates their own subtext for everything he says. this happe ed with obama, busg, clinton. it basically happens every time someone that half the population hates speaks on anything', '>>{Dimmed_skyline} : that would explain why his wife refuses to move in with him', ">>{Fr31l0ck} : My point is that when other politician's statements make the news cycle the media may disagree on the affect or motivation for a decission but they all are talking about the same understanding of the content of the statement regardless of bias. Where as with Trump they can't pick apart the statments and apply them to reality because his fragmented thought proccess prevents him from relaying a clear message. And this is magnified by his advisors who do some amazing rational acrobatics to reframe his statments in a way that can be applied to reality.", ">>{MartinSchou} : Merkel probably didn't go out of her way to kiss his ass.", ">>{MartinSchou} : > Maybe he's dyslexic, and everybody is making fun of a person with a disability? No - they're making fun of a person who makes insane claims about everything, who makes insane claims about himself, about how he's the best at everything ever, and who clearly is incapable of admitting a problem. If you're blind but pretend that you are the best at seeing things, you're a fucking moron who deserves to be made fun of, and if you try to get behind the wheel of a car, someone needs to kick your ass before you kill someone.", '>>{cisGenderMan} : Yes, but what if he *is* dyslexic? As far as I know, he\'s never said something like: "I\'m the best reader, really. All other readers are nothing compared to me. Sad really. Oh and buy some of my steaks." Would it have been fair to say about FDR; "Man, what an S.O.B.. He\'s so out of shape, he can\'t even stand!"', '>>{MartinSchou} : > Would it have been fair to say about FDR; "Man, what an S.O.B.. He\'s so out of shape, he can\'t even stand!" Once elected FDR never made any pretence that he didn\'t have polio. And it\'s not like Trump hasn\'t had plenty of chances to point out that he\'s dyslexic. There\'s that lovely moment from court where he claimed he couldn\'t read without his glasses in an apparent attempt to get out of reading. There\'s nothing wrong with being dyslexic - just be honest about it. Being illiterate, however, especially when coming from such a privileged upbringing **is** problematic, and it\'d be emblematic of Trump.', ">>{cisGenderMan} : Trump is illiterate, got it. What other conspiracy theories are you down with? Obama is a muslim? Bush did 9-11? Black Lives Matter is a Soros false flag? Never-mind, I don't want to know. (; Be careful with those vids you see on YouTube. The lizard people will blow your mind.", ">>{MartinSchou} : > Trump is illiterate, got it. Pretty sure I didn't say he was. I do, however, think it's far more likely that he's illiterate (or at least functionally illiterate) than dyslexic.", ">>{Sharkaddy2} : Trudeau is *40*!? Freeze that man's DNA for research.", ">>{Sharkaddy2} : Salon publishes opinion pieces. They do conservative and liberal opinions, but they're all opinion.", '>>{RECOGNI7E} : 45 actually! Ya he is looking pretty good. Those cold canadian winters are good for the skin apparently.', ">>{DieRedditDie0oo0} : Why are you SJWs so obsessed with race? I was talking specifically about Merkel. You should stop that. It gets you high, doesn't it? Well, it isn't healthy and won't help you understand anything. Making everything about race only clouds the real issues.", '>>{Sharkaddy2} : If you think Merkel is worse than Hitler, you are either a white supremacist, or an apologist.'], ['>>{WmPitcher} : Donald Trump said 11 false things in his first major TV interview as president', '>>{WmPitcher} : Daniel Dale is still tracking (now) President Trump daily. He got his start tracking former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.', '>>{GODGK} : So, he only said 11 things in his first interview then?? Amirite??', ">>{WmPitcher} : It was a focussed interview I guess, and that doesn't include all the times he repeats something in an interview. ;-)", '>>{ChicagoJohn123} : I only read half the transcript. Did he say anything that WAS true?', ">>{Baltorussian} : You really should read the whole thing. I watched it after, and it doesn't come across as bad, since listening and reading really make a difference in how we process info. But man..Trump is one sick puppy.", '>>{WmPitcher} : Well I do, but you asked me the wrong question.', '>>{upendingpotato} : He only said 11 things in an interview? Concerning.', '>>{BC-clette} : Lying about things that are easily demonstrably false is the characteristic of: a) a fascist propagandist b) a compulsive liar c) both Take your pick.', ">>{jamey0077} : It's perfectly acceptable to call 'false things' *Lies* now. No need to keep sugarcoating this shit.", ">>{WmPitcher} : But he is maintaining his headline structure that he has been using for months. It has been an 'impressive' list -- you might say huge.", ">>{mommy2libras} : Keep it up Toronto Star. You're doing the Lord's work. And you're doing a fucking fabulous job!", '>>{cascaderade} : are you saying that reading it is the preferred method?', '>>{Baltorussian} : When we listen, we interpret things different. It took me a lot longer "slow reading" the transcript compared to watching it. Hell, after reading it, watching it was supposed to reinforce what I read, and add facial expressions...except it fucking didn\'t sound as bad. We typically speak faster than we read...this leads to less time processing the info...', ">>{cascaderade} : I can't even listen to him speak due to his inability to speak in complete sentences. It's so hard to follow exactly what he's saying.", ">>{Kharn0} : I think they use false because the delusional lunatic literally can't accept things that disagree with him so he can't actually 'lie'. Dementia patients aren't liars if they believe it.", '>>{SoGodDangTired} : A narcissist\u200b or a sign of ignorance, as well', ">>{hblask} : That's about matches Obama's average. I expect Trump to double or triple that as time goes on."], ['>>{CALAMITYFOX} : Syrians hail Donald Trump as their new champion: Abu Ivanka al-Amriki', '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : Maybe you in the West hate Trump, but he has already done far more for us than Obama, said Najim Hassan, who lives in the rebel-held Syrian city of Idlib. "We love him because he does more than he says, he\'s a man of action and at least he gives us something to hope for."', '>>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : It makes sense, Syrians love Trump, the West hates him. He belongs there.', '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : I think we should respect the thoughts and opinions of our Syrian brothers and sisters.', '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : I agree, it would get that Syrian messes solved in a few weeks, unlike that other president that did nothing.', ">>{Sportsfan5000} : True, but maybe we shouldn't ban them from entering then.", '>>{SkyLukewalker} : If we want to respect them we should allow them to come here as refugees.', '>>{uyink5} : > West hates him \xa0> gets elected to be leader of the West', ">>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : It would also solve America's mess. No more Trump is a win for everybody!", ">>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : He's not the leader of the west. Even his own country doesn't approve of him.", ">>{meowskywalker} : I just don't understand why the republican congress was so opposed to Obama doing this very thing when he was in charge if it was the right thing to do? Or did it only become the correct thing to do once a republican was sitting in the oval office? Would a democrat bombing Syria somehow not have made these same Syrians happy?", '>>{CALAMITYFOX} : They dont want to come here as refugees they want justice in their own country.', '>>{uyink5} : > He\'s not the leader of the west. soo US isn\'t the leader of West? what country can stand up to us in the West? the 60k soldiers of Germany? lmao. > Even his own country doesn\'t approve of him the country that elected him? inb4 you bring up "approval poll". to which I say, ask every single voters and then I\'ll believe it. your sample polls have proven to be worthless.', '>>{DonaldTheDraftDodger} : > soo US isn\'t the leader of West? Not anymore. People don\'t respect the US anymore. >the country that elected him? inb4 you bring up "approval poll". to which I say, ask every single voters and then I\'ll believe it. your sample polls have proven to be worthless. "I\'m and idiot and don\'t understand representative samples." Donnie wouldn\'t even *be* President if our election reflected the will of the American people, who wanted Hillary Clinton to be President.', ">>{MyNameIsRay} : It's a bit ironic that they hail Trump as their new champion. He made a symbolical missile launch at an empty base, after making it clear he'd actively block any actual assistance (no financial aid, won't accept refugees, etc.), and killing an order of magnitude more civilians with drone strikes than Assad has with gas. Meanwhile, other world leaders are taking in thousands of refugees, actively working to fund relief efforts and protect citizens, and not ordering drone strikes on innocent civilians. People like Stefan Lofven, one of the few people putting his reputation and career on the line to make sure they're safe, don't get so much as a thank you.", '>>{noregretstomorrow} : LMAO nice try! Thanks for the nostalgia though, I was brought back to our "we will be greeted as liberators in Iraq" days.', ">>{RepelGropers} : These aren't ALL Syrians. These ones support the Islamists. The secular ones support Assad. As does everyone else.", ">>{CarlTheRedditor} : You're better at this than the usual detritus that t_d sends. Not good, mind you, but better."]]
classify and reply
[">>{jj11909} : US secretary of state questions how the US and China will 'live with each other' in the coming half century", '>>{secede_everywhere} : Meet The Only Gay Couple At Trump’s Ohio Rally', '>>{herberttractor} : What a fucking idiot. This is the head "diplomat"? Um, how about for starters not threatening them, respecting them, and compromising with them???', ">>{rastertaster} : No thank you I'm good. I see enough deplorables here everyday.", ">>{Cuckberg} : It's really weird to me how gay people can vote GOP. If the GOP was actually fiscally conservative I could see it being economics, but there really isn't much difference economically between the DNC and the GOP. Social issues are where the MAJOR split is. And the GOP is just awful on every social issue including gay rights.", ">>{TinyBaron} : That's amusing considering that it is literally his job to make sure that it happens.", ">>{Pina_Chelada} : Huntsman should have been SoS. He's what Trump would be, if Trump had grown up knowing how to act like a real adult.", '>>{TinyBaron} : The Chinese have a historically [sore spot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_of_humiliation?wprov=sfla1) for Western powers bullying them in the first place. Not a smart diplomatic strategy.', '>>{backpackwayne} : > And when asked why exactly they want Donald Trump to be the next president, one looked at the other and laughed, “Hmmmm, I don’t know baby… Why?” I think I have to throw up.', ">>{Bumblelicious} : Fortunately, the current Chinese leadership are pretty smart and recognize the Trump team as temporary nonsense that they can mostly ignore. Things will get dangerous if actions start matching rhetoric, but it doesn't look to me like team Trump has any real grand vision for anything and Mattis is working hard to prevent accidental powder kegs from blowing up.", '>>{milosreturn} : do they realize mike pence supported gay conversion camps?', ">>{bigbowlowrong} : You'll find special snowflakes in every unlikely demographic that support Trump. Ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, people with an IQ over 100, women, Muslims. I'm sure they feel really unique and rebellious so they've got that going for them I guess.", ">>{Malaix} : as a fellow gay, these people are idiots. Pence alone is anti gay, much of the GOP is anti gay, nearly all of the political anti gay rhetoric comes from the republicans, and you can dam well bet most voting homophobes are in Trump's support base. Sure moderate conservatives like to pretend the GOP isn't about homophobia, but until the republicans cut ties with the religious voting block they can't escape the reality that LGBT folks aren't welcome. These folks are token gays the GOP get to roll out and pretend they have modernized, overall, we are going to vote democrat for the foreseeable future because democrats after years of keeping us at arms length finally openly support us as a platform. At GOP rallies and events you have preachers who literally preach the death penalty for us giving speeches and endorsements.", '>>{TartarosHero} : I predict we will mutually destroy each other in October of 2077.', ">>{CollumMcJingleballs} : I thought Rex Tillerson was gonna be one of these smart and evil Secretary's of State, but it turns out he's dumber than a box of rocks too.", '>>{secede_everywhere} : They\'re like the gays who put "no femmes" on their grindr profile. They\'re assholes who don\'t have any real problems but gossip, just like their celebrity idol.', '>>{Trumpbart} : >And when asked why exactly they want Donald Trump to be the next president, one looked at the other and laughed, “Hmmmm, I don’t know baby… Why?” >His boyfriend quickly replied: “Tired’a the bullshit government! I work in the steel industry I see it hardcore at the trades and stuff. Time for a change. Trump’s the man for it.” “Plus,” the other man added, “I really feel like he would bring more jobs to the country. Everything would be a hell of a lot better.” Oy vey.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Shit, even David Patreaus would have been a step up. Tillerson is turning out to be a complete loser.', ">>{herberttractor} : I totally agree. He's not a bad choice at all (as far as the GOP are concerned).", ">>{herberttractor} : Mattis is the only person keeping me from totally losing it and moving to Mars. I mean, McMaster seems like a good choice, but he doesn't seem to have the respect in Trumb's cabinet that Mattis has. Dunford and the rest of the JCoS are legit too--hopefully they can temper things.", '>>{Beo1} : As a gay guy, I would feel physically threatened at a Trump rally.', '>>{BannedLOLno} : You would be among people who are surprisingly similar to you, just lying to themselves about it.', '>>{constantvariables} : The guy who buys steel from China is going to care about US steel jobs. Lmao these people.', '>>{recklessfred} : Just goes to show you that gay people can *also* be breathtakingly stupid.', '>>{leejs} : > “Hmmmm, I don’t know baby… Why?” No, they seem to be idiots more entranced with celebrity culture than politics.', '>>{so-gun-ho} : This is 2016 man, Republicans actually have gay friends and gay family members. I have a gay family living in one if my houses. They love just like any one would, they have breakups just like anyone would and I have had one or two cry on my shoulder, just like anyone would.', ">>{team_satan} : Don't worry, you don't have a pussy to be grabbed by.", ">>{Malaix} : she was anti gay marriage pro civil union, yeah it was pandering bullshit to the older generation, yeah it felt gross when she flipped the switch when the polls changed, but thats nothing compared to the company in the GOP like Pat Robertson and Kevin Swanson. Candidate who gave underhanded support when it was a poor political climate to be openly accepting of me, or candidate who is chums with people who would have me executed for existing because that is what their voter base supports. Who is more homophobic? You will have to forgive me for getting all social justice warrior here, but there really isn't much of a logical choice for us gays here. Even if you are fiscally conservative with economics or job outlooks its hard to justify voting for republicans because they are so entrenched with groups that promote an entire spectrum of hate ranging from mild disgust to genocidal against us. Its like asking Jewish people and African Americans to vote for candidates who are funded and endorsed by the KKK and neo nazis.", ">>{china999} : She is the older generation though? It's probably just what she thought... I know what you're saying re which to choose based on the issue though, even with her please the crowd shit she's better than the others option. Sad times", '>>{VonLinus} : Has anyone asked Trump for his opinion on gays yet? Seems like he still has some alienating to do.', '>>{rocketwidget} : I find it really funny when Trump is losing the vast majority of every minority demographic, so there is a compulsion to make a lot of noise when specific minority Trump supporters are found. The fact that they choose to make a huge deal out of a statistical certainty inherently highlights the problem.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{jj11909} : US secretary of state questions how the US and China will 'live with each other' in the coming half century", '>>{herberttractor} : What a fucking idiot. This is the head "diplomat"? Um, how about for starters not threatening them, respecting them, and compromising with them???', ">>{TinyBaron} : That's amusing considering that it is literally his job to make sure that it happens.", ">>{Pina_Chelada} : Huntsman should have been SoS. He's what Trump would be, if Trump had grown up knowing how to act like a real adult.", '>>{TinyBaron} : The Chinese have a historically [sore spot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_of_humiliation?wprov=sfla1) for Western powers bullying them in the first place. Not a smart diplomatic strategy.', ">>{Bumblelicious} : Fortunately, the current Chinese leadership are pretty smart and recognize the Trump team as temporary nonsense that they can mostly ignore. Things will get dangerous if actions start matching rhetoric, but it doesn't look to me like team Trump has any real grand vision for anything and Mattis is working hard to prevent accidental powder kegs from blowing up.", '>>{TartarosHero} : I predict we will mutually destroy each other in October of 2077.', ">>{CollumMcJingleballs} : I thought Rex Tillerson was gonna be one of these smart and evil Secretary's of State, but it turns out he's dumber than a box of rocks too.", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Shit, even David Patreaus would have been a step up. Tillerson is turning out to be a complete loser.', ">>{herberttractor} : I totally agree. He's not a bad choice at all (as far as the GOP are concerned).", ">>{herberttractor} : Mattis is the only person keeping me from totally losing it and moving to Mars. I mean, McMaster seems like a good choice, but he doesn't seem to have the respect in Trumb's cabinet that Mattis has. Dunford and the rest of the JCoS are legit too--hopefully they can temper things."], ['>>{secede_everywhere} : Meet The Only Gay Couple At Trump’s Ohio Rally', ">>{rastertaster} : No thank you I'm good. I see enough deplorables here everyday.", ">>{Cuckberg} : It's really weird to me how gay people can vote GOP. If the GOP was actually fiscally conservative I could see it being economics, but there really isn't much difference economically between the DNC and the GOP. Social issues are where the MAJOR split is. And the GOP is just awful on every social issue including gay rights.", '>>{backpackwayne} : > And when asked why exactly they want Donald Trump to be the next president, one looked at the other and laughed, “Hmmmm, I don’t know baby… Why?” I think I have to throw up.', '>>{milosreturn} : do they realize mike pence supported gay conversion camps?', ">>{bigbowlowrong} : You'll find special snowflakes in every unlikely demographic that support Trump. Ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, people with an IQ over 100, women, Muslims. I'm sure they feel really unique and rebellious so they've got that going for them I guess.", ">>{Malaix} : as a fellow gay, these people are idiots. Pence alone is anti gay, much of the GOP is anti gay, nearly all of the political anti gay rhetoric comes from the republicans, and you can dam well bet most voting homophobes are in Trump's support base. Sure moderate conservatives like to pretend the GOP isn't about homophobia, but until the republicans cut ties with the religious voting block they can't escape the reality that LGBT folks aren't welcome. These folks are token gays the GOP get to roll out and pretend they have modernized, overall, we are going to vote democrat for the foreseeable future because democrats after years of keeping us at arms length finally openly support us as a platform. At GOP rallies and events you have preachers who literally preach the death penalty for us giving speeches and endorsements.", '>>{secede_everywhere} : They\'re like the gays who put "no femmes" on their grindr profile. They\'re assholes who don\'t have any real problems but gossip, just like their celebrity idol.', '>>{Trumpbart} : >And when asked why exactly they want Donald Trump to be the next president, one looked at the other and laughed, “Hmmmm, I don’t know baby… Why?” >His boyfriend quickly replied: “Tired’a the bullshit government! I work in the steel industry I see it hardcore at the trades and stuff. Time for a change. Trump’s the man for it.” “Plus,” the other man added, “I really feel like he would bring more jobs to the country. Everything would be a hell of a lot better.” Oy vey.', '>>{Beo1} : As a gay guy, I would feel physically threatened at a Trump rally.', '>>{BannedLOLno} : You would be among people who are surprisingly similar to you, just lying to themselves about it.', '>>{constantvariables} : The guy who buys steel from China is going to care about US steel jobs. Lmao these people.', '>>{recklessfred} : Just goes to show you that gay people can *also* be breathtakingly stupid.', '>>{leejs} : > “Hmmmm, I don’t know baby… Why?” No, they seem to be idiots more entranced with celebrity culture than politics.', '>>{so-gun-ho} : This is 2016 man, Republicans actually have gay friends and gay family members. I have a gay family living in one if my houses. They love just like any one would, they have breakups just like anyone would and I have had one or two cry on my shoulder, just like anyone would.', ">>{team_satan} : Don't worry, you don't have a pussy to be grabbed by.", ">>{Malaix} : she was anti gay marriage pro civil union, yeah it was pandering bullshit to the older generation, yeah it felt gross when she flipped the switch when the polls changed, but thats nothing compared to the company in the GOP like Pat Robertson and Kevin Swanson. Candidate who gave underhanded support when it was a poor political climate to be openly accepting of me, or candidate who is chums with people who would have me executed for existing because that is what their voter base supports. Who is more homophobic? You will have to forgive me for getting all social justice warrior here, but there really isn't much of a logical choice for us gays here. Even if you are fiscally conservative with economics or job outlooks its hard to justify voting for republicans because they are so entrenched with groups that promote an entire spectrum of hate ranging from mild disgust to genocidal against us. Its like asking Jewish people and African Americans to vote for candidates who are funded and endorsed by the KKK and neo nazis.", ">>{china999} : She is the older generation though? It's probably just what she thought... I know what you're saying re which to choose based on the issue though, even with her please the crowd shit she's better than the others option. Sad times", '>>{VonLinus} : Has anyone asked Trump for his opinion on gays yet? Seems like he still has some alienating to do.', '>>{rocketwidget} : I find it really funny when Trump is losing the vast majority of every minority demographic, so there is a compulsion to make a lot of noise when specific minority Trump supporters are found. The fact that they choose to make a huge deal out of a statistical certainty inherently highlights the problem.']]
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['>>{juno255} : Eric Trump: It Would Be ‘Foolish’ for Donald Trump to Release Tax Return', ">>{juno255} : Candidate's son warns 'people who know nothing about taxes' would scrutinize them Same could be said about Hillary's e-mails or tax returns.", ">>{greppese} : Foolish? So he's gonna do it after all!", '>>{SegfaultInOurStars} : Yeah ..only you guys are the smartest, rest of the world is just dumb as fuck.', '>>{2ndprize} : I think the real problem for Trump would be the scrutiny of the people who do know about taxes.', '>>{njmaverick} : It would be foolish because it would expose all the horrible things "the Donald" has been up to. So for once Eric I sort of agree', ">>{gibsmegibs} : Let's see hillary's health recards and wall street speeches first. Real Americans don't care about tax returns but we care about health and what she will give billionares and war profiters", '>>{Oreot} : So you are saying if Hillary had refused to release her taxes you\'d be fine with that as a "real" American. Wouldn\'t care about that at all, nope, only medical records and speeches. As I recall everyone was cool with it when people wanted to see John McCain\'s medical records too. Good to know where these immutable lines are drawn.', '>>{GravityTracker} : People would foolishly believe that just because there is a donation to NAMBLA, it would mean the cheetos jesus supports gay rights.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : Im sorry, what makes you more of a real american than the rest of us?', '>>{streamlegit5} : Donald and Eric Trump both have the same amount of experience in politics - zero. NOT releasing tax returns CREATES AN ISSUE FOR TRUMP\'S OPPONENTS - especially when Trump wants to jump all over HRC on the Foundation issue. The core premise of the Trump campaign is selling Trump as a success. The $10 billion lie of Trump\'s net worth won\'t survive a tax return with differing data. The "I am generous with charity" lie won\'t survive either. A tax return is a source of facts, and facts are poison for a campaign built on fiction and emotion.', ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : One thing the Trump campaign risks here is someone creating a false tax return (but one that looks real enough) and 'leaking' it to the media. Once this happens the campaign will have to scramble to explain why it is false or release the real one.", '>>{foolmanchoo} : You know the funny thing is, we found out about Hillary\'s speeches through her tax returns. But I get it, as a "Real American" I\'d be embarrassed about all the NAMBLA donations I\'ve heard Trump\'s made too.', ">>{jabb0} : You can't say he is a billionaire with no proof...the only thing you can say is that he has filed multiple bankruptcies.", ">>{hdlivenow6} : LOL. So Trump is concerned that a bunch of idiots are going to pour through every line of his tax returns and sensationalize every little thing. I wonder where he got that idea? Meanwhile Hillary Clinton has release her tax returns for the last 30 years, her family foundation has every detail of their operation made public in their filings, she has had all of her emails when she was in office released to the public and has had her party's emails released to the public by Russian hackers. Hillery Clinton will be the most transparent president in the history of the USA.", '>>{yoepsi12} : Not releasing the tax return is harming the campaign, but the release would be a catastrophe at this point. Trump is correct.', ">>{riolimpics15} : Well Trump's returns could be clean of problems - he does have teams of dozens of accountants and lawyers who prepared them over the years... If he falls 20 points behind in the polls and then releases them that would be the worst outcome - why not pull off the bandaid before the first debate and settle it? If the Foundation is HRC's Achilles heel - the tax returns are his (with swing voters).", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Trump might have 2 billion dollars. Maybe. He definitely doesn't have ten. And if he releases the tax returns, everyone will laugh at him because he's lying about it. From a deposition in court over Trump's net worth- >Trump: My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings, but I try. >Ceresney: Let me just understand that a little. You said your net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings? >Trump: Yes, even my own feelings, as to where the world is, where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day ... >Ceresney: When you publicly state a net worth number, what do you base that number on? >Trump: I would say it's my general attitude at the time that the question may be asked. And as I say, it varies. It would crush him if he released his tax returns. Everyone would know he's completely full of shit with everything he says.", ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : And of course we wouldn't know about the speeches if not for - that's right - Hillary's tax returns. These things matter.", ">>{USModerate} : Actually, no, we want to see Donald's tax returns. I've seen enough (R) generated fake non issues of HRC. And there are so many questions that so many people are asking about his returns - what is he hiding? I guess if he'd put up hisreturns, and confront his racism, then people asking for more extranous information from HRC would have a leg to stand on", '>>{zstream15} : More excuses. Get a team of forensic accountants to review them thoroughly and issue a joint report answering the questions most of us are concerned about. In order, for me: 1) How financially involved with the Russians is Trump? What would happen if they called their loans? 2) What other business involvements might pose conflicts of interest? 3) What is his tax rate? 4) How much has he give to charity over the past five or six years? These are material concerns.', '>>{literallyhitler68} : hillary has murdered people, i dont think trump taxes are the real issue here.', '>>{njmaverick} : > hillary has murdered people, Let me know when you have an argument that is even remotely connected to the truth. Now I can see how anyone could possibly support the racist madman running for President.', '>>{Leo_666_1} : Would be foolish for hillary to not release medical records', ">>{2ndprize} : I dont think the problem in his tax returns is going to be some sort of legal issue. The problem will probably be that they reflect someone worth far below his claimed net worth. Trump has built himself up on these valuations. if he were worth say 900 million dollars, that would be an absolute ton of money, but he would look like a huge failure. If there were any benefit to releasing his returns he would have done so. This doesn't seem to be a principle thing.", ">>{noelsusman} : >I mean wages have been stagnant for the last 15 years and it's because you have Syrian refugees coming in -Eric Trump", ">>{mathieu_delarue} : Clinton released decades' worth of tax returns. Trump should do the same.", '>>{Blue_Team4President} : Nice of Eric to take a break from butchering endangered species. Entitled, spoiled jackass.', '>>{literallyhitler68} : i agree with you he is a madman. not racist though. i guess it must be a coincidence that all those people connected to the clintons have died in strange circumstances. the bengazi 4 were definately not a coincidence.', ">>{elliotron} : Impromptu CMV: If there was anything damning in his tax returns, someone in the IRS or Anonymous would have leaked them. If everything was on the up-and-up, Trump's campaign would have released them by now. Trump's campaign hasn't released them because he's worth less than he maintains from a strictly cash-on-hand and property perspective, so he has specifically forbid them from doing so.", ">>{STFUTheFuckUp} : > If there was anything damning in his tax returns, someone in the IRS or Anonymous would have leaked them. Yeah, perhaps to Wikileaks, who I'm sure would publish them immediately like they've done with everything else... oh.", ">>{bird_dog91} : This quote should scare the living sh!t out of everyone. He's admitting that his instability effects his wallet. Imagine what impact that will have on the American economy.", ">>{Schtooping} : I agree it would be foolish. If we get to see his tax return we will see that: A. He's manipulating the system to avoid paying his fair share. B. He's not a generous person at all and doesn't give many (if any) charitable contributions. C. He's not nearly as wealthy as claims but has never been able to prove. D. The signature on his tax return will serv as proof the incredibly smalls hands he has.", '>>{juno255} : I don\'t think anyone at the IRS wants to go to jail for this. Additionally I am guessing they have a certain access policy that logs people who access Donald Trump\'s tax files. I don\'t think they are allowed to internally "google" Donald Trump\'s tax returns without getting an angry call from someone high up. The idea that Anonymous (or other hacker groups) can get those files is more a long shot. It\'s not impossible. But hey, Anonymous can get almost anything.', ">>{MaThFoBeWiYo} : It wouldn't be foolish if he doesn't have anything to hide.", '>>{MAGA_WA} : > The core premise of the Trump campaign is selling Trump as a success. The $10 billion lie of Trump\'s net worth won\'t survive a tax return with differing data. The "I am generous with charity" lie won\'t survive eithe Not necessarily, you won\'t see the gain on appreciated assets until they are sold. He could also hold onto losing investments and close them out in good years to minimize gains when he has taxable gains. I\'d be much more interested in seeing the complete accountant\'s copy of the form 990 return with every supporting schedule for the Clinton Foundation & the Clinton Family Foundation.', ">>{MAGA_WA} : > has had her party's emails released to the public by Russian hackers. How much does CTR pay you? are you on a daily salary or get paid per post?", ">>{MAGA_WA} : Hillary hasn't given shit for how much she has made and the overwhelming majority of it went to her foundation which most likely went into the pocket of her daughter.", '>>{MAGA_WA} : She should release them with all of the supporting schedules. The devil is in the details.', '>>{wenchette} : This seems perfectly valid to me. I feel like the richest person in the world today. Ergo, I am a billionaire, too. No, make that a trillionaire.', ">>{wenchette} : That gets into a legal gray area and may be outright criminal. If you submit a false tax return as part of a loan application, then that's a criminal act and frequently prosecuted when found. However, if you gave your date a false return to impress him or her, then you're a shit but it's not a crime. But when a candidate does it for office, well, I wouldn't want to be the person caught doing that.", ">>{Im_in_timeout} : Trump's accountants and lawyers are probably just as dishonest as his media advocates.", ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : Sorry, I wasn't trying to say it would be someone from the campaign. I meant someone trying to embarrass Mr. Trump. And, yes, I believe that doing such a thing could be a criminal act. But an anonymous leak would be hard to track, especially if it came from outside the US.", ">>{TrumpUberAlles} : I feel the same way... but the bank's cash machine disagrees.", '>>{MAGA_WA} : Not of the Clinton Family Foundation and the Clinton Foundation.', '>>{mathieu_delarue} : Their full independent annual accounting statements are posted online. Obviously their 990 and 990-T filings are available too. Seriously you are dreaming here. [See for yourself](https://www.clintonfoundation.org/about/annual-financial-reports).', ">>{MAGA_WA} : The returns posted online are missing a few supporting schedules. I've prepared these for a living so I know what I'm looking at.", '>>{DadAttitude} : Other possible problems that seem likely are he utilizes obscure loop holes to pay a negligible amount of taxes and/or he donates very little to charity.', ">>{2ndprize} : I think the taxes part would be like the bankruptcy stuff in that he is following the law. The charity thing would be a negative, but would that be as negative as not releasing them? I don't know. But a significantly lower worth than claimed would hurt him bad. It's not crazy either considering claims made to this effect in the past and the sparse funding of his campaign."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{juno255} : Eric Trump: It Would Be ‘Foolish’ for Donald Trump to Release Tax Return', ">>{juno255} : Candidate's son warns 'people who know nothing about taxes' would scrutinize them Same could be said about Hillary's e-mails or tax returns.", ">>{greppese} : Foolish? So he's gonna do it after all!", '>>{SegfaultInOurStars} : Yeah ..only you guys are the smartest, rest of the world is just dumb as fuck.', '>>{2ndprize} : I think the real problem for Trump would be the scrutiny of the people who do know about taxes.', '>>{njmaverick} : It would be foolish because it would expose all the horrible things "the Donald" has been up to. So for once Eric I sort of agree', ">>{gibsmegibs} : Let's see hillary's health recards and wall street speeches first. Real Americans don't care about tax returns but we care about health and what she will give billionares and war profiters", '>>{Oreot} : So you are saying if Hillary had refused to release her taxes you\'d be fine with that as a "real" American. Wouldn\'t care about that at all, nope, only medical records and speeches. As I recall everyone was cool with it when people wanted to see John McCain\'s medical records too. Good to know where these immutable lines are drawn.', '>>{GravityTracker} : People would foolishly believe that just because there is a donation to NAMBLA, it would mean the cheetos jesus supports gay rights.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : Im sorry, what makes you more of a real american than the rest of us?', '>>{streamlegit5} : Donald and Eric Trump both have the same amount of experience in politics - zero. NOT releasing tax returns CREATES AN ISSUE FOR TRUMP\'S OPPONENTS - especially when Trump wants to jump all over HRC on the Foundation issue. The core premise of the Trump campaign is selling Trump as a success. The $10 billion lie of Trump\'s net worth won\'t survive a tax return with differing data. The "I am generous with charity" lie won\'t survive either. A tax return is a source of facts, and facts are poison for a campaign built on fiction and emotion.', ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : One thing the Trump campaign risks here is someone creating a false tax return (but one that looks real enough) and 'leaking' it to the media. Once this happens the campaign will have to scramble to explain why it is false or release the real one.", '>>{foolmanchoo} : You know the funny thing is, we found out about Hillary\'s speeches through her tax returns. But I get it, as a "Real American" I\'d be embarrassed about all the NAMBLA donations I\'ve heard Trump\'s made too.', ">>{jabb0} : You can't say he is a billionaire with no proof...the only thing you can say is that he has filed multiple bankruptcies.", ">>{hdlivenow6} : LOL. So Trump is concerned that a bunch of idiots are going to pour through every line of his tax returns and sensationalize every little thing. I wonder where he got that idea? Meanwhile Hillary Clinton has release her tax returns for the last 30 years, her family foundation has every detail of their operation made public in their filings, she has had all of her emails when she was in office released to the public and has had her party's emails released to the public by Russian hackers. Hillery Clinton will be the most transparent president in the history of the USA.", '>>{yoepsi12} : Not releasing the tax return is harming the campaign, but the release would be a catastrophe at this point. Trump is correct.', ">>{riolimpics15} : Well Trump's returns could be clean of problems - he does have teams of dozens of accountants and lawyers who prepared them over the years... If he falls 20 points behind in the polls and then releases them that would be the worst outcome - why not pull off the bandaid before the first debate and settle it? If the Foundation is HRC's Achilles heel - the tax returns are his (with swing voters).", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Trump might have 2 billion dollars. Maybe. He definitely doesn't have ten. And if he releases the tax returns, everyone will laugh at him because he's lying about it. From a deposition in court over Trump's net worth- >Trump: My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings, but I try. >Ceresney: Let me just understand that a little. You said your net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings? >Trump: Yes, even my own feelings, as to where the world is, where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day ... >Ceresney: When you publicly state a net worth number, what do you base that number on? >Trump: I would say it's my general attitude at the time that the question may be asked. And as I say, it varies. It would crush him if he released his tax returns. Everyone would know he's completely full of shit with everything he says.", ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : And of course we wouldn't know about the speeches if not for - that's right - Hillary's tax returns. These things matter.", ">>{USModerate} : Actually, no, we want to see Donald's tax returns. I've seen enough (R) generated fake non issues of HRC. And there are so many questions that so many people are asking about his returns - what is he hiding? I guess if he'd put up hisreturns, and confront his racism, then people asking for more extranous information from HRC would have a leg to stand on", '>>{zstream15} : More excuses. Get a team of forensic accountants to review them thoroughly and issue a joint report answering the questions most of us are concerned about. In order, for me: 1) How financially involved with the Russians is Trump? What would happen if they called their loans? 2) What other business involvements might pose conflicts of interest? 3) What is his tax rate? 4) How much has he give to charity over the past five or six years? These are material concerns.', '>>{literallyhitler68} : hillary has murdered people, i dont think trump taxes are the real issue here.', '>>{njmaverick} : > hillary has murdered people, Let me know when you have an argument that is even remotely connected to the truth. Now I can see how anyone could possibly support the racist madman running for President.', '>>{Leo_666_1} : Would be foolish for hillary to not release medical records', ">>{2ndprize} : I dont think the problem in his tax returns is going to be some sort of legal issue. The problem will probably be that they reflect someone worth far below his claimed net worth. Trump has built himself up on these valuations. if he were worth say 900 million dollars, that would be an absolute ton of money, but he would look like a huge failure. If there were any benefit to releasing his returns he would have done so. This doesn't seem to be a principle thing.", ">>{noelsusman} : >I mean wages have been stagnant for the last 15 years and it's because you have Syrian refugees coming in -Eric Trump", ">>{mathieu_delarue} : Clinton released decades' worth of tax returns. Trump should do the same.", '>>{Blue_Team4President} : Nice of Eric to take a break from butchering endangered species. Entitled, spoiled jackass.', '>>{literallyhitler68} : i agree with you he is a madman. not racist though. i guess it must be a coincidence that all those people connected to the clintons have died in strange circumstances. the bengazi 4 were definately not a coincidence.', ">>{elliotron} : Impromptu CMV: If there was anything damning in his tax returns, someone in the IRS or Anonymous would have leaked them. If everything was on the up-and-up, Trump's campaign would have released them by now. Trump's campaign hasn't released them because he's worth less than he maintains from a strictly cash-on-hand and property perspective, so he has specifically forbid them from doing so.", ">>{STFUTheFuckUp} : > If there was anything damning in his tax returns, someone in the IRS or Anonymous would have leaked them. Yeah, perhaps to Wikileaks, who I'm sure would publish them immediately like they've done with everything else... oh.", ">>{bird_dog91} : This quote should scare the living sh!t out of everyone. He's admitting that his instability effects his wallet. Imagine what impact that will have on the American economy.", ">>{Schtooping} : I agree it would be foolish. If we get to see his tax return we will see that: A. He's manipulating the system to avoid paying his fair share. B. He's not a generous person at all and doesn't give many (if any) charitable contributions. C. He's not nearly as wealthy as claims but has never been able to prove. D. The signature on his tax return will serv as proof the incredibly smalls hands he has.", '>>{juno255} : I don\'t think anyone at the IRS wants to go to jail for this. Additionally I am guessing they have a certain access policy that logs people who access Donald Trump\'s tax files. I don\'t think they are allowed to internally "google" Donald Trump\'s tax returns without getting an angry call from someone high up. The idea that Anonymous (or other hacker groups) can get those files is more a long shot. It\'s not impossible. But hey, Anonymous can get almost anything.', ">>{MaThFoBeWiYo} : It wouldn't be foolish if he doesn't have anything to hide.", '>>{MAGA_WA} : > The core premise of the Trump campaign is selling Trump as a success. The $10 billion lie of Trump\'s net worth won\'t survive a tax return with differing data. The "I am generous with charity" lie won\'t survive eithe Not necessarily, you won\'t see the gain on appreciated assets until they are sold. He could also hold onto losing investments and close them out in good years to minimize gains when he has taxable gains. I\'d be much more interested in seeing the complete accountant\'s copy of the form 990 return with every supporting schedule for the Clinton Foundation & the Clinton Family Foundation.', ">>{MAGA_WA} : > has had her party's emails released to the public by Russian hackers. How much does CTR pay you? are you on a daily salary or get paid per post?", ">>{MAGA_WA} : Hillary hasn't given shit for how much she has made and the overwhelming majority of it went to her foundation which most likely went into the pocket of her daughter.", '>>{MAGA_WA} : She should release them with all of the supporting schedules. The devil is in the details.', '>>{wenchette} : This seems perfectly valid to me. I feel like the richest person in the world today. Ergo, I am a billionaire, too. No, make that a trillionaire.', ">>{wenchette} : That gets into a legal gray area and may be outright criminal. If you submit a false tax return as part of a loan application, then that's a criminal act and frequently prosecuted when found. However, if you gave your date a false return to impress him or her, then you're a shit but it's not a crime. But when a candidate does it for office, well, I wouldn't want to be the person caught doing that.", ">>{Im_in_timeout} : Trump's accountants and lawyers are probably just as dishonest as his media advocates.", ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : Sorry, I wasn't trying to say it would be someone from the campaign. I meant someone trying to embarrass Mr. Trump. And, yes, I believe that doing such a thing could be a criminal act. But an anonymous leak would be hard to track, especially if it came from outside the US.", ">>{TrumpUberAlles} : I feel the same way... but the bank's cash machine disagrees.", '>>{MAGA_WA} : Not of the Clinton Family Foundation and the Clinton Foundation.', '>>{mathieu_delarue} : Their full independent annual accounting statements are posted online. Obviously their 990 and 990-T filings are available too. Seriously you are dreaming here. [See for yourself](https://www.clintonfoundation.org/about/annual-financial-reports).', ">>{MAGA_WA} : The returns posted online are missing a few supporting schedules. I've prepared these for a living so I know what I'm looking at.", '>>{DadAttitude} : Other possible problems that seem likely are he utilizes obscure loop holes to pay a negligible amount of taxes and/or he donates very little to charity.', ">>{2ndprize} : I think the taxes part would be like the bankruptcy stuff in that he is following the law. The charity thing would be a negative, but would that be as negative as not releasing them? I don't know. But a significantly lower worth than claimed would hurt him bad. It's not crazy either considering claims made to this effect in the past and the sparse funding of his campaign."]]
classify and reply
['>>{BurntFlower} : Trump apologizes for comments in 2005 video: ‘I said it. I was wrong and I apologize.’', ">>{ratherlargepie} : Well if that's not a spin on the attack video he just released, I don't know what is.", ">>{chowchowthrowa} : Don't RWNJs say he changed the definition of deportation to fool the librul media into reporting inflated stats?", '>>{dominoid73} : Which tape do you believe is the true Trump? The one from 2005 or this "apology"?', '>>{Drew4} : Actually... >One problem is the continued use of “deportation” in virtually all media reporting. In actuality, that category has been obsolete in immigration law since 1996. Prior to 1996, immigration law distinguished between immigrants who were “excluded,” or stopped and prevented from entering U.S. territory, and those who were “deported,” or expelled from the United States after they had made their way into U.S. territory. After 1996, both exclusion and deportation were rolled into one procedure called “removal.” At that point, the term “deportation” no longer had any meaning within the official immigration statistics. Its continued use in media reports is part of the confusion. Lies, damned lies, and Obama’s deportation statistics https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/04/21/lies-damned-lies-and-obamas-deportation-statistics/', ">>{Unstructional} : That's it? Was hoping for something a little more. What do you think is likely to happen next? Watching from Canada, this is a weird combination of super entertaining and sadly horrific.", '>>{drewiepoodle} : List of legal marijuana states continues to grow after West Virginia moves to approve medical pot.', '>>{TheRunner_PD} : So you missed the part where he drops the Bill Clinton reference then?', ">>{probablyuntrue} : Fucking praying that Sessions ignores weed, but knowing his personal views on it I'm not holding my breath", '>>{dick_beverson} : What are they going to do? Send Feds in to bust pot smokers in every state? States do not need to enforce federal law. At some point soon it will be more profitable to legalize and tax than it is to prosecute and imprison.', ">>{j__h} : Well he did lie in the apology video so that's fitting: crime going up, losing jobs, being remorseful of his prior actions...", '>>{UhOhSpaghettios1963} : Yes, I have heard that the the government now counts every illegal turned away at the border as a "deportation" but I really don\'t give a shit so I have no idea if that\'s true or not. A quick google seems to back that up but I\'m not gonna investigate too hard.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : He really does read at a 3rd grade level. So cringe worthy.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Read the article. >Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).', ">>{truthhurts4444} : This is true. And it doesn't include the number of people turned away at the border, unlike the other misinformed posters in this thread believe", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Hey. It's totally unfair to judge our god emperor based on a video that was taken 11 years ago when he was only 59. He's matured since then.", '>>{PreRaphaeliteHair} : So, it looks like the goal of the crisis meeting in Trump Tower wasn\'t to get him to step down, but to twist his arm into "apologizing" so other Republicans have just enough cover to continue endorsing him.', ">>{probablyuntrue} : You'd be surprised how big the DEA budget is, they only need to start raiding a few shops to send a signal", ">>{ITS_MAJOR_TOM_YO} : I wonder that too. Did he release it? Wouldn't that be insane?", '>>{digableplanet} : It is insane. We are living in a computer simulation.', '>>{lasershurt} : In what world is it fair to characterize it as "damn lies" for Obama\'s stats only, when that\'s how it has been done since 96?', '>>{Zeusifer} : I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down. [cue Rick Astley video]', '>>{absolutebeginners} : It was all nonsmokers who approved legalization in all those states huh', '>>{Randomhaggardnes} : And one could guess hes been acting president over the highest population to date aswell...', '>>{digableplanet} : We are witnessing the downfall of a disgusting human being who has been exposed as a fraud and just a general all around asshole.', ">>{passthetablemanners} : It's not like the population is constantly growing or anything...", ">>{Drew4} : That's the title of the article I linked, I didn't editorialize.", '>>{lasershurt} : I know, but I can still ask the question, can\'t I? It\'s seems odd to say "actually" to the previous post, since it happened well before Obama, and the claims of the article seem odd. I was just responding to you because you were the one who posted it. But thanks for the downvote.', ">>{cageboy06} : Someone's only ever met people who smoke weed on tv...", '>>{TavishGauss} : Apparently you failed to read the article: >President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief." Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, **which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).**', ">>{quoraboy} : But don't worry guys, [When I am president, I am a different person](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmPWpJG7Z_s)", ">>{YourMomPutsOut} : ITT: but muh population! Lol! Obama is a secret Muslim infiltrator. Believe me, folks! Please do, I'm losing!!", ">>{finix240} : I for one got high as fuck on Election Day and didn't do shit. I voted in October", ">>{mwsomerset} : Kellyanne Conway was all over that apology. She is one impressive political operative that's for sure. It's a little late however. See ya at the debate on Sunday.", '>>{Drew4} : I was commenting on chowchow\'s statement not the article. There has been a huge inconsistency in deportation numbers reporting from administration to administration and I was trying to show that complaints and critiques about this weren\'t unreasonable and just a "right wing" thing.', '>>{Drew4} : You can ask questions certainly. But why am I responsible for any downvotes you receive?', ">>{whatnowdog} : It will go back to being undercover if the Feds start raids. The problem Session's has is voters that are younger than he is have been exposed to pot even if they never smoked any and know it is not the evil life destroying drug he thinks it is. Many of those people smoked it in college and have gone on to have very successful lives. The new group he may start a fight with is Vets that have found pot is the only medicine that helps their pain from war injuries. I don't understand why Obama did not move pot from Schedule I down to Schedule II. The DEA and law enforcement just use it as an easy arrest to harass people they don't like.", ">>{madmoomix} : >I don't understand why Obama did not move pot from Schedule I down to Schedule II. The DEA and law enforcement just use it as an easy arrest to harass people they don't like. This wouldn't have done anything besides allow pharmacies to eventually distribute pot in a heavily regulated way. No dispensaries are FDA regulated, and none are in compliance with how it would have to be run. (It would become like picking up oxycodone or Adderall, requiring a new hardcopy script every month, no refills, no call-ins, no faxes. Patients wouldn't be let near the product, which would be locked up in a publicly inaccessible area at all times.) And there are no whole cannabis products approved, so companies would have to go through FDA testing before being allowed to sell it, which would take years. It wouldn't offer any legal protections either. Cocaine and methamphetamine are both schedule II drugs, and the DEA arrests people for those all the time.", ">>{Matthalachia} : Good. I hope Hillary goes even farther to the right on immigration. And I'm usually someone who criticizes Obama and Clinton from the left.", '>>{whatnowdog} : Thanks for the detail. I guess this problem will not be solved until the old farts that believe "Reefer Madness" are out of Congress. I am surprised at the Red States that are passing the medical marijuana bills.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : The GOP better get with the program on weed or they are going to start hemorrhaging young voters even in red states. No one gives a shit about weed anymore. I don't smoke it but I couldn't give two shits if other people want to.", ">>{yeabutstill} : They added a terrible fucking amendment to the bill here that makes it basically worthless. Can't smoke or vape it and no edibles. Only 15 licenses for growing. No personal grows. Insane fees to become a grower. Licenses wont be given out until 2020 I believe. Our state government is so full of shithead corporate owned assholes it's disgusting. This is definitely a delay tactic to appease angry people in WV who wanted this without actually opening up the market to any of us. Lots of people are pissed. 300 million in debt and can't just let us smoke weed and create a new safer market because their buddies at the pharma companies would rather see us die of ods.", '>>{jdscarface} : >In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. Population might be a factor but not *that* big of a factor.', '>>{waste-of-skin} : Any other president **to date.** That record will not stand.', '>>{R0YGBIV} : Can\'t smoke it or eat edibles? Do they really think that shit about "injecting 1 marijuanas" is how you use it?', '>>{yeabutstill} : It has to be turned into oils that dab on your tongue or made into pill form. I believe it allows for vaping of oils but no dry materials can be sold.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{chowchowthrowa} : Don't RWNJs say he changed the definition of deportation to fool the librul media into reporting inflated stats?", '>>{Drew4} : Actually... >One problem is the continued use of “deportation” in virtually all media reporting. In actuality, that category has been obsolete in immigration law since 1996. Prior to 1996, immigration law distinguished between immigrants who were “excluded,” or stopped and prevented from entering U.S. territory, and those who were “deported,” or expelled from the United States after they had made their way into U.S. territory. After 1996, both exclusion and deportation were rolled into one procedure called “removal.” At that point, the term “deportation” no longer had any meaning within the official immigration statistics. Its continued use in media reports is part of the confusion. Lies, damned lies, and Obama’s deportation statistics https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/04/21/lies-damned-lies-and-obamas-deportation-statistics/', '>>{UhOhSpaghettios1963} : Yes, I have heard that the the government now counts every illegal turned away at the border as a "deportation" but I really don\'t give a shit so I have no idea if that\'s true or not. A quick google seems to back that up but I\'m not gonna investigate too hard.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Read the article. >Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).', ">>{truthhurts4444} : This is true. And it doesn't include the number of people turned away at the border, unlike the other misinformed posters in this thread believe", '>>{lasershurt} : In what world is it fair to characterize it as "damn lies" for Obama\'s stats only, when that\'s how it has been done since 96?', '>>{Randomhaggardnes} : And one could guess hes been acting president over the highest population to date aswell...', ">>{passthetablemanners} : It's not like the population is constantly growing or anything...", ">>{Drew4} : That's the title of the article I linked, I didn't editorialize.", '>>{lasershurt} : I know, but I can still ask the question, can\'t I? It\'s seems odd to say "actually" to the previous post, since it happened well before Obama, and the claims of the article seem odd. I was just responding to you because you were the one who posted it. But thanks for the downvote.', '>>{TavishGauss} : Apparently you failed to read the article: >President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief." Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, **which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).**', ">>{YourMomPutsOut} : ITT: but muh population! Lol! Obama is a secret Muslim infiltrator. Believe me, folks! Please do, I'm losing!!", '>>{Drew4} : I was commenting on chowchow\'s statement not the article. There has been a huge inconsistency in deportation numbers reporting from administration to administration and I was trying to show that complaints and critiques about this weren\'t unreasonable and just a "right wing" thing.', '>>{Drew4} : You can ask questions certainly. But why am I responsible for any downvotes you receive?', ">>{Matthalachia} : Good. I hope Hillary goes even farther to the right on immigration. And I'm usually someone who criticizes Obama and Clinton from the left.", '>>{jdscarface} : >In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. Population might be a factor but not *that* big of a factor.', '>>{waste-of-skin} : Any other president **to date.** That record will not stand.'], ['>>{drewiepoodle} : List of legal marijuana states continues to grow after West Virginia moves to approve medical pot.', ">>{probablyuntrue} : Fucking praying that Sessions ignores weed, but knowing his personal views on it I'm not holding my breath", '>>{dick_beverson} : What are they going to do? Send Feds in to bust pot smokers in every state? States do not need to enforce federal law. At some point soon it will be more profitable to legalize and tax than it is to prosecute and imprison.', ">>{probablyuntrue} : You'd be surprised how big the DEA budget is, they only need to start raiding a few shops to send a signal", '>>{absolutebeginners} : It was all nonsmokers who approved legalization in all those states huh', ">>{cageboy06} : Someone's only ever met people who smoke weed on tv...", ">>{finix240} : I for one got high as fuck on Election Day and didn't do shit. I voted in October", ">>{whatnowdog} : It will go back to being undercover if the Feds start raids. The problem Session's has is voters that are younger than he is have been exposed to pot even if they never smoked any and know it is not the evil life destroying drug he thinks it is. Many of those people smoked it in college and have gone on to have very successful lives. The new group he may start a fight with is Vets that have found pot is the only medicine that helps their pain from war injuries. I don't understand why Obama did not move pot from Schedule I down to Schedule II. The DEA and law enforcement just use it as an easy arrest to harass people they don't like.", ">>{madmoomix} : >I don't understand why Obama did not move pot from Schedule I down to Schedule II. The DEA and law enforcement just use it as an easy arrest to harass people they don't like. This wouldn't have done anything besides allow pharmacies to eventually distribute pot in a heavily regulated way. No dispensaries are FDA regulated, and none are in compliance with how it would have to be run. (It would become like picking up oxycodone or Adderall, requiring a new hardcopy script every month, no refills, no call-ins, no faxes. Patients wouldn't be let near the product, which would be locked up in a publicly inaccessible area at all times.) And there are no whole cannabis products approved, so companies would have to go through FDA testing before being allowed to sell it, which would take years. It wouldn't offer any legal protections either. Cocaine and methamphetamine are both schedule II drugs, and the DEA arrests people for those all the time.", '>>{whatnowdog} : Thanks for the detail. I guess this problem will not be solved until the old farts that believe "Reefer Madness" are out of Congress. I am surprised at the Red States that are passing the medical marijuana bills.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : The GOP better get with the program on weed or they are going to start hemorrhaging young voters even in red states. No one gives a shit about weed anymore. I don't smoke it but I couldn't give two shits if other people want to.", ">>{yeabutstill} : They added a terrible fucking amendment to the bill here that makes it basically worthless. Can't smoke or vape it and no edibles. Only 15 licenses for growing. No personal grows. Insane fees to become a grower. Licenses wont be given out until 2020 I believe. Our state government is so full of shithead corporate owned assholes it's disgusting. This is definitely a delay tactic to appease angry people in WV who wanted this without actually opening up the market to any of us. Lots of people are pissed. 300 million in debt and can't just let us smoke weed and create a new safer market because their buddies at the pharma companies would rather see us die of ods.", '>>{R0YGBIV} : Can\'t smoke it or eat edibles? Do they really think that shit about "injecting 1 marijuanas" is how you use it?', '>>{yeabutstill} : It has to be turned into oils that dab on your tongue or made into pill form. I believe it allows for vaping of oils but no dry materials can be sold.'], ['>>{BurntFlower} : Trump apologizes for comments in 2005 video: ‘I said it. I was wrong and I apologize.’', ">>{ratherlargepie} : Well if that's not a spin on the attack video he just released, I don't know what is.", '>>{dominoid73} : Which tape do you believe is the true Trump? The one from 2005 or this "apology"?', ">>{Unstructional} : That's it? Was hoping for something a little more. What do you think is likely to happen next? Watching from Canada, this is a weird combination of super entertaining and sadly horrific.", '>>{TheRunner_PD} : So you missed the part where he drops the Bill Clinton reference then?', ">>{j__h} : Well he did lie in the apology video so that's fitting: crime going up, losing jobs, being remorseful of his prior actions...", '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : He really does read at a 3rd grade level. So cringe worthy.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Hey. It's totally unfair to judge our god emperor based on a video that was taken 11 years ago when he was only 59. He's matured since then.", '>>{PreRaphaeliteHair} : So, it looks like the goal of the crisis meeting in Trump Tower wasn\'t to get him to step down, but to twist his arm into "apologizing" so other Republicans have just enough cover to continue endorsing him.', ">>{ITS_MAJOR_TOM_YO} : I wonder that too. Did he release it? Wouldn't that be insane?", '>>{digableplanet} : It is insane. We are living in a computer simulation.', '>>{Zeusifer} : I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down. [cue Rick Astley video]', '>>{digableplanet} : We are witnessing the downfall of a disgusting human being who has been exposed as a fraud and just a general all around asshole.', ">>{quoraboy} : But don't worry guys, [When I am president, I am a different person](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmPWpJG7Z_s)", ">>{mwsomerset} : Kellyanne Conway was all over that apology. She is one impressive political operative that's for sure. It's a little late however. See ya at the debate on Sunday."]]
classify and reply
[">>{justinlancaster} : Trump Calls On Court To 'Do What's Right' And Uphold His Travel Ban", '>>{SilentJ87} : Any general tips or advice for a longtime Android user making the switch?', ">>{luqman_sha} : My first smartphone was an Android, and it's been that way until two months ago when I made the switch to iOS. What kept me away from iOS was the lack of a file manager, so the first thing I recommend to install is an app called Documents 5(it was pretty much the first app I installed), which gave me back the option to download videos from the net to the photos app, something Safari just can't do. The mail app works fine for any email services except for gmail, so if you do have a gmail account (I assume you do since you're coming from android), use the gmail app instead of iOS's mail app. Gmail restricts iOS's mail app to only fetch instead of push, so you're not always up to date if a new mail comes in. This is personal preference, but Google Keyboard was always my keyboard since it was release on Play Store in KitKat, so I've pretty much used Gboard ever since I owned my iPhone. iOS's stock keyboard doesn't suit me. Also, my dictionary was brought over from android (I tend to speak a mix of english and my own native language), so all the words learnt on android is somewhat here as I am given suggestions of words from my native langauge even though I set it to English. Lastly, just enjoy your iPhone. iOS isn't as customisable as android, but it's an operating system that just works, and I learned to enjoy it.", '>>{justinlancaster} : How about instead, they "do what\'s right" and uphold the constitution?', '>>{STiLL_bOoZiN} : CNN Chief Slams Donna Brazile’s ‘Disgusting’ Dealings With Clinton Team', ">>{SilentJ87} : I didn't even know about Gboard. That's really good because I love Google's keyboard and was going to miss it", '>>{grixorbatz} : After he pissed all over the institution and its distinguished servants publicly, he\'s asking them to "Do what\'s right" - I\'m sure he can expect that they\'re going to do precisely that.', '>>{Shitposter123456789} : Clinton moves to 15-point lead over Trump in Va. in new CNU survey', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Should a president be attempting to make public ex parte communications toward a judge asking them to rule in a particular manner regarding a current case in their court? It would definitely be improper for any party to a case to make ex parte communications to a judge in an attempt to influence them. Why is it okay right now?', '>>{luqman_sha} : Well I missed now on tap too. With Gboard, it does bring up quick search, not as detailed as now on tap but it works. The cool thing about it though is that you could actually Google up gifs or images and straight away send it in a conversation without the hassle of downloading the gif first, something android is missing', ">>{jful504} : That would assume he knows what upholding the constitution entails. It's pretty apparent [he doesn't know what American values] (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/02/07/unlike-all-previous-u-s-presidents-trump-almost-never-mentions-democratic-ideals/?utm_term=.b671e21e6e59) really are.", '>>{SilentJ87} : That is really cool. How is the Reddit iPhone app? I currently use Relay on Android', '>>{CareToRemember} : Like anything related to the Clintons, is he disgusted it went public or disgusted it happened?', ">>{Shitposter123456789} : From the [Wason Center for Public Policy at CNU's PDF](http://cnu.edu/cpp/pdf/oct%2016%202016%20report-final.pdf): >Summary of Key Findings >1. Clinton leads Trump 44-29 percent on the full five-candidate ballot, indicating significant damage to Trump by the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape and the 2nd debate. 2. Women’s support for Clinton is nearly double their support for Trump, 50-26 percent. 3. Clinton now leads among men for the first time, 37-32 percent. 4. Independent voters are moving to Clinton from Trump and from Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson. 5. Clinton’s lead in Northern Virginia has risen to 55 percent; Trump’s lead in South/Southwest Virginia has grown to 48 percent. 6. Among likely voters in Virginia’s military households, Clinton now leads Trump for the first time, 38-32 percent.", '>>{fco83} : CNN just trying to cover their own ass. The fact that they apparently have no wall between their journalist side and the pundits who are obviously on a side, whether that be Brazile or people like Lewandowski, or the other surrogates, is a bigger problem. That information should have never gotten to Brazil in the first place, and honestly once it did, nobody would expect it not to find its way back to the campaign.', ">>{luqman_sha} : I'm using the official Reddit app. I used to use Now for Reddit (aka Reddit Now) when I was on android, and that app packed a lot of features that fit my taste. I asked around on this sub too what client they used for Reddit, some recommended Alien Blue but it was already removed from the App Store when I got the phone. The iPad version is still on the App Store though and by the looks of it, I was in love with that app. Other apps either lack features or lack in the looks department. I gave up in hunting for the perfect app and just gave in to the official one. Turns out it ain't bad. Could've use a couple of improvements here and there but it does what it says and I have no complains.", ">>{SilentJ87} : Nice, I'm sure I'll get used to it. I'm just glad I can still use Google Play Music on the iPhone. I was afraid I might have to look for an alternative. Learning that I can still use the Google services I really enjoy made it seem like a much less riskier thing to try.", ">>{SJHalflingRanger} : He's quite friendly with Trump (he's the guy that signed him up to do The Apprentice) so probably actually disgusted, but for the wrong reasons.", ">>{jful504} : How long will his party go along with this blatant attack on the separation of powers of government? Can you imagine if Obama acted in this way? Or even W? It's insane that everyone is okay with what's happening to this country.", ">>{STiLL_bOoZiN} : While that's true, is the disgust not justified? Well according the 27% upvote rate this post got I guess its not.", ">>{syncopator} : Yes, keep it up Donnie! You just keep telling those nasty judges how they should do their jobs! Make sure you let them know they are dumber than bad high school students if they rule against you! I'm not sure they understand how you feel about Muslims... you should remind them!", '>>{DBDude} : >How about instead, they "Do what\'s right" and uphold the constitution? That is what he wants them to do, but it\'ll really piss off the Democrats that want the judges to dictate policy instead of rule on the law.', ">>{10390} : And yet, no comment from the DNC or Clinton's team.", ">>{luqman_sha} : Google Drive might not let you save images to your camera roll. Gmail could only login to Gmail accounts while on android, they support Yahoo iMAP, outlook and other office emails. But Google apps still works better on iOS. On android, there's that constant battery drain from Google Play Services, something iOS doesn't have. As for me, iOS 10 offers the option to uninstall most of the system apps, so I uninstalled Mail, Calender, Apple Music and Maps in preference for Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Maps. I use Spotify to replace the music app however, but I guess that's just personal preference.", '>>{SilentJ87} : Spotify is great. What sold me on Play Music though is for your 10 bucks you not only get Play Music, but YouTube Music and YouTube Red. It just feels like more bang for my buck, but I do miss some things from Spotify, like how the app is setup.', ">>{bigus_dikus} : I'm really surprised that Clinton had a lead with men and military families. Trump is really spiraling downward if those numbers are accurate.", ">>{RedTango313} : I forgot the exact numbers, for for a long time Hillary and Johnson had the most support among officers while Trump had most of the enlisted men. I'm not an expert on Virginia, but with all the major military installations there and proximity to DC, there's probably more officers in the area than most other military bases/towns.", '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : The way I see it ( and I would like someone actually from Virginia to confirm this) Virginia has been experiencing a shift from red to blue, for a long time. It was much too educated of a state for Donald Trump to ever have a shot at, and Tim Kaine as VP sort of solidified that.', '>>{SJHalflingRanger} : I don\'t blame CNN for distancing themselves from her, but "disgust" seems a little over the top, especially from Zucker.', '>>{keldorr92} : Tim Kaine is playing Donald off with a sick harmonica solo right now.', ">>{xynix_ie} : We watched W get us into a very expensive war predicated upon lies and he wasn't held accountable. He drove the economy into the ground and the same people fine with W and Trump blamed Obama for it. They live in a fantasy land of Fox News talking heads. Reality isn't part of their narrative and frankly hasn't been since Rush Limbaugh showed up.", ">>{luqman_sha} : Ahh I see. I would love to have Youtube Red, but GPM and YouTube Red just isn't offered in Singapore where I live. Is it a must though to have GPM to get YouTube Red? I hate the layout of GPM", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : > That would assume he knows what upholding the constitution entails It should only need constitutional lawyers to stand up to him. Checks and balances, eh?', ">>{ComradeManafort} : I mean Trump has attacked the generals, said the military is in shambles, attacked a war hero, attacked a gold star family, and called PTSD sufferers 'not strong'. I'm surprised anyone in the military supports him.", ">>{STiLL_bOoZiN} : She tipped Clinton off about questions before a DNC primary debate. That kind of collusion should elicit disgust. I don't care who said it.", ">>{jblah} : I am from Virginia. I'd say the state has been shifting blue for a long time, northern and eastern (towards DC and VA beach respectively) are urbanizing and shifting the ideals that way. Unfortunately gerrymandering has run rampant, which is why despite democratic state leadership and senators, the state legislature is republican. The problem is further encapsulated by the fact that the tea party is strong in many of the GOP-safe districts, leading to some truly scary representatives. There's actually a few cases making their way through the courts to hopefully rectify the districting ahead of the 2020 census. Even still, with the way Northern and Eastern VA have grown in the last 6.75 years to see at least a minor shift in districts without judicial support.", ">>{SilentJ87} : I'm not really sure. I already had GPM when Red came out, so I just got an email saying I was getting that for my $10 too", '>>{treerat} : Zucker hired Erik Erikson and Lewandowski. Zucker wants tabloid TV news.', '>>{SJHalflingRanger} : Fox has shown where the money is, after all.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : Zucker is legally responsible to the shareholders to make profits. He's not legally responsible to the public to make quality news. Or more accurately, Zucker's bosses have that legal responsibility.", '>>{drive_me_away} : Awesome. I hope that we get a 15% lead nationally.', ">>{Clsjajll} : What exactly do those final Trump fans know about Clinton that they wouldn't jump ship at this point? How evil could she be that she is somehow still a worse choice than Trump?", ">>{dubslies} : I'm rather curious how long it's going to take the House of Delegates to finally flip. Even without gerrymandering, you have a couple more issues. First, elections held on odd-year elections where turnout is abysmal and that tends to disproportionately hurts Democrats. Second, Democratic power in Virginia is emblematic of their issues nationwide, in that they derive a lot of support from densely-packed urban center(s) where many votes are concentrated in fewer districts, and Republicans are more evenly spread out. That's fine - even preferable for statewide races, but really doesn't help for legislative races. However, it's not unheard of for some states to undergo rapid shifts in the power structure, when underlying electorate changes have been simmering for a long time. North Carolina is a fine example. I'm wondering that if Clinton really wins Virginia by many more points than the current PVI, if it'll represent a sea change in VA politics. If it was something like NC, 2017 could see big losses for the VAGOP.", '>>{PonderousHajj} : I am an organizer for HRC in Virginia and can confirm the overall trends. However, save for a particular contingent of the GOP in the western side of the state, many more Virginia Republicans are of the Bush/Romney mold. Conduct matters to a lot of them, and they simply cannot stomach DJT. Couple that with the fact that the RNC and Trump evacuated all of their organizers down to FL and NC and you get a clear picture of the state of the commonwealth. The only thing they care about now is holding onto their seats in the 5th and 10th districts.', ">>{nowhathappenedwas} : Virginia was one of ten states to vote for the Republican presidential candidate every election from 1968-2004. It's amazing that, after emerging as a swing state in 2008, it's already swung so far left that it's barely even a swing state anymore.", '>>{Continuity_organizer} : A lot of that has to do with the rapid increase of Washington DC following the 2009 stimulus.', '>>{myredditlogintoo} : Our House, in the middle of our lead, our House...', ">>{myredditlogintoo} : Nah, don't even think that. It ain't over until it's over. Then we can celebrate.", ">>{joeydee93} : I'm from VA. I will concur about the red to blue shift. But I will add that this election and trump has attacked policy and govermeny expert's. VA and Maryland both have a very large population of people who may favor Paul Ryan's budget but can't support someone attacking bureaucrats. The largest concitration of bureaucrats is Northern VA", ">>{mrducky78} : Trump's camp pulled out of VA a couple days ago. [on the 10/13](http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/13/politics/donald-trump-campaign-virginia/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_allpolitics+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Politics%29)", '>>{Thetenthdoc} : I wouldn\'t be surprised if his whole asinine "let\'s do a sneak attack even if it kills civilians" tangent during the second debate played really poorly with military people.', ">>{terriblehuman} : The urban growth in northern Virginia has definitely shifted demographics in the state. It wasn't too far off from being a swing state in 2004, so it wasn't too much of a surprise when it became one in the 2008 election. It's hard to say how much Kaine boosted Clinton's lead in Virginia, or if he did at all. He was a very popular Governor, and senator, but it is commonly believed that VP picks don't make a very big difference in who voters vote for.", '>>{terriblehuman} : Not true, the shift towards a blue state was happening quite a while before that. In 2004, some even considered that it Kerry should campaign there, and of course, it ultimately went for Obama in 2008.', '>>{minivanofdespair} : Any secret insider info on how Comstock is pulling? I loathe how she pretends to be a moderate but the DNC ran kind of a weak candidate against her.', '>>{scotscott} : Or his complete and utter disregard for the country they\'ve been fighting for. Or his total lack of discipline. Or his "personal Vietnam" comment.', ">>{tau-lepton} : Our mum she's so house-proud Nothing ever slows her down And a mess is not allowed", '>>{tau-lepton} : Meanwhile, Clinton expanding operations in Georgia, Arizona, and Utah', '>>{Continuity_organizer} : Those Trump fans are convinced all the polls are rigged and their candidate is going to win in a landslide.', ">>{peniscurve} : I look forward to how they will spin this. I listen to talk radio on the way to work, and the past week it has been how the polls are flawed. They didn't wait long enough, they asked loaded questions, the polls are all done by people that Hilary hired and so on. Why is it so hard to accept your guy is losing? I did it with Kerry, it isn't that difficult.", '>>{NomadFire} : It is getting harder and harder not to make a case that Trump is working on some level with Putin and the Russian government. If everything that is said about Clinton is true than she sloppy, selfish career addicted murder. If everything said about Trump is true, he is an racist, sexist, idiot working for the Russian government. Who would be better for the presidency.', '>>{Continuity_organizer} : For all intents and purposes, the election was over when Marco Rubio dropped out.', '>>{theonlylawislove} : No, Trump is trying hard in Pennsylvania. That state, and New Hampshire, blow a whole in her firewall.', ">>{PonderousHajj} : The problem overall is that the Democratic Party didn't expect this opportunity, so we don't have a roster of particularly strong candidates in many places. Fortunately, LuAnn Bennett is not one of those. She's pretty solid on the whole. To pull a Comstock, no comment on the polling. Suffice it to say that the RNC is spending a lot to attack Bennett right now, and that district should have been safe for them.", ">>{sherrinford_holmes} : If he's losing HR by six, yeah, military support is crumbling by the minute. My oldest is ROTC at UVA. Trump's lost officers *completely.* Across pretty much all branches (they are all in the same building, and they talk.) There is even some quiet murmuring over what is to be done if he winds up somehow winning.", '>>{Wholesome2301} : Virginia military types are all about foreign policy, they aren\'t stupid. When Trump went all "take their oil, invade, nuke!!!!!" military people in VA basically had mild heart attacks.', ">>{Scienscatologist} : She isn't telling them that their personal failures aren't a result of a lifetime of laziness, bad habits, and not wanting to think for themselves. She isn't telling them that the *real* reason they're so unhappy is because Someone Else is denying them all the things that should be handed to them as White Christians. source: I grew up in Oklahoma and Texas, which is full of these self-righteous, self-indulgent, ignorant clowns. Which is too bad, because they are both beautiful states and there are also a lot of good people there, who aren't being fairly represented by the scumbags currently holding office.", '>>{5two1} : I guess theres no reason fornmillennials to hold their nose and vote for the turd sandwich, aka queen corporate shill, aka, warmonger hitlery, aka your kids must die for my peoples military proffit!', ">>{You_Are_All_Absurd} : I think Jeb wouldn't have been a complete write off in a general. He just didn't seem comfortable with the level of crazy necessary to win a GOP primary and got run over. That's the GOP's main problem, they have to go so far right to win the primary that they feed the Dems everything they need to win a general election.", ">>{sobertimessquare} : I think Jeb would win this election, honestly. Hillary's unfavorables are pretty high. Then again, the Bushes aren't looked on too fondly. It'd be a closer race than this one at least.", '>>{You_Are_All_Absurd} : I agree and I think it\'s because Jeb seems to have the "drink a beer with him" factor of his brother but seems more intelligent than his brother. He also seems willing to make fun of himself, which makes him look humble. I don\'t agree with a single policy the guy has, but he would do well in a more reasonable GOP.', '>>{Hashslingingslashar} : NOVA would have grown either way. People prefer urban areas. In VA the areas that are growing are NOVA, Richmond, Hampton Roads... etc. it was only a matter of time.', '>>{HumanTrafficCone} : \\*makes note for massive karma on election night*', ">>{nmdarkie} : Jeb to me doesn't seem like leadership material, but I wouldn't mind him.", '>>{Continuity_organizer} : Jeb was my first choice this election cycle, he dropped out of the race about 2 months before Rubio. Rubio was the last viable Republican left in the field, after he dropped out, it was down to Trump and Cruz, two assured losers.', ">>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : > long time Hillary and Johnson had the most support among officers while Trump had most of the enlisted men It's interesting because I think this is simply a reflection of the broader nationwide trend when it comes to education being the most defining factor in predicting who you will vote for. Officers are college-educated, most enlisted people are not.", ">>{-rinserepeat-} : It's hard when you simultaneously believe that everything you believe is absolutely true, that God is on your side and guaranteeing all of your victories, and that your opponents are all half-brained morons, but you're still factually losing.", ">>{semaphore-1842} : Yeah, NOVA has seen massive urban growth since 2004. Many of those counties experienced 30%+ growth in just a few years. As is generally the case, urban voters strongly lean Democrat, so unsurprisingly it's pretty much not a swing state anymore. This is probably the last time (for a long while) that Republicans are reasonably competitive in Virginia. And yet the Trump campaign has apparently conceded the state.", ">>{Abattoir_Blues} : I see, and this is the English language you're speaking?", ">>{semaphore-1842} : And also the area is filled with government workers, who strongly supports Clinton over Trump. Because, you know, they're the ones who will be at the epicentre of the mess should Trump be elected. Hence VA men in general supports Clinton, unlike the rest of the country.", '>>{Abattoir_Blues} : FiveThirtyEight gives her an 89% chance of winning PA.', ">>{MacaroniShits} : It's all yours. Just make sure to mention me.", ">>{PM_ME_A_GOOD_RECIPE} : I'm from Virginia and this is basically how I view things, too. It's totally anecdotal but I live in a fairly rural area of southern VA and even here I see a shift from red to blue, where so many people I know who are lifelong republicans and had never voted for a democrat a day in their life have been switching over to voting democrat or, if not that, then to voting third party since 2008 and steadily gaining after that. Not to say that we don't have our fair share of Trump supporters around here but there are so many more Clinton supporters than I would have thought we'd have and I'm (pleasantly) surprised to see it and optimistic that that will impact our congressional race this year, too, and go on to help get us better delegates in office further on.", ">>{Vega62a} : Or his assertion that he would torture and kill the families of suspected terrorists. I can't imagine military families feeling great about their kids maybe having to do that.", ">>{MFoy} : The opposite of that is true. While initially, the Northern Virginia economy did benefit from the 2008 and 2009 stimuli did help, those benefits were completely undone by the sequestration and government shut downs that follows. The recovery from the Great Recession in the DC area lags behind the average recovery of the rest of the country on average. Government spending as a percentage of the GNP is at historic lows (at least modern history) right now. The worst part is when any bad news about the economy in the DC area comes out, you get dozens of Republican congressmen bragging about how it is wonderful news and they take credit for making people's lives worse. While it isn't as big yet, most growth in Northern Virginia is a result of the tech sector, which has grown massively in the western half of the region.", '>>{enigmatic360} : I think Virginia is going to be considered a blue state after the election. Particularly if development reaches the west. Like it has along the 95 corridor.', '>>{whyReadThis} : Have you seen how many new offices and headquarters are in Reston Town Center? This is during a Democrat governor, too.', ">>{socsa} : Yup. Virginia and North Carolina are both center stage for an ongoing east coast tech boom. It's attracting a lot of young, educated voters to the area.", ">>{mikes94} : I live in Virginia (DC suburbs) but moved from NY to go to university here due to the job market. It's mostly northern Virginia (Arlington) that is very liberal and full of young people, everything south is just.... south.", '>>{MFoy} : I drive through Reston all the time. I remember when Reston Town Center was built. All of that growth is tied directly to Metro coming through in a few years combined with increases in the tech industry.', ">>{braininabox} : I've decided to call them Swung States for a while now", ">>{TruthSpeaker} : Don't let the numbers influence you. You still have to go out and vote. This is an opportunity in a lifetime to change America for the better. Please don't let this slip.", '>>{sesor33} : Yep, I played with a delusional Trump supporter today in Dota. He tried to explain that 70-80% of the country supports Trump, and the media is just lying about it. These people are either crazy or just plain stupid.', '>>{Continuity_organizer} : To be fair to Trump supporters, cognitive dissonance can be a very powerful thing. There are still Democrats who refuse to accept that Bush won Florida in 2000.', ">>{Audioworm} : I noticed the same in Wisconsin. When I saw all the posts in /r/The_Deplorables about giving money to the Democrat opposing Paul Ryan in Wisconsin (Ryan Solen) I tried to look up who he was and the information was sparse. He was in the service, working with the Medical Services Corp and then in Wisconsin he does data security. Very little in the way of notable political history but won the primaries there by a decent amount. I messaged his campaign team and they all seemed like very nice and committed people but were faced with a race much tighter than anticipated if the anti-Paul Ryan backlash actually blew up enough. Though I did make a joke about whether people would get confused by the two Ryan's on the ballot and spite-vote for the wrong one.", ">>{CTR555} : Arlington is super blue, but it's really Arlington's massive neighbor Fairfax that's tilting the scales.", '>>{n3gotiator} : Most of the Pentagon workers and military contractors live in D.C./MD/VA. Nova always tilts Dem but this time it will be a blowout.', ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : Didn't Trump just pull out of Virginia a couple of days ago?", ">>{swiftsepitaph} : I'd argue the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and the ensuing expansion of the aerospace/weapons industries contributed more to the boom than the stimulus", '>>{mikes94} : And Loudoun, which is very purple, leaning more blue since the massive Indian immigration in recent years.', '>>{CTR555} : Yep. Loudoun will eventually go solid blue, once the Fairfax-lite areas fully outweigh horse country.', '>>{MrMRDA} : I sincerely hope this state is called at closing or extremely early in the night. Actually, I hope that for most states.', ">>{WigginIII} : If he didn't have an R in front of his name they wouldn't.", '>>{Tekmo} : For people who don\'t get the reference: "Sic Semper Tyrannis" is the state motto of Virginia, which translates to "thus always to tyrants" and is an abbreviation of "Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis" ("Thus always I bring death to tyrants"). [[Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic_semper_tyrannis)]', ">>{theonlylawislove} : Ya, but Trump (especially Ivanka) are campaigning really hard in the suburbs for the suburban women's vote. They have a lot of resources deployed there.", '>>{shabby47} : I saw something that showed early absentee voting is up 55% in the northern va area so far compared to 2012. The rest of the state is in the +20% range and is only a fraction of the total number of votes cast.', ">>{lye_milkshake} : Imagine that you see abortion as equal to the mass slaughter of millions of people, and one candidate is in favor of abortion, and the other might(?) be against it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NPPE6a7mSI That's one of many reasons I can think for why somebody might still be supporting Trump.", ">>{Walkitback} : I hear Pennsylvania is competitive every four years. It's not.", ">>{FuriousTarts} : You mean the state where she's up by 9?", '>>{cp710} : > These people are either crazy or just plain stupid. They\'re also extremely illogical, because lying about a lead in the polls would hurt Hillary and help Trump. What would the "liberal" media have to gain by making people think Hillary\'s so far ahead in the polls that the lazy or apathetic among us decide not to go vote while all the Trumpers decide they need to make every vote count?', ">>{megaheraX} : well this is also CNU, deep southern VA (Va beach/norfolk) has a pretty demcoratic base, I mean besides the military downthere it's basically baltimore. NOVA as others have stated (particularly loudoun) as grown like fucking craazy. Source: living in NOVA, vabeach and norfolk.", ">>{megaheraX} : well absentee voting has also exploded in VA because during it's huge growth with all the parents that moved in, the children are now in college, and gone but have NOVA as their home address. source: from NOVA, in college, know many people who absentee balloted this week.", ">>{megaheraX} : while the odd year thing definitely fucks us up. There is also an issue where people feel like we need a centrist but still a democrat on the federal level to counter the Cruz's while we still tend to be more overall conservative locally (low taxes, particularly VAT taxes for example)", ">>{megaheraX} : I saw a few polls and it was very close, within 2 points. Bennet has been pulling the COMSTOCK AND TRUMP ARE THE SAME card for awhile now, while it is a bit unfair, that's comstock's fault for not denouncing him earlier, she never endorsed him though, just dodged the question. though after the tape release she quickly stated that he should step down. So that will probs bump her up a bit. (It was a lithmus test for my vote for her, if she hadn't there was zero chance she would get my vote). though she is pretty conservative (abortion for example) she is fairly moderate on guns, (universal background checks, mental health database, though doesn't want people to lose due process rights). Luann is a bit weak but just stuck with that SHE IS TRUMP attack. they only had one debate, that isn't available on the internet (which is ridiculous). but apparentely this is one of the top races to watch.", ">>{luxtabula} : Your sigh cued me in that they weren't talking about the PBS series. Thanks.", ">>{megaheraX} : eh, when you get to VA beach or norfolk then it's blue as can be.", ">>{luxtabula} : Virginia is, but most people I see moving from where I live to North Carolina are retirees that can't afford Florida.", ">>{deviantpixel} : There are a lot of DC employees that live in NOVA aren't there? Hmmm", ">>{minivanofdespair} : Interesting! We have had Barbara's people come through our neighborhood at least 3 times. I think she would be doing much better if she had disavowed Trump from the get-go.", '>>{deviantpixel} : Are they offering free pussy grabs to get votes now?', ">>{fatboyroy} : He'd of won Florida and AZ for sure... most likely ohio.... it would be close as fuck imo", ">>{CornflakeJustice} : This is deeply important. Just because the polling is showing something doesn't mean anything if people don't show up and vote.", '>>{GobtheCyberPunk} : Can you explain how that\'s different than "working class whites" supposedly voting in their economic interest by voting for Trump (although it isn\'t actually in their interest)? And by the way, are you trying to claim that government workers living in Virginia is a recent development? Nope - the last government spending boom that added extra jobs in the DC region was Bush\'s national security and military spending. Those voters are overwhelmingly GOP. So then the explanation falls to educated workers becoming more Democratic, combined with the large increase in immigrant populations in the state.', '>>{GobtheCyberPunk} : Only government workers who are idiots would support a budget that wants to cut discretionary spending to less than what we spend on just *the military* right now.', ">>{deviantpixel} : My comment was just acknowledging that it's one of a few logical reasons why it keeps moving blue.", '>>{Danstree} : His comment was just acknowledging that you are wrong.', '>>{OfficerFeely} : I never heard the region referred to as "Nova" until I went to school in Central VA. Nova is the community college.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Shitposter123456789} : Clinton moves to 15-point lead over Trump in Va. in new CNU survey', ">>{Shitposter123456789} : From the [Wason Center for Public Policy at CNU's PDF](http://cnu.edu/cpp/pdf/oct%2016%202016%20report-final.pdf): >Summary of Key Findings >1. Clinton leads Trump 44-29 percent on the full five-candidate ballot, indicating significant damage to Trump by the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape and the 2nd debate. 2. Women’s support for Clinton is nearly double their support for Trump, 50-26 percent. 3. Clinton now leads among men for the first time, 37-32 percent. 4. Independent voters are moving to Clinton from Trump and from Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson. 5. Clinton’s lead in Northern Virginia has risen to 55 percent; Trump’s lead in South/Southwest Virginia has grown to 48 percent. 6. Among likely voters in Virginia’s military households, Clinton now leads Trump for the first time, 38-32 percent.", ">>{bigus_dikus} : I'm really surprised that Clinton had a lead with men and military families. Trump is really spiraling downward if those numbers are accurate.", ">>{RedTango313} : I forgot the exact numbers, for for a long time Hillary and Johnson had the most support among officers while Trump had most of the enlisted men. I'm not an expert on Virginia, but with all the major military installations there and proximity to DC, there's probably more officers in the area than most other military bases/towns.", '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : The way I see it ( and I would like someone actually from Virginia to confirm this) Virginia has been experiencing a shift from red to blue, for a long time. It was much too educated of a state for Donald Trump to ever have a shot at, and Tim Kaine as VP sort of solidified that.', '>>{keldorr92} : Tim Kaine is playing Donald off with a sick harmonica solo right now.', ">>{ComradeManafort} : I mean Trump has attacked the generals, said the military is in shambles, attacked a war hero, attacked a gold star family, and called PTSD sufferers 'not strong'. I'm surprised anyone in the military supports him.", ">>{jblah} : I am from Virginia. I'd say the state has been shifting blue for a long time, northern and eastern (towards DC and VA beach respectively) are urbanizing and shifting the ideals that way. Unfortunately gerrymandering has run rampant, which is why despite democratic state leadership and senators, the state legislature is republican. The problem is further encapsulated by the fact that the tea party is strong in many of the GOP-safe districts, leading to some truly scary representatives. There's actually a few cases making their way through the courts to hopefully rectify the districting ahead of the 2020 census. Even still, with the way Northern and Eastern VA have grown in the last 6.75 years to see at least a minor shift in districts without judicial support.", '>>{drive_me_away} : Awesome. I hope that we get a 15% lead nationally.', ">>{Clsjajll} : What exactly do those final Trump fans know about Clinton that they wouldn't jump ship at this point? How evil could she be that she is somehow still a worse choice than Trump?", ">>{dubslies} : I'm rather curious how long it's going to take the House of Delegates to finally flip. Even without gerrymandering, you have a couple more issues. First, elections held on odd-year elections where turnout is abysmal and that tends to disproportionately hurts Democrats. Second, Democratic power in Virginia is emblematic of their issues nationwide, in that they derive a lot of support from densely-packed urban center(s) where many votes are concentrated in fewer districts, and Republicans are more evenly spread out. That's fine - even preferable for statewide races, but really doesn't help for legislative races. However, it's not unheard of for some states to undergo rapid shifts in the power structure, when underlying electorate changes have been simmering for a long time. North Carolina is a fine example. I'm wondering that if Clinton really wins Virginia by many more points than the current PVI, if it'll represent a sea change in VA politics. If it was something like NC, 2017 could see big losses for the VAGOP.", '>>{PonderousHajj} : I am an organizer for HRC in Virginia and can confirm the overall trends. However, save for a particular contingent of the GOP in the western side of the state, many more Virginia Republicans are of the Bush/Romney mold. Conduct matters to a lot of them, and they simply cannot stomach DJT. Couple that with the fact that the RNC and Trump evacuated all of their organizers down to FL and NC and you get a clear picture of the state of the commonwealth. The only thing they care about now is holding onto their seats in the 5th and 10th districts.', ">>{nowhathappenedwas} : Virginia was one of ten states to vote for the Republican presidential candidate every election from 1968-2004. It's amazing that, after emerging as a swing state in 2008, it's already swung so far left that it's barely even a swing state anymore.", '>>{Continuity_organizer} : A lot of that has to do with the rapid increase of Washington DC following the 2009 stimulus.', '>>{myredditlogintoo} : Our House, in the middle of our lead, our House...', ">>{myredditlogintoo} : Nah, don't even think that. It ain't over until it's over. Then we can celebrate.", ">>{joeydee93} : I'm from VA. I will concur about the red to blue shift. But I will add that this election and trump has attacked policy and govermeny expert's. VA and Maryland both have a very large population of people who may favor Paul Ryan's budget but can't support someone attacking bureaucrats. The largest concitration of bureaucrats is Northern VA", ">>{mrducky78} : Trump's camp pulled out of VA a couple days ago. [on the 10/13](http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/13/politics/donald-trump-campaign-virginia/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_allpolitics+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Politics%29)", '>>{Thetenthdoc} : I wouldn\'t be surprised if his whole asinine "let\'s do a sneak attack even if it kills civilians" tangent during the second debate played really poorly with military people.', ">>{terriblehuman} : The urban growth in northern Virginia has definitely shifted demographics in the state. It wasn't too far off from being a swing state in 2004, so it wasn't too much of a surprise when it became one in the 2008 election. It's hard to say how much Kaine boosted Clinton's lead in Virginia, or if he did at all. He was a very popular Governor, and senator, but it is commonly believed that VP picks don't make a very big difference in who voters vote for.", '>>{terriblehuman} : Not true, the shift towards a blue state was happening quite a while before that. In 2004, some even considered that it Kerry should campaign there, and of course, it ultimately went for Obama in 2008.', '>>{minivanofdespair} : Any secret insider info on how Comstock is pulling? I loathe how she pretends to be a moderate but the DNC ran kind of a weak candidate against her.', '>>{scotscott} : Or his complete and utter disregard for the country they\'ve been fighting for. Or his total lack of discipline. Or his "personal Vietnam" comment.', ">>{tau-lepton} : Our mum she's so house-proud Nothing ever slows her down And a mess is not allowed", '>>{tau-lepton} : Meanwhile, Clinton expanding operations in Georgia, Arizona, and Utah', '>>{Continuity_organizer} : Those Trump fans are convinced all the polls are rigged and their candidate is going to win in a landslide.', ">>{peniscurve} : I look forward to how they will spin this. I listen to talk radio on the way to work, and the past week it has been how the polls are flawed. They didn't wait long enough, they asked loaded questions, the polls are all done by people that Hilary hired and so on. Why is it so hard to accept your guy is losing? I did it with Kerry, it isn't that difficult.", '>>{NomadFire} : It is getting harder and harder not to make a case that Trump is working on some level with Putin and the Russian government. If everything that is said about Clinton is true than she sloppy, selfish career addicted murder. If everything said about Trump is true, he is an racist, sexist, idiot working for the Russian government. Who would be better for the presidency.', '>>{Continuity_organizer} : For all intents and purposes, the election was over when Marco Rubio dropped out.', '>>{theonlylawislove} : No, Trump is trying hard in Pennsylvania. That state, and New Hampshire, blow a whole in her firewall.', ">>{PonderousHajj} : The problem overall is that the Democratic Party didn't expect this opportunity, so we don't have a roster of particularly strong candidates in many places. Fortunately, LuAnn Bennett is not one of those. She's pretty solid on the whole. To pull a Comstock, no comment on the polling. Suffice it to say that the RNC is spending a lot to attack Bennett right now, and that district should have been safe for them.", ">>{sherrinford_holmes} : If he's losing HR by six, yeah, military support is crumbling by the minute. My oldest is ROTC at UVA. Trump's lost officers *completely.* Across pretty much all branches (they are all in the same building, and they talk.) There is even some quiet murmuring over what is to be done if he winds up somehow winning.", '>>{Wholesome2301} : Virginia military types are all about foreign policy, they aren\'t stupid. When Trump went all "take their oil, invade, nuke!!!!!" military people in VA basically had mild heart attacks.', ">>{Scienscatologist} : She isn't telling them that their personal failures aren't a result of a lifetime of laziness, bad habits, and not wanting to think for themselves. She isn't telling them that the *real* reason they're so unhappy is because Someone Else is denying them all the things that should be handed to them as White Christians. source: I grew up in Oklahoma and Texas, which is full of these self-righteous, self-indulgent, ignorant clowns. Which is too bad, because they are both beautiful states and there are also a lot of good people there, who aren't being fairly represented by the scumbags currently holding office.", '>>{5two1} : I guess theres no reason fornmillennials to hold their nose and vote for the turd sandwich, aka queen corporate shill, aka, warmonger hitlery, aka your kids must die for my peoples military proffit!', ">>{You_Are_All_Absurd} : I think Jeb wouldn't have been a complete write off in a general. He just didn't seem comfortable with the level of crazy necessary to win a GOP primary and got run over. That's the GOP's main problem, they have to go so far right to win the primary that they feed the Dems everything they need to win a general election.", ">>{sobertimessquare} : I think Jeb would win this election, honestly. Hillary's unfavorables are pretty high. Then again, the Bushes aren't looked on too fondly. It'd be a closer race than this one at least.", '>>{You_Are_All_Absurd} : I agree and I think it\'s because Jeb seems to have the "drink a beer with him" factor of his brother but seems more intelligent than his brother. He also seems willing to make fun of himself, which makes him look humble. I don\'t agree with a single policy the guy has, but he would do well in a more reasonable GOP.', '>>{Hashslingingslashar} : NOVA would have grown either way. People prefer urban areas. In VA the areas that are growing are NOVA, Richmond, Hampton Roads... etc. it was only a matter of time.', '>>{HumanTrafficCone} : \\*makes note for massive karma on election night*', ">>{nmdarkie} : Jeb to me doesn't seem like leadership material, but I wouldn't mind him.", '>>{Continuity_organizer} : Jeb was my first choice this election cycle, he dropped out of the race about 2 months before Rubio. Rubio was the last viable Republican left in the field, after he dropped out, it was down to Trump and Cruz, two assured losers.', ">>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : > long time Hillary and Johnson had the most support among officers while Trump had most of the enlisted men It's interesting because I think this is simply a reflection of the broader nationwide trend when it comes to education being the most defining factor in predicting who you will vote for. Officers are college-educated, most enlisted people are not.", ">>{-rinserepeat-} : It's hard when you simultaneously believe that everything you believe is absolutely true, that God is on your side and guaranteeing all of your victories, and that your opponents are all half-brained morons, but you're still factually losing.", ">>{semaphore-1842} : Yeah, NOVA has seen massive urban growth since 2004. Many of those counties experienced 30%+ growth in just a few years. As is generally the case, urban voters strongly lean Democrat, so unsurprisingly it's pretty much not a swing state anymore. This is probably the last time (for a long while) that Republicans are reasonably competitive in Virginia. And yet the Trump campaign has apparently conceded the state.", ">>{Abattoir_Blues} : I see, and this is the English language you're speaking?", ">>{semaphore-1842} : And also the area is filled with government workers, who strongly supports Clinton over Trump. Because, you know, they're the ones who will be at the epicentre of the mess should Trump be elected. Hence VA men in general supports Clinton, unlike the rest of the country.", '>>{Abattoir_Blues} : FiveThirtyEight gives her an 89% chance of winning PA.', ">>{MacaroniShits} : It's all yours. Just make sure to mention me.", ">>{PM_ME_A_GOOD_RECIPE} : I'm from Virginia and this is basically how I view things, too. It's totally anecdotal but I live in a fairly rural area of southern VA and even here I see a shift from red to blue, where so many people I know who are lifelong republicans and had never voted for a democrat a day in their life have been switching over to voting democrat or, if not that, then to voting third party since 2008 and steadily gaining after that. Not to say that we don't have our fair share of Trump supporters around here but there are so many more Clinton supporters than I would have thought we'd have and I'm (pleasantly) surprised to see it and optimistic that that will impact our congressional race this year, too, and go on to help get us better delegates in office further on.", ">>{Vega62a} : Or his assertion that he would torture and kill the families of suspected terrorists. I can't imagine military families feeling great about their kids maybe having to do that.", ">>{MFoy} : The opposite of that is true. While initially, the Northern Virginia economy did benefit from the 2008 and 2009 stimuli did help, those benefits were completely undone by the sequestration and government shut downs that follows. The recovery from the Great Recession in the DC area lags behind the average recovery of the rest of the country on average. Government spending as a percentage of the GNP is at historic lows (at least modern history) right now. The worst part is when any bad news about the economy in the DC area comes out, you get dozens of Republican congressmen bragging about how it is wonderful news and they take credit for making people's lives worse. While it isn't as big yet, most growth in Northern Virginia is a result of the tech sector, which has grown massively in the western half of the region.", '>>{enigmatic360} : I think Virginia is going to be considered a blue state after the election. Particularly if development reaches the west. Like it has along the 95 corridor.', '>>{whyReadThis} : Have you seen how many new offices and headquarters are in Reston Town Center? This is during a Democrat governor, too.', ">>{socsa} : Yup. Virginia and North Carolina are both center stage for an ongoing east coast tech boom. It's attracting a lot of young, educated voters to the area.", ">>{mikes94} : I live in Virginia (DC suburbs) but moved from NY to go to university here due to the job market. It's mostly northern Virginia (Arlington) that is very liberal and full of young people, everything south is just.... south.", '>>{MFoy} : I drive through Reston all the time. I remember when Reston Town Center was built. All of that growth is tied directly to Metro coming through in a few years combined with increases in the tech industry.', ">>{braininabox} : I've decided to call them Swung States for a while now", ">>{TruthSpeaker} : Don't let the numbers influence you. You still have to go out and vote. This is an opportunity in a lifetime to change America for the better. Please don't let this slip.", '>>{sesor33} : Yep, I played with a delusional Trump supporter today in Dota. He tried to explain that 70-80% of the country supports Trump, and the media is just lying about it. These people are either crazy or just plain stupid.', '>>{Continuity_organizer} : To be fair to Trump supporters, cognitive dissonance can be a very powerful thing. There are still Democrats who refuse to accept that Bush won Florida in 2000.', ">>{Audioworm} : I noticed the same in Wisconsin. When I saw all the posts in /r/The_Deplorables about giving money to the Democrat opposing Paul Ryan in Wisconsin (Ryan Solen) I tried to look up who he was and the information was sparse. He was in the service, working with the Medical Services Corp and then in Wisconsin he does data security. Very little in the way of notable political history but won the primaries there by a decent amount. I messaged his campaign team and they all seemed like very nice and committed people but were faced with a race much tighter than anticipated if the anti-Paul Ryan backlash actually blew up enough. Though I did make a joke about whether people would get confused by the two Ryan's on the ballot and spite-vote for the wrong one.", ">>{CTR555} : Arlington is super blue, but it's really Arlington's massive neighbor Fairfax that's tilting the scales.", '>>{n3gotiator} : Most of the Pentagon workers and military contractors live in D.C./MD/VA. Nova always tilts Dem but this time it will be a blowout.', ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : Didn't Trump just pull out of Virginia a couple of days ago?", ">>{swiftsepitaph} : I'd argue the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and the ensuing expansion of the aerospace/weapons industries contributed more to the boom than the stimulus", '>>{mikes94} : And Loudoun, which is very purple, leaning more blue since the massive Indian immigration in recent years.', '>>{CTR555} : Yep. Loudoun will eventually go solid blue, once the Fairfax-lite areas fully outweigh horse country.', '>>{MrMRDA} : I sincerely hope this state is called at closing or extremely early in the night. Actually, I hope that for most states.', ">>{WigginIII} : If he didn't have an R in front of his name they wouldn't.", '>>{Tekmo} : For people who don\'t get the reference: "Sic Semper Tyrannis" is the state motto of Virginia, which translates to "thus always to tyrants" and is an abbreviation of "Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis" ("Thus always I bring death to tyrants"). [[Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic_semper_tyrannis)]', ">>{theonlylawislove} : Ya, but Trump (especially Ivanka) are campaigning really hard in the suburbs for the suburban women's vote. They have a lot of resources deployed there.", '>>{shabby47} : I saw something that showed early absentee voting is up 55% in the northern va area so far compared to 2012. The rest of the state is in the +20% range and is only a fraction of the total number of votes cast.', ">>{lye_milkshake} : Imagine that you see abortion as equal to the mass slaughter of millions of people, and one candidate is in favor of abortion, and the other might(?) be against it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NPPE6a7mSI That's one of many reasons I can think for why somebody might still be supporting Trump.", ">>{Walkitback} : I hear Pennsylvania is competitive every four years. It's not.", ">>{FuriousTarts} : You mean the state where she's up by 9?", '>>{cp710} : > These people are either crazy or just plain stupid. They\'re also extremely illogical, because lying about a lead in the polls would hurt Hillary and help Trump. What would the "liberal" media have to gain by making people think Hillary\'s so far ahead in the polls that the lazy or apathetic among us decide not to go vote while all the Trumpers decide they need to make every vote count?', ">>{megaheraX} : well this is also CNU, deep southern VA (Va beach/norfolk) has a pretty demcoratic base, I mean besides the military downthere it's basically baltimore. NOVA as others have stated (particularly loudoun) as grown like fucking craazy. Source: living in NOVA, vabeach and norfolk.", ">>{megaheraX} : well absentee voting has also exploded in VA because during it's huge growth with all the parents that moved in, the children are now in college, and gone but have NOVA as their home address. source: from NOVA, in college, know many people who absentee balloted this week.", ">>{megaheraX} : while the odd year thing definitely fucks us up. There is also an issue where people feel like we need a centrist but still a democrat on the federal level to counter the Cruz's while we still tend to be more overall conservative locally (low taxes, particularly VAT taxes for example)", ">>{megaheraX} : I saw a few polls and it was very close, within 2 points. Bennet has been pulling the COMSTOCK AND TRUMP ARE THE SAME card for awhile now, while it is a bit unfair, that's comstock's fault for not denouncing him earlier, she never endorsed him though, just dodged the question. though after the tape release she quickly stated that he should step down. So that will probs bump her up a bit. (It was a lithmus test for my vote for her, if she hadn't there was zero chance she would get my vote). though she is pretty conservative (abortion for example) she is fairly moderate on guns, (universal background checks, mental health database, though doesn't want people to lose due process rights). Luann is a bit weak but just stuck with that SHE IS TRUMP attack. they only had one debate, that isn't available on the internet (which is ridiculous). but apparentely this is one of the top races to watch.", ">>{luxtabula} : Your sigh cued me in that they weren't talking about the PBS series. Thanks.", ">>{megaheraX} : eh, when you get to VA beach or norfolk then it's blue as can be.", ">>{luxtabula} : Virginia is, but most people I see moving from where I live to North Carolina are retirees that can't afford Florida.", ">>{deviantpixel} : There are a lot of DC employees that live in NOVA aren't there? Hmmm", ">>{minivanofdespair} : Interesting! We have had Barbara's people come through our neighborhood at least 3 times. I think she would be doing much better if she had disavowed Trump from the get-go.", '>>{deviantpixel} : Are they offering free pussy grabs to get votes now?', ">>{fatboyroy} : He'd of won Florida and AZ for sure... most likely ohio.... it would be close as fuck imo", ">>{CornflakeJustice} : This is deeply important. Just because the polling is showing something doesn't mean anything if people don't show up and vote.", '>>{GobtheCyberPunk} : Can you explain how that\'s different than "working class whites" supposedly voting in their economic interest by voting for Trump (although it isn\'t actually in their interest)? And by the way, are you trying to claim that government workers living in Virginia is a recent development? Nope - the last government spending boom that added extra jobs in the DC region was Bush\'s national security and military spending. Those voters are overwhelmingly GOP. So then the explanation falls to educated workers becoming more Democratic, combined with the large increase in immigrant populations in the state.', '>>{GobtheCyberPunk} : Only government workers who are idiots would support a budget that wants to cut discretionary spending to less than what we spend on just *the military* right now.', ">>{deviantpixel} : My comment was just acknowledging that it's one of a few logical reasons why it keeps moving blue.", '>>{Danstree} : His comment was just acknowledging that you are wrong.', '>>{OfficerFeely} : I never heard the region referred to as "Nova" until I went to school in Central VA. Nova is the community college.'], ['>>{STiLL_bOoZiN} : CNN Chief Slams Donna Brazile’s ‘Disgusting’ Dealings With Clinton Team', '>>{CareToRemember} : Like anything related to the Clintons, is he disgusted it went public or disgusted it happened?', '>>{fco83} : CNN just trying to cover their own ass. The fact that they apparently have no wall between their journalist side and the pundits who are obviously on a side, whether that be Brazile or people like Lewandowski, or the other surrogates, is a bigger problem. That information should have never gotten to Brazil in the first place, and honestly once it did, nobody would expect it not to find its way back to the campaign.', ">>{SJHalflingRanger} : He's quite friendly with Trump (he's the guy that signed him up to do The Apprentice) so probably actually disgusted, but for the wrong reasons.", ">>{STiLL_bOoZiN} : While that's true, is the disgust not justified? Well according the 27% upvote rate this post got I guess its not.", ">>{10390} : And yet, no comment from the DNC or Clinton's team.", '>>{SJHalflingRanger} : I don\'t blame CNN for distancing themselves from her, but "disgust" seems a little over the top, especially from Zucker.', ">>{STiLL_bOoZiN} : She tipped Clinton off about questions before a DNC primary debate. That kind of collusion should elicit disgust. I don't care who said it.", '>>{treerat} : Zucker hired Erik Erikson and Lewandowski. Zucker wants tabloid TV news.', '>>{SJHalflingRanger} : Fox has shown where the money is, after all.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : Zucker is legally responsible to the shareholders to make profits. He's not legally responsible to the public to make quality news. Or more accurately, Zucker's bosses have that legal responsibility."], ['>>{SilentJ87} : Any general tips or advice for a longtime Android user making the switch?', ">>{luqman_sha} : My first smartphone was an Android, and it's been that way until two months ago when I made the switch to iOS. What kept me away from iOS was the lack of a file manager, so the first thing I recommend to install is an app called Documents 5(it was pretty much the first app I installed), which gave me back the option to download videos from the net to the photos app, something Safari just can't do. The mail app works fine for any email services except for gmail, so if you do have a gmail account (I assume you do since you're coming from android), use the gmail app instead of iOS's mail app. Gmail restricts iOS's mail app to only fetch instead of push, so you're not always up to date if a new mail comes in. This is personal preference, but Google Keyboard was always my keyboard since it was release on Play Store in KitKat, so I've pretty much used Gboard ever since I owned my iPhone. iOS's stock keyboard doesn't suit me. Also, my dictionary was brought over from android (I tend to speak a mix of english and my own native language), so all the words learnt on android is somewhat here as I am given suggestions of words from my native langauge even though I set it to English. Lastly, just enjoy your iPhone. iOS isn't as customisable as android, but it's an operating system that just works, and I learned to enjoy it.", ">>{SilentJ87} : I didn't even know about Gboard. That's really good because I love Google's keyboard and was going to miss it", '>>{luqman_sha} : Well I missed now on tap too. With Gboard, it does bring up quick search, not as detailed as now on tap but it works. The cool thing about it though is that you could actually Google up gifs or images and straight away send it in a conversation without the hassle of downloading the gif first, something android is missing', '>>{SilentJ87} : That is really cool. How is the Reddit iPhone app? I currently use Relay on Android', ">>{luqman_sha} : I'm using the official Reddit app. I used to use Now for Reddit (aka Reddit Now) when I was on android, and that app packed a lot of features that fit my taste. I asked around on this sub too what client they used for Reddit, some recommended Alien Blue but it was already removed from the App Store when I got the phone. The iPad version is still on the App Store though and by the looks of it, I was in love with that app. Other apps either lack features or lack in the looks department. I gave up in hunting for the perfect app and just gave in to the official one. Turns out it ain't bad. Could've use a couple of improvements here and there but it does what it says and I have no complains.", ">>{SilentJ87} : Nice, I'm sure I'll get used to it. I'm just glad I can still use Google Play Music on the iPhone. I was afraid I might have to look for an alternative. Learning that I can still use the Google services I really enjoy made it seem like a much less riskier thing to try.", ">>{luqman_sha} : Google Drive might not let you save images to your camera roll. Gmail could only login to Gmail accounts while on android, they support Yahoo iMAP, outlook and other office emails. But Google apps still works better on iOS. On android, there's that constant battery drain from Google Play Services, something iOS doesn't have. As for me, iOS 10 offers the option to uninstall most of the system apps, so I uninstalled Mail, Calender, Apple Music and Maps in preference for Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Maps. I use Spotify to replace the music app however, but I guess that's just personal preference.", '>>{SilentJ87} : Spotify is great. What sold me on Play Music though is for your 10 bucks you not only get Play Music, but YouTube Music and YouTube Red. It just feels like more bang for my buck, but I do miss some things from Spotify, like how the app is setup.', ">>{luqman_sha} : Ahh I see. I would love to have Youtube Red, but GPM and YouTube Red just isn't offered in Singapore where I live. Is it a must though to have GPM to get YouTube Red? I hate the layout of GPM", ">>{SilentJ87} : I'm not really sure. I already had GPM when Red came out, so I just got an email saying I was getting that for my $10 too"], [">>{justinlancaster} : Trump Calls On Court To 'Do What's Right' And Uphold His Travel Ban", '>>{justinlancaster} : How about instead, they "do what\'s right" and uphold the constitution?', '>>{grixorbatz} : After he pissed all over the institution and its distinguished servants publicly, he\'s asking them to "Do what\'s right" - I\'m sure he can expect that they\'re going to do precisely that.', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Should a president be attempting to make public ex parte communications toward a judge asking them to rule in a particular manner regarding a current case in their court? It would definitely be improper for any party to a case to make ex parte communications to a judge in an attempt to influence them. Why is it okay right now?', ">>{jful504} : That would assume he knows what upholding the constitution entails. It's pretty apparent [he doesn't know what American values] (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/02/07/unlike-all-previous-u-s-presidents-trump-almost-never-mentions-democratic-ideals/?utm_term=.b671e21e6e59) really are.", ">>{jful504} : How long will his party go along with this blatant attack on the separation of powers of government? Can you imagine if Obama acted in this way? Or even W? It's insane that everyone is okay with what's happening to this country.", ">>{syncopator} : Yes, keep it up Donnie! You just keep telling those nasty judges how they should do their jobs! Make sure you let them know they are dumber than bad high school students if they rule against you! I'm not sure they understand how you feel about Muslims... you should remind them!", '>>{DBDude} : >How about instead, they "Do what\'s right" and uphold the constitution? That is what he wants them to do, but it\'ll really piss off the Democrats that want the judges to dictate policy instead of rule on the law.', ">>{xynix_ie} : We watched W get us into a very expensive war predicated upon lies and he wasn't held accountable. He drove the economy into the ground and the same people fine with W and Trump blamed Obama for it. They live in a fantasy land of Fox News talking heads. Reality isn't part of their narrative and frankly hasn't been since Rush Limbaugh showed up.", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : > That would assume he knows what upholding the constitution entails It should only need constitutional lawyers to stand up to him. Checks and balances, eh?']]
classify and reply
[">>{Velcrocore} : They're songs that haven't downloaded to your pc. Are you paying for Apple Music?", '>>{Bodeillek} : Lenovo now makes a USB-C dock for office drones who love ports', '>>{Berenwulf} : I had the same problem. I had to turn on explicit songs in my restriction settings. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201304', '>>{spartyron} : I thought that might be the case that the songs weren\'t downloaded to my pc, but clicking on my music library, just checking "gives you hell" as an example, there\'s no cloud with down arrow image next to it. Also, clicking on the account tab and selecting check for available downloads, there are none. I wouldn\'t think I\'d have to pay for an apple music subscription to listen to songs I\'ve already purchased? http://imgur.com/a/YeACE', '>>{Henereh} : Not sure why it\'s just for "office drones". This gives some laptops more connectivity than some desktops which is tight.', '>>{koj300} : I also think this thing is expensive. But all in ones are very rare breeds.', '>>{apaksl} : So like, does it infect your devices with malware?', '>>{Velcrocore} : Oh wait, I just noticed that your looking at the music "on the phone" in iTunes. I thought that was your computer\'s music collection. Those songs are in the process of syncing to your phone still. Are you syncing over wifi? Even with a direct USB connection, syncing a large library will take some time.', ">>{SomeoneTrading} : Lenovo doesn't fuck with ThinkPads. The Superfish shit didn't affect the ThinkPad lineup in any way. And if you are buying not ThinkPad/ThinkCentre/server Lenovo products, you are doing something VERY wrong.", '>>{pheonix200} : Trump Duly Slapped, Elizabeth Warren Returns to What She Does Best.', ">>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Lyin' Warren [Warren should apologize to Native Americans](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/29/opinions/warren-should-apologize-native-americans-moya-smith/index.html)", ">>{apaksl} : If everything else is equal, why bother buying from a company that has deceived its customers multiple times? > fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again -President George Walker Bush", '>>{Bobgeano} : Unplug the phone. Plug it in. Drag the grey music from your library on to phone again. Let me know', '>>{daitenshe} : Because this article is aimed at the same people who unironically use the word sheeple', ">>{Quil0n} : ...everything else ISN'T equal. Only comparable one is the OWC, and Lenovo's support for businesses is unparalleled.", ">>{TotallyLiberal} : Please please let Warren be Clinton's VP pick. It will be such an easy Trump win.", ">>{spartyron} : I've actually syncing tried both ways. It always looks like it's done according to the box at the top in iTunes, but maybe it's not?", '>>{spartyron} : Just checked and explicit songs are turned on. Thanks.', '>>{apaksl} : so proper support for businesses is enough to make you overlook the ever-looming potential for malware infections?', '>>{MrLinderman} : Fresh from campaigning with the candidate who is bought off by Wall Street, Warren goes back to pretending to not have sold out.', ">>{Velcrocore} : Yep! It'll tell you it's done syncing when the media items aren't done. I can't tell if it's a bug, or if they did it on purpose. In the olden days, your iPod would be unusable for hours. Once a year there would be a glitch, and you'd have a few mp3s that were cut off halfway through.", ">>{jcfac} : I believe that Warren, who never lied about being a Native American, is far more knowledgeable about hedge contracts and derivatives than the experts on Wall Street. We need Warren to control these businesses because she knows better than they do. The wrong answer would to be to stop bailing out these companies when they lose money and let the free market run it's course.", ">>{Quil0n} : I don't think a dock can host malware. Plus actual Thinkpads will come with Signature Windows.", '>>{chaozhammer} : So much for you Bernie bros being "willing to vote for Warren" eh?', ">>{russell16688} : I had this issue and it was because I had selected local songs that were on a computer but hadn't uploaded to the iCloud servers yet. I found the Apple music equivalent tracks and added those instead. Much easier", ">>{MrLinderman} : I'm probably not the guy you want to be calling a Bernie Bro considering I think he's a senile, delusional idiot who would ruin this country. Edit: I also voted for Scott Brown over Warren, and would again. Call me a Republican baby eater all you want, but don't associate me with Warren or Crazy Bernie.", '>>{Blondeambitchion} : I have this happen pretty regularly, just delete them from the iPhone and try again', '>>{Bigstar976} : Try deleting them from your phone and syncing them again.', ">>{Lokitheanus} : So what they've done is save a few dollars manufacturing a notebook computer, dev'd a port replicator and passed on a way to make more money to the consumer. Edit: People who are hurt by the truth stopped by.", ">>{spartyron} : I think that's what I'll try next. Thanks.", ">>{chaozhammer} : So you're not a Bernie guy and you're claiming Hillary is bought by wall street. Trump is the incarnation of Wall Street except not as competent, so I'm assuming you'll be staying home this year. Not sure what you're doing on this sub then", '>>{Bigstar976} : It usually works for me. Happens all the time. To be in the safe side, shut down iTunes and restart it before you do. Let me know if it works.', ">>{apaksl} : maybe it's the optimist in me, but I think if anybody could figure out how to infect my stuff with malware, it's Lenovo.", ">>{TotallyLiberal} : I'm aware. Did I say something that upset you? Warren would be a terrible vp choice for Hillary and there are people on the left and the right that think that.", '>>{spartyron} : It looks like deleting my music off the phone and re-syncing it from my library worked. Thanks for all who tried to help!', '>>{Dragonair476} : Can a single USB-C port really output 3 displays, accept power, gigabit Ethernet, 4 USB ports, and serial all at the same time?', '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : Returns to what she does best? Stealing from the Native American people?', ">>{Gravexmind} : I think it's just a failed sync. Happens to me as well, usually when I try to sync too many albums at the same time.", ">>{m-p-3} : I'm surprised there's still a VGA connector on it.", ">>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Lyin' Warren needs no article. >[Warren should apologize to Native Americans](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/29/opinions/warren-should-apologize-native-americans-moya-smith/index.html)", ">>{SlaveToo} : Sort of? You can see the Dp/hdmi ports on the right are twinned, so they won't work at the same time, but there is a VGA port on the left which might work to drive a 3rd monitor. There's no serial port on this device. We have similar docks at work which will happily drive 3 displays, run 6 USB ports (2 usb3) and a gigabit ethernet at once.", ">>{Dragonair476} : But the dock your speaking of usually has a sophisticated port that is designed to handle the dock. I'm just amazed how the tiny USB-c port on the side of a laptop can do all of this at once. Sorry, for some reason I thought serial port when I saw the vga.", ">>{cd943t} : It's for connecting to projectors. The VGA port on my laptop has saved me a few times.", '>>{JP2214} : Maybe thunderbolt can but normal USB? I have my reservations', '>>{bearsandgiants} : So what she does best is tweeting nasty tweets? What a great candidate for VP.', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : It's actually [Thunderbolt 3](https://thunderbolttechnology.net/blog/thunderbolt-3-usb-c-does-it-all). The port supports lots of stuff, but it does more in Thunderbolt mode than USB mode.", ">>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : How does this help the fact Warren hasn't come clean? She owes it to the American people. A sad attempt to divert attention away from her shame. Shame! Sad! Low energy. Bad! [She has played the Indian card for decades](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-controversy-over-elizabeth-warrens-claimed-native-american-heritage/2012/09/27/d0b7f568-08a5-11e2-a10c-fa5a255a9258_blog.html) and is already ensconced in the ivory tower. *** *This certainly raise serious concerns about Warren’s judgment.* *** >[Warren should apologize to Native Americans](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/29/opinions/warren-should-apologize-native-americans-moya-smith/index.html)", '>>{JadeScar} : Yes . Mr Linderman. How dare you come to a sub and express your opinion ? Just.. how could you ?', '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : The article specifies that there are actually two products - a USB-C dock, and a Thunderbolt 3 dock with more features.', '>>{PlankWithANailIn} : Look at the price of the thing, what a waste of time! Just buy a cheap office PC it will will come with more ports and will give you the option of leaving the laptop at home sometimes.', '>>{Strid} : Not buying more Lenovo products after I was affected by Superfish.', '>>{Whipit} : A good place for all those ports ( with the exception of ethernet and VGA ) would be on the side of a laptop, and not on the front of an expensive oversized dongle.', ">>{TomTheElder} : What is with the tone of this article. Why so glib? It's a niche product for people who need a whole lot of connectivity from their laptop.", ">>{Tananar} : It's obviously not aimed at people who work only at the office. Some people need to take their work with them.", '>>{Tananar} : I work IT in my university library. Every computer uses a DisplayPort to VGA adapter. They all connect to the monitors over VGA. No idea why.', ">>{JC-Dude} : No, you don't need that many ports most of the time, so it makes sense to make the laptop smaller, thinner and lighter and have a seperate box with those ports for when you need them.", '>>{OatmealFor3v3r} : Hmm lots of ports! $199 though? At least a good alternative for someone who needs more. I assume since this is standard Type C it will work with Macbook Pros?', ">>{timofcourse} : Agreed. When I'm at 30k feet traveling coast to coast, I don't need - or want - those ports. Only useful when I'm back at office.", ">>{timofcourse} : Nope; people who use thier computer other than a single desk stopped by. The many of us who travel for a living for example want a compact laptop and have no need for all those ports. When we're back the office however, a docking station like this is pretty essential to easily connect to various peripherals. Pretty standard stuff.", ">>{Lokitheanus} : So you have a dock for each location you work at? You'd rather have the additional expense than just having three or four USB ports build in to your computer?", '>>{shanenanigans1} : I thought USB-C docks just meant that your laptop was shitty. /s', ">>{bdavbdav} : This is why I don't get the hate of USB C. I've always wanted a one wire dock for my MacBook Pro. Now I can buy one from anyone. What's not to like.", '>>{bdavbdav} : More useful than you might think. Was at a hotel with an old VGA only projector the other day. No luck with my MacBook. My dad pulls out a nifty miniDP-to-VGA/DVI/HDMI dongle he uses with his surface which did the trick great.', '>>{JP2214} : Indeed. And think of how phones can technically take advantage of this as well once they advance a little bit further. Windows phone may have a resurgence', '>>{JP2214} : Indeed. And think of how phones can technically take advantage of this as well once they advance a little bit further. Windows phone may have a resurgence Is this a duplicate post? Or a mobile glitch? If duplicated pls ignore', ">>{All_Under_Heaven} : The Thinkpad series is the go-to standard Corporate office work computer, so most reports will play up office workers and cube farms, etc. I agree with you, it's great to have another company in the USB-C game."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Velcrocore} : They're songs that haven't downloaded to your pc. Are you paying for Apple Music?", '>>{Berenwulf} : I had the same problem. I had to turn on explicit songs in my restriction settings. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201304', '>>{spartyron} : I thought that might be the case that the songs weren\'t downloaded to my pc, but clicking on my music library, just checking "gives you hell" as an example, there\'s no cloud with down arrow image next to it. Also, clicking on the account tab and selecting check for available downloads, there are none. I wouldn\'t think I\'d have to pay for an apple music subscription to listen to songs I\'ve already purchased? http://imgur.com/a/YeACE', '>>{Velcrocore} : Oh wait, I just noticed that your looking at the music "on the phone" in iTunes. I thought that was your computer\'s music collection. Those songs are in the process of syncing to your phone still. Are you syncing over wifi? Even with a direct USB connection, syncing a large library will take some time.', '>>{Bobgeano} : Unplug the phone. Plug it in. Drag the grey music from your library on to phone again. Let me know', ">>{spartyron} : I've actually syncing tried both ways. It always looks like it's done according to the box at the top in iTunes, but maybe it's not?", '>>{spartyron} : Just checked and explicit songs are turned on. Thanks.', ">>{Velcrocore} : Yep! It'll tell you it's done syncing when the media items aren't done. I can't tell if it's a bug, or if they did it on purpose. In the olden days, your iPod would be unusable for hours. Once a year there would be a glitch, and you'd have a few mp3s that were cut off halfway through.", ">>{russell16688} : I had this issue and it was because I had selected local songs that were on a computer but hadn't uploaded to the iCloud servers yet. I found the Apple music equivalent tracks and added those instead. Much easier", '>>{Blondeambitchion} : I have this happen pretty regularly, just delete them from the iPhone and try again', '>>{Bigstar976} : Try deleting them from your phone and syncing them again.', ">>{spartyron} : I think that's what I'll try next. Thanks.", '>>{Bigstar976} : It usually works for me. Happens all the time. To be in the safe side, shut down iTunes and restart it before you do. Let me know if it works.', '>>{spartyron} : It looks like deleting my music off the phone and re-syncing it from my library worked. Thanks for all who tried to help!', ">>{Gravexmind} : I think it's just a failed sync. Happens to me as well, usually when I try to sync too many albums at the same time."], ['>>{pheonix200} : Trump Duly Slapped, Elizabeth Warren Returns to What She Does Best.', ">>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Lyin' Warren [Warren should apologize to Native Americans](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/29/opinions/warren-should-apologize-native-americans-moya-smith/index.html)", ">>{TotallyLiberal} : Please please let Warren be Clinton's VP pick. It will be such an easy Trump win.", '>>{MrLinderman} : Fresh from campaigning with the candidate who is bought off by Wall Street, Warren goes back to pretending to not have sold out.', ">>{jcfac} : I believe that Warren, who never lied about being a Native American, is far more knowledgeable about hedge contracts and derivatives than the experts on Wall Street. We need Warren to control these businesses because she knows better than they do. The wrong answer would to be to stop bailing out these companies when they lose money and let the free market run it's course.", '>>{chaozhammer} : So much for you Bernie bros being "willing to vote for Warren" eh?', ">>{MrLinderman} : I'm probably not the guy you want to be calling a Bernie Bro considering I think he's a senile, delusional idiot who would ruin this country. Edit: I also voted for Scott Brown over Warren, and would again. Call me a Republican baby eater all you want, but don't associate me with Warren or Crazy Bernie.", ">>{chaozhammer} : So you're not a Bernie guy and you're claiming Hillary is bought by wall street. Trump is the incarnation of Wall Street except not as competent, so I'm assuming you'll be staying home this year. Not sure what you're doing on this sub then", ">>{TotallyLiberal} : I'm aware. Did I say something that upset you? Warren would be a terrible vp choice for Hillary and there are people on the left and the right that think that.", '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : Returns to what she does best? Stealing from the Native American people?', ">>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Lyin' Warren needs no article. >[Warren should apologize to Native Americans](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/29/opinions/warren-should-apologize-native-americans-moya-smith/index.html)", '>>{bearsandgiants} : So what she does best is tweeting nasty tweets? What a great candidate for VP.', ">>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : How does this help the fact Warren hasn't come clean? She owes it to the American people. A sad attempt to divert attention away from her shame. Shame! Sad! Low energy. Bad! [She has played the Indian card for decades](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-controversy-over-elizabeth-warrens-claimed-native-american-heritage/2012/09/27/d0b7f568-08a5-11e2-a10c-fa5a255a9258_blog.html) and is already ensconced in the ivory tower. *** *This certainly raise serious concerns about Warren’s judgment.* *** >[Warren should apologize to Native Americans](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/29/opinions/warren-should-apologize-native-americans-moya-smith/index.html)", '>>{JadeScar} : Yes . Mr Linderman. How dare you come to a sub and express your opinion ? Just.. how could you ?'], ['>>{Bodeillek} : Lenovo now makes a USB-C dock for office drones who love ports', '>>{Henereh} : Not sure why it\'s just for "office drones". This gives some laptops more connectivity than some desktops which is tight.', '>>{koj300} : I also think this thing is expensive. But all in ones are very rare breeds.', '>>{apaksl} : So like, does it infect your devices with malware?', ">>{SomeoneTrading} : Lenovo doesn't fuck with ThinkPads. The Superfish shit didn't affect the ThinkPad lineup in any way. And if you are buying not ThinkPad/ThinkCentre/server Lenovo products, you are doing something VERY wrong.", ">>{apaksl} : If everything else is equal, why bother buying from a company that has deceived its customers multiple times? > fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again -President George Walker Bush", '>>{daitenshe} : Because this article is aimed at the same people who unironically use the word sheeple', ">>{Quil0n} : ...everything else ISN'T equal. Only comparable one is the OWC, and Lenovo's support for businesses is unparalleled.", '>>{apaksl} : so proper support for businesses is enough to make you overlook the ever-looming potential for malware infections?', ">>{Quil0n} : I don't think a dock can host malware. Plus actual Thinkpads will come with Signature Windows.", ">>{Lokitheanus} : So what they've done is save a few dollars manufacturing a notebook computer, dev'd a port replicator and passed on a way to make more money to the consumer. Edit: People who are hurt by the truth stopped by.", ">>{apaksl} : maybe it's the optimist in me, but I think if anybody could figure out how to infect my stuff with malware, it's Lenovo.", '>>{Dragonair476} : Can a single USB-C port really output 3 displays, accept power, gigabit Ethernet, 4 USB ports, and serial all at the same time?', ">>{m-p-3} : I'm surprised there's still a VGA connector on it.", ">>{SlaveToo} : Sort of? You can see the Dp/hdmi ports on the right are twinned, so they won't work at the same time, but there is a VGA port on the left which might work to drive a 3rd monitor. There's no serial port on this device. We have similar docks at work which will happily drive 3 displays, run 6 USB ports (2 usb3) and a gigabit ethernet at once.", ">>{Dragonair476} : But the dock your speaking of usually has a sophisticated port that is designed to handle the dock. I'm just amazed how the tiny USB-c port on the side of a laptop can do all of this at once. Sorry, for some reason I thought serial port when I saw the vga.", ">>{cd943t} : It's for connecting to projectors. The VGA port on my laptop has saved me a few times.", '>>{JP2214} : Maybe thunderbolt can but normal USB? I have my reservations', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : It's actually [Thunderbolt 3](https://thunderbolttechnology.net/blog/thunderbolt-3-usb-c-does-it-all). The port supports lots of stuff, but it does more in Thunderbolt mode than USB mode.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : The article specifies that there are actually two products - a USB-C dock, and a Thunderbolt 3 dock with more features.', '>>{PlankWithANailIn} : Look at the price of the thing, what a waste of time! Just buy a cheap office PC it will will come with more ports and will give you the option of leaving the laptop at home sometimes.', '>>{Strid} : Not buying more Lenovo products after I was affected by Superfish.', '>>{Whipit} : A good place for all those ports ( with the exception of ethernet and VGA ) would be on the side of a laptop, and not on the front of an expensive oversized dongle.', ">>{TomTheElder} : What is with the tone of this article. Why so glib? It's a niche product for people who need a whole lot of connectivity from their laptop.", ">>{Tananar} : It's obviously not aimed at people who work only at the office. Some people need to take their work with them.", '>>{Tananar} : I work IT in my university library. Every computer uses a DisplayPort to VGA adapter. They all connect to the monitors over VGA. No idea why.', ">>{JC-Dude} : No, you don't need that many ports most of the time, so it makes sense to make the laptop smaller, thinner and lighter and have a seperate box with those ports for when you need them.", '>>{OatmealFor3v3r} : Hmm lots of ports! $199 though? At least a good alternative for someone who needs more. I assume since this is standard Type C it will work with Macbook Pros?', ">>{timofcourse} : Agreed. When I'm at 30k feet traveling coast to coast, I don't need - or want - those ports. Only useful when I'm back at office.", ">>{timofcourse} : Nope; people who use thier computer other than a single desk stopped by. The many of us who travel for a living for example want a compact laptop and have no need for all those ports. When we're back the office however, a docking station like this is pretty essential to easily connect to various peripherals. Pretty standard stuff.", ">>{Lokitheanus} : So you have a dock for each location you work at? You'd rather have the additional expense than just having three or four USB ports build in to your computer?", '>>{shanenanigans1} : I thought USB-C docks just meant that your laptop was shitty. /s', ">>{bdavbdav} : This is why I don't get the hate of USB C. I've always wanted a one wire dock for my MacBook Pro. Now I can buy one from anyone. What's not to like.", '>>{bdavbdav} : More useful than you might think. Was at a hotel with an old VGA only projector the other day. No luck with my MacBook. My dad pulls out a nifty miniDP-to-VGA/DVI/HDMI dongle he uses with his surface which did the trick great.', '>>{JP2214} : Indeed. And think of how phones can technically take advantage of this as well once they advance a little bit further. Windows phone may have a resurgence', '>>{JP2214} : Indeed. And think of how phones can technically take advantage of this as well once they advance a little bit further. Windows phone may have a resurgence Is this a duplicate post? Or a mobile glitch? If duplicated pls ignore', ">>{All_Under_Heaven} : The Thinkpad series is the go-to standard Corporate office work computer, so most reports will play up office workers and cube farms, etc. I agree with you, it's great to have another company in the USB-C game."]]
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['>>{wintersmoke} : Trump Reportedly Selects Jon Huntsman As U.S. Ambassador To Russia', ">>{Jkdsh} : He'll definitely be fair and impartial and in no way help his family's company's Russian locations, [3 of which are in Moscow](http://www.huntsman.com/corporate/Locations?p_countryid=176).", ">>{wintersmoke} : It's a valid concern, but I've been impressed by Huntsman in the past, personally. He seems smart and principled and I think he did a good job for Obama while ambassador to China. The fact [Trump doesn't seem to like him much](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/167405659057426433) also makes me happy.", ">>{DBDude} : Trump names ambassador to Russia. See! See! I told you he's colluding with Russia! He just named his envoy to talk directly to them!", '>>{So_Damn_Fresh} : Nice misdirection, those goal posts must be heavy.', ">>{DBDude} : Because if I take the red one I'll be seeing Russians under my bed just like the Democrats in their McCarthy channeling.", '>>{newsified} : Way to spout the party line. Independent thinking is hard, I understand.', '>>{DBDude} : Independent thinking, as opposed to "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming!"', '>>{newsified} : No, as opposed to "President Trump would never lie, President Trump would never lie!"', ">>{DBDude} : He's a politician now, of course he lies. That's nothing new in politics. The interesting part here is the Democrats resurrecting the 1950s Red Scare, and their people gobbling it all up. Trump has his immigrants to point to, the Democrats chose the Russians as their bogey man.", ">>{newsified} : Of course he lies, he's a politician is a weak defence, and the Russians chose the be the bogeyman, so that's just another spin.", ">>{DBDude} : The Russians didn't choose. The Democrats were screaming about Russians when it was just rumor that they had anything to do with it.", '>>{DBDude} : They were looking for a scapegoat from the beginning. They channeled their inner McCarthy and pointed at the big bad Red Menace.', '>>{DBDude} : The revelations were pretty damning, so the Democrats needed some way to focus attention on the source. They did pretty well too. People keep forgetting that the Russians basically acted as whistleblowers, exposing corruption in our system.', ">>{newsified} : Yay, Russians just wanting to help American democracy. It's a new age!", '>>{DBDude} : Wanting to or not, they were a big help. Well, at least they had the potential to be. Despite the huge scandal, it appears the DNC will just be going back to business as usual.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{wintersmoke} : Trump Reportedly Selects Jon Huntsman As U.S. Ambassador To Russia', ">>{Jkdsh} : He'll definitely be fair and impartial and in no way help his family's company's Russian locations, [3 of which are in Moscow](http://www.huntsman.com/corporate/Locations?p_countryid=176).", ">>{wintersmoke} : It's a valid concern, but I've been impressed by Huntsman in the past, personally. He seems smart and principled and I think he did a good job for Obama while ambassador to China. The fact [Trump doesn't seem to like him much](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/167405659057426433) also makes me happy.", ">>{DBDude} : Trump names ambassador to Russia. See! See! I told you he's colluding with Russia! He just named his envoy to talk directly to them!", '>>{So_Damn_Fresh} : Nice misdirection, those goal posts must be heavy.', ">>{DBDude} : Because if I take the red one I'll be seeing Russians under my bed just like the Democrats in their McCarthy channeling.", '>>{newsified} : Way to spout the party line. Independent thinking is hard, I understand.', '>>{DBDude} : Independent thinking, as opposed to "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming!"', '>>{newsified} : No, as opposed to "President Trump would never lie, President Trump would never lie!"', ">>{DBDude} : He's a politician now, of course he lies. That's nothing new in politics. The interesting part here is the Democrats resurrecting the 1950s Red Scare, and their people gobbling it all up. Trump has his immigrants to point to, the Democrats chose the Russians as their bogey man.", ">>{newsified} : Of course he lies, he's a politician is a weak defence, and the Russians chose the be the bogeyman, so that's just another spin.", ">>{DBDude} : The Russians didn't choose. The Democrats were screaming about Russians when it was just rumor that they had anything to do with it.", '>>{DBDude} : They were looking for a scapegoat from the beginning. They channeled their inner McCarthy and pointed at the big bad Red Menace.', '>>{DBDude} : The revelations were pretty damning, so the Democrats needed some way to focus attention on the source. They did pretty well too. People keep forgetting that the Russians basically acted as whistleblowers, exposing corruption in our system.', ">>{newsified} : Yay, Russians just wanting to help American democracy. It's a new age!", '>>{DBDude} : Wanting to or not, they were a big help. Well, at least they had the potential to be. Despite the huge scandal, it appears the DNC will just be going back to business as usual.']]
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['>>{TwoGee} : Colorado’s Marijuana Industry Is Now Bigger Than Some Countries’ Entire GDP', '>>{packersSBLIchamps} : Is there such thing as a "lightning to 3.5 mm" adapter?', '>>{target_locked} : Apparently "Don\'t be evil" is no longer the motto.', '>>{fakedlastname} : Sin pays. Personally I have no idea why they have not legalized it years ago.', ">>{icnoevil} : Schumer: Trump Is 'In Trouble' Whether His Wiretap Claims Are True Or Not", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Nancy Pelosi: DCCC hacking brought on 'obscene and sick calls'", ">>{sneijder} : Comes with the phone, IIRC it's on the back of the packaging for the ear pods, I nearly missed it.", '>>{Scot_MelonBall} : Trump was in trouble the day he was inaugurated. This administration has been nothing but trouble from the very first day in office.', ">>{Cardenjs} : I'm in the boat that hopes it's true, that he is being wiretapped, and the warrant becomes public. But I hope that the Dems take back the house before the impeachment, because if Pence falls with him, the Speaker becomes the president", ">>{Staback} : THEY ARE NOT TRUE!!! Shouldn't even pretend to take his Extrodinary claims seriously until he produces any evidence, much less the Extraordinary evidence such a charge should demand. *edit - spelling", '>>{erikosohma} : Which is why we should swap to Firefox and duckduckgo.', '>>{Not_A_Doctor__} : > If he falsely spread this kind of misinformation, that is so wrong," Schumer told Chuck Todd on NBC News\' "Meet the Press." >He said that doing so is "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and "really hurts people\'s view of government." I guarantee you that "the dignity of the presidency" is not an idea that appeals to Trump. This is a man who will stop press conferences to have an aide adjust his testacles. "Simon, front and center! You bought me these atrocious underwear, you can make sure that the scions are cozy. ...Keep reaching. Now part left."', '>>{djarvis77} : Because punishing people for "sin" also pays, but in different ways.', '>>{Uktabi78} : I wonder if you can search for tpp on google anymore.', ">>{erikosohma} : Glad to hear it! A small change can have lasting reprocussions. Let's fight the good fight!", ">>{Gwandeh} : This sub pretends to be about civil political discussion and your sudden Trump testicle fan fiction isn't helpful.", '>>{njmaverick} : No doubt... "obscene and sick" would best describe any Trump Rally', ">>{Queen_of_Swords} : > I'm very fiscally conservative and legalizing Marijuana is a complete no brainer. Take money out of the pockets of criminals and put em in the economy. And I'm very liberal and completely agree with you. Fiscal liberals and fiscal conservatives both agree it should be legalized and taxed, and yet it remains illegal. Why? Because a small number of people are getting very rich by keeping it illegal (not even talking about the dealers) and are greasing the palms of the lawmakers. Good rule of thumb is if something doesn't seem to make sense, and in politics that's a lot of things, then follow the money and see who's getting rich and who's getting paid off.", ">>{GreatTragedy} : Anyone that's not a total dolt saw this coming years ago.", '>>{crisss1205} : Do you mean a 3.5mm to lightning? No.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, Washington is a fact free zone. The media campaign to tar Trump as a Russian stooge has been built with no evidence. Of course that\'s the new bar for Trump to use with his enemies. Who needs evidence when you can kneecap with insinuation? Don\'t worry, he\'ll get better with practice. Imagine what the vindictive SOB will do with control of the "intelligence community."', '>>{noneonetwo} : >I am voting for Jill Stein, and all my friends are voting for Jill Stein. She has a very high chance of winning the presidency. Expected the_donald, instead this mature rant came from a Stein supporter. Interesting. >shut up pelosi you bitch, time for you to retire...get yourself on the board of a bank or someshit..bitch', '>>{Roseking} : I am sorry, which side ran a platform of "Fuck PC culture" and elected Mr. moved on her like a botch and grabbed her pussy? Why do you guys want people to be respectful when you pull shit like that?', '>>{SuggestAPhotoProject} : He\'s "in trouble?" What, is Schumer going to ground him? I agree, his wiretapping claims are beyond ridiculous, but haven\'t we all learned by now that teflon Don can say anything he wants and half the country will still love him? He\'ll face no repercussions from this, the same thing that happens with every other horrible thing that comes out of his orange head.', ">>{portnux} : I think op wants to use his new Lightning earphones with the old headphone hole devices. And if so it would be kind of stupid, but I suppose if enough people would be willing to pay for them someone would make them. But before you get to lusty about it op keep this in mind. Those Lightning earphones contain circuitry to convert the digital signal from the Lightning port into analog that the drivers need. That Lightning port also provides the power for that circuitry to run. So that adapter you want would also need to provide that power to your Lightning earbuds. Ad to that your new adapter would also consume power, to convert the analog signal from that little round analog hole into the digital signal that those new Lightning earphones need. So your adapter would need a spot for either a set of aaa batteries, a rechargeable battery pack, ar another little hole to plug a wall wart into. Add all of this together and you'll understand why I will never buy that adapter.", '>>{the_logic_engine} : look im by no means an expert on the thing, but it seems like the parts relating to the Internet are all things that Google has good reason to support.', ">>{packersSBLIchamps} : ...read it again. It's impossible for me to stutter while typing", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : >very high chance of winning the presidency If Stein's chances are very high, idk how you can describe Clinton's. Astronomical? Approaching infinity?", ">>{noneonetwo} : > I am voting for Jill Stein, and all my friends are voting for Jill Stein. She has a very high chance of winning the presidency. I was quoting u/ProstituteEnthusiast who seems to have taken a few steps outside of reality. Edit: My mistake, I didn't read carefully enough, you knew that", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Yeah I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you, I'm referencing your reference.", ">>{vertigo7__} : DEA get like 90% of their funds because of marijuana. If it becomes legal not only will the cartels see lose a major source of funds but also, ironically, lose a lot of their power, so will the DEA. Can't find the link but i'm pretty sure one of the DEA Chiefs let it slip that this is reason.", '>>{canadangit} : I just switched to DuckDuckGo on mobile. Honestly I like the layout just practically more than Chrome. It is much smoother, plus the whole no track thing so.... I recommend.', '>>{crisss1205} : I read it just fine. Which EarPods do you have? If you have the lightning EarPods that came with the iPhone 7, then you would need a 3.5mm to lightning adapter. No such adapter exists. A lightning to 3.5mm adapter exists and that allows you to use a traditional headphone with the iPhone and iPad using lightning.', '>>{toker7} : Well congress and the DNC is sick and obscene. Is anyone really surprised that people react the way they do?', '>>{WhySettle4Less} : Sure. Just type in "puppies" or "kittens" and it will direct you to pro-TPP propaganda.', '>>{packersSBLIchamps} : Lmao thank you for trying to help (seriously) but you have that backwards', ">>{JangoEnchained} : I'd recommend trying out StartPage if you're looking for a private/proxy Google.com search. Has similar results, though I occasionally find myself trying out ixquick and duckduckgo as well [I'm not 100% sold on one yet]. I don't find that any of these search engines, when compared directly to the search results I get from Google, are actually 100% accurate in representing the same results, **but I do find that StartPage is the most accurate (around 95%), and from what I've read about it, it's marginally more trustworthy than DDG.**", '>>{noneonetwo} : Yeah man, wake the sheeple up, fight the power. An approach like this will really help your revolution: >shut up pelosi you bitch, time for you to retire...get yourself on the board of a bank or someshit..bitch', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : They all have some varying degree of control. If you don't believe me why even bother to vote or participate in our politics? It's run by anonymous and unaccountable spooks, right?", ">>{DankandSpank} : That's two years he has to consolidate power pack the supreme Court and fuck countless other things up.", ">>{crisss1205} : No i don't. The signal is outputting from the 3.5mm headphone jack on your device and going to a lightning device. That would be a 3.5mm to lightning adapter. Here is how Apple describes the opposite. https://imgur.com/a/DBxVn So either you are wrong, or Apple is wrong.", '>>{LVenemy} : DEA likes money , private prisons like money , pharma likes money ( monopolies ), state and local law enforcement likes money ( forfeiture) , cartels like money , lawyers really like money , politicians like to take money from people who like money . what chance does common sense have against all that money ?', '>>{NinjaDegrees} : https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/search?q=TPP&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all Effects on health and safety are especially heinous because of the way it treats profit above humans.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. > - Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali was the greatest of all time. > go away. > - /u/PrizeFighter23 Based on your comment I expect you\'re not the fine tuned machine that Muhammad Ali was /u/PrizeFighter23. I read "go away" as the juvenile quip of an overweight gamer. Am I close to the mark? > Put down the candy and let the little boy go > - Dr. Dre', '>>{bassististist} : We got a lot of prison beds to fill here in America. Smoking a plant? Off to the Hoosegow ye go.', '>>{Streetvision} : Why anyone would want to use ear pods in the first place is beyond me. Much less the latest Apple DAC.', ">>{PrizeFighter23} : Ali has absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about. And he would probably be demonized under the current racist, Islamiphoic bullshit administration you're blindly pledging your allegiance to. Also, no. Not fat. Average build. I enjoy games, sure. I live a happy life with my fiancée. Thanks fam.", '>>{Tchocky} : Ah yes, a search field for this subreddit. Try harder. What provisions regarding health and safety do you find to be heinous?', '>>{NinjaDegrees} : I think Robert Reich does a pretty good job of explaining better than I could: (2 min 26 second video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O_Sbbeqfdw&feature=youtu.be', ">>{bassististist} : Hey, that sounds like a bad cough. Big Pharma's got something for that. Naw, you won't get hooked man... :-)", ">>{padrepio23} : So is Sessions going to go the state's rights route and lets us keep out pot and yummy tax money or is he going to decide maintaining the drug war is more important?", '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : TPP lets Corporations sue nations if their Laws Interfere with Profits. this could allow a cigarette company to sue a government if it enforced warnings on the packaging, or companies could sue if a country raises minimum wage or tries protects land, habitats or natural resources. Sound preposterous? Well, it’s ready happened with Phillip Morris suing Uruguay’s government for making the health warnings on cigarettes bigger. And it’s not just that they can sue nations and governments, it also allows corporations to sue in their own made up court instead of the courts that nations already have. http://upriser.com/posts/wikileaks-reveals-tpp-proposal-letting-corporations-sue-nations-if-their-laws-interfere-with-profits', '>>{travio} : The dems should make them into a campaign ad.', '>>{gsu_paintballer} : In OPs defense here, Apple has it backwards. Most of the developed world uses the female portion of the adapter first.', '>>{Zoophagous} : Republicans are not fiscally conservative. They pay lip service to the idea but look at their actions; borrow and spend. Keeping pot illegal is completely consistent with their actual goal, a Christian theocracy.', '>>{Staback} : Doh, fair enough. Silly spelling mistake. TY.', '>>{uswhole} : I wonder how the government feel now about letting Apple to create a master key so they can spy on the citizens. privacy only matters to powerful I see.', ">>{brink0war} : Civil Asset forfeiture. He'll shut everything down and take all the money", ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > Ali has absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about. Nope, but he has something to do with your choice of username /u/PrizeFighter23. Prizefighter is synonymous with boxer. I'm glad I could help you out with connecting the dots here. Would pictures help next time? > And he would probably be demonized under the current racist, Islamiphoic bullshit administration you're blindly pledging your allegiance to. Whoa, buddy. I'm not pledging allegiance to shit. And let's be honest. The racist, misogynist, and xenophobic campaigning worked well. Pissing on Muslims was like a cherry on top. Large portions of our electorate voted for that message. > Also, no. Not fat. Average build. I enjoy games, sure. I live a happy life with my fiancée. Thanks fam. > The lady doth protest too much, methinks > - William Shakespeare", '>>{ElmoTheNefarious} : Is that why the deficit historically rises under republicans and shrinks under democrats?', ">>{WaitingOnAShillCheck} : A major corporation that both benefits from and facilitates globalization is supportive of a major globalist initiative? I'm flabbergasted, I say, simply flabbergasted.", ">>{TowneshipRebellion} : Maybe Schumer knows something you don't know and no it's not the end of the story.", ">>{Woodie626} : Well, it is her turn. I imagine they're up there.", '>>{Gwandeh} : I forgot the "if someone says something stupid, 12 years later subreddit rules dont matter" clause. Continue making up stories about people\'s testicles.', '>>{stillnotking} : Good rule of thumb is that if a treaty is secret, it\'s probably evil. It amazes me that they can get away with calling this "free trade". Free trade is not conducted by lobbyists in smoke-filled rooms.', '>>{Nomandate} : The war on drugs has always been a war on minorities and dissenters. Plan for Sessions to kick things back into full gear. http://theantimedia.org/nixon-advisor-admitted-war-on-drugs-invented-to-crush-anti-war-and-black-movements/ http://www.drugpolicy.org/facts/new-solutions-drug-policy/brief-history-drug-war-0', ">>{UncleMeat} : It's not secret. You can read it right now.", '>>{stillnotking} : It had secret provisions that were only made public thanks to WikiLeaks.', '>>{CpnStumpy} : Tax goes to gov, not private industry like pharma and prison industry', '>>{KKKafir} : Bad news always precede these kinds of voicemail, texts. I\'m surprised she didn\'t say anyone asked her to commit suicide or to lock her doors at night. > Please be careful not to allow your children or family members to answer your phone or read incoming text messages." Boo-hoo.', ">>{androgenius} : That's mostly just an accounting fiction. It was Bush's wars and Bush's crash that caused that.", '>>{BushDid38F} : You can still be evil and have the slogan "don\'t be evil".', '>>{androgenius} : Bush had moved the money he already spent on wars off the balance sheet, Obama brought it back in, and Bush had signed off on spending money to get back out of the crash. Your falsely attributing it to Obama based on when it got accounted for, not when it got spent.', ">>{TaxExempt} : That's like paying for a rapists lawyer because you like his baking.", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Lol yup that\'s the only reason she should be president. B/c its "her turn."', ">>{Stuckinaloop} : They can't be as bad as her fake tits.", '>>{escalation} : Same thing that happens to everyone else sooner or later. In their case it was a bit sooner.', ">>{AnarcoDude} : shh, correct the record is raiding this sub in force to ensure us that it's us the filthy plebs that are oppressing our glorious corporate overlords and the overseers.", ">>{Woodie626} : Consider this: Over half the country thinks so; it shows in the polls, and with the system we have in place, that's all she needs.", '>>{The_Holy_Handgrenade} : yep I switched to mozilla and duckduckgo. Also at looking to switch from gmail. This is a last straw when it comes to google', '>>{TaxExempt} : Google supporting the TPP for provisions that it likes despite all the negatives it provides to others is like....', '>>{Nfgiven} : All I asked her when I called was why it looked like her face was trying to run away from her body? 2nd time I asked why it looked like someone put a flame to a madam Tussauds wax sculpture, that one got a audible gasp!', '>>{Bitterestvet} : Google appears to be censoring its search results and autocompletes regarding the TPP, too.', '>>{deus_lemmus} : This just in, new motto: "be evil!"', '>>{UncleMeat} : *During the negotiation process*. None of it is secret right now.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{TwoGee} : Colorado’s Marijuana Industry Is Now Bigger Than Some Countries’ Entire GDP', '>>{fakedlastname} : Sin pays. Personally I have no idea why they have not legalized it years ago.', '>>{djarvis77} : Because punishing people for "sin" also pays, but in different ways.', ">>{Queen_of_Swords} : > I'm very fiscally conservative and legalizing Marijuana is a complete no brainer. Take money out of the pockets of criminals and put em in the economy. And I'm very liberal and completely agree with you. Fiscal liberals and fiscal conservatives both agree it should be legalized and taxed, and yet it remains illegal. Why? Because a small number of people are getting very rich by keeping it illegal (not even talking about the dealers) and are greasing the palms of the lawmakers. Good rule of thumb is if something doesn't seem to make sense, and in politics that's a lot of things, then follow the money and see who's getting rich and who's getting paid off.", ">>{GreatTragedy} : Anyone that's not a total dolt saw this coming years ago.", ">>{vertigo7__} : DEA get like 90% of their funds because of marijuana. If it becomes legal not only will the cartels see lose a major source of funds but also, ironically, lose a lot of their power, so will the DEA. Can't find the link but i'm pretty sure one of the DEA Chiefs let it slip that this is reason.", '>>{LVenemy} : DEA likes money , private prisons like money , pharma likes money ( monopolies ), state and local law enforcement likes money ( forfeiture) , cartels like money , lawyers really like money , politicians like to take money from people who like money . what chance does common sense have against all that money ?', '>>{bassististist} : We got a lot of prison beds to fill here in America. Smoking a plant? Off to the Hoosegow ye go.', ">>{bassististist} : Hey, that sounds like a bad cough. Big Pharma's got something for that. Naw, you won't get hooked man... :-)", ">>{padrepio23} : So is Sessions going to go the state's rights route and lets us keep out pot and yummy tax money or is he going to decide maintaining the drug war is more important?", '>>{Zoophagous} : Republicans are not fiscally conservative. They pay lip service to the idea but look at their actions; borrow and spend. Keeping pot illegal is completely consistent with their actual goal, a Christian theocracy.', ">>{brink0war} : Civil Asset forfeiture. He'll shut everything down and take all the money", '>>{ElmoTheNefarious} : Is that why the deficit historically rises under republicans and shrinks under democrats?', '>>{Nomandate} : The war on drugs has always been a war on minorities and dissenters. Plan for Sessions to kick things back into full gear. http://theantimedia.org/nixon-advisor-admitted-war-on-drugs-invented-to-crush-anti-war-and-black-movements/ http://www.drugpolicy.org/facts/new-solutions-drug-policy/brief-history-drug-war-0', '>>{CpnStumpy} : Tax goes to gov, not private industry like pharma and prison industry', ">>{androgenius} : That's mostly just an accounting fiction. It was Bush's wars and Bush's crash that caused that.", '>>{androgenius} : Bush had moved the money he already spent on wars off the balance sheet, Obama brought it back in, and Bush had signed off on spending money to get back out of the crash. Your falsely attributing it to Obama based on when it got accounted for, not when it got spent.'], [">>{icnoevil} : Schumer: Trump Is 'In Trouble' Whether His Wiretap Claims Are True Or Not", '>>{Scot_MelonBall} : Trump was in trouble the day he was inaugurated. This administration has been nothing but trouble from the very first day in office.', ">>{Cardenjs} : I'm in the boat that hopes it's true, that he is being wiretapped, and the warrant becomes public. But I hope that the Dems take back the house before the impeachment, because if Pence falls with him, the Speaker becomes the president", ">>{Staback} : THEY ARE NOT TRUE!!! Shouldn't even pretend to take his Extrodinary claims seriously until he produces any evidence, much less the Extraordinary evidence such a charge should demand. *edit - spelling", '>>{Not_A_Doctor__} : > If he falsely spread this kind of misinformation, that is so wrong," Schumer told Chuck Todd on NBC News\' "Meet the Press." >He said that doing so is "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and "really hurts people\'s view of government." I guarantee you that "the dignity of the presidency" is not an idea that appeals to Trump. This is a man who will stop press conferences to have an aide adjust his testacles. "Simon, front and center! You bought me these atrocious underwear, you can make sure that the scions are cozy. ...Keep reaching. Now part left."', ">>{Gwandeh} : This sub pretends to be about civil political discussion and your sudden Trump testicle fan fiction isn't helpful.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : Nah, Washington is a fact free zone. The media campaign to tar Trump as a Russian stooge has been built with no evidence. Of course that\'s the new bar for Trump to use with his enemies. Who needs evidence when you can kneecap with insinuation? Don\'t worry, he\'ll get better with practice. Imagine what the vindictive SOB will do with control of the "intelligence community."', '>>{Roseking} : I am sorry, which side ran a platform of "Fuck PC culture" and elected Mr. moved on her like a botch and grabbed her pussy? Why do you guys want people to be respectful when you pull shit like that?', '>>{SuggestAPhotoProject} : He\'s "in trouble?" What, is Schumer going to ground him? I agree, his wiretapping claims are beyond ridiculous, but haven\'t we all learned by now that teflon Don can say anything he wants and half the country will still love him? He\'ll face no repercussions from this, the same thing that happens with every other horrible thing that comes out of his orange head.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : They all have some varying degree of control. If you don't believe me why even bother to vote or participate in our politics? It's run by anonymous and unaccountable spooks, right?", ">>{DankandSpank} : That's two years he has to consolidate power pack the supreme Court and fuck countless other things up.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. > - Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali was the greatest of all time. > go away. > - /u/PrizeFighter23 Based on your comment I expect you\'re not the fine tuned machine that Muhammad Ali was /u/PrizeFighter23. I read "go away" as the juvenile quip of an overweight gamer. Am I close to the mark? > Put down the candy and let the little boy go > - Dr. Dre', ">>{PrizeFighter23} : Ali has absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about. And he would probably be demonized under the current racist, Islamiphoic bullshit administration you're blindly pledging your allegiance to. Also, no. Not fat. Average build. I enjoy games, sure. I live a happy life with my fiancée. Thanks fam.", '>>{Staback} : Doh, fair enough. Silly spelling mistake. TY.', ">>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > Ali has absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about. Nope, but he has something to do with your choice of username /u/PrizeFighter23. Prizefighter is synonymous with boxer. I'm glad I could help you out with connecting the dots here. Would pictures help next time? > And he would probably be demonized under the current racist, Islamiphoic bullshit administration you're blindly pledging your allegiance to. Whoa, buddy. I'm not pledging allegiance to shit. And let's be honest. The racist, misogynist, and xenophobic campaigning worked well. Pissing on Muslims was like a cherry on top. Large portions of our electorate voted for that message. > Also, no. Not fat. Average build. I enjoy games, sure. I live a happy life with my fiancée. Thanks fam. > The lady doth protest too much, methinks > - William Shakespeare", ">>{TowneshipRebellion} : Maybe Schumer knows something you don't know and no it's not the end of the story.", '>>{Gwandeh} : I forgot the "if someone says something stupid, 12 years later subreddit rules dont matter" clause. Continue making up stories about people\'s testicles.'], ['>>{target_locked} : Apparently "Don\'t be evil" is no longer the motto.', '>>{erikosohma} : Which is why we should swap to Firefox and duckduckgo.', '>>{Uktabi78} : I wonder if you can search for tpp on google anymore.', ">>{erikosohma} : Glad to hear it! A small change can have lasting reprocussions. Let's fight the good fight!", '>>{the_logic_engine} : look im by no means an expert on the thing, but it seems like the parts relating to the Internet are all things that Google has good reason to support.', '>>{canadangit} : I just switched to DuckDuckGo on mobile. Honestly I like the layout just practically more than Chrome. It is much smoother, plus the whole no track thing so.... I recommend.', '>>{WhySettle4Less} : Sure. Just type in "puppies" or "kittens" and it will direct you to pro-TPP propaganda.', ">>{JangoEnchained} : I'd recommend trying out StartPage if you're looking for a private/proxy Google.com search. Has similar results, though I occasionally find myself trying out ixquick and duckduckgo as well [I'm not 100% sold on one yet]. I don't find that any of these search engines, when compared directly to the search results I get from Google, are actually 100% accurate in representing the same results, **but I do find that StartPage is the most accurate (around 95%), and from what I've read about it, it's marginally more trustworthy than DDG.**", '>>{NinjaDegrees} : https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/search?q=TPP&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all Effects on health and safety are especially heinous because of the way it treats profit above humans.', '>>{Tchocky} : Ah yes, a search field for this subreddit. Try harder. What provisions regarding health and safety do you find to be heinous?', '>>{NinjaDegrees} : I think Robert Reich does a pretty good job of explaining better than I could: (2 min 26 second video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O_Sbbeqfdw&feature=youtu.be', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : TPP lets Corporations sue nations if their Laws Interfere with Profits. this could allow a cigarette company to sue a government if it enforced warnings on the packaging, or companies could sue if a country raises minimum wage or tries protects land, habitats or natural resources. Sound preposterous? Well, it’s ready happened with Phillip Morris suing Uruguay’s government for making the health warnings on cigarettes bigger. And it’s not just that they can sue nations and governments, it also allows corporations to sue in their own made up court instead of the courts that nations already have. http://upriser.com/posts/wikileaks-reveals-tpp-proposal-letting-corporations-sue-nations-if-their-laws-interfere-with-profits', ">>{WaitingOnAShillCheck} : A major corporation that both benefits from and facilitates globalization is supportive of a major globalist initiative? I'm flabbergasted, I say, simply flabbergasted.", '>>{stillnotking} : Good rule of thumb is that if a treaty is secret, it\'s probably evil. It amazes me that they can get away with calling this "free trade". Free trade is not conducted by lobbyists in smoke-filled rooms.', ">>{UncleMeat} : It's not secret. You can read it right now.", '>>{stillnotking} : It had secret provisions that were only made public thanks to WikiLeaks.', '>>{BushDid38F} : You can still be evil and have the slogan "don\'t be evil".', ">>{TaxExempt} : That's like paying for a rapists lawyer because you like his baking.", '>>{The_Holy_Handgrenade} : yep I switched to mozilla and duckduckgo. Also at looking to switch from gmail. This is a last straw when it comes to google', '>>{TaxExempt} : Google supporting the TPP for provisions that it likes despite all the negatives it provides to others is like....', '>>{Bitterestvet} : Google appears to be censoring its search results and autocompletes regarding the TPP, too.', '>>{deus_lemmus} : This just in, new motto: "be evil!"', '>>{UncleMeat} : *During the negotiation process*. None of it is secret right now.'], ['>>{packersSBLIchamps} : Is there such thing as a "lightning to 3.5 mm" adapter?', ">>{sneijder} : Comes with the phone, IIRC it's on the back of the packaging for the ear pods, I nearly missed it.", '>>{crisss1205} : Do you mean a 3.5mm to lightning? No.', ">>{portnux} : I think op wants to use his new Lightning earphones with the old headphone hole devices. And if so it would be kind of stupid, but I suppose if enough people would be willing to pay for them someone would make them. But before you get to lusty about it op keep this in mind. Those Lightning earphones contain circuitry to convert the digital signal from the Lightning port into analog that the drivers need. That Lightning port also provides the power for that circuitry to run. So that adapter you want would also need to provide that power to your Lightning earbuds. Ad to that your new adapter would also consume power, to convert the analog signal from that little round analog hole into the digital signal that those new Lightning earphones need. So your adapter would need a spot for either a set of aaa batteries, a rechargeable battery pack, ar another little hole to plug a wall wart into. Add all of this together and you'll understand why I will never buy that adapter.", ">>{packersSBLIchamps} : ...read it again. It's impossible for me to stutter while typing", '>>{crisss1205} : I read it just fine. Which EarPods do you have? If you have the lightning EarPods that came with the iPhone 7, then you would need a 3.5mm to lightning adapter. No such adapter exists. A lightning to 3.5mm adapter exists and that allows you to use a traditional headphone with the iPhone and iPad using lightning.', '>>{packersSBLIchamps} : Lmao thank you for trying to help (seriously) but you have that backwards', ">>{crisss1205} : No i don't. The signal is outputting from the 3.5mm headphone jack on your device and going to a lightning device. That would be a 3.5mm to lightning adapter. Here is how Apple describes the opposite. https://imgur.com/a/DBxVn So either you are wrong, or Apple is wrong.", '>>{Streetvision} : Why anyone would want to use ear pods in the first place is beyond me. Much less the latest Apple DAC.', '>>{gsu_paintballer} : In OPs defense here, Apple has it backwards. Most of the developed world uses the female portion of the adapter first.'], [">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Nancy Pelosi: DCCC hacking brought on 'obscene and sick calls'", '>>{njmaverick} : No doubt... "obscene and sick" would best describe any Trump Rally', '>>{noneonetwo} : >I am voting for Jill Stein, and all my friends are voting for Jill Stein. She has a very high chance of winning the presidency. Expected the_donald, instead this mature rant came from a Stein supporter. Interesting. >shut up pelosi you bitch, time for you to retire...get yourself on the board of a bank or someshit..bitch', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : >very high chance of winning the presidency If Stein's chances are very high, idk how you can describe Clinton's. Astronomical? Approaching infinity?", ">>{noneonetwo} : > I am voting for Jill Stein, and all my friends are voting for Jill Stein. She has a very high chance of winning the presidency. I was quoting u/ProstituteEnthusiast who seems to have taken a few steps outside of reality. Edit: My mistake, I didn't read carefully enough, you knew that", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Yeah I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you, I'm referencing your reference.", '>>{toker7} : Well congress and the DNC is sick and obscene. Is anyone really surprised that people react the way they do?', '>>{noneonetwo} : Yeah man, wake the sheeple up, fight the power. An approach like this will really help your revolution: >shut up pelosi you bitch, time for you to retire...get yourself on the board of a bank or someshit..bitch', '>>{travio} : The dems should make them into a campaign ad.', '>>{uswhole} : I wonder how the government feel now about letting Apple to create a master key so they can spy on the citizens. privacy only matters to powerful I see.', ">>{Woodie626} : Well, it is her turn. I imagine they're up there.", '>>{KKKafir} : Bad news always precede these kinds of voicemail, texts. I\'m surprised she didn\'t say anyone asked her to commit suicide or to lock her doors at night. > Please be careful not to allow your children or family members to answer your phone or read incoming text messages." Boo-hoo.', '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Lol yup that\'s the only reason she should be president. B/c its "her turn."', ">>{Stuckinaloop} : They can't be as bad as her fake tits.", '>>{escalation} : Same thing that happens to everyone else sooner or later. In their case it was a bit sooner.', ">>{AnarcoDude} : shh, correct the record is raiding this sub in force to ensure us that it's us the filthy plebs that are oppressing our glorious corporate overlords and the overseers.", ">>{Woodie626} : Consider this: Over half the country thinks so; it shows in the polls, and with the system we have in place, that's all she needs.", '>>{Nfgiven} : All I asked her when I called was why it looked like her face was trying to run away from her body? 2nd time I asked why it looked like someone put a flame to a madam Tussauds wax sculpture, that one got a audible gasp!']]
classify and reply
['>>{VGtheory} : They totally only suppressed illegals and double voters. MAGA /s', '>>{MediaTimes} : Judge rejects Trump defense against claim he incited violence at rally', '>>{MontyAtWork} : Commence 15 articles on how "This is the thing that should be investigated" while Trump pushes out 100 other sneaky, shitty decisions that now can\'t get widely reported.', ">>{SStubbs84} : Bernie Sanders says It's time to 'Rethink' the electoral college", '>>{MontyAtWork} : Commence 15 articles on how "This is the thing that should be investigated" while Trump pushes out 100 other sneaky, shitty decisions that now can\'t get widely reported.', '>>{KurtFF8} : Progressive Democrats of America Executive Director: We Will Not Endorse Clinton', '>>{terri_dahoo} : Yes they will, they are bought and paid for.', ">>{no_myth} : This and campaign finance reform are two positive changes that I can't see the establishment supporting. That said, I'm glad Howard Dean supports it and that it is being tested and potentially adopted in a few instances at the state level.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : And it's going to get worse in 2018 and 2020.", '>>{soalone34} : I am upset trump won, but I do feel a ton of the people complaining are just upset Hillary lost and would support it if she had won. Also, it seems like a fine system to me. Without it candidates would be entirely focused on placating more populated states, and that could be a big unbalance of representation.', '>>{PresidentChaos} : >"Progressive Democrats of America" That\'s what they call themselves, but it doesn\'t mean anything.', ">>{sunnieskye1} : Not according to our ~~fuhrer~~ new executive. Somehow zillions of illegals were successful at getting the correct voter ID, something even many American citizens couldn't do. Damn sneaky illegals. How you do dat?", ">>{colormefeminist} : Yeah I'd rather see Democrats introduce automatic voting registrations and instant runoff voting state-by-state, not attacking the electoral college.", ">>{KingPickle} : I actually think changing the voting process, including the primaries, is the thing that would make the most difference. I think it even tops campaign finance reform, although that's certainly very important too.", ">>{dakid1} : That's cool, but Dean sucks. Isn't he a lobbyist for the insurance industry?", ">>{OutofajobinNovember} : Mrs. Clinton is not worried about their endorsement as she is loved and endorsed by Wall Street and the Saudis, therefore they do not need these traitors' endorsement.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : I was a 3rd generation progressive southern democrat, until this primary. please please please , liberals vote for jill stein or gary johnson. we need to send a message that leftists not the "moderates" are the real DNC', '>>{SStubbs84} : I feel like this comes up every election, like the article says " For the second time in the last 20 years, a Republican candidate is headed to the White House with fewer votes than his Democratic opponent." This is supposed to be a democracy where everyone\'s vote matters.', '>>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : Solution: replace winner-take-all allocation with results based on individual congressional districts. The other two EVs per state can go to the popular vote winner in that state.', ">>{spiffy_name} : One of the Trump supporters named in the suit- Matthew Heimbach, a leader of the white supremacist group Traditional Youth Network from Paoli, Indiana. He's probably just anxious about the economy and that's the only reason he roughed up some people. /s", '>>{HIGH_ENERGY-VOTER} : i hope ranked-voting becomes a thing in Maine. this will help if there is a strong 3rd party candidates running and not making the same mistake as last time', '>>{jc5504} : Are you implying Hillary is a progressive? Haha good one. Hillary is a self proclaimed moderate', '>>{scotchcleanscuts} : As a Trump voter and small government conservative, I support leftists being honest about who they are and what they want.', '>>{because_im_boring} : Or use a preferential voting system like Maine just passed, but have it include a "none of the above" option. A popular vote won\'t give us better candidates.', '>>{jwilsoncollege} : >I actually think changing the voting process, including the primaries, is the thing that would make the most difference. Then you now understand why it will never happen.', '>>{chasjo} : Valid criticism. This is the first time in a long time that Dean has remided us why the establishment crushed his presidential run. Hey at least he always seems a bit uncomfortable while he is whoring.', '>>{wew-lad} : Right republicans. Thats why i had to wait for hours to cast my vote in the democratic primary and in the end it didnt even count because it was rigged for clinton', ">>{neptunedragon} : Here's the thing though.... will they ask trump to be in trial?", '>>{TavishGauss} : This is the **real** "voter fraud"', '>>{because_im_boring} : Time for the kids to head back to civics class, this is a republic not a democracy', '>>{mwsomerset} : Trump is the one being sued so I suspect he will have to testify unless he settles this one too.', '>>{ReasonOz} : By all means, do it. Trump will simply change strategy to win the popular vote.', ">>{pilgrimboy} : It at least means that they are progressive and American, don't you think?", '>>{FredKarlekKnark} : > Thats why i had to wait for hours to cast my vote in the democratic primary that would be one of the desired outcomes for republicans, forcing long wait times so voters become disinterested. > because it was rigged for clinton Source?', ">>{ward0630} : As a liberal, I cannot in good conscience vote for a guy with a tax plan as unabashedly awful as Johnson's.", ">>{QXA3rJ92ncoiJLvtnYwS} : Well, if Clinton isn't liberal enough for them the only choice left is Stein.", '>>{Jokrtothethief} : You say that about finance reform but most members *hate* fund raising...', ">>{neptunedragon} : Ugh, is there a court case where you can't settle?", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : FYI OP, this will probably get taken down for not having the same title as the editorial. Please take down this post and repost with the correct title so people can see this.', ">>{BrooksPuuntai} : This is where people's logic seems to fail. Simply saying if the EC didn't exist Hillary(or Gore) would have won is false, since the races were ran with the EC already in place and campaigns focused on winning the EC not the popular. Had the EC not been in place and people ran based on popular the campaign strategies would have been different therefore producing different results.", ">>{HeilStrictScrutiny} : Not to mention they want every public service privatized. It's the antithesis of what a progressive liberal would want. I do appreciate a couple of their social stances though.", ">>{Helais} : If you want to use that argument you understand that the EC is supposed to vote independently of the popular vote right? We literally broke it with how we currently use it. Either let it do what it's supposed to do or scrap it,", '>>{TournerLaPage} : but you can vote for saudi money funneling hillary and her corporate tax dodging friends? you got a shit conscience mate.', ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Dean is a hypocrite who changed his views on healthcare when given sacks of money. If I knew what kind of scum bag he'd turn into I never would have voted for him.", ">>{novacham} : I'd argue that the Democrats did an even better job at suppressing voters by running Clinton instead of Sanders.", ">>{veniceinperil} : Post this on facebook. I keep avoiding articles about voter suppression--because it means Republicans are inherently unfair, because it's hard to fix, because it's so terrible--but if we don't fix voter suppression, Republicans will always win. This is the single most important issue before the Democratic party, right now. Without fixing voter suppression, we can't fix anything else.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : > small government conservative vote gary johnson, trade wars are far from small goverment', ">>{ward0630} : You're right, the real reason I'm voting for Hillary is because I think it's important to keep a guy who retweets white supremacist memes out of the White House.", '>>{Time4Red} : I dosagree. Ranked choice voting tends to favor moderate parties, which is what the estaishment wants.', '>>{TournerLaPage} : voting for the lessor of two evils, tisk tisk', '>>{heelspider} : I was scrolling down wondering where I would see the "Russian hacking/Comey\'s November Surprise/voter suppression is totally OK because Clinton sucks" comment. I don\'t give a shit if Clinton was the worst candidate of all time, none of those things are the tiniest bit acceptable. ...I\'m also going to bet that you simultaneously think the Democratic primaries were rigged because one guy in the DNC suggested asking Sanders a question about religion.', ">>{because_im_boring} : Its not broken, it was designed to not give too much of an advantage to the larger states. Seems to be working fine to me. You want to complain to someone about their vote not counting, try it my way, I'm a liberal living in texas. The e.c. is currently the best system that exists.", '>>{AGreatMan1968} : They could just not endorse anyone. Nothing forces them to endorse.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Which is totally fine. Good for him then. The point is that everyone's vote would be equal then.", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Please take down this post so that it can be reposted.', ">>{ovrwrtch_} : Well that one chick is suing him for slander because he said she's making up a sexual assault claim. I suppose he could settle, but it would be an admission of his sexual assault. I think we will see him in court or on a legal transcript at least once in his presidency.", ">>{no_myth} : Politicians have to strike a balance of what they truly believe in and what will keep them in office. This is the horror and the beauty of our system, but can be used to one's advantage every so often. At THIS MOMENT, Dean supports something I also support, and so I support him here. This doesn't imply blanket support.", '>>{ward0630} : As opposed to voting for the greater of two evils?', ">>{DustyFalmouth} : I'll always hate that all votes go to a candidate no matter the voter split. If they just made that adjustment I'd be fine.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : just vote 3rd party, fuck sakes they both will kill us all', '>>{BlastingZone} : And to the republic for which it stands', ">>{RSeymour93} : That would be even more distorted, as CD's are prone to gerrymandering and Democrats tend to be clustered in small geographic areas.", ">>{neptunedragon} : That's right... and if he settles here that's an admission of inciting violence.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : majority of states will mark it as blank if you do that, and the vote wont even be documented.', ">>{DustyFalmouth} : I feel that's overblown. Orange County, CA went Democrat, which is historic. That'll be a crippling blow if you're thinking he'd have a huge California surge.", '>>{ward0630} : Clinton seems like the much better choice. Trump might actually live up to your rhetoric.', '>>{ovrwrtch_} : Well no you can settle with no admission of guilt. But yeah everyone knows he guilty.', '>>{TournerLaPage} : >Clinton seems like the much better choice compared to what? the bubonic plague ?', ">>{neptunedragon} : And if he tries to Appeal all the way up to scoutus he's gonna lose right?", '>>{Makiise} : They are losing power and are trying to do everything to keep their power.. how can the US still be called a democracy when this kind of stuff happens all the time.. and when the popular vote doesnt even get you the win. All these systems are in place to have the people with power keep it..', '>>{HighAndOnline} : Republicans have been inciting violence for a long time. Remember when they made up that story about Iraq doing 9/11 and then used it as an excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of people?', ">>{tta2013} : There's a seminar I checked out by this journalist, Ari Berman, who emphasized that voter suppression is among the major election problems over the past few decades. It really introduced this issue to me.", ">>{haskellmonk} : I don't think people's logic is essentially failing in this case they are just giving evidence of some faults with the EC. In general a voting system should give many good options and allow people to pick their favorites of those options without being forced to vote tactically. A voting system should also give equal representation to everyone (though maybe we can argue about this). The EC gives drastically different weight to different votes based on the state, doesn't differentiate between winning by 1 vote or 1 million votes, and also forces there to only ever be two viable options for the presidency (unless something really crazy happens). On the very arguably plus side it gives higher weight to certain states which might not be represented in choosing a president. I don't think it has really any pros that outweigh its cons, so let's get rid of it and implement something better. One idea that looks promising would be a ranked choice popular vote. It would allow for many possible viable candidates, discourage tactical voting, and give everyone equal representation. In such a system you could have had Clinton, Trump, Sanders, Kasich, Johnson, Stein,... all running on the ballot without splitting voters. Also if you live in a state where the other party is currently in the majority then you would actually have a reason to vote. Lets use this election as a catalyst to change the system to something better.", '>>{mwsomerset} : I doubt the SC would even hear this case if it makes it that far.', ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : He's such a guilty motherfucker. I hope he isn't allowed to settle all of these damn cases.", ">>{novacham} : > ...I'm also going to bet that you simultaneously think the Democratic primaries were rigged because one guy in the DNC suggested asking Sanders a question about religion. No. I voted for Trump.", '>>{AllUltima} : Why IRV state-by-state? How do you integrate the results in the overall election? If that\'s not also IRV, it would retain the "2 party" problem that we have today, defeating the purpose of IRV. So we\'d need two levels of IRV election? Seems simpler just to do one national IRV or perhaps IRV primaries, but IRV for presidential candidates within each state seems strange to me.', ">>{echoeco} : 3 million votes don't count in CA either..my vote shouldn't be disqualified because of where I live...if we want a Democracy then 1 vote = 1 vote", ">>{BrooksPuuntai} : It was more a criticism over those who dispute the legitimacy of the results, while not taking into account what was stated. Not so much over people's issues with the EC, which have existed since it was created. However yes I do agree with the notion that a instant run-off either popular or mix of split electoral based off of such could be a way going forward. While personally I would vouch for the latter rather then the former, since I can see a pure popular causing issues either through over representation of the presidency or simple recount issues on a grander scale.", ">>{mwsomerset} : I don't think you can settle criminal cases unless you call accepting a plea bargain settling, you are still charged with the crime and found guilty.", '>>{wew-lad} : It was also the desired outcome for democrats in high bernie areas My source is how bernie won my more votes than anyone ever in new hampshire but clinton left with more delegates', '>>{Helais} : The way it was designed is very different from the way it currently operates. It was designed as a check against the popular vote. It now serves as a way to make limit the influence of the majority of Americans', ">>{neptunedragon} : But you better believe he's gonna go that far.", ">>{AllUltima} : We shouldn't make the change just to favor a particular candidate. Now obviously, we'd be naive not realize that this is the very reason why the discussion is being raised in the first place. But now that we're talking about it, the decision should be made for the right reasons. One big reason is that people's votes will actually matter in non-swing states, possibly boosting the national voter turnout significantly. Another is that it would seem to me that this is a stepping stone to a national IRV, allowing third party voting in such a way as to not cost votes for either of the two major parties.", '>>{ward0630} : Compared to the guy posting white supremacist memes, actually.', '>>{BolshevikMuppet} : Three problems: 1. Based on your posts, I don\'t *quite* believe that you\'re the lion-hearted progressive you\'re claiming to be. 2. The "real" DNC is whoever is supported by most members of the DNC. It\'s fine to say that a moderate Democratic party is not a Democratic party you *like* or will yourself be a member of, but that\'s not quite the same thing. 3. A progressive voting for Gary Johnson would be like a member of the Tea Party voting for Jill Stein. You do know that third-parties aren\'t just a grab-bag of "grr I\'m mad at the establishment", right? That they have a platform, which includes actual policies?', '>>{mwsomerset} : They will if it becomes a "story." Trump has hundreds if not thousands of lawsuits in the works right now.', ">>{neptunedragon} : Ok that's fair, what would cause it to become a story? Trump testifying? him being found guilty?", '>>{metaobject} : He stated last year (?) that settling is an admission of guilt.', ">>{Endorn} : He's not going to win from write ins anyway so what's it matter? Doesn't mean you shouldn't do it if you're being principled. If you're trying to be strategic you should vote for stein to get the Green Party enough exposure to get them in debates next time. Either way there's no reason to vote for Hillary unless you believe she truly represents your values, in which case vote for her.", ">>{CPL_JAY} : And then they mask it as being patriotic, that way they'll have people at home defending their actions. Instead, the people who defended them the most were the ones enlisting and getting killed as well. Then they come back with mental and physical problems only to find out they weren't going to get the kind of support they thought was right. Shit is fucked up all around.", '>>{Procepyo} : Flynn said the same about offers of immunity, not saying the same right now is he ?', '>>{20WPM} : Republican voters went full-Hamas and look where it got them. In 2012 six minor parties ran presidential candidates and _combined_ could not get 1.5% of the vote. That is one dumbass message.', ">>{DestinyIsDestiny} : If you call yourself a liberal and think that it's a liberal thing to do to vote for Gary Johnson then I am not convinced you are even old enough to vote.", ">>{CPL_JAY} : I don't think I've ever seen anyone that says this much shit that ends up applying to themselves. It's like he's going for some all-time record.", ">>{because_im_boring} : It's pretty likely that a candidate would win with a minority vote under a popular vote system, so how is that any better?", '>>{ashstronge} : >Solution: replace winner-take-all allocation with results based on individual congressional districts. The other two EVs per state can go to the popular vote winner in that state. This would be an awful idea. It would take the current problem of gerrymandering districts and make it ten times worse, as there would be more reward for gerrymandering correctly. If 2012 was decided by congressional district, Obama would have lost, despite having a fairly comfortable popular vote lead.', ">>{eatdogmeat} : >The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States. - The Federalist Papers : No. 68 It was actually designed to keep unqualified, populist assholes from ever holding the office of President of the United States. The electors can vote for Hillary if they so desired to ensure the wishes of the framers of our Constitution are met. It won't happen so we might as well just get used to President Drumpf.", ">>{TournerLaPage} : because marriage equality, drug legalization, pro choice aren't liberal ideas i guess. tell me one liberal thing hillary will do? because as i recall she was opposed to all this stuff before. dont give me that obama care shit either, its a total hand job to the insurance companies", ">>{ashstronge} : Look no matter what changes are made to the EC, it will not change the fact that Trump is President. If your motivation is to get revenge for Hillary, it wouldn't work. This is about improving the electoral process for future elections.", ">>{barbe_du_cou} : >This is supposed to be a democracy where everyone's vote matters. Where is that line in the constitution?", ">>{jetshockeyfan} : I'd consider her a progressive. She's consistently one of the most liberal people in politics. What exactly are your criteria for being a progressive?", ">>{SmokesQuantity} : Maybe because it's Saturday and it just broke. ask again after actual time has passed.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : fun fact clinton used the confederate flag in 1992 campaign', '>>{neptunedragon} : It could fly around tomorrow, it is sunday and their shows.', ">>{Grusselgrosser} : More butthurt Hillary supporters who were fine with the electoral system until their candidate lost. Now it's the system's fault, not their terrible candidate.", ">>{washedrope5} : He'd probably be dead by the time it made it that far", '>>{barbe_du_cou} : I am having trouble locating that in the constitution. Can you provide the specific article?', '>>{Jizzlobber58} : You solve that by upping the number of representatives to allow equal representation per capita. Gerrymandering is another issue that needs to get solved for reasons quite beyond the Electoral College.', '>>{Diced} : You ignore corruption and good government as legitimate issues because your candidate is a prime dealer and perpetuator of that corrupt pay-to-play system. Clinton is not like Obama or Biden or another democrat. She is uniquely corrupt. If I lived in a state without Stein on the ballot I would vote for Johnson.', ">>{ojos} : This is the biggest problem. There's nothing in the Constitution that says there can only be 435 Congressional districts. Representation in the House is supposed to be based on population, but for some reason it's been frozen at 435 for the past hundred years. The fact that some districts have twice as many people in them as others is antithetical to the purpose of the House of Representatives.", ">>{Jizzlobber58} : The House seems like it was a dynamic institution that responded to changing demographics up until they capped membership in 1911. In school, I remember hearing that it was a result of limited space in the Capitol building, but that's hardly a reason to let the numbers get so out of whack. A lot has changed since the early 20th century. Fuckers should excavate space under the National Mall if they're worried about preserving architecture.", ">>{washedrope5} : Plenty of Democrats voted to go to Iraq. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution You'll notice Schiff, Schumer and Biden on the list", ">>{jc5504} : Liberal on both social and fiscal issues. She's 50/50 on that, so her own description of moderate is accurate.", '>>{RSeymour93} : It was also designed to protect the institution of slavery. Not all of the design decisions in the constitution were good or wise. And the emphasis on protecting smaller states may have made some sense in 1776 but looks bizarre in the present day. What makes the people of Vermont more deserving of such protection than people across the border in the Adirondacks of New York? Why do Iowa farmers need special privileges while Illinois farmers have *less* influence on the POTUS election than they would if we just did a popular vote? We should care about *people* not states. People concerned about "large states" having an advantage without the electoral college are often implicitly expressing concerns that without the EC the rural vote wouldn\'t matter (never mind that several small states like Rhode Island, Colorado, Utah, Connecticut, Hawaii, Delaware and Nevada are highly urban). The US census classifies America as 81% urban. That\'s a *deeply* deceptive figure because the census bureau classifies urban areas as follows: >For the 2010 Census, an urban area will comprise a densely settled core of census tracts and/or census blocks that meet minimum population density requirements, along with adjacent territory containing non-residential urban land uses as well as territory with low population density included to link outlying densely settled territory with the densely settled core. To qualify as an urban area, the territory identified according to criteria must encompass at least 2,500 people, at least 1,500 of which reside outside institutional group quarters. An urban area can have less than 3,000 people. Ever been to Fredericksburg, TX? Quaint tourist trap of a town in Texas hill country. 10,500 residents. Most people would classify it as rural. It\'s an urban area. But lets put that aside and pretend for a second that voters that we think of as "rural" voters are only 19% of the US population. Would they get overwhelmed in a national popular vote? Probably not. Look at Florida for an example. Cubans are only around 7% of the vote in Florida. Does anyone in the world think that people running statewide races in Florida neglect to court the Cuban community or don\'t make an effort to listen to and address the desires of Cuban voters? The influence of Cubans on Florida politics is *famous* and they\'re proportionally only around 1/3 the size of even a narrowly construed US rural vote. Likewise, the Florida panhandle comprises around 7.5% of the state. This last election the panhandle alone delivered Trump the margin he needed to win Florida. The panhandle *matters* in state politics. Not as much as Miami, true, but it certainly still matters. The idea that a popular vote would screw over any particular category of voters is extraordinarily dubious.', '>>{1TipsyCoachman} : Before they knew their vote was based on a lie.', '>>{1TipsyCoachman} : If the other side does not agree to the settlement, the case cannot settle. One lady from the Trump University case is refusing the settlement because she wants a full reimbursement and an apology letter.', '>>{jetshockeyfan} : What is she not liberal on in those two categories?', ">>{jc5504} : She's liberal on most social, but almost no fiscal issues", '>>{washedrope5} : That is not a reasonable excuse. Everyone knows intelligence agencies lie.', '>>{jetshockeyfan} : She wants to strengthen banking regulations and further the progressive tax system, which is basically the litmus test for fiscally liberal.', ">>{Helais} : > **It's pretty likely that a candidate would win with a minority vote** under a popular vote system, so how is that any better? You're framing like this is a bad thing. > You mean like whats currently happening?", '>>{xcalibur866} : The Bush administration circumvented the IC and made claims off their own analysis', '>>{God_loves_irony} : I hope she gets it, and if she gets it and it reads sincere instead of being full of lawyer double talk it will be the most valuable souvenir of this era.', '>>{hugelkult} : The article cites Trump\'s saying "get em outta here" as him inciting violence. I\'m honestly curious if this will be seen as such. Otherwise: wasn\'t there footage of him telling someone they could hit a guy at a different event?', '>>{because_im_boring} : Sorry I thought i was talking to some that wanted to get rid of the e.c. In favor of a popular vote', ">>{goomunchkin} : I honestly think it would be a major stretch from a legal perspective. His words certainly didn't do anything to calm the situation but to prove (from a legal perspective) that the intention was to cause violence is improbable.", ">>{rtomek} : It can only settle if the other party is willing to settle. A lot of judges actually encourage communications between lawyers and settlement out of court. Court is kind of the last option if the two parties can't come to terms. Sure if you win you can have the other side pay court costs, but you still have to put up the money for all the legal fees and spend time in a courtroom. Edit: also the settlement terms are brought up after a trial, and the judge can determine whether they were good terms and make a final judgment based on that. Plus, it's not a criminal trial so you probably wouldn't see him in the courtroom anyway.", ">>{Helais} : I'm in favor of either letting the EC actually work the way it was intended or simply using the popular vote. Neither of these situations are how it actually works.", '>>{mwsomerset} : For sure if trump had to testify it would be a story. One is not found guilty in a civil trial, one is found liable and usually has to pay a sum of money or whatever the person bringing the suit asks for. Either way, then it will become a story. Right now it is just in the process and lawyers are handling it. It this comes to trial I think (I\'m no lawyer) trump has to testify if called and that will definitely be a "bigly" story.', '>>{ovrwrtch_} : Flynn did. Trump was just toting his settlement for trump U because he had no admission of guilt then either.', '>>{Tearloch} : Remember when they put up some cross hairs on (D) congressmen and senators online and then one of them actually got shot at her own speech?', ">>{table_fireplace} : The fact that he roughed up a black woman is just a wacky coincidence! He totally didn't interpret Trump's words as free license to live out his hideous opinions!", '>>{jschubart} : This is definitely one of the most thought out arguments that I have seen. I unfortunately only have one upvote to give.', '>>{jschubart} : We need both ranked voting and popular vote win. I am happy with a push for either. Automatic voter registration just seems obvious also.', '>>{PurpleMentat} : And then they used that event as precedent for hiding from public town halls?', '>>{jschubart} : Can you point to specific people that instantly changed their mind once Clinton lost? I can certainly point to a Republican who called for the abolishment of the EC but now seems to be fine with it when it suits him. Regardless of who won, the EC needs to reflect the popular vote.', '>>{Outlulz} : There was the time he said he would pay the legal fees for anyone who was violent toward protesters >"So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of \'em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise." A few days later he claimed he never said that when North Carolina began investigating whether or not they could charge him with inciting a riot. [Source.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/10/trump-once-said-he-would-pay-legal-fees-for-people-who-beat-up-protesters-now-that-its-happened-can-he/?utm_term=.f0c7f2b8423b)', ">>{monkeybiziu} : I'm from Indiana. The running joke was that the northwest corner was Chicago, Indianapolis was the moderate center, and Bloomington and West Lafayette were islands of sanity in a sea of Kentucky.", ">>{soalone34} : Let me put it this way, say all the richer more populated places started voting for tax cutting republicans while the poorer midlands wake up to reality and start supporting people who represent them. They'd be demolished.", ">>{catnipdealer16} : Apparently, if you're rich, you can get away with anything.", ">>{catnipdealer16} : Wouldn't an apology letter be similar to an admission of guilt? That'd be the first.", '>>{jacklocke2342} : Not sure of this is the same incident, but he literally offered to pay attorneys fees for someone to punch a protester. What more else do you need for inciting violence? Ironically enough, a good defense to that would be that Trump was obviously joking because everyone knows he stiffs contractors.', ">>{auandi} : Yes, there is footage of all that. For someone who watches so much TV, Trump sure doesn't seem to get the idea that everything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law. He keeps shooting his defences in the foot by his stream of consciousness ramblings exposing without any wiggle room that what he's proposing is exactly as unconstitutional as it sounds on its face.", ">>{Elvis_Depressely} : I live here. Last November, I voted for Clinton. The vote count for our county was 2K Hilary, 5K Trump. So to anyone reading this, we're not all idiots in Paoli. We're just outnumbered by them.", ">>{caribbean-jerk} : Hit the buffoon where it hurts him most, his pocket book. Donnie Moscow has to pay 25mil. Due to his trump u. scam from a recent ruling. I wonder how much this will cost him? He's just keeps on whining, winning, I mean winning and he's right *I Am* getting tired of it.", '>>{chaosissteve} : I know that name. He was the white student union guy in Towson, Md. I was working in that town when it happened. Weird he is still up to this sort of shit.', '>>{ParyGanter} : Not necessarily. That is all negotiated in the settlement.', '>>{phosphor112} : Fucking Paoli Indiana. Where family trees are square, and the two most popular places are Walmart and the Dairy queen across from it.', '>>{AnyDemocratWillDo} : He said at a separate event to knock the crap out of them. That was a direct threat. Because of that this will also be considered a direct threat.', ">>{Mephisto506} : Yeah, those weapons of mass destruction that didn't actually exist.", '>>{shaggorama} : Please, *please* put him under oath.', ">>{bishop5} : Why would you think he's tell the truth under oath?", ">>{shaggorama} : I'd sort of prefer that he doesn't and have him commit a felony.", '>>{prairieschooner} : I wish they would have actually said that. Why are invading Iraq? Oh. Uh, other reasons.', '>>{PhluffHead55} : Am I the only one that finds this headline confusing?', ">>{bishop5} : That's fair enough. I've seen the desire to get Trump under oath a lot and I keep thinking why on earth would that make a difference? I mean, he's gonna lie regardless. This makes more sense, thanks.", '>>{Shifter25} : Do you think we should just disband our intelligence community altogether?', '>>{LoveSignMasterSpark} : Reddit once again ignores the meaning of "intent" in a legal context.', ">>{shaggorama} : Yeah, people clamoring to get him under oath (myself included) want it because they're fairly confident Trump's proclivity for lying will provide an easy grounds for impeachment. Climton's impeachment trial was about lying under oath.", '>>{LoveSignMasterSpark} : The "out of court" in "out of court settlement" is a pretty big clue.', ">>{eletheros} : Nonsense. Defendents never have to testify. You've heard of the fifth amendment? This article failed to mention that the claim of vicarious liability against Trump *was* dismissed, and that's the biggest dollar penalty claim. Simple negligence against Trump isn't going to be very much. It will get reduced even more by apportionment with the protesters, who were *also* negligent. The case will be settled, for a small dollar amount, because the dollar amount is so small that it's not worth bothering with. Vicarious liability was the only hat to hang a large settlement on, and it's dismissed.", '>>{farlack} : We went to Afghan to help the northern alliance take back Afghanistan from the taliban.', ">>{LysanderSporker} : The high school has a damn fine marching band program. Also: Orange County is a shithole (except French Lick, for obvious reasons), but it's a pretty shithole.", '>>{farlack} : Sure it is. We go over, help our allies, win, leave, allies get over ran again.', ">>{farlack} : Yeah it does. AQ hit 9/11, the japs hit Pearl Harbor. We invaded the japs over Pearl Harbor, we invaded Afghanistan because the Tallinn government wouldn't extradite.", ">>{farlack} : Pretty sure we're not talking about Iraq. We went to Iraq because we had to finish what daddy bush started and then saddam threatened to kill him. I mean weapons of mass destruction...", ">>{farlack} : [–]Just-some-random-guy -8 points 19 hours ago That didn't happen. We went to Afghan because of 9/11 we went to Iraq for other reasons.", ">>{mwsomerset} : thanks...I'm no lawyer and don't know the rules of civil trials other than the standard of proof is lower."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{KurtFF8} : Progressive Democrats of America Executive Director: We Will Not Endorse Clinton', '>>{terri_dahoo} : Yes they will, they are bought and paid for.', '>>{PresidentChaos} : >"Progressive Democrats of America" That\'s what they call themselves, but it doesn\'t mean anything.', ">>{OutofajobinNovember} : Mrs. Clinton is not worried about their endorsement as she is loved and endorsed by Wall Street and the Saudis, therefore they do not need these traitors' endorsement.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : I was a 3rd generation progressive southern democrat, until this primary. please please please , liberals vote for jill stein or gary johnson. we need to send a message that leftists not the "moderates" are the real DNC', '>>{jc5504} : Are you implying Hillary is a progressive? Haha good one. Hillary is a self proclaimed moderate', '>>{scotchcleanscuts} : As a Trump voter and small government conservative, I support leftists being honest about who they are and what they want.', ">>{pilgrimboy} : It at least means that they are progressive and American, don't you think?", ">>{ward0630} : As a liberal, I cannot in good conscience vote for a guy with a tax plan as unabashedly awful as Johnson's.", ">>{QXA3rJ92ncoiJLvtnYwS} : Well, if Clinton isn't liberal enough for them the only choice left is Stein.", ">>{HeilStrictScrutiny} : Not to mention they want every public service privatized. It's the antithesis of what a progressive liberal would want. I do appreciate a couple of their social stances though.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : but you can vote for saudi money funneling hillary and her corporate tax dodging friends? you got a shit conscience mate.', '>>{TournerLaPage} : > small government conservative vote gary johnson, trade wars are far from small goverment', ">>{ward0630} : You're right, the real reason I'm voting for Hillary is because I think it's important to keep a guy who retweets white supremacist memes out of the White House.", '>>{TournerLaPage} : voting for the lessor of two evils, tisk tisk', '>>{AGreatMan1968} : They could just not endorse anyone. Nothing forces them to endorse.', '>>{ward0630} : As opposed to voting for the greater of two evils?', '>>{TournerLaPage} : just vote 3rd party, fuck sakes they both will kill us all', '>>{TournerLaPage} : majority of states will mark it as blank if you do that, and the vote wont even be documented.', '>>{ward0630} : Clinton seems like the much better choice. Trump might actually live up to your rhetoric.', '>>{TournerLaPage} : >Clinton seems like the much better choice compared to what? the bubonic plague ?', '>>{ward0630} : Compared to the guy posting white supremacist memes, actually.', '>>{BolshevikMuppet} : Three problems: 1. Based on your posts, I don\'t *quite* believe that you\'re the lion-hearted progressive you\'re claiming to be. 2. The "real" DNC is whoever is supported by most members of the DNC. It\'s fine to say that a moderate Democratic party is not a Democratic party you *like* or will yourself be a member of, but that\'s not quite the same thing. 3. A progressive voting for Gary Johnson would be like a member of the Tea Party voting for Jill Stein. You do know that third-parties aren\'t just a grab-bag of "grr I\'m mad at the establishment", right? That they have a platform, which includes actual policies?', ">>{Endorn} : He's not going to win from write ins anyway so what's it matter? Doesn't mean you shouldn't do it if you're being principled. If you're trying to be strategic you should vote for stein to get the Green Party enough exposure to get them in debates next time. Either way there's no reason to vote for Hillary unless you believe she truly represents your values, in which case vote for her.", '>>{20WPM} : Republican voters went full-Hamas and look where it got them. In 2012 six minor parties ran presidential candidates and _combined_ could not get 1.5% of the vote. That is one dumbass message.', ">>{DestinyIsDestiny} : If you call yourself a liberal and think that it's a liberal thing to do to vote for Gary Johnson then I am not convinced you are even old enough to vote.", ">>{TournerLaPage} : because marriage equality, drug legalization, pro choice aren't liberal ideas i guess. tell me one liberal thing hillary will do? because as i recall she was opposed to all this stuff before. dont give me that obama care shit either, its a total hand job to the insurance companies", ">>{jetshockeyfan} : I'd consider her a progressive. She's consistently one of the most liberal people in politics. What exactly are your criteria for being a progressive?", '>>{TournerLaPage} : fun fact clinton used the confederate flag in 1992 campaign', '>>{Diced} : You ignore corruption and good government as legitimate issues because your candidate is a prime dealer and perpetuator of that corrupt pay-to-play system. Clinton is not like Obama or Biden or another democrat. She is uniquely corrupt. If I lived in a state without Stein on the ballot I would vote for Johnson.', ">>{jc5504} : Liberal on both social and fiscal issues. She's 50/50 on that, so her own description of moderate is accurate.", '>>{jetshockeyfan} : What is she not liberal on in those two categories?', ">>{jc5504} : She's liberal on most social, but almost no fiscal issues", '>>{jetshockeyfan} : She wants to strengthen banking regulations and further the progressive tax system, which is basically the litmus test for fiscally liberal.'], ['>>{MediaTimes} : Judge rejects Trump defense against claim he incited violence at rally', ">>{spiffy_name} : One of the Trump supporters named in the suit- Matthew Heimbach, a leader of the white supremacist group Traditional Youth Network from Paoli, Indiana. He's probably just anxious about the economy and that's the only reason he roughed up some people. /s", ">>{neptunedragon} : Here's the thing though.... will they ask trump to be in trial?", '>>{mwsomerset} : Trump is the one being sued so I suspect he will have to testify unless he settles this one too.', ">>{neptunedragon} : Ugh, is there a court case where you can't settle?", ">>{ovrwrtch_} : Well that one chick is suing him for slander because he said she's making up a sexual assault claim. I suppose he could settle, but it would be an admission of his sexual assault. I think we will see him in court or on a legal transcript at least once in his presidency.", ">>{neptunedragon} : That's right... and if he settles here that's an admission of inciting violence.", '>>{ovrwrtch_} : Well no you can settle with no admission of guilt. But yeah everyone knows he guilty.', ">>{neptunedragon} : And if he tries to Appeal all the way up to scoutus he's gonna lose right?", '>>{HighAndOnline} : Republicans have been inciting violence for a long time. Remember when they made up that story about Iraq doing 9/11 and then used it as an excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of people?', '>>{mwsomerset} : I doubt the SC would even hear this case if it makes it that far.', ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : He's such a guilty motherfucker. I hope he isn't allowed to settle all of these damn cases.", ">>{mwsomerset} : I don't think you can settle criminal cases unless you call accepting a plea bargain settling, you are still charged with the crime and found guilty.", ">>{neptunedragon} : But you better believe he's gonna go that far.", '>>{mwsomerset} : They will if it becomes a "story." Trump has hundreds if not thousands of lawsuits in the works right now.', ">>{neptunedragon} : Ok that's fair, what would cause it to become a story? Trump testifying? him being found guilty?", '>>{metaobject} : He stated last year (?) that settling is an admission of guilt.', ">>{CPL_JAY} : And then they mask it as being patriotic, that way they'll have people at home defending their actions. Instead, the people who defended them the most were the ones enlisting and getting killed as well. Then they come back with mental and physical problems only to find out they weren't going to get the kind of support they thought was right. Shit is fucked up all around.", '>>{Procepyo} : Flynn said the same about offers of immunity, not saying the same right now is he ?', ">>{CPL_JAY} : I don't think I've ever seen anyone that says this much shit that ends up applying to themselves. It's like he's going for some all-time record.", ">>{SmokesQuantity} : Maybe because it's Saturday and it just broke. ask again after actual time has passed.", '>>{neptunedragon} : It could fly around tomorrow, it is sunday and their shows.', ">>{washedrope5} : He'd probably be dead by the time it made it that far", ">>{washedrope5} : Plenty of Democrats voted to go to Iraq. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution You'll notice Schiff, Schumer and Biden on the list", '>>{1TipsyCoachman} : Before they knew their vote was based on a lie.', '>>{1TipsyCoachman} : If the other side does not agree to the settlement, the case cannot settle. One lady from the Trump University case is refusing the settlement because she wants a full reimbursement and an apology letter.', '>>{washedrope5} : That is not a reasonable excuse. Everyone knows intelligence agencies lie.', '>>{xcalibur866} : The Bush administration circumvented the IC and made claims off their own analysis', '>>{God_loves_irony} : I hope she gets it, and if she gets it and it reads sincere instead of being full of lawyer double talk it will be the most valuable souvenir of this era.', '>>{hugelkult} : The article cites Trump\'s saying "get em outta here" as him inciting violence. I\'m honestly curious if this will be seen as such. Otherwise: wasn\'t there footage of him telling someone they could hit a guy at a different event?', ">>{goomunchkin} : I honestly think it would be a major stretch from a legal perspective. His words certainly didn't do anything to calm the situation but to prove (from a legal perspective) that the intention was to cause violence is improbable.", ">>{rtomek} : It can only settle if the other party is willing to settle. A lot of judges actually encourage communications between lawyers and settlement out of court. Court is kind of the last option if the two parties can't come to terms. Sure if you win you can have the other side pay court costs, but you still have to put up the money for all the legal fees and spend time in a courtroom. Edit: also the settlement terms are brought up after a trial, and the judge can determine whether they were good terms and make a final judgment based on that. Plus, it's not a criminal trial so you probably wouldn't see him in the courtroom anyway.", '>>{mwsomerset} : For sure if trump had to testify it would be a story. One is not found guilty in a civil trial, one is found liable and usually has to pay a sum of money or whatever the person bringing the suit asks for. Either way, then it will become a story. Right now it is just in the process and lawyers are handling it. It this comes to trial I think (I\'m no lawyer) trump has to testify if called and that will definitely be a "bigly" story.', '>>{ovrwrtch_} : Flynn did. Trump was just toting his settlement for trump U because he had no admission of guilt then either.', '>>{Tearloch} : Remember when they put up some cross hairs on (D) congressmen and senators online and then one of them actually got shot at her own speech?', ">>{table_fireplace} : The fact that he roughed up a black woman is just a wacky coincidence! He totally didn't interpret Trump's words as free license to live out his hideous opinions!", '>>{PurpleMentat} : And then they used that event as precedent for hiding from public town halls?', '>>{Outlulz} : There was the time he said he would pay the legal fees for anyone who was violent toward protesters >"So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of \'em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise." A few days later he claimed he never said that when North Carolina began investigating whether or not they could charge him with inciting a riot. [Source.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/10/trump-once-said-he-would-pay-legal-fees-for-people-who-beat-up-protesters-now-that-its-happened-can-he/?utm_term=.f0c7f2b8423b)', ">>{monkeybiziu} : I'm from Indiana. The running joke was that the northwest corner was Chicago, Indianapolis was the moderate center, and Bloomington and West Lafayette were islands of sanity in a sea of Kentucky.", ">>{catnipdealer16} : Apparently, if you're rich, you can get away with anything.", ">>{catnipdealer16} : Wouldn't an apology letter be similar to an admission of guilt? That'd be the first.", '>>{jacklocke2342} : Not sure of this is the same incident, but he literally offered to pay attorneys fees for someone to punch a protester. What more else do you need for inciting violence? Ironically enough, a good defense to that would be that Trump was obviously joking because everyone knows he stiffs contractors.', ">>{auandi} : Yes, there is footage of all that. For someone who watches so much TV, Trump sure doesn't seem to get the idea that everything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law. He keeps shooting his defences in the foot by his stream of consciousness ramblings exposing without any wiggle room that what he's proposing is exactly as unconstitutional as it sounds on its face.", ">>{Elvis_Depressely} : I live here. Last November, I voted for Clinton. The vote count for our county was 2K Hilary, 5K Trump. So to anyone reading this, we're not all idiots in Paoli. We're just outnumbered by them.", ">>{caribbean-jerk} : Hit the buffoon where it hurts him most, his pocket book. Donnie Moscow has to pay 25mil. Due to his trump u. scam from a recent ruling. I wonder how much this will cost him? He's just keeps on whining, winning, I mean winning and he's right *I Am* getting tired of it.", '>>{chaosissteve} : I know that name. He was the white student union guy in Towson, Md. I was working in that town when it happened. Weird he is still up to this sort of shit.', '>>{ParyGanter} : Not necessarily. That is all negotiated in the settlement.', '>>{phosphor112} : Fucking Paoli Indiana. Where family trees are square, and the two most popular places are Walmart and the Dairy queen across from it.', '>>{AnyDemocratWillDo} : He said at a separate event to knock the crap out of them. That was a direct threat. Because of that this will also be considered a direct threat.', ">>{Mephisto506} : Yeah, those weapons of mass destruction that didn't actually exist.", '>>{shaggorama} : Please, *please* put him under oath.', ">>{bishop5} : Why would you think he's tell the truth under oath?", ">>{shaggorama} : I'd sort of prefer that he doesn't and have him commit a felony.", '>>{prairieschooner} : I wish they would have actually said that. Why are invading Iraq? Oh. Uh, other reasons.', '>>{PhluffHead55} : Am I the only one that finds this headline confusing?', ">>{bishop5} : That's fair enough. I've seen the desire to get Trump under oath a lot and I keep thinking why on earth would that make a difference? I mean, he's gonna lie regardless. This makes more sense, thanks.", '>>{Shifter25} : Do you think we should just disband our intelligence community altogether?', '>>{LoveSignMasterSpark} : Reddit once again ignores the meaning of "intent" in a legal context.', ">>{shaggorama} : Yeah, people clamoring to get him under oath (myself included) want it because they're fairly confident Trump's proclivity for lying will provide an easy grounds for impeachment. Climton's impeachment trial was about lying under oath.", '>>{LoveSignMasterSpark} : The "out of court" in "out of court settlement" is a pretty big clue.', ">>{eletheros} : Nonsense. Defendents never have to testify. You've heard of the fifth amendment? This article failed to mention that the claim of vicarious liability against Trump *was* dismissed, and that's the biggest dollar penalty claim. Simple negligence against Trump isn't going to be very much. It will get reduced even more by apportionment with the protesters, who were *also* negligent. The case will be settled, for a small dollar amount, because the dollar amount is so small that it's not worth bothering with. Vicarious liability was the only hat to hang a large settlement on, and it's dismissed.", '>>{farlack} : We went to Afghan to help the northern alliance take back Afghanistan from the taliban.', ">>{LysanderSporker} : The high school has a damn fine marching band program. Also: Orange County is a shithole (except French Lick, for obvious reasons), but it's a pretty shithole.", '>>{farlack} : Sure it is. We go over, help our allies, win, leave, allies get over ran again.', ">>{farlack} : Yeah it does. AQ hit 9/11, the japs hit Pearl Harbor. We invaded the japs over Pearl Harbor, we invaded Afghanistan because the Tallinn government wouldn't extradite.", ">>{farlack} : Pretty sure we're not talking about Iraq. We went to Iraq because we had to finish what daddy bush started and then saddam threatened to kill him. I mean weapons of mass destruction...", ">>{farlack} : [–]Just-some-random-guy -8 points 19 hours ago That didn't happen. We went to Afghan because of 9/11 we went to Iraq for other reasons.", ">>{mwsomerset} : thanks...I'm no lawyer and don't know the rules of civil trials other than the standard of proof is lower."], [">>{SStubbs84} : Bernie Sanders says It's time to 'Rethink' the electoral college", '>>{soalone34} : I am upset trump won, but I do feel a ton of the people complaining are just upset Hillary lost and would support it if she had won. Also, it seems like a fine system to me. Without it candidates would be entirely focused on placating more populated states, and that could be a big unbalance of representation.', ">>{colormefeminist} : Yeah I'd rather see Democrats introduce automatic voting registrations and instant runoff voting state-by-state, not attacking the electoral college.", '>>{SStubbs84} : I feel like this comes up every election, like the article says " For the second time in the last 20 years, a Republican candidate is headed to the White House with fewer votes than his Democratic opponent." This is supposed to be a democracy where everyone\'s vote matters.', '>>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : Solution: replace winner-take-all allocation with results based on individual congressional districts. The other two EVs per state can go to the popular vote winner in that state.', '>>{because_im_boring} : Or use a preferential voting system like Maine just passed, but have it include a "none of the above" option. A popular vote won\'t give us better candidates.', '>>{because_im_boring} : Time for the kids to head back to civics class, this is a republic not a democracy', '>>{ReasonOz} : By all means, do it. Trump will simply change strategy to win the popular vote.', ">>{BrooksPuuntai} : This is where people's logic seems to fail. Simply saying if the EC didn't exist Hillary(or Gore) would have won is false, since the races were ran with the EC already in place and campaigns focused on winning the EC not the popular. Had the EC not been in place and people ran based on popular the campaign strategies would have been different therefore producing different results.", ">>{Helais} : If you want to use that argument you understand that the EC is supposed to vote independently of the popular vote right? We literally broke it with how we currently use it. Either let it do what it's supposed to do or scrap it,", ">>{because_im_boring} : Its not broken, it was designed to not give too much of an advantage to the larger states. Seems to be working fine to me. You want to complain to someone about their vote not counting, try it my way, I'm a liberal living in texas. The e.c. is currently the best system that exists.", ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Which is totally fine. Good for him then. The point is that everyone's vote would be equal then.", ">>{DustyFalmouth} : I'll always hate that all votes go to a candidate no matter the voter split. If they just made that adjustment I'd be fine.", '>>{BlastingZone} : And to the republic for which it stands', ">>{RSeymour93} : That would be even more distorted, as CD's are prone to gerrymandering and Democrats tend to be clustered in small geographic areas.", ">>{DustyFalmouth} : I feel that's overblown. Orange County, CA went Democrat, which is historic. That'll be a crippling blow if you're thinking he'd have a huge California surge.", ">>{haskellmonk} : I don't think people's logic is essentially failing in this case they are just giving evidence of some faults with the EC. In general a voting system should give many good options and allow people to pick their favorites of those options without being forced to vote tactically. A voting system should also give equal representation to everyone (though maybe we can argue about this). The EC gives drastically different weight to different votes based on the state, doesn't differentiate between winning by 1 vote or 1 million votes, and also forces there to only ever be two viable options for the presidency (unless something really crazy happens). On the very arguably plus side it gives higher weight to certain states which might not be represented in choosing a president. I don't think it has really any pros that outweigh its cons, so let's get rid of it and implement something better. One idea that looks promising would be a ranked choice popular vote. It would allow for many possible viable candidates, discourage tactical voting, and give everyone equal representation. In such a system you could have had Clinton, Trump, Sanders, Kasich, Johnson, Stein,... all running on the ballot without splitting voters. Also if you live in a state where the other party is currently in the majority then you would actually have a reason to vote. Lets use this election as a catalyst to change the system to something better.", '>>{AllUltima} : Why IRV state-by-state? How do you integrate the results in the overall election? If that\'s not also IRV, it would retain the "2 party" problem that we have today, defeating the purpose of IRV. So we\'d need two levels of IRV election? Seems simpler just to do one national IRV or perhaps IRV primaries, but IRV for presidential candidates within each state seems strange to me.', ">>{BrooksPuuntai} : It was more a criticism over those who dispute the legitimacy of the results, while not taking into account what was stated. Not so much over people's issues with the EC, which have existed since it was created. However yes I do agree with the notion that a instant run-off either popular or mix of split electoral based off of such could be a way going forward. While personally I would vouch for the latter rather then the former, since I can see a pure popular causing issues either through over representation of the presidency or simple recount issues on a grander scale.", '>>{Helais} : The way it was designed is very different from the way it currently operates. It was designed as a check against the popular vote. It now serves as a way to make limit the influence of the majority of Americans', ">>{AllUltima} : We shouldn't make the change just to favor a particular candidate. Now obviously, we'd be naive not realize that this is the very reason why the discussion is being raised in the first place. But now that we're talking about it, the decision should be made for the right reasons. One big reason is that people's votes will actually matter in non-swing states, possibly boosting the national voter turnout significantly. Another is that it would seem to me that this is a stepping stone to a national IRV, allowing third party voting in such a way as to not cost votes for either of the two major parties.", ">>{because_im_boring} : It's pretty likely that a candidate would win with a minority vote under a popular vote system, so how is that any better?", '>>{ashstronge} : >Solution: replace winner-take-all allocation with results based on individual congressional districts. The other two EVs per state can go to the popular vote winner in that state. This would be an awful idea. It would take the current problem of gerrymandering districts and make it ten times worse, as there would be more reward for gerrymandering correctly. If 2012 was decided by congressional district, Obama would have lost, despite having a fairly comfortable popular vote lead.', ">>{eatdogmeat} : >The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States. - The Federalist Papers : No. 68 It was actually designed to keep unqualified, populist assholes from ever holding the office of President of the United States. The electors can vote for Hillary if they so desired to ensure the wishes of the framers of our Constitution are met. It won't happen so we might as well just get used to President Drumpf.", ">>{ashstronge} : Look no matter what changes are made to the EC, it will not change the fact that Trump is President. If your motivation is to get revenge for Hillary, it wouldn't work. This is about improving the electoral process for future elections.", ">>{barbe_du_cou} : >This is supposed to be a democracy where everyone's vote matters. Where is that line in the constitution?", ">>{Grusselgrosser} : More butthurt Hillary supporters who were fine with the electoral system until their candidate lost. Now it's the system's fault, not their terrible candidate.", '>>{barbe_du_cou} : I am having trouble locating that in the constitution. Can you provide the specific article?', '>>{Jizzlobber58} : You solve that by upping the number of representatives to allow equal representation per capita. Gerrymandering is another issue that needs to get solved for reasons quite beyond the Electoral College.', ">>{ojos} : This is the biggest problem. There's nothing in the Constitution that says there can only be 435 Congressional districts. Representation in the House is supposed to be based on population, but for some reason it's been frozen at 435 for the past hundred years. The fact that some districts have twice as many people in them as others is antithetical to the purpose of the House of Representatives.", ">>{Jizzlobber58} : The House seems like it was a dynamic institution that responded to changing demographics up until they capped membership in 1911. In school, I remember hearing that it was a result of limited space in the Capitol building, but that's hardly a reason to let the numbers get so out of whack. A lot has changed since the early 20th century. Fuckers should excavate space under the National Mall if they're worried about preserving architecture.", '>>{RSeymour93} : It was also designed to protect the institution of slavery. Not all of the design decisions in the constitution were good or wise. And the emphasis on protecting smaller states may have made some sense in 1776 but looks bizarre in the present day. What makes the people of Vermont more deserving of such protection than people across the border in the Adirondacks of New York? Why do Iowa farmers need special privileges while Illinois farmers have *less* influence on the POTUS election than they would if we just did a popular vote? We should care about *people* not states. People concerned about "large states" having an advantage without the electoral college are often implicitly expressing concerns that without the EC the rural vote wouldn\'t matter (never mind that several small states like Rhode Island, Colorado, Utah, Connecticut, Hawaii, Delaware and Nevada are highly urban). The US census classifies America as 81% urban. That\'s a *deeply* deceptive figure because the census bureau classifies urban areas as follows: >For the 2010 Census, an urban area will comprise a densely settled core of census tracts and/or census blocks that meet minimum population density requirements, along with adjacent territory containing non-residential urban land uses as well as territory with low population density included to link outlying densely settled territory with the densely settled core. To qualify as an urban area, the territory identified according to criteria must encompass at least 2,500 people, at least 1,500 of which reside outside institutional group quarters. An urban area can have less than 3,000 people. Ever been to Fredericksburg, TX? Quaint tourist trap of a town in Texas hill country. 10,500 residents. Most people would classify it as rural. It\'s an urban area. But lets put that aside and pretend for a second that voters that we think of as "rural" voters are only 19% of the US population. Would they get overwhelmed in a national popular vote? Probably not. Look at Florida for an example. Cubans are only around 7% of the vote in Florida. Does anyone in the world think that people running statewide races in Florida neglect to court the Cuban community or don\'t make an effort to listen to and address the desires of Cuban voters? The influence of Cubans on Florida politics is *famous* and they\'re proportionally only around 1/3 the size of even a narrowly construed US rural vote. Likewise, the Florida panhandle comprises around 7.5% of the state. This last election the panhandle alone delivered Trump the margin he needed to win Florida. The panhandle *matters* in state politics. Not as much as Miami, true, but it certainly still matters. The idea that a popular vote would screw over any particular category of voters is extraordinarily dubious.', ">>{Helais} : > **It's pretty likely that a candidate would win with a minority vote** under a popular vote system, so how is that any better? You're framing like this is a bad thing. > You mean like whats currently happening?", '>>{because_im_boring} : Sorry I thought i was talking to some that wanted to get rid of the e.c. In favor of a popular vote', ">>{Helais} : I'm in favor of either letting the EC actually work the way it was intended or simply using the popular vote. Neither of these situations are how it actually works.", '>>{jschubart} : This is definitely one of the most thought out arguments that I have seen. I unfortunately only have one upvote to give.', '>>{jschubart} : We need both ranked voting and popular vote win. I am happy with a push for either. Automatic voter registration just seems obvious also.', '>>{jschubart} : Can you point to specific people that instantly changed their mind once Clinton lost? I can certainly point to a Republican who called for the abolishment of the EC but now seems to be fine with it when it suits him. Regardless of who won, the EC needs to reflect the popular vote.', ">>{soalone34} : Let me put it this way, say all the richer more populated places started voting for tax cutting republicans while the poorer midlands wake up to reality and start supporting people who represent them. They'd be demolished."], ['>>{VGtheory} : They totally only suppressed illegals and double voters. MAGA /s', '>>{MontyAtWork} : Commence 15 articles on how "This is the thing that should be investigated" while Trump pushes out 100 other sneaky, shitty decisions that now can\'t get widely reported.', '>>{MontyAtWork} : Commence 15 articles on how "This is the thing that should be investigated" while Trump pushes out 100 other sneaky, shitty decisions that now can\'t get widely reported.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : And it's going to get worse in 2018 and 2020.", ">>{sunnieskye1} : Not according to our ~~fuhrer~~ new executive. Somehow zillions of illegals were successful at getting the correct voter ID, something even many American citizens couldn't do. Damn sneaky illegals. How you do dat?", '>>{wew-lad} : Right republicans. Thats why i had to wait for hours to cast my vote in the democratic primary and in the end it didnt even count because it was rigged for clinton', '>>{TavishGauss} : This is the **real** "voter fraud"', '>>{FredKarlekKnark} : > Thats why i had to wait for hours to cast my vote in the democratic primary that would be one of the desired outcomes for republicans, forcing long wait times so voters become disinterested. > because it was rigged for clinton Source?', ">>{novacham} : I'd argue that the Democrats did an even better job at suppressing voters by running Clinton instead of Sanders.", ">>{veniceinperil} : Post this on facebook. I keep avoiding articles about voter suppression--because it means Republicans are inherently unfair, because it's hard to fix, because it's so terrible--but if we don't fix voter suppression, Republicans will always win. This is the single most important issue before the Democratic party, right now. Without fixing voter suppression, we can't fix anything else.", '>>{heelspider} : I was scrolling down wondering where I would see the "Russian hacking/Comey\'s November Surprise/voter suppression is totally OK because Clinton sucks" comment. I don\'t give a shit if Clinton was the worst candidate of all time, none of those things are the tiniest bit acceptable. ...I\'m also going to bet that you simultaneously think the Democratic primaries were rigged because one guy in the DNC suggested asking Sanders a question about religion.', '>>{Makiise} : They are losing power and are trying to do everything to keep their power.. how can the US still be called a democracy when this kind of stuff happens all the time.. and when the popular vote doesnt even get you the win. All these systems are in place to have the people with power keep it..', ">>{tta2013} : There's a seminar I checked out by this journalist, Ari Berman, who emphasized that voter suppression is among the major election problems over the past few decades. It really introduced this issue to me.", ">>{novacham} : > ...I'm also going to bet that you simultaneously think the Democratic primaries were rigged because one guy in the DNC suggested asking Sanders a question about religion. No. I voted for Trump.", ">>{echoeco} : 3 million votes don't count in CA either..my vote shouldn't be disqualified because of where I live...if we want a Democracy then 1 vote = 1 vote", '>>{wew-lad} : It was also the desired outcome for democrats in high bernie areas My source is how bernie won my more votes than anyone ever in new hampshire but clinton left with more delegates'], [">>{no_myth} : This and campaign finance reform are two positive changes that I can't see the establishment supporting. That said, I'm glad Howard Dean supports it and that it is being tested and potentially adopted in a few instances at the state level.", ">>{KingPickle} : I actually think changing the voting process, including the primaries, is the thing that would make the most difference. I think it even tops campaign finance reform, although that's certainly very important too.", ">>{dakid1} : That's cool, but Dean sucks. Isn't he a lobbyist for the insurance industry?", '>>{HIGH_ENERGY-VOTER} : i hope ranked-voting becomes a thing in Maine. this will help if there is a strong 3rd party candidates running and not making the same mistake as last time', '>>{jwilsoncollege} : >I actually think changing the voting process, including the primaries, is the thing that would make the most difference. Then you now understand why it will never happen.', '>>{chasjo} : Valid criticism. This is the first time in a long time that Dean has remided us why the establishment crushed his presidential run. Hey at least he always seems a bit uncomfortable while he is whoring.', '>>{Jokrtothethief} : You say that about finance reform but most members *hate* fund raising...', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : FYI OP, this will probably get taken down for not having the same title as the editorial. Please take down this post and repost with the correct title so people can see this.', ">>{LordPennyfarthington} : Dean is a hypocrite who changed his views on healthcare when given sacks of money. If I knew what kind of scum bag he'd turn into I never would have voted for him.", '>>{Time4Red} : I dosagree. Ranked choice voting tends to favor moderate parties, which is what the estaishment wants.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Please take down this post so that it can be reposted.', ">>{no_myth} : Politicians have to strike a balance of what they truly believe in and what will keep them in office. This is the horror and the beauty of our system, but can be used to one's advantage every so often. At THIS MOMENT, Dean supports something I also support, and so I support him here. This doesn't imply blanket support."]]
classify and reply
['>>{bboyjkang} : Lenovo Phab2 Pro smartphone - Lenovo planning new AR, VR devices with Tango', '>>{SultanObama} : Apologizes after lying for months, switching the lie, continuing, having an investigation launched, facing leaks which proved her lies, and then coming out and saying "Mybad"', ">>{BebopRocksteady82} : how fucking ridiculous are liberals, Hillary was the one who was careless and you've let the media convince you that Russia is to blame ... stupid.. just stupid", '>>{Gringo_Please} : DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz heckled; opponents shout ‘shame!’', ">>{BrazenBribery} : Please don't strip her naked and parade her through the streets. Woof.", '>>{botchedrobbery} : If you watch closely, someone throws a chair. And they were wearing a Bernie shirt...', ">>{factorysealed} : Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia? It's at least premature, and at most just wrong - so probably kind of a stupid thing to be saying at the moment, right?", '>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : He already won the only petition that matters: the voters chose him. -James Clapper', '>>{bboyjkang} : >The Pro also adds on a specially designed eight-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 processor, 64GB of built-in storage (expandable via microSD), 4GB of RAM and a 2,560 x 1,440 pixel "assertive" display. >All of these phones are scheduled to arrive globally in September, while the Tango-enabled Phab2 Pro will be sold at Lowe\'s and Best Buy stores and online by the end of the year. https://www.engadget.com/2016/06/09/lenovo-phab2-project-tango/', ">>{xahnel} : Too fucking bad. It's happening for both candidates. Hillary Clinton couldn't keep a jpeg safe from a 7 year old, but I'm not calling for her exclusion. She's the democrat candidate, he's the republican, they need this breifing.", '>>{whatabear} : Well, this is completely unnecessary. He will be bored and won\'t understand, much less, remember anything. I mean, for the first few weeks it\'s all probably "Mr. Trump, this is a *map* and we are here ..." type of thing anyway.', '>>{alanoide97} : I was under the impression that it would have SD 820', ">>{Gringo_Please} : I still can't believe Sanders hasn't disavowed these jokers yet. I'd be on a Quentin Tarantino-style quest for revenge.", ">>{Ghostcoal312} : And it doesn't matter. If they wouldn't have been corrupt Russia wouldn't have anything bad to release.", ">>{njmaverick} : Trump can't admit he makes mistakes. That character flaw has prevented him from gaining wisdom despite living for over 70 years", '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Bad idea. Really, really bad idea. Trump has a greater than zero chance of taking the White House - and in the event that he does take it, we need him as prepared as he possibly can be.', ">>{Fauglheim} : Aw, sweet! I can't wait to buy the superfish app. Hopefully it will come pre-installed.", '>>{BrazenBribery} : Because the moment they allow this to be about the substance of the *obviously authentic* emails is when they start to get implicated for complicity.', ">>{Rannasha} : It's to draw attention away from the actual content of the emails.", '>>{All_I_feel_is_rage} : Letting people down....par for the course for lenovo', '>>{othniel01} : You say that as if Bernie supporters would be the least upset for some reason.', ">>{northbud} : Because they want a distraction. They know it is irrelevant as far as the substance of the leak goes. But, if they can get some people to focus on that rumor. They won't be talking about the actual issue. It was the CNN headline story this morning and last night.", ">>{Firetrucker} : She apologized for the email? She apologized for giving ISIS all kinds of free stuff? She apologized for Bill showing up illegally at polling stations? She apologized for Bill meeting Lynch? She apologized for the dirty tricks against Sanders? She apologized for her part in the birther movement? The Whitey Tape? Look, Clintons, we all want Trumo to lose, he's an awful crazy dangerous man, he need to be defeated decisively so the GOP grows the fuck up and stops pandering to Wingnuts, bigots and other base idiots. But telling us Clinton is decent just isn't going to work, she's a corrupt Wall Street shill who is mediocre to incompetent in most of her works. She's just lucky she is facing the Worst Candidate in the World. So, stick to ripping on Trump, stick to quoting the batshit crazy things he says, let people forget how awful Clinton is. In fact why doesn't she take the rest of the summer off? Let Trump be the wind that lifts her to the White House.", '>>{I_AM_shill} : Not opponents. It was her own party people. I bet her real opponents (Trump) are cheering for her to keep it going.', '>>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : And yet you feel the urge to continue to post here.', '>>{jacksonsmashon} : She only apologizes once a lie has been run into the ground and she can no longer come up with a new excuse. How long did she repeat Bosnian sniper fire for? What was her final apology? Oh right, it was saying that she says millions of words a day (another lie) and sometimes misspeaks, therefore if she lied about Bosnian sniper fire it was simply her misspeaking http://www.nbcnews.com/id/23789011/ns/politics-decision_08/t/clinton-misspoke-over-bosnia-sniper-claims/', ">>{CarrollQuigley} : Exactly. That they're trying to shift the blame to Russia is revolting. It also simply will not work.", ">>{vinny95} : Couldn't agree more lol, if the GOP had a more suitable candidate, Clinton would be struggling, and would probably lose. We have the two most-hated candidates in American history running, and Clinton's just lucky she's in 2nd.", '>>{nba2k16CRASH} : those people are dreaming if they think that petition will do anything', ">>{truthhurts4444} : Clinton doesn't apologize. She just lies about wrongdoing and lets her media cover something else until the public forgets", '>>{PraetorArtanis} : What Superfish?! No such thing. Ignore the man in the corner.', '>>{runhaterand} : Oh god, please tell me someone rang a bell', '>>{mrsuns10} : Yet Hillary is the biggest threat to democracy since Erdogan', '>>{Brad_Wesley} : There is only one candidate who we know is willing to flout the rules regarding classified information', ">>{slickyslim} : I don't see how his call to Russia to release any emails they hacked turn them over to the fed is in anyway a federal crime. Time has shown they report stories not fact.", ">>{y4udothat} : We shouldn't make fun of people with double-down syndrome.", ">>{Fauglheim} : I don't know about you, but having superfish is my #1 must-have when shopping for a surveill--ahem--cell phone.", ">>{phap2} : Gotta say, that's a sexy phone with a sexy name. Perhaps not the kind I'd advertise, though.", '>>{korzin} : Take a look at the post history of the account, used the same comment 4 times.', '>>{Firetrucker} : I imagine Kasich wakes up every day screaming in frustration.', '>>{Konwayz} : Typical Clinton apology: "I\'m sorry I did X because all you peasants keep bothering me about it." She doesn\'t regret anything except getting caught.', '>>{jokerZwild} : If anything, the debriefings should be limited until the election is over and one is crowned the winner.', ">>{dkliberator} : Just pass the moron a few lies and see how far they go. It's not like he would would listen anyway. Like that gw guy.", ">>{Ghostcoal312} : They are trying to make Trump and Putin best Buds. Make people think Trump is a Dictator and pure Hillary is all that is stopping him. It's not going to work.", '>>{7w9-} : Reminds me of the petition to ban Donald Trump from entering the UK when the same people had no problem with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and China.', '>>{watchout5} : > Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia? > Where\'s the end game here? "Russia did it", um, okay, but you still wrote the emails, remember? Russia would have rather blackmailed her with this.', '>>{CerseiClinton} : [Shame. Shame. Shame](https://i.reddituploads.com/dd31f6d2ceb24a7495988c30dd8e2e87?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=3ae1a22e34e1b760fd67c7472ac12293)', '>>{ShArTzO_THE_GREAT} : Wow, I am interested in this, especially for that price. Wonder how good the camera and other hardware will be compared to other flagship phones on the market?', ">>{throwitupwatchitfall} : Before anyone buys a Lenovo product, try calling their tech support. This is what you'll have to deal with when/if something goes wrong.", '>>{JollyNodule} : Expect ads built into the phone too, if their other products are any indication.', '>>{Judman13} : I watched the keynote live. The demo looked really cool! It has some work left for sure, but I dig the tango integration!', ">>{Notverypretty-vacant} : If point #3 had ANY merit, the DNC could counter it by releasing the rest of the emails. I'll hold my breath waiting", '>>{alanoide97} : Any info in what exactly is the difference with the normal chip, cuz in the lenovo site says that its optimized for tango. What do you people think, just kernel, or some kind of OC?', '>>{alanoide97} : Thanks, but sorry, I meant the difference between the 652, and the tango-ready 652 http://i.imgur.com/gTSvlpJ.jpg', '>>{DonQuixote360} : I specifically love the "a case specialist will call you back in a few days" Good luck getting that call back.', ">>{cl33t} : I mean, Trump does have a long history with Russia's criminal syndicates and oligarchy and he does get largely financed by them and he has said a lot of really bizarre pro-Russian things even about their their brazenly illegal activities. But nothing to see here folks.", ">>{StopPissingOnMyFace} : I have one of those Lenovo Yoga laptops. The hard drive died year into ownership, after I installed an update in windows 8.1. That was the last month I was covered under warranty, so I called to get it sent back. They were obviously Indian or Pakistani or something, but they did fine helping me out with all the troubleshooting before concluding that the hard drive was bad. They sent me a shipping label and I was all ready to send the computer back. Then I had a death in the family I knew I only had 30 days before they closed the ticket, but I was in a pretty bad place so I never made it to the post office. 1 year later I was cleaning out my apartment and I found the box with the laptop. I called Lenovo and told them the honest truth, and they agreed to fix my laptop even after a year had passed. It took about 7 days for them to replace my hard drive and now the computer works fine. People probably have bad experiences with Lenovo, but I didn't.", ">>{Throwaway_By_Design} : I'm curious to see what other applications come out utilizing that multi camera setup that allows for depth perception. I can think of a handful of ways to utilize that tech that I'm sure people far smarter than I are already well on their way to leveraging. Hell of a time to be alive.", ">>{ghost_of_drusepth} : These look awesome. Can't wait to learn more about them.", '>>{BrazenBribery} : No one worth living sincerely cares about respecting Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in any way whatsoever, whether as a politician, a woman or a human being.', ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : There is no evidence at all, this is just desperation on Hillary's part to deflect from the real story: rampant democratic corruption. Even if it was a Russian IP address that hacked the DNC, that in no way implies it was a Russian hacker. Hillary's deflection is so obvious, and the people are too smart to buy into it. Hillary's campaign is a sinking ship.", ">>{Notverypretty-vacant} : Then don't pretend that more context would somehow exculpate the DNC leadership. Showing off more emails would only show off more corruption", ">>{ghost_of_drusepth} : I've had nothing but good experiences with Lenovo support. Fixing my first Yoga was painless (bumped chassis too hard, but was under warranty). I now have the next gen Yoga and don't dread CS at all.", ">>{yayalorde} : Is it compatible with Google Cardboard? Also, does this mean if a phone gets filled up with [VR porn](http://www.cardboardpornvr.com/) and has some troubles working I'm going to be on hold for a while getting help from them to fix it? Asking for a fried...you know.", ">>{recruit00} : I know that. Doesn't mean he needs to insult her physically", '>>{BrainOil} : Right, this tactic of treating everyone like drooling morons has worked amazingly well for years and years. Why change strategy?', ">>{JJUnmasked} : I have no idea why you got downvoted. You just presented your own experiences and somone got angry that what they experienced wasn't the only possible outcome?", '>>{djfacebooth} : She needs to be stripped and do the walk of shame through the convention Hall SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!! * ding ding ding*', ">>{ev_forklift} : The Septa who usually handles that is occupied for the moment, so I don't think it'll happen.", ">>{Timlad} : If their phones are anything like their shitty laptops I'd steer clear.", ">>{Doxxingisbadmkay} : Well Thinkpads aren't shitty. I've dropped my T450s a lot of times and once a table landed on it. It works perfectly.", '>>{Inferchomp} : Old democrats eat up the red scare shit as much as republicans.', ">>{endprism} : Straight out of the Democrat playbook. Whenever one of these scandals come out, first attack the source of the leaks and deflect all facts. This is exactly what they do. They try to get us questioning the source but not the content. Old skewl tactic and the world has changed. People are awake and know their games. It's not 1990 anymore. You can sniff these tactics a mile away. The Clintons HAD an effective disinformation playbook but it's really out-dated and doesn't work in the digital/internet age. It's clear as day to see that this is a talking point originating from the Clinton camp.", ">>{SirDudeGuyFella} : [I'll just leave this here](https://shamenun.com)", '>>{sigsour} : How can they accuse Russia of this in one breath, with no evidence. Then in next tell us how Trump is going to antagonize our allies and start WW3?', ">>{cyril13m} : I've got a Lenovo Y50-70, brand new. Got some issue with the screen and motherboard 5 months later. Issued a complaint via email and call. Sent about 15 emails and made 25 calls. Finally got the issue solved after 2 freaking months.", '>>{RocketFlanders} : Nobody really cares about the good stuff they just want to know if the company will fuck you over on a bad day. Besides. Your computer could have had a defect that was present in many of the same model computer which gave them more leeway in helping you. More money allocated to the repair fund for that specific computer problem.', ">>{RocketFlanders} : They are still on the hook if you are under warranty but say them fucking around for 2 months would put you beyond the warranty? Seems like that would be something they are on the hook for but I don't know. I don't see why it would take so long if they weren't trying to pull something by either waiting out the warranty or hoping people just give up.", ">>{wawfuls} : That's because it's IBM tech support (unfortunately).", '>>{throwitupwatchitfall} : Glad to hear you had a good experience. When I bought a lap top from them in 2013, I had to call tech support early. They were American. As American as a dog or a cat that lives in America. Like IQ of 60. Took them 15 minutes to get my name down. Unbelievable.', ">>{Assorted_Jellymemes} : Lenovo is watching the thread, I guarantee it. A lot of the people here (myself included) probably have suspicions that he (she, xe, etc.) is just someone being paid to put in a good word for Lenovo to try to counter all the negative things people are saying. I like my laptop as far as hardware, but with pre installed adware? I'm never buying from Lenovo again, and will urge other not to as well. Not that I downvoted him, just a concern...", ">>{joec_95123} : It's like if your wife goes through your texts, finds evidence of you cheating, and when she confronts you about it, you get mad at her for not trusting you and going through your texts. Lol. Like are you serious?", ">>{Septothorpe} : Don't know -- it's not like Russia wrote the emails.", ">>{ghost_of_drusepth} : That's a little tinfoilly, IMO. Seems more likely people just downvote because I broke up the circlejerk with my experience. I immediately wiped both Yoga's and installed Linux when I bought them, so I can't speak to whatever bloat they came with.", ">>{Assorted_Jellymemes} : Yeah, maybe. I'm probably going to do the same with mine, I used to dual boot until recently, and the Windows 10 update broke something so Windows doesn't work anyways.", ">>{iushciuweiush} : I didn't have any issues with their tech support when my refurbished Yoga failed. What I did have a problem with was their refurbishment program, or what I assume was a lack of. The damn thing had a faulty battery right out of the box that wouldn't charge. How does a product that doesn't charge get through the refurb process, especially when it was probably a faulty battery in the first place that resulted in the returned product. I don't have much trust in their products after that experience.", ">>{DrScientist812} : Because Bernie Sanders knows he'll just hurt himself in the long run.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : They just trying to deflect, change the narrative, and make the implication that anyone who supports the leaks is acting in Russia's interests.", '>>{PRINCEPS_DEI} : Came for the obvious GoT references. Left satisfied.', ">>{recruit00} : Because God forbid that if you have a problem with someone's actions you criticize their actions and not their appearance", '>>{biggins9227} : Not gonna lie, I read this hoping she was going to a "Walk of Shame"', ">>{mrpnut123} : Let's assume they are correct. Russia didn't write the emails.", ">>{ProgrammingPants} : It's more like your nosy neighbor stealing your phone, breaking into it, seeing the texts about you cheating on your wife, and then telling her about it. Yeah, your wife should be mad at you, but you have every right to feel some kinda way about how your neighbor stole from you and violated your privacy.", ">>{SunshineCat} : Before accusing that user of sexism, how did you know that they wouldn't equally object to an aging doghorse-faced man being paraded in the nude?", ">>{funnymerikan} : this is just a show. they're throwing a bone to bernie supporters that are experiencing cognitive dissonance about how they got tricked by bernies fake campaign. saying bernie was robbed is better than that he tricked them", ">>{svdcore} : I'm hoping its because Hilary promised a cabinet position where he feels he could really make a significant impact", '>>{TTheorem} : I dunno... Budget committee in the Senate is pretty dank. Especially as chair or even just ranking member.', ">>{svdcore} : I'm not familiar with that role so I will have to do some research. I assumed if got Secretary of Labor or Education that would be a pretty prestigious role", '>>{Enderkr} : >Straight out of the ~~Democrat~~ political playbook. FTFY.', '>>{Gator_Bite} : >Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia? Scapegoating and deflection are the only defenses they have left since they can no longer deny their blatant corruption, betrayals of trust and self-inflicted political wounds.', ">>{ThouHastLostAn8th} : >*Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia?* It's not like they're just throwing out unsubstantiated, wild claims. That's who the major security firms they hired to stop the intrusions and clean up after them placed the blame on: https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/ >CrowdStrike Services Inc., our Incident Response group, was called by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the formal governing body for the US Democratic Party, to respond to a suspected breach. We deployed our IR team and technology and immediately identified two sophisticated adversaries on the network – COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR. We’ve had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of ‘living-off-the-land’ techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter. In particular, we identified advanced methods consistent with nation-state level capabilities including deliberate targeting and ‘access management’ tradecraft – both groups were constantly going back into the environment to change out their implants, modify persistent methods, move to new Command & Control channels and perform other tasks to try to stay ahead of being detected. Both adversaries engage in extensive political and economic espionage for the benefit of the government of the Russian Federation and are believed to be closely linked to the Russian government’s powerful and highly capable intelligence services. The rest of their write-up provides some detail on how they identified the culprits.", '>>{sues2nd} : Culprits? Blaming the Russians for releasing proof they are corrupt is like blaming your girlfriend for going through your phone after she finds messages from other women on it. The culprits are the DNC. The victims are the American people.', '>>{thetrueBAUSE} : Because with only two party options they know they can lie, manipulate and cheat without any consequence', ">>{sues2nd} : Isn't WikiLeaks releasing more info all week? We shall see if more info does anything but dig the hole deeper.", ">>{NorthStarTX} : Bernie's in his late 70s. There's not much of a long run for Bernie, this is it.", ">>{Letmefixthatforyouyo} : The cheating is still the important event, not the theft. To try to shift all conversation to be about your neighbor is a very clear smokescreen to hide your own behavior. The cheating is about a relationship that is much, much more important. That is a core part of your life based on trust. You have to rely on that trust, because you have no other defenses that are reasonable.The neighbor you can handle with more safeguards. Police, spike traps, shotguns. There are external answers to your neighbor. Your husband? You cant keep a gun on him, so if there is no trust, there is no marriage. Better Infosec is the answer to the russian threat. The DNC/media need to be held to task for this, because there isn't any other safeguard we have. Its the only way to prevent our presidency being stolen from within our borders.", ">>{ProgrammingPants} : It's weird because I could have sworn that information security and data theft was the *single most important thing* that Reddit has ever cared about when it was time for Comey to talk about Clinton's emails.", ">>{CuckoldTrump} : Standard neoliberal tactics. Blame Russia, blame China, blame drugs black people Muslims whatever. If America was to undergo another civil war, I'm sure they'd blame external entities too.", '>>{Letmefixthatforyouyo} : I said both matter, just one matters more than the other. I think its clear that a democratic process that elects the next president being subverted internally is a bigger event than having a political parities servers breached. One event is about people you trust subverting democracy from the inside. The other is about third party actors working maliciously. We expect third parties to act against our interests, but first parties? Thats way more important to talk about. Note that im not talking about Clintons server at all, as that is a different matter entirely. The DNC servers were much less likely to have classified state department info on them. If they did, that would be of note for many, many reasons.', ">>{toml3030} : When you're drowning, you'll clutch at the weeds to try to pull yourself out of the water.", ">>{wait_what_now} : What in the everliving fuck are you talking about? Tricked by Bernie's fake campaign? Go fuck yourself you paid hillary shill.", '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Because he\'s doing whatever he can to keep a fascist from taking the Whitehouse. Personally, I\'m taking a "Hillary for 1 term presidency" stance.', ">>{sirfugu} : That's usually how she operates, with favors. Sorta thought Bernie was above that though.", '>>{Eurynom0s} : I like that they\'re not even bothering to deny anything in the emails and are instead just going with "well yeah we said that, but you weren\'t supposed to know that we did!"', ">>{windwolfone} : >Because with only two party options they know they can lie, manipulate and cheat without any consequence As if that's the gateway allowing such things. You can hate the system, at least make sound arguments against it.", ">>{bob-leblaw} : You forgot to mention that you and your neighbor have been trying for decades to break into each others' phones, computers and mail. It's understood that you are both doing that, and it's been an out in the open competition that the world knew about. It would not be a surprise, you just sucked at keeping that neighbor from peaking into your FedEx package on your doorstep.", '>>{johnnyredleg} : How in the hell did Russia hack DNC emails when Democrats have such a flawless record for network security?', '>>{funnymerikan} : paid hillary shill!!!!! read my comment history', '>>{Albert_Caboose} : It honestly reminds me of how drug dealers are more concerned with who is snitching than about lost product.', ">>{funnymerikan} : No seriously. I'd appreciate you go into my comment history and just look at the comments I've made about Clinton. I spent about a month on here basically accusing Hillary Clinton of being a murderer of children. Really, go look at it and take back what you said. I'm like the Jesus Christ of Clinton haters. There's nobody on here who has taken as much effort as me in dragging her name into the mud.", ">>{funnymerikan} : Sort my comment history by 'controversial' and read number 4", '>>{cspan1} : who supports this piece of florida garbage anyway- oh yeah hillz2016!', ">>{iwantedtopay} : > Doesn't mean he needs to insult her physically recruit00 - 12 hours ago >Well he already has the small hands recruit00 - 1 month ago lol", '>>{escalation} : They\'re trying to soften the blow. Variants of the same virus were those in the state department hacks, and it would be absolutely unsurprising to find that they were used on Hillary\'s server. If wikileaks drops the clinton foundation emails, that means they\'ve probably got everything the FBI has and possibly more. Also, crowdstrikes position is not "proven". Variants of this virus have been found with clocks set to Chinese time, at least as far back as 2012. Among the countries frequently targeted by this virus are South Korea. The virus has been out long enough to be reverse engineered and adapted. It does appear that the earliest variants of this virus (from 2007-2008) were written by coders using Russian language. A variant on the TOR network did use a Russian based node. It has not been determined who actually controlled the server in that instance, and its usage may have been adopted by criminal networks as well.', ">>{sues2nd} : I hear ya... My point is that it doesn't matter who did the hack or released the info to WikiLeaks. Like the analogy of the wife finding other women's messages on her husbands phone...yeah, maybe she shouldnt have done it but it doesn't change the fact that what she found proves he's a scumbag. DWS stepping down proves the legitimacy of the information. So like the wife, maybe Russia shouldn't morally be hacking the DNC, but it doesn't change the severity of what they found.", '>>{escalation} : Which is funny anyhow. I wonder how much the CIA invested in trying to discredit, engineer, or reveal the truth about other countries elections over the years. The whole thing is entirely entertaining. Based on what is known, it could as easily be a Chinese operation. Variants of this virus have been found with Chinese time stamps as well as Russian text notes, which strongly suggests the Chinese have their own modified versions as well.', '>>{sues2nd} : Well the Chinese did invent Climate Change...so we know they have their eye on the election anyway. Lol', ">>{escalation} : I would presume that the Chinese are very interested in having a US President that isn't a hardcore Imperialist. They are concerning. They have battalions of hackers. I don't think American's really grasp how extensive their capabilities are in this area, just through sheer force of numbers and the ability to train on a massive scale. However, I personally don't have an opinion as to who is behind this, although I would not be at all surprised to find out that it was a State actor, most likely representing a major nation state. That is far from certain, regardless of what the DNC says is happening. They better hope that it's actually an individual, if it is an orchestrated effort, they can forget about winning this election.", '>>{sues2nd} : To me, it shouldn\'t matter who did the hack...what the story should be is what was in the hack. I feel like all of this, "It was the Russians" is just being done to deflect some of the story away from what was wrong.', ">>{escalation} : Oh I agree completely about that. The problem with their story line is that it ends up blowing up in their face if what they are saying is true. If a rival foreign power is planning on knocking her out by using leaks, its not just going to be the DNC files that get aired out. The calculated risk with her server position is that no one would release the information to prove that she got hacked, that they'd use it for leverage over her instead. Apparently that isn't going to go down that way.", ">>{thetrueBAUSE} : It's not an argument, it's a fact. That's why they do it. They don't HAVE to. They do. If you have a sound argument against what I'm saying feel free to divulge."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{bboyjkang} : Lenovo Phab2 Pro smartphone - Lenovo planning new AR, VR devices with Tango', '>>{bboyjkang} : >The Pro also adds on a specially designed eight-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 processor, 64GB of built-in storage (expandable via microSD), 4GB of RAM and a 2,560 x 1,440 pixel "assertive" display. >All of these phones are scheduled to arrive globally in September, while the Tango-enabled Phab2 Pro will be sold at Lowe\'s and Best Buy stores and online by the end of the year. https://www.engadget.com/2016/06/09/lenovo-phab2-project-tango/', '>>{alanoide97} : I was under the impression that it would have SD 820', ">>{Fauglheim} : Aw, sweet! I can't wait to buy the superfish app. Hopefully it will come pre-installed.", '>>{All_I_feel_is_rage} : Letting people down....par for the course for lenovo', '>>{PraetorArtanis} : What Superfish?! No such thing. Ignore the man in the corner.', ">>{Fauglheim} : I don't know about you, but having superfish is my #1 must-have when shopping for a surveill--ahem--cell phone.", ">>{phap2} : Gotta say, that's a sexy phone with a sexy name. Perhaps not the kind I'd advertise, though.", '>>{ShArTzO_THE_GREAT} : Wow, I am interested in this, especially for that price. Wonder how good the camera and other hardware will be compared to other flagship phones on the market?', ">>{throwitupwatchitfall} : Before anyone buys a Lenovo product, try calling their tech support. This is what you'll have to deal with when/if something goes wrong.", '>>{JollyNodule} : Expect ads built into the phone too, if their other products are any indication.', '>>{Judman13} : I watched the keynote live. The demo looked really cool! It has some work left for sure, but I dig the tango integration!', '>>{alanoide97} : Any info in what exactly is the difference with the normal chip, cuz in the lenovo site says that its optimized for tango. What do you people think, just kernel, or some kind of OC?', '>>{alanoide97} : Thanks, but sorry, I meant the difference between the 652, and the tango-ready 652 http://i.imgur.com/gTSvlpJ.jpg', '>>{DonQuixote360} : I specifically love the "a case specialist will call you back in a few days" Good luck getting that call back.', ">>{StopPissingOnMyFace} : I have one of those Lenovo Yoga laptops. The hard drive died year into ownership, after I installed an update in windows 8.1. That was the last month I was covered under warranty, so I called to get it sent back. They were obviously Indian or Pakistani or something, but they did fine helping me out with all the troubleshooting before concluding that the hard drive was bad. They sent me a shipping label and I was all ready to send the computer back. Then I had a death in the family I knew I only had 30 days before they closed the ticket, but I was in a pretty bad place so I never made it to the post office. 1 year later I was cleaning out my apartment and I found the box with the laptop. I called Lenovo and told them the honest truth, and they agreed to fix my laptop even after a year had passed. It took about 7 days for them to replace my hard drive and now the computer works fine. People probably have bad experiences with Lenovo, but I didn't.", ">>{Throwaway_By_Design} : I'm curious to see what other applications come out utilizing that multi camera setup that allows for depth perception. I can think of a handful of ways to utilize that tech that I'm sure people far smarter than I are already well on their way to leveraging. Hell of a time to be alive.", ">>{ghost_of_drusepth} : These look awesome. Can't wait to learn more about them.", ">>{ghost_of_drusepth} : I've had nothing but good experiences with Lenovo support. Fixing my first Yoga was painless (bumped chassis too hard, but was under warranty). I now have the next gen Yoga and don't dread CS at all.", ">>{yayalorde} : Is it compatible with Google Cardboard? Also, does this mean if a phone gets filled up with [VR porn](http://www.cardboardpornvr.com/) and has some troubles working I'm going to be on hold for a while getting help from them to fix it? Asking for a fried...you know.", ">>{JJUnmasked} : I have no idea why you got downvoted. You just presented your own experiences and somone got angry that what they experienced wasn't the only possible outcome?", ">>{Timlad} : If their phones are anything like their shitty laptops I'd steer clear.", ">>{Doxxingisbadmkay} : Well Thinkpads aren't shitty. I've dropped my T450s a lot of times and once a table landed on it. It works perfectly.", ">>{cyril13m} : I've got a Lenovo Y50-70, brand new. Got some issue with the screen and motherboard 5 months later. Issued a complaint via email and call. Sent about 15 emails and made 25 calls. Finally got the issue solved after 2 freaking months.", '>>{RocketFlanders} : Nobody really cares about the good stuff they just want to know if the company will fuck you over on a bad day. Besides. Your computer could have had a defect that was present in many of the same model computer which gave them more leeway in helping you. More money allocated to the repair fund for that specific computer problem.', ">>{RocketFlanders} : They are still on the hook if you are under warranty but say them fucking around for 2 months would put you beyond the warranty? Seems like that would be something they are on the hook for but I don't know. I don't see why it would take so long if they weren't trying to pull something by either waiting out the warranty or hoping people just give up.", ">>{wawfuls} : That's because it's IBM tech support (unfortunately).", '>>{throwitupwatchitfall} : Glad to hear you had a good experience. When I bought a lap top from them in 2013, I had to call tech support early. They were American. As American as a dog or a cat that lives in America. Like IQ of 60. Took them 15 minutes to get my name down. Unbelievable.', ">>{Assorted_Jellymemes} : Lenovo is watching the thread, I guarantee it. A lot of the people here (myself included) probably have suspicions that he (she, xe, etc.) is just someone being paid to put in a good word for Lenovo to try to counter all the negative things people are saying. I like my laptop as far as hardware, but with pre installed adware? I'm never buying from Lenovo again, and will urge other not to as well. Not that I downvoted him, just a concern...", ">>{ghost_of_drusepth} : That's a little tinfoilly, IMO. Seems more likely people just downvote because I broke up the circlejerk with my experience. I immediately wiped both Yoga's and installed Linux when I bought them, so I can't speak to whatever bloat they came with.", ">>{Assorted_Jellymemes} : Yeah, maybe. I'm probably going to do the same with mine, I used to dual boot until recently, and the Windows 10 update broke something so Windows doesn't work anyways.", ">>{iushciuweiush} : I didn't have any issues with their tech support when my refurbished Yoga failed. What I did have a problem with was their refurbishment program, or what I assume was a lack of. The damn thing had a faulty battery right out of the box that wouldn't charge. How does a product that doesn't charge get through the refurb process, especially when it was probably a faulty battery in the first place that resulted in the returned product. I don't have much trust in their products after that experience."], [">>{BebopRocksteady82} : how fucking ridiculous are liberals, Hillary was the one who was careless and you've let the media convince you that Russia is to blame ... stupid.. just stupid", '>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : He already won the only petition that matters: the voters chose him. -James Clapper', ">>{xahnel} : Too fucking bad. It's happening for both candidates. Hillary Clinton couldn't keep a jpeg safe from a 7 year old, but I'm not calling for her exclusion. She's the democrat candidate, he's the republican, they need this breifing.", '>>{whatabear} : Well, this is completely unnecessary. He will be bored and won\'t understand, much less, remember anything. I mean, for the first few weeks it\'s all probably "Mr. Trump, this is a *map* and we are here ..." type of thing anyway.', '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Bad idea. Really, really bad idea. Trump has a greater than zero chance of taking the White House - and in the event that he does take it, we need him as prepared as he possibly can be.', '>>{nba2k16CRASH} : those people are dreaming if they think that petition will do anything', '>>{mrsuns10} : Yet Hillary is the biggest threat to democracy since Erdogan', '>>{Brad_Wesley} : There is only one candidate who we know is willing to flout the rules regarding classified information', ">>{slickyslim} : I don't see how his call to Russia to release any emails they hacked turn them over to the fed is in anyway a federal crime. Time has shown they report stories not fact.", '>>{jokerZwild} : If anything, the debriefings should be limited until the election is over and one is crowned the winner.', ">>{dkliberator} : Just pass the moron a few lies and see how far they go. It's not like he would would listen anyway. Like that gw guy.", '>>{7w9-} : Reminds me of the petition to ban Donald Trump from entering the UK when the same people had no problem with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and China.', ">>{cl33t} : I mean, Trump does have a long history with Russia's criminal syndicates and oligarchy and he does get largely financed by them and he has said a lot of really bizarre pro-Russian things even about their their brazenly illegal activities. But nothing to see here folks."], ['>>{Gringo_Please} : DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz heckled; opponents shout ‘shame!’', ">>{BrazenBribery} : Please don't strip her naked and parade her through the streets. Woof.", '>>{botchedrobbery} : If you watch closely, someone throws a chair. And they were wearing a Bernie shirt...', ">>{factorysealed} : Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia? It's at least premature, and at most just wrong - so probably kind of a stupid thing to be saying at the moment, right?", ">>{Gringo_Please} : I still can't believe Sanders hasn't disavowed these jokers yet. I'd be on a Quentin Tarantino-style quest for revenge.", ">>{Ghostcoal312} : And it doesn't matter. If they wouldn't have been corrupt Russia wouldn't have anything bad to release.", '>>{BrazenBribery} : Because the moment they allow this to be about the substance of the *obviously authentic* emails is when they start to get implicated for complicity.', ">>{Rannasha} : It's to draw attention away from the actual content of the emails.", '>>{othniel01} : You say that as if Bernie supporters would be the least upset for some reason.', ">>{northbud} : Because they want a distraction. They know it is irrelevant as far as the substance of the leak goes. But, if they can get some people to focus on that rumor. They won't be talking about the actual issue. It was the CNN headline story this morning and last night.", '>>{I_AM_shill} : Not opponents. It was her own party people. I bet her real opponents (Trump) are cheering for her to keep it going.', ">>{CarrollQuigley} : Exactly. That they're trying to shift the blame to Russia is revolting. It also simply will not work.", '>>{runhaterand} : Oh god, please tell me someone rang a bell', ">>{Ghostcoal312} : They are trying to make Trump and Putin best Buds. Make people think Trump is a Dictator and pure Hillary is all that is stopping him. It's not going to work.", '>>{watchout5} : > Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia? > Where\'s the end game here? "Russia did it", um, okay, but you still wrote the emails, remember? Russia would have rather blackmailed her with this.', '>>{CerseiClinton} : [Shame. Shame. Shame](https://i.reddituploads.com/dd31f6d2ceb24a7495988c30dd8e2e87?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=3ae1a22e34e1b760fd67c7472ac12293)', ">>{Notverypretty-vacant} : If point #3 had ANY merit, the DNC could counter it by releasing the rest of the emails. I'll hold my breath waiting", '>>{BrazenBribery} : No one worth living sincerely cares about respecting Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in any way whatsoever, whether as a politician, a woman or a human being.', ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : There is no evidence at all, this is just desperation on Hillary's part to deflect from the real story: rampant democratic corruption. Even if it was a Russian IP address that hacked the DNC, that in no way implies it was a Russian hacker. Hillary's deflection is so obvious, and the people are too smart to buy into it. Hillary's campaign is a sinking ship.", ">>{Notverypretty-vacant} : Then don't pretend that more context would somehow exculpate the DNC leadership. Showing off more emails would only show off more corruption", ">>{recruit00} : I know that. Doesn't mean he needs to insult her physically", '>>{BrainOil} : Right, this tactic of treating everyone like drooling morons has worked amazingly well for years and years. Why change strategy?', '>>{djfacebooth} : She needs to be stripped and do the walk of shame through the convention Hall SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!! * ding ding ding*', ">>{ev_forklift} : The Septa who usually handles that is occupied for the moment, so I don't think it'll happen.", '>>{Inferchomp} : Old democrats eat up the red scare shit as much as republicans.', ">>{endprism} : Straight out of the Democrat playbook. Whenever one of these scandals come out, first attack the source of the leaks and deflect all facts. This is exactly what they do. They try to get us questioning the source but not the content. Old skewl tactic and the world has changed. People are awake and know their games. It's not 1990 anymore. You can sniff these tactics a mile away. The Clintons HAD an effective disinformation playbook but it's really out-dated and doesn't work in the digital/internet age. It's clear as day to see that this is a talking point originating from the Clinton camp.", ">>{SirDudeGuyFella} : [I'll just leave this here](https://shamenun.com)", '>>{sigsour} : How can they accuse Russia of this in one breath, with no evidence. Then in next tell us how Trump is going to antagonize our allies and start WW3?', ">>{joec_95123} : It's like if your wife goes through your texts, finds evidence of you cheating, and when she confronts you about it, you get mad at her for not trusting you and going through your texts. Lol. Like are you serious?", ">>{Septothorpe} : Don't know -- it's not like Russia wrote the emails.", ">>{DrScientist812} : Because Bernie Sanders knows he'll just hurt himself in the long run.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : They just trying to deflect, change the narrative, and make the implication that anyone who supports the leaks is acting in Russia's interests.", '>>{PRINCEPS_DEI} : Came for the obvious GoT references. Left satisfied.', ">>{recruit00} : Because God forbid that if you have a problem with someone's actions you criticize their actions and not their appearance", '>>{biggins9227} : Not gonna lie, I read this hoping she was going to a "Walk of Shame"', ">>{mrpnut123} : Let's assume they are correct. Russia didn't write the emails.", ">>{ProgrammingPants} : It's more like your nosy neighbor stealing your phone, breaking into it, seeing the texts about you cheating on your wife, and then telling her about it. Yeah, your wife should be mad at you, but you have every right to feel some kinda way about how your neighbor stole from you and violated your privacy.", ">>{SunshineCat} : Before accusing that user of sexism, how did you know that they wouldn't equally object to an aging doghorse-faced man being paraded in the nude?", ">>{funnymerikan} : this is just a show. they're throwing a bone to bernie supporters that are experiencing cognitive dissonance about how they got tricked by bernies fake campaign. saying bernie was robbed is better than that he tricked them", ">>{svdcore} : I'm hoping its because Hilary promised a cabinet position where he feels he could really make a significant impact", '>>{TTheorem} : I dunno... Budget committee in the Senate is pretty dank. Especially as chair or even just ranking member.', ">>{svdcore} : I'm not familiar with that role so I will have to do some research. I assumed if got Secretary of Labor or Education that would be a pretty prestigious role", '>>{Enderkr} : >Straight out of the ~~Democrat~~ political playbook. FTFY.', '>>{Gator_Bite} : >Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia? Scapegoating and deflection are the only defenses they have left since they can no longer deny their blatant corruption, betrayals of trust and self-inflicted political wounds.', ">>{ThouHastLostAn8th} : >*Why are so many high profile Democrats tripping all over themselves to blame the leaks on Russia?* It's not like they're just throwing out unsubstantiated, wild claims. That's who the major security firms they hired to stop the intrusions and clean up after them placed the blame on: https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/ >CrowdStrike Services Inc., our Incident Response group, was called by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the formal governing body for the US Democratic Party, to respond to a suspected breach. We deployed our IR team and technology and immediately identified two sophisticated adversaries on the network – COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR. We’ve had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of ‘living-off-the-land’ techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter. In particular, we identified advanced methods consistent with nation-state level capabilities including deliberate targeting and ‘access management’ tradecraft – both groups were constantly going back into the environment to change out their implants, modify persistent methods, move to new Command & Control channels and perform other tasks to try to stay ahead of being detected. Both adversaries engage in extensive political and economic espionage for the benefit of the government of the Russian Federation and are believed to be closely linked to the Russian government’s powerful and highly capable intelligence services. The rest of their write-up provides some detail on how they identified the culprits.", '>>{sues2nd} : Culprits? Blaming the Russians for releasing proof they are corrupt is like blaming your girlfriend for going through your phone after she finds messages from other women on it. The culprits are the DNC. The victims are the American people.', '>>{thetrueBAUSE} : Because with only two party options they know they can lie, manipulate and cheat without any consequence', ">>{sues2nd} : Isn't WikiLeaks releasing more info all week? We shall see if more info does anything but dig the hole deeper.", ">>{NorthStarTX} : Bernie's in his late 70s. There's not much of a long run for Bernie, this is it.", ">>{Letmefixthatforyouyo} : The cheating is still the important event, not the theft. To try to shift all conversation to be about your neighbor is a very clear smokescreen to hide your own behavior. The cheating is about a relationship that is much, much more important. That is a core part of your life based on trust. You have to rely on that trust, because you have no other defenses that are reasonable.The neighbor you can handle with more safeguards. Police, spike traps, shotguns. There are external answers to your neighbor. Your husband? You cant keep a gun on him, so if there is no trust, there is no marriage. Better Infosec is the answer to the russian threat. The DNC/media need to be held to task for this, because there isn't any other safeguard we have. Its the only way to prevent our presidency being stolen from within our borders.", ">>{ProgrammingPants} : It's weird because I could have sworn that information security and data theft was the *single most important thing* that Reddit has ever cared about when it was time for Comey to talk about Clinton's emails.", ">>{CuckoldTrump} : Standard neoliberal tactics. Blame Russia, blame China, blame drugs black people Muslims whatever. If America was to undergo another civil war, I'm sure they'd blame external entities too.", '>>{Letmefixthatforyouyo} : I said both matter, just one matters more than the other. I think its clear that a democratic process that elects the next president being subverted internally is a bigger event than having a political parities servers breached. One event is about people you trust subverting democracy from the inside. The other is about third party actors working maliciously. We expect third parties to act against our interests, but first parties? Thats way more important to talk about. Note that im not talking about Clintons server at all, as that is a different matter entirely. The DNC servers were much less likely to have classified state department info on them. If they did, that would be of note for many, many reasons.', ">>{toml3030} : When you're drowning, you'll clutch at the weeds to try to pull yourself out of the water.", ">>{wait_what_now} : What in the everliving fuck are you talking about? Tricked by Bernie's fake campaign? Go fuck yourself you paid hillary shill.", '>>{Homerpaintbucket} : Because he\'s doing whatever he can to keep a fascist from taking the Whitehouse. Personally, I\'m taking a "Hillary for 1 term presidency" stance.', ">>{sirfugu} : That's usually how she operates, with favors. Sorta thought Bernie was above that though.", '>>{Eurynom0s} : I like that they\'re not even bothering to deny anything in the emails and are instead just going with "well yeah we said that, but you weren\'t supposed to know that we did!"', ">>{windwolfone} : >Because with only two party options they know they can lie, manipulate and cheat without any consequence As if that's the gateway allowing such things. You can hate the system, at least make sound arguments against it.", ">>{bob-leblaw} : You forgot to mention that you and your neighbor have been trying for decades to break into each others' phones, computers and mail. It's understood that you are both doing that, and it's been an out in the open competition that the world knew about. It would not be a surprise, you just sucked at keeping that neighbor from peaking into your FedEx package on your doorstep.", '>>{johnnyredleg} : How in the hell did Russia hack DNC emails when Democrats have such a flawless record for network security?', '>>{funnymerikan} : paid hillary shill!!!!! read my comment history', '>>{Albert_Caboose} : It honestly reminds me of how drug dealers are more concerned with who is snitching than about lost product.', ">>{funnymerikan} : No seriously. I'd appreciate you go into my comment history and just look at the comments I've made about Clinton. I spent about a month on here basically accusing Hillary Clinton of being a murderer of children. Really, go look at it and take back what you said. I'm like the Jesus Christ of Clinton haters. There's nobody on here who has taken as much effort as me in dragging her name into the mud.", ">>{funnymerikan} : Sort my comment history by 'controversial' and read number 4", '>>{cspan1} : who supports this piece of florida garbage anyway- oh yeah hillz2016!', ">>{iwantedtopay} : > Doesn't mean he needs to insult her physically recruit00 - 12 hours ago >Well he already has the small hands recruit00 - 1 month ago lol", '>>{escalation} : They\'re trying to soften the blow. Variants of the same virus were those in the state department hacks, and it would be absolutely unsurprising to find that they were used on Hillary\'s server. If wikileaks drops the clinton foundation emails, that means they\'ve probably got everything the FBI has and possibly more. Also, crowdstrikes position is not "proven". Variants of this virus have been found with clocks set to Chinese time, at least as far back as 2012. Among the countries frequently targeted by this virus are South Korea. The virus has been out long enough to be reverse engineered and adapted. It does appear that the earliest variants of this virus (from 2007-2008) were written by coders using Russian language. A variant on the TOR network did use a Russian based node. It has not been determined who actually controlled the server in that instance, and its usage may have been adopted by criminal networks as well.', ">>{sues2nd} : I hear ya... My point is that it doesn't matter who did the hack or released the info to WikiLeaks. Like the analogy of the wife finding other women's messages on her husbands phone...yeah, maybe she shouldnt have done it but it doesn't change the fact that what she found proves he's a scumbag. DWS stepping down proves the legitimacy of the information. So like the wife, maybe Russia shouldn't morally be hacking the DNC, but it doesn't change the severity of what they found.", '>>{escalation} : Which is funny anyhow. I wonder how much the CIA invested in trying to discredit, engineer, or reveal the truth about other countries elections over the years. The whole thing is entirely entertaining. Based on what is known, it could as easily be a Chinese operation. Variants of this virus have been found with Chinese time stamps as well as Russian text notes, which strongly suggests the Chinese have their own modified versions as well.', '>>{sues2nd} : Well the Chinese did invent Climate Change...so we know they have their eye on the election anyway. Lol', ">>{escalation} : I would presume that the Chinese are very interested in having a US President that isn't a hardcore Imperialist. They are concerning. They have battalions of hackers. I don't think American's really grasp how extensive their capabilities are in this area, just through sheer force of numbers and the ability to train on a massive scale. However, I personally don't have an opinion as to who is behind this, although I would not be at all surprised to find out that it was a State actor, most likely representing a major nation state. That is far from certain, regardless of what the DNC says is happening. They better hope that it's actually an individual, if it is an orchestrated effort, they can forget about winning this election.", '>>{sues2nd} : To me, it shouldn\'t matter who did the hack...what the story should be is what was in the hack. I feel like all of this, "It was the Russians" is just being done to deflect some of the story away from what was wrong.', ">>{escalation} : Oh I agree completely about that. The problem with their story line is that it ends up blowing up in their face if what they are saying is true. If a rival foreign power is planning on knocking her out by using leaks, its not just going to be the DNC files that get aired out. The calculated risk with her server position is that no one would release the information to prove that she got hacked, that they'd use it for leverage over her instead. Apparently that isn't going to go down that way.", ">>{thetrueBAUSE} : It's not an argument, it's a fact. That's why they do it. They don't HAVE to. They do. If you have a sound argument against what I'm saying feel free to divulge."], ['>>{SultanObama} : Apologizes after lying for months, switching the lie, continuing, having an investigation launched, facing leaks which proved her lies, and then coming out and saying "Mybad"', ">>{njmaverick} : Trump can't admit he makes mistakes. That character flaw has prevented him from gaining wisdom despite living for over 70 years", ">>{Firetrucker} : She apologized for the email? She apologized for giving ISIS all kinds of free stuff? She apologized for Bill showing up illegally at polling stations? She apologized for Bill meeting Lynch? She apologized for the dirty tricks against Sanders? She apologized for her part in the birther movement? The Whitey Tape? Look, Clintons, we all want Trumo to lose, he's an awful crazy dangerous man, he need to be defeated decisively so the GOP grows the fuck up and stops pandering to Wingnuts, bigots and other base idiots. But telling us Clinton is decent just isn't going to work, she's a corrupt Wall Street shill who is mediocre to incompetent in most of her works. She's just lucky she is facing the Worst Candidate in the World. So, stick to ripping on Trump, stick to quoting the batshit crazy things he says, let people forget how awful Clinton is. In fact why doesn't she take the rest of the summer off? Let Trump be the wind that lifts her to the White House.", '>>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : And yet you feel the urge to continue to post here.', '>>{jacksonsmashon} : She only apologizes once a lie has been run into the ground and she can no longer come up with a new excuse. How long did she repeat Bosnian sniper fire for? What was her final apology? Oh right, it was saying that she says millions of words a day (another lie) and sometimes misspeaks, therefore if she lied about Bosnian sniper fire it was simply her misspeaking http://www.nbcnews.com/id/23789011/ns/politics-decision_08/t/clinton-misspoke-over-bosnia-sniper-claims/', ">>{vinny95} : Couldn't agree more lol, if the GOP had a more suitable candidate, Clinton would be struggling, and would probably lose. We have the two most-hated candidates in American history running, and Clinton's just lucky she's in 2nd.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : Clinton doesn't apologize. She just lies about wrongdoing and lets her media cover something else until the public forgets", ">>{y4udothat} : We shouldn't make fun of people with double-down syndrome.", '>>{korzin} : Take a look at the post history of the account, used the same comment 4 times.', '>>{Firetrucker} : I imagine Kasich wakes up every day screaming in frustration.', '>>{Konwayz} : Typical Clinton apology: "I\'m sorry I did X because all you peasants keep bothering me about it." She doesn\'t regret anything except getting caught.']]
classify and reply
[">>{IPeedOnTrumpAMA} : Hell of a scoop guys... we've been following them for weeks now. Fake", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : In that they\'ve been blatantly wrong numerous times, are obsessed with challenging people who they disagree with, and essentially run on the premise of "Just Trust us we\'re legit!" when what they are right about could easily be gleamed from the news.', '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Knowing She Would Lose, Clinton Cancelled her Hudson Fireworks Display Before Election Day', ">>{SATexas1} : It was a little presumptuous to think that the election would be called by 9:30 to begin with. In 2012 the race wasn't called until after 11", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : Them being outright wrong about things they said were coming isn\'t proof of falsehoods! no but telling us that Flynn "Was def. not going anywher,e Trump 100% behind him!" and then suddenly Flynn is leaving like, an hour later. idk. you tell me. But to ask you, whats the proof it;\'s true beyond "i want it to be"?', '>>{Format137_BossMode} : I thought it was interesting until the "refusing to save jobs of coal miners in West Virginia" and I just noped out because that is ludicrous to expect a single president in a market economy with an opposition party in control of the legislature to individually be responsible for saving jobs of a small group of individuals. It\'s one thing if your general out look and policy creates or removes jobs, like Obama\'s or Trump\'s broad visions, it\'s another to be that specific. Plus, Coal jobs left in West Virginia due to technology advances and the coal left in WV being easier to mine. No president was going to change that. Besides, demand for coal is dropping like a rock anyway thanks to fracking and cheap natural gas, so those jobs would be going away regardless.', ">>{ConservativeTraitors} : I'm not saying it's true, I'm saying you have no proof it's false, a claim that you made.", ">>{radicalelation} : There are routes to save the coal miners themselves that a president could move towards. Maybe they wouldn't be coal miners anymore, but making strong pushes towards cleaner energy and offering miners job preference, and additional benefits, would've been great. Instead, Hillary came across as uncaring, and Trump was claiming to be a savior of the jobs they already have.", ">>{bondbird} : This is an opinion articles that didn't give any facts to back up their claim ... not worth reading.", ">>{TinyBaron} : He didn't save it. All those people calling in did.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : The Donny only squeaked, just barely, about it and blamed it on timing. The clogged voice mail and inboxes of Congress saved the ethics committee (if this wasn't, in fact, a whole lot of political theater.)", ">>{E-rockComment} : I think it was a joint effort, they're not mutually exclusive claims. The President-elect and the people stood firmly together shoulder to shoulder on this one.", '>>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : Which is ridiculous. Market economy. You are right, Hillary could have acted like she cared, the Donald did. Neither one of them care or will/could have done a damn thing about it.', ">>{ceaguila84} : We are freaking screwed. The media hasn't learned anything from the election.. First Carrier deal, then Sprint, and now this 🤔", '>>{MAGA-forthekids} : She should have went ahead with it to show she can be a gracious loser.', '>>{JohnTitor2020} : You mean like them outright saying things that dont happen or arent true, like their spiel about Flynn only going somewhere because apparently Mike Pence is a kingpin in the white house once their whole "Flynn will def 100% not go anywhere cause trumps got him fam!" fell apart?', ">>{Bartins} : It's not definitive proof but it is certainly proof beyond a reasonable doubt", '>>{TinyBaron} : He just saw the way the wind was blowing and jumped on the bandwagon. He could have killed it ahead of time. He probably was the one who initiated it.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Or perhaps because loud bangs could be a security risk for a potential POTUS as she gives a speech in a glass building. But who knows...', '>>{solefald} : Are we going to ask for a proof or just start blindly believing it because its anti-Trump, and this sub eats up anything anti-Trump?', ">>{ConservativeTraitors} : It's proof that they're fallible, but not proof that they're not White House insiders.", ">>{moxievernors} : We don't know that this account (if real) has a meaningful role in the WH. They could just be hearing and reporting gossip. Alternatively, we know there's the Establishment faction and the Bannon faction of the GOP. We could be hearing mostly one side. However, they've gone from being hush hush and one or two tweets a day to pretty active. That's a red flag in my books. Edit. But that's not necessarily proof.", ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : > making strong pushes towards cleaner energy and offering miners job preference, and additional benefits, would've been great. That actually was her plan if you read it. Trump's coal plan is a Soviet style national government run coal company. It is fucking frightening watching his Cultist demand more and more Soviet style economics.", '>>{E-rockComment} : Do you have proof for either of these claims or is this just conjecture?', ">>{radicalelation} : I did, but I didn't really hear it. Most people don't read a candidates entire platform. They wait for speech replays and interviews on TV.", '>>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : They also love to "Break News" that was broken by traditional media a few hours before.', '>>{Innovative_Wombat} : People tell me, a great number of people tell me, that Trump underwent secret surgery in Moscow where the shadow KGB installed a device that feeds Trump the agenda of Russia. Clearly, we must be on alert.', ">>{Format137_BossMode} : You can't force a private enterprise to give preference to certain employees. Maybe the coal miners should have done school in their spare time to get more educated so they could get a better job. At least that's what you guys all tell Millenials", ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : > They wait for speech replays and interviews on TV. She did talk about it, but it was drowned out by the constant attack ads saying she'd put coal plants out of business. Clinton actually had a rural development plan. The GOP...all they have is a plan to ensure generations of rural white Americans will be trapped in poverty. Talk about voting against your interests.", ">>{radicalelation} : You're right. While a lot of the Clinton campaign felt more like a product advertising campaign than a political one, they kind of dropped the ball in out-marketing the GOP. With no ground game in Wisconsin (I know, not coal country, but it speaks to their mistakes of campaigning), to rarely having a press conference, or really getting out with the voters, she just wasn't sold well.", ">>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : The burden of proof is on those making fantastic claims. Occam's razor is on the side of the account being fake. Especially when you consider the sheer amount of fake twitter accounts. If they're real it would be real easy to break a story before the media does. They never do. EVER.", ">>{radicalelation} : Can't force them, but you can offer subsidies in exchange for employee preference.", ">>{Lochleon} : Complete lie of a headline. Donald's tweet was milquetoast if anything. Most cowardly Ive heard him address an issue.", ">>{E-rockComment} : This is old news! Here's new news: [Trump admits allegiance with Vladimir Putin helped him win the Presidency](http://i.imgur.com/zqOs8yr.gifv)", '>>{MostMorbidOne} : We heard on election night about this. Story is old and well pointless. Back to holding president-elect Trump accountable. He actually won guys! Engross *yourselves* in victory not shit that literally does not matter.', '>>{Teamjuju88} : Sorry everyone, I just thought it was an interesting article.', '>>{backtorealitywepour} : Kellayane said the same thing. If this staff is as close to Trump as Conway then they certainly are legit', '>>{onetoughmotherfucker} : Hillary had plans which included retraining those workers for a new industry! The problem is those plans were on her website, so that would have required some reading.', ">>{Justice502} : That's something they could have easily been blindsided on. Them being part of the staff is all that's been claimed, not that they are in Trumps inner circle.", ">>{War_Cloud} : I'm very confused... r/politics has been like acting like Trump has already been sworn into office for awhile now.", ">>{E-rockComment} : It's going to be a *long* four (eight..?) years!", ">>{hearthneewb} : Trump didn't even speak against it he played both sides it's pretty silly we are giving him credit for this.", '>>{SSeaborn} : I think this is what they call the honeymoon phase. It is getting annoying though. I wonder how many slack jawed yokels are out there cheering about Trump saving all these jobs.', '>>{dudeguyy23} : Good lord NYT. Come on. I\'ll take "Shitty headlines" for $800, Alex.', '>>{War_Cloud} : Sorry I\'ll stick to CNN from now on... CNN - \'President-elect Donald Trump dramatically strong-armed House Republicans into line Tuesday in his first Washington power play, after they voted to gut an ethics watchdog in a manner that undercut his vow to drain the establishment "swamp." \'', '>>{dudeguyy23} : Hey not advocating for them either. Lord knows cable news is rifleman with problems. But I actually respect the Times so I expect more from them.', '>>{E-rockComment} : I think you think more about Trump than Trump thinks about Trump!', ">>{TinyBaron} : You don't think the Republican President-elect was informed of the GOP's congressional agenda since he got elected?", '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. That is the logical fallacy you are falling victim to if you think Trump saved it.', '>>{dbSterling} : All of these major publications printed stories and aired segments without any bit of research whatsoever. They just looked at his Twitter and assumed causation without any investigation. Vice News is the only source that recognized it was really the constituents.', '>>{fudge_friend} : Did you read his tweet? He called the ethics office "unfair" and wanted Congress to focus on the tax and healthcare issues instead. Not exactly shoulder to shoulder with the people.', '>>{C0wabungaa} : To be fair, I doubt any other president-elect has been influencing or trying to influence the policy decisions and political relationships of the existing government as much as Trump is doing now. Also, why the crappy title, bro? The article is neither called that nor saying that.', ">>{C0wabungaa} : In the article: > Speaker\xa0Paul D. Ryan\xa0easily won re-election, but not before the embarrassment of having his members defy him by voting to eliminate the ethics office, only to then\xa0abandon that effort\xa0**after a flood of criticism from constituents** and Twitter messages from President-elect Donald J. Trump that criticized House Republican priorities. And > That provoked an outcry from both Democrats and voters who flooded House offices with angry calls.\xa0 Don't blame the source for the OP's shitty title that isn't even like the original article's title. Do people not actually read the sources? Sheesh...", ">>{C0wabungaa} : The *actual* headline of the article is > Turmoil Overshadows First Day of\xa0Republican-Controlled\xa0Congress Which is pretty fair. Neither does the article credit this solely to Trump or even go deep into a supposed connection between the two Don't blame the NYT for OP's crappy post title and the untrue implications that stem from it.", ">>{C0wabungaa} : Read the article first before commenting against it. The article barely mentions Trump in relation to Congress' decision regarding this. Hell, as an article it isn't even mostly about that one decision, it's about Congress' first day as a whole.", '>>{PhonySnark} : The media always being there to credit this clown for things he had nothing to do with is gonna be the most annoying thing about the next four years.', ">>{dudeguyy23} : Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up. I didn't even notice the OP ha don't changed the title."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Knowing She Would Lose, Clinton Cancelled her Hudson Fireworks Display Before Election Day', ">>{SATexas1} : It was a little presumptuous to think that the election would be called by 9:30 to begin with. In 2012 the race wasn't called until after 11", '>>{Format137_BossMode} : I thought it was interesting until the "refusing to save jobs of coal miners in West Virginia" and I just noped out because that is ludicrous to expect a single president in a market economy with an opposition party in control of the legislature to individually be responsible for saving jobs of a small group of individuals. It\'s one thing if your general out look and policy creates or removes jobs, like Obama\'s or Trump\'s broad visions, it\'s another to be that specific. Plus, Coal jobs left in West Virginia due to technology advances and the coal left in WV being easier to mine. No president was going to change that. Besides, demand for coal is dropping like a rock anyway thanks to fracking and cheap natural gas, so those jobs would be going away regardless.', ">>{radicalelation} : There are routes to save the coal miners themselves that a president could move towards. Maybe they wouldn't be coal miners anymore, but making strong pushes towards cleaner energy and offering miners job preference, and additional benefits, would've been great. Instead, Hillary came across as uncaring, and Trump was claiming to be a savior of the jobs they already have.", ">>{bondbird} : This is an opinion articles that didn't give any facts to back up their claim ... not worth reading.", '>>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : Which is ridiculous. Market economy. You are right, Hillary could have acted like she cared, the Donald did. Neither one of them care or will/could have done a damn thing about it.', '>>{MAGA-forthekids} : She should have went ahead with it to show she can be a gracious loser.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Or perhaps because loud bangs could be a security risk for a potential POTUS as she gives a speech in a glass building. But who knows...', ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : > making strong pushes towards cleaner energy and offering miners job preference, and additional benefits, would've been great. That actually was her plan if you read it. Trump's coal plan is a Soviet style national government run coal company. It is fucking frightening watching his Cultist demand more and more Soviet style economics.", ">>{radicalelation} : I did, but I didn't really hear it. Most people don't read a candidates entire platform. They wait for speech replays and interviews on TV.", '>>{Innovative_Wombat} : People tell me, a great number of people tell me, that Trump underwent secret surgery in Moscow where the shadow KGB installed a device that feeds Trump the agenda of Russia. Clearly, we must be on alert.', ">>{Format137_BossMode} : You can't force a private enterprise to give preference to certain employees. Maybe the coal miners should have done school in their spare time to get more educated so they could get a better job. At least that's what you guys all tell Millenials", ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : > They wait for speech replays and interviews on TV. She did talk about it, but it was drowned out by the constant attack ads saying she'd put coal plants out of business. Clinton actually had a rural development plan. The GOP...all they have is a plan to ensure generations of rural white Americans will be trapped in poverty. Talk about voting against your interests.", ">>{radicalelation} : You're right. While a lot of the Clinton campaign felt more like a product advertising campaign than a political one, they kind of dropped the ball in out-marketing the GOP. With no ground game in Wisconsin (I know, not coal country, but it speaks to their mistakes of campaigning), to rarely having a press conference, or really getting out with the voters, she just wasn't sold well.", ">>{radicalelation} : Can't force them, but you can offer subsidies in exchange for employee preference.", '>>{MostMorbidOne} : We heard on election night about this. Story is old and well pointless. Back to holding president-elect Trump accountable. He actually won guys! Engross *yourselves* in victory not shit that literally does not matter.', '>>{onetoughmotherfucker} : Hillary had plans which included retraining those workers for a new industry! The problem is those plans were on her website, so that would have required some reading.'], [">>{IPeedOnTrumpAMA} : Hell of a scoop guys... we've been following them for weeks now. Fake", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : In that they\'ve been blatantly wrong numerous times, are obsessed with challenging people who they disagree with, and essentially run on the premise of "Just Trust us we\'re legit!" when what they are right about could easily be gleamed from the news.', '>>{JohnTitor2020} : Them being outright wrong about things they said were coming isn\'t proof of falsehoods! no but telling us that Flynn "Was def. not going anywher,e Trump 100% behind him!" and then suddenly Flynn is leaving like, an hour later. idk. you tell me. But to ask you, whats the proof it;\'s true beyond "i want it to be"?', ">>{ConservativeTraitors} : I'm not saying it's true, I'm saying you have no proof it's false, a claim that you made.", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : You mean like them outright saying things that dont happen or arent true, like their spiel about Flynn only going somewhere because apparently Mike Pence is a kingpin in the white house once their whole "Flynn will def 100% not go anywhere cause trumps got him fam!" fell apart?', ">>{Bartins} : It's not definitive proof but it is certainly proof beyond a reasonable doubt", '>>{solefald} : Are we going to ask for a proof or just start blindly believing it because its anti-Trump, and this sub eats up anything anti-Trump?', ">>{ConservativeTraitors} : It's proof that they're fallible, but not proof that they're not White House insiders.", ">>{moxievernors} : We don't know that this account (if real) has a meaningful role in the WH. They could just be hearing and reporting gossip. Alternatively, we know there's the Establishment faction and the Bannon faction of the GOP. We could be hearing mostly one side. However, they've gone from being hush hush and one or two tweets a day to pretty active. That's a red flag in my books. Edit. But that's not necessarily proof.", '>>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : They also love to "Break News" that was broken by traditional media a few hours before.', ">>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : The burden of proof is on those making fantastic claims. Occam's razor is on the side of the account being fake. Especially when you consider the sheer amount of fake twitter accounts. If they're real it would be real easy to break a story before the media does. They never do. EVER.", '>>{Teamjuju88} : Sorry everyone, I just thought it was an interesting article.', '>>{backtorealitywepour} : Kellayane said the same thing. If this staff is as close to Trump as Conway then they certainly are legit', ">>{Justice502} : That's something they could have easily been blindsided on. Them being part of the staff is all that's been claimed, not that they are in Trumps inner circle."], [">>{TinyBaron} : He didn't save it. All those people calling in did.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : The Donny only squeaked, just barely, about it and blamed it on timing. The clogged voice mail and inboxes of Congress saved the ethics committee (if this wasn't, in fact, a whole lot of political theater.)", ">>{E-rockComment} : I think it was a joint effort, they're not mutually exclusive claims. The President-elect and the people stood firmly together shoulder to shoulder on this one.", ">>{ceaguila84} : We are freaking screwed. The media hasn't learned anything from the election.. First Carrier deal, then Sprint, and now this 🤔", '>>{TinyBaron} : He just saw the way the wind was blowing and jumped on the bandwagon. He could have killed it ahead of time. He probably was the one who initiated it.', '>>{E-rockComment} : Do you have proof for either of these claims or is this just conjecture?', ">>{Lochleon} : Complete lie of a headline. Donald's tweet was milquetoast if anything. Most cowardly Ive heard him address an issue.", ">>{E-rockComment} : This is old news! Here's new news: [Trump admits allegiance with Vladimir Putin helped him win the Presidency](http://i.imgur.com/zqOs8yr.gifv)", ">>{War_Cloud} : I'm very confused... r/politics has been like acting like Trump has already been sworn into office for awhile now.", ">>{E-rockComment} : It's going to be a *long* four (eight..?) years!", ">>{hearthneewb} : Trump didn't even speak against it he played both sides it's pretty silly we are giving him credit for this.", '>>{SSeaborn} : I think this is what they call the honeymoon phase. It is getting annoying though. I wonder how many slack jawed yokels are out there cheering about Trump saving all these jobs.', '>>{dudeguyy23} : Good lord NYT. Come on. I\'ll take "Shitty headlines" for $800, Alex.', '>>{War_Cloud} : Sorry I\'ll stick to CNN from now on... CNN - \'President-elect Donald Trump dramatically strong-armed House Republicans into line Tuesday in his first Washington power play, after they voted to gut an ethics watchdog in a manner that undercut his vow to drain the establishment "swamp." \'', '>>{dudeguyy23} : Hey not advocating for them either. Lord knows cable news is rifleman with problems. But I actually respect the Times so I expect more from them.', '>>{E-rockComment} : I think you think more about Trump than Trump thinks about Trump!', ">>{TinyBaron} : You don't think the Republican President-elect was informed of the GOP's congressional agenda since he got elected?", '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. That is the logical fallacy you are falling victim to if you think Trump saved it.', '>>{dbSterling} : All of these major publications printed stories and aired segments without any bit of research whatsoever. They just looked at his Twitter and assumed causation without any investigation. Vice News is the only source that recognized it was really the constituents.', '>>{fudge_friend} : Did you read his tweet? He called the ethics office "unfair" and wanted Congress to focus on the tax and healthcare issues instead. Not exactly shoulder to shoulder with the people.', '>>{C0wabungaa} : To be fair, I doubt any other president-elect has been influencing or trying to influence the policy decisions and political relationships of the existing government as much as Trump is doing now. Also, why the crappy title, bro? The article is neither called that nor saying that.', ">>{C0wabungaa} : In the article: > Speaker\xa0Paul D. Ryan\xa0easily won re-election, but not before the embarrassment of having his members defy him by voting to eliminate the ethics office, only to then\xa0abandon that effort\xa0**after a flood of criticism from constituents** and Twitter messages from President-elect Donald J. Trump that criticized House Republican priorities. And > That provoked an outcry from both Democrats and voters who flooded House offices with angry calls.\xa0 Don't blame the source for the OP's shitty title that isn't even like the original article's title. Do people not actually read the sources? Sheesh...", ">>{C0wabungaa} : The *actual* headline of the article is > Turmoil Overshadows First Day of\xa0Republican-Controlled\xa0Congress Which is pretty fair. Neither does the article credit this solely to Trump or even go deep into a supposed connection between the two Don't blame the NYT for OP's crappy post title and the untrue implications that stem from it.", ">>{C0wabungaa} : Read the article first before commenting against it. The article barely mentions Trump in relation to Congress' decision regarding this. Hell, as an article it isn't even mostly about that one decision, it's about Congress' first day as a whole.", '>>{PhonySnark} : The media always being there to credit this clown for things he had nothing to do with is gonna be the most annoying thing about the next four years.', ">>{dudeguyy23} : Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up. I didn't even notice the OP ha don't changed the title."]]
classify and reply
['>>{GrandpaJoey} : Indian-American Republican Ohio State Representative Denied Elected Official Seating at Trump Town Hall Meeting', '>>{sphere2040} : Kasich, Jeb and Cruz come out like GOP heroes from this fiasco. Pretty smart of them not to release their respective delegates during the convention.', ">>{2-16-2016} : “'The campaign has told me not to give you this preferred seating,'” Just another red flag that a Trump presidency would be filled with rewarding friends, and destroying enemies (or just someone who criticizes him) with denial of services, an FBI investigation, addition to no flight list, to name a few. Sounds a whole lot like Turkey's Erdogan administration.", '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : I was watching Fox News earlier and one of the analysts complained that the Mosul offensive was timed to coincide with the US election and that Obama approved the timing for political purposes. GOP "logic": we need to defeat and destroy ISIS ASAP but only after the election. These guys are sick in the head.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : But....what about Trump's secret plan to defeat them?", ">>{BefallenTragedy} : I wish the Iraqi's luck, they're going to need it.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : >Before today he would have been willing to endorse Trump and do work on his behalf in Ohio, a critical swing state. “I’m probably not going to any more,” he said. LOL, you're supposed to burn bridges *after* you cross them, morons. No wonder there are so many tight races in what should be reliably red states.", ">>{Trumpbart} : Some have called this the real October surprise. A major victory against ISIS indicates that we're rolling them back, which we already have been, but recapturing a city makes a demonstrable case that we are.", '>>{MasterLJ} : There is a live stream of someone in Mosul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wcKAD5bUPw&feature=player_embedded', '>>{Ximitar} : That guy is brown. Get rid of him, would you please?', ">>{17281posse} : I've often wondered if media talking heads say stupid shit for the paycheck or because they don't realize they are saying stupid shit.", '>>{Sidecarlover} : Someone needs to tweet Donald. I can totally see him going on a tweetstorm crying about the timing.', ">>{MasterLJ} : The timetable was set by the ISF, they have been quoting the end of the year for a while now. We are there, advising and supporting, but this isn't really our mission anyway... it couldn't be used as a US political tool if they wanted it to.", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : If only supreme tactical genius, arch-generalissimo, and heel-spur sufferer Donald Trump had been consulted they would be long gone by now. This is what you get for letting those amateurs with actual military experience run things. /s', '>>{AnusFreeSince93} : Way to race bait by including his ethnicity in the title when it had nothing to do with the article.', '>>{JoshuaZ1} : It is clear from the article that his ethnicity had nothing to do with the matter but was rather a very marginally critical tweet. This seems like angering an otherwise potential ally for good reason. It is also interesting coming on the heel of the Mark Foley matter because it shows that Trump or his people are really paying attention to who they have seated. Sexually harassing underage boys? No problem. Write a tweet talking about difficulty with canvassing? No seat for you!', ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : I am surprised to read that the Iraqi military has thermobarics and the expertise/ability to deliver them. I'm guessing the US is providing them?", '>>{PISSED_AT_UTA} : And yet an ex-representative convicted of pedophilia gets front row seats at a Trump rally. And of course, he claims to have decade long ties with him. Seriously, how can anyone vote for this man?', '>>{mastermoebius} : This has absolutely nothing to do with the election, long time coming.', '>>{DietrichDoesDamage} : He tweeted about canvassing difficulty and THAT got him on Trumps no sit list? Good god', '>>{JoshuaZ1} : Well, maybe my wording is slightly too strong. From this article: > Antani, 25, who was a delegate for Ohio Gov. John Kasich, had been canvassing his district last Thursday, knocking on doors as is his tradition and asking voters “Is there an issue that you are particularly concerned about?” Afterward, he tweeted: “FWIW, knocking doors in most affluent part of my GOP heavy district, and not one of them has been happy with Trump." But yeah, pretty close to just talking about difficulty canvassing. It seems that the Trump people are hypersensitive to anything that even remotely sounds like a potential NeverTrumper, which ironically in this case seems to have made a new one.', '>>{MasterLJ} : Mosul is a major Iraqi city, taken by ISIS 2+ years ago. It is the last major ISIS stronghold in Iraq.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : And taking credit if it\'s successful: "Dishonest Obama stole my totally great plan for ISIS."', ">>{Viol33} : Of course if it didn't happen now, it would be because Obama is a muslim double-agent who wants to impose Sharia and convert Larry the Cable Guy to Islam.", ">>{ShittinPretty} : The chat attached to that feed is chock full of people claiming it's fake because it's light out. Someone stop the world, I want to get off.", '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Fox News has a talent to make everything about themselves or conservatives in general.', '>>{DietrichDoesDamage} : I guess he should be considering Ohio is such a swing state and important for him. Yet they keep fucking it up. Whelp', '>>{LordPantyhorn} : > Someone stop the world, I want to get off. upvote for the Anthony Newley reference.', '>>{MizzouRah22} : For those asking "Why do we tell them?" here is my ELI5 understanding: ISIS only gains legitimacy through its status as a caliphate--an actual Islamic *State*. The first attempt at "ISIS" by the first al-Baghdadi was laughed out of existence by groups like al-Qaeda because they had no support, no caliphate, no backing and weren\'t recognized as a legitimate state. ISIS\' goal is to bring about the apocalypse, a war between the West and Muslims. Anyone who does not fight in this war is apostate. The war is supposed to occur in Dabiq, however Turkish backed rebels took the city back this week, and ISIS\' last major stronghold lies in Mosul. Essentially, this will be one of the last main places that ISIS has to fight. All of its fighters must fight or else be declared apostate. Warning of this attack will likely cause dissonance within ISIS ranks and will allow townspeople to leave. Those who want to heed ISIS\' call will stay, and Iraqi/US forces will retake Mosul. The aftermath will be one of the last key battles in conquering ISIS, as without a caliphate they will be illegitimate. That\'s my ELI5 understanding of the situation, and if anyone cares to enlighten me further I\'d appreciate it.', ">>{Srs_imretarded} : Cry me a fucking river, you're Indian and you're canvassing for the GOP and Donald Trump, and you're expecting decency? Quit being so pathetic.", '>>{Ranger33} : How would one even track down a tweet like this? They have a database of every person who has said anything remotely critical of Trump on Twitter? And cross reference it with people as (relatively) unimportant as a primary delegate?', '>>{RadicalDenominators} : Um... idk... maybe because most people in the Middle East are innocent??', '>>{MasterLJ} : To properly liberate Mosul you have to set up a refugee camp (which they did) and move all types of troops, supply lines and artillery into position and give civilians time to leave (which they can\'t) or brace themselves. This has been going on for weeks now. ISIS is not stupid... it\'s not possible to launch a "sneak attack".', '>>{MasterLJ} : I will never understand this sub. This is a US political issue, both in its Genesis and in relevant political discourse. This event has huge implications for US politics. Open it back up!', ">>{Srs_imretarded} : >What if he simply agrees with the Republican political ideal and ignored race? You can disconnect the two. And he could just join the libertarian party if fiscal policy is what distances him from Dems. >playing group politics. What does that even mean? Are you the type of person who thinks addressing problems facing minority groups is 'playing identity politics'?", '>>{ksarizona} : Boo hoo. If he were a Democrat and a Bernie supporter, he would be given roses and could sit at the table.', ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Yeah, this guy wasn't even an enemy of Trump, he said he would have been willing to endorse Trump, and work on his behalf in Ohio before this happened, but not any more. Trump's goal is to destroy anyone who wasn't 100% behind him the entire time. What a spiteful child. But it's okay, it's not like Trump wants to win Ohio or anything.", ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : It's okay though, it's not like Donald wants to win Ohio.", '>>{miniatureelephant} : He was canvassing for Kasich, but still, yeah.', '>>{Mastrik} : Nah, Make a statement how he heard many people may have heard him say something positive about ISIS and BOOM! Off to Guantanamo.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{NotFooledbyFools} : I was watching Fox News earlier and one of the analysts complained that the Mosul offensive was timed to coincide with the US election and that Obama approved the timing for political purposes. GOP "logic": we need to defeat and destroy ISIS ASAP but only after the election. These guys are sick in the head.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : But....what about Trump's secret plan to defeat them?", ">>{BefallenTragedy} : I wish the Iraqi's luck, they're going to need it.", ">>{Trumpbart} : Some have called this the real October surprise. A major victory against ISIS indicates that we're rolling them back, which we already have been, but recapturing a city makes a demonstrable case that we are.", '>>{MasterLJ} : There is a live stream of someone in Mosul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wcKAD5bUPw&feature=player_embedded', ">>{17281posse} : I've often wondered if media talking heads say stupid shit for the paycheck or because they don't realize they are saying stupid shit.", '>>{Sidecarlover} : Someone needs to tweet Donald. I can totally see him going on a tweetstorm crying about the timing.', ">>{MasterLJ} : The timetable was set by the ISF, they have been quoting the end of the year for a while now. We are there, advising and supporting, but this isn't really our mission anyway... it couldn't be used as a US political tool if they wanted it to.", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : If only supreme tactical genius, arch-generalissimo, and heel-spur sufferer Donald Trump had been consulted they would be long gone by now. This is what you get for letting those amateurs with actual military experience run things. /s', ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : I am surprised to read that the Iraqi military has thermobarics and the expertise/ability to deliver them. I'm guessing the US is providing them?", '>>{mastermoebius} : This has absolutely nothing to do with the election, long time coming.', '>>{MasterLJ} : Mosul is a major Iraqi city, taken by ISIS 2+ years ago. It is the last major ISIS stronghold in Iraq.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : And taking credit if it\'s successful: "Dishonest Obama stole my totally great plan for ISIS."', ">>{Viol33} : Of course if it didn't happen now, it would be because Obama is a muslim double-agent who wants to impose Sharia and convert Larry the Cable Guy to Islam.", ">>{ShittinPretty} : The chat attached to that feed is chock full of people claiming it's fake because it's light out. Someone stop the world, I want to get off.", '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Fox News has a talent to make everything about themselves or conservatives in general.', '>>{LordPantyhorn} : > Someone stop the world, I want to get off. upvote for the Anthony Newley reference.', '>>{MizzouRah22} : For those asking "Why do we tell them?" here is my ELI5 understanding: ISIS only gains legitimacy through its status as a caliphate--an actual Islamic *State*. The first attempt at "ISIS" by the first al-Baghdadi was laughed out of existence by groups like al-Qaeda because they had no support, no caliphate, no backing and weren\'t recognized as a legitimate state. ISIS\' goal is to bring about the apocalypse, a war between the West and Muslims. Anyone who does not fight in this war is apostate. The war is supposed to occur in Dabiq, however Turkish backed rebels took the city back this week, and ISIS\' last major stronghold lies in Mosul. Essentially, this will be one of the last main places that ISIS has to fight. All of its fighters must fight or else be declared apostate. Warning of this attack will likely cause dissonance within ISIS ranks and will allow townspeople to leave. Those who want to heed ISIS\' call will stay, and Iraqi/US forces will retake Mosul. The aftermath will be one of the last key battles in conquering ISIS, as without a caliphate they will be illegitimate. That\'s my ELI5 understanding of the situation, and if anyone cares to enlighten me further I\'d appreciate it.', '>>{RadicalDenominators} : Um... idk... maybe because most people in the Middle East are innocent??', '>>{MasterLJ} : To properly liberate Mosul you have to set up a refugee camp (which they did) and move all types of troops, supply lines and artillery into position and give civilians time to leave (which they can\'t) or brace themselves. This has been going on for weeks now. ISIS is not stupid... it\'s not possible to launch a "sneak attack".', '>>{MasterLJ} : I will never understand this sub. This is a US political issue, both in its Genesis and in relevant political discourse. This event has huge implications for US politics. Open it back up!'], ['>>{GrandpaJoey} : Indian-American Republican Ohio State Representative Denied Elected Official Seating at Trump Town Hall Meeting', '>>{sphere2040} : Kasich, Jeb and Cruz come out like GOP heroes from this fiasco. Pretty smart of them not to release their respective delegates during the convention.', ">>{2-16-2016} : “'The campaign has told me not to give you this preferred seating,'” Just another red flag that a Trump presidency would be filled with rewarding friends, and destroying enemies (or just someone who criticizes him) with denial of services, an FBI investigation, addition to no flight list, to name a few. Sounds a whole lot like Turkey's Erdogan administration.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : >Before today he would have been willing to endorse Trump and do work on his behalf in Ohio, a critical swing state. “I’m probably not going to any more,” he said. LOL, you're supposed to burn bridges *after* you cross them, morons. No wonder there are so many tight races in what should be reliably red states.", '>>{Ximitar} : That guy is brown. Get rid of him, would you please?', '>>{AnusFreeSince93} : Way to race bait by including his ethnicity in the title when it had nothing to do with the article.', '>>{JoshuaZ1} : It is clear from the article that his ethnicity had nothing to do with the matter but was rather a very marginally critical tweet. This seems like angering an otherwise potential ally for good reason. It is also interesting coming on the heel of the Mark Foley matter because it shows that Trump or his people are really paying attention to who they have seated. Sexually harassing underage boys? No problem. Write a tweet talking about difficulty with canvassing? No seat for you!', '>>{PISSED_AT_UTA} : And yet an ex-representative convicted of pedophilia gets front row seats at a Trump rally. And of course, he claims to have decade long ties with him. Seriously, how can anyone vote for this man?', '>>{DietrichDoesDamage} : He tweeted about canvassing difficulty and THAT got him on Trumps no sit list? Good god', '>>{JoshuaZ1} : Well, maybe my wording is slightly too strong. From this article: > Antani, 25, who was a delegate for Ohio Gov. John Kasich, had been canvassing his district last Thursday, knocking on doors as is his tradition and asking voters “Is there an issue that you are particularly concerned about?” Afterward, he tweeted: “FWIW, knocking doors in most affluent part of my GOP heavy district, and not one of them has been happy with Trump." But yeah, pretty close to just talking about difficulty canvassing. It seems that the Trump people are hypersensitive to anything that even remotely sounds like a potential NeverTrumper, which ironically in this case seems to have made a new one.', '>>{DietrichDoesDamage} : I guess he should be considering Ohio is such a swing state and important for him. Yet they keep fucking it up. Whelp', ">>{Srs_imretarded} : Cry me a fucking river, you're Indian and you're canvassing for the GOP and Donald Trump, and you're expecting decency? Quit being so pathetic.", '>>{Ranger33} : How would one even track down a tweet like this? They have a database of every person who has said anything remotely critical of Trump on Twitter? And cross reference it with people as (relatively) unimportant as a primary delegate?', ">>{Srs_imretarded} : >What if he simply agrees with the Republican political ideal and ignored race? You can disconnect the two. And he could just join the libertarian party if fiscal policy is what distances him from Dems. >playing group politics. What does that even mean? Are you the type of person who thinks addressing problems facing minority groups is 'playing identity politics'?", '>>{ksarizona} : Boo hoo. If he were a Democrat and a Bernie supporter, he would be given roses and could sit at the table.', ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Yeah, this guy wasn't even an enemy of Trump, he said he would have been willing to endorse Trump, and work on his behalf in Ohio before this happened, but not any more. Trump's goal is to destroy anyone who wasn't 100% behind him the entire time. What a spiteful child. But it's okay, it's not like Trump wants to win Ohio or anything.", ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : It's okay though, it's not like Donald wants to win Ohio.", '>>{miniatureelephant} : He was canvassing for Kasich, but still, yeah.', '>>{Mastrik} : Nah, Make a statement how he heard many people may have heard him say something positive about ISIS and BOOM! Off to Guantanamo.']]
classify and reply
[">>{TrillTaskforce} : It's not free though, huh? I think I need to pay like 3.99 for it. I was considering it", ">>{pinoy_dude24} : Yup. It's not free but worth it. U can listen to audio even ur phone is lock.", ">>{somenewuser} : > I think I need to pay like 3.99 for it That's true but ProTube works a treat and, well, ya app devs gotta eat too.", '>>{Scottydbeatbox} : I have a YouTube red subscription which allows me to listen to videos in the background, and download them as well.', ">>{whythreekay} : Long time user here: Only issues I've encountered is that Chromecast support is pretty poor, it constantly needs to be reconnect to work with that device, unlike any other app I have", '>>{MistahTrouble} : Vimate is the best, it even has a dark mode.', ">>{TacoKingBean} : ProTube. I'm getting tired of their UI, but the app works great. $4 is a small price to pay for YouTube Red features", '>>{nathreed} : I use it every day, especially with background playback. No bugs to report and updates are frequent.', ">>{Trencheel303} : Tubidy. I'm amazed it's still on the App Store, as it's clearly designed for downloading YouTube videos and listening to them.", '>>{Jailbr8kme} : Check out cercube or YouTube++ they are hands down the best YouTube app out there :)', ">>{Olivares_} : Protube is your best bet. As already the UI sucks. I'm sure a lot of people appreciate it, but I hate it. Also it doesn't connect to your devices (ps4, TV) except Chromecast Other than that it's solid! And does play videos in the background"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{TrillTaskforce} : It's not free though, huh? I think I need to pay like 3.99 for it. I was considering it", ">>{pinoy_dude24} : Yup. It's not free but worth it. U can listen to audio even ur phone is lock.", ">>{somenewuser} : > I think I need to pay like 3.99 for it That's true but ProTube works a treat and, well, ya app devs gotta eat too.", '>>{Scottydbeatbox} : I have a YouTube red subscription which allows me to listen to videos in the background, and download them as well.', ">>{whythreekay} : Long time user here: Only issues I've encountered is that Chromecast support is pretty poor, it constantly needs to be reconnect to work with that device, unlike any other app I have", '>>{MistahTrouble} : Vimate is the best, it even has a dark mode.', ">>{TacoKingBean} : ProTube. I'm getting tired of their UI, but the app works great. $4 is a small price to pay for YouTube Red features", '>>{nathreed} : I use it every day, especially with background playback. No bugs to report and updates are frequent.', ">>{Trencheel303} : Tubidy. I'm amazed it's still on the App Store, as it's clearly designed for downloading YouTube videos and listening to them.", '>>{Jailbr8kme} : Check out cercube or YouTube++ they are hands down the best YouTube app out there :)', ">>{Olivares_} : Protube is your best bet. As already the UI sucks. I'm sure a lot of people appreciate it, but I hate it. Also it doesn't connect to your devices (ps4, TV) except Chromecast Other than that it's solid! And does play videos in the background"]]
classify and reply
[">>{TheRealDL} : How Trump's casino bankruptcies screwed his workers out of millions in retirement savings.", '>>{DEYoungRepublicans} : Lame duck TPP vote could be disastrous for Dems—and America', ">>{randomguyincorner} : Let's not forget HRC [was for it](http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/15/politics/45-times-secretary-clinton-pushed-the-trade-bill-she-now-opposes/) before she was against it.", '>>{twenafeesh} : The Trump administration *is* white collar crime. At minimum.', '>>{Arthrawn} : I think secretly she is for it and wants Obama to pass it before she gets in office. Meanwhile she will ride the populism of "Fuck TPP" and doesn\'t have to face the consequences of the decision.', '>>{Risk_Neutral} : After 4 years, 57% of Americans favored NAFTA. This will fly too.', ">>{blue_whaoo} : No. It's called being smart. /s *edit: apparently /s is required here", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Screwing people out of what they\'ve been promised doesn\'t make someone "smart". It just means they\'re willing to be a morally repugnant, lying dirtbag and hurt other people just to make more money. I could probably murder some tourists on a beach in Mexico, steal their money and get away with it....does doing so make me "smart"?', '>>{neptunedragon} : ...what the hell is above white collar crime?', '>>{vootator} : Is the Trump Administration Ignoring White ~~Collar~~ Crime?', ">>{BlankVerse} : Well Trump puts the Con in Conservative. He's just protecting his rich fellow kleptomaniacs.", '>>{ninemiletree} : Came here to make the same joke, realized four other people already made it. Reddit: 1 My sense of my own uniqueness: 0', ">>{GitEmSteveDave} : Is it wrong to assume the other bankruptcies in AC Casinos that weren't associated with Trump also screwed the employees?", '>>{quitegopping} : Not sure how people say he is a successful businessman. He screws people over by not paying for services, involved in over 4000 lawsuits, awful character for his behavior towards certain religions, women, disabled, etc. How is he qualified to be President? It boggles the mind.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : [The Trans Pacific Partnership?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fju459PbqIc)', '>>{SwishBender} : How bad can it be, white is right in the name? -Bannon, probably', '>>{SlawKing} : If you get away with it. Donald J. Trump', ">>{orangesarenotnasty} : Any informed person is for it. It's a great trade deal. A lot of the criticisms seem to be invented out of thin air.", ">>{1Glitch0} : It's not a crime if a white collar does it.", '>>{BoogerManCommaThe} : Outside of some wall street scandals that hurt millionaires over the years, what administration has really paid attention to white collar crime?', '>>{EllaShue} : Are pigs ignoring the health concerns over bacon? The Trump administration is made of white-collar crime, and worse. What color collar goes with treason?', ">>{twenafeesh} : I just mean that white collar crime appears to be the least of the Trump admin's worries.", ">>{randomguyincorner} : If you're so informed, what benefit does this proposal give to the average American working in manufacturing?", '>>{_Agree_to_Disagree_} : Unpopular opinion on reddit, but I think TPP seems like a good idea. I am okay with them passing it. I think we have been burned by the mistakes of NAFTA, but I think we can learn from those mistakes and pass better trade agreements.', ">>{imaginaryme24} : Full admission, I didn't read the article and don't misconstrue this as an endorsement in any way, shape, or form of Trump, but white collar crime has gone ignored by every administration. The number one rule of Congress seems to be don't bite the hand that feeds you.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : Good, because both NAFTA and TPP are good.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : > this proposal give to the average American working in manufacturing? It makes sure people working in other countries also have to keep working standards up. Things like minimum wage. If those countries have to treat their employees as well as we do, then it makes it easier to compete with them.', '>>{GrandPumba} : Of course this administration will ignore any white on anything crime.', ">>{-uberboob-} : What mechanisms would be in place for when those other countries don't?", ">>{Dan_The_Manimal} : The head of the chamber of commerce as well as terry mcauliffe agree wth you. If it's not passed before she gets there, she'll find an excuse. I look forward to bernies 3 month long filibuster.", ">>{randomguyincorner} : A listing of tables? I don't have an academic degree to decipher this form of legalese nor the advanced statistics skills needed to work out the formulas either in this document.", ">>{SavannaJeff} : Well, duh. Back then she was secretary of state, her opinions and public statements were an extension of the President's policy. When she was no longer in that role, she was free to have her own opinions.", '>>{randomguyincorner} : So as a voter, where do I define her stance? 4 years as SoS or 4 years as someone trying to get elected to public office?', ">>{SavannaJeff} : Her opinions are her own after she's no longer SoS, so whenever she's not in that role feel free to judge. You can judge whether she's effective at getting things done based on her time as SoS.", '>>{randomguyincorner} : [I commented on that earlier today.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4ww97y/dingell_cant_name_one_accomplishment_by_clinton/d6actpx)', '>>{David_Tosk} : I guess the guys at /r/wallstreetbets can finally do their pump and dump.', '>>{SerFluffywuffles} : The architects of the financial crisis got rewarded, for crying out loud.', '>>{Gargatua13013} : Ignoring it? I thought they were encouraging it.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : No; they are Legalizing it. And, I don't mean Pot!", ">>{SavannaJeff} : If a country is violating a treaty, they can have their privileges under that treaty revoked until they comply. [Otherwise, here's a good case-study using Vietnam as an example](http://law.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/1954166/Howe-and-Landau,-Labour-Standards-Enforcement-Within-and-Beyond-Party-States-Under-the-Trans-Pacific-Partnership-A-Case-Study-of-Vietnam.pdf).", ">>{TheRealDL} : If those people are running for a public office, their 'robber-barron' practices should be published as well.", '>>{treehuggerguy} : The only thing shocking about this article is that Trump actually *paid* these employees.', ">>{TheDaggestOfNabbits} : It's okay, folks. White collar criminals are *dapper*, so their crimes don't mean anything.", '>>{kckroosian} : Yes, Clinton being un-indicted proof enough for me.', ">>{pravenone} : I'm guessing they'll ignore any crime that isn't brown.", '>>{Precious_Tritium} : Treason and collusion with foreign governments to pervert the American democratic system?', ">>{oliveij} : Guys. He doesn't own this casino anymore. It's owned... Or should It say was owned by icahn enterprises. Though in fairness before it switched hands it was scrutinised for repeat fines and failure to meet industry standards. You want to blame him for that stuff before I would say you're probably right. The stuff happening right now though, not so much.", '>>{Terr_} : How about "**Cufflink Crime**"? * It refers to clothing * Has satisfying assonance * Suggests a certain kind of wealth', '>>{Terr_} : That definitely fits the neck-focus, but how many people really wear cravats anymore?', '>>{thatssoright} : I love seeing crap like this show up in all threads, especially when it has nothing to do with the article.', '>>{dezmodium} : I wouldn\'t be surprised. He didn\'t learn this shit overnight. He basically subsidized all his bad debt on the backs of his employees. They took on all the risk. That whole, "those at the top deserve to take on all the rewards because they have the most risk" line you hear? Total. Bullshit. The proof is in the shit pudding.', '>>{need_tts} : Not a trump supporter, but if he played by "the rules" shouldn\'t we really be directing our ire at existing elected officials who refuse to modify exiting law?', '>>{nakkh} : You have to answer 2 questions to reach a conclusion. Does it hurt America? Would it benefit Trump? Then yes, yes he is ignoring White collar crime.', ">>{MutteringC} : Black tie crime. It's like white collar crime, but you can go the opera or legitimate theater immediately afterwards without changing.", '>>{aw3524} : >"At its core," the judge wrote, "Plaintiffs\' assertion that Defendants breached their fiduciary duties amounts to nothing more than a claim based on perfect hindsight." The Trump executives on the retirement fund committee couldn\'t necessarily know that the restructuring would boost share prices, the judge found, given the "tenuous" position of the company at the time. sums this up', ">>{zaures} : That's not true. It's probably mostly orange by the end of each day.", ">>{justinlancaster} : Haha that title.. don't even need to read the article to know it's a big fat yes. In fact they're endorsing it.", '>>{jeepCK} : Right? What do they say: "Don\'t hate the player, hate the game."']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{twenafeesh} : The Trump administration *is* white collar crime. At minimum.', '>>{neptunedragon} : ...what the hell is above white collar crime?', '>>{vootator} : Is the Trump Administration Ignoring White ~~Collar~~ Crime?', ">>{BlankVerse} : Well Trump puts the Con in Conservative. He's just protecting his rich fellow kleptomaniacs.", '>>{ninemiletree} : Came here to make the same joke, realized four other people already made it. Reddit: 1 My sense of my own uniqueness: 0', '>>{SwishBender} : How bad can it be, white is right in the name? -Bannon, probably', ">>{1Glitch0} : It's not a crime if a white collar does it.", '>>{BoogerManCommaThe} : Outside of some wall street scandals that hurt millionaires over the years, what administration has really paid attention to white collar crime?', '>>{EllaShue} : Are pigs ignoring the health concerns over bacon? The Trump administration is made of white-collar crime, and worse. What color collar goes with treason?', ">>{twenafeesh} : I just mean that white collar crime appears to be the least of the Trump admin's worries.", ">>{imaginaryme24} : Full admission, I didn't read the article and don't misconstrue this as an endorsement in any way, shape, or form of Trump, but white collar crime has gone ignored by every administration. The number one rule of Congress seems to be don't bite the hand that feeds you.", '>>{GrandPumba} : Of course this administration will ignore any white on anything crime.', '>>{David_Tosk} : I guess the guys at /r/wallstreetbets can finally do their pump and dump.', '>>{SerFluffywuffles} : The architects of the financial crisis got rewarded, for crying out loud.', '>>{Gargatua13013} : Ignoring it? I thought they were encouraging it.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : No; they are Legalizing it. And, I don't mean Pot!", ">>{TheDaggestOfNabbits} : It's okay, folks. White collar criminals are *dapper*, so their crimes don't mean anything.", '>>{kckroosian} : Yes, Clinton being un-indicted proof enough for me.', ">>{pravenone} : I'm guessing they'll ignore any crime that isn't brown.", '>>{Precious_Tritium} : Treason and collusion with foreign governments to pervert the American democratic system?', '>>{Terr_} : How about "**Cufflink Crime**"? * It refers to clothing * Has satisfying assonance * Suggests a certain kind of wealth', '>>{Terr_} : That definitely fits the neck-focus, but how many people really wear cravats anymore?', '>>{nakkh} : You have to answer 2 questions to reach a conclusion. Does it hurt America? Would it benefit Trump? Then yes, yes he is ignoring White collar crime.', ">>{MutteringC} : Black tie crime. It's like white collar crime, but you can go the opera or legitimate theater immediately afterwards without changing.", ">>{zaures} : That's not true. It's probably mostly orange by the end of each day.", ">>{justinlancaster} : Haha that title.. don't even need to read the article to know it's a big fat yes. In fact they're endorsing it."], ['>>{DEYoungRepublicans} : Lame duck TPP vote could be disastrous for Dems—and America', ">>{randomguyincorner} : Let's not forget HRC [was for it](http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/15/politics/45-times-secretary-clinton-pushed-the-trade-bill-she-now-opposes/) before she was against it.", '>>{Arthrawn} : I think secretly she is for it and wants Obama to pass it before she gets in office. Meanwhile she will ride the populism of "Fuck TPP" and doesn\'t have to face the consequences of the decision.', '>>{Risk_Neutral} : After 4 years, 57% of Americans favored NAFTA. This will fly too.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : [The Trans Pacific Partnership?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fju459PbqIc)', ">>{orangesarenotnasty} : Any informed person is for it. It's a great trade deal. A lot of the criticisms seem to be invented out of thin air.", ">>{randomguyincorner} : If you're so informed, what benefit does this proposal give to the average American working in manufacturing?", '>>{_Agree_to_Disagree_} : Unpopular opinion on reddit, but I think TPP seems like a good idea. I am okay with them passing it. I think we have been burned by the mistakes of NAFTA, but I think we can learn from those mistakes and pass better trade agreements.', '>>{shillmaster_9000} : Good, because both NAFTA and TPP are good.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : > this proposal give to the average American working in manufacturing? It makes sure people working in other countries also have to keep working standards up. Things like minimum wage. If those countries have to treat their employees as well as we do, then it makes it easier to compete with them.', ">>{-uberboob-} : What mechanisms would be in place for when those other countries don't?", ">>{Dan_The_Manimal} : The head of the chamber of commerce as well as terry mcauliffe agree wth you. If it's not passed before she gets there, she'll find an excuse. I look forward to bernies 3 month long filibuster.", ">>{randomguyincorner} : A listing of tables? I don't have an academic degree to decipher this form of legalese nor the advanced statistics skills needed to work out the formulas either in this document.", ">>{SavannaJeff} : Well, duh. Back then she was secretary of state, her opinions and public statements were an extension of the President's policy. When she was no longer in that role, she was free to have her own opinions.", '>>{randomguyincorner} : So as a voter, where do I define her stance? 4 years as SoS or 4 years as someone trying to get elected to public office?', ">>{SavannaJeff} : Her opinions are her own after she's no longer SoS, so whenever she's not in that role feel free to judge. You can judge whether she's effective at getting things done based on her time as SoS.", '>>{randomguyincorner} : [I commented on that earlier today.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4ww97y/dingell_cant_name_one_accomplishment_by_clinton/d6actpx)', ">>{SavannaJeff} : If a country is violating a treaty, they can have their privileges under that treaty revoked until they comply. [Otherwise, here's a good case-study using Vietnam as an example](http://law.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/1954166/Howe-and-Landau,-Labour-Standards-Enforcement-Within-and-Beyond-Party-States-Under-the-Trans-Pacific-Partnership-A-Case-Study-of-Vietnam.pdf)."], [">>{TheRealDL} : How Trump's casino bankruptcies screwed his workers out of millions in retirement savings.", ">>{blue_whaoo} : No. It's called being smart. /s *edit: apparently /s is required here", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Screwing people out of what they\'ve been promised doesn\'t make someone "smart". It just means they\'re willing to be a morally repugnant, lying dirtbag and hurt other people just to make more money. I could probably murder some tourists on a beach in Mexico, steal their money and get away with it....does doing so make me "smart"?', ">>{GitEmSteveDave} : Is it wrong to assume the other bankruptcies in AC Casinos that weren't associated with Trump also screwed the employees?", '>>{quitegopping} : Not sure how people say he is a successful businessman. He screws people over by not paying for services, involved in over 4000 lawsuits, awful character for his behavior towards certain religions, women, disabled, etc. How is he qualified to be President? It boggles the mind.', '>>{SlawKing} : If you get away with it. Donald J. Trump', ">>{TheRealDL} : If those people are running for a public office, their 'robber-barron' practices should be published as well.", '>>{treehuggerguy} : The only thing shocking about this article is that Trump actually *paid* these employees.', ">>{oliveij} : Guys. He doesn't own this casino anymore. It's owned... Or should It say was owned by icahn enterprises. Though in fairness before it switched hands it was scrutinised for repeat fines and failure to meet industry standards. You want to blame him for that stuff before I would say you're probably right. The stuff happening right now though, not so much.", '>>{thatssoright} : I love seeing crap like this show up in all threads, especially when it has nothing to do with the article.', '>>{dezmodium} : I wouldn\'t be surprised. He didn\'t learn this shit overnight. He basically subsidized all his bad debt on the backs of his employees. They took on all the risk. That whole, "those at the top deserve to take on all the rewards because they have the most risk" line you hear? Total. Bullshit. The proof is in the shit pudding.', '>>{need_tts} : Not a trump supporter, but if he played by "the rules" shouldn\'t we really be directing our ire at existing elected officials who refuse to modify exiting law?', '>>{aw3524} : >"At its core," the judge wrote, "Plaintiffs\' assertion that Defendants breached their fiduciary duties amounts to nothing more than a claim based on perfect hindsight." The Trump executives on the retirement fund committee couldn\'t necessarily know that the restructuring would boost share prices, the judge found, given the "tenuous" position of the company at the time. sums this up', '>>{jeepCK} : Right? What do they say: "Don\'t hate the player, hate the game."']]
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[">>{Grnmntman} : And hopefully we are starting to see through Clinton's lies. Edit: she must stand down after the recent Inspectors General's report.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : So Boomers span 18 years, gen X 11 years, and millennials 17 years. We probably shouldn't break the age groups up that way.", '>>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : I think the years change based of whatever narrative they are pushing.', '>>{Akamaru} : I keep telling people, older "Millennials" are really Generation X. Millennials don\'t really remember life before technology becoming cheap and ubiquitous as well as life before 9/11.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : I wonder why the authors didn\'t use the correct ages of generation x. > [In a 2012 article for the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, George Masnick wrote that the "Census counted 82.1 million" Gen Xers in the U.S. The Harvard Center uses 1965 to 1984 to define Gen X so that Boomers, Xers, and Millennials "cover equal 20-year age spans".[14] Masnick concluded that immigration filled in any birth year deficits during low fertility years of the late 1960s and early 1970s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X)', ">>{MatthewSTANMitchell} : Most millennials remember exactly where they were on 9/11, and fought the war with Gen X'ers in the subsequent years. I also remember the cell phone slowly phasing in from Nokia, razr, and etc. Millennials: 81-97 Generation X: 65-80 Boomers:51-54 Of course the Silent Generation proceeded all these too lazy to look up that year span. Have they named the new generation?", '>>{toadfan64} : I was born in 92 and millennial just seems like a silly term to be attached to since I have pretty vivid memories from before the year 2000.', ">>{Purlpo} : One of the biggest problems in American politics, if not the root cause of it all. Call me ageist if you must, I don't care.", ">>{antoniomiller} : These people were young once and worked very hard why shouldn't they have a say? It's not their fault that they are such a big group because their parents were very fertile.", '>>{Purlpo} : They were raised in the best economic period of American history, and they are the ones who eat up the "Wall Street is great" crap. Also probably the reason why Congress has 12% approval ratings and not 0%.', ">>{antoniomiller} : They did grow up in a different era but they're entitled to their views and opinions because they're Americans just like you. One day young folks will resent our generation too, just like boomers resented their parents.", '>>{Jumbus12} : [This calls them generation Z/Boomlets.](http://www.marketingteacher.com/the-six-living-generations-in-america/)', '>>{CurtlyCurlyAlex} : As an older Millennial, their generation name pisses me off so much. What a bunch of lazy freeloaders! /s', '>>{jusjerm} : You\'re not ageist, you\'re just a typical young kid. It\'s the same phase you see with atheists purporting themselves to be more logical than any theist. Not to insult you, but I don\'t think there\'s any 20-year old that has not thought "oh, just wait until these old people are gone!"', '>>{jusjerm} : Sorry that your belief was cliche. Did you fire up some John Mayer "waiting on the world to change" on your hot new technology? Do you feel bad that you had a typo in the same sentence you claimed mental superiority? Besides your petulant reaction to taking it personally, I\'m speaking as someone at least 15 years older than you and saying when I was your age, we all thought the same thing, too. It really is the equivalent to what you see in /r/atheism when the suddenly enlightened fifteen year olds come out to shit all over everyone who believes. That\'s phase one. Phase two is where you\'re at- blame the old and hope they die.', '>>{Purlpo} : Lol branding the digital revolution as "the hot new technology" I find it cute you wouldn\'t take it seriously, that\'s the mistake several middle east dictators did', ">>{jusjerm} : Yeah, being told you are part of a gimmick revolution by a politician doesn't make you a revolutionary.", '>>{Purlpo} : Going off into a completely irrelevant topic, more proof of that mental superiority', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : It's so sad you trace your life by cell phone technology.", '>>{MatthewSTANMitchell} : I wouldn\'t say I traced my life by cell phone technology. That\'s a pretty ridiculous leap. How would the evolution of cell phone technology be interesting to someone who grew up to see it all implemented, when before the best you had was a cordless house phone. Did someone pick on you this morning you poor guy? Maybe you\'re like one of those boomers I heard say "I don\'t want to use one of them computers that something my daughter does" in reference to getting a job', '>>{whatsazipper} : What year would you suggest be the cutoff for Generation X/Millenial?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Grnmntman} : And hopefully we are starting to see through Clinton's lies. Edit: she must stand down after the recent Inspectors General's report.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : So Boomers span 18 years, gen X 11 years, and millennials 17 years. We probably shouldn't break the age groups up that way.", '>>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : I think the years change based of whatever narrative they are pushing.', '>>{Akamaru} : I keep telling people, older "Millennials" are really Generation X. Millennials don\'t really remember life before technology becoming cheap and ubiquitous as well as life before 9/11.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : I wonder why the authors didn\'t use the correct ages of generation x. > [In a 2012 article for the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, George Masnick wrote that the "Census counted 82.1 million" Gen Xers in the U.S. The Harvard Center uses 1965 to 1984 to define Gen X so that Boomers, Xers, and Millennials "cover equal 20-year age spans".[14] Masnick concluded that immigration filled in any birth year deficits during low fertility years of the late 1960s and early 1970s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X)', ">>{MatthewSTANMitchell} : Most millennials remember exactly where they were on 9/11, and fought the war with Gen X'ers in the subsequent years. I also remember the cell phone slowly phasing in from Nokia, razr, and etc. Millennials: 81-97 Generation X: 65-80 Boomers:51-54 Of course the Silent Generation proceeded all these too lazy to look up that year span. Have they named the new generation?", '>>{toadfan64} : I was born in 92 and millennial just seems like a silly term to be attached to since I have pretty vivid memories from before the year 2000.', ">>{Purlpo} : One of the biggest problems in American politics, if not the root cause of it all. Call me ageist if you must, I don't care.", ">>{antoniomiller} : These people were young once and worked very hard why shouldn't they have a say? It's not their fault that they are such a big group because their parents were very fertile.", '>>{Purlpo} : They were raised in the best economic period of American history, and they are the ones who eat up the "Wall Street is great" crap. Also probably the reason why Congress has 12% approval ratings and not 0%.', ">>{antoniomiller} : They did grow up in a different era but they're entitled to their views and opinions because they're Americans just like you. One day young folks will resent our generation too, just like boomers resented their parents.", '>>{Jumbus12} : [This calls them generation Z/Boomlets.](http://www.marketingteacher.com/the-six-living-generations-in-america/)', '>>{CurtlyCurlyAlex} : As an older Millennial, their generation name pisses me off so much. What a bunch of lazy freeloaders! /s', '>>{jusjerm} : You\'re not ageist, you\'re just a typical young kid. It\'s the same phase you see with atheists purporting themselves to be more logical than any theist. Not to insult you, but I don\'t think there\'s any 20-year old that has not thought "oh, just wait until these old people are gone!"', '>>{jusjerm} : Sorry that your belief was cliche. Did you fire up some John Mayer "waiting on the world to change" on your hot new technology? Do you feel bad that you had a typo in the same sentence you claimed mental superiority? Besides your petulant reaction to taking it personally, I\'m speaking as someone at least 15 years older than you and saying when I was your age, we all thought the same thing, too. It really is the equivalent to what you see in /r/atheism when the suddenly enlightened fifteen year olds come out to shit all over everyone who believes. That\'s phase one. Phase two is where you\'re at- blame the old and hope they die.', '>>{Purlpo} : Lol branding the digital revolution as "the hot new technology" I find it cute you wouldn\'t take it seriously, that\'s the mistake several middle east dictators did', ">>{jusjerm} : Yeah, being told you are part of a gimmick revolution by a politician doesn't make you a revolutionary.", '>>{Purlpo} : Going off into a completely irrelevant topic, more proof of that mental superiority', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : It's so sad you trace your life by cell phone technology.", '>>{MatthewSTANMitchell} : I wouldn\'t say I traced my life by cell phone technology. That\'s a pretty ridiculous leap. How would the evolution of cell phone technology be interesting to someone who grew up to see it all implemented, when before the best you had was a cordless house phone. Did someone pick on you this morning you poor guy? Maybe you\'re like one of those boomers I heard say "I don\'t want to use one of them computers that something my daughter does" in reference to getting a job', '>>{whatsazipper} : What year would you suggest be the cutoff for Generation X/Millenial?']]
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['>>{juliannegarner1} : In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent', '>>{glowmoss} : Trump Campaign CEO Cited Mormon Missionary Service To Slam Romney Sons', ">>{nirad} : hey Paul, what's that thing around your ankle?", '>>{rluo502} : More reasons to vote Trump. Fuck these left bigots that only defend free speech when it suits their fucking agenda.', '>>{OJSamson} : has desperation now pushed Donald to be "there"', '>>{VapeApe} : Says the person supporting a candidate who has literally called the free press the "enemy of the people".', ">>{ruffruffbarkbark} : Falling for the bait. If the Antifa where to just hold their own demo countering it or better yet not even show up. This would not haven even been a news story. Now this is going to give an impression that we are a lawless nation. When the public see's this they veer to the right. This will help Trump and the right in general.", ">>{oranjemania} : GOP senator: 'I will not be voting for Donald Trump'", ">>{sedgwickian} : > Please welcome a man whose actions I've called racist on at least 4 separate occasions but who I support for president because...uhh...because Jesus Christ you people give me no choi... [muffled sounds, microphone cut, security ushers him off the stage]", ">>{Nate_W} : First GOP Senator that's up for reelection. On top of the 50 Republican national security experts. That's a lot per day.", '>>{glowmoss} : > “Mitt Romney goes to the Republican convention, gives his acceptance speech, people give him a standing ovation, and he doesn’t have the common decency to say one thing about our troops fighting in Afghanistan?” Bannon said. “This is a guy who avoided military duty in Vietnam; who has five sons who look like movie stars who have not served their country one day. Oh, but by the way all of them did their two years of Mormon missionary service — every one of them.” > Romney obtained four draft deferments during the Vietnam war, three for his academic studies and one for his service as a Mormon “minister of religion.” Donald Trump also received four draft deferments, including one medical deferment that his campaign has attributed to bone spurs in his feet. Independent candidate Evan McMullin seized on it, declaring it "religious bigotry." As did the Democratic party in Utah. And it\'s the leading story on The Salt Lake Tribute. Doubtful that Utah will flip blue, but...', ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : Fodder for attack ads for the rest of Ryan's career...", '>>{JimmyHavok} : Antifa are nihilists. They want the system to fail.', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : This is just strange. I wonder what these people think will happen to his voters. Literally 44% of the party. They are not handling this well. Could see an actual split.', '>>{oranjemania} : Tl;dr "With the passage of time, I have become increasingly dismayed by his constant stream of cruel comments and his inability to admit error or apologize," she said. However, there were three incidences in particular that led her to make her decision: when Trump mocked a disabled reporter; when he said Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not be fair about Trump University because of his Mexican heritage; and when he attacked a Gold Star family, the Khans, after they spoke out against him at the Democratic National Convention. "I am also deeply concerned that Mr.\u2009Trump\'s lack of self-restraint and his barrage of ill-informed comments would make an already perilous world even more so," Collins wrote in the op-ed.', ">>{wytxcook} : Quick, someone remind me what Congress' approval ratings are. With out looking it up, my guess is 6% approval.", ">>{ruffruffbarkbark} : They went on 24/7 for months on end to gather American support for the Iraq War. So I can't say they are an Allie. Look at the intel that the media was using, anyone with some background of the region could tell it was complete shhittt. Yeah tell people that secular Iraqi leaders where hiding those behind 9/11, then the stuff about WMDs and spreading democracy.", '>>{VapeApe} : You named one of many press outlets he disparaged. He said THE MEDIA, is CNN all of the media? Does Fox and Breitbart somehow not fit into that umbrella? Slippery slopes motherfucker.', ">>{oranjemania} : > This is just strange. Perhaps they're truly called by conscience. Stranger things have happened.", '>>{senyor_brownbear} : She will face an election in 2020. She won re-election with 68% of the vote in 2014.', ">>{oranjemania} : > Congress' approval ratings Maybe Susan Collins' approval ratings with her constituents are more important.", ">>{sunnieskye1} : Is Ryan tired of his job or is he trying to make Trump seem more acceptable to Republicans who think he's scum?", '>>{Retardedclownface} : Dem libturds is vilent aynd causin strif, ima vot Trump now.', '>>{as_a_black_guy} : [Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks Had I from old and young ! Instead of the cross, the Albatross About my neck was hung.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSbUZbywmbg)', ">>{VapeApe} : A wave of ultra patriotism gripped the entire country following 9/11, and the REPUBLICANS who were in charge were beating the drums of war. That WMD's shit and spreading democracy in Iraq were THE MAIN TALKING POINTS OF THE REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. Not exactly media created ideas. There were plenty of people in the media at the time who were saying this was a bad idea, but people didn't listen. How do you explain the fact that it was the media investigating that found the WMD thing was a lie? How do you explain the hard turn on Bush when Iraq didn't pan out?", '>>{martin519} : Seriously. I thought Ryan had presidential aspirations and the reason why he was reluctant to take the house gig was because it put him in such a difficult position at such an early point in his career. Unless of course the plan is to scuttle a Trump presidency as quickly as possible and install Pence-somebody else.', ">>{Drgntrnr} : Yeah but Hillary voted for it, so essentially she started the entire war and then personally founded ISIS later on. Just ignore everything going on with Trump, it's more important to focus on her still.", ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : This dude is just full of hate for anyone not white and male and Protestant, ain't he?", '>>{007meow} : If Trump loses 2016, this will be held against Ryan in 2020 and beyond. It will become the new "voted for the Iraq war."', '>>{senyor_brownbear} : Do you want to guess what *her* approval rating is? She was re-elected a year ago with 68% of the vote. She is vastly more popular than Trump is in Maine.', '>>{bitfriend} : >If the Antifa where to just hold their own demo countering it or better yet not even show up. This would not haven even been a news story. This is bad English, what are you trying to say?', ">>{VapeApe} : Sure there is! They will know that society doesn't accept them or their ideology. I'll always argue with a Nazi.", ">>{throwmeaway69b} : > “This is a guy who avoided military duty in Vietnam; Glad he's been as critical about Trumps military service........", '>>{RichardThe3} : Okay, allow me to correct myself; there\'s no point arguing with a *dishonest* Nazi. He just makes up his positions on things. He doesn\'t actually care about the arguments, just the lens the argument will be viewed through. He\'s only here to subvert. And that\'s not my words; it\'s his! u/UA_Hammer (hey bud!) has literally admitted to all this. He\'ll go into a thread and complain about illegal immigration, but then in his alt-right communities and bizarre pseudo-debate appeasement chambers he\'ll proudly admit he just hates brown people. It\'s just a proxy. He\'s only interested in shifting overton windows. In "appearing reasonable" so as to radicalize so-called "alt lite" further down the path. You can\'t debate with that level of intellectual dishonesty. How could you? He won\'t even admit his real principles to you unless you pry them out of him.', ">>{arcxa} : So while we are blaming Trump for everything - it's freaking raining again. Freaking Trump...", ">>{Rugrin} : If Captain America taught me anything it's that punching a nazi in the face is always the right thing to do.", ">>{wytxcook} : You're right. And Cruz won the primary too. A republican hasn't won Main and their 4 electoral votes since 1988.", '>>{Socrates_Burrito} : Susan Collins represents a rare faction of the GOP that in recent years has actually worked for bipartisanship. The GOP will need moderate, compromise ready individuals like her moving forward in order to survive long term.', '>>{CuntTheRouge} : He implies that having at least one offspring be a service member is a requirement to be president. Also, Mormon Missionary service is not a selfish thing--and depending on where you are, it can be some rough shit. I read about it in a Business Week article that suggested it could be credited in large part for the success of Mormons in business (because the missionary service requires self-reliance and is character building).', ">>{lundah} : Early in his career? He's been in Congress for over 20 years.", '>>{Randomwaves} : There are literally 5+ posts about this. R/politics is garbage', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : >Donald Trump plans to campaign in Speaker Paul Ryan’s southeastern Wisconsin district on Saturday, in what would mark their first appearance together. I don't want to interrupt him in the middle of a mistake, but shouldn't he be preparing for the debate on Sunday?", '>>{igloojoe11} : Yeah, instead vote for the group that openly hates ALL free speech. A much better world. /s', '>>{BelieveEnemie} : The establishment wants to get paid. I could understand voting for the lesser of two evils but lending your good name to someone as scandalous as Hillary Clinton is just dangerous.', ">>{TuLegit2quit} : Or fools who think that anyone who has different political goals than themselves must be nazi's.", ">>{martin519} : First half anyway. He's only 46 and I don't see him going to the private sector any time soon. edit- I wanted to add that I always felt that he was young enough that he could pick his time to ascend, that the post-GWB reality tv era of the Republican party would pass by and he'd take house leadership then.", '>>{lcsulla87gmail} : This man is a high level trump operative. Trump hired him amd his baggage', ">>{qdez000} : None of Trump's sons are in the military or served a day in their life...not even a drink.", ">>{BelieveEnemie} : Trump says mean things bit Hillary does mean things. I guess it's official, Trump is running against the establishments of both parties. The over-the-top hyperbole, the constant stream of propaganda from the press, and the general fuckery the DNC emails revealed may just push me from Johnson to Trump out of protest for a completely corrupt system.", ">>{ruffruffbarkbark} : Demo is slang for demonstration. Maybe the term it is not used in The States. My point is that if you don't like a Trump Rally, then hold a counter one or don't show up. Not confront them violently.", '>>{trogon} : His sons did their missions in France, England, Australia, and Chile.', '>>{oranjemania} : Threatening to vote Trump? Man on a ledge. Get the paddy wagon.', '>>{Gscarveguy} : We had tens of people at Trump rally in MN...six arrested for assault!', ">>{Zaziel} : WASP's, part of the reason my parents picked where we moved in the 1980's... as being a dark haired Italian kid wasn't a good thing to be in some nicer neighborhoods around Chicago.", ">>{RichardThe3} : Lol no. I'm not a Stalinist, tankie, whatever. I'm not even a Marxist.", ">>{UA_Hammer} : lol this is some funny dedication dude >He won't even admit his real principles to you unless you pry them out of him. believe it or not talking about that gets tiring real fast as I'm constantly forced to defend my entire worldview top to bottom once I bring it up", '>>{slavingia} : If only we had more than one sane candidate...', ">>{119-92-6734} : She's incredibly popular and not in danger of losing reelection. This was a conscience decision and one that we will see more senators making as the days go by.", ">>{rluo502} : Really? He said that? You gonna stoop that low and misquote the guy? Did he say that the entire free press were the enemy, or did he say that fake news media are the enemy? You gonna support fake news media? Is there anything wrong with being against fake news media? It's hilarious that you don't even know what he's said. I for one truly believe that the fake news media are the enemy, and quite frankly, looking at the CNN ratings plummet is an indication that many Americans also believe that. Yeah, you guys are complaining 24/7 about him dividing the country, just watch him win the election again. I'm here to make sure you will stay pissed.", '>>{RichardThe3} : I think we just have similar hours. I get off work, go to the bar, go home, hit rising and you\'re there. 8) don\'t feel too special, though. I go through anyone\'s post history who is like "wah wah we\'re too hard on Nazis." Maybe you would\'ve slipped by me had you not been such a baby, pal. But really, honestly, that isn\'t the case and you know it. You lie about your worldview on other subs. You just straight misrepresent your beliefs. And you admitted that was your MO. Stop whining that you can\'t have honest discourse when it\'s all on you.', ">>{UA_Hammer} : > But really, honestly, that isn't the case and you know it. You lie about your worldview on other subs. You just straight misrepresent your beliefs. And you admitted that was your MO. Stop whining that you can't have honest discourse when it's all on you. Got into the same damn argument twice this week. Just derails everything anytime I bring up cultural marxism. I'm whining that I have to repeat the same crap every single time because everyone is so bewildered and it's all new to them. I learn nothing new, it's boring. Clearly I'm not the only one since r/debatealtright made a huge FAQ to handle this same stuff.", '>>{RichardThe3} : Bullshit. "subverting r/politics" were *your own words.* Same goes for "illegal immigration is just a proxy." You purposefully misrepresent yourself. You\'ve admitted to it. You didn\'t get the memo all the other dopes did when they all made "MAGACUCKSHILLTRUMPBTFO" alt accounts, I guess.', '>>{VapeApe} : OK fucko, what is considered not fake media?', '>>{Suzookus} : Why do we care how the political elites who live and profit off the current system vote?', '>>{BelieveEnemie} : It would just be a protest vote. This shit is rigged.', ">>{BobLoblaw33} : 44% of 50% of the country (and that 50% is giving a bigger share of Republicans in this country than there really is) is only 22%, and that isn't enough to win the general. They are the true RINOs of the party.", '>>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : When you consider the GOP adoration of Ayn Rand then it makes sense why they choose Hillary over Trump. Not very surprising.', ">>{Nate_W} : Or principled. These are people who will lose out professionally with a democrat in the white house. They have voted against the Clintons in the past. They worked for people Clinton fought against. But Trump doesn't know what he's talking about on foreign policy. He pretends to, but doesn't. People who actually do know about foreign policy see his bullshit and hate him. He's a danger to the country. Even people who dislike Hillary Clinton will vote for her if the safety of the country is on the line.", ">>{lrrpkd} : My question is: what will stop him from running again in 4 years if/when he loses? The republican establishment clearly doesn't like him, but there was enough people that do for him to win the nomination. I don't know if there is a downside for him to try again unless his businesses are being negatively affected in a large way, I mean he is getting tons of publicity and has not spent that much money to get it or on campaigning. I'm sure the republicans don't want him to run again, but is there a rule against it? Or would they try to ban him next time or make some rule changes that make him ineligibile? I think a lot the people that voted for him this time would vote for him in the future primaries as well and set up the same situation for them again.", ">>{HaieScildrinner} : Too bad you couldn't improve it with your contribution here.", ">>{squirrelzombie} : Yes. That is exactly what is happening here. The system is totally rigged and stuff, cause the objectively least qualified major party candidate for presidential office since the founding of the republic is being called out by people who have spent their lives in the service of their country. Let's live in a world of unthinking, reflexive cynicism. Let's all just believe the worst about everyone, imagine that those who disagree with us do so for nefarious, conspiratorial reasons, rather than take anyone at their word, ever. Let's live in a world where everyone around us is lying all the time, nothing can ever be trusted at face value, the system is designed to keep us subservient and docile, and we have no responsibility for the fucked-up shitty choices we and our ancestors have made. Because the establishment is in charge, and everything is evidence for it. You have lost the plot, mate.", ">>{Randomwaves} : this sub has turned to garbage dude. Just me ain't gonna cut it.", '>>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : I was referring to the "On top of the 50 national security experts" /u/Nate_W mentioned. Comprende /U/heartof_ash?', ">>{stevehobbes} : If he loses, it's unlikely that the GOP base will support him again; especially if it's a blowout - there's game theory here. LEV applies from a GOP perspective too. It's also harder to defeat an incumbent, which is what he'd be facing 4 years from now.", ">>{stevehobbes} : Because there's just so much goddamn material he spits out that makes him look like an asshole. It's not a conspiracy, it's just that he fucking spews trash 24/7.", ">>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : it's cool bro -- I used to need people to spell things out for me as well. still do sometimes.", ">>{ourmartyr1} : I still don't think you know the platform or the fact Hillary is a progressive...", '>>{Randomwaves} : Make Politics about Politics Not "I hate Trump"--nth person', ">>{cloudstaring} : She seems pretty open to marijuana legalisation. That's pretty cool.", ">>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : Ah! I see you must not have been alive during the Bush Administration. Mass Surveillance, Illegal Wars, Drone Strikes, Secret Courts to pass unconstitutional secret laws... She is regurgitating Bush Era policies so that would make her progressive in all the wrong ways. She isn't a liberal.", ">>{stevehobbes} : She has a track record of getting things done - even across the aisle. Her economic policy will almost certainly benefit the country (and me indirectly) more than Trump's (and I was mid six figures in income last year). I agree with her centrist foreign policy - I'm no hawk but I'm not a dove either. America has, for better or worse, one of the only militaries capable of projecting force anywhere in the world, and the onus to stop genocide and atrocities falls on us. I don't think she'll back down from that. But she also won't go off half-cocked at the slightest provocation, which has been a hallmark of Trump's. Her social policies and healthcare initiatives are good - and I'd like to see what she can do to move that forward as President. I make quite a bit of money - and certainly that came with plenty of hard work on my part - but also a fuck ton of luck. Wealth creates a lot of luck - I didn't grow up poor by any means. I'd like more people to have all the opportunities and advantages I had, which is why I support social programs and safety nets. I think Hillary will further those objectives, without bankrupting the country. Which of Trump's policies excite you?", '>>{petecash} : Paradoxically congress as a whole has low approval rates but people tend to approve of their specific representative in congress Hence you have people hating on paul ryan but he will easily win reelection', ">>{lrrpkd} : The GOP base doesn't support him now, but I suppose the GOP could find their strong candidate early and not run 16 other people against Trump again in an effort to not split the base votes.", '>>{Tilldadadada} : Imagine there would be one Democratic Senator who would Not Vote for Clinton. It would explode on /politics. She is just Keeping pretty quiet and isnt doing anything crazy', '>>{stevehobbes} : That\'s disingenuous. Many, many republicans are in fact supporting him - otherwise he wouldn\'t have won. Sure, the sane rank and file / establishment might not love him, but plenty of them do. This "outsider" narrative is false, he\'s not getting independents and people who don\'t vote, he\'s getting the ultra-conservative right-wing vote, which is a huge percentage of the party.', '>>{drekmonger} : If the ESTABLISHMENT saves us from Donald Trump, then bring it on.', ">>{Senterica} : Trump's a blowhard moron who's all bluster. After this election, he's a loser, and he hates losers. So do the people who voted for him this time.", ">>{Senterica} : > Why are you excited for Clinton? I'm absolutely fucking not. It's a terrible choice, but one of the candidates is clearly worse than the other. That's why you're seeing only negative articles, and mostly negative articles about one of them.", '>>{LunarLad} : Are there any idiots still around that insist Trump is "part of the establishment"?', ">>{Socrates_Burrito} : Lol look thru my comment history. I supported Bernie for months earlier in the primary. I have a subreddit dedicated to writing stories. Dozens of them. Screw off with your accusations. I'm a real person.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : The big E will be the end of us all.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{nirad} : hey Paul, what's that thing around your ankle?", '>>{OJSamson} : has desperation now pushed Donald to be "there"', ">>{sedgwickian} : > Please welcome a man whose actions I've called racist on at least 4 separate occasions but who I support for president because...uhh...because Jesus Christ you people give me no choi... [muffled sounds, microphone cut, security ushers him off the stage]", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : Fodder for attack ads for the rest of Ryan's career...", ">>{sunnieskye1} : Is Ryan tired of his job or is he trying to make Trump seem more acceptable to Republicans who think he's scum?", '>>{as_a_black_guy} : [Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks Had I from old and young ! Instead of the cross, the Albatross About my neck was hung.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSbUZbywmbg)', '>>{martin519} : Seriously. I thought Ryan had presidential aspirations and the reason why he was reluctant to take the house gig was because it put him in such a difficult position at such an early point in his career. Unless of course the plan is to scuttle a Trump presidency as quickly as possible and install Pence-somebody else.', '>>{007meow} : If Trump loses 2016, this will be held against Ryan in 2020 and beyond. It will become the new "voted for the Iraq war."', ">>{lundah} : Early in his career? He's been in Congress for over 20 years.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : >Donald Trump plans to campaign in Speaker Paul Ryan’s southeastern Wisconsin district on Saturday, in what would mark their first appearance together. I don't want to interrupt him in the middle of a mistake, but shouldn't he be preparing for the debate on Sunday?", ">>{martin519} : First half anyway. He's only 46 and I don't see him going to the private sector any time soon. edit- I wanted to add that I always felt that he was young enough that he could pick his time to ascend, that the post-GWB reality tv era of the Republican party would pass by and he'd take house leadership then."], ['>>{glowmoss} : Trump Campaign CEO Cited Mormon Missionary Service To Slam Romney Sons', '>>{glowmoss} : > “Mitt Romney goes to the Republican convention, gives his acceptance speech, people give him a standing ovation, and he doesn’t have the common decency to say one thing about our troops fighting in Afghanistan?” Bannon said. “This is a guy who avoided military duty in Vietnam; who has five sons who look like movie stars who have not served their country one day. Oh, but by the way all of them did their two years of Mormon missionary service — every one of them.” > Romney obtained four draft deferments during the Vietnam war, three for his academic studies and one for his service as a Mormon “minister of religion.” Donald Trump also received four draft deferments, including one medical deferment that his campaign has attributed to bone spurs in his feet. Independent candidate Evan McMullin seized on it, declaring it "religious bigotry." As did the Democratic party in Utah. And it\'s the leading story on The Salt Lake Tribute. Doubtful that Utah will flip blue, but...', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : This dude is just full of hate for anyone not white and male and Protestant, ain't he?", ">>{throwmeaway69b} : > “This is a guy who avoided military duty in Vietnam; Glad he's been as critical about Trumps military service........", ">>{arcxa} : So while we are blaming Trump for everything - it's freaking raining again. Freaking Trump...", '>>{CuntTheRouge} : He implies that having at least one offspring be a service member is a requirement to be president. Also, Mormon Missionary service is not a selfish thing--and depending on where you are, it can be some rough shit. I read about it in a Business Week article that suggested it could be credited in large part for the success of Mormons in business (because the missionary service requires self-reliance and is character building).', '>>{lcsulla87gmail} : This man is a high level trump operative. Trump hired him amd his baggage', ">>{qdez000} : None of Trump's sons are in the military or served a day in their life...not even a drink.", '>>{trogon} : His sons did their missions in France, England, Australia, and Chile.', ">>{Zaziel} : WASP's, part of the reason my parents picked where we moved in the 1980's... as being a dark haired Italian kid wasn't a good thing to be in some nicer neighborhoods around Chicago."], [">>{oranjemania} : GOP senator: 'I will not be voting for Donald Trump'", ">>{Nate_W} : First GOP Senator that's up for reelection. On top of the 50 Republican national security experts. That's a lot per day.", '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : This is just strange. I wonder what these people think will happen to his voters. Literally 44% of the party. They are not handling this well. Could see an actual split.', '>>{oranjemania} : Tl;dr "With the passage of time, I have become increasingly dismayed by his constant stream of cruel comments and his inability to admit error or apologize," she said. However, there were three incidences in particular that led her to make her decision: when Trump mocked a disabled reporter; when he said Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not be fair about Trump University because of his Mexican heritage; and when he attacked a Gold Star family, the Khans, after they spoke out against him at the Democratic National Convention. "I am also deeply concerned that Mr.\u2009Trump\'s lack of self-restraint and his barrage of ill-informed comments would make an already perilous world even more so," Collins wrote in the op-ed.', ">>{wytxcook} : Quick, someone remind me what Congress' approval ratings are. With out looking it up, my guess is 6% approval.", ">>{oranjemania} : > This is just strange. Perhaps they're truly called by conscience. Stranger things have happened.", '>>{senyor_brownbear} : She will face an election in 2020. She won re-election with 68% of the vote in 2014.', ">>{oranjemania} : > Congress' approval ratings Maybe Susan Collins' approval ratings with her constituents are more important.", '>>{senyor_brownbear} : Do you want to guess what *her* approval rating is? She was re-elected a year ago with 68% of the vote. She is vastly more popular than Trump is in Maine.', ">>{wytxcook} : You're right. And Cruz won the primary too. A republican hasn't won Main and their 4 electoral votes since 1988.", '>>{Socrates_Burrito} : Susan Collins represents a rare faction of the GOP that in recent years has actually worked for bipartisanship. The GOP will need moderate, compromise ready individuals like her moving forward in order to survive long term.', '>>{Randomwaves} : There are literally 5+ posts about this. R/politics is garbage', '>>{BelieveEnemie} : The establishment wants to get paid. I could understand voting for the lesser of two evils but lending your good name to someone as scandalous as Hillary Clinton is just dangerous.', ">>{BelieveEnemie} : Trump says mean things bit Hillary does mean things. I guess it's official, Trump is running against the establishments of both parties. The over-the-top hyperbole, the constant stream of propaganda from the press, and the general fuckery the DNC emails revealed may just push me from Johnson to Trump out of protest for a completely corrupt system.", '>>{oranjemania} : Threatening to vote Trump? Man on a ledge. Get the paddy wagon.', '>>{slavingia} : If only we had more than one sane candidate...', ">>{119-92-6734} : She's incredibly popular and not in danger of losing reelection. This was a conscience decision and one that we will see more senators making as the days go by.", '>>{Suzookus} : Why do we care how the political elites who live and profit off the current system vote?', '>>{BelieveEnemie} : It would just be a protest vote. This shit is rigged.', ">>{BobLoblaw33} : 44% of 50% of the country (and that 50% is giving a bigger share of Republicans in this country than there really is) is only 22%, and that isn't enough to win the general. They are the true RINOs of the party.", '>>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : When you consider the GOP adoration of Ayn Rand then it makes sense why they choose Hillary over Trump. Not very surprising.', ">>{Nate_W} : Or principled. These are people who will lose out professionally with a democrat in the white house. They have voted against the Clintons in the past. They worked for people Clinton fought against. But Trump doesn't know what he's talking about on foreign policy. He pretends to, but doesn't. People who actually do know about foreign policy see his bullshit and hate him. He's a danger to the country. Even people who dislike Hillary Clinton will vote for her if the safety of the country is on the line.", ">>{lrrpkd} : My question is: what will stop him from running again in 4 years if/when he loses? The republican establishment clearly doesn't like him, but there was enough people that do for him to win the nomination. I don't know if there is a downside for him to try again unless his businesses are being negatively affected in a large way, I mean he is getting tons of publicity and has not spent that much money to get it or on campaigning. I'm sure the republicans don't want him to run again, but is there a rule against it? Or would they try to ban him next time or make some rule changes that make him ineligibile? I think a lot the people that voted for him this time would vote for him in the future primaries as well and set up the same situation for them again.", ">>{HaieScildrinner} : Too bad you couldn't improve it with your contribution here.", ">>{squirrelzombie} : Yes. That is exactly what is happening here. The system is totally rigged and stuff, cause the objectively least qualified major party candidate for presidential office since the founding of the republic is being called out by people who have spent their lives in the service of their country. Let's live in a world of unthinking, reflexive cynicism. Let's all just believe the worst about everyone, imagine that those who disagree with us do so for nefarious, conspiratorial reasons, rather than take anyone at their word, ever. Let's live in a world where everyone around us is lying all the time, nothing can ever be trusted at face value, the system is designed to keep us subservient and docile, and we have no responsibility for the fucked-up shitty choices we and our ancestors have made. Because the establishment is in charge, and everything is evidence for it. You have lost the plot, mate.", ">>{Randomwaves} : this sub has turned to garbage dude. Just me ain't gonna cut it.", '>>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : I was referring to the "On top of the 50 national security experts" /u/Nate_W mentioned. Comprende /U/heartof_ash?', ">>{stevehobbes} : If he loses, it's unlikely that the GOP base will support him again; especially if it's a blowout - there's game theory here. LEV applies from a GOP perspective too. It's also harder to defeat an incumbent, which is what he'd be facing 4 years from now.", ">>{stevehobbes} : Because there's just so much goddamn material he spits out that makes him look like an asshole. It's not a conspiracy, it's just that he fucking spews trash 24/7.", ">>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : it's cool bro -- I used to need people to spell things out for me as well. still do sometimes.", ">>{ourmartyr1} : I still don't think you know the platform or the fact Hillary is a progressive...", '>>{Randomwaves} : Make Politics about Politics Not "I hate Trump"--nth person', ">>{cloudstaring} : She seems pretty open to marijuana legalisation. That's pretty cool.", ">>{CORRECTtheHRCrecord} : Ah! I see you must not have been alive during the Bush Administration. Mass Surveillance, Illegal Wars, Drone Strikes, Secret Courts to pass unconstitutional secret laws... She is regurgitating Bush Era policies so that would make her progressive in all the wrong ways. She isn't a liberal.", ">>{stevehobbes} : She has a track record of getting things done - even across the aisle. Her economic policy will almost certainly benefit the country (and me indirectly) more than Trump's (and I was mid six figures in income last year). I agree with her centrist foreign policy - I'm no hawk but I'm not a dove either. America has, for better or worse, one of the only militaries capable of projecting force anywhere in the world, and the onus to stop genocide and atrocities falls on us. I don't think she'll back down from that. But she also won't go off half-cocked at the slightest provocation, which has been a hallmark of Trump's. Her social policies and healthcare initiatives are good - and I'd like to see what she can do to move that forward as President. I make quite a bit of money - and certainly that came with plenty of hard work on my part - but also a fuck ton of luck. Wealth creates a lot of luck - I didn't grow up poor by any means. I'd like more people to have all the opportunities and advantages I had, which is why I support social programs and safety nets. I think Hillary will further those objectives, without bankrupting the country. Which of Trump's policies excite you?", '>>{petecash} : Paradoxically congress as a whole has low approval rates but people tend to approve of their specific representative in congress Hence you have people hating on paul ryan but he will easily win reelection', ">>{lrrpkd} : The GOP base doesn't support him now, but I suppose the GOP could find their strong candidate early and not run 16 other people against Trump again in an effort to not split the base votes.", '>>{Tilldadadada} : Imagine there would be one Democratic Senator who would Not Vote for Clinton. It would explode on /politics. She is just Keeping pretty quiet and isnt doing anything crazy', '>>{stevehobbes} : That\'s disingenuous. Many, many republicans are in fact supporting him - otherwise he wouldn\'t have won. Sure, the sane rank and file / establishment might not love him, but plenty of them do. This "outsider" narrative is false, he\'s not getting independents and people who don\'t vote, he\'s getting the ultra-conservative right-wing vote, which is a huge percentage of the party.', '>>{drekmonger} : If the ESTABLISHMENT saves us from Donald Trump, then bring it on.', ">>{Senterica} : Trump's a blowhard moron who's all bluster. After this election, he's a loser, and he hates losers. So do the people who voted for him this time.", ">>{Senterica} : > Why are you excited for Clinton? I'm absolutely fucking not. It's a terrible choice, but one of the candidates is clearly worse than the other. That's why you're seeing only negative articles, and mostly negative articles about one of them.", '>>{LunarLad} : Are there any idiots still around that insist Trump is "part of the establishment"?', ">>{Socrates_Burrito} : Lol look thru my comment history. I supported Bernie for months earlier in the primary. I have a subreddit dedicated to writing stories. Dozens of them. Screw off with your accusations. I'm a real person.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : The big E will be the end of us all.'], ['>>{juliannegarner1} : In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent', '>>{rluo502} : More reasons to vote Trump. Fuck these left bigots that only defend free speech when it suits their fucking agenda.', '>>{VapeApe} : Says the person supporting a candidate who has literally called the free press the "enemy of the people".', ">>{ruffruffbarkbark} : Falling for the bait. If the Antifa where to just hold their own demo countering it or better yet not even show up. This would not haven even been a news story. Now this is going to give an impression that we are a lawless nation. When the public see's this they veer to the right. This will help Trump and the right in general.", '>>{JimmyHavok} : Antifa are nihilists. They want the system to fail.', ">>{ruffruffbarkbark} : They went on 24/7 for months on end to gather American support for the Iraq War. So I can't say they are an Allie. Look at the intel that the media was using, anyone with some background of the region could tell it was complete shhittt. Yeah tell people that secular Iraqi leaders where hiding those behind 9/11, then the stuff about WMDs and spreading democracy.", '>>{VapeApe} : You named one of many press outlets he disparaged. He said THE MEDIA, is CNN all of the media? Does Fox and Breitbart somehow not fit into that umbrella? Slippery slopes motherfucker.', '>>{Retardedclownface} : Dem libturds is vilent aynd causin strif, ima vot Trump now.', ">>{VapeApe} : A wave of ultra patriotism gripped the entire country following 9/11, and the REPUBLICANS who were in charge were beating the drums of war. That WMD's shit and spreading democracy in Iraq were THE MAIN TALKING POINTS OF THE REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. Not exactly media created ideas. There were plenty of people in the media at the time who were saying this was a bad idea, but people didn't listen. How do you explain the fact that it was the media investigating that found the WMD thing was a lie? How do you explain the hard turn on Bush when Iraq didn't pan out?", ">>{Drgntrnr} : Yeah but Hillary voted for it, so essentially she started the entire war and then personally founded ISIS later on. Just ignore everything going on with Trump, it's more important to focus on her still.", '>>{bitfriend} : >If the Antifa where to just hold their own demo countering it or better yet not even show up. This would not haven even been a news story. This is bad English, what are you trying to say?', ">>{VapeApe} : Sure there is! They will know that society doesn't accept them or their ideology. I'll always argue with a Nazi.", '>>{RichardThe3} : Okay, allow me to correct myself; there\'s no point arguing with a *dishonest* Nazi. He just makes up his positions on things. He doesn\'t actually care about the arguments, just the lens the argument will be viewed through. He\'s only here to subvert. And that\'s not my words; it\'s his! u/UA_Hammer (hey bud!) has literally admitted to all this. He\'ll go into a thread and complain about illegal immigration, but then in his alt-right communities and bizarre pseudo-debate appeasement chambers he\'ll proudly admit he just hates brown people. It\'s just a proxy. He\'s only interested in shifting overton windows. In "appearing reasonable" so as to radicalize so-called "alt lite" further down the path. You can\'t debate with that level of intellectual dishonesty. How could you? He won\'t even admit his real principles to you unless you pry them out of him.', ">>{Rugrin} : If Captain America taught me anything it's that punching a nazi in the face is always the right thing to do.", '>>{igloojoe11} : Yeah, instead vote for the group that openly hates ALL free speech. A much better world. /s', ">>{TuLegit2quit} : Or fools who think that anyone who has different political goals than themselves must be nazi's.", ">>{ruffruffbarkbark} : Demo is slang for demonstration. Maybe the term it is not used in The States. My point is that if you don't like a Trump Rally, then hold a counter one or don't show up. Not confront them violently.", '>>{Gscarveguy} : We had tens of people at Trump rally in MN...six arrested for assault!', ">>{RichardThe3} : Lol no. I'm not a Stalinist, tankie, whatever. I'm not even a Marxist.", ">>{UA_Hammer} : lol this is some funny dedication dude >He won't even admit his real principles to you unless you pry them out of him. believe it or not talking about that gets tiring real fast as I'm constantly forced to defend my entire worldview top to bottom once I bring it up", ">>{rluo502} : Really? He said that? You gonna stoop that low and misquote the guy? Did he say that the entire free press were the enemy, or did he say that fake news media are the enemy? You gonna support fake news media? Is there anything wrong with being against fake news media? It's hilarious that you don't even know what he's said. I for one truly believe that the fake news media are the enemy, and quite frankly, looking at the CNN ratings plummet is an indication that many Americans also believe that. Yeah, you guys are complaining 24/7 about him dividing the country, just watch him win the election again. I'm here to make sure you will stay pissed.", '>>{RichardThe3} : I think we just have similar hours. I get off work, go to the bar, go home, hit rising and you\'re there. 8) don\'t feel too special, though. I go through anyone\'s post history who is like "wah wah we\'re too hard on Nazis." Maybe you would\'ve slipped by me had you not been such a baby, pal. But really, honestly, that isn\'t the case and you know it. You lie about your worldview on other subs. You just straight misrepresent your beliefs. And you admitted that was your MO. Stop whining that you can\'t have honest discourse when it\'s all on you.', ">>{UA_Hammer} : > But really, honestly, that isn't the case and you know it. You lie about your worldview on other subs. You just straight misrepresent your beliefs. And you admitted that was your MO. Stop whining that you can't have honest discourse when it's all on you. Got into the same damn argument twice this week. Just derails everything anytime I bring up cultural marxism. I'm whining that I have to repeat the same crap every single time because everyone is so bewildered and it's all new to them. I learn nothing new, it's boring. Clearly I'm not the only one since r/debatealtright made a huge FAQ to handle this same stuff.", '>>{RichardThe3} : Bullshit. "subverting r/politics" were *your own words.* Same goes for "illegal immigration is just a proxy." You purposefully misrepresent yourself. You\'ve admitted to it. You didn\'t get the memo all the other dopes did when they all made "MAGACUCKSHILLTRUMPBTFO" alt accounts, I guess.', '>>{VapeApe} : OK fucko, what is considered not fake media?']]
classify and reply
[">>{ceaguila84} : Trump's Vainglorious Affront to the C.I.A", '>>{ceaguila84} : Donald Trump’s remarks on Saturday caused astonishment and anger among current and former C.I.A. officials:', '>>{liberalconservatives} : Worst Week in Washington? It’s Donald Trump. Again.', ">>{Morchaint} : The story of Robert Ames juxtaposed with Trump's speech in front of that wall is heart breaking.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : WaPo - LOL. It's now the national enquirer of DC, it almost makes the baltimore sun look legit.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : I have to say, though the CIA has made mistakes, sometimes going overboard, other times, not going far enough, I feel for them. The fact that their president has no concept of what their job has been and how they integrate into the fabric of our country and the world we live in, has to be disturbing. Like, earth shatteringly so.', '>>{PM_ME_UR_POLICY} : Have you like read nothing of what Eisenhower or Kennedy had said about them?', '>>{JosephFurguson} : For a paper that cried about losing access to Trump events, it seems to do fine covering the man.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : How is WaPo still covering Trump after he violated their 1st Amendment rights by banning them?', '>>{Loxodontist} : Imagine how tasteless and self-aggrandizing his response will be to the first mass shooting under his administration.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : At 7:35 A.M. on Sunday, Trump responded on Twitter to the negative reactions to his comments. “Had a great meeting at CIA Headquarters yesterday, packed house, paid great respect to Wall, long standing ovations, amazing people. WIN!” At this point the guy is just embarrassing himself. And all he can see is standing ovations.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_POLICY} : Oh shit you're right. I thought it wasn't a word. Having seen the definition, it's usage here doesn't make sense now :/", '>>{KKK4Trump} : You betcha! What we need around here is more World Net Daily! More Breitbart! More Free Republic!!!', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Is this that thing y'all have been peddling about how it's suddenly a garbage paper because Bezos bought it when in reality you guys are just upset that they wrote pieces critical of Trump?", ">>{toekknow} : TL;DR Trump's flubs this week * botched, self-congratulatory response to Orlando. * claim that US soldiers stole money in Iraq. * tanking in the polls.", ">>{Morchaint} : Standing ovations by paid staffers no less. In front of a memorial to those who have given their lives in service to our country. It's always just a performance to him.", ">>{p0op_gravy} : We'll know shortly. There's an active shooter at a mall in San Antonio as we speak.", ">>{damnisuckatreddit} : What? It makes perfect sense. The word means excessively vain. It's being used as an adjective to describe Trump's affront to the CIA.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Bezos has made it his mission to stop Trump though WaPo. These attacks go way beyond criticism, they are obsessed', ">>{damnisuckatreddit} : Ah fuck let's strap our asses in boys here we go.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : Dislike and disdain, are completely different than utterly clueless. Please show me where Eisenhower and Kennedy said anything close standing in front of a crowd of CIA rank and file. They didn\'t, both of them were too smart. Did they make comments to others, absolutely. Did they do it in front of the CIA themselves. Nope. In fact, here is what President Eisenhower said when he met with the CIA, I believe for the first time during his presidency... "During the laying of the cornerstone for the Original Headquarters Building in 1959, Eisenhower paid tribute to Agency officers: “By its very nature the work of this agency demands of its members the highest order of dedication, ability, trustworthiness, and selflessness — to say nothing of the finest type of courage, whenever needed. Success cannot be advertised: failure cannot be explained. In the work of intelligence, heroes are undecorated and unsung, often even among their own fraternity. Their inspiration is rooted in patriotism — their reward can be little except the conviction they are performing a unique and indispensable service for their country, and the knowledge that America needs and appreciates their efforts. I assure you this is indeed true.” https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2010-featured-story-archive/dwight-d-eisenhower.html Quite the difference between the two (Eisenhower/Trump), wouldn\'t you say?', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Gonna be a long 4 years listening to this guy talk about himself.', ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : The word is describing the nature of the affront. In this case, ostentatious pride on Trump's part, discussing his own achievements literally standing in stark contrast against the CIA memorial wall.", '>>{Dsrtfsh} : After this speech I would hope all of them realize that they are on their own. The ships are burnt!', ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : To go full EB White on this, the idea is to be as precise and clear as possible. You could argue that to use the word vain would run the risk of allowing other possible meanings to potentially confuse the message. 'Vain' can also mean futile, as in 'gave battle in vain,' which might lead someone to read the headline as 'Trump's futile affront to the CIA'. 'Vain' also has strong connotations with aesthetics, especially personal looks, which wouldn't be completely out of keeping with Trump's character, so maybe the headline refers to Trump comparing his looks with those of a CIA officer. Vainglorious has connotations with achievements (the 'glory' aspect of the word), and doesn't have the clutter of additional meanings or uses in a different sphere of meaning.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Yep, nothing in the last 9 years and now that bozo has taken over, unless clinton gives an award for yellow journalism, they won't get anything again.", '>>{therecordcorrected} : Today you helped a trumpie with his GED and you did it for free. You are a generous person.', '>>{wenchette} : That can\'t be possible. In his campaign literature, Donald Trump promised the following, and I quote verbatim: "On the day Donald Trump becomes President, America will be safe again." Ergo, this active shooter business must be a fake news rumor started by the evil ultra-liberal Soros-funded media bent on destroying Donald Trump.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Uh huh. I'd like to see where you got this from.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Once again, y'all are just salty because they wrote pieces critical of Trump. This has nothing to do with Bezos.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Maybe they'll get the best environmental story award for this 'journalism': > President Obama’s Marine One helicopter landed in Yosemite Valley. **It was spectacular**. LOL. Oh and that is today's politics page, three trump hit pieces and that POS. It's become a laughingstock.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : you forgot The Blaze, Daily Caller, Washington Times, and Washington Free Beacon. And Powerline Blog. Can't forget Powerline Blog.", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : They are no longer journalists, they have assumed the clinton model and are an institution for sale. How anyone with any objectivity can take what WaPo has become as legit is unconscionable.', ">>{KKK4Trump} : Nothing matters, eh? It's all the same. There is no truth. Yada, yada, yada.", '>>{worldgoes} : And yet, around 80% of r/politics is negative Hillary articles.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Not in the wapo, no. It's ~~all~~ mostly paid advertising. all the op/ed and politics and the spin on the 'news,' all paid for.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : >Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book. The man is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Should he not face a certain level of scrutiny? I'm sorry, but this just feeds the idea that Trump (and by extension some of his supporters) cannot deal with criticism.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Okay. Where'd you get that from? I'm sure you didn't just make this up.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : A newspaper should be impartial and I agree with you we should vet the nominees. When it is one sided though, there is a clear bias.', '>>{toekknow} : Trumpkins & Bernie Bros who do it for free. Or possibly for Hot Pockets®.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Just read what they say and report, but more importantly what they do not print - no, I do not have an affidavit from bezos saying clinton pays to get stories in the paper - you'll have to read her emails and the DNC financial records. The wapo did do an investigation of itself into bias against sanders and for clinton and it didn't find any, so they got that going for them. Read Aaron Blake, look at the op/eds, read the politics section - shill paper deluxe. They attacked sanders and now have moved onto trump - clinton, despite numerous unanswered allegations is untouched or defended. It's not the neo-liberal rag of record, that is the NYT, but it is the propaganda arm of the establishment.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : So your response basically boils down to "just read the paper."', '>>{Solario_ff14} : Hatred of Hillary has no room for silly things like facts or reality.', '>>{suseu} : Lol. He outed them from private event. How can you even bring out 1st amendment.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Don't do that. Sit there and wait for someone them do it for you, to tell you what you need to know and how to think about it and don't bother to question why certain stories do not appear in the paper and others do - just be a consumer, they'll cater to you, they love to do that.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : So, just because I don't agree with your opinion I'm uninformed?", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : I'm guessing the Pulitzer committee is just a bunch of sjw chucks, right?", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : So the wapo is biased... Let's read the Washington examiner? That's literally a right wing rag. At least the Wall Street journal does good reporting.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Not at all and I apologize if I came across that way. I'm simply telling you my experience and how I formed my opinion.", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : No, the Pulitzer people have been spot on for at least the last ten years or so.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{ceaguila84} : Trump's Vainglorious Affront to the C.I.A", '>>{ceaguila84} : Donald Trump’s remarks on Saturday caused astonishment and anger among current and former C.I.A. officials:', ">>{Morchaint} : The story of Robert Ames juxtaposed with Trump's speech in front of that wall is heart breaking.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : I have to say, though the CIA has made mistakes, sometimes going overboard, other times, not going far enough, I feel for them. The fact that their president has no concept of what their job has been and how they integrate into the fabric of our country and the world we live in, has to be disturbing. Like, earth shatteringly so.', '>>{PM_ME_UR_POLICY} : Have you like read nothing of what Eisenhower or Kennedy had said about them?', '>>{Loxodontist} : Imagine how tasteless and self-aggrandizing his response will be to the first mass shooting under his administration.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : At 7:35 A.M. on Sunday, Trump responded on Twitter to the negative reactions to his comments. “Had a great meeting at CIA Headquarters yesterday, packed house, paid great respect to Wall, long standing ovations, amazing people. WIN!” At this point the guy is just embarrassing himself. And all he can see is standing ovations.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_POLICY} : Oh shit you're right. I thought it wasn't a word. Having seen the definition, it's usage here doesn't make sense now :/", ">>{Morchaint} : Standing ovations by paid staffers no less. In front of a memorial to those who have given their lives in service to our country. It's always just a performance to him.", ">>{p0op_gravy} : We'll know shortly. There's an active shooter at a mall in San Antonio as we speak.", ">>{damnisuckatreddit} : What? It makes perfect sense. The word means excessively vain. It's being used as an adjective to describe Trump's affront to the CIA.", ">>{damnisuckatreddit} : Ah fuck let's strap our asses in boys here we go.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : Dislike and disdain, are completely different than utterly clueless. Please show me where Eisenhower and Kennedy said anything close standing in front of a crowd of CIA rank and file. They didn\'t, both of them were too smart. Did they make comments to others, absolutely. Did they do it in front of the CIA themselves. Nope. In fact, here is what President Eisenhower said when he met with the CIA, I believe for the first time during his presidency... "During the laying of the cornerstone for the Original Headquarters Building in 1959, Eisenhower paid tribute to Agency officers: “By its very nature the work of this agency demands of its members the highest order of dedication, ability, trustworthiness, and selflessness — to say nothing of the finest type of courage, whenever needed. Success cannot be advertised: failure cannot be explained. In the work of intelligence, heroes are undecorated and unsung, often even among their own fraternity. Their inspiration is rooted in patriotism — their reward can be little except the conviction they are performing a unique and indispensable service for their country, and the knowledge that America needs and appreciates their efforts. I assure you this is indeed true.” https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2010-featured-story-archive/dwight-d-eisenhower.html Quite the difference between the two (Eisenhower/Trump), wouldn\'t you say?', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Gonna be a long 4 years listening to this guy talk about himself.', ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : The word is describing the nature of the affront. In this case, ostentatious pride on Trump's part, discussing his own achievements literally standing in stark contrast against the CIA memorial wall.", '>>{Dsrtfsh} : After this speech I would hope all of them realize that they are on their own. The ships are burnt!', ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : To go full EB White on this, the idea is to be as precise and clear as possible. You could argue that to use the word vain would run the risk of allowing other possible meanings to potentially confuse the message. 'Vain' can also mean futile, as in 'gave battle in vain,' which might lead someone to read the headline as 'Trump's futile affront to the CIA'. 'Vain' also has strong connotations with aesthetics, especially personal looks, which wouldn't be completely out of keeping with Trump's character, so maybe the headline refers to Trump comparing his looks with those of a CIA officer. Vainglorious has connotations with achievements (the 'glory' aspect of the word), and doesn't have the clutter of additional meanings or uses in a different sphere of meaning.", '>>{therecordcorrected} : Today you helped a trumpie with his GED and you did it for free. You are a generous person.', '>>{wenchette} : That can\'t be possible. In his campaign literature, Donald Trump promised the following, and I quote verbatim: "On the day Donald Trump becomes President, America will be safe again." Ergo, this active shooter business must be a fake news rumor started by the evil ultra-liberal Soros-funded media bent on destroying Donald Trump.'], ['>>{liberalconservatives} : Worst Week in Washington? It’s Donald Trump. Again.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : WaPo - LOL. It's now the national enquirer of DC, it almost makes the baltimore sun look legit.", '>>{JosephFurguson} : For a paper that cried about losing access to Trump events, it seems to do fine covering the man.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : How is WaPo still covering Trump after he violated their 1st Amendment rights by banning them?', '>>{KKK4Trump} : You betcha! What we need around here is more World Net Daily! More Breitbart! More Free Republic!!!', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Is this that thing y'all have been peddling about how it's suddenly a garbage paper because Bezos bought it when in reality you guys are just upset that they wrote pieces critical of Trump?", ">>{toekknow} : TL;DR Trump's flubs this week * botched, self-congratulatory response to Orlando. * claim that US soldiers stole money in Iraq. * tanking in the polls.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Bezos has made it his mission to stop Trump though WaPo. These attacks go way beyond criticism, they are obsessed', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Yep, nothing in the last 9 years and now that bozo has taken over, unless clinton gives an award for yellow journalism, they won't get anything again.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Uh huh. I'd like to see where you got this from.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Once again, y'all are just salty because they wrote pieces critical of Trump. This has nothing to do with Bezos.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Maybe they'll get the best environmental story award for this 'journalism': > President Obama’s Marine One helicopter landed in Yosemite Valley. **It was spectacular**. LOL. Oh and that is today's politics page, three trump hit pieces and that POS. It's become a laughingstock.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : you forgot The Blaze, Daily Caller, Washington Times, and Washington Free Beacon. And Powerline Blog. Can't forget Powerline Blog.", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : They are no longer journalists, they have assumed the clinton model and are an institution for sale. How anyone with any objectivity can take what WaPo has become as legit is unconscionable.', ">>{KKK4Trump} : Nothing matters, eh? It's all the same. There is no truth. Yada, yada, yada.", '>>{worldgoes} : And yet, around 80% of r/politics is negative Hillary articles.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Not in the wapo, no. It's ~~all~~ mostly paid advertising. all the op/ed and politics and the spin on the 'news,' all paid for.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : >Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book. The man is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Should he not face a certain level of scrutiny? I'm sorry, but this just feeds the idea that Trump (and by extension some of his supporters) cannot deal with criticism.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Okay. Where'd you get that from? I'm sure you didn't just make this up.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : A newspaper should be impartial and I agree with you we should vet the nominees. When it is one sided though, there is a clear bias.', '>>{toekknow} : Trumpkins & Bernie Bros who do it for free. Or possibly for Hot Pockets®.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Just read what they say and report, but more importantly what they do not print - no, I do not have an affidavit from bezos saying clinton pays to get stories in the paper - you'll have to read her emails and the DNC financial records. The wapo did do an investigation of itself into bias against sanders and for clinton and it didn't find any, so they got that going for them. Read Aaron Blake, look at the op/eds, read the politics section - shill paper deluxe. They attacked sanders and now have moved onto trump - clinton, despite numerous unanswered allegations is untouched or defended. It's not the neo-liberal rag of record, that is the NYT, but it is the propaganda arm of the establishment.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : So your response basically boils down to "just read the paper."', '>>{Solario_ff14} : Hatred of Hillary has no room for silly things like facts or reality.', '>>{suseu} : Lol. He outed them from private event. How can you even bring out 1st amendment.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Don't do that. Sit there and wait for someone them do it for you, to tell you what you need to know and how to think about it and don't bother to question why certain stories do not appear in the paper and others do - just be a consumer, they'll cater to you, they love to do that.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : So, just because I don't agree with your opinion I'm uninformed?", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : I'm guessing the Pulitzer committee is just a bunch of sjw chucks, right?", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : So the wapo is biased... Let's read the Washington examiner? That's literally a right wing rag. At least the Wall Street journal does good reporting.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Not at all and I apologize if I came across that way. I'm simply telling you my experience and how I formed my opinion.", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : No, the Pulitzer people have been spot on for at least the last ten years or so.']]
classify and reply
['>>{PoliticBest} : Cynical Trump Supporter Angry At Jason Johnson\'s Claim: "Obamacare Is Not Exploding, That\'s A Lie!"', '>>{MostMarxistsAre} : 116% rise in premiums in Arizona in first year ACA went into full effect and over 30% rise in premiums in at least 8 other states beg to differ. In only two states did premiums not get more expensive.', '>>{speckz} : Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 Full Review and Benchmarks', '>>{HesTheRiverSquirrel} : Alright, but it cost more than the HP spectre x360 and it has 1 advantage and a ton of disadvantages. Not really a great device compared to the HP, especially for the money.', '>>{H4xolotl} : I just want an x360 with a pen dammit. HP had pen support last gen too :(', '>>{JP2214} : Damn they got rid of it? Did that drop the price at all?', ">>{HesTheRiverSquirrel} : I wish, but I'm not paying an extra probably 400 for a surface for a shitty keyboard with a pen for the same specs. I think they had to get rid of it because it's a gorilla glass display now because of how thin the bezels are. I don't think they can do all the super pressure sensitive stuff with the gorilla glass", '>>{HesTheRiverSquirrel} : It weighs about a tenth of a pound less and is an inch or so shorter back to front. So a teensy bit smaller is all you get.', '>>{schnodda} : So given the 1080p display is near identical in terms of picture quality, is there an actual benefit of choosing the quadHD version over the FullHD version. Or asked differently: are you actually able to notice the QuadHD pixel density at a 13 inch display?', '>>{julito427} : Premiums were getting higher everywhere. All the ACA did was slow down the rate it was increasing. If that ruffles your feathers, it would have gotten a whole lot worse if Trumpcare passed.', ">>{MostMarxistsAre} : > Premiums were getting higher everywhere. All the ACA did was slow down the rate it was increasing. The first year ACA went into full effect premiums in Arizona **rose** 116%. Time link is for the other states where premiums are **rising at least 30% in 2016**. You're blatantly lying. I'll even give you liberal friendly sources to eat your crow from. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/10/25/arizona-obamacare-premiums/ http://time.com/money/4535394/obamacare-plan-premium-price-increases-2017-states/", ">>{JP2214} : Oftentimes the QHD is the only option for higher spec versions or touch, although it seems to be different for this device at launch. If these two are the only differing factors... yes you can tell a difference but most likely it won't matter. The main benefit is that the QHD screen uses superior Sharp IGZO tech compared to the HD which may or may not use normal IPS. This means better colors at least and probably response times as well. I have seen both on the normal XPS 13 and the IGZO is noticeably better... but do you need it? probably not.", '>>{ButCoinMiner} : What does "Exploding" mean in this context? Exactly.', '>>{surface_book} : 8.5 hours vs 10 is not much of a disadvantage. And you get a Surface Pen', ">>{surface_book} : > . I don't think they can do all the super pressure sensitive stuff with the gorilla glass FYI\xa0Pressure sensitivity is handled by the\xa0pen, not the\xa0display. All Surface models use Gorilla Glass. Also, this dell is using a surface pen.", '>>{garrygarry123} : Were the premiums not disproportionately low in Arizona to begin with? Hence the relatively large increase to bring it up to parity with premiums in other states.', '>>{surface_book} : > So given the 1080p display is near identical in terms of picture quality you notice the difference with text. One is small and clear, the other is small and pixelated. And Ms wants to move windows away from subpixel font rendering.', ">>{MostMarxistsAre} : >Hence the relatively large increase to bring it up to parity with premiums in other states. a) Premiums nation wide rose 23% in 2016 b) Why in God's name should premiums automatically become more expensive for people in state x because they are more expensive in state y? So not only is that argument factually incorrect it wouldn't even make sense if it was true.", '>>{garrygarry123} : because premiums in state x were far lower than they should have been.', '>>{MostMarxistsAre} : > were far lower than they should have been. Says who? What does "should have been" even mean in this sentence?', '>>{garrygarry123} : sorry, couldnt find the original article i read months ago in the two minutes i decided were worth googling for you, but here, this is close enough http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/opinions/affordable-health-care-exchange-premiums-jost/ "First, while these increases are eye-catching, insurers generally underpriced their plans when the marketplaces opened in 2014, and the current increases simply bring the premiums up to the level predicted when Congress debated the Affordable Care Act in 2009. " Have a nice evening.', '>>{MostMarxistsAre} : a) Why would insurers intentionally underprice their plans other then to be intentionally deceiving about what the health care plan will cost in the future? b) If I predict something bad will happen, i.e. congress predicting this level of rise in premiums, does that make the bad thing good, just because it was predicted?', '>>{garrygarry123} : a) yes b) no c) good day to you', '>>{Azatron17} : Another Trump Truth Watch spam post. Really wish the mods would do something about it.', ">>{ssdivot} : That seems to be true as I went and looked at what the rates would be for a comparable plan to mine in California. My plan is 700 dollars a month. I am 53 years old. In Arizona a similar plan is 800 dollars a month. These are plans with 600 dollar deductibles and like 2k max out of pocket a year so pretty much the top tier. And of course that is the actual cost of the insurance without any subsidies. So, if Arizona's went up 116 percent in the last year they were getting a better deal than CA was up til now, as my premiums didn't go up much at all this year (at least on the plan I am on). I don't have a subsidy. You can go to healthcare.gov and put in any zip code and browse plans."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{PoliticBest} : Cynical Trump Supporter Angry At Jason Johnson\'s Claim: "Obamacare Is Not Exploding, That\'s A Lie!"', '>>{MostMarxistsAre} : 116% rise in premiums in Arizona in first year ACA went into full effect and over 30% rise in premiums in at least 8 other states beg to differ. In only two states did premiums not get more expensive.', '>>{julito427} : Premiums were getting higher everywhere. All the ACA did was slow down the rate it was increasing. If that ruffles your feathers, it would have gotten a whole lot worse if Trumpcare passed.', ">>{MostMarxistsAre} : > Premiums were getting higher everywhere. All the ACA did was slow down the rate it was increasing. The first year ACA went into full effect premiums in Arizona **rose** 116%. Time link is for the other states where premiums are **rising at least 30% in 2016**. You're blatantly lying. I'll even give you liberal friendly sources to eat your crow from. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/10/25/arizona-obamacare-premiums/ http://time.com/money/4535394/obamacare-plan-premium-price-increases-2017-states/", '>>{ButCoinMiner} : What does "Exploding" mean in this context? Exactly.', '>>{garrygarry123} : Were the premiums not disproportionately low in Arizona to begin with? Hence the relatively large increase to bring it up to parity with premiums in other states.', ">>{MostMarxistsAre} : >Hence the relatively large increase to bring it up to parity with premiums in other states. a) Premiums nation wide rose 23% in 2016 b) Why in God's name should premiums automatically become more expensive for people in state x because they are more expensive in state y? So not only is that argument factually incorrect it wouldn't even make sense if it was true.", '>>{garrygarry123} : because premiums in state x were far lower than they should have been.', '>>{MostMarxistsAre} : > were far lower than they should have been. Says who? What does "should have been" even mean in this sentence?', '>>{garrygarry123} : sorry, couldnt find the original article i read months ago in the two minutes i decided were worth googling for you, but here, this is close enough http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/opinions/affordable-health-care-exchange-premiums-jost/ "First, while these increases are eye-catching, insurers generally underpriced their plans when the marketplaces opened in 2014, and the current increases simply bring the premiums up to the level predicted when Congress debated the Affordable Care Act in 2009. " Have a nice evening.', '>>{MostMarxistsAre} : a) Why would insurers intentionally underprice their plans other then to be intentionally deceiving about what the health care plan will cost in the future? b) If I predict something bad will happen, i.e. congress predicting this level of rise in premiums, does that make the bad thing good, just because it was predicted?', '>>{garrygarry123} : a) yes b) no c) good day to you', '>>{Azatron17} : Another Trump Truth Watch spam post. Really wish the mods would do something about it.', ">>{ssdivot} : That seems to be true as I went and looked at what the rates would be for a comparable plan to mine in California. My plan is 700 dollars a month. I am 53 years old. In Arizona a similar plan is 800 dollars a month. These are plans with 600 dollar deductibles and like 2k max out of pocket a year so pretty much the top tier. And of course that is the actual cost of the insurance without any subsidies. So, if Arizona's went up 116 percent in the last year they were getting a better deal than CA was up til now, as my premiums didn't go up much at all this year (at least on the plan I am on). I don't have a subsidy. You can go to healthcare.gov and put in any zip code and browse plans."], ['>>{speckz} : Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 Full Review and Benchmarks', '>>{HesTheRiverSquirrel} : Alright, but it cost more than the HP spectre x360 and it has 1 advantage and a ton of disadvantages. Not really a great device compared to the HP, especially for the money.', '>>{H4xolotl} : I just want an x360 with a pen dammit. HP had pen support last gen too :(', '>>{JP2214} : Damn they got rid of it? Did that drop the price at all?', ">>{HesTheRiverSquirrel} : I wish, but I'm not paying an extra probably 400 for a surface for a shitty keyboard with a pen for the same specs. I think they had to get rid of it because it's a gorilla glass display now because of how thin the bezels are. I don't think they can do all the super pressure sensitive stuff with the gorilla glass", '>>{HesTheRiverSquirrel} : It weighs about a tenth of a pound less and is an inch or so shorter back to front. So a teensy bit smaller is all you get.', '>>{schnodda} : So given the 1080p display is near identical in terms of picture quality, is there an actual benefit of choosing the quadHD version over the FullHD version. Or asked differently: are you actually able to notice the QuadHD pixel density at a 13 inch display?', ">>{JP2214} : Oftentimes the QHD is the only option for higher spec versions or touch, although it seems to be different for this device at launch. If these two are the only differing factors... yes you can tell a difference but most likely it won't matter. The main benefit is that the QHD screen uses superior Sharp IGZO tech compared to the HD which may or may not use normal IPS. This means better colors at least and probably response times as well. I have seen both on the normal XPS 13 and the IGZO is noticeably better... but do you need it? probably not.", '>>{surface_book} : 8.5 hours vs 10 is not much of a disadvantage. And you get a Surface Pen', ">>{surface_book} : > . I don't think they can do all the super pressure sensitive stuff with the gorilla glass FYI\xa0Pressure sensitivity is handled by the\xa0pen, not the\xa0display. All Surface models use Gorilla Glass. Also, this dell is using a surface pen.", '>>{surface_book} : > So given the 1080p display is near identical in terms of picture quality you notice the difference with text. One is small and clear, the other is small and pixelated. And Ms wants to move windows away from subpixel font rendering.']]
classify and reply
['>>{JeffTS} : Under Cover of Christmas, Obama Establishes Controversial Anti-Propaganda Agency', '>>{Arc1ZD} : Meeting with Trump emboldens anti-vaccine activists, who see an ally in the Oval Office', '>>{Loxodontist} : If only we could pack all the anti-vaxxers in America on a barge and set them adrift.', '>>{mortfeinberg} : Trump is the conspiratard trifecta. Birther, anti-vaxxer, climate denier.', ">>{stevemegson} : Amusing, but of course you can't remove a page that never existed. EDIT: Downvotes will not change the fact that the page never existed, even if they make you feel better.", ">>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : No... that's not true... that's impossible! Noooooooooo!!", '>>{420nopescope69} : This is so ironic that I cant tell If I want to laugh or cry', '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : yaaaaa, I think I be able to live with the choice not to be nice to those people. add racist to the list.', '>>{MadHatter514} : This is a slippery slope and can/will be abused in the future.', ">>{bonedaddyd} : Let's add voter fraud... funny he's opposed to a recount though.", ">>{Guy_Le_Douche_} : If there's a wrong side of an issue Trump's on it.", ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : Golly gee whiz, how did this ever get to the president's desk? CONGRESS", ">>{NoMoreDeflections} : Give them blankets laced with measles. It's the American way.", '>>{bongggblue} : I think Democracy being a hoax is more believable than climate change being one', '>>{JulianneGarner} : How would Republicans react if Russia had favored Hillary?', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Very supportive. Newt Gingrich would be full of praise. Trump would call her smart. Trump fans would've had second thoughts due to her brilliant diplomacy mending fences. Of course not. They'd call her a traitor for conspiring with a foreign power to win an election and demand an investigation about her secret server that communicates with Russia.", ">>{dudeguypal} : What the fucking hell is the point of being an anti-vaxer? Just to be annoying? I really don't understand. These people drive me nuts.", ">>{DreadOfGrave} : I'm being genuine here, I've never heard Trump say anything about vaccinations. Got any good links for me?", '>>{ZeroSumHappiness} : It feels to me like a government agency in charge of declaring what is and is not propaganda is a totalitarian wet dream.', ">>{Toxitoxi} : It's kinda silly to ask hypotheticals like this when there are so many actual cases of Republican hypocrisy to draw from.", '>>{sedgwickian} : Given their respect for the rule of law, I suspect they\'d do the same thing if the parties were reversed. I could definitely see Fox News running a headline that tucks the CIA\'s findings behind Clinton\'s call to "Move on!" and I\'m sure that drudge would link to the WaPo article with a headline that refers to it as "Fake News?" if it had turned out that Clinton had won with the help of foreign hackers *that she publicly encouraged during the campaign*. *vomits* (note: This is actually how these outlets are responding to this report)', '>>{HighTechnocrat} : They want everyone to stop using vaccines, or at the very least they want to be able to refuse to vaccinate their kids and still send them to public schools and such.', ">>{JeffTS} : Trump will now not only have the power to indefinitely detain anyone, anywhere, but he'll also have an agency who will be the arbiter of what is truth and what is fiction.", '>>{TrippleTonyHawk} : To all of those worried that Trump will run America like Putin runs Russia, Obama just gave him a key assist.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Or, we can choose to judge what they produce on it's own merits.", ">>{BelieveEnemie} : I thought the Obama admin had removed all of their content to make room for Trump's and his team just hasn't put up their full site yet.", ">>{digitlmystik} : Wouldn't matter. Would be the same outcome either way", ">>{IbanezDavy} : I wonder if they modeled it after North Korea's department?", '>>{dabootyjuice} : Search your feelings. You know it to be true', '>>{Watchdog-E-M-} : Yeah Australia has an amazing an amazing system in place. No Jab, No Pay. If you refuse to vaccinate, you will not receive any government welfare benefits. No Jab, No Play. If you refuse to vaccinate, your children will not be allowed to attend school. It\'s really worked well, seems that when your uneducated & unemployed & the government cuts your welfare off unless you vaccinate, you suddenly get smarter & change your "hardline" views.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : I'm personally hoping the Russia shit leads to his actual downfall. His rhetoric is changing quite a bit on it. Maybe hearing that 99 senators are against him scares him a bit.", ">>{Loxodontist} : [Straight from the horse's ass](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/449525268529815552?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)", '>>{South_in_AZ} : The NDAA was passed to the president to sign by the legislature. Want to get pissed, look to them first. I agree that that portion is very concerning, as was the original PATRIOT act. It had a veto proff majority of the legislature. This was a no win legislation for Obama, he gets criticized for signing it, and would have been at least as lambasted for not signing the National Defense Authorization Act. Though I would have loved for him to veto it with a strongly worded press release or news conference.', ">>{PostTruthPete} : they were threatening armed insurrection on twitter when it looked like she'd win fairly so you do the math.", '>>{dudeguypal} : No I get what they are about. But their position on vaccines is batshit insane and stupid.', '>>{Knoxotut} : They thought turning the nation into an Orwellian state over the last 20 years was a good idea. Then someone else got the keys.', '>>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the conflict.', '>>{AssBlastersInc} : It does not matter. Even if there was hacking involved, the contents of the "hacked" emails confirmed primary rigging, pay-for-play deals and coaching the MSM to suit the wants of the DNC. Most of america already hated these cheating liars and all this did was confirm what we suspected all along.', ">>{SATexas1} : What information was shared that was damaging to the democrats? As these releases were happening we kept being told there was nothing. Now it's something?", ">>{Dsalter123} : Honestly, I would have probably voted for her. It's just sad she blames a whole country without any proof. There has been tension between USA and Russia for many many years. Her already having her problems with them and threatening to use military action was just the foreshadow of a war with Russia. No fly zone in Syria would have just made matters worse if a Russian plane were to get shot down there.", '>>{theTruus} : Demand an investigation? They would demand her to step out and prosecute her for treason.', ">>{lofi76} : It's weird seeing the trump camp berate Jill stein as anti science and then embrace trump. Cognitive dissonance to the max.", '>>{Gonzanic} : At least it makes it easier for the average person with a quarter brain and half an asshole to be on the right side of history. Figure out "WWTD?" and then go against that.', '>>{LosingIsForLosers} : You would be correct but that wont stop the outrage. Yes, the Obama administration removed their content and the disappearing pages have nothing to do with Trump.', '>>{digitlmystik} : Regardless of how the information came out, its funny how people are upset about the truth coming out and would rather things go their way while they go about with their heads in the sand', '>>{eximil} : >Yes, the Obama administration removed their content and the disappearing pages have nothing to do with Trump. Other than the fact that Trump could have had something ready to go when he came in showing that he at least pays lip service to the issues that were removed.', ">>{do_you_even_ship_bro} : these are the droids you wanted, right? (dude, you fucked that quote up. What? No, I didn't. He went to the store for droids, why would he get ones that he wasn't looking for?)", ">>{Raneados} : Even if this were true, I'm rather concerned nobody was ready to fill in the gaps. I'm no super genius but I have a tiny amount of foresight.", '>>{mikes94} : They would be calling for a new election, there would be riots in the streets and they would be calling to bring back the guillotine.', '>>{BiipityBoopityBooop} : Yeah the issue here is that a lot of the moms who lead them are rich housewives into new age crap.', '>>{etherspin} : This probably means nothing other than rewording but I found the armed services dinner extremely alarming as fascist overtones go (and I usually think that\'s an overblown claim) Trump said he can\'t stand the media , doesn\'t like them and that they are inferior humans to the armed forces who are "lovely" - basically a different class of humans. I hope the media eventually realise they need to cooperate to be able to fairly cover this fool', ">>{tehvolcanic} : To be fair, Trump probably didn't know he was supposed to have a web page until this morning.", ">>{morbidexpression} : I'm assuming 17 intelligence agencies saying so would = proof to anybody without a fetish for inhaling the smell of Trump flatulence.", '>>{surlylemur} : [Yup](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/01/20/why-are-whitehouse-gov-web-pages-disappearing/gd0HEAAU49hrLZMCiOQwuN/amp.html) Now, who knows what will go back up, but so far this looks like a bunch of old men yelling at clouds', '>>{Deathitis54} : Too bad 60 percent of the American people were too lazy and stupid to actually vote. Not too lazy to complain about it nonstop though', '>>{archetech} : It was so creepy watching the "Q&A" session. Trump took like 10 minutes fielding 5 questions from troops in Afghanistan and each question wasn\'t a question, it was literally just a statement of, "congratulations on winning Mr. President". And Trump was like, these are good people, not like the bad media, the media should act like this. WTF?', ">>{tehSlothman} : No jab no pay isn't so much designed to engage anti-vax parents because they're usually in demographics not reliant on welfare (as the other person who replied said, it's a lot of middle class mums with too much time on their hands). It's more for parents on low income because they're the demographic most likely to fall behind on vaccinations because of lower education and the fact they genuinely have too much other shit to worry about rather than being actually against vaccination, and no jab no pay puts them in a situation where they literally can't afford not to vaccinate their kids, so it forces their hand. But yeah it's a good system.", ">>{Toxitoxi} : > Honestly, I would have probably voted for her. It's just sad she blames a whole country without any proof. The FBI said they believed Russia hacked the DNC. The private companies that investigated the DNC hack said they believed Russia hacked the DNC. > There has been tension between USA and Russia for many many years. Her already having her problems with them and threatening to use military action was just the foreshadow of a war with Russia. No fly zone in Syria would have just made matters worse if a Russian plane were to get shot down there. The point of threatening the use of military force is to make Russia *stop* dropping bombs there, not to start a war. Neither side wants to go to war, and Russia stands more to lose by doing so. For comparison, do you think Kennedy was trying to start a war with Russia when he established the Cuban blockade?", '>>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : I knew there would be two of you. There always is. One to embody power, the other to crave it.', '>>{revjrbobdodds} : In the same way they removed their Spanish translation so the Trump team could post their own? Because the internet can only hold so much information, right?', ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : Care to link to the specific emails proving primary rigging, pay-for-play, and anything more heinous than the standard relationships between politicians and journos? I'm willing to believe the DNC was dumb enough to push for increased Trump coverage, because I've seen the strategy memos alluding to it. Everything else has failed to convince me.", ">>{LosingIsForLosers} : Fill what gaps? Today was inauguration day and the website is still there minus a couple of pages. I think we'll survive the weekend.", ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : The whole point of electing stable politicians is that they're smart enough to handle the political dance with Russia without capitulating or going to war. This strange assumption that Clinton would have started bombing St. Petersburg is not tied to reality.", '>>{LosingIsForLosers} : Priority number one for a new presidents administration: Update whitehouse.gov.', ">>{Dsalter123} : Without any proof it's just another scandal. You can't say the shit is real if it's just accusations.", '>>{ForcedPoliteness} : They were released, showed a whole lot of nothing, and were then spun into something by people with an interest in bringing Trump to power, as you well know. Lies can do just as much damage as the truth.', ">>{Raneados} : The gaps of those pages going missing. >minus a couple of pages. Wellllllllll, no. He's put up a few replacements, but they are missing key policy decisions and talking points. Major ones. Trump was elected more than 2 months ago. He's had at LEAST that time to assign someone to take over the website. He didn't, and still hasn't almost a day later. And what he HAS had replaced is missing some pretty important details. Those are the gaps. Nobody filled them in. This is one person leaving a shift and the next not being ready to fill in. If this happened at my work, they wouldn't have that duty any more. And I drive a bus for a living. I'm not the friggin president.", '>>{Raneados} : Or have the foresight to assign someone the very easy task.', ">>{etherspin} : yeah and some ' I like these questions' bit after he'd started with saying how awesome armed services are because they all vote for him - jingoistic shit is the level I hope it stays at", '>>{SATexas1} : What were they spun into that influenced the election Specifically what was the damaging information', '>>{Dadalot} : Hell they were calling for a firing squad *2 months ago.* If she colluded with Russia they would want her head on a pike.', ">>{morbidexpression} : of course not, they don't exist. If they did, the investigations would be legion. They just say stuff and repeat it like a mantra to drive away the bad thoughts and doubt.", ">>{morbidexpression} : That's the thing, tho. There is proof. But you made your mind up already and know better than 17 intelligence agencies. All because you fancy a guy with shit hair.", '>>{Dsalter123} : If there\'s proof why don\'t they release. The only "proof" there is, is them thinking it\'s true.', '>>{omeow} : >There has been tension between USA and Russia for many many years. Her already having her problems with them and threatening to use military action was just the foreshadow of a war with Russia. - So the right response to Russian atrocities is to leave it be? - in a time when Russia would be crippled by financial sanctions and anti Russian sentiments through out Europe the smartest strategy is to make friends with them? > No fly zone in Syria would have just made matters worse if a Russian plane were to get shot down there. When hundreds of people died when a commercial flight was shot down by pro Russian militants and Russia investigated before the world could get there nothing happened. Russia with all the sanctions would have been weaker. But thanks to a dumb orange buffoon they have an upper hand now.', '>>{contantofaz} : I think there is a choice right. In order to avoid going to war with Russia, one could go to war with basically everybody else. America could go to war with Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, Iraq again, Turkey... And then America could avoid going directly against Russia. Only problem is the body count being left behind. Trump may be too "dim" to want to go to war with anybody. But the "red lines" and "sanctions" can put him under duress all the same. Trump hasn\'t yet forgiven Russia in the least. So he hasn\'t yet solved the Russian issue. By avoiding to go to war with Russia, that\'s just the minimum standard. That\'s nothing. Trump would have to forgive the sanctions against Russia, but that wouldn\'t solve Europe\'s issues yet. Russia did kill 200 passengers in that airliner from Holland. Russia did annex Crimea. And Russia is still at war in Syria and Russia will not single-handedly deal with the humanitarian issues in the Middle East, even if they were allowed to. Climate change is still a thing. Population growth is still a thing. Immigration is also still important and a source of distress. Basically not going to war with Russia is not going to solve any of those other stuff.', ">>{tripleeve} : pay for play oh you mean like Trump's biggest donor getting a cabinet post? that kind of pay for fucking play?", ">>{pepedelafrogg} : Demand? She'd be dragged from the back of pickup truck and set on fire after she died.", '>>{chunky_donuts} : Not even in the white house yet and already dirty as fuck.', ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : Lol, I know they don't exist. But I try to be polite when asking these types to put up or shut up.", ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : The kind of information you peddle at the bottom of just about every thread on this sub. Hillary rigged the primary, Hillary's Foundation was nothing more than a money-laundering setup, Hillary must hate gays because she accepted charitable donations from the Saudis and Qatar, Hillary would start a war with Russia, the list goes on. Pizzagate is the latest and greatest. But you, playing your part in all of this, must surely know them already.", '>>{Pksoze} : >Hell they were calling for a firing squad 2 months ago. And they want us to give Trump a chance. What a bunch of fucking clowns,', ">>{chunky_donuts} : I am dumber for reading this. Can't imagine the effect it has on you for writing it.", ">>{SATexas1} : What are you accusing me of? None of this information you're spewing is related to Russia is it?", ">>{morbidexpression} : Because whatever they release would still have you putting mocking quotes around it. You're just projecting and aren't interested in the reality of the situation. The press, the intelligence services, most of the world - none of that matters to you as much as whatever idiocy an orangutan is bleating about.", ">>{Dsalter123} : I'd accept it if there was actual proof and not just accusations .", ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : Lol, you're very good at talking in circles, and I apparently need to get some work done before a birthday party tonight. So let's tie this whole thing up in a neat little bow real quick, and then I'm out. According to the info we have now, Russian-backed hackers secured and selectively released information to harm the Democratic Party, playing off the Republican-led scandal over Clinton's emails. When nothing especially shocking emerged in either case, right-wing sources and apparently a few Macedonians spun them into false narratives, distributed them through social media, and left the public with nothing more substantial than the allusion of corruption. This undoubtedly affected the public perception of Hillary Clinton and likely contributed to her defeat. All of this was made possible through the actions of the Russian state, and then our own home-grown lunacy and a lack of critical thought was enough to finish the job for them. Was that simple enough for you? And I'm not accusing you of anything other than spreading misinformation to suit your political aims. :) Time to go work through the weekend.", '>>{SATexas1} : Bye In conclusion, no news was released... Got it', '>>{moleratical} : Trump did win fairly. Russia influenced the election unfairly but that is on Russia. besides, Russia favoring Trump is no surprise to anyone, the American electorate chose Trump regardless of that fact. That should be the scariest part of all of this,.', ">>{hillarysidiot} : If that were the case then why on earth did Ken Starr spend so much of our money and spend so long on whitewater? $80 million spent when hey guess what they didn't have to do an investigation, just impeach him. God you people don't know much do you? http://edition.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/04/01/counsel.probe.costs/", '>>{res-ipsa-loquitur-} : >conspiring with a foreign power Hey can I see that source on the conspiring part? Thanks in advance!', '>>{shahooster} : When is he legally changing his name to Weaselfuck?', ">>{choose_a_username-2} : They wouldn't be republicans if they cared at all about the welfare of anyone but themselves and their families. This has become crystal clear. Gone are the days when conservatives were sometimes just people who felt like change should be a bit slower. Anyone who denies it is not looking at reality. So of course they would have cared if it impacted their bottom line... that's all they care about.", '>>{Dildo-Shwagins} : I dont recall that part of the election. DJT was ahead from the start.', ">>{understando} : That's not true. Pretty much all polls showed Hillary winning.", '>>{TheGoddamnSpiderman} : You need two thirds of the Senate to convict for impeachment though, not just a simple majority', '>>{De__eB} : How would liberals have reacted if Russia had favored hillary?', ">>{mikikaoru} : Well, I thought it was policy to not pass along classified information to civilians? It seems like you are trying to ignore the guidance of America's own intelligence agencies because they haven't passed that classified information to the public.", '>>{PostTruthPete} : Are you claiming there were no people threatening armed insurection on twitter? Really?', '>>{NameRetrievalError} : nope, just doing the math, republican-style. people seem to have misinterpreted this.', '>>{Mikeytruant850} : >Demand an investigation? They would demand her to step out and ~~prosecute~~ *execute* her for treason. FTFY', '>>{Cladari} : The other question is "how would have the Democrats reacted if Russia had favored Hillary". I know there is at least one Russian uranium broker who favors Hillary.', ">>{PostTruthPete} : I have no idea what you're talking about. Have a great saturday.", ">>{gnovos} : And why aren't the Dems acting that way now? Is this not important enough an issue to take action? At what point do you do so?", '>>{IndianaGunner} : There is a difference in favoring and spiking the election in favor of.', ">>{DPSOnly} : No he wasn't. Even the polls on the day itself were giving HRC up to 10% more chance to win.", ">>{DPSOnly} : > Trump did win fairly. I don't think we've heard the last of it.", '>>{Chino1130} : Alex Jones would have died of a stroke rather than participating in his Trump fueled circle jerk', ">>{IndianaGunner} : Dude, one day your going to realize what you are doing right now and be in deep regret. You won't tell anyone, you will just be filled with regret that you weren't a better american.", '>>{MoonBatsRule} : In all fairness, if the tables were turned and Hillary won, and reports came out that Russia was doing things to make her win, would Hillary supporters support awarding the presidency to Trump?', ">>{rhott} : Saudi Arabia gave Hillary $20m and so did Qatar. I'm not fond of those countries influencing an election either.", ">>{LuniWin} : Wouldn't care at all. Clinton was favoured by Hollywood, music stars, sports stars, almost every newspaper, almost every pundit show, every polling company, almost every other country and she still lost.", '>>{MaryShrew} : Trump won "fairly" by almost -3m votes.', '>>{Laez} : I think you mean “hint at her assassination“. Probably autocorrect...', ">>{trytoinjureme} : They'd react the same way Democrats are right now. Is that surprising to anyone?", '>>{ptwonline} : > demand an investigation about her secret server that communicates with Russia You misspelled "call for the death penalty."', '>>{Dildo-Shwagins} : Thats due to the fact you were getting your news from a fake news source \\#fakenews', ">>{DPSOnly} : Ah, yes, the fake news sources that existed before anybody involved in the race were born, totally a complete conspiracy right here, should've seen it coming. I'm laying the sarcasm on here really thick and am explaining that it is in fact sarcasm, just so you might get that it is sarcasm and your comment is kinda lacking anything true.", ">>{moleratical} : that's irrelevant, it's the electoral votes that matter and unless there is evidence of vote switching he won fairly.", ">>{p9504178} : They would absolutely support it. Related: It's fun to try to guess which Democrats would break ranks to call for an investigation. I always try to guess what the shoe will look like when its on the other foot.", '>>{DASMUNKI} : Like they do about everything, moan like babies then threaten to shoot people.', '>>{breezeblock87} : you mean to her AIDS charity? AGASP!! regardless of your nonsensical false equivalency..how would you feel if Clinton frequently praised King Salman throughout the election and suggested he was a stronger leader than our current President? how would you feel if Saudi Arabia confirmed that they had been in contact with her people throughout the campaign? how would you feel if she was selecting people for her cabinet with close Saudi ties? and how the fuck would you feel if she was selecting a Secretary of State that was running a company that stood to gain 1/2 a TRILLION dollars from the U.S. lifting sanctions? a man that received a personal friendship medal from Salman?', '>>{Gravybone} : I think the idea that people are constantly trying to justify why a foreign nation attempting, successful or not, to influence our democratic process is no big deal are the scariest part of this.', ">>{rdee3} : They wouldn't even want an investigation. They wanted her jailed for the e-mails. For conspiring with Russia to hack the elections, they'd want her executed, and then her soul executed in the afterlife.", '>>{thewileyone} : Finally someone brings up the secret Trump server that connects to Alfa Bank in Russia.', '>>{CpnJackSparrow} : If Putin had done this to support Hillary Clinton, Republicans would be losing their god-damned minds. There would undoubtedly be calls for hearings, investigations, special prosecutors, a public lynching, etc. What do we hear from them instead? :::crickets::: You can now power a small New Hampshire town with all the spinning Ronald Reagan is doing in his grave.', ">>{psychoticdream} : Trump's charity is a fraud that's why it got shut down. Clinton's charity is not.", ">>{UnicornTickler} : [It wasn't just twitter.](https://youtu.be/fs9XfT8yAd0)", '>>{NameRetrievalError} : no, and i think most of us are fine with the presidency going to any republican less insane than trump, which is all of them.', ">>{cm18} : Din't Hillary sell Russia 20% of the US uranium mines? And what about the SA contributions to her campaign? Where's the comparisons?", ">>{ChamferedWobble} : Check his username and this season of Southpark. He's purposefully trolling.", '>>{dukemantee} : Oh man the trumpbro that screamed at me a few weeks back about Hillary and "pay to play."', '>>{BrodyKraut} : democrats would never riot over a fairly won election oh wait...', ">>{PostTruthPete} : I never said they wouldn't. Im actually surprised it stopped.", '>>{paintbucketholder} : * Linda McMahon contributed $7.5 million to the Trump campaign - got the Small Business Administration appointment. * DeVos family contributed $1.8 million to the Trump campaign - Betsy DeVos was appointed Education secretary. * Joe Ricketts contributed $1.3 million to the Trump campaign - his son Todd Ricketts was appointed Deputy Commerce secretary. * Former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge fund manager Steven Mnuchin personally contributed $425,000 to the Trump campaign and party - was appointed Treasury secretary. * Andrew Puzder - who runs the parent company of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. - contributed $332,200 together with his wife - was appointed Labor secretary. * Wilbur Ross, billionaire investor, contributed $200,000 to the Trump campaign - got the Commerce secretary appointment.', '>>{IndianaGunner} : Ah, but I have lived in poverty. I had a young mother with no education and little food to eat as a child. I do understand the importance of safety nets for the poor, disabled, and elderly.', '>>{loungesinger} : What if the electors vote for Clinton? If this happens, then Hillary will have won fairly. Surely Trump supporters accept this without threatening armed insurrection.', '>>{almeras} : Look at the user name. South Park reference.', ">>{Mongfight} : Trump's newly appointed head of the small business administration (Linda McMahon) is his foundation's largest donor. Thoughts?", ">>{mapoftasmania} : I'll bite. They would have branded her a traitor and appointed a special prosecutor to dog her administration with accusations of illegitimacy and try to get her impeached. They would also refuse to hear any of her appointees and slow play those they had to hear. And obstructionism in congress would continue unabated. All of this is *exactly* what the Dems should do now. Trump is too dangerous to play nice with.", '>>{hugsbosson} : How would democrats react if Russia had favoured Hilary..', ">>{T1mac} : The Trumpsters would have lost their fucking minds. They would be rioting in the streets. The Second Amendment folks would be rampaging the country. That's how the Trumpsters would have reacted.", '>>{expostfacto-saurus} : Exactly. The only difference would be that the Dems would be downplaying it and the GOP would be upset.', '>>{branawesome} : As terrible as this is, Clinton had a similar list of people that paid to play.', ">>{vertigo7__} : This doesn't even need to be asked. They couldve had a dream that Hillary said something positive about Putin and wake up screaming communist. We need a new stronger word for hypocrit.", '>>{branawesome} : Why do think so many pay so much to these campaigns? For access and favoritism. https://theintercept.com/2016/08/16/hillary-clinton-picks-tpp-and-fracking-advocate-to-set-up-her-white-house/ http://www.npr.org/2016/08/10/489462473/new-emails-raise-questions-about-ties-between-clinton-foundation-and-state-dept', '>>{branawesome} : Why do think so many pay so much to these campaigns? For access and favoritism. https://theintercept.com/2016/08/16/hillary-clinton-picks-tpp-and-fracking-advocate-to-set-up-her-white-house/ http://www.npr.org/2016/08/10/489462473/new-emails-raise-questions-about-ties-between-clinton-foundation-and-state-dept', '>>{vertigo7__} : Yes, it\'s almost like politicians are playing politics. Your first source (intercept) says right at the top "Unifficial sources" so taking that with a grain of salt. NPR makes a good argument but it is all based on conjecture and nothing solid. I need solid evidence with solid sources. Im tired that the quality articles being dragged down to conspiracy levels of logic. Not to mention that so much has been taken out of context that it eventually devolved into pizza gate. I feel the same about the Russian thing. We are given scenarios and possibilities but nothing i can grab hold of and say "yup, this nails it. Lets remove Trump." Its tiring.', '>>{branawesome} : Playing Politics when it\'s a candidate you like, "Corrupt" when it\'s one you don\'t. Campaign finance reform needs to happen NOW.', ">>{vertigo7__} : Those fews are natural but doesnt take away that politics is brutal and requires a balance of finding powerful backings and partners while at the same time trying not to regress and try and benefit the American people. Politics is beyond black and white, the people that don't get that are the ones more easily to scream corruption. I agree on the campaign finance reform, i think the balance is far....far to much in favor of the rich in this country.", ">>{moleratical} : What if I win the lottery and get a super-hot girlfriend who likes threesomes? Until the EC votes against Trump it's really an invalid point."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{JulianneGarner} : How would Republicans react if Russia had favored Hillary?', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Very supportive. Newt Gingrich would be full of praise. Trump would call her smart. Trump fans would've had second thoughts due to her brilliant diplomacy mending fences. Of course not. They'd call her a traitor for conspiring with a foreign power to win an election and demand an investigation about her secret server that communicates with Russia.", ">>{Toxitoxi} : It's kinda silly to ask hypotheticals like this when there are so many actual cases of Republican hypocrisy to draw from.", '>>{sedgwickian} : Given their respect for the rule of law, I suspect they\'d do the same thing if the parties were reversed. I could definitely see Fox News running a headline that tucks the CIA\'s findings behind Clinton\'s call to "Move on!" and I\'m sure that drudge would link to the WaPo article with a headline that refers to it as "Fake News?" if it had turned out that Clinton had won with the help of foreign hackers *that she publicly encouraged during the campaign*. *vomits* (note: This is actually how these outlets are responding to this report)', ">>{digitlmystik} : Wouldn't matter. Would be the same outcome either way", ">>{PostTruthPete} : they were threatening armed insurrection on twitter when it looked like she'd win fairly so you do the math.", '>>{AssBlastersInc} : It does not matter. Even if there was hacking involved, the contents of the "hacked" emails confirmed primary rigging, pay-for-play deals and coaching the MSM to suit the wants of the DNC. Most of america already hated these cheating liars and all this did was confirm what we suspected all along.', ">>{SATexas1} : What information was shared that was damaging to the democrats? As these releases were happening we kept being told there was nothing. Now it's something?", ">>{Dsalter123} : Honestly, I would have probably voted for her. It's just sad she blames a whole country without any proof. There has been tension between USA and Russia for many many years. Her already having her problems with them and threatening to use military action was just the foreshadow of a war with Russia. No fly zone in Syria would have just made matters worse if a Russian plane were to get shot down there.", '>>{theTruus} : Demand an investigation? They would demand her to step out and prosecute her for treason.', '>>{digitlmystik} : Regardless of how the information came out, its funny how people are upset about the truth coming out and would rather things go their way while they go about with their heads in the sand', '>>{mikes94} : They would be calling for a new election, there would be riots in the streets and they would be calling to bring back the guillotine.', ">>{morbidexpression} : I'm assuming 17 intelligence agencies saying so would = proof to anybody without a fetish for inhaling the smell of Trump flatulence.", ">>{Toxitoxi} : > Honestly, I would have probably voted for her. It's just sad she blames a whole country without any proof. The FBI said they believed Russia hacked the DNC. The private companies that investigated the DNC hack said they believed Russia hacked the DNC. > There has been tension between USA and Russia for many many years. Her already having her problems with them and threatening to use military action was just the foreshadow of a war with Russia. No fly zone in Syria would have just made matters worse if a Russian plane were to get shot down there. The point of threatening the use of military force is to make Russia *stop* dropping bombs there, not to start a war. Neither side wants to go to war, and Russia stands more to lose by doing so. For comparison, do you think Kennedy was trying to start a war with Russia when he established the Cuban blockade?", ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : Care to link to the specific emails proving primary rigging, pay-for-play, and anything more heinous than the standard relationships between politicians and journos? I'm willing to believe the DNC was dumb enough to push for increased Trump coverage, because I've seen the strategy memos alluding to it. Everything else has failed to convince me.", ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : The whole point of electing stable politicians is that they're smart enough to handle the political dance with Russia without capitulating or going to war. This strange assumption that Clinton would have started bombing St. Petersburg is not tied to reality.", ">>{Dsalter123} : Without any proof it's just another scandal. You can't say the shit is real if it's just accusations.", '>>{ForcedPoliteness} : They were released, showed a whole lot of nothing, and were then spun into something by people with an interest in bringing Trump to power, as you well know. Lies can do just as much damage as the truth.', '>>{SATexas1} : What were they spun into that influenced the election Specifically what was the damaging information', '>>{Dadalot} : Hell they were calling for a firing squad *2 months ago.* If she colluded with Russia they would want her head on a pike.', ">>{morbidexpression} : of course not, they don't exist. If they did, the investigations would be legion. They just say stuff and repeat it like a mantra to drive away the bad thoughts and doubt.", ">>{morbidexpression} : That's the thing, tho. There is proof. But you made your mind up already and know better than 17 intelligence agencies. All because you fancy a guy with shit hair.", '>>{Dsalter123} : If there\'s proof why don\'t they release. The only "proof" there is, is them thinking it\'s true.', '>>{omeow} : >There has been tension between USA and Russia for many many years. Her already having her problems with them and threatening to use military action was just the foreshadow of a war with Russia. - So the right response to Russian atrocities is to leave it be? - in a time when Russia would be crippled by financial sanctions and anti Russian sentiments through out Europe the smartest strategy is to make friends with them? > No fly zone in Syria would have just made matters worse if a Russian plane were to get shot down there. When hundreds of people died when a commercial flight was shot down by pro Russian militants and Russia investigated before the world could get there nothing happened. Russia with all the sanctions would have been weaker. But thanks to a dumb orange buffoon they have an upper hand now.', '>>{contantofaz} : I think there is a choice right. In order to avoid going to war with Russia, one could go to war with basically everybody else. America could go to war with Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, Iraq again, Turkey... And then America could avoid going directly against Russia. Only problem is the body count being left behind. Trump may be too "dim" to want to go to war with anybody. But the "red lines" and "sanctions" can put him under duress all the same. Trump hasn\'t yet forgiven Russia in the least. So he hasn\'t yet solved the Russian issue. By avoiding to go to war with Russia, that\'s just the minimum standard. That\'s nothing. Trump would have to forgive the sanctions against Russia, but that wouldn\'t solve Europe\'s issues yet. Russia did kill 200 passengers in that airliner from Holland. Russia did annex Crimea. And Russia is still at war in Syria and Russia will not single-handedly deal with the humanitarian issues in the Middle East, even if they were allowed to. Climate change is still a thing. Population growth is still a thing. Immigration is also still important and a source of distress. Basically not going to war with Russia is not going to solve any of those other stuff.', ">>{tripleeve} : pay for play oh you mean like Trump's biggest donor getting a cabinet post? that kind of pay for fucking play?", ">>{pepedelafrogg} : Demand? She'd be dragged from the back of pickup truck and set on fire after she died.", '>>{chunky_donuts} : Not even in the white house yet and already dirty as fuck.', ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : Lol, I know they don't exist. But I try to be polite when asking these types to put up or shut up.", ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : The kind of information you peddle at the bottom of just about every thread on this sub. Hillary rigged the primary, Hillary's Foundation was nothing more than a money-laundering setup, Hillary must hate gays because she accepted charitable donations from the Saudis and Qatar, Hillary would start a war with Russia, the list goes on. Pizzagate is the latest and greatest. But you, playing your part in all of this, must surely know them already.", '>>{Pksoze} : >Hell they were calling for a firing squad 2 months ago. And they want us to give Trump a chance. What a bunch of fucking clowns,', ">>{chunky_donuts} : I am dumber for reading this. Can't imagine the effect it has on you for writing it.", ">>{SATexas1} : What are you accusing me of? None of this information you're spewing is related to Russia is it?", ">>{morbidexpression} : Because whatever they release would still have you putting mocking quotes around it. You're just projecting and aren't interested in the reality of the situation. The press, the intelligence services, most of the world - none of that matters to you as much as whatever idiocy an orangutan is bleating about.", ">>{Dsalter123} : I'd accept it if there was actual proof and not just accusations .", ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : Lol, you're very good at talking in circles, and I apparently need to get some work done before a birthday party tonight. So let's tie this whole thing up in a neat little bow real quick, and then I'm out. According to the info we have now, Russian-backed hackers secured and selectively released information to harm the Democratic Party, playing off the Republican-led scandal over Clinton's emails. When nothing especially shocking emerged in either case, right-wing sources and apparently a few Macedonians spun them into false narratives, distributed them through social media, and left the public with nothing more substantial than the allusion of corruption. This undoubtedly affected the public perception of Hillary Clinton and likely contributed to her defeat. All of this was made possible through the actions of the Russian state, and then our own home-grown lunacy and a lack of critical thought was enough to finish the job for them. Was that simple enough for you? And I'm not accusing you of anything other than spreading misinformation to suit your political aims. :) Time to go work through the weekend.", '>>{SATexas1} : Bye In conclusion, no news was released... Got it', '>>{moleratical} : Trump did win fairly. Russia influenced the election unfairly but that is on Russia. besides, Russia favoring Trump is no surprise to anyone, the American electorate chose Trump regardless of that fact. That should be the scariest part of all of this,.', ">>{hillarysidiot} : If that were the case then why on earth did Ken Starr spend so much of our money and spend so long on whitewater? $80 million spent when hey guess what they didn't have to do an investigation, just impeach him. God you people don't know much do you? http://edition.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/04/01/counsel.probe.costs/", '>>{res-ipsa-loquitur-} : >conspiring with a foreign power Hey can I see that source on the conspiring part? Thanks in advance!', '>>{shahooster} : When is he legally changing his name to Weaselfuck?', ">>{choose_a_username-2} : They wouldn't be republicans if they cared at all about the welfare of anyone but themselves and their families. This has become crystal clear. Gone are the days when conservatives were sometimes just people who felt like change should be a bit slower. Anyone who denies it is not looking at reality. So of course they would have cared if it impacted their bottom line... that's all they care about.", '>>{Dildo-Shwagins} : I dont recall that part of the election. DJT was ahead from the start.', ">>{understando} : That's not true. Pretty much all polls showed Hillary winning.", '>>{TheGoddamnSpiderman} : You need two thirds of the Senate to convict for impeachment though, not just a simple majority', '>>{De__eB} : How would liberals have reacted if Russia had favored hillary?', ">>{mikikaoru} : Well, I thought it was policy to not pass along classified information to civilians? It seems like you are trying to ignore the guidance of America's own intelligence agencies because they haven't passed that classified information to the public.", '>>{PostTruthPete} : Are you claiming there were no people threatening armed insurection on twitter? Really?', '>>{NameRetrievalError} : nope, just doing the math, republican-style. people seem to have misinterpreted this.', '>>{Mikeytruant850} : >Demand an investigation? They would demand her to step out and ~~prosecute~~ *execute* her for treason. FTFY', '>>{Cladari} : The other question is "how would have the Democrats reacted if Russia had favored Hillary". I know there is at least one Russian uranium broker who favors Hillary.', ">>{PostTruthPete} : I have no idea what you're talking about. Have a great saturday.", ">>{gnovos} : And why aren't the Dems acting that way now? Is this not important enough an issue to take action? At what point do you do so?", '>>{IndianaGunner} : There is a difference in favoring and spiking the election in favor of.', ">>{DPSOnly} : No he wasn't. Even the polls on the day itself were giving HRC up to 10% more chance to win.", ">>{DPSOnly} : > Trump did win fairly. I don't think we've heard the last of it.", '>>{Chino1130} : Alex Jones would have died of a stroke rather than participating in his Trump fueled circle jerk', ">>{IndianaGunner} : Dude, one day your going to realize what you are doing right now and be in deep regret. You won't tell anyone, you will just be filled with regret that you weren't a better american.", '>>{MoonBatsRule} : In all fairness, if the tables were turned and Hillary won, and reports came out that Russia was doing things to make her win, would Hillary supporters support awarding the presidency to Trump?', ">>{rhott} : Saudi Arabia gave Hillary $20m and so did Qatar. I'm not fond of those countries influencing an election either.", ">>{LuniWin} : Wouldn't care at all. Clinton was favoured by Hollywood, music stars, sports stars, almost every newspaper, almost every pundit show, every polling company, almost every other country and she still lost.", '>>{MaryShrew} : Trump won "fairly" by almost -3m votes.', '>>{Laez} : I think you mean “hint at her assassination“. Probably autocorrect...', ">>{trytoinjureme} : They'd react the same way Democrats are right now. Is that surprising to anyone?", '>>{ptwonline} : > demand an investigation about her secret server that communicates with Russia You misspelled "call for the death penalty."', '>>{Dildo-Shwagins} : Thats due to the fact you were getting your news from a fake news source \\#fakenews', ">>{DPSOnly} : Ah, yes, the fake news sources that existed before anybody involved in the race were born, totally a complete conspiracy right here, should've seen it coming. I'm laying the sarcasm on here really thick and am explaining that it is in fact sarcasm, just so you might get that it is sarcasm and your comment is kinda lacking anything true.", ">>{moleratical} : that's irrelevant, it's the electoral votes that matter and unless there is evidence of vote switching he won fairly.", ">>{p9504178} : They would absolutely support it. Related: It's fun to try to guess which Democrats would break ranks to call for an investigation. I always try to guess what the shoe will look like when its on the other foot.", '>>{DASMUNKI} : Like they do about everything, moan like babies then threaten to shoot people.', '>>{breezeblock87} : you mean to her AIDS charity? AGASP!! regardless of your nonsensical false equivalency..how would you feel if Clinton frequently praised King Salman throughout the election and suggested he was a stronger leader than our current President? how would you feel if Saudi Arabia confirmed that they had been in contact with her people throughout the campaign? how would you feel if she was selecting people for her cabinet with close Saudi ties? and how the fuck would you feel if she was selecting a Secretary of State that was running a company that stood to gain 1/2 a TRILLION dollars from the U.S. lifting sanctions? a man that received a personal friendship medal from Salman?', '>>{Gravybone} : I think the idea that people are constantly trying to justify why a foreign nation attempting, successful or not, to influence our democratic process is no big deal are the scariest part of this.', ">>{rdee3} : They wouldn't even want an investigation. They wanted her jailed for the e-mails. For conspiring with Russia to hack the elections, they'd want her executed, and then her soul executed in the afterlife.", '>>{thewileyone} : Finally someone brings up the secret Trump server that connects to Alfa Bank in Russia.', '>>{CpnJackSparrow} : If Putin had done this to support Hillary Clinton, Republicans would be losing their god-damned minds. There would undoubtedly be calls for hearings, investigations, special prosecutors, a public lynching, etc. What do we hear from them instead? :::crickets::: You can now power a small New Hampshire town with all the spinning Ronald Reagan is doing in his grave.', ">>{psychoticdream} : Trump's charity is a fraud that's why it got shut down. Clinton's charity is not.", ">>{UnicornTickler} : [It wasn't just twitter.](https://youtu.be/fs9XfT8yAd0)", '>>{NameRetrievalError} : no, and i think most of us are fine with the presidency going to any republican less insane than trump, which is all of them.', ">>{cm18} : Din't Hillary sell Russia 20% of the US uranium mines? And what about the SA contributions to her campaign? Where's the comparisons?", ">>{ChamferedWobble} : Check his username and this season of Southpark. He's purposefully trolling.", '>>{dukemantee} : Oh man the trumpbro that screamed at me a few weeks back about Hillary and "pay to play."', '>>{BrodyKraut} : democrats would never riot over a fairly won election oh wait...', ">>{PostTruthPete} : I never said they wouldn't. Im actually surprised it stopped.", '>>{paintbucketholder} : * Linda McMahon contributed $7.5 million to the Trump campaign - got the Small Business Administration appointment. * DeVos family contributed $1.8 million to the Trump campaign - Betsy DeVos was appointed Education secretary. * Joe Ricketts contributed $1.3 million to the Trump campaign - his son Todd Ricketts was appointed Deputy Commerce secretary. * Former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge fund manager Steven Mnuchin personally contributed $425,000 to the Trump campaign and party - was appointed Treasury secretary. * Andrew Puzder - who runs the parent company of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. - contributed $332,200 together with his wife - was appointed Labor secretary. * Wilbur Ross, billionaire investor, contributed $200,000 to the Trump campaign - got the Commerce secretary appointment.', '>>{IndianaGunner} : Ah, but I have lived in poverty. I had a young mother with no education and little food to eat as a child. I do understand the importance of safety nets for the poor, disabled, and elderly.', '>>{loungesinger} : What if the electors vote for Clinton? If this happens, then Hillary will have won fairly. Surely Trump supporters accept this without threatening armed insurrection.', '>>{almeras} : Look at the user name. South Park reference.', ">>{Mongfight} : Trump's newly appointed head of the small business administration (Linda McMahon) is his foundation's largest donor. Thoughts?", ">>{mapoftasmania} : I'll bite. They would have branded her a traitor and appointed a special prosecutor to dog her administration with accusations of illegitimacy and try to get her impeached. They would also refuse to hear any of her appointees and slow play those they had to hear. And obstructionism in congress would continue unabated. All of this is *exactly* what the Dems should do now. Trump is too dangerous to play nice with.", '>>{hugsbosson} : How would democrats react if Russia had favoured Hilary..', ">>{T1mac} : The Trumpsters would have lost their fucking minds. They would be rioting in the streets. The Second Amendment folks would be rampaging the country. That's how the Trumpsters would have reacted.", '>>{expostfacto-saurus} : Exactly. The only difference would be that the Dems would be downplaying it and the GOP would be upset.', '>>{branawesome} : As terrible as this is, Clinton had a similar list of people that paid to play.', ">>{vertigo7__} : This doesn't even need to be asked. They couldve had a dream that Hillary said something positive about Putin and wake up screaming communist. We need a new stronger word for hypocrit.", '>>{branawesome} : Why do think so many pay so much to these campaigns? For access and favoritism. https://theintercept.com/2016/08/16/hillary-clinton-picks-tpp-and-fracking-advocate-to-set-up-her-white-house/ http://www.npr.org/2016/08/10/489462473/new-emails-raise-questions-about-ties-between-clinton-foundation-and-state-dept', '>>{branawesome} : Why do think so many pay so much to these campaigns? For access and favoritism. https://theintercept.com/2016/08/16/hillary-clinton-picks-tpp-and-fracking-advocate-to-set-up-her-white-house/ http://www.npr.org/2016/08/10/489462473/new-emails-raise-questions-about-ties-between-clinton-foundation-and-state-dept', '>>{vertigo7__} : Yes, it\'s almost like politicians are playing politics. Your first source (intercept) says right at the top "Unifficial sources" so taking that with a grain of salt. NPR makes a good argument but it is all based on conjecture and nothing solid. I need solid evidence with solid sources. Im tired that the quality articles being dragged down to conspiracy levels of logic. Not to mention that so much has been taken out of context that it eventually devolved into pizza gate. I feel the same about the Russian thing. We are given scenarios and possibilities but nothing i can grab hold of and say "yup, this nails it. Lets remove Trump." Its tiring.', '>>{branawesome} : Playing Politics when it\'s a candidate you like, "Corrupt" when it\'s one you don\'t. Campaign finance reform needs to happen NOW.', ">>{vertigo7__} : Those fews are natural but doesnt take away that politics is brutal and requires a balance of finding powerful backings and partners while at the same time trying not to regress and try and benefit the American people. Politics is beyond black and white, the people that don't get that are the ones more easily to scream corruption. I agree on the campaign finance reform, i think the balance is far....far to much in favor of the rich in this country.", ">>{moleratical} : What if I win the lottery and get a super-hot girlfriend who likes threesomes? Until the EC votes against Trump it's really an invalid point."], ['>>{JeffTS} : Under Cover of Christmas, Obama Establishes Controversial Anti-Propaganda Agency', '>>{MadHatter514} : This is a slippery slope and can/will be abused in the future.', ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : Golly gee whiz, how did this ever get to the president's desk? CONGRESS", '>>{ZeroSumHappiness} : It feels to me like a government agency in charge of declaring what is and is not propaganda is a totalitarian wet dream.', ">>{JeffTS} : Trump will now not only have the power to indefinitely detain anyone, anywhere, but he'll also have an agency who will be the arbiter of what is truth and what is fiction.", '>>{TrippleTonyHawk} : To all of those worried that Trump will run America like Putin runs Russia, Obama just gave him a key assist.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Or, we can choose to judge what they produce on it's own merits.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : I wonder if they modeled it after North Korea's department?", ">>{IbanezDavy} : I'm personally hoping the Russia shit leads to his actual downfall. His rhetoric is changing quite a bit on it. Maybe hearing that 99 senators are against him scares him a bit.", '>>{South_in_AZ} : The NDAA was passed to the president to sign by the legislature. Want to get pissed, look to them first. I agree that that portion is very concerning, as was the original PATRIOT act. It had a veto proff majority of the legislature. This was a no win legislation for Obama, he gets criticized for signing it, and would have been at least as lambasted for not signing the National Defense Authorization Act. Though I would have loved for him to veto it with a strongly worded press release or news conference.', '>>{Knoxotut} : They thought turning the nation into an Orwellian state over the last 20 years was a good idea. Then someone else got the keys.'], [">>{stevemegson} : Amusing, but of course you can't remove a page that never existed. EDIT: Downvotes will not change the fact that the page never existed, even if they make you feel better.", ">>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : No... that's not true... that's impossible! Noooooooooo!!", '>>{420nopescope69} : This is so ironic that I cant tell If I want to laugh or cry', '>>{bongggblue} : I think Democracy being a hoax is more believable than climate change being one', ">>{BelieveEnemie} : I thought the Obama admin had removed all of their content to make room for Trump's and his team just hasn't put up their full site yet.", '>>{dabootyjuice} : Search your feelings. You know it to be true', '>>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the conflict.', '>>{LosingIsForLosers} : You would be correct but that wont stop the outrage. Yes, the Obama administration removed their content and the disappearing pages have nothing to do with Trump.', '>>{eximil} : >Yes, the Obama administration removed their content and the disappearing pages have nothing to do with Trump. Other than the fact that Trump could have had something ready to go when he came in showing that he at least pays lip service to the issues that were removed.', ">>{do_you_even_ship_bro} : these are the droids you wanted, right? (dude, you fucked that quote up. What? No, I didn't. He went to the store for droids, why would he get ones that he wasn't looking for?)", ">>{Raneados} : Even if this were true, I'm rather concerned nobody was ready to fill in the gaps. I'm no super genius but I have a tiny amount of foresight.", '>>{etherspin} : This probably means nothing other than rewording but I found the armed services dinner extremely alarming as fascist overtones go (and I usually think that\'s an overblown claim) Trump said he can\'t stand the media , doesn\'t like them and that they are inferior humans to the armed forces who are "lovely" - basically a different class of humans. I hope the media eventually realise they need to cooperate to be able to fairly cover this fool', ">>{tehvolcanic} : To be fair, Trump probably didn't know he was supposed to have a web page until this morning.", '>>{surlylemur} : [Yup](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/01/20/why-are-whitehouse-gov-web-pages-disappearing/gd0HEAAU49hrLZMCiOQwuN/amp.html) Now, who knows what will go back up, but so far this looks like a bunch of old men yelling at clouds', '>>{Deathitis54} : Too bad 60 percent of the American people were too lazy and stupid to actually vote. Not too lazy to complain about it nonstop though', '>>{archetech} : It was so creepy watching the "Q&A" session. Trump took like 10 minutes fielding 5 questions from troops in Afghanistan and each question wasn\'t a question, it was literally just a statement of, "congratulations on winning Mr. President". And Trump was like, these are good people, not like the bad media, the media should act like this. WTF?', '>>{CcrLyaSrtIatLy} : I knew there would be two of you. There always is. One to embody power, the other to crave it.', '>>{revjrbobdodds} : In the same way they removed their Spanish translation so the Trump team could post their own? Because the internet can only hold so much information, right?', ">>{LosingIsForLosers} : Fill what gaps? Today was inauguration day and the website is still there minus a couple of pages. I think we'll survive the weekend.", '>>{LosingIsForLosers} : Priority number one for a new presidents administration: Update whitehouse.gov.', ">>{Raneados} : The gaps of those pages going missing. >minus a couple of pages. Wellllllllll, no. He's put up a few replacements, but they are missing key policy decisions and talking points. Major ones. Trump was elected more than 2 months ago. He's had at LEAST that time to assign someone to take over the website. He didn't, and still hasn't almost a day later. And what he HAS had replaced is missing some pretty important details. Those are the gaps. Nobody filled them in. This is one person leaving a shift and the next not being ready to fill in. If this happened at my work, they wouldn't have that duty any more. And I drive a bus for a living. I'm not the friggin president.", '>>{Raneados} : Or have the foresight to assign someone the very easy task.', ">>{etherspin} : yeah and some ' I like these questions' bit after he'd started with saying how awesome armed services are because they all vote for him - jingoistic shit is the level I hope it stays at"], ['>>{Arc1ZD} : Meeting with Trump emboldens anti-vaccine activists, who see an ally in the Oval Office', '>>{Loxodontist} : If only we could pack all the anti-vaxxers in America on a barge and set them adrift.', '>>{mortfeinberg} : Trump is the conspiratard trifecta. Birther, anti-vaxxer, climate denier.', '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : yaaaaa, I think I be able to live with the choice not to be nice to those people. add racist to the list.', ">>{bonedaddyd} : Let's add voter fraud... funny he's opposed to a recount though.", ">>{Guy_Le_Douche_} : If there's a wrong side of an issue Trump's on it.", ">>{NoMoreDeflections} : Give them blankets laced with measles. It's the American way.", ">>{dudeguypal} : What the fucking hell is the point of being an anti-vaxer? Just to be annoying? I really don't understand. These people drive me nuts.", ">>{DreadOfGrave} : I'm being genuine here, I've never heard Trump say anything about vaccinations. Got any good links for me?", '>>{HighTechnocrat} : They want everyone to stop using vaccines, or at the very least they want to be able to refuse to vaccinate their kids and still send them to public schools and such.', '>>{Watchdog-E-M-} : Yeah Australia has an amazing an amazing system in place. No Jab, No Pay. If you refuse to vaccinate, you will not receive any government welfare benefits. No Jab, No Play. If you refuse to vaccinate, your children will not be allowed to attend school. It\'s really worked well, seems that when your uneducated & unemployed & the government cuts your welfare off unless you vaccinate, you suddenly get smarter & change your "hardline" views.', ">>{Loxodontist} : [Straight from the horse's ass](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/449525268529815552?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)", '>>{dudeguypal} : No I get what they are about. But their position on vaccines is batshit insane and stupid.', ">>{lofi76} : It's weird seeing the trump camp berate Jill stein as anti science and then embrace trump. Cognitive dissonance to the max.", '>>{Gonzanic} : At least it makes it easier for the average person with a quarter brain and half an asshole to be on the right side of history. Figure out "WWTD?" and then go against that.', '>>{BiipityBoopityBooop} : Yeah the issue here is that a lot of the moms who lead them are rich housewives into new age crap.', ">>{tehSlothman} : No jab no pay isn't so much designed to engage anti-vax parents because they're usually in demographics not reliant on welfare (as the other person who replied said, it's a lot of middle class mums with too much time on their hands). It's more for parents on low income because they're the demographic most likely to fall behind on vaccinations because of lower education and the fact they genuinely have too much other shit to worry about rather than being actually against vaccination, and no jab no pay puts them in a situation where they literally can't afford not to vaccinate their kids, so it forces their hand. But yeah it's a good system."]]
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['>>{HobokenSquatCobbler9} : Looks like the whole family is prone to breaking the law.', '>>{EliminateGayznBlax} : wow, this crosses the line. Hilary just lost my vote', ">>{swqe} : I don't think this says anything negative about Hillary.", '>>{MagykBob} : Maybe we should be concerned when a presidential candidates closest friends and family are: 1. A President who had an affair in office. 2. A brother of a president getting arrested for DUI\'s 3. Many top donors to her campaign implicated as using Panama as a tax haven in the Panama Papers 4. White house aides who blindly obeyed their Secretary and aided and abetted a criminal seeking to avoid FOIA requests and conceal the privatising of classified Intel. 5. Foreign diplomats donating large sums of money to her \'Charity\' likely to gain political favors were she to win the presidency. I mean, for fucks sake people this sounds like a god damn house of cards episode. People have been like "Bernie is only beating Trump because he hasn\'t been vetted by the media yet!" and I\'m just sitting here watching the MSM\'s lack of vetting of Clinton, her associates, her donors, or her experience. In her short 8 years as an elected official she voted for DOMA, the Iraq war, the patriot act, the wall Street bailouts, and the Panama Free Trade agreement which led to the Panama Papers (something Bernie saw coming). Aside from that, she has been first lady twice (not an elected or executive position with no real power or responsibility attached), and SoS for 4 years, and in that time she has managed to: 1. Endanger our national security by keeping a private email server secret 2. Collect donations to the Clinton foundation from foreign governments, likely in exchange for preferential treatment in foreign affairs 3. Violate federal records keeping laws for the supposed sake of convenience 4. See to the rise of ISIS in response to her interventionist war hawk state department policies Remind me again why she is the best prepared candidate in history? Sounds to me like she has tons of experience, but none of it is good. Would vote for a literal sack of shit over her at this point. That said, Trump is like a flaming sack of shit, so I guess I\'ll vote third party or write in? I won\'t let shitty candidates keep me from voting for down ticket Dems in November.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : If there is one thing we should all be judged by is the behavior of our distant in-laws.', '>>{gynoceros} : She totally got him drunk and forced him to drive. \\#rogerghazi', ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Is her brother-in-law Billy Carter? Why are my lapels so wicked wide? Why does every guy have sideburns and mustaches? What's up with all the long lines at gas stations? Is it 1976 again?", ">>{MagykBob} : Nope, apparently /u/monoDioxide did. This is the 3rd gold I've gotten for an anti-Hillary post or comment haha.", '>>{MagykBob} : I agree! I watched an episode of Scandal ladt night where the strategy they decided to employ was the Clinton one (said in show too!): "It\'s a baseless partisan attack: deny deny deny and then it\'s gone." And it got me thinking: Hillary and her scandals are just like Mr. Berns and his diseases! There\'s just so many that of course none of them could be true (or harmful), and instead this must be some vast right wing conspiracy? After all, the Clintons are just good old fashioned Democrats taking the heat from republicans for us!', ">>{MagykBob} : Yeah, it's sad that someone would assume I gilded my own post with zero evidence of that.", ">>{AfroMidnite} : So if my SO's brother gets a DUI I can't ever run for office? Damn."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{HobokenSquatCobbler9} : Looks like the whole family is prone to breaking the law.', '>>{EliminateGayznBlax} : wow, this crosses the line. Hilary just lost my vote', ">>{swqe} : I don't think this says anything negative about Hillary.", '>>{MagykBob} : Maybe we should be concerned when a presidential candidates closest friends and family are: 1. A President who had an affair in office. 2. A brother of a president getting arrested for DUI\'s 3. Many top donors to her campaign implicated as using Panama as a tax haven in the Panama Papers 4. White house aides who blindly obeyed their Secretary and aided and abetted a criminal seeking to avoid FOIA requests and conceal the privatising of classified Intel. 5. Foreign diplomats donating large sums of money to her \'Charity\' likely to gain political favors were she to win the presidency. I mean, for fucks sake people this sounds like a god damn house of cards episode. People have been like "Bernie is only beating Trump because he hasn\'t been vetted by the media yet!" and I\'m just sitting here watching the MSM\'s lack of vetting of Clinton, her associates, her donors, or her experience. In her short 8 years as an elected official she voted for DOMA, the Iraq war, the patriot act, the wall Street bailouts, and the Panama Free Trade agreement which led to the Panama Papers (something Bernie saw coming). Aside from that, she has been first lady twice (not an elected or executive position with no real power or responsibility attached), and SoS for 4 years, and in that time she has managed to: 1. Endanger our national security by keeping a private email server secret 2. Collect donations to the Clinton foundation from foreign governments, likely in exchange for preferential treatment in foreign affairs 3. Violate federal records keeping laws for the supposed sake of convenience 4. See to the rise of ISIS in response to her interventionist war hawk state department policies Remind me again why she is the best prepared candidate in history? Sounds to me like she has tons of experience, but none of it is good. Would vote for a literal sack of shit over her at this point. That said, Trump is like a flaming sack of shit, so I guess I\'ll vote third party or write in? I won\'t let shitty candidates keep me from voting for down ticket Dems in November.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : If there is one thing we should all be judged by is the behavior of our distant in-laws.', '>>{gynoceros} : She totally got him drunk and forced him to drive. \\#rogerghazi', ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Is her brother-in-law Billy Carter? Why are my lapels so wicked wide? Why does every guy have sideburns and mustaches? What's up with all the long lines at gas stations? Is it 1976 again?", ">>{MagykBob} : Nope, apparently /u/monoDioxide did. This is the 3rd gold I've gotten for an anti-Hillary post or comment haha.", '>>{MagykBob} : I agree! I watched an episode of Scandal ladt night where the strategy they decided to employ was the Clinton one (said in show too!): "It\'s a baseless partisan attack: deny deny deny and then it\'s gone." And it got me thinking: Hillary and her scandals are just like Mr. Berns and his diseases! There\'s just so many that of course none of them could be true (or harmful), and instead this must be some vast right wing conspiracy? After all, the Clintons are just good old fashioned Democrats taking the heat from republicans for us!', ">>{MagykBob} : Yeah, it's sad that someone would assume I gilded my own post with zero evidence of that.", ">>{AfroMidnite} : So if my SO's brother gets a DUI I can't ever run for office? Damn."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Daniel490} : Trump: It's 'big league,' not 'bigly'", '>>{i_love_politicslel} : Donald Trump: Maybe Colin Kaepernick Should Find Another Country', ">>{spew2014} : This isn't just about classlessness as the article suggests. There are unsecured wireless devices in the hands of nearby guests, numerous networks that are presumably unsecured, and the simple potential for unknown individuals to observe or overhear classified information. This last point is essentially the analog version of the private email server controversy. This is sickeningly reckless.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I clearly hear you say Bigly about eight times, Donnie.', ">>{kvizer} : As an outsider watching Trump in the White House all I can think about is that the US is really the land of endless possibilities. It's unbelievable in a sad sense.", '>>{Jake120196} : I just got the iPhone 7. I want to buy wireless earbuds so I can charge my phone and listen to music at the same time. Which buds should I buy?', ">>{PizzaHutHelps} : Pass on the Powerbeats 3. I have them and if I hadn't gotten them as a gift, I wouldn't own a pair. Overpriced with subpar sound. The EarPods have better sound quality... Definitely aim for Bose if your budget allows it.", '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Buy one of those dongles that are always shared on here.', ">>{ITGuy_higgins} : That's it exactly! Having worked with classified information, you take *every* precaution regardless of the classification, even if For Official Use Only (which I guarantee that info wasn't classed that low). You have an entire room full of fucking people you don't know, taking motherfucking selfies with the troop holding the football case, people walking by and posting pictures of this brief to Facebook **because its in the middle of the fucking resort dining room.** Its fucking disgusting. At no point do any these die-hard Trumptards get to bitch about a private email server. I *hated* the fact that Clinton was able to bullshit her way out of that server and I'm a die-hard liberal! It was complete bullshit then and its utter fucking horse shit now. That fucking douche-nugget turned his fucking resort dining room into a situation room as a spectacle for his fucking guests with no regard to security.", '>>{YoungDouble} : Noticed a decrease in my battery after going from 9.3 to 9.3.1 so I stopped updating for now. Kinda BS', ">>{forgetthecrowd} : I haven't no. But I've tried to reset my network settings in an attempt to wipe all wifi connections it recognised previously.", '>>{Imwristt} : hmm, how often do you restart your iphone?', ">>{Opie67} : I don't know, it seriously sounds like he switches between the two every day.", ">>{heftyfatso} : What the fuck is it like having an ego so fragile that you can't even admit you made up a word... I can't even imagine. Honestly, that kind of shit ends up being endearing, if you're not, well, him.", '>>{CountChoculahh} : All the Trump talk about national security is a dog whistle for islamaphobia. If he cared, he would be taking briefings and collaborating with the IC rather than fighting them. Guy was elected and is operating solely on an agenda of bigotry and money for the wealthy.', '>>{Imwristt} : looks like someone has the same issue as you, maybe you can check his thread! https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/4m5thk/iphone_6_battery_life_is_the_worst/?ref=share&ref_source=link', '>>{tangential_quip} : This is one area that has been weird to me since bigly is the actual adverb form of big, you can check Meriam-Webster on that. But the fact that Trump is now claiming he was saying "big league," which makes no sense in many of the sentences in which he used it, is interesting.', '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Then it sounds fucking stupid 80% of the time.', ">>{minorgrey} : Stop trying to make big league happen. It's bigly and that's the end of it.", '>>{forgetthecrowd} : Not much to be honest. Only when my battery dies.', ">>{lakersfan014} : white people are the most marginalized, poorly treated group in america. it's time for a white civil rights movement -what breitbart probably thinks", '>>{Shiny-And-New} : Follow up: Does this make it better? No, bigly no.', '>>{thetreeg2} : Jaybird x2/x3 always get recommended as the best wireless. X2s are on sale for ~$80 in some colors on Amazon (US)', '>>{Imwristt} : in the thread i sent you, people say that the battery might be failing. You should check with apple are keep an eye on the thread to see if there is a solution for you! hope everything goes well!', '>>{TheBloodWitch} : My battery life is quite fine, but only because I pulled the brightness of it down quite a bit...I noticed after updating that at its brightest it was even BRIGHTER than before to a blinding level, and that was what was draining my battery, try putting it down to about 20-25% brightness and see if that helps any?', ">>{IngenieroDavid} : It's hard when they dictate your taking points with a thick Russian accent.", ">>{blarneyone} : Funny, I'd wager a lot of people are thinking the same thing about Trump.", '>>{ShedTableLime} : Fuck Trump. The Greatest Threat America has faced since the Civil war. EDIT: /u/_tx correctly mentioned the Cuban Missile crisis, which was also an existential crisis. This is fairer: Trump, along with the Civil War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, are the most severe existential crisis the US has faced since the war of 1812. Which sounds funny. But is accurate, I think.', '>>{Cutlerbeast} : Had this problem a few days ago. Someone suggested using the "reset all settings" option in the settings. I used it and my battery life had significantly improved. Not really sure what actually did it. Edit: iPhone 6+', ">>{pikachus_ghost_uncle} : I've been having a battery issue but I think its an issue reading the battery cells. It will go from say 50% to 30% instantly. If I plug it in or restart my phone it will correct itself. Kind of an issue when Im out for the day and start to see 19% battery remaining and worrying if its really at 19% or a false alarm.", ">>{Reddit_Is_Addictive} : Yes, I'm running 9.3.2 on 6S, and I have noticed the same. I also noticed that when you drain it on purpose down to complete dead battery, mine got stuck on 1% and I was heavily using the phone for about another 1.5 hours on 1%, and then finally it shut down. I played nothing but youtube videos on wifi while it was on 1% for 1.5 hours before it shut down. I think there might be a battery misinformation of actual charge percentage somewhere. Anybody else tried this?", '>>{TheeBaconKing} : I got the Skull Candy Smokin Buds before my 7 plus to get into Bluetooth headphones. I actually like them and they are about $60. Not the greatest, but they work.', ">>{aikidoka} : Of course, those of us who have worked inside a SCIF, were horrified by the HRC email server... sadly, it was too difficult for the average non-IT person to truly understand what happened and why it was so bad; And then politics happened too. I know I'd have lost my clearance quick as shit for anything even close to that debacle. Oh and Trump, you have a portable SCIF - EVERYWHERE you go, dickhead, Use it!", ">>{RadicalJudaicTerror} : He's been saying it's 'big league' since last summer, over 12 months ago.", '>>{ME24601} : With luck, Donald Trump will find another country.', '>>{softnsensualrape} : He reminded me of [Cartman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SggcFVz4olM)', '>>{bdog2g2} : He probably thought when when they mentioned "SCIF" that he had something on his suit.', ">>{druuconian} : Anybody who complained about Hillary's email server who is not positively fucking enraged about Trump's cavalier treatment of classified info is a massive hypocrite of the highest order. I never want to hear a Republican lecture me about national security again.", ">>{HamChannell} : Then enunciate Trump - quit talking like you got Putin's dick in your mouth!", '>>{HamChannell} : I\'m with "It just sounds Stupid, period"', '>>{AvengerMKII} : Can you cite an English dictionary that has the definition of bigly as"big league?" And a FYI, my phone just corrected bigly about twice now because it\'s not a word.', '>>{twistedcheshire} : potato potato potato whites being treated poorly potato potato ^^ Like that? Did I... did I do it right?', '>>{treerat} : Another Don the Con campaign press release from Breitfart.', '>>{MagicScrewdriver} : Don\'t worry, they\'re "real" Americans that can afford the entry fee, they\'re trustworthy. /s', '>>{DC25NYC} : No he only prefers his wives and people who work on his buildings/golf courses to be from other countires.', ">>{skc132} : I've owned the jaybird x2s and the bose soundsport wireless. The bose are more expensive but fit a lot better, sounded a bit better(they were quieter though since they have a semi-open style which I now prefer actually) and were easier to connect and control. With that being said the jaybirds are definitely worth it if you don't want to spend the $200+ on the bose.", ">>{ipoop4xaday} : Grade - A 4D Jenga there friend. You're A-Ok.", '>>{1LT_Obvious} : Just stop it. You guys don\'t like that people mock him for it, so you\'re trying to "correct" everyone with a blatant lie.', ">>{Breitbart_bot} : The executive chairman for [Breitbart News Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breitbart_News), [Stephan Bannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Bannon), is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign. This creates a severe conflict of interest; articles or expressed opinions from Breitbart sources should not be assumed credible. Furthermore, Breitbart was conceived as a far-right leaning publication to counter the perceived overly left-leaning media. Many of its articles push xenophobia, homophobia, racism/racialism, misogyny, and conspiracy theorist view points in opposition of moderate and left leaning trends.", ">>{sanjaybandaru} : I wouldn't say these are buds, but get the Bose Quite comfort35", ">>{Varmillion} : What's your budget? You can get buds from $15 to $1000+.", '>>{thetreeg2} : MKBHD plug https://youtu.be/77aeW3bsCzc TLDW: slightly lighter, slightly better shape, slightly better driver. Battery/controller now on wire instead of built into bud.', '>>{youdidntreddit} : Trump and the Rightwing PC police are up to it again', '>>{Rendawg90} : Any issues with the soundsports staying in? I saw some reviews saying they are a little heavy due to the way they were designed.', '>>{billthomson} : The email was really just an excuse, and we all knew it. But it convinced enough people to stay home.', ">>{shit_lord_alpha} : part of the electorate's job is to make sure people like Trump don't make it to the oval office. had they done their job, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. at least the press has found their spine. not hard when the president attacks and berates you constantly. if only they found their spine during the elections. i like all this energy and resistance but we're paying a heavy price for it.", '>>{ScholarOfTwilight} : I was done about 3 years into the Bush Administration.', ">>{Jake120196} : I'd like something from 100-200 dollars. I want something that is nice quality and good durability. I don't want something that will break within 6 months", '>>{rexanimate7} : It isn\'t actually a made up word. The word has been around for over 700 years, with an origin dating back to 1250 - 1300 in middle English. However, it is not a popular word, and hasn\'t been commonly used in over 100 years, likely because it makes you sound like a child to use the adverb form of "big." There are better words to use for that purpose, and even at the 3rd grade level in which he speaks, Trump isn\'t doing himself any favors using this word repeatedly.', '>>{Nikuhiru} : No issues here. The fit is better than the Jaybirds for me. The ear tips also stay attached more readily than the Jaybirds.', '>>{kgb33} : Think of all the good Kaepernick could do for his cause with his celebrity and money, yet he chooses to literally sit on his ass.', '>>{leodicapriosucks} : I remember there being trump merch with "Big League" on it months ago.', '>>{Iamhereforcats} : With the proposed travel ban, are they still dog whistles?', ">>{damrider} : [WHO? WHO DOESN'T WANT TO WEAR THE RIBBON?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iV8X8ubGCc)", ">>{skc132} : I agree. I had trouble with the jaybird's wings falling off, I almost lost them a few times. The soundsports are the comfiest earbuds I've ever worn and the jaybirds come in second.", '>>{TrivialDispute} : I just picked up the fire fireflies from a kick starter campaign. I paid $79 for them, and they work great. I think they went up in price, but I have no complaints.', ">>{erure} : I'd also recommend Bose Soundsport Wireless. They also have a cool portable charging case that they sell separately which helps with battery life.", ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : ***BREITBART.COM:*** *We're not being racist, we're pro-America! Serious! Honest!*", ">>{ShervinHN} : I would go for Jaybird X2/X3s or Freedoms, wait for AirPods (a bit out of your budget but will be incredible quality) or wait for Beats X. You'll be able to survive a month without wireless headphones, I have at least.", ">>{ricardogce} : And if Trump knew any of that, I'd be impressed. But he doesn't.", '>>{rexanimate7} : Of course he probably doesn\'t. I was impressed the most by when he used the word "braggadocios" because that seemed to be at least 5 grade levels above his normal speaking vocabulary.', ">>{_tx} : I'm certainly no Trump fan, but I think you're underselling the Cuban Missile Crisis by a good bit", '>>{CatButler} : I\'m a bit surprised that they don\'t have people to deal with this. A call comes in and some dude says "Shit, I better go find a secure room for the President to take this." It\'s not like other Presidents haven\'t had to deal with something similar. Shouldn\'t it be part of the plans?', '>>{HollywoodCote} : The people who decry "safe spaces" are demanding one. I wish I were surprised. Still, it\'s telling. Trump is trying to create the appearance of reaching out to minorities. A minority speaks out on race relations in America, and the response is, "GTFO. No, literally GTFO." Not only is there no dialogue. There\'s nothing even resembling dialogue.', '>>{spew2014} : I would suspect in past administrations there would be a shared understanding that this would need to happen. I have to assume that among the throngs of aides that surrounded Trump some of them must have suggested relocating, to which i have to assume trump responded with cocky dismissal - eager to look important in front of a crowd of onlookers. What a joke.', '>>{MrGunny94} : Jaybird x2/x3 depending where you live and call it a day buddy', ">>{CatButler} : So really the whole thing could have just been theater to show him being strong. I'm not even sure Bush would have pulled something like this.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : I mean, he does a lot with it http://www.ninersnation.com/2015/6/29/8865795/colin-kaepernick-continues-raising-money-for-camp-taylor', '>>{Shilalasar} : If Bush had taken a briefing on 9/11 in that classroom it would have been less of a security breach.', ">>{UltimateNegrodamus} : I've recently bought these and I enjoy them. Although I'd say if the mix is very important to you I'd probably look elsewhere a it'll be hard for others to hear you. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LWI3995/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_OYOpybMB3N5F8 If ear is more your style this pair has good reviews. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7PV6PN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_y1OpybRF5SWVC", ">>{Metriacanthosaurus} : What's wrong with your phone that it needs to be charged while listening to music?", ">>{absolutenobody} : And orange people. Don't forget the orange people. (Amusingly, someone has registered orangelivesmatter.com already...)", ">>{lightninglobster} : I've never been a fan of earbuds, except my cheap 20$ MPow Swift gym earbuds. The Apple earbuds never fit, the cheaper ones just hurt and I never wanted to spend $ to find out more expensive earbuds did the same thing. If you're not set on earbuds and are open to headphones, I'm a huge fan of my Sony MDR-XB950BT. https://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDRXB950BT-Extra-Bluetooth-Headphones/dp/B00MCHE38O I wear them for 7+ hrs a day at work, every day.", ">>{BluerDays} : Think of all the more important issues you could be talking about, but you're whining about a man sitting during the national anthem.", ">>{Ovidhalia} : >I'd like something from 100-200 dollars > AirPods (a bit out of your budget but will be incredible quality) ??????? Am I missing something? Aren't the AirPods $160? Was the price changed or something?", ">>{ShervinHN} : Sorry I'm Canadian, forgot the price is $159 in America.", '>>{TIGHazard} : Trump really needs [a cone of silence](https://www.wouldyoubelieve.com/graphics/cone_title.gif)', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : funny how trump was complaining about leaks on north korea after giving the world a glipse of a small crisis on north korea at maralago.', '>>{krista_} : how about a [cone of shame](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ci2xIX9nBE4/V7oSsatYRvI/AAAAAAAAMYE/ZgcQKAHtuEAYTKZYnLkFrHrALSm3kW3DQCLcB/s1600/JCLittle_trump-cone-of-shame-555.jpg)?', '>>{Ovidhalia} : No foul. I thought maybe the price had been raised for a minute there.', ">>{Eyad123} : airpods will have sound quality similar to beats x? or more of EarPods. I'm interested in the airpods but if the sound quality is the same as EarPods, now way ill consider them", '>>{djlaxl} : Third the Jaybirds. Love my X2s...waiting on AirPods, Beats X, and X3s to release :)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{i_love_politicslel} : Donald Trump: Maybe Colin Kaepernick Should Find Another Country', ">>{lakersfan014} : white people are the most marginalized, poorly treated group in america. it's time for a white civil rights movement -what breitbart probably thinks", ">>{blarneyone} : Funny, I'd wager a lot of people are thinking the same thing about Trump.", '>>{ME24601} : With luck, Donald Trump will find another country.', '>>{twistedcheshire} : potato potato potato whites being treated poorly potato potato ^^ Like that? Did I... did I do it right?', '>>{treerat} : Another Don the Con campaign press release from Breitfart.', '>>{DC25NYC} : No he only prefers his wives and people who work on his buildings/golf courses to be from other countires.', ">>{ipoop4xaday} : Grade - A 4D Jenga there friend. You're A-Ok.", ">>{Breitbart_bot} : The executive chairman for [Breitbart News Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breitbart_News), [Stephan Bannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Bannon), is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign. This creates a severe conflict of interest; articles or expressed opinions from Breitbart sources should not be assumed credible. Furthermore, Breitbart was conceived as a far-right leaning publication to counter the perceived overly left-leaning media. Many of its articles push xenophobia, homophobia, racism/racialism, misogyny, and conspiracy theorist view points in opposition of moderate and left leaning trends.", '>>{youdidntreddit} : Trump and the Rightwing PC police are up to it again', '>>{kgb33} : Think of all the good Kaepernick could do for his cause with his celebrity and money, yet he chooses to literally sit on his ass.', ">>{damrider} : [WHO? WHO DOESN'T WANT TO WEAR THE RIBBON?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iV8X8ubGCc)", ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : ***BREITBART.COM:*** *We're not being racist, we're pro-America! Serious! Honest!*", '>>{HollywoodCote} : The people who decry "safe spaces" are demanding one. I wish I were surprised. Still, it\'s telling. Trump is trying to create the appearance of reaching out to minorities. A minority speaks out on race relations in America, and the response is, "GTFO. No, literally GTFO." Not only is there no dialogue. There\'s nothing even resembling dialogue.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : I mean, he does a lot with it http://www.ninersnation.com/2015/6/29/8865795/colin-kaepernick-continues-raising-money-for-camp-taylor', ">>{absolutenobody} : And orange people. Don't forget the orange people. (Amusingly, someone has registered orangelivesmatter.com already...)", ">>{BluerDays} : Think of all the more important issues you could be talking about, but you're whining about a man sitting during the national anthem."], ['>>{Jake120196} : I just got the iPhone 7. I want to buy wireless earbuds so I can charge my phone and listen to music at the same time. Which buds should I buy?', ">>{PizzaHutHelps} : Pass on the Powerbeats 3. I have them and if I hadn't gotten them as a gift, I wouldn't own a pair. Overpriced with subpar sound. The EarPods have better sound quality... Definitely aim for Bose if your budget allows it.", '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Buy one of those dongles that are always shared on here.', '>>{thetreeg2} : Jaybird x2/x3 always get recommended as the best wireless. X2s are on sale for ~$80 in some colors on Amazon (US)', '>>{TheeBaconKing} : I got the Skull Candy Smokin Buds before my 7 plus to get into Bluetooth headphones. I actually like them and they are about $60. Not the greatest, but they work.', ">>{skc132} : I've owned the jaybird x2s and the bose soundsport wireless. The bose are more expensive but fit a lot better, sounded a bit better(they were quieter though since they have a semi-open style which I now prefer actually) and were easier to connect and control. With that being said the jaybirds are definitely worth it if you don't want to spend the $200+ on the bose.", ">>{sanjaybandaru} : I wouldn't say these are buds, but get the Bose Quite comfort35", ">>{Varmillion} : What's your budget? You can get buds from $15 to $1000+.", '>>{thetreeg2} : MKBHD plug https://youtu.be/77aeW3bsCzc TLDW: slightly lighter, slightly better shape, slightly better driver. Battery/controller now on wire instead of built into bud.', '>>{Rendawg90} : Any issues with the soundsports staying in? I saw some reviews saying they are a little heavy due to the way they were designed.', ">>{Jake120196} : I'd like something from 100-200 dollars. I want something that is nice quality and good durability. I don't want something that will break within 6 months", '>>{Nikuhiru} : No issues here. The fit is better than the Jaybirds for me. The ear tips also stay attached more readily than the Jaybirds.', ">>{skc132} : I agree. I had trouble with the jaybird's wings falling off, I almost lost them a few times. The soundsports are the comfiest earbuds I've ever worn and the jaybirds come in second.", '>>{TrivialDispute} : I just picked up the fire fireflies from a kick starter campaign. I paid $79 for them, and they work great. I think they went up in price, but I have no complaints.', ">>{erure} : I'd also recommend Bose Soundsport Wireless. They also have a cool portable charging case that they sell separately which helps with battery life.", ">>{ShervinHN} : I would go for Jaybird X2/X3s or Freedoms, wait for AirPods (a bit out of your budget but will be incredible quality) or wait for Beats X. You'll be able to survive a month without wireless headphones, I have at least.", '>>{MrGunny94} : Jaybird x2/x3 depending where you live and call it a day buddy', ">>{UltimateNegrodamus} : I've recently bought these and I enjoy them. Although I'd say if the mix is very important to you I'd probably look elsewhere a it'll be hard for others to hear you. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LWI3995/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_OYOpybMB3N5F8 If ear is more your style this pair has good reviews. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7PV6PN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_y1OpybRF5SWVC", ">>{Metriacanthosaurus} : What's wrong with your phone that it needs to be charged while listening to music?", ">>{lightninglobster} : I've never been a fan of earbuds, except my cheap 20$ MPow Swift gym earbuds. The Apple earbuds never fit, the cheaper ones just hurt and I never wanted to spend $ to find out more expensive earbuds did the same thing. If you're not set on earbuds and are open to headphones, I'm a huge fan of my Sony MDR-XB950BT. https://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDRXB950BT-Extra-Bluetooth-Headphones/dp/B00MCHE38O I wear them for 7+ hrs a day at work, every day.", ">>{Ovidhalia} : >I'd like something from 100-200 dollars > AirPods (a bit out of your budget but will be incredible quality) ??????? Am I missing something? Aren't the AirPods $160? Was the price changed or something?", ">>{ShervinHN} : Sorry I'm Canadian, forgot the price is $159 in America.", '>>{Ovidhalia} : No foul. I thought maybe the price had been raised for a minute there.', ">>{Eyad123} : airpods will have sound quality similar to beats x? or more of EarPods. I'm interested in the airpods but if the sound quality is the same as EarPods, now way ill consider them", '>>{djlaxl} : Third the Jaybirds. Love my X2s...waiting on AirPods, Beats X, and X3s to release :)'], ['>>{YoungDouble} : Noticed a decrease in my battery after going from 9.3 to 9.3.1 so I stopped updating for now. Kinda BS', ">>{forgetthecrowd} : I haven't no. But I've tried to reset my network settings in an attempt to wipe all wifi connections it recognised previously.", '>>{Imwristt} : hmm, how often do you restart your iphone?', '>>{Imwristt} : looks like someone has the same issue as you, maybe you can check his thread! https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/4m5thk/iphone_6_battery_life_is_the_worst/?ref=share&ref_source=link', '>>{forgetthecrowd} : Not much to be honest. Only when my battery dies.', '>>{Imwristt} : in the thread i sent you, people say that the battery might be failing. You should check with apple are keep an eye on the thread to see if there is a solution for you! hope everything goes well!', '>>{TheBloodWitch} : My battery life is quite fine, but only because I pulled the brightness of it down quite a bit...I noticed after updating that at its brightest it was even BRIGHTER than before to a blinding level, and that was what was draining my battery, try putting it down to about 20-25% brightness and see if that helps any?', '>>{Cutlerbeast} : Had this problem a few days ago. Someone suggested using the "reset all settings" option in the settings. I used it and my battery life had significantly improved. Not really sure what actually did it. Edit: iPhone 6+', ">>{pikachus_ghost_uncle} : I've been having a battery issue but I think its an issue reading the battery cells. It will go from say 50% to 30% instantly. If I plug it in or restart my phone it will correct itself. Kind of an issue when Im out for the day and start to see 19% battery remaining and worrying if its really at 19% or a false alarm.", ">>{Reddit_Is_Addictive} : Yes, I'm running 9.3.2 on 6S, and I have noticed the same. I also noticed that when you drain it on purpose down to complete dead battery, mine got stuck on 1% and I was heavily using the phone for about another 1.5 hours on 1%, and then finally it shut down. I played nothing but youtube videos on wifi while it was on 1% for 1.5 hours before it shut down. I think there might be a battery misinformation of actual charge percentage somewhere. Anybody else tried this?"], [">>{Daniel490} : Trump: It's 'big league,' not 'bigly'", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I clearly hear you say Bigly about eight times, Donnie.', ">>{Opie67} : I don't know, it seriously sounds like he switches between the two every day.", ">>{heftyfatso} : What the fuck is it like having an ego so fragile that you can't even admit you made up a word... I can't even imagine. Honestly, that kind of shit ends up being endearing, if you're not, well, him.", '>>{tangential_quip} : This is one area that has been weird to me since bigly is the actual adverb form of big, you can check Meriam-Webster on that. But the fact that Trump is now claiming he was saying "big league," which makes no sense in many of the sentences in which he used it, is interesting.', '>>{accountabilitycounts} : Then it sounds fucking stupid 80% of the time.', ">>{minorgrey} : Stop trying to make big league happen. It's bigly and that's the end of it.", '>>{Shiny-And-New} : Follow up: Does this make it better? No, bigly no.', ">>{IngenieroDavid} : It's hard when they dictate your taking points with a thick Russian accent.", ">>{RadicalJudaicTerror} : He's been saying it's 'big league' since last summer, over 12 months ago.", ">>{HamChannell} : Then enunciate Trump - quit talking like you got Putin's dick in your mouth!", '>>{HamChannell} : I\'m with "It just sounds Stupid, period"', '>>{AvengerMKII} : Can you cite an English dictionary that has the definition of bigly as"big league?" And a FYI, my phone just corrected bigly about twice now because it\'s not a word.', '>>{1LT_Obvious} : Just stop it. You guys don\'t like that people mock him for it, so you\'re trying to "correct" everyone with a blatant lie.', '>>{rexanimate7} : It isn\'t actually a made up word. The word has been around for over 700 years, with an origin dating back to 1250 - 1300 in middle English. However, it is not a popular word, and hasn\'t been commonly used in over 100 years, likely because it makes you sound like a child to use the adverb form of "big." There are better words to use for that purpose, and even at the 3rd grade level in which he speaks, Trump isn\'t doing himself any favors using this word repeatedly.', '>>{leodicapriosucks} : I remember there being trump merch with "Big League" on it months ago.', ">>{ricardogce} : And if Trump knew any of that, I'd be impressed. But he doesn't.", '>>{rexanimate7} : Of course he probably doesn\'t. I was impressed the most by when he used the word "braggadocios" because that seemed to be at least 5 grade levels above his normal speaking vocabulary.'], [">>{spew2014} : This isn't just about classlessness as the article suggests. There are unsecured wireless devices in the hands of nearby guests, numerous networks that are presumably unsecured, and the simple potential for unknown individuals to observe or overhear classified information. This last point is essentially the analog version of the private email server controversy. This is sickeningly reckless.", ">>{kvizer} : As an outsider watching Trump in the White House all I can think about is that the US is really the land of endless possibilities. It's unbelievable in a sad sense.", ">>{ITGuy_higgins} : That's it exactly! Having worked with classified information, you take *every* precaution regardless of the classification, even if For Official Use Only (which I guarantee that info wasn't classed that low). You have an entire room full of fucking people you don't know, taking motherfucking selfies with the troop holding the football case, people walking by and posting pictures of this brief to Facebook **because its in the middle of the fucking resort dining room.** Its fucking disgusting. At no point do any these die-hard Trumptards get to bitch about a private email server. I *hated* the fact that Clinton was able to bullshit her way out of that server and I'm a die-hard liberal! It was complete bullshit then and its utter fucking horse shit now. That fucking douche-nugget turned his fucking resort dining room into a situation room as a spectacle for his fucking guests with no regard to security.", '>>{CountChoculahh} : All the Trump talk about national security is a dog whistle for islamaphobia. If he cared, he would be taking briefings and collaborating with the IC rather than fighting them. Guy was elected and is operating solely on an agenda of bigotry and money for the wealthy.', '>>{ShedTableLime} : Fuck Trump. The Greatest Threat America has faced since the Civil war. EDIT: /u/_tx correctly mentioned the Cuban Missile crisis, which was also an existential crisis. This is fairer: Trump, along with the Civil War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, are the most severe existential crisis the US has faced since the war of 1812. Which sounds funny. But is accurate, I think.', ">>{aikidoka} : Of course, those of us who have worked inside a SCIF, were horrified by the HRC email server... sadly, it was too difficult for the average non-IT person to truly understand what happened and why it was so bad; And then politics happened too. I know I'd have lost my clearance quick as shit for anything even close to that debacle. Oh and Trump, you have a portable SCIF - EVERYWHERE you go, dickhead, Use it!", '>>{softnsensualrape} : He reminded me of [Cartman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SggcFVz4olM)', '>>{bdog2g2} : He probably thought when when they mentioned "SCIF" that he had something on his suit.', ">>{druuconian} : Anybody who complained about Hillary's email server who is not positively fucking enraged about Trump's cavalier treatment of classified info is a massive hypocrite of the highest order. I never want to hear a Republican lecture me about national security again.", '>>{MagicScrewdriver} : Don\'t worry, they\'re "real" Americans that can afford the entry fee, they\'re trustworthy. /s', '>>{billthomson} : The email was really just an excuse, and we all knew it. But it convinced enough people to stay home.', ">>{shit_lord_alpha} : part of the electorate's job is to make sure people like Trump don't make it to the oval office. had they done their job, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. at least the press has found their spine. not hard when the president attacks and berates you constantly. if only they found their spine during the elections. i like all this energy and resistance but we're paying a heavy price for it.", '>>{ScholarOfTwilight} : I was done about 3 years into the Bush Administration.', '>>{Iamhereforcats} : With the proposed travel ban, are they still dog whistles?', ">>{_tx} : I'm certainly no Trump fan, but I think you're underselling the Cuban Missile Crisis by a good bit", '>>{CatButler} : I\'m a bit surprised that they don\'t have people to deal with this. A call comes in and some dude says "Shit, I better go find a secure room for the President to take this." It\'s not like other Presidents haven\'t had to deal with something similar. Shouldn\'t it be part of the plans?', '>>{spew2014} : I would suspect in past administrations there would be a shared understanding that this would need to happen. I have to assume that among the throngs of aides that surrounded Trump some of them must have suggested relocating, to which i have to assume trump responded with cocky dismissal - eager to look important in front of a crowd of onlookers. What a joke.', ">>{CatButler} : So really the whole thing could have just been theater to show him being strong. I'm not even sure Bush would have pulled something like this.", '>>{Shilalasar} : If Bush had taken a briefing on 9/11 in that classroom it would have been less of a security breach.', '>>{TIGHazard} : Trump really needs [a cone of silence](https://www.wouldyoubelieve.com/graphics/cone_title.gif)', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : funny how trump was complaining about leaks on north korea after giving the world a glipse of a small crisis on north korea at maralago.', '>>{krista_} : how about a [cone of shame](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ci2xIX9nBE4/V7oSsatYRvI/AAAAAAAAMYE/ZgcQKAHtuEAYTKZYnLkFrHrALSm3kW3DQCLcB/s1600/JCLittle_trump-cone-of-shame-555.jpg)?']]
classify and reply
['>>{gaziras} : Kelly Ayotte Wants You To Think She Voted For More Gun Background Checks. She Didn’t.', ">>{Fargonian} : So the title of the article is completely wrong, as she didn't claim she voted for *more* background checks, just background checks in general. Just another chapter in gun control advocates blatantly lying to push their agenda.", '>>{Idaho542} : Protest turns rowdy outside Trump rally in San Jose, Calif.', '>>{3Suze} : Why are background checks considered gun control? IMO, background checks seem to be as logical as putting an age limit on buying alcohol and cigarettes. Seriously asking.', '>>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : No use posting this. The Mods have removed every story about this subject and marked it as "off topic" They should be ashamed of themselves', '>>{ercax} : They are usually proposing registration dressed up as background checks, and registration is useful only for one thing: Confiscation. Ever heard of them saying "Here, we made the FBI\'s background checks free and accessible to everybody, start using it" ? Instead they try to pass laws that are designed to turn people into criminals, and get upset when people tell them to go fuck themselves. Gun control folks are some of the most dishonest people you can meet on this planet.', '>>{MicrowavedSoda} : Gun control folks are ~~some of~~ the most dishonest people you can meet on this planet. FTFY', '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >Why are background checks considered gun control? IMO, background checks seem to be as logical as putting an age limit on buying alcohol and cigarettes. Seriously asking. Most people don\'t know what laws already exist. [ATF FAQ about background checks.]( https://www.atf.gov/qa-category/national-instant-criminal-background-check-system-nics) Under current law: "Licensed firearms importers, manufacturers, and dealers must conduct a NICS background check prior to the transfer of any firearm to a nonlicensed individual." [18 U.S.C. 922(t); 27 CFR 478.102] This basically covers all sales and transfers besides private transactions. However transferring or selling a firearm to a prohibited person is already illegal. [The ATF even has a guide to lawfully conduct private sales.](https://www.atf.gov/file/58681/download) [The ATF currently defines a prohibited person and has regulations regarding them.]( https://www.atf.gov/firearms/identify-prohibited-persons) The Gun Control Act (GCA) makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms. 18 USC 922(g). Transfers of firearms to any such prohibited persons are also unlawful. 18 USC 922(d). These categories include any person: * Under indictment or information in any court for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; * convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; * who is a fugitive from justice; * who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance; * who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution; * who is an illegal alien; * who has been discharged from the military under dishonorable conditions; * who has renounced his or her United States citizenship; * who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or * who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (enacted by the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997, Pub. L. No. 104-208, effective September 30, 1996). 18 USC 922(g) and (n). There seems to be a misconception that prohibited persons are commonly acquiring firearms through private sales with strangers. The majority acquire their weapons through friends or family that knowingly violate the law according to [Firearm Use by Offenders - US Dept of Justice](http://bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/fuo.pdf). What many in the gun control community call for is a Universal Background Check or UBC. Such restrictions place an undue burden on the law abiding while having little to no effect on prohibited persons from acquiring weapons. A real world example of this was the [San Bernardino shooters]( http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-marquez-legal-20151216-story.html). As [California has a de facto UBC since all private transfers and sales must go through an FFL and background check.]( https://oag.ca.gov/firearms/pubfaqs)', ">>{Optewe} : Is that what's happening? How will anyone ever see my clever quips..", '>>{PimpCinnamon} : Trump should keep campaigning here in California even after he wins the primary. I think after we see more of these violent outbursts from leftist degenerates, a lot of potential voters will become redpilled and vote for Trump.', ">>{3Suze} : Thanks for this. I am a gun owner but just for hunting - shotgun. I would not mind it being registered. Don't go ballistic on me. Why wouldn't I want the shotgun registered? I see it as registering a car. And no, I am not going into the whole licensing thing. Hunt clubs carry insurance and I have homeowner's. When I bought it, they just wanted to see my DL to verify my age. I really wish they had done a background check just so I knew that they were checking others.", ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >Thanks for this. I am a gun owner but just for hunting - shotgun. I would not mind it being registered. Don't go ballistic on me. I won't go ballistic on you friend. I enjoy a jovial discourse. >Why wouldn't I want the shotgun registered? The typical response is that there are many points in history where civilian populations were disarmed and *registration of firearms* was often the prelude. Many of these events then led to bad things happening to those populations. Both in historical and modern terms we have seen our government abuse its powers at all levels, from local to federal, in regards to various civil rights. Such a registry would be ripe for abuse. Additionally it would provide little to no real benefits in regards to reducing crime or removing illegally owned firearms. >I see it as registering a car. And no, I am not going into the whole licensing thing. Hunt clubs carry insurance and I have homeowner's. Many people don't realize that a license, insurance, and registration is only needed to operate a car on public property. You need none of those things to operate them on private property. You might have seen real world examples of this on the highway or interstate when you saw a vehicle being transported on trailer or flatbed. Often times it is done with amatuer race cars. >When I bought it, they just wanted to see my DL to verify my age. I really wish they had done a background check just so I knew that they were checking others. Are you an American? If so did you fill out a ATF form 4473? If not, where are you from?", '>>{3Suze} : I\'m a South Carolinian. We LOVE guns here. As a matter of fact, I was cleaning out my house and found my son\'s old shotguns. They don\'t hunt anymore so they suggested that I get rid of them. I didn\'t want to sell them because I didn\'t know how they would be used. Family didn\'t want them. So I took them to the police and asked them to destroy them. Okay - they laughed at me (you too?). They couldn\'t "destroy" them but they could "recycle" them. They took them apart right there, banged up the firing pin and plan on selling the parts for scrap. It was a good day. Edit: Did not have to sign a thing and had nothing to fill out. Bought them at a sports store.', '>>{wytxcook} : Rowdy? A guy got attacked from behind with a bag of rocks.', '>>{HistoryBuff92} : Rowdy is a cute word for leftist violent political intimidation.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : >IMO, background checks seem to be as logical as putting an age limit on buying alcohol and cigarettes. Seriously asking. Are you referring to the concept in general? If so we already do and for the most part there is no issue with the current system other than a few shortcomings. If you are referring to Universal Background Checks, most implementations suggested suck by making gun purchases much more burdensome. And it is unlikely that UBCs would mitigate much crime as otherwise legitimate private sales aren't a significant source of crime guns and straw purchasing at retailers/gun stores, which goes through the background check system already, is one of the more popular sources.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : I keep mine saved for just such an occasion.', '>>{Optewe} : Do you share your Reddit comments at cocktail parties too?', '>>{Buttocks} : All of the posts about this are disappearing. A mod has clearly gone rogue.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > I would not mind it being registered. Even though it serves no purpose for the prevention of violence or crime? >Why wouldn't I want the shotgun registered? Because it serves no purpose? It seems to me that you are operating on some lazy assumptions. Cars are registered because safety right? Therefore it would work for guns! But cars are huge and are registered for revenue purposes and for the operation on public roads. Guns are small and can pretty effortlessly have their identifying information removed. Not to mention Canada abandoned its long gun registry for being useless for crime prevention and investigation. The same for New York and Maryland trace programs which were supposed to make their useless registries actually functional. >When I bought it, they just wanted to see my DL to verify my age. I really wish they had done a background check just so I knew that they were checking others. If only there was a background check system that was available for private sales. Unfortunately that was blocked by the Democrats. Instead they want to with their garbage background check proposals.", ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Trumps already said he's going to be making a big play for both California and New York. After these protests, I think he has a better chance of winning California than New York.", '>>{Tvc3333} : Hey can you destroy this easy couple hundred dollars for me??', '>>{Buttocks} : Stories about violent anti-Trump riots have stayed up before. I think this one is getting heavily suppressed because of all the videos of rioters chanting "Bernie."', ">>{19Kilo} : > Did not have to sign a thing and had nothing to fill out. Bought them at a sports store. That's probably incorrect unless you bought them prior to 1993.", '>>{3Suze} : Pre 1993. We were like the wild wild west.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Mods are on a ban frenzy trying to suppress this.', '>>{novacham} : Some polls have Trump within 10 points of Clinton in California. Cali is going red this election, and these violent Bernie supporters are going to be the cause.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Idaho542} : Protest turns rowdy outside Trump rally in San Jose, Calif.', '>>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : No use posting this. The Mods have removed every story about this subject and marked it as "off topic" They should be ashamed of themselves', ">>{Optewe} : Is that what's happening? How will anyone ever see my clever quips..", '>>{PimpCinnamon} : Trump should keep campaigning here in California even after he wins the primary. I think after we see more of these violent outbursts from leftist degenerates, a lot of potential voters will become redpilled and vote for Trump.', '>>{wytxcook} : Rowdy? A guy got attacked from behind with a bag of rocks.', '>>{HistoryBuff92} : Rowdy is a cute word for leftist violent political intimidation.', '>>{strikes_again_haha} : I keep mine saved for just such an occasion.', '>>{Optewe} : Do you share your Reddit comments at cocktail parties too?', '>>{Buttocks} : All of the posts about this are disappearing. A mod has clearly gone rogue.', ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Trumps already said he's going to be making a big play for both California and New York. After these protests, I think he has a better chance of winning California than New York.", '>>{Buttocks} : Stories about violent anti-Trump riots have stayed up before. I think this one is getting heavily suppressed because of all the videos of rioters chanting "Bernie."', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Mods are on a ban frenzy trying to suppress this.', '>>{novacham} : Some polls have Trump within 10 points of Clinton in California. Cali is going red this election, and these violent Bernie supporters are going to be the cause.'], ['>>{gaziras} : Kelly Ayotte Wants You To Think She Voted For More Gun Background Checks. She Didn’t.', ">>{Fargonian} : So the title of the article is completely wrong, as she didn't claim she voted for *more* background checks, just background checks in general. Just another chapter in gun control advocates blatantly lying to push their agenda.", '>>{3Suze} : Why are background checks considered gun control? IMO, background checks seem to be as logical as putting an age limit on buying alcohol and cigarettes. Seriously asking.', '>>{ercax} : They are usually proposing registration dressed up as background checks, and registration is useful only for one thing: Confiscation. Ever heard of them saying "Here, we made the FBI\'s background checks free and accessible to everybody, start using it" ? Instead they try to pass laws that are designed to turn people into criminals, and get upset when people tell them to go fuck themselves. Gun control folks are some of the most dishonest people you can meet on this planet.', '>>{MicrowavedSoda} : Gun control folks are ~~some of~~ the most dishonest people you can meet on this planet. FTFY', '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >Why are background checks considered gun control? IMO, background checks seem to be as logical as putting an age limit on buying alcohol and cigarettes. Seriously asking. Most people don\'t know what laws already exist. [ATF FAQ about background checks.]( https://www.atf.gov/qa-category/national-instant-criminal-background-check-system-nics) Under current law: "Licensed firearms importers, manufacturers, and dealers must conduct a NICS background check prior to the transfer of any firearm to a nonlicensed individual." [18 U.S.C. 922(t); 27 CFR 478.102] This basically covers all sales and transfers besides private transactions. However transferring or selling a firearm to a prohibited person is already illegal. [The ATF even has a guide to lawfully conduct private sales.](https://www.atf.gov/file/58681/download) [The ATF currently defines a prohibited person and has regulations regarding them.]( https://www.atf.gov/firearms/identify-prohibited-persons) The Gun Control Act (GCA) makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms. 18 USC 922(g). Transfers of firearms to any such prohibited persons are also unlawful. 18 USC 922(d). These categories include any person: * Under indictment or information in any court for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; * convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; * who is a fugitive from justice; * who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance; * who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution; * who is an illegal alien; * who has been discharged from the military under dishonorable conditions; * who has renounced his or her United States citizenship; * who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or * who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (enacted by the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997, Pub. L. No. 104-208, effective September 30, 1996). 18 USC 922(g) and (n). There seems to be a misconception that prohibited persons are commonly acquiring firearms through private sales with strangers. The majority acquire their weapons through friends or family that knowingly violate the law according to [Firearm Use by Offenders - US Dept of Justice](http://bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/fuo.pdf). What many in the gun control community call for is a Universal Background Check or UBC. Such restrictions place an undue burden on the law abiding while having little to no effect on prohibited persons from acquiring weapons. A real world example of this was the [San Bernardino shooters]( http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-marquez-legal-20151216-story.html). As [California has a de facto UBC since all private transfers and sales must go through an FFL and background check.]( https://oag.ca.gov/firearms/pubfaqs)', ">>{3Suze} : Thanks for this. I am a gun owner but just for hunting - shotgun. I would not mind it being registered. Don't go ballistic on me. Why wouldn't I want the shotgun registered? I see it as registering a car. And no, I am not going into the whole licensing thing. Hunt clubs carry insurance and I have homeowner's. When I bought it, they just wanted to see my DL to verify my age. I really wish they had done a background check just so I knew that they were checking others.", ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >Thanks for this. I am a gun owner but just for hunting - shotgun. I would not mind it being registered. Don't go ballistic on me. I won't go ballistic on you friend. I enjoy a jovial discourse. >Why wouldn't I want the shotgun registered? The typical response is that there are many points in history where civilian populations were disarmed and *registration of firearms* was often the prelude. Many of these events then led to bad things happening to those populations. Both in historical and modern terms we have seen our government abuse its powers at all levels, from local to federal, in regards to various civil rights. Such a registry would be ripe for abuse. Additionally it would provide little to no real benefits in regards to reducing crime or removing illegally owned firearms. >I see it as registering a car. And no, I am not going into the whole licensing thing. Hunt clubs carry insurance and I have homeowner's. Many people don't realize that a license, insurance, and registration is only needed to operate a car on public property. You need none of those things to operate them on private property. You might have seen real world examples of this on the highway or interstate when you saw a vehicle being transported on trailer or flatbed. Often times it is done with amatuer race cars. >When I bought it, they just wanted to see my DL to verify my age. I really wish they had done a background check just so I knew that they were checking others. Are you an American? If so did you fill out a ATF form 4473? If not, where are you from?", '>>{3Suze} : I\'m a South Carolinian. We LOVE guns here. As a matter of fact, I was cleaning out my house and found my son\'s old shotguns. They don\'t hunt anymore so they suggested that I get rid of them. I didn\'t want to sell them because I didn\'t know how they would be used. Family didn\'t want them. So I took them to the police and asked them to destroy them. Okay - they laughed at me (you too?). They couldn\'t "destroy" them but they could "recycle" them. They took them apart right there, banged up the firing pin and plan on selling the parts for scrap. It was a good day. Edit: Did not have to sign a thing and had nothing to fill out. Bought them at a sports store.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : >IMO, background checks seem to be as logical as putting an age limit on buying alcohol and cigarettes. Seriously asking. Are you referring to the concept in general? If so we already do and for the most part there is no issue with the current system other than a few shortcomings. If you are referring to Universal Background Checks, most implementations suggested suck by making gun purchases much more burdensome. And it is unlikely that UBCs would mitigate much crime as otherwise legitimate private sales aren't a significant source of crime guns and straw purchasing at retailers/gun stores, which goes through the background check system already, is one of the more popular sources.", ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > I would not mind it being registered. Even though it serves no purpose for the prevention of violence or crime? >Why wouldn't I want the shotgun registered? Because it serves no purpose? It seems to me that you are operating on some lazy assumptions. Cars are registered because safety right? Therefore it would work for guns! But cars are huge and are registered for revenue purposes and for the operation on public roads. Guns are small and can pretty effortlessly have their identifying information removed. Not to mention Canada abandoned its long gun registry for being useless for crime prevention and investigation. The same for New York and Maryland trace programs which were supposed to make their useless registries actually functional. >When I bought it, they just wanted to see my DL to verify my age. I really wish they had done a background check just so I knew that they were checking others. If only there was a background check system that was available for private sales. Unfortunately that was blocked by the Democrats. Instead they want to with their garbage background check proposals.", '>>{Tvc3333} : Hey can you destroy this easy couple hundred dollars for me??', ">>{19Kilo} : > Did not have to sign a thing and had nothing to fill out. Bought them at a sports store. That's probably incorrect unless you bought them prior to 1993.", '>>{3Suze} : Pre 1993. We were like the wild wild west.']]
classify and reply
[">>{elguap} : Oh boy. I'm off to the AT&T store", '>>{GaryRuppert} : Trump Probably Did Better With Latino Voters Than Romney Did', '>>{GaryRuppert} : 1) he still does 2) are the Dems planning on running to the right of Trump in 2020?', '>>{expedience} : UPDATE: No plus models AT ALL for walk ins without reservation. This is so dumb.', ">>{Sharden} : A) He's only referred to it as a fence since winning. B) There's already a fence there.", '>>{LesB1honest} : Yup. This news is almost a full day late', '>>{GaryRuppert} : There isn\'t a fence over the entire border. Fences and walls are very similar. Did you think he was gonna tear down the current fencing in some areas and build the entire wall from scratch? So you\'re gonna fight on the "Trump isn\'t supportive enough of the wall" hill? Good luck Doesn\'t change the fact that more Hispanics backed Trump than Romney', '>>{expedience} : No offense but why would I trust non apple sources?', '>>{expedience} : Yeah I see other sites articles but none by Apple themselves. And no employee name.', ">>{BlackGirlsRox} : I didn't realize people still waited on a line for a phone when they can deliver it to you the day of or you can pick it up the day of.", ">>{gobikerider} : Of course this post is specific to Omaha ugh well I'll probably trying bestbuy tommrow. No point driving across town for linited availability.", '>>{gobikerider} : Then again no one has really said what there gonna have ugh the one time I get my iPhone launch day everything is so discrete and unclear', '>>{Maryland_Mansion} : Quick down vote this to hell, it ruins our narrative! /s', ">>{expedience} : That's assuming you were able to order it at the right time. This is also the first time walk ins or people waiting in line have been outright told no.", ">>{Sharden} : > Fences and walls are very similar. lol > Doesn't change the fact that more Hispanics backed Trump than Romney Doesn't change the fact that >70% didn't.", ">>{Spiritualdamage} : A lot of Hispanics are anti-Mexican. Mexicans are probably associated with some of the strongest negative stereotypes in the US in comparison to other Hispanics, so a lot of Hispanics don't want to be associated with that and feel resentful for sometimes being mistaken as Mexican. Everyone needs someone to look down on to make themselves feel better, I guess.", ">>{expedience} : More like all of us in line were skeptical as there were never issues at the other launches. You can act like you know everything all you want but without an official source I don't believe it till the facts are presented.", '>>{Alexanderdaawesome} : FiveFuckingThirtyEight. Is this fucking serious? They are dooming themselves', ">>{GaryRuppert} : the way you all talked, you'd think Trump was gonna lose Hispanics by a 90-10 margin", '>>{GaryRuppert} : A lot of Hispanics are of Mexican origin too.', ">>{Spiritualdamage} : Yes, but far from all. There are a lot of Hispanic-Americans that have ancestry in other Latin American countries (and Spain). Where I live, there is a huge Hispanic population (mostly from the Caribbean, like Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic) but a virtually nonexistent Mexican population. That's where I get my perspective.", '>>{ShaolinMilk} : Liberals like you are what is the problem with this fucking world. Why do you take bits and pieces of what he says and use it as a fact? He clearly stated there will be a wall and some fencing where its needed. dafuq.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Yeah. And the counties in this article are counties that border Mexico. As an overall percentage, Mexican origin is a significant majority of US Hispanics', ">>{Sharden} : I'm not a liberal. Political ideology is a spectrum, not binary. In that case please, source me. Because from everything I've read it's gone from wall --> wall with sections of fence --> fence with sections of wall --> fence. He's thrown out so many contradictory statements I don't know where he really stands on most issues.", '>>{LAmoderate7} : ? He said wall and fence during 60 Minutes interview', '>>{Higher_Primate} : Probably more than many people want to admit . Many who came legally don\'t like those who "skipped ahead" by coming illegally and many who came illegally don\'t want more competition bow that they got theirs.', '>>{xenoghost1} : cubans and puerto ricans are a thing you know. low turn out was alos a thing', ">>{GaryRuppert} : 63% Mexican, 9% Puerto Rican, 8% Central American, 5.5% South American, 3.5% Cuban, 7% Other. [Source](http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf) A lot more Mexican than you'd think.", '>>{xenoghost1} : and what does that have to do with turn-out? or with the proportion of Latins who voted trump,which is still unknown? i guarantee you a lot might have been Cubans and Puerto ricans. again comes down to turn out, which, outside the early voting, might have actually gone down judging from the data of general turnout specially among the youth (a lot of Latins are young,btw) "those who cut ahead" more like "those who the immigration system screwed over" since most illegals entered legally into the country and would love to apply for residence, hell even citizenship if wasn\'t for the automatic deportation and the absurd ten year punishment. you can claim that trump appeals to Latins - i think the reality is Hillary did\'t appeal enough, she didn\'t put forth a lot of her ideas, rather hiding under the "Stronger together" banner. she didn\'t make a strong case for her immigration policy (which was pretty weak, BTW), she didn\'t make a strong case for Latin (hell every other voting group) beyond "I AM NOT TRUMP!", at least trump could say "MAGA!" and "bring back the jobs" on top of "i am not Hillary". as mentioned in the piece, the turnout was lower, so there was a good chance that the five Mexicans exited for trump all showed up while out of the 20 against, only twelve showed up because of the reasons i mentioned, apathy in contrast to the base which was invigorated by trump. and i don\'t doubt as you say that some Latins might have been stupid enough to be duped by trump - i,unlike you, just think it wasn\'t that many. literally we are making the Himalaya out of a literal mole hill. a 2% uptick of a mole hill.which is a three percent down from McCain in 2008']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{elguap} : Oh boy. I'm off to the AT&T store", '>>{expedience} : UPDATE: No plus models AT ALL for walk ins without reservation. This is so dumb.', '>>{LesB1honest} : Yup. This news is almost a full day late', '>>{expedience} : No offense but why would I trust non apple sources?', '>>{expedience} : Yeah I see other sites articles but none by Apple themselves. And no employee name.', ">>{BlackGirlsRox} : I didn't realize people still waited on a line for a phone when they can deliver it to you the day of or you can pick it up the day of.", ">>{gobikerider} : Of course this post is specific to Omaha ugh well I'll probably trying bestbuy tommrow. No point driving across town for linited availability.", '>>{gobikerider} : Then again no one has really said what there gonna have ugh the one time I get my iPhone launch day everything is so discrete and unclear', ">>{expedience} : That's assuming you were able to order it at the right time. This is also the first time walk ins or people waiting in line have been outright told no.", ">>{expedience} : More like all of us in line were skeptical as there were never issues at the other launches. You can act like you know everything all you want but without an official source I don't believe it till the facts are presented."], ['>>{GaryRuppert} : Trump Probably Did Better With Latino Voters Than Romney Did', '>>{GaryRuppert} : 1) he still does 2) are the Dems planning on running to the right of Trump in 2020?', ">>{Sharden} : A) He's only referred to it as a fence since winning. B) There's already a fence there.", '>>{GaryRuppert} : There isn\'t a fence over the entire border. Fences and walls are very similar. Did you think he was gonna tear down the current fencing in some areas and build the entire wall from scratch? So you\'re gonna fight on the "Trump isn\'t supportive enough of the wall" hill? Good luck Doesn\'t change the fact that more Hispanics backed Trump than Romney', '>>{Maryland_Mansion} : Quick down vote this to hell, it ruins our narrative! /s', ">>{Sharden} : > Fences and walls are very similar. lol > Doesn't change the fact that more Hispanics backed Trump than Romney Doesn't change the fact that >70% didn't.", ">>{Spiritualdamage} : A lot of Hispanics are anti-Mexican. Mexicans are probably associated with some of the strongest negative stereotypes in the US in comparison to other Hispanics, so a lot of Hispanics don't want to be associated with that and feel resentful for sometimes being mistaken as Mexican. Everyone needs someone to look down on to make themselves feel better, I guess.", '>>{Alexanderdaawesome} : FiveFuckingThirtyEight. Is this fucking serious? They are dooming themselves', ">>{GaryRuppert} : the way you all talked, you'd think Trump was gonna lose Hispanics by a 90-10 margin", '>>{GaryRuppert} : A lot of Hispanics are of Mexican origin too.', ">>{Spiritualdamage} : Yes, but far from all. There are a lot of Hispanic-Americans that have ancestry in other Latin American countries (and Spain). Where I live, there is a huge Hispanic population (mostly from the Caribbean, like Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic) but a virtually nonexistent Mexican population. That's where I get my perspective.", '>>{ShaolinMilk} : Liberals like you are what is the problem with this fucking world. Why do you take bits and pieces of what he says and use it as a fact? He clearly stated there will be a wall and some fencing where its needed. dafuq.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Yeah. And the counties in this article are counties that border Mexico. As an overall percentage, Mexican origin is a significant majority of US Hispanics', ">>{Sharden} : I'm not a liberal. Political ideology is a spectrum, not binary. In that case please, source me. Because from everything I've read it's gone from wall --> wall with sections of fence --> fence with sections of wall --> fence. He's thrown out so many contradictory statements I don't know where he really stands on most issues.", '>>{LAmoderate7} : ? He said wall and fence during 60 Minutes interview', '>>{Higher_Primate} : Probably more than many people want to admit . Many who came legally don\'t like those who "skipped ahead" by coming illegally and many who came illegally don\'t want more competition bow that they got theirs.', '>>{xenoghost1} : cubans and puerto ricans are a thing you know. low turn out was alos a thing', ">>{GaryRuppert} : 63% Mexican, 9% Puerto Rican, 8% Central American, 5.5% South American, 3.5% Cuban, 7% Other. [Source](http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf) A lot more Mexican than you'd think.", '>>{xenoghost1} : and what does that have to do with turn-out? or with the proportion of Latins who voted trump,which is still unknown? i guarantee you a lot might have been Cubans and Puerto ricans. again comes down to turn out, which, outside the early voting, might have actually gone down judging from the data of general turnout specially among the youth (a lot of Latins are young,btw) "those who cut ahead" more like "those who the immigration system screwed over" since most illegals entered legally into the country and would love to apply for residence, hell even citizenship if wasn\'t for the automatic deportation and the absurd ten year punishment. you can claim that trump appeals to Latins - i think the reality is Hillary did\'t appeal enough, she didn\'t put forth a lot of her ideas, rather hiding under the "Stronger together" banner. she didn\'t make a strong case for her immigration policy (which was pretty weak, BTW), she didn\'t make a strong case for Latin (hell every other voting group) beyond "I AM NOT TRUMP!", at least trump could say "MAGA!" and "bring back the jobs" on top of "i am not Hillary". as mentioned in the piece, the turnout was lower, so there was a good chance that the five Mexicans exited for trump all showed up while out of the 20 against, only twelve showed up because of the reasons i mentioned, apathy in contrast to the base which was invigorated by trump. and i don\'t doubt as you say that some Latins might have been stupid enough to be duped by trump - i,unlike you, just think it wasn\'t that many. literally we are making the Himalaya out of a literal mole hill. a 2% uptick of a mole hill.which is a three percent down from McCain in 2008']]
classify and reply
[">>{tossmydickaway} : Voting Stein, Johnson, or Trump. stop sending money to Israel and kill the TPP. You have my vote. Edit: I get it, I don't know how I did that, I knew he was pro TPP. Minor bit of political amnesia. I'm better now.", ">>{Piano18} : White House defends CIA analysis: 'You didn’t need a security clearance to figure out who benefited'", '>>{Heylookaguy} : >64 and 116 Really? 8 years, 116 dead..........You really expect me to believe that?', '>>{GAforTrump} : On July 27, 2016, Bill Weld, Gary Johnson\'s running mate, said that he and Johnson support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal and free trade in general. Weld said, “We’re the only free trade ticket in the race.” Weld added, “I’m convinced TPP is good policy."', '>>{BalanceCoil} : LOL is that really what they are going with?', '>>{Cheap_Wino} : Dude, they *know* most people will have no problem believing that.', '>>{spookbeard} : The facts...put up or shut up. Right now all anyone is doing is feeding the trolls.', '>>{BashAtTheBeach96} : Wanna cringe? Watch DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson [brag about signing off on the drone attacks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIvsCrVmjr8&t=3m16s) yesterday when Ted Cruz was grilling him. That entire exchange was uncomfortable.', '>>{ShyGuy322} : Democrats don\'t lose. They either win or they were "cheated."', '>>{I_once_pooped} : Who gives a shit? They say 116, people who hate America say 1 million, whoopity do.', '>>{Get_____Fucked} : I highly doubt it. The platform was covertly stripped of all anti-tpp language.', '>>{sanspri} : hard to believe but, libertarians are more anti-human being than hillary', '>>{KawaiiNazi} : Only Stein and Trump are against TPP. Gary seems very pro TPP.', ">>{I_once_pooped} : Why? It doesn't make a difference. Unless you want to argue we should be trying to capture some of these high-level targets to interrogate them. I guess we would turn them over to the Iraqi's when we are done with them to finish them.", '>>{MAVERICK910} : Really? But trump cant even settle on basics like how much the minimum wage should be. However, Im sure we wont need money in comrade Trumps vision of the United States of Trumpistan. We will be sent to build the wall. Work will set us free!', '>>{Heylookaguy} : Ssshhh Nobody needs to know how many people Obama killed. No dreams, sleep now........../time on target -3mics', ">>{pizzatra} : No he won't and Pence knows he won't. They will blame it on Congress when it gets a veto proof majority vote and then Trump would act like, oh well I tried. But he really won't because he is a full of shit [phony like Clinton.](http://c6.nrostatic.com/sites/default/files/uploaded/related_clinton-trump_gd_151229_0.jpg)", '>>{gaeuvyen} : The libertarian party has always been for deregulation and privatization. TTP is just more of that and on an international scale.', '>>{somefool} : There is much more at stake than a partisan battle here. A foreign, hostile power is accused of interfering with your election. [There is distinct proof that the intrusion on the DNC servers was from Russia](https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/). [(Another article from Ars Technica.)](http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/12/the-public-evidence-behind-claims-russia-hacked-for-trump/) To quote the [statement released by McCain, Graham, Schumer and Reed](http://www.armed-services.senate.gov/press-releases/mccain-graham-schumer-reed-joint-statement-on-reports-that-russia-interfered-with-the-2016-election): > This cannot become a partisan issue. The stakes are too high for our country. We are committed to working in this bipartisan manner, and we will seek to unify our colleagues around the goal of investigating and stopping the grave threats that cyberattacks conducted by foreign governments pose to our national security', '>>{necropancer} : White House: "Come on guys, Russia, it\'s obvious"', '>>{sanspri} : among other things. as I said, slightly more anti-human being than hillary', '>>{boogietime} : Yeah this was a bad statement by the administration. I read this as: "well, your guess is as good as ours!" We don\'t need guessing and speculation, we need to known actual information.', ">>{a_James_Woods} : I've been trying for months to explain this to Americans. They don't respect facts or reason. Don't waste your time.", '>>{Brodusgus} : This article spins the acceptance of drone strikes based on conservative numbers.', '>>{sourbrew} : But it sure would help us trust a government that has been shown to repeatedly lie to its own people.', '>>{AvianDentures} : How do you believe the TPP will affect your life?', ">>{I_once_pooped} : The US must kill our enemies, who is at the helm doesn't really matter.", ">>{Pathfinder6} : So now the narrative is that Putin is the bad guy *because he allowed the American people to see e-mails that exposed Hillary for the corrupt, lying sack of shit she is*. So she apparently lost the election because we all got to see proof and so now that's a bad thing. When are libs just going to accept we figured out what a crook she is and didn't vote for her because of that? And I'm sure that an unsecured e-mail server in her bathroom had nothing to do with it.", ">>{OneReportersOpinion} : We are killing people who are not our enemies. That creates more enemies. And it's also wrong.", '>>{sourbrew} : Do you not remember the run up to the Iraq war, trusting anonymous sources with no evidence is not a good way to start a cold war.', ">>{seeking_horizon} : I remember it quite well. The people that lied the most weren't anonymous at all. Intelligence gathering was *not* the problem.", '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : Pretty pointless when every death is counted as an enemy combatant killed in action and this will only be revised based on later journalism investigation', '>>{Unoriginalthrow_away} : We should let him in the debates so he can further clarify his stance.', ">>{drakanx} : Why wouldn't he? Trump was one of the few that were vociferously against NAFTA.", ">>{tossmydickaway} : Yeah, Johnson is an idiot for picking Weld. I don't think any person in this race has a fucking clue what their potential constituency wants. I mean, other than Trump. He knows his supporters.", '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : How do you know they are high level targets? Because a secret panel with secret evidence has passed judgement? Because all deaths are automatically counted as Enemy Combatants Killed in Action unless later proved innocent? Most of these drone strikes are based on "lifestyle patterns": is he a Military Aged Male? Check, and guilty already. Is he in a target area? Check. Is he with other MAM? Check. They flashed their lights at a car that passed them in the night - that\'s a signal. That vague blob on the IR - that looks like a rifle. They\'ve stopped the wash and pray in the morning - that\'s what they do before an attack. They\'re driving away from a target area - they\'re manoeuvring to outflank! Time to go kinetic! And then out of the smoking rubble of the bombed cars emerge women and children that had been on their way to market. That\'s not idle speculation, that\'s not a collection of anecdotes. That\'s a specific example of a specific drone strike and the operators analysis of what they were viewing and reasoning for carrying out a strike. Being a Military Aged Male in a target area is guilt. Read Kill Chain by Alexander Cockburn. Other times they base their intelligence on local informants dobbing people in for cash rewards, and guess what they often just hand in any old person for the money or they point the finger at people in local tribal or business conflicts. And then other times they are simply running down SIM cards with no idea who is holding the phone its in.', ">>{CadetPeepers} : Trump has been against free trade deals since the 90's. He was the one of the few people who was outspoken against NAFTA and even took out a full page ad in the NYT in opposition to it.", '>>{MAVERICK910} : I meant basic policy position. As in when you run for office you usually have polices thought out months beforehand. So that voters can digest them. But you see im not one of the poorly educated that Trump loves so dearly. Therefore i dont buy bullshittery from conmen. You evidently do. Enjoy playing the guessing game of what Trump is saying. Im sure you will eventually grow tired. Maybe then you will realise that he has no fucking clue and was only ever interested in power.', '>>{CarrollQuigley} : Traditional trade issues constitute but a fraction of the TPP.', '>>{JoJoWiCo} : Except the 80% of the time where politicians do actually act in line with their platform.', ">>{bexmex} : He might veto to stand on principal, but then his veto would be overridden anyway because over 2/3 of congress supports TPP. Presidents don't normally like doing this because it makes them look like weak and ineffective leaders... that's especially true if a majority of his own party voted to override. So, he'll probably cave on TPP. Or possibly get Congress to bundle the TPP with some other bills in some kind of omnibus. Like take the bad stuff in TPP that he hates, and come up with some other government plan that undoes the harm, and pass them all together. TPP hurts manufacturing? Bundle it with a jobs bill. Done.", '>>{I_once_pooped} : You are getting caught up on "high-level". I would have no problem grabbing a few mid level people too. I have literally no problem with the way we do business. Cry about it to someone else.', '>>{OneReportersOpinion} : That means increased terrorist attacks. Have you heard of blowback?', '>>{RipeManlyMango} : I like it! But it sounds way too logical to ever become a thing.', '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : >so what if our efforts are making things worse? Ladies and gentlemen the prosecution rests. Further more we recommend his time be served in psychiatric care facility.', ">>{Lamont-Cranston} : Caught up in high level? Grab mid level? What are you talking about? This makes no sense, and even if it did relates in no way to what I have described. >not knowing who you are targeting, targeting people on the flimsiest of pretexts and using dodgy informants is a successful business model Mate you'd be bankrupt. >explaining that they don't know what they're doing and are targeting people for absurd rationalisations is crying Oh you. You can't even understand what is going on but just respond with fuck it muh Merika kill em all.", '>>{pizzatra} : Trump is full of shit and uses whatever and whom ever to stay popular and to appear to succeed. [He is so pro American worker.](http://a.abcnews.com/images/Business/abc_donald_trump_made_in_china_products_dm_110428_wmain_4x3_608.jpg)', '>>{I_once_pooped} : > Caught up in high level? Grab mid level? What are you talking about? This makes no sense, and even if it did relates in no way to what I have described. You are upset that sometimes innocent people get killed in drone strikes, yes?', '>>{baldajan} : Johnson is pro TPP, sorry (I actually thought he had a chance until that happened)', ">>{I_once_pooped} : I don't have a problem with killing our enemies.", '>>{OneReportersOpinion} : Do you have a problem with the US killing children?', '>>{MAVERICK910} : because it shows he is playing you for fools.', ">>{CadetPeepers} : Don't have a link to the ad (it was in 1993), but here's an article about him speaking out against it during that time period: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/trump-spoke-against-nafta-at-1993-convention", '>>{MAVERICK910} : but you see this again is not what Trump alludes >"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn\'t lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/23/politics/donald-trump-shoot-somebody-support/ He doesnt give a shit about you, me, the working class. He only cares about Trump. And Trump wants power. He wants to rule.', '>>{Jkallgren} : For any other election that would be true. For this election who the fuck knows.', '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : >some A cornerstone of Western Democracy is the presumption of innocence before being proven guilty. None of the people who have been subjected to "Lethal Findings" have been arrested, charged, tried, or convicted in either a civil or military court. Time and time again it is found that civilians not terrorists are the victims of the drone strikes due to faulty intelligence, people saying whatever to receive a reward, someone having another persons phone on them, or operators acting on the flimsiest of \'evidence\' as demonstrated in the example I gave you.', '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : Trump shits on TPP in every rally. He will kill it.', ">>{EDDY08} : Tbh Trump most likely has my vote in November but at this point I don't think even he really knows what he's going to do or how he's going to do it. He's only concerned with selling himself as the next President, he's already basically said he's going to surround himself with experts and kinda figure it out from there. Which I'm actually cool with, I don't need a bunch of promises before the fact only for things to change. I believe his honest driving goal is to make America great and thats enough for me.", ">>{I_once_pooped} : Lol like I said, I don't give a shit.", '>>{ValyrianSteelBeams} : >full of shit and uses whatever and whom ever to stay popular and to appear to succeed. That sounds like Hillary.', '>>{Manafort} : >Except the 80% of the time where politicians do actually act in line with their platform. Can you point me to where this number is discussed? Interested in reading it.', '>>{bexmex} : NONE of them can stop the TPP. None. TPP is a treaty, which means 67 Senators can ratify it, no matter who the president is. And since all the Republican Senators and a third of the Democratic Senators think the TPP is just awesome, that means it will probably pass the Senate and become law. The only chance we had to stop TPP was years ago when the vote was held to have it be "fast tracked," which means no amendments. If you REALLY hate the TPP, then you need to oust any Senator up for election that supports it. That means ousting any Republican Senator, and these 13 Democrats: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/tpa-trade-bill-democrat-vote-tally-119331 EDIT: I just checked... and there are only 3 only Democrats that voted to fast-track TPP who are up for re-election in 2016: Michael Bennet (CO), Patty Murray (WA), Ron Wyden (OR). So if you want to block TPP the only hope is a very Democratic Senate. Not a non-Hillary for President.', '>>{Manafort} : Trump has opposed bilateral trade deals since the early 1990s. https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/trump-spoke-against-nafta-at-1993-convention', ">>{Afalau} : I think it's funny that people would call Hillary a liar for saying this, but take Trump at face value when he says stuff like this. They're both liars.", '>>{IrishJoe} : Pence was pro-TPP until Trump tapped him for VP (in the campaign logo sense).', '>>{blackyellow23} : People give Trump the benefit of the doubt on everything (even claiming that "he didn\'t really mean" certain statements"), and give Hillary no benefit of the doubt on anything. Clinton has certainly deserved getting no benefit of the doubt, but not sure what Trump did to deserve all of it. Clinton put a pro-TPP VP on the ticket. So did Trump. If Clinton\'s move shows she isn\'t really committed to TPP, then surely so does Trump\'s?', ">>{TremendousTiger} : Didn't he just say that he thinks $10 is a good minimum wage?", ">>{timmyjj3} : Probably because Trump has been against these free trade agreements since before NAFTA originally passed and it's been a cornerstone of his platform the moment he announced. In fact, if it wasn't for both Trump and Bernie no one would even be talking about the TPP.", ">>{timmyjj3} : There's absolutely zero political support for backing the TPP if a president is anti-TPP and openly the way Trump is. If they passed it anyway, the American people would throw them out, led by the President.", '>>{Clinton_Sanders_2016} : Because they are secretly racists who just want Donald to kill and deport Muslims and Hispanic people.', '>>{Lyrd} : That\'s where you\'re wrong, but we are dealing with a more novel area of law here. One, you still need the President to sign the treaty and it is the Executive branch that is charged with executing its terms. Treaties are not like conventional law. There is no overriding a veto of a treaty. A treaty is between nations and the President is the "sole organ" of international affairs. [*Goldwater v. Carter*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldwater_v._Carter) A President of the United States has the "technical" power by constitutional/jurisdictional default to rescind a treaty unilaterally. Think of it as the presidential equivalent of "jury nullification". It\'s not an express right that actually exists - its just the logical deduction of what one can get away with based on existing law. Not because it\'s constitutional to do so, but because it\'s unconstitutional to hear a case on it. Are you not a senator? Then you probably lack standing. Are you a senator? Then a suit between you and the president is almost certainly a "political question" which the Supreme Court also does not hear.', ">>{DrQAlias} : I seriously keep mixing up Pence and Kaine, and I am constantly confused by headlines thinking they're the VP for the other party. Shows how much they stand out, I guess.", ">>{Mecha-Jesus} : I'm curious: why are those your two main policy priorities?", '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : You know the LIBERTARIAN is for the TPP, right?', ">>{HoundDogs} : Except Trump has consistently been against trade agreements like this his entire career. Hillary, on the other hand, helped craft TPP. There's literally no way she would ever be against it.", ">>{Stenzycakes} : He's been calling out these terrible trade deals for decades it's the reason he wanted to run for president.", ">>{libsmak} : Trump never said that TPP was 'the gold standard'. Hillary did.", ">>{GarrioValere} : That's not how it works for international agreements. Congress cannot make international agreements, only the head of state can."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{tossmydickaway} : Voting Stein, Johnson, or Trump. stop sending money to Israel and kill the TPP. You have my vote. Edit: I get it, I don't know how I did that, I knew he was pro TPP. Minor bit of political amnesia. I'm better now.", '>>{GAforTrump} : On July 27, 2016, Bill Weld, Gary Johnson\'s running mate, said that he and Johnson support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal and free trade in general. Weld said, “We’re the only free trade ticket in the race.” Weld added, “I’m convinced TPP is good policy."', '>>{Get_____Fucked} : I highly doubt it. The platform was covertly stripped of all anti-tpp language.', '>>{sanspri} : hard to believe but, libertarians are more anti-human being than hillary', '>>{KawaiiNazi} : Only Stein and Trump are against TPP. Gary seems very pro TPP.', '>>{MAVERICK910} : Really? But trump cant even settle on basics like how much the minimum wage should be. However, Im sure we wont need money in comrade Trumps vision of the United States of Trumpistan. We will be sent to build the wall. Work will set us free!', ">>{pizzatra} : No he won't and Pence knows he won't. They will blame it on Congress when it gets a veto proof majority vote and then Trump would act like, oh well I tried. But he really won't because he is a full of shit [phony like Clinton.](http://c6.nrostatic.com/sites/default/files/uploaded/related_clinton-trump_gd_151229_0.jpg)", '>>{gaeuvyen} : The libertarian party has always been for deregulation and privatization. TTP is just more of that and on an international scale.', '>>{sanspri} : among other things. as I said, slightly more anti-human being than hillary', '>>{AvianDentures} : How do you believe the TPP will affect your life?', '>>{Unoriginalthrow_away} : We should let him in the debates so he can further clarify his stance.', ">>{drakanx} : Why wouldn't he? Trump was one of the few that were vociferously against NAFTA.", ">>{tossmydickaway} : Yeah, Johnson is an idiot for picking Weld. I don't think any person in this race has a fucking clue what their potential constituency wants. I mean, other than Trump. He knows his supporters.", ">>{CadetPeepers} : Trump has been against free trade deals since the 90's. He was the one of the few people who was outspoken against NAFTA and even took out a full page ad in the NYT in opposition to it.", '>>{MAVERICK910} : I meant basic policy position. As in when you run for office you usually have polices thought out months beforehand. So that voters can digest them. But you see im not one of the poorly educated that Trump loves so dearly. Therefore i dont buy bullshittery from conmen. You evidently do. Enjoy playing the guessing game of what Trump is saying. Im sure you will eventually grow tired. Maybe then you will realise that he has no fucking clue and was only ever interested in power.', '>>{CarrollQuigley} : Traditional trade issues constitute but a fraction of the TPP.', '>>{JoJoWiCo} : Except the 80% of the time where politicians do actually act in line with their platform.', ">>{bexmex} : He might veto to stand on principal, but then his veto would be overridden anyway because over 2/3 of congress supports TPP. Presidents don't normally like doing this because it makes them look like weak and ineffective leaders... that's especially true if a majority of his own party voted to override. So, he'll probably cave on TPP. Or possibly get Congress to bundle the TPP with some other bills in some kind of omnibus. Like take the bad stuff in TPP that he hates, and come up with some other government plan that undoes the harm, and pass them all together. TPP hurts manufacturing? Bundle it with a jobs bill. Done.", '>>{RipeManlyMango} : I like it! But it sounds way too logical to ever become a thing.', '>>{pizzatra} : Trump is full of shit and uses whatever and whom ever to stay popular and to appear to succeed. [He is so pro American worker.](http://a.abcnews.com/images/Business/abc_donald_trump_made_in_china_products_dm_110428_wmain_4x3_608.jpg)', '>>{baldajan} : Johnson is pro TPP, sorry (I actually thought he had a chance until that happened)', '>>{MAVERICK910} : because it shows he is playing you for fools.', ">>{CadetPeepers} : Don't have a link to the ad (it was in 1993), but here's an article about him speaking out against it during that time period: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/trump-spoke-against-nafta-at-1993-convention", '>>{MAVERICK910} : but you see this again is not what Trump alludes >"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn\'t lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/23/politics/donald-trump-shoot-somebody-support/ He doesnt give a shit about you, me, the working class. He only cares about Trump. And Trump wants power. He wants to rule.', '>>{Jkallgren} : For any other election that would be true. For this election who the fuck knows.', '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : Trump shits on TPP in every rally. He will kill it.', ">>{EDDY08} : Tbh Trump most likely has my vote in November but at this point I don't think even he really knows what he's going to do or how he's going to do it. He's only concerned with selling himself as the next President, he's already basically said he's going to surround himself with experts and kinda figure it out from there. Which I'm actually cool with, I don't need a bunch of promises before the fact only for things to change. I believe his honest driving goal is to make America great and thats enough for me.", '>>{ValyrianSteelBeams} : >full of shit and uses whatever and whom ever to stay popular and to appear to succeed. That sounds like Hillary.', '>>{Manafort} : >Except the 80% of the time where politicians do actually act in line with their platform. Can you point me to where this number is discussed? Interested in reading it.', '>>{bexmex} : NONE of them can stop the TPP. None. TPP is a treaty, which means 67 Senators can ratify it, no matter who the president is. And since all the Republican Senators and a third of the Democratic Senators think the TPP is just awesome, that means it will probably pass the Senate and become law. The only chance we had to stop TPP was years ago when the vote was held to have it be "fast tracked," which means no amendments. If you REALLY hate the TPP, then you need to oust any Senator up for election that supports it. That means ousting any Republican Senator, and these 13 Democrats: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/tpa-trade-bill-democrat-vote-tally-119331 EDIT: I just checked... and there are only 3 only Democrats that voted to fast-track TPP who are up for re-election in 2016: Michael Bennet (CO), Patty Murray (WA), Ron Wyden (OR). So if you want to block TPP the only hope is a very Democratic Senate. Not a non-Hillary for President.', '>>{Manafort} : Trump has opposed bilateral trade deals since the early 1990s. https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/trump-spoke-against-nafta-at-1993-convention', ">>{Afalau} : I think it's funny that people would call Hillary a liar for saying this, but take Trump at face value when he says stuff like this. They're both liars.", '>>{IrishJoe} : Pence was pro-TPP until Trump tapped him for VP (in the campaign logo sense).', '>>{blackyellow23} : People give Trump the benefit of the doubt on everything (even claiming that "he didn\'t really mean" certain statements"), and give Hillary no benefit of the doubt on anything. Clinton has certainly deserved getting no benefit of the doubt, but not sure what Trump did to deserve all of it. Clinton put a pro-TPP VP on the ticket. So did Trump. If Clinton\'s move shows she isn\'t really committed to TPP, then surely so does Trump\'s?', ">>{TremendousTiger} : Didn't he just say that he thinks $10 is a good minimum wage?", ">>{timmyjj3} : Probably because Trump has been against these free trade agreements since before NAFTA originally passed and it's been a cornerstone of his platform the moment he announced. In fact, if it wasn't for both Trump and Bernie no one would even be talking about the TPP.", ">>{timmyjj3} : There's absolutely zero political support for backing the TPP if a president is anti-TPP and openly the way Trump is. If they passed it anyway, the American people would throw them out, led by the President.", '>>{Clinton_Sanders_2016} : Because they are secretly racists who just want Donald to kill and deport Muslims and Hispanic people.', '>>{Lyrd} : That\'s where you\'re wrong, but we are dealing with a more novel area of law here. One, you still need the President to sign the treaty and it is the Executive branch that is charged with executing its terms. Treaties are not like conventional law. There is no overriding a veto of a treaty. A treaty is between nations and the President is the "sole organ" of international affairs. [*Goldwater v. Carter*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldwater_v._Carter) A President of the United States has the "technical" power by constitutional/jurisdictional default to rescind a treaty unilaterally. Think of it as the presidential equivalent of "jury nullification". It\'s not an express right that actually exists - its just the logical deduction of what one can get away with based on existing law. Not because it\'s constitutional to do so, but because it\'s unconstitutional to hear a case on it. Are you not a senator? Then you probably lack standing. Are you a senator? Then a suit between you and the president is almost certainly a "political question" which the Supreme Court also does not hear.', ">>{DrQAlias} : I seriously keep mixing up Pence and Kaine, and I am constantly confused by headlines thinking they're the VP for the other party. Shows how much they stand out, I guess.", ">>{Mecha-Jesus} : I'm curious: why are those your two main policy priorities?", '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : You know the LIBERTARIAN is for the TPP, right?', ">>{HoundDogs} : Except Trump has consistently been against trade agreements like this his entire career. Hillary, on the other hand, helped craft TPP. There's literally no way she would ever be against it.", ">>{Stenzycakes} : He's been calling out these terrible trade deals for decades it's the reason he wanted to run for president.", ">>{libsmak} : Trump never said that TPP was 'the gold standard'. Hillary did.", ">>{GarrioValere} : That's not how it works for international agreements. Congress cannot make international agreements, only the head of state can."], ['>>{Heylookaguy} : >64 and 116 Really? 8 years, 116 dead..........You really expect me to believe that?', '>>{Cheap_Wino} : Dude, they *know* most people will have no problem believing that.', '>>{BashAtTheBeach96} : Wanna cringe? Watch DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson [brag about signing off on the drone attacks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIvsCrVmjr8&t=3m16s) yesterday when Ted Cruz was grilling him. That entire exchange was uncomfortable.', '>>{I_once_pooped} : Who gives a shit? They say 116, people who hate America say 1 million, whoopity do.', ">>{I_once_pooped} : Why? It doesn't make a difference. Unless you want to argue we should be trying to capture some of these high-level targets to interrogate them. I guess we would turn them over to the Iraqi's when we are done with them to finish them.", '>>{Heylookaguy} : Ssshhh Nobody needs to know how many people Obama killed. No dreams, sleep now........../time on target -3mics', '>>{Brodusgus} : This article spins the acceptance of drone strikes based on conservative numbers.', ">>{I_once_pooped} : The US must kill our enemies, who is at the helm doesn't really matter.", ">>{OneReportersOpinion} : We are killing people who are not our enemies. That creates more enemies. And it's also wrong.", '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : Pretty pointless when every death is counted as an enemy combatant killed in action and this will only be revised based on later journalism investigation', '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : How do you know they are high level targets? Because a secret panel with secret evidence has passed judgement? Because all deaths are automatically counted as Enemy Combatants Killed in Action unless later proved innocent? Most of these drone strikes are based on "lifestyle patterns": is he a Military Aged Male? Check, and guilty already. Is he in a target area? Check. Is he with other MAM? Check. They flashed their lights at a car that passed them in the night - that\'s a signal. That vague blob on the IR - that looks like a rifle. They\'ve stopped the wash and pray in the morning - that\'s what they do before an attack. They\'re driving away from a target area - they\'re manoeuvring to outflank! Time to go kinetic! And then out of the smoking rubble of the bombed cars emerge women and children that had been on their way to market. That\'s not idle speculation, that\'s not a collection of anecdotes. That\'s a specific example of a specific drone strike and the operators analysis of what they were viewing and reasoning for carrying out a strike. Being a Military Aged Male in a target area is guilt. Read Kill Chain by Alexander Cockburn. Other times they base their intelligence on local informants dobbing people in for cash rewards, and guess what they often just hand in any old person for the money or they point the finger at people in local tribal or business conflicts. And then other times they are simply running down SIM cards with no idea who is holding the phone its in.', '>>{I_once_pooped} : You are getting caught up on "high-level". I would have no problem grabbing a few mid level people too. I have literally no problem with the way we do business. Cry about it to someone else.', '>>{OneReportersOpinion} : That means increased terrorist attacks. Have you heard of blowback?', '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : >so what if our efforts are making things worse? Ladies and gentlemen the prosecution rests. Further more we recommend his time be served in psychiatric care facility.', ">>{Lamont-Cranston} : Caught up in high level? Grab mid level? What are you talking about? This makes no sense, and even if it did relates in no way to what I have described. >not knowing who you are targeting, targeting people on the flimsiest of pretexts and using dodgy informants is a successful business model Mate you'd be bankrupt. >explaining that they don't know what they're doing and are targeting people for absurd rationalisations is crying Oh you. You can't even understand what is going on but just respond with fuck it muh Merika kill em all.", '>>{I_once_pooped} : > Caught up in high level? Grab mid level? What are you talking about? This makes no sense, and even if it did relates in no way to what I have described. You are upset that sometimes innocent people get killed in drone strikes, yes?', ">>{I_once_pooped} : I don't have a problem with killing our enemies.", '>>{OneReportersOpinion} : Do you have a problem with the US killing children?', '>>{Lamont-Cranston} : >some A cornerstone of Western Democracy is the presumption of innocence before being proven guilty. None of the people who have been subjected to "Lethal Findings" have been arrested, charged, tried, or convicted in either a civil or military court. Time and time again it is found that civilians not terrorists are the victims of the drone strikes due to faulty intelligence, people saying whatever to receive a reward, someone having another persons phone on them, or operators acting on the flimsiest of \'evidence\' as demonstrated in the example I gave you.', ">>{I_once_pooped} : Lol like I said, I don't give a shit."], [">>{Piano18} : White House defends CIA analysis: 'You didn’t need a security clearance to figure out who benefited'", '>>{BalanceCoil} : LOL is that really what they are going with?', '>>{spookbeard} : The facts...put up or shut up. Right now all anyone is doing is feeding the trolls.', '>>{ShyGuy322} : Democrats don\'t lose. They either win or they were "cheated."', '>>{somefool} : There is much more at stake than a partisan battle here. A foreign, hostile power is accused of interfering with your election. [There is distinct proof that the intrusion on the DNC servers was from Russia](https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/). [(Another article from Ars Technica.)](http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/12/the-public-evidence-behind-claims-russia-hacked-for-trump/) To quote the [statement released by McCain, Graham, Schumer and Reed](http://www.armed-services.senate.gov/press-releases/mccain-graham-schumer-reed-joint-statement-on-reports-that-russia-interfered-with-the-2016-election): > This cannot become a partisan issue. The stakes are too high for our country. We are committed to working in this bipartisan manner, and we will seek to unify our colleagues around the goal of investigating and stopping the grave threats that cyberattacks conducted by foreign governments pose to our national security', '>>{necropancer} : White House: "Come on guys, Russia, it\'s obvious"', '>>{boogietime} : Yeah this was a bad statement by the administration. I read this as: "well, your guess is as good as ours!" We don\'t need guessing and speculation, we need to known actual information.', ">>{a_James_Woods} : I've been trying for months to explain this to Americans. They don't respect facts or reason. Don't waste your time.", '>>{sourbrew} : But it sure would help us trust a government that has been shown to repeatedly lie to its own people.', ">>{Pathfinder6} : So now the narrative is that Putin is the bad guy *because he allowed the American people to see e-mails that exposed Hillary for the corrupt, lying sack of shit she is*. So she apparently lost the election because we all got to see proof and so now that's a bad thing. When are libs just going to accept we figured out what a crook she is and didn't vote for her because of that? And I'm sure that an unsecured e-mail server in her bathroom had nothing to do with it.", '>>{sourbrew} : Do you not remember the run up to the Iraq war, trusting anonymous sources with no evidence is not a good way to start a cold war.', ">>{seeking_horizon} : I remember it quite well. The people that lied the most weren't anonymous at all. Intelligence gathering was *not* the problem."]]
classify and reply
['>>{pnewell} : Conservative Funders of Climate Denial Are Quietly Spending Millions To Generate More Partisan Journalism | Daily Caller News Foundation — the non-profit arm of the Daily Caller website — accepted some $106,248 in two donations from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation.', '>>{pcguy2} : Trump Calls Himself a Champion of Gay Rights. Hang On a Second.', '>>{EndoExo} : And Trump is against gay marriage now, as a Presidential candidate, with a well-known anti-gay politician as his running mate.', '>>{TheTeaIsPoisonous} : No wonder we see so much "Daily Caller" horseshit on this subreddit.', ">>{Scoutster13} : Oh well, that was a long time ago. She isn't now. On the other hand Trump has made it clear where he stands and it's not on the side of the LBGT comunity by a long shot.", '>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : Can anyone explain the new Naked People with Spoons emojis?', '>>{ReptilianLifestyles} : Sounds familiar: • Reporter Outreach: Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.', '>>{ikurapie} : Have you tried holding the power button and volume down?', '>>{Colorado688} : Elizabeth Warren: "I\'m ready" to endorse Hillary Clinton', ">>{liberte_} : Unfortunately for Trump, us gays know what it is like to be villainized and marginalized, and are generally sensitive to seeing other groups treated the same way. The vast majority of us aren't buying what he's selling.", ">>{atomic92} : Update: screen just went blank. Will not restart, or turn on. That was after about 2 hours of being stuck on the boot screen. Still isn't being recognized by iTunes or my mac at all.", '>>{aliengoods1} : The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”\xa0 ―\xa0Edward L. Bernays,\xa0Propaganda\tTheBigBadDuke\tt3_4ocxrk\nt3_4o97az\tt1_d4bizcf\t1466083082\t\'The New American\'? Bahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Any other sources? You know, Good ones?\tBadManDeego\tt1_d4axpja\nt3_4ocxrk\tt1_d4bknbr\t1466085619\t> Analysis of IRS tax filings shows .... An interesting part of the article in light of the this recent news: [House approves Koch-backed bill to shield donors’ names ](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/2016/06/14/house-approves-koch-backed-bill-shield-donors-names/85886164/) from being reported in IRS filings.\tLighting\tt3_4ocxrk\nt3_4oas2d\tt1_d4blcgy\t1466086595\t> Claims Clinton commits election fraud > Decries California\'s thorough ballot verification process Choose one.\tno_dice\tt1_d4b0q7c\nt3_4oas2d\tt1_d4blfy6\t1466086721\tWhat sort of checks and balances does a system like this have? Do multiple people count each vote?\tPhillAholic\tt1_d4b52s5\nt3_4oas2d\tt1_d4blrcx\t1466087160\tNPP voters had to request a Democratic ballot. Many didn\'t, and blamed everyone else for their own mistake. Having said that, I believe they could still exchange mail-in ballots and get the Democratic ballot at the polls the day of, but they probably didn\'t know that either. TLDR, I\'m stupid. The game is rigged!"', ">>{atomic92} : Yea, it was just restarting the phone but didn't do anything else. Wouldn't leave the Apple boot screen. Now it seems totally borked, won't turn on at all, Screen is blank. It slowed down a little earlier when sending a text, then it totally froze and restarted and hasn't booted since.", ">>{iComputerGeek101} : People cooking. It's steam coming up from a pan.", '>>{AssCalloway} : Tucker Carlson\'s rag has a "non profit arm"?', '>>{macintoshplus} : These emojis need shirts. Cooking like that is a one way ticket to first degree burn town', ">>{based_sutter} : The majority of Warren's supporters are progressives who see through Hillary. This won't help Hillary as much as it hurts Warren but we all know she's just desperate to stop Trump.", '>>{lowercase_thoughts} : hillary doesnt want to torture me til i become straight', '>>{PizzaHutHelps} : Charge the phone for an hour then try this: Step 1: Connect your iPhone 7 to your Mac or PC with a Lightning to USB cable. Step 2: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Volume Down button until the screen turns off. Continue holding the Sleep/Wake button + Volume Down button, even after you see the Apple logo appear. Step 4: Release the Sleep/Wake + Volume Down button once you see the Connect to iTunes message appear on the iPhone 7’s screen. Step 5: Launch iTunes, and you should see a message stating that “There is a problem with the iPhone that requires it to be updated or restored.”', ">>{liberte_} : She was against gay marriage at a time when it would have been political suicide to come out in support. People don't remember how quickly things changed. Yes, I'd have liked to see her come out in support of marriage equality sooner, but she never villainized the gay community.", ">>{IanMazgelis} : I'm not sure if Warren is getting primaried for reelection, but I'm now taking a very hard look for other candidates to replace her in the Senate.", ">>{pingveno} : Awww, he's going to protect us from the scary brown people. How about addressing the problems we actually face?", ">>{atomic92} : Phone was fully charged when it froz, been on the charger since. Tried the DFU mode earlier and iTunes won't recognize it. Won't restart now, just a blank screen. Gonna try walking into the Apple Store in the morning to see what they can do, I'm sure they have open appointments for walk in or 'emergency' issues if it were.", '>>{BenAflecksBestFriend} : I thought it was like people in a steam room, and you pour water on the coals to make it more steamy', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Hey, can any Trumpets find me evidence of any gays being thrown off any buildings in the US? If not, then shut the fuck up about it and either work to improve LGBT rights in AMERICA or admit you don't give a shit about protecting LGBT people you just think they can be a convenient shield for your hatred of Muslims.", ">>{misscee} : sometimes you just gotta laugh ... or else you'll throw up a little in your mouth", '>>{travio} : I always thought that one of those conversion therapy practitioners should have to go through their own therapy in reverse to prove that it works.', ">>{zombo_pig} : And They've got the front page of reddit smothered with shit posts from people who love anti-climate change's newest GOP nominee.", ">>{Anon_8675309} : Thank goodness there's a broccoli emoji coming. It's about time.", ">>{oldbeth} : Considering Warren's credibility problem, this doesn't help Hillary at all.", '>>{jamesroberts} : That must be why Pence is on the ticket.', ">>{ratherlargepie} : Being pro-LGBT (even though he's not) doesn't make him any less of a bigot.", ">>{danjospri} : And while we're at it: the state/territory flags of any countries with states/territories...", ">>{PizzaHutHelps} : Sorry about that man. Just walk in and tell them your phone doesn't work and I'm sure they'll see you ASAP", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Trump's biggest thing is that he would stop Muslims from killing gays. He sees that as the only threat to the American alphabet community. Even he was surprised that conservatives cheered at the idea of protecting them during his convention speech.", '>>{007meow} : Trump\'s version of being "pro LGBT" is that he won\'t make being LGBT illegal like in another countries. He\'s against SSM, Pence has a "colorful" history of anti-LGBT views, and the RNC Platform as a whole specifically targets LGBT citizens for discrimination.', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I\'m shocked. Our "objective" news organizations can be influenced by money?', '>>{SunriseSurprise} : Elizabeth Warren called out then Senator Clinton for taking money from consumer credit companies and voting for a bankruptcy bill favoring them over her financially distraught constituents.', '>>{pavelbure_96} : Her credibility has gone down down the drain this election cycle. She showed everyone who she truly is. What a mess.', ">>{PlainZero0} : That must be why he's running on a platform that supports gay conversion therapy.", ">>{atomic92} : I'm hoping, pretty bizarre but I was browsing through posts on r/iPhone and I saw about 3 other people who had the exact same or similar issue either today or within the past couple hours. Boot loop, won't recover and can't be recognized by iTunes.", '>>{mrjeffro} : Does anyone know why there is no crossed fingers emoji?', '>>{deione} : these look like shit, is this seriously the official art?', ">>{liberte_} : She never targeted and hated on the gay community. There's a reason the community was quick to forgive her once she came out in support. There is a difference between holding a stance for political reasons (as nice as it would have been to have her support), and actively targeting and villainizing a group.", ">>{tommybaylis} : From the article- 'The image below previews all 69 of the new emoji, though the specific designs are still considered as being in “draft” form.'", ">>{jivatman} : If you are looking for news outlets that are neither taking donations from nefarious Billionaires nor owned by nefarious Billionaires that is going to be a very short list. And you can cross pretty much all the most respected ones right away: WSJ: Rupert Murdoch. NYTimes :Carlos Slim (literally the world's richest person). WAPO: Jeff Bezos (#5 richest). Ect.", '>>{Lars_El} : Is your iTunes up to date? You need to be running 12.5.1 for iTunes to recognize the iPhone 7. If you are up to date, you may need to install the proper drivers in order for iTunes to recognize it.', '>>{Feignfame} : He at best wants to protect them so they can be disenfranchised, disparaged, and discriminated against by AMERICANS. His choice of Mike "Praying the gay away from you with this Praying stick" Pence shows that.', '>>{Curlywurlywoo} : I have you called the Apple tech support line?', '>>{Scoutster13} : Which is ironic given how many fundies would love the chance to go old school Bible on gay folks. Plenty would be all about killing gays if they could get away with it.', '>>{atomic92} : Everything is updated with iTunes. I backed up the phone about a week ago with it.', ">>{thestruggled} : Yup, my phone is the same except it has never worked after it showed the restore screen. And all this happened after i logged out of icloud, but maybe that was coincedental timing. Apple support tried everything they could to see what was wrong with my computer, of which there was none. So I'm seeing an apple store this weekend, although I am pissed there seems to be more people than I thought with this problem and almost no knowledge of it in tech support.", ">>{Scoutster13} : That is absolute baloney. She has done all sorts of things for the LGTB community for many many decades. She may have held out on the marriage issue but that's about it.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : Not a Trumpet but I can show you evidence of gays being blown away inside a club?', '>>{page_one} : You can bet your ass that the Republican party would make homosexuality punishable by death if they could. But for now, all they can do is to keep encouraging vigilante rednecks to kill The Gays for them.', '>>{78pickup} : This was the knife in the back to Bernie -- she announced it the same day as Obama. What a traitor to her supposed ideals. Run third party Bernie, you gotta do it.', ">>{atomic92} : I just tried using Apple Support chat. They said the phone has to turn on and I must be pressing the wrong button.... Then they got frustrated and said I need to schedule an appointment for Saturday to have the store take a look at it. I am just gonna walk in today to see if they can help, can't and don't really want to wait until Saturday to get help on this.", ">>{Malaix} : Her and Obama waited until the last possible moment when Sanders was all but sunk. They gave Sanders every possible chance they could to stop Clinton without ripping their party apart by defying the lead nominee. Sander's supporters should not be bitter about these endorsements, they didn't lift a finger to help Clinton beat Sanders and only weighed in when the race was essentially over beyond any shadow of a doubt in favor of Clinton.", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : > Alphabet community That's adorable! This must be what they meant when they warned we would *teach homosexuality in schools*.", '>>{RemingtonSnatch} : The ship has sailed, fellas. Nobody with a respected opinion denies climate change anymore. But by all means, waste your money.', '>>{Malaix} : Shes not a traitor when you consider shes a democrat who is trying her best to get her ideals implemented. Sanders lost, she has weight with progressives in a time when the democrats are trying to heal. She is doing exactly what democrats, liberals, and progressives need at this time.', '>>{zippityhooha} : Is the Daily Caller an approved domain in r/news?', '>>{wytxcook} : A lot of politicians on both sides showing their true colors and lack of backbone this cycle.', ">>{space_goat} : Even if that's true, at least they don't deny climate change! When will you people wake up?", ">>{rq60} : Sauna isn't crazily more specific than any other emoji... They could have done a lot better job representing it though", '>>{atomic92} : Nope, appointment is Saturday. Might of had to do with the announcement today and the chaos that I assume would be in the store.', '>>{progress10} : I think Bernie has overshadowed her with progressives anyway by now.', ">>{space_goat} : The thing that makes me sad is a lot of Bernie supporters are upvoting these right wing propaganda articles just because they are anti-hillary. They don't realize they are supporting people who stand against EVERYTHING Bernie always talks about. They are being played by the GOP.", ">>{DaUsed} : I can't see any of these new emojis, it's just a ?", '>>{iHaveHobbies} : I thought it was a hand held shower wand. A lot of modern bathrooms have those separate sprayers. No idea why youd need an emoji to express that situation.', ">>{thestruggled} : Mines tomorrow. I'll let you know if an obvious solution appears.", '>>{NoFunHere} : > while accusing his rival Hillary Clinton of being weak on terror and taking money from countries with bad records on gay equality. Well, he is right. Clinton will pander to those who seek to abuse and kill gays, women, and others while simultaneously pandering to gays, women, and others. Clinton may be the better alternative, but she would certainly take Saudi money any day before she would spend one bit of political capital to move the goalposts on gay rights.', ">>{thestruggled} : Mines tomorrow. I'll let you know if an obvious solution appears.", ">>{liberte_} : Yes, that's what I'm saying. And she would work for LGBT rights as best as she could given the political situation. What she did is not as big a sin as actively demonizing a group. Had she come out in the early 2000s in support of marriage equality, she likely would not have survived the political repercussions and would not have been able to fight for the changes that she did. This is what compromise looks like, and it happens all the time as people fight for incremental change. There were very decent people living in the 1940s who supported racial segregation while fighting to reduce racism.", ">>{cranker111} : I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.", ">>{internetornator} : Koch Industries also sponsors NPR, the most liberal news source ever. What's your point? It sure as hell has nothing to do with climate change.", '>>{progress10} : I can argue that Warren helped Clinton by not Endorsing Sanders, someone she is way closer to on policy before Massachusetts where her endorsement might have made the difference. I think that is what a lot of Bernie supporters are pissed about is that someone that is basically a male clone of her and represented all the things she was fighting she would not endorse.', ">>{Scoutster13} : We had a legitimate presidential candidate backed by someone who would love to throw gay people off of the roof and no one said much about it. How can these folks claim to be concerned about evil Muslims doing it when right here in their own country lots of righties would line up at the chance. Trump doesn't care about gay people and neither do his supporters.", '>>{femshepslovechild} : The thing that makes me sad is a lot of Hillary supporters are voting in an ethically bankrupt and potentially criminal candidate who has prioritized selling fracking to the world over saving it from climate change. I expect the Republican party to be corrupt and moronic. I expected more from Democrats. More fool I.', ">>{vph} : No one is voting today, but apparently she got 4 superdelegates: Obama, Biden, Warren and O'Malley.", ">>{Malaix} : Eh I've always understood Warrens hesitation here. She overlaps sanders with the progressive, she really wouldn't add all that much to his base. Anyone who likes Sanders is also likely a Warren fan. By staying out of it she could use her influence to unify the party for the more likely clinton win that we saw. She might have preferred a Sanders win, and she gave him as much time as she could to get one without direct intervention. Drawing progressives back to Clinton is likely the best use of her name and influence she could have had this entire primary.", ">>{Abba--Zabba} : > Her credibility has gone down down the drain this election cycle. It's amazing she had any before. She's a do-nothing Senator. All she does is bitch about rich people (which is hilariously hypocritical given she made money flipping foreclosed houses during the mortgage crisis).", '>>{ozric101} : It is not deception it is **media magic**... Everyone could use a little magic in their lives, right?', '>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : For all the ladies out there who enjoy a good detachable shower head', ">>{brasswirebrush} : On the contrary. Biden, Obama, and Warren all went out of their way to stay out of it until now, and I am sure they gave Bernie the head's up that it was coming. The tone of his statement this afternoon tells me that his meeting with Obama probably went pretty well. Bernie probably got some concessions on his positions in exchange for party unity, and now everyone is uniting.", '>>{progress10} : I think she hurt her cred with progressives by not backing Sanders when it mattered especially after saying time and time again she would endorse "in a few weeks" someone. It looks like she was playing with us and that is not good. Supporters were upset about that. Here is someone fighting for the stuff she believes in and nothing. It\'s feels like when the moment came to really fight for her policies she balked. Supporters were counting on her to stand with us and with her policies and she kept saying she would make an endorsement then we lost her state by a tiny margin. Again I love Warren but I think this damaged her brand. I think people trust her less. They think she did not come though on her policies when the gauntlet was down.', ">>{deliriumtriggered} : This is like picking the super bowl winner the day after the game, you can't lose.", ">>{mrfroggy} : I watched some of the RNC convention and seem to recall that whenever a speaker said something pro-LGBT the crowd would clap/cheer fairly enthusiastically. Perhaps I'm misremembering it. I'm more than happy to be corrected if that's the case.", '>>{iComputerGeek101} : Honestly, they can be whatever you want them to be. Lol', ">>{007meow} : The speakers can say whatever they want - anti-LGBT policies are official within the GOP Platform. They can claim to be as pro LGBT as they want, but that doesn't change their official stance.", ">>{TristinPerry} : 🤢 is not good enough. I'll be happy if this actually happens.", '>>{Malaix} : she has many more superdelegates who openly said they were voting for her, its just been considered impolite to count them in case they changed their mind. Given the way things went, I highly doubt they would, and it would be pretty shitty of both them and Sanders to overturn the majority popular vote. And Sanders supporters who think the superdelegates on a whole are going to have a mass change of heart and make some kind of overruling switch are grasping at the last straw.', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : I'm not sure if it's a derogatory term or not. A quick google search didn't bring up anything negative so I'm going to use it instead of trying to figure out the latest letters.", ">>{jugalator} : I think it's something like recommendations from the Unicode Consortium? They use to do those in advance. Then designers at Apple and Google etc (different people working with specific design languages) get on with it and the results can be quite different.", '>>{unfollowed17} : If we could only edit and hide all the useless emotions we never use. Would make it way better.', '>>{Malaix} : some of the more vocal ones, but even if he brings just a portion of them over, thats a lot of new millenial voters, hardcore liberals, and independent voters he is bringing into the democrats for the general. Hillary already had the support of most of the dyed blue dem voters.', ">>{Isstvan82} : Just checked her taxes to see if she had... nope. Checked them again, since her taxes are public... nope, still no donations. Hold on, gonna check Trump's taxes...", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : Better watch out. It appears Exxon is finding out that free speech doesn't mean spewing lies isn't fraud.", '>>{InFearn0} : Gotta get it to 4% of scientists disagree!', ">>{I_done_a_plop-plop} : I don't believe he is especially against gay people, he just doesn't *care* either way about them. His positions are only for a vote, he has never cared enough about principles to have any real opinion on the subject, or any political subject, really. It's still a betrayal by omission, but he wakes up in the morning and *believes* he's righteous because he knows he doesn't feel any particular negativity about them.", ">>{keepingthecommontone} : Yes! And I'd love them to [take it to the logical conclusion...](https://xkcd.com/1813/)", ">>{GhostOfWinterfell} : Sure, give it to her but let's not pretend the primaries represented the majority of America. How many left-leaning independents and others outside the party (but would fairly consider voting democrat) had their voice go unheard, especially with the archaic voter registration laws prevalent across so many of the key states? If the pragmatism that Clinton's supporters praise her for is so important, why wouldn't you push the candidate whose appeal extends greatest beyond party lines? Hillary may have won over more democrats but her campaign has left the independent majority that makes up America a scorched wasteland. Should Trump somehow prevail, the Democrats will only have themselves to blame for creating an entire generation of 'the betrayed' who will carry their electoral power - the largest voting bloc in 50 years - to other parties.", ">>{FuckShitPoopPants} : I don't think she's lost her integrity. She has a much better chance of getting real change done if Democrats are in office and not Trump. Unfortunately, Hilary will be the Democratic nominee. As a huge Bernie supporter I struggle between voting for Trump to burn down the establishment and keeping an inch of progressive policy in place so hopefully in 4 years our choices are better.", ">>{david912} : No, it's not what you'll see on the iPhone. Just a draft", '>>{noatccount} : By staying out of the race Sen Warren destroyed her credibility among the progressive base.', ">>{vph} : >Sure, give it to her but let's not pretend the primaries represented the majority of America. That's not what primaries are for. America does not select nominees of political parties. Party members do.", '>>{CrunchyPoem} : The very last one Is that an iron (for ironing clothes)? Please tell me that is not an iron (for ironing clothes) If it is, it looks like shit.', ">>{NothingWithoutHouse} : i believe it's a curling stone (i'm sure there's an actual name for those)", '>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : [Curling Stone or rock.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curling#Curling_stone) You nailed it.', ">>{space_goat} : This isn't a choice between many different candidates. If it were, maybe we would support someone else. Hell, half of our party supported Sanders, but he lost. So now we have Clinton vs Trump. And as Sanders said, Clinton on her worst day is 1000 times better than Trump. That is what it comes down to.", '>>{lovesoldier1} : haha no, its that thing you use in that sport similar to bowling but I forgot the name of it ("english as a second language" kinda problems)', ">>{I_done_a_plop-plop} : Pretty sure it's okay, there are some trans people who have claimed it at least. It's quite a sweet phrase too, suggesting the a-z of sexuality instead of the confusing LGBTQIA... I don't know if there are currently any more letters on the end. And it's unpronounceable and unwieldy. I'll be using the phrase too.", ">>{Novastra} : Nah, it's only cheeto jesus that donates to NAMBLA. Diddlin' Don is ass deep into NAMBLA", '>>{GhostOfWinterfell} : Guess we should move to just straight voting for candidates and abolishing the parties. Ya know, like George Washington proscribed in his farewell address. If the party serves its own interests ahead of the American people, then our electoral system has twisted completely backwards.', ">>{vph} : Then form your own party and have all the fun of electing its nominee and agony of fighting not to let outsiders picking your party's nominee for you. We aren't going to change a proven, hundred-year old practice simply because things don't go your way. Even if we cater to your satisfaction now, you will immediately demand change again when it doesn't go your way in the future.", ">>{cybexg} : You, like myself, are probably older. You understand that sometimes, you don't have good options and in those situations, your only viable action is to choose the least detrimental choice.", '>>{pingveno} : Employment, housing, and similar discrimination against LGBT people is legal in many states. LGBT youth are disproportionately homeless because their parents have kicked them out. Bullying is a problem for many LGBT youth. Suicide rates among LGBT youth are alarmingly high. "Conversion therapy", which ranges from psychological to literal torture, can be forced on youth. The Republican platform calls for protecting parents\' ability to force conversion therapy on their children. The government needs to continue making changes to accomodate transfolk, but a Republican administration would have little incentive to do so.', ">>{Scoutster13} : That was Ted Cruz. He had several religious right folks that are sketchy on gays, but Kevin Swanson was probably the worst. Not only would he like to execute gays (if they don't repent mind you), but also Girl Scout leaders because apparently they turn girls into lesbians. I wish I was kidding. :p", ">>{richt519} : This is pretty much it. He simply doesn't give a shit.", ">>{wra1th42} : The cursing face and metal hand have potential. We still don't have one that beats ¯\\\\_ (ツ) _/¯ though.", '>>{Feignfame} : No that\'s Pat McCory of North Carolina. Pence is the \'let\'s approve of gay conversion camps and oh yeah we need to stop needle exchanges because fuck addicts oh wait started an HIV outbreak kinda sorry about that affecting my reputation anyway let\'s talk about punishing women who have abortions" guy. Though he would definitely support a brouhaha over transgender bathroom rights. Like a bunch of other state governors.', '>>{DiablitoBlanco} : I really wish the emoji only displayed either the male or female, but then with the long press displayed all the color options and the gender options. It just feels like it takes up so much unnecessary space to display two of each', ">>{femshepslovechild} : I agree that Clinton is better than Trump. That doesn't make Clinton good. It doesn't mean her policies will effectively fight global warming.", '>>{ndphillips} : Tucker Carlson selling any journalistic integrity for more of a stakehold in the GOP? No way.......', ">>{lawblogz} : I think that Paul Ryan, Mr. Cheese Doodle, and some of the other neocons forced him to add a right-wing, Bush era, establishment politician to the ticket or they weren't going to support him anymore. It doesn't really make a lot of sense because adding Pence seems to have hurt Trump, but then Trump refused to add a woman to his ticket. There's a lot of head scratching going on here and I think we could all use a round of Head n' Shoulders. I think Reddit just needs to be deloused.", '>>{Bochinsky} : Not any more. The Sanders campaign has been laid off, so nobody is left to spam the sub with Hillary hate.', '>>{squirrelzombie} : I like it too. And if we start using it with positive connotations, maybe we can get it started off right.', ">>{Bochinsky} : > the most liberal news source ever. LOL. You're making that common mistake that a lot of conservatives make where you believe that any news source that isn't rabidly partisan Republican propaganda like Fox News must be left-wing propaganda. When in fact, journalism actually still exists out there.", ">>{choufleur47} : I'm still seeing it. Maybe she's hated by more than just Sanders supporters?", '>>{luis_correa} : Only on Reddit would The Daily Caller be considered objective.', '>>{Aybabay} : This. We have cigarettes, knives, bombs, and dead faces. What is wrong with a gun??', ">>{BobDylan530} : But I thought that people weren't influenced by donations?", '>>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : > LGBTQIA Lesbian gay bisexual transgender questioning intersex asexual? Is that right?', '>>{Aybabay} : I wish we could choose which ones are downloaded. I have zero use for the flags. Actually, if we could just organize them, that would probably be enough.', '>>{EP9} : Breast feeding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', '>>{Nickbou} : Still no angry poop. I would use this so much! 💩 😡', '>>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : > like to execute gays (if they don\'t repent mind you) What happened to "love thy neighbor as I have loved you" or to "thou shalt not kill?"', '>>{particle409} : Fracking is the #1 reason we saw a major drop in coal usage.', ">>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : Hey look I'm gay so it isn't homophobic!", '>>{femshepslovechild} : And the #1 obstacle in moving toward renewables.', ">>{2chainz3felonies} : Breitbart just posted an article about how the GOP is miles ahead of the Democrats on gat rights because they don't want Muslims coming in to the country. Does it not matter that they literally want to take away your right to marry by appointing a justice that will try to overturn Obergfell?", '>>{squirrelzombie} : The loss of the attitude you display here amongst the teabags in Congress and their supporters is a far greater threat than even their odiously regressive policies on things like civil rights.', ">>{monmisfit} : Still no PIE? I like Pie. I don't care if it's Cherry, Blueberry, Peach, or Pumpkin. We need Pie!", '>>{2chainz3felonies} : Yeah this shit is unbelievable. They are not only trying to enforce regressive LGBT policies such as overturning gay marriage and allowing discrimination, but they are then trying to use gays as another excuse to hate Muslims despite doing nothing for them here at home. What the fuck kind of twisted logic is this?', ">>{TheseAreNotTheDroids} : I agree with you that he doesn't care, but I think it is worse than this actually. While he personally doesn't care, his staff (as well as the judges he would appoint to the Supreme Court) absolutely *do* care about the rights of gay people... in a negative way. In fact, I honestly think that many of Trump's more hateful policies aren't really what he deep down believes, but he figured out what gave him traction in the primaries and so he doubled down on the racist and hateful rhetoric. At this point it doesn't matter if he personally is buying it because he will surround himself with people who *do*.", '>>{particle409} : No, the #1 obstacle in moving towards renewables is cost and storage. We\'ll get there, but Sanders is selling people a fantasy if they think it\'ll happen overnight. Even Vermont has a dirty little secret. They got rid of clean nuclear, and started using "biomass." They burn wood as a renewable... Good job, Sanders!', '>>{femshepslovechild} : This is from a while ago but the data have only gotten worse for fracking since: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/04/09/460384/natural-gas-is-a-bridge-to-nowhere-absent-a-carbon-price-and-strong-standards-to-reduce-methane-leakage/', '>>{Galle_} : That seems a bit extreme, actually. Trump\'s version of being "pro LGBT" is that he\'s Islamophobic. That\'s it. His support for LGBT rights ends when anyone who isn\'t Muslim starts trying to abuse them.', '>>{Buttstache} : FELLOW NON-ROBOTIC HUMAN, WE HUMANS US ALL 100% OF EMOTIONS WE HAVE.', '>>{Galle_} : She performed a complex and arcane ritual known as "changing your mind".', ">>{cambixx} : Yeah, Gboard is great, until you go into the YouTube app and it suggests videos to you based on conversations you've had in text messages. Creepy AF.", ">>{liberte_} : We the people help create this atmosphere as well. We demonize moderate politicians who compromise and call them sell-outs and flip floppers. Then we elect extremists who refuse to compromise and then we trash these ones for not getting anything done. There won't be a return to civility among politicians until there's a return among the people. I don't know what it's going to take.", ">>{agentapelsin} : > Hey, can any Trumpets find me evidence of any gays being thrown off any buildings in the US? If not, then shut the fuck up about it and either work to improve LGBT rights in AMERICA or admit you don't give a shit about protecting LGBT people you just think they can be a convenient shield for your hatred of Muslims. - If it's not happening in America then it doesn't matter. Got it. Such a progressive and accepting global world view that respects the rights of all people.   Oh, no, wait it's an isolationist, xenophobic, jingoistic view that downplays the suffering of foreigners and implies that only American's lives matter. It's literally disgusting that you are willing to pretend that other people's lives don't matter, because it suits your political agenda. >a convenient shield for your hatred of Muslims. - Not American. - Lived several years in the Middle East. - Live in a Muslim country. - In a long term relationship with my Muslim partner.", '>>{Jaymez82} : I need to find the setting to hide those stupid things. I feel like I skipped out on Egyptian class the day they taught hieroglyphics.', '>>{-----BroAway-----} : Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning International Airport.', '>>{-----BroAway-----} : As Andy Schlafly, chief author of the Conservative Bible Project would probably say, that was supposed to be "thou shalt not murder" before the liberals made the Bible more PC.', '>>{NinjaNick1990} : Spooning in the shower. The new Netflix & Chill', '>>{ChipyGlitchy} : Meanwhile he openly talks about how much he hates being gay and how he would rather have not been born than be gay. Milo is a piece of shit.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : But if you do that, you might not be able to get your purity pony and ride it to utopia.', '>>{kittenmommy} : *FINALLY* a fucking steak emoji! OMG YES!!!!! 👍🏻', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Thankfully it will die in the Senate or Obama will veto it. But the Republican controlled House is just the worst.', '>>{Prathik} : The zombie ones should have X X for eyes.', '>>{AltLogin202} : type a word or words and tap the emoji icon on the keyboard. words that match an emoji turn red and then you can tap them to change them to emoji.', '>>{particle409} : So basically what Clinton has been advocating, while Sanders wants an outright, absolute ban, which would necessitate going back to coal.', '>>{stilt} : This blew my mind the other day when I realized it. I was pissed', ">>{zombie_cupcakes} : But there is? It's directly under the broccoli :)", '>>{femshepslovechild} : Eh? Clinton is not for a carbon tax, and she has no coherent vision or goals for reducing methane emissions.', ">>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : Milo is this bizarre combination of homophobic, gay, slightly gay supremacist, racist, loving of black men, and no doubt many other contradictory things. If it wasn't for him just being dishonest as all hell, he'd belong in a loony bin.", '>>{particle409} : She\'s specifically mentioned methane from fracking. Also, she\'s been careful to avoid specifically saying "carbon tax," but there is a reason the Republicans are gearing up to her saying it after November.', '>>{GotTheBLUs} : Doesn\'t matter. As long as the bs is being printed, that\'s "justification" enough for someone on the payroll to keep voting as they\'re told.', '>>{miniatureelephant} : What\'s the difference between "kill" and "murder"? Seems like the same thing to me.', ">>{Mooseyxhmx} : Looks really similar to that guy frank Fritz in the show American Pickers. He's a big emojii user on his twitter I'm sure he'll be pretty stoked.", ">>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : Why would Donald be interested in NAMBLA? Isn't Ivanka a girl?", '>>{Synweaver} : I just want more color choices for my water gun. /s', '>>{adamsak} : I think they\'re just sticking to the threshold of "countries," and the contortion is just hedging the bet that these places will leave the U.K. once Brexit happens.', ">>{abaha} : Told the doctor I'm a healthy kid I smoke broccoli", '>>{GotTheBLUs} : I\'ve been hearing how "left" the media is my entire life... from the media. It\'s more than a bit suspicious.', '>>{chadathin} : You can turn those items off. In fact it asks for permission before even beginning tracking. Perhaps read the settings next time during the setup process?', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : ***Which is objective for you***', ">>{RupsjeNooitgenoeg} : If you look at Trump and Hillary's histories on the issue it doesnt take longer than a 5 minute google search to see Trump has always been gay friendlier.", '>>{Crazed_Chemist} : When I first read Alphabet community I was thinking the various alphabet departments in the US security apparatus like the FBI, CIA, DIA. Needless to say I was very confused why Muslims killing gays threatened those agencies.', ">>{internetornator} : I think the opposite it happening. Liberals naturally agree with everything NPR says, leading them to believe that NPR is the gold standard of journalism, while their agenda is crystal clear and it's extremely easy to catch them misleading the public about people like Trump for example. I've heard them flat out report things about Trump and Bernie that are totally untrue. They're so pro-Clinton it's nauseating, but it's still fun to listen to. And they have the best music. Downvotes? Does the truth trigger you, reddit?", '>>{IamJamesFlint} : If 106,248 koch bucks buys a news foundation, what does 120 million given to MIT buy?', '>>{Lighting} : > Nobody with a respected opinion denies climate change anymore. True - but unfortunately there are lots of old and easily mis-lead people listening to those deniers ... and voting.', '>>{prplelemonade} : These are pretty awful... A lot of the faces could be portrayed by already existing emoji. I like the dinosaurs. Breastfeeding and naked people cooking seem like weird additions.', '>>{Ives_} : Finally I can express myself as a bearded man 😊', '>>{liberationation} : Murder is unjustified killing. They think they have a justification and they want to kill.', ">>{Rice__cube} : It's kind of funny because 70% of Christians disapprove of homosexuality compared to 60% of Muslims.", ">>{KazakiLion} : Trump wants his Supreme Court picks to overturn marriage equality and is fine with states passing anti-LGBT laws like North Carolina's HB2. Hillary's supports the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision, and is for federal LGBT protections like ENDA and the equality act. Maybe you should do 5 minutes of googling on what policies the candidates are actually running on.", ">>{RupsjeNooitgenoeg} : Because both Trump and Clinton are trustworthy people who say what they do and dont flip flop around on issues every other week? This campaign the policies they're running on are almost as worthless as your vote.", ">>{Starkid1987} : Nope Pisces is little waves. I'm a cancer I know what my sign is.", ">>{sneijder} : Be good if they had an emoji set for those of us who aren't 14 years old so we don't have to scroll through acres of shite...or at least the option to *remove* crap.", '>>{KazakiLion} : > If you look at Trump and Hillary\'s histories on the issue... "Go look at the issues!" > This campaign the policies they\'re running on are almost as worthless as your vote. "Oh wait, don\'t look at *those* issues."', ">>{RupsjeNooitgenoeg} : I just made a (true) statement that Trump's been a lot more gay friendly than Hillary in the past. I dont know why you saw that as a Trump endorsement but it wasn't. If anything it only served to show that whatever policies these two candidates are running on are most likely not their actual views. Not everything is black and white you know.", '>>{NashMcCabe} : Pence was the guy who supported a law in Indiana that would make it legal to discriminate against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity if you cite "religious freedom" as the reason.', ">>{sneijder} : You've got every flag for countries you've never heard of though :)", '>>{NashMcCabe} : I think it\'s actually kind of sad. He\'s been brainwashed by the religious right into thinking it\'s morally wrong to be gay. Now he\'s channeling all the hate he has for himself and using it to try to deny other people the happiness that he and his party have denied for himself. It\'s a classic case of "if I can\'t have it, you can\'t either" syndrome. Sad!', ">>{Fendahl_core} : They are of little use and there are very real things that require Apple's attention more than this frivolity. If anything they will just contribute to weighing the chat app down needlessly like the other dopey effects they added to it in iOS 10. Enough already. Focus on the many things need love and rarely get enough, if any. This is s long list.", ">>{Voroxpete} : Any chance you have a source on that figure? Not trying to call you out or anything, it'd just be really useful to have.", '>>{Voroxpete} : Well, I mean, technically it is something they should be concerned about...', '>>{zenyl} : At this point, they should be renamed to the Emoji Consortium. They went from indexing all text characters in the world to making silly images for people who cannot be asked to communicate using regular characters.', '>>{miniatureelephant} : Ohh, okay. That makes sense, thanks.', ">>{PokeemanMaster} : I don't think it's the same people designing emojis and fixing bugs...", '>>{Reddegeddon} : IMO, Apple emojis have always been hideous. Their emojis stick out like a sore thumb when everything else is so well-designed and coherent.', '>>{qprs} : England, Scotland and Wales are already called countries. Plus never in a million years is Wales going anywhere.', ">>{Fendahl_core} : I think you're right. However, adding a bunch of emojis when other much more important things don't seem to be getting much attention at all *looks* bad. At least it does to me. For just one example: Seeing Siri almost sit still while three competitors come out of thin air and blast past her in functionality and accuracy is disturbing. It becomes more disturbing when I see what Apple *has* been working on (stupid emojis and stickers). Yeah, I realize one is more difficult than the other. I realize its not the same staff doing the same things. All the same, it just adds to the sense that Apple is taking it a little too easy. It's like the president playing golf while there's a war on. He might be discussing strategy with a general on the 18th hole, but the optics are bad to say the least.", '>>{Fendahl_core} : It never went away. Apple just safe spaced it into a stupid water pistol. Everyone else still sees a proper handgun. Apple also killed off a proposed rifle emoji. A rifle proposed as a part of the emojis in honor of Olympic sports. Yes, shooting is an Olympic sport. In fact, the first gold medal earned by the US in the most recent games was for competitive shooting. But just think of all the lives Apple saved by denying us proper gun emojis. Besides, we have so many other more useful emojis. Like 7 different emojis that represent a notebook or a square icon that says "abcd" in it. I used that one a lot.', '>>{RigasTelRuun} : I liked the chocolate bar, til I realised it was a rock climber.', '>>{maxiperalta54} : IS THAT AN EMPANADA EMOJI I SEE? FINALLY!!!!', '>>{allsortsashit} : That vomiting Statue of Liberty would be in every /r/politics thread.', ">>{Fendahl_core} : F*** that Apple water pistol. I want the revolver back. If the gun emojis had the same variety as every other damn emoji there would be the revolver, a Glock type pistol, a hunting rifle with a scope, an AR-15 and a shotgun. But noooo... lol. Sometimes I really hate the fact that silicon valley is in California, the cesspool of extremist full retard SJW politically correct delusion. I'm just surprised they don't have emojis representing each of the 47 types of transgendered people yet.", ">>{Fendahl_core} : Seriously? Wow. Google makes the NSA look like a bunch of mall cops. They are next level creepsters. One more reason I just can't get myself to buy another Android device and I use Bing or Duck Duck Go.", ">>{Fendahl_core} : Seriously? Wow. Google makes the NSA look like a bunch of mall cops. They are next level creepsters. One more reason I just can't get myself to buy another Android device and I use Bing or Duck Duck Go.", ">>{Zilant} : The Northern Irish flag does not have official status, so it wasn't considered for inclusion. Make the flag official and it will probably be added, however Northern Ireland isn't strictly recognised as a country and that might mean they don't want to go down that road. As for comments comparing this to states/territories elsewhere; England, Scotland and Wales are recognised as countries.", '>>{Zilant} : I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the eyebrow raising emoji. I have no idea how it has taken this long for it to be included.', ">>{Ginger_Jesus77} : It's an emoji, calm down. You can still own a real gun.", '>>{vxR3Dxv} : Squirt squirt, I get why they did it. They are trying to look good across all ages. Why does my mom and early teen sibling need a pistol emoji?', '>>{Rodry2808} : But will there be an emoji for a 69?', '>>{guttalax} : And the facebook messenger emoji selection is still not updated :|', '>>{Fendahl_core} : A kid doesn\'t need a sword or a bomb or a syringe either. This was a political statement made by Apple. That\'s why it ticked me off. I don\'t appreciate having the politics of companies or celebrities pushed in my face. Trust me it is political. There was a whole movement that gathered signatures to "disarm the iPhone". I wonder how they\'d feel if a Christian evangelical group petitioned Apple to get rid of the dozen or so same-sex marriage related emojis. Not that Apple would entertain that for a second (nor should they). The point is they bent to politically correct bullshit and altered the meaning of one of the few emojis that\'s actually somewhat useful.', ">>{pixellior} : I'm amazed people actually give this many fucks about emojis. It's kinda dumb.", ">>{Fendahl_core} : It's the fact that Apple bent to pressure from activist types that bothers me. They wouldn't have removed the gay couple emojis if someone sent them a bunch of signatures. But a bunch of crybabies whine about the gun and *poof* now it's a safe space approved water pistol. A water pistol doesn't convey the same meaning. Not even remotely. They might as well have deleted it entirely. Apple also cockblocked the entire Unicode consortium from adding a rifle emoji. It was to be a part of the emojis celebrating Olympic events. But no, we can't have that. What if someone robbed a bank or shot up a school with an emoji? Oh wait that's right. It's just an emoji. Well nevermind. Let's censor that because it hurt someone's feelings and we all need to do our part to make guns socially unacceptable. Why not start with emojis right? I'm sure I sound paranoid to the non-gun owners hahaha, but these were not random decisions. They are 100% politically motivated and that makes me sad.", '>>{CheesyWhales} : It would be really nice if we had a search function on the keyboard. Especially with so many coming out in the future.', ">>{beeeb} : Nope Aquarius is little waves. I'm an Aquarius I know what my sign is. (♒️)", ">>{drivebyjustin} : Yeah I know. I'm going to just start sending that to my wife now and see what happens.", ">>{Realman77} : I like the emoji keyboard, but it's just too much", ">>{Aybabay} : I know that's what they say, but then why are all those things still ok? Bombs aren't PC...", ">>{Marklar_RR} : It must be under 12 thing. I've never met a person who use this shit.", ">>{H1313303} : Well they aren't a hot topic in the US, so the others will remain unless some people start campaigning against sharp knives or bombs. Just like the Confederate flag cleannsing from the App Store. It wasn't even a thought until the media hysteria that lasted about a week (at least it felt like a week)", '>>{CheesyWhales} : Ah, a simple misunderstanding. Sorry about that.', '>>{Lightningrodc} : People hunt with guns and rifles as a recreational activity and for food. Will Apple also replace the eggplant and sweat emoji because people use them to refer to a dick?', ">>{Ember_Rising} : Companies should know by now that people don't read the setup. Intrusive stuff like tracking should be off by default and opt-in in the settings.", '>>{bluecarpets} : If only people invested this much time and effort into stuff like hunger or helping the homeless', '>>{DiablitoBlanco} : Am a guy. Am fine if they make the one shown emoji a female. Except the guy dancing one. That one is the jams 🕺🏼', '>>{maxiperalta54} : Definitely makes more sense jaja. But I shall use it as an empanada regardless.', ">>{NuclearForehead} : Ah right I'm thinking of the other Pisces symbol of [two fish swimming](http://i.imgur.com/oRyfxMQ.jpg) and for cancer [the crab](http://i.imgur.com/DqkLZoz.jpg). In my pre-coffee state I forgot each sign has [two symbols](http://theastrologyroom.com/guides/zodiac-symbols-and-their-meanings).", '>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : > sweat emoji because people use them to refer to a dick The sweat emoji represents dick?', '>>{_Ballin} : I mean if it did somehow in someway save even just one life then it was worth it to take it out.', ">>{NotLawrence} : I really tried. But I can't think of any one situation where an emoji misrepresentation could save a life.", ">>{_Ballin} : It's just promoting violence. Maybe a group of 8 years old send them a bunch to each other, desensitizing themselves to guns because it's just a silly emoji. Then they play with their dads gums and one gets accidentally shot. I really think they took it out because it promotes violence. But idk they still have the bomb in there. Maybe they kept that in because people use bomb as a slang.", '>>{Fendahl_core} : I don\'t think it had anything to do with that. Emojis aren\'t real. An emoji of a sandwich will not satisfy your hunger and an emoji of a gun can\'t hurt anyone. The real reason is more insidious IMO because it\'s political. I get that the tech industry and Apple especially are extremely, overwhelmingly, fawningly liberal. It\'s unavoidable. Thats fine. But I *really* resent it when a company or a celebrity tries to push their political views and opinions of how culture *should* be. It\'s just one of my pet peeves. I think it\'s not their place. I think it smacks of arrogance. Your job is to make phones. Period. Not to try and influence society and culture. The only exception to me is if it is something completely *apolitical*. Like raising money for kids with cancer. You want to tackle that? Have at it. But the gun emoji thing is part of a wider effort afoot among gun control ninnies who are determined to make guns and shooting as a sport and hobby socially unacceptable and "ew gross". I\'m not imagining it. Trust me. So yeah, I resent Apple\'s meddling. I also don\'t appreciate Tim Cook using Apple as his personal platform to promote LGBT shit. Now, I am not a homophobe. I have no issue with homosexuality, people are clearly born gay and deserve the same rights as anyone else. But I don\'t need that rammed down my throat with 25 gay themed emojis, ok? Just not necessary and yet another reminder that you can\'t find hardly any place in the world where you can simple be and do something without having some controversial political shitty influence in your face. It\'s growing quite tiresome.', '>>{Starkid1987} : What do you mean? Like my rising and all that?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : Can anyone explain the new Naked People with Spoons emojis?', ">>{iComputerGeek101} : People cooking. It's steam coming up from a pan.", '>>{macintoshplus} : These emojis need shirts. Cooking like that is a one way ticket to first degree burn town', '>>{BenAflecksBestFriend} : I thought it was like people in a steam room, and you pour water on the coals to make it more steamy', ">>{Anon_8675309} : Thank goodness there's a broccoli emoji coming. It's about time.", ">>{danjospri} : And while we're at it: the state/territory flags of any countries with states/territories...", '>>{mrjeffro} : Does anyone know why there is no crossed fingers emoji?', '>>{deione} : these look like shit, is this seriously the official art?', ">>{tommybaylis} : From the article- 'The image below previews all 69 of the new emoji, though the specific designs are still considered as being in “draft” form.'", ">>{rq60} : Sauna isn't crazily more specific than any other emoji... They could have done a lot better job representing it though", ">>{DaUsed} : I can't see any of these new emojis, it's just a ?", '>>{iHaveHobbies} : I thought it was a hand held shower wand. A lot of modern bathrooms have those separate sprayers. No idea why youd need an emoji to express that situation.', '>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : For all the ladies out there who enjoy a good detachable shower head', '>>{iComputerGeek101} : Honestly, they can be whatever you want them to be. Lol', ">>{TristinPerry} : 🤢 is not good enough. I'll be happy if this actually happens.", ">>{jugalator} : I think it's something like recommendations from the Unicode Consortium? They use to do those in advance. Then designers at Apple and Google etc (different people working with specific design languages) get on with it and the results can be quite different.", '>>{unfollowed17} : If we could only edit and hide all the useless emotions we never use. Would make it way better.', ">>{keepingthecommontone} : Yes! And I'd love them to [take it to the logical conclusion...](https://xkcd.com/1813/)", ">>{david912} : No, it's not what you'll see on the iPhone. Just a draft", '>>{CrunchyPoem} : The very last one Is that an iron (for ironing clothes)? Please tell me that is not an iron (for ironing clothes) If it is, it looks like shit.', ">>{NothingWithoutHouse} : i believe it's a curling stone (i'm sure there's an actual name for those)", '>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : [Curling Stone or rock.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curling#Curling_stone) You nailed it.', '>>{lovesoldier1} : haha no, its that thing you use in that sport similar to bowling but I forgot the name of it ("english as a second language" kinda problems)', ">>{wra1th42} : The cursing face and metal hand have potential. We still don't have one that beats ¯\\\\_ (ツ) _/¯ though.", '>>{DiablitoBlanco} : I really wish the emoji only displayed either the male or female, but then with the long press displayed all the color options and the gender options. It just feels like it takes up so much unnecessary space to display two of each', '>>{Aybabay} : This. We have cigarettes, knives, bombs, and dead faces. What is wrong with a gun??', '>>{Aybabay} : I wish we could choose which ones are downloaded. I have zero use for the flags. Actually, if we could just organize them, that would probably be enough.', '>>{EP9} : Breast feeding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', '>>{Nickbou} : Still no angry poop. I would use this so much! 💩 😡', ">>{monmisfit} : Still no PIE? I like Pie. I don't care if it's Cherry, Blueberry, Peach, or Pumpkin. We need Pie!", '>>{Buttstache} : FELLOW NON-ROBOTIC HUMAN, WE HUMANS US ALL 100% OF EMOTIONS WE HAVE.', ">>{cambixx} : Yeah, Gboard is great, until you go into the YouTube app and it suggests videos to you based on conversations you've had in text messages. Creepy AF.", '>>{Jaymez82} : I need to find the setting to hide those stupid things. I feel like I skipped out on Egyptian class the day they taught hieroglyphics.', '>>{NinjaNick1990} : Spooning in the shower. The new Netflix & Chill', '>>{kittenmommy} : *FINALLY* a fucking steak emoji! OMG YES!!!!! 👍🏻', '>>{Prathik} : The zombie ones should have X X for eyes.', '>>{AltLogin202} : type a word or words and tap the emoji icon on the keyboard. words that match an emoji turn red and then you can tap them to change them to emoji.', '>>{stilt} : This blew my mind the other day when I realized it. I was pissed', ">>{zombie_cupcakes} : But there is? It's directly under the broccoli :)", ">>{Mooseyxhmx} : Looks really similar to that guy frank Fritz in the show American Pickers. He's a big emojii user on his twitter I'm sure he'll be pretty stoked.", '>>{Synweaver} : I just want more color choices for my water gun. /s', '>>{adamsak} : I think they\'re just sticking to the threshold of "countries," and the contortion is just hedging the bet that these places will leave the U.K. once Brexit happens.', ">>{abaha} : Told the doctor I'm a healthy kid I smoke broccoli", '>>{chadathin} : You can turn those items off. In fact it asks for permission before even beginning tracking. Perhaps read the settings next time during the setup process?', '>>{prplelemonade} : These are pretty awful... A lot of the faces could be portrayed by already existing emoji. I like the dinosaurs. Breastfeeding and naked people cooking seem like weird additions.', '>>{Ives_} : Finally I can express myself as a bearded man 😊', ">>{Starkid1987} : Nope Pisces is little waves. I'm a cancer I know what my sign is.", ">>{sneijder} : Be good if they had an emoji set for those of us who aren't 14 years old so we don't have to scroll through acres of shite...or at least the option to *remove* crap.", ">>{sneijder} : You've got every flag for countries you've never heard of though :)", ">>{Fendahl_core} : They are of little use and there are very real things that require Apple's attention more than this frivolity. If anything they will just contribute to weighing the chat app down needlessly like the other dopey effects they added to it in iOS 10. Enough already. Focus on the many things need love and rarely get enough, if any. This is s long list.", '>>{zenyl} : At this point, they should be renamed to the Emoji Consortium. They went from indexing all text characters in the world to making silly images for people who cannot be asked to communicate using regular characters.', ">>{PokeemanMaster} : I don't think it's the same people designing emojis and fixing bugs...", '>>{Reddegeddon} : IMO, Apple emojis have always been hideous. Their emojis stick out like a sore thumb when everything else is so well-designed and coherent.', '>>{qprs} : England, Scotland and Wales are already called countries. Plus never in a million years is Wales going anywhere.', ">>{Fendahl_core} : I think you're right. However, adding a bunch of emojis when other much more important things don't seem to be getting much attention at all *looks* bad. At least it does to me. For just one example: Seeing Siri almost sit still while three competitors come out of thin air and blast past her in functionality and accuracy is disturbing. It becomes more disturbing when I see what Apple *has* been working on (stupid emojis and stickers). Yeah, I realize one is more difficult than the other. I realize its not the same staff doing the same things. All the same, it just adds to the sense that Apple is taking it a little too easy. It's like the president playing golf while there's a war on. He might be discussing strategy with a general on the 18th hole, but the optics are bad to say the least.", '>>{Fendahl_core} : It never went away. Apple just safe spaced it into a stupid water pistol. Everyone else still sees a proper handgun. Apple also killed off a proposed rifle emoji. A rifle proposed as a part of the emojis in honor of Olympic sports. Yes, shooting is an Olympic sport. In fact, the first gold medal earned by the US in the most recent games was for competitive shooting. But just think of all the lives Apple saved by denying us proper gun emojis. Besides, we have so many other more useful emojis. Like 7 different emojis that represent a notebook or a square icon that says "abcd" in it. I used that one a lot.', '>>{RigasTelRuun} : I liked the chocolate bar, til I realised it was a rock climber.', '>>{maxiperalta54} : IS THAT AN EMPANADA EMOJI I SEE? FINALLY!!!!', '>>{allsortsashit} : That vomiting Statue of Liberty would be in every /r/politics thread.', ">>{Fendahl_core} : F*** that Apple water pistol. I want the revolver back. If the gun emojis had the same variety as every other damn emoji there would be the revolver, a Glock type pistol, a hunting rifle with a scope, an AR-15 and a shotgun. But noooo... lol. Sometimes I really hate the fact that silicon valley is in California, the cesspool of extremist full retard SJW politically correct delusion. I'm just surprised they don't have emojis representing each of the 47 types of transgendered people yet.", ">>{Fendahl_core} : Seriously? Wow. Google makes the NSA look like a bunch of mall cops. They are next level creepsters. One more reason I just can't get myself to buy another Android device and I use Bing or Duck Duck Go.", ">>{Fendahl_core} : Seriously? Wow. Google makes the NSA look like a bunch of mall cops. They are next level creepsters. One more reason I just can't get myself to buy another Android device and I use Bing or Duck Duck Go.", ">>{Zilant} : The Northern Irish flag does not have official status, so it wasn't considered for inclusion. Make the flag official and it will probably be added, however Northern Ireland isn't strictly recognised as a country and that might mean they don't want to go down that road. As for comments comparing this to states/territories elsewhere; England, Scotland and Wales are recognised as countries.", '>>{Zilant} : I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the eyebrow raising emoji. I have no idea how it has taken this long for it to be included.', ">>{Ginger_Jesus77} : It's an emoji, calm down. You can still own a real gun.", '>>{vxR3Dxv} : Squirt squirt, I get why they did it. They are trying to look good across all ages. Why does my mom and early teen sibling need a pistol emoji?', '>>{Rodry2808} : But will there be an emoji for a 69?', '>>{guttalax} : And the facebook messenger emoji selection is still not updated :|', '>>{Fendahl_core} : A kid doesn\'t need a sword or a bomb or a syringe either. This was a political statement made by Apple. That\'s why it ticked me off. I don\'t appreciate having the politics of companies or celebrities pushed in my face. Trust me it is political. There was a whole movement that gathered signatures to "disarm the iPhone". I wonder how they\'d feel if a Christian evangelical group petitioned Apple to get rid of the dozen or so same-sex marriage related emojis. Not that Apple would entertain that for a second (nor should they). The point is they bent to politically correct bullshit and altered the meaning of one of the few emojis that\'s actually somewhat useful.', ">>{pixellior} : I'm amazed people actually give this many fucks about emojis. It's kinda dumb.", ">>{Fendahl_core} : It's the fact that Apple bent to pressure from activist types that bothers me. They wouldn't have removed the gay couple emojis if someone sent them a bunch of signatures. But a bunch of crybabies whine about the gun and *poof* now it's a safe space approved water pistol. A water pistol doesn't convey the same meaning. Not even remotely. They might as well have deleted it entirely. Apple also cockblocked the entire Unicode consortium from adding a rifle emoji. It was to be a part of the emojis celebrating Olympic events. But no, we can't have that. What if someone robbed a bank or shot up a school with an emoji? Oh wait that's right. It's just an emoji. Well nevermind. Let's censor that because it hurt someone's feelings and we all need to do our part to make guns socially unacceptable. Why not start with emojis right? I'm sure I sound paranoid to the non-gun owners hahaha, but these were not random decisions. They are 100% politically motivated and that makes me sad.", '>>{CheesyWhales} : It would be really nice if we had a search function on the keyboard. Especially with so many coming out in the future.', ">>{beeeb} : Nope Aquarius is little waves. I'm an Aquarius I know what my sign is. (♒️)", ">>{drivebyjustin} : Yeah I know. I'm going to just start sending that to my wife now and see what happens.", ">>{Realman77} : I like the emoji keyboard, but it's just too much", ">>{Aybabay} : I know that's what they say, but then why are all those things still ok? Bombs aren't PC...", ">>{Marklar_RR} : It must be under 12 thing. I've never met a person who use this shit.", ">>{H1313303} : Well they aren't a hot topic in the US, so the others will remain unless some people start campaigning against sharp knives or bombs. Just like the Confederate flag cleannsing from the App Store. It wasn't even a thought until the media hysteria that lasted about a week (at least it felt like a week)", '>>{CheesyWhales} : Ah, a simple misunderstanding. Sorry about that.', '>>{Lightningrodc} : People hunt with guns and rifles as a recreational activity and for food. Will Apple also replace the eggplant and sweat emoji because people use them to refer to a dick?', ">>{Ember_Rising} : Companies should know by now that people don't read the setup. Intrusive stuff like tracking should be off by default and opt-in in the settings.", '>>{bluecarpets} : If only people invested this much time and effort into stuff like hunger or helping the homeless', '>>{DiablitoBlanco} : Am a guy. Am fine if they make the one shown emoji a female. Except the guy dancing one. That one is the jams 🕺🏼', '>>{maxiperalta54} : Definitely makes more sense jaja. But I shall use it as an empanada regardless.', ">>{NuclearForehead} : Ah right I'm thinking of the other Pisces symbol of [two fish swimming](http://i.imgur.com/oRyfxMQ.jpg) and for cancer [the crab](http://i.imgur.com/DqkLZoz.jpg). In my pre-coffee state I forgot each sign has [two symbols](http://theastrologyroom.com/guides/zodiac-symbols-and-their-meanings).", '>>{The_Lion_Jumped} : > sweat emoji because people use them to refer to a dick The sweat emoji represents dick?', '>>{_Ballin} : I mean if it did somehow in someway save even just one life then it was worth it to take it out.', ">>{NotLawrence} : I really tried. But I can't think of any one situation where an emoji misrepresentation could save a life.", ">>{_Ballin} : It's just promoting violence. Maybe a group of 8 years old send them a bunch to each other, desensitizing themselves to guns because it's just a silly emoji. Then they play with their dads gums and one gets accidentally shot. I really think they took it out because it promotes violence. But idk they still have the bomb in there. Maybe they kept that in because people use bomb as a slang.", '>>{Fendahl_core} : I don\'t think it had anything to do with that. Emojis aren\'t real. An emoji of a sandwich will not satisfy your hunger and an emoji of a gun can\'t hurt anyone. The real reason is more insidious IMO because it\'s political. I get that the tech industry and Apple especially are extremely, overwhelmingly, fawningly liberal. It\'s unavoidable. Thats fine. But I *really* resent it when a company or a celebrity tries to push their political views and opinions of how culture *should* be. It\'s just one of my pet peeves. I think it\'s not their place. I think it smacks of arrogance. Your job is to make phones. Period. Not to try and influence society and culture. The only exception to me is if it is something completely *apolitical*. Like raising money for kids with cancer. You want to tackle that? Have at it. But the gun emoji thing is part of a wider effort afoot among gun control ninnies who are determined to make guns and shooting as a sport and hobby socially unacceptable and "ew gross". I\'m not imagining it. Trust me. So yeah, I resent Apple\'s meddling. I also don\'t appreciate Tim Cook using Apple as his personal platform to promote LGBT shit. Now, I am not a homophobe. I have no issue with homosexuality, people are clearly born gay and deserve the same rights as anyone else. But I don\'t need that rammed down my throat with 25 gay themed emojis, ok? Just not necessary and yet another reminder that you can\'t find hardly any place in the world where you can simple be and do something without having some controversial political shitty influence in your face. It\'s growing quite tiresome.', '>>{Starkid1987} : What do you mean? Like my rising and all that?'], ['>>{ikurapie} : Have you tried holding the power button and volume down?', ">>{atomic92} : Update: screen just went blank. Will not restart, or turn on. That was after about 2 hours of being stuck on the boot screen. Still isn't being recognized by iTunes or my mac at all.", ">>{atomic92} : Yea, it was just restarting the phone but didn't do anything else. Wouldn't leave the Apple boot screen. Now it seems totally borked, won't turn on at all, Screen is blank. It slowed down a little earlier when sending a text, then it totally froze and restarted and hasn't booted since.", '>>{PizzaHutHelps} : Charge the phone for an hour then try this: Step 1: Connect your iPhone 7 to your Mac or PC with a Lightning to USB cable. Step 2: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Volume Down button until the screen turns off. Continue holding the Sleep/Wake button + Volume Down button, even after you see the Apple logo appear. Step 4: Release the Sleep/Wake + Volume Down button once you see the Connect to iTunes message appear on the iPhone 7’s screen. Step 5: Launch iTunes, and you should see a message stating that “There is a problem with the iPhone that requires it to be updated or restored.”', ">>{atomic92} : Phone was fully charged when it froz, been on the charger since. Tried the DFU mode earlier and iTunes won't recognize it. Won't restart now, just a blank screen. Gonna try walking into the Apple Store in the morning to see what they can do, I'm sure they have open appointments for walk in or 'emergency' issues if it were.", ">>{PizzaHutHelps} : Sorry about that man. Just walk in and tell them your phone doesn't work and I'm sure they'll see you ASAP", ">>{atomic92} : I'm hoping, pretty bizarre but I was browsing through posts on r/iPhone and I saw about 3 other people who had the exact same or similar issue either today or within the past couple hours. Boot loop, won't recover and can't be recognized by iTunes.", '>>{Lars_El} : Is your iTunes up to date? You need to be running 12.5.1 for iTunes to recognize the iPhone 7. If you are up to date, you may need to install the proper drivers in order for iTunes to recognize it.', '>>{Curlywurlywoo} : I have you called the Apple tech support line?', '>>{atomic92} : Everything is updated with iTunes. I backed up the phone about a week ago with it.', ">>{thestruggled} : Yup, my phone is the same except it has never worked after it showed the restore screen. And all this happened after i logged out of icloud, but maybe that was coincedental timing. Apple support tried everything they could to see what was wrong with my computer, of which there was none. So I'm seeing an apple store this weekend, although I am pissed there seems to be more people than I thought with this problem and almost no knowledge of it in tech support.", ">>{atomic92} : I just tried using Apple Support chat. They said the phone has to turn on and I must be pressing the wrong button.... Then they got frustrated and said I need to schedule an appointment for Saturday to have the store take a look at it. I am just gonna walk in today to see if they can help, can't and don't really want to wait until Saturday to get help on this.", '>>{atomic92} : Nope, appointment is Saturday. Might of had to do with the announcement today and the chaos that I assume would be in the store.', ">>{thestruggled} : Mines tomorrow. I'll let you know if an obvious solution appears.", ">>{thestruggled} : Mines tomorrow. I'll let you know if an obvious solution appears."], ['>>{pcguy2} : Trump Calls Himself a Champion of Gay Rights. Hang On a Second.', '>>{EndoExo} : And Trump is against gay marriage now, as a Presidential candidate, with a well-known anti-gay politician as his running mate.', ">>{Scoutster13} : Oh well, that was a long time ago. She isn't now. On the other hand Trump has made it clear where he stands and it's not on the side of the LBGT comunity by a long shot.", ">>{liberte_} : Unfortunately for Trump, us gays know what it is like to be villainized and marginalized, and are generally sensitive to seeing other groups treated the same way. The vast majority of us aren't buying what he's selling.", '>>{lowercase_thoughts} : hillary doesnt want to torture me til i become straight', ">>{liberte_} : She was against gay marriage at a time when it would have been political suicide to come out in support. People don't remember how quickly things changed. Yes, I'd have liked to see her come out in support of marriage equality sooner, but she never villainized the gay community.", ">>{pingveno} : Awww, he's going to protect us from the scary brown people. How about addressing the problems we actually face?", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Hey, can any Trumpets find me evidence of any gays being thrown off any buildings in the US? If not, then shut the fuck up about it and either work to improve LGBT rights in AMERICA or admit you don't give a shit about protecting LGBT people you just think they can be a convenient shield for your hatred of Muslims.", '>>{travio} : I always thought that one of those conversion therapy practitioners should have to go through their own therapy in reverse to prove that it works.', '>>{jamesroberts} : That must be why Pence is on the ticket.', ">>{ratherlargepie} : Being pro-LGBT (even though he's not) doesn't make him any less of a bigot.", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Trump's biggest thing is that he would stop Muslims from killing gays. He sees that as the only threat to the American alphabet community. Even he was surprised that conservatives cheered at the idea of protecting them during his convention speech.", '>>{007meow} : Trump\'s version of being "pro LGBT" is that he won\'t make being LGBT illegal like in another countries. He\'s against SSM, Pence has a "colorful" history of anti-LGBT views, and the RNC Platform as a whole specifically targets LGBT citizens for discrimination.', ">>{PlainZero0} : That must be why he's running on a platform that supports gay conversion therapy.", ">>{liberte_} : She never targeted and hated on the gay community. There's a reason the community was quick to forgive her once she came out in support. There is a difference between holding a stance for political reasons (as nice as it would have been to have her support), and actively targeting and villainizing a group.", '>>{Feignfame} : He at best wants to protect them so they can be disenfranchised, disparaged, and discriminated against by AMERICANS. His choice of Mike "Praying the gay away from you with this Praying stick" Pence shows that.', '>>{Scoutster13} : Which is ironic given how many fundies would love the chance to go old school Bible on gay folks. Plenty would be all about killing gays if they could get away with it.', ">>{Scoutster13} : That is absolute baloney. She has done all sorts of things for the LGTB community for many many decades. She may have held out on the marriage issue but that's about it.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : Not a Trumpet but I can show you evidence of gays being blown away inside a club?', '>>{page_one} : You can bet your ass that the Republican party would make homosexuality punishable by death if they could. But for now, all they can do is to keep encouraging vigilante rednecks to kill The Gays for them.', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : > Alphabet community That's adorable! This must be what they meant when they warned we would *teach homosexuality in schools*.", '>>{NoFunHere} : > while accusing his rival Hillary Clinton of being weak on terror and taking money from countries with bad records on gay equality. Well, he is right. Clinton will pander to those who seek to abuse and kill gays, women, and others while simultaneously pandering to gays, women, and others. Clinton may be the better alternative, but she would certainly take Saudi money any day before she would spend one bit of political capital to move the goalposts on gay rights.', ">>{liberte_} : Yes, that's what I'm saying. And she would work for LGBT rights as best as she could given the political situation. What she did is not as big a sin as actively demonizing a group. Had she come out in the early 2000s in support of marriage equality, she likely would not have survived the political repercussions and would not have been able to fight for the changes that she did. This is what compromise looks like, and it happens all the time as people fight for incremental change. There were very decent people living in the 1940s who supported racial segregation while fighting to reduce racism.", ">>{cranker111} : I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.", ">>{Scoutster13} : We had a legitimate presidential candidate backed by someone who would love to throw gay people off of the roof and no one said much about it. How can these folks claim to be concerned about evil Muslims doing it when right here in their own country lots of righties would line up at the chance. Trump doesn't care about gay people and neither do his supporters.", ">>{mrfroggy} : I watched some of the RNC convention and seem to recall that whenever a speaker said something pro-LGBT the crowd would clap/cheer fairly enthusiastically. Perhaps I'm misremembering it. I'm more than happy to be corrected if that's the case.", ">>{007meow} : The speakers can say whatever they want - anti-LGBT policies are official within the GOP Platform. They can claim to be as pro LGBT as they want, but that doesn't change their official stance.", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : I'm not sure if it's a derogatory term or not. A quick google search didn't bring up anything negative so I'm going to use it instead of trying to figure out the latest letters.", ">>{Isstvan82} : Just checked her taxes to see if she had... nope. Checked them again, since her taxes are public... nope, still no donations. Hold on, gonna check Trump's taxes...", ">>{I_done_a_plop-plop} : I don't believe he is especially against gay people, he just doesn't *care* either way about them. His positions are only for a vote, he has never cared enough about principles to have any real opinion on the subject, or any political subject, really. It's still a betrayal by omission, but he wakes up in the morning and *believes* he's righteous because he knows he doesn't feel any particular negativity about them.", ">>{I_done_a_plop-plop} : Pretty sure it's okay, there are some trans people who have claimed it at least. It's quite a sweet phrase too, suggesting the a-z of sexuality instead of the confusing LGBTQIA... I don't know if there are currently any more letters on the end. And it's unpronounceable and unwieldy. I'll be using the phrase too.", ">>{Novastra} : Nah, it's only cheeto jesus that donates to NAMBLA. Diddlin' Don is ass deep into NAMBLA", '>>{pingveno} : Employment, housing, and similar discrimination against LGBT people is legal in many states. LGBT youth are disproportionately homeless because their parents have kicked them out. Bullying is a problem for many LGBT youth. Suicide rates among LGBT youth are alarmingly high. "Conversion therapy", which ranges from psychological to literal torture, can be forced on youth. The Republican platform calls for protecting parents\' ability to force conversion therapy on their children. The government needs to continue making changes to accomodate transfolk, but a Republican administration would have little incentive to do so.', ">>{Scoutster13} : That was Ted Cruz. He had several religious right folks that are sketchy on gays, but Kevin Swanson was probably the worst. Not only would he like to execute gays (if they don't repent mind you), but also Girl Scout leaders because apparently they turn girls into lesbians. I wish I was kidding. :p", ">>{richt519} : This is pretty much it. He simply doesn't give a shit.", '>>{Feignfame} : No that\'s Pat McCory of North Carolina. Pence is the \'let\'s approve of gay conversion camps and oh yeah we need to stop needle exchanges because fuck addicts oh wait started an HIV outbreak kinda sorry about that affecting my reputation anyway let\'s talk about punishing women who have abortions" guy. Though he would definitely support a brouhaha over transgender bathroom rights. Like a bunch of other state governors.', ">>{lawblogz} : I think that Paul Ryan, Mr. Cheese Doodle, and some of the other neocons forced him to add a right-wing, Bush era, establishment politician to the ticket or they weren't going to support him anymore. It doesn't really make a lot of sense because adding Pence seems to have hurt Trump, but then Trump refused to add a woman to his ticket. There's a lot of head scratching going on here and I think we could all use a round of Head n' Shoulders. I think Reddit just needs to be deloused.", '>>{squirrelzombie} : I like it too. And if we start using it with positive connotations, maybe we can get it started off right.', '>>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : > LGBTQIA Lesbian gay bisexual transgender questioning intersex asexual? Is that right?', '>>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : > like to execute gays (if they don\'t repent mind you) What happened to "love thy neighbor as I have loved you" or to "thou shalt not kill?"', ">>{Hrothgar_Cyning} : Hey look I'm gay so it isn't homophobic!", ">>{2chainz3felonies} : Breitbart just posted an article about how the GOP is miles ahead of the Democrats on gat rights because they don't want Muslims coming in to the country. Does it not matter that they literally want to take away your right to marry by appointing a justice that will try to overturn Obergfell?", '>>{squirrelzombie} : The loss of the attitude you display here amongst the teabags in Congress and their supporters is a far greater threat than even their odiously regressive policies on things like civil rights.', '>>{2chainz3felonies} : Yeah this shit is unbelievable. They are not only trying to enforce regressive LGBT policies such as overturning gay marriage and allowing discrimination, but they are then trying to use gays as another excuse to hate Muslims despite doing nothing for them here at home. What the fuck kind of twisted logic is this?', ">>{TheseAreNotTheDroids} : I agree with you that he doesn't care, but I think it is worse than this actually. While he personally doesn't care, his staff (as well as the judges he would appoint to the Supreme Court) absolutely *do* care about the rights of gay people... in a negative way. In fact, I honestly think that many of Trump's more hateful policies aren't really what he deep down believes, but he figured out what gave him traction in the primaries and so he doubled down on the racist and hateful rhetoric. At this point it doesn't matter if he personally is buying it because he will surround himself with people who *do*.", '>>{Galle_} : That seems a bit extreme, actually. Trump\'s version of being "pro LGBT" is that he\'s Islamophobic. That\'s it. His support for LGBT rights ends when anyone who isn\'t Muslim starts trying to abuse them.', '>>{Galle_} : She performed a complex and arcane ritual known as "changing your mind".', ">>{liberte_} : We the people help create this atmosphere as well. We demonize moderate politicians who compromise and call them sell-outs and flip floppers. Then we elect extremists who refuse to compromise and then we trash these ones for not getting anything done. There won't be a return to civility among politicians until there's a return among the people. I don't know what it's going to take.", ">>{agentapelsin} : > Hey, can any Trumpets find me evidence of any gays being thrown off any buildings in the US? If not, then shut the fuck up about it and either work to improve LGBT rights in AMERICA or admit you don't give a shit about protecting LGBT people you just think they can be a convenient shield for your hatred of Muslims. - If it's not happening in America then it doesn't matter. Got it. Such a progressive and accepting global world view that respects the rights of all people.   Oh, no, wait it's an isolationist, xenophobic, jingoistic view that downplays the suffering of foreigners and implies that only American's lives matter. It's literally disgusting that you are willing to pretend that other people's lives don't matter, because it suits your political agenda. >a convenient shield for your hatred of Muslims. - Not American. - Lived several years in the Middle East. - Live in a Muslim country. - In a long term relationship with my Muslim partner.", '>>{-----BroAway-----} : Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning International Airport.', '>>{-----BroAway-----} : As Andy Schlafly, chief author of the Conservative Bible Project would probably say, that was supposed to be "thou shalt not murder" before the liberals made the Bible more PC.', '>>{ChipyGlitchy} : Meanwhile he openly talks about how much he hates being gay and how he would rather have not been born than be gay. Milo is a piece of shit.', ">>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : Milo is this bizarre combination of homophobic, gay, slightly gay supremacist, racist, loving of black men, and no doubt many other contradictory things. If it wasn't for him just being dishonest as all hell, he'd belong in a loony bin.", '>>{miniatureelephant} : What\'s the difference between "kill" and "murder"? Seems like the same thing to me.', ">>{Baelor_the_Blessed} : Why would Donald be interested in NAMBLA? Isn't Ivanka a girl?", ">>{RupsjeNooitgenoeg} : If you look at Trump and Hillary's histories on the issue it doesnt take longer than a 5 minute google search to see Trump has always been gay friendlier.", '>>{Crazed_Chemist} : When I first read Alphabet community I was thinking the various alphabet departments in the US security apparatus like the FBI, CIA, DIA. Needless to say I was very confused why Muslims killing gays threatened those agencies.', '>>{liberationation} : Murder is unjustified killing. They think they have a justification and they want to kill.', ">>{Rice__cube} : It's kind of funny because 70% of Christians disapprove of homosexuality compared to 60% of Muslims.", ">>{KazakiLion} : Trump wants his Supreme Court picks to overturn marriage equality and is fine with states passing anti-LGBT laws like North Carolina's HB2. Hillary's supports the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision, and is for federal LGBT protections like ENDA and the equality act. Maybe you should do 5 minutes of googling on what policies the candidates are actually running on.", ">>{RupsjeNooitgenoeg} : Because both Trump and Clinton are trustworthy people who say what they do and dont flip flop around on issues every other week? This campaign the policies they're running on are almost as worthless as your vote.", '>>{KazakiLion} : > If you look at Trump and Hillary\'s histories on the issue... "Go look at the issues!" > This campaign the policies they\'re running on are almost as worthless as your vote. "Oh wait, don\'t look at *those* issues."', ">>{RupsjeNooitgenoeg} : I just made a (true) statement that Trump's been a lot more gay friendly than Hillary in the past. I dont know why you saw that as a Trump endorsement but it wasn't. If anything it only served to show that whatever policies these two candidates are running on are most likely not their actual views. Not everything is black and white you know.", '>>{NashMcCabe} : Pence was the guy who supported a law in Indiana that would make it legal to discriminate against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity if you cite "religious freedom" as the reason.', '>>{NashMcCabe} : I think it\'s actually kind of sad. He\'s been brainwashed by the religious right into thinking it\'s morally wrong to be gay. Now he\'s channeling all the hate he has for himself and using it to try to deny other people the happiness that he and his party have denied for himself. It\'s a classic case of "if I can\'t have it, you can\'t either" syndrome. Sad!', ">>{Voroxpete} : Any chance you have a source on that figure? Not trying to call you out or anything, it'd just be really useful to have.", '>>{Voroxpete} : Well, I mean, technically it is something they should be concerned about...', '>>{miniatureelephant} : Ohh, okay. That makes sense, thanks.'], ['>>{pnewell} : Conservative Funders of Climate Denial Are Quietly Spending Millions To Generate More Partisan Journalism | Daily Caller News Foundation — the non-profit arm of the Daily Caller website — accepted some $106,248 in two donations from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation.', '>>{TheTeaIsPoisonous} : No wonder we see so much "Daily Caller" horseshit on this subreddit.', '>>{ReptilianLifestyles} : Sounds familiar: • Reporter Outreach: Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.', '>>{aliengoods1} : The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”\xa0 ―\xa0Edward L. Bernays,\xa0Propaganda\tTheBigBadDuke\tt3_4ocxrk\nt3_4o97az\tt1_d4bizcf\t1466083082\t\'The New American\'? Bahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Any other sources? You know, Good ones?\tBadManDeego\tt1_d4axpja\nt3_4ocxrk\tt1_d4bknbr\t1466085619\t> Analysis of IRS tax filings shows .... An interesting part of the article in light of the this recent news: [House approves Koch-backed bill to shield donors’ names ](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/2016/06/14/house-approves-koch-backed-bill-shield-donors-names/85886164/) from being reported in IRS filings.\tLighting\tt3_4ocxrk\nt3_4oas2d\tt1_d4blcgy\t1466086595\t> Claims Clinton commits election fraud > Decries California\'s thorough ballot verification process Choose one.\tno_dice\tt1_d4b0q7c\nt3_4oas2d\tt1_d4blfy6\t1466086721\tWhat sort of checks and balances does a system like this have? Do multiple people count each vote?\tPhillAholic\tt1_d4b52s5\nt3_4oas2d\tt1_d4blrcx\t1466087160\tNPP voters had to request a Democratic ballot. Many didn\'t, and blamed everyone else for their own mistake. Having said that, I believe they could still exchange mail-in ballots and get the Democratic ballot at the polls the day of, but they probably didn\'t know that either. TLDR, I\'m stupid. The game is rigged!"', '>>{AssCalloway} : Tucker Carlson\'s rag has a "non profit arm"?', ">>{zombo_pig} : And They've got the front page of reddit smothered with shit posts from people who love anti-climate change's newest GOP nominee.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : I\'m shocked. Our "objective" news organizations can be influenced by money?', ">>{jivatman} : If you are looking for news outlets that are neither taking donations from nefarious Billionaires nor owned by nefarious Billionaires that is going to be a very short list. And you can cross pretty much all the most respected ones right away: WSJ: Rupert Murdoch. NYTimes :Carlos Slim (literally the world's richest person). WAPO: Jeff Bezos (#5 richest). Ect.", '>>{RemingtonSnatch} : The ship has sailed, fellas. Nobody with a respected opinion denies climate change anymore. But by all means, waste your money.', '>>{zippityhooha} : Is the Daily Caller an approved domain in r/news?', ">>{space_goat} : Even if that's true, at least they don't deny climate change! When will you people wake up?", ">>{space_goat} : The thing that makes me sad is a lot of Bernie supporters are upvoting these right wing propaganda articles just because they are anti-hillary. They don't realize they are supporting people who stand against EVERYTHING Bernie always talks about. They are being played by the GOP.", ">>{internetornator} : Koch Industries also sponsors NPR, the most liberal news source ever. What's your point? It sure as hell has nothing to do with climate change.", '>>{femshepslovechild} : The thing that makes me sad is a lot of Hillary supporters are voting in an ethically bankrupt and potentially criminal candidate who has prioritized selling fracking to the world over saving it from climate change. I expect the Republican party to be corrupt and moronic. I expected more from Democrats. More fool I.', '>>{ozric101} : It is not deception it is **media magic**... Everyone could use a little magic in their lives, right?', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : Better watch out. It appears Exxon is finding out that free speech doesn't mean spewing lies isn't fraud.", '>>{InFearn0} : Gotta get it to 4% of scientists disagree!', ">>{space_goat} : This isn't a choice between many different candidates. If it were, maybe we would support someone else. Hell, half of our party supported Sanders, but he lost. So now we have Clinton vs Trump. And as Sanders said, Clinton on her worst day is 1000 times better than Trump. That is what it comes down to.", ">>{cybexg} : You, like myself, are probably older. You understand that sometimes, you don't have good options and in those situations, your only viable action is to choose the least detrimental choice.", ">>{femshepslovechild} : I agree that Clinton is better than Trump. That doesn't make Clinton good. It doesn't mean her policies will effectively fight global warming.", '>>{ndphillips} : Tucker Carlson selling any journalistic integrity for more of a stakehold in the GOP? No way.......', '>>{Bochinsky} : Not any more. The Sanders campaign has been laid off, so nobody is left to spam the sub with Hillary hate.', ">>{Bochinsky} : > the most liberal news source ever. LOL. You're making that common mistake that a lot of conservatives make where you believe that any news source that isn't rabidly partisan Republican propaganda like Fox News must be left-wing propaganda. When in fact, journalism actually still exists out there.", ">>{choufleur47} : I'm still seeing it. Maybe she's hated by more than just Sanders supporters?", '>>{luis_correa} : Only on Reddit would The Daily Caller be considered objective.', ">>{BobDylan530} : But I thought that people weren't influenced by donations?", '>>{particle409} : Fracking is the #1 reason we saw a major drop in coal usage.', '>>{femshepslovechild} : And the #1 obstacle in moving toward renewables.', '>>{particle409} : No, the #1 obstacle in moving towards renewables is cost and storage. We\'ll get there, but Sanders is selling people a fantasy if they think it\'ll happen overnight. Even Vermont has a dirty little secret. They got rid of clean nuclear, and started using "biomass." They burn wood as a renewable... Good job, Sanders!', '>>{femshepslovechild} : This is from a while ago but the data have only gotten worse for fracking since: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/04/09/460384/natural-gas-is-a-bridge-to-nowhere-absent-a-carbon-price-and-strong-standards-to-reduce-methane-leakage/', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : But if you do that, you might not be able to get your purity pony and ride it to utopia.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Thankfully it will die in the Senate or Obama will veto it. But the Republican controlled House is just the worst.', '>>{particle409} : So basically what Clinton has been advocating, while Sanders wants an outright, absolute ban, which would necessitate going back to coal.', '>>{femshepslovechild} : Eh? Clinton is not for a carbon tax, and she has no coherent vision or goals for reducing methane emissions.', '>>{particle409} : She\'s specifically mentioned methane from fracking. Also, she\'s been careful to avoid specifically saying "carbon tax," but there is a reason the Republicans are gearing up to her saying it after November.', '>>{GotTheBLUs} : Doesn\'t matter. As long as the bs is being printed, that\'s "justification" enough for someone on the payroll to keep voting as they\'re told.', '>>{GotTheBLUs} : I\'ve been hearing how "left" the media is my entire life... from the media. It\'s more than a bit suspicious.', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : ***Which is objective for you***', ">>{internetornator} : I think the opposite it happening. Liberals naturally agree with everything NPR says, leading them to believe that NPR is the gold standard of journalism, while their agenda is crystal clear and it's extremely easy to catch them misleading the public about people like Trump for example. I've heard them flat out report things about Trump and Bernie that are totally untrue. They're so pro-Clinton it's nauseating, but it's still fun to listen to. And they have the best music. Downvotes? Does the truth trigger you, reddit?", '>>{IamJamesFlint} : If 106,248 koch bucks buys a news foundation, what does 120 million given to MIT buy?', '>>{Lighting} : > Nobody with a respected opinion denies climate change anymore. True - but unfortunately there are lots of old and easily mis-lead people listening to those deniers ... and voting.'], ['>>{Colorado688} : Elizabeth Warren: "I\'m ready" to endorse Hillary Clinton', ">>{based_sutter} : The majority of Warren's supporters are progressives who see through Hillary. This won't help Hillary as much as it hurts Warren but we all know she's just desperate to stop Trump.", ">>{IanMazgelis} : I'm not sure if Warren is getting primaried for reelection, but I'm now taking a very hard look for other candidates to replace her in the Senate.", ">>{misscee} : sometimes you just gotta laugh ... or else you'll throw up a little in your mouth", ">>{oldbeth} : Considering Warren's credibility problem, this doesn't help Hillary at all.", '>>{SunriseSurprise} : Elizabeth Warren called out then Senator Clinton for taking money from consumer credit companies and voting for a bankruptcy bill favoring them over her financially distraught constituents.', '>>{pavelbure_96} : Her credibility has gone down down the drain this election cycle. She showed everyone who she truly is. What a mess.', '>>{78pickup} : This was the knife in the back to Bernie -- she announced it the same day as Obama. What a traitor to her supposed ideals. Run third party Bernie, you gotta do it.', ">>{Malaix} : Her and Obama waited until the last possible moment when Sanders was all but sunk. They gave Sanders every possible chance they could to stop Clinton without ripping their party apart by defying the lead nominee. Sander's supporters should not be bitter about these endorsements, they didn't lift a finger to help Clinton beat Sanders and only weighed in when the race was essentially over beyond any shadow of a doubt in favor of Clinton.", '>>{Malaix} : Shes not a traitor when you consider shes a democrat who is trying her best to get her ideals implemented. Sanders lost, she has weight with progressives in a time when the democrats are trying to heal. She is doing exactly what democrats, liberals, and progressives need at this time.', '>>{wytxcook} : A lot of politicians on both sides showing their true colors and lack of backbone this cycle.', '>>{progress10} : I think Bernie has overshadowed her with progressives anyway by now.', '>>{progress10} : I can argue that Warren helped Clinton by not Endorsing Sanders, someone she is way closer to on policy before Massachusetts where her endorsement might have made the difference. I think that is what a lot of Bernie supporters are pissed about is that someone that is basically a male clone of her and represented all the things she was fighting she would not endorse.', ">>{vph} : No one is voting today, but apparently she got 4 superdelegates: Obama, Biden, Warren and O'Malley.", ">>{Malaix} : Eh I've always understood Warrens hesitation here. She overlaps sanders with the progressive, she really wouldn't add all that much to his base. Anyone who likes Sanders is also likely a Warren fan. By staying out of it she could use her influence to unify the party for the more likely clinton win that we saw. She might have preferred a Sanders win, and she gave him as much time as she could to get one without direct intervention. Drawing progressives back to Clinton is likely the best use of her name and influence she could have had this entire primary.", ">>{Abba--Zabba} : > Her credibility has gone down down the drain this election cycle. It's amazing she had any before. She's a do-nothing Senator. All she does is bitch about rich people (which is hilariously hypocritical given she made money flipping foreclosed houses during the mortgage crisis).", ">>{brasswirebrush} : On the contrary. Biden, Obama, and Warren all went out of their way to stay out of it until now, and I am sure they gave Bernie the head's up that it was coming. The tone of his statement this afternoon tells me that his meeting with Obama probably went pretty well. Bernie probably got some concessions on his positions in exchange for party unity, and now everyone is uniting.", '>>{progress10} : I think she hurt her cred with progressives by not backing Sanders when it mattered especially after saying time and time again she would endorse "in a few weeks" someone. It looks like she was playing with us and that is not good. Supporters were upset about that. Here is someone fighting for the stuff she believes in and nothing. It\'s feels like when the moment came to really fight for her policies she balked. Supporters were counting on her to stand with us and with her policies and she kept saying she would make an endorsement then we lost her state by a tiny margin. Again I love Warren but I think this damaged her brand. I think people trust her less. They think she did not come though on her policies when the gauntlet was down.', ">>{deliriumtriggered} : This is like picking the super bowl winner the day after the game, you can't lose.", '>>{Malaix} : she has many more superdelegates who openly said they were voting for her, its just been considered impolite to count them in case they changed their mind. Given the way things went, I highly doubt they would, and it would be pretty shitty of both them and Sanders to overturn the majority popular vote. And Sanders supporters who think the superdelegates on a whole are going to have a mass change of heart and make some kind of overruling switch are grasping at the last straw.', '>>{Malaix} : some of the more vocal ones, but even if he brings just a portion of them over, thats a lot of new millenial voters, hardcore liberals, and independent voters he is bringing into the democrats for the general. Hillary already had the support of most of the dyed blue dem voters.', ">>{GhostOfWinterfell} : Sure, give it to her but let's not pretend the primaries represented the majority of America. How many left-leaning independents and others outside the party (but would fairly consider voting democrat) had their voice go unheard, especially with the archaic voter registration laws prevalent across so many of the key states? If the pragmatism that Clinton's supporters praise her for is so important, why wouldn't you push the candidate whose appeal extends greatest beyond party lines? Hillary may have won over more democrats but her campaign has left the independent majority that makes up America a scorched wasteland. Should Trump somehow prevail, the Democrats will only have themselves to blame for creating an entire generation of 'the betrayed' who will carry their electoral power - the largest voting bloc in 50 years - to other parties.", ">>{FuckShitPoopPants} : I don't think she's lost her integrity. She has a much better chance of getting real change done if Democrats are in office and not Trump. Unfortunately, Hilary will be the Democratic nominee. As a huge Bernie supporter I struggle between voting for Trump to burn down the establishment and keeping an inch of progressive policy in place so hopefully in 4 years our choices are better.", '>>{noatccount} : By staying out of the race Sen Warren destroyed her credibility among the progressive base.', ">>{vph} : >Sure, give it to her but let's not pretend the primaries represented the majority of America. That's not what primaries are for. America does not select nominees of political parties. Party members do.", '>>{GhostOfWinterfell} : Guess we should move to just straight voting for candidates and abolishing the parties. Ya know, like George Washington proscribed in his farewell address. If the party serves its own interests ahead of the American people, then our electoral system has twisted completely backwards.', ">>{vph} : Then form your own party and have all the fun of electing its nominee and agony of fighting not to let outsiders picking your party's nominee for you. We aren't going to change a proven, hundred-year old practice simply because things don't go your way. Even if we cater to your satisfaction now, you will immediately demand change again when it doesn't go your way in the future."]]
classify and reply
['>>{WaylonJenningsFoot} : Was the table really worth the formatting just to talk about battery life?', '>>{redd1t0r} : Pelosi calls on Sessions to quit after Post discloses Russia contacts', '>>{redd1t0r} : > At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Democratic Senator Al Franken what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign, the Post reported. > "I’m not aware of any of those activities," Sessions responded, according to the Post. He added: "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians."', ">>{martheen} : >Unless you buy a shitty smartphone and the nintendo switch Thing is, how 'shitty' are the actual cheapo smartphone? The only slowdown I face in my 150 USD off contract Redmi 3 Pro is on games, so if I have Switch, obviously it's good enough for my needs. If you're in US where carrier subsidized phone are common, a decent one like BLU R1 HD can be had for less than $50, this kind of phone should be good enough for non-gaming purposes. Now I personally don't find the need for playing console, so I pick a good enough phone for casual gaming on the go and fill the itch for FPS & RTS on my laptop. For someone who actually relish consoles, especially Nintendo libraries, it's no brainer, they may even forgoes laptop/phone upgrade to save for Switch. Doesn't matter how fast is your smartphone, there's no way it can compete with Nintendo game libraries. People still play old games in their console/PC because of the gameplay, not because of how many pixels are moving around. As always, there's the [third](http://www.gpdxd.com/) option of getting cheap portable game emulators with physical control where you get the portability, full libraries of semi-legal 90s era console games, all for $150.", '>>{bmwbiker1} : I have read this headline several times this past year.', '>>{Scoutandabout} : Every decent Washington citizen who realizes the damage Trump, Paul Ryan and McConnell are doing to our nation....THEY are having the worst week in Washington. Every week.', ">>{Xanitarou} : Paul Ryan got to where he is by letting Trump grab his Pussy, because he certainly doesn't have any balls.", '>>{ntbxp} : It\'s based on Personal experience with nexus 7(2012). 1.Smartphone have to deal with facebook, whatsapp and many other stuff what runs at background no matter how much you tries to turn it off. It consumes resources. A lot. Perpetually. To the point I think having 2 smartphone, one for normal stuff and other for "game only", is more practical. 2.The best game I have played on my nexus 7(2012) is MACHINE KNIGHT (kemko). And it is mostly gba style graphics. And still have some frame drops. You have to turn off wifi to load games faster. Adventure Capitalist takes 1 minute to load. I can\'t participate on events because it just crashes. And my Nexus 7 is supposed to have way more stronger hardware than a PSP. 3.Touch only controller sucks for many kind of games. Platformers is umplayable. I would like the smartphones have physical buttons like XPERIA PLAY or Shield. >You can bluetooth regular console controller and special controller for smartphone. It\'s half-ass compared to nintendo switch and way more inferior than 3DS. You have to sync every fucking time the controller to play it because you have to turn sync off in order to maintain battery longer. Nintendo switch have to do so but it would take less time since it has only to deal with games. 3DS is just pick up and play. You know what? If I had money, I would buy an laptop and Nintendo Switch. Smartphone stuff for gaming is the worst of both PC and console world.', ">>{Renato_Lopes} : > Thing is, how 'shitty' are the actual cheapo smartphone? The only slowdown I face in my 150 USD off contract Redmi 3 Pro is on games, so if I have Switch, obviously it's good enough for my needs That's the point. You shouldn't really worry about anything else....", '>>{cocobeann} : Paul Ryan disconnected his phones because of the volume of calls he was receiving. Send him a free fax from faxzero.com! Number: (202) 225-3393. Remind him that [he maybe used to stand for something](https://mobile.twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/status/759845524132524032).', '>>{Renato_Lopes} : I actually had table for everything, but reddit glitched it.', ">>{WaylonJenningsFoot} : I was just being snarky. I've had the same formatting experiences in the past though.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : The WH may have to pull a false flag sooner than they were expecting.', ">>{Psilli} : I have to agree with you on the Smartphone gaming. I have poured countless hours trying to get my phone configured enough to where it's at least comfortable to play some games. Even then, it's a kind of 50-50 whether or not the game will actually work with the controller or even detect it at all. Portable devices do a better job at gaming when they're designed for gaming. Spending more time trying to get things to play games rather than playing said games is not worth it. At all.", ">>{NeoAcario} : See.. I disagree. I say you hang them and then burn them. Don't want to contaminate US soil with their traitorous blood.", '>>{sambills} : who cares, nothing is going to happen to him', ">>{Reddit_guard} : Fax him black pages if you're feeling particularly mean.", '>>{theombudsmen} : Attrition takes time. Bring everything to bear all at once, and you risk inciting his base.', '>>{Fibreoptix} : This guy in terms of flip flopping is the Hillary of the GOP', ">>{bythepint} : I didn't have a problem with the KGB until I learned they smoked pot -Sessions", ">>{alahu} : In terms of hardware, I read on Kotaku (sorry, no link I'm on mobile right now) that it will have an NVIDIA card so that might have potential to make the Switch pretty powerful.", ">>{Renato_Lopes} : I think it was the same one that they used on their shield tablet. And that is the most powerful tablet processor tho. I don't think it will be the exact same, maybe more powerful?", '>>{alahu} : It would be very nice if this gpu was as or more powerful to the shield, although I could see that having a detrimental effect on the battery. I guess everything portable has trade offs tho, but I hope the battery life is pretty good on the switch.', '>>{Renato_Lopes} : pretty sure they could add a more powerful battery right? I once saw a phone with fucking 10.000mh of battery.', '>>{alahu} : Yeah but that would make it heavy and large, making it less convenient for its portable mode.', '>>{alahu} : Even with 18650 lithium batteries (similar to the ones Tesla uses), you would need about three of them for ~10,500 mAh which means about 140g of weight and 3x 18mm diameter and 65mm length.', ">>{alahu} : Depends on personal preference. It would have more battery life but be heavier. Nintendo is pretty good at this tho. I remember reading that the ds lite had a 20h battery life and about a 1Ah battery. That's pretty amazing imho, so hopefully Nintendo can do something like that with the switch.", '>>{BlueSwoosh248} : If the media frenzy keeps going on this, it will drive Trump and Bannon to boot Sessions out on his ass. Keep it going!', '>>{cyborg-waffle} : Strangle the last evangelical with the entrails of the last Republican', ">>{Mathog} : [RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) has live preview, so it lets you mess around to see if the tables are working. Definitely get it if you didn't already. Try formatting the tables like [this](http://i.imgur.com/IvZpd76.png) maybe.", ">>{keller112} : Allegedly it's 256 CUDA cores running at 1Ghz, using the shared LPDDR4 System ram. [ It's either 128 bit/DDR3 or 64bit/ddr4, to get the 25.6GB/s from the spec list ] To put that into perspective it's a bit like something between the GT930M and GT940M, closer to the former. These are maxwell cores so we know how they perform. Pretty decent for mobile but i cant really see where they get their 1 Teraflop number from.", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : I seem to remember people saying the same thing about Michael Flynn.', ">>{Abscess2} : Battery Life Probably very good. Nintendo has a reputation of making good battery life. That means you have no idea how long the battery will last and should not make assumptions. lats not make this a no man's sky hype party!", ">>{Renato_Lopes} : > lats not make this a no man's sky hype party! Heh. I tried to be reasonable on both sides (and no preorder!), and would only buy a switch if it comes out good. Thing is, nintendo is known for good battery life tho, but I'll wait when we get more words.", ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : If this administration loses their AG (which they absolutely should at this point) after losing their NSA.. Who's next?", ">>{AtomicKoala} : Carter is an evangelical and got over 40% of the evangelical vote in '76.", '>>{granolaboi} : He needs to resign in addition to being charged with perjury. This is absolutely inexcusable and this whole cabinet needs to be investigated from the top down. The amount of corruption is reaching the tipping point.', ">>{buntopolis} : Won't matter. They use Efax. It is sent to an email inbox, not printed when received.", ">>{madusldasl} : Ain't that great how he takes an innocent question about a proverbial they, and assumes it's a question asking if he committed the action in question? Almost like he has a, what do they call it, oh yeah! A guilty conscience.", ">>{madusldasl} : Fingers crossed that Betsy Devos gets caught perjuring herself, or is caught up in some illegal money transactions, or I don't know, a sex tape of her dressed as hitler with a black strap on just giving it to trump while he keeps asking her if she thinks his hands are big comes out. That would be cool.", ">>{pb2crazy} : Interesting to note that Trump moved Dana Boente next in line of succession at the Justice Department after Sessions If Sessions recuses himself, Dana Boente comes next. Obama removed Boente by EO before he left. Trump placed him back in again. WHY? We don't know. But it is incredibly shady. Boente was involved in prosecuting hackers in North Carolina, CWA. It is possible they have involvement with Russia and the hacking of Weiner, and were partly responsible for the case that brought Comey the October e-mails from Weiners laptop. The working theory is that Boente worked that case to cover this up, and was rewarded for it.", '>>{SSeaborn} : Honestly, do you know what "fake news" actually means or do you just yell "Fake news" out at things you don\'t agree with.', ">>{i__like__stuff} : well lets see, they are pushing a lie, so it's not real, which means it's fake... fake news", ">>{fps_Aero} : I love how you have to play with the wording to justify it. So easily manipulated. Why wouldn't he mention it during his oh I don't know CONGRESSIONAL HEARING FOR AG.. not to mention the person he was in contact with just so happens to be a top Russian spy. But no, maybe when brietbart or infowars publishes how Trump and his teams actions are treasonous will you finally believe it. Because those sources are the reliable ones right?", '>>{wtfwasdat} : > They asked Sessions if he spoke to Russia about Trump\'s campaign Wrong. Did you even watch the video you linked to? Here... >Franken: "If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?" >Sessions :“I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”', '>>{Mawontalk} : I agree. No way to interpret this other than a lie, well, actually, two lies. "I\'m not aware of any of those activities" and "I did not have communications with the Russians."', ">>{hurtsdonut_} : There's bigger fish to fry than DeVos. Sure she sucks but she should be the least of our worries right now.", '>>{hurtsdonut_} : >**I did not have communications with the Russians.** ~Sessions', ">>{Choking_on_Diarrhea} : Nope, Sessions will continue on as AG and after ~3 days of this story being repeated on the news, they'll give up and move on to something else. No branch of government or agency with any power to do anything about Sessions will act on it. Decency is powerless in our federal government for the next 4 years.", ">>{wtfwasdat} : >well I did, but let's pretend that I wasn't affiliated with the trump campaign at that moment... even though I admit that I was lmao. Also I can't remember what we talked about ;)", '>>{clancydog4} : No. This is more similar to the Flynn situation than anything. He blatantly lied about russian contact to the US government, and now its out in the open. This is very similar to the Flynn situation, with major political figures calling for him to resign and major republicans saying this is bad, and i highly suspect *something* will happen. Wouldnt be surprised at all if it resulted in resignation. People who think this is "just another wacky trump story" are silly. This is one with serious legs', '>>{Choking_on_Diarrhea} : No way his "base" will essentially hand wave any and all evidence of wrongdoing from Trump or virtually anyone tied to his administration in any way. They *will not even accept the possibility* of wrong doing. We are dealing with the same mindset as anti-vaxxers, evangelicals, 9/11 CTers, and flat-earthers. You **WILL NOT** get through to them, and nothing ever will. He will have 100% of them as staunch supporters with 100% support no matter what he or anyone else does until the day those supporters die. They will never, ever, ever admit anyone in the Trump administration did anything wrong, ever. EDIT: [**Great Example**](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5x1i50/pelosi_calls_on_sessions_to_quit_after_post/deejn4a/)', '>>{snoopk123} : I have a feeling that when they get rid of Sessions there will be another corrupt Trump insider on the chopping block. What a shit show.', '>>{snoopk123} : Who knows how much more info they have on Sessions, hopefully it will keep leaking.', ">>{nicholas_nullus} : Yeah Trump tells on himself, too. edit: I keep reading about this and thinking of your post. You're spot on. These jokers are fried.", '>>{nicholas_nullus} : between the trump camp and the gop camp, the amount of corruption on the right is truly staggering. The dems are terrible too, but MY GOD! look at those republicans!', '>>{madusldasl} : Oh absolutely, just saying it would be nice.', ">>{clancydog4} : jesus dude, you've seriously been tracking this that long?? who cares, haha. And all I said was that i highly suspected something would happen, and i wouldn't be surprised if he resigned. And something DID happen - he recused himself from the investigation, and the investigations inro trumps campaign and russia are still continuing. You're right, he hasn't resigned. But I just said i wouldn't be surprised if he did - i wasn't guaranteeing it. Just saying the story had serious legs and something would happen - both of which were true. It's honestly bizarre how much you are trying to win this incredibly pointless online argument with a total stranger. I honestly didn't remember even making the post - it's been 17 days, dude. You win, if that's what you want"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{WaylonJenningsFoot} : Was the table really worth the formatting just to talk about battery life?', ">>{martheen} : >Unless you buy a shitty smartphone and the nintendo switch Thing is, how 'shitty' are the actual cheapo smartphone? The only slowdown I face in my 150 USD off contract Redmi 3 Pro is on games, so if I have Switch, obviously it's good enough for my needs. If you're in US where carrier subsidized phone are common, a decent one like BLU R1 HD can be had for less than $50, this kind of phone should be good enough for non-gaming purposes. Now I personally don't find the need for playing console, so I pick a good enough phone for casual gaming on the go and fill the itch for FPS & RTS on my laptop. For someone who actually relish consoles, especially Nintendo libraries, it's no brainer, they may even forgoes laptop/phone upgrade to save for Switch. Doesn't matter how fast is your smartphone, there's no way it can compete with Nintendo game libraries. People still play old games in their console/PC because of the gameplay, not because of how many pixels are moving around. As always, there's the [third](http://www.gpdxd.com/) option of getting cheap portable game emulators with physical control where you get the portability, full libraries of semi-legal 90s era console games, all for $150.", '>>{ntbxp} : It\'s based on Personal experience with nexus 7(2012). 1.Smartphone have to deal with facebook, whatsapp and many other stuff what runs at background no matter how much you tries to turn it off. It consumes resources. A lot. Perpetually. To the point I think having 2 smartphone, one for normal stuff and other for "game only", is more practical. 2.The best game I have played on my nexus 7(2012) is MACHINE KNIGHT (kemko). And it is mostly gba style graphics. And still have some frame drops. You have to turn off wifi to load games faster. Adventure Capitalist takes 1 minute to load. I can\'t participate on events because it just crashes. And my Nexus 7 is supposed to have way more stronger hardware than a PSP. 3.Touch only controller sucks for many kind of games. Platformers is umplayable. I would like the smartphones have physical buttons like XPERIA PLAY or Shield. >You can bluetooth regular console controller and special controller for smartphone. It\'s half-ass compared to nintendo switch and way more inferior than 3DS. You have to sync every fucking time the controller to play it because you have to turn sync off in order to maintain battery longer. Nintendo switch have to do so but it would take less time since it has only to deal with games. 3DS is just pick up and play. You know what? If I had money, I would buy an laptop and Nintendo Switch. Smartphone stuff for gaming is the worst of both PC and console world.', ">>{Renato_Lopes} : > Thing is, how 'shitty' are the actual cheapo smartphone? The only slowdown I face in my 150 USD off contract Redmi 3 Pro is on games, so if I have Switch, obviously it's good enough for my needs That's the point. You shouldn't really worry about anything else....", '>>{Renato_Lopes} : I actually had table for everything, but reddit glitched it.', ">>{WaylonJenningsFoot} : I was just being snarky. I've had the same formatting experiences in the past though.", ">>{Psilli} : I have to agree with you on the Smartphone gaming. I have poured countless hours trying to get my phone configured enough to where it's at least comfortable to play some games. Even then, it's a kind of 50-50 whether or not the game will actually work with the controller or even detect it at all. Portable devices do a better job at gaming when they're designed for gaming. Spending more time trying to get things to play games rather than playing said games is not worth it. At all.", ">>{alahu} : In terms of hardware, I read on Kotaku (sorry, no link I'm on mobile right now) that it will have an NVIDIA card so that might have potential to make the Switch pretty powerful.", ">>{Renato_Lopes} : I think it was the same one that they used on their shield tablet. And that is the most powerful tablet processor tho. I don't think it will be the exact same, maybe more powerful?", '>>{alahu} : It would be very nice if this gpu was as or more powerful to the shield, although I could see that having a detrimental effect on the battery. I guess everything portable has trade offs tho, but I hope the battery life is pretty good on the switch.', '>>{Renato_Lopes} : pretty sure they could add a more powerful battery right? I once saw a phone with fucking 10.000mh of battery.', '>>{alahu} : Yeah but that would make it heavy and large, making it less convenient for its portable mode.', '>>{alahu} : Even with 18650 lithium batteries (similar to the ones Tesla uses), you would need about three of them for ~10,500 mAh which means about 140g of weight and 3x 18mm diameter and 65mm length.', ">>{alahu} : Depends on personal preference. It would have more battery life but be heavier. Nintendo is pretty good at this tho. I remember reading that the ds lite had a 20h battery life and about a 1Ah battery. That's pretty amazing imho, so hopefully Nintendo can do something like that with the switch.", ">>{Mathog} : [RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) has live preview, so it lets you mess around to see if the tables are working. Definitely get it if you didn't already. Try formatting the tables like [this](http://i.imgur.com/IvZpd76.png) maybe.", ">>{keller112} : Allegedly it's 256 CUDA cores running at 1Ghz, using the shared LPDDR4 System ram. [ It's either 128 bit/DDR3 or 64bit/ddr4, to get the 25.6GB/s from the spec list ] To put that into perspective it's a bit like something between the GT930M and GT940M, closer to the former. These are maxwell cores so we know how they perform. Pretty decent for mobile but i cant really see where they get their 1 Teraflop number from.", ">>{Abscess2} : Battery Life Probably very good. Nintendo has a reputation of making good battery life. That means you have no idea how long the battery will last and should not make assumptions. lats not make this a no man's sky hype party!", ">>{Renato_Lopes} : > lats not make this a no man's sky hype party! Heh. I tried to be reasonable on both sides (and no preorder!), and would only buy a switch if it comes out good. Thing is, nintendo is known for good battery life tho, but I'll wait when we get more words."], ['>>{bmwbiker1} : I have read this headline several times this past year.', '>>{Scoutandabout} : Every decent Washington citizen who realizes the damage Trump, Paul Ryan and McConnell are doing to our nation....THEY are having the worst week in Washington. Every week.', ">>{Xanitarou} : Paul Ryan got to where he is by letting Trump grab his Pussy, because he certainly doesn't have any balls.", '>>{cocobeann} : Paul Ryan disconnected his phones because of the volume of calls he was receiving. Send him a free fax from faxzero.com! Number: (202) 225-3393. Remind him that [he maybe used to stand for something](https://mobile.twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/status/759845524132524032).', ">>{NeoAcario} : See.. I disagree. I say you hang them and then burn them. Don't want to contaminate US soil with their traitorous blood.", ">>{Reddit_guard} : Fax him black pages if you're feeling particularly mean.", '>>{Fibreoptix} : This guy in terms of flip flopping is the Hillary of the GOP', '>>{cyborg-waffle} : Strangle the last evangelical with the entrails of the last Republican', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Carter is an evangelical and got over 40% of the evangelical vote in '76.", ">>{buntopolis} : Won't matter. They use Efax. It is sent to an email inbox, not printed when received."], ['>>{redd1t0r} : Pelosi calls on Sessions to quit after Post discloses Russia contacts', '>>{redd1t0r} : > At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Democratic Senator Al Franken what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign, the Post reported. > "I’m not aware of any of those activities," Sessions responded, according to the Post. He added: "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians."', '>>{MBAMBA0} : The WH may have to pull a false flag sooner than they were expecting.', '>>{sambills} : who cares, nothing is going to happen to him', '>>{theombudsmen} : Attrition takes time. Bring everything to bear all at once, and you risk inciting his base.', ">>{bythepint} : I didn't have a problem with the KGB until I learned they smoked pot -Sessions", '>>{BlueSwoosh248} : If the media frenzy keeps going on this, it will drive Trump and Bannon to boot Sessions out on his ass. Keep it going!', '>>{deathtotheemperor} : I seem to remember people saying the same thing about Michael Flynn.', ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : If this administration loses their AG (which they absolutely should at this point) after losing their NSA.. Who's next?", '>>{granolaboi} : He needs to resign in addition to being charged with perjury. This is absolutely inexcusable and this whole cabinet needs to be investigated from the top down. The amount of corruption is reaching the tipping point.', ">>{madusldasl} : Ain't that great how he takes an innocent question about a proverbial they, and assumes it's a question asking if he committed the action in question? Almost like he has a, what do they call it, oh yeah! A guilty conscience.", ">>{madusldasl} : Fingers crossed that Betsy Devos gets caught perjuring herself, or is caught up in some illegal money transactions, or I don't know, a sex tape of her dressed as hitler with a black strap on just giving it to trump while he keeps asking her if she thinks his hands are big comes out. That would be cool.", ">>{pb2crazy} : Interesting to note that Trump moved Dana Boente next in line of succession at the Justice Department after Sessions If Sessions recuses himself, Dana Boente comes next. Obama removed Boente by EO before he left. Trump placed him back in again. WHY? We don't know. But it is incredibly shady. Boente was involved in prosecuting hackers in North Carolina, CWA. It is possible they have involvement with Russia and the hacking of Weiner, and were partly responsible for the case that brought Comey the October e-mails from Weiners laptop. The working theory is that Boente worked that case to cover this up, and was rewarded for it.", '>>{SSeaborn} : Honestly, do you know what "fake news" actually means or do you just yell "Fake news" out at things you don\'t agree with.', ">>{i__like__stuff} : well lets see, they are pushing a lie, so it's not real, which means it's fake... fake news", ">>{fps_Aero} : I love how you have to play with the wording to justify it. So easily manipulated. Why wouldn't he mention it during his oh I don't know CONGRESSIONAL HEARING FOR AG.. not to mention the person he was in contact with just so happens to be a top Russian spy. But no, maybe when brietbart or infowars publishes how Trump and his teams actions are treasonous will you finally believe it. Because those sources are the reliable ones right?", '>>{wtfwasdat} : > They asked Sessions if he spoke to Russia about Trump\'s campaign Wrong. Did you even watch the video you linked to? Here... >Franken: "If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?" >Sessions :“I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”', '>>{Mawontalk} : I agree. No way to interpret this other than a lie, well, actually, two lies. "I\'m not aware of any of those activities" and "I did not have communications with the Russians."', ">>{hurtsdonut_} : There's bigger fish to fry than DeVos. Sure she sucks but she should be the least of our worries right now.", '>>{hurtsdonut_} : >**I did not have communications with the Russians.** ~Sessions', ">>{Choking_on_Diarrhea} : Nope, Sessions will continue on as AG and after ~3 days of this story being repeated on the news, they'll give up and move on to something else. No branch of government or agency with any power to do anything about Sessions will act on it. Decency is powerless in our federal government for the next 4 years.", ">>{wtfwasdat} : >well I did, but let's pretend that I wasn't affiliated with the trump campaign at that moment... even though I admit that I was lmao. Also I can't remember what we talked about ;)", '>>{clancydog4} : No. This is more similar to the Flynn situation than anything. He blatantly lied about russian contact to the US government, and now its out in the open. This is very similar to the Flynn situation, with major political figures calling for him to resign and major republicans saying this is bad, and i highly suspect *something* will happen. Wouldnt be surprised at all if it resulted in resignation. People who think this is "just another wacky trump story" are silly. This is one with serious legs', '>>{Choking_on_Diarrhea} : No way his "base" will essentially hand wave any and all evidence of wrongdoing from Trump or virtually anyone tied to his administration in any way. They *will not even accept the possibility* of wrong doing. We are dealing with the same mindset as anti-vaxxers, evangelicals, 9/11 CTers, and flat-earthers. You **WILL NOT** get through to them, and nothing ever will. He will have 100% of them as staunch supporters with 100% support no matter what he or anyone else does until the day those supporters die. They will never, ever, ever admit anyone in the Trump administration did anything wrong, ever. EDIT: [**Great Example**](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5x1i50/pelosi_calls_on_sessions_to_quit_after_post/deejn4a/)', '>>{snoopk123} : I have a feeling that when they get rid of Sessions there will be another corrupt Trump insider on the chopping block. What a shit show.', '>>{snoopk123} : Who knows how much more info they have on Sessions, hopefully it will keep leaking.', ">>{nicholas_nullus} : Yeah Trump tells on himself, too. edit: I keep reading about this and thinking of your post. You're spot on. These jokers are fried.", '>>{nicholas_nullus} : between the trump camp and the gop camp, the amount of corruption on the right is truly staggering. The dems are terrible too, but MY GOD! look at those republicans!', '>>{madusldasl} : Oh absolutely, just saying it would be nice.', ">>{clancydog4} : jesus dude, you've seriously been tracking this that long?? who cares, haha. And all I said was that i highly suspected something would happen, and i wouldn't be surprised if he resigned. And something DID happen - he recused himself from the investigation, and the investigations inro trumps campaign and russia are still continuing. You're right, he hasn't resigned. But I just said i wouldn't be surprised if he did - i wasn't guaranteeing it. Just saying the story had serious legs and something would happen - both of which were true. It's honestly bizarre how much you are trying to win this incredibly pointless online argument with a total stranger. I honestly didn't remember even making the post - it's been 17 days, dude. You win, if that's what you want"]]
classify and reply
['>>{LucyBowels} : Is this real life? This dude said last week he was staying out of it.', ">>{i_am_bullitt} : Anonymous warns Trump: 'You are going to regret the next four years'", '>>{flyistnihilist} : CNN/ORC poll: Most back boost in infrastructure spending, oppose growing military budget', ">>{Jabarumba} : When will Ivanka have her own 'the Fappening'?", '>>{thiman} : Sharon Jones Had a Stroke While ‘Watching the Election Results’', '>>{LBJ20XX} : > According to Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings, the election of Donald Trump as America\'s next president was the leading cause of Jones\'s initial stroke, which ultimately lead to her death. They really have no idea what "leading", "cause" or "leading cause" means when it comes to strokes. > "I saw her and she told the people that were there that Trump gave her the stroke. She was blaming Trump for the whole thing," he continued. Oh for fucks sake.', '>>{Mongo1021} : Sadly, that seems to be their track record lately.', '>>{ottolite} : Ben, Ben, wake up! You have a meeting in 10.', '>>{discourse_like_TRUMP} : My African American will lead his fellow URBAN blacks out of the ghettos! Believe me!', '>>{Boxxxen} : Calling your website *"vulture.com"* is **exactly right**. That\'s what this site is and what its operators are.', '>>{LucyBowels} : His life has not prepared him to be a Cabinet secretary, Williams said. http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Ben-Carson-says-no-to-possible-Trump-cabinet-position-472710', ">>{tedsmitts} : Your military is the biggest in the world by like, a lot, and you have crumbling bridges and a dam that just about burst. It's not a hard question.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : Or the she's first one to pull a Steve McQueen and make The Great Escape.", ">>{CLcore} : There's little point in launching counter-terrorism operations with the intention of saving lives if bridge collapses and contaminated water are killing us at home.", '>>{chamotruche} : I kind of had a stroke too, but I recovered thankfully.', '>>{shamefuless} : They grew up and became life insurance and used car salesman.', ">>{FlyingSquid} : ...because it's impossible to have a stroke while watching an election?", '>>{Tsarevich_Lyagushka} : Awesome, I wish Mr. Carson the best of luck.', ">>{truthhurts4444} : I can't wait for it be over. I hate how elections last three years in this country", '>>{0ne_Word} : We only spend vast sums of money killing people here, not giving them healthcare. Unfortunately.', ">>{-eattherich-} : Why do these people keep voting for Republicans? This is like US Politics 101. Republicans never invest in infrastructure, and they always increase military budgets. Just because they have country accents doesn't mean they are on your side.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Madame Prez will take the wheel soon enough. In the meantime, let's just enjoy watching Donnie slowly implode. It'll be fun.", ">>{joker68} : Been hearing that horseshit for over year. Get a grip it isn't going to happen.", '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : setup for discrediting Julian Castro, "But so was Ben Carson" start playing the long game kids, you missed your last vote.', ">>{FlyingSquid} : You left out the beginning of the sentence which said- > According to Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings, i.e. it was just one guy's opinion, not the article stating it as the cause. How low can *you* go?", '>>{berniebrah} : It is for republicans. The party of fiscal responsibility.', '>>{Malaix} : When have they ever done anything? Protested the church of Scientology that one time?', ">>{trogon} : If you kill them, you don't have to pay for their healthcare. Boom. Problem solved.", ">>{serpentinepad} : > the election of Donald Trump as America's next president was the leading cause of Jones's initial stroke, which ultimately lead to her death. Probably this part.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : lol have you looked outside of your bubble lately? At the rate Donnie is melting down he won't even make it to November. Imaginary meetings with Koch bros, imaginary letters from the NFL, imaginary phonecalls from imaginary governors...he's lost the fucking plot, son. It's awesome to behold.", '>>{The1andonlyZack} : What in the absolute fuck does he know about the subject? He has no background..no experience...at least with Trump you can fain his business experience as a reason....Brain Surgeon and Housing and urban Development have NOTHING to tie them...this is lunacy.', '>>{Mongo1021} : One would think that the potential is there for a group of talented and relentless hackers could uncover a lot of illegal behavior from Trump. For example, the public would be well served if we could read emails that Trump sent during the election. Hint - Hint', ">>{WienerNuggetLog} : Are you seriously going to say just because he's black he has qualifications for the in your words ghettos?? That's not at all what HUD does. Their job is to help smooth social transitions for people in need", ">>{Mudsnail} : [This is why we don't need a bigger military budget](http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/530e11ce6bb3f7a648bbff5c-800-/0053_defense-comparison-crop.gif)", ">>{moxy801} : It's like a 3 stooges cabinet except with a lot more stooges and instead of goofy sound effects, its real blood.", ">>{FlyingSquid} : You mean the part that began- > According to Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings, but which you left out to make it sound like it was an official statement in the article and not one person's opinion?", '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : you do get that he was joking that Donald picked a the job with "urban" in the title for the black guy right? He wasn\'t being serious. Uggg...I can\'t even tell what is satire anymore...I hate this year.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : The headline is: > Sharon Jones Had a Stroke While ‘Watching the Election Results’ She was, indeed, watching the election results when she had the stroke. That is a factual statement.', '>>{ConservatismCancer} : No, what is impossible is for what you are watching on TV to cause your stroke.', '>>{Asparagus64} : He had a bump after the RNC, but that seems to have subsided now.', ">>{infinite_blurghs} : So it's wrong for people to feel strong emotions about election results? Why is that so wrong? (BTW, I had a panic attack due to the election results, and that panic attack caused me to get no sleep that night. You know why I had a panic attack? Because I'm autistic, and Trump quite obviously hates disabled and autistic people.)", ">>{l_histoire} : The article is taking Carson's tweet as confirmation of his acceptance. Nothing has been announced.", ">>{joker68} : Don't trust the polls. After the last midterms I'm convinced they are as fake as Hillarys southern accent.", '>>{tiny_lil_owls} : Anonymous seems to be a useless turd ~~lately.~~', ">>{BigClifty} : Didn't they bust a pedophilia ring or something a while back?", '>>{TheLadyEve} : How does being a doctor make you qualified to be HUD secretary?', ">>{infinite_blurghs} : I barely got any sleep the night of the election results. I woke up at 2:30 AM, saw that Trump had won, and proceeded to have a panic attack that lasted the rest of the night. (My panic attack was mostly due to the fact that I'm autistic, and Trump has made it quite clear that he hates disabled and autistic people.) So I think it makes complete sense for the election results to have caused this woman to have a stroke. Trump has made his dislike for many different minorities very clear, so of course minorities are going to react strongly to the idea of him being president.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Actually a subset of them did form a white hat security company, so pretty much.', ">>{WHITES_GAVE_US_TRUMP} : What a lot of people don't realize is that the original members of Anonymous were vanned and now it's literally a bunch of communists. They're just Antifa with internet.", '>>{elliotron} : Bigger than the next four spenders or bigger than every spender behind the top five. Either way, Mercia has the biggest metal codpiece.', ">>{Asparagus64} : Then where did you mean when you said he's been trending up?", '>>{FlyingSquid} : And yet, the article never says that. *You* turned a quote into a statement. *You* were the dishonest one.', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : HIs tweet from five days ago, this is clickbait bullshit.', ">>{bbiggs32} : Dear Anonymous: Do something and take credit after. You have become a laughing stock because you you threaten some nefarious power, only to disappear and never be heard from again. It's all just crying wolf at this point.", ">>{FlyingSquid} : Well then I guess it's a good thing that the only person who said that was Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings and not, you know, a doctor or a coroner.", '>>{lend_me_a_tenor} : The problem is the military is popular. This is easy to turn around.', '>>{ShittyCumSquats} : The weaker you are the louder you bark.', '>>{Meatsim1} : I predict Clinton beating Trump like a small boy over her knee. Lets hope Im right', ">>{bad2bone2212} : Clinton only needs like 27 more electoral votes to win. Sorry but it's a mathematical certainty.", '>>{ConservatismCancer} : No shit, no one said it was a doctor and a coroner. The person you responded to literally said "The left needs to get a fucking grip" obviously referring to whoever suggested that watching Trump on TV ultimately killed this person. And then you decided that...what? No one suggested watching Trump caused this person\'s stroke? Now you\'re backtracking and saying no doctor said that? Why don\'t you try actually putting forth a coherent argument everyone can understand so we don\'t have to play this back and forth game to try and understand what you are attempting to say.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : TIL The left is one person: Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings.', '>>{icicleridge} : My worry is that the only reason he wants to grow the military budget is because he wants to go to war all over the place.', '>>{letdogsvote} : One makes jobs and helps at home, the other does the opposite. Pick one.', ">>{BearsNecessity} : Single issue voters. God, guns, tax cuts, strong borders, faux patriotism, so on and so forth. Support the military for GOP = support more military spending. Gives people the feeling that they're serving America without actually serving.", '>>{RIP_Hopscotch} : Anonymous has been mostly defanged over the years. All thats left is a bunch of politically motivated script kiddies and not much else. And honestly if they piss off Trump hes petty enough to go after every single one of them. They may not want to take this fight.', ">>{ConservatismCancer} : There we go, keep moving the goal posts. Maybe someday you'll accidentally post a relevant point.", '>>{beemoe} : Nuh uh, Clinton will. Doo doo head.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : I didn\'t move any goal posts. Here\'s what you said: > The person you responded to literally said "The left needs to get a fucking grip" obviously referring to whoever suggested that watching Trump on TV ultimately killed this person. "Whoever suggested that" was Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings. Therefore, Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings is The Left. Based on what you yourself said.', '>>{Turbohand} : Oh I see Anonymous took time off from humping warm fruit to make more impotent threats. Does anyone really care about these tweens anymore?', '>>{Jabarumba} : I know Melania does, but his daughter, too? Are you sure?', ">>{Guy_Le_Douche_} : Yeah, my local paper put it on the front page: TRUMP ADDS DIVERSITY TO CABINET. And it's true - he's gonna have a black guy and a woman. That should shut those liberals up.", ">>{MackLuster77} : I'll finally have a place to put all this grain!", '>>{ryan924} : Your local mayoral election just became ten times more important', '>>{ryan924} : The same way being a realty TV show star makes you qualifide to be president', ">>{HailTrumpHailVictory} : What are you talking about? Ben Carson is an urban-American, and during the primary campaign he spoke at length about his street origins. He knows how to deal with the ghettos and the hip-hop culture. He'll help leader Trump make the inner cities great again. This should shut up everyone who complained about white supremacy - Trump will be a great leader, ruling all his subjects equally.", ">>{MusicWithoutWords} : *Sigh.* The crappy news cycle of life used to be something like... - a crappy news site → Reddit → another site → possibly Reddit again → etc. It was bad enough but at least the news died with the news cycle. But now it's zombie news that lives on... - tweet → clickbait (probably without context) → etc. Since Tweeter is the source - the amount of crap is potentially endless.", '>>{Jabarumba} : I got my hopes up.... then nothing. Come on, Fappening!', '>>{HTownian25} : > The left needs to get a fucking grip. I\'ll light the "chill the fuck out" beacon, blow the Horn of Calmness, and drop Valium into the west coast\'s water supply.', ">>{zIRaXor} : They wont be able to do anything, trump will without a shadow of doubt put something in place worse than acta or what ever... basically everything will be monitored and regulated.. the best thing Anonymous can hope for is that during his 4 years he forget them.. if he gets wind of a group like anonymous caused him trouble, it wont be long before they are no longer anonymous. Pretty much any civil Trump calls out has been harassed into submission unless it's a famous person. But as for anonymous they are likely to be jailed and pay the toll of all of anonymous and he will gloat about it on Twitter. So yeah.. anonymous better lay low, and hope to go by unnoticed.. seems almost like oppression... won't be long before we have to hail our own glorious leader while watching military parades... Plot twist.. Good thing I don't live in US.. I feel sorry for you guys, but I hope for the best...", '>>{Armouren} : Anonymous is to hacking as Trump is to sueing.', '>>{mommy2libras} : You mean like a compote? Or pie filling?', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : If they had anything really good on him, they would know he wouldn't last those 4 years. More empty threats by wannabes.", ">>{HTownian25} : > The left is *whatever* one person *we're currently having a collective freak out over* FTFY. Btw, someone might want to check on /u/ConservatismCancer and make sure he's not having a stroke.", ">>{HTownian25} : I don't think I'll feel better for another four years, at least.", ">>{infinite_blurghs} : In other words, you refuse to even try to be compassionate, and you'd rather be a sarcastic ass instead. EDIT: It just occurred to me that you might not have been being sarcastic, and you might have meant that you yourself were really scared about the election results. If that's the case, then that makes me the asshole here, and I sincerely apologize for that. It's really easy for me to be defensive when talking about politics, though I know that's no excuse.", '>>{_CaptainObvious} : You ever been so triggered you suffered a stroke?', '>>{ennervated_scientist} : now now, there are a bunch of fascists as well', ">>{howitzer86} : Some say his son Baron has autism. I don't think he hates anyone specifically, he just punishes his enemies and rewards his loyalists. If someone gets on his nerves and has a disability, he's not shy about using that (or any insecurity) against them.", ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Only thing we're gonna grip is the Trump's balls and squeeze, Donnie is a coward and a flip flopper with no principles. He'll keep folding.", ">>{infinite_blurghs} : He shouldn't have so many enemies, though. The fact that he does just shows how hateful he is."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{flyistnihilist} : CNN/ORC poll: Most back boost in infrastructure spending, oppose growing military budget', ">>{tedsmitts} : Your military is the biggest in the world by like, a lot, and you have crumbling bridges and a dam that just about burst. It's not a hard question.", ">>{CLcore} : There's little point in launching counter-terrorism operations with the intention of saving lives if bridge collapses and contaminated water are killing us at home.", '>>{0ne_Word} : We only spend vast sums of money killing people here, not giving them healthcare. Unfortunately.', ">>{-eattherich-} : Why do these people keep voting for Republicans? This is like US Politics 101. Republicans never invest in infrastructure, and they always increase military budgets. Just because they have country accents doesn't mean they are on your side.", '>>{berniebrah} : It is for republicans. The party of fiscal responsibility.', ">>{trogon} : If you kill them, you don't have to pay for their healthcare. Boom. Problem solved.", ">>{Mudsnail} : [This is why we don't need a bigger military budget](http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/530e11ce6bb3f7a648bbff5c-800-/0053_defense-comparison-crop.gif)", '>>{elliotron} : Bigger than the next four spenders or bigger than every spender behind the top five. Either way, Mercia has the biggest metal codpiece.', '>>{lend_me_a_tenor} : The problem is the military is popular. This is easy to turn around.', '>>{icicleridge} : My worry is that the only reason he wants to grow the military budget is because he wants to go to war all over the place.', '>>{letdogsvote} : One makes jobs and helps at home, the other does the opposite. Pick one.', ">>{BearsNecessity} : Single issue voters. God, guns, tax cuts, strong borders, faux patriotism, so on and so forth. Support the military for GOP = support more military spending. Gives people the feeling that they're serving America without actually serving."], ['>>{thiman} : Sharon Jones Had a Stroke While ‘Watching the Election Results’', '>>{LBJ20XX} : > According to Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings, the election of Donald Trump as America\'s next president was the leading cause of Jones\'s initial stroke, which ultimately lead to her death. They really have no idea what "leading", "cause" or "leading cause" means when it comes to strokes. > "I saw her and she told the people that were there that Trump gave her the stroke. She was blaming Trump for the whole thing," he continued. Oh for fucks sake.', '>>{Boxxxen} : Calling your website *"vulture.com"* is **exactly right**. That\'s what this site is and what its operators are.', ">>{LBJ20XX} : Or the she's first one to pull a Steve McQueen and make The Great Escape.", '>>{chamotruche} : I kind of had a stroke too, but I recovered thankfully.', ">>{FlyingSquid} : ...because it's impossible to have a stroke while watching an election?", ">>{FlyingSquid} : You left out the beginning of the sentence which said- > According to Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings, i.e. it was just one guy's opinion, not the article stating it as the cause. How low can *you* go?", ">>{serpentinepad} : > the election of Donald Trump as America's next president was the leading cause of Jones's initial stroke, which ultimately lead to her death. Probably this part.", ">>{FlyingSquid} : You mean the part that began- > According to Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings, but which you left out to make it sound like it was an official statement in the article and not one person's opinion?", '>>{FlyingSquid} : The headline is: > Sharon Jones Had a Stroke While ‘Watching the Election Results’ She was, indeed, watching the election results when she had the stroke. That is a factual statement.', '>>{ConservatismCancer} : No, what is impossible is for what you are watching on TV to cause your stroke.', ">>{infinite_blurghs} : So it's wrong for people to feel strong emotions about election results? Why is that so wrong? (BTW, I had a panic attack due to the election results, and that panic attack caused me to get no sleep that night. You know why I had a panic attack? Because I'm autistic, and Trump quite obviously hates disabled and autistic people.)", ">>{infinite_blurghs} : I barely got any sleep the night of the election results. I woke up at 2:30 AM, saw that Trump had won, and proceeded to have a panic attack that lasted the rest of the night. (My panic attack was mostly due to the fact that I'm autistic, and Trump has made it quite clear that he hates disabled and autistic people.) So I think it makes complete sense for the election results to have caused this woman to have a stroke. Trump has made his dislike for many different minorities very clear, so of course minorities are going to react strongly to the idea of him being president.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : And yet, the article never says that. *You* turned a quote into a statement. *You* were the dishonest one.', ">>{FlyingSquid} : Well then I guess it's a good thing that the only person who said that was Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings and not, you know, a doctor or a coroner.", '>>{ConservatismCancer} : No shit, no one said it was a doctor and a coroner. The person you responded to literally said "The left needs to get a fucking grip" obviously referring to whoever suggested that watching Trump on TV ultimately killed this person. And then you decided that...what? No one suggested watching Trump caused this person\'s stroke? Now you\'re backtracking and saying no doctor said that? Why don\'t you try actually putting forth a coherent argument everyone can understand so we don\'t have to play this back and forth game to try and understand what you are attempting to say.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : TIL The left is one person: Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings.', ">>{ConservatismCancer} : There we go, keep moving the goal posts. Maybe someday you'll accidentally post a relevant point.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : I didn\'t move any goal posts. Here\'s what you said: > The person you responded to literally said "The left needs to get a fucking grip" obviously referring to whoever suggested that watching Trump on TV ultimately killed this person. "Whoever suggested that" was Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings. Therefore, Gabriel Roth of the Dap-Kings is The Left. Based on what you yourself said.', '>>{HTownian25} : > The left needs to get a fucking grip. I\'ll light the "chill the fuck out" beacon, blow the Horn of Calmness, and drop Valium into the west coast\'s water supply.', ">>{HTownian25} : > The left is *whatever* one person *we're currently having a collective freak out over* FTFY. Btw, someone might want to check on /u/ConservatismCancer and make sure he's not having a stroke.", ">>{HTownian25} : I don't think I'll feel better for another four years, at least.", ">>{infinite_blurghs} : In other words, you refuse to even try to be compassionate, and you'd rather be a sarcastic ass instead. EDIT: It just occurred to me that you might not have been being sarcastic, and you might have meant that you yourself were really scared about the election results. If that's the case, then that makes me the asshole here, and I sincerely apologize for that. It's really easy for me to be defensive when talking about politics, though I know that's no excuse.", '>>{_CaptainObvious} : You ever been so triggered you suffered a stroke?', ">>{howitzer86} : Some say his son Baron has autism. I don't think he hates anyone specifically, he just punishes his enemies and rewards his loyalists. If someone gets on his nerves and has a disability, he's not shy about using that (or any insecurity) against them.", ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Only thing we're gonna grip is the Trump's balls and squeeze, Donnie is a coward and a flip flopper with no principles. He'll keep folding.", ">>{infinite_blurghs} : He shouldn't have so many enemies, though. The fact that he does just shows how hateful he is."], [">>{i_am_bullitt} : Anonymous warns Trump: 'You are going to regret the next four years'", ">>{Jabarumba} : When will Ivanka have her own 'the Fappening'?", '>>{Mongo1021} : Sadly, that seems to be their track record lately.', '>>{shamefuless} : They grew up and became life insurance and used car salesman.', '>>{Malaix} : When have they ever done anything? Protested the church of Scientology that one time?', '>>{Mongo1021} : One would think that the potential is there for a group of talented and relentless hackers could uncover a lot of illegal behavior from Trump. For example, the public would be well served if we could read emails that Trump sent during the election. Hint - Hint', '>>{tiny_lil_owls} : Anonymous seems to be a useless turd ~~lately.~~', ">>{BigClifty} : Didn't they bust a pedophilia ring or something a while back?", '>>{pseudolocus} : Actually a subset of them did form a white hat security company, so pretty much.', ">>{WHITES_GAVE_US_TRUMP} : What a lot of people don't realize is that the original members of Anonymous were vanned and now it's literally a bunch of communists. They're just Antifa with internet.", ">>{bbiggs32} : Dear Anonymous: Do something and take credit after. You have become a laughing stock because you you threaten some nefarious power, only to disappear and never be heard from again. It's all just crying wolf at this point.", '>>{ShittyCumSquats} : The weaker you are the louder you bark.', '>>{RIP_Hopscotch} : Anonymous has been mostly defanged over the years. All thats left is a bunch of politically motivated script kiddies and not much else. And honestly if they piss off Trump hes petty enough to go after every single one of them. They may not want to take this fight.', '>>{Turbohand} : Oh I see Anonymous took time off from humping warm fruit to make more impotent threats. Does anyone really care about these tweens anymore?', '>>{Jabarumba} : I know Melania does, but his daughter, too? Are you sure?', '>>{Jabarumba} : I got my hopes up.... then nothing. Come on, Fappening!', ">>{zIRaXor} : They wont be able to do anything, trump will without a shadow of doubt put something in place worse than acta or what ever... basically everything will be monitored and regulated.. the best thing Anonymous can hope for is that during his 4 years he forget them.. if he gets wind of a group like anonymous caused him trouble, it wont be long before they are no longer anonymous. Pretty much any civil Trump calls out has been harassed into submission unless it's a famous person. But as for anonymous they are likely to be jailed and pay the toll of all of anonymous and he will gloat about it on Twitter. So yeah.. anonymous better lay low, and hope to go by unnoticed.. seems almost like oppression... won't be long before we have to hail our own glorious leader while watching military parades... Plot twist.. Good thing I don't live in US.. I feel sorry for you guys, but I hope for the best...", '>>{Armouren} : Anonymous is to hacking as Trump is to sueing.', '>>{mommy2libras} : You mean like a compote? Or pie filling?', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : If they had anything really good on him, they would know he wouldn't last those 4 years. More empty threats by wannabes.", '>>{ennervated_scientist} : now now, there are a bunch of fascists as well'], [">>{truthhurts4444} : I can't wait for it be over. I hate how elections last three years in this country", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Madame Prez will take the wheel soon enough. In the meantime, let's just enjoy watching Donnie slowly implode. It'll be fun.", ">>{joker68} : Been hearing that horseshit for over year. Get a grip it isn't going to happen.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : lol have you looked outside of your bubble lately? At the rate Donnie is melting down he won't even make it to November. Imaginary meetings with Koch bros, imaginary letters from the NFL, imaginary phonecalls from imaginary governors...he's lost the fucking plot, son. It's awesome to behold.", '>>{Asparagus64} : He had a bump after the RNC, but that seems to have subsided now.', ">>{joker68} : Don't trust the polls. After the last midterms I'm convinced they are as fake as Hillarys southern accent.", ">>{Asparagus64} : Then where did you mean when you said he's been trending up?", '>>{Meatsim1} : I predict Clinton beating Trump like a small boy over her knee. Lets hope Im right', ">>{bad2bone2212} : Clinton only needs like 27 more electoral votes to win. Sorry but it's a mathematical certainty.", '>>{beemoe} : Nuh uh, Clinton will. Doo doo head.'], ['>>{LucyBowels} : Is this real life? This dude said last week he was staying out of it.', '>>{ottolite} : Ben, Ben, wake up! You have a meeting in 10.', '>>{discourse_like_TRUMP} : My African American will lead his fellow URBAN blacks out of the ghettos! Believe me!', '>>{LucyBowels} : His life has not prepared him to be a Cabinet secretary, Williams said. http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Ben-Carson-says-no-to-possible-Trump-cabinet-position-472710', '>>{Tsarevich_Lyagushka} : Awesome, I wish Mr. Carson the best of luck.', '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : setup for discrediting Julian Castro, "But so was Ben Carson" start playing the long game kids, you missed your last vote.', '>>{The1andonlyZack} : What in the absolute fuck does he know about the subject? He has no background..no experience...at least with Trump you can fain his business experience as a reason....Brain Surgeon and Housing and urban Development have NOTHING to tie them...this is lunacy.', ">>{WienerNuggetLog} : Are you seriously going to say just because he's black he has qualifications for the in your words ghettos?? That's not at all what HUD does. Their job is to help smooth social transitions for people in need", ">>{moxy801} : It's like a 3 stooges cabinet except with a lot more stooges and instead of goofy sound effects, its real blood.", '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : you do get that he was joking that Donald picked a the job with "urban" in the title for the black guy right? He wasn\'t being serious. Uggg...I can\'t even tell what is satire anymore...I hate this year.', ">>{l_histoire} : The article is taking Carson's tweet as confirmation of his acceptance. Nothing has been announced.", '>>{TheLadyEve} : How does being a doctor make you qualified to be HUD secretary?', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : HIs tweet from five days ago, this is clickbait bullshit.', ">>{Guy_Le_Douche_} : Yeah, my local paper put it on the front page: TRUMP ADDS DIVERSITY TO CABINET. And it's true - he's gonna have a black guy and a woman. That should shut those liberals up.", ">>{MackLuster77} : I'll finally have a place to put all this grain!", '>>{ryan924} : Your local mayoral election just became ten times more important', '>>{ryan924} : The same way being a realty TV show star makes you qualifide to be president', ">>{HailTrumpHailVictory} : What are you talking about? Ben Carson is an urban-American, and during the primary campaign he spoke at length about his street origins. He knows how to deal with the ghettos and the hip-hop culture. He'll help leader Trump make the inner cities great again. This should shut up everyone who complained about white supremacy - Trump will be a great leader, ruling all his subjects equally.", ">>{MusicWithoutWords} : *Sigh.* The crappy news cycle of life used to be something like... - a crappy news site → Reddit → another site → possibly Reddit again → etc. It was bad enough but at least the news died with the news cycle. But now it's zombie news that lives on... - tweet → clickbait (probably without context) → etc. Since Tweeter is the source - the amount of crap is potentially endless."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Triggered_Trump} : >If Trump is going to lose and he’s thinking about what comes next, it’s best to lose with what helped him gain the passionate following, because you can monetize that passionate following Always follow the money. Trump is in this race to lose his way into some money. Grifters gotta grift...', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : They're scared of you Donnie! More of this!", '>>{durom} : iPhone sudden shutdown problem expands as Apple reacts to Chinese watchdog', '>>{Siege_2} : Price point seems a bit on the steep side. I guess I have to wait for reviews now.', ">>{mattchoo86} : The price is a tad high, but it doesn't look like they skimped on anything when it come to unlockable items.", '>>{throwmeaway69b} : Debuting in January, the Breitbart Network with Donnie boy running the show.', '>>{kugelblitz} : Is this issue related to 6s on any iOS versions or just the latest ios? Been hugely disappointed since updating my 6 to ios10.1.1', '>>{i_punch_hipsters} : This is the best thing to happen to the Clinton campaign since they started. They are going to tie Brietbart and Trump so closely together you can\'t tell them apart. I guarantee you they will soon be running ads just featuring Brietbart\'s ridiculous "news" articles and racist conspiracy theories, and they are going to make Trump go out and defend them all day long. This campaign is going to shine a giant spotlight on the Brrietbart and alt-right media cesspool for the entire country to see, and it\'s going to absolutely tank a campagin they had no chance of winning anyway. She\'s now gunning for massive gains in the Senate and possibly even taking the house.', '>>{Thrilllho} : My 6s only started doing this on ios10. It was fine before. Now it would shut down around 20% or last on hours at 1%', ">>{rhunter99} : My 6s plus randomly shuts down and won't turn on unless I plug it in", '>>{KurzGedanke} : I looove Binding of Isaac but the 3DS Port makes me a bit caution, so I will wait for some review or reddit comments who says: "Yep, it is playable." Then there is no morning. :D 15$ is a fine price, I think, if it has the quality as the desktop Isaac. I mean, it is Isaac, we know that compered with playtime this game is worth a lot more. (Hey good old AAA title for 60€ and 10h playtime) So, I think it really depends on the port.', '>>{NotaFrenchMaid} : My 6 gave me trouble since moving to iOS 10 as well.', ">>{kugelblitz} : Same here. Especially since the latest update. - passcode screen randomly comes on while phones locked - randomly get the spinning wheel like its switching off - battery usage isn't showing up - battery life is terrible while using any app, standby is ok, eg music - 1% per minute of playback Taking it in to see what they say (still under warranty)", ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Who could've predicted something like this? Nobody, that's who.", ">>{its_a_thing_now} : Mine does too, but my serial number doesn't fall inside their perimeters for the replacement.", '>>{liberte_} : Certain to be renamed something with Trump in the name', '>>{DaShata} : Have you been using the charger and cable that came with your phone? Just curious.. Or have you used different lightning cables over time', '>>{rhunter99} : various cables and chargers. never had a problem with previous gen iPhones.', ">>{BiotechBum} : ~500 combines rebirth and OG hours here. Just bought it and giggled as I played through the first two floors. Controls are decent and it seems to run well on my 6s Plus (no frame drops I can see, but I don't have any items with intense animations yet). Hope that helps.", ">>{mathiastodd21} : I'm at my Grandmothers' house watching Fox and they are spinning this like a top.", ">>{neoookami} : It's the same price as on every other platform it's released on.", ">>{the92jays} : I can't believe we're still talking about this fake wall that will never get built.", ">>{TwoLeaf_} : ITT: 15$ is too much!! it's the same price on PC. it's a one time purchase, or would you rather have IAP? this sub...", ">>{throwmeaway69b} : Or maybe he'll just end up calling this guy a loser and other nasty stuff once the election is over.", ">>{rhunter99} : I have a genius appointment setup. hopefully they'll figure out what's going on", '>>{Bulldog65} : Of course not. Even Trump has said as much, clarifying that money saved from the impact of illegal aliens on American communities, and common sense changes to NAFTA would more than cover the "wall". The President of Mexico is fine with that. He like many others is an unfortunate victim of the yellow journalists and liberals that spread lies and dis-information. Nieto found out like many Americans that Trump is not the evil person he has been portrayed as being. He found out that Him and Trump have a lot of common views. Trump now has more press conferences in Mexico this year than Hilary (who snubbed the president of Mexico\'s invitation) has worldwide in 2016. I wonder if anybody will ask Nieto who he would vote for ? Trump loves legal law abiding Mexicans, he couldn\'t be more clear about that. He loathes violent drug dealing gang and cartel Mexicans, human traffickers, gun runners (I\'m looking at you Eric Holder, and Obama), etc. In that him and President Nieto are in agreement.', ">>{nb4hnp} : The same as it's always been on every platform lol", '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : This is a disgusting assertion to make. You cannot be pro legal Mexicans and want to deport them as well. Disgusting man trump is.', ">>{Meetchel} : > Trump loves legal law abiding Mexicans Wait, what? He fucking said that a Mexican-American judge (who's family has been here longer than Trump's) couldn't rule fairly because of his heritage. What has Trump done to show his love for Mexicans?", ">>{FresherUnderPressure} : I know, I wonder what's next. Not getting a single black vote?", '>>{Bulldog65} : He said today "And I happen to have a tremendous feeling for Mexican Americans not only in terms of friendships, but in terms of the tremendous numbers that I employ in the United States and they are amazing people, amazing people. I have many friends, so many friends and so many friends coming to Mexico and in Mexico. I am proud to say how many people I employ. And the United States first, second and third generation Mexicans are just beyond reproach. Spectacular, spectacular hard-working people. I have such great respect for them and their strong values of family, faith and community."', ">>{Emma_Frost-Summers} : I'm surprised no one has accused her of Killing ol' Andrew yet.", '>>{Meetchel} : >When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.', ">>{djfacebooth} : You don't deport legal mexicans. Although, atleast you live up to your name.", '>>{hurtsdonut_} : You think Nieto would vote for Trump? Are you delusional?', '>>{Bulldog65} : I am all for legal immigration. I love Mexico, I know firsthand that Mexicans are by and large fine people. I hate illegal immigration. There is no way to adequately budget or prepare for it. It drives down wages for all working class people (are you one of the 1% ?), is responsible for skyrocketing insurance and healthcare costs. There are currently 13 million illegal immigrants in the United States due to unrestricted immigration. That is equivalent to every man, woman, and child in Illinois. They "snuck" in, for reference the Chinese have a 3 million man army. If 13 million Mexicans can sneak in, how many ISIS fighters do you think could ?', ">>{Meetchel} : He's an idiot. Ignore him, hopefully he'll slink back to his little cesspool of ignorance /r/The_Donald.", ">>{its_a_thing_now} : Hopefully they figure it out for you! I'm just going to upgrade later this month.", ">>{mattchoo86} : Yeah, I noticed that. Would have been nice if it was a few dollars cheaper, but I still think that, with everything the game offers already, it's well worth the price. Especially if it runs great.", '>>{rhunter99} : lucky. I need to make this last until the 8 or 8S comes out.', '>>{its_a_thing_now} : God speed my friend, my the iPhone gods be on your side!', '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : You people want all the immigrants gone so they stop stealing ur jerbs', ">>{Benny_Bangaroo} : $15 seems expensive for an app but if it's playable and a full game then I'd pay $15 for it. Does anyone on this sub have it? If not I may bite the bullet and then report back.", ">>{LeftistPropagandist} : So you think all the Muslims are isis fighters if they speak English? Seriously your people's bigoted actions never end", ">>{NotaFrenchMaid} : I traded mine in (protection plan through Best Buy, where I bought it from) for another 6 in the hopes that this new one is better, since I actually filed the claim before this battery issue became common knowledge. I thought my phone was just a dud. Here's hoping iPhone 6.2 is a bit more reliable.", ">>{Bulldog65} : Well lets hope someone asks him and we hear about it. I'm fairly certain he will be asked. If we don't hear that he is endorsing Clinton, we can be fairly sure he likes Trump. He might like someone that will work with him to stop the human trafficking and violence that is claiming tens and thousands of Mexican lives every year.", ">>{Bulldog65} : Improper use of the word Mexico if you are a grammar nazi. Mexico does send some of their as legal immigrants, that make great contributions to, and integrate wonderfully into our diverse melting pot culture. I think anyone with an IQ higher than their age can understand he was referring to the flow of gang and cartel members. Violent criminals, victims of human trafficking, etc. He wants to stop this flow. Do you think this makes him a bad person ? FYI President Nieto wants the same thing for Mexico's southern border because illegal immigrants have brought a lot of crime and heartache upon the good people of Mexico. Is he a bad person ?", '>>{ahrzal} : On Reddit, people will be pessimists and say "it will only make it grow! The alt right will take over!" Except it won\'t. 90% of America have never even heard of the alt-right. 95% of America probably had never heard of Brietbart. After this election, both will be lumped together as a borderline enemy of the public.', '>>{Bulldog65} : He said he felt scared the judge of Mexican heritage might be swayed by the racist lies being spread about him. Specifically that he hated Mexicans. Obviously not true, he went to Mexico today at their invitation. He must like and respect them. Judges should recuse themselves from any case with a potential conflict of interests. Even if there is shadow of a possibility, to prevent appeal on those grounds. There are plenty of judges to go around. It may be that his lawyers (who know the judge and how he rules) felt like they could do better. They have a legal duty to use any legal means possible to get a favorable outcome for their client. That unfortunately is the way it is in a complex legal and business environment. Are you saying in his shoes you would just bend over and take it ?', ">>{Bulldog65} : Wut ? Where is that coming from ? Please tell me if you can in a logical and rational manner. I'm cislogical and translogical people sometimes trigger me.", ">>{1SoulShallNotBeLost} : I bought it. I've played on the 3DS and computer. I can't give a full review but it loads quick and the controls are alright. I like how it auto shoots for you but don't know how that will behave with things like brimstone. I played a TON of Terraria on my phone so I am used to phone controls and this is on par to that control wise so far.", '>>{sdbest} : I\'d go further. Trump and Bannon aren\'t interested in the presidency. They\'re interested in the "passionate following" they can "monetize" and that\'s all. From day one, Trump\'s campaign has been nothing but a grand con. He never thought he\'d win the nomination. But, now that he has he\'s going for bigger fish and more marks. With Bannon\'s help and the hundreds of thousands of rubes who hang on his every word, Trump\'s got the makings of a TV, radio, and print media operation. Trump and Bannon are going after Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times and the other Right Wing media cash machines. And, they\'re using a faux presidential campaign as the greatest PR stunt ever pulled off the United States. Look at all of Trump\'s decisions. None of them are what a serious candidate for the presidency would do. All of them are what con would do to hook and reel in the marks and suckers. So, what happens if Trump wins? No problem. Trump resigns and Pence become president. Does anyone seriously think Trump is going to turn over the management of his businesses to a blind trust? Not on your life. Running to be President of the United States is nothing more than Trump\'s Spring Time for Hitler.', ">>{Bulldog65} : Is Hilary going to stop the flow of guns into Mexico ? Want to watch fast and furious 2 ? Both American and Mexican law enforcement officers have been killed by the guns Obama sent down there (and lied about). Tens of thousands of Mexicans are being slaughtered because the border is not secure. I don't think I'm delusional. I don't know about you.", ">>{neoookami} : It's the full game. Running smooth for me so far but touch controls are gonna take some serious adjustment.", ">>{hurtsdonut_} : That's the drug cartels causing the violence. The only way you end that would be to legalize drugs in America. They didn't just get guns from the US and decide to start killing people. No wall will stop the drugs or people coming to the US.", '>>{clone2204} : > I think anyone with an IQ higher than their age can understand he was referring to the flow of gang and cartel members You are entirely right, he was talking about gang members and cartels crossing the border. However, the problem is the way he said it implied that they are the *only* people crossing the border, and that everyone crossing the border is just a murderer and a rapist. In fact, he implied the exact opposite of reality with the "some I assume are alright" statement, because in reality the vast majority of illegal immigrants are just normal people trying to find a better life.', ">>{Bulldog65} : So HRC shows her love by refusing their invitation to discuss building ties. Look up integrity, study and understand the definition. Judges should be impartial. Do you think our supreme court is impartial ? Are you really saying their is no way political affiliation or views could influence a judge's decision ? I guess you don't care then that establishment republicans are blocking Obama's attempt to stack the court, you will be happy with a republican majority on the bench ? Yeah, I thought so (drops microphone).", '>>{Bulldog65} : Legalize all drugs ? Physically addictive stuff like Heroin, Meth and Cocaine guaranteed to destroy lives ? I, and the rest of America will never be for that. You say my choices are to give up and have Heroin in the open being peddled to kids or keep Mexico a shithole, huh ? What kind of logical fallacy is that snowflake ? Why would anyone respect a person who employs it ?', ">>{CurryGettinSpicy} : Runs super smooth on my SE! $15 so little for the amount of hours I'm gonna play this. I just also bought FF VI tho so I prolly need to chill a bit on my purchases lol", ">>{nipplekick} : Y'all need to stop using your phone at the wrong ambient air temp.", ">>{Gareth321} : I also hold my phone the wrong way sometimes. I'm just the worst type of consumer.", '>>{Bulldog65} : Ah, the better life in America. America with the magic soil, just get there and you too can successful. Because either it really is magic soil, or people that fucked their own country up want to come fuck up our country. Is that what "for ourselves and our posterity means" ? Generations of Americans have worked hard, worked together (while welcoming an acceptable level of new legal immigrants to become part of America) to build a great nation to pass on to their children (their posterity). **They have fought and died for this (here in America, and abroad)** People in other countries are capable of this also, we will even help them, but its easier to just take someone else\'s shit. Especially if third parties are helping you. A redistribution of the trans-generational transfer of wealth, from my my kids and my savings account to your new MS13 friends from El Salvador. Can you see why some might be against this ? They love their children. Does that make them racist ?', ">>{serdnaderf} : > A redistribution of the trans-generational transfer of wealth, from my my kids and my savings account to your new MS13 friends from El Salvador. Can you see why some might be against this ? They love their children. Does that make them racist ? This fiscal burden translates into an annual fiscal outlay of about $200 for each household headed by a U.S. citizen or $14,000 over a lifetime ended at age 70. Yeah, you're racist if you think brown people are preventing you from passing down your wealth.", ">>{nipplekick} : Lol 5 years later and still apple can't live down that one stupid line. I love it.", '>>{lenny_davidman} : As a lib I agree, PLEASE MORE OF THIS. My body is ready!', ">>{pensee_idee} : Really? Mexico won't voluntarily pay for a thing that they don't want and that we have *no way* to force them to buy? Actually, the thing that surprises me is learning that there was anyone who seriously believed that Mexico *might* pay.", ">>{Bulldog65} : $113 Billion (29B federal, 84B state/local) divided by 125 million households is $904/yr. Lets say 40 working years (25-65) and 5% returns. I get $109,000 per head of household. This does not account for lost wages due to artificial distortion of supply/demand in labor market. Does not take into account money lost due to higher healthcare/insurance costs. Etc., Etc. 100k and turning your country into a violent drug infested shithole pretty high costs IMHO. Very cavalier of you to want to force this upon your fellow citizens with accusations of racism. Are you so naive to think these issues were not well addressed before you were born ? This is America, we have been importing immigrants since 1783, and we're pretty good at it. Best in the world in fact. Best in world history. But you say we're racist. Think Bureau of Immigration and Nationalization just picked numbers out of a hat when targets for **legal** immigration were set ? Naive enough to think that liberals at that time weren't pushing for the highest possible numbers ? Naive enough to believe these target numbers haven't been re-examined, and re-evaluated regularly ? So what gives you the right to take 100K of **my hard earned money** from my kids and give away to people here criminally ? Your self appointed moral superiority ? What if I'm an American of Latino descent ? Am I still racist ?", '>>{serdnaderf} : Yes, brown people can be racist. I love the nationalism and use of bold. Excellent piece.', ">>{Bulldog65} : Okay then, I can't compete with those kinds of facts and logic. You win this internet argument. God save us all if your people win the election.", '>>{serdnaderf} : Why do you use a space prior to the use of a question mark?', '>>{Bulldog65} : Personal taste. Because I think it looks cleaner online. Does that change facts? Or logic?', '>>{0b3r0n} : We can start by decriminalising them. Portugal did so in 2001 and deaths from overdose, underage drug use, and national addiction rates have fallen since then. It follows that, as leniency led to less drug-related societal ills, legalizing drugs with regulations, like alcohol nationwide and marijuana in some states, gradually would produce similar, possibly better results.', '>>{clone2204} : You have completely missed my point. I am not talking about whether immigrants find a better life here, or whether we should allow them over the border, those are different issues for a different conversation. I am talking about trumps derogatory comments towards Mexicans. You said that trump was talking about drug dealers and cartels when he said Mexico was sending their worst over the border, and I am agreeing. The problem I am pointing out is that he was also insinuating that everyone that is crossing the border is a murderer/drug dealer/rapist because the *vast* majority of illegal immigrants are just normal people.', '>>{heroic_cat} : Yeah, gotta combat our negative illegal immigration, keep those cheap laborers from leaving!', '>>{serdnaderf} : Nope, just pointing out a tendency of sociopaths. Have a wonderful life.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{durom} : iPhone sudden shutdown problem expands as Apple reacts to Chinese watchdog', '>>{kugelblitz} : Is this issue related to 6s on any iOS versions or just the latest ios? Been hugely disappointed since updating my 6 to ios10.1.1', '>>{Thrilllho} : My 6s only started doing this on ios10. It was fine before. Now it would shut down around 20% or last on hours at 1%', ">>{rhunter99} : My 6s plus randomly shuts down and won't turn on unless I plug it in", '>>{NotaFrenchMaid} : My 6 gave me trouble since moving to iOS 10 as well.', ">>{kugelblitz} : Same here. Especially since the latest update. - passcode screen randomly comes on while phones locked - randomly get the spinning wheel like its switching off - battery usage isn't showing up - battery life is terrible while using any app, standby is ok, eg music - 1% per minute of playback Taking it in to see what they say (still under warranty)", ">>{its_a_thing_now} : Mine does too, but my serial number doesn't fall inside their perimeters for the replacement.", '>>{DaShata} : Have you been using the charger and cable that came with your phone? Just curious.. Or have you used different lightning cables over time', '>>{rhunter99} : various cables and chargers. never had a problem with previous gen iPhones.', ">>{rhunter99} : I have a genius appointment setup. hopefully they'll figure out what's going on", ">>{its_a_thing_now} : Hopefully they figure it out for you! I'm just going to upgrade later this month.", '>>{rhunter99} : lucky. I need to make this last until the 8 or 8S comes out.', '>>{its_a_thing_now} : God speed my friend, my the iPhone gods be on your side!', ">>{NotaFrenchMaid} : I traded mine in (protection plan through Best Buy, where I bought it from) for another 6 in the hopes that this new one is better, since I actually filed the claim before this battery issue became common knowledge. I thought my phone was just a dud. Here's hoping iPhone 6.2 is a bit more reliable.", ">>{nipplekick} : Y'all need to stop using your phone at the wrong ambient air temp.", ">>{Gareth321} : I also hold my phone the wrong way sometimes. I'm just the worst type of consumer.", ">>{nipplekick} : Lol 5 years later and still apple can't live down that one stupid line. I love it."], [">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Who could've predicted something like this? Nobody, that's who.", ">>{mathiastodd21} : I'm at my Grandmothers' house watching Fox and they are spinning this like a top.", ">>{the92jays} : I can't believe we're still talking about this fake wall that will never get built.", '>>{Bulldog65} : Of course not. Even Trump has said as much, clarifying that money saved from the impact of illegal aliens on American communities, and common sense changes to NAFTA would more than cover the "wall". The President of Mexico is fine with that. He like many others is an unfortunate victim of the yellow journalists and liberals that spread lies and dis-information. Nieto found out like many Americans that Trump is not the evil person he has been portrayed as being. He found out that Him and Trump have a lot of common views. Trump now has more press conferences in Mexico this year than Hilary (who snubbed the president of Mexico\'s invitation) has worldwide in 2016. I wonder if anybody will ask Nieto who he would vote for ? Trump loves legal law abiding Mexicans, he couldn\'t be more clear about that. He loathes violent drug dealing gang and cartel Mexicans, human traffickers, gun runners (I\'m looking at you Eric Holder, and Obama), etc. In that him and President Nieto are in agreement.', '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : This is a disgusting assertion to make. You cannot be pro legal Mexicans and want to deport them as well. Disgusting man trump is.', ">>{Meetchel} : > Trump loves legal law abiding Mexicans Wait, what? He fucking said that a Mexican-American judge (who's family has been here longer than Trump's) couldn't rule fairly because of his heritage. What has Trump done to show his love for Mexicans?", ">>{FresherUnderPressure} : I know, I wonder what's next. Not getting a single black vote?", '>>{Bulldog65} : He said today "And I happen to have a tremendous feeling for Mexican Americans not only in terms of friendships, but in terms of the tremendous numbers that I employ in the United States and they are amazing people, amazing people. I have many friends, so many friends and so many friends coming to Mexico and in Mexico. I am proud to say how many people I employ. And the United States first, second and third generation Mexicans are just beyond reproach. Spectacular, spectacular hard-working people. I have such great respect for them and their strong values of family, faith and community."', '>>{Meetchel} : >When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.', ">>{djfacebooth} : You don't deport legal mexicans. Although, atleast you live up to your name.", '>>{hurtsdonut_} : You think Nieto would vote for Trump? Are you delusional?', '>>{Bulldog65} : I am all for legal immigration. I love Mexico, I know firsthand that Mexicans are by and large fine people. I hate illegal immigration. There is no way to adequately budget or prepare for it. It drives down wages for all working class people (are you one of the 1% ?), is responsible for skyrocketing insurance and healthcare costs. There are currently 13 million illegal immigrants in the United States due to unrestricted immigration. That is equivalent to every man, woman, and child in Illinois. They "snuck" in, for reference the Chinese have a 3 million man army. If 13 million Mexicans can sneak in, how many ISIS fighters do you think could ?', ">>{Meetchel} : He's an idiot. Ignore him, hopefully he'll slink back to his little cesspool of ignorance /r/The_Donald.", '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : You people want all the immigrants gone so they stop stealing ur jerbs', ">>{LeftistPropagandist} : So you think all the Muslims are isis fighters if they speak English? Seriously your people's bigoted actions never end", ">>{Bulldog65} : Well lets hope someone asks him and we hear about it. I'm fairly certain he will be asked. If we don't hear that he is endorsing Clinton, we can be fairly sure he likes Trump. He might like someone that will work with him to stop the human trafficking and violence that is claiming tens and thousands of Mexican lives every year.", ">>{Bulldog65} : Improper use of the word Mexico if you are a grammar nazi. Mexico does send some of their as legal immigrants, that make great contributions to, and integrate wonderfully into our diverse melting pot culture. I think anyone with an IQ higher than their age can understand he was referring to the flow of gang and cartel members. Violent criminals, victims of human trafficking, etc. He wants to stop this flow. Do you think this makes him a bad person ? FYI President Nieto wants the same thing for Mexico's southern border because illegal immigrants have brought a lot of crime and heartache upon the good people of Mexico. Is he a bad person ?", '>>{Bulldog65} : He said he felt scared the judge of Mexican heritage might be swayed by the racist lies being spread about him. Specifically that he hated Mexicans. Obviously not true, he went to Mexico today at their invitation. He must like and respect them. Judges should recuse themselves from any case with a potential conflict of interests. Even if there is shadow of a possibility, to prevent appeal on those grounds. There are plenty of judges to go around. It may be that his lawyers (who know the judge and how he rules) felt like they could do better. They have a legal duty to use any legal means possible to get a favorable outcome for their client. That unfortunately is the way it is in a complex legal and business environment. Are you saying in his shoes you would just bend over and take it ?', ">>{Bulldog65} : Wut ? Where is that coming from ? Please tell me if you can in a logical and rational manner. I'm cislogical and translogical people sometimes trigger me.", ">>{Bulldog65} : Is Hilary going to stop the flow of guns into Mexico ? Want to watch fast and furious 2 ? Both American and Mexican law enforcement officers have been killed by the guns Obama sent down there (and lied about). Tens of thousands of Mexicans are being slaughtered because the border is not secure. I don't think I'm delusional. I don't know about you.", ">>{hurtsdonut_} : That's the drug cartels causing the violence. The only way you end that would be to legalize drugs in America. They didn't just get guns from the US and decide to start killing people. No wall will stop the drugs or people coming to the US.", '>>{clone2204} : > I think anyone with an IQ higher than their age can understand he was referring to the flow of gang and cartel members You are entirely right, he was talking about gang members and cartels crossing the border. However, the problem is the way he said it implied that they are the *only* people crossing the border, and that everyone crossing the border is just a murderer and a rapist. In fact, he implied the exact opposite of reality with the "some I assume are alright" statement, because in reality the vast majority of illegal immigrants are just normal people trying to find a better life.', ">>{Bulldog65} : So HRC shows her love by refusing their invitation to discuss building ties. Look up integrity, study and understand the definition. Judges should be impartial. Do you think our supreme court is impartial ? Are you really saying their is no way political affiliation or views could influence a judge's decision ? I guess you don't care then that establishment republicans are blocking Obama's attempt to stack the court, you will be happy with a republican majority on the bench ? Yeah, I thought so (drops microphone).", '>>{Bulldog65} : Legalize all drugs ? Physically addictive stuff like Heroin, Meth and Cocaine guaranteed to destroy lives ? I, and the rest of America will never be for that. You say my choices are to give up and have Heroin in the open being peddled to kids or keep Mexico a shithole, huh ? What kind of logical fallacy is that snowflake ? Why would anyone respect a person who employs it ?', '>>{Bulldog65} : Ah, the better life in America. America with the magic soil, just get there and you too can successful. Because either it really is magic soil, or people that fucked their own country up want to come fuck up our country. Is that what "for ourselves and our posterity means" ? Generations of Americans have worked hard, worked together (while welcoming an acceptable level of new legal immigrants to become part of America) to build a great nation to pass on to their children (their posterity). **They have fought and died for this (here in America, and abroad)** People in other countries are capable of this also, we will even help them, but its easier to just take someone else\'s shit. Especially if third parties are helping you. A redistribution of the trans-generational transfer of wealth, from my my kids and my savings account to your new MS13 friends from El Salvador. Can you see why some might be against this ? They love their children. Does that make them racist ?', ">>{serdnaderf} : > A redistribution of the trans-generational transfer of wealth, from my my kids and my savings account to your new MS13 friends from El Salvador. Can you see why some might be against this ? They love their children. Does that make them racist ? This fiscal burden translates into an annual fiscal outlay of about $200 for each household headed by a U.S. citizen or $14,000 over a lifetime ended at age 70. Yeah, you're racist if you think brown people are preventing you from passing down your wealth.", ">>{pensee_idee} : Really? Mexico won't voluntarily pay for a thing that they don't want and that we have *no way* to force them to buy? Actually, the thing that surprises me is learning that there was anyone who seriously believed that Mexico *might* pay.", ">>{Bulldog65} : $113 Billion (29B federal, 84B state/local) divided by 125 million households is $904/yr. Lets say 40 working years (25-65) and 5% returns. I get $109,000 per head of household. This does not account for lost wages due to artificial distortion of supply/demand in labor market. Does not take into account money lost due to higher healthcare/insurance costs. Etc., Etc. 100k and turning your country into a violent drug infested shithole pretty high costs IMHO. Very cavalier of you to want to force this upon your fellow citizens with accusations of racism. Are you so naive to think these issues were not well addressed before you were born ? This is America, we have been importing immigrants since 1783, and we're pretty good at it. Best in the world in fact. Best in world history. But you say we're racist. Think Bureau of Immigration and Nationalization just picked numbers out of a hat when targets for **legal** immigration were set ? Naive enough to think that liberals at that time weren't pushing for the highest possible numbers ? Naive enough to believe these target numbers haven't been re-examined, and re-evaluated regularly ? So what gives you the right to take 100K of **my hard earned money** from my kids and give away to people here criminally ? Your self appointed moral superiority ? What if I'm an American of Latino descent ? Am I still racist ?", '>>{serdnaderf} : Yes, brown people can be racist. I love the nationalism and use of bold. Excellent piece.', ">>{Bulldog65} : Okay then, I can't compete with those kinds of facts and logic. You win this internet argument. God save us all if your people win the election.", '>>{serdnaderf} : Why do you use a space prior to the use of a question mark?', '>>{Bulldog65} : Personal taste. Because I think it looks cleaner online. Does that change facts? Or logic?', '>>{0b3r0n} : We can start by decriminalising them. Portugal did so in 2001 and deaths from overdose, underage drug use, and national addiction rates have fallen since then. It follows that, as leniency led to less drug-related societal ills, legalizing drugs with regulations, like alcohol nationwide and marijuana in some states, gradually would produce similar, possibly better results.', '>>{clone2204} : You have completely missed my point. I am not talking about whether immigrants find a better life here, or whether we should allow them over the border, those are different issues for a different conversation. I am talking about trumps derogatory comments towards Mexicans. You said that trump was talking about drug dealers and cartels when he said Mexico was sending their worst over the border, and I am agreeing. The problem I am pointing out is that he was also insinuating that everyone that is crossing the border is a murderer/drug dealer/rapist because the *vast* majority of illegal immigrants are just normal people.', '>>{heroic_cat} : Yeah, gotta combat our negative illegal immigration, keep those cheap laborers from leaving!', '>>{serdnaderf} : Nope, just pointing out a tendency of sociopaths. Have a wonderful life.'], ['>>{Triggered_Trump} : >If Trump is going to lose and he’s thinking about what comes next, it’s best to lose with what helped him gain the passionate following, because you can monetize that passionate following Always follow the money. Trump is in this race to lose his way into some money. Grifters gotta grift...', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : They're scared of you Donnie! More of this!", '>>{throwmeaway69b} : Debuting in January, the Breitbart Network with Donnie boy running the show.', '>>{i_punch_hipsters} : This is the best thing to happen to the Clinton campaign since they started. They are going to tie Brietbart and Trump so closely together you can\'t tell them apart. I guarantee you they will soon be running ads just featuring Brietbart\'s ridiculous "news" articles and racist conspiracy theories, and they are going to make Trump go out and defend them all day long. This campaign is going to shine a giant spotlight on the Brrietbart and alt-right media cesspool for the entire country to see, and it\'s going to absolutely tank a campagin they had no chance of winning anyway. She\'s now gunning for massive gains in the Senate and possibly even taking the house.', '>>{liberte_} : Certain to be renamed something with Trump in the name', ">>{throwmeaway69b} : Or maybe he'll just end up calling this guy a loser and other nasty stuff once the election is over.", ">>{Emma_Frost-Summers} : I'm surprised no one has accused her of Killing ol' Andrew yet.", '>>{ahrzal} : On Reddit, people will be pessimists and say "it will only make it grow! The alt right will take over!" Except it won\'t. 90% of America have never even heard of the alt-right. 95% of America probably had never heard of Brietbart. After this election, both will be lumped together as a borderline enemy of the public.', '>>{sdbest} : I\'d go further. Trump and Bannon aren\'t interested in the presidency. They\'re interested in the "passionate following" they can "monetize" and that\'s all. From day one, Trump\'s campaign has been nothing but a grand con. He never thought he\'d win the nomination. But, now that he has he\'s going for bigger fish and more marks. With Bannon\'s help and the hundreds of thousands of rubes who hang on his every word, Trump\'s got the makings of a TV, radio, and print media operation. Trump and Bannon are going after Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times and the other Right Wing media cash machines. And, they\'re using a faux presidential campaign as the greatest PR stunt ever pulled off the United States. Look at all of Trump\'s decisions. None of them are what a serious candidate for the presidency would do. All of them are what con would do to hook and reel in the marks and suckers. So, what happens if Trump wins? No problem. Trump resigns and Pence become president. Does anyone seriously think Trump is going to turn over the management of his businesses to a blind trust? Not on your life. Running to be President of the United States is nothing more than Trump\'s Spring Time for Hitler.', '>>{lenny_davidman} : As a lib I agree, PLEASE MORE OF THIS. My body is ready!'], ['>>{Siege_2} : Price point seems a bit on the steep side. I guess I have to wait for reviews now.', ">>{mattchoo86} : The price is a tad high, but it doesn't look like they skimped on anything when it come to unlockable items.", '>>{KurzGedanke} : I looove Binding of Isaac but the 3DS Port makes me a bit caution, so I will wait for some review or reddit comments who says: "Yep, it is playable." Then there is no morning. :D 15$ is a fine price, I think, if it has the quality as the desktop Isaac. I mean, it is Isaac, we know that compered with playtime this game is worth a lot more. (Hey good old AAA title for 60€ and 10h playtime) So, I think it really depends on the port.', ">>{BiotechBum} : ~500 combines rebirth and OG hours here. Just bought it and giggled as I played through the first two floors. Controls are decent and it seems to run well on my 6s Plus (no frame drops I can see, but I don't have any items with intense animations yet). Hope that helps.", ">>{neoookami} : It's the same price as on every other platform it's released on.", ">>{TwoLeaf_} : ITT: 15$ is too much!! it's the same price on PC. it's a one time purchase, or would you rather have IAP? this sub...", ">>{nb4hnp} : The same as it's always been on every platform lol", ">>{mattchoo86} : Yeah, I noticed that. Would have been nice if it was a few dollars cheaper, but I still think that, with everything the game offers already, it's well worth the price. Especially if it runs great.", ">>{Benny_Bangaroo} : $15 seems expensive for an app but if it's playable and a full game then I'd pay $15 for it. Does anyone on this sub have it? If not I may bite the bullet and then report back.", ">>{1SoulShallNotBeLost} : I bought it. I've played on the 3DS and computer. I can't give a full review but it loads quick and the controls are alright. I like how it auto shoots for you but don't know how that will behave with things like brimstone. I played a TON of Terraria on my phone so I am used to phone controls and this is on par to that control wise so far.", ">>{neoookami} : It's the full game. Running smooth for me so far but touch controls are gonna take some serious adjustment.", ">>{CurryGettinSpicy} : Runs super smooth on my SE! $15 so little for the amount of hours I'm gonna play this. I just also bought FF VI tho so I prolly need to chill a bit on my purchases lol"]]
classify and reply
['>>{cajunrajing} : Donald Trump Sniffle Supercut: Every Sniffle from First Presidential Debate : People.com', ">>{Idolglows} : Haha alt-right dark army literal hitler here, I'm not even mad this is pretty funny", ">>{cajunrajing} : We all wish the mic really hadn't been working. But I thought donnie said he didn't sniffle, so apparently my false reality is bleeding over. Relevant because donnie lies even about the little things. That shows a lot about a candidate's mental stability and temperment.", ">>{SchooledGaming} : That's what I believe. This is clearly a mental health issue.", ">>{cajunrajing} : It's interesting to me that so many Trump supporters called Hillary 'pathological' and I'm sitting here like, your dude is lying about sniffling!! despite 80 million people having to hear him snort like a coke fiend.", '>>{SchooledGaming} : People are fucking insane brother. Easier path for me, you, and our families. Take some solace in that.', '>>{17281posse} : Damn dude, the only way I could ever like Trump is if it came out that absolutely fucked up an eightball of coke before the debate.', ">>{cajunrajing} : Your honor, I humbly submit that this line of questioning goes to establish the candidate's character. Also, if he's a pathological liar, it's a good reason to avoid voting for him. Too, he's one of the two top candidates for president, so most things about him relate to politics, even if he's not a credible candidate.", '>>{mr_sm1th} : There are plenty of things to criticize Trump for... almost everything, in fact. This is just gossip.', '>>{NateGrey} : If you spam it more, will it become more true?', '>>{rahbee33} : Maybe him and Rudy hit the slopes in the green room before hand.', ">>{cajunrajing} : vhttp://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/09/no-sniffles-trump-says-denying-the-obvious.html Dude sniffles for 90 mins in front of 80 million people, then denies sniffling. You don't see a problem with him being patently unable to NOT lie about even the smallest and most inconsequential of facts.", ">>{hunter_forrest} : she can't even draw enough blue-haired ladies to fill a bingo hall on bingo night LOL", ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : They routinely have sniffer dogs at these events. The rumor has it that they had to hold them back from breaking down the door to the green room. Well, not really, I just made that up. But you might have believed it. On the other hand, I don't know that it isn't true.", '>>{NateGrey} : Bernie and his big crowds would like a word with you.', '>>{Thorn14} : So you agree the pneumonia t thing was dumb too, yes?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{cajunrajing} : Donald Trump Sniffle Supercut: Every Sniffle from First Presidential Debate : People.com', ">>{Idolglows} : Haha alt-right dark army literal hitler here, I'm not even mad this is pretty funny", ">>{cajunrajing} : We all wish the mic really hadn't been working. But I thought donnie said he didn't sniffle, so apparently my false reality is bleeding over. Relevant because donnie lies even about the little things. That shows a lot about a candidate's mental stability and temperment.", ">>{SchooledGaming} : That's what I believe. This is clearly a mental health issue.", ">>{cajunrajing} : It's interesting to me that so many Trump supporters called Hillary 'pathological' and I'm sitting here like, your dude is lying about sniffling!! despite 80 million people having to hear him snort like a coke fiend.", '>>{SchooledGaming} : People are fucking insane brother. Easier path for me, you, and our families. Take some solace in that.', '>>{17281posse} : Damn dude, the only way I could ever like Trump is if it came out that absolutely fucked up an eightball of coke before the debate.', ">>{cajunrajing} : Your honor, I humbly submit that this line of questioning goes to establish the candidate's character. Also, if he's a pathological liar, it's a good reason to avoid voting for him. Too, he's one of the two top candidates for president, so most things about him relate to politics, even if he's not a credible candidate.", '>>{mr_sm1th} : There are plenty of things to criticize Trump for... almost everything, in fact. This is just gossip.', '>>{NateGrey} : If you spam it more, will it become more true?', '>>{rahbee33} : Maybe him and Rudy hit the slopes in the green room before hand.', ">>{cajunrajing} : vhttp://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/09/no-sniffles-trump-says-denying-the-obvious.html Dude sniffles for 90 mins in front of 80 million people, then denies sniffling. You don't see a problem with him being patently unable to NOT lie about even the smallest and most inconsequential of facts.", ">>{hunter_forrest} : she can't even draw enough blue-haired ladies to fill a bingo hall on bingo night LOL", ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : They routinely have sniffer dogs at these events. The rumor has it that they had to hold them back from breaking down the door to the green room. Well, not really, I just made that up. But you might have believed it. On the other hand, I don't know that it isn't true.", '>>{NateGrey} : Bernie and his big crowds would like a word with you.', '>>{Thorn14} : So you agree the pneumonia t thing was dumb too, yes?']]
classify and reply
[">>{space_dan} : >, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has **no right** to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. Someone didn't read the Constitution.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Ah yes, remember when you couldnt unsubscribe from giving her monthly donations... Oh wait, that was donnie boy.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : How would you know? You never donated to his campaign..', ">>{IslamicShibe} : WHAT'S FALSE: It isn't impossible to cancel such donations", ">>{ozabelle} : finally trump's campaign swat team get the black bag over donald's head and bundle him off to a safe house for reprogramming.", ">>{aresearchmonkey} : > While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, **Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution**, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. If I become President, I will make America safe again. Yeah he does. And he didn't claim it, he asked it. It's great that one of the groups he has greatly demonized is causing him such grief.", ">>{pmurtkcuf} : Too little too late. And he's not really setting the record straight, it's more like: I fucked up, here's my apology statement written by my PR team, oh and below it is a full transcript of the interview reminding you of how I criticized this Gold Star mother.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Stealing from donors? Keeping it classy. Do we have an estimate of the total amount of illegitimate donations?', ">>{aresearchmonkey} : Was there an apology in there? He's never apologized for anything, really.", '>>{xbettel} : > Roger said his mother is "very good with the Internet," > an 81-year-old grandmother The old lady press donate many times and got overcharged. This is a non story.', ">>{TrumpOP} : It wasn't one person and this has been confirmed. This is wire fraud.", '>>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : >It turns out that there is a way to delete your card from the Trump campaign\'s system, but it seems you must have first registered an account and created a password: If you did not do so, there is no clear way to cancel your payment. > Assuming you did create an account and have logged in, to stop your payment you must click the small gray question mark icon in the upper right corner of the donations page. > > Then you will see [a separate] screen. In order to delete your card, you must click "manage." > > Then will you be redirected to the website of the Trump campaign\'s vendor. There you must click "recurring plans," and only then can you cancel your monthly payment; notably, even after you cancel, there is still no obvious way to delete your card number without replacing it with another valid number. Not impossible. Just impossibly unintuitive.', ">>{politicalalt1} : This is not a story. There is one person who almost certainly clicked on recurring contributions and didn't realize it. The idea that the campaign is scamming people is ridiculous.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : See this. Seems like the campaign knew they fucked up and wanted to keep it quiet by settling with the family. https://www.google.com/amp/observer.com/2016/09/exclusive-hillary-clinton-campaign-systematically-overcharging-poorest-donors/amp/?client=safari', ">>{tainted_waffles} : Nice to see you clearly didn't read the article. Donations were not all in the same amount, so your theory is not possible.", ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : The source of this report is the New York observer which is owned by *Trump's son-in-law.* Sites that take large numbers of credit card transactions will occasionally make mistakes. The is a mechanism for customers to challenge mistaken transaction: you simply phone up the issuer and ask for chargebacks. Chargebacks almost always rule in favor of the customer. The article doesn't acknowledge this, which is extremely disingenuous. Also, speaking from experience, a lot of complaints about credit card charges tend to come from older people. They tend to be... a bit forgetful?", ">>{rhboomer} : You realize that is a common figure of speech, don't you?", '>>{from_left_to_right} : Lol it\'s the old people\'s fault. they are forgetful. hahaha. My Abuela is old and forgetful too! Since you\'re so big the "integrity" of sources, you must rule out politico, vox, cnn, msnbc, etc. as well, right?', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : You should assess every journalistic source in terms of their editorial bias, of course. I was trying to share some insight into the nature of chargebacks - the article is hyperbolic and intellectually dishonest since it doesn\'t even mention the word "chargeback". But y\'know, fuck opinions you don\'t agree with, Mr-My-Reddit-Account-Is-30-Minutes-Old.', '>>{pmurtkcuf} : True, more of a "actually try and forget everything I said before, this is what I really meant" statement.', ">>{space_dan} : You realize most people have a sense of humor, don't you?", ">>{Glassclose} : TIL; Stealing is simply 'Over charging' in the Clinton's world.", '>>{politicalalt1} : refunding something because someone was charged more than they thought they were going to be is not "settling". Why has my card not been charged more than once then? do they just randomly pick people to target? I\'ve donated multiple times and this has never happened.', '>>{spencerfalco} : I get all my news from the washingtonexaminer.com. There is no news here, just a single complaint.', ">>{christopherNV} : No. It's the actual transcript from an interview nobody has seen yet.", ">>{janzeera} : Trump's mouth that has got him to where he is today will undoubtedly lead to fiery trainwreck going over a waterfall.", '>>{christopherNV} : Yawn. ABC is trying to create a controversy for ratings but the transcript is pretty dull.', ">>{greentheorpy} : Sad how when she does what the Republicans tell her to do, they still attack her. They're hypocrites.", '>>{irishstevenj} : What do you mean, ABC is? He literally reposted this on his campaign website.', ">>{pmurtkcuf} : You're kidding right? This video has been circulating for half the day now and it follows the transcript exactly. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-father-fallen-soldier-ive-made-lot/story?id=41015051 The only thing they seemed to have left out is the part about General Allen and the last two sentences.", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : You realize the top part is a statement he released tonight AFTER everyone said he was a shit human being for saying what he said.', '>>{rhboomer} : Honestly, it will be picked up by the media in a day or two. As the latest way that Trump is the biggest threat the universe has ever known. Then Hillary will say she has known where Voltron is the entire time, and she will call it in her first 100 days as president', ">>{indyaj} : >Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution That sentence alone proves donald hasn't read (or doesn't understand) the Constitution. You can't make this shit up.", '>>{Trulaw} : Compare the speech style of the statement to the transcript. Same person? "Well, that sounds - who wrote that? Did [Donald]\'s scriptwriters write it?"', ">>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : The Military Hero's dad made one sacrifice, hie sacrificed his morals and ethics stumping for the DNC pandering and corruption", '>>{qwerqwertrewq} : You left out the interesting parts of the story.', ">>{pmurtkcuf} : The hero part is the statement he released tonight. There's a line break separating the statement and the interview transcript. This minimally confusing press release is intended to trick poorly educated Trump supporters like you into thinking he called him a hero in the interview and ABC just didn't show it because it's part of the liberal media. Let me help you since you seem to have no reading skills. > Mr. Trump also released a statement Saturday praising Mr. Khan’s son, Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed serving in Iraq: (statement where he calls him a hero) (line) > FULL ANSWER TRANSCRIPT: (interview)", ">>{ozabelle} : another demonstration that donald cannot do this job. trump doesn't seem to understand that the president is a servant, a public servant, who serves all americans, even those who cuss him tirelessly. obama has explained this more than once, quite well. obama has had a lot of experience maintaining the dignity of his office with grace and poise all while providing beneficial services to really odious people who never have a kind word for him and never will. trump cant even handle fair criticism from a set of respectable parents whose son was killed in the iraq war. trump simply can't do this job.", ">>{pmurtkcuf} : You can highlight the part of the press release that you're confused about.", ">>{MoralMidgetry} : Stop trying to mislead Les Schtrumpfs by pointing out that they're being misled.", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : You would think enrollment in 12D chess classes has exploded by now huh?', ">>{christopherNV} : Outrage based on promos for an interview that doesn't air until tomorrow (sunday morning). I read the transcript and it was pretty dull. Most of the outrage is based on creative editing of a misleading promo that make it look like trump is comparing his sacrifices to Cpt. Khan's, which as a vet myself would piss me off, but that's not how the interview actually went. Stephanopolis asks what sacrifices he's made for his country and Trump answered. He never compares his sacrifices to those of Cpt. Khan which is how some dishonest liberal journalists are trying to spin the story. It's a nothing story. Hillary supporters are going to try to pump this up as something big while everyone else forgets about it. edit: didn't realize ABC posted the interview online already. I've just seen the promo a million times today. Who's watching Boston EMS with me!", ">>{pmurtkcuf} : You realize most of the outrage is because he implied that the mother didn't speak because she wasn't allowed to because of female subservience expected in some traditional strains of Islam, right? Less because of his sacrifices. Mostly because he criticized the family."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{space_dan} : >, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has **no right** to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. Someone didn't read the Constitution.", ">>{ozabelle} : finally trump's campaign swat team get the black bag over donald's head and bundle him off to a safe house for reprogramming.", ">>{aresearchmonkey} : > While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, **Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution**, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. If I become President, I will make America safe again. Yeah he does. And he didn't claim it, he asked it. It's great that one of the groups he has greatly demonized is causing him such grief.", ">>{pmurtkcuf} : Too little too late. And he's not really setting the record straight, it's more like: I fucked up, here's my apology statement written by my PR team, oh and below it is a full transcript of the interview reminding you of how I criticized this Gold Star mother.", ">>{aresearchmonkey} : Was there an apology in there? He's never apologized for anything, really.", ">>{rhboomer} : You realize that is a common figure of speech, don't you?", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : True, more of a "actually try and forget everything I said before, this is what I really meant" statement.', ">>{space_dan} : You realize most people have a sense of humor, don't you?", ">>{christopherNV} : No. It's the actual transcript from an interview nobody has seen yet.", ">>{janzeera} : Trump's mouth that has got him to where he is today will undoubtedly lead to fiery trainwreck going over a waterfall.", '>>{christopherNV} : Yawn. ABC is trying to create a controversy for ratings but the transcript is pretty dull.', ">>{greentheorpy} : Sad how when she does what the Republicans tell her to do, they still attack her. They're hypocrites.", '>>{irishstevenj} : What do you mean, ABC is? He literally reposted this on his campaign website.', ">>{pmurtkcuf} : You're kidding right? This video has been circulating for half the day now and it follows the transcript exactly. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-father-fallen-soldier-ive-made-lot/story?id=41015051 The only thing they seemed to have left out is the part about General Allen and the last two sentences.", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : You realize the top part is a statement he released tonight AFTER everyone said he was a shit human being for saying what he said.', '>>{rhboomer} : Honestly, it will be picked up by the media in a day or two. As the latest way that Trump is the biggest threat the universe has ever known. Then Hillary will say she has known where Voltron is the entire time, and she will call it in her first 100 days as president', ">>{indyaj} : >Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution That sentence alone proves donald hasn't read (or doesn't understand) the Constitution. You can't make this shit up.", '>>{Trulaw} : Compare the speech style of the statement to the transcript. Same person? "Well, that sounds - who wrote that? Did [Donald]\'s scriptwriters write it?"', ">>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : The Military Hero's dad made one sacrifice, hie sacrificed his morals and ethics stumping for the DNC pandering and corruption", '>>{qwerqwertrewq} : You left out the interesting parts of the story.', ">>{pmurtkcuf} : The hero part is the statement he released tonight. There's a line break separating the statement and the interview transcript. This minimally confusing press release is intended to trick poorly educated Trump supporters like you into thinking he called him a hero in the interview and ABC just didn't show it because it's part of the liberal media. Let me help you since you seem to have no reading skills. > Mr. Trump also released a statement Saturday praising Mr. Khan’s son, Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed serving in Iraq: (statement where he calls him a hero) (line) > FULL ANSWER TRANSCRIPT: (interview)", ">>{ozabelle} : another demonstration that donald cannot do this job. trump doesn't seem to understand that the president is a servant, a public servant, who serves all americans, even those who cuss him tirelessly. obama has explained this more than once, quite well. obama has had a lot of experience maintaining the dignity of his office with grace and poise all while providing beneficial services to really odious people who never have a kind word for him and never will. trump cant even handle fair criticism from a set of respectable parents whose son was killed in the iraq war. trump simply can't do this job.", ">>{pmurtkcuf} : You can highlight the part of the press release that you're confused about.", ">>{MoralMidgetry} : Stop trying to mislead Les Schtrumpfs by pointing out that they're being misled.", '>>{pmurtkcuf} : You would think enrollment in 12D chess classes has exploded by now huh?', ">>{christopherNV} : Outrage based on promos for an interview that doesn't air until tomorrow (sunday morning). I read the transcript and it was pretty dull. Most of the outrage is based on creative editing of a misleading promo that make it look like trump is comparing his sacrifices to Cpt. Khan's, which as a vet myself would piss me off, but that's not how the interview actually went. Stephanopolis asks what sacrifices he's made for his country and Trump answered. He never compares his sacrifices to those of Cpt. Khan which is how some dishonest liberal journalists are trying to spin the story. It's a nothing story. Hillary supporters are going to try to pump this up as something big while everyone else forgets about it. edit: didn't realize ABC posted the interview online already. I've just seen the promo a million times today. Who's watching Boston EMS with me!", ">>{pmurtkcuf} : You realize most of the outrage is because he implied that the mother didn't speak because she wasn't allowed to because of female subservience expected in some traditional strains of Islam, right? Less because of his sacrifices. Mostly because he criticized the family."], ['>>{thegoodvibe} : Ah yes, remember when you couldnt unsubscribe from giving her monthly donations... Oh wait, that was donnie boy.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : How would you know? You never donated to his campaign..', ">>{IslamicShibe} : WHAT'S FALSE: It isn't impossible to cancel such donations", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Stealing from donors? Keeping it classy. Do we have an estimate of the total amount of illegitimate donations?', '>>{xbettel} : > Roger said his mother is "very good with the Internet," > an 81-year-old grandmother The old lady press donate many times and got overcharged. This is a non story.', ">>{TrumpOP} : It wasn't one person and this has been confirmed. This is wire fraud.", '>>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : >It turns out that there is a way to delete your card from the Trump campaign\'s system, but it seems you must have first registered an account and created a password: If you did not do so, there is no clear way to cancel your payment. > Assuming you did create an account and have logged in, to stop your payment you must click the small gray question mark icon in the upper right corner of the donations page. > > Then you will see [a separate] screen. In order to delete your card, you must click "manage." > > Then will you be redirected to the website of the Trump campaign\'s vendor. There you must click "recurring plans," and only then can you cancel your monthly payment; notably, even after you cancel, there is still no obvious way to delete your card number without replacing it with another valid number. Not impossible. Just impossibly unintuitive.', ">>{politicalalt1} : This is not a story. There is one person who almost certainly clicked on recurring contributions and didn't realize it. The idea that the campaign is scamming people is ridiculous.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : See this. Seems like the campaign knew they fucked up and wanted to keep it quiet by settling with the family. https://www.google.com/amp/observer.com/2016/09/exclusive-hillary-clinton-campaign-systematically-overcharging-poorest-donors/amp/?client=safari', ">>{tainted_waffles} : Nice to see you clearly didn't read the article. Donations were not all in the same amount, so your theory is not possible.", ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : The source of this report is the New York observer which is owned by *Trump's son-in-law.* Sites that take large numbers of credit card transactions will occasionally make mistakes. The is a mechanism for customers to challenge mistaken transaction: you simply phone up the issuer and ask for chargebacks. Chargebacks almost always rule in favor of the customer. The article doesn't acknowledge this, which is extremely disingenuous. Also, speaking from experience, a lot of complaints about credit card charges tend to come from older people. They tend to be... a bit forgetful?", '>>{from_left_to_right} : Lol it\'s the old people\'s fault. they are forgetful. hahaha. My Abuela is old and forgetful too! Since you\'re so big the "integrity" of sources, you must rule out politico, vox, cnn, msnbc, etc. as well, right?', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : You should assess every journalistic source in terms of their editorial bias, of course. I was trying to share some insight into the nature of chargebacks - the article is hyperbolic and intellectually dishonest since it doesn\'t even mention the word "chargeback". But y\'know, fuck opinions you don\'t agree with, Mr-My-Reddit-Account-Is-30-Minutes-Old.', ">>{Glassclose} : TIL; Stealing is simply 'Over charging' in the Clinton's world.", '>>{politicalalt1} : refunding something because someone was charged more than they thought they were going to be is not "settling". Why has my card not been charged more than once then? do they just randomly pick people to target? I\'ve donated multiple times and this has never happened.', '>>{spencerfalco} : I get all my news from the washingtonexaminer.com. There is no news here, just a single complaint.']]
classify and reply
[">>{veridique} : If I were him, I'd be more worried about making it through my first term.", ">>{TheMovingFinger} : > If I were him, I'd be more worried about making it through my first year.", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Next Dem majority, look forward to more of those tasty rule changes.', '>>{Drunk_Jesus} : That was one hell of a double down. A bad one (for them).', '>>{TrumpImpeachedInJuly} : I know he envisions himself a dictator, but is he openly admitting to planning assassinations?', '>>{robert1ij3} : You could get a job writing headlines for Mother Jones.', '>>{MIIAIIRIIK} : A Supreme Court that caters to homophobic white nationalists that will also gut worker and environmental protections.', '>>{mas1254} : This is horrifying honestly. There should never be more than a 5-4 split on the court in my opinion. If he manages to get it a 6-3 split on the Supreme Court we may as well say that there no longer will be a democratic party in the government at all.', ">>{Sneezeli} : Well wasn't it such a great idea making sure he won't have to overcome filibusters in the future when the nuclear option might not be as palatable to senate republicans as it was last week Trump is not likely to get 5 picks of course, but he is very likely to get 1-2 more picks for 2-3 total. 80% odds of getting at least 1 more pick", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : Unless he's planning on killing them himself, he's nuts. Ginsburg's corpse would walk into work the day after her death. After hitting the gym.", ">>{LastOfTheLost} : It's pretty much an implication that he plans on murdering 4 SC justices.", ">>{Mae315} : The Senate was going to use the nuclear option regardless whether it was this nominee or the next. Neil breaks the 4-4 tie going forward which obviously the GOP did not want Garland to do because he's moderate. Statistically, Ruth's seat is likely the next vacancy. There's no way they would compromise even if the Dems put Gorsuch through unabated. Why? Because replacing Ruth with a far right appointment makes it essentially a 6-3 vote or 5-4 if someone strays to the left on an issue.", ">>{Sartro} : It's possible to add more Supreme Court seats. It's not necessarily fixed at 9.", '>>{MrsChanandalerBong} : There was an interview where he said he wanted to add two seats.', '>>{jbiresq} : Can you describe at least one decision Gorsuch has written?', '>>{JamesDelgado} : Oh man sounds like the Soros trumpet finally broke.', ">>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Most likely he's gunna ask Alito, Kennedy, Roberts, and Thomas to step down in order to replace them with 4 Gorsuch clones, ensuring that the dems don't get a majority within our lifetimes. Of course, my feeling is that Kennedy would be the only one that refuses to step down.", '>>{mrbrambles} : What honestly do you think has happened to make impeachment go through in a week?', '>>{LastOfTheLost} : Drumpf committed treason when he launched those missiles on Syria.', ">>{mrbrambles} : Considering the long list of impeachable offenses he has committed thus far without even a hint of impeachment talk among people who can initiate it, I'm not sure. Would be nice though."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{veridique} : If I were him, I'd be more worried about making it through my first term.", ">>{TheMovingFinger} : > If I were him, I'd be more worried about making it through my first year.", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Next Dem majority, look forward to more of those tasty rule changes.', '>>{Drunk_Jesus} : That was one hell of a double down. A bad one (for them).', '>>{TrumpImpeachedInJuly} : I know he envisions himself a dictator, but is he openly admitting to planning assassinations?', '>>{robert1ij3} : You could get a job writing headlines for Mother Jones.', '>>{MIIAIIRIIK} : A Supreme Court that caters to homophobic white nationalists that will also gut worker and environmental protections.', '>>{mas1254} : This is horrifying honestly. There should never be more than a 5-4 split on the court in my opinion. If he manages to get it a 6-3 split on the Supreme Court we may as well say that there no longer will be a democratic party in the government at all.', ">>{Sneezeli} : Well wasn't it such a great idea making sure he won't have to overcome filibusters in the future when the nuclear option might not be as palatable to senate republicans as it was last week Trump is not likely to get 5 picks of course, but he is very likely to get 1-2 more picks for 2-3 total. 80% odds of getting at least 1 more pick", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : Unless he's planning on killing them himself, he's nuts. Ginsburg's corpse would walk into work the day after her death. After hitting the gym.", ">>{LastOfTheLost} : It's pretty much an implication that he plans on murdering 4 SC justices.", ">>{Mae315} : The Senate was going to use the nuclear option regardless whether it was this nominee or the next. Neil breaks the 4-4 tie going forward which obviously the GOP did not want Garland to do because he's moderate. Statistically, Ruth's seat is likely the next vacancy. There's no way they would compromise even if the Dems put Gorsuch through unabated. Why? Because replacing Ruth with a far right appointment makes it essentially a 6-3 vote or 5-4 if someone strays to the left on an issue.", ">>{Sartro} : It's possible to add more Supreme Court seats. It's not necessarily fixed at 9.", '>>{MrsChanandalerBong} : There was an interview where he said he wanted to add two seats.', '>>{jbiresq} : Can you describe at least one decision Gorsuch has written?', '>>{JamesDelgado} : Oh man sounds like the Soros trumpet finally broke.', ">>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Most likely he's gunna ask Alito, Kennedy, Roberts, and Thomas to step down in order to replace them with 4 Gorsuch clones, ensuring that the dems don't get a majority within our lifetimes. Of course, my feeling is that Kennedy would be the only one that refuses to step down.", '>>{mrbrambles} : What honestly do you think has happened to make impeachment go through in a week?', '>>{LastOfTheLost} : Drumpf committed treason when he launched those missiles on Syria.', ">>{mrbrambles} : Considering the long list of impeachable offenses he has committed thus far without even a hint of impeachment talk among people who can initiate it, I'm not sure. Would be nice though."]]
classify and reply
['>>{75000_Tokkul} : Those jobs Trump is bragging about are just a fraction of Sprint’s huge layoffs', ">>{WLVTrojanMan} : Dude will say anything to get your vote. Not even the great Donald knows what he'll do if he's president.", '>>{DubTeeDub} : Russian meddling in U.S. election backfiring on Putin, hurting Trump', ">>{ithoughtsobitch} : At least with Hillary you get what you pay for. I mean, Litterally. Hell, you could kill thousands of Americans on 9/11 and she'll still sell you a fleet of warships and cluster bombs as long as you *donate* enough to her *foundation*..", ">>{sphere2040} : Lets see, the Master Drumpfster has flop-flipped on the following issues, so far - 1. Punish women for abortions 2. Punish doctors for abortions 3. Whether to make the RNC Convention gun free 4. Whether our Military is great or in dire straits 5. Muslim Ban 6. National Debt 7. ISIS 8. Iraq War 9. Taxes 10. Immigration 11. Guns 12. Libya 13. Veterans Charity 14. Nuclear Proliferation 15. Afghanistan War 16. Israeli-Palestinian conflict 17. Torture 18. Climate Change 19. Money in Politics 20. Border Control 21. KU KLUX KLAN AND DAVID DUKE 22. Iran Nuclear deal 23. Health Care and now Minimum wage To celebrate this joyous occasion here are some [Trump Flip Flops](http://www.cafepress.com/+trump_2016_flip_flops,1630889331). Sources: [1](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/full-list-donald-trump-s-rapidly-changing-policy-positions-n547801) [2](http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/trump-vs.-trump--a-look-at-donald-trumps-evolving-positions-over-the-years-482986563581) [3](http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/31/politics/donald-trump-positions-flip-flops/) He doesn't give a jack shit about the working people of this country. The sooner the Dumpfster supporters realize that - the sooner we will all be better off. The Vice President was right - HE HAS NO CLUE^TM .", '>>{treerat} : >Most recently, the company disclosed in January that it was laying off 2,500 workers in U.S. call centers. After the new expansion, more people will be working phones for Sprint in the United States again, but not all of them will be working directly for the company.', '>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : How long did you leave it in rice? It might be useful now but then water can get into ports, or board and fry it since its on.', ">>{Forestman88} : Maybe that is what Putin wants. Quite frankly, as reactionary as Trump is, Russia is probably safer with Clinton's mellow whatever politics over Trumps bomb them all attitude.", '>>{scotchcleanscuts} : Trump feels hispanic judge may be biased against him due to policy positions - new Hillary ad features Republicans questioning his comments', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Of course. Don't racism is going to be one of the rocks on which his campaign founders. There's other problem, but racism just doesn't fly anymore. Not in public", ">>{Actuarybrad} : The owners of Politifact, the Tampa Bay Times, endorsed Hillary for president. That website hasn't an ounce of credibility left, and should never be considered a trustworthy source.", '>>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : In what possible way does Trump have a "bomb them all attitude"? What has he ever said that makes you say this? If anything, Hillary\'s history suggests she is the warhawk in this race.', ">>{SATexas1} : I think on Monday he's going to announce like 5000 new jobs with sprint. This will be a very bigly deal", '>>{hardtalk370} : For about 30 minutes. Seemed dry when I put it in though. Tried soaking stuff up with paper towels but there was no wetness detected. Weird huh?', '>>{SATexas1} : People would rather sit in zucacati park and protest not being a part of the 1%', '>>{Brad_Wesley} : > I guess it is something, but hardly something to brag about. Well sure, I agree.', ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Except the Secretary of State doesn't actually sell anything, and the US has been selling arms to the Saudis for decades.", '>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : I would say to be safe put it back for another 30 to ensure there are no drips left anywhere', ">>{sanegop} : That's an interesting point. Considering Putin and both Hillary and Bill are no strangers, it would definitely be a good misdirection. Putin probably knows full well Trump doesn't have a chance at election.", '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Can you refute a single thing in the article?', ">>{cb526} : Stop using it right now. Turn it off and put it in a bag of rice overnight. The rice will absorb any residual moisture that won't drop out on its own.", ">>{LoveArrowShooto} : Rice will not magically fix electronics. Once corrosion shows up on the PCB, your phone will not function until you clean that off or replace the IC or capacitor. If you got 15 minutes to spare, watch Louis Rossmann's video on water damage repair. https://youtu.be/yPeITOz2_YM", ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : Is it impossible that a Hispanic judge may let his impartiality be disturbed by Trump's proposals?", '>>{Forestman88} : I am still convinced that Trump is just trolling....or actively working for the Clintons. That John Oliver segment last weekend about Trumps only way out makes a lot of sense.', ">>{SATexas1} : What did I say that lead you to assume things. I made a statement, without offering an opinion on it. It's odd to have commented as you did with such a small amount of information", '>>{turtledan87} : So there are no actual hard stats in this article at all about the impact of this. In fact one of his main bullet points is >I hear anecdotes like this almost every day now. How sad. Let me see some numbers', '>>{helphul} : All the Republicans that side with a biased judge over their presumptive Presidential nominee have shown themselves to be useful idiots for Hillary Clinton.', ">>{The1andonlyZack} : Is it impossible that a judge on any level, let alone the level he is on is capable of rendering a fair verdict sans a remote possibility? That's the more pertinent question you should be asking yourself.", '>>{Chocolations} : the best way to fix water damage i soaking the motherboard in alcohol 99% works and scrubbing all the parts of the mobo with the alcohol and usually that will remove most of the corossion, also try not to turn on the device as that can permanently damage your phone.', ">>{NedSanders} : So the article's claim is wrong? It uses direct quotes verbatim... so nice deflection that in no way invalidates it.", '>>{hardtalk370} : Perfect! Soaked the motherboard in alcohol overnight (used Macallan..), tore it apart this morning and gave it a good scrub. Works just like new! Thank you so much :)', '>>{archetype1} : Not true, that was *several* months ago- jeez.', '>>{Serenikill} : Attacking the source is a fallacy regardless but politifact is one of the most credible sources out there. Way more than slate or other sites that dominate this subreddit.', ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : It's not racism. He doesn't say the judge is incompetent solely because he is Mexican, he says the judge has a bias because Trump's policies are unpopular with the group the judge belongs to. He isn't making a large point about the inferiority of Hispanics here. He said it inelegantly, but it is common sense - many Hispanics dislike Trump because of his immigration stance. And that's fine and reasonable!", ">>{TIFUbyResponding} : You understand you're supposed to put it in rice (or silica) for DAYS not minutes, right?", ">>{Silver_Skeeter} : Hillary Clinton's general election platform: * I'm Not Donald Trump * Donald Trump's Past * Vast Right Wing Conspiracies * I'm basically Barack Obama * Guns are bad * Woman", ">>{RepelGropers} : The jobs Trump keeps bragging about are just a drop in the bucket. To have any meaningful effect, his economy has to generate so many jobs he won't have a chance to brag about them the way he is now. It's a big economy, folks.", '>>{ItchyThunder} : Generally speaking, in the economy that churns hundreds of thousands of jobs every month bragging about a few thousand for a president is stupid, especially if he had nothing to do with those jobs.', ">>{hardtalk370} : I dunno man. It's working until it's working I guess. So far so good. Day two going strong.", ">>{hardtalk370} : Guys just an update for whoever comes searching for the same issue. It's been a while now and my phone still functions perfectly!", '>>{scotchcleanscuts} : There are examples of judges letting political bias interfere with rulings, are there not? We should consider the rulings in this case, Trump says that since the woman who initially brought the suit was removed from the suit, it should be dropped. He points to judicial bias as the reason it was not, and frankly that seems reasonable.', ">>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Hahaha it amazes me how many kiddos sit around on this sub making sure nothing negative about Trump gets upvotes. It is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen in my life. Good lord. They don't even take time off to masturbate to hentai anymore or play call of duty. they just sit here and hit refresh all day and night and downvote shit.", '>>{DubTeeDub} : >Let me see some numbers Sure. Trump is continually polling well under Clinton at a average of 5.5% currently. This has been consistent for the last three weeks. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html Polls are showing that battleground states like Colorado, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania are well in the blue category. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo Arizona is basically dead even right now between Hillary and Trump. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/arizona/ Trump is down FIFTEEN Points in the latest VA poll. Thats insane that he is pushing what was a purple state, effecively a hard blue at this point. http://www.roanoke.edu/about/news/rc_poll_aug_2016_politics', ">>{tklane} : > I'm Not Donald Trump That's a landslide victory right there by itself", '>>{_Underoath_} : And Queen Shillary has flip flopped on every policy there is', '>>{WarPhalange} : >I made a statement, without offering an opinion on it. No, that statement *was* an opinion. Unless you have some poll that actually shows what you said is true.', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Got a source for the 5k jobs a day point? Did some googling but can't find one. I'd love to have that when I talk to some family members tomorrow", '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : Are you fucking kidding? Do you not remember all that talk of using nuclear weapons a few weeks ago?', '>>{ME24601} : Yes, over a decades of a career. Donald Trump changed his opinions on those things within a single election cycle.', ">>{turtledan87} : And the crux of the author's argument is that this is coming from Baltic populations upset about the Russia remarks. Yet he provides no stats showing this. You didn't really answer the premise of the article either.", '>>{oscarboom} : Trump has also said he will let the Kremlin invade NATO countries. If that happens then NATO effectively collapses, a huge win for the Kremlin.', '>>{Stormystormynight} : Hilary is clinging to the small thread of hope before the FBI drag her away? this was a good ad for her, but here are some more interesting ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t54Ly_mvuk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAsun7k5dPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Ddd4Zn7ZI', '>>{gaeuvyen} : Bad job is still better than no job without basic income, tuition free college and free healthcare.', ">>{ME24601} : > That website hasn't an ounce of credibility left, and should never be considered a trustworthy source. So are you saying that Trump hasn't changed his opinion on the minimum wage?", '>>{gapingroast} : He was appointed by Obama and is a member of La Raza.. Trump is correct in wanting this judge to recuse himself..', '>>{T1mac} : In the eight years Obama has been President, he added about 15 million jobs. There are 2,920 days in the eight years and the average jobs per day is 5,137.', ">>{tklane} : So he should push for a mistrial or to have the judge removed. Taking to the airways and making racist comments about Mexican heritage and implicit bias is not only something unbefitting of the office of President, it's just tasteless. There are ways to make the argument that the trial is stacked against you without resorting to racism.", ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : I really don't think he's thought further ahead than winning the election. He knows the president is a tough and often boring job, right?", '>>{WLVTrojanMan} : He has thought about it, which is why he offered Kasich control of policy while he "makes America great again". Whatever the fuck that means', '>>{SargeantSasquatch} : Wait, he is actually planning to do nothing?', '>>{1blah1} : The only thing that the video highlights is the wall. If anyone has any doubts if trump is going to build that wall, this video made by the opposite party clarifies that. About that racist remarks, people will get over it. They have been calling trump racist for so long he might as well take advantage of it. Trump is way too smarter. Just wait and see.', '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Awesome, thanks! Sorry for the lack of basic logic, been sick the past few days and my brain is a step behind', ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : Isn't it more likely for a Hispanic judge to have unconscious bias against Trump than, say, an Asian judge? If the judge has made seemingly unfair decisions, isn't it reasonable to think that may have had an effect, however small?", '>>{tklane} : You\'re missing the point. If Trump feels a "Mexican judge" is going to be biased against him, then there are legal avenues for him to explore that would provide reprieve. Getting on mass media and saying "Well he\'s Mexican so he\'s biased" and then going on to have your campaign say "Oh yes, and also Muslim judges and/or women judges would be biased as well" is NOT how to handle the situation.', '>>{madleon1} : So the media goes on for months and months about how much Hispanics hate Trump....so then when Trump comes around and says okay maybe a Hispanic judge might not like him....they go apeshit? lolwut?', ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : He should have settled this case long ago, it is a silly distraction and people will draw a false equivalence between this and Hillary's legal troubles, which could well be criminal in nature. Trump's case is civil and petty.", '>>{LittleShrub} : You know the second thing is a lie, right?', '>>{texdeveloper} : Sanctions do not hurt that much, mostly it was falling oil prices. Putin would benifit from either candidate. Clinton gives stability and is a known quantity. Trump is a wildcard but can stuff he says sounds good in Russia', '>>{RxVote} : The media has been scammed by Donald again: He could be as "guilty as sin" of every charge in the Trump University case, plus many allegations omitted from it. A guilty verdict would completely destroy Donald, reducing his financial wealth and power to the level of a pan handler. So like a smart kid he is putting on an extended tantrum* to delay the unbearable in hopes the distraction will somehow free him: *a sudden outburst or violent display of rage, frustration, and bad temper, usually occurring in a maladjusted child and certain emotionally disturbed people. The activity is usually not directed at anyone or anything specific but toward the environment in general and is used primarily as a device for attempting to control others and the surroundings. It most commonly occurs at age 2 to 2-½ years. Also called temper tantrum. http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tantrum', '>>{texdeveloper} : Trump needs those people in Ohio, they are conservative and are 1/25 of the population there, but in terms of voting they vote more often then other groups (because they are immigrants and value democracy more). So probably (Guestimate) their affect is 10% of the Ohio vote. if they voted as a block it would make a difference, see http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/ohio/ for general trends. 10% voting for Trump, or not voting at all due to issues with his campaign, might make or break Ohio as you can see here in the graphs. Of course, I am very much against Trump, and I love Ukraine, and I am liberal : so I really really hope that the Trump campaign ignores this, please TL;DR Your right, no current polls, nothing to see here', '>>{LittleShrub} : Curiel is a member of a group with La Raza in its name. It’s not the National Council of La Raza, as Trump has suggested, just a staid lawyers’ group... http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/06/the-problem-with-calling-out-judges-for-their-race/485732/', '>>{savagedan} : Bah, the rubes don\'t care about facts, their God Emperor is just "winning"', ">>{TigerExpress} : One of Trump's main campaign points is that he's not part of the Republican establishment. Clinton runs ads showing the Republican establishment is against Trump. There are plenty of ways to attack Trump on the judge issue but trying to use the disapproval of the Republican power brokers isn't the way to do it.", ">>{LTFalcon} : https://www.yahoo.com/news/actions-speak-louder-than-trump-his-own-lawyer-said-the-judge-is-doing-his-job-in-trump-u-case-224338852.html Trumps lawyers don't seem to have any issues with the judge.", ">>{GeorgeWTrudeau} : Lolwut? * Get rid of sanctions against Russia & accept Crimea as Russian territory; Ignore Russia being in Eastern Ukraine * Undermine defense commitments to Eastern European NATO countries; threaten to withdraw from NATO as a whole * Kill NAFTA, TPP & TTIP; Fraying economic ties with America's closest allies the world over, especially in regards to the European Union, and by extension, Eastern Europe, to Russia's benefit * Praise Russian allies the world over, from Kim Jong-un to Assad, in addition to praising Putin himself as a strong leader & blasting all our own allies as weak * Shit all over Muslims in general & alienate our closest Middle Eastern allies when America & Russia are aggressively jockeying for influence there That's like....Russia's generation-old wishlist all combined into one man. Trump couldn't even fuck it up because his entire foreign policy is already a fuck up. There wouldn't be much American policy left to burn down after that retarded shit. lol And I havn't even delved into his East Asian policies, which no doubt also gots Putin's dick hard in relation to Russia's recent alliance with China, territorial dispute with Japan & lost of influence in both Vietnam & India to the United States.", ">>{_Underoath_} : Yes, she has. You'd only believe that if you haven't seen her policies in 2013.", ">>{tau-lepton} : S I guess that Muslim judges, Jewish judges, women judges, black judges, educated judges,... are also biased and shouldn't be allowed either.", '>>{AdviseMyAdvice} : Is it 100% confirmed that Russia leaked the docs to WikiLeaks or is this still speculation?', ">>{WLVTrojanMan} : If the allegations about the Kasich deal are true, then it's very likely that Mike fucking Pence will be running the country", '>>{texdeveloper} : >You know nothing. I know a little, and the sanctions are minor sanctions targeting the men around Putin, and their industries. Trust me when i say I am very pro Ukrainian and I wanted much more to be done. The sanctions are PR for not doing much. Russia is oil intensive and never diversified because of Putin consolidating his power. What good does it do to Rosneft to not buy new equipment if its too expensive to drill in the first place ? I gave a kind answer to your rude reply,but perhaps you should try to read new sources of information and diversify, assuming you are interesting in learning', ">>{ithoughtsobitch} : Let me guess. Its a vast *RIGHTWING CONSPIRACY!* http://i.imgur.com/OW0Y4q8.jpg LMFAO. >Hillary Clinton State Department Approved Weapons Sales For Company That Made Sandy Hook Assault Rifle http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/hillary-clinton-state-department-approved-weapons-sales-company-made-sandy-hook >Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department http://www.ibtimes.com/clinton-foundation-donors-got-weapons-deals-hillary-clintons-state-department-1934187 >Hillary Clinton Oversaw US Arms Deals to Clinton Foundation Donors http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/hillary-clinton-foundation-state-arms-deals >Hillary Clinton Is Pro Gun Control, But She’s Also Big on Arms Deals http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dieter-holger/hillary-clinton-is-pro-gu_b_8736298.html >Hillary Clinton Oversaw US Arms Deals to Clinton Foundation Donors http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/hillary-clinton-foundation-state-arms-deals >Saudi’s Exploding Christmas Gifts From Hillary Clinton http://www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-saudi-arabia_b_9374490.html >Hillary Clinton, Arms Dealer http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/260718/hillary-clinton-arms-dealer-arnold-ahlert >Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/20/hillary-clinton-state-department-approved-us-weapo/ >F-15 Sales to Muslims = Corporate donations to Hillary http://www.thomhartmann.com/forum/2016/02/f-15-sales-muslims-corporate-donations-hillary So, ya.. Go fuck yourself and fuck your bullshit denial.", '>>{Broody87} : Of course he did... Trump flip-flops more than a fucking Magikarp.', '>>{tau-lepton} : which says that he is not a member of the National Council of La Raza.', '>>{gapingroast} : Look at the affiliations this lawyer group has, some of the decisions made And where they get their money from. .', ">>{The1andonlyZack} : Do you have any proof of this unconscious bias on account of the Judge....because otherwise I can't imagine how anyone accused of certain crimes could get a fair judge because unconsciously the judge would have a negative feeling for them...because ya know someone has a feeling that that makes sense....", ">>{redplanetlover} : Since this is a post in r/politics and it is a quote from the Washington Post one can imagine it's veracity. Putin would no more meddle in American internal politics than an American president would meddle in Russian internal politics, and for good reason too. So, given that half of the headline is BS one can imagine the other half is too.", ">>{SapCPark} : Remington is one of the bigger weapons manufacturer in the US and the deal happened before Sandy Hook. Ibtimes is trying make something out of nothing there. Also it's not just the state department who approves weapons deals. The Pentagon does too. But of course over half your sources are from rags like Washington Times and Ibtimes so...", '>>{SapCPark} : When was she ever pro-life? When has she flipped flopped on debt? When has she called our troops shit?', ">>{Dregannomics} : >Trump has also said he will let the Kremlin invade NATO countries Splitting hairs here, but he actually said he's not sure we should defend our NATO allies.", '>>{Maple28} : If information leaked about a politician is truthful and relevant, It is solely the politician in question fault that the information was kept private at all. One should face responsibility for putting oneself in a position where information exists that could be used by those with questionable motives. something in form of a leak today, could in the future come as the form of leverage over a sitting President.', '>>{AdviseMyAdvice} : Lol. Just like "Iraq has WMDs" was better than pure speculation?', '>>{Devoid_} : I believe in supporting NATO countries but they should be their own protector. Why do the American people need to foot the bill for the protection of basically the EU. All the NATO countries keep small militaries and spend the money on programs for the people which is great but requires America to be there to defend them', '>>{D-Moran} : The Russians have been meddling in the what they consider to be the "near abroad" for years. There\'s a reason the Baltic states are nervous about Trump\'s musing about NATO. But now they\'re turning their attention to US allies in Europe. In Britain, the Sputnik news agency supported the Brexit side with stories that personally attacked the PM (leader of the Remain side) and warned of "mass sex attacks" by migrants should the UK remain in Europe. It was much the same in Germany where false stories further inflamed anti-refugee sentiment -- which hurt Merkel in regional elections. They\'re also funding far right parties like Italy\'s Northern League, Golden Dawn in Greece and France\'s National Front. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-20/from-rape-claim-to-brexit-putin-machine-tears-at-europe-s-seams http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/12103602/America-to-investigate-Russian-meddling-in-EU.html', '>>{Carnate} : How much money had Russia given to Trump? How much has Saudi Arabia given to Hillary?', '>>{Papshmire} : He\'s the sole driver of the Republican Party now. He just low balled the Democrats offer, and now voters need to chose between $10 or $15 with "no minimum wage" choice off the table.', ">>{sweeneypng} : NATO serves more as a deterrent than anything else. The cost of being in an alliance with NATO countries is far less than the cost of allowing Russia to indiscriminately impose its will on Eastern Europe. Our presence bolsters the other NATO nations into holding up their end of the bargain, should one country be engaged by Russia. Without a superpower like the USA involved, individual countries might cave under pressure, but they can feel free to keep the alliance knowing they have a nuclear superpower backing them. Without the USA, NATO might not last if Russia starts testing its boundaries. Our interest in NATO countries is strategic, economic, and also extends to the non-NATO nations that stay protected thanks in part to NATO neutering Russia's military reach. Basically, there is much more in play here than some simple notion of fairness in spending.", '>>{ithoughtsobitch} : Just a reality check for the Clinton funded posters.', ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : Not really. You can't seriously believe people are going to read those. Especially after being such an asshat.", '>>{ithoughtsobitch} : Facts = *asshat*. ? Whats the saying? *Truth is treason in the empire of lies* ?', '>>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : The one where he said he wouldn\'t absolutely rule out using nuclear weapons? That\'s just smart policy. Nukes are purely a deterrent, and deterrents only work if people think they will be used. This is not being a "warhawk." Hillary on the other hand has Iraq, Egypt, and Libya under her belt, along with other destabilizing policies.', '>>{_Underoath_} : Same with "Drumpf". I\'ll only say Shillary if they say that shit.', ">>{Devoid_} : I agree that's why I believe I'm NATO, I'm just saying in my opinion the EU should be the one supplying about 70% of the resources to support NATO and America should be more of a support role. America should be the big friend behind the EU that nobody wants to fight but that should be it. It shouldn't be American equipment, American weapons and American troops making up the bulk of NATO. The EU should care more about their security than America, it's not fair to the taxpayers were running at almost a 600 billion dollar deficit this year", ">>{jimmydorry} : That's a big IF though. ping /u/SargeantSasquatch", '>>{metaobject} : And would he push for and sign legislation that would reduce his debt to them? Is it just me, or is this situation fucked up?', ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : I don't see Trump winning either. People are stupid, but people aren't *that* stupid.", '>>{jimmydorry} : I meant in terms of "if the allegations Kasich made are true". He doesn\'t sound like someone Trump would ever want to work with, especially in terms of policy. In fact, Donald has even outright said he never considered Kasich, never talked to Kasich about it, never told anyone else about considering Kasich, etc. It\'s essentially Kasich\'s word against Trump\'s here, and neither are trust worthy. I wouldn\'t put it past Kasich putting the rumour out there, in an attempt to strengthen his prospects for the next election.', ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : These allegations from Kasich flew under my radar. He's competent enough to accept and take charge of policy if Trump made the offer, but it's probably not true if Kasich made the claim.", ">>{Buffalo_Apparatus} : How did you go from Donald Trump to cartoon porn? You know what? Actually, don't tell me.", '>>{Serenikill} : One is a mild joke on his actual heritage name and the other is a sexist insult', '>>{nowthatsrich} : Or you could have listened to what he said, he said $10 seemed fair, but his next line was it was up for the states to decide.', '>>{Malek061} : This combined with the ny times hack and paid russian operatives supporting trump online seems more than enough.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : And often thankless. You may get acclaimed during election years by your party, but everyone will rip on you if you make mistakes in the White House.', '>>{luckyleighton} : That is something he and Hilary have in common (and most politicians for that matter).', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Both. American banks know he's a liability and won't lend to him.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : The state department approval is formality. The directive to sell the arms comes from the white house. I am not saying Clinton did not agree with the policy, but she also did not have the power to unilaterally change policy.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : The editorial board of almost every paper endorses a candidate. You know, in the editorial and opinion section.', '>>{DownWithAssad} : My theory is that Russia is using leaks to wage a Cold War-era Active Measures campaign against the West. Snowden\'s tweets in full (bolded for emphasis by me): --- The hack of an NSA malware staging server is not unprecedented, but the publication of the take is. Here\'s what you need to know: (1/x) 1) NSA traces and targets malware C2 servers in a practice called Counter Computer Network Exploitation, or CCNE. So do our rivals. 2) NSA is often lurking undetected for years on the C2 and ORBs (proxy hops) of state hackers. This is how we follow their operations. 3) This is how we steal their rivals\' hacking tools and reverse-engineer them to create "fingerprints" to help us detect them in the future. 4) Here\'s where it gets interesting: the NSA is not made of magic. Our rivals do the same thing to us -- and occasionally succeed. 5) Knowing this, NSA\'s hackers (TAO) are told not to leave their hack tools ("binaries") on the server after an op. But people get lazy. 6) What\'s new? NSA malware staging servers getting hacked by a rival is not new. A rival publicly demonstrating they have done so is. 7) Why did they do it? No one knows, but **I suspect this is more diplomacy than intelligence, related to the escalation around the DNC hack.** 8) **Circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom indicates Russian responsibility.** Here\'s why that is significant: 9) This leak is likely a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server. 10) That could have significant foreign policy consequences. Particularly if any of those operations targeted US allies. 11) Particularly if any of those operations targeted elections. 12) **Accordingly, this may be an effort to influence the calculus of decision-makers wondering how sharply to respond to the DNC hacks.** 13) TL;DR: This leak looks like a somebody sending a message that an escalation in the attribution game could get messy fast. **Bonus: When I came forward, NSA would have migrated offensive operations to new servers as a precaution - it\'s cheap and easy. So? So...** **The undetected hacker squatting on this NSA server lost access in June 2013. Rare public data point on the positive results of the leak.** --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Only a state has the power to leak NSA\'s weapons left on a server. I agree with Snowden\'s assessment that it was Russia. His reasoning is that this is a warning to America. Before the FBI publicly announces those behind the DNC leak, Russia is warning the U.S. that they can prove the U.S. hacking into computers too. What surprises me most is how naive the West has become. We\'re being bombarded with leaks on an almost weekly basis now. Most people have probably focused on the DNC leaks, but did you know that a group calling itself "DCLeaks" leaked the internal documents of liberal George Soros\' Open Society Foundation AND the private emails of the NATO general? Here\'s a look at their [Twitter account](https://twitter.com/dcleaks_) (tell me if you notice their emphasis on a certain country): >Hacked NATO general defends plotting to push Obama to escalate tensions with Russia >Breedlove’s war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia >Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict >Emails show Obama saw US involvement in Russia talks as a \'threat\' >\'Gen. plotted against Obama on Russia\' >Check George Soros\'s OSF plans to counter Russian policy and traditional values All they post are tweets relevant to Russia. [ThreatConnect Identifies DCLeaks As Another Russian-backed Influence Outlet](https://www.threatconnect.com/blog/does-a-bear-leak-in-the-woods/) Also, Russia hates NATO and Soros, which are the only topics the leaks from DCLeaks talk about. Russia is relying on naive Westerners to hate NATO and Soros. In other words, useful idiots. I see from /r/The_Donald that you people already hate Soros (links often lead to Russian disinformation websites) and think NATO should turn into a protection racket, ignoring basic hegemonic theory and forward deployment strategy of the U.S. near Russia and China. As an example, take a look at this conspiracy theory (and irrational) self post from /r/The_Donald: >[Is it just me or does it seem kind of funny that whenever there\'s emails leaked of people in the Clintons circle a shooting or riot comes up to distract people right after the leaks happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/) And look at one of the more popular comments: >[Every single time. **This distraction brought to you by George Soros**](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/d6h26dq) What\'s most interesting is that the Russians lost access to their hacked NSA computer June 2013 directly because of the actions of Snowden. Snowden claims that after he outed the secrets of the NSA, the NSA was forced to change the computers it uses for offensive operations, thus booting out the Russians too. **We now have proof of three leaks in mere weeks, all done by Russia, to influence Americans\' opinions on the 2016 election (pro-Trump), to hate NATO, to publicly embarrass the NSA and warn the FBI of the consequences of announcing Russia was behind the DNC leaks, and disinformation about Soros to lure Trump supporters. This is unprecedented in Western history - Cold War active measures are back. They are using fake personas - "Guccifer2.0", "DCLeaks", and now "The Shadow Brokers" - the NSA weapons leakers - to destabilize the U.S.** I\'d characterize this as more of a disinformation campaign rather than a cyberwar. Essentially, Russia is busy spreading conspiracy theories about the U.S. As an example, a pro-Russian hacking group calling itself "CyberBerkut" pretended to hack into John McCain\'s laptop when he visited Ukraine (McCain is demonized in Russian media for being harsh towards them). You\'ll never know what they pretended to leak: apparently, they filmed a fake video of some people pretending to be Jihadi John and James Foley filming his execution in front of a green screen! The hackers said they had exposed McCain and America\'s involvement in staging fake ISIS execution videos. But the good folks over at MetaBunk did a frame-by-frame comparison of the real execution video and the so-called "leaked" filming of the set. They found that the actor had different movements compared to the real JJ. Here\'s the full debunking: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-cyberberkut-video-supposedly-showing-staged-isis-beheading-of-foley.t6520/ This "secret" video was prominently featured on InfoWars and Zerohedge. This fake hacking group, that literally makes fake videos and documents and then pretends to hack them from Western politicians\' computers, is without a doubt a Russian disinformation front group. Active Measures, as they called it back in the Cold War. This may sound cheesy, but the West doesn\'t do disinformation. Even during the Cold War, the side known for disinformation (Active Measures) was the Soviet block, not the West. Russia is an authoritarian country. It has no qualms paying thousands of people to spread pro-Kremlin propaganda online. Over the years, there have been countless reports of this happening. Heck, the unofficial Russian branch of Anonymous hacked the "Internet Research Agency" - a well known Russian troll farm - and leaked *everything* - emails, names, contact information, salaries, lists of troll accounts, assignments, you name it. Europe has set up some sort of media monitoring centre, called ["East StratCom Task Force"](http://disinfo.com/2016/01/disinformation-review-week-ten/), to counter Russian propaganda, that they created in March of 2015. It\'s one of the most pathetic and useless things I\'ve even seen. All they do is make a weekly .pdf file of Russia\'s lies and conspiracy theories Russian trolls try to spread online. They then upload said pdf file to some random corner of the web and call that their "response". Passive but not active. Assange doesn\'t care about the truth. He only cares at getting back at Clinton. He\'s been handed no less than 4 separate leaks in the past few weeks (DNC emails, Soros foundation\'s intranet documents, NATO general\'s emails, and NSA cyber weapons). He\'s a programmer just like me and Snowden. Heck, he\'s a genius programmer, or at least, he used to be back in the 1990s. He should be feeling suspicious about the large number of leaks regarding the U.S. But he hasn\'t publicly mentioned it - he knows it\'s Russia, but won\'t admit it. As an interesting aside, Guccifer2.0 claimed on Twitter [that he gave Assange the DNC emails](https://twitter.com/GUCCIFER_2/status/756530278982684672). If so, why is Assange spreading conspiracy theories about the dead DNC staffer, Seth Rich? Strange indeed. For now, read some of this history regarding Soviet Active Measures (relevant to our current situation): [Soviet Active Measures in the "Post-Cold War" Era 1988-1991](http://intellit.muskingum.edu/russia_folder/pcw_era/index.htm)', ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : And yet [it's Trump who thinks we should send up to 30,000 ground troops back to Iraq.](http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/11/politics/donald-trump-30000-troops-isis/)", '>>{Irishish} : Silly OP, everyone knows RT and Breitbart are the last bastions of objective journalism. Everything else is owned by Shillary.', ">>{sweeneypng} : In terms of direct funding, the U.S. provided 22% of the NATO funding this last year. Which would mean that Europe (and Canada) are already paying more than the 70% figure you want. With indirect funding, the U.S. provides quite a bit more than the other countries, but that is mainly because the U.S. has a giant military with bases all over the world, and the same troops that are considered to be indirect funding of NATO are also being staged to deploy to Afghanistan or some other operation. The proportion of funding you are expected to provide for NATO is determined, as per the agreement, by the nation's GDP, which is why the U.S. has a larger contribution than, say, Estonia. Total U.S. funding last year was around $500 million, so it's hardly responsible for the $600 billion deficit.", ">>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : A CNN article where he simply recites what generals have told him? That's the best you can come up with? He's always maintained less involvement in the Middle East, a reporter asks him how many troops it would take to clean up the current mess (created by Bush, Obama, and Clinton), and Trump cites a number given to him by a general. That's your argument that he's a warhawk?", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : My argument is Trump wants to jump back in Iraq despite everyone else in the country having learned that lesson a decade ago. He didn't just give the 30,000 troop figure like you're falsely claiming. He was answering a debate question on US military deployment to Iraq. He said: >We really have no choice. We have to knock out ISIS. I would listen to the generals, but I'm hearing numbers of 20,000 to 30,000. Good luck persuading people of Trump's prudent and sober judgment when it comes showing how tough he is. He can't even handle twitter trolls without getting his jimmies rustled! We'd be in a war by February if he were elected. Thankfully his candidacy is a total shitshow.", '>>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : Thanks for making my point. News flash: We are already in a war. Thanks Bush, Obama, and Hillary.', '>>{Refreshing_Beverage} : [This is why you should thank Obama and Clinton if you care about anyone who could be deployed to Iraq.](http://imgur.com/35bDrPv)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{DubTeeDub} : Russian meddling in U.S. election backfiring on Putin, hurting Trump', ">>{Forestman88} : Maybe that is what Putin wants. Quite frankly, as reactionary as Trump is, Russia is probably safer with Clinton's mellow whatever politics over Trumps bomb them all attitude.", '>>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : In what possible way does Trump have a "bomb them all attitude"? What has he ever said that makes you say this? If anything, Hillary\'s history suggests she is the warhawk in this race.', ">>{sanegop} : That's an interesting point. Considering Putin and both Hillary and Bill are no strangers, it would definitely be a good misdirection. Putin probably knows full well Trump doesn't have a chance at election.", '>>{Forestman88} : I am still convinced that Trump is just trolling....or actively working for the Clintons. That John Oliver segment last weekend about Trumps only way out makes a lot of sense.', '>>{turtledan87} : So there are no actual hard stats in this article at all about the impact of this. In fact one of his main bullet points is >I hear anecdotes like this almost every day now. How sad. Let me see some numbers', '>>{DubTeeDub} : >Let me see some numbers Sure. Trump is continually polling well under Clinton at a average of 5.5% currently. This has been consistent for the last three weeks. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html Polls are showing that battleground states like Colorado, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania are well in the blue category. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo Arizona is basically dead even right now between Hillary and Trump. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/arizona/ Trump is down FIFTEEN Points in the latest VA poll. Thats insane that he is pushing what was a purple state, effecively a hard blue at this point. http://www.roanoke.edu/about/news/rc_poll_aug_2016_politics', '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : Are you fucking kidding? Do you not remember all that talk of using nuclear weapons a few weeks ago?', ">>{turtledan87} : And the crux of the author's argument is that this is coming from Baltic populations upset about the Russia remarks. Yet he provides no stats showing this. You didn't really answer the premise of the article either.", '>>{oscarboom} : Trump has also said he will let the Kremlin invade NATO countries. If that happens then NATO effectively collapses, a huge win for the Kremlin.', '>>{texdeveloper} : Sanctions do not hurt that much, mostly it was falling oil prices. Putin would benifit from either candidate. Clinton gives stability and is a known quantity. Trump is a wildcard but can stuff he says sounds good in Russia', '>>{texdeveloper} : Trump needs those people in Ohio, they are conservative and are 1/25 of the population there, but in terms of voting they vote more often then other groups (because they are immigrants and value democracy more). So probably (Guestimate) their affect is 10% of the Ohio vote. if they voted as a block it would make a difference, see http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/ohio/ for general trends. 10% voting for Trump, or not voting at all due to issues with his campaign, might make or break Ohio as you can see here in the graphs. Of course, I am very much against Trump, and I love Ukraine, and I am liberal : so I really really hope that the Trump campaign ignores this, please TL;DR Your right, no current polls, nothing to see here', ">>{GeorgeWTrudeau} : Lolwut? * Get rid of sanctions against Russia & accept Crimea as Russian territory; Ignore Russia being in Eastern Ukraine * Undermine defense commitments to Eastern European NATO countries; threaten to withdraw from NATO as a whole * Kill NAFTA, TPP & TTIP; Fraying economic ties with America's closest allies the world over, especially in regards to the European Union, and by extension, Eastern Europe, to Russia's benefit * Praise Russian allies the world over, from Kim Jong-un to Assad, in addition to praising Putin himself as a strong leader & blasting all our own allies as weak * Shit all over Muslims in general & alienate our closest Middle Eastern allies when America & Russia are aggressively jockeying for influence there That's like....Russia's generation-old wishlist all combined into one man. Trump couldn't even fuck it up because his entire foreign policy is already a fuck up. There wouldn't be much American policy left to burn down after that retarded shit. lol And I havn't even delved into his East Asian policies, which no doubt also gots Putin's dick hard in relation to Russia's recent alliance with China, territorial dispute with Japan & lost of influence in both Vietnam & India to the United States.", '>>{AdviseMyAdvice} : Is it 100% confirmed that Russia leaked the docs to WikiLeaks or is this still speculation?', '>>{texdeveloper} : >You know nothing. I know a little, and the sanctions are minor sanctions targeting the men around Putin, and their industries. Trust me when i say I am very pro Ukrainian and I wanted much more to be done. The sanctions are PR for not doing much. Russia is oil intensive and never diversified because of Putin consolidating his power. What good does it do to Rosneft to not buy new equipment if its too expensive to drill in the first place ? I gave a kind answer to your rude reply,but perhaps you should try to read new sources of information and diversify, assuming you are interesting in learning', ">>{redplanetlover} : Since this is a post in r/politics and it is a quote from the Washington Post one can imagine it's veracity. Putin would no more meddle in American internal politics than an American president would meddle in Russian internal politics, and for good reason too. So, given that half of the headline is BS one can imagine the other half is too.", ">>{Dregannomics} : >Trump has also said he will let the Kremlin invade NATO countries Splitting hairs here, but he actually said he's not sure we should defend our NATO allies.", '>>{Maple28} : If information leaked about a politician is truthful and relevant, It is solely the politician in question fault that the information was kept private at all. One should face responsibility for putting oneself in a position where information exists that could be used by those with questionable motives. something in form of a leak today, could in the future come as the form of leverage over a sitting President.', '>>{AdviseMyAdvice} : Lol. Just like "Iraq has WMDs" was better than pure speculation?', '>>{Devoid_} : I believe in supporting NATO countries but they should be their own protector. Why do the American people need to foot the bill for the protection of basically the EU. All the NATO countries keep small militaries and spend the money on programs for the people which is great but requires America to be there to defend them', '>>{D-Moran} : The Russians have been meddling in the what they consider to be the "near abroad" for years. There\'s a reason the Baltic states are nervous about Trump\'s musing about NATO. But now they\'re turning their attention to US allies in Europe. In Britain, the Sputnik news agency supported the Brexit side with stories that personally attacked the PM (leader of the Remain side) and warned of "mass sex attacks" by migrants should the UK remain in Europe. It was much the same in Germany where false stories further inflamed anti-refugee sentiment -- which hurt Merkel in regional elections. They\'re also funding far right parties like Italy\'s Northern League, Golden Dawn in Greece and France\'s National Front. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-20/from-rape-claim-to-brexit-putin-machine-tears-at-europe-s-seams http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/12103602/America-to-investigate-Russian-meddling-in-EU.html', '>>{Carnate} : How much money had Russia given to Trump? How much has Saudi Arabia given to Hillary?', ">>{sweeneypng} : NATO serves more as a deterrent than anything else. The cost of being in an alliance with NATO countries is far less than the cost of allowing Russia to indiscriminately impose its will on Eastern Europe. Our presence bolsters the other NATO nations into holding up their end of the bargain, should one country be engaged by Russia. Without a superpower like the USA involved, individual countries might cave under pressure, but they can feel free to keep the alliance knowing they have a nuclear superpower backing them. Without the USA, NATO might not last if Russia starts testing its boundaries. Our interest in NATO countries is strategic, economic, and also extends to the non-NATO nations that stay protected thanks in part to NATO neutering Russia's military reach. Basically, there is much more in play here than some simple notion of fairness in spending.", '>>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : The one where he said he wouldn\'t absolutely rule out using nuclear weapons? That\'s just smart policy. Nukes are purely a deterrent, and deterrents only work if people think they will be used. This is not being a "warhawk." Hillary on the other hand has Iraq, Egypt, and Libya under her belt, along with other destabilizing policies.', ">>{Devoid_} : I agree that's why I believe I'm NATO, I'm just saying in my opinion the EU should be the one supplying about 70% of the resources to support NATO and America should be more of a support role. America should be the big friend behind the EU that nobody wants to fight but that should be it. It shouldn't be American equipment, American weapons and American troops making up the bulk of NATO. The EU should care more about their security than America, it's not fair to the taxpayers were running at almost a 600 billion dollar deficit this year", '>>{metaobject} : And would he push for and sign legislation that would reduce his debt to them? Is it just me, or is this situation fucked up?', '>>{Malek061} : This combined with the ny times hack and paid russian operatives supporting trump online seems more than enough.', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Both. American banks know he's a liability and won't lend to him.", '>>{DownWithAssad} : My theory is that Russia is using leaks to wage a Cold War-era Active Measures campaign against the West. Snowden\'s tweets in full (bolded for emphasis by me): --- The hack of an NSA malware staging server is not unprecedented, but the publication of the take is. Here\'s what you need to know: (1/x) 1) NSA traces and targets malware C2 servers in a practice called Counter Computer Network Exploitation, or CCNE. So do our rivals. 2) NSA is often lurking undetected for years on the C2 and ORBs (proxy hops) of state hackers. This is how we follow their operations. 3) This is how we steal their rivals\' hacking tools and reverse-engineer them to create "fingerprints" to help us detect them in the future. 4) Here\'s where it gets interesting: the NSA is not made of magic. Our rivals do the same thing to us -- and occasionally succeed. 5) Knowing this, NSA\'s hackers (TAO) are told not to leave their hack tools ("binaries") on the server after an op. But people get lazy. 6) What\'s new? NSA malware staging servers getting hacked by a rival is not new. A rival publicly demonstrating they have done so is. 7) Why did they do it? No one knows, but **I suspect this is more diplomacy than intelligence, related to the escalation around the DNC hack.** 8) **Circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom indicates Russian responsibility.** Here\'s why that is significant: 9) This leak is likely a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server. 10) That could have significant foreign policy consequences. Particularly if any of those operations targeted US allies. 11) Particularly if any of those operations targeted elections. 12) **Accordingly, this may be an effort to influence the calculus of decision-makers wondering how sharply to respond to the DNC hacks.** 13) TL;DR: This leak looks like a somebody sending a message that an escalation in the attribution game could get messy fast. **Bonus: When I came forward, NSA would have migrated offensive operations to new servers as a precaution - it\'s cheap and easy. So? So...** **The undetected hacker squatting on this NSA server lost access in June 2013. Rare public data point on the positive results of the leak.** --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Only a state has the power to leak NSA\'s weapons left on a server. I agree with Snowden\'s assessment that it was Russia. His reasoning is that this is a warning to America. Before the FBI publicly announces those behind the DNC leak, Russia is warning the U.S. that they can prove the U.S. hacking into computers too. What surprises me most is how naive the West has become. We\'re being bombarded with leaks on an almost weekly basis now. Most people have probably focused on the DNC leaks, but did you know that a group calling itself "DCLeaks" leaked the internal documents of liberal George Soros\' Open Society Foundation AND the private emails of the NATO general? Here\'s a look at their [Twitter account](https://twitter.com/dcleaks_) (tell me if you notice their emphasis on a certain country): >Hacked NATO general defends plotting to push Obama to escalate tensions with Russia >Breedlove’s war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia >Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict >Emails show Obama saw US involvement in Russia talks as a \'threat\' >\'Gen. plotted against Obama on Russia\' >Check George Soros\'s OSF plans to counter Russian policy and traditional values All they post are tweets relevant to Russia. [ThreatConnect Identifies DCLeaks As Another Russian-backed Influence Outlet](https://www.threatconnect.com/blog/does-a-bear-leak-in-the-woods/) Also, Russia hates NATO and Soros, which are the only topics the leaks from DCLeaks talk about. Russia is relying on naive Westerners to hate NATO and Soros. In other words, useful idiots. I see from /r/The_Donald that you people already hate Soros (links often lead to Russian disinformation websites) and think NATO should turn into a protection racket, ignoring basic hegemonic theory and forward deployment strategy of the U.S. near Russia and China. As an example, take a look at this conspiracy theory (and irrational) self post from /r/The_Donald: >[Is it just me or does it seem kind of funny that whenever there\'s emails leaked of people in the Clintons circle a shooting or riot comes up to distract people right after the leaks happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/) And look at one of the more popular comments: >[Every single time. **This distraction brought to you by George Soros**](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4xnree/major_leak_hurts_clinton_campaign_blm_riots/d6h26dq) What\'s most interesting is that the Russians lost access to their hacked NSA computer June 2013 directly because of the actions of Snowden. Snowden claims that after he outed the secrets of the NSA, the NSA was forced to change the computers it uses for offensive operations, thus booting out the Russians too. **We now have proof of three leaks in mere weeks, all done by Russia, to influence Americans\' opinions on the 2016 election (pro-Trump), to hate NATO, to publicly embarrass the NSA and warn the FBI of the consequences of announcing Russia was behind the DNC leaks, and disinformation about Soros to lure Trump supporters. This is unprecedented in Western history - Cold War active measures are back. They are using fake personas - "Guccifer2.0", "DCLeaks", and now "The Shadow Brokers" - the NSA weapons leakers - to destabilize the U.S.** I\'d characterize this as more of a disinformation campaign rather than a cyberwar. Essentially, Russia is busy spreading conspiracy theories about the U.S. As an example, a pro-Russian hacking group calling itself "CyberBerkut" pretended to hack into John McCain\'s laptop when he visited Ukraine (McCain is demonized in Russian media for being harsh towards them). You\'ll never know what they pretended to leak: apparently, they filmed a fake video of some people pretending to be Jihadi John and James Foley filming his execution in front of a green screen! The hackers said they had exposed McCain and America\'s involvement in staging fake ISIS execution videos. But the good folks over at MetaBunk did a frame-by-frame comparison of the real execution video and the so-called "leaked" filming of the set. They found that the actor had different movements compared to the real JJ. Here\'s the full debunking: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-cyberberkut-video-supposedly-showing-staged-isis-beheading-of-foley.t6520/ This "secret" video was prominently featured on InfoWars and Zerohedge. This fake hacking group, that literally makes fake videos and documents and then pretends to hack them from Western politicians\' computers, is without a doubt a Russian disinformation front group. Active Measures, as they called it back in the Cold War. This may sound cheesy, but the West doesn\'t do disinformation. Even during the Cold War, the side known for disinformation (Active Measures) was the Soviet block, not the West. Russia is an authoritarian country. It has no qualms paying thousands of people to spread pro-Kremlin propaganda online. Over the years, there have been countless reports of this happening. Heck, the unofficial Russian branch of Anonymous hacked the "Internet Research Agency" - a well known Russian troll farm - and leaked *everything* - emails, names, contact information, salaries, lists of troll accounts, assignments, you name it. Europe has set up some sort of media monitoring centre, called ["East StratCom Task Force"](http://disinfo.com/2016/01/disinformation-review-week-ten/), to counter Russian propaganda, that they created in March of 2015. It\'s one of the most pathetic and useless things I\'ve even seen. All they do is make a weekly .pdf file of Russia\'s lies and conspiracy theories Russian trolls try to spread online. They then upload said pdf file to some random corner of the web and call that their "response". Passive but not active. Assange doesn\'t care about the truth. He only cares at getting back at Clinton. He\'s been handed no less than 4 separate leaks in the past few weeks (DNC emails, Soros foundation\'s intranet documents, NATO general\'s emails, and NSA cyber weapons). He\'s a programmer just like me and Snowden. Heck, he\'s a genius programmer, or at least, he used to be back in the 1990s. He should be feeling suspicious about the large number of leaks regarding the U.S. But he hasn\'t publicly mentioned it - he knows it\'s Russia, but won\'t admit it. As an interesting aside, Guccifer2.0 claimed on Twitter [that he gave Assange the DNC emails](https://twitter.com/GUCCIFER_2/status/756530278982684672). If so, why is Assange spreading conspiracy theories about the dead DNC staffer, Seth Rich? Strange indeed. For now, read some of this history regarding Soviet Active Measures (relevant to our current situation): [Soviet Active Measures in the "Post-Cold War" Era 1988-1991](http://intellit.muskingum.edu/russia_folder/pcw_era/index.htm)', ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : And yet [it's Trump who thinks we should send up to 30,000 ground troops back to Iraq.](http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/11/politics/donald-trump-30000-troops-isis/)", ">>{sweeneypng} : In terms of direct funding, the U.S. provided 22% of the NATO funding this last year. Which would mean that Europe (and Canada) are already paying more than the 70% figure you want. With indirect funding, the U.S. provides quite a bit more than the other countries, but that is mainly because the U.S. has a giant military with bases all over the world, and the same troops that are considered to be indirect funding of NATO are also being staged to deploy to Afghanistan or some other operation. The proportion of funding you are expected to provide for NATO is determined, as per the agreement, by the nation's GDP, which is why the U.S. has a larger contribution than, say, Estonia. Total U.S. funding last year was around $500 million, so it's hardly responsible for the $600 billion deficit.", ">>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : A CNN article where he simply recites what generals have told him? That's the best you can come up with? He's always maintained less involvement in the Middle East, a reporter asks him how many troops it would take to clean up the current mess (created by Bush, Obama, and Clinton), and Trump cites a number given to him by a general. That's your argument that he's a warhawk?", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : My argument is Trump wants to jump back in Iraq despite everyone else in the country having learned that lesson a decade ago. He didn't just give the 30,000 troop figure like you're falsely claiming. He was answering a debate question on US military deployment to Iraq. He said: >We really have no choice. We have to knock out ISIS. I would listen to the generals, but I'm hearing numbers of 20,000 to 30,000. Good luck persuading people of Trump's prudent and sober judgment when it comes showing how tough he is. He can't even handle twitter trolls without getting his jimmies rustled! We'd be in a war by February if he were elected. Thankfully his candidacy is a total shitshow.", '>>{MyWifeDontKnowItsMe} : Thanks for making my point. News flash: We are already in a war. Thanks Bush, Obama, and Hillary.', '>>{Refreshing_Beverage} : [This is why you should thank Obama and Clinton if you care about anyone who could be deployed to Iraq.](http://imgur.com/35bDrPv)'], [">>{WLVTrojanMan} : Dude will say anything to get your vote. Not even the great Donald knows what he'll do if he's president.", ">>{ithoughtsobitch} : At least with Hillary you get what you pay for. I mean, Litterally. Hell, you could kill thousands of Americans on 9/11 and she'll still sell you a fleet of warships and cluster bombs as long as you *donate* enough to her *foundation*..", ">>{sphere2040} : Lets see, the Master Drumpfster has flop-flipped on the following issues, so far - 1. Punish women for abortions 2. Punish doctors for abortions 3. Whether to make the RNC Convention gun free 4. Whether our Military is great or in dire straits 5. Muslim Ban 6. National Debt 7. ISIS 8. Iraq War 9. Taxes 10. Immigration 11. Guns 12. Libya 13. Veterans Charity 14. Nuclear Proliferation 15. Afghanistan War 16. Israeli-Palestinian conflict 17. Torture 18. Climate Change 19. Money in Politics 20. Border Control 21. KU KLUX KLAN AND DAVID DUKE 22. Iran Nuclear deal 23. Health Care and now Minimum wage To celebrate this joyous occasion here are some [Trump Flip Flops](http://www.cafepress.com/+trump_2016_flip_flops,1630889331). Sources: [1](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/full-list-donald-trump-s-rapidly-changing-policy-positions-n547801) [2](http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/trump-vs.-trump--a-look-at-donald-trumps-evolving-positions-over-the-years-482986563581) [3](http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/31/politics/donald-trump-positions-flip-flops/) He doesn't give a jack shit about the working people of this country. The sooner the Dumpfster supporters realize that - the sooner we will all be better off. The Vice President was right - HE HAS NO CLUE^TM .", ">>{Actuarybrad} : The owners of Politifact, the Tampa Bay Times, endorsed Hillary for president. That website hasn't an ounce of credibility left, and should never be considered a trustworthy source.", ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Except the Secretary of State doesn't actually sell anything, and the US has been selling arms to the Saudis for decades.", '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Can you refute a single thing in the article?', ">>{NedSanders} : So the article's claim is wrong? It uses direct quotes verbatim... so nice deflection that in no way invalidates it.", '>>{archetype1} : Not true, that was *several* months ago- jeez.', '>>{Serenikill} : Attacking the source is a fallacy regardless but politifact is one of the most credible sources out there. Way more than slate or other sites that dominate this subreddit.', ">>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Hahaha it amazes me how many kiddos sit around on this sub making sure nothing negative about Trump gets upvotes. It is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen in my life. Good lord. They don't even take time off to masturbate to hentai anymore or play call of duty. they just sit here and hit refresh all day and night and downvote shit.", '>>{_Underoath_} : And Queen Shillary has flip flopped on every policy there is', '>>{ME24601} : Yes, over a decades of a career. Donald Trump changed his opinions on those things within a single election cycle.', ">>{ME24601} : > That website hasn't an ounce of credibility left, and should never be considered a trustworthy source. So are you saying that Trump hasn't changed his opinion on the minimum wage?", ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : I really don't think he's thought further ahead than winning the election. He knows the president is a tough and often boring job, right?", '>>{WLVTrojanMan} : He has thought about it, which is why he offered Kasich control of policy while he "makes America great again". Whatever the fuck that means', '>>{SargeantSasquatch} : Wait, he is actually planning to do nothing?', ">>{_Underoath_} : Yes, she has. You'd only believe that if you haven't seen her policies in 2013.", ">>{WLVTrojanMan} : If the allegations about the Kasich deal are true, then it's very likely that Mike fucking Pence will be running the country", ">>{ithoughtsobitch} : Let me guess. Its a vast *RIGHTWING CONSPIRACY!* http://i.imgur.com/OW0Y4q8.jpg LMFAO. >Hillary Clinton State Department Approved Weapons Sales For Company That Made Sandy Hook Assault Rifle http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/hillary-clinton-state-department-approved-weapons-sales-company-made-sandy-hook >Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department http://www.ibtimes.com/clinton-foundation-donors-got-weapons-deals-hillary-clintons-state-department-1934187 >Hillary Clinton Oversaw US Arms Deals to Clinton Foundation Donors http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/hillary-clinton-foundation-state-arms-deals >Hillary Clinton Is Pro Gun Control, But She’s Also Big on Arms Deals http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dieter-holger/hillary-clinton-is-pro-gu_b_8736298.html >Hillary Clinton Oversaw US Arms Deals to Clinton Foundation Donors http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/hillary-clinton-foundation-state-arms-deals >Saudi’s Exploding Christmas Gifts From Hillary Clinton http://www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-saudi-arabia_b_9374490.html >Hillary Clinton, Arms Dealer http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/260718/hillary-clinton-arms-dealer-arnold-ahlert >Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/20/hillary-clinton-state-department-approved-us-weapo/ >F-15 Sales to Muslims = Corporate donations to Hillary http://www.thomhartmann.com/forum/2016/02/f-15-sales-muslims-corporate-donations-hillary So, ya.. Go fuck yourself and fuck your bullshit denial.", '>>{Broody87} : Of course he did... Trump flip-flops more than a fucking Magikarp.', ">>{SapCPark} : Remington is one of the bigger weapons manufacturer in the US and the deal happened before Sandy Hook. Ibtimes is trying make something out of nothing there. Also it's not just the state department who approves weapons deals. The Pentagon does too. But of course over half your sources are from rags like Washington Times and Ibtimes so...", '>>{SapCPark} : When was she ever pro-life? When has she flipped flopped on debt? When has she called our troops shit?', '>>{Papshmire} : He\'s the sole driver of the Republican Party now. He just low balled the Democrats offer, and now voters need to chose between $10 or $15 with "no minimum wage" choice off the table.', '>>{ithoughtsobitch} : Just a reality check for the Clinton funded posters.', ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : Not really. You can't seriously believe people are going to read those. Especially after being such an asshat.", '>>{ithoughtsobitch} : Facts = *asshat*. ? Whats the saying? *Truth is treason in the empire of lies* ?', '>>{_Underoath_} : Same with "Drumpf". I\'ll only say Shillary if they say that shit.', ">>{jimmydorry} : That's a big IF though. ping /u/SargeantSasquatch", ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : I don't see Trump winning either. People are stupid, but people aren't *that* stupid.", '>>{jimmydorry} : I meant in terms of "if the allegations Kasich made are true". He doesn\'t sound like someone Trump would ever want to work with, especially in terms of policy. In fact, Donald has even outright said he never considered Kasich, never talked to Kasich about it, never told anyone else about considering Kasich, etc. It\'s essentially Kasich\'s word against Trump\'s here, and neither are trust worthy. I wouldn\'t put it past Kasich putting the rumour out there, in an attempt to strengthen his prospects for the next election.', ">>{SargeantSasquatch} : These allegations from Kasich flew under my radar. He's competent enough to accept and take charge of policy if Trump made the offer, but it's probably not true if Kasich made the claim.", ">>{Buffalo_Apparatus} : How did you go from Donald Trump to cartoon porn? You know what? Actually, don't tell me.", '>>{Serenikill} : One is a mild joke on his actual heritage name and the other is a sexist insult', '>>{nowthatsrich} : Or you could have listened to what he said, he said $10 seemed fair, but his next line was it was up for the states to decide.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : And often thankless. You may get acclaimed during election years by your party, but everyone will rip on you if you make mistakes in the White House.', '>>{luckyleighton} : That is something he and Hilary have in common (and most politicians for that matter).', '>>{SingularityCentral} : The state department approval is formality. The directive to sell the arms comes from the white house. I am not saying Clinton did not agree with the policy, but she also did not have the power to unilaterally change policy.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : The editorial board of almost every paper endorses a candidate. You know, in the editorial and opinion section.', '>>{Irishish} : Silly OP, everyone knows RT and Breitbart are the last bastions of objective journalism. Everything else is owned by Shillary.'], ['>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : How long did you leave it in rice? It might be useful now but then water can get into ports, or board and fry it since its on.', '>>{hardtalk370} : For about 30 minutes. Seemed dry when I put it in though. Tried soaking stuff up with paper towels but there was no wetness detected. Weird huh?', '>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : I would say to be safe put it back for another 30 to ensure there are no drips left anywhere', ">>{cb526} : Stop using it right now. Turn it off and put it in a bag of rice overnight. The rice will absorb any residual moisture that won't drop out on its own.", ">>{LoveArrowShooto} : Rice will not magically fix electronics. Once corrosion shows up on the PCB, your phone will not function until you clean that off or replace the IC or capacitor. If you got 15 minutes to spare, watch Louis Rossmann's video on water damage repair. https://youtu.be/yPeITOz2_YM", '>>{Chocolations} : the best way to fix water damage i soaking the motherboard in alcohol 99% works and scrubbing all the parts of the mobo with the alcohol and usually that will remove most of the corossion, also try not to turn on the device as that can permanently damage your phone.', '>>{hardtalk370} : Perfect! Soaked the motherboard in alcohol overnight (used Macallan..), tore it apart this morning and gave it a good scrub. Works just like new! Thank you so much :)', ">>{TIFUbyResponding} : You understand you're supposed to put it in rice (or silica) for DAYS not minutes, right?", ">>{hardtalk370} : I dunno man. It's working until it's working I guess. So far so good. Day two going strong.", ">>{hardtalk370} : Guys just an update for whoever comes searching for the same issue. It's been a while now and my phone still functions perfectly!"], ['>>{scotchcleanscuts} : Trump feels hispanic judge may be biased against him due to policy positions - new Hillary ad features Republicans questioning his comments', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Of course. Don't racism is going to be one of the rocks on which his campaign founders. There's other problem, but racism just doesn't fly anymore. Not in public", ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : Is it impossible that a Hispanic judge may let his impartiality be disturbed by Trump's proposals?", '>>{helphul} : All the Republicans that side with a biased judge over their presumptive Presidential nominee have shown themselves to be useful idiots for Hillary Clinton.', ">>{The1andonlyZack} : Is it impossible that a judge on any level, let alone the level he is on is capable of rendering a fair verdict sans a remote possibility? That's the more pertinent question you should be asking yourself.", ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : It's not racism. He doesn't say the judge is incompetent solely because he is Mexican, he says the judge has a bias because Trump's policies are unpopular with the group the judge belongs to. He isn't making a large point about the inferiority of Hispanics here. He said it inelegantly, but it is common sense - many Hispanics dislike Trump because of his immigration stance. And that's fine and reasonable!", ">>{Silver_Skeeter} : Hillary Clinton's general election platform: * I'm Not Donald Trump * Donald Trump's Past * Vast Right Wing Conspiracies * I'm basically Barack Obama * Guns are bad * Woman", '>>{scotchcleanscuts} : There are examples of judges letting political bias interfere with rulings, are there not? We should consider the rulings in this case, Trump says that since the woman who initially brought the suit was removed from the suit, it should be dropped. He points to judicial bias as the reason it was not, and frankly that seems reasonable.', ">>{tklane} : > I'm Not Donald Trump That's a landslide victory right there by itself", '>>{Stormystormynight} : Hilary is clinging to the small thread of hope before the FBI drag her away? this was a good ad for her, but here are some more interesting ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t54Ly_mvuk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAsun7k5dPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Ddd4Zn7ZI', '>>{gapingroast} : He was appointed by Obama and is a member of La Raza.. Trump is correct in wanting this judge to recuse himself..', ">>{tklane} : So he should push for a mistrial or to have the judge removed. Taking to the airways and making racist comments about Mexican heritage and implicit bias is not only something unbefitting of the office of President, it's just tasteless. There are ways to make the argument that the trial is stacked against you without resorting to racism.", '>>{1blah1} : The only thing that the video highlights is the wall. If anyone has any doubts if trump is going to build that wall, this video made by the opposite party clarifies that. About that racist remarks, people will get over it. They have been calling trump racist for so long he might as well take advantage of it. Trump is way too smarter. Just wait and see.', ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : Isn't it more likely for a Hispanic judge to have unconscious bias against Trump than, say, an Asian judge? If the judge has made seemingly unfair decisions, isn't it reasonable to think that may have had an effect, however small?", '>>{tklane} : You\'re missing the point. If Trump feels a "Mexican judge" is going to be biased against him, then there are legal avenues for him to explore that would provide reprieve. Getting on mass media and saying "Well he\'s Mexican so he\'s biased" and then going on to have your campaign say "Oh yes, and also Muslim judges and/or women judges would be biased as well" is NOT how to handle the situation.', '>>{madleon1} : So the media goes on for months and months about how much Hispanics hate Trump....so then when Trump comes around and says okay maybe a Hispanic judge might not like him....they go apeshit? lolwut?', ">>{scotchcleanscuts} : He should have settled this case long ago, it is a silly distraction and people will draw a false equivalence between this and Hillary's legal troubles, which could well be criminal in nature. Trump's case is civil and petty.", '>>{LittleShrub} : You know the second thing is a lie, right?', '>>{RxVote} : The media has been scammed by Donald again: He could be as "guilty as sin" of every charge in the Trump University case, plus many allegations omitted from it. A guilty verdict would completely destroy Donald, reducing his financial wealth and power to the level of a pan handler. So like a smart kid he is putting on an extended tantrum* to delay the unbearable in hopes the distraction will somehow free him: *a sudden outburst or violent display of rage, frustration, and bad temper, usually occurring in a maladjusted child and certain emotionally disturbed people. The activity is usually not directed at anyone or anything specific but toward the environment in general and is used primarily as a device for attempting to control others and the surroundings. It most commonly occurs at age 2 to 2-½ years. Also called temper tantrum. http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tantrum', '>>{LittleShrub} : Curiel is a member of a group with La Raza in its name. It’s not the National Council of La Raza, as Trump has suggested, just a staid lawyers’ group... http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/06/the-problem-with-calling-out-judges-for-their-race/485732/', ">>{TigerExpress} : One of Trump's main campaign points is that he's not part of the Republican establishment. Clinton runs ads showing the Republican establishment is against Trump. There are plenty of ways to attack Trump on the judge issue but trying to use the disapproval of the Republican power brokers isn't the way to do it.", ">>{LTFalcon} : https://www.yahoo.com/news/actions-speak-louder-than-trump-his-own-lawyer-said-the-judge-is-doing-his-job-in-trump-u-case-224338852.html Trumps lawyers don't seem to have any issues with the judge.", ">>{tau-lepton} : S I guess that Muslim judges, Jewish judges, women judges, black judges, educated judges,... are also biased and shouldn't be allowed either.", '>>{tau-lepton} : which says that he is not a member of the National Council of La Raza.', '>>{gapingroast} : Look at the affiliations this lawyer group has, some of the decisions made And where they get their money from. .', ">>{The1andonlyZack} : Do you have any proof of this unconscious bias on account of the Judge....because otherwise I can't imagine how anyone accused of certain crimes could get a fair judge because unconsciously the judge would have a negative feeling for them...because ya know someone has a feeling that that makes sense...."], ['>>{75000_Tokkul} : Those jobs Trump is bragging about are just a fraction of Sprint’s huge layoffs', '>>{treerat} : >Most recently, the company disclosed in January that it was laying off 2,500 workers in U.S. call centers. After the new expansion, more people will be working phones for Sprint in the United States again, but not all of them will be working directly for the company.', ">>{SATexas1} : I think on Monday he's going to announce like 5000 new jobs with sprint. This will be a very bigly deal", '>>{SATexas1} : People would rather sit in zucacati park and protest not being a part of the 1%', '>>{Brad_Wesley} : > I guess it is something, but hardly something to brag about. Well sure, I agree.', ">>{SATexas1} : What did I say that lead you to assume things. I made a statement, without offering an opinion on it. It's odd to have commented as you did with such a small amount of information", ">>{RepelGropers} : The jobs Trump keeps bragging about are just a drop in the bucket. To have any meaningful effect, his economy has to generate so many jobs he won't have a chance to brag about them the way he is now. It's a big economy, folks.", '>>{ItchyThunder} : Generally speaking, in the economy that churns hundreds of thousands of jobs every month bragging about a few thousand for a president is stupid, especially if he had nothing to do with those jobs.', '>>{WarPhalange} : >I made a statement, without offering an opinion on it. No, that statement *was* an opinion. Unless you have some poll that actually shows what you said is true.', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Got a source for the 5k jobs a day point? Did some googling but can't find one. I'd love to have that when I talk to some family members tomorrow", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Bad job is still better than no job without basic income, tuition free college and free healthcare.', '>>{T1mac} : In the eight years Obama has been President, he added about 15 million jobs. There are 2,920 days in the eight years and the average jobs per day is 5,137.', '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Awesome, thanks! Sorry for the lack of basic logic, been sick the past few days and my brain is a step behind', '>>{savagedan} : Bah, the rubes don\'t care about facts, their God Emperor is just "winning"']]
classify and reply
['>>{jsalsman} : Will Hillary Clinton chose Bernie Sanders as her running mate?', ">>{Moderate_Independent} : I'm still waiting on concrete proof. Until then, It's all just bullshit political grandstanding from the left.", ">>{Tet_Corporation} : Will...chose? And that's right from the article title.", '>>{all2humanuk} : How is the director of the FBI saying they\'re is an active ongoing investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia, "bullshit political grandstanding"?', '>>{all2humanuk} : Really? Have you seen all his/her shitposts about Hillary?', '>>{dblake123} : Obama to address a divided nation at Dallas memorial service', '>>{Moderate_Independent} : Because he backed out of appearing before the senate intelligence committee hearing tomorrow. The FBI is only investigating because congressional Democrats told them to.', '>>{dblake123} : Yeah... Finally going to talk about the innocent people getting killed? I doubt it. He\'s probably just going to say "cops are the victims, don\'t shoot the cops." The police are not the victims, they are the of the violence. If they knew how to treat people decently then this would have not happened.', ">>{shady0041} : I don't see it happening. I doubt he will even give a full hearted endorsement for her. It will probably be a bit watered down like the endorsement he gave to Bill Clinton in the 90's.", ">>{Politx} : Independents and progressives may need to go elsewhere and find someone else. If Bernie endorses, i'll find someone else - no way I'm on that train.", '>>{MiyegomboBayartsogt} : He should. And he should beg forgiveness for his lies because people have died. Obama has embraced and celebrated the unabashedly pro cop killing group Black Lives Matter, BLM. Patterned off the political wing of murderous outlaw gang BLA, "Black Liberation Army," BLM\'s home page has featured the quotes of an unrepentant fugitive cop killer with the revolutionary hamburger name of Assata Shakur. BLM speakers regularly praise the murderess as pure heroine. BLM, like BLA, celebrates cop killers and praises them and, with the recent incident in Dallas, proudly celebrates death with street dancing and an orgy of social media snuff porno. If Obama retains a single shred of decency and a kernel of humanity left at long last, he needs to publicly distance himself from his past lies and disaffiliate the current Administration from the lawless, divisive rhetoric of these George Soros-funded hate groups.', ">>{g_mo821} : Obama lit the white house like a rainbow for gay marriage, purple for prince, and nothing for the cops killed last week. He doesn't care", '>>{tonysnap} : I think this person is serious! When 5 white people are gunned down by a racist nutcase he blames the cops! Never get this deep into a cult, it probably gets you put on a list.', ">>{dblake123} : yup. I do blame the cops. If cops treated people humanly then you wouldn't have people shooting at cops. The cops are not judge, jury and executioners. They are investigators and keepers of the peace.", ">>{tonysnap} : The people who were killed in Dallas did NOTHING to you. Gunning down random white people because you're upset an armed thug in Louisiana got killed during an armed struggle is insanity.", '>>{Moderate_Independent} : How anyone is still a Democrat after watching that trainwreck of a campaign/platform is beyond me. But then again, This country is so polarized that people have convinced themselves that it\'s a "If you\'re not with us, Then you must be with them." mentality.... ...When in fact, There are more undecideds than there are Dems and Repubs.', ">>{machimus} : She might offer, but he probably won't accept. VP is somewhat of a downgrade from Senator, it's kind of a neutered position. He's arguably better off going back to being a Senator with some leftover limelight from his presidential run.", '>>{WaltChamberlin} : He backed out of the House committee because it was too partisan. Nothing to do with the Senate committee.', ">>{juni0rmint} : That was the House Intelligence Committee, which is pretty obvious to most, is now a sham thanks the the Republican chairman who decided to share investigation details he collected from the White House, with the White House, all while he is supposed to be spearheading an impartial investigation into the White House's accused collusion with a foreign power. Try to BS all you want, but its not grandstanding; it's saving the Republic.", '>>{whenfoom} : She dodged the question on Warren. Or should I say "jelly fished." https://twitter.com/hannahfc/status/741335433645314048', '>>{Moderate_Independent} : It seems more likely that the entire narrative will get absolutely destroyed, Be sure to watch!!', ">>{ButtlickTheGreat} : I'm not a Democrat anymore, so I at least think you're right in that regard. But, to counter that point, how anyone with any values at all could still be a Republican after hearing their candidate for POTUS state that he likes to grab women by the pussy without asking is beyond me. And then to vote for that guy...he's supposed to be the brightest star amongst our firmament. This guy's more like a black hole.", ">>{dblake123} : no. the fact that they dress like sluts doesn't effect me at all.", ">>{Digit-Aria} : The longer she and the DNC entertain the notion of Warren and Sanders as running mate, the more the eventual selection will appear just as progressive; even if they're a neoliberal or moderate. The same thing happened with President Obama finally naming a replacement Supreme Court justice. Liberals love Garland simply because he had to stand along the fantasy of others speculated.", ">>{vph} : A VP is a wingman, a team player who is humbled and serves the President's interests. Sadly, Bernie Sanders is not that man. He cannot be anyone's wing man.", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I'll laugh if she is forced to, Bernie will tame that shrew right up.", ">>{gurrllness} : I wish he'd take Stein up on her offer.", ">>{juni0rmint} : It's possible, just not very probable, in my opinion. Remember: crow is a dish best served cold. I'll make sure you get a piece when the time comes.", ">>{gurrllness} : Yeah that One Ring she possesses, found where the sun don't shine, was forged in Mordor and I ain't kissin it.", '>>{Radicle_Pass_A_Fist} : you must not have been paying attention to the 2016 election. No one is credible anymore.', '>>{dblake123} : Why? If the police are going to kill me then who the hell is going to protect me?', ">>{tonysnap} : Police aren't going to kill you if you're not an armed criminal or trying to kill police officers. The number of unarmed black men killed by police is INSANELY small. Fix your community, stop demanding other people do.", ">>{GetInTheVanKid} : Such a shame you're getting impeached, Hilldog - guess I gotta take the reigns now!", ">>{dblake123} : oh? that's not what happened to Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. If a Terrorist or a person who wanted to kill or hurt minorities he could do what the anyonymous caller did. Just drive around town picking marks and calling the police telling them the marks is waving a gun around and threatening to kill people and the mark has a very good chance of getting killed. In Philando's case all he needed to do was tell the officer he had a gun. Which is what you are suppose to do when you are carrying a firearm. So bullshit cops won't kill me.", '>>{tonysnap} : Alton Sterling had a gun and was fighting with police. They know he had a gun because the entire call was about the fact he was brandishing a firearm. Shocker, he had a gun. He had a history of being illegally armed. Why would you create this stupid conspiracy theory that is obviously not true. Nobody will take you serious if you invent outlandish theories that this was some kind of hit job by some random terrorist who falsely claimed he was armed. We have no idea what happened with Philando yet, we have to wait to see the details are. Shit that happened to Philando happens to white people too. Gunning down random white people, like you suggest, is not the fucking solution. Fix your own community, stop demanding we do it for you.', ">>{dblake123} : Oh please. Just because he had a gun doesn't give the right for the police to open fire. Sterling wasn't even in a position to use it and he's an over weight guy and he had two cops on him and he had been tased. I'm pretty sure even if he was in a firing position (WHICH HE WAS NOT!) he couldn't hit anything he was aiming at. Cops can't deal with a man like that without killing him? Please.... They have to kick the shit out of the guy and then kill him to secure the threat? Really Sad. >We have no idea what happened with Philando yet, we have to wait to see the details are. Shit that happened to Philando happens to white people too. Name a white boy it happend to. >Fix your own community, stop demanding we do it for you. The police officer uniform is generic and it goes out to the whole country. A police officer is the same as one in California, Main, Texas, Florida, South Carolina and any other state. So if the cops in California are fucking up then it makes the police officers in Maine look bad.", '>>{jew_jitsu} : remind me! whenever the fuck this shit show ends', ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : don't forget that there is more than [circumstantial evidence of collusion with Russia](https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2017-03-22/top-democrat-on-house-intel-committee-has-more-than-circumstantial-evidence-on-trump-russia-collusion)", '>>{tonysnap} : I\'m going to help you out. If you\'re known to have a gun, and you start fighting someone (like he was fighting these cops), deadly force is justified. This is basic shit, the cops aren\'t there to see how far you\'re going to escalate this. He was even reaching for his gun, you shoot someone who is fighting you and reaching for a gun. >Name a white boy it happend to. Zachary Hammond More white people are killed by police than black people, there is no racial bias in police shootings. >The police officer uniform is generic and it goes out to the whole country. A police officer is the same as one in California, Main, Texas, Florida, South Carolina and any other state. So if the cops in California are fucking up then it makes the police officers in Maine look bad. I really hope you\'re a troll, otherwise BLM is dumber than even I thought. Normally I\'d assume troll and move on, but I\'ve been watching livestreams of BLM protests. I hear shit this dumb. One time I heard this mom say that "yes my son was shooting at police, but they should have just shot him in the leg they didn\'t have to kill him".', '>>{Hyrax09} : Considering Obama is one of the main reasons this country is divided I have no idea how he could make things better.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Someone needs to save us from killary, I'd almost take the Taliban at this point. At least they are honest about their wickedness.", '>>{jsalsman} : Under first-past-the-post, winner-take-all, third parties split the vote because of the spoiler effect.', ">>{wurtis16} : That's why Warren would be perfect she can tell and scream and actually do nothing, right up her alley.", ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : [Schumer says otherwise](https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2017-03-22/top-democrat-on-house-intel-committee-has-more-than-circumstantial-evidence-on-trump-russia-collusion). Likely because it is ongoing, this evidence is highly classified and there's a shit ton going on, including Trumps team erasing data.", '>>{Hadramal} : Comey testified that the investigation into Trumps campaign began in July, long before any congressional Democrats were involved. You are either wrong or the director of FBI lied.', '>>{morbidexpression} : as if anybody is going to bother wasting time trying to change your mind. Go back to Brietbart and inhale some more Putin flatulence.', '>>{morbidexpression} : typical Putin apologist divisive bullshit. There\'s nothing "moderate" about the drivel you spew.', '>>{HippocriteOfCos} : Why would the republican director of the FBI do what the minority opposition party told him to do?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Moderate_Independent} : I'm still waiting on concrete proof. Until then, It's all just bullshit political grandstanding from the left.", '>>{all2humanuk} : How is the director of the FBI saying they\'re is an active ongoing investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia, "bullshit political grandstanding"?', '>>{all2humanuk} : Really? Have you seen all his/her shitposts about Hillary?', '>>{Moderate_Independent} : Because he backed out of appearing before the senate intelligence committee hearing tomorrow. The FBI is only investigating because congressional Democrats told them to.', '>>{Moderate_Independent} : How anyone is still a Democrat after watching that trainwreck of a campaign/platform is beyond me. But then again, This country is so polarized that people have convinced themselves that it\'s a "If you\'re not with us, Then you must be with them." mentality.... ...When in fact, There are more undecideds than there are Dems and Repubs.', '>>{WaltChamberlin} : He backed out of the House committee because it was too partisan. Nothing to do with the Senate committee.', ">>{juni0rmint} : That was the House Intelligence Committee, which is pretty obvious to most, is now a sham thanks the the Republican chairman who decided to share investigation details he collected from the White House, with the White House, all while he is supposed to be spearheading an impartial investigation into the White House's accused collusion with a foreign power. Try to BS all you want, but its not grandstanding; it's saving the Republic.", '>>{Moderate_Independent} : It seems more likely that the entire narrative will get absolutely destroyed, Be sure to watch!!', ">>{ButtlickTheGreat} : I'm not a Democrat anymore, so I at least think you're right in that regard. But, to counter that point, how anyone with any values at all could still be a Republican after hearing their candidate for POTUS state that he likes to grab women by the pussy without asking is beyond me. And then to vote for that guy...he's supposed to be the brightest star amongst our firmament. This guy's more like a black hole.", ">>{juni0rmint} : It's possible, just not very probable, in my opinion. Remember: crow is a dish best served cold. I'll make sure you get a piece when the time comes.", '>>{Radicle_Pass_A_Fist} : you must not have been paying attention to the 2016 election. No one is credible anymore.', '>>{jew_jitsu} : remind me! whenever the fuck this shit show ends', ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : don't forget that there is more than [circumstantial evidence of collusion with Russia](https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2017-03-22/top-democrat-on-house-intel-committee-has-more-than-circumstantial-evidence-on-trump-russia-collusion)", ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : [Schumer says otherwise](https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2017-03-22/top-democrat-on-house-intel-committee-has-more-than-circumstantial-evidence-on-trump-russia-collusion). Likely because it is ongoing, this evidence is highly classified and there's a shit ton going on, including Trumps team erasing data.", '>>{Hadramal} : Comey testified that the investigation into Trumps campaign began in July, long before any congressional Democrats were involved. You are either wrong or the director of FBI lied.', '>>{morbidexpression} : as if anybody is going to bother wasting time trying to change your mind. Go back to Brietbart and inhale some more Putin flatulence.', '>>{morbidexpression} : typical Putin apologist divisive bullshit. There\'s nothing "moderate" about the drivel you spew.', '>>{HippocriteOfCos} : Why would the republican director of the FBI do what the minority opposition party told him to do?'], ['>>{jsalsman} : Will Hillary Clinton chose Bernie Sanders as her running mate?', ">>{Tet_Corporation} : Will...chose? And that's right from the article title.", ">>{shady0041} : I don't see it happening. I doubt he will even give a full hearted endorsement for her. It will probably be a bit watered down like the endorsement he gave to Bill Clinton in the 90's.", ">>{Politx} : Independents and progressives may need to go elsewhere and find someone else. If Bernie endorses, i'll find someone else - no way I'm on that train.", ">>{machimus} : She might offer, but he probably won't accept. VP is somewhat of a downgrade from Senator, it's kind of a neutered position. He's arguably better off going back to being a Senator with some leftover limelight from his presidential run.", '>>{whenfoom} : She dodged the question on Warren. Or should I say "jelly fished." https://twitter.com/hannahfc/status/741335433645314048', ">>{Digit-Aria} : The longer she and the DNC entertain the notion of Warren and Sanders as running mate, the more the eventual selection will appear just as progressive; even if they're a neoliberal or moderate. The same thing happened with President Obama finally naming a replacement Supreme Court justice. Liberals love Garland simply because he had to stand along the fantasy of others speculated.", ">>{vph} : A VP is a wingman, a team player who is humbled and serves the President's interests. Sadly, Bernie Sanders is not that man. He cannot be anyone's wing man.", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I'll laugh if she is forced to, Bernie will tame that shrew right up.", ">>{gurrllness} : I wish he'd take Stein up on her offer.", ">>{gurrllness} : Yeah that One Ring she possesses, found where the sun don't shine, was forged in Mordor and I ain't kissin it.", ">>{GetInTheVanKid} : Such a shame you're getting impeached, Hilldog - guess I gotta take the reigns now!", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Someone needs to save us from killary, I'd almost take the Taliban at this point. At least they are honest about their wickedness.", '>>{jsalsman} : Under first-past-the-post, winner-take-all, third parties split the vote because of the spoiler effect.', ">>{wurtis16} : That's why Warren would be perfect she can tell and scream and actually do nothing, right up her alley."], ['>>{dblake123} : Obama to address a divided nation at Dallas memorial service', '>>{dblake123} : Yeah... Finally going to talk about the innocent people getting killed? I doubt it. He\'s probably just going to say "cops are the victims, don\'t shoot the cops." The police are not the victims, they are the of the violence. If they knew how to treat people decently then this would have not happened.', '>>{MiyegomboBayartsogt} : He should. And he should beg forgiveness for his lies because people have died. Obama has embraced and celebrated the unabashedly pro cop killing group Black Lives Matter, BLM. Patterned off the political wing of murderous outlaw gang BLA, "Black Liberation Army," BLM\'s home page has featured the quotes of an unrepentant fugitive cop killer with the revolutionary hamburger name of Assata Shakur. BLM speakers regularly praise the murderess as pure heroine. BLM, like BLA, celebrates cop killers and praises them and, with the recent incident in Dallas, proudly celebrates death with street dancing and an orgy of social media snuff porno. If Obama retains a single shred of decency and a kernel of humanity left at long last, he needs to publicly distance himself from his past lies and disaffiliate the current Administration from the lawless, divisive rhetoric of these George Soros-funded hate groups.', ">>{g_mo821} : Obama lit the white house like a rainbow for gay marriage, purple for prince, and nothing for the cops killed last week. He doesn't care", '>>{tonysnap} : I think this person is serious! When 5 white people are gunned down by a racist nutcase he blames the cops! Never get this deep into a cult, it probably gets you put on a list.', ">>{dblake123} : yup. I do blame the cops. If cops treated people humanly then you wouldn't have people shooting at cops. The cops are not judge, jury and executioners. They are investigators and keepers of the peace.", ">>{tonysnap} : The people who were killed in Dallas did NOTHING to you. Gunning down random white people because you're upset an armed thug in Louisiana got killed during an armed struggle is insanity.", ">>{dblake123} : no. the fact that they dress like sluts doesn't effect me at all.", '>>{dblake123} : Why? If the police are going to kill me then who the hell is going to protect me?', ">>{tonysnap} : Police aren't going to kill you if you're not an armed criminal or trying to kill police officers. The number of unarmed black men killed by police is INSANELY small. Fix your community, stop demanding other people do.", ">>{dblake123} : oh? that's not what happened to Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. If a Terrorist or a person who wanted to kill or hurt minorities he could do what the anyonymous caller did. Just drive around town picking marks and calling the police telling them the marks is waving a gun around and threatening to kill people and the mark has a very good chance of getting killed. In Philando's case all he needed to do was tell the officer he had a gun. Which is what you are suppose to do when you are carrying a firearm. So bullshit cops won't kill me.", '>>{tonysnap} : Alton Sterling had a gun and was fighting with police. They know he had a gun because the entire call was about the fact he was brandishing a firearm. Shocker, he had a gun. He had a history of being illegally armed. Why would you create this stupid conspiracy theory that is obviously not true. Nobody will take you serious if you invent outlandish theories that this was some kind of hit job by some random terrorist who falsely claimed he was armed. We have no idea what happened with Philando yet, we have to wait to see the details are. Shit that happened to Philando happens to white people too. Gunning down random white people, like you suggest, is not the fucking solution. Fix your own community, stop demanding we do it for you.', ">>{dblake123} : Oh please. Just because he had a gun doesn't give the right for the police to open fire. Sterling wasn't even in a position to use it and he's an over weight guy and he had two cops on him and he had been tased. I'm pretty sure even if he was in a firing position (WHICH HE WAS NOT!) he couldn't hit anything he was aiming at. Cops can't deal with a man like that without killing him? Please.... They have to kick the shit out of the guy and then kill him to secure the threat? Really Sad. >We have no idea what happened with Philando yet, we have to wait to see the details are. Shit that happened to Philando happens to white people too. Name a white boy it happend to. >Fix your own community, stop demanding we do it for you. The police officer uniform is generic and it goes out to the whole country. A police officer is the same as one in California, Main, Texas, Florida, South Carolina and any other state. So if the cops in California are fucking up then it makes the police officers in Maine look bad.", '>>{tonysnap} : I\'m going to help you out. If you\'re known to have a gun, and you start fighting someone (like he was fighting these cops), deadly force is justified. This is basic shit, the cops aren\'t there to see how far you\'re going to escalate this. He was even reaching for his gun, you shoot someone who is fighting you and reaching for a gun. >Name a white boy it happend to. Zachary Hammond More white people are killed by police than black people, there is no racial bias in police shootings. >The police officer uniform is generic and it goes out to the whole country. A police officer is the same as one in California, Main, Texas, Florida, South Carolina and any other state. So if the cops in California are fucking up then it makes the police officers in Maine look bad. I really hope you\'re a troll, otherwise BLM is dumber than even I thought. Normally I\'d assume troll and move on, but I\'ve been watching livestreams of BLM protests. I hear shit this dumb. One time I heard this mom say that "yes my son was shooting at police, but they should have just shot him in the leg they didn\'t have to kill him".', '>>{Hyrax09} : Considering Obama is one of the main reasons this country is divided I have no idea how he could make things better.']]
classify and reply
['>>{RPDBF} : Rand Paul Fights to End Indefinite Detention and Detention Without Trial', '>>{oldspeech} : Rand Paul is a good man. I hate that he is a Republican, but I respect him.', '>>{BrazenBribery} : I really want to like Libertarians and hold them up as the ideal Republicans, but why must they be so nutty about taxing and spending', '>>{shapiro_da_59} : You "hate" republicans. That\'s fucking pathetic.', ">>{pirate_simon} : Because it isn't right to tax citizens half of their paychecks. People should keep most of what they earn", '>>{RammingIntoChicks} : Because we are taxed too much and we spend too much. Cutting both just seems like a logical choice.', ">>{theSofterMachine} : The republican party is what's pathetic. I have no problem with conservatives but they're anything but. They whine about taxes and guvment but they have no problem wasting taxpayer money on stupid shit meddling in people's lives like trying to pass laws on where transgender people can take a shit.", ">>{RammingIntoChicks} : I'm still absolutely dumbfounded that this man didn't get more support in the primaries.", ">>{hey-be-rational} : Or... wait for it... That's what you read about, because that is what you like to read, or hear, or see on the news. And so they feed it to you. They feed it to you until you are so full you could almost puke. And then you do puke, and the result is this comment or more like it. Thanks for playing. I keep it real, no need to thank me.", ">>{Alphamonkey1} : No, he said he hates that he is one. He didn't say he hates republicans.", ">>{escalation} : The Republicans have blown up many a budget on wars and military spending. It's like saving a couple bucks on the grocery bill by not eating out and then going and buying a new motorcycle which you plan to wrap around a tree.", ">>{escalation} : It's called responsible budget management. Everyone else would rather run up the credit cards.", '>>{BakingTheCookiesRigh} : Me too. The media and big idiot characters like Trump draw the lazy gaze of millions while people actually trying to get shit done for the good of Americans are ignored. Thank God he is still Senator of Kentucky and young still.', ">>{gokuuu} : the entire world laughs at republicans, they're a joke", '>>{Just23breathe} : Also a great deterrent from Trump getting surprise assassinated. No big-bank globalist would put the money up for a hit if Rand would be standing there to take the reigns. That being said, I still think Sessions is going to get the VP nod.', '>>{Just23breathe} : Republicans and Democrats are basically just the right and left wing of the Globalist Party. Rand goes against most of that philosophy so he was going to be ignored anyway much like his father was. Where Trump succeeded where Rand and Ron failed is that Trump is a master of persuasion and was able to captivate the nation the quickest and longest.', ">>{Chuck419} : I love Rand but he could get more done in the senate than as VP. The VP really doesn't have much power, they vote in the senate if there is a tie and wait around for the president to die.", '>>{Chuck419} : The reason the NC passed the bathroom law was because the mainly liberal Charlotte city council passed an ordinance saying you could use whatever bathroom you want. This went against the state constitution which says that city government cannot regulate businesses (and the bathrooms inside them.) http://thefederalist.com/2016/05/09/the-truth-about-north-carolinas-bathroom-bill/', '>>{Chuck419} : The Obama administration had a higher military budget than Bush... http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/8227820.html', ">>{liberationation} : Self-described as libertarian-ish, or as a libertarian-conservative. Which is to say he's mostly a right-libertarian, rather than someone like Gary Johnson who tends to lean a bit more to the left.", '>>{liberationation} : Well the only ones I consider nutty are the "taxation is theft, down with the government" anarchist types, but they are in the minority.', '>>{SNCommand} : It also puts you in the public eye though, paving way for a potential presidential candidacy if he gets viewed favorably, and your political views still have the potential to influence the administration you sit in', '>>{escalation} : Yep. Ten billion more. This includes equipment replacement. Now, remind me what the combined costs of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were, and how much quantative easing we had to do to make the numbers sorta work?', ">>{sshan} : That is just a very different system of government. It really just comes down to a value judgement. It is if you think that certain things should be provided to all people in a rich country. Once you say some sort of baseline elderly retirement plan, medical care, roads, police, ambulance, military, plus misc services of natural monopolies (ie hurricane forecasting) you have to tax a lot. It's fine if you don't want that but in the end democracy....", '>>{MammalMolester} : Because he has the same attitude towards the globalists that Truml does. The only difference is that Trump new how to crash the system.', ">>{ashstronge} : He ran a terrible campaign. If he had been more on message and trumpeted positions like these, I think he could have been far more competitive. I think he tried to appeal to social conservatives (I.e. 'Baltimore's main problem is single parents') and his main message was that he was against Hillary (and later Trump). I think he would have made a fantastic nominee, but his primary campaign was pretty terrible.", ">>{MammalMolester} : Tbh I think it's more important for him to get the VP spot and put libertarian politics on the national spotlight and to influence Trump's policies when he wins the election (with Hillary presumptive, it's guaranteed).", '>>{ztsmart} : The president America needs but not the one it deserves', ">>{theswerto} : If it were that easy to assassinate a president Obama would have been killed, or Bush, or Clinton, or the other Bush. There's a reason why there hasn't been a successful assassination since Kennedy.", ">>{theswerto} : Socially 'liberal' and Fiscally conservative does not a make a left politician, definitely more left than Rand, but still not left.", ">>{liberationation} : Well he's not left like Bernie Sanders, but he's in favor of some manner of social safety nets, civil rights legislation, environmental protections, etc. that's what makes him more left-*leaning*.", ">>{theswerto} : Social safety nets with no way to pay for them because he refuses to be in favor of a government large enough to fund them. Talk is big when you aren't willing to follow through on it. Bernie couldn't even afford what he wanted and he wanted to raise taxes across the board.", ">>{rightseid} : Trump is also willing to stick to republican talking points way more than either Paul and as outlandish as trumps antics are, his positions don't land nearly as far outside of mean stream republicans as the Pauls.", '>>{masonsherer} : I was watching a Collegehumor video and when they were talking to Adam he said government is by the people for the people; since most Americans suck we are getting just what we deserve.', ">>{liberationation} : We aren't talking about the effectiveness of his proposals right now, only that what he proposes is more left leaning than right.", '>>{masonsherer} : libertarians are also for closing tax loopholes too. We would have much more money if google and apple paid more than 2% income tax. plus a huge reduction in spending on other areas would allow lower taxes and more money for the few social programs most Americans support.', '>>{masonsherer} : To be fair I would take an anarchist party over the GOP.', '>>{theswerto} : His proposals are complete lies if he\'s doing everything in his power to undermine them with his other proposals. That\'s like saying "I WILL CUT TAXES" but propose a 10% increase to defense spending. That isn\'t how it works, that isn\'t how any of this works. If you want small government, you can\'t have social safety nets or anything. On a nation the size of the US the government *needs* to be large. Could it be more efficient? Yes, but going full libertarian is stupid.', ">>{liberationation} : You consent to your rate of taxation that year by electing politicians who either raise or lower your taxes. If they didn't do what you wanted them you vote in someone else.", ">>{liberationation} : I'm not interested in having this debate right now, I have made that abundantly clear already. Jerk off to pictures of Mao elsewhere.", ">>{theswerto} : Because I'm against Libertarianism I'm a communist? Such an intelligent counterpoint. You sure showed me.", ">>{liberationation} : You clearly love large and efficient government? What's more efficient than mobilizing your entire nation toward starvation? Less people means less people suffering… Central planning will never work.", ">>{lightfive} : Yes he tried to outconservative the conservatives while disappointing his libertarian base. There's a respectable chunk of Republicans that have libertarian leanings in some areas. He should have courted those people. He's already a libertarian moderate and basically what the Republican party in 21st century should be. Maybe they'll learn after giving away this year's election.", '>>{lightfive} : I think it\'s a smart move to not associate with Trump to be honest. Best case scenario for Rand would be Hillary winning this year and him staying in the senate. So he can continue sponsoring legislation and run against Hillary in 2020. Maybe I\'m biased though, he\'s an ophthalmologist and I want him to use the slogan "20/20 - perfect vision for America" in 2020.', ">>{lightfive} : Big L Libertarian normally means he's a part of the Libertarian Party which he is not. He has libertarian leanings though.", ">>{theswerto} : It isn't a two option system. It isn't libertarianism *or* communism. There are other options such as a socialist-capitalist state (like we have now, like pretty much every western nation has, actually) there's far more socialist systems for smaller countries like a couple of the nordic countries, etc. etc. It isn't an either or thing. Libertarianism doesn't work with a nation the size of the US. Cutting restrictions and taxes and shrinking the government is just fast tracking us for a terrible dystopian future ala cyberpunk settings where corporations become the de facto government.", ">>{LookingToLoseItAll} : > You consent to your rate of taxation that year by electing politicians who either raise or lower your taxes. That's some crazy mental gymnastics. What other choice do I have? It's practically impossible to move to another country without going through years of paperwork, and it's pretty much impossible to escape high taxation anywhere in the world anyways. There's no consent at all. If I decide not to pay taxes, the government can throw me in jail. It's coercion.", ">>{liberationation} : No one is forcing you to earn an income, no one is forcing you to buy things from stores. You can move out to the wilderness of Nowhere, USA and live off the land if you don't want to pay taxes. Of course then you also won't benefit or participate in any of the services the government provides.", ">>{LookingToLoseItAll} : > You can move out to the wilderness of Nowhere, USA and live off the land if you don't want to pay taxes. I can still be subject to property tax or local taxes. The only way this would work, and this is something for which I have been advocating, is if individuals could declare themselves a sovereign nation. So they don't get any of the benefits of government, but they can live without harassment.", '>>{ac3raven} : One nice thing about living in Kentucky is that I can vote for this man in November. He toes the party line more often than a truly honest person should, but its still worth having him in the Senate.', '>>{ashstronge} : Yeah, I think he could have really transformed the Republican Party, had he not tried so hard to please all of the republican base. I hope the next time he runs, he takes that into consideration. Like I said before, he would be a fantastic nominee and probably could have beaten Clinton with ease.', '>>{kiaryp} : What if the politician that I voted for isn\'t elected? This sounds like a collective bargaining agreement that I didn\'t explicitly sign up for. I think it\'s more comparable to a very large mafia organization that comes around and collects money from businesses and people in return for "protection" and occasionally uses a small portion of that money as kickbacks to the communities (in particular the poor communities which need less to gain the support of) in order to gain some public support.', ">>{Semper_OFP} : Rand Paul's brand of libertarianism is extremely moderate... The President rarely has the power to make sweeping changes. All he wants to do is begin to scale things back and make things voluntary. Corporations are already the government bubs. If you give a body of government the authority to tax and regulate, someone will always try to buy that authority. Our argument is that you cannot buy authority that does not exist.", '>>{crusoe} : You still benefit from roads, schools etc. Feel free to move to Liberia.', ">>{crusoe} : Well really that's more outlawry. What happens if someone kills a sovereign citizen? Is it a crime from a legal standpoint? The state dies with the person.", '>>{kiaryp} : Yeah, like I said the Mafia also has kickbacks to the masses.', '>>{Attorney-at-Birdlaw} : All spot on, why we blew up the ticket with Trump.', '>>{Attorney-at-Birdlaw} : The problem is the majority of liberal policies are far from a democratic decision, specifically the ACA which was rammed through congress.', ">>{thelizardkin} : This, he's considerably more conservative than his father Ron.", '>>{thelizardkin} : Idk it depends on how much you make, we could tax some people at 99% and they would still make more than a lifetimes worth of money in a year.', '>>{Just23breathe} : The reason being that Kennedy was our last nationalist president.', '>>{sshan} : Pretty sure when you look at polling people broadly want things like SS and Medicare at least for those people they see as deserving. I\'m not gonna argue about the details but basically democrats have said "more healthcare coverage" for a while and got a sweeping mandate. You can argue the particular bill was rammed through but broad strokes universal healthcare is relatively popular. And the ACA is hardly liberal compared to other western democracies. It\'s a center right plan in any other political system.', ">>{holaemailer} : Is there a law saying you can't do both?", ">>{Attorney-at-Birdlaw} : You can argue where it falls on the political spectrum all you want until you're blue in the face, but I thought we were talking putting forth democratically decided legislation. >It's fine if you don't want that but in the end democracy....", '>>{theswerto} : Other than LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes. Sure, whatever.', ">>{Just23breathe} : Lol, guess you don't know what a nationalist is.", '>>{Sir_Clomp_Dick} : Thinking Paul would ever take a VP nod from Trump goes to show you how much a vacuum that cult of personality really is.', '>>{RammingIntoChicks} : He\'s always described himself as "libertarian-ish". Apparently I\'m libertarian-ish because I agree with literally every policy position of his.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{RPDBF} : Rand Paul Fights to End Indefinite Detention and Detention Without Trial', '>>{oldspeech} : Rand Paul is a good man. I hate that he is a Republican, but I respect him.', '>>{BrazenBribery} : I really want to like Libertarians and hold them up as the ideal Republicans, but why must they be so nutty about taxing and spending', '>>{shapiro_da_59} : You "hate" republicans. That\'s fucking pathetic.', ">>{pirate_simon} : Because it isn't right to tax citizens half of their paychecks. People should keep most of what they earn", '>>{RammingIntoChicks} : Because we are taxed too much and we spend too much. Cutting both just seems like a logical choice.', ">>{theSofterMachine} : The republican party is what's pathetic. I have no problem with conservatives but they're anything but. They whine about taxes and guvment but they have no problem wasting taxpayer money on stupid shit meddling in people's lives like trying to pass laws on where transgender people can take a shit.", ">>{RammingIntoChicks} : I'm still absolutely dumbfounded that this man didn't get more support in the primaries.", ">>{hey-be-rational} : Or... wait for it... That's what you read about, because that is what you like to read, or hear, or see on the news. And so they feed it to you. They feed it to you until you are so full you could almost puke. And then you do puke, and the result is this comment or more like it. Thanks for playing. I keep it real, no need to thank me.", ">>{Alphamonkey1} : No, he said he hates that he is one. He didn't say he hates republicans.", ">>{escalation} : The Republicans have blown up many a budget on wars and military spending. It's like saving a couple bucks on the grocery bill by not eating out and then going and buying a new motorcycle which you plan to wrap around a tree.", ">>{escalation} : It's called responsible budget management. Everyone else would rather run up the credit cards.", '>>{BakingTheCookiesRigh} : Me too. The media and big idiot characters like Trump draw the lazy gaze of millions while people actually trying to get shit done for the good of Americans are ignored. Thank God he is still Senator of Kentucky and young still.', ">>{gokuuu} : the entire world laughs at republicans, they're a joke", '>>{Just23breathe} : Also a great deterrent from Trump getting surprise assassinated. No big-bank globalist would put the money up for a hit if Rand would be standing there to take the reigns. That being said, I still think Sessions is going to get the VP nod.', '>>{Just23breathe} : Republicans and Democrats are basically just the right and left wing of the Globalist Party. Rand goes against most of that philosophy so he was going to be ignored anyway much like his father was. Where Trump succeeded where Rand and Ron failed is that Trump is a master of persuasion and was able to captivate the nation the quickest and longest.', ">>{Chuck419} : I love Rand but he could get more done in the senate than as VP. The VP really doesn't have much power, they vote in the senate if there is a tie and wait around for the president to die.", '>>{Chuck419} : The reason the NC passed the bathroom law was because the mainly liberal Charlotte city council passed an ordinance saying you could use whatever bathroom you want. This went against the state constitution which says that city government cannot regulate businesses (and the bathrooms inside them.) http://thefederalist.com/2016/05/09/the-truth-about-north-carolinas-bathroom-bill/', '>>{Chuck419} : The Obama administration had a higher military budget than Bush... http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/8227820.html', ">>{liberationation} : Self-described as libertarian-ish, or as a libertarian-conservative. Which is to say he's mostly a right-libertarian, rather than someone like Gary Johnson who tends to lean a bit more to the left.", '>>{liberationation} : Well the only ones I consider nutty are the "taxation is theft, down with the government" anarchist types, but they are in the minority.', '>>{SNCommand} : It also puts you in the public eye though, paving way for a potential presidential candidacy if he gets viewed favorably, and your political views still have the potential to influence the administration you sit in', '>>{escalation} : Yep. Ten billion more. This includes equipment replacement. Now, remind me what the combined costs of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were, and how much quantative easing we had to do to make the numbers sorta work?', ">>{sshan} : That is just a very different system of government. It really just comes down to a value judgement. It is if you think that certain things should be provided to all people in a rich country. Once you say some sort of baseline elderly retirement plan, medical care, roads, police, ambulance, military, plus misc services of natural monopolies (ie hurricane forecasting) you have to tax a lot. It's fine if you don't want that but in the end democracy....", '>>{MammalMolester} : Because he has the same attitude towards the globalists that Truml does. The only difference is that Trump new how to crash the system.', ">>{ashstronge} : He ran a terrible campaign. If he had been more on message and trumpeted positions like these, I think he could have been far more competitive. I think he tried to appeal to social conservatives (I.e. 'Baltimore's main problem is single parents') and his main message was that he was against Hillary (and later Trump). I think he would have made a fantastic nominee, but his primary campaign was pretty terrible.", ">>{MammalMolester} : Tbh I think it's more important for him to get the VP spot and put libertarian politics on the national spotlight and to influence Trump's policies when he wins the election (with Hillary presumptive, it's guaranteed).", '>>{ztsmart} : The president America needs but not the one it deserves', ">>{theswerto} : If it were that easy to assassinate a president Obama would have been killed, or Bush, or Clinton, or the other Bush. There's a reason why there hasn't been a successful assassination since Kennedy.", ">>{theswerto} : Socially 'liberal' and Fiscally conservative does not a make a left politician, definitely more left than Rand, but still not left.", ">>{liberationation} : Well he's not left like Bernie Sanders, but he's in favor of some manner of social safety nets, civil rights legislation, environmental protections, etc. that's what makes him more left-*leaning*.", ">>{theswerto} : Social safety nets with no way to pay for them because he refuses to be in favor of a government large enough to fund them. Talk is big when you aren't willing to follow through on it. Bernie couldn't even afford what he wanted and he wanted to raise taxes across the board.", ">>{rightseid} : Trump is also willing to stick to republican talking points way more than either Paul and as outlandish as trumps antics are, his positions don't land nearly as far outside of mean stream republicans as the Pauls.", '>>{masonsherer} : I was watching a Collegehumor video and when they were talking to Adam he said government is by the people for the people; since most Americans suck we are getting just what we deserve.', ">>{liberationation} : We aren't talking about the effectiveness of his proposals right now, only that what he proposes is more left leaning than right.", '>>{masonsherer} : libertarians are also for closing tax loopholes too. We would have much more money if google and apple paid more than 2% income tax. plus a huge reduction in spending on other areas would allow lower taxes and more money for the few social programs most Americans support.', '>>{masonsherer} : To be fair I would take an anarchist party over the GOP.', '>>{theswerto} : His proposals are complete lies if he\'s doing everything in his power to undermine them with his other proposals. That\'s like saying "I WILL CUT TAXES" but propose a 10% increase to defense spending. That isn\'t how it works, that isn\'t how any of this works. If you want small government, you can\'t have social safety nets or anything. On a nation the size of the US the government *needs* to be large. Could it be more efficient? Yes, but going full libertarian is stupid.', ">>{liberationation} : You consent to your rate of taxation that year by electing politicians who either raise or lower your taxes. If they didn't do what you wanted them you vote in someone else.", ">>{liberationation} : I'm not interested in having this debate right now, I have made that abundantly clear already. Jerk off to pictures of Mao elsewhere.", ">>{theswerto} : Because I'm against Libertarianism I'm a communist? Such an intelligent counterpoint. You sure showed me.", ">>{liberationation} : You clearly love large and efficient government? What's more efficient than mobilizing your entire nation toward starvation? Less people means less people suffering… Central planning will never work.", ">>{lightfive} : Yes he tried to outconservative the conservatives while disappointing his libertarian base. There's a respectable chunk of Republicans that have libertarian leanings in some areas. He should have courted those people. He's already a libertarian moderate and basically what the Republican party in 21st century should be. Maybe they'll learn after giving away this year's election.", '>>{lightfive} : I think it\'s a smart move to not associate with Trump to be honest. Best case scenario for Rand would be Hillary winning this year and him staying in the senate. So he can continue sponsoring legislation and run against Hillary in 2020. Maybe I\'m biased though, he\'s an ophthalmologist and I want him to use the slogan "20/20 - perfect vision for America" in 2020.', ">>{lightfive} : Big L Libertarian normally means he's a part of the Libertarian Party which he is not. He has libertarian leanings though.", ">>{theswerto} : It isn't a two option system. It isn't libertarianism *or* communism. There are other options such as a socialist-capitalist state (like we have now, like pretty much every western nation has, actually) there's far more socialist systems for smaller countries like a couple of the nordic countries, etc. etc. It isn't an either or thing. Libertarianism doesn't work with a nation the size of the US. Cutting restrictions and taxes and shrinking the government is just fast tracking us for a terrible dystopian future ala cyberpunk settings where corporations become the de facto government.", ">>{LookingToLoseItAll} : > You consent to your rate of taxation that year by electing politicians who either raise or lower your taxes. That's some crazy mental gymnastics. What other choice do I have? It's practically impossible to move to another country without going through years of paperwork, and it's pretty much impossible to escape high taxation anywhere in the world anyways. There's no consent at all. If I decide not to pay taxes, the government can throw me in jail. It's coercion.", ">>{liberationation} : No one is forcing you to earn an income, no one is forcing you to buy things from stores. You can move out to the wilderness of Nowhere, USA and live off the land if you don't want to pay taxes. Of course then you also won't benefit or participate in any of the services the government provides.", ">>{LookingToLoseItAll} : > You can move out to the wilderness of Nowhere, USA and live off the land if you don't want to pay taxes. I can still be subject to property tax or local taxes. The only way this would work, and this is something for which I have been advocating, is if individuals could declare themselves a sovereign nation. So they don't get any of the benefits of government, but they can live without harassment.", '>>{ac3raven} : One nice thing about living in Kentucky is that I can vote for this man in November. He toes the party line more often than a truly honest person should, but its still worth having him in the Senate.', '>>{ashstronge} : Yeah, I think he could have really transformed the Republican Party, had he not tried so hard to please all of the republican base. I hope the next time he runs, he takes that into consideration. Like I said before, he would be a fantastic nominee and probably could have beaten Clinton with ease.', '>>{kiaryp} : What if the politician that I voted for isn\'t elected? This sounds like a collective bargaining agreement that I didn\'t explicitly sign up for. I think it\'s more comparable to a very large mafia organization that comes around and collects money from businesses and people in return for "protection" and occasionally uses a small portion of that money as kickbacks to the communities (in particular the poor communities which need less to gain the support of) in order to gain some public support.', ">>{Semper_OFP} : Rand Paul's brand of libertarianism is extremely moderate... The President rarely has the power to make sweeping changes. All he wants to do is begin to scale things back and make things voluntary. Corporations are already the government bubs. If you give a body of government the authority to tax and regulate, someone will always try to buy that authority. Our argument is that you cannot buy authority that does not exist.", '>>{crusoe} : You still benefit from roads, schools etc. Feel free to move to Liberia.', ">>{crusoe} : Well really that's more outlawry. What happens if someone kills a sovereign citizen? Is it a crime from a legal standpoint? The state dies with the person.", '>>{kiaryp} : Yeah, like I said the Mafia also has kickbacks to the masses.', '>>{Attorney-at-Birdlaw} : All spot on, why we blew up the ticket with Trump.', '>>{Attorney-at-Birdlaw} : The problem is the majority of liberal policies are far from a democratic decision, specifically the ACA which was rammed through congress.', ">>{thelizardkin} : This, he's considerably more conservative than his father Ron.", '>>{thelizardkin} : Idk it depends on how much you make, we could tax some people at 99% and they would still make more than a lifetimes worth of money in a year.', '>>{Just23breathe} : The reason being that Kennedy was our last nationalist president.', '>>{sshan} : Pretty sure when you look at polling people broadly want things like SS and Medicare at least for those people they see as deserving. I\'m not gonna argue about the details but basically democrats have said "more healthcare coverage" for a while and got a sweeping mandate. You can argue the particular bill was rammed through but broad strokes universal healthcare is relatively popular. And the ACA is hardly liberal compared to other western democracies. It\'s a center right plan in any other political system.', ">>{holaemailer} : Is there a law saying you can't do both?", ">>{Attorney-at-Birdlaw} : You can argue where it falls on the political spectrum all you want until you're blue in the face, but I thought we were talking putting forth democratically decided legislation. >It's fine if you don't want that but in the end democracy....", '>>{theswerto} : Other than LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes. Sure, whatever.', ">>{Just23breathe} : Lol, guess you don't know what a nationalist is.", '>>{Sir_Clomp_Dick} : Thinking Paul would ever take a VP nod from Trump goes to show you how much a vacuum that cult of personality really is.', '>>{RammingIntoChicks} : He\'s always described himself as "libertarian-ish". Apparently I\'m libertarian-ish because I agree with literally every policy position of his.']]
classify and reply
['>>{rush42} : Anti-Abortion Rights, But Not Necessarily Pro-Trump At March For Life', '>>{rush42} : I voted for trump bc I knew it was the only hope to get conservative SCOTUS judges who would uphold the right to life. Yet I disagree with everything else trump has done. I really hope he gets impeached bc pence is just as pro life.', '>>{geekwonk} : Getting rid of the security provided by that ACA will cause more women, unable to afford pregnancy and birth, to get abortions.', ">>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : You can't be pro-life and support the death penalty, support war and oppose refugees at the same time.", ">>{eatdogmeat} : So, you voted for Trump/Pence because you wanted a Pro-Life SCOTUS appointee. Now you want Congress to impeach him (Trump) so you can be stuck with Pence who is Pro-Life as well? You make no sense. How about instead of legislating what women do with their uteri you let them make the decisions for themselves. If there's a big bad sky fairy then they'll have to answer for the decision they made. If not, then it doesn't really affect you either way. That makes too much sense, though. Republicans are all about small government unless it involves who I marry, fuck, shoot, or abort.", '>>{jrzalman} : Similar to my wife who is a first generation Latina immigrant. Voted for Trump because she couldn\'t "stand before God and say I voted for a woman who says it\'s ok to murder babies". These days she mostly just says we need to pray more for Trump. Sigh.', '>>{eatdogmeat} : Pray more? Why? Like, so he can get help from God?', '>>{MWM2} : I clicked your history. Ctrl-f "abortion". My god, a ***seriously*** single issue voter. I hope you\'re happy with the Trump nightmare! > Yet I disagree with everything else trump has done. [no text] > I really hope he gets impeached bc pence is just as pro life. Well, you\'re funny. I give you that.', ">>{MWM2} : > These days she mostly just says we need to pray more for Trump. Too late. The devil is already there and he looks like [he's been sniffing glue and his syphilis is acting up.](https://i.imgur.com/6oXVcTN.jpg) --- Edit As per fortuna1.", '>>{devolka} : No offense to your wife but I think Americans need to pray less and think more.', '>>{NewRepublicanz} : I\'m a republican voter. However I think some in the pro life movement need to take a step back. Yes abortion isn\'t a good thing, but it\'s not like people are lining up to have abortions. I\'ve noticed many pro life people opposed to birth control, which in effect would reduce abortions overall. I\'m not certain when the religious right invaded the Republican Party, but I can\'t wait until we say "fuck it" to all the social issues and focus on smaller government.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : Damn It! Abortion isn't made Mandatory by Family Planning! It is about the right of a woman to control her body without bringing an unwanted child into an uncaring world...", '>>{eatdogmeat} : The religious right has always been there, but they really started to show their true colors on 20 January 2009.', ">>{Claydough89} : Thats why you shouldn't vote for a dipshit bc of one issue that he clearly only pandered to his gullible voters for", '>>{MWM2} : True! Silly me. I made an edit.', '>>{churm91} : I support the death penalty, hate war and toppling foreign regimes, and oppose refugees. Tf does that make me?', '>>{rush42} : >Similar to my wife who is a first generation Latina immigrant. Voted for Trump because she couldn\'t "stand before God and say I voted for a woman who says it\'s ok to murder babies". These days she mostly just says we need to pray more for Trump. Sigh. Exactly. That\'s exactly how I feel. And I disagree with all these ppl who mock God.', ">>{goostman} : So you selfishly voted for someone based on one issue despite the fact you disagree with everything else he's done? Hmm. Wonder why Trump won.", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : God: I'll protect you. Me: There are people harassing me for being transgender. God: You deserve it, trans people are an abomination. ------------------------ God: I care about the lives of my children. Me: I will die if I give birth to this child. God: I don't care if you die giving birth to the child ------------------------ God: I help people become healthy. Me: I'm on dialysis and am super sick and can't function/I'm going to die from cancer soon God: You deserved it, I only gave you what I thought you could handle. -------------------------- God: I'm a false image of hope that people hang on to. People try to control their lives but when that fails because of people who want them to die they try to believe in me as an excuse of why they can't control things.", '>>{rush42} : Come on....you can\'t blame God for everything that is wrong in the world. We live in a fallen world. You may not believe in Satan or evil, but it does have dominion here. Even Jesus told us "in this world you will have trouble; but take heart, I have overcome the world ". Heaven is perfect, not earth. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” And what is wrong with having hope??? Going thru life without hope would be a dismal existence. God does allow us to undergo trials. That does not mean he is not with us. He carries us when our burdens are heaviest. And we grow in faith and love by trusting him in our times of greatest pain. And seriously, I doubt Jesus would say trans people deserve it bc they are an abomination. Doesn\'t sound like the Jesus I know.', ">>{rootkalirootkali} : But Jesus doesn't care if people are hurt because they are injured during a child birth?", ">>{rush42} : They could be hurt during an abortion too....especially later term. It's impossible to predict who gets hurt when. And things happen for a reason. Jesus does care for all of us and is there to help us through the difficult times. Are you saying it's better to kill the baby just in case the mother MIGHT get hurt? Not to mention the higher risk of depression and suicide among post abortive women http://www.lifenews.com/2014/12/19/suicide-rate-for-women-having-abortions-is-six-times-higher-than-women-giving-birth/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18539697/", ">>{rush42} : >So, you voted for Trump/Pence because you wanted a Pro-Life SCOTUS appointee. Now you want Congress to impeach him (Trump) so you can be stuck with Pence who is Pro-Life as well? You make no sense. It makes perfect sense. What don't you understand? Pence would be a better choice. Both are pro life, of which I approve, but pence is a bit more stable.... >How about instead of legislating what women do with their uteri you let them make the decisions for themselves. Bc late term viable fetuses are truly preborn infants and they deserve protection of the law.", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : lifenews ---> propoganda. They have been proven to put out misleading charts and false information. >They could be hurt during an abortion too....especially later term. It's impossible to predict who gets hurt when. That is just not true. Source? >And things happen for a reason. Jesus does care for all of us and is there to help us through the difficult times. Not everyone is Christian. Impose your beliefs on yourself, not on others. >Are you saying it's better to kill the baby just in case the mother MIGHT get hurt? Yep. >Not to mention the higher risk of depression and suicide among post abortive women lol what? source? >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18539697/ No affect on teens. And have you ever considered that they are depressed because they never actually WANTED to have an abortion but had to? Like, for not enough money to raise a child, child has horrendous painful disease, etc? Not to mention the way that many women are treated after having an abortion. Show me a source that says abortion is actually the cause for depression then I might believe you. Since this had no effect on teens and was a very disorganized study (as it admits itself) I still don't believe you.", ">>{rush42} : http://www.aul.org/womens-health-defense-actlate-term-abortion-limit/ http://www.livestrong.com/article/193363-facts-on-late-term-abortion/ Not to mention anesthesia risks.... >;Not everyone is Christian. Impose your beliefs on yourself, not on others. You ASKED me what Jesus thinks. I was not imposing. >>Are you saying it's better to kill the baby just in case the mother MIGHT get hurt? >Yep. Well that's insane. The mother might get hurt anytime, even with a normal delivery. You would be aborting every child! https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/somatic-psychology/201010/post-abortion-stress-syndrome-pass-does-it-exist http://www.abortionfacts.com/reardon/abortion-and-suicide", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : Even if it is harmful, it should be up to the individual person to decide. >http://www.abortionfacts.com/reardon/abortion-and-suicide Less than 6 six percent of people end up like that. Why should we ignore the mother's choice?", ">>{blfire} : > If not, then it doesn't really affect you either way. It also wouldn't effect him if they kill the babie a few weeks after it was born. This is really no good argument.", ">>{rush42} : So both these comments came from you. God can handle your anger. In fact the Bible is full of examples of ppl being angry at God. Take a look at the book of psalms sometime. I know you don't care or even want me to pray for you but I will anyway. Sounds like you could use some blessings. :).", '>>{rush42} : Lol u will see how much they help. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efficacy_of_prayer', '>>{rush42} : And why would you assume the prayers are bigoted? Bc trump is president?? Maybe a lot of us prayed for the protection of preborn infants..,.a president who would appoint a conservative SCOTUS judge and help to change the laws. Hundreds of thousands Maybe God is pro life!', ">>{rush42} : Evil brings death. God brings life. The presence of evil in the world led to the flood and will eventually lead to the end times. But after the flood there were new lands, and good ppl to populate them. These were our ancestors. After this world ends, we will have a better place to live as well. I'm not worried about it.", '>>{rush42} : God is the antithesis of evil. Satan brings death. You got it mixed up. I did not say genocide does not bother me. It all bothers me, especially the mindless slaughter of preborn infants. It bothers God too. He grieves for the earth and feels our pain. He will fix things in his own time. I just know that God is good and faithful and a better day is coming.', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : Because you think some people are so dangerous or so wicked that it's safer to kill them than take the risk of letting them live.", '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >The thirty thousand people who will die annually because Obamacare got pulled will be so happy! Fuck the living. Is there evidence for this?', '>>{rootkalirootkali} : Is it better than the risk that you are definitely killing innocent people as well?', ">>{rootkalirootkali} : So you admit that you don't care about the parent? Babies are also dying because of guns and no affordable health insurance, which Trump will contribute towards.", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : There's a lot of personal opinion when it comes to that. Personally I'd take a bullet over being in jail for 25 years innocent.", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : Wow, I can't imagine how you must sleep at night. About four percent of people who are executed are later proven to be innocent. Would you rather take a bullet or spend time in prison for a few years until they find out you're innocent and then pay you back?", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : >Wow, I can't imagine how you must sleep at night Depends, sometimes I sleep well and remember all the lives I saved, other times I remember all the ones I failed to help and the mangled faces of dead friends. How do you sleep at night? or has life been easy? >About four percent of people who are executed are later proven to be innocent. Which is pretty shit. >Would you rather take a bullet or spend time in prison for a few years until they find out you're innocent and then pay you back? Depends how many years is a few years. I'd assume most people getting the death penalty have been in jail for a while and their legal options are exhausted. I'm a pragmatist, I personally would rather just be shot than have to spend a decade+ in prison. Like I said though, personal opinion. You're entitled to yours. If I wa stuck in a box for years I'd lose my mind. The boredom would kill me before the death penalty did. I get that some people have this self preservation instinct that tells them that just being alive is all important and worth suffering forever for, I just don't have that feeling.", '>>{Lifeform604} : Revoking all state homicide laws would not make it mandatory to murder people other than children in utero either. Most people still want to keep and enforce homicide laws.', ">>{Lifeform604} : >You can't be pro-life and support the death penalty You certainly can. Keeping it illegal to kill a child that has not intentionally caused harm to anyone is not inconsistent with killing to defend society from one who has intentionally victimized others.", '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : >I support the death penalty, hate war and toppling foreign regimes, and oppose refugees. Tf does that make me? Not pro-life', '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : Society doesn\'t need "defending" from someone who is incarcerated. Don\'t trip over your own contradictions.', ">>{rush42} : Not that i don't care. Abortion hurts women too. Guns are not killing our children. Bad guys and mentally unstable ppl should not have access to guns. But they can be used by responsible citizens to protect kids and all ppl in danger. Health insurance is not affordable and poor quality under ACA but republicans are going to fix it.", '>>{Lifeform604} : There was no contradiction. Execution is one way of defending society against violent criminals, incarceration is another, less humane and more dehumanizing, way', ">>{rootkalirootkali} : >republicans are going to fix it. There's your problem. Republicans increase the amount of abortions that occur.", '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : False. Now you are trying to justify state murder as more humane too. You are definitely a supporter of death.', ">>{rush42} : No they won't. Conservative SCOTUS judges will stop it.", '>>{rootkalirootkali} : *sigh* Do you want to know ho wthye will actually increase abortions?', ">>{eatdogmeat} : Lol. No one is saying to commit infanticide. That's a terrible argument.", ">>{rush42} : Someday you will see the truth. God will reveal it to you when you earnestly ask. Until then you will remain in darkness bc that's the world you know.", '>>{Lifeform604} : >False. Something being true or false depends upon objective evidence. feel free to provide some. >Now you are trying to justify state murder as more humane too. You support a federal exception that prevents state law on the actual murder of children in utero from being enforce, yet claim the entirely legal execution of violent criminals is murder. Try to make a little more sense. >You are definitely a supporter of death. ..as a more humane option than caging violent criminals like animals.', '>>{rush42} : We got kicked out of eden for seeking equality with God. He wants us to trust him.', '>>{rush42} : It was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not of knowledge in general. He was trying to protect us from evil. We listened to the serpent who told us we could be just like God and not need Him. Pride was our downfall.', ">>{rush42} : We had dominion of all the trees. It was a test. I wouldn't call it bait but i guess u could......"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{rush42} : Anti-Abortion Rights, But Not Necessarily Pro-Trump At March For Life', '>>{rush42} : I voted for trump bc I knew it was the only hope to get conservative SCOTUS judges who would uphold the right to life. Yet I disagree with everything else trump has done. I really hope he gets impeached bc pence is just as pro life.', '>>{geekwonk} : Getting rid of the security provided by that ACA will cause more women, unable to afford pregnancy and birth, to get abortions.', ">>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : You can't be pro-life and support the death penalty, support war and oppose refugees at the same time.", ">>{eatdogmeat} : So, you voted for Trump/Pence because you wanted a Pro-Life SCOTUS appointee. Now you want Congress to impeach him (Trump) so you can be stuck with Pence who is Pro-Life as well? You make no sense. How about instead of legislating what women do with their uteri you let them make the decisions for themselves. If there's a big bad sky fairy then they'll have to answer for the decision they made. If not, then it doesn't really affect you either way. That makes too much sense, though. Republicans are all about small government unless it involves who I marry, fuck, shoot, or abort.", '>>{jrzalman} : Similar to my wife who is a first generation Latina immigrant. Voted for Trump because she couldn\'t "stand before God and say I voted for a woman who says it\'s ok to murder babies". These days she mostly just says we need to pray more for Trump. Sigh.', '>>{eatdogmeat} : Pray more? Why? Like, so he can get help from God?', '>>{MWM2} : I clicked your history. Ctrl-f "abortion". My god, a ***seriously*** single issue voter. I hope you\'re happy with the Trump nightmare! > Yet I disagree with everything else trump has done. [no text] > I really hope he gets impeached bc pence is just as pro life. Well, you\'re funny. I give you that.', ">>{MWM2} : > These days she mostly just says we need to pray more for Trump. Too late. The devil is already there and he looks like [he's been sniffing glue and his syphilis is acting up.](https://i.imgur.com/6oXVcTN.jpg) --- Edit As per fortuna1.", '>>{devolka} : No offense to your wife but I think Americans need to pray less and think more.', '>>{NewRepublicanz} : I\'m a republican voter. However I think some in the pro life movement need to take a step back. Yes abortion isn\'t a good thing, but it\'s not like people are lining up to have abortions. I\'ve noticed many pro life people opposed to birth control, which in effect would reduce abortions overall. I\'m not certain when the religious right invaded the Republican Party, but I can\'t wait until we say "fuck it" to all the social issues and focus on smaller government.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : Damn It! Abortion isn't made Mandatory by Family Planning! It is about the right of a woman to control her body without bringing an unwanted child into an uncaring world...", '>>{eatdogmeat} : The religious right has always been there, but they really started to show their true colors on 20 January 2009.', ">>{Claydough89} : Thats why you shouldn't vote for a dipshit bc of one issue that he clearly only pandered to his gullible voters for", '>>{MWM2} : True! Silly me. I made an edit.', '>>{churm91} : I support the death penalty, hate war and toppling foreign regimes, and oppose refugees. Tf does that make me?', '>>{rush42} : >Similar to my wife who is a first generation Latina immigrant. Voted for Trump because she couldn\'t "stand before God and say I voted for a woman who says it\'s ok to murder babies". These days she mostly just says we need to pray more for Trump. Sigh. Exactly. That\'s exactly how I feel. And I disagree with all these ppl who mock God.', ">>{goostman} : So you selfishly voted for someone based on one issue despite the fact you disagree with everything else he's done? Hmm. Wonder why Trump won.", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : God: I'll protect you. Me: There are people harassing me for being transgender. God: You deserve it, trans people are an abomination. ------------------------ God: I care about the lives of my children. Me: I will die if I give birth to this child. God: I don't care if you die giving birth to the child ------------------------ God: I help people become healthy. Me: I'm on dialysis and am super sick and can't function/I'm going to die from cancer soon God: You deserved it, I only gave you what I thought you could handle. -------------------------- God: I'm a false image of hope that people hang on to. People try to control their lives but when that fails because of people who want them to die they try to believe in me as an excuse of why they can't control things.", '>>{rush42} : Come on....you can\'t blame God for everything that is wrong in the world. We live in a fallen world. You may not believe in Satan or evil, but it does have dominion here. Even Jesus told us "in this world you will have trouble; but take heart, I have overcome the world ". Heaven is perfect, not earth. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” And what is wrong with having hope??? Going thru life without hope would be a dismal existence. God does allow us to undergo trials. That does not mean he is not with us. He carries us when our burdens are heaviest. And we grow in faith and love by trusting him in our times of greatest pain. And seriously, I doubt Jesus would say trans people deserve it bc they are an abomination. Doesn\'t sound like the Jesus I know.', ">>{rootkalirootkali} : But Jesus doesn't care if people are hurt because they are injured during a child birth?", ">>{rush42} : They could be hurt during an abortion too....especially later term. It's impossible to predict who gets hurt when. And things happen for a reason. Jesus does care for all of us and is there to help us through the difficult times. Are you saying it's better to kill the baby just in case the mother MIGHT get hurt? Not to mention the higher risk of depression and suicide among post abortive women http://www.lifenews.com/2014/12/19/suicide-rate-for-women-having-abortions-is-six-times-higher-than-women-giving-birth/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18539697/", ">>{rush42} : >So, you voted for Trump/Pence because you wanted a Pro-Life SCOTUS appointee. Now you want Congress to impeach him (Trump) so you can be stuck with Pence who is Pro-Life as well? You make no sense. It makes perfect sense. What don't you understand? Pence would be a better choice. Both are pro life, of which I approve, but pence is a bit more stable.... >How about instead of legislating what women do with their uteri you let them make the decisions for themselves. Bc late term viable fetuses are truly preborn infants and they deserve protection of the law.", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : lifenews ---> propoganda. They have been proven to put out misleading charts and false information. >They could be hurt during an abortion too....especially later term. It's impossible to predict who gets hurt when. That is just not true. Source? >And things happen for a reason. Jesus does care for all of us and is there to help us through the difficult times. Not everyone is Christian. Impose your beliefs on yourself, not on others. >Are you saying it's better to kill the baby just in case the mother MIGHT get hurt? Yep. >Not to mention the higher risk of depression and suicide among post abortive women lol what? source? >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18539697/ No affect on teens. And have you ever considered that they are depressed because they never actually WANTED to have an abortion but had to? Like, for not enough money to raise a child, child has horrendous painful disease, etc? Not to mention the way that many women are treated after having an abortion. Show me a source that says abortion is actually the cause for depression then I might believe you. Since this had no effect on teens and was a very disorganized study (as it admits itself) I still don't believe you.", ">>{rush42} : http://www.aul.org/womens-health-defense-actlate-term-abortion-limit/ http://www.livestrong.com/article/193363-facts-on-late-term-abortion/ Not to mention anesthesia risks.... >;Not everyone is Christian. Impose your beliefs on yourself, not on others. You ASKED me what Jesus thinks. I was not imposing. >>Are you saying it's better to kill the baby just in case the mother MIGHT get hurt? >Yep. Well that's insane. The mother might get hurt anytime, even with a normal delivery. You would be aborting every child! https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/somatic-psychology/201010/post-abortion-stress-syndrome-pass-does-it-exist http://www.abortionfacts.com/reardon/abortion-and-suicide", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : Even if it is harmful, it should be up to the individual person to decide. >http://www.abortionfacts.com/reardon/abortion-and-suicide Less than 6 six percent of people end up like that. Why should we ignore the mother's choice?", ">>{blfire} : > If not, then it doesn't really affect you either way. It also wouldn't effect him if they kill the babie a few weeks after it was born. This is really no good argument.", ">>{rush42} : So both these comments came from you. God can handle your anger. In fact the Bible is full of examples of ppl being angry at God. Take a look at the book of psalms sometime. I know you don't care or even want me to pray for you but I will anyway. Sounds like you could use some blessings. :).", '>>{rush42} : Lol u will see how much they help. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efficacy_of_prayer', '>>{rush42} : And why would you assume the prayers are bigoted? Bc trump is president?? Maybe a lot of us prayed for the protection of preborn infants..,.a president who would appoint a conservative SCOTUS judge and help to change the laws. Hundreds of thousands Maybe God is pro life!', ">>{rush42} : Evil brings death. God brings life. The presence of evil in the world led to the flood and will eventually lead to the end times. But after the flood there were new lands, and good ppl to populate them. These were our ancestors. After this world ends, we will have a better place to live as well. I'm not worried about it.", '>>{rush42} : God is the antithesis of evil. Satan brings death. You got it mixed up. I did not say genocide does not bother me. It all bothers me, especially the mindless slaughter of preborn infants. It bothers God too. He grieves for the earth and feels our pain. He will fix things in his own time. I just know that God is good and faithful and a better day is coming.', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : Because you think some people are so dangerous or so wicked that it's safer to kill them than take the risk of letting them live.", '>>{AkoTehPanda} : >The thirty thousand people who will die annually because Obamacare got pulled will be so happy! Fuck the living. Is there evidence for this?', '>>{rootkalirootkali} : Is it better than the risk that you are definitely killing innocent people as well?', ">>{rootkalirootkali} : So you admit that you don't care about the parent? Babies are also dying because of guns and no affordable health insurance, which Trump will contribute towards.", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : There's a lot of personal opinion when it comes to that. Personally I'd take a bullet over being in jail for 25 years innocent.", ">>{rootkalirootkali} : Wow, I can't imagine how you must sleep at night. About four percent of people who are executed are later proven to be innocent. Would you rather take a bullet or spend time in prison for a few years until they find out you're innocent and then pay you back?", ">>{AkoTehPanda} : >Wow, I can't imagine how you must sleep at night Depends, sometimes I sleep well and remember all the lives I saved, other times I remember all the ones I failed to help and the mangled faces of dead friends. How do you sleep at night? or has life been easy? >About four percent of people who are executed are later proven to be innocent. Which is pretty shit. >Would you rather take a bullet or spend time in prison for a few years until they find out you're innocent and then pay you back? Depends how many years is a few years. I'd assume most people getting the death penalty have been in jail for a while and their legal options are exhausted. I'm a pragmatist, I personally would rather just be shot than have to spend a decade+ in prison. Like I said though, personal opinion. You're entitled to yours. If I wa stuck in a box for years I'd lose my mind. The boredom would kill me before the death penalty did. I get that some people have this self preservation instinct that tells them that just being alive is all important and worth suffering forever for, I just don't have that feeling.", '>>{Lifeform604} : Revoking all state homicide laws would not make it mandatory to murder people other than children in utero either. Most people still want to keep and enforce homicide laws.', ">>{Lifeform604} : >You can't be pro-life and support the death penalty You certainly can. Keeping it illegal to kill a child that has not intentionally caused harm to anyone is not inconsistent with killing to defend society from one who has intentionally victimized others.", '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : >I support the death penalty, hate war and toppling foreign regimes, and oppose refugees. Tf does that make me? Not pro-life', '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : Society doesn\'t need "defending" from someone who is incarcerated. Don\'t trip over your own contradictions.', ">>{rush42} : Not that i don't care. Abortion hurts women too. Guns are not killing our children. Bad guys and mentally unstable ppl should not have access to guns. But they can be used by responsible citizens to protect kids and all ppl in danger. Health insurance is not affordable and poor quality under ACA but republicans are going to fix it.", '>>{Lifeform604} : There was no contradiction. Execution is one way of defending society against violent criminals, incarceration is another, less humane and more dehumanizing, way', ">>{rootkalirootkali} : >republicans are going to fix it. There's your problem. Republicans increase the amount of abortions that occur.", '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : False. Now you are trying to justify state murder as more humane too. You are definitely a supporter of death.', ">>{rush42} : No they won't. Conservative SCOTUS judges will stop it.", '>>{rootkalirootkali} : *sigh* Do you want to know ho wthye will actually increase abortions?', ">>{eatdogmeat} : Lol. No one is saying to commit infanticide. That's a terrible argument.", ">>{rush42} : Someday you will see the truth. God will reveal it to you when you earnestly ask. Until then you will remain in darkness bc that's the world you know.", '>>{Lifeform604} : >False. Something being true or false depends upon objective evidence. feel free to provide some. >Now you are trying to justify state murder as more humane too. You support a federal exception that prevents state law on the actual murder of children in utero from being enforce, yet claim the entirely legal execution of violent criminals is murder. Try to make a little more sense. >You are definitely a supporter of death. ..as a more humane option than caging violent criminals like animals.', '>>{rush42} : We got kicked out of eden for seeking equality with God. He wants us to trust him.', '>>{rush42} : It was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not of knowledge in general. He was trying to protect us from evil. We listened to the serpent who told us we could be just like God and not need Him. Pride was our downfall.', ">>{rush42} : We had dominion of all the trees. It was a test. I wouldn't call it bait but i guess u could......"]]
classify and reply
[">>{RedGreenAllaince} : Russian Government TV Endorses Hillary Clinton for President as Moscow's Preferred Candidate", '>>{WorldNeedsSaddam} : Looks like California needs 35% tariffs imposed upon them for all goods entering and leaving the state.', '>>{IngrownCactus} : Looks like we could echoing an old question right now [Why did a president who understood the risks nevertheless rush into an unwinnable war?](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/24/opinion/lyndon-johnsons-vietnam.html) But, we may not be able to include that he understood the risks.', ">>{espo619} : Bring it. If he does that, I'm sure we could find the political willpower to put Twitter under state control and ban him.", ">>{Saudi-A-Labia} : What's with the right wing and you tube clips?", ">>{Jackie-Nirvana} : It may be a connection problem rather than a problem with your iPhone. You could try turning on airplane mode for about 10 seconds, then turning it off. If you still have issues, try rebooting your phone. If the probably persists, it may be your wifi or router that's causing the issue. Hope that helps !", '>>{Amdiron} : Try this and see if it helps: Reset network settings (settings, general, reset) Disable wifi assist (under settings and cellular at the bottom of the screen) Test it for a bit see if it helped. If not try this also: Go to wifi and change your DNS. [I have mine set to Google](https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/) Good luck.', ">>{adamhuxley} : You don't happen to have Wi-Fi Assist turned on do you? Wi-Fi Assist drops Wi-Fi in favour of mobile data when the mobile data connection is stronger/faster. Go to > Settings > Mobile Data > Scroll to the bottom and turn off Wi-Fi Assist", ">>{coldjeanz} : This exact thing happens to my 6 constantly. Soooo annoying. My Mac is fine though and so is my smart tv so I don't think it's my wifi connection. Wifi assist is off. No idea what is causing it.", '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : https://i.sli.mg/HGzczb.png Liberals need to adult up and stop being crybabies.', '>>{tmoeagles96} : This is going to be a real test to see how Trump treats this. Russia (Putin) supports Assad, who is responsible for doing this to his own people. I\'m really curious to see where Trump goes with this. Or maybe he\'ll drop a gem like "oh you know, the situation in the Middle East isn\'t that simple"..', '>>{btross} : You see Ivan, we are tellink them we are wantink the Clinton lady, so they are doink opposite and votink for real comrade...', '>>{njmaverick} : This is a fake video made by a nut job Jill Stien supporter (you can see if you click the link)', '>>{ADontHaveAnAttitude} : Yeah I have tried about everything with my phone and am now convinced that the problem is with my wireless router.', '>>{gorillaverdict} : How many of us will this idiot puppet get killed before we can purge him?', ">>{coldjeanz} : I don't know man the way you described it is the same exact thing that is happening to me. The loading symbol will be there next to the wifi icon, and when I slide up control panel to disable and then enable wifi it will start working again. I have a hard time believing my router is the problem when no other device is having issues.", '>>{e_t_} : Crazies of every stripe prefer video as a format over print, though nobody out-crazies the alt-right.', ">>{ADontHaveAnAttitude} : Yeah my wife's phone and all of our other devices run perfect. I'm starting to think I might just have to live with this issue. Good luck getting things fixed on your end.", '>>{MrIosity} : Bring what, interstate tariffs? Not even constitutional, let alone possible. Let the low effort shitposts sink to the bottom.', ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : Agreed. I'm very curious (although terrified) about how this will play out. This is a huge test for Trump in terms of whether he'll go against his BFF Putin (and act overtly against Assad), or if he'll just talk about action and then do nothing. My guess is that he'll bluster about doing something in order to whip up support and play at giving a fuck about human rights, and then do nothing about it because he's too scared of Putin.", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : No editorial standards, no expectation for citations, a community that tends to accept things at face value...', ">>{ismizz} : Little late to the party, but I've started experiencing the same issue a few days ago. Wifi worked perfectly on my deck, now it drops every time. Tried it with my Macbook and no issues.", '>>{ismizz} : Recently started experiencing similar issues to what OP described. Does resetting network settings clear all saved wifi locations/passwords? Because that would be a real pain in the ass.', '>>{tmoeagles96} : This is also something where Trump will really get a lot of info on the middle east and be overwhelmed. The conflicts over there are incredibly complicated, and the best military and foreign policy minds have been trying to solve it for years. He thinks "give the generals time to come up with an idea" is some kind of master plan. News flash, they\'ve been trying.', '>>{yhwhx} : *Nyet*. Comrade Donnie must be supported without question.', ">>{ismizz} : Yeah I reset my network settings but I'm still dropping wifi constantly. This is very frustrating.", '>>{DamnitGoose} : In the immortal words of the GOP "Who cares"', '>>{HonoredPeople} : Desperation. When no real news organization will pick up the crazy, put it on youtube. Which begs the question, why they even allowed?', '>>{Kalel2319} : Really? My money is on "first global catastrophic mistake". But then again, there has to be somebody who understands shit in that cabinet right?', ">>{aperfectmouth} : Courtesy of the Jill Stein people. It's actually funny. Toward the end they do the 2 ferns thing and suppose if Hillary got pregnant.", ">>{UpTrumpAcct} : I get what you're saying, but nobody is taking this seriously, are they?", ">>{KatsThoughts} : Wow, these high-level psy-ops, I can't even see what is happening... I can't... suddenly I feel an overwhelming urge to vote for Trump, I can't explain it... My god at least the microphone in the mail robot had a CHANCE of success.", ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : I mean I live in a deep blue state that would definitely follow Cali's lead and get the fuck out of this dumpster fire so my life would immediately be better, but just wanted to let that dude know", ">>{ADontHaveAnAttitude} : I'm about 90% sure it has something to do with the router. I can sit at my sisters house on her wifi for hours with no problem, go home and it drops out every five minutes. I didn't set up my router and have no idea what where to begin troubleshooting.", '>>{rogerpool123} : LOL Trump has no say in this. The fucking idiot has no idea.', ">>{ismizz} : I was convinced it was my router but now I'm sitting at work and it keeps dropping the wifi here, which I've never had any issues with. I reset my network settings and I'm still having issues.", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : Seriously though, there's no doubt about Russia's posture towards the candidates if you look at their coverage in Western-facing state media like RT or Sputnik. Actually their propaganda and false narratives are pretty similar to what you find around here after a day or two.", ">>{Amdiron} : Have you tried connection to a different network (family, work, etc) to see if that makes a difference? You could also change your iPhone to NAT on your router and see if that helps. I'm out of ideas. Mine is working fine after I reset the network settings and set my router to Google DNS.", '>>{lxlqlxl} : Since there is no chance trump would anger russia, and or do something that was not already planned out in advance and approved by putin... Here is my best guess. The "plan" if there is ever one, and or any military action against the syrian government, or assad himself. trump n co makes the case for needing to take out assad, and makes a "deal" with putin to take assad off the board, trump through his "big brain", and "great" negotiating agrees to reduce NATO funding and or withdraw from the region a bit weakening the US and NATO sphere of influence. Also likely concessions on Ukraine and whoever else he wants to invade, as well as reducing and likely eliminating any sanctions against russia for whatever reason. My guess is that through a false narrative and or false flag attack that assad may have given US terrorists chemical weapons to use on US soil, and or an attack of some kind with that weapon on US soil... which pretty much cements that plan and will get a lot of republicans on board and likely a few dems... Preemptive attacks can be done but it\'s a lot harder to get people to choke down. If an attack can be blamed on the person you want to preemptively attack then there you go problem solved.', '>>{ismizz} : Yeah, same problem at work and home. It\'s strange because other networks that aren\'t "known" by my phone but I don\'t have passwords for (other offices, etc) seem to be quite strong whenever I open the wi-fi page in settings. I\'m really at a loss here and don\'t want to have to do a factory reset but thanks for your help.', ">>{funlikerabbits} : I'm having the same problem. I did all these things. Resetting the network seemed to do fine for 24 hours, now it's doing the same thing again and the original fix isn't working. My phone has been doing this for a few months, and it's a huge pain because I use chromecasts for EVERYTHING at home, and I'm constantly (sometimes even in the middle of already using it) having to reset the Internet on my phone or reconnect to wifi.", ">>{verbose_gent} : What goods would California be getting from the rest of the US? They have a lot of our food and our technology. This whole argument is stupid, but I really don't know how you think that would hurt them for the sake of conversation. The only thing I think the rest of the US has over them is water and they're building desalination plants already. Their economy is massive and successful enough to do it if they actually wanted to leave and they could put the squeeze on the rest of us.", ">>{btross} : I'm not. I can't really speak for anyone else...", ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : I'm hoping that Mattis can suggest something (semi) reasonable, and avoid getting us involved in a war. But I have a hard time believing that Trump will do anything other than the worst possible decision, given his penchant for doing the worst thing in all situations.", '>>{gmanreddit} : How would life be immediately better? Because taxes would increase and the government would control every aspect of your life? California has high taxes and they are still the most indebted state in the union.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Have you ever seem Trump cry? Cause I have not. Now being a Alpha and destroying the liberal Media, absolutely. Also have you seen his hands, they are HUGE.', ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : Wouldn't be living under the Trump regime anymore, for starters", ">>{btross} : I'm no obstetrician, but isn't she past her child bearing years?", '>>{smigglesworth} : I think Putin is going to give up Assad as a pawn so Donny Moscow can have his chance to shine in the glory of battle. Putin knows that he can just install a new pawn once Assad is out, he will be in control.', ">>{branamuffin} : Are you a parody account? If not, it's almost seems like you're sexually fetishizing him.", ">>{The-Autarkh} : The only way that can happen constitutionally is if CA were to leave the U.S.; the other states can't force CA out over its objection and tariffs on interstate commerce are unconstitutional. But supposing that CA did somehow secede (probably thorough a negotiated agreement and constitutional amendment) the rest of the U.S. would would be second in the world in terms of technological innovation (California would be the new tech leader), the would also lose its largest port complex by far (LA-Long Beach) and about 800 miles of coastline, 90%+ of several key kinds of produce, and almost 2.5 trillion in GDP (and a net tax payer--since CA pays more than it gets back). This would hurt the U.S. a lot more than CA.", '>>{mynamesyow19} : wellll so much for that "coalition" all them idiots are talking about', '>>{chunky_donuts} : Looks like we ended up electing the only real bitch.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Do you have a problem with a man liking another man? Why are you so homophobic? Stop the Hate please.', '>>{riemannszeros} : You need us to pay for all that welfare going to red states.', ">>{riemannszeros} : Despite those right wing talking points about high taxes and state debt it's the most prosperous and richest state too with an extremely strong economy. It's almost as if you all don't understand the economics of prosperity.", '>>{gayrongaybones} : They have the most debt but they also have the most money. Per capita they rank 9th with Alaska at the top spot.', ">>{gmanreddit} : His regime? You are judging him before he has even been given a chance. You're like the same people that wanted Obama impeached day 1. I gave Obama a chance. I believed in him, but he was wanting in the end. Not saying you need to love trump but give him a chance, at least a couple years before you start judging if he's good or not.", ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : I didn't want Obama impeached ever because I'm not a complete moron. Lets not pretend the two are in any way alike, Trump is a national embarrassment. I don't even want him to have a day 1. I'm never, ever going to give him a chance", '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : That is not civil and a sexist comment. You are now reported because uncivility.', ">>{darena} : Don't forget, if Cali goes Oregon and Washington are sure to follow.", '>>{brainiac3397} : >You are judging him before he has even been given a chance He hasn\'t become President yet and he\'s drowning under scandals and controversies. He\'s not getting a free pass till he gets in office because "he deserves a chance".', '>>{branamuffin} : Are you sexually attracted to Donald Trump? Just curious, no judgement.', ">>{NemWan} : States' rights are only for red states! /s", '>>{gmanreddit} : Drowning in scandals and controversy? Because bs media like cnn and Huffington post are straight up lying. Cnn was joking about him dying in a plane crash. They even said he paid a russian prostitute to pee on him. And then got all angry when trump said they are fake news. He is going to be our president and thus deserves a fair chance.', '>>{Antlerbot} : Can we join up with BC and Hawaii, too?', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : I am a heterosexual, so no. I do respect him and what he did for the GOP. I am honestly more libertarian then anything. So for the longest time disliked the GOP for their stance on LGBT community. I have never seen a leader change a party so quick about a POV they did so strongly have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3sRAA1o4t0 Also he is against the dumb logic of political correctness. That shit hurts people and dumbs down society, but liberals worship it. I have never seen so much hate and racism from any party until this election, and it came from the left. It was just sad. And the left wraps themselves up in PC and SJW coulter so they can hide behind their inherent racism and bigotry and have no accountability for it. It is just sad. So instead of voting libertarian like I usually do, I voted for trump (Libertarian on the ballot, just trump for president). Just the amount of shear lies and hate from the left got to me. Trump took a stand. That is admiral.', ">>{Time4Red} : This is the best parody account I've seen this month. Seriously, 9/10, would read again.", '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Not parody at all, Facts are hard for some people to understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grD_IINiH9c', ">>{Time4Red} : Wait, really? I'm not sure I believe you. Trump is the most anti-libertarian candidate the Republicans have put forward in...well it has to be at least 50 or 60 years. I can't think of a more anti-libertarian individual. He opposes free trade, he's ardently anti-immigration. He has proposed massive government spending measures that don't enhance the free movement of goods, the free movement of capital, or the defense of individual ownership. He has proposed massive restrictions based on religious beliefs. He has proposed restrictions on abortion. He has proposed stop and frisk, among other questionable 4th amendment policies. He has proposed torture and other war crimes which infringe on the rights of civilians outside the US. That's really just the tip of the ice burg. I could go on and on and on.", '>>{brainiac3397} : >Because bs media like cnn and Huffington post are straight up lying CNN planted those blank folders and Huffingtonpost concocted the Russan connection amirite?', '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : Ok? Is that supposed to make us feel bad? The only problem we have with that is your environmental damage will harm us.', '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : Ah, threats, the only Trump solution available.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : If believing that makes you feel better, then sure. What are facts anyways to a liberal...It is just about feelings.', '>>{branamuffin} : Lol, you really do worship an obese 70 year old pervert.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Does thinking that make you feel better? Cause if it does, go for it. I am not a snowflake.', ">>{chunky_donuts} : You're thinned skinned just like that bitch we elected.", ">>{skeletonpjs} : Listen, let Canada adopt us with the rest of the states that went blue this election and just say to hell with the rest of them. If we must we can fly Disneyworld out of Florida and put it elsewhere. No more entertainment for Trump's America.", '>>{_Misanthropy_} : I would be ok with it but I suspect that it is what Putin wants.', '>>{floridalegend} : Lol, remember when Texas threaten to succeed... Patriots.', '>>{Hawanja} : Except in real life California is running a budget surplus of 8 billion. That means it takes in 8 billion more than it spends, which is the exact oppisite of "indebted."', '>>{gmanreddit} : http://www.thestatesproject.org/state-debt/ Top 10 financially savy states are all red. Even Texas is in less debt than California.', '>>{softlotus} : Imagine being so privileged as to think "the dumb logic of political correctness" is an important, vote-deciding issue.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Because understanding context and having a basic level of critical thinking is not important? I bet you are a liberal.', '>>{riemannszeros} : Can you please explain "hydraulic" despotism to us simpletons in the richest state?', '>>{esca6angel} : Well that certainly would be interesting if they follow through.', '>>{pincha-englishman} : They have the top economy and produce more food than any other state. The country would face a heavy blow if Californians stopped paying federal taxes', '>>{Slampumpthejam} : An independent California with a progressive mandate would be a powerhouse. Even moreso if Washington and Oregon join.', '>>{gmanreddit} : http://www.thestatesproject.org/state-debt/ Come again about top economy? They would also have to defend the Pacific Ocean on their own since seceding means no access to nukes or military. Who would defend them if they were attacked? Oil would also be a problem. And Disney world>disney land ;)', ">>{frontierparty} : Wonder what would happen to taxes if the state wasn't required to spread their wealth to support red states", ">>{frontierparty} : It's probably a dig about the drought, my other theory is they're stupid.", ">>{nemracbackwards} : We'll tax everything that we export out of California. We are America's biggest food producer.", ">>{pincha-englishman} : You misunderstood my comment. I'm not advocating that they secede I am saying it would be a blow to the US to have their most populous state secede. If California were a sovereign nation they would have the 6th largest economy in the world. So yes, the top economy.", ">>{TinkleMuffin} : It's time for California to push for universal healthcare, lead by example. Show the rest of the country how well it works.", ">>{gmanreddit} : I'm mostly being facetious. No one benefits from a state seceding. Except maybe Illinois. That place can sink.", '>>{spaghettiAstar} : California has more people and more money than Canada, if anything we should adopt them.', '>>{spaghettiAstar} : Golly gee, that looks like a reliable unbiased source!', '>>{sparta1170} : Your side won with hate. To quote Donalds central park 5 ad. "Maybe hate is all we need." so I say its find and fair to hate on you. Now if that hate is strong enough to kill? Well I guess we should keep you in suspense.', ">>{PhonySnark} : I somehow missed that we hired Holder to consult on litigation against our new fascist President and his plutocrat BFFs. That's dope as hell.", ">>{Hawanja} : I'm talking about the deficit, of which California has none. All of the states have a debt, that's how thier governments are financed. Edit: And according to that list, CA is not the most indebted state in the union.", ">>{sparta1170} : If Donald does it, why can't we? Or is your head so far up your red neck ass you can't see it?", ">>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Try again sir/ma'am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p40fYmXy9Y4 Hate is left. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSd-oBEBdPU Please take a look at yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=einzINdIdYM I mean come on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1jEiUxfC34 Your ideology is racist and hatful as fuck and you still support it, will you disavow?", '>>{1x10forever} : Also, even if California did have the most debt, would it really be so strange for the 6th largest economy in the entire fucking world to have more debt than flyover states? Like no shit the guy with a million dollar house has more debt than the hobo living in a cardboard box. An absolutely meaningless statistic without context.', '>>{psychotichorse} : Lol who is going to attack us? Pretty sure the 39 million Californians could come up with a solid military plan.', '>>{Rubberlemons} : How did donald do it? You mean the made up russia bullshit? You need a reality check. Conservative america will spend the next 8 years laughing at you.', '>>{Grease2310} : Want a thought that will boil your blood? Trump will soon be an animatronic in the Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom.', ">>{Grease2310} : The Russians you're already pissing the bed over? North Korea? China? Literally anyone who wants territory in the Americas?", ">>{psychotichorse} : Lol c'mon man. Be serious. Wars of aggression for the sole purpose of taking and occupying territory is illegal. There would be a coalition of nations that would come to our defense even in that situation. Read up on some history my dude, certain things don't happen anymore. You're peddeling scare tactics. People don't think the connection/collusion with Russia is going to lead to us ceding territory to them. It's bad because we have longstanding allies and partners in the world that depend on us, and turning our backs on them to support a tyrannical dictator is in-American and offensive to even consider. Just take a step back for a second, human to human, you don't find Vladimir Putin to be an awful war criminal? You think that any good can come out of appeasing someone like that? Regardless of where you stand on the right or left, regardless of who you voted for, you honestly think that Putin is someone the President of the United States should hero worship?", ">>{TinkleMuffin} : The U.K., Australia, and Canada all have universal health care, and it costs those governments less than it does the US government, both on a per Capita basis and as a percentage of their GDP. I understand that this wouldn't be a perfect comparison between whole nations as opposed to one state, but still, this notion that it's extremely expensive is false. When the republicans inevitably cut taxes, California could raise its state taxes to the difference between what the federal taxes had been cut. Now obviously I'm no expert and I'm simplifying things. The fact of the matter is the entire point of government is to tax the people and then provide them with services. We each have to decide what's worth it, and I personally think treating health care as a basic right is worth it.", '>>{Grease2310} : They absolutely will. Every US President is there and will be there.', '>>{skeletonpjs} : I literally laid awake a few days ago over this very angering and depressing thought.', ">>{cobolNoFun} : I assume CA would be taking their share of the debt too right? Would be rude to skip out on the bill now wouldn't it.", ">>{hypermark} : Here's the reality: Regardless of what Republicans say, we already have universal healthcare. It's called the emergency room, and it will eventually bankrupt us. If a country doesn't focus on preventative, universal healthcare but still provides accessible ERs, then people without insurance will simply use the ER symptomaticlly. This is unbelievably expensive and draining on the healthcare system, and it would simply be cheaper to provide universal healthcare that focuses on prevention.", '>>{The-Autarkh} : Sure. Do we get our share of the assets corresponding to the debt--i.e., military bases and hardware, pro-rata share of claim to social security trust fund, etc.?', ">>{cobolNoFun} : I would say yes CA has a claim there, probably even get a few nukes. But just to be clear here social security is not an actual fund, it's part of some 90trillion unfunded liabilities the USA holds. So if we base share on electors (the assholes who decided this shit) you might be starting your new country 10 trillion in the hole.", ">>{The-Autarkh} : I'm aware of the borrowing from the SS trust fund. Wasn't sure how deep into the weeds to go there. To the extent our share of the repayment obligations—if ever made for good on—would make us a net recipient of funds, we should get that. Or else there'd be an unwinding period. But more importantly, CA isn't going to secede. Nor should it—yet. There's a decent chance Trump will destroy himself before the country.", '>>{Freeiheit} : Cut funding for sanctuary cities and nullify their unconstitutional gun laws', ">>{rosatter} : No, because they'll all be dying of black lung.", ">>{verbose_gent} : It probably would be. The rest of the country would suffer though. So as a dem in the Great Lakes, I say please don't."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{WorldNeedsSaddam} : Looks like California needs 35% tariffs imposed upon them for all goods entering and leaving the state.', ">>{espo619} : Bring it. If he does that, I'm sure we could find the political willpower to put Twitter under state control and ban him.", '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : https://i.sli.mg/HGzczb.png Liberals need to adult up and stop being crybabies.', '>>{MrIosity} : Bring what, interstate tariffs? Not even constitutional, let alone possible. Let the low effort shitposts sink to the bottom.', '>>{yhwhx} : *Nyet*. Comrade Donnie must be supported without question.', '>>{DamnitGoose} : In the immortal words of the GOP "Who cares"', ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : I mean I live in a deep blue state that would definitely follow Cali's lead and get the fuck out of this dumpster fire so my life would immediately be better, but just wanted to let that dude know", ">>{verbose_gent} : What goods would California be getting from the rest of the US? They have a lot of our food and our technology. This whole argument is stupid, but I really don't know how you think that would hurt them for the sake of conversation. The only thing I think the rest of the US has over them is water and they're building desalination plants already. Their economy is massive and successful enough to do it if they actually wanted to leave and they could put the squeeze on the rest of us.", '>>{gmanreddit} : How would life be immediately better? Because taxes would increase and the government would control every aspect of your life? California has high taxes and they are still the most indebted state in the union.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Have you ever seem Trump cry? Cause I have not. Now being a Alpha and destroying the liberal Media, absolutely. Also have you seen his hands, they are HUGE.', ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : Wouldn't be living under the Trump regime anymore, for starters", ">>{branamuffin} : Are you a parody account? If not, it's almost seems like you're sexually fetishizing him.", ">>{The-Autarkh} : The only way that can happen constitutionally is if CA were to leave the U.S.; the other states can't force CA out over its objection and tariffs on interstate commerce are unconstitutional. But supposing that CA did somehow secede (probably thorough a negotiated agreement and constitutional amendment) the rest of the U.S. would would be second in the world in terms of technological innovation (California would be the new tech leader), the would also lose its largest port complex by far (LA-Long Beach) and about 800 miles of coastline, 90%+ of several key kinds of produce, and almost 2.5 trillion in GDP (and a net tax payer--since CA pays more than it gets back). This would hurt the U.S. a lot more than CA.", '>>{chunky_donuts} : Looks like we ended up electing the only real bitch.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Do you have a problem with a man liking another man? Why are you so homophobic? Stop the Hate please.', '>>{riemannszeros} : You need us to pay for all that welfare going to red states.', ">>{riemannszeros} : Despite those right wing talking points about high taxes and state debt it's the most prosperous and richest state too with an extremely strong economy. It's almost as if you all don't understand the economics of prosperity.", '>>{gayrongaybones} : They have the most debt but they also have the most money. Per capita they rank 9th with Alaska at the top spot.', ">>{gmanreddit} : His regime? You are judging him before he has even been given a chance. You're like the same people that wanted Obama impeached day 1. I gave Obama a chance. I believed in him, but he was wanting in the end. Not saying you need to love trump but give him a chance, at least a couple years before you start judging if he's good or not.", ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : I didn't want Obama impeached ever because I'm not a complete moron. Lets not pretend the two are in any way alike, Trump is a national embarrassment. I don't even want him to have a day 1. I'm never, ever going to give him a chance", '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : That is not civil and a sexist comment. You are now reported because uncivility.', ">>{darena} : Don't forget, if Cali goes Oregon and Washington are sure to follow.", '>>{brainiac3397} : >You are judging him before he has even been given a chance He hasn\'t become President yet and he\'s drowning under scandals and controversies. He\'s not getting a free pass till he gets in office because "he deserves a chance".', '>>{branamuffin} : Are you sexually attracted to Donald Trump? Just curious, no judgement.', ">>{NemWan} : States' rights are only for red states! /s", '>>{gmanreddit} : Drowning in scandals and controversy? Because bs media like cnn and Huffington post are straight up lying. Cnn was joking about him dying in a plane crash. They even said he paid a russian prostitute to pee on him. And then got all angry when trump said they are fake news. He is going to be our president and thus deserves a fair chance.', '>>{Antlerbot} : Can we join up with BC and Hawaii, too?', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : I am a heterosexual, so no. I do respect him and what he did for the GOP. I am honestly more libertarian then anything. So for the longest time disliked the GOP for their stance on LGBT community. I have never seen a leader change a party so quick about a POV they did so strongly have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3sRAA1o4t0 Also he is against the dumb logic of political correctness. That shit hurts people and dumbs down society, but liberals worship it. I have never seen so much hate and racism from any party until this election, and it came from the left. It was just sad. And the left wraps themselves up in PC and SJW coulter so they can hide behind their inherent racism and bigotry and have no accountability for it. It is just sad. So instead of voting libertarian like I usually do, I voted for trump (Libertarian on the ballot, just trump for president). Just the amount of shear lies and hate from the left got to me. Trump took a stand. That is admiral.', ">>{Time4Red} : This is the best parody account I've seen this month. Seriously, 9/10, would read again.", '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Not parody at all, Facts are hard for some people to understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grD_IINiH9c', ">>{Time4Red} : Wait, really? I'm not sure I believe you. Trump is the most anti-libertarian candidate the Republicans have put forward in...well it has to be at least 50 or 60 years. I can't think of a more anti-libertarian individual. He opposes free trade, he's ardently anti-immigration. He has proposed massive government spending measures that don't enhance the free movement of goods, the free movement of capital, or the defense of individual ownership. He has proposed massive restrictions based on religious beliefs. He has proposed restrictions on abortion. He has proposed stop and frisk, among other questionable 4th amendment policies. He has proposed torture and other war crimes which infringe on the rights of civilians outside the US. That's really just the tip of the ice burg. I could go on and on and on.", '>>{brainiac3397} : >Because bs media like cnn and Huffington post are straight up lying CNN planted those blank folders and Huffingtonpost concocted the Russan connection amirite?', '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : Ok? Is that supposed to make us feel bad? The only problem we have with that is your environmental damage will harm us.', '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : Ah, threats, the only Trump solution available.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : If believing that makes you feel better, then sure. What are facts anyways to a liberal...It is just about feelings.', '>>{branamuffin} : Lol, you really do worship an obese 70 year old pervert.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Does thinking that make you feel better? Cause if it does, go for it. I am not a snowflake.', ">>{chunky_donuts} : You're thinned skinned just like that bitch we elected.", ">>{skeletonpjs} : Listen, let Canada adopt us with the rest of the states that went blue this election and just say to hell with the rest of them. If we must we can fly Disneyworld out of Florida and put it elsewhere. No more entertainment for Trump's America.", '>>{_Misanthropy_} : I would be ok with it but I suspect that it is what Putin wants.', '>>{floridalegend} : Lol, remember when Texas threaten to succeed... Patriots.', '>>{Hawanja} : Except in real life California is running a budget surplus of 8 billion. That means it takes in 8 billion more than it spends, which is the exact oppisite of "indebted."', '>>{gmanreddit} : http://www.thestatesproject.org/state-debt/ Top 10 financially savy states are all red. Even Texas is in less debt than California.', '>>{softlotus} : Imagine being so privileged as to think "the dumb logic of political correctness" is an important, vote-deciding issue.', '>>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Because understanding context and having a basic level of critical thinking is not important? I bet you are a liberal.', '>>{riemannszeros} : Can you please explain "hydraulic" despotism to us simpletons in the richest state?', '>>{esca6angel} : Well that certainly would be interesting if they follow through.', '>>{pincha-englishman} : They have the top economy and produce more food than any other state. The country would face a heavy blow if Californians stopped paying federal taxes', '>>{Slampumpthejam} : An independent California with a progressive mandate would be a powerhouse. Even moreso if Washington and Oregon join.', '>>{gmanreddit} : http://www.thestatesproject.org/state-debt/ Come again about top economy? They would also have to defend the Pacific Ocean on their own since seceding means no access to nukes or military. Who would defend them if they were attacked? Oil would also be a problem. And Disney world>disney land ;)', ">>{frontierparty} : Wonder what would happen to taxes if the state wasn't required to spread their wealth to support red states", ">>{frontierparty} : It's probably a dig about the drought, my other theory is they're stupid.", ">>{nemracbackwards} : We'll tax everything that we export out of California. We are America's biggest food producer.", ">>{pincha-englishman} : You misunderstood my comment. I'm not advocating that they secede I am saying it would be a blow to the US to have their most populous state secede. If California were a sovereign nation they would have the 6th largest economy in the world. So yes, the top economy.", ">>{TinkleMuffin} : It's time for California to push for universal healthcare, lead by example. Show the rest of the country how well it works.", ">>{gmanreddit} : I'm mostly being facetious. No one benefits from a state seceding. Except maybe Illinois. That place can sink.", '>>{spaghettiAstar} : California has more people and more money than Canada, if anything we should adopt them.', '>>{spaghettiAstar} : Golly gee, that looks like a reliable unbiased source!', '>>{sparta1170} : Your side won with hate. To quote Donalds central park 5 ad. "Maybe hate is all we need." so I say its find and fair to hate on you. Now if that hate is strong enough to kill? Well I guess we should keep you in suspense.', ">>{PhonySnark} : I somehow missed that we hired Holder to consult on litigation against our new fascist President and his plutocrat BFFs. That's dope as hell.", ">>{Hawanja} : I'm talking about the deficit, of which California has none. All of the states have a debt, that's how thier governments are financed. Edit: And according to that list, CA is not the most indebted state in the union.", ">>{sparta1170} : If Donald does it, why can't we? Or is your head so far up your red neck ass you can't see it?", ">>{Mariotas_Gooch} : Try again sir/ma'am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p40fYmXy9Y4 Hate is left. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSd-oBEBdPU Please take a look at yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=einzINdIdYM I mean come on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1jEiUxfC34 Your ideology is racist and hatful as fuck and you still support it, will you disavow?", '>>{1x10forever} : Also, even if California did have the most debt, would it really be so strange for the 6th largest economy in the entire fucking world to have more debt than flyover states? Like no shit the guy with a million dollar house has more debt than the hobo living in a cardboard box. An absolutely meaningless statistic without context.', '>>{psychotichorse} : Lol who is going to attack us? Pretty sure the 39 million Californians could come up with a solid military plan.', '>>{Rubberlemons} : How did donald do it? You mean the made up russia bullshit? You need a reality check. Conservative america will spend the next 8 years laughing at you.', '>>{Grease2310} : Want a thought that will boil your blood? Trump will soon be an animatronic in the Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom.', ">>{Grease2310} : The Russians you're already pissing the bed over? North Korea? China? Literally anyone who wants territory in the Americas?", ">>{psychotichorse} : Lol c'mon man. Be serious. Wars of aggression for the sole purpose of taking and occupying territory is illegal. There would be a coalition of nations that would come to our defense even in that situation. Read up on some history my dude, certain things don't happen anymore. You're peddeling scare tactics. People don't think the connection/collusion with Russia is going to lead to us ceding territory to them. It's bad because we have longstanding allies and partners in the world that depend on us, and turning our backs on them to support a tyrannical dictator is in-American and offensive to even consider. Just take a step back for a second, human to human, you don't find Vladimir Putin to be an awful war criminal? You think that any good can come out of appeasing someone like that? Regardless of where you stand on the right or left, regardless of who you voted for, you honestly think that Putin is someone the President of the United States should hero worship?", ">>{TinkleMuffin} : The U.K., Australia, and Canada all have universal health care, and it costs those governments less than it does the US government, both on a per Capita basis and as a percentage of their GDP. I understand that this wouldn't be a perfect comparison between whole nations as opposed to one state, but still, this notion that it's extremely expensive is false. When the republicans inevitably cut taxes, California could raise its state taxes to the difference between what the federal taxes had been cut. Now obviously I'm no expert and I'm simplifying things. The fact of the matter is the entire point of government is to tax the people and then provide them with services. We each have to decide what's worth it, and I personally think treating health care as a basic right is worth it.", '>>{Grease2310} : They absolutely will. Every US President is there and will be there.', '>>{skeletonpjs} : I literally laid awake a few days ago over this very angering and depressing thought.', ">>{cobolNoFun} : I assume CA would be taking their share of the debt too right? Would be rude to skip out on the bill now wouldn't it.", ">>{hypermark} : Here's the reality: Regardless of what Republicans say, we already have universal healthcare. It's called the emergency room, and it will eventually bankrupt us. If a country doesn't focus on preventative, universal healthcare but still provides accessible ERs, then people without insurance will simply use the ER symptomaticlly. This is unbelievably expensive and draining on the healthcare system, and it would simply be cheaper to provide universal healthcare that focuses on prevention.", '>>{The-Autarkh} : Sure. Do we get our share of the assets corresponding to the debt--i.e., military bases and hardware, pro-rata share of claim to social security trust fund, etc.?', ">>{cobolNoFun} : I would say yes CA has a claim there, probably even get a few nukes. But just to be clear here social security is not an actual fund, it's part of some 90trillion unfunded liabilities the USA holds. So if we base share on electors (the assholes who decided this shit) you might be starting your new country 10 trillion in the hole.", ">>{The-Autarkh} : I'm aware of the borrowing from the SS trust fund. Wasn't sure how deep into the weeds to go there. To the extent our share of the repayment obligations—if ever made for good on—would make us a net recipient of funds, we should get that. Or else there'd be an unwinding period. But more importantly, CA isn't going to secede. Nor should it—yet. There's a decent chance Trump will destroy himself before the country.", '>>{Freeiheit} : Cut funding for sanctuary cities and nullify their unconstitutional gun laws', ">>{rosatter} : No, because they'll all be dying of black lung.", ">>{verbose_gent} : It probably would be. The rest of the country would suffer though. So as a dem in the Great Lakes, I say please don't."], [">>{Jackie-Nirvana} : It may be a connection problem rather than a problem with your iPhone. You could try turning on airplane mode for about 10 seconds, then turning it off. If you still have issues, try rebooting your phone. If the probably persists, it may be your wifi or router that's causing the issue. Hope that helps !", '>>{Amdiron} : Try this and see if it helps: Reset network settings (settings, general, reset) Disable wifi assist (under settings and cellular at the bottom of the screen) Test it for a bit see if it helped. If not try this also: Go to wifi and change your DNS. [I have mine set to Google](https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/) Good luck.', ">>{adamhuxley} : You don't happen to have Wi-Fi Assist turned on do you? Wi-Fi Assist drops Wi-Fi in favour of mobile data when the mobile data connection is stronger/faster. Go to > Settings > Mobile Data > Scroll to the bottom and turn off Wi-Fi Assist", ">>{coldjeanz} : This exact thing happens to my 6 constantly. Soooo annoying. My Mac is fine though and so is my smart tv so I don't think it's my wifi connection. Wifi assist is off. No idea what is causing it.", '>>{ADontHaveAnAttitude} : Yeah I have tried about everything with my phone and am now convinced that the problem is with my wireless router.', ">>{coldjeanz} : I don't know man the way you described it is the same exact thing that is happening to me. The loading symbol will be there next to the wifi icon, and when I slide up control panel to disable and then enable wifi it will start working again. I have a hard time believing my router is the problem when no other device is having issues.", ">>{ADontHaveAnAttitude} : Yeah my wife's phone and all of our other devices run perfect. I'm starting to think I might just have to live with this issue. Good luck getting things fixed on your end.", ">>{ismizz} : Little late to the party, but I've started experiencing the same issue a few days ago. Wifi worked perfectly on my deck, now it drops every time. Tried it with my Macbook and no issues.", '>>{ismizz} : Recently started experiencing similar issues to what OP described. Does resetting network settings clear all saved wifi locations/passwords? Because that would be a real pain in the ass.', ">>{ismizz} : Yeah I reset my network settings but I'm still dropping wifi constantly. This is very frustrating.", ">>{ADontHaveAnAttitude} : I'm about 90% sure it has something to do with the router. I can sit at my sisters house on her wifi for hours with no problem, go home and it drops out every five minutes. I didn't set up my router and have no idea what where to begin troubleshooting.", ">>{ismizz} : I was convinced it was my router but now I'm sitting at work and it keeps dropping the wifi here, which I've never had any issues with. I reset my network settings and I'm still having issues.", ">>{Amdiron} : Have you tried connection to a different network (family, work, etc) to see if that makes a difference? You could also change your iPhone to NAT on your router and see if that helps. I'm out of ideas. Mine is working fine after I reset the network settings and set my router to Google DNS.", '>>{ismizz} : Yeah, same problem at work and home. It\'s strange because other networks that aren\'t "known" by my phone but I don\'t have passwords for (other offices, etc) seem to be quite strong whenever I open the wi-fi page in settings. I\'m really at a loss here and don\'t want to have to do a factory reset but thanks for your help.', ">>{funlikerabbits} : I'm having the same problem. I did all these things. Resetting the network seemed to do fine for 24 hours, now it's doing the same thing again and the original fix isn't working. My phone has been doing this for a few months, and it's a huge pain because I use chromecasts for EVERYTHING at home, and I'm constantly (sometimes even in the middle of already using it) having to reset the Internet on my phone or reconnect to wifi."], ['>>{IngrownCactus} : Looks like we could echoing an old question right now [Why did a president who understood the risks nevertheless rush into an unwinnable war?](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/24/opinion/lyndon-johnsons-vietnam.html) But, we may not be able to include that he understood the risks.', '>>{tmoeagles96} : This is going to be a real test to see how Trump treats this. Russia (Putin) supports Assad, who is responsible for doing this to his own people. I\'m really curious to see where Trump goes with this. Or maybe he\'ll drop a gem like "oh you know, the situation in the Middle East isn\'t that simple"..', '>>{gorillaverdict} : How many of us will this idiot puppet get killed before we can purge him?', ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : Agreed. I'm very curious (although terrified) about how this will play out. This is a huge test for Trump in terms of whether he'll go against his BFF Putin (and act overtly against Assad), or if he'll just talk about action and then do nothing. My guess is that he'll bluster about doing something in order to whip up support and play at giving a fuck about human rights, and then do nothing about it because he's too scared of Putin.", '>>{tmoeagles96} : This is also something where Trump will really get a lot of info on the middle east and be overwhelmed. The conflicts over there are incredibly complicated, and the best military and foreign policy minds have been trying to solve it for years. He thinks "give the generals time to come up with an idea" is some kind of master plan. News flash, they\'ve been trying.', '>>{Kalel2319} : Really? My money is on "first global catastrophic mistake". But then again, there has to be somebody who understands shit in that cabinet right?', '>>{rogerpool123} : LOL Trump has no say in this. The fucking idiot has no idea.', '>>{lxlqlxl} : Since there is no chance trump would anger russia, and or do something that was not already planned out in advance and approved by putin... Here is my best guess. The "plan" if there is ever one, and or any military action against the syrian government, or assad himself. trump n co makes the case for needing to take out assad, and makes a "deal" with putin to take assad off the board, trump through his "big brain", and "great" negotiating agrees to reduce NATO funding and or withdraw from the region a bit weakening the US and NATO sphere of influence. Also likely concessions on Ukraine and whoever else he wants to invade, as well as reducing and likely eliminating any sanctions against russia for whatever reason. My guess is that through a false narrative and or false flag attack that assad may have given US terrorists chemical weapons to use on US soil, and or an attack of some kind with that weapon on US soil... which pretty much cements that plan and will get a lot of republicans on board and likely a few dems... Preemptive attacks can be done but it\'s a lot harder to get people to choke down. If an attack can be blamed on the person you want to preemptively attack then there you go problem solved.', ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : I'm hoping that Mattis can suggest something (semi) reasonable, and avoid getting us involved in a war. But I have a hard time believing that Trump will do anything other than the worst possible decision, given his penchant for doing the worst thing in all situations.", '>>{smigglesworth} : I think Putin is going to give up Assad as a pawn so Donny Moscow can have his chance to shine in the glory of battle. Putin knows that he can just install a new pawn once Assad is out, he will be in control.', '>>{mynamesyow19} : wellll so much for that "coalition" all them idiots are talking about'], [">>{RedGreenAllaince} : Russian Government TV Endorses Hillary Clinton for President as Moscow's Preferred Candidate", ">>{Saudi-A-Labia} : What's with the right wing and you tube clips?", '>>{btross} : You see Ivan, we are tellink them we are wantink the Clinton lady, so they are doink opposite and votink for real comrade...', '>>{njmaverick} : This is a fake video made by a nut job Jill Stien supporter (you can see if you click the link)', '>>{e_t_} : Crazies of every stripe prefer video as a format over print, though nobody out-crazies the alt-right.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : No editorial standards, no expectation for citations, a community that tends to accept things at face value...', '>>{HonoredPeople} : Desperation. When no real news organization will pick up the crazy, put it on youtube. Which begs the question, why they even allowed?', ">>{aperfectmouth} : Courtesy of the Jill Stein people. It's actually funny. Toward the end they do the 2 ferns thing and suppose if Hillary got pregnant.", ">>{UpTrumpAcct} : I get what you're saying, but nobody is taking this seriously, are they?", ">>{KatsThoughts} : Wow, these high-level psy-ops, I can't even see what is happening... I can't... suddenly I feel an overwhelming urge to vote for Trump, I can't explain it... My god at least the microphone in the mail robot had a CHANCE of success.", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : Seriously though, there's no doubt about Russia's posture towards the candidates if you look at their coverage in Western-facing state media like RT or Sputnik. Actually their propaganda and false narratives are pretty similar to what you find around here after a day or two.", ">>{btross} : I'm not. I can't really speak for anyone else...", ">>{btross} : I'm no obstetrician, but isn't she past her child bearing years?"]]
classify and reply
[">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Because narcissists cannot envision a world where what they say isn't considered true.", '>>{MaxBrocky} : Just got my Concrete iPhone 6S skin from D Brand. Perfect fit as advertised, would really recommend if you want basic protection from scratches to the aluminium.', '>>{Fatwhale} : Your corners are fucking clean, holy shit. I tried to do that once and failed completely. My corners looked like complete shit.', ">>{BobSeton} : Project Veritas: We've Hit The Tipping Point, Elite Are in Panic Mode: James O'Keefe", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Enough with the Jeff Bezos Gazzette and its half assed opinion pages.', ">>{mortfeinberg} : Yeah dude, I'm sure the elites are shaking in their boots because a known con artist won an election. I'm sure they're terrified that they're going to be deregulated and have their taxes cut.", ">>{aggie1391} : He's a pathological liar. I honestly don't think he can help it. He has to say whatever makes him look good, facts be damned.", '>>{The_Actual_Pope} : The stock market is at record highs, a billionaire is in the white house, and the banks and big insurance companies are in line clean up in a major way as Republicans plan to throw seniors on medicare to private insurors, liquidates american infrastructure assets in the name of privatization. We have hit a tipping point. But the elites are in celebration mode.', '>>{MaxBrocky} : Thank you, just followed the video guide and was patient. It was surprisingly simple.', '>>{xpedition1} : if I could install mine that well, maybe I would actually like a skin. I have gone through two of them and tore them off after a month because it looked like shit', '>>{Caseycrocker} : Dope, so clean. My installs never looked as nice. Almost has a wood grain look to it.', ">>{Bad_Eugoogoolizer} : Wow, this is such a fluff piece. I'm all for people opposed to Sanders. That's their right. But this guy literally is writing for a headline with no actual substance.", '>>{McNuttyNutz} : can never get the corners to lay right nice work', ">>{mandrate} : How's that big fat Trump paychecks going out for you?", ">>{DisgustingDemocrat} : Because he doesn't care and knows that the vast majority of people out there are currently voting against a candidate and not for them. That many people just want to hear someone say something about their issues, even if it's bullshit, to draw attention to them and so they can hope that maybe he will do something about it even if it's a pipe dream. Personally, I think he should have pivoted hard left and flanked Hillary on the right and left on many issues because of this phenomenon as the right would have nowhere to go if they were displeased. But it's his call, win or lose, the buck stops with him. Why did one candidate feel it was necessary to lie to the FBI about not knowing what (c) meant after decades in government?", '>>{zan5ki} : > But the truth is that Sanders does not deserve a movement, and his losing campaign does not deserve unusual deference and concessions. His tale about American oligarchy is simplistic, his policy proposals are shallow, his rejection of political reality is absurd, his self-righteousness and stubbornness are unbecoming. As someone else in the other thread for this article asked: "Even if they are biased, does that make everything they say wrong?" Yes, they are wrong. I do not like Clinton but you can bet your ass that if the delegate totals were reversed I wouldn\'t be ignorantly dismissing the wishes and concerns of those who voted for Clinton. This author is ignorant, arrogant, and yes, wrong. It\'s incredibly ironic that they talk about political realities while completely dismissing the reality of Sanders\' movement. For this person to be even half way correct the sentiment among the millions of people who have voted for Sanders, many of whom represent the majority of the future of the Democratic party and progressive wing of the country, will have to completely disappear. Considering that\'s not going to happen, again, they are wrong. > Sanders’s path to the Democratic presidential nomination is essentially nonexistent. His only hope rests on convincing Democratic “superdelegates,” nearly all of whom back Hillary Clinton, to swing his way. They will not do that. It is incoherent for Sanders to ask them to do so, given that he has attacked superdelegates as non-democratic actors in the nominating process and that Clinton will almost certainly end the cycle with more votes and more pledged delegates. The message this author is trying to convey is not the reality of the delegate math, it\'s that Sanders is politically insignificant, which is simply false. Who cares if they got a few facts correct when they in no way prove their point? It\'s hardly relevant and the fact that they didn\'t get literally everything wrong down to simple facts doesn\'t add legitimacy to their message. FFS I would hope they get simple facts like that right.', ">>{osborn2shred11} : You mean a guy who got a class b misdemeanor? LOL His videos solely ruined Hillary's chances at becoming president.", ">>{mortfeinberg} : I mean the guy that has been busted making fake videos no less than 8 times. And please, Keefe didn't do shit. Nobody sane takes him seriously.", '>>{SolarStarwalker} : What?! Never even heard of this douche.... Ohh info wars garbage, lol! No one takes anything those guys say seriously! Fake News!', ">>{die_caesar} : I don't know about his other stuff, but the tapes about the dnc starting violence at Trumps rallies made me feel pretty terrible.", ">>{loki8481} : he'a a 70 year-old billionaire who's likely been surrounded by yes-men who agree with everything he says for his entire adult life.", '>>{ldAbl} : Did you use a hair dryer or heat gun?', '>>{mortfeinberg} : Literally nothing Keefe throws out should be taken seriously unless it comes with the absolute full footage with 0 edits.', ">>{sampleabuser} : That's a skin? I was about to type a really cunty 'there goes your warranty' post thinking it was a third party enclosure.", ">>{ihohjlknk} : That fake planned parenthood sting operation was really sticking it to the elites, huh? O'Keefe needs to take his Trump checks and go away forever.", ">>{myblueship} : I liked Bernie, I really did. But he lost, move on. strike a deal for a bill or policy support or cabinet position for dropping out and supporting her. Sure HRC isn't perfect but IMO a million times better than Trump. Her voting record is 92% the same as Bernie but the Burnbros make her out to be the spawn of satan. Bernie has no realistic shot at winning the nomination and he keeps dragging this out, which helps no one but Trump and the Republicans.", '>>{lamar578} : i would buy one if i could get someone to install it. whenever i try to buy stuff like this it comes out like shit', '>>{GunTech} : The author assumes that he is the arbiter of who runs or stays in the game. The voters decide. Whether it\'s Sanders, or Trump or Vermin Supreme, we don\'t need self appointed "experts" to tell us who should stay in the race or when they should drop out.', '>>{donglol} : Bad upbringing I would assume. His sons seem to share the trait too.', ">>{Byzantine279} : Yep. It's not the elites who are scared. Or at least, they aren't scared for themselves.", ">>{Byzantine279} : Never trust anything by O'Keefe. It's never been real before.", ">>{Byzantine279} : I know you are attempting sarcasm, but it actually is fake. Literally. O'Keefe has a nice long history of faking every video he touches.", '>>{Dont_Blink-182} : That looks boss! I would totally buy that to protect scratches if only I could install that good!', ">>{aledlewis} : This is yesterday's request for Bernie to drop out. Where is today's?", '>>{Royvin} : Wow man looks amazing, great job very professional looking', ">>{ZachAtttack} : Agreed. I think Sanders is boned on the math, but to argue he matters little is insane. Last year, he pulled at 2% and now he's won nearly half the US states. He put up a fight with HRC who has been known across the country for two decades. If anything the Democratic process has shown how horrible a candidate Hillary Clinton is that she struggled to put down the soft-hearted old man that very few had ever heard of 12 months ago. I fear for when she goes toe-to-toe to Trump because she's such an uninspiring and unenthusiastic person. She is no leader.", '>>{KayIslandDrunk} : Looks amazing but you do realize the new one comes out in a few weeks right?', ">>{EPerezF} : Looks awesome! Tip: Don't buy white matte top and/or bottom. Corners look like crap even if you align them perfectly.", ">>{Byzantine279} : Even then it isn't trustworthy, because he's probably using paid actors.", '>>{DDRundo} : That guy is worse with everything. I had to block him on all social media just to avoid his grimy appearance', ">>{donglol} : This subreddit has been flooded with anti-Clinton articles for the past year. During the primaries it was 90% anti-Clinton. It's currently more anti-Trump than anything else, and for a good reason.", ">>{Ralphdraw3} : Well put.. the liberal wing of the Democratic party needs to have its say and flex it's muscle. And Sanders is bringing new people into the party. Young people, non-political people. He is more trusted than Clinton and more respected.", '>>{hearthneewb} : And yet despite all them horrible lies Trump managed to top her when it comes to the amount of lies told. What does that say about him?', ">>{BigMic25} : Nice! I've had my eye on one of these for a few weeks now, you definitely made my mind up for me!", '>>{kah0922} : Ah, some more high class journalism from James "I\'m the demented love child of Breitbart and Infowars" O\'Keefe.', '>>{talones} : I used my heat gun once and it melted it almost instantly. Hair dryer is the way to go.', ">>{xtremedude} : >Sure HRC isn't pefect The nerve on some people", '>>{kutwijf} : Something we can agree on. Trump is not anti-establishment.', '>>{antisoshal} : Because he can, and his supporters dont care. They have spent 10 years being convinced that an incompetent moron was president, so they are now convinced and actual incompetent moron can do the job. They just want to hear him say things they like. They quite literally dont seem capable of processing or just dont care than none of it is true, plausible or often times even relevant to the issue. They want to cheer for the lion, even though it gets killed at the end of the circus.', '>>{Heiminator} : Bernie needs to do much better than just a tie in California to even get close to winning though. If California is tied 50:50 then Hillary has won.', '>>{gerbilfood} : How does it feel grip wise? I would really like something to make the 6 less slippery when it is out of the case. The thing is like an eel.', ">>{Scarlettail} : Well he fits right in with politics, doesn't he?", '>>{nelskickass} : My corners looked and felt like shit initially, but after a few days they just naturally rounded themselves out surprisingly', '>>{TheTrueLordHumungous} : TLDR: wahhhh .. stop it you are hurting Godzillary ... wahhhhh', ">>{Cheap_Wino} : C'mon! Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz still have a chance!", '>>{NoojiSon} : Looks nice. But I just dont know what the best combination would be for a Rose Gold Iphone. Everything of this hinders the slick rose gold color and nothing meshes well with its buttons and apple logo.', '>>{ukraine_not_weak} : Enough with posting this exact same damn article multiple times.', '>>{rbtkhn} : How many of those new people will stay in the party if Clinton is the nominee?', '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : By the elite does he mean racial and religious minorities?', ">>{Ralphdraw3} : It's too bad that Hillary's message is weak and unclear. That is why Sanders is doing so well. She does not have a clear message, she flip flops on issues, she is wrong on issues (Iraq, gay marriage) AND she is not trusted. I don't trust her.", ">>{BobSeton} : What about the children? Won't someone think of the children!", '>>{Baekmagoji} : The last time I bought from them they were responsive via email until after it shipped me the wrong items. They completely ignored me afterwards... Will never buy from them again.', ">>{myblueship} : Explain to me why she is the devil then. (Please don't bring the email scandal, even sanders said months ago he is tired of hearing about that) Sanders isn't perfect either though I will concede that he is a better candidate. But practically speaking, he is not getting the nomination. And HRC is million times better than the demagogue trump. If sanders supporters seriously think that trump is a better candidate than HRC is, then they are just delusional.", '>>{osborn2shred11} : You guys wish they were fake. he proved the DNC uses massive amounts of voter fraud but the bitch hillary still lost LOL', '>>{mohakrastogi} : You can keep a cotton cloth over the corners and iron out all the creases. Worked for me.', '>>{RicknMorty93} : she won. the silent majority voted for her.', ">>{natek83} : He's a dyed in the wool NY Tough Guy Bullshit Artist with extreme Narcissistic Personality Disorder - a very common case in the NY Metro Area. As in all of these cases, there is zero substance behind it and is 100% superficial bs meant to act as a shield of a remarkably thin skin and fragile ego. The male characters of Jersey Shore are decent examples of this behavior and its underlying conflicts.", ">>{osborn2shred11} : you mean 3 million illegal immigrants voted for her. She didn't even win the popular vote. It's the Trump supporters who are the Silent majority.", '>>{natek83} : Downvoted your comment for being totally irrelevant. Try a little more grace in your attempts to hijack the conversation.', ">>{Simmo5150} : https://youtu.be/ptni6tRrU54 He's a youtuber. I don't mind him.", '>>{PimpinPedo} : Him and other popular tech guys like unbox therapy promote that company more than themselves.', ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > Please don't bring the email scandal How about just the FBI investigation then? Still on board if she gets indicted?", '>>{BrellK} : >strike a deal for a bill or policy support or cabinet position for dropping out and supporting her. Honestly, I think that\'s where the disconnect comes between people like you and the people that are still supporting Bernie Sanders, some of which still donate to his (most likely over) campaign. To you, he was running like every other candidate and he should be happy playing "Politics as Usual" and get the token crumbs that are usually handed out in this way. The people that support Bernie Sanders **don\'t like** that sort of deal making. They don\'t want Bernie to just "take a better job and shut up". Presumably, he would lose a lot of support by doing just that. They want a candidate who continues to fight for what they think is right. >Sure HRC isn\'t perfect but IMO a million times better than Trump. That\'s *your* opinion and the opinion of many millions of people but there are probably millions of people that think you are wrong. Just like you said, that\'s an opinion (a view not necessarily based on knowledge or judgment) so people will just agree to disagree. >Her voting record is 92% the same as Bernie but the Burnbros make her out to be the spawn of satan. So we have two issues here. Last one first, you continue to flame the fires between the two camps by calling them the derogatory name "Burnbros" and then complain that they don\'t join with you. I don\'t know whether it is purely trolling or just inconsistency with your message, but it won\'t get the desired effect that the article claims to want. The second issue is that the number 92 and the percentage 92% doesn\'t mean a whole lot by itself. Humans and Chimpanzees share 99% of our DNA, but we *are* significantly different. Hell, even Humans and Bananas share 50% of our DNA which *is* a lot but many people would probably be surprised that it is so similar. So lets look at how that number was calculated. I\'m willing to bet the person who came up with that number (which is widely posted) did the most amateur job possible and simply calculated it based purely on how many times their votes differed and were the same. Is this accurate? Yes, but I would argue that it is *probably* not accurately **weighed**. After all, *what* is voted on is what matters. If Bernie and Hillary both voted the same on 99 issues and then Bernie (for example) voted to turn America into a 1984-style Government and Hillary didn\'t, you would be right to point that out and say "The 99% is misleading because one of these candidates wants to turn America into a Dystopia!". Now, obviously I don\'t believe that the record has been THAT misleading. That\'s just an extreme example. So lets take a look at a few actual votes between the two. Hillary accurately (and sometimes inaccurately) pointed out the Brady Bill, Bernie has many times pointed out the vote for the War in Iraq... which, by the way can I just mention how sad it is that Democrats are considering nominating someone that not only supported it but admitted to doing so without even looking at the justification for it? Honestly, it is one of the biggest foreign policies blunders in recent American History and we\'re voting for someone who not only voted for it but didn\'t even read the reasoning behind it? Before sending people to die? Anyways, there are other examples, like Dodd-Frank and such. Clearly, for Bernie AND Hillary supporters, these things are *large* issues and many people have strong opinions about these things. So when you say "Forget about the 8% difference!", that\'s like telling people to forget about the Brady Bill, or forget about the Iraq War, or forget about Bank Regulation or Campaign Finance Reform, etc. >Bernie has no realistic shot at winning the nomination and he keeps dragging this out, which helps no one but Trump and the Republicans. Now, I agree that with everything as it is today it is *very* unlikely that Bernie Sanders will win the nomination. As someone that believes in Democracy and not saying the results are in before the vote, I won\'t say he\'s lost but it is certainly very likely. That being said, waiting until every state has voted and going to the convention is well within his right and he should not be *shamed* for it. As for your second part about helping Trump and Republicans, I hope you can expand on this more. Why -exactly- does political discourse *within* a party help the Republicans? Shouldn\'t we flush out as many issues with both candidates as early as possible, and discuss why each of us hold these positions? What -exactly- is Bernie Sanders doing that is helping Trump that is Bernie Sanders\' fault?', '>>{monkeypack} : But how about that protruding camera though!!?', ">>{_jerky} : I honestly have no idea what goes on in people's heads to dismiss someone like Sanders the way they do. They're either completely ignorant about how our government is influenced by money, and what kind of impact that has outwardly on things like wages and unemployment, or they're in on it and benefitting from such a system.", ">>{InFearn0} : > he'a a 70 year-old **alleged** billionaire The guy he sued for libel of stating his worth was in the low hundreds of millions was granted access to his tax returns (but bound by an NDA to not disclose what he saw) and Trump ended up settling the case by paying the guy *Trump sued* the legal fees he fronted to defend himself.", '>>{Exwind} : I paid an extra £7 for a screen protector in the high street just because they offer to apply them for you. Haha.', '>>{MaxBrocky} : Feels great grip wise, adds a nice texture and grain to this otherwise slippery phone', ">>{DisgustingDemocrat} : You people ask questions, get an answer you don't like, downvote, and then reply with useless nothing that doesn't contribute to the discussion. Pathetic.", ">>{MaxBrocky} : I read online that there shipping and customer service used to be bad, but they have improved over the past year or so apparently. Can't say I had any problems", '>>{MaxBrocky} : You can! Just watch the video and take your time', '>>{InFearn0} : Most politicians stretch the truth and leave out critical context rather than outright lie. For example, I can say, "Tax cuts stimulate the economy." And in the context of "taxes in the high nineties" it is probably true. Cutting from 90% to 50% will probably be tremendously stimulating to the economy. But the missing context is that we don\'t have a 90% tax bracket. But if you look at Trump in the primary, he wasn\'t really talking about much policy. It was all mission statement. "Make America Great Again!" Yeah! That sounds like a great goal! How do we get there? Now he is just reading the same Republican Playbook * Cut income taxes. * Get rid of regulations. * Implement import tariffs. * His childcare proposal is a joke because allowing a tax deduction on childcare is meaningless if someone\'s tax liability is already near zero. "Yeah! I get to deduct $3,582 (very low end) from my taxes of $900." Guess what, it doesn\'t go negative. For all of the STEM-lords reading this: Tax Liability = Max($0, Taxes - Deductions);', ">>{Heiminator} : Her message was clear enough to gather millions of voters more than Sanders has managed to convince. It does not matter that you don't trust her, loads of other americans do. Only on /r/politics would people claim that the candidate who is trailing by millions of votes is somehow doing well compared to the leading candidate.", ">>{MaxBrocky} : I have paired this skin with a 3D curved glass screen protector from Tech Armor on amazon that covers the entire front face of the iPhone. It was the easiest screen protector I've ever installed. No bubbles!", '>>{Chumby_Hufflepuff} : Sorta OutOfTheLoop here. Why is he the worst?', ">>{lurkaaa} : I've just got one for my Note 7. Thanks for the site. Please no downvote, I love all phones equal. :')", ">>{banelicious} : They never fail to amaze me both for the quality of their products and for their support. I ordered a mbp 15 skin, and the fucking postman folded it in 4 and stuffed it in the mailbox (ignoring the fact that we have a doorman), basically making it thrash. Despite this being not their fault, they sent me a new one. Them, and Spigen, have one of the best customer support I've ever witnessed, in regards of accessories", ">>{Scarlettail} : So does that make them better or worse than Trump? They're both dishonest to a degree.", ">>{GigawattSandwich} : Winning California allows Sanders to build his case against Biden, or whoever they try and fill Clinton's shoes with if she is forced to with draw.", '>>{ctdemonet} : Tech armor screen protectors are awesome. Have used them on all my products', '>>{im_eddie_snowden} : >Only on /r/politics [TIL Yougov only polls /r/politics](http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Hillary-is-dishonest.png)', '>>{donglol} : You people? I didn\'t ask any questions. Your answer involved a typical "bu-bu-but Hillary!" deflection. I didn\'t even down vote you. Quit being so insecure.', '>>{avalanches} : As a Canadian watching from the wings, and someone who voted NDP in our last election, I would vote for Trump over Hillary.', ">>{jp_slim} : > Her message was clear enough to gather millions of voters more than Sanders has managed to convince. It does not matter that you don't trust her, loads of other americans do. Nope, her name was big enough and the DNC and MSM painted her as inevitable to a point that people just accept it and go with it. People with critical thinking have actually reassessed and thrown their support behind their candidate of choice, but a big chunk of democratic voters sheepishly vote for whoever the establishment candidate is, even if it's against their own interests. I don't mind people voting for Clinton if they feel Clinton most closely represents their views, yet I've spoken to many Clinton supporters who do not even know Bernie's policies and just go off the bullshit that MSM say about him. Throwing their support behind a candidate without knowing their options is very irresponsible, and part of this responsibility falls on the DNC and the MSM.", '>>{dragontology} : Nice. I have the mahogany. And a retro Apple logo. The coloured stripes. From the 80s.', '>>{InFearn0} : TL;DR: Trump is worse. Long version: You can corner politicians on things. You can ask them to clarify and describe the context. But there is also a limit to how far things can stretch and context can be left out before the audience goes, "Yeah, that is too removed from the real world. You are full of shit."', '>>{fishbiscuit13} : Wow, that sounds great! How much are they paying you to shill out their stuff?', '>>{Scarlettail} : But on the other hand politicians are deceptive. Their lies are not always clear, and they can cover themselves up, as Clinton has been accused of doing. At least with Trump he is not trying to be deceptive, perhaps from his own incompetence.', ">>{aaron91325} : Someone should let him know that Clinton's only viable path also includes super delegates because she couldn't secure enough pledged delegates and Sanders won't be sending his to her side anytime soon.", '>>{RedXabier} : I just gave up on the corners and put a case which only goes around the outside on to cover it up. Even when you do the corners perfectly they still stand out a little. They used to do the skins cornerless iirc, I would buy tons of those skins if they still did them.', '>>{En_lighten} : That term gets thrown around a lot, often directed towards Clinton. But in his case, I actually think it might fit.', '>>{jp_slim} : I am plagiarizing most of this response for my belligerent Clinton supporter friends, who shame Bernie for not dropping out, shame me for still support him, while calling me "stupid" and an "idiot". Thank you <3 <3 <3 this is basically one of the best and most thorough replies I\'ve read.', '>>{solidrule64} : Why does it suddenly make a difference if Trump does it?', ">>{Bad_Eugoogoolizer} : The email scandal is a bigger deal than we knew about months ago. And it's just a start.", '>>{MaxBrocky} : Would like to see the link to the image when you get it installed', ">>{MaxBrocky} : Yeah, I realise this, but this skin cost me like 8 Canadian dollars, so I don't really mind", ">>{prema_donna} : That's the crazy thing- I truly believe Trump thinks he's telling the truth, and that everyone else is against him. It's a scary combination of pathological lying and a persecution complex that doesn't allow him to take criticism. Lord help us if he becomes the Leader of the Free World.", '>>{KayIslandDrunk} : Got ya. It looks badass regardless. Nice work on getting everything aligned.', ">>{Baekmagoji} : Yeah everything is good when nothing goes wrong. Their service was good for the few times I bought from them because they were all prepurchase. The one time they made a mistake they just completely ignored all my e-mails which leaves a sour taste for me that's all.", '>>{gerbilfood} : Thanks for the response! Sounds like just what i am looking for.', ">>{mydogismarley} : > it's that Sanders is politically insignificant, which is simply false. This is the crux of the matter. In primaries Sanders has won 43% of the vote while in the caucus states he received over 64% support. To act as if he has been or is now irrelevant is a huge mistake and only further alienates his base. What will be interesting to see is if the so-called *bump* in the polls for Clinton materializes when/he Sanders is out. I believe he will continue to the convention where she will become the nominee. Prominent Democrats and the media are of the same theory; Sanders supports will come around and vote for Clinton. They cite the PUMA's of 2008, who said they'd never vote for Obama but in the end circled the wagons in favor of the party. I believe they are wrong. What they haven't factored in is the power of the insults that have been hurled on the internet. It's been way beyond 2008. I think what we have seen on reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat will have had a strong impact on whether or not Sanders supporters go for Clinton. It hasn't been just policy debate or quick snippets of cynicism; there have been deeply personal attacks by every side of each candidate. We'll know in about 7 weeks.", '>>{lurkaaa} : Just got this installed as I come from UK. So took longer to arrive. Pictures will follow when I can access another camera.', '>>{MaxBrocky} : Cool, good to hear. Yeah the shipping from Canada does take a while', ">>{DisgustingDemocrat} : I answered the question and asked a question of my own. You guys are a pathetic bunch looking for a fucking circlejerk in your echo chamber. God forbid someone put forward a view that doesn't fit into your little worldview or presents a question you're clearly afraid to answer. Enjoy your ignorance.", '>>{InFearn0} : > But on the other hand politicians are deceptive. Well, good governing requires some distance between the happenings and the public because it is too easy for the public to fuck up *anything no matter how non-political it is*. For example, several Republicans were visiting the White House to play basketball with President Obama. Somehow word leaked out and tea party voters started bridgading the office phone line. The quotes were along of the lines of, "How can you play basketball with that [man]?!" (They didn\'t say "man.") It is just a game of pick up basketball that is slotted into the President\'s very busy schedule. It isn\'t policy negotiation. > Their lies are not always clear, and they can cover themselves up, as Clinton has been accused of doing. At least with Trump he is not trying to be deceptive, perhaps from his own incompetence. Trump is (1) bad at lying and (2) has terrible policies. There is no rational argument to put him in a position to make it easier to implement those policies. * Stop-and-frisk is not just unconstitutional, it will increase the number of surprise interactions between police and men of color. That increase will cause a correlative increase in the number of police shootings of unarmed men of color. That will make tensions worse in this country. * Getting rid of the estate tax (a tax that applies to only 0.2% of estates) is stupid. Taxing after death is the least inconvenient tax because **the person is dead**. * Wants to rubber stab Paul Ryan\'s tax plan. Clinton is sincere in wanting to increase taxes and all the good that could do. She won\'t get all of the tax increases she wants. The only legitimate criticism of Clinton last night was regarding the TPP and even *that* Trump was wrong about. Trump said that Clinton switched to opposing TPP because Trump opposed it. That is untrue. **Clinton switched to opposing TPP because Sanders opposed TPP.**', '>>{moxy801} : Right-wingers admire lying - its as simple as that.', ">>{Heiminator} : Has it occurred to you that Yougov does not represent the demograpics of the United States accurately? Can't wait to see the armageddon on this sub after California voted next week :-)", ">>{im_eddie_snowden} : >Has it occurred to you that Yougov does not represent the demograpics of the United States accurately? Indeed. I should check others polls as well. [Oh look here's another one](http://a.abcnews.com/images/Politics/ABCWashPostPolls_Honest_01272016.png)", '>>{eowwwww} : TIL how much rpolitics hates Trump and republicans. seriously .......wow', '>>{myblueship} : Politics as usual is how the system works unfortunately, it is how things get done. Through compromises and sacrifices. it is a shit system most progress is made by playing this shit game. People and politicians look out for themselves and the few that do look out for others (others who they do not profit from) have to play the "politics as usual" game to get anything done. If they don\'t, then they are no better at getting things done than the sidewalk preachers yelling at passing people. You are right about the record. 8% can be a huge difference and probably is. The point i was trying to make (and failed) was for the Sander fans who keep threatening to jump to Trump if their man doesn\'t get the nomination. Sanders does not play the negative game, but Sander\'s people sure as hell do. Look at the front page and 92% (see what i did there) of stories about how unfit HRC is. This divide of course helps trump. Keep the negative narrative about HRC as long as possible is exactly what the Trump wants (see poll numbers changing between HRC and DT). Most sanders supporters are focused on anything negative about HRC, they have completely ignored Trump (most true in reddit). Trump and Sanders supports will upvote anything negative about HRC, Trump supporters downvote anything negative about Trump, so FP is filled with negative narrative for HRC. I am sure this applies outside reddit which will help DT campaign.', ">>{Heiminator} : What does it say about Sanders if people don't vote for him over Hillary even though they think he is more honest? Incompetence comes to mind ;-)", ">>{im_eddie_snowden} : It says that she got more votes from Democrats in the primaries. What does it say about Hillary if she's neck and neck in the polls against Donald Trump of all people nationally and in important swing states in the general election?", '>>{Heiminator} : That Trump is kinda popular? There is a reason why he won the GOP primary.', '>>{BrellK} : >"Politics as usual" is how the system works unfortunately, it is how things get done. Through compromises and sacrifices. it is a shit system most progress is made by playing this shit game. People and politicians look out for themselves and the few that do look out for others (others who they do not profit from) have to play the "politics as usual" game to get anything done. If they don\'t, then they are no better at getting things done than the sidewalk preachers yelling at passing people. I generally agree with what you say. I believe that the majority of Bernie Sanders supporters also probably believe that, but also believe the system needs to be changed. >Sanders does not play the negative game, but Sander\'s people sure as hell do. Look at the front page and 92% (see what i did there) of stories about how unfit HRC is. Oooooh you are so clever that I just love it! I think the distinction here is that most of those articles are about possibly illegal activity that the Clintons have taken part in, her (perceived) dishonesty and/or (presumed) inability to get anything meaningful done. >This divide of course helps trump. Keep the negative narrative about HRC as long as possible is exactly what the Trump wants (see poll numbers changing between HRC and DT). We still have almost half a year until the election. The nomination will wrap up in a few months, one way or another and most of the party will solidify. I doubt that people within the party airing their grievances will create a permanent effect for the General Election. Truth be told, the Primary is the only time when the party members *need* to be open about them. They certainly aren\'t going to do so in the General Election and during the rest of that cycle people will say "Bring it up when it matters, reelection!" >Most sanders supporters are focused on anything negative about HRC, they have completely ignored Trump (most true in reddit). Trump and Sanders supports will upvote anything negative about HRC, Trump supporters downvote anything negative about Trump, so FP is filled with negative narrative for HRC. I am sure this applies outside reddit which will help DT campaign. The Democratic Primary is not over and the Republican Primary is so there is no doubt that much of the attention will be on the individuals on the Democratic Party. Just because the Republicans quickly nominated a buffoon does *not* mean that the Democrats should rush through this as well. It is part of our society to generally believe that rational discourse is preferable to a rush to judgment. Until the Primary Process is over, we should worry more for making sure the Democratic Party has the best possible candidate fully vetted before shifting the focus.', ">>{FujofTg} : > billionaire Try millionaire. I'm even inclined to call him Thousandaire.", '>>{LordOfTheTrashcans} : That\'s what I really don\'t understand. Clinton lies like any other politician, no argument there. But Trump lies in the most idiotic, incredulous, "the sky is red" type of way that I completely don\'t understand.', ">>{Seanatronic} : Because his supporters aren't incorrect, ignorant fact-checkers and believe his every word since he started with the racist stuff. As long as his racist beliefs about Muslims and Mexicans are at the base, he can do no wrong in their eyes. That's why they are willing to make such ridiculous excuses for him. Plus they go to Breitbart and Twitter for all their news.", ">>{007meow} : There's very little hiding it. /r/politics has a very apparent liberal bias, but I do not think it's fair to paint all of /r/politics commenters as being blatantly bias just as it's unfair to claim that *all* Republicans are the vile swine the common rhetoric would have you believe.", '>>{CaptainNose} : Whaaaaaat? Hillary is the queen of lying and dodgeball', ">>{Measure76} : What would you like /r/politics to say about Trump's pathological lying? I don't get how you draw 'republicans' from this though. I don't see /r/politics posting articles saying that **all** republicans are pathological liars.", ">>{Hist997} : As a Jersey resident...no..it's not any different from elsewhere in the country..he is a bullshit artist plain and simple and he won't be winning New Jersey or New York..states you would figure would go over well for him in a general election.", ">>{champ999} : And this is what gets me. Hillary knows how to deflect hard questions so they don't last long, and so she isn't outright incorrect. Trump just fights and fights when someone says something he doesn't like, the truth be damned.", '>>{SNStains} : He knows. You can watch it in real time. [Listen to his Chinese Hoax crosstalk](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryp51N21vOU&t=13m9s), he says, "I did not. I did not...and then quickly switches to "I *do* not. I do not say that." He\'s parsing and backtracking just like any other liar would. The difference with Trump is that he believes that you can pivot without consequence. He\'s not accountable for what he said yesterday, so long as what you say today is right. It\'s illogical to the point of mental illness, but that\'s the way he operates.', '>>{jpgray} : >Intentional dissimulation…is associated with a range of diagnoses, such as **antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders**. When it comes to compulsive liars, says Charles Ford, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Alabama Birmingham, “words seem to flow out of their mouths without them thinking about it.” Ford, the author of Lies! Lies!! Lies!!! The Psychology of Deceit, says that **pathological liars may slide easily from the notion that something could have happened to the conviction that it did.** When pressed, many will admit what they are saying isn’t true. Seems like a pretty accurate picture of a familiar orange gremlin to me', '>>{linkns86} : Because he and Clinton are cut from the same cloth.', ">>{druuconian} : Yeah, the point where it gets pathological is when he lies about stuff that doesn't even necessarily help him or look particularly good. Clinton has the normal kind of politician lying, i.e. always calculated to make herself look better.", '>>{druuconian} : *Hillary lies far less often that Trump according to literally every fact checker', ">>{The_ColonelSanders} : So? That doesn't mean she doesn't lie a lot", '>>{OneYearSteakDay} : Lies *work*, they work in business and they work in politics. For example, tell someone that they\'ll get a world class education from you, all they have to do is give you all their money, and you\'ll get all their money! It doesn\'t matter if the "world class education" part is a lie, you\'re rich! Or, tell someone that climate change is a Chinese hoax and they have to elect you so you can put a stop to the conspiracy, it doesn\'t matter that 2016 was the hottest year on record, that millions are at risk of losing their homes and businesses due to sea level rise, or that climate change is accepted as a fact by more than 90% of the scientific community because you got that person to vote for you! Also you could tell them that vaccines cause autism, that Mexicans are rapists and murderers, that President Obama wasn\'t born in the United States, that liberals are coming to take away your guns and the thugs in the city are coming to your house to kill you, that African-Americans are worse off than they\'ve ever been, and that African-Americans are overwhelmingly responsible for white murders, that you don\'t know who David Duke is, that you want to make America great again, or that you\'re competent to be President, and it wouldn\'t matter because they\'ll vote for you anyway. Look, let\'s be politically incorrect and call a spade a spade: Republicans don\'t care about facts. Climate change is a liberal lie, abortions cause breast cancer, homosexuality is a threat to traditional marriages, President Obama is/n\'t a/n [ fill in the blank ], Benghazi, and let\'s throw in some anti-vaxers for good measure. Why would they care about a candidate lying to them when they don\'t care about lies? The name of the game is self-delusion, hence why evangelicals support Trump as much as any other Republican demographic does.', ">>{jschild} : I've known compulsive liars. They regularly lie, badly, without even any real gain, if it tells a story better or makes them look just a tinier bit better. But the lies are so bad, so obvious, it just hurts them but they cannot grasp that.", '>>{AdverbAssassin} : > You guys are a pathetic bunch looking for a fucking circlejerk in your echo chamber. You have this place confused with /r/the_donald/', '>>{WarWeasle} : He believes if he says it then it becomes true.', '>>{war3rd} : I\'d be willing to bet that Trump only looks at the "assets" on his personal balance sheet and completely ignored the "liabilities" section. It would not surprise me in the least if his net worth were actually only $30 million as there is so much money going back and forth he simply always has a way to pay the staff he pays. And he\'s proven that he dips into his foundation whenever he wants so treating that as a personal bank account probably adds to his belief that he is worth as much as he pretends he is.', '>>{eagleeyedpanda} : Both lie whenever it serves them. One is just better at it.', ">>{bbuk11} : He's trying to be more acceptable to the GOP.", '>>{NotWhomYouKnow} : I agree with what you say except for the world "normal." Clinton is far worse than normal without any question. But, Trump . . . geez.', ">>{Clockw0rk} : Who's going to stop him? The American Press is toothless garbage. Newspapers used to call for politicians to step down, now the media just circulates outrage. The government itself seems to be totally ineffective as well. No amount of people against him and his lies seem to jeopardize his campaign in any way. Then again, Hillary was criminally negligent with classified information and everyone was encouraged to forget that. So if you were a narcissistic sociopath and there was no consequence to lying, why *wouldn't* you? I think we can all agree murder is terrible, but if the penalty is *someone says bad things about you on Twitter*, how effective do you think that is going to be in preventing it from happening? Maybe if telling lies as an elected representative of the people (or prospective elected representative) had actual consequences, *maybe people would do it less*.", '>>{kathleen65} : Easy he learned it from FOX lie enough over and over and people start to believe it.', '>>{Beeftech67} : I\'m interested in knowing how he got the reputation of being "a straight shooter who tells it like it is".', ">>{Proton_Driver} : http://www.stoa.org.uk/topics/bullshit/pdf/on-bullshit.pdf >Bullshit is unavoidable whenever circumstances require someone to talk without knowing what he is talking about. Thus the production of bullshit is stimulated whenever a person's obligations or opportunities to speak about some topic exceed his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic. This discrepancy is common in public life, where people are frequently impelled - whether by their own propensities or by the demands of others - to speak extensively about matters of which they are to some degree ignorant.", '>>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : I think he means the "reality" TV show Jersey Shore.', '>>{wbgraphic} : > The American Press is toothless garbage. More like their jaw muscles have atrophied from disuse. The teeth are still plenty sharp, they just need to start exercising those muscles again.', '>>{tootie} : Every candidate in every race has been labeled a narcissist too, but no one comes close to Trump. Well, maybe Cruz.', ">>{Bulletpointe} : Plenty of alt-lefters are anti-vaxxers too. That's an equal opportunity crazy.", '>>{OneYearSteakDay} : >alt-lefters That\'s not a thing. >That\'s an equal opportunity crazy. There\'s a difference: Rachel Maddow would never invite someone on her show to make the anti-vax case, Democratic politicians are not the ones pushing the anti-vax argument, and none of the Democratic Presidential candidates endorsed or espoused the anti-vax argument. Maybe it\'s "equal opportunity" but right now Republican candidates are the only ones applying for the job.', '>>{mingy} : I knew two guys like this. Thought there were geniuses. Also, like Trump, pathological liars. They would say a lie and actually believe it. In one case I remember being with one of them when they created the lie (about having a university degree) and within days was telling me that lie as though it was true. I am sure this is a mental illness of some sort.', '>>{BillTowne} : The real question is why is half the country supporting a obviously unfit liar?', '>>{aiken_} : And then there\'s the bizarre stuff, where he lies for no reason at all. Remember when the NFL sent him a letter complaining about the debate timing? Or when he sent private investigators to Hawaii who were finding "unbelievable things" about Obama\'s birth certificate?', '>>{aiken_} : Wish I could remember the source, but I saw something credible that he includes the intangible value of the Trump brand in his wealth. So his net worth may be $200m, but "the brand" is worth $900m.', '>>{grungebot5000} : because he does it more than anyone else in politics', '>>{RedditIsLame69} : Because he has a 19 inch foreskin that he beats his children with.', ">>{BeeLuv} : I'm stunned by how differently (coherently) he spoke in clips from 20-30 years ago. Comparing them to now, it certainly does seem that something has gone horribly wrong for him cognitively. Of course, everything he said then was just as much bullying bat-shit fuckery. But at least he was coherent.", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : > apparent liberal bias Those damn facts and reality with their liberal biases.', '>>{droopyduder} : I mean most fact checkers I saw put Hillary anywhere from 4 to 12 lies and Donald at 36-44 lies just at the debate.', '>>{Stickeris} : You know whoever wins this election they still have to work with the other half. Can we stop generalizing the other side. There are assholes of every shade and their are decent honest people of every orientation. We need to stop fighting each other and start trying to work togther', '>>{Stickeris} : Thank you, we seriously all need to stop generalizing in this country. We all have to work together in the end. Why not make it easier by not burning bridges.', '>>{sajer71} : Yep. He has relatively little money to spend on campaign ads but keeps himself on the front page every day saying crazy shit.', ">>{sajer71} : I'd say it's more like 85% of the country.", '>>{war3rd} : Kind of like how *my* brand is worth $200m. Yep.', ">>{gustoreddit51} : Trump has seen other politicians get away with lying for so many years he simply assumes he can do it all the time without consequence. But he's an amateur liar - career politicians are *professional liars*.", ">>{BillTowne} : Why would you say that? Certainly the polls don't indicate that. 538 aggregate has Clinton 55.8% to Trump 44.2% Seriously, why would you guess the real Trump support is at 85%? I am just curious.", '>>{sajer71} : I was implying that either major party candidate is an unfit liar.', ">>{Mr_Fitzgibbons} : I have more experience with sociopaths than I want. I'm personally certain that he doesn't believe a word he's saying. He's just been lying and manipulating so much, for so long, without restraint, that he's so good at it that it comes off as believing it", '>>{kathleen65} : The answer to this question is in the Frontline, The Choice 2016 http://www.pbs.org/video/2365848966/']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{MaxBrocky} : Just got my Concrete iPhone 6S skin from D Brand. Perfect fit as advertised, would really recommend if you want basic protection from scratches to the aluminium.', '>>{Fatwhale} : Your corners are fucking clean, holy shit. I tried to do that once and failed completely. My corners looked like complete shit.', '>>{MaxBrocky} : Thank you, just followed the video guide and was patient. It was surprisingly simple.', '>>{xpedition1} : if I could install mine that well, maybe I would actually like a skin. I have gone through two of them and tore them off after a month because it looked like shit', '>>{Caseycrocker} : Dope, so clean. My installs never looked as nice. Almost has a wood grain look to it.', '>>{McNuttyNutz} : can never get the corners to lay right nice work', '>>{ldAbl} : Did you use a hair dryer or heat gun?', ">>{sampleabuser} : That's a skin? I was about to type a really cunty 'there goes your warranty' post thinking it was a third party enclosure.", '>>{lamar578} : i would buy one if i could get someone to install it. whenever i try to buy stuff like this it comes out like shit', '>>{Dont_Blink-182} : That looks boss! I would totally buy that to protect scratches if only I could install that good!', '>>{Royvin} : Wow man looks amazing, great job very professional looking', '>>{KayIslandDrunk} : Looks amazing but you do realize the new one comes out in a few weeks right?', ">>{EPerezF} : Looks awesome! Tip: Don't buy white matte top and/or bottom. Corners look like crap even if you align them perfectly.", '>>{DDRundo} : That guy is worse with everything. I had to block him on all social media just to avoid his grimy appearance', ">>{BigMic25} : Nice! I've had my eye on one of these for a few weeks now, you definitely made my mind up for me!", '>>{talones} : I used my heat gun once and it melted it almost instantly. Hair dryer is the way to go.', '>>{gerbilfood} : How does it feel grip wise? I would really like something to make the 6 less slippery when it is out of the case. The thing is like an eel.', '>>{nelskickass} : My corners looked and felt like shit initially, but after a few days they just naturally rounded themselves out surprisingly', '>>{NoojiSon} : Looks nice. But I just dont know what the best combination would be for a Rose Gold Iphone. Everything of this hinders the slick rose gold color and nothing meshes well with its buttons and apple logo.', '>>{Baekmagoji} : The last time I bought from them they were responsive via email until after it shipped me the wrong items. They completely ignored me afterwards... Will never buy from them again.', '>>{mohakrastogi} : You can keep a cotton cloth over the corners and iron out all the creases. Worked for me.', ">>{Simmo5150} : https://youtu.be/ptni6tRrU54 He's a youtuber. I don't mind him.", '>>{PimpinPedo} : Him and other popular tech guys like unbox therapy promote that company more than themselves.', '>>{monkeypack} : But how about that protruding camera though!!?', '>>{Exwind} : I paid an extra £7 for a screen protector in the high street just because they offer to apply them for you. Haha.', '>>{MaxBrocky} : Feels great grip wise, adds a nice texture and grain to this otherwise slippery phone', ">>{MaxBrocky} : I read online that there shipping and customer service used to be bad, but they have improved over the past year or so apparently. Can't say I had any problems", '>>{MaxBrocky} : You can! Just watch the video and take your time', ">>{MaxBrocky} : I have paired this skin with a 3D curved glass screen protector from Tech Armor on amazon that covers the entire front face of the iPhone. It was the easiest screen protector I've ever installed. No bubbles!", '>>{Chumby_Hufflepuff} : Sorta OutOfTheLoop here. Why is he the worst?', ">>{lurkaaa} : I've just got one for my Note 7. Thanks for the site. Please no downvote, I love all phones equal. :')", ">>{banelicious} : They never fail to amaze me both for the quality of their products and for their support. I ordered a mbp 15 skin, and the fucking postman folded it in 4 and stuffed it in the mailbox (ignoring the fact that we have a doorman), basically making it thrash. Despite this being not their fault, they sent me a new one. Them, and Spigen, have one of the best customer support I've ever witnessed, in regards of accessories", '>>{ctdemonet} : Tech armor screen protectors are awesome. Have used them on all my products', '>>{dragontology} : Nice. I have the mahogany. And a retro Apple logo. The coloured stripes. From the 80s.', '>>{fishbiscuit13} : Wow, that sounds great! How much are they paying you to shill out their stuff?', '>>{RedXabier} : I just gave up on the corners and put a case which only goes around the outside on to cover it up. Even when you do the corners perfectly they still stand out a little. They used to do the skins cornerless iirc, I would buy tons of those skins if they still did them.', '>>{MaxBrocky} : Would like to see the link to the image when you get it installed', ">>{MaxBrocky} : Yeah, I realise this, but this skin cost me like 8 Canadian dollars, so I don't really mind", '>>{KayIslandDrunk} : Got ya. It looks badass regardless. Nice work on getting everything aligned.', ">>{Baekmagoji} : Yeah everything is good when nothing goes wrong. Their service was good for the few times I bought from them because they were all prepurchase. The one time they made a mistake they just completely ignored all my e-mails which leaves a sour taste for me that's all.", '>>{gerbilfood} : Thanks for the response! Sounds like just what i am looking for.', '>>{lurkaaa} : Just got this installed as I come from UK. So took longer to arrive. Pictures will follow when I can access another camera.', '>>{MaxBrocky} : Cool, good to hear. Yeah the shipping from Canada does take a while'], [">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Because narcissists cannot envision a world where what they say isn't considered true.", ">>{aggie1391} : He's a pathological liar. I honestly don't think he can help it. He has to say whatever makes him look good, facts be damned.", ">>{DisgustingDemocrat} : Because he doesn't care and knows that the vast majority of people out there are currently voting against a candidate and not for them. That many people just want to hear someone say something about their issues, even if it's bullshit, to draw attention to them and so they can hope that maybe he will do something about it even if it's a pipe dream. Personally, I think he should have pivoted hard left and flanked Hillary on the right and left on many issues because of this phenomenon as the right would have nowhere to go if they were displeased. But it's his call, win or lose, the buck stops with him. Why did one candidate feel it was necessary to lie to the FBI about not knowing what (c) meant after decades in government?", ">>{loki8481} : he'a a 70 year-old billionaire who's likely been surrounded by yes-men who agree with everything he says for his entire adult life.", '>>{donglol} : Bad upbringing I would assume. His sons seem to share the trait too.', ">>{donglol} : This subreddit has been flooded with anti-Clinton articles for the past year. During the primaries it was 90% anti-Clinton. It's currently more anti-Trump than anything else, and for a good reason.", '>>{hearthneewb} : And yet despite all them horrible lies Trump managed to top her when it comes to the amount of lies told. What does that say about him?', '>>{antisoshal} : Because he can, and his supporters dont care. They have spent 10 years being convinced that an incompetent moron was president, so they are now convinced and actual incompetent moron can do the job. They just want to hear him say things they like. They quite literally dont seem capable of processing or just dont care than none of it is true, plausible or often times even relevant to the issue. They want to cheer for the lion, even though it gets killed at the end of the circus.', ">>{Scarlettail} : Well he fits right in with politics, doesn't he?", ">>{natek83} : He's a dyed in the wool NY Tough Guy Bullshit Artist with extreme Narcissistic Personality Disorder - a very common case in the NY Metro Area. As in all of these cases, there is zero substance behind it and is 100% superficial bs meant to act as a shield of a remarkably thin skin and fragile ego. The male characters of Jersey Shore are decent examples of this behavior and its underlying conflicts.", '>>{natek83} : Downvoted your comment for being totally irrelevant. Try a little more grace in your attempts to hijack the conversation.', ">>{InFearn0} : > he'a a 70 year-old **alleged** billionaire The guy he sued for libel of stating his worth was in the low hundreds of millions was granted access to his tax returns (but bound by an NDA to not disclose what he saw) and Trump ended up settling the case by paying the guy *Trump sued* the legal fees he fronted to defend himself.", ">>{DisgustingDemocrat} : You people ask questions, get an answer you don't like, downvote, and then reply with useless nothing that doesn't contribute to the discussion. Pathetic.", '>>{InFearn0} : Most politicians stretch the truth and leave out critical context rather than outright lie. For example, I can say, "Tax cuts stimulate the economy." And in the context of "taxes in the high nineties" it is probably true. Cutting from 90% to 50% will probably be tremendously stimulating to the economy. But the missing context is that we don\'t have a 90% tax bracket. But if you look at Trump in the primary, he wasn\'t really talking about much policy. It was all mission statement. "Make America Great Again!" Yeah! That sounds like a great goal! How do we get there? Now he is just reading the same Republican Playbook * Cut income taxes. * Get rid of regulations. * Implement import tariffs. * His childcare proposal is a joke because allowing a tax deduction on childcare is meaningless if someone\'s tax liability is already near zero. "Yeah! I get to deduct $3,582 (very low end) from my taxes of $900." Guess what, it doesn\'t go negative. For all of the STEM-lords reading this: Tax Liability = Max($0, Taxes - Deductions);', ">>{Scarlettail} : So does that make them better or worse than Trump? They're both dishonest to a degree.", '>>{donglol} : You people? I didn\'t ask any questions. Your answer involved a typical "bu-bu-but Hillary!" deflection. I didn\'t even down vote you. Quit being so insecure.', '>>{InFearn0} : TL;DR: Trump is worse. Long version: You can corner politicians on things. You can ask them to clarify and describe the context. But there is also a limit to how far things can stretch and context can be left out before the audience goes, "Yeah, that is too removed from the real world. You are full of shit."', '>>{Scarlettail} : But on the other hand politicians are deceptive. Their lies are not always clear, and they can cover themselves up, as Clinton has been accused of doing. At least with Trump he is not trying to be deceptive, perhaps from his own incompetence.', '>>{En_lighten} : That term gets thrown around a lot, often directed towards Clinton. But in his case, I actually think it might fit.', '>>{solidrule64} : Why does it suddenly make a difference if Trump does it?', ">>{prema_donna} : That's the crazy thing- I truly believe Trump thinks he's telling the truth, and that everyone else is against him. It's a scary combination of pathological lying and a persecution complex that doesn't allow him to take criticism. Lord help us if he becomes the Leader of the Free World.", ">>{DisgustingDemocrat} : I answered the question and asked a question of my own. You guys are a pathetic bunch looking for a fucking circlejerk in your echo chamber. God forbid someone put forward a view that doesn't fit into your little worldview or presents a question you're clearly afraid to answer. Enjoy your ignorance.", '>>{InFearn0} : > But on the other hand politicians are deceptive. Well, good governing requires some distance between the happenings and the public because it is too easy for the public to fuck up *anything no matter how non-political it is*. For example, several Republicans were visiting the White House to play basketball with President Obama. Somehow word leaked out and tea party voters started bridgading the office phone line. The quotes were along of the lines of, "How can you play basketball with that [man]?!" (They didn\'t say "man.") It is just a game of pick up basketball that is slotted into the President\'s very busy schedule. It isn\'t policy negotiation. > Their lies are not always clear, and they can cover themselves up, as Clinton has been accused of doing. At least with Trump he is not trying to be deceptive, perhaps from his own incompetence. Trump is (1) bad at lying and (2) has terrible policies. There is no rational argument to put him in a position to make it easier to implement those policies. * Stop-and-frisk is not just unconstitutional, it will increase the number of surprise interactions between police and men of color. That increase will cause a correlative increase in the number of police shootings of unarmed men of color. That will make tensions worse in this country. * Getting rid of the estate tax (a tax that applies to only 0.2% of estates) is stupid. Taxing after death is the least inconvenient tax because **the person is dead**. * Wants to rubber stab Paul Ryan\'s tax plan. Clinton is sincere in wanting to increase taxes and all the good that could do. She won\'t get all of the tax increases she wants. The only legitimate criticism of Clinton last night was regarding the TPP and even *that* Trump was wrong about. Trump said that Clinton switched to opposing TPP because Trump opposed it. That is untrue. **Clinton switched to opposing TPP because Sanders opposed TPP.**', '>>{moxy801} : Right-wingers admire lying - its as simple as that.', '>>{eowwwww} : TIL how much rpolitics hates Trump and republicans. seriously .......wow', ">>{FujofTg} : > billionaire Try millionaire. I'm even inclined to call him Thousandaire.", '>>{LordOfTheTrashcans} : That\'s what I really don\'t understand. Clinton lies like any other politician, no argument there. But Trump lies in the most idiotic, incredulous, "the sky is red" type of way that I completely don\'t understand.', ">>{Seanatronic} : Because his supporters aren't incorrect, ignorant fact-checkers and believe his every word since he started with the racist stuff. As long as his racist beliefs about Muslims and Mexicans are at the base, he can do no wrong in their eyes. That's why they are willing to make such ridiculous excuses for him. Plus they go to Breitbart and Twitter for all their news.", ">>{007meow} : There's very little hiding it. /r/politics has a very apparent liberal bias, but I do not think it's fair to paint all of /r/politics commenters as being blatantly bias just as it's unfair to claim that *all* Republicans are the vile swine the common rhetoric would have you believe.", '>>{CaptainNose} : Whaaaaaat? Hillary is the queen of lying and dodgeball', ">>{Measure76} : What would you like /r/politics to say about Trump's pathological lying? I don't get how you draw 'republicans' from this though. I don't see /r/politics posting articles saying that **all** republicans are pathological liars.", ">>{Hist997} : As a Jersey resident...no..it's not any different from elsewhere in the country..he is a bullshit artist plain and simple and he won't be winning New Jersey or New York..states you would figure would go over well for him in a general election.", ">>{champ999} : And this is what gets me. Hillary knows how to deflect hard questions so they don't last long, and so she isn't outright incorrect. Trump just fights and fights when someone says something he doesn't like, the truth be damned.", '>>{SNStains} : He knows. You can watch it in real time. [Listen to his Chinese Hoax crosstalk](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryp51N21vOU&t=13m9s), he says, "I did not. I did not...and then quickly switches to "I *do* not. I do not say that." He\'s parsing and backtracking just like any other liar would. The difference with Trump is that he believes that you can pivot without consequence. He\'s not accountable for what he said yesterday, so long as what you say today is right. It\'s illogical to the point of mental illness, but that\'s the way he operates.', '>>{jpgray} : >Intentional dissimulation…is associated with a range of diagnoses, such as **antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders**. When it comes to compulsive liars, says Charles Ford, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Alabama Birmingham, “words seem to flow out of their mouths without them thinking about it.” Ford, the author of Lies! Lies!! Lies!!! The Psychology of Deceit, says that **pathological liars may slide easily from the notion that something could have happened to the conviction that it did.** When pressed, many will admit what they are saying isn’t true. Seems like a pretty accurate picture of a familiar orange gremlin to me', '>>{linkns86} : Because he and Clinton are cut from the same cloth.', ">>{druuconian} : Yeah, the point where it gets pathological is when he lies about stuff that doesn't even necessarily help him or look particularly good. Clinton has the normal kind of politician lying, i.e. always calculated to make herself look better.", '>>{druuconian} : *Hillary lies far less often that Trump according to literally every fact checker', ">>{The_ColonelSanders} : So? That doesn't mean she doesn't lie a lot", '>>{OneYearSteakDay} : Lies *work*, they work in business and they work in politics. For example, tell someone that they\'ll get a world class education from you, all they have to do is give you all their money, and you\'ll get all their money! It doesn\'t matter if the "world class education" part is a lie, you\'re rich! Or, tell someone that climate change is a Chinese hoax and they have to elect you so you can put a stop to the conspiracy, it doesn\'t matter that 2016 was the hottest year on record, that millions are at risk of losing their homes and businesses due to sea level rise, or that climate change is accepted as a fact by more than 90% of the scientific community because you got that person to vote for you! Also you could tell them that vaccines cause autism, that Mexicans are rapists and murderers, that President Obama wasn\'t born in the United States, that liberals are coming to take away your guns and the thugs in the city are coming to your house to kill you, that African-Americans are worse off than they\'ve ever been, and that African-Americans are overwhelmingly responsible for white murders, that you don\'t know who David Duke is, that you want to make America great again, or that you\'re competent to be President, and it wouldn\'t matter because they\'ll vote for you anyway. Look, let\'s be politically incorrect and call a spade a spade: Republicans don\'t care about facts. Climate change is a liberal lie, abortions cause breast cancer, homosexuality is a threat to traditional marriages, President Obama is/n\'t a/n [ fill in the blank ], Benghazi, and let\'s throw in some anti-vaxers for good measure. Why would they care about a candidate lying to them when they don\'t care about lies? The name of the game is self-delusion, hence why evangelicals support Trump as much as any other Republican demographic does.', ">>{jschild} : I've known compulsive liars. They regularly lie, badly, without even any real gain, if it tells a story better or makes them look just a tinier bit better. But the lies are so bad, so obvious, it just hurts them but they cannot grasp that.", '>>{AdverbAssassin} : > You guys are a pathetic bunch looking for a fucking circlejerk in your echo chamber. You have this place confused with /r/the_donald/', '>>{WarWeasle} : He believes if he says it then it becomes true.', '>>{war3rd} : I\'d be willing to bet that Trump only looks at the "assets" on his personal balance sheet and completely ignored the "liabilities" section. It would not surprise me in the least if his net worth were actually only $30 million as there is so much money going back and forth he simply always has a way to pay the staff he pays. And he\'s proven that he dips into his foundation whenever he wants so treating that as a personal bank account probably adds to his belief that he is worth as much as he pretends he is.', '>>{eagleeyedpanda} : Both lie whenever it serves them. One is just better at it.', ">>{bbuk11} : He's trying to be more acceptable to the GOP.", '>>{NotWhomYouKnow} : I agree with what you say except for the world "normal." Clinton is far worse than normal without any question. But, Trump . . . geez.', ">>{Clockw0rk} : Who's going to stop him? The American Press is toothless garbage. Newspapers used to call for politicians to step down, now the media just circulates outrage. The government itself seems to be totally ineffective as well. No amount of people against him and his lies seem to jeopardize his campaign in any way. Then again, Hillary was criminally negligent with classified information and everyone was encouraged to forget that. So if you were a narcissistic sociopath and there was no consequence to lying, why *wouldn't* you? I think we can all agree murder is terrible, but if the penalty is *someone says bad things about you on Twitter*, how effective do you think that is going to be in preventing it from happening? Maybe if telling lies as an elected representative of the people (or prospective elected representative) had actual consequences, *maybe people would do it less*.", '>>{kathleen65} : Easy he learned it from FOX lie enough over and over and people start to believe it.', '>>{Beeftech67} : I\'m interested in knowing how he got the reputation of being "a straight shooter who tells it like it is".', ">>{Proton_Driver} : http://www.stoa.org.uk/topics/bullshit/pdf/on-bullshit.pdf >Bullshit is unavoidable whenever circumstances require someone to talk without knowing what he is talking about. Thus the production of bullshit is stimulated whenever a person's obligations or opportunities to speak about some topic exceed his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic. This discrepancy is common in public life, where people are frequently impelled - whether by their own propensities or by the demands of others - to speak extensively about matters of which they are to some degree ignorant.", '>>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : I think he means the "reality" TV show Jersey Shore.', '>>{wbgraphic} : > The American Press is toothless garbage. More like their jaw muscles have atrophied from disuse. The teeth are still plenty sharp, they just need to start exercising those muscles again.', '>>{tootie} : Every candidate in every race has been labeled a narcissist too, but no one comes close to Trump. Well, maybe Cruz.', ">>{Bulletpointe} : Plenty of alt-lefters are anti-vaxxers too. That's an equal opportunity crazy.", '>>{OneYearSteakDay} : >alt-lefters That\'s not a thing. >That\'s an equal opportunity crazy. There\'s a difference: Rachel Maddow would never invite someone on her show to make the anti-vax case, Democratic politicians are not the ones pushing the anti-vax argument, and none of the Democratic Presidential candidates endorsed or espoused the anti-vax argument. Maybe it\'s "equal opportunity" but right now Republican candidates are the only ones applying for the job.', '>>{mingy} : I knew two guys like this. Thought there were geniuses. Also, like Trump, pathological liars. They would say a lie and actually believe it. In one case I remember being with one of them when they created the lie (about having a university degree) and within days was telling me that lie as though it was true. I am sure this is a mental illness of some sort.', '>>{BillTowne} : The real question is why is half the country supporting a obviously unfit liar?', '>>{aiken_} : And then there\'s the bizarre stuff, where he lies for no reason at all. Remember when the NFL sent him a letter complaining about the debate timing? Or when he sent private investigators to Hawaii who were finding "unbelievable things" about Obama\'s birth certificate?', '>>{aiken_} : Wish I could remember the source, but I saw something credible that he includes the intangible value of the Trump brand in his wealth. So his net worth may be $200m, but "the brand" is worth $900m.', '>>{grungebot5000} : because he does it more than anyone else in politics', '>>{RedditIsLame69} : Because he has a 19 inch foreskin that he beats his children with.', ">>{BeeLuv} : I'm stunned by how differently (coherently) he spoke in clips from 20-30 years ago. Comparing them to now, it certainly does seem that something has gone horribly wrong for him cognitively. Of course, everything he said then was just as much bullying bat-shit fuckery. But at least he was coherent.", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : > apparent liberal bias Those damn facts and reality with their liberal biases.', '>>{droopyduder} : I mean most fact checkers I saw put Hillary anywhere from 4 to 12 lies and Donald at 36-44 lies just at the debate.', '>>{Stickeris} : You know whoever wins this election they still have to work with the other half. Can we stop generalizing the other side. There are assholes of every shade and their are decent honest people of every orientation. We need to stop fighting each other and start trying to work togther', '>>{Stickeris} : Thank you, we seriously all need to stop generalizing in this country. We all have to work together in the end. Why not make it easier by not burning bridges.', '>>{sajer71} : Yep. He has relatively little money to spend on campaign ads but keeps himself on the front page every day saying crazy shit.', ">>{sajer71} : I'd say it's more like 85% of the country.", '>>{war3rd} : Kind of like how *my* brand is worth $200m. Yep.', ">>{gustoreddit51} : Trump has seen other politicians get away with lying for so many years he simply assumes he can do it all the time without consequence. But he's an amateur liar - career politicians are *professional liars*.", ">>{BillTowne} : Why would you say that? Certainly the polls don't indicate that. 538 aggregate has Clinton 55.8% to Trump 44.2% Seriously, why would you guess the real Trump support is at 85%? I am just curious.", '>>{sajer71} : I was implying that either major party candidate is an unfit liar.', ">>{Mr_Fitzgibbons} : I have more experience with sociopaths than I want. I'm personally certain that he doesn't believe a word he's saying. He's just been lying and manipulating so much, for so long, without restraint, that he's so good at it that it comes off as believing it", '>>{kathleen65} : The answer to this question is in the Frontline, The Choice 2016 http://www.pbs.org/video/2365848966/'], ['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Enough with the Jeff Bezos Gazzette and its half assed opinion pages.', ">>{Bad_Eugoogoolizer} : Wow, this is such a fluff piece. I'm all for people opposed to Sanders. That's their right. But this guy literally is writing for a headline with no actual substance.", '>>{zan5ki} : > But the truth is that Sanders does not deserve a movement, and his losing campaign does not deserve unusual deference and concessions. His tale about American oligarchy is simplistic, his policy proposals are shallow, his rejection of political reality is absurd, his self-righteousness and stubbornness are unbecoming. As someone else in the other thread for this article asked: "Even if they are biased, does that make everything they say wrong?" Yes, they are wrong. I do not like Clinton but you can bet your ass that if the delegate totals were reversed I wouldn\'t be ignorantly dismissing the wishes and concerns of those who voted for Clinton. This author is ignorant, arrogant, and yes, wrong. It\'s incredibly ironic that they talk about political realities while completely dismissing the reality of Sanders\' movement. For this person to be even half way correct the sentiment among the millions of people who have voted for Sanders, many of whom represent the majority of the future of the Democratic party and progressive wing of the country, will have to completely disappear. Considering that\'s not going to happen, again, they are wrong. > Sanders’s path to the Democratic presidential nomination is essentially nonexistent. His only hope rests on convincing Democratic “superdelegates,” nearly all of whom back Hillary Clinton, to swing his way. They will not do that. It is incoherent for Sanders to ask them to do so, given that he has attacked superdelegates as non-democratic actors in the nominating process and that Clinton will almost certainly end the cycle with more votes and more pledged delegates. The message this author is trying to convey is not the reality of the delegate math, it\'s that Sanders is politically insignificant, which is simply false. Who cares if they got a few facts correct when they in no way prove their point? It\'s hardly relevant and the fact that they didn\'t get literally everything wrong down to simple facts doesn\'t add legitimacy to their message. FFS I would hope they get simple facts like that right.', ">>{myblueship} : I liked Bernie, I really did. But he lost, move on. strike a deal for a bill or policy support or cabinet position for dropping out and supporting her. Sure HRC isn't perfect but IMO a million times better than Trump. Her voting record is 92% the same as Bernie but the Burnbros make her out to be the spawn of satan. Bernie has no realistic shot at winning the nomination and he keeps dragging this out, which helps no one but Trump and the Republicans.", '>>{GunTech} : The author assumes that he is the arbiter of who runs or stays in the game. The voters decide. Whether it\'s Sanders, or Trump or Vermin Supreme, we don\'t need self appointed "experts" to tell us who should stay in the race or when they should drop out.', ">>{aledlewis} : This is yesterday's request for Bernie to drop out. Where is today's?", ">>{ZachAtttack} : Agreed. I think Sanders is boned on the math, but to argue he matters little is insane. Last year, he pulled at 2% and now he's won nearly half the US states. He put up a fight with HRC who has been known across the country for two decades. If anything the Democratic process has shown how horrible a candidate Hillary Clinton is that she struggled to put down the soft-hearted old man that very few had ever heard of 12 months ago. I fear for when she goes toe-to-toe to Trump because she's such an uninspiring and unenthusiastic person. She is no leader.", ">>{Ralphdraw3} : Well put.. the liberal wing of the Democratic party needs to have its say and flex it's muscle. And Sanders is bringing new people into the party. Young people, non-political people. He is more trusted than Clinton and more respected.", ">>{xtremedude} : >Sure HRC isn't pefect The nerve on some people", '>>{Heiminator} : Bernie needs to do much better than just a tie in California to even get close to winning though. If California is tied 50:50 then Hillary has won.', '>>{TheTrueLordHumungous} : TLDR: wahhhh .. stop it you are hurting Godzillary ... wahhhhh', ">>{Cheap_Wino} : C'mon! Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz still have a chance!", '>>{ukraine_not_weak} : Enough with posting this exact same damn article multiple times.', '>>{rbtkhn} : How many of those new people will stay in the party if Clinton is the nominee?', ">>{Ralphdraw3} : It's too bad that Hillary's message is weak and unclear. That is why Sanders is doing so well. She does not have a clear message, she flip flops on issues, she is wrong on issues (Iraq, gay marriage) AND she is not trusted. I don't trust her.", ">>{myblueship} : Explain to me why she is the devil then. (Please don't bring the email scandal, even sanders said months ago he is tired of hearing about that) Sanders isn't perfect either though I will concede that he is a better candidate. But practically speaking, he is not getting the nomination. And HRC is million times better than the demagogue trump. If sanders supporters seriously think that trump is a better candidate than HRC is, then they are just delusional.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > Please don't bring the email scandal How about just the FBI investigation then? Still on board if she gets indicted?", '>>{BrellK} : >strike a deal for a bill or policy support or cabinet position for dropping out and supporting her. Honestly, I think that\'s where the disconnect comes between people like you and the people that are still supporting Bernie Sanders, some of which still donate to his (most likely over) campaign. To you, he was running like every other candidate and he should be happy playing "Politics as Usual" and get the token crumbs that are usually handed out in this way. The people that support Bernie Sanders **don\'t like** that sort of deal making. They don\'t want Bernie to just "take a better job and shut up". Presumably, he would lose a lot of support by doing just that. They want a candidate who continues to fight for what they think is right. >Sure HRC isn\'t perfect but IMO a million times better than Trump. That\'s *your* opinion and the opinion of many millions of people but there are probably millions of people that think you are wrong. Just like you said, that\'s an opinion (a view not necessarily based on knowledge or judgment) so people will just agree to disagree. >Her voting record is 92% the same as Bernie but the Burnbros make her out to be the spawn of satan. So we have two issues here. Last one first, you continue to flame the fires between the two camps by calling them the derogatory name "Burnbros" and then complain that they don\'t join with you. I don\'t know whether it is purely trolling or just inconsistency with your message, but it won\'t get the desired effect that the article claims to want. The second issue is that the number 92 and the percentage 92% doesn\'t mean a whole lot by itself. Humans and Chimpanzees share 99% of our DNA, but we *are* significantly different. Hell, even Humans and Bananas share 50% of our DNA which *is* a lot but many people would probably be surprised that it is so similar. So lets look at how that number was calculated. I\'m willing to bet the person who came up with that number (which is widely posted) did the most amateur job possible and simply calculated it based purely on how many times their votes differed and were the same. Is this accurate? Yes, but I would argue that it is *probably* not accurately **weighed**. After all, *what* is voted on is what matters. If Bernie and Hillary both voted the same on 99 issues and then Bernie (for example) voted to turn America into a 1984-style Government and Hillary didn\'t, you would be right to point that out and say "The 99% is misleading because one of these candidates wants to turn America into a Dystopia!". Now, obviously I don\'t believe that the record has been THAT misleading. That\'s just an extreme example. So lets take a look at a few actual votes between the two. Hillary accurately (and sometimes inaccurately) pointed out the Brady Bill, Bernie has many times pointed out the vote for the War in Iraq... which, by the way can I just mention how sad it is that Democrats are considering nominating someone that not only supported it but admitted to doing so without even looking at the justification for it? Honestly, it is one of the biggest foreign policies blunders in recent American History and we\'re voting for someone who not only voted for it but didn\'t even read the reasoning behind it? Before sending people to die? Anyways, there are other examples, like Dodd-Frank and such. Clearly, for Bernie AND Hillary supporters, these things are *large* issues and many people have strong opinions about these things. So when you say "Forget about the 8% difference!", that\'s like telling people to forget about the Brady Bill, or forget about the Iraq War, or forget about Bank Regulation or Campaign Finance Reform, etc. >Bernie has no realistic shot at winning the nomination and he keeps dragging this out, which helps no one but Trump and the Republicans. Now, I agree that with everything as it is today it is *very* unlikely that Bernie Sanders will win the nomination. As someone that believes in Democracy and not saying the results are in before the vote, I won\'t say he\'s lost but it is certainly very likely. That being said, waiting until every state has voted and going to the convention is well within his right and he should not be *shamed* for it. As for your second part about helping Trump and Republicans, I hope you can expand on this more. Why -exactly- does political discourse *within* a party help the Republicans? Shouldn\'t we flush out as many issues with both candidates as early as possible, and discuss why each of us hold these positions? What -exactly- is Bernie Sanders doing that is helping Trump that is Bernie Sanders\' fault?', ">>{_jerky} : I honestly have no idea what goes on in people's heads to dismiss someone like Sanders the way they do. They're either completely ignorant about how our government is influenced by money, and what kind of impact that has outwardly on things like wages and unemployment, or they're in on it and benefitting from such a system.", ">>{Heiminator} : Her message was clear enough to gather millions of voters more than Sanders has managed to convince. It does not matter that you don't trust her, loads of other americans do. Only on /r/politics would people claim that the candidate who is trailing by millions of votes is somehow doing well compared to the leading candidate.", ">>{GigawattSandwich} : Winning California allows Sanders to build his case against Biden, or whoever they try and fill Clinton's shoes with if she is forced to with draw.", '>>{im_eddie_snowden} : >Only on /r/politics [TIL Yougov only polls /r/politics](http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Hillary-is-dishonest.png)', '>>{avalanches} : As a Canadian watching from the wings, and someone who voted NDP in our last election, I would vote for Trump over Hillary.', ">>{jp_slim} : > Her message was clear enough to gather millions of voters more than Sanders has managed to convince. It does not matter that you don't trust her, loads of other americans do. Nope, her name was big enough and the DNC and MSM painted her as inevitable to a point that people just accept it and go with it. People with critical thinking have actually reassessed and thrown their support behind their candidate of choice, but a big chunk of democratic voters sheepishly vote for whoever the establishment candidate is, even if it's against their own interests. I don't mind people voting for Clinton if they feel Clinton most closely represents their views, yet I've spoken to many Clinton supporters who do not even know Bernie's policies and just go off the bullshit that MSM say about him. Throwing their support behind a candidate without knowing their options is very irresponsible, and part of this responsibility falls on the DNC and the MSM.", ">>{aaron91325} : Someone should let him know that Clinton's only viable path also includes super delegates because she couldn't secure enough pledged delegates and Sanders won't be sending his to her side anytime soon.", '>>{jp_slim} : I am plagiarizing most of this response for my belligerent Clinton supporter friends, who shame Bernie for not dropping out, shame me for still support him, while calling me "stupid" and an "idiot". Thank you <3 <3 <3 this is basically one of the best and most thorough replies I\'ve read.', ">>{Bad_Eugoogoolizer} : The email scandal is a bigger deal than we knew about months ago. And it's just a start.", ">>{mydogismarley} : > it's that Sanders is politically insignificant, which is simply false. This is the crux of the matter. In primaries Sanders has won 43% of the vote while in the caucus states he received over 64% support. To act as if he has been or is now irrelevant is a huge mistake and only further alienates his base. What will be interesting to see is if the so-called *bump* in the polls for Clinton materializes when/he Sanders is out. I believe he will continue to the convention where she will become the nominee. Prominent Democrats and the media are of the same theory; Sanders supports will come around and vote for Clinton. They cite the PUMA's of 2008, who said they'd never vote for Obama but in the end circled the wagons in favor of the party. I believe they are wrong. What they haven't factored in is the power of the insults that have been hurled on the internet. It's been way beyond 2008. I think what we have seen on reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat will have had a strong impact on whether or not Sanders supporters go for Clinton. It hasn't been just policy debate or quick snippets of cynicism; there have been deeply personal attacks by every side of each candidate. We'll know in about 7 weeks.", ">>{Heiminator} : Has it occurred to you that Yougov does not represent the demograpics of the United States accurately? Can't wait to see the armageddon on this sub after California voted next week :-)", ">>{im_eddie_snowden} : >Has it occurred to you that Yougov does not represent the demograpics of the United States accurately? Indeed. I should check others polls as well. [Oh look here's another one](http://a.abcnews.com/images/Politics/ABCWashPostPolls_Honest_01272016.png)", '>>{myblueship} : Politics as usual is how the system works unfortunately, it is how things get done. Through compromises and sacrifices. it is a shit system most progress is made by playing this shit game. People and politicians look out for themselves and the few that do look out for others (others who they do not profit from) have to play the "politics as usual" game to get anything done. If they don\'t, then they are no better at getting things done than the sidewalk preachers yelling at passing people. You are right about the record. 8% can be a huge difference and probably is. The point i was trying to make (and failed) was for the Sander fans who keep threatening to jump to Trump if their man doesn\'t get the nomination. Sanders does not play the negative game, but Sander\'s people sure as hell do. Look at the front page and 92% (see what i did there) of stories about how unfit HRC is. This divide of course helps trump. Keep the negative narrative about HRC as long as possible is exactly what the Trump wants (see poll numbers changing between HRC and DT). Most sanders supporters are focused on anything negative about HRC, they have completely ignored Trump (most true in reddit). Trump and Sanders supports will upvote anything negative about HRC, Trump supporters downvote anything negative about Trump, so FP is filled with negative narrative for HRC. I am sure this applies outside reddit which will help DT campaign.', ">>{Heiminator} : What does it say about Sanders if people don't vote for him over Hillary even though they think he is more honest? Incompetence comes to mind ;-)", ">>{im_eddie_snowden} : It says that she got more votes from Democrats in the primaries. What does it say about Hillary if she's neck and neck in the polls against Donald Trump of all people nationally and in important swing states in the general election?", '>>{Heiminator} : That Trump is kinda popular? There is a reason why he won the GOP primary.', '>>{BrellK} : >"Politics as usual" is how the system works unfortunately, it is how things get done. Through compromises and sacrifices. it is a shit system most progress is made by playing this shit game. People and politicians look out for themselves and the few that do look out for others (others who they do not profit from) have to play the "politics as usual" game to get anything done. If they don\'t, then they are no better at getting things done than the sidewalk preachers yelling at passing people. I generally agree with what you say. I believe that the majority of Bernie Sanders supporters also probably believe that, but also believe the system needs to be changed. >Sanders does not play the negative game, but Sander\'s people sure as hell do. Look at the front page and 92% (see what i did there) of stories about how unfit HRC is. Oooooh you are so clever that I just love it! I think the distinction here is that most of those articles are about possibly illegal activity that the Clintons have taken part in, her (perceived) dishonesty and/or (presumed) inability to get anything meaningful done. >This divide of course helps trump. Keep the negative narrative about HRC as long as possible is exactly what the Trump wants (see poll numbers changing between HRC and DT). We still have almost half a year until the election. The nomination will wrap up in a few months, one way or another and most of the party will solidify. I doubt that people within the party airing their grievances will create a permanent effect for the General Election. Truth be told, the Primary is the only time when the party members *need* to be open about them. They certainly aren\'t going to do so in the General Election and during the rest of that cycle people will say "Bring it up when it matters, reelection!" >Most sanders supporters are focused on anything negative about HRC, they have completely ignored Trump (most true in reddit). Trump and Sanders supports will upvote anything negative about HRC, Trump supporters downvote anything negative about Trump, so FP is filled with negative narrative for HRC. I am sure this applies outside reddit which will help DT campaign. The Democratic Primary is not over and the Republican Primary is so there is no doubt that much of the attention will be on the individuals on the Democratic Party. Just because the Republicans quickly nominated a buffoon does *not* mean that the Democrats should rush through this as well. It is part of our society to generally believe that rational discourse is preferable to a rush to judgment. Until the Primary Process is over, we should worry more for making sure the Democratic Party has the best possible candidate fully vetted before shifting the focus.'], [">>{BobSeton} : Project Veritas: We've Hit The Tipping Point, Elite Are in Panic Mode: James O'Keefe", ">>{mortfeinberg} : Yeah dude, I'm sure the elites are shaking in their boots because a known con artist won an election. I'm sure they're terrified that they're going to be deregulated and have their taxes cut.", '>>{The_Actual_Pope} : The stock market is at record highs, a billionaire is in the white house, and the banks and big insurance companies are in line clean up in a major way as Republicans plan to throw seniors on medicare to private insurors, liquidates american infrastructure assets in the name of privatization. We have hit a tipping point. But the elites are in celebration mode.', ">>{mandrate} : How's that big fat Trump paychecks going out for you?", ">>{osborn2shred11} : You mean a guy who got a class b misdemeanor? LOL His videos solely ruined Hillary's chances at becoming president.", ">>{mortfeinberg} : I mean the guy that has been busted making fake videos no less than 8 times. And please, Keefe didn't do shit. Nobody sane takes him seriously.", '>>{SolarStarwalker} : What?! Never even heard of this douche.... Ohh info wars garbage, lol! No one takes anything those guys say seriously! Fake News!', ">>{die_caesar} : I don't know about his other stuff, but the tapes about the dnc starting violence at Trumps rallies made me feel pretty terrible.", '>>{mortfeinberg} : Literally nothing Keefe throws out should be taken seriously unless it comes with the absolute full footage with 0 edits.', ">>{ihohjlknk} : That fake planned parenthood sting operation was really sticking it to the elites, huh? O'Keefe needs to take his Trump checks and go away forever.", ">>{Byzantine279} : Yep. It's not the elites who are scared. Or at least, they aren't scared for themselves.", ">>{Byzantine279} : Never trust anything by O'Keefe. It's never been real before.", ">>{Byzantine279} : I know you are attempting sarcasm, but it actually is fake. Literally. O'Keefe has a nice long history of faking every video he touches.", ">>{Byzantine279} : Even then it isn't trustworthy, because he's probably using paid actors.", '>>{kah0922} : Ah, some more high class journalism from James "I\'m the demented love child of Breitbart and Infowars" O\'Keefe.', '>>{kutwijf} : Something we can agree on. Trump is not anti-establishment.', '>>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : By the elite does he mean racial and religious minorities?', ">>{BobSeton} : What about the children? Won't someone think of the children!", '>>{osborn2shred11} : You guys wish they were fake. he proved the DNC uses massive amounts of voter fraud but the bitch hillary still lost LOL', '>>{RicknMorty93} : she won. the silent majority voted for her.', ">>{osborn2shred11} : you mean 3 million illegal immigrants voted for her. She didn't even win the popular vote. It's the Trump supporters who are the Silent majority."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Walkitback} : If Trump Were President, Comments Like ‘Second Amendment People’ Would Start Wars', ">>{SemiPureConduit} : So what's the argument for NOT having a headphone jack now?", ">>{bellnghmrider} : I'm digging the dual speakers on my 7Plus. And I have wireless headphones and a pair of Jabra over the ear buds...Apple AirPods are next. I don't miss the headphone jack one bit.", ">>{SATexas1} : And of course showed once again that she'll lie about anything She went in CNN after he showed the world she's a liar, and lied about it.", '>>{20WPM} : As of July 10, 8:03AM EDT: Snapshot (72 state polls):\xa0Clinton 327 EV,\xa0Trump 211 EV http://election.princeton.edu/', '>>{alway5inf1n1t3} : Apple wants to push the bill for making wireless everything. Right now it\'s headphones, and by sticking to a no headphone port design it should theoretically force the manufacturers of high-fi monitors and such to go the cordless route. Beyond wireless for headphones, I think they\'ll find various ways to implement accessories that just "magically" connect. Anywho, I feel that if Apple feels so strongly about a wireless future, then their best bet is to stick to it and not budge. They could easily re-introduce the headphone port by releasing two different phones this fall. Say, an IPhone edition, where it has all the fancy new things and a complete redesign. And then maybe an iPhone 7s or just "New iPhone" where it incorporates that headphone port like its 6-series predecessor.', '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Will moisture get inside? That is what i hate about clear cases. If you are around a wet area, water always ends up inside the case.', ">>{IsaoraAK} : Any link to buy? I can't find it on their website", ">>{nayabkl} : If they feel so strongly about wireless, why the hell doesn't iphone 7 still have wireless charging?", '>>{Walkitback} : This occurred to me yesterday, too. Unprepared, unhinged, unfiltered, unworthy.', ">>{alway5inf1n1t3} : They're bound to implement it within the next big device. But they like to release just a handful of new physical features. Otherwise too many would mean that average joe just doesn't notice something gets announced. And by waiting they get to slowly roll out new features, ensuring that each work seamlessly with the next. I mean I would love to have wireless charging capabilities with my phone. But I can see why it's not here yet.", ">>{toolish22} : Thanks for this now I don't need to vote in November since the election is already decided.", '>>{winstonsmith7} : If HuffPo were a journalism site they would have to fire themselves. I despise Trump, but their unending "sky is falling" nonsense has led me to dismiss them as I have the two major candidates.', ">>{lolnopound} : I don't think the huffington post understands how high the threshold for war is.", ">>{TotallyLiberal} : HuffPo's meltdown when Trump won NH is legendary. I can't believe anyone takes the site seriously.", ">>{GanjaFett} : Clinton's constant sabre rattling towards Russia is totally fine tho", '>>{IsaoraAK} : Hate to break it to you: that will happen with any case, not just clear cases.', '>>{20WPM} : Donald Trump will be saddened to learn of this development.', ">>{IsaoraAK} : Hopefully that is just the prototype. They put a lot of lettering on there that I don't think would end up on a final product.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, what would your reaction be if Clinton said, "maybe some BLM activists could stop Trump"?', '>>{a_vulpix} : I just loaded their website, its on a giant banner that takes you to a kickstarter page for it.', '>>{winstonsmith7} : The sad fact of human nature is that we do not seek truth, we want validation of our perspective. As a lyric by David Bowie goes- "I don\'t want knowledge, I want certainty", and reality does not really matter.', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : I'm not going to vote for her as IT administrator. She's just not competent.", '>>{TotallyLiberal} : Uh no those are also bullshit sources. Pointing out shitty right-wing sources doesn\'t negate the fact that HuffPo is a shitty left-wing source. Try and stay on topic. None of this "whataboutism".', ">>{simplycass} : Samsung's facing its biggest test yet with the roll out of the S8. It will be a trial...by fire.", '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Good point. But clear cases with moisture inside gets to you in a pwrsonal level. Get me?', ">>{FLRSH} : You're posting in the wrong thread. This is about Hillary's competence, not polling. Although, considering Hillary die hards love to shy away from her record and stick with polling advantages, not too surprising.", ">>{20WPM} : > You're posting in the wrong thread. Regrettably, I did not take your personal posting preferences into account today. Make no mistake that tomorrow won't be any better for you.", '>>{Methaxetamine} : Glass case? Why not get a paper case instead for higher durability ?', ">>{Life_overdose} : They'd need to move to glass backs for wireless charging to work. The iPhone 7 wasn't a complete design overhaul. Hopefully the next iPhone will be all new and include wireless charging as rumoured.", ">>{Sparkykc124} : Good thing for her she's only the second least liked presidential candidate ever. Trump is the first.", '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : Hillary is either A or B or both. **Choice A**: Low grade moron, not capable of understanding an important part of the job of POTUS, incapable of following procedure, often confused, 219 days since last press conference because she cant handle unscripted questions **Choice B**: A criminal . Your choice America!', '>>{dagnabbit13} : I could definitely see Trump at a press conference: "You know, I\'m hearing the Mexican government is actually paying for these criminals to cross our border. Terrible, terrible what the Mexican government is doing. Of course you won\'t hear about it in the media. We can\'t let this keep happening folks. Can\'t let it keep happening. They\'re coming across our borders and who knows what they are doing? Killing? Raping? Plotting? People are saying ISIS is working in Mexico. Are they working with the government? I\'ll tell you one thing, Mexico will pay if that\'s the case. And not just for the wall - which Mexico will pay for. We might have to send them a message. Show them they can\'t keep working with ISIS and sending criminals to our country. That has to stop. One way or another, I\'ll make them stop."', '>>{i_just_blue-myself} : Just backed. Its the 7th case I have purchased for this JB... *sigh*', ">>{SJUNLIN} : Looks really pretty. However, in real world usage, it won't be as nice but should still be protective enough compared to a naked JB iPhone.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : There's clear plastic too. Glass case though? Really?", '>>{golikehellmachine} : Well, except Russia actually *is* our rival (if not our enemy), so...', ">>{GanjaFett} : Lol. Liberals and Obama mocked Romney when he suggested Russia was a threat. Trump's approach to Russia is actually pretty similar to Obama's. Clinton is the one escalating any tensions, with calls for no fly zones and baseless accusations about election tampering or whatever.", ">>{FreedomIntensifies} : Calling for a no fly zone to be enforced against Russia is far more unhinged that an off hand comment about second amendment folks. [bonus biden material saying he'd pull a gun on obama if he obama tried to take them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNjmcU3Ab5c) [bonus clinton material insinuating assassination of obama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0QAewVrR28) This is pretty ordinary rhetoric in other words, whereas advocating military confrontation with Russia is batshit nuts.", ">>{nayabkl} : This is whats amazing about Apple. People willingly bend over for whatever Apple says. If Samsung or google got rid of earphone jack, we would still be hearing about it today. But hey if it's apple telling you that you dont need it? Guess i dont.", ">>{afops} : It's very high, because of constructs like NATO and it's article 5. Don't forget Mr Trump caused turmoil by even *suggesting* that Article 5 wouldn't automatically mean the Baltics would be defended in case of an attack. You pretty much can't lower the threshold for global conflict any quicker than by questioning Article 5. Not sure what's worse - if Mr Trump didn't realize or just didn't think before speaking.", '>>{Methaxetamine} : The glass would shatter and probably damage the finish.', '>>{Hitch23} : HuffPo reminds me of a university activist paper, littered with sophomoric arguments, right down to that silly tag-line they put on the end of each Trump article. ...and yes, inb4 "what about breitbart?," it is just as bad. Plenty of shitty journalism in this sub.', '>>{nayabkl} : Apple should start a religion and require tithing for their members.', ">>{d_c_d_} : But then again, she didn't spend what should have been the best news cycle of the campaign defending anti-Semitic tweets and Saddam fucking Hussein.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : I still don't get what the deal is about the press conferences. It's not incompetence, it's just good strategy. Giving yourself as few opportunities to make gaffes is obvious, especially when there's nothing to gain from it you couldn't do with a controlled 1 on 1 interview. If trump practiced even half the control and discipline with his message he wouldn't be spending nearly as much time defending stupid shit he's said.", ">>{Rkziki} : I haven't used the headphone jacks in my phones for at least a year and a half now. Just because some people are to stubborn too try new technology doesn't mean that everyone needs the old technology.", ">>{bellnghmrider} : I haven't had an iPhone for years, so I'm far from being an Apple fanboy. During that time, I did use the headphone jack on my Android phones...until I got Bluetooth headphones. To me, the 3.5mm jack is like the IR blaster...seems nice to have until I realize I never use it.", '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : It shows a lack of transparency, something to hide, an inability to work in the fast-paced environment of the Whitehouse, a sense of a controlled puppet. I agree it\'s good strategy for her as when she talks freely you get "we are going to put coal miners out of business", but it is also like the strategy of playing the inept unsophisticated moron to get off indictment, but is this the kind on conniving, smart yet corrupt person we need? . A or B?', '>>{sparkfist} : They have a 1mm gap between the phone and the back to prevent moisture from showing the rainbow effect you see with normal plastic cases. Moisture will still get in of course though you hopefully just wont notice it.', '>>{mrsuns10} : I think the fact that people will defend that monstrosity of a website speaks volumes for them', '>>{winstonsmith7} : It seems shitty journalism is what we are supposed to embrace, and sure as hell those who sell it aren\'t disappointed. I watched "Good Night and Good Luck" which of course was not a documentary in a real sense, but it did show that we used to have integrity and courage in the face of very real consequences, but now all we have are talking heads for a brainless society. Not a fan.', '>>{MoneyForNothing_} : Wireless headphones are a huge hassle. Just something else I have to make sure to plug in.', ">>{thehappyrock2} : I don't think you understand that we are currently at war and have been for 14 years.", '>>{DyedInkSun} : [but yet the Obama administration finds geo-strategic interests a common ground where working with them is acceptable.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CpRAmKfXYAA0fyx.jpg:large)', ">>{sparkfist} : I REALLLY HOPE SO. This is probably the nicest looking phone case that i've ever seen. If they leave the logos and the text it would instead be the ugliest.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : Not all of them scratch that easily. I had a plastic case that I used in my old phone that was mostly scratch free. Plus it doesn't shatter like glass would.", '>>{bellnghmrider} : As opposed to the huge hassle of plugging wired headphones into your device? :)', ">>{golikehellmachine} : It's almost like foreign policy is hard and complicated.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : As opposed to an equally corrupt but less competent choice advocating crimes against humanity, it isn't a difficult choice.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Sure. And she apologized. See the difference?', ">>{andysaurus_rex} : You can see the moisture with a clear case. You can't with normal non-clear cases.", '>>{DyedInkSun} : your initial comment seemed to suggest otherwise whereas mine made a distinction. but get a load of this, [I Ran the CIA Now I\'m Endorsing Hillary Clinton.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/05/opinion/campaign-stops/i-ran-the-cia-now-im-endorsing-hillary-clinton.html) [A Potent Endorsement Could Use More Transparency ](http://publiceditor.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/08/07/clinton-endorsement-morell-liz-spayd-public-editor/) [ "The Iranians were making us pay a price. We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria. We need to make the Russians pay a price." He went on to explain making them "pay the price" would mean killing Russians and Iranians, and said he wants to make Syrian president Bashar al-Assad uncomfortable. "I want to go after those things that Assad sees as his personal power base. I want to scare Assad."](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/former-cia-deputy-director-michael-morell-i-want-to-scare-syrian-president-bashar-al-assad/) ["This makes me want to buy Hillary a beer."](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4w9aq3/i_ran_the_cia_now_im_endorsing_hillary_clinton/)', ">>{MoneyForNothing_} : So you're saying it should be removed because some people have no need for it?", '>>{Gordy312} : I know you will probably think that I\'m one of his supporters that defends everything he does but That Sadam Hussein thing though was completely manufactured. I listened to that speech and he blasted Saddam for a while before he said that and all he said was "The only thing he did right was kill terrorist" or something to that effect. If you listed to the speech there is no way you could have gotten he was praising Saddam.', ">>{lolnopound} : No we aren't. We haven't been at war for over 70 years", ">>{h3etrheth} : Oh I'm so fucking scared. I'm pissing myself thinking of how Trump will start a million wars on his first day, launch all of the nukes on the second, and the third day won't come. I'm so scared and afraid.", '>>{IsaoraAK} : I like it, but it looks pretty thick. Especially with the 1mm air gap.', '>>{sjwsruinedreddit} : As opposed to "well, I must have short circuited".', '>>{Gordy312} : But you forget a lot of people hate both. Given the choice of the two who knows if those people hate her more then Trump or not. If they do then they will vote Trump.', '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : So A? > Choice A: Low grade moron, not capable of understanding an important part of the job of POTUS, incapable of following procedure, often confused, 219 days since last press conference because she cant handle unscripted questions', '>>{MoneyForNothing_} : Not nearly the same. Having to remember to leave bluetooth on, then the headphones, and having them charged. Wired is just plug and play.', ">>{jocamero} : Have you tried a 'Best Skins Ever' skin? I put one on and it seems to work well. Used to have a similar one on my 3GS back in the day.", '>>{Gordy312} : If you believe that link I know a Nigerian Prince that you can email money to.', '>>{Gordy312} : It must suck having to defend a Canditate who the country knows is garbage.', ">>{bellnghmrider} : Remember to leave Bluetooth on? Just leave it on. I put my headphones on, hit the power button, they connect to my phone automatically within three seconds. Where's the hassle in that? It's all perspective. To me, the hassle is having a wire running from my head to my device.", ">>{MoneyForNothing_} : It is all perspective. I don't like having too many icons in the statusbar so I turn it off just like I do for the alarm when i don't need it and keep battery percentage off. I have bluetooth headphones myself and the main hassle is keeping them charged.", ">>{DrapeRape} : [They're much worse than a university paper in my opinion](https://i.imgur.com/ZqfxpRD.png). [At least they had the decency to tone it down a few hours later](http://i.amz.mshcdn.com/-bxl4LXH9lryGgeWTj5w9dX-ZdQ=/fit-in/1200x9600/2016%2F02%2F10%2Fdb%2FScreen_Shot.de736.jpg) after the author took a xanax or the editor saw it.", ">>{thehappyrock2} : What was korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iraq again, Afghanistan...just brief skirmishes? Don't know if you are just ignorant or a troll but either way...BLOCKED.", '>>{Rkziki} : No one has a "need" for it; it\'s your choice if you opt to use old technology.', ">>{winstonsmith7} : Yes. We have two scoundrels. One apologized for being caught and recognized as one, the other did not. Trump is pathetic, but that in no way implies that there is any virtuous nature in Hillary. They both are the least popular candidates I can recall, and a dog catcher would beat either if it weren't for the unyielding loyalty of partisans and the all powerful political machines which create an oligarchy we delude ourselves into believing is a democracy.", '>>{20WPM} : > Canditate [sic] We have had this discussion before.', ">>{i_just_blue-myself} : I have a 'simple' back in the mail right now. I don't think I would want to rock this phone without a case. I don't have appreciate+...", '>>{NateBronze} : Please stop being offended on behalf of us Jews.', '>>{winstonsmith7} : Good. The political system need more people cowering!', '>>{Mmmmmmmgurl} : Be careful, skins peel off the iPhone logo on the JB, decided not to put one on mine due to it', '>>{FLRSH} : Wait, what was that? Can you speak up? Is that a die hard Hillary supporter distracting from the point again? It becomes entirely too predictable that you folks have to consistently go off topic to save any kind of face.', ">>{Nema_Nema} : Yep. I understand being upset at the status quo and wanting to vote in someone, anyone, who doesn't fit the mold of the standard politician. I really do. But I keep waiting for his supporters to stop and really think seriously about the global repercussions this tactless man-child could actually cause if he attains the presidency. I thought for sure this was some sort of joke, but now I'm just hoping people mature in time to realize this. I'm still stunned it went this far.", '>>{FLRSH} : Childishly spell checking folks on a message board instead of doing anything to deny that she is a terrible candidate.', '>>{jocamero} : Too late. Not gonna miss the logo though. Very odd that it supposedly does that with certain skins.', '>>{President_Muffley} : I think people are saying his reckless comments could trigger military conflicts. No one is talking specifically about whether Congress will declare war...', '>>{ghrayfahx} : Remember the HTC Dream AKA the G1? Proprietary headphones or Bluetooth were your only options. And people just accepted it without a second thought.', ">>{waste-of-skin} : If the president of the Philippines can call the US ambassador a gay son of a whore without any repercussions it's incredibly unlikely Trump can prompt another country go to war against the most powerful military in the world by talking shit.", ">>{SemiPureConduit} : Do NOT buy those overpriced earbuds... they're the same quality but way more expensive. Why do you want them?", '>>{IsaoraAK} : You have bigger problems if you have moisture in there. If anything, I would rather be able to see it so I know there is a problem.', ">>{christhetwin} : Hey man, he just learned about how the US officially declares war in class. He's pretty excited that he can apply it to a real life conversation!", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : You know the POTUS doesn't send their own emails, right?", '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : You know POTUS has to handle classified information right? Hillary was extremely careless with classified information and lacked the sophistication to understand classification. So A ?', '>>{momokie} : Well people seem to be obsessed with specifics and direct translations of the word when talking about Trump, you would think they would apply the same logic to their own speech. If Trump said we are at war with Isis people would call him an idiot and say we have a military conflict not a formal declaration of War.', ">>{bellnghmrider} : For the same reason I want anything, I just do. But to give a real answer: sometimes I don't want to wear big earmuff headphones; the Jabra set doesn't fit in my ear as snugly as I would prefer; the Jabra set are connected by a wire that catches and pulls on my sweatshirt collar when I work out; it is said the AirPods fit exactly the same as the wired buds which come with the phone, and those are the best fitting earbuds I've ever used; I hate wires; I like new tech.", '>>{SemiPureConduit} : So your willing to pay $160 for average sounding headphones that you have to charge?', '>>{Bernin4U} : And if Hillary were president she\'d just start wars without any comments. Also no Huffpo, the rest of the world aren\'t pearl clutching journalists trying to invent scandals, did Reagan\'s "outlaw Russian forever" comment start a war?', ">>{FLRSH} : More like a big brother cleaning up after a younger sibling's mess.", ">>{LandKuj} : Yeah she's not going to be my system admin, she's going to be my President. Who gives a fuck if she sucks at security. As president, after all this, she ain't breaking any rules.", ">>{President_Muffley} : No, no one would say that. And it's not really relevant to the discussion about whether Trump's impulsive word vomit would cause international crises.", '>>{IsaoraAK} : Hope it can peel off the ugly logos on this case', ">>{aerger} : Let's not forget that Hillary's first reactions to major issues and events over her history have almost always been wrong. But let's give her keys to the nukemobile anyway! She can always apologize afterwards, right? Right?", ">>{aerger} : Anyone with even the slightest level of competence about IT security or information security should be running far, far away from her at this point. Most people otherwise simply don't understand just how fucked up this is. I hope we are all educating as many of them as we can.", '>>{shillaccusations} : Hillary Clinton is the greater threat to our rights and would literally eliminate one of them in its entirety with one Supreme Court pick. Unfortunately that leaves Republicans in the spot of being the defenders of the Constitution that are stuck with Trump. 4 current Supreme Court Justices believe there is no individual right to own any firearms. They believe the government, at any level, has the right to impose blanket bans on all firearm ownership by all individuals in their jurisdiction. Essentially a full repeal of our 2nd amendment rights - "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" means you as an individual person may neither keep nor bear arms unless the government decides to grant you the privilege of being part of the "militia" in these Justices\' minds. Hillary agrees with them on this, saying the Heller desicion, which confirmed that individuals do have the right to own guns, is "wrong" - [source](http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-05-20/hillary-clinton-believes-pivotal-gun-rights-ruling-was-wrong-adviser-says) If you believe in the inherent right of individuals to keep and bear arms, you can\'t possibly support Hillary.', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : The real question is, out of all the recent Secretaries of State, is Clinton the worst IT admin? I know I'll never hire her to secure my data center.", '>>{bellnghmrider} : Yup. 1) "Average sounding" is opinion. 2) Plugging something into an outlet isn\'t physically exerting. 3) $160 is a good price for a quality product...which explains why we have iPhones and not ZTEs with 8GB of storage and 1GB of RAM. If I don\'t like them, I will return them. But they look to be exactly what I want in a set of earbuds.', '>>{mozsey} : What if she finds a way to do the same thing as commander in chief?', ">>{andysaurus_rex} : Moisture always gets in. It's not enough to be damaging, but causes a rainbow pattern under the clear cases", '>>{AssCalloway} : Blasted Saddam: He was a bad guy, a really bad guy. But...', '>>{rollsie7} : Because wireless charging is still not actually wireless. You still need a dock that is plugged in to a socket', ">>{SamQuentin} : Good thing Kerry didn't win then with his little joke about killing the President in 2006...", ">>{Thames_CDN} : That's a beautiful looking case. I'm thinking about grabbing one for my matte black 7+", ">>{nayabkl} : That's the dumbest comment. How do you think the wireless charging is supposed to work? Simply put the phone next to power outlet and the phone would start charging? Look at the word WIRELESS. when there is no wire to charge the phone, it's wireless charging.", '>>{Walkitback} : Yeah good thing. The Great Recession was such a gift.', ">>{LandKuj} : > finds a way Lol 'finds a way'. Like she did it with intent to break the rules? After this whole shit storm why the fuck would she do it again? Not to mention, the president is under watch literally 24/7. She not going to be sneaking servers into the white house. Are you a moron?", ">>{IsaoraAK} : That's not moisture. That's just the tpu adhering to the back of the phone", ">>{sparkfist} : I just received this case today. The iGlass Logo isn't that bad, the awful white lettering is 10x worse. I see a slight almost unnoticeable drop in reception. I haven't completed a scientific test but noticed that in places I always have 4 bars I had a mix of 4 and sometimes 3. Conclusion: It is the best glass back, jet black, aluminum frame/bumper case available today. I think it offers decent value but would only use it without all the TEXT (again the logo is fine its just the text that is terrible). I used it all day but have since put my black leather OEM case back on. I plan to stay with this case. The iGlass Logo isn't that bad, the awful white lettering is 10x worse. I see a slight almost unnoticeable drop in reception. I haven't completed a scientific test but noticed that in places I always have 4 bars I had a mix of 4 and sometimes 3. Conclusion: It is the best glass back, jet black, aluminum frame/bumper case available today. I think it offers decent value but would only use it without all the TEXT (again the logo is fine its just the text that is terrible). I used it all day but have since put my black leather OEM case back on. I plan to stay with this case.", ">>{Mitchell3224} : >As president, after all this, she ain't breaking any rules. Why would you assume this? We have no reason to believe she would act any differently as POTUS.", ">>{rollsie7} : How is it truly wireless when your still physically connected to something? Yet your calling me dumb 😴 You can't use your phone while it's on the charging pad, your better off using a cable ffs 😂 thick prick", '>>{nayabkl} : Unless you reinvent the law of electromagnetic, what you are defining as "true" wireless charging cannot be accomplished. It doesn\'t matter what you perceive as true wireless charging, but to majority of people, what is available today is considered wireless.', ">>{mozsey} : She's either a criminal or a moron who doesn't have the smarts to be in the White House. If you think she's not a criminal, then she must be a moron. Meaning she might just try it again. Or find some way to get around the White House security. She did it once before as Secretary of State. After giving a memo out telling everyone under her the use of private email servers are not allowed, she still went ahead and used one.", ">>{rollsie7} : It really isn't though is it. Until you can walk into a room and your phone starts charging it will never be wireless", ">>{LandKuj} : Duh she would. When you're under the pressure she is, with people questioning her ethics for nearly 2 years straight, you don't go and do something objectively corrupt. There's a principle about this. POTUS usually goes opposite expectations on things because that's what people don't criticize about. Example Obama and being transparent.", ">>{chewdrops} : I had mine for a week and it dropped from my pocket. First drop and the glass broke. It's a nice and classy case but it's not feasible for daily use. Edit: I emailed switcheasy customer support and they readily sent a replacement, only if u buy direct from them and not resellers. Thank goodness I got mine from them. Have to be careful with this case. Switcheasy customer support after sales is truely top notch.", ">>{nayabkl} : Fine, if you want to get technical, let's use the term cableless charging. How come Apple doesn't have cableless charging when other premium phones all have it?", ">>{rollsie7} : Because they have metal backed phones. Until they switch back to glass it's not gonna happen. Seriously though it's not really that big of a deal, would rather have fast charging instead. Something on the level of OnePlus Dash Charge", '>>{Elvecio} : Average sounding is not an opinion, I guess that was said in many professional reviews out there (except the apple-fan ones)', '>>{bellnghmrider} : Yeah, I take the Apple fan reviews with a grain of salt. Apple could shit in a box and call it art and the fans would rave over it.', '>>{BurlysFinest802} : Tithing like giving money for a new model every year?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{SATexas1} : And of course showed once again that she'll lie about anything She went in CNN after he showed the world she's a liar, and lied about it.", '>>{20WPM} : As of July 10, 8:03AM EDT: Snapshot (72 state polls):\xa0Clinton 327 EV,\xa0Trump 211 EV http://election.princeton.edu/', ">>{toolish22} : Thanks for this now I don't need to vote in November since the election is already decided.", '>>{20WPM} : Donald Trump will be saddened to learn of this development.', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : I'm not going to vote for her as IT administrator. She's just not competent.", ">>{FLRSH} : You're posting in the wrong thread. This is about Hillary's competence, not polling. Although, considering Hillary die hards love to shy away from her record and stick with polling advantages, not too surprising.", ">>{20WPM} : > You're posting in the wrong thread. Regrettably, I did not take your personal posting preferences into account today. Make no mistake that tomorrow won't be any better for you.", ">>{Sparkykc124} : Good thing for her she's only the second least liked presidential candidate ever. Trump is the first.", '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : Hillary is either A or B or both. **Choice A**: Low grade moron, not capable of understanding an important part of the job of POTUS, incapable of following procedure, often confused, 219 days since last press conference because she cant handle unscripted questions **Choice B**: A criminal . Your choice America!', ">>{d_c_d_} : But then again, she didn't spend what should have been the best news cycle of the campaign defending anti-Semitic tweets and Saddam fucking Hussein.", ">>{OliveItMaggle} : I still don't get what the deal is about the press conferences. It's not incompetence, it's just good strategy. Giving yourself as few opportunities to make gaffes is obvious, especially when there's nothing to gain from it you couldn't do with a controlled 1 on 1 interview. If trump practiced even half the control and discipline with his message he wouldn't be spending nearly as much time defending stupid shit he's said.", '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : It shows a lack of transparency, something to hide, an inability to work in the fast-paced environment of the Whitehouse, a sense of a controlled puppet. I agree it\'s good strategy for her as when she talks freely you get "we are going to put coal miners out of business", but it is also like the strategy of playing the inept unsophisticated moron to get off indictment, but is this the kind on conniving, smart yet corrupt person we need? . A or B?', ">>{OliveItMaggle} : As opposed to an equally corrupt but less competent choice advocating crimes against humanity, it isn't a difficult choice.", '>>{Gordy312} : I know you will probably think that I\'m one of his supporters that defends everything he does but That Sadam Hussein thing though was completely manufactured. I listened to that speech and he blasted Saddam for a while before he said that and all he said was "The only thing he did right was kill terrorist" or something to that effect. If you listed to the speech there is no way you could have gotten he was praising Saddam.', '>>{Gordy312} : But you forget a lot of people hate both. Given the choice of the two who knows if those people hate her more then Trump or not. If they do then they will vote Trump.', '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : So A? > Choice A: Low grade moron, not capable of understanding an important part of the job of POTUS, incapable of following procedure, often confused, 219 days since last press conference because she cant handle unscripted questions', '>>{Gordy312} : If you believe that link I know a Nigerian Prince that you can email money to.', '>>{Gordy312} : It must suck having to defend a Canditate who the country knows is garbage.', '>>{20WPM} : > Canditate [sic] We have had this discussion before.', '>>{NateBronze} : Please stop being offended on behalf of us Jews.', '>>{FLRSH} : Wait, what was that? Can you speak up? Is that a die hard Hillary supporter distracting from the point again? It becomes entirely too predictable that you folks have to consistently go off topic to save any kind of face.', '>>{FLRSH} : Childishly spell checking folks on a message board instead of doing anything to deny that she is a terrible candidate.', ">>{OliveItMaggle} : You know the POTUS doesn't send their own emails, right?", '>>{Hillary_inept_puppet} : You know POTUS has to handle classified information right? Hillary was extremely careless with classified information and lacked the sophistication to understand classification. So A ?', ">>{FLRSH} : More like a big brother cleaning up after a younger sibling's mess.", ">>{LandKuj} : Yeah she's not going to be my system admin, she's going to be my President. Who gives a fuck if she sucks at security. As president, after all this, she ain't breaking any rules.", ">>{aerger} : Let's not forget that Hillary's first reactions to major issues and events over her history have almost always been wrong. But let's give her keys to the nukemobile anyway! She can always apologize afterwards, right? Right?", ">>{aerger} : Anyone with even the slightest level of competence about IT security or information security should be running far, far away from her at this point. Most people otherwise simply don't understand just how fucked up this is. I hope we are all educating as many of them as we can.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : The real question is, out of all the recent Secretaries of State, is Clinton the worst IT admin? I know I'll never hire her to secure my data center.", '>>{mozsey} : What if she finds a way to do the same thing as commander in chief?', '>>{AssCalloway} : Blasted Saddam: He was a bad guy, a really bad guy. But...', ">>{LandKuj} : > finds a way Lol 'finds a way'. Like she did it with intent to break the rules? After this whole shit storm why the fuck would she do it again? Not to mention, the president is under watch literally 24/7. She not going to be sneaking servers into the white house. Are you a moron?", ">>{Mitchell3224} : >As president, after all this, she ain't breaking any rules. Why would you assume this? We have no reason to believe she would act any differently as POTUS.", ">>{mozsey} : She's either a criminal or a moron who doesn't have the smarts to be in the White House. If you think she's not a criminal, then she must be a moron. Meaning she might just try it again. Or find some way to get around the White House security. She did it once before as Secretary of State. After giving a memo out telling everyone under her the use of private email servers are not allowed, she still went ahead and used one.", ">>{LandKuj} : Duh she would. When you're under the pressure she is, with people questioning her ethics for nearly 2 years straight, you don't go and do something objectively corrupt. There's a principle about this. POTUS usually goes opposite expectations on things because that's what people don't criticize about. Example Obama and being transparent."], [">>{SemiPureConduit} : So what's the argument for NOT having a headphone jack now?", ">>{bellnghmrider} : I'm digging the dual speakers on my 7Plus. And I have wireless headphones and a pair of Jabra over the ear buds...Apple AirPods are next. I don't miss the headphone jack one bit.", '>>{alway5inf1n1t3} : Apple wants to push the bill for making wireless everything. Right now it\'s headphones, and by sticking to a no headphone port design it should theoretically force the manufacturers of high-fi monitors and such to go the cordless route. Beyond wireless for headphones, I think they\'ll find various ways to implement accessories that just "magically" connect. Anywho, I feel that if Apple feels so strongly about a wireless future, then their best bet is to stick to it and not budge. They could easily re-introduce the headphone port by releasing two different phones this fall. Say, an IPhone edition, where it has all the fancy new things and a complete redesign. And then maybe an iPhone 7s or just "New iPhone" where it incorporates that headphone port like its 6-series predecessor.', ">>{nayabkl} : If they feel so strongly about wireless, why the hell doesn't iphone 7 still have wireless charging?", ">>{alway5inf1n1t3} : They're bound to implement it within the next big device. But they like to release just a handful of new physical features. Otherwise too many would mean that average joe just doesn't notice something gets announced. And by waiting they get to slowly roll out new features, ensuring that each work seamlessly with the next. I mean I would love to have wireless charging capabilities with my phone. But I can see why it's not here yet.", ">>{simplycass} : Samsung's facing its biggest test yet with the roll out of the S8. It will be a trial...by fire.", ">>{Life_overdose} : They'd need to move to glass backs for wireless charging to work. The iPhone 7 wasn't a complete design overhaul. Hopefully the next iPhone will be all new and include wireless charging as rumoured.", ">>{nayabkl} : This is whats amazing about Apple. People willingly bend over for whatever Apple says. If Samsung or google got rid of earphone jack, we would still be hearing about it today. But hey if it's apple telling you that you dont need it? Guess i dont.", '>>{nayabkl} : Apple should start a religion and require tithing for their members.', ">>{Rkziki} : I haven't used the headphone jacks in my phones for at least a year and a half now. Just because some people are to stubborn too try new technology doesn't mean that everyone needs the old technology.", ">>{bellnghmrider} : I haven't had an iPhone for years, so I'm far from being an Apple fanboy. During that time, I did use the headphone jack on my Android phones...until I got Bluetooth headphones. To me, the 3.5mm jack is like the IR blaster...seems nice to have until I realize I never use it.", '>>{MoneyForNothing_} : Wireless headphones are a huge hassle. Just something else I have to make sure to plug in.', '>>{bellnghmrider} : As opposed to the huge hassle of plugging wired headphones into your device? :)', ">>{MoneyForNothing_} : So you're saying it should be removed because some people have no need for it?", '>>{MoneyForNothing_} : Not nearly the same. Having to remember to leave bluetooth on, then the headphones, and having them charged. Wired is just plug and play.', ">>{bellnghmrider} : Remember to leave Bluetooth on? Just leave it on. I put my headphones on, hit the power button, they connect to my phone automatically within three seconds. Where's the hassle in that? It's all perspective. To me, the hassle is having a wire running from my head to my device.", ">>{MoneyForNothing_} : It is all perspective. I don't like having too many icons in the statusbar so I turn it off just like I do for the alarm when i don't need it and keep battery percentage off. I have bluetooth headphones myself and the main hassle is keeping them charged.", '>>{Rkziki} : No one has a "need" for it; it\'s your choice if you opt to use old technology.', '>>{ghrayfahx} : Remember the HTC Dream AKA the G1? Proprietary headphones or Bluetooth were your only options. And people just accepted it without a second thought.', ">>{SemiPureConduit} : Do NOT buy those overpriced earbuds... they're the same quality but way more expensive. Why do you want them?", ">>{bellnghmrider} : For the same reason I want anything, I just do. But to give a real answer: sometimes I don't want to wear big earmuff headphones; the Jabra set doesn't fit in my ear as snugly as I would prefer; the Jabra set are connected by a wire that catches and pulls on my sweatshirt collar when I work out; it is said the AirPods fit exactly the same as the wired buds which come with the phone, and those are the best fitting earbuds I've ever used; I hate wires; I like new tech.", '>>{SemiPureConduit} : So your willing to pay $160 for average sounding headphones that you have to charge?', '>>{bellnghmrider} : Yup. 1) "Average sounding" is opinion. 2) Plugging something into an outlet isn\'t physically exerting. 3) $160 is a good price for a quality product...which explains why we have iPhones and not ZTEs with 8GB of storage and 1GB of RAM. If I don\'t like them, I will return them. But they look to be exactly what I want in a set of earbuds.', '>>{rollsie7} : Because wireless charging is still not actually wireless. You still need a dock that is plugged in to a socket', ">>{nayabkl} : That's the dumbest comment. How do you think the wireless charging is supposed to work? Simply put the phone next to power outlet and the phone would start charging? Look at the word WIRELESS. when there is no wire to charge the phone, it's wireless charging.", ">>{rollsie7} : How is it truly wireless when your still physically connected to something? Yet your calling me dumb 😴 You can't use your phone while it's on the charging pad, your better off using a cable ffs 😂 thick prick", '>>{nayabkl} : Unless you reinvent the law of electromagnetic, what you are defining as "true" wireless charging cannot be accomplished. It doesn\'t matter what you perceive as true wireless charging, but to majority of people, what is available today is considered wireless.', ">>{rollsie7} : It really isn't though is it. Until you can walk into a room and your phone starts charging it will never be wireless", ">>{nayabkl} : Fine, if you want to get technical, let's use the term cableless charging. How come Apple doesn't have cableless charging when other premium phones all have it?", ">>{rollsie7} : Because they have metal backed phones. Until they switch back to glass it's not gonna happen. Seriously though it's not really that big of a deal, would rather have fast charging instead. Something on the level of OnePlus Dash Charge", '>>{Elvecio} : Average sounding is not an opinion, I guess that was said in many professional reviews out there (except the apple-fan ones)', '>>{bellnghmrider} : Yeah, I take the Apple fan reviews with a grain of salt. Apple could shit in a box and call it art and the fans would rave over it.', '>>{BurlysFinest802} : Tithing like giving money for a new model every year?'], ['>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Will moisture get inside? That is what i hate about clear cases. If you are around a wet area, water always ends up inside the case.', ">>{IsaoraAK} : Any link to buy? I can't find it on their website", '>>{IsaoraAK} : Hate to break it to you: that will happen with any case, not just clear cases.', ">>{IsaoraAK} : Hopefully that is just the prototype. They put a lot of lettering on there that I don't think would end up on a final product.", '>>{a_vulpix} : I just loaded their website, its on a giant banner that takes you to a kickstarter page for it.', '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Good point. But clear cases with moisture inside gets to you in a pwrsonal level. Get me?', '>>{Methaxetamine} : Glass case? Why not get a paper case instead for higher durability ?', '>>{i_just_blue-myself} : Just backed. Its the 7th case I have purchased for this JB... *sigh*', ">>{SJUNLIN} : Looks really pretty. However, in real world usage, it won't be as nice but should still be protective enough compared to a naked JB iPhone.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : There's clear plastic too. Glass case though? Really?", '>>{Methaxetamine} : The glass would shatter and probably damage the finish.', '>>{sparkfist} : They have a 1mm gap between the phone and the back to prevent moisture from showing the rainbow effect you see with normal plastic cases. Moisture will still get in of course though you hopefully just wont notice it.', ">>{sparkfist} : I REALLLY HOPE SO. This is probably the nicest looking phone case that i've ever seen. If they leave the logos and the text it would instead be the ugliest.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : Not all of them scratch that easily. I had a plastic case that I used in my old phone that was mostly scratch free. Plus it doesn't shatter like glass would.", ">>{andysaurus_rex} : You can see the moisture with a clear case. You can't with normal non-clear cases.", '>>{IsaoraAK} : I like it, but it looks pretty thick. Especially with the 1mm air gap.', ">>{jocamero} : Have you tried a 'Best Skins Ever' skin? I put one on and it seems to work well. Used to have a similar one on my 3GS back in the day.", ">>{i_just_blue-myself} : I have a 'simple' back in the mail right now. I don't think I would want to rock this phone without a case. I don't have appreciate+...", '>>{Mmmmmmmgurl} : Be careful, skins peel off the iPhone logo on the JB, decided not to put one on mine due to it', '>>{jocamero} : Too late. Not gonna miss the logo though. Very odd that it supposedly does that with certain skins.', '>>{IsaoraAK} : You have bigger problems if you have moisture in there. If anything, I would rather be able to see it so I know there is a problem.', '>>{IsaoraAK} : Hope it can peel off the ugly logos on this case', ">>{andysaurus_rex} : Moisture always gets in. It's not enough to be damaging, but causes a rainbow pattern under the clear cases", ">>{Thames_CDN} : That's a beautiful looking case. I'm thinking about grabbing one for my matte black 7+", ">>{IsaoraAK} : That's not moisture. That's just the tpu adhering to the back of the phone", ">>{sparkfist} : I just received this case today. The iGlass Logo isn't that bad, the awful white lettering is 10x worse. I see a slight almost unnoticeable drop in reception. I haven't completed a scientific test but noticed that in places I always have 4 bars I had a mix of 4 and sometimes 3. Conclusion: It is the best glass back, jet black, aluminum frame/bumper case available today. I think it offers decent value but would only use it without all the TEXT (again the logo is fine its just the text that is terrible). I used it all day but have since put my black leather OEM case back on. I plan to stay with this case. The iGlass Logo isn't that bad, the awful white lettering is 10x worse. I see a slight almost unnoticeable drop in reception. I haven't completed a scientific test but noticed that in places I always have 4 bars I had a mix of 4 and sometimes 3. Conclusion: It is the best glass back, jet black, aluminum frame/bumper case available today. I think it offers decent value but would only use it without all the TEXT (again the logo is fine its just the text that is terrible). I used it all day but have since put my black leather OEM case back on. I plan to stay with this case.", ">>{chewdrops} : I had mine for a week and it dropped from my pocket. First drop and the glass broke. It's a nice and classy case but it's not feasible for daily use. Edit: I emailed switcheasy customer support and they readily sent a replacement, only if u buy direct from them and not resellers. Thank goodness I got mine from them. Have to be careful with this case. Switcheasy customer support after sales is truely top notch."], ['>>{Walkitback} : If Trump Were President, Comments Like ‘Second Amendment People’ Would Start Wars', '>>{Walkitback} : This occurred to me yesterday, too. Unprepared, unhinged, unfiltered, unworthy.', '>>{winstonsmith7} : If HuffPo were a journalism site they would have to fire themselves. I despise Trump, but their unending "sky is falling" nonsense has led me to dismiss them as I have the two major candidates.', ">>{lolnopound} : I don't think the huffington post understands how high the threshold for war is.", ">>{TotallyLiberal} : HuffPo's meltdown when Trump won NH is legendary. I can't believe anyone takes the site seriously.", ">>{GanjaFett} : Clinton's constant sabre rattling towards Russia is totally fine tho", '>>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, what would your reaction be if Clinton said, "maybe some BLM activists could stop Trump"?', '>>{winstonsmith7} : The sad fact of human nature is that we do not seek truth, we want validation of our perspective. As a lyric by David Bowie goes- "I don\'t want knowledge, I want certainty", and reality does not really matter.', '>>{TotallyLiberal} : Uh no those are also bullshit sources. Pointing out shitty right-wing sources doesn\'t negate the fact that HuffPo is a shitty left-wing source. Try and stay on topic. None of this "whataboutism".', '>>{dagnabbit13} : I could definitely see Trump at a press conference: "You know, I\'m hearing the Mexican government is actually paying for these criminals to cross our border. Terrible, terrible what the Mexican government is doing. Of course you won\'t hear about it in the media. We can\'t let this keep happening folks. Can\'t let it keep happening. They\'re coming across our borders and who knows what they are doing? Killing? Raping? Plotting? People are saying ISIS is working in Mexico. Are they working with the government? I\'ll tell you one thing, Mexico will pay if that\'s the case. And not just for the wall - which Mexico will pay for. We might have to send them a message. Show them they can\'t keep working with ISIS and sending criminals to our country. That has to stop. One way or another, I\'ll make them stop."', '>>{golikehellmachine} : Well, except Russia actually *is* our rival (if not our enemy), so...', ">>{GanjaFett} : Lol. Liberals and Obama mocked Romney when he suggested Russia was a threat. Trump's approach to Russia is actually pretty similar to Obama's. Clinton is the one escalating any tensions, with calls for no fly zones and baseless accusations about election tampering or whatever.", ">>{FreedomIntensifies} : Calling for a no fly zone to be enforced against Russia is far more unhinged that an off hand comment about second amendment folks. [bonus biden material saying he'd pull a gun on obama if he obama tried to take them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNjmcU3Ab5c) [bonus clinton material insinuating assassination of obama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0QAewVrR28) This is pretty ordinary rhetoric in other words, whereas advocating military confrontation with Russia is batshit nuts.", ">>{afops} : It's very high, because of constructs like NATO and it's article 5. Don't forget Mr Trump caused turmoil by even *suggesting* that Article 5 wouldn't automatically mean the Baltics would be defended in case of an attack. You pretty much can't lower the threshold for global conflict any quicker than by questioning Article 5. Not sure what's worse - if Mr Trump didn't realize or just didn't think before speaking.", '>>{Hitch23} : HuffPo reminds me of a university activist paper, littered with sophomoric arguments, right down to that silly tag-line they put on the end of each Trump article. ...and yes, inb4 "what about breitbart?," it is just as bad. Plenty of shitty journalism in this sub.', '>>{mrsuns10} : I think the fact that people will defend that monstrosity of a website speaks volumes for them', '>>{winstonsmith7} : It seems shitty journalism is what we are supposed to embrace, and sure as hell those who sell it aren\'t disappointed. I watched "Good Night and Good Luck" which of course was not a documentary in a real sense, but it did show that we used to have integrity and courage in the face of very real consequences, but now all we have are talking heads for a brainless society. Not a fan.', ">>{thehappyrock2} : I don't think you understand that we are currently at war and have been for 14 years.", '>>{DyedInkSun} : [but yet the Obama administration finds geo-strategic interests a common ground where working with them is acceptable.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CpRAmKfXYAA0fyx.jpg:large)', ">>{golikehellmachine} : It's almost like foreign policy is hard and complicated.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Sure. And she apologized. See the difference?', '>>{DyedInkSun} : your initial comment seemed to suggest otherwise whereas mine made a distinction. but get a load of this, [I Ran the CIA Now I\'m Endorsing Hillary Clinton.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/05/opinion/campaign-stops/i-ran-the-cia-now-im-endorsing-hillary-clinton.html) [A Potent Endorsement Could Use More Transparency ](http://publiceditor.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/08/07/clinton-endorsement-morell-liz-spayd-public-editor/) [ "The Iranians were making us pay a price. We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria. We need to make the Russians pay a price." He went on to explain making them "pay the price" would mean killing Russians and Iranians, and said he wants to make Syrian president Bashar al-Assad uncomfortable. "I want to go after those things that Assad sees as his personal power base. I want to scare Assad."](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/former-cia-deputy-director-michael-morell-i-want-to-scare-syrian-president-bashar-al-assad/) ["This makes me want to buy Hillary a beer."](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4w9aq3/i_ran_the_cia_now_im_endorsing_hillary_clinton/)', ">>{lolnopound} : No we aren't. We haven't been at war for over 70 years", ">>{h3etrheth} : Oh I'm so fucking scared. I'm pissing myself thinking of how Trump will start a million wars on his first day, launch all of the nukes on the second, and the third day won't come. I'm so scared and afraid.", '>>{sjwsruinedreddit} : As opposed to "well, I must have short circuited".', ">>{DrapeRape} : [They're much worse than a university paper in my opinion](https://i.imgur.com/ZqfxpRD.png). [At least they had the decency to tone it down a few hours later](http://i.amz.mshcdn.com/-bxl4LXH9lryGgeWTj5w9dX-ZdQ=/fit-in/1200x9600/2016%2F02%2F10%2Fdb%2FScreen_Shot.de736.jpg) after the author took a xanax or the editor saw it.", ">>{thehappyrock2} : What was korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iraq again, Afghanistan...just brief skirmishes? Don't know if you are just ignorant or a troll but either way...BLOCKED.", ">>{winstonsmith7} : Yes. We have two scoundrels. One apologized for being caught and recognized as one, the other did not. Trump is pathetic, but that in no way implies that there is any virtuous nature in Hillary. They both are the least popular candidates I can recall, and a dog catcher would beat either if it weren't for the unyielding loyalty of partisans and the all powerful political machines which create an oligarchy we delude ourselves into believing is a democracy.", '>>{winstonsmith7} : Good. The political system need more people cowering!', ">>{Nema_Nema} : Yep. I understand being upset at the status quo and wanting to vote in someone, anyone, who doesn't fit the mold of the standard politician. I really do. But I keep waiting for his supporters to stop and really think seriously about the global repercussions this tactless man-child could actually cause if he attains the presidency. I thought for sure this was some sort of joke, but now I'm just hoping people mature in time to realize this. I'm still stunned it went this far.", '>>{President_Muffley} : I think people are saying his reckless comments could trigger military conflicts. No one is talking specifically about whether Congress will declare war...', ">>{waste-of-skin} : If the president of the Philippines can call the US ambassador a gay son of a whore without any repercussions it's incredibly unlikely Trump can prompt another country go to war against the most powerful military in the world by talking shit.", ">>{christhetwin} : Hey man, he just learned about how the US officially declares war in class. He's pretty excited that he can apply it to a real life conversation!", '>>{momokie} : Well people seem to be obsessed with specifics and direct translations of the word when talking about Trump, you would think they would apply the same logic to their own speech. If Trump said we are at war with Isis people would call him an idiot and say we have a military conflict not a formal declaration of War.', '>>{Bernin4U} : And if Hillary were president she\'d just start wars without any comments. Also no Huffpo, the rest of the world aren\'t pearl clutching journalists trying to invent scandals, did Reagan\'s "outlaw Russian forever" comment start a war?', ">>{President_Muffley} : No, no one would say that. And it's not really relevant to the discussion about whether Trump's impulsive word vomit would cause international crises.", '>>{shillaccusations} : Hillary Clinton is the greater threat to our rights and would literally eliminate one of them in its entirety with one Supreme Court pick. Unfortunately that leaves Republicans in the spot of being the defenders of the Constitution that are stuck with Trump. 4 current Supreme Court Justices believe there is no individual right to own any firearms. They believe the government, at any level, has the right to impose blanket bans on all firearm ownership by all individuals in their jurisdiction. Essentially a full repeal of our 2nd amendment rights - "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" means you as an individual person may neither keep nor bear arms unless the government decides to grant you the privilege of being part of the "militia" in these Justices\' minds. Hillary agrees with them on this, saying the Heller desicion, which confirmed that individuals do have the right to own guns, is "wrong" - [source](http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-05-20/hillary-clinton-believes-pivotal-gun-rights-ruling-was-wrong-adviser-says) If you believe in the inherent right of individuals to keep and bear arms, you can\'t possibly support Hillary.', ">>{SamQuentin} : Good thing Kerry didn't win then with his little joke about killing the President in 2006...", '>>{Walkitback} : Yeah good thing. The Great Recession was such a gift.']]
classify and reply
[">>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : The only way he will be able to enforce his promises on immigration would be by deploying the Army into American streets, setting up roadblocks demanding the papers of every brown person who walks by, and dragging off into the night anyone whose answers they don't like. Anyone who wants that future is welcome to vote for this psychopath, but anyone who loves freedom had better come together and Say No to Fascism.", '>>{Prius_For_Life} : How many iPhone users have the Apple Watch? Why do you own one?', '>>{NotA_Sheep} : Or they could check to see if people have actually left when their visa expires like most other countries in the world. But roadblocks are cool too.', '>>{Neo2199} : Donald Trump Breaks Protocol Again In New Attack On “Failing” New York Times', '>>{LeviathanfromMars} : How many more times does he need to break protocol for him to be impeached please?! (And yeah mike pence is worse but he is not this insufferable!)', '>>{PutinsMissingShirt} : Wait so not building it or building it and not paying for it?', ">>{Breesusmvp} : oh man... maybe someone should take note of how many times Donald Trump breaks 'protocol'. Like he gives two shits about protocol.", ">>{HenMeister} : I bought a SS Apple Watch when it came out, and I returned it 2 weeks later. Wasn't a huge fan of it but I could definitely see the potential it had.", '>>{Elmobius} : We can also live without the idiot peddling a wall.', ">>{smoochmybumper} : Yes how dare he enforce our nation's immigration laws.", '>>{Frptwenty} : FDR brought us fireside chats, our new leader brings us toilet tweets', '>>{smoochmybumper} : My family immigrated here legally and I have my ID on me at all times so bring on the roadblocks.', ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : White House realizes government shutdowns don't look good when your own party causes them", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : You can agree or disagree with the article as you will, but it's actually making the point that Trump is sounding like he is against immigration, legal or illegal, refugee or asylum seeker.", ">>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : We do that already. We've been doing that for a decade or so, since the reorganization of immigration enforcement.", '>>{wtfwasdat} : >The White House indicated Wednesday that President Trump could go along with a government-funding bill that does not include money to begin building his proposed wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. ~~mexico will pay for the wall~~ ~~we will pay for the wall~~ the wall will materialize out of thin air', ">>{Cornwallacejackson} : I wouldn't mind a President calling out the media for all the terrible stuff they do and how they refuse to talk about the important issues.. but no.. instead it is Trump calling them out for all the wrong reasons. SIGH.", ">>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : As long as you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to fear. -Every tyrant ever. But maybe you'll get *slightly* tired of having your papers demanded every five minutes if your skin tone is darker than Trump's.", '>>{scuba_steve757} : When he says "wall", he really means drawing a line in the sand with a stick and saying \'do not cross\'', ">>{AndreyRublyov} : I don't think a tweet about a media outlet is grounds for impeachment.", '>>{NotA_Sheep} : > One widely cited statistic, from a 1997 report by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, puts the number of people who overstay their visas at 40 percent — which now would mean about 4.4 million of the estimated 11 million undocumented residents in the United States. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/02/us/politics/us-doesnt-know-how-many-foreign-visitors-overstay-visas.html?_r=0', '>>{TinyBaron} : He probably thinks he can strike the ground with his staff and proclaim "Be!" And it shall be...', ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : The New York Times deserves to be bashed. Now they're saying there is a lot of impatience with Trump picking his cabinet. Obama in 2008 wouldn't pick his first cabinet member (Geithner) until LATE November - and waited til December to pick the next one. Of course, since they are dishonest they don't care. They have an agenda to push. I hope he bans CNN, NY Times, and the Washington Compost from the White House ENTIRELY.", '>>{tatercutter} : Can someone please tell me what "I am the law and order candidate" means? Just think about that for a second.', ">>{McNuttyNutz} : I have one was bought for a gift I've been with out it now 5 days and Man I had no idea how much I used it I've been lost", '>>{TheCenterist} : Going to be tough to get that wall built unless there is funding approved from Congress. Not to mention the environmental permitting issues that will keep this thing tied up for years. Trump supporters should be in a storm about the WH even hinting they will punt on funding.', '>>{Prius_For_Life} : Haha. What were your primary uses for the watch.', ">>{SilvarusLupus} : More like take a drink every time he breaks protocol. Only way we'll get through these 4 years.", ">>{58hs} : How exactly does importing millions of third world people, every year, benefit this country, specifically? Especially with all the talk of automation for minimum wage jobs and 'universal basic income.' I'd like to know why the left is so keen on replacing the Europeans population of this country with arabs, africans and south americans. Is it strictly so that you never lose another election? Because I'm not seeing any logical reason at all why we shouldn't closer our borders completely. Immigration is not a right.", '>>{bluefootedpig} : And when he says drawing a line in the sand, he means with drones.', ">>{WalkThat} : I got my SS when it was released and have been using it daily. Notifications (edited, so only the most importantly ones come through), health and exercise tracking. Telling time... Reminders of upcoming appointments and to do items. I didn't expect to use it so much! I don't use any third party apps.", ">>{sircool099} : I was proven wrong, but here's some scare mongering for you. oh shut up already.", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : So will there be a Potemkin Wall? Donny Moscow can visit the papier mache wall, have his photo taken beside it, and declare Victory!? Will r/t_d go berserk and hail the savior of our immigration problem?', '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : By dying from alcohol poisoning within the first four months?', '>>{catchesbass} : Like some others I had one and returned it. It was way overpriced for its capabilities. I now have a Pebble Time and really enjoy it.', '>>{Tayrtahn} : >Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are! Stay tuned next week when we reveal the finalists!', '>>{DeathBeforeTrump} : It\'s what you say when you can\'t say "I\'m gonna put those fucking brown and black people in their place."', '>>{wildlight} : Maybe we should just start telling his we can see the wall and it looks great and leave it at that and everyone can be happy.', '>>{catchesbass} : Perfectly. You can reply via voice or canned responses that you program in the Pebble app', ">>{limelight22} : It's possible to have all notifications forwarded to the watch and have it only vibrate, right? How's the vibration motor?", ">>{catchesbass} : Yep. The vibration motor is strong enough that I keep my iPhone muted at all times. It's better than I ever expected.", '>>{venicerocco} : No matter what the wall becomes, it will end up as the perfect metaphor for Trumps reign.', ">>{DeathBeforeTrump} : So your evidence that we don't gather that data is you presenting that gathered data (albeit twenty years out of date... almost like you just typed some keywords into a search engine and grabbed the first thing that you thought might support your stance.)", '>>{limelight22} : Pretty great. I just wish there was an easy way to trade my Apple Watch for a pebble time round…', ">>{catchesbass} : The round doesn't have the battery of the standard Time. But it's more stylish.", ">>{limelight22} : Yeah that's why I want it, the Apple Watch battery suits me fine, and it's much worse than the Round's battery. It just looks so great.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Banning the press is Dictator 101. How can you respect the first amendment and cry like a little bitch at the first sign of dissenting speech?', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Banning the press is Dictator 101. Banning *The New York Times,* who have admitted bias against Trump. They are tabloid trash. If we let in the NY Times then we have to let in every single Redditor or blogger too because the NY Times has the same amount qualifications as they do. Others will be able to cover the White House - just not the New York Times who are still lying even today.', ">>{n1ck1982} : I got my AW sport last August, and basically use it everyday. The main uses are to tell time (don't have to pull out my iPhone), get weather alerts via Dark Sky, and scan text messages when I receive them. I have recently skipped wearing my watch some days, so it certainly has lost its luster since I got it last year. With that said, I most likely will not get the AW2 when it's released.", '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : I should hopefully not have to point out that 1997 was nearly two decades ago, and was before both 9/11 and the restructuring of immigration enforcement. And that if the number were still applicable, would still be a minority of illegal immigrants. *And* if every single one of them were known, you would still have to mount massive roundups and manhunts across the country for millions of people. I.e., roadblocks and checkpoints demanding papers from people who "look foreign" (i.e., not white).', '>>{tatercutter} : So, *more* than now? Not with *my* tax dollars!', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : They deserve it after attacking him all year long and even went so far as to print a picture of him dressed as a clown, they should be sued imo', '>>{LobaltSS} : I have had mine for a whole now, I personally think the apps suck and never use any of them. Super slow and very very limited. I use it to manage notifications, voice dictate replays, set reminders/alarms. I really enjoy the fitness tracking/step counting/sleep tracking features though.', '>>{djstarion} : I have a sport and I liked it. With watchOS 3, it breathed a whole new life to it. Runs better, able to do more.', ">>{gorehammer84} : I've had my 42mm sport since early in the year, Jan or Feb (can't remember). At first I thought it was largely redundant and unnecessary, but I've grown to love it. I've worn it every day since I got it and at this point I'd be pretty disappointed if I had to go back to a regular watch. My main uses are the weather app, managing notifications, and the fitness tracker. Before I got the Apple Watch I never really cared about things like the fitness tracker, but it's become something I challenge myself to complete every day. If nothing else it has changed my life in a positive way because of that. I hope this one will last until the AW3 at least, but I will upgrade whenever I feel like the hardware update is significant enough to justify the cost. You should definitely check out r/AppleWatch. It's not always the most active sub, but the people are really cool there in my experience.", '>>{LuckyNo13} : He will break it so much he establishes new protocol.', '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : What have you "proven"? You\'re just talking shit for your Glorious Leader\'s glorious plans to "cleanse" American society of "undesirables."', ">>{sigtaugod} : SG sport owner. Bought it the day I got my post brain surgery for epilepsy MRI. When I drove myself from southern WV to Pittsburgh to get said MRI done I thought it would be a good gift to myself. Since then I've used it for work and for health. I work in tv news and time is everything. When I need to pay attention on the quickness instead of being awkward and looking around the room to check a clock. I can multitask and just glance at my wrist when I'm using a certain face. I wouldn't recommend Mickey or a really minimalist face for something time sensitive. But you can do that when you need. The cool thing is the bands. I've gotten into collecting them and swapping them for different occasions. Have one for more formal events and a couple I just trade out when I feel like it. The weather apps are awesome. Period. End if story. The notifications are cool and you can make it do what you want I mean. If you want all your texts. Cool. Emails done. Any app that has a watch app and sends push alerts. cool. My old tv station did. And Everytime they sent a push alert about a big local story or a road closure due to a massive wreck. Bam. On my watchface I've gotten kinda addicted to it. As a matter of fact as I type this I visited my parents to help my father with something tomorrow and the job requires a lot of manual labor. So much so that it's kinda Meh. May as well just leave it at my place.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : 1. Ask your friends of Irish, Slavic, or Sicilian descent what the immigration of people from poor areas can add to this country. 2. I wasn't planning to get into this but you do realize that probably the majority of immigrants and their descendants are likely to be conservative in basic values, and they and their descendants would likely vote Republican if the Republican party would bother to treat them like valued members of society. Ps. Why do you give a shit what the racial and ethnic makeup of this country is?", ">>{NotA_Sheep} : If you read the article it briefly mentions why it's relying on a study from 1997, and the main reason for that is because there hasn't been a reliable study since then. I'd be in favor of a reliable study that could see if that number is still applicable. While 40 percent is a minority, it is still nearly half of all illegal immigrants. One thing that's important to remember about illegal immigrants is they are constantly coming in and leaving, so by putting up a wall to prevent them from walking in, and enforcing visa laws, the number of illegals could be greatly reduced over time.", '>>{smoochmybumper} : Personally, I believe that we should model our immigration system after Australia\'s where only people that have the necessary skills to contribute to society are allowed in. While this is not PC, and may trigger SJW rage, there\'s 0 benefit to bringing in millions of unskilled workers who are destined to be on the government dole for generations to come. That doesn\'t even touch on the fact that some of them come from cultures that have values that are wholly incompatible with the American way of life. Sorry, but forcing a woman to rock a trash bag or killing your child because they brought "shame" to your family is not good "diversity" even if it offends someone\'s cultural sensibilities.', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : The "paper of record" is tabloid trash, but Breitbart I assume is serious journalism? If Trump really believes they\'re committing libel he can file suit. But he won\'t, because he knows they\'re not.', ">>{swedenboi6} : I own the iPhone SE and have an AWS. I use my watch every day and love it's numerous capabilities. With no planned release of the SE until next year, I plan on upgrading to the AW2.", ">>{iakt} : I just got one some days ago only for motivating myself for training more since it's nice with a pulse meter and the synergy with the health app and activities app which I hope will get improved. Could probably work with some kind of Fitbit as well. Other than health reasons and see who are dialing to your phone, the watch isn't really worth it imo.", '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : > If you read the article it briefly mentions why it\'s relying on a study from 1997, and the main reason for that is because there hasn\'t been a reliable study since then. The lack of a recent study does not make an ancient one an adequate substitute. No one would dispute that US immigration enforcement has changed drastically since 1997. > One thing that\'s important to remember about illegal immigrants is they are constantly coming in and leaving, so by putting up a wall to prevent them from walking in, and enforcing visa laws, the number of illegals could be greatly reduced over time. Trump has vowed that his measures would be implemented "fast." What other than a nationwide sweep of American communities, roadblocks and patrolmen constantly harassing everyone with the "wrong" complexion, programs to inform on your neighbors as suspected illegals, dragging families out of basements and attics at gunpoint, etc., is going to do that?', '>>{smoochmybumper} : I\'m not concerned about the racial or ethnic makeup, but I am about cultural. Some groups are less likely to assimilate than others. In fact, I see all the time within my "ethnic" community where people are granted asylum on some BS grounds (they\'re from Eastern Europe so no fear of safety issues there) and proceed to live on the government dole for generations. They make zero effort to integrate into the society of the host nation, don\'t learn the language (since they only interact with "their" people) and then make fun of Americans\' stupidity among themselves.', ">>{NiceHookMarty} : You do realize that the media will fight any attempt to silence any one of them, right? Because today it's the Times, and then tomorrow the Post until finally there will be no media allowed to criticize Dear Leader. This *is* how dictators behave. Very stunning, sad and telling that this behavior you condone so long as it helps your dictator.", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : Oh no, someone is using free speech against a paper Democrats like. Everyone panic.', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > but Breitbart I assume is serious journalism? Breitbart admits its biases. Plus, did Obama allow Breitbart at the White House? Even if he did, I\'d say still ban the NY Times for being tabloid trash. For example, I don\'t have a problem with MSNBC or Huffington Post because we know they are biased. The New York Times is TRASH. Just today they\'re complaining about "impatience" with Trump naming cabinet members - of course, they forget to mention Obama waited til November 24th before naming his first cabinet member (Geithner), which was 20 days after the election. But yeah, I am going to trust The New York "Trump only has a 12% chance of winning the election" Times. LMAO!', '>>{Puffin_fan} : Dft is a liar, a "faker" (to quote Judge RBG), and a fraudster. Unlikely he will ever attempt to do anything he says he will.', ">>{4D_MemeKing} : This is the first workable plan for getting through the Donald's reign I've seen.", '>>{irumeru} : Every action I take, I will ask myself: does this make life better for young Americans in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson who have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child America? ', ">>{NotA_Sheep} : Border protection measures can be implemented very quickly. Right now under Obama's policies the border protocol isn't arresting everyone it catches. In many cases the workers are completely capable of stopping illegal immigration but they aren't allowed to because of the policies. So with a policy change the inflow of illegal immigrants can be slowed very quickly. The outflow of illegal immigrants will continue, and the number will reduce over time. He's talked about this at length in many of his speeches, but some further reading can be found here. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/immigration-reform", ">>{irumeru} : > Ps. Why do you give a shit what the racial and ethnic makeup of this country is? Because like virtually all humans, Americans don't want to be a minority in their own country.", ">>{4D_MemeKing} : It's hilarious that he thinks that little tease isn't completely frightening and childish.", ">>{HBombthrow} : It's the president-elect of the fucking United States. He's the government. The government doesn't have first amendment protection -- the first amendment protects *us* from *it*", ">>{black_flag_4ever} : Please show me a Court case saying someone elected president doesn't have First Amendment rights. I'll wait here patiently.", '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : That might not be much comfort if instead of doing it politically, he just whips up his heavily-armed Neo-Nazi militia supporters to take matters into their own hands. The Rwandan genocide was mostly just mobs whipped up over radio, not as much official government forces.', '>>{ShakespearInTheAlley} : > The New York Times, who have admitted bias against Trump. Then. >Breitbart admits its biases. Bruh, wha?', ">>{HBombthrow} : The country has avoided authoritarianism for 240 years because of norms of behavior as much as explicit rules. If the president sought every political advantage available to him through cynical, unchecked, maximalist application of the law, there's very little we could do to prevent tyranny outside armed rebellion. You're right, he's a private citizen until he's sworn in, and even then there's still technically a line between the office and the man. But come the fuck on", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : There are 320,000,000 American citizens. And we are not a nationality that is defined by ethnicity or race. Americans of African, South/Central American, or Asian descent are every bit as American as an American of European descent. Americans are not in any danger of becoming a minority in this country unless you are only defining Americans as White Americans. And anyway today's immigrants, legal or undocumented, are assimilating at the same rate as any of our ancestors did.", '>>{irumeru} : So white Americans not wanting to become a minority in their own country is unacceptable? Why?', ">>{CitizenKeen} : How do we know he was speaking as a private citizen and not as the President-elect? I'm just weighing in. What's the line. We've never had a President-elect who hate-tweets at 2AM, so I'm curious what that's going to look like.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : Umm. Yes. Do I really have to answer that? White Americans don't own this country. It belongs to every citizen. See also, the basic definition of racism.", ">>{irumeru} : But white Americans are the majority. If they don't want to become a minority in their own country, they shouldn't be forced to. Democracy.", ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : Is Breitbart allowed in Obama's White House? I don't know, seriously (not trolling).", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I'm not a lawyer, but I'd hazard to take a guess that modern SCOTUS would not allow race as a qualification for legal immigration. As the equal protection clause applies to both citizens and aliens.", ">>{throw_a_wai} : Probably because your question didn't address the answer to your comment, which of course was biased bull in the first place. The president shouldn't just be harassing media and saying businesses are 'failing' on a whim.", '>>{irumeru} : The Supreme Court has repeatedly decided that aliens outside the country have absolutely no Constitutional rights and may be denied for any reason at all.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : The New York Times is the polar opposite of tabloid trash. It is one of the most respected papers in the world. They have been covering trump for decades, so they probably know enough factual information about trump to avoid bias. Also, what is this admission of bias you refer to?', ">>{chuckDontSurf} : At this rate I'm expecting a tweeted state of the union address.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : If you notice I said modern SCOTUS for a reason. If we tried to move back to a racial quota system, I'd guarantee you that it would be not be allowed despite past precedent. Hell, modern SCOTUS gave enemy combatants being held at Gitmo due process rights", '>>{irumeru} : Ah, so you think that the current SCOTUS would ignore the clear letter of precedent and the Constitution. I doubt it, but that just makes it more important that I vote Trump. :)', ">>{Litig8} : It's almost like we've never had to worry about that before.", ">>{chuckDontSurf} : The scary thing is how easily he's provoked (this has been noted throughout his campaign). The guy just cannot let shit go.", ">>{black_flag_4ever} : I just don't see what difference it makes from a Constitutional law perspective. He's not even the first president that has said things that upset people and won't be the last. Obama bashed Fox News while president and nobody cared except people that watch Fox News.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : SCOTUS is the sole branch of government that decides what the Constitution means. It stands to reason that they can change their interpretation with changing times. And SCOTUS has frequently overturned prior precedent as the times have changed. Notice how separate, but equal segregation is no longer allowed. Plessy was good law for a very long time.', '>>{black_flag_4ever} : Then Obama should apologize to Fox News if that is your take on it.', ">>{irumeru} : Plessy was overruled because its basic tenet turned out to be not true. The law didn't change under it. The argument in Brown V. Board wasn't that Plessy was wrongly decided, but that the system of segregation was inherently unequal. That is not the case with immigration law.", ">>{black_flag_4ever} : We don't have to worry about it now. It's not a serious issue that a president doesn't like the New York Times.", '>>{akaBigWurm} : not yet, but trump seems to have some complex with them or vendetta.', '>>{ShakespearInTheAlley} : I doubt the president allowed an, at best, borderline white nationalist website in the press pool.', '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Who cares? As I said not a lawyer, but the precise legal reasoning of the opinion does not matter when SCOTUS says, "fuck you" to 70 years of precedent. Korematsu has still not been officially overruled, do you think modern SCOTUS would allow the entire internment of an entire race again? You\'re crazy if you think any possible modern SCOTUS would ever allow an explicit racial immigration quota again. Times change and legacy matters.', ">>{black_flag_4ever} : Even if he bad-mouthed them every day it wouldn't mean anything significant. Obama has openly criticized Fox News and the world didn't fall apart. We just live in a time where media leans in certain directions and this is the consequence of it.", ">>{CitizenKeen} : You mentioned the First Amendment. The office of the POTUS does not have a right to free speech; the human who inhabits that office does. That's the difference.", ">>{irumeru} : Oh, you're absolutely right that a liberal SCOTUS would say fuck you to precedent with unacceptable legal reasoning. However, I believe that the current SCOTUS would be tied 4-4 on the question, and if Donald Trump nominated the ninth Justice then it would be allowed.", ">>{irumeru} : I have a question for you. What is an American? Clearly it's not just those who are legally American citizens. If we brought in 1 billion Chinese and made them citizens, we'd be China, not America. What is being an American?", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : The New York Times is super biased against Trump. Just today they [released this article about "impatience" with Trump picking his cabinet.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/16/us/politics/donald-trump-transition.html) Of course, they forget to mention that in 2008 Obama didn\'t make his first cabinet choice til November 24th - 20 days after the election, and wouldn\'t name another one til DECEMBER. Of course if they mentioned that though they couldn\'t bash Trump. Such dishonesty. And their "Trump only has a 10% chance to win" was so dishonest as well. [Here is where they admit bias, and they have mentioned it many other times as well.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/business/balance-fairness-and-a-proudly-provocative-presidential-candidate.html) Another example: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/24/public-editor/liz-spayd-the-new-york-times-public-editor.html?_r=1 Another huge lie is when they interviewed 50 women and talked about how bad he treated them, but then many women came out and said they were either misquoted or taken out of context. NY Times didn\'t contact Trump even ONCE about the hit piece. I HATE THE NEW YORK TIMES!', ">>{black_flag_4ever} : Awesome observation. How does that make any difference? Answer, it doesn't.", ">>{black_flag_4ever} : You laugh, but it's the exact same thing. I don't think Fox News is 'fair and balanced' but the NYT is also not fair and balanced. They used to be, or at least pretended to be, but kind of lost that prestige this election cycle.", ">>{eggsuckingdog} : Don't read it if it makes you angry for certain. But don't expect many people to agree with you when you cite an article about how trump poses a problem to objective journalism as admitting bias.", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : If you want to get even more in the weeds, ask if there was anything that could be done about it even if it was somehow not protected speech. That would be an interesting question.', ">>{Artful_Dodger_42} : Its called satire, and is one of the most important parts of free speech. As soon as he announced his candidacy, he should have been expecting this on a daily basis. I haven't seen any other President or Presidential candidate go off on press and media as much as Trump has.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > I doubt the president allowed an, at best, borderline white nationalist website in the press pool. Good. Trump will allow Breitbart (a respectable journalist organization) and ban the New York Times. Sounds good to me. CNN needs to be banned as well, and of course, the Washington Compost.', '>>{akaBigWurm} : Not all media, the good media knows its bias and works to bring in the right views to balance it out.', '>>{black_flag_4ever} : You really believe this? Whatever happened to objective journalism?', '>>{Krawlngchaos} : Yup, someone will be pulling something out of their asses.', '>>{akaBigWurm} : I did not say there was lots of good media outlets out there. Everything seems to be a blog or option piece. I would love to turn on CNN or FOX and get analysis not a bunch of pundants circle jerking each other.', ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Pffffffffffffffffffffff. If you're so offended by it you should have won. But you lost. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! We won. You guys don't get to choose anymore. If Trump wants to ban NY Times he can - and probably will. Good, throw that garbage out. The NY Times consistently bashes Trump and lies. Done with them.", '>>{Avecitaroja} : I am getting a subscription to support this paper!']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : The only way he will be able to enforce his promises on immigration would be by deploying the Army into American streets, setting up roadblocks demanding the papers of every brown person who walks by, and dragging off into the night anyone whose answers they don't like. Anyone who wants that future is welcome to vote for this psychopath, but anyone who loves freedom had better come together and Say No to Fascism.", '>>{NotA_Sheep} : Or they could check to see if people have actually left when their visa expires like most other countries in the world. But roadblocks are cool too.', ">>{smoochmybumper} : Yes how dare he enforce our nation's immigration laws.", '>>{smoochmybumper} : My family immigrated here legally and I have my ID on me at all times so bring on the roadblocks.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : You can agree or disagree with the article as you will, but it's actually making the point that Trump is sounding like he is against immigration, legal or illegal, refugee or asylum seeker.", ">>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : We do that already. We've been doing that for a decade or so, since the reorganization of immigration enforcement.", ">>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : As long as you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to fear. -Every tyrant ever. But maybe you'll get *slightly* tired of having your papers demanded every five minutes if your skin tone is darker than Trump's.", '>>{NotA_Sheep} : > One widely cited statistic, from a 1997 report by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, puts the number of people who overstay their visas at 40 percent — which now would mean about 4.4 million of the estimated 11 million undocumented residents in the United States. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/02/us/politics/us-doesnt-know-how-many-foreign-visitors-overstay-visas.html?_r=0', '>>{tatercutter} : Can someone please tell me what "I am the law and order candidate" means? Just think about that for a second.', ">>{58hs} : How exactly does importing millions of third world people, every year, benefit this country, specifically? Especially with all the talk of automation for minimum wage jobs and 'universal basic income.' I'd like to know why the left is so keen on replacing the Europeans population of this country with arabs, africans and south americans. Is it strictly so that you never lose another election? Because I'm not seeing any logical reason at all why we shouldn't closer our borders completely. Immigration is not a right.", ">>{sircool099} : I was proven wrong, but here's some scare mongering for you. oh shut up already.", '>>{DeathBeforeTrump} : It\'s what you say when you can\'t say "I\'m gonna put those fucking brown and black people in their place."', ">>{DeathBeforeTrump} : So your evidence that we don't gather that data is you presenting that gathered data (albeit twenty years out of date... almost like you just typed some keywords into a search engine and grabbed the first thing that you thought might support your stance.)", '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : I should hopefully not have to point out that 1997 was nearly two decades ago, and was before both 9/11 and the restructuring of immigration enforcement. And that if the number were still applicable, would still be a minority of illegal immigrants. *And* if every single one of them were known, you would still have to mount massive roundups and manhunts across the country for millions of people. I.e., roadblocks and checkpoints demanding papers from people who "look foreign" (i.e., not white).', '>>{tatercutter} : So, *more* than now? Not with *my* tax dollars!', '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : What have you "proven"? You\'re just talking shit for your Glorious Leader\'s glorious plans to "cleanse" American society of "undesirables."', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : 1. Ask your friends of Irish, Slavic, or Sicilian descent what the immigration of people from poor areas can add to this country. 2. I wasn't planning to get into this but you do realize that probably the majority of immigrants and their descendants are likely to be conservative in basic values, and they and their descendants would likely vote Republican if the Republican party would bother to treat them like valued members of society. Ps. Why do you give a shit what the racial and ethnic makeup of this country is?", ">>{NotA_Sheep} : If you read the article it briefly mentions why it's relying on a study from 1997, and the main reason for that is because there hasn't been a reliable study since then. I'd be in favor of a reliable study that could see if that number is still applicable. While 40 percent is a minority, it is still nearly half of all illegal immigrants. One thing that's important to remember about illegal immigrants is they are constantly coming in and leaving, so by putting up a wall to prevent them from walking in, and enforcing visa laws, the number of illegals could be greatly reduced over time.", '>>{smoochmybumper} : Personally, I believe that we should model our immigration system after Australia\'s where only people that have the necessary skills to contribute to society are allowed in. While this is not PC, and may trigger SJW rage, there\'s 0 benefit to bringing in millions of unskilled workers who are destined to be on the government dole for generations to come. That doesn\'t even touch on the fact that some of them come from cultures that have values that are wholly incompatible with the American way of life. Sorry, but forcing a woman to rock a trash bag or killing your child because they brought "shame" to your family is not good "diversity" even if it offends someone\'s cultural sensibilities.', '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : > If you read the article it briefly mentions why it\'s relying on a study from 1997, and the main reason for that is because there hasn\'t been a reliable study since then. The lack of a recent study does not make an ancient one an adequate substitute. No one would dispute that US immigration enforcement has changed drastically since 1997. > One thing that\'s important to remember about illegal immigrants is they are constantly coming in and leaving, so by putting up a wall to prevent them from walking in, and enforcing visa laws, the number of illegals could be greatly reduced over time. Trump has vowed that his measures would be implemented "fast." What other than a nationwide sweep of American communities, roadblocks and patrolmen constantly harassing everyone with the "wrong" complexion, programs to inform on your neighbors as suspected illegals, dragging families out of basements and attics at gunpoint, etc., is going to do that?', '>>{smoochmybumper} : I\'m not concerned about the racial or ethnic makeup, but I am about cultural. Some groups are less likely to assimilate than others. In fact, I see all the time within my "ethnic" community where people are granted asylum on some BS grounds (they\'re from Eastern Europe so no fear of safety issues there) and proceed to live on the government dole for generations. They make zero effort to integrate into the society of the host nation, don\'t learn the language (since they only interact with "their" people) and then make fun of Americans\' stupidity among themselves.', '>>{Puffin_fan} : Dft is a liar, a "faker" (to quote Judge RBG), and a fraudster. Unlikely he will ever attempt to do anything he says he will.', '>>{irumeru} : Every action I take, I will ask myself: does this make life better for young Americans in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson who have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child America? ', ">>{NotA_Sheep} : Border protection measures can be implemented very quickly. Right now under Obama's policies the border protocol isn't arresting everyone it catches. In many cases the workers are completely capable of stopping illegal immigration but they aren't allowed to because of the policies. So with a policy change the inflow of illegal immigrants can be slowed very quickly. The outflow of illegal immigrants will continue, and the number will reduce over time. He's talked about this at length in many of his speeches, but some further reading can be found here. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/immigration-reform", ">>{irumeru} : > Ps. Why do you give a shit what the racial and ethnic makeup of this country is? Because like virtually all humans, Americans don't want to be a minority in their own country.", '>>{KubrickIsMyCopilot} : That might not be much comfort if instead of doing it politically, he just whips up his heavily-armed Neo-Nazi militia supporters to take matters into their own hands. The Rwandan genocide was mostly just mobs whipped up over radio, not as much official government forces.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : There are 320,000,000 American citizens. And we are not a nationality that is defined by ethnicity or race. Americans of African, South/Central American, or Asian descent are every bit as American as an American of European descent. Americans are not in any danger of becoming a minority in this country unless you are only defining Americans as White Americans. And anyway today's immigrants, legal or undocumented, are assimilating at the same rate as any of our ancestors did.", '>>{irumeru} : So white Americans not wanting to become a minority in their own country is unacceptable? Why?', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : Umm. Yes. Do I really have to answer that? White Americans don't own this country. It belongs to every citizen. See also, the basic definition of racism.", ">>{irumeru} : But white Americans are the majority. If they don't want to become a minority in their own country, they shouldn't be forced to. Democracy.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I'm not a lawyer, but I'd hazard to take a guess that modern SCOTUS would not allow race as a qualification for legal immigration. As the equal protection clause applies to both citizens and aliens.", '>>{irumeru} : The Supreme Court has repeatedly decided that aliens outside the country have absolutely no Constitutional rights and may be denied for any reason at all.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : If you notice I said modern SCOTUS for a reason. If we tried to move back to a racial quota system, I'd guarantee you that it would be not be allowed despite past precedent. Hell, modern SCOTUS gave enemy combatants being held at Gitmo due process rights", '>>{irumeru} : Ah, so you think that the current SCOTUS would ignore the clear letter of precedent and the Constitution. I doubt it, but that just makes it more important that I vote Trump. :)', '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : SCOTUS is the sole branch of government that decides what the Constitution means. It stands to reason that they can change their interpretation with changing times. And SCOTUS has frequently overturned prior precedent as the times have changed. Notice how separate, but equal segregation is no longer allowed. Plessy was good law for a very long time.', ">>{irumeru} : Plessy was overruled because its basic tenet turned out to be not true. The law didn't change under it. The argument in Brown V. Board wasn't that Plessy was wrongly decided, but that the system of segregation was inherently unequal. That is not the case with immigration law.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Who cares? As I said not a lawyer, but the precise legal reasoning of the opinion does not matter when SCOTUS says, "fuck you" to 70 years of precedent. Korematsu has still not been officially overruled, do you think modern SCOTUS would allow the entire internment of an entire race again? You\'re crazy if you think any possible modern SCOTUS would ever allow an explicit racial immigration quota again. Times change and legacy matters.', ">>{irumeru} : Oh, you're absolutely right that a liberal SCOTUS would say fuck you to precedent with unacceptable legal reasoning. However, I believe that the current SCOTUS would be tied 4-4 on the question, and if Donald Trump nominated the ninth Justice then it would be allowed.", ">>{irumeru} : I have a question for you. What is an American? Clearly it's not just those who are legally American citizens. If we brought in 1 billion Chinese and made them citizens, we'd be China, not America. What is being an American?"], ['>>{PutinsMissingShirt} : Wait so not building it or building it and not paying for it?', '>>{Elmobius} : We can also live without the idiot peddling a wall.', ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : White House realizes government shutdowns don't look good when your own party causes them", '>>{wtfwasdat} : >The White House indicated Wednesday that President Trump could go along with a government-funding bill that does not include money to begin building his proposed wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. ~~mexico will pay for the wall~~ ~~we will pay for the wall~~ the wall will materialize out of thin air', '>>{scuba_steve757} : When he says "wall", he really means drawing a line in the sand with a stick and saying \'do not cross\'', '>>{TinyBaron} : He probably thinks he can strike the ground with his staff and proclaim "Be!" And it shall be...', '>>{TheCenterist} : Going to be tough to get that wall built unless there is funding approved from Congress. Not to mention the environmental permitting issues that will keep this thing tied up for years. Trump supporters should be in a storm about the WH even hinting they will punt on funding.', '>>{bluefootedpig} : And when he says drawing a line in the sand, he means with drones.', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : So will there be a Potemkin Wall? Donny Moscow can visit the papier mache wall, have his photo taken beside it, and declare Victory!? Will r/t_d go berserk and hail the savior of our immigration problem?', '>>{wildlight} : Maybe we should just start telling his we can see the wall and it looks great and leave it at that and everyone can be happy.', '>>{venicerocco} : No matter what the wall becomes, it will end up as the perfect metaphor for Trumps reign.'], ['>>{Prius_For_Life} : How many iPhone users have the Apple Watch? Why do you own one?', ">>{HenMeister} : I bought a SS Apple Watch when it came out, and I returned it 2 weeks later. Wasn't a huge fan of it but I could definitely see the potential it had.", ">>{McNuttyNutz} : I have one was bought for a gift I've been with out it now 5 days and Man I had no idea how much I used it I've been lost", '>>{Prius_For_Life} : Haha. What were your primary uses for the watch.', ">>{WalkThat} : I got my SS when it was released and have been using it daily. Notifications (edited, so only the most importantly ones come through), health and exercise tracking. Telling time... Reminders of upcoming appointments and to do items. I didn't expect to use it so much! I don't use any third party apps.", '>>{catchesbass} : Like some others I had one and returned it. It was way overpriced for its capabilities. I now have a Pebble Time and really enjoy it.', '>>{catchesbass} : Perfectly. You can reply via voice or canned responses that you program in the Pebble app', ">>{limelight22} : It's possible to have all notifications forwarded to the watch and have it only vibrate, right? How's the vibration motor?", ">>{catchesbass} : Yep. The vibration motor is strong enough that I keep my iPhone muted at all times. It's better than I ever expected.", '>>{limelight22} : Pretty great. I just wish there was an easy way to trade my Apple Watch for a pebble time round…', ">>{catchesbass} : The round doesn't have the battery of the standard Time. But it's more stylish.", ">>{limelight22} : Yeah that's why I want it, the Apple Watch battery suits me fine, and it's much worse than the Round's battery. It just looks so great.", ">>{n1ck1982} : I got my AW sport last August, and basically use it everyday. The main uses are to tell time (don't have to pull out my iPhone), get weather alerts via Dark Sky, and scan text messages when I receive them. I have recently skipped wearing my watch some days, so it certainly has lost its luster since I got it last year. With that said, I most likely will not get the AW2 when it's released.", '>>{LobaltSS} : I have had mine for a whole now, I personally think the apps suck and never use any of them. Super slow and very very limited. I use it to manage notifications, voice dictate replays, set reminders/alarms. I really enjoy the fitness tracking/step counting/sleep tracking features though.', '>>{djstarion} : I have a sport and I liked it. With watchOS 3, it breathed a whole new life to it. Runs better, able to do more.', ">>{gorehammer84} : I've had my 42mm sport since early in the year, Jan or Feb (can't remember). At first I thought it was largely redundant and unnecessary, but I've grown to love it. I've worn it every day since I got it and at this point I'd be pretty disappointed if I had to go back to a regular watch. My main uses are the weather app, managing notifications, and the fitness tracker. Before I got the Apple Watch I never really cared about things like the fitness tracker, but it's become something I challenge myself to complete every day. If nothing else it has changed my life in a positive way because of that. I hope this one will last until the AW3 at least, but I will upgrade whenever I feel like the hardware update is significant enough to justify the cost. You should definitely check out r/AppleWatch. It's not always the most active sub, but the people are really cool there in my experience.", ">>{sigtaugod} : SG sport owner. Bought it the day I got my post brain surgery for epilepsy MRI. When I drove myself from southern WV to Pittsburgh to get said MRI done I thought it would be a good gift to myself. Since then I've used it for work and for health. I work in tv news and time is everything. When I need to pay attention on the quickness instead of being awkward and looking around the room to check a clock. I can multitask and just glance at my wrist when I'm using a certain face. I wouldn't recommend Mickey or a really minimalist face for something time sensitive. But you can do that when you need. The cool thing is the bands. I've gotten into collecting them and swapping them for different occasions. Have one for more formal events and a couple I just trade out when I feel like it. The weather apps are awesome. Period. End if story. The notifications are cool and you can make it do what you want I mean. If you want all your texts. Cool. Emails done. Any app that has a watch app and sends push alerts. cool. My old tv station did. And Everytime they sent a push alert about a big local story or a road closure due to a massive wreck. Bam. On my watchface I've gotten kinda addicted to it. As a matter of fact as I type this I visited my parents to help my father with something tomorrow and the job requires a lot of manual labor. So much so that it's kinda Meh. May as well just leave it at my place.", ">>{swedenboi6} : I own the iPhone SE and have an AWS. I use my watch every day and love it's numerous capabilities. With no planned release of the SE until next year, I plan on upgrading to the AW2.", ">>{iakt} : I just got one some days ago only for motivating myself for training more since it's nice with a pulse meter and the synergy with the health app and activities app which I hope will get improved. Could probably work with some kind of Fitbit as well. Other than health reasons and see who are dialing to your phone, the watch isn't really worth it imo."], ['>>{Neo2199} : Donald Trump Breaks Protocol Again In New Attack On “Failing” New York Times', '>>{LeviathanfromMars} : How many more times does he need to break protocol for him to be impeached please?! (And yeah mike pence is worse but he is not this insufferable!)', ">>{Breesusmvp} : oh man... maybe someone should take note of how many times Donald Trump breaks 'protocol'. Like he gives two shits about protocol.", '>>{Frptwenty} : FDR brought us fireside chats, our new leader brings us toilet tweets', ">>{Cornwallacejackson} : I wouldn't mind a President calling out the media for all the terrible stuff they do and how they refuse to talk about the important issues.. but no.. instead it is Trump calling them out for all the wrong reasons. SIGH.", ">>{AndreyRublyov} : I don't think a tweet about a media outlet is grounds for impeachment.", ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : The New York Times deserves to be bashed. Now they're saying there is a lot of impatience with Trump picking his cabinet. Obama in 2008 wouldn't pick his first cabinet member (Geithner) until LATE November - and waited til December to pick the next one. Of course, since they are dishonest they don't care. They have an agenda to push. I hope he bans CNN, NY Times, and the Washington Compost from the White House ENTIRELY.", ">>{SilvarusLupus} : More like take a drink every time he breaks protocol. Only way we'll get through these 4 years.", '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : By dying from alcohol poisoning within the first four months?', '>>{Tayrtahn} : >Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are! Stay tuned next week when we reveal the finalists!', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Banning the press is Dictator 101. How can you respect the first amendment and cry like a little bitch at the first sign of dissenting speech?', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Banning the press is Dictator 101. Banning *The New York Times,* who have admitted bias against Trump. They are tabloid trash. If we let in the NY Times then we have to let in every single Redditor or blogger too because the NY Times has the same amount qualifications as they do. Others will be able to cover the White House - just not the New York Times who are still lying even today.', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : They deserve it after attacking him all year long and even went so far as to print a picture of him dressed as a clown, they should be sued imo', '>>{LuckyNo13} : He will break it so much he establishes new protocol.', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : The "paper of record" is tabloid trash, but Breitbart I assume is serious journalism? If Trump really believes they\'re committing libel he can file suit. But he won\'t, because he knows they\'re not.', ">>{NiceHookMarty} : You do realize that the media will fight any attempt to silence any one of them, right? Because today it's the Times, and then tomorrow the Post until finally there will be no media allowed to criticize Dear Leader. This *is* how dictators behave. Very stunning, sad and telling that this behavior you condone so long as it helps your dictator.", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : Oh no, someone is using free speech against a paper Democrats like. Everyone panic.', '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > but Breitbart I assume is serious journalism? Breitbart admits its biases. Plus, did Obama allow Breitbart at the White House? Even if he did, I\'d say still ban the NY Times for being tabloid trash. For example, I don\'t have a problem with MSNBC or Huffington Post because we know they are biased. The New York Times is TRASH. Just today they\'re complaining about "impatience" with Trump naming cabinet members - of course, they forget to mention Obama waited til November 24th before naming his first cabinet member (Geithner), which was 20 days after the election. But yeah, I am going to trust The New York "Trump only has a 12% chance of winning the election" Times. LMAO!', ">>{4D_MemeKing} : This is the first workable plan for getting through the Donald's reign I've seen.", ">>{4D_MemeKing} : It's hilarious that he thinks that little tease isn't completely frightening and childish.", ">>{HBombthrow} : It's the president-elect of the fucking United States. He's the government. The government doesn't have first amendment protection -- the first amendment protects *us* from *it*", ">>{black_flag_4ever} : Please show me a Court case saying someone elected president doesn't have First Amendment rights. I'll wait here patiently.", '>>{ShakespearInTheAlley} : > The New York Times, who have admitted bias against Trump. Then. >Breitbart admits its biases. Bruh, wha?', ">>{HBombthrow} : The country has avoided authoritarianism for 240 years because of norms of behavior as much as explicit rules. If the president sought every political advantage available to him through cynical, unchecked, maximalist application of the law, there's very little we could do to prevent tyranny outside armed rebellion. You're right, he's a private citizen until he's sworn in, and even then there's still technically a line between the office and the man. But come the fuck on", ">>{CitizenKeen} : How do we know he was speaking as a private citizen and not as the President-elect? I'm just weighing in. What's the line. We've never had a President-elect who hate-tweets at 2AM, so I'm curious what that's going to look like.", ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : Is Breitbart allowed in Obama's White House? I don't know, seriously (not trolling).", ">>{throw_a_wai} : Probably because your question didn't address the answer to your comment, which of course was biased bull in the first place. The president shouldn't just be harassing media and saying businesses are 'failing' on a whim.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : The New York Times is the polar opposite of tabloid trash. It is one of the most respected papers in the world. They have been covering trump for decades, so they probably know enough factual information about trump to avoid bias. Also, what is this admission of bias you refer to?', ">>{chuckDontSurf} : At this rate I'm expecting a tweeted state of the union address.", ">>{Litig8} : It's almost like we've never had to worry about that before.", ">>{chuckDontSurf} : The scary thing is how easily he's provoked (this has been noted throughout his campaign). The guy just cannot let shit go.", ">>{black_flag_4ever} : I just don't see what difference it makes from a Constitutional law perspective. He's not even the first president that has said things that upset people and won't be the last. Obama bashed Fox News while president and nobody cared except people that watch Fox News.", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : Then Obama should apologize to Fox News if that is your take on it.', ">>{black_flag_4ever} : We don't have to worry about it now. It's not a serious issue that a president doesn't like the New York Times.", '>>{akaBigWurm} : not yet, but trump seems to have some complex with them or vendetta.', '>>{ShakespearInTheAlley} : I doubt the president allowed an, at best, borderline white nationalist website in the press pool.', ">>{black_flag_4ever} : Even if he bad-mouthed them every day it wouldn't mean anything significant. Obama has openly criticized Fox News and the world didn't fall apart. We just live in a time where media leans in certain directions and this is the consequence of it.", ">>{CitizenKeen} : You mentioned the First Amendment. The office of the POTUS does not have a right to free speech; the human who inhabits that office does. That's the difference.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : The New York Times is super biased against Trump. Just today they [released this article about "impatience" with Trump picking his cabinet.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/16/us/politics/donald-trump-transition.html) Of course, they forget to mention that in 2008 Obama didn\'t make his first cabinet choice til November 24th - 20 days after the election, and wouldn\'t name another one til DECEMBER. Of course if they mentioned that though they couldn\'t bash Trump. Such dishonesty. And their "Trump only has a 10% chance to win" was so dishonest as well. [Here is where they admit bias, and they have mentioned it many other times as well.](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/business/balance-fairness-and-a-proudly-provocative-presidential-candidate.html) Another example: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/24/public-editor/liz-spayd-the-new-york-times-public-editor.html?_r=1 Another huge lie is when they interviewed 50 women and talked about how bad he treated them, but then many women came out and said they were either misquoted or taken out of context. NY Times didn\'t contact Trump even ONCE about the hit piece. I HATE THE NEW YORK TIMES!', ">>{black_flag_4ever} : Awesome observation. How does that make any difference? Answer, it doesn't.", ">>{black_flag_4ever} : You laugh, but it's the exact same thing. I don't think Fox News is 'fair and balanced' but the NYT is also not fair and balanced. They used to be, or at least pretended to be, but kind of lost that prestige this election cycle.", ">>{eggsuckingdog} : Don't read it if it makes you angry for certain. But don't expect many people to agree with you when you cite an article about how trump poses a problem to objective journalism as admitting bias.", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : If you want to get even more in the weeds, ask if there was anything that could be done about it even if it was somehow not protected speech. That would be an interesting question.', ">>{Artful_Dodger_42} : Its called satire, and is one of the most important parts of free speech. As soon as he announced his candidacy, he should have been expecting this on a daily basis. I haven't seen any other President or Presidential candidate go off on press and media as much as Trump has.", '>>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > I doubt the president allowed an, at best, borderline white nationalist website in the press pool. Good. Trump will allow Breitbart (a respectable journalist organization) and ban the New York Times. Sounds good to me. CNN needs to be banned as well, and of course, the Washington Compost.', '>>{akaBigWurm} : Not all media, the good media knows its bias and works to bring in the right views to balance it out.', '>>{black_flag_4ever} : You really believe this? Whatever happened to objective journalism?', '>>{Krawlngchaos} : Yup, someone will be pulling something out of their asses.', '>>{akaBigWurm} : I did not say there was lots of good media outlets out there. Everything seems to be a blog or option piece. I would love to turn on CNN or FOX and get analysis not a bunch of pundants circle jerking each other.', ">>{OnlyFactsMatter} : > Pffffffffffffffffffffff. If you're so offended by it you should have won. But you lost. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! We won. You guys don't get to choose anymore. If Trump wants to ban NY Times he can - and probably will. Good, throw that garbage out. The NY Times consistently bashes Trump and lies. Done with them.", '>>{Avecitaroja} : I am getting a subscription to support this paper!']]
classify and reply
[">>{thefunkylemon} : The Dyson 360 Eye is the best robotic vacuum, which is why it's $1,000", '>>{LeapingLupine} : Nobody is going to buy it. Dyson is just a show pony.', ">>{Ree81} : Why the negativity? The article brings this up, saying it does miss a couple of spots under the sofa, but it does *such* a good job at the spots it can reach that it's apparently easily the best one out there. The 2-3 inch toe kick it can't physically reach with it's body it'll probably compensate for with added suction.", '>>{NegligentKarma} : Dyson reminds me so much of Bose; mediocre product at best, but truly brilliant marketing.', ">>{PrettySlickShit} : Plus I think i read somewhere that they're already working on v2.0 and beyond", '>>{Ree81} : Oh my, have I been "trolled"? How fun!', ">>{NegligentKarma} : No, you haven't been trolled, you've been gullible to marketing.", '>>{quick5pnt0} : For $1000 it better be the best. And it better bring my slippers when I come home.', '>>{Ree81} : So your complaint is that I read the article?', '>>{tedwinaslowsby} : And if I were a billionaire, I would still buy two just to play roomba beer pong.', '>>{quezlar} : i love the video where the dude makes a "bladeless fan" out of flower pots', '>>{quezlar} : i agree the man can cut a circle free hand better than i could with a hole saw', ">>{iushciuweiush} : >which is why it's $1,000 My Neato was $250 and it does a solid job. Is this one better? I assume so but is it 400% better? I doubt it. Can you imagine anyone defending the 'best smart phone' if it was priced at $2400?", '>>{NegligentKarma} : Yeah...you just keep thinking that, sucker. If it\'s just a "review" as you foolishly think, then why is it so clearly biased to a fictional level? I guess the reviewer just happens to be the shittiest reviewer of all time, right? Dysons aren\'t anything special, they just have excellent marketing. Yet, this idiot is practically gushing over the thing. It\'s pure marketing.', ">>{theymadethat} : To be fair there are people very happy with smart phones that cost below $100, while the 'best' smart phones start at $500. Dyson's price strategy isn't anything new or unique.", ">>{theymadethat} : I've gotten all of my Dyson products refurbished for 40-70% cheaper than what they cost brand new. The only time I questioned whether or not it was a smart buy was when I got a 2nd or 3rd gen version of their bladeless fan / heater. It only worked 3 times and it was still not working after a 'repair' within warranty... but Dyson made up for it by giving us a completely brand new 5th gen of the same product that actually works and still works to this day.", ">>{pr0ntoo} : They didn't even test it against iRobot's stuff they just picked some piece of shit value brand garbage and compared it to that.", ">>{15MinClub} : I thought Bose made good products. What's a good company for speakers?", '>>{AxelFriggenFoley} : They make good speakers but charge a premium price. I think the exception might be their noise canceling headphones which are very good and seem to be almost universally respected. The ultimate expression of Bose-ness is their wave radio which is a mediocre $500 (or used to be this price) radio alarm clock.', '>>{Me-as-I} : What are you looking for (PC speakers. Home theater, Etc.)', '>>{radical_axis} : [CNet: meh and overpriced.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq39w6b-N0E)', '>>{snowball666} : [Axiom Audio](http://www.axiomaudio.com/) [B&W](http://www.bowers-wilkins.com) [PSB](http://www.psbspeakers.com) [Monitor Audio](http://www.monitoraudiousa.com/) [ELAC](http://elac.com/) [Paradigm](http://www.paradigm.com/) [GoldenEar](http://www.goldenear.com/) [Focal](http://www.focal.com/) [DynAudio](http://www.dynaudio.com/) [Martin Logan](http://www.martinlogan.com/) [Definitive Technology](http://www.definitivetech.com/) [Dali](http://www.dali-speakers.com/us/) Some of these are pricier than others. ELAC is the best bang for the buck right now IMO. Their are plenty of other options out there too.', ">>{Crowing77} : It doesn't help that most of the robotic vacuums out there are more prone to breaking and are much more complicated to fix compared to typical vacuums. Then consider that you still need a regular model to clean those areas it couldn't reach. Maybe Dyson's entry is higher quality, but it's a big pill to swallow.", '>>{Universefire} : Bose is still the best at noise cancelling right??', '>>{snowball666} : > Bose is still the best at noise cancelling right?? For active noise cancelling headphones the Bose lineup is very well regarded.', '>>{Gyvante} : They don\'t market towards the cost conscious buyer, their target market is the well off lower upper class that doesn\'t have the cash for cleaning service, but has enough disposable income to throw it at anything labeled "the best" without doing any research. Bose follows a similar strategy.', '>>{Tai_daishar} : No, because it reads like marketing copy. "Mike Aldred was hired by high-end appliance maker Dyson in 1998 with the goal of creating a robotic vacuum. Aldred was familiar with founder James Dyson’s legendary perfectionism, but even that didn’t prepare him for the task that lay ahead. For the next 18 years he worked this singular idea without a single commercial product release to show for his troubles." Completely irrelevant to the discussion of the vacuum. Unless you are priming the reader. The article is 12 paragraphs long. The first paragraph is irrelevant bullshit that has nothing to do with the vacuum. The last one is basically praising how great the company is. So, that is 2 paragraphs that have no purpose in a review for a product. Lets see what else we can find. The second paragraph is a bunch of tech speak to basically say that the reason the vacuum is so big, and therefore wont work if you own furniture of normal size, is because of how great the vacuum is at sucking, using the patented cyclone technology. Its pure bullshit PR to cover for the fact that the vacuum looks like a minikeg. 3rd paragraph. An actual review and comparison of the product with a similar product. Where they explain the fact that it cant reach as much as the competition, but it vacuums much better in the areas in can reach. Again, see 2nd paragraph for why. 4th - 10th paragraphs Filler with nothing to really add other than PR bullshit about how Dyson will improve the vacuum over time. 11th paragraph, the only one that really matters out of all of them, they come out and say "well, this cheaper vacuum is better in every way." Closing paragraph? How great the product is. Hell, he repeatedly defends the product in the comments. Its PR. They snuck in a single sentence showing how full of shit the rest of the article is.', ">>{LibraryLuLu} : I've just thrown my Dyson in the bin. The worst, most expensive piece of plastic crap I've ever purchased. All the bits fell off, the plastic kept breaking, the suction was terrible. It never cleaned, it just shed all of its parts all over the house. Throwing that thing out into the bin has made me so happy!", ">>{motonaut} : Why wouldn't lower upper class have cash for a cleaning service? I use my roomba between maid visits. I don't even own a normal vacuum.", ">>{u_have_ASS_CANCER} : Bose is king of noise cancellation but for pure sound, other companies are better. I'm not familiar with speakers but the other commenters have a good list. In headphone-land Bose is not great. If you just want great sound, major brands just as Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, AKG, and Beyerdynamic are great. If you travel a lot by plane, though, Bose noise-cancelling headphones aren't a bad buy, but don't buy their earbuds or non-noise cancelling stuff.", ">>{Dumiston} : I didn't even finish reading the article because it was so very clearly marketing, and not an actual review. Garbage. Edit: Also, Roomba masterrace.", '>>{Dumiston} : To be fair, the newest model Roomba is like $750ish.', ">>{JoNoobie} : I wouldn't mind trying out other ear buds. I've only ever used apples ear buds and some Bose ear buds.", ">>{Fairuse} : I bought one of their fancy commercial Dyson Tap to test out. Basically a faucet with built in air blade hand dryer. Definitely one of Dyson's more premium product as it is not completely made of plastic...", '>>{njordsrealm} : Usually depends on what you listen to. I tend to go for Sennheiser as the price v quality tends to work well for me.', '>>{eras} : I can, if it is truly superior. If someone came to me and introduced me to a smart phone with the following specs: 16 gigabytes memory, 5" display that can be unfolded to 10" display, comes with an optional keyboard accessory, runs both iOS and Android, has external microSD slot, waterproof, weighs 140 grams, the battery lasts a month on a single charge, and it would cost $10000, how could you possibly argue it\'s not the best phone? The thing with all-around bestness of items is that is that their perceived value/cost ratio is lower than a cheaper item\'s and the point is instead that their absolute value is better. You can\'t buy ten affordable cars and then say you\'re getting the better experience than with one Tesla. Though I don\'t know if actually getting four Neatos would give better experience than getting one of these..', ">>{QueueWho} : I have a Dyson battery powered stick vacuum and also have the Dyson Animal. I fought my wife on buying them, I thought there is no way these things are worth it. They feel really chintzy, made of light weight, bendy plastic. I've never had any vacuum work as well as both of those though.", ">>{lordmycal} : I love my neato. I only have to vacuum once a week now, and I just do the corners and such that the neato can't get to. Between my dogs, cats, kid, and the house fan my floors get pretty dirty, but I come home, empty the dust bin and enjoy my clean floors.", ">>{lordmycal} : I don't think iRobot makes the best vacuum, it's just that roomba is the most well known. It's like a xerox machine or kleenex -- the brand becomes a synonym for that category of objects.", ">>{Me-as-I} : I really love the RHA ma750s. Good bass, and the treble is extremely clear. I used to think I didn't really like treble until listening to these. They shimmer. Not too much either. Shure se215 is also nice, with a warmer sound and a lot less treble. Well reviewed, to me it sounded a bit muffled though, because of the lack of treble. Really just personal preference.", '>>{AkirIkasu} : I would say to go with other companies if you want noise-isolating headphones, too. Sennheiser makes headsets for helicopter pilots; I think their noise cancelling headphones might just be good enough.', ">>{AkirIkasu} : I saw one of those at Ikea. They're pretty nifty. That being said, Mitsubishi makes a much better version of the standalone Air Blade.", ">>{n_choose_k} : Definitely a solid list. I have the Golden Ear Triton Twos and couldn't be happier.", ">>{Hershieboy} : I have an original dyson vacuum and it's amazing built like a tank, easy to clean, and cleans amazing. It's lasted 14 years and cleans as good as day one. My parents bought a dyson 4 tears ago, cheap and flimsy, already broken. I think they started making them less durable in order to sell them more often now.", '>>{Torkbook} : One could buy both robots. Have the Dyson run first and then the Roomba. The roomba tend to ware out more quickly so the dyson would probably keep it running for longer.', ">>{a-a-a-a-a-a} : I'll happily pay $1000 when it can traverse stairs.", '>>{JoNoobie} : After reading the reviews and looking them over I just ordered a pair of RHA ma750s! Thanks for the advice! I needed a new pair anyways the wire on my Bose came loose from the ear bud.', ">>{joergonix} : Bose made themselves relevant to modern consumers by simply making speakers small and convincing consumers that with enough bass and surround sound wizardry anything (Bose controlled demos) can sound good. Truth is that it's crazy hard to make small speakers sound good, and consequently anything larger will just blow Bose away. Add quality components and a great enclosure plus decent amp to the mix and Bose can't even begin to compete.", ">>{mccabeben} : I've been testing one for a few weeks – and it's better than any other robot vacuum cleaner I've seen before in terms of quality of the clean, usability etc... Not sure it quite justifies being that much more expensive than other products, though.", ">>{JSchuler99} : There is a huge difference between ANC and sound isolation. If you're going to give people purchasing advice, at least know what you're talking about.", ">>{big_deal} : First, a robotic vacuum doesn't have to do a great job. What it's missing in suction is more than made up for by the fact that you can program it to come out several days a week while you're at work. So even if it doesn't do a great job vacuuming my floors are much cleaner than if I had to rely on myself vacuuming maybe once a month. So once you've got your robot vacuuming for you several times a week the dirtiest parts of your home are going to be the places it doesn't reach and those dirty spots become *really* annoying. So annoying that I won't purchase new furniture unless my Roomba fits under it. I even purchase new feet for a couch so that the Roomba could do it's thing. I don't think I could ever find furniture that the Dyson will fit under.", '>>{snowball666} : They make some great products like the Heresy and Klipschorn. I just often find I prefer other brands.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{thefunkylemon} : The Dyson 360 Eye is the best robotic vacuum, which is why it's $1,000", '>>{LeapingLupine} : Nobody is going to buy it. Dyson is just a show pony.', ">>{Ree81} : Why the negativity? The article brings this up, saying it does miss a couple of spots under the sofa, but it does *such* a good job at the spots it can reach that it's apparently easily the best one out there. The 2-3 inch toe kick it can't physically reach with it's body it'll probably compensate for with added suction.", '>>{NegligentKarma} : Dyson reminds me so much of Bose; mediocre product at best, but truly brilliant marketing.', ">>{PrettySlickShit} : Plus I think i read somewhere that they're already working on v2.0 and beyond", '>>{Ree81} : Oh my, have I been "trolled"? How fun!', ">>{NegligentKarma} : No, you haven't been trolled, you've been gullible to marketing.", '>>{quick5pnt0} : For $1000 it better be the best. And it better bring my slippers when I come home.', '>>{Ree81} : So your complaint is that I read the article?', '>>{tedwinaslowsby} : And if I were a billionaire, I would still buy two just to play roomba beer pong.', '>>{quezlar} : i love the video where the dude makes a "bladeless fan" out of flower pots', '>>{quezlar} : i agree the man can cut a circle free hand better than i could with a hole saw', ">>{iushciuweiush} : >which is why it's $1,000 My Neato was $250 and it does a solid job. Is this one better? I assume so but is it 400% better? I doubt it. Can you imagine anyone defending the 'best smart phone' if it was priced at $2400?", '>>{NegligentKarma} : Yeah...you just keep thinking that, sucker. If it\'s just a "review" as you foolishly think, then why is it so clearly biased to a fictional level? I guess the reviewer just happens to be the shittiest reviewer of all time, right? Dysons aren\'t anything special, they just have excellent marketing. Yet, this idiot is practically gushing over the thing. It\'s pure marketing.', ">>{theymadethat} : To be fair there are people very happy with smart phones that cost below $100, while the 'best' smart phones start at $500. Dyson's price strategy isn't anything new or unique.", ">>{theymadethat} : I've gotten all of my Dyson products refurbished for 40-70% cheaper than what they cost brand new. The only time I questioned whether or not it was a smart buy was when I got a 2nd or 3rd gen version of their bladeless fan / heater. It only worked 3 times and it was still not working after a 'repair' within warranty... but Dyson made up for it by giving us a completely brand new 5th gen of the same product that actually works and still works to this day.", ">>{pr0ntoo} : They didn't even test it against iRobot's stuff they just picked some piece of shit value brand garbage and compared it to that.", ">>{15MinClub} : I thought Bose made good products. What's a good company for speakers?", '>>{AxelFriggenFoley} : They make good speakers but charge a premium price. I think the exception might be their noise canceling headphones which are very good and seem to be almost universally respected. The ultimate expression of Bose-ness is their wave radio which is a mediocre $500 (or used to be this price) radio alarm clock.', '>>{Me-as-I} : What are you looking for (PC speakers. Home theater, Etc.)', '>>{radical_axis} : [CNet: meh and overpriced.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq39w6b-N0E)', '>>{snowball666} : [Axiom Audio](http://www.axiomaudio.com/) [B&W](http://www.bowers-wilkins.com) [PSB](http://www.psbspeakers.com) [Monitor Audio](http://www.monitoraudiousa.com/) [ELAC](http://elac.com/) [Paradigm](http://www.paradigm.com/) [GoldenEar](http://www.goldenear.com/) [Focal](http://www.focal.com/) [DynAudio](http://www.dynaudio.com/) [Martin Logan](http://www.martinlogan.com/) [Definitive Technology](http://www.definitivetech.com/) [Dali](http://www.dali-speakers.com/us/) Some of these are pricier than others. ELAC is the best bang for the buck right now IMO. Their are plenty of other options out there too.', ">>{Crowing77} : It doesn't help that most of the robotic vacuums out there are more prone to breaking and are much more complicated to fix compared to typical vacuums. Then consider that you still need a regular model to clean those areas it couldn't reach. Maybe Dyson's entry is higher quality, but it's a big pill to swallow.", '>>{Universefire} : Bose is still the best at noise cancelling right??', '>>{snowball666} : > Bose is still the best at noise cancelling right?? For active noise cancelling headphones the Bose lineup is very well regarded.', '>>{Gyvante} : They don\'t market towards the cost conscious buyer, their target market is the well off lower upper class that doesn\'t have the cash for cleaning service, but has enough disposable income to throw it at anything labeled "the best" without doing any research. Bose follows a similar strategy.', '>>{Tai_daishar} : No, because it reads like marketing copy. "Mike Aldred was hired by high-end appliance maker Dyson in 1998 with the goal of creating a robotic vacuum. Aldred was familiar with founder James Dyson’s legendary perfectionism, but even that didn’t prepare him for the task that lay ahead. For the next 18 years he worked this singular idea without a single commercial product release to show for his troubles." Completely irrelevant to the discussion of the vacuum. Unless you are priming the reader. The article is 12 paragraphs long. The first paragraph is irrelevant bullshit that has nothing to do with the vacuum. The last one is basically praising how great the company is. So, that is 2 paragraphs that have no purpose in a review for a product. Lets see what else we can find. The second paragraph is a bunch of tech speak to basically say that the reason the vacuum is so big, and therefore wont work if you own furniture of normal size, is because of how great the vacuum is at sucking, using the patented cyclone technology. Its pure bullshit PR to cover for the fact that the vacuum looks like a minikeg. 3rd paragraph. An actual review and comparison of the product with a similar product. Where they explain the fact that it cant reach as much as the competition, but it vacuums much better in the areas in can reach. Again, see 2nd paragraph for why. 4th - 10th paragraphs Filler with nothing to really add other than PR bullshit about how Dyson will improve the vacuum over time. 11th paragraph, the only one that really matters out of all of them, they come out and say "well, this cheaper vacuum is better in every way." Closing paragraph? How great the product is. Hell, he repeatedly defends the product in the comments. Its PR. They snuck in a single sentence showing how full of shit the rest of the article is.', ">>{LibraryLuLu} : I've just thrown my Dyson in the bin. The worst, most expensive piece of plastic crap I've ever purchased. All the bits fell off, the plastic kept breaking, the suction was terrible. It never cleaned, it just shed all of its parts all over the house. Throwing that thing out into the bin has made me so happy!", ">>{motonaut} : Why wouldn't lower upper class have cash for a cleaning service? I use my roomba between maid visits. I don't even own a normal vacuum.", ">>{u_have_ASS_CANCER} : Bose is king of noise cancellation but for pure sound, other companies are better. I'm not familiar with speakers but the other commenters have a good list. In headphone-land Bose is not great. If you just want great sound, major brands just as Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, AKG, and Beyerdynamic are great. If you travel a lot by plane, though, Bose noise-cancelling headphones aren't a bad buy, but don't buy their earbuds or non-noise cancelling stuff.", ">>{Dumiston} : I didn't even finish reading the article because it was so very clearly marketing, and not an actual review. Garbage. Edit: Also, Roomba masterrace.", '>>{Dumiston} : To be fair, the newest model Roomba is like $750ish.', ">>{JoNoobie} : I wouldn't mind trying out other ear buds. I've only ever used apples ear buds and some Bose ear buds.", ">>{Fairuse} : I bought one of their fancy commercial Dyson Tap to test out. Basically a faucet with built in air blade hand dryer. Definitely one of Dyson's more premium product as it is not completely made of plastic...", '>>{njordsrealm} : Usually depends on what you listen to. I tend to go for Sennheiser as the price v quality tends to work well for me.', '>>{eras} : I can, if it is truly superior. If someone came to me and introduced me to a smart phone with the following specs: 16 gigabytes memory, 5" display that can be unfolded to 10" display, comes with an optional keyboard accessory, runs both iOS and Android, has external microSD slot, waterproof, weighs 140 grams, the battery lasts a month on a single charge, and it would cost $10000, how could you possibly argue it\'s not the best phone? The thing with all-around bestness of items is that is that their perceived value/cost ratio is lower than a cheaper item\'s and the point is instead that their absolute value is better. You can\'t buy ten affordable cars and then say you\'re getting the better experience than with one Tesla. Though I don\'t know if actually getting four Neatos would give better experience than getting one of these..', ">>{QueueWho} : I have a Dyson battery powered stick vacuum and also have the Dyson Animal. I fought my wife on buying them, I thought there is no way these things are worth it. They feel really chintzy, made of light weight, bendy plastic. I've never had any vacuum work as well as both of those though.", ">>{lordmycal} : I love my neato. I only have to vacuum once a week now, and I just do the corners and such that the neato can't get to. Between my dogs, cats, kid, and the house fan my floors get pretty dirty, but I come home, empty the dust bin and enjoy my clean floors.", ">>{lordmycal} : I don't think iRobot makes the best vacuum, it's just that roomba is the most well known. It's like a xerox machine or kleenex -- the brand becomes a synonym for that category of objects.", ">>{Me-as-I} : I really love the RHA ma750s. Good bass, and the treble is extremely clear. I used to think I didn't really like treble until listening to these. They shimmer. Not too much either. Shure se215 is also nice, with a warmer sound and a lot less treble. Well reviewed, to me it sounded a bit muffled though, because of the lack of treble. Really just personal preference.", '>>{AkirIkasu} : I would say to go with other companies if you want noise-isolating headphones, too. Sennheiser makes headsets for helicopter pilots; I think their noise cancelling headphones might just be good enough.', ">>{AkirIkasu} : I saw one of those at Ikea. They're pretty nifty. That being said, Mitsubishi makes a much better version of the standalone Air Blade.", ">>{n_choose_k} : Definitely a solid list. I have the Golden Ear Triton Twos and couldn't be happier.", ">>{Hershieboy} : I have an original dyson vacuum and it's amazing built like a tank, easy to clean, and cleans amazing. It's lasted 14 years and cleans as good as day one. My parents bought a dyson 4 tears ago, cheap and flimsy, already broken. I think they started making them less durable in order to sell them more often now.", '>>{Torkbook} : One could buy both robots. Have the Dyson run first and then the Roomba. The roomba tend to ware out more quickly so the dyson would probably keep it running for longer.', ">>{a-a-a-a-a-a} : I'll happily pay $1000 when it can traverse stairs.", '>>{JoNoobie} : After reading the reviews and looking them over I just ordered a pair of RHA ma750s! Thanks for the advice! I needed a new pair anyways the wire on my Bose came loose from the ear bud.', ">>{joergonix} : Bose made themselves relevant to modern consumers by simply making speakers small and convincing consumers that with enough bass and surround sound wizardry anything (Bose controlled demos) can sound good. Truth is that it's crazy hard to make small speakers sound good, and consequently anything larger will just blow Bose away. Add quality components and a great enclosure plus decent amp to the mix and Bose can't even begin to compete.", ">>{mccabeben} : I've been testing one for a few weeks – and it's better than any other robot vacuum cleaner I've seen before in terms of quality of the clean, usability etc... Not sure it quite justifies being that much more expensive than other products, though.", ">>{JSchuler99} : There is a huge difference between ANC and sound isolation. If you're going to give people purchasing advice, at least know what you're talking about.", ">>{big_deal} : First, a robotic vacuum doesn't have to do a great job. What it's missing in suction is more than made up for by the fact that you can program it to come out several days a week while you're at work. So even if it doesn't do a great job vacuuming my floors are much cleaner than if I had to rely on myself vacuuming maybe once a month. So once you've got your robot vacuuming for you several times a week the dirtiest parts of your home are going to be the places it doesn't reach and those dirty spots become *really* annoying. So annoying that I won't purchase new furniture unless my Roomba fits under it. I even purchase new feet for a couch so that the Roomba could do it's thing. I don't think I could ever find furniture that the Dyson will fit under.", '>>{snowball666} : They make some great products like the Heresy and Klipschorn. I just often find I prefer other brands.']]
classify and reply
[">>{WannaBuildABIackMan} : Can anyone tell me what features of Alien Blue aren't on the official Reddit app?", ">>{benfranklyblog} : I just love that Clinton is spending millions to discredit Gary, but the most they can come up with is brain farts. The guy is so clean and consistent in his policies (on everything but environmental) that you can't get him for flip flopping, no skeletons in his closet, no dark current of money funneling to him. No closed doors racism or dog whistles. Just an honest guy that wants to make a difference and has some plans to do so.", '>>{romanticheart} : Suggestions on the cheapest way for me to get an iPhone 7+', ">>{alassion} : Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi endorse Trump's attack in Syria", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : I know how much everyone here hates the TPP, so probably wouldn't like this guy", '>>{rudedood} : Cheapest way is to buy the phone full price up front.', ">>{nevertrustanatom} : just because you downvote this here doesn't mean the whole world doesn't know your party is hungry for war.", ">>{romanticheart} : Before this, with an upgraded phone plan (something I will need regardless) I have never paid more than $200 for a phone. I don't see how buying this one outright for $770 could be the cheapest way.", '>>{memaw_mumaw} : Uhh I have access to /r/nsfw, /r/bustypetite, etc on the official Reddit app.', '>>{roj2323} : Idiots. They are playing right into his hands. The best thing they could have done is stayed neutral until more was known about the situation. This is starting to remind me of Iraq in 2001-2002', '>>{aldrinjtauro} : Before this, you bought your phones on a two-year contract which subsidized the price of the phone by making you pay essentially a "down" payment and then overcharging you for two whole years to make it up. Now, the ability to sign one of those contracts is gone. With it goes the subsidized phone pricing. However, you can buy your phone outright and look to a cheaper MVNO to get similar service for a lower price over two years.', ">>{Sandurz} : I've reluctantly switched to Narwhal and aside from relearning gestures it has quick switch night mode and tons of preview options.", '>>{pw5a29} : Auto switching back to sort "Hot" after leaving the subreddit', '>>{KingDragonlord} : ~pops a pantsuit load of prescription meds~ ~smears fake orange tan~', '>>{skinnytrees} : Iraq War Resolution Hillary Clinton D-NY: Yea Charles Schumer D-NY: Yea', '>>{pnoozi} : Definitely the best one if you want simple and customizable', ">>{KevOK80} : I'm not sure how the previous poster came to this conclusion but I would suggest looking at porting the number over to VZW. Everyone is looking to get new customers and they usually offer steep discounts/rebates for switching. Most all carriers now are using the device payment plans with zero percent interest. Buying the phone outright is same cost as buying it on a payment plan, you're just spreading the cost out over 2 years.", '>>{KingDragonlord} : Johnson is on record saying that ideally there would be no agreement at all, there would just be free trade. But at least this would give us recourse when other countries get all protectionist like on us which allows us to not be protectionist ourselves.', ">>{mikeofhyrule} : Also you should have had a line fee added to that upgrade. If not that was your last upgraded phone. If you have a line fee, your bill will be similarly priced with the NEXT program. If you didn't well AT&T did you a huge solid, and wont reciprocate it again.", '>>{TheDuke45} : yup I agree Gary is the only honest guy in this election', ">>{romanticheart} : > overcharging you for two whole years to make it up This is what I originally thought would be the case, but the bill never changed. It's also not listed anywhere on the pricing breakdown, but I guess that doesn't mean what you're saying isn't true. Either way, I'm now pretty sad that AT&T did away with this and now forces you to either buy it outright or do the payment plans, which require a credit check I'd most likely fail. Bummer. Thank you for your reply!", ">>{romanticheart} : > device payment plans with zero percent interest I know through Apple and with AT&T Next this requires a credit check, which I am pretty sure I'd fail unless they read the report (rather than just the score). Would it be the same thing for Verizon?", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : I'm not saying his view is wrong necessarily, just that it would hurt him in a debate. Just like his view that there should be no min wage, completely privatized healthcare ect. He's not gonna win over dems with tha. Just like he won't win over many Trump supporters with open borders, free trade, social issues. Guy is not gonna win the election on not being corrupt alone.", ">>{IIIlIIlIIlllIIlIl} : I'm using right now it's great. However it crashes regularly for me. It's still superior to AB", '>>{Taco_4_Life} : I am glad that I am not the only one who has noticed the crashing with attenae lately. Made the switch to narwhale recently and have been loving it', ">>{KingDragonlord} : Well, there's the Koch brothers (which, was it ever confirmed?) But critics do nothing more than invoke them as boogeymen. As if Trump or Clinton isn't on the take. I remember Johnson was asked a ridiculous question during the Libertarian primaries about whether he would have dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. His response was that he didn't know, which didn't sit well with Libertarians in the room. But its because, of all the people on that stage, Johnson was the only one with any governing experience (its hard to find unless you're importing from the other parties). And I think he recognizes that you need to be in the situation sometimes before you make the decision. I think Johnson has an open mind and he knows that as President he'd have more information than he is privy to now.", ">>{2xtreme21} : Downvote me to hell, but if you can't afford full price, and your credit score is below what would be required to take one of the financing options, you maybe should question whether or not you absolutely NEED the new iPhone.", ">>{romanticheart} : I expected at least one response like this and while I appreciate your concern, this isn't what I came here inquiring about. I am going to be needing my own plan soon anyway, so I came here to see if there was any options for reduced prices on the phone for new plans or any other similar promotions. If I have to change providers/plans anyway, I might as well see if I can get a cheap upgrade while I'm at it.", ">>{andysaurus_rex} : There's probably an option that hides NSFW posts that you have checked. I don't use the official app, but this would make sense (since you don't want to accidentally click on that in public). Check the settings.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : Its a fair point. Johnson emphasizes the similarities he has with the left and right, but a critic can emphasize the differences. I think Johnson is the closest we get to putting the brakes on things and seeing if we can't come up with better candidates in four years. But really all I'm counting on is Johnson securing enough of the vote for one party or the other to wake up and shift its policies to try to win us back. We get stuck with a bad president in the short term (which seems like a given at this point) but we get at least one improved party to fight back with in the long term. And if they don't shift, the Libertarian Party can keep growing.", ">>{ahx-fos} : Why do you think you would fail a credit check? A mobile credit check doesn't use the same criteria as a mortgage you realise? You've already stated you have a perfect payment history; fuck the utilisation bullshit. The main thing is regular oayments and you've done just fine with that. I don't see why you wouldn't pass a mobile credit check.", ">>{johnramsey5} : Look who's suckling at the military industrial complex's teat. Good little pawns.", '>>{ImInterested} : Does Trump / GOP ever take responsibility for anything? I know it is a definite no if things go wrong.', '>>{FatLadySingin} : ...**you believe college should be tuition-free**: Johnson disagrees. "I would not believe that colleges or universities should be free," …**you\'re against big money in politics, and specifically Citizens United**: Johnson says corporations should give as much money as they want, as often as they choose, to whomever they please. ...**you\'re against fracking**: Johnson thinks we ought to be doing more of it. ..**you\'re against the TPP**: Johnson supports it. ...**you think the minimum wage is too low**: Johnson thinks this is a "non-issue" – because, as he has wrongly claimed, hardly anyone works for minimum wage. ...**you support paid medical and family leave**: "I would be opposed to that," ...**you think we should have virtually any reasonable restrictions on the purchase and ownership of guns**: "I don\'t believe there should be any restrictions when it comes to firearms. None," ...**you think the Affordable Care Act serves an important purpose, and you\'d like to see it preserved**: In 2011, Johnson swore he would repeal Obamacare. ...**you want private for-profit prisons gone**: Johnson supports private, for-profit prisons', ">>{romanticheart} : My score is very low due to the utilization. Will a mobile credit check be based off of payment history only? If so then I should be fine. I just assumed my low score would instantly disqualify me. I've never done a mobile credit check before!", ">>{iQTester} : Swiping to collapse a parent thread is so useful for me and one of the only reasons I'm still using Alien Blue.", '>>{NotSafeForWankstick} : You need to enable NSFW content on the desktop site for your account', '>>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I mean your best hope is to get Democrats to become much more fiscally conservative or republican to get much more socially liberal. My bet would be on more socially liberal Republicans.', '>>{WannaBuildABIackMan} : Oh shit they dont have that? Goodbye official reddit app then lol', '>>{ImInterested} : [House Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_House_of_Representatives) GOP 215 - 6 Dem 82 - 126 [Senate Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_Senate) GOP 48 - 1 Dem 29 - 21 Who is the party of war?', ">>{iMau5} : I love how antenna works but he design hurts my eyes. If it was simplistic and easy on the eyes like AB I'd be in love.", '>>{KingDragonlord} : >..you believe college should be tuition-free: Johnson disagrees. "I would not believe that colleges or universities should be free," Pumping more money into a bloated wasteful institution (which is what the "free" would be doing) is only going to make it more bloated and wasteful. There are newer better education models emerging. Maybe ask way, when you want a computer science degree, you should spend 20,000 a year to learn about outdated languages and tools and meanwhile waste a bunch of time on humanities, french, and history that you\'re only going to forget (source: I was in college, I can barely recall any spanish or latin) when the state has already provided 13 years of general education. >…you\'re against big money in politics, and specifically Citizens United: Johnson says corporations should give as much money as they want, as often as they choose, to whomever they please. You want it on the books or under the table? Those are your only real choices. I\'d prefer to know who is giving what to who. >...you\'re against fracking: Johnson thinks we ought to be doing more of it. Yup. Until the alternatives are ready for primetime. We\'re already past the point where the carbon problem is going to have to be solved by scrubbing, not conserving. >..you\'re against the TPP: Johnson supports it. Why are you on about this? Its an agreement for everyone to play fair in an open economy. Johnson has said he\'d prefer no agreement but in the real world TPP does more good than harm. >...you think the minimum wage is too low: Johnson thinks this is a "non-issue" – because, as he has wrongly claimed, hardly anyone works for minimum wage. Yeah, its 3.9 percent that make at or below (more than half make below meaning they\'re either kids working summers in a family business or they also make tips which means they actually make more than minimum wage). Only 2 percent of full time workers are at or below minimum. And percentages drop as you get older because if you\'re worth anything, your experience gets you a promotion, a raise, or a better job elsewhere. >...you support paid medical and family leave: "I would be opposed to that," In other words, he would be against forcing employers to take a chunk out the compensation they\'ve already earmarked for the position and setting it aside for a benefit the employee didn\'t necessarily want and could get now if they wanted by continuing to put in applications. None of these "benefits" are real increases in compensation, they\'re just forced inflexibility in compensation packages. >...you think we should have virtually any reasonable restrictions on the purchase and ownership of guns: "I don\'t believe there should be any restrictions when it comes to firearms. None," This is the correct answer. And "reasonable" is a meaningless buzzword in this context. "Reasonable" means whatever you want it to mean so dispense with the semantics. >...you think the Affordable Care Act serves an important purpose, and you\'d like to see it preserved: In 2011, Johnson swore he would repeal Obamacare. Its an abject failure. We lost our doctors in spite of promises. Premiums have gone up, insurance companies have ducked out. We never gave the market a chance. >...you want private for-profit prisons gone: Johnson supports private, for-profit prisons There\'s nothing fundamentally wrong with that idea. Johnson talked about reforms in response to recent reports of abuses. And as he pointed out, the number one opposition to the legalization of marijuana in California came from the public prison employees union.', ">>{wolfenkraft} : Doesn't have casual subreddit adding. I have subs I want to read, but they'd take over my front page if I had them in my real subbed list.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : And pressure from the outside is the best hope of that happening. If they keep getting votes, we'll keep getting lipservice.", ">>{hobenscoben} : Can't Hide All at the end of a page. That's always been the killer feature for me. I hate seeing the same posts over and over.", '>>{jackattacck} : Go to the subreddit list and type in whatever sub you want in the search box.', '>>{jackattacck} : Tap the blank space at the top of the comment you want to collapse.', '>>{BitingChaos} : I still haven\'t found a "Gallery" mode in the new client. There are so many subs with pics, it\'s nice to be able to view *just* images.', '>>{Bbypndabamboo} : The equipment installment plans are actually a cheaper pricing model than 2year contracts', ">>{MysticRay} : I'm not a Republican or a Trump supporter and I agree with every word the dude said.", '>>{MysticRay} : Of course they do. The question is how soon with they get back to leading the #resistance. What a joke.', '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : Problem is, those republicans that are socially liberal are generally neocons so they are still very much pro-war', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Well it's gonna also be hard to pull many Democrats to the far right on economics", ">>{ImInterested} : One, anyone in support of constant war should signup in the military. Two, congress should do their job ( they don't want to have to take hard votes ) and reign in POTUS. Could care less what party is POTUS. I think the Iraq War Resolution is the last vote taken on authorizing war. [House Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_House_of_Representatives) GOP 215 - 6 Dem 82 - 126 [Senate Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_Senate) GOP 48 - 1 Dem 29 - 21 Who is the party of war? I find the US being at constant war and nobody talks about it disgusting, the media could do their job also. Thought Trump was elected because Hillary was a war monger and we were going to stop being the world police? Since Americans pay zero cost for war we can just always be at war. Do taxes rise, see the results live on TV every night in full high def color, can we bring back the draft. Is there any price the average American pays for perpetual war? Can we cut some domestic programs?", ">>{KevOK80} : Yes it's subject to a credit report but I wouldn't count yourself out. If your SO has good credit you could move your phone to her account and she would be the responsible party who gets the credit check and not you.", ">>{romanticheart} : Unfortunately, he's currently in the same boat as I am - perfect payment history, high utilization, low score. I assume they would have to do a new credit check on the account rather than go off of what they already had from when he originally signed up (and had a decent score)?", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : I mean if you got like 5% of the vote, which issues do you think could realistically fit in each party that wouldn't lose them votes from their core base?", '>>{spoiled_generation} : > I just love that Clinton is spending millions to discredit Gary Source?', '>>{KingDragonlord} : Well first, 5% means you\'re automatically on the ballot next time. Given all the convoluted rules states have about getting onto ballots, thats a huge boost for 2020. Second, its going to be more. FiveThirtyEight has noted that Johnson is bucking the trend in terms of holding onto his voters (third party polls often drop closer to election time but its not happening here) and could see a gain after Trump\'s terrible week. We know that there are a fair number of voters in both parties who would vote libertarian if they didn\'t feel bound by the lesser evil argument. If enough bad stuff happens to one or the other (more bad debates, more wikileaks) that could shake some of those people loose to vote for Johnson. Third, Johnson is polling well among Millenials (hence the recent Millenial targeted articles) and if you look at indepth polling (like the 2014 Reason Rupe Survey) it turns out that Millenials are less socialist than you might think. When you remove the terms "socialism" and "capitalism" and just talk about stuff, they favor capitalism in substantially greater numbers. So as time passes, this points to growing support for the movement. As to which issue, I think the Republicans could make huge gains if christian conservatives could be convinced to not put our religion at the top of the agenda. And I think a lot of them could. I was one, and I know a lot of christian conservatives who are open to that. There is a strong argument to be made for that. After all, we don\'t need God etched on everything, we just need the freedom to practice our faith. Enforcing our religious values is soulless and hollow. God made us free so we could choose Him, so why deprive anybody of that choice? Once that argument is made, the Republicans could focus on fiscal conservatism and liberty, which I think would be a winning combination.', ">>{ahx-fos} : I think you misunderstand what a credit 'score' is. A credit score is meaningless. A lender has algorithms that look at your report then make their own lending judgement based on that. The 'score' the CRAs provide is meaningless in real world application. Re utilisation; I doubt a mobile provider cares. Your report shows a regular history of payments to all creditors, right? If so, I very much doubt you'll have any problems.", '>>{Bbypndabamboo} : This, Verizon is doing a trade in promotion where you get 550 for your iPhone 6. http://imgur.com/MaDlYVJ The whole phone cost becomes $99 instead of $649. No subsidies or weird discounting. Check with your local Verizon corporate store. My advice is not to visit an authorized retailer (diamond wireless, etc).', ">>{kingajeezy} : If you have an iPhone 6, they currently have a promotion where you can trade in your 6 for a free iPhone 7. If you decide you want a 7+, you'll just need to pay the difference over the two year next plan.", '>>{KevOK80} : Yes you\'re probably right. IMO the only way to know for sure is to try. But if you can\'t get a phone on a credit check you\'re not going to be able to get service either so it sounds like no phone for you. If your SO can add a line to his account without a credit check your best bet might be to buy the phone outright from Apple as "unlocked" and activate it on his account. Good luck.', '>>{KevOK80} : The person I was talking about said that buying it outright is cheaper. What you posted is a deal for device payments, not an outright upfront purchase. It literally says that in the screen shot you posted. You have to make your payments for the full 24 months to get the full amount of the rebate.', '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : I think theyre equally Sisyphean tasks, no reason to deviate our message to hope they move as most people are still stuck in the two party myth', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : But the problem with the libertarian platform is it won't have a big enough base if continues to have views so far to each side. There aren't enough people who would subscribe to libertarian views", ">>{penguincheerleader} : Yeah I was wondering the same, I don't think they spent or produced any anti Gary adds. Gary is just bad at working with the media.", ">>{sugarkryptonite} : Maybe the bill never changed because you've always been on contracts and getting new phones? If that's true, you've been doing what the OP said from the start.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I mean I get that, but I'm not sure all the millennials that say they would vote for him understand the party that well. If he really started getting coverage in this election, how do you think people across both parties would respond to: Switching to a fair tax, ending the IRS and the Fed, Pro TPP, open borders, privatizing healthcare, education and prisons, Cutting the budget by 43%, abolishing the min wage, changing child labor laws, legalizing Marijuana (and he has said all drugs in the past), making big cuts to the military, Pro choice, Pro gay marraige, anti union, and against spending money on global warming. I just feel there is something in there that everyone would consider strong reason not to vote for him.", '>>{ThePodThatWasPromisd} : Not Clinton directly, but: >“We’ll be launching a multimillion-dollar digital campaign that talks about what’s at stake and how a vote for a third-party candidate is a vote for Donald Trump, who is against everything these voters stand for,” said Justin Barasky, a strategist for Priorities USA. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/09/16/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-race.html Oddly enough this is right around the time we saw the sudden surge in anti-3rd party articles on here.', '>>{kingajeezy} : I thought I just saw a commercial for it this weekend, but I do remember that was the expiration date.', ">>{KingDragonlord} : Not nearly as bad as Hillary or Trump. But yeah, the party could have done better. Austin Petersen wouldn't be making these kinds of mistakes. That said, I'm glad Petersen gets to sit this one out and watch how the press handles a libertarian. Petersen will be ready in 2020.", ">>{Akwardadam} : Sell iPhone 6 for $200-300 more if it's in great condition. Why not join iPhone Upgrade Program. There is no interest so you end up paying the full price of the phone but more affordable (if you can afford $30~ a month)", '>>{Mrwokn} : I ended up doing this. It wasn\'t exactly how they made it sound. I turned in my 6 64gb for my 7+ 128gb. My bill went up 6 dollars a month. You are forced to keep paying the 6 dollars a month instead of paying remainder off. If you pay it all off you lose your credits they give you each month for the "free iPhone7"', ">>{KingDragonlord} : Millenials are more free market than you think. Reason-Rupe did an in-depth survey back in 2014 and found that Millenials actually like capitalism more when you don't use that word and instead just describe the features. They also like social programs until you add in the costs. The shift is substantial. Basically, the more educated they get, the more they like a soft libertarian position. And a lot of the support for Bernie wasn't principled support either. They were just in it for change. They just know that the current direction isn't working so they want some kind of big change, and libertarianism and socialism both represent that.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I don't disagree with that. I just think when you look at the debates and candidates can attack those positions, it could make it very hard for a libertarian. At the very least, I think libertarians need a much better candidate than Johnson. But ya you are right, if the main thing people want is change, they can vote for anything whether they agree with the views or not. I mean shit Trump is the nominee based on being an outsider alone.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : > At the very least, I think libertarians need a much better candidate than Johnson. I think now that I know where you're coming from, I agree with you. Johnson isn't really sharp enough to sell libertarianism, even his own softened brand (that isn't really libertarianism) is a bit of a strain for him to sell in terms of his public speaking skills. Weld could do it. I think he's the smartest person left in the race. And its clear that he could also walk either of us through the reasons why the TPP is actually a good idea (as he believes). But he's also even less libertarian than Johnson. Clearly though, its Weld's intelligence and Johnson's humility that leads Johnson to emphasize that Weld is going to be co-president.", ">>{Pliablemoose} : You missed the good deals on the 7+, they've pretty much expired. I'd suggest getting your 6 unlocked and going on a prepaid plan and saving up for a 7+", ">>{wolfenkraft} : I have like 15 and don't remember their full names or they're annoyingly long.", ">>{romanticheart} : This was my original plan, but they do a credit check. Unless they focus more on payment history (mine is perfect) than they do credit score (mine is shit) I wouldn't get approved.", ">>{jackattacck} : It's easier to tap than swipe further up on big phones.", ">>{NikeSwish} : You swipe anywhere in the comment thread and it collapses the entire thread. If you're past the top level comment you'd have to scroll up. So no it's not.", ">>{Mattallica} : Not as convenient as AB's swipe but you can tap the 3 dots under any comment and select 'collapse thread' in the official app. No need to scroll back up to the parent.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I really like Weld, I wish he was on top of the ticket. He wouldn't be having these Aleppo moments. But I would actually consider voting libertarian if they softened even more than Johnson. I know they wouldn't be real libertarians anymore, but I just can't get on board with their basically tea party economics. They just don't have enough middle ground for me as a moderate.", '>>{Akwardadam} : I got approved with horrible credit and only 86% on time payments.', '>>{Tayspike} : Did you do this at Apple or with your carrier? Do you know if this is expired?', '>>{KingDragonlord} : We desperately need their fiscal conservatism and economics. Trump and Clinton both are going to make it worse.', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : It depends on what you are talking about as far as making it worse. I do believe their economics would bring higher GDP growth, but it also does that by ignoring a lot of other issues people want addressed. Would a totally privatized healthcare system make healthcare more affordable for people? Maybe, maybe not. Would lot's of deregulation help businesses grow, most likely, but how much would it increases the chances of another bubble? And with very few safety nets in place if it did, couldn't we see the kinds of poverty we saw in the great depression? Would the policies help with inequality? We don't really know how the market will react to no min wage or labor protections, and having nothing in place to stop the rich from not spending and accumulating massive amounts of wealth. You also have to think of the 3 million employees of the federal government, how long would it take them to find further employment. What about all the lawyers, accountants, regulatory advisers that Johnson says we would no longer have any need for, will there be jobs for them? My point is while their system may well be the best system, a lot of it is mostly theory, and Economics has many other factors that play into it, like human behavior.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : >We don't really know how the market will react to no min wage or labor protections, We don't know what effect any of our economic policies will have, and yet the government continues to think it can design society. In a free market, people have maximum flexibility to find their own solutions to their own problems. >You also have to think of the 3 million employees of the federal government, how long would it take them to find further employment. This is why I refer to Johnson as a 'transitional libertarian.' I'd be all for doing this in phases. Start with the deregulation and lower taxes, give businesses time to develop new goods and services and turn federal employees loose gradually to seek these jobs.", '>>{Liamrc} : Check swappa. They have really good deals on mint condition ones.', '>>{DAVEYDYK} : I mean most people do have maximum flexibility, but to loosley quote a libertarian during the debate on how a sick Grandma who can\'t afford her medical would get the help she needed. "Who here likes grandmas? Who here would help a sick grandma? We all would be open to help her, and we could do it voluntarily." Do we think that system would work? Like if you get sick and can\'t afford your medical costs you rely on donations?', ">>{KingDragonlord} : No most people don't have maximum flexibility. The opportunity costs of a mixed economy are not immediately obvious and its one of the frustrating things about getting people to understand. We live in something of a Gilded Cage. You are deprived of all the alternate services, business models, innovations, compensation packages, housing possibilities, and so forth that could be offered if the regulatory structure wasn't choking new businesses before they can get on their feet. You're deprived of the prosperity a society like that could provide.", ">>{Mattallica} : You can create a multireddit of those subs and they'll act exactly like AB's custom groups. One downside though is you have to set them up on the desktop site first.", '>>{6119442a08276dbb22e9} : What actually IS your credit score at? Do you know? I ask because I know several people with iPhones on monthly payment plans that I know for a fact truly have shitty credit. As in, car repo\'d, credit cards in collections, etc. Not judging their financial decisions.. but carriers tend to give out phones to nearly anyone. Your best bet would be to go into a branch for your carrier and say you want to upgrade, and have them run whatever they run for your new phone. For me on AT&T\'s Next program they didn\'t even bother with a credit check (read: no hard pulls on my credit report) since I\'ve been a customer for some time in good standing. Give it a shot. Worst they\'ll say is "nope sorry" and then you tell them you\'ll be taking your business elsewhere. Mobile service is cut-throat. They\'ll either tell you "wait a min" and give you a plan where you pre-pay a deposit that\'ll be credited toward your phone\'s payoff schedule or figure out a way for a manager to override it. If that fails, there\'ll certainly be another carrier that\'ll be willing to sell you an iPhone 7 at a payment plan.', ">>{jackattacck} : Ah, I didn't realize it worked that way. In the official app. You can just press the next comment button and effectively do the same thing.", '>>{Taco_4_Life} : I think you can create a multi subreddit but I had already made the multi prior to installing narwhal', '>>{sfislander} : Use swappa to sell your phone I just sold my mint 6 + 64 for 400', ">>{UTDoctor} : And it's the only app on my phone where the first letter isn't capitalized...", '>>{thegarbagesauce} : Holding the thumbnail to preview a photo is HUGE for me. Still using Alien Blue because of it.', '>>{herpderp020} : Depends on the carrier. I know T-Mobile and att expired on the 25th and you mentioned next so I assumed att.', ">>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : I'm such a twat, only reason I won't use it is the icon lol", '>>{kekspernikai} : Yeah. The name, the icon, and the capitalization keep me on Antenna.', ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : Yes, but the device payments are literally the full retail purchase over 24 months. No interest and no additional fees compared to full retail. If you pay retail you'll end up paying the same rate for the service too. Believe me please it's the best deal.", ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : Verizon's has just been adjusted, check with your local store.", ">>{kekspernikai} : Eh, it's alright if you change the font, size, and use night mode.", ">>{tha904mack} : Trust me, antenna (armc) is the best client out there. Go night mode and the GUI won't bother you as much. It seriously has everything and is the fastest out there", ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : Gotta disagree, trade in programs for carriers right now are excellent. I know Verizon's are.", ">>{Pleatnov} : You cannot fail a credit check at AT&T. You, at most, may be charged an upfront deposit that will be refunded after 12 on time payments. Lose that worry by simply going into a store an running the application for a Post Paid account. You'll have 7 days to decide. After that you'll have to run credit again.", '>>{Pleatnov} : How old are you? 18 years or older to setup an account with ATT. Your responses cause me to assume this information may be warranted.', ">>{yuhche} : Third on mine after eBay and an unofficial app, f.lux. Don't think 1Password counts.", ">>{yuhche} : This is why I use BaconReader! I have subs that I'm not subbed to but still visit sometimes as they are saved as bookmarks which are easily accessible.", ">>{2058Lynx} : I set it up to look just like Alien blue it's more fluid and modern, I like it a lot can't go back to Alien blue now Haha", '>>{Pleatnov} : Go to the carrier store of interest then, seeing as how you need the phone anyway. You have little buying power when in need.', ">>{romanticheart} : That's really good to know, thank you for the info.", '>>{Pleatnov} : Verizon devices are sold unlocked. Just putting that out there.', ">>{romanticheart} : Last I checked it was in the very low 600's. I don't have any negatives on my credit at all, and nearly 7 years of 100% on-time payments. The only thing negatively impacting my score is utilization. Being laid off for two months and needing emergency dental surgery caused 2015 to not be my finest year financially. Maxed out credit cards are a bitch to come back from. Thank you so much for your advice! I think I'm going to go into both AT&T and Verizon and basically see which one is willing to give me the best deal. Thanks again!", ">>{pongmanJ25} : Gosh, that sucks. I'm on a family plan with AT&T and have the unlimited data. I would hate to lose it.", ">>{KevOK80} : Correct. But if you can't get approved for a Verizon plan you're not getting a Verizon iPhone 7.", ">>{KevOK80} : Of course the promotion is a better deal than buying it outright. But you must have missed the 10x OP said they probably can't get approved for the loan because of their credit. No approval, no promotion.", '>>{jessicaho656} : As far as I know, the AT&T promotion giving the $650 credit has already ended, as well as VZW. The only carrier still offering a similar promotion is Sprint.', '>>{jessicaho656} : ATT and T-Mobile ended on 25th, not sure when VZW ended exactly but it ended, and Sprint is the only carrier offering the promotion at this time.', ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : It's really hard to have credit that Verizon will turn down. I didn't miss it asshat.", '>>{KevOK80} : Lol "asshat". We\'re resorting to name calling now because you didn\'t like my comment? Grow up, kid.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{benfranklyblog} : I just love that Clinton is spending millions to discredit Gary, but the most they can come up with is brain farts. The guy is so clean and consistent in his policies (on everything but environmental) that you can't get him for flip flopping, no skeletons in his closet, no dark current of money funneling to him. No closed doors racism or dog whistles. Just an honest guy that wants to make a difference and has some plans to do so.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : I know how much everyone here hates the TPP, so probably wouldn't like this guy", '>>{KingDragonlord} : ~pops a pantsuit load of prescription meds~ ~smears fake orange tan~', '>>{KingDragonlord} : Johnson is on record saying that ideally there would be no agreement at all, there would just be free trade. But at least this would give us recourse when other countries get all protectionist like on us which allows us to not be protectionist ourselves.', '>>{TheDuke45} : yup I agree Gary is the only honest guy in this election', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : I'm not saying his view is wrong necessarily, just that it would hurt him in a debate. Just like his view that there should be no min wage, completely privatized healthcare ect. He's not gonna win over dems with tha. Just like he won't win over many Trump supporters with open borders, free trade, social issues. Guy is not gonna win the election on not being corrupt alone.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : Well, there's the Koch brothers (which, was it ever confirmed?) But critics do nothing more than invoke them as boogeymen. As if Trump or Clinton isn't on the take. I remember Johnson was asked a ridiculous question during the Libertarian primaries about whether he would have dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. His response was that he didn't know, which didn't sit well with Libertarians in the room. But its because, of all the people on that stage, Johnson was the only one with any governing experience (its hard to find unless you're importing from the other parties). And I think he recognizes that you need to be in the situation sometimes before you make the decision. I think Johnson has an open mind and he knows that as President he'd have more information than he is privy to now.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : Its a fair point. Johnson emphasizes the similarities he has with the left and right, but a critic can emphasize the differences. I think Johnson is the closest we get to putting the brakes on things and seeing if we can't come up with better candidates in four years. But really all I'm counting on is Johnson securing enough of the vote for one party or the other to wake up and shift its policies to try to win us back. We get stuck with a bad president in the short term (which seems like a given at this point) but we get at least one improved party to fight back with in the long term. And if they don't shift, the Libertarian Party can keep growing.", '>>{FatLadySingin} : ...**you believe college should be tuition-free**: Johnson disagrees. "I would not believe that colleges or universities should be free," …**you\'re against big money in politics, and specifically Citizens United**: Johnson says corporations should give as much money as they want, as often as they choose, to whomever they please. ...**you\'re against fracking**: Johnson thinks we ought to be doing more of it. ..**you\'re against the TPP**: Johnson supports it. ...**you think the minimum wage is too low**: Johnson thinks this is a "non-issue" – because, as he has wrongly claimed, hardly anyone works for minimum wage. ...**you support paid medical and family leave**: "I would be opposed to that," ...**you think we should have virtually any reasonable restrictions on the purchase and ownership of guns**: "I don\'t believe there should be any restrictions when it comes to firearms. None," ...**you think the Affordable Care Act serves an important purpose, and you\'d like to see it preserved**: In 2011, Johnson swore he would repeal Obamacare. ...**you want private for-profit prisons gone**: Johnson supports private, for-profit prisons', '>>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I mean your best hope is to get Democrats to become much more fiscally conservative or republican to get much more socially liberal. My bet would be on more socially liberal Republicans.', '>>{KingDragonlord} : >..you believe college should be tuition-free: Johnson disagrees. "I would not believe that colleges or universities should be free," Pumping more money into a bloated wasteful institution (which is what the "free" would be doing) is only going to make it more bloated and wasteful. There are newer better education models emerging. Maybe ask way, when you want a computer science degree, you should spend 20,000 a year to learn about outdated languages and tools and meanwhile waste a bunch of time on humanities, french, and history that you\'re only going to forget (source: I was in college, I can barely recall any spanish or latin) when the state has already provided 13 years of general education. >…you\'re against big money in politics, and specifically Citizens United: Johnson says corporations should give as much money as they want, as often as they choose, to whomever they please. You want it on the books or under the table? Those are your only real choices. I\'d prefer to know who is giving what to who. >...you\'re against fracking: Johnson thinks we ought to be doing more of it. Yup. Until the alternatives are ready for primetime. We\'re already past the point where the carbon problem is going to have to be solved by scrubbing, not conserving. >..you\'re against the TPP: Johnson supports it. Why are you on about this? Its an agreement for everyone to play fair in an open economy. Johnson has said he\'d prefer no agreement but in the real world TPP does more good than harm. >...you think the minimum wage is too low: Johnson thinks this is a "non-issue" – because, as he has wrongly claimed, hardly anyone works for minimum wage. Yeah, its 3.9 percent that make at or below (more than half make below meaning they\'re either kids working summers in a family business or they also make tips which means they actually make more than minimum wage). Only 2 percent of full time workers are at or below minimum. And percentages drop as you get older because if you\'re worth anything, your experience gets you a promotion, a raise, or a better job elsewhere. >...you support paid medical and family leave: "I would be opposed to that," In other words, he would be against forcing employers to take a chunk out the compensation they\'ve already earmarked for the position and setting it aside for a benefit the employee didn\'t necessarily want and could get now if they wanted by continuing to put in applications. None of these "benefits" are real increases in compensation, they\'re just forced inflexibility in compensation packages. >...you think we should have virtually any reasonable restrictions on the purchase and ownership of guns: "I don\'t believe there should be any restrictions when it comes to firearms. None," This is the correct answer. And "reasonable" is a meaningless buzzword in this context. "Reasonable" means whatever you want it to mean so dispense with the semantics. >...you think the Affordable Care Act serves an important purpose, and you\'d like to see it preserved: In 2011, Johnson swore he would repeal Obamacare. Its an abject failure. We lost our doctors in spite of promises. Premiums have gone up, insurance companies have ducked out. We never gave the market a chance. >...you want private for-profit prisons gone: Johnson supports private, for-profit prisons There\'s nothing fundamentally wrong with that idea. Johnson talked about reforms in response to recent reports of abuses. And as he pointed out, the number one opposition to the legalization of marijuana in California came from the public prison employees union.', ">>{KingDragonlord} : And pressure from the outside is the best hope of that happening. If they keep getting votes, we'll keep getting lipservice.", '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : Problem is, those republicans that are socially liberal are generally neocons so they are still very much pro-war', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Well it's gonna also be hard to pull many Democrats to the far right on economics", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : I mean if you got like 5% of the vote, which issues do you think could realistically fit in each party that wouldn't lose them votes from their core base?", '>>{spoiled_generation} : > I just love that Clinton is spending millions to discredit Gary Source?', '>>{KingDragonlord} : Well first, 5% means you\'re automatically on the ballot next time. Given all the convoluted rules states have about getting onto ballots, thats a huge boost for 2020. Second, its going to be more. FiveThirtyEight has noted that Johnson is bucking the trend in terms of holding onto his voters (third party polls often drop closer to election time but its not happening here) and could see a gain after Trump\'s terrible week. We know that there are a fair number of voters in both parties who would vote libertarian if they didn\'t feel bound by the lesser evil argument. If enough bad stuff happens to one or the other (more bad debates, more wikileaks) that could shake some of those people loose to vote for Johnson. Third, Johnson is polling well among Millenials (hence the recent Millenial targeted articles) and if you look at indepth polling (like the 2014 Reason Rupe Survey) it turns out that Millenials are less socialist than you might think. When you remove the terms "socialism" and "capitalism" and just talk about stuff, they favor capitalism in substantially greater numbers. So as time passes, this points to growing support for the movement. As to which issue, I think the Republicans could make huge gains if christian conservatives could be convinced to not put our religion at the top of the agenda. And I think a lot of them could. I was one, and I know a lot of christian conservatives who are open to that. There is a strong argument to be made for that. After all, we don\'t need God etched on everything, we just need the freedom to practice our faith. Enforcing our religious values is soulless and hollow. God made us free so we could choose Him, so why deprive anybody of that choice? Once that argument is made, the Republicans could focus on fiscal conservatism and liberty, which I think would be a winning combination.', '>>{gogeauxgadgetpirogue} : I think theyre equally Sisyphean tasks, no reason to deviate our message to hope they move as most people are still stuck in the two party myth', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : But the problem with the libertarian platform is it won't have a big enough base if continues to have views so far to each side. There aren't enough people who would subscribe to libertarian views", ">>{penguincheerleader} : Yeah I was wondering the same, I don't think they spent or produced any anti Gary adds. Gary is just bad at working with the media.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I mean I get that, but I'm not sure all the millennials that say they would vote for him understand the party that well. If he really started getting coverage in this election, how do you think people across both parties would respond to: Switching to a fair tax, ending the IRS and the Fed, Pro TPP, open borders, privatizing healthcare, education and prisons, Cutting the budget by 43%, abolishing the min wage, changing child labor laws, legalizing Marijuana (and he has said all drugs in the past), making big cuts to the military, Pro choice, Pro gay marraige, anti union, and against spending money on global warming. I just feel there is something in there that everyone would consider strong reason not to vote for him.", '>>{ThePodThatWasPromisd} : Not Clinton directly, but: >“We’ll be launching a multimillion-dollar digital campaign that talks about what’s at stake and how a vote for a third-party candidate is a vote for Donald Trump, who is against everything these voters stand for,” said Justin Barasky, a strategist for Priorities USA. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/09/16/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-race.html Oddly enough this is right around the time we saw the sudden surge in anti-3rd party articles on here.', ">>{KingDragonlord} : Not nearly as bad as Hillary or Trump. But yeah, the party could have done better. Austin Petersen wouldn't be making these kinds of mistakes. That said, I'm glad Petersen gets to sit this one out and watch how the press handles a libertarian. Petersen will be ready in 2020.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : Millenials are more free market than you think. Reason-Rupe did an in-depth survey back in 2014 and found that Millenials actually like capitalism more when you don't use that word and instead just describe the features. They also like social programs until you add in the costs. The shift is substantial. Basically, the more educated they get, the more they like a soft libertarian position. And a lot of the support for Bernie wasn't principled support either. They were just in it for change. They just know that the current direction isn't working so they want some kind of big change, and libertarianism and socialism both represent that.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I don't disagree with that. I just think when you look at the debates and candidates can attack those positions, it could make it very hard for a libertarian. At the very least, I think libertarians need a much better candidate than Johnson. But ya you are right, if the main thing people want is change, they can vote for anything whether they agree with the views or not. I mean shit Trump is the nominee based on being an outsider alone.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : > At the very least, I think libertarians need a much better candidate than Johnson. I think now that I know where you're coming from, I agree with you. Johnson isn't really sharp enough to sell libertarianism, even his own softened brand (that isn't really libertarianism) is a bit of a strain for him to sell in terms of his public speaking skills. Weld could do it. I think he's the smartest person left in the race. And its clear that he could also walk either of us through the reasons why the TPP is actually a good idea (as he believes). But he's also even less libertarian than Johnson. Clearly though, its Weld's intelligence and Johnson's humility that leads Johnson to emphasize that Weld is going to be co-president.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : Ya I really like Weld, I wish he was on top of the ticket. He wouldn't be having these Aleppo moments. But I would actually consider voting libertarian if they softened even more than Johnson. I know they wouldn't be real libertarians anymore, but I just can't get on board with their basically tea party economics. They just don't have enough middle ground for me as a moderate.", '>>{KingDragonlord} : We desperately need their fiscal conservatism and economics. Trump and Clinton both are going to make it worse.', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : It depends on what you are talking about as far as making it worse. I do believe their economics would bring higher GDP growth, but it also does that by ignoring a lot of other issues people want addressed. Would a totally privatized healthcare system make healthcare more affordable for people? Maybe, maybe not. Would lot's of deregulation help businesses grow, most likely, but how much would it increases the chances of another bubble? And with very few safety nets in place if it did, couldn't we see the kinds of poverty we saw in the great depression? Would the policies help with inequality? We don't really know how the market will react to no min wage or labor protections, and having nothing in place to stop the rich from not spending and accumulating massive amounts of wealth. You also have to think of the 3 million employees of the federal government, how long would it take them to find further employment. What about all the lawyers, accountants, regulatory advisers that Johnson says we would no longer have any need for, will there be jobs for them? My point is while their system may well be the best system, a lot of it is mostly theory, and Economics has many other factors that play into it, like human behavior.", ">>{KingDragonlord} : >We don't really know how the market will react to no min wage or labor protections, We don't know what effect any of our economic policies will have, and yet the government continues to think it can design society. In a free market, people have maximum flexibility to find their own solutions to their own problems. >You also have to think of the 3 million employees of the federal government, how long would it take them to find further employment. This is why I refer to Johnson as a 'transitional libertarian.' I'd be all for doing this in phases. Start with the deregulation and lower taxes, give businesses time to develop new goods and services and turn federal employees loose gradually to seek these jobs.", '>>{DAVEYDYK} : I mean most people do have maximum flexibility, but to loosley quote a libertarian during the debate on how a sick Grandma who can\'t afford her medical would get the help she needed. "Who here likes grandmas? Who here would help a sick grandma? We all would be open to help her, and we could do it voluntarily." Do we think that system would work? Like if you get sick and can\'t afford your medical costs you rely on donations?', ">>{KingDragonlord} : No most people don't have maximum flexibility. The opportunity costs of a mixed economy are not immediately obvious and its one of the frustrating things about getting people to understand. We live in something of a Gilded Cage. You are deprived of all the alternate services, business models, innovations, compensation packages, housing possibilities, and so forth that could be offered if the regulatory structure wasn't choking new businesses before they can get on their feet. You're deprived of the prosperity a society like that could provide."], ['>>{romanticheart} : Suggestions on the cheapest way for me to get an iPhone 7+', '>>{rudedood} : Cheapest way is to buy the phone full price up front.', ">>{romanticheart} : Before this, with an upgraded phone plan (something I will need regardless) I have never paid more than $200 for a phone. I don't see how buying this one outright for $770 could be the cheapest way.", '>>{aldrinjtauro} : Before this, you bought your phones on a two-year contract which subsidized the price of the phone by making you pay essentially a "down" payment and then overcharging you for two whole years to make it up. Now, the ability to sign one of those contracts is gone. With it goes the subsidized phone pricing. However, you can buy your phone outright and look to a cheaper MVNO to get similar service for a lower price over two years.', ">>{KevOK80} : I'm not sure how the previous poster came to this conclusion but I would suggest looking at porting the number over to VZW. Everyone is looking to get new customers and they usually offer steep discounts/rebates for switching. Most all carriers now are using the device payment plans with zero percent interest. Buying the phone outright is same cost as buying it on a payment plan, you're just spreading the cost out over 2 years.", ">>{mikeofhyrule} : Also you should have had a line fee added to that upgrade. If not that was your last upgraded phone. If you have a line fee, your bill will be similarly priced with the NEXT program. If you didn't well AT&T did you a huge solid, and wont reciprocate it again.", ">>{romanticheart} : > overcharging you for two whole years to make it up This is what I originally thought would be the case, but the bill never changed. It's also not listed anywhere on the pricing breakdown, but I guess that doesn't mean what you're saying isn't true. Either way, I'm now pretty sad that AT&T did away with this and now forces you to either buy it outright or do the payment plans, which require a credit check I'd most likely fail. Bummer. Thank you for your reply!", ">>{romanticheart} : > device payment plans with zero percent interest I know through Apple and with AT&T Next this requires a credit check, which I am pretty sure I'd fail unless they read the report (rather than just the score). Would it be the same thing for Verizon?", ">>{2xtreme21} : Downvote me to hell, but if you can't afford full price, and your credit score is below what would be required to take one of the financing options, you maybe should question whether or not you absolutely NEED the new iPhone.", ">>{romanticheart} : I expected at least one response like this and while I appreciate your concern, this isn't what I came here inquiring about. I am going to be needing my own plan soon anyway, so I came here to see if there was any options for reduced prices on the phone for new plans or any other similar promotions. If I have to change providers/plans anyway, I might as well see if I can get a cheap upgrade while I'm at it.", ">>{ahx-fos} : Why do you think you would fail a credit check? A mobile credit check doesn't use the same criteria as a mortgage you realise? You've already stated you have a perfect payment history; fuck the utilisation bullshit. The main thing is regular oayments and you've done just fine with that. I don't see why you wouldn't pass a mobile credit check.", ">>{romanticheart} : My score is very low due to the utilization. Will a mobile credit check be based off of payment history only? If so then I should be fine. I just assumed my low score would instantly disqualify me. I've never done a mobile credit check before!", '>>{Bbypndabamboo} : The equipment installment plans are actually a cheaper pricing model than 2year contracts', ">>{KevOK80} : Yes it's subject to a credit report but I wouldn't count yourself out. If your SO has good credit you could move your phone to her account and she would be the responsible party who gets the credit check and not you.", ">>{romanticheart} : Unfortunately, he's currently in the same boat as I am - perfect payment history, high utilization, low score. I assume they would have to do a new credit check on the account rather than go off of what they already had from when he originally signed up (and had a decent score)?", ">>{ahx-fos} : I think you misunderstand what a credit 'score' is. A credit score is meaningless. A lender has algorithms that look at your report then make their own lending judgement based on that. The 'score' the CRAs provide is meaningless in real world application. Re utilisation; I doubt a mobile provider cares. Your report shows a regular history of payments to all creditors, right? If so, I very much doubt you'll have any problems.", '>>{Bbypndabamboo} : This, Verizon is doing a trade in promotion where you get 550 for your iPhone 6. http://imgur.com/MaDlYVJ The whole phone cost becomes $99 instead of $649. No subsidies or weird discounting. Check with your local Verizon corporate store. My advice is not to visit an authorized retailer (diamond wireless, etc).', ">>{kingajeezy} : If you have an iPhone 6, they currently have a promotion where you can trade in your 6 for a free iPhone 7. If you decide you want a 7+, you'll just need to pay the difference over the two year next plan.", '>>{KevOK80} : Yes you\'re probably right. IMO the only way to know for sure is to try. But if you can\'t get a phone on a credit check you\'re not going to be able to get service either so it sounds like no phone for you. If your SO can add a line to his account without a credit check your best bet might be to buy the phone outright from Apple as "unlocked" and activate it on his account. Good luck.', '>>{KevOK80} : The person I was talking about said that buying it outright is cheaper. What you posted is a deal for device payments, not an outright upfront purchase. It literally says that in the screen shot you posted. You have to make your payments for the full 24 months to get the full amount of the rebate.', ">>{sugarkryptonite} : Maybe the bill never changed because you've always been on contracts and getting new phones? If that's true, you've been doing what the OP said from the start.", '>>{kingajeezy} : I thought I just saw a commercial for it this weekend, but I do remember that was the expiration date.', ">>{Akwardadam} : Sell iPhone 6 for $200-300 more if it's in great condition. Why not join iPhone Upgrade Program. There is no interest so you end up paying the full price of the phone but more affordable (if you can afford $30~ a month)", '>>{Mrwokn} : I ended up doing this. It wasn\'t exactly how they made it sound. I turned in my 6 64gb for my 7+ 128gb. My bill went up 6 dollars a month. You are forced to keep paying the 6 dollars a month instead of paying remainder off. If you pay it all off you lose your credits they give you each month for the "free iPhone7"', ">>{Pliablemoose} : You missed the good deals on the 7+, they've pretty much expired. I'd suggest getting your 6 unlocked and going on a prepaid plan and saving up for a 7+", ">>{romanticheart} : This was my original plan, but they do a credit check. Unless they focus more on payment history (mine is perfect) than they do credit score (mine is shit) I wouldn't get approved.", '>>{Akwardadam} : I got approved with horrible credit and only 86% on time payments.', '>>{Tayspike} : Did you do this at Apple or with your carrier? Do you know if this is expired?', '>>{Liamrc} : Check swappa. They have really good deals on mint condition ones.', '>>{6119442a08276dbb22e9} : What actually IS your credit score at? Do you know? I ask because I know several people with iPhones on monthly payment plans that I know for a fact truly have shitty credit. As in, car repo\'d, credit cards in collections, etc. Not judging their financial decisions.. but carriers tend to give out phones to nearly anyone. Your best bet would be to go into a branch for your carrier and say you want to upgrade, and have them run whatever they run for your new phone. For me on AT&T\'s Next program they didn\'t even bother with a credit check (read: no hard pulls on my credit report) since I\'ve been a customer for some time in good standing. Give it a shot. Worst they\'ll say is "nope sorry" and then you tell them you\'ll be taking your business elsewhere. Mobile service is cut-throat. They\'ll either tell you "wait a min" and give you a plan where you pre-pay a deposit that\'ll be credited toward your phone\'s payoff schedule or figure out a way for a manager to override it. If that fails, there\'ll certainly be another carrier that\'ll be willing to sell you an iPhone 7 at a payment plan.', '>>{sfislander} : Use swappa to sell your phone I just sold my mint 6 + 64 for 400', '>>{herpderp020} : Depends on the carrier. I know T-Mobile and att expired on the 25th and you mentioned next so I assumed att.', ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : Yes, but the device payments are literally the full retail purchase over 24 months. No interest and no additional fees compared to full retail. If you pay retail you'll end up paying the same rate for the service too. Believe me please it's the best deal.", ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : Verizon's has just been adjusted, check with your local store.", ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : Gotta disagree, trade in programs for carriers right now are excellent. I know Verizon's are.", ">>{Pleatnov} : You cannot fail a credit check at AT&T. You, at most, may be charged an upfront deposit that will be refunded after 12 on time payments. Lose that worry by simply going into a store an running the application for a Post Paid account. You'll have 7 days to decide. After that you'll have to run credit again.", '>>{Pleatnov} : How old are you? 18 years or older to setup an account with ATT. Your responses cause me to assume this information may be warranted.', '>>{Pleatnov} : Go to the carrier store of interest then, seeing as how you need the phone anyway. You have little buying power when in need.', ">>{romanticheart} : That's really good to know, thank you for the info.", '>>{Pleatnov} : Verizon devices are sold unlocked. Just putting that out there.', ">>{romanticheart} : Last I checked it was in the very low 600's. I don't have any negatives on my credit at all, and nearly 7 years of 100% on-time payments. The only thing negatively impacting my score is utilization. Being laid off for two months and needing emergency dental surgery caused 2015 to not be my finest year financially. Maxed out credit cards are a bitch to come back from. Thank you so much for your advice! I think I'm going to go into both AT&T and Verizon and basically see which one is willing to give me the best deal. Thanks again!", ">>{pongmanJ25} : Gosh, that sucks. I'm on a family plan with AT&T and have the unlimited data. I would hate to lose it.", ">>{KevOK80} : Correct. But if you can't get approved for a Verizon plan you're not getting a Verizon iPhone 7.", ">>{KevOK80} : Of course the promotion is a better deal than buying it outright. But you must have missed the 10x OP said they probably can't get approved for the loan because of their credit. No approval, no promotion.", '>>{jessicaho656} : As far as I know, the AT&T promotion giving the $650 credit has already ended, as well as VZW. The only carrier still offering a similar promotion is Sprint.', '>>{jessicaho656} : ATT and T-Mobile ended on 25th, not sure when VZW ended exactly but it ended, and Sprint is the only carrier offering the promotion at this time.', ">>{Bbypndabamboo} : It's really hard to have credit that Verizon will turn down. I didn't miss it asshat.", '>>{KevOK80} : Lol "asshat". We\'re resorting to name calling now because you didn\'t like my comment? Grow up, kid.'], [">>{WannaBuildABIackMan} : Can anyone tell me what features of Alien Blue aren't on the official Reddit app?", '>>{memaw_mumaw} : Uhh I have access to /r/nsfw, /r/bustypetite, etc on the official Reddit app.', ">>{Sandurz} : I've reluctantly switched to Narwhal and aside from relearning gestures it has quick switch night mode and tons of preview options.", '>>{pw5a29} : Auto switching back to sort "Hot" after leaving the subreddit', '>>{pnoozi} : Definitely the best one if you want simple and customizable', ">>{IIIlIIlIIlllIIlIl} : I'm using right now it's great. However it crashes regularly for me. It's still superior to AB", '>>{Taco_4_Life} : I am glad that I am not the only one who has noticed the crashing with attenae lately. Made the switch to narwhale recently and have been loving it', ">>{andysaurus_rex} : There's probably an option that hides NSFW posts that you have checked. I don't use the official app, but this would make sense (since you don't want to accidentally click on that in public). Check the settings.", ">>{iQTester} : Swiping to collapse a parent thread is so useful for me and one of the only reasons I'm still using Alien Blue.", '>>{NotSafeForWankstick} : You need to enable NSFW content on the desktop site for your account', '>>{WannaBuildABIackMan} : Oh shit they dont have that? Goodbye official reddit app then lol', ">>{iMau5} : I love how antenna works but he design hurts my eyes. If it was simplistic and easy on the eyes like AB I'd be in love.", ">>{wolfenkraft} : Doesn't have casual subreddit adding. I have subs I want to read, but they'd take over my front page if I had them in my real subbed list.", ">>{hobenscoben} : Can't Hide All at the end of a page. That's always been the killer feature for me. I hate seeing the same posts over and over.", '>>{jackattacck} : Go to the subreddit list and type in whatever sub you want in the search box.', '>>{jackattacck} : Tap the blank space at the top of the comment you want to collapse.', '>>{BitingChaos} : I still haven\'t found a "Gallery" mode in the new client. There are so many subs with pics, it\'s nice to be able to view *just* images.', ">>{wolfenkraft} : I have like 15 and don't remember their full names or they're annoyingly long.", ">>{jackattacck} : It's easier to tap than swipe further up on big phones.", ">>{NikeSwish} : You swipe anywhere in the comment thread and it collapses the entire thread. If you're past the top level comment you'd have to scroll up. So no it's not.", ">>{Mattallica} : Not as convenient as AB's swipe but you can tap the 3 dots under any comment and select 'collapse thread' in the official app. No need to scroll back up to the parent.", ">>{Mattallica} : You can create a multireddit of those subs and they'll act exactly like AB's custom groups. One downside though is you have to set them up on the desktop site first.", ">>{jackattacck} : Ah, I didn't realize it worked that way. In the official app. You can just press the next comment button and effectively do the same thing.", '>>{Taco_4_Life} : I think you can create a multi subreddit but I had already made the multi prior to installing narwhal', ">>{UTDoctor} : And it's the only app on my phone where the first letter isn't capitalized...", '>>{thegarbagesauce} : Holding the thumbnail to preview a photo is HUGE for me. Still using Alien Blue because of it.', ">>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : I'm such a twat, only reason I won't use it is the icon lol", '>>{kekspernikai} : Yeah. The name, the icon, and the capitalization keep me on Antenna.', ">>{kekspernikai} : Eh, it's alright if you change the font, size, and use night mode.", ">>{tha904mack} : Trust me, antenna (armc) is the best client out there. Go night mode and the GUI won't bother you as much. It seriously has everything and is the fastest out there", ">>{yuhche} : Third on mine after eBay and an unofficial app, f.lux. Don't think 1Password counts.", ">>{yuhche} : This is why I use BaconReader! I have subs that I'm not subbed to but still visit sometimes as they are saved as bookmarks which are easily accessible.", ">>{2058Lynx} : I set it up to look just like Alien blue it's more fluid and modern, I like it a lot can't go back to Alien blue now Haha"], [">>{alassion} : Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi endorse Trump's attack in Syria", ">>{nevertrustanatom} : just because you downvote this here doesn't mean the whole world doesn't know your party is hungry for war.", '>>{roj2323} : Idiots. They are playing right into his hands. The best thing they could have done is stayed neutral until more was known about the situation. This is starting to remind me of Iraq in 2001-2002', '>>{skinnytrees} : Iraq War Resolution Hillary Clinton D-NY: Yea Charles Schumer D-NY: Yea', ">>{johnramsey5} : Look who's suckling at the military industrial complex's teat. Good little pawns.", '>>{ImInterested} : Does Trump / GOP ever take responsibility for anything? I know it is a definite no if things go wrong.', '>>{ImInterested} : [House Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_House_of_Representatives) GOP 215 - 6 Dem 82 - 126 [Senate Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_Senate) GOP 48 - 1 Dem 29 - 21 Who is the party of war?', ">>{MysticRay} : I'm not a Republican or a Trump supporter and I agree with every word the dude said.", '>>{MysticRay} : Of course they do. The question is how soon with they get back to leading the #resistance. What a joke.', ">>{ImInterested} : One, anyone in support of constant war should signup in the military. Two, congress should do their job ( they don't want to have to take hard votes ) and reign in POTUS. Could care less what party is POTUS. I think the Iraq War Resolution is the last vote taken on authorizing war. [House Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_House_of_Representatives) GOP 215 - 6 Dem 82 - 126 [Senate Vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution#United_States_Senate) GOP 48 - 1 Dem 29 - 21 Who is the party of war? I find the US being at constant war and nobody talks about it disgusting, the media could do their job also. Thought Trump was elected because Hillary was a war monger and we were going to stop being the world police? Since Americans pay zero cost for war we can just always be at war. Do taxes rise, see the results live on TV every night in full high def color, can we bring back the draft. Is there any price the average American pays for perpetual war? Can we cut some domestic programs?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{jrodan94} : Verizon to restrict calls on Galaxy Note 7: may consider billing holdouts for full cost of phone', ">>{emceenoesis} : Could this woman be the first Arizonan deported because of Trump's orders?", ">>{Motality} : [I'm so sorry Guadalupe, but...](https://media.tenor.co/images/8ad4d2ed04f3094456f12d099251727e/raw)", ">>{lalit86} : As much as I agree with your statement that Verizon is a dick, considering that Note 7 is now officially banned and Verizon having already reimbursed for the phones, I can't seem to imagine how Verizon is in the wrong here. People are stupid enough to carry around Note 7 and Verizon can't be faulted for forcing them to get rid of it.", ">>{studentthrowaway1} : Let's be honest guys. Clinton and Obama were notorious in going after illegal immigrants across the board.", ">>{rtv190} : Like I've said before, a lot of the people holding onto theirs are either holding out until the Note 8 or are keeping theirs as collectors items", ">>{CHIEFTAN_WARREN_2020} : She's a human being. She has every fucking right to be here.", ">>{Motality} : Oh... I'm sorry, as a Canadian who hates the fucking cold, I didn't know that being a human being is the prerequisite for living in the United States! California here I COME!", ">>{gamedevelopersguild} : They're bombs, motherfucking bombs, not an original iphone to fucking treasure. If that shit blows up when you're driving and you kill three people then you deserve everything that comes to you.", ">>{rtv190} : Who shit in your cereal this morning, i'm not saying that they use them on a regular basis, i'm saying that they took the battery out of it and put it back in the box and are waiting for when they start going up in value", ">>{CHIEFTAN_WARREN_2020} : Borders are an archaic construct of the past. They are primitive and based on bigotry. We are all one people, and you have every right to live here as well. Living in America is a human right, regardless of where you're born.", '>>{Motality} : [Oh okay, that makes sense, me and billions of my human being friends are on our way!...](https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1380349887ra/703798.gif)', '>>{10110010111000} : So she was already deported once and got arrested again for stealing identities and people are acting outraged over her actually being kicked out?', '>>{Firestar463} : To be fair, Obama also deported many illegal immigrants - record numbers, I believe. The difference here is that he never called them rapists and murderers.', '>>{gamedevelopersguild} : > Who shit in your cereal this morning, Someone who came into my story and complained about getting his leg burned by one of these long after the recall... Sorry about the "hatorade"', ">>{rtv190} : They still aren't using them, just keeping them in a box (some in fire resistant bags/boxes), hell some are still sealed in the box.", ">>{TiresiasNeedsGlasses} : I'm not debating that. I'm just saying that you can't take the battery out of them.", ">>{KUSH_DID_420-} : Obama had a catch and release program. It was not real Deportations. Also people caught on the border were labeled as 'deported' would never have been called that during Bush's term", ">>{TMWNN} : As /u/KUSH_DID_420- said, that's not true. [On the contrary:](http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obama-deportations-20140402-story.html) >But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data. >Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009. >On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics. >The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now. From October 2016: [Obama Administration Is Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/07/us/delayed-deportations-illegal-immigrants.html)", ">>{TMWNN} : You are having a first-hand encounter with a SJWtard. /r/politics and /r/worldnews are their primary habitats, but they can be found anywhere in Reddit. Carefully observe, but don't disturb their natural habitats, as they are very ~~stupid~~ shy and will flee at the slightest provocation.", '>>{Firestar463} : Fair enough. I remember reading somewhere that he had deported tons of immigrants, but I suppose it was either my poor memory, incomplete info in the article, or fake news.', ">>{pijkleem} : Idk why ppl are upset about being charged!!! Nothing is free especially the $900 note 7! If you want it as a collector's item just pay the price it is still a BEAUTIFUL phone.", ">>{Wowtuck} : My sister in la still uses hers on a daily basis without any problems. Idk why she doesn't get rid of it, as the have children who play on their phones, but hey...", '>>{ezcomeezgo2} : Nope, she was arrested in a raid at work in the US. In order to work there she made up a fake SS#. Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 25 that made using a fake SS# a high level crime that triggers deportation.', '>>{ezcomeezgo2} : To sum it up. She was here for 21 years and has two children who are citizens of the US; she was working at a mini-golf course in 2008, when it was raided by Maricopa County Sheriffs; she used a fabricated SS# in order to obtain the job. On Jan 25 Donald Trump signed an executive order that made using a fake SS# a priority offense that will trigger deportation.', ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : I support this. Furthermore, I think anyone with a note 7 should be heavily fined, but the fine will go away if you turn in your phone. I understand the chances of the phone blowing up are low, but it's a stupid risk to take. You're risking other people's lives, not cool.", ">>{keto-matt} : It's Murica, don't tell me how to live u commie", ">>{PapaTimbs} : You can't take away our 2nd amendment right to exploding phones", ">>{Made_While_Shitting} : Pretty sure you couldn't take the battery out of the Note 7..", '>>{Axlemar} : If that\'s how "value" works I have some faulty airbags to sell you.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{jrodan94} : Verizon to restrict calls on Galaxy Note 7: may consider billing holdouts for full cost of phone', ">>{lalit86} : As much as I agree with your statement that Verizon is a dick, considering that Note 7 is now officially banned and Verizon having already reimbursed for the phones, I can't seem to imagine how Verizon is in the wrong here. People are stupid enough to carry around Note 7 and Verizon can't be faulted for forcing them to get rid of it.", ">>{rtv190} : Like I've said before, a lot of the people holding onto theirs are either holding out until the Note 8 or are keeping theirs as collectors items", ">>{gamedevelopersguild} : They're bombs, motherfucking bombs, not an original iphone to fucking treasure. If that shit blows up when you're driving and you kill three people then you deserve everything that comes to you.", ">>{rtv190} : Who shit in your cereal this morning, i'm not saying that they use them on a regular basis, i'm saying that they took the battery out of it and put it back in the box and are waiting for when they start going up in value", '>>{gamedevelopersguild} : > Who shit in your cereal this morning, Someone who came into my story and complained about getting his leg burned by one of these long after the recall... Sorry about the "hatorade"', ">>{rtv190} : They still aren't using them, just keeping them in a box (some in fire resistant bags/boxes), hell some are still sealed in the box.", ">>{TiresiasNeedsGlasses} : I'm not debating that. I'm just saying that you can't take the battery out of them.", ">>{pijkleem} : Idk why ppl are upset about being charged!!! Nothing is free especially the $900 note 7! If you want it as a collector's item just pay the price it is still a BEAUTIFUL phone.", ">>{Wowtuck} : My sister in la still uses hers on a daily basis without any problems. Idk why she doesn't get rid of it, as the have children who play on their phones, but hey...", ">>{I-touched-the-butt} : I support this. Furthermore, I think anyone with a note 7 should be heavily fined, but the fine will go away if you turn in your phone. I understand the chances of the phone blowing up are low, but it's a stupid risk to take. You're risking other people's lives, not cool.", ">>{keto-matt} : It's Murica, don't tell me how to live u commie", ">>{PapaTimbs} : You can't take away our 2nd amendment right to exploding phones", ">>{Made_While_Shitting} : Pretty sure you couldn't take the battery out of the Note 7..", '>>{Axlemar} : If that\'s how "value" works I have some faulty airbags to sell you.'], [">>{emceenoesis} : Could this woman be the first Arizonan deported because of Trump's orders?", ">>{Motality} : [I'm so sorry Guadalupe, but...](https://media.tenor.co/images/8ad4d2ed04f3094456f12d099251727e/raw)", ">>{studentthrowaway1} : Let's be honest guys. Clinton and Obama were notorious in going after illegal immigrants across the board.", ">>{CHIEFTAN_WARREN_2020} : She's a human being. She has every fucking right to be here.", ">>{Motality} : Oh... I'm sorry, as a Canadian who hates the fucking cold, I didn't know that being a human being is the prerequisite for living in the United States! California here I COME!", ">>{CHIEFTAN_WARREN_2020} : Borders are an archaic construct of the past. They are primitive and based on bigotry. We are all one people, and you have every right to live here as well. Living in America is a human right, regardless of where you're born.", '>>{Motality} : [Oh okay, that makes sense, me and billions of my human being friends are on our way!...](https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1380349887ra/703798.gif)', '>>{10110010111000} : So she was already deported once and got arrested again for stealing identities and people are acting outraged over her actually being kicked out?', '>>{Firestar463} : To be fair, Obama also deported many illegal immigrants - record numbers, I believe. The difference here is that he never called them rapists and murderers.', ">>{KUSH_DID_420-} : Obama had a catch and release program. It was not real Deportations. Also people caught on the border were labeled as 'deported' would never have been called that during Bush's term", ">>{TMWNN} : As /u/KUSH_DID_420- said, that's not true. [On the contrary:](http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obama-deportations-20140402-story.html) >But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data. >Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009. >On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics. >The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now. From October 2016: [Obama Administration Is Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/07/us/delayed-deportations-illegal-immigrants.html)", ">>{TMWNN} : You are having a first-hand encounter with a SJWtard. /r/politics and /r/worldnews are their primary habitats, but they can be found anywhere in Reddit. Carefully observe, but don't disturb their natural habitats, as they are very ~~stupid~~ shy and will flee at the slightest provocation.", '>>{Firestar463} : Fair enough. I remember reading somewhere that he had deported tons of immigrants, but I suppose it was either my poor memory, incomplete info in the article, or fake news.', '>>{ezcomeezgo2} : Nope, she was arrested in a raid at work in the US. In order to work there she made up a fake SS#. Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 25 that made using a fake SS# a high level crime that triggers deportation.', '>>{ezcomeezgo2} : To sum it up. She was here for 21 years and has two children who are citizens of the US; she was working at a mini-golf course in 2008, when it was raided by Maricopa County Sheriffs; she used a fabricated SS# in order to obtain the job. On Jan 25 Donald Trump signed an executive order that made using a fake SS# a priority offense that will trigger deportation.']]
classify and reply
['>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : If our loser of a President displayed even a modicum of consistency in his statements I would be amazed.', '>>{Ziapolitics} : Clinton flies with traveling press corps for the first time', '>>{TinyBaron} : If there was no wrongdoing, why would he need an immunity deal? Would immunity protect him from concealing information about 45?', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : The press were given lush accommodations in the cargo hold.', '>>{throwawaycontainer} : Translation: "I want to Ollie North this whole Russia scandal."', ">>{DamagedHells} : She isn't a fate worse than Trump. She's burned this bridge, though. I'm not defensively voting anymore.", ">>{b3iAAoLZOH9Y265cujFh} : Oh, he's trying... But nobody seems interested in giving him any.", ">>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : This is dangerous because I'm sure one of them will misquote her.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Well I\'m not clicking on it for ad revenue, can you pass.on my sentiments to the "author"?', ">>{SantaHickeys} : Maybe it's just becoming clear, but money in politics, corporate influence and income inequality are the problem. Hilary Clinton is a part of that problem, not the solution. Hating this election cycle. Yes she's winning.", ">>{safeway7} : Great so now Trump's media attack dogs are even closer to her.", '>>{anon902503} : WHO GIVES A FUCK. The press just fucking loves stories about the press.', ">>{SunriseSurprise} : Hey look, it's second-rate Slate trying to get more clicks again.", ">>{ward0630} : I feel like the best way to empower Bernie's message now is to vote Clinton. It's not like Trump will ever give his agenda the time of day.", ">>{shamefuless} : It's all distraction, deflection, keeping the focus on me me me. Ima stick to the Russia story followed by all the incidents of conflicts of interest and ethics violations in his administration.", ">>{BL4NK_D1CE} : He'd only get immunity if the FBI could get him to directly identify trump as party to collusion in the Russian influence campaign. I imagine they're approaching this like a RICO case.", '>>{Ziapolitics} : > The press just fucking loves stories about the press. Very True.', ">>{Yes_Man_} : FBI recommendation for indictment. Until she's cleared by the Feds, she's a tainted cadidate who frankly hasn't proven herself worthy of the benefit of the doubt.", ">>{susquehanna_weed} : lol I thought you were kidding till I saw your comment history, which makes this hilarious. I've never seen a modern politician or their supporters so afraid of the free press. Does that not give you pause?", '>>{IlikePez} : While I was stuck in traffic going home tonight I actually had the thought "naming Bernie sanders as his running mate would be the smartest thing trump could *ever* do."', '>>{YeahWhateverDonnie} : Doubt trump has any idea what that is tbh.', '>>{ward0630} : I should be clear: "Trump will never give *Bernie\'s* agenda the time of day." And Trump and Bernie are very far apart on most issues.', ">>{Cupinacup} : I don't think Bernie hates Clinton and the DNC enough to sell out on that level.", ">>{susquehanna_weed} : I've never seen a modern politician or their supporters so afraid of the free press. Does that not give you pause?", ">>{ovrwrtch_} : He'll probably try to reinstate him once he gets it.", '>>{Adamj1} : Clinton\'s safe though, because she used her pillows to make a fort that says: "NO PRESS ALLOWED."', '>>{KikiFlowers} : Oh please. They were strapped to the wing.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I've entertained the same fantasy, their voters have similiarities.", ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Trump can't pardon him, so him being given an immunity deal is the next best thing.", ">>{KikiFlowers} : Well when the press is asking the same questions all the time about your email servers(a big issue yes), or your health(not an issue), you'd be tired of them too.", '>>{IlikePez} : He was independent before. I think that means he just wants to do what he thinks is right, regardless of party affiliations. "Party Line" voting is something I haven\'t done in over 20 years, even though I\'m registered as one.', ">>{susquehanna_weed} : I'd tend to agree with you, but the problem is she has never answered any of the media's questions. She refuses to speak to the press unless it is a strictly controlled and planned interview on her terms.", '>>{Three__14} : Wing? They will be hanging by a rope tied to the landing gear', ">>{KikiFlowers} : Really? Figured they'd be in the gear compartment. What better place to store them?", '>>{IlikePez} : I just want someone who will fix the fucking bridges.', ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Trump can't pardon him, and wants immunity for Flynn so he can Ollie north this whole thing", '>>{IrishJoe} : He only said that after Flynn was already seeking an immunity deal. Trump wants to pretend that he came up with it an Flynn followed his advice. I guarantee you that if Flynn does, Trump will tweet that it was his idea and that Flynn only did it because Trump said to.', ">>{CySailor} : Wow, the pres really though some hardball questions at her: * Are you happy to have us with you? * How was your Labor Day weekend? * Are you ready? That's some hard hitting journalism there!", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : I think these two are anti establishment enough to do *something*.', ">>{screenslaver} : They both recognize that the corporate oligarchy doesn't give the remotest shit about their interests. Trump supporters realize this on a gut level, and it manifests in a very reactionary and toxic fashion, because that's all they know. Bernie supporters realize the same on a gut and mental/sometimes intellectual level, and it manifests in a radically different way. Vanishingly little overlap in the two responses. Clinton supporters are however dutiful defenders of the status quo, uncritically eating whole the propaganda pies pumped out by Clinton campaign's biggest benefactors.", ">>{Cupinacup} : He was independent but he's always caucused with the Dems.", ">>{IlikePez} : That's kind of what I was thinking when I was stopped in traffic watching a crow pick worms out of the grass. I vote infrastructure. Shit, I just realized that needs to be a button or bumper sticker or t shirt or something.", ">>{IlikePez} : So it's like a slot car ride? You can only go one direction one way? Ever? Until the Track Master decides to throw the switch to change the direction?", ">>{Willlll} : It's not that cut and dry but he surely wouldn't go in the opposite direction and try to set the tracks on fire on the way.", '>>{gonzone} : Title is a prime example of the CTR "unity outreach". Sure is winning converts with all the name calling!', '>>{violentintenttoday} : why would CTR want a story about how bernie supporters think Clinton is worse than Trump?', ">>{IlikePez} : That's the problem I have with politicians. And the political system we have set up now. I vote infrastructure. I hope I'm not alone in this. Those bridges man, they need to be fixed.", '>>{ward0630} : I would absolutely grant you that Bernie and Trump are *similar* on trade, but I think Trump would be willing to be dangerously aggressive with China, and would probably be willing to start a trade war just to make a point (that\'s pure speculation, of course, just how I feel). On the military, I seriously doubt that Bernie would want Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear weapons or start bombing the families of terrorists. Nor would Bernie advocate for bringing back "worse than waterboarding." On college, Bernie wants to make college free for everyone, whereas Trump ran a "university" that is being sued for fraud. Shit, I\'m all about paying less for textbooks and such, but I don\'t think Bernie and Trump are on the same page there. I\'m all about supporting my fellow Americans, but I don\'t think any reasonable Bernie supporter could look at Trump\'s policies and say that they match up with Bernie\'s enough to make him or her switch from Bernie to Trump.', ">>{ward0630} : At worst, Hillary wouldn't actively fight the progressive movement the way Trump would.", '>>{violentintenttoday} : Do you? >“I honestly believe a President Clinton would be more destructive than a President Trump.” — Rachel Brookhart . >This actually tracks with polling: Between March and May, the percentage of Sanders supporters who said they planned to vote for Trump in a Washington Post poll climbed from 9 percent to 20 percent. Similarly, the number of Sanders supporters who would commit to voting for Clinton in a YouGov poll shrank from 63 percent to 50 percent between April and May.', '>>{SNStains} : Except Sanders knows Trump is a national disgrace and said today: >"I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump', ">>{ladyships} : what makes you think she wouldn't fight the progressives?", ">>{ward0630} : She wants to be re-elected. Even if you think she's a hardcore conservative disguised as a liberal, she would want to be re-elected to the presidency, and that means fighting for at least some progressive causes."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Ziapolitics} : Clinton flies with traveling press corps for the first time', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : The press were given lush accommodations in the cargo hold.', ">>{fe75f95aed185b273458} : This is dangerous because I'm sure one of them will misquote her.", ">>{safeway7} : Great so now Trump's media attack dogs are even closer to her.", '>>{anon902503} : WHO GIVES A FUCK. The press just fucking loves stories about the press.', '>>{Ziapolitics} : > The press just fucking loves stories about the press. Very True.', ">>{susquehanna_weed} : lol I thought you were kidding till I saw your comment history, which makes this hilarious. I've never seen a modern politician or their supporters so afraid of the free press. Does that not give you pause?", ">>{susquehanna_weed} : I've never seen a modern politician or their supporters so afraid of the free press. Does that not give you pause?", '>>{Adamj1} : Clinton\'s safe though, because she used her pillows to make a fort that says: "NO PRESS ALLOWED."', '>>{KikiFlowers} : Oh please. They were strapped to the wing.', ">>{KikiFlowers} : Well when the press is asking the same questions all the time about your email servers(a big issue yes), or your health(not an issue), you'd be tired of them too.", ">>{susquehanna_weed} : I'd tend to agree with you, but the problem is she has never answered any of the media's questions. She refuses to speak to the press unless it is a strictly controlled and planned interview on her terms.", '>>{Three__14} : Wing? They will be hanging by a rope tied to the landing gear', ">>{KikiFlowers} : Really? Figured they'd be in the gear compartment. What better place to store them?", ">>{CySailor} : Wow, the pres really though some hardball questions at her: * Are you happy to have us with you? * How was your Labor Day weekend? * Are you ready? That's some hard hitting journalism there!"], [">>{DamagedHells} : She isn't a fate worse than Trump. She's burned this bridge, though. I'm not defensively voting anymore.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Well I\'m not clicking on it for ad revenue, can you pass.on my sentiments to the "author"?', ">>{SantaHickeys} : Maybe it's just becoming clear, but money in politics, corporate influence and income inequality are the problem. Hilary Clinton is a part of that problem, not the solution. Hating this election cycle. Yes she's winning.", ">>{SunriseSurprise} : Hey look, it's second-rate Slate trying to get more clicks again.", ">>{ward0630} : I feel like the best way to empower Bernie's message now is to vote Clinton. It's not like Trump will ever give his agenda the time of day.", ">>{Yes_Man_} : FBI recommendation for indictment. Until she's cleared by the Feds, she's a tainted cadidate who frankly hasn't proven herself worthy of the benefit of the doubt.", '>>{IlikePez} : While I was stuck in traffic going home tonight I actually had the thought "naming Bernie sanders as his running mate would be the smartest thing trump could *ever* do."', '>>{ward0630} : I should be clear: "Trump will never give *Bernie\'s* agenda the time of day." And Trump and Bernie are very far apart on most issues.', ">>{Cupinacup} : I don't think Bernie hates Clinton and the DNC enough to sell out on that level.", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I've entertained the same fantasy, their voters have similiarities.", '>>{IlikePez} : He was independent before. I think that means he just wants to do what he thinks is right, regardless of party affiliations. "Party Line" voting is something I haven\'t done in over 20 years, even though I\'m registered as one.', '>>{IlikePez} : I just want someone who will fix the fucking bridges.', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : I think these two are anti establishment enough to do *something*.', ">>{screenslaver} : They both recognize that the corporate oligarchy doesn't give the remotest shit about their interests. Trump supporters realize this on a gut level, and it manifests in a very reactionary and toxic fashion, because that's all they know. Bernie supporters realize the same on a gut and mental/sometimes intellectual level, and it manifests in a radically different way. Vanishingly little overlap in the two responses. Clinton supporters are however dutiful defenders of the status quo, uncritically eating whole the propaganda pies pumped out by Clinton campaign's biggest benefactors.", ">>{Cupinacup} : He was independent but he's always caucused with the Dems.", ">>{IlikePez} : That's kind of what I was thinking when I was stopped in traffic watching a crow pick worms out of the grass. I vote infrastructure. Shit, I just realized that needs to be a button or bumper sticker or t shirt or something.", ">>{IlikePez} : So it's like a slot car ride? You can only go one direction one way? Ever? Until the Track Master decides to throw the switch to change the direction?", ">>{Willlll} : It's not that cut and dry but he surely wouldn't go in the opposite direction and try to set the tracks on fire on the way.", '>>{gonzone} : Title is a prime example of the CTR "unity outreach". Sure is winning converts with all the name calling!', '>>{violentintenttoday} : why would CTR want a story about how bernie supporters think Clinton is worse than Trump?', ">>{IlikePez} : That's the problem I have with politicians. And the political system we have set up now. I vote infrastructure. I hope I'm not alone in this. Those bridges man, they need to be fixed.", '>>{ward0630} : I would absolutely grant you that Bernie and Trump are *similar* on trade, but I think Trump would be willing to be dangerously aggressive with China, and would probably be willing to start a trade war just to make a point (that\'s pure speculation, of course, just how I feel). On the military, I seriously doubt that Bernie would want Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear weapons or start bombing the families of terrorists. Nor would Bernie advocate for bringing back "worse than waterboarding." On college, Bernie wants to make college free for everyone, whereas Trump ran a "university" that is being sued for fraud. Shit, I\'m all about paying less for textbooks and such, but I don\'t think Bernie and Trump are on the same page there. I\'m all about supporting my fellow Americans, but I don\'t think any reasonable Bernie supporter could look at Trump\'s policies and say that they match up with Bernie\'s enough to make him or her switch from Bernie to Trump.', ">>{ward0630} : At worst, Hillary wouldn't actively fight the progressive movement the way Trump would.", '>>{violentintenttoday} : Do you? >“I honestly believe a President Clinton would be more destructive than a President Trump.” — Rachel Brookhart . >This actually tracks with polling: Between March and May, the percentage of Sanders supporters who said they planned to vote for Trump in a Washington Post poll climbed from 9 percent to 20 percent. Similarly, the number of Sanders supporters who would commit to voting for Clinton in a YouGov poll shrank from 63 percent to 50 percent between April and May.', '>>{SNStains} : Except Sanders knows Trump is a national disgrace and said today: >"I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump', ">>{ladyships} : what makes you think she wouldn't fight the progressives?", ">>{ward0630} : She wants to be re-elected. Even if you think she's a hardcore conservative disguised as a liberal, she would want to be re-elected to the presidency, and that means fighting for at least some progressive causes."], ['>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : If our loser of a President displayed even a modicum of consistency in his statements I would be amazed.', '>>{TinyBaron} : If there was no wrongdoing, why would he need an immunity deal? Would immunity protect him from concealing information about 45?', '>>{throwawaycontainer} : Translation: "I want to Ollie North this whole Russia scandal."', ">>{b3iAAoLZOH9Y265cujFh} : Oh, he's trying... But nobody seems interested in giving him any.", ">>{shamefuless} : It's all distraction, deflection, keeping the focus on me me me. Ima stick to the Russia story followed by all the incidents of conflicts of interest and ethics violations in his administration.", ">>{BL4NK_D1CE} : He'd only get immunity if the FBI could get him to directly identify trump as party to collusion in the Russian influence campaign. I imagine they're approaching this like a RICO case.", '>>{YeahWhateverDonnie} : Doubt trump has any idea what that is tbh.', ">>{ovrwrtch_} : He'll probably try to reinstate him once he gets it.", ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Trump can't pardon him, so him being given an immunity deal is the next best thing.", ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Trump can't pardon him, and wants immunity for Flynn so he can Ollie north this whole thing", '>>{IrishJoe} : He only said that after Flynn was already seeking an immunity deal. Trump wants to pretend that he came up with it an Flynn followed his advice. I guarantee you that if Flynn does, Trump will tweet that it was his idea and that Flynn only did it because Trump said to.']]
classify and reply
['>>{ZAWGURN} : Should there be a turn on/off cellular data option IN the control menu when you swipe up from the bottom', ">>{CaptNemo131} : Doesn't selecting Airplane Mode then activating WiFi accomplish the same goal?", ">>{giraxxe} : Who turns off their cellular data and why? I doubt there'd be much improvement when it comes to battery life or the few kB of data saved.", '>>{Deybon} : I see no use for that also as someone said, just use airplane mode with wifi', ">>{mamdani23} : If you do that, you won't receive any calls or texts. I think op means turning off data only, so like if you're gonna go over your limit", '>>{Panda_of_power} : So where does this fall in the "give a solution or don\'t say anything" spectrum you are demanding?', ">>{headlineisBULLSHIT} : No it's not. They publish information from whistleblowers. Simple as that. Nothing mysterious about exposing corruption.", '>>{peepeetchootchoo} : > or the few kB of data saved. [Few???](http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/447/whatchatalkinabout.jpg)', '>>{MulattoLatte} : Do you take the subway? Turn on airplane mode while underground for 30mins twice a day, it makes a difference.', '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : Did you miss the memo? They\'re Russian stooges who worked to install the Manchurian Donald Trump. No, for real, Wikileaks is led by a sick and perverted rapist who licks Putin\'s balls and hates us. Have you not been reading our "propaganda-free U.S. Corporate Media of Freedom?" We might have to send you for reprogramming!', '>>{jschild} : Unless it involves Trump, then they just say "Its not worse than anything else out there" while making sure emails about recipes are put out. Totally brave people with no agenda but the truth.', ">>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : Don't worry, they'll go after the Donald too. To be fair, what were they supposed to do during the election? Jump on the pussy grabber bandwagon? That shit was reality TV, not news. Of course they had more on the Hillary after her lifetime in government. > Totally brave people with no agenda but the truth. I think Assange has tremendous courage to publicly challenge the government of the United States. He's paid a heavy price with the bullshit honeypot rape charges and imprisonment in the Ecuadorian embassy. I haven't done anything that entitles me to piss on his sacrifices and courage. What state secrets have you published?", ">>{ZAWGURN} : I don't have unlimited but I'm probs switching soon but I always get huge overages and it will really be. Convonwat", '>>{ZAWGURN} : Yes exactly Edit: even when ur on wifi it still uses some data too', '>>{hose_monkey} : For my use I would rather have a VPN button', '>>{Mr_Pinata} : Honestly, replacing the night shift button with low power mode might be more viable. Honestly, why is there even a dedicated button for a feature that uses a timer to function?', '>>{jschild} : They had shit and refused to release it. That pretty much eliminates any credibility and shows an agenda', ">>{jschild} : Assange (edited: stupid swype) himself said they had info on Trump but it wasn't worse than anything he said. They never released it but go ahead and hand wave that away", '>>{perry1023} : It disables Bluetooth also and forces a manual reconnect, which is annoying as hell.', ">>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : > They had shit and refused to release it. That pretty much eliminates any credibility and shows an agenda Wow. What did they have? Let's hear the details. It's clear Assange hates the Hillary. Isn't that agenda enough? Can you blame him given the bullshit honeypot rape charges and his multi year confinement to the Ecuadorian embassy? That wouldn't make you hate the people who did it to you?", '>>{Anton31Kah} : I wanted a solution too but found some stupid assholes just like you saying that having a button to turn on and off cellular data is not needed then the same butthurt bitches downvoted my comment which makes me feel better cause I love speaking the truth and making people mad', ">>{ArchiveSQ} : Having come from Android (loving my iPhone) why not a button to turn off location? Yes yes, fine, okay I know it technically regulates itself and you can control which apps use it - fine. But there's times when it makes sense to just leave off. For example - if you have a widget that relies on location and you take a second to glance at it, the location stays on for a good while. It's a battery killer and overheats the phone. Give us that toggle, pls.", ">>{headlineisBULLSHIT} : Forgive me if I didn't pick up on your saracasm: You're fucking nuts. I have never seen someone so complacent and brainwashed. No wonder everyone hates /r/politics. You do not have any real discussion and you get all your news from fake news sites like Salon, Vox and Mother Jones. What a fucking joke.", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : To be fair, it\'s hard to delve into "it." What was "it" that they had? Was the decision to not release "it" appropriate given what "it" is? I wouldn\'t want to hand wave "it" away. How can we drill into "it?" What do you propose?', ">>{jschild} : They bothered to release emails about recipes, even if it isn't any worse than what's he said, it was new information. But go ahead, keep those hands waving and keep making excuses. We have what Assange said himself.", ">>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : > Yep, all Hillary. Yeah, he got her good. Isn't it good to see transparency triumph over secrecy? > And no dumbass I can't say what he had. Feeling butthurt and need to lash out? It's ok. Cry it out bro, I'm here for you. > I can only say he LITERALLY fucking said they had info but weren't releasing it. Ah, he said he had information but it was not worth releasing and therefore he's holding back on us? That's some twisted logic you've got there, buddy.", ">>{jschild} : Having information, and not releasing it, is LITERALLY holding back. It's literally the opposite of transparency. Damn, are you that blind that you can't even say that it doesn't look good?", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : I\'m not making any excuses. Again, let\'s delve into "it." How do you propose we start? What did Assange say himself?', '>>{jschild} : I see a command of google is beyond you. "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said that the information they have on Donald Trump is not “more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3760002/WikiLeaks-founder-says-problem-leaking-material-Trump-compare-comes-Donald-Trump-s-mouth.html http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/08/27/wikileaks-info-donald-trump/', '>>{slandeh} : Turn off Wifi assist. That solves that problem.', '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : > Having information, and not releasing it, is LITERALLY holding back. It\'s literally the opposite of transparency. Absolutely. What information did he have and hold back? Of course. If it\'s about a bout of the Donald\'s diarrhea maybe transparency isn\'t appropriate? > Damn, are you that blind that you can\'t even say that it doesn\'t look good? I use evidence to draw conclusions. It\'s a good principle to avoid looking the naive fool. I can\'t get hysterical about Assange withholding "it" when you can\'t tell me what "it" is. It\'s a rudimentary question. What is "it" that you believe has been held back?', ">>{jschild} : How can we know it when he refuses to tell us? The only thing he told us is that he had information on it, and that he decided it wasn't newsworthy and apparently we should trust that, when he is willing to put out emails that have nothing to do with anything. Sweet Jesus you're dense.", ">>{ZAWGURN} : I did it's still going way over. I'm switching soon though", '>>{BitWise} : What I\'d rather see, and yes I know there are probably jailbreak tweaks that do this, is to allow the toggles in Control Center to be customized with any on/off option that\'s available in Settings. Also allow the application launchers in Control Center to customized. FYI, there are "launcher" apps that have widgets that can do most of this already.', ">>{SprSynJn} : The button is big enough to split it and add the feature you mention. I imagine that will be done in a future update. I also believe they keep Night Shift on Control Center for people to see if it's activated or not. That's what I assumed anyway."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ZAWGURN} : Should there be a turn on/off cellular data option IN the control menu when you swipe up from the bottom', ">>{CaptNemo131} : Doesn't selecting Airplane Mode then activating WiFi accomplish the same goal?", ">>{giraxxe} : Who turns off their cellular data and why? I doubt there'd be much improvement when it comes to battery life or the few kB of data saved.", '>>{Deybon} : I see no use for that also as someone said, just use airplane mode with wifi', ">>{mamdani23} : If you do that, you won't receive any calls or texts. I think op means turning off data only, so like if you're gonna go over your limit", '>>{Panda_of_power} : So where does this fall in the "give a solution or don\'t say anything" spectrum you are demanding?', '>>{peepeetchootchoo} : > or the few kB of data saved. [Few???](http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/447/whatchatalkinabout.jpg)', '>>{MulattoLatte} : Do you take the subway? Turn on airplane mode while underground for 30mins twice a day, it makes a difference.', ">>{ZAWGURN} : I don't have unlimited but I'm probs switching soon but I always get huge overages and it will really be. Convonwat", '>>{ZAWGURN} : Yes exactly Edit: even when ur on wifi it still uses some data too', '>>{hose_monkey} : For my use I would rather have a VPN button', '>>{Mr_Pinata} : Honestly, replacing the night shift button with low power mode might be more viable. Honestly, why is there even a dedicated button for a feature that uses a timer to function?', '>>{perry1023} : It disables Bluetooth also and forces a manual reconnect, which is annoying as hell.', '>>{Anton31Kah} : I wanted a solution too but found some stupid assholes just like you saying that having a button to turn on and off cellular data is not needed then the same butthurt bitches downvoted my comment which makes me feel better cause I love speaking the truth and making people mad', ">>{ArchiveSQ} : Having come from Android (loving my iPhone) why not a button to turn off location? Yes yes, fine, okay I know it technically regulates itself and you can control which apps use it - fine. But there's times when it makes sense to just leave off. For example - if you have a widget that relies on location and you take a second to glance at it, the location stays on for a good while. It's a battery killer and overheats the phone. Give us that toggle, pls.", '>>{slandeh} : Turn off Wifi assist. That solves that problem.', ">>{ZAWGURN} : I did it's still going way over. I'm switching soon though", '>>{BitWise} : What I\'d rather see, and yes I know there are probably jailbreak tweaks that do this, is to allow the toggles in Control Center to be customized with any on/off option that\'s available in Settings. Also allow the application launchers in Control Center to customized. FYI, there are "launcher" apps that have widgets that can do most of this already.', ">>{SprSynJn} : The button is big enough to split it and add the feature you mention. I imagine that will be done in a future update. I also believe they keep Night Shift on Control Center for people to see if it's activated or not. That's what I assumed anyway."], [">>{headlineisBULLSHIT} : No it's not. They publish information from whistleblowers. Simple as that. Nothing mysterious about exposing corruption.", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : Did you miss the memo? They\'re Russian stooges who worked to install the Manchurian Donald Trump. No, for real, Wikileaks is led by a sick and perverted rapist who licks Putin\'s balls and hates us. Have you not been reading our "propaganda-free U.S. Corporate Media of Freedom?" We might have to send you for reprogramming!', '>>{jschild} : Unless it involves Trump, then they just say "Its not worse than anything else out there" while making sure emails about recipes are put out. Totally brave people with no agenda but the truth.', ">>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : Don't worry, they'll go after the Donald too. To be fair, what were they supposed to do during the election? Jump on the pussy grabber bandwagon? That shit was reality TV, not news. Of course they had more on the Hillary after her lifetime in government. > Totally brave people with no agenda but the truth. I think Assange has tremendous courage to publicly challenge the government of the United States. He's paid a heavy price with the bullshit honeypot rape charges and imprisonment in the Ecuadorian embassy. I haven't done anything that entitles me to piss on his sacrifices and courage. What state secrets have you published?", '>>{jschild} : They had shit and refused to release it. That pretty much eliminates any credibility and shows an agenda', ">>{jschild} : Assange (edited: stupid swype) himself said they had info on Trump but it wasn't worse than anything he said. They never released it but go ahead and hand wave that away", ">>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : > They had shit and refused to release it. That pretty much eliminates any credibility and shows an agenda Wow. What did they have? Let's hear the details. It's clear Assange hates the Hillary. Isn't that agenda enough? Can you blame him given the bullshit honeypot rape charges and his multi year confinement to the Ecuadorian embassy? That wouldn't make you hate the people who did it to you?", ">>{headlineisBULLSHIT} : Forgive me if I didn't pick up on your saracasm: You're fucking nuts. I have never seen someone so complacent and brainwashed. No wonder everyone hates /r/politics. You do not have any real discussion and you get all your news from fake news sites like Salon, Vox and Mother Jones. What a fucking joke.", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : To be fair, it\'s hard to delve into "it." What was "it" that they had? Was the decision to not release "it" appropriate given what "it" is? I wouldn\'t want to hand wave "it" away. How can we drill into "it?" What do you propose?', ">>{jschild} : They bothered to release emails about recipes, even if it isn't any worse than what's he said, it was new information. But go ahead, keep those hands waving and keep making excuses. We have what Assange said himself.", ">>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : > Yep, all Hillary. Yeah, he got her good. Isn't it good to see transparency triumph over secrecy? > And no dumbass I can't say what he had. Feeling butthurt and need to lash out? It's ok. Cry it out bro, I'm here for you. > I can only say he LITERALLY fucking said they had info but weren't releasing it. Ah, he said he had information but it was not worth releasing and therefore he's holding back on us? That's some twisted logic you've got there, buddy.", ">>{jschild} : Having information, and not releasing it, is LITERALLY holding back. It's literally the opposite of transparency. Damn, are you that blind that you can't even say that it doesn't look good?", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : I\'m not making any excuses. Again, let\'s delve into "it." How do you propose we start? What did Assange say himself?', '>>{jschild} : I see a command of google is beyond you. "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said that the information they have on Donald Trump is not “more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3760002/WikiLeaks-founder-says-problem-leaking-material-Trump-compare-comes-Donald-Trump-s-mouth.html http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/08/27/wikileaks-info-donald-trump/', '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : > Having information, and not releasing it, is LITERALLY holding back. It\'s literally the opposite of transparency. Absolutely. What information did he have and hold back? Of course. If it\'s about a bout of the Donald\'s diarrhea maybe transparency isn\'t appropriate? > Damn, are you that blind that you can\'t even say that it doesn\'t look good? I use evidence to draw conclusions. It\'s a good principle to avoid looking the naive fool. I can\'t get hysterical about Assange withholding "it" when you can\'t tell me what "it" is. It\'s a rudimentary question. What is "it" that you believe has been held back?', ">>{jschild} : How can we know it when he refuses to tell us? The only thing he told us is that he had information on it, and that he decided it wasn't newsworthy and apparently we should trust that, when he is willing to put out emails that have nothing to do with anything. Sweet Jesus you're dense."]]
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['>>{B4UGOTHERE} : I was sold until it said it comes with Windows 10 pre-installed.', ">>{NXELPPA} : A gamer's all-in-one? Never thought I'd see that. Wonder what kind of cooling issues it has if any. The 5k iMac throttles a ton because of all-in-one inefficiency.", '>>{skinnytrees} : Almost everyone in the party, as was predicted weeks ago, has fallen in line behind Trump. Paul Ryan even finally did today. How many tens of republicans are left that havent? Trump has not killed the Republican party. Not really even close. If anything Bernie is doing more on the other side than Trump is.', ">>{nicholasxuu} : should be fine, as soon as you don't mind a little fan noise during gaming. Basically CPU fan and GPU fan are directly facing outside, they get all the fresh airflow they like. Some small form case use the same method (silverstone rvz02) so you don't need a bunch of fans or water cooling. iMac gets the beauty factor, it's kind of a laptop design.", ">>{nicholasxuu} : Check the customization page, it's basically a mini-itx pc, all components are kind of standard. RAM upgrade is slightly harder/expensive, because mini-itx motherboard only have 2 RAM slots, you'll need 2x16GB DDR4 to get to 32GB, kind of rare to find nowadays.", '>>{NuclearLunchDectcted} : Lost me at "wireless keyboard and mouse" for a gaming machine. Don\'t do this :(', ">>{HoverhandsMcgee} : it'll still have USB ports for wired keyboard and mouse. it's not like you have to use wireless anything", ">>{deadlyrabbits} : Amen. I remember spending hundreds on more memory and video cards and fans....sooooo many fans on my computer.....but I couldn't get my games to run as smooth as I wanted. Turned out to be latency on my wireless inputs......have never gone back to wireless since.", ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I hope Politico article isn't intended to blame Donald Trump for Donald Trump and the dismantling of the Republican Party. I would pin that blame on G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney and company. The Romney loss nailed on the coffin lid.", ">>{billyhorton} : Trump will kill the party. Not all his fault as this was in the works for many years. Can't wait until Trump loses and many of the down ticket races are lost. Republicans have been mad at Obama for years. They'll explode over this.", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : It's a founder's edition. Those have been found to throttle easily when in cases without too much airflow, so I'm skeptical.", '>>{t88m} : I\'d actually say it was Newt Gingrich and his reign in Congress. He even famously told Bill Clinton "you believe there are rules, and there aren\'t any."', '>>{KKK4Trump} : Trump is going to lose the Republican Party control of the Senate, the next Supreme Court picks and of course the Presidency. He is a blessing for us all. He is going to fuck up the GOP for years to come. Remember I told you this.', '>>{friedeggs3} : >It was summer, and a major U.S. political party had just chosen an inexperienced, unqualified, loutish, wealthy outsider with ambiguous party loyalties to be its presidential nominee. Some party luminaries thought he would help them win the general election. But many of the faithful were furious and mystified: How could their party compromise its ideals to such a degree? The people chose Trump not the "party". This was also a time when the party nominee wasn\'t chosen democratically.', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : We thought they were ruthless then watched 2000/04 elections and Presidencies. So there was the Clinton Presidencies, where we now see the tech libertarians and a few of the older ones had already taken power in the Democratic party, and the tail end of the Reagan/Heritage Republican rule in the Republicans, because the Bush presidency, if not in the elected, in the coalition that elected it was a mix of the older libertarians who are now firmly in control of the party even though they call themselves proud Republicans. Some deals were made and not fulfilled and that caused a slowdown in the plans and unfortunately they are now in a hurry to finish the goal.', ">>{KKK4Trump} : Bet the ranch on it! Oh wait, no, please don't. That would be crazy.", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : I really don't understand the hate for win 10. I can understand hating microsoft forcing it on people, but the OS itself is brilliant, with the spying not actually being too hard to stop.", '>>{SpikesHigh} : Obviously no historical event can be 100% tied to modernity, but this is a pretty interesting article. I knew the Whigs ceased to be important, but I had always thought it was from gradual, continuous losses, not a partisan calamity.', ">>{Lokutan} : The fact that we have to bring up the spying thing isn't too pretty. Beyond that I don't have a clue. It even ran decently on a first gen Vista Ready but not exactly Vista Capable netbook, and that's saying something. lil more fond of running a lightweight linux distro on it as a headless server, but she has the option.", ">>{KKK4Trump} : Why can't you come up with a better come back? That's just nothing, it's like a catch phrase or something. How boring.", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : Yeah, I myself use linux on some of my PCs, but I doubt many people would really know how to use it, even with the recent steps in usability on distros like ubuntu. The spying on Win 10, though... It may not be ideal, but they spy on us just as much as Google do. It's not even really worrisome spying, as (or so they claim) it's all anonymous. Anyway, my point is that I think people are overreacting to things they mostly just misunderstand.", ">>{BlueDogDem62} : You're clearly nervous. The desperation in your reply is telling.", ">>{frankztn} : The new logitechs were tested to have as good latency as a hardwired USB 2.0 they're massively expensive though compared to a really nice wired mech kb.", ">>{Lokutan} : True that. I tried to talk people into setting up the install while it was (or still is) free, even going through the motions on a throw away partition is enough to reserve your key for strategic upgrading purposes. Windows 7 was actually released back in 2009! It's just a stone's throw from being a decade old, even new versions of DX won't touch it. I actually wouldn't have bothered with 10 though if it weren't free. I usually go for an upgraded OS from them when I build a new system, and that happens about as rarely as they release them. Or every other one I seem to go from like 95 to ME (RUN FOR IT, they don't even admit to ME any more), XP to 7, and 7 to 10, but seven also ate nine, so that happened.", ">>{aykyle} : There has to be USB ports. Wireless keyboard and mouse need a receiver. So you'll be fine with swapping out", ">>{greymanbomber} : Ben Sasse, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Charlie Baker, Larry Hogan and lets not forget the countless conservative journalists and pundits. And don't you think it has more to do with the fact that a lot of those people who are endorsing Trump (specifically those still in Congress) are doing so because if they say nay, then they will likely lose their seat come election? Ben Sasse, Baker, and Hogan have the benefit of not having their elections be this year. And lets not forget that Trump is still poison among moderates and independents, women and minority voters.", ">>{greymanbomber} : Yeah, looking at their political positions, if they were still around today I might have voted for them. Obviously we have the Modern Whig Party http://www.modernwhig.org/ , but I'm not sure if they have the same positions as the original.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Almost 90% of the party supports him. He's beating Hillary with white women. Minorities *always* go Democrat, not even close.", ">>{Buttocks} : Don't listen to him, he's a member of the KKK. Check the username.", '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : I never said they were. I was continuing his statement on groups of people', '>>{aykyle} : GTX 1080 edition starts at $3,127. With i7-6700k and 16gb ram', '>>{trialmonkey} : Throw an M.2 drive in there and call me. Get outta here with your Samsung Evo peasant garbage.', ">>{B4UGOTHERE} : You don't just hate it out of principle? Just for the fact that they are trying to spy on you and trying to shove it down your throat? That's not enough? What would it take for you to dislike it?", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : Well, I do hate their tactics, but I'm not going to bite my nose of to spite my face. I prefer their OS, and I've turned off all the spyware anyway.", ">>{B4UGOTHERE} : I'm going all the way to the end. 2020 or bust!"]
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[['>>{B4UGOTHERE} : I was sold until it said it comes with Windows 10 pre-installed.', ">>{NXELPPA} : A gamer's all-in-one? Never thought I'd see that. Wonder what kind of cooling issues it has if any. The 5k iMac throttles a ton because of all-in-one inefficiency.", ">>{nicholasxuu} : should be fine, as soon as you don't mind a little fan noise during gaming. Basically CPU fan and GPU fan are directly facing outside, they get all the fresh airflow they like. Some small form case use the same method (silverstone rvz02) so you don't need a bunch of fans or water cooling. iMac gets the beauty factor, it's kind of a laptop design.", ">>{nicholasxuu} : Check the customization page, it's basically a mini-itx pc, all components are kind of standard. RAM upgrade is slightly harder/expensive, because mini-itx motherboard only have 2 RAM slots, you'll need 2x16GB DDR4 to get to 32GB, kind of rare to find nowadays.", '>>{NuclearLunchDectcted} : Lost me at "wireless keyboard and mouse" for a gaming machine. Don\'t do this :(', ">>{HoverhandsMcgee} : it'll still have USB ports for wired keyboard and mouse. it's not like you have to use wireless anything", ">>{deadlyrabbits} : Amen. I remember spending hundreds on more memory and video cards and fans....sooooo many fans on my computer.....but I couldn't get my games to run as smooth as I wanted. Turned out to be latency on my wireless inputs......have never gone back to wireless since.", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : It's a founder's edition. Those have been found to throttle easily when in cases without too much airflow, so I'm skeptical.", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : I really don't understand the hate for win 10. I can understand hating microsoft forcing it on people, but the OS itself is brilliant, with the spying not actually being too hard to stop.", ">>{Lokutan} : The fact that we have to bring up the spying thing isn't too pretty. Beyond that I don't have a clue. It even ran decently on a first gen Vista Ready but not exactly Vista Capable netbook, and that's saying something. lil more fond of running a lightweight linux distro on it as a headless server, but she has the option.", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : Yeah, I myself use linux on some of my PCs, but I doubt many people would really know how to use it, even with the recent steps in usability on distros like ubuntu. The spying on Win 10, though... It may not be ideal, but they spy on us just as much as Google do. It's not even really worrisome spying, as (or so they claim) it's all anonymous. Anyway, my point is that I think people are overreacting to things they mostly just misunderstand.", ">>{frankztn} : The new logitechs were tested to have as good latency as a hardwired USB 2.0 they're massively expensive though compared to a really nice wired mech kb.", ">>{Lokutan} : True that. I tried to talk people into setting up the install while it was (or still is) free, even going through the motions on a throw away partition is enough to reserve your key for strategic upgrading purposes. Windows 7 was actually released back in 2009! It's just a stone's throw from being a decade old, even new versions of DX won't touch it. I actually wouldn't have bothered with 10 though if it weren't free. I usually go for an upgraded OS from them when I build a new system, and that happens about as rarely as they release them. Or every other one I seem to go from like 95 to ME (RUN FOR IT, they don't even admit to ME any more), XP to 7, and 7 to 10, but seven also ate nine, so that happened.", ">>{aykyle} : There has to be USB ports. Wireless keyboard and mouse need a receiver. So you'll be fine with swapping out", '>>{aykyle} : GTX 1080 edition starts at $3,127. With i7-6700k and 16gb ram', '>>{trialmonkey} : Throw an M.2 drive in there and call me. Get outta here with your Samsung Evo peasant garbage.', ">>{B4UGOTHERE} : You don't just hate it out of principle? Just for the fact that they are trying to spy on you and trying to shove it down your throat? That's not enough? What would it take for you to dislike it?", ">>{___Majestic_Moose___} : Well, I do hate their tactics, but I'm not going to bite my nose of to spite my face. I prefer their OS, and I've turned off all the spyware anyway.", ">>{B4UGOTHERE} : I'm going all the way to the end. 2020 or bust!"], ['>>{skinnytrees} : Almost everyone in the party, as was predicted weeks ago, has fallen in line behind Trump. Paul Ryan even finally did today. How many tens of republicans are left that havent? Trump has not killed the Republican party. Not really even close. If anything Bernie is doing more on the other side than Trump is.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I hope Politico article isn't intended to blame Donald Trump for Donald Trump and the dismantling of the Republican Party. I would pin that blame on G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney and company. The Romney loss nailed on the coffin lid.", ">>{billyhorton} : Trump will kill the party. Not all his fault as this was in the works for many years. Can't wait until Trump loses and many of the down ticket races are lost. Republicans have been mad at Obama for years. They'll explode over this.", '>>{t88m} : I\'d actually say it was Newt Gingrich and his reign in Congress. He even famously told Bill Clinton "you believe there are rules, and there aren\'t any."', '>>{KKK4Trump} : Trump is going to lose the Republican Party control of the Senate, the next Supreme Court picks and of course the Presidency. He is a blessing for us all. He is going to fuck up the GOP for years to come. Remember I told you this.', '>>{friedeggs3} : >It was summer, and a major U.S. political party had just chosen an inexperienced, unqualified, loutish, wealthy outsider with ambiguous party loyalties to be its presidential nominee. Some party luminaries thought he would help them win the general election. But many of the faithful were furious and mystified: How could their party compromise its ideals to such a degree? The people chose Trump not the "party". This was also a time when the party nominee wasn\'t chosen democratically.', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : We thought they were ruthless then watched 2000/04 elections and Presidencies. So there was the Clinton Presidencies, where we now see the tech libertarians and a few of the older ones had already taken power in the Democratic party, and the tail end of the Reagan/Heritage Republican rule in the Republicans, because the Bush presidency, if not in the elected, in the coalition that elected it was a mix of the older libertarians who are now firmly in control of the party even though they call themselves proud Republicans. Some deals were made and not fulfilled and that caused a slowdown in the plans and unfortunately they are now in a hurry to finish the goal.', ">>{KKK4Trump} : Bet the ranch on it! Oh wait, no, please don't. That would be crazy.", '>>{SpikesHigh} : Obviously no historical event can be 100% tied to modernity, but this is a pretty interesting article. I knew the Whigs ceased to be important, but I had always thought it was from gradual, continuous losses, not a partisan calamity.', ">>{KKK4Trump} : Why can't you come up with a better come back? That's just nothing, it's like a catch phrase or something. How boring.", ">>{BlueDogDem62} : You're clearly nervous. The desperation in your reply is telling.", ">>{greymanbomber} : Ben Sasse, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Charlie Baker, Larry Hogan and lets not forget the countless conservative journalists and pundits. And don't you think it has more to do with the fact that a lot of those people who are endorsing Trump (specifically those still in Congress) are doing so because if they say nay, then they will likely lose their seat come election? Ben Sasse, Baker, and Hogan have the benefit of not having their elections be this year. And lets not forget that Trump is still poison among moderates and independents, women and minority voters.", ">>{greymanbomber} : Yeah, looking at their political positions, if they were still around today I might have voted for them. Obviously we have the Modern Whig Party http://www.modernwhig.org/ , but I'm not sure if they have the same positions as the original.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Almost 90% of the party supports him. He's beating Hillary with white women. Minorities *always* go Democrat, not even close.", ">>{Buttocks} : Don't listen to him, he's a member of the KKK. Check the username.", '>>{Anal_Vacuum} : I never said they were. I was continuing his statement on groups of people']]
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[">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Reagan did it, too. She'd make the Gipper proud.", ">>{gonetosea} : But is she buying cocaine from Central American revolutionaries? edit: [Forgot about Reagan's best friend Osama bin Laden](http://media.salon.com/2015/11/ronald_reagan_meeting2-620x412.jpg)", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Conservative-leaning answer: no, that would be Obama's Secret Service.", '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : Love how all it takes for you to say shit like this is an article on the Internet that you probably only read the title of. "Well that settles it boys. Lock her up and chop her head off."', '>>{tseanlaws} : The folks funneling millions of $$$ to her foundation would agree to chop her head off.', '>>{justjack48} : She could be caught shaking hands with the Pope and republicans would find a way to call it treason.', '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : You know Trump does lots of business in the middle east right?', ">>{gonetosea} : Shakes Pope's hand. Headline next morning: Clinton cozies up to child molester organization.", ">>{ariehkovler} : That's a photo of Reagan with Burhaneddin Rabbani. It doesn't even look like bin Laden.", ">>{ariehkovler} : It's not even Assange this time - it's a crazy website linked to the John Birch Society and run by a right-evangelical dude based in Europe. The article does not support the claim made in the headline.", '>>{aintgotany} : It was well documented that Clinton wanted to arm Syrian rebels against Assad. Why is this news?', '>>{aliencircusboy} : It also involves emails released not by WikiLeaks recently or otherwise, but by the State Department under the Freedom of Information Act last March. WikiLeaks just has a searchable database of the emails. Nothing to see here, just shit being stirred by apoplectic right-wing crazies.', '>>{antideerg} : But does not get tens of millions of dollars for favourable decisions.', ">>{wodthing} : Only because he's not in the position to give favors yet... (and hopefully never will be)", '>>{antideerg} : absolutely.. Both are corrupt and fuck the DNC for making us choose between these two Morons', '>>{Tvc3333} : Only because she would find a way to lie about it to make meeting the pope sound like treason.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Reagan did it, too. She'd make the Gipper proud.", ">>{gonetosea} : But is she buying cocaine from Central American revolutionaries? edit: [Forgot about Reagan's best friend Osama bin Laden](http://media.salon.com/2015/11/ronald_reagan_meeting2-620x412.jpg)", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Conservative-leaning answer: no, that would be Obama's Secret Service.", '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : Love how all it takes for you to say shit like this is an article on the Internet that you probably only read the title of. "Well that settles it boys. Lock her up and chop her head off."', '>>{tseanlaws} : The folks funneling millions of $$$ to her foundation would agree to chop her head off.', '>>{justjack48} : She could be caught shaking hands with the Pope and republicans would find a way to call it treason.', '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : You know Trump does lots of business in the middle east right?', ">>{gonetosea} : Shakes Pope's hand. Headline next morning: Clinton cozies up to child molester organization.", ">>{ariehkovler} : That's a photo of Reagan with Burhaneddin Rabbani. It doesn't even look like bin Laden.", ">>{ariehkovler} : It's not even Assange this time - it's a crazy website linked to the John Birch Society and run by a right-evangelical dude based in Europe. The article does not support the claim made in the headline.", '>>{aintgotany} : It was well documented that Clinton wanted to arm Syrian rebels against Assad. Why is this news?', '>>{aliencircusboy} : It also involves emails released not by WikiLeaks recently or otherwise, but by the State Department under the Freedom of Information Act last March. WikiLeaks just has a searchable database of the emails. Nothing to see here, just shit being stirred by apoplectic right-wing crazies.', '>>{antideerg} : But does not get tens of millions of dollars for favourable decisions.', ">>{wodthing} : Only because he's not in the position to give favors yet... (and hopefully never will be)", '>>{antideerg} : absolutely.. Both are corrupt and fuck the DNC for making us choose between these two Morons', '>>{Tvc3333} : Only because she would find a way to lie about it to make meeting the pope sound like treason.']]
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[">>{georgiapeanuts} : Nope >Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced plans on Wednesday to eliminate college tuition at in-state public colleges and universities for families with annual incomes under $125,000 We don't means test High School, Middle School, or Elementary School. Why do we need to over-complicate this.", '>>{MortWellian} : Seniors could be in for a rude surprise if Paul Ryan gets his way on taxes', '>>{afterpoop} : State Dept: Clinton failed to hand over key email', '>>{MortWellian} : > Republicans have a plan to cut trillions of dollars in taxes while still having enough money to run the government thanks in large part to what opponents call a new a tax on imports. > But the proposal could have costly unintended consequences — especially for the elderly. > Retirees are financially vulnerable to rising prices, or inflation, which is one possible result of the GOP plan. If the proposal sets off inflation, many households would benefit from increasing wages and salaries. Meanwhile, some retirees would pay more at the cash register without the benefit of a fatter paycheck.', ">>{Flynn4Gulag} : That's a felony. Specifically 18USC§1001, with punishment up to five years in prison.", ">>{VTFD} : ... this sounds like a a pretty solid compromise. It means that the majority of college students will have tuition free college. ___ And to answer your question: because it's expensive. Clinton's budget is very nearly balanced -- can't shoehorn free college for all in there without running up deficit significantly.", ">>{Karen_DiMarco} : Yes, true, but chances are that Paul Ryan won't get his way on taxes. Or pretty much anything.", '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : That little traitor to the jewish faith is going to PMITA Prison!', ">>{cyborg527} : Clinton told FBI she didn'\x80\x99t recall being trained on classified information", ">>{Salamidick} : How in the world is that possible? Being a Veteran, I was trained on this so many times, plus in my job in the civilian sector requires quarterly training in this. Unless they don't do it at all at the State Dept. Which I doubt, then this is crazy.", ">>{WittsandGrit} : I'd say this is a bombshell but there are actual bombshells going off and dominating the news cycle.", ">>{darwinn_69} : Why is no one paying attention to the coming budget fight? The continuing resolution that keeps the doors open runs out in two weeks, and congress is currently on recess. Is anyone pretending that we won't have a budget crisis very soon? He's not going to get his way on taxes because they won't have time.", ">>{bigmanrockin} : I work and get taxed for those who came before me. I want to live in a country where we take care of our elderly and those who can't care for themselves.", '>>{murphstar} : Tax reform is that gonna be a political version of that elusive heroin-induced dragon Ryan will eternally chase for his entire career.', ">>{schwing_daddy} : Lock 'im up! *Lock 'em ALL up!* They all need to be in a god damn CAGE and *behind bars!* Sooner the better!", '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Look, i would be the first one to say we need to raise taxes on the rich and get rid of all corporate welfare and tax loopholes in order to get single payer and free tuition for public colleges and universities, but to then offer elimination of in state tuition only for families who earn under $120k is ridiculous. You don\'t just exclude a certain class of people from benefiting from public services just due to their salary. Not to mention, this is going to come out as "Hey, she hates rich people", and with this running alongisde Comey\'s announcements, you will see the paradigm shift rather quickly', ">>{empress-of-blandings} : Embraces a good chunk doesn't mean copies word for word. Making in state colleges free at that level would still be a huge, positive change. That would have covered college for 80% of my friend group in college - mostly middle class. As for over complicating, when you're talking about billions of dollars and millions of students things are not always going to be perfectly black and white.", '>>{Rainieri} : Families making under 125k would cover the vast majority of people, that would be a big improvement over the status quo.', '>>{trtsmb} : The sad thing is the elderly and poor tend to vote republican against their own best interests.', ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Means testing require more paperwork and more bureaucracy to handle all the paperwork and validate means testing. Also why should people only be able to go to an in-state college tuition free? Why can't one go to any public college in America tuition free regardless of where you grew up.", ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : Call up Sessions. He'll get right on that!", ">>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : She doesn't care about the budget she goes to war at a change in the wind. The war in Iraq is estimated several trillion dollars. That's like 150 years of public education for everyone.", '>>{introversed} : And somehow, their disenfranchisement will be their own damn fault.', '>>{saraquael} : Actually, you\'re in one of the few generations to have to pay for the prior generation. Pre-Boomer Americans worked and got taxed so *you* and future generations would be taken care of, but the Baby Boomers decided they\'d rather save poorly, plan poorly, fuck over everyone coming after them, and redistribute all of the wealth to the top. So now we\'re stuck in an America that\'s headed backwards, they still hold all of the power politically, and we pay for their "entitlements" because no one wants to turn off the tap on seniors. Gen X/Y and the Millennials have been stuck with the bill while grandma and grandpa skip out.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Don't worry, Fox News will convince them its for the best.", '>>{VTFD} : Means testing is already done by the schools themselves, and in-state discounts already apply. We already have strong incentives for students to apply in-state (and I think many would prefer that for other, non-financial reasons anyway). If you want free college for all with no restrictions - this is a great stepping stone policy.', ">>{peddelman42} : Highlights * Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced plans on Wednesday to eliminate college tuition at in-state public colleges and universities for families with annual incomes under $125,000 * As part of the same package of proposals, Mrs. Clinton, who speaks often on the campaign trail of her plans for debt-free college education, is calling for a three-month moratorium on the repayment of federal student loans. The move, which the campaign said would be carried out through executive action if Mrs. Clinton becomes president, would allow borrowers to refinance loans or restructure high-interest debt. * Mrs. Clinton is also pledging to restore year-round Pell grant funding, her campaign said, in the hopes of aiding students seeking summer courses. * The tuition plan unveiled on Wednesday would take shape over several years, the campaign said, initially covering students whose families make $85,000 a year or less. The threshold would increase by $10,000 a year until it reached $125,000 in 2021. This seems like a pretty good compromise between Clinton and Sanders' positions. edit: edited for format.", '>>{granolaboi} : Unfortunately this story will be overlooked by the bombings, but i will upvote it anyways.', '>>{VTFD} : > The war in Iraq is estimated several trillion dollars. And that money is already spent. She put forward a budget recommendation that is very nearly balanced. That is her policy.', '>>{20WPM} : Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message ... How is it that the United States is still able to function?', '>>{tfirhcslegeipS} : Oh well, my lawd! I think it would be downright disrespectful for the Department of Justice to tell that nice man, Mr. Kushner, how to conduct himself.', '>>{Rainieri} : It would still be an improvement over the status quo.', '>>{Susarian} : At last, the smoking gun! Oh wait. Move along.', '>>{cyborg527} : Two things should stick out to anyone reading this: 1. She signed an NDA with the federal government after being briefed on how to best keep confidential materials 2. She said she had 2 mobile devices that she used (her blackberry was not secure and she was not supposed to use it but used it anyway) yet the documents show 13 mobile devices were accessing her email. If she had two devices, who was accessing her email (potentially containing classified information) with the other 11 devices?', '>>{currently___working} : Because when you\'re getting questioned, "I do not recall" is what you say to every question.', '>>{20WPM} : > all but proves I guess it proves nothing more than what you wish to believe.', '>>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : Does this budget include war in Syria? How can you know what is the truth? She has been caught lying at every turn for a year. Why do you trust her to do this?', '>>{TheFacebookGod} : No no no, who cares? [This is fine!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oBx7Jg4m-o)', '>>{rrl_csci} : If the rich are paying a higher tax for it as well, why bar their children from attending when they contribute so much for others to go for free? Usually their children will still opt for a private school over a state run public anyway. Totally agree with you.', ">>{JustARandomDudeHere} : It's not. The explanation she offers is ludicrous and anyone willing to believe her suffers from severe cognitive dissonance.", ">>{Ulthanon} : This is a story that will have to be pushed *hard* by those of us who aren't distracted by the missile strikes, but it can be done. Stay on target.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Only if telling the truth would have negative consequences.', '>>{GreatZoombini} : You mean to tell me Jared Kushner is an incompetent crook? Well my word!', '>>{popname} : Clinton told us she only deleted emails about cake and yoga. Is "yoga" Clintonian for "compromised all State Department email because she\'s too lazy to have one of her servants or lackeys carry two devices."?', ">>{20WPM} : It has nothing to do with typing. But while I have you on the line, you don't seem to know anything about punctuation. Accuracy before speed.", '>>{DumpsterDon} : >"While this exchange was not part of the approximately 55,000 pages provided to the State Department by former Secretary Clinton, the exchange was included within the set of documents Ms. Abedin provided the department in response to our March 2015 request," State Department spokesman John Kirby told The Associated Press on Thursday. Oh.', '>>{why____tho} : Did Rice find this out through unmasking tho I hear thats the real crime', ">>{VTFD} : RE: Syria, I don't know off hand the details of her defense budget, but my hunch is that it's probably pretty stout. RE: the truth, all we can do is make our best educated guess. Nobody knows the future. RE: trust, I believe based on the policies she's put forward during this campaign and based on the good faith with which she's met Sanders in the middle here. I further believe that we *won't* get this done (in her first term at least) due to Republican opposition.", ">>{dmintz} : but that doesn't make as catchy of a headline.", '>>{wytxcook} : > If she had two devices, who was accessing her email (potentially containing classified information) with the other 11 devices? * Sidney Blumenthal * Huma Abedin * Cheryl Mills', ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : You don't have to, I'm not either. But this is a very important factor to consider when choosing to automatically vote for Clinton if you aren't voting for Trump.", ">>{peddelman42} : >Why can't one go to any public college in America tuition free regardless of where you grew up. If you want to compare this program to public schooling, then the same kinds of restrictions would apply. You go to the public school you are assigned to based on where you live. In most places, you can go to other schools within that same district, but you usually have to pay out of pocket, at least that's the way it works in my state. So it would not be at all unreasonable to restrict free tuition to in-state schools based on the K-12 model we have now.", ">>{MustWarn0thers} : Oh my mista' Kush'na, you may have just committed yawself' a felony!", ">>{jpell12} : It's as much a crime as the hatch act - no one gets prosecuted by it though. Much more smoke than this story.", '>>{zyme86} : Make note of this story as this is the crux of why no charges will ever come against clinton over the handling of classified documents. This lines up with everything I have been hearing from scoures much closer than myself to the clinton e-mail situation. Did she violate procedure in handling of classified materiel, yes. Was she ever properly trained in how to handle these materiel no. As far as can be determined she made them up as she went along (with advice from her staff and apparently making a good faith effort to not do anything she knew was illegal). This is the core why the Clinton e-mail story will never result in any charges, she was never trained like she should have been and there is no way to prove she knowingly violated handling classified of documents. Edit: word order for clarity', '>>{Arthrawn} : Well who else would I vote for? The man who thinks the free market will fix climate change or a dead gorilla?', ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : I'm not going to argue the merits of looking for another third-party candidate with you. Because if reading this sub for the last year has taught me anything, it's that most people here think you're retarded if you don't vote first party, and I'm not dealing with that.", ">>{VTFD} : Then that would cover half. And that's good progress.", '>>{snowden_le_hero} : Why did you change the title of the article?', ">>{mdreed} : > You don't just exclude a certain class of people from benefiting from public services just due to their salary Who says rich people are excluded from public college? They just have to pay. And rich having to pay more is the essence of a progressive tax system. If you make little enough, you don't pay income tax at all. Moreover, does medicare count as a public service from which people are excluded? You have to make less than 125% of the poverty line to qualify.", ">>{Claritypleas} : No, it doesn't. So far, no one has proved anything. In the meantime, Trump Failed to Hand Over Tax Returns.", ">>{Flynn4Gulag} : People get convicted of that all the time, it's the blanket false statement charge.", ">>{lovely_sombrero} : Still makes Clinton guilty of perjury. We also don't know what was in most of the emails she deleted - we know only about 5 out of 30.000 so far. She is supposed to hand over all of her own emails according to the Federal Records Act.", '>>{growyurown} : Time after time people complain about the medical issues being poor form to attack her on. I have to think its possible she has early onset alzheimers or something. How exactly could you forget classified information training? Seems pretty important. How is something so easily forgettable? Either that, or she is just telling more lies.', ">>{silverwyrm} : It's looking increasingly likely that the FBI will recommend an indictment. There's no question that if anyone else did the same sorts of things she did they would be at least fired. The FBI is going to uphold justice... or try to.", ">>{FreezieKO} : It's amazing how Kushner, Sessions, Flynn, and others are all immune from any legal consequences.", '>>{wavescrashover} : Of course this particle doesn\'t mention ""However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot (in her head). Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received," the report said." -- http://www.businessinsider.com/r-fbi-releases-documents-related-to-its-clinton-email-investigation-2016-9 The concussion was in 2012. Memory loss can be a symptom of a concussion. Concussions can also take a few days, up to a few months to fully heal. Clinton was evaluated more than once, by a doctor, after the incident and has been cleared. She\'s long since healed from the concussion. Therefore, there\'s no legitimate reason to question her health or stamina in the present day because of this report.', '>>{westcoastmaximalist} : you realize there are numerous people running for president?', ">>{jpell12} : You have something to back that up? I've never heard of this ever and I had a TS clearance when I was in the military", ">>{Flynn4Gulag} : Ok first, remember your SF 86/eQip? You sign it stating everything is truthful under penalty of this statute. Second, this is the USGs version of Article 107 it applies for everything to lying to the FBI to cheating on your taxes. It's perhaps the most widely prosecuted statute.", '>>{jpell12} : Sorry all that would happen in this case would be that his clearance is pulled.', ">>{Flynn4Gulag} : And he's prohibited from entering the White House or working with the government in any capacity. And that's just administrative. He'd still be facing criminal fines and prison sentences. But it's nice to know you're so soft on crime.", ">>{axelrod_squad} : She gambled everything that they won't do anything about it", '>>{Arthrawn} : Shit, sorry. I left out Deez Nuts, that one republican guy, and [Alice Cooper](http://www.votealicecooper.com/)', ">>{silverwyrm} : It's becoming harder and harder for the Clinton campaign to try and brush this under the rug. She already has the reputation for being dishonest, and every new piece of news about this that comes out just affirms that.", ">>{KazakiLion} : *The other 3468 Clinton Email stories didn't convince people not to vote for her, but I'm sure this one will!* She broke IT policy, the law, and potentially compromised national security because the State Department wasn't funded well enough to get her a secure Blackberry. It spoke poorly of her judgement, but her opponent thinks religious tests are a good idea. People have either come to terms with this scandal, support Trump, or are still acting under the illusion that every election cycle will have a flawless candidate. Do we really need eight front page stories about server configuration in this subreddit every day?", ">>{Kcarp6380} : The state department couldn't afford a blackberry? That's a new one. If she was so hell bent on having a Blackberry that was secure how about sending Bill over to some 3rd world shit hole and deliver a speech. He can pick up a cool 500k from some drug lords and pitch in for the Blackberry. Maybe turn in an expense report. Couldn't afford the Blackberry, now that one is funny.", ">>{fat_osvaldo} : It's possible because she's her and likely invoked some type of privilege for her and her aides (with the backing of the president) to get exempted from training. or... She's using this explanation as a defense", '>>{joepo32} : And how many actually have a real chance at winning?', '>>{Birata} : X-reply from elsewhere : Sadly, not a perjury. > I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct: While I do not know what information may be “responsive” for purposes of this law suit, I have directed that all my e-mails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or potentially were federal records to be provided to the Department of State, and **on information and belief, this has been done.** Emphasis is mine. IAMNL but in another thread it was made clear this is a lawyer lingo that means there is someone proped for throw-under-the-bus exercise.. Basically, she is not an expert, so she ordered things to happen, things happened, she got report all was done properly, so her hands are clean. *"So long suckerssssss!"*', ">>{Umlaut69} : Couldn't afford a blackberry? where the hell did you pull that from? They offered her one and she declined because she couldn't figure out how to enter a password on the secure one.", ">>{westcoastmaximalist} : I mean, I'm happy to do whatever I can to help the less-informed voting populace.", '>>{escalation} : (2) I hereby acknowledge that I have received a security indoctrination concerning the nature and protection of classified information, including the procedures to be followed in ascertaining whether other persons to whom I contemplate disclosing this information have been approved for access to it, and that I understand these procedures. (3) I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of classified information by me could cause damage or irreparble injury to the United States or could be used to advantage by a foreign nation... (7) *details her responsibilities to return documents* (11) *her signature* [US Department of State Clinton NDA](https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/documents/hrc_ndas/1/doc_0c05833708/c05833708.pdf)', ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Only if you didn't actually read the article...ahem.", ">>{fat_osvaldo} : Like the article that was saying she's preparing HARD for Trump....Why? Because it's going to be a well-informed logical debate about talking points? He's not preparing as much as he should, and she's *overpreparing*. Makes you wonder.", '>>{DesertedPenguin} : The 13 mobile devices were used over her tenure as SOS, not all at once. Assuming she and her closest aides (who may have sent emails to and from her account) used a device, they probably upgraded or swapped out several times in four years, just like most Americans upgrade or swap out their phones.', '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : I missed where trump signed a legal document indicating he has handed over all tax returns.', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Yup. Anyone who thinks one of the most most hounded politicians of all time, who happens to be a LAWYER, is going to open herself up for perjury is just an imbecile.', '>>{escalation} : She signed an NDA that said she had been briefed. As an interesting side note, she also forfeits any royalties that may be derived from that release', '>>{MiamiQuadSquad} : Well I\'m not going to be someone who jumps right to the winning side in an effort to be "right"', ">>{lovely_sombrero} : The public. We've only seen 5 of her deleted emails so far, preserved because of pure luck (the emails at some point were sent to someone who did preserve his or her records). I think FBI knows a lot more than the public (just 5 emails). Why would I know more than the FBI? We know she testified under oath that she handed all her work-related emails over to the SD/FBI. And she didn't.", '>>{growyurown} : She has to work twice as hard since she is not retaining the prep.', ">>{DudeNiceMARMOT} : > the State Department wasn't funded well enough to get her a secure Blackberry. You serious?", ">>{Omniquist} : At age 68 it doesn't even need to be early onset.", '>>{growyurown} : But if you call her old, you are sexist and you are discriminating her for her age. Any attack on hillary is sexist, ask any of her supporters.', '>>{joepo32} : how many actually have a real chance at winning?', '>>{KazakiLion} : Tell that to the NSA. They cited the expense when rejecting her request for a secure Blackberry after Obama had been granted one.', '>>{KazakiLion} : Yes, the NSA was serious when they cited the expense as one of the reasons for denying her a secure Blackberry.', '>>{KazakiLion} : From the list of reasons the NSA cited when denying her a secure Blackberry.', '>>{zyme86} : Be careful to not conflate the NDA that applies to the distribution of classified materials in general (that anyone who got classified clearance or above would have to sign) as compared to the training required to operate an email account that has classified materiel sent to it from external servers. Clinton was told what can and cannot be released as per the NDA but was never trained on how to correctly run an email system that receives classified materiel from the classified server systems. Is this a technicality, oh hell yes. But heads need to roll not in the clinton camp but in the nation security sphere on how she was ever able to set up this server without proper training.', ">>{SnZ001} : [That's mad fast CW speed, bro.](http://www.morseresource.com/morse/out/mp-576c8e012b4b4.mp3)", ">>{Kcarp6380} : Ok so could she not get one if she wanted one? Her IT guy who was maintaining her personal server was being paid by the State Department. If she didn't have the server and used the one the State Department had that salary could have gone to her Blackberry", ">>{escalation} : > as compared to the training required to operate an email account that has classified materiel sent to it from external servers She wasn't authorized to have that account. It would be unreasonable to expect her to be trained in those details. It would also presumably fall under the scope of sections two and three of the NDA [US Department of State Clinton NDA](https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/documents/hrc_ndas/1/doc_0c05833708/c05833708.pdf)", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Why not? She lied under oath before Congress. That news article proves it. She failed to hand over work-related emails. Before Congress she testified under oath that she handed all of them over to SD/FBI.', ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : Aaaand the conversation ends, seeing as I'm apparently dealing with a manchild, or it could just be a child for all I know, take your pick.", ">>{joepo32} : I asked a question and it wasn't answered. So I asked again. What you responded with had nothing to do with the question I asked. Who is the one refusing to follow etiquette while in a conversation?", '>>{TheQuestion78} : Not really though. A lot of the MSM is not covering this issue and a lot of voters still do see the email issue as some sort of "conspiracy". As documented in the DNC leak by Guccifer 2.0, the Hillary camp has "muddied" the water on this issue so sadly a lot of voters are totally uninformed about what is going on here.', '>>{aerosplat} : >Is "yoga" Clintonian for "compromised all State Department email because she\'s too lazy to have one of her servants or lackeys carry two devices."? No, it\'s Clintonian for "compromised State Dept infosec because she wants to hide all her communication away from federal record-keeping while she gets the Clinton Foundation tangled up in all sorts of State Dept business".', '>>{Claritypleas} : It is about HC NOT committing perjury. Hence my Trump reaction. To claim that this "proves" perjury is ridiculous. Meanwhile many of are waiting for Trump.', ">>{Claritypleas} : It ain't just Huffpo waiting for the Donald's tax reports.", ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : They have almost zero chance of winning. Is that what you want to hear? Because I agree. I just don't bow to two first party candidates, neither of which I think would be a good president, if I don't think anyone else has a chance.", ">>{playitleo} : We need to get this post about Clinton's emails to the /r/politics frontpage. There's only 16 posts on the front page about it right now. Not enough!", '>>{zyme86} : She never received the information with intent to distribute to unauthorized parties. She set up a system that (based on what former SoS have reported) that other former SoSs have used (though they were correctly trained for what was correct and what was not). The only thing that can be proved with Clinton at this point: -she set up a system that she in good faith thought she could do. -She and her staff made good faith effort to try and have it secure despite it not following established protocols. -was never briefed on the proper handling of these materiels The key reason that nothing will ever come is you cannot prove the she intended to distribute classified materiel to those not authorized and you cannot prove that she knowingly violated the laws and procedures she was not informed of. Was this borderline incompetence, probably, criminal wrongdoing, not even close.', ">>{voidsoul22} : And yet there are still so many morons who think this is the breakthrough they've been waiting for, even though it not only is mundane, it literally isn't even news (it actually cleanly proves they don't know jack shit about this affair, since this very email was quoted in the IG report a *month* ago). I bet they're organizing Sanders coronation parties as I speak.", '>>{DontFuckWithDuckie} : I think their point is that responding to criticism of HRC with criticism of trump is, at the very least, a distraction, not a retort.', ">>{DontFuckWithDuckie} : Ain't saying you're wrong, but got a source?", '>>{CheetoCrustedDick} : [Here is her training, she lied](https://i.sli.mg/DehA4o.png)', ">>{joepo32} : Well in life sometimes you are forced to make a choice between two things you don't agree with. Throwing away that decision doesn't mean you're nobel. America has the likely hood of two presidents. Either you help decide for the nation or you don't.", '>>{-jabberwock} : Not perjury but she has definitely lied about turning over all the emails. [https://youtu.be/331X1_mDTcA?t=3m56s](https://youtu.be/331X1_mDTcA?t=3m56s)', '>>{bzsteele} : Go look at the history. No one besides CTR makes the claim about trumps taxes, because anyone with half a brain would just bring up the Clinton transcripts which could easily be argued are more important. Seriously, you know it\'s CTR (besides this guy\'s every comment being pro Hillary and anti anyone else) when they stupid shit at the end of the argument. Why have a cohesive argument when you can just click and paste pre-approved arguments. Seriously, what kind of moron hears that the potential future president is deeper in this FBI investigation than Hillary originally lied about and says, "yeah, who cares about entire state secrets being exposed to the world, potentially endangering scores of American lives? Trump hasn\'t released a tax record, that is definitely more important. In fact, it is so important that I can\'t possibly think about both things at once so Ill just focus on Trump." That was by far the worst Clinton argument I\'ve ever seen or read. It\'s like Trump has done this small thing so let\'s forget about this ginormous elephant in the room that involves Clinton.', '>>{Rockstar_007} : This is big, but Brexit is some of the biggest news this century.', '>>{Claritypleas} : Au contraire! With the huge amount of spam aimed at unsupported Hillary accusations, I am looking for substance here. The "crooked Hillary" folks are, in my opinion, the ones involved in distraction, using the email idiocy to mask their guy\'s complete incompetence and embarrassing "pronouncements"--now, that the falling value of the Pound is "good for business." Let\'s look at the issues that are affecting us right now, please.', ">>{escalation} : There was no good faith whatsoever, and the amount of obstruction demonstrates that. Knowingly does not apply to all statutes that are relevant. She was advised that she was not allowed to retain documents and that they were required to remain under Government control. It has been demonstrated that she not only retained them, but also had them destroyed. She won't be prosecuted because her party's puppet gets the final call on prosecution, and that is the only reason. If America elects her, then they are not only embracing that type of cronyism and high level corruption, but they are setting precedent to institutionalize it. This is the path to the end of Democracy", '>>{Kierik} : You would think context would also tell you something is classified.', '>>{cyborg527} : No, if you call her old that would make you ageist.', '>>{Drew4} : > She set up a system that (based on what former SoS have reported) that other former SoSs have used No other secretary of state maintained a private server that was used for government business.', ">>{DontFuckWithDuckie} : So you think the deleted emails, the servers, the potential release of classified documents, the alleged pay-for-play, the Rico, the alleged perjury, and her undeniable propensity to lie through her teeth are all made up? You think it's all faked?", '>>{20WPM} : Perhaps you know of what you speak. Or maybe you are clever. Little matter, as it is a pleasure to hear from one so cultivated, refined and indeed, enlightened.', '>>{CheetoCrustedDick} : The certificate is, every DoD member and I am sure someone of her stature has to take many many annual, quarterly test. A few being on cyber security.', '>>{zyme86} : And thus the mask is torn. I can only give the facts and why they matter. Choosing to make your own reality in spite of them if your decision and reveals the axe you have to grind. Presented with the facts and why Clinton will unfortunately get off on a technicality you resort to blaming "party\'s puppet gets the final call on prosecution". I can only present the facts and hope that you will understand them and yet you resorted to making such a ludicrous statement such it will mean "This is the path to the end of Democracy". I\'m sorry you feel the need to catastrophize this election in such a manner.', '>>{KazakiLion} : > "We [The NSA] began examining options for (Secretary Clinton) with respect to secure \'BlackBerry-like\' communications," wrote Donald R. Reid, the department\'s assistant director for security infrastructure. "The current state of the art is not too user friendly, has no infrastructure at State, and is very expensive." [Emails show NSA rejected Hillary Clinton\'s request for secure smartphone](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/emails-show-nsa-rejected-hillary-clinton-request-for-secure-smartphone/)', '>>{phro} : Deletion of records, perjury, racketeering, etc are all still on the table even if the classified issue will never stick.', '>>{Doitforthechesty} : Fuck fuck fuck. This is so frustrating as a voter', '>>{KazakiLion} : > "We [The NSA] began examining options for (Secretary Clinton) with respect to secure \'BlackBerry-like\' communications," wrote Donald R. Reid, the department\'s assistant director for security infrastructure. "The current state of the art is not too user friendly, has no infrastructure at State, and is very expensive." [Emails show NSA rejected Hillary Clinton\'s request for secure smartphone](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/emails-show-nsa-rejected-hillary-clinton-request-for-secure-smartphone/)', '>>{zyme86} : Based on a system that people such as Colon Powel have used and costomized it for her personal use.', ">>{cyborg527} : Lol they weren't using burn phones. If they were that'd be even more suspicious. They clearly weren't worried about security so I don't see any reason otherwise to upgrade one person's phone 13 times in 4 years.", '>>{zyme86} : http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/09/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-said-my-predecessors-did-same-thin/ "Like Clinton, Powell used a personal email address. However, there’s a big difference: Clinton hosted her email on a private server located in her home. Powell did not." She took the advice on using an email for classified information and then took it to the next step. Not an exact copy but the same idea take to the next step.', ">>{DesertedPenguin} : It's not one person. Clinton wasn't the only one who sent emails from her account. Her staff had email access, too. So it's multiple people with phones. If it's Clinton and three staff members, it's just one upgrade every year, which would be in line with the general public's treatment of mobile devices.", '>>{escalation} : She used those 11 devices in succession, eight of them while Secretary of state. This indicates that she was actually using three devices concurrently.', '>>{Drew4} : >took it to the next step If by next step, you mean gross negligence and criminal actions.', '>>{zyme86} : Having a personal server that communicates with the various classified servers nor is having a personal email that gets classified info sent to it is illegal given the security clearance given to a Sec State. Clinton was not given the standard briefing on the handling of classified materiel on a personal server which does get her off on a technicality. There was no intent to violate the handling of classified materiel in this case. Negligent and incompitant, quite possibly. Technicality, yes, but not criminal.', '>>{zyme86} : In this case you are wrong. Because she was not given the standard briefing for having a server that communicates classified material servers coupled with, as far as has been demonstrated, the procedures she was trying to implement were in good faith working to protect said information then no this is not criminal negligence.', ">>{Drew4} : Strange, that's not what this says on this form Hillary signed... http://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/HRC-classified-NDA1.pdf", '>>{zyme86} : Please refer to my previous post in this topic. This is a tangential issue. General NDA and training for it ≠ required to host your own server. IT is a separate briefing that should have been done and was never conducted. Is this a technicality, yes. But this is exactly why she will have no charges. Unless it can be proved she received this separate briefing, which is above the normal NDA you mentioned, and it can be proved that she did not act in good faith to not distribute to unauthorized parties then she technically did nothing illigal.', ">>{escalation} : She said the server was authorized. It wasn't. She said she didn't send classified emails. She did. She revised that to say she didn't send marked documents. There were incompletely marked documents. She said she didn't know what the markings meant. She did, as evidenced by the diplomatic cables. She said the server had not been accessed. It was. She said she hadn't been briefed. She signed documents to the contrary. Whether you choose to acknowledge that the fix is in, that Goldman Sachs and the big financial firms effectively run the country, is your choice to be oblivious. You can choose to ignore that Lynch was a former Federal Reserve board member and would refuse to go forward with the prosecution due to both financial and party interests. You can embrace corruption. You can embrace lies. You will eventually see the consequences of that choice.", ">>{zyme86} : is your choice to be oblivious Your bias is showing. I don't want her to get off but I am telling you why she will. Accusing me of embracing corruption on top of this sermon of yours that this will be the end of democracy. I am just laying of the facts here and what they led to was her getting off on a technicality. Aaaand you resorting to personal attacks. You have an axe here I get it but don't make yourself look foolish with personal attacks.", '>>{escalation} : You are oblivious if you choose to be. Technically she gave access to the data to numerous uncleared individuals. That is illegal. This was not addressed within the scope of the inquiry. She signed documents stating that she was aware of this requirement for handling information.', '>>{zyme86} : Have a good day. Your personal attack shows you have no interest in any reasonable discussion here. Telling me things that I "believe" without any shred of evidence is both base and laughable. I have better ways to spend my day.', '>>{escalation} : Interesting how word parsing is alright when it comes from a candidate, but the same word parsing from another party is not acceptable. I never made a personal attack, I never said you were oblivious, only that you could choose to be. This is no more a "personal attack" than saying I feel the need to catastrophize this election in such a manner, is, or that "I am choosing to make my own reality".', '>>{zyme86} : Saying something will be the "end of democracy" is the definition of contraphicizing (going to the worst possible outcome). Good day.', '>>{Change4Betta} : Yup. Always better than yes or no. Yes admits guilt, no can haunt you later if you get trapped in a lie. Remember that guy who responded "I do not recall" to like 100 questions?', ">>{escalation} : Worst possible outcome? It seems a number of people in this country would be quite happy with fascism, a dictatorship, aristocracy or kleptocracy. If you were serious about the conversation you would have responded to these statements: >She said the server was authorized. It wasn't. She said she didn't send classified emails. She did. She revised that to say she didn't send marked documents. There were incompletely marked documents. She said she didn't know what the markings meant. She did, as evidenced by the diplomatic cables. She said the server had not been accessed. It was. She said she hadn't been briefed. She signed documents to the contrary. >Technically she gave access to the data to numerous uncleared individuals. That is illegal. This was not addressed within the scope of the inquiry. She signed documents stating that she was aware of this requirement for handling information.", '>>{zyme86} : lol just no. Good day mate you just made my night']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Flynn4Gulag} : That's a felony. Specifically 18USC§1001, with punishment up to five years in prison.", '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : That little traitor to the jewish faith is going to PMITA Prison!', ">>{WittsandGrit} : I'd say this is a bombshell but there are actual bombshells going off and dominating the news cycle.", ">>{schwing_daddy} : Lock 'im up! *Lock 'em ALL up!* They all need to be in a god damn CAGE and *behind bars!* Sooner the better!", ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : Call up Sessions. He'll get right on that!", '>>{granolaboi} : Unfortunately this story will be overlooked by the bombings, but i will upvote it anyways.', '>>{tfirhcslegeipS} : Oh well, my lawd! I think it would be downright disrespectful for the Department of Justice to tell that nice man, Mr. Kushner, how to conduct himself.', ">>{Ulthanon} : This is a story that will have to be pushed *hard* by those of us who aren't distracted by the missile strikes, but it can be done. Stay on target.", '>>{GreatZoombini} : You mean to tell me Jared Kushner is an incompetent crook? Well my word!', '>>{why____tho} : Did Rice find this out through unmasking tho I hear thats the real crime', ">>{MustWarn0thers} : Oh my mista' Kush'na, you may have just committed yawself' a felony!", ">>{jpell12} : It's as much a crime as the hatch act - no one gets prosecuted by it though. Much more smoke than this story.", ">>{Flynn4Gulag} : People get convicted of that all the time, it's the blanket false statement charge.", ">>{FreezieKO} : It's amazing how Kushner, Sessions, Flynn, and others are all immune from any legal consequences.", ">>{jpell12} : You have something to back that up? I've never heard of this ever and I had a TS clearance when I was in the military", ">>{Flynn4Gulag} : Ok first, remember your SF 86/eQip? You sign it stating everything is truthful under penalty of this statute. Second, this is the USGs version of Article 107 it applies for everything to lying to the FBI to cheating on your taxes. It's perhaps the most widely prosecuted statute.", '>>{jpell12} : Sorry all that would happen in this case would be that his clearance is pulled.', ">>{Flynn4Gulag} : And he's prohibited from entering the White House or working with the government in any capacity. And that's just administrative. He'd still be facing criminal fines and prison sentences. But it's nice to know you're so soft on crime."], [">>{cyborg527} : Clinton told FBI she didn'\x80\x99t recall being trained on classified information", ">>{Salamidick} : How in the world is that possible? Being a Veteran, I was trained on this so many times, plus in my job in the civilian sector requires quarterly training in this. Unless they don't do it at all at the State Dept. Which I doubt, then this is crazy.", '>>{cyborg527} : Two things should stick out to anyone reading this: 1. She signed an NDA with the federal government after being briefed on how to best keep confidential materials 2. She said she had 2 mobile devices that she used (her blackberry was not secure and she was not supposed to use it but used it anyway) yet the documents show 13 mobile devices were accessing her email. If she had two devices, who was accessing her email (potentially containing classified information) with the other 11 devices?', '>>{currently___working} : Because when you\'re getting questioned, "I do not recall" is what you say to every question.', ">>{JustARandomDudeHere} : It's not. The explanation she offers is ludicrous and anyone willing to believe her suffers from severe cognitive dissonance.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Only if telling the truth would have negative consequences.', '>>{wytxcook} : > If she had two devices, who was accessing her email (potentially containing classified information) with the other 11 devices? * Sidney Blumenthal * Huma Abedin * Cheryl Mills', ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : You don't have to, I'm not either. But this is a very important factor to consider when choosing to automatically vote for Clinton if you aren't voting for Trump.", '>>{zyme86} : Make note of this story as this is the crux of why no charges will ever come against clinton over the handling of classified documents. This lines up with everything I have been hearing from scoures much closer than myself to the clinton e-mail situation. Did she violate procedure in handling of classified materiel, yes. Was she ever properly trained in how to handle these materiel no. As far as can be determined she made them up as she went along (with advice from her staff and apparently making a good faith effort to not do anything she knew was illegal). This is the core why the Clinton e-mail story will never result in any charges, she was never trained like she should have been and there is no way to prove she knowingly violated handling classified of documents. Edit: word order for clarity', '>>{Arthrawn} : Well who else would I vote for? The man who thinks the free market will fix climate change or a dead gorilla?', ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : I'm not going to argue the merits of looking for another third-party candidate with you. Because if reading this sub for the last year has taught me anything, it's that most people here think you're retarded if you don't vote first party, and I'm not dealing with that.", '>>{growyurown} : Time after time people complain about the medical issues being poor form to attack her on. I have to think its possible she has early onset alzheimers or something. How exactly could you forget classified information training? Seems pretty important. How is something so easily forgettable? Either that, or she is just telling more lies.', '>>{wavescrashover} : Of course this particle doesn\'t mention ""However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot (in her head). Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received," the report said." -- http://www.businessinsider.com/r-fbi-releases-documents-related-to-its-clinton-email-investigation-2016-9 The concussion was in 2012. Memory loss can be a symptom of a concussion. Concussions can also take a few days, up to a few months to fully heal. Clinton was evaluated more than once, by a doctor, after the incident and has been cleared. She\'s long since healed from the concussion. Therefore, there\'s no legitimate reason to question her health or stamina in the present day because of this report.', '>>{westcoastmaximalist} : you realize there are numerous people running for president?', '>>{Arthrawn} : Shit, sorry. I left out Deez Nuts, that one republican guy, and [Alice Cooper](http://www.votealicecooper.com/)', ">>{fat_osvaldo} : It's possible because she's her and likely invoked some type of privilege for her and her aides (with the backing of the president) to get exempted from training. or... She's using this explanation as a defense", '>>{joepo32} : And how many actually have a real chance at winning?', ">>{westcoastmaximalist} : I mean, I'm happy to do whatever I can to help the less-informed voting populace.", '>>{escalation} : (2) I hereby acknowledge that I have received a security indoctrination concerning the nature and protection of classified information, including the procedures to be followed in ascertaining whether other persons to whom I contemplate disclosing this information have been approved for access to it, and that I understand these procedures. (3) I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of classified information by me could cause damage or irreparble injury to the United States or could be used to advantage by a foreign nation... (7) *details her responsibilities to return documents* (11) *her signature* [US Department of State Clinton NDA](https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/documents/hrc_ndas/1/doc_0c05833708/c05833708.pdf)', ">>{fat_osvaldo} : Like the article that was saying she's preparing HARD for Trump....Why? Because it's going to be a well-informed logical debate about talking points? He's not preparing as much as he should, and she's *overpreparing*. Makes you wonder.", '>>{DesertedPenguin} : The 13 mobile devices were used over her tenure as SOS, not all at once. Assuming she and her closest aides (who may have sent emails to and from her account) used a device, they probably upgraded or swapped out several times in four years, just like most Americans upgrade or swap out their phones.', '>>{escalation} : She signed an NDA that said she had been briefed. As an interesting side note, she also forfeits any royalties that may be derived from that release', '>>{MiamiQuadSquad} : Well I\'m not going to be someone who jumps right to the winning side in an effort to be "right"', '>>{growyurown} : She has to work twice as hard since she is not retaining the prep.', ">>{Omniquist} : At age 68 it doesn't even need to be early onset.", '>>{growyurown} : But if you call her old, you are sexist and you are discriminating her for her age. Any attack on hillary is sexist, ask any of her supporters.', '>>{joepo32} : how many actually have a real chance at winning?', '>>{zyme86} : Be careful to not conflate the NDA that applies to the distribution of classified materials in general (that anyone who got classified clearance or above would have to sign) as compared to the training required to operate an email account that has classified materiel sent to it from external servers. Clinton was told what can and cannot be released as per the NDA but was never trained on how to correctly run an email system that receives classified materiel from the classified server systems. Is this a technicality, oh hell yes. But heads need to roll not in the clinton camp but in the nation security sphere on how she was ever able to set up this server without proper training.', ">>{escalation} : > as compared to the training required to operate an email account that has classified materiel sent to it from external servers She wasn't authorized to have that account. It would be unreasonable to expect her to be trained in those details. It would also presumably fall under the scope of sections two and three of the NDA [US Department of State Clinton NDA](https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/documents/hrc_ndas/1/doc_0c05833708/c05833708.pdf)", ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : Aaaand the conversation ends, seeing as I'm apparently dealing with a manchild, or it could just be a child for all I know, take your pick.", ">>{joepo32} : I asked a question and it wasn't answered. So I asked again. What you responded with had nothing to do with the question I asked. Who is the one refusing to follow etiquette while in a conversation?", ">>{MiamiQuadSquad} : They have almost zero chance of winning. Is that what you want to hear? Because I agree. I just don't bow to two first party candidates, neither of which I think would be a good president, if I don't think anyone else has a chance.", '>>{zyme86} : She never received the information with intent to distribute to unauthorized parties. She set up a system that (based on what former SoS have reported) that other former SoSs have used (though they were correctly trained for what was correct and what was not). The only thing that can be proved with Clinton at this point: -she set up a system that she in good faith thought she could do. -She and her staff made good faith effort to try and have it secure despite it not following established protocols. -was never briefed on the proper handling of these materiels The key reason that nothing will ever come is you cannot prove the she intended to distribute classified materiel to those not authorized and you cannot prove that she knowingly violated the laws and procedures she was not informed of. Was this borderline incompetence, probably, criminal wrongdoing, not even close.', '>>{CheetoCrustedDick} : [Here is her training, she lied](https://i.sli.mg/DehA4o.png)', ">>{joepo32} : Well in life sometimes you are forced to make a choice between two things you don't agree with. Throwing away that decision doesn't mean you're nobel. America has the likely hood of two presidents. Either you help decide for the nation or you don't.", ">>{escalation} : There was no good faith whatsoever, and the amount of obstruction demonstrates that. Knowingly does not apply to all statutes that are relevant. She was advised that she was not allowed to retain documents and that they were required to remain under Government control. It has been demonstrated that she not only retained them, but also had them destroyed. She won't be prosecuted because her party's puppet gets the final call on prosecution, and that is the only reason. If America elects her, then they are not only embracing that type of cronyism and high level corruption, but they are setting precedent to institutionalize it. This is the path to the end of Democracy", '>>{Kierik} : You would think context would also tell you something is classified.', '>>{cyborg527} : No, if you call her old that would make you ageist.', '>>{Drew4} : > She set up a system that (based on what former SoS have reported) that other former SoSs have used No other secretary of state maintained a private server that was used for government business.', '>>{CheetoCrustedDick} : The certificate is, every DoD member and I am sure someone of her stature has to take many many annual, quarterly test. A few being on cyber security.', '>>{zyme86} : And thus the mask is torn. I can only give the facts and why they matter. Choosing to make your own reality in spite of them if your decision and reveals the axe you have to grind. Presented with the facts and why Clinton will unfortunately get off on a technicality you resort to blaming "party\'s puppet gets the final call on prosecution". I can only present the facts and hope that you will understand them and yet you resorted to making such a ludicrous statement such it will mean "This is the path to the end of Democracy". I\'m sorry you feel the need to catastrophize this election in such a manner.', '>>{phro} : Deletion of records, perjury, racketeering, etc are all still on the table even if the classified issue will never stick.', '>>{Doitforthechesty} : Fuck fuck fuck. This is so frustrating as a voter', '>>{zyme86} : Based on a system that people such as Colon Powel have used and costomized it for her personal use.', ">>{cyborg527} : Lol they weren't using burn phones. If they were that'd be even more suspicious. They clearly weren't worried about security so I don't see any reason otherwise to upgrade one person's phone 13 times in 4 years.", '>>{zyme86} : http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/09/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-said-my-predecessors-did-same-thin/ "Like Clinton, Powell used a personal email address. However, there’s a big difference: Clinton hosted her email on a private server located in her home. Powell did not." She took the advice on using an email for classified information and then took it to the next step. Not an exact copy but the same idea take to the next step.', ">>{DesertedPenguin} : It's not one person. Clinton wasn't the only one who sent emails from her account. Her staff had email access, too. So it's multiple people with phones. If it's Clinton and three staff members, it's just one upgrade every year, which would be in line with the general public's treatment of mobile devices.", '>>{escalation} : She used those 11 devices in succession, eight of them while Secretary of state. This indicates that she was actually using three devices concurrently.', '>>{Drew4} : >took it to the next step If by next step, you mean gross negligence and criminal actions.', '>>{zyme86} : Having a personal server that communicates with the various classified servers nor is having a personal email that gets classified info sent to it is illegal given the security clearance given to a Sec State. Clinton was not given the standard briefing on the handling of classified materiel on a personal server which does get her off on a technicality. There was no intent to violate the handling of classified materiel in this case. Negligent and incompitant, quite possibly. Technicality, yes, but not criminal.', '>>{zyme86} : In this case you are wrong. Because she was not given the standard briefing for having a server that communicates classified material servers coupled with, as far as has been demonstrated, the procedures she was trying to implement were in good faith working to protect said information then no this is not criminal negligence.', ">>{Drew4} : Strange, that's not what this says on this form Hillary signed... http://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/HRC-classified-NDA1.pdf", '>>{zyme86} : Please refer to my previous post in this topic. This is a tangential issue. General NDA and training for it ≠ required to host your own server. IT is a separate briefing that should have been done and was never conducted. Is this a technicality, yes. But this is exactly why she will have no charges. Unless it can be proved she received this separate briefing, which is above the normal NDA you mentioned, and it can be proved that she did not act in good faith to not distribute to unauthorized parties then she technically did nothing illigal.', ">>{escalation} : She said the server was authorized. It wasn't. She said she didn't send classified emails. She did. She revised that to say she didn't send marked documents. There were incompletely marked documents. She said she didn't know what the markings meant. She did, as evidenced by the diplomatic cables. She said the server had not been accessed. It was. She said she hadn't been briefed. She signed documents to the contrary. Whether you choose to acknowledge that the fix is in, that Goldman Sachs and the big financial firms effectively run the country, is your choice to be oblivious. You can choose to ignore that Lynch was a former Federal Reserve board member and would refuse to go forward with the prosecution due to both financial and party interests. You can embrace corruption. You can embrace lies. You will eventually see the consequences of that choice.", ">>{zyme86} : is your choice to be oblivious Your bias is showing. I don't want her to get off but I am telling you why she will. Accusing me of embracing corruption on top of this sermon of yours that this will be the end of democracy. I am just laying of the facts here and what they led to was her getting off on a technicality. Aaaand you resorting to personal attacks. You have an axe here I get it but don't make yourself look foolish with personal attacks.", '>>{escalation} : You are oblivious if you choose to be. Technically she gave access to the data to numerous uncleared individuals. That is illegal. This was not addressed within the scope of the inquiry. She signed documents stating that she was aware of this requirement for handling information.', '>>{zyme86} : Have a good day. Your personal attack shows you have no interest in any reasonable discussion here. Telling me things that I "believe" without any shred of evidence is both base and laughable. I have better ways to spend my day.', '>>{escalation} : Interesting how word parsing is alright when it comes from a candidate, but the same word parsing from another party is not acceptable. I never made a personal attack, I never said you were oblivious, only that you could choose to be. This is no more a "personal attack" than saying I feel the need to catastrophize this election in such a manner, is, or that "I am choosing to make my own reality".', '>>{zyme86} : Saying something will be the "end of democracy" is the definition of contraphicizing (going to the worst possible outcome). Good day.', '>>{Change4Betta} : Yup. Always better than yes or no. Yes admits guilt, no can haunt you later if you get trapped in a lie. Remember that guy who responded "I do not recall" to like 100 questions?', ">>{escalation} : Worst possible outcome? It seems a number of people in this country would be quite happy with fascism, a dictatorship, aristocracy or kleptocracy. If you were serious about the conversation you would have responded to these statements: >She said the server was authorized. It wasn't. She said she didn't send classified emails. She did. She revised that to say she didn't send marked documents. There were incompletely marked documents. She said she didn't know what the markings meant. She did, as evidenced by the diplomatic cables. She said the server had not been accessed. It was. She said she hadn't been briefed. She signed documents to the contrary. >Technically she gave access to the data to numerous uncleared individuals. That is illegal. This was not addressed within the scope of the inquiry. She signed documents stating that she was aware of this requirement for handling information.", '>>{zyme86} : lol just no. Good day mate you just made my night'], [">>{georgiapeanuts} : Nope >Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced plans on Wednesday to eliminate college tuition at in-state public colleges and universities for families with annual incomes under $125,000 We don't means test High School, Middle School, or Elementary School. Why do we need to over-complicate this.", ">>{VTFD} : ... this sounds like a a pretty solid compromise. It means that the majority of college students will have tuition free college. ___ And to answer your question: because it's expensive. Clinton's budget is very nearly balanced -- can't shoehorn free college for all in there without running up deficit significantly.", '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Look, i would be the first one to say we need to raise taxes on the rich and get rid of all corporate welfare and tax loopholes in order to get single payer and free tuition for public colleges and universities, but to then offer elimination of in state tuition only for families who earn under $120k is ridiculous. You don\'t just exclude a certain class of people from benefiting from public services just due to their salary. Not to mention, this is going to come out as "Hey, she hates rich people", and with this running alongisde Comey\'s announcements, you will see the paradigm shift rather quickly', ">>{empress-of-blandings} : Embraces a good chunk doesn't mean copies word for word. Making in state colleges free at that level would still be a huge, positive change. That would have covered college for 80% of my friend group in college - mostly middle class. As for over complicating, when you're talking about billions of dollars and millions of students things are not always going to be perfectly black and white.", '>>{Rainieri} : Families making under 125k would cover the vast majority of people, that would be a big improvement over the status quo.', ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Means testing require more paperwork and more bureaucracy to handle all the paperwork and validate means testing. Also why should people only be able to go to an in-state college tuition free? Why can't one go to any public college in America tuition free regardless of where you grew up.", ">>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : She doesn't care about the budget she goes to war at a change in the wind. The war in Iraq is estimated several trillion dollars. That's like 150 years of public education for everyone.", '>>{VTFD} : Means testing is already done by the schools themselves, and in-state discounts already apply. We already have strong incentives for students to apply in-state (and I think many would prefer that for other, non-financial reasons anyway). If you want free college for all with no restrictions - this is a great stepping stone policy.', ">>{peddelman42} : Highlights * Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced plans on Wednesday to eliminate college tuition at in-state public colleges and universities for families with annual incomes under $125,000 * As part of the same package of proposals, Mrs. Clinton, who speaks often on the campaign trail of her plans for debt-free college education, is calling for a three-month moratorium on the repayment of federal student loans. The move, which the campaign said would be carried out through executive action if Mrs. Clinton becomes president, would allow borrowers to refinance loans or restructure high-interest debt. * Mrs. Clinton is also pledging to restore year-round Pell grant funding, her campaign said, in the hopes of aiding students seeking summer courses. * The tuition plan unveiled on Wednesday would take shape over several years, the campaign said, initially covering students whose families make $85,000 a year or less. The threshold would increase by $10,000 a year until it reached $125,000 in 2021. This seems like a pretty good compromise between Clinton and Sanders' positions. edit: edited for format.", '>>{VTFD} : > The war in Iraq is estimated several trillion dollars. And that money is already spent. She put forward a budget recommendation that is very nearly balanced. That is her policy.', '>>{Rainieri} : It would still be an improvement over the status quo.', '>>{Just_An_Average_j0e} : Does this budget include war in Syria? How can you know what is the truth? She has been caught lying at every turn for a year. Why do you trust her to do this?', '>>{rrl_csci} : If the rich are paying a higher tax for it as well, why bar their children from attending when they contribute so much for others to go for free? Usually their children will still opt for a private school over a state run public anyway. Totally agree with you.', ">>{VTFD} : RE: Syria, I don't know off hand the details of her defense budget, but my hunch is that it's probably pretty stout. RE: the truth, all we can do is make our best educated guess. Nobody knows the future. RE: trust, I believe based on the policies she's put forward during this campaign and based on the good faith with which she's met Sanders in the middle here. I further believe that we *won't* get this done (in her first term at least) due to Republican opposition.", ">>{peddelman42} : >Why can't one go to any public college in America tuition free regardless of where you grew up. If you want to compare this program to public schooling, then the same kinds of restrictions would apply. You go to the public school you are assigned to based on where you live. In most places, you can go to other schools within that same district, but you usually have to pay out of pocket, at least that's the way it works in my state. So it would not be at all unreasonable to restrict free tuition to in-state schools based on the K-12 model we have now.", ">>{VTFD} : Then that would cover half. And that's good progress.", '>>{snowden_le_hero} : Why did you change the title of the article?', ">>{mdreed} : > You don't just exclude a certain class of people from benefiting from public services just due to their salary Who says rich people are excluded from public college? They just have to pay. And rich having to pay more is the essence of a progressive tax system. If you make little enough, you don't pay income tax at all. Moreover, does medicare count as a public service from which people are excluded? You have to make less than 125% of the poverty line to qualify."], ['>>{MortWellian} : Seniors could be in for a rude surprise if Paul Ryan gets his way on taxes', '>>{MortWellian} : > Republicans have a plan to cut trillions of dollars in taxes while still having enough money to run the government thanks in large part to what opponents call a new a tax on imports. > But the proposal could have costly unintended consequences — especially for the elderly. > Retirees are financially vulnerable to rising prices, or inflation, which is one possible result of the GOP plan. If the proposal sets off inflation, many households would benefit from increasing wages and salaries. Meanwhile, some retirees would pay more at the cash register without the benefit of a fatter paycheck.', ">>{Karen_DiMarco} : Yes, true, but chances are that Paul Ryan won't get his way on taxes. Or pretty much anything.", ">>{darwinn_69} : Why is no one paying attention to the coming budget fight? The continuing resolution that keeps the doors open runs out in two weeks, and congress is currently on recess. Is anyone pretending that we won't have a budget crisis very soon? He's not going to get his way on taxes because they won't have time.", ">>{bigmanrockin} : I work and get taxed for those who came before me. I want to live in a country where we take care of our elderly and those who can't care for themselves.", '>>{murphstar} : Tax reform is that gonna be a political version of that elusive heroin-induced dragon Ryan will eternally chase for his entire career.', '>>{trtsmb} : The sad thing is the elderly and poor tend to vote republican against their own best interests.', '>>{introversed} : And somehow, their disenfranchisement will be their own damn fault.', '>>{saraquael} : Actually, you\'re in one of the few generations to have to pay for the prior generation. Pre-Boomer Americans worked and got taxed so *you* and future generations would be taken care of, but the Baby Boomers decided they\'d rather save poorly, plan poorly, fuck over everyone coming after them, and redistribute all of the wealth to the top. So now we\'re stuck in an America that\'s headed backwards, they still hold all of the power politically, and we pay for their "entitlements" because no one wants to turn off the tap on seniors. Gen X/Y and the Millennials have been stuck with the bill while grandma and grandpa skip out.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Don't worry, Fox News will convince them its for the best."], ['>>{afterpoop} : State Dept: Clinton failed to hand over key email', '>>{20WPM} : Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message ... How is it that the United States is still able to function?', '>>{Susarian} : At last, the smoking gun! Oh wait. Move along.', '>>{20WPM} : > all but proves I guess it proves nothing more than what you wish to believe.', '>>{TheFacebookGod} : No no no, who cares? [This is fine!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oBx7Jg4m-o)', '>>{popname} : Clinton told us she only deleted emails about cake and yoga. Is "yoga" Clintonian for "compromised all State Department email because she\'s too lazy to have one of her servants or lackeys carry two devices."?', ">>{20WPM} : It has nothing to do with typing. But while I have you on the line, you don't seem to know anything about punctuation. Accuracy before speed.", '>>{DumpsterDon} : >"While this exchange was not part of the approximately 55,000 pages provided to the State Department by former Secretary Clinton, the exchange was included within the set of documents Ms. Abedin provided the department in response to our March 2015 request," State Department spokesman John Kirby told The Associated Press on Thursday. Oh.', ">>{dmintz} : but that doesn't make as catchy of a headline.", ">>{Claritypleas} : No, it doesn't. So far, no one has proved anything. In the meantime, Trump Failed to Hand Over Tax Returns.", ">>{lovely_sombrero} : Still makes Clinton guilty of perjury. We also don't know what was in most of the emails she deleted - we know only about 5 out of 30.000 so far. She is supposed to hand over all of her own emails according to the Federal Records Act.", ">>{silverwyrm} : It's looking increasingly likely that the FBI will recommend an indictment. There's no question that if anyone else did the same sorts of things she did they would be at least fired. The FBI is going to uphold justice... or try to.", ">>{axelrod_squad} : She gambled everything that they won't do anything about it", ">>{silverwyrm} : It's becoming harder and harder for the Clinton campaign to try and brush this under the rug. She already has the reputation for being dishonest, and every new piece of news about this that comes out just affirms that.", ">>{KazakiLion} : *The other 3468 Clinton Email stories didn't convince people not to vote for her, but I'm sure this one will!* She broke IT policy, the law, and potentially compromised national security because the State Department wasn't funded well enough to get her a secure Blackberry. It spoke poorly of her judgement, but her opponent thinks religious tests are a good idea. People have either come to terms with this scandal, support Trump, or are still acting under the illusion that every election cycle will have a flawless candidate. Do we really need eight front page stories about server configuration in this subreddit every day?", ">>{Kcarp6380} : The state department couldn't afford a blackberry? That's a new one. If she was so hell bent on having a Blackberry that was secure how about sending Bill over to some 3rd world shit hole and deliver a speech. He can pick up a cool 500k from some drug lords and pitch in for the Blackberry. Maybe turn in an expense report. Couldn't afford the Blackberry, now that one is funny.", '>>{Birata} : X-reply from elsewhere : Sadly, not a perjury. > I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct: While I do not know what information may be “responsive” for purposes of this law suit, I have directed that all my e-mails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or potentially were federal records to be provided to the Department of State, and **on information and belief, this has been done.** Emphasis is mine. IAMNL but in another thread it was made clear this is a lawyer lingo that means there is someone proped for throw-under-the-bus exercise.. Basically, she is not an expert, so she ordered things to happen, things happened, she got report all was done properly, so her hands are clean. *"So long suckerssssss!"*', ">>{Umlaut69} : Couldn't afford a blackberry? where the hell did you pull that from? They offered her one and she declined because she couldn't figure out how to enter a password on the secure one.", ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Only if you didn't actually read the article...ahem.", '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : I missed where trump signed a legal document indicating he has handed over all tax returns.', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Yup. Anyone who thinks one of the most most hounded politicians of all time, who happens to be a LAWYER, is going to open herself up for perjury is just an imbecile.', ">>{lovely_sombrero} : The public. We've only seen 5 of her deleted emails so far, preserved because of pure luck (the emails at some point were sent to someone who did preserve his or her records). I think FBI knows a lot more than the public (just 5 emails). Why would I know more than the FBI? We know she testified under oath that she handed all her work-related emails over to the SD/FBI. And she didn't.", ">>{DudeNiceMARMOT} : > the State Department wasn't funded well enough to get her a secure Blackberry. You serious?", '>>{KazakiLion} : Tell that to the NSA. They cited the expense when rejecting her request for a secure Blackberry after Obama had been granted one.', '>>{KazakiLion} : Yes, the NSA was serious when they cited the expense as one of the reasons for denying her a secure Blackberry.', '>>{KazakiLion} : From the list of reasons the NSA cited when denying her a secure Blackberry.', ">>{SnZ001} : [That's mad fast CW speed, bro.](http://www.morseresource.com/morse/out/mp-576c8e012b4b4.mp3)", ">>{Kcarp6380} : Ok so could she not get one if she wanted one? Her IT guy who was maintaining her personal server was being paid by the State Department. If she didn't have the server and used the one the State Department had that salary could have gone to her Blackberry", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Why not? She lied under oath before Congress. That news article proves it. She failed to hand over work-related emails. Before Congress she testified under oath that she handed all of them over to SD/FBI.', '>>{TheQuestion78} : Not really though. A lot of the MSM is not covering this issue and a lot of voters still do see the email issue as some sort of "conspiracy". As documented in the DNC leak by Guccifer 2.0, the Hillary camp has "muddied" the water on this issue so sadly a lot of voters are totally uninformed about what is going on here.', '>>{aerosplat} : >Is "yoga" Clintonian for "compromised all State Department email because she\'s too lazy to have one of her servants or lackeys carry two devices."? No, it\'s Clintonian for "compromised State Dept infosec because she wants to hide all her communication away from federal record-keeping while she gets the Clinton Foundation tangled up in all sorts of State Dept business".', '>>{Claritypleas} : It is about HC NOT committing perjury. Hence my Trump reaction. To claim that this "proves" perjury is ridiculous. Meanwhile many of are waiting for Trump.', ">>{Claritypleas} : It ain't just Huffpo waiting for the Donald's tax reports.", ">>{playitleo} : We need to get this post about Clinton's emails to the /r/politics frontpage. There's only 16 posts on the front page about it right now. Not enough!", ">>{voidsoul22} : And yet there are still so many morons who think this is the breakthrough they've been waiting for, even though it not only is mundane, it literally isn't even news (it actually cleanly proves they don't know jack shit about this affair, since this very email was quoted in the IG report a *month* ago). I bet they're organizing Sanders coronation parties as I speak.", '>>{DontFuckWithDuckie} : I think their point is that responding to criticism of HRC with criticism of trump is, at the very least, a distraction, not a retort.', ">>{DontFuckWithDuckie} : Ain't saying you're wrong, but got a source?", '>>{-jabberwock} : Not perjury but she has definitely lied about turning over all the emails. [https://youtu.be/331X1_mDTcA?t=3m56s](https://youtu.be/331X1_mDTcA?t=3m56s)', '>>{bzsteele} : Go look at the history. No one besides CTR makes the claim about trumps taxes, because anyone with half a brain would just bring up the Clinton transcripts which could easily be argued are more important. Seriously, you know it\'s CTR (besides this guy\'s every comment being pro Hillary and anti anyone else) when they stupid shit at the end of the argument. Why have a cohesive argument when you can just click and paste pre-approved arguments. Seriously, what kind of moron hears that the potential future president is deeper in this FBI investigation than Hillary originally lied about and says, "yeah, who cares about entire state secrets being exposed to the world, potentially endangering scores of American lives? Trump hasn\'t released a tax record, that is definitely more important. In fact, it is so important that I can\'t possibly think about both things at once so Ill just focus on Trump." That was by far the worst Clinton argument I\'ve ever seen or read. It\'s like Trump has done this small thing so let\'s forget about this ginormous elephant in the room that involves Clinton.', '>>{Rockstar_007} : This is big, but Brexit is some of the biggest news this century.', '>>{Claritypleas} : Au contraire! With the huge amount of spam aimed at unsupported Hillary accusations, I am looking for substance here. The "crooked Hillary" folks are, in my opinion, the ones involved in distraction, using the email idiocy to mask their guy\'s complete incompetence and embarrassing "pronouncements"--now, that the falling value of the Pound is "good for business." Let\'s look at the issues that are affecting us right now, please.', ">>{DontFuckWithDuckie} : So you think the deleted emails, the servers, the potential release of classified documents, the alleged pay-for-play, the Rico, the alleged perjury, and her undeniable propensity to lie through her teeth are all made up? You think it's all faked?", '>>{20WPM} : Perhaps you know of what you speak. Or maybe you are clever. Little matter, as it is a pleasure to hear from one so cultivated, refined and indeed, enlightened.', '>>{KazakiLion} : > "We [The NSA] began examining options for (Secretary Clinton) with respect to secure \'BlackBerry-like\' communications," wrote Donald R. Reid, the department\'s assistant director for security infrastructure. "The current state of the art is not too user friendly, has no infrastructure at State, and is very expensive." [Emails show NSA rejected Hillary Clinton\'s request for secure smartphone](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/emails-show-nsa-rejected-hillary-clinton-request-for-secure-smartphone/)', '>>{KazakiLion} : > "We [The NSA] began examining options for (Secretary Clinton) with respect to secure \'BlackBerry-like\' communications," wrote Donald R. Reid, the department\'s assistant director for security infrastructure. "The current state of the art is not too user friendly, has no infrastructure at State, and is very expensive." [Emails show NSA rejected Hillary Clinton\'s request for secure smartphone](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/emails-show-nsa-rejected-hillary-clinton-request-for-secure-smartphone/)']]
classify and reply
['>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : anyone that is suggesting that getting rid of EC and just replacing with with popular vote is only letting their personal feelings get in the way. a real solution is to change the system completely not just switch it to popular vote.', ">>{Judge_of_Java} : The Electoral College allows the states to remain sovereign and vote according to how the people in each state voted. This way, the two or three states with the most people can't just decide every election.", ">>{Chrisc46} : This is correct. State sovereignty is important and should remain so. However, I'd like to see the states proportionally distribute their electors, instead of winner take all. Everyone's vote will matter more, and small states maintain importance.", '>>{americanrabbit} : If you are a in montana, your vote is 2.3 times more powerful than in california. Voting is a constitutional right. As such it is incumbent upon the federal government to treat every vote equally.', ">>{treerat} : I'm still undecided on this. Due to recent political trends where the EV doesnt correlate to the poplar vote, we should be having this discussion. If the electoral college will never step up, its irrelevant.", ">>{Chrisc46} : An Hispanic man's vote in Montana counts for 2.3 times more than a white guy in California. What's the point? The EC gives a weighted voice to the less populated states to prevent big state dictation through the executive branch. It helps maintain a balance of power. This is good.", '>>{ThePodThatWasPromisd} : Or a hispanic man in Montana counts for 2.3 votes of a white man in California... Interesting you chose to frame it as you did.', '>>{Chrisc46} : The federal executive branch represents the state governments as well as the general population. The EC maintains the voice of each state.', '>>{DeepThought007} : If it was intended to correlate to the popular vote then the election would have just been based on the popular vote to begin with.', '>>{americanrabbit} : Personally id like to see a change to the structure of the executive branch. Rather than a president, a council, made of 5 presidents based regionally.', ">>{PoliticalStooge137} : Don't be ridiculous. There aren't any Hispanics in Montana.", '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : I agree, a president for this large of a population is just silly.', '>>{OutOnTheInside} : Agreed, just add a new rule like Winner of the Popular Vote takes 50 votes of the 538. It would mean you would have to carry not only "Fly-over" States, and fight to maintain big partisan states like California, New York, & Texas. And best of all it would encourage everyone to vote more.', ">>{Chrisc46} : The president is elected by the several states at the advice of their populace. This should be maintained as a balance of power. I do hope the states change their majority rule electoral distribution, but I'd never encourage the states to give up their voice in the process. The executive branch was never designed to be a direct representation of the people. It's merely designed to execute the laws passed by the representatives of the people and of the states. Each state gets as much say in the election of the Executive branch as they have in the Legislative branch.", '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : what i would like to have happen and im sure there are holes in it but keep Electoral college, get rid of winner takes all for GE and remove FPTP and replace with Ranked choice. To me, this allows every voice to be heard regardless of where you live and who you originally pick.', ">>{Chrisc46} : Voting is a constitutional right, but electing the Executive of the United States is not the exclusive say of the individual. Your representative is elected based on popular vote, the president is elected by the states at the advice of the people. The executive branch was never designed to be a direct representation of the people. It's merely designed to execute the laws passed by the representatives of the people and of the states. Each state gets as much say in the election of the Executive branch as they have in the Legislative branch.", '>>{OutOnTheInside} : I would love Ranked choice but unfortunately the States decided how voting is done, and even then some counties/districts vote differntly as well. That would make it harder to pass on local levels, but passing it as a change in electors is a lot easier. The best option should have the fairest impact for the least amount of effort to change.', ">>{Chrisc46} : The best change would be proportional distribution of electors. This would give voice to the minority voters of each state. Everyone's vote becomes more important both locally and nationally, while maintaining the state's sovereignty.", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : But this is why the states are each given two senators. The expectation of a balance of power should be maintained across the government, not within each branch. Otherwise we should not give each state the electors based on population (i.e. representative).', ">>{Chrisc46} : Originally, senators were appointed by the state governments. This gave voice to the states within the federal legislature. That's not the case anymore, senators no longer directly represent the states. I believe this was a huge blow to state sovereignty and should be reversed. Either way, senators have no say in electing the president. The states elect the president, based on the consent of those state populations. The EC provides this power balance. Addition: I do believe the state electors should be distributed proportionally. This would give more power to the people, while still maintaining state power.", ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : I didn't mean to imply that the senators are part of the EC process. However, their seats are. Each state is given the number of votes equal to the number of representatives + senators they have in Congress.", ">>{Chrisc46} : Their seats count to the electoral vote total, but that doesn't give voice to the state government. It merely balances power between the states during presidential selection. This is the reason to keep the EC.", '>>{SkepticalOfOthers} : The dis-proportionality between large vs small states is a very small part of the problem with the electoral college. The real problem is that, because of winner-take-all, the only votes that matter are those required to achieve a plurality. Any votes beyond that are actively ignored. As a result, a better measure of power, in a given election, is how many votes it would take to swing each electoral vote (on average) in a given state. For example, in California, the difference was just over 3.1 million votes; so, with 55 electoral votes, it takes an average of around 57000 votes to swing each electoral vote in California. Montana is not much better at just over 33,000. For comparison, Michigan is around 725. Under this measure, this election, a vote in Michigan was around 80x more powerful than a vote in California.', '>>{Chrisc46} : I think the solution is to distribute electoral votes based on proportion of the popular vote within each state. This eliminates the current plurality requirement that essentially renders millions of votes in non-swing states meaningless. The 30% of Texans that vote Democrat would now matter, as would the 30% of Republicans in California.', ">>{SkepticalOfOthers} : Part of the issue, I think, is that it wouldn't be super difficult to change it to popular vote. Popular vote is easy if enough states agree to it (see: the article), and is better than what we currently have. Getting all states to agree to proportional allocation of electors is another possibility, but probably a bit trickier, and I feel like there's a 90% chance it would just result in a Maine/Nebraska style distribution, which would be worse than what we have now.", '>>{OutOnTheInside} : I think that would lead to more 50/50 splits or if third parties gain traction, they could win a few electoral votes and no one will have a majority of electoral votes, and then it goes to the House to decide. Then someone who got the least amount of electoral votes, and least popular vote could win.', '>>{americanrabbit} : Sure you can figure that out post election, but prior you have no means of knowing how many people will vote.', '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : Even if it is a simpler change to make, it causes way too many problems that cant be ignored. it will cause us to ignore the culture differences of communities based on their location. going by population will make our parties start ignoring the minority. though there are pros, i dont know if they outweigh the cons to make this quick fix. in reality if it were to take place we would ignore the problems for decades.', ">>{treerat} : No but it was put in as a check/balance on the popular vote electing a wholly unqualified charlatan to the office of the presidency. Trump is the closest thing to that in my lifetime, an opinion shared by so many.. If the EC doesnt even look at that issue, then it has lost its reason for being. That's a question each elector should ask himself/herself before every electoral vote, no matter who the candidate before them.. [Federalist Paper no 68](http://www.historycentral.com/elections/Federalist.html)", '>>{SkepticalOfOthers} : That\'s not really the point. The goal is to be a measure of how \'efficient,\' if you will, the winners of each state were at securing their electoral votes. In states where the statistic is large, a lot of votes were \'wasted\', playing no part in securing electoral votes. In states where the statistic is small, the winner was very efficient and nearly every vote cast helped ensure the security of electoral votes. And while you can\'t get exact numbers prior to the election, you can certainly estimate. There\'s a reason all the states that wound up having the smallest marginal voters per electoral vote are the states that were talked about for months up to the election as "swing states," and where were the candidates spent most of their time campaigning.', ">>{SkepticalOfOthers} : This would certainly be an improvement. While we're at it, we should add more electoral votes. That would minimize the effect of any inefficiencies (raising from the fact that each electoral vote is 'winner-take-all'). Either way, said inefficiencies would be mostly random, and certainly very hard to predict.", '>>{americanrabbit} : No, because im not concerned with outcome. Im concerned with liberty. One voice 1 vote, all potentially equal under the law.', ">>{SkepticalOfOthers} : I mean, I'm not necessarily in disagreement. I'm just pointing out that different pop/ev ratios between differently sized states generally plays a pretty small part in why the electoral college sucks", ">>{Muskworker} : > the president is elected by the states at the advice of the people Yeah. The method of selecting electors belongs to the states, and if suffrage looked different in different states then we might be less interested in using the national popular vote. It's because we have a more or less universal popular vote that works more or less the same in every state that a national popular vote looks reasonable. I do like the idea of the popular vote compact, though it does introduce new political pressures into the system (for example, states would have a pressure to extend the franchise to younger teenagers to give themselves greater weight in the popular vote; whether you think that's a good idea or not, the electoral college in its current form limits the effectiveness of such an action).", '>>{Chrisc46} : I think the electoral college has merits that should be kept, mainly the fact that it helps keep a balance between states. I do think it should be adjusted to prevent disenfranchising voters. The best change would be to eliminate the winner take all electoral vote distribution and make it proportional. This would give voice to the minority party in each state but would keep the state balance that prevents the populous states from monopolizing the presidential election.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : anyone that is suggesting that getting rid of EC and just replacing with with popular vote is only letting their personal feelings get in the way. a real solution is to change the system completely not just switch it to popular vote.', ">>{Judge_of_Java} : The Electoral College allows the states to remain sovereign and vote according to how the people in each state voted. This way, the two or three states with the most people can't just decide every election.", ">>{Chrisc46} : This is correct. State sovereignty is important and should remain so. However, I'd like to see the states proportionally distribute their electors, instead of winner take all. Everyone's vote will matter more, and small states maintain importance.", '>>{americanrabbit} : If you are a in montana, your vote is 2.3 times more powerful than in california. Voting is a constitutional right. As such it is incumbent upon the federal government to treat every vote equally.', ">>{treerat} : I'm still undecided on this. Due to recent political trends where the EV doesnt correlate to the poplar vote, we should be having this discussion. If the electoral college will never step up, its irrelevant.", ">>{Chrisc46} : An Hispanic man's vote in Montana counts for 2.3 times more than a white guy in California. What's the point? The EC gives a weighted voice to the less populated states to prevent big state dictation through the executive branch. It helps maintain a balance of power. This is good.", '>>{ThePodThatWasPromisd} : Or a hispanic man in Montana counts for 2.3 votes of a white man in California... Interesting you chose to frame it as you did.', '>>{Chrisc46} : The federal executive branch represents the state governments as well as the general population. The EC maintains the voice of each state.', '>>{DeepThought007} : If it was intended to correlate to the popular vote then the election would have just been based on the popular vote to begin with.', '>>{americanrabbit} : Personally id like to see a change to the structure of the executive branch. Rather than a president, a council, made of 5 presidents based regionally.', ">>{PoliticalStooge137} : Don't be ridiculous. There aren't any Hispanics in Montana.", '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : I agree, a president for this large of a population is just silly.', '>>{OutOnTheInside} : Agreed, just add a new rule like Winner of the Popular Vote takes 50 votes of the 538. It would mean you would have to carry not only "Fly-over" States, and fight to maintain big partisan states like California, New York, & Texas. And best of all it would encourage everyone to vote more.', ">>{Chrisc46} : The president is elected by the several states at the advice of their populace. This should be maintained as a balance of power. I do hope the states change their majority rule electoral distribution, but I'd never encourage the states to give up their voice in the process. The executive branch was never designed to be a direct representation of the people. It's merely designed to execute the laws passed by the representatives of the people and of the states. Each state gets as much say in the election of the Executive branch as they have in the Legislative branch.", '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : what i would like to have happen and im sure there are holes in it but keep Electoral college, get rid of winner takes all for GE and remove FPTP and replace with Ranked choice. To me, this allows every voice to be heard regardless of where you live and who you originally pick.', ">>{Chrisc46} : Voting is a constitutional right, but electing the Executive of the United States is not the exclusive say of the individual. Your representative is elected based on popular vote, the president is elected by the states at the advice of the people. The executive branch was never designed to be a direct representation of the people. It's merely designed to execute the laws passed by the representatives of the people and of the states. Each state gets as much say in the election of the Executive branch as they have in the Legislative branch.", '>>{OutOnTheInside} : I would love Ranked choice but unfortunately the States decided how voting is done, and even then some counties/districts vote differntly as well. That would make it harder to pass on local levels, but passing it as a change in electors is a lot easier. The best option should have the fairest impact for the least amount of effort to change.', ">>{Chrisc46} : The best change would be proportional distribution of electors. This would give voice to the minority voters of each state. Everyone's vote becomes more important both locally and nationally, while maintaining the state's sovereignty.", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : But this is why the states are each given two senators. The expectation of a balance of power should be maintained across the government, not within each branch. Otherwise we should not give each state the electors based on population (i.e. representative).', ">>{Chrisc46} : Originally, senators were appointed by the state governments. This gave voice to the states within the federal legislature. That's not the case anymore, senators no longer directly represent the states. I believe this was a huge blow to state sovereignty and should be reversed. Either way, senators have no say in electing the president. The states elect the president, based on the consent of those state populations. The EC provides this power balance. Addition: I do believe the state electors should be distributed proportionally. This would give more power to the people, while still maintaining state power.", ">>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : I didn't mean to imply that the senators are part of the EC process. However, their seats are. Each state is given the number of votes equal to the number of representatives + senators they have in Congress.", ">>{Chrisc46} : Their seats count to the electoral vote total, but that doesn't give voice to the state government. It merely balances power between the states during presidential selection. This is the reason to keep the EC.", '>>{SkepticalOfOthers} : The dis-proportionality between large vs small states is a very small part of the problem with the electoral college. The real problem is that, because of winner-take-all, the only votes that matter are those required to achieve a plurality. Any votes beyond that are actively ignored. As a result, a better measure of power, in a given election, is how many votes it would take to swing each electoral vote (on average) in a given state. For example, in California, the difference was just over 3.1 million votes; so, with 55 electoral votes, it takes an average of around 57000 votes to swing each electoral vote in California. Montana is not much better at just over 33,000. For comparison, Michigan is around 725. Under this measure, this election, a vote in Michigan was around 80x more powerful than a vote in California.', '>>{Chrisc46} : I think the solution is to distribute electoral votes based on proportion of the popular vote within each state. This eliminates the current plurality requirement that essentially renders millions of votes in non-swing states meaningless. The 30% of Texans that vote Democrat would now matter, as would the 30% of Republicans in California.', ">>{SkepticalOfOthers} : Part of the issue, I think, is that it wouldn't be super difficult to change it to popular vote. Popular vote is easy if enough states agree to it (see: the article), and is better than what we currently have. Getting all states to agree to proportional allocation of electors is another possibility, but probably a bit trickier, and I feel like there's a 90% chance it would just result in a Maine/Nebraska style distribution, which would be worse than what we have now.", '>>{OutOnTheInside} : I think that would lead to more 50/50 splits or if third parties gain traction, they could win a few electoral votes and no one will have a majority of electoral votes, and then it goes to the House to decide. Then someone who got the least amount of electoral votes, and least popular vote could win.', '>>{americanrabbit} : Sure you can figure that out post election, but prior you have no means of knowing how many people will vote.', '>>{BYSlGNINGUP} : Even if it is a simpler change to make, it causes way too many problems that cant be ignored. it will cause us to ignore the culture differences of communities based on their location. going by population will make our parties start ignoring the minority. though there are pros, i dont know if they outweigh the cons to make this quick fix. in reality if it were to take place we would ignore the problems for decades.', ">>{treerat} : No but it was put in as a check/balance on the popular vote electing a wholly unqualified charlatan to the office of the presidency. Trump is the closest thing to that in my lifetime, an opinion shared by so many.. If the EC doesnt even look at that issue, then it has lost its reason for being. That's a question each elector should ask himself/herself before every electoral vote, no matter who the candidate before them.. [Federalist Paper no 68](http://www.historycentral.com/elections/Federalist.html)", '>>{SkepticalOfOthers} : That\'s not really the point. The goal is to be a measure of how \'efficient,\' if you will, the winners of each state were at securing their electoral votes. In states where the statistic is large, a lot of votes were \'wasted\', playing no part in securing electoral votes. In states where the statistic is small, the winner was very efficient and nearly every vote cast helped ensure the security of electoral votes. And while you can\'t get exact numbers prior to the election, you can certainly estimate. There\'s a reason all the states that wound up having the smallest marginal voters per electoral vote are the states that were talked about for months up to the election as "swing states," and where were the candidates spent most of their time campaigning.', ">>{SkepticalOfOthers} : This would certainly be an improvement. While we're at it, we should add more electoral votes. That would minimize the effect of any inefficiencies (raising from the fact that each electoral vote is 'winner-take-all'). Either way, said inefficiencies would be mostly random, and certainly very hard to predict.", '>>{americanrabbit} : No, because im not concerned with outcome. Im concerned with liberty. One voice 1 vote, all potentially equal under the law.', ">>{SkepticalOfOthers} : I mean, I'm not necessarily in disagreement. I'm just pointing out that different pop/ev ratios between differently sized states generally plays a pretty small part in why the electoral college sucks", ">>{Muskworker} : > the president is elected by the states at the advice of the people Yeah. The method of selecting electors belongs to the states, and if suffrage looked different in different states then we might be less interested in using the national popular vote. It's because we have a more or less universal popular vote that works more or less the same in every state that a national popular vote looks reasonable. I do like the idea of the popular vote compact, though it does introduce new political pressures into the system (for example, states would have a pressure to extend the franchise to younger teenagers to give themselves greater weight in the popular vote; whether you think that's a good idea or not, the electoral college in its current form limits the effectiveness of such an action).", '>>{Chrisc46} : I think the electoral college has merits that should be kept, mainly the fact that it helps keep a balance between states. I do think it should be adjusted to prevent disenfranchising voters. The best change would be to eliminate the winner take all electoral vote distribution and make it proportional. This would give voice to the minority party in each state but would keep the state balance that prevents the populous states from monopolizing the presidential election.']]
classify and reply
['>>{PikachuSquarepants} : Ryan announces major changes to Trumpcare, wants vote before Congress learns its impact on Americans', '>>{CarbonRevenge} : Used car salesmen are better at selling things than the GOP.', '>>{backpackwayne} : Could a used car salesman ever sale you Trump?', '>>{cat-litter} : I did all the levels. This game is SO FUN! (Review in comments)', ">>{cat-litter} : This game is totally worth the 10$ in my opinion. Having so much fun. Even after you 'defeat it' there is plenty of replay value. The little village you get to decorate is too cute! & the multiplayer mode is a blast. You can replay any level again & again to improve your score. I'm really enjoying it. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do :)", '>>{Cyberbeni} : You gotta collect all the pink/purple/black coins too', ">>{Herdnerfer} : The fact that you've played all the levels in the few hours it's been released tells me it's NOT worth the $10 price tag.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : >He told Chris Wallace Sunday that unspecified changes would “help bring market freedom and regulatory relief to the insurance markets to dramatically lower the price of the plan for the 50- and 60-year-olds.” Other changes under discussion would impose work requirements for people receiving Medicaid benefits and increase tax credits for older Americans. 1. Market freedoms/regulatory reliefs = make it as EASY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE for insurers to screw us over 2. Work Requirements for medicaid = neo-slavery for sick, poor elderly & children 3. "Tax Credits" = help for rich people SOUNDS GREAT!', '>>{drenalyn8999} : hopefully. if it passes. The people will seek justice against the gop, now that the gop has armed them.', ">>{cat-litter} : But you can play again & again. I haven't gotten the highest max score. To me it's worth it.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : How can Congress vote without knowing this bill's costs?", '>>{Outlierist} : Quick, hurry up and vote for this while ignorance is bliss -Ryan, probably', ">>{Inumbrate} : The GOP right now: Let's replace the American Dream with a confusing Fever Dream instead! We lied and prayed/preyed on fear so well they actually voted us into office. They won't even know what hit them.", '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Republicare v1 Ryan: There it is. Now vote vote vote VOTE! Ryan: Huh? Whaddaya mean it sucks? Republicare v2 Ryan: There, fixed. Now vote vote VOTE!', '>>{Herdnerfer} : By play you mean hit one button over and over again, not exactly riveting gameplay worthy of replayability.', ">>{Time4Red} : >Market freedoms/regulatory reliefs = make it as EASY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE for insurers to screw us over I'm curious how this will work, since this is a reconciliation bill. They can't remove the regulatory aspects of Obamacare without 60 votes in the senate. If they are going to ignore senate rules even more than they already have, they will essentially be destroying the filibuster. With how far they have gone eroding the original intent of reconciliation, Democrats would nearly be able to pass a pseudo single-payer law without 60 votes in the senate if they ever regain both houses and the white house. From purely a strategic perspective, the Republicans are not thinking long term.", '>>{Pally41100} : Do you think they will add more levels in future updates?', ">>{relax_live_longer} : The CBO is going to score it eventually. This vote before you score strategy makes you look even more heartless than waiting. Ryan doesn't know how to legislate.", '>>{Nutcup} : Damn homie, someone piss in your cheerios today?', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Trump is a "BMW" at a small town Ford dealer that has a lemon engine, has been in 7 accidents, repoed 9 times and had its odometer rolled back.', '>>{MizterMuff1n} : Pff. The original Super Mario Bros 2 for the Nintendo DS was the most fun.', ">>{Michaelblack18} : He plans to try to push this through on thursday before the CBO can even get their reports out on how this will impact americans,which there's some sense that they will say it's even worse then the first one outlined by ryan,He literally just wants the health of people to suffer to line his god damned pockets with more money.", '>>{VROF} : Because, like the Republican voters who put these assholes in charge; they vote R always no matter what. So Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell (the most evil people in America) can continue looting the country.', '>>{jenjavitis} : Maybe if we all invest in insurance companies, we can afford a policy? What is the logic with these fucks??', ">>{emmaan01} : I can't get past World 3-4!!!! Any tips?", '>>{holycowitschris} : Now you have to get the three different types of coins and do the toad rally mode.', ">>{holycowitschris} : They didn't get any of the special coins. So he barely put a dent in the game. Plus there is a toad rally mode where you unlock new characters and build up a kingdom. Stop being so negative. Ten dollars is a fine price for a well done Nintendo game. Plus I don't have ads popping up on my screen bugging me about micro transactions constantly like most other apps you purchase in the App Store.", '>>{jmxd} : I hate that this app ia called MARIO RUN. Why do some developers insist on making their app name in full caps, it doesnt make it magically more important and looks bad on the homescreen :/', ">>{MBAMBA0} : Well...you clearly understand the ins and outs of congressional legislation better than I do, so I'll just take your word for it.", ">>{onlyCulturallyMormon} : This is why I didn't play Last of Us. It's literally just pointing a cross hair at objects and pushing a button over and over and over. It's fundamentally no different than simple Atari games. Move a joystick to a specific place, push a button. Move the joystick again, push a button again. Snore.", ">>{Yifkong} : You've just described pretty much every game ever though.", '>>{optikalblitz} : So is it possible to earn your way into all of the levels or do you have to pay to get everything past 1-3?', '>>{windfail} : if you liked the game, I suggest checking out the Rayman Run series. the core gameplay is similar but with minor variations', ">>{Herdnerfer} : The problem is the levels aren't fun to replay if all it comes down to is whether or not you tapped the screen at the right time, so needing to get every coin doesn't add any value to me.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : > What is the logic with these fucks?? They believe big donors are what get them elected and not voters.', ">>{Yifkong} : Ha I think I needed that /s to be sure I finally got all the coins on the first two rounds of the first level, the green coins are a total sunuvabitch though. Everyone dismissing this game isn't giving it a real go I think.", '>>{cat-litter} : When you get to bowser, run to the axe and he will fall in the lava. Make sure you have a toad power up so you can run through him with no effects.', ">>{cat-litter} : I've tried that one before. I find this more fun because of the little toad village you can build & decorate.", '>>{derGropenfuhrer} : I think we\'ve had enough "it\'ll be great, trust me" to last a long time', ">>{EdwardRMeow} : If people can't tell this is sarcasm, they are dumb. If it *isn't* sarcasm, then you are dumb.", ">>{007meow} : His phrasing makes it sound like he's directly angling for the AARP endorsement.", '>>{007meow} : What\'s the logic behind passing it before Congress can learn about it? Like, I get that he wants to push it through quickly before people can get up in arms about it, but how is that defensible? What defense/justification is there for "We need to get this through quickly because it won\'t hold up to scrutiny?"', ">>{Splax77} : > What is the logic with these fucks?? The logic is to fuck over as many Americans as possible. They don't care about their voters, those are merely idiots who have been tricked into voting against their own self interest by a massive propaganda machine. The Republican Party exists to serve their corporate masters in the top .1%, and will fuck over as many Americans as necessary to ensure maximum profits for their donors.", ">>{bugsybooz89} : The GOP will own the Bill completely. Emotions run high when people get sick and need health care. Don't care who you voted for, when your mom or dad is laying in that bed and you get deined coverage or care all the propaganda is going out the window. Just remember 40% of Americans will get cancer and its expensive to treat.", ">>{navlelo_} : They can claim they didn't know about bad consequences of the bill.", '>>{Splax77} : > What defense/justification is there for "We need to get this through quickly because it won\'t hold up to scrutiny?" They have an obligation to serve their corporate masters, and can\'t let silly little things like worrying about their constituents get in the way of that. The voters are merely useful idiots in the decades-long plot by the top .1% to take over this country through the Republican party, and it\'s almost complete.', '>>{oversizedhat} : >We are writing to respectfully request that you analyze the house Democrat bill as expeditiously as possible. Speaker Pelosi has indicated that this legislation will be marked up before the committees of jurisdiction and debated on the House floor by the beginning of August. Before Congress changes health care as the American people know it, we must know the likely consequences of the house Democrat legislation, including the number of people who would lose access to their current insurance, the number of jobs lost due to business taxes, the number of uninsured people who would obtain coverage, the extent of the cannibalization of employer coverage due To Medicaid expansion. -Paul Ryan, letter to the CBO, dated June 23, 2009.', ">>{elligirl} : They aren't all wrong. Bigger campaign war chests win elections over poorly funded grassroots candidates.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : Or they can pay off election districts to 'lose' votes.", '>>{StevePapaSteveZissou} : Does this mean congress will have to vote thursday? Is there a process to force a delay?', '>>{spunkychickpea} : Sorry, dude. You got caught trying to screw over 24 million Americans. I want hard numbers before we go ahead with ANY bill you want a vote on.', '>>{akkmedk} : Time to start thinking about work requirements for members of congress...', ">>{justablur} : And a smell in the trunk that just won't wash out", '>>{Rhamil42} : Can someone explain to me what work requirements for Medicaid means? This is terrifying to the son of a widowed mother on Medicaid', '>>{Time4Red} : When Nixon was in office, when Reagan was in office, when HW Bush was in office.', ">>{DaffyDuck} : It's worse than that. The main change is that they aren't going to allow CBO to score it.", ">>{never_safe_for_life} : I think Ryan has a worldview where if you are morally righteous you will be rewarded. If you aren't, you should be punished. Taxing morally righteous people (rich, corporations) to give to the wicked poor is a huge sin. You may be helping the poor not die, but you're tarnishing their eternal souls. Taking away the motivation for them to work harder, become morally upstanding.", ">>{never_safe_for_life} : > How can Congress vote without knowing this bill's costs? I agree, but to play devil's advocate to your question. The CBO's estimates are historically inaccurate (they were off by about 50% on Obama's plan), so why wait for them? This new plan is ideologically superior, so he should push for it. The numbers, people affected be damned. Gad, not that I agree with any of that.", '>>{never_safe_for_life} : I guess it\'s "we already planned to vote on Thursday"', ">>{JestaKilla} : I think it's time to start calling bullshit on the notion that market based solutions are inherently American. Capitalism isn't in the Constitution, folks, and there's no such thing as a free market when your choice is literally to pay what is demanded or die.", ">>{Aquaman5000} : >From purely a strategic perspective, the Republicans are not thinking long term. They never have. They had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they cobbled this together at the last minute. To make Trumpcare a reality, they will need 60 votes. Party leadership has taken removing the filibuster off the table, at least for this term (it's too late to change the rules for the current term).", ">>{Aquaman5000} : >Just remember 40% of Americans will get cancer and its expensive to treat. You can say that again. My dad has cancer and he's on one medication that's more than $10,000 per month. It's an immunotherapy drug that has shrunk his tumors down to nothing. It's the only drug he needs to take and it's keeping him alive, plus it has almost no side effects. Luckily, he has Medicare, so he pays almost nothing out of pocket.", ">>{I23thealchemist} : Please, for the love of God, if you're going to do it, JUST DON'T CALL IT TRUMPCARE!!!", '>>{Dario_Pfeil} : basically, in order to be eligible for medicaid, you would need to work a certain amount per week.', '>>{crispy48867} : I suggest that instead of Trump care, we refer to it as Republican Insurance plan or R. I. P. for short. Trump will be gone in four years or less and could care less. By calling it what it really is, we will keep the ability to hang those responsible for this as should be. In the end, it is The Republican Insurance Plan R.I.P..', '>>{SaddestClown} : He is because they already came out hard against it and got things mailed.', '>>{codemoney} : Used car salesman are far more honest than the GOP', ">>{pyrespirit} : It's essentially bringing back slavery, as companies will offer crap jobs for low wages and low hours so they can avoid giving any benefits specifically to prey on people who need to qualify for the hours needed for medicaid.", '>>{rick325436} : [Ryan plans to steamroll Democrats with budget tool](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/paul-ryan-budget-congress-229216)', ">>{codemoney} : Ah, but it's less this time. The old are saved! Well, maybe some of them...", '>>{Dario_Pfeil} : Not sure, the idea also does not acknowledge that lots of people in nursing homes are on medicaid, who would not be able to work.', ">>{Time4Red} : Yes, but there are traditionally restrictions to what can and can't be in a reconciliation bill. The Republicans are already stretching the rules, setting a precedent that will allow Democrats to do the same thing in the future.", '>>{FoodTruckNation} : Remember when one of the most devastating critiques of Obamacare was supposed to be that Congress passed it "without even reading it"? Trumpcare they want to pass before it\'s even been written, though, and that\'s okay.', '>>{DoctorWaluigiTime} : Uh, can they do that? If yes, has this been done before? If so, when, and what impact did it have on the popularity of said bill?', ">>{Taylor814} : The CBO doesn't release findings every time an amendment is added or word is changed. Some amendments will come just hours before the final vote.", '>>{Taylor814} : That sounds like a question best posed to Nancy Pelosi.', ">>{sfdude2222} : I can't help but think that the GOP is playing with fire here. Occupy Wall Street was only a couple of years ago, BLM movement was last summer, will we have a sick people movement this summer? There's a lot of anger that has been simmering for quite awhile. It kind of has a French revolution feel to it.", ">>{Boysterload} : The CBO numbers were off for the ACA because it assumed all 50 states would expand Medicare. Once the SCOTUS ruled that states didn't have to, the numbers were thrown off.", '>>{grimreapersdtr} : Work in an office where cancer patients go. Huge number of 50-somethings, mostly self-employed white men (blue collar contractors), who are on some form of ACA and need numerous expensive treatments and surgeries. Heart surgeries such as bypass surgeries (not uncommon for men in their 50s to have heart attacks) can cost a half million easily. Strokes and staph infections are also common ailments that coincide with heart surgeries--- which drives the cost up even more. Repealing ACA could almost be considered a genocidal war against middle aged self-employed white men, if you ask me. Many of these kinds of men would refuse treatment if it cost them their life savings and homes due to lack of medical coverage. Men in the 50-64 age group often get ailments that are life-threatening.', ">>{ThatGetItKid} : I can't remember where but wasn't there a story or a rumor out Friday or something that said it was meant to make it more conservative to try and get the Freedom Caucus on board with it?", ">>{grimreapersdtr} : There are a huge number of people in nursing homes who are on medicaid, as well as mentally and physically disabled people-- this doesn't make any sense. You'll simply have a huge influx of people attempting to get SSDI and Medicare, then.", ">>{GammaStorm} : I think people are missing that Ryan wants to get it passed regardless of the contents because he knows whatever goes over to the Senate will never pass on the R side and will be stuck over there forever. In the meantime he has a win, it's out of his hair and McConnell has to deal with it.", ">>{bugsybooz89} : I know. They talk about dropping prices. Even if they did who could pay $250 a visit when visit could be multiple times a week or couple times a month. The GOP's knows the math doesn't add up but they just don't care. Even if they cut prices in half most Americans can't shoulder that amount.", '>>{JohrDinh} : Obama did it first is usually the response I get from people these days...which confuses me every time cuz these people hated Obama and said they voted for real change lol', '>>{jack_the_cunt} : At what point do we just line them all up against a wall?', ">>{introversed} : >help bring market freedom and regulatory relief to the insurance markets to dramatically lower the price of the plan for the 50- and 60-year-olds. If this were possible, why didn't Paul Ryan propose this version the first time around? Would've been a little easier to push it through, IMO.", '>>{escalation} : What? You think you\'re just going to lollygag around in bed, taking up valuable space in the hospital while you\'re waiting for your surgery? I got news for you, Mister. ... "Orderlies take this man to factory floor seven. Make sure he\'s on the coal shoveling team. Don\'t bring him back until he hits his quota, we ain\'t running a charity here"', '>>{escalation} : You all had a vote. First in the primaries, when you chose the direction our country was going to take. Then the big referendum in the general, where the choice was "Lube" or "No Lube". The outcome of the election are clear. Grab your ankles, the corporate masters have arrived.', ">>{escalation} : Republican Care. That's good. Serves as a constant reminder of who was responsible.", '>>{introversed} : The logic is simple: government should not be in the business of helping people get by using taxpayer money, period. Republican: "The government is redistributing some of your hard-earned wealth to other people *without* your consent. That\'s morally reprehensible, don\'t you agree?" Edit: I\'m a progressive and I don\'t actually support this reasoning, I\'m just pointing out what it is.', ">>{SmokyQuarks} : Well, to be fair, it's not his ideal scenario. He just got rushed into pushing this as soon as possible so they can get into some solid tax cuts for the rich in the next budget.", ">>{jenjavitis} : I don't support droning women and children so with that logic, yes, I agree. But for social, domestic programs that assist those who are in need, of course I support this. I don't support subsidies to energy companies, sugar industry, pharmaceutical industry, but none of that is being cut. Investing in a nation's people is not a bad thing.", ">>{gres06} : He actually didn't do this. Not even close. It took almost a year to pass AHA.", ">>{JohrDinh} : Doesn't stop republicans from saying he jammed it thru...which is how I describe Ryans bill that he basically wants to pass without review:/ [Relevant meme](https://media.giphy.com/media/NPyHgTkMStCXC/giphy.gif)", ">>{Buttstache} : Time for DIY guillotines! Sorry I didn't sharpen the blade much. I want it to hurt.", '>>{Raythe} : How the fuck was he rushed into this? He had 8 fucking years to come up with this', '>>{Fidget11} : If they are making major changes it should be scored', '>>{Fidget11} : Look at his record, he has never really accomplished anything in terms of substantive legislation on his own. He has moaned about plenty of things but not actually done anything himself.', ">>{Chessiecat} : Yes and no. The CBO *will* score it, but it might be scored after it's voted on.", '>>{h3lblad3} : My girlfriend has a broken spine and has medicaid. How in ***THE FUCK*** is she supposed to fulfill work requirements?', ">>{Chessiecat} : I suspect, in this condition, this bill won't pass. It's too shaky and too rushed. Slamming it through will arm Democrats with anything and everything they could possibly *want* to kill it dead in 2018 and take over the House and Senate. I'm pretty sure he's trying to force a vote he knows will fail.", '>>{h3lblad3} : My girlfriend has a broken spine. How is she supposed to fulfill work requirements? This is bullshit.', ">>{rubydrops} : In spite of that, no Republicans voted for it and Paul Ryan pretends that trying to do this repeal/replace in a couple of weeks is totally reasonable. I'd be satisfied with no Democrats voting on this thing and the Republicans having to answer to their constituents at the town halls for working hard to take away their healthcare - not that I want anyone to lose their healthcare. That said, the growing opposition of this bill for Republicans is an interesting one too. As of now, it sounds like they're negotiating to bring hard liner Republicans from the Freedom Caucus on board, but that could alienate their moderate members. Paul Ryan, supposedly the brain of the GOP, just wrote a piece of legislation that drove a wedge into his party. Curious to see how many Republicans will actually vote no on the floor of the House now that many Senators are announcing they're voting no.", '>>{ImaginationDoctor} : Yeah, spread it around. This plan needs to be called Republican Care.', '>>{Doright36} : They have to get it through before Trump implodes. They want to be able to deflect any downsides to him.', '>>{h3lblad3} : It was more of a general statement rather than directly intended to be accusatory at you.', '>>{your_comments_say} : These new features will push all the consequences till after the midterms, or fund subsidies for red states preferentially then hide the debt from the budget.', ">>{crispy48867} : So Ryan doesn't want people to know before the vote on the Republican Insurance Plan or R.I.P. for short", '>>{Synapseon} : Can they read? If submitted something for work without review I would not be respected', '>>{PublicAccount1234} : \'Memba "The government\'s gonna pay for it. But we\'re going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it\'s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything."? I \'memba.', '>>{PublicAccount1234} : Those layabouts can die and make room for everyone else! /s', ">>{pyrespirit} : It's incredibly frustrating and rage-inducing that this is true. Especially as we live in a time of technological development which should free people from being forced to work shit jobs for not enough pay.", ">>{SmokyQuarks} : I'm pretty sure they thought the didn't have a chance in hell to win in 2016. They thought they were doing the good ole' barking at the passing car, then all of a sudden the car stopped.", '>>{fgsgeneg} : Still trying to sell that Trickle Down Snake Oil.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{PikachuSquarepants} : Ryan announces major changes to Trumpcare, wants vote before Congress learns its impact on Americans', '>>{CarbonRevenge} : Used car salesmen are better at selling things than the GOP.', '>>{backpackwayne} : Could a used car salesman ever sale you Trump?', '>>{MBAMBA0} : >He told Chris Wallace Sunday that unspecified changes would “help bring market freedom and regulatory relief to the insurance markets to dramatically lower the price of the plan for the 50- and 60-year-olds.” Other changes under discussion would impose work requirements for people receiving Medicaid benefits and increase tax credits for older Americans. 1. Market freedoms/regulatory reliefs = make it as EASY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE for insurers to screw us over 2. Work Requirements for medicaid = neo-slavery for sick, poor elderly & children 3. "Tax Credits" = help for rich people SOUNDS GREAT!', '>>{drenalyn8999} : hopefully. if it passes. The people will seek justice against the gop, now that the gop has armed them.', ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : How can Congress vote without knowing this bill's costs?", '>>{Outlierist} : Quick, hurry up and vote for this while ignorance is bliss -Ryan, probably', ">>{Inumbrate} : The GOP right now: Let's replace the American Dream with a confusing Fever Dream instead! We lied and prayed/preyed on fear so well they actually voted us into office. They won't even know what hit them.", '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Republicare v1 Ryan: There it is. Now vote vote vote VOTE! Ryan: Huh? Whaddaya mean it sucks? Republicare v2 Ryan: There, fixed. Now vote vote VOTE!', ">>{Time4Red} : >Market freedoms/regulatory reliefs = make it as EASY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE for insurers to screw us over I'm curious how this will work, since this is a reconciliation bill. They can't remove the regulatory aspects of Obamacare without 60 votes in the senate. If they are going to ignore senate rules even more than they already have, they will essentially be destroying the filibuster. With how far they have gone eroding the original intent of reconciliation, Democrats would nearly be able to pass a pseudo single-payer law without 60 votes in the senate if they ever regain both houses and the white house. From purely a strategic perspective, the Republicans are not thinking long term.", ">>{relax_live_longer} : The CBO is going to score it eventually. This vote before you score strategy makes you look even more heartless than waiting. Ryan doesn't know how to legislate.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Trump is a "BMW" at a small town Ford dealer that has a lemon engine, has been in 7 accidents, repoed 9 times and had its odometer rolled back.', ">>{Michaelblack18} : He plans to try to push this through on thursday before the CBO can even get their reports out on how this will impact americans,which there's some sense that they will say it's even worse then the first one outlined by ryan,He literally just wants the health of people to suffer to line his god damned pockets with more money.", '>>{VROF} : Because, like the Republican voters who put these assholes in charge; they vote R always no matter what. So Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell (the most evil people in America) can continue looting the country.', '>>{jenjavitis} : Maybe if we all invest in insurance companies, we can afford a policy? What is the logic with these fucks??', ">>{MBAMBA0} : Well...you clearly understand the ins and outs of congressional legislation better than I do, so I'll just take your word for it.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : > What is the logic with these fucks?? They believe big donors are what get them elected and not voters.', '>>{derGropenfuhrer} : I think we\'ve had enough "it\'ll be great, trust me" to last a long time', ">>{007meow} : His phrasing makes it sound like he's directly angling for the AARP endorsement.", '>>{007meow} : What\'s the logic behind passing it before Congress can learn about it? Like, I get that he wants to push it through quickly before people can get up in arms about it, but how is that defensible? What defense/justification is there for "We need to get this through quickly because it won\'t hold up to scrutiny?"', ">>{Splax77} : > What is the logic with these fucks?? The logic is to fuck over as many Americans as possible. They don't care about their voters, those are merely idiots who have been tricked into voting against their own self interest by a massive propaganda machine. The Republican Party exists to serve their corporate masters in the top .1%, and will fuck over as many Americans as necessary to ensure maximum profits for their donors.", ">>{bugsybooz89} : The GOP will own the Bill completely. Emotions run high when people get sick and need health care. Don't care who you voted for, when your mom or dad is laying in that bed and you get deined coverage or care all the propaganda is going out the window. Just remember 40% of Americans will get cancer and its expensive to treat.", ">>{navlelo_} : They can claim they didn't know about bad consequences of the bill.", '>>{Splax77} : > What defense/justification is there for "We need to get this through quickly because it won\'t hold up to scrutiny?" They have an obligation to serve their corporate masters, and can\'t let silly little things like worrying about their constituents get in the way of that. The voters are merely useful idiots in the decades-long plot by the top .1% to take over this country through the Republican party, and it\'s almost complete.', '>>{oversizedhat} : >We are writing to respectfully request that you analyze the house Democrat bill as expeditiously as possible. Speaker Pelosi has indicated that this legislation will be marked up before the committees of jurisdiction and debated on the House floor by the beginning of August. Before Congress changes health care as the American people know it, we must know the likely consequences of the house Democrat legislation, including the number of people who would lose access to their current insurance, the number of jobs lost due to business taxes, the number of uninsured people who would obtain coverage, the extent of the cannibalization of employer coverage due To Medicaid expansion. -Paul Ryan, letter to the CBO, dated June 23, 2009.', ">>{elligirl} : They aren't all wrong. Bigger campaign war chests win elections over poorly funded grassroots candidates.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : Or they can pay off election districts to 'lose' votes.", '>>{StevePapaSteveZissou} : Does this mean congress will have to vote thursday? Is there a process to force a delay?', '>>{spunkychickpea} : Sorry, dude. You got caught trying to screw over 24 million Americans. I want hard numbers before we go ahead with ANY bill you want a vote on.', '>>{akkmedk} : Time to start thinking about work requirements for members of congress...', ">>{justablur} : And a smell in the trunk that just won't wash out", '>>{Rhamil42} : Can someone explain to me what work requirements for Medicaid means? This is terrifying to the son of a widowed mother on Medicaid', '>>{Time4Red} : When Nixon was in office, when Reagan was in office, when HW Bush was in office.', ">>{DaffyDuck} : It's worse than that. The main change is that they aren't going to allow CBO to score it.", ">>{never_safe_for_life} : I think Ryan has a worldview where if you are morally righteous you will be rewarded. If you aren't, you should be punished. Taxing morally righteous people (rich, corporations) to give to the wicked poor is a huge sin. You may be helping the poor not die, but you're tarnishing their eternal souls. Taking away the motivation for them to work harder, become morally upstanding.", ">>{never_safe_for_life} : > How can Congress vote without knowing this bill's costs? I agree, but to play devil's advocate to your question. The CBO's estimates are historically inaccurate (they were off by about 50% on Obama's plan), so why wait for them? This new plan is ideologically superior, so he should push for it. The numbers, people affected be damned. Gad, not that I agree with any of that.", '>>{never_safe_for_life} : I guess it\'s "we already planned to vote on Thursday"', ">>{JestaKilla} : I think it's time to start calling bullshit on the notion that market based solutions are inherently American. Capitalism isn't in the Constitution, folks, and there's no such thing as a free market when your choice is literally to pay what is demanded or die.", ">>{Aquaman5000} : >From purely a strategic perspective, the Republicans are not thinking long term. They never have. They had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they cobbled this together at the last minute. To make Trumpcare a reality, they will need 60 votes. Party leadership has taken removing the filibuster off the table, at least for this term (it's too late to change the rules for the current term).", ">>{Aquaman5000} : >Just remember 40% of Americans will get cancer and its expensive to treat. You can say that again. My dad has cancer and he's on one medication that's more than $10,000 per month. It's an immunotherapy drug that has shrunk his tumors down to nothing. It's the only drug he needs to take and it's keeping him alive, plus it has almost no side effects. Luckily, he has Medicare, so he pays almost nothing out of pocket.", ">>{I23thealchemist} : Please, for the love of God, if you're going to do it, JUST DON'T CALL IT TRUMPCARE!!!", '>>{Dario_Pfeil} : basically, in order to be eligible for medicaid, you would need to work a certain amount per week.', '>>{crispy48867} : I suggest that instead of Trump care, we refer to it as Republican Insurance plan or R. I. P. for short. Trump will be gone in four years or less and could care less. By calling it what it really is, we will keep the ability to hang those responsible for this as should be. In the end, it is The Republican Insurance Plan R.I.P..', '>>{SaddestClown} : He is because they already came out hard against it and got things mailed.', '>>{codemoney} : Used car salesman are far more honest than the GOP', ">>{pyrespirit} : It's essentially bringing back slavery, as companies will offer crap jobs for low wages and low hours so they can avoid giving any benefits specifically to prey on people who need to qualify for the hours needed for medicaid.", '>>{rick325436} : [Ryan plans to steamroll Democrats with budget tool](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/paul-ryan-budget-congress-229216)', ">>{codemoney} : Ah, but it's less this time. The old are saved! Well, maybe some of them...", '>>{Dario_Pfeil} : Not sure, the idea also does not acknowledge that lots of people in nursing homes are on medicaid, who would not be able to work.', ">>{Time4Red} : Yes, but there are traditionally restrictions to what can and can't be in a reconciliation bill. The Republicans are already stretching the rules, setting a precedent that will allow Democrats to do the same thing in the future.", '>>{FoodTruckNation} : Remember when one of the most devastating critiques of Obamacare was supposed to be that Congress passed it "without even reading it"? Trumpcare they want to pass before it\'s even been written, though, and that\'s okay.', '>>{DoctorWaluigiTime} : Uh, can they do that? If yes, has this been done before? If so, when, and what impact did it have on the popularity of said bill?', ">>{Taylor814} : The CBO doesn't release findings every time an amendment is added or word is changed. Some amendments will come just hours before the final vote.", '>>{Taylor814} : That sounds like a question best posed to Nancy Pelosi.', ">>{sfdude2222} : I can't help but think that the GOP is playing with fire here. Occupy Wall Street was only a couple of years ago, BLM movement was last summer, will we have a sick people movement this summer? There's a lot of anger that has been simmering for quite awhile. It kind of has a French revolution feel to it.", ">>{Boysterload} : The CBO numbers were off for the ACA because it assumed all 50 states would expand Medicare. Once the SCOTUS ruled that states didn't have to, the numbers were thrown off.", '>>{grimreapersdtr} : Work in an office where cancer patients go. Huge number of 50-somethings, mostly self-employed white men (blue collar contractors), who are on some form of ACA and need numerous expensive treatments and surgeries. Heart surgeries such as bypass surgeries (not uncommon for men in their 50s to have heart attacks) can cost a half million easily. Strokes and staph infections are also common ailments that coincide with heart surgeries--- which drives the cost up even more. Repealing ACA could almost be considered a genocidal war against middle aged self-employed white men, if you ask me. Many of these kinds of men would refuse treatment if it cost them their life savings and homes due to lack of medical coverage. Men in the 50-64 age group often get ailments that are life-threatening.', ">>{ThatGetItKid} : I can't remember where but wasn't there a story or a rumor out Friday or something that said it was meant to make it more conservative to try and get the Freedom Caucus on board with it?", ">>{grimreapersdtr} : There are a huge number of people in nursing homes who are on medicaid, as well as mentally and physically disabled people-- this doesn't make any sense. You'll simply have a huge influx of people attempting to get SSDI and Medicare, then.", ">>{GammaStorm} : I think people are missing that Ryan wants to get it passed regardless of the contents because he knows whatever goes over to the Senate will never pass on the R side and will be stuck over there forever. In the meantime he has a win, it's out of his hair and McConnell has to deal with it.", ">>{bugsybooz89} : I know. They talk about dropping prices. Even if they did who could pay $250 a visit when visit could be multiple times a week or couple times a month. The GOP's knows the math doesn't add up but they just don't care. Even if they cut prices in half most Americans can't shoulder that amount.", '>>{JohrDinh} : Obama did it first is usually the response I get from people these days...which confuses me every time cuz these people hated Obama and said they voted for real change lol', '>>{jack_the_cunt} : At what point do we just line them all up against a wall?', ">>{introversed} : >help bring market freedom and regulatory relief to the insurance markets to dramatically lower the price of the plan for the 50- and 60-year-olds. If this were possible, why didn't Paul Ryan propose this version the first time around? Would've been a little easier to push it through, IMO.", '>>{escalation} : What? You think you\'re just going to lollygag around in bed, taking up valuable space in the hospital while you\'re waiting for your surgery? I got news for you, Mister. ... "Orderlies take this man to factory floor seven. Make sure he\'s on the coal shoveling team. Don\'t bring him back until he hits his quota, we ain\'t running a charity here"', '>>{escalation} : You all had a vote. First in the primaries, when you chose the direction our country was going to take. Then the big referendum in the general, where the choice was "Lube" or "No Lube". The outcome of the election are clear. Grab your ankles, the corporate masters have arrived.', ">>{escalation} : Republican Care. That's good. Serves as a constant reminder of who was responsible.", '>>{introversed} : The logic is simple: government should not be in the business of helping people get by using taxpayer money, period. Republican: "The government is redistributing some of your hard-earned wealth to other people *without* your consent. That\'s morally reprehensible, don\'t you agree?" Edit: I\'m a progressive and I don\'t actually support this reasoning, I\'m just pointing out what it is.', ">>{SmokyQuarks} : Well, to be fair, it's not his ideal scenario. He just got rushed into pushing this as soon as possible so they can get into some solid tax cuts for the rich in the next budget.", ">>{jenjavitis} : I don't support droning women and children so with that logic, yes, I agree. But for social, domestic programs that assist those who are in need, of course I support this. I don't support subsidies to energy companies, sugar industry, pharmaceutical industry, but none of that is being cut. Investing in a nation's people is not a bad thing.", ">>{gres06} : He actually didn't do this. Not even close. It took almost a year to pass AHA.", ">>{JohrDinh} : Doesn't stop republicans from saying he jammed it thru...which is how I describe Ryans bill that he basically wants to pass without review:/ [Relevant meme](https://media.giphy.com/media/NPyHgTkMStCXC/giphy.gif)", ">>{Buttstache} : Time for DIY guillotines! Sorry I didn't sharpen the blade much. I want it to hurt.", '>>{Raythe} : How the fuck was he rushed into this? He had 8 fucking years to come up with this', '>>{Fidget11} : If they are making major changes it should be scored', '>>{Fidget11} : Look at his record, he has never really accomplished anything in terms of substantive legislation on his own. He has moaned about plenty of things but not actually done anything himself.', ">>{Chessiecat} : Yes and no. The CBO *will* score it, but it might be scored after it's voted on.", '>>{h3lblad3} : My girlfriend has a broken spine and has medicaid. How in ***THE FUCK*** is she supposed to fulfill work requirements?', ">>{Chessiecat} : I suspect, in this condition, this bill won't pass. It's too shaky and too rushed. Slamming it through will arm Democrats with anything and everything they could possibly *want* to kill it dead in 2018 and take over the House and Senate. I'm pretty sure he's trying to force a vote he knows will fail.", '>>{h3lblad3} : My girlfriend has a broken spine. How is she supposed to fulfill work requirements? This is bullshit.', ">>{rubydrops} : In spite of that, no Republicans voted for it and Paul Ryan pretends that trying to do this repeal/replace in a couple of weeks is totally reasonable. I'd be satisfied with no Democrats voting on this thing and the Republicans having to answer to their constituents at the town halls for working hard to take away their healthcare - not that I want anyone to lose their healthcare. That said, the growing opposition of this bill for Republicans is an interesting one too. As of now, it sounds like they're negotiating to bring hard liner Republicans from the Freedom Caucus on board, but that could alienate their moderate members. Paul Ryan, supposedly the brain of the GOP, just wrote a piece of legislation that drove a wedge into his party. Curious to see how many Republicans will actually vote no on the floor of the House now that many Senators are announcing they're voting no.", '>>{ImaginationDoctor} : Yeah, spread it around. This plan needs to be called Republican Care.', '>>{Doright36} : They have to get it through before Trump implodes. They want to be able to deflect any downsides to him.', '>>{h3lblad3} : It was more of a general statement rather than directly intended to be accusatory at you.', '>>{your_comments_say} : These new features will push all the consequences till after the midterms, or fund subsidies for red states preferentially then hide the debt from the budget.', ">>{crispy48867} : So Ryan doesn't want people to know before the vote on the Republican Insurance Plan or R.I.P. for short", '>>{Synapseon} : Can they read? If submitted something for work without review I would not be respected', '>>{PublicAccount1234} : \'Memba "The government\'s gonna pay for it. But we\'re going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it\'s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything."? I \'memba.', '>>{PublicAccount1234} : Those layabouts can die and make room for everyone else! /s', ">>{pyrespirit} : It's incredibly frustrating and rage-inducing that this is true. Especially as we live in a time of technological development which should free people from being forced to work shit jobs for not enough pay.", ">>{SmokyQuarks} : I'm pretty sure they thought the didn't have a chance in hell to win in 2016. They thought they were doing the good ole' barking at the passing car, then all of a sudden the car stopped.", '>>{fgsgeneg} : Still trying to sell that Trickle Down Snake Oil.'], ['>>{cat-litter} : I did all the levels. This game is SO FUN! (Review in comments)', ">>{cat-litter} : This game is totally worth the 10$ in my opinion. Having so much fun. Even after you 'defeat it' there is plenty of replay value. The little village you get to decorate is too cute! & the multiplayer mode is a blast. You can replay any level again & again to improve your score. I'm really enjoying it. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do :)", '>>{Cyberbeni} : You gotta collect all the pink/purple/black coins too', ">>{Herdnerfer} : The fact that you've played all the levels in the few hours it's been released tells me it's NOT worth the $10 price tag.", ">>{cat-litter} : But you can play again & again. I haven't gotten the highest max score. To me it's worth it.", '>>{Herdnerfer} : By play you mean hit one button over and over again, not exactly riveting gameplay worthy of replayability.', '>>{Pally41100} : Do you think they will add more levels in future updates?', '>>{Nutcup} : Damn homie, someone piss in your cheerios today?', '>>{MizterMuff1n} : Pff. The original Super Mario Bros 2 for the Nintendo DS was the most fun.', ">>{emmaan01} : I can't get past World 3-4!!!! Any tips?", '>>{holycowitschris} : Now you have to get the three different types of coins and do the toad rally mode.', ">>{holycowitschris} : They didn't get any of the special coins. So he barely put a dent in the game. Plus there is a toad rally mode where you unlock new characters and build up a kingdom. Stop being so negative. Ten dollars is a fine price for a well done Nintendo game. Plus I don't have ads popping up on my screen bugging me about micro transactions constantly like most other apps you purchase in the App Store.", '>>{jmxd} : I hate that this app ia called MARIO RUN. Why do some developers insist on making their app name in full caps, it doesnt make it magically more important and looks bad on the homescreen :/', ">>{onlyCulturallyMormon} : This is why I didn't play Last of Us. It's literally just pointing a cross hair at objects and pushing a button over and over and over. It's fundamentally no different than simple Atari games. Move a joystick to a specific place, push a button. Move the joystick again, push a button again. Snore.", ">>{Yifkong} : You've just described pretty much every game ever though.", '>>{optikalblitz} : So is it possible to earn your way into all of the levels or do you have to pay to get everything past 1-3?', '>>{windfail} : if you liked the game, I suggest checking out the Rayman Run series. the core gameplay is similar but with minor variations', ">>{Herdnerfer} : The problem is the levels aren't fun to replay if all it comes down to is whether or not you tapped the screen at the right time, so needing to get every coin doesn't add any value to me.", ">>{Yifkong} : Ha I think I needed that /s to be sure I finally got all the coins on the first two rounds of the first level, the green coins are a total sunuvabitch though. Everyone dismissing this game isn't giving it a real go I think.", '>>{cat-litter} : When you get to bowser, run to the axe and he will fall in the lava. Make sure you have a toad power up so you can run through him with no effects.', ">>{cat-litter} : I've tried that one before. I find this more fun because of the little toad village you can build & decorate.", ">>{EdwardRMeow} : If people can't tell this is sarcasm, they are dumb. If it *isn't* sarcasm, then you are dumb."]]
classify and reply
['>>{AppalachianAsshole} : The primary is over. Why is Bernie still under attack?', '>>{Esteway} : Bernie was busy still pretending to run for president. Plus he has to memorize his speech for today, the content of it is definitely not the same spiel about Wall St over and over again.', '>>{I_Need_Sources} : So he could prepare to give his stump speech. Just reaffirms that he is and always has been a 1 issue candidate with little to no grasp on other issues.', '>>{75000_Tokkul} : Stephen Colbert Slams Donald Trump’s ‘Bureau of Obvious Nepotism’', ">>{Soddington} : Sorry America, Your insurance doesn't cover this procedure.", '>>{PumpkinLaserPig} : ...fuk. Can we go to Canada or Mexico for an affordable procedure?', '>>{MrDNL} : I’m a GOP Delegate and I Wore a ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shirt to the RNC', '>>{GobRronkowski} : Kushner actually referred to the citizens of the US as his "Customers", which is the exact opposite of what we are. That truly is how they see us though, just a group to profit off of and appease.', '>>{Thirion1} : Ok, I roll a constitution check to see if my immune system can expel the infestation.', ">>{xahnel} : And I bet she didn't even have her voice replaced with some approved speech.", ">>{Davezter} : Colbert has been so on point lately. When he left the Colbert Report I was saddened to see him try to tone down the political humor at first, but now he's back to his old form on the Late Show. With humor and 5 minutes time, he can expose the absurdity and hypocrisy more effectively than anyone else on TV.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : and I bet you didn't even read the article.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : Who the hell knows. I'm sure the Trumpsters and Hillbots will gleefully search for articles like this. Get in a few last shots before they have to deal with one another.", ">>{MrLister} : Yeah, we're their fucking boss. Time to remind these wannabe oligarchs of this fact, preferably through trials and prison time.", '>>{rocklobster8903} : Stock-holders is the more relevant comparison but equally as troubling considering that nobody in the Trump family has ever successfully run a public corporation.', ">>{Grease2310} : Oh good another white person who thinks they're fighting the good fight for black equality...", '>>{balladofwindfishes} : He still considers himself a candidate in the election.', '>>{Boombachacha1} : DC Of 25. You either crit or fail. Bonuses applied if Russian charges stick.', ">>{taint_a_chode} : > Then I attempted to show that some Republicans believe we ought to have an open and honest discussion about race relations in the country we all love. Yeah. Cause that's the BLM modus operandi. What a tool.", '>>{Tankingwithguns} : So, the answer they gave is that "it just didn\'t work"? He can make time to fly to the Vatican, spending 600k in the process, to give a 10 minute speech - but can\'t be bothered to fly to DC to do his job?', ">>{cl33t} : Oh great, another jackass who feels the need to criticize those sympathetic to the cause. I imagine with an attitude like yours, you've probably driven more people away from the cause than you've brought in. So who's really fighting the good fight? And for which side?", ">>{babiestgiraffe} : Because he's a senator and should be doing his job.", ">>{TroperCase} : Or maybe there's something the second amendment people can do. I don't know. Edit in case anyone forgot: http://amp.timeinc.net/time/4445813/donald-trump-second-amendment-speech/", ">>{pcar773} : Can't get into Mexico because now there's a wall.", ">>{Raven_Skyhawk} : Sharp political humor is his bread and butter, where he shines the most. He's a LED halogen lamp on the full outhouse of politics.", ">>{vootator} : Go third party Bernie!! You don't need to take any more crap from these douches!", ">>{GrammarVichy} : TLDR: Trolled the RNC by promoting a violent domestic terror organization then cries when asked to leave. Perhaps she'd be more at home with the DNC where they allow that along with anarchists, Palestinian flags and other terrorist sympathizers. Good riddance.", ">>{Zeeker12} : Forget the policy for a second and consider just the politics. Sanders could have taken a large step toward consolidating a sphere of influence among the liberals in the Senate by showing up for this. He was in DC all last week and his appearance fresh of the campaign trail would have given the filibuster a jolt of coverage. If he's actually interested in getting liberal legislation through Congress, this was a huge missed opportunity. He agrees with the policy, and he could have made some friends.", ">>{carlitor} : Well if you weren't on a list before, you certainly are now! Hello CIA guys, loved your work in Nicaragua!", ">>{Adhoc_hk} : As someone who has some progressive views, some conservative views, and wanted to vote for Bernie in the general, I'm really happy he didn't partake in that shitshow. All it did was help confirm that I have to be very careful and not vote down ballot for Dems.", '>>{GG_Where_are_my_keys} : Stephen Colbert has been irrelevant since 2009. But hey, who am I to stop you from voice racial opinions on your dying platform.', '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Now that blm has been outed as the rebirth of the black liberation movement, they use to do bombing attacks, and the agent provactuer arm of MoveOn a george Soros joint. Who cares.', '>>{Hulksstandisthehulk} : It\'s not like they pulled that idea out of their ass though. When there\'s video from multiple BLM protests shouting shit like "pigs in a blanket, watch them fry" "the only good pig is a dead pig" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want it? now." Even last night when there was a moment of silence at the DNC for police it was interupted by people chanting black lives matter. If anyone needs to get that message through their head, it\'s people who turn up for the protests, not republicans', '>>{IAMAcynicalbastard} : >Oh great, another jackass who feels the need to criticize those sympathetic to the cause. Their cause and those that support it should not be above criticism. Personally, I think BLM is fueling racism on both sides. It is a divisive movement.', ">>{merry_elfing_xmas} : What about the cops who are killing all those black people? Don't you think that just maybe they're the ones fueling all this racism?", '>>{theendofanerror} : Bernie is now the most famous democratic senator. He should have been there for his party.', ">>{IlikeJG} : Really great job in Iran! I think you guys made a great impact to the people's lives there! Keep up the swell work!", '>>{theendofanerror} : So you mean "go back to third party." He never should have run as a d if that was his end goal. Just opportunism', ">>{travel__time} : I don't know if it's fair to call an anti-Berniejerk subreddit a haven for domestic terrorists, just because they mock your candidate. Seems a little ridiculous, and a horrifying/baseless assumption to make in the wake of the biggest mass shooting in American history.", '>>{BernieoftheBreadline} : Yesterday, 40 of the most progressive members of the Senate stood together against gun massacres in this country. Where was Bernie? Was it past his bedtime? Had he already drank his glass of warm milk? Or did his biggest supporters (the NRA) simply not wish for him to attend? Either way, its time for Bernie to stop being a lazy bum and get back to work in the senate.', ">>{Sparkle_Chimp} : Clinton supporters on reddit are some of the most hateful, spiteful, nasty commenters around -- including Trump supporters outside The_Donald. It's disgusting.", ">>{vegastar7} : He's so irrelevant he's beating the other late night shows in ratings. Are you suggesting ratings aren't important? Because Trump seems to think they are.", ">>{travel__time} : It's not a propagation of violence, it's a political cartoon that points out the delusion of Reddit's Bernie supporters. It isn't an obsessive hatred. It's an anti Bernie circlejerk, existing as a community that provides relief from the ridiculous bias of this website. Your domestic terrorist accusation is completely fucked up, and beyond insensitive to the victims of gun violence tragedies. Sorry people mock your candidate, but you don't have to take it to this level.", '>>{Run_Turtle_Run} : Was Hillary at this filibuster? Curious to know.', '>>{faux_pro} : LEDs and halogens are totally different kinds of lights...', '>>{Shuk247} : But he was just referring to 2nd Amd people solving things by doing stuff like protesting and voting. (see: right wing response to the original comment by Trump)', '>>{BernieoftheBreadline} : Bernie is a member of something called the "Senate." When in session, only people called "Senators" are allowed to speak. Currently, Hillary is not a member of the senate. I know this can be a confusing distinction, but Hillary actually is not allowed to speak in the Senate. I know this can be tough. I would recommend reading the following book. I read it in middle school and found it enlightening. https://www.amazon.com/Civics-Citizenship-Economics-Student-CIVICS/dp/0078609704/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1466100600&sr=8-3&keywords=civics+textbook', ">>{carlclashfan} : I'll bite. In what possible sense is this racial?", ">>{Zeeker12} : > Those people are sick fucks who will bludgeon you to death and shoot your entire family for supporting things that they don't support if they thought they could get away with it. Look, we're sick fucks, but we're not THAT kind of sick fucks, bruh. ESS has a ton of people from all over. We just like to mock Sanders and his cult devotees on the internet. I used to like to make fun of Dave Matthews Band fans, once upon a time. It's just snark. You might need some water and a small snack.", '>>{mutatron} : That reminds me, I forgot to pick up some salt at the grocery store. Dang!', '>>{travel__time} : Sorry a political cartoon went way over your head. Your baseless accusations are too fucked up for me to respond any further.', '>>{ShadyApes} : Wow at this reaching and these kind of absurd conspiracies. You sound like someone who shoots up a planned parenthood for being establishment.', '>>{scaldingramen} : A pox on any editor who puts "slams", "destroys" or "wrecks" in a headline.', ">>{Run_Turtle_Run} : Isn't it generally accepted that senators on the campaign trail take a reprieve from their full senatorial duties while campaigning? As far as I know, Bernie is still campaigning. He made a tweet showing his support. Same as Hillary. I doubt Hillary would've gone to a 14 hour filibuster too, while on the campaign trail, even if she was still a senator.", ">>{Influence_X} : I've been playing zelda a lot and after reading politics I came up with a joke. If Link/Zelda were running as presidential candidates in 2020 who would be the final boss? Steve Bannondorf. Or... Calamity Bannon", '>>{ShinyCoin} : Watching a corpse drag itself across 50 states claiming he is winning was the saddest political campaign I have seen in a while. And we had the Jeb! run in this same cycle. So no that comic was spot on.', '>>{GobRronkowski} : [Ratings? What ratings! Oh...you mean these ratings that you can easily google in 10 seconds which show Colbert is beating Fallon...](http://www.businessinsider.com/late-show-ratings-stephen-colbert-is-the-most-popular-in-late-night-2017-2)', '>>{arkwald} : Well why are they 2nd Amendment people? I mean why own guns to stop tyranny when you will never use the guns to stop tyranny? The argument the NRA espouses is bullshit. Privately held guns number in the hundreds of millions, yet supposedly Obama was utterly tyrannical and evil. Clearly that threat didn\'t stop him at all. Nor have there been a rash of deputized citizens that have reduced the crime rate. The big idea is that despite guns making individuals feel empowered, they actually do very little. They don\'t make people behave better nor do they make anyone safer. They are the adult equivalent of a safety blanket. Yet, we are supposed to bow down and respect grown men and women and put their opinions above our own because they insist the "blanket" they hold makes them right. Maybe we need to be invaded by nannies, someone needs to point out to these kids that throwing tantrums isn\'t what grown-ups do to solve their problems.', ">>{arkwald} : Sorry, I didn't mean to be contrary as much I meant to expand upon your point.", '>>{IceReignBlack} : Considering he has post histories talking about the "white race dying", I\'m sure he did it on purpose.', '>>{gurenkagurenda} : Or his phone\'s autocorrect is weighted toward the word "racial" for the same reasons. Or it was a Freudian slip, aka autocorrect of the brain.', ">>{GobRronkowski} : This guy is the kind of reddit troll that frequents r/AmIUgly with the sole purpose of insulting women and bragging about how much he could satisfy them...noooo, you're not at all insecure ;)", ">>{fire_code} : Screw that little shit. With this and Ivanka's job offering, this is absolute pure nepotism, and has been for some time. They are patently unqualified to do anything close to what they're charged with doing, and our nation is going to suffer, markedly, for it. (meanwhile Trump's dragging the USSS along with him to all his expensive properties) We're the bosses; perhaps ask the French aristocracy how they ended up after pissing on the mainstream population for so long? They'd lose their minds if they found out..."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{75000_Tokkul} : Stephen Colbert Slams Donald Trump’s ‘Bureau of Obvious Nepotism’', ">>{Soddington} : Sorry America, Your insurance doesn't cover this procedure.", '>>{PumpkinLaserPig} : ...fuk. Can we go to Canada or Mexico for an affordable procedure?', '>>{GobRronkowski} : Kushner actually referred to the citizens of the US as his "Customers", which is the exact opposite of what we are. That truly is how they see us though, just a group to profit off of and appease.', '>>{Thirion1} : Ok, I roll a constitution check to see if my immune system can expel the infestation.', ">>{Davezter} : Colbert has been so on point lately. When he left the Colbert Report I was saddened to see him try to tone down the political humor at first, but now he's back to his old form on the Late Show. With humor and 5 minutes time, he can expose the absurdity and hypocrisy more effectively than anyone else on TV.", ">>{MrLister} : Yeah, we're their fucking boss. Time to remind these wannabe oligarchs of this fact, preferably through trials and prison time.", '>>{rocklobster8903} : Stock-holders is the more relevant comparison but equally as troubling considering that nobody in the Trump family has ever successfully run a public corporation.', '>>{Boombachacha1} : DC Of 25. You either crit or fail. Bonuses applied if Russian charges stick.', ">>{TroperCase} : Or maybe there's something the second amendment people can do. I don't know. Edit in case anyone forgot: http://amp.timeinc.net/time/4445813/donald-trump-second-amendment-speech/", ">>{pcar773} : Can't get into Mexico because now there's a wall.", ">>{Raven_Skyhawk} : Sharp political humor is his bread and butter, where he shines the most. He's a LED halogen lamp on the full outhouse of politics.", ">>{carlitor} : Well if you weren't on a list before, you certainly are now! Hello CIA guys, loved your work in Nicaragua!", '>>{GG_Where_are_my_keys} : Stephen Colbert has been irrelevant since 2009. But hey, who am I to stop you from voice racial opinions on your dying platform.', ">>{IlikeJG} : Really great job in Iran! I think you guys made a great impact to the people's lives there! Keep up the swell work!", ">>{vegastar7} : He's so irrelevant he's beating the other late night shows in ratings. Are you suggesting ratings aren't important? Because Trump seems to think they are.", '>>{faux_pro} : LEDs and halogens are totally different kinds of lights...', '>>{Shuk247} : But he was just referring to 2nd Amd people solving things by doing stuff like protesting and voting. (see: right wing response to the original comment by Trump)', ">>{carlclashfan} : I'll bite. In what possible sense is this racial?", '>>{mutatron} : That reminds me, I forgot to pick up some salt at the grocery store. Dang!', '>>{scaldingramen} : A pox on any editor who puts "slams", "destroys" or "wrecks" in a headline.', ">>{Influence_X} : I've been playing zelda a lot and after reading politics I came up with a joke. If Link/Zelda were running as presidential candidates in 2020 who would be the final boss? Steve Bannondorf. Or... Calamity Bannon", '>>{GobRronkowski} : [Ratings? What ratings! Oh...you mean these ratings that you can easily google in 10 seconds which show Colbert is beating Fallon...](http://www.businessinsider.com/late-show-ratings-stephen-colbert-is-the-most-popular-in-late-night-2017-2)', '>>{arkwald} : Well why are they 2nd Amendment people? I mean why own guns to stop tyranny when you will never use the guns to stop tyranny? The argument the NRA espouses is bullshit. Privately held guns number in the hundreds of millions, yet supposedly Obama was utterly tyrannical and evil. Clearly that threat didn\'t stop him at all. Nor have there been a rash of deputized citizens that have reduced the crime rate. The big idea is that despite guns making individuals feel empowered, they actually do very little. They don\'t make people behave better nor do they make anyone safer. They are the adult equivalent of a safety blanket. Yet, we are supposed to bow down and respect grown men and women and put their opinions above our own because they insist the "blanket" they hold makes them right. Maybe we need to be invaded by nannies, someone needs to point out to these kids that throwing tantrums isn\'t what grown-ups do to solve their problems.', ">>{arkwald} : Sorry, I didn't mean to be contrary as much I meant to expand upon your point.", '>>{IceReignBlack} : Considering he has post histories talking about the "white race dying", I\'m sure he did it on purpose.', '>>{gurenkagurenda} : Or his phone\'s autocorrect is weighted toward the word "racial" for the same reasons. Or it was a Freudian slip, aka autocorrect of the brain.', ">>{GobRronkowski} : This guy is the kind of reddit troll that frequents r/AmIUgly with the sole purpose of insulting women and bragging about how much he could satisfy them...noooo, you're not at all insecure ;)", ">>{fire_code} : Screw that little shit. With this and Ivanka's job offering, this is absolute pure nepotism, and has been for some time. They are patently unqualified to do anything close to what they're charged with doing, and our nation is going to suffer, markedly, for it. (meanwhile Trump's dragging the USSS along with him to all his expensive properties) We're the bosses; perhaps ask the French aristocracy how they ended up after pissing on the mainstream population for so long? They'd lose their minds if they found out..."], ['>>{AppalachianAsshole} : The primary is over. Why is Bernie still under attack?', '>>{Esteway} : Bernie was busy still pretending to run for president. Plus he has to memorize his speech for today, the content of it is definitely not the same spiel about Wall St over and over again.', '>>{I_Need_Sources} : So he could prepare to give his stump speech. Just reaffirms that he is and always has been a 1 issue candidate with little to no grasp on other issues.', ">>{goshdarnwife} : Who the hell knows. I'm sure the Trumpsters and Hillbots will gleefully search for articles like this. Get in a few last shots before they have to deal with one another.", '>>{balladofwindfishes} : He still considers himself a candidate in the election.', '>>{Tankingwithguns} : So, the answer they gave is that "it just didn\'t work"? He can make time to fly to the Vatican, spending 600k in the process, to give a 10 minute speech - but can\'t be bothered to fly to DC to do his job?', ">>{babiestgiraffe} : Because he's a senator and should be doing his job.", ">>{vootator} : Go third party Bernie!! You don't need to take any more crap from these douches!", ">>{Zeeker12} : Forget the policy for a second and consider just the politics. Sanders could have taken a large step toward consolidating a sphere of influence among the liberals in the Senate by showing up for this. He was in DC all last week and his appearance fresh of the campaign trail would have given the filibuster a jolt of coverage. If he's actually interested in getting liberal legislation through Congress, this was a huge missed opportunity. He agrees with the policy, and he could have made some friends.", ">>{Adhoc_hk} : As someone who has some progressive views, some conservative views, and wanted to vote for Bernie in the general, I'm really happy he didn't partake in that shitshow. All it did was help confirm that I have to be very careful and not vote down ballot for Dems.", '>>{theendofanerror} : Bernie is now the most famous democratic senator. He should have been there for his party.', '>>{theendofanerror} : So you mean "go back to third party." He never should have run as a d if that was his end goal. Just opportunism', ">>{travel__time} : I don't know if it's fair to call an anti-Berniejerk subreddit a haven for domestic terrorists, just because they mock your candidate. Seems a little ridiculous, and a horrifying/baseless assumption to make in the wake of the biggest mass shooting in American history.", '>>{BernieoftheBreadline} : Yesterday, 40 of the most progressive members of the Senate stood together against gun massacres in this country. Where was Bernie? Was it past his bedtime? Had he already drank his glass of warm milk? Or did his biggest supporters (the NRA) simply not wish for him to attend? Either way, its time for Bernie to stop being a lazy bum and get back to work in the senate.', ">>{Sparkle_Chimp} : Clinton supporters on reddit are some of the most hateful, spiteful, nasty commenters around -- including Trump supporters outside The_Donald. It's disgusting.", ">>{travel__time} : It's not a propagation of violence, it's a political cartoon that points out the delusion of Reddit's Bernie supporters. It isn't an obsessive hatred. It's an anti Bernie circlejerk, existing as a community that provides relief from the ridiculous bias of this website. Your domestic terrorist accusation is completely fucked up, and beyond insensitive to the victims of gun violence tragedies. Sorry people mock your candidate, but you don't have to take it to this level.", '>>{Run_Turtle_Run} : Was Hillary at this filibuster? Curious to know.', '>>{BernieoftheBreadline} : Bernie is a member of something called the "Senate." When in session, only people called "Senators" are allowed to speak. Currently, Hillary is not a member of the senate. I know this can be a confusing distinction, but Hillary actually is not allowed to speak in the Senate. I know this can be tough. I would recommend reading the following book. I read it in middle school and found it enlightening. https://www.amazon.com/Civics-Citizenship-Economics-Student-CIVICS/dp/0078609704/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1466100600&sr=8-3&keywords=civics+textbook', ">>{Zeeker12} : > Those people are sick fucks who will bludgeon you to death and shoot your entire family for supporting things that they don't support if they thought they could get away with it. Look, we're sick fucks, but we're not THAT kind of sick fucks, bruh. ESS has a ton of people from all over. We just like to mock Sanders and his cult devotees on the internet. I used to like to make fun of Dave Matthews Band fans, once upon a time. It's just snark. You might need some water and a small snack.", '>>{travel__time} : Sorry a political cartoon went way over your head. Your baseless accusations are too fucked up for me to respond any further.', '>>{ShadyApes} : Wow at this reaching and these kind of absurd conspiracies. You sound like someone who shoots up a planned parenthood for being establishment.', ">>{Run_Turtle_Run} : Isn't it generally accepted that senators on the campaign trail take a reprieve from their full senatorial duties while campaigning? As far as I know, Bernie is still campaigning. He made a tweet showing his support. Same as Hillary. I doubt Hillary would've gone to a 14 hour filibuster too, while on the campaign trail, even if she was still a senator.", '>>{ShinyCoin} : Watching a corpse drag itself across 50 states claiming he is winning was the saddest political campaign I have seen in a while. And we had the Jeb! run in this same cycle. So no that comic was spot on.'], ['>>{MrDNL} : I’m a GOP Delegate and I Wore a ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shirt to the RNC', ">>{xahnel} : And I bet she didn't even have her voice replaced with some approved speech.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : and I bet you didn't even read the article.", ">>{Grease2310} : Oh good another white person who thinks they're fighting the good fight for black equality...", ">>{taint_a_chode} : > Then I attempted to show that some Republicans believe we ought to have an open and honest discussion about race relations in the country we all love. Yeah. Cause that's the BLM modus operandi. What a tool.", ">>{cl33t} : Oh great, another jackass who feels the need to criticize those sympathetic to the cause. I imagine with an attitude like yours, you've probably driven more people away from the cause than you've brought in. So who's really fighting the good fight? And for which side?", ">>{GrammarVichy} : TLDR: Trolled the RNC by promoting a violent domestic terror organization then cries when asked to leave. Perhaps she'd be more at home with the DNC where they allow that along with anarchists, Palestinian flags and other terrorist sympathizers. Good riddance.", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Now that blm has been outed as the rebirth of the black liberation movement, they use to do bombing attacks, and the agent provactuer arm of MoveOn a george Soros joint. Who cares.', '>>{Hulksstandisthehulk} : It\'s not like they pulled that idea out of their ass though. When there\'s video from multiple BLM protests shouting shit like "pigs in a blanket, watch them fry" "the only good pig is a dead pig" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want it? now." Even last night when there was a moment of silence at the DNC for police it was interupted by people chanting black lives matter. If anyone needs to get that message through their head, it\'s people who turn up for the protests, not republicans', '>>{IAMAcynicalbastard} : >Oh great, another jackass who feels the need to criticize those sympathetic to the cause. Their cause and those that support it should not be above criticism. Personally, I think BLM is fueling racism on both sides. It is a divisive movement.', ">>{merry_elfing_xmas} : What about the cops who are killing all those black people? Don't you think that just maybe they're the ones fueling all this racism?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Misanthraloperer} : >"Cultural suicide by demographic transformation"—This is literally the kind of talk you can read from Richard Spencer and Stormfront.org any day of the week. Note also that King is there with Wilders, the rightist, racist Dutch member of parliament and Frauke Petry, the rightist, nationalist leader of Germany\'s Alternative for Germany party. These are the parties Trump\'s top advisor Steve Bannon wants to help loft to power and ally with in a rightist, north Atlantic political movement. >This isn\'t just one "controversial" member of Congress. **King is part of American white nationalist, far-right political movement**. That\'s not a softer way to say "racist." He\'s also a racist. But there are plenty of racists who have more conventional politics. **He\'s part of a movement. So is Bannon. So is Trump.** Never forget this.', ">>{CarmineFields} : The whole Republican Party is rotten with white nationalism. It's what the party has stood for for years now. You can tell they aren't interested in small government or fiscal conservatism. They're the party of straight, white men for *only* straight, white men.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : According to the election, they are also the party of straight white women.', '>>{Casey234} : People ARE going to pretend they didn\'t know. There has been an utter tonedeafness over just how endemic racism is, and a lot of people have been either dismissing it as "Liberals are just calling anything and everything racist over nothing" or flat out ignoring it.', ">>{LondonPilot} : > I do take a lot of pictures though, is the 16gb sufficient? (Where I live the 32gb is 200 euros extra, so that's *not* an option.) You might get away with that if you're willing to pay a monthly fee for more iCloud storage, and then use iCloud Photo Library, which stores the master copies of your photos on iCloud, and downloads low-res versions suitable for your screen size to your phone. But I'd suggest holding off and saving some money for more storage if at all possible > How does the music transfer work? Do I need to use iTunes or is there a way around that? There are lots of 3rd party apps which have a variety of different ways of getting music onto your phone. iTunes is required for moving music from your computer to the built-in Music app, but I think only a minority of people would still do it that way > How is the picture quality? Right now I have Samsung Galaxy s4 mini and I'd like a phone with at least just as good camera as this one has. The camera is excellent, but I've never used the Galaxy so I can't compare. > Does the phone have issues after being used for a while, e.g. is slower, battery life has decreased,overheating etc? Every Android phone I've had had this issue, which is why I'm thinking of switching. It will slow down if you update to the latest version of iOS every time it gets updated. If you read this forum, you'll find that for each major update, many people will report whether it slows the device down or not. But you can expect at least 2 or 3 years of updates with minimal if any slowdown > I know it is not possible to uninstall the preinstalled apps, to which extent does this cause issues? How much of the memory do they take? There's no way of knowing how much memory they each take. Most people just hide them away in a folder and ignore them > If there are any former Android users here, was it difficult to get used to the operating system? I do like the ability to personalise the phone, but I don't do it to the extent of installing mods or rooting the phone, I pretty much just use the weather and music widgets and change the background. Can't help you with that since I've always used iOS.", ">>{doggscube} : I bought my wife a 6s for our anniversary. I have no music or videos on my phone and I have 27 gb used right now. 16gb is effectively unusable and apple shouldn't sell that size anymore. I got her a 64gb. There are no widgets. iOS is very easy to use and you shouldn't have a problem. I switched from years of android last October and I've been happy.", ">>{LondonPilot} : Off the top of my head, I think around 12Gb is available.... but I haven't looked at a fresh 16Gb model for a while, so someone might come along with a more accurate estimate if I'm wrong.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Oh, straight white women may vote for them, but the GOP still passes or attempts to pass women-killing bills and many other forms of discrimination.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I think it's a little narrow-minded on your part to think that straight white women aren't getting exactly what they want when they vote for Republicans. They actively want pro-life bullshit, etc.", '>>{phwelo} : I switched from a 32g nexus 6 to the iPhone 6 with 16gb. I take photos and videos of my kids somewhat infrequently and constantly battle with the 16g size. In the other hand, the camera is significantly better in regards to speed and quality', '>>{Janfilecantror} : Not college educated white women, or young white women(?).', ">>{knox3} : Sorry dude, I'm busy. Steve King's paid staff can take over for a while.", ">>{dblake15} : I would always get my wife the 16gb and she would pretty much take pics and get in Facebook. She was constantly bumping into storage is full errors. So I got her the 64gb and no more problems and she can take as many pics as she wants. The rumor is for the iPhone 7 they will finally get rid of 16gb and go 32. We'll see", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : And not lgbt white women. (And not lgbt white men) We can break it down however we want and find groups of white people that didn't want Trump, but that would get ridiculous after a bit. White men and to a lesser extent are the base of Republican party.", '>>{jdr30} : I take a lot of pictures as well and 16GB is not an issue for me as I have Google Photos app installed. When you take a picture it sends it off into google\'s cloud (unlimited storage is provided) and there is an option within the app to delete the photos from you phone which are synced to google photos. So every week or so I do that and clean up my phones storage. The app is better than the iPhone "Photos" app and allows grouping, searching, sharing, etc. just as well if not better than the native app.', '>>{zacdenver} : Isn\'t he the "calves the size of grapefruits" guy?', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : I dont get it though, how can King both be wrong about "Cultural suicide by demographic transformation" and you be right about non-whites not agreeing with republican cultural values? Aren\'t you just making kings point for him?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Lots of people voted against their own interests. I don't care if some old ladies want to pull up the ladder on younger women. The principle is still anti-women.", ">>{CarmineFields} : The point is that he doesn't get to dictate American culture. Where does the constitution say that only white men matter?", '>>{Nachtwolfe} : > then use iCloud Photo Library, which stores the master copies of your photos on iCloud, and downloads low-res versions suitable for your screen size to your phone Or just use Google Photos since its free.', '>>{dblake15} : Yeah use google photos and it is fantastic. But you have to manually go in and have it sync and then free the space. Just get the bigger model and less headaches', ">>{phwelo} : I've long since maxed out my free space on Google, Dropbox, and iCloud. Currently syncing photos to mega", '>>{rayhussain} : Google photos offer free backup service for iOS camera roll', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : No but isn't he entitled to defend his perception of american culture from being overcome by immigration from places that don't share that perception?", '>>{phwelo} : If you\'re into "high res" vs "original" or whatever, sure', ">>{CarmineFields} : He's a politician. That means he is paid by all taxpayers to represent all people. No one is calling for him to be beaten or jailed, but if he's too much of a bigot to do his job, he needs to find other work.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Didn't trump and many rep's get elected on a platform or restricted immigration tho?", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : I'm saying that by restricting immigration to protect his culture might be what he was elected to do, no? Also when was the last time you looked up the word 'bigotry'?", ">>{NerdDood} : I got a 6 plus two months ago. 16gb I think I had 10 or 11gb free right out of the box I hover between 7 and 8 free right now. I use Google Photos to store my pictures in the cloud for free (they let you store unlimited photos if under 15mb per picture). I also have unlimited data so it's not a big deal for me. I also use an app called Battery Doctor that clean anything that's been cached. I find when I stream music it caches information but I run battery doctor every couple days and I'm good. People who say the 16gb versions are not usable are wrong. Manage your stuff through the cloud whenever possible :)", ">>{CarmineFields} : I know what bigotry means. It means judging an entire religion as terrorists and banning a bunch of countries that haven't committed a single terroristic act in the United States (one Somalian guy got stabby once. No one died. Six out of seven countries on the original list had zero incidences). Also, just because King's constitutents support bigotry doesn't mean it's constitutional. If King wanted to limit all immigration, he might have a point. I've never met a republican yet who minded white immigration.", ">>{retsotrembla} : I've always bought 16gb iPhones, and always been happy with them, never running out of storage. But - I sync regularly with iTunes on a Mac, while the phone is charging, and I move stuff off the phone I'm not using that week.", ">>{noratat} : My experience with the iPhone 6 after having used only Android: * Camera quality is excellent - better than all but the flagship phablets on Android. I haven't run into overheating issues, but I didn't on my Z3C either other than extended video recording, which I haven't yet tried on the iPhone. * Anything that uses GPS like fitness trackers seems to use a lot less battery life than it does on Android, which is really nice. * The reddit apps available for iOS are terrible compared to Android. That's actually a plus for me, since it means I waste less time on reddit when I should be doing other things. * I still have a *lot* of trouble getting used to the OS. It's not hard to use exactly, but it's a lot messier than the modern (5.x+) Android UI, and I find I need to be far more precise in my taps and gestures on iOS. * Notifications work differently on iOS - this may or may not be an issue for you depending on your preferences. Personally I don't like it, as it's much easier for me to accidentally miss notifications. * Battery life is actually lower than my Sony Z3C was overall, but it's more consistent if that makes sense. My Z3C lasts longer in idle and basic activity, the iPhone lasts somewhat longer when using things like GPS or camera. Admittedly, the Z3C has unusually high battery life for Android. * I have the 64GB model, so I can't really speak to storage. I highly recommend using something to upload the photos so you don't need to keep them on the device, such as Dropbox or Google Photos, both of which offer more free storage (especially Google) than iCloud.", '>>{mayaisme} : >there are no widgets There are, located in the Notification Center, accessible from within any app', ">>{brucensb} : I've made the same change and heres my 2 cents: * I have a 16GB model because I store everything on the cloud, google play music, google drive, icloud etc, so I always have about 6GB free space. I stream all my media with unlimited data and I don't have any games installed. * I transfer my music with Google Play Music because I have to pay to use apples wireless music sync service. Google gives me 50,000 songs for free and its as painless as uploading it on my computer and having it available everywhere. * I used to have a Z5 Compact, which took multiple 20MP photos and sampled them into a single 8MP photo. I think the iPhone 5s took photos onpar with the Z5 compact. * I haven't had the 5s that long but a friend I know has had it for a year and it is still running as quick as it always did. iOS is very well optimised for older devices. * The phone doesn't give me too much data but I think the preinstalled apps take up less than 50MB, its hardly anything. * It's very easy to get used to the operating system from Android. It's similar in the aspect that you can swipe left on the home screen to get contextual info like current news and weather. Swiping from the top gives you notifications, but unlike android to get quick settings you swipe from the bottom.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : That is an example not a definition. Bigotry is defined as "intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself." Therefore if you are intolerant of those who want to retain a waspy culture then by definition you are the bigot. If someone is intolerant of Muslim\'s they are a bigot. If someone wants to limit Muslim immigration that does not make them a bigot, limiting migration is not necessarily intolerance. Wanting waspy immigration does not make you bigot it means you have preferences, like all people according to cog-sci. King sounded pretty damn tolerant with his comments on interbreeding to homogeneity...', ">>{mgroot} : I don't know the price difference between the two where you are, but I'd definitely check out the iPhone SE's price. That way you're getting a new phone (as in the internals) and not a nearly three year old one. I'd not be surprised if some of the new features in iOS 10 (whatever they might be) won't be supported on the 5S anymore", ">>{CarmineFields} : It's bigotry to point out when people are bigots, gotcha.... No, bannjng immigrants because your country isn't white enough hurts people directly. Being brown in a country that King wants white, does not. Even other republicans are calling it racist. Right-wingers need to stop police whistling into bullhorns then acting like they got away with dog-whistling.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : Well thats not even close to what I said but ok sure, clearly reading and critical thinking were your strong suits. As for point 2: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/12/us/orlando-nightclub-shooting/ Muslim immigration can hurt people directly.. A time will come soon when you will have to interact with ideas instead of calling them racist and then you will have a really hard time making a point or winning an argument.', '>>{CarmineFields} : I said republicans even called it racist because it is racist. If you\'re sick of hearing the word, "racist" you should stop being an apologist for racism. Oh, and that nightclub shooter? Not an immigrant. >Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old U.S.-born citizen, http://abcnews.go.com/US/omar-mateen-suspected-orlando-night-club-shooter/story?id=39790797', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : ya the fact that second and third generation Muslim immigrants are more radical than their parents does not make your point... I'm saying you and republicans calling something racist does't make it wrong and people are caring less and less by the minute so eventually you will need an argument.", ">>{LokiKamiSama} : The android os on my LG tablet is complete crap. I hate how it operates, the layout, how to find things, how to delete apps, how to customize it and so on. Apple is much more user friendly. That being said, I love PC's and HATE Mac's.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Well, I'm guessing you're 100% Native American because otherwise, you're just a lousy immigrant too. >people are caring less and less by the minute so eventually you will need an argument. Oh, that's not true at all.", '>>{TheJedinator} : How!? What do you have 27GB of????', '>>{idea_seeker} : I switched to iPhone from Android and hated it. At the first opportunity, a year later I went back to Android. IPhone is so restrictive. File transfers and moving stuff between apps and devices is a long process and frustrating. IPhones only have good hardware: the camera, build and processor. But their software - iOS - is shit.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Kings point was that 2nd and 3rd gen Vietnamese aren't still communists. The statistics you get as far as European Muslim opinions are not the same as other cultures. No one is saying fully secular people or for example Coptic Christians wouldn't assimilate well into western culture. Lol yes I suppose you really really on never having to explain your point of view or make an argument. Plz tell me why it is ok for Koreans to want Korea to be for Koreans but it is wrong for the Dutch to want the Netherlands to be for the dutch?", '>>{Myfeelingsarehurt} : [Mine] (https://imgur.com/a/h17He) is mostly videos pics and movies', ">>{codemonkey85} : For what it's worth, whatever compression they're using is super, super good. Android Police [did a comparison a while back](http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/09/12/deep-dive-google-photos-not-grandmas-photo-album/) and the difference was nearly imperceptible.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Because, as I\'ve pointed out, America isn\'t a "white" nation. White people did not evolve here like we did in the Netherlands or Great Britain or Koreans evolved in Korea. This isn\'t our ancestral home, we have no more right to it than any other type of immigrant. >Kings point was that 2nd and 3rd gen Vietnamese aren\'t still communists. No, that wasn\'t his point. But let\'s ignore that... I could find many examples of deaths by white extremism in the last couple of decades, but a Muslim-American citizen who commits a disgusting act for foggy reasons means no more Muslims allowed? Why don\'t we get to ban white immigrants because Timothy McVeigh? I bet he was only a couple generations off the boat.', '>>{IIIRUCKUSllI} : The software is actually the smoothest least buggy experience out of ios android and windows mobile. But yes it is definitely restrictive.', '>>{aristideau} : Just curious if you have ever used OS X?. I am a developer and was offered an late model air for relatively cheap (primarily to use for browsing / media watching). I was wary because I just assumed that it would be an underpowered toy, but was surprised at how fast it was. I now do all my development on my air (all my tools are available on OS X). The GUI is very intuitive and the complete lack of having to download drivers was a unexpected bonus. I have supported a friends W8 machine and it literally took minutes to find anything.', ">>{IhasTaco} : Same boat but mine is mostly hardcore porno It's just one continuous video that takes up 27gb I'm only 12 hours in", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : King was agreeing with Geert tho, this is all in the European context so don't deflect. Is what Greet says about Islamic immigration to Europe true then? America is a white majority nation, what was here before the white majority nation founded in 1776 was not america and what existed before 1500 or whenever you are referring to was def not america. That's all besides the point this isn't about race, stop trying to make it about race (FYI Islam is not a race). My question is if my family was in America for 300 years they have no more claim to it than Any other person in the world and therefore shouldn't have a say on immigration and should let all 6+ billion people come at will? is that your position?", '>>{TheJedinator} : But u/doggscube stated no movies or audio......', ">>{CarmineFields} : > My question is if my family was in America for 300 years they have no more claim to it than Any other person in the world No. They have as much claim to it as any other American citizen, which includes Muslim citizens. You cannot compare Europe and America. Europe does not have the American constitution which bans the type of bigotry King is itching for. If King wants to repeal the 14th, and possibly the 1st and 5th, Amendments that promise equal protection under the law, freedom of religion and due process, he can go for it. It won't happen though.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : lol, ya what about just limiting immigration? Does he not have the same right as every american to give his opinion on where to take immigration from? So then you do agree with Greet then? It is cool for the Dutch to want less and not more Islam?', '>>{LokiKamiSama} : I have not tried OS X. Mostly because I don\'t own a Mac (I can have a more powerful PC for a fraction of the cost, not to mention a larger screen. I was spoiled a long time ago by purchasing a Sony Vaio, 18.4" laptop. Not many companies make even close to that large of laptops). I will say the OLD OLD OLD OLD Apple computers were fun (I\'m talking the ancient Apple II\'s. I miss Oregon Trail and Number Muncher). I still can\'t get over having to "throw away" the disk to get it to eject. Really, how hard was it for Apple to include an eject button? Yes...I am bitter and set in my ways.', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm not talking about Europe at all. That's another kettle of fish. >Does he not have the same right as every american to give his opinion on where to take immigration from? Sure. But freedom of speech isn't consequence-free speech. Again, no one is calling for his arrest or beating here. But he has the potential to lose political influence and be voted out. He'd deserve it, but regardless, Trump built his administration on a sewer of corruption and lies. It's going to come crashing down soon.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : So what you are saying is that king is completely entitled to his opinion and it is a legitimate one you happen to disagree with? And we can also agree that being intolerant of king on the basis of those different opinions would be the definition of Bigotry, no?', ">>{CarmineFields} : If King was a private citizen, I sincerely wouldn't give a shit. As a politician, I question his ability to do his job and represent all Americans. Also, it's not bigotry to refuse to accept bigotry, racism or beliefs that hurt others. You don't need to mindlessly support hate. I support Muslims' right to practice their religion in peace. I'm not a bigot because I'm anti-Muslim terrorism.", '>>{aidbal42} : If youre concerned about photos taking up too much space get Google Photos', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : No, but if you think because of Kings differing opinions he should be barred from office which is what you keep implying you are not 'refusing to accept' you are being intolerant of him as a person (taking away his rights to hold office ie. disenfranchising him). Do you understand what 'tolerance' means and how it features into the definition of 'bigotry'?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Words have consequences. Lots of people have been fired for saying inappropriate things. King said something wildly inappropriate and has demonstrated his unwillingness to represent all constituents. Why is King a special snowflake that's above disciplinary action for his behavior while some $5-an-hour fast food worker is held to a higher standard of professionalism?", '>>{CarmineFields} : Because it\'s extremely loud dog-whistling for wanting to maintain America as a culture dominated by straight, white males at the expense of everyone else. Remember, this isn\'t King\'s first racist/bigoted remark. >Rep. Steve King: "I\'d like to see an America that\'s just so homogenous that we look a lot the same" . >On July 2016, on different races’ contributions to society: “This whole ‘white people’ business, though, does get a little tired, Charlie. I mean, I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you’re talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?” . >On September 2015, on Muslims and immigration: “Why would you do this if you were president of the United States? [Obama is] seeking to change the demographics of the United States of America. And changing the demographics changes the politics, they’re going to have Democrat voters at least two-to-one, some numbers go all the way to five-to-one, and I’m not speaking only of Muslims, I’m speaking of the Central American immigrants that come into America too. … So if it turns into a few hundred thousand every year, how long is it before the culture of America is changed?” . >On August 2015, on whether America owes apologies to other places for slavery: “[Obama] apologized to Africa for slavery and genuflects to the Arabic princes and genuflects to the emperor of Japan, and it goes on and on. Americans are tired of apologizing, Ox. We’re a proud people. We’re the vigor of the planet and there’s nothing for us to apologize for until they come and thank us for the things we’ve done.” . >On July 2013, on undocumented immigrants: “Some of them are valedictorians — and their parents brought them in. It wasn’t their fault. It’s true in some cases, but they aren’t all valedictorians. They weren’t all brought in by their parents. For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds — and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’ve been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But as a cultural Marxist isn't he just fighting on behalf of his identity group just like BLM or the women's march? If it is assumed that strait white men defending themselves and their culture is inherently racist (perhaps because strait white men are the other for the new left) fine but why would strait white men accept a narrative that inherently demonized them or their culture? Is it wrong for Somali Muslims to argue for more Somali Muslims? if not then why would it be wrong for white Christians to want more white Christians?", '>>{CarmineFields} : >But as a cultural Marxist isn\'t he just fighting on behalf of his identity group just like BLM or the women\'s march? If he were an ordinary citizen, you might be able to make that argument. As a politician, all taxpayers pay his taxes. He literally owes everyone representation. If he wants to quit and take up the "white man\'s cause", he can go for it. He doesn\'t get to neglect his duties due to his personal racism and bigotry. Sending out tweets like he did, is in direct conflict with his ability to represent all constituents in good faith.', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : What a joke, so if he were a Somali Muslim politician and was pushing for more Somali Muslim immigrants? You would oppose that?', '>>{CarmineFields} : I mean, it would depend on wording, but no, a politician of Somalian heritage should not promote Somalians at the expense of others.', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : And so i suppose you oppose a black politician being in favor of affirmative action? That would be wrong in the same respect no?', '>>{CarmineFields} : I would be against it, yes. Particularly if they put it in such a way that it only helped black people instead of a wide variety of disadvantaged groups.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Again, advocating for women's issues is fine. It's not fine if they advocate for women at the expense of other groups.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But what do you mean by 'at the expense of other groups'? If advocating for white immigration harms other groups by denying them potential spots, doesn't giving money to women's causes do it at the expense of all those who could otherwise have benefited from that funding?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Maybe, but you're conflating different issues. First and foremost, has anyone in the MRM requested funds in that politician's district or through their office?", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : I'm not conflating issues, was it legit for example for HRC to advocate for women's issues given she was a woman and she is thereby advocating against alternative uses of funding?", ">>{CarmineFields} : She didn't say she wouldn't provide equal money to men's issues. It's okay to talk about issues that affect one demographic. It's not okay to state that you want to exclude other demographics.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : So I suppose programs to give loans to female run businesses were going to be matched by those explicitly ear marked for men? They weren't tho were they? Did you oppose Hillary disproportionately supporting women's issues during her campaign? Did you protest the woman's march and ask them why they didn't put on just as good a march for men?", ">>{CarmineFields} : I don't know any of this stuff with any certainty and neither do you. You've wandered way off topic. Steve King should face discipline from the Republican Party.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : Lol, you mean we have finally gotten to the point, which is that you hold strait white men to a different standard than strait white women or any other identity group for that matter. What king says only bothers you because king is white.', ">>{CarmineFields} : What? I agreed that every other demographic shouldn't promote their own at the expense of others. I'm not going to get into some kind of ridiculous discussion on budgetary differentials between genders in Hillary Clinton's potential budget.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Ok, I suppose you condemned BLM for being both black and supporting black issues then? You have come out against someone who is not white for supporting their own interests right? That's my point, in theory you condemn everyone equally, or you claim to, but in practice it is only strait white men you decry when they espouse their own values. Frankly i think the principle that people ought not argue on behalf of their won interests is preposterous and the only reason you are arguing it is because I pointed out a hypocrisy in your position you weren't aware of.", '>>{CarmineFields} : >Ok, I suppose you condemned BLM for being both black and supporting black issues then? Is BLM a politician representing a variety of constituents? No? Then what are you rambling about?', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : You dont think there are black politicians that support BLM? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/12/obama-defends-black-lives-matter-protests-police-m/ Honestly, take a minute and think about these things. Im taking the time our of my day to interact with you because I think you are capable of coming to a deeper understanding of the interactions between your beliefs, not because im trying to be an asshole. Is Obama allowed to support BLM if he is black? or can only white politicians support BLM?', '>>{CarmineFields} : Again, different thing than saying he wants everyone to look like him.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : That's not what he said, he said he wanted us to produce our own babies.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Great. Maybe he can back up legislation to help women so America and Papua New Guinea aren't the only two countries without protected maternity leave.... But he did say that. Just not in this particular tweet.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : lol ya, given that he is a man according to you he is allowed to fight for women's issues. I guess women should be glad that they got Trump and not Clinton...", ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm saying that if he cares about Americans having more babies, he can do something productive about it. What's wrong with that?", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : And hes saying america should accept fewer immigrants, whats wrong with that?', ">>{CarmineFields} : No, he's also saying America has to keep the birth rate up: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/03/13/politics/steve-king-babies-tweet-cnntv/index.html", '>>{CarmineFields} : I said before, if you want American women to have babies you have to stop doing everything possible to hurt us. This includes cancelling insurance, refusing to give job protections and tons of other examples. He wants to use women for his own ends while doing everything he and his party can to make life harder for us.', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : So at the bottom of it there is nothing wrong with what he said you just dont like his other policies?', ">>{CarmineFields} : No, I don't like his overt racism but my point is, that if he wants to use American women, he has to stop behaving like an ass towards us.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : What overt racism? Haven't we been over this, you couldn't point any out, no?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yes. I did. Saying you want everyone in America to look like you is racist. That's something King has said. He's openly and unapologeticly racist. This isn't even a question.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : He said he wants them all to interbreed till they look the same, not that he wanted them all to look like him, no?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Then they wouldn't look exactly like him which is what the quote said.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : I seem to recall him saying he wanted everyone to look the same, not that he wanted them all to be white.', ">>{CarmineFields} : How about this one? >This whole white-people business, though, does get a little tired, Charlie,” King said. “I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?”", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : Where is he saying he wants everyone to be white?', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm having trouble finding it and I'm too lazy to scroll back. I could be wrong about what it said. That's why I thought it would be better to go out and get a real quote to discuss, since the subject *is* whether he's racist or not.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : The wasn't even racist imo, its a fact claim. I'm not sure its true but its a legitimate line of inquiry.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Seriously? Everything is a fact claim. "Group A is smarter and quantifiably superior to group B" is a fact claim that might not be right. China alone rivals the west. It\'s clearly racist bullshit.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : So is demonstrating that one group is smarter than another is racist even if true? Are these the so called 'racist facts' I've been hearing so much about. Inquiring into the cultural and scientific contributions of different groups is also racist? I though racism required treating people differently and wasn't the type of think a fact could be.", ">>{CarmineFields} : > So is demonstrating that one group is smarter than another is racist even if true... But the problem is, it's not true. It's utter bullshit just like King's claim that whites have contributed the more to global knowledge and advancement than everyone else. Without China, India and the rest of Asia, mathematical advancement from the Middle East, architectural, agricultural and mathematical discoveries from Africa who knows where we'd be. >Inquiring into the cultural and scientific contributions of different groups is also racist? What inquiry did King make? What kind of open mind does he have? He's not inquiring, he's incorrectly dismissing.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But didn't you just do exactly what you are accusing king of doing? Proclaiming the relative contributions of different cultures an different groups without providing evidence? Have their even been academic studies of these things you can sight if we really want to know which culture contributed 'the most' in terms of the best technologies of their various time or some other reasonable metric?", ">>{CarmineFields} : My statement is obvious without me tediously citing every example. We have no idea where the human race would be without the base contributions of many world societies. You can't quantify this in any meaningful way. How much did writing contribute vs. the stirrup? How can you quantify that? But there were many non-white, non-western societies that were thriving and advancing many forms of science and technology. Egypt, Syria, India, China, Japan, Ethiopia, the Middle East and others all had technological golden ages. Any contribution made to humanity at this point is based off of advancements from all peoples.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But I'm sure King could argue tho that just the industrial revolution + scientific revolution + Micro chip alone probably accounts for a greater contribution to the modern world than almost all other innovations combined. Again tho, neither of us have evidence but I would argue that doesn't make either of us racist.", ">>{CarmineFields} : How much of what you just listed could be invented or accomplished without math or writing? You can't call them white discoveries when they are built on an international platform.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Not a bad point. I would say I agree. Still doesn't show king to be a racist.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Making factless statements about the superior contributions of whites kind of does make him a racist...', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : I mean not according to any definition I can find. Saying 'whites contributed more' is not the same as saying 'whites are inherently superior' and I believe only the latter constitutes racism according to most accepted definitions I can find.", '>>{CarmineFields} : What King is doing is calling white people superior for making more contributions.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : So it is racist to claim any group is 'superior' ie comparatively better in any respect? So it is racist to say black people are better at basketball on average? That is racist?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Nope. There are quantifiable things certain builds are better at. But making clearly false claims of sweeping superiority that can't be measured is racist.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : I mean i think this argument has really reached its conclusion. I disagree. The definition appears to disagree. And I believe your standards are rather arbitrary and onerous.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Misanthraloperer} : >"Cultural suicide by demographic transformation"—This is literally the kind of talk you can read from Richard Spencer and Stormfront.org any day of the week. Note also that King is there with Wilders, the rightist, racist Dutch member of parliament and Frauke Petry, the rightist, nationalist leader of Germany\'s Alternative for Germany party. These are the parties Trump\'s top advisor Steve Bannon wants to help loft to power and ally with in a rightist, north Atlantic political movement. >This isn\'t just one "controversial" member of Congress. **King is part of American white nationalist, far-right political movement**. That\'s not a softer way to say "racist." He\'s also a racist. But there are plenty of racists who have more conventional politics. **He\'s part of a movement. So is Bannon. So is Trump.** Never forget this.', ">>{CarmineFields} : The whole Republican Party is rotten with white nationalism. It's what the party has stood for for years now. You can tell they aren't interested in small government or fiscal conservatism. They're the party of straight, white men for *only* straight, white men.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : According to the election, they are also the party of straight white women.', '>>{Casey234} : People ARE going to pretend they didn\'t know. There has been an utter tonedeafness over just how endemic racism is, and a lot of people have been either dismissing it as "Liberals are just calling anything and everything racist over nothing" or flat out ignoring it.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Oh, straight white women may vote for them, but the GOP still passes or attempts to pass women-killing bills and many other forms of discrimination.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I think it's a little narrow-minded on your part to think that straight white women aren't getting exactly what they want when they vote for Republicans. They actively want pro-life bullshit, etc.", '>>{Janfilecantror} : Not college educated white women, or young white women(?).', ">>{knox3} : Sorry dude, I'm busy. Steve King's paid staff can take over for a while.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : And not lgbt white women. (And not lgbt white men) We can break it down however we want and find groups of white people that didn't want Trump, but that would get ridiculous after a bit. White men and to a lesser extent are the base of Republican party.", '>>{zacdenver} : Isn\'t he the "calves the size of grapefruits" guy?', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : I dont get it though, how can King both be wrong about "Cultural suicide by demographic transformation" and you be right about non-whites not agreeing with republican cultural values? Aren\'t you just making kings point for him?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Lots of people voted against their own interests. I don't care if some old ladies want to pull up the ladder on younger women. The principle is still anti-women.", ">>{CarmineFields} : The point is that he doesn't get to dictate American culture. Where does the constitution say that only white men matter?", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : No but isn't he entitled to defend his perception of american culture from being overcome by immigration from places that don't share that perception?", ">>{CarmineFields} : He's a politician. That means he is paid by all taxpayers to represent all people. No one is calling for him to be beaten or jailed, but if he's too much of a bigot to do his job, he needs to find other work.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Didn't trump and many rep's get elected on a platform or restricted immigration tho?", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : I'm saying that by restricting immigration to protect his culture might be what he was elected to do, no? Also when was the last time you looked up the word 'bigotry'?", ">>{CarmineFields} : I know what bigotry means. It means judging an entire religion as terrorists and banning a bunch of countries that haven't committed a single terroristic act in the United States (one Somalian guy got stabby once. No one died. Six out of seven countries on the original list had zero incidences). Also, just because King's constitutents support bigotry doesn't mean it's constitutional. If King wanted to limit all immigration, he might have a point. I've never met a republican yet who minded white immigration.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : That is an example not a definition. Bigotry is defined as "intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself." Therefore if you are intolerant of those who want to retain a waspy culture then by definition you are the bigot. If someone is intolerant of Muslim\'s they are a bigot. If someone wants to limit Muslim immigration that does not make them a bigot, limiting migration is not necessarily intolerance. Wanting waspy immigration does not make you bigot it means you have preferences, like all people according to cog-sci. King sounded pretty damn tolerant with his comments on interbreeding to homogeneity...', ">>{CarmineFields} : It's bigotry to point out when people are bigots, gotcha.... No, bannjng immigrants because your country isn't white enough hurts people directly. Being brown in a country that King wants white, does not. Even other republicans are calling it racist. Right-wingers need to stop police whistling into bullhorns then acting like they got away with dog-whistling.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : Well thats not even close to what I said but ok sure, clearly reading and critical thinking were your strong suits. As for point 2: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/12/us/orlando-nightclub-shooting/ Muslim immigration can hurt people directly.. A time will come soon when you will have to interact with ideas instead of calling them racist and then you will have a really hard time making a point or winning an argument.', '>>{CarmineFields} : I said republicans even called it racist because it is racist. If you\'re sick of hearing the word, "racist" you should stop being an apologist for racism. Oh, and that nightclub shooter? Not an immigrant. >Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old U.S.-born citizen, http://abcnews.go.com/US/omar-mateen-suspected-orlando-night-club-shooter/story?id=39790797', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : ya the fact that second and third generation Muslim immigrants are more radical than their parents does not make your point... I'm saying you and republicans calling something racist does't make it wrong and people are caring less and less by the minute so eventually you will need an argument.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Well, I'm guessing you're 100% Native American because otherwise, you're just a lousy immigrant too. >people are caring less and less by the minute so eventually you will need an argument. Oh, that's not true at all.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Kings point was that 2nd and 3rd gen Vietnamese aren't still communists. The statistics you get as far as European Muslim opinions are not the same as other cultures. No one is saying fully secular people or for example Coptic Christians wouldn't assimilate well into western culture. Lol yes I suppose you really really on never having to explain your point of view or make an argument. Plz tell me why it is ok for Koreans to want Korea to be for Koreans but it is wrong for the Dutch to want the Netherlands to be for the dutch?", '>>{CarmineFields} : Because, as I\'ve pointed out, America isn\'t a "white" nation. White people did not evolve here like we did in the Netherlands or Great Britain or Koreans evolved in Korea. This isn\'t our ancestral home, we have no more right to it than any other type of immigrant. >Kings point was that 2nd and 3rd gen Vietnamese aren\'t still communists. No, that wasn\'t his point. But let\'s ignore that... I could find many examples of deaths by white extremism in the last couple of decades, but a Muslim-American citizen who commits a disgusting act for foggy reasons means no more Muslims allowed? Why don\'t we get to ban white immigrants because Timothy McVeigh? I bet he was only a couple generations off the boat.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : King was agreeing with Geert tho, this is all in the European context so don't deflect. Is what Greet says about Islamic immigration to Europe true then? America is a white majority nation, what was here before the white majority nation founded in 1776 was not america and what existed before 1500 or whenever you are referring to was def not america. That's all besides the point this isn't about race, stop trying to make it about race (FYI Islam is not a race). My question is if my family was in America for 300 years they have no more claim to it than Any other person in the world and therefore shouldn't have a say on immigration and should let all 6+ billion people come at will? is that your position?", ">>{CarmineFields} : > My question is if my family was in America for 300 years they have no more claim to it than Any other person in the world No. They have as much claim to it as any other American citizen, which includes Muslim citizens. You cannot compare Europe and America. Europe does not have the American constitution which bans the type of bigotry King is itching for. If King wants to repeal the 14th, and possibly the 1st and 5th, Amendments that promise equal protection under the law, freedom of religion and due process, he can go for it. It won't happen though.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : lol, ya what about just limiting immigration? Does he not have the same right as every american to give his opinion on where to take immigration from? So then you do agree with Greet then? It is cool for the Dutch to want less and not more Islam?', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm not talking about Europe at all. That's another kettle of fish. >Does he not have the same right as every american to give his opinion on where to take immigration from? Sure. But freedom of speech isn't consequence-free speech. Again, no one is calling for his arrest or beating here. But he has the potential to lose political influence and be voted out. He'd deserve it, but regardless, Trump built his administration on a sewer of corruption and lies. It's going to come crashing down soon.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : So what you are saying is that king is completely entitled to his opinion and it is a legitimate one you happen to disagree with? And we can also agree that being intolerant of king on the basis of those different opinions would be the definition of Bigotry, no?', ">>{CarmineFields} : If King was a private citizen, I sincerely wouldn't give a shit. As a politician, I question his ability to do his job and represent all Americans. Also, it's not bigotry to refuse to accept bigotry, racism or beliefs that hurt others. You don't need to mindlessly support hate. I support Muslims' right to practice their religion in peace. I'm not a bigot because I'm anti-Muslim terrorism.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : No, but if you think because of Kings differing opinions he should be barred from office which is what you keep implying you are not 'refusing to accept' you are being intolerant of him as a person (taking away his rights to hold office ie. disenfranchising him). Do you understand what 'tolerance' means and how it features into the definition of 'bigotry'?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Words have consequences. Lots of people have been fired for saying inappropriate things. King said something wildly inappropriate and has demonstrated his unwillingness to represent all constituents. Why is King a special snowflake that's above disciplinary action for his behavior while some $5-an-hour fast food worker is held to a higher standard of professionalism?", '>>{CarmineFields} : Because it\'s extremely loud dog-whistling for wanting to maintain America as a culture dominated by straight, white males at the expense of everyone else. Remember, this isn\'t King\'s first racist/bigoted remark. >Rep. Steve King: "I\'d like to see an America that\'s just so homogenous that we look a lot the same" . >On July 2016, on different races’ contributions to society: “This whole ‘white people’ business, though, does get a little tired, Charlie. I mean, I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you’re talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?” . >On September 2015, on Muslims and immigration: “Why would you do this if you were president of the United States? [Obama is] seeking to change the demographics of the United States of America. And changing the demographics changes the politics, they’re going to have Democrat voters at least two-to-one, some numbers go all the way to five-to-one, and I’m not speaking only of Muslims, I’m speaking of the Central American immigrants that come into America too. … So if it turns into a few hundred thousand every year, how long is it before the culture of America is changed?” . >On August 2015, on whether America owes apologies to other places for slavery: “[Obama] apologized to Africa for slavery and genuflects to the Arabic princes and genuflects to the emperor of Japan, and it goes on and on. Americans are tired of apologizing, Ox. We’re a proud people. We’re the vigor of the planet and there’s nothing for us to apologize for until they come and thank us for the things we’ve done.” . >On July 2013, on undocumented immigrants: “Some of them are valedictorians — and their parents brought them in. It wasn’t their fault. It’s true in some cases, but they aren’t all valedictorians. They weren’t all brought in by their parents. For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds — and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’ve been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But as a cultural Marxist isn't he just fighting on behalf of his identity group just like BLM or the women's march? If it is assumed that strait white men defending themselves and their culture is inherently racist (perhaps because strait white men are the other for the new left) fine but why would strait white men accept a narrative that inherently demonized them or their culture? Is it wrong for Somali Muslims to argue for more Somali Muslims? if not then why would it be wrong for white Christians to want more white Christians?", '>>{CarmineFields} : >But as a cultural Marxist isn\'t he just fighting on behalf of his identity group just like BLM or the women\'s march? If he were an ordinary citizen, you might be able to make that argument. As a politician, all taxpayers pay his taxes. He literally owes everyone representation. If he wants to quit and take up the "white man\'s cause", he can go for it. He doesn\'t get to neglect his duties due to his personal racism and bigotry. Sending out tweets like he did, is in direct conflict with his ability to represent all constituents in good faith.', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : What a joke, so if he were a Somali Muslim politician and was pushing for more Somali Muslim immigrants? You would oppose that?', '>>{CarmineFields} : I mean, it would depend on wording, but no, a politician of Somalian heritage should not promote Somalians at the expense of others.', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : And so i suppose you oppose a black politician being in favor of affirmative action? That would be wrong in the same respect no?', '>>{CarmineFields} : I would be against it, yes. Particularly if they put it in such a way that it only helped black people instead of a wide variety of disadvantaged groups.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Again, advocating for women's issues is fine. It's not fine if they advocate for women at the expense of other groups.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But what do you mean by 'at the expense of other groups'? If advocating for white immigration harms other groups by denying them potential spots, doesn't giving money to women's causes do it at the expense of all those who could otherwise have benefited from that funding?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Maybe, but you're conflating different issues. First and foremost, has anyone in the MRM requested funds in that politician's district or through their office?", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : I'm not conflating issues, was it legit for example for HRC to advocate for women's issues given she was a woman and she is thereby advocating against alternative uses of funding?", ">>{CarmineFields} : She didn't say she wouldn't provide equal money to men's issues. It's okay to talk about issues that affect one demographic. It's not okay to state that you want to exclude other demographics.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : So I suppose programs to give loans to female run businesses were going to be matched by those explicitly ear marked for men? They weren't tho were they? Did you oppose Hillary disproportionately supporting women's issues during her campaign? Did you protest the woman's march and ask them why they didn't put on just as good a march for men?", ">>{CarmineFields} : I don't know any of this stuff with any certainty and neither do you. You've wandered way off topic. Steve King should face discipline from the Republican Party.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : Lol, you mean we have finally gotten to the point, which is that you hold strait white men to a different standard than strait white women or any other identity group for that matter. What king says only bothers you because king is white.', ">>{CarmineFields} : What? I agreed that every other demographic shouldn't promote their own at the expense of others. I'm not going to get into some kind of ridiculous discussion on budgetary differentials between genders in Hillary Clinton's potential budget.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Ok, I suppose you condemned BLM for being both black and supporting black issues then? You have come out against someone who is not white for supporting their own interests right? That's my point, in theory you condemn everyone equally, or you claim to, but in practice it is only strait white men you decry when they espouse their own values. Frankly i think the principle that people ought not argue on behalf of their won interests is preposterous and the only reason you are arguing it is because I pointed out a hypocrisy in your position you weren't aware of.", '>>{CarmineFields} : >Ok, I suppose you condemned BLM for being both black and supporting black issues then? Is BLM a politician representing a variety of constituents? No? Then what are you rambling about?', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : You dont think there are black politicians that support BLM? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/12/obama-defends-black-lives-matter-protests-police-m/ Honestly, take a minute and think about these things. Im taking the time our of my day to interact with you because I think you are capable of coming to a deeper understanding of the interactions between your beliefs, not because im trying to be an asshole. Is Obama allowed to support BLM if he is black? or can only white politicians support BLM?', '>>{CarmineFields} : Again, different thing than saying he wants everyone to look like him.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : That's not what he said, he said he wanted us to produce our own babies.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Great. Maybe he can back up legislation to help women so America and Papua New Guinea aren't the only two countries without protected maternity leave.... But he did say that. Just not in this particular tweet.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : lol ya, given that he is a man according to you he is allowed to fight for women's issues. I guess women should be glad that they got Trump and not Clinton...", ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm saying that if he cares about Americans having more babies, he can do something productive about it. What's wrong with that?", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : And hes saying america should accept fewer immigrants, whats wrong with that?', ">>{CarmineFields} : No, he's also saying America has to keep the birth rate up: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/03/13/politics/steve-king-babies-tweet-cnntv/index.html", '>>{CarmineFields} : I said before, if you want American women to have babies you have to stop doing everything possible to hurt us. This includes cancelling insurance, refusing to give job protections and tons of other examples. He wants to use women for his own ends while doing everything he and his party can to make life harder for us.', '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : So at the bottom of it there is nothing wrong with what he said you just dont like his other policies?', ">>{CarmineFields} : No, I don't like his overt racism but my point is, that if he wants to use American women, he has to stop behaving like an ass towards us.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : What overt racism? Haven't we been over this, you couldn't point any out, no?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yes. I did. Saying you want everyone in America to look like you is racist. That's something King has said. He's openly and unapologeticly racist. This isn't even a question.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : He said he wants them all to interbreed till they look the same, not that he wanted them all to look like him, no?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Then they wouldn't look exactly like him which is what the quote said.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : I seem to recall him saying he wanted everyone to look the same, not that he wanted them all to be white.', ">>{CarmineFields} : How about this one? >This whole white-people business, though, does get a little tired, Charlie,” King said. “I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?”", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : Where is he saying he wants everyone to be white?', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm having trouble finding it and I'm too lazy to scroll back. I could be wrong about what it said. That's why I thought it would be better to go out and get a real quote to discuss, since the subject *is* whether he's racist or not.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : The wasn't even racist imo, its a fact claim. I'm not sure its true but its a legitimate line of inquiry.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Seriously? Everything is a fact claim. "Group A is smarter and quantifiably superior to group B" is a fact claim that might not be right. China alone rivals the west. It\'s clearly racist bullshit.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : So is demonstrating that one group is smarter than another is racist even if true? Are these the so called 'racist facts' I've been hearing so much about. Inquiring into the cultural and scientific contributions of different groups is also racist? I though racism required treating people differently and wasn't the type of think a fact could be.", ">>{CarmineFields} : > So is demonstrating that one group is smarter than another is racist even if true... But the problem is, it's not true. It's utter bullshit just like King's claim that whites have contributed the more to global knowledge and advancement than everyone else. Without China, India and the rest of Asia, mathematical advancement from the Middle East, architectural, agricultural and mathematical discoveries from Africa who knows where we'd be. >Inquiring into the cultural and scientific contributions of different groups is also racist? What inquiry did King make? What kind of open mind does he have? He's not inquiring, he's incorrectly dismissing.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But didn't you just do exactly what you are accusing king of doing? Proclaiming the relative contributions of different cultures an different groups without providing evidence? Have their even been academic studies of these things you can sight if we really want to know which culture contributed 'the most' in terms of the best technologies of their various time or some other reasonable metric?", ">>{CarmineFields} : My statement is obvious without me tediously citing every example. We have no idea where the human race would be without the base contributions of many world societies. You can't quantify this in any meaningful way. How much did writing contribute vs. the stirrup? How can you quantify that? But there were many non-white, non-western societies that were thriving and advancing many forms of science and technology. Egypt, Syria, India, China, Japan, Ethiopia, the Middle East and others all had technological golden ages. Any contribution made to humanity at this point is based off of advancements from all peoples.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : But I'm sure King could argue tho that just the industrial revolution + scientific revolution + Micro chip alone probably accounts for a greater contribution to the modern world than almost all other innovations combined. Again tho, neither of us have evidence but I would argue that doesn't make either of us racist.", ">>{CarmineFields} : How much of what you just listed could be invented or accomplished without math or writing? You can't call them white discoveries when they are built on an international platform.", ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : Not a bad point. I would say I agree. Still doesn't show king to be a racist.", '>>{CarmineFields} : Making factless statements about the superior contributions of whites kind of does make him a racist...', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : I mean not according to any definition I can find. Saying 'whites contributed more' is not the same as saying 'whites are inherently superior' and I believe only the latter constitutes racism according to most accepted definitions I can find.", '>>{CarmineFields} : What King is doing is calling white people superior for making more contributions.', ">>{TheApoplasticMan} : So it is racist to claim any group is 'superior' ie comparatively better in any respect? So it is racist to say black people are better at basketball on average? That is racist?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Nope. There are quantifiable things certain builds are better at. But making clearly false claims of sweeping superiority that can't be measured is racist.", '>>{TheApoplasticMan} : I mean i think this argument has really reached its conclusion. I disagree. The definition appears to disagree. And I believe your standards are rather arbitrary and onerous.'], [">>{LondonPilot} : > I do take a lot of pictures though, is the 16gb sufficient? (Where I live the 32gb is 200 euros extra, so that's *not* an option.) You might get away with that if you're willing to pay a monthly fee for more iCloud storage, and then use iCloud Photo Library, which stores the master copies of your photos on iCloud, and downloads low-res versions suitable for your screen size to your phone. But I'd suggest holding off and saving some money for more storage if at all possible > How does the music transfer work? Do I need to use iTunes or is there a way around that? There are lots of 3rd party apps which have a variety of different ways of getting music onto your phone. iTunes is required for moving music from your computer to the built-in Music app, but I think only a minority of people would still do it that way > How is the picture quality? Right now I have Samsung Galaxy s4 mini and I'd like a phone with at least just as good camera as this one has. The camera is excellent, but I've never used the Galaxy so I can't compare. > Does the phone have issues after being used for a while, e.g. is slower, battery life has decreased,overheating etc? Every Android phone I've had had this issue, which is why I'm thinking of switching. It will slow down if you update to the latest version of iOS every time it gets updated. If you read this forum, you'll find that for each major update, many people will report whether it slows the device down or not. But you can expect at least 2 or 3 years of updates with minimal if any slowdown > I know it is not possible to uninstall the preinstalled apps, to which extent does this cause issues? How much of the memory do they take? There's no way of knowing how much memory they each take. Most people just hide them away in a folder and ignore them > If there are any former Android users here, was it difficult to get used to the operating system? I do like the ability to personalise the phone, but I don't do it to the extent of installing mods or rooting the phone, I pretty much just use the weather and music widgets and change the background. Can't help you with that since I've always used iOS.", ">>{doggscube} : I bought my wife a 6s for our anniversary. I have no music or videos on my phone and I have 27 gb used right now. 16gb is effectively unusable and apple shouldn't sell that size anymore. I got her a 64gb. There are no widgets. iOS is very easy to use and you shouldn't have a problem. I switched from years of android last October and I've been happy.", ">>{LondonPilot} : Off the top of my head, I think around 12Gb is available.... but I haven't looked at a fresh 16Gb model for a while, so someone might come along with a more accurate estimate if I'm wrong.", '>>{phwelo} : I switched from a 32g nexus 6 to the iPhone 6 with 16gb. I take photos and videos of my kids somewhat infrequently and constantly battle with the 16g size. In the other hand, the camera is significantly better in regards to speed and quality', ">>{dblake15} : I would always get my wife the 16gb and she would pretty much take pics and get in Facebook. She was constantly bumping into storage is full errors. So I got her the 64gb and no more problems and she can take as many pics as she wants. The rumor is for the iPhone 7 they will finally get rid of 16gb and go 32. We'll see", '>>{jdr30} : I take a lot of pictures as well and 16GB is not an issue for me as I have Google Photos app installed. When you take a picture it sends it off into google\'s cloud (unlimited storage is provided) and there is an option within the app to delete the photos from you phone which are synced to google photos. So every week or so I do that and clean up my phones storage. The app is better than the iPhone "Photos" app and allows grouping, searching, sharing, etc. just as well if not better than the native app.', '>>{Nachtwolfe} : > then use iCloud Photo Library, which stores the master copies of your photos on iCloud, and downloads low-res versions suitable for your screen size to your phone Or just use Google Photos since its free.', '>>{dblake15} : Yeah use google photos and it is fantastic. But you have to manually go in and have it sync and then free the space. Just get the bigger model and less headaches', ">>{phwelo} : I've long since maxed out my free space on Google, Dropbox, and iCloud. Currently syncing photos to mega", '>>{rayhussain} : Google photos offer free backup service for iOS camera roll', '>>{phwelo} : If you\'re into "high res" vs "original" or whatever, sure', ">>{NerdDood} : I got a 6 plus two months ago. 16gb I think I had 10 or 11gb free right out of the box I hover between 7 and 8 free right now. I use Google Photos to store my pictures in the cloud for free (they let you store unlimited photos if under 15mb per picture). I also have unlimited data so it's not a big deal for me. I also use an app called Battery Doctor that clean anything that's been cached. I find when I stream music it caches information but I run battery doctor every couple days and I'm good. People who say the 16gb versions are not usable are wrong. Manage your stuff through the cloud whenever possible :)", ">>{retsotrembla} : I've always bought 16gb iPhones, and always been happy with them, never running out of storage. But - I sync regularly with iTunes on a Mac, while the phone is charging, and I move stuff off the phone I'm not using that week.", ">>{noratat} : My experience with the iPhone 6 after having used only Android: * Camera quality is excellent - better than all but the flagship phablets on Android. I haven't run into overheating issues, but I didn't on my Z3C either other than extended video recording, which I haven't yet tried on the iPhone. * Anything that uses GPS like fitness trackers seems to use a lot less battery life than it does on Android, which is really nice. * The reddit apps available for iOS are terrible compared to Android. That's actually a plus for me, since it means I waste less time on reddit when I should be doing other things. * I still have a *lot* of trouble getting used to the OS. It's not hard to use exactly, but it's a lot messier than the modern (5.x+) Android UI, and I find I need to be far more precise in my taps and gestures on iOS. * Notifications work differently on iOS - this may or may not be an issue for you depending on your preferences. Personally I don't like it, as it's much easier for me to accidentally miss notifications. * Battery life is actually lower than my Sony Z3C was overall, but it's more consistent if that makes sense. My Z3C lasts longer in idle and basic activity, the iPhone lasts somewhat longer when using things like GPS or camera. Admittedly, the Z3C has unusually high battery life for Android. * I have the 64GB model, so I can't really speak to storage. I highly recommend using something to upload the photos so you don't need to keep them on the device, such as Dropbox or Google Photos, both of which offer more free storage (especially Google) than iCloud.", '>>{mayaisme} : >there are no widgets There are, located in the Notification Center, accessible from within any app', ">>{brucensb} : I've made the same change and heres my 2 cents: * I have a 16GB model because I store everything on the cloud, google play music, google drive, icloud etc, so I always have about 6GB free space. I stream all my media with unlimited data and I don't have any games installed. * I transfer my music with Google Play Music because I have to pay to use apples wireless music sync service. Google gives me 50,000 songs for free and its as painless as uploading it on my computer and having it available everywhere. * I used to have a Z5 Compact, which took multiple 20MP photos and sampled them into a single 8MP photo. I think the iPhone 5s took photos onpar with the Z5 compact. * I haven't had the 5s that long but a friend I know has had it for a year and it is still running as quick as it always did. iOS is very well optimised for older devices. * The phone doesn't give me too much data but I think the preinstalled apps take up less than 50MB, its hardly anything. * It's very easy to get used to the operating system from Android. It's similar in the aspect that you can swipe left on the home screen to get contextual info like current news and weather. Swiping from the top gives you notifications, but unlike android to get quick settings you swipe from the bottom.", ">>{mgroot} : I don't know the price difference between the two where you are, but I'd definitely check out the iPhone SE's price. That way you're getting a new phone (as in the internals) and not a nearly three year old one. I'd not be surprised if some of the new features in iOS 10 (whatever they might be) won't be supported on the 5S anymore", ">>{LokiKamiSama} : The android os on my LG tablet is complete crap. I hate how it operates, the layout, how to find things, how to delete apps, how to customize it and so on. Apple is much more user friendly. That being said, I love PC's and HATE Mac's.", '>>{TheJedinator} : How!? What do you have 27GB of????', '>>{idea_seeker} : I switched to iPhone from Android and hated it. At the first opportunity, a year later I went back to Android. IPhone is so restrictive. File transfers and moving stuff between apps and devices is a long process and frustrating. IPhones only have good hardware: the camera, build and processor. But their software - iOS - is shit.', '>>{Myfeelingsarehurt} : [Mine] (https://imgur.com/a/h17He) is mostly videos pics and movies', ">>{codemonkey85} : For what it's worth, whatever compression they're using is super, super good. Android Police [did a comparison a while back](http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/09/12/deep-dive-google-photos-not-grandmas-photo-album/) and the difference was nearly imperceptible.", '>>{IIIRUCKUSllI} : The software is actually the smoothest least buggy experience out of ios android and windows mobile. But yes it is definitely restrictive.', '>>{aristideau} : Just curious if you have ever used OS X?. I am a developer and was offered an late model air for relatively cheap (primarily to use for browsing / media watching). I was wary because I just assumed that it would be an underpowered toy, but was surprised at how fast it was. I now do all my development on my air (all my tools are available on OS X). The GUI is very intuitive and the complete lack of having to download drivers was a unexpected bonus. I have supported a friends W8 machine and it literally took minutes to find anything.', ">>{IhasTaco} : Same boat but mine is mostly hardcore porno It's just one continuous video that takes up 27gb I'm only 12 hours in", '>>{TheJedinator} : But u/doggscube stated no movies or audio......', '>>{LokiKamiSama} : I have not tried OS X. Mostly because I don\'t own a Mac (I can have a more powerful PC for a fraction of the cost, not to mention a larger screen. I was spoiled a long time ago by purchasing a Sony Vaio, 18.4" laptop. Not many companies make even close to that large of laptops). I will say the OLD OLD OLD OLD Apple computers were fun (I\'m talking the ancient Apple II\'s. I miss Oregon Trail and Number Muncher). I still can\'t get over having to "throw away" the disk to get it to eject. Really, how hard was it for Apple to include an eject button? Yes...I am bitter and set in my ways.', '>>{aidbal42} : If youre concerned about photos taking up too much space get Google Photos']]
classify and reply
['>>{VintageOG} : Seems like a much more difficult way to do something you can already to with the touch of a finger. Really only benefits amputees', ">>{Arcgav} : The iPhone 7 is a very solid phone. If you care about having the latest and greatest then wait. If you're not that tech savvy you won't be disappointed by the 7 even when the 8 comes out.", ">>{darthxaim} : You know, I've never thought of that. It definitely could help those disabled from the neck-down.", '>>{staceybonilla} : Weeks later, still no sign of a new travel order', '>>{VintageOG} : At first i thought it was useless for anyone thats not disabled, but as long as all gestures are fully customizable, i could find a use for them. I support anything that supports hands free porn', '>>{ureil} : I could see that being used for the Arma games but then again there are cheaper options that do the same thing', ">>{JKCIO} : I just got the 7+ last week after having gone from the original iPhone all the way through the 5s. The size is taking a little bit of time to get used to but it's great. Pictures and video are fantastic on the phone and the stereo speakers can be extremely loud for a phone. I'd highly recommend it and just know it may take some adjusting to but it's well worth it.", '>>{rk119} : They keep saying "next week." They\'re waiting for the intelligence agencies to provide reports of the threat, but they aren\'t cooperating.', ">>{CanyonNotDye} : I'm Indian. This would not work well for me.", '>>{ailboles} : You think they\'re in "Mom said no, go ask dad" mode? DHS said no, let\'s go to the CIA....', '>>{SATexas1} : Apparently we need to ban Americans from traveling to the Middle East', '>>{SATexas1} : Possibly, but now this exists as more evidence they have to overcome', ">>{lopan510} : Just get it...you won't be disappointed. I doubt the next one will be any smaller. I think the size is perfect. I came from a Note 4 and then a Nexus 6P though so I'm used to it. You'll dig it.", ">>{examinati0n} : I see little point in waiting to be perfectly honest. We know absolutely nothing about the next iPhone release, so can't comment on that. I mean if people tell you the bezel will be smaller and it isn't, it'll just be a disappointment. The question really is do you feel you can happily wait another 9 months with your current device or will you feel happier with the iPhone 7 Plus? It's a great device by all means but it's realistically too early for anyone to be recommending waiting on the next release when we know nothing about it. I honestly wouldn't expect the next release to be smaller in the Plus size but that too is speculation. If you can put up with Samsung for now maybe you should stay but if you want the easier life with an iPhone now rather than 9 months down the line, switch. It would make little sense in my head to wait.", ">>{ILikeCutePuppies} : The author is wrong on one thing. They won't have to code this for each game if they know what they are doing. They just need to hook certain input events when a game starts and the user can configure it. There are plenty of examples of this in other devices. For addional user simplicity they might provide some pre-made scripts.", ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : The 7 and 7 plus are going to get software updates for the next 4 or 5 years at least. That and if you're buying through a carrier you can just trade in your iPhone after a year for the newest model. So next January or February you could get the next iPhone. At least on Verizon and att.", '>>{granolaboi} : Bannon is just double checking it to make sure it passes through the courts.', '>>{McSwagger24} : Very good point I could just get it now and enjoy and if the new one is something I really want trade it in next year', '>>{McSwagger24} : Thanks I think enjoying for the next 9 months is worth it rather than waiting on speculated upgrades', '>>{JadasDePen} : Plus you could always sell the 7+ when the next iPhone comes out and make decent amount of your money back', '>>{AuroraHalsey} : Is there any reason to use this over an existing system like TrackIR?', '>>{HeisenbergPS2} : If a terrorist attack committed by a Muslim occurs, I guarantee they\'ll have their new order within 24 hours. Maybe they\'re waiting for the opportune moment? Or maybe they\'re still in "how do we pass this through the courts" mode.', '>>{Martincbk} : What is the price bump when you do this?', '>>{TurboChewy} : This is why eye tracking exists. Using it for map control would be super frustrating unless you have a really large screen. Large enough that you regularly move your head. Eye tracking is much more reliable here. I understand wanting to create additional controls for when your hands are tied up, but using the muscles that hold up your face? Not a good idea. Foot pedals have more potential.', ">>{tau-lepton} : How about a redneck killing two Indian engineers... no, wait that's the exact opposite...", ">>{Prairie_Dog} : It will be nine months before the next iPhone release. Buy one now on Apple's or a carriers trade in plan.", '>>{McCly89} : I can\'t wait to get one to go with my impact-sensor vibrating vest for a true eXtreme gaming experience. Also this is fucking dumb. Decent idea for people who are less mobile, but not that stupid "nod towards the enemy to fire" type shit.', '>>{CMDR_Grapist} : Track ir (really expensive) or a cheap EDtracker (http://www.edtracker.co.uk/shop) can allow any headset to do similar things.', ">>{falldownreddithole} : Very funny and creative, but it's a bad idea. It basically requires you to look away from the screen every time you want to use it. Also it looks really stupid. The headphones themselves aren't a beauty either. Can't see how anyone would use this.", ">>{bad-green-wolf} : Because they can't come up with anything that will pass the courts, if its a ban against only Muslims then they can't have it", ">>{Msshadow} : Trump's sunk just about any order the moment he made a a Muslim ban a campaign promise. His intent is clear and documented.", ">>{nairibee} : I wouldn't give him that much credit. All he does is whisper alt-right bullshit in Donny's ear."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{VintageOG} : Seems like a much more difficult way to do something you can already to with the touch of a finger. Really only benefits amputees', ">>{darthxaim} : You know, I've never thought of that. It definitely could help those disabled from the neck-down.", '>>{VintageOG} : At first i thought it was useless for anyone thats not disabled, but as long as all gestures are fully customizable, i could find a use for them. I support anything that supports hands free porn', '>>{ureil} : I could see that being used for the Arma games but then again there are cheaper options that do the same thing', ">>{CanyonNotDye} : I'm Indian. This would not work well for me.", ">>{ILikeCutePuppies} : The author is wrong on one thing. They won't have to code this for each game if they know what they are doing. They just need to hook certain input events when a game starts and the user can configure it. There are plenty of examples of this in other devices. For addional user simplicity they might provide some pre-made scripts.", '>>{AuroraHalsey} : Is there any reason to use this over an existing system like TrackIR?', '>>{TurboChewy} : This is why eye tracking exists. Using it for map control would be super frustrating unless you have a really large screen. Large enough that you regularly move your head. Eye tracking is much more reliable here. I understand wanting to create additional controls for when your hands are tied up, but using the muscles that hold up your face? Not a good idea. Foot pedals have more potential.', '>>{McCly89} : I can\'t wait to get one to go with my impact-sensor vibrating vest for a true eXtreme gaming experience. Also this is fucking dumb. Decent idea for people who are less mobile, but not that stupid "nod towards the enemy to fire" type shit.', '>>{CMDR_Grapist} : Track ir (really expensive) or a cheap EDtracker (http://www.edtracker.co.uk/shop) can allow any headset to do similar things.', ">>{falldownreddithole} : Very funny and creative, but it's a bad idea. It basically requires you to look away from the screen every time you want to use it. Also it looks really stupid. The headphones themselves aren't a beauty either. Can't see how anyone would use this."], ['>>{staceybonilla} : Weeks later, still no sign of a new travel order', '>>{rk119} : They keep saying "next week." They\'re waiting for the intelligence agencies to provide reports of the threat, but they aren\'t cooperating.', '>>{ailboles} : You think they\'re in "Mom said no, go ask dad" mode? DHS said no, let\'s go to the CIA....', '>>{SATexas1} : Apparently we need to ban Americans from traveling to the Middle East', '>>{SATexas1} : Possibly, but now this exists as more evidence they have to overcome', '>>{granolaboi} : Bannon is just double checking it to make sure it passes through the courts.', '>>{HeisenbergPS2} : If a terrorist attack committed by a Muslim occurs, I guarantee they\'ll have their new order within 24 hours. Maybe they\'re waiting for the opportune moment? Or maybe they\'re still in "how do we pass this through the courts" mode.', ">>{tau-lepton} : How about a redneck killing two Indian engineers... no, wait that's the exact opposite...", ">>{bad-green-wolf} : Because they can't come up with anything that will pass the courts, if its a ban against only Muslims then they can't have it", ">>{Msshadow} : Trump's sunk just about any order the moment he made a a Muslim ban a campaign promise. His intent is clear and documented.", ">>{nairibee} : I wouldn't give him that much credit. All he does is whisper alt-right bullshit in Donny's ear."], [">>{Arcgav} : The iPhone 7 is a very solid phone. If you care about having the latest and greatest then wait. If you're not that tech savvy you won't be disappointed by the 7 even when the 8 comes out.", ">>{JKCIO} : I just got the 7+ last week after having gone from the original iPhone all the way through the 5s. The size is taking a little bit of time to get used to but it's great. Pictures and video are fantastic on the phone and the stereo speakers can be extremely loud for a phone. I'd highly recommend it and just know it may take some adjusting to but it's well worth it.", ">>{lopan510} : Just get it...you won't be disappointed. I doubt the next one will be any smaller. I think the size is perfect. I came from a Note 4 and then a Nexus 6P though so I'm used to it. You'll dig it.", ">>{examinati0n} : I see little point in waiting to be perfectly honest. We know absolutely nothing about the next iPhone release, so can't comment on that. I mean if people tell you the bezel will be smaller and it isn't, it'll just be a disappointment. The question really is do you feel you can happily wait another 9 months with your current device or will you feel happier with the iPhone 7 Plus? It's a great device by all means but it's realistically too early for anyone to be recommending waiting on the next release when we know nothing about it. I honestly wouldn't expect the next release to be smaller in the Plus size but that too is speculation. If you can put up with Samsung for now maybe you should stay but if you want the easier life with an iPhone now rather than 9 months down the line, switch. It would make little sense in my head to wait.", ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : The 7 and 7 plus are going to get software updates for the next 4 or 5 years at least. That and if you're buying through a carrier you can just trade in your iPhone after a year for the newest model. So next January or February you could get the next iPhone. At least on Verizon and att.", '>>{McSwagger24} : Very good point I could just get it now and enjoy and if the new one is something I really want trade it in next year', '>>{McSwagger24} : Thanks I think enjoying for the next 9 months is worth it rather than waiting on speculated upgrades', '>>{JadasDePen} : Plus you could always sell the 7+ when the next iPhone comes out and make decent amount of your money back', '>>{Martincbk} : What is the price bump when you do this?', ">>{Prairie_Dog} : It will be nine months before the next iPhone release. Buy one now on Apple's or a carriers trade in plan."]]
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['>>{ManiaforBeatles} : U.S. Urged Ecuador to Act Against WikiLeaks Leader Assange', ">>{niceloner10463484} : Does anyone here believe that if Siri didn't exist that the iphone would have been just as successful this whole time?", '>>{CHarrisMedia} : I think the majority of people don\'t actually use Siri at all, it appeals to a small few as most people just either don\'t see it as convenient, find it embarrassing when in public or don\'t realise what it can actually do. So to answer your question, yes, I don\'t think it\'s one of the "Killer features" iPhone\'s are known for.', ">>{Om_ShantiShanti} : I don't need a news article to tell me *that*.", ">>{chlehqls} : Most likely. It's not like Siri has been a major selling point for iPhones. It's primarily a novelty.", ">>{MarcoVincenzo} : If I had to choose between him and Clinton, I'd vote for Trump. Fortunately there's a third choice so I'm voting for Gary Johnson.", ">>{blcfla} : Never used it, turned it off and now that I can turn off voice control it's total tranquility.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : What is Hillary Clintons excuse? she had better be glad trump is in the race...its not like her favoribility is anything to be proud of..and is not like its his fault people see her as "shitty politician"', '>>{lukeper1111} : While i, like many others, dont use siri too often or at all even, i feel like the implementation of Siri into the iPhone 4s was a big selling point for iphones at the time', ">>{examinati0n} : I don't think Siri is a draw for anyone today. Maybe when it was first implemented by Apple there was a buzz around it but I think it more or less disappointed the masses. Today I don't even think people are considering Siri in an iPhone when we have strong competition from the likes of Alexa and Cortana. But I do think it will be more of an issue going forward. Not necessarily in the next 2-5 years but I think as we see personal assistants being adapted into technology (for use in cars, home appliances, etc) Siri could become make or break for some. Especially professionals. The technology is moving forward and Siri seems to be left behind.", ">>{Unwellington} : So what? He's not a US citizen and he's not on American soil. It's not like they whacked him.", ">>{GoBlue1374} : I'm the only person that I know that actually uses siri and I don't use it all that often. Everyone else has it turned off completely.", '>>{BefallenTragedy} : Good. He had no right to meddle in the election in such a partisan way.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Of course. Ecuador has a great government which doesn't want to appear to be meddling in US elections", ">>{niceloner10463484} : Yeah Siri doesn't seem to be very accurate, more of an advertisement.", '>>{dominoid73} : As they should when a foreign actor tries to interfere in our elections.', ">>{RedditYearTwo} : I'd throw him out too if he was my guest and acted the the way he does.", '>>{HeinzTomatoMustard} : Im pretty sure Hillary is waaay more disliked among Americans.', ">>{regionalfire} : Hillary is probably more unliked, considering even liberals don't like her.", ">>{trumpuni} : Nope there is a huge difference between the two. Trump is simply the wrong choice on every level. Hillary may have some faults, but overall she's infinitely better than Trump.", '>>{DominarRygelThe16th} : What\'s more interesting is that if he weren\'t running, Clinton would be the "most unliked potus contender in modern times".', ">>{wrinkles88} : Definitely. I didn't even have to question this.", '>>{tipshiro} : The only person more liked by America than Bernie is Edward Snowden.', ">>{Kuro207} : If true, it's a rock-stupid move. Not only will it have no effect on the leaks (which don't seem to have had much impact on the election so far anyway), but it's questionable how much control Assange still has over the organization.", '>>{TrnDownForWOT} : I don\'t think Siri is a deciding factor for most. It\'s an enhancement to the function of the phone. I think you ask this question because you think Siri isn\'t useful and I agree with you. I wish Siri was as good as Google Now is... Siri\'s voice recognition is often painful to use so I dont use it. I used Google Now all the time because voice recognition and overall functionality was amazing and would do what I asked on the first try. It would even spell words for me that I barely knew how to pronounce... Siri... Well, ask her to navigate to "Ulta"....', ">>{AvoidMySnipes} : I use Siri too much. I'm not sure why people don't use it. She can read your texts, reply to texts, start navigation to a certain place, call places without you having to search their number. Lots of possibilities all without touching your phone! Will never buy an Android all thanks to Siri.", ">>{mathieu_delarue} : Good. He's trying to fuck with our election.", '>>{the_schlonger} : >Clinton Second-Most Unliked POTUS Contender in Modern Times Great field of candidates we got here this year.', '>>{the_schlonger} : But I can guarantee that the media would never state it or run fluff pieces like this about it.', ">>{TIFUbyResponding} : When Siri came out people went nuts for it. I also remember my girlfriend (now wife) couldn't get it to understand her no matter how hard she tried. Not in english, not in spanish, EVENTUALLY in German I believe, and she has no accent whatsoever. Me personally? I never use the thing. I never used voice commands on Android, I never use them with Siri. I also have a ton of friends (who all use iPhones) that SWEAR by Siri and voice commands. I think that while the enthusiast segment gave up on it, the general public who are tech illiterate just love the feature.", ">>{teedoff087} : Siri isn't great on iPhone compared to its competitors. on Apple TV, it works pretty great for what you would use it for on that platform. I think with all the competition on the mobile platforms, Siri is losing.", ">>{thrshe4} : It's not like they had to put much pressure on them: >A source familiar with the situation says the Ecuadoran government has been frustrated with Assange and his presence at the embassy in London for months and has been considering how best to proceed.", '>>{SyslogPlease} : I use voice commands all the time.... On the Google app', ">>{NoFunHere} : The US Department of State didn't take this action when droves of highly classified documents were released. But when emails that harm the anointed one are released they will act to suppress information that is not classified but damaging to Clinton. Honestly, this only feeds into Trump's narrative that the election is rigged. We already know that the State Department was working to protect Clinton's state department emails from becoming public so this only feeds the narrative even more.", '>>{themisfit610} : Exactly. I have literally no use for Siri.', ">>{trumpuni} : Yeah no chance she'll be indicted. Keep dreaming.", ">>{Darth_Banal} : She's not far behind, but your comment makes it sound like all conservatives like Trump. Is that what you're implying?", ">>{NotaFrenchMaid} : When she understands you, she's great. When you have any sort of an accent, she's a lot less useful lol.", '>>{demosthenes131} : Oh look. Something remotely critical of Clinton downvoted to 0...', '>>{solinvictus21} : Me neither, although I weirdly use Alexa on my two Amazon Dots constantly, and it\'s virtually the same target audience. I think it\'s something about being able to just speak out loud wherever I am in my home without having to first pull my phone out of my pocket before I start asking a question. I also find the trigger phrase "Hey, Siri!" adds significant awkwardness compared to just starting my own sentence with, "Alexa, ...".', '>>{Yetislaver} : If you had only been using this sub for news you would have no idea about the recent leaks. Censoring is at an all time high.', '>>{LookAtTheFlowers} : I only use her for three things: - Math - Conversions (e.g. miles to km) - Identifying songs Alexa is vastly superior. I wish Apple would take note, but it will probably take a while for that change to occur.', ">>{flightlesswhitebird} : Doesn't mean she shouldn't be. Everything people pin on Trump Clinton has done worse. Trump U? Clinton did the same thing to the tune of millions Racism? Super predators. Lgbt? She regularly does work with countries that actively kill lgbt. But hell shes better because you're told shes better.", '>>{lytes} : Just toyed around with the idea of DRONING him.', '>>{almondbutter} : Remember the monsters in the comment sections concerning this news when news of the cut off first happened? Those evil bastards.', '>>{michaelkloud} : Siri sucks besides basic commands like "what\'s the weather". Everything else goes to "I don\'t understand blah blah blah so let me google that for you"', '>>{Saltysweetcake} : How would this be critical of Clinton? The US should do all it can to get Assange aka Putin propaganda agent.', ">>{skellener} : I've never turned Siri on once in all the time I have multiple iPhones.", '>>{petecash} : Lmao hillary is nowhere near trump. Although her numbers are bad too. The b b b b b but what about hillary crowd are out in force today. As bad as clintons favorables are, trumps are out of this world', '>>{Outlaw-In-Law} : Psst...Hillary\'s a former "Goldwater Girl".', '>>{niceloner10463484} : Does apple even have reason to try and catch up in the voice command category? Or are good cameras and fast processors enough for them?', '>>{Tstoharri} : Siri actually can\'t identify a song for me... I ask "what\'s this song" and she replies "sorry, I can\'t do that because I can\'t find "music" on your iPhone".', '>>{BlueDogDem62} : Keep dreaming, Hillary is going to be the nominee.', ">>{vabello} : I rarely ever use Siri. I really wouldn't miss it if Siri wasn't on the iPhone anymore in its current implementation. The problem with Siri and most of these assistants is that you never know the limits of the system. Any other application with a touch interface or GUI, you have a clear map of what you can and can't do with the application right in front of you. With Siri or anything similar you're just taking stabs in the dark at what it might be able to do... and it often disappoints. It cannot learn to do things and the experience is often just frustrating if you say something in a way it's not expecting, even if it's able to do it. Often times, companies are also trying to push features or functionality into a different UI paradigm that is less efficient and already has an excellent interface that doesn't need to be supplanted by some new gimmick. I hope this all changes as time moves on, but I personally hate talking in the first place... to people in general. I certainly don't want to talk to my electronic devices. The ideal UI would be thought control. All existing UI's to date are far to slow to interact with and are constantly in our way. We know what we want to do and can think it far faster than speaking it, typing it, clicking, tapping, etc. That will be the next and ultimate revolutionary interface, whenever it becomes a reality... TelepathyUI", ">>{rj20876} : Hillarys only selling point is, I'm not Trump. That sure as hell inspires confidence.", ">>{runeruly} : I use it when i am lazy, which is often. But it's not a highly differentiating factor for iphones", ">>{SanStarko} : 100%. Siri and her near complete inability to understand my accent (I've got a strong Scottish accent) plus how bad Apple Maps is here in Scotland have been the two things stopping me from switching over to an iPhone completely. Alexa can understand me most of the time, and Ok Google is near enough perfect, but the vast majority of the time Siri hasn't got a clue what I said.", '>>{PsychoWorld} : Why does Siri suck so badly compared to google now? Or Google assistant? Apple is far behind in this department.', '>>{KazakiLion} : Politics has gotten more polarized. Few people check the "Neutral" or "Somewhat Dislike" box during polls now. While Trump and Clinton are greatly disliked figures, any generic Republican or Democrat running this year had a strong change of breaking that record.', ">>{KazakiLion} : No? We're dealing with numbers here, you don't have to assume. Trump's unfavorables of 70% are larger than Clinton's unfavorables of 55%.", '>>{theendofanerror} : The guy said she\'s disliked my "More" Americans than Trump not that she\'s disliked by most which I didn\'t argue.', '>>{cratermoon} : Indeed. A neoliberal on economic policy and a neocon on foreign policy.', '>>{cipher29} : Set a reminder for .... Set an alarm for .... The only two reasons I use Siri. On the first she fucks it up 90% of the time.', '>>{hathmandu} : No true scotsman!!!!1!11!!!', ">>{Scardrone} : I use siri for hands free when I'm driving, it's kinda useful then. Also when my phone is charging away from my desk I can ask how much it has charged or if I have any notifications. It's not all that bad", ">>{RodeoRex} : Siri is great on the Apple Watch. As soon as you have your phone in your hand it's a lot quicker to do everything manually.", ">>{scrat72} : I use Siri a fair bit, mostly for convenience. In the car, hands free calls and messages. Setting timers when cooking (hands get wet or dirty), setting reminders and to do lists. That's the gist of it, I find Siri unreliable for anything else.", '>>{WarHundreds} : The only time I ever really use siri is for finding a title of a song or making calls and sending texts for me while I drive.', ">>{avEmonsta} : Never used Siri one bit. It's too dumb for anything. I've actually used Allo mainly for Google Assistant.", ">>{shasamdoop} : Came here to say the same thing. I don't use it very often on the phone but I use it ALL THE TIME on the watch", ">>{OptionalCookie} : Why not, Hey, Siri, can you tell me the weather? That works too. I use Siri because I don't have Alexa :(", ">>{rackcountry} : I sometimes use her to set alarms and timers, other than that I don't use her at all.", ">>{az116} : It's pretty great that Siri was able to teach your wife two other languages!", ">>{insmek} : I've been using it since I got an Apple Watch to set timers while cooking. It's the only real use I've ever gotten out of Siri. Handy though.", '>>{solinvictus21} : Makes sense. I\'ll start trying that. I have no emotional attachment to one or the other. Perhaps my AppleTVs just need a microphone with Siri listening in. Edit: It\'s just so convenient to say, "Alexa, what time is it?" Edit2: Just tried, "Hey, Siri, what time is it?" Got, "It\'s 10:49 PM. Good evening, Kyle." I don\'t need the fucking commentary. Just give me the time.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ManiaforBeatles} : U.S. Urged Ecuador to Act Against WikiLeaks Leader Assange', ">>{Unwellington} : So what? He's not a US citizen and he's not on American soil. It's not like they whacked him.", '>>{BefallenTragedy} : Good. He had no right to meddle in the election in such a partisan way.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Of course. Ecuador has a great government which doesn't want to appear to be meddling in US elections", '>>{dominoid73} : As they should when a foreign actor tries to interfere in our elections.', ">>{RedditYearTwo} : I'd throw him out too if he was my guest and acted the the way he does.", ">>{Kuro207} : If true, it's a rock-stupid move. Not only will it have no effect on the leaks (which don't seem to have had much impact on the election so far anyway), but it's questionable how much control Assange still has over the organization.", ">>{mathieu_delarue} : Good. He's trying to fuck with our election.", ">>{thrshe4} : It's not like they had to put much pressure on them: >A source familiar with the situation says the Ecuadoran government has been frustrated with Assange and his presence at the embassy in London for months and has been considering how best to proceed.", ">>{NoFunHere} : The US Department of State didn't take this action when droves of highly classified documents were released. But when emails that harm the anointed one are released they will act to suppress information that is not classified but damaging to Clinton. Honestly, this only feeds into Trump's narrative that the election is rigged. We already know that the State Department was working to protect Clinton's state department emails from becoming public so this only feeds the narrative even more.", '>>{demosthenes131} : Oh look. Something remotely critical of Clinton downvoted to 0...', '>>{Yetislaver} : If you had only been using this sub for news you would have no idea about the recent leaks. Censoring is at an all time high.', '>>{lytes} : Just toyed around with the idea of DRONING him.', '>>{almondbutter} : Remember the monsters in the comment sections concerning this news when news of the cut off first happened? Those evil bastards.', '>>{Saltysweetcake} : How would this be critical of Clinton? The US should do all it can to get Assange aka Putin propaganda agent.'], [">>{niceloner10463484} : Does anyone here believe that if Siri didn't exist that the iphone would have been just as successful this whole time?", '>>{CHarrisMedia} : I think the majority of people don\'t actually use Siri at all, it appeals to a small few as most people just either don\'t see it as convenient, find it embarrassing when in public or don\'t realise what it can actually do. So to answer your question, yes, I don\'t think it\'s one of the "Killer features" iPhone\'s are known for.', ">>{chlehqls} : Most likely. It's not like Siri has been a major selling point for iPhones. It's primarily a novelty.", ">>{blcfla} : Never used it, turned it off and now that I can turn off voice control it's total tranquility.", '>>{lukeper1111} : While i, like many others, dont use siri too often or at all even, i feel like the implementation of Siri into the iPhone 4s was a big selling point for iphones at the time', ">>{examinati0n} : I don't think Siri is a draw for anyone today. Maybe when it was first implemented by Apple there was a buzz around it but I think it more or less disappointed the masses. Today I don't even think people are considering Siri in an iPhone when we have strong competition from the likes of Alexa and Cortana. But I do think it will be more of an issue going forward. Not necessarily in the next 2-5 years but I think as we see personal assistants being adapted into technology (for use in cars, home appliances, etc) Siri could become make or break for some. Especially professionals. The technology is moving forward and Siri seems to be left behind.", ">>{GoBlue1374} : I'm the only person that I know that actually uses siri and I don't use it all that often. Everyone else has it turned off completely.", ">>{niceloner10463484} : Yeah Siri doesn't seem to be very accurate, more of an advertisement.", ">>{wrinkles88} : Definitely. I didn't even have to question this.", '>>{TrnDownForWOT} : I don\'t think Siri is a deciding factor for most. It\'s an enhancement to the function of the phone. I think you ask this question because you think Siri isn\'t useful and I agree with you. I wish Siri was as good as Google Now is... Siri\'s voice recognition is often painful to use so I dont use it. I used Google Now all the time because voice recognition and overall functionality was amazing and would do what I asked on the first try. It would even spell words for me that I barely knew how to pronounce... Siri... Well, ask her to navigate to "Ulta"....', ">>{AvoidMySnipes} : I use Siri too much. I'm not sure why people don't use it. She can read your texts, reply to texts, start navigation to a certain place, call places without you having to search their number. Lots of possibilities all without touching your phone! Will never buy an Android all thanks to Siri.", ">>{TIFUbyResponding} : When Siri came out people went nuts for it. I also remember my girlfriend (now wife) couldn't get it to understand her no matter how hard she tried. Not in english, not in spanish, EVENTUALLY in German I believe, and she has no accent whatsoever. Me personally? I never use the thing. I never used voice commands on Android, I never use them with Siri. I also have a ton of friends (who all use iPhones) that SWEAR by Siri and voice commands. I think that while the enthusiast segment gave up on it, the general public who are tech illiterate just love the feature.", ">>{teedoff087} : Siri isn't great on iPhone compared to its competitors. on Apple TV, it works pretty great for what you would use it for on that platform. I think with all the competition on the mobile platforms, Siri is losing.", '>>{SyslogPlease} : I use voice commands all the time.... On the Google app', '>>{themisfit610} : Exactly. I have literally no use for Siri.', ">>{NotaFrenchMaid} : When she understands you, she's great. When you have any sort of an accent, she's a lot less useful lol.", '>>{solinvictus21} : Me neither, although I weirdly use Alexa on my two Amazon Dots constantly, and it\'s virtually the same target audience. I think it\'s something about being able to just speak out loud wherever I am in my home without having to first pull my phone out of my pocket before I start asking a question. I also find the trigger phrase "Hey, Siri!" adds significant awkwardness compared to just starting my own sentence with, "Alexa, ...".', '>>{LookAtTheFlowers} : I only use her for three things: - Math - Conversions (e.g. miles to km) - Identifying songs Alexa is vastly superior. I wish Apple would take note, but it will probably take a while for that change to occur.', '>>{michaelkloud} : Siri sucks besides basic commands like "what\'s the weather". Everything else goes to "I don\'t understand blah blah blah so let me google that for you"', ">>{skellener} : I've never turned Siri on once in all the time I have multiple iPhones.", '>>{niceloner10463484} : Does apple even have reason to try and catch up in the voice command category? Or are good cameras and fast processors enough for them?', '>>{Tstoharri} : Siri actually can\'t identify a song for me... I ask "what\'s this song" and she replies "sorry, I can\'t do that because I can\'t find "music" on your iPhone".', ">>{vabello} : I rarely ever use Siri. I really wouldn't miss it if Siri wasn't on the iPhone anymore in its current implementation. The problem with Siri and most of these assistants is that you never know the limits of the system. Any other application with a touch interface or GUI, you have a clear map of what you can and can't do with the application right in front of you. With Siri or anything similar you're just taking stabs in the dark at what it might be able to do... and it often disappoints. It cannot learn to do things and the experience is often just frustrating if you say something in a way it's not expecting, even if it's able to do it. Often times, companies are also trying to push features or functionality into a different UI paradigm that is less efficient and already has an excellent interface that doesn't need to be supplanted by some new gimmick. I hope this all changes as time moves on, but I personally hate talking in the first place... to people in general. I certainly don't want to talk to my electronic devices. The ideal UI would be thought control. All existing UI's to date are far to slow to interact with and are constantly in our way. We know what we want to do and can think it far faster than speaking it, typing it, clicking, tapping, etc. That will be the next and ultimate revolutionary interface, whenever it becomes a reality... TelepathyUI", ">>{runeruly} : I use it when i am lazy, which is often. But it's not a highly differentiating factor for iphones", ">>{SanStarko} : 100%. Siri and her near complete inability to understand my accent (I've got a strong Scottish accent) plus how bad Apple Maps is here in Scotland have been the two things stopping me from switching over to an iPhone completely. Alexa can understand me most of the time, and Ok Google is near enough perfect, but the vast majority of the time Siri hasn't got a clue what I said.", '>>{PsychoWorld} : Why does Siri suck so badly compared to google now? Or Google assistant? Apple is far behind in this department.', '>>{cipher29} : Set a reminder for .... Set an alarm for .... The only two reasons I use Siri. On the first she fucks it up 90% of the time.', ">>{Scardrone} : I use siri for hands free when I'm driving, it's kinda useful then. Also when my phone is charging away from my desk I can ask how much it has charged or if I have any notifications. It's not all that bad", ">>{RodeoRex} : Siri is great on the Apple Watch. As soon as you have your phone in your hand it's a lot quicker to do everything manually.", ">>{scrat72} : I use Siri a fair bit, mostly for convenience. In the car, hands free calls and messages. Setting timers when cooking (hands get wet or dirty), setting reminders and to do lists. That's the gist of it, I find Siri unreliable for anything else.", '>>{WarHundreds} : The only time I ever really use siri is for finding a title of a song or making calls and sending texts for me while I drive.', ">>{avEmonsta} : Never used Siri one bit. It's too dumb for anything. I've actually used Allo mainly for Google Assistant.", ">>{shasamdoop} : Came here to say the same thing. I don't use it very often on the phone but I use it ALL THE TIME on the watch", ">>{OptionalCookie} : Why not, Hey, Siri, can you tell me the weather? That works too. I use Siri because I don't have Alexa :(", ">>{rackcountry} : I sometimes use her to set alarms and timers, other than that I don't use her at all.", ">>{az116} : It's pretty great that Siri was able to teach your wife two other languages!", ">>{insmek} : I've been using it since I got an Apple Watch to set timers while cooking. It's the only real use I've ever gotten out of Siri. Handy though.", '>>{solinvictus21} : Makes sense. I\'ll start trying that. I have no emotional attachment to one or the other. Perhaps my AppleTVs just need a microphone with Siri listening in. Edit: It\'s just so convenient to say, "Alexa, what time is it?" Edit2: Just tried, "Hey, Siri, what time is it?" Got, "It\'s 10:49 PM. Good evening, Kyle." I don\'t need the fucking commentary. Just give me the time.'], [">>{Om_ShantiShanti} : I don't need a news article to tell me *that*.", ">>{MarcoVincenzo} : If I had to choose between him and Clinton, I'd vote for Trump. Fortunately there's a third choice so I'm voting for Gary Johnson.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : What is Hillary Clintons excuse? she had better be glad trump is in the race...its not like her favoribility is anything to be proud of..and is not like its his fault people see her as "shitty politician"', '>>{HeinzTomatoMustard} : Im pretty sure Hillary is waaay more disliked among Americans.', ">>{regionalfire} : Hillary is probably more unliked, considering even liberals don't like her.", ">>{trumpuni} : Nope there is a huge difference between the two. Trump is simply the wrong choice on every level. Hillary may have some faults, but overall she's infinitely better than Trump.", '>>{DominarRygelThe16th} : What\'s more interesting is that if he weren\'t running, Clinton would be the "most unliked potus contender in modern times".', '>>{tipshiro} : The only person more liked by America than Bernie is Edward Snowden.', '>>{the_schlonger} : >Clinton Second-Most Unliked POTUS Contender in Modern Times Great field of candidates we got here this year.', '>>{the_schlonger} : But I can guarantee that the media would never state it or run fluff pieces like this about it.', ">>{trumpuni} : Yeah no chance she'll be indicted. Keep dreaming.", ">>{Darth_Banal} : She's not far behind, but your comment makes it sound like all conservatives like Trump. Is that what you're implying?", ">>{flightlesswhitebird} : Doesn't mean she shouldn't be. Everything people pin on Trump Clinton has done worse. Trump U? Clinton did the same thing to the tune of millions Racism? Super predators. Lgbt? She regularly does work with countries that actively kill lgbt. But hell shes better because you're told shes better.", '>>{petecash} : Lmao hillary is nowhere near trump. Although her numbers are bad too. The b b b b b but what about hillary crowd are out in force today. As bad as clintons favorables are, trumps are out of this world', '>>{Outlaw-In-Law} : Psst...Hillary\'s a former "Goldwater Girl".', '>>{BlueDogDem62} : Keep dreaming, Hillary is going to be the nominee.', ">>{rj20876} : Hillarys only selling point is, I'm not Trump. That sure as hell inspires confidence.", '>>{KazakiLion} : Politics has gotten more polarized. Few people check the "Neutral" or "Somewhat Dislike" box during polls now. While Trump and Clinton are greatly disliked figures, any generic Republican or Democrat running this year had a strong change of breaking that record.', ">>{KazakiLion} : No? We're dealing with numbers here, you don't have to assume. Trump's unfavorables of 70% are larger than Clinton's unfavorables of 55%.", '>>{theendofanerror} : The guy said she\'s disliked my "More" Americans than Trump not that she\'s disliked by most which I didn\'t argue.', '>>{cratermoon} : Indeed. A neoliberal on economic policy and a neocon on foreign policy.', '>>{hathmandu} : No true scotsman!!!!1!11!!!']]
classify and reply
['>>{ruskeeblue} : This Republican bill would let your employer demand access to your genetic information', '>>{GonzoNation} : The article is great. >The “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,” which sailed through the House Committee on Education and the Workforce last week on a 22-17 party-line vote with Republicans in the majority, is “an ugly piece of legislation,” warns Nicholas Bagley of the University of Michigan. The measure, he reports, would “effectively allow businesses to require their employees to disclose lots of sensitive medical data, including their genetic information.” In violation of HIPAA law.', ">>{mckulty} : And as public servants, the genetic information of legislators and elected officials should be public information. Preserving the wellness of our elected officials is in the country's best interest.", '>>{mckulty} : If we pay for the health care of public officials, we are included in the HIPAA exemption for providers of "treatment, **payment**, and health care operations."', ">>{tickle_mittens} : Doesn't matter. Had a big dick, went to Titan.", '>>{zerobuddhas} : You are not a citizen. You are resource from which labor is harvested. Your income is the minimum amount of resources they can expend in order to harvest your labor and time. Now go procreate and worship jesus so you do not have the time, energy or inclination to be aware of your servitude. Also pay your taxes.', ">>{GonzoNation} : It would be great. First, lets vote out all the Republicans. I pray for the cult dwellers who live in Louie Gohmert's district d that they may once again live in the light.", '>>{ItsDarts} : The Party of LESS government intrusion? Blow me!', '>>{ebeptonian} : Ah, the PEWP Act. It sounds like poop, smells like poop, and even came from a bunch of assholes.', ">>{tugboats_nd_arson} : jokes on them, i'm adopted and know nothing of my genetic information. ¯\\ \\_(ツ)_/¯", ">>{Seeeab} : Haha, joke's on them, I've been empty and useless since the day I was sowed.", '>>{NAmember81} : I\'m sure in the encyploia size law book which makes up HIPAA a sentence could be found which rubber stamps dressed in robes (judges) could "interpret" as allowing, even supporting, this legislation. Edit: downvoters are naive if you think judges can\'t interpret this law as patriotic and not violating HIPPA. Courts are already attacking HIPPA and more and more health services related to court mandated services require you to sign away your HIPPA priveidges (related to your mandated drug treatment) or go to jail.', '>>{NAmember81} : This could be used to not hire Jews. Jews are statistically more likely to have certain medical conditions and this law would allow corporations and businesses to covertly discriminate against folks with Jewish heritage.', '>>{ansultares} : This bill does nothing the Affordable Care Act wasn\'t already doing. In fact, all it does is increase the discount on premiums for participating in an employer-sponsored wellness program from 30% to 50%, a 66% increase, while defining Nondiscriminatory Workplace Wellness Programs (which if I\'m not mistaken are NOT defined in the ACA). If you\'re just noticing the disclaimer at the bottom regarding the collection of genetic information, you really need to go read up on the Affordable Care Act. The bill in question here is [H.R.1313](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1313/text), and it\'s well hyper-linked. Here\'s the bit the clickbait thread title is referring to: > Collection of information.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the collection of information about the manifested disease or disorder of a family member shall not be considered an unlawful acquisition of genetic information with respect to another family member as part of a workplace wellness program described in paragraph (1) or (2) offered by an employer (or in conjunction with an employer-sponsored health plan described in section 2705(j) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg–4(j))) and shall not violate title I or title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–233). For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term “family member” has the meaning given such term in section 201 of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (Public Law 110–233). All it states is that the collection of information does not violate Title I or Title II of the 2008 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. But the collection of information was already protected in both GINA and in the ACA. All this really does is highlight what was already standard practice. It doesn\'t even expand it. And it DOES NOT allow employers or insurance providers to do anything they weren\'t already allowed to do. Which is to say, your employer was already forbidden from discriminating against you on the basis of "genetic information." In GINA and the ACA, they\'re free to discriminate against you on the basis of "non-genetic information," which could be paraphrased as "observed instances of \'disorder.\'" In the context, I read disorder to include "mental health issues." And the ACA already protects insurers rights to increase your premiums on the basis of collected genetic information. I did a whole post on this here several days back. I guess the LA Time didn\'t catch it. H.R.1313 showcases how we should be reforming the ACA, by highlighting it\'s more damaging elements and having a discussion about it. But the Republican bill itself is benign. Total clickbait article.', ">>{tugboats_nd_arson} : damn they're going that far? i thought them even asking for you to provide it in the first place was bad, shit", ">>{ansultares} : > The article is great. It can't possibly be. Go read my response elsewhere in this thread. I spent several hours diving into it the other day. The spin on this is highly misleading. Or go read the bill yourself. [H.R.1313](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1313/text) is very well hyper-linked. Linked in it is [GINA](http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ233.110.pdf), the [ACA](http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ148.111.pdf), and the following US codes [USC 2000ff-1](http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:2000ff-1%20edition:prelim), [USC 300gg-4](http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:300gg-4%20edition:prelim). WARNING: first two are PDFs, from safe sources. I'll see if I can drag up links for my posts on this from several days ago.", ">>{possiblepeanut} : I have read this thing three times, trying to find what the article says about it but it says the exact opposite. It forces congressional incentivized workplace wellness programs to comply with laws already on the books - and not the other way around by creating new ones. Compliance with laws that protect the employee. It keeps data collection from over-reaching and forces employers to provide an viable alternative path and time frame to an employee should they refuse to comply. Meaning - it protects employees from an overzealous company that over reaches. Creating an alternative to allow the employee to refuse is a good thing. It prevents a business from threatening a person's job, while not penalizing the employer for having an employee refuse to participate. How is that not a good thing. If anything - it highlights the need for it of those exceptions don't already exist.", ">>{MYC0B0T} : Let's head down the road to Gattaca, shall we?", '>>{Katejaysee} : Canada just passed a bill against this. Trudeau called it unconstitutional because it blurs the line between federal and provincial jurisdictions.(which is stupid because healthcare usually does) But a lot of Liberals still voted for it against their party leader.', '>>{Jarsky2} : Sooo... Anyone else here read *The Barcode Tattoo* as kids?', ">>{DjinniLord} : I fucking LOVED Gattaca, I only recently found out most people think it's a shit movie.", ">>{GonzoNation} : > It can't possibly be. It is. It makes numerous points that are worth reading. It has done a good job of raising these points.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The 4th Amendment is a right. Not a privilege. Tread lightly.', ">>{SpoofWagon} : I'd be game to pass this if it required a mental health screening for all public office holders. Fastest way to kill this bill."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ruskeeblue} : This Republican bill would let your employer demand access to your genetic information', '>>{GonzoNation} : The article is great. >The “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,” which sailed through the House Committee on Education and the Workforce last week on a 22-17 party-line vote with Republicans in the majority, is “an ugly piece of legislation,” warns Nicholas Bagley of the University of Michigan. The measure, he reports, would “effectively allow businesses to require their employees to disclose lots of sensitive medical data, including their genetic information.” In violation of HIPAA law.', ">>{mckulty} : And as public servants, the genetic information of legislators and elected officials should be public information. Preserving the wellness of our elected officials is in the country's best interest.", '>>{mckulty} : If we pay for the health care of public officials, we are included in the HIPAA exemption for providers of "treatment, **payment**, and health care operations."', ">>{tickle_mittens} : Doesn't matter. Had a big dick, went to Titan.", '>>{zerobuddhas} : You are not a citizen. You are resource from which labor is harvested. Your income is the minimum amount of resources they can expend in order to harvest your labor and time. Now go procreate and worship jesus so you do not have the time, energy or inclination to be aware of your servitude. Also pay your taxes.', ">>{GonzoNation} : It would be great. First, lets vote out all the Republicans. I pray for the cult dwellers who live in Louie Gohmert's district d that they may once again live in the light.", '>>{ItsDarts} : The Party of LESS government intrusion? Blow me!', '>>{ebeptonian} : Ah, the PEWP Act. It sounds like poop, smells like poop, and even came from a bunch of assholes.', ">>{tugboats_nd_arson} : jokes on them, i'm adopted and know nothing of my genetic information. ¯\\ \\_(ツ)_/¯", ">>{Seeeab} : Haha, joke's on them, I've been empty and useless since the day I was sowed.", '>>{NAmember81} : I\'m sure in the encyploia size law book which makes up HIPAA a sentence could be found which rubber stamps dressed in robes (judges) could "interpret" as allowing, even supporting, this legislation. Edit: downvoters are naive if you think judges can\'t interpret this law as patriotic and not violating HIPPA. Courts are already attacking HIPPA and more and more health services related to court mandated services require you to sign away your HIPPA priveidges (related to your mandated drug treatment) or go to jail.', '>>{NAmember81} : This could be used to not hire Jews. Jews are statistically more likely to have certain medical conditions and this law would allow corporations and businesses to covertly discriminate against folks with Jewish heritage.', '>>{ansultares} : This bill does nothing the Affordable Care Act wasn\'t already doing. In fact, all it does is increase the discount on premiums for participating in an employer-sponsored wellness program from 30% to 50%, a 66% increase, while defining Nondiscriminatory Workplace Wellness Programs (which if I\'m not mistaken are NOT defined in the ACA). If you\'re just noticing the disclaimer at the bottom regarding the collection of genetic information, you really need to go read up on the Affordable Care Act. The bill in question here is [H.R.1313](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1313/text), and it\'s well hyper-linked. Here\'s the bit the clickbait thread title is referring to: > Collection of information.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the collection of information about the manifested disease or disorder of a family member shall not be considered an unlawful acquisition of genetic information with respect to another family member as part of a workplace wellness program described in paragraph (1) or (2) offered by an employer (or in conjunction with an employer-sponsored health plan described in section 2705(j) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg–4(j))) and shall not violate title I or title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–233). For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term “family member” has the meaning given such term in section 201 of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (Public Law 110–233). All it states is that the collection of information does not violate Title I or Title II of the 2008 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. But the collection of information was already protected in both GINA and in the ACA. All this really does is highlight what was already standard practice. It doesn\'t even expand it. And it DOES NOT allow employers or insurance providers to do anything they weren\'t already allowed to do. Which is to say, your employer was already forbidden from discriminating against you on the basis of "genetic information." In GINA and the ACA, they\'re free to discriminate against you on the basis of "non-genetic information," which could be paraphrased as "observed instances of \'disorder.\'" In the context, I read disorder to include "mental health issues." And the ACA already protects insurers rights to increase your premiums on the basis of collected genetic information. I did a whole post on this here several days back. I guess the LA Time didn\'t catch it. H.R.1313 showcases how we should be reforming the ACA, by highlighting it\'s more damaging elements and having a discussion about it. But the Republican bill itself is benign. Total clickbait article.', ">>{tugboats_nd_arson} : damn they're going that far? i thought them even asking for you to provide it in the first place was bad, shit", ">>{ansultares} : > The article is great. It can't possibly be. Go read my response elsewhere in this thread. I spent several hours diving into it the other day. The spin on this is highly misleading. Or go read the bill yourself. [H.R.1313](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1313/text) is very well hyper-linked. Linked in it is [GINA](http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ233.110.pdf), the [ACA](http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ148.111.pdf), and the following US codes [USC 2000ff-1](http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:2000ff-1%20edition:prelim), [USC 300gg-4](http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:300gg-4%20edition:prelim). WARNING: first two are PDFs, from safe sources. I'll see if I can drag up links for my posts on this from several days ago.", ">>{possiblepeanut} : I have read this thing three times, trying to find what the article says about it but it says the exact opposite. It forces congressional incentivized workplace wellness programs to comply with laws already on the books - and not the other way around by creating new ones. Compliance with laws that protect the employee. It keeps data collection from over-reaching and forces employers to provide an viable alternative path and time frame to an employee should they refuse to comply. Meaning - it protects employees from an overzealous company that over reaches. Creating an alternative to allow the employee to refuse is a good thing. It prevents a business from threatening a person's job, while not penalizing the employer for having an employee refuse to participate. How is that not a good thing. If anything - it highlights the need for it of those exceptions don't already exist.", ">>{MYC0B0T} : Let's head down the road to Gattaca, shall we?", '>>{Katejaysee} : Canada just passed a bill against this. Trudeau called it unconstitutional because it blurs the line between federal and provincial jurisdictions.(which is stupid because healthcare usually does) But a lot of Liberals still voted for it against their party leader.', '>>{Jarsky2} : Sooo... Anyone else here read *The Barcode Tattoo* as kids?', ">>{DjinniLord} : I fucking LOVED Gattaca, I only recently found out most people think it's a shit movie.", ">>{GonzoNation} : > It can't possibly be. It is. It makes numerous points that are worth reading. It has done a good job of raising these points.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The 4th Amendment is a right. Not a privilege. Tread lightly.', ">>{SpoofWagon} : I'd be game to pass this if it required a mental health screening for all public office holders. Fastest way to kill this bill."]]
classify and reply
['>>{formerprof} : Dems are failing a test of profound significance as we speak.', ">>{existentialred} : She's right, if Bernie where the nominee. Hillary on the other hand is sure the prime candidate for fort leavenworth.", ">>{contantofaz} : The chances are good, because with the shake up of Latinos turning against Trump, they could vote full ticket of Democrats instead. While Trump will move some votes to the Republican column, it's possible that it will be in districts that already overwhelmingly favor Republicans.", ">>{Cyberhwk} : Ummmmm, yeah that's bullshit. They've already said the way the district lines are drawn that Democrats would have to win the congressional vote share by something like 17% to achieve a majority. Dems aren't taking back the house until at least 2024 or so.", '>>{Cyberhwk} : I mean, I semi-understand. You can\'t just say "Regardless of how hard everyone tries we\'ve got basically no chance of taking back the House of Representatives, BUT BE SURE TO DONATE AND GET TO THE POLLS ANYWAY!" But we\'re seeing some Tea Partyian levels of delusion from the left this election cycle.', '>>{throwawayfornp97} : atleast the tea party actually won some additional seats the last cycle...', '>>{megablahblah} : My prediction: - Trump wins president - Dems take majority in Senate - Dems make headway in House, but Republicans retain the majority - Clusterfuck for at least 4 more years', '>>{connr-crmaclb} : Agreed. This is very very likely what will occur.', '>>{heyhey922} : >every year they spout bs that they will win Since they only lost it in 2010. The only times in the past they have said they will take back the house are 2012 and 2014. Not exactly a huge sample size. But yeah they wont win.', ">>{Yosarian2} : Dems could win the House, but only if they win the general election by 8 points or so. With Trump on the ballot it's possible but it's still a long shot.", ">>{sedgwickian} : > To be clear, though: we don't dislike her for her gender! That has *nothing* to do with it!", '>>{guitmusic12} : Gotta stir up the base they can only make up ground now in presidential years', '>>{sedgwickian} : I know, I know: we\'ve all heard the lizard people allegory. I just find it funny that Hillary Clinton is *suddenly* the figure that *woke so many people up about the nature politics on the national level!* The fact that this principled stand is so often expressed by calling her gendered slurs is telling. "Lizard people" might not be gendered, but "queen witch" definitely is.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{formerprof} : Dems are failing a test of profound significance as we speak.', ">>{existentialred} : She's right, if Bernie where the nominee. Hillary on the other hand is sure the prime candidate for fort leavenworth.", ">>{contantofaz} : The chances are good, because with the shake up of Latinos turning against Trump, they could vote full ticket of Democrats instead. While Trump will move some votes to the Republican column, it's possible that it will be in districts that already overwhelmingly favor Republicans.", ">>{Cyberhwk} : Ummmmm, yeah that's bullshit. They've already said the way the district lines are drawn that Democrats would have to win the congressional vote share by something like 17% to achieve a majority. Dems aren't taking back the house until at least 2024 or so.", '>>{Cyberhwk} : I mean, I semi-understand. You can\'t just say "Regardless of how hard everyone tries we\'ve got basically no chance of taking back the House of Representatives, BUT BE SURE TO DONATE AND GET TO THE POLLS ANYWAY!" But we\'re seeing some Tea Partyian levels of delusion from the left this election cycle.', '>>{throwawayfornp97} : atleast the tea party actually won some additional seats the last cycle...', '>>{megablahblah} : My prediction: - Trump wins president - Dems take majority in Senate - Dems make headway in House, but Republicans retain the majority - Clusterfuck for at least 4 more years', '>>{connr-crmaclb} : Agreed. This is very very likely what will occur.', '>>{heyhey922} : >every year they spout bs that they will win Since they only lost it in 2010. The only times in the past they have said they will take back the house are 2012 and 2014. Not exactly a huge sample size. But yeah they wont win.', ">>{Yosarian2} : Dems could win the House, but only if they win the general election by 8 points or so. With Trump on the ballot it's possible but it's still a long shot.", ">>{sedgwickian} : > To be clear, though: we don't dislike her for her gender! That has *nothing* to do with it!", '>>{guitmusic12} : Gotta stir up the base they can only make up ground now in presidential years', '>>{sedgwickian} : I know, I know: we\'ve all heard the lizard people allegory. I just find it funny that Hillary Clinton is *suddenly* the figure that *woke so many people up about the nature politics on the national level!* The fact that this principled stand is so often expressed by calling her gendered slurs is telling. "Lizard people" might not be gendered, but "queen witch" definitely is.']]
classify and reply
['>>{magic_rub} : Glad our president is ignoring this petty optics issue and focusing on running the executive branch.', '>>{pman5595} : Betsy DeVos was asked a basic question about education policy — and couldn’t answer', '>>{back_for_good} : Betsy "Bobby Newport" DeVos You can see her just wanting to say "Donald said I could have it."', '>>{Boxy310} : Talk about the "soft bigotry of low expectations". Yeesh.', '>>{2fortwell} : Very small, tiny crowd. Ive seen more at a highschool football game.', '>>{iamitman007} : Want to see how partisan our country is? See the right side filling up faster than the left. Even though people could have been closer to their god emperor if they could just go to the left side.', ">>{Fluidfox} : This still won't shut them up. I would say that they should have done one that kept running until everybody left, but that still wouldn't do the trick. Nothing would.", ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : Now that I think about it, is this to distract us from the protests today which were a bunch more peaceful than yesterday (and had more people than the inauguration)? The women's March should schedule more protests in the future.", ">>{haikarate12} : I can't fathom how this woman is being considered. She basically said that even given federal funds for kids with disabilities, she would leave it up to the individual states to decide whether to or not to adhere to that law. Does she not understand that she's the one who is supposed to make sure that states are adhering to the laws? She comes across as a complete idiot. She has no business in government, at any level.", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Remember folks, she's not even Donald's first choice. She's the consolation prize after **Jerry Fallwell Jr** and **Ben Carson** both turned him down.", '>>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Is this your first time being exposed to the conservative intelligentsia?', '>>{olalof} : If you watch the whole thing you can see people leaving in the end.', ">>{ruiner8850} : Exactly. Start doing the job right and make people happy and this would change. If people aren't happy with you, just telling them they are wrong is only going to make things worse.", '>>{MidgetLovingMaxx} : Unqualified person nominates another unqualified person for a position. Shocking.', '>>{venicerocco} : lol - nothing sparks panic more than "Trump\'s third choice"', ">>{beezoaram} : He sure sounded angry defending the crowd size. Can't wait to see how he handles talking about something of real consequence.", ">>{ydtgdsh} : She is a billionaire......that is her qualification. Trump is putting together a Billionaires Club....It's gonna be Yuge and were not invited..... Drain the swamp.", '>>{DumpsterDon} : Fantastic! Thank you. Very low energy indeed! SAD!', ">>{upnorthgirl} : Well they can't use the 2009 inauguration photo anymore. They were already caught doing that.", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Just wait till you see his fourth choice. It'll make the [Harriet Miers debacle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harriet_Miers_Supreme_Court_nomination) look like a master piece of statesmanship.", ">>{datums} : That's the most definitive view I've seen. It leaves absolutely no room for debate. And he actually sent his press secretary to tell the white house press corps that it was the biggest inauguration crowd ever. It just looked smaller because of the white tarps they put down to protect the grass. I wish I was joking.", ">>{Breesusmvp} : Try to remember folks, she was not nominated to care about what is currently the hot topic within her department, she was nominated to care about the administration's agenda, and her own agenda. Everything else will go on the back burner, until she gets what she wants.... People still don't seem to get it, but like Obama said, elections have consequences, and some people are going to lose what they see as progress... too bad. Like Obama said, if you don't like it, go out and win some elections... See you in a few years.... if democrats show up in the midterms, ahahahahaha", '>>{threatdisplay} : People are insane. I posted it and here is an actual quote from FB, from a person I think is otherwise sane: "That\'s a good partial timelapse, but unless the photo above was doctored (and I have no way of knowing if it was or wasn\'t because the resolution isn\'t that great), the video stops before that photo was taken, because it shows the mall far more filled in than at any point in the video." I FUCKING GIVE UP.', '>>{drof69} : lol, it fucking shows the crowd leaving the event.', ">>{freshwordsalad} : Don't let Mr. Sarcastic deter you, I/we appreciate your stunned analysis. Keep doing what you're doing. We shouldn't accept this as normal. We need to continually call it out.", ">>{hammadurb} : She has one of the most important jobs in the new administration. It's her job to destroy education so the republicans can expand their base.", ">>{jimngo} : I can't believe she had no clue about the whole debate of proficiency vs. growth. Jesus fucking christ, put me out of my fucking misery now. This country deserves to get wrecked for voting for such a turdbucket.", '>>{branamuffin} : We have world class rockets, software, satellites, scientists, banks, ships, transportation systems etc, but our government is 3rd world. Not even exaggerating anymore, they\'re billionaire thieves who believe in voodoo, magic sky wizards, and conspiracies and like to jail their opponents. I bet most people would fail a quiz like "Who said it? A Trump appointee or an african dictator?"', '>>{trying-to-be-civil} : The country is now for sale and she paid a lot of money to raid the education cookie jar.', ">>{breecher} : > I can't fathom how this woman is being considered. There are [200 million reasons apparently.](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5om34f/devos_says_its_possible_her_family_has_donated/)", ">>{Gtarumble} : It doesn't matter because she has bought her position at Trump's cabinet for $200 million. /Pay-to-play", '>>{MackLuster77} : Nice try. That was intermission. They all left and brought back three friends.', ">>{Gtarumble} : It doesn't matter because she has bought her position at Trump's cabinet for $200 million. /Pay-to-play", ">>{woovesforlambs} : She didn't pay all of that money, just some. It was mostly her Amway founding, NBA team owning, father-in-law's money.", '>>{MEsniff} : They all showed up to see Obama and Michelle.', '>>{chowler} : She has never stepped inside a public school as a student, teacher, or admin. She should not be the determining how public education is run.', '>>{lombar77} : I believe the main reason for all of this from both Trump and Spicer is to continue pushing the narrative of the dishonest media, which is a major fucking problem.', '>>{damhammer} : Whenever I see embarrassing shit like this gets posted I go to the_donald for their take and I only find regurgitated 4chan memes. Sad!', ">>{mikejonesab1} : If we were truly trying to be fair, we would compare with Bush or Reagan to Trump and not the first black President's inauguration. D.C. is like 90%+ dem. But Trump does ask for it. It's stupid either way.", '>>{olalof} : Everything was fine until Trump claimed he had the biggest crowd in history. Period. Just accept the fact that the attendance was smaller. I can totally see the reason why there is less people. But no, he had to double down.', '>>{tgt305} : ...government. Sadly. Prepare for everything to be privatized...', '>>{brok3nh3lix} : it makes sense now. trump dosnt like people who think he may not be a billionair. so hes making his own club of billionaires, so he can hang out with them and go "see guys, im a billionaire too!"', '>>{mikejonesab1} : You are mostly true, but CNN and other outlets were tweeting side by side photos all inauguration day. Clearly to antagonize. But, they have the right to because Trump does ask for it.', '>>{Nameless_Archon} : Savage, but Melania is the third wife. Ivanka, on the other hand...', '>>{GardenGnomeOfEden} : I made a speech. I looked out. The field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people. -- Donald Trump', '>>{t3chtony} : > "Looked smaller because this is **the first time** those white tarps have ever been used to protect the grass" Another lie. They were used in 2013 under a MUCH bigger crowd', ">>{YoureGonnaHateMeALot} : But that's just the thing, she doesn't want to public education to run", ">>{Sunshine_Breeze} : In his Comedy Central roast, the only jokes that were off-limits were jokes that said he wasn't as rich as he says.", ">>{monk429} : I'd bet money she doesn't know what pedagogy is, let alone how to spell it. [For the lazy](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pedagogy)", ">>{YoureGonnaHateMeALot} : No she's not. She's got those shifty I-suck-dick-for-power lips.", ">>{SirDudeGuyFella} : Libertarians are all about state's rights because it's incredible simple to talk about. You don't need to actually know anything or have an opinion, ask you have to do is shrug and say I dunno leave it up to the states to decide for themselves. Bitch you are applying for the job of of being in charge of education for the COUNTRY. ACT LIKE IT.", ">>{gorgeus} : I'm no where near education so I haven't heard this debate but it's not like it is a hard question to bull shit your way through. Franken wasn't asking in weird teacher code. He asked should we measure if a student is proficient or measure if they made growth.", '>>{linguotgr} : She just wants to make children dumber so they will be easier to exploit for cheap labor. This is where her interest in the job begins and ends.', '>>{SirDudeGuyFella} : Step one: defund public schools Step two: poor kids go without education Step three: kids love working in coal mines!', ">>{s2trmack} : At first I just assumed she got nominated because she donated millions. Then I keep reading about her brother's ties to the FBI and his involvement in pushing the second round of Clinton emails into the press. It's odd how much of a connection this is and no one is talking about it.", ">>{jimngo} : Senator Franken may have not known about it either when he was a full time actor. But now that it's his job to affect education policies, he took the time to become informed. Betsy De Vos is holding herself up as a person who is qualified to *create* education policy. The fact that she has neither the background, nor has taken the time to familiarize herself with the array of fundamental issues (not just the ones she's passionate about), is a poor indicator that she could successfully lead such a huge department.", '>>{cd411} : Betsy DeVos is a sworn enemy of public education. She and her Billionaire husband have used their fortune to take over Michigan politics. She has forced "for profit" charter schools down Detroit\'s throat and they have been an unqualified failure for everyone....except the multimillionaires who are making a "unregulated" fortune off the public money. Even though the schools are a failure for the children she pushes them relentlessly.because to the GOP money matters. For those of you who don\'t know. privatize prahy-vuh-tahyz - verb (used with object), privatized, privatizing Privatization. Privatization, you know, add an extra layer of costs, CEO multi-million dollar salaries, shareholder payouts and corporate headquarters, corporate infrastructure and corporate staff AND corporate Profits to a service already provided by the tax payer. Privatizing fixes things the same way that Corrections Corporations of America fixed the American "for profit" prison system or - ITT, the University of Phoenix and Trump University fixed the American "for profit" college system or - the way Blackwater fixed the American "for profit" military system or maybe the way building privately owned toll roads all over Texas is "fixing" their highway system...one toll at a time. It\'s just a scheme to hand **your** public tax money to **private billionaire cronies**. **This is what corruption really looks like Trumpsters.** not a bunch of emails everyone\'s already forgotten. When the Soviet Union broke up they "Privatized" all the state assets and basically gave them away at fire sale prices to their friends and families creating a cabal of billionaires who rule Russia till this day. They never recovered from this and skipped democracy altogether went straight to what it is today, an oligarchy. [Exactly what Trump, Putin and the GOP are now doing to America.](https://qz.com/862412/trumps-16-cabinet-level-picks-have-more-money-than-a-third-of-american-households-combined/) DeVoe\'s brother is Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater, the military contractor which stole billions from the US then had to leave the country and move to Saudi Arabia because he\'s wanted by the IRS. A family of corrupt crooks and a big time GOP contributer. (she admits to 200 million dollars). Drain the Swamp? Thanks TeaParty.', '>>{cd411} : And some help from her brother Erik Prince owner of the former Blackwater military contractors who were shut down for massive theft. He is currently on the run from the IRS. A family of real GOP entrepreneurs.', '>>{Breesusmvp} : Born and raised in California, currently living in Iowa. Served in the US military (retired from the Army in 2013), and current attending a university (majoring in history, political science, education).', '>>{MattJames} : If you answered questions the way she did in a job interview, would you walk away expecting an offer?', ">>{jimngo} : She's there because she married into multi-level-marketing money and gave enough of that money to Republicans.", ">>{Fitbitnitwit} : Trump is surrounding himself with people who cannot...never will...have anything to do with middle to lower class Americans.....you know the ones TeapubliKKKans send to fight the wars they like to start. I'm looking right at you, Cheney and Bush, you 2 goddamned war criminals."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{magic_rub} : Glad our president is ignoring this petty optics issue and focusing on running the executive branch.', '>>{2fortwell} : Very small, tiny crowd. Ive seen more at a highschool football game.', '>>{iamitman007} : Want to see how partisan our country is? See the right side filling up faster than the left. Even though people could have been closer to their god emperor if they could just go to the left side.', ">>{Fluidfox} : This still won't shut them up. I would say that they should have done one that kept running until everybody left, but that still wouldn't do the trick. Nothing would.", ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : Now that I think about it, is this to distract us from the protests today which were a bunch more peaceful than yesterday (and had more people than the inauguration)? The women's March should schedule more protests in the future.", '>>{olalof} : If you watch the whole thing you can see people leaving in the end.', ">>{ruiner8850} : Exactly. Start doing the job right and make people happy and this would change. If people aren't happy with you, just telling them they are wrong is only going to make things worse.", ">>{beezoaram} : He sure sounded angry defending the crowd size. Can't wait to see how he handles talking about something of real consequence.", '>>{DumpsterDon} : Fantastic! Thank you. Very low energy indeed! SAD!', ">>{upnorthgirl} : Well they can't use the 2009 inauguration photo anymore. They were already caught doing that.", ">>{datums} : That's the most definitive view I've seen. It leaves absolutely no room for debate. And he actually sent his press secretary to tell the white house press corps that it was the biggest inauguration crowd ever. It just looked smaller because of the white tarps they put down to protect the grass. I wish I was joking.", '>>{threatdisplay} : People are insane. I posted it and here is an actual quote from FB, from a person I think is otherwise sane: "That\'s a good partial timelapse, but unless the photo above was doctored (and I have no way of knowing if it was or wasn\'t because the resolution isn\'t that great), the video stops before that photo was taken, because it shows the mall far more filled in than at any point in the video." I FUCKING GIVE UP.', '>>{drof69} : lol, it fucking shows the crowd leaving the event.', '>>{MackLuster77} : Nice try. That was intermission. They all left and brought back three friends.', '>>{MEsniff} : They all showed up to see Obama and Michelle.', '>>{lombar77} : I believe the main reason for all of this from both Trump and Spicer is to continue pushing the narrative of the dishonest media, which is a major fucking problem.', ">>{mikejonesab1} : If we were truly trying to be fair, we would compare with Bush or Reagan to Trump and not the first black President's inauguration. D.C. is like 90%+ dem. But Trump does ask for it. It's stupid either way.", '>>{olalof} : Everything was fine until Trump claimed he had the biggest crowd in history. Period. Just accept the fact that the attendance was smaller. I can totally see the reason why there is less people. But no, he had to double down.', '>>{tgt305} : ...government. Sadly. Prepare for everything to be privatized...', '>>{mikejonesab1} : You are mostly true, but CNN and other outlets were tweeting side by side photos all inauguration day. Clearly to antagonize. But, they have the right to because Trump does ask for it.', '>>{GardenGnomeOfEden} : I made a speech. I looked out. The field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people. -- Donald Trump', '>>{t3chtony} : > "Looked smaller because this is **the first time** those white tarps have ever been used to protect the grass" Another lie. They were used in 2013 under a MUCH bigger crowd'], ['>>{pman5595} : Betsy DeVos was asked a basic question about education policy — and couldn’t answer', '>>{back_for_good} : Betsy "Bobby Newport" DeVos You can see her just wanting to say "Donald said I could have it."', '>>{Boxy310} : Talk about the "soft bigotry of low expectations". Yeesh.', ">>{haikarate12} : I can't fathom how this woman is being considered. She basically said that even given federal funds for kids with disabilities, she would leave it up to the individual states to decide whether to or not to adhere to that law. Does she not understand that she's the one who is supposed to make sure that states are adhering to the laws? She comes across as a complete idiot. She has no business in government, at any level.", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Remember folks, she's not even Donald's first choice. She's the consolation prize after **Jerry Fallwell Jr** and **Ben Carson** both turned him down.", '>>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Is this your first time being exposed to the conservative intelligentsia?', '>>{MidgetLovingMaxx} : Unqualified person nominates another unqualified person for a position. Shocking.', '>>{venicerocco} : lol - nothing sparks panic more than "Trump\'s third choice"', ">>{ydtgdsh} : She is a billionaire......that is her qualification. Trump is putting together a Billionaires Club....It's gonna be Yuge and were not invited..... Drain the swamp.", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Just wait till you see his fourth choice. It'll make the [Harriet Miers debacle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harriet_Miers_Supreme_Court_nomination) look like a master piece of statesmanship.", ">>{Breesusmvp} : Try to remember folks, she was not nominated to care about what is currently the hot topic within her department, she was nominated to care about the administration's agenda, and her own agenda. Everything else will go on the back burner, until she gets what she wants.... People still don't seem to get it, but like Obama said, elections have consequences, and some people are going to lose what they see as progress... too bad. Like Obama said, if you don't like it, go out and win some elections... See you in a few years.... if democrats show up in the midterms, ahahahahaha", ">>{freshwordsalad} : Don't let Mr. Sarcastic deter you, I/we appreciate your stunned analysis. Keep doing what you're doing. We shouldn't accept this as normal. We need to continually call it out.", ">>{hammadurb} : She has one of the most important jobs in the new administration. It's her job to destroy education so the republicans can expand their base.", ">>{jimngo} : I can't believe she had no clue about the whole debate of proficiency vs. growth. Jesus fucking christ, put me out of my fucking misery now. This country deserves to get wrecked for voting for such a turdbucket.", '>>{branamuffin} : We have world class rockets, software, satellites, scientists, banks, ships, transportation systems etc, but our government is 3rd world. Not even exaggerating anymore, they\'re billionaire thieves who believe in voodoo, magic sky wizards, and conspiracies and like to jail their opponents. I bet most people would fail a quiz like "Who said it? A Trump appointee or an african dictator?"', '>>{trying-to-be-civil} : The country is now for sale and she paid a lot of money to raid the education cookie jar.', ">>{breecher} : > I can't fathom how this woman is being considered. There are [200 million reasons apparently.](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5om34f/devos_says_its_possible_her_family_has_donated/)", ">>{Gtarumble} : It doesn't matter because she has bought her position at Trump's cabinet for $200 million. /Pay-to-play", ">>{Gtarumble} : It doesn't matter because she has bought her position at Trump's cabinet for $200 million. /Pay-to-play", ">>{woovesforlambs} : She didn't pay all of that money, just some. It was mostly her Amway founding, NBA team owning, father-in-law's money.", '>>{chowler} : She has never stepped inside a public school as a student, teacher, or admin. She should not be the determining how public education is run.', '>>{damhammer} : Whenever I see embarrassing shit like this gets posted I go to the_donald for their take and I only find regurgitated 4chan memes. Sad!', '>>{brok3nh3lix} : it makes sense now. trump dosnt like people who think he may not be a billionair. so hes making his own club of billionaires, so he can hang out with them and go "see guys, im a billionaire too!"', '>>{Nameless_Archon} : Savage, but Melania is the third wife. Ivanka, on the other hand...', ">>{YoureGonnaHateMeALot} : But that's just the thing, she doesn't want to public education to run", ">>{Sunshine_Breeze} : In his Comedy Central roast, the only jokes that were off-limits were jokes that said he wasn't as rich as he says.", ">>{monk429} : I'd bet money she doesn't know what pedagogy is, let alone how to spell it. [For the lazy](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pedagogy)", ">>{YoureGonnaHateMeALot} : No she's not. She's got those shifty I-suck-dick-for-power lips.", ">>{SirDudeGuyFella} : Libertarians are all about state's rights because it's incredible simple to talk about. You don't need to actually know anything or have an opinion, ask you have to do is shrug and say I dunno leave it up to the states to decide for themselves. Bitch you are applying for the job of of being in charge of education for the COUNTRY. ACT LIKE IT.", ">>{gorgeus} : I'm no where near education so I haven't heard this debate but it's not like it is a hard question to bull shit your way through. Franken wasn't asking in weird teacher code. He asked should we measure if a student is proficient or measure if they made growth.", '>>{linguotgr} : She just wants to make children dumber so they will be easier to exploit for cheap labor. This is where her interest in the job begins and ends.', '>>{SirDudeGuyFella} : Step one: defund public schools Step two: poor kids go without education Step three: kids love working in coal mines!', ">>{s2trmack} : At first I just assumed she got nominated because she donated millions. Then I keep reading about her brother's ties to the FBI and his involvement in pushing the second round of Clinton emails into the press. It's odd how much of a connection this is and no one is talking about it.", ">>{jimngo} : Senator Franken may have not known about it either when he was a full time actor. But now that it's his job to affect education policies, he took the time to become informed. Betsy De Vos is holding herself up as a person who is qualified to *create* education policy. The fact that she has neither the background, nor has taken the time to familiarize herself with the array of fundamental issues (not just the ones she's passionate about), is a poor indicator that she could successfully lead such a huge department.", '>>{cd411} : Betsy DeVos is a sworn enemy of public education. She and her Billionaire husband have used their fortune to take over Michigan politics. She has forced "for profit" charter schools down Detroit\'s throat and they have been an unqualified failure for everyone....except the multimillionaires who are making a "unregulated" fortune off the public money. Even though the schools are a failure for the children she pushes them relentlessly.because to the GOP money matters. For those of you who don\'t know. privatize prahy-vuh-tahyz - verb (used with object), privatized, privatizing Privatization. Privatization, you know, add an extra layer of costs, CEO multi-million dollar salaries, shareholder payouts and corporate headquarters, corporate infrastructure and corporate staff AND corporate Profits to a service already provided by the tax payer. Privatizing fixes things the same way that Corrections Corporations of America fixed the American "for profit" prison system or - ITT, the University of Phoenix and Trump University fixed the American "for profit" college system or - the way Blackwater fixed the American "for profit" military system or maybe the way building privately owned toll roads all over Texas is "fixing" their highway system...one toll at a time. It\'s just a scheme to hand **your** public tax money to **private billionaire cronies**. **This is what corruption really looks like Trumpsters.** not a bunch of emails everyone\'s already forgotten. When the Soviet Union broke up they "Privatized" all the state assets and basically gave them away at fire sale prices to their friends and families creating a cabal of billionaires who rule Russia till this day. They never recovered from this and skipped democracy altogether went straight to what it is today, an oligarchy. [Exactly what Trump, Putin and the GOP are now doing to America.](https://qz.com/862412/trumps-16-cabinet-level-picks-have-more-money-than-a-third-of-american-households-combined/) DeVoe\'s brother is Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater, the military contractor which stole billions from the US then had to leave the country and move to Saudi Arabia because he\'s wanted by the IRS. A family of corrupt crooks and a big time GOP contributer. (she admits to 200 million dollars). Drain the Swamp? Thanks TeaParty.', '>>{cd411} : And some help from her brother Erik Prince owner of the former Blackwater military contractors who were shut down for massive theft. He is currently on the run from the IRS. A family of real GOP entrepreneurs.', '>>{Breesusmvp} : Born and raised in California, currently living in Iowa. Served in the US military (retired from the Army in 2013), and current attending a university (majoring in history, political science, education).', '>>{MattJames} : If you answered questions the way she did in a job interview, would you walk away expecting an offer?', ">>{jimngo} : She's there because she married into multi-level-marketing money and gave enough of that money to Republicans.", ">>{Fitbitnitwit} : Trump is surrounding himself with people who cannot...never will...have anything to do with middle to lower class Americans.....you know the ones TeapubliKKKans send to fight the wars they like to start. I'm looking right at you, Cheney and Bush, you 2 goddamned war criminals."]]
classify and reply
['>>{mar_kelp} : Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.', ">>{thegoodvibe} : >The poll shows the lone country where Trump is preferred over Clinton is Russia. You just can't make this shit up.", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : I really really need donations... Remember he said he didn't need donations. He said he couldn't be bought. Now he's selling his Presidency to foreigners already. : https://youtu.be/qjTmUhcRX3I The Russians even have their people running his campaign.", ">>{kctroway} : More reason to vote for Trump. Foreigners know a Clinton administration will benefit them more than a Trump administration would. I don't want our country sold out to special interests especially not wealthy foreign elites and internationalists, Saudis and other gulf state members with extreme oil wealth. We don't need to bend over backwards for the rest of the world. We need to do what's right for America. And ultimately a strong America will also benefit the world in the long run.", '>>{wyldcat} : Wait he actually asked the Mexican president for donations to his campaign? > Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, received a plaintive fundraising request this weekend. "You are our country\'s only hope," read the email, which urged him to make "a generous contribution." > > The sender? Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. > > It was the second missive that Fox received to his personal email address this month seeking donations for the Trump campaign, according to a spokesman for the former president. On Sept. 9, Fox got a message from Trump that concluded, "I know you won\'t let me down friend." > > This is puzzling for a number of reasons. > > The first: Fox is no friend of Trump. In fact, he may be his most vocal foreign critic, having accused the real estate developer of being a "false prophet" and compared him to dictators. "Campaigning in Mexico?" Fox mocked Trump on Twitter after getting the first request for financial support. "Running out of money and friends?" > > But secondly, and even more importantly: It is illegal for an American candidate to solicit funds from foreign nationals. The law was brought to the attention of the Trump campaign back in June, when reports surfaced that lawmakers in Scotland, England, Iceland, Australia and other countries were getting a barrage of fundraising emails from the Trump campaign. Two campaign finance watchdog groups, Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center, filed complaints in June with the Federal Election Commission. > > But the emails kept going out to foreign leaders. Lock him up!', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : DJ Drumpf only won in the Russian poll. I love this election.', ">>{irumeru} : And probably added by a troll. It's not hard to get on candidate mailing lists.", '>>{Thecalculatorman} : Hillary Clinton already gets a lot of donations from Saudi Arabia.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : I am curious as to why you have chosen this path, care to explain?', ">>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : I don't blame them after seeing how the left continues to eat its own during this cycle.", '>>{The-Autarkh} : LOL! Vincente Fox? Vincente Fox, former President of Mexico, of "[**I am not going to pay for that fucking wall** ... and I\'m not going to apologize](http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/vicente-fox-no-fucking-wall-live-tv)" fame?', '>>{throwaway029384756} : >I am curious as to why you have chosen this path, care to explain? Tired of the Progressive intolerance. Tired of Democrats pitting whites against blacks, poor against rich, legal citizens vs. illegal citizens, religious against non-religious etc. etc. etc.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : You mean voting for Donald Trump that has explicit relationships with foreign elites? One of these days I would love to see what the world looks like through your views.', '>>{KentuckyFriedTurtle} : Haha!! but was the Russian poll hacked?', '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Nobody who is voting for fucking trump is the lefts "own"', '>>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : Well the only other alternative is a neocon warhawk owned by Wall Street who told people like me that she "didn\'t need our vote."', '>>{thegoodvibe} : But why Trump? Why not Gary, or just not voting?', ">>{kctroway} : What foreign elites does Trump have explicit relationships with? I can't think of a single one. And please don't say Putin, a couple of compliments here and there does not equal a relationship. The only foreign leaders he has met with are Nieto in Mexico and Sisi in Egypt, and Hillary also met with sisi. Meanwhile Hillary has received hundreds of millions of dollars from wealthy foreigners who seek to use her foundation as a way to influence American politics.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : Because you and I both know that any vote other than for Trump is a vote for HRC.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : http://www.newsweek.com/2016/09/23/donald-trump-foreign-business-deals-national-security-498081.html Direct investments into his business and his pocket.', '>>{CouchRadish} : Do you know how easy it is to add someone to a campaign newsletter? All you need is their email and BAM, they get requests for donations.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : What happened to "I will fund my own campaign."?', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : I voted for Bernie and campaigned for Bernie and donated to Bernie. I don't give a shit that clinton said some generalized slight about me when the alternative is a middle finger to my entire system of values. They're both warhawks owned by the rich. One wants to fuck up scotus for my lifetime, implement national stop and frisk, kill the families of terrorists, build a physical manifestation of the TSA on our border and so much other abhorrent shit.", ">>{moleratical} : Did you get your feelings hurt? And seriously, there are plenty of legitimate criticisms about Hillary, but being a neocon isn't one of them. Also, Trumps suggestions to nuke Iran, reverse the Iran deal, reverse Cuba policy, target family members of Isis, and use nukes w/o provocation is much more hawkish than Hillary.", ">>{moleratical} : You don't sound very left, you sound, based on your rhetoric and phrasing, like someone who listens to AM radio", ">>{bunglejerry} : I'm not going to pay that fucking donation!", '>>{thegoodvibe} : So just out of spite? Not because Of policies?', ">>{toxicroach} : I knew that was the response this would get. A Clinton administration would benefit them more because it's going to benefit everyone more due to her not being an incompetent buffoon. That dumb mayor in Toronto had no effect on me in the slightest, if polled I would have picked his challenger. For simple common sense reasons.", '>>{clone822} : https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/set-an-open-course-for-the-virgin-sea?utm_term=.eqj2lNDBy#.ac4PWg1Zw http://www.nytimes.com/1995/04/12/business/trump-is-selling-plaza-hotel-to-saudi-and-asian-investors.html A Saudi prince has bailed out Trump twice. Not a donation to his charity. Literally saving his financial reality.', ">>{kctroway} : Exactly , there's no proof that Trump is cozy with any foreign leaders. Meanwhile we can see who donated to the Clinton Foundation, and match that with state department decisions beneficial to that country around the same time the donation was made.", ">>{kctroway} : So because he wanted to make money off of Trump that means it is a personal relationship? So that's like one person, compared to the hundreds of donors to the Clinton Foundation who then met with Hillary at the state department?", ">>{kctroway} : So business dealings constitute personal relationships? Guess I have a personal relationship with everyone I've sold to or bought something from then.", ">>{Anomaj} : He already said he wasn't paying for that fucking wall, take a hint Donnie!", '>>{wyldcat} : Well if it happened one or two times sure but now it looks like it\'s been happening routinely since June at least to many different countries. Trump\'s staff should have vetted these email lists, it\'s their job. Let\'s see what the Justice Department says. > That prompted Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center to write a letter in July to the Justice Department, asking them to investigate whether the Trump campaign had "engaged in knowing and willful violations" of campaign finance laws, which could carry criminal penalties. > > "They have been put on notice that they are illegally soliciting contributions from foreign sources," said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21. "This is one of the most arrogant acts I have ever seen in the world of campaign fundraising, where they are willing to completely ignore the statutes that prevent a federal candidate from soliciting contributions from foreign interests. It\'s pretty mind-boggling."', '>>{wyldcat} : if you would be interested in facts you would know better about this subject.', '>>{Blue_Team4President} : This is breaking FEC rules. Are there no penalties?', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : So Saudi Arabia hasn't given donations to the Clinton Foundation? That's all I've said in here.", '>>{carnevoodoo} : Feels not reals voting is all the rage now. This guy is nothing like a Democrat.', '>>{clone822} : How many times does a Saudi prince have to save his business before it starts looking bad?', '>>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : This is the same person who "we\'re not sure of what he believes" but you\'re 100% sure he\'s going to do any of that?', '>>{thegoodvibe} : > Meanwhile Hillary has received hundreds of millions of dollars from wealthy foreigners who seek to use her foundation as a way to influence American politics. She hasn\'t actually received a cent from any of those donations. Trump has literally made money from those businesses. I also like how you added the word personal before relationship, even though I never did. There is this thing called "Business relationship".', ">>{throwaway029384756} : You don't sound very tolerant, exactly why for the first time in my life I'm voting for a Republican.", '>>{007meow} : Correct me if I\'m wrong, isn\'t Trump doing all of those things you mentioned? He\'s fishing out the racists and white supremacists. He\'s looking for tax cuts on the rich, with economic policies that would be disastrous for the poor. He\'s even appointed rick Santorum to a "religious council", further encouraging the control and influence of the religious crowd.', '>>{toxicroach} : Uh, the claim that Trump is an incompetent buffoon is very well documented. Very well. Bigly documented, even.', ">>{kctroway} : I wish I could be as dumb as he. Maybe then I'd be able to be a billionaire.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : None of what I said has to do with spite. It has to do with civility and unity, something we need more of today.', ">>{toxicroach} : Go back in time and come out of the right vagina. Then invest the money you inherit in S&P 500 index funds. You'll be three times as rich as Donald and you can spend your life surfing and smoking weed in Maui.", ">>{Blue_Team4President} : If Trump has no qualms about disregarding election fundraising laws, what makes anyone think he won't ignore other laws?", '>>{wyldcat} : They did, but not when Clinton was SoS and when they donated earlier it was to build a library. > Using Trump’s Saudi Arabia example, Saudi Arabia shows up as having given between $10 million and $25 million since the foundation started. When it began in 1997, the foundation’s main goal was to build the Clinton presidential library, although it left open the option to "engage in any and all other charitable, educational and scientific activities" that nonprofits are allowed to do under federal law. > > The Washington Post reported that Saudi Arabia gave about $10 million to build the library. (According to the Post, the Saudis gave a similar amount to the George H.W. Bush library.) > > After the library donation, the Saudis gave very little and stopped giving entirely during the time Clinton was secretary of state. She stepped down in early February 2013. > > As a legal matter, Clinton was not a member of the foundation’s board until 2013, after she left the administration. She was a board member in 2014 when the Saudis gave again, but that amount would be much less than $10 million. > > There were no Saudi donations while she was secretary. > > Getting back to Saudi Arabia, working with them would necessarily be a part of any president’s job. Its donations might not make a difference, but there is no question that the foundation’s work creates a tangle of relationships. > > [That does not, however, prove Trump’s point](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/07/fact-checking-donations-clinton-foundation/).', ">>{throwaway029384756} : >Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't Trump doing all of those things you mentioned? I wish I could but like an old oak the roots of intolerance runs deep in the Democrat party and apparently you. I'd debate all the other points but I'm up to -14 downvotes on my original comment which only mentioned who I am voting for. Sadly, I won't be able to comment more than every 10 minutes at this pace as i'll be in the hole.", '>>{kctroway} : Okay then how did Hillary and Bill come to have over 100 million dollars when they said they were "dead broke" after leaving the white house. Senator and Secretary of State salary doesn\'t pay that much. And the only other thing they were publicly doing was the Clinton Foundation and paid speeches.', ">>{kctroway} : But then I wouldn't be able to employ tens of thousands of people like Trump did. It's not just about being rich, it's about contributing to society as well.", ">>{007meow} : Feel free to PM me, as I'm curious as to why you think Democrats are the ones pushing a religious agenda.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : >And the only other thing they were publicly doing was the Clinton Foundation and paid speeches. Two things: * Bill has the presidential salary of $200000 a year. * If you want to find out how they make their money, go over and check stories like [this one](http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-clinton-tax-returns-20160812-story.html) that have a breakdown on what they earned, because, you know, we have their tax documents.', ">>{kctroway} : Wow, 100 million dollars largely from speaking fees. And there are actually people who think she won't be biased towards those who paid her? Wow", '>>{Saltysweetcake} : He had the audacity to ask Vicente Fox for money???', ">>{CouchRadish} : If the Trump campaign were trying to illegally get foreign donations, don't you think they would try to be at least a little secret about it? It seems really, really stupid to ask for them in such a public manner.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Once again, if thats how you feel, then why is Trump exempt from this criticism? He made his money on investments by foreign elites.', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : Yes but you're not factoring in the ways Bill Clinton was paid from Saudi Arabian sources (speaking fees) while Hillary Clinton was in fact Secretary of State http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-state-department-documents-reveal-concern-about-bill-clintons-activities-with-saudi-entities/ By the way if you click on the link they directly link the emails themselves that show this information >Other documents previously forced out through this lawsuit show that Bill Clinton worked with Tanmiah Commercial Group, a Saudi group based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that paid Clinton $300,000. >The Clinton Foundation told the State Department he would participate in the 2011 Global Competiveness Forum, a five-day event in Riyadh. The event was co-sponsored by the Dabbagh Group Holding Co., which “comprises 28 autonomous companies, operating in diversified businesses in 30 countries. Mohammed Husnee Jazeel currently serves as Dabbagh Group’s CFO.” The Clinton Foundation described the event as: >[A]n annual meeting of global business leaders, international political leaders and selected academics and journalists. It was founded in 2006 by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) and is held under the patronage of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz. >Established in 2000, the SAGIA **encourages investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia** and provides licensing and support services to investors.", '>>{TommyOKe} : Looks like Trump has really triggered Jeff Bezos. Last 20+ political articles have been anti-Trump. Seems kind of like they forgot Hillary was in the race. Her poll numbers are tanking and WaPo is getting desperate', '>>{kctroway} : Not true. Most of it was made by purchasing and selling real estate over the years. There have been some foreign investments but not much.', ">>{caliboy_19} : He said the primary. Which he did. And as of right now he's received majority small donations.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : And who do you think made the investments for him to build?', '>>{tangential_quip} : My take on it is that they are not actively seeking foreign donations, but they also are not taking any affirmative steps to ensure that foreign nationals do not receive their solicitations.', ">>{yuseffuhler} : Does it count as employment if you don't pay them?", '>>{CouchRadish} : Yes, there should be more effort to keep this from happening. But claiming that this is evidence of illegal donations is honestly grasping for straws.', '>>{wyldcat} : Yeah but Bill founded the foundation so why would there be anything wrong against him being paid in speaking fees? Did he get paid directly or did the foundation get a donation for Bill speaking? I still see no laws being broken. The big difference from the Trump Foundation is that they actually use that money for charity and for helping people out while Trump is using the money he is tax evading to help himself pay for his legal fees and paintings of himself to be hung at his hotels.', ">>{wyldcat} : I'm kidding of course, it's illegal for you guys to donate to my campaign... but maybe you didn't hear what I said earlier sooo just press this button here and we will be good to go thanks! [And please, don't donate but ^^please ^^^do](http://i.giphy.com/xTiTnHXbRoaZ1B1Mo8.gif).", '>>{poopy_mcgee} : On the contrary, I hate it when people make up their minds without facts. "Yeah, exactly" implies that the donations were shady, when in reality, they went to a charity.', '>>{moleratical} : What about my post is intolerant? What you said is A) often repeated on AM radio B) not typical of the left There was no judgement in my statement', '>>{SugarBear4Real} : He must need another portrait of himself someone needs to buy him because he is broke.', '>>{TommyOKe} : Where is the WaPo story about Hillary asking for money from Soros?', ">>{killerdogice} : A mailing list is just a mailing list though... The exact same thing would happen if you took a foreign email and entered it into clintons website. It would be ridiculously impractical to have someone individually vet every address in a list probably millions of names long, and on top of that how are you even meant to know that an email isn't owned by a US citizen just by looking at it? They probably should have blacklisted his email after the first time it happened, but I doubt anyones really paying attention to incorrect emails being added to the mailing list on either side of the campaign.", ">>{killerdogice} : Some memer added his email to the trumps mailing list... Would you be calling for FEC penalties against the clinton campaign if a /pol/ guy made an account on hillary's website with putins email?", '>>{ainbheartach} : August 2nd: [*"I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"* ―Donald Trump](https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/627841345789558788?lang=en-gb) Four days ago: [Sheldon Adelson to give $25m boost to Trump Super Pac](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/sep/23/sheldon-adelson-trump-super-pac-donation-25-million) Yestreday, Donald working hard as a puppet: [Trump\'s Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel\'s Capital Dashes Hopes For Peace](http://www.christiantoday.com/article/trumps.recognition.of.jerusalem.as.israels.capital.dashes.hopes.for.peace/96406.htm) Today: [The Adelsons have some prime real estate in Trump section -- 4 seats, 3rd row](https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/780537366540943361)', '>>{majiggerjagger} : It wouldn\'t be hard for me to go "sign up" a foreign email address either....', ">>{myles_cassidy} : When Trump says he isn't bought by people, he isn't saying it because he is proud, he is saying it because he is jealous he isn't getting a share of all that money.", '>>{MemeLearning} : I keep seeing arguments that hes asking for money and yet hes either not getting it or if he is its not showing up anywhere. Trump has spent less than any candidate in recent history.', ">>{ricdesi} : Jesus christ, he really is going broke, isn't he?", ">>{BettyCrockabakecakes} : It seems really, really stupid pretty much captures the entire essence of his campaign though. There's not much you can defend with logic, when logic is rarely used.", '>>{johnvikgreen} : How else is he going to get Mexico to pay for that stupid wall.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{mar_kelp} : Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.', ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : I really really need donations... Remember he said he didn't need donations. He said he couldn't be bought. Now he's selling his Presidency to foreigners already. : https://youtu.be/qjTmUhcRX3I The Russians even have their people running his campaign.", '>>{wyldcat} : Wait he actually asked the Mexican president for donations to his campaign? > Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, received a plaintive fundraising request this weekend. "You are our country\'s only hope," read the email, which urged him to make "a generous contribution." > > The sender? Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. > > It was the second missive that Fox received to his personal email address this month seeking donations for the Trump campaign, according to a spokesman for the former president. On Sept. 9, Fox got a message from Trump that concluded, "I know you won\'t let me down friend." > > This is puzzling for a number of reasons. > > The first: Fox is no friend of Trump. In fact, he may be his most vocal foreign critic, having accused the real estate developer of being a "false prophet" and compared him to dictators. "Campaigning in Mexico?" Fox mocked Trump on Twitter after getting the first request for financial support. "Running out of money and friends?" > > But secondly, and even more importantly: It is illegal for an American candidate to solicit funds from foreign nationals. The law was brought to the attention of the Trump campaign back in June, when reports surfaced that lawmakers in Scotland, England, Iceland, Australia and other countries were getting a barrage of fundraising emails from the Trump campaign. Two campaign finance watchdog groups, Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center, filed complaints in June with the Federal Election Commission. > > But the emails kept going out to foreign leaders. Lock him up!', ">>{irumeru} : And probably added by a troll. It's not hard to get on candidate mailing lists.", '>>{Thecalculatorman} : Hillary Clinton already gets a lot of donations from Saudi Arabia.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : I am curious as to why you have chosen this path, care to explain?', ">>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : I don't blame them after seeing how the left continues to eat its own during this cycle.", '>>{The-Autarkh} : LOL! Vincente Fox? Vincente Fox, former President of Mexico, of "[**I am not going to pay for that fucking wall** ... and I\'m not going to apologize](http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/vicente-fox-no-fucking-wall-live-tv)" fame?', '>>{throwaway029384756} : >I am curious as to why you have chosen this path, care to explain? Tired of the Progressive intolerance. Tired of Democrats pitting whites against blacks, poor against rich, legal citizens vs. illegal citizens, religious against non-religious etc. etc. etc.', '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Nobody who is voting for fucking trump is the lefts "own"', '>>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : Well the only other alternative is a neocon warhawk owned by Wall Street who told people like me that she "didn\'t need our vote."', '>>{thegoodvibe} : But why Trump? Why not Gary, or just not voting?', '>>{throwaway029384756} : Because you and I both know that any vote other than for Trump is a vote for HRC.', '>>{CouchRadish} : Do you know how easy it is to add someone to a campaign newsletter? All you need is their email and BAM, they get requests for donations.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : What happened to "I will fund my own campaign."?', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : I voted for Bernie and campaigned for Bernie and donated to Bernie. I don't give a shit that clinton said some generalized slight about me when the alternative is a middle finger to my entire system of values. They're both warhawks owned by the rich. One wants to fuck up scotus for my lifetime, implement national stop and frisk, kill the families of terrorists, build a physical manifestation of the TSA on our border and so much other abhorrent shit.", ">>{moleratical} : Did you get your feelings hurt? And seriously, there are plenty of legitimate criticisms about Hillary, but being a neocon isn't one of them. Also, Trumps suggestions to nuke Iran, reverse the Iran deal, reverse Cuba policy, target family members of Isis, and use nukes w/o provocation is much more hawkish than Hillary.", ">>{moleratical} : You don't sound very left, you sound, based on your rhetoric and phrasing, like someone who listens to AM radio", ">>{bunglejerry} : I'm not going to pay that fucking donation!", '>>{thegoodvibe} : So just out of spite? Not because Of policies?', ">>{Anomaj} : He already said he wasn't paying for that fucking wall, take a hint Donnie!", '>>{wyldcat} : Well if it happened one or two times sure but now it looks like it\'s been happening routinely since June at least to many different countries. Trump\'s staff should have vetted these email lists, it\'s their job. Let\'s see what the Justice Department says. > That prompted Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center to write a letter in July to the Justice Department, asking them to investigate whether the Trump campaign had "engaged in knowing and willful violations" of campaign finance laws, which could carry criminal penalties. > > "They have been put on notice that they are illegally soliciting contributions from foreign sources," said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21. "This is one of the most arrogant acts I have ever seen in the world of campaign fundraising, where they are willing to completely ignore the statutes that prevent a federal candidate from soliciting contributions from foreign interests. It\'s pretty mind-boggling."', '>>{wyldcat} : if you would be interested in facts you would know better about this subject.', '>>{Blue_Team4President} : This is breaking FEC rules. Are there no penalties?', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : So Saudi Arabia hasn't given donations to the Clinton Foundation? That's all I've said in here.", '>>{carnevoodoo} : Feels not reals voting is all the rage now. This guy is nothing like a Democrat.', '>>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : This is the same person who "we\'re not sure of what he believes" but you\'re 100% sure he\'s going to do any of that?', ">>{throwaway029384756} : You don't sound very tolerant, exactly why for the first time in my life I'm voting for a Republican.", '>>{007meow} : Correct me if I\'m wrong, isn\'t Trump doing all of those things you mentioned? He\'s fishing out the racists and white supremacists. He\'s looking for tax cuts on the rich, with economic policies that would be disastrous for the poor. He\'s even appointed rick Santorum to a "religious council", further encouraging the control and influence of the religious crowd.', '>>{throwaway029384756} : None of what I said has to do with spite. It has to do with civility and unity, something we need more of today.', ">>{Blue_Team4President} : If Trump has no qualms about disregarding election fundraising laws, what makes anyone think he won't ignore other laws?", '>>{wyldcat} : They did, but not when Clinton was SoS and when they donated earlier it was to build a library. > Using Trump’s Saudi Arabia example, Saudi Arabia shows up as having given between $10 million and $25 million since the foundation started. When it began in 1997, the foundation’s main goal was to build the Clinton presidential library, although it left open the option to "engage in any and all other charitable, educational and scientific activities" that nonprofits are allowed to do under federal law. > > The Washington Post reported that Saudi Arabia gave about $10 million to build the library. (According to the Post, the Saudis gave a similar amount to the George H.W. Bush library.) > > After the library donation, the Saudis gave very little and stopped giving entirely during the time Clinton was secretary of state. She stepped down in early February 2013. > > As a legal matter, Clinton was not a member of the foundation’s board until 2013, after she left the administration. She was a board member in 2014 when the Saudis gave again, but that amount would be much less than $10 million. > > There were no Saudi donations while she was secretary. > > Getting back to Saudi Arabia, working with them would necessarily be a part of any president’s job. Its donations might not make a difference, but there is no question that the foundation’s work creates a tangle of relationships. > > [That does not, however, prove Trump’s point](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/07/fact-checking-donations-clinton-foundation/).', ">>{throwaway029384756} : >Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't Trump doing all of those things you mentioned? I wish I could but like an old oak the roots of intolerance runs deep in the Democrat party and apparently you. I'd debate all the other points but I'm up to -14 downvotes on my original comment which only mentioned who I am voting for. Sadly, I won't be able to comment more than every 10 minutes at this pace as i'll be in the hole.", ">>{007meow} : Feel free to PM me, as I'm curious as to why you think Democrats are the ones pushing a religious agenda.", '>>{Saltysweetcake} : He had the audacity to ask Vicente Fox for money???', ">>{CouchRadish} : If the Trump campaign were trying to illegally get foreign donations, don't you think they would try to be at least a little secret about it? It seems really, really stupid to ask for them in such a public manner.", ">>{Thecalculatorman} : Yes but you're not factoring in the ways Bill Clinton was paid from Saudi Arabian sources (speaking fees) while Hillary Clinton was in fact Secretary of State http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-state-department-documents-reveal-concern-about-bill-clintons-activities-with-saudi-entities/ By the way if you click on the link they directly link the emails themselves that show this information >Other documents previously forced out through this lawsuit show that Bill Clinton worked with Tanmiah Commercial Group, a Saudi group based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that paid Clinton $300,000. >The Clinton Foundation told the State Department he would participate in the 2011 Global Competiveness Forum, a five-day event in Riyadh. The event was co-sponsored by the Dabbagh Group Holding Co., which “comprises 28 autonomous companies, operating in diversified businesses in 30 countries. Mohammed Husnee Jazeel currently serves as Dabbagh Group’s CFO.” The Clinton Foundation described the event as: >[A]n annual meeting of global business leaders, international political leaders and selected academics and journalists. It was founded in 2006 by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) and is held under the patronage of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz. >Established in 2000, the SAGIA **encourages investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia** and provides licensing and support services to investors.", '>>{TommyOKe} : Looks like Trump has really triggered Jeff Bezos. Last 20+ political articles have been anti-Trump. Seems kind of like they forgot Hillary was in the race. Her poll numbers are tanking and WaPo is getting desperate', ">>{caliboy_19} : He said the primary. Which he did. And as of right now he's received majority small donations.", '>>{tangential_quip} : My take on it is that they are not actively seeking foreign donations, but they also are not taking any affirmative steps to ensure that foreign nationals do not receive their solicitations.', '>>{CouchRadish} : Yes, there should be more effort to keep this from happening. But claiming that this is evidence of illegal donations is honestly grasping for straws.', '>>{wyldcat} : Yeah but Bill founded the foundation so why would there be anything wrong against him being paid in speaking fees? Did he get paid directly or did the foundation get a donation for Bill speaking? I still see no laws being broken. The big difference from the Trump Foundation is that they actually use that money for charity and for helping people out while Trump is using the money he is tax evading to help himself pay for his legal fees and paintings of himself to be hung at his hotels.', ">>{wyldcat} : I'm kidding of course, it's illegal for you guys to donate to my campaign... but maybe you didn't hear what I said earlier sooo just press this button here and we will be good to go thanks! [And please, don't donate but ^^please ^^^do](http://i.giphy.com/xTiTnHXbRoaZ1B1Mo8.gif).", '>>{poopy_mcgee} : On the contrary, I hate it when people make up their minds without facts. "Yeah, exactly" implies that the donations were shady, when in reality, they went to a charity.', '>>{moleratical} : What about my post is intolerant? What you said is A) often repeated on AM radio B) not typical of the left There was no judgement in my statement', '>>{SugarBear4Real} : He must need another portrait of himself someone needs to buy him because he is broke.', '>>{TommyOKe} : Where is the WaPo story about Hillary asking for money from Soros?', ">>{killerdogice} : A mailing list is just a mailing list though... The exact same thing would happen if you took a foreign email and entered it into clintons website. It would be ridiculously impractical to have someone individually vet every address in a list probably millions of names long, and on top of that how are you even meant to know that an email isn't owned by a US citizen just by looking at it? They probably should have blacklisted his email after the first time it happened, but I doubt anyones really paying attention to incorrect emails being added to the mailing list on either side of the campaign.", ">>{killerdogice} : Some memer added his email to the trumps mailing list... Would you be calling for FEC penalties against the clinton campaign if a /pol/ guy made an account on hillary's website with putins email?", '>>{ainbheartach} : August 2nd: [*"I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"* ―Donald Trump](https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/627841345789558788?lang=en-gb) Four days ago: [Sheldon Adelson to give $25m boost to Trump Super Pac](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/sep/23/sheldon-adelson-trump-super-pac-donation-25-million) Yestreday, Donald working hard as a puppet: [Trump\'s Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel\'s Capital Dashes Hopes For Peace](http://www.christiantoday.com/article/trumps.recognition.of.jerusalem.as.israels.capital.dashes.hopes.for.peace/96406.htm) Today: [The Adelsons have some prime real estate in Trump section -- 4 seats, 3rd row](https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/780537366540943361)', '>>{majiggerjagger} : It wouldn\'t be hard for me to go "sign up" a foreign email address either....', ">>{myles_cassidy} : When Trump says he isn't bought by people, he isn't saying it because he is proud, he is saying it because he is jealous he isn't getting a share of all that money.", '>>{MemeLearning} : I keep seeing arguments that hes asking for money and yet hes either not getting it or if he is its not showing up anywhere. Trump has spent less than any candidate in recent history.', ">>{ricdesi} : Jesus christ, he really is going broke, isn't he?", ">>{BettyCrockabakecakes} : It seems really, really stupid pretty much captures the entire essence of his campaign though. There's not much you can defend with logic, when logic is rarely used.", '>>{johnvikgreen} : How else is he going to get Mexico to pay for that stupid wall.'], [">>{thegoodvibe} : >The poll shows the lone country where Trump is preferred over Clinton is Russia. You just can't make this shit up.", ">>{kctroway} : More reason to vote for Trump. Foreigners know a Clinton administration will benefit them more than a Trump administration would. I don't want our country sold out to special interests especially not wealthy foreign elites and internationalists, Saudis and other gulf state members with extreme oil wealth. We don't need to bend over backwards for the rest of the world. We need to do what's right for America. And ultimately a strong America will also benefit the world in the long run.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : DJ Drumpf only won in the Russian poll. I love this election.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : You mean voting for Donald Trump that has explicit relationships with foreign elites? One of these days I would love to see what the world looks like through your views.', '>>{KentuckyFriedTurtle} : Haha!! but was the Russian poll hacked?', ">>{kctroway} : What foreign elites does Trump have explicit relationships with? I can't think of a single one. And please don't say Putin, a couple of compliments here and there does not equal a relationship. The only foreign leaders he has met with are Nieto in Mexico and Sisi in Egypt, and Hillary also met with sisi. Meanwhile Hillary has received hundreds of millions of dollars from wealthy foreigners who seek to use her foundation as a way to influence American politics.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : http://www.newsweek.com/2016/09/23/donald-trump-foreign-business-deals-national-security-498081.html Direct investments into his business and his pocket.', ">>{toxicroach} : I knew that was the response this would get. A Clinton administration would benefit them more because it's going to benefit everyone more due to her not being an incompetent buffoon. That dumb mayor in Toronto had no effect on me in the slightest, if polled I would have picked his challenger. For simple common sense reasons.", '>>{clone822} : https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/set-an-open-course-for-the-virgin-sea?utm_term=.eqj2lNDBy#.ac4PWg1Zw http://www.nytimes.com/1995/04/12/business/trump-is-selling-plaza-hotel-to-saudi-and-asian-investors.html A Saudi prince has bailed out Trump twice. Not a donation to his charity. Literally saving his financial reality.', ">>{kctroway} : Exactly , there's no proof that Trump is cozy with any foreign leaders. Meanwhile we can see who donated to the Clinton Foundation, and match that with state department decisions beneficial to that country around the same time the donation was made.", ">>{kctroway} : So because he wanted to make money off of Trump that means it is a personal relationship? So that's like one person, compared to the hundreds of donors to the Clinton Foundation who then met with Hillary at the state department?", ">>{kctroway} : So business dealings constitute personal relationships? Guess I have a personal relationship with everyone I've sold to or bought something from then.", '>>{clone822} : How many times does a Saudi prince have to save his business before it starts looking bad?', '>>{thegoodvibe} : > Meanwhile Hillary has received hundreds of millions of dollars from wealthy foreigners who seek to use her foundation as a way to influence American politics. She hasn\'t actually received a cent from any of those donations. Trump has literally made money from those businesses. I also like how you added the word personal before relationship, even though I never did. There is this thing called "Business relationship".', '>>{toxicroach} : Uh, the claim that Trump is an incompetent buffoon is very well documented. Very well. Bigly documented, even.', ">>{kctroway} : I wish I could be as dumb as he. Maybe then I'd be able to be a billionaire.", ">>{toxicroach} : Go back in time and come out of the right vagina. Then invest the money you inherit in S&P 500 index funds. You'll be three times as rich as Donald and you can spend your life surfing and smoking weed in Maui.", '>>{kctroway} : Okay then how did Hillary and Bill come to have over 100 million dollars when they said they were "dead broke" after leaving the white house. Senator and Secretary of State salary doesn\'t pay that much. And the only other thing they were publicly doing was the Clinton Foundation and paid speeches.', ">>{kctroway} : But then I wouldn't be able to employ tens of thousands of people like Trump did. It's not just about being rich, it's about contributing to society as well.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : >And the only other thing they were publicly doing was the Clinton Foundation and paid speeches. Two things: * Bill has the presidential salary of $200000 a year. * If you want to find out how they make their money, go over and check stories like [this one](http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-clinton-tax-returns-20160812-story.html) that have a breakdown on what they earned, because, you know, we have their tax documents.', ">>{kctroway} : Wow, 100 million dollars largely from speaking fees. And there are actually people who think she won't be biased towards those who paid her? Wow", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Once again, if thats how you feel, then why is Trump exempt from this criticism? He made his money on investments by foreign elites.', '>>{kctroway} : Not true. Most of it was made by purchasing and selling real estate over the years. There have been some foreign investments but not much.', '>>{thegoodvibe} : And who do you think made the investments for him to build?', ">>{yuseffuhler} : Does it count as employment if you don't pay them?"]]
classify and reply
[">>{SATexas1} : I never thought I'd find myself supporting a strong Germany leading Europe But here we are Germany needs to stand strong, work closely with the French and be the pillar of the EU. They need to keep NATO relevant, and maybe that means those countries do need to increase their spending on defense.", ">>{bontesla} : NATO serves a functional purpose. It's useful for NATO allies especially when it comes to enforcing/levying sanctions outside of the UN. However, NATO is compromised of powerful countries who have a history of unsanctioned military and covert operations in less powerful countries. I think NATO justly deserves criticism for how it's being used. Trump is correct to criticize NATO but he is unable to make the moral/ethical argument because, ultimately, he doesn't disagree with the behavior. His objection is how that behavior is being utilized. This leads back to Trump's campaign in a nutshell. He *almost* sounds like a populist when you only examine some his criticisms. That delusion falls apart when you hear his solutions.", ">>{ComradeTaco} : Russia is working overtime to make sure all of those efforts are undermined. Keep a constant stream of propaganda and trolls to support the alt-right into Western media. Their words will, regardless of veracity, will be seized on as abject truth by both fascist alt-right figures and traditional conservatives terrified of the immigration crisis. Add a mixture of economic anxiety and you've got a nice neo-nationalist ruling coalition sympathetic to Russia. Russia is playing a brilliant game right now. Help the alt-right take power, exit NATO and the EU. In exchange, the alt-right turns a blind eye or even applauds continuous annexation by Russia in the east. Once annexation starts, the newly fragmented power structure of Europe will be helpless to collectively resist. The Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, all stand in the immediate path of Russia. It was only 26 years ago that Soviet tanks departed. It may be only 27 before they return. And if you have doubts: Look at the comments that will follow at the bottom of this article. Many are nearly verbatim with the official statements that Russia has released on these matters.", ">>{TheNotoriousJTS} : Great meeting. Excellent meeting. The best meeting. ^you're ^^paying ^^^for ^^^^the ^^^^^wall ^^^^^^though And I consider you a friend, president.", ">>{StormySands} : US officer in charge of Trump's nuclear football 'poses for photo with Mar-a-Lago guest'", ">>{straydog1980} : You know in the rest of the world it's just referred to as the far right", '>>{bunandonly} : Did Mexico say they would be paying for the wall if it happened?', '>>{ButlerianJihadist} : Trump Supporter Labeled ‘Fake News’ By ’60 Minutes’ Beats Everyone To Susan Rice Scoop', '>>{FirmlyThatGuy} : Yeah this is the dipshit that posted on Facebook the picture of Trump being briefed by cell phone light in the dining room of Mar A Lago.', '>>{anon902503} : It\'s easy to get a "scoop" from the regime when you write state propaganda.', '>>{StormySands} : So this guy apparently gives no fucks about our national security, great.', '>>{retnuh730} : They asked Trump about who would pay for the wall and he said "they didn\'t discuss it". WEAK DONALD IS WEAK', '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : hahahahahah oh good, we should definitely listen to the DailyCaller, and the ranting of a conspiracy theorist. That is totally real, and not fake news.', '>>{hk93g3} : Our national secrets are being exposed on social media. Good job, Trump!', '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : It really was a great press conference. Trump looked very presidential.', ">>{retnuh730} : Surely doesn't speak with much energy about his policy when he's across the border, does he?", '>>{yourlyingalready} : Hilarious that Trump is repeating word for word Kremlin talking points. All while theres a document circulated the world over accusing him of being a Russian puppet.', '>>{corps-peau-rate} : True, Donald too scary, Weak, low energy, dominated Trump. Sad :(', '>>{patentattorney} : was there anything interesting that was discussed? Or standard press conference of saying "we need to work together" to lower drugs and cartel violence?', '>>{FirmlyThatGuy} : But he does give a fuck about Facebook likes and Twitter mentions so he gets along with the Donald well.', ">>{TheNotoriousJTS} : I only caught the end, and I honestly thought it wasn't too batshit crazy by Trump's standards, and then it kinda went off the rails when he was asked about the wall. Not that I'm surprised.", '>>{MWM2} : *Great.* The security of nuclear codes is put in danger for a fucking *selfie.*', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : They\'re still trying to say a person doing their job is a "scoop?"', '>>{Pmac24} : The internet means forever. How could he not know that? What if he knew what a shit show was taking place in front of him, and under the guise of not knowing any better, informed the world of just how loose the Administration is under Trump? An "honest" mistake by a valued member might save him from losing his membership/friends, etc.', '>>{dagrave} : Very nice Don! How many consecutive days has he done something stupid that reaches the masses. This Administration is a joke.', ">>{WhyMnemosyne} : Susan Rice cover story, Devin Nunes and Trump himself revealed everything but actual names. Susan did not reveal anything. So, what scoop? *no/not, oops apologies to everyone, I am also cooking, it isn't helping the typing.", '>>{dmanww} : OK, other side of the question. Rick posed for Tue photo. That seems to mean he is allowed to do it.', '>>{MrONegative} : Why do people keep spelling it Nato instead of NATO. I keep reading gnat-toe.', '>>{ChickenFriedTrump} : [Weird Mike](https://youtu.be/eu7Nigp7gHA) [Gorilla Mind](https://youtu.be/AcXC9o9mRdg)', '>>{sheshesheila} : A main proponent of Pizza Gate is the definition of fake news. Less than no credibility.', ">>{bmikey} : So we need a new football guy? Sorry I don't know the sports.", ">>{workfuntimecoolcool} : Cernovich is a really horrible person. Check out what he did to Vic Berger. It's horribly fascinating how messed up/depraved (to put it lightly) this guy is, and how all of his followers hang onto every word as gospel. But then again, that's the alt-right for you. The Daily Caller is a really horrible website.", ">>{Shastamasta} : You could hear the screams of Republicans calling for Obama's head on a platter if this happened during his Administration.", '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : This was a press conference, not a rally. Spin all you want, this did nothing but help Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary is resting before giving some donor speech or something.', '>>{retnuh730} : Basically that. Outlined his "5 pillars" of border security. I think it\'s related to his speech tonight. Definitely lacked the bombast of your typical Trump speech. The president systematically refuted all of his claims in his speech before Trump spoke, but reiterated that he would respect the outcome of the election. Kind of disappointing that you had your chance to defend your country against a man who\'s entire campaign blames the problems in his country on your people immigrating illegally and you just kinda politely disagree.', ">>{fakepostman} : Diamond Joe pointed out the nuclear football guy at some point (at the DNC? not sure) and the Republicans had a conniption about it for a while. It was ridiculous then and it's still pretty ridiculous now, I don't think this compromises national security at all. It's really tacky though.", '>>{temp91} : The number of military officers escorting the president carrying a suitcase can probably be counted on one hand.', ">>{Daotar} : That's a recipe for catastrophe. An armed Europe has never been able to remain at peace with itself for very long.", '>>{youshedo} : well from a do not fuck with stand point i would rather have russia and china than Nato.', '>>{Shastamasta} : I honestly do not know much about how this is done, but the optics of pointing out the name and photo of the person with the case is pretty bad. It\'s not like someone just said "oh hey look! guy with briefcase!" They actually took the time to snap a selfie with the guy and post his name.', '>>{workfuntimecoolcool} : This is fantastic. Oh my God this is so unsettling and hilarious and horrifying.', '>>{retnuh730} : I think people will definitely remember "Who will pay for the wall? We didn\'t discuss it" from this over all else.', '>>{Kunundrum85} : Did the dailycaller just write an article trying to defend the dailycaller from an accusation nobody made? Lols.', '>>{annoyingstranger} : [His base](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50jcss/trump_and_mexican_president_press_conference/d74i7se?context=1) is already claiming victory.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : No, what they will remember is Trump was there for the press conference and Hillary wasn't", ">>{Shastamasta} : [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNfBo8biMiE) is what fakepostman is referring to about Joe Biden. It's not nearly as bad as what this guy did posing for pictures and posting it with the man's name on social media. This just proves my point that the right-wing would be out for blood for something even less significant.", ">>{IncredibleBenefits} : > well from a do not fuck with stand point i would rather have russia and china than Nato. You would rather have Russia - an economy smaller than Italy's - than the most powerful alliance to have ever existed? China is incensed by Trump's presidency and behavior, I don't think they're going to play ball.", '>>{fco83} : Also it wasnt clear there was a scoop here. Others likely had the same info and determined there wasnt much of a story there.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : It has since WW2 ended and the EU/NATO were formed. Tearing down the EU and NATO is the real recipe for disaster.', ">>{Shastamasta} : Maybe we can hope they just carry around a toy briefcase for Trump to play with when he is bored? So he doesn't actually annihilate another country.", '>>{corps-peau-rate} : Seriously nop. Maybe we can see that their news strategy is not "Build a Wall", but Build wallS. Trump talk about the south border of mexico. Lol does this mean, USA/Mexico border is USA to paid, then Mexico/Colombia ( not sure which country is there ) will paid their waill ? So Trump will countinue his "Mexico will paid for the wall" ???', ">>{n0xz} : Looks like a scared little shit... That's very presidential.", ">>{Sekxtion} : If you think Trump has given even the slightest thought towards anything you're ascribing to him here, you're delusional. The man is a mouthpiece, nothing more. A manchild that has fooled a significant portion of a scared and increasingly irrelevant segment of the US population into electing him. He's going to Pied Piper this country straight to hell.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Totally, Mr. Brexit helped his ground game in...Mexico... Maybe he should go ambush the pope next?', '>>{corps-peau-rate} : Nan, because Donald fans will see his flip-flop. No more Mexico will paid for the wall.', '>>{MWM2} : Yeah, but "pic" doesn\'t cut it. Sometimes reality needs help.', ">>{retnuh730} : Let me guess, you'll be the first one blaming the 'corrupt media' when they cover what he said more than the photo op", '>>{workfuntimecoolcool} : I remember reading this when it first came out. So messed up. Dude is scum of the earth.', ">>{NachoLawbre} : The US, Russia, and China aren't going to form some sort of alliance, and such an alliance would be pointless since nobody is going to fuck with any of those three countries anyway. Also, China is not involved in the whole Putin-Trump bromance and Trump has actually been poking a stick in their eye for some time.", '>>{Ainaomadd} : Isnt the European far right more aligned with the American moderate right ideals?', '>>{youshedo} : well how you you enslave the rest of the world then?', ">>{fakepostman} : Yeah, no argument that this is worse, and it's a very frustrating demonstration of their hypocrisy. It's just pretty far down on the list of Trump Things, is all I'm saying.", ">>{electro_report} : I think his political affiliation isn't as relevant as his gross lack of qualifications to define 'news'", '>>{joltto} : And civilians should not be coming in physical contact or posting pictures of them on social media.', ">>{firemogle} : For fucks sake the dude paid goof money to get in the club, now you're telling me being within an arms reach of launching nukes for a photo op is against some rules? He fucking paid!", ">>{DrMobius0} : Europe as a whole is more liberal, or so I hear, but it's hard to get more far right than ignorant xenophones. They're probably on the same level", ">>{isikorsky} : MSNBC asked the Bloomberg writer if he knew the 'pizza gate' guy got the same scoop about Rice.", '>>{MWM2} : I never thought of it quite that way. *Social media* pay-to-play***!*** God fucking damn it do I hate Trump.', '>>{mobilechimp} : No you have to listen to his supporters, that was just fake news. Anonymous trolls on 4chan said that they made it up, who are you going to trust more?', ">>{MoreTuple} : Un-fucking-believable. Or it would be if that hadn't lost all meaning.", '>>{herbzilla} : Check the [outrage](http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/15/joe-biden-exposes-military-aide-nuclear-codes-campaign-rally-hillary/) back then. Read the comments. The hypocrisy is just mindnumbing.', ">>{evilregis} : You're not looking into his heart, guys!!!", '>>{mapoftasmania} : Not to defend Trump because he is a baby-mouthed douche, but it depends on context. If he means "obsolete" as in "we should invest to update it" then fine. Obviously, "obsolete" as in "time to disband it" is concerning.', '>>{BigBossN7} : Later in the same quote he also said NATO is "very important to him" but don\'t let that stop you from continuing to cherry pick his quotes to stir controversy r/politics', '>>{loungeboy79} : All at the same time that the Ukraine is reporting gunfire on "the entire front" with russia. Is there really any doubt that drumpf is controlled by Putin?', ">>{cltlz3n} : I mean people are fucking morons, even some kinda goofball like this is willing to risk national security for a fucking Facebook post. Which is EXACTLY why you need to shield the people from the inner workings of our nation's operations. But no, Trump would rather do it in plain view [because he's obsessed with attention](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/13/mar-a-lago-north-korea-missile-crisis-trump-national-security#img-2). How long will this insanity go on?", ">>{Franz_Kafka} : So he's contradictory about his stance on NATO? That's reassuring.", '>>{NegaDeath} : Use your conservative third eye to derive the real meaning in his heart. Don\'t go by misleading things like "words" and "evidence" and "the things he does publicly on full record".', ">>{cltlz3n} : Let's leave aside Trump's horrendous agenda for a second. This here, this right here dammit is the reason why dems were saying he is unfit to be President. How is this fucking unacceptable? How can you love your country and say that this is ok? This is a disgrace.", ">>{BigBossN7} : So you can't support a group while at the same time questioning some policies about that group?", ">>{uneasylistening} : Well, he's got the username of a 13 year old's xbox gamertag. He ignores the meat of what was actually said, as well as everything between the lines, in order to cherrypick the one positive thing Trump said about NATO. He ignores the blatant contradiction Trump implements within the same paragraph. Blames r/politics for cherrypicking. Doesn't respond when reason is pointed out. Yep, T_D is calling buddy, head back to your safespace.", '>>{agreeableperson} : Why do you think vowel length has anything to do with uppercase/lowercase?', '>>{Franz_Kafka} : Calling it obsolete is pretty synonymous with "shouldn\'t exist."', '>>{GVArcian} : The european right is more like the american center, the far right globally tends to be equally far to the right from the political center regardless of their geological frame of reference.', ">>{weeping_demon7} : The BBC, which is the article linked, doesn't abbreviate all letters in acronyms if the acronym is pronounced as a word such as NATO, FISA, etc. (as opposed to an initialism like the BBC, NBC, ABC, etc.)", '>>{BigBossN7} : More like "needs improvement" in the actual context of the quote.', ">>{Daotar} : Except Europe hasn't been seriously armed since WWII, and I don't know that we want to peg our hopes for peace on that continent on the future stability of the EU or NATO, given that the former is going through a rather rough patch and the latter is held together mostly by the US.", '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : The Orange Bag of Shit must have read the Moscow memo on the topic. The Orange Bag of Shit needs to be disposed of before he kills us all.', '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : Hitler set forth the template for this shit. Hitler noted the need for "stupid voting citizenry" to re-establish the Reich.', '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : I doubt he is controlled. I think he is an equal partner. Which is worse. Frankly.', '>>{loungeboy79} : Yeah, I thought the "blackmail" wasn\'t some presidential sex kink, but was proof of the deal that Trump would get stock in Rosneft Oil as motivation to lift the sanctions (and enable russian arctic oil drilling), weaken NATO, defund the UN, kill renewable energy research (to maintain the oil value), and Rex Tillerson was only around to make sure the $500 billion Exxon deal got through. It\'s treason, and Trump wasted no time trying to discredit intelligence agencies and media outlets who could expose the info of the deal.', '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : Well put. And the Pee-Pee thing is also black mailable.', ">>{Franz_Kafka} : He said obsolete. Trump apologists love to say he doesn't mean what he says. You must take what a president says at face value.", ">>{Uncle_Paul_Hargis} : If he wanted to stop people from accusing him of being in bed with the Russians, he would stop shit like this. He's like the most oblivious double agent in history.", ">>{NotWhomYouKnow} : I for one am no fan of NATO. It fulfilled its purpose and I don't like what it does now. Tend to agree with Chomsky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huOz6_xhUKU", ">>{loungeboy79} : The peepee thing seems like something that drumpf could dismiss pretty easily, except for defensive toddler-written tweets. Compared to supporting Putin's murderous invasions and handing trillions of dollars in oil to the dictator to make him filthy rich with a well equipped military, I think Trump supporters would prefer to focus to be on silly sex kinks rather than the treasonous relationship with Putin.", '>>{loungeboy79} : The problem is knowing that if he just gets through a few more months, or even just weeks of SNL making fun of him, he could get billions of dollars worth of stock in Putin\'s oil company for his assistance in weakening sanctions and enabling Putin\'s military aggression. That\'s the kind of treason that makes me think "death penalty for this guy", not some laughs at a narcissist getting a ego check that he can ignore by rolling around in rubles like scrooge mcduck.', '>>{Sejes89} : Actually for the trillion dollars budget it receives annually, NATO helps...well it has helped in...ok what does it do exactly?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{SATexas1} : I never thought I'd find myself supporting a strong Germany leading Europe But here we are Germany needs to stand strong, work closely with the French and be the pillar of the EU. They need to keep NATO relevant, and maybe that means those countries do need to increase their spending on defense.", ">>{bontesla} : NATO serves a functional purpose. It's useful for NATO allies especially when it comes to enforcing/levying sanctions outside of the UN. However, NATO is compromised of powerful countries who have a history of unsanctioned military and covert operations in less powerful countries. I think NATO justly deserves criticism for how it's being used. Trump is correct to criticize NATO but he is unable to make the moral/ethical argument because, ultimately, he doesn't disagree with the behavior. His objection is how that behavior is being utilized. This leads back to Trump's campaign in a nutshell. He *almost* sounds like a populist when you only examine some his criticisms. That delusion falls apart when you hear his solutions.", ">>{ComradeTaco} : Russia is working overtime to make sure all of those efforts are undermined. Keep a constant stream of propaganda and trolls to support the alt-right into Western media. Their words will, regardless of veracity, will be seized on as abject truth by both fascist alt-right figures and traditional conservatives terrified of the immigration crisis. Add a mixture of economic anxiety and you've got a nice neo-nationalist ruling coalition sympathetic to Russia. Russia is playing a brilliant game right now. Help the alt-right take power, exit NATO and the EU. In exchange, the alt-right turns a blind eye or even applauds continuous annexation by Russia in the east. Once annexation starts, the newly fragmented power structure of Europe will be helpless to collectively resist. The Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, all stand in the immediate path of Russia. It was only 26 years ago that Soviet tanks departed. It may be only 27 before they return. And if you have doubts: Look at the comments that will follow at the bottom of this article. Many are nearly verbatim with the official statements that Russia has released on these matters.", ">>{straydog1980} : You know in the rest of the world it's just referred to as the far right", '>>{yourlyingalready} : Hilarious that Trump is repeating word for word Kremlin talking points. All while theres a document circulated the world over accusing him of being a Russian puppet.', '>>{MrONegative} : Why do people keep spelling it Nato instead of NATO. I keep reading gnat-toe.', ">>{Daotar} : That's a recipe for catastrophe. An armed Europe has never been able to remain at peace with itself for very long.", '>>{youshedo} : well from a do not fuck with stand point i would rather have russia and china than Nato.', ">>{IncredibleBenefits} : > well from a do not fuck with stand point i would rather have russia and china than Nato. You would rather have Russia - an economy smaller than Italy's - than the most powerful alliance to have ever existed? China is incensed by Trump's presidency and behavior, I don't think they're going to play ball.", '>>{NachoLawbre} : It has since WW2 ended and the EU/NATO were formed. Tearing down the EU and NATO is the real recipe for disaster.', ">>{Sekxtion} : If you think Trump has given even the slightest thought towards anything you're ascribing to him here, you're delusional. The man is a mouthpiece, nothing more. A manchild that has fooled a significant portion of a scared and increasingly irrelevant segment of the US population into electing him. He's going to Pied Piper this country straight to hell.", ">>{NachoLawbre} : The US, Russia, and China aren't going to form some sort of alliance, and such an alliance would be pointless since nobody is going to fuck with any of those three countries anyway. Also, China is not involved in the whole Putin-Trump bromance and Trump has actually been poking a stick in their eye for some time.", '>>{Ainaomadd} : Isnt the European far right more aligned with the American moderate right ideals?', '>>{youshedo} : well how you you enslave the rest of the world then?', ">>{DrMobius0} : Europe as a whole is more liberal, or so I hear, but it's hard to get more far right than ignorant xenophones. They're probably on the same level", '>>{mobilechimp} : No you have to listen to his supporters, that was just fake news. Anonymous trolls on 4chan said that they made it up, who are you going to trust more?', ">>{evilregis} : You're not looking into his heart, guys!!!", '>>{mapoftasmania} : Not to defend Trump because he is a baby-mouthed douche, but it depends on context. If he means "obsolete" as in "we should invest to update it" then fine. Obviously, "obsolete" as in "time to disband it" is concerning.', '>>{BigBossN7} : Later in the same quote he also said NATO is "very important to him" but don\'t let that stop you from continuing to cherry pick his quotes to stir controversy r/politics', '>>{loungeboy79} : All at the same time that the Ukraine is reporting gunfire on "the entire front" with russia. Is there really any doubt that drumpf is controlled by Putin?', ">>{Franz_Kafka} : So he's contradictory about his stance on NATO? That's reassuring.", '>>{NegaDeath} : Use your conservative third eye to derive the real meaning in his heart. Don\'t go by misleading things like "words" and "evidence" and "the things he does publicly on full record".', ">>{BigBossN7} : So you can't support a group while at the same time questioning some policies about that group?", ">>{uneasylistening} : Well, he's got the username of a 13 year old's xbox gamertag. He ignores the meat of what was actually said, as well as everything between the lines, in order to cherrypick the one positive thing Trump said about NATO. He ignores the blatant contradiction Trump implements within the same paragraph. Blames r/politics for cherrypicking. Doesn't respond when reason is pointed out. Yep, T_D is calling buddy, head back to your safespace.", '>>{agreeableperson} : Why do you think vowel length has anything to do with uppercase/lowercase?', '>>{Franz_Kafka} : Calling it obsolete is pretty synonymous with "shouldn\'t exist."', '>>{GVArcian} : The european right is more like the american center, the far right globally tends to be equally far to the right from the political center regardless of their geological frame of reference.', ">>{weeping_demon7} : The BBC, which is the article linked, doesn't abbreviate all letters in acronyms if the acronym is pronounced as a word such as NATO, FISA, etc. (as opposed to an initialism like the BBC, NBC, ABC, etc.)", '>>{BigBossN7} : More like "needs improvement" in the actual context of the quote.', ">>{Daotar} : Except Europe hasn't been seriously armed since WWII, and I don't know that we want to peg our hopes for peace on that continent on the future stability of the EU or NATO, given that the former is going through a rather rough patch and the latter is held together mostly by the US.", '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : The Orange Bag of Shit must have read the Moscow memo on the topic. The Orange Bag of Shit needs to be disposed of before he kills us all.', '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : Hitler set forth the template for this shit. Hitler noted the need for "stupid voting citizenry" to re-establish the Reich.', '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : I doubt he is controlled. I think he is an equal partner. Which is worse. Frankly.', '>>{loungeboy79} : Yeah, I thought the "blackmail" wasn\'t some presidential sex kink, but was proof of the deal that Trump would get stock in Rosneft Oil as motivation to lift the sanctions (and enable russian arctic oil drilling), weaken NATO, defund the UN, kill renewable energy research (to maintain the oil value), and Rex Tillerson was only around to make sure the $500 billion Exxon deal got through. It\'s treason, and Trump wasted no time trying to discredit intelligence agencies and media outlets who could expose the info of the deal.', '>>{UnHappy_Farmer} : Well put. And the Pee-Pee thing is also black mailable.', ">>{Franz_Kafka} : He said obsolete. Trump apologists love to say he doesn't mean what he says. You must take what a president says at face value.", ">>{Uncle_Paul_Hargis} : If he wanted to stop people from accusing him of being in bed with the Russians, he would stop shit like this. He's like the most oblivious double agent in history.", ">>{NotWhomYouKnow} : I for one am no fan of NATO. It fulfilled its purpose and I don't like what it does now. Tend to agree with Chomsky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huOz6_xhUKU", ">>{loungeboy79} : The peepee thing seems like something that drumpf could dismiss pretty easily, except for defensive toddler-written tweets. Compared to supporting Putin's murderous invasions and handing trillions of dollars in oil to the dictator to make him filthy rich with a well equipped military, I think Trump supporters would prefer to focus to be on silly sex kinks rather than the treasonous relationship with Putin.", '>>{loungeboy79} : The problem is knowing that if he just gets through a few more months, or even just weeks of SNL making fun of him, he could get billions of dollars worth of stock in Putin\'s oil company for his assistance in weakening sanctions and enabling Putin\'s military aggression. That\'s the kind of treason that makes me think "death penalty for this guy", not some laughs at a narcissist getting a ego check that he can ignore by rolling around in rubles like scrooge mcduck.', '>>{Sejes89} : Actually for the trillion dollars budget it receives annually, NATO helps...well it has helped in...ok what does it do exactly?'], [">>{TheNotoriousJTS} : Great meeting. Excellent meeting. The best meeting. ^you're ^^paying ^^^for ^^^^the ^^^^^wall ^^^^^^though And I consider you a friend, president.", '>>{bunandonly} : Did Mexico say they would be paying for the wall if it happened?', '>>{retnuh730} : They asked Trump about who would pay for the wall and he said "they didn\'t discuss it". WEAK DONALD IS WEAK', '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : It really was a great press conference. Trump looked very presidential.', ">>{retnuh730} : Surely doesn't speak with much energy about his policy when he's across the border, does he?", '>>{corps-peau-rate} : True, Donald too scary, Weak, low energy, dominated Trump. Sad :(', '>>{patentattorney} : was there anything interesting that was discussed? Or standard press conference of saying "we need to work together" to lower drugs and cartel violence?', ">>{TheNotoriousJTS} : I only caught the end, and I honestly thought it wasn't too batshit crazy by Trump's standards, and then it kinda went off the rails when he was asked about the wall. Not that I'm surprised.", '>>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : This was a press conference, not a rally. Spin all you want, this did nothing but help Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary is resting before giving some donor speech or something.', '>>{retnuh730} : Basically that. Outlined his "5 pillars" of border security. I think it\'s related to his speech tonight. Definitely lacked the bombast of your typical Trump speech. The president systematically refuted all of his claims in his speech before Trump spoke, but reiterated that he would respect the outcome of the election. Kind of disappointing that you had your chance to defend your country against a man who\'s entire campaign blames the problems in his country on your people immigrating illegally and you just kinda politely disagree.', '>>{retnuh730} : I think people will definitely remember "Who will pay for the wall? We didn\'t discuss it" from this over all else.', '>>{annoyingstranger} : [His base](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50jcss/trump_and_mexican_president_press_conference/d74i7se?context=1) is already claiming victory.', ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : No, what they will remember is Trump was there for the press conference and Hillary wasn't", '>>{corps-peau-rate} : Seriously nop. Maybe we can see that their news strategy is not "Build a Wall", but Build wallS. Trump talk about the south border of mexico. Lol does this mean, USA/Mexico border is USA to paid, then Mexico/Colombia ( not sure which country is there ) will paid their waill ? So Trump will countinue his "Mexico will paid for the wall" ???', ">>{n0xz} : Looks like a scared little shit... That's very presidential.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Totally, Mr. Brexit helped his ground game in...Mexico... Maybe he should go ambush the pope next?', '>>{corps-peau-rate} : Nan, because Donald fans will see his flip-flop. No more Mexico will paid for the wall.', ">>{retnuh730} : Let me guess, you'll be the first one blaming the 'corrupt media' when they cover what he said more than the photo op"], ['>>{ButlerianJihadist} : Trump Supporter Labeled ‘Fake News’ By ’60 Minutes’ Beats Everyone To Susan Rice Scoop', '>>{anon902503} : It\'s easy to get a "scoop" from the regime when you write state propaganda.', '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : hahahahahah oh good, we should definitely listen to the DailyCaller, and the ranting of a conspiracy theorist. That is totally real, and not fake news.', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : They\'re still trying to say a person doing their job is a "scoop?"', ">>{WhyMnemosyne} : Susan Rice cover story, Devin Nunes and Trump himself revealed everything but actual names. Susan did not reveal anything. So, what scoop? *no/not, oops apologies to everyone, I am also cooking, it isn't helping the typing.", '>>{ChickenFriedTrump} : [Weird Mike](https://youtu.be/eu7Nigp7gHA) [Gorilla Mind](https://youtu.be/AcXC9o9mRdg)', '>>{sheshesheila} : A main proponent of Pizza Gate is the definition of fake news. Less than no credibility.', ">>{workfuntimecoolcool} : Cernovich is a really horrible person. Check out what he did to Vic Berger. It's horribly fascinating how messed up/depraved (to put it lightly) this guy is, and how all of his followers hang onto every word as gospel. But then again, that's the alt-right for you. The Daily Caller is a really horrible website.", '>>{workfuntimecoolcool} : This is fantastic. Oh my God this is so unsettling and hilarious and horrifying.', '>>{Kunundrum85} : Did the dailycaller just write an article trying to defend the dailycaller from an accusation nobody made? Lols.', '>>{fco83} : Also it wasnt clear there was a scoop here. Others likely had the same info and determined there wasnt much of a story there.', '>>{workfuntimecoolcool} : I remember reading this when it first came out. So messed up. Dude is scum of the earth.', ">>{electro_report} : I think his political affiliation isn't as relevant as his gross lack of qualifications to define 'news'", ">>{isikorsky} : MSNBC asked the Bloomberg writer if he knew the 'pizza gate' guy got the same scoop about Rice."], [">>{StormySands} : US officer in charge of Trump's nuclear football 'poses for photo with Mar-a-Lago guest'", '>>{FirmlyThatGuy} : Yeah this is the dipshit that posted on Facebook the picture of Trump being briefed by cell phone light in the dining room of Mar A Lago.', '>>{StormySands} : So this guy apparently gives no fucks about our national security, great.', '>>{hk93g3} : Our national secrets are being exposed on social media. Good job, Trump!', '>>{FirmlyThatGuy} : But he does give a fuck about Facebook likes and Twitter mentions so he gets along with the Donald well.', '>>{MWM2} : *Great.* The security of nuclear codes is put in danger for a fucking *selfie.*', '>>{Pmac24} : The internet means forever. How could he not know that? What if he knew what a shit show was taking place in front of him, and under the guise of not knowing any better, informed the world of just how loose the Administration is under Trump? An "honest" mistake by a valued member might save him from losing his membership/friends, etc.', '>>{dagrave} : Very nice Don! How many consecutive days has he done something stupid that reaches the masses. This Administration is a joke.', '>>{dmanww} : OK, other side of the question. Rick posed for Tue photo. That seems to mean he is allowed to do it.', ">>{bmikey} : So we need a new football guy? Sorry I don't know the sports.", ">>{Shastamasta} : You could hear the screams of Republicans calling for Obama's head on a platter if this happened during his Administration.", ">>{fakepostman} : Diamond Joe pointed out the nuclear football guy at some point (at the DNC? not sure) and the Republicans had a conniption about it for a while. It was ridiculous then and it's still pretty ridiculous now, I don't think this compromises national security at all. It's really tacky though.", '>>{temp91} : The number of military officers escorting the president carrying a suitcase can probably be counted on one hand.', '>>{Shastamasta} : I honestly do not know much about how this is done, but the optics of pointing out the name and photo of the person with the case is pretty bad. It\'s not like someone just said "oh hey look! guy with briefcase!" They actually took the time to snap a selfie with the guy and post his name.', ">>{Shastamasta} : [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNfBo8biMiE) is what fakepostman is referring to about Joe Biden. It's not nearly as bad as what this guy did posing for pictures and posting it with the man's name on social media. This just proves my point that the right-wing would be out for blood for something even less significant.", ">>{Shastamasta} : Maybe we can hope they just carry around a toy briefcase for Trump to play with when he is bored? So he doesn't actually annihilate another country.", '>>{MWM2} : Yeah, but "pic" doesn\'t cut it. Sometimes reality needs help.', ">>{fakepostman} : Yeah, no argument that this is worse, and it's a very frustrating demonstration of their hypocrisy. It's just pretty far down on the list of Trump Things, is all I'm saying.", '>>{joltto} : And civilians should not be coming in physical contact or posting pictures of them on social media.', ">>{firemogle} : For fucks sake the dude paid goof money to get in the club, now you're telling me being within an arms reach of launching nukes for a photo op is against some rules? He fucking paid!", '>>{MWM2} : I never thought of it quite that way. *Social media* pay-to-play***!*** God fucking damn it do I hate Trump.', ">>{MoreTuple} : Un-fucking-believable. Or it would be if that hadn't lost all meaning.", '>>{herbzilla} : Check the [outrage](http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/15/joe-biden-exposes-military-aide-nuclear-codes-campaign-rally-hillary/) back then. Read the comments. The hypocrisy is just mindnumbing.', ">>{cltlz3n} : I mean people are fucking morons, even some kinda goofball like this is willing to risk national security for a fucking Facebook post. Which is EXACTLY why you need to shield the people from the inner workings of our nation's operations. But no, Trump would rather do it in plain view [because he's obsessed with attention](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/13/mar-a-lago-north-korea-missile-crisis-trump-national-security#img-2). How long will this insanity go on?", ">>{cltlz3n} : Let's leave aside Trump's horrendous agenda for a second. This here, this right here dammit is the reason why dems were saying he is unfit to be President. How is this fucking unacceptable? How can you love your country and say that this is ok? This is a disgrace."]]
classify and reply
['>>{ZeroEqualsOne} : ‘I Think He’s a Very Dangerous Man for the Next Three or Four Weeks’', ">>{gearPost} : Shermans march to the sea didn't leave a shitstorm like this.", ">>{rastertaster} : The last time it looked similarly bad in the polls for Trump he called for the assassination of Clinton. Since the angle with the conspiracy theories about her health doesn't really work he might again fall back to this disgusting behaviour. His followers are already amped up and ready for revolution if they don't get what they want.", '>>{myellabella} : Really interesting and honest insight into Trump. > I think he’s always boasted about the things that he’s the most insecure about, which is his wealth, his intellect and his sex appeal. His boasting about winning in unscientific polls can be added to this list. > He’ll never say to himself he lost because he had a skeletal campaign operation, which he did; that he lost because he’s unappealing to a large swatch of the voters; that he lost because he’s willfully ignorant about public policy; that he lost because he’s a nasty and unappealing bigot. He’ll never, ever acknowledge any of that. He’ll just come up with an alternate reality that said, “It was rigged against me.”', '>>{EasyLightfoot} : It\'s funny you brought up his name begins when I was watching the debate the other night all I could think about was "This is a scorched earth debate."', '>>{gearPost} : Yep it is true the advice: "Don\'t argue with stupid cause they\'ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"', ">>{-14k-} : You know, I think the game is rigged against him. It is rigged with facts, statistics and science. It is rigged with investigative journalism and hard-hitting journalists. It is rigged with shared acceptable boundaries in male-female relationships and the personal values of individual voters. Thank god he doesn't have a chance!", ">>{thisimpetus} : As a Canadian watching the spectacle unfold, though, isn't Trump basically done? I mean is there really any viable chance of a Trump election? I know that was said about the nomination but it feels like there is an active and informed opposition to Trump, now, rather than the laissez-fair, don't-sweat-it-this-can't-actually-happen attitude he initially capitalized on.", ">>{Ximitar} : He still has a chance. Vote, and try to make sure everybody you know who's eligible votes.", '>>{Ximitar} : Democrats are really really good at staying home on election day, and the temptation now will be to think "Clinton\'s got this, she doesn\'t need my help." Trump\'s loyalists are guaranteed to vote, if they can. The race is determined by swing states, where a few thousand votes can make a huge difference. Democrat apathy and Trumpist obsession are still factors.', ">>{sdbest} : What's disturbing, too, about the Trump 'thing' is how so many people--millions of them--can be so easily conned by someone who is demonstrably mentally deranged. This is a first hand, front row seat into how the worst dictators and despots arise even in 'free' nations. What happened in 1930s Germany *can* happen in America.", '>>{-14k-} : well, except for a few relatives. they are free to stay at home.', '>>{ainbheartach} : So reminds me of those [vintage bodybuilding ads](http://www.kuriositas.com/2012/02/vintage-bodybuilding-ads-of-yesteryear.html); where they sold power (instead of personality) as a way to get women: > Timothy O’Brien: .... I think he’s always boasted about the things that he’s the most insecure about, which is his wealth, his intellect and his sex appeal. .... > . >Barrett: .... This is boasting of something that shows your own weakness. It shows, you know, that a woman doesn’t want you .... > . >D’Antonio: .... he’s so predatory and so oriented toward seizing what he wants rather than relating to a person .... > . > Kruse: Do you all think he is driven more by lust or by fame? > Barrett: I think this is almost nothing to do with lust. This is subjugation. > O’Brien: Right. It’s acquisition. > Barrett: This has almost nothing to do with sex. This is a total power move if you’re talking about “I can plunge my tongue down any mouth I see. I just make my move quickly.” > O’Brien: After doing a round of power Tic Tacs. > Blair: As we all know, he is popping Tic Tacs all the time, but it’s just the analog behavior to how he is with men in any room—looking to dominate, being competitive, looking for a way to be in charge. And for women, I think for him, there’s really only one way to be in charge, and that is to dominate, and if possible, you know, some physical aggression isn’t off the table. > O’Brien: And, you know, he brought that into this political campaign. He’s really destroyed a sense of decency or boundaries or civic behavior in the course of this election that involved almost polluting everything he’s touched in this process, and this is the sort of apotheosis of all of that, unfortunately.', ">>{TYRANNOnisse} : And he did it not once, but TWICE. The man should be in Gitmo, because he's doing more to radicalize americans than ISIS.", '>>{DarbyMcgraw} : This man has begun inciting civil war. Do not expect this election to be peaceful.', '>>{ainbheartach} : This can\'t be said enough. There is no room for apathy here for those who don\'t want Trump as president as *"Trump\'s loyalists are guaranteed to vote, if they can."*.', ">>{King_Buliwyf} : > his wealth, his intellect and his sex appeal. aka The things everyone else is horribly insecure about. Don't get me wrong, I want him to crash and burn as much as anyone, but it is a strangely human trait for a walking glass of Tang.", ">>{Ximitar} : I actually got downvoted for saying this last week. That's one of the scariest things I've ever seen on Reddit.", ">>{ainbheartach} : > I actually got downvoted for saying this last week. That's one of the scariest things I've ever seen on Reddit. They should have noticed is supporters already have their jack boots on; all out to vote for their rabble-rousing Führer, [and ready to intimidate voters](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/08/13/is_trump_pushing_supporters_to_intimidate_minority_voters.html) they think will vote against him into not voting at all.", ">>{Ximitar} : As a matter of fact it was a purported Clinton supporter who started it, by claiming that I was being pessimistic and that there is no need to try to convince people to vote. Apparently, no matter what happens now there's no need to worry about a rout by the wild-eyed Trumpists who'll not only go and vote at their own polling places but will subsequently go and make sure that 'other communities' vote properly too. The disbelief: I had it.", '>>{ainbheartach} : > As a matter of fact it was a purported Clinton supporter who started it, by claiming that I was being pessimistic and that there is no need to try to convince people to vote. Sadly it very much looks like a case of the Clinton supporter projecting how they believe they would behave rather then them thinking pragmatically.', ">>{Ximitar} : > pragmatically. Now you're just making up words...", ">>{reallyjay} : Not everyone else is horribly insecure about wealth, intellect and sex appeal. As a matter of fact, a man in his 70's should have conquered all those fears 40-50 years ago. As someone over 50, I'd have to say our (my age group) fears are what our legacy will look like: Did we raise responsible, happy children? Will we be remembered as someone that contributed to our society? Am I doing enough for my family/society? Don't know a single person (except a Narcissist) over 50 who is concerned about proving how sexually appealing, rich or smart they are. Most use their 20's and maybe 30's to get that figured out. Unless of course, they stopped maturing in their teen years (happens with mental illness and drug abuse, sniff).", '>>{VonBlorch} : No, they need to get out there on November 28.', ">>{JimMarch} : He should have no chance at all. Agreed. 'Cept the DNC decided otherwise when they shoved Hillary down our throats who can match Trump's bullshit down to the last bovine dropping.", '>>{JimMarch} : Bernie. Rand Paul. Jay Leno. Anybody but those two assholes. Voting Johnson at this point.', '>>{anonymous_4_custody} : I think, at this point, the election is probably decided. Almost everyone knows exactly who Trump and Clinton are, and made up their mind who they are voting against, or decided to \'stay home\', or vote third party. Most of the conversations I\'ve had with Trump-types are essentially "yep, you\'re right, he sucks, but Clinton is even worse". At this point, I\'m beginning to think that the only reason I read about the election is because it\'s become a tabloid, and I can\'t help being attracted to the outrageousness of it.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ZeroEqualsOne} : ‘I Think He’s a Very Dangerous Man for the Next Three or Four Weeks’', ">>{gearPost} : Shermans march to the sea didn't leave a shitstorm like this.", ">>{rastertaster} : The last time it looked similarly bad in the polls for Trump he called for the assassination of Clinton. Since the angle with the conspiracy theories about her health doesn't really work he might again fall back to this disgusting behaviour. His followers are already amped up and ready for revolution if they don't get what they want.", '>>{myellabella} : Really interesting and honest insight into Trump. > I think he’s always boasted about the things that he’s the most insecure about, which is his wealth, his intellect and his sex appeal. His boasting about winning in unscientific polls can be added to this list. > He’ll never say to himself he lost because he had a skeletal campaign operation, which he did; that he lost because he’s unappealing to a large swatch of the voters; that he lost because he’s willfully ignorant about public policy; that he lost because he’s a nasty and unappealing bigot. He’ll never, ever acknowledge any of that. He’ll just come up with an alternate reality that said, “It was rigged against me.”', '>>{EasyLightfoot} : It\'s funny you brought up his name begins when I was watching the debate the other night all I could think about was "This is a scorched earth debate."', '>>{gearPost} : Yep it is true the advice: "Don\'t argue with stupid cause they\'ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"', ">>{-14k-} : You know, I think the game is rigged against him. It is rigged with facts, statistics and science. It is rigged with investigative journalism and hard-hitting journalists. It is rigged with shared acceptable boundaries in male-female relationships and the personal values of individual voters. Thank god he doesn't have a chance!", ">>{thisimpetus} : As a Canadian watching the spectacle unfold, though, isn't Trump basically done? I mean is there really any viable chance of a Trump election? I know that was said about the nomination but it feels like there is an active and informed opposition to Trump, now, rather than the laissez-fair, don't-sweat-it-this-can't-actually-happen attitude he initially capitalized on.", ">>{Ximitar} : He still has a chance. Vote, and try to make sure everybody you know who's eligible votes.", '>>{Ximitar} : Democrats are really really good at staying home on election day, and the temptation now will be to think "Clinton\'s got this, she doesn\'t need my help." Trump\'s loyalists are guaranteed to vote, if they can. The race is determined by swing states, where a few thousand votes can make a huge difference. Democrat apathy and Trumpist obsession are still factors.', ">>{sdbest} : What's disturbing, too, about the Trump 'thing' is how so many people--millions of them--can be so easily conned by someone who is demonstrably mentally deranged. This is a first hand, front row seat into how the worst dictators and despots arise even in 'free' nations. What happened in 1930s Germany *can* happen in America.", '>>{-14k-} : well, except for a few relatives. they are free to stay at home.', '>>{ainbheartach} : So reminds me of those [vintage bodybuilding ads](http://www.kuriositas.com/2012/02/vintage-bodybuilding-ads-of-yesteryear.html); where they sold power (instead of personality) as a way to get women: > Timothy O’Brien: .... I think he’s always boasted about the things that he’s the most insecure about, which is his wealth, his intellect and his sex appeal. .... > . >Barrett: .... This is boasting of something that shows your own weakness. It shows, you know, that a woman doesn’t want you .... > . >D’Antonio: .... he’s so predatory and so oriented toward seizing what he wants rather than relating to a person .... > . > Kruse: Do you all think he is driven more by lust or by fame? > Barrett: I think this is almost nothing to do with lust. This is subjugation. > O’Brien: Right. It’s acquisition. > Barrett: This has almost nothing to do with sex. This is a total power move if you’re talking about “I can plunge my tongue down any mouth I see. I just make my move quickly.” > O’Brien: After doing a round of power Tic Tacs. > Blair: As we all know, he is popping Tic Tacs all the time, but it’s just the analog behavior to how he is with men in any room—looking to dominate, being competitive, looking for a way to be in charge. And for women, I think for him, there’s really only one way to be in charge, and that is to dominate, and if possible, you know, some physical aggression isn’t off the table. > O’Brien: And, you know, he brought that into this political campaign. He’s really destroyed a sense of decency or boundaries or civic behavior in the course of this election that involved almost polluting everything he’s touched in this process, and this is the sort of apotheosis of all of that, unfortunately.', ">>{TYRANNOnisse} : And he did it not once, but TWICE. The man should be in Gitmo, because he's doing more to radicalize americans than ISIS.", '>>{DarbyMcgraw} : This man has begun inciting civil war. Do not expect this election to be peaceful.', '>>{ainbheartach} : This can\'t be said enough. There is no room for apathy here for those who don\'t want Trump as president as *"Trump\'s loyalists are guaranteed to vote, if they can."*.', ">>{King_Buliwyf} : > his wealth, his intellect and his sex appeal. aka The things everyone else is horribly insecure about. Don't get me wrong, I want him to crash and burn as much as anyone, but it is a strangely human trait for a walking glass of Tang.", ">>{Ximitar} : I actually got downvoted for saying this last week. That's one of the scariest things I've ever seen on Reddit.", ">>{ainbheartach} : > I actually got downvoted for saying this last week. That's one of the scariest things I've ever seen on Reddit. They should have noticed is supporters already have their jack boots on; all out to vote for their rabble-rousing Führer, [and ready to intimidate voters](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/08/13/is_trump_pushing_supporters_to_intimidate_minority_voters.html) they think will vote against him into not voting at all.", ">>{Ximitar} : As a matter of fact it was a purported Clinton supporter who started it, by claiming that I was being pessimistic and that there is no need to try to convince people to vote. Apparently, no matter what happens now there's no need to worry about a rout by the wild-eyed Trumpists who'll not only go and vote at their own polling places but will subsequently go and make sure that 'other communities' vote properly too. The disbelief: I had it.", '>>{ainbheartach} : > As a matter of fact it was a purported Clinton supporter who started it, by claiming that I was being pessimistic and that there is no need to try to convince people to vote. Sadly it very much looks like a case of the Clinton supporter projecting how they believe they would behave rather then them thinking pragmatically.', ">>{Ximitar} : > pragmatically. Now you're just making up words...", ">>{reallyjay} : Not everyone else is horribly insecure about wealth, intellect and sex appeal. As a matter of fact, a man in his 70's should have conquered all those fears 40-50 years ago. As someone over 50, I'd have to say our (my age group) fears are what our legacy will look like: Did we raise responsible, happy children? Will we be remembered as someone that contributed to our society? Am I doing enough for my family/society? Don't know a single person (except a Narcissist) over 50 who is concerned about proving how sexually appealing, rich or smart they are. Most use their 20's and maybe 30's to get that figured out. Unless of course, they stopped maturing in their teen years (happens with mental illness and drug abuse, sniff).", '>>{VonBlorch} : No, they need to get out there on November 28.', ">>{JimMarch} : He should have no chance at all. Agreed. 'Cept the DNC decided otherwise when they shoved Hillary down our throats who can match Trump's bullshit down to the last bovine dropping.", '>>{JimMarch} : Bernie. Rand Paul. Jay Leno. Anybody but those two assholes. Voting Johnson at this point.', '>>{anonymous_4_custody} : I think, at this point, the election is probably decided. Almost everyone knows exactly who Trump and Clinton are, and made up their mind who they are voting against, or decided to \'stay home\', or vote third party. Most of the conversations I\'ve had with Trump-types are essentially "yep, you\'re right, he sucks, but Clinton is even worse". At this point, I\'m beginning to think that the only reason I read about the election is because it\'s become a tabloid, and I can\'t help being attracted to the outrageousness of it.']]
classify and reply
['>>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : The economy is improving, yet these voters don’t trust the data', '>>{zapichigo} : Islam, Equality, and Pocket Constitutions: How the DNC Did Religious Liberty Right - "Khan’s address didn’t just throw this hypocrisy into stark relief; it demonstrated exactly how Democrats can seize true religious liberty as a winning issue for progressives."', ">>{satosaison} : Prior to 2004, 'religious liberty' was exclusively the domaine of the left, advanced the ACLU. It is an important cause and one protected by our constitution. However, Bush/Rove and family values voting bastardized it and turned it into a conservative talking point. Religious liberty is not the right to enact theocracy or to force other people to conform to your religious sensibility, it is about giving everyone the freedom to worship as they please without government interference.", '>>{Cuckberg} : Honestly the media is really to blame for this shit. They constantly play up how bad the country is doing for clicks. Be it crime rates or the economy.', '>>{Christiano_Donaldo} : Nobody noticed the negative image of the silent submissive woman wearing a hijab obediently standing there', '>>{Emiranin} : Segway miniPro is the luxury SUV of hoverboards (hands-on)', ">>{can_dry} : the Chinese company that purchased Segway in 2015 -- has successfully barred all rival hoverboards from the US market, saying they infringe on Segway's patent for self-balancing two-wheeled devices Whaaaat?? Wow.", ">>{TrentonJ} : I mean, look at Bernie. It's no wonder this is one of the lowest trusted elections in our history. I'm not saying he WAS cheated, but many people believe he was which is lowering trust.", ">>{SecretGoomba} : Not everyone sees it as negative. It is mostly a cultural thing and that is what makes the USA great, people can live their lives the way they want as long as they aren't breaking the law or forcing others to live like they do. It's called freedom of choice or are you going to try and convince us that she had no choice?", '>>{neugo} : So, I gotta pay a thousand bucks to look like an idiot clasping something between my knees?...', '>>{mitcheda} : But does it come with a cup holder and an am/fm radio?', '>>{whatcolorwasit} : No, this model comes with a pair of velcro shoes', ">>{Astronom3r} : One of the major problems is that a lot of voters have lost jobs not only due to outsourcing, but automation as well. [Many of the products that are now made in America are made by machines](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/manufacturing-jobs-are-never-coming-back/). This poses a major problem that isn't really discussed in politics, because outsourcing is something that legislators could potentially pass laws to prevent, but you cannot pass laws to prevent automation. Low-level jobs are slowly and inevitably being replaced by machines, from manufacturing lines to fast food checkout. And this means that there's an ever-decreasing percentage of the job market that is available for the large number of unskilled workers, a disproportionate amount of whom live in rural, Republican-leaning areas. The problem is that it doesn't matter who you vote for: unskilled jobs are *never* coming back. What worked in the 19th century didn't work in the 20th century, and what worked in the 20th century isn't working in the 21st. The way money is viewed and managed in the 21st century *has* to change.", ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Yeah, shit on a Gold Star Mom. That's sure to be a winning issue.", ">>{cosine5000} : Sorry but no, she choose to follow her cultural norm sure, but if she hadn't she would most likely face cultural pressure. Head covering is part of the subjugation of women, it is part of reminding them they are not equal to men. I'm as left as anyone but coverings for women is gross.", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Can democrats do any more to portray themselves as republicans?', ">>{dumbscrub} : because it isn't improving in meaningful ways. underemployment is as bad right now as it was at the peak of the dotcom/911 recessions. the idea that this very real pain is somehow imagined is unbelievably patronizing. http://www.macrotrends.net/1377/u6-unemployment-rate", '>>{dumbscrub} : http://www.macrotrends.net/1377/u6-unemployment-rate actually the underperformance of the economy is very real. current underemployment is as bad as it was at the height of the dotcom/911 recession.', ">>{FigFrontflip} : If you're going to buy one of those, just buy the full sized segway instead..", ">>{SecretGoomba} : >but if she hadn't she would most likely face cultural pressure. This is speculation on your part and it is speculation I cannot agree with because she lives in America, not the middle east. She has a choice here and it is not gross.", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : She covers her hair because her faith tells her God wishes that of her. She is no more oppressed by doing so than a Jewish man is for wearing a Kippah (Yarmulke) or a Christian is for taking Communion.', ">>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : Can one of Russia's DNC hackers help me break reddit's code so I can upvote this comment 50 times?", '>>{mrp3anut} : So you fully support Christians telling their daughters to obey their husbands?', ">>{cosine5000} : The Koran says zero about head covering for women. It's a new thing.", ">>{zornosaur} : You want to incentivize people to invent new things. If everyone could just steal your ideas, then you wouldn't be able to make money off of them and thus there would be little incentive to come up with new ideas.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : > I thought having a monopoly is illegal? Am I missing something? A common misconception. Having a monopoly is perfectly legal, and monopolies often exist with the blessing of regulatory agencies. What is not legal is exploiting that monopoly to engage in what are called "anti-competitive practices." For example, take the most classic case most of us are familiar with - Microsoft. They had a de facto monopoly on operating systems for many years before running afoul of the law. What finally attracted the attention of the justice department was their attempt to strongarm Compaq Computer into excluding Netscape from the default software included on their computers, under threat of losing their OEM pricing, which would have effectively put them out of business. In this specific case with Segways, they do not have a monopoly - they\'re just legally preventing other companies from infringing on their patent. If someone came up with a method of building a hoverboard that was demonstrably different enough from their patent, it would be legal. How ethical this is depends a lot on what you think of patent law, but that\'s another topic entirely.', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : >The other thing is really that the numbers on income inequality and who they think it is rigged for can’t come as a surprise, because what we have known for years now is that the gains in this economy go to the top 1 percent. The rest of it, the other 99 percent, just don’t get the gains. >And we’re seeing that now play out both on the campaign trail and also in this survey. Bingo', ">>{Supermichael777} : people buy their stuff and they don't make stupid unicorn investments. Their no Apple, but they sell their products directly at a decent profit and their field covering tech patients mean they can name their price.", '>>{Roy360360} : Is it wrong that I still get annoyed whenever these things are called "hoverboards"', '>>{hatramroany} : That requires finding a dealer. These can just be purchased off Amazon huge difference for a lot of people.', ">>{iushciuweiush} : lol wut? If we didn't have patents, no one would invent anything.", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : >I'm not saying he WAS cheated, but many people believe he was Believe it or not [there's actually a word for that](https://www.google.com/search?q=Truthiness&oq=Truthiness&ie=UTF-8).", ">>{darwinn69} : NPR had a good segment on this the other day. The reason why voters don't believe it is because of how uneven the distribution is. If you live in a small rural town where the local factory shut down leading to high unemployment then yes, the 'Washington numbers' have nothing to do with you're reality. And that's the reality for a very large segment of Americans. Sanders correctly identified the core problem that the Trump supporters are complaining about.", ">>{acctgamedev} : This is the reality people don't want to admit to. Companies aren't going to hire people once a machine can do the job cheaper, even by a little bit. Once a machine can do the job you can just build thousands of the same machine. This is all starting to happen even in the professional services industry and probably most importantly the transportation industry with self driving vehicles. Back to the point though, when your (or a friend or family member's) job has been taken away by outsourcing or automation you're bound to think the economy is going off a cliff even if that's not the case on the national level.", '>>{Maryland_Mansion} : Then what needs to be done? This problem is just going to get worse as the century progresses.', '>>{Fairuse} : This Segway miniPro looks like a rebranded Ninebot mini Pro (Ninebot owns Segway).', ">>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : There is no easy answer to this question. Really the only jobs that are safe are high level service jobs like finance, IT, engineering, or research. Problem is that these jobs are not exactly easily accessible the way retail and manufacturing jobs are, hence why they can't be easily replaced by a machine.", ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Yeah that's totally wrong. Try 24:31 and 33:59. Plus more ahadith than you can shake a stick at.", ">>{acctgamedev} : We'll probably have to put in place a Universal Basic Income (UBI) where everyone would get X amount per month. Then anyone who wanted to work and make more money than that could try but if they don't find a job they still have enough money to live on (though just enough). No matter what we're going to have to re-think the way we view work and its value. I mean what happens when say 10% of the population wants to work but there's just nothing for them to do anymore?", ">>{Inlander} : The thing about UBI is it allows you to de-stress and follow your passions. Look at some of the great inventions of our time, and it (UBI) would allow that inventiveness 10 fold. The right people for the right jobs. Also our government cannot stop off shoring, but they can take away the incentive of tax breaks that have been removed from the conversation long ago. This could be reversed, but I'm a little leery of constantly giving tax incentives for companies that do not deserve shit! Talking to you Comcast.", '>>{Fairuse} : Btw, this Segway miniPro is just a rebranded Ninebot mini Pro (Ninebot bought Segway).', '>>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : Nope, the first time I EVER saw anybody riding one they ate shit trying to get up the curb in a crosswalk.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{zapichigo} : Islam, Equality, and Pocket Constitutions: How the DNC Did Religious Liberty Right - "Khan’s address didn’t just throw this hypocrisy into stark relief; it demonstrated exactly how Democrats can seize true religious liberty as a winning issue for progressives."', ">>{satosaison} : Prior to 2004, 'religious liberty' was exclusively the domaine of the left, advanced the ACLU. It is an important cause and one protected by our constitution. However, Bush/Rove and family values voting bastardized it and turned it into a conservative talking point. Religious liberty is not the right to enact theocracy or to force other people to conform to your religious sensibility, it is about giving everyone the freedom to worship as they please without government interference.", '>>{Christiano_Donaldo} : Nobody noticed the negative image of the silent submissive woman wearing a hijab obediently standing there', ">>{SecretGoomba} : Not everyone sees it as negative. It is mostly a cultural thing and that is what makes the USA great, people can live their lives the way they want as long as they aren't breaking the law or forcing others to live like they do. It's called freedom of choice or are you going to try and convince us that she had no choice?", ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Yeah, shit on a Gold Star Mom. That's sure to be a winning issue.", ">>{cosine5000} : Sorry but no, she choose to follow her cultural norm sure, but if she hadn't she would most likely face cultural pressure. Head covering is part of the subjugation of women, it is part of reminding them they are not equal to men. I'm as left as anyone but coverings for women is gross.", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Can democrats do any more to portray themselves as republicans?', ">>{SecretGoomba} : >but if she hadn't she would most likely face cultural pressure. This is speculation on your part and it is speculation I cannot agree with because she lives in America, not the middle east. She has a choice here and it is not gross.", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : She covers her hair because her faith tells her God wishes that of her. She is no more oppressed by doing so than a Jewish man is for wearing a Kippah (Yarmulke) or a Christian is for taking Communion.', '>>{mrp3anut} : So you fully support Christians telling their daughters to obey their husbands?', ">>{cosine5000} : The Koran says zero about head covering for women. It's a new thing.", ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Yeah that's totally wrong. Try 24:31 and 33:59. Plus more ahadith than you can shake a stick at."], ['>>{Emiranin} : Segway miniPro is the luxury SUV of hoverboards (hands-on)', ">>{can_dry} : the Chinese company that purchased Segway in 2015 -- has successfully barred all rival hoverboards from the US market, saying they infringe on Segway's patent for self-balancing two-wheeled devices Whaaaat?? Wow.", '>>{neugo} : So, I gotta pay a thousand bucks to look like an idiot clasping something between my knees?...', '>>{mitcheda} : But does it come with a cup holder and an am/fm radio?', '>>{whatcolorwasit} : No, this model comes with a pair of velcro shoes', ">>{FigFrontflip} : If you're going to buy one of those, just buy the full sized segway instead..", ">>{zornosaur} : You want to incentivize people to invent new things. If everyone could just steal your ideas, then you wouldn't be able to make money off of them and thus there would be little incentive to come up with new ideas.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : > I thought having a monopoly is illegal? Am I missing something? A common misconception. Having a monopoly is perfectly legal, and monopolies often exist with the blessing of regulatory agencies. What is not legal is exploiting that monopoly to engage in what are called "anti-competitive practices." For example, take the most classic case most of us are familiar with - Microsoft. They had a de facto monopoly on operating systems for many years before running afoul of the law. What finally attracted the attention of the justice department was their attempt to strongarm Compaq Computer into excluding Netscape from the default software included on their computers, under threat of losing their OEM pricing, which would have effectively put them out of business. In this specific case with Segways, they do not have a monopoly - they\'re just legally preventing other companies from infringing on their patent. If someone came up with a method of building a hoverboard that was demonstrably different enough from their patent, it would be legal. How ethical this is depends a lot on what you think of patent law, but that\'s another topic entirely.', ">>{Supermichael777} : people buy their stuff and they don't make stupid unicorn investments. Their no Apple, but they sell their products directly at a decent profit and their field covering tech patients mean they can name their price.", '>>{Roy360360} : Is it wrong that I still get annoyed whenever these things are called "hoverboards"', '>>{hatramroany} : That requires finding a dealer. These can just be purchased off Amazon huge difference for a lot of people.', ">>{iushciuweiush} : lol wut? If we didn't have patents, no one would invent anything.", '>>{Fairuse} : This Segway miniPro looks like a rebranded Ninebot mini Pro (Ninebot owns Segway).', '>>{Fairuse} : Btw, this Segway miniPro is just a rebranded Ninebot mini Pro (Ninebot bought Segway).', '>>{Oh_God_its_Jesus} : Nope, the first time I EVER saw anybody riding one they ate shit trying to get up the curb in a crosswalk.'], ['>>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : The economy is improving, yet these voters don’t trust the data', '>>{Cuckberg} : Honestly the media is really to blame for this shit. They constantly play up how bad the country is doing for clicks. Be it crime rates or the economy.', ">>{TrentonJ} : I mean, look at Bernie. It's no wonder this is one of the lowest trusted elections in our history. I'm not saying he WAS cheated, but many people believe he was which is lowering trust.", ">>{Astronom3r} : One of the major problems is that a lot of voters have lost jobs not only due to outsourcing, but automation as well. [Many of the products that are now made in America are made by machines](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/manufacturing-jobs-are-never-coming-back/). This poses a major problem that isn't really discussed in politics, because outsourcing is something that legislators could potentially pass laws to prevent, but you cannot pass laws to prevent automation. Low-level jobs are slowly and inevitably being replaced by machines, from manufacturing lines to fast food checkout. And this means that there's an ever-decreasing percentage of the job market that is available for the large number of unskilled workers, a disproportionate amount of whom live in rural, Republican-leaning areas. The problem is that it doesn't matter who you vote for: unskilled jobs are *never* coming back. What worked in the 19th century didn't work in the 20th century, and what worked in the 20th century isn't working in the 21st. The way money is viewed and managed in the 21st century *has* to change.", ">>{dumbscrub} : because it isn't improving in meaningful ways. underemployment is as bad right now as it was at the peak of the dotcom/911 recessions. the idea that this very real pain is somehow imagined is unbelievably patronizing. http://www.macrotrends.net/1377/u6-unemployment-rate", '>>{dumbscrub} : http://www.macrotrends.net/1377/u6-unemployment-rate actually the underperformance of the economy is very real. current underemployment is as bad as it was at the height of the dotcom/911 recession.', ">>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : Can one of Russia's DNC hackers help me break reddit's code so I can upvote this comment 50 times?", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : >The other thing is really that the numbers on income inequality and who they think it is rigged for can’t come as a surprise, because what we have known for years now is that the gains in this economy go to the top 1 percent. The rest of it, the other 99 percent, just don’t get the gains. >And we’re seeing that now play out both on the campaign trail and also in this survey. Bingo', ">>{Misanthraloperer} : >I'm not saying he WAS cheated, but many people believe he was Believe it or not [there's actually a word for that](https://www.google.com/search?q=Truthiness&oq=Truthiness&ie=UTF-8).", ">>{darwinn69} : NPR had a good segment on this the other day. The reason why voters don't believe it is because of how uneven the distribution is. If you live in a small rural town where the local factory shut down leading to high unemployment then yes, the 'Washington numbers' have nothing to do with you're reality. And that's the reality for a very large segment of Americans. Sanders correctly identified the core problem that the Trump supporters are complaining about.", ">>{acctgamedev} : This is the reality people don't want to admit to. Companies aren't going to hire people once a machine can do the job cheaper, even by a little bit. Once a machine can do the job you can just build thousands of the same machine. This is all starting to happen even in the professional services industry and probably most importantly the transportation industry with self driving vehicles. Back to the point though, when your (or a friend or family member's) job has been taken away by outsourcing or automation you're bound to think the economy is going off a cliff even if that's not the case on the national level.", '>>{Maryland_Mansion} : Then what needs to be done? This problem is just going to get worse as the century progresses.', ">>{SCarolinaSoccerNut} : There is no easy answer to this question. Really the only jobs that are safe are high level service jobs like finance, IT, engineering, or research. Problem is that these jobs are not exactly easily accessible the way retail and manufacturing jobs are, hence why they can't be easily replaced by a machine.", ">>{acctgamedev} : We'll probably have to put in place a Universal Basic Income (UBI) where everyone would get X amount per month. Then anyone who wanted to work and make more money than that could try but if they don't find a job they still have enough money to live on (though just enough). No matter what we're going to have to re-think the way we view work and its value. I mean what happens when say 10% of the population wants to work but there's just nothing for them to do anymore?", ">>{Inlander} : The thing about UBI is it allows you to de-stress and follow your passions. Look at some of the great inventions of our time, and it (UBI) would allow that inventiveness 10 fold. The right people for the right jobs. Also our government cannot stop off shoring, but they can take away the incentive of tax breaks that have been removed from the conversation long ago. This could be reversed, but I'm a little leery of constantly giving tax incentives for companies that do not deserve shit! Talking to you Comcast."]]
classify and reply
[">>{BrotherThelonius} : People may take you more seriously if you didn't shitpost memes", '>>{zapichigo} : This Election Is Hillary Clinton’s to Lose, and She’s Screwing It Up', '>>{Stupidiot1337} : Blame white women for country’s failure to shatter glass ceiling', ">>{Redpillamerica} : House intel chair won't step aside in Russia investigation, despite growing calls", ">>{Satexas2} : It took a perfect storm for Hillary to be in this position to begin with. Trump as an opponent was the best possible scenario, anyone else would probably be winning right now. Keep in mind that Democrats start the cycle with a huge electoral lead baked in - so for a Republican to win is an uphill climb. Yet, here we are with Trump. It's too coincidental - it just all seems so fishy.", '>>{LeviathanfromMars} : NO MORE BLAMING! God! If you want to change something do it!', '>>{freakincampers} : Nunes sees himself as there to protect the President, not investigate, so why would he step aside?', '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : There is only one woman to blame, the corrupt misandrist who thought courting suburban white women and forgoing the working white man would help HER. Is is so clear she had no plan for anyone in the nation except HER.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : That's because she was a terrible candidate. Liberals already don't show up enough at the polls and they nominate the only democrat that at least 20% of their base hates. If it's just her and Trump it's a no brainer, but I can't blame people for throwing a vote towards Stein and Johnson. She's just not representative of many progressives.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : They'll figure it out. It's worked for them for years, you can't expect them to figure out it won't work anymore in less than two weeks. Well, you can expect it but give cut 'em some slack.", '>>{a_James_Woods} : Just wait for Trump to tweet "I have full confidence in Devin Nunes" and you\'ll know he\'s done.', ">>{Redpillamerica} : Because it's his job to investigate, not protect the President.", ">>{freakincampers} : Of course his job is to investigate, but Nunes doesn't see it that way.", ">>{Miguel2592} : I would take stuff like these seriously but everytime I try to I read stuff like this and I remember why I'm not voting for Trump", ">>{Johnny_Guano} : All Hillary's flip-flops can't beat Trump's massive belly flop: paying no taxes is smart while bitching about crumbling infrastructure and massive debt.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Watch him on Fox. the guy is such a smug moron.', ">>{veridique} : I won't step down. I have to protect daddy Trump at all cost.", ">>{a_James_Woods} : It seems like he does see it that way, and he sees standing in the way as the only chance to save his own ass. It's not about ideology at this point, it's about not spending the rest of his days in prison for obstruction. He's all-in.", '>>{slappysimian} : So, hey, I\'ll tell it like it is: Globalism already happened. Those manufacturing jobs aren\'t coming back. If you are 50 something and lost a job, you need to adapt. It\'s rough, I know, but life is cruel. Good news is the incoming majority will help you out. They want to give you all the social programs. It\'s tough on the pride, and way too "lazy black person" for you all, but adapt, you worked hard and made America great, now accept the change. We don\'t produce steel anymore, if we did all those reliant industries couldn\'t compete. Coal needs to be replaced, thank you for your service, learn how to install solar. Quit bitching. Obsolete doesn\'t deserve a job.', ">>{slappysimian} : Federal minimum wage means that's a living. The dems got your back if you wouldn't just vote like you're going to win the lotto tomorrow.", '>>{CheetoJesusTrump} : Getting a "third" term is a big challenge. I would posit that Cruz, Christie and most of the others would be doing about as well. Kasich would have been her worst matchup. You see, almost everyone else was a career politician that had documented baggage and who really couldn\'t offer the chaos that Trump can.', ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : How? They will probably stick to Clinton style info policy's and stuff", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Or we could hold each other accountable like adults.', '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Victim? They voted for fucking Donald Trump by choice. It turns out not every woman is a Reddit Legbeard.', '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : This is pivotal. Rather than get him out and someone like Gowdy in, this whole thing needs replaced by independent counsel.', '>>{Usawasfun} : Ha it was a joke. It is gonna suck for them though', ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : And all the rich dilettantes that voted for Donald Trump because their husbands did. Don't forget to blame them for their lack of individual identity or accountability. And all the NASCAR hicks that are so used to being abused that they basically voted in the man who does it to them. And the rest of the 53% of all white women who either hate themselves or are too rock stupid to not vote against their self-interest to prove a hateful point. Either way, this election is partially their fault and blaming them, partially, is perfectly rational.", '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : >"I had been working this for a long time with many different sources and needed a place that I could actually finally go because I knew what I was looking for and I could actually get access to what I needed to see," said Nunes, adding later, "It wasn\'t at night ... nobody was sneaking around, all it was was just a place where I had to go to be able to review this information." He truly could not be acting more guilty if he tried. He\'s like a poorly written character in a student film.', '>>{GonzoNation} : It looks for all the world like Representative Nunes is letting jelly fish sting his arm. Just when it looks like Representative Nunes might manage to save himself, he plods yet another foot deeper into the horrifying morass that is totally Trumps creation.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Representative Nunes job is to represent the people and investigate, not to represent criminals in the Trump administration.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Then he should quit and get on the Trump payroll as a defense attorney.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : > she has been bleeding votes to Stein and Johnson. Might explain the focus on Johnson. But I actually disagree with this. The polls are closer because most polling is now taking into account expected voters over just registered voters. Something democrats hate to admit, is their base has a problem showing up, so when you do that shift in the ways the polls are deducted it's not surprising. I actually think Clinton will manage to win, because I am hopeful this country isn't stupid enough to elect Trump, but I do fear the down ballot races. And I think this will show itself to be the bigger concern as the race winds down.", ">>{powertoold} : I'm really curious how this country will heal after a large portion of our government is found either colluding with Russia or obstructing the investigation. Not to mention all the scumbags defending the WH this whole time.", ">>{stop-being-poor} : The Clintons only ever win with both hands tied behind their backs as enemies back them into a corner. Whenever the going gets easy, that's when they lose.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : It's a theory, but it's really supported with data. Democrats thrive with high turnout. Republicans thrive with low turnout. There base is more consistent and this is why they push for voter ID laws and do weird tactics at the polls, gerrymander, etc. > all of us could really start pushing for Johnson and/or Stein I'd actually prefer that. Because even though it's bad for Clinton, it's also bad for Trump (Johnson is a conservative polling higher than the alternative progressive option Jill Stein). Furthermore, it would inspire more people to turn out, which is good for progressives and democrats. As it stands now, a lot of people hate Clinton and think Trump is so incompetent that he just can't be put into office. And the democrats are doing their best to discourage third parties. For those that have this view, they might just stay home.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Thanks for proving sexism is correct. Women in this election proved themselves to be meek, self-defeating and just plain ignorant. You blew it. It was truly the perfect modern time for women to take over the reigns of power, and you put up the Nastiest Woman possible and then didn\'t turn out to vote for her. You condescend to men here on Reddit about "privilege" instead of actually voting and changing something. Because fuck men, right? And when dinosaurs eat man, woman will inherit the Earth? Great. You fucked this up, girls. This is your fault. The ball was in your court and you dropped it. Thanks for fucking everything up.', '>>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : Gowdy was also part of the transition and comes off as being non-objective.', ">>{Gallandz} : Well, her only opponent for the office of President of the United States is Donald f'ing Trump, so that sounds pretty easy...", ">>{stop-being-poor} : With the Clintons, it's never about how great or shitty their opponent is, and more about how much they self sabotage.", ">>{phiz36} : So do you think they're intentionally tying their hands? Trying to look like an under-dog or something? Honest question.", '>>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : This I would believe more if it were back in the day and his tree fort playboy stash was found.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Let\'s start with "taking the job of Secretary of State"', '>>{GonzoNation} : The people of the 22nd District did not vote for the abomination that lied his way to the White House by falsely claiming jobs would be his priority.', '>>{Allyn1} : > Good news is the incoming majority will help you out. They want to give you all the social programs. It\'s tough on the pride, and way too "lazy black person" for you all, but adapt, you worked hard and made America great, now accept the change. Social programs? Like single-payer healthcare and universal basic income? Removal of income caps on Medicare and Social Security taxes so they can stay solvent forever? I doubt it. We\'re going to lose more jobs, and get jack shit in return. And it is funny you bring up "lazy black person" stereotyping, when that was specifically the social impetus behind the 1996 Welfare Reform Bill that Bill Clinton signed and said was a goal of his presidency, and that Hillary Clinton actively campaigned for. Knock the \'welfare queens\' off \'taking advantage of the system\'.', ">>{aviewfromoutside} : >In positioning herself first and foremost as what she is not—Trump—Clinton is picking only the low-hanging fruit. My 9-year-old son could make fun of Trump in clever ways, and does so routinely. For Clinton to fixate on Trump’s endless flaws suggests that her own platform has little substance. For example, in a recent speech she said of Trump, “He says he has a secret plan to defeat ISIS. The secret is, he has no plan.” While these kinds of statements might make for funny one-liners, Clinton’s main credential is that she once led the State Department, and she did so with such hawkishness that Americans who are weary of endless wars are not impressed by the experience. (Not to mention that she was caught telling lies about her private email server while secretary of state.) If she proposed diplomacy over war, a plan to exit Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria, a promise to withhold weapons from Saudi Arabia, a commitment to Palestinian human rights, and so on, voters might sit up and take note. That's insightful", '>>{Produceher} : I don\'t understand why this is called a "Flip Flop". She thought it was a good deal (Gold Standard) when they drafted it and in it\'s final form she doesn\'t like it. Have you ever ordered a pizza and when they brought it to the table it looked like dog crap so you sent it back? Are you a "Flip Flopper"?', ">>{Blue_Team4President} : TPP evolved from something that was acceptable, into something that was NOT acceptable. It's what happens to things like this, after so many special interests get input into editing it. What's so hard to understand about this?", ">>{slappysimian} : We are the least efficient heath care system in the first world as the richest nation ever, I do believe we can do better. That was a poor, unnecessarily antagonistic phrase. One portion of the nation can carry other portions of the nation in a time of change. It's a strength. Why not optimism when we are the greatest to ever exist?", '>>{PhysicsVanAwesome} : Yes, blame white women. Specifically one white woman, Hillary Clinton.', '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Also even if Globalism somehow went away and manufacturing somehow came back to the US a lot of it would be automated, way more than in the past.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : > And all the rich dilettantes that voted for Donald Trump because their husbands did. If you can't divide by race or gender, try economics - -ZZZZZzzzzzzz I'm glad the dems refuse to learn", '>>{Venturin} : Wow, you go on and attack voters! It worked [great for Hillary herself so yea it must be a winning tactic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZHp4JLWjNw). Keep it up, please! lol', '>>{IngenieroDavid} : > Hi `Stupidiot1337`… Enough with the name-calling!', ">>{bbiggs32} : He's so compromised that Comey won't meet him. Dude step aside.", '>>{Allyn1} : I don\'t have optimism, because the momentum of economic strength in the country over the past few decades has been towards concentration to the extreme top. Clinton is not offering anything different. Neither is Trump, but he isn\'t trying to use social welfare as a campaign tactic. Single-payer healthcare is not a new concept, it is not an untested concept, and it is not an unpopular concept - if our top politicians wanted it, it would be implemented. But it isn\'t implemented, and they aren\'t saying it should be implemented, for the precise reason that they don\'t want it. Hillary Clinton was ecstatic to yell that it will "never, ever come to pass."', '>>{GonzoNation} : Right now, Representative Nunes is violating what his job actually is - to investigate, and to represent the people of his district. Not Trump.', ">>{slappysimian} : The momentum is definitely headed to the top. Democrats have historically pledged to limit the ultra-rich. I don't blame them for losing in this. The right has always pledged, 'I live by Christian values, but I want the rich to be rich.' Clinton's tax plan is one that would minorly change this (taxing wages is a drop in the bucket for actual rich people). Her court appointments could change Citizens United, then campaign finance reform, then gerrymandering. The rich rule, I agree, but I do think one party actually wants to change things. Healthcare: 'We' don't want it because Americans companies are making a shitload of money from it. Biotech is a fully entrenched industry. My understanding of the ACA is that the companies went full obstructionist. If there was a single-payer then negotiations would dramatically reduce costs, like it is in every other 1st world country. I think we all recognize Hillary would bow to public sentiment, as the wind blows. Trump is a guy who takes 'sticking to his guns' to an unhealthy level. There is still room for optimism. America is pretty great, quanitifiably so.", '>>{obeytrafficlights} : She is still for it behind closed doors. If she flips on it again, I will be pissed.', ">>{MBAMBA0} : 'I was promised a promotion to the Kremlin if I protected King Donald'.", ">>{stop-being-poor} : No, I think it's just the Clinton way. And it tends to work out since their enemies get overzealous and reveal their most vile selves and then make the public get sympathetic for them.", '>>{so-gun-ho} : All that means is the cost of rent is going to go up.', ">>{nflitgirl} : In the interview he drops a few times that he talked with foreigners. It seemed really out of place, so I'm guessing he's proactively covering up something shady.", ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : I live next to his district. He wins that District by absurd margains. Democrats usually don't even run a real candidate against him. This past election he ran against a school bus driver with a high school diploma and zero monetary backing from the Democratic Party. The last time they ran a semi serious candidate against him was 2012, and that guy was a Bay Area transplant that moved into the district to run against Nunes, and was dead on arrival.", '>>{Tobeck} : Title uses double negative... Hillary is doing fine?', '>>{GonzoNation} : > He wins that District by absurd margains I\'m glad. His job is represent the people of his district, not people who live to the left or right of it. And his job as representative on the Judiciary committee is to investigate. Not to be President Trumps lawyer or to subvert justice. The 22nd voted against Trump. Congressman Nunes does not need to get stung by the Trump jelly fish and stuck in the morass that is totally of Trumps making. >Democrats usually don\'t even run a real candidate against him. This isn\'t about "Democrats." This is about serving the people of the 22nd District and serving the United States. And apparently, Representative Nunes isn\'t prepared to do either right now.', ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : Actually Trump won California's 22nd congressional district [52-42](http://m.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/19/1163009/-Daily-Kos-Elections-presidential-results-by-congressional-district-for-the-2012-2008-elections?detail=hide). It's a heavily Republican district that Democrats don't have much chance of winning in the short term. The fact that it was even within 10 shows how unpopular Trump was as a candidate. Normally a Republican presidential candidate would win that District by more than that.", '>>{GonzoNation} : To continue to portray this as simple American politics is a grave mistake. This is a far more serious problem and it is a major mistake on the part of Representative Nunes. Representative Nunes\'s actions border on dereliction of duty and are clearly a violation of the trust put in him as a Congressional Representative of the United States Congress. Why persist in this vein? What possible positive outcome can there be for the people of the United States? Nunes is putting up the pretense that he is "getting to the bottom" of these things when he is doing the exact opposite and muddying his name in the process.', ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : I'm a realist. Nunes sits in one of the more secure seats in all of congress. Not only is it heavily Republican, but it also has a heavy ethnic Azore Portuguese population. Nunes also has roots in the Azores, and before Valadao got elected a few years ago, was the only one of them in living memory to make it to higher office. He is their golden child. He could probably kill a dozen puppies on live television, and they'd still vote for him. He may not have an unlimited leash, but he has a long one, and he's gonna try to use it to keep his place as chair of the intelligence committee. We'll see if it works.", '>>{gar37bic} : Bold progressive vision -> lose big time. It is contrary to the majority of people in the country and her own world view. Numerous surveys have shown that a majority are center-right.', '>>{freakincampers} : http://washingtonmonthly.com/2017/03/22/devin-nunes-intends-to-obstruct-justice/ >Nunes also revealed that said “he discovered the potential surveillance of Trump himself while reviewing intelligence reports,” but he did not divulge that he kept his discovery from the Democrats on the committee who “appeared blindsided by Nunes’ announcement.”', '>>{GonzoNation} : > I\'m a realist. I\'m a constitutionalist and a realist. If a Congressional representative can\'t do his job and would rather do some other job, then he ought to quit and do the job he wants to do. I\'m sure President Trump could use a good lawyer. I\'m not sure that Representative Nunes is up to the task. For one thing, the lawyer must be an officer of the court and can\'t bow beyond reason to the wishes of their client. President Trump is not a mature person. In this light, if Representative Nunes actually were President Trumps attorney, It is remarkable that someone as immature as President Trump could have influence over Represntative Nunes. Otherwise I\'d say to Representative Nunes "go for it." But don\'t muddy your name and try to entice others to follow your lead and completely betray the people of the United States. "We The People" are the ones who require representation. I\'m certain that Billionaire Trump can find his own. >Nunes sits in one of the more secure seats in all of congress. But first, this keeps coming back to the idea that this is party.politics. If Nunes continues in this vein he won\'t be around. Period. To continue to fray the US Constitution into fragments of partisanship is a hopeless morass for Congressman Nunes. All this stuff about the Azores aside, I\'m quite familiar with the Portuguese and Jim Costa. Nunes may have been a golden child, but he has no reason to bring shame on anyone and that\'s what he is doing now. He\'s wrong. This is not the way to make things right.', ">>{ivquatch} : > Numerous surveys have shown that a majority are center-right. Crock of shit. It's been proven that public opinion has [no baring on government policy.](http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746)", ">>{open_reading_frame} : There's a theory that the Clintons get themselves into little scandals so that their opponents can focus only on that and then lose.", ">>{alexunderwater} : Gowdy is arguably worse since he's just as obstructionist and also a member of the Transition team... however he's a former prosecutor like Schiff and has good legal knowledge, and won't do stupid, blatantly implicating shit in a panic.", ">>{whitemest} : Yea, shady as fuck. He's there to investigate, not play interference for Donald.", '>>{Downbound92} : Thanks "TruthDig", but I\'m not sure the Clinton campaign can hear you over the sounds of campaigning in Arizona, Texas, Missouri, and Georgia. She\'s really screwing it up.', ">>{slinky783} : Ted Cruz would not be even close to winning. If there's anything good to come out of this, it's that his brand of holier-than-thou conservatism is likely dead.", '>>{GonzoNation} : By the way >Nunes sits in one of the more secure seats in all of congress. That is not even true. To be a "realist\' we don\'t call 52 to 40 "secure." Why drag us down to begin with? And then why exaggerate? Why even say that? He\'s not going to win by making a fool of himself which is what he\'s doing.', ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : That was Trump vs Clinton. Nunes vs his opponent was [67-32. In 2014 it was 72-28. In 2012 when Democrats brought in Otto Lee from the Bay Area it was 61-39.](https://ballotpedia.org/California%27s_22nd_Congressional_District). If my memory serves me correctly, he got a serious challenge somewhere around 06 that got him down into the mid to high 50's, back when he was in a different district.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The constant reduction of the sacred duty of Congress to this is sleazy. Why do this? I have no desire to see Representative do anything but his job and right now he makes me feel shame. I am ashamed that he believes he can both be a Representative on the Judicial Committee and betray that trust at the same time.', '>>{totallyclips} : i pity the next president who has to clean up the mess of yet another incompetent republican, much as Obama had to clean up after bush 2, and Clinton after bush 1, a pattern appearing, i see', ">>{infohack} : It isn't just the base, Democrats decided it would be a good idea to nominate the *only* candidate that is so universally hated by the right that they would be willing to unify behind Trump. Sane Republicans would have been willing to hold their nose and vote for Biden, rather than a completely incompetent racist windbag, but there is no way in hell they will vote for Clinton. Any other Democratic candidate would be trouncing Trump right now. They blamed 2008 on Mark Penn. Nothing to do with Clinton, it was simply a bad campaign strategy. At what point do Democrats finally admit she is a weak candidate?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Stupidiot1337} : Blame white women for country’s failure to shatter glass ceiling', '>>{LeviathanfromMars} : NO MORE BLAMING! God! If you want to change something do it!', '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : There is only one woman to blame, the corrupt misandrist who thought courting suburban white women and forgoing the working white man would help HER. Is is so clear she had no plan for anyone in the nation except HER.', ">>{LBJ20XX} : They'll figure it out. It's worked for them for years, you can't expect them to figure out it won't work anymore in less than two weeks. Well, you can expect it but give cut 'em some slack.", ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : How? They will probably stick to Clinton style info policy's and stuff", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Or we could hold each other accountable like adults.', '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Victim? They voted for fucking Donald Trump by choice. It turns out not every woman is a Reddit Legbeard.', '>>{Usawasfun} : Ha it was a joke. It is gonna suck for them though', ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : And all the rich dilettantes that voted for Donald Trump because their husbands did. Don't forget to blame them for their lack of individual identity or accountability. And all the NASCAR hicks that are so used to being abused that they basically voted in the man who does it to them. And the rest of the 53% of all white women who either hate themselves or are too rock stupid to not vote against their self-interest to prove a hateful point. Either way, this election is partially their fault and blaming them, partially, is perfectly rational.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Thanks for proving sexism is correct. Women in this election proved themselves to be meek, self-defeating and just plain ignorant. You blew it. It was truly the perfect modern time for women to take over the reigns of power, and you put up the Nastiest Woman possible and then didn\'t turn out to vote for her. You condescend to men here on Reddit about "privilege" instead of actually voting and changing something. Because fuck men, right? And when dinosaurs eat man, woman will inherit the Earth? Great. You fucked this up, girls. This is your fault. The ball was in your court and you dropped it. Thanks for fucking everything up.', '>>{PhysicsVanAwesome} : Yes, blame white women. Specifically one white woman, Hillary Clinton.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : > And all the rich dilettantes that voted for Donald Trump because their husbands did. If you can't divide by race or gender, try economics - -ZZZZZzzzzzzz I'm glad the dems refuse to learn", '>>{Venturin} : Wow, you go on and attack voters! It worked [great for Hillary herself so yea it must be a winning tactic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZHp4JLWjNw). Keep it up, please! lol', '>>{IngenieroDavid} : > Hi `Stupidiot1337`… Enough with the name-calling!'], ['>>{zapichigo} : This Election Is Hillary Clinton’s to Lose, and She’s Screwing It Up', ">>{Satexas2} : It took a perfect storm for Hillary to be in this position to begin with. Trump as an opponent was the best possible scenario, anyone else would probably be winning right now. Keep in mind that Democrats start the cycle with a huge electoral lead baked in - so for a Republican to win is an uphill climb. Yet, here we are with Trump. It's too coincidental - it just all seems so fishy.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : That's because she was a terrible candidate. Liberals already don't show up enough at the polls and they nominate the only democrat that at least 20% of their base hates. If it's just her and Trump it's a no brainer, but I can't blame people for throwing a vote towards Stein and Johnson. She's just not representative of many progressives.", '>>{CheetoJesusTrump} : Getting a "third" term is a big challenge. I would posit that Cruz, Christie and most of the others would be doing about as well. Kasich would have been her worst matchup. You see, almost everyone else was a career politician that had documented baggage and who really couldn\'t offer the chaos that Trump can.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : > she has been bleeding votes to Stein and Johnson. Might explain the focus on Johnson. But I actually disagree with this. The polls are closer because most polling is now taking into account expected voters over just registered voters. Something democrats hate to admit, is their base has a problem showing up, so when you do that shift in the ways the polls are deducted it's not surprising. I actually think Clinton will manage to win, because I am hopeful this country isn't stupid enough to elect Trump, but I do fear the down ballot races. And I think this will show itself to be the bigger concern as the race winds down.", ">>{stop-being-poor} : The Clintons only ever win with both hands tied behind their backs as enemies back them into a corner. Whenever the going gets easy, that's when they lose.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : It's a theory, but it's really supported with data. Democrats thrive with high turnout. Republicans thrive with low turnout. There base is more consistent and this is why they push for voter ID laws and do weird tactics at the polls, gerrymander, etc. > all of us could really start pushing for Johnson and/or Stein I'd actually prefer that. Because even though it's bad for Clinton, it's also bad for Trump (Johnson is a conservative polling higher than the alternative progressive option Jill Stein). Furthermore, it would inspire more people to turn out, which is good for progressives and democrats. As it stands now, a lot of people hate Clinton and think Trump is so incompetent that he just can't be put into office. And the democrats are doing their best to discourage third parties. For those that have this view, they might just stay home.", ">>{Gallandz} : Well, her only opponent for the office of President of the United States is Donald f'ing Trump, so that sounds pretty easy...", ">>{stop-being-poor} : With the Clintons, it's never about how great or shitty their opponent is, and more about how much they self sabotage.", ">>{phiz36} : So do you think they're intentionally tying their hands? Trying to look like an under-dog or something? Honest question.", '>>{GaryRuppert} : Let\'s start with "taking the job of Secretary of State"', ">>{aviewfromoutside} : >In positioning herself first and foremost as what she is not—Trump—Clinton is picking only the low-hanging fruit. My 9-year-old son could make fun of Trump in clever ways, and does so routinely. For Clinton to fixate on Trump’s endless flaws suggests that her own platform has little substance. For example, in a recent speech she said of Trump, “He says he has a secret plan to defeat ISIS. The secret is, he has no plan.” While these kinds of statements might make for funny one-liners, Clinton’s main credential is that she once led the State Department, and she did so with such hawkishness that Americans who are weary of endless wars are not impressed by the experience. (Not to mention that she was caught telling lies about her private email server while secretary of state.) If she proposed diplomacy over war, a plan to exit Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria, a promise to withhold weapons from Saudi Arabia, a commitment to Palestinian human rights, and so on, voters might sit up and take note. That's insightful", ">>{stop-being-poor} : No, I think it's just the Clinton way. And it tends to work out since their enemies get overzealous and reveal their most vile selves and then make the public get sympathetic for them.", '>>{Tobeck} : Title uses double negative... Hillary is doing fine?', '>>{gar37bic} : Bold progressive vision -> lose big time. It is contrary to the majority of people in the country and her own world view. Numerous surveys have shown that a majority are center-right.', ">>{ivquatch} : > Numerous surveys have shown that a majority are center-right. Crock of shit. It's been proven that public opinion has [no baring on government policy.](http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746)", ">>{open_reading_frame} : There's a theory that the Clintons get themselves into little scandals so that their opponents can focus only on that and then lose.", '>>{Downbound92} : Thanks "TruthDig", but I\'m not sure the Clinton campaign can hear you over the sounds of campaigning in Arizona, Texas, Missouri, and Georgia. She\'s really screwing it up.', ">>{slinky783} : Ted Cruz would not be even close to winning. If there's anything good to come out of this, it's that his brand of holier-than-thou conservatism is likely dead.", ">>{infohack} : It isn't just the base, Democrats decided it would be a good idea to nominate the *only* candidate that is so universally hated by the right that they would be willing to unify behind Trump. Sane Republicans would have been willing to hold their nose and vote for Biden, rather than a completely incompetent racist windbag, but there is no way in hell they will vote for Clinton. Any other Democratic candidate would be trouncing Trump right now. They blamed 2008 on Mark Penn. Nothing to do with Clinton, it was simply a bad campaign strategy. At what point do Democrats finally admit she is a weak candidate?"], [">>{Redpillamerica} : House intel chair won't step aside in Russia investigation, despite growing calls", '>>{freakincampers} : Nunes sees himself as there to protect the President, not investigate, so why would he step aside?', '>>{a_James_Woods} : Just wait for Trump to tweet "I have full confidence in Devin Nunes" and you\'ll know he\'s done.', ">>{Redpillamerica} : Because it's his job to investigate, not protect the President.", ">>{freakincampers} : Of course his job is to investigate, but Nunes doesn't see it that way.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Watch him on Fox. the guy is such a smug moron.', ">>{veridique} : I won't step down. I have to protect daddy Trump at all cost.", ">>{a_James_Woods} : It seems like he does see it that way, and he sees standing in the way as the only chance to save his own ass. It's not about ideology at this point, it's about not spending the rest of his days in prison for obstruction. He's all-in.", '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : This is pivotal. Rather than get him out and someone like Gowdy in, this whole thing needs replaced by independent counsel.', '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : >"I had been working this for a long time with many different sources and needed a place that I could actually finally go because I knew what I was looking for and I could actually get access to what I needed to see," said Nunes, adding later, "It wasn\'t at night ... nobody was sneaking around, all it was was just a place where I had to go to be able to review this information." He truly could not be acting more guilty if he tried. He\'s like a poorly written character in a student film.', '>>{GonzoNation} : It looks for all the world like Representative Nunes is letting jelly fish sting his arm. Just when it looks like Representative Nunes might manage to save himself, he plods yet another foot deeper into the horrifying morass that is totally Trumps creation.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Representative Nunes job is to represent the people and investigate, not to represent criminals in the Trump administration.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Then he should quit and get on the Trump payroll as a defense attorney.', ">>{powertoold} : I'm really curious how this country will heal after a large portion of our government is found either colluding with Russia or obstructing the investigation. Not to mention all the scumbags defending the WH this whole time.", '>>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : Gowdy was also part of the transition and comes off as being non-objective.', '>>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : This I would believe more if it were back in the day and his tree fort playboy stash was found.', '>>{GonzoNation} : The people of the 22nd District did not vote for the abomination that lied his way to the White House by falsely claiming jobs would be his priority.', ">>{bbiggs32} : He's so compromised that Comey won't meet him. Dude step aside.", '>>{GonzoNation} : Right now, Representative Nunes is violating what his job actually is - to investigate, and to represent the people of his district. Not Trump.', ">>{MBAMBA0} : 'I was promised a promotion to the Kremlin if I protected King Donald'.", ">>{nflitgirl} : In the interview he drops a few times that he talked with foreigners. It seemed really out of place, so I'm guessing he's proactively covering up something shady.", ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : I live next to his district. He wins that District by absurd margains. Democrats usually don't even run a real candidate against him. This past election he ran against a school bus driver with a high school diploma and zero monetary backing from the Democratic Party. The last time they ran a semi serious candidate against him was 2012, and that guy was a Bay Area transplant that moved into the district to run against Nunes, and was dead on arrival.", '>>{GonzoNation} : > He wins that District by absurd margains I\'m glad. His job is represent the people of his district, not people who live to the left or right of it. And his job as representative on the Judiciary committee is to investigate. Not to be President Trumps lawyer or to subvert justice. The 22nd voted against Trump. Congressman Nunes does not need to get stung by the Trump jelly fish and stuck in the morass that is totally of Trumps making. >Democrats usually don\'t even run a real candidate against him. This isn\'t about "Democrats." This is about serving the people of the 22nd District and serving the United States. And apparently, Representative Nunes isn\'t prepared to do either right now.', ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : Actually Trump won California's 22nd congressional district [52-42](http://m.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/19/1163009/-Daily-Kos-Elections-presidential-results-by-congressional-district-for-the-2012-2008-elections?detail=hide). It's a heavily Republican district that Democrats don't have much chance of winning in the short term. The fact that it was even within 10 shows how unpopular Trump was as a candidate. Normally a Republican presidential candidate would win that District by more than that.", '>>{GonzoNation} : To continue to portray this as simple American politics is a grave mistake. This is a far more serious problem and it is a major mistake on the part of Representative Nunes. Representative Nunes\'s actions border on dereliction of duty and are clearly a violation of the trust put in him as a Congressional Representative of the United States Congress. Why persist in this vein? What possible positive outcome can there be for the people of the United States? Nunes is putting up the pretense that he is "getting to the bottom" of these things when he is doing the exact opposite and muddying his name in the process.', ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : I'm a realist. Nunes sits in one of the more secure seats in all of congress. Not only is it heavily Republican, but it also has a heavy ethnic Azore Portuguese population. Nunes also has roots in the Azores, and before Valadao got elected a few years ago, was the only one of them in living memory to make it to higher office. He is their golden child. He could probably kill a dozen puppies on live television, and they'd still vote for him. He may not have an unlimited leash, but he has a long one, and he's gonna try to use it to keep his place as chair of the intelligence committee. We'll see if it works.", '>>{freakincampers} : http://washingtonmonthly.com/2017/03/22/devin-nunes-intends-to-obstruct-justice/ >Nunes also revealed that said “he discovered the potential surveillance of Trump himself while reviewing intelligence reports,” but he did not divulge that he kept his discovery from the Democrats on the committee who “appeared blindsided by Nunes’ announcement.”', '>>{GonzoNation} : > I\'m a realist. I\'m a constitutionalist and a realist. If a Congressional representative can\'t do his job and would rather do some other job, then he ought to quit and do the job he wants to do. I\'m sure President Trump could use a good lawyer. I\'m not sure that Representative Nunes is up to the task. For one thing, the lawyer must be an officer of the court and can\'t bow beyond reason to the wishes of their client. President Trump is not a mature person. In this light, if Representative Nunes actually were President Trumps attorney, It is remarkable that someone as immature as President Trump could have influence over Represntative Nunes. Otherwise I\'d say to Representative Nunes "go for it." But don\'t muddy your name and try to entice others to follow your lead and completely betray the people of the United States. "We The People" are the ones who require representation. I\'m certain that Billionaire Trump can find his own. >Nunes sits in one of the more secure seats in all of congress. But first, this keeps coming back to the idea that this is party.politics. If Nunes continues in this vein he won\'t be around. Period. To continue to fray the US Constitution into fragments of partisanship is a hopeless morass for Congressman Nunes. All this stuff about the Azores aside, I\'m quite familiar with the Portuguese and Jim Costa. Nunes may have been a golden child, but he has no reason to bring shame on anyone and that\'s what he is doing now. He\'s wrong. This is not the way to make things right.', ">>{alexunderwater} : Gowdy is arguably worse since he's just as obstructionist and also a member of the Transition team... however he's a former prosecutor like Schiff and has good legal knowledge, and won't do stupid, blatantly implicating shit in a panic.", ">>{whitemest} : Yea, shady as fuck. He's there to investigate, not play interference for Donald.", '>>{GonzoNation} : By the way >Nunes sits in one of the more secure seats in all of congress. That is not even true. To be a "realist\' we don\'t call 52 to 40 "secure." Why drag us down to begin with? And then why exaggerate? Why even say that? He\'s not going to win by making a fool of himself which is what he\'s doing.', ">>{Nickppapagiorgio} : That was Trump vs Clinton. Nunes vs his opponent was [67-32. In 2014 it was 72-28. In 2012 when Democrats brought in Otto Lee from the Bay Area it was 61-39.](https://ballotpedia.org/California%27s_22nd_Congressional_District). If my memory serves me correctly, he got a serious challenge somewhere around 06 that got him down into the mid to high 50's, back when he was in a different district.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The constant reduction of the sacred duty of Congress to this is sleazy. Why do this? I have no desire to see Representative do anything but his job and right now he makes me feel shame. I am ashamed that he believes he can both be a Representative on the Judicial Committee and betray that trust at the same time.', '>>{totallyclips} : i pity the next president who has to clean up the mess of yet another incompetent republican, much as Obama had to clean up after bush 2, and Clinton after bush 1, a pattern appearing, i see'], [">>{BrotherThelonius} : People may take you more seriously if you didn't shitpost memes", ">>{Miguel2592} : I would take stuff like these seriously but everytime I try to I read stuff like this and I remember why I'm not voting for Trump", ">>{Johnny_Guano} : All Hillary's flip-flops can't beat Trump's massive belly flop: paying no taxes is smart while bitching about crumbling infrastructure and massive debt.", '>>{slappysimian} : So, hey, I\'ll tell it like it is: Globalism already happened. Those manufacturing jobs aren\'t coming back. If you are 50 something and lost a job, you need to adapt. It\'s rough, I know, but life is cruel. Good news is the incoming majority will help you out. They want to give you all the social programs. It\'s tough on the pride, and way too "lazy black person" for you all, but adapt, you worked hard and made America great, now accept the change. We don\'t produce steel anymore, if we did all those reliant industries couldn\'t compete. Coal needs to be replaced, thank you for your service, learn how to install solar. Quit bitching. Obsolete doesn\'t deserve a job.', ">>{slappysimian} : Federal minimum wage means that's a living. The dems got your back if you wouldn't just vote like you're going to win the lotto tomorrow.", '>>{Allyn1} : > Good news is the incoming majority will help you out. They want to give you all the social programs. It\'s tough on the pride, and way too "lazy black person" for you all, but adapt, you worked hard and made America great, now accept the change. Social programs? Like single-payer healthcare and universal basic income? Removal of income caps on Medicare and Social Security taxes so they can stay solvent forever? I doubt it. We\'re going to lose more jobs, and get jack shit in return. And it is funny you bring up "lazy black person" stereotyping, when that was specifically the social impetus behind the 1996 Welfare Reform Bill that Bill Clinton signed and said was a goal of his presidency, and that Hillary Clinton actively campaigned for. Knock the \'welfare queens\' off \'taking advantage of the system\'.', '>>{Produceher} : I don\'t understand why this is called a "Flip Flop". She thought it was a good deal (Gold Standard) when they drafted it and in it\'s final form she doesn\'t like it. Have you ever ordered a pizza and when they brought it to the table it looked like dog crap so you sent it back? Are you a "Flip Flopper"?', ">>{Blue_Team4President} : TPP evolved from something that was acceptable, into something that was NOT acceptable. It's what happens to things like this, after so many special interests get input into editing it. What's so hard to understand about this?", ">>{slappysimian} : We are the least efficient heath care system in the first world as the richest nation ever, I do believe we can do better. That was a poor, unnecessarily antagonistic phrase. One portion of the nation can carry other portions of the nation in a time of change. It's a strength. Why not optimism when we are the greatest to ever exist?", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Also even if Globalism somehow went away and manufacturing somehow came back to the US a lot of it would be automated, way more than in the past.', '>>{Allyn1} : I don\'t have optimism, because the momentum of economic strength in the country over the past few decades has been towards concentration to the extreme top. Clinton is not offering anything different. Neither is Trump, but he isn\'t trying to use social welfare as a campaign tactic. Single-payer healthcare is not a new concept, it is not an untested concept, and it is not an unpopular concept - if our top politicians wanted it, it would be implemented. But it isn\'t implemented, and they aren\'t saying it should be implemented, for the precise reason that they don\'t want it. Hillary Clinton was ecstatic to yell that it will "never, ever come to pass."', ">>{slappysimian} : The momentum is definitely headed to the top. Democrats have historically pledged to limit the ultra-rich. I don't blame them for losing in this. The right has always pledged, 'I live by Christian values, but I want the rich to be rich.' Clinton's tax plan is one that would minorly change this (taxing wages is a drop in the bucket for actual rich people). Her court appointments could change Citizens United, then campaign finance reform, then gerrymandering. The rich rule, I agree, but I do think one party actually wants to change things. Healthcare: 'We' don't want it because Americans companies are making a shitload of money from it. Biotech is a fully entrenched industry. My understanding of the ACA is that the companies went full obstructionist. If there was a single-payer then negotiations would dramatically reduce costs, like it is in every other 1st world country. I think we all recognize Hillary would bow to public sentiment, as the wind blows. Trump is a guy who takes 'sticking to his guns' to an unhealthy level. There is still room for optimism. America is pretty great, quanitifiably so.", '>>{obeytrafficlights} : She is still for it behind closed doors. If she flips on it again, I will be pissed.', '>>{so-gun-ho} : All that means is the cost of rent is going to go up.']]
classify and reply
['>>{LivingPeterJennings} : Jerry Falwell Jr. Says He Will Lead Federal Task Force on Higher-Ed Policy', ">>{Trumptron3000} : Hillary Clinton's severe flaws make Donald Trump the wiser choice", '>>{lxlqlxl} : Well, with all the school prayers, and an erosion of the separation between church and state?.... maybe the rain dancers, and prayers will some how magically help????..... nah....', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : This misogynistic garbage is a blog, not a real article', ">>{Desi_US} : Korean Rapper Don Malik denied entry into America for SXSW; claims immigratiom officers called him a 'Chink'", '>>{Prizm0000} : Mathematics will be replaced with "Mathew, Mark, Luke and Donald."', '>>{44Tall} : An indictment seems imminent. The entire FBI is now working against her.', '>>{amicusets} : I give it an hour until this removed for not being pro-Hillary.', '>>{Mazhurg} : Bible thumper in charge of reviewing education policies. What could go wrong?', ">>{44Tall} : It's been going on for a year, so they were probably at least partially right. The tone and frequency of the news/leaks has shifted in the past 24 hours.", ">>{NotTheWholeThing} : Yeah, because Trump doesn't have flaws. Said nobody. The logic that the Trump camp brings to the table is hilarious. That anyone actually falls for it is the evidence that the dumbing down of America is in full swing. The poor millennials are fucked, and they won't realize it for another ten years.", '>>{paranoidadndroid} : Trump administration moving quickly to build up nationwide deportation force', ">>{TinyBaron} : That's not climate change, that's just G-d reminding us of what Hell feels like.", '>>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Trumptron3000 sounds like something a bot would name itself. Bots are taking our jarbs! Downvote.', ">>{dalovindj} : Good. It's about time we take our borders seriously.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : Trump's 'jobs program' is to create a gigantic Gestapo where who knows how many Americans become implicated in his dramatically anti-Constitutional policies.", ">>{ParakeetSunshine} : doubt it EDIT: I'm Latino. Give me your ten bucks.", ">>{You-aint-shitten} : Fuck God, That sumbitch must truly be a republican supply side God. I'm damn fucking near sixty and I've never been more embarrassed by what has happened. This can't be real.", '>>{iamitman007} : White supremacist have infiltrated all parts of the government including the white house.', '>>{bitfriend} : Expect a new NCLB-style law but for colleges, not just K12s. Colleges will have their core cirriculums controlled by the Federal government through a Common Core like scheme. In doing so, most of their independence will be taken away.', ">>{MrMic} : Oh man, read his post history. He's just crazy, dumb, and not worth a response.", ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : I definitely don't trust law enforcement anymore, and I have family who are LEOs. They only ever seem to be in the news for extrajudicial killings, miscarriages and straight up abortions of justice, and blatant white supremacism. Don't hear about that kind of thing coming from fire brigades or ambulance corps. Frankly if the Black Panthers were still a going concern is call them before I called the police, and I'm whiter than a polar bear in a paper factory.", ">>{Dominator27} : We don't remove Trump bullshit it just gets downvoted out of sight out of mind", '>>{xyzen420} : If they said some shit like this to someone in front of me, they would have to deal with *my* reaction.', '>>{absurdamerica} : What about "record numbers of deportations last year and the year before" indicates we aren\'t taking our borders seriously? How would you argue that we previously took them more seriously with fewer deportations in the past?', '>>{probablyuntrue} : > Trump has called for CBP to hire 5,000 new agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement an additional 10,000. The DHS assessment said the cost of hiring just 500 agents would reach $100 million. Yea sure lets just spend a few more billion while accomplishing nothing, btw does Flint even have clean water yet?', ">>{dalovindj} : >How would you argue that we previously took them more seriously We did not previously take them more seriously. That's the point.", '>>{anisaerah} : Well, I guess I can stop encouraging my teenager to work hard so she can get into college.', '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : Partially right about what? They investigated for a year, cleared her and are now searching some new emails which very well have nothing in them worth a damn. You guys were all sure she was gonna be indicted five months ago.', ">>{LongDevil} : Soviet Soviet was detained for a day and deported back to Italy when they tried to come to SXSW. Wormrot has cancelled their US tour citing the political climate here. I'm sure we'll hear more foreign acts decide to skip US touring as long as authoritarian orangutan is in office.", '>>{71tsiser} : >The agency also is considering ways to speed up the hiring of hundreds of new Customs and Border Patrol officers, including ending polygraph and physical fitness tests in some cases, according to the documents. Christ.', ">>{johnfrance} : Wise and Donald Trump are two things that should never be in the same sentence. This editorial starts with a solid; >I love definitions because they help focus the mind. That's an amazingly obnoxious way to kick things off, plus you know whenever anybody is resorting to a dictionary to make an argument, it's going to be stupid and ill informed. It then goes on to make a mountain out of the non-story of the emails. Later choice line appears; >Another argument made by those favoring a second Clinton presidency is that she is not her husband and that Bill's lying and extramarital affairs should not reflect on her. Really? YES. REALLY. >Republicans and even some principled Democrats (there are a few), not to mention foreign leaders, would immediately regard her as weak and possibly a failure from the start. No, they wouldn't. You can call Clinton a lot of things, but 'weak' is hardly one of them. And foreign leaders are actually hoping and looking forward to her being the president. The only people who aren't, are the ones that know they will be able to dube and bamboozle Trump to their advantage. The only thing towards trump the article says is 'well, he's going to be something new'. Like Jesus, how can you care that little..", '>>{probablyuntrue} : Looks like the burnout jocks from my old high school might finally get a job', '>>{DOWNVOTED_BY_EUROS} : Right, the new section is reserved for pro Clinton spin only.', ">>{noodhoog} : What the fuck?! Here comes extremist Christian dominionism. But it's the refugees we should be worried about, right?", '>>{TinyBaron} : He knows his time in office will be short.', '>>{5am5ep1ol} : Fuck water for black people, there are light brown people coming into the country at rates unseen in recent history! I mean, "unseen" as in, we haven\'t seen a rate this low in a long time...', '>>{cstack18} : But but but I thought common core was the worst?', ">>{hans_grosse} : Get over it, man. It's not disappearing because of some /r/politics conspiracy - it's disappearing because it's an opinion that most people here disagree with.", '>>{Vgatv} : The Soviet Soviet thing, at least from what I read, was because they had some additional tour dates set up outside of SXSW, which violated their visa.', '>>{SilverIdaten} : Why the fuck do blue states have to keep putting up with this draconian bullshit?', ">>{5am5ep1ol} : You're losing me, here. Is this really the most pressing issue? Or is it just that the brownies are not welcome?", '>>{AndyWarwheels} : In regards to the rappers claims that is a separate issue. But being denied entry is happening to a number of artist for SXSW and most of them have been denied because despite being told that they cannot book any other shows while in the states since it goes against the visa, many of them did. According to the article this artist did not do that but this has been the case with a few of the other performers.', ">>{HansEmbiid} : Get ready for Sharia law in the US. It's OK, though, because it will be administered by Christians, and they've *never* done anything bad.", ">>{LongDevil} : They claimed the gigs were unpaid promotional events, that's why they didn't apply for working visas.", '>>{44Tall} : She was not cleared. The investigation was "completed" without any recommendations for prosecution to a (now clearly) corrupt Lynch who, along with others, was stonewalling the actual investigation. Those chickens are coming home to roost. The emails they found on Weiner\'s laptop were classified. The proof is now out there in the leaks.', '>>{RamBamBooey} : It\'s not just the 6 countries of the "Muslim Ban" affected by Trump. Trump has changed US immigration policy. Every country is affected. For example, if you are a Mexican with a US tourist visa and your visa expires you used to have 2 years to renew it without refiling, now it is 2 months. For the Don Malik, they changed the rule about playing music for free on a tourist visa. These are two small examples of the massive changes Trump has implemented. Don\'t get fooled when you read that the courts stopped the "Muslim Ban" and think all is fine. Trump is attacking ALL immigrants. Trump has successfully changed US immigration policy and it is already hurting the United States. Four more years of this and we should stop calling the United States a melting pot.', ">>{Vgatv} : And apparently that wasn't entirely true, which is why they were denied", ">>{malpais} : Cal Thomas. There's a surprise. The Chicago Tribune - a thoroughly Republican paper - actually endorsed Gary Johnson.", '>>{paranoidadndroid} : >“Overall, it’s a wasted use of resources that could be used more efficiently,” Appleby said. This statement sums up the entire administration.', ">>{tirabichi} : It used to be 4 years to renew your tourist visa (here in México) once it expired. Now it's 1. That has been the only 'official' change for tourist visa application.", '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : 1. She was cleared. No matter how you choose to pretend otherwise. 2. No, you have no evidence any of it was classified.', '>>{amicusets} : Nice porn name, but I never even mentioned Trump.', '>>{dalovindj} : No illegal immigrants are welcome here, no matter the color of their skin. If they want to come here, they need to do so legally. All who do are welcome.', '>>{carolined1} : To what end? What could racially insulting a person show them?', ">>{parliboy} : I don't know too many white guys beside myself who know where to find a good horchata. Politics aside... you're probably paying him ten bucks.", ">>{elohir} : Occams razor says that the racists/xenophobes/jingoists were always there. They likely just feel like they don't need to hide it anymore because the President of the USA is one of their own and America is basically okay with it.", ">>{K9ABX} : And as soon as she wins they'll tear her down. More.", ">>{i-am-sancho} : >An internal Department of Homeland Security assessment obtained by The Washington Post shows the agency has already found 33,000 more detention beds to house undocumented immigrants, opened discussions with dozens of local police forces that could be empowered with enforcement authority and identified where construction of Trump’s border wall could begin. >**The agency also is considering ways to speed up the hiring of hundreds of new Customs and Border Patrol officers, including ending polygraph and physical fitness tests in some cases, according to the documents.** Okay, that's definitely not good. They're so desperate for this deportation force that they're willing to lower their standards for hiring agents.", ">>{ME24601} : Both candidates are *incredibly* flawed. It's entirely a question of whose flaw's are worse, and I'd have to go with Trump's as being far more severe than the problems I have with Clinton.", '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : They tried to do this under Bush as well if I remember correctly. It resulted in a shit ton of corrupt border patrol officers who were involved with the cartels. All because they had to relax restrictions on hiring and let people in who normally would have been rejected as questionable.', ">>{moxy801} : It's worth noting this is not coming from the Chicago Tribune Editorial board, but its an op ed by some guy named Cal Thomas who seems to be associated with FOX.", ">>{absurdamerica} : So you're happy with staying at a 30 percent murder clearance rate in this country, to take limited resources and instead use them to chase out people who don't have a Visa? Do I have that right?", '>>{44Tall} : Comey himself (in the famous exchange with Trey Gowdy) said some of the emails were classified. What evidence do you have that she was cleared?', ">>{bitfriend} : Republicans only say that to keep their base placated. The CC is the ultimate tool to cause K12 privatization. It's also a very useful means to muzzle college campus activism.", ">>{0sigma} : Call your representatives and let them know this is not acceptable. Let them know they're being held responsible for what's going on.", '>>{Infidel8} : > Mr. Falwell said Mr. Trump had first asked him to head up the task force in November, when the two met at Trump Tower in New York. At the time, Mr. Falwell said he had ***declined Mr. Trump’s offer to become U.S. education secretary*** because “I wanted a role that would allow me to stay at Liberty.”', ">>{littlevcu} : I don't think much of it can actually be called 'infiltration' if it was already there or it was there before. Even sadly the White House. Our country has a long ongoing relationship with ever-changing forms of racial hierarchy. Edit to add. Although I would say that the modern conception of 'white supremacy' today is more linked to movements like the KKK. But what emerged as the American system of slavery (post Bacon's Rebellion forward) is the very entrenchment of white supremacy.", '>>{georgefarley3} : Go to a sporting event, and ask everyone why they keep standing up for the national anthem.', '>>{roo-ster} : > Just like everyone said back in July ... of 1995.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : They lowered standards for joining the military back in the mid 2000s, and it was a disaster. There were so many soldiers in the Army who had no business being there at all, and it created nothing but problems for leadership.', '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : Yes, some of them were classified (3) and none of them properly marked. What evidence do I have she was cleared?! Were you in a coma when the investigation was closed with no charges against her of any kind in July?', '>>{dontKair} : I thought both parties were the same, and third party votes were gonna put a stop to this kind of thing', ">>{starfruitstupid} : That's one of the best Revelations I've seen all day. Made me laugh after this mass Exodus we've seen.", ">>{alphabets00p} : We are all Liberty University students on this blessed day. Turn off your R-rated movies, let go off that female's hand, and don't you dare criticize Donald Trump. Finally a true man of God in the White House who has never actually quite been proven to be a sexual predator! Blessed are the hucksters for when they cheat you out of their wealth, it just makes them smart.", '>>{traceitalian} : So of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses.', ">>{kaihau} : Hillary is equally as much of a catastrophe. That's why she's now less trustworthy to the American people than Trump, and is tied. She isn't any better. People downvoting: prove me wrong.", '>>{44Tall} : But the investigation was never closed. The investigation has stayed open. It has stayed open and new information has come to light and so it is active again. Notice no one has said the investigation was reopened. It was never closed. She was not cleared. You are misapplying a legal term where it is not accurate.', ">>{eldfluga} : This op-ed starts not just with a definition, but a definition culled from Urban Dictionary. It's like my idiot uncle trying to write a fourth-grade persuasive essay. Jesus.", ">>{suburbanpride} : Oh for fuck's sake. I'm... I'm too tired.", '>>{cacophonic7} : They have always been there. The president has just normalized hate.', ">>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : If this new information wasn't found there would never be any new progress on the case. Nobody was investigating. They came to a conclusion and decided she didn't break any laws and wasn't guilty of any crime. You can argue semantics if it makes you feel better though.", ">>{dalovindj} : That's a fairly arbitrary comparison. I am in favor of doing whatever it takes to keep illegals out. We should also make it a federal felony to enter this country illegally.", '>>{Belisariusissimus} : I’ve got notebooks full of issues said the man who in 2014 [personally wrote to the DoE](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/t9-rel-exempt/liberty-university-response-04222014.pdf) "to allow the University to maintain a policy allowing for the discipline of students who have an abortion."', '>>{aggie1391} : Only because it came about under that evil Muslim Atheist Communist Satanist Fascist Kenyan, Obummer! /s But seriously, anything that is seen as connected to him is automatically opposed and Common Core is. If they pushed through some religious bullshit nationally, they would be all for it.', '>>{badfordabidness} : Immigration officers would be ICE/CBP, not TSA...', ">>{absurdamerica} : It's not arbitrary. This is a zero sum game. We have limited law enforcement resources. Increased immigration enforcement means less law enforcement fighting violent crime, full stop. >I am in favor of doing whatever it takes to keep illegals out. Then you're deeply confused about where our resources are best spent.", ">>{FuckTripleH} : Positions of authority naturally attract fascists, fascism has always attracted racists, the people were already there. Now they're just emboldened enough to be public about it", ">>{dalovindj} : >It's not arbitrary. Yes, it is. Were this money not spent on preventing illegals from entering this country, there is no reason to think it would be instead applied to higher murder rate clearances. Why not curing cancer babies or magic unicorn research? It's all equally arbitrary and equally likely that funds not spent on stopping illegals would be channeled to those causes. There is a limitless list of alternate causes that would not get this money. Many of them quite heartwarming. Arbitrary as all hell. A transparent tactic meant to be an emotional appeal. Ain't working.", '>>{wraithtek} : [November 13](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/13/politics/paul-ryan-donald-trump-obamacare-deportation-force/): > "We are not planning on erecting a deportation force. Donald Trump\'s not planning on that," Ryan told CNN\'s Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." > "I think we should put people\'s minds at ease: That is not what our focus is. That is not what we\'re focused on."', ">>{takeashill_pill} : Trump lies constantly, about everything. Every rally is brimming with lies. The reporter Daniel Dale has done the unenviable work of marking them down each day. It's nowhere remotely close to Clinton. Their politifact ratings speak for themselves.", '>>{UtopianPablo} : Do you hate immigrants, but you were too fat to work for ICE before now? Trump has your back: The agency also is considering ways to speed up the hiring of hundreds of new Customs and Border Patrol officers, including ending polygraph and physical fitness tests in some cases, according to the documents.', ">>{FuckTripleH} : >I definitely don't trust law enforcement anymore, The fact that you ever did is troubling", '>>{kaihau} : Politifact is untrustworthy. We know from the Podesta emails that Hillary lies about everything as well. Douche v Turd Sandwich.', '>>{44Tall} : It appears you are being willfuly ignorant of facts that you could go find yourself. This is all over the news today. This is not semantics.', '>>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : So fat liars? That sure does remind me of someone...', '>>{zecharin} : Except for those two Indians killed because they looked Middle Eastern.', ">>{mike_b_nimble} : How about we fully staff the White House and the rest of the gov't before we hire 1000s of border thugs to fix a problem that is slowly solving itself.", '>>{PapayaPolPot} : Fat cops are statistically likelier to resort to pulling/discharging their weapons when they feel threatened.', ">>{vegastar7} : It's amazing to me that the people who control the borders and therefore meet a plethora of people of different nationalities / races would be so racist and xenophobic...to me, it's like a germaphobe becoming a doctor.", '>>{kaihau} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/02/tracking-poll-finds-race-tied-as-trump-opens-up-an-8-point-edge-on-honesty/?hpid=hp_rhp-top-table-main_tracking-poll-730a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&tid=a_inl I mean, a Washintgon post article is right on the front page of /r/politics complaining about this.', '>>{aiken_} : * Trump says he will appoint Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade and Obergefell; Clinton agrees with both decisions and is likely to appoint more liberal justices. * Trump has not even released his tax returns, violating convention and raising a lot of questions about his integrity and who would benefit from having him in office. * Trump has indicated he is willing to use nuclear weapons first, that he thinks more countries should have them, and that we may abandon NATO allies. Clinton is obviously a hawk, but had amble opportunity to lobby for nuclear strikes and there is no evidence she did. * Trump flies off the handle with 3am tweetstorms targeting anyone he believes has offended him. Clinton is, if anything, too reserved. * Trump has lied about so many tiny, venal things (remember the letter the NFL sent him?) that it\'s gotten to the point where his supporters *champion* the fact that you can\'t believe anything he says (see: nuclear weapons) * Trump\'s racism and sexism are blatant and not worth denying. Clinton does not seem to have this streak (bring up one comment from decades ago as "just as bad" as Trump\'s decades of housing discrimination and pussy-grabbing, and I will laugh at you). Clinton is (involuntarily) the most transparent candidate in history: we *know* everything she has done wrong for the past 30 years. Trump appears just as bad despite unprecedented secrecy and without an entire political party trying to destroy him for decades. So, yeah. Clinton has lots of faults. And we probably know them all at this point. Trump has proven to be erratic, dishonest, anti-American, racist, sexist, short-tempered, and basically incoherent when speaking.... all in the past year or so.', ">>{takeashill_pill} : They have a pulitzer. The Washington Post also has him with more 4 Pinocchio ratings than anyone they've ever covered. The Podesta emails don't reveal anything close to the constant stream of made up garbage that he's constantly spewing. Every rally speech you've ever heard has a dozen brazen lies, minimum.", '>>{voompanatos} : This is how they sneak white supremacy into the mainstream. Trump\'s original campaign issue was stopping terrorism. Then he shifted to stopping illegal immigration to block terrorists from entering the country. Then he shifted to deporting some illegal immigrants to prevent domestic terrorism (despite most cases of domestic terrorism being done by radicalized citizens). Then he shifted to deporting more illegal immigrants to prevent serious crimes like rape and murder (despite most of those crimes being committed by citizens). Then he shifted to deporting all illegal immigrants for technically being "criminals" by having committed unlawful entry, which isn\'t really a crime but rather an administrative violation that carries zero jail time. Legally, it\'s in the same class as failing to file an income tax return, which under federal law results in a fine but no jail time. Before people realize how far we\'ve slid from the anti-terrorism argument, all brown and black people are now subject to sudden and indefinite imprisonment in an ICE detention camp, regardless of their actual immigration status. With only a few judges to process them, they\'ll stay there for years until it can be verified whether a mistake occurred. This creates a huge artificial bias against investing in relations with brown or black people. Of course, it is still perfectly legal to form business or personal relationships with them, even if they have foreign-sounding names, but now the government itself is unnaturally mandating strong practical reasons to avoid investing any money, time, or emotion into such relationships. If the federal government can suddenly throw any of your minority relationships into open-ended limbo at any time, their message to you is "you\'re better off sticking with whites." So now whites have a big government-mandated incentive to associate only among themselves, and racial minorities have a big government-mandated incentive to value whites more and avoid other minorities. This unwritten apartheid will prepare Americans to accept formal apartheid, long before the first segregation bill gets introduced into Congress. It starts by deliberately worsening racial divisions and laying a heavy hand on everyone\'s First Amendment rights to freely associate with whomever we damn well please.', '>>{DomesticatedElephant} : Examples please. Just saying "e-mails" is not an argument to prove a point.', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : A single poll. Fascinating. And if I show you multiple polls that disagree, you'll accept them?", ">>{kaihau} : I don't watch Trump rally speeches. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a progressive with morals, integrity, and foresight. Trump is the better choice though, by far.", '>>{brennanfee} : These CBP "authorities" are violating the law and the rights of these performers. Seriously, we need to find the names of each of these CBP employees and lobby hard to have the fired. No low-level, unskilled, and untrained individual should have this kind of authority. Only a judge who actually understands the laws should have that kind of authority. The CBP should merely validate the authenticity of the documents being used for travel. This is ridiculous.', '>>{di11deux} : Gladly. Trump\'s candidacy is based on a few fundamental premises: that he\'s an outsider who will shake up the Washington establishment, which has grown out of touch with ordinary Americans, and that his record as a businessman is an indicator of his overall success in life. His willingness to say things society has deemed as taboo is also appealing to some. As to him shaking up Washington: he can\'t do that. He\'s not on a board where he has authority to fire whomever he wants or institute policies on a whim. The office of the President is inherently curtailed in terms of absolute power. He can make policy proposals, but what he ultimately needs is Congress to agree and support him. That requires working with the exact same Washington establishment he\'s spent the past 9 months shitting all over, and in a town like DC, people don\'t forget. What people also forget is that the political elites are elites for a reason. Joe Plumber doesn\'t write foreign policy proposals because Joe Plumber doesn\'t know what the fuck he\'s talking about. America is a democratic Republic, not a democracy, and we have always had elites in Congress acting as agents of the public. If you don\'t like the elites, then participate in your local elections; expecting a President to change that is foolish. His record as a businessman is also, all things considered, quite poor. The entire Trump brand is based on the idea of it being luxurious - when you buy Trump, you buy quality. But that\'s an illusion. The Trump brand is average, at best, stamped and marketed to lower income people to make them *feel* wealthy. Ever wonder why no rich people actually buy Trump brands? It\'s because compared to actual quality, Trumps brand is an imitation. And that\'s really the metaphor for this entire election: the illusion of Trump\'s superiority despite evidence telling you that, under the surface, what you\'re getting is actually shit. And that doesn\'t even touch on, you know, *actual policy proposals*. His foreign policy will alienate centuries-old allies by "making them pay" like we\'re running a fucking mafia protection racket, and his economic policies will instigate trade wars and make everyday consumer items more expensive. It\'s a fantastical idea that jobs will just appear because Trump told Mexico to go stuff itself. Couple that with the fact that the man is a genuine asshole, and you have plenty of reasons why Trump would make a far worse president than Clinton. So please, take your downvote.', ">>{brennanfee} : No, their other gigs were indeed promotional. One of them was in Seattle and there was lots of local news about it. It's just the CBP agents were to bigoted and ignorant to care.", ">>{absurdamerica} : > Were this money not spent on preventing illegals from entering this country, there is no reason to think it would be instead applied to higher murder rate clearances. You have it backwards. There's no reason to think existing law enforcement budgets will be tripled or quadrupled to handle immigration enforcement, therfore money that would have been spent fighting other types of crime will not be spend there, but instead on immigration. >Why not curing cancer babies or magic unicorn research? Because Police agency budgets aren't used on curing cancer and unicorns but are split between things like immigration enforcement and other crime. > A transparent tactic meant to be an emotional appeal. Or you know, just logical.", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Oooh...oooh....oooh! I know what his answer is gonna be for most everything..."Moar Jebus!"', ">>{FuckTripleH} : Why? Just because a bunch of suburban white kids are only now discovering what pieces of shit cops are doesn't mean cops being pieces of shit is new. They've always been this bad, you're just experiencing it for the first time", ">>{UtopianPablo} : Well that's great. I guess this is part of the constant winning?", '>>{rankor572} : I do love how even this strong endorsement of Trump ends with "sure Trump is a roll of the dice." Literally the only reason they support him is because they don\'t know what he\'ll do.', '>>{saturnengr0} : Positive news: trump didn\'t grope anybody today. Seriously -- this is the problem that trump supports don\'t seem to get. Finding something positive that withstands scrutiny and that isn\'t a complete fabrication is difficult. Let\'s see -- * Trump\'s going to make America great again: Ok, how? He can\'t tell you. That makes positive news kind of hard. * Trump\'s going to bring back jobs -- Again, how: by renegotiating trade deals and forcing companies to bring jobs back? Ok, but tell me what\'s positive about that: 1) can he actually do it and 2) assume he actually does -- what happens? A few people win, a whole bunch of people lose. Products become more expensive (losing jobs), foreign trade dies (losing jobs) resulting is economic slowdown (losing more jobs) and he won\'t do anything to help because government is bad so the slowdown becomes a depression. Honestly, it\'s like SouthPark the other day when they believed the Economy was angry at them and decided to punish them. * He\'s going to repeal Obamacare: Great - there go 16M people who currently have some form of insurance and now don\'t, hospitals close, and insurance costs continue to go up. The consequences are easy to predict. Does anybody remember how much insurance was raising every year for the decade before the ACA?-- That\'s probably not a positive news story. Heath insurance costs are increasing? No duh. They\'ve increased ever year that I\'ve been alive. From 2000-2005, they increased by double-digits. From 2006-2015, they increased by 4-6% more or less. The ACA was designed to keep the increases down, not to eliminate the increases. But we\'ve done nothing to fix anything in the ACA, so it\'s not surprising. But eliminating the ACA isn\'t going to stop the increases. It\'s always been funny to me that when you poll people about the provisions of the ACA, they\'re really popular until you actually call it "Obamacare" then the popularity goes to crap. We -- republicans and democrats -- should take a page from Arkansas (of all places). The politicians ran on a policy of eliminating the ACA. When they won, wonders of wonders, they found they couldn\'t actually do it without screwing a whole bunch of people. They did eliminate the ACA in Arkansas: They took the program, gave it a new name with exactly the same benefits, provisions, and structure -- and declared to the public that they had killed the ACA in Arkansas. And the people ate it up. * He\'s going to effectively wipe out the EPA -- he loves going after the EPA: Well, that\'s easy to predict: Hello Flint Michigan. Hello air pollution, hello water pollution. Again, a difficult story to put a positive light on. * He\'s going to reduce the size of government: He\'s going to do this in two ways: 1) he\'s going to decimate the revenues -- because it\'s hurting companies * He\'s going to bring companies\' money back... those ones with more money than ever before. I know -- they\'re going to bring all that money back from overseas and invest it. In what? Without demand for more products, why on earth would they invest in capital expenditures? The money\'s coming back, but it\'s going to get plowed into stock buybacks -- not dividends, they get taxed differently. Again, if you follow it through, it doesn\'t work. * He\'s also going to eliminate choking regulations. Well, how do you think we got all those regulations? Because people are just willy-nilly writing regulations for the sole purpose of choking business? Or maybe because somebody actually did something that the regulations are designed to prevent? So get rid of regulations and bad things start to happen again. You want to eliminate regulations? Pass better laws to begin with. Honestly -- I can keep going on and on. If you only look at his plans very, very superficially you can find a lot of things to cheer about. But dig just a teeny-tiny bit beneath the surface and it always starts to fall apart.', ">>{Vgatv} : The other possibility is if sxsw was the visa sponsor they would be held liable if something happened at an unnaproved event. Visas are tricky business. Not saying your assessment isn't correct, but there are lots of situations where it was right for them to be denied", '>>{FuckTripleH} : >These CBP "authorities" are violating the law and the rights of these performers. Unfortunately that\'s not actually true. The CBP (along with the state department, the DHS, and the USCIS) has immense discretion over who they let in and legally non-citizens have no right to enter the country. Even if you have a valid visa, in fact even if you are a legal permanent resident, you can be turned away at the border for a whole plethora of criteria that are more or less completely subjective to the people denying entry >seriously, we need to find the names of each of these CBP employees and lobby hard to have the fired. For what? I out and out hate cops and don\'t mind admitting it but they didn\'t do anything illegal which means no amount of lobbying will get them fired >No low-level, unskilled, and untrained individual should have this kind of authority. Only a judge who actually understands the laws should have that kind of authority. The CBP should merely validate the authenticity of the documents being used for travel. This is ridiculous. Well ok but that\'s not the way it is currently. Nor is it likely to change because about 300k people cross the northern border daily, another million cross the southern border daily, and I don\'t even know how many enter via airports, you\'re never going to convince the government to purposefully slow that process down by making it so only judges can decide to deny entry.', '>>{adeundem} : A catastrophe is a sudden event causing great damage or suffering. An earthquake could be a catastrophe. Trump would be an apparent never-ending source of catastrophes. A vote for Trump is a vote for a large orange pit of despair and angry wasps, with hate lightning bolts and tidal waves of racist/misogynistic fire.', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : Howdy, I'm Cal Thomas and this is my extremely small brain Spot", '>>{porgy_tirebiter} : My Japanese wife was pulled aside by immigration and sat in a room for an hour or so with lots of other foreign nationals (she had been out of the country for too long for her green card). She told me she was astounded at the level of racism and disrespect the TSA officers showed all of the foreign nationals. And this was several years ago, well before the rise of Trump.', '>>{ParyGanter} : Except all the positions of him and his party are the opposite of those that go along with the progressive label.', '>>{RepostTony} : A very close friend of mine who is of Mexican dissent decided to change careers and become a police officer. He was in banking before. He went to the academy and passed everything with flying colors and soon he was a police officer in Oakland, CA. He quit shortly after Trump became elected. Why? He said as soon as trump won anyone who was racist / bigot came roaring out of the closet. He said it happened overnight. He couldn\'t believe what was going on. Apparently he was ok because he was "one of the good ones". In his short time as a police officer he saw first hand the discrimination that goes on and Trump coming to the White House seems to have completely normalized this behavior. I really hope we grow out of this phase quickly.', ">>{brennanfee} : > The CBP (along with the state department, the DHS, and the USCIS) has immense discretion over who they let in and legally non-citizens have no right to enter the country. Sure the departments do when setting policy and when choosing to issue visa's. But if someone was duly issued a visa some low level CBP employee could (and so far are) create international incidents if they don't honor those visa's. This is the travel (not immigration but merely travel) equivalent of the private starting a world war because they fired across the line at the enemy because they were scared or stupid. I get setting policy for how a visa is issued but once issued the people should be let in. CPB's role is to verify the paperwork... not to understand (clearly) the policy. Because as stated these musicians were travelling APPROPRIATELY on their visa's. Each of them had letters from their managers stating they would not be getting paid for their performances. End of story. The visa's were valid and they were within their rights to travel on them. Some low level bigot just disagreed. Fire him. > you can be turned away at the border for a whole plethora of criteria Which while true is a bunch of bullshit. > For what? Violating those individuals rights. They had VALID visa's and these low-level dudes are just on a power trip. Musicians and other artists have traveled like this for YEARS. SXSW has been going on for a LONG time and we have NEVER seen crap like this. Anyone willing to cause suffering or even mass amounts of inconvenience just because they are allowed to have no business being in a position of power. > Well ok but that's not the way it is currently. If you have ONE TOE on US soil you have Constitutional rights. The problem with most right-wing freedom nuts is that they only want freedom for themselves (a.k.a. their tribe). It's just tribalism all over again. Having free speech means having to tolerate someone else using it for things you would argue against until you can't breathe any more. Having due process of law for yourself means granting it to others. The Constitution applies to *everyone* not just the members of one's tribe. All of this xenophobic crap wasn't happening before and every thing was just fine. Donny Trumplethinskin is too stupid to realize the downstream effects of idiotic, inhuman policies such as these.", ">>{archetech} : If that was the sentence, maybe we just didn't understand it.", ">>{brokenbyall} : I'm a chocolate unicorn who shits pure gold Krugerrands, and I agree! Vote Trump!", ">>{brennanfee} : Unlikely in these cases and each of them now have grounds for a lawsuit against the US. The ACLU needs to jump on these every bit as much as the Executive Orders he has been attempting. By my reading of most of their statements each of them had letters by their management explaining very clearly that they were not being paid for their performances (the very difference between the travel visa vs. the work visa). Musicians have traveled like this to SXSW and other similar events for YEARS and it has never been an issue. Get some bigots in office to unleash the hounds at CBP and all of a sudden people who they don't like are being booted out left and right. I mean for christ sake they have even been detaining and questioning US citizens coming back to the US. They even asked Muhammad Ali Jr. where he got his name from! Are they fucking brain damaged... I'm not even a sports fan and I know who he was. If they have that little knowledge and awareness how can we expect them to make correct judgments on government policy? If they detained or questioned me I'd make a career out of suing them personally, their bosses, the department, and the US government. I'd harass and embarrass them to no fucking end. It literally says on the first page of our passport: > The Secretary of State of the United States Of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass **without delay or hindrance** and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection. Seriously... this shit has gone far enough. Executive Order or not they are severely damaging our national good will around the world with this petty bullshit with absolutely no positive up side or effect.", '>>{Stalin_2020} : Am a suburban white kid. Can confirm the policing system in America has always been terrible.', '>>{El_Peeh_Soy} : Well. Good ole SFO. Wouldn\'t be surprised if those "customs officers" are Affirmative Action cases hired by the Obama admin.', ">>{DomesticatedElephant} : Asking others to Google your evidence isn't an argument either.", '>>{FuckTripleH} : >Sure the departments do when setting policy and when choosing to issue visa\'s. At the border the individual officers have immense discretion. Especially after 9-11 >But if someone was duly issued a visa some low level CBP employee could (and so far are) create international incidents if they don\'t honor those visa\'s. This is the travel (not immigration but merely travel) equivalent of the private starting a world war because they fired across the line at the enemy because they were scared or stupid. That\'s just false >I get setting policy for how a visa is issued but once issued the people should be let in. CPB\'s role is to verify the paperwork... not to understand (clearly) the policy. Because as stated these musicians were travelling APPROPRIATELY on their visa\'s. Each of them had letters from their managers stating they would not be getting paid for their performances. End of story. The visa\'s were valid and they were within their rights to travel on them. Some low level bigot just disagreed. Fire him. Go ahead a provide a citation, because this just simply isn\'t true. Even with a valid visa you can be turned away or deported. Even with a visa you have no legal right to enter the country Stop confusing what should be with what is >Violating those individuals rights. They had VALID visa\'s and these low-level dudes are just on a power trip. Musicians and other artists have traveled like this for YEARS. SXSW has been going on for a LONG time and we have NEVER seen crap like this. Anyone willing to cause suffering or even mass amounts of inconvenience just because they are allowed to have no business being in a position of power. Which rights? A visa doesn\'t entitle you to enter a country. It\'s permission to do so and unfortunately that permission can be revoked for very little reason >If you have ONE TOE on US soil you have Constitutional rights. The problem with most right-wing freedom nuts is that they only want freedom for themselves (a.k.a. their tribe). It\'s just tribalism all over again. Having free speech means having to tolerate someone else using it for things you would argue against until you can\'t breathe any more. Having due process of law for yourself means granting it to others. The Constitution applies to *everyone* not just the members of one\'s tribe. Points of entry are not, legally speaking, "US soil" in which constitutional protections apply. And which constitutional rights do you think were violated here? >All of this xenophobic crap wasn\'t happening before and every thing was just fine. Donny Trumplethinskin is too stupid to realize the downstream effects of idiotic, inhuman policies such as these. Ok I\'m not disagreeing. But what I\'m saying is that you\'re just plain wrong about what rights visa holders do and do not have, much less what legal recourse is available The ***only*** situation in which a person has a legal *right* to enter the country is when they have a US passport. I dislike borders as a concept, but that\'s the reality of the current legal system', ">>{VROF} : And Trump's policies are like everyone's idiot uncle gathered for a brainstorming session and then published the results", ">>{FuckTripleH} : It's from a rather famous song by a rather famous band about police brutality", '>>{jpjtourdiary} : Same happened to my Filipino wife who was born in Canada. She was detained for at least 6 hours, offered no water or food. Her phone was searched, they even texted me false information to try to incriminate me for something. During this time, my wife witnessed a Canadian parolee allowed across the border as long as he promised to be back by a certain date. This was around Christmas 2014. The officer detaining her strutted around saying "It\'s Christmas time and I\'m the Grinch." Yeah TSA and customs officers are shitheads who weren\'t good enough to be police and became power-mad bullies.', '>>{markfitzfritzel} : I know right? I thoroughly enjoyed it, dump trump the fat racist moron', '>>{hopeLB} : Disagree. Hillary causes catastrophes (See Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Honduras, Yemen, Columbia, profracking, proMonsanto, Pro TTP TTIP, bankster and corporate owned). Now she is touting her love of children after Endelman, the Childrens Defense Fund Founder, resigned after Hillary cut food stamps to the poor and after 500,00 Iraqi children died from starvation due to sanctions and now the children are starving in Yemen because her Foundation took bribes from Saudi Arabia in exchange for State Dept sale of US jets and weapons. Vote for the other woman. Vote Stein!', '>>{IDFSHILL} : When you see someone type up a comment like that, or any comment that contains "pro-monsanto" it\'s best to just walk away. The only demographic more misinformed and detached than Trump\'s base = Steiners. I once went to the Stein sub and tried to help a bunch of them on GMOs and I\'ve never experienced anything like it. Even on the Donald or /r/asktrumpsupporters the people are more coherent than on the Stein sub. I think there might be a real problem with mental illness in those circles we need to look at. /r/kossacks_for_sanders is another one.', '>>{brennanfee} : > At the border the individual officers have immense discretion. Especially after 9-11 And they should not! That\'s my point. These guys doing this are clearly just wanting to exert their power knowing that now they can get away with it. Before they would have to bow to the political pressure knowing that those above them wouldn\'t cover for their overreach. Now they know that all their racism can be on parade. > That\'s just false Searches for travel to the US are down 58% since Trump was elected - and that was BEFORE his immigration policies even took place. I don\'t have the data yet as it is still too new but I expect that it will be even worse now that these policies are reflecting so poorly on our country. My point? This **is** having an effect on tourism, travel, and our good will... these officers are wielding an awful lot of power which is adversely impacting our PR, our businesses, employees of those business, etc. So, in what way was my comment on them creating international incidents wrong again? The analogy is apt given the context. > Even with a valid visa you can be turned away or deported. But *should* you? That\'s my point. Should some idiot who has a high school diploma and wears a badge be able to reject or even severely delay a prominent scholar on fascism from entering the country to speak at say Texas A&M University? [For reference: https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/02/26/famed-french-scholar-henry-rousso-held-for-10-hours-at-texas-airport.html] > A visa doesn\'t entitle you to enter a country. It\'s permission to do so And you don\'t see a contradiction in that? A visa is a contract - in essence - given by a government to permit entry. Then some slackjaw making less than $20 an hour can just reject them without due process? Fuck that. Would it not be construed as a breech of that contract to be turned away unjustly? Would the home nation of said individual not be affronted that their citizens were treated with such dubious respect let alone bigotry? For some situations this could even rise to a treaty violation. Will Joe officer be intelligent enough to even be aware of our treaty obligations? > Points of entry are not, legally speaking, "US soil" in which constitutional protections apply. I understand that but it\'s another bullshit legal loophole. We either believe in our Constitution and what it **means** ... for all people... or we are just hypocrites sitting on a high horse looking down our noses at others. We either believe in equality, fairness, and decency or we are just a nation of assholes. > And which constitutional rights do you think were violated here? Due process. There was no review of some low-level persons "decision". There should be a process of review. These musicians were NOT in violation of shit and yet they were sent away. No lawyer, no judge, not even a review by a superior. > much less what legal recourse is available The recourse doesn\'t have to be legal it could be political. [Again reference: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-02/europe-votes-impose-visas-americans] > I dislike borders as a concept, but that\'s the reality of the current legal system Yeah... and let me say. I\'m not disagreeing with your comments on the strict legal aspects. But all around it\'s bullshit ripe for abuse and corruption. The law needs to be changed because clearly we have left way to much up to discretion and or tradition. [Just like we need to make it a law that all US presidents reveal their tax returns and use a blind trust for their assets.] I read recently that the TSA is asking to be able to do the "enhanced pat-downs" for all travelers. To that I say fuck that. If we give that much power to these kinds of jobs they will naturally attract people who get off on wielding said power. Bigots at the border able to turn away anyone they want because they don\'t "look" right without repercussion. On the TSA thing, just think of the pedophile who now knows they can get a job with the TSA and fondle little kids all day long. The FBI even released a report recently that a much higher rate of white supremacists are among the ranks of the police than is acceptable. No, not all cops are racists... but a greater percentage of them are than the general public. Again... they are attracted to the idea of being able to harass those they want without repercussion. At some point we, the people, need to say fuck off with this shit. Some TSA agent touches my junk he\'s gonna get a black eye or worse. Some border agent hassles me I\'ll ruin him. We have rights and we can not let them erode them away. I\'d be willing to go to jail to protect my rights and I guess I\'m just sad and frustrated that most Americans won\'t. These police state gestapo kinds of things need to be resisted. Perhaps I\'m too fiercely independent but there are just some things I give up to no man and no government under any circumstance.', '>>{jugenbund} : >claims of racism Calling on Reddit mob justice for a ruling.', '>>{HotJupiter74} : Well...There are plenty of racial slurs in common use in Korea by virtually all koreans when speaking of other races. I can guarantee this guy has used all of them. I have little sympathy.', '>>{brennanfee} : Another great example of how sill all of this is: http://www.voanews.com/a/african-trade-conference-canceled-after-visas-denied-african-delegates/3770907.html', '>>{shakakaaahn} : As someone who lives in Portland and has met these people in person, I kinda have to agree. They are delusional and dangerous to their own ideals. They decide which scientific evidence to believe, and which to ignore, then just believe no experience Jill Stein and her batshit crazy VP candidate are the answer.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Desi_US} : Korean Rapper Don Malik denied entry into America for SXSW; claims immigratiom officers called him a 'Chink'", ">>{ParakeetSunshine} : doubt it EDIT: I'm Latino. Give me your ten bucks.", '>>{iamitman007} : White supremacist have infiltrated all parts of the government including the white house.', ">>{MrMic} : Oh man, read his post history. He's just crazy, dumb, and not worth a response.", ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : I definitely don't trust law enforcement anymore, and I have family who are LEOs. They only ever seem to be in the news for extrajudicial killings, miscarriages and straight up abortions of justice, and blatant white supremacism. Don't hear about that kind of thing coming from fire brigades or ambulance corps. Frankly if the Black Panthers were still a going concern is call them before I called the police, and I'm whiter than a polar bear in a paper factory.", '>>{xyzen420} : If they said some shit like this to someone in front of me, they would have to deal with *my* reaction.', ">>{LongDevil} : Soviet Soviet was detained for a day and deported back to Italy when they tried to come to SXSW. Wormrot has cancelled their US tour citing the political climate here. I'm sure we'll hear more foreign acts decide to skip US touring as long as authoritarian orangutan is in office.", '>>{Vgatv} : The Soviet Soviet thing, at least from what I read, was because they had some additional tour dates set up outside of SXSW, which violated their visa.', '>>{AndyWarwheels} : In regards to the rappers claims that is a separate issue. But being denied entry is happening to a number of artist for SXSW and most of them have been denied because despite being told that they cannot book any other shows while in the states since it goes against the visa, many of them did. According to the article this artist did not do that but this has been the case with a few of the other performers.', ">>{LongDevil} : They claimed the gigs were unpaid promotional events, that's why they didn't apply for working visas.", '>>{RamBamBooey} : It\'s not just the 6 countries of the "Muslim Ban" affected by Trump. Trump has changed US immigration policy. Every country is affected. For example, if you are a Mexican with a US tourist visa and your visa expires you used to have 2 years to renew it without refiling, now it is 2 months. For the Don Malik, they changed the rule about playing music for free on a tourist visa. These are two small examples of the massive changes Trump has implemented. Don\'t get fooled when you read that the courts stopped the "Muslim Ban" and think all is fine. Trump is attacking ALL immigrants. Trump has successfully changed US immigration policy and it is already hurting the United States. Four more years of this and we should stop calling the United States a melting pot.', ">>{Vgatv} : And apparently that wasn't entirely true, which is why they were denied", ">>{tirabichi} : It used to be 4 years to renew your tourist visa (here in México) once it expired. Now it's 1. That has been the only 'official' change for tourist visa application.", '>>{carolined1} : To what end? What could racially insulting a person show them?', ">>{parliboy} : I don't know too many white guys beside myself who know where to find a good horchata. Politics aside... you're probably paying him ten bucks.", ">>{elohir} : Occams razor says that the racists/xenophobes/jingoists were always there. They likely just feel like they don't need to hide it anymore because the President of the USA is one of their own and America is basically okay with it.", ">>{littlevcu} : I don't think much of it can actually be called 'infiltration' if it was already there or it was there before. Even sadly the White House. Our country has a long ongoing relationship with ever-changing forms of racial hierarchy. Edit to add. Although I would say that the modern conception of 'white supremacy' today is more linked to movements like the KKK. But what emerged as the American system of slavery (post Bacon's Rebellion forward) is the very entrenchment of white supremacy.", '>>{traceitalian} : So of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses.', '>>{cacophonic7} : They have always been there. The president has just normalized hate.', '>>{badfordabidness} : Immigration officers would be ICE/CBP, not TSA...', ">>{FuckTripleH} : Positions of authority naturally attract fascists, fascism has always attracted racists, the people were already there. Now they're just emboldened enough to be public about it", ">>{FuckTripleH} : >I definitely don't trust law enforcement anymore, The fact that you ever did is troubling", ">>{vegastar7} : It's amazing to me that the people who control the borders and therefore meet a plethora of people of different nationalities / races would be so racist and xenophobic...to me, it's like a germaphobe becoming a doctor.", '>>{brennanfee} : These CBP "authorities" are violating the law and the rights of these performers. Seriously, we need to find the names of each of these CBP employees and lobby hard to have the fired. No low-level, unskilled, and untrained individual should have this kind of authority. Only a judge who actually understands the laws should have that kind of authority. The CBP should merely validate the authenticity of the documents being used for travel. This is ridiculous.', ">>{brennanfee} : No, their other gigs were indeed promotional. One of them was in Seattle and there was lots of local news about it. It's just the CBP agents were to bigoted and ignorant to care.", ">>{FuckTripleH} : Why? Just because a bunch of suburban white kids are only now discovering what pieces of shit cops are doesn't mean cops being pieces of shit is new. They've always been this bad, you're just experiencing it for the first time", ">>{Vgatv} : The other possibility is if sxsw was the visa sponsor they would be held liable if something happened at an unnaproved event. Visas are tricky business. Not saying your assessment isn't correct, but there are lots of situations where it was right for them to be denied", '>>{FuckTripleH} : >These CBP "authorities" are violating the law and the rights of these performers. Unfortunately that\'s not actually true. The CBP (along with the state department, the DHS, and the USCIS) has immense discretion over who they let in and legally non-citizens have no right to enter the country. Even if you have a valid visa, in fact even if you are a legal permanent resident, you can be turned away at the border for a whole plethora of criteria that are more or less completely subjective to the people denying entry >seriously, we need to find the names of each of these CBP employees and lobby hard to have the fired. For what? I out and out hate cops and don\'t mind admitting it but they didn\'t do anything illegal which means no amount of lobbying will get them fired >No low-level, unskilled, and untrained individual should have this kind of authority. Only a judge who actually understands the laws should have that kind of authority. The CBP should merely validate the authenticity of the documents being used for travel. This is ridiculous. Well ok but that\'s not the way it is currently. Nor is it likely to change because about 300k people cross the northern border daily, another million cross the southern border daily, and I don\'t even know how many enter via airports, you\'re never going to convince the government to purposefully slow that process down by making it so only judges can decide to deny entry.', '>>{porgy_tirebiter} : My Japanese wife was pulled aside by immigration and sat in a room for an hour or so with lots of other foreign nationals (she had been out of the country for too long for her green card). She told me she was astounded at the level of racism and disrespect the TSA officers showed all of the foreign nationals. And this was several years ago, well before the rise of Trump.', '>>{RepostTony} : A very close friend of mine who is of Mexican dissent decided to change careers and become a police officer. He was in banking before. He went to the academy and passed everything with flying colors and soon he was a police officer in Oakland, CA. He quit shortly after Trump became elected. Why? He said as soon as trump won anyone who was racist / bigot came roaring out of the closet. He said it happened overnight. He couldn\'t believe what was going on. Apparently he was ok because he was "one of the good ones". In his short time as a police officer he saw first hand the discrimination that goes on and Trump coming to the White House seems to have completely normalized this behavior. I really hope we grow out of this phase quickly.', ">>{brennanfee} : > The CBP (along with the state department, the DHS, and the USCIS) has immense discretion over who they let in and legally non-citizens have no right to enter the country. Sure the departments do when setting policy and when choosing to issue visa's. But if someone was duly issued a visa some low level CBP employee could (and so far are) create international incidents if they don't honor those visa's. This is the travel (not immigration but merely travel) equivalent of the private starting a world war because they fired across the line at the enemy because they were scared or stupid. I get setting policy for how a visa is issued but once issued the people should be let in. CPB's role is to verify the paperwork... not to understand (clearly) the policy. Because as stated these musicians were travelling APPROPRIATELY on their visa's. Each of them had letters from their managers stating they would not be getting paid for their performances. End of story. The visa's were valid and they were within their rights to travel on them. Some low level bigot just disagreed. Fire him. > you can be turned away at the border for a whole plethora of criteria Which while true is a bunch of bullshit. > For what? Violating those individuals rights. They had VALID visa's and these low-level dudes are just on a power trip. Musicians and other artists have traveled like this for YEARS. SXSW has been going on for a LONG time and we have NEVER seen crap like this. Anyone willing to cause suffering or even mass amounts of inconvenience just because they are allowed to have no business being in a position of power. > Well ok but that's not the way it is currently. If you have ONE TOE on US soil you have Constitutional rights. The problem with most right-wing freedom nuts is that they only want freedom for themselves (a.k.a. their tribe). It's just tribalism all over again. Having free speech means having to tolerate someone else using it for things you would argue against until you can't breathe any more. Having due process of law for yourself means granting it to others. The Constitution applies to *everyone* not just the members of one's tribe. All of this xenophobic crap wasn't happening before and every thing was just fine. Donny Trumplethinskin is too stupid to realize the downstream effects of idiotic, inhuman policies such as these.", ">>{archetech} : If that was the sentence, maybe we just didn't understand it.", ">>{brennanfee} : Unlikely in these cases and each of them now have grounds for a lawsuit against the US. The ACLU needs to jump on these every bit as much as the Executive Orders he has been attempting. By my reading of most of their statements each of them had letters by their management explaining very clearly that they were not being paid for their performances (the very difference between the travel visa vs. the work visa). Musicians have traveled like this to SXSW and other similar events for YEARS and it has never been an issue. Get some bigots in office to unleash the hounds at CBP and all of a sudden people who they don't like are being booted out left and right. I mean for christ sake they have even been detaining and questioning US citizens coming back to the US. They even asked Muhammad Ali Jr. where he got his name from! Are they fucking brain damaged... I'm not even a sports fan and I know who he was. If they have that little knowledge and awareness how can we expect them to make correct judgments on government policy? If they detained or questioned me I'd make a career out of suing them personally, their bosses, the department, and the US government. I'd harass and embarrass them to no fucking end. It literally says on the first page of our passport: > The Secretary of State of the United States Of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass **without delay or hindrance** and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection. Seriously... this shit has gone far enough. Executive Order or not they are severely damaging our national good will around the world with this petty bullshit with absolutely no positive up side or effect.", '>>{Stalin_2020} : Am a suburban white kid. Can confirm the policing system in America has always been terrible.', '>>{El_Peeh_Soy} : Well. Good ole SFO. Wouldn\'t be surprised if those "customs officers" are Affirmative Action cases hired by the Obama admin.', '>>{FuckTripleH} : >Sure the departments do when setting policy and when choosing to issue visa\'s. At the border the individual officers have immense discretion. Especially after 9-11 >But if someone was duly issued a visa some low level CBP employee could (and so far are) create international incidents if they don\'t honor those visa\'s. This is the travel (not immigration but merely travel) equivalent of the private starting a world war because they fired across the line at the enemy because they were scared or stupid. That\'s just false >I get setting policy for how a visa is issued but once issued the people should be let in. CPB\'s role is to verify the paperwork... not to understand (clearly) the policy. Because as stated these musicians were travelling APPROPRIATELY on their visa\'s. Each of them had letters from their managers stating they would not be getting paid for their performances. End of story. The visa\'s were valid and they were within their rights to travel on them. Some low level bigot just disagreed. Fire him. Go ahead a provide a citation, because this just simply isn\'t true. Even with a valid visa you can be turned away or deported. Even with a visa you have no legal right to enter the country Stop confusing what should be with what is >Violating those individuals rights. They had VALID visa\'s and these low-level dudes are just on a power trip. Musicians and other artists have traveled like this for YEARS. SXSW has been going on for a LONG time and we have NEVER seen crap like this. Anyone willing to cause suffering or even mass amounts of inconvenience just because they are allowed to have no business being in a position of power. Which rights? A visa doesn\'t entitle you to enter a country. It\'s permission to do so and unfortunately that permission can be revoked for very little reason >If you have ONE TOE on US soil you have Constitutional rights. The problem with most right-wing freedom nuts is that they only want freedom for themselves (a.k.a. their tribe). It\'s just tribalism all over again. Having free speech means having to tolerate someone else using it for things you would argue against until you can\'t breathe any more. Having due process of law for yourself means granting it to others. The Constitution applies to *everyone* not just the members of one\'s tribe. Points of entry are not, legally speaking, "US soil" in which constitutional protections apply. And which constitutional rights do you think were violated here? >All of this xenophobic crap wasn\'t happening before and every thing was just fine. Donny Trumplethinskin is too stupid to realize the downstream effects of idiotic, inhuman policies such as these. Ok I\'m not disagreeing. But what I\'m saying is that you\'re just plain wrong about what rights visa holders do and do not have, much less what legal recourse is available The ***only*** situation in which a person has a legal *right* to enter the country is when they have a US passport. I dislike borders as a concept, but that\'s the reality of the current legal system', ">>{FuckTripleH} : It's from a rather famous song by a rather famous band about police brutality", '>>{jpjtourdiary} : Same happened to my Filipino wife who was born in Canada. She was detained for at least 6 hours, offered no water or food. Her phone was searched, they even texted me false information to try to incriminate me for something. During this time, my wife witnessed a Canadian parolee allowed across the border as long as he promised to be back by a certain date. This was around Christmas 2014. The officer detaining her strutted around saying "It\'s Christmas time and I\'m the Grinch." Yeah TSA and customs officers are shitheads who weren\'t good enough to be police and became power-mad bullies.', '>>{markfitzfritzel} : I know right? I thoroughly enjoyed it, dump trump the fat racist moron', '>>{brennanfee} : > At the border the individual officers have immense discretion. Especially after 9-11 And they should not! That\'s my point. These guys doing this are clearly just wanting to exert their power knowing that now they can get away with it. Before they would have to bow to the political pressure knowing that those above them wouldn\'t cover for their overreach. Now they know that all their racism can be on parade. > That\'s just false Searches for travel to the US are down 58% since Trump was elected - and that was BEFORE his immigration policies even took place. I don\'t have the data yet as it is still too new but I expect that it will be even worse now that these policies are reflecting so poorly on our country. My point? This **is** having an effect on tourism, travel, and our good will... these officers are wielding an awful lot of power which is adversely impacting our PR, our businesses, employees of those business, etc. So, in what way was my comment on them creating international incidents wrong again? The analogy is apt given the context. > Even with a valid visa you can be turned away or deported. But *should* you? That\'s my point. Should some idiot who has a high school diploma and wears a badge be able to reject or even severely delay a prominent scholar on fascism from entering the country to speak at say Texas A&M University? [For reference: https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/02/26/famed-french-scholar-henry-rousso-held-for-10-hours-at-texas-airport.html] > A visa doesn\'t entitle you to enter a country. It\'s permission to do so And you don\'t see a contradiction in that? A visa is a contract - in essence - given by a government to permit entry. Then some slackjaw making less than $20 an hour can just reject them without due process? Fuck that. Would it not be construed as a breech of that contract to be turned away unjustly? Would the home nation of said individual not be affronted that their citizens were treated with such dubious respect let alone bigotry? For some situations this could even rise to a treaty violation. Will Joe officer be intelligent enough to even be aware of our treaty obligations? > Points of entry are not, legally speaking, "US soil" in which constitutional protections apply. I understand that but it\'s another bullshit legal loophole. We either believe in our Constitution and what it **means** ... for all people... or we are just hypocrites sitting on a high horse looking down our noses at others. We either believe in equality, fairness, and decency or we are just a nation of assholes. > And which constitutional rights do you think were violated here? Due process. There was no review of some low-level persons "decision". There should be a process of review. These musicians were NOT in violation of shit and yet they were sent away. No lawyer, no judge, not even a review by a superior. > much less what legal recourse is available The recourse doesn\'t have to be legal it could be political. [Again reference: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-02/europe-votes-impose-visas-americans] > I dislike borders as a concept, but that\'s the reality of the current legal system Yeah... and let me say. I\'m not disagreeing with your comments on the strict legal aspects. But all around it\'s bullshit ripe for abuse and corruption. The law needs to be changed because clearly we have left way to much up to discretion and or tradition. [Just like we need to make it a law that all US presidents reveal their tax returns and use a blind trust for their assets.] I read recently that the TSA is asking to be able to do the "enhanced pat-downs" for all travelers. To that I say fuck that. If we give that much power to these kinds of jobs they will naturally attract people who get off on wielding said power. Bigots at the border able to turn away anyone they want because they don\'t "look" right without repercussion. On the TSA thing, just think of the pedophile who now knows they can get a job with the TSA and fondle little kids all day long. The FBI even released a report recently that a much higher rate of white supremacists are among the ranks of the police than is acceptable. No, not all cops are racists... but a greater percentage of them are than the general public. Again... they are attracted to the idea of being able to harass those they want without repercussion. At some point we, the people, need to say fuck off with this shit. Some TSA agent touches my junk he\'s gonna get a black eye or worse. Some border agent hassles me I\'ll ruin him. We have rights and we can not let them erode them away. I\'d be willing to go to jail to protect my rights and I guess I\'m just sad and frustrated that most Americans won\'t. These police state gestapo kinds of things need to be resisted. Perhaps I\'m too fiercely independent but there are just some things I give up to no man and no government under any circumstance.', '>>{jugenbund} : >claims of racism Calling on Reddit mob justice for a ruling.', '>>{HotJupiter74} : Well...There are plenty of racial slurs in common use in Korea by virtually all koreans when speaking of other races. I can guarantee this guy has used all of them. I have little sympathy.', '>>{brennanfee} : Another great example of how sill all of this is: http://www.voanews.com/a/african-trade-conference-canceled-after-visas-denied-african-delegates/3770907.html'], [">>{Trumptron3000} : Hillary Clinton's severe flaws make Donald Trump the wiser choice", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : This misogynistic garbage is a blog, not a real article', '>>{44Tall} : An indictment seems imminent. The entire FBI is now working against her.', '>>{amicusets} : I give it an hour until this removed for not being pro-Hillary.', ">>{44Tall} : It's been going on for a year, so they were probably at least partially right. The tone and frequency of the news/leaks has shifted in the past 24 hours.", ">>{NotTheWholeThing} : Yeah, because Trump doesn't have flaws. Said nobody. The logic that the Trump camp brings to the table is hilarious. That anyone actually falls for it is the evidence that the dumbing down of America is in full swing. The poor millennials are fucked, and they won't realize it for another ten years.", '>>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Trumptron3000 sounds like something a bot would name itself. Bots are taking our jarbs! Downvote.', ">>{Dominator27} : We don't remove Trump bullshit it just gets downvoted out of sight out of mind", '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : Partially right about what? They investigated for a year, cleared her and are now searching some new emails which very well have nothing in them worth a damn. You guys were all sure she was gonna be indicted five months ago.', ">>{johnfrance} : Wise and Donald Trump are two things that should never be in the same sentence. This editorial starts with a solid; >I love definitions because they help focus the mind. That's an amazingly obnoxious way to kick things off, plus you know whenever anybody is resorting to a dictionary to make an argument, it's going to be stupid and ill informed. It then goes on to make a mountain out of the non-story of the emails. Later choice line appears; >Another argument made by those favoring a second Clinton presidency is that she is not her husband and that Bill's lying and extramarital affairs should not reflect on her. Really? YES. REALLY. >Republicans and even some principled Democrats (there are a few), not to mention foreign leaders, would immediately regard her as weak and possibly a failure from the start. No, they wouldn't. You can call Clinton a lot of things, but 'weak' is hardly one of them. And foreign leaders are actually hoping and looking forward to her being the president. The only people who aren't, are the ones that know they will be able to dube and bamboozle Trump to their advantage. The only thing towards trump the article says is 'well, he's going to be something new'. Like Jesus, how can you care that little..", '>>{DOWNVOTED_BY_EUROS} : Right, the new section is reserved for pro Clinton spin only.', ">>{hans_grosse} : Get over it, man. It's not disappearing because of some /r/politics conspiracy - it's disappearing because it's an opinion that most people here disagree with.", '>>{44Tall} : She was not cleared. The investigation was "completed" without any recommendations for prosecution to a (now clearly) corrupt Lynch who, along with others, was stonewalling the actual investigation. Those chickens are coming home to roost. The emails they found on Weiner\'s laptop were classified. The proof is now out there in the leaks.', ">>{malpais} : Cal Thomas. There's a surprise. The Chicago Tribune - a thoroughly Republican paper - actually endorsed Gary Johnson.", '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : 1. She was cleared. No matter how you choose to pretend otherwise. 2. No, you have no evidence any of it was classified.', '>>{amicusets} : Nice porn name, but I never even mentioned Trump.', ">>{K9ABX} : And as soon as she wins they'll tear her down. More.", ">>{ME24601} : Both candidates are *incredibly* flawed. It's entirely a question of whose flaw's are worse, and I'd have to go with Trump's as being far more severe than the problems I have with Clinton.", ">>{moxy801} : It's worth noting this is not coming from the Chicago Tribune Editorial board, but its an op ed by some guy named Cal Thomas who seems to be associated with FOX.", '>>{44Tall} : Comey himself (in the famous exchange with Trey Gowdy) said some of the emails were classified. What evidence do you have that she was cleared?', '>>{roo-ster} : > Just like everyone said back in July ... of 1995.', '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : Yes, some of them were classified (3) and none of them properly marked. What evidence do I have she was cleared?! Were you in a coma when the investigation was closed with no charges against her of any kind in July?', ">>{kaihau} : Hillary is equally as much of a catastrophe. That's why she's now less trustworthy to the American people than Trump, and is tied. She isn't any better. People downvoting: prove me wrong.", '>>{44Tall} : But the investigation was never closed. The investigation has stayed open. It has stayed open and new information has come to light and so it is active again. Notice no one has said the investigation was reopened. It was never closed. She was not cleared. You are misapplying a legal term where it is not accurate.', ">>{eldfluga} : This op-ed starts not just with a definition, but a definition culled from Urban Dictionary. It's like my idiot uncle trying to write a fourth-grade persuasive essay. Jesus.", ">>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : If this new information wasn't found there would never be any new progress on the case. Nobody was investigating. They came to a conclusion and decided she didn't break any laws and wasn't guilty of any crime. You can argue semantics if it makes you feel better though.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : Trump lies constantly, about everything. Every rally is brimming with lies. The reporter Daniel Dale has done the unenviable work of marking them down each day. It's nowhere remotely close to Clinton. Their politifact ratings speak for themselves.", '>>{kaihau} : Politifact is untrustworthy. We know from the Podesta emails that Hillary lies about everything as well. Douche v Turd Sandwich.', '>>{44Tall} : It appears you are being willfuly ignorant of facts that you could go find yourself. This is all over the news today. This is not semantics.', '>>{kaihau} : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/02/tracking-poll-finds-race-tied-as-trump-opens-up-an-8-point-edge-on-honesty/?hpid=hp_rhp-top-table-main_tracking-poll-730a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&tid=a_inl I mean, a Washintgon post article is right on the front page of /r/politics complaining about this.', '>>{aiken_} : * Trump says he will appoint Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade and Obergefell; Clinton agrees with both decisions and is likely to appoint more liberal justices. * Trump has not even released his tax returns, violating convention and raising a lot of questions about his integrity and who would benefit from having him in office. * Trump has indicated he is willing to use nuclear weapons first, that he thinks more countries should have them, and that we may abandon NATO allies. Clinton is obviously a hawk, but had amble opportunity to lobby for nuclear strikes and there is no evidence she did. * Trump flies off the handle with 3am tweetstorms targeting anyone he believes has offended him. Clinton is, if anything, too reserved. * Trump has lied about so many tiny, venal things (remember the letter the NFL sent him?) that it\'s gotten to the point where his supporters *champion* the fact that you can\'t believe anything he says (see: nuclear weapons) * Trump\'s racism and sexism are blatant and not worth denying. Clinton does not seem to have this streak (bring up one comment from decades ago as "just as bad" as Trump\'s decades of housing discrimination and pussy-grabbing, and I will laugh at you). Clinton is (involuntarily) the most transparent candidate in history: we *know* everything she has done wrong for the past 30 years. Trump appears just as bad despite unprecedented secrecy and without an entire political party trying to destroy him for decades. So, yeah. Clinton has lots of faults. And we probably know them all at this point. Trump has proven to be erratic, dishonest, anti-American, racist, sexist, short-tempered, and basically incoherent when speaking.... all in the past year or so.', ">>{takeashill_pill} : They have a pulitzer. The Washington Post also has him with more 4 Pinocchio ratings than anyone they've ever covered. The Podesta emails don't reveal anything close to the constant stream of made up garbage that he's constantly spewing. Every rally speech you've ever heard has a dozen brazen lies, minimum.", '>>{DomesticatedElephant} : Examples please. Just saying "e-mails" is not an argument to prove a point.', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : A single poll. Fascinating. And if I show you multiple polls that disagree, you'll accept them?", ">>{kaihau} : I don't watch Trump rally speeches. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a progressive with morals, integrity, and foresight. Trump is the better choice though, by far.", '>>{di11deux} : Gladly. Trump\'s candidacy is based on a few fundamental premises: that he\'s an outsider who will shake up the Washington establishment, which has grown out of touch with ordinary Americans, and that his record as a businessman is an indicator of his overall success in life. His willingness to say things society has deemed as taboo is also appealing to some. As to him shaking up Washington: he can\'t do that. He\'s not on a board where he has authority to fire whomever he wants or institute policies on a whim. The office of the President is inherently curtailed in terms of absolute power. He can make policy proposals, but what he ultimately needs is Congress to agree and support him. That requires working with the exact same Washington establishment he\'s spent the past 9 months shitting all over, and in a town like DC, people don\'t forget. What people also forget is that the political elites are elites for a reason. Joe Plumber doesn\'t write foreign policy proposals because Joe Plumber doesn\'t know what the fuck he\'s talking about. America is a democratic Republic, not a democracy, and we have always had elites in Congress acting as agents of the public. If you don\'t like the elites, then participate in your local elections; expecting a President to change that is foolish. His record as a businessman is also, all things considered, quite poor. The entire Trump brand is based on the idea of it being luxurious - when you buy Trump, you buy quality. But that\'s an illusion. The Trump brand is average, at best, stamped and marketed to lower income people to make them *feel* wealthy. Ever wonder why no rich people actually buy Trump brands? It\'s because compared to actual quality, Trumps brand is an imitation. And that\'s really the metaphor for this entire election: the illusion of Trump\'s superiority despite evidence telling you that, under the surface, what you\'re getting is actually shit. And that doesn\'t even touch on, you know, *actual policy proposals*. His foreign policy will alienate centuries-old allies by "making them pay" like we\'re running a fucking mafia protection racket, and his economic policies will instigate trade wars and make everyday consumer items more expensive. It\'s a fantastical idea that jobs will just appear because Trump told Mexico to go stuff itself. Couple that with the fact that the man is a genuine asshole, and you have plenty of reasons why Trump would make a far worse president than Clinton. So please, take your downvote.', '>>{rankor572} : I do love how even this strong endorsement of Trump ends with "sure Trump is a roll of the dice." Literally the only reason they support him is because they don\'t know what he\'ll do.', '>>{saturnengr0} : Positive news: trump didn\'t grope anybody today. Seriously -- this is the problem that trump supports don\'t seem to get. Finding something positive that withstands scrutiny and that isn\'t a complete fabrication is difficult. Let\'s see -- * Trump\'s going to make America great again: Ok, how? He can\'t tell you. That makes positive news kind of hard. * Trump\'s going to bring back jobs -- Again, how: by renegotiating trade deals and forcing companies to bring jobs back? Ok, but tell me what\'s positive about that: 1) can he actually do it and 2) assume he actually does -- what happens? A few people win, a whole bunch of people lose. Products become more expensive (losing jobs), foreign trade dies (losing jobs) resulting is economic slowdown (losing more jobs) and he won\'t do anything to help because government is bad so the slowdown becomes a depression. Honestly, it\'s like SouthPark the other day when they believed the Economy was angry at them and decided to punish them. * He\'s going to repeal Obamacare: Great - there go 16M people who currently have some form of insurance and now don\'t, hospitals close, and insurance costs continue to go up. The consequences are easy to predict. Does anybody remember how much insurance was raising every year for the decade before the ACA?-- That\'s probably not a positive news story. Heath insurance costs are increasing? No duh. They\'ve increased ever year that I\'ve been alive. From 2000-2005, they increased by double-digits. From 2006-2015, they increased by 4-6% more or less. The ACA was designed to keep the increases down, not to eliminate the increases. But we\'ve done nothing to fix anything in the ACA, so it\'s not surprising. But eliminating the ACA isn\'t going to stop the increases. It\'s always been funny to me that when you poll people about the provisions of the ACA, they\'re really popular until you actually call it "Obamacare" then the popularity goes to crap. We -- republicans and democrats -- should take a page from Arkansas (of all places). The politicians ran on a policy of eliminating the ACA. When they won, wonders of wonders, they found they couldn\'t actually do it without screwing a whole bunch of people. They did eliminate the ACA in Arkansas: They took the program, gave it a new name with exactly the same benefits, provisions, and structure -- and declared to the public that they had killed the ACA in Arkansas. And the people ate it up. * He\'s going to effectively wipe out the EPA -- he loves going after the EPA: Well, that\'s easy to predict: Hello Flint Michigan. Hello air pollution, hello water pollution. Again, a difficult story to put a positive light on. * He\'s going to reduce the size of government: He\'s going to do this in two ways: 1) he\'s going to decimate the revenues -- because it\'s hurting companies * He\'s going to bring companies\' money back... those ones with more money than ever before. I know -- they\'re going to bring all that money back from overseas and invest it. In what? Without demand for more products, why on earth would they invest in capital expenditures? The money\'s coming back, but it\'s going to get plowed into stock buybacks -- not dividends, they get taxed differently. Again, if you follow it through, it doesn\'t work. * He\'s also going to eliminate choking regulations. Well, how do you think we got all those regulations? Because people are just willy-nilly writing regulations for the sole purpose of choking business? Or maybe because somebody actually did something that the regulations are designed to prevent? So get rid of regulations and bad things start to happen again. You want to eliminate regulations? Pass better laws to begin with. Honestly -- I can keep going on and on. If you only look at his plans very, very superficially you can find a lot of things to cheer about. But dig just a teeny-tiny bit beneath the surface and it always starts to fall apart.', '>>{adeundem} : A catastrophe is a sudden event causing great damage or suffering. An earthquake could be a catastrophe. Trump would be an apparent never-ending source of catastrophes. A vote for Trump is a vote for a large orange pit of despair and angry wasps, with hate lightning bolts and tidal waves of racist/misogynistic fire.', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : Howdy, I'm Cal Thomas and this is my extremely small brain Spot", '>>{ParyGanter} : Except all the positions of him and his party are the opposite of those that go along with the progressive label.', ">>{brokenbyall} : I'm a chocolate unicorn who shits pure gold Krugerrands, and I agree! Vote Trump!", ">>{DomesticatedElephant} : Asking others to Google your evidence isn't an argument either.", ">>{VROF} : And Trump's policies are like everyone's idiot uncle gathered for a brainstorming session and then published the results", '>>{hopeLB} : Disagree. Hillary causes catastrophes (See Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Honduras, Yemen, Columbia, profracking, proMonsanto, Pro TTP TTIP, bankster and corporate owned). Now she is touting her love of children after Endelman, the Childrens Defense Fund Founder, resigned after Hillary cut food stamps to the poor and after 500,00 Iraqi children died from starvation due to sanctions and now the children are starving in Yemen because her Foundation took bribes from Saudi Arabia in exchange for State Dept sale of US jets and weapons. Vote for the other woman. Vote Stein!', '>>{IDFSHILL} : When you see someone type up a comment like that, or any comment that contains "pro-monsanto" it\'s best to just walk away. The only demographic more misinformed and detached than Trump\'s base = Steiners. I once went to the Stein sub and tried to help a bunch of them on GMOs and I\'ve never experienced anything like it. Even on the Donald or /r/asktrumpsupporters the people are more coherent than on the Stein sub. I think there might be a real problem with mental illness in those circles we need to look at. /r/kossacks_for_sanders is another one.', '>>{shakakaaahn} : As someone who lives in Portland and has met these people in person, I kinda have to agree. They are delusional and dangerous to their own ideals. They decide which scientific evidence to believe, and which to ignore, then just believe no experience Jill Stein and her batshit crazy VP candidate are the answer.'], ['>>{LivingPeterJennings} : Jerry Falwell Jr. Says He Will Lead Federal Task Force on Higher-Ed Policy', '>>{lxlqlxl} : Well, with all the school prayers, and an erosion of the separation between church and state?.... maybe the rain dancers, and prayers will some how magically help????..... nah....', '>>{Prizm0000} : Mathematics will be replaced with "Mathew, Mark, Luke and Donald."', '>>{Mazhurg} : Bible thumper in charge of reviewing education policies. What could go wrong?', ">>{TinyBaron} : That's not climate change, that's just G-d reminding us of what Hell feels like.", ">>{You-aint-shitten} : Fuck God, That sumbitch must truly be a republican supply side God. I'm damn fucking near sixty and I've never been more embarrassed by what has happened. This can't be real.", '>>{bitfriend} : Expect a new NCLB-style law but for colleges, not just K12s. Colleges will have their core cirriculums controlled by the Federal government through a Common Core like scheme. In doing so, most of their independence will be taken away.', '>>{anisaerah} : Well, I guess I can stop encouraging my teenager to work hard so she can get into college.', ">>{noodhoog} : What the fuck?! Here comes extremist Christian dominionism. But it's the refugees we should be worried about, right?", '>>{cstack18} : But but but I thought common core was the worst?', '>>{SilverIdaten} : Why the fuck do blue states have to keep putting up with this draconian bullshit?', ">>{HansEmbiid} : Get ready for Sharia law in the US. It's OK, though, because it will be administered by Christians, and they've *never* done anything bad.", ">>{bitfriend} : Republicans only say that to keep their base placated. The CC is the ultimate tool to cause K12 privatization. It's also a very useful means to muzzle college campus activism.", ">>{0sigma} : Call your representatives and let them know this is not acceptable. Let them know they're being held responsible for what's going on.", '>>{Infidel8} : > Mr. Falwell said Mr. Trump had first asked him to head up the task force in November, when the two met at Trump Tower in New York. At the time, Mr. Falwell said he had ***declined Mr. Trump’s offer to become U.S. education secretary*** because “I wanted a role that would allow me to stay at Liberty.”', '>>{georgefarley3} : Go to a sporting event, and ask everyone why they keep standing up for the national anthem.', '>>{dontKair} : I thought both parties were the same, and third party votes were gonna put a stop to this kind of thing', ">>{starfruitstupid} : That's one of the best Revelations I've seen all day. Made me laugh after this mass Exodus we've seen.", ">>{alphabets00p} : We are all Liberty University students on this blessed day. Turn off your R-rated movies, let go off that female's hand, and don't you dare criticize Donald Trump. Finally a true man of God in the White House who has never actually quite been proven to be a sexual predator! Blessed are the hucksters for when they cheat you out of their wealth, it just makes them smart.", ">>{suburbanpride} : Oh for fuck's sake. I'm... I'm too tired.", '>>{Belisariusissimus} : I’ve got notebooks full of issues said the man who in 2014 [personally wrote to the DoE](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/t9-rel-exempt/liberty-university-response-04222014.pdf) "to allow the University to maintain a policy allowing for the discipline of students who have an abortion."', '>>{aggie1391} : Only because it came about under that evil Muslim Atheist Communist Satanist Fascist Kenyan, Obummer! /s But seriously, anything that is seen as connected to him is automatically opposed and Common Core is. If they pushed through some religious bullshit nationally, they would be all for it.', '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Oooh...oooh....oooh! I know what his answer is gonna be for most everything..."Moar Jebus!"'], ['>>{paranoidadndroid} : Trump administration moving quickly to build up nationwide deportation force', ">>{dalovindj} : Good. It's about time we take our borders seriously.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : Trump's 'jobs program' is to create a gigantic Gestapo where who knows how many Americans become implicated in his dramatically anti-Constitutional policies.", '>>{absurdamerica} : What about "record numbers of deportations last year and the year before" indicates we aren\'t taking our borders seriously? How would you argue that we previously took them more seriously with fewer deportations in the past?', '>>{probablyuntrue} : > Trump has called for CBP to hire 5,000 new agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement an additional 10,000. The DHS assessment said the cost of hiring just 500 agents would reach $100 million. Yea sure lets just spend a few more billion while accomplishing nothing, btw does Flint even have clean water yet?', ">>{dalovindj} : >How would you argue that we previously took them more seriously We did not previously take them more seriously. That's the point.", '>>{71tsiser} : >The agency also is considering ways to speed up the hiring of hundreds of new Customs and Border Patrol officers, including ending polygraph and physical fitness tests in some cases, according to the documents. Christ.', '>>{probablyuntrue} : Looks like the burnout jocks from my old high school might finally get a job', '>>{TinyBaron} : He knows his time in office will be short.', '>>{5am5ep1ol} : Fuck water for black people, there are light brown people coming into the country at rates unseen in recent history! I mean, "unseen" as in, we haven\'t seen a rate this low in a long time...', ">>{5am5ep1ol} : You're losing me, here. Is this really the most pressing issue? Or is it just that the brownies are not welcome?", '>>{paranoidadndroid} : >“Overall, it’s a wasted use of resources that could be used more efficiently,” Appleby said. This statement sums up the entire administration.', '>>{dalovindj} : No illegal immigrants are welcome here, no matter the color of their skin. If they want to come here, they need to do so legally. All who do are welcome.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : >An internal Department of Homeland Security assessment obtained by The Washington Post shows the agency has already found 33,000 more detention beds to house undocumented immigrants, opened discussions with dozens of local police forces that could be empowered with enforcement authority and identified where construction of Trump’s border wall could begin. >**The agency also is considering ways to speed up the hiring of hundreds of new Customs and Border Patrol officers, including ending polygraph and physical fitness tests in some cases, according to the documents.** Okay, that's definitely not good. They're so desperate for this deportation force that they're willing to lower their standards for hiring agents.", '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : They tried to do this under Bush as well if I remember correctly. It resulted in a shit ton of corrupt border patrol officers who were involved with the cartels. All because they had to relax restrictions on hiring and let people in who normally would have been rejected as questionable.', ">>{absurdamerica} : So you're happy with staying at a 30 percent murder clearance rate in this country, to take limited resources and instead use them to chase out people who don't have a Visa? Do I have that right?", '>>{i-am-sancho} : They lowered standards for joining the military back in the mid 2000s, and it was a disaster. There were so many soldiers in the Army who had no business being there at all, and it created nothing but problems for leadership.', ">>{dalovindj} : That's a fairly arbitrary comparison. I am in favor of doing whatever it takes to keep illegals out. We should also make it a federal felony to enter this country illegally.", ">>{absurdamerica} : It's not arbitrary. This is a zero sum game. We have limited law enforcement resources. Increased immigration enforcement means less law enforcement fighting violent crime, full stop. >I am in favor of doing whatever it takes to keep illegals out. Then you're deeply confused about where our resources are best spent.", ">>{dalovindj} : >It's not arbitrary. Yes, it is. Were this money not spent on preventing illegals from entering this country, there is no reason to think it would be instead applied to higher murder rate clearances. Why not curing cancer babies or magic unicorn research? It's all equally arbitrary and equally likely that funds not spent on stopping illegals would be channeled to those causes. There is a limitless list of alternate causes that would not get this money. Many of them quite heartwarming. Arbitrary as all hell. A transparent tactic meant to be an emotional appeal. Ain't working.", '>>{wraithtek} : [November 13](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/13/politics/paul-ryan-donald-trump-obamacare-deportation-force/): > "We are not planning on erecting a deportation force. Donald Trump\'s not planning on that," Ryan told CNN\'s Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." > "I think we should put people\'s minds at ease: That is not what our focus is. That is not what we\'re focused on."', '>>{UtopianPablo} : Do you hate immigrants, but you were too fat to work for ICE before now? Trump has your back: The agency also is considering ways to speed up the hiring of hundreds of new Customs and Border Patrol officers, including ending polygraph and physical fitness tests in some cases, according to the documents.', '>>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : So fat liars? That sure does remind me of someone...', '>>{zecharin} : Except for those two Indians killed because they looked Middle Eastern.', ">>{mike_b_nimble} : How about we fully staff the White House and the rest of the gov't before we hire 1000s of border thugs to fix a problem that is slowly solving itself.", '>>{PapayaPolPot} : Fat cops are statistically likelier to resort to pulling/discharging their weapons when they feel threatened.', '>>{voompanatos} : This is how they sneak white supremacy into the mainstream. Trump\'s original campaign issue was stopping terrorism. Then he shifted to stopping illegal immigration to block terrorists from entering the country. Then he shifted to deporting some illegal immigrants to prevent domestic terrorism (despite most cases of domestic terrorism being done by radicalized citizens). Then he shifted to deporting more illegal immigrants to prevent serious crimes like rape and murder (despite most of those crimes being committed by citizens). Then he shifted to deporting all illegal immigrants for technically being "criminals" by having committed unlawful entry, which isn\'t really a crime but rather an administrative violation that carries zero jail time. Legally, it\'s in the same class as failing to file an income tax return, which under federal law results in a fine but no jail time. Before people realize how far we\'ve slid from the anti-terrorism argument, all brown and black people are now subject to sudden and indefinite imprisonment in an ICE detention camp, regardless of their actual immigration status. With only a few judges to process them, they\'ll stay there for years until it can be verified whether a mistake occurred. This creates a huge artificial bias against investing in relations with brown or black people. Of course, it is still perfectly legal to form business or personal relationships with them, even if they have foreign-sounding names, but now the government itself is unnaturally mandating strong practical reasons to avoid investing any money, time, or emotion into such relationships. If the federal government can suddenly throw any of your minority relationships into open-ended limbo at any time, their message to you is "you\'re better off sticking with whites." So now whites have a big government-mandated incentive to associate only among themselves, and racial minorities have a big government-mandated incentive to value whites more and avoid other minorities. This unwritten apartheid will prepare Americans to accept formal apartheid, long before the first segregation bill gets introduced into Congress. It starts by deliberately worsening racial divisions and laying a heavy hand on everyone\'s First Amendment rights to freely associate with whomever we damn well please.', ">>{absurdamerica} : > Were this money not spent on preventing illegals from entering this country, there is no reason to think it would be instead applied to higher murder rate clearances. You have it backwards. There's no reason to think existing law enforcement budgets will be tripled or quadrupled to handle immigration enforcement, therfore money that would have been spent fighting other types of crime will not be spend there, but instead on immigration. >Why not curing cancer babies or magic unicorn research? Because Police agency budgets aren't used on curing cancer and unicorns but are split between things like immigration enforcement and other crime. > A transparent tactic meant to be an emotional appeal. Or you know, just logical.", ">>{UtopianPablo} : Well that's great. I guess this is part of the constant winning?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{warmonger561} : Supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will hold "Stronger Together" phone banking across Florida on behalf of Clinton.', '>>{GeneralMayhemWY} : Protestors display inflatable Trump in KKK robes at Phoenix rally', '>>{bernieaccountess} : yes find it featured in you favorite news source r/hillaryclinton and r/enoughsanderspam', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : So.... **Trump\'s dad** was a **known Klansman**. And the **KKK** and **David Duke** have endorsed Trump. But Trump is a demagogue who wants "_America for Americans_" just like **Neo-Nazis** want "_Germany for Germans._" And he wants to **scapegoat and round up minorities**, like **Adolf Hitler.** So here\'s the question, I\'m interested in anyone\'s answers, even Centipedes, please feel free to chime in!: _Would you say Trump is more Klansman or more Nazi?_ (& Don\'t just say 50/50 that\'s cheating.) Edit: Paging /u/I-have-the-Solution, I really am curious what an expert might have to say about this– Any input?', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : Exactly they are working hard to tell us we think one thing when we are thinking the opposite.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : Orwellian double think that is what the hillary camp has got every thing else is pandering and Obama 2.0', '>>{GuerilaSParks} : Do... Do people even know what some of the stuff the Kkk says and believes.... If Trump is a racist, a lot of people need to worship their parents for having them during our current era.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : This people don't even remember the late 80s early 90s when there were Nazi skins running around everywhere.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : No picture here but a friend in Phoenix tells me it looks like a 4th grade caliber low budget Pillsbury dough boy.', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : I disagree entirely that Hillary is like Obama. There is a reason she lost in 2008.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : This is **100%** detached curiosity. **0%** value judgements. In fact I would really appreciate the insights of any actual neo-nazis or klansmen on this!', ">>{explosivecupcake} : Is this pro- or anti-Trump? It's honestly hard to tell sometimes.", ">>{Killroyomega} : By Sanders supporters they mean people who were payed to say that they once supported Bernie Sanders but now realize that what's Best For America is to support Hillary Clinton because she's the Muscular and Strong Leader that America Deserves.", '>>{KKK4Trump} : No. You are just saying a word that you heard someone like Rush Limbaugh use one time. You thought it was cute. So now you have tried using it too.', '>>{warmonger561} : Yeah but it looks like the Florida democrats will try some shady stuff there.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Salty Susans and Nagging Ninas will try to tear us apart, but we know that we are stronger together.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : that was back in 2008 she was running against Obama. she was Annie Oakley on guns, was going to leave it up to the states on gay marriage. and look at her immigration stance. part of it is "defending Obama\'s immigration policies" (not that there is any thing necessarily wrong with Obama\'s policy) but that doesn\'t mean she isn\'t emulating him neither. now she has adopted or plans to continue obamas policies.,', '>>{ai6h0} : >And he wants to scapegoat and round up minorities, like Adolf Hitler. He wants to deport illegal aliens. People who have committed a crime by entering this country. That you would argue this makes him *literally Hitler* shows how warped the left has become. That this is the top rated comment shows how much of a leftist circlejerk this subreddit is.', ">>{bernieaccountess} : He has endorsed down ticket candidates, your right. i was just saying he hasn't endorsed hillary.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Good luck finding any there are around 5k Klans men in the entire country. Same deal with Nazis hell half of them are under cover FBI.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I do, and Trump is like their [rat king](http://www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-fred-wolf-rat-king-rats.jpg)', ">>{BalanceCoil} : I didn't know Rush said that. Sounds good maybe I should start listening?", ">>{bernieaccountess} : Democrats trying shady things.. I'm not surprised. wish i was tho", '>>{stealingroadsigns} : >He wants to gas jews, people who have committed a crime by being in Germany', '>>{AngerMacFadden} : All hail the corrupt khlaeesi! Send her to the dosh khaleen!', '>>{BalanceCoil} : A cartoon are you 10 years old. I thought that would be an actual rat king.', '>>{ryan924} : Do you speak for all Sanders supports? I voted for Sanders, but he lost so I moved to the next best option and that is Hillary', '>>{warmonger561} : The conspiracy bernouts will not be amused to learn that one.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Never seen or met a Nazi Skin voting for Trump. Last time I even saw a Nazi was 1999', '>>{warmonger561} : She had a 100 super lead instead of 450.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : When I watched this shit it wasn't retro. In fact I thought TMNT was radical _before_ it was a TV show. So am I 10? You tell me.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : and her and the dnc was colluding with msm before the first primary or debate too...', ">>{stealingroadsigns} : [They just had a little shindig in NYC](http://gothamist.com/2016/05/31/skinheads_williamsburg.php) You're outta touch brutha. Those people sure as shit ain't voting for Clinton.", ">>{ReptiliansCantOllie} : I decided to not vote for Clinton in 08 and I'm sticking to it in 2016. There is no together.", ">>{Scarletyoshi} : Oh, honey, [you weren't invited.](http://i.giphy.com/YoiaJAJV8zVzq.gif)", ">>{HillaryIsMyWaifu} : >people like this actually exist I really hope you're not being serious.", '>>{3Suze} : Seriously? Because I had a white nationalist stalking me on here yesterday and have his username (which I also shared with the mods). Want it? His name is *eerily* close to the Nazi "final solution" program. Oh wait... it was. I Have The Final Solution. Maybe he could help you (I\'m still pissed by that weirdo)', ">>{BalanceCoil} : Lol OI isn't limited to Nazi skins. One picture of a dummy with a straight arm does not a Nazi make. I can tell you guys have never even seen a Nazi Skin. You just made my evening.", ">>{3Suze} : If I had it on me, I'd give you gold. Up vote instead", ">>{roymckenzie} : I did a lot of phone banking for Sanders' campaign. I won't be phone banking for Hillary's campaign.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I totally would appreciate his insight. (but I don't want to bring you back onto his radar if that's uncomfortable for you.)", '>>{CpnStumpy} : The next best option is to burn your ballot like I intend to. Fuck the crime bosses we call politicians these days, they all want to screw us.', '>>{sticky-bit} : Anti- and peaceful. Otherwise the wise R/politics mods would have rightfully marked this story as "Off topic".', ">>{ryan924} : All that's doing is giving them an incentive to ignore you. This is why the progressive movement in America has been dead for 80 years", ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I have never claimed to represent anyone's thoughts but my own.", ">>{sticky-bit} : The people that *do* remember the late 80s early 90s don't realize that Nazi skins were in the minority. [SHARP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinheads_Against_Racial_Prejudice)", ">>{BalanceCoil} : We called them Trad (spelling?)skins where I'm from. We were always fighting it out with Nazis.", ">>{BalanceCoil} : I don't even know what you are talking about.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : A rat king is when a bunch of rats in the sewer get their tails tangled together.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I've never heard of that. That's a real thing? Pic? Did you see the worm balls in the sewers that went viral a few years ago?", '>>{sticky-bit} : I forgot the "/s". Sorry.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king Yes. I try not to think about it', '>>{sticky-bit} : Bonehead was the term of choice in my youth for the shitheads.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Wow. Yeah I was talking about the character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Trad skins were the Sharps. We called Nazis boneheads too.', '>>{Samusaryan} : Kkk endorsed hillary clinton. Duke outright said he does not endorse trump due to his friendly relations with NY jews and AIPAC', ">>{bitfriend} : You seem extremely butthurt. Or, at least your use of **bolded** words indicates so. I say this as someone who's not a fan of Trump.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : >scapegoat and round up minorities, like Adolf Hitler. IIRC The Jews were in Nazi Germany legally, and Hitler still scapegoated them. Trump never scapegoated any legal Mexicans. And David Duke never endorsed Trump, but nice try So.... **Bernie Sanders** is a known **socialist**. Sanders wants a strong central government, just like **Josef Stalin.** However, he also proposes strong gun control, just like **Adolf Hitler** did. So, here's the question, i'm interested in anyone's answers, please feel free to chime in!: *Would you say Bernie Sanders is more Marxist or more Nazi?*", ">>{madleon1} : Please provide a source that Trump's dad was a known klansman or be prepared to be sued into oblivion for slander.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : What similarities are there between Trump and a Klansman? They're usually white? I don't think Trump's ever tied up a black man and burnt him", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >...all of the individuals arrested—presumably including Trump—were wearing Klan attire. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/all-the-evidence-we-could-find-about-fred-trumps-alleged-involvement-with-the-kkk', ">>{cvnsr} : >I'm not afraid of him >cry to the mods about him", '>>{Xatencio00} : >protestors "want to send a powerful message to him and the rest of America" by tying Trump to the symbol of racism and hatred. OK? But can you make an actual argument as to *why* he is a racist? The left has this compulsion with simply repeating the same thing over and over. They\'re like the embodiment of Hodor from Game of Thrones. Instead of saying "Hodor.. Hodor.. Hodor..." all the time, they say "Racist... Racist.... Racist..." It\'s not working, gang. You need to make an argument backed by a rational observation of facts.', '>>{Xatencio00} : >all of the individuals arrested—presumably including Trump—were wearing Klan attir Ah. In other words, you have no proof that Trump\'s dad was a "known klansman", do you? And the KKK didn\'t even endorse Trump. David Duke did. And Duke hasn\'t been a member of the Klan for decades. Are you allergic to honest debate or do you just have a fetish for saying factually incorrect things?', ">>{Xatencio00} : And you're not thinking at all. For godssake, make an argument. All you people on the left have are insults.", ">>{MakeThingsGreatAgain} : The worst thing about the left, is that they are giving the KKK the most airtime and free PR it's has gotten in decades. The Regressive left has singly handle brought the KKK back into the spotlight. All for what I might ask? It was the democrats who led the South during the Civil War, and not a single democrat voted for the civil rights act in the 60s, so who's the racist now?", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : This isn't an argument or an insult. It's a question. Do you think all conversation has to be adversarial???", '>>{Alister78} : Have there been any reports of protestors attacking supporters and vice versa or are we only dealing with effigies, the occasional insult and people speaking their minds?', '>>{madleon1} : presumably So Trump\'s dad could have been protesting against KKK members, yet you refer to him as a "known Klansman". right.', '>>{MakeThingsGreatAgain} : Yeah, they are single handily bringing them back into power by talking about them non stop. I could not believe how much air time the Left has given the KKK, the racist bigots on the left need to cut it out. Reminds me of how the Black Trump supporter punched the Protester who was dressed as a klansman. Not only does the left talk about the KKK, but they also dress like them!', '>>{Xatencio00} : Implying someone is a Klansman IS an insult to any normal, non-racist person. Again, can you make an argument as to why Trump is racist or do you just call people racist and then move on?', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >you have no proof that Trump\'s dad was a "known klansman", do you? Uh.. just the Klan robes.. At the klan rally. >Are you allergic to honest debate or do you just have a fetish for saying factually incorrect things? cheap personal attack, totally undue, and absolutely hypocritical. Typical.', '>>{DeadRedRussian} : My favorite part is when reporters interview these people and show how stupid they are.', ">>{trumpforthewin} : Shouldn't you be posting somewhere about the guy who pledged to Isis and radical leanings and then did terrorist things isn't a terrorist? Because the Trump KKK meme went out like 4 months ago.", '>>{trumpforthewin} : Yes, but *Trump* once ate a **taco**, and Mexicans have *eaten tacos*, therefore ***Trump is Mexican***. *QED*', '>>{Blindweaponsfumbler} : Yes, thank you for demonstrating the false equivalency by stating the two policies side by side.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : -He was arrested at the Klan rally. -Everyone who was arrested at the Klan rally was wearing Klan robes. See if you can put two and two together, here. >could have been protesting against KKK members, Lol! Or maybe he was just caught doing anti-racist performance art in the wrong place at the wrong time, and didn't even know there was going to be a rally, right?? And maybe God himself propelled that egg at a Trump supporter!! I mean we can't prove it DIDN'T HAPPEN, can we? Nono, I know, Chelsea Clinton went back in time and used her Google hacking abilities to hack the newspapers to make them say Fred Trump was arrested _in KKK robes at a KKK rally._ Right. That must be it. I mean because it COULD BE, RIGHT?", ">>{trumpforthewin} : I'm imagining a dozen sad, sad souls sitting around a table at some DNC office, blank for hours ,trying to come up with the killer stab at Trump 'Tiny hands?' One sad loser finally wagers. The others shrug. And now, here you are...", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >Shouldn't you be posting somewhere about the guy who pledged to Isis and radical leanings and then did terrorist things isn't a terrorist? I haven't heard of any guys like that. Maybe you know something I don't? >Because the Trump KKK meme went out like 4 months ago. So I guess you're voting Nazi, then.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Wait, Are you implying that Trump has supporters who are normal and non-racist?', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Seriously these protestors are some of the stupidest humans alive, like it boggles my mind how they even go about their day. At the last rally this BLM dude was arguing that Trump planned to "send all blacks back to Africa" and that he already promised to "send every Mexican back to Mexico".', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Sure, here\'s a few of my favorites form this month, out of the hundreds that have occurred. * [Multiple Trump supporters chased down and beaten by mob as MSNBC watches](http://www.snappytv.com/tc/2071983/1017585) * [They\'re chasing down and attacking CHILDREN](https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738603331258454016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) * [Here they are cornering a woman and pelting her with eggs while calling her a bitch and waving Mexican flags in her face](https://twitter.com/JimmyPrinceton/status/738581044983533569?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) [Women sucker punched and chased down alleys by illegal immegrants](http://government.northcrane.com/2016-election/san-jose-trump-rally-attacks/) * [Trump supporter assaulted, one of dozens from across San Jose](https://mobile.twitter.com/marcusdipaola/status/738572899808743424) * [Trump supporter beaten in head with bag if rocks unprovoked in San Jose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmBXNE8gZvI) **And the pièce de résistance** [Bernie supporters beat up what they think is a Trump supporter while chanting "Bernie Bernie bernie" until one of the protestors says "No he\'s one of us" and then he gets up and joins them chanting bernie](https://mobile.twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880)', ">>{trumpforthewin} : I'm voting for more fancy formatting in your replies to me.", ">>{sir_throbbin_hood} : I feel like there's some drugs that were involved before you two started posting this conversation.", '>>{lizard_larry} : > Trump never scapegoated any legal Mexicans. Well, not that he is Mexican, but the statement about the judge presiding over the suite against Trump University was an instance of Trump scapegoating.', '>>{Xatencio00} : > Uh.. just the Klan robes.. At the klan rally. How do you even know that that was, in fact, Trump\'s dad? >cheap personal attack, totally undue, and absolutely hypocritical. Typical. It\'s not hypocritical. It\'s an honest question. You have no evidence to back up any of your assertions so you just lie about Trump. You lied when you said the KKK endorsed. You lied when you said Trump\'s dad was a "known klansman".', ">>{b_dirty01} : Trump is not a racist, just a moron. Let's not stoop to this level.", ">>{MissionStyle} : Hrm... Shifty Donald's supporters have about as thick skin as he does. Thanks for the laugh.", '>>{Rellikx} : The line you quoted says *presumably* though ("...all of the individuals arrested—presumably including Trump—were wearing Klan attire."). In fact, the same article states the following > None of the articles prove that Fred Trump was a member of the Klan, and it\'s possible that he was, as BoingBoing suggested, just a bystander at the rally. There are still quite a few odd coincidences in these reports and Fred Trump may well indeed have been involve with the Klan, but this article proves nothing (as it states in the above quote)', '>>{laserkid1983} : Part of the identity politics the left is using to distract us from the wealth moving up and out of the US.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I asked a question. You want me to prove that I asked a question? I think maybe you don't know how debate works at all.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I didn't make that assertion. I asked a question. You're badly confused. What do you want to know about my thoughts on Clinton's association with Byrd, specifically?", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : -It's a question. I ask because I want to know the answer, not because I know it. Think about it. That's how questions work. -klansmen."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{GeneralMayhemWY} : Protestors display inflatable Trump in KKK robes at Phoenix rally', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : So.... **Trump\'s dad** was a **known Klansman**. And the **KKK** and **David Duke** have endorsed Trump. But Trump is a demagogue who wants "_America for Americans_" just like **Neo-Nazis** want "_Germany for Germans._" And he wants to **scapegoat and round up minorities**, like **Adolf Hitler.** So here\'s the question, I\'m interested in anyone\'s answers, even Centipedes, please feel free to chime in!: _Would you say Trump is more Klansman or more Nazi?_ (& Don\'t just say 50/50 that\'s cheating.) Edit: Paging /u/I-have-the-Solution, I really am curious what an expert might have to say about this– Any input?', '>>{GuerilaSParks} : Do... Do people even know what some of the stuff the Kkk says and believes.... If Trump is a racist, a lot of people need to worship their parents for having them during our current era.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : This people don't even remember the late 80s early 90s when there were Nazi skins running around everywhere.", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : No picture here but a friend in Phoenix tells me it looks like a 4th grade caliber low budget Pillsbury dough boy.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : This is **100%** detached curiosity. **0%** value judgements. In fact I would really appreciate the insights of any actual neo-nazis or klansmen on this!', ">>{explosivecupcake} : Is this pro- or anti-Trump? It's honestly hard to tell sometimes.", '>>{KKK4Trump} : No. You are just saying a word that you heard someone like Rush Limbaugh use one time. You thought it was cute. So now you have tried using it too.', '>>{ai6h0} : >And he wants to scapegoat and round up minorities, like Adolf Hitler. He wants to deport illegal aliens. People who have committed a crime by entering this country. That you would argue this makes him *literally Hitler* shows how warped the left has become. That this is the top rated comment shows how much of a leftist circlejerk this subreddit is.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Good luck finding any there are around 5k Klans men in the entire country. Same deal with Nazis hell half of them are under cover FBI.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I do, and Trump is like their [rat king](http://www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-fred-wolf-rat-king-rats.jpg)', ">>{BalanceCoil} : I didn't know Rush said that. Sounds good maybe I should start listening?", '>>{stealingroadsigns} : >He wants to gas jews, people who have committed a crime by being in Germany', '>>{BalanceCoil} : A cartoon are you 10 years old. I thought that would be an actual rat king.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Never seen or met a Nazi Skin voting for Trump. Last time I even saw a Nazi was 1999', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : When I watched this shit it wasn't retro. In fact I thought TMNT was radical _before_ it was a TV show. So am I 10? You tell me.", ">>{stealingroadsigns} : [They just had a little shindig in NYC](http://gothamist.com/2016/05/31/skinheads_williamsburg.php) You're outta touch brutha. Those people sure as shit ain't voting for Clinton.", ">>{HillaryIsMyWaifu} : >people like this actually exist I really hope you're not being serious.", '>>{3Suze} : Seriously? Because I had a white nationalist stalking me on here yesterday and have his username (which I also shared with the mods). Want it? His name is *eerily* close to the Nazi "final solution" program. Oh wait... it was. I Have The Final Solution. Maybe he could help you (I\'m still pissed by that weirdo)', ">>{BalanceCoil} : Lol OI isn't limited to Nazi skins. One picture of a dummy with a straight arm does not a Nazi make. I can tell you guys have never even seen a Nazi Skin. You just made my evening.", ">>{3Suze} : If I had it on me, I'd give you gold. Up vote instead", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I totally would appreciate his insight. (but I don't want to bring you back onto his radar if that's uncomfortable for you.)", '>>{sticky-bit} : Anti- and peaceful. Otherwise the wise R/politics mods would have rightfully marked this story as "Off topic".', ">>{sticky-bit} : The people that *do* remember the late 80s early 90s don't realize that Nazi skins were in the minority. [SHARP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinheads_Against_Racial_Prejudice)", ">>{BalanceCoil} : We called them Trad (spelling?)skins where I'm from. We were always fighting it out with Nazis.", ">>{BalanceCoil} : I don't even know what you are talking about.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : A rat king is when a bunch of rats in the sewer get their tails tangled together.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I've never heard of that. That's a real thing? Pic? Did you see the worm balls in the sewers that went viral a few years ago?", '>>{sticky-bit} : I forgot the "/s". Sorry.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king Yes. I try not to think about it', '>>{sticky-bit} : Bonehead was the term of choice in my youth for the shitheads.', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Wow. Yeah I was talking about the character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Trad skins were the Sharps. We called Nazis boneheads too.', '>>{Samusaryan} : Kkk endorsed hillary clinton. Duke outright said he does not endorse trump due to his friendly relations with NY jews and AIPAC', ">>{bitfriend} : You seem extremely butthurt. Or, at least your use of **bolded** words indicates so. I say this as someone who's not a fan of Trump.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : >scapegoat and round up minorities, like Adolf Hitler. IIRC The Jews were in Nazi Germany legally, and Hitler still scapegoated them. Trump never scapegoated any legal Mexicans. And David Duke never endorsed Trump, but nice try So.... **Bernie Sanders** is a known **socialist**. Sanders wants a strong central government, just like **Josef Stalin.** However, he also proposes strong gun control, just like **Adolf Hitler** did. So, here's the question, i'm interested in anyone's answers, please feel free to chime in!: *Would you say Bernie Sanders is more Marxist or more Nazi?*", ">>{madleon1} : Please provide a source that Trump's dad was a known klansman or be prepared to be sued into oblivion for slander.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : What similarities are there between Trump and a Klansman? They're usually white? I don't think Trump's ever tied up a black man and burnt him", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >...all of the individuals arrested—presumably including Trump—were wearing Klan attire. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/all-the-evidence-we-could-find-about-fred-trumps-alleged-involvement-with-the-kkk', ">>{cvnsr} : >I'm not afraid of him >cry to the mods about him", '>>{Xatencio00} : >protestors "want to send a powerful message to him and the rest of America" by tying Trump to the symbol of racism and hatred. OK? But can you make an actual argument as to *why* he is a racist? The left has this compulsion with simply repeating the same thing over and over. They\'re like the embodiment of Hodor from Game of Thrones. Instead of saying "Hodor.. Hodor.. Hodor..." all the time, they say "Racist... Racist.... Racist..." It\'s not working, gang. You need to make an argument backed by a rational observation of facts.', '>>{Xatencio00} : >all of the individuals arrested—presumably including Trump—were wearing Klan attir Ah. In other words, you have no proof that Trump\'s dad was a "known klansman", do you? And the KKK didn\'t even endorse Trump. David Duke did. And Duke hasn\'t been a member of the Klan for decades. Are you allergic to honest debate or do you just have a fetish for saying factually incorrect things?', ">>{Xatencio00} : And you're not thinking at all. For godssake, make an argument. All you people on the left have are insults.", ">>{MakeThingsGreatAgain} : The worst thing about the left, is that they are giving the KKK the most airtime and free PR it's has gotten in decades. The Regressive left has singly handle brought the KKK back into the spotlight. All for what I might ask? It was the democrats who led the South during the Civil War, and not a single democrat voted for the civil rights act in the 60s, so who's the racist now?", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : This isn't an argument or an insult. It's a question. Do you think all conversation has to be adversarial???", '>>{Alister78} : Have there been any reports of protestors attacking supporters and vice versa or are we only dealing with effigies, the occasional insult and people speaking their minds?', '>>{madleon1} : presumably So Trump\'s dad could have been protesting against KKK members, yet you refer to him as a "known Klansman". right.', '>>{MakeThingsGreatAgain} : Yeah, they are single handily bringing them back into power by talking about them non stop. I could not believe how much air time the Left has given the KKK, the racist bigots on the left need to cut it out. Reminds me of how the Black Trump supporter punched the Protester who was dressed as a klansman. Not only does the left talk about the KKK, but they also dress like them!', '>>{Xatencio00} : Implying someone is a Klansman IS an insult to any normal, non-racist person. Again, can you make an argument as to why Trump is racist or do you just call people racist and then move on?', '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >you have no proof that Trump\'s dad was a "known klansman", do you? Uh.. just the Klan robes.. At the klan rally. >Are you allergic to honest debate or do you just have a fetish for saying factually incorrect things? cheap personal attack, totally undue, and absolutely hypocritical. Typical.', '>>{DeadRedRussian} : My favorite part is when reporters interview these people and show how stupid they are.', ">>{trumpforthewin} : Shouldn't you be posting somewhere about the guy who pledged to Isis and radical leanings and then did terrorist things isn't a terrorist? Because the Trump KKK meme went out like 4 months ago.", '>>{trumpforthewin} : Yes, but *Trump* once ate a **taco**, and Mexicans have *eaten tacos*, therefore ***Trump is Mexican***. *QED*', '>>{Blindweaponsfumbler} : Yes, thank you for demonstrating the false equivalency by stating the two policies side by side.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : -He was arrested at the Klan rally. -Everyone who was arrested at the Klan rally was wearing Klan robes. See if you can put two and two together, here. >could have been protesting against KKK members, Lol! Or maybe he was just caught doing anti-racist performance art in the wrong place at the wrong time, and didn't even know there was going to be a rally, right?? And maybe God himself propelled that egg at a Trump supporter!! I mean we can't prove it DIDN'T HAPPEN, can we? Nono, I know, Chelsea Clinton went back in time and used her Google hacking abilities to hack the newspapers to make them say Fred Trump was arrested _in KKK robes at a KKK rally._ Right. That must be it. I mean because it COULD BE, RIGHT?", ">>{trumpforthewin} : I'm imagining a dozen sad, sad souls sitting around a table at some DNC office, blank for hours ,trying to come up with the killer stab at Trump 'Tiny hands?' One sad loser finally wagers. The others shrug. And now, here you are...", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : >Shouldn't you be posting somewhere about the guy who pledged to Isis and radical leanings and then did terrorist things isn't a terrorist? I haven't heard of any guys like that. Maybe you know something I don't? >Because the Trump KKK meme went out like 4 months ago. So I guess you're voting Nazi, then.", '>>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : Wait, Are you implying that Trump has supporters who are normal and non-racist?', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Seriously these protestors are some of the stupidest humans alive, like it boggles my mind how they even go about their day. At the last rally this BLM dude was arguing that Trump planned to "send all blacks back to Africa" and that he already promised to "send every Mexican back to Mexico".', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Sure, here\'s a few of my favorites form this month, out of the hundreds that have occurred. * [Multiple Trump supporters chased down and beaten by mob as MSNBC watches](http://www.snappytv.com/tc/2071983/1017585) * [They\'re chasing down and attacking CHILDREN](https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738603331258454016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) * [Here they are cornering a woman and pelting her with eggs while calling her a bitch and waving Mexican flags in her face](https://twitter.com/JimmyPrinceton/status/738581044983533569?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) [Women sucker punched and chased down alleys by illegal immegrants](http://government.northcrane.com/2016-election/san-jose-trump-rally-attacks/) * [Trump supporter assaulted, one of dozens from across San Jose](https://mobile.twitter.com/marcusdipaola/status/738572899808743424) * [Trump supporter beaten in head with bag if rocks unprovoked in San Jose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmBXNE8gZvI) **And the pièce de résistance** [Bernie supporters beat up what they think is a Trump supporter while chanting "Bernie Bernie bernie" until one of the protestors says "No he\'s one of us" and then he gets up and joins them chanting bernie](https://mobile.twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880)', ">>{trumpforthewin} : I'm voting for more fancy formatting in your replies to me.", ">>{sir_throbbin_hood} : I feel like there's some drugs that were involved before you two started posting this conversation.", '>>{lizard_larry} : > Trump never scapegoated any legal Mexicans. Well, not that he is Mexican, but the statement about the judge presiding over the suite against Trump University was an instance of Trump scapegoating.', '>>{Xatencio00} : > Uh.. just the Klan robes.. At the klan rally. How do you even know that that was, in fact, Trump\'s dad? >cheap personal attack, totally undue, and absolutely hypocritical. Typical. It\'s not hypocritical. It\'s an honest question. You have no evidence to back up any of your assertions so you just lie about Trump. You lied when you said the KKK endorsed. You lied when you said Trump\'s dad was a "known klansman".', ">>{b_dirty01} : Trump is not a racist, just a moron. Let's not stoop to this level.", ">>{MissionStyle} : Hrm... Shifty Donald's supporters have about as thick skin as he does. Thanks for the laugh.", '>>{Rellikx} : The line you quoted says *presumably* though ("...all of the individuals arrested—presumably including Trump—were wearing Klan attire."). In fact, the same article states the following > None of the articles prove that Fred Trump was a member of the Klan, and it\'s possible that he was, as BoingBoing suggested, just a bystander at the rally. There are still quite a few odd coincidences in these reports and Fred Trump may well indeed have been involve with the Klan, but this article proves nothing (as it states in the above quote)', '>>{laserkid1983} : Part of the identity politics the left is using to distract us from the wealth moving up and out of the US.', ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I asked a question. You want me to prove that I asked a question? I think maybe you don't know how debate works at all.", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : I didn't make that assertion. I asked a question. You're badly confused. What do you want to know about my thoughts on Clinton's association with Byrd, specifically?", ">>{TroublAwfulDevilEvil} : -It's a question. I ask because I want to know the answer, not because I know it. Think about it. That's how questions work. -klansmen."], ['>>{warmonger561} : Supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will hold "Stronger Together" phone banking across Florida on behalf of Clinton.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : yes find it featured in you favorite news source r/hillaryclinton and r/enoughsanderspam', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : Exactly they are working hard to tell us we think one thing when we are thinking the opposite.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : Orwellian double think that is what the hillary camp has got every thing else is pandering and Obama 2.0', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : I disagree entirely that Hillary is like Obama. There is a reason she lost in 2008.', ">>{Killroyomega} : By Sanders supporters they mean people who were payed to say that they once supported Bernie Sanders but now realize that what's Best For America is to support Hillary Clinton because she's the Muscular and Strong Leader that America Deserves.", '>>{warmonger561} : Yeah but it looks like the Florida democrats will try some shady stuff there.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : Salty Susans and Nagging Ninas will try to tear us apart, but we know that we are stronger together.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : that was back in 2008 she was running against Obama. she was Annie Oakley on guns, was going to leave it up to the states on gay marriage. and look at her immigration stance. part of it is "defending Obama\'s immigration policies" (not that there is any thing necessarily wrong with Obama\'s policy) but that doesn\'t mean she isn\'t emulating him neither. now she has adopted or plans to continue obamas policies.,', ">>{bernieaccountess} : He has endorsed down ticket candidates, your right. i was just saying he hasn't endorsed hillary.", ">>{bernieaccountess} : Democrats trying shady things.. I'm not surprised. wish i was tho", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : All hail the corrupt khlaeesi! Send her to the dosh khaleen!', '>>{ryan924} : Do you speak for all Sanders supports? I voted for Sanders, but he lost so I moved to the next best option and that is Hillary', '>>{warmonger561} : The conspiracy bernouts will not be amused to learn that one.', '>>{warmonger561} : She had a 100 super lead instead of 450.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : and her and the dnc was colluding with msm before the first primary or debate too...', ">>{ReptiliansCantOllie} : I decided to not vote for Clinton in 08 and I'm sticking to it in 2016. There is no together.", ">>{Scarletyoshi} : Oh, honey, [you weren't invited.](http://i.giphy.com/YoiaJAJV8zVzq.gif)", ">>{roymckenzie} : I did a lot of phone banking for Sanders' campaign. I won't be phone banking for Hillary's campaign.", '>>{CpnStumpy} : The next best option is to burn your ballot like I intend to. Fuck the crime bosses we call politicians these days, they all want to screw us.', ">>{ryan924} : All that's doing is giving them an incentive to ignore you. This is why the progressive movement in America has been dead for 80 years", ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I have never claimed to represent anyone's thoughts but my own."]]
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['>>{ButlerianJihadist} : Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka’', '>>{DrScientist812} : As semi-plausible as this sounds, the source is trash.', ">>{MelaniasNudez} : No thanks, I don't need any tacky women's clothing.", '>>{morbidexpression} : why, do you need to buy Chinese trash?', '>>{amplified_mess} : Right, pure British tabloid - the Mail is more credible!!', '>>{travio} : Well she did convert to globalism when she married one.', '>>{THEREALKGB} : This treacherous capitalist whore ! Taking credit from Vlad Vlad will not be glad when he hear this', ">>{totallyclips} : look dad, if you bomb them now, while the Chinese are in town, they'll take you much more seriously on 3 fronts, NK and china trade, it'll also show the media that the Russia thing isn't true, cos how would you bomb a country where your friend is in bed with its leader", '>>{AstralProjections77} : If trump needs to be advised how on whether or not to have military actions by his 35 year old daughter who has no political experience or training then this shows how unready he is to be president.', ">>{Valarauth} : More fine reporting from express.co.uk: [SpaceX Satellite launch live feed suddenly CUT over ‘mysterious triangle-shaped UFO'](http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/787430/UFO-SpaceX-Satellite-live-feed-cut-Nasa) [Russian soldiers zapped by aliens after shooting down UFO, declassified CIA report claims](http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/770158/Russian-soldiers-turned-stone-UFO-CIA-report)", '>>{bbiggs32} : Oh fuck this. If he is gonna do foreign policy based on emotion...ugh.', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Is there a source other than this pornographer’s tabloid rag?', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : > the Mail is more credible Sadly, there is no circumstance where that’s true. The Mail is no more credible than Spicer, KelleeeAyn or the squirrel’s ass himself.', ">>{vascopyjama} : So, if this is corrent, let's recap: the 'man' in charge of the most powerful military on the planet launches an attack on a sovereign state, thereby entering what is probably the world's most complex and damaging current conflict, directly contradicting his previously stated agenda, at the whim of an unelected, inexperienced family member. This is presented as good news. No, really, what could possibly go wrong from here? What we needed was wise and stable leadership, backed by strong chains of command and accountable decision-making. What we've got is an absolute shit show driven by a family who are all profoundly incompetent and woefully out of their depth.", ">>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : ...who doesn't know what it means to be complicit.", '>>{trygold} : I have wondered if her role at the white house is to help "handle" her dad.', ">>{Ziff7} : Everything he does is based on emotion, and considering his thin skin, it's not a good thing.", '>>{D3WARHAWKS} : Can we please, for the love of all things holy... STOP. USING. SHITTY. SOURCES.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ButlerianJihadist} : Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka’', '>>{DrScientist812} : As semi-plausible as this sounds, the source is trash.', ">>{MelaniasNudez} : No thanks, I don't need any tacky women's clothing.", '>>{morbidexpression} : why, do you need to buy Chinese trash?', '>>{amplified_mess} : Right, pure British tabloid - the Mail is more credible!!', '>>{travio} : Well she did convert to globalism when she married one.', '>>{THEREALKGB} : This treacherous capitalist whore ! Taking credit from Vlad Vlad will not be glad when he hear this', ">>{totallyclips} : look dad, if you bomb them now, while the Chinese are in town, they'll take you much more seriously on 3 fronts, NK and china trade, it'll also show the media that the Russia thing isn't true, cos how would you bomb a country where your friend is in bed with its leader", '>>{AstralProjections77} : If trump needs to be advised how on whether or not to have military actions by his 35 year old daughter who has no political experience or training then this shows how unready he is to be president.', ">>{Valarauth} : More fine reporting from express.co.uk: [SpaceX Satellite launch live feed suddenly CUT over ‘mysterious triangle-shaped UFO'](http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/787430/UFO-SpaceX-Satellite-live-feed-cut-Nasa) [Russian soldiers zapped by aliens after shooting down UFO, declassified CIA report claims](http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/770158/Russian-soldiers-turned-stone-UFO-CIA-report)", '>>{bbiggs32} : Oh fuck this. If he is gonna do foreign policy based on emotion...ugh.', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Is there a source other than this pornographer’s tabloid rag?', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : > the Mail is more credible Sadly, there is no circumstance where that’s true. The Mail is no more credible than Spicer, KelleeeAyn or the squirrel’s ass himself.', ">>{vascopyjama} : So, if this is corrent, let's recap: the 'man' in charge of the most powerful military on the planet launches an attack on a sovereign state, thereby entering what is probably the world's most complex and damaging current conflict, directly contradicting his previously stated agenda, at the whim of an unelected, inexperienced family member. This is presented as good news. No, really, what could possibly go wrong from here? What we needed was wise and stable leadership, backed by strong chains of command and accountable decision-making. What we've got is an absolute shit show driven by a family who are all profoundly incompetent and woefully out of their depth.", ">>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : ...who doesn't know what it means to be complicit.", '>>{trygold} : I have wondered if her role at the white house is to help "handle" her dad.', ">>{Ziff7} : Everything he does is based on emotion, and considering his thin skin, it's not a good thing.", '>>{D3WARHAWKS} : Can we please, for the love of all things holy... STOP. USING. SHITTY. SOURCES.']]
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[">>{coolbern} : 'IT'S RIGGED!' Trump blasts FBI as it says it WON'T prosecute Clinton over emails scandal", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : But "assault weapons" are America\'s most popular guns. They want to ban the most popular guns in America that are involved in less than 1% of all gun crime and kill less each year than hands and feet.', '>>{a__witty__username} : What, so everything he disagrees with is rigged now?', ">>{ReptiliansDontSurf} : But how can I play army then? It's not fun to do soldier cosplay if I can't shoot my semi.", '>>{Heylookaguy} : These people are not in the business of facts and logic. At least not unless the stats support their view.', '>>{BillionTonsHyperbole} : Ah, the *War on Cosmetics* has begun...', '>>{Slumdog_Million} : Right on cue and so predictable! And I thought his whole foreign policy issues were being unpredictable.', ">>{whitemest} : This can't be. Trump was gushing with comey praise just last week!", '>>{Trumpbart} : God, I wish he still had his twitter credentials.', ">>{SaltHash} : The orange crush does not understand that voters' disgust with him has nothing to do with the FBI or the rigging of anything.", ">>{DarkShaella} : Here's a video of a man converting an assault weapon to a non assault weapon. Yeah. Clearly its a huge change guys. Huge, massive difference between the before and after. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDnmYOujdl8&feature=youtu.be&t=55 This is why gun owners don't respect anti-gun people. Ya'll have no fucking clue what you're talking about.", ">>{cobra-kai_dojo} : Because all the people getting shot in, say, Chicago were via assault weapons. People will find a way to kill other people. This guy could have walked into the nightclub with a pressure cooker bomb instead. Ban non-toaster appliances! If someone downs a liter of 100 proof liquor and runs over a crowd of kids at a bus stop, do we call to end the sale of hard liquor and limit everything to cheap beer? No, because it's people who kill people, the instrument is not the reason. Many people get drunk on water beer and kill someone 1 person at a time. The efforts are placed on keeping that from happening. How about we work on getting humans to not kill humans. No assault weapons? They use hand guns. No hand guns? They'd use knives. No knives? Beating via steel toed boot. People are the problem, Mr Vice President, since the dawn of mankind.", ">>{Mariijuana_Overdose} : Everything i don't like is rigged - the Donald J. Trump story.", ">>{coolbern} : The scandal is the FBI New York office's attempt to sabotage the Clinton campaign, and Comey's terror that they would leak the story that a cache of uninvestigated emails had been found.", '>>{HeinzTomatoMustard} : Screw off Biden, your word continues to not mean shit to the American public.', '>>{Indictment_Day} : Lemme make sure my vote still counts, yep it does. No thanks Joe. But have a nice day!', ">>{ive_lost_my_keys} : Please don't get overly confident, make sure you still get out and vote!", '>>{RobosapienLXIV} : This guy is so formulaic, right on cue.', ">>{Politx} : Gary Johnson is pretty much right, we need a smaller govt, they're out of control.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : It's the semi-auto fast moving rounds that scare the shit out of people. That's a pretty fast rate of fire that can do a lot of damage quickly. That's what people see and think about. That's what we have to deal with. The perception. The fastest way to convert a non gun owner to the enjoyment inherent in firearms is to take them out to the range.", '>>{6p6ss6} : We are moving along nicely on the path to full-on-unhinged. The question is at what point will the children try to get him put him under psychiatric care and take over the Trump Organization.', ">>{Majnum} : Please, pretty please, tell my that he has his cellphone again!! I'm dying to see him using his tweeter again", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Oh sure. It's the rifles that are showing up in mass shootings that people see though. Hell, handguns are involved in the majority of generic day to day shootings. Not these other things.", '>>{HeinzTomatoMustard} : Screw off Biden, your word continues to not mean shit to the American people.', '>>{sunnieskye1} : > DONALD TRUMP tonight tore into the FBI and repeated his claim that the US election is "rigged" after agents announced they will pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over her latest email scandal. Did someone drop this?: "not"', '>>{Lochmon} : Surely someone near the man can spare one burner. But does he know how to log himself on?', '>>{aledlewis} : Jesus. That says more about out of control gun crime in the US than it does about weapons designed to maximise body count and quickly reload.', ">>{Walkitback} : The only reason he is even remotely in this thing is Comey's ill-advised decision to send the first letter. Enjoy your Senate hearings director; you earned them.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Rifles aren't quicker to reload than pistols. It's a false argument.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : None of this stuff is going to be banned. It's inherent to American identity. Even when they ban magazine sizes it's easy enough to make one. That is if my limited knowledge of 3D printing is correct.", '>>{DarkShaella} : dude you can make a magazine with some sheet metal, a spring, and a hammer.', ">>{MegaSansIX} : When he didn't know that 16x7 equals 102 he knew math was rigged. After all those are Arabic numerals and we know they are connected to ISIS.", ">>{aledlewis} : Even with the smallest standard magazine capacity on an AR-15 at 20-30 rounds, you're going to be spending a lot less time reloading and much more shooting.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Right. So bans are pointless. This is why I'm happy to see suppressor laws being loosened.", '>>{astaireboy} : Of course! When he loses... "it was rigged from the start folks". If he wins... "See... I even won in a rigged election." And his supporters will eat it up on TrumpTV.', '>>{Ninbyo} : The senate, house, state, and local races are more than enough to keep me voting.', '>>{South_in_AZ} : Me too. Mommy felt he had been a very bad boy and grounded him from twitter.', ">>{TristanBomb} : The fact that the FBI reopened the investigation on the first place is proof that they *aren't* in bed with Clinton.", ">>{shaggorama} : Not manic at all, he's just a child. If things don't go exactly his way, it has to be because the whole world is conspiring against him.", '>>{BristolShambler} : Maybe he can get Barron to log on for him', '>>{T20sGrunt} : Some talking head summed it up great this morning. "Third World Politics"', ">>{GypsyJC} : I can't stand Trump, but he isn't really the problem just a symptom. There will never be a shortage of lunatics spouting nonsense, the problem is the people who buy the bs.", '>>{whatnowdog} : I voted the 24th. I hear and read stuff since then but it quit having much impact after I voted.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : The only rigging going on is all the polling locations that have been eliminated in poor and minority districts by Republican state governments. Shameful and traitorous to our American values.', '>>{kiddestructo} : I am average Joe, and I approve of this statement.', '>>{Tipppptoe} : Ha! And they say he "tells it like it is".', '>>{kemikiao} : I would assume his password is some variation of "DonaldTrump".', '>>{gnorrn} : He complains about things being unfair more than my four-year-old.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Trump-Tzu} : But "assault weapons" are America\'s most popular guns. They want to ban the most popular guns in America that are involved in less than 1% of all gun crime and kill less each year than hands and feet.', ">>{ReptiliansDontSurf} : But how can I play army then? It's not fun to do soldier cosplay if I can't shoot my semi.", '>>{Heylookaguy} : These people are not in the business of facts and logic. At least not unless the stats support their view.', '>>{BillionTonsHyperbole} : Ah, the *War on Cosmetics* has begun...', ">>{DarkShaella} : Here's a video of a man converting an assault weapon to a non assault weapon. Yeah. Clearly its a huge change guys. Huge, massive difference between the before and after. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDnmYOujdl8&feature=youtu.be&t=55 This is why gun owners don't respect anti-gun people. Ya'll have no fucking clue what you're talking about.", ">>{cobra-kai_dojo} : Because all the people getting shot in, say, Chicago were via assault weapons. People will find a way to kill other people. This guy could have walked into the nightclub with a pressure cooker bomb instead. Ban non-toaster appliances! If someone downs a liter of 100 proof liquor and runs over a crowd of kids at a bus stop, do we call to end the sale of hard liquor and limit everything to cheap beer? No, because it's people who kill people, the instrument is not the reason. Many people get drunk on water beer and kill someone 1 person at a time. The efforts are placed on keeping that from happening. How about we work on getting humans to not kill humans. No assault weapons? They use hand guns. No hand guns? They'd use knives. No knives? Beating via steel toed boot. People are the problem, Mr Vice President, since the dawn of mankind.", '>>{HeinzTomatoMustard} : Screw off Biden, your word continues to not mean shit to the American public.', '>>{Indictment_Day} : Lemme make sure my vote still counts, yep it does. No thanks Joe. But have a nice day!', ">>{Politx} : Gary Johnson is pretty much right, we need a smaller govt, they're out of control.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : It's the semi-auto fast moving rounds that scare the shit out of people. That's a pretty fast rate of fire that can do a lot of damage quickly. That's what people see and think about. That's what we have to deal with. The perception. The fastest way to convert a non gun owner to the enjoyment inherent in firearms is to take them out to the range.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Oh sure. It's the rifles that are showing up in mass shootings that people see though. Hell, handguns are involved in the majority of generic day to day shootings. Not these other things.", '>>{HeinzTomatoMustard} : Screw off Biden, your word continues to not mean shit to the American people.', '>>{aledlewis} : Jesus. That says more about out of control gun crime in the US than it does about weapons designed to maximise body count and quickly reload.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Rifles aren't quicker to reload than pistols. It's a false argument.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : None of this stuff is going to be banned. It's inherent to American identity. Even when they ban magazine sizes it's easy enough to make one. That is if my limited knowledge of 3D printing is correct.", '>>{DarkShaella} : dude you can make a magazine with some sheet metal, a spring, and a hammer.', ">>{aledlewis} : Even with the smallest standard magazine capacity on an AR-15 at 20-30 rounds, you're going to be spending a lot less time reloading and much more shooting.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Right. So bans are pointless. This is why I'm happy to see suppressor laws being loosened."], [">>{coolbern} : 'IT'S RIGGED!' Trump blasts FBI as it says it WON'T prosecute Clinton over emails scandal", '>>{a__witty__username} : What, so everything he disagrees with is rigged now?', '>>{Slumdog_Million} : Right on cue and so predictable! And I thought his whole foreign policy issues were being unpredictable.', ">>{whitemest} : This can't be. Trump was gushing with comey praise just last week!", '>>{Trumpbart} : God, I wish he still had his twitter credentials.', ">>{SaltHash} : The orange crush does not understand that voters' disgust with him has nothing to do with the FBI or the rigging of anything.", ">>{Mariijuana_Overdose} : Everything i don't like is rigged - the Donald J. Trump story.", ">>{coolbern} : The scandal is the FBI New York office's attempt to sabotage the Clinton campaign, and Comey's terror that they would leak the story that a cache of uninvestigated emails had been found.", ">>{ive_lost_my_keys} : Please don't get overly confident, make sure you still get out and vote!", '>>{RobosapienLXIV} : This guy is so formulaic, right on cue.', '>>{6p6ss6} : We are moving along nicely on the path to full-on-unhinged. The question is at what point will the children try to get him put him under psychiatric care and take over the Trump Organization.', ">>{Majnum} : Please, pretty please, tell my that he has his cellphone again!! I'm dying to see him using his tweeter again", '>>{sunnieskye1} : > DONALD TRUMP tonight tore into the FBI and repeated his claim that the US election is "rigged" after agents announced they will pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over her latest email scandal. Did someone drop this?: "not"', '>>{Lochmon} : Surely someone near the man can spare one burner. But does he know how to log himself on?', ">>{Walkitback} : The only reason he is even remotely in this thing is Comey's ill-advised decision to send the first letter. Enjoy your Senate hearings director; you earned them.", ">>{MegaSansIX} : When he didn't know that 16x7 equals 102 he knew math was rigged. After all those are Arabic numerals and we know they are connected to ISIS.", '>>{astaireboy} : Of course! When he loses... "it was rigged from the start folks". If he wins... "See... I even won in a rigged election." And his supporters will eat it up on TrumpTV.', '>>{Ninbyo} : The senate, house, state, and local races are more than enough to keep me voting.', '>>{South_in_AZ} : Me too. Mommy felt he had been a very bad boy and grounded him from twitter.', ">>{TristanBomb} : The fact that the FBI reopened the investigation on the first place is proof that they *aren't* in bed with Clinton.", ">>{shaggorama} : Not manic at all, he's just a child. If things don't go exactly his way, it has to be because the whole world is conspiring against him.", '>>{BristolShambler} : Maybe he can get Barron to log on for him', '>>{T20sGrunt} : Some talking head summed it up great this morning. "Third World Politics"', ">>{GypsyJC} : I can't stand Trump, but he isn't really the problem just a symptom. There will never be a shortage of lunatics spouting nonsense, the problem is the people who buy the bs.", '>>{whatnowdog} : I voted the 24th. I hear and read stuff since then but it quit having much impact after I voted.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : The only rigging going on is all the polling locations that have been eliminated in poor and minority districts by Republican state governments. Shameful and traitorous to our American values.', '>>{kiddestructo} : I am average Joe, and I approve of this statement.', '>>{Tipppptoe} : Ha! And they say he "tells it like it is".', '>>{kemikiao} : I would assume his password is some variation of "DonaldTrump".', '>>{gnorrn} : He complains about things being unfair more than my four-year-old.']]
classify and reply
[">>{mafco} : He's obviously not right in the head. But I think it goes back a long ways.", '>>{wreckingcanon} : Citing President-elect Trump, L.A. Council members announce policy to protect immigrant street vendors', '>>{joelrrj} : Trump says he will repeal travel ban and replace it with a new one next week that\'s "tailored" to court decisions', ">>{NRG1975} : If it favors one religion over another, it won't work, and you will wind up back in court.", '>>{pjoneill15} : Do... Do you mean... Constitutional? Because that is what the Court bases its decision off.', ">>{dankpoots} : I love the way he looks like a gibbering, mouth-breathing moron in *every* picture. Unlike every previous president, there aren't any photographs of him appearing to be serious or thoughtful because he's incapable of serious thought.", ">>{deluded007} : What? Institute a travel ban that fits the restrictions of the court? If it's constitutional then why can't he do it? From a moderate Republican, who voted for Hillary and doesn't agree with the travel ban.", '>>{omg_stuff} : Those hotdogs are good, but not *that* good!', '>>{greenisin} : Good. The Republicans have forced them to become criminals with their hate.', '>>{Captain_Reseda} : He\'s just going to submit the exact same resolution, but edited to have "not a Muslim ban" sprinkled throughout it.', '>>{omg_stuff} : The Republicans forced them to come to the US illegally, forced them to sell stuff on the street, and forced a Dem city council to previously make it illegal to sell stuff on the street?', ">>{NRG1975} : Sure he can. There is no reason that I know that he can't. However, if it favors one religion over another, it won't work, and he will wind up back in court.", ">>{CLcore} : Something that's just able to slip through the courts, though whether that's possible I don't know.", '>>{2legit2fart} : Trump’s DHS pick is a retired general who warns Latin America could pose an “existential” threat to the US', '>>{wreckingcanon} : I have a feeling that LA and California in general are going to royally screw themselves over by making laws and exceptions like these', '>>{lor_de_jaja} : Just disrespectful and frankly speaking, kind of evil.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : >Kelly warned that Iran, Russia, and China are building relationships with Latin American governments, and that terrorist groups including ISIS are recruiting members in Caribbean nations that don’t have the law enforcement capacity to track them or prevent them from being smuggled into the US. This is what he means, and I whole heartedly agree. I gotta admit, I love these two generals that Trump have brought on. Mattis was a great Defense Sec pick and this DHS General understands how to actually deal with a problem.', '>>{jokerpie69} : Not a bad read if you want to have a good chuckle. Probably not far from the truth to be honest. Spoiled brat grown old with "yes men" covering every corner of the building. Can\'t wait for the next election or impeachment.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : https://twitter.com/TrueFactsStated/status/847600028940025858 *An ind journalist I have worked with-who has been reliable-says they have 2 sources that say Trump is considering options-incl resignation.*', '>>{TheDivineSpirit} : I think it is the other way around, dumbass, and it is not just Latin America that the new regime poses an existential threat to.', '>>{wreckingcanon} : The Republicans forced them to come to the USA illegally cause they made it so appealing for them to come over.', '>>{OJSamson} : i think its starting to concern more people on the right.', ">>{dankpoots} : I don't want to grasp at straws before we have rumors like this verified, but I deeply hope, from the very depths of my soul, that he has enough brain cells left to be shitting his pants with fear and lying awake in the night, petrified, when his sad old prostate wakes him up.", '>>{maultet} : I really want someone to do a mental health eval', ">>{Grunchlk} : Exactly. Trump did stuff all willy-nilly and got schooled by the courts, so he's going to stay in the lines and draft an EO that's aggressive as can be. Isn't that what we want?", ">>{NomoarGazePlz} : Well the first one was actually legal and well within the President's Constitutional Authority so this shouldn't be necessary, but unfortunately we have a bunch of butthurt liberalist active judges who are politicizing from the bench instead of follow the letter of the law. But this is only a temporary setback", '>>{americanrabbit} : Well in order to be constitutional hes going to need to show just cause. Lets see if he can do that.', '>>{data2dave} : Pense as Prez gives me no comfort, in Trump\'s place but then there isn\'t much of a cult following for Pense either. Lez see, he was said to be so hardworking, working around the clock and sleeping only 3-4 hours a night. Being old and fat accounts for sleeping badly but 14 golfing expeditions in less than 70 days, watching endless hours of dumbass cable TV doesn\'t reflect well upon his alleged "hardwork".', ">>{i-am-sancho} : I don't think I'd be happy about him resigning so soon. Right now, he's a weak and ineffective president anyway. I want this Russia stuff to drag out for months and months, damaging him more, but more so, damaging the GOP. If he quits now, Pence will take over and have almost a full term. The republican party will wash their hands of Trump and pretend like it never happened. If this stuff drags out, it will destroy them in the midterm, and hopefully in 2020.", '>>{pjoneill15} : Appease the fears of the people who voted you in while not violating the constitution is pretty much what he is suppose to do. Now, understanding how the constitution works should be a prerequisite for being President. That is why, you know, most Presidents have gone to Law school or practiced law.', ">>{twentythree_skadoo} : We would prefer he didn't issue a Muslim Ban in any form.", '>>{americanrabbit} : ... no. You still have to prove the country poses a credible threat. The president cant just go around banning random countries', ">>{JayTee12} : He's one of those people who seems like he's posturing all the time, so that it's really obvious a lot of the time that he's *trying* to appear to be serious and thoughtful, but he just comes off as shallow and self-involved.", '>>{inmynothing} : I am going to be so pissed if he steps down. **LOCK. HIM. UP!**', '>>{leroyVance} : Watch the Congress go to impeach and Donald claims mental incompetence, gets a psych eval, etc.', '>>{deviantpixel} : You got to have something in order to lose it.', ">>{Sly_Wood} : What are you talking about? There's a picture of the god emperor being very serious while writing his very own not ghostwritten at all inaugural speech complete with a sharpie, a small version, and definitely not a crayon cuz he's the smartest. Believe me.", ">>{greenisin} : If the Republicans weren't racist, they wouldn't have made it illegal for these people to be alive which is why they hatefully call them illegals. They did it.", ">>{JellyfishSammich} : Latin America, an existential threat? I'm not sure even Trump supporters are dumb enough to believe that. He's got it backwards.", '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : Judges thought otherwise. I am going to guess that the judges know the law better than both of us.', '>>{Crimetech} : The War with the President Elect and CIA Has Reached a Fevered Pitch: Brennan and Trump Spar Through Media Over Russia and Fake News - Trading with The Fly', '>>{americanrabbit} : ...no. his orders were blocked and stayed in court.', '>>{omg_stuff} : Their neighborhoods suck, kids are uneducated, and so on', '>>{JellyfishSammich} : Where is the evidence that ISIS is recruiting in Latin America? I heard the same fear-mongering about AQ a decade ago, its simply bogus.', '>>{PlutosSexTape} : What? Please tell me you forgot the sarcasm tag?', ">>{wreckingcanon} : Don't talk down on them like that. Your not giving the Clinton voters there enough respect which according to the numbers is the vast majority of LA!", ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : Maybe he secretly fears *la revanche due berceau*. Who'd his grandkids take to prom this year? \\#WaveByeAtThePrettyBoat \\#SorryNotSorry", ">>{Antidote} : Lmao no California and many other places have been doing the same because it's just bad policing to go around and try and find every illegal immigrant. California will continue to protect immigrants forever regardless of how many twitter tantrums Donald has.", '>>{Neo2199} : At this rate, we are going to run out of popcorn soon!', ">>{dunce_confederacy} : We're going to have the best popcorn. The biggest popcorn.", '>>{azima143} : you know what i mean. he\'ll try to do that again and this time add a non-muslim country that\'s a "threat" without proof.', '>>{twitchinstereo} : >accuses others of politicizing >divisive language, ignores facts in favor of party good shit mang', ">>{joepo32} : The CIA is one agency a president shouldn't be at odds with.", '>>{dunce_confederacy} : Of course. And Mexico will pay for our popcorn.', ">>{czamani} : Don't feed this troll. Account was created an hour ago", ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : Trumps intentions are clear regardless of what the ban says. They'll still carry it out by targeting select groups and favoring others (IE targeting Muslims, allowing Christians).", ">>{eohorp} : Based on your poor use of the English language I'm guessing you must have grown up in California?", ">>{CLcore} : 10/10 username. Does that mean it won't survive going before a judge?", '>>{LordBergkamp} : Kind of sound like a bloodless military coup with intent to convert to a fascist dictatorship.', ">>{eohorp} : CA is the 6th largest economy in the world. They're going to be fine. The red parts of the country would be royally screwed without CA. CA would be just fine without the majority of the country. Hope you enjoy all those vegetables farmed in CA and picked by migrant workers.", '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : :shrugs shoulders: what can you do. If you cant beat em join em.', '>>{LordBergkamp} : You can fight, or cower I guess. But it seems we know what you would pick.', ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : That'd be my guess. They'll likely try to do the same thing, but in a way that comes across less chaotic so there's less fuss. But the end goal is the same", '>>{MakeYouFeel} : Rachel Maddow had a whole thing yesterday on how Pence absolutely has to be implicated as well for the simple reason that as the head of the transition team, he HAD to have knowledge of Yates warning the Administration about Flynn being compromised by the Russians before he lied about it in public. So essentially Flynn took the fall to protect Pence and is the main reason Pence has been lingering in the background trying not to move hoping everyone forgets he was part of it too. This is also supported by the Administration trying to block Yates from testifying this week.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Or I simply will become a feudal lord myself. Fuck it, if Americans want overlords, why not I?????', '>>{maultet} : I would pay big money to watch Donald Trump admit that he is mentally incompetent. like every dollar I have.', '>>{wreckingcanon} : last I heard it was 8th if it was by itself.', ">>{eohorp} : Well clearly poor education is not exclusive to California. You're proof.", ">>{eohorp} : > Don't talk down on[sic] them like that. Your[sic] not giving the Clinton voters there enough respect which according to the numbers is the vast majority of LA!", '>>{1slinkydink1} : Can you lose something that has been long lost?', ">>{KamonKur} : Think of all the jokes that could be made about Trump losing his mind (does he even have one that rises above basic animal and all-consuming self-preservation instincts?) As a narcissistic, it must be very hard for him to bear the brunt of a being a fool. But, for some reason I feel the same level of compassion and respect for him that he has demonstrated towards the poor, disadvantage, women's rights, LGBTQ, the constitution and... well, the list just goes on and on.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : The ["Where\'s Rudy" video](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4653965/wheres-rudy) is seriously disturbing. I think Trump may be experiencing the onset of dementia, no joke. I despise the man but I wouldn\'t wish that on anybody, that\'s my worst nightmare.', '>>{AkoTehPanda} : Kinda confused about how beholden to the president the CIA actually is in reality here. I remember the DoD was trying to put together Syrian rebels groups that were genuinely moderate; at the same time the CIA was funding groups that actively worked with AQ. On occassion various groups would even fight each other. If the CIA is truly beholden to the president then that would imply that Obama was purposely having US funded groups fight each other and purposely funding both extremists and moderates for shits and giggles. Personally I doubt Obama did either of those things. It makes more sense if the CIA was doing what the CIA has a history of doing: Whatever it feels like. That is concerning. Brennan says that Trump needs to understand what Russia is doing... does he also need to understand what the CIA is doing?', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : >I dont think its just CIA who wants Trump to keep his mouth shut Oh for sure. Though I suspect the CIA is at the most risk. It's the intelligence agency involved in dark shit on an international level. Trump talking publically about the things they do could be a very, very bad thing.", '>>{laffnlemming} : Maybe they needed to move Ivanka in as caretaker.', '>>{BUY_NONE_GETONE_FLEE} : As an expert in all things demented, his word salad gibberish seems very much like dementia to me.', '>>{Psy1} : Not if the president wants to control the situation as that requires a president that keeps the CIA on a very short leash.', '>>{joepo32} : The CIA is much bigger than any one president.', '>>{joepo32} : The US Army doesn\'t really specialized in intelligence reports, coups, assignations, etc. They also don\'t have the same isolation as the CIA does. The President doesn\'t even know most of the CIAs programs. It is purely dependent on extreme "need to know" basis and the president gets an overview of things. In most cases they compartmentalize their operations and even the director doesn\'t know about a lot of them. And even more so the programs they do have going the President can\'t legally speak of them if he does ask to be briefed on them. He can try to change the people at the very top but the CIA is designed to function as a bunch of different entities.', ">>{saucercrab} : People might think that this is petty, but I firmly believe that ANY leader of a society should LOOK and ACT like a leader. Trump is a fat, unkempt, moron, who talks out his ass and dresses like chump. The man has *zero* class. He's an embarrassment to the country.", '>>{maltedwhiskeyshot} : POTUS is probably the hardest job in the world. Donald Trump is a rich man who has had other people do shit for him since he was born and has done little himself other than tweeting or golfing. FFS the man cannot string a grammatically correct sentence together. A slob, no matter how lazy or incompetent, needs to do some work as a POTUS, and Trump has no history of working hard to fall back onto. Coupled with his zero knowledge of how politics and governance works, it\'s hardly a surprise he cannot do anything more than signing executive orders. I doubt he can handle the stress as a 70 years old man, and I will not be surprised to see him resign in a few months. In any case, I am 99 percent sure he cannot complete his term, and will cite "health reasons" while checking out of the job.', ">>{Psy1} : If you look at the history of fascism in Italy, Germany and Japan, you'd see the army was the iron fist keeping the party safe even from the nations old intelligence services.", '>>{delnoob} : to touch on the quote, "the jester" tweeted this last night as well. apparently he/her (the jester) is a big name, but im rather out of touch on who is credible anymore, to take it as you please', '>>{Psy1} : The Gestapo and Kempeitai had a far larger scope then the CIA. They had unlimited powers and had far more spies then the CIA does today.', '>>{SeenItAllHeardItAll} : The underlying assumption here is that there is something to loose. There is little evidence in the article that indicates a change of behavior for the worse. It was and still is unpresidented.', '>>{standaafghan} : Oh, then Ryan. I\'m not that concerned about him as president, the whole party has wasted and incredible amount of political capital protecting the President (also the healthcare bill). I can already see the campaign ads, "Mister Republican endorsed the disgraced criminal Donald Trump, and was just a rubber stamp to Paul Ryan\'s disastrous presidency. Can we trust someone with so little integrity?"', ">>{friend_to_snails} : That doesn't sound at all like Trump. His ego is too big.", ">>{joepo32} : They didn't have isolation. The SS for example was loyal to Hitler and was pretty much forced to be loyal(even tho they didn't need convincing). The CIA doesn't have to be loyal to president that disrespects them. It is loyal to the overall agenda of our long standing foreign policies. Also we really don't have an idea of how big the CIA actually is. Because they legally don't have to share their budget or how many people are in the CIA. And neither the SS or Kempeitai had the resources that the CIA has. Mainly because those resources didn't exist.", '>>{friend_to_snails} : He has always spoken like this off script though, no?', '>>{MakeYouFeel} : I think the bigger questions is that if it is proven that the 2016 elections were unfair and compromised by Russia colluding with Trump, will people take to the streets to annule the election and have a do over? If what we think happened is indeed true after all this is said and done and both Trump and Pence are impeached, we would be in a completely new, hostile and volatile territory.', ">>{BUY_NONE_GETONE_FLEE} : No, he's always been a blistering blowhard but over the last few years he's gone radically downhill I think. Much more obviously in this last few months", '>>{Psy1} : Are you kidding? The SS had the resources of the Heer and the Kempeitai of the IJA. Tell me can the CIA have Tiger tanks at its beckon call? The SS had 38 army divisions meaning the SS could starts battles on its own. The CIA is laughably under-powered compared to the SS that alone had 800,000 troops under its direct command.', ">>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : He won't and can't. Besides possible dementia setting in, though it is hard to tell with his personality, he is clearly a narc and there are signs he has body dysphoria.", ">>{joepo32} : >The SS had the resources of the Heer and the Kempeitai of the IJA. Tell me can the CIA have Tiger tanks at its beckon call? The CIA doesn't need tanks to get a president impeached or to assignate them. >The SS had 38 army divisions meaning the SS could starts battles on its own. And they all were loyal to their leader. We are talking about the relationship between the CIA and the President. And why the president shouldn't look to create a divide.", ">>{lars5} : Agencies are created to fulfill certain purposes. While the president can staff it's top positions, the bureaucrats and grunt workers don't change. So I think agencies generally keep a degree of independence in their day to day work. So it's possible that different agencies have conflicting plans. But in return politicians get to have some deniability.", ">>{Psy1} : >The CIA doesn't need tanks to get a president impeached or to assignate them. Them and what army? Hitler had a 6,000 man division guarding him on-top of his body guards. This is why the only assignation attempts against Hitler that had any chance where done by the army itself.", '>>{maultet} : Oh he definitely would never admit that. He would tell you he let Russian prostitutes piss on a bed in front of him before he would tell you something was wrong with him mentally.', '>>{joepo32} : >Them and what army? It takes one sniper. Or one leak of classified information on the president to start a rabbit hole investigation.', '>>{cosmic_caribou} : This is the dream! Psychology is a soft-science. We could label trump to be whatever we feel like his is.', ">>{Pexarixelle} : If I had to guess, it was a lot more along the lines of other people suggesting that may be best. I'm sure he didn't consider it for a second.", '>>{Psy1} : No sniper is suicidal enough to get inside a division. For example a JFK style assignation would have the problem of a line of armed infantry standing at attention along the road all loaded for combat, plus the SS would be constantly sweeping the area and already have machine gun nets in the book depository.', ">>{stun} : Yup I don't like anyone getting away with a simple resignation after breaking the law this big. America is nothing if not a country of laws, and I want it enforced and made an example out of him because a POTUS of all people cannot be allowed to break the law this badly, and get away anymore.", '>>{Psy1} : Yet, the US Army could easily fill the role of the Heer.', '>>{joepo32} : It would need congressional approval or the President would face impeachment', '>>{Psy1} : Congress has no army of its own, it would be a constitutional crisis as while congress would be in the right they would have no means to enforce their will against the US Army.', '>>{priceless37} : Losing his mind? His mental health has always been questionable', ">>{-SKYMEAT-} : Yes because it's so difficult to get an unappealing photo of an individual you don't like. Have you ever tried pausing a television show randomly and found that nine times out of ten you get an actor making a ridiculous face, well it's that easy. Say what you want about Trump and his policies but criticising this about him just means you cant tell that youre being manipulated by the media you consume.", '>>{youreabigbiasedbaby} : [This is media manipulation?](http://m.imgur.com/gallery/ATmxDt5)', '>>{joepo32} : They could remove its budget and disband it. By the time a President actually had the US Army as a Police state he would be out of office for overstepping. Either by a secret assignation or by impeachment. We have checks and balances unlike the Nazi Germany.', ">>{Psy1} : Removed with what army? Disbanding it would just reinforce the Army's loyalty to Trump as it means Trump would be the one funding it not congress. And if Trump went down the road of Hitler, congress will be disbanded by the US Army not the other way around.", '>>{-SKYMEAT-} : You know we could sit here all day sending pictures of presidents making stupid faces to each other, but what exactly would that prove besides the fact that people often make a lot of stupid faces throughout the course of thier lives?', ">>{joepo32} : You are giving the President way to much power. Congress funds the Army and anything the President wants to do. Without funds the president can't do much. Congress also has the power to impeach the President. He can't do much when he isn't in office and doesn't have control over anything. Our system is set up so Nazi Germany can't happen.", '>>{Psy1} : Go look up how the Weimar Republic was setup, Hitler did not have the authority to become a dictator but once he had the army on his side all those check and balances were meaningless.', '>>{-SKYMEAT-} : You know we could sit here all day sending pictures of presidents making stupid faces to each other, but what exactly would that prove besides the fact that people often make a lot of stupid faces throughout the course of thier lives?', ">>{joepo32} : Or system isn't set up like the Weimar Republic. And I don't see congress passing a law like the Enabling Act of 1933 that gave Hilter the power to create laws.", ">>{PantsuitNixon} : As someone with experience in handling relatives with dementia, his volatile attitude and open nonsensical hostility are the more worrisome symptoms to me. You can stumble through sentences with an intact brain. You cannot operate objectively if you're unable to control your emotions.", ">>{Psy1} : The differences are insignificant, also the Enabling Act mostly was a way for Hitler to have massive power while not having a majority goverment. Trump does have a majority goverment so he doesn't need the Enabling Act as long he can get the Republicans to do as he wishes long enough to secure his power base.", ">>{joepo32} : >The differences are insignificant Well that's a crook of shit. >Trump does have a majority goverment No he really doesn't. They might back him on some things but there is no way he could a majority to sign off on giving him more power or for them to give up the power they have. We have branches of government for a reason and Congress isn't going to give their powers to the President. Nor would the Public allow it to happen without extreme outrage. >also the Enabling Act mostly was a way for Hitler to have massive power while not having a majority goverment. It was a way to give him powers a Chancellor never had before. Something this Congress would never do for a president. >as long he can get the Republicans to do as he wishes long enough to secure his power base. Which they will never follow him that blindly or create laws that allow Tyranny. Or create laws that gives their power to a president that has to be reelected after 4 years.", '>>{bakedquestbar} : Yep. It\'s called "being the eyes and ears of the President." 🙄', ">>{Fancy_plumber} : It may well be that nothing serious comes out of this investigation. But Trump's behavior shows at least that he thinks it's quite possible he could be ruined by this.", '>>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : I might have been a tad too strong using that. Kind of how Trump may not technically be officially psychologist level Narc, but is clearly narc. [He lied](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/trump-drivers-license-height-232948) about his height in his official report to avoid admitting he\'s obese on the BMI scale. At 6\'2", the height he\'s used for years, he\'s obese. Include the inch he miraculously grew at 70 and he\'s just overweight. Keep in mind the [source](http://gawker.com/rumor-doctor-prescribes-donald-trump-cheap-speed-1782901680), but it looks like Trump may have gotten hooked on weight loss drugs in the 90s. If you accept the idea that Trump projects more than a twelve screen multiplex, then you start noticing how often he [attacks](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trumps-weight-problem-he-cant-stop-talking-about-fat-people/2016/09/28/891ddd3a-858d-11e6-a3ef-f35afb41797f_story.html?utm_term=.8f7a75b0a529) people on their [weight](http://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a4260297/donald-trump-fat-shaming/) despite not being pristine in that area himself. He\'s clearly concerned regarding being seen as fat at a level beyond his Narc/Narc-lite tendencies.', ">>{Psy1} : > Well that's a crook of shit. US exceptionalism much? >No he really doesn't. They might back him on some things but there is no way he could a majority to sign off on giving him more power They did for Bush, all it would take is for a incident that Trump could use to wrap giving him more powers in patriotic defence of America.", ">>{joepo32} : >US exceptionalism much? Nonchalantly trying to claim the differences don't matter is just silly. The US isn't Nazi Germany and Congress isn't going to give their power away. They will never be that loyal to a president. >They did for Bush, all it would take it for a incident Trump could use to wrap giving him more powers in patriotic defence of America. What did they do for Bush that gave him more powers that they couldn't counter?", ">>{Psy1} : > Nonchalantly trying to claim the differences don't matter is just silly. Simply hand waving the fact other democracies have fallen to fascist dictators and military juntas because the US is special is silly. >What did they do for Bush that gave him more powers that they couldn't counter? They gave Bush the means to make the military loyal to him. This didn't happen since Bush's wars didn't work yet if they were the cake walks Bush thought, Bush would have been on the road to making the army only loyal to the White House.", ">>{joepo32} : >Simply hand waving the fact other democracies have fallen to fascist dictators and military juntas because the US is special is silly. No one said it's impossible. Just extremely unlikely. And the differences between Germany at the time of Hitler's rise and the US democracy now are very much significant. If any president could convince Congress to give up a three branch government or give up their power I would be extremely surprised. How do you believe the President would even get Congress to remove term limits? >They gave Bush the means to make the military loyal to him. This didn't happen since Bush's wars didn't work yet if they were the cake walks Bush thought, Bush would have been on the road to making the army only loyal to the White House. What? How so? What did Congress do specifically?", ">>{Psy1} : You assume Congress would have to give up all its powers, it would just have to let the army becoming more loyal to the executive branch to the point it would be willing to use armed force against congress. Once the US Army has infantry on the floor of the house and senate what powers the legislate branch has would be moot. > What did Congress do specifically? Congress gave the president the powers to use the DoD and CIA to execute people where it doesn't conflict with the constitution.", ">>{joepo32} : >You assume Congress would have to give up all its powers, it would just have to let the army becoming more loyal to the executive branch to the point it would be willing to use armed force against congress. No I dont think they would have to give up all their powers. I also don't they would be willing to give up any of their power. What makes you think Congress would give that power to a term limited president? Or would allow it to get that far before removing him from office? Or that the military would overthrow the US government? Or that the US citizen wouldn't erupt into a civilian revolt? The Culture in the US isn't like that of the Culture in Germany at the time of Hitler's reign. People in the US don't see dictatorship as a positive. Freedom is kinda of a major aspect of the US. >Congress gave the president the powers to use the DoD and CIA to execute people where it doesn't conflict with the constitution. What did they do specifically?", '>>{Psy1} : What gave Mussolini and Hitler their power was them claiming the dead of WWI and projecting themselves as the manifestation of the state as they erased all distinctions between the head of the state and the state itself. Give the USA a tragedy like WWI to Italy and Germany; it would not be that hard for a fascist to mould the USA into a fascist state. >What did they do specifically? Like I said they strengthened ties between the military and president.', ">>{joepo32} : >Give the USA a tragedy like WWI to Italy and Germany And how do you expect that to occur? And it would take more than that. Some how the entire populous would have to be open to removing term limits and giving the President unilateral control. Which something the US has been against since it was created. Germany's constitution based Government was only created in 1919. It only had a life span of 14 years. The Culture's from then in Germany and the US now or ever has never been the same. >Like I said they strengthened ties between the military and president. How did they strengthened ties? You are being extremely vague.", '>>{Psy1} : >And how do you expect that to occur? Going by how Mussolini and Hitler did it, a massive military defeat like Italy and Germany suffered in WWI. One where it can be blamed on the opposition. >How did they strengthened ties? Giving the executive branch the authority the bend the Geneva Convention with the category "unlawful combat", along with allowing the executive branch to order the DoD to target individuals that before 9/11 was illegal even for targeting foreigners due how the US interpreted the Geneva Convention before 9/11.', '>>{joepo32} : >Going by how Mussolini and Hitler did it, a massive military defeat like Italy and Germany suffered in WWI. One where it can be blamed on the opposition. Who do you think is defeating the US on US soil? >Giving the executive branch the authority the bend the Geneva Convention with the category "unlawful combat", along with allowing the executive branch to order the DoD to target individuals that before 9/11 was illegal even for targeting foreigners due how the US interpreted the Geneva Convention before 9/11. That\'s not accurate. All of those things were happening prior to 9/11. It has never been illegal to target people associated with terrorism. They don\'t and never have fallen under the Geneva Convention. What act are you specifically talking about? I would love to read into it.', ">>{Psy1} : >Who do you think is defeating the US on US soil? It doesn't have to be on US soil, it just has to be military dead that the fascist can claim supports them, both Hitler and Mussolini made great use of stating the WWI dead supported them. >It has never been illegal to target people associated with terrorism. The Geneva convention clearly states it is a crime to attack hors de combat (prisoners, combatants that are no longer hostile and neutral parties). There is no legal way to determine they are hostile combatants (this issue was raised before with submarines attacking merchant ships yet there is no legal precedent for drones). Also this is a slippery slope as you are not using the military to target individuals rather then armed bodies.", ">>{joepo32} : >It doesn't have to be on US soil, it just has to be military dead that the fascist can claim supports them, both Hitler and Mussolini made great use of stating the WWI dead supported them. What country do you think could attack US troops on foreign soil that would convince congress and the people to throw away the foundation of the country? No attack has ever convinved congress to give the President unilateral power. No attack has made congress even ponder the idea. Not even Pearl Harbour. You simply can't see those two came from completely different cultures than the US. When someone attacks the US people tend to cling onto the foundation of the US more than ever. >The Geneva convention clearly states it is a crime to attack hors de combat (prisoners, combatants that are no longer hostile and neutral parties). There is no legal way to determine they are hostile combatants (this issue was raised before with submarines attacking merchant ships yet there is no legal precedent for drones). The geneva convention never included terrorist entities. They do not fall under the code nor have they ever. The legal way to confirm is to check intelligence reports to see if they're part of a terrorist organization. >Also this is a slippery slope as you are not using the military to target individuals rather then armed bodies. So the US shouldn't target members of terrorist organizations?", '>>{Psy1} : 9/11 was enough to greatly expand the powers of the executive branch. It went no where near as far as Mussolini and Hitler but the US dipped it toes into using the dead to support the leader of the state. > The geneva convention never included terrorist entities. Because they technically don\'t exist under international law. Either they are legal insurgents following the Geneva convention or illegal insurgents that are not. >So the US shouldn\'t target members of terrorist organizations? Go back to the old wiki leaks, the US was targeting civilian vehicles and attacking them because Intel said they were "terrorist" that goes against the Geneva convention. It is the same problem submarines ran into, your Intel could (and eventually will be) be wrong and you are attacking a neutral party.', '>>{joepo32} : >9/11 was enough to greatly expand the powers of the executive branch. It went no where near as far as Mussolini and Hitler but the US dipped it toes into using the dead to support the leader of the state. What extra powers did the executive branch get that closed the gap of the branches? That gave them powers that can\'t be countered? It\'s laughable that you think the US has moved in the slightest away from a 3 separate branch government with checks and balances. >Because they technically don\'t exist under international law. Either they are legal insurgents following the Geneva convention or illegal insurgents that are not. Yes they do. Now you\'re just trying to make shit up. >Go back to the old wiki leaks, the US was targeting civilian vehicles and attacking them because Intel said they were "terrorist" that goes against the Geneva convention. First, didnt answer the question. Second, that\'s not against the Geneva convention. They would have to be targeting actual civilians on purpose. Causality of war is part of war. While it is terrible, war is never cut and dry. You need to lay off the propaganda machine. Do you bitch about all the other countries that are battling terrorism as well? Or do you just have a problem when the US tries to rid the world of evil people? Maybe the US should just say fuck it and let the middle East collapse. Then people like you would just bitch they didn\'t do enough. >It is the same problem submarines ran into, your Intel could (and eventually will be) be wrong and you are attacking a neutral party. I don\'t think you fully understand the Geneva convention.', '>>{Psy1} : The executive branch having the powers to spy on anyone without congressional or judicial oversight along; powers to attack, kill and imprison foreigners if they are a "unlawful combatant" without oversight. >Yes they do. Now you\'re just trying to make shit up. No they are not. go read the Geneva Convention and there is no mention of terrorism. There is mention of irregulars but they have limited protection by the Geneva Convention. >They would have to be targeting actual civilians on purpose. No because even if they are irregulars they have rights, if they have no arms they are considered out of combat regardless of what the US thinks they did or will do. Meaning the US only has the legal right to take them into custody but legally can\'t kill them.', '>>{joepo32} : >The executive branch having the powers to spy on anyone without congressional or judicial oversight along That isn\'t true. There is oversight and congress has the option to end the program when ever they see fit. >powers to attack, kill and imprison foreigners if they are a "unlawful combatant" without oversight. The executive branch has always had this power. It is why they are the executive branch. Maybe people should stop being terrorist and they won\'t get killed. PS neither of these things give the executive branch powers that give a path to a dictator some how gaining power. >No they are not. go read the Geneva Convention and there is no mention of terrorism. Because they describe terrorist as people who aren\'t part of a government entity. They also have. They might not use the word terrorist but they are described. People who fight or oppose against a State who aren\'t backed by a government have never been included in the Geneva convention. I don\'t think you fully understand how it was written. >No because even if they are irregulars they have rights, if they have no arms they are considered out of combat regardless of what the US thinks they did or will do. They do have rights. But they are also in War areas and accidents happen in war. War is never perfect. It is a tragedy but it is also completely unavoidable. Those families should be paid and taken care of. And it should be avoided at all costs. But when accidents do happen it isn\'t against the Geneva convention. **Do you believe the US should stop fighting terrorism?**', ">>{Psy1} : >That isn't true. Congress and the DoJ had to learn about the NSA spying from wikileaks so there was no practical oversight. >The executive branch has always had this power. No it didn't. The President had the right of Commander and Chief meaning being the highest ranking officer in the armed forces but before 9/11 this didn't translate into being able target individuals, this is why the USA use to always deny all assassinations. >Because they describe terrorist as people who aren't part of a government entity. No they mention irregulars not terrorists that are two different things. Irregulars are armed forces with no recognized goverment, the Geneva Convention states they must also follow the Geneva Convention and have limited protection. http://www.crimesofwar.org/a-z-guide/guerrillas/", ">>{joepo32} : >Congress and the DoJ had to learn about the NSA spying from wikileaks so there was no practical oversight. NO that is a blatant lie. They are the ones who passed the law in the first place. And everything they do is public record. All people had to do was follow congress or research the subject and all that information was and still is available. >No it didn't. The President had the right of Commander and Chief meaning being the highest ranking officer in the armed forces but before 9/11 this didn't translate into being able target individuals, this is why the USA use to always deny all assassinations. As long as the person they were assassinating wasn't part of a government entity and was an enemy to the State they have also had the right to kill them. PS they still can't target individuals that are part of a government entity that the US is not declared war on. It is like you are purposely smearing the line to try to conform to your rhetoric. >Irregulars are armed forces with no recognized goverment, And you don't think Terrorist fall under that? What would you say a terrorist organization is then? **DO you think the US should stop fighting terrorism?**", ">>{Psy1} : They passed the law but didn't know the extent of the program. They were shocked when wikileaks showed the extent of the program. >As long as the person they were assassinating wasn't part of a government entity and was an enemy to the State they have also had the right to kill them In many cases they were under the US goverment as they were under the rule of US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. Meaning it goes to the Geneva Convention rules on irregulars. > And you don't think Terrorist fall under that? That would make the founding fathers terrorists. Just because nobody recognizes your goverment doesn't make you a terrorist.", '>>{joepo32} : >They passed the law but didn\'t know the extent of the program. They were shocked when wikileaks showed the extent of the program. The intent is clearly written and view-able. They weren\'t shocked. If they were they would have done something to change it. This was not a secret program. It was very much publicly view-able. >In all cases they were under the US goverment as they were under the rule of US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. How did you just form that twisted narrative? Do you really believe the US took control of Iraq or Afghanistan. >That would make the founding fathers terrorists. First, the Founding fathers didn\'t attack civilians they attack the British Government. Second, They were technically terrorist against the British government. Not exactly the same thing as ISIS. Who directly targets citizens instead of governments. >Just because nobody recognizes your goverment doesn\'t make you a terrorist. When that unrecognized "government" attacks recognized governments and its civilians yes it does. **Do you think the US should stop fighting terrorism?**', '>>{Psy1} : >The intent is clearly written and view-able. No it was not. The spying program was COINTEL PRO on steroids, the NSA was spying on everyone. > Do you really believe the US took control of Iraq or Afghanistan. Do you deny the US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan? >When that unrecognized "government" attacks recognized governments yes it does. Not according to the law. According to the law they are irregulars. Even going by the meaning of the word they wouldn\'t be since the goal of irregulars is to fight for their illegitimate goverment while not all terrorists have that goal.', ">>{joepo32} : >No it was not. The spying program was COINTEL PRO on steroids, the NSA was spying on everyone. Which if people took the time to read the Patriot act they could very much see that is what it was doing. Just because people choose to live in ignorance doesn't mean it was a secret program that was unknowable. >Do you deny the US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan? They never removed or took control of the Country. There is a difference between having troops somewhere and taking over control of a country. Iraq and Afghanistan have never been part of the US. >According to the law they are irregulars. Which clearly describe terrorist organizations. Just because the word terrorist isn't included doesn't mean they don't fall under the definition. Do you believe Terrorist organizations should be seen as government entities? Why do you keep dodging the question: **DO you think the US should stop fighting terrorism?**", '>>{Psy1} : > Which if people took the time to read the Patriot act they could very much see that is what it was doing. The Patriot Act only gave them the means, this is why Congress said they had no idea when it was leaked the extent of the program. They thought the NSA would use these powers in a focused effort not cast a net so wide the Intel was useless. >They never removed or took control of the Country. So Saddam is still in control of Iraq? The US overthrew the governments and rebuilt them according to its goals. It is why hatred of the occupations grew as the US (and its allies) were deaf to the will of the people they were occupying. >Do you believe Terrorist organizations should be seen as government entities? Irregulars mean they are armed bodies of unrecognized governments, the US doesn\'t have to recognize their goverment just that they are lawful combatants as long as they adhere to the Geneva Convention. Meaning before the US can legally send someone to Guantanamo Bay as a "unlawful" combatant they have to prove they acted against the Geneva Convention. >DO you think the US should stop fighting terrorism? No as it is doing so. The US actions in counter terrorism is counter productive and destabilizing the world.', '>>{joepo32} : >The Patriot Act only gave them the means, It outlined the expansion of the Program. I don\'t think you have even read any of the ACT. >They thought the NSA would use these powers in a focused effort not cast a net so wide the Intel was useless. If they believed that then they wouldn\'t have changed it. Because the executive branch already had that power. Since 1917. And the Mass Data isn\'t "useless". >So Saddam is still in control of Iraq? So Iraq has to be controlled by Saddam to be Iraq? Who is Iraq controlled by? What government body? >Meaning before the US can legally send someone to Guantanamo Bay as a "unlawful" combatant they have to prove they acted against the Geneva Convention. Guantanamo is set up and located specially so the US doesn\'t even have to do that. >No as it is doing so. The US actions in counter terrorism is counter productive and destabilizing the world. So what approach would you take? You are extremely quick to attack the only Major country actually spending the resources and energy to fight terrorism. So what would do?', ">>{Psy1} : >It outlined the expansion of the Program. I don't think you have even read any of the ACT. This is a moot point as the executive branch still has spy powers with no practical oversight as it is spying on everyone on a scale that makes oversight impossible. When the goal of the NSA is to collect all Internet data how do you ensure that data is only used for what congress wants? >So Iraq has to be controlled by Saddam to be Iraq? You seem to be missing the point. Saddam was running Iraq, then the American came in overthrew him and established a occupation and declared marshal law in Iraq. So if the DoD was the law of Iraq how was Iraq in control at the time? > First, Guantanamo is set up and located specially so the US doesn't even have to do that. The location of Guantanamo doesn't change the Geneva Convention. If the person in question was in full compliance of the Geneva Convention then by international law they are a lawful combatant and can only be held trail by their rightful goverment else they are just a prisoner of war. >So what approach would you take? Ever heard of winning hearts and minds?", ">>{joepo32} : >When the goal of the NSA is to collect all Internet data how do you ensure that data is only used for what congress wants? Congress gave the NSA the power to use the information for counter intelligence. That is all it can be used for legally. Members of Congress can take a look at its inner workings whenever they want. They all have the security clearance. >You seem to be missing the point. Saddam was running Iraq, then the American came in overthrew him and established a occupation and declared marshal law in Iraq. When did it declare Marshal Law? Saddam was a shitty dictator and got was coming to him. And last time I checked Saddam was executed by Iraqi people. Not the US. >The location of Guantanamo doesn't change the Geneva Convention. It does. The location makes it technically not on US Soil. Why has no Country tried to force the US to close gitmo through an international body and succeded then? >Ever heard of winning hearts and minds? So you think if you are nice to Terrorist they will just stop being terrorist? I don't think you fully understand how animals operate. Maybe if the US just backed off those terrorist organizations they would take to painting rainbows and singing to school children.", ">>{Psy1} : >That is all it can be used for legally. But it wasn't, wikileaks showed those powers were used to spy on America's allies like the UK, France and Germany. > When did it declare Marshal Law? During the occupation, this is actual normal for occupations since you have overthrown the old state yet have not established a new one. Thus all law comes from the occupying army, the Americans didn't do enough with these powers thus all the looting but at the time the US army was the defacto law in Iraq till a new goverment was formed. >It does. The location makes it technically not on US Soil That is irrelevant to the Geneva Convention, it states they are to be tried by their rightful goverment that in many cases would be the new governments of Iraq and Afghanistan else they would be prisoners of war (lawful combatants), with the only other option being they broke the Geneva Convention in which case they would be tried by the International Court since the US has no legal claim to try the insurgents as unlawful combatants. > Why has no Country tried to force the US to close gitmo through an international body and succeded then? The US has gotten away with breaking international law for decades. >So you think if you are nice to Terrorist they will just stop being terrorist That is not how winning hearts and minds works, you make the civilians prefer your presence over the promises of the rebels. This is done by actually addressing the grievances of the locals without creating new ones.", ">>{joepo32} : >But it wasn't, wikileaks showed those powers were used to spy on America's allies like the UK, France and Germany. Which if you read the Patriot ACT you would know that was going on. Every Country spies on everyone. Even their allies. Do you really believe Germany doesn't have some sort of spy apparatus pointing towards the US? >it states they are to be tried by their rightful goverment that in many cases would be the new governments of Iraq and Afghanistan An unlawful combatant, illegal combatant or unprivileged combatant/belligerent is a person who directly engages in armed conflict in violation of the laws of war. An unlawful combatant may be detained or prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action. >The US has gotten away with breaking international law for decades. Because it isn't breaking International law. It is purposely designed to be in a gray area. And most people like myself think it should be closed. But that doesn't make it in violation to international law. >That is not how winning hearts and minds works, you make the civilians prefer your presence over the promises of the rebels. The US invested around 2.7 trillion dollars just on helping Iraq. What has the Terrorist organizations done? Do you really believe the majority of Iraqi people prefer terrorist organizations presence over the US? >This is done by actually addressing the grievances of the locals without creating new ones. This is the job of the people to create a government where their grievances are heard and responded too. The US gave aid so this could be accomplished and has continuously spared lives and resources to fend off those that oppose that. This idea that you can fix everything is silly. New grievances will always pop up. Blaming everyone of them on a specific thing is silly. It is scapegoating. Progression always brings on opposition.", ">>{Psy1} : >Which if you read the Patriot ACT you would know that was going on. Every Country spies on everyone. Even their allies. Do you really believe Germany doesn't have some sort of spy apparatus pointing towards the US? Right but what wikileaks showed was the massive collection of Internet data was being used against non-terrorists. >An unlawful combatant, That is only a person that doesn't comply with the Geneva Convention, meaning the US would have to first prove they didn't comply with the Geneva Convention. Simply attacking US troops as a irregular forces does not make one unlawful. >The US invested around 2.7 trillion dollars just on helping Iraq. And did less for Iraq then the USSR did for the Warsaw nations after WWII. Basic services were still not back to pre-war levels years after the US took power. >This is the job of the people to create a government where their grievances are heard and responded too. The imposed a goverment onto Iraq and Afghanistan, the constitutions for both was written while the law still came from the US Army.", ">>{joepo32} : >Right but what wikileaks showed was the massive collection of Internet data was being used against non-terrorists. Which anyone paying attention already knew. All the leaks did was blow it up and made people actually look at it that weren't looking at it before. None of it was classified or confidential information. >Simply attacking US troops as a irregular forces does not make one unlawful. So you think it is lawful to attack and kill soldiers of the US military? >And did less for Iraq then the USSR did for the Warsaw nations after WWII. Basic services were still not back to pre-war levels years after the US took power. Why the is the US fully responsible for all of that? **The US has never taken power of Iraq**. You keep trying to claim that but it isn't true. Iraq has and still has a standing government. It is there job to structure their country. If they want the US to do it then they might as become a unincorporated territory of the United States. If they don't want that then they should be building their own country. The US has given trillions of dollars, countless lives, etc for their seek of freedom from oppression. >The imposed a goverment onto Iraq and Afghanistan, the constitutions for both was written while the law still came from the US Army. They didn't impose shit on them. They didn't have to create a democracy. The US Army didn't force them to do shit. It was their choices. They they citizens wanted the citizens to have a voice for once. You keep pretending like Iraq and Afghanistan didn't want their government dictators taken down. You keep trying to drive this narrative that the US forced them to choose a constitutionalized government. The people their choose that and are continually to choose it because they think it is best for their country. The USSR also didn't have the complications Middle east countries had from minority conservative radicals.", ">>{Psy1} : >Which anyone paying attention already knew. These powers already go a long way to providing the means for a fascist to turn the USA into a military junta. >So you think it is lawful to attack and kill soldiers of the US military? Under international law yes, it is called war. Just because the US is a combatant does not instantly mean its enemies are unlawful combatants. If the enemy follows the rules of the Geneva Convention then they are have the legal right to attack American troops within the terms of the Geneva Convention. >Why the is the US fully responsible for all of that? Because the occupying power is always responsible for that. >The US has never taken power of Iraq. That is legally impossible, the only way the US could not take power in Iraq is if it never succeeded in overthrowing Saddam. Under international law as the US secured Iraqi territory it became its legal liability automatically until a new goverment was formed. >They didn't impose shit on them. Again this is impossible, for this to happen the US had to not even partake in combat against Saddam, since war is imposing the will of the state onto the other party through violence.", ">>{joepo32} : >These powers already go a long way to providing the means for a fascist to turn the USA into a military junta. How so? You do know a president still needs congressional approval to enter any war right? Your slippy slope logical fallacy is laughable. >If the enemy follows the rules of the Geneva Convention then they are have the legal right to attack American troops within the terms of the Geneva Convention. Enemies that are not part of a establish government do not fall under the same guidelines of the Geneva Convention. Terrorist do not have the same rights as military personal or lawful citizens of a country. The US is in their right to drop a drone on someone associated with a terrorist organization/member they are actively fighting against. Maybe terrorist should stop being terrorist. >Because the occupying power is always responsible for that. The US is not occupying anything. The Iraqi government is fully in charge of their country and do not have to take advice or anything from the US. >That is legally impossible, the only the US could not take power in Iraq, is if it never succeeded in overthrowing Saddam. What Law do you think it is violating? You claim it is illegal. Iraq arrested Saddam and tried and executed him. Iraq created their new structure of government. The US has never been in charge of Iraq's government or country. The US has simply aided them in becoming a free nation. No one is suggesting the US couldn't have done better job. But this rhetoric you're pushing is just silly.", '>>{Psy1} : > How so? The US spying program casts a net even larger then the soviet bloc did. Its aim it so collect all data. This means if the spying program works as intended the executive branch becomes omniscient, it knows what its opponents are doing and planning. In short what Nixon was trying to do in Watergate just becomes a Intel brief on what the Democrats are doing and all their dirt. >Enemies that are not part of a establish government do not fall under the same guidelines of the Geneva Convention Irregulars have partial protection, meaning if the "terrorist" organization is compliant with the Geneva Convention then that organization has the legal right to engage in combat against US troops as a irregular force. > The US is not occupying anything There was a time when Saddam was the law of Iraq, then the US came in for which is way occupying Iraq till there was a new goverment. >What Law do you think it is violating? Legally under the Geneva Convention the army in control of a territory is legally liable for said territory. A army can\'t just say "well we are not in control" when it has vanquished the goverment and occupying the land.', '>>{joepo32} : >This means if the spying program works as intended the executive branch is omniscient, it knows what its opponents are doing and planning. There are restrictions on what it can do with information and what type of information is actually collected. You are giving the NSA more power than it actually has. >Irregulars have partial protection, meaning if the "terrorist" organization is compliant with the Geneva Convention then that organization has the legal right to engage in combat against US troops as a irregular force. And they have the legal right to be killed by the US for engaging in combat against the US. Should the US just allow terrorist to kill people? >There was a time when Saddam was the law of Iraq, then the US came in for which is way occupying Iraq till there was a new goverment. And the Iraqi people set that government up. Not the US. Corrupt dictators fall. >Legally under the Geneva Convention the army in control of a territory is legally liable for said territory. The Iraqi army is in control of Iraq. The Iraqi government is in charge of Iraq. The US in not in control of Iraq and it never has been. After Saddam fell Iraq set up a temporary government to handle the transition to a new government that they created.', ">>{Psy1} : > There are restrictions on what it can do with information and what type of information is actually collected. You are giving the NSA more power than it actually has. That can't be realistically regulated. The DoJ and Congress has no way of knowing if the president is getting Intel briefs on the opposition. > And they have the legal right to be killed by the US for engaging in combat against the US. Right but then you have the fact those out of combat have the right to surrender without harm. So a drone strike on a weeding goes against the Geneva Convention since even if everyone was a irregular, they had the right to surrender as they were legally not in combat. >And the Iraqi people set that government up For starters there was no referendum on the new constitutions, but more importantly that is after US occupation. >The US in not in control of Iraq and it never has been. WRONG! as I have been trying to tell you, the instant the US military took Iraqi land (down to the nanosecond), the US was in charge of said land. I don't get how you can't comprehend this idea.", ">>{joepo32} : >That can't be realistically regulated. The DoJ and Congress has no way of knowing if the president is getting Intel briefs on the opposition. The NSA doesn't give and legally can't give intelligence briefs on US citizens. It simply collects **Bulk data** and analysis it through computation. >So a drone strike on a weeding goes against the Geneva Convention Under your claim then bombs are also against Geneva convention. They still have the option to legally surrender before they are killed. It is called stop being a terrorist. >For starters there was no referendum on the new constitutions, but more importantly that is after US occupation. The US never occupied Iraq. They with a coalition simply took out the leader. There is a huge difference. >WRONG! as I have been trying to tell you, the instant the US military took Iraqi land They didn't take any land. No land in the middle east has ever belong to the US. Crimea is an example of a foreign entity taking land and occupying it. Iraq is not. Iraq has always belong to the Iraqi government/people. I don't get what you can't comprehend about this. Pointlessly shouting wrong doesn't change that.", ">>{Psy1} : > The NSA doesn't give and legally can't give intelligence briefs on US citizens. It simply collects Bulk data and analysis it. That doesn't address the problem, there is no way of knowing if civilian data is getting to the president. >Under your claim then bombs are also against Geneva convention. Bombing don't target individuals, even close air support is more designed to target formations rather then individuals. There is also legal objections to the bombing of civilian centres during WWII. >The US never occupied Iraq. They with a coalition simply took out the leader. There is a huge difference. Then the US zone in Germany must never have existed. Like I been trying to tell you, as soon as ground forces step foot on hostile land they are legally occupying it and have legal responsibility over it.", ">>{joepo32} : >That doesn't address the problem, there is no way of knowing if civilian data is getting to the president. It would be highly illegal for a president to do that. The NSA also can't legally hand over that type of information nor does it have a process to store that kind of information. It collects meta-data. >Bombing don't target individuals, So you're okay with Drone strikes if they kill more than one person at a time? >Then the US zone in Germany must never have existed. Like I been trying to tell you, as soon ground forces step foot on hostile land they are legally occupying it and have legal responsibility over it. NO they don't the legal responsibility is on the government that runs said land. The US has also spent trillions of dollars to aid said country. You keep pretending like the US has neglected Iraq. Iraq is in charge of Iraq. The US is not in charge of Iraq. They do not make rules for Iraqi people. They do not decide how the money of the Iraqi government is spent. Iraq is an independent country and before and after Saddam fell.", ">>{Psy1} : >It would be highly illegal for a president to do that That would be hard to prove. >So you're okay with Drone strikes if they kill more than one person at a time? It would at least be a excuse (a poor one), that you meant to damage the structure. >NO they don't the legal responsibility is on the government that runs said land. How is Saddam suppose to be legally responsible for land the US Army sits on? The reason why occupation legally starts once ground forces move in, is because anyone with half a brain realizes once a army takes a city the old order can't do anything. You can't blame goverment A for a humanitarian crisis if they can't get to a city because goverment B has its army in said city.", ">>{joepo32} : >>It would be highly illegal for a president to do that >That would be hard to prove. Aren't most crimes hard to prove? If people lie while under oath in an investigation then there isn't much that can be done. But like Watergate people tend to hang themselves when being interviewed after breaking the law. You also keep missing the point that the NSA doesn't collect the data you're claiming they collect. >>NO they don't the legal responsibility is on the government that runs said land. >How is Saddam suppose to be legally responsible for land the US Army sits on? Saddam isn't Iraq. He was the President of Iraq. It wasn't HIS country. The Iraqi army is still occupying the land and has always been in charge of said land. The US never took ownership of said land nor claimed to run it. They simply removed a tyrant president. And has since helped with aid.", ">>{Psy1} : The NSA collects all data on the Internet so yes they would have raw data on the opposition if the opposition communicated through the Internet. >It wasn't HIS country. Legally it was, why is international law so hard for you? Anyway as a front moves responsibility shifts. This is why the world turned to the USA when the riots and looting happened shortly after the US liberated Baghdad as legally the US was occupying Baghdad and it was their responsibility to bring law and order under international law until a new goverment could be formed.", '>>{joepo32} : >The NSA collects all data on the Internet so yes they would have raw data on the opposition if the opposition communicated through the Internet. They collect bulk data. They do not go through it unless the computer red flags something. They do not have general access to said information. And any information obtained requires a warrant to be seen. >>It wasn\'t HIS country. >Legally it was, why is international law so hard for you? And he lost that right. Maybe dictators shouldn\'t be Dicks. >it was their responsibility to bring law and order under international law until a new goverment could be formed. Just fyi Government is spelled with a "n". This constant error by you has me wondering what country you are actually from. A new government has been in place since 2005 and a temporary government was put in place within months of Saddam losing power. The US **never** took control of Iraq.', '>>{Psy1} : >And any information obtained requires a warrant to be seen. No way to enforce this. >And he lost that right. But legally it was his until he was deposed. For example if Saddam successfully repelled the American and their allies then under international law he would still be the sovereignt. > A new government has been in place since 2005 and a temporary government was put in place within months of Saddam losing power. The US never took control of Iraq. You contradict yourself in this statement. The Battle of Baghdad was in April 2003, you just said there was a new goverment in 2005 meaning from April 2003 to May 2005 the US was occupying Iraq.', '>>{joepo32} : >No way to enforce this. How isn\'t there a way to enforce it? The people who violate it go to prison. >But legally it was his until he was deposed. For example if Saddam successfully repelled the American and their allies then under international law he would still be the sovereignt. The country still belongs to the people. Saddam didn\'t own Iraq. >You contradict yourself in this statement. The Battle of Baghdad was in April 2003, you just said there was a new goverment in 2005 meaning from April 2003 to May 2005 the US was occupying Iraq. No I didn\'t. There was a temporary Iraqi government in place shortly after Saddam fell. You just chose to ignore that part of what I wrote. It is also "gover**n**ment"', ">>{Psy1} : >How isn't there away to force it? You would have to spy on the president to find out, that is if everyone handling the information is loyal. >The country still belongs to the people. Show me where in international law it says that? >There was a temporary Iraqi government in place shortly after Saddam fell. One paid for and controlled by United States Central Command. So the DoD paid for the government and dictated every aspect of the goverment but this was not a occupation government?", ">>{joepo32} : >You would have to spy on the president to find out, that is if everyone handling the information is loyal. The President would have to convince others to literally break the law for him. Laws that would send them to prison for the rest of their lives. There is no way to stop crimes from happening. Your logic is just silly. The President could kill US civilians too if no one found out. That doesn't mean a President would do it. And the info NSA has isnt that specific. They don't have files on people. They have bulk data. >Show me where in international law it says that? Show me where in international law that Saddam owned Iraq and it was his property. The land belongs to the government. Not the dictator. When dictator falls the government still has the land as long as another country didn't take it. Which no country made claims to Iraq. It stayed Iraq ran by an Iraqi government. >>There was a temporary Iraqi government in place shortly after Saddam fell. >One paid for and controlled by United States Central Command. So the DoD paid for the government and dictated every aspect of the goverment but this was not a occupation government? No it wasn't controlled by the US. It was by the choice of the Iraqi people(leaders) The US didn't dictate shit. They made suggestions. Many were ignored. You're making shit up for your narrative. And how why does this make the US responsibile for civil issues now?", ">>{Psy1} : >The President would have to convince others to literally break the law for him. Not that hard, many presidents have done it before. >Show me where in international law that Saddam owned Iraq and it was his property. Saddam was considered the sovereign, international law doesn't just hand wave this status away. > No it wasn't controlled by the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_Provisional_Authority >The CPA was created and funded as a division of the United States Department of Defense > The Council membership consisted largely of Iraqi expatriates who had previously fled the country during the rule of Saddam Hussein and also with many outspoken dissidents who had been persecuted by the former regime. So the CPA was created and funded by the DoD and run by former Iraqis not Iraqis.", '>>{joepo32} : >Not that hard, many presidents have done it before. Which presidents got people from different agencies that don\'t have direct affiliation with the President to break the law on this kind of scale? And you keep dismissing the fact the NSA doesn\'t have files on people. How is the president going to cipher through meta data undetected? Your fear mongering is humorous. >Saddam was considered the sovereign No he wasn\'t. The President of Iraq is the head of state of Iraq and "safeguards the commitment to the Constitution and the preservation of Iraq\'s independence, sovereignty, unity, the security of its territories in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution" The president of Iraq didn\'t own Iraq. It was never Saddam\'s. He was just in charge of leading it. >run by former Iraqis How is one a former Iraqi? The CPA lasted 14 months. And then Iraq established its own government. So how does this make the US responsible for civil local issues in Iraq now?', ">>{Psy1} : >Which presidents got people from different agencies that don't have direct affiliation with the President to break the Law on this kind of scale? Off the top of my head, Nixon and Reagan. >No he wasn't. Yes he was, Saddam was the de facto supreme authority in Iraq. >How is one a former Iraqi? By not being a resident of Iraq at the time. Even Lenin got shit for not being in Russia during the overthrow of the Tsar and the Bolsheviks was a mix of returning revolutionaries and revolutionaries that stuck it out. >And how does this make the US responsible for civil local issues in Iraq now? We are not talking about now, we are talking about then. Yet the failure of the US to rebuild when it was occupying Iraq is the primary cause of ISIS.", ">>{joepo32} : >Nixon and Reagan. And what agency conspired/collaborated with them? >Yes he was, Saddam was the de facto supreme authority in Iraq. He was the President of Iraq. When he was selected he wasn't given Iraq. He was put in charge of Iraq. Huge difference. Do you think the Queen of England owns England? >By not being a resident of Iraq at the time. They're still Iraqi citizens. >We are not talking about now, we are talking about then. Then is over. We are talking about current issues. Issues you claimed the US is responsible for. >is the primary cause of ISIS. NO. anti-progressivism and radicalization of extreme religious conservatives is why ISIS was created. Just blame the US for that. Since the US seems to be your scapegoat for all the problems in the middle east.", ">>{Psy1} : >And what agency collaborated with them? The DoD and CIA, Nixon expanded the war into Cambodia without congressional approval while Reagan had the Iran-Contra scandal. >He was the President of Iraq. He had de facto ownership over Iraq given his total powers. >They're still Iraqi citizens. That were out of touch with what was happening in Iraq. >NO. anti-progressivism and radicalization of extreme religious conservatives is why ISIS was created. If the USA was able to rebuild Iraq and bring unemployment to a low then ISIS would have been far smaller."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{2legit2fart} : Trump’s DHS pick is a retired general who warns Latin America could pose an “existential” threat to the US', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : >Kelly warned that Iran, Russia, and China are building relationships with Latin American governments, and that terrorist groups including ISIS are recruiting members in Caribbean nations that don’t have the law enforcement capacity to track them or prevent them from being smuggled into the US. This is what he means, and I whole heartedly agree. I gotta admit, I love these two generals that Trump have brought on. Mattis was a great Defense Sec pick and this DHS General understands how to actually deal with a problem.', '>>{TheDivineSpirit} : I think it is the other way around, dumbass, and it is not just Latin America that the new regime poses an existential threat to.', ">>{JellyfishSammich} : Latin America, an existential threat? I'm not sure even Trump supporters are dumb enough to believe that. He's got it backwards.", '>>{JellyfishSammich} : Where is the evidence that ISIS is recruiting in Latin America? I heard the same fear-mongering about AQ a decade ago, its simply bogus.', ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : Maybe he secretly fears *la revanche due berceau*. Who'd his grandkids take to prom this year? \\#WaveByeAtThePrettyBoat \\#SorryNotSorry", '>>{LordBergkamp} : Kind of sound like a bloodless military coup with intent to convert to a fascist dictatorship.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : :shrugs shoulders: what can you do. If you cant beat em join em.', '>>{LordBergkamp} : You can fight, or cower I guess. But it seems we know what you would pick.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Or I simply will become a feudal lord myself. Fuck it, if Americans want overlords, why not I?????'], [">>{mafco} : He's obviously not right in the head. But I think it goes back a long ways.", ">>{dankpoots} : I love the way he looks like a gibbering, mouth-breathing moron in *every* picture. Unlike every previous president, there aren't any photographs of him appearing to be serious or thoughtful because he's incapable of serious thought.", '>>{jokerpie69} : Not a bad read if you want to have a good chuckle. Probably not far from the truth to be honest. Spoiled brat grown old with "yes men" covering every corner of the building. Can\'t wait for the next election or impeachment.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : https://twitter.com/TrueFactsStated/status/847600028940025858 *An ind journalist I have worked with-who has been reliable-says they have 2 sources that say Trump is considering options-incl resignation.*', '>>{OJSamson} : i think its starting to concern more people on the right.', ">>{dankpoots} : I don't want to grasp at straws before we have rumors like this verified, but I deeply hope, from the very depths of my soul, that he has enough brain cells left to be shitting his pants with fear and lying awake in the night, petrified, when his sad old prostate wakes him up.", '>>{maultet} : I really want someone to do a mental health eval', '>>{data2dave} : Pense as Prez gives me no comfort, in Trump\'s place but then there isn\'t much of a cult following for Pense either. Lez see, he was said to be so hardworking, working around the clock and sleeping only 3-4 hours a night. Being old and fat accounts for sleeping badly but 14 golfing expeditions in less than 70 days, watching endless hours of dumbass cable TV doesn\'t reflect well upon his alleged "hardwork".', ">>{i-am-sancho} : I don't think I'd be happy about him resigning so soon. Right now, he's a weak and ineffective president anyway. I want this Russia stuff to drag out for months and months, damaging him more, but more so, damaging the GOP. If he quits now, Pence will take over and have almost a full term. The republican party will wash their hands of Trump and pretend like it never happened. If this stuff drags out, it will destroy them in the midterm, and hopefully in 2020.", ">>{JayTee12} : He's one of those people who seems like he's posturing all the time, so that it's really obvious a lot of the time that he's *trying* to appear to be serious and thoughtful, but he just comes off as shallow and self-involved.", '>>{inmynothing} : I am going to be so pissed if he steps down. **LOCK. HIM. UP!**', '>>{leroyVance} : Watch the Congress go to impeach and Donald claims mental incompetence, gets a psych eval, etc.', '>>{deviantpixel} : You got to have something in order to lose it.', ">>{Sly_Wood} : What are you talking about? There's a picture of the god emperor being very serious while writing his very own not ghostwritten at all inaugural speech complete with a sharpie, a small version, and definitely not a crayon cuz he's the smartest. Believe me.", '>>{MakeYouFeel} : Rachel Maddow had a whole thing yesterday on how Pence absolutely has to be implicated as well for the simple reason that as the head of the transition team, he HAD to have knowledge of Yates warning the Administration about Flynn being compromised by the Russians before he lied about it in public. So essentially Flynn took the fall to protect Pence and is the main reason Pence has been lingering in the background trying not to move hoping everyone forgets he was part of it too. This is also supported by the Administration trying to block Yates from testifying this week.', '>>{maultet} : I would pay big money to watch Donald Trump admit that he is mentally incompetent. like every dollar I have.', '>>{1slinkydink1} : Can you lose something that has been long lost?', ">>{KamonKur} : Think of all the jokes that could be made about Trump losing his mind (does he even have one that rises above basic animal and all-consuming self-preservation instincts?) As a narcissistic, it must be very hard for him to bear the brunt of a being a fool. But, for some reason I feel the same level of compassion and respect for him that he has demonstrated towards the poor, disadvantage, women's rights, LGBTQ, the constitution and... well, the list just goes on and on.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : The ["Where\'s Rudy" video](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4653965/wheres-rudy) is seriously disturbing. I think Trump may be experiencing the onset of dementia, no joke. I despise the man but I wouldn\'t wish that on anybody, that\'s my worst nightmare.', '>>{laffnlemming} : Maybe they needed to move Ivanka in as caretaker.', '>>{BUY_NONE_GETONE_FLEE} : As an expert in all things demented, his word salad gibberish seems very much like dementia to me.', ">>{saucercrab} : People might think that this is petty, but I firmly believe that ANY leader of a society should LOOK and ACT like a leader. Trump is a fat, unkempt, moron, who talks out his ass and dresses like chump. The man has *zero* class. He's an embarrassment to the country.", '>>{maltedwhiskeyshot} : POTUS is probably the hardest job in the world. Donald Trump is a rich man who has had other people do shit for him since he was born and has done little himself other than tweeting or golfing. FFS the man cannot string a grammatically correct sentence together. A slob, no matter how lazy or incompetent, needs to do some work as a POTUS, and Trump has no history of working hard to fall back onto. Coupled with his zero knowledge of how politics and governance works, it\'s hardly a surprise he cannot do anything more than signing executive orders. I doubt he can handle the stress as a 70 years old man, and I will not be surprised to see him resign in a few months. In any case, I am 99 percent sure he cannot complete his term, and will cite "health reasons" while checking out of the job.', '>>{delnoob} : to touch on the quote, "the jester" tweeted this last night as well. apparently he/her (the jester) is a big name, but im rather out of touch on who is credible anymore, to take it as you please', '>>{SeenItAllHeardItAll} : The underlying assumption here is that there is something to loose. There is little evidence in the article that indicates a change of behavior for the worse. It was and still is unpresidented.', '>>{standaafghan} : Oh, then Ryan. I\'m not that concerned about him as president, the whole party has wasted and incredible amount of political capital protecting the President (also the healthcare bill). I can already see the campaign ads, "Mister Republican endorsed the disgraced criminal Donald Trump, and was just a rubber stamp to Paul Ryan\'s disastrous presidency. Can we trust someone with so little integrity?"', ">>{friend_to_snails} : That doesn't sound at all like Trump. His ego is too big.", '>>{friend_to_snails} : He has always spoken like this off script though, no?', '>>{MakeYouFeel} : I think the bigger questions is that if it is proven that the 2016 elections were unfair and compromised by Russia colluding with Trump, will people take to the streets to annule the election and have a do over? If what we think happened is indeed true after all this is said and done and both Trump and Pence are impeached, we would be in a completely new, hostile and volatile territory.', ">>{BUY_NONE_GETONE_FLEE} : No, he's always been a blistering blowhard but over the last few years he's gone radically downhill I think. Much more obviously in this last few months", ">>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : He won't and can't. Besides possible dementia setting in, though it is hard to tell with his personality, he is clearly a narc and there are signs he has body dysphoria.", '>>{maultet} : Oh he definitely would never admit that. He would tell you he let Russian prostitutes piss on a bed in front of him before he would tell you something was wrong with him mentally.', '>>{cosmic_caribou} : This is the dream! Psychology is a soft-science. We could label trump to be whatever we feel like his is.', ">>{Pexarixelle} : If I had to guess, it was a lot more along the lines of other people suggesting that may be best. I'm sure he didn't consider it for a second.", ">>{stun} : Yup I don't like anyone getting away with a simple resignation after breaking the law this big. America is nothing if not a country of laws, and I want it enforced and made an example out of him because a POTUS of all people cannot be allowed to break the law this badly, and get away anymore.", '>>{priceless37} : Losing his mind? His mental health has always been questionable', ">>{-SKYMEAT-} : Yes because it's so difficult to get an unappealing photo of an individual you don't like. Have you ever tried pausing a television show randomly and found that nine times out of ten you get an actor making a ridiculous face, well it's that easy. Say what you want about Trump and his policies but criticising this about him just means you cant tell that youre being manipulated by the media you consume.", '>>{youreabigbiasedbaby} : [This is media manipulation?](http://m.imgur.com/gallery/ATmxDt5)', '>>{-SKYMEAT-} : You know we could sit here all day sending pictures of presidents making stupid faces to each other, but what exactly would that prove besides the fact that people often make a lot of stupid faces throughout the course of thier lives?', '>>{-SKYMEAT-} : You know we could sit here all day sending pictures of presidents making stupid faces to each other, but what exactly would that prove besides the fact that people often make a lot of stupid faces throughout the course of thier lives?', ">>{PantsuitNixon} : As someone with experience in handling relatives with dementia, his volatile attitude and open nonsensical hostility are the more worrisome symptoms to me. You can stumble through sentences with an intact brain. You cannot operate objectively if you're unable to control your emotions.", '>>{bakedquestbar} : Yep. It\'s called "being the eyes and ears of the President." 🙄', ">>{Fancy_plumber} : It may well be that nothing serious comes out of this investigation. But Trump's behavior shows at least that he thinks it's quite possible he could be ruined by this.", '>>{Percival_Snugglebutt} : I might have been a tad too strong using that. Kind of how Trump may not technically be officially psychologist level Narc, but is clearly narc. [He lied](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/trump-drivers-license-height-232948) about his height in his official report to avoid admitting he\'s obese on the BMI scale. At 6\'2", the height he\'s used for years, he\'s obese. Include the inch he miraculously grew at 70 and he\'s just overweight. Keep in mind the [source](http://gawker.com/rumor-doctor-prescribes-donald-trump-cheap-speed-1782901680), but it looks like Trump may have gotten hooked on weight loss drugs in the 90s. If you accept the idea that Trump projects more than a twelve screen multiplex, then you start noticing how often he [attacks](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trumps-weight-problem-he-cant-stop-talking-about-fat-people/2016/09/28/891ddd3a-858d-11e6-a3ef-f35afb41797f_story.html?utm_term=.8f7a75b0a529) people on their [weight](http://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a4260297/donald-trump-fat-shaming/) despite not being pristine in that area himself. He\'s clearly concerned regarding being seen as fat at a level beyond his Narc/Narc-lite tendencies.'], ['>>{Crimetech} : The War with the President Elect and CIA Has Reached a Fevered Pitch: Brennan and Trump Spar Through Media Over Russia and Fake News - Trading with The Fly', '>>{Neo2199} : At this rate, we are going to run out of popcorn soon!', ">>{dunce_confederacy} : We're going to have the best popcorn. The biggest popcorn.", ">>{joepo32} : The CIA is one agency a president shouldn't be at odds with.", '>>{dunce_confederacy} : Of course. And Mexico will pay for our popcorn.', '>>{AkoTehPanda} : Kinda confused about how beholden to the president the CIA actually is in reality here. I remember the DoD was trying to put together Syrian rebels groups that were genuinely moderate; at the same time the CIA was funding groups that actively worked with AQ. On occassion various groups would even fight each other. If the CIA is truly beholden to the president then that would imply that Obama was purposely having US funded groups fight each other and purposely funding both extremists and moderates for shits and giggles. Personally I doubt Obama did either of those things. It makes more sense if the CIA was doing what the CIA has a history of doing: Whatever it feels like. That is concerning. Brennan says that Trump needs to understand what Russia is doing... does he also need to understand what the CIA is doing?', ">>{AkoTehPanda} : >I dont think its just CIA who wants Trump to keep his mouth shut Oh for sure. Though I suspect the CIA is at the most risk. It's the intelligence agency involved in dark shit on an international level. Trump talking publically about the things they do could be a very, very bad thing.", '>>{Psy1} : Not if the president wants to control the situation as that requires a president that keeps the CIA on a very short leash.', '>>{joepo32} : The CIA is much bigger than any one president.', '>>{joepo32} : The US Army doesn\'t really specialized in intelligence reports, coups, assignations, etc. They also don\'t have the same isolation as the CIA does. The President doesn\'t even know most of the CIAs programs. It is purely dependent on extreme "need to know" basis and the president gets an overview of things. In most cases they compartmentalize their operations and even the director doesn\'t know about a lot of them. And even more so the programs they do have going the President can\'t legally speak of them if he does ask to be briefed on them. He can try to change the people at the very top but the CIA is designed to function as a bunch of different entities.', ">>{Psy1} : If you look at the history of fascism in Italy, Germany and Japan, you'd see the army was the iron fist keeping the party safe even from the nations old intelligence services.", '>>{Psy1} : The Gestapo and Kempeitai had a far larger scope then the CIA. They had unlimited powers and had far more spies then the CIA does today.', ">>{joepo32} : They didn't have isolation. The SS for example was loyal to Hitler and was pretty much forced to be loyal(even tho they didn't need convincing). The CIA doesn't have to be loyal to president that disrespects them. It is loyal to the overall agenda of our long standing foreign policies. Also we really don't have an idea of how big the CIA actually is. Because they legally don't have to share their budget or how many people are in the CIA. And neither the SS or Kempeitai had the resources that the CIA has. Mainly because those resources didn't exist.", '>>{Psy1} : Are you kidding? The SS had the resources of the Heer and the Kempeitai of the IJA. Tell me can the CIA have Tiger tanks at its beckon call? The SS had 38 army divisions meaning the SS could starts battles on its own. The CIA is laughably under-powered compared to the SS that alone had 800,000 troops under its direct command.', ">>{joepo32} : >The SS had the resources of the Heer and the Kempeitai of the IJA. Tell me can the CIA have Tiger tanks at its beckon call? The CIA doesn't need tanks to get a president impeached or to assignate them. >The SS had 38 army divisions meaning the SS could starts battles on its own. And they all were loyal to their leader. We are talking about the relationship between the CIA and the President. And why the president shouldn't look to create a divide.", ">>{lars5} : Agencies are created to fulfill certain purposes. While the president can staff it's top positions, the bureaucrats and grunt workers don't change. So I think agencies generally keep a degree of independence in their day to day work. So it's possible that different agencies have conflicting plans. But in return politicians get to have some deniability.", ">>{Psy1} : >The CIA doesn't need tanks to get a president impeached or to assignate them. Them and what army? Hitler had a 6,000 man division guarding him on-top of his body guards. This is why the only assignation attempts against Hitler that had any chance where done by the army itself.", '>>{joepo32} : >Them and what army? It takes one sniper. Or one leak of classified information on the president to start a rabbit hole investigation.', '>>{Psy1} : No sniper is suicidal enough to get inside a division. For example a JFK style assignation would have the problem of a line of armed infantry standing at attention along the road all loaded for combat, plus the SS would be constantly sweeping the area and already have machine gun nets in the book depository.', '>>{Psy1} : Yet, the US Army could easily fill the role of the Heer.', '>>{joepo32} : It would need congressional approval or the President would face impeachment', '>>{Psy1} : Congress has no army of its own, it would be a constitutional crisis as while congress would be in the right they would have no means to enforce their will against the US Army.', '>>{joepo32} : They could remove its budget and disband it. By the time a President actually had the US Army as a Police state he would be out of office for overstepping. Either by a secret assignation or by impeachment. We have checks and balances unlike the Nazi Germany.', ">>{Psy1} : Removed with what army? Disbanding it would just reinforce the Army's loyalty to Trump as it means Trump would be the one funding it not congress. And if Trump went down the road of Hitler, congress will be disbanded by the US Army not the other way around.", ">>{joepo32} : You are giving the President way to much power. Congress funds the Army and anything the President wants to do. Without funds the president can't do much. Congress also has the power to impeach the President. He can't do much when he isn't in office and doesn't have control over anything. Our system is set up so Nazi Germany can't happen.", '>>{Psy1} : Go look up how the Weimar Republic was setup, Hitler did not have the authority to become a dictator but once he had the army on his side all those check and balances were meaningless.', ">>{joepo32} : Or system isn't set up like the Weimar Republic. And I don't see congress passing a law like the Enabling Act of 1933 that gave Hilter the power to create laws.", ">>{Psy1} : The differences are insignificant, also the Enabling Act mostly was a way for Hitler to have massive power while not having a majority goverment. Trump does have a majority goverment so he doesn't need the Enabling Act as long he can get the Republicans to do as he wishes long enough to secure his power base.", ">>{joepo32} : >The differences are insignificant Well that's a crook of shit. >Trump does have a majority goverment No he really doesn't. They might back him on some things but there is no way he could a majority to sign off on giving him more power or for them to give up the power they have. We have branches of government for a reason and Congress isn't going to give their powers to the President. Nor would the Public allow it to happen without extreme outrage. >also the Enabling Act mostly was a way for Hitler to have massive power while not having a majority goverment. It was a way to give him powers a Chancellor never had before. Something this Congress would never do for a president. >as long he can get the Republicans to do as he wishes long enough to secure his power base. Which they will never follow him that blindly or create laws that allow Tyranny. Or create laws that gives their power to a president that has to be reelected after 4 years.", ">>{Psy1} : > Well that's a crook of shit. US exceptionalism much? >No he really doesn't. They might back him on some things but there is no way he could a majority to sign off on giving him more power They did for Bush, all it would take is for a incident that Trump could use to wrap giving him more powers in patriotic defence of America.", ">>{joepo32} : >US exceptionalism much? Nonchalantly trying to claim the differences don't matter is just silly. The US isn't Nazi Germany and Congress isn't going to give their power away. They will never be that loyal to a president. >They did for Bush, all it would take it for a incident Trump could use to wrap giving him more powers in patriotic defence of America. What did they do for Bush that gave him more powers that they couldn't counter?", ">>{Psy1} : > Nonchalantly trying to claim the differences don't matter is just silly. Simply hand waving the fact other democracies have fallen to fascist dictators and military juntas because the US is special is silly. >What did they do for Bush that gave him more powers that they couldn't counter? They gave Bush the means to make the military loyal to him. This didn't happen since Bush's wars didn't work yet if they were the cake walks Bush thought, Bush would have been on the road to making the army only loyal to the White House.", ">>{joepo32} : >Simply hand waving the fact other democracies have fallen to fascist dictators and military juntas because the US is special is silly. No one said it's impossible. Just extremely unlikely. And the differences between Germany at the time of Hitler's rise and the US democracy now are very much significant. If any president could convince Congress to give up a three branch government or give up their power I would be extremely surprised. How do you believe the President would even get Congress to remove term limits? >They gave Bush the means to make the military loyal to him. This didn't happen since Bush's wars didn't work yet if they were the cake walks Bush thought, Bush would have been on the road to making the army only loyal to the White House. What? How so? What did Congress do specifically?", ">>{Psy1} : You assume Congress would have to give up all its powers, it would just have to let the army becoming more loyal to the executive branch to the point it would be willing to use armed force against congress. Once the US Army has infantry on the floor of the house and senate what powers the legislate branch has would be moot. > What did Congress do specifically? Congress gave the president the powers to use the DoD and CIA to execute people where it doesn't conflict with the constitution.", ">>{joepo32} : >You assume Congress would have to give up all its powers, it would just have to let the army becoming more loyal to the executive branch to the point it would be willing to use armed force against congress. No I dont think they would have to give up all their powers. I also don't they would be willing to give up any of their power. What makes you think Congress would give that power to a term limited president? Or would allow it to get that far before removing him from office? Or that the military would overthrow the US government? Or that the US citizen wouldn't erupt into a civilian revolt? The Culture in the US isn't like that of the Culture in Germany at the time of Hitler's reign. People in the US don't see dictatorship as a positive. Freedom is kinda of a major aspect of the US. >Congress gave the president the powers to use the DoD and CIA to execute people where it doesn't conflict with the constitution. What did they do specifically?", '>>{Psy1} : What gave Mussolini and Hitler their power was them claiming the dead of WWI and projecting themselves as the manifestation of the state as they erased all distinctions between the head of the state and the state itself. Give the USA a tragedy like WWI to Italy and Germany; it would not be that hard for a fascist to mould the USA into a fascist state. >What did they do specifically? Like I said they strengthened ties between the military and president.', ">>{joepo32} : >Give the USA a tragedy like WWI to Italy and Germany And how do you expect that to occur? And it would take more than that. Some how the entire populous would have to be open to removing term limits and giving the President unilateral control. Which something the US has been against since it was created. Germany's constitution based Government was only created in 1919. It only had a life span of 14 years. The Culture's from then in Germany and the US now or ever has never been the same. >Like I said they strengthened ties between the military and president. How did they strengthened ties? You are being extremely vague.", '>>{Psy1} : >And how do you expect that to occur? Going by how Mussolini and Hitler did it, a massive military defeat like Italy and Germany suffered in WWI. One where it can be blamed on the opposition. >How did they strengthened ties? Giving the executive branch the authority the bend the Geneva Convention with the category "unlawful combat", along with allowing the executive branch to order the DoD to target individuals that before 9/11 was illegal even for targeting foreigners due how the US interpreted the Geneva Convention before 9/11.', '>>{joepo32} : >Going by how Mussolini and Hitler did it, a massive military defeat like Italy and Germany suffered in WWI. One where it can be blamed on the opposition. Who do you think is defeating the US on US soil? >Giving the executive branch the authority the bend the Geneva Convention with the category "unlawful combat", along with allowing the executive branch to order the DoD to target individuals that before 9/11 was illegal even for targeting foreigners due how the US interpreted the Geneva Convention before 9/11. That\'s not accurate. All of those things were happening prior to 9/11. It has never been illegal to target people associated with terrorism. They don\'t and never have fallen under the Geneva Convention. What act are you specifically talking about? I would love to read into it.', ">>{Psy1} : >Who do you think is defeating the US on US soil? It doesn't have to be on US soil, it just has to be military dead that the fascist can claim supports them, both Hitler and Mussolini made great use of stating the WWI dead supported them. >It has never been illegal to target people associated with terrorism. The Geneva convention clearly states it is a crime to attack hors de combat (prisoners, combatants that are no longer hostile and neutral parties). There is no legal way to determine they are hostile combatants (this issue was raised before with submarines attacking merchant ships yet there is no legal precedent for drones). Also this is a slippery slope as you are not using the military to target individuals rather then armed bodies.", ">>{joepo32} : >It doesn't have to be on US soil, it just has to be military dead that the fascist can claim supports them, both Hitler and Mussolini made great use of stating the WWI dead supported them. What country do you think could attack US troops on foreign soil that would convince congress and the people to throw away the foundation of the country? No attack has ever convinved congress to give the President unilateral power. No attack has made congress even ponder the idea. Not even Pearl Harbour. You simply can't see those two came from completely different cultures than the US. When someone attacks the US people tend to cling onto the foundation of the US more than ever. >The Geneva convention clearly states it is a crime to attack hors de combat (prisoners, combatants that are no longer hostile and neutral parties). There is no legal way to determine they are hostile combatants (this issue was raised before with submarines attacking merchant ships yet there is no legal precedent for drones). The geneva convention never included terrorist entities. They do not fall under the code nor have they ever. The legal way to confirm is to check intelligence reports to see if they're part of a terrorist organization. >Also this is a slippery slope as you are not using the military to target individuals rather then armed bodies. So the US shouldn't target members of terrorist organizations?", '>>{Psy1} : 9/11 was enough to greatly expand the powers of the executive branch. It went no where near as far as Mussolini and Hitler but the US dipped it toes into using the dead to support the leader of the state. > The geneva convention never included terrorist entities. Because they technically don\'t exist under international law. Either they are legal insurgents following the Geneva convention or illegal insurgents that are not. >So the US shouldn\'t target members of terrorist organizations? Go back to the old wiki leaks, the US was targeting civilian vehicles and attacking them because Intel said they were "terrorist" that goes against the Geneva convention. It is the same problem submarines ran into, your Intel could (and eventually will be) be wrong and you are attacking a neutral party.', '>>{joepo32} : >9/11 was enough to greatly expand the powers of the executive branch. It went no where near as far as Mussolini and Hitler but the US dipped it toes into using the dead to support the leader of the state. What extra powers did the executive branch get that closed the gap of the branches? That gave them powers that can\'t be countered? It\'s laughable that you think the US has moved in the slightest away from a 3 separate branch government with checks and balances. >Because they technically don\'t exist under international law. Either they are legal insurgents following the Geneva convention or illegal insurgents that are not. Yes they do. Now you\'re just trying to make shit up. >Go back to the old wiki leaks, the US was targeting civilian vehicles and attacking them because Intel said they were "terrorist" that goes against the Geneva convention. First, didnt answer the question. Second, that\'s not against the Geneva convention. They would have to be targeting actual civilians on purpose. Causality of war is part of war. While it is terrible, war is never cut and dry. You need to lay off the propaganda machine. Do you bitch about all the other countries that are battling terrorism as well? Or do you just have a problem when the US tries to rid the world of evil people? Maybe the US should just say fuck it and let the middle East collapse. Then people like you would just bitch they didn\'t do enough. >It is the same problem submarines ran into, your Intel could (and eventually will be) be wrong and you are attacking a neutral party. I don\'t think you fully understand the Geneva convention.', '>>{Psy1} : The executive branch having the powers to spy on anyone without congressional or judicial oversight along; powers to attack, kill and imprison foreigners if they are a "unlawful combatant" without oversight. >Yes they do. Now you\'re just trying to make shit up. No they are not. go read the Geneva Convention and there is no mention of terrorism. There is mention of irregulars but they have limited protection by the Geneva Convention. >They would have to be targeting actual civilians on purpose. No because even if they are irregulars they have rights, if they have no arms they are considered out of combat regardless of what the US thinks they did or will do. Meaning the US only has the legal right to take them into custody but legally can\'t kill them.', '>>{joepo32} : >The executive branch having the powers to spy on anyone without congressional or judicial oversight along That isn\'t true. There is oversight and congress has the option to end the program when ever they see fit. >powers to attack, kill and imprison foreigners if they are a "unlawful combatant" without oversight. The executive branch has always had this power. It is why they are the executive branch. Maybe people should stop being terrorist and they won\'t get killed. PS neither of these things give the executive branch powers that give a path to a dictator some how gaining power. >No they are not. go read the Geneva Convention and there is no mention of terrorism. Because they describe terrorist as people who aren\'t part of a government entity. They also have. They might not use the word terrorist but they are described. People who fight or oppose against a State who aren\'t backed by a government have never been included in the Geneva convention. I don\'t think you fully understand how it was written. >No because even if they are irregulars they have rights, if they have no arms they are considered out of combat regardless of what the US thinks they did or will do. They do have rights. But they are also in War areas and accidents happen in war. War is never perfect. It is a tragedy but it is also completely unavoidable. Those families should be paid and taken care of. And it should be avoided at all costs. But when accidents do happen it isn\'t against the Geneva convention. **Do you believe the US should stop fighting terrorism?**', ">>{Psy1} : >That isn't true. Congress and the DoJ had to learn about the NSA spying from wikileaks so there was no practical oversight. >The executive branch has always had this power. No it didn't. The President had the right of Commander and Chief meaning being the highest ranking officer in the armed forces but before 9/11 this didn't translate into being able target individuals, this is why the USA use to always deny all assassinations. >Because they describe terrorist as people who aren't part of a government entity. No they mention irregulars not terrorists that are two different things. Irregulars are armed forces with no recognized goverment, the Geneva Convention states they must also follow the Geneva Convention and have limited protection. http://www.crimesofwar.org/a-z-guide/guerrillas/", ">>{joepo32} : >Congress and the DoJ had to learn about the NSA spying from wikileaks so there was no practical oversight. NO that is a blatant lie. They are the ones who passed the law in the first place. And everything they do is public record. All people had to do was follow congress or research the subject and all that information was and still is available. >No it didn't. The President had the right of Commander and Chief meaning being the highest ranking officer in the armed forces but before 9/11 this didn't translate into being able target individuals, this is why the USA use to always deny all assassinations. As long as the person they were assassinating wasn't part of a government entity and was an enemy to the State they have also had the right to kill them. PS they still can't target individuals that are part of a government entity that the US is not declared war on. It is like you are purposely smearing the line to try to conform to your rhetoric. >Irregulars are armed forces with no recognized goverment, And you don't think Terrorist fall under that? What would you say a terrorist organization is then? **DO you think the US should stop fighting terrorism?**", ">>{Psy1} : They passed the law but didn't know the extent of the program. They were shocked when wikileaks showed the extent of the program. >As long as the person they were assassinating wasn't part of a government entity and was an enemy to the State they have also had the right to kill them In many cases they were under the US goverment as they were under the rule of US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. Meaning it goes to the Geneva Convention rules on irregulars. > And you don't think Terrorist fall under that? That would make the founding fathers terrorists. Just because nobody recognizes your goverment doesn't make you a terrorist.", '>>{joepo32} : >They passed the law but didn\'t know the extent of the program. They were shocked when wikileaks showed the extent of the program. The intent is clearly written and view-able. They weren\'t shocked. If they were they would have done something to change it. This was not a secret program. It was very much publicly view-able. >In all cases they were under the US goverment as they were under the rule of US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. How did you just form that twisted narrative? Do you really believe the US took control of Iraq or Afghanistan. >That would make the founding fathers terrorists. First, the Founding fathers didn\'t attack civilians they attack the British Government. Second, They were technically terrorist against the British government. Not exactly the same thing as ISIS. Who directly targets citizens instead of governments. >Just because nobody recognizes your goverment doesn\'t make you a terrorist. When that unrecognized "government" attacks recognized governments and its civilians yes it does. **Do you think the US should stop fighting terrorism?**', '>>{Psy1} : >The intent is clearly written and view-able. No it was not. The spying program was COINTEL PRO on steroids, the NSA was spying on everyone. > Do you really believe the US took control of Iraq or Afghanistan. Do you deny the US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan? >When that unrecognized "government" attacks recognized governments yes it does. Not according to the law. According to the law they are irregulars. Even going by the meaning of the word they wouldn\'t be since the goal of irregulars is to fight for their illegitimate goverment while not all terrorists have that goal.', ">>{joepo32} : >No it was not. The spying program was COINTEL PRO on steroids, the NSA was spying on everyone. Which if people took the time to read the Patriot act they could very much see that is what it was doing. Just because people choose to live in ignorance doesn't mean it was a secret program that was unknowable. >Do you deny the US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan? They never removed or took control of the Country. There is a difference between having troops somewhere and taking over control of a country. Iraq and Afghanistan have never been part of the US. >According to the law they are irregulars. Which clearly describe terrorist organizations. Just because the word terrorist isn't included doesn't mean they don't fall under the definition. Do you believe Terrorist organizations should be seen as government entities? Why do you keep dodging the question: **DO you think the US should stop fighting terrorism?**", '>>{Psy1} : > Which if people took the time to read the Patriot act they could very much see that is what it was doing. The Patriot Act only gave them the means, this is why Congress said they had no idea when it was leaked the extent of the program. They thought the NSA would use these powers in a focused effort not cast a net so wide the Intel was useless. >They never removed or took control of the Country. So Saddam is still in control of Iraq? The US overthrew the governments and rebuilt them according to its goals. It is why hatred of the occupations grew as the US (and its allies) were deaf to the will of the people they were occupying. >Do you believe Terrorist organizations should be seen as government entities? Irregulars mean they are armed bodies of unrecognized governments, the US doesn\'t have to recognize their goverment just that they are lawful combatants as long as they adhere to the Geneva Convention. Meaning before the US can legally send someone to Guantanamo Bay as a "unlawful" combatant they have to prove they acted against the Geneva Convention. >DO you think the US should stop fighting terrorism? No as it is doing so. The US actions in counter terrorism is counter productive and destabilizing the world.', '>>{joepo32} : >The Patriot Act only gave them the means, It outlined the expansion of the Program. I don\'t think you have even read any of the ACT. >They thought the NSA would use these powers in a focused effort not cast a net so wide the Intel was useless. If they believed that then they wouldn\'t have changed it. Because the executive branch already had that power. Since 1917. And the Mass Data isn\'t "useless". >So Saddam is still in control of Iraq? So Iraq has to be controlled by Saddam to be Iraq? Who is Iraq controlled by? What government body? >Meaning before the US can legally send someone to Guantanamo Bay as a "unlawful" combatant they have to prove they acted against the Geneva Convention. Guantanamo is set up and located specially so the US doesn\'t even have to do that. >No as it is doing so. The US actions in counter terrorism is counter productive and destabilizing the world. So what approach would you take? You are extremely quick to attack the only Major country actually spending the resources and energy to fight terrorism. So what would do?', ">>{Psy1} : >It outlined the expansion of the Program. I don't think you have even read any of the ACT. This is a moot point as the executive branch still has spy powers with no practical oversight as it is spying on everyone on a scale that makes oversight impossible. When the goal of the NSA is to collect all Internet data how do you ensure that data is only used for what congress wants? >So Iraq has to be controlled by Saddam to be Iraq? You seem to be missing the point. Saddam was running Iraq, then the American came in overthrew him and established a occupation and declared marshal law in Iraq. So if the DoD was the law of Iraq how was Iraq in control at the time? > First, Guantanamo is set up and located specially so the US doesn't even have to do that. The location of Guantanamo doesn't change the Geneva Convention. If the person in question was in full compliance of the Geneva Convention then by international law they are a lawful combatant and can only be held trail by their rightful goverment else they are just a prisoner of war. >So what approach would you take? Ever heard of winning hearts and minds?", ">>{joepo32} : >When the goal of the NSA is to collect all Internet data how do you ensure that data is only used for what congress wants? Congress gave the NSA the power to use the information for counter intelligence. That is all it can be used for legally. Members of Congress can take a look at its inner workings whenever they want. They all have the security clearance. >You seem to be missing the point. Saddam was running Iraq, then the American came in overthrew him and established a occupation and declared marshal law in Iraq. When did it declare Marshal Law? Saddam was a shitty dictator and got was coming to him. And last time I checked Saddam was executed by Iraqi people. Not the US. >The location of Guantanamo doesn't change the Geneva Convention. It does. The location makes it technically not on US Soil. Why has no Country tried to force the US to close gitmo through an international body and succeded then? >Ever heard of winning hearts and minds? So you think if you are nice to Terrorist they will just stop being terrorist? I don't think you fully understand how animals operate. Maybe if the US just backed off those terrorist organizations they would take to painting rainbows and singing to school children.", ">>{Psy1} : >That is all it can be used for legally. But it wasn't, wikileaks showed those powers were used to spy on America's allies like the UK, France and Germany. > When did it declare Marshal Law? During the occupation, this is actual normal for occupations since you have overthrown the old state yet have not established a new one. Thus all law comes from the occupying army, the Americans didn't do enough with these powers thus all the looting but at the time the US army was the defacto law in Iraq till a new goverment was formed. >It does. The location makes it technically not on US Soil That is irrelevant to the Geneva Convention, it states they are to be tried by their rightful goverment that in many cases would be the new governments of Iraq and Afghanistan else they would be prisoners of war (lawful combatants), with the only other option being they broke the Geneva Convention in which case they would be tried by the International Court since the US has no legal claim to try the insurgents as unlawful combatants. > Why has no Country tried to force the US to close gitmo through an international body and succeded then? The US has gotten away with breaking international law for decades. >So you think if you are nice to Terrorist they will just stop being terrorist That is not how winning hearts and minds works, you make the civilians prefer your presence over the promises of the rebels. This is done by actually addressing the grievances of the locals without creating new ones.", ">>{joepo32} : >But it wasn't, wikileaks showed those powers were used to spy on America's allies like the UK, France and Germany. Which if you read the Patriot ACT you would know that was going on. Every Country spies on everyone. Even their allies. Do you really believe Germany doesn't have some sort of spy apparatus pointing towards the US? >it states they are to be tried by their rightful goverment that in many cases would be the new governments of Iraq and Afghanistan An unlawful combatant, illegal combatant or unprivileged combatant/belligerent is a person who directly engages in armed conflict in violation of the laws of war. An unlawful combatant may be detained or prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action. >The US has gotten away with breaking international law for decades. Because it isn't breaking International law. It is purposely designed to be in a gray area. And most people like myself think it should be closed. But that doesn't make it in violation to international law. >That is not how winning hearts and minds works, you make the civilians prefer your presence over the promises of the rebels. The US invested around 2.7 trillion dollars just on helping Iraq. What has the Terrorist organizations done? Do you really believe the majority of Iraqi people prefer terrorist organizations presence over the US? >This is done by actually addressing the grievances of the locals without creating new ones. This is the job of the people to create a government where their grievances are heard and responded too. The US gave aid so this could be accomplished and has continuously spared lives and resources to fend off those that oppose that. This idea that you can fix everything is silly. New grievances will always pop up. Blaming everyone of them on a specific thing is silly. It is scapegoating. Progression always brings on opposition.", ">>{Psy1} : >Which if you read the Patriot ACT you would know that was going on. Every Country spies on everyone. Even their allies. Do you really believe Germany doesn't have some sort of spy apparatus pointing towards the US? Right but what wikileaks showed was the massive collection of Internet data was being used against non-terrorists. >An unlawful combatant, That is only a person that doesn't comply with the Geneva Convention, meaning the US would have to first prove they didn't comply with the Geneva Convention. Simply attacking US troops as a irregular forces does not make one unlawful. >The US invested around 2.7 trillion dollars just on helping Iraq. And did less for Iraq then the USSR did for the Warsaw nations after WWII. Basic services were still not back to pre-war levels years after the US took power. >This is the job of the people to create a government where their grievances are heard and responded too. The imposed a goverment onto Iraq and Afghanistan, the constitutions for both was written while the law still came from the US Army.", ">>{joepo32} : >Right but what wikileaks showed was the massive collection of Internet data was being used against non-terrorists. Which anyone paying attention already knew. All the leaks did was blow it up and made people actually look at it that weren't looking at it before. None of it was classified or confidential information. >Simply attacking US troops as a irregular forces does not make one unlawful. So you think it is lawful to attack and kill soldiers of the US military? >And did less for Iraq then the USSR did for the Warsaw nations after WWII. Basic services were still not back to pre-war levels years after the US took power. Why the is the US fully responsible for all of that? **The US has never taken power of Iraq**. You keep trying to claim that but it isn't true. Iraq has and still has a standing government. It is there job to structure their country. If they want the US to do it then they might as become a unincorporated territory of the United States. If they don't want that then they should be building their own country. The US has given trillions of dollars, countless lives, etc for their seek of freedom from oppression. >The imposed a goverment onto Iraq and Afghanistan, the constitutions for both was written while the law still came from the US Army. They didn't impose shit on them. They didn't have to create a democracy. The US Army didn't force them to do shit. It was their choices. They they citizens wanted the citizens to have a voice for once. You keep pretending like Iraq and Afghanistan didn't want their government dictators taken down. You keep trying to drive this narrative that the US forced them to choose a constitutionalized government. The people their choose that and are continually to choose it because they think it is best for their country. The USSR also didn't have the complications Middle east countries had from minority conservative radicals.", ">>{Psy1} : >Which anyone paying attention already knew. These powers already go a long way to providing the means for a fascist to turn the USA into a military junta. >So you think it is lawful to attack and kill soldiers of the US military? Under international law yes, it is called war. Just because the US is a combatant does not instantly mean its enemies are unlawful combatants. If the enemy follows the rules of the Geneva Convention then they are have the legal right to attack American troops within the terms of the Geneva Convention. >Why the is the US fully responsible for all of that? Because the occupying power is always responsible for that. >The US has never taken power of Iraq. That is legally impossible, the only way the US could not take power in Iraq is if it never succeeded in overthrowing Saddam. Under international law as the US secured Iraqi territory it became its legal liability automatically until a new goverment was formed. >They didn't impose shit on them. Again this is impossible, for this to happen the US had to not even partake in combat against Saddam, since war is imposing the will of the state onto the other party through violence.", ">>{joepo32} : >These powers already go a long way to providing the means for a fascist to turn the USA into a military junta. How so? You do know a president still needs congressional approval to enter any war right? Your slippy slope logical fallacy is laughable. >If the enemy follows the rules of the Geneva Convention then they are have the legal right to attack American troops within the terms of the Geneva Convention. Enemies that are not part of a establish government do not fall under the same guidelines of the Geneva Convention. Terrorist do not have the same rights as military personal or lawful citizens of a country. The US is in their right to drop a drone on someone associated with a terrorist organization/member they are actively fighting against. Maybe terrorist should stop being terrorist. >Because the occupying power is always responsible for that. The US is not occupying anything. The Iraqi government is fully in charge of their country and do not have to take advice or anything from the US. >That is legally impossible, the only the US could not take power in Iraq, is if it never succeeded in overthrowing Saddam. What Law do you think it is violating? You claim it is illegal. Iraq arrested Saddam and tried and executed him. Iraq created their new structure of government. The US has never been in charge of Iraq's government or country. The US has simply aided them in becoming a free nation. No one is suggesting the US couldn't have done better job. But this rhetoric you're pushing is just silly.", '>>{Psy1} : > How so? The US spying program casts a net even larger then the soviet bloc did. Its aim it so collect all data. This means if the spying program works as intended the executive branch becomes omniscient, it knows what its opponents are doing and planning. In short what Nixon was trying to do in Watergate just becomes a Intel brief on what the Democrats are doing and all their dirt. >Enemies that are not part of a establish government do not fall under the same guidelines of the Geneva Convention Irregulars have partial protection, meaning if the "terrorist" organization is compliant with the Geneva Convention then that organization has the legal right to engage in combat against US troops as a irregular force. > The US is not occupying anything There was a time when Saddam was the law of Iraq, then the US came in for which is way occupying Iraq till there was a new goverment. >What Law do you think it is violating? Legally under the Geneva Convention the army in control of a territory is legally liable for said territory. A army can\'t just say "well we are not in control" when it has vanquished the goverment and occupying the land.', '>>{joepo32} : >This means if the spying program works as intended the executive branch is omniscient, it knows what its opponents are doing and planning. There are restrictions on what it can do with information and what type of information is actually collected. You are giving the NSA more power than it actually has. >Irregulars have partial protection, meaning if the "terrorist" organization is compliant with the Geneva Convention then that organization has the legal right to engage in combat against US troops as a irregular force. And they have the legal right to be killed by the US for engaging in combat against the US. Should the US just allow terrorist to kill people? >There was a time when Saddam was the law of Iraq, then the US came in for which is way occupying Iraq till there was a new goverment. And the Iraqi people set that government up. Not the US. Corrupt dictators fall. >Legally under the Geneva Convention the army in control of a territory is legally liable for said territory. The Iraqi army is in control of Iraq. The Iraqi government is in charge of Iraq. The US in not in control of Iraq and it never has been. After Saddam fell Iraq set up a temporary government to handle the transition to a new government that they created.', ">>{Psy1} : > There are restrictions on what it can do with information and what type of information is actually collected. You are giving the NSA more power than it actually has. That can't be realistically regulated. The DoJ and Congress has no way of knowing if the president is getting Intel briefs on the opposition. > And they have the legal right to be killed by the US for engaging in combat against the US. Right but then you have the fact those out of combat have the right to surrender without harm. So a drone strike on a weeding goes against the Geneva Convention since even if everyone was a irregular, they had the right to surrender as they were legally not in combat. >And the Iraqi people set that government up For starters there was no referendum on the new constitutions, but more importantly that is after US occupation. >The US in not in control of Iraq and it never has been. WRONG! as I have been trying to tell you, the instant the US military took Iraqi land (down to the nanosecond), the US was in charge of said land. I don't get how you can't comprehend this idea.", ">>{joepo32} : >That can't be realistically regulated. The DoJ and Congress has no way of knowing if the president is getting Intel briefs on the opposition. The NSA doesn't give and legally can't give intelligence briefs on US citizens. It simply collects **Bulk data** and analysis it through computation. >So a drone strike on a weeding goes against the Geneva Convention Under your claim then bombs are also against Geneva convention. They still have the option to legally surrender before they are killed. It is called stop being a terrorist. >For starters there was no referendum on the new constitutions, but more importantly that is after US occupation. The US never occupied Iraq. They with a coalition simply took out the leader. There is a huge difference. >WRONG! as I have been trying to tell you, the instant the US military took Iraqi land They didn't take any land. No land in the middle east has ever belong to the US. Crimea is an example of a foreign entity taking land and occupying it. Iraq is not. Iraq has always belong to the Iraqi government/people. I don't get what you can't comprehend about this. Pointlessly shouting wrong doesn't change that.", ">>{Psy1} : > The NSA doesn't give and legally can't give intelligence briefs on US citizens. It simply collects Bulk data and analysis it. That doesn't address the problem, there is no way of knowing if civilian data is getting to the president. >Under your claim then bombs are also against Geneva convention. Bombing don't target individuals, even close air support is more designed to target formations rather then individuals. There is also legal objections to the bombing of civilian centres during WWII. >The US never occupied Iraq. They with a coalition simply took out the leader. There is a huge difference. Then the US zone in Germany must never have existed. Like I been trying to tell you, as soon as ground forces step foot on hostile land they are legally occupying it and have legal responsibility over it.", ">>{joepo32} : >That doesn't address the problem, there is no way of knowing if civilian data is getting to the president. It would be highly illegal for a president to do that. The NSA also can't legally hand over that type of information nor does it have a process to store that kind of information. It collects meta-data. >Bombing don't target individuals, So you're okay with Drone strikes if they kill more than one person at a time? >Then the US zone in Germany must never have existed. Like I been trying to tell you, as soon ground forces step foot on hostile land they are legally occupying it and have legal responsibility over it. NO they don't the legal responsibility is on the government that runs said land. The US has also spent trillions of dollars to aid said country. You keep pretending like the US has neglected Iraq. Iraq is in charge of Iraq. The US is not in charge of Iraq. They do not make rules for Iraqi people. They do not decide how the money of the Iraqi government is spent. Iraq is an independent country and before and after Saddam fell.", ">>{Psy1} : >It would be highly illegal for a president to do that That would be hard to prove. >So you're okay with Drone strikes if they kill more than one person at a time? It would at least be a excuse (a poor one), that you meant to damage the structure. >NO they don't the legal responsibility is on the government that runs said land. How is Saddam suppose to be legally responsible for land the US Army sits on? The reason why occupation legally starts once ground forces move in, is because anyone with half a brain realizes once a army takes a city the old order can't do anything. You can't blame goverment A for a humanitarian crisis if they can't get to a city because goverment B has its army in said city.", ">>{joepo32} : >>It would be highly illegal for a president to do that >That would be hard to prove. Aren't most crimes hard to prove? If people lie while under oath in an investigation then there isn't much that can be done. But like Watergate people tend to hang themselves when being interviewed after breaking the law. You also keep missing the point that the NSA doesn't collect the data you're claiming they collect. >>NO they don't the legal responsibility is on the government that runs said land. >How is Saddam suppose to be legally responsible for land the US Army sits on? Saddam isn't Iraq. He was the President of Iraq. It wasn't HIS country. The Iraqi army is still occupying the land and has always been in charge of said land. The US never took ownership of said land nor claimed to run it. They simply removed a tyrant president. And has since helped with aid.", ">>{Psy1} : The NSA collects all data on the Internet so yes they would have raw data on the opposition if the opposition communicated through the Internet. >It wasn't HIS country. Legally it was, why is international law so hard for you? Anyway as a front moves responsibility shifts. This is why the world turned to the USA when the riots and looting happened shortly after the US liberated Baghdad as legally the US was occupying Baghdad and it was their responsibility to bring law and order under international law until a new goverment could be formed.", '>>{joepo32} : >The NSA collects all data on the Internet so yes they would have raw data on the opposition if the opposition communicated through the Internet. They collect bulk data. They do not go through it unless the computer red flags something. They do not have general access to said information. And any information obtained requires a warrant to be seen. >>It wasn\'t HIS country. >Legally it was, why is international law so hard for you? And he lost that right. Maybe dictators shouldn\'t be Dicks. >it was their responsibility to bring law and order under international law until a new goverment could be formed. Just fyi Government is spelled with a "n". This constant error by you has me wondering what country you are actually from. A new government has been in place since 2005 and a temporary government was put in place within months of Saddam losing power. The US **never** took control of Iraq.', '>>{Psy1} : >And any information obtained requires a warrant to be seen. No way to enforce this. >And he lost that right. But legally it was his until he was deposed. For example if Saddam successfully repelled the American and their allies then under international law he would still be the sovereignt. > A new government has been in place since 2005 and a temporary government was put in place within months of Saddam losing power. The US never took control of Iraq. You contradict yourself in this statement. The Battle of Baghdad was in April 2003, you just said there was a new goverment in 2005 meaning from April 2003 to May 2005 the US was occupying Iraq.', '>>{joepo32} : >No way to enforce this. How isn\'t there a way to enforce it? The people who violate it go to prison. >But legally it was his until he was deposed. For example if Saddam successfully repelled the American and their allies then under international law he would still be the sovereignt. The country still belongs to the people. Saddam didn\'t own Iraq. >You contradict yourself in this statement. The Battle of Baghdad was in April 2003, you just said there was a new goverment in 2005 meaning from April 2003 to May 2005 the US was occupying Iraq. No I didn\'t. There was a temporary Iraqi government in place shortly after Saddam fell. You just chose to ignore that part of what I wrote. It is also "gover**n**ment"', ">>{Psy1} : >How isn't there away to force it? You would have to spy on the president to find out, that is if everyone handling the information is loyal. >The country still belongs to the people. Show me where in international law it says that? >There was a temporary Iraqi government in place shortly after Saddam fell. One paid for and controlled by United States Central Command. So the DoD paid for the government and dictated every aspect of the goverment but this was not a occupation government?", ">>{joepo32} : >You would have to spy on the president to find out, that is if everyone handling the information is loyal. The President would have to convince others to literally break the law for him. Laws that would send them to prison for the rest of their lives. There is no way to stop crimes from happening. Your logic is just silly. The President could kill US civilians too if no one found out. That doesn't mean a President would do it. And the info NSA has isnt that specific. They don't have files on people. They have bulk data. >Show me where in international law it says that? Show me where in international law that Saddam owned Iraq and it was his property. The land belongs to the government. Not the dictator. When dictator falls the government still has the land as long as another country didn't take it. Which no country made claims to Iraq. It stayed Iraq ran by an Iraqi government. >>There was a temporary Iraqi government in place shortly after Saddam fell. >One paid for and controlled by United States Central Command. So the DoD paid for the government and dictated every aspect of the goverment but this was not a occupation government? No it wasn't controlled by the US. It was by the choice of the Iraqi people(leaders) The US didn't dictate shit. They made suggestions. Many were ignored. You're making shit up for your narrative. And how why does this make the US responsibile for civil issues now?", ">>{Psy1} : >The President would have to convince others to literally break the law for him. Not that hard, many presidents have done it before. >Show me where in international law that Saddam owned Iraq and it was his property. Saddam was considered the sovereign, international law doesn't just hand wave this status away. > No it wasn't controlled by the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_Provisional_Authority >The CPA was created and funded as a division of the United States Department of Defense > The Council membership consisted largely of Iraqi expatriates who had previously fled the country during the rule of Saddam Hussein and also with many outspoken dissidents who had been persecuted by the former regime. So the CPA was created and funded by the DoD and run by former Iraqis not Iraqis.", '>>{joepo32} : >Not that hard, many presidents have done it before. Which presidents got people from different agencies that don\'t have direct affiliation with the President to break the law on this kind of scale? And you keep dismissing the fact the NSA doesn\'t have files on people. How is the president going to cipher through meta data undetected? Your fear mongering is humorous. >Saddam was considered the sovereign No he wasn\'t. The President of Iraq is the head of state of Iraq and "safeguards the commitment to the Constitution and the preservation of Iraq\'s independence, sovereignty, unity, the security of its territories in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution" The president of Iraq didn\'t own Iraq. It was never Saddam\'s. He was just in charge of leading it. >run by former Iraqis How is one a former Iraqi? The CPA lasted 14 months. And then Iraq established its own government. So how does this make the US responsible for civil local issues in Iraq now?', ">>{Psy1} : >Which presidents got people from different agencies that don't have direct affiliation with the President to break the Law on this kind of scale? Off the top of my head, Nixon and Reagan. >No he wasn't. Yes he was, Saddam was the de facto supreme authority in Iraq. >How is one a former Iraqi? By not being a resident of Iraq at the time. Even Lenin got shit for not being in Russia during the overthrow of the Tsar and the Bolsheviks was a mix of returning revolutionaries and revolutionaries that stuck it out. >And how does this make the US responsible for civil local issues in Iraq now? We are not talking about now, we are talking about then. Yet the failure of the US to rebuild when it was occupying Iraq is the primary cause of ISIS.", ">>{joepo32} : >Nixon and Reagan. And what agency conspired/collaborated with them? >Yes he was, Saddam was the de facto supreme authority in Iraq. He was the President of Iraq. When he was selected he wasn't given Iraq. He was put in charge of Iraq. Huge difference. Do you think the Queen of England owns England? >By not being a resident of Iraq at the time. They're still Iraqi citizens. >We are not talking about now, we are talking about then. Then is over. We are talking about current issues. Issues you claimed the US is responsible for. >is the primary cause of ISIS. NO. anti-progressivism and radicalization of extreme religious conservatives is why ISIS was created. Just blame the US for that. Since the US seems to be your scapegoat for all the problems in the middle east.", ">>{Psy1} : >And what agency collaborated with them? The DoD and CIA, Nixon expanded the war into Cambodia without congressional approval while Reagan had the Iran-Contra scandal. >He was the President of Iraq. He had de facto ownership over Iraq given his total powers. >They're still Iraqi citizens. That were out of touch with what was happening in Iraq. >NO. anti-progressivism and radicalization of extreme religious conservatives is why ISIS was created. If the USA was able to rebuild Iraq and bring unemployment to a low then ISIS would have been far smaller."], ['>>{joelrrj} : Trump says he will repeal travel ban and replace it with a new one next week that\'s "tailored" to court decisions', ">>{NRG1975} : If it favors one religion over another, it won't work, and you will wind up back in court.", '>>{pjoneill15} : Do... Do you mean... Constitutional? Because that is what the Court bases its decision off.', ">>{deluded007} : What? Institute a travel ban that fits the restrictions of the court? If it's constitutional then why can't he do it? From a moderate Republican, who voted for Hillary and doesn't agree with the travel ban.", '>>{Captain_Reseda} : He\'s just going to submit the exact same resolution, but edited to have "not a Muslim ban" sprinkled throughout it.', ">>{NRG1975} : Sure he can. There is no reason that I know that he can't. However, if it favors one religion over another, it won't work, and he will wind up back in court.", ">>{CLcore} : Something that's just able to slip through the courts, though whether that's possible I don't know.", '>>{lor_de_jaja} : Just disrespectful and frankly speaking, kind of evil.', ">>{Grunchlk} : Exactly. Trump did stuff all willy-nilly and got schooled by the courts, so he's going to stay in the lines and draft an EO that's aggressive as can be. Isn't that what we want?", ">>{NomoarGazePlz} : Well the first one was actually legal and well within the President's Constitutional Authority so this shouldn't be necessary, but unfortunately we have a bunch of butthurt liberalist active judges who are politicizing from the bench instead of follow the letter of the law. But this is only a temporary setback", '>>{americanrabbit} : Well in order to be constitutional hes going to need to show just cause. Lets see if he can do that.', '>>{pjoneill15} : Appease the fears of the people who voted you in while not violating the constitution is pretty much what he is suppose to do. Now, understanding how the constitution works should be a prerequisite for being President. That is why, you know, most Presidents have gone to Law school or practiced law.', ">>{twentythree_skadoo} : We would prefer he didn't issue a Muslim Ban in any form.", '>>{americanrabbit} : ... no. You still have to prove the country poses a credible threat. The president cant just go around banning random countries', '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : Judges thought otherwise. I am going to guess that the judges know the law better than both of us.', '>>{americanrabbit} : ...no. his orders were blocked and stayed in court.', '>>{azima143} : you know what i mean. he\'ll try to do that again and this time add a non-muslim country that\'s a "threat" without proof.', '>>{twitchinstereo} : >accuses others of politicizing >divisive language, ignores facts in favor of party good shit mang', ">>{czamani} : Don't feed this troll. Account was created an hour ago", ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : Trumps intentions are clear regardless of what the ban says. They'll still carry it out by targeting select groups and favoring others (IE targeting Muslims, allowing Christians).", ">>{CLcore} : 10/10 username. Does that mean it won't survive going before a judge?", ">>{Stockpile_Tom} : That'd be my guess. They'll likely try to do the same thing, but in a way that comes across less chaotic so there's less fuss. But the end goal is the same"], ['>>{wreckingcanon} : Citing President-elect Trump, L.A. Council members announce policy to protect immigrant street vendors', '>>{omg_stuff} : Those hotdogs are good, but not *that* good!', '>>{greenisin} : Good. The Republicans have forced them to become criminals with their hate.', '>>{omg_stuff} : The Republicans forced them to come to the US illegally, forced them to sell stuff on the street, and forced a Dem city council to previously make it illegal to sell stuff on the street?', '>>{wreckingcanon} : I have a feeling that LA and California in general are going to royally screw themselves over by making laws and exceptions like these', '>>{wreckingcanon} : The Republicans forced them to come to the USA illegally cause they made it so appealing for them to come over.', ">>{greenisin} : If the Republicans weren't racist, they wouldn't have made it illegal for these people to be alive which is why they hatefully call them illegals. They did it.", '>>{omg_stuff} : Their neighborhoods suck, kids are uneducated, and so on', '>>{PlutosSexTape} : What? Please tell me you forgot the sarcasm tag?', ">>{wreckingcanon} : Don't talk down on them like that. Your not giving the Clinton voters there enough respect which according to the numbers is the vast majority of LA!", ">>{Antidote} : Lmao no California and many other places have been doing the same because it's just bad policing to go around and try and find every illegal immigrant. California will continue to protect immigrants forever regardless of how many twitter tantrums Donald has.", ">>{eohorp} : Based on your poor use of the English language I'm guessing you must have grown up in California?", ">>{eohorp} : CA is the 6th largest economy in the world. They're going to be fine. The red parts of the country would be royally screwed without CA. CA would be just fine without the majority of the country. Hope you enjoy all those vegetables farmed in CA and picked by migrant workers.", '>>{wreckingcanon} : last I heard it was 8th if it was by itself.', ">>{eohorp} : Well clearly poor education is not exclusive to California. You're proof.", ">>{eohorp} : > Don't talk down on[sic] them like that. Your[sic] not giving the Clinton voters there enough respect which according to the numbers is the vast majority of LA!"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : Your path forward is for voting for Clinton, providing her a house and senate that can actually enact the progressive platform agreed on by the Bernie and the DNC, and holding her to it in 2020 and primarying her if she fails to deliver given those circumstances. I\'m sorry if you don\'t like your wake up call, but if you think, for even a nanosecond, that supporting a 3rd party for PRESIDENT is in any way, shape, or form a way to "end the two party system" or will result in any change in this country, you need to spend a good, hard 3-4 hours reading about how legislation in this country actually fucking works to educate yourself on how that will achieve **NOTHING**. ALL of the power to enact the change you want, *ALL OF IT*, is in the legislature, NOT the executive branch.', ">>{Ouroboros000} : Trump and Putin seem to WANT to inflame tensions so they can instigate a bigger 'holy war' against Islam.", '>>{paraconformity} : Iraq was a far more important ally in the fight against ISIS and you literally just banned them.', '>>{TangosWithNapalm} : Iran is an ally of Russia. I could explain to you Middle Eastern politics to you on an extremely basic level, but you probably would not read a 2,000 word essay.', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : vote clinton vote down ballot. let the senate finance committee feel the bern. thats is the way forward. anything less is helping trump and the republicans win either through the presidency or through number to obstruct.', ">>{paraconformity} : Putin at least is not that stupid (hint: no one 'wins' a war against 1.6 billion people) but they both see the benefits in impotent hate mongering. W. couldn't muster enough Americans to actually get off their couches and fight a ground war in Asia after 9/11. I don't think the 43% President can actually expand the war against ISIS (for one thing he just banned all the countries providing the actual ground troops).", ">>{paraconformity} : I said Iraq, maybe don't brag about your 2,000 word essays until you master the 17 word sentence. Your President's brilliant decision to ally with the world's 13th largest economy hasn't stopped Iran from launching a ballistic missile across Trump's radar.", '>>{HonkeyTonker} : I agree mostly in swing states, or even lean dem/repub states, voting Clinton is imperative. But a third party vote in a deep red/blue state could actually go towards thirds parties receiving 5% in the national vote. Making them eligible for federal funding. This money would allow third parties to hopefully run local candidates, either moving the republicans more center or democrats further left in certain areas.', '>>{Ouroboros000} : > Putin at least is not that stupid Greed and power-mongering makes people stupid', ">>{Lost_Traveller_} : Why should he when You can't even read one sentence properly? r/Iamverysmart material", ">>{_BernardMarx_} : > Your path forward is for voting for Clinton Meh. She's way ahead and the Donald is heading for a bruising defeat. It seems like a great time to vote third party with the goal of helping them reach 5% of the popular vote. There's a real shot with the dumpster fires the major parties are offering.", ">>{Infernalism} : Without sounding complacent, the WH race is effectively over. It's time to focus on driving the GOP out of the Senate so that we can get a liberal SC and help shape the legislation that all Democrats can get behind.", ">>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : Stein is not going to triple-to-quadruple her support in the next 18 days, and the Libertarian party platform states they are in direct opposition to federal funding of elections. Accepting federal funding would be antithetical to their values and just serve to prove they're as hypocritical as everyone else. Section 3.6 of their party platform if you want to read it.", '>>{toadofsteel} : >Although he wavers on what he will actually do on Election Day, Fiato told CNN he plans to write in Bernie Sanders\' name on the ballot if he votes at all. He is sick of the argument that not voting for Clinton is a vote for Trump. >"I can imagine a four-year presidency under Hillary Clinton where she makes policy decisions that directly contradict things that I believe in," Fiato told CNN. "I don\'t want to have to be confronted with someone in the future who says, \'Well, you voted for Hillary Clinton.\'" This hit a little too close to home...', ">>{harryhartounian} : What would be the point of Trump defeating ISIS? Remove the primary ideological threat he's holding over his vocal minority of supporters? That's the best Sword of Damocles he's got. No way he makes any legitimate progress on that front without supplanting it in lieu of some other greater fear he's concocted out of his own (and Bannon's) mental illness.", ">>{TangosWithNapalm} : I'm pretty sure this is r/Iamverysmart material: >Oh brother. The European Project hasn't failed. 70+ years of relative peace and stability. Merkel is not at fault. You could blame the EuroZone and its currency failures for the economic crisis in Greece. That was a mistake, yes. But the idea that promoting a single market for the free movement of capital and labor is somehow at fault? Do you misunderstand the very function of the EU? The U.K. is worse off for leaving and any countries that follow will be as well. There is no widespread referendum on leaving the EU. Italy rejected their PM's economic reforms, but at no point did they request to leave the EU. The refugee crisis is the fault of the Arab Spring. Blaming Merkel for all of this is not only disingenuous, but just plain wrong. This one is golden: >Do you misunderstand the very function of the EU? Would you like to explain from your vast knowledge of foreign affairs how the world works? You are so very smart after all and there are so many of us who can't even read one sentence properly.", ">>{Lost_Traveller_} : You incorrectly chided someone because of your own failure to read a sentence properly. That's on you bud. Make an actual argument instead of tu quoque (fancy Latin, I know r/iamverysupersmart)", ">>{Quinnjester} : It's not over. The GOP is trying to suppress voters.", ">>{HonkeyTonker} : That's true, but I really would like Libertarians challenging Republicans locally, specifically because of their social stances. Marijuana and foreign policy is also good for maybe affecting democratic policy as well.", '>>{TangosWithNapalm} : https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/syria/2016-07-13/outsourcing-war-against-isis There is 2000 words on why the Iraq government and its military are very ineffective.', ">>{Infernalism} : There's no way they can suppress enough votes. Not with the number of eyes on them right now, thanks to Trump screaming about 'rigging.'", '>>{Lost_Traveller_} : Thank you for totally sidestepping the subject. Just admit that you misread Iraq as Iran and you can move on with your life.', '>>{TangosWithNapalm} : No, I did not misread Iran as Iraq. Iran/Iraq relations have changed dramatically since the war. You will notice that it is Shiite militias that are fighting ISIS. Iran is very sympathetic to Shiites who were suppressed under the Saddam regime, but you knew that, right? Now ask yourself, if the Iraqi government is pissed at us, Iran, Russia and Syria are on board and Iran reaches out to their Shiite brothers in Iraq, how did we fuck ourselves? Do we really need an ineffective government and poorly trained military with the support of a super power and stronger neighbors? Imagine Russia working with the US on Iran, how much that would benefit us in the region in every possible way. Would you care to defend the proposition that the Iraqi government and its military are crucial in the war against ISIS and the executive order now makes the fight a lost cause? Or, should I just take your personal sense of superiority as your argument? Right now, that seems the way you back up your positions besides providing links to a subreddit with a lot of posts that are curiously similar to your own.', ">>{Lost_Traveller_} : Absolutely we need Iraq on board. That's a proposition that I will defend vigorously. Iran has creeped in there because of the vacuum we left after purging the Baathists from Saddams government. My issue with working with Russia (and Iran) is that they do not have aligned interests with us. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. I was not arguing any of the straw men you mentioned. You made a silly and unrelated comment in response to someone else. I simply criticized you for it. There's nothing else to this argument.", ">>{Quinnjester} : Still it's better to have a landslide against him than something like Obama vs Romney.", ">>{TangosWithNapalm} : >Absolutely we need Iraq on board. That's a proposition that I will defend vigorously. Iran has creeped in there because of the vacuum we left after purging the Baathists from Saddams government. >My issue with working with Russia (and Iran) is that they do not have aligned interests with us. That is the extent of worthwhile discourse. Everything else is not. I agree with your assertion that Iran does not necessarily have aligned interests, but the interests of moderates and conservatives in her government are different. Moderates [have been gaining](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/01/world/middleeast/iran-elections.html?_r=0) steadily, and they are more open for changes. Russia has a growing interest in Iran and a shared interest in [combating ISIS](http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2016/10/05/iran-russia-relations-post-nuclear-deal/#3fd184396371), getting personally involved in their nuclear program, and selling weapons to Iran. Increased tensions with Russia would lead to further instability and a continuation of the [proxy wars](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/07/world/middleeast/military-syria-putin-us-proxy-war.html) we saw in Syria. As I already pointed out in the previous article, it is the Shiite militias that are fighting ISIS, not the Iraq army and not its government. These militias have been [supported by Iran](http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/14/AR2006081400477.html), not the Iraqi government. The real fighters in Iraq have the support of Iran. We should encourage an aligned interest with Iran that Iraq continue to exist rather than have some very good friends in a weak Iraqi government, a well equipped and trained pro-Iranian militia, an Iran with incredibly sour relations with the US with the military ally of Russia, also with sour relations. Iran is more important than the weak Iraqi government in respect to ISIS and even Iraq, let alone their nuclear program. That is my argument and more than 2,000 words of material that the original poster would not likely read. I note your argument that we do not have aligned interests on many issues re: Iran and Russia. If those interests were to align, would your position change?", ">>{Infernalism} : I don't want to split hairs, but Obama's victory over Romney wasn't even close. It was a remarkably decisive victory. No landslide, no. But far from close.", ">>{Roryedd} : You're rewarding and solidifying a bad Democratic Party. Because you're scared of the next four years you're willing to set back real political change and honest representational government by decades. Don't sell out.", '>>{Infernalism} : He only looks good now in hindsight, in comparison to Trump. You all need to bear in mind that Romney is still a vulture capitalist who made his fortune buying other companies, selling off their assets and then firing everyone. This is a man who did this: http://www.nationalmemo.com/coal-miners-forced-to-attend-romney-event-lose-days-pay/', ">>{Wicked_Inygma} : What if that progressive platform to which she agreed just turns out to be empty campaign promises just like so many of Obama's empty campaign promises? Then what is the path forward?", '>>{Diet-Dr-Thunder} : Actually voting for Trump gives him one vote over Hillary while a write-in does not.', '>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : How about "I\'m scared of the next 100 years." Because that\'s how long his supreme court appointments and decisions are going to last. How long do you think it will take to get a Supreme Court willing to overturn Citizens United and reinstate the protections of Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges?', '>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : As I stated, primary her in 2020. And don\'t blame Obama for "empty promises." He spent the first 2 years working on health care reform, and then in 2010 he was given the most obstructionist House and Senate in the history of the United States because "progressives" failed to show up and vote during midterms and subsequent elections.', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : This isn't short term thinking. This is long term. But a republican senate isn't going to do a damn thing about global warming, inequality, expanding healthcare, opening up higher education opportunities for more people, or approve the supreme court seats we want. I don't particularly like hillary. But at this point, between today and the election, this is the best path forward imho. The democratic party won't get a dime from me, and I gave a feeling a lot of mellienials feel the same way. However we can show our force when it matters.", ">>{reddit310} : Sometimes I wish I were white so I wouldn't have to deal with the fear of my mother being harassed by Trump supporters because she wears a hijab to work. Or not having to deal with the consequence of keeping a beard without some bigot giving me the middle finger because I'm brown and Muslim. While a Trump presidency may mean absolutely nothing to most Americans, people like me cannot afford a Trump presidency. And I say that as someone who voted for Bernie in the primaries. Sorry, I let you guys down.", '>>{Deadcharacter} : This! Progressives have to start voting consistently in MIDTERM elections. The president is not everything. President is not a savior. The Congress is the place where budgets are passed and laws are made. So VOTE', '>>{PixelBlock} : In all honesty, even the DNC was abandoning Obama during the midterms. Disillusionment with internal discord compounded by a poor support network doomed the entire operation.', ">>{PixelBlock} : Never seen Futurama? Neutrality is the ultimate crime. If you don't join in the crapfest, you must be the problem.", '>>{Deadcharacter} : Voting third party is like running away from a fight. Not taking responsibility for the potential outcome. Also, the "me, me, me" trope is driving me nuts. Hillary may not be Bernie, but actually she stands for protecting minorities and for immigration reform. I\'d rather be in solidarity with the latino community than be in it only for myself...', ">>{AlfredoJQuackus} : Don't you understand? The regressive leftist liberal media wants you to *believe* you're not a terrorist, but Alex Jones has proven you are one. It's just patriots *reclaiming* America and preventing *White genocide*. /s, obviously. Fuck the knowledge that people unironically believe this makes me want to puke.", '>>{TacosEveryCorner} : If the Dems take the Senate, Bernie becomes chair of the Senate Budget Committee.', '>>{Roryedd} : Hillary Clinton has benefited more from Citizens United than any candidate in history, and I think Trump actually supports campaign finance laws. I also think that the Supreme Court will not go against the will of the people and reverse Roe v Wade, even if Trump says he can to shore up evangelicals, or if Hillary says it would happen to scare progressives. I think gay marriage is also safe.', '>>{BrazenBribery} : You can vote however you want or not at all, it\'s not a responsibility nor something requiring apology. I say that as a fellow Muslim who hates, loathes, despises and will never ever forgive Clinton for her conduct during the primary towards Sanders and preceding the primary publicly as Secretary of State and privately amongst her oligarch donors. As a Muslim, you\'re concerned for your family and voting for Clinton against Trump. That\'s fine, but what about her vote for the Iraq War, her oppressive sanctions on Iran and her threat to "obliterate" Iran if they acted against Israel, her ownership of the NATO massacre of Libyans, her support for a no fly zone in Syria to oppose Russia even while she admits in private to her donors that it will kill Syrian civilians, her receipt of millions from oppressive Wahhabist Saudi countries into her fraudulent charity, her increased arms sales to those countries through the State Department which they use to quell uprisings and bomb neighboring countries like Yemen, her Zionistic speech to AIPAC and her apologetic stance towards Netanyahu? I don\'t blame people for voting for her despite all such misgivings i have about her. Those I *do* blame, however are people ignoring and denying such proven misconduct to justify their vote for her. Vote for her if you choose, but don\'t deny to yourself her proven misconduct, *especially* towards Muslims.', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : i dont think dws' time will be remembered fondly by democrats. im not blaming her in total, but before she took over they were gaining seats, on an upward track. than she took over and seemingly overnight the democratic party is in disarray. from 08 to 10 it seems like the wheels completely feel off any and all momentum they had. even in deep red states like washington. again im not saying it was all her, but as head of the dnc, the buck stops with her. i know the economy and cu helped fuck things up. but it seems internally the dnc wanted nothing to do with obama or bragging about the things they had accomplished and selling themselves to the average voter.", '>>{Barron_Cyber} : the problem with neutrals is that you never know where they are coming from.', '>>{nekurashinen} : > He only looks good now in hindsight, in comparison to Trump. Remember when "binders full of women" was shockingly misogynistic? I mean, he didn\'t even have to grab any of those binders by the pussy.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Ouroboros000} : Trump and Putin seem to WANT to inflame tensions so they can instigate a bigger 'holy war' against Islam.", '>>{paraconformity} : Iraq was a far more important ally in the fight against ISIS and you literally just banned them.', '>>{TangosWithNapalm} : Iran is an ally of Russia. I could explain to you Middle Eastern politics to you on an extremely basic level, but you probably would not read a 2,000 word essay.', ">>{paraconformity} : Putin at least is not that stupid (hint: no one 'wins' a war against 1.6 billion people) but they both see the benefits in impotent hate mongering. W. couldn't muster enough Americans to actually get off their couches and fight a ground war in Asia after 9/11. I don't think the 43% President can actually expand the war against ISIS (for one thing he just banned all the countries providing the actual ground troops).", ">>{paraconformity} : I said Iraq, maybe don't brag about your 2,000 word essays until you master the 17 word sentence. Your President's brilliant decision to ally with the world's 13th largest economy hasn't stopped Iran from launching a ballistic missile across Trump's radar.", '>>{Ouroboros000} : > Putin at least is not that stupid Greed and power-mongering makes people stupid', ">>{Lost_Traveller_} : Why should he when You can't even read one sentence properly? r/Iamverysmart material", ">>{harryhartounian} : What would be the point of Trump defeating ISIS? Remove the primary ideological threat he's holding over his vocal minority of supporters? That's the best Sword of Damocles he's got. No way he makes any legitimate progress on that front without supplanting it in lieu of some other greater fear he's concocted out of his own (and Bannon's) mental illness.", ">>{TangosWithNapalm} : I'm pretty sure this is r/Iamverysmart material: >Oh brother. The European Project hasn't failed. 70+ years of relative peace and stability. Merkel is not at fault. You could blame the EuroZone and its currency failures for the economic crisis in Greece. That was a mistake, yes. But the idea that promoting a single market for the free movement of capital and labor is somehow at fault? Do you misunderstand the very function of the EU? The U.K. is worse off for leaving and any countries that follow will be as well. There is no widespread referendum on leaving the EU. Italy rejected their PM's economic reforms, but at no point did they request to leave the EU. The refugee crisis is the fault of the Arab Spring. Blaming Merkel for all of this is not only disingenuous, but just plain wrong. This one is golden: >Do you misunderstand the very function of the EU? Would you like to explain from your vast knowledge of foreign affairs how the world works? You are so very smart after all and there are so many of us who can't even read one sentence properly.", ">>{Lost_Traveller_} : You incorrectly chided someone because of your own failure to read a sentence properly. That's on you bud. Make an actual argument instead of tu quoque (fancy Latin, I know r/iamverysupersmart)", '>>{TangosWithNapalm} : https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/syria/2016-07-13/outsourcing-war-against-isis There is 2000 words on why the Iraq government and its military are very ineffective.', '>>{Lost_Traveller_} : Thank you for totally sidestepping the subject. Just admit that you misread Iraq as Iran and you can move on with your life.', '>>{TangosWithNapalm} : No, I did not misread Iran as Iraq. Iran/Iraq relations have changed dramatically since the war. You will notice that it is Shiite militias that are fighting ISIS. Iran is very sympathetic to Shiites who were suppressed under the Saddam regime, but you knew that, right? Now ask yourself, if the Iraqi government is pissed at us, Iran, Russia and Syria are on board and Iran reaches out to their Shiite brothers in Iraq, how did we fuck ourselves? Do we really need an ineffective government and poorly trained military with the support of a super power and stronger neighbors? Imagine Russia working with the US on Iran, how much that would benefit us in the region in every possible way. Would you care to defend the proposition that the Iraqi government and its military are crucial in the war against ISIS and the executive order now makes the fight a lost cause? Or, should I just take your personal sense of superiority as your argument? Right now, that seems the way you back up your positions besides providing links to a subreddit with a lot of posts that are curiously similar to your own.', ">>{Lost_Traveller_} : Absolutely we need Iraq on board. That's a proposition that I will defend vigorously. Iran has creeped in there because of the vacuum we left after purging the Baathists from Saddams government. My issue with working with Russia (and Iran) is that they do not have aligned interests with us. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. I was not arguing any of the straw men you mentioned. You made a silly and unrelated comment in response to someone else. I simply criticized you for it. There's nothing else to this argument.", ">>{TangosWithNapalm} : >Absolutely we need Iraq on board. That's a proposition that I will defend vigorously. Iran has creeped in there because of the vacuum we left after purging the Baathists from Saddams government. >My issue with working with Russia (and Iran) is that they do not have aligned interests with us. That is the extent of worthwhile discourse. Everything else is not. I agree with your assertion that Iran does not necessarily have aligned interests, but the interests of moderates and conservatives in her government are different. Moderates [have been gaining](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/01/world/middleeast/iran-elections.html?_r=0) steadily, and they are more open for changes. Russia has a growing interest in Iran and a shared interest in [combating ISIS](http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2016/10/05/iran-russia-relations-post-nuclear-deal/#3fd184396371), getting personally involved in their nuclear program, and selling weapons to Iran. Increased tensions with Russia would lead to further instability and a continuation of the [proxy wars](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/07/world/middleeast/military-syria-putin-us-proxy-war.html) we saw in Syria. As I already pointed out in the previous article, it is the Shiite militias that are fighting ISIS, not the Iraq army and not its government. These militias have been [supported by Iran](http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/14/AR2006081400477.html), not the Iraqi government. The real fighters in Iraq have the support of Iran. We should encourage an aligned interest with Iran that Iraq continue to exist rather than have some very good friends in a weak Iraqi government, a well equipped and trained pro-Iranian militia, an Iran with incredibly sour relations with the US with the military ally of Russia, also with sour relations. Iran is more important than the weak Iraqi government in respect to ISIS and even Iraq, let alone their nuclear program. That is my argument and more than 2,000 words of material that the original poster would not likely read. I note your argument that we do not have aligned interests on many issues re: Iran and Russia. If those interests were to align, would your position change?"], ['>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : Your path forward is for voting for Clinton, providing her a house and senate that can actually enact the progressive platform agreed on by the Bernie and the DNC, and holding her to it in 2020 and primarying her if she fails to deliver given those circumstances. I\'m sorry if you don\'t like your wake up call, but if you think, for even a nanosecond, that supporting a 3rd party for PRESIDENT is in any way, shape, or form a way to "end the two party system" or will result in any change in this country, you need to spend a good, hard 3-4 hours reading about how legislation in this country actually fucking works to educate yourself on how that will achieve **NOTHING**. ALL of the power to enact the change you want, *ALL OF IT*, is in the legislature, NOT the executive branch.', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : vote clinton vote down ballot. let the senate finance committee feel the bern. thats is the way forward. anything less is helping trump and the republicans win either through the presidency or through number to obstruct.', '>>{HonkeyTonker} : I agree mostly in swing states, or even lean dem/repub states, voting Clinton is imperative. But a third party vote in a deep red/blue state could actually go towards thirds parties receiving 5% in the national vote. Making them eligible for federal funding. This money would allow third parties to hopefully run local candidates, either moving the republicans more center or democrats further left in certain areas.', ">>{_BernardMarx_} : > Your path forward is for voting for Clinton Meh. She's way ahead and the Donald is heading for a bruising defeat. It seems like a great time to vote third party with the goal of helping them reach 5% of the popular vote. There's a real shot with the dumpster fires the major parties are offering.", ">>{Infernalism} : Without sounding complacent, the WH race is effectively over. It's time to focus on driving the GOP out of the Senate so that we can get a liberal SC and help shape the legislation that all Democrats can get behind.", ">>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : Stein is not going to triple-to-quadruple her support in the next 18 days, and the Libertarian party platform states they are in direct opposition to federal funding of elections. Accepting federal funding would be antithetical to their values and just serve to prove they're as hypocritical as everyone else. Section 3.6 of their party platform if you want to read it.", '>>{toadofsteel} : >Although he wavers on what he will actually do on Election Day, Fiato told CNN he plans to write in Bernie Sanders\' name on the ballot if he votes at all. He is sick of the argument that not voting for Clinton is a vote for Trump. >"I can imagine a four-year presidency under Hillary Clinton where she makes policy decisions that directly contradict things that I believe in," Fiato told CNN. "I don\'t want to have to be confronted with someone in the future who says, \'Well, you voted for Hillary Clinton.\'" This hit a little too close to home...', ">>{Quinnjester} : It's not over. The GOP is trying to suppress voters.", ">>{HonkeyTonker} : That's true, but I really would like Libertarians challenging Republicans locally, specifically because of their social stances. Marijuana and foreign policy is also good for maybe affecting democratic policy as well.", ">>{Infernalism} : There's no way they can suppress enough votes. Not with the number of eyes on them right now, thanks to Trump screaming about 'rigging.'", ">>{Quinnjester} : Still it's better to have a landslide against him than something like Obama vs Romney.", ">>{Infernalism} : I don't want to split hairs, but Obama's victory over Romney wasn't even close. It was a remarkably decisive victory. No landslide, no. But far from close.", ">>{Roryedd} : You're rewarding and solidifying a bad Democratic Party. Because you're scared of the next four years you're willing to set back real political change and honest representational government by decades. Don't sell out.", '>>{Infernalism} : He only looks good now in hindsight, in comparison to Trump. You all need to bear in mind that Romney is still a vulture capitalist who made his fortune buying other companies, selling off their assets and then firing everyone. This is a man who did this: http://www.nationalmemo.com/coal-miners-forced-to-attend-romney-event-lose-days-pay/', ">>{Wicked_Inygma} : What if that progressive platform to which she agreed just turns out to be empty campaign promises just like so many of Obama's empty campaign promises? Then what is the path forward?", '>>{Diet-Dr-Thunder} : Actually voting for Trump gives him one vote over Hillary while a write-in does not.', '>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : How about "I\'m scared of the next 100 years." Because that\'s how long his supreme court appointments and decisions are going to last. How long do you think it will take to get a Supreme Court willing to overturn Citizens United and reinstate the protections of Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges?', '>>{Shiari_The_Wanderer} : As I stated, primary her in 2020. And don\'t blame Obama for "empty promises." He spent the first 2 years working on health care reform, and then in 2010 he was given the most obstructionist House and Senate in the history of the United States because "progressives" failed to show up and vote during midterms and subsequent elections.', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : This isn't short term thinking. This is long term. But a republican senate isn't going to do a damn thing about global warming, inequality, expanding healthcare, opening up higher education opportunities for more people, or approve the supreme court seats we want. I don't particularly like hillary. But at this point, between today and the election, this is the best path forward imho. The democratic party won't get a dime from me, and I gave a feeling a lot of mellienials feel the same way. However we can show our force when it matters.", ">>{reddit310} : Sometimes I wish I were white so I wouldn't have to deal with the fear of my mother being harassed by Trump supporters because she wears a hijab to work. Or not having to deal with the consequence of keeping a beard without some bigot giving me the middle finger because I'm brown and Muslim. While a Trump presidency may mean absolutely nothing to most Americans, people like me cannot afford a Trump presidency. And I say that as someone who voted for Bernie in the primaries. Sorry, I let you guys down.", '>>{Deadcharacter} : This! Progressives have to start voting consistently in MIDTERM elections. The president is not everything. President is not a savior. The Congress is the place where budgets are passed and laws are made. So VOTE', '>>{PixelBlock} : In all honesty, even the DNC was abandoning Obama during the midterms. Disillusionment with internal discord compounded by a poor support network doomed the entire operation.', ">>{PixelBlock} : Never seen Futurama? Neutrality is the ultimate crime. If you don't join in the crapfest, you must be the problem.", '>>{Deadcharacter} : Voting third party is like running away from a fight. Not taking responsibility for the potential outcome. Also, the "me, me, me" trope is driving me nuts. Hillary may not be Bernie, but actually she stands for protecting minorities and for immigration reform. I\'d rather be in solidarity with the latino community than be in it only for myself...', ">>{AlfredoJQuackus} : Don't you understand? The regressive leftist liberal media wants you to *believe* you're not a terrorist, but Alex Jones has proven you are one. It's just patriots *reclaiming* America and preventing *White genocide*. /s, obviously. Fuck the knowledge that people unironically believe this makes me want to puke.", '>>{TacosEveryCorner} : If the Dems take the Senate, Bernie becomes chair of the Senate Budget Committee.', '>>{Roryedd} : Hillary Clinton has benefited more from Citizens United than any candidate in history, and I think Trump actually supports campaign finance laws. I also think that the Supreme Court will not go against the will of the people and reverse Roe v Wade, even if Trump says he can to shore up evangelicals, or if Hillary says it would happen to scare progressives. I think gay marriage is also safe.', '>>{BrazenBribery} : You can vote however you want or not at all, it\'s not a responsibility nor something requiring apology. I say that as a fellow Muslim who hates, loathes, despises and will never ever forgive Clinton for her conduct during the primary towards Sanders and preceding the primary publicly as Secretary of State and privately amongst her oligarch donors. As a Muslim, you\'re concerned for your family and voting for Clinton against Trump. That\'s fine, but what about her vote for the Iraq War, her oppressive sanctions on Iran and her threat to "obliterate" Iran if they acted against Israel, her ownership of the NATO massacre of Libyans, her support for a no fly zone in Syria to oppose Russia even while she admits in private to her donors that it will kill Syrian civilians, her receipt of millions from oppressive Wahhabist Saudi countries into her fraudulent charity, her increased arms sales to those countries through the State Department which they use to quell uprisings and bomb neighboring countries like Yemen, her Zionistic speech to AIPAC and her apologetic stance towards Netanyahu? I don\'t blame people for voting for her despite all such misgivings i have about her. Those I *do* blame, however are people ignoring and denying such proven misconduct to justify their vote for her. Vote for her if you choose, but don\'t deny to yourself her proven misconduct, *especially* towards Muslims.', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : i dont think dws' time will be remembered fondly by democrats. im not blaming her in total, but before she took over they were gaining seats, on an upward track. than she took over and seemingly overnight the democratic party is in disarray. from 08 to 10 it seems like the wheels completely feel off any and all momentum they had. even in deep red states like washington. again im not saying it was all her, but as head of the dnc, the buck stops with her. i know the economy and cu helped fuck things up. but it seems internally the dnc wanted nothing to do with obama or bragging about the things they had accomplished and selling themselves to the average voter.", '>>{Barron_Cyber} : the problem with neutrals is that you never know where they are coming from.', '>>{nekurashinen} : > He only looks good now in hindsight, in comparison to Trump. Remember when "binders full of women" was shockingly misogynistic? I mean, he didn\'t even have to grab any of those binders by the pussy.']]
classify and reply
[">>{mickymata} : they've deleted it from the app store because Microsoft bought them and are implementing it with Outlook", '>>{-bears} : yo, you should share that wallpaper. thanks 💫', ">>{bearbear1988} : Pelosi Holds Town Hall Meeting, Describes Trump As 'Insecure'", '>>{solakar} : My homescreen. Thank you for viewing, and may you find a 20 dollar bill in your pants pocket today. [homescreen ](https://imgur.com/gallery/9OozA)', '>>{fuckercarlson} : Sen. Warren To Attend Trump Address With Iraqi Refugee', '>>{glidinglightning} : [ive spent literal days optimizing this shit](http://i.imgur.com/t5vyF2C.jpg)', '>>{WhereAreThePix} : That star reminds me of "the more you know"', '>>{Alexa_play_music} : A real one. Honest question given her history of lying about race.', '>>{piedpipernyc} : Huh? One DACA is already in jail awaiting deportation.', '>>{bluesiamese} : Care to elaborate or are you just regurgitating talking points?', '>>{Modshaveaids} : Some one should come out and say in his face - *You have a small penis*, that would flip him out.', ">>{bluesiamese} : Beleive it or not it's harder to implement or continue policy when you see the faces of the people you affect. Probably won't work but it's worth a shot. At the very least it will continue to stay public opinion.", ">>{smigglesworth} : Just regurgitation, you'll get a lot of non-sourced talking points if you go down this road.", ">>{kasuchans} : I can post photos of the folders if you want, I try to keep the home screen neat. Page 2 is for apps I'm testing out. http://imgur.com/uURJFp4", '>>{piedpipernyc} : Justify it however you want. I\'m hoping we get to the we told you so phase, and not a "O fuck, American Hitler is real" phase. This party / POTUS is ends justify means. If they see the ends as deporting all Mexicans etc, they don\'t care about the means.', ">>{PhantomDogPoopPickUp} : We've got to pass [Obamacare] before we can find out what's in it. - Nancy Pelosi", '>>{PusherofCarts} : Day one has his Press Sec lie about crowd sizes... yeah, insecure is pretty accurate.', '>>{takeashill_pill} : Trump is bringing family members of people killed by illegal immigrants. How is that anything but emotional manipulation?', ">>{takeashill_pill} : It'll be good that the people at home will see a human face as a counterpoint to Trump's frothing racism.", ">>{ghawk15} : All the time. I'm quite the amateur, but I love it. SkyGuide is fantastic.", ">>{The_dooster} : I don't think I've ever organized my home screens in a particular order. Similar apps will get grouped together but thats about it. Screens 2 and 3 are organized in order of when they were downloaded. [second](http://imgur.com/JFMCfx6) and [third](http://imgur.com/WsbLKuo) Oh and the [background](http://imgur.com/UElQpdM) is a fisheye picture I took of my sister and I in my old car.", '>>{emand720} : Why do you have 9GAG if you have reddit.', ">>{omeow} : >We should vote for politicians who perform actions, not solemn political statements for emotions. Like repealing and replacing ACA......Oh wait my bad......Let me try. Like electing Trump who doesn't even understand the executive orders he is signing with teeny tiny hands?.......Sorry let me retry Like president Bannon who is obsessed with God knows what worldview and sees everything from a video game perspective ........ This isn't working okay last try: Electing a cabinet of De Vos, Perry, Mnuchin, Sessions, Carson...... You know what I am sorry. Can't think of anything......Must be Obama's fault.", ">>{caspload} : First: http://imgur.com/BuG6QjU Second: http://imgur.com/q5T6HcS Third: http://imgur.com/5bkSzvH And the folder is just full of apps that are apple watch or stock apps I don't use.", ">>{AhmadFaridAbbas} : Because i love the interface and simple 'one tap download' option. All i have to do is press and hold and save videos/photos.", ">>{bbiggs32} : Yeah. But they are distorting her presence and I'm concerned it's going to have some effect on democrats.", '>>{HarpoMarks} : are there any legitimate reasons to disagree with the sepreme court justice nomination?', ">>{francoisarouetV} : Still rocking this simple homescreen. I can't deal with homescreen clutter. http://imgur.com/EoNEYMi", '>>{Prizm0000} : Context is everything. Understand the true meaning of her quote', ">>{prodigalpariah} : You're counting on her guest not being removed and interrogated. Same for her actually.", '>>{northstardim} : Oh and just how "nice" did the roll out of the Muslim ban go Trumpy baby, huge...demonstrations, yes the demonstrations were huge and the roll out was a flop just like your steaks, and your wine, and your vodka all flops. The "roll out" caught exactly zero terrorists, it did catch 109 innocent people with all their papers signed and in their hands. But for Trump that was "nice."', '>>{McInnis7} : You gotta tag the user or reply to his post. u/jadaspen', ">>{Jeffuary} : He's a petty man who is obviously compensating for his tiny......inauguration crowds...yeah....", ">>{Mystic_Decay} : Damn, you seem to love Google at a extreme! Haven't you ever like stop and think about all the information about yourself and your daily life you provide to them? It doesn't make you feel uncomfortable? 😦", '>>{takeashill_pill} : What, you mean like a stir of human empathy?', '>>{bbiggs32} : Yeah. This country is a black hole of empathy.', ">>{caspload} : This current phone was the first iPhone since the 3gs I've owned. I've gone through multiple android phones, so the main reason I use google so much is ease when moving. But overall, the information apple knows on me is kinda disturbing aswell, I'm not that concerened with large companies knowing things. But I probably should be... ahah", '>>{full-house-porno} : She lied about her race? When? Do you have some kind of link or supporting evidence for this?', ">>{palxma} : It's so easy to spot people who have been brainwashed from right wing media. >“You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America, **but we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy**”", '>>{2chainzzzz} : Yes, Merrick Garland should be in the vacant seat.', ">>{PrincessBubblegum-} : It's a group chat app. The company I work for uses it so all the sales people and management across the country can communicate.", ">>{GuavaMyPickle} : [here's mine!! basic but lovely ](https://imgur.com/a/VEqrN)", ">>{billslovechild} : Pelosi - 'psst tell them you are Muslim'. That mic is hot.", '>>{solakar} : [here you go. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/uvJal) taken with my iPhone.', '>>{indievidual} : Cymbal - social media revolving around music Priime - photo editor app InShot - photo collage maker', '>>{deaduntil} : Definition of "gaffe" in politics: accidentally telling the truth.', '>>{BertBrecht} : What is Flickring? Can’t find it anywhere. Just noticed it since its [icon is the same as another app I tried](http://i.imgur.com/fr4JpqH.jpg).', '>>{leaky_wand} : Yes. Letting the Republicans get away with blatantly stealing the appointment from Obama for a year is unacceptable.', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Pelosi has had opportunities to say that to his face and hasn't... hmmm... who's the insecure one here?", ">>{Trooper27} : Comet is pretty nice man. Can't wait for final release. I will hit you back with the wallpaper in a bit. :)", '>>{dailydillydallys} : One thing I really miss about being jailbroken is getting rid of that ugly dock! This wallpaper makes it look nice tho :)', ">>{dementorpoop} : Can't wait what he has to say about her.", '>>{elionoxa} : Can you please share a link to your wallpaper!', '>>{ClumpOfCheese} : Since his hands are so small it gives him the illusion of having a big penis.', ">>{-bears} : yeah, I don't know why I even put that lmao.", '>>{ClumpOfCheese} : Everyone likes trump a lot? Everyone? Is that why you argue with everyone? Because they all like trump a lot. Everyone?', '>>{Aarondo99} : >you may find a 20 dollar bill in your pants pocket today. That would be especially incredible considering I live in the UK', ">>{vidaDelColor} : [Here it is](https://imgur.com/a/kg7Sm). I've grouped my apps by color on each page.", ">>{LPet4} : How'd you get the apps to go where ever you want them? i.e. The corner", '>>{tatatatyler} : Not often I see someone else using that library app.', '>>{thebuggalo} : It was an app that displays your Flickr albums in the style of the default photos app. But for some reason it was removed by the developer (Pixite).', ">>{prophet_zarquon} : That fact that we can't tell is the scariest part.", '>>{leaky_wand} : Browsed post history. He is completely serious. Actually this is one of his least frightening posts. He is the best shitposter Russia can buy.', ">>{thebuggalo} : It's got a lot of what I want (customizable swipe actions, snooze, good UI), but it is a bit slow to load at times and has some bugs opening and displaying emails. It's great when it works but it needs more work to be a solid replacement. I've got 2 spare invites if you or anyone else wants to try it.", ">>{thebuggalo} : PM me your email and I'll send it over.", '>>{Clivelethbridge} : Hey , what app do you use to show your home screen on the iPhone template?', '>>{SoraStrife33} : Mine! ^^ Ask for whatever, wallpaper or folders ^^ https://imgur.com/a/gxYMj', ">>{HatFullOfGasoline} : i thought that town hall demonstrated well why the democratic party needs an overhaul. pelosi didn't handle the questions well; she seemed less than genuine and out of touch. for instance, when a crying mother explained how her son was burned alive, pelosi's response was stone cold. instead of stumbling over her words and calling the mother out (she was blaming sanctuary cities for her sons' murder by an undocumented immigrant even though it didn't happen in a sanctuary city), she should have hugged her. visuals matter and she's a mother too, ffs. besides that, not a single word about bannon or much substantive explanation of how the democrats are going to stop this bullshit. at least the kid at the end had a spine.", ">>{solakar} : It's a great app! Love the interface and functionality. I used it before but stopped. Trying something different now...well at least trying to figure it out. I want to post a photo each day, at least one area of gratitude, one item that showed growth, and one area of improvement I'm pursuing. I'll let you know what I end up doing.", ">>{HarpoMarks} : the supreme court justice isnt some super bowl trophy, you can't still it. If Obama appointed the justice would have you been ok with it?", '>>{solakar} : I just read the comments on my pics and see why you said that. Sigh. lol', '>>{Death_Star_} : [Showing my front page and how I position my icons. **Since my right thumb does most of the work, and it does it from the bottom right, I place my most used (text) and quickest urgency (photo) near it**. Then, as icons fan out, magnitude of usage dictates positioning. Travel (Google Maps, Sigalert grouped together) and streaming (Netflix, HBO Go, Time Warner, Spotify) are the two main categories. I list the "once in a blue moon" clicks on the top](https://imgur.com/a/8GKaH). Yes, I need to delete my junk mail account and also switch back to Alien blue, and my home screen is boring -- but it\'s supposed to be for the most utilized apps and not the novelty/games/etc stuff.', ">>{caspload} : It's actually the stock Android N wallpaper, but here's a high quality version! http://imgur.com/u9XAFWa", '>>{eatdogmeat} : ~~Ivanka~~ Melania would say otherwise...', '>>{Crowe828} : Why do you have messages on a row of its own? Other than that I like it.', '>>{northonm31} : Here\'s mine! [June 2016 Homescreen](https://imgur.com/rjXM5BG) I\'ve been finding the following particularly useful: - BillGuard for checking on fraudulent transactions and tracking my spending - Having a four-folder system across the bottom ("Local" is really handy as an idea!) - Next screen is all folders and is mainly for occasionally used apps Still getting used to the untimely death of Sunrise. Tried the in-Outlook implementation for a while, but it doesn\'t feel right managing my personal life in my work app. Trying to ween myself back onto the default Calendar.', '>>{herbzilla} : *Shut your mouth, shut your mouth, shut your mouth* Holy shit, this sucks massive balls. Dude should learn more than three chords.', '>>{HarpoMarks} : The Constitution dictates that the consent of the Senate is necessary for a Supreme Court appointment.', ">>{You_sheep} : Agree. It was painful to watch. When she did answer a question it was the same old scripted, canned and robotic response. When She got a question she didn't want to answer she spent the entire time commending them for their question. No wonder the democratic party is falling apart. They are dry and shriveled up.....just like....never mind.", ">>{2chainzzzz} : Mate, if you don't see how this is a stolen seat I can't help you.", ">>{HarpoMarks} : If the constitution doesn't fit your narrative I cant help you mate.", ">>{northonm31} : How do you find Spark as an email app? I'm currently using Outlook (as it's the default desktop app at work) but I have my Calendar and Contacts app synced to exchange anyway. Wouldn't mind trying something new!", ">>{caspload} : I quite like it actually. I like the swipe to mark as read etc. But I only really use email to receive information like amazon orders or stuff for college. I found it as it's one of the few apps that support mark as read from the notification on both the phone and on apple watch. But saying all this I would recommend it. It's clean, *relatively* intuitive and subjectively pretty!", ">>{aidapng} : I've just seen this post, so sorry for responding to a comment this old, but I really recommend Horizon 3 calendar. I find it's designed really well!", '>>{EndoveProduct} : Why do you have folders with ONE app in them?', '>>{glidinglightning} : each folder actually has a few dozen apps in them, just the first page in each folder is one app; looks cleaners this way']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{bearbear1988} : Pelosi Holds Town Hall Meeting, Describes Trump As 'Insecure'", '>>{Modshaveaids} : Some one should come out and say in his face - *You have a small penis*, that would flip him out.', ">>{PhantomDogPoopPickUp} : We've got to pass [Obamacare] before we can find out what's in it. - Nancy Pelosi", '>>{PusherofCarts} : Day one has his Press Sec lie about crowd sizes... yeah, insecure is pretty accurate.', '>>{HarpoMarks} : are there any legitimate reasons to disagree with the sepreme court justice nomination?', '>>{Prizm0000} : Context is everything. Understand the true meaning of her quote', '>>{northstardim} : Oh and just how "nice" did the roll out of the Muslim ban go Trumpy baby, huge...demonstrations, yes the demonstrations were huge and the roll out was a flop just like your steaks, and your wine, and your vodka all flops. The "roll out" caught exactly zero terrorists, it did catch 109 innocent people with all their papers signed and in their hands. But for Trump that was "nice."', ">>{Jeffuary} : He's a petty man who is obviously compensating for his tiny......inauguration crowds...yeah....", ">>{palxma} : It's so easy to spot people who have been brainwashed from right wing media. >“You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America, **but we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy**”", '>>{2chainzzzz} : Yes, Merrick Garland should be in the vacant seat.', ">>{billslovechild} : Pelosi - 'psst tell them you are Muslim'. That mic is hot.", '>>{deaduntil} : Definition of "gaffe" in politics: accidentally telling the truth.', '>>{leaky_wand} : Yes. Letting the Republicans get away with blatantly stealing the appointment from Obama for a year is unacceptable.', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Pelosi has had opportunities to say that to his face and hasn't... hmmm... who's the insecure one here?", ">>{dementorpoop} : Can't wait what he has to say about her.", '>>{ClumpOfCheese} : Since his hands are so small it gives him the illusion of having a big penis.', '>>{ClumpOfCheese} : Everyone likes trump a lot? Everyone? Is that why you argue with everyone? Because they all like trump a lot. Everyone?', ">>{prophet_zarquon} : That fact that we can't tell is the scariest part.", '>>{leaky_wand} : Browsed post history. He is completely serious. Actually this is one of his least frightening posts. He is the best shitposter Russia can buy.', ">>{HatFullOfGasoline} : i thought that town hall demonstrated well why the democratic party needs an overhaul. pelosi didn't handle the questions well; she seemed less than genuine and out of touch. for instance, when a crying mother explained how her son was burned alive, pelosi's response was stone cold. instead of stumbling over her words and calling the mother out (she was blaming sanctuary cities for her sons' murder by an undocumented immigrant even though it didn't happen in a sanctuary city), she should have hugged her. visuals matter and she's a mother too, ffs. besides that, not a single word about bannon or much substantive explanation of how the democrats are going to stop this bullshit. at least the kid at the end had a spine.", ">>{HarpoMarks} : the supreme court justice isnt some super bowl trophy, you can't still it. If Obama appointed the justice would have you been ok with it?", '>>{eatdogmeat} : ~~Ivanka~~ Melania would say otherwise...', '>>{herbzilla} : *Shut your mouth, shut your mouth, shut your mouth* Holy shit, this sucks massive balls. Dude should learn more than three chords.', '>>{HarpoMarks} : The Constitution dictates that the consent of the Senate is necessary for a Supreme Court appointment.', ">>{You_sheep} : Agree. It was painful to watch. When she did answer a question it was the same old scripted, canned and robotic response. When She got a question she didn't want to answer she spent the entire time commending them for their question. No wonder the democratic party is falling apart. They are dry and shriveled up.....just like....never mind.", ">>{2chainzzzz} : Mate, if you don't see how this is a stolen seat I can't help you.", ">>{HarpoMarks} : If the constitution doesn't fit your narrative I cant help you mate."], [">>{mickymata} : they've deleted it from the app store because Microsoft bought them and are implementing it with Outlook", '>>{-bears} : yo, you should share that wallpaper. thanks 💫', '>>{solakar} : My homescreen. Thank you for viewing, and may you find a 20 dollar bill in your pants pocket today. [homescreen ](https://imgur.com/gallery/9OozA)', '>>{glidinglightning} : [ive spent literal days optimizing this shit](http://i.imgur.com/t5vyF2C.jpg)', '>>{WhereAreThePix} : That star reminds me of "the more you know"', ">>{kasuchans} : I can post photos of the folders if you want, I try to keep the home screen neat. Page 2 is for apps I'm testing out. http://imgur.com/uURJFp4", ">>{ghawk15} : All the time. I'm quite the amateur, but I love it. SkyGuide is fantastic.", ">>{The_dooster} : I don't think I've ever organized my home screens in a particular order. Similar apps will get grouped together but thats about it. Screens 2 and 3 are organized in order of when they were downloaded. [second](http://imgur.com/JFMCfx6) and [third](http://imgur.com/WsbLKuo) Oh and the [background](http://imgur.com/UElQpdM) is a fisheye picture I took of my sister and I in my old car.", '>>{emand720} : Why do you have 9GAG if you have reddit.', ">>{caspload} : First: http://imgur.com/BuG6QjU Second: http://imgur.com/q5T6HcS Third: http://imgur.com/5bkSzvH And the folder is just full of apps that are apple watch or stock apps I don't use.", ">>{AhmadFaridAbbas} : Because i love the interface and simple 'one tap download' option. All i have to do is press and hold and save videos/photos.", ">>{francoisarouetV} : Still rocking this simple homescreen. I can't deal with homescreen clutter. http://imgur.com/EoNEYMi", '>>{McInnis7} : You gotta tag the user or reply to his post. u/jadaspen', ">>{Mystic_Decay} : Damn, you seem to love Google at a extreme! Haven't you ever like stop and think about all the information about yourself and your daily life you provide to them? It doesn't make you feel uncomfortable? 😦", ">>{caspload} : This current phone was the first iPhone since the 3gs I've owned. I've gone through multiple android phones, so the main reason I use google so much is ease when moving. But overall, the information apple knows on me is kinda disturbing aswell, I'm not that concerened with large companies knowing things. But I probably should be... ahah", ">>{PrincessBubblegum-} : It's a group chat app. The company I work for uses it so all the sales people and management across the country can communicate.", ">>{GuavaMyPickle} : [here's mine!! basic but lovely ](https://imgur.com/a/VEqrN)", '>>{solakar} : [here you go. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/uvJal) taken with my iPhone.', '>>{indievidual} : Cymbal - social media revolving around music Priime - photo editor app InShot - photo collage maker', '>>{BertBrecht} : What is Flickring? Can’t find it anywhere. Just noticed it since its [icon is the same as another app I tried](http://i.imgur.com/fr4JpqH.jpg).', ">>{Trooper27} : Comet is pretty nice man. Can't wait for final release. I will hit you back with the wallpaper in a bit. :)", '>>{dailydillydallys} : One thing I really miss about being jailbroken is getting rid of that ugly dock! This wallpaper makes it look nice tho :)', '>>{elionoxa} : Can you please share a link to your wallpaper!', ">>{-bears} : yeah, I don't know why I even put that lmao.", '>>{Aarondo99} : >you may find a 20 dollar bill in your pants pocket today. That would be especially incredible considering I live in the UK', ">>{vidaDelColor} : [Here it is](https://imgur.com/a/kg7Sm). I've grouped my apps by color on each page.", ">>{LPet4} : How'd you get the apps to go where ever you want them? i.e. The corner", '>>{tatatatyler} : Not often I see someone else using that library app.', '>>{thebuggalo} : It was an app that displays your Flickr albums in the style of the default photos app. But for some reason it was removed by the developer (Pixite).', ">>{thebuggalo} : It's got a lot of what I want (customizable swipe actions, snooze, good UI), but it is a bit slow to load at times and has some bugs opening and displaying emails. It's great when it works but it needs more work to be a solid replacement. I've got 2 spare invites if you or anyone else wants to try it.", ">>{thebuggalo} : PM me your email and I'll send it over.", '>>{Clivelethbridge} : Hey , what app do you use to show your home screen on the iPhone template?', '>>{SoraStrife33} : Mine! ^^ Ask for whatever, wallpaper or folders ^^ https://imgur.com/a/gxYMj', ">>{solakar} : It's a great app! Love the interface and functionality. I used it before but stopped. Trying something different now...well at least trying to figure it out. I want to post a photo each day, at least one area of gratitude, one item that showed growth, and one area of improvement I'm pursuing. I'll let you know what I end up doing.", '>>{solakar} : I just read the comments on my pics and see why you said that. Sigh. lol', '>>{Death_Star_} : [Showing my front page and how I position my icons. **Since my right thumb does most of the work, and it does it from the bottom right, I place my most used (text) and quickest urgency (photo) near it**. Then, as icons fan out, magnitude of usage dictates positioning. Travel (Google Maps, Sigalert grouped together) and streaming (Netflix, HBO Go, Time Warner, Spotify) are the two main categories. I list the "once in a blue moon" clicks on the top](https://imgur.com/a/8GKaH). Yes, I need to delete my junk mail account and also switch back to Alien blue, and my home screen is boring -- but it\'s supposed to be for the most utilized apps and not the novelty/games/etc stuff.', ">>{caspload} : It's actually the stock Android N wallpaper, but here's a high quality version! http://imgur.com/u9XAFWa", '>>{Crowe828} : Why do you have messages on a row of its own? Other than that I like it.', '>>{northonm31} : Here\'s mine! [June 2016 Homescreen](https://imgur.com/rjXM5BG) I\'ve been finding the following particularly useful: - BillGuard for checking on fraudulent transactions and tracking my spending - Having a four-folder system across the bottom ("Local" is really handy as an idea!) - Next screen is all folders and is mainly for occasionally used apps Still getting used to the untimely death of Sunrise. Tried the in-Outlook implementation for a while, but it doesn\'t feel right managing my personal life in my work app. Trying to ween myself back onto the default Calendar.', ">>{northonm31} : How do you find Spark as an email app? I'm currently using Outlook (as it's the default desktop app at work) but I have my Calendar and Contacts app synced to exchange anyway. Wouldn't mind trying something new!", ">>{caspload} : I quite like it actually. I like the swipe to mark as read etc. But I only really use email to receive information like amazon orders or stuff for college. I found it as it's one of the few apps that support mark as read from the notification on both the phone and on apple watch. But saying all this I would recommend it. It's clean, *relatively* intuitive and subjectively pretty!", ">>{aidapng} : I've just seen this post, so sorry for responding to a comment this old, but I really recommend Horizon 3 calendar. I find it's designed really well!", '>>{EndoveProduct} : Why do you have folders with ONE app in them?', '>>{glidinglightning} : each folder actually has a few dozen apps in them, just the first page in each folder is one app; looks cleaners this way'], ['>>{fuckercarlson} : Sen. Warren To Attend Trump Address With Iraqi Refugee', '>>{Alexa_play_music} : A real one. Honest question given her history of lying about race.', '>>{piedpipernyc} : Huh? One DACA is already in jail awaiting deportation.', '>>{bluesiamese} : Care to elaborate or are you just regurgitating talking points?', ">>{bluesiamese} : Beleive it or not it's harder to implement or continue policy when you see the faces of the people you affect. Probably won't work but it's worth a shot. At the very least it will continue to stay public opinion.", ">>{smigglesworth} : Just regurgitation, you'll get a lot of non-sourced talking points if you go down this road.", '>>{piedpipernyc} : Justify it however you want. I\'m hoping we get to the we told you so phase, and not a "O fuck, American Hitler is real" phase. This party / POTUS is ends justify means. If they see the ends as deporting all Mexicans etc, they don\'t care about the means.', '>>{takeashill_pill} : Trump is bringing family members of people killed by illegal immigrants. How is that anything but emotional manipulation?', ">>{takeashill_pill} : It'll be good that the people at home will see a human face as a counterpoint to Trump's frothing racism.", ">>{omeow} : >We should vote for politicians who perform actions, not solemn political statements for emotions. Like repealing and replacing ACA......Oh wait my bad......Let me try. Like electing Trump who doesn't even understand the executive orders he is signing with teeny tiny hands?.......Sorry let me retry Like president Bannon who is obsessed with God knows what worldview and sees everything from a video game perspective ........ This isn't working okay last try: Electing a cabinet of De Vos, Perry, Mnuchin, Sessions, Carson...... You know what I am sorry. Can't think of anything......Must be Obama's fault.", ">>{bbiggs32} : Yeah. But they are distorting her presence and I'm concerned it's going to have some effect on democrats.", ">>{prodigalpariah} : You're counting on her guest not being removed and interrogated. Same for her actually.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : What, you mean like a stir of human empathy?', '>>{bbiggs32} : Yeah. This country is a black hole of empathy.', '>>{full-house-porno} : She lied about her race? When? Do you have some kind of link or supporting evidence for this?']]
classify and reply
[">>{HeinieKaboobler} : Trump camp: Tillerson has said 'no' to Putin before", '>>{gindc} : Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Putin: "Do you want more champagne?" Tillerson: "no"', '>>{mikes94} : Old and click baity news from the original fake news site. Down vote it and move on.', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Fake news from the Trump run propaganda machine. Nice try, Tumpanzees', '>>{Rev_Beaker} : To be fair, someone in the Trump admin should be able to play hard to get.', '>>{GreenStrong} : No one really thought that Russia faked votes, they thought that they spread fake news, and that they hacked both major parties and aired the dirty laundry of only one. The wikileaks about the DNC were accurate, the truth was ugly, but I daresay that the RNC wikileaks would be equally disturbing.', ">>{DragonPup} : No Putin, that bribe wasn't sufficient. See! He said no to him!", ">>{davefoxred} : Too bad that's not exactly the thing being investigated, Breitfart.", ">>{crackie_chan} : What worries me is what he'll say yes to.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : I guess he has to hire a guy who will do something he won't do himself.", ">>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Yep, and Trump has turned down photo ops before. Sure they fuckin' did.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Putin: "Are you a fan of America\'s foreign policy when it opposes Russian interests?" Tillerson: "No."', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Sorry, I don't care if Breitbart thinks the sky is blue. Breitbart is not a real news site. It's a right-wing propaganda center.", '>>{wyldcat} : Putin: "Can I interest you in some Trump Vodka?" Tillerson: "hahaha god no!"', '>>{nrbeech} : State Sponsored Media. Upvote this so people see "State sponsored media" when they visit this page.', ">>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Which is why donnie will be a good widdle boy and do what he's told. Also why he shouldn't be allowed to become president, he's an asset of a hostile foreign power. Whether he was in on it or not.", '>>{IngenieroDavid} : Only Breitbart and Russia Today claim this. (Yes, seriously!). And it only pertains to vote tampering. [Entertainment Today has the following quote](http://www.ew.com/article/2016/12/13/barack-obama-russia-campaign-hack): > And we determined and announced in October that it was the consensus of all the intelligence agencies in law enforcement that organizations affiliated with Russian intelligence were responsible for the hacking of the DNC materials that were being leaked. So that was a month before the election. This was not a secret. **Russian intelligence were responsible for the hacking of the DNC materials that were being leaked** – President Obama', '>>{1461DaysInHell} : So tough "No Sir we cant give you want you want till you rig the election for trumpy"', ">>{MakeUpAnything} : Lol people in this thread are acting like not even three weeks ago there wasn't a story suggesting that Russia hacked voting machines in multiple counties causing a strange pattern which warranted an investigation. r/politics pulling a Trump and denying the past happened.", ">>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : No conspiracy! No conspiracy... You're the conspiracy........You're the conspiracy *<sniffff>*", ">>{3rd_Party_2016} : That's because the mainstream media is still rooting for clinton... get over it, it's over.", '>>{veniceinperil} : From the article: "Tillerson has experience creating stable geopolitical environments," e.g. places where it\'s safe to drill for oil. Last time I checked the Arctic has some pretty dangerous puffins. Gotta get rid of those puffins.', ">>{CanisImperium} : Ok, [let's do this](https://imgur.com/a/rJWoB). Here's the [original](https://imgur.com/a/CqO4r).", '>>{DBDude} : Like all through fairly troubled areas in the Middle East and Asia.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : It certainly will be. That should scare anyone.', ">>{Ulaven} : State sponsored media churning out horse shit as fast as they can shovel it. Russia tampered with and manipulated the press by selectively releasing (possibly altered, don't forget the Cyrillic characters found in the metadata of some emails) emails through WikiLeaks intended to hurt the Clinton campaign and improve Trump's chances. They ran a massive propaganda campaign using Wikileaks and fake news sites registered out of Macedonia to spread disinformation and boost Trump's chances.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : This was kind of the danger is using the word "rigged". I know none of the reports used that word, but it was thrown around a lot by the media, and by people on here. The Russians didn\'t "rig" anything, they attempted to influence the election.', '>>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : Just read a like article on Yahoo and based on an interview that Trevor Noah had with Obama in which Obama pointed out why the email content was focused on so much during the race; not the fact that the hacking came from Russia. The title is misleading. https://www.yahoo.com/news/obama-rips-obsession-over-what-was-in-hacked-emails-and-not-who-did-the-hacking-142410906.html', ">>{RussianRotary} : I'm so happy that our SoS nominee is not a yes man for Russia, aren't you happy everyone? The bar is set so low it's just laying on the ground waiting for someone to slip on it.", '>>{RussianRotary} : Breitbart is not an acceptable source. It is run by Trump advisor Steve Bannon, a known white supremacist and anti-semite.', '>>{gindc} : I read it every day. Not fake news.', ">>{gindc} : Oh, you said that previously. Lovin' the new civility rules. :)", '>>{RedditModsSuckBalls} : And you needed it repeated because...reasons ;) And if you need a safe space, go find one snowflake.', ">>{gindc} : Don't need a safe space, thanks. Just enjoying the civil discourse.", ">>{necropancer} : That is a constant on here, it is creepy to watch but I can't look away.", ">>{appmanga} : For those who didn't see what just happened here, (and once this is sensibly explained, I expect to see this thread deleted), **Obama reaffirmed that the Russians were responsible for hacking into the DNC and the Podesta emails, and this was done in support of Trump**, but there is no evidence they were able to alter votes that were cast. No intelligence agency has said in any way that the Russians hacked voting machines, or was able to change votes that were cast. The manipulation is still going on, and reddit is one the forums being used to propagate some of it.", '>>{Trontaun79} : So the hackers(Russian or otherwise) highlighted corruption by the DNC, which influenced the election. Now pretend this situation happens in your relationship. If your phone gets hacked and your SO finds out you\'ve been "corrupt", do you think she\'ll be ok with it if you blame the hacker for influencing your relationship?', '>>{usernameson} : Lol, by your logic Hillary can never be President. We **know** they have her emails. They could easily be holding back certain DNC emails too.', '>>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Whooptiedoo I voted for Clinton due to a lack of options. Only preferred her over Trump because Trump is ... Trump.', '>>{astro_eng} : Federal authorities concluded months ago that as many as two email systems associated with the Republican National Committee had been attacked by Russian hackers, but those systems were so outdated and had remained unused for so long that neither RNC officials nor authorities became particularly concerned about it, several officials with knowledge of the matter told ABC News. In fact, according to RNC spokesman Sean Spicer, the RNC hired a private cybersecurity firm to review the matter and determined that any compromise came through the personal computer of a former employee, who left the Republican institution several years ago but still had his old email account on the device. That computer had not been connected to an RNC server in years, said Spicer, who noted there was consequently no way for RNC systems to be hacked.', ">>{lars5} : It's a classic right wing news tactic of using facts to support a lie.", '>>{appmanga} : Let\'s try an analogy that I think makes sense. Let\'s say there\'s a manifestly unfit person running for the most important job in the world. He\'s secretive about his finances; he\'s a pathological liar; he has the temperament of a six-year old; and the curiosity of a gnat. He\'s opposed by a very smart woman who\'s well-versed in how government and diplomacy work; knows so much so regarded as a "policy-nerd" and a wonk; but she\'s portrayed as a the greatest American criminal since John Dillinger, and she doesn\'t make people\'s toes curl when she speaks. The choice is clear: she loses. So the very mentally ill victor decides the people he should rely for intelligence are idiots; the best way to staff a cabinet to fill it full of people who oppose the very missions their departments were created to make work; and bring on as the nation\'s highest diplomat someone who\'s affection for Russia (who helped you succeed) is only outdone by your own. It\'s obvious the Russians wouldn\'t be happy with any of this, but even if they are, why should we blame the person who\'s kissing the Russian\'s ass? Is that the question you meant to ask?', ">>{Trontaun79} : nice dodge, don't expect a quality response if you wont give one yourself", ">>{appmanga} : I really wasn't expecting a quality response from anyone who equates a romantic relationship to a government."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{HeinieKaboobler} : Trump camp: Tillerson has said 'no' to Putin before", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Putin: "Do you want more champagne?" Tillerson: "no"', '>>{Rev_Beaker} : To be fair, someone in the Trump admin should be able to play hard to get.', ">>{DragonPup} : No Putin, that bribe wasn't sufficient. See! He said no to him!", ">>{crackie_chan} : What worries me is what he'll say yes to.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : I guess he has to hire a guy who will do something he won't do himself.", ">>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Yep, and Trump has turned down photo ops before. Sure they fuckin' did.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Putin: "Are you a fan of America\'s foreign policy when it opposes Russian interests?" Tillerson: "No."', '>>{wyldcat} : Putin: "Can I interest you in some Trump Vodka?" Tillerson: "hahaha god no!"', '>>{1461DaysInHell} : So tough "No Sir we cant give you want you want till you rig the election for trumpy"', '>>{veniceinperil} : From the article: "Tillerson has experience creating stable geopolitical environments," e.g. places where it\'s safe to drill for oil. Last time I checked the Arctic has some pretty dangerous puffins. Gotta get rid of those puffins.', ">>{CanisImperium} : Ok, [let's do this](https://imgur.com/a/rJWoB). Here's the [original](https://imgur.com/a/CqO4r).", '>>{DBDude} : Like all through fairly troubled areas in the Middle East and Asia.', ">>{RussianRotary} : I'm so happy that our SoS nominee is not a yes man for Russia, aren't you happy everyone? The bar is set so low it's just laying on the ground waiting for someone to slip on it."], ['>>{gindc} : Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election', '>>{mikes94} : Old and click baity news from the original fake news site. Down vote it and move on.', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Fake news from the Trump run propaganda machine. Nice try, Tumpanzees', '>>{GreenStrong} : No one really thought that Russia faked votes, they thought that they spread fake news, and that they hacked both major parties and aired the dirty laundry of only one. The wikileaks about the DNC were accurate, the truth was ugly, but I daresay that the RNC wikileaks would be equally disturbing.', ">>{davefoxred} : Too bad that's not exactly the thing being investigated, Breitfart.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Sorry, I don't care if Breitbart thinks the sky is blue. Breitbart is not a real news site. It's a right-wing propaganda center.", '>>{nrbeech} : State Sponsored Media. Upvote this so people see "State sponsored media" when they visit this page.', ">>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Which is why donnie will be a good widdle boy and do what he's told. Also why he shouldn't be allowed to become president, he's an asset of a hostile foreign power. Whether he was in on it or not.", '>>{IngenieroDavid} : Only Breitbart and Russia Today claim this. (Yes, seriously!). And it only pertains to vote tampering. [Entertainment Today has the following quote](http://www.ew.com/article/2016/12/13/barack-obama-russia-campaign-hack): > And we determined and announced in October that it was the consensus of all the intelligence agencies in law enforcement that organizations affiliated with Russian intelligence were responsible for the hacking of the DNC materials that were being leaked. So that was a month before the election. This was not a secret. **Russian intelligence were responsible for the hacking of the DNC materials that were being leaked** – President Obama', ">>{MakeUpAnything} : Lol people in this thread are acting like not even three weeks ago there wasn't a story suggesting that Russia hacked voting machines in multiple counties causing a strange pattern which warranted an investigation. r/politics pulling a Trump and denying the past happened.", ">>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : No conspiracy! No conspiracy... You're the conspiracy........You're the conspiracy *<sniffff>*", ">>{3rd_Party_2016} : That's because the mainstream media is still rooting for clinton... get over it, it's over.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : It certainly will be. That should scare anyone.', ">>{Ulaven} : State sponsored media churning out horse shit as fast as they can shovel it. Russia tampered with and manipulated the press by selectively releasing (possibly altered, don't forget the Cyrillic characters found in the metadata of some emails) emails through WikiLeaks intended to hurt the Clinton campaign and improve Trump's chances. They ran a massive propaganda campaign using Wikileaks and fake news sites registered out of Macedonia to spread disinformation and boost Trump's chances.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : This was kind of the danger is using the word "rigged". I know none of the reports used that word, but it was thrown around a lot by the media, and by people on here. The Russians didn\'t "rig" anything, they attempted to influence the election.', '>>{AwkwardBurritoChick} : Just read a like article on Yahoo and based on an interview that Trevor Noah had with Obama in which Obama pointed out why the email content was focused on so much during the race; not the fact that the hacking came from Russia. The title is misleading. https://www.yahoo.com/news/obama-rips-obsession-over-what-was-in-hacked-emails-and-not-who-did-the-hacking-142410906.html', '>>{RussianRotary} : Breitbart is not an acceptable source. It is run by Trump advisor Steve Bannon, a known white supremacist and anti-semite.', '>>{gindc} : I read it every day. Not fake news.', ">>{gindc} : Oh, you said that previously. Lovin' the new civility rules. :)", '>>{RedditModsSuckBalls} : And you needed it repeated because...reasons ;) And if you need a safe space, go find one snowflake.', ">>{gindc} : Don't need a safe space, thanks. Just enjoying the civil discourse.", ">>{necropancer} : That is a constant on here, it is creepy to watch but I can't look away.", ">>{appmanga} : For those who didn't see what just happened here, (and once this is sensibly explained, I expect to see this thread deleted), **Obama reaffirmed that the Russians were responsible for hacking into the DNC and the Podesta emails, and this was done in support of Trump**, but there is no evidence they were able to alter votes that were cast. No intelligence agency has said in any way that the Russians hacked voting machines, or was able to change votes that were cast. The manipulation is still going on, and reddit is one the forums being used to propagate some of it.", '>>{Trontaun79} : So the hackers(Russian or otherwise) highlighted corruption by the DNC, which influenced the election. Now pretend this situation happens in your relationship. If your phone gets hacked and your SO finds out you\'ve been "corrupt", do you think she\'ll be ok with it if you blame the hacker for influencing your relationship?', '>>{usernameson} : Lol, by your logic Hillary can never be President. We **know** they have her emails. They could easily be holding back certain DNC emails too.', '>>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Whooptiedoo I voted for Clinton due to a lack of options. Only preferred her over Trump because Trump is ... Trump.', '>>{astro_eng} : Federal authorities concluded months ago that as many as two email systems associated with the Republican National Committee had been attacked by Russian hackers, but those systems were so outdated and had remained unused for so long that neither RNC officials nor authorities became particularly concerned about it, several officials with knowledge of the matter told ABC News. In fact, according to RNC spokesman Sean Spicer, the RNC hired a private cybersecurity firm to review the matter and determined that any compromise came through the personal computer of a former employee, who left the Republican institution several years ago but still had his old email account on the device. That computer had not been connected to an RNC server in years, said Spicer, who noted there was consequently no way for RNC systems to be hacked.', ">>{lars5} : It's a classic right wing news tactic of using facts to support a lie.", '>>{appmanga} : Let\'s try an analogy that I think makes sense. Let\'s say there\'s a manifestly unfit person running for the most important job in the world. He\'s secretive about his finances; he\'s a pathological liar; he has the temperament of a six-year old; and the curiosity of a gnat. He\'s opposed by a very smart woman who\'s well-versed in how government and diplomacy work; knows so much so regarded as a "policy-nerd" and a wonk; but she\'s portrayed as a the greatest American criminal since John Dillinger, and she doesn\'t make people\'s toes curl when she speaks. The choice is clear: she loses. So the very mentally ill victor decides the people he should rely for intelligence are idiots; the best way to staff a cabinet to fill it full of people who oppose the very missions their departments were created to make work; and bring on as the nation\'s highest diplomat someone who\'s affection for Russia (who helped you succeed) is only outdone by your own. It\'s obvious the Russians wouldn\'t be happy with any of this, but even if they are, why should we blame the person who\'s kissing the Russian\'s ass? Is that the question you meant to ask?', ">>{Trontaun79} : nice dodge, don't expect a quality response if you wont give one yourself", ">>{appmanga} : I really wasn't expecting a quality response from anyone who equates a romantic relationship to a government."]]
classify and reply
[">>{EuropoBob} : I'd just like to remind everyone that Trump was prepared to give Kasich control over foreign and domestic policy if he would be the VP. Donald would simply be a figurehead, so the Trump administration will probably be the Pence administration.", '>>{wodthing} : Oh, goody.. is there something like a Christian Burka I can get tailored, so I can avoid the rush?', '>>{NeverHadTheLatin} : Trump supporters, here\'s your main man\'s right hand man: https://twitter.com/GovPenceIN/status/509032682555457536?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4610712/mike-pence-nafta http://www.ontheissues.org/Governor/Mike_Pence_Free_Trade.htm "Voted NO on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization." What the fuck have you done.', ">>{EuropoBob} : I hope that's not an unwanted pregnancy puke, no more abortion rights in 6 months time.", ">>{ice_blue_222} : I'm a big Pence fan. This is gonna be great, he'll be a fantastic VP. January can't come soon enough.", ">>{pgabrielfreak} : LOL, u/EuropoBob that's….not really so funny.", ">>{SchwarzerKaffee} : Lost popular vote. Check. Dumb as a rock. Check. Let's VP be President. Check. Orange is the new W.", ">>{EuropoBob} : Sure, they'll still happen... in the shadows, in fear of fines and/or prison, not to mention the increased risk of injury or death to the mother.", '>>{EagleOfMay} : George W Bush had his VP run his transition team and we all saw how well that worked out. /s', '>>{Lutheritus} : I expect trafficking in the morning after pill, hopefully that will decrease the coat hangar method. And yes people like Pence consider the morning after pill a form of abortion.', '>>{slinkymaster} : Someone who can still post in r/The_Donald please let them know that [Steven Mnuchin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Mnuchin), who is being floated as potential Secretary of Treasury, used to work for SOROS FUND MANAGEMENT and watch their heads explode.', ">>{EuropoBob} : True, I hope women aren't forced into that situation, though. Women in Ireland need to deal in illegal abortion pills and sometimes need to leave the country to get an abortion.", ">>{HashRunner} : They don't know or care. All they wanted to do was win.", ">>{kiarra33} : I wish it would have been Kaisich. Trump's going to use the presidency for his business, oh well.", '>>{kiarra33} : Love that last quote. This is really like the 2000 election all over again', ">>{kiarra33} : Dude they don't care. They only care about illegal immigration and donald.", '>>{slinkymaster} : They think Soros is some omnipotent nefarious figure controlling the world.', ">>{kiarra33} : I know but if Trump does it doesn't matter."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{EuropoBob} : I'd just like to remind everyone that Trump was prepared to give Kasich control over foreign and domestic policy if he would be the VP. Donald would simply be a figurehead, so the Trump administration will probably be the Pence administration.", '>>{wodthing} : Oh, goody.. is there something like a Christian Burka I can get tailored, so I can avoid the rush?', '>>{NeverHadTheLatin} : Trump supporters, here\'s your main man\'s right hand man: https://twitter.com/GovPenceIN/status/509032682555457536?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4610712/mike-pence-nafta http://www.ontheissues.org/Governor/Mike_Pence_Free_Trade.htm "Voted NO on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization." What the fuck have you done.', ">>{EuropoBob} : I hope that's not an unwanted pregnancy puke, no more abortion rights in 6 months time.", ">>{ice_blue_222} : I'm a big Pence fan. This is gonna be great, he'll be a fantastic VP. January can't come soon enough.", ">>{pgabrielfreak} : LOL, u/EuropoBob that's….not really so funny.", ">>{SchwarzerKaffee} : Lost popular vote. Check. Dumb as a rock. Check. Let's VP be President. Check. Orange is the new W.", ">>{EuropoBob} : Sure, they'll still happen... in the shadows, in fear of fines and/or prison, not to mention the increased risk of injury or death to the mother.", '>>{EagleOfMay} : George W Bush had his VP run his transition team and we all saw how well that worked out. /s', '>>{Lutheritus} : I expect trafficking in the morning after pill, hopefully that will decrease the coat hangar method. And yes people like Pence consider the morning after pill a form of abortion.', '>>{slinkymaster} : Someone who can still post in r/The_Donald please let them know that [Steven Mnuchin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Mnuchin), who is being floated as potential Secretary of Treasury, used to work for SOROS FUND MANAGEMENT and watch their heads explode.', ">>{EuropoBob} : True, I hope women aren't forced into that situation, though. Women in Ireland need to deal in illegal abortion pills and sometimes need to leave the country to get an abortion.", ">>{HashRunner} : They don't know or care. All they wanted to do was win.", ">>{kiarra33} : I wish it would have been Kaisich. Trump's going to use the presidency for his business, oh well.", '>>{kiarra33} : Love that last quote. This is really like the 2000 election all over again', ">>{kiarra33} : Dude they don't care. They only care about illegal immigration and donald.", '>>{slinkymaster} : They think Soros is some omnipotent nefarious figure controlling the world.', ">>{kiarra33} : I know but if Trump does it doesn't matter."]]
classify and reply
['>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : > See, those can’t all be simultaneously true. The thing about a good lie is that it doesn’t contradict your old lie. A good lie doesn’t crap all over the lie you just told five seconds ago. A good lie doesn’t saw off the limb that your idiot supporters just climbed up. Pro-tip: if you’re going to claim your candidate has a highly contagious infection that caused her to pass out (after exhausting a bunch of other absurd excuses), don’t send her to the home of her vulnerable newborn granddaughter, then have her hug all over a little kid on the street while declaring how great she feels, then suddenly cancel a bunch of her events because she’s so ill. I know politics in 2016 are insane, but is it too much to ask that our politicians at least try to peddle some internally consistent lies? this has been obvious from the start of the primaries, maybe even before.', '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : The limb that her idiot supporters have climbed upon - spectacular! Her minions have been parroting back anout overheating on here, so much, they they had to shift gears to the pneumonia. I am sure they are frustrated. Quieter than usual from the typical offenders too - perhaps having a meeting to strategize? Perhaps waiting to see if Clinton will be stepping down?', ">>{david_2017} : Ginsburg: Trump Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is 'very easy to get along with'", ">>{m1a2c2kali} : Maybe if enough liberals praise gorsuch, the tide will turn from the republican side and they won't confirm him? just go and release statements saying we all believe gorsuch will vote for pro choice policies and we absolutely want him on the bench. Worth a try lol", '>>{o_bama2016} : Mr McConnell, if Trump came out tomorrow and admitted to being a grand wizard while simultaneously murdering an infant, would you revoke your Trump endorsement? "Yes" HEADLINES:"McConnell says revoking Trump endorsement is a possibility"', ">>{SATexas1} : The second I heard them say she overheated I called bullshit I live in Texas but I'm from NY - I was like, it's not hot there now Sure enough, checked the weather and it was in the 70's They're ridiculous liars - the truth is like a better story than the lie", '>>{DrScientist812} : McConnell should just make up his fucking mind about which wrong side of history he wants to be on.', '>>{the_schlonger} : Oh, boo hoo! Little Bitch McConnell got his panties in a twist?', '>>{FricasseeingRabbit} : imagine all those people typing all morning that "she\'s wearing a jacket and likely bulletproof vest. It\'s hot and humid in the city." Only to have the rug ripped out from them with a pneumonia diagnosis that admits they\'ve been lying. And which itself is an obvious lie when looked at with even a touch of scrutiny. Imagine trying to defend this woman full-time. It has to be exhausting.', '>>{RIPrince} : Florida AG Asked Trump for Donation Before Nixing Trump U Lawsuit', ">>{wankl5} : Can't wait to see you replaced Ginsburg. Tick tock", ">>{IbanezDavy} : The worst part is they are shameless in their lying. The amount of times I argue with Clinton supporters and they post irrelevant links that 'support' nothing they say is ridiculous. As if just providing links of any kind means you are right. Additionally, they will flat out cherrypick data like no ones business.", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Cool, if there's a second opening Gorsuch can fill that one. But **this** open seat doesn't get filled by anyone but Garland.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Apparently people think it's impossible to get overheated and dehydrated and fall, and for those things to happen because of underlying pneumonia.", '>>{KingPickle} : If a turtle changes its mind, does anyone care? These are the thoughts that keep me up at night...', '>>{RIPrince} : >"When I want something I get it," the presumptive Republican nominee said at an Iowa rally in January. "When I call, they kiss my ass. It\'s true." Crooked Donald.', '>>{hwkns} : The quid pro quo (s) are going to start coming out of the woodwork and the sheer number and magnitude and will either amuse, confirm or shock .The US is about to get an interesting teaching moment on what the "Art of the Deal" is about.', ">>{leontes} : Either be with the losers - trump or keep his dignity- not trump. It's a tough call- he's been working on undermining his dignity for a long time and it may feel bad to do something with character.", '>>{LurKingMachinest} : Live on Long Island, can confirm, mid 70s. And all her blind sheep persistently say "it was 90 degrees!". No, just stop.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Why? Would 'better liars' alter the narrative carried by donalds? If the truth won't, then it's safe to say 'better lies' won't, yes?", '>>{samual_clemens} : thats how it works dont hate the player, change the game', ">>{SATexas1} : It was 9:30 in the morning - here in Texas today at 9:30 it was 83 degrees There was a news story yesterday talking about the stifling heat she struggled with and she was wearing all black.. She was wearing blue It's so bad it's scary", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : I still find it hard to believe Gorush baptized that baby atheist, took away it's Bushmaster and *still* let the mother late-term abort it.", '>>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Well, his credit card company will miss hi- his checks. Also, MetalSlime? BeDragon FTW', ">>{OdinSQL} : For some reason Hillary get's overheated and falls down often. 2005 passes out, 2009 falls and breaks elbow, 2012 falls and hits head resulting in concussion, 2016 falls and has to be dragged into a van.", ">>{RIPrince} : What's being described is a felony. I'd rather have someone change the system that doesn't scam poor people and then use political influence to squash their opportunity for justice.", ">>{Manafort} : You're right, pneumonia is just some alt-right conspiracy. lol", ">>{DrScientist812} : I'm surprised he thinks he has any dignity left.", ">>{LurKingMachinest} : Cannot stand media. How loosely governed they are is MADDENING. All other walks of life, lying isn't ok, but where it matters the most... Perfectly OK.", ">>{wankl5} : > Years from now, people will remember her name, her actions, her rulings, and her influence. Too bad people will remember Donald Trump for much more including your kids and grandkids and so on will learn about him. Decades from now, your average joe won't remember her but they will know the name Trump. > When you die, you'll just be dead. That's true for like 99.9% of people in the world.", ">>{El_Cromulente} : He really doesn't seem that bad, though I'm not sure whether or not that's Stockholm syndrome settling in", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : If McConnell has tortoise anything, it's that Donald's gonna have to work like shell to get establishment Republicans on his side.", ">>{Madame_Presidente} : Yeah she's lying just like climate change is a lie and vaccines really cause autism lol. Try again, Trumpeteers.", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : When the senate and house leaders both are weary about the party nominee, shit is bad.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : What? You'll have to clarify what this even means. I guess some buzzwords and 'lol' *do* work to distract from reality in this age of meme politics though.", ">>{PapaBat} : The country will inevitably turn on Trump, whether he becomes president or not. Trump's policies are insane and the man has defined himself as a bigot with major psychological issues. The Republicans who endorse Trump now are going to have a stigma attached to them later.", '>>{escalation} : Justice may be blindfolded, but knows when her pocket is heavy', '>>{treerat} : McConnell is a coward. The Trump nomination shows us who the cowards are.', '>>{samual_clemens} : actually, whats being described is business as usual pretending that people who never have to bribe their way around the system are somehow superior to those who actually do have to bribe their way around the system, is intellectual dishonesty its neither of their fault the system is the way it is, and neither particularly likes it but you hate the player ...', '>>{MimonFishbaum} : At least play up the fact the temperature would be higher in a large group of people. These are just lazy lies.', '>>{NumberT3n} : I did not have sexual relations with that email server - Hillary (C)linton', ">>{Ulaven} : Love it, Trump supporters are more than happy to dismiss multiple felonies( bribery in FL and TX that we know of so far) and overt racism on display from their candidate on a daily basis. Donald's long con on the uneducated is paying off for him.", '>>{El_Cromulente} : Trump will be remembered for the attempted subversion of democracy. And more than 99.9% of people who die are dead', ">>{RIPrince} : There's a difference between donating for influence on policy and donating to get a legal suit that hurt poor people dropped. Donald is scum. The man in your username would think so too, well, if it was spelled correctly.", ">>{Cernywerty} : She overheated. Then it magically became pneumonia that was diagnosed days prior, but somehow she still was magically alright after stopping by her daughter's place and emerged with the vigor of a thousand suns with the most blatant staged hug of a child ive ever seen.", '>>{muxman} : > Imagine trying to defend this woman full-time. It has to be exhausting. Not for the right kind of people. To them it would be fun upon fun to keep throwing lies out to the public and to have their lies be national and even international news. I would imagine she has those kind of people working in those positions.', ">>{makeitproductive} : As a Clinton supporter I don't see the problem. It's perfectly normal to have allergies that progress to a pneumonia, that happens to present itself as a heat stroke that makes metal fall out of your pants. Who hasn't had one of those? She even spontaneously hugged a cute young ninja girl that got past security. While suffering from Pneumonia. We should be discussing how mysoginistic it is to have this election focused on being strong and healthy and on being able to stand up just because she's a woman. Although it's good the democratic candidate is not bernie because he's so old and frail! Or maybe we should be focusing on how determined and strong she is to show up despite the Pneumonia, a real FDR. We real people, totally not CTR, haven't decided on which yet.", '>>{Tryhard13} : They hired DWS after she rigged the election against Bernie. Thats some top level recruitment of liars if I have ever seen it. Just a thought, maybe they should STOP hiring liars. Give telling the truth a shot for a decade or so.', ">>{Adamj1} : Gorsuch was also the law clerk for Kennedy decades ago. If he's confirmed (which he shouldn't be), he would probably work well with most of the bench.", ">>{muxman} : > The worst part is they are shameless in their lying. I don't think that's the worst part. I think the worst part is how so many of the public know she's lying all the time but are so completely willing to let it pass like it doesn't mean anything. If you were running a business you wouldn't accept that from your employees would you? Think of it like that because she's supposed to be our, as in the people's, employee.", '>>{Circumvented} : Her best friend was Scalia so while I trust her judgement in jurisprudence I dont trust her judgement in Conservative men.', ">>{El_Cromulente} : Of course he shouldn't have it, but not because of anything he's done. He shouldn't have it because the seat was held for him by obstructionist houses for over a year", '>>{samual_clemens} : no, politicians and officials are either " accessible " or they aint you think that someone who sells themselves for policy, which is enduring and affects everyone thereafter, is somehow better than someone who sells themselves for a one off decision ? thats just laughable', ">>{black_krim} : Scalia was undoubtedly intelligent, but it's a stretch to call him a good man. He was perfectly willing to put those intellectual powers to use to screw over certain groups (notably LGBT) and happy even to bend his own theories of jurisprudence to allow for those prejudices. I would argue that Scalia was embodied proof that intelligence does not equate to goodness.", '>>{RIPrince} : > you think that someone who sells themselves for policy, which is enduring and affects everyone thereafter, is somehow better than someone who sells themselves for a one off decision ? Influencing policy isn\'t dictating it. For every piece of legislation a particular politician has hundreds of competing interests. The most you can do is influence it and not dictate it. With this suit there is one interest (Trump\'s), and his money directly overruled the plight of the victims. If you think Trump is going to change "the game" you\'re delusional. He\'s going to take every opportunity to enrich his estate and settle petty scores.', '>>{samual_clemens} : > Influencing policy isn\'t dictating it. actually, its exactly that that "influence", isnt actually influence if it doesnt produce an effect', '>>{black_krim} : Scalia sometimes went the right way, but I\'ll offer his dissent in Lawrence v. Texas as a counterpoint. It was clearly rooted in anti-gay prejudice (witness how many times he mentions the "homosexual agenda"), no matter how much he tries to mask the decision in constitutional language. Always glad to have a respectful conversation as well!', ">>{RIPrince} : Lol keep doing them mental gymnastics Trumpster. One is a felony, the other isn't.", ">>{IowaHeartland} : easy to get along with--if you don't need an abortion", '>>{muxman} : That depends on what your definition of IS is.', ">>{SATexas1} : One commenter yesterday tried to defend her saying she was having a menopausal hot flash - can't make this shit up", '>>{samual_clemens} : ? feel free to articulate just one case of influence producing an effect on policy remember, those influencing cant have dictated anything thats your premise ...', '>>{RIPrince} : Corporate lobbying influencing NAFTA but not dictating it. You new to politics?', ">>{samual_clemens} : well, if you say they influenced nafta, im sure thats true but to be sure, seeing as you're making the claim, got a source for that ?", '>>{samual_clemens} : funny, the 1st one is about corporate america being able to dictate policy ...', ">>{RIPrince} : Actually it's about its influence on society, and the many competing interests that go into how policy is shaped.", '>>{RudegarWithFunnyHat} : Are you saying trump poisoned her with polonium-210? :0', '>>{aledlewis} : Now for the kicker, if Assange could just dump a load of Clinton docs, that would be great.', '>>{vanilla_coffee} : No, they need to hire honest people. Hiring better liars is the classic doubling down in a bad situation.', ">>{MalaraPVP} : Now that's an argument I've not heard in a long time.", ">>{TitusVandronicus} : I didn't realize someone suffering from pneumonia couldn't get overheated/dehydrated as well.", '>>{Disquestrian} : The Achilles heel of this attempt at mega spin were the videos those couple of videos taken by citizen journalists.', ">>{JudoTrip} : You don't think it's weird that your post history is 100% about Clinton?", ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : A symptom of pneumonia is fever. Having pneumonia doesn't take the rug out from the idea that she was overheated.", ">>{shouldigetitaway} : Did you actually read the doctor's statement? It didn't blame pneumonia for the collapse, it specifically said she was dehydrated.", '>>{shouldigetitaway} : I was replying to a comment that said it "magically became." You seem to be changing the subject wildly, for no particular reason. Thanks!', ">>{whatsinaname1212} : I didn't know human beings overheat.. I thought it was for automobiles but I guess you learn something new everyday...", '>>{ExaltB2} : A law that made it illegal for the news media to lie was take off the books so now media can lie and spread propaganda all they want.', '>>{whatsinaname1212} : Narcolepsy perhaps? Have you seen the girl in duece bigalow?', ">>{inadazed} : Yeah /u/GaryGnu1918 can't lie. It's like this rule. LOL.", ">>{ward0630} : Isn't the fact that this piece calls Hillary supporters idiots a sign that this is at-best a shoddy piece of journalism?", ">>{original_4degrees} : its only been a month, give 'em time...", '>>{inadazed} : HAHA. HOW MUCH ARE THEY PAYING YOU? IS YER CHECK IN THE MAIL?! LOL. MAGA /s', ">>{ward0630} : ...Do you really think the Hillary Clinton campaign pays me to shitpost in r/nfl? Do some research before you accuse me of being a shill. Here's my [actual comment history](https://www.reddit.com/user/ward0630/comments/?sort=top), sorted by top.", ">>{The_Nameless_King} : You can, but then you probably don't go to hang out with a newborn baby at Chelsea's apartment with a contagious pneumococci infection. You see, the actions when followed one by one, don't fit the narrative they were espousing from the beginning. This is the train of thought of a clinton spin-staffer throughout the day yesterday: >She just overheated, fine, give her some water and get her back on the trail. Shit... someone got video of her passing out as she was put in a van, so now we need an excuse for that. Why did we take her to an apartment and not a hospital again? Oh yeah, so she could see her granddaughter, makes it looks like no big deal..... wait, the video is gaining traction? Better release some more info.... Oh yeah, she has pneumonia! Great, that's covered.. oh, shit, we just told everyone she was holding her baby and hugging a little kid on the street and telling everyone she feels great... she's got a contagious pneumococci infection, that won't make sense. Crap, what do we do... ok... let's cancel some events.. oh, shit, that makes it look worse than just overheating... crap, how do we get out of this tangled web of lies....... how do we blame this on Donald... it makes his health concerns about HRC seem more reasonable, we can't call them tin-foilers anymore... awwww shit.....", ">>{ward0630} : >lol check this guys comment history Did you not read u/brohner's comment or what? He accused me of being a shill and used my comment history as evidence, so I linked to my actual comment history to show that I'm not. >Yo, no one fucking cares u/brohner cares, obviously.", '>>{The_Nameless_King} : Pnemonococci are contagious... why would she go around hugging her grand-baby and some kid on the street? Why would she go to an apartment and not to a hospital if she was battling pneumonia?', '>>{The_Nameless_King} : So when Hillary calls Trump supporters deplorable, is that at best a sign of shoddy politicking?', ">>{ward0630} : But when Hillary calls Trump supporters deplorable it's disqualifying?", '>>{srgboom} : She has internal bleeding in her skull. Her fucking skull cracked open, are u seriously trying to act like you are not aware of that basic fact? one of the side effects of that is feeling like you need to cough and you dont actually need to, and the dizzyness shit. Use ur fuckin brain, all her health issues stem from the head injury.', ">>{Cernywerty} : So you're saying the doctor says she lacks proper judgement to keep herself hydrated?", '>>{Cernywerty} : How is that a spin? If it was dehydration, she should have had the judgement to have a bottle of water nearby if her fluids are low.', ">>{ward0630} : >looks like you deleted all your posts in r/enoughtrumpspam Nope, they're all still there. Maybe the reputable snoopsnoo dot com couldn't find them. Also, if you actually look at those results, you'll see that I've been a member for 4 years, my best comment is making fun of Ted Cruz, my worst comment is talking about weed, my best submission was in r/fantasyfootball a year ago, and my worst submission was in r/nfl. >What now? I'm a Hillary supporter, but I'm also a Patriots fan and a fantasy football player and a gamer and a weightlifter and someone that likes to make fun of Trump. I'm going to continue being a fan of all those things regardless of your opinion, but come on. Do you really think Hillary has been paying me since 2012 to talk about football and memes?", '>>{ward0630} : Maybe, but Hillary never claimed to be covering this election in an unbiased way. "The federalist" purports to be a real media source, but it mostly looks like a crackpot blog.', ">>{muxman} : Funny you say that because I kinda think he does. She hired him to be the craziest, most insane racist moron to run against her so she can lock down the win. After all if you can't win against that kind of crazy... Hopefully not true, but in this election even the totally insane seems possible.", ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Because presumably she was given antibiotics for it at the time of diagnosis. And because she's obviously wealthy and powerful enough to have a doctor come to her at a residence rather then go to a busy hospital and cause a scene.", ">>{tihssiyrallih} : If you don't instantly believe the constantly-shifting and highly unlikely story that Hillary is putting out there, you're obviously a baby eating conspiracy theorist. Just like anyone who suspected Hillary of ill health was a baby eating conspiracy theorist.... until video of her collapsing and being dragged unconscious into a van from a public event surfaced, at least.", '>>{tihssiyrallih} : They typically combine their completely imbecilic conclusions with massive upvote/downvote brigades, so I imagine getting hundreds of karma while insulting the intelligence of the electorate feels really good for the type of person who would actually seek out a job posting lies and propaganda on the Internet.', '>>{tihssiyrallih} : When Hillary supporters are running around claiming that her health problems are [caused by Putin-sabotage](https://i.imgur.com/mQeCd7r.png), [actually just actors hired by Trump](https://i.sli.mg/GUX6ku.png), or [outright pretending that the incident on video never happened](https://i.sli.mg/JsSMdA.png), "idiots" is the least offensive thing they can be called.', '>>{ward0630} : Do you think Hillary\'s characterization of Trump supporters as "deplorable" is justified considering that r/The_Donald is home to racist, sexist, or homophobic/transphobic comments with hundreds of upvotes every day?', ">>{tihssiyrallih} : Funny that they didn't mention it was pneumonia initially then. Maybe you shouldn't be defending obvious lies....", '>>{tihssiyrallih} : We should totally just ignore how their story changed 3 times within the day. Totally not an indication of lying /s Makes perfect sense.', '>>{brohner} : jesus christ dude this is scary as hell. how can they live with themselves?', '>>{The_Nameless_King} : So then why claim she overheated, when she had been diagnosed with pneumonia days earlier? Wouldn\'t it have been easier and more truthful to just say, "Hillary has been diagnosed with pneumonia and thus doesn\'t feel well, that\'s why she had to leave the memorial event. After being checked and cleared by her physician, she is feeling ok now." Instead, her campaign went with, "she\'s overheated, but here, look at her hugging this kid, SHE FEELS GREAT, nothing to see here." *video and pictures showing her fainting and having neuro-examinations (squeeze my fingers) surfaces* Anyone with any medical training knows you don\'t ask someone to squeeze your fingers if you\'re overheated, it\'s literally to test motor functions after a stroke or concussion. It\'s checking for brain damage. so after the video surfaces, they shift gears, "Well, she has pneumonia...oh, and we\'re cancelling events in California, because, apparently she doesn\'t actually feel great. She\'s basically just like FDR."', '>>{ward0630} : So when the writer of this article says something mean about the supporters of the other candidate, it\'s "a sign of honesty." But when Hillary says something mean about the supporters of the other candidate, it\'s...what? Offensive? Disqualifying?', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Well there was video of her having feinted or passed out, saying she has pneumonia and had to leave wouldn't acknowledge that visual, while saying she overheated would have. And yes they could and should have handled it better. Pneumonia can cause fever. Was she feverish? That would have been useful information and could have linked some disjointed comments into a logical account of what happened rather than looking like a bunch of sloppy statements and retractions, like it does now. When someone pushing 70 feints and the cause isnt obviously and instantly apparent, which it wouldn't be no matter what it was, it's probably a good idea to make sure it's not the worst case possibility and give them that very simple test. Their story is that she feinted and cancelled an event because she has a pretty normal sickness, is an older woman, and had been running around like a lunatic for months. That's just like having polio?", '>>{MasterSkills420} : There is literally a warning label on vaccines that says it could cause autism.', '>>{The_Nameless_King} : > Their story is that she feinted and cancelled an event because she has a pretty normal sickness, is an older woman, and had been running around like a lunatic for months. That\'s just like having polio? Here\'s the thing though, that\'s not the story they started with yesterday morning. That\'s the story they ENDED with after being called out on the problems with the first version of the story once more details came out. The first version of the story had her "overheat" then come back out on the street an hour later to give hugs to little kids and tell everyone what a beautiful day it was. It was an attempt to show that there was nothing serious going on and it was business as usual. Hell, they didn\'t announce the cancellation of her events until this morning. The story was changed ONLY when the videos of her wearing a jacket (if you\'re overheating, why not take off heavy clothing), getting neurological examinations (squeeze my hand, which has nothing to do with overheating), passing out, and being trucked off not to a hospital, but to her daughter\'s apartment. You\'re being lied to by the person you support. That should matter to you.', '>>{ward0630} : I wasn\'t talking to you, I was addressing the person who said that calling Hillary supporters idiots is "honesty." I was wondering what he thinks about Hillary calling some Trump supporters "deplorable." >I don\'t care what an opinion article says We are in the comments section of an opinion article. Why are you even here then?', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : I don't support her. I just don't buy into half baked political theories as if they're fact. This sub is too often boiled into a binary where you believe she's the anti Christ and every scandal people throw at her is true or she's your queen and you love her no matter what. I voted against her, donated to her opponent and campaigned for her opponent. I likely will not vote for her or trump as my state is solidly decided, but I admittedly would vote for her over trump if my state were up in the air. It's entirely possible, even likely I'd argue, that she has pneumonia, a symptom of which is fever, was out at this event sick in a jacket and bulletproof vest, overheated, feinted, was taken to a cool relaxing environment and then came out and gave her little speech, cringey fake hug and all. It sounds like she's going to release more medical records. I hope they're thorough and approved by a trusted source so we can all find out for sure what's going on. As for your questions, they wouldn't take off the jacket if she's overheating because them wearing kevlar isn't something they advertise or want people to witness for myriad reasons, the neuro test should be done to anyone pushing 70 who feints for any reason that isn't immediately known since it's simple, fast and comes with no risk at all, and her going to a private residence after makes sense as doctors can come to an apartment more easily than a presidential candidate can go to a hospital.", '>>{The_Nameless_King} : > It\'s entirely possible, even likely I\'d argue, that she has pneumonia I agree, but wait....let\'s take it one step further. You\'re saying that even with her campaign coming out saying specifically that she has pneumonia that it\'s only "possible" that she has pneumonia? That is, it\'s clear you don\'t seem to fully trust them. Isn\'t that terrifying to you that you can\'t trust her campaign to tell you the truth about something as simple as an illness that affects millions annually? How can you honestly expect her to tell you the absolute truth about more complex issues?', '>>{ShillAudition} : They were also parroting the temp and humidity from the hot part of the day, which she had already left well before.', ">>{FullMetalFlak} : As much as I'm enjoying the brouhaha about Clinton's health, The Federalist is still trash.", ">>{ShillAudition} : She couldn't just say she doesn't feel well. Thousands of comments now. It speaks volumes about her character unless there is something worse going on with her that she's covering for.", '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Terrifying? No. Specific to her campaign? No. If you trust any campaign to tell you anything negative about the person the campaign is built around, you\'re extremely naive. I don\'t trust her or any politician ever to tell me the "absolute truth about complex issues." I expect them to demonstrate a solid understanding of complex issues and to have a record that I can consult to determine to what extent they historically do or do not act in accordance with the understanding they demonstrate.', ">>{The_Nameless_King} : > I expect them to demonstrate a solid understanding of complex issues and to have a record that I can consult to determine to what extent they historically do or do not act in accordance with the understanding they demonstrate. Well then, clearly you can't vote for her, even if your state was in play.", ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : If my state was in play I'd choose her as she has a decent understanding of the issues, far superior to the one other option, and she has an actual record to consult instead of the bullshit promises of a used car salesman.", '>>{skiskate} : Hillary Clinton needs a new policy: tell the whole truth "Hillary Clinton\'s Campaign Needs To Hire Better Liars" Make up your mind /r/politics', '>>{Bigmoosies} : Oh, the great pneumonia scandal of 2016! Hillary should be in prison! /s. You people are pathetic.', ">>{Bigmoosies} : Jesus, maybe you'de like a public Pap smear as punishment.", '>>{Citizen_Contributin} : >Not for the right kind of people. To them it would be fun upon fun to keep throwing lies out to the public and to have their lies be national and even international news. Does this mean Hillary diehards are alt-left?', '>>{orbital667} : You cracked the case, Colombo. She is actually carrying the T-Virus and is hell bent on turning the whole Executive branch into ravenous zombies. OH NO WE ARE TOO LATE.', ">>{muxman} : I don't know what trendy term people would like to call it. They're big time liars to say the least.", '>>{anthroengineer} : Deflection is not working. Clinton needs to step down.', ">>{ablackjack} : I'd say that's a pretty good way of putting it. They certainly share a strong taste for authoritarian structure.", '>>{Nostromo1905} : Like The Federalist founder [ Ben Domenech ]( http://crooksandliars.com/2016/01/republicans-still-blaming-both-sides-rise )', '>>{Bab2385} : Ideally, it would be better to tell the truth. However, if not, the lies should at least be consistent.', '>>{Bab2385} : Who is that punishing? It would be more of a punishment for me to have to watch that than for her to go through it.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{RIPrince} : Florida AG Asked Trump for Donation Before Nixing Trump U Lawsuit', '>>{RIPrince} : >"When I want something I get it," the presumptive Republican nominee said at an Iowa rally in January. "When I call, they kiss my ass. It\'s true." Crooked Donald.', '>>{hwkns} : The quid pro quo (s) are going to start coming out of the woodwork and the sheer number and magnitude and will either amuse, confirm or shock .The US is about to get an interesting teaching moment on what the "Art of the Deal" is about.', '>>{samual_clemens} : thats how it works dont hate the player, change the game', ">>{RIPrince} : What's being described is a felony. I'd rather have someone change the system that doesn't scam poor people and then use political influence to squash their opportunity for justice.", '>>{escalation} : Justice may be blindfolded, but knows when her pocket is heavy', '>>{samual_clemens} : actually, whats being described is business as usual pretending that people who never have to bribe their way around the system are somehow superior to those who actually do have to bribe their way around the system, is intellectual dishonesty its neither of their fault the system is the way it is, and neither particularly likes it but you hate the player ...', ">>{Ulaven} : Love it, Trump supporters are more than happy to dismiss multiple felonies( bribery in FL and TX that we know of so far) and overt racism on display from their candidate on a daily basis. Donald's long con on the uneducated is paying off for him.", ">>{RIPrince} : There's a difference between donating for influence on policy and donating to get a legal suit that hurt poor people dropped. Donald is scum. The man in your username would think so too, well, if it was spelled correctly.", '>>{samual_clemens} : no, politicians and officials are either " accessible " or they aint you think that someone who sells themselves for policy, which is enduring and affects everyone thereafter, is somehow better than someone who sells themselves for a one off decision ? thats just laughable', '>>{RIPrince} : > you think that someone who sells themselves for policy, which is enduring and affects everyone thereafter, is somehow better than someone who sells themselves for a one off decision ? Influencing policy isn\'t dictating it. For every piece of legislation a particular politician has hundreds of competing interests. The most you can do is influence it and not dictate it. With this suit there is one interest (Trump\'s), and his money directly overruled the plight of the victims. If you think Trump is going to change "the game" you\'re delusional. He\'s going to take every opportunity to enrich his estate and settle petty scores.', '>>{samual_clemens} : > Influencing policy isn\'t dictating it. actually, its exactly that that "influence", isnt actually influence if it doesnt produce an effect', ">>{RIPrince} : Lol keep doing them mental gymnastics Trumpster. One is a felony, the other isn't.", '>>{samual_clemens} : ? feel free to articulate just one case of influence producing an effect on policy remember, those influencing cant have dictated anything thats your premise ...', '>>{RIPrince} : Corporate lobbying influencing NAFTA but not dictating it. You new to politics?', ">>{samual_clemens} : well, if you say they influenced nafta, im sure thats true but to be sure, seeing as you're making the claim, got a source for that ?", '>>{samual_clemens} : funny, the 1st one is about corporate america being able to dictate policy ...', ">>{RIPrince} : Actually it's about its influence on society, and the many competing interests that go into how policy is shaped."], ['>>{o_bama2016} : Mr McConnell, if Trump came out tomorrow and admitted to being a grand wizard while simultaneously murdering an infant, would you revoke your Trump endorsement? "Yes" HEADLINES:"McConnell says revoking Trump endorsement is a possibility"', '>>{DrScientist812} : McConnell should just make up his fucking mind about which wrong side of history he wants to be on.', '>>{the_schlonger} : Oh, boo hoo! Little Bitch McConnell got his panties in a twist?', '>>{KingPickle} : If a turtle changes its mind, does anyone care? These are the thoughts that keep me up at night...', ">>{leontes} : Either be with the losers - trump or keep his dignity- not trump. It's a tough call- he's been working on undermining his dignity for a long time and it may feel bad to do something with character.", ">>{DrScientist812} : I'm surprised he thinks he has any dignity left.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : If McConnell has tortoise anything, it's that Donald's gonna have to work like shell to get establishment Republicans on his side.", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : When the senate and house leaders both are weary about the party nominee, shit is bad.', ">>{PapaBat} : The country will inevitably turn on Trump, whether he becomes president or not. Trump's policies are insane and the man has defined himself as a bigot with major psychological issues. The Republicans who endorse Trump now are going to have a stigma attached to them later.", '>>{treerat} : McConnell is a coward. The Trump nomination shows us who the cowards are.'], ['>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : > See, those can’t all be simultaneously true. The thing about a good lie is that it doesn’t contradict your old lie. A good lie doesn’t crap all over the lie you just told five seconds ago. A good lie doesn’t saw off the limb that your idiot supporters just climbed up. Pro-tip: if you’re going to claim your candidate has a highly contagious infection that caused her to pass out (after exhausting a bunch of other absurd excuses), don’t send her to the home of her vulnerable newborn granddaughter, then have her hug all over a little kid on the street while declaring how great she feels, then suddenly cancel a bunch of her events because she’s so ill. I know politics in 2016 are insane, but is it too much to ask that our politicians at least try to peddle some internally consistent lies? this has been obvious from the start of the primaries, maybe even before.', '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : The limb that her idiot supporters have climbed upon - spectacular! Her minions have been parroting back anout overheating on here, so much, they they had to shift gears to the pneumonia. I am sure they are frustrated. Quieter than usual from the typical offenders too - perhaps having a meeting to strategize? Perhaps waiting to see if Clinton will be stepping down?', ">>{SATexas1} : The second I heard them say she overheated I called bullshit I live in Texas but I'm from NY - I was like, it's not hot there now Sure enough, checked the weather and it was in the 70's They're ridiculous liars - the truth is like a better story than the lie", '>>{FricasseeingRabbit} : imagine all those people typing all morning that "she\'s wearing a jacket and likely bulletproof vest. It\'s hot and humid in the city." Only to have the rug ripped out from them with a pneumonia diagnosis that admits they\'ve been lying. And which itself is an obvious lie when looked at with even a touch of scrutiny. Imagine trying to defend this woman full-time. It has to be exhausting.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : The worst part is they are shameless in their lying. The amount of times I argue with Clinton supporters and they post irrelevant links that 'support' nothing they say is ridiculous. As if just providing links of any kind means you are right. Additionally, they will flat out cherrypick data like no ones business.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Apparently people think it's impossible to get overheated and dehydrated and fall, and for those things to happen because of underlying pneumonia.", '>>{LurKingMachinest} : Live on Long Island, can confirm, mid 70s. And all her blind sheep persistently say "it was 90 degrees!". No, just stop.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Why? Would 'better liars' alter the narrative carried by donalds? If the truth won't, then it's safe to say 'better lies' won't, yes?", ">>{SATexas1} : It was 9:30 in the morning - here in Texas today at 9:30 it was 83 degrees There was a news story yesterday talking about the stifling heat she struggled with and she was wearing all black.. She was wearing blue It's so bad it's scary", ">>{OdinSQL} : For some reason Hillary get's overheated and falls down often. 2005 passes out, 2009 falls and breaks elbow, 2012 falls and hits head resulting in concussion, 2016 falls and has to be dragged into a van.", ">>{Manafort} : You're right, pneumonia is just some alt-right conspiracy. lol", ">>{LurKingMachinest} : Cannot stand media. How loosely governed they are is MADDENING. All other walks of life, lying isn't ok, but where it matters the most... Perfectly OK.", ">>{Madame_Presidente} : Yeah she's lying just like climate change is a lie and vaccines really cause autism lol. Try again, Trumpeteers.", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : What? You'll have to clarify what this even means. I guess some buzzwords and 'lol' *do* work to distract from reality in this age of meme politics though.", '>>{MimonFishbaum} : At least play up the fact the temperature would be higher in a large group of people. These are just lazy lies.', '>>{NumberT3n} : I did not have sexual relations with that email server - Hillary (C)linton', ">>{Cernywerty} : She overheated. Then it magically became pneumonia that was diagnosed days prior, but somehow she still was magically alright after stopping by her daughter's place and emerged with the vigor of a thousand suns with the most blatant staged hug of a child ive ever seen.", '>>{muxman} : > Imagine trying to defend this woman full-time. It has to be exhausting. Not for the right kind of people. To them it would be fun upon fun to keep throwing lies out to the public and to have their lies be national and even international news. I would imagine she has those kind of people working in those positions.', ">>{makeitproductive} : As a Clinton supporter I don't see the problem. It's perfectly normal to have allergies that progress to a pneumonia, that happens to present itself as a heat stroke that makes metal fall out of your pants. Who hasn't had one of those? She even spontaneously hugged a cute young ninja girl that got past security. While suffering from Pneumonia. We should be discussing how mysoginistic it is to have this election focused on being strong and healthy and on being able to stand up just because she's a woman. Although it's good the democratic candidate is not bernie because he's so old and frail! Or maybe we should be focusing on how determined and strong she is to show up despite the Pneumonia, a real FDR. We real people, totally not CTR, haven't decided on which yet.", '>>{Tryhard13} : They hired DWS after she rigged the election against Bernie. Thats some top level recruitment of liars if I have ever seen it. Just a thought, maybe they should STOP hiring liars. Give telling the truth a shot for a decade or so.', ">>{muxman} : > The worst part is they are shameless in their lying. I don't think that's the worst part. I think the worst part is how so many of the public know she's lying all the time but are so completely willing to let it pass like it doesn't mean anything. If you were running a business you wouldn't accept that from your employees would you? Think of it like that because she's supposed to be our, as in the people's, employee.", '>>{muxman} : That depends on what your definition of IS is.', ">>{SATexas1} : One commenter yesterday tried to defend her saying she was having a menopausal hot flash - can't make this shit up", '>>{RudegarWithFunnyHat} : Are you saying trump poisoned her with polonium-210? :0', '>>{aledlewis} : Now for the kicker, if Assange could just dump a load of Clinton docs, that would be great.', '>>{vanilla_coffee} : No, they need to hire honest people. Hiring better liars is the classic doubling down in a bad situation.', ">>{MalaraPVP} : Now that's an argument I've not heard in a long time.", ">>{TitusVandronicus} : I didn't realize someone suffering from pneumonia couldn't get overheated/dehydrated as well.", '>>{Disquestrian} : The Achilles heel of this attempt at mega spin were the videos those couple of videos taken by citizen journalists.', ">>{JudoTrip} : You don't think it's weird that your post history is 100% about Clinton?", ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : A symptom of pneumonia is fever. Having pneumonia doesn't take the rug out from the idea that she was overheated.", ">>{shouldigetitaway} : Did you actually read the doctor's statement? It didn't blame pneumonia for the collapse, it specifically said she was dehydrated.", '>>{shouldigetitaway} : I was replying to a comment that said it "magically became." You seem to be changing the subject wildly, for no particular reason. Thanks!', ">>{whatsinaname1212} : I didn't know human beings overheat.. I thought it was for automobiles but I guess you learn something new everyday...", '>>{ExaltB2} : A law that made it illegal for the news media to lie was take off the books so now media can lie and spread propaganda all they want.', '>>{whatsinaname1212} : Narcolepsy perhaps? Have you seen the girl in duece bigalow?', ">>{inadazed} : Yeah /u/GaryGnu1918 can't lie. It's like this rule. LOL.", ">>{ward0630} : Isn't the fact that this piece calls Hillary supporters idiots a sign that this is at-best a shoddy piece of journalism?", ">>{original_4degrees} : its only been a month, give 'em time...", '>>{inadazed} : HAHA. HOW MUCH ARE THEY PAYING YOU? IS YER CHECK IN THE MAIL?! LOL. MAGA /s', ">>{ward0630} : ...Do you really think the Hillary Clinton campaign pays me to shitpost in r/nfl? Do some research before you accuse me of being a shill. Here's my [actual comment history](https://www.reddit.com/user/ward0630/comments/?sort=top), sorted by top.", ">>{The_Nameless_King} : You can, but then you probably don't go to hang out with a newborn baby at Chelsea's apartment with a contagious pneumococci infection. You see, the actions when followed one by one, don't fit the narrative they were espousing from the beginning. This is the train of thought of a clinton spin-staffer throughout the day yesterday: >She just overheated, fine, give her some water and get her back on the trail. Shit... someone got video of her passing out as she was put in a van, so now we need an excuse for that. Why did we take her to an apartment and not a hospital again? Oh yeah, so she could see her granddaughter, makes it looks like no big deal..... wait, the video is gaining traction? Better release some more info.... Oh yeah, she has pneumonia! Great, that's covered.. oh, shit, we just told everyone she was holding her baby and hugging a little kid on the street and telling everyone she feels great... she's got a contagious pneumococci infection, that won't make sense. Crap, what do we do... ok... let's cancel some events.. oh, shit, that makes it look worse than just overheating... crap, how do we get out of this tangled web of lies....... how do we blame this on Donald... it makes his health concerns about HRC seem more reasonable, we can't call them tin-foilers anymore... awwww shit.....", ">>{ward0630} : >lol check this guys comment history Did you not read u/brohner's comment or what? He accused me of being a shill and used my comment history as evidence, so I linked to my actual comment history to show that I'm not. >Yo, no one fucking cares u/brohner cares, obviously.", '>>{The_Nameless_King} : Pnemonococci are contagious... why would she go around hugging her grand-baby and some kid on the street? Why would she go to an apartment and not to a hospital if she was battling pneumonia?', '>>{The_Nameless_King} : So when Hillary calls Trump supporters deplorable, is that at best a sign of shoddy politicking?', ">>{ward0630} : But when Hillary calls Trump supporters deplorable it's disqualifying?", '>>{srgboom} : She has internal bleeding in her skull. Her fucking skull cracked open, are u seriously trying to act like you are not aware of that basic fact? one of the side effects of that is feeling like you need to cough and you dont actually need to, and the dizzyness shit. Use ur fuckin brain, all her health issues stem from the head injury.', ">>{Cernywerty} : So you're saying the doctor says she lacks proper judgement to keep herself hydrated?", '>>{Cernywerty} : How is that a spin? If it was dehydration, she should have had the judgement to have a bottle of water nearby if her fluids are low.', ">>{ward0630} : >looks like you deleted all your posts in r/enoughtrumpspam Nope, they're all still there. Maybe the reputable snoopsnoo dot com couldn't find them. Also, if you actually look at those results, you'll see that I've been a member for 4 years, my best comment is making fun of Ted Cruz, my worst comment is talking about weed, my best submission was in r/fantasyfootball a year ago, and my worst submission was in r/nfl. >What now? I'm a Hillary supporter, but I'm also a Patriots fan and a fantasy football player and a gamer and a weightlifter and someone that likes to make fun of Trump. I'm going to continue being a fan of all those things regardless of your opinion, but come on. Do you really think Hillary has been paying me since 2012 to talk about football and memes?", '>>{ward0630} : Maybe, but Hillary never claimed to be covering this election in an unbiased way. "The federalist" purports to be a real media source, but it mostly looks like a crackpot blog.', ">>{muxman} : Funny you say that because I kinda think he does. She hired him to be the craziest, most insane racist moron to run against her so she can lock down the win. After all if you can't win against that kind of crazy... Hopefully not true, but in this election even the totally insane seems possible.", ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Because presumably she was given antibiotics for it at the time of diagnosis. And because she's obviously wealthy and powerful enough to have a doctor come to her at a residence rather then go to a busy hospital and cause a scene.", ">>{tihssiyrallih} : If you don't instantly believe the constantly-shifting and highly unlikely story that Hillary is putting out there, you're obviously a baby eating conspiracy theorist. Just like anyone who suspected Hillary of ill health was a baby eating conspiracy theorist.... until video of her collapsing and being dragged unconscious into a van from a public event surfaced, at least.", '>>{tihssiyrallih} : They typically combine their completely imbecilic conclusions with massive upvote/downvote brigades, so I imagine getting hundreds of karma while insulting the intelligence of the electorate feels really good for the type of person who would actually seek out a job posting lies and propaganda on the Internet.', '>>{tihssiyrallih} : When Hillary supporters are running around claiming that her health problems are [caused by Putin-sabotage](https://i.imgur.com/mQeCd7r.png), [actually just actors hired by Trump](https://i.sli.mg/GUX6ku.png), or [outright pretending that the incident on video never happened](https://i.sli.mg/JsSMdA.png), "idiots" is the least offensive thing they can be called.', '>>{ward0630} : Do you think Hillary\'s characterization of Trump supporters as "deplorable" is justified considering that r/The_Donald is home to racist, sexist, or homophobic/transphobic comments with hundreds of upvotes every day?', ">>{tihssiyrallih} : Funny that they didn't mention it was pneumonia initially then. Maybe you shouldn't be defending obvious lies....", '>>{tihssiyrallih} : We should totally just ignore how their story changed 3 times within the day. Totally not an indication of lying /s Makes perfect sense.', '>>{brohner} : jesus christ dude this is scary as hell. how can they live with themselves?', '>>{The_Nameless_King} : So then why claim she overheated, when she had been diagnosed with pneumonia days earlier? Wouldn\'t it have been easier and more truthful to just say, "Hillary has been diagnosed with pneumonia and thus doesn\'t feel well, that\'s why she had to leave the memorial event. After being checked and cleared by her physician, she is feeling ok now." Instead, her campaign went with, "she\'s overheated, but here, look at her hugging this kid, SHE FEELS GREAT, nothing to see here." *video and pictures showing her fainting and having neuro-examinations (squeeze my fingers) surfaces* Anyone with any medical training knows you don\'t ask someone to squeeze your fingers if you\'re overheated, it\'s literally to test motor functions after a stroke or concussion. It\'s checking for brain damage. so after the video surfaces, they shift gears, "Well, she has pneumonia...oh, and we\'re cancelling events in California, because, apparently she doesn\'t actually feel great. She\'s basically just like FDR."', '>>{ward0630} : So when the writer of this article says something mean about the supporters of the other candidate, it\'s "a sign of honesty." But when Hillary says something mean about the supporters of the other candidate, it\'s...what? Offensive? Disqualifying?', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Well there was video of her having feinted or passed out, saying she has pneumonia and had to leave wouldn't acknowledge that visual, while saying she overheated would have. And yes they could and should have handled it better. Pneumonia can cause fever. Was she feverish? That would have been useful information and could have linked some disjointed comments into a logical account of what happened rather than looking like a bunch of sloppy statements and retractions, like it does now. When someone pushing 70 feints and the cause isnt obviously and instantly apparent, which it wouldn't be no matter what it was, it's probably a good idea to make sure it's not the worst case possibility and give them that very simple test. Their story is that she feinted and cancelled an event because she has a pretty normal sickness, is an older woman, and had been running around like a lunatic for months. That's just like having polio?", '>>{MasterSkills420} : There is literally a warning label on vaccines that says it could cause autism.', '>>{The_Nameless_King} : > Their story is that she feinted and cancelled an event because she has a pretty normal sickness, is an older woman, and had been running around like a lunatic for months. That\'s just like having polio? Here\'s the thing though, that\'s not the story they started with yesterday morning. That\'s the story they ENDED with after being called out on the problems with the first version of the story once more details came out. The first version of the story had her "overheat" then come back out on the street an hour later to give hugs to little kids and tell everyone what a beautiful day it was. It was an attempt to show that there was nothing serious going on and it was business as usual. Hell, they didn\'t announce the cancellation of her events until this morning. The story was changed ONLY when the videos of her wearing a jacket (if you\'re overheating, why not take off heavy clothing), getting neurological examinations (squeeze my hand, which has nothing to do with overheating), passing out, and being trucked off not to a hospital, but to her daughter\'s apartment. You\'re being lied to by the person you support. That should matter to you.', '>>{ward0630} : I wasn\'t talking to you, I was addressing the person who said that calling Hillary supporters idiots is "honesty." I was wondering what he thinks about Hillary calling some Trump supporters "deplorable." >I don\'t care what an opinion article says We are in the comments section of an opinion article. Why are you even here then?', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : I don't support her. I just don't buy into half baked political theories as if they're fact. This sub is too often boiled into a binary where you believe she's the anti Christ and every scandal people throw at her is true or she's your queen and you love her no matter what. I voted against her, donated to her opponent and campaigned for her opponent. I likely will not vote for her or trump as my state is solidly decided, but I admittedly would vote for her over trump if my state were up in the air. It's entirely possible, even likely I'd argue, that she has pneumonia, a symptom of which is fever, was out at this event sick in a jacket and bulletproof vest, overheated, feinted, was taken to a cool relaxing environment and then came out and gave her little speech, cringey fake hug and all. It sounds like she's going to release more medical records. I hope they're thorough and approved by a trusted source so we can all find out for sure what's going on. As for your questions, they wouldn't take off the jacket if she's overheating because them wearing kevlar isn't something they advertise or want people to witness for myriad reasons, the neuro test should be done to anyone pushing 70 who feints for any reason that isn't immediately known since it's simple, fast and comes with no risk at all, and her going to a private residence after makes sense as doctors can come to an apartment more easily than a presidential candidate can go to a hospital.", '>>{The_Nameless_King} : > It\'s entirely possible, even likely I\'d argue, that she has pneumonia I agree, but wait....let\'s take it one step further. You\'re saying that even with her campaign coming out saying specifically that she has pneumonia that it\'s only "possible" that she has pneumonia? That is, it\'s clear you don\'t seem to fully trust them. Isn\'t that terrifying to you that you can\'t trust her campaign to tell you the truth about something as simple as an illness that affects millions annually? How can you honestly expect her to tell you the absolute truth about more complex issues?', '>>{ShillAudition} : They were also parroting the temp and humidity from the hot part of the day, which she had already left well before.', ">>{FullMetalFlak} : As much as I'm enjoying the brouhaha about Clinton's health, The Federalist is still trash.", ">>{ShillAudition} : She couldn't just say she doesn't feel well. Thousands of comments now. It speaks volumes about her character unless there is something worse going on with her that she's covering for.", '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Terrifying? No. Specific to her campaign? No. If you trust any campaign to tell you anything negative about the person the campaign is built around, you\'re extremely naive. I don\'t trust her or any politician ever to tell me the "absolute truth about complex issues." I expect them to demonstrate a solid understanding of complex issues and to have a record that I can consult to determine to what extent they historically do or do not act in accordance with the understanding they demonstrate.', ">>{The_Nameless_King} : > I expect them to demonstrate a solid understanding of complex issues and to have a record that I can consult to determine to what extent they historically do or do not act in accordance with the understanding they demonstrate. Well then, clearly you can't vote for her, even if your state was in play.", ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : If my state was in play I'd choose her as she has a decent understanding of the issues, far superior to the one other option, and she has an actual record to consult instead of the bullshit promises of a used car salesman.", '>>{skiskate} : Hillary Clinton needs a new policy: tell the whole truth "Hillary Clinton\'s Campaign Needs To Hire Better Liars" Make up your mind /r/politics', '>>{Bigmoosies} : Oh, the great pneumonia scandal of 2016! Hillary should be in prison! /s. You people are pathetic.', ">>{Bigmoosies} : Jesus, maybe you'de like a public Pap smear as punishment.", '>>{Citizen_Contributin} : >Not for the right kind of people. To them it would be fun upon fun to keep throwing lies out to the public and to have their lies be national and even international news. Does this mean Hillary diehards are alt-left?', '>>{orbital667} : You cracked the case, Colombo. She is actually carrying the T-Virus and is hell bent on turning the whole Executive branch into ravenous zombies. OH NO WE ARE TOO LATE.', ">>{muxman} : I don't know what trendy term people would like to call it. They're big time liars to say the least.", '>>{anthroengineer} : Deflection is not working. Clinton needs to step down.', ">>{ablackjack} : I'd say that's a pretty good way of putting it. They certainly share a strong taste for authoritarian structure.", '>>{Nostromo1905} : Like The Federalist founder [ Ben Domenech ]( http://crooksandliars.com/2016/01/republicans-still-blaming-both-sides-rise )', '>>{Bab2385} : Ideally, it would be better to tell the truth. However, if not, the lies should at least be consistent.', '>>{Bab2385} : Who is that punishing? It would be more of a punishment for me to have to watch that than for her to go through it.'], [">>{david_2017} : Ginsburg: Trump Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is 'very easy to get along with'", ">>{m1a2c2kali} : Maybe if enough liberals praise gorsuch, the tide will turn from the republican side and they won't confirm him? just go and release statements saying we all believe gorsuch will vote for pro choice policies and we absolutely want him on the bench. Worth a try lol", ">>{wankl5} : Can't wait to see you replaced Ginsburg. Tick tock", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Cool, if there's a second opening Gorsuch can fill that one. But **this** open seat doesn't get filled by anyone but Garland.", ">>{SarcasticallyAShill} : I still find it hard to believe Gorush baptized that baby atheist, took away it's Bushmaster and *still* let the mother late-term abort it.", '>>{SarcasticallyAShill} : Well, his credit card company will miss hi- his checks. Also, MetalSlime? BeDragon FTW', ">>{wankl5} : > Years from now, people will remember her name, her actions, her rulings, and her influence. Too bad people will remember Donald Trump for much more including your kids and grandkids and so on will learn about him. Decades from now, your average joe won't remember her but they will know the name Trump. > When you die, you'll just be dead. That's true for like 99.9% of people in the world.", ">>{El_Cromulente} : He really doesn't seem that bad, though I'm not sure whether or not that's Stockholm syndrome settling in", '>>{El_Cromulente} : Trump will be remembered for the attempted subversion of democracy. And more than 99.9% of people who die are dead', ">>{Adamj1} : Gorsuch was also the law clerk for Kennedy decades ago. If he's confirmed (which he shouldn't be), he would probably work well with most of the bench.", '>>{Circumvented} : Her best friend was Scalia so while I trust her judgement in jurisprudence I dont trust her judgement in Conservative men.', ">>{El_Cromulente} : Of course he shouldn't have it, but not because of anything he's done. He shouldn't have it because the seat was held for him by obstructionist houses for over a year", ">>{black_krim} : Scalia was undoubtedly intelligent, but it's a stretch to call him a good man. He was perfectly willing to put those intellectual powers to use to screw over certain groups (notably LGBT) and happy even to bend his own theories of jurisprudence to allow for those prejudices. I would argue that Scalia was embodied proof that intelligence does not equate to goodness.", '>>{black_krim} : Scalia sometimes went the right way, but I\'ll offer his dissent in Lawrence v. Texas as a counterpoint. It was clearly rooted in anti-gay prejudice (witness how many times he mentions the "homosexual agenda"), no matter how much he tries to mask the decision in constitutional language. Always glad to have a respectful conversation as well!', ">>{IowaHeartland} : easy to get along with--if you don't need an abortion"]]
classify and reply
[">>{todayilearned83} : On His First Day In Office, President Trump Will Tell Allies That He Won't Defend Them If They Don't Pay Up", '>>{sstterry1} : Well...he is from New York. That is the way the Mob handles protection.', '>>{Redpeg1} : I use 3D Touch everyday I must be in the minority then', ">>{lordcohliani} : I use 3D touch every day. But I do believe we are a minority. I hope support for it continues. I think it's way better than long press.", ">>{D5R} : I like 3D touch and I think it's very useful. I tend to forget that it exists at times though.", '>>{Costaah} : Exactly what i thought when seeing that snap... i use it a hundred times a day. Especially opening links.', '>>{ao6h5} : Maybe they should honor the terms they agreed to. Just a thought.', ">>{drew418} : Finally. I heard Sweden is planning to enter NATO now over worries with Russia. They spend peanuts on military and whenever Russia flexes they shit their pants. I wouldn't allow them entry.", '>>{davetheninja81} : Never use it, in fact forget its there most of the time.', '>>{daveae} : After 2 years of use I finally got me a new one', '>>{Rocko9999} : The saddle brown is the only color that wears naturally, the other colors will have the pigment wear/scratch off.', '>>{unnecessarylongname} : I use it every day. * press on keyboard for free cursor movement * press on settings-app for fast access to battery/bluetooth/Wifi settings * press on imessage "send"-button to use different effects * quick set timer Don\'t really use it for "peek" and "pop" though.', '>>{lemonviking} : Why do you even show off? its not even the same.', '>>{Flux85} : These cases look terrible. Like a vinyl sticker designed to look like a wet paper bag in the shape of a iPhone case.', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : 20 trillion in the hole.. America can not just sit by and do this shit anymore', ">>{pw5a29} : I think it's because iOS 10 still supports devices without 3D Touch, therefore they still can't make it a sole method to do something. Currently 3D Touch allows you to do things easier, but you can still do them in a traditional way.", ">>{jpereira95} : I could not listen to the audio clip, but I personally am okay with this. European nations are able to focus their spending on universal healthcare and other socialists programs because they don't have to spend as much on protection since the US does this for them. Why isn't the US entitled to some sort of payment? I don't understand why people view this as a big problem. I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. If it was Hilary or Bernie, how would you feel about it? Because it's Trump I feel like some people will hate it without even thinking about it.", ">>{Davcoss} : it's very useful for me when i'm bored, just 3d touch on apps to play with it lol", '>>{rollsie7} : Use it everyday in Tweetbot to view a picture or link and on the keyboard to move the curser', '>>{chewb} : use it for peep to save pictures from webpages for sending via messaging apps', ">>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : My landlord and I get along well, but I bet he would still evict me if decided I wasn't going to pay the rent anymore.", '>>{saadbabu} : I have had a black one on my 6s Plus since launch. It is, indeed, still black. No colour loss. There are a few scratches and dents but otherwise it looks great. I had one on my 5 before this as well and that held up just as well. The Apple Leather cases are great in my experience.', ">>{_slayerjj} : Same here and it's also very hard to know where 3D Touch will work in an app sometimes.", '>>{fabianz03} : I use it on Instagram the most for peek and pop.', '>>{argyyle_styyle} : Anyone have a good way to make these more grippy? I want to love mine, but it wants to fall out of my hand so badly.', '>>{Valhalla1759} : So I just got a black one of these cases, and the lower left corner is not as snug as I would like it. When I grip my phone I can feel it move ever so slightly...is this normal?', '>>{GVLaker09} : Leave it on a coffee table where a three-year-old can get to it. Guaranteed to become stickier.', '>>{WillemDafuq_} : lol Is it some radical concept to hold these countries to agreements they signed? The gravy train is over, folks. Time to pay up.', '>>{DatAwsomness} : yep. I know a huge amount of people who never utilize it', '>>{sydeburnz} : I use it all the time but its because I meant long touch.', ">>{argyyle_styyle} : Ha. I'm just waiting for my puppy to get ahold of it....", ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : He doesn't seem to understand, we pay them to go along with U.S. hegemony and our special U.S. hegemony is directed by our wealthiest bankers multinational corporations.", '>>{PM_Me_Your_Tabs} : I think your first mistake was trusting the Snapchat "news" as actual news. Half the time it\'s literally clickbait shit. 3D Touch is pretty useful for what it can do atm, it\'s still a new feature so calling it "abandoned" is just pure stupidity.', '>>{damoe789} : It surely is, had the red one too amd it looked similar after 1 1/1 years', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : And opposite of how the U.S. pays off governments to protect U.S. investments.', ">>{Davillage} : > Why isn't the US entitled to some sort of payment? Because it prevents them from becoming strong geopolitical rivals.", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : America will no longer be the policeman of the world. Instead we'll be the world's extortionist.", '>>{Cupinacup} : On his first day in office, we may not have any allies for President Trump to tell that to.', ">>{OkToBeTakei} : My Product R(E)D cases have always petinad wonderfully. I've had one for my iPad (no leather one for the current Pro), and I'm on my second one for my iPhone (my 6+ case worked for my 6S+, but I had to get an new one for my 7+). It looked great after 2 years.", ">>{daveae} : The old case sadly has a sharp crack at one of the upper corners and it gets hooked on the inside of my pants pockets all the time. You wouldn't want that, would you? :D That's why I got a new one in the first place.", ">>{jpereira95} : But why should the US provide their protection for free? Wouldn't it be great if the US could spend some of their defense spending on renewable energy, or something else instead? Do you really think that making countries pay for at least some of the protection will results in European countries becoming a rival? Just curious to see why you think it would create rivals", '>>{Davillage} : > But why should the US provide their protection for free? Because then there would be no reason for them to not build their own hardware instead.', ">>{Charizarlslie} : My wife didn't know it existed until I just explained it to her", '>>{AriCode} : That looks maroon red. I really like that.', '>>{ArchiveSQ} : I know a few people with 6S and 7 devices and I\'m just like "Just 3D touch it" and they\'re like long pressing. Half my friends don\'t even know it\'s a thing. It was one of my favortie features before dropping to an SE.', '>>{falasta} : He understands. He\'s just playing to nationalist sentiment and the myth that America is a benevolent global super-power showering the world with rainbows and democracy. Quite a few people in quite a few countries would respond, "Um, we never asked for your \'protection\'. See ya!" I mean, the phrase "Yankee go home" exists for a reason.', ">>{itsmegeorge} : This exactly! Went to the SE and it's the only thing I'm missing and friends with 6S and 7 don't even know about it. I used it so much when I had the 6S, honestly if there's something truly innovative about an iPhone this is it.", ">>{daveae} : The one on the right is a Product RED case, too. It's about 2.5 years old, actually feels very nice and smooth and the patina also looks good in my opinion. But the worn out switches on the side and a damaged corner made me get a new one...", ">>{MrWhite} : I was hoping that when I bought mine which is now over 2 years old. I was hoping it would get lighter but mine has gotten darker, most people would say it's black.", ">>{OkToBeTakei} : the buttons on the 7+ case are ~~plastic~~ aluminum and integrated into the case (very high quality) and make it much easier to press the buttons. I don't know how they'll hold up over time compared to the pressure-molded ones on the previous cases. the old case in the photo didn't color like mine did. I wear (primarily) raw denim jeans, so mine took on a blueish/blackish hue, not a brown one. still, cool.", ">>{Realman77} : I use 3D Touch mostly for the keyboard and sometimes for settings. Don't use peek and pop or the app switcher", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Lol Trump says he will scale back military presence overseas and stop providing defense welfare, liberals suddenly love a large overbearing military.', ">>{daveae} : The one on the right was originally red. That's why I posted this after all :D", '>>{DANGEROUS_DONALD} : Can they do that at this point? They (generally) have a shit-ton of social programs to fund...can they afford to drastically increase their own military spending so suddenly?', '>>{daveae} : Yes, it is. The light red color is still present on the inside of the case, but not on the outside.', ">>{daveae} : Dust, ashes, some liquids and all different sorts of filth from my hands I can't think of anymore :D I haven't been gently on this one...", ">>{daveae} : I don't think so, at least mine sits as tight as it can be.", ">>{OptionalCookie} : I turned it off on my 6S. There's no need to use it, so I didn't...", '>>{OptionalCookie} : Long press though is intentional -- 3D Touch keeps happening by accident. I\'ll poke my keyboard and even on firm, iOS will mistake that fora 3D Touch. Or I\'ll want to open this page in a new tab: instead that useless "peek" shit shows up and I\'ve got a new webpage in front of me and then I need to rescroll on the prior page to find what I was looking for. Off.', ">>{daveae} : The one on the left. You wouldn't believe the one to the right had that same color about 2 years ago :D", '>>{mikerichh} : How do you do that? or when/where?', '>>{UsernamesAreHard26} : I used peep and pop on Reddit allllllllll the time. I use Narwhal though', ">>{aldrinjtauro} : I wish they'd called it Force Touch rather than 3D Touch. Force makes more sense, and the Mac trackpads seem to be able to detect multiple levels of pressure anyway.", '>>{daveae} : Yes, looks and feels cool actually. But it fell down and one corner cracked open.', ">>{gewruiaqhgeuiabghrey} : I can't seem to put my finger on the fault in this statement...", '>>{staiano} : You could resell the one on the left as vintage ;)', '>>{rdldr1} : I love 3D touch! I wish more apps implemented it. I also wish I had it on my iPad Pro.', ">>{crispix24} : I think most people who bought the iPhone 6S or the iPhone 7 didn't even know about it. Apple doesn't really provide a tutorial on phone use or anything like that. I remember talking to a stylist who was wondering why she would sometimes get a popup menu when pressing the icons on the home screen. I explained the 3D Touch features to her and she was amazed she hadn't heard of it.", ">>{thebuggalo} : I think that is a major over-statement. It can be useful, but it's use is determined by the specific apps and the developers who make them. It's not a system wide tool that can be used everywhere and serves multiple useful functions. In most cases it's a gimmick, in the best cases it saves a few seconds to peek into content or quickly switch apps. It's not nearly as useful as right-clicking.", '>>{pal002} : Anyone want to share a link to which case this is?', ">>{hbkhuey} : Jailbreak let's you use 3D Touch to the full potential", '>>{enzyme69} : I think this leather is a bit slippery, so I actually prefer the silicon.', '>>{Davillage} : Japans ETA for nukes is 1 year. France offered germany before to share previously. Saudi Arabia is so filthy rich that it can get their hand on it easily from Pakistan.', ">>{wytxcook} : Yes, as a U.S taxpayer I much prefer this method of giving Billions to the Saudis and the Pakistanis. We should also continue to pay for Turkey's defense as they slaughter the Kurds. Good times.", ">>{misternicholas} : Nah, that's OK. I just really love the look of well worn leather.", '>>{sloppyFarts} : Put it on a spoon. A friend told me.', ">>{arrkane} : I do too :) Just wish it was more consistent across apps and the OS. I use it daily though and where it is implemented well, it's great.", '>>{greentrafficcone} : Ok, be honest. How many of you toilet sitting redditors just weighed your junk?', ">>{Jarrrp} : These cases really don't seem to hold up well. I've had multi silicon ones that split at the seams, too. The prices they charge are daylight robbery too, so you should be able to expect a case that lasts!", '>>{Davillage} : Well Trump basically wants to abolish NATO no wonder North Korea endorses him.', ">>{OffensiveVias} : The 7 and 7+ cases have aluminum buttons, actually. If yours doesn't it probably is a fake.", ">>{DannyOSully} : I use it most days. Usually for replying to text notifications. I wish they would add functionality to it in reference to the Control Center. I like being able to press on the flashlight to change brightness, but I'd love that option on the Bluetooth and Wifi toggles also. Let me pick a different network or device right from there instead of having to go to settings. Saves several taps", ">>{CA_dot} : Maybe people (like me) who use it very often are in the minority? Personally, I feel like you're limiting yourself if you're not using 3D Touch regularly. Apps switching alone is amazing.", '>>{enragedbreakfast} : You know you can 3D Touch and slide up to show the menu and open in a new tab, right? Just as quick as long pressing.', ">>{RandInMyVagina} : >Huh, nice country you got here, fella. It would be a shame if something bad were to happen to it. A real shame. If you want, we could offer you some *protection*, how 'bout it buddy?", ">>{OkToBeTakei} : Glad to hear that they're not plastic. And it had better be real-- I got it at the SoHo Apple Store!", '>>{Davillage} : It is Trump basically stated that he wants to abolish NATO.', '>>{cucubabba} : Does he think that we just pay them because we want to be nice? There are things we are getting in return. Once again Old Donnie simplifies things to a 3rd grade level.', ">>{enragedbreakfast} : When you're looking at a grid of pictures you can press the thumbnail to show a preview, and press again/harder to go to that image.", ">>{nnjb52} : This is the reason so many don't use it, and at first it is not natural to do it. It either feels like a long press or jamming your thumb through the glass. It's odd.", ">>{Hing-LordofGurrins} : **That's** what my case is going to look like?! D:", '>>{rsmseries} : Same with a lot of my friends. If they want it to be utilized more, they should make the 3D Touch adjustment setting pop up during set up, similar to how the New Home Button setup is on the iPhone 7/7+.', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : You realize that in this scenario the other countries are the landlords, and the US military [bases](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/america-still-has-hundreds-military-bases-worldwide-have-they-made-us-any-safer) are the tenants? The wall just got ten feet shorter.', ">>{Wdc331} : I definitely didn't use it for some time, but in the last 6 months or so have really started putting it to use. As more apps began implementing it, I find that it's easier to integrate into my daily workflow.", '>>{sandeepsb} : You need to remember that us, redditors are techies that read on all the latest updates for iOS. To the regular consumer they will hardly ever know about 3D Touch or care to bother using it.', '>>{jpereira95} : Why is Japan having a nuclear weapon such a big deal? A ton of other countries already have this capability. Just because you have the science to produce a nuclear weapon does not mean you have the money to build up a stockpile of weapons and other hardware needed in war times.', ">>{cucubabba} : Exactly. Somehow Trump thinks he's going to lower taxes, increase military spending and pay off the National Debt in 8 years. Ha what a fraud. Just like he promised Trump University students they'd make lots of money he's trying to pull the same fraud on the American public.", '>>{Davillage} : Because of China+NorthKorea. It would start an armsrace of unbelievable proportions. >Just because you have the science to produce a nuclear weapon does not mean you have the money to build up a stockpile of weapons and other hardware needed in war times. You speak of G8 countrys.', '>>{ImGreenApple} : I have the light brown / beige (not saddle) and this also has gotten a bit darker.', '>>{fabianz03} : Yeah, it works on almost everywhere including the explore page and even usernames! I find it super handy.', ">>{Catswagger11} : How do you feel these cases protect against drops? I've been using an Otterbox Commuter for 4 years on iPhone 5 and 6+. I have absolutely no fear when I drop my phone. I'm getting a 7+ next month and would like to get a slightly less intense case, like what you have. But I'm worried both that these cases don't protect as well and that I've been conditioned to be comfortable with drops.", ">>{mikerichh} : Wow would never have guessed on a User's page too!", ">>{Aldarro} : If I'm not mistaken, it's still the only way to clear all notifications at once. 😎", ">>{youareaspastic} : Good thing you'll never be in politics or diplomacy then!", ">>{tornadoe67} : And it had better be real-- I got a new one in the photograph didn't color like mine did.", ">>{beverboy} : I got a red one too at launch, it's pretty dark around the edges.", '>>{prplelemonade} : I think worn leather looks (and smells) really nice. Wish I had a case like that for my Pixel.', ">>{youareaspastic} : ...that's literally why we do it. It's been the cornerstone of our foreign policy since the end of the second world war. It's a pity that Trump supporters are too fucking dumb to know that.", ">>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : That doesn't really matter since we aren't concerned about the physical land. It's about being fairly compensated for the service we provide for them.", ">>{hbkhuey} : I use Flipcontrol center to access my settings toggles is one and [here's some others if you're really curious](http://www.idownloadblog.com/2016/02/05/best-3d-touch-jailbreak-tweaks/)", '>>{loulan} : TIL Apple cases age 300 years in a year.', ">>{Aldarro} : Honestly, it just sounds like you're tapping your screen way too hard. Normal interaction (i.e. not 3D Touch) only requires contact, not pressure.", ">>{youareaspastic} : I think everybody except his braindead supporters know that we're not doing it as a favor.", ">>{RandInMyVagina} : Right, Pax Americana is all about being benevolent to *other countries*. It's not self-serving, at all. /s Sheesh, do you really think the largest network of military bases the world has ever seen is a *charitable act*?", '>>{jpereira95} : Can you elaborate on "you speak of G8 countries"? There are many countries with nuclear weapons that don\'t belong in the G8.', '>>{YOURE_GONNA_HATE_ME} : I disabled it. More of an annoyance than an aid IMO.', '>>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : Yeah pretty much. It gives all these other countries the ability to spend next to nothing on their defense while we foot the bill.', '>>{Davillage} : If you think the G8 Nations are unable to increase their military spending sufficiently that is silly.', '>>{Ody0genesO} : Remember when European nations had their own spheres of influence? Well that ended badly. We have been playing global hegemon since the mid twentieth century. Maybe we should scale it back and be a first among equals instead of the global empire we are.', '>>{antdp425} : Sucks that very few of these leather cases stay their original color. I remember buying one for my mom and it was discolored as fuck within a week. One of my favorite cases, thin and feels nice in the hand.', ">>{UsernameError404} : Here's my iPhone 7 sea blue since early November. http://i.imgur.com/b86DSvY.jpg", ">>{jpereira95} : What is wrong with people wanting other countries to pay for some of their protection? Can't foreign policy change? People want universal healthcare, social security needs more funding, and countless other programs are under funded. If some of the defense costs were covered by foreign nations, there would be more money to allocate to these programs. I do not think the US should ask for the countries to pay for all the protection, but some money to alleviate the costs is not that far fetched of an idea in my opinion. If i want a service, I have to pay for it. I don't get it for free because me and the repairman are friends. At least that is my opinion. Wouldn't mind hearing your rebuttal to this.", '>>{bighi} : No, but saying it is makes it easier to present it as a "tip" instead of having to come up with actual helpful tips.', '>>{stormstar1} : The fantastic point he is making is that they could protect themselves, but we incentivize them to use us because we produce weapons. Our special interests one to protect them because those interests sell weapons to the government.', '>>{Th3F1gment} : Less than a month into my time with the rose grey, it had absorbed blue from my jeans pocket. I can see why it was on sale when I bought it.', ">>{jpereira95} : Sorry, but can you just elaborate more? I'm now very interested in this", ">>{RandInMyVagina} : Robbed, I tell you, we're being robbed blind by those conniving ferigners! They are some crafty bastards, tricking American taxpayers into paying their bills. Donald will fix everything! He'll even figure out a way to pass laws with the Executive Branch that are *legally valid* in other countries! >Germany? You're fired! Screw it, the entire EU, your piddling little 1.5 million member [armed forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_the_European_Union) and over €200 billion a year is *not enough*! What's he going to do, just send them an invoice, and scream: >Respect My Authori-tie! Maybe he'll just show up one day in the EU Parliament and sit down with the budget committee and stomp his feet until they cut him a check?", ">>{bighi} : I can't even think of using the keyboard without 3D touch anymore.", ">>{Biotechjones} : I have a navy blue leather case. Its just about black now. I've been really happy with how the leather cases hold up and age.", ">>{IfUHadAZuneIHateYou} : It works but it's not accurate enough if your clients are savvy. Jewelers' scales are cheap, accurate and all over the streets.", ">>{anatoltrabka} : Clearing notifications from the drop-down menu doesn't count? I can clear them all by pressing [this](https://i.imgur.com/8AqqJFH.jpg) button.", ">>{rhunter99} : That's crazy aging. What does a saddle brown look like after such time?", ">>{rhunter99} : Same. I've got sure nicks on my case and I can see the distress in the light but it still looks black", '>>{Aldarro} : That\'s to clear all the notifications for that particular app, right? If you 3D Touch one of those X buttons, it changes to "Clear All Notifications" (clears every notification from every app). [Like this.](http://i.imgur.com/8TsaRRw.jpg) It\'s a small convenience, but I think it\'s one of the few things that can only be done with 3D Touch.', '>>{babygotbak2} : Pretty funny 😂, but this is also extremely gross haha', '>>{Aldarro} : Huh. I guess that added that in an update at some point. I had an SE a while ago on iOS 10 and I distinctly remember there being no clear all option.', '>>{LodvicKerman} : As an iPhone 6 owner, *I* feel like an abandoned child every time an app adds 3D touch features.', ">>{TangoHotel04} : Been walking the streets all day and haven't come across a single scale...", ">>{ajpearman9} : Not trying to be a downer, but I will not buy one of these cases ever again. Despite loving it when I first got it, I had a black one for less than a year and all the button bumps wore down to the point where I couldn't press them without a lot of trouble. The back of the case also got damaged somehow and ended up with a bunch of weird bumps. I just replaced it with some $15 case from Incipio that feels like it'll hold up a lot better. The official Apple leather case I purchased was NOT worth the insanely high $45 or whatever I paid for it last June.", '>>{farcetragedy} : Trump wants to [increase military spending.](http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/03/09/trump-i-would-increase-military-spending/)', ">>{cogentorange} : I can't believe you replaced it! That's quite a patina.", '>>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : If they ignore our requests we walk away and save that money anyway. Not complicated.', ">>{Sherman1865} : The non proliferation treaty is why. The idea is to keep them in as few hands as possible. Japan doesn't want our nukes in their country.", ">>{GlutenFreeLeukaemia} : He also said he would 'bomb the fuck' out of ISIS", '>>{SevenPointSixTwoMM} : dan carlin has a fantastic episode on this subject. http://www.dancarlin.com/product/common-sense-305-catalyst-for-the-inconceivable/', ">>{Sherman1865} : No. Liberals, conservatives and moderates who understand our foreign policy see how much we benefit from pax Americana. It's the uninformed who don't get it.", ">>{RandInMyVagina} : So Trump would just order all European bases shut down, close all the listening posts, bring home all the nukes, re-route the aircraft carriers, and end 70 years of hard fought policy and diplomacy because the Europeans spend 1.7% of their GDP on their military instead of 2.1%? I'm pretty sure he would get escorted by about 25 generals into a basement deep under the Pentagon and get shown a film of JFK getting assassinated that was filmed from a camera right behind the gunman, but I could be wrong. Did it never cross your mind that the worldwide network of bases that the US operates might have a purpose other than *giving free stuff to foreigners*?", ">>{byfuryattheheart} : You'd be surprised. I had a leather case on my 6 for two years. Dropped it on all sorts surfaces. Never had a single issue.", ">>{Catswagger11} : That's good to hear. Thanks for the reply.", '>>{carolined1} : This seems so shortsighted, if you provide the protection you call the shots. This is why the US is still a super power. He will dismantle the power structure that exists, by its very design to protect the US.', '>>{EssencialToLife} : Europe says "we never asked for your protection". The US presence in germany is an occupation, not protection. The US did invade 1945 and never left. The russians did invade in 1945 too, but they left 1994. We dont want and we dont need the US presence here. I bet many occupied countries feel that way.', ">>{Rec2020} : Tap them on your teeth and I'll be completely obvious that they're metal 🤓", '>>{dshipp} : Same with mine. I ended up exchanging it for a silicone case (stone grey I think). Which has held its colour much better. That reminds me I have a voucher for the difference I still need to spend.', ">>{RPDBF} : Trillions wasted and instability all over the world partly caused by our interventions and regime change around the world. It's no benefit, we act like an empire, we just control with threats, money and covert operations instead of straight invasion and control.", ">>{GlutenFreeLeukaemia} : Is that not scaling 'front' military presence overseas?", ">>{Sherman1865} : Instability? Watch the world burn when we go isolationist. He hasn't proposed an isolationist foreign policy either. He's proposed an idiotic foreign policy with war crimes. If you're dumb enough to vote for someone who is telling you they are going to commit war crimes, I have to question your sanity.", ">>{chaosandfury84} : Somehow I doubt that you are right considering the exercises in Poland and the movement of missiles there is a direct consequence of Putin's actions in the Ukraine.", ">>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : Well then why even try. Obviously Europe will just laugh us out of the room and we then have to keep throwing away money on a failed foreign policy. The American people definitely don't deserve anything because the rest of the world would be too hard-lined about a deal for us to reach a reasonable agreement. It's okay to get ripped off as long as we can feel good about protecting a bunch of deadbeats. Guess what. We'll be fine here in the US no matter what, and I couldn't give two shits if a bunch of corrupt Saudis die because we weren't there to defend their asses from their own stupidity. This has been a long time coming, and believing that an acceptable foreign policy is to make ourselves accept second-rate deals in exchange for first-rate control is damaging to our entire country. Let's start putting America first, or at least electing the only one who will even try.", ">>{RPDBF} : I'm voting for Johnson because im not a warmongering neo-con.", ">>{tsundere_salad_bar} : I mean, from the Marshall Plan forward - that's what we've been all this time.", '>>{R2PDC} : You obviously prefer an established, experienced war criminal. Someone with hands dripping blood from Libya to Honduras, who watched a video of a man being sodomized, tortured, and murdered, and laughed with glee.', ">>{RandInMyVagina} : There are a lot of reasons to adjust American foreign policy, or even completely rethink it, and even more reasons to scale back military budgets, but thinking that Americans are giving other people a free ride, or expecting foreign nations to somehow start paying for Americans budgetary choices are starting from faulty premises. You may want to tell the Saudis to fuck off, and so do most Americans, buy they are a massive net gain for American business. They buy billions of dollars worth of American weapons, they invest billions more in the American economy, and they hold absolutely enormous amounts of American debt. If Trump tells them to go eat sand he would quickly find that he didn't have any friends in Washington. The Saudis have the capability to crash the entire US economy; you probably aren't old enough to remember when OPEC first flexed their muscles, but it was completely devastating to the economy, and if the Saudis sold even a fraction of their US debt it would plunge the country into a recession. The world is interconnected, and there are tens of thousands of trained professionals who spend their lives studying and crafting foreign policy, and a loud, populist neophyte can't just go and smash their decades of work because he found a campaign line that rouses the rabble. There are too many lives at stake, and too many fortunes, and the Presidency is not a dictatorship, it's a position within a vast bureaucracy of hundreds of thousands of people that is controlled and restricted by laws, treaties, agreements, contracts, rights, and responsibilities.", ">>{Sherman1865} : Fair enough. Depending on which state you live in, that's a vote for Hilldawg.", ">>{escalation} : As usual, he's just a little more blunt about it", '>>{RPDBF} : And Hillary supporters say its a vote for Tump, lock me up because im commiting election fraud by voting for 3 people.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{todayilearned83} : On His First Day In Office, President Trump Will Tell Allies That He Won't Defend Them If They Don't Pay Up", '>>{sstterry1} : Well...he is from New York. That is the way the Mob handles protection.', '>>{ao6h5} : Maybe they should honor the terms they agreed to. Just a thought.', ">>{drew418} : Finally. I heard Sweden is planning to enter NATO now over worries with Russia. They spend peanuts on military and whenever Russia flexes they shit their pants. I wouldn't allow them entry.", '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : 20 trillion in the hole.. America can not just sit by and do this shit anymore', ">>{jpereira95} : I could not listen to the audio clip, but I personally am okay with this. European nations are able to focus their spending on universal healthcare and other socialists programs because they don't have to spend as much on protection since the US does this for them. Why isn't the US entitled to some sort of payment? I don't understand why people view this as a big problem. I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. If it was Hilary or Bernie, how would you feel about it? Because it's Trump I feel like some people will hate it without even thinking about it.", ">>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : My landlord and I get along well, but I bet he would still evict me if decided I wasn't going to pay the rent anymore.", '>>{WillemDafuq_} : lol Is it some radical concept to hold these countries to agreements they signed? The gravy train is over, folks. Time to pay up.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : He doesn't seem to understand, we pay them to go along with U.S. hegemony and our special U.S. hegemony is directed by our wealthiest bankers multinational corporations.", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : And opposite of how the U.S. pays off governments to protect U.S. investments.', ">>{Davillage} : > Why isn't the US entitled to some sort of payment? Because it prevents them from becoming strong geopolitical rivals.", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : America will no longer be the policeman of the world. Instead we'll be the world's extortionist.", '>>{Cupinacup} : On his first day in office, we may not have any allies for President Trump to tell that to.', ">>{jpereira95} : But why should the US provide their protection for free? Wouldn't it be great if the US could spend some of their defense spending on renewable energy, or something else instead? Do you really think that making countries pay for at least some of the protection will results in European countries becoming a rival? Just curious to see why you think it would create rivals", '>>{Davillage} : > But why should the US provide their protection for free? Because then there would be no reason for them to not build their own hardware instead.', '>>{falasta} : He understands. He\'s just playing to nationalist sentiment and the myth that America is a benevolent global super-power showering the world with rainbows and democracy. Quite a few people in quite a few countries would respond, "Um, we never asked for your \'protection\'. See ya!" I mean, the phrase "Yankee go home" exists for a reason.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Lol Trump says he will scale back military presence overseas and stop providing defense welfare, liberals suddenly love a large overbearing military.', '>>{DANGEROUS_DONALD} : Can they do that at this point? They (generally) have a shit-ton of social programs to fund...can they afford to drastically increase their own military spending so suddenly?', '>>{Davillage} : Japans ETA for nukes is 1 year. France offered germany before to share previously. Saudi Arabia is so filthy rich that it can get their hand on it easily from Pakistan.', ">>{wytxcook} : Yes, as a U.S taxpayer I much prefer this method of giving Billions to the Saudis and the Pakistanis. We should also continue to pay for Turkey's defense as they slaughter the Kurds. Good times.", '>>{Davillage} : Well Trump basically wants to abolish NATO no wonder North Korea endorses him.', ">>{RandInMyVagina} : >Huh, nice country you got here, fella. It would be a shame if something bad were to happen to it. A real shame. If you want, we could offer you some *protection*, how 'bout it buddy?", '>>{Davillage} : It is Trump basically stated that he wants to abolish NATO.', '>>{cucubabba} : Does he think that we just pay them because we want to be nice? There are things we are getting in return. Once again Old Donnie simplifies things to a 3rd grade level.', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : You realize that in this scenario the other countries are the landlords, and the US military [bases](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/america-still-has-hundreds-military-bases-worldwide-have-they-made-us-any-safer) are the tenants? The wall just got ten feet shorter.', '>>{jpereira95} : Why is Japan having a nuclear weapon such a big deal? A ton of other countries already have this capability. Just because you have the science to produce a nuclear weapon does not mean you have the money to build up a stockpile of weapons and other hardware needed in war times.', ">>{cucubabba} : Exactly. Somehow Trump thinks he's going to lower taxes, increase military spending and pay off the National Debt in 8 years. Ha what a fraud. Just like he promised Trump University students they'd make lots of money he's trying to pull the same fraud on the American public.", '>>{Davillage} : Because of China+NorthKorea. It would start an armsrace of unbelievable proportions. >Just because you have the science to produce a nuclear weapon does not mean you have the money to build up a stockpile of weapons and other hardware needed in war times. You speak of G8 countrys.', ">>{youareaspastic} : Good thing you'll never be in politics or diplomacy then!", ">>{youareaspastic} : ...that's literally why we do it. It's been the cornerstone of our foreign policy since the end of the second world war. It's a pity that Trump supporters are too fucking dumb to know that.", ">>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : That doesn't really matter since we aren't concerned about the physical land. It's about being fairly compensated for the service we provide for them.", ">>{youareaspastic} : I think everybody except his braindead supporters know that we're not doing it as a favor.", ">>{RandInMyVagina} : Right, Pax Americana is all about being benevolent to *other countries*. It's not self-serving, at all. /s Sheesh, do you really think the largest network of military bases the world has ever seen is a *charitable act*?", '>>{jpereira95} : Can you elaborate on "you speak of G8 countries"? There are many countries with nuclear weapons that don\'t belong in the G8.', '>>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : Yeah pretty much. It gives all these other countries the ability to spend next to nothing on their defense while we foot the bill.', '>>{Davillage} : If you think the G8 Nations are unable to increase their military spending sufficiently that is silly.', '>>{Ody0genesO} : Remember when European nations had their own spheres of influence? Well that ended badly. We have been playing global hegemon since the mid twentieth century. Maybe we should scale it back and be a first among equals instead of the global empire we are.', ">>{jpereira95} : What is wrong with people wanting other countries to pay for some of their protection? Can't foreign policy change? People want universal healthcare, social security needs more funding, and countless other programs are under funded. If some of the defense costs were covered by foreign nations, there would be more money to allocate to these programs. I do not think the US should ask for the countries to pay for all the protection, but some money to alleviate the costs is not that far fetched of an idea in my opinion. If i want a service, I have to pay for it. I don't get it for free because me and the repairman are friends. At least that is my opinion. Wouldn't mind hearing your rebuttal to this.", '>>{stormstar1} : The fantastic point he is making is that they could protect themselves, but we incentivize them to use us because we produce weapons. Our special interests one to protect them because those interests sell weapons to the government.', ">>{jpereira95} : Sorry, but can you just elaborate more? I'm now very interested in this", ">>{RandInMyVagina} : Robbed, I tell you, we're being robbed blind by those conniving ferigners! They are some crafty bastards, tricking American taxpayers into paying their bills. Donald will fix everything! He'll even figure out a way to pass laws with the Executive Branch that are *legally valid* in other countries! >Germany? You're fired! Screw it, the entire EU, your piddling little 1.5 million member [armed forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_the_European_Union) and over €200 billion a year is *not enough*! What's he going to do, just send them an invoice, and scream: >Respect My Authori-tie! Maybe he'll just show up one day in the EU Parliament and sit down with the budget committee and stomp his feet until they cut him a check?", '>>{farcetragedy} : Trump wants to [increase military spending.](http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/03/09/trump-i-would-increase-military-spending/)', '>>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : If they ignore our requests we walk away and save that money anyway. Not complicated.', ">>{Sherman1865} : The non proliferation treaty is why. The idea is to keep them in as few hands as possible. Japan doesn't want our nukes in their country.", ">>{GlutenFreeLeukaemia} : He also said he would 'bomb the fuck' out of ISIS", '>>{SevenPointSixTwoMM} : dan carlin has a fantastic episode on this subject. http://www.dancarlin.com/product/common-sense-305-catalyst-for-the-inconceivable/', ">>{Sherman1865} : No. Liberals, conservatives and moderates who understand our foreign policy see how much we benefit from pax Americana. It's the uninformed who don't get it.", ">>{RandInMyVagina} : So Trump would just order all European bases shut down, close all the listening posts, bring home all the nukes, re-route the aircraft carriers, and end 70 years of hard fought policy and diplomacy because the Europeans spend 1.7% of their GDP on their military instead of 2.1%? I'm pretty sure he would get escorted by about 25 generals into a basement deep under the Pentagon and get shown a film of JFK getting assassinated that was filmed from a camera right behind the gunman, but I could be wrong. Did it never cross your mind that the worldwide network of bases that the US operates might have a purpose other than *giving free stuff to foreigners*?", '>>{carolined1} : This seems so shortsighted, if you provide the protection you call the shots. This is why the US is still a super power. He will dismantle the power structure that exists, by its very design to protect the US.', '>>{EssencialToLife} : Europe says "we never asked for your protection". The US presence in germany is an occupation, not protection. The US did invade 1945 and never left. The russians did invade in 1945 too, but they left 1994. We dont want and we dont need the US presence here. I bet many occupied countries feel that way.', ">>{RPDBF} : Trillions wasted and instability all over the world partly caused by our interventions and regime change around the world. It's no benefit, we act like an empire, we just control with threats, money and covert operations instead of straight invasion and control.", ">>{GlutenFreeLeukaemia} : Is that not scaling 'front' military presence overseas?", ">>{Sherman1865} : Instability? Watch the world burn when we go isolationist. He hasn't proposed an isolationist foreign policy either. He's proposed an idiotic foreign policy with war crimes. If you're dumb enough to vote for someone who is telling you they are going to commit war crimes, I have to question your sanity.", ">>{chaosandfury84} : Somehow I doubt that you are right considering the exercises in Poland and the movement of missiles there is a direct consequence of Putin's actions in the Ukraine.", ">>{Add_Another_10_Feet} : Well then why even try. Obviously Europe will just laugh us out of the room and we then have to keep throwing away money on a failed foreign policy. The American people definitely don't deserve anything because the rest of the world would be too hard-lined about a deal for us to reach a reasonable agreement. It's okay to get ripped off as long as we can feel good about protecting a bunch of deadbeats. Guess what. We'll be fine here in the US no matter what, and I couldn't give two shits if a bunch of corrupt Saudis die because we weren't there to defend their asses from their own stupidity. This has been a long time coming, and believing that an acceptable foreign policy is to make ourselves accept second-rate deals in exchange for first-rate control is damaging to our entire country. Let's start putting America first, or at least electing the only one who will even try.", ">>{RPDBF} : I'm voting for Johnson because im not a warmongering neo-con.", ">>{tsundere_salad_bar} : I mean, from the Marshall Plan forward - that's what we've been all this time.", '>>{R2PDC} : You obviously prefer an established, experienced war criminal. Someone with hands dripping blood from Libya to Honduras, who watched a video of a man being sodomized, tortured, and murdered, and laughed with glee.', ">>{RandInMyVagina} : There are a lot of reasons to adjust American foreign policy, or even completely rethink it, and even more reasons to scale back military budgets, but thinking that Americans are giving other people a free ride, or expecting foreign nations to somehow start paying for Americans budgetary choices are starting from faulty premises. You may want to tell the Saudis to fuck off, and so do most Americans, buy they are a massive net gain for American business. They buy billions of dollars worth of American weapons, they invest billions more in the American economy, and they hold absolutely enormous amounts of American debt. If Trump tells them to go eat sand he would quickly find that he didn't have any friends in Washington. The Saudis have the capability to crash the entire US economy; you probably aren't old enough to remember when OPEC first flexed their muscles, but it was completely devastating to the economy, and if the Saudis sold even a fraction of their US debt it would plunge the country into a recession. The world is interconnected, and there are tens of thousands of trained professionals who spend their lives studying and crafting foreign policy, and a loud, populist neophyte can't just go and smash their decades of work because he found a campaign line that rouses the rabble. There are too many lives at stake, and too many fortunes, and the Presidency is not a dictatorship, it's a position within a vast bureaucracy of hundreds of thousands of people that is controlled and restricted by laws, treaties, agreements, contracts, rights, and responsibilities.", ">>{Sherman1865} : Fair enough. Depending on which state you live in, that's a vote for Hilldawg.", ">>{escalation} : As usual, he's just a little more blunt about it", '>>{RPDBF} : And Hillary supporters say its a vote for Tump, lock me up because im commiting election fraud by voting for 3 people.'], ['>>{Redpeg1} : I use 3D Touch everyday I must be in the minority then', ">>{lordcohliani} : I use 3D touch every day. But I do believe we are a minority. I hope support for it continues. I think it's way better than long press.", ">>{D5R} : I like 3D touch and I think it's very useful. I tend to forget that it exists at times though.", '>>{Costaah} : Exactly what i thought when seeing that snap... i use it a hundred times a day. Especially opening links.', '>>{davetheninja81} : Never use it, in fact forget its there most of the time.', '>>{unnecessarylongname} : I use it every day. * press on keyboard for free cursor movement * press on settings-app for fast access to battery/bluetooth/Wifi settings * press on imessage "send"-button to use different effects * quick set timer Don\'t really use it for "peek" and "pop" though.', ">>{pw5a29} : I think it's because iOS 10 still supports devices without 3D Touch, therefore they still can't make it a sole method to do something. Currently 3D Touch allows you to do things easier, but you can still do them in a traditional way.", ">>{Davcoss} : it's very useful for me when i'm bored, just 3d touch on apps to play with it lol", '>>{rollsie7} : Use it everyday in Tweetbot to view a picture or link and on the keyboard to move the curser', '>>{chewb} : use it for peep to save pictures from webpages for sending via messaging apps', ">>{_slayerjj} : Same here and it's also very hard to know where 3D Touch will work in an app sometimes.", '>>{fabianz03} : I use it on Instagram the most for peek and pop.', '>>{DatAwsomness} : yep. I know a huge amount of people who never utilize it', '>>{sydeburnz} : I use it all the time but its because I meant long touch.', '>>{PM_Me_Your_Tabs} : I think your first mistake was trusting the Snapchat "news" as actual news. Half the time it\'s literally clickbait shit. 3D Touch is pretty useful for what it can do atm, it\'s still a new feature so calling it "abandoned" is just pure stupidity.', ">>{Charizarlslie} : My wife didn't know it existed until I just explained it to her", '>>{ArchiveSQ} : I know a few people with 6S and 7 devices and I\'m just like "Just 3D touch it" and they\'re like long pressing. Half my friends don\'t even know it\'s a thing. It was one of my favortie features before dropping to an SE.', ">>{itsmegeorge} : This exactly! Went to the SE and it's the only thing I'm missing and friends with 6S and 7 don't even know about it. I used it so much when I had the 6S, honestly if there's something truly innovative about an iPhone this is it.", ">>{Realman77} : I use 3D Touch mostly for the keyboard and sometimes for settings. Don't use peek and pop or the app switcher", ">>{OptionalCookie} : I turned it off on my 6S. There's no need to use it, so I didn't...", '>>{OptionalCookie} : Long press though is intentional -- 3D Touch keeps happening by accident. I\'ll poke my keyboard and even on firm, iOS will mistake that fora 3D Touch. Or I\'ll want to open this page in a new tab: instead that useless "peek" shit shows up and I\'ve got a new webpage in front of me and then I need to rescroll on the prior page to find what I was looking for. Off.', '>>{mikerichh} : How do you do that? or when/where?', '>>{UsernamesAreHard26} : I used peep and pop on Reddit allllllllll the time. I use Narwhal though', ">>{aldrinjtauro} : I wish they'd called it Force Touch rather than 3D Touch. Force makes more sense, and the Mac trackpads seem to be able to detect multiple levels of pressure anyway.", '>>{rdldr1} : I love 3D touch! I wish more apps implemented it. I also wish I had it on my iPad Pro.', ">>{crispix24} : I think most people who bought the iPhone 6S or the iPhone 7 didn't even know about it. Apple doesn't really provide a tutorial on phone use or anything like that. I remember talking to a stylist who was wondering why she would sometimes get a popup menu when pressing the icons on the home screen. I explained the 3D Touch features to her and she was amazed she hadn't heard of it.", ">>{thebuggalo} : I think that is a major over-statement. It can be useful, but it's use is determined by the specific apps and the developers who make them. It's not a system wide tool that can be used everywhere and serves multiple useful functions. In most cases it's a gimmick, in the best cases it saves a few seconds to peek into content or quickly switch apps. It's not nearly as useful as right-clicking.", ">>{hbkhuey} : Jailbreak let's you use 3D Touch to the full potential", '>>{sloppyFarts} : Put it on a spoon. A friend told me.', ">>{arrkane} : I do too :) Just wish it was more consistent across apps and the OS. I use it daily though and where it is implemented well, it's great.", '>>{greentrafficcone} : Ok, be honest. How many of you toilet sitting redditors just weighed your junk?', ">>{DannyOSully} : I use it most days. Usually for replying to text notifications. I wish they would add functionality to it in reference to the Control Center. I like being able to press on the flashlight to change brightness, but I'd love that option on the Bluetooth and Wifi toggles also. Let me pick a different network or device right from there instead of having to go to settings. Saves several taps", ">>{CA_dot} : Maybe people (like me) who use it very often are in the minority? Personally, I feel like you're limiting yourself if you're not using 3D Touch regularly. Apps switching alone is amazing.", '>>{enragedbreakfast} : You know you can 3D Touch and slide up to show the menu and open in a new tab, right? Just as quick as long pressing.', ">>{enragedbreakfast} : When you're looking at a grid of pictures you can press the thumbnail to show a preview, and press again/harder to go to that image.", ">>{nnjb52} : This is the reason so many don't use it, and at first it is not natural to do it. It either feels like a long press or jamming your thumb through the glass. It's odd.", '>>{rsmseries} : Same with a lot of my friends. If they want it to be utilized more, they should make the 3D Touch adjustment setting pop up during set up, similar to how the New Home Button setup is on the iPhone 7/7+.', ">>{Wdc331} : I definitely didn't use it for some time, but in the last 6 months or so have really started putting it to use. As more apps began implementing it, I find that it's easier to integrate into my daily workflow.", '>>{sandeepsb} : You need to remember that us, redditors are techies that read on all the latest updates for iOS. To the regular consumer they will hardly ever know about 3D Touch or care to bother using it.', '>>{fabianz03} : Yeah, it works on almost everywhere including the explore page and even usernames! I find it super handy.', ">>{mikerichh} : Wow would never have guessed on a User's page too!", ">>{Aldarro} : If I'm not mistaken, it's still the only way to clear all notifications at once. 😎", ">>{hbkhuey} : I use Flipcontrol center to access my settings toggles is one and [here's some others if you're really curious](http://www.idownloadblog.com/2016/02/05/best-3d-touch-jailbreak-tweaks/)", ">>{Aldarro} : Honestly, it just sounds like you're tapping your screen way too hard. Normal interaction (i.e. not 3D Touch) only requires contact, not pressure.", '>>{YOURE_GONNA_HATE_ME} : I disabled it. More of an annoyance than an aid IMO.', '>>{bighi} : No, but saying it is makes it easier to present it as a "tip" instead of having to come up with actual helpful tips.', ">>{bighi} : I can't even think of using the keyboard without 3D touch anymore.", ">>{IfUHadAZuneIHateYou} : It works but it's not accurate enough if your clients are savvy. Jewelers' scales are cheap, accurate and all over the streets.", ">>{anatoltrabka} : Clearing notifications from the drop-down menu doesn't count? I can clear them all by pressing [this](https://i.imgur.com/8AqqJFH.jpg) button.", '>>{Aldarro} : That\'s to clear all the notifications for that particular app, right? If you 3D Touch one of those X buttons, it changes to "Clear All Notifications" (clears every notification from every app). [Like this.](http://i.imgur.com/8TsaRRw.jpg) It\'s a small convenience, but I think it\'s one of the few things that can only be done with 3D Touch.', '>>{Aldarro} : Huh. I guess that added that in an update at some point. I had an SE a while ago on iOS 10 and I distinctly remember there being no clear all option.', '>>{LodvicKerman} : As an iPhone 6 owner, *I* feel like an abandoned child every time an app adds 3D touch features.', ">>{TangoHotel04} : Been walking the streets all day and haven't come across a single scale..."], ['>>{daveae} : After 2 years of use I finally got me a new one', '>>{Rocko9999} : The saddle brown is the only color that wears naturally, the other colors will have the pigment wear/scratch off.', '>>{lemonviking} : Why do you even show off? its not even the same.', '>>{Flux85} : These cases look terrible. Like a vinyl sticker designed to look like a wet paper bag in the shape of a iPhone case.', '>>{saadbabu} : I have had a black one on my 6s Plus since launch. It is, indeed, still black. No colour loss. There are a few scratches and dents but otherwise it looks great. I had one on my 5 before this as well and that held up just as well. The Apple Leather cases are great in my experience.', '>>{argyyle_styyle} : Anyone have a good way to make these more grippy? I want to love mine, but it wants to fall out of my hand so badly.', '>>{Valhalla1759} : So I just got a black one of these cases, and the lower left corner is not as snug as I would like it. When I grip my phone I can feel it move ever so slightly...is this normal?', '>>{GVLaker09} : Leave it on a coffee table where a three-year-old can get to it. Guaranteed to become stickier.', ">>{argyyle_styyle} : Ha. I'm just waiting for my puppy to get ahold of it....", '>>{damoe789} : It surely is, had the red one too amd it looked similar after 1 1/1 years', ">>{OkToBeTakei} : My Product R(E)D cases have always petinad wonderfully. I've had one for my iPad (no leather one for the current Pro), and I'm on my second one for my iPhone (my 6+ case worked for my 6S+, but I had to get an new one for my 7+). It looked great after 2 years.", ">>{daveae} : The old case sadly has a sharp crack at one of the upper corners and it gets hooked on the inside of my pants pockets all the time. You wouldn't want that, would you? :D That's why I got a new one in the first place.", '>>{AriCode} : That looks maroon red. I really like that.', ">>{daveae} : The one on the right is a Product RED case, too. It's about 2.5 years old, actually feels very nice and smooth and the patina also looks good in my opinion. But the worn out switches on the side and a damaged corner made me get a new one...", ">>{MrWhite} : I was hoping that when I bought mine which is now over 2 years old. I was hoping it would get lighter but mine has gotten darker, most people would say it's black.", ">>{OkToBeTakei} : the buttons on the 7+ case are ~~plastic~~ aluminum and integrated into the case (very high quality) and make it much easier to press the buttons. I don't know how they'll hold up over time compared to the pressure-molded ones on the previous cases. the old case in the photo didn't color like mine did. I wear (primarily) raw denim jeans, so mine took on a blueish/blackish hue, not a brown one. still, cool.", ">>{daveae} : The one on the right was originally red. That's why I posted this after all :D", '>>{daveae} : Yes, it is. The light red color is still present on the inside of the case, but not on the outside.', ">>{daveae} : Dust, ashes, some liquids and all different sorts of filth from my hands I can't think of anymore :D I haven't been gently on this one...", ">>{daveae} : I don't think so, at least mine sits as tight as it can be.", ">>{daveae} : The one on the left. You wouldn't believe the one to the right had that same color about 2 years ago :D", '>>{daveae} : Yes, looks and feels cool actually. But it fell down and one corner cracked open.', ">>{gewruiaqhgeuiabghrey} : I can't seem to put my finger on the fault in this statement...", '>>{staiano} : You could resell the one on the left as vintage ;)', '>>{pal002} : Anyone want to share a link to which case this is?', '>>{enzyme69} : I think this leather is a bit slippery, so I actually prefer the silicon.', ">>{misternicholas} : Nah, that's OK. I just really love the look of well worn leather.", ">>{Jarrrp} : These cases really don't seem to hold up well. I've had multi silicon ones that split at the seams, too. The prices they charge are daylight robbery too, so you should be able to expect a case that lasts!", ">>{OffensiveVias} : The 7 and 7+ cases have aluminum buttons, actually. If yours doesn't it probably is a fake.", ">>{OkToBeTakei} : Glad to hear that they're not plastic. And it had better be real-- I got it at the SoHo Apple Store!", ">>{Hing-LordofGurrins} : **That's** what my case is going to look like?! D:", '>>{ImGreenApple} : I have the light brown / beige (not saddle) and this also has gotten a bit darker.', ">>{Catswagger11} : How do you feel these cases protect against drops? I've been using an Otterbox Commuter for 4 years on iPhone 5 and 6+. I have absolutely no fear when I drop my phone. I'm getting a 7+ next month and would like to get a slightly less intense case, like what you have. But I'm worried both that these cases don't protect as well and that I've been conditioned to be comfortable with drops.", ">>{tornadoe67} : And it had better be real-- I got a new one in the photograph didn't color like mine did.", ">>{beverboy} : I got a red one too at launch, it's pretty dark around the edges.", '>>{prplelemonade} : I think worn leather looks (and smells) really nice. Wish I had a case like that for my Pixel.', '>>{loulan} : TIL Apple cases age 300 years in a year.', '>>{antdp425} : Sucks that very few of these leather cases stay their original color. I remember buying one for my mom and it was discolored as fuck within a week. One of my favorite cases, thin and feels nice in the hand.', ">>{UsernameError404} : Here's my iPhone 7 sea blue since early November. http://i.imgur.com/b86DSvY.jpg", '>>{Th3F1gment} : Less than a month into my time with the rose grey, it had absorbed blue from my jeans pocket. I can see why it was on sale when I bought it.', ">>{Biotechjones} : I have a navy blue leather case. Its just about black now. I've been really happy with how the leather cases hold up and age.", ">>{rhunter99} : That's crazy aging. What does a saddle brown look like after such time?", ">>{rhunter99} : Same. I've got sure nicks on my case and I can see the distress in the light but it still looks black", '>>{babygotbak2} : Pretty funny 😂, but this is also extremely gross haha', ">>{ajpearman9} : Not trying to be a downer, but I will not buy one of these cases ever again. Despite loving it when I first got it, I had a black one for less than a year and all the button bumps wore down to the point where I couldn't press them without a lot of trouble. The back of the case also got damaged somehow and ended up with a bunch of weird bumps. I just replaced it with some $15 case from Incipio that feels like it'll hold up a lot better. The official Apple leather case I purchased was NOT worth the insanely high $45 or whatever I paid for it last June.", ">>{cogentorange} : I can't believe you replaced it! That's quite a patina.", ">>{byfuryattheheart} : You'd be surprised. I had a leather case on my 6 for two years. Dropped it on all sorts surfaces. Never had a single issue.", ">>{Catswagger11} : That's good to hear. Thanks for the reply.", ">>{Rec2020} : Tap them on your teeth and I'll be completely obvious that they're metal 🤓", '>>{dshipp} : Same with mine. I ended up exchanging it for a silicone case (stone grey I think). Which has held its colour much better. That reminds me I have a voucher for the difference I still need to spend.']]
classify and reply
['>>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Ralph Nader: Crash Of Trumpcare Opens Door To Full Medicare For All – OpEd', ">>{marathon} : Trump repeatedly to Obama in 2013: Don't attack Syria", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Report: Drew Carey’s Son Started Fire Outside DeploraBall', ">>{myellabella} : Welcome to Breitbart, where the news is made up and the facts don't matter.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Made up? I saw this brat on live television from my hotel in Washington. This is real news son!', '>>{nantesorkestar} : *You* saw him? It must be true.', ">>{MrMischiefVIP} : Works fine for my wife who seems to use it for a lot of surfing. I don't think the games thing would be an issue either. When I switched from android to iOS the biggest thing is how apps seem to be optimized for the phone much better. Maybe it's the standard hardware making it easier for app developers but in general the iphone is unlikely to choke on any app you get from the App Store. That said, I'm a firm believer in getting the best that you can when you go to buy, any reason you're avoiding the 7?", '>>{duchung95} : Yes it does. App open still quick. Battery life will worse than the 7 but overall I think it is still good.', ">>{silentiumau} : Whataboutism doesn't change that the person you thought was the anti-war candidate turned out to be just a regular Republican.", ">>{karmaLTU} : Thanks for reply, forgot to mention, since I'm still in school, without a stable income, living in Eastern Europe where iPhone's are kinda expensive I'm on a tighter budget, so iPhone 7 is little bit out of my affordability range", ">>{shmangit69} : Without a doubt, I think the 6s can last another year. I would honestly consider the 6s Plus if you're going to get one just for the added battery, 1080p resolution, and the OIS. My 6s Plus still flies. I rarely experience problems with my day-to-day usage, which is something I loved coming from Android as well. My battery lasts all day with heavy usage and will last for more than a day if light usage. I'm currently on 10.3 Beta 1, and everything is super smooth.", '>>{GrabbPussy} : He needs to gtfo. Bad enough he sucked up 100k votes when we only needed 500 to beat Bush', ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : The A9 in the 6S still smokes 99% of last year's Android flagships, so I'd say it's a pretty safe purchase. I'd expect there to be 3 or more years of software updates for the 6S.", '>>{FissureKing} : Republicans are still the majority in both Houses. There is just no way until we change the math.', '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : news of zero importance...fit for gossip rags is all, 4th or 5th page at best.', ">>{slakmehl} : Schiff just posted on FB that he hopes the strike will deter chemical attacks, and that he's re-introducing a bill to make this sort of thing go through congress.", '>>{bstockwell87} : Have a 6S and iOS 10 runs better than IOS 9 did. Also, the wife has an iPhone 6 and it runs perfectly fine after 2+ years and 3 OS updates.', '>>{VROF} : Can we please ban Breitbart? Or allow Daily Kos?', ">>{better_bot} : Nobody in that camp thought Trump was the anti-war candidate. They lied to the normies because that's what they do.", ">>{RealQuickPoint} : That's good - so it's basically the exact opposite of what the user I replied to said.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : There was just no way with Democratic majorities in both Houses and a Democratic President. The only way it will ever happen is through vocal and sustained grassroots demands. Most of the corporate stooges on the Hill are committed to preventing it regardless of party flavor.', ">>{kijib} : you can't change the math unless you stand for something, corporate dems won't support this when it is a no brainer for winning 2018", '>>{BudrickBundy} : It was actually in Arlington. The new Hyatt near the Courthouse metro station. The fascistic anti-Trump folks even made their way out to that area and smashed the glass out of some bus stops. Sad!', '>>{BudrickBundy} : I saw some fascists giving supporters of President Trump a hard time during my stay in Washington. It was sad to see!', ">>{hoffmad08} : I by no means thought Trump was anti-war and I certainly didn't vote for him. I just think there's a lot of ideologically inconsistent outage about this, when the left was silent as Obama marched into Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.", '>>{CrippleSlap} : I use my iPhone 6 daily and works like a charm since i bought it in Dec 2014. I am planning on getting the iPhone 8 however', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : How are anti-Trump people fascists? BTW, that's not where the can was set on fire.", '>>{kharma45} : My 6S Plus will bog down from time to time across the OS. Performs well for the most part.', ">>{RealQuickPoint} : It's not even whataboutism - that user is literally making things up right now.", '>>{AFbeardguy} : The situation in Syria was totally different in 2013. Now it\'s Syria/Russia vs the people vs ISIS vs al-Qaeda vs al Nusra vs all the so-called moderate rebels we\'ve been "advising" via our special forces over the past year. It\'s a total fucking mess over there. Many more players involved than there were in 2013.', ">>{silentiumau} : I voted third party last election. No, the two major parties are not the same, but on Syria, Clinton and Trump were in agreement. I caught some flak today on another thread for disagreeing with someone who said it was us third party voters' fault that Trump is the President. I was even criticized by someone who thinks that I am to blame for Clinton's loss because I voted third party in a state that Clinton lost by over 20%. So I know what dumb hypocrisy and fake outrage is. Still, Trump is the President, and Republicans are the majority in Congress. The filibuster for SCOTUS nominees got nuked today, so really, there is not much Democrats can do.", ">>{slakmehl} : For Schiff, yes, though I'm sure some of them will (justly) point out Trump's personal hypocrisy.", '>>{GrabbPussy} : Only idiots would listen to this dumbass. He legit believes Trump is better for progressives than Hillary.', ">>{ClassicsMajor} : But now it's a politically convenient distraction so that makes it okay.", ">>{Ipozya} : I have one and run anything, any game light or heavy, perfectly. I don't plan on updating to a 7, nor the one of the next generation unless some new functionality really gets me. But it won't be because of performance, at least from what it feels on 10.2.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Oh, here we go an endless argument about fascists. They were smashing things, burning things, and trying to terrorize people like the good little Nazis that they are. I never said that anything was set on fire near my hotel. Some of those glass walls at bus stops **were** smashed in the Courthouse Plaza area.', '>>{BudrickBundy} : The people opposing Trump are on the far-left. Fascists are a product of the far-left, described by communists as "right wing" because they\'re not communists and after World War 2 described by the Democrat party that once openly admired fascists as "right wing" because fascists were our enemies in the war and committed such horrible atrocities. Nazis are an extreme example of fascists. The self-described "progressives" within the Democrat party admired Mussolini the Italian fascists and sought to emulate them at the time.', '>>{TinyBaron} : Thanks for the free fireworks show, Donald.', ">>{DrScientist812} : 59 Tomahawks and we couldn't even put it out of commission for more than a few days? Glad to see my taxpayer dollars are being put to good use.", ">>{wuinkm53} : so what you're saying is we need to drop more bombs and bigger ones cuz it wasn't enough?", '>>{viccar0} : Further evidence that the strike was merely a [$90 million](http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/tomahawk-missiles-syria-air-strikes-what-are-they-mean-power-precision-statistics-a7672666.html) spectacle of war theater: > U.S. President Donald Trump suggested on Twitter that the runway itself had not been the target of the missile strikes. > > "The reason you don\'t generally hit runways is that they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix (fill in and top)!", he said. > > A senior military source in the alliance fighting in support of President Bashar al-Assad said the airbase had been mostly evacuated thanks to a warning from Russia, which has deployed its military to Syria in support of Assad. > The senior military source, a non-Syrian, said only a few out-of-service jets were destroyed.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Nope. All your statements are so completely wrong I'm tempted to call you a deliberate liar. Where did you copypasta that bullshit from? The people who oppose trump are just people, not far left. Fascism was admired by the father of GHW Bush and Henry Ford and most US corporate powers. The Republicans thought Hitler was a sensible guy and a great leader. So did the monarchists all over the world and the Christian Churches. There were no progressives in Mussolini's Italy. What the hell are you talking about?", ">>{sockmahbawls} : 60 tomahawks and the narrative is that they didn't even try to put it out of commission.", '>>{TheSocialDynamicist} : Or maybe words have real meanings instead of what you feel they should mean https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism', ">>{StiffJohnson} : So why did he wait until Assad used chemical weapons? Shouldn't he have initiated action immediately if what you're saying is true?", ">>{BudrickBundy} : I don't copy and paste my comments. Everything I posted in that comment is true and irrefutable.", ">>{GrabbPussy} : nope. Only way is through ~65 Dem senators. But BernieBros want to go in the opposite direction and make sure Joe Manchin and Heidi's seats go to republicans.", '>>{deaduntil} : Was this an oped apologizing for the Iraq War? No? Then Nader can fuck off.', '>>{sockmahbawls} : You would think they would just say they alerted Syria themselves. It sounds marginally better than "we told Russia and they told their hanger neighbors". This whole thing is so screwy.', '>>{y3sp} : Came from android and chose the 6s plus for much cheaper (deal that I got) with 128gb and needed a headphone jack. Could not be happier with how it zips around much faster than my nexus 6 ever could and the camera quality is still damn fine', '>>{kijib} : nope. Only way is through real progressives winning elections, not corporate stooges', ">>{StiffJohnson} : Why did the GOP in congress vote against retaliation on Syria in 2013 after they used chemical weapons? That's on the GOP, not the Democrats. My only criticism of Obama is that he should've ignored congress.", '>>{silentiumau} : I actually did vote for the Democrat in my House election. He also lost by over 20%. Still, I will be voting in 2018 for Democrats. Nunes, Chaffetz, etc. need to be replaced before 2020.', '>>{StiffJohnson} : >No, the two major parties are not the same, but on Syria, Clinton and Trump were in agreement. But the rest of the GOP is not in agreement. They voted against intervention in 2013 after chemical weapons were used to kill over a thousand civilians. Obama tried to intervene, but was unwilling to go against the GOP congress. So no, the parties are not the same on Syria. I love how you left out the rest of the GOP in your argument.', '>>{silentiumau} : [Such mavericks. Much consistency. Wow.](http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/aug/25/mccain-graham-call-military-action-syria-chemical-/)', '>>{Wuzupmyhomiz} : > The senior military source, a non-Syrian, **said only a few out-of-service jets were destroyed.** Which begs me not to believe this was as clear cut as the media is making this out to be, feels very scripted, *all* of it.', ">>{GrabbPussy} : You dumbasses keep falling for conservative propaganda. Here is the front page with the same author saying Democrats shouldn't filibuster Gorsuch http://theweek.com/articles/688825/futility-filibustering-neil-gorsuch", ">>{BalconyFace} : Obama put it to Congress in 2013, and they voted against authorizing action. Don't be a fucking dipshit and turn this into a political football. It seemed we had gotten back on track with Congressional authorization—and now we're off the rails again.", ">>{StiffJohnson} : I don't understand your point. The GOP voted to not intervene. From the same website you're sourcing: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/why-many-republicans-wont-support-obama-on-syria-attack/article/2535061", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Then tell me about those progressives in Mussolini's Italy.", ">>{mastermoebius} : Fair. I've had a few beers so I'm feeling testy. Imma delete it. Thanks.", '>>{Baekbeom} : Currently using the 6s, everything works well except the battery life is very sub-par. Even took it into the store and had the battery replaced under their "unexpected shutdown" battery replacement program. Took my phone off charger at around 8:30 am. It is now 3:53 pm and I\'m at 34%. I made two 20 minute phone calls and did some web browsing, but I guess it\'s my fault for using my phone too much. /s Just out of curiosity, why not the 7? Lack of headphone jack was my reason for not upgrading but I\'m curious what other people\'s reasons are.', '>>{cambrairt} : Glad our arrogant Pres. is enjoying his taxpayer funded golf outing after announcing the US should take military action against Syria -[Sean Hannity, September 2013](https://twitter.com/seanhannity/status/375071259643879425) This tweet aged well.', ">>{scapegoat81} : The 6s is a perfectly fine device. U should get a little more life out of it compared to any device before it's time due to the fact it has 2GB of RAM", '>>{DuckHuntHotDog} : >"Thanks for the ~~free~~ $90 million fireworks show, Donald."', '>>{ketuekigami} : Someone needs to draw a political cartoon of Trump handing a defense contractor a check for $100 Million, signed by "American Taxpayer". While looking at Assad saying "We\'ll show you". Because that\'s all that was accomplished with this.', ">>{silentiumau} : So they told Obama to do something, and then voted against doing something, and you don't see my point. Right.", ">>{my02} : > is it still good in 2017? Of course it is. It's barely a year old at this point.", ">>{9548736} : Definitely still keeps up and will be good for a few more years. Take a look at 6S vs 7 videos on youTube. Obviously the A10 chip on the 7 is better but it isn't so much faster than the A9 that it makes more sense to get the 7. If you get the 6S now you can wait until the 8 to upgrade. or 7S if you want, but either way the 6S is still a great device, better than Android phones from the same year (2015) today", ">>{9548736} : The A9 chip on the 6S/6S Plus can hold it's own against 2016 Android flagships, and is definitely better than the 2015 flagships (Note 5, LG G4, HTC M9, Galaxy S6, etc). Plus you're getting at least 3 more years of updates, whereas Android flagships from 2015 all started on Lollipop (except the 6P) and are dying on Nougat (2 major updates is the most these companies give to their flagships *usually*)", ">>{idrisaldin} : Still on the iPhone 6s plus here. Not sure how different it is vs iPhone 6s but I haven't had any issues so far. I use it for Reddit, YouTube, IG, FB, browsing, and managing some e-commerce on a daily basis.", '>>{joetromboni} : I think what they are really saying is this whole thing is fucking ridiculous and trump is a fraud', ">>{DrMikeTyson} : Big difference between the airbase having functional runways, calling itself 'operational', and its ability to function at anything near a militarily valuable capacity. Don't trust the Syrian government.", '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : No 3D touch, touch disease, bending, 1GB of RAM. Why would he get the 6 over the 6S?', '>>{MiddleCase} : My 6 still works perfectly well. A 6s will be fine.', '>>{silentiumau} : Sure. True or false: On August 25, 2013, Congressional Republicans urged then President Obama to intervene in Syria.', '>>{mwtang} : Next up: bombing some empty buildings and knocking down strawmen.', ">>{kijib} : so him having an opinion you disagree with = conservative propaganda? lol the delusion is real here's another article, is this one fake too? http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-aides-loss-blame-231215", '>>{StiffJohnson} : They can say whatever they want, but they should vote that way too. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/31/syrian-air-strikes-obama-congress >A US military attack against Syria was unexpectedly put on hold on Saturday, after president Barack Obama said that while he backed the use of force after what he called "the worst chemical weapons attack of 21st century", **he would first seek the approval of Congress.**', '>>{ColePhelps-} : I said it a thousand times already, and I will say it again: Should have been Bernie. Bernie Sanders would have insured the complete destruction of the air base utilizing the full might of the air force, instead of using just cruise missiles which have been shown to be inaccurate and ineffective in times past.', '>>{dan420} : Runways are easily repaired. Empty aircraft hangers that basically amount to large sheet metal sheds however...', ">>{silentiumau} : It's a true or false question. True? Or false?", ">>{AFbeardguy} : I'm not sure what you're asking. You mean why didn't he do this the day after inauguration? From what I've been reading just last week there were negotiations underway for peace talks and a de-escalation of Syrian gov't forces. That obviously went nowhere.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Your link describes a left wing form of government. Good job son!', ">>{M_Onan_Batterload} : The hangars at Shayrat are made of thick reinforced concrete, very similar to the hangar in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8ajJ1EjgkE (Disregard the penetrating warhead in the vid; the US didn't use any of those at Shayrat)", '>>{A--A--R0N} : A senior military source, a non-syrian,.... Means nothing. Provide who the source is or your words are unreliable.', ">>{GrabbPussy} : And once you successfully primary conservative Democrats in red states like WV and ND, you're guaranteeing another win for Republicans. You seriously need to have a mental illness if you think a liberal can win WV. Stop watching TYT, they only tell lies and are worse than Breitbart. For example, they tell you that you must get rid of Joe Manchin but never mention anywhere in the video how super-conservative WV is and that a liberal would never win.", ">>{kijib} : you don't need to be super conservative to win Wyoming, you just have to represent people instead of corporations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95GVwEb-Qys&list=FLIL2kzc5w4MpP_QcPYqI0EA&index=2", ">>{StiffJohnson} : http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/politics/trump-tweet-syria-obama/ I'm asking why he was so against this action in 2013 when Assad used chemical weapons. I haven't seen any articles about negotiations underway for peace talks and de-escalation of Syrian gov't forces in the past few months. Care to link them?", ">>{GrabbPussy} : Use some critical thinking. Why would the conservatives be interested in pumping out propaganda to purposefully drive a wedge between Bernie and Clinton supporters? You're just a sucker who wants to be tricked. Why do you think TYT was funded by Republicans? (4 million)", ">>{kijib} : Use some critical thinking. Why would the establishment be interested in pumping out propaganda to purposefully drive a wedge between Bernie and Clinton supporters? You're just a sucker who wants to be tricked. Why do you think the DNC betrayed the people for their corporate donors? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usnxoskl3us also disputing your fake news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hs9ctqMQn8", ">>{karmaLTU} : Thanks for all of your replies, you are awesome guys, made my mind about buying the 6s. And for those asking why I'm not going for the iPhone 7 - here in Eastern Europe it costs a lot and it is out of my affordability range", ">>{Lightcookie} : Androids are cheaper but since you're switching away from android there isn't much options I feel u should get a OP3 or a used s7", '>>{DocFunkinstein} : You will be fine, switch to a 6s plus from a nexus 6p and this phone runs laps around my old nexus', '>>{dan420} : Ok they basically blew up [this](http://www.intro-techautomotive.com/p7lsm_img_2/fullsize/car-cover-2_fs.jpg)', ">>{Oracle16} : I'm using a 6s that I've had for almost a year now. It's running great and have no complaints with the functionality. Only problem - my battery life is definitely not what it used to be. It only lasts me the day if I don't use it too heavily. My hands are unfortunately too small for the 6plus :/", '>>{shmangit69} : You might want to look into the Apple Battery Recall program thing that was going on a few weeks ago. It is for users with the 6s I believe.', ">>{GrabbPussy} : There is no hope for you unless you stop listening to Jimmy Dore and TYT. They are basically the Sean Hannity's of the far left. You're just too easily brainwashed, and you're the exact same as a Trumptard on Breitbart.", ">>{SoundandFurySNothing} : It's almost like he was preparing the country to accept his plans by saying that others will do the unspeakable things which he intends.", ">>{wickedmofo} : Clinton responded to incidents (mainly in Iraq) several times during the 1990's, with the use of force. This is no different, we have two missile cruisers and a fuck ton of air power in the region, if this was war we would have taken all 5 air bases and the presidential palace.", ">>{chubbysumo} : > 60 tomahawks and the narrative is that they didn't even try to put it out of commission. they didn't. They hit empty hangers, that they likely knew were empty, and open fields. they didn't even hit runways or taxiways. The accuracy of these missiles is 4m. They can hit with 4 meters of their target, from 100+ miles away. They all *missed*. I hope the commander of the boat comes forward with how he was told to **miss** anything important. These missiles cost about 1 million each, and will cost about 1.5mil to replace. That is 90 million spent in a few seconds, **with nothing to show for it**. It was a complete distraction, and that is all. Trump is a russian agent, a traitor to the US, and is a pedophile.", ">>{StiffJohnson} : They don't cite any senators... They use quotation marks but I have no idea who they're quoting. Corker's remarks are not obviously supportive of military action. You should stop reading the Washington Times.", ">>{Lilthisarry} : Oh yay, Nader's total destruction strategy. How'd that work out last time?", ">>{TheSocialDynamicist} : My link is the definition of facism. It can be left or right wing and has been both throughout history. My link also is a spot on description of Trump's brief failure of a presidency. You seem intelligent, it is sad you seem to have no sense of perspective.", ">>{BudrickBundy} : Your link describes a left wing government! Far-right in the American sense is Libertarianism. Donald Trump is a moderate, too much of a centrist for the folks at National Review and Weekly Standard (until now that they have no choice, to some extent). He's also strongly patriotic/nationalistic, which is something we haven't had in a president since Ronald Reagan. Nationalism can be left or right, but fascism is always left wing (in the American sense of left and right).", '>>{IClaudiusII} : My advice when you see a story like this posted, check the local time in Moscow. This was posted at 8AM moscow time, the poster was very engaged, must of just had some coffee with his breakfast.', ">>{Oracle16} : Yes I did notice that actually. I made an appointment to see the Genius dudes (is that what they're still called?) this week.", ">>{kijib} : There is no hope for you unless you stop listening to corporate establishment talking points. They are basically conning you into complacency. You're just too easily brainwashed, and you're the exact same as a Trumptard on Breitbart.", '>>{kiwiwi255} : Never been so happy with a phone in my life.', '>>{SpringCleanMyLife} : Because he formed all of his political opinions based on what he heard from Alex Jones that day and nothing he said had any real consequences. Armchair quarterback. It pleases me so much to imagine how overwhelmed he must feel now. *Nobody knew being president is so complicated.*', '>>{spanisheyessmile} : Haha I doubt there is even an alternative fact source to back that bs up. I can picture the furious Googling going on for any of those alternative facts to support their narrative.', '>>{jacklocke2342} : Not even one day. Jets were taking off last night.', ">>{StiffJohnson} : He's not feeling overwhelmed. He's just doing whatever his advisors tell him. Fortunately Mattis and McMaster are not actually insane like he is, so we haven't experienced nuclear war yet.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : That's fine. Maybe in searching hard for the wrong, he'd stumble upon the right answer.", '>>{Triggered19} : http://www.tmz.com/2017/01/26/drew-carey-son-fire-washington-dc-protest/ better? Posted not from Russia either, so you should be happy.', '>>{IClaudiusII} : I didnt question he set fire to something, I questioned wether you were really posting from the States ;).', ">>{toastjam} : Sure, but you definitely can't trust the Trump government either... not much to do but speculate at what the truth is without more evidence.", '>>{SpringCleanMyLife} : >No, the two major parties are not the same, but on Syria, Clinton and Trump were in agreement. Only one of them was honest about it though.', '>>{Comassion} : The \'open fields\' claim is from Russian Ministry of Defense, and if we\'ve learned anything from this election it\'s that we probably shouldn\'t trust Russia. The Russians claimed there were 23 hits, DoD says 60 missiles fired, 59 hit targets, 1 splash. Independent satellite imagery shows 44 separate targets hit, and their analysis says that some targets may have been hit multiple times. Source: http://archive.is/zuxre There are 15 targeted aircraft shelters, so if (just my conjecture) those were each assigned two missiles (which would make sense since they\'re the sturdiest targets), that would be 44 hits + 15 second hits on aircraft shelters, bringing the total in line with DoD claims. Russian claims of only 23 hits are not supported since there were at least 44 hits. Yes, runways were not targeted and Syrians launched aircraft the next day. Feel free to discuss the overall effectiveness of the strike. But the idea that the Russian claims that the missiles hit open fields has been disproven by independent sources, and when you make those claims you are spreading Russian propaganda. There are a lot of good arguments to be made against Trump\'s hasty use of the military. "The missiles did nothing" isn\'t one of them because it\'s false, and doing so allows the opposition to focus on that and undermine your other points, such as that it was a distraction. Most of the missiles (44 minimum, 59 claimed and plausible) hit structures or equipment on the airbase and damaged or destroyed those targets. Donald Trump is incompetent, but Mattis and the rest of the U.S. military are not. Mattis or his subordinates would be the ones planning the strike, and they\'d take that planning seriously and choose to hit real targets instead of sending missiles into the sand. That\'s the case even if the "This strike is a Trump / Assad / Putin conspiracy" is true - and no way Trump would reveal himself by ordering Mattis to not destroy anything on the airbase. If Trump doesn\'t actually give a shit about Syrian babies, then he sure as hell doesn\'t care if he blows up a few Syrian air force buildings.', '>>{prostitutepiss} : The chemical attack and US response was designed by Trump-Putin to distract from KremlinGate, here\'s why: - Russia put out publically that there would be negative consqeuences if US attacked Syria. Anything Russia puts out publically can be viewed as the exact opposite. - US informs Russia prior to attack to ensure that Russia would not be harmed in this attack. - Everyone knows Trump needs and wants a war to distract from KremlinGate. - Rex Tillerson\'s and Nikki Haley\'s well timed statements regarding Assad immediately prior to the chemical attack were designed to muddy the plan and make it seem that the response was based in principle opposition to the chemical attack and reactionary rather than planned. - The Kushner/Bannon fued is based on Kushner\'s view that Trump requires more popular support. This is why Bannon was ousted, and this is why Trump wants to look like a hero for his response to an inhumane attrocity. - Oil Prices have risen as they do when conflict in the middle east heightens. Rex and Exxon have benefited from this response. Russia too. - Russia\'s interests in Syria and access to resources remain intact. And will continue to remain intact as this episode plays out. - Assad will most likely remain in power through all this as an increaed US intervention that would oust him would require congressional support that Trump/Russia knows they do not have. - Further on the last point, Tillerson has said the following which points to Assad remaining in power despite this measured response: >"I would not in any way attempt to extrapolate that to a change in our policy or posture relative to our military activities in Syria today. There has been no change in that status," - Assad had zero reason to employ such a chemical attack from a geopolitical viewpoint if not to help his friends Putin and Trump. As the New York Times put it: >The diplomatic situation had been looking bright for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. With the help of Russia, he had consolidated his power, the rebels were on their heels and the United States had just declared that ousting him was not a priority. So why would Mr. Assad risk it all, outraging the world by attacking civilians with what Turkey now says was the nerve agent sarin, killing scores of people, many of them children? Why would he inflict the deadliest chemical strike since the 2013 attacks outside Damascus, which came close to bringing American military retaliation, averted only by a last-minute deal? - Trumps prior tweets against intervention in Syria in 2013 at a time when Russian influence was already upon him shows that this response is hypocritical. And shows that this air strike is the result of present political needs rather than based in any principles against attrocities. - Putin\'s overall geopolitical goals of creating refugees to continue the false narrative against globalism to destabalize the West also benefits from these actions. - Mark my words here: The next fake narrative that Trump/Russian Trolls push will be "Why would Trump attack a Russian ally in Syria if they are in cahoots" Wait for the eventual confirmation of my theory as this narrative gains ground on Russian propaganda networks.', '>>{IClaudiusII} : Im starting to think the Russian trolls get paid by the post not by the day.', ">>{toastjam} : I'm struggling to figure this out myself based on their post history... elaborate troll account or simply a true believer? I love Bernie but I have trouble seeing him escalating more than Trump. On the other hand though, he wouldn't have done anything for show.", '>>{silentiumau} : > They don\'t cite any senators... “This was not contrived,” Sen. Bob Corker, Tennessee Republican and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.” > They use quotation marks but I have no idea who they\'re quoting. “This was not contrived,” **Sen. Bob Corker**, Tennessee Republican and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, **told “Fox News Sunday.”** > Corker\'s remarks are not obviously supportive of military action. ["But look, Congress has had a pass on these kinds of activities for a long time. And I think it\'s time for us to take up--step up and take responsibilities here, too. My guess is they will. I\'ve been talking with them recently this week. I think they will come back. I think they will ask Congress for authorization...But even if not, I think there are indications that this is real. This was not contrived. And, obviously, the world is a better place when the United States takes leadership. **This is time for us to do this. I hope we will do it soon**."](http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/fox-news-sunday-chris-wallace/2013/08/25/sen-corker-rep-engel-debate-us-response-syria-egypt-gov-fallin-australian-athletes-murder#p//v/2628286815001) Goodbye.', '>>{chubbysumo} : > The missiles did nothing if the airport is still functioning less than 1 day after, then they did nothing. >and no way Trump would reveal himself by ordering Mattis to not destroy anything on the airbase he destroyed nothing of value, and nothing that prevented the airbase from operating within 24 hours. They could have targets things to make the airbase non-operational for much longer, but chose not to.', ">>{L0veToReddit} : 3D touch is basically a gimmick, touch disease mostly on the 6 Plus, no bending unless you're careless, if there are, it's under 1%, 1GB of RAM, who doesn't close used apps nowadays..", ">>{Thisisderekd} : Do you mean your old Nexus 6p? I was thinking of switching to iphone 6s from the Nexus 6p because it's been feeling too big in my hands and I can't type on it without making mistakes. What was your reason for switching?", ">>{Jorji__Costava} : 11 year old protesting on a school night... This can't go any farther right?", '>>{DocFunkinstein} : Software issues, battery life, and google kinda of pissed me off with not getting that stupid assiatant', '>>{StiffJohnson} : >Corker\'s remarks are not obviously supportive of military action. I said this in my last response, but I guess you decided to ignore it for some reason? Do you think "this was not contrived" is equivalent to support for airstrikes?', ">>{AFbeardguy} : The situation in Syria back in 2013 was nothing like it is today. There's so many different warring factions fighting there right now it's absolutely bonkers. Here's a peace talk link (sorry, it's mobile): http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1684H5", ">>{StiffJohnson} : So what was the impetus for today's attack against Syria? Are you saying it wasn't because of Syria's use of chemical weapons? Because that's exactly what they did in 2013.", '>>{GrabbPussy} : I don\'t. But you ever get curious why TYT keeps telling you to stop listening to the "establishment" and only watch them instead because only they are the truth and the rest are liars? They are literally a cult like Trump, and they profit off the gullible like you. Alternative media isn\'t more honest than MSM. In fact, they are often much worse: just look at Alex Jones. It\'s fine to mistrust MSM but I find it hilarious that people who are so skeptical about the MSM yet trust every lie told to them by alternative media.', ">>{hunter15991} : Nader would have to write a whole lot more op-eds like this to get the country on the right track. Off the top of my head I'd say a good number would be 538.", ">>{cl33t} : Trump is a religion of peace. Unless it is politically expedient in which case, bomb the f'ckers!", ">>{AFbeardguy} : Remember in 2013 when it was just Assad vs the people? Obama balked and the Russians came in and saved the day and convinced Syria to get rid of their chemical weapons? Fast forward some years. It's total civil war. Completely out of control. Five groups fighting for control. Hundreds of thousands have died. A major refugee crisis. And now it turns out they didn't get rid of those weapons after all. Should the US sit back and let Assad use them again or ISIS or al-Qaeda or any of the other warring factions there who could possibly get their hands on those things? Yeah he tweeted some stuff years ago when this all started but things were different. The consequences of what happens there now is on his watch. Obviously doing not much like his predecessor was a mistake. And he doesn't want to make the same one Obama did.", ">>{kijib} : or maybe it's because the MSM is owned by the same corporations keeping you ignorant so they can screw over the people while people like you go along with it, let's not forget how the media blacklisted Bernie, the superior candidate, and propped up Hillary, giving us President Trump https://i.imgur.com/kwUIpTJ.jpg common sense is hard for some people I guess", ">>{StiffJohnson} : >Obviously doing not much like his predecessor did was a mistake he doesn't want to make the same one he did. But he supported what Obama ended up doing... If you want to say he was just plain wrong back in 2013 that's one thing, but I don't get how he could've been right then and wrong now.", ">>{AFbeardguy} : What do you want from me? All I'm saying is Syria went from really bad to a catastrophic nightmare scenario in a relatively short period of time. If you'll remember, we had just wrapped up an extensive bombing campaign/regime change in Libya and then a month later finally ended the war in Iraq. Syria was already a mess at that point (ISIS was spreading, everyone was fighting each other) and Americans were just flat out done with war. Nobody wanted to intervene. Not you, not me, not Obama, not Trump, not anybody. We were grateful when Russia stepped in. Unfortunately they ended up being ineffective. And now here we are.", '>>{StiffJohnson} : >Nobody wanted to intervene. Not you, not me, **not Obama**, not Trump, not anybody. Then why the hell would Obama ask congress to approve strikes in Syria?? For fun? You baffle me.', ">>{GrabbPussy} : Or maybe it's because TYT is owned by the same person keeping you ignorant so you keep watching their show instead of their MSM competitor. Let's not forget how Jimmy Dore blacklisted Hillary, the superior candidate, and turned all the BernieBros against her, giving us Trump. common sense is too hard for some people I guess. TYT is even turning against Elizabeth Warren. That shows how ridiculous it's getting. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/17/elizabeth-warren-no-longer-darling-of-the-left-commentary.html", '>>{kijib} : > forget how Jimmy Dore blacklisted Hillary, the superior candidate, and turned all the BernieBros against her, giving us Trump. lol do you know what blacklisting means? I\'m guessing English is not your first language? also "superior candidate" hahaha my sides, the candidate with the 2nd highest unfavorable rating next to Trump was superior than the guy leading Trump by 10+ points? lol', ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : The solution to achieving universal healthcare in the US is actually an open secret; always vote in the primaries for the most progressive Democrat and always vote in the general for *any* Democrat. Republicans are so terrified progressives will learn this simple formula to their defeat that they spend millions dividing the Democratic voting base with disinformation. Don't fall for their lies. Vote Dem and tell your friends.", ">>{AFbeardguy} : Maybe because he caught a lot of flack for reducing Libya to rubble without receiving congressional approval before starting and wanted to do it the right way with Syria? The War Powers Resolution (an executive power which Obama exercised to begin the Libya bombardment) gives the president 60 days to use military force plus an additional 30 to withdrawal any troops/armaments before congress can intervene. He's only obligated to inform a select committee within 48 hours of his plans to use the military.", '>>{JackOCat} : These morons who think that once something burns to the ground you get an instant utopia... There is always a reign of terror... always', ">>{stupidstupidreddit} : Ralph Nader. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time... a long time.", ">>{KamikazeSkylark} : It literally doesn't matter unless those people recognize they were lied to", ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : If we can actually successfully primary an incumbent Democrat with a progressive, that person can win in the general too. The old rules don't apply anymore. The other side of the equation is always voting for the Democrat in the general no matter who it is.", ">>{preserved_fish} : Yeah, you don't hear on TYT that Manchin voted for the ACA and against all the repeal efforts. It's one of the issues on which he's a reliable dem.", '>>{preserved_fish} : How do you even listen to that shrill pretend comic for longer than 30 seconds?', '>>{preserved_fish} : I use an alt account because I got sick of hysterical ideologues like you sending me harassing PMs. EVERYONE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT SHILL !!!!1!! Thanks for the opinion piece. Now I know the REAL TRUTH OF UNDYING PROGRESSIVE PURITY. You\'ll be happy to know I tagged you as "corporate stooge."', '>>{kijib} : lol the classic excuse, is that in the handbook?', '>>{MelaniasNudez} : Idk, is "blame Hillary for literally everything even though she lost and is no longer relevant" part of the Trumpster speak\'n\'spell? This is my Politics/Donald supporter troll account so respond all you want. I don\'t care what you or any of your ilk have to say. Stop ruining my fucking country.', '>>{ComradeGibbon} : Madam President is not in favor of public healthcare. That is a much bigger problem than just the Republicans being against it.', '>>{MASKMOVQ} : If the middle class is prepared to carry tax rates close to 50% go ahead.', '>>{pseudolocus} : Do they keep falling for the propaganda.... orrrrrr are they the overseas people paid to spread confusion among Americans.', ">>{alephnul} : That isn't a valid talking point. Every other advanced nation has some form of universal health care, and they all pay less (a lot less) per capita for their health care than we do. We currently have a health care system that is ranked 37th in the world and we pay far more for it than the 36 countries who have better health care than we do.", '>>{alephnul} : So your theory is that there are no rich people in London.....? Interesting. Kind of stupid, but interesting.', ">>{SymbioticPatriotic} : He's in his eighties and still standing up for people.", ">>{GrabbPussy} : Good luck getting a super progressive to win in a super conservative state. You'd need a mental illness to believe that delusion."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{TinyBaron} : Thanks for the free fireworks show, Donald.', ">>{DrScientist812} : 59 Tomahawks and we couldn't even put it out of commission for more than a few days? Glad to see my taxpayer dollars are being put to good use.", ">>{wuinkm53} : so what you're saying is we need to drop more bombs and bigger ones cuz it wasn't enough?", '>>{viccar0} : Further evidence that the strike was merely a [$90 million](http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/tomahawk-missiles-syria-air-strikes-what-are-they-mean-power-precision-statistics-a7672666.html) spectacle of war theater: > U.S. President Donald Trump suggested on Twitter that the runway itself had not been the target of the missile strikes. > > "The reason you don\'t generally hit runways is that they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix (fill in and top)!", he said. > > A senior military source in the alliance fighting in support of President Bashar al-Assad said the airbase had been mostly evacuated thanks to a warning from Russia, which has deployed its military to Syria in support of Assad. > The senior military source, a non-Syrian, said only a few out-of-service jets were destroyed.', ">>{sockmahbawls} : 60 tomahawks and the narrative is that they didn't even try to put it out of commission.", '>>{sockmahbawls} : You would think they would just say they alerted Syria themselves. It sounds marginally better than "we told Russia and they told their hanger neighbors". This whole thing is so screwy.', '>>{Wuzupmyhomiz} : > The senior military source, a non-Syrian, **said only a few out-of-service jets were destroyed.** Which begs me not to believe this was as clear cut as the media is making this out to be, feels very scripted, *all* of it.', '>>{DuckHuntHotDog} : >"Thanks for the ~~free~~ $90 million fireworks show, Donald."', '>>{ketuekigami} : Someone needs to draw a political cartoon of Trump handing a defense contractor a check for $100 Million, signed by "American Taxpayer". While looking at Assad saying "We\'ll show you". Because that\'s all that was accomplished with this.', '>>{joetromboni} : I think what they are really saying is this whole thing is fucking ridiculous and trump is a fraud', ">>{DrMikeTyson} : Big difference between the airbase having functional runways, calling itself 'operational', and its ability to function at anything near a militarily valuable capacity. Don't trust the Syrian government.", '>>{mwtang} : Next up: bombing some empty buildings and knocking down strawmen.', '>>{ColePhelps-} : I said it a thousand times already, and I will say it again: Should have been Bernie. Bernie Sanders would have insured the complete destruction of the air base utilizing the full might of the air force, instead of using just cruise missiles which have been shown to be inaccurate and ineffective in times past.', '>>{dan420} : Runways are easily repaired. Empty aircraft hangers that basically amount to large sheet metal sheds however...', ">>{M_Onan_Batterload} : The hangars at Shayrat are made of thick reinforced concrete, very similar to the hangar in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8ajJ1EjgkE (Disregard the penetrating warhead in the vid; the US didn't use any of those at Shayrat)", '>>{A--A--R0N} : A senior military source, a non-syrian,.... Means nothing. Provide who the source is or your words are unreliable.', '>>{dan420} : Ok they basically blew up [this](http://www.intro-techautomotive.com/p7lsm_img_2/fullsize/car-cover-2_fs.jpg)', ">>{chubbysumo} : > 60 tomahawks and the narrative is that they didn't even try to put it out of commission. they didn't. They hit empty hangers, that they likely knew were empty, and open fields. they didn't even hit runways or taxiways. The accuracy of these missiles is 4m. They can hit with 4 meters of their target, from 100+ miles away. They all *missed*. I hope the commander of the boat comes forward with how he was told to **miss** anything important. These missiles cost about 1 million each, and will cost about 1.5mil to replace. That is 90 million spent in a few seconds, **with nothing to show for it**. It was a complete distraction, and that is all. Trump is a russian agent, a traitor to the US, and is a pedophile.", '>>{jacklocke2342} : Not even one day. Jets were taking off last night.', ">>{toastjam} : Sure, but you definitely can't trust the Trump government either... not much to do but speculate at what the truth is without more evidence.", '>>{Comassion} : The \'open fields\' claim is from Russian Ministry of Defense, and if we\'ve learned anything from this election it\'s that we probably shouldn\'t trust Russia. The Russians claimed there were 23 hits, DoD says 60 missiles fired, 59 hit targets, 1 splash. Independent satellite imagery shows 44 separate targets hit, and their analysis says that some targets may have been hit multiple times. Source: http://archive.is/zuxre There are 15 targeted aircraft shelters, so if (just my conjecture) those were each assigned two missiles (which would make sense since they\'re the sturdiest targets), that would be 44 hits + 15 second hits on aircraft shelters, bringing the total in line with DoD claims. Russian claims of only 23 hits are not supported since there were at least 44 hits. Yes, runways were not targeted and Syrians launched aircraft the next day. Feel free to discuss the overall effectiveness of the strike. But the idea that the Russian claims that the missiles hit open fields has been disproven by independent sources, and when you make those claims you are spreading Russian propaganda. There are a lot of good arguments to be made against Trump\'s hasty use of the military. "The missiles did nothing" isn\'t one of them because it\'s false, and doing so allows the opposition to focus on that and undermine your other points, such as that it was a distraction. Most of the missiles (44 minimum, 59 claimed and plausible) hit structures or equipment on the airbase and damaged or destroyed those targets. Donald Trump is incompetent, but Mattis and the rest of the U.S. military are not. Mattis or his subordinates would be the ones planning the strike, and they\'d take that planning seriously and choose to hit real targets instead of sending missiles into the sand. That\'s the case even if the "This strike is a Trump / Assad / Putin conspiracy" is true - and no way Trump would reveal himself by ordering Mattis to not destroy anything on the airbase. If Trump doesn\'t actually give a shit about Syrian babies, then he sure as hell doesn\'t care if he blows up a few Syrian air force buildings.', ">>{toastjam} : I'm struggling to figure this out myself based on their post history... elaborate troll account or simply a true believer? I love Bernie but I have trouble seeing him escalating more than Trump. On the other hand though, he wouldn't have done anything for show.", '>>{chubbysumo} : > The missiles did nothing if the airport is still functioning less than 1 day after, then they did nothing. >and no way Trump would reveal himself by ordering Mattis to not destroy anything on the airbase he destroyed nothing of value, and nothing that prevented the airbase from operating within 24 hours. They could have targets things to make the airbase non-operational for much longer, but chose not to.'], [">>{marathon} : Trump repeatedly to Obama in 2013: Don't attack Syria", ">>{silentiumau} : Whataboutism doesn't change that the person you thought was the anti-war candidate turned out to be just a regular Republican.", ">>{slakmehl} : Schiff just posted on FB that he hopes the strike will deter chemical attacks, and that he's re-introducing a bill to make this sort of thing go through congress.", ">>{better_bot} : Nobody in that camp thought Trump was the anti-war candidate. They lied to the normies because that's what they do.", ">>{RealQuickPoint} : That's good - so it's basically the exact opposite of what the user I replied to said.", ">>{hoffmad08} : I by no means thought Trump was anti-war and I certainly didn't vote for him. I just think there's a lot of ideologically inconsistent outage about this, when the left was silent as Obama marched into Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.", ">>{RealQuickPoint} : It's not even whataboutism - that user is literally making things up right now.", '>>{AFbeardguy} : The situation in Syria was totally different in 2013. Now it\'s Syria/Russia vs the people vs ISIS vs al-Qaeda vs al Nusra vs all the so-called moderate rebels we\'ve been "advising" via our special forces over the past year. It\'s a total fucking mess over there. Many more players involved than there were in 2013.', ">>{silentiumau} : I voted third party last election. No, the two major parties are not the same, but on Syria, Clinton and Trump were in agreement. I caught some flak today on another thread for disagreeing with someone who said it was us third party voters' fault that Trump is the President. I was even criticized by someone who thinks that I am to blame for Clinton's loss because I voted third party in a state that Clinton lost by over 20%. So I know what dumb hypocrisy and fake outrage is. Still, Trump is the President, and Republicans are the majority in Congress. The filibuster for SCOTUS nominees got nuked today, so really, there is not much Democrats can do.", ">>{slakmehl} : For Schiff, yes, though I'm sure some of them will (justly) point out Trump's personal hypocrisy.", ">>{ClassicsMajor} : But now it's a politically convenient distraction so that makes it okay.", ">>{StiffJohnson} : So why did he wait until Assad used chemical weapons? Shouldn't he have initiated action immediately if what you're saying is true?", ">>{StiffJohnson} : Why did the GOP in congress vote against retaliation on Syria in 2013 after they used chemical weapons? That's on the GOP, not the Democrats. My only criticism of Obama is that he should've ignored congress.", '>>{silentiumau} : I actually did vote for the Democrat in my House election. He also lost by over 20%. Still, I will be voting in 2018 for Democrats. Nunes, Chaffetz, etc. need to be replaced before 2020.', '>>{StiffJohnson} : >No, the two major parties are not the same, but on Syria, Clinton and Trump were in agreement. But the rest of the GOP is not in agreement. They voted against intervention in 2013 after chemical weapons were used to kill over a thousand civilians. Obama tried to intervene, but was unwilling to go against the GOP congress. So no, the parties are not the same on Syria. I love how you left out the rest of the GOP in your argument.', '>>{silentiumau} : [Such mavericks. Much consistency. Wow.](http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/aug/25/mccain-graham-call-military-action-syria-chemical-/)', ">>{BalconyFace} : Obama put it to Congress in 2013, and they voted against authorizing action. Don't be a fucking dipshit and turn this into a political football. It seemed we had gotten back on track with Congressional authorization—and now we're off the rails again.", ">>{StiffJohnson} : I don't understand your point. The GOP voted to not intervene. From the same website you're sourcing: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/why-many-republicans-wont-support-obama-on-syria-attack/article/2535061", '>>{cambrairt} : Glad our arrogant Pres. is enjoying his taxpayer funded golf outing after announcing the US should take military action against Syria -[Sean Hannity, September 2013](https://twitter.com/seanhannity/status/375071259643879425) This tweet aged well.', ">>{silentiumau} : So they told Obama to do something, and then voted against doing something, and you don't see my point. Right.", '>>{silentiumau} : Sure. True or false: On August 25, 2013, Congressional Republicans urged then President Obama to intervene in Syria.', '>>{StiffJohnson} : They can say whatever they want, but they should vote that way too. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/31/syrian-air-strikes-obama-congress >A US military attack against Syria was unexpectedly put on hold on Saturday, after president Barack Obama said that while he backed the use of force after what he called "the worst chemical weapons attack of 21st century", **he would first seek the approval of Congress.**', ">>{silentiumau} : It's a true or false question. True? Or false?", ">>{AFbeardguy} : I'm not sure what you're asking. You mean why didn't he do this the day after inauguration? From what I've been reading just last week there were negotiations underway for peace talks and a de-escalation of Syrian gov't forces. That obviously went nowhere.", ">>{StiffJohnson} : http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/politics/trump-tweet-syria-obama/ I'm asking why he was so against this action in 2013 when Assad used chemical weapons. I haven't seen any articles about negotiations underway for peace talks and de-escalation of Syrian gov't forces in the past few months. Care to link them?", ">>{SoundandFurySNothing} : It's almost like he was preparing the country to accept his plans by saying that others will do the unspeakable things which he intends.", ">>{wickedmofo} : Clinton responded to incidents (mainly in Iraq) several times during the 1990's, with the use of force. This is no different, we have two missile cruisers and a fuck ton of air power in the region, if this was war we would have taken all 5 air bases and the presidential palace.", ">>{StiffJohnson} : They don't cite any senators... They use quotation marks but I have no idea who they're quoting. Corker's remarks are not obviously supportive of military action. You should stop reading the Washington Times.", '>>{SpringCleanMyLife} : Because he formed all of his political opinions based on what he heard from Alex Jones that day and nothing he said had any real consequences. Armchair quarterback. It pleases me so much to imagine how overwhelmed he must feel now. *Nobody knew being president is so complicated.*', ">>{StiffJohnson} : He's not feeling overwhelmed. He's just doing whatever his advisors tell him. Fortunately Mattis and McMaster are not actually insane like he is, so we haven't experienced nuclear war yet.", '>>{SpringCleanMyLife} : >No, the two major parties are not the same, but on Syria, Clinton and Trump were in agreement. Only one of them was honest about it though.', '>>{prostitutepiss} : The chemical attack and US response was designed by Trump-Putin to distract from KremlinGate, here\'s why: - Russia put out publically that there would be negative consqeuences if US attacked Syria. Anything Russia puts out publically can be viewed as the exact opposite. - US informs Russia prior to attack to ensure that Russia would not be harmed in this attack. - Everyone knows Trump needs and wants a war to distract from KremlinGate. - Rex Tillerson\'s and Nikki Haley\'s well timed statements regarding Assad immediately prior to the chemical attack were designed to muddy the plan and make it seem that the response was based in principle opposition to the chemical attack and reactionary rather than planned. - The Kushner/Bannon fued is based on Kushner\'s view that Trump requires more popular support. This is why Bannon was ousted, and this is why Trump wants to look like a hero for his response to an inhumane attrocity. - Oil Prices have risen as they do when conflict in the middle east heightens. Rex and Exxon have benefited from this response. Russia too. - Russia\'s interests in Syria and access to resources remain intact. And will continue to remain intact as this episode plays out. - Assad will most likely remain in power through all this as an increaed US intervention that would oust him would require congressional support that Trump/Russia knows they do not have. - Further on the last point, Tillerson has said the following which points to Assad remaining in power despite this measured response: >"I would not in any way attempt to extrapolate that to a change in our policy or posture relative to our military activities in Syria today. There has been no change in that status," - Assad had zero reason to employ such a chemical attack from a geopolitical viewpoint if not to help his friends Putin and Trump. As the New York Times put it: >The diplomatic situation had been looking bright for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. With the help of Russia, he had consolidated his power, the rebels were on their heels and the United States had just declared that ousting him was not a priority. So why would Mr. Assad risk it all, outraging the world by attacking civilians with what Turkey now says was the nerve agent sarin, killing scores of people, many of them children? Why would he inflict the deadliest chemical strike since the 2013 attacks outside Damascus, which came close to bringing American military retaliation, averted only by a last-minute deal? - Trumps prior tweets against intervention in Syria in 2013 at a time when Russian influence was already upon him shows that this response is hypocritical. And shows that this air strike is the result of present political needs rather than based in any principles against attrocities. - Putin\'s overall geopolitical goals of creating refugees to continue the false narrative against globalism to destabalize the West also benefits from these actions. - Mark my words here: The next fake narrative that Trump/Russian Trolls push will be "Why would Trump attack a Russian ally in Syria if they are in cahoots" Wait for the eventual confirmation of my theory as this narrative gains ground on Russian propaganda networks.', '>>{silentiumau} : > They don\'t cite any senators... “This was not contrived,” Sen. Bob Corker, Tennessee Republican and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.” > They use quotation marks but I have no idea who they\'re quoting. “This was not contrived,” **Sen. Bob Corker**, Tennessee Republican and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, **told “Fox News Sunday.”** > Corker\'s remarks are not obviously supportive of military action. ["But look, Congress has had a pass on these kinds of activities for a long time. And I think it\'s time for us to take up--step up and take responsibilities here, too. My guess is they will. I\'ve been talking with them recently this week. I think they will come back. I think they will ask Congress for authorization...But even if not, I think there are indications that this is real. This was not contrived. And, obviously, the world is a better place when the United States takes leadership. **This is time for us to do this. I hope we will do it soon**."](http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/fox-news-sunday-chris-wallace/2013/08/25/sen-corker-rep-engel-debate-us-response-syria-egypt-gov-fallin-australian-athletes-murder#p//v/2628286815001) Goodbye.', '>>{StiffJohnson} : >Corker\'s remarks are not obviously supportive of military action. I said this in my last response, but I guess you decided to ignore it for some reason? Do you think "this was not contrived" is equivalent to support for airstrikes?', ">>{AFbeardguy} : The situation in Syria back in 2013 was nothing like it is today. There's so many different warring factions fighting there right now it's absolutely bonkers. Here's a peace talk link (sorry, it's mobile): http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1684H5", ">>{StiffJohnson} : So what was the impetus for today's attack against Syria? Are you saying it wasn't because of Syria's use of chemical weapons? Because that's exactly what they did in 2013.", ">>{cl33t} : Trump is a religion of peace. Unless it is politically expedient in which case, bomb the f'ckers!", ">>{AFbeardguy} : Remember in 2013 when it was just Assad vs the people? Obama balked and the Russians came in and saved the day and convinced Syria to get rid of their chemical weapons? Fast forward some years. It's total civil war. Completely out of control. Five groups fighting for control. Hundreds of thousands have died. A major refugee crisis. And now it turns out they didn't get rid of those weapons after all. Should the US sit back and let Assad use them again or ISIS or al-Qaeda or any of the other warring factions there who could possibly get their hands on those things? Yeah he tweeted some stuff years ago when this all started but things were different. The consequences of what happens there now is on his watch. Obviously doing not much like his predecessor was a mistake. And he doesn't want to make the same one Obama did.", ">>{StiffJohnson} : >Obviously doing not much like his predecessor did was a mistake he doesn't want to make the same one he did. But he supported what Obama ended up doing... If you want to say he was just plain wrong back in 2013 that's one thing, but I don't get how he could've been right then and wrong now.", ">>{AFbeardguy} : What do you want from me? All I'm saying is Syria went from really bad to a catastrophic nightmare scenario in a relatively short period of time. If you'll remember, we had just wrapped up an extensive bombing campaign/regime change in Libya and then a month later finally ended the war in Iraq. Syria was already a mess at that point (ISIS was spreading, everyone was fighting each other) and Americans were just flat out done with war. Nobody wanted to intervene. Not you, not me, not Obama, not Trump, not anybody. We were grateful when Russia stepped in. Unfortunately they ended up being ineffective. And now here we are.", '>>{StiffJohnson} : >Nobody wanted to intervene. Not you, not me, **not Obama**, not Trump, not anybody. Then why the hell would Obama ask congress to approve strikes in Syria?? For fun? You baffle me.', ">>{AFbeardguy} : Maybe because he caught a lot of flack for reducing Libya to rubble without receiving congressional approval before starting and wanted to do it the right way with Syria? The War Powers Resolution (an executive power which Obama exercised to begin the Libya bombardment) gives the president 60 days to use military force plus an additional 30 to withdrawal any troops/armaments before congress can intervene. He's only obligated to inform a select committee within 48 hours of his plans to use the military.", ">>{KamikazeSkylark} : It literally doesn't matter unless those people recognize they were lied to"], [">>{MrMischiefVIP} : Works fine for my wife who seems to use it for a lot of surfing. I don't think the games thing would be an issue either. When I switched from android to iOS the biggest thing is how apps seem to be optimized for the phone much better. Maybe it's the standard hardware making it easier for app developers but in general the iphone is unlikely to choke on any app you get from the App Store. That said, I'm a firm believer in getting the best that you can when you go to buy, any reason you're avoiding the 7?", '>>{duchung95} : Yes it does. App open still quick. Battery life will worse than the 7 but overall I think it is still good.', ">>{karmaLTU} : Thanks for reply, forgot to mention, since I'm still in school, without a stable income, living in Eastern Europe where iPhone's are kinda expensive I'm on a tighter budget, so iPhone 7 is little bit out of my affordability range", ">>{shmangit69} : Without a doubt, I think the 6s can last another year. I would honestly consider the 6s Plus if you're going to get one just for the added battery, 1080p resolution, and the OIS. My 6s Plus still flies. I rarely experience problems with my day-to-day usage, which is something I loved coming from Android as well. My battery lasts all day with heavy usage and will last for more than a day if light usage. I'm currently on 10.3 Beta 1, and everything is super smooth.", ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : The A9 in the 6S still smokes 99% of last year's Android flagships, so I'd say it's a pretty safe purchase. I'd expect there to be 3 or more years of software updates for the 6S.", '>>{bstockwell87} : Have a 6S and iOS 10 runs better than IOS 9 did. Also, the wife has an iPhone 6 and it runs perfectly fine after 2+ years and 3 OS updates.', '>>{CrippleSlap} : I use my iPhone 6 daily and works like a charm since i bought it in Dec 2014. I am planning on getting the iPhone 8 however', '>>{kharma45} : My 6S Plus will bog down from time to time across the OS. Performs well for the most part.', ">>{Ipozya} : I have one and run anything, any game light or heavy, perfectly. I don't plan on updating to a 7, nor the one of the next generation unless some new functionality really gets me. But it won't be because of performance, at least from what it feels on 10.2.", '>>{y3sp} : Came from android and chose the 6s plus for much cheaper (deal that I got) with 128gb and needed a headphone jack. Could not be happier with how it zips around much faster than my nexus 6 ever could and the camera quality is still damn fine', '>>{Baekbeom} : Currently using the 6s, everything works well except the battery life is very sub-par. Even took it into the store and had the battery replaced under their "unexpected shutdown" battery replacement program. Took my phone off charger at around 8:30 am. It is now 3:53 pm and I\'m at 34%. I made two 20 minute phone calls and did some web browsing, but I guess it\'s my fault for using my phone too much. /s Just out of curiosity, why not the 7? Lack of headphone jack was my reason for not upgrading but I\'m curious what other people\'s reasons are.', ">>{scapegoat81} : The 6s is a perfectly fine device. U should get a little more life out of it compared to any device before it's time due to the fact it has 2GB of RAM", ">>{my02} : > is it still good in 2017? Of course it is. It's barely a year old at this point.", ">>{9548736} : Definitely still keeps up and will be good for a few more years. Take a look at 6S vs 7 videos on youTube. Obviously the A10 chip on the 7 is better but it isn't so much faster than the A9 that it makes more sense to get the 7. If you get the 6S now you can wait until the 8 to upgrade. or 7S if you want, but either way the 6S is still a great device, better than Android phones from the same year (2015) today", ">>{9548736} : The A9 chip on the 6S/6S Plus can hold it's own against 2016 Android flagships, and is definitely better than the 2015 flagships (Note 5, LG G4, HTC M9, Galaxy S6, etc). Plus you're getting at least 3 more years of updates, whereas Android flagships from 2015 all started on Lollipop (except the 6P) and are dying on Nougat (2 major updates is the most these companies give to their flagships *usually*)", ">>{idrisaldin} : Still on the iPhone 6s plus here. Not sure how different it is vs iPhone 6s but I haven't had any issues so far. I use it for Reddit, YouTube, IG, FB, browsing, and managing some e-commerce on a daily basis.", '>>{PavelDatsyuk} : No 3D touch, touch disease, bending, 1GB of RAM. Why would he get the 6 over the 6S?', '>>{MiddleCase} : My 6 still works perfectly well. A 6s will be fine.', ">>{karmaLTU} : Thanks for all of your replies, you are awesome guys, made my mind about buying the 6s. And for those asking why I'm not going for the iPhone 7 - here in Eastern Europe it costs a lot and it is out of my affordability range", ">>{Lightcookie} : Androids are cheaper but since you're switching away from android there isn't much options I feel u should get a OP3 or a used s7", '>>{DocFunkinstein} : You will be fine, switch to a 6s plus from a nexus 6p and this phone runs laps around my old nexus', ">>{Oracle16} : I'm using a 6s that I've had for almost a year now. It's running great and have no complaints with the functionality. Only problem - my battery life is definitely not what it used to be. It only lasts me the day if I don't use it too heavily. My hands are unfortunately too small for the 6plus :/", '>>{shmangit69} : You might want to look into the Apple Battery Recall program thing that was going on a few weeks ago. It is for users with the 6s I believe.', ">>{Oracle16} : Yes I did notice that actually. I made an appointment to see the Genius dudes (is that what they're still called?) this week.", '>>{kiwiwi255} : Never been so happy with a phone in my life.', ">>{L0veToReddit} : 3D touch is basically a gimmick, touch disease mostly on the 6 Plus, no bending unless you're careless, if there are, it's under 1%, 1GB of RAM, who doesn't close used apps nowadays..", ">>{Thisisderekd} : Do you mean your old Nexus 6p? I was thinking of switching to iphone 6s from the Nexus 6p because it's been feeling too big in my hands and I can't type on it without making mistakes. What was your reason for switching?", '>>{DocFunkinstein} : Software issues, battery life, and google kinda of pissed me off with not getting that stupid assiatant'], ['>>{SymbioticPatriotic} : Ralph Nader: Crash Of Trumpcare Opens Door To Full Medicare For All – OpEd', '>>{GrabbPussy} : He needs to gtfo. Bad enough he sucked up 100k votes when we only needed 500 to beat Bush', '>>{FissureKing} : Republicans are still the majority in both Houses. There is just no way until we change the math.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : There was just no way with Democratic majorities in both Houses and a Democratic President. The only way it will ever happen is through vocal and sustained grassroots demands. Most of the corporate stooges on the Hill are committed to preventing it regardless of party flavor.', ">>{kijib} : you can't change the math unless you stand for something, corporate dems won't support this when it is a no brainer for winning 2018", '>>{GrabbPussy} : Only idiots would listen to this dumbass. He legit believes Trump is better for progressives than Hillary.', ">>{GrabbPussy} : nope. Only way is through ~65 Dem senators. But BernieBros want to go in the opposite direction and make sure Joe Manchin and Heidi's seats go to republicans.", '>>{deaduntil} : Was this an oped apologizing for the Iraq War? No? Then Nader can fuck off.', '>>{kijib} : nope. Only way is through real progressives winning elections, not corporate stooges', ">>{GrabbPussy} : You dumbasses keep falling for conservative propaganda. Here is the front page with the same author saying Democrats shouldn't filibuster Gorsuch http://theweek.com/articles/688825/futility-filibustering-neil-gorsuch", ">>{kijib} : so him having an opinion you disagree with = conservative propaganda? lol the delusion is real here's another article, is this one fake too? http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-aides-loss-blame-231215", ">>{GrabbPussy} : And once you successfully primary conservative Democrats in red states like WV and ND, you're guaranteeing another win for Republicans. You seriously need to have a mental illness if you think a liberal can win WV. Stop watching TYT, they only tell lies and are worse than Breitbart. For example, they tell you that you must get rid of Joe Manchin but never mention anywhere in the video how super-conservative WV is and that a liberal would never win.", ">>{kijib} : you don't need to be super conservative to win Wyoming, you just have to represent people instead of corporations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95GVwEb-Qys&list=FLIL2kzc5w4MpP_QcPYqI0EA&index=2", ">>{GrabbPussy} : Use some critical thinking. Why would the conservatives be interested in pumping out propaganda to purposefully drive a wedge between Bernie and Clinton supporters? You're just a sucker who wants to be tricked. Why do you think TYT was funded by Republicans? (4 million)", ">>{kijib} : Use some critical thinking. Why would the establishment be interested in pumping out propaganda to purposefully drive a wedge between Bernie and Clinton supporters? You're just a sucker who wants to be tricked. Why do you think the DNC betrayed the people for their corporate donors? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usnxoskl3us also disputing your fake news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hs9ctqMQn8", ">>{GrabbPussy} : There is no hope for you unless you stop listening to Jimmy Dore and TYT. They are basically the Sean Hannity's of the far left. You're just too easily brainwashed, and you're the exact same as a Trumptard on Breitbart.", ">>{Lilthisarry} : Oh yay, Nader's total destruction strategy. How'd that work out last time?", ">>{kijib} : There is no hope for you unless you stop listening to corporate establishment talking points. They are basically conning you into complacency. You're just too easily brainwashed, and you're the exact same as a Trumptard on Breitbart.", '>>{GrabbPussy} : I don\'t. But you ever get curious why TYT keeps telling you to stop listening to the "establishment" and only watch them instead because only they are the truth and the rest are liars? They are literally a cult like Trump, and they profit off the gullible like you. Alternative media isn\'t more honest than MSM. In fact, they are often much worse: just look at Alex Jones. It\'s fine to mistrust MSM but I find it hilarious that people who are so skeptical about the MSM yet trust every lie told to them by alternative media.', ">>{hunter15991} : Nader would have to write a whole lot more op-eds like this to get the country on the right track. Off the top of my head I'd say a good number would be 538.", ">>{kijib} : or maybe it's because the MSM is owned by the same corporations keeping you ignorant so they can screw over the people while people like you go along with it, let's not forget how the media blacklisted Bernie, the superior candidate, and propped up Hillary, giving us President Trump https://i.imgur.com/kwUIpTJ.jpg common sense is hard for some people I guess", ">>{GrabbPussy} : Or maybe it's because TYT is owned by the same person keeping you ignorant so you keep watching their show instead of their MSM competitor. Let's not forget how Jimmy Dore blacklisted Hillary, the superior candidate, and turned all the BernieBros against her, giving us Trump. common sense is too hard for some people I guess. TYT is even turning against Elizabeth Warren. That shows how ridiculous it's getting. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/17/elizabeth-warren-no-longer-darling-of-the-left-commentary.html", '>>{kijib} : > forget how Jimmy Dore blacklisted Hillary, the superior candidate, and turned all the BernieBros against her, giving us Trump. lol do you know what blacklisting means? I\'m guessing English is not your first language? also "superior candidate" hahaha my sides, the candidate with the 2nd highest unfavorable rating next to Trump was superior than the guy leading Trump by 10+ points? lol', ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : The solution to achieving universal healthcare in the US is actually an open secret; always vote in the primaries for the most progressive Democrat and always vote in the general for *any* Democrat. Republicans are so terrified progressives will learn this simple formula to their defeat that they spend millions dividing the Democratic voting base with disinformation. Don't fall for their lies. Vote Dem and tell your friends.", '>>{JackOCat} : These morons who think that once something burns to the ground you get an instant utopia... There is always a reign of terror... always', ">>{stupidstupidreddit} : Ralph Nader. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time... a long time.", ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : If we can actually successfully primary an incumbent Democrat with a progressive, that person can win in the general too. The old rules don't apply anymore. The other side of the equation is always voting for the Democrat in the general no matter who it is.", ">>{preserved_fish} : Yeah, you don't hear on TYT that Manchin voted for the ACA and against all the repeal efforts. It's one of the issues on which he's a reliable dem.", '>>{preserved_fish} : How do you even listen to that shrill pretend comic for longer than 30 seconds?', '>>{preserved_fish} : I use an alt account because I got sick of hysterical ideologues like you sending me harassing PMs. EVERYONE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT SHILL !!!!1!! Thanks for the opinion piece. Now I know the REAL TRUTH OF UNDYING PROGRESSIVE PURITY. You\'ll be happy to know I tagged you as "corporate stooge."', '>>{kijib} : lol the classic excuse, is that in the handbook?', '>>{MelaniasNudez} : Idk, is "blame Hillary for literally everything even though she lost and is no longer relevant" part of the Trumpster speak\'n\'spell? This is my Politics/Donald supporter troll account so respond all you want. I don\'t care what you or any of your ilk have to say. Stop ruining my fucking country.', '>>{ComradeGibbon} : Madam President is not in favor of public healthcare. That is a much bigger problem than just the Republicans being against it.', '>>{MASKMOVQ} : If the middle class is prepared to carry tax rates close to 50% go ahead.', '>>{pseudolocus} : Do they keep falling for the propaganda.... orrrrrr are they the overseas people paid to spread confusion among Americans.', ">>{alephnul} : That isn't a valid talking point. Every other advanced nation has some form of universal health care, and they all pay less (a lot less) per capita for their health care than we do. We currently have a health care system that is ranked 37th in the world and we pay far more for it than the 36 countries who have better health care than we do.", '>>{alephnul} : So your theory is that there are no rich people in London.....? Interesting. Kind of stupid, but interesting.', ">>{SymbioticPatriotic} : He's in his eighties and still standing up for people.", ">>{GrabbPussy} : Good luck getting a super progressive to win in a super conservative state. You'd need a mental illness to believe that delusion."], ['>>{BudrickBundy} : Report: Drew Carey’s Son Started Fire Outside DeploraBall', ">>{myellabella} : Welcome to Breitbart, where the news is made up and the facts don't matter.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Made up? I saw this brat on live television from my hotel in Washington. This is real news son!', '>>{nantesorkestar} : *You* saw him? It must be true.', '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : news of zero importance...fit for gossip rags is all, 4th or 5th page at best.', '>>{VROF} : Can we please ban Breitbart? Or allow Daily Kos?', '>>{BudrickBundy} : It was actually in Arlington. The new Hyatt near the Courthouse metro station. The fascistic anti-Trump folks even made their way out to that area and smashed the glass out of some bus stops. Sad!', '>>{BudrickBundy} : I saw some fascists giving supporters of President Trump a hard time during my stay in Washington. It was sad to see!', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : How are anti-Trump people fascists? BTW, that's not where the can was set on fire.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Oh, here we go an endless argument about fascists. They were smashing things, burning things, and trying to terrorize people like the good little Nazis that they are. I never said that anything was set on fire near my hotel. Some of those glass walls at bus stops **were** smashed in the Courthouse Plaza area.', '>>{BudrickBundy} : The people opposing Trump are on the far-left. Fascists are a product of the far-left, described by communists as "right wing" because they\'re not communists and after World War 2 described by the Democrat party that once openly admired fascists as "right wing" because fascists were our enemies in the war and committed such horrible atrocities. Nazis are an extreme example of fascists. The self-described "progressives" within the Democrat party admired Mussolini the Italian fascists and sought to emulate them at the time.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Nope. All your statements are so completely wrong I'm tempted to call you a deliberate liar. Where did you copypasta that bullshit from? The people who oppose trump are just people, not far left. Fascism was admired by the father of GHW Bush and Henry Ford and most US corporate powers. The Republicans thought Hitler was a sensible guy and a great leader. So did the monarchists all over the world and the Christian Churches. There were no progressives in Mussolini's Italy. What the hell are you talking about?", '>>{TheSocialDynamicist} : Or maybe words have real meanings instead of what you feel they should mean https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism', ">>{BudrickBundy} : I don't copy and paste my comments. Everything I posted in that comment is true and irrefutable.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Then tell me about those progressives in Mussolini's Italy.", ">>{mastermoebius} : Fair. I've had a few beers so I'm feeling testy. Imma delete it. Thanks.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Your link describes a left wing form of government. Good job son!', ">>{TheSocialDynamicist} : My link is the definition of facism. It can be left or right wing and has been both throughout history. My link also is a spot on description of Trump's brief failure of a presidency. You seem intelligent, it is sad you seem to have no sense of perspective.", ">>{BudrickBundy} : Your link describes a left wing government! Far-right in the American sense is Libertarianism. Donald Trump is a moderate, too much of a centrist for the folks at National Review and Weekly Standard (until now that they have no choice, to some extent). He's also strongly patriotic/nationalistic, which is something we haven't had in a president since Ronald Reagan. Nationalism can be left or right, but fascism is always left wing (in the American sense of left and right).", '>>{IClaudiusII} : My advice when you see a story like this posted, check the local time in Moscow. This was posted at 8AM moscow time, the poster was very engaged, must of just had some coffee with his breakfast.', '>>{spanisheyessmile} : Haha I doubt there is even an alternative fact source to back that bs up. I can picture the furious Googling going on for any of those alternative facts to support their narrative.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : That's fine. Maybe in searching hard for the wrong, he'd stumble upon the right answer.", '>>{Triggered19} : http://www.tmz.com/2017/01/26/drew-carey-son-fire-washington-dc-protest/ better? Posted not from Russia either, so you should be happy.', '>>{IClaudiusII} : I didnt question he set fire to something, I questioned wether you were really posting from the States ;).', '>>{IClaudiusII} : Im starting to think the Russian trolls get paid by the post not by the day.', ">>{Jorji__Costava} : 11 year old protesting on a school night... This can't go any farther right?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Redpillamerica} : Russian ambassador denied meeting any Trump campaign advisers one month after private meeting with Jeff Sessions', '>>{10gauge} : 7 Ways Russia Is Telling People to Prepare for War', '>>{thisiswhatyouget} : All of this smoke, not too much longer until we find the fire.', ">>{jonesyjonesy} : Their memories are so bad at recalling their wrongdoings but, once caught, so good at recalling the specific reasons why their wrongdoings weren't wrongdoings.", '>>{truthhurts4444} : More fear mongering from democrats. Oh no, everybody fear the big bad scary Russian bogeyman!!', ">>{----root} : Look, when everyone denies something that clearly happened, there's something there that they don't want you to see. Otherwise, they would say just enough to not make themselves look shady. On the other hand, if they explain too much, they're probably over-correcting.", '>>{TrumpsHair_} : Yea good thing they didnt invade Ukraine. Only a real bogeyman would do that. Tool.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah it's democrats who keep threatening Russia will invade unless Clinton wins, right?", ">>{Bmorewiser} : If the threat was real, you'd see changes in economic positions. That isn't happening. This is bullshit designed to influence the election. Russia doesn't want a war with the US and the US doesn't want a war with Russia.", '>>{CorporateDroog} : I did not meet with the Trump campaign to discuss kompramat we have on him.', '>>{prncpl_vgna_no_rlatn} : Sounds like a trustworthy American patriot to me!! I guess he wanted to get everyone on the same page in terms of what story they tell.', '>>{TrumpsHair_} : Thats true although Putin seems to be a very unstable man.', '>>{system_exposure} : Reading about the rival pipeline deals added a lot of valuable context for me. I do not think there is a moral high ground for either side, especially now that we know [Qatar and Saudi Arabia are sponsoring ISIS](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/7243#efmA6VA_PBYXBf7). * [Syria: Another Pipeline War](http://www.ecowatch.com/syria-another-pipeline-war-1882180532.html) * [Warming Relations in Person, Putin and Erdogan Revive Pipeline Deal](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/world/europe/turkey-russia-vladimir-putin-recep-tayyip-erdogan.html?_r=0)', '>>{Fluffysniper} : vote for trump who Putin likes or else...', ">>{Bmorewiser} : I think he's immitating the mad dog Nixon routine.", '>>{PUTINS_SHINING_TSAR} : I know nothing about the tapes where two prostitutes peed on Obamas bed at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016', ">>{Cuckberg} : Dude, Russian crazies and conservatives are claiming we'll have a nuclear war if Clinton wins every other day. This isn't the democrats.", '>>{PUTINS_SHINING_TSAR} : I hope the code phrase is... "take him out for a steak, well done, with ketchup."', ">>{slappysimian} : Fear the outside threat is like authoritarian government 101. Doesn't mean much, just Putin aligning the masses to what he wants to do.", ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Turns out being in the general airspace of Trump's inner circle turns your brain to Swiss cheese. The ignorance is pathological and airborne.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : This makes me sad. That poor cow gave its life for nothing. Might was well be a Taco Bell chalupa.', '>>{DefinitelyIngenuous} : All of this sabre rattling is seriously bizarre. Chill the fuck out guys, no one actually wants to get in a war with Russia.', '>>{Metro42014} : Nothing to see here. Move along. Comrade.', ">>{FatLadySingin} : Well that's just simply adorable! No one is scared. Maybe a few pro-russian poster's are offended because a spade is being called a spade... but no, Vlad the Shirtless is seen for exactly for who he is and it's not scary.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : If the threat was real, you'd see changes in economic positions. That isn't happening. This is bullshit designed to influence the election. Russia doesn't want a war with the US and the US doesn't want a war with Russia.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : Agree. All I see is Vlad the Shirtless trying to exert influence - and unfortunately for him, there's a ton of us who grew up during the cold war to know what tension is.", ">>{slappysimian} : Because Putin actually wants war? That's not the case. He's grabbing things the world doesn't really care about. Crimea means more to Russia than it does to anybody else. Syria also means more to Russia than it does to anybody else. He touches a place that anyone important relies on and things go bad, so he won't do it. And lots of people die along the way.", '>>{VonnegutIce9} : Bring it. I doubt their limp dicked missles could hit the broad side of a continent.', '>>{Lyin_Don} : well said. "i do not recall meeting him" "ohhh yeah. you mean that time we spoke about the goaltender for russias football team that got injured getting out of the tub on sunday morning at 8:21am? sergei was joking that he wasnt injured getting out of the tub but actually stubbed his toe playing with his son at a playground 18 minutes outside of moscow on lenin street." *"so you do remember?"* "of course! every word! when i said i had never met with him - i meant that i never met with him in an official capacity. dont be silly!"', ">>{freakincampers} : I don't remember that meeting, but I definitely remember the meeting wasn't about the thing that will get me in trouble.", ">>{AbedsDarkestTimeline} : Well put, this is the tact that Trump lacks. He's unable to lie well so instead he flat out denys any and all acusations lobbed his way. The most recent example I can think of is when he said he had nothing to do with the change of GOP platform regarding Ukraine. Paul Manafort flat out denied it just as well. Recently someone from Trumps campaign came out and said it was a direct order from Trump/campaign.", ">>{DefinitelyIngenuous} : No, it's ironic because fear of an outside threat is literally what the white house is doing right now. [Stuff like this](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cia-prepping-possible-cyber-strike-against-russia-n666636).", ">>{slappysimian} : That's not fear tactics, to me at least, definitely not stocking up on water and beef jerky. Russia is fucking around, the US calls them out and says they can act in kind. Russia is pushing until somebody responds, the US responded. That's basic international relations.", '>>{Manafort} : Is this guy even human? Does he have one of those pens from Men in Black?', '>>{ianswatson} : Can we all just take a moment and realize that the news media and investigative journalists are the only reason that the executive branch of the United States MIGHT not become completely captured and controlled by a hostile foreign power?', '>>{FriarNurgle} : They are not held accountable. They can lie and it never impacts their ability to profit from their positions... actually it helps.', ">>{waaart} : When I cyber, it's like a nuclear war.", '>>{y0uh3adspl0de_pc} : Have we checked for carbon monoxide leaks in the DC area?', ">>{sirclassypenguin} : To be fair, Russia doesn't give a fuck.", ">>{eigenman} : Russia is posturing for influence in Syria. They're afraid the US is going to start taking down Assad.", ">>{Bmorewiser} : If I'm a betting man, following the election we might let them. I don't think we care who controls Syria so long as it's not ISIS and who ever is there deals with terrorism. Frankly, America would be smart to let the Russians draw the ire of the IsIS folks for a while. Syria has limited strategic value to the US and was a long time Russian base.", ">>{eigenman} : > I don't think we care who controls Syria We absolutely care who controls Syria.", '>>{wh3873} : I was just marveling that the rule of law is so strong in America a Russian agent is president and everyone expects it to be handled shortly.', ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : This isn't an action, it's a statement to intimidate US voters. Putin is signaling his fear of Clinton with all this theatre.", ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : Notice that the Steele dossier hasn't yet been disproven in the least? It concludes Trump and Russia collaborated on the hacks and arranged the Rosneft sale in exchange for bending US foreign policy to Putin's desires. Remember when it dropped and Trump and his supporters were calling it fake news, lies, and even a 4chan hoax?", ">>{NeverTrumpObviously} : Let's get it poppin. While we're over there let's take care of NK and go ahead and wipe those new Chinese islands out. Remind everyone who actually has the biggest dick.", '>>{seejordan2} : And Jeff Sessions does this right out of the gate. I keep thinking his inner lawyer voice must have just been screaming, "ok, here comes the Russia questions... You know they\'re investigating Trump, so don\'t say anything about anyone. we went over this.. just say YOU didn\'t have any contact with the Russians..." [Sessions Purgers himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BpgHcanjCQ#t=01m03s)', '>>{AfkOneSec} : I did not have foreign relations with that country. - Trump administration 2017', ">>{6p6ss6} : > Look, when everyone denies something that clearly happened, there's something there that they don't want you to see. This is the Russia story -- so far -- in a nutshell. If the Trump-Russia thing was normal behavior, there wouldn't be so much denying of stuff that clearly happened, they would just admit to routine meetings and move on.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : How do you say "I was just kidding" in Russian?', ">>{xskilling} : correct me if i'm wrong, but the Steele Dossier is increasingly being corroborated as more information comes out from multiple media sources people were doubtful at first, but then when the puzzles start fitting together, the dossier just keeps getting more and more close to truth", ">>{kindcannabal} : The least racist man. He respects women so hard, like a bitch, I think, more than anyone. He's also the least anti-semetic, probably because he's got the best temperment, obviously due to his genes, the best genes. Did you know his uncle, MIT, the school. But he's a republican, so say, oh, they all say it... you know, it's sad! Great, really smart. I tell you, I mean, that's how they get you. Hold on, just, wait, SHUT THAT GODDAMN BABY, love baby's by the way, look at my african.", '>>{WrightFlyerOne} : For people with nothing to hide, they sure did a lot of hiding.', ">>{RooseBoltonGanjaMan} : British and German intelligence and counterintel are some of the best in the world. In fact, I would put both of them in the top 5 countries. This guy is (ex?) MI6... they're usually pretty thorough.", ">>{LadderOfMonkies} : He's also much more humble than you would understand.", '>>{mbrochh} : You have reached the point where you have to fight nukes with ink. Good luck!', '>>{MASKMOVQ} : Russian ambassador confirms assertion by Jeff Sessions that he did not meet Russians as a Trump surrogate.', ">>{Tadra29} : If it were just a regular, benign meeting, both sides wouldn't feel the need to lie.", ">>{Holden_Coalfield} : It's not like they were wearing trump campaign badges. How would he have known", ">>{fizzikz} : That's not what was said. He said he didn't meet ANY Trump campaign advisors. If your logic applies, they could just claim to be there in a civilian capacity the moment they walk in the door and it's okay. No matter what they discussed.", '>>{kindcannabal} : The goods. https://youtu.be/s-_mbZ63WCA I thought I remembered him saying something self-praising but measure twice, take her furniture shopping once.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Redpillamerica} : Russian ambassador denied meeting any Trump campaign advisers one month after private meeting with Jeff Sessions', '>>{thisiswhatyouget} : All of this smoke, not too much longer until we find the fire.', ">>{jonesyjonesy} : Their memories are so bad at recalling their wrongdoings but, once caught, so good at recalling the specific reasons why their wrongdoings weren't wrongdoings.", ">>{----root} : Look, when everyone denies something that clearly happened, there's something there that they don't want you to see. Otherwise, they would say just enough to not make themselves look shady. On the other hand, if they explain too much, they're probably over-correcting.", '>>{CorporateDroog} : I did not meet with the Trump campaign to discuss kompramat we have on him.', '>>{prncpl_vgna_no_rlatn} : Sounds like a trustworthy American patriot to me!! I guess he wanted to get everyone on the same page in terms of what story they tell.', '>>{PUTINS_SHINING_TSAR} : I know nothing about the tapes where two prostitutes peed on Obamas bed at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016', '>>{PUTINS_SHINING_TSAR} : I hope the code phrase is... "take him out for a steak, well done, with ketchup."', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Turns out being in the general airspace of Trump's inner circle turns your brain to Swiss cheese. The ignorance is pathological and airborne.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : This makes me sad. That poor cow gave its life for nothing. Might was well be a Taco Bell chalupa.', '>>{Metro42014} : Nothing to see here. Move along. Comrade.', '>>{Lyin_Don} : well said. "i do not recall meeting him" "ohhh yeah. you mean that time we spoke about the goaltender for russias football team that got injured getting out of the tub on sunday morning at 8:21am? sergei was joking that he wasnt injured getting out of the tub but actually stubbed his toe playing with his son at a playground 18 minutes outside of moscow on lenin street." *"so you do remember?"* "of course! every word! when i said i had never met with him - i meant that i never met with him in an official capacity. dont be silly!"', ">>{freakincampers} : I don't remember that meeting, but I definitely remember the meeting wasn't about the thing that will get me in trouble.", ">>{AbedsDarkestTimeline} : Well put, this is the tact that Trump lacks. He's unable to lie well so instead he flat out denys any and all acusations lobbed his way. The most recent example I can think of is when he said he had nothing to do with the change of GOP platform regarding Ukraine. Paul Manafort flat out denied it just as well. Recently someone from Trumps campaign came out and said it was a direct order from Trump/campaign.", '>>{Manafort} : Is this guy even human? Does he have one of those pens from Men in Black?', '>>{ianswatson} : Can we all just take a moment and realize that the news media and investigative journalists are the only reason that the executive branch of the United States MIGHT not become completely captured and controlled by a hostile foreign power?', '>>{FriarNurgle} : They are not held accountable. They can lie and it never impacts their ability to profit from their positions... actually it helps.', '>>{y0uh3adspl0de_pc} : Have we checked for carbon monoxide leaks in the DC area?', ">>{sirclassypenguin} : To be fair, Russia doesn't give a fuck.", '>>{wh3873} : I was just marveling that the rule of law is so strong in America a Russian agent is president and everyone expects it to be handled shortly.', ">>{Under_the_Gaslight} : Notice that the Steele dossier hasn't yet been disproven in the least? It concludes Trump and Russia collaborated on the hacks and arranged the Rosneft sale in exchange for bending US foreign policy to Putin's desires. Remember when it dropped and Trump and his supporters were calling it fake news, lies, and even a 4chan hoax?", '>>{seejordan2} : And Jeff Sessions does this right out of the gate. I keep thinking his inner lawyer voice must have just been screaming, "ok, here comes the Russia questions... You know they\'re investigating Trump, so don\'t say anything about anyone. we went over this.. just say YOU didn\'t have any contact with the Russians..." [Sessions Purgers himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BpgHcanjCQ#t=01m03s)', '>>{AfkOneSec} : I did not have foreign relations with that country. - Trump administration 2017', ">>{6p6ss6} : > Look, when everyone denies something that clearly happened, there's something there that they don't want you to see. This is the Russia story -- so far -- in a nutshell. If the Trump-Russia thing was normal behavior, there wouldn't be so much denying of stuff that clearly happened, they would just admit to routine meetings and move on.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : How do you say "I was just kidding" in Russian?', ">>{xskilling} : correct me if i'm wrong, but the Steele Dossier is increasingly being corroborated as more information comes out from multiple media sources people were doubtful at first, but then when the puzzles start fitting together, the dossier just keeps getting more and more close to truth", ">>{kindcannabal} : The least racist man. He respects women so hard, like a bitch, I think, more than anyone. He's also the least anti-semetic, probably because he's got the best temperment, obviously due to his genes, the best genes. Did you know his uncle, MIT, the school. But he's a republican, so say, oh, they all say it... you know, it's sad! Great, really smart. I tell you, I mean, that's how they get you. Hold on, just, wait, SHUT THAT GODDAMN BABY, love baby's by the way, look at my african.", '>>{WrightFlyerOne} : For people with nothing to hide, they sure did a lot of hiding.', ">>{RooseBoltonGanjaMan} : British and German intelligence and counterintel are some of the best in the world. In fact, I would put both of them in the top 5 countries. This guy is (ex?) MI6... they're usually pretty thorough.", ">>{LadderOfMonkies} : He's also much more humble than you would understand.", '>>{mbrochh} : You have reached the point where you have to fight nukes with ink. Good luck!', '>>{MASKMOVQ} : Russian ambassador confirms assertion by Jeff Sessions that he did not meet Russians as a Trump surrogate.', ">>{Tadra29} : If it were just a regular, benign meeting, both sides wouldn't feel the need to lie.", ">>{Holden_Coalfield} : It's not like they were wearing trump campaign badges. How would he have known", ">>{fizzikz} : That's not what was said. He said he didn't meet ANY Trump campaign advisors. If your logic applies, they could just claim to be there in a civilian capacity the moment they walk in the door and it's okay. No matter what they discussed.", '>>{kindcannabal} : The goods. https://youtu.be/s-_mbZ63WCA I thought I remembered him saying something self-praising but measure twice, take her furniture shopping once.'], ['>>{10gauge} : 7 Ways Russia Is Telling People to Prepare for War', '>>{truthhurts4444} : More fear mongering from democrats. Oh no, everybody fear the big bad scary Russian bogeyman!!', '>>{TrumpsHair_} : Yea good thing they didnt invade Ukraine. Only a real bogeyman would do that. Tool.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah it's democrats who keep threatening Russia will invade unless Clinton wins, right?", ">>{Bmorewiser} : If the threat was real, you'd see changes in economic positions. That isn't happening. This is bullshit designed to influence the election. Russia doesn't want a war with the US and the US doesn't want a war with Russia.", '>>{TrumpsHair_} : Thats true although Putin seems to be a very unstable man.', '>>{system_exposure} : Reading about the rival pipeline deals added a lot of valuable context for me. I do not think there is a moral high ground for either side, especially now that we know [Qatar and Saudi Arabia are sponsoring ISIS](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/7243#efmA6VA_PBYXBf7). * [Syria: Another Pipeline War](http://www.ecowatch.com/syria-another-pipeline-war-1882180532.html) * [Warming Relations in Person, Putin and Erdogan Revive Pipeline Deal](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/world/europe/turkey-russia-vladimir-putin-recep-tayyip-erdogan.html?_r=0)', '>>{Fluffysniper} : vote for trump who Putin likes or else...', ">>{Bmorewiser} : I think he's immitating the mad dog Nixon routine.", ">>{Cuckberg} : Dude, Russian crazies and conservatives are claiming we'll have a nuclear war if Clinton wins every other day. This isn't the democrats.", ">>{slappysimian} : Fear the outside threat is like authoritarian government 101. Doesn't mean much, just Putin aligning the masses to what he wants to do.", '>>{DefinitelyIngenuous} : All of this sabre rattling is seriously bizarre. Chill the fuck out guys, no one actually wants to get in a war with Russia.', ">>{FatLadySingin} : Well that's just simply adorable! No one is scared. Maybe a few pro-russian poster's are offended because a spade is being called a spade... but no, Vlad the Shirtless is seen for exactly for who he is and it's not scary.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : If the threat was real, you'd see changes in economic positions. That isn't happening. This is bullshit designed to influence the election. Russia doesn't want a war with the US and the US doesn't want a war with Russia.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : Agree. All I see is Vlad the Shirtless trying to exert influence - and unfortunately for him, there's a ton of us who grew up during the cold war to know what tension is.", ">>{slappysimian} : Because Putin actually wants war? That's not the case. He's grabbing things the world doesn't really care about. Crimea means more to Russia than it does to anybody else. Syria also means more to Russia than it does to anybody else. He touches a place that anyone important relies on and things go bad, so he won't do it. And lots of people die along the way.", '>>{VonnegutIce9} : Bring it. I doubt their limp dicked missles could hit the broad side of a continent.', ">>{DefinitelyIngenuous} : No, it's ironic because fear of an outside threat is literally what the white house is doing right now. [Stuff like this](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cia-prepping-possible-cyber-strike-against-russia-n666636).", ">>{slappysimian} : That's not fear tactics, to me at least, definitely not stocking up on water and beef jerky. Russia is fucking around, the US calls them out and says they can act in kind. Russia is pushing until somebody responds, the US responded. That's basic international relations.", ">>{waaart} : When I cyber, it's like a nuclear war.", ">>{eigenman} : Russia is posturing for influence in Syria. They're afraid the US is going to start taking down Assad.", ">>{Bmorewiser} : If I'm a betting man, following the election we might let them. I don't think we care who controls Syria so long as it's not ISIS and who ever is there deals with terrorism. Frankly, America would be smart to let the Russians draw the ire of the IsIS folks for a while. Syria has limited strategic value to the US and was a long time Russian base.", ">>{eigenman} : > I don't think we care who controls Syria We absolutely care who controls Syria.", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : This isn't an action, it's a statement to intimidate US voters. Putin is signaling his fear of Clinton with all this theatre.", ">>{NeverTrumpObviously} : Let's get it poppin. While we're over there let's take care of NK and go ahead and wipe those new Chinese islands out. Remind everyone who actually has the biggest dick."]]
classify and reply
['>>{KellyCooper} : Donald Trump drops more than 200 spots in Forbes rich list to 544th with estimated fortune of $3.5bn', ">>{Dovahdude} : The gboard update is now inside the standard Google app, if that's any help regarding lack of new emoji!", '>>{ayellabeer} : Replicator in the title is highly misleading.', ">>{champ-pain} : Had GBoard for a while because i like the black keyboard but have since deleted it for the new stock keyboard and new Emojis. Can't say I miss it much other than the GIF's I could pull up quickly. Swipe to text was nice, too.", '>>{wwarnout} : This restriction needs to be applied to all forms of political advertising.', '>>{willashman} : What a pathetic article. > Existing law makes it unlawful for a person, with intent to mislead, deceive, or defraud, to commit an act of political cyberfraud, as defined. > ... > This bill would modify the definition of the terms “political cyberfraud” and “political Web site” to include Internet Web sites that urge or appear to urge the support or opposition of candidates for public office. The bill would also make it unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on a Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on a Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote on any issue submitted to voters at an election or on any candidate for election to public office. Agree or not, this specifically has to do with people whose intentions are to mislead, deceive, or defraud people. Has nothing to do with quieting dissenters.', '>>{EggsAckley} : Healthcare without Planned Parenthood: Wisconsin and Texas point to dark future', '>>{RightRoundRoundRound} : Forbes, has no idea of the wrath they hath wrought on themselves.', '>>{Disentingvoice} : This needs to fail to pass with not a single yes vote. This is a disgrace.', '>>{alexanderjamilton} : I totally did not know this! Thank you for the info!', ">>{CaroLoque} : Bluetooth replica of original Star Trek Communicator Words are great. I've got the best words in the best order", ">>{luqman_sha} : What he meant was the GBoard app itself won't be getting anymore updates. All newer version of GBoard will be included in the Google app itself.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : The idea is still a bad one and will not survive a free speech test.', '>>{SaltHash} : It is obviously GCHQ propaganda that Obama ordered from his so called secret lair in Tahiti.', '>>{MBncsa} : how can this junk have > 200 upvotes? This sub is about purchasable technical innovations and not some crappy toy whose only purpose can be to prevent you from ever getting laid again.', '>>{americanidiot2} : Did the writer of the title try to make a joke that without abortion, babies would be darker on average?', '>>{lend_me_a_tenor} : Ehh, if anything this makes him look good to people. This "proves" he\'s not using his presidency to make money', '>>{raymondspogo} : I want a Star Trek TNG Bluetooth badge communicator that answers my phone when I touch it and has a speakerphone built in.', ">>{ShittyCumSquats} : Some of his supporters already see Forbes as fake news so I don't see a whole lot changing with this..", '>>{roboboogienights} : >women of color and from low-income groups will surely be hit the hardest With Republicans in charge? No way, they are the party of the people!', '>>{backpackwayne} : So if this was true, they could arrest the guy who wrote this article. The headline is totally proven false in the first sentence. **NO IT IS NOT ILLEGAL!!!** - It just said someone proposed it. This thing has zero chance of becoming law. Yet the headlined claims the law has already passed.', '>>{THEBlGGUNDOWN} : this is how trump determines his own self worth. to trump, this is like calling you a failure.', ">>{EggbroHam} : I think they were talking about the young women who will probably die when they need to get a back alley abortion or young women whose ovarian cancer goes undetected for years and turns fatal because she didn't trust the other options that are affordable to her so she neglects to get her pap smears and biopsies. Planned parenthood provides mostly OBGYN and STD testing. When you go there, it's not a room full of people getting abortions, its like a regular doctors office, including men getting tested/free condoms as well. In and out for like $12 in 20 minutes. Well, that was before mine closed down. (Thanks, Chris Christie) Whoopie! You know what? Women love shopping around for the cheapest doctor for miles to put me in stirrups and take a hole puncher to the inside of my vagina.", '>>{H37man} : All low income people are going to be hit hard. Another side affect is going to be outbreaks of STDS especially HIV in low income areas. Southern Indiana already has an outbreak that is one of the worst seen in the states since the 80s.', '>>{Meatros} : Wait...There are *543 people* with fortunes greater than 3.5 billion? Sheeiit...', ">>{playitleo} : Not only do we need to take away poor people's health insurance. We need to shut down all the free clinics in the neighborhood as well.", '>>{rush42} : So all we need to do is create more health clinics that provide the same services but without the abortions. Problem solved.', ">>{DrunkenEffigy} : No it really doesn't. If 'A' is 'Trump's rise to the presidency has raised his visibility and hurt his brand.' And 'B' is 'Trump has exploited his position as president for personal financial gain.' Both 'A' and 'B' can be true. They are not mutually exclusive. Also if he is in fact using his office for personal gain if he is smart about it, it probably wont be all that publicly visible.", '>>{Shinranshonin} : While I support PP and clinics, a part of me wants to just say "screw it" because people didn\'t bother to vote. 31% of Wisconsonites stayed home and almost 45% stayed home in 2014 when Walker was reelected. If people really wanted to change shit, vote in every election, not just the big ones.', '>>{garyp714} : Skip the crap and go right to the bill: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billCompareClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1104', ">>{Dirk_Dirkler} : Yeah the article really doesn't make clear whether or not the bill has gone anywhere", '>>{blissfully_happy} : How do you target Planned Parenthood specifically from not receiving Medicare reimbursements? I guess you write the law that says organizations providing abortions are not allowed to received Medicare reimbursements *despite the fact that federal dollars cannot and have not been spent on abortion*. But then, where does that leave hospitals? Plenty of hospitals receive Medicare reimbursements and also offer D&Cs (whether elective or as part of a treatment for a miscarriage). If they call out Planned Parenthood by name, why can\'t PP just change their name? "Reproductive Services Clinic" provides screenings, birth control, etc, while the few clinics that offer abortions can be called "Planned Parenthood" and are funded solely by private funds. I mean, don\'t get me wrong here, this is absolutely fucking absurd... I\'m just trying to understand how the GOP justifies its attack on this ONE organization, and to figure out how they intend to write the law so that PP is no longer eligible to receive Medicare reimbursements.', '>>{Latyon} : And good ol\' Mike "Electrocute the Gay Away" Pence dragged his fucking feet for months to open a needle exchange there. Good Christian values that is, letting drug addicts contract a life-threatening disease because "muh morals"', '>>{McCainOffensive} : That way, we can weed out the sick and the weak. The country will be stronger for it.', ">>{Darth_T0XICATED} : Thanks for this! I've been waiting for an update like many others.", '>>{HowAboutShutUp} : I dunno, I mean, it works for Flossy Carter.', '>>{RichieWOP} : Yes but Donald potentially has 19% of rosneft now.', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Failing Forbes is Fake News! Unfair! Sad!', ">>{willashman} : Even as a free speech advocate who works in policy I would be hesitant to say that it won't survive strict scrutiny. There would be a state argument that fraudulent information, made directly to negatively affect our democracy, should be outlawed. There is no judicial indication, in the past or present, that would show an outcome to be obvious, right now.", ">>{jackjohnbrown} : I had to drop it when I realized it couldn't support dictation features. Sure wish they'd open that up to third party apps.", ">>{Wolf-O-Donnell} : I actually just downloaded the Gboard update. FINALLY, I can use Google's voice dictation again!!! Just wish the dictation didn't censor words like f****** s*** and whatnot, but that's a very minor grievance.", '>>{Disentingvoice} : >SEC. 2. Section 18320.5 is added to the Elections Code, to read: >18320.5. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on an Internet Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on an Internet Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote on either of the following: (a) Any issue submitted to voters at an election. (b) Any candidate for election to public office.', ">>{crusoe} : It's also illegal to withhold funds from a specific provider that complies with the required laws. Pp does.", ">>{squeakymoth} : Yeah that threw me off and I had to make sure this wasn't in r/stargate", ">>{avgbrownguy} : +1 on the swipe keyboard feature. Really the only reason I haven't uninstalled it yet. Apple needs to get their head out of their asses and implement it on the stock keyboard 😒", ">>{Disentingvoice} : The problem becomes who decides what is true or not. This would basically make it illegal to talk about things the government doesn't want to admit. This is a huge impediment to free speech.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I keep the list of them with my paper atlas and pitchfork. Just in case.', '>>{MBncsa} : Had to search a little before I found it: "The flip on this is so dope." Might be indeed a selling point, next to the three (!!) LEDs it has.', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Slippery slope. Who is to say where truth ends and lies begin?', '>>{frbap} : That would be extremely difficult to cram into such a small size but I want it as well.', ">>{InvaderGlorch} : Wouldn't have to be. Battery life wouldn't be great but it wouldn't be much different than most smart watches these days.", '>>{PublicAccount1234} : > No way, they are the party of the people*! As defined by the second greatest infallible document ever, the US Constitution.', '>>{alexanderjamilton} : I downloaded the update as well and feel the need to give it another chance!', ">>{Disentingvoice} : Could also be used to silence whistle blowers, since the government won't admit if something is true if it's classified than you make it illegal to spread information about government misconduct.", ">>{PublicAccount1234} : Whoa whoa whoa, let's not get crazy. Tax cuts first, then we can worry about whatever you are talking about that I'm purposely ignoring...", ">>{pickleballiodine} : It's your lucky day. It has dictation now.", ">>{frbap} : Well, if you don't mind it being somewhat thicker than usual then sure. The only thing I'd be worried about is how loud it is and how well it picks up your voice.", '>>{handfinisher} : The Fairness Doctrine...It existed once until Reagan did away with it in 1987 which gave rise to propaganda television.. i.e. Fox News Which is one of the reasons we are in the situation we are today! So the Republican god Ronnie has a hand in the possible destruction of our democracy.', ">>{mokahless} : Low-function plus bluetooth and no screen in the same size as a smartwatch. I don't see why it wouldn't be easy to cram that into that size.", ">>{workerbotsuperhero} : Saw this piece on the American Public Health Association's feed. Sad, sad times...", '>>{HowdyDoodlyDoo} : You could easily fit the bluetooth, mic and speaker in that size. The only difficulty would how loud the speaker would be.', '>>{Justinokay} : When will this app support up/down message scrolling? Currently you can only scroll left/right. If I could scroll all directions like stock app I would use gboard as daily driver.', '>>{backpackwayne} : That\'s because it hasn\'t. This thing is dead before it it ever started. Here is the action so far with it: * https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billHistoryClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1104 No votes have ever been taken on it anywhere. In committee or elsewhere. I am searching for who wrote this bill and can not even find that. Obviously the author "couldn\'t find" that info either because he "chose" not to include that info in the article. Believe me, if this bill were law, the author of this article would be the first one to be thrown in jail.', '>>{Jig5} : It was just updated a few hours ago to include the new emoji and now has dictation!', '>>{alexanderjamilton} : I know. I feel stupid for this post now lol', ">>{toweldayeveryday} : I doubt that. I have a Bluetooth transmitter/receiver that is rectangular, maybe twice as thick and half as wide. It's only as big as it is because of the 3.5mm out jack. I got the thing on prime for less than $50, just for reference.", ">>{Jig5} : Maybe it was your post that pushed them to update the app. How's that for a spin?", ">>{willashman} : What is being said doesn't matter. What matters, according to the bill, is the intention of the person in question. If someone has the intention of misleading people, this bill says they are committing fraud. That's it. People can still be wrong. What matters are the intentions, and not the content. We can't confuse the two.", ">>{willashman} : As I just said to the person you responded to, the content is not what matters. The intentions are what matter. This bill doesn't outlaw being wrong, but instead outlaws the act of knowingly lying in an attempt to mislead, deceive, and defraud. Also, courts have access to classified information. They can find out.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : So i can have all the lying sites I want as long as I believe it and my intent is to spread the truth?', '>>{Fender6969} : Hands down best keyboard. It now supports diction which checks all of my boxes.', '>>{willashman} : Yes. But you should probably delete this comment, then.', ">>{RightRoundRoundRound} : I've made millions off new memberships to my Florida resort and making the military lease space in my buildings, plus all those new patents that china gave me for changing American's views of their laws.", ">>{Strongbad536} : Failing Donald Trump just dropped 200 spots on Forbes's rich list! SAD!", '>>{Disentingvoice} : You seem to miss the point. If they are saying something true and spread the information to let people know but the government denies what they say is true they can then label them as intending to spread false information. They could then use it to silence any whistle blowers.', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Guess what....that will be every defence against this.', '>>{hollywoodhank} : This is going to piss him off more than anything coming out of Russia hearings today.', '>>{FlerPlay} : Is it a badge in ST or would it be ok to sew into the uniform? Conductive thread is a thing and would open up many possibilities like a Mic placed in the collar and a battery hidden in the armpits or something', ">>{willashman} : Well, obviously. The burden is on the government to prove intent, which is very hard to do. That's why I think there is a good chance this law is actually held to be Constitutional. Clearly, then, the point of the bill isn't to silence dissent.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : It is just a useless piece of paper then.', ">>{SortaVeg} : Plot twist: Rosneft evidence released by Trump himself because he couldn't stand being that low of Forbes.", ">>{fyhr100} : Trump claims he has $10 billion. So either he's lying about his wealth, or he's hiding billions of dollars. Or both.", '>>{LobsterCowboy} : Wow, I could get to carry TWO things instead of one.', ">>{InvaderGlorch} : There was a company 10 years ago that had one a bit larger than a typical USB stick that you would wear on a lanyard and worked over wifi . So it can be done, but yeah battery life, mic pickup and speaker quality would have to be balanced with size. And of course no matter what you can't say 'beam me up' and actually have it work. :P", ">>{swampbeer69} : Why is this in the politics sub? There's nothing political about it", '>>{Disentingvoice} : Or they could just use it as a thing that will have to be fought in court and unless you have the money to afford a case that could go into the 100s of thousands of dollars you will just shut down, even if you are telling the truth.', ">>{willashman} : If they get even 1 person under this bill, I think it's a success. Our goal should be to strengthen our democracy, right now, one person at a time. Just because this won't lead to 100k people going to jail doesn't mean it shouldn't be a law.", '>>{sbutler12} : To be fair, all the net worth lists are fake news', '>>{willashman} : Prosecutors can\'t go into court without direct evidence of bad intentions, saying they\'ll "get it later." The case would get thrown out, very quickly.', '>>{handfinisher} : Please look up The Fairness Doctrine... this already existed on a national level until Reagan did away with it in 1987.', '>>{Stratocaster123} : What a loser! Drumf only has 3.5b dollars! How can he even sleep at night?', '>>{Boxy310} : Somehow I don\'t imagine Forbes was targeting white nationalists for any of their marketing or news operations. Kinda like how German media collectively gave a WTF when Trump accused them of reading "fake news".', ">>{slakmehl} : Don't know what you all are celebrating. However much Trump lied about his wealth before becoming president, he is well on his way to wielding the office to accumulate that much and more.", '>>{Disentingvoice} : So you think if a site that was claiming the government could hack your cell phones and get the data off of it before it is encrypted and could use your TVs to spy on you that the government would have declassified the information from the recent Wiki leaks about the CIA and admitted they could do it? Really?', ">>{willashman} : That has nothing to do with the intentions of the original publisher. If the person publishing that site was not intending on misleading and deceiving people, then they are fine. That's all this comes down to.", '>>{Disentingvoice} : >SEC. 2. Section 18320.5 is added to the Elections Code, to read: >18320.5. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on an Internet Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on an Internet Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote on either of the following: (a) Any issue submitted to voters at an election. (b) Any candidate for election to public office. This would apply to everything from websites about news, reddit, twitter, facebook or even youtube type sites. This is a very dangerous law to pass, you never know what future politicians would use it for since it is pretty wide open.', '>>{Gnarledhalo} : I wonder how much trump would be worth if you added in the Rosneft deal?', ">>{Another_Alex} : Being president isn't supposed to make you wealthy. It is supposed to give you a chance to serve your country. Since Trump is failing at the former, perhaps he should try the latter on for size.", ">>{SGTSHOOTnMISS} : they are counting the assets they know he has. They don't have the information on how much debt he currently has or where it's going.", '>>{willashman} : Prosecutors have to prove intent. This is not even remotely a wide open law. > knowingly and willingly > false or deceptive statement designed to influence That is an incredibly high burden for a prosecutor to reach.', ">>{GaimeGuy} : I do think we need to look at our free speech laws. We have become so devoted to the idea that you can say whatever you want, particularly with regards to politics and matters of social or economic importance, that we can no longer speak to each other. The 1st amendmenet - freedom of religion, of the press, of protest, of speech - is not about being able to say whatever you want without consequence. It's about not restricting the ability of the public to disseminate information among and to each other, to exchange ideas, to express themselves as individuals in a peaceful manner, and to pursue their own spiritual growth and enlightenment without fear of repercussion. If you allow people to poison the well with lies, you are restricting the ability of individuals to gather actual information, to educate themselves, to reason with each other and live in the world of facts. That is a violation of the first amendment, if anything. This country is sick. We need better education on history, civics, science, and critical thinking. We need to reinstate the fairness doctrine and non-profit news. We need to deprogram one or two generations of individuals that have become caught up in a cult-like mentality that there is nothing to be gained, trusted, or learned from other countries, other communities, other experiences and backgrounds and people. We need to shatter this false reality that has taken hold of so many people. And to do that, we need to be able to stand up for truth. Slippery slope? We have a government that claims 3 million people illegally voted for the political opposition. We have millions of people who placed their hopes on a man who does not care about them, who used them and threw them away. These people can't use their voices to get people in power that will solve their problems because they can not navigate their way through the swamp of bullshit, fabrications, and outright lies in order to accurately identify the person that will address their problems. Think about that: People think they're voting for someone who cares about the poor and will stand up for the weak and unprivileged. Instead, they're voting for Donald Trump. Is it really a democratic republic when you're unable to accurately connect the democratic ideals you hold with the candidate aligned with those ideals? You have been conned. Your voice has been stolen. Your vote silenced.", ">>{mishap1} : That would be the most beautiful ending imaginable to this never ending shit gibbon saga. That said, disclosure has never been his approach...he'll just sue.", '>>{SxeRpw} : Oh no poor Donny. Meanwhile there are people in our country living on the streets', ">>{mishap1} : Pretty sure Forbes wouldn't have much of a report of his earnings since Jan 20th. If this time next year, he's worth ~23.5B, there may be something else to report. The real surprise would be if it stays flat next year as Uday and Qusay circle the world hustlin' for dad.", ">>{Ambiwlans} : That's what America's high level of inequlity enables. Trump has more networth than 10s of millions of poor people in the US. Amazing we've not seen a French revolution repeat yet. It's coming though.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : This must be why OP's handle has a big red box over his number of votes in my res.", ">>{Suzookus} : I thought everyone was saying he wasn't a billionaire? > Cuban said Trump was good at putting his name on big buildings and licensing his name on hotels, but it isn’t clear how much money that has made him. “He’s good at that. Whether or not that’s made him a billionaire, I don’t know,” Cuban said. “He’s not transparent enough for us to actually know.”", '>>{MortalBean} : He sues, Forbes then publishes Trump as having a fortune to the tune of $203.5 billion.', ">>{plato1123} : That's it billionaires, we call shenanigans. Everyone go home and get your pitchforks.", ">>{plato1123} : So exactly what are the macroeconomic ramifications of a tiny number of people having a massive percentage of society's collective capital that they refuse to circulate readily like everyone else does with their portion?", ">>{zappafrank} : huh, he's worth more than Julia Louise Dryfess.shes worth 3 billion I think.", ">>{TheAlmightyGawd} : Thats because he's moving the money to banks that he can hide his finances", '>>{ZFrog} : He will be back up there in no time. He is the leader of the most successful company-errr I mean COUNTRY in the world. Look at Putin and how corruption made him a billionaire.', ">>{toofine} : Drop him out of the three comma club entirely. I say dare him to sue about not being a billionaire so he can fail to prove that he's a billionaire one more time with the world watching.", ">>{Thought_Ninja} : I don't recall where I read this, but apparently he values his name somewhere to the tune of 3-7 billion. It appears that exposing ones idiocy to the world results in a deprecation in value of their intellectual property.", ">>{morpheousmarty} : We're all amused by what his guaranteed reaction will be. But those worried about the actual office are in the Russia collision threads."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{EggsAckley} : Healthcare without Planned Parenthood: Wisconsin and Texas point to dark future', '>>{americanidiot2} : Did the writer of the title try to make a joke that without abortion, babies would be darker on average?', '>>{roboboogienights} : >women of color and from low-income groups will surely be hit the hardest With Republicans in charge? No way, they are the party of the people!', ">>{EggbroHam} : I think they were talking about the young women who will probably die when they need to get a back alley abortion or young women whose ovarian cancer goes undetected for years and turns fatal because she didn't trust the other options that are affordable to her so she neglects to get her pap smears and biopsies. Planned parenthood provides mostly OBGYN and STD testing. When you go there, it's not a room full of people getting abortions, its like a regular doctors office, including men getting tested/free condoms as well. In and out for like $12 in 20 minutes. Well, that was before mine closed down. (Thanks, Chris Christie) Whoopie! You know what? Women love shopping around for the cheapest doctor for miles to put me in stirrups and take a hole puncher to the inside of my vagina.", '>>{H37man} : All low income people are going to be hit hard. Another side affect is going to be outbreaks of STDS especially HIV in low income areas. Southern Indiana already has an outbreak that is one of the worst seen in the states since the 80s.', ">>{playitleo} : Not only do we need to take away poor people's health insurance. We need to shut down all the free clinics in the neighborhood as well.", '>>{rush42} : So all we need to do is create more health clinics that provide the same services but without the abortions. Problem solved.', '>>{Shinranshonin} : While I support PP and clinics, a part of me wants to just say "screw it" because people didn\'t bother to vote. 31% of Wisconsonites stayed home and almost 45% stayed home in 2014 when Walker was reelected. If people really wanted to change shit, vote in every election, not just the big ones.', '>>{blissfully_happy} : How do you target Planned Parenthood specifically from not receiving Medicare reimbursements? I guess you write the law that says organizations providing abortions are not allowed to received Medicare reimbursements *despite the fact that federal dollars cannot and have not been spent on abortion*. But then, where does that leave hospitals? Plenty of hospitals receive Medicare reimbursements and also offer D&Cs (whether elective or as part of a treatment for a miscarriage). If they call out Planned Parenthood by name, why can\'t PP just change their name? "Reproductive Services Clinic" provides screenings, birth control, etc, while the few clinics that offer abortions can be called "Planned Parenthood" and are funded solely by private funds. I mean, don\'t get me wrong here, this is absolutely fucking absurd... I\'m just trying to understand how the GOP justifies its attack on this ONE organization, and to figure out how they intend to write the law so that PP is no longer eligible to receive Medicare reimbursements.', '>>{Latyon} : And good ol\' Mike "Electrocute the Gay Away" Pence dragged his fucking feet for months to open a needle exchange there. Good Christian values that is, letting drug addicts contract a life-threatening disease because "muh morals"', '>>{McCainOffensive} : That way, we can weed out the sick and the weak. The country will be stronger for it.', ">>{crusoe} : It's also illegal to withhold funds from a specific provider that complies with the required laws. Pp does.", '>>{PublicAccount1234} : > No way, they are the party of the people*! As defined by the second greatest infallible document ever, the US Constitution.', ">>{PublicAccount1234} : Whoa whoa whoa, let's not get crazy. Tax cuts first, then we can worry about whatever you are talking about that I'm purposely ignoring...", ">>{workerbotsuperhero} : Saw this piece on the American Public Health Association's feed. Sad, sad times..."], ['>>{KellyCooper} : Donald Trump drops more than 200 spots in Forbes rich list to 544th with estimated fortune of $3.5bn', '>>{RightRoundRoundRound} : Forbes, has no idea of the wrath they hath wrought on themselves.', '>>{SaltHash} : It is obviously GCHQ propaganda that Obama ordered from his so called secret lair in Tahiti.', '>>{lend_me_a_tenor} : Ehh, if anything this makes him look good to people. This "proves" he\'s not using his presidency to make money', ">>{ShittyCumSquats} : Some of his supporters already see Forbes as fake news so I don't see a whole lot changing with this..", '>>{THEBlGGUNDOWN} : this is how trump determines his own self worth. to trump, this is like calling you a failure.', '>>{Meatros} : Wait...There are *543 people* with fortunes greater than 3.5 billion? Sheeiit...', ">>{DrunkenEffigy} : No it really doesn't. If 'A' is 'Trump's rise to the presidency has raised his visibility and hurt his brand.' And 'B' is 'Trump has exploited his position as president for personal financial gain.' Both 'A' and 'B' can be true. They are not mutually exclusive. Also if he is in fact using his office for personal gain if he is smart about it, it probably wont be all that publicly visible.", '>>{RichieWOP} : Yes but Donald potentially has 19% of rosneft now.', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Failing Forbes is Fake News! Unfair! Sad!', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I keep the list of them with my paper atlas and pitchfork. Just in case.', ">>{RightRoundRoundRound} : I've made millions off new memberships to my Florida resort and making the military lease space in my buildings, plus all those new patents that china gave me for changing American's views of their laws.", ">>{Strongbad536} : Failing Donald Trump just dropped 200 spots on Forbes's rich list! SAD!", '>>{hollywoodhank} : This is going to piss him off more than anything coming out of Russia hearings today.', ">>{SortaVeg} : Plot twist: Rosneft evidence released by Trump himself because he couldn't stand being that low of Forbes.", ">>{fyhr100} : Trump claims he has $10 billion. So either he's lying about his wealth, or he's hiding billions of dollars. Or both.", ">>{swampbeer69} : Why is this in the politics sub? There's nothing political about it", '>>{sbutler12} : To be fair, all the net worth lists are fake news', '>>{Stratocaster123} : What a loser! Drumf only has 3.5b dollars! How can he even sleep at night?', '>>{Boxy310} : Somehow I don\'t imagine Forbes was targeting white nationalists for any of their marketing or news operations. Kinda like how German media collectively gave a WTF when Trump accused them of reading "fake news".', ">>{slakmehl} : Don't know what you all are celebrating. However much Trump lied about his wealth before becoming president, he is well on his way to wielding the office to accumulate that much and more.", '>>{Gnarledhalo} : I wonder how much trump would be worth if you added in the Rosneft deal?', ">>{Another_Alex} : Being president isn't supposed to make you wealthy. It is supposed to give you a chance to serve your country. Since Trump is failing at the former, perhaps he should try the latter on for size.", ">>{SGTSHOOTnMISS} : they are counting the assets they know he has. They don't have the information on how much debt he currently has or where it's going.", ">>{mishap1} : That would be the most beautiful ending imaginable to this never ending shit gibbon saga. That said, disclosure has never been his approach...he'll just sue.", '>>{SxeRpw} : Oh no poor Donny. Meanwhile there are people in our country living on the streets', ">>{mishap1} : Pretty sure Forbes wouldn't have much of a report of his earnings since Jan 20th. If this time next year, he's worth ~23.5B, there may be something else to report. The real surprise would be if it stays flat next year as Uday and Qusay circle the world hustlin' for dad.", ">>{Ambiwlans} : That's what America's high level of inequlity enables. Trump has more networth than 10s of millions of poor people in the US. Amazing we've not seen a French revolution repeat yet. It's coming though.", ">>{Suzookus} : I thought everyone was saying he wasn't a billionaire? > Cuban said Trump was good at putting his name on big buildings and licensing his name on hotels, but it isn’t clear how much money that has made him. “He’s good at that. Whether or not that’s made him a billionaire, I don’t know,” Cuban said. “He’s not transparent enough for us to actually know.”", '>>{MortalBean} : He sues, Forbes then publishes Trump as having a fortune to the tune of $203.5 billion.', ">>{plato1123} : That's it billionaires, we call shenanigans. Everyone go home and get your pitchforks.", ">>{plato1123} : So exactly what are the macroeconomic ramifications of a tiny number of people having a massive percentage of society's collective capital that they refuse to circulate readily like everyone else does with their portion?", ">>{zappafrank} : huh, he's worth more than Julia Louise Dryfess.shes worth 3 billion I think.", ">>{TheAlmightyGawd} : Thats because he's moving the money to banks that he can hide his finances", '>>{ZFrog} : He will be back up there in no time. He is the leader of the most successful company-errr I mean COUNTRY in the world. Look at Putin and how corruption made him a billionaire.', ">>{toofine} : Drop him out of the three comma club entirely. I say dare him to sue about not being a billionaire so he can fail to prove that he's a billionaire one more time with the world watching.", ">>{Thought_Ninja} : I don't recall where I read this, but apparently he values his name somewhere to the tune of 3-7 billion. It appears that exposing ones idiocy to the world results in a deprecation in value of their intellectual property.", ">>{morpheousmarty} : We're all amused by what his guaranteed reaction will be. But those worried about the actual office are in the Russia collision threads."], ['>>{wwarnout} : This restriction needs to be applied to all forms of political advertising.', '>>{willashman} : What a pathetic article. > Existing law makes it unlawful for a person, with intent to mislead, deceive, or defraud, to commit an act of political cyberfraud, as defined. > ... > This bill would modify the definition of the terms “political cyberfraud” and “political Web site” to include Internet Web sites that urge or appear to urge the support or opposition of candidates for public office. The bill would also make it unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on a Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on a Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote on any issue submitted to voters at an election or on any candidate for election to public office. Agree or not, this specifically has to do with people whose intentions are to mislead, deceive, or defraud people. Has nothing to do with quieting dissenters.', '>>{Disentingvoice} : This needs to fail to pass with not a single yes vote. This is a disgrace.', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : The idea is still a bad one and will not survive a free speech test.', '>>{backpackwayne} : So if this was true, they could arrest the guy who wrote this article. The headline is totally proven false in the first sentence. **NO IT IS NOT ILLEGAL!!!** - It just said someone proposed it. This thing has zero chance of becoming law. Yet the headlined claims the law has already passed.', '>>{garyp714} : Skip the crap and go right to the bill: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billCompareClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1104', ">>{Dirk_Dirkler} : Yeah the article really doesn't make clear whether or not the bill has gone anywhere", ">>{willashman} : Even as a free speech advocate who works in policy I would be hesitant to say that it won't survive strict scrutiny. There would be a state argument that fraudulent information, made directly to negatively affect our democracy, should be outlawed. There is no judicial indication, in the past or present, that would show an outcome to be obvious, right now.", '>>{Disentingvoice} : >SEC. 2. Section 18320.5 is added to the Elections Code, to read: >18320.5. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on an Internet Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on an Internet Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote on either of the following: (a) Any issue submitted to voters at an election. (b) Any candidate for election to public office.', ">>{Disentingvoice} : The problem becomes who decides what is true or not. This would basically make it illegal to talk about things the government doesn't want to admit. This is a huge impediment to free speech.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Slippery slope. Who is to say where truth ends and lies begin?', ">>{Disentingvoice} : Could also be used to silence whistle blowers, since the government won't admit if something is true if it's classified than you make it illegal to spread information about government misconduct.", '>>{handfinisher} : The Fairness Doctrine...It existed once until Reagan did away with it in 1987 which gave rise to propaganda television.. i.e. Fox News Which is one of the reasons we are in the situation we are today! So the Republican god Ronnie has a hand in the possible destruction of our democracy.', '>>{backpackwayne} : That\'s because it hasn\'t. This thing is dead before it it ever started. Here is the action so far with it: * https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billHistoryClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1104 No votes have ever been taken on it anywhere. In committee or elsewhere. I am searching for who wrote this bill and can not even find that. Obviously the author "couldn\'t find" that info either because he "chose" not to include that info in the article. Believe me, if this bill were law, the author of this article would be the first one to be thrown in jail.', ">>{willashman} : What is being said doesn't matter. What matters, according to the bill, is the intention of the person in question. If someone has the intention of misleading people, this bill says they are committing fraud. That's it. People can still be wrong. What matters are the intentions, and not the content. We can't confuse the two.", ">>{willashman} : As I just said to the person you responded to, the content is not what matters. The intentions are what matter. This bill doesn't outlaw being wrong, but instead outlaws the act of knowingly lying in an attempt to mislead, deceive, and defraud. Also, courts have access to classified information. They can find out.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : So i can have all the lying sites I want as long as I believe it and my intent is to spread the truth?', '>>{willashman} : Yes. But you should probably delete this comment, then.', '>>{Disentingvoice} : You seem to miss the point. If they are saying something true and spread the information to let people know but the government denies what they say is true they can then label them as intending to spread false information. They could then use it to silence any whistle blowers.', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Guess what....that will be every defence against this.', ">>{willashman} : Well, obviously. The burden is on the government to prove intent, which is very hard to do. That's why I think there is a good chance this law is actually held to be Constitutional. Clearly, then, the point of the bill isn't to silence dissent.", '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : It is just a useless piece of paper then.', '>>{Disentingvoice} : Or they could just use it as a thing that will have to be fought in court and unless you have the money to afford a case that could go into the 100s of thousands of dollars you will just shut down, even if you are telling the truth.', ">>{willashman} : If they get even 1 person under this bill, I think it's a success. Our goal should be to strengthen our democracy, right now, one person at a time. Just because this won't lead to 100k people going to jail doesn't mean it shouldn't be a law.", '>>{willashman} : Prosecutors can\'t go into court without direct evidence of bad intentions, saying they\'ll "get it later." The case would get thrown out, very quickly.', '>>{handfinisher} : Please look up The Fairness Doctrine... this already existed on a national level until Reagan did away with it in 1987.', '>>{Disentingvoice} : So you think if a site that was claiming the government could hack your cell phones and get the data off of it before it is encrypted and could use your TVs to spy on you that the government would have declassified the information from the recent Wiki leaks about the CIA and admitted they could do it? Really?', ">>{willashman} : That has nothing to do with the intentions of the original publisher. If the person publishing that site was not intending on misleading and deceiving people, then they are fine. That's all this comes down to.", '>>{Disentingvoice} : >SEC. 2. Section 18320.5 is added to the Elections Code, to read: >18320.5. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on an Internet Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on an Internet Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote on either of the following: (a) Any issue submitted to voters at an election. (b) Any candidate for election to public office. This would apply to everything from websites about news, reddit, twitter, facebook or even youtube type sites. This is a very dangerous law to pass, you never know what future politicians would use it for since it is pretty wide open.', '>>{willashman} : Prosecutors have to prove intent. This is not even remotely a wide open law. > knowingly and willingly > false or deceptive statement designed to influence That is an incredibly high burden for a prosecutor to reach.', ">>{GaimeGuy} : I do think we need to look at our free speech laws. We have become so devoted to the idea that you can say whatever you want, particularly with regards to politics and matters of social or economic importance, that we can no longer speak to each other. The 1st amendmenet - freedom of religion, of the press, of protest, of speech - is not about being able to say whatever you want without consequence. It's about not restricting the ability of the public to disseminate information among and to each other, to exchange ideas, to express themselves as individuals in a peaceful manner, and to pursue their own spiritual growth and enlightenment without fear of repercussion. If you allow people to poison the well with lies, you are restricting the ability of individuals to gather actual information, to educate themselves, to reason with each other and live in the world of facts. That is a violation of the first amendment, if anything. This country is sick. We need better education on history, civics, science, and critical thinking. We need to reinstate the fairness doctrine and non-profit news. We need to deprogram one or two generations of individuals that have become caught up in a cult-like mentality that there is nothing to be gained, trusted, or learned from other countries, other communities, other experiences and backgrounds and people. We need to shatter this false reality that has taken hold of so many people. And to do that, we need to be able to stand up for truth. Slippery slope? We have a government that claims 3 million people illegally voted for the political opposition. We have millions of people who placed their hopes on a man who does not care about them, who used them and threw them away. These people can't use their voices to get people in power that will solve their problems because they can not navigate their way through the swamp of bullshit, fabrications, and outright lies in order to accurately identify the person that will address their problems. Think about that: People think they're voting for someone who cares about the poor and will stand up for the weak and unprivileged. Instead, they're voting for Donald Trump. Is it really a democratic republic when you're unable to accurately connect the democratic ideals you hold with the candidate aligned with those ideals? You have been conned. Your voice has been stolen. Your vote silenced.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : This must be why OP's handle has a big red box over his number of votes in my res."], [">>{Dovahdude} : The gboard update is now inside the standard Google app, if that's any help regarding lack of new emoji!", ">>{champ-pain} : Had GBoard for a while because i like the black keyboard but have since deleted it for the new stock keyboard and new Emojis. Can't say I miss it much other than the GIF's I could pull up quickly. Swipe to text was nice, too.", '>>{alexanderjamilton} : I totally did not know this! Thank you for the info!', ">>{luqman_sha} : What he meant was the GBoard app itself won't be getting anymore updates. All newer version of GBoard will be included in the Google app itself.", ">>{Darth_T0XICATED} : Thanks for this! I've been waiting for an update like many others.", ">>{jackjohnbrown} : I had to drop it when I realized it couldn't support dictation features. Sure wish they'd open that up to third party apps.", ">>{Wolf-O-Donnell} : I actually just downloaded the Gboard update. FINALLY, I can use Google's voice dictation again!!! Just wish the dictation didn't censor words like f****** s*** and whatnot, but that's a very minor grievance.", ">>{avgbrownguy} : +1 on the swipe keyboard feature. Really the only reason I haven't uninstalled it yet. Apple needs to get their head out of their asses and implement it on the stock keyboard 😒", '>>{alexanderjamilton} : I downloaded the update as well and feel the need to give it another chance!', ">>{pickleballiodine} : It's your lucky day. It has dictation now.", '>>{Justinokay} : When will this app support up/down message scrolling? Currently you can only scroll left/right. If I could scroll all directions like stock app I would use gboard as daily driver.', '>>{Jig5} : It was just updated a few hours ago to include the new emoji and now has dictation!', '>>{alexanderjamilton} : I know. I feel stupid for this post now lol', ">>{Jig5} : Maybe it was your post that pushed them to update the app. How's that for a spin?", '>>{Fender6969} : Hands down best keyboard. It now supports diction which checks all of my boxes.'], ['>>{ayellabeer} : Replicator in the title is highly misleading.', ">>{CaroLoque} : Bluetooth replica of original Star Trek Communicator Words are great. I've got the best words in the best order", '>>{MBncsa} : how can this junk have > 200 upvotes? This sub is about purchasable technical innovations and not some crappy toy whose only purpose can be to prevent you from ever getting laid again.', '>>{raymondspogo} : I want a Star Trek TNG Bluetooth badge communicator that answers my phone when I touch it and has a speakerphone built in.', '>>{HowAboutShutUp} : I dunno, I mean, it works for Flossy Carter.', ">>{squeakymoth} : Yeah that threw me off and I had to make sure this wasn't in r/stargate", '>>{MBncsa} : Had to search a little before I found it: "The flip on this is so dope." Might be indeed a selling point, next to the three (!!) LEDs it has.', '>>{frbap} : That would be extremely difficult to cram into such a small size but I want it as well.', ">>{InvaderGlorch} : Wouldn't have to be. Battery life wouldn't be great but it wouldn't be much different than most smart watches these days.", ">>{frbap} : Well, if you don't mind it being somewhat thicker than usual then sure. The only thing I'd be worried about is how loud it is and how well it picks up your voice.", ">>{mokahless} : Low-function plus bluetooth and no screen in the same size as a smartwatch. I don't see why it wouldn't be easy to cram that into that size.", '>>{HowdyDoodlyDoo} : You could easily fit the bluetooth, mic and speaker in that size. The only difficulty would how loud the speaker would be.', ">>{toweldayeveryday} : I doubt that. I have a Bluetooth transmitter/receiver that is rectangular, maybe twice as thick and half as wide. It's only as big as it is because of the 3.5mm out jack. I got the thing on prime for less than $50, just for reference.", '>>{FlerPlay} : Is it a badge in ST or would it be ok to sew into the uniform? Conductive thread is a thing and would open up many possibilities like a Mic placed in the collar and a battery hidden in the armpits or something', '>>{LobsterCowboy} : Wow, I could get to carry TWO things instead of one.', ">>{InvaderGlorch} : There was a company 10 years ago that had one a bit larger than a typical USB stick that you would wear on a lanyard and worked over wifi . So it can be done, but yeah battery life, mic pickup and speaker quality would have to be balanced with size. And of course no matter what you can't say 'beam me up' and actually have it work. :P"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Quinnjester} : Woman in Muslim clothing has her sleeve set alight on Fifth Avenue', '>>{BellaArmy} : Best iPhone 6s case to keep the "feel" of the phone?', '>>{Antoniomsci} : Magic Lantern brings in-camera digital negative RAW files to Canon DSLRs', ">>{johnfrance} : ‘It’s almost impossible to keep up with the number of incidents in recent days and months...' Jesus Christ", ">>{MadysonDesigns} : I've been using the Spigen Air Skin. It's almost invisible but also is pretty good protection from drops.", ">>{sorry_I_said_that} : > easier to work with in programs like Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. Is anyone able to expand on what this means? Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW both support my camera's CR2 RAW files. Why should I be converting to DNG instead?", ">>{Quinnjester} : If he's gonna be president we're going to have to have an plan to protect these people...", ">>{gnashville} : Article says DNG files are smaller and easier to work with, but I've worked with both and haven't noticed a difference. That said, I wonder what kind of files sizes the new 5D4 or 5DS make. If there's a significant difference, maybe it's worth expirimenting with. This is all peanuts compared to the possibility of raw video from the 5D3 somewhere in the future, though.", ">>{Zainco} : Saddening how you'll actually vote for war just because Trump said the ''P'' word 11 years ago.", '>>{magicm0nkey} : I presume the relevant point is the one immediately before the piece you quoted: > Compared to the proprietary RAW formats used by camera manufacturers (like Canon’s CR2), Adobe’s open DNG format is smaller and easier to work with in programs like Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. So DNG might be easier to work with because it generates smaller files than CR2. [This](http://petapixel.com/2015/07/16/why-i-stopped-using-the-dng-file-format/), for example, says that DNG achieves a "15-20% reduction in file size over proprietary raw files". It also raises some issues about DNG files - particularly when used with Capture One, though that [seems to have been addressed](http://captureoneblog.com/capture-one-9-review/) from version 9. The author of the PetaPixel article mentions that in the comments to [this look at the pros and cons of DNG](http://petapixel.com/2015/12/08/dng-the-pros-cons-and-myths-of-the-adobe-raw-file-format/). That file size difference might be relevant if the cost (in time and/or money) of storage or file transfer is an issue. Depending upon hardware, I guess it might also make a material difference to post-processing time. Just from looking at those articles, whether it\'s worthwhile switching seems to depend upon personal workflows etc.', ">>{SpoonOnGuitar} : 1. Gives protection from drops 2. Gives the feeling of a naked iPhone Choose one. You can't have both.", '>>{gamechanger55} : Can we ship all these trump supporters to Mexico. It seems they fit the narrative of being criminal.', '>>{Old_Army90} : How do you come into a thread like this and say "this didn\'t happen" and then offer nothing to show how you know? Like I\'m not even asking you personally, I\'m asking rhetorically. How does that work? Were you there to see this? Did someone point out that her sleeve caught fire because of something else? Did her sleeve even catch fire at all? Please explain, because if they\'re wrong they probably need to know so they can redact this.', ">>{mrHappy-} : I find the Apple Silicone case to be more comfortable in my hand than the naked 6s. It provides enough of an edge to protect the screen from most drops and I think it retains Apples design the best of any case I've seen.", ">>{_Mardoxx} : What's the advantage of this over a normal RAW. Just seems silly yaving to do an extra invert operation. And I'm pretty sure the CCDs don't capture in negative anyway.", ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : If I explain my reasoning you'll know my true form.", '>>{mostlyjustread} : To add to what others are saying.. Adobe tends to argue that DNG\'s are "better" or "easier" because while they are smaller, they are also a single file. Editing a CR2 is easy, sure, but creates a XMP sidecar file. Now you have two files to manage. DNG wraps that xmp info into the same file. They\'re also a bit smaller, yes. but not always. Also another small detail for ease, LR5 and past versions will read DNG\'s (but not read all current raw formats from other brands) and you can simply convert files from that 5DSr or 5D4 to DNG with their free converter if you don\'t want to bother upgrading to LR CC right now. (this article is saying that you would have the option to have DNG\'s straight outta camera, which could be handy for some) All that said (and to ramble a little more), Adobe always points out in their demos/etc at things like PhotoPlus and PhotoshopWorld something along these lines "DNG is our (adobe\'s) format and we\'re not going anywhere. While companies like Canon and Nikon may change things on their end, our formats won\'t change so you know your files will always be read-by and work with our products" That\'s used in arguments they make saying "use photoshop over our competition\'s bundled software" So should you use DNG? Hard to say.. what\'s your workflow like? Do you keep your files and masters in one spot and only ever need them on those drives/system? Or do you travel a lot and need to work on files on different systems with other people\'s software? If you\'re in the latter category, using DNG\'s and not needing to have a LR.cat file with you or XMP files to manage might be a good thing to try out', '>>{GavinGT} : Saddening how you reduce our choices down to "war" vs "guy who said pussy".', '>>{ClassyFairy} : This badboy right here - Waterproof iPhone case - https://classyfairy.com/product/waterproof-case/', '>>{jswynn5} : Tech21 my whole family uses them. 6s, 6s plus and a 7 no damage and I find them to be fairly sleek', ">>{OhLookANewAccount} : Funny, I'm voting to prevent an out of control rapist from having access to weapons of mass destruction. Only one man on that stage threatened to cut ties with our allies, and it was the Rapist known as Trump.", '>>{Crystal_Clods} : 1) Donald Trump is not the anti-war candidate. 2) No one cares that Donald Trump said "the P-word." People care that he *confessed to sexual assault*.', '>>{i_am_jotun} : There\'s actually no negative/inversion involved from any technical point of view. It is just a marketing term. Adobe wants to express the idea of "Original, unprocessed, maximum information from the time of shooting." A decent analog world equivalent for that is \'negative\'. That said, I think it still sounds stupid. It *almost* feels like it is targeted at the lowest common denominator of people who can\'t be expected to comprehend anything involving modern technology. I think the real selling point is that it is an open standard. You can avoid some legal and technical challenges compared to trying to make hardware/software that works with another company\'s proprietary format. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Negative : > **Freely-available specification:**[26][27][28] this can be downloaded from the Adobe website without negotiation or needing justification.[2] > > **Format based on open specifications and/or standards:** DNG is compatible with TIFF/EP, and various open formats and/or standards are used, including Exif metadata, XMP metadata, IPTC metadata, CIE XYZ coordinates and JPEG.[2][29] > > **Self-contained file format:** a DNG file contains the data (raw image data and metadata) needed to render an image without needing additional knowledge of the characteristics of the camera.[2][22] > > **Version control scheme:** it has a version scheme built into it that allows the DNG specification, DNG writers, and DNG readers, to evolve at their own paces.[30][31] > > **Freely-available source-code-based software development kit (SDK):** there are three aspects - there is an SDK; it is source-code-based (as can be verified by examination); and it can be downloaded from the Adobe website without needing justification.[32] > > **Documented to have no known intellectual property encumbrances or license requirements:** there is both a "Digital Negative (DNG) Specification Patent License" which says that anyone can exploit DNG,[4] and a statement that there are no known intellectual property encumbrances or license requirements for DNG.[5] > > **Lossless and lossy compression (optional):** DNG support optional lossless and (since version 1.4) also lossy compression.[33] The lossy compressions losses are practically indistinguishable in real world images.[34]', '>>{OliveItMaggle} : [We already know your true form.](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/10/8e/47/108e479ef48ee1d6df30d687c0aa0629.jpg)', ">>{Zainco} : A vote for Hillary is a vote for War and even more Corruption. A vote for Trump is pretty much a shot in the dark you'll never know what he'll do but i have a feeling if you get he's absolute worst side he'll still do 100 times better then her.", ">>{Old_Army90} : Probably because she would have been able to identify her husband to the police. But way to project your stereotypes there, that's cool.", '>>{eqleriq} : when you edit a DNG the edits are stored within the DNG. when you edit a canon or nikon raw, the edits are stored in a different file. It doesn\'t matter for adobe camera raw or lightroom, that\'s bullshit... they both handle the sidecar files fine. This makes it more compact and convenient for various file management programs. For example portfolio will preview the raw files, not the raw files as modified by the XMP It\'s essentially also cross platform, not requiring specific camera handling. DNGs load /preview quicker in adobe products and are smaller. But that\'s the problem. Lightroom is great... but it is no Capture One, and capture one doesn\'t support DNG. Lightroom defaults to "adobe standard" which requires a lot of cajoling to get results that capture one has by default. There is corroboration of this all over the web: http://petapixel.com/2015/07/16/why-i-stopped-using-the-dng-file-format/', '>>{HardTen} : For the umpteen MILLIONTH time, it is not that he said "pussy", it is that he was advocating sexual assault. And your war allegation? Citation please.', ">>{preemptivebanana} : That's good enough for me. Emotions and feelings Trump logic and reason every time.", '>>{kah0922} : > Ibraham Hooper, a spokesman for the Council of American-Islamic Relations, said he urges police to thoroughly investigate a possible bias motive. ‘It’s almost impossible to keep up with the number of incidents in recent days and months since the mainstreaming of Islamophobia by people like Donald Trump,’ he told Daily Mail Online. He added that in the past week, the organization has seen numerous complaints of incidents apparently fueled by anti-Muslim sentiment, including an tractor-trailer that crashed into a Maryland mosque. This is what happens when you villainize a group of people, whether they deserve or not.', '>>{Quinnjester} : Like I said before on another thread. If this shit is happening in NYC its happening everywhere.', ">>{dagwood222} : Let's not forget that Donald Trump said he'd shoot the Iranian sailors who made rude gestures at our Navy. And then said such an attack wouldn't start a war.", '>>{NotAFemaleRedditor} : I was about to ask "what headphone jack". I forgot other models have those. 😔', '>>{Lbstanford} : Second this. You also can add a glass protection on the back to avoid scratches.', '>>{Sass710} : LOL I too have a nick, but mine is by the lightning port. It really bugs me, so i keep it in my otterbox.', ">>{TheRealCJ} : Funny how anything that's not right wing is being heavily downvoted right now... Anyway, this is really awful, and there needs to be a serious conversation about fear mongering.. Frightened people do dumb things, and when people do dumb things innocent people get hurt. We need to curtail the fear before things escalate further.", ">>{Matt_Daltron} : Seriously. I'm really sick of having to explain this to people. The language is the very least of what was wrong with that statement.", ">>{Sass710} : I don't trust anyone who puts the dollar sign after the amount.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Its getting bad. This is like the freaking McCarthy era with Communists...If Trump becomes prez who knows how many people the GOP will accuse of being part of the Muslim brotherhood. They already accused, Khan, Huma and freaking OHB.', '>>{rugbug47} : LifeProof nuud case. The screen is actually uncovered and has a wonderful design and is waterproof. Check it https://www.lifeproof.com/en-us/iphone-7/nuud-for-iphone-7/lpnu-apl-iph16.html', ">>{Bossman1086} : 5D4 RAW files shouldn't be significantly larger unless you're shooting in dual pixel mode. Then they're huge.", ">>{frogs-of-war} : Absolutely zero graphic advantage. Tha only advantage is LR and Camera Raw can treat it without needing to support the camera body model. File isn't a lot smaller and archives version can be processed during your workflow. Running ML to take DNG solely is an option for no one. Over complex and battery eater. The article says game changer, I don't see any benefit, not a small one.", '>>{ToddHelton4Ever} : How is this news? Her sleeve was set on fire? How many people were shot and killed tonight? The gun lobby is probably promoting this story. Ignorant masses are easily distracted.', '>>{Couldbehuman} : I\'ll be using this feature. I convert to DNG anyway, I don\'t like having th be XMP files all the time. Random thought about the usage of negative, in analogue there was also chrome or "positive" film. They could have called it a digital positive and still been making an accurate analogy. Though if we want to get pedantic about terms, it\'s about as accurate as you saying CCD since most cameras (including all the popular Canon SLRs this applies to) use CMOS.', ">>{stopfive} : I always ignored those cause of the price ($40?!), but I grabbed an open box one the other day for $5 and it hasn't left my phone yet. Love it", ">>{scrizewly} : I have a Caseology Vault Series on my 7 plus and it works quite well while keeping things thin. Also the $5 Body Glove case I bought at Walmart gets rotated in every so often. It's the thinnest case I've found so far.", '>>{Flux85} : Just to emphasize that these thin cases are made for scratch protection of the body only. There is no impact protection with these.', ">>{potatocucumber} : I know this will sound odd but the Otterbox Symmetry 2.0 is amazing on my 6S+. Add a TG screen protector and you're golden.", '>>{Blue_Team4President} : Deplorable Trumptart terrorists are so cowardly that they attack women? Sad.', ">>{GavinGT} : The US has been at war 223 out of its 240 years of existence. If anything, a vote for Hillary is a vote for 4 more years of Obama. That's fine with me. And you're right about a Trump presidency being a huge gamble. And based off how he's run his campaign, it's not a gamble I'd like to take.", '>>{rk119} : They believe all Muslims are lying about their stealth jihad intentions as an article of faith. As an agnostic of Muslim origin, that is an extremely scary and slippery slope.', '>>{rk119} : Sorry, this was an isolated incident by a mentally unstable individual. /s', ">>{Sarkore} : For a long time I preached the dng over the cr2. I also really love magic lantern for focus peaking and zeebra (zebra in English). Since getting the mk4 I stopped using it because the DNG conversion in light room was mental. I nearly returned it because I thought the files were straight up wrong. After I got CR2 support the files looked great. Smaller file sizes and choice of hidden JPEG are great but if you end up using Capture One in the future you will want those CR2's. (Its new years so pissed as a fart, apologies for spelling. Happy new years)", '>>{rk119} : How is this not a US political hot topic? How many Muslim women were randomly having their clothes burnt prior to this election?', ">>{mostly_fiction} : It's not a vote for war, it's a vote for more or less a continuation of US policy going back to Bush Sr. While you may not like US behavior since then it's wrong to say supporting Hillary wants war--or that Trump would be a safer choice in these regards. Also, it's anything but just that tape. Trump is a con man, who can't be trusted on any policy he puts forward. Now he's claiming without reason that the voting process is rigged against him. Trump is a very irresponsible candidate and far too risky. Clinton is just more of the same. Not exciting but ultimately competent and dependable.", '>>{usethisaccountmom} : Assuming they mean DNG requires less processing power and memory.', ">>{Staylitation} : An uneducated, bad temperament with no understanding of the government works is going to be better? Also, he asked why the US have nukes if they aren't going to use it and champion for other countries to have them. Not to mention having a more aggressive international military. That's definitely a sign of a combative person.", ">>{PoppDuder} : I like the idea of not having to make sure that ACR and Lightroom have the right compatibility with the right version of the RAW format to support my CURRENT camera. DNG will work with any version of ACR and lightroom, regardless of whether its your own up-to-date version, or a file you're dropping off to a client with old software.", '>>{Milleuros} : Oh my God, you completely missed the point did you? The scandal is **not** about saying "pussy". It has **never been about the word**, despite what some conservatives thought. *Period*. Trump admitted that he *sexually assaults* women. As in, "rape". And then he downplayed it as saying it\'s merely "locker room talk" that all men do (protip: it isn\'t) and some of his supporters said it was typical "alpha male" behaviour. With your thread, you are admitting that you do not even see what was wrong with this quote. Is your lack of respect for women so bad that you cannot understand why Trump words were outrageous, or are you simply lying to yourself to get convinced that he is "the lesser of two evils" ? A normal candidate would have been disqualified over such a remark. But paradoxically, Trump did so much more outrageous claims and non-sense politics that somewhat, this tape got lost in the continuous scandal that his campaign is and he could go on.', '>>{sovnade} : They are around 37-40mb each. Some slightly higher or lower. Still smaller than d810 raws.', '>>{sovnade} : Yeah, it sucks not being able to see thumbnails of 5d4 raws from windows or mac. Really a PITA.', ">>{PMMEPICSOFSALAD} : Isn't this old news? Like, old old?", ">>{adaminc} : DNG has native compression support, zip based I believe. I don't know if the proprietary formats support that, or if that compression is even being used. But that's a possibility. Also, raw video from the 5D3 exists, do you mean 5D4/5DS?", '>>{gnashville} : Wait really? In-camera? Or with an external recorder?', ">>{adaminc} : In camera. You can only do 1920x1080p24, but its 14bit raw. It's like one of the first things they did with the 5D3. It's been capable of that for years now. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgQ2MOkAZTFHdFFIcFp1d0R5TzVPTVJXOEVyUndteGc#gid=5 That is the chart with current capabilities, from [this](http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=6215.0) thread.", ">>{Malaix} : He also is said to have been very confused as to why the US didn't use nukes more often. That alone makes me want to keep him as from from launch codes as possible.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : And your feelings are what is important in a national election.', '>>{Sharpspoonoo} : I love war - Trump "I\'ll bomb the shit out of them" - Trump "I\'m not gonna take it off the table" - Trump on using nukes', '>>{AkirIkasu} : Practically Ancient old. I have Magic Lantern installed on my T2i.', ">>{PMMEPICSOFSALAD} : Cool, I'm not going mad then? I had ML on my 550D what must have been a good 5 years ago now. :)", '>>{CXiiiv} : Yes normallly you can opt for lossless or less compression of your raw files.', '>>{theseleadsalts} : A few reasons. The way CR2 files are handled out of certain bodies are less than desirable (See the 5DMKIII). DNG is a more universal format, and sometimes can be a more compact file. DNGs can be easier to work with in certain image editors.', '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : And said he would be willing to use nukes on Europe.', '>>{clippingmask} : When i can shot and capture this camera than the Photo save type just RAW files?', ">>{chocolatevape} : He's a moron. He can't even form a complete sentence. He talks out his ass. He's immature, hot headed and has zero political experience. These are a few reasons I refuse to vote for him. The word pussy has nothing to do with why I'm not voting for him.", ">>{clippingmask} : We are all time work our camera image clipping path and remove background and retouching or manipulation so we have need open this file with Photoshop so it's possible??", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : when talking about trump , the P word = pedophile . He hits on 10 year olds, talks about his infant daughters breasts , and walks into changing rooms at miss teen USA pageants.', '>>{Uncleniles} : Just for the record, trumps numbers were in free-fall even before the tape where he admitted being a sexual predator.', ">>{Mikeythefireman} : Maddening that you'll reduce a presidential election down to two untrue comparisons.", ">>{Zainco} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7PM9kwFwnc There you go the entire conversation of what he said on the bus where does he say that he abuses women or in any way WITHOUT their consent even touches them? You can't answer that because you won't look on the video because you're a bot. Why reddit allows the Clinton propaganda machine on here is pretty disgusting. Now give me a video where he talks about Nukeing Europe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2f13f2awK4 An extra video of Hillary laughing about getting a Pedofile off the hook and trash talking a 12 year old after she was raped so severely she ended up in a coma.", '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : The funny thing about you Pedophile supporters is that you think everybody who stands against your rapist of a false candidate is a liar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS0eBIzh6Dc Trumps collective statements on Nuclear weapons. You\'re free to go into each clip and find the full segments if you like. And from your link, a video I have seen several times now. https://youtu.be/t7PM9kwFwnc?t=69 The time stamp where he starts talking about kissing women without consent. "When I see a beautiful woman I just start kissing her, I don\'t even wait." "And when you are a star they let you do it, you can do anything." https://youtu.be/t7PM9kwFwnc?t=79 "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." That, since you seem to not understand how laws or human decency work, is called sexual assault. And if you don\'t believe me, and if you somehow missed the debates, here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN-dUOebFi8 >The Justice Department defines sexual assault as “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.” Here is a full article you can read on it, you know, if you\'re capable of handling being wrong. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/10/09/anderson-cooper-told-trump-that-is-sexual-assault-the-justice-department-agrees/ So maybe your argument is that the definition of sexual assault is... what? Too strict? That women should not have the human right to decide for themselves if a stranger, if some businessman or television star has the right to start molesting them? Grabbing them by their genitals and treating them like cattle? Now onto the pedophile case. She laughed because she saw a polygraph test for the first time and saw how stupid and unreliable it was for evidence. She was not laughing over her client being protected properly in a court of law, she laughed because polygraph tests are notoriously unreliable and she saw it first hand. Did you listen to the rest of that tape? The prosecutor had destroyed alleged evidence of the alleged crime. No matter what, no matter if the man was or was not guilty, that destroys any case that can be held against him. In America you are innocent until proven guilty. How can you prove guilt without evidence? The opposing lawyer destroyed the evidence and then expected it to be held up in court, even going so far as to try and stop Hillary from seeing the evidence beforehand. Sorry mate, that doesn\'t wash for me. If the man was a pedophile then it\'s a crying shame the prosecutor did what he did. If anything the video you linked me shows the kinds of trials Hillary had to face in our law system being a woman. "I don\'t want to talk about this in front of you" grandstanding and obscuring evidence, destroying evidence? It\'s ridiculous. Hillary did her job and she did it damn well. Is it Trumps job to purposefully walk in on naked teenagers at beauty pageants though? He sure thinks so. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/10/12/donald_trump_walked_in_on_half_dressed_teen_girls_in_the_dressing_room_pageant.html >Trump himself has bragged about exploiting his power as the then-owner of the pageants to force naked or half-dressed contestants to let him stare at them. He told Howard Stern in 2005 that he pretended to be checking on the progress of the show: >"Well, I’ll tell you the funniest is that before a show: I’ll go backstage, and everyone’s getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in because I\'m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. You know, I’m inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good. You know, the dresses. “Is everyone OK?” You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. “Is everybody OK?” And you see these incredible-looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that." Girls as young as fifteen, and he\'s bragging about it. Girls as young as thirteen, according to the women he has harassed. He\'s raped women, molested women, raped children, sexually assaulted little girls. A pedophile by his own admission. And you sit there and defend him on the internet? Reconsider your position, and reconsider it strongly. I\'m not going to tell you who to vote for, but I would certainly hope you would be capable of looking at the facts and see that Trump is not the person you want for president. I mean, unless if you want a mentally unstable rapist to be given access to nuclear weapons that he\'s willing to use on our allies. But, in that case, I\'d have to wonder how you\'re able to read or write at all.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BellaArmy} : Best iPhone 6s case to keep the "feel" of the phone?', ">>{MadysonDesigns} : I've been using the Spigen Air Skin. It's almost invisible but also is pretty good protection from drops.", ">>{SpoonOnGuitar} : 1. Gives protection from drops 2. Gives the feeling of a naked iPhone Choose one. You can't have both.", ">>{mrHappy-} : I find the Apple Silicone case to be more comfortable in my hand than the naked 6s. It provides enough of an edge to protect the screen from most drops and I think it retains Apples design the best of any case I've seen.", '>>{ClassyFairy} : This badboy right here - Waterproof iPhone case - https://classyfairy.com/product/waterproof-case/', '>>{jswynn5} : Tech21 my whole family uses them. 6s, 6s plus and a 7 no damage and I find them to be fairly sleek', '>>{NotAFemaleRedditor} : I was about to ask "what headphone jack". I forgot other models have those. 😔', '>>{Lbstanford} : Second this. You also can add a glass protection on the back to avoid scratches.', '>>{Sass710} : LOL I too have a nick, but mine is by the lightning port. It really bugs me, so i keep it in my otterbox.', ">>{Sass710} : I don't trust anyone who puts the dollar sign after the amount.", '>>{rugbug47} : LifeProof nuud case. The screen is actually uncovered and has a wonderful design and is waterproof. Check it https://www.lifeproof.com/en-us/iphone-7/nuud-for-iphone-7/lpnu-apl-iph16.html', ">>{stopfive} : I always ignored those cause of the price ($40?!), but I grabbed an open box one the other day for $5 and it hasn't left my phone yet. Love it", ">>{scrizewly} : I have a Caseology Vault Series on my 7 plus and it works quite well while keeping things thin. Also the $5 Body Glove case I bought at Walmart gets rotated in every so often. It's the thinnest case I've found so far.", '>>{Flux85} : Just to emphasize that these thin cases are made for scratch protection of the body only. There is no impact protection with these.', ">>{potatocucumber} : I know this will sound odd but the Otterbox Symmetry 2.0 is amazing on my 6S+. Add a TG screen protector and you're golden."], ['>>{Quinnjester} : Woman in Muslim clothing has her sleeve set alight on Fifth Avenue', ">>{johnfrance} : ‘It’s almost impossible to keep up with the number of incidents in recent days and months...' Jesus Christ", ">>{Quinnjester} : If he's gonna be president we're going to have to have an plan to protect these people...", '>>{gamechanger55} : Can we ship all these trump supporters to Mexico. It seems they fit the narrative of being criminal.', '>>{Old_Army90} : How do you come into a thread like this and say "this didn\'t happen" and then offer nothing to show how you know? Like I\'m not even asking you personally, I\'m asking rhetorically. How does that work? Were you there to see this? Did someone point out that her sleeve caught fire because of something else? Did her sleeve even catch fire at all? Please explain, because if they\'re wrong they probably need to know so they can redact this.', ">>{SpindlyGibbons} : If I explain my reasoning you'll know my true form.", '>>{OliveItMaggle} : [We already know your true form.](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/10/8e/47/108e479ef48ee1d6df30d687c0aa0629.jpg)', ">>{Old_Army90} : Probably because she would have been able to identify her husband to the police. But way to project your stereotypes there, that's cool.", ">>{preemptivebanana} : That's good enough for me. Emotions and feelings Trump logic and reason every time.", '>>{kah0922} : > Ibraham Hooper, a spokesman for the Council of American-Islamic Relations, said he urges police to thoroughly investigate a possible bias motive. ‘It’s almost impossible to keep up with the number of incidents in recent days and months since the mainstreaming of Islamophobia by people like Donald Trump,’ he told Daily Mail Online. He added that in the past week, the organization has seen numerous complaints of incidents apparently fueled by anti-Muslim sentiment, including an tractor-trailer that crashed into a Maryland mosque. This is what happens when you villainize a group of people, whether they deserve or not.', '>>{Quinnjester} : Like I said before on another thread. If this shit is happening in NYC its happening everywhere.', ">>{TheRealCJ} : Funny how anything that's not right wing is being heavily downvoted right now... Anyway, this is really awful, and there needs to be a serious conversation about fear mongering.. Frightened people do dumb things, and when people do dumb things innocent people get hurt. We need to curtail the fear before things escalate further.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Its getting bad. This is like the freaking McCarthy era with Communists...If Trump becomes prez who knows how many people the GOP will accuse of being part of the Muslim brotherhood. They already accused, Khan, Huma and freaking OHB.', '>>{ToddHelton4Ever} : How is this news? Her sleeve was set on fire? How many people were shot and killed tonight? The gun lobby is probably promoting this story. Ignorant masses are easily distracted.', '>>{Blue_Team4President} : Deplorable Trumptart terrorists are so cowardly that they attack women? Sad.', '>>{rk119} : They believe all Muslims are lying about their stealth jihad intentions as an article of faith. As an agnostic of Muslim origin, that is an extremely scary and slippery slope.', '>>{rk119} : Sorry, this was an isolated incident by a mentally unstable individual. /s', '>>{rk119} : How is this not a US political hot topic? How many Muslim women were randomly having their clothes burnt prior to this election?'], ['>>{Antoniomsci} : Magic Lantern brings in-camera digital negative RAW files to Canon DSLRs', ">>{sorry_I_said_that} : > easier to work with in programs like Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. Is anyone able to expand on what this means? Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW both support my camera's CR2 RAW files. Why should I be converting to DNG instead?", ">>{gnashville} : Article says DNG files are smaller and easier to work with, but I've worked with both and haven't noticed a difference. That said, I wonder what kind of files sizes the new 5D4 or 5DS make. If there's a significant difference, maybe it's worth expirimenting with. This is all peanuts compared to the possibility of raw video from the 5D3 somewhere in the future, though.", '>>{magicm0nkey} : I presume the relevant point is the one immediately before the piece you quoted: > Compared to the proprietary RAW formats used by camera manufacturers (like Canon’s CR2), Adobe’s open DNG format is smaller and easier to work with in programs like Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. So DNG might be easier to work with because it generates smaller files than CR2. [This](http://petapixel.com/2015/07/16/why-i-stopped-using-the-dng-file-format/), for example, says that DNG achieves a "15-20% reduction in file size over proprietary raw files". It also raises some issues about DNG files - particularly when used with Capture One, though that [seems to have been addressed](http://captureoneblog.com/capture-one-9-review/) from version 9. The author of the PetaPixel article mentions that in the comments to [this look at the pros and cons of DNG](http://petapixel.com/2015/12/08/dng-the-pros-cons-and-myths-of-the-adobe-raw-file-format/). That file size difference might be relevant if the cost (in time and/or money) of storage or file transfer is an issue. Depending upon hardware, I guess it might also make a material difference to post-processing time. Just from looking at those articles, whether it\'s worthwhile switching seems to depend upon personal workflows etc.', ">>{_Mardoxx} : What's the advantage of this over a normal RAW. Just seems silly yaving to do an extra invert operation. And I'm pretty sure the CCDs don't capture in negative anyway.", '>>{mostlyjustread} : To add to what others are saying.. Adobe tends to argue that DNG\'s are "better" or "easier" because while they are smaller, they are also a single file. Editing a CR2 is easy, sure, but creates a XMP sidecar file. Now you have two files to manage. DNG wraps that xmp info into the same file. They\'re also a bit smaller, yes. but not always. Also another small detail for ease, LR5 and past versions will read DNG\'s (but not read all current raw formats from other brands) and you can simply convert files from that 5DSr or 5D4 to DNG with their free converter if you don\'t want to bother upgrading to LR CC right now. (this article is saying that you would have the option to have DNG\'s straight outta camera, which could be handy for some) All that said (and to ramble a little more), Adobe always points out in their demos/etc at things like PhotoPlus and PhotoshopWorld something along these lines "DNG is our (adobe\'s) format and we\'re not going anywhere. While companies like Canon and Nikon may change things on their end, our formats won\'t change so you know your files will always be read-by and work with our products" That\'s used in arguments they make saying "use photoshop over our competition\'s bundled software" So should you use DNG? Hard to say.. what\'s your workflow like? Do you keep your files and masters in one spot and only ever need them on those drives/system? Or do you travel a lot and need to work on files on different systems with other people\'s software? If you\'re in the latter category, using DNG\'s and not needing to have a LR.cat file with you or XMP files to manage might be a good thing to try out', '>>{i_am_jotun} : There\'s actually no negative/inversion involved from any technical point of view. It is just a marketing term. Adobe wants to express the idea of "Original, unprocessed, maximum information from the time of shooting." A decent analog world equivalent for that is \'negative\'. That said, I think it still sounds stupid. It *almost* feels like it is targeted at the lowest common denominator of people who can\'t be expected to comprehend anything involving modern technology. I think the real selling point is that it is an open standard. You can avoid some legal and technical challenges compared to trying to make hardware/software that works with another company\'s proprietary format. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Negative : > **Freely-available specification:**[26][27][28] this can be downloaded from the Adobe website without negotiation or needing justification.[2] > > **Format based on open specifications and/or standards:** DNG is compatible with TIFF/EP, and various open formats and/or standards are used, including Exif metadata, XMP metadata, IPTC metadata, CIE XYZ coordinates and JPEG.[2][29] > > **Self-contained file format:** a DNG file contains the data (raw image data and metadata) needed to render an image without needing additional knowledge of the characteristics of the camera.[2][22] > > **Version control scheme:** it has a version scheme built into it that allows the DNG specification, DNG writers, and DNG readers, to evolve at their own paces.[30][31] > > **Freely-available source-code-based software development kit (SDK):** there are three aspects - there is an SDK; it is source-code-based (as can be verified by examination); and it can be downloaded from the Adobe website without needing justification.[32] > > **Documented to have no known intellectual property encumbrances or license requirements:** there is both a "Digital Negative (DNG) Specification Patent License" which says that anyone can exploit DNG,[4] and a statement that there are no known intellectual property encumbrances or license requirements for DNG.[5] > > **Lossless and lossy compression (optional):** DNG support optional lossless and (since version 1.4) also lossy compression.[33] The lossy compressions losses are practically indistinguishable in real world images.[34]', '>>{eqleriq} : when you edit a DNG the edits are stored within the DNG. when you edit a canon or nikon raw, the edits are stored in a different file. It doesn\'t matter for adobe camera raw or lightroom, that\'s bullshit... they both handle the sidecar files fine. This makes it more compact and convenient for various file management programs. For example portfolio will preview the raw files, not the raw files as modified by the XMP It\'s essentially also cross platform, not requiring specific camera handling. DNGs load /preview quicker in adobe products and are smaller. But that\'s the problem. Lightroom is great... but it is no Capture One, and capture one doesn\'t support DNG. Lightroom defaults to "adobe standard" which requires a lot of cajoling to get results that capture one has by default. There is corroboration of this all over the web: http://petapixel.com/2015/07/16/why-i-stopped-using-the-dng-file-format/', ">>{Bossman1086} : 5D4 RAW files shouldn't be significantly larger unless you're shooting in dual pixel mode. Then they're huge.", ">>{frogs-of-war} : Absolutely zero graphic advantage. Tha only advantage is LR and Camera Raw can treat it without needing to support the camera body model. File isn't a lot smaller and archives version can be processed during your workflow. Running ML to take DNG solely is an option for no one. Over complex and battery eater. The article says game changer, I don't see any benefit, not a small one.", '>>{Couldbehuman} : I\'ll be using this feature. I convert to DNG anyway, I don\'t like having th be XMP files all the time. Random thought about the usage of negative, in analogue there was also chrome or "positive" film. They could have called it a digital positive and still been making an accurate analogy. Though if we want to get pedantic about terms, it\'s about as accurate as you saying CCD since most cameras (including all the popular Canon SLRs this applies to) use CMOS.', ">>{Sarkore} : For a long time I preached the dng over the cr2. I also really love magic lantern for focus peaking and zeebra (zebra in English). Since getting the mk4 I stopped using it because the DNG conversion in light room was mental. I nearly returned it because I thought the files were straight up wrong. After I got CR2 support the files looked great. Smaller file sizes and choice of hidden JPEG are great but if you end up using Capture One in the future you will want those CR2's. (Its new years so pissed as a fart, apologies for spelling. Happy new years)", '>>{usethisaccountmom} : Assuming they mean DNG requires less processing power and memory.', ">>{PoppDuder} : I like the idea of not having to make sure that ACR and Lightroom have the right compatibility with the right version of the RAW format to support my CURRENT camera. DNG will work with any version of ACR and lightroom, regardless of whether its your own up-to-date version, or a file you're dropping off to a client with old software.", '>>{sovnade} : They are around 37-40mb each. Some slightly higher or lower. Still smaller than d810 raws.', '>>{sovnade} : Yeah, it sucks not being able to see thumbnails of 5d4 raws from windows or mac. Really a PITA.', ">>{PMMEPICSOFSALAD} : Isn't this old news? Like, old old?", ">>{adaminc} : DNG has native compression support, zip based I believe. I don't know if the proprietary formats support that, or if that compression is even being used. But that's a possibility. Also, raw video from the 5D3 exists, do you mean 5D4/5DS?", '>>{gnashville} : Wait really? In-camera? Or with an external recorder?', ">>{adaminc} : In camera. You can only do 1920x1080p24, but its 14bit raw. It's like one of the first things they did with the 5D3. It's been capable of that for years now. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgQ2MOkAZTFHdFFIcFp1d0R5TzVPTVJXOEVyUndteGc#gid=5 That is the chart with current capabilities, from [this](http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=6215.0) thread.", '>>{AkirIkasu} : Practically Ancient old. I have Magic Lantern installed on my T2i.', ">>{PMMEPICSOFSALAD} : Cool, I'm not going mad then? I had ML on my 550D what must have been a good 5 years ago now. :)", '>>{CXiiiv} : Yes normallly you can opt for lossless or less compression of your raw files.', '>>{theseleadsalts} : A few reasons. The way CR2 files are handled out of certain bodies are less than desirable (See the 5DMKIII). DNG is a more universal format, and sometimes can be a more compact file. DNGs can be easier to work with in certain image editors.', '>>{clippingmask} : When i can shot and capture this camera than the Photo save type just RAW files?', ">>{clippingmask} : We are all time work our camera image clipping path and remove background and retouching or manipulation so we have need open this file with Photoshop so it's possible??"], [">>{Zainco} : Saddening how you'll actually vote for war just because Trump said the ''P'' word 11 years ago.", '>>{GavinGT} : Saddening how you reduce our choices down to "war" vs "guy who said pussy".', ">>{OhLookANewAccount} : Funny, I'm voting to prevent an out of control rapist from having access to weapons of mass destruction. Only one man on that stage threatened to cut ties with our allies, and it was the Rapist known as Trump.", '>>{Crystal_Clods} : 1) Donald Trump is not the anti-war candidate. 2) No one cares that Donald Trump said "the P-word." People care that he *confessed to sexual assault*.', ">>{Zainco} : A vote for Hillary is a vote for War and even more Corruption. A vote for Trump is pretty much a shot in the dark you'll never know what he'll do but i have a feeling if you get he's absolute worst side he'll still do 100 times better then her.", '>>{HardTen} : For the umpteen MILLIONTH time, it is not that he said "pussy", it is that he was advocating sexual assault. And your war allegation? Citation please.', ">>{dagwood222} : Let's not forget that Donald Trump said he'd shoot the Iranian sailors who made rude gestures at our Navy. And then said such an attack wouldn't start a war.", ">>{Matt_Daltron} : Seriously. I'm really sick of having to explain this to people. The language is the very least of what was wrong with that statement.", ">>{GavinGT} : The US has been at war 223 out of its 240 years of existence. If anything, a vote for Hillary is a vote for 4 more years of Obama. That's fine with me. And you're right about a Trump presidency being a huge gamble. And based off how he's run his campaign, it's not a gamble I'd like to take.", ">>{mostly_fiction} : It's not a vote for war, it's a vote for more or less a continuation of US policy going back to Bush Sr. While you may not like US behavior since then it's wrong to say supporting Hillary wants war--or that Trump would be a safer choice in these regards. Also, it's anything but just that tape. Trump is a con man, who can't be trusted on any policy he puts forward. Now he's claiming without reason that the voting process is rigged against him. Trump is a very irresponsible candidate and far too risky. Clinton is just more of the same. Not exciting but ultimately competent and dependable.", ">>{Staylitation} : An uneducated, bad temperament with no understanding of the government works is going to be better? Also, he asked why the US have nukes if they aren't going to use it and champion for other countries to have them. Not to mention having a more aggressive international military. That's definitely a sign of a combative person.", '>>{Milleuros} : Oh my God, you completely missed the point did you? The scandal is **not** about saying "pussy". It has **never been about the word**, despite what some conservatives thought. *Period*. Trump admitted that he *sexually assaults* women. As in, "rape". And then he downplayed it as saying it\'s merely "locker room talk" that all men do (protip: it isn\'t) and some of his supporters said it was typical "alpha male" behaviour. With your thread, you are admitting that you do not even see what was wrong with this quote. Is your lack of respect for women so bad that you cannot understand why Trump words were outrageous, or are you simply lying to yourself to get convinced that he is "the lesser of two evils" ? A normal candidate would have been disqualified over such a remark. But paradoxically, Trump did so much more outrageous claims and non-sense politics that somewhat, this tape got lost in the continuous scandal that his campaign is and he could go on.', ">>{Malaix} : He also is said to have been very confused as to why the US didn't use nukes more often. That alone makes me want to keep him as from from launch codes as possible.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : And your feelings are what is important in a national election.', '>>{Sharpspoonoo} : I love war - Trump "I\'ll bomb the shit out of them" - Trump "I\'m not gonna take it off the table" - Trump on using nukes', '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : And said he would be willing to use nukes on Europe.', ">>{chocolatevape} : He's a moron. He can't even form a complete sentence. He talks out his ass. He's immature, hot headed and has zero political experience. These are a few reasons I refuse to vote for him. The word pussy has nothing to do with why I'm not voting for him.", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : when talking about trump , the P word = pedophile . He hits on 10 year olds, talks about his infant daughters breasts , and walks into changing rooms at miss teen USA pageants.', '>>{Uncleniles} : Just for the record, trumps numbers were in free-fall even before the tape where he admitted being a sexual predator.', ">>{Mikeythefireman} : Maddening that you'll reduce a presidential election down to two untrue comparisons.", ">>{Zainco} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7PM9kwFwnc There you go the entire conversation of what he said on the bus where does he say that he abuses women or in any way WITHOUT their consent even touches them? You can't answer that because you won't look on the video because you're a bot. Why reddit allows the Clinton propaganda machine on here is pretty disgusting. Now give me a video where he talks about Nukeing Europe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2f13f2awK4 An extra video of Hillary laughing about getting a Pedofile off the hook and trash talking a 12 year old after she was raped so severely she ended up in a coma.", '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : The funny thing about you Pedophile supporters is that you think everybody who stands against your rapist of a false candidate is a liar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS0eBIzh6Dc Trumps collective statements on Nuclear weapons. You\'re free to go into each clip and find the full segments if you like. And from your link, a video I have seen several times now. https://youtu.be/t7PM9kwFwnc?t=69 The time stamp where he starts talking about kissing women without consent. "When I see a beautiful woman I just start kissing her, I don\'t even wait." "And when you are a star they let you do it, you can do anything." https://youtu.be/t7PM9kwFwnc?t=79 "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." That, since you seem to not understand how laws or human decency work, is called sexual assault. And if you don\'t believe me, and if you somehow missed the debates, here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN-dUOebFi8 >The Justice Department defines sexual assault as “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.” Here is a full article you can read on it, you know, if you\'re capable of handling being wrong. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/10/09/anderson-cooper-told-trump-that-is-sexual-assault-the-justice-department-agrees/ So maybe your argument is that the definition of sexual assault is... what? Too strict? That women should not have the human right to decide for themselves if a stranger, if some businessman or television star has the right to start molesting them? Grabbing them by their genitals and treating them like cattle? Now onto the pedophile case. She laughed because she saw a polygraph test for the first time and saw how stupid and unreliable it was for evidence. She was not laughing over her client being protected properly in a court of law, she laughed because polygraph tests are notoriously unreliable and she saw it first hand. Did you listen to the rest of that tape? The prosecutor had destroyed alleged evidence of the alleged crime. No matter what, no matter if the man was or was not guilty, that destroys any case that can be held against him. In America you are innocent until proven guilty. How can you prove guilt without evidence? The opposing lawyer destroyed the evidence and then expected it to be held up in court, even going so far as to try and stop Hillary from seeing the evidence beforehand. Sorry mate, that doesn\'t wash for me. If the man was a pedophile then it\'s a crying shame the prosecutor did what he did. If anything the video you linked me shows the kinds of trials Hillary had to face in our law system being a woman. "I don\'t want to talk about this in front of you" grandstanding and obscuring evidence, destroying evidence? It\'s ridiculous. Hillary did her job and she did it damn well. Is it Trumps job to purposefully walk in on naked teenagers at beauty pageants though? He sure thinks so. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/10/12/donald_trump_walked_in_on_half_dressed_teen_girls_in_the_dressing_room_pageant.html >Trump himself has bragged about exploiting his power as the then-owner of the pageants to force naked or half-dressed contestants to let him stare at them. He told Howard Stern in 2005 that he pretended to be checking on the progress of the show: >"Well, I’ll tell you the funniest is that before a show: I’ll go backstage, and everyone’s getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in because I\'m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. You know, I’m inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good. You know, the dresses. “Is everyone OK?” You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. “Is everybody OK?” And you see these incredible-looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that." Girls as young as fifteen, and he\'s bragging about it. Girls as young as thirteen, according to the women he has harassed. He\'s raped women, molested women, raped children, sexually assaulted little girls. A pedophile by his own admission. And you sit there and defend him on the internet? Reconsider your position, and reconsider it strongly. I\'m not going to tell you who to vote for, but I would certainly hope you would be capable of looking at the facts and see that Trump is not the person you want for president. I mean, unless if you want a mentally unstable rapist to be given access to nuclear weapons that he\'s willing to use on our allies. But, in that case, I\'d have to wonder how you\'re able to read or write at all.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Why Barack Obama can help Hillary Clinton win over Bernie loyalists, in one chart', ">>{Malaix} : Bernie Warren and Obama are going to try and get every sander's supporter they can on board with Clinton, that will be their job for basically the rest of the primary season and then going into the general. They won't get all of them, but I think they will get enough, and the dems will retain enough of the new independents to call it an overall win going into the future.", '>>{TrumpRapedMe} : Bi-Partisan news? Oh, my! How can. Anyone have a differing opinion than me? Trump is Hitler! Right, guys???', ">>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : > Trump is Hitler He is! And those who defend him are his enablers. Only difference: We now know what Hitler lead to so we can fight *before* it's too late.", '>>{Malaix} : Well if that happens the dems might be fucked across the board. Like every branch of government the GOP will clean them out. Even more so then they already have in recent years.', ">>{Zannyth} : You're right until you tried to guess the outcome. This election will be a tight one with so many people hating both candidates lol. It really is impossible to guess the outcome at this stage.", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : This will fail and we will still like President Obama. Liz never had that much of a following anyway what was online support was mostly turffed.', '>>{Intern3} : Pelosi to Democrats: Treat Trump voters like a friend whose boyfriend is a jerk', '>>{78pickup} : If Bernie does that, he will be regarded as the early 21st century version of Benedict Arnold.', '>>{rapshlomo} : No...those are real people. I follow her on Facebook and at least 13 of my friends do as well.', '>>{MWM2} : The author is batshit: > [Michael Goodwin on Twitter: "My column...](https://twitter.com/mgoodwin_nypost/status/826921424673730561) > >Roger Kimball @rogerkimball > >"Trump Derangement Syndrome" too kind. Dems determined "to wreck the presidency, whatever the cost to the country." > >2:33 PM - 1 Feb 2017', '>>{Malaix} : well then I guess thats what he is. Hes stated repeatedly hes not going to run as a third party candidate if he lost and that he will reconcile his support with Clinton to beat Trump should he lose. In all likelyhood this is what he is going to prepare to do over the next few weeks.', ">>{GhostOfWinterfell} : They've spent a year maligning, dismissing, and disenfranchising millenials to push the most polarizing and unfavorably viewed democratic candidate for the general. Her greatest political advantage in the general is that the Republican primaries were such a sideshow as to somehow push an even crazier sounding candidate to compete. If anything, I'd say Clinton's stink is going to rub off on those trying to shore up the divide as all these efforts smack of desperation and half-hearted lip service to a generation tired of the bullshit. Nothing drives you further from reconciliation like feeling you were never taken seriously.", ">>{TrumpRapedMe} : Obama could do everything Trump has been doing and you guys wouldn't care.", '>>{78pickup} : Actually, just last week he was asked about running third party, he said something like "We\'re focussed on winning the Democratic Primary." He didn\'t rule it out. Bernie needs to run third party, and this time pay attention to election fraud.', ">>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : False equivalence. Obama was not doing anything that Trump is doing. But that's exactly how Hitler and his people defended his actions too.", '>>{TrumpRapedMe} : Obama deported more people than any other president http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661 Obama had a devastating foreign policy when it came to drone strikes, killing many innocent civilians. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/02/23/obamas-drone-policy-gets-an-f/ Obama expanded NSA surveillance before he left office. https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2017/01/16/obama-administration-signs-off-on-wider-data-sharing-for-nsa/ Replace Obama with Trump and you get massive protests.', '>>{sleepy_batman1776} : >She\'s using a colorful analogy to make her point -- comparing Trump to a friend\'s boyfriend who is a "jerk." >"The way I told my members: It\'s like telling your friend the guy she\'s dating is a jerk. You can\'t tell her that. She has to find out for herself. You can give her clues and then eventually one thing will lead to another, she\'ll come to her conclusion. But if you tell her right up front, you\'ll lose a friend. So we\'re not interested in losing any friends. Let them find out," Pelosi recounted during a small briefing for reporters in her Capitol suite Tuesday. That\'s a really smart way to put it!', '>>{ApatheticAnarchy} : Slip them a note with a phone number to a helpline if they are being abused?', '>>{theendofanerror} : Look, Vox, I like charts. Telling me you only have ONE is not a selling point. Wake me up when you have 6-8 charts.', '>>{AnchovieProton} : Any political journalist who starts even an editorial with, "Let’s agree..." and his second sentence with, "Let’s also agree..." is a worthless hack. He\'s not trying to persuade anyone, just preaching to his base and those who already agree with him. Shittiest writing ever. Good for a laugh, though.', ">>{Intern3} : *sigh* but this is like the friend who knows he's a jerk, defends him to no end and let's it go when they walk in on him balls deep in Russia.", '>>{NMSSS} : What Would It Take for the GOP to Rebuke Trump?', '>>{Robvicsd} : The N-Word...give him a few weeks though.', '>>{le_petit_dejeuner} : Unlike the Democrats, Republicans actually like their nominee.', '>>{InFearn0} : Like this one? 1-800-799-7233 Edit: Holy shit, the alert popup when you load [The National Domestic Violence Hotline](http://www.thehotline.org/) page.', '>>{historymajor44} : Not really. Sure, there are a lot of Republicans that like him. But, there are many, many that do not including two former presidents.', '>>{Uuucuucu} : ...they already have, over this soldier thing?', '>>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Interesting comments. I know many people that have always been anti-Republican who voted for Donald Trump. So, she\'s right that many will drift away. No doubt. >Pelosi insisted that as time goes on, Republicans will start to break with the President and vote with Democrats. This is troubling. The best way to discredit Republican politicians is to make sure that people know they are *with* Donald Trump. This whole "outsider" thing is a ruse. Tie Republican Donald Trump to the Republican Party that made him, the Republican Party that has defended and protected him, the Republican Party where some members have given lip service to opposing him, but haven\'t done anything significant beyond talk.', '>>{Malaix} : Millennials are falling into the same issue every generation faces, they get heavily outvoted by their parents and grandparents. In a couple decades though I think things are looking really good for liberal/progressive policy. The baby boomers and previous generations will start thinning out and losing their power in the voting arena, and millennials, the generation with the highest number of college graduates ever who barely touch TV/newspaper media, will become the dominate voting block.', '>>{Malaix} : “If it happens that I do not win that process, would I run outside of the system?” Sanders said in the interview broadcast by C-SPAN. “No, I made the promise that I would not and I will keep that promise. And the reason for that is I do not want to be responsible for electing some right-wing Republican to be president of the United States.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-independent_us_55ba86e7e4b06363d5a1742b', '>>{historymajor44} : Nothing. There is nothing too awful that he can do or say.', ">>{MaratLives} : Talk about the values you share; the same values coincidentally that Trump's behaviors are defiling.", ">>{ApatheticAnarchy} : Wow, that's really good thinking on their part.", '>>{lowlifelikeu} : Let\'s cut to the chase. In order to woo Trump voters, assuming that is the mission here, then the DNC needs to treat Trump voters like Trump does. That means the DNC needs to get into the tabloid business in all the supermarkets with the GOP all over the front page saying things like "GOP Fraud! Caught with pants down screwing the deficit." or "Mysterious video discovered of Putin riding Trump wearing dog collar - Trump caught whispering US secrets in Putin\'s ear - Trump must go to jail now!!!". Then you\'d be speaking their language. From there it\'s simple, just double down on the negative rhetoric come election time.', ">>{TrumpRapedMe} : Did you read the article? He literally critiques Trump's ban the next sentence.", ">>{Kunundrum85} : Pretty sure Pelosi took this from Jon Stewart's Late night appearance.", '>>{WaltBush} : They quote quite a few Republican leaders who are telling Trump to knock it off but they claim that these statements are not "rebukes" or "repudiations." I guess by "rebuke," they mean they expect Republican leaders to rescind their endorsements of the Republican nominee and either go all in for Clinton, or start Feeling the Johnson. Of course they\'re not doing that.', ">>{AnchovieProton} : I did and I don't fall for this garbage.", '>>{lyth} : Yeah I thought the same, but the conclusion is different if you read the bit about "you must let them learn for themselves or you\'ll lose the friend" - that wasn\'t in JS\' piece.', '>>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : I see what you mean. The left protested all those things and we are protesting Trump as well. I guess the difference is that now Trump is doubling down on What Obama and GWB did (and unfortunately what Hillary would have done too): More wars, more humiliation of innocent people. Yes we should protest even harder than we did against Obama.', ">>{ohyesforsure} : I don't think he says anything that republicans don't believe in. If Trump came out tomorrow and said that, to keep America safe, we needed to burn 1.3 billion Muslims in gamma radiation, he'd be cheered on by the right.", '>>{Uktabi68} : um, what if the reason we left the dem party was Obama? How effective will he be?', '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : If you downvoted the article, please list your name below so that I can report you. The rules are fairly clear when they state that you are *NOT* allowed to downvote based on opinion but should rather do so based on *quality*. There is not a single shred of evidence for poor quality in this article.', '>>{78pickup} : As I understand it, that was contingent on fair elections. So game over.', '>>{my_name_is_worse} : OP I agree with you and this article, but you do look a bit mental when you ask for people to go list their names.', ">>{israfel070} : They have it exactly backwards.Endorsing/supporting Hillary will reduce the positivity for Obama/Warren. Biden has been even-handed through the race and will be somewhat insulated from this effect, but he's also much less influential than the other two.", '>>{thirdofthetimelords} : This is incredibly smart, and a great way to put it. We can\'t yell at Trump voters that they\'re wrong at all times, because it will simply embolden them to stick to their ideas. If they thing people will get in their face and yell "I TOLD YOU SO!!" then what good does it do them to admit their fault. We need to be here with open arms to run their back and say "there there, I know. He\'s such a jerk." Because if they\'re not going to get love from the other side, they\'re going to stay with the one they\'re sure will change. Just give him ONE more chance!', '>>{TrumpRapedMe} : I agree with your sentiment. I am not trying to argue for Trump at all. People just fail to seem both sides.', ">>{MadLordPunt} : Translation: they think you're chumps they can charm into voting for Hillary.", '>>{turbofarts1} : being right not the point. reinforces negative stereotype about the democratic party', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Nope. They will keep voting for the abusive boyfriend, cling to him tighter, no matter what you say or do. Then they both turn against you a the enemy. Abuse is their language. Unless one is prepared to replace the abuser, there is nothing one can do.', ">>{MadLordPunt} : Welcome to Reddit. It's a popularity contest and everyone votes their opinion. Btw, I didn't down vote.", ">>{UltimateWeiner} : I think this is going to come as the ultimate shock when all of this unravels. Obama's approval rating was only surging because he was staying out of the Clinton-Sanders fray and he got a bump from independents. Now his Approval rating is about to collapse with the economy tanking, tying himself to Hillary, and refusing to prosecute her for all of her crimes.", '>>{TrumpRapedMe} : I dont believe in any opinion different from my hive-mind. I am a slave to identity politics.', ">>{LBullingdon} : I don't think you are old enough to be on the internet without adult supervision.", ">>{miashaee} : Or.......call them apologist for bigotry like I do, fear of losing elections doesn't dictate how I treat people. If you're an apologist for bigotry (particularly in government where you can construct discrimatory polices and laws) then I respect you less than other people, period.", ">>{Kunundrum85} : Ahhhh gotcha, so let Donnie slap them around a little bit. After a few weeks we'll start questioning how many doorknobs one person should really be walking into on a regular basis...", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : yeah i don't see why that's supposed to be impressive to the readers. i like to have as much information as possible when im about to make a big decision, i don't want to just have one chart", '>>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : It\'s not a "both sides" situation at all. Obama did bad things as did GWB and so did HRC. Trump is going to *actually* taking away our freedoms. We already see low level police refusing to follow court orders. This is mutiny. We see military units (navy) flying a "Trump" flag. I agree with the sentiment that Trump is attempting a slow motion coup. He\'s following the same play book that Hitler did, that Erdogan is doing, that Lenin did. You constantly move to limit of what is legal and a little beyond. You claim that what you\'re doing is 1. Necessary in light of existential threat. 2. Essentially the same that others are doing - removing the sense of guilt. Especially getting rid of the guilt is important. That is what allow dictators to rule.', ">>{PotatoQuie} : > Let’s agree that President Trump’s travel ban on visitors from seven nations was a sensible idea hobbled by flaws No. I don't agree with that. It was a ridiculous idea. The whole thing is a flaw.", '>>{vanilla_coffee} : > tumblrinas A Tumblrina is a derogatory term that redditors and others use to describe the "stereotypical" Tumblr female who gets offended a lot and rants about ludicrous things. From urbandictionary.com: An often unattractive, butthurt, and obnoxious female user of the popular site Tumblr. I don\'t see it.', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : and they think all it will take is one chart. that's even more insulting", ">>{inthemorning33} : Ahhh, yes let's unite the country through finger pointing and name calling.", '>>{seeking_horizon} : I liked this bit: > She also described the President\'s son-in-law Jared Kushner, a top White House aide, as starry-eyed to the point that he missed the mark with Democrats. > "We went to the meeting when Jared was there -- and he said, \'Is everyone so excited about the change?\' And we\'re like \'What?\' I said, \'No, we\'re so excited about the women\'s march,\'" recalled Pelosi.', '>>{throwawatc123} : Become a black Democrat and change his middle name to Hussein', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : that's it my_name_is_worse, you are now written down on my list to be later reported. i'm sorry but this behavior simply will not work on a sub as high quality as /r/politics /s", '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Yes, a Democrat endorsing another Democrat over some proto-fascist like trump will make him like Benedict Arnold. That is a very reasonable argument.', '>>{turbofarts1} : the fucking shitty insufferable lecturing nature of the democratic party that makes them so fucking unlikable to average joes. there-- i said it. the democrats have a severe problem. people *hate* identity politics, and the democrats has tried to bank on it. democrats primary boosters: women, LGBTGQ, blacks, hispanics. they have no appeal to the average asshole on the street. Hillary should have mopped the floor with Trump.', '>>{stumblebreak} : I am outraged by this type of language used by Mr Trump. It is a despicable word that has no place in politics. I am however still fully supportive of his bid for president. ~Rebublican leadership', ">>{ProgressiveJedi} : Nancy Pelosi has done some good, but it's time for her to retire.", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Exactly. He needs to be degraded and destroyed every day.', '>>{backpackwayne} : I know of nothing he could say. They follow him like a sheep to a slaughter.', '>>{syrisgone} : My name is "Hillary Clinton can eat a dick". It\'s greek.', ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : But...but that's how you get Hulk Muslims...", ">>{LP1236951} : New Poll: > A majority of Clinton's backers now say their vote is more to show support for her than to oppose Trump, a sharp shift since early May. Back then, 48% said their vote was one of support for the former secretary of state, 58% say so now. While Trump also improved his numbers on that metric, his voters are more evenly divided, with 47% saying they're backing him to show support and 50% saying it's more to oppose Clinton", ">>{wrestlingchampo} : I think that's the one great thing about this election. CNN and their associate media organizations on TV will never have as much power/sway over the election again. The only problem is that we just saw peak MSM power/sway over the election, which certainly drove a large amount of the results.", ">>{lord_stryker} : If republicans really don't want Hillary to win, why don't they all collectively jump ship and join the libertarians? Dump buckets of money at Gary Johnson, hire him a real PR firm that will clean up his goofy image, and presto! You have a candidate who isn't a total demagogue, has political experience as governor and is all about deregulation and being business friendly. His policies are definitely better than Trump, and at least he's more honest than both Hillary and Trump. He'd have a better shot at defeating Hillary at this point than Trump does. Trump is a complete dumpster fire with no signs of it slowing down. I say this as a Stein supporter. But if the republicans decide to just collectively leave Trump holding the tab and ditch him completely, you neuter him, deal him an ego blow that would probably send him into the insane asylum AND we don't have to have the worry about him becoming president.", '>>{---Havoc---} : /u/le_petit_dejeuner is probably referring to Republican voters, not Republican politicians.', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Whereas your lecturing and condescension is better? You are playing identity politics from your first post.', '>>{thefatoldman} : Jesus could return to earth, all Christians would marvel with a smug gaze of superiority, and he would ask them to reject Trump. And suddenly r/atheism would become the most popular feature in reddit.', ">>{pseudolocus} : She needs all the help she can get to be funny, so I guess she gets a pass ;) At least she didn't talk about Breitbart doing anal. Yet. Edit: That was part of Jon Stewart's joke in case you missed the bit.", ">>{le_petit_dejeuner} : I've only heard one anecdotal story of someone meeting a Hillary supporter in real life.", ">>{SadMunkey} : I voted for him, he didn't accomplish any of the change he ran on. I am disappointed in him to say the least.", ">>{pseudolocus} : This really needs to happen. I'm surprised it hasn't yet. This didn't happen over night and it's been thirty+ years in the making.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Yeah, those tumblrinas on the right really got over it for eight years of Obama :)', ">>{Kunundrum85} : I would've preferred if she ONLY talked about Breitbart doing anal. Just toss it out there, wildly out of context, and walk off stage. Shit that might even impress some Trump supporters... they seem to like incoherent ramblings followed up by snubbery.", '>>{mostri_di_gomma} : They would love such a strong statement against PC culture. MAGA hats would be replaced by N***** hats.', '>>{historymajor44} : Even with Republican voters, many of which are going to Johnson or staying home.', ">>{litewo} : I'm still a bit baffled by Trump's out-of-the-blue claim that he heard that Putin called Obama the N-word.", '>>{---Havoc---} : Is this trend larger with Republicans than with Democrats?', '>>{necropancer} : That was a long time ago and a lot of bullshit has happened since then.', ">>{Uktabi68} : Me too. Remember CHANGE? That is why people voted for him. We the People know what we need and want, and that is what drove this election cycle. Even though Hillary won, 45% of democrats voted for change. Independents not allowed to vote in some places, and even without them, people wanted change. Unfortunately, Obama became more of a corporate candidate than I ever would have thought. I should have realized when he took that option where he could raise unlimited funds. I wasn't paying attention enough. We don't have choice anymore. The Dem party is just another Republican party.", '>>{seeking_horizon} : > the fucking shitty insufferable lecturing nature of the democratic party that makes them so fucking unlikable to average joes. Are you lecturing me about lecturing? >the democrats have a severe problem. people hate identity politics, and the democrats has tried to bank on it. >democrats primary boosters: women, LGBTGQ, blacks, hispanics. God, where do I even start with this. Can you not see the inherent contradiction in your own argument here? "Nobody goes there anymore, it\'s too crowded." Either those groups you listed are just fine with "identity politics" (as you understand the term, at least), or they don\'t count as people. Get your own argument straightened out before you get angry at others. edit to add: also, I love how only Democrats need to worry about "reinforcing negative stereotypes" about themselves. Republicans fall all over themselves to do that all the time.', ">>{historymajor44} : It's kind of old but [this](http://www.gallup.com/poll/191672/republicans-positive-trump-not-pleased.aspx) article makes my point.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Well we know it wouldn't be shooting someone on the street.", ">>{---Havoc---} : Thanks for the link, looks like it's going to be an interesting 3 months.", ">>{abram730} : So she realized that his name isn't George Bush? Pelosi is totally out of touch, and probably has dementia.", '>>{JaiC} : Nancy Pelosi, a pain in the ass of actual liberals yet again. Looking forward to the time California has two respectable Senators again.', ">>{Canario1314} : Not a chance; they simply would not listen to a Palestinian as they'll assume he's probably a terrorist sympathizer or worse, a commie because he keeps preaching about love thy neighbor. /s", ">>{lye_milkshake} : If he did say that it would simply become an acceptable term to use again among his supporters. That's the worst part of this whole movement, discrimination is back in fashion.", '>>{GThankU} : Taking a dump on the US Constitution while shooting people on 5th Ave after having announced a press conference.', '>>{myellabella} : Bad news... [Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves](http://www.vox.com/2016/2/24/11105552/trump-supporters-slavery)', '>>{myellabella} : Then you need to expand your social circle. Hillary, like myself, are out here.', ">>{baloneycologne} : Yea, she's a little jittery. She never seems to be calm.", '>>{WoodChucking} : Pelosi isn\'t a Senator. Our Senators are Feinstein and Harris. Not that I consider either one of them to be respectable. At least Harris hasn\'t bitched at a General for calling her "ma\'am", I guess, so she\'s an upgrade from Boxer.', '>>{Rich-AIDS-Evans} : Problem is, the boyfriend is letting his friends steal my wallet, cut me off from my doctor, and want to destroy my home.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : He'd have to be found in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.", '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : A ship the size of the republican party cannot be turned that quickly. That sort of stress would rip the hull in half even faster than the over-maximum rudder course they are holding currently.', '>>{JaiC} : My bad. I tend to conflate her with Feinstein. Sick of them both.', '>>{flakula} : Whys it so bad to say husbands and wives agreed in taxes? How does this imply women have no agency? How does this assume all men are the ones making the decisions?', '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : neither a live girl or dead boy would do it.', '>>{lord_stryker} : yeah i hear ya, and that is true, BUT If W. and Jeb and Romney all said "Yep, Gary\'s our guy" you don\'t think it could bring over a lot of republican voters?', ">>{Jurodan} : My advice, take it with a mountainous grain of salt since I am a Hillary supporter, would be to say screw it and throw my support behind Johnson. He's not THAT far off from Republican values, you can bring an influx of fleeing Republicans with you. It splits the party, but they may still go to the polls to vote Republican down ticket which, at this point is more important. Of course I don't actually WANT them to do this, but it's the most reasonable scenario.", ">>{Jurodan} : Romney would actually be a hindrance. Jeb has money, but no following and W is someone they still don't like talking about.", ">>{schlonghair_dontcare} : Nah, that's just a strategic move in 24D Chinese checkers.", '>>{hblask} : Everyone, this is not a spectator sport where you need to pick sides. This is your friends and family and neighbors, trying to work out the best way to solve problems. If you buy into this kind of bullshit, you are part of the problem. It is only shitty politicians that use divide and conquer to acquire power that is making this all seem so dire.', '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : It definitely would bring a lot over. It would divide the vote and eliminate their chances of getting either of them elected. If this sort of thing is to happen, I would look for it to happen after the election. If Hillary wins, the defections would happen as soon as they give up trying to wrest the party from the hands of the racist lunatic fringe. If Donald wins, it would probably not happen until the mid-term campaigns begin, where they can make it seem like a more organic transition.', '>>{Fuck_Yo_Couch7} : I did some googling and apparently [Muslim Hulk](http://indy100.independent.co.uk/article/the-man-known-as-the-iranian-hulk-is-going-to-syria-to-fight-isis--bykTaluHBb) already exists, so we can all rest easy', '>>{MakeAmericanGrapes} : Very well put by Pelosi. I want scream in their faces "HE IS A MANIAC HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THAT, STOP WATCHING RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA." But it doesn\'t work and won\'t help.', ">>{SlitScan} : he's describing the straw man fox keeps using to describe the enemy", ">>{SlitScan} : so the Dems shouldn't reach out to the people the republican party keeps attacking to fire up their base and offer them basic rights protection?", ">>{SlitScan} : this sums up the issue with US politics you only have 2 senators and a Congress woman from your state is the dem house leader and you don't know which is which. Germans could probably name more of your legislators.", ">>{MakeAmericanGrapes} : I don't really understand your question. But, I think everyone should support civil liberties. Democrats generally do, as do a small minority of republicans.", ">>{duckandcover} : Nah. It's the GOP. He'd have to insult white people and tell them that they're financial problems are due to laziness and their lack of spirit the way they do to black people.", '>>{morpheousmarty} : > The best way to discredit Republican politicians is to make sure that people know they are with Donald Trump. This whole "outsider" thing is a ruse. Tie Republican Donald Trump to the Republican Party that made him, the Republican Party that has defended and protected him, the Republican Party where some members have given lip service to opposing him, but haven\'t done anything significant beyond talk. We have almost 2 full years to switch that gear. And it will be so much more effective if we\'ve built bridges with the Republicans so dissatisfied with Republicans they turned to Trump, and have become dissatisfied with Trump.', ">>{le_petit_dejeuner} : Where? When she holds rallies she struggles to get more than a few dozen people to show up. This is the same person companies are willing to pay $225,000 to give a speech. Where are the real supporters? Why does she need to pay 6 million dollars to hire people to defend her policies on the internet? Why isn't there any organic support for her?", '>>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Yours is the opposite perspective. I am saying Democrats need to oppose Republicans, while you are saying Democrats need to bring Republicans in. Also, I am saying Republicans should be tarred with Donald Trump, while you are saying Republicans should be cleansed of him. I think we disagree. :) One of the key illusions in the 2016 campaign was the idea that Donald Trump was an "outsider." Without this fabrication, I don\'t think he could have squeaked in. I suggest breaking the illusion, providing the truth that Donald Trump is pretty much an establishment Republican -- and that discredits both him and the Republican Party. Democrats should make as clear of a break from the Republican establishment as they possibly can. :)', '>>{WithANameLikeThat} : Jesus Christ you people. What would it take for the DNC to rebuke Clinton? A criminal investigation over her emails and the FBI Director concluding that she was at best "wreckless"? How about a second investigation, this time by the IRS investigating the Clinton Administration? How about leaked emails from the DNC showing favoritism towards Clinton? How about half your delegates booing and embarrassing you on National TV? Pending leaks coming from Wikileaks supposed to contain more damming information against Clinton? Let\'s worry about what Clinton DOES a little more than we worry about Trumps mean words.', '>>{Meatsim1} : Trump is going to burn a Koran on live TV before this is over', ">>{TeaPartyDem} : The republicans have been after the Clinton's for 30 years. This email thing is way overblown. 3 emails. And Benghazi. 4 deaths. It looks ridiculous to us.", ">>{sockmess} : Multiply that 3 by 10,000 and that will be the amount she scrubbed. FBI found more than 3 classified emails that has been sent and received in her unsecured server so that she doesn't have to follow the FOIA.", '>>{TeaPartyDem} : I heard the director of the FBI say they found three emails that had embedded classification marks. Was he lying? Totally overblown.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{NMSSS} : What Would It Take for the GOP to Rebuke Trump?', '>>{Robvicsd} : The N-Word...give him a few weeks though.', '>>{le_petit_dejeuner} : Unlike the Democrats, Republicans actually like their nominee.', '>>{historymajor44} : Not really. Sure, there are a lot of Republicans that like him. But, there are many, many that do not including two former presidents.', '>>{Uuucuucu} : ...they already have, over this soldier thing?', '>>{historymajor44} : Nothing. There is nothing too awful that he can do or say.', '>>{WaltBush} : They quote quite a few Republican leaders who are telling Trump to knock it off but they claim that these statements are not "rebukes" or "repudiations." I guess by "rebuke," they mean they expect Republican leaders to rescind their endorsements of the Republican nominee and either go all in for Clinton, or start Feeling the Johnson. Of course they\'re not doing that.', ">>{ohyesforsure} : I don't think he says anything that republicans don't believe in. If Trump came out tomorrow and said that, to keep America safe, we needed to burn 1.3 billion Muslims in gamma radiation, he'd be cheered on by the right.", '>>{throwawatc123} : Become a black Democrat and change his middle name to Hussein', '>>{stumblebreak} : I am outraged by this type of language used by Mr Trump. It is a despicable word that has no place in politics. I am however still fully supportive of his bid for president. ~Rebublican leadership', '>>{backpackwayne} : I know of nothing he could say. They follow him like a sheep to a slaughter.', ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : But...but that's how you get Hulk Muslims...", ">>{LP1236951} : New Poll: > A majority of Clinton's backers now say their vote is more to show support for her than to oppose Trump, a sharp shift since early May. Back then, 48% said their vote was one of support for the former secretary of state, 58% say so now. While Trump also improved his numbers on that metric, his voters are more evenly divided, with 47% saying they're backing him to show support and 50% saying it's more to oppose Clinton", ">>{lord_stryker} : If republicans really don't want Hillary to win, why don't they all collectively jump ship and join the libertarians? Dump buckets of money at Gary Johnson, hire him a real PR firm that will clean up his goofy image, and presto! You have a candidate who isn't a total demagogue, has political experience as governor and is all about deregulation and being business friendly. His policies are definitely better than Trump, and at least he's more honest than both Hillary and Trump. He'd have a better shot at defeating Hillary at this point than Trump does. Trump is a complete dumpster fire with no signs of it slowing down. I say this as a Stein supporter. But if the republicans decide to just collectively leave Trump holding the tab and ditch him completely, you neuter him, deal him an ego blow that would probably send him into the insane asylum AND we don't have to have the worry about him becoming president.", '>>{---Havoc---} : /u/le_petit_dejeuner is probably referring to Republican voters, not Republican politicians.', '>>{thefatoldman} : Jesus could return to earth, all Christians would marvel with a smug gaze of superiority, and he would ask them to reject Trump. And suddenly r/atheism would become the most popular feature in reddit.', ">>{le_petit_dejeuner} : I've only heard one anecdotal story of someone meeting a Hillary supporter in real life.", '>>{mostri_di_gomma} : They would love such a strong statement against PC culture. MAGA hats would be replaced by N***** hats.', '>>{historymajor44} : Even with Republican voters, many of which are going to Johnson or staying home.', ">>{litewo} : I'm still a bit baffled by Trump's out-of-the-blue claim that he heard that Putin called Obama the N-word.", '>>{---Havoc---} : Is this trend larger with Republicans than with Democrats?', ">>{historymajor44} : It's kind of old but [this](http://www.gallup.com/poll/191672/republicans-positive-trump-not-pleased.aspx) article makes my point.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Well we know it wouldn't be shooting someone on the street.", ">>{---Havoc---} : Thanks for the link, looks like it's going to be an interesting 3 months.", ">>{Canario1314} : Not a chance; they simply would not listen to a Palestinian as they'll assume he's probably a terrorist sympathizer or worse, a commie because he keeps preaching about love thy neighbor. /s", ">>{lye_milkshake} : If he did say that it would simply become an acceptable term to use again among his supporters. That's the worst part of this whole movement, discrimination is back in fashion.", '>>{GThankU} : Taking a dump on the US Constitution while shooting people on 5th Ave after having announced a press conference.', '>>{myellabella} : Bad news... [Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves](http://www.vox.com/2016/2/24/11105552/trump-supporters-slavery)', '>>{myellabella} : Then you need to expand your social circle. Hillary, like myself, are out here.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : He'd have to be found in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.", '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : A ship the size of the republican party cannot be turned that quickly. That sort of stress would rip the hull in half even faster than the over-maximum rudder course they are holding currently.', '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : neither a live girl or dead boy would do it.', '>>{lord_stryker} : yeah i hear ya, and that is true, BUT If W. and Jeb and Romney all said "Yep, Gary\'s our guy" you don\'t think it could bring over a lot of republican voters?', ">>{Jurodan} : My advice, take it with a mountainous grain of salt since I am a Hillary supporter, would be to say screw it and throw my support behind Johnson. He's not THAT far off from Republican values, you can bring an influx of fleeing Republicans with you. It splits the party, but they may still go to the polls to vote Republican down ticket which, at this point is more important. Of course I don't actually WANT them to do this, but it's the most reasonable scenario.", ">>{Jurodan} : Romney would actually be a hindrance. Jeb has money, but no following and W is someone they still don't like talking about.", ">>{schlonghair_dontcare} : Nah, that's just a strategic move in 24D Chinese checkers.", '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : It definitely would bring a lot over. It would divide the vote and eliminate their chances of getting either of them elected. If this sort of thing is to happen, I would look for it to happen after the election. If Hillary wins, the defections would happen as soon as they give up trying to wrest the party from the hands of the racist lunatic fringe. If Donald wins, it would probably not happen until the mid-term campaigns begin, where they can make it seem like a more organic transition.', '>>{Fuck_Yo_Couch7} : I did some googling and apparently [Muslim Hulk](http://indy100.independent.co.uk/article/the-man-known-as-the-iranian-hulk-is-going-to-syria-to-fight-isis--bykTaluHBb) already exists, so we can all rest easy', ">>{duckandcover} : Nah. It's the GOP. He'd have to insult white people and tell them that they're financial problems are due to laziness and their lack of spirit the way they do to black people.", ">>{le_petit_dejeuner} : Where? When she holds rallies she struggles to get more than a few dozen people to show up. This is the same person companies are willing to pay $225,000 to give a speech. Where are the real supporters? Why does she need to pay 6 million dollars to hire people to defend her policies on the internet? Why isn't there any organic support for her?", '>>{WithANameLikeThat} : Jesus Christ you people. What would it take for the DNC to rebuke Clinton? A criminal investigation over her emails and the FBI Director concluding that she was at best "wreckless"? How about a second investigation, this time by the IRS investigating the Clinton Administration? How about leaked emails from the DNC showing favoritism towards Clinton? How about half your delegates booing and embarrassing you on National TV? Pending leaks coming from Wikileaks supposed to contain more damming information against Clinton? Let\'s worry about what Clinton DOES a little more than we worry about Trumps mean words.', '>>{Meatsim1} : Trump is going to burn a Koran on live TV before this is over', ">>{TeaPartyDem} : The republicans have been after the Clinton's for 30 years. This email thing is way overblown. 3 emails. And Benghazi. 4 deaths. It looks ridiculous to us.", ">>{sockmess} : Multiply that 3 by 10,000 and that will be the amount she scrubbed. FBI found more than 3 classified emails that has been sent and received in her unsecured server so that she doesn't have to follow the FOIA.", '>>{TeaPartyDem} : I heard the director of the FBI say they found three emails that had embedded classification marks. Was he lying? Totally overblown.'], ['>>{TrumpRapedMe} : Bi-Partisan news? Oh, my! How can. Anyone have a differing opinion than me? Trump is Hitler! Right, guys???', ">>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : > Trump is Hitler He is! And those who defend him are his enablers. Only difference: We now know what Hitler lead to so we can fight *before* it's too late.", '>>{MWM2} : The author is batshit: > [Michael Goodwin on Twitter: "My column...](https://twitter.com/mgoodwin_nypost/status/826921424673730561) > >Roger Kimball @rogerkimball > >"Trump Derangement Syndrome" too kind. Dems determined "to wreck the presidency, whatever the cost to the country." > >2:33 PM - 1 Feb 2017', ">>{TrumpRapedMe} : Obama could do everything Trump has been doing and you guys wouldn't care.", ">>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : False equivalence. Obama was not doing anything that Trump is doing. But that's exactly how Hitler and his people defended his actions too.", '>>{TrumpRapedMe} : Obama deported more people than any other president http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661 Obama had a devastating foreign policy when it came to drone strikes, killing many innocent civilians. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/02/23/obamas-drone-policy-gets-an-f/ Obama expanded NSA surveillance before he left office. https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2017/01/16/obama-administration-signs-off-on-wider-data-sharing-for-nsa/ Replace Obama with Trump and you get massive protests.', '>>{AnchovieProton} : Any political journalist who starts even an editorial with, "Let’s agree..." and his second sentence with, "Let’s also agree..." is a worthless hack. He\'s not trying to persuade anyone, just preaching to his base and those who already agree with him. Shittiest writing ever. Good for a laugh, though.', ">>{TrumpRapedMe} : Did you read the article? He literally critiques Trump's ban the next sentence.", ">>{AnchovieProton} : I did and I don't fall for this garbage.", '>>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : I see what you mean. The left protested all those things and we are protesting Trump as well. I guess the difference is that now Trump is doubling down on What Obama and GWB did (and unfortunately what Hillary would have done too): More wars, more humiliation of innocent people. Yes we should protest even harder than we did against Obama.', '>>{TrumpRapedMe} : I agree with your sentiment. I am not trying to argue for Trump at all. People just fail to seem both sides.', '>>{TrumpRapedMe} : I dont believe in any opinion different from my hive-mind. I am a slave to identity politics.', ">>{LBullingdon} : I don't think you are old enough to be on the internet without adult supervision.", '>>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : It\'s not a "both sides" situation at all. Obama did bad things as did GWB and so did HRC. Trump is going to *actually* taking away our freedoms. We already see low level police refusing to follow court orders. This is mutiny. We see military units (navy) flying a "Trump" flag. I agree with the sentiment that Trump is attempting a slow motion coup. He\'s following the same play book that Hitler did, that Erdogan is doing, that Lenin did. You constantly move to limit of what is legal and a little beyond. You claim that what you\'re doing is 1. Necessary in light of existential threat. 2. Essentially the same that others are doing - removing the sense of guilt. Especially getting rid of the guilt is important. That is what allow dictators to rule.', ">>{PotatoQuie} : > Let’s agree that President Trump’s travel ban on visitors from seven nations was a sensible idea hobbled by flaws No. I don't agree with that. It was a ridiculous idea. The whole thing is a flaw."], ['>>{Intern3} : Pelosi to Democrats: Treat Trump voters like a friend whose boyfriend is a jerk', '>>{sleepy_batman1776} : >She\'s using a colorful analogy to make her point -- comparing Trump to a friend\'s boyfriend who is a "jerk." >"The way I told my members: It\'s like telling your friend the guy she\'s dating is a jerk. You can\'t tell her that. She has to find out for herself. You can give her clues and then eventually one thing will lead to another, she\'ll come to her conclusion. But if you tell her right up front, you\'ll lose a friend. So we\'re not interested in losing any friends. Let them find out," Pelosi recounted during a small briefing for reporters in her Capitol suite Tuesday. That\'s a really smart way to put it!', '>>{ApatheticAnarchy} : Slip them a note with a phone number to a helpline if they are being abused?', ">>{Intern3} : *sigh* but this is like the friend who knows he's a jerk, defends him to no end and let's it go when they walk in on him balls deep in Russia.", '>>{InFearn0} : Like this one? 1-800-799-7233 Edit: Holy shit, the alert popup when you load [The National Domestic Violence Hotline](http://www.thehotline.org/) page.', '>>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Interesting comments. I know many people that have always been anti-Republican who voted for Donald Trump. So, she\'s right that many will drift away. No doubt. >Pelosi insisted that as time goes on, Republicans will start to break with the President and vote with Democrats. This is troubling. The best way to discredit Republican politicians is to make sure that people know they are *with* Donald Trump. This whole "outsider" thing is a ruse. Tie Republican Donald Trump to the Republican Party that made him, the Republican Party that has defended and protected him, the Republican Party where some members have given lip service to opposing him, but haven\'t done anything significant beyond talk.', ">>{MaratLives} : Talk about the values you share; the same values coincidentally that Trump's behaviors are defiling.", ">>{ApatheticAnarchy} : Wow, that's really good thinking on their part.", '>>{lowlifelikeu} : Let\'s cut to the chase. In order to woo Trump voters, assuming that is the mission here, then the DNC needs to treat Trump voters like Trump does. That means the DNC needs to get into the tabloid business in all the supermarkets with the GOP all over the front page saying things like "GOP Fraud! Caught with pants down screwing the deficit." or "Mysterious video discovered of Putin riding Trump wearing dog collar - Trump caught whispering US secrets in Putin\'s ear - Trump must go to jail now!!!". Then you\'d be speaking their language. From there it\'s simple, just double down on the negative rhetoric come election time.', ">>{Kunundrum85} : Pretty sure Pelosi took this from Jon Stewart's Late night appearance.", '>>{lyth} : Yeah I thought the same, but the conclusion is different if you read the bit about "you must let them learn for themselves or you\'ll lose the friend" - that wasn\'t in JS\' piece.', '>>{thirdofthetimelords} : This is incredibly smart, and a great way to put it. We can\'t yell at Trump voters that they\'re wrong at all times, because it will simply embolden them to stick to their ideas. If they thing people will get in their face and yell "I TOLD YOU SO!!" then what good does it do them to admit their fault. We need to be here with open arms to run their back and say "there there, I know. He\'s such a jerk." Because if they\'re not going to get love from the other side, they\'re going to stay with the one they\'re sure will change. Just give him ONE more chance!', '>>{turbofarts1} : being right not the point. reinforces negative stereotype about the democratic party', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Nope. They will keep voting for the abusive boyfriend, cling to him tighter, no matter what you say or do. Then they both turn against you a the enemy. Abuse is their language. Unless one is prepared to replace the abuser, there is nothing one can do.', ">>{miashaee} : Or.......call them apologist for bigotry like I do, fear of losing elections doesn't dictate how I treat people. If you're an apologist for bigotry (particularly in government where you can construct discrimatory polices and laws) then I respect you less than other people, period.", ">>{Kunundrum85} : Ahhhh gotcha, so let Donnie slap them around a little bit. After a few weeks we'll start questioning how many doorknobs one person should really be walking into on a regular basis...", '>>{vanilla_coffee} : > tumblrinas A Tumblrina is a derogatory term that redditors and others use to describe the "stereotypical" Tumblr female who gets offended a lot and rants about ludicrous things. From urbandictionary.com: An often unattractive, butthurt, and obnoxious female user of the popular site Tumblr. I don\'t see it.', ">>{inthemorning33} : Ahhh, yes let's unite the country through finger pointing and name calling.", '>>{seeking_horizon} : I liked this bit: > She also described the President\'s son-in-law Jared Kushner, a top White House aide, as starry-eyed to the point that he missed the mark with Democrats. > "We went to the meeting when Jared was there -- and he said, \'Is everyone so excited about the change?\' And we\'re like \'What?\' I said, \'No, we\'re so excited about the women\'s march,\'" recalled Pelosi.', '>>{turbofarts1} : the fucking shitty insufferable lecturing nature of the democratic party that makes them so fucking unlikable to average joes. there-- i said it. the democrats have a severe problem. people *hate* identity politics, and the democrats has tried to bank on it. democrats primary boosters: women, LGBTGQ, blacks, hispanics. they have no appeal to the average asshole on the street. Hillary should have mopped the floor with Trump.', ">>{ProgressiveJedi} : Nancy Pelosi has done some good, but it's time for her to retire.", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Exactly. He needs to be degraded and destroyed every day.', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Whereas your lecturing and condescension is better? You are playing identity politics from your first post.', ">>{pseudolocus} : She needs all the help she can get to be funny, so I guess she gets a pass ;) At least she didn't talk about Breitbart doing anal. Yet. Edit: That was part of Jon Stewart's joke in case you missed the bit.", ">>{pseudolocus} : This really needs to happen. I'm surprised it hasn't yet. This didn't happen over night and it's been thirty+ years in the making.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Yeah, those tumblrinas on the right really got over it for eight years of Obama :)', ">>{Kunundrum85} : I would've preferred if she ONLY talked about Breitbart doing anal. Just toss it out there, wildly out of context, and walk off stage. Shit that might even impress some Trump supporters... they seem to like incoherent ramblings followed up by snubbery.", '>>{seeking_horizon} : > the fucking shitty insufferable lecturing nature of the democratic party that makes them so fucking unlikable to average joes. Are you lecturing me about lecturing? >the democrats have a severe problem. people hate identity politics, and the democrats has tried to bank on it. >democrats primary boosters: women, LGBTGQ, blacks, hispanics. God, where do I even start with this. Can you not see the inherent contradiction in your own argument here? "Nobody goes there anymore, it\'s too crowded." Either those groups you listed are just fine with "identity politics" (as you understand the term, at least), or they don\'t count as people. Get your own argument straightened out before you get angry at others. edit to add: also, I love how only Democrats need to worry about "reinforcing negative stereotypes" about themselves. Republicans fall all over themselves to do that all the time.', ">>{abram730} : So she realized that his name isn't George Bush? Pelosi is totally out of touch, and probably has dementia.", '>>{JaiC} : Nancy Pelosi, a pain in the ass of actual liberals yet again. Looking forward to the time California has two respectable Senators again.', ">>{baloneycologne} : Yea, she's a little jittery. She never seems to be calm.", '>>{WoodChucking} : Pelosi isn\'t a Senator. Our Senators are Feinstein and Harris. Not that I consider either one of them to be respectable. At least Harris hasn\'t bitched at a General for calling her "ma\'am", I guess, so she\'s an upgrade from Boxer.', '>>{Rich-AIDS-Evans} : Problem is, the boyfriend is letting his friends steal my wallet, cut me off from my doctor, and want to destroy my home.', '>>{JaiC} : My bad. I tend to conflate her with Feinstein. Sick of them both.', '>>{flakula} : Whys it so bad to say husbands and wives agreed in taxes? How does this imply women have no agency? How does this assume all men are the ones making the decisions?', '>>{hblask} : Everyone, this is not a spectator sport where you need to pick sides. This is your friends and family and neighbors, trying to work out the best way to solve problems. If you buy into this kind of bullshit, you are part of the problem. It is only shitty politicians that use divide and conquer to acquire power that is making this all seem so dire.', '>>{MakeAmericanGrapes} : Very well put by Pelosi. I want scream in their faces "HE IS A MANIAC HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THAT, STOP WATCHING RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA." But it doesn\'t work and won\'t help.', ">>{SlitScan} : he's describing the straw man fox keeps using to describe the enemy", ">>{SlitScan} : so the Dems shouldn't reach out to the people the republican party keeps attacking to fire up their base and offer them basic rights protection?", ">>{SlitScan} : this sums up the issue with US politics you only have 2 senators and a Congress woman from your state is the dem house leader and you don't know which is which. Germans could probably name more of your legislators.", ">>{MakeAmericanGrapes} : I don't really understand your question. But, I think everyone should support civil liberties. Democrats generally do, as do a small minority of republicans.", '>>{morpheousmarty} : > The best way to discredit Republican politicians is to make sure that people know they are with Donald Trump. This whole "outsider" thing is a ruse. Tie Republican Donald Trump to the Republican Party that made him, the Republican Party that has defended and protected him, the Republican Party where some members have given lip service to opposing him, but haven\'t done anything significant beyond talk. We have almost 2 full years to switch that gear. And it will be so much more effective if we\'ve built bridges with the Republicans so dissatisfied with Republicans they turned to Trump, and have become dissatisfied with Trump.', '>>{JusticeMerickGarland} : Yours is the opposite perspective. I am saying Democrats need to oppose Republicans, while you are saying Democrats need to bring Republicans in. Also, I am saying Republicans should be tarred with Donald Trump, while you are saying Republicans should be cleansed of him. I think we disagree. :) One of the key illusions in the 2016 campaign was the idea that Donald Trump was an "outsider." Without this fabrication, I don\'t think he could have squeaked in. I suggest breaking the illusion, providing the truth that Donald Trump is pretty much an establishment Republican -- and that discredits both him and the Republican Party. Democrats should make as clear of a break from the Republican establishment as they possibly can. :)'], ['>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : Why Barack Obama can help Hillary Clinton win over Bernie loyalists, in one chart', ">>{Malaix} : Bernie Warren and Obama are going to try and get every sander's supporter they can on board with Clinton, that will be their job for basically the rest of the primary season and then going into the general. They won't get all of them, but I think they will get enough, and the dems will retain enough of the new independents to call it an overall win going into the future.", '>>{Malaix} : Well if that happens the dems might be fucked across the board. Like every branch of government the GOP will clean them out. Even more so then they already have in recent years.', ">>{Zannyth} : You're right until you tried to guess the outcome. This election will be a tight one with so many people hating both candidates lol. It really is impossible to guess the outcome at this stage.", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : This will fail and we will still like President Obama. Liz never had that much of a following anyway what was online support was mostly turffed.', '>>{78pickup} : If Bernie does that, he will be regarded as the early 21st century version of Benedict Arnold.', '>>{rapshlomo} : No...those are real people. I follow her on Facebook and at least 13 of my friends do as well.', '>>{Malaix} : well then I guess thats what he is. Hes stated repeatedly hes not going to run as a third party candidate if he lost and that he will reconcile his support with Clinton to beat Trump should he lose. In all likelyhood this is what he is going to prepare to do over the next few weeks.', ">>{GhostOfWinterfell} : They've spent a year maligning, dismissing, and disenfranchising millenials to push the most polarizing and unfavorably viewed democratic candidate for the general. Her greatest political advantage in the general is that the Republican primaries were such a sideshow as to somehow push an even crazier sounding candidate to compete. If anything, I'd say Clinton's stink is going to rub off on those trying to shore up the divide as all these efforts smack of desperation and half-hearted lip service to a generation tired of the bullshit. Nothing drives you further from reconciliation like feeling you were never taken seriously.", '>>{78pickup} : Actually, just last week he was asked about running third party, he said something like "We\'re focussed on winning the Democratic Primary." He didn\'t rule it out. Bernie needs to run third party, and this time pay attention to election fraud.', '>>{theendofanerror} : Look, Vox, I like charts. Telling me you only have ONE is not a selling point. Wake me up when you have 6-8 charts.', '>>{Malaix} : Millennials are falling into the same issue every generation faces, they get heavily outvoted by their parents and grandparents. In a couple decades though I think things are looking really good for liberal/progressive policy. The baby boomers and previous generations will start thinning out and losing their power in the voting arena, and millennials, the generation with the highest number of college graduates ever who barely touch TV/newspaper media, will become the dominate voting block.', '>>{Malaix} : “If it happens that I do not win that process, would I run outside of the system?” Sanders said in the interview broadcast by C-SPAN. “No, I made the promise that I would not and I will keep that promise. And the reason for that is I do not want to be responsible for electing some right-wing Republican to be president of the United States.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-independent_us_55ba86e7e4b06363d5a1742b', '>>{Uktabi68} : um, what if the reason we left the dem party was Obama? How effective will he be?', '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : If you downvoted the article, please list your name below so that I can report you. The rules are fairly clear when they state that you are *NOT* allowed to downvote based on opinion but should rather do so based on *quality*. There is not a single shred of evidence for poor quality in this article.', '>>{78pickup} : As I understand it, that was contingent on fair elections. So game over.', '>>{my_name_is_worse} : OP I agree with you and this article, but you do look a bit mental when you ask for people to go list their names.', ">>{israfel070} : They have it exactly backwards.Endorsing/supporting Hillary will reduce the positivity for Obama/Warren. Biden has been even-handed through the race and will be somewhat insulated from this effect, but he's also much less influential than the other two.", ">>{MadLordPunt} : Translation: they think you're chumps they can charm into voting for Hillary.", ">>{MadLordPunt} : Welcome to Reddit. It's a popularity contest and everyone votes their opinion. Btw, I didn't down vote.", ">>{UltimateWeiner} : I think this is going to come as the ultimate shock when all of this unravels. Obama's approval rating was only surging because he was staying out of the Clinton-Sanders fray and he got a bump from independents. Now his Approval rating is about to collapse with the economy tanking, tying himself to Hillary, and refusing to prosecute her for all of her crimes.", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : yeah i don't see why that's supposed to be impressive to the readers. i like to have as much information as possible when im about to make a big decision, i don't want to just have one chart", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : and they think all it will take is one chart. that's even more insulting", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : that's it my_name_is_worse, you are now written down on my list to be later reported. i'm sorry but this behavior simply will not work on a sub as high quality as /r/politics /s", '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Yes, a Democrat endorsing another Democrat over some proto-fascist like trump will make him like Benedict Arnold. That is a very reasonable argument.', '>>{syrisgone} : My name is "Hillary Clinton can eat a dick". It\'s greek.', ">>{wrestlingchampo} : I think that's the one great thing about this election. CNN and their associate media organizations on TV will never have as much power/sway over the election again. The only problem is that we just saw peak MSM power/sway over the election, which certainly drove a large amount of the results.", ">>{SadMunkey} : I voted for him, he didn't accomplish any of the change he ran on. I am disappointed in him to say the least.", '>>{necropancer} : That was a long time ago and a lot of bullshit has happened since then.', ">>{Uktabi68} : Me too. Remember CHANGE? That is why people voted for him. We the People know what we need and want, and that is what drove this election cycle. Even though Hillary won, 45% of democrats voted for change. Independents not allowed to vote in some places, and even without them, people wanted change. Unfortunately, Obama became more of a corporate candidate than I ever would have thought. I should have realized when he took that option where he could raise unlimited funds. I wasn't paying attention enough. We don't have choice anymore. The Dem party is just another Republican party."]]
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['>>{californiaequality} : Sean Spicer’s baseless wiretapping accusations are fueling a full-blown diplomatic disaster.', ">>{letdogsvote} : Not Spicer's - they're Trump's. Spicer just has to deal with the fallout and try to defend the Vacation President.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : I feel bad for him honestly, he must often be thinking this shit isn't what he signed up for", ">>{Phlappy_Phalanges} : He could resign. Honestly I can't feel too bad for someone who lacks the integrity to step away.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : To a degree, yes I agree. But career suicide for him. Just sucks for him personally, you can feel empathy toward someone that you don't always agree with.", '>>{Negative_Gravitas} : AH. Now I see the plan. So I\'m betting Trump says something like this in the next presser when someone asks him about the wiretapping claims: >"All we did was quote a certain, very talented spear catcher who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn’t make an opinion on it. That was a statement made by a very oily press secretary. And so you shouldn’t be talking to me, you should be talking to Spicer.”', ">>{CarmineFields} : Sure it is. Nothing Trump has done since being president wasn't 100% predictable (maybe not specifics but his love of lying and mouthbreathingly-stupid claims). If this is the man you choose to work with and defend, it's on you.", ">>{Phlappy_Phalanges} : I think you mean well and I'm happy that you feel that way. However, I fundamentally disagree with a person on a human level when they help enable oppressors. I definitely feel empathy for people I disagree with, but sometimes our empathy is feeding a fucking troll and they don't deserve it.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : I certainly see your point, and perhaps many in his position would step down (or never want to work for this admin to begin with). I'm just against the whole us vs. them 100% of the time ideology that many use to paint Spicer as some evil drone (I'm not saying this is you!) I guess it's always more complex than most people realize.", ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : Career suicide my ass. Had he done this a few weeks back he could've pointed to having a sense of integrity and marketed that. Now he looks like an orange colored whore parrot who will never be employed outside of this administration by anything better than infowars.com.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : That's a lovely, rational point you've made. Thanks for your input.", ">>{Swimwithamermaid} : Think about the books he'll be able to write. I can understand him staying to get as much info as possible for a tell-all. Just a theory though.", '>>{Phlappy_Phalanges} : More complex I agree. And I think Spicer lacks the qualities of an "evil" drone/person anyway. I don\'t even think trump is evil, just another bad person who won the birthplace lottery. Unfortunate indeed...at least for many of us. Either way, I take it as a responsibility to at least do the bare minimum in opposing oppressors, their enablers, and those complicit. For me, that starts with showing a little less mercy to people who have none to show.', '>>{whatthefuckingwhat} : At least this time they blamed the fox news pundits who have absolutely no experience or any knowledge that should allow them to be on a news channel spouting their lies. Napaolion or whatever his name is has just been disgraced all over the world and his job is now at risk, as is anyone that continues to lie about things they know nothing about..', '>>{spanisheyessmile} : Is it worth the massive coronary he is going to have though? The man looks close to needing either a straight jacket or a quadruple bypass.', '>>{RedditReturn} : Honestly, my take away from this is a stark warning to US allies. The UK was one of only a select few to sign on to the Iraq debacle. UK soldiers fought, bled and died for America. That blood has only bought them a chance to be attacked by the newest demagogue in the White House.', ">>{RedditReturn} : I don't. He's known for sometime what kind of man he works for. While it might have been a shiny new job at the beginning, he is now a collaborator.", '>>{NRG1975} : [Basically how Spicer sounded giving answers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nTpsv9PNqo)', '>>{Buffalox} : We have considered ourselves warned for months already, and on several occasions already. USA may still be an ally of EU, but Trump certainly is not.', ">>{Swimwithamermaid} : I'm not sure. But I do know if I were him thatd give me a reason to stay. His career was over the moment he said yes to being Trumps press sec. At least if he stays and writes a tell-all he'll have security (moneywise) for his kids.", '>>{UrAGoodPerson} : It is exactly what he knew he was signing up for.', '>>{paulydavis} : I hate defending this because I hate trump but, the scenario is plausible. Snowden warned of this very thing.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{californiaequality} : Sean Spicer’s baseless wiretapping accusations are fueling a full-blown diplomatic disaster.', ">>{letdogsvote} : Not Spicer's - they're Trump's. Spicer just has to deal with the fallout and try to defend the Vacation President.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : I feel bad for him honestly, he must often be thinking this shit isn't what he signed up for", ">>{Phlappy_Phalanges} : He could resign. Honestly I can't feel too bad for someone who lacks the integrity to step away.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : To a degree, yes I agree. But career suicide for him. Just sucks for him personally, you can feel empathy toward someone that you don't always agree with.", '>>{Negative_Gravitas} : AH. Now I see the plan. So I\'m betting Trump says something like this in the next presser when someone asks him about the wiretapping claims: >"All we did was quote a certain, very talented spear catcher who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn’t make an opinion on it. That was a statement made by a very oily press secretary. And so you shouldn’t be talking to me, you should be talking to Spicer.”', ">>{CarmineFields} : Sure it is. Nothing Trump has done since being president wasn't 100% predictable (maybe not specifics but his love of lying and mouthbreathingly-stupid claims). If this is the man you choose to work with and defend, it's on you.", ">>{Phlappy_Phalanges} : I think you mean well and I'm happy that you feel that way. However, I fundamentally disagree with a person on a human level when they help enable oppressors. I definitely feel empathy for people I disagree with, but sometimes our empathy is feeding a fucking troll and they don't deserve it.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : I certainly see your point, and perhaps many in his position would step down (or never want to work for this admin to begin with). I'm just against the whole us vs. them 100% of the time ideology that many use to paint Spicer as some evil drone (I'm not saying this is you!) I guess it's always more complex than most people realize.", ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : Career suicide my ass. Had he done this a few weeks back he could've pointed to having a sense of integrity and marketed that. Now he looks like an orange colored whore parrot who will never be employed outside of this administration by anything better than infowars.com.", ">>{UberAndLyftSuck} : That's a lovely, rational point you've made. Thanks for your input.", ">>{Swimwithamermaid} : Think about the books he'll be able to write. I can understand him staying to get as much info as possible for a tell-all. Just a theory though.", '>>{Phlappy_Phalanges} : More complex I agree. And I think Spicer lacks the qualities of an "evil" drone/person anyway. I don\'t even think trump is evil, just another bad person who won the birthplace lottery. Unfortunate indeed...at least for many of us. Either way, I take it as a responsibility to at least do the bare minimum in opposing oppressors, their enablers, and those complicit. For me, that starts with showing a little less mercy to people who have none to show.', '>>{whatthefuckingwhat} : At least this time they blamed the fox news pundits who have absolutely no experience or any knowledge that should allow them to be on a news channel spouting their lies. Napaolion or whatever his name is has just been disgraced all over the world and his job is now at risk, as is anyone that continues to lie about things they know nothing about..', '>>{spanisheyessmile} : Is it worth the massive coronary he is going to have though? The man looks close to needing either a straight jacket or a quadruple bypass.', '>>{RedditReturn} : Honestly, my take away from this is a stark warning to US allies. The UK was one of only a select few to sign on to the Iraq debacle. UK soldiers fought, bled and died for America. That blood has only bought them a chance to be attacked by the newest demagogue in the White House.', ">>{RedditReturn} : I don't. He's known for sometime what kind of man he works for. While it might have been a shiny new job at the beginning, he is now a collaborator.", '>>{NRG1975} : [Basically how Spicer sounded giving answers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nTpsv9PNqo)', '>>{Buffalox} : We have considered ourselves warned for months already, and on several occasions already. USA may still be an ally of EU, but Trump certainly is not.', ">>{Swimwithamermaid} : I'm not sure. But I do know if I were him thatd give me a reason to stay. His career was over the moment he said yes to being Trumps press sec. At least if he stays and writes a tell-all he'll have security (moneywise) for his kids.", '>>{UrAGoodPerson} : It is exactly what he knew he was signing up for.', '>>{paulydavis} : I hate defending this because I hate trump but, the scenario is plausible. Snowden warned of this very thing.']]
classify and reply
['>>{tlaman} : Anonymous to Trump: You Will ‘Regret’ the Next 4 Years', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Will be very interesting if Putin funnels info to Anonymous groups in order to further destabilize the American political system.', '>>{that_90s_guy} : CES 2017: The PC has become interesting again.', '>>{d_mcc_x} : You don\'t think that\'s the next episode of "America: You\'re Fired!"?', '>>{thewhitedeath} : Put up...or shut up. You know the drill.', ">>{Coioco} : Good article, and I agree with the thought about 2-in-1s esp. RE: Microsoft. I had been holding out for the MBPro refresh and when it finally came around I lol'd at their offerings. I just bought a SBi7 recently for $2,799 and I am loving it. Sure price is a little high but in return I get a premium build quality laptop with long ass battery life than can play tons of games at crazy high settings.", '>>{tso} : Less marketing, more tech media. Because tech media was drooling all over Apple even at the worst of days.', ">>{Highfibercarpet} : I hope, anonymous makes Trump's and the GOP's lives living hell for the next four years, the same way they made it a living hell for Obama and the Democrats.", ">>{nicupt} : You got a product that hasn't existed before that required tons of innovation and engineering.", ">>{nicupt} : I don't own one but I find the price to be perfectly reasonable for what it is.", '>>{Christopher_Tietjens} : I anticipate Trump having a change of heart on leaks.', ">>{Coioco} : I mean yeah I could have got a superior spec'd Razer Blade for $800 less but then I would have to deal with Razer's notoriously awful customer service because the machine has a heckuva lot of duds. For a machine I'm intending to keep for years, I'd rather just pay the premium. I've made the mistake in my life too many times paying for cheaper things only to have it bite me in the ass later.", '>>{SacredFig} : The real question is: Does it have an active digitizer?', ">>{roboboogienights} : I'm curious to see *if* this goes.", '>>{Klonoahedgehog} : I believe that if we survive the next 4 years the trump brand will be damaged beyond repair so in that sense yeah, he probably will regret it.', ">>{CheetoMussolini} : I am absolutely loving the proliferation of them. I've got a surface pro and a galaxy note. I just wish we could get a non Samsung phone with a stylus...", ">>{JP2214} : Am I the only one who really doesn't need a digitizer in a PC?", ">>{AlayneKr} : These guys have lost credibility in the past few years, and whatever information they leak is going to have to have substantial truth behind it for anyone to remotely take it seriously. They threaten doing this stuff all the time, I'd be surprised if it actually amounted to anything.", '>>{AvoidingIowa} : No but luckily you have pretty much every other PC ever to choose from.', '>>{TypicalTrumperger} : Anonymous, another unorganized group of online nerds using the same pseudonym as a bunch of other nerds who helped elect Trump in the first place, threaten to take action that they would have taken already had they any actual action to take.', ">>{SacredFig} : I need to take tons of notes and draw every day, but if you don't need to do these things, you should be fine with a regular touchscreen laptop", '>>{JP2214} : Yeah true, but I do like 2 in 1 combos and a lot of the high end ones add cost through active pens.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : The more taunting they do without releasing anything, the more clear it becomes that they're full of shit.", '>>{western_red} : Hopefully they hack Tom Arnold so they can get all those tapes he claims to have.', '>>{penguin_shit13} : I dont think the next 4 years will be that great for any of us... Be careful Anon... i hear he has that famous hacker known as 4chan on his side...', '>>{JP2214} : I like to use tablets basically as a huge smartphone. A reading device primarily with videos and such as well. Thus I really like the ergonomics of the tablet form factor. And since greater integration is always better along with better performance, a two in one is ideal rather than just a laptop and say a separate tablet.', ">>{LovingTheFall} : All I require I is DKIM if it's a hack", '>>{dekanger} : Sure, in the same way as reddit is. Yes and no.', ">>{mikeylew92} : Wouldn't the same be said for reddit when any democrat that was in office? A democratic worshiping shit hole?", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Anonymous needs to actually do something instead of just making threats.', ">>{SocialJustise} : I think 4chan is much more of a shithole than Reddit. And Obama isn't worshiped on here, like 4chan does with their almighty god Kek meme magic bullshit.", ">>{totteridgewhetstone} : The worst thing that could happen to his brand is nothing. Further scandal just makes him more box office. Unless he's convicted of something criminal I dare say you unfortunate Americans are going to be seeing a lot more of Donald Trump for a long time to come. Trump Presidential Library and Casino anyone?", ">>{totteridgewhetstone} : I don't disagree but given how little quantifiable truth there's been in this election period, and how much that 'fake' news moved opinion, it might be that it casts enough doubt to cause problems.", ">>{mikeylew92} : I think they are about the same. I didn't just say Obama, I said democrats as a whole. Whoever says something positive about Trump gets downvoted immediately by the libbie people. (Which is this entire website aside from maybe 1-2 subreddits which I don't even go to) So in that case Reddit is also a shit hole because any opinion you have that is not democratic gets downvoted. (even though clearly r/politics states to downvote not because of opinion, but rather the substance of the opinion, but they don't seem to follow that either.) which is the absolute truth. Edit: Downvote based on Quality, not the opinion*", '>>{1Glitch0} : Maybe people just downvote posts filled with whining and crying about their internet points while ignoring the topic on hand.', ">>{AlayneKr} : I think casting doubt is huge, but they won't sway everyone, or even the majority of people, with just something they hacked that doesn't have a backed background. It's what's going on right now with the allegations against Trump and that dossier. It has credible features, but there is also nothing definitive.", '>>{Beelzebrad} : The world to Anonymous: Shut up, you impotent nerds', ">>{mikeylew92} : Hey I am just saying. Our opinions matter to us at least to those who make them, and to get shit on because we are not seeing the same thing is kind of rude tbh. Also, in addition to what you stated earlier about 4chan being about memes and what not, I feel reddit is a place for democrats and Hillary lovers to use passive aggressive nature sarcasm when commenting towards republican people. For example, what you just stated, I was telling you about why I think reddit is a shit hole and you come at me disrespecting me with passive aggressive sarcasm about internet points. I mean... Come on now, if you can't have a conversation without the use of sarcasm then this can end now, and I'll just go back to work lol Edit: On my lunch break currently in case you were going to come at me for working and being on reddit lol", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Why even report this nonsense? These kids have been a joke for years.', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : The party of piss sure gets ponderous these days.', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Same place all the other Anonymous threats have gone for the past five years: the trash.', ">>{mikeylew92} : Ah the sarcasm, they complain about the memes but hit you with the sarcasm, such hypocrites i'll tell ya Don't all gang up on me at once now", '>>{NorcalHPDE} : I think Donald Trump will be a good president for America', '>>{Rollakud} : Anonymous are some of the best hackers this world has ever seen, they make Russian hackers look like amateurs.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tlaman} : Anonymous to Trump: You Will ‘Regret’ the Next 4 Years', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Will be very interesting if Putin funnels info to Anonymous groups in order to further destabilize the American political system.', '>>{d_mcc_x} : You don\'t think that\'s the next episode of "America: You\'re Fired!"?', '>>{thewhitedeath} : Put up...or shut up. You know the drill.', ">>{Highfibercarpet} : I hope, anonymous makes Trump's and the GOP's lives living hell for the next four years, the same way they made it a living hell for Obama and the Democrats.", '>>{Christopher_Tietjens} : I anticipate Trump having a change of heart on leaks.', ">>{roboboogienights} : I'm curious to see *if* this goes.", '>>{Klonoahedgehog} : I believe that if we survive the next 4 years the trump brand will be damaged beyond repair so in that sense yeah, he probably will regret it.', ">>{AlayneKr} : These guys have lost credibility in the past few years, and whatever information they leak is going to have to have substantial truth behind it for anyone to remotely take it seriously. They threaten doing this stuff all the time, I'd be surprised if it actually amounted to anything.", '>>{TypicalTrumperger} : Anonymous, another unorganized group of online nerds using the same pseudonym as a bunch of other nerds who helped elect Trump in the first place, threaten to take action that they would have taken already had they any actual action to take.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : The more taunting they do without releasing anything, the more clear it becomes that they're full of shit.", '>>{western_red} : Hopefully they hack Tom Arnold so they can get all those tapes he claims to have.', '>>{penguin_shit13} : I dont think the next 4 years will be that great for any of us... Be careful Anon... i hear he has that famous hacker known as 4chan on his side...', ">>{LovingTheFall} : All I require I is DKIM if it's a hack", '>>{dekanger} : Sure, in the same way as reddit is. Yes and no.', ">>{mikeylew92} : Wouldn't the same be said for reddit when any democrat that was in office? A democratic worshiping shit hole?", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Anonymous needs to actually do something instead of just making threats.', ">>{SocialJustise} : I think 4chan is much more of a shithole than Reddit. And Obama isn't worshiped on here, like 4chan does with their almighty god Kek meme magic bullshit.", ">>{totteridgewhetstone} : The worst thing that could happen to his brand is nothing. Further scandal just makes him more box office. Unless he's convicted of something criminal I dare say you unfortunate Americans are going to be seeing a lot more of Donald Trump for a long time to come. Trump Presidential Library and Casino anyone?", ">>{totteridgewhetstone} : I don't disagree but given how little quantifiable truth there's been in this election period, and how much that 'fake' news moved opinion, it might be that it casts enough doubt to cause problems.", ">>{mikeylew92} : I think they are about the same. I didn't just say Obama, I said democrats as a whole. Whoever says something positive about Trump gets downvoted immediately by the libbie people. (Which is this entire website aside from maybe 1-2 subreddits which I don't even go to) So in that case Reddit is also a shit hole because any opinion you have that is not democratic gets downvoted. (even though clearly r/politics states to downvote not because of opinion, but rather the substance of the opinion, but they don't seem to follow that either.) which is the absolute truth. Edit: Downvote based on Quality, not the opinion*", '>>{1Glitch0} : Maybe people just downvote posts filled with whining and crying about their internet points while ignoring the topic on hand.', ">>{AlayneKr} : I think casting doubt is huge, but they won't sway everyone, or even the majority of people, with just something they hacked that doesn't have a backed background. It's what's going on right now with the allegations against Trump and that dossier. It has credible features, but there is also nothing definitive.", '>>{Beelzebrad} : The world to Anonymous: Shut up, you impotent nerds', ">>{mikeylew92} : Hey I am just saying. Our opinions matter to us at least to those who make them, and to get shit on because we are not seeing the same thing is kind of rude tbh. Also, in addition to what you stated earlier about 4chan being about memes and what not, I feel reddit is a place for democrats and Hillary lovers to use passive aggressive nature sarcasm when commenting towards republican people. For example, what you just stated, I was telling you about why I think reddit is a shit hole and you come at me disrespecting me with passive aggressive sarcasm about internet points. I mean... Come on now, if you can't have a conversation without the use of sarcasm then this can end now, and I'll just go back to work lol Edit: On my lunch break currently in case you were going to come at me for working and being on reddit lol", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Why even report this nonsense? These kids have been a joke for years.', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : The party of piss sure gets ponderous these days.', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Same place all the other Anonymous threats have gone for the past five years: the trash.', ">>{mikeylew92} : Ah the sarcasm, they complain about the memes but hit you with the sarcasm, such hypocrites i'll tell ya Don't all gang up on me at once now", '>>{NorcalHPDE} : I think Donald Trump will be a good president for America', '>>{Rollakud} : Anonymous are some of the best hackers this world has ever seen, they make Russian hackers look like amateurs.'], ['>>{that_90s_guy} : CES 2017: The PC has become interesting again.', ">>{Coioco} : Good article, and I agree with the thought about 2-in-1s esp. RE: Microsoft. I had been holding out for the MBPro refresh and when it finally came around I lol'd at their offerings. I just bought a SBi7 recently for $2,799 and I am loving it. Sure price is a little high but in return I get a premium build quality laptop with long ass battery life than can play tons of games at crazy high settings.", '>>{tso} : Less marketing, more tech media. Because tech media was drooling all over Apple even at the worst of days.', ">>{nicupt} : You got a product that hasn't existed before that required tons of innovation and engineering.", ">>{nicupt} : I don't own one but I find the price to be perfectly reasonable for what it is.", ">>{Coioco} : I mean yeah I could have got a superior spec'd Razer Blade for $800 less but then I would have to deal with Razer's notoriously awful customer service because the machine has a heckuva lot of duds. For a machine I'm intending to keep for years, I'd rather just pay the premium. I've made the mistake in my life too many times paying for cheaper things only to have it bite me in the ass later.", '>>{SacredFig} : The real question is: Does it have an active digitizer?', ">>{CheetoMussolini} : I am absolutely loving the proliferation of them. I've got a surface pro and a galaxy note. I just wish we could get a non Samsung phone with a stylus...", ">>{JP2214} : Am I the only one who really doesn't need a digitizer in a PC?", '>>{AvoidingIowa} : No but luckily you have pretty much every other PC ever to choose from.', ">>{SacredFig} : I need to take tons of notes and draw every day, but if you don't need to do these things, you should be fine with a regular touchscreen laptop", '>>{JP2214} : Yeah true, but I do like 2 in 1 combos and a lot of the high end ones add cost through active pens.', '>>{JP2214} : I like to use tablets basically as a huge smartphone. A reading device primarily with videos and such as well. Thus I really like the ergonomics of the tablet form factor. And since greater integration is always better along with better performance, a two in one is ideal rather than just a laptop and say a separate tablet.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Fargonian} : If the media wants a healthy conversation about firearm laws, it needs to stop getting basic gun facts wrong when reporting on mass shootings.', '>>{Usawasfun} : Russian campaign donations, Bannon connection.. but you know.. no puppet.', '>>{camrncrazy} : Polygons: An origami-like measuring spoon that lays flat and folds to 4 different sizes.', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : > it needs to stop getting basic gun facts wrong when reporting on mass shootings." Yeah, such as the idea that guns kill people, when in fact it is people that kill people. Should we ban lighters next because everyone is a potential arsonist, waiting to cause the next massive forest fire?', '>>{TinyBaron} : The Russians are using the white supremacists to destabilize liberal democracy in Western Europe and it worked in the US. The White Supremacists are too stupid to see they are being played by these politicians to win elections. The Russians only care about their own interests, just like the white supremacist/anticommunist sympathizers discovered all too late that the Nazis only cared about German interests in France and Eastern Europe.', '>>{BlankVerse} : Clinton buying up Olympic ads while Trump sits it out', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Nobody watches the Olympics for the political ads. Let her waste her money early. So far, the spending disparity hasn't led to much of any difference in the polls", '>>{klesus} : I really like the design. Not very interested in paying extra for the gimmick.', '>>{Fargonian} : Very well done article. One of the best parts is a subtle knock at GRC\'s propagandized "mass shooting tracker": >It’s a little surprising that Mother Jones conflated the two in its Orlando coverage. The magazine tends to be scrupulously sober-minded about guns; its database of mass shootings is thorough and resists the urge to inflate fearmongering statistics. The MST indeed produces an inflated fearmongering statistic, and it\'s very good to see its called out in major media.', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : It\'s from Salon, there is no such thing as a "well done article" from Salon, so have a downvote', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : You do realize that's not the argument at all, right? Almost no one is trying to ban all guns, they're trying to ban what they feel are the most dangerous guns. To use your lighter analogy, it's like someone trying to ban cigarette lighters where the flame is over a foot long and hot enough to melt steel.", '>>{nerdy_canadian} : I wonder how many times you can fold it before it breaks', ">>{dyzo-blue} : It must suck to be as poor as the Trump campaign. I wish it would teach them something about empathy for those who have little, unfortunately that isn't the lesson they will take away from this. Rather, they will double down on ending the estate tax.", ">>{roboboogienights} : I am in agreement with you, but it's no coincidence they selected white supremacists, not just for their weak logical faculties and desperate desire to be socially acceptable. Russia is not exactly a diversity paradise.", ">>{shillmaster_9000} : She's not really wasting it, she has way more than trump does and therefore is allowed to use it on risky expenditures. >Nobody watches the Olympics for the political ads. No one watches anything for any type of ads.", ">>{camrncrazy} : Great question. I hadn't thought about that until now. For reference: I've backed this project's kickstarter and will be getting one so I'm 100% interested in things like this that I hadn't thought of + uses that aren't just measuring... if there are any.", '>>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : The article is from Slate, not Salon, so have a down vote.', '>>{Foamy07} : I could also see this design working with metal and hinge system as well .... although that would probably be a pain to clean...', ">>{bethaneanie} : Actually as a cook the flat design would easily go in my knife case. And it's convenient to have multiple measurements in one device.", '>>{magus-21} : The hinges of Polygons are made of TPR, which have the property of being able to flex 100,000 cycles without failure. This\xa0means, even if you were to use it 25 times a day, every day,\xa0the hinges would outlast 10 years!” ^from the article\tbethaneanie\tt1_d8spaeh\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8ssk7s\t1476510508\tVery cool, I hadn\'t even thought about knife cases or professional chefs at all when I saw this. I dream of a day when I have more than my one \'nice\' knife.\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8ssg3c\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8ssm5p\t1476510648\tLol I can totally see someone trying to test that out and spending time folding it back and forth.\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8sshu4\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8svksr\t1476520145\tAm i crazy or are there a lot of bots on this sub? Usually with the username structured like Johndoe12345. All comments and submissions are in default subs. I\'m not sure if i\'m complaining. Just... noticing.\tCX-001\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8svyel\t1476521589\tProstate + Vibrating on Silent Mode = reasonable cell phone bill.\tJimiDarkMoon\tt1_d8pq25q\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8svzxh\t1476521758\tExcept those are theoretical numbers and this spoon wouldn\'t last even a fraction of that out in a real kitchen.\tSzos\tt1_d8sshu4\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8sxs50\t1476528738\tIs there any way malware could cause something like this? It sounds crazy, but North Korean hackers have been going after a lot of South Korean targets over the last couple of years. They were even behind an attempt to cause a catastrophic shut down of a nuclear plant last year.\tchonggo\tt3_572egt\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8sy21x\t1476529787\tNeat idea for some. I\'d need three or four of them. After using it for one ingredient, you can\'t dip it into the next ingredient. If you use it for wet ingredients, you can\'t follow it up with dry. Like when I need a teaspoon of vanilla followed by a half teaspoon of salt. If I were building a tiny house kitchen, boat, or RV, I\'d consider getting two.\tBenjamindbloom\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8sy276\t1476529801\tI\'ve got an upgrade from Verizon. Should I get one of the new iPhone\'s that came out earlier this year? I currently have an iPhone 5, and have had it for a few years.\tpanthersrule1\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_5714dw\tt1_d8syk5l\t1476531594\tJust to make it worse: I look at breaks in buildings (usually where windows are) and draw imaginary lines coming out and use those as different \'zones\' within which to change my clicking. Usually it\'s simply positive and negative space, with a change in the sound, but sometimes I get really neurotic and use the imaginary lines to make drum rolls...\tDenseFever\tt1_d8s9tu8\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t2ebh\t1476541254\tI like how you can flatten it out to spread stuff like peanut butter, or scrape all of it into a container. it\'s a pain when I make something like peanut butter cookies, and I can\'t get all of it off the spoon.\tthatdjspider\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8t50o0\t1476545803\tHey guys I\'m looking for a new phone and since the whole note 7 exploding fiasco I\'m pretty sure I won\'t be buying it. I\'m currently using a Note 3 neo and an iPhone 5 and both of them are holding great. But since both of them are years old now I was thinking of an upgrade and went for the note 7 but immediately did a complete 180°and thought of buying an s7 edge. But since it\'s a 6 month old phone (ancient tech) and the new s8 or whatever the hell they\'ll call it now will be coming out should I wait for it or buy a s7 edge? I\'m not an iphone guy by any means and use it for basic stuff and my note is my daily driver. I\'m also a Samsung fanboy (I know, not a good time to make claims like these) and haven\'t touched a nexus or a lg ever. I love the features they provide with the spen and other things. So what should I do? Get a s7 edge, wait for s8 or buy a iphone 7 and jailbreak it?\tTheReal007747\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t56pr\t1476546069\tYah exactly! Even stuff like olive oil or honey would be nice to scrape off into the pan/bowl.\tLeNoirDarling\tt1_d8t2ebh\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t5lm7\t1476546720\tEvery time there is a showcase of a product in a gimmicky kickstarterish fashion it always has this goddamn music\tStrangleJerk\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t5vim\t1476547137\tImagine getting a tbs of peanut butter with a regular spoon and then using just that spoon to spread it on a slice of bread. Now imagine doing that using this polygon thing. That\'s just one example. My point it, it does have some advantages over spoons but it\'s not universally better. May be worth it if it\'s less than 10 bucks or so.\tNot_MrNice\tt1_d8srk18\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8t6yxi\t1476548831\tI think they are underestimating the maximum weight of some people.\tLeakySkylight\tt1_d8r1osx\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t7qvk\t1476550016\tI think it would be fine switching between ingredients as you would just need to unfold it and wipe it off. May be quicker than rinsing / wiping measuring spoons. Again we\'re only talking about saving seconds here, it\'s a neat convenience but it\'s not a life changing kitchen device haha.\tTreehouse12345\tt1_d8sy21x\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t8xk1\t1476551805\tanother gimmicky trinket that will end up broken or unused in the back of a junk drawer.\tPimpForLife\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8t94br\t1476552096\tWhy not just bend him over. $250k minimum\tottolite\tt1_d8q0cxz\nt3_57nat3\tt3_57nat3\t1476555189\tAcer launches Swift 7, thinnest laptop on the market\tmlb_marsh\t-1\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tb7qg\t1476555328\tDoesn\'t even sacrifice to much on performance and the price is alright, neat!\tCarph1\tt3_57nat3\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tbash\t1476555463\tToo bad Acer has crap customer service, to the point that I\'ll never buy any of their products ever again.\tVarkoth\tt3_57nat3\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tbjxq\t1476555859\tI want to see what this piece of fucking shit gimmick looks like and they feed me a Michelin advert.\tthe_slow_learner\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tc0vd\t1476556597\tHoly hell, a redditor that doesn\'t use adblockers or ublock. You\'re the last of your kind! This fits with your username so well it\'s glorious.\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8tbjxq\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tc6zr\t1476556866\tCould be on mobile. I don\'t know how to get adblock to work with Relay without root for example.\tklesus\tt1_d8tc0vd\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tewd5\t1476561050\tWell fair enough for being reasonable. Yeah I\'m on mobile. Just wanted some god damn utensil porn\tthe_slow_learner\tt1_d8tc9t2\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tf8t2\t1476561569\tThis utensil folds flat - If ya know what I mean ;) (Like a paddle, for those who are slow)\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8tewd5\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8tj8in\t1476567485\tYou are right, and why all the fires have been in \'merica.\tCrizco-ok\tt1_d8t6yxi\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tjtvb\t1476568387\tI spent that much 4 years ago on an i7 laptop with 8gb of ram. For $1100 4 years later I would expect a little more oomph.\texiledwolfking\tt1_d8tb7qg\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tqj19\t1476578639\t> and the price is alright Seriously? It costs over $1,000 and has the specs of a $400 or $500 laptop. For over $1,000, it should have a dedicated gpu and i7. If this latop for $500, maybe $600, thats great, but being slightly less heavy isn\'t worth an extra $500\tpoochyenarulez\tt1_d8tb7qg\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8trw08\t1476580717\tThere is PETG. Which is damn close but I have no idea if it\'s equivalent.\tklrjhthertjr\tt1_d8t0h54\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tv6hf\t1476585907\tThat\'s just an example, chief. Never said that\'s how I do things.\tNot_MrNice\tt1_d8tuppm\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tvk34\t1476586525\tRight on, man! I agree, you\'d have to have both measuring spoons and one of these. May not sell well at all. Though there are worse kitchen gadgets that sell well enough. Guess it\'ll depend on the price.\tNot_MrNice\tt1_d8tv8br\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8twg6a\t1476587971\tThanks, I really appreciate it and am looking into it as my next phone because it\'s close to the zenfone 3 deluxe and faster than the 5s.\tfiguresout\tt1_d8resty\nt3_57dnb7\tt1_d8u3zsv\t1476605433\tHonestly after Trying really hard to find an alternative. There isn\'t anyone that comes close to their level of quality. The note 7 was just an unfortunate foobar\tFortune_Cat\tt1_d8rnrxo\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8u49m2\t1476606385\tIt\'s not better than the dollar state version, it just looks better. Some people don\'t like how the pile of measuring spoons look. This is for them.\tBubbaFettish\tt1_d8srk18\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8u5vfk\t1476612255\tI guess I\'m misinformed, have been on PC for the last couple of years and don\'t really know Labtop standards\tCarph1\tt1_d8tqj19\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8u66h1\t1476613417\tHey guys! Is it simple to source 18650 batteries and chargers in the U.S? I am considering whether I should bring that with me or buy it there instead. Thanks!\tandrerav\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8ubnck\t1476628423\tYou\'re paying extra for it to be thinner. If that benefit isn\'t for you then you\'re better off with a thicker laptop and pay less.\tChair_Toaster\tt1_d8tqj19\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8ue35e\t1476632584\t>For over $1,000, it should have a dedicated gpu and i7. . I can\'t tell if you\'re being serious or not. I don\'t think there\'s any ultrabook-style laptop with a dedicated GPU and i7 for less than $1,300.\tmagus-21\tt1_d8tqj19\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8uehdr\t1476633215\tfor over a thousand dollars, you can get a normal laptop with a gpu and i7. You are paying over an extra $500 just so the laptop is the tiniest bit lighter and smaller, which I don\'t think it is worth it. a $500 laptop isn\'t that heavy to begin with.\tpoochyenarulez\tt1_d8ue35e\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8uene0\t1476633477\tI\'d appreciate a link, please. Also, what\'s your definition of a normal" laptop? Is it a laptop that\'s almost an inch thick? If you\'re still buying those types of laptops and you haven\'t tried living with an ultrabook, then that would go a long way towards explaining why you think an ultrabook isn\'t worth a few extra hundred dollars to save weight and space.', '>>{thumbprick} : never mind the double digit lead. Please continue into the long room.', '>>{camrncrazy} : Liveing hinges: A living hinge is a thin flexible hinge made from the same material Learn something every day! Thanks /u/midvale99.', ">>{Fargonian} : > Almost no one is trying to ban all guns, That's cute. Reddit.com/r/NOWTTYG", '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : I really hope that the election of Trump is a wake up call to France and they reject this right wing nonsense.', '>>{ifonlytheyhadguns} : Meh, old review but still relevant points. Probably going to hold off a few years. http://www.core77.com/posts/56825/Core77-Test-Kitchen-Does-the-Polygons-4-in-1-Measuring-Spoon-Fold-Under-Pressure', ">>{Om_ShantiShanti} : They're practically both the same in terms of content, left-wing rags of an anti-Trump, pro-Hillary, pro-Globalist flavour, etc. I seriously can't tell the difference.", ">>{BoneZoneAlone} : Because measuring spoons don't flatten out. And some people find it convenient to have one tool. Jeez did you even watch the video?", '>>{BoneZoneAlone} : Well, honestly I think this gadget could change that. I hate when you try to get jelly out of the jar with a knife. It usually falls off or you never get enough. This would be better than a knife for the scooping part, and it spreads just as well.', '>>{erotic_majesty} : >Sean Spicer, the incoming White House press secretary, said neither Trump nor anyone else from the transition team will meet with her. "Trump Tower is open to the public," he said. These fucks.', '>>{AWhimsicalBird} : Actually super cool with the design functionality and the minimalism factor. Out of sight out of mind till you really need to use it. Only concern is how much of a hassle it might potentially be, to clean out any liquids and goops between the cracks.', ">>{CarmineFields} : There is a huge difference in the polls. I acknowledge that it's largely due to Trump's idiocy and not campaign ads, but ads do make a difference.", ">>{camrncrazy} : It lays completely flat when unfolded so I'd assume none.", ">>{elsparkodiablo} : I can't believe I'm reading this from Slate. I mean, I'm truly shocked that Slate presented an even handed and accurate story on the problems with media firearm reporting.", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : What makes a Mini-14 less dangerous than an AR15? Or a an AK47?', ">>{elsparkodiablo} : While I understand the animus earned from their history of bad behavior, I have to give credit where credit is due on this being a good article. That said, 1 attaboy doesn't erase a history of being dishonest partisans.", '>>{IrishJoe} : Very good article. The media needs to do their homework better and use terms correctly if they want to taken seriously by gun rights activists.', '>>{TinyBaron} : The far right also wants to destroy democracy, which Russia sees as a threat. Dictatorships are easier to force into acting against their own interests, as the Nazis also found out.', ">>{Come-My-Fanatics} : >sits it out Yeah cause he's broke as fuck.", ">>{CTR_Disinfo_Agent} : They do have $80 million, but they're gonna spend it on Trump's properties so he can recover the $50 million he donated, and on fat salaries for his crooked economic advisors.", '>>{billslovechild} : Omg black helicopters are attacking mu feelings. Quick put on your tin foil fedora before the Russians hack your mind.', '>>{rockabilly_pete} : 2016: I really hope that Brexit is a wake up call to America and they reject this right wing nonsense.', '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : What lesson are we to derive from the other candidate, she of the 1%, $250,000 speeches, saudi backers, wall street money and her personal ~~bank account~~ Clinton Foundation?', ">>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : I was born and raised in Fargo, ND. I believe its Fargoan, I'm not trying to be not picky but, well I guess I am.", ">>{SocialismForEveryone} : God damn I fucking love Hillary. She is so god dammed smart! Best president ever! But for real, I can't wait until she squashes Trump in November. I actually have faith in America, two underdog Democrats winning twice in a row. Its only a matter of time until we own the house and Senate, for good Edit: Down votes? Really? Oh yeah, it's 2 am and all the drunk Trump supporters are stumbling in to their homes. Down vote me all you want, fascists, but in November we are going to upvote her into office", ">>{Timbershoe} : You have your profile tagged as Foreign, just so you know. Because you ain't American, the fucks given about your opinion are likely to be low.", ">>{Saltmineinspector} : If I cared about my karma or what a sub thought about me I wouldn't post in this shit pit.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : Oh noes, Hillary is financially successful. Let's hold that against her! Tell me again why Trump wants to end the Estate Tax?", ">>{Seventytvvo} : You're blinded by your own dogma. * [Le Pen Struggling to Fund French Race as Russian Bank Fails](https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-12-22/le-pen-struggling-to-fund-french-race-after-russian-backer-fails) * [National Front seeks Russian cash for election fight](http://www.politico.eu/article/le-pen-russia-crimea-putin-money-bank-national-front-seeks-russian-cash-for-election-fight/) * [Russia’s strategy for influence through public diplomacy and active measures: the Swedish case](http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01402390.2016.1273830) * [Putin’s Real Long Game](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/putins-real-long-game-214589)", ">>{Seventytvvo} : Le Pen is another pawn (Le Pawn?) in Putin's strategy to destabilize the West. She's funded by Russian banks with close ties to Putin, spits out the same hateful nationalist bullshit that Alexander Dugin has said can be used to divide and conquer, and is now hanging out with known-Russian-conspirator Donald Trump. THE PIECES FIT. Here's evidence: * [Le Pen Struggling to Fund French Race as Russian Bank Fails](https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-12-22/le-pen-struggling-to-fund-french-race-after-russian-backer-fails) * [National Front seeks Russian cash for election fight](http://www.politico.eu/article/le-pen-russia-crimea-putin-money-bank-national-front-seeks-russian-cash-for-election-fight/) * [Russia’s strategy for influence through public diplomacy and active measures: the Swedish case](http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01402390.2016.1273830) * [Putin’s Real Long Game](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/putins-real-long-game-214589)", ">>{Come-My-Fanatics} : And yet Clinton still has way more cash and an actual ground game to boot. If Trump wasn't broke maybe he'd actually go out and campaign ;) Besides, what happened to a self funded campaign? Isn't he a supposed billionaire? Shouldn't he be able to fund his own campaign without begging for cash? If only he'd release his tax returns, then we'd actually know...", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : Hillary has raised 3 times as much as Trump has. And Hillary also has 57 Million currently to trumps 37', ">>{Kevin_Uxbridge} : I'm wondering why they're running the ads in Virginia - seems like she's got the state pretty much sewed up. Edit: downvote all you want, FiveThirtyEight has her at around 85% to win the state. Silver's been right before.", '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : babushka refers to an old woman and the head scarf they often wear. I would have said *tips cossak ushanka* if I thought that was known better.', ">>{Timbershoe} : Kinda begs the question about why you are so bothered about a country you don't live in. What's pushing you to post so much on a sub you hate about a country you don't live in? Where are you posting from?", ">>{gearPost} : Yeah Clinton is wasting her money. Todays news that 50 GOP security experts labeled Trump an unprecedented national security threat, along with Trump announcing that he'll be sucking off the Banking industry are like free ads for Clinton.", ">>{Ignimbrite} : I can't tell which angle you're trying to take here, but it's really poorly executed either way.", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Omaha Nebraska hilarious that you dummies believe this flair.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >You do realize that's not the argument at all, right? Almost no one is trying to ban all guns, they're trying to ban what they feel are the most dangerous guns. The problem is they are basing their arguments on feels not facts. [According to the FBI](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/expanded-homicide-data/expanded_homicide_data_table_8_murder_victims_by_weapon_2010-2014.xls) **all rifles combined** (that's everything from a .22 to grandpa's hunting rifle, to AR -15s) account for less than 2% of all homicides and less than 3% of all firearms related homicides. Hands and feet kill nearly twice as many Americans and knives are used five times as often in homicides in the US.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : She does nothing to earn it. It is just graft in exchange for promises by her. The only people who define that as successful are those who support an establishment run oligarchy.', '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : My point was broke =/= having $37 million dollars.', '>>{josiahstevenson} : Slate is somewhere between center-left and left overall, with the occasional center-right/moderate piece. Salon is far left. Slate was generally favorable to Clinton and critical of Sanders in the primary; Salon regularly published polemics about how hero Sanders needed to save the world from villain Hillary. They\'re both anti-Trump...I guess they have that going for them. I don\'t think "Salon" is really "pro-Globalist" (Slate probably is), although I also don\'t think "pro-Globalist" is a bad thing...', ">>{prittyrad} : The problem with this argument is if you don't get the facts wrong, the guns don't seem scary and you realize there is no logical reason to ban them. Assault looking rifles killed less people than hammers last year, they are not any more effective than 100's of different models that will still be sold with wooden stocks if a ban is implemented. Rifles account for < 3% of murders with firearms, they don't break out ar15 separately but I would imagine they do not account for 100% of that 3%. I have used this analogy before, but assault looking weapons are similar to choosing between a shovel with a wooden handle or a stronger and a shovel and with lighter composite handle. Assault weapons are lighter and made out of plastic, but they are identical to hunting rifles with wooden stocks in function, same rate of fire, and if anything the hunting rifles are more powerful depending on the caliber.", ">>{Uncle_Charnia} : The far right aren't the only ones who don't like democracy, and they might not be the real focus. The Russian oligarchs also happen to be fossil fuel tycoons. Their business plans all depend on continued demand for their products. If the people of the world decide they don't want to impose the burden of climate change on their own descendants, they might just decide to prohibit fossil fuel extraction, once alternatives are sufficiently developed. Democracy gives them the power to enforce that decision.", ">>{Timbershoe} : No. No you are not from Omaha Nebraska. That's where this conversation started, remember? Your username is marked as being foreign. As in you do not live in the United States of America.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : Frankly, I used to work for a bank, in the division that hired her (and Bill and George and athletes and artists) to speak on a regular basis. We did it because we made massive amounts of money by doing so. Trust me, we would not have paid her what we did if it wasn't worth it to us.", ">>{Timbershoe} : Well, the evidence says not. And frankly, I believe the auto flagging system more than I do you. You're not on US soil. And you're saying a lot of things defending Russian influence, attacks and inflitration of American democracy. I'd say tread carefully, but you are past that now. Go shit on your own country.", ">>{shillmaster_9000} : It's not your place to determine whether she earned it or how much a speech of hers is worth, the market does that.", '>>{josiahstevenson} : > what they feel are the most dangerous guns That they feel this way with so much evidence to the contrary is a little mind-boggling', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I'm not saying I'm in favor of a ban, I'm just saying that's not the argument being put forward. Banning assault weapons would not be like banning a bic lighter because there is no equivalent to what people consider an assault bic lighter.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : It does not surprise me to learn that about you.', '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >I\'m not saying I\'m in favor of a ban, I\'m just saying that\'s not the argument being put forward. Banning assault weapons would not be like banning a bic lighter because there is no equivalent to what people consider an assault bic lighter. The term *assault weapon* is arbitrary at best. In colloquial use it is a bastardization of assault rifle. Which is defined as, "a select fire rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge". While that might sound scary actual assault rifles are legal but highly regulated, very expensive, and kind of rare in the US. Platforms like the AR-15 (the AR stands for Armalite Rifle), which is the civilian version of the M-16 & M-4 platforms. This platform uses a .223/.556 round which is smaller then your average hunting rifle caliber. You set Mini 14 and AR 15 next to each other and despite the fact they fire the same cartridge and use the same magazines the gun control folks want to ban the scary black ones.', '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : And again, not the argument I\'m making. I\'m sure you can admit there\'s a difference between say, a single barrel breech loading shotgun and an AR-15. People can argue semantics over whatever the hell "assault" means, it\'s such an absurd notion I\'m not even going to try. My point is if we accept that there\'s a spectrum of what guns there are and what they\'re capable of, then the lighter analogy fails. By and large, they all do exactly the same thing, maybe some of them use fluid with a wick instead of butane, but that\'s about it. So if the bic lighters of the world are those single barrel shotguns, then what exactly is the lighter equivalent of the AR-15, Mini 14, or whatever else?', ">>{shillmaster_9000} : How is that moving the goalposts in any sense of the term? We obviously weren't talking about his personal wealth, and this article is about trumps campaign not doing something, and the OP suggested it was because it was because its broke. Which it is", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Its not an auto flagging system. LOL you chose your flair watch.', ">>{Timbershoe} : If that's your purpose here, perhaps don't bother.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Well except when the money seems an obvious ploy to purchase political influence. She reeks of corruption.', ">>{Come-My-Fanatics} : > We obviously weren't talking about his personal wealth We can't really talk about his personal wealth since nobody actually knows how much he's worth. If he only would release his tax returns, then we could answer this question for good.", ">>{Iknoghostmagic} : The thing non gun people don't understand is you could have done the same amount of damage with a bag full of 6 shot revolvers they are unarmed people vs a person with a gun..... The AR-15 and Ak47s you can buy just look like M16s and AK47s they are not real M16s and AK47s they operate the same as modern handguns just longer barrel and higher velocity projectile. I think people have to be honest on both sides of the issue the USA isn't Europe, realistically the only thing that will reduce mass shootings is a blanket gun ban and confiscation we know that by looking at Europe. The problem is that there are hundreds of million of untraceable firearms in the USA a gun ban is simply not practical.", '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >And again, not the argument I\'m making. >I\'m sure you can admit there\'s a difference between say, a single barrel breech loading shotgun and an AR-15. There is. One uses technology and a design that is over 150 years old whole the other uses technology and a design that is almost 60 years old. >People can argue semantics over whatever the hell "assault" means, it\'s such an absurd notion I\'m not even going to try. My point is if we accept that there\'s a spectrum of what guns there are and what they\'re capable of, then the lighter analogy fails. By and large, they all do exactly the same thing, maybe some of them use fluid with a wick instead of butane, but that\'s about it. So if the bic lighters of the world are those single barrel shotguns, then what exactly is the lighter equivalent of the AR-15, Mini 14, or whatever else? Using your metaphor example here breech loading weapons, revolvers, and bolt action rifles would be more like matches. They are old technology requiring manual effort to use. They are still effective but old. Semiautomatic weapons would be like your bic lighter or a Zippo. More modern and commonly owned and used with an easier and quicker interface. And your automatic weapons would be like a blow torch.', ">>{Kvetch__22} : Where the fuck is this money going then? I legitimately would like to know. As somebody that works in political communications, everything Trump does drives me up a wall. Spend. Your money. On ads. That's literally proven to be the best thing you can do. And hire a damn field office in Florida if you want to live.", '>>{vegetarianrobots} : The wood furniture gives it 40% less **DAKKA**.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Yep, it isn't surprising to find out I'm a successful communications professional. Just like it isn't surprising that Trump's support comes largely from uneducated and unemployed white supremacists.", ">>{Maeglom} : >The problem is they are basing their arguments on feels not facts. This is a huge problem. Another problem is that congress is interfering with the CDC's [ability to do research on guns](http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-07-02/quietly-congress-extends-ban-cdc-research-gun-violence) especially when the research conclusions are not to their liking. We can't have evidence based policies when our scientists are prevented from gathering evidence. Also This week's [science friday](http://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/is-gun-violence-a-public-health-crisis/) had a great segment on this topic if anyone wants more", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : >She reeks of corruption Feels > reals right? Also, speeches are a really shitty way of getting dirty money across. It would raise red flags if it was too much, and PACs are way easier.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >This is a huge problem. Another problem is that congress is interfering with the CDC's [ability to do research on guns](http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-07-02/quietly-congress-extends-ban-cdc-research-gun-violence) especially when the research conclusions are not to their liking. We can't have evidence based policies when our scientists are prevented from gathering evidence. Also This week's [science friday](http://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/is-gun-violence-a-public-health-crisis/) had a great segment on this topic if anyone wants more That's not entirely true. They CAN research it and studies. However they are not allowed funding to advocate for gun control. So they can study it all day long and present whatever findings they want. They just can't suggest gun control as a solution. Here are some recent CDC reports/studies on gun violence: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6230a1.htm http://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dms/files/cdcgunviolencereport10315.pdf \xa0http://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/3 And for the record I'm all for unbiased studies, if we could get them.", ">>{Maeglom} : You are correct that they can technically research the topic, however congress sent a clear message when they passed the original bill preventing them for using any funds for advocacy on gun control by cutting their budget by the exact amount of money as they allocated for studying guns. The subtext being that while they aren't barred from studying guns and gun violence, they still shouldn't do it. It might be oversensitivity on the part of the cdc's leadership but congress has definitely interfered with the cdc's ability to do their job in this respect.", ">>{knightly_snep} : >realistically the only thing that will reduce mass shootings is a blanket gun ban and confiscation we know that by looking at Europe. I think Oslo, Norway and Paris, France put the lie to that argument. The USA isn't even in the top 5 for most/worst shooting sprees on a per-capita basis.", ">>{Kinaedus} : haha yeah there's been no big shifts in the polls in the last couple weeks. None at all.", ">>{congresswomanfuckyou} : on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.", '>>{jboyd12} : The M14 is already a select fire rifle. Just saying.', '>>{suh_spence} : Same rate of fire as hunting rifles. Wile I agree that some people use semi-automatic wood stock rifles for hunting, I think that a majority use bolt action rifles of a caliber larger than .223.', ">>{Volomon} : Maybe if Republicans allowed Gun Research by the Government we could be informed. You can't call for a better understanding while blocking all routes to it.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : Republicans have been hounding Trump to ramp up his ground game, which he only recently he did.', '>>{Fargonian} : Sigh. This again. The CDC is perfectly allowed to study gun violence, and has done studies themselves/contributed to studies at least three times since the supposed ban went into effect: Http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5214a2.htm http://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/1 http://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dms/files/cdcgunviolencereport10315.pdf The "ban" was specifically written to address anti-gun biases in the CDC, [which previous directors have admitted to](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/3nu371/what_forms_of_gun_control_work_best_congress_bans/cvrgm9r). The actual text of the restrictions is ["None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control,"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/storyline/wp/2015/01/14/why-the-cdc-still-isnt-researching-gun-violence-despite-the-ban-being-lifted-two-years-ago/) which clearly allows for research and statistics, just not agenda recommendations. That should be fine, because research would clearly show what policy recommendations would be appropriate, which could then be proposed by politicians instead of the CDC.', '>>{senatorpjt} : A lot of hunting is done with semi autos, in particular hog and varmint, where the concern is more about pest control than "fairness."', '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Communications professional? Is that what they are calling the guys who hand out NAMBLA pamphlets on street corners? Huh, TIL.', ">>{senatorpjt} : So we should ban Islam, right? It's not banning all religions, just the most dangerous one.", '>>{target_locked} : I love the comments in this thread. You people are the reason we will never get money out of politics when you cheerlead the person who has more of it.', '>>{TheVegetaMonologues} : They even used the word "magazine" correctly!', ">>{dyzo-blue} : I've never handed out pamphlets for NAMBLA. But I've heard that Trump has made huge donations to NABLA. I can't verify these donations or not, but it is suspicious that Trump hasn't spoken to the issue, or simply released his taxes so we can see what charitable donations he has made.", '>>{jonbonjeb} : Trump knows that when Assange drops those Clinton emails that she\'s "OUT OUT OUT".', ">>{ercax} : They don't want a conversation, it won't help banning things.", '>>{Fyedoe} : If only NBC could somehow affiliate themselves with the Clinton campaign. Your commentators suck NBC.', ">>{ercax} : They are trying to ban whatever they can today, more tomorrow. That's been the policy.", '>>{ercax} : Why do you think the CDC ended up in this shit?', '>>{ercax} : FI\'m totally stealing this for the next million times I see this "cdc is not allowed to study guns" bullshit. Thank you in advance. Edit: First link has capital \'h\', it\'s freaking me out.', ">>{Bolinas99} : Don't recall *everyone* cheering when Citizens United came down. Sadly them's the rules. Hopefully we'll change them and soon.", '>>{target_locked} : So the only thing that matters for now is that the "right" people have money. Too bad that they aren\'t going to overturn the things that make them rich in the first place.', ">>{jaxative} : You shouldn't have gun control cos semantics? That's about the weakest way to argue there is.", ">>{foxden_racing} : That's not what the article's saying at all. It's saying we can't have an intelligent discussion about gun control as long as the proponents are so busy fearmongering that they can't be bothered to fact-check the garbage they're spewing, and the opponents are too busy mocking the proponents' ignorance to provide the missing facts.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Idk, people are talking, saying "dyzo is a NAMBLA recruiter" and that "he lives in his mom\'s basement where he keeps sex slaves." I can\'t verify it but he has not produced any proof to show he is not so maybe he is. PS: never heard of NABLA. Is that the North American Black Lawyers Association?', ">>{cam94509} : Nope. That's across the line. Dyzo is a private citizen.", ">>{Iknoghostmagic} : How many mass shooting has France,norway had in the last 20 years compared to the USA ? You are just being intellectually dishonest if you think that a ban and confiscation wouldn't significantly reduce mentally ill people committing mass murders Would it stop terrorist attacks ? no obviously not, terrorist groups are sophisticated criminal organizations they will get weapons if they want too And don't get me wrong i'm not saying i support a ban and confiscation in the USA its not even remotely realistic with the amount of privately owned firearms and not even saying it would reduce crime but that's not what these people are talking about.", ">>{alanevwes} : A nitpicking article about why you have to call different death pointers different things. Basically it's trying to confuse and disperse people who want to stop the enormous amount of death pointers that are used for death pointing. Assault weapons aren't the problem but handguns are. Then people go on and say we have to do something about handguns then. Then the lobby goes on about how Orlando was not done with a handgun. This is a way to make people that do not want to be in situations where someone points at them and causes their death to get bogged down into details to please death pointer enthousiast. Don't even start with all the bullshit arguments about why you should have a gun. The only reason to have one is to have fun with practice or hunting.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Luckily Hillary has stated overturning Citizens United will be a litmus test of her SCOTUS nominees. I have a feeling if your candidate were raising the most money, you'd be singing a different tune anyway.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I wonder how much Trump will just end up pocketing.', ">>{target_locked} : >Luckily Hillary has stated overturning Citizens United will be a litmus test of her SCOTUS nominees. heh...heh heh....heh heh hahahahahahahaha >I have a feeling if your candidate were raising the most money, you'd be singing a different tune anyway. Accusing somebody of hypocrisy isn't a pretty way of covering for yours.", ">>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : How on earth would anyone know in this sub or with his/her history of inane comments? I would not engage in such banter with any redditor who exhibited a modicum of intelligence in their posting. His/her commentary is better suited to a sub like r/the_donald or a similar one for pro-Clinton bufoonery. I can't recall a single dyzo comment that has ever added to the discussion. (I will check his/her history now to see if I am wrong in that regard and, if so, I will apologize.)", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Being a sore loser isn't a very attractive quality.", '>>{AdalineMaj} : That makes absolutely no sense. You get money out of politics by electing people that will pass laws to do so, not vote for the poorest candidate.', ">>{Fargonian} : [Guns are used more for self defense than to kill](https://np.reddit.com/r/gunpolitics/comments/4fz9wk/violence_policy_center_publishes_a_report_showing/). That's a fact, jack.", ">>{knightly_snep} : >How many mass shooting has France,norway had in the last 20 years compared to the USA ? [About 4-20 times as many deaths due to mass shootings per capita compared to the USA.](http://i.imgur.com/HI3kL3p.png) [Source](http://crimeresearch.org/2015/06/comparing-death-rates-from-mass-public-shootings-in-the-us-and-europe/) >You are just being intellectually dishonest if you think that a ban and confiscation wouldn't significantly reduce mentally ill people committing mass murders. Would it stop terrorist attacks ? no obviously not, terrorist groups are sophisticated criminal organizations they will get weapons if they want too So now we have to separate out mass shootings based on the motivations of the shooter? If you think that getting shot by some crazed gunman is any different to being shot by a politically-motivated crazed gunman, then who's really being intellectually dishonest here?", ">>{target_locked} : 9 day old account, 15,000 upvotes. All in r/politics. I think I'm done speaking with you, have a good night.", ">>{NYCSCV} : It's satire. It's just really bad so he comes across as a goofy Hillary supporter. Maybe he's even convincing some to like her more.", ">>{target_locked} : Not the statement I was making, just pointing out how multiple comments are praising those who raise the most money. It's an interesting thing to notice that nobody cares how rich their politicians are as long as it's THEIR politicians.", ">>{sourbrew} : And with a trustability rating in the low 30's that's the most credible thing any of us have ever heard!", ">>{Volomon} : You do realize without funds or with holding research money is the same thing as a ban right. You're basically saying that a government agency would have to privatize (which they can't do) the research in order to complete it. You're not falling for that shit are you? It's a catch 22 you can but you can't. It would also surmise any intelligent individual that any and all research regardless of bias would be used to make informed decisions on gun law. That would be the fucking purpose of the research. Regardless they can't do it without funds. Whether it was or was not. You might readily fall for that type of political talk but I do not. https://www.thetrace.org/2016/04/cdc-gun-violence-research-ban-doctors-for-america/ Just to break it down because I can tell you don't understand. Your saying its legal for a gas station to sell gas, its just the governments blocking it from receiving gas. Then you have erroneous notion that because it is allowed to give gas that there is no problem. Are you serious?", ">>{Fargonian} : They've done multiple studies about guns. I linked them to you. Clearly funding isn't an issue if they need to do gun studies. Regardless, what you said was factually incorrect and deserved correction.", ">>{AdalineMaj} : Couldn't tell you if the money had anything to do with it, but at this point the disparity is yuge. An utter landslide.", '>>{Three__14} : What is Trump even doing with the money he\'s raising? He\'s showing barely any ads, he has hardly opened any offices in key battleground states and messages keep getting lost among his campaign staff as his supporters keep saying he\'s "running a lean machine"?', ">>{Volomon} : You've linked studeis from Universities in correspondence with the CDC. So actually you haven't. They have to use previous research already done at the state level. 1Division of Prevention Research and Analytic Methods Epidemiology Program Office 2Division of Violence Prevention National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC Atlanta, Georgia 3New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University New York, New York 4National Institute of Justice U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 5National Institute of Mental Health National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Basically they are not able to fund a sole study exclusively hence you proved my point. Without a in depth study and the funds required they are no able as an agency able to do any research on their own. So yes they can not do the research. It's actually all right there in the article and the footnotes in the things you listed. Maybe you don't grasp how research works, but listing things for example 1932 or 1965 as a basis isn't the kind research I would look for in my studies but if theres no funding for new research that's what you have to use. Granted things from those dates work for systems like anthropology ect,. when its the ground work for some newer study. Its also relevant to modern statistical data. However to not be able to verify or quantify the data its kind of a desperation research. TL;DR It's pathetically the lowest end research someone can do at the interim college level due to lack of funds. Aka they CAN NOT do the research as evident by your own articles.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Clinton voted on campaign finance legislation in teh Senate that was butchered by Citizens United. And of course the whole thing started with a negative film about her. And her Supreme Court picks would obviously be like Bill's (Ginsberg, Breyer) and who voted against CU again? hmm", ">>{Fargonian} : You're kidding. The first two are done by a federal task force which included CDC contribution. The third study was done by the CDC. If you're denying these basic facts, I think this discussion is over.", '>>{IAmWhatYouHate} : The groups that are pushing an assault weapons ban are doing it as a step towards their goal of a handgun ban, as discussed [here](http://www.vpc.org/studies/awaconc.htm) by Josh Sugarmann (founder of the Violence Policy Center, formerly communications director of The National Coalition to Ban Handguns, and author of _Every Handgun is Aimed at You: The Case for Banning Handguns_.)', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Or she's a political celebrity and thus in high demand for prestigious gigs", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Thanks for noticing, It's nice so many people appreciate my comments.", ">>{AdalineMaj} : I'm not seeing the contradiction. You can count me in as one you're describing. I want money out of politics, and I want the people that will do that to dominate elections within the allotted rules, even If i want those rules inevitably changed.", ">>{greenlife4} : Have you ever looked at a tax return? They don't ask for your assets, only income.", '>>{thumbprick} : Can you imagine Morgan Freeman doing the color commentary? Brilliant.', ">>{BlankVerse} : He's paying Trump Inc for the use of Trump Towers for press conferences, the use of the Trump jet to go to campaign rallies, etc.", '>>{jen1980} : He must be very good at correcting, and it appears Thursdays are his day off.', '>>{Tapedballinthehood} : >It must suck to be as poor as the Trump campaign. Remember when Trumptards were making fun of Bernie supporters for donating to the campaign? Aaaah good times good times.', ">>{congresswomanfuckyou} : solid arguments from a liar is called you being conned. He doesn't know shit and he's talk out of his ass. But hey, you're smart. You know that, right?", '>>{100kmaust} : i know at lot of wealthy hatians and almost all of them hate hrc and bill, even more than trump.', '>>{Fyedoe} : That tall drink of water with a silver spoon up his ass.', '>>{xxxsultanxxxx} : The Olympics are an abomination. America is always first ;)', ">>{ampersamp} : It's a conservative play, along her Pennsylvania spends. They're still States that Trump would need to win.", ">>{AncillaryIssues} : >He doesn't know shit and he's talk out of his ass. You're speaking of Trump, right?", '>>{MediocreBandito} : When you work at The Gap you just have Turbotax do it all for you.', ">>{MediocreBandito} : Underdog I don't think that word means what you think it means.", '>>{petecash} : Lmao romney was never as far behind obama as trump is behind clinton. What are you talking about', '>>{johnnycoxxx} : I saw an ad yesterday before his economic speech that was just the video of him on letterman when he was being asked where his clothes were being made. Which was absolutely brilliant marketing', ">>{johnnycoxxx} : Oh I don't think there is any doubt there. It's like that one episode of it's always sunny in Philadelphia", '>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : > We did it because we made massive amounts of money by doing so. Cold you elaborate on this? Did these speeches bring in new investment money?', '>>{juno255} : He is waiting for another wikileaks release or scandal to counter Hillary with full force.', '>>{The_Bard} : Ever notice how he holds his events at his hotels and resorts? He pays himself for his campaign events. Pays himself for use of the plane he owns. Good little racket he has going.', ">>{AssCalloway} : Why is Donald not buying ads? He's not broke. Maybe he's stoopid?", '>>{greatniss} : And in the meantime, he is just shitting the bed', ">>{FuckMeBernie} : I honest to God do not think Trump is trying to win. Like he has nearly no volunteer outreach, he has no ground game in battle ground states, he's not running ads. The thing is, it's not even like he'd have to do all of it. That's the point of the campaign manager. There is no way that Trump is just completely ignoring the need to actually run a ground campaign and not just go to events and speak. He's been making politics commentary and watching and being involved in some way with presidential candidates for decades. Seriously he's not as dumb as he's letting off. It may sound tinfoil hat like but I think he's either in it with Hillary or in it for his ego. Maybe both. Just a few years ago he was praising Hillary and saying she should run and that she'd make a great President. This is after Obama took office so it wasn't some old time thing. It just smells fishy if you ask me.", '>>{carolined1} : His ego should be taking a massive hit right about now.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : > Did these speeches being in new investment money? Yes. If you are a Financial Advisor, and you have a client with $75 million in investible income, but that client is only letting you manage $20 million of it, you find out who that client\'s heroes are. If one of their heroes is George Bush, you invite that client to an event we hold with George Bush. After the event, you make sure to get the client a photo of themselves shaking Mr Bush\'s hand. After your client gets that pic, you ask them if you can manage another $10 million of their money. Most of the time they say "yes". If there are 50 client/advisor pairs in the room, the bank just added $500 million to their books.', ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : /low whistle I mean, that makes a lot of sense and I'm not surprised, I just never thought of it in quite so naked Machiavellian terms. That makes a $200k speaking fee look like chump change. Everyone wins!", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Yep, and what a lot of detractors don\'t realize is the bank doesn\'t give a F who the famous person is. The bank doesn\'t care what the famous person says. All that matters is the photo op. That\'s why this "transcripts" business is so ridiculous.', '>>{Technoplasm} : thats so funny, i found this comment while investigating this account for its extremely obvious shilling.', ">>{ohgoshembarrassing} : Silver is one of the grossest looking people I've ever seen, LOL. Keep worshiping some math geek, loser. LOL!", ">>{Kevin_Uxbridge} : He's not a loser math geek, he's a loser *stats* geek, as am I. And why in god's name would you look up his picture?", ">>{ohgoshembarrassing} : Because I looked up on the television and he was there. It's a disgrace that MSNBC let him go on air like that.", ">>{Kevin_Uxbridge} : I must say his physical appearance interests me not at all, but hey I'm a dude who likes women. No judgement, to each his own."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BlankVerse} : Clinton buying up Olympic ads while Trump sits it out', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Nobody watches the Olympics for the political ads. Let her waste her money early. So far, the spending disparity hasn't led to much of any difference in the polls", ">>{dyzo-blue} : It must suck to be as poor as the Trump campaign. I wish it would teach them something about empathy for those who have little, unfortunately that isn't the lesson they will take away from this. Rather, they will double down on ending the estate tax.", ">>{shillmaster_9000} : She's not really wasting it, she has way more than trump does and therefore is allowed to use it on risky expenditures. >Nobody watches the Olympics for the political ads. No one watches anything for any type of ads.", '>>{thumbprick} : never mind the double digit lead. Please continue into the long room.', ">>{CarmineFields} : There is a huge difference in the polls. I acknowledge that it's largely due to Trump's idiocy and not campaign ads, but ads do make a difference.", ">>{Come-My-Fanatics} : >sits it out Yeah cause he's broke as fuck.", ">>{CTR_Disinfo_Agent} : They do have $80 million, but they're gonna spend it on Trump's properties so he can recover the $50 million he donated, and on fat salaries for his crooked economic advisors.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : What lesson are we to derive from the other candidate, she of the 1%, $250,000 speeches, saudi backers, wall street money and her personal ~~bank account~~ Clinton Foundation?', ">>{SocialismForEveryone} : God damn I fucking love Hillary. She is so god dammed smart! Best president ever! But for real, I can't wait until she squashes Trump in November. I actually have faith in America, two underdog Democrats winning twice in a row. Its only a matter of time until we own the house and Senate, for good Edit: Down votes? Really? Oh yeah, it's 2 am and all the drunk Trump supporters are stumbling in to their homes. Down vote me all you want, fascists, but in November we are going to upvote her into office", ">>{dyzo-blue} : Oh noes, Hillary is financially successful. Let's hold that against her! Tell me again why Trump wants to end the Estate Tax?", ">>{Come-My-Fanatics} : And yet Clinton still has way more cash and an actual ground game to boot. If Trump wasn't broke maybe he'd actually go out and campaign ;) Besides, what happened to a self funded campaign? Isn't he a supposed billionaire? Shouldn't he be able to fund his own campaign without begging for cash? If only he'd release his tax returns, then we'd actually know...", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : Hillary has raised 3 times as much as Trump has. And Hillary also has 57 Million currently to trumps 37', ">>{Kevin_Uxbridge} : I'm wondering why they're running the ads in Virginia - seems like she's got the state pretty much sewed up. Edit: downvote all you want, FiveThirtyEight has her at around 85% to win the state. Silver's been right before.", ">>{gearPost} : Yeah Clinton is wasting her money. Todays news that 50 GOP security experts labeled Trump an unprecedented national security threat, along with Trump announcing that he'll be sucking off the Banking industry are like free ads for Clinton.", ">>{Ignimbrite} : I can't tell which angle you're trying to take here, but it's really poorly executed either way.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : She does nothing to earn it. It is just graft in exchange for promises by her. The only people who define that as successful are those who support an establishment run oligarchy.', '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : My point was broke =/= having $37 million dollars.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Frankly, I used to work for a bank, in the division that hired her (and Bill and George and athletes and artists) to speak on a regular basis. We did it because we made massive amounts of money by doing so. Trust me, we would not have paid her what we did if it wasn't worth it to us.", ">>{shillmaster_9000} : It's not your place to determine whether she earned it or how much a speech of hers is worth, the market does that.", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : It does not surprise me to learn that about you.', ">>{shillmaster_9000} : How is that moving the goalposts in any sense of the term? We obviously weren't talking about his personal wealth, and this article is about trumps campaign not doing something, and the OP suggested it was because it was because its broke. Which it is", '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Well except when the money seems an obvious ploy to purchase political influence. She reeks of corruption.', ">>{Come-My-Fanatics} : > We obviously weren't talking about his personal wealth We can't really talk about his personal wealth since nobody actually knows how much he's worth. If he only would release his tax returns, then we could answer this question for good.", ">>{Kvetch__22} : Where the fuck is this money going then? I legitimately would like to know. As somebody that works in political communications, everything Trump does drives me up a wall. Spend. Your money. On ads. That's literally proven to be the best thing you can do. And hire a damn field office in Florida if you want to live.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : Yep, it isn't surprising to find out I'm a successful communications professional. Just like it isn't surprising that Trump's support comes largely from uneducated and unemployed white supremacists.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : >She reeks of corruption Feels > reals right? Also, speeches are a really shitty way of getting dirty money across. It would raise red flags if it was too much, and PACs are way easier.', ">>{Kinaedus} : haha yeah there's been no big shifts in the polls in the last couple weeks. None at all.", ">>{congresswomanfuckyou} : on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : Republicans have been hounding Trump to ramp up his ground game, which he only recently he did.', '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Communications professional? Is that what they are calling the guys who hand out NAMBLA pamphlets on street corners? Huh, TIL.', '>>{target_locked} : I love the comments in this thread. You people are the reason we will never get money out of politics when you cheerlead the person who has more of it.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : I've never handed out pamphlets for NAMBLA. But I've heard that Trump has made huge donations to NABLA. I can't verify these donations or not, but it is suspicious that Trump hasn't spoken to the issue, or simply released his taxes so we can see what charitable donations he has made.", '>>{jonbonjeb} : Trump knows that when Assange drops those Clinton emails that she\'s "OUT OUT OUT".', '>>{Fyedoe} : If only NBC could somehow affiliate themselves with the Clinton campaign. Your commentators suck NBC.', ">>{Bolinas99} : Don't recall *everyone* cheering when Citizens United came down. Sadly them's the rules. Hopefully we'll change them and soon.", '>>{target_locked} : So the only thing that matters for now is that the "right" people have money. Too bad that they aren\'t going to overturn the things that make them rich in the first place.', '>>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : Idk, people are talking, saying "dyzo is a NAMBLA recruiter" and that "he lives in his mom\'s basement where he keeps sex slaves." I can\'t verify it but he has not produced any proof to show he is not so maybe he is. PS: never heard of NABLA. Is that the North American Black Lawyers Association?', ">>{cam94509} : Nope. That's across the line. Dyzo is a private citizen.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Luckily Hillary has stated overturning Citizens United will be a litmus test of her SCOTUS nominees. I have a feeling if your candidate were raising the most money, you'd be singing a different tune anyway.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I wonder how much Trump will just end up pocketing.', ">>{target_locked} : >Luckily Hillary has stated overturning Citizens United will be a litmus test of her SCOTUS nominees. heh...heh heh....heh heh hahahahahahahaha >I have a feeling if your candidate were raising the most money, you'd be singing a different tune anyway. Accusing somebody of hypocrisy isn't a pretty way of covering for yours.", ">>{BravoTangoFoxObama} : How on earth would anyone know in this sub or with his/her history of inane comments? I would not engage in such banter with any redditor who exhibited a modicum of intelligence in their posting. His/her commentary is better suited to a sub like r/the_donald or a similar one for pro-Clinton bufoonery. I can't recall a single dyzo comment that has ever added to the discussion. (I will check his/her history now to see if I am wrong in that regard and, if so, I will apologize.)", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Being a sore loser isn't a very attractive quality.", '>>{AdalineMaj} : That makes absolutely no sense. You get money out of politics by electing people that will pass laws to do so, not vote for the poorest candidate.', ">>{target_locked} : 9 day old account, 15,000 upvotes. All in r/politics. I think I'm done speaking with you, have a good night.", ">>{NYCSCV} : It's satire. It's just really bad so he comes across as a goofy Hillary supporter. Maybe he's even convincing some to like her more.", ">>{target_locked} : Not the statement I was making, just pointing out how multiple comments are praising those who raise the most money. It's an interesting thing to notice that nobody cares how rich their politicians are as long as it's THEIR politicians.", ">>{sourbrew} : And with a trustability rating in the low 30's that's the most credible thing any of us have ever heard!", ">>{AdalineMaj} : Couldn't tell you if the money had anything to do with it, but at this point the disparity is yuge. An utter landslide.", '>>{Three__14} : What is Trump even doing with the money he\'s raising? He\'s showing barely any ads, he has hardly opened any offices in key battleground states and messages keep getting lost among his campaign staff as his supporters keep saying he\'s "running a lean machine"?', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Clinton voted on campaign finance legislation in teh Senate that was butchered by Citizens United. And of course the whole thing started with a negative film about her. And her Supreme Court picks would obviously be like Bill's (Ginsberg, Breyer) and who voted against CU again? hmm", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Or she's a political celebrity and thus in high demand for prestigious gigs", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Thanks for noticing, It's nice so many people appreciate my comments.", ">>{AdalineMaj} : I'm not seeing the contradiction. You can count me in as one you're describing. I want money out of politics, and I want the people that will do that to dominate elections within the allotted rules, even If i want those rules inevitably changed.", ">>{greenlife4} : Have you ever looked at a tax return? They don't ask for your assets, only income.", '>>{thumbprick} : Can you imagine Morgan Freeman doing the color commentary? Brilliant.', ">>{BlankVerse} : He's paying Trump Inc for the use of Trump Towers for press conferences, the use of the Trump jet to go to campaign rallies, etc.", '>>{jen1980} : He must be very good at correcting, and it appears Thursdays are his day off.', '>>{Tapedballinthehood} : >It must suck to be as poor as the Trump campaign. Remember when Trumptards were making fun of Bernie supporters for donating to the campaign? Aaaah good times good times.', ">>{congresswomanfuckyou} : solid arguments from a liar is called you being conned. He doesn't know shit and he's talk out of his ass. But hey, you're smart. You know that, right?", '>>{100kmaust} : i know at lot of wealthy hatians and almost all of them hate hrc and bill, even more than trump.', '>>{Fyedoe} : That tall drink of water with a silver spoon up his ass.', '>>{xxxsultanxxxx} : The Olympics are an abomination. America is always first ;)', ">>{ampersamp} : It's a conservative play, along her Pennsylvania spends. They're still States that Trump would need to win.", ">>{AncillaryIssues} : >He doesn't know shit and he's talk out of his ass. You're speaking of Trump, right?", '>>{MediocreBandito} : When you work at The Gap you just have Turbotax do it all for you.', ">>{MediocreBandito} : Underdog I don't think that word means what you think it means.", '>>{petecash} : Lmao romney was never as far behind obama as trump is behind clinton. What are you talking about', '>>{johnnycoxxx} : I saw an ad yesterday before his economic speech that was just the video of him on letterman when he was being asked where his clothes were being made. Which was absolutely brilliant marketing', ">>{johnnycoxxx} : Oh I don't think there is any doubt there. It's like that one episode of it's always sunny in Philadelphia", '>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : > We did it because we made massive amounts of money by doing so. Cold you elaborate on this? Did these speeches bring in new investment money?', '>>{juno255} : He is waiting for another wikileaks release or scandal to counter Hillary with full force.', '>>{The_Bard} : Ever notice how he holds his events at his hotels and resorts? He pays himself for his campaign events. Pays himself for use of the plane he owns. Good little racket he has going.', ">>{AssCalloway} : Why is Donald not buying ads? He's not broke. Maybe he's stoopid?", '>>{greatniss} : And in the meantime, he is just shitting the bed', ">>{FuckMeBernie} : I honest to God do not think Trump is trying to win. Like he has nearly no volunteer outreach, he has no ground game in battle ground states, he's not running ads. The thing is, it's not even like he'd have to do all of it. That's the point of the campaign manager. There is no way that Trump is just completely ignoring the need to actually run a ground campaign and not just go to events and speak. He's been making politics commentary and watching and being involved in some way with presidential candidates for decades. Seriously he's not as dumb as he's letting off. It may sound tinfoil hat like but I think he's either in it with Hillary or in it for his ego. Maybe both. Just a few years ago he was praising Hillary and saying she should run and that she'd make a great President. This is after Obama took office so it wasn't some old time thing. It just smells fishy if you ask me.", '>>{carolined1} : His ego should be taking a massive hit right about now.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : > Did these speeches being in new investment money? Yes. If you are a Financial Advisor, and you have a client with $75 million in investible income, but that client is only letting you manage $20 million of it, you find out who that client\'s heroes are. If one of their heroes is George Bush, you invite that client to an event we hold with George Bush. After the event, you make sure to get the client a photo of themselves shaking Mr Bush\'s hand. After your client gets that pic, you ask them if you can manage another $10 million of their money. Most of the time they say "yes". If there are 50 client/advisor pairs in the room, the bank just added $500 million to their books.', ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : /low whistle I mean, that makes a lot of sense and I'm not surprised, I just never thought of it in quite so naked Machiavellian terms. That makes a $200k speaking fee look like chump change. Everyone wins!", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Yep, and what a lot of detractors don\'t realize is the bank doesn\'t give a F who the famous person is. The bank doesn\'t care what the famous person says. All that matters is the photo op. That\'s why this "transcripts" business is so ridiculous.', '>>{Technoplasm} : thats so funny, i found this comment while investigating this account for its extremely obvious shilling.', ">>{ohgoshembarrassing} : Silver is one of the grossest looking people I've ever seen, LOL. Keep worshiping some math geek, loser. LOL!", ">>{Kevin_Uxbridge} : He's not a loser math geek, he's a loser *stats* geek, as am I. And why in god's name would you look up his picture?", ">>{ohgoshembarrassing} : Because I looked up on the television and he was there. It's a disgrace that MSNBC let him go on air like that.", ">>{Kevin_Uxbridge} : I must say his physical appearance interests me not at all, but hey I'm a dude who likes women. No judgement, to each his own."], ['>>{Fargonian} : If the media wants a healthy conversation about firearm laws, it needs to stop getting basic gun facts wrong when reporting on mass shootings.', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : > it needs to stop getting basic gun facts wrong when reporting on mass shootings." Yeah, such as the idea that guns kill people, when in fact it is people that kill people. Should we ban lighters next because everyone is a potential arsonist, waiting to cause the next massive forest fire?', '>>{Fargonian} : Very well done article. One of the best parts is a subtle knock at GRC\'s propagandized "mass shooting tracker": >It’s a little surprising that Mother Jones conflated the two in its Orlando coverage. The magazine tends to be scrupulously sober-minded about guns; its database of mass shootings is thorough and resists the urge to inflate fearmongering statistics. The MST indeed produces an inflated fearmongering statistic, and it\'s very good to see its called out in major media.', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : It\'s from Salon, there is no such thing as a "well done article" from Salon, so have a downvote', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : You do realize that's not the argument at all, right? Almost no one is trying to ban all guns, they're trying to ban what they feel are the most dangerous guns. To use your lighter analogy, it's like someone trying to ban cigarette lighters where the flame is over a foot long and hot enough to melt steel.", '>>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : The article is from Slate, not Salon, so have a down vote.', ">>{Fargonian} : > Almost no one is trying to ban all guns, That's cute. Reddit.com/r/NOWTTYG", ">>{Om_ShantiShanti} : They're practically both the same in terms of content, left-wing rags of an anti-Trump, pro-Hillary, pro-Globalist flavour, etc. I seriously can't tell the difference.", ">>{elsparkodiablo} : I can't believe I'm reading this from Slate. I mean, I'm truly shocked that Slate presented an even handed and accurate story on the problems with media firearm reporting.", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : What makes a Mini-14 less dangerous than an AR15? Or a an AK47?', ">>{elsparkodiablo} : While I understand the animus earned from their history of bad behavior, I have to give credit where credit is due on this being a good article. That said, 1 attaboy doesn't erase a history of being dishonest partisans.", '>>{IrishJoe} : Very good article. The media needs to do their homework better and use terms correctly if they want to taken seriously by gun rights activists.', ">>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : I was born and raised in Fargo, ND. I believe its Fargoan, I'm not trying to be not picky but, well I guess I am.", ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >You do realize that's not the argument at all, right? Almost no one is trying to ban all guns, they're trying to ban what they feel are the most dangerous guns. The problem is they are basing their arguments on feels not facts. [According to the FBI](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/expanded-homicide-data/expanded_homicide_data_table_8_murder_victims_by_weapon_2010-2014.xls) **all rifles combined** (that's everything from a .22 to grandpa's hunting rifle, to AR -15s) account for less than 2% of all homicides and less than 3% of all firearms related homicides. Hands and feet kill nearly twice as many Americans and knives are used five times as often in homicides in the US.", '>>{josiahstevenson} : Slate is somewhere between center-left and left overall, with the occasional center-right/moderate piece. Salon is far left. Slate was generally favorable to Clinton and critical of Sanders in the primary; Salon regularly published polemics about how hero Sanders needed to save the world from villain Hillary. They\'re both anti-Trump...I guess they have that going for them. I don\'t think "Salon" is really "pro-Globalist" (Slate probably is), although I also don\'t think "pro-Globalist" is a bad thing...', ">>{prittyrad} : The problem with this argument is if you don't get the facts wrong, the guns don't seem scary and you realize there is no logical reason to ban them. Assault looking rifles killed less people than hammers last year, they are not any more effective than 100's of different models that will still be sold with wooden stocks if a ban is implemented. Rifles account for < 3% of murders with firearms, they don't break out ar15 separately but I would imagine they do not account for 100% of that 3%. I have used this analogy before, but assault looking weapons are similar to choosing between a shovel with a wooden handle or a stronger and a shovel and with lighter composite handle. Assault weapons are lighter and made out of plastic, but they are identical to hunting rifles with wooden stocks in function, same rate of fire, and if anything the hunting rifles are more powerful depending on the caliber.", '>>{josiahstevenson} : > what they feel are the most dangerous guns That they feel this way with so much evidence to the contrary is a little mind-boggling', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I'm not saying I'm in favor of a ban, I'm just saying that's not the argument being put forward. Banning assault weapons would not be like banning a bic lighter because there is no equivalent to what people consider an assault bic lighter.", '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >I\'m not saying I\'m in favor of a ban, I\'m just saying that\'s not the argument being put forward. Banning assault weapons would not be like banning a bic lighter because there is no equivalent to what people consider an assault bic lighter. The term *assault weapon* is arbitrary at best. In colloquial use it is a bastardization of assault rifle. Which is defined as, "a select fire rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge". While that might sound scary actual assault rifles are legal but highly regulated, very expensive, and kind of rare in the US. Platforms like the AR-15 (the AR stands for Armalite Rifle), which is the civilian version of the M-16 & M-4 platforms. This platform uses a .223/.556 round which is smaller then your average hunting rifle caliber. You set Mini 14 and AR 15 next to each other and despite the fact they fire the same cartridge and use the same magazines the gun control folks want to ban the scary black ones.', '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : And again, not the argument I\'m making. I\'m sure you can admit there\'s a difference between say, a single barrel breech loading shotgun and an AR-15. People can argue semantics over whatever the hell "assault" means, it\'s such an absurd notion I\'m not even going to try. My point is if we accept that there\'s a spectrum of what guns there are and what they\'re capable of, then the lighter analogy fails. By and large, they all do exactly the same thing, maybe some of them use fluid with a wick instead of butane, but that\'s about it. So if the bic lighters of the world are those single barrel shotguns, then what exactly is the lighter equivalent of the AR-15, Mini 14, or whatever else?', ">>{Iknoghostmagic} : The thing non gun people don't understand is you could have done the same amount of damage with a bag full of 6 shot revolvers they are unarmed people vs a person with a gun..... The AR-15 and Ak47s you can buy just look like M16s and AK47s they are not real M16s and AK47s they operate the same as modern handguns just longer barrel and higher velocity projectile. I think people have to be honest on both sides of the issue the USA isn't Europe, realistically the only thing that will reduce mass shootings is a blanket gun ban and confiscation we know that by looking at Europe. The problem is that there are hundreds of million of untraceable firearms in the USA a gun ban is simply not practical.", '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >And again, not the argument I\'m making. >I\'m sure you can admit there\'s a difference between say, a single barrel breech loading shotgun and an AR-15. There is. One uses technology and a design that is over 150 years old whole the other uses technology and a design that is almost 60 years old. >People can argue semantics over whatever the hell "assault" means, it\'s such an absurd notion I\'m not even going to try. My point is if we accept that there\'s a spectrum of what guns there are and what they\'re capable of, then the lighter analogy fails. By and large, they all do exactly the same thing, maybe some of them use fluid with a wick instead of butane, but that\'s about it. So if the bic lighters of the world are those single barrel shotguns, then what exactly is the lighter equivalent of the AR-15, Mini 14, or whatever else? Using your metaphor example here breech loading weapons, revolvers, and bolt action rifles would be more like matches. They are old technology requiring manual effort to use. They are still effective but old. Semiautomatic weapons would be like your bic lighter or a Zippo. More modern and commonly owned and used with an easier and quicker interface. And your automatic weapons would be like a blow torch.', '>>{vegetarianrobots} : The wood furniture gives it 40% less **DAKKA**.', ">>{Maeglom} : >The problem is they are basing their arguments on feels not facts. This is a huge problem. Another problem is that congress is interfering with the CDC's [ability to do research on guns](http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-07-02/quietly-congress-extends-ban-cdc-research-gun-violence) especially when the research conclusions are not to their liking. We can't have evidence based policies when our scientists are prevented from gathering evidence. Also This week's [science friday](http://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/is-gun-violence-a-public-health-crisis/) had a great segment on this topic if anyone wants more", ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >This is a huge problem. Another problem is that congress is interfering with the CDC's [ability to do research on guns](http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-07-02/quietly-congress-extends-ban-cdc-research-gun-violence) especially when the research conclusions are not to their liking. We can't have evidence based policies when our scientists are prevented from gathering evidence. Also This week's [science friday](http://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/is-gun-violence-a-public-health-crisis/) had a great segment on this topic if anyone wants more That's not entirely true. They CAN research it and studies. However they are not allowed funding to advocate for gun control. So they can study it all day long and present whatever findings they want. They just can't suggest gun control as a solution. Here are some recent CDC reports/studies on gun violence: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6230a1.htm http://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dms/files/cdcgunviolencereport10315.pdf \xa0http://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/3 And for the record I'm all for unbiased studies, if we could get them.", ">>{Maeglom} : You are correct that they can technically research the topic, however congress sent a clear message when they passed the original bill preventing them for using any funds for advocacy on gun control by cutting their budget by the exact amount of money as they allocated for studying guns. The subtext being that while they aren't barred from studying guns and gun violence, they still shouldn't do it. It might be oversensitivity on the part of the cdc's leadership but congress has definitely interfered with the cdc's ability to do their job in this respect.", ">>{knightly_snep} : >realistically the only thing that will reduce mass shootings is a blanket gun ban and confiscation we know that by looking at Europe. I think Oslo, Norway and Paris, France put the lie to that argument. The USA isn't even in the top 5 for most/worst shooting sprees on a per-capita basis.", '>>{jboyd12} : The M14 is already a select fire rifle. Just saying.', '>>{suh_spence} : Same rate of fire as hunting rifles. Wile I agree that some people use semi-automatic wood stock rifles for hunting, I think that a majority use bolt action rifles of a caliber larger than .223.', ">>{Volomon} : Maybe if Republicans allowed Gun Research by the Government we could be informed. You can't call for a better understanding while blocking all routes to it.", '>>{Fargonian} : Sigh. This again. The CDC is perfectly allowed to study gun violence, and has done studies themselves/contributed to studies at least three times since the supposed ban went into effect: Http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5214a2.htm http://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/1 http://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dms/files/cdcgunviolencereport10315.pdf The "ban" was specifically written to address anti-gun biases in the CDC, [which previous directors have admitted to](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/3nu371/what_forms_of_gun_control_work_best_congress_bans/cvrgm9r). The actual text of the restrictions is ["None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control,"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/storyline/wp/2015/01/14/why-the-cdc-still-isnt-researching-gun-violence-despite-the-ban-being-lifted-two-years-ago/) which clearly allows for research and statistics, just not agenda recommendations. That should be fine, because research would clearly show what policy recommendations would be appropriate, which could then be proposed by politicians instead of the CDC.', '>>{senatorpjt} : A lot of hunting is done with semi autos, in particular hog and varmint, where the concern is more about pest control than "fairness."', ">>{senatorpjt} : So we should ban Islam, right? It's not banning all religions, just the most dangerous one.", '>>{TheVegetaMonologues} : They even used the word "magazine" correctly!', ">>{ercax} : They don't want a conversation, it won't help banning things.", ">>{ercax} : They are trying to ban whatever they can today, more tomorrow. That's been the policy.", '>>{ercax} : Why do you think the CDC ended up in this shit?', '>>{ercax} : FI\'m totally stealing this for the next million times I see this "cdc is not allowed to study guns" bullshit. Thank you in advance. Edit: First link has capital \'h\', it\'s freaking me out.', ">>{jaxative} : You shouldn't have gun control cos semantics? That's about the weakest way to argue there is.", ">>{foxden_racing} : That's not what the article's saying at all. It's saying we can't have an intelligent discussion about gun control as long as the proponents are so busy fearmongering that they can't be bothered to fact-check the garbage they're spewing, and the opponents are too busy mocking the proponents' ignorance to provide the missing facts.", ">>{Iknoghostmagic} : How many mass shooting has France,norway had in the last 20 years compared to the USA ? You are just being intellectually dishonest if you think that a ban and confiscation wouldn't significantly reduce mentally ill people committing mass murders Would it stop terrorist attacks ? no obviously not, terrorist groups are sophisticated criminal organizations they will get weapons if they want too And don't get me wrong i'm not saying i support a ban and confiscation in the USA its not even remotely realistic with the amount of privately owned firearms and not even saying it would reduce crime but that's not what these people are talking about.", ">>{alanevwes} : A nitpicking article about why you have to call different death pointers different things. Basically it's trying to confuse and disperse people who want to stop the enormous amount of death pointers that are used for death pointing. Assault weapons aren't the problem but handguns are. Then people go on and say we have to do something about handguns then. Then the lobby goes on about how Orlando was not done with a handgun. This is a way to make people that do not want to be in situations where someone points at them and causes their death to get bogged down into details to please death pointer enthousiast. Don't even start with all the bullshit arguments about why you should have a gun. The only reason to have one is to have fun with practice or hunting.", ">>{Fargonian} : [Guns are used more for self defense than to kill](https://np.reddit.com/r/gunpolitics/comments/4fz9wk/violence_policy_center_publishes_a_report_showing/). That's a fact, jack.", ">>{knightly_snep} : >How many mass shooting has France,norway had in the last 20 years compared to the USA ? [About 4-20 times as many deaths due to mass shootings per capita compared to the USA.](http://i.imgur.com/HI3kL3p.png) [Source](http://crimeresearch.org/2015/06/comparing-death-rates-from-mass-public-shootings-in-the-us-and-europe/) >You are just being intellectually dishonest if you think that a ban and confiscation wouldn't significantly reduce mentally ill people committing mass murders. Would it stop terrorist attacks ? no obviously not, terrorist groups are sophisticated criminal organizations they will get weapons if they want too So now we have to separate out mass shootings based on the motivations of the shooter? If you think that getting shot by some crazed gunman is any different to being shot by a politically-motivated crazed gunman, then who's really being intellectually dishonest here?", ">>{Volomon} : You do realize without funds or with holding research money is the same thing as a ban right. You're basically saying that a government agency would have to privatize (which they can't do) the research in order to complete it. You're not falling for that shit are you? It's a catch 22 you can but you can't. It would also surmise any intelligent individual that any and all research regardless of bias would be used to make informed decisions on gun law. That would be the fucking purpose of the research. Regardless they can't do it without funds. Whether it was or was not. You might readily fall for that type of political talk but I do not. https://www.thetrace.org/2016/04/cdc-gun-violence-research-ban-doctors-for-america/ Just to break it down because I can tell you don't understand. Your saying its legal for a gas station to sell gas, its just the governments blocking it from receiving gas. Then you have erroneous notion that because it is allowed to give gas that there is no problem. Are you serious?", ">>{Fargonian} : They've done multiple studies about guns. I linked them to you. Clearly funding isn't an issue if they need to do gun studies. Regardless, what you said was factually incorrect and deserved correction.", ">>{Volomon} : You've linked studeis from Universities in correspondence with the CDC. So actually you haven't. They have to use previous research already done at the state level. 1Division of Prevention Research and Analytic Methods Epidemiology Program Office 2Division of Violence Prevention National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC Atlanta, Georgia 3New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University New York, New York 4National Institute of Justice U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 5National Institute of Mental Health National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Basically they are not able to fund a sole study exclusively hence you proved my point. Without a in depth study and the funds required they are no able as an agency able to do any research on their own. So yes they can not do the research. It's actually all right there in the article and the footnotes in the things you listed. Maybe you don't grasp how research works, but listing things for example 1932 or 1965 as a basis isn't the kind research I would look for in my studies but if theres no funding for new research that's what you have to use. Granted things from those dates work for systems like anthropology ect,. when its the ground work for some newer study. Its also relevant to modern statistical data. However to not be able to verify or quantify the data its kind of a desperation research. TL;DR It's pathetically the lowest end research someone can do at the interim college level due to lack of funds. Aka they CAN NOT do the research as evident by your own articles.", ">>{Fargonian} : You're kidding. The first two are done by a federal task force which included CDC contribution. The third study was done by the CDC. If you're denying these basic facts, I think this discussion is over.", '>>{IAmWhatYouHate} : The groups that are pushing an assault weapons ban are doing it as a step towards their goal of a handgun ban, as discussed [here](http://www.vpc.org/studies/awaconc.htm) by Josh Sugarmann (founder of the Violence Policy Center, formerly communications director of The National Coalition to Ban Handguns, and author of _Every Handgun is Aimed at You: The Case for Banning Handguns_.)'], ['>>{Usawasfun} : Russian campaign donations, Bannon connection.. but you know.. no puppet.', '>>{TinyBaron} : The Russians are using the white supremacists to destabilize liberal democracy in Western Europe and it worked in the US. The White Supremacists are too stupid to see they are being played by these politicians to win elections. The Russians only care about their own interests, just like the white supremacist/anticommunist sympathizers discovered all too late that the Nazis only cared about German interests in France and Eastern Europe.', ">>{roboboogienights} : I am in agreement with you, but it's no coincidence they selected white supremacists, not just for their weak logical faculties and desperate desire to be socially acceptable. Russia is not exactly a diversity paradise.", '>>{Hipster_Serpico} : I really hope that the election of Trump is a wake up call to France and they reject this right wing nonsense.', '>>{erotic_majesty} : >Sean Spicer, the incoming White House press secretary, said neither Trump nor anyone else from the transition team will meet with her. "Trump Tower is open to the public," he said. These fucks.', '>>{TinyBaron} : The far right also wants to destroy democracy, which Russia sees as a threat. Dictatorships are easier to force into acting against their own interests, as the Nazis also found out.', '>>{billslovechild} : Omg black helicopters are attacking mu feelings. Quick put on your tin foil fedora before the Russians hack your mind.', '>>{rockabilly_pete} : 2016: I really hope that Brexit is a wake up call to America and they reject this right wing nonsense.', ">>{Timbershoe} : You have your profile tagged as Foreign, just so you know. Because you ain't American, the fucks given about your opinion are likely to be low.", ">>{Saltmineinspector} : If I cared about my karma or what a sub thought about me I wouldn't post in this shit pit.", ">>{Seventytvvo} : You're blinded by your own dogma. * [Le Pen Struggling to Fund French Race as Russian Bank Fails](https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-12-22/le-pen-struggling-to-fund-french-race-after-russian-backer-fails) * [National Front seeks Russian cash for election fight](http://www.politico.eu/article/le-pen-russia-crimea-putin-money-bank-national-front-seeks-russian-cash-for-election-fight/) * [Russia’s strategy for influence through public diplomacy and active measures: the Swedish case](http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01402390.2016.1273830) * [Putin’s Real Long Game](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/putins-real-long-game-214589)", ">>{Seventytvvo} : Le Pen is another pawn (Le Pawn?) in Putin's strategy to destabilize the West. She's funded by Russian banks with close ties to Putin, spits out the same hateful nationalist bullshit that Alexander Dugin has said can be used to divide and conquer, and is now hanging out with known-Russian-conspirator Donald Trump. THE PIECES FIT. Here's evidence: * [Le Pen Struggling to Fund French Race as Russian Bank Fails](https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-12-22/le-pen-struggling-to-fund-french-race-after-russian-backer-fails) * [National Front seeks Russian cash for election fight](http://www.politico.eu/article/le-pen-russia-crimea-putin-money-bank-national-front-seeks-russian-cash-for-election-fight/) * [Russia’s strategy for influence through public diplomacy and active measures: the Swedish case](http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01402390.2016.1273830) * [Putin’s Real Long Game](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/putins-real-long-game-214589)", '>>{corncobbdouglas2} : babushka refers to an old woman and the head scarf they often wear. I would have said *tips cossak ushanka* if I thought that was known better.', ">>{Timbershoe} : Kinda begs the question about why you are so bothered about a country you don't live in. What's pushing you to post so much on a sub you hate about a country you don't live in? Where are you posting from?", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Omaha Nebraska hilarious that you dummies believe this flair.', ">>{Uncle_Charnia} : The far right aren't the only ones who don't like democracy, and they might not be the real focus. The Russian oligarchs also happen to be fossil fuel tycoons. Their business plans all depend on continued demand for their products. If the people of the world decide they don't want to impose the burden of climate change on their own descendants, they might just decide to prohibit fossil fuel extraction, once alternatives are sufficiently developed. Democracy gives them the power to enforce that decision.", ">>{Timbershoe} : No. No you are not from Omaha Nebraska. That's where this conversation started, remember? Your username is marked as being foreign. As in you do not live in the United States of America.", ">>{Timbershoe} : Well, the evidence says not. And frankly, I believe the auto flagging system more than I do you. You're not on US soil. And you're saying a lot of things defending Russian influence, attacks and inflitration of American democracy. I'd say tread carefully, but you are past that now. Go shit on your own country.", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Its not an auto flagging system. LOL you chose your flair watch.', ">>{Timbershoe} : If that's your purpose here, perhaps don't bother."], ['>>{camrncrazy} : Polygons: An origami-like measuring spoon that lays flat and folds to 4 different sizes.', '>>{klesus} : I really like the design. Not very interested in paying extra for the gimmick.', '>>{nerdy_canadian} : I wonder how many times you can fold it before it breaks', ">>{camrncrazy} : Great question. I hadn't thought about that until now. For reference: I've backed this project's kickstarter and will be getting one so I'm 100% interested in things like this that I hadn't thought of + uses that aren't just measuring... if there are any.", '>>{Foamy07} : I could also see this design working with metal and hinge system as well .... although that would probably be a pain to clean...', ">>{bethaneanie} : Actually as a cook the flat design would easily go in my knife case. And it's convenient to have multiple measurements in one device.", '>>{magus-21} : The hinges of Polygons are made of TPR, which have the property of being able to flex 100,000 cycles without failure. This\xa0means, even if you were to use it 25 times a day, every day,\xa0the hinges would outlast 10 years!” ^from the article\tbethaneanie\tt1_d8spaeh\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8ssk7s\t1476510508\tVery cool, I hadn\'t even thought about knife cases or professional chefs at all when I saw this. I dream of a day when I have more than my one \'nice\' knife.\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8ssg3c\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8ssm5p\t1476510648\tLol I can totally see someone trying to test that out and spending time folding it back and forth.\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8sshu4\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8svksr\t1476520145\tAm i crazy or are there a lot of bots on this sub? Usually with the username structured like Johndoe12345. All comments and submissions are in default subs. I\'m not sure if i\'m complaining. Just... noticing.\tCX-001\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8svyel\t1476521589\tProstate + Vibrating on Silent Mode = reasonable cell phone bill.\tJimiDarkMoon\tt1_d8pq25q\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8svzxh\t1476521758\tExcept those are theoretical numbers and this spoon wouldn\'t last even a fraction of that out in a real kitchen.\tSzos\tt1_d8sshu4\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8sxs50\t1476528738\tIs there any way malware could cause something like this? It sounds crazy, but North Korean hackers have been going after a lot of South Korean targets over the last couple of years. They were even behind an attempt to cause a catastrophic shut down of a nuclear plant last year.\tchonggo\tt3_572egt\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8sy21x\t1476529787\tNeat idea for some. I\'d need three or four of them. After using it for one ingredient, you can\'t dip it into the next ingredient. If you use it for wet ingredients, you can\'t follow it up with dry. Like when I need a teaspoon of vanilla followed by a half teaspoon of salt. If I were building a tiny house kitchen, boat, or RV, I\'d consider getting two.\tBenjamindbloom\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8sy276\t1476529801\tI\'ve got an upgrade from Verizon. Should I get one of the new iPhone\'s that came out earlier this year? I currently have an iPhone 5, and have had it for a few years.\tpanthersrule1\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_5714dw\tt1_d8syk5l\t1476531594\tJust to make it worse: I look at breaks in buildings (usually where windows are) and draw imaginary lines coming out and use those as different \'zones\' within which to change my clicking. Usually it\'s simply positive and negative space, with a change in the sound, but sometimes I get really neurotic and use the imaginary lines to make drum rolls...\tDenseFever\tt1_d8s9tu8\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t2ebh\t1476541254\tI like how you can flatten it out to spread stuff like peanut butter, or scrape all of it into a container. it\'s a pain when I make something like peanut butter cookies, and I can\'t get all of it off the spoon.\tthatdjspider\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8t50o0\t1476545803\tHey guys I\'m looking for a new phone and since the whole note 7 exploding fiasco I\'m pretty sure I won\'t be buying it. I\'m currently using a Note 3 neo and an iPhone 5 and both of them are holding great. But since both of them are years old now I was thinking of an upgrade and went for the note 7 but immediately did a complete 180°and thought of buying an s7 edge. But since it\'s a 6 month old phone (ancient tech) and the new s8 or whatever the hell they\'ll call it now will be coming out should I wait for it or buy a s7 edge? I\'m not an iphone guy by any means and use it for basic stuff and my note is my daily driver. I\'m also a Samsung fanboy (I know, not a good time to make claims like these) and haven\'t touched a nexus or a lg ever. I love the features they provide with the spen and other things. So what should I do? Get a s7 edge, wait for s8 or buy a iphone 7 and jailbreak it?\tTheReal007747\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t56pr\t1476546069\tYah exactly! Even stuff like olive oil or honey would be nice to scrape off into the pan/bowl.\tLeNoirDarling\tt1_d8t2ebh\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t5lm7\t1476546720\tEvery time there is a showcase of a product in a gimmicky kickstarterish fashion it always has this goddamn music\tStrangleJerk\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t5vim\t1476547137\tImagine getting a tbs of peanut butter with a regular spoon and then using just that spoon to spread it on a slice of bread. Now imagine doing that using this polygon thing. That\'s just one example. My point it, it does have some advantages over spoons but it\'s not universally better. May be worth it if it\'s less than 10 bucks or so.\tNot_MrNice\tt1_d8srk18\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8t6yxi\t1476548831\tI think they are underestimating the maximum weight of some people.\tLeakySkylight\tt1_d8r1osx\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t7qvk\t1476550016\tI think it would be fine switching between ingredients as you would just need to unfold it and wipe it off. May be quicker than rinsing / wiping measuring spoons. Again we\'re only talking about saving seconds here, it\'s a neat convenience but it\'s not a life changing kitchen device haha.\tTreehouse12345\tt1_d8sy21x\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8t8xk1\t1476551805\tanother gimmicky trinket that will end up broken or unused in the back of a junk drawer.\tPimpForLife\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8t94br\t1476552096\tWhy not just bend him over. $250k minimum\tottolite\tt1_d8q0cxz\nt3_57nat3\tt3_57nat3\t1476555189\tAcer launches Swift 7, thinnest laptop on the market\tmlb_marsh\t-1\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tb7qg\t1476555328\tDoesn\'t even sacrifice to much on performance and the price is alright, neat!\tCarph1\tt3_57nat3\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tbash\t1476555463\tToo bad Acer has crap customer service, to the point that I\'ll never buy any of their products ever again.\tVarkoth\tt3_57nat3\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tbjxq\t1476555859\tI want to see what this piece of fucking shit gimmick looks like and they feed me a Michelin advert.\tthe_slow_learner\tt3_57jw6h\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tc0vd\t1476556597\tHoly hell, a redditor that doesn\'t use adblockers or ublock. You\'re the last of your kind! This fits with your username so well it\'s glorious.\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8tbjxq\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tc6zr\t1476556866\tCould be on mobile. I don\'t know how to get adblock to work with Relay without root for example.\tklesus\tt1_d8tc0vd\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tewd5\t1476561050\tWell fair enough for being reasonable. Yeah I\'m on mobile. Just wanted some god damn utensil porn\tthe_slow_learner\tt1_d8tc9t2\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tf8t2\t1476561569\tThis utensil folds flat - If ya know what I mean ;) (Like a paddle, for those who are slow)\tcamrncrazy\tt1_d8tewd5\nt3_572egt\tt1_d8tj8in\t1476567485\tYou are right, and why all the fires have been in \'merica.\tCrizco-ok\tt1_d8t6yxi\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tjtvb\t1476568387\tI spent that much 4 years ago on an i7 laptop with 8gb of ram. For $1100 4 years later I would expect a little more oomph.\texiledwolfking\tt1_d8tb7qg\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8tqj19\t1476578639\t> and the price is alright Seriously? It costs over $1,000 and has the specs of a $400 or $500 laptop. For over $1,000, it should have a dedicated gpu and i7. If this latop for $500, maybe $600, thats great, but being slightly less heavy isn\'t worth an extra $500\tpoochyenarulez\tt1_d8tb7qg\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8trw08\t1476580717\tThere is PETG. Which is damn close but I have no idea if it\'s equivalent.\tklrjhthertjr\tt1_d8t0h54\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tv6hf\t1476585907\tThat\'s just an example, chief. Never said that\'s how I do things.\tNot_MrNice\tt1_d8tuppm\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8tvk34\t1476586525\tRight on, man! I agree, you\'d have to have both measuring spoons and one of these. May not sell well at all. Though there are worse kitchen gadgets that sell well enough. Guess it\'ll depend on the price.\tNot_MrNice\tt1_d8tv8br\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8twg6a\t1476587971\tThanks, I really appreciate it and am looking into it as my next phone because it\'s close to the zenfone 3 deluxe and faster than the 5s.\tfiguresout\tt1_d8resty\nt3_57dnb7\tt1_d8u3zsv\t1476605433\tHonestly after Trying really hard to find an alternative. There isn\'t anyone that comes close to their level of quality. The note 7 was just an unfortunate foobar\tFortune_Cat\tt1_d8rnrxo\nt3_57jw6h\tt1_d8u49m2\t1476606385\tIt\'s not better than the dollar state version, it just looks better. Some people don\'t like how the pile of measuring spoons look. This is for them.\tBubbaFettish\tt1_d8srk18\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8u5vfk\t1476612255\tI guess I\'m misinformed, have been on PC for the last couple of years and don\'t really know Labtop standards\tCarph1\tt1_d8tqj19\nt3_56qtnd\tt1_d8u66h1\t1476613417\tHey guys! Is it simple to source 18650 batteries and chargers in the U.S? I am considering whether I should bring that with me or buy it there instead. Thanks!\tandrerav\tt3_56qtnd\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8ubnck\t1476628423\tYou\'re paying extra for it to be thinner. If that benefit isn\'t for you then you\'re better off with a thicker laptop and pay less.\tChair_Toaster\tt1_d8tqj19\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8ue35e\t1476632584\t>For over $1,000, it should have a dedicated gpu and i7. . I can\'t tell if you\'re being serious or not. I don\'t think there\'s any ultrabook-style laptop with a dedicated GPU and i7 for less than $1,300.\tmagus-21\tt1_d8tqj19\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8uehdr\t1476633215\tfor over a thousand dollars, you can get a normal laptop with a gpu and i7. You are paying over an extra $500 just so the laptop is the tiniest bit lighter and smaller, which I don\'t think it is worth it. a $500 laptop isn\'t that heavy to begin with.\tpoochyenarulez\tt1_d8ue35e\nt3_57nat3\tt1_d8uene0\t1476633477\tI\'d appreciate a link, please. Also, what\'s your definition of a normal" laptop? Is it a laptop that\'s almost an inch thick? If you\'re still buying those types of laptops and you haven\'t tried living with an ultrabook, then that would go a long way towards explaining why you think an ultrabook isn\'t worth a few extra hundred dollars to save weight and space.', '>>{camrncrazy} : Liveing hinges: A living hinge is a thin flexible hinge made from the same material Learn something every day! Thanks /u/midvale99.', '>>{ifonlytheyhadguns} : Meh, old review but still relevant points. Probably going to hold off a few years. http://www.core77.com/posts/56825/Core77-Test-Kitchen-Does-the-Polygons-4-in-1-Measuring-Spoon-Fold-Under-Pressure', ">>{BoneZoneAlone} : Because measuring spoons don't flatten out. And some people find it convenient to have one tool. Jeez did you even watch the video?", '>>{BoneZoneAlone} : Well, honestly I think this gadget could change that. I hate when you try to get jelly out of the jar with a knife. It usually falls off or you never get enough. This would be better than a knife for the scooping part, and it spreads just as well.', '>>{AWhimsicalBird} : Actually super cool with the design functionality and the minimalism factor. Out of sight out of mind till you really need to use it. Only concern is how much of a hassle it might potentially be, to clean out any liquids and goops between the cracks.', ">>{camrncrazy} : It lays completely flat when unfolded so I'd assume none."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Qunidaye} : About damn time. Johnson was always "the most leastest of all smarties"', ">>{SaltHash} : Shh...Don't tell him. He still has some inadvertent comedy left in him.", '>>{Meneer_X} : Ockel Sirius A, a portable PC that makes no compromises.', ">>{RedditYearTwo} : But he's spent so much time studying the map of the Middle East, somebody ask him a question first!", ">>{mr_shortypants} : > The two-time Libertarian presidential candidate has shed roughly half his supporters over the past two months. His slide from nearly 10 percent in September to a recent polling average of 5.6 percent — combined with Hillary Clinton’s growing advantage over Donald Trump — means Johnson is increasingly unlikely to be a major factor unless the race tightens in the final two weeks. He'll still beat his 2012 run, and I think he'll do better than Nader 2000, but I don't believe that he'll reach Anderson levels, and even reaching 5% is in doubt.", ">>{TheDevilsHorn} : I hate to admit it but I'm telling everyone im voting for him but I'm really planning on voting for Clinton now.", '>>{TheDevilsHorn} : Because they might listen to me and vote for Gary instead of trump.', '>>{Grippler} : is this thing locked to win10 or is it possible to install a different OS? edit: nvm, it seems I can install whatever OS I want...neat', ">>{lirannl} : This is what I always wanted! Android comes close, but isn't quite there. This is there 😍", '>>{lirannl} : I presume you could install Linux just like you could on any other PC', ">>{heknowswhatcooks} : I think it's a shame. I'm not going to vote for him, and I never was planning on it, but I thought he could have provided an important voice to the national dialogue. He was never going to be a foreign relations expert, but he needed to be so much more versed than he is, and the fact that he booted a foreign relations question AFTER the Aleppo disaster shows that he just wasn't prepared for this run. I would still like to see Penn Jillette's suggestion of a Johnson-Sanders debate", ">>{Grippler} : yes it's a fully open platform in regard to OS apparently. it's definitely pretty sweet as far as a portable system goes.", '>>{JustAskBaldwin} : Sometimes it\'s just less exhausting to tell people what they want to hear and move on. No one\'s changing their mind with 13 days left until the election and - if u/TheDevilsHorn is in a deep red area like me - everyone\'s looking to pick a fight with "damn communists and Liberal traitors". Don\'t even get me started.', '>>{TheDevilsHorn} : I actually live in one of the bluest states but for some reason all of my pot smoking (me included) friends think trump is smart because he\'s "a good business man". There is so much worship for "makers" its scary. We are all around 21.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Were you looking at the 'Middle East' of America, Gary?", ">>{Meneer_X} : Let me try again: Today it launched it's Indiegogo project. It's a mini-pc with a 6 inch touchscreen, 4gb RAM and a lot of connections. SInce I can't link indiegogo links you can look it up if you want.", ">>{chilltrek97} : I'd consider one too if they make it with 4 USB 3.1 ports and a large battery and no OS installed but with Linux support (meaning no weird hardware). Possibly easy way to remove the cover to replace the battery in case it's damaged and change the storage.", '>>{RdVortex} : Looks like I\'m getting too tired for browsing reddit and should go to sleep. Read the title as "Ockel Sirius A, a portable PC that makes no promises." For a while I was thinking to myself: "Damn, that must be the most unambitious PC ever."', ">>{radicalelation} : So, why wouldn't I use a Surface or something similar? Because this is smartphone size? Why would I want to do typical desktop work on something so small?", ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : cuz most linux would have driver problem if device is made for windows. Especially small company's product, they don't have budget to create another one for linux.", '>>{lirannl} : Maybe Linux has proper generic drivers and this company uses a touch monitor that supports these generic Linux drivers', ">>{layzpcofcrap} : A month ago when he was polling around 12% I got downvoted to shit for saying he'd be lucky to make 5%.", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : It's gotta be embarrassing that he will get trounced by McMullin in his campaign HQ state, and will have 0 EVs to McMullin's 6.", '>>{fishmonger3000} : It will end up using a cheap Intel Atom chip to keep costs and energy use down, likely the z8300. Which is a huge pain in the ass for drivers and bios, and doesnt fully work on any device using that chip.', '>>{AncillaryIssues} : Libertarian delusions are strong. The best the Libertarian Party has ever done was with a Koch Brother on the ticket (in 1980, when they hit 1%.)', '>>{weblowinherseys} : Sounds like you might need to branch out your social circle', '>>{kajkajete} : I mean, his campaign HQ was there too in 2012, its not there because he wanted to make a play for it, its there because his campaign manager lives there.', '>>{Squircle_MFT} : Agreed, your average laptop could do the same job.', '>>{MassiveFire} : I would rather build a pc and duct tape a ups to it. That will be a ton more powerful than this thing.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Qunidaye} : About damn time. Johnson was always "the most leastest of all smarties"', ">>{SaltHash} : Shh...Don't tell him. He still has some inadvertent comedy left in him.", ">>{RedditYearTwo} : But he's spent so much time studying the map of the Middle East, somebody ask him a question first!", ">>{mr_shortypants} : > The two-time Libertarian presidential candidate has shed roughly half his supporters over the past two months. His slide from nearly 10 percent in September to a recent polling average of 5.6 percent — combined with Hillary Clinton’s growing advantage over Donald Trump — means Johnson is increasingly unlikely to be a major factor unless the race tightens in the final two weeks. He'll still beat his 2012 run, and I think he'll do better than Nader 2000, but I don't believe that he'll reach Anderson levels, and even reaching 5% is in doubt.", ">>{TheDevilsHorn} : I hate to admit it but I'm telling everyone im voting for him but I'm really planning on voting for Clinton now.", '>>{TheDevilsHorn} : Because they might listen to me and vote for Gary instead of trump.', ">>{heknowswhatcooks} : I think it's a shame. I'm not going to vote for him, and I never was planning on it, but I thought he could have provided an important voice to the national dialogue. He was never going to be a foreign relations expert, but he needed to be so much more versed than he is, and the fact that he booted a foreign relations question AFTER the Aleppo disaster shows that he just wasn't prepared for this run. I would still like to see Penn Jillette's suggestion of a Johnson-Sanders debate", '>>{JustAskBaldwin} : Sometimes it\'s just less exhausting to tell people what they want to hear and move on. No one\'s changing their mind with 13 days left until the election and - if u/TheDevilsHorn is in a deep red area like me - everyone\'s looking to pick a fight with "damn communists and Liberal traitors". Don\'t even get me started.', '>>{TheDevilsHorn} : I actually live in one of the bluest states but for some reason all of my pot smoking (me included) friends think trump is smart because he\'s "a good business man". There is so much worship for "makers" its scary. We are all around 21.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Were you looking at the 'Middle East' of America, Gary?", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : A month ago when he was polling around 12% I got downvoted to shit for saying he'd be lucky to make 5%.", ">>{layzpcofcrap} : It's gotta be embarrassing that he will get trounced by McMullin in his campaign HQ state, and will have 0 EVs to McMullin's 6.", '>>{AncillaryIssues} : Libertarian delusions are strong. The best the Libertarian Party has ever done was with a Koch Brother on the ticket (in 1980, when they hit 1%.)', '>>{weblowinherseys} : Sounds like you might need to branch out your social circle', '>>{kajkajete} : I mean, his campaign HQ was there too in 2012, its not there because he wanted to make a play for it, its there because his campaign manager lives there.'], ['>>{Meneer_X} : Ockel Sirius A, a portable PC that makes no compromises.', '>>{Grippler} : is this thing locked to win10 or is it possible to install a different OS? edit: nvm, it seems I can install whatever OS I want...neat', ">>{lirannl} : This is what I always wanted! Android comes close, but isn't quite there. This is there 😍", '>>{lirannl} : I presume you could install Linux just like you could on any other PC', ">>{Grippler} : yes it's a fully open platform in regard to OS apparently. it's definitely pretty sweet as far as a portable system goes.", ">>{Meneer_X} : Let me try again: Today it launched it's Indiegogo project. It's a mini-pc with a 6 inch touchscreen, 4gb RAM and a lot of connections. SInce I can't link indiegogo links you can look it up if you want.", ">>{chilltrek97} : I'd consider one too if they make it with 4 USB 3.1 ports and a large battery and no OS installed but with Linux support (meaning no weird hardware). Possibly easy way to remove the cover to replace the battery in case it's damaged and change the storage.", '>>{RdVortex} : Looks like I\'m getting too tired for browsing reddit and should go to sleep. Read the title as "Ockel Sirius A, a portable PC that makes no promises." For a while I was thinking to myself: "Damn, that must be the most unambitious PC ever."', ">>{radicalelation} : So, why wouldn't I use a Surface or something similar? Because this is smartphone size? Why would I want to do typical desktop work on something so small?", ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : cuz most linux would have driver problem if device is made for windows. Especially small company's product, they don't have budget to create another one for linux.", '>>{lirannl} : Maybe Linux has proper generic drivers and this company uses a touch monitor that supports these generic Linux drivers', '>>{fishmonger3000} : It will end up using a cheap Intel Atom chip to keep costs and energy use down, likely the z8300. Which is a huge pain in the ass for drivers and bios, and doesnt fully work on any device using that chip.', '>>{Squircle_MFT} : Agreed, your average laptop could do the same job.', '>>{MassiveFire} : I would rather build a pc and duct tape a ups to it. That will be a ton more powerful than this thing.']]
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['>>{AustinRivers_MVP} : Trump Fires ICE Director Daniel Ragsdale, Appoints Thomas Homan', ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : Okay, it should be clear now that Trump intends to run the country like he runs his businesses. Either you're with him, or against him. And if you're against him, he'll fire you. If you disagree with him, he'll fire you. He'll fill the federal government with yes-men and sycophants who care more about fealty to the chieftain than about public service. It's the Darth Vader management strategy. This will end badly.", ">>{zyme86} : As my dad put it, he is seeing the [Saturday Night Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Night_Massacre) in '73 by Nixon replay out before his eyes.", ">>{clamsteamed} : I've been trying to look online the reasoning behind this. I can't. I fear I already know the answer to it.", '>>{zyme86} : Last hope is the courts (much harder to eff around with them), and gulp, congress', '>>{QueenTiffany} : It should be clear by this point that no one is coming to save us.', '>>{Malaix} : So, basically exactly how he ran his campaign. His staff was yesmen and spindoctors.', '>>{Rocket_Widget} : I wonder if these people have non disclosure forms, or if they can "talk" after all this. Or, maybe we\'ll just see a lot of leaks.', '>>{sakipooh} : Or rather the funeral of the Trump presidency....this madman has to be stopped. Impeachment here we come!', '>>{JasonBored} : Oh he was done by this weekend. No way in hell Republicans aren\'t holding very hush hush discussions on how they\'re going to divorce themselves from Trump and latch onto Pence and frame it as a "country before party" move. Impeachment is certain once the Russian investigation is concluded. He\'s just accumulating added potential charges at this point. He could very well be the first President to attend his own impeachment from behind bars.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{AustinRivers_MVP} : Trump Fires ICE Director Daniel Ragsdale, Appoints Thomas Homan', ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : Okay, it should be clear now that Trump intends to run the country like he runs his businesses. Either you're with him, or against him. And if you're against him, he'll fire you. If you disagree with him, he'll fire you. He'll fill the federal government with yes-men and sycophants who care more about fealty to the chieftain than about public service. It's the Darth Vader management strategy. This will end badly.", ">>{zyme86} : As my dad put it, he is seeing the [Saturday Night Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Night_Massacre) in '73 by Nixon replay out before his eyes.", ">>{clamsteamed} : I've been trying to look online the reasoning behind this. I can't. I fear I already know the answer to it.", '>>{zyme86} : Last hope is the courts (much harder to eff around with them), and gulp, congress', '>>{QueenTiffany} : It should be clear by this point that no one is coming to save us.', '>>{Malaix} : So, basically exactly how he ran his campaign. His staff was yesmen and spindoctors.', '>>{Rocket_Widget} : I wonder if these people have non disclosure forms, or if they can "talk" after all this. Or, maybe we\'ll just see a lot of leaks.', '>>{sakipooh} : Or rather the funeral of the Trump presidency....this madman has to be stopped. Impeachment here we come!', '>>{JasonBored} : Oh he was done by this weekend. No way in hell Republicans aren\'t holding very hush hush discussions on how they\'re going to divorce themselves from Trump and latch onto Pence and frame it as a "country before party" move. Impeachment is certain once the Russian investigation is concluded. He\'s just accumulating added potential charges at this point. He could very well be the first President to attend his own impeachment from behind bars.']]
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['>>{Arb_67} : After the Missiles, We Need Smart Diplomacy on Syria', '>>{Ipowerwashmyasscrack} : Quit calling the Washington Post a lying leftist propaganda rag. They are worse than that.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : Anything that confronts my safe space is lying propaganda. Please.', '>>{MBAMBA0} : What we need NY Times, is for you to get back to covering the Trump/Putin sedition story instead of pretending like it never happened.', ">>{pizzashill} : What is it that's factually incorrect in this article?", '>>{definitelyjoking} : I wish he were one. We don\'t need to be involved in every war on the planet. There are now obligations to Iraq and Afghanistan due to our insane decision making in the 00s, and our involvement in Syria, Yemen, and Libya aren\'t good for the US or even the countries we\'re "helping." Constant drone strikes spread across the world and labeling every dead male an enemy combatant don\'t make us safer. It makes us a target of hatred and resentment. America also spends far too much of its money on interventionist policies with questionable value to the US. If Trump were an actual isolationist we might finally be able to scale back our insane military spending and stop using the funding as a way to prop up Congressional districts producing unnecessary weapons.', ">>{twojs1b} : Somebody needs to inform Drumph that the United States armed forces are not something he carries around in his holster to draw whenever he feels like it. He's not the king of America.", '>>{Geotolkien} : I keep hearing from the media that Trump is a big fan of Patton and MacArthur, but clearly he\'s not a huge disciple of George Patton\'s statement that "fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man," or he\'d have a different strategy for dealing with illegal immigration.', ">>{SocialBrushStroke} : You know what happens when we don't get involved, right? Genocide. Like in Kosovo and Aleppo and Germany And if you don't think we have an obligation to clean up their own mess and Afghanistan and Iraq, you're heartless. That's a terrible thing to do to a country.", ">>{definitelyjoking} : Yeah, it's going so much better in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq now we're involved. Hell, we're actually helping the Saudis as they try (and fail) to commit genocide against the Shia Houthis. Also, whatever Aleppo is, it's not a genocide. It also occurred as a direct result of us backing FSA rebel groups to begin with. The US isn't even on the right side of the Syrian conflict, and our actions have resulted in far more death than had to happen. It's a prime example of why us involving ourselves in conflicts just because we can is bad for everyone. What would you say the last helpful US military involvement was exactly? The Middle East has gotten worse and worse from practically everything we've done. As I already said: >There are now obligations to Iraq and Afghanistan We created the problem through invasion and conquering, so now we're stuck with them.", '>>{IczyAlley} : Can we just skip over the part where we pretend Trump is capable of "smart diplomacy?" It would save some time.', '>>{MBAMBA0} : These papers are going to lose all their new subscribers if they keep this up.', ">>{neptunedragon} : Woah partner that's a bit extreme. If Donald does the fake media shit it will be fine. Thankfully rueters reported that the jets in Syria took off from that airfield meaning trump didn't damage it.", ">>{SocialBrushStroke} : Assad had slaughter houses where he hung 50 people at a time, he killed 13000 people in those slaughter house. Assad and Putin targeted civilians, they killed 40,000 civilians. that is a genocide I'm sorry your feelings on this matter don't outweigh the actual facts As for Libya, not sure how you can say we did not help. Gaddafi was awful.", '>>{definitelyjoking} : And FSA is absolutely no better, can\'t control the country, and our backing of them led to this miserable quagmire that\'s worse than either group being in charge would have been. That\'s the exact problem with you interventionists. "X is awful" fails to account for the fact that Y is frequently much worse. Sorry, but I\'m not going to take the anti-Russian propaganda statements at fact value. Regardless, that\'s simply not what a genocide is. It\'s not based in ethnicity, religion, nationality, or any other grouping. Don\'t misuse terms to bolster your argument. You\'re serious about Libya? [Regardless of whether people think more or less intervening would have fixed it, basically no one thinks Libya was a success](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/02/28/us/politics/libya-quotes.html?_r=0). Libya was a stable nation-state. Now their economy is a shambles, [religious extremists are running rampant](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/28/us/politics/hillary-clinton-libya.html), and there doesn\'t appear to be any end in sight. Honestly, if you think Libya was a success, you\'re just not informed enough for me to bother with this discussion. Have a good night.', ">>{SocialBrushStroke} : I can't roll my eyes hard enough http://i.imgur.com/Jkye4KX.jpg Isolationism has never been a good idea for the US, but you guys refuse to learn, or have any empathy", '>>{MBAMBA0} : Here is some [drone footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FezZtcevxNE&feature=share) that seems to be legit of what the results of this airstrike were', ">>{neptunedragon} : Fair enough. Then again remember, the NYT and wapo aren't mainstream media, they are newspapers, and they have stories ready for launch.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : > NYT and wapo aren't mainstream media Yes they are!", '>>{theRealRedherring} : Putin is wagging his puppet. Drumpf will offer to remove sanctions on Russia with the excuse of "smart diplomacy".', '>>{neptunedragon} : Are they? I always thought the MSM was the tv networks like CNN MSNBC and the big three?', ">>{IDKShitDammit} : You cant shoot a bunch of missiles and then try to be diplomatic. The past has shown us that the best thing to do is occupy Syria for awhile. We'll free them with democracy.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : All the big city papers are MSM as well as other big papers (Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor) big established magazines (Time, Newsweek, etc) network tv (including PBS) and big cable stations and some radio (including NPR). In a grey area are magazines like New Yorker, Rolling Stone, NY Magazine, websites like Salon & Slate. In a more grey area are more definitely left or right publications like The Nation magazine or National Review.', '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Trump only knows missiles, and the MSM loves him for it. Dark days are ahead.', '>>{ceaguila84} : This reminds me of the early days of the Iraq War when the NYT was all for it. Pundits love war, too.', ">>{Writerhaha} : So we're sending in Rex Tillerson lady's and gents."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Ipowerwashmyasscrack} : Quit calling the Washington Post a lying leftist propaganda rag. They are worse than that.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : Anything that confronts my safe space is lying propaganda. Please.', ">>{pizzashill} : What is it that's factually incorrect in this article?", '>>{definitelyjoking} : I wish he were one. We don\'t need to be involved in every war on the planet. There are now obligations to Iraq and Afghanistan due to our insane decision making in the 00s, and our involvement in Syria, Yemen, and Libya aren\'t good for the US or even the countries we\'re "helping." Constant drone strikes spread across the world and labeling every dead male an enemy combatant don\'t make us safer. It makes us a target of hatred and resentment. America also spends far too much of its money on interventionist policies with questionable value to the US. If Trump were an actual isolationist we might finally be able to scale back our insane military spending and stop using the funding as a way to prop up Congressional districts producing unnecessary weapons.', '>>{Geotolkien} : I keep hearing from the media that Trump is a big fan of Patton and MacArthur, but clearly he\'s not a huge disciple of George Patton\'s statement that "fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man," or he\'d have a different strategy for dealing with illegal immigration.', ">>{SocialBrushStroke} : You know what happens when we don't get involved, right? Genocide. Like in Kosovo and Aleppo and Germany And if you don't think we have an obligation to clean up their own mess and Afghanistan and Iraq, you're heartless. That's a terrible thing to do to a country.", ">>{definitelyjoking} : Yeah, it's going so much better in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq now we're involved. Hell, we're actually helping the Saudis as they try (and fail) to commit genocide against the Shia Houthis. Also, whatever Aleppo is, it's not a genocide. It also occurred as a direct result of us backing FSA rebel groups to begin with. The US isn't even on the right side of the Syrian conflict, and our actions have resulted in far more death than had to happen. It's a prime example of why us involving ourselves in conflicts just because we can is bad for everyone. What would you say the last helpful US military involvement was exactly? The Middle East has gotten worse and worse from practically everything we've done. As I already said: >There are now obligations to Iraq and Afghanistan We created the problem through invasion and conquering, so now we're stuck with them.", ">>{SocialBrushStroke} : Assad had slaughter houses where he hung 50 people at a time, he killed 13000 people in those slaughter house. Assad and Putin targeted civilians, they killed 40,000 civilians. that is a genocide I'm sorry your feelings on this matter don't outweigh the actual facts As for Libya, not sure how you can say we did not help. Gaddafi was awful.", '>>{definitelyjoking} : And FSA is absolutely no better, can\'t control the country, and our backing of them led to this miserable quagmire that\'s worse than either group being in charge would have been. That\'s the exact problem with you interventionists. "X is awful" fails to account for the fact that Y is frequently much worse. Sorry, but I\'m not going to take the anti-Russian propaganda statements at fact value. Regardless, that\'s simply not what a genocide is. It\'s not based in ethnicity, religion, nationality, or any other grouping. Don\'t misuse terms to bolster your argument. You\'re serious about Libya? [Regardless of whether people think more or less intervening would have fixed it, basically no one thinks Libya was a success](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/02/28/us/politics/libya-quotes.html?_r=0). Libya was a stable nation-state. Now their economy is a shambles, [religious extremists are running rampant](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/28/us/politics/hillary-clinton-libya.html), and there doesn\'t appear to be any end in sight. Honestly, if you think Libya was a success, you\'re just not informed enough for me to bother with this discussion. Have a good night.', ">>{SocialBrushStroke} : I can't roll my eyes hard enough http://i.imgur.com/Jkye4KX.jpg Isolationism has never been a good idea for the US, but you guys refuse to learn, or have any empathy"], ['>>{Arb_67} : After the Missiles, We Need Smart Diplomacy on Syria', '>>{MBAMBA0} : What we need NY Times, is for you to get back to covering the Trump/Putin sedition story instead of pretending like it never happened.', ">>{twojs1b} : Somebody needs to inform Drumph that the United States armed forces are not something he carries around in his holster to draw whenever he feels like it. He's not the king of America.", '>>{IczyAlley} : Can we just skip over the part where we pretend Trump is capable of "smart diplomacy?" It would save some time.', '>>{MBAMBA0} : These papers are going to lose all their new subscribers if they keep this up.', ">>{neptunedragon} : Woah partner that's a bit extreme. If Donald does the fake media shit it will be fine. Thankfully rueters reported that the jets in Syria took off from that airfield meaning trump didn't damage it.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : Here is some [drone footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FezZtcevxNE&feature=share) that seems to be legit of what the results of this airstrike were', ">>{neptunedragon} : Fair enough. Then again remember, the NYT and wapo aren't mainstream media, they are newspapers, and they have stories ready for launch.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : > NYT and wapo aren't mainstream media Yes they are!", '>>{theRealRedherring} : Putin is wagging his puppet. Drumpf will offer to remove sanctions on Russia with the excuse of "smart diplomacy".', '>>{neptunedragon} : Are they? I always thought the MSM was the tv networks like CNN MSNBC and the big three?', ">>{IDKShitDammit} : You cant shoot a bunch of missiles and then try to be diplomatic. The past has shown us that the best thing to do is occupy Syria for awhile. We'll free them with democracy.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : All the big city papers are MSM as well as other big papers (Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor) big established magazines (Time, Newsweek, etc) network tv (including PBS) and big cable stations and some radio (including NPR). In a grey area are magazines like New Yorker, Rolling Stone, NY Magazine, websites like Salon & Slate. In a more grey area are more definitely left or right publications like The Nation magazine or National Review.', '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Trump only knows missiles, and the MSM loves him for it. Dark days are ahead.', '>>{ceaguila84} : This reminds me of the early days of the Iraq War when the NYT was all for it. Pundits love war, too.', ">>{Writerhaha} : So we're sending in Rex Tillerson lady's and gents."]]
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